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Etymology 1




coole (third-person singular simple present cooles, present participle cooling, simple past and past participle cooled)

  1. Obsolete form of cool.
    • 1817, Thomas Barker, The Art of Angling[1]:
      To make them lusty and fat, you must take the yolke of an Egge, some eight or ten spoonfull of the top of new milk, beaten well together in a Porringer, warm it a little, untill you see it curdle; then take it off the fire, and set it to coole; when it is cold, take a spoonfull and drop it upon your Moss into the pot, every drop about the bignesse of a green Pea, shifting your Moss twice in the week in the Summer, and once in the winter: thus doing, you shall feed your wormes fat, and make them lusty, that they will live a long time on the hook; so you may keep them all the year long.




  1. Obsolete form of cool.
    • 1669, Samuel Pepys, Diary of Samuel Pepys, Complete[2]:
      It was full light enough to dress myself, and so by water against tide, it being a little coole, to Greenwich; and thence, only that it was somewhat foggy till the sun got to some height, walked with great pleasure to Woolwich, in my way staying several times to listen to the nightingales.
    • 1592, Philippe de Mornay, A Discourse of Life and Death[3]:
      Bloud and alliance nothing do preuaile To coole the thirst of hote ambitious breasts: The sonne his Father hardly can endure, Brother his brother, in one common Realme.
    • 1592, R.D., Hypnerotomachia[4]:
      And in this sort I found my selfe in a fresh shadowe, a coole ayre, and a solytarie thicket.
    • 1591, Edmund Spenser, The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 5[5]:
      This all his care, this all his whole indevour, To this his minde and senses he doth bend, How he may flow in quiets matchles treasour, Content with any food that God doth send; 140 And how his limbs, resolv'd through idle leisour, Unto sweete sleepe he may securely lend, In some coole shadow from the scorching heat, The whiles his flock their chawed cuds do eate.
    • 1560, Peter Whitehorne, Machiavelli, Volume I[6]:
      Besides this by ordinary reason the enemy should burne and waste their countrey, upon his arrival, and at those times while mens minds are yet warme, and resolute in their defence: and therefore so much the less ought a Prince doubt: for after some few dayes, that their courages grow coole, the dammages are all done, and mischiefs received, and there is no help for it, and then have they more occasion to cleave faster to their Prince, thinking he is now more bound to them, their houses having for his defence been fired, and their possessions wasted; and mens nature is as well to hold themselves oblig'd for the kindnesses they do, as for those they receive; whereupon if all be well weigh'd, a wise Prince shall not find much difficulty to keep sure and true to him his Citizens hearts at the beginning and latter end of the siege, when he hath no want of provision for food and ammunition.

Etymology 2




coole (countable and uncountable, plural cooles)

  1. Obsolete form of coal.
    • 1584, lease to William Selby, quoted in 2004, Maureen M. Meikle, A British Frontier?: Lairds and Gentlemen in the Eastern Borders, 1540-1603, John Donald
      A 1584 lease to William Selby of Shoreswood specified that he could have 'all maner of mynes of coole, leade, iron and other metal' at Shoreswood, but it was probably only coal that was mined in the Eastern Borders.




  • Audio:(file)




  1. inflection of cool:
    1. masculine/feminine singular attributive
    2. definite neuter singular attributive
    3. plural attributive








  1. inflection of cool:
    1. strong/mixed nominative/accusative feminine singular
    2. strong nominative/accusative plural
    3. weak nominative all-gender singular
    4. weak accusative feminine/neuter singular






  1. definite natural masculine singular of cool