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See also: uncoordinated







uncoördinated (not comparable)

  1. Alternative spelling of uncoordinated
    • 1919, The German American Historical Society (Philadelphia), the National German–American Alliance, the Union of Old German Students in America (New York), and Deutscher Pionier–Verein (Phildadelphia), German American Annals, volume 17, page 106 (Macmillan)
      Only three instances of the slightest approach to it were found. These were in naturalistic plays. On the other hand, the descriptions by no means leave the impression of mere catalogues of uncoördinated details, the chief object of which is the so-called scientific accu- []
    • 1939, Robert Herndon Fife, Frederick William Justus Heuser, and Arthur Frank Joseph Remy of the Columbia University Deptartment of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Germanic Review…, page 187 (Columbia University Press)
      [] Angst before the still uncoördinated sectors of what had already transpired, that interwove Paris boulevards and the mythical interiors of []
    • 1983, Uppsala universitet Historiska institutionen, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, № 131–133, page 163 (Esselte studium; →ISBN, 9789155413989)
      The documents give only isolated particulars, which fall into a chronological order; the academic historian is obliged to invent for himself an ‘action’ into which as a framework he may dispose the uncoördinated elements provided by antecedent inquiry.