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Peach-faced Lovebirds of the genus Agapornis
From love + bird .
lovebird (plural lovebirds )
Any small parrot from one of the nine species within the genus Agapornis . Sometimes they are kept as cage birds and are noted for their affection towards each other.
( figurative , usually in the plural ) One of the members of an openly affectionate couple .
1999 , “The One with the Girl Who Hits Joey”, in Friends , season 5, episode 15 (television production), spoken by Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc):Okay, all right, whew! What do you say we all clear out of here and let these two lovebirds get back down to business?
black-cheeked lovebird , Agapornis nigrigenis
black-collared lovebird (Swindern's lovebird ), Agapornis swindernianus
black-winged lovebird (Abyssinian lovebird ), Agapornis taranta
Fischer's lovebird , Agapornis fischeri
grey-headed lovebird (Madagascar lovebird ), Agapornis canus
Lilian's lovebird (Nyasa lovebird ), Agapornis lilianae
red-headed lovebird (red-faced lovebird ), Agapornis pullarius
rosy-faced lovebird (peach-faced lovebird ), Agapornis roseicollis
yellow-collared lovebird (masked lovebird ), Agapornis personatus ,
→ Japanese: ラブバード ( rabubādo )
parrot of the genus Agapornis
Catalan: agapornis (ca) m
Mandarin: 情侶鸚鵡 / 情侣鹦鹉 (zh) ( qínglǚyīngwǔ ) , 愛情鸚鵡 / 爱情鹦鹉 ( àiqíngyīngwǔ ) , 愛情鳥 / 爱情鸟 ( àiqíngniǎo )
Czech: agapornis m anim , papoušík m anim
Dutch: dwergpapegaai m , agapornis (nl) m
Finnish: kaijanen (fi)
French: inséparable (fr) m , inséparable (fr) f
German: Unzertrennlicher (de) m , Unzertrennliche (de) f , Agapornide m , Agapornide f , Liebesvogel m
Greek: αγαπόρνιθα f ( agapórnitha )
Hungarian: (afrikai ) törpepapagáj
Irish: éan suirí m
Italian: inseparabile (it) m
Japanese: ラブバード ( rabu bādo )
Manx: parrad graih m
Polish: nierozłączka (pl) f
Portuguese: agapórnis (pt) m , inseparável (pt) m , pássaro-do-amor m , periquito-namorado m
Romanian: papagal amorez m
Russian: неразлу́чник (ru) m ( nerazlúčnik )
Spanish: inseparable (es) m
Telugu: ప్రేమపక్షి ( prēmapakṣi )
Volapük: gaaporn
Welsh: adar cariad m pl
affectionate couple (or a person thereof)
Finnish: kyyhkyläiset (fi) pl , kyyhkyläinen (fi) sg
French: tourtereaux (fr) m pl (tourtereau (fr) m , tourterelle (fr) f )
German: Turteltauben (de) f pl (Turteltaube (de) f ), Liebesvögel m pl (Liebesvogel m )
Greek: τρυγονάκια (el) n pl ( trygonákia ) (τρυγονάκι (el) n ( trygonáki ) )
Hungarian: szerelmespár (hu)
Icelandic: turtildúfur (is) , skötuhjú
Italian: piccioncini m pl (piccioncino m , piccioncina f )
Bokmål: turtelduer m pl or f pl (turteldue m or f )
Nynorsk: turtelduer f pl (turteldue f )
Portuguese: pombinhos (pt) m pl (pombinho m , pombinha (pt) f )
Russian: голубки́ (ru) m pl ( golubkí ) (голубо́к (ru) m ( golubók ) , голу́бка (ru) f ( golúbka ) )
Spanish: tórtolos (es) m pl (tórtolo m , tórtola (es) f ), tortolitos m pl , (tortolito m , tortolita (es) f
Swedish: turturduvor (sv) c pl (turturduvor (sv) c )
lovebird (third-person singular simple present lovebirds , present participle lovebirding , simple past and past participle lovebirded )
( intransitive ) To express romantic affection openly .
Synonym: bill and coo