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See laurestine.



laurustinus (plural laurustinuses or laurustini)

  1. Synonym of laurestine
    • 1824, Walter Savage Landor, “Conversation II. Lord Brooke and Sir Philip Sidney.”, in Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen, volume I, London: [] Taylor and Hessey, [], →OCLC, pages 18–19:
      We, Greville, are happy in these parks and forests: we were happy in my close winter-walk of box and laurustinus and mezereon. In our earlier days did we not emboss our bosoms with the crocusses, and shake them almost unto shedding with our transports!
    • 1838, [Letitia Elizabeth] Landon (indicated as editor), chapter VIII, in Duty and Inclination: [], volume III, London: Henry Colburn, [], →OCLC, page 98:
      There it was true she had once met Melliphant; but conceiving it to be accidental, that no further intrusion would molest her, with a light foot she bounded along the winding path, where, on either side the box, the variegated holly and luxuriant laurustinus profusely clustered.