User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-p
p/ {prep} | :: abbreviation of para |
p {letter} | :: letter |
p**** {f} | :: euphemistic spelling of porra |
p**** {interj} | :: euphemistic spelling of porra |
P {letter} | :: letter |
pa {prep} [Africa, rural areas of Brazil] | :: contraction of para |
PA {prop} {m} | :: abbreviation of Pará |
pá {f} /ˈpa/ | :: shovel; spade (tool for digging and moving material) |
pá {f} | :: windmill blade |
pá {f} | :: the end of a paddle or oar with the blade |
pá {m} [Portugal, colloquial, used in the vocative] /ˈpa/ | :: dude; mate (term of informal address) |
pá {interj} [Portugal, colloquial] | :: dude!; man! |
Pã {prop} {m} [Greek god] /ˈpɐ̃/ | :: Pan (god of nature and shepherds) |
paca {adv} [Brazil, familiar] | :: a lot; super |
Pacaembu {prop} | :: Pacaembu (municipality) |
pacas {adv} [Brazil, familiar] /ˈpa.kɐs/ | :: a lot; super |
pacato {adj} | :: peaceful |
pacato {adj} | :: quiet |
Pacheco {prop} {mf} /pa.ˈʃe.ku/ | :: surname |
pachorra {f} [colloquial] | :: patience |
pachorra {f} [colloquial] | :: laziness; slowness |
pachorrentamente {adv} | :: carelessly, (in a carefree manner), phlegmatically |
pachorrento {adj} | :: careless, carefree |
pachorrento {adj} | :: phlegmatic |
pachuli {m} [rare] | :: alternative form of patchuli |
paciência {f} /pɐ.ˈsjẽ.sjɐ/ | :: patience |
paciente {mf} [healthcare] /pɐ.ˈsjẽ.tɨ/ | :: patient (person receiving medical treatment) |
paciente {adj} | :: patient (willing to wait) |
paciente {m} [linguistics] | :: patient (noun phrase semantically on the receiving end of an action) |
pacientemente {adv} | :: patiently (in a patient manner) |
pacificamente {adv} | :: In context of being free from anger or anxiety; calmly; peacefully |
pacificando {v} | :: gerund of pacificar |
pacificar {v} /pɐˈkaɾ/ | :: to pacify |
pacífico {adj} | :: peaceful (inclined to peace; peaceable) |
pacífico {adj} | :: pacific; calm; peaceful |
Pacífico {prop} {m} | :: Pacífico (ocean) |
pacifismo {m} | :: pacifism (doctrine that disputes should be settled without violence) |
pacifista {mf} | :: pacifist (one who opposes violence and war) |
packet {m} [networking] | :: packet (small fragment of data) |
paço {m} /ˈ | :: palace (large residence where aristocrats usually live) |
paço {m} | :: palace (large and lavishly ornate residence) |
paço {m} | :: manor |
Paços de Ferreira {prop} /ˈpasuʒ ðɨ fɨˈʁɐjɾɐ/ | :: Paços de Ferreira (city/and/municipality) |
pacote {m} /pɐˈkɔ.tɨ/ | :: package |
pacote {m} | :: packet |
pacote {m} | :: bundle |
pacotilha {f} [historical] /ˌpa.ko.ˈt͡ʃi.ʎɐ/ | :: pacotille (cheap objects sold for a high profit to faraway peoples) |
pacotilha {f} [transport] | :: allowance (amount of luggage a passenger is allowed to carry free of charge) |
pacotilha {f} | :: junk (cheap, tacky objects) |
pacotilha {f} [Brazil] | :: gang (organisation of criminals) |
pacóvio {m} [dated] /pa.ˈkɔ.vju/ | :: fool, idiot |
pacóvio {adj} [dated] | :: stupid, dumb |
pactar {v} | :: alternative form of pactuar |
pacto {m} /ˈpak.tu/ | :: pact |
pactuando {v} | :: gerund of pactuar |
pactuar {v} [legal] /pɐk.ˈtwaɾ/ | :: To covenant |
pacu {m} /pa.ˈku/ | :: pacu (any of several species of South American fishes) |
pacú {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pacu |
padaria {f} /pa.ðɐ.ˈɾi.ɐ/ | :: bakery (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold) |
padecendo {v} | :: gerund of padecer |
padecer {v} [de, por] /ˌpa.deˈse(ʁ)/ | :: to suffer |
padeiro {m} /pa.ˈdɐj.ɾu/ | :: baker (person who bakes and sells bread) |
padejar {v} | :: to shovel (to move material with a shovel) |
pá de lixo {f} | :: dustpan (flat scoop for assembling dust) |
padieira {f} | :: lintel |
Padilha {prop} {mf} /paˈd͡ʒi.ʎɐ/ | :: surname |
padioleiro {m} | :: stretcher-bearer: one of a pair of soldiers who carry the injured out of the battlefield on a stretcher |
padixá {m} [historical] | :: Padishah (title used by Ottoman, Persian and Mughal rulers) |
padoca {f} [Brazil, slang] /pa.ˈdɔ.ka/ | :: bakery |
padrão {adj} /pa.ˈdɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: standard |
padrão {m} | :: standard, model |
padrão {m} | :: pattern |
padrão {m} [historical, Age of Discovery] | :: padrão (pillar placed by Portuguese explorers) |
padrão de vida {m} | :: standard of living (a relative measure of the quality of life of a person or group has) |
padrão Fifa {adj} [Brazil, of public services and facilities] | :: very high-quality |
padrão FIFA {adj} | :: alternative spelling of padrão Fifa |
padrasto {m} /pɐ.ˈdɾaʃ.tu/ | :: stepfather (husband of one's biological mother, other than one's biological father) |
padre {m} /ˈpa.ðɾɨ/ | :: [ecclesiastical] priest (Christian clergyman who performs masses) |
padre {m} | :: [archaic] father (male parent) |
Padre Carvalho {prop} | :: Padre Carvalho (municipality) |
Padre Paraíso {prop} | :: Padre Paraíso (municipality) |
padrinho {m} /pɐ.ˈðɾi.ɲu/ | :: godfather (a male godparent) |
padroeiro {adj} [attributive] /pɐˈðɾwɐjɾu/ | :: patron |
padroeiro {adj} | :: protecting |
padroeiro {m} [Roman Catholicism] | :: patron saint |
padroeiro {m} [figuratively] | :: patron; protector |
padronizado {adj} | :: having a standard |
padronizado {adj} | :: conforming to a standard |
padronizar {v} | :: to standardise (to establish a standard) |
padronizar {v} | :: to standardise (to make to conform to a standard) |
Pádua {prop} {f} | :: Pádua (city/and/province) |
pae {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pai |
paeja {f} | :: alternative form of paelha |
paelha {f} | :: paella (a Valencian dish made with rice, vegetables and shellfish) |
pág. {f} | :: abbreviation of página (page) |
pagã {f} | :: feminine noun of pagão |
pagador {m} | :: payer |
pagamento {m} /pɐ.ɣɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: payment |
pagamento {m} | :: pay |
paganismo {m} | :: paganism |
pagante {mf} | :: payer (one who pays) |
pagante {adj} | :: paying (who pays) |
pagão {adj} [religion] /pɐ.ˈɣɐ̃w̃/ | :: pagan; heathenish |
pagão {m} [religion] | :: pagan; heathen (person who does not follow an Abrahamic religion) |
pagão {m} [paganism] | :: neopagan |
pagar {v} /pɐ.ˈɣaɾ/ | :: to pay |
pagar {vit} | :: to give [someone] money in exchange for a good or service |
pagar {vt} | :: (to give money in order to discharge [a debt or bill]) |
pagar {vt} | :: to pay for; to buy (to give money in exchange for [a good or service]) |
pagar {vi} [colloquial] | :: to suffer negative consequences |
pagar {vt} | :: to do (exercises, physical activities), especially as punishment |
pagar {vt} [followed by de] | :: to pretend to be, to feign an attribute or style |
pagar as contas {v} | :: See: pt pagar as contas |
pagar as contas {v} [idiomatic] | :: to pay the bills (to provide enough income) |
pagar as favas {v} [idiomatic] | :: to leave someone holding the bag (leave somebody holding the responsibility or blame) |
pagar boquete {vi} [vulgar, slang] | :: to perform a blowjob |
pagar mico {v} [Brazil] /pa.ˈɡa(ʁ) ˈmi.ku/ | :: to make an exhibition of oneself (to embarrass oneself in public) |
pagar para ver {v} [poker] | :: to call, especially with the intent of seeing another player's cards to discover if he or she is bluffing |
pagar pau {v} [idiomatic, usually followed by para] | :: to fawn (seek approbation by flattery) |
pagar peitinho {v} [slang] | :: to show one's nipples |
pagé {m} | :: alternative form of pajé |
pager {m} | :: pager (device used for sending and receiving electronic messages) |
página {f} /ˈpa.ʒi.nɐ/ | :: page |
página {f} [internet] | :: web site |
paginar {v} | :: to paginate (to number the pages of a book or other document) |
pago {adj} /ˈpa.ɡu/ | :: paid (having been paid for) |
pago {m} [Rio Grande do Sul] | :: the place where one was born or grew up |
pagode {m} [music genre] /pɐ.ˈɣɔ.ðɨ/ | :: a subgenre of samba music |
pagode {m} [architecture, Buddhism] | :: pagoda (a tiered tower with multiple eaves) |
pagode {m} [historical] | :: pagoda (Indian unit of currency) |
pagode {m} | :: spree |
pahoehoe {m} [volcanology] | :: pahoehoe (a type of lava flow) |
pai {m} /paj/ | :: father (male who sires a child) |
pai {m} | :: One's father |
pai {m} [usually, in the plural] | :: parent (either a mother or a father) |
pai {m} [figurative] | :: father (the founder of a discipline or science) |
Pai {prop} {m} [Christianity, usually as a form of address] /ˈpaj/ | :: God |
Pai {prop} {m} [Roman Catholicism] | :: the first person of the Holy Trinity |
paia {adj} [Brazil, Brasília, South Brazil, slang] | :: boring, uninteresting, monotonous |
paia {adj} [Brazil, Brasília, South Brazil, slang] | :: of bad quality; inefficient |
Paial {prop} | :: Paial (municipality) |
Pai celeste {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Heavenly Father (a formal name for God) |
pai-de-santo {m} | :: synonym of babalorixá |
pai dos burros {m} [Brazil, slang] | :: a dictionary |
Paim Filho {prop} | :: Paim Filho (municipality) |
paina {f} | :: kapok |
pai natal {m} [Portugal] /paj.nɐ.ˈtaɫ/ | :: a person dressed up as Santa Claus |
Pai Natal {prop} {m} [Portugal] /paj.nɐ.ˈtaɫ/ | :: Santa Claus |
painço {m} /pɐ.ˈĩ.su/ | :: millet, any grass in the genus Panicum |
paineira {f} | :: kapok (tree) |
Paineiras {prop} | :: Paineiras (municipality) |
painel {m} /paj.ˈnɛɫ/ | :: panel (rectangular section of a surface) |
painel {m} | :: panel (a group of people gathered to judge, interview, discuss etc) |
painel {m} | :: dashboard (of a vehicle) |
Painel {prop} | :: Painel (municipality) |
painel de bordo {m} | :: dashboard (panel under the windscreen of a motor car or aircraft) |
painel de controle {m} | :: control panel (surface onto which controls, instruments and displays are mounted) |
painel fotovoltaico {m} [electricity] | :: solar panel (array of connected solar cells) |
painel solar {m} [electricity] | :: solar panel (array of connected solar cells) |
painho {m} | :: storm petrel (any of several small seabirds of the family Hydrobatidae) |
painho {m} [familiar, Northeast Brazil] | :: alternative form of paizinho; equivalent to dad or daddy |
Pai Nosso {prop} {m} | :: Lord's Prayer (the prayer taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples) |
Pains {prop} | :: Pains (municipality) |
paiol {m} | :: magazine (ammunition storehouse) |
paiol {m} [Brazil] | :: barn (farm building used for storage) |
Pai Pedro {prop} | :: Pai Pedro (municipality) |
pairando {v} | :: gerund of pairar |
pairar {v} /pajˈɾaɾ/ | :: to hover |
pairar {v} | :: to float |
pairar {v} | :: to tolerate |
pais {mp} /ˈpajʃ/ | :: parents |
país {m} /pɐ.ˈiʃ/ | :: country; nation (a sovereign polity) |
país {m} | :: country; land (a region inhabited by a particular people or characterised by a certain feature) |
paisagem {f} /paj.ˈza.ʒɐ̃j̃/ | :: landscape (portion of land or territory which the eye can comprehend in a single view) |
paisagem {f} | :: landscape (a picture representing a scene by land or sea) |
paisagem {f} | :: the general characteristics of a biome |
paisagem sonora {f} | :: soundscape (emotional environment created using sound) |
paisagista {mf} | :: landscaper, landscape architect |
País Basco {prop} {m} | :: País Basco (autonomous community) |
país das maravilhas {m} [figurative] | :: wonderland (place full of wonder or marvels) |
País de Gales {prop} {m} /pɐ.iʃ.ðɨ.ˈɣa.lɨʃ/ | :: País de Gales (country) |
países baixos {mp} [euphemistic] | :: the genitals and crotch area |
Países Baixos {prop} {mp} /pɐˌizɨʒˈβajʃuʃ/ | :: Países Baixos (country) |
paitrocínio {m} [humorous] /ˌpaj.tɾo.ˈsi.nju/ | :: the bank of mum and dad [UK]; financial support from one’s father or parents |
Paiva {prop} | :: Paiva (municipality) |
Paiva {prop} | :: former name of Castelo de Paiva |
Paiva {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
paixa {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: alternative form of paixão |
paixão {f} /pajˈʃɐ̃w̃/ | :: passion |
paixonite {f} [colloquial] | :: crush (a short-lived love or infatuation) |
paiz {m} | :: obsolete spelling of país |
paizão {m} | :: augmentative of pai |
paizinho {m} | :: dad, daddy |
pajé {m} /pa.ˈʒɛ/ | :: a type of shaman in some tribal cultures in Brazil |
pajear {v} | :: to babysit (to watch or tend someone else’s child) |
pajem {m} [historical] /ˈpa.ʒɐ̃j̃/ | :: page (boy servant) |
pajubá {prop} {m} /pa.ʒu.ˈba/ | :: Pajubá |
Pakistão {prop} {m} [uncommon] | :: alternative spelling of Paquistão |
pala {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: pale |
palacete {m} /pɐ.lɐ.ˈse.tɨ/ | :: mansion (small palace; luxurious apartment block) |
palaciano {adj} | :: palatial |
palácio {m} /pɐ.ˈla.sju/ | :: palace (large residence where aristocrats usually live) |
palácio {m} | :: palace (large and lavishly ornate residence) |
palácio {m} | :: major government building |
paladar {m} /pɐ.lɐ.ˈðaɾ/ | :: the sense of taste |
paladar {m} | :: taste (a person’s implicit set of preferences) |
paladar {m} | :: palate (roof of the mouth) |
paladim {m} | :: alternative form of paladino |
paladino {m} /ˌˈd͡ʒ | :: paladin (heroic champion) |
paladino {m} [military unit, historical] | :: paladin (knight in Charlemagne’s retinue) |
paládio {m} /pa.ˈla.d͡ʒi.u/ | :: palladium; safeguard |
paládio {m} [uncountable] | :: palladium (element) |
paladioso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: palladous |
palaíta {m} | :: Palaic (extinct Anatolian language) |
palanca {f} /pa.ˈlɐ̃.kɐ/ | :: stake (long, sharp piece of wood) |
palanca {f} | :: lever (long, rigid object used to transmit force) |
palanca {f} [military architecture, historical] | :: a rampart with palisades or stakes |
palanca {f} | :: roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus, an antelope of the African savannah) |
palanquim {m} /palɐ̃ˈkĩ/ | :: palanquin (a type of covered litter) |
Palas {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Pallas (epithet for Athena) |
palatal {adj} [anatomy] | :: palatal (pertaining to the palate) |
palatal {adj} [phonetics] | :: palatal (articulated at the hard palate) |
palatal {f} [phonetics] | :: palatal (consonant articulated at the hard palate) |
palatalização {f} | :: palatalization |
palatalizar {vt} [phonetics] | :: to palatalize (to pronounce a sound with the tongue against the palate) |
palatalizar {vr} [phonetics] | :: to palatalize (to be pronounced with the tongue against the palate) |
palatável {adj} | :: palatable (pleasing to the taste) |
palatável {adj} | :: palatable (tolerable, acceptable) |
palatino {adj} [anatomy] | :: palatal (pertaining to the palate) |
palatino {adj} | :: palatine (relating to a palace) |
palato {m} /pa.ˈla.tu/ | :: palate (roof of the mouth) |
palato duro {m} | :: hard palate (bony plate of the skull in the roof of the mouth) |
palato mole {m} [anatomy] | :: soft palate (soft tissue at the back of the roof of the mouth) |
Palau {prop} {m} | :: Palau (country) |
palavra {f} /pɐ.ˈla.vɾɐ/ | :: word (unit of language) |
palavra {f} | :: the ability or permission to talk |
palavra {f} | :: word; oath; guarantee |
palavra {f} | :: word (brief conversation) |
palavra {f} | :: religious teachings |
palavra {f} [computing] | :: word (unit of data) |
palavra {interj} | :: word (used to assert that something is true) |
palavra-chave {f} | :: keyword (word used as an identifier of a document to assist in searching) |
palavra de homem {f} [idiom] | :: A sworn statement said by a man |
palavra de honra {f} | :: word of honour (pledge of one’s good faith) |
palavra mágica {f} | :: magic word (word with magical effect) |
palavra mágica {f} | :: magic word (mnemonic of please or thanks) |
palavrão {m} | :: curse, swear word (impolite, vulgar or offensive taboo word) |
palavrão {m} [nonstandard] | :: augmentative of palavra |
palavra-ônibus {f} [linguistics] | :: polysemous word: specifically, word with a network of multiple, related, context-dependent senses, eluding formal definition |
palavra-passe {f} | :: password (word used to gain admittance into a system or location) |
palavra por palavra {adv} | :: verbatim; word for word (in exactly the same words) |
palavras cruzadas {fp} [games, puzzles] | :: crossword (a type of word puzzle) |
palavra-valise {f} [linguistics] | :: portmanteau word (word which combines the meaning of two words) |
palavrinha {f} | :: diminutive of palavra |
palavrinha {f} | :: any obscure word used pretentiously |
palavrinha {f} | :: short conversation |
palco {m} /ˈpaɫ.ku/ | :: stage (of a theatre) |
palco {m} [figurative] | :: a location where something important happens |
palear {v} | :: to shovel (to move material with a shovel) |
paleoantropologista {mf} | :: paleoanthropologist (specialist in paleoanthropology) |
paleoartista {mf} | :: paleoartist |
paleoclimatologia {f} | :: palaeoclimatology (the study of prehistoric climate) |
paleocristão {adj} | :: paleochristian (relating to the early Christian church) |
paleoetnobotânica {f} [archaeology] | :: paleoethnobotany (the study of plant remains from archaeological sites) |
paleografia {f} [archaeology, linguistics] | :: paleography (the study of ancient forms of writing) |
paleolítico {m} [archaeology] | :: Paleolithic (early period of the Stone Age) |
paleolítico {adj} [archaeology] | :: Paleolithic (relating to the Paleolithic Age) |
paleontologia {f} | :: paleontology |
paleontológico {adj} | :: paleontological (of or pertaining to paleontology) |
paleontologista {mf} | :: paleontologist |
paleontólogo {m} | :: paleontologist |
palerma {adj} | :: silly, goofy |
palerma {adj} | :: foolish, dumb, stupid |
palerma {adj} [pejorative, dated] | :: retarded |
Palermo {prop} {f} /pa.ˈlɛʁ.mu/ | :: Palermo (city/and/province) |
palestina {f} | :: feminine noun of palestino |
Palestina {prop} {f} /ˌpa.les.ˈt͡ʃ | :: Palestina (historical region/and/province) |
Palestina {prop} {f} | :: Palestina (country) |
Palestina {prop} {f} | :: Palestina (municipality) |
palestino {adj} | :: Palestinian (of, from or relating to Palestine) |
palestino {m} | :: Palestinian (someone from Palestine) |
palestra {f} /paˈlɛs.tɾɐ/ | :: lecture (spoken lesson or exposition, usually delivered to a group) |
palestra {f} [literary] | :: chat, talk (informal conversation) |
palestra {f} [historical] | :: palaestra (public area in ancient Greece and Rome dedicated to the teaching and practice of wrestling and other sports) |
palestrando {v} | :: gerund of palestrar |
palestrante {mf} | :: lecturer (person who gives lectures) |
palestrar {v} | :: to converse |
paleta {f} | :: palette (thin board on which a painter lays and mixes colours) |
paleta {f} | :: palette (range of colours in a given work) |
palete {m} | :: pallet (a portable platform) |
paletó {m} /ˌˈtɔ/ | :: paletot (a loose outer jacket, overcoat) |
paletó {m} [Brazil, slang, euphemistic] | :: coffin, as a euphemism for death |
palha {f} /ˈpa.ʎɐ/ | :: straw (a dried stalk of a cereal plant) |
palha {f} [uncountable] | :: straw considered collectively |
palha {f} | :: textile made of straw |
palhaçada {f} | :: clowning |
palhaçada {f} | :: burlesque |
palhaçada {f} | :: masquerade |
palhaçada {f} | :: any funny or amusing business |
palhaçada {f} [pejorative] | :: silly or idiot business |
palhaçaria {f} | :: clownery (the typical behaviour of a clown; tomfoolery) |
palhaço {m} /paˈʎasu/ | :: clown |
palhaço {m} | :: any funny or amusing person |
palhaço {m} [pejorative] | :: a silly or stupid person; imbecile |
palhaço {adj} [personal] | :: funny, entertaining |
palhaço {adj} [personal, pejorative] | :: silly, idiot |
palhaço {adj} | :: strawen; made of straw |
palha de aço {f} | :: steel wool (pads of fine strips of steel used as an abrasive) |
palheiro {m} [agriculture] | :: a shed for storing hay |
palheiro {m} | :: a hut with a straw roof |
palheiro {m} [Brazil] | :: a home-made cigarette wrapped with maize husk |
palheta {f} | :: any thin piece of material used for a specific purpose |
palheta {f} [music] | :: reed (vibrating part of the mouthpiece of some woodwind instruments) |
palheta {f} [music] | :: plectrum; pick (small piece of material for plucking the strings) |
palheta {f} [painting] | :: alternative form of paleta |
palheta {f} | :: a slat of a Venetian blind |
palheta {f} | :: a blade of a fan or propeller |
palhinha {f} [Portugal] | :: drinking straw (a long tube through which a drink is drunk) |
palhinha {f} | :: diminutive of palha |
Palhoça {prop} | :: Palhoça (municipality) |
páli {m} /ˈ | :: Pali |
paliar {v} | :: to palliate |
paliativo {adj} [medicine] /ˌˈt͡ʃ | :: palliative (reducing progression and relieving symptoms) |
paliativo {m} [medicine] | :: a palliative medicine |
paliativo {m} [figuratively] | :: anything figuratively functioning like palliatives |
paliçada {f} | :: palisade (a wall of wooden stakes) |
palidamente {adv} | :: palely |
palidez {f} | :: paleness (the condition of being pale) |
pálido {adj} /ˈðu/ | :: ashen |
pálido {adj} | :: pale, pallid |
palimpsesto {m} | :: palimpsest (a manuscript scraped clean for reuse) |
palíndromo {m} /pɐˈlĩdrumu/ | :: palindrome |
palinológico {adj} | :: palynological |
pálio {m} | :: cloak; |
pálio {m} [Catholicism] | :: pallium; |
pálio {m} | :: processional canopy, mobile baldachin |
palito {m} /pɐˈlitu/ | :: stick |
palito de dente {m} | :: alternative form of palito de dentes |
palito de dentes {m} | :: toothpick (pointed stick for removing food residue from the area between the teeth) |
palládio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of paládio |
palliativo {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of paliativo |
palma {f} | :: palm (inner part of the hand) |
palma {f} | :: clap (the act of striking the palms of the hands) |
palma {f} [in the plural] | :: applause |
palma {f} | :: palm tree (any tree of the family Arecaceae) |
Palma {prop} | :: Palma (municipality) |
palmada {f} | :: slap (a blow with the palm of the hand) |
Palmares do Sul {prop} | :: Palmares do Sul (municipality) |
Palmares Paulista {prop} | :: Palmares Paulista (municipality) |
palmari {mf} | :: alternative form of paumari |
palmari {adj} | :: alternative form of paumari |
palmas {f} /ˈpaɫ.mɐʃ/ | :: hand-clapping, applause |
Palmas {prop} | :: Palmas (municipality/state capital) |
Palmas de Monte Alto {prop} | :: Palmas de Monte Alto (municipality) |
Palma Sola {prop} | :: Palma Sola (municipality) |
palmatória {f} | :: ferule (instrument used to slap children on the hand) |
palmatória {f} | :: prickly pear (any of various spiny cacti of the genus Opuntia) |
palmeira {f} /paw.ˈme(j).ɾa/ | :: palm (tropical tree) |
Palmeira {prop} | :: Palmeira (municipality) |
Palmeira das Missões {prop} | :: Palmeira das Missões (municipality) |
Palmeira d'Oeste {prop} {f} | :: Palmeira d'Oeste (municipality) |
Palmeiras {prop} | :: Palmeiras (municipality) |
palmeirense {adj} [Brazil, soccer] | :: Pertaining to, or related to Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras |
palmeirense {mf} [Brazil, soccer] | :: A player or supporter of Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras sports team, especially the association football (soccer) team |
Palmela {prop} {f} /pɐɫˈmɛlɐ/ | :: Palmela (village/and/municipality) |
palmeyra {f} | :: obsolete spelling of palmeira |
palmilha {f} | :: insole (inside sole of footwear) |
Palmira {prop} {f} /paw.ˈmi.ɾɐ/ | :: Palmira (<<ancient>> Semitic <<city>> in modern <<c/Syria>>) |
Palmital {prop} | :: Palmital (municipality) |
palmiteiro {m} /ˌpaw.miˈte(j).ɾu/ | :: any palm tree with an edible heart |
palmiteiro {m} [specifically] | :: palmiteiro; juçara (Euterpe edulis) |
palmiteiro {m} | :: someone who harvest heart of palm from wild palm trees, often illegally |
palmiteiro {adj} | :: relating to the extraction of heart of palm |
Palmitinho {prop} | :: Palmitinho (municipality) |
palmito {m} | :: heart of palm (a vegetable harvested from the inner core and growing bud of certain palm trees) |
Palmitos {prop} | :: Palmitos (municipality) |
palmo {m} | :: handspan (distance between the outstretched tips of the little finger and thumb, used as a unit of measurement) |
Palmópolis {prop} | :: Palmópolis (municipality) |
palmura {f} | :: web (a fold of tissue connecting the toes of certain animals) |
Palmyra {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Palmira |
palpando {v} | :: gerund of palpar |
palpar {v} | :: to palpate (to examine or otherwise explore through touch) |
palpável {adj} | :: palpable (able to be touched) |
palpável {adj} [figurative] | :: palpable; obvious |
palpável {adj} [medicine] | :: palpable (that can be detected by palpation) |
pálpebra {f} /ˈpaɫ.pɨ.βɾɐ/ | :: eyelid (a thin skin membrane which moves over an eye) |
palpitação {f} | :: palpitation |
palpitação {f} | :: throbbing |
palpitando {v} | :: gerund of palpitar |
palpitar {v} | :: to palpitate |
palpitar {v} | :: to throb |
palpite {m} | :: heartbeat |
palpite {m} [by extension] | :: hunch, guess, opinion |
palração {f} | :: waffle (speech or writing that is vague) |
palrança {f} | :: waffle (speech or writing that is vague) |
palrar {v} | :: to waffle (to speak or write at length without any clear point or aim) |
palude {m} | :: wetland, marsh, swamp |
palustre {adj} | :: palustral; marshy (pertaining to, characteristic of, or living in marshes) |
pamari {mf} | :: alternative form of paumari |
pamari {adj} | :: alternative form of paumari |
Pamir {prop} {m} | :: Pamir (range) |
pamonha {f} /pa.ˈmo.ɲa/ | :: pamonha |
pâmpano {m} [botany] /ˈpɜ̃.(ᵐ)pɐ.nu/ | :: shoot or stem of a vine with leaves; |
pâmpano {m} | :: pampre |
Pampilhosa da Serra {prop} {f} /pɐ̃piˈʎɔzɐ ðɐ ˈsɛʁɐ/ | :: Pampilhosa da Serra (village/and/municipality) |
pan- {prefix} | :: pan- |
Pan {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Pã |
PAN {m} [Brazil] | :: acronym of partido dos aposentados da nação |
panaca {adj} [slang, derogatory] | :: stupid, idiot |
panaceia {f} | :: panacea |
panacéia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of panaceia |
Panaji {prop} {f} | :: Panaji (city/state capital) |
Panamá {prop} {m} | :: Panamá (country) |
Panamá {prop} {m} | :: clipping of Canal do Panamá |
Panambi {prop} | :: Panambi (municipality) |
panamenho {adj} | :: Panamanian (of, from or relating to Panama) |
panamenho {m} | :: Panamanian (person from Panama) |
panapaná {m} [Brazil] | :: flight (collective term for butterfly) |
panapaná {m} [Brazil] | :: a butterfly |
panapanã {f} | :: alternative form of panapaná |
panar {vt} | :: to bread (to coat with breadcrumbs) |
pan-arabismo {m} | :: pan-Arabism (movement seeking the union of Arabic peoples) |
Panateneias {prop} {fp} [historical] | :: Panathenaea (a festival in Ancient Greece) |
panca {f} | :: wooden lever |
panca {f} [colloquial] | :: craze, obsession |
panca {f} [plural] | :: difficulties |
pança {f} /ˈpɐ̃.sɐ/ | :: paunch (large belly) |
pancada {f} /pɐ̃.ˈka.da/ | :: blow; strike |
pancada {f} [Brazil] | :: sudden rain |
pancadaria {f} | :: brawl |
pança de cerveja {f} | :: beer belly (protruding abdomen attributed to the consumption of beer) |
pancake {f} | :: dated form of panqueca |
Pancasila {prop} {m} | :: Pancasila (the official philosophical foundation of the Indonesian state) |
Panchatantra {prop} {m} | :: Panchatantra (a collection of Sanskrit and Pali animal fables) |
Panchen Lama {m} [Tibetan Buddhism] | :: Panchen Lama (second-highest ranking lama of the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism) |
pancontinental {adj} | :: pancontinental |
pancrácio {m} | :: pankration (ancient Greek martial art) |
pancrácio {m} | :: fool (person with poor judgment or little intelligence) |
pâncreas {m} | :: pancreas |
pancreático {adj} | :: pancreatic |
pancreatite {f} [pathology] | :: pancreatitis |
pancromo {m} | :: panchromium |
pançudo {adj} | :: fat, potbellied |
panda {m} /ˈpã.dɐ/ | :: panda |
panda gigante {m} | :: giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, an ursid of south-central China) |
panda-gigante {m} | :: alternative spelling of panda gigante |
panda vermelho {m} | :: red panda (Ailurus fulgens, an arboreal mammal of the eastern Himalayas and southern China) |
panda-vermelho {m} | :: alternative spelling of panda vermelho |
pândega {f} | :: spree |
pândega {f} | :: party etc, with plentiful food and wine |
pandeiro {m} /pɐ̃ˈdɐjɾu/ | :: pandeiro |
pandeiro {m} [colloquial] | :: butt |
pandeísmo {m} | :: pandeism |
pandeísta {mf} /ˌpɐ̃.de.ˈis.tɐ/ | :: pandeist |
pandeísta {adj} | :: pandeistical |
pandemia {f} | :: pandemic (disease that hits a wide geographical area) |
pandémico {adj} [European orthography, medicine, of a disease] | :: pandemic (epidemic over a wide area) |
pandêmico {adj} [pathology] | :: pandemic |
pandemónio {m} [European orthography] | :: pandemonium (tumultuous or lawless violence) |
pandemônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of pandemónio |
pandita {m} | :: pundit (a Hindu scholar) |
pândita {m} | :: alternative form of pandita |
pandito {m} | :: alternative form of pandita |
Pandora {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Pandora (woman who released evil into the world) |
pandorga {f} [South Brazil] | :: kite (flying toy on string) |
pandu {m} [colloquial] | :: stomach (organ) |
panegírico {m} | :: panegyric (praising speech or opus) |
panela {f} /pɐ.ˈnɛ.lɐ/ | :: cooking pot |
panela {f} | :: cooking pan |
panela a vapor {f} [cookware] | :: a pan with holes, used for steaming food |
panelaço {m} [Brazil] | :: form of protest in which people create noise with pots and pans |
panela de pressão {f} [cookware] | :: pressure cooker |
paneleiro {adj} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: queer (homosexual) |
paneleiro {m} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: queer (homosexual) |
panelinha {f} | :: diminutive of panela |
panelinha {f} | :: clique (small, exclusive group) |
panella {f} | :: obsolete spelling of panela |
panenteísmo {m} | :: panentheism |
pan-eslavismo {m} | :: Pan-Slavism (movement seeking the union of Slavic peoples) |
panetone {m} /ˌpɐ.ne.ˈ | :: panettone |
panettone {m} | :: alternative spelling of panetone |
panfleto {m} /pɐ̃.ˈfle.tu/ | :: pamphlet (but of a political, often defamatory, nature) |
panfleto {m} | :: leaflet; flyer (small sheet of paper containing information) |
pangaré {m} | :: nag (weak and useless horse) |
Pangeia {prop} {f} | :: Pangeia (supercontinent) |
Pangéia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Pangeia |
Pangim {prop} {f} | :: Pangim (city/state capital) |
panglossiano {adj} | :: Panglossian (naively or unreasonably optimistic) |
panglossiano {m} | :: a Panglossian person |
pangolim {m} | :: pangolin (long-tailed, scale-covered mammal of the order Pholidota of tropical Africa and Asia) |
pânico {m} /ˈpɐ.ni.ku/ | :: panic |
pânico moral {m} | :: moral panic (a public outcry based on the perception that a group of people poses a threat to society) |
panícula {f} [botany] | :: panicle (a compound raceme) |
panículo {m} [anatomy] | :: panniculus (a dense layer of fatty tissue growth) |
panificação {f} | :: bakery (the process or art of baking bread) |
panificadora {f} | :: feminine noun of panificador |
panificadora {f} [industrial] | :: bakery |
panificadora {f} [regional, Paraná] | :: bakery (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold) |
Panjab {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Pendjab |
Panjabe {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Pendjab |
panjabi {mf} | :: alternative form of punjabi |
panjabi {adj} | :: alternative form of punjabi |
panno {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pano |
Pannónia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Panónia |
pano {m} /ˈpɐ.nu/ | :: cloth (woven fabric) |
pano {m} | :: rag; tatter |
pano de chão {m} | :: floorcloth (cloth for cleaning floors) |
pano de copa {m} | :: synonym of pano de prato |
pano de fundo {m} | :: backdrop (decorated cloth hung at the back of a stage) |
pano de fundo {m} | :: backdrop (background of a historical event) |
pano de louça {m} | :: dishcloth (cloth for drying dishes) |
pano de prato {m} | :: dishcloth (cloth for drying dishes) |
Panónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] /pa.ˈɐ/ | :: Panónia (province) |
Panônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Panónia |
panóplia {f} | :: panoply |
panóptico {m} | :: panopticon (hypothetical prison wherein all the cells are visible from the centre of the building) |
panorama {m} | :: panorama (unbroken view of an entire surrounding area) |
panorama {m} | :: panorama (picture representing a continuous scene) |
panorama {m} [figuratively] | :: panorama (comprehensive survey on a subject) |
Panorama {prop} | :: Panorama (municipality) |
panorâmico {adj} | :: panoramic |
pan-psiquismo {m} [philosophy] | :: panpsychism (the doctrine that all matter has a mental aspect) |
panpsiquismo {m} | :: alternative spelling of pan-psiquismo |
panqueca {f} /pɐ̃.ˈkɛ.kɐ/ | :: pancake (thin batter cake) |
panqueque {f} | :: dated form of panqueca |
pansexualidade {f} | :: pansexuality |
pantagruélico {adj} | :: pantagruelian |
pantagruélico {adj} [figurative] | :: excessive |
pantanal {m} | :: swamp, marsh, wetland |
pântano {m} /ˈpɐ̃.tɐ.nu/ | :: quagmire, swamp, marsh, bog |
Pantano Grande {prop} | :: Pantano Grande (municipality) |
pantanoso {adj} | :: swampy (resembling a swamp) |
panteão {m} [mythology] | :: pantheon (all the gods of a particular religion) |
panteão {m} | :: pantheon (temple dedicated to all the gods) |
panteão {m} | :: pantheon (category or classification denoting the most honored persons of a group) |
panteísmo {m} | :: pantheism |
panteísta {adj} /ˌpɐ̃.te.ˈis.tɐ/ | :: pantheistic |
panteísta {mf} | :: pantheist |
pantera {f} /pɐ̃.ˈtɛ.ɾa/ | :: panther (big cat of genus Panthera) |
pantera-nebulosa {f} | :: clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) |
pantera-negra {f} | :: black panther (leopard or jaguar with black fur) |
pantomima {f} /pɐ̃tuˈmimɐ/ | :: pantomime (gesturing without speaking) |
pantomima {f} | :: pantomime (type of musical comedy stage production) |
pantorrilha {f} | :: alternative spelling of panturrilha |
pantufa {f} | :: slipper (low, soft shoe worn indoors) |
panturrilha {f} /ˌpɐ̃.tu.ˈʁi.ʎɐ/ | :: calf (back of the leg below the knee) |
panvitalismo {m} | :: panvitalism (belief that all things are part of a single living universe) |
pao {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pau |
pão {m} /ˈpɐ̃w̃/ | :: bread |
pão {m} [figuratively] | :: food, sustenance |
pão {m} [colloquial, dated] | :: an attractive and elegant boy |
pão branco {m} | :: white bread (bread made from white flour) |
pão careca {m} [Brazil, Pará] | :: pão francês |
pão com ovo {adj} [idiom] | :: trivial, banal |
pão com ovo {adj} [derogatory, of a woman] | :: promiscuous, slutty |
pão com ovo {adj} [derogatory, of a man] | :: effeminate, gay |
pão com ovo {m} | :: See: pt pão com ovo |
pão d'água {m} [Brazil, southern Santa Catarina] | :: pão francês |
Pão de Açúcar {prop} {m} | :: Pão de Açúcar (rocky peak) |
Pão de Açúcar {prop} {m} | :: Pão de Açúcar (municipality) |
pão de cada dia {m} | :: daily bread (material needs) |
pão de cada dia {m} | :: See: pt pão de cada dia |
pão de forma {m} | :: pain de mie; sandwich loaf |
pão de fôrma {m} | :: superseded spelling of pão de forma |
pão de leite {m} [Brazil, Assis] | :: pão francês |
pão de ló {m} | :: sponge cake (type of cake) |
pão-de-ló {m} | :: alternative spelling of pão de ló |
pão de queijo {m} | :: A small, baked cheese roll, which is a popular snack and breakfast food in Brazil |
pão de sal {m} [Brazil, Minas Gerais, Bahia] | :: pão francês |
pão-duro {adj} | :: miserly (excessively cautious with money) |
pão-duro {m} | :: skinflint (one who is excessively cautious with money) |
pão e circo {m} | :: bread and circuses (grand spectacles provided by the state to distract and pacify people) |
pão francês {m} | :: A popular Brazilian variation of the marraqueta bread |
pão jacó {n} [Brazil, Sergipe] | :: pão francês |
pão massa fina {m} [Meio-norte and parts of the North Region, Brazil] | :: a type of smooth, often sweetened bread originally from Provence, France |
pão massa grossa {m} [Brazil, Meio-norte and Amazonas] | :: pão francês |
pão, pão, queijo, queijo {phrase} | :: used to introduce a frank or direct statement |
pão sovado {m} | :: a type of smooth, often sweetened bread originally from Provence, France |
pão tatu {m} [Brazil, regional] | :: a type of smooth, often sweetened bread originally from Provence, France |
pãozão {m} | :: augmentative of pão |
pãozinho {m} | :: diminutive of pão |
pãozinho {m} [city of São Paulo] | :: pão francês |
papa {m} [Christianity] /ˈpa.pɐ/ | :: pope |
papa {m} | :: pap (food in the form of a soft paste) |
papa {m} [figurative] | :: something with a pasty consistency |
papa {m} [colloquial, child language] | :: any type of food |
papá {m} [familiar, Portugal] | :: dad; daddy; father |
papá {m} [childish] | :: food |
papado {m} | :: papacy (the office of a pope) |
papado {m} | :: papacy (the period of a particular pope’s office) |
papagaio {m} /pɐ.pɐ.ˈɣaj.u/ | :: parrot (bird) |
papagaio {m} | :: parroter |
papagaio {m} | :: kite (of paper) |
papagaio-do-mar {m} | :: puffin (seabird of the genera Fratercula and Lunda) |
Papagaios {prop} | :: Papagaios (municipality) |
papagaio velho não aprende a falar {proverb} | :: you can't teach an old dog new tricks |
papaguear {v} | :: to parrot (to repeat exactly without showing understanding) |
papai {m} [Brazil, familiar] /paˈpaj/ | :: dad, papa |
papaia {f} | :: papaya (Carica papaya, a tropical tree of the Americas) |
papaia {f} | :: papaya (the fruit of the Carica papaya tree) |
papai do céu {prop} {m} | :: alternative case form of Papai do Céu |
Papai do Céu {prop} {m} [childish, religion] | :: "Sky Daddy", God |
Papai Noel {m} [folklore] | :: Santa Claus (mythological man who brings gifts to children during Christmas) |
papal {adj} | :: papal (related to the pope or papacy) |
papa-léguas {m} | :: roadrunner (bird of the Geococcyx genus) |
papamóvel {m} | :: Popemobile (vehicle with bulletproof glass sides used to transport the Pope) |
Papanduva {prop} | :: Papanduva (municipality) |
papão {m} /pɐˈpɐ̃w̃/ | :: clipping of bicho-papão |
papão {m} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: glutton |
papar {v} [hypocoristic, usually, childish] /pɐ.ˈpaɾ/ | :: to eat |
paparazzo {m} /papaˈɾatsu/ | :: paparazzo (freelance photographer of celebrities) |
paparicar {v} /pɐpɐɾiˈkaɾ/ | :: to pamper (to treat with excessive care) |
paparicho {m} [cooking] /papaˈɾiʃu/ | :: delicacy (delicious dish or food) |
paparrotão {m} /paˌpaʁoˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: boaster, braggart |
paparrotona {n} | :: feminine of paparrotão |
papas na língua {n} | :: the discernment that holds someone from being excessively sincere (mostly used negatively to indicate that someone lacks it); the ability to hold one's tongue |
papeamento {m} | :: rare spelling of papiamento |
papear {v} [Portugal] | :: to chat, to chatter, to babble |
papeira {f} [Portugal] | :: mumps |
papeira {f} | :: goitre (enlargement of the neck caused by inflammation of the thyroid gland) |
papel {m} /pɐ.ˈpɛɫ/ | :: paper (material) |
papel {m} [by extension] | :: (written) document |
papel {m} [by extension] | :: cash (especially bills) |
papel {m} [theatre, cinema] | :: role, part |
papel {m} [by extension] | :: function, role |
papel {m} [in the plural] | :: papers; documents |
papelada {f} | :: paperwork |
papel-alumínio {m} | :: aluminium foil (thin sheet of aluminium) |
papel amate {m} | :: amate (ficus-bark paper produced by Mexican natives) |
papelão {m} /pɐpɨˈlɐ̃w̃/ | :: cardboard |
papelão {m} [figurative] | :: gaffe, blunder (embarassing mistake) |
papelaria {f} | :: a shop where stationery is sold |
papel-carbono {m} | :: carbon paper (sheet of carbon-covered paper used to make copies) |
papel de arroz {m} | :: rice paper (thin paper made from rice straw) |
papel de cozinha {m} | :: paper towel (sheet of absorbent paper) |
papel de parede {m} [uncountable] | :: wallpaper (decorative paper for walls) |
papel de parede {m} [computing] | :: wallpaper (image used to cover the background of the desktop) |
papel de periódico {m} | :: newspaper (type of paper) |
papel de tornassol {m} | :: litmus paper (paper containing a water-soluble mixture of different dyes extracted from certain lichens) |
papeleira {f} | :: papermaking |
papel higiénico {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of papel higiênico |
papel higiênico {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: toilet paper |
papelinho {m} | :: piece of paper |
papelinho {m} | :: (in plural) confetti |
papel laminado {m} | :: aluminium foil (thin sheet of aluminium) |
papel machê {m} | :: alternative spelling of papel-machê |
papel-machê {m} | :: papier-mâché (paper mixed with glue used to create sculptures) |
papel-moeda {m} | :: paper money (cash in the form of banknotes) |
papelote {m} | :: wrapped paper used by women to curl the hair |
papelote {m} | :: hairstyle made in such a way |
papelote {m} | :: piece of paper used to wrap small amounts of drugs such as cocaine |
papel toalha {m} | :: alternative spelling of papel-toalha |
papel-toalha {m} | :: paper towel (sheet of absorbent paper) |
papelzinho {m} | :: diminutive of papel |
papelzinho {m} | :: piece of paper |
papelzinho {m} | :: (in plural) confetti |
papiamento {m} | :: Papiamento (Spanish- and Portuguese-based creole spoken in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao) |
papila {f} [anatomy] /pa.ˈpi.lɐ/ | :: papilla (any nipple-like structure) |
papila gustativa {f} [anatomy] | :: tastebud (a small organ on the tongue that detects tastes) |
papilla {f} | :: obsolete spelling of papila |
papinha {f} | :: baby food (soft food designed for babies) |
papiro {m} | :: papyrus (Cyperus papyrus, a plant native to the Nile valley) |
papiro {m} | :: papyrus (a paper-like material made from the papyrus plant) |
papiro {m} | :: papyrus (a document written on papyrus) |
papisa {f} [historical] | :: papess (female pope) |
papo {m} /ˈpa.pu/ | :: crop (pouch-like part of the alimentary tract of some animals) |
papo {m} [colloquial] | :: stomach |
papo {m} | :: goitre (enlarged neck) |
papo {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: chat (informal conversation) |
papo {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: clipping of papo furado (lip service, nonsense) |
papo furado {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: lip service (words absent of action or intention) |
papo furado {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: nonsense (untrue statements intended to deceive) |
papo-furado {m} | :: alternative spelling of papo furado |
papoila {f} /pɐ.ˈpoj.lɐ/ | :: alternative form of papoula |
papo reto {m} [Brazil, colloquial, slang] | :: an objective, straightforward conversation |
papoula {f} /pɐ.ˈpo(w).lɐ/ | :: poppy (plant) |
papoula de São Francisco {f} [Brazil] | :: kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus, a plant native to Asia) |
páprica {f} | :: paprika (a Hungarian spice made from dried and ground fruits of sweet pepper or chilli pepper) |
Papua Nova Guiné {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Papua-Nova Guiné |
Papua-Nova Guiné {prop} {f} | :: Papua-Nova Guiné (country) |
paquebote {m} | :: packet-boat |
paqueirar {v} | :: alternative form of paquerar |
paquera {f} /pa.ˈkɛ.ɾa/ | :: flirtation, flirting (the act of trying to seduce someone romantically) |
paquera {f} | :: a short and not intense romantic involvement |
paquera {mf} | :: a person one is flirting or having a short relationship with |
paquerar {v} [Brazil, colloquial] /pa.ˈke.ɾa(ɾ)/ | :: to flirt with, to try to seduce someone by flattening |
paquerar {v} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: to look attentively at something |
paquete {m} | :: a large steamboat |
paquete {m} [obsolete] | :: a small cargo and/or messenger sailing ship |
paquete {m} [by extension] | :: referring to different types of boats |
paquete {m} [colloquial] | :: a young man who delivers messages (specially love messages) |
paquete {m} [slang] | :: menstruation |
paquete {adj} | :: well dressed |
paquímetro {m} | :: calipers (device used to measure thickness) |
paquinha {f} [Brazil] | :: mole cricket (any of the large burrowing crickets of the family Gryllotalpidae) |
paquistanês {adj} | :: Pakistani (of, from or relating to Pakistan) |
paquistanês {m} | :: Pakistani (person from Pakistan) |
Paquistão {prop} {m} /ˌpa.kis.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: Paquistão (country) |
par {m} /ˈpaɾ/ | :: pair |
par {m} | :: partner |
par {m} | :: couple |
par {m} | :: peer |
par {m} [golf] | :: par |
par {adj} [maths] | :: even |
para {prep} /ˈpɐ.ɾɐ/ | :: for (directed at, intended to belong to or to be appropriate for) |
para {prep} | :: indicates application of an adjective; to |
para {prep} | :: to; so; in order to (indicates purpose) |
para {prep} | :: towards; to; in the direction of (indicates destination) |
para {prep} | :: introduces the location, direction or context that applies to a verb |
para {prep} | :: to (to the value of) |
para {prep} | :: in the opinion of |
para {prep} | :: [with an infinitive] about to; soon to be (indicates that something will happen soon) |
Pará {prop} {m} | :: Pará (state) |
para baixo {adv} [comparable] | :: down; downwards (to a lower position) |
parabenização {f} | :: congratulation (act of congratulating) |
parabenizar {v} | :: to congratulate (laud someone for his accomplishment) |
parabens {mp} | :: obsolete spelling of parabéns |
parabéns {interj} /pɐ.ɾɐ.ˈβɐ̃j̃ʃ/ | :: happy birthday! |
parabéns {interj} | :: congratulations! |
parabéns {mp} | :: congratulations |
parabẽs {mp} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of parabéns |
parábola {f} | :: parable |
parábola {f} [mathematics] | :: parabola |
parabólica {f} | :: satellite dish (parabolic antenna) |
para bom entendedor, meia palavra basta {proverb} | :: People are often able to understand something not fully explained |
para-brisa {m} /ˌpa.ɾɐ.ˈbri.zɐ/ | :: windshield, windscreen |
pára-brisa {m} | :: obsolete form of para-brisa |
Paracambi {prop} | :: Paracambi (municipality) |
para caralho {adv} [vulgar slang, intensifier] | :: loads of; a fuckload of |
para caralho {adv} [vulgar slang, intensifier] | :: really; fucking |
para caramba {adv} [colloquial, intensifier] | :: denoting great amounts |
para caramba {adv} [colloquial, intensifier] | :: denoting an elevated level |
para casa {adv} | :: home; homewards (towards one’s home) |
Paracatu {prop} | :: Paracatu (municipality) |
Paracelso {prop} {m} /ˌpa.ɾa.ˈsɛ | :: Paracelsus (Swiss Renaissance scientist and alchemist) |
paracetamol {m} /ˌpa.ɾa.ˌse.ta.ˈmɔw/ | :: paracetamol (medicine used to relieve pain and reduce fever) |
para-choque {m} [automotive] | :: bumper (impact absorber on a vehicle) |
para-choques {m} [automotive] | :: bumper (impact absorber on a vehicle) |
para cima {adv} | :: up; upwards |
paracleto {m} | :: paraclete (supporter or protector) |
paráclito {m} | :: alternative form of paracleto |
para com {prep} | :: toward, towards, concerning (in relation to) |
parada {f} | :: stop |
parada {f} | :: halt (the act of stopping or halting) |
parada {f} | :: stop (place where passengers get on and off buses or trams) |
parada {f} | :: parade (organised procession with displays and performances) |
parada {f} [gambling] | :: stake (money laid down as a wager) |
parada {f} [music] | :: record chart (ranking of music according to popularity) |
parada {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: thing (an object, quality or concept) |
parada cardíaca {f} [cardiology, pathology] | :: cardiac arrest (cessation of heartbeat) |
para dar e vender {pron} | :: a whole lot of (a great quantity of) |
paradeiro {m} [usually, uncountable] | :: whereabouts (the location where something or someone ends up, with the implication that there was no fixed destination or that it was unknown) |
paradeiro {m} | :: meeting place (place where people routinely meet) |
Pará de Minas {prop} | :: Pará de Minas (municipality) |
paradigma {m} /ˌpa.ɾa.ˈd͡ʒiɡ.ma/ | :: paradigm (model or example) |
paradigma {m} [linguistics] | :: paradigm (set of all forms which contain a common element) |
paradigma {m} [computing] | :: a fundamental style of programming |
paradisíaco {adj} | :: heavenly, paradisiac |
parado {adj} /pɐ.ˈɾa.ðu/ | :: stopped, halted, immobile |
parado {adj} | :: standing |
paradoxal {adj} | :: paradoxical |
paradoxalmente {adv} | :: paradoxically |
paradoxo {m} | :: paradox |
paradoxo francês {m} [nutrition] | :: French paradox (the observation that the French suffer a low incidence of coronary heart disease, despite having a diet rich in saturated fats) |
paraense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Pará |
paraense {mf} | :: Someone from Pará |
parafascismo {m} [fascism] | :: para-fascism |
parafernália {f} | :: paraphernalia (miscellaneous items, especially the set of equipment required for a particular activity) |
parafimose {f} [pathology] | :: paraphimosis (foreskin trapped behind the glans) |
parafina {f} | :: paraffin (all senses) |
paráfrase {f} | :: paraphrase |
parafraseando {v} | :: gerund of parafrasear |
parafrasear {v} | :: to paraphrase |
parafusado {adj} /paɾafuˈzadu/ | :: fastened with screws |
parafusar {v} | :: alternative form of aparafusar |
parafuso {m} /pɐɾɐˈfuzu/ | :: screw |
parafuso Allen {m} | :: Allen screw (screw whose head has a hexagonal socket) |
parafuso de Arquimedes {m} | :: Archimedes' screw (a screwlike device that raises water) |
parafuso sextavado {m} | :: Allen screw (screw whose head has a hexagonal socket) |
paragem {f} /pɐˈɾaʒɐ̃j̃/ | :: stop, stoppage, halt (the act of stopping or halting) |
paragem {f} | :: stop (place where passengers get on and off buses or trams) |
paragem cardíaca {f} [cardiology, pathology] | :: cardiac arrest (cessation of heartbeat) |
parágrafo {m} | :: paragraph |
Paraguaçu {prop} | :: Paraguaçu (municipality) |
Paraguaçu Paulista {prop} | :: Paraguaçu Paulista (municipality) |
Paraguai {prop} {m} | :: Paraguai (country) |
paraguaio {adj} | :: Paraguayan (of, from or relating to Paraguay) |
paraguaio {m} | :: Paraguayan (person from Paraguay) |
Paraí {prop} | :: Paraí (municipality) |
Paraíba {prop} {f} /ˌpa.ɾa.ˈi.bɐ/ | :: Paraíba (state) |
Paraíba do Sul {prop} | :: Paraíba do Sul (municipality) |
paraibana {f} | :: female equivalent of paraibano |
paraibano {adj} | :: of or from Paraíba |
paraibano {m} | :: someone from Paraíba |
Paraibuna {prop} | :: Paraibuna (municipality) |
para inglês ver {adj} [idiomatic, especially of laws] | :: mostly demagogic or symbolic and with little to no effect in practice |
paraíso {m} /pɐ.ɾɐ.ˈi.zu/ | :: paradise |
paraíso {m} | :: heaven |
Paraíso {prop} {m} [religion] /ˌpa.ɾa.ˈi.zu/ | :: Heaven; Paradise |
Paraíso {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Paradise (the Garden of Eden) |
Paraíso {prop} {m} | :: Paraíso (municipality) |
Paraíso {prop} {m} | :: Paraíso (municipality) |
Paraíso do Sul {prop} | :: Paraíso do Sul (municipality) |
paraíso fiscal {m} | :: tax haven (country or territory where certain taxes are very low) |
Paraisópolis {prop} | :: Paraisópolis (municipality) |
para lá de Bagdá {adj} [familiar] | :: in a chaotic situation; messed up |
para-lama {m} | :: mudguard (a flap behind the wheel of a vehicle) |
paralaxe {f} | :: parallax |
paralelamente {adv} | :: parallelly (in a parallel manner or direction) |
paralelepípedo {m} /ˌpa.ɾa.ˌlɛ.le.ˈ | :: sett (paving stone) |
paralelepípedo {m} [geometry] | :: parallelepiped |
paralelismo {m} | :: parallelism (state or condition of being parallel) |
paralelismo {m} | :: parallelism (resemblance or analogy) |
paralelismo {m} [rhetoric, grammar] | :: parallelism (juxtaposition of equivalent syntactic constructions) |
paralelismo {m} [computing] | :: parallelism (the use of parallel methods in computing) |
paralelo {adj} [geometry] /ˌpɐ.ɾɐ.ˈlɛ.lu/ | :: parallel (of two or more (straight) lines, (flat) surfaces etc: equally distant from one another at all points) |
paralelo {adj} [computing] | :: parallel (involving the processing of multiple tasks at the same time) |
paralelo {adj} | :: parallel (having the same overall direction) |
paralelo {adj} [of events] | :: happening at the same time |
paralelo {adj} [electricity] | :: describes conductor which are in parallel |
paralelo {adj} | :: which is used as an alternative to something official |
paralelo {m} [geography] | :: parallel (line of latitude) |
paralelo {m} | :: a comparison (evaluation of the similarities and differences) |
paralelogramo {m} [geometry] | :: parallelogram (convex quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite edges are parallel and of equal length) |
paralisação {f} | :: standstill (complete immobility) |
paralisação {f} | :: suspension (cessation of activities) |
paralisação {f} | :: the process of becoming paralysed |
paralisar {v} | :: to paralyze |
paralisia {f} | :: paralysis |
paralisia {f} | :: palsy |
paralisia cerebral {f} [neurology, pathology] | :: cerebral palsy (any of several conditions caused by brain damage before birth) |
paralisia de Bell {f} [pathology] | :: Bell's palsy (paralysis of the facial nerve) |
paralítico {adj} | :: paralytic (affected with paralysis) |
paralítico {m} | :: paralytic (person suffering from paralysis) |
paralizando {v} | :: gerund of paralisar |
paralizar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of paralisar |
parallelepípedo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of paralelepípedo |
parallelo {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of paralelo |
parálogo {adj} [genetics, of multiple genes at different chromosomal locations in the same organism] | :: paralogous (having a similar structure) |
parálogo {m} [genetics] | :: paralogon (set of paralogous chromosomal regions, derived from a common ancestral region) |
paramagnético {adj} | :: paramagnetic |
Paramaribo {prop} {f} | :: Paramaribo (capital city) |
paramécio {m} [zoology] | :: paramecium (oval-shaped protozoan of the genus Paramecium) |
paramédico {m} | :: paramedic (emergency healthcare professional trained to stabilise people outside the hospital) |
parâmetro {m} | :: parameter |
paramilitar {adj} | :: paramilitary |
paramilitar {mf} | :: paramilitary (A member of a paramilitary group) |
Paramirim {prop} | :: Paramirim (municipality) |
paramita {f} [Buddhism] | :: paramita (perfection or culmination of certain virtues) |
paramnésia {f} [psychology] | :: paramnesia |
Paraná {prop} {m} | :: Paraná (river) |
Paraná {prop} {m} | :: Paraná (state) |
Paraná {prop} {m} | :: Paraná (provincial capital) |
Paraná {prop} {m} | :: Paraná (municipality) |
paranaense {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Paraná |
paranaense {mf} | :: Someone from Paraná |
Paranapanema {prop} | :: Paranapanema (municipality) |
Paranapuã {prop} | :: Paranapuã (municipality) |
paranho {m} | :: land with privileges |
paranho {m} [Azores, Brazil] | :: spider's web |
para ninguém botar defeito {adj} | :: perfect; unlikely to be criticised |
paranoia {f} | :: paranoia (a psychotic disorder characterised by delusions of persecution) |
paranóia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of paranoia |
paranoico {adj} | :: paranoid |
paranóico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of paranoico |
paranormal {adj} | :: paranormal |
paranormalmente {adv} | :: paranormally |
Paraolimpíadas {prop} {fp} | :: Paralympic Games (international sports competition for people with physical disabilities) |
Paraopeba {prop} | :: Paraopeba (municipality) |
parapeito {m} /pɐ.ɾɐˈ.pɐj.tu/ | :: parapet (low wall to prevent people from falling over an edge) |
parapente {m} | :: paraglider (lightweight, free-flying, foot-launched glider aircraft with no rigid primary structure) |
parapente {m} | :: paragliding |
parapentista {mf} | :: paraglider |
paraplegia {f} [pathology] | :: paraplegia (condition of being paralysed from the waist down) |
paraplégico {adj} | :: paraplegic |
paraplégico {m} | :: paraplegic |
parapolicial {adj} | :: parapolice (within the police force but above the law) |
parapsicologia {f} | :: parapsychology (study of supernatural phenomena) |
parapsíquico {adj} | :: relating to or involving parapsychology |
parapsíquico {m} | :: parapsychologist (person who studies parapsychology) |
Parapuã {prop} | :: Parapuã (municipality) |
paraq̃ {conj} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of para que |
para que {conj} | :: so that; in order to |
paraque {conj} | :: obsolete spelling of para que |
paraquedas {m} /paɾɐˈkɛðɐʃ/ | :: parachute |
pára-quedas {m} | :: obsolete form of paraquedas |
paraquedismo {mf} | :: parachuting, skydiving |
paraquedista {mf} | :: parachutist, skydiver (someone who jumps with a parachute) |
paraquedista {mf} [military] | :: paratrooper |
parar {vi} /pɐ.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to stop (to no longer move) |
parar {vi} | :: to stop (to no longer progress or do something) |
parar {vt} | :: to stop (to cause something to no longer move) |
parar {vt} | :: to stop (to cause something to no longer progress or happen) |
parar {v} [de] | :: to stop; to cease (to no longer do an action) |
parar {vi} [_, with a locational adverb phrase] | :: to stop at (to pay a short visit to) |
parar {vi} [_, with a locational adverb phrase] | :: to end up (to be in a place or situation, after something having happened) |
para-raios {m} | :: lightning rod (metallic conductor that protects buildings from lightning) |
pára-raios {m} | :: superseded spelling of para-raios |
para sempre {adv} | :: forever (for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time) |
parasita {mf} | :: parasite |
parasitação {f} | :: parasitization, parasitation |
parasitar {vt} [ecology] | :: to parasitize (live in a host organism) |
parasitar {vt} [figurative] | :: to parasitize (take advantage of someone else) |
parasiticida {f} | :: parasiticide |
parasitismo {m} [ecology] | :: parasitism (interaction in which one organism benefits at the expense of another without killing them) |
parasitismo {m} [figuratively] | :: parasitism (the practice of taking advantage of others) |
parassaurolofo {m} | :: parasaurolophus (herbivorous ornithopod dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period) |
parassuicídio {m} [suicidology] | :: parasuicide (a suicide attempt that was not intended to succeed) |
parataxe {f} [grammar] | :: parataxis (a construct in which clauses or phrases are placed together without being separated by conjunctions) |
paratha {m} | :: paratha (a type of Indian bread) |
Paratinga {prop} | :: Paratinga (municipality) |
paratireoide {adj} [chiefly, Brazil] | :: alternative form of paratiroide |
paratireoide {f} [chiefly, Brazil] | :: alternative form of paratiroide |
paratiroide {adj} [anatomy, chiefly Portugal] | :: parathyroid (pertaining to the parathyroid glands or their extracts) |
paratiroide {f} [anatomy, chiefly Portugal] | :: parathyroid gland (any of four endocrine glands situated in the neck) |
para trás {adv} | :: backwards (towards the back) |
Paraty {prop} | :: Paraty (municipality) |
para variar {adv} [idiomatic, usually, sarcastic] | :: for a change (as a departure from the usual) |
parça {mf} [Brazil, slang] | :: clipping of parceiro; fella, pal |
parceira {f} | :: partner (female) |
parceiro {m} /pɐɾ.ˈsɐj.ɾu/ | :: partner, sidekick |
parceiro {m} [colloquial] | :: fellow |
parcel {m} | :: a shoal, a sandbank |
parcela {f} | :: small part, portion |
parcela {f} | :: instalment |
parcela de mercado {f} | :: market share |
parcelar {vt} /pɐɾsɨˈlaɾ/ | :: to parcel out (to divide into portions) |
parcelar {vt} | :: to divide a debt into instalments |
parceria {f} | :: partnership (state of being associated with a partner) |
parceria civil {f} | :: civil partnership |
parcial {adj} /pɐɾˈsjaɫ/ | :: partial [all senses] |
parcialidade {f} | :: partiality, bias (lack of neutrality) |
parcialmente {adv} /pɐɾsiaɫˈmẽtɨ/ | :: partially |
parcimónia {f} [European orthography] | :: parsimony (great reluctance to spend money unnecessarily) |
parcimônia {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of parcimónia |
parcimonioso {adj} | :: parsimonious; thrifty (avoiding expenditures) |
parcómetro {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of parquímetro |
parcômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of parquímetro |
pardal {m} /pɐɾ.ˈðaɫ/ | :: sparrow |
pardal doméstico {m} | :: alternative spelling of pardal-doméstico |
pardal-doméstico {m} [zoology] | :: house sparrow (Passer domesticus) |
pardaloca {f} | :: feminine noun of pardal, a female sparrow |
pardao {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pardau |
pardau {m} [historical] | :: the pardo, a coin formerly used in India |
pardeeiro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pardieiro |
pardeeyro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pardieiro |
pardela {f} | :: shearwater (Calonectris diomedea, a seabird of the Atlantic and Mediterranean) |
pardelão {m} | :: fulmar (seabird in the genus Fulmarus) |
pardelha {f} | :: dace (Leuciscus leuciscus, a small fish of European rivers) |
pardieiro {m} | :: a dilapidated building |
pardieyro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pardieiro |
Pardinho {prop} | :: Pardinho (municipality) |
pardo {m} /ˈpaɾ.ðu/ | :: multiracial person |
pardo {adj} | :: brown |
pardo {adj} | :: mulatto; brown-skinned (but not black) |
pardo {adj} | :: grayish, dun |
pardoca {f} | :: feminine noun of pardal, a female sparrow |
parecença {f} | :: resemblance, similarity, likeness |
parecer {v} [copulative or auxiliary] /pɐ.ɾɨ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to seem |
parecer {v} [com, .pronominal] | :: to resemble |
parecer {m} | :: expert opinion, advice, assessment, evaluation |
parecidas {adj} | :: feminine plural form of parecido |
parecido {adj} /pɐ.ɾɨ.ˈsi.ðu/ | :: similar |
Pareci Novo {prop} | :: Pareci Novo (municipality) |
paredão {m} /ˌpa.ɾe.ˈdɐ̃w̃/ | :: augmentative of parede |
paredão {m} [geology] | :: rock face (vertical expanse of rock) |
paredão {m} [slang] | :: a wall in front of which people are lined up to be punished, especially executed by firing squad |
parede {f} /pɐ.ˈɾe.ðɨ/ | :: wall (of a house or building) |
parede abdominal {f} | :: abdominal wall (muscles that surround the abdominal cavity) |
parede celular {f} [cytology] | :: cell wall (thick layer around cells of plants, fungi and algae) |
parede corta-fogo {f} | :: firewall (wall used to prevent the spread of fire) |
Paredes {prop} /pɐˈɾeðɨʃ/ | :: Paredes (city/and/municipality) |
Paredes de Coura {prop} /pɐˈɾeðɨʃ ðɨ ˈkowɾɐ/ | :: Paredes de Coura (village/and/municipality) |
pareidolia {f} | :: pareidolia (tendency to interpret vague stimuli as something familiar) |
parelha {f} | :: team (a set of draught animals, such as two horses in front of a carriage) |
parelha {f} [colloquial, of people] | :: couple, pair |
parelha {f} [literature] | :: couplet (a pair of lines with rhyming end words) |
parelho {adj} | :: forming a pair |
parelho {adj} | :: similar, equal |
paremiologia {f} | :: paremiology (the study of proverbs) |
parentagem {f} | :: kin (relatives collectively) |
parental {adj} | :: parental (relating to parents) |
parental {adj} | :: relating to relatives |
parente {mf} /pɐ.ˈɾẽ.tɨ/ | :: relative (someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption) |
parente {adj} | :: related (in the same family) |
parente {adj} | :: related (standing in relation) |
parentela {f} /ˌpa.ɾẽ.ˈtɛ.lɐ/ | :: relatives (people in one’s family) |
parenteral {adj} [medicine] | :: parenteral |
parentesco {m} | :: kinship (relation by blood) |
parêntese {m} | :: parenthesis |
parênteses angulares {mp} | :: angle brackets (name of the characters ⟨ and ⟩) |
parêntesis {mp} | :: alternative form of parêntese |
páreo {m} [rare] | :: a race between pairs of competitors |
páreo {m} | :: the event of a particular race in the sport of horse racing; |
páreo {m} | :: match (someone with equal or better skill) |
parestesia {f} [medicine] /pa.ɾes.te.ˈzi.a/ | :: paresthesia |
parga {f} [regional, Turquel] | :: pile; mound |
pariá {mf} | :: alternative form of pária |
pária {mf} /ˈpa.ɾjɐ/ | :: pariah |
pariato {m} | :: peerage (peers as a group) |
paridade {f} | :: parity |
paridade {f} | :: par |
paridade do poder de compra {f} [economics] | :: purchasing power parity |
parideira {f} /ˌpa.ɾi.ˈde(j).ɾɐ/ | :: a female who is giving birth |
parideira {f} | :: a female in reproductive age |
parietal {adj} /ˌpa.ɾi.e.ˈtaw/ | :: relating to walls of a room |
parietal {adj} | :: that which is normally hung on walls (such as tapestries or paintings) |
parietal {m} [skeleton] | :: parietal bone |
parindo {v} | :: gerund of parir |
Paripiranga {prop} | :: Paripiranga (municipality) |
Pariquera-Açu {prop} | :: Pariquera-Açu (municipality) |
parir {v} [slightly derogatory] /pɐ.ˈɾiɾ/ | :: to give birth (to a human baby) |
parir {v} | :: to give birth (to an animal) |
Paris {prop} {f} /pa.ˈɾis/ | :: Paris (caplc) |
Páris {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] /ˈpa.ɾis/ | :: Paris (Trojan prince) |
Parisi {prop} | :: Parisi (municipality) |
parisiense {adj} | :: Parisian (of, from or relating Paris) |
parisiense {mf} | :: Parisian (someone from Paris) |
parkour {m} /paʁ.ˈkuʁ/ | :: parkour (athletic discipline) |
parlamentar {adj} /ˌpaɻ.la.mẽ.ˈtaɻ/ | :: parliamentary (of, relating to, or enacted by a parliament) |
parlamentar {mf} | :: parliamentarian (member of a parliament) |
parlamento {m} /paʁ.la.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: parliament |
Parlamento Europeu {m} | :: European Parliament |
parlapatão {adj} /paɾˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: who tells lies |
parlapatão {m} | :: a liar |
parlapatice {f} /paɾˈt(ʃ)i.s(i)/ | :: the behaviour of telling lies and acting falsely |
parlar {v} | :: to chat |
parlemento {m} | :: parliament |
parlenda {f} | :: A type of children's rhythmic word game that may take the form of a tongue twister |
parmense {adj} | :: Parmesan (of, from or relating to Parma) |
parmense {mf} | :: Parmesan (someone from Parma) |
parmesão {adj} | :: Parmesan (of, from or relating to Parma) |
parmesão {m} | :: parmesan (hard, full-fat Italian cheese from Parma) |
parmesão {m} | :: Parmesan (someone from Parma) |
par mínimo {m} [linguistics] | :: minimal pair (pair of words differing by only one phonetic segment) |
Parobé {prop} | :: Parobé (municipality) |
parochia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of paróquia |
pároco {m} [ecclesiastical] | :: curate (parish priest) |
paródia {f} | :: parody |
paródia {f} | :: travesty |
paródia {f} | :: burlesque |
parodiar {v} | :: to parody (make a parody of something) |
paródico {adj} | :: parodic (relating to or having the characteristics of parody) |
parodista {mf} | :: parodist |
parolar {v} /pɐ.ɾuˈlaɾ/ | :: to chat; to prattle |
paronímia {f} | :: paronymy |
parónimo {m} | :: paronym (word with same root as other word) |
parônimo {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of parónimo |
paróquia {f} [Christianity] /pa.ˈɾɔ.ki.ɐ/ | :: parish (part of a diocese) |
paróquia {f} [Christianity] | :: parish (members of a parish) |
paróquia {f} [Brazil, jocular] | :: hood; neighbourhood (part of a city) |
paroquial {adj} | :: parochial |
paroquiano {m} | :: parishioner |
paroquiano {adj} | :: parochial, parochian |
par ordenado {m} [set theory] | :: ordered pair (object containing exactly two elements in a fixed order, so that, when the elements are different, exchanging them gives a different object) |
parótida {f} [anatomy] | :: parotid gland (salivary gland near the ear) |
parótide {f} | :: alternative form of parótida |
paroxítono {m} | :: paroxytone (a paroxytone word) |
paroxítono {adj} [linguistics, of a word] | :: paroxytone (having the stress or accent on the penultimate syllable) |
parque {m} /ˈpaɾ.kɨ/ | :: park |
parque aquático {m} | :: aquapark; waterpark (an amusement park with waterplay areas) |
parque aquático {m} | :: aquatic centre (facility with swimming pools) |
parque de diversões {m} | :: amusement park (place with rides, games and other entertainment attractions) |
parque infantil {m} | :: playground |
parque nacional {m} | :: national park (area of land reserved by the national government for recreational use) |
parquete {m} | :: parquet (block of wood used to make floors) |
parque temático {m} | :: theme park (amusement park that has one or more specific central themes) |
parquímetro {m} | :: parking meter |
parquinho {m} | :: diminutive of parque |
parra {f} /ˈpa.ʁa/ | :: shoot or stem of a vine with leaves |
parra {f} | :: excessive pride, bragging |
parreira {f} | :: grapevine (climbing plant that produces grapes) |
parricida {mf} | :: patricide (someone who murders their father) |
parricídio {m} | :: patricide (murder of one’s own father) |
parrudo {adj} /pa.ˈʁu.du/ | :: ground-level or creeping such as vines |
parrudo {adj} | :: stubby |
parrudo {adj} [Brazil, slang] | :: muscular, robust |
parsec {m} [astronomy] | :: parsec (a unit of length, about 3.26 lightyears) |
parser {m} [computing] | :: parser (computer program that parses data) |
parte {f} /ˈpaɾ.tɨ/ | :: part, section, portion |
parte {f} | :: party (law) |
parte do leão {f} [idiomatic] | :: lion's share (a large portion) |
parteira {f} /paɻ.ˈte(j).ɾa/ | :: midwife (person who assists women in childbirth) |
parteira {f} | :: feminine noun of parteiro |
parteiro {m} | :: midhusband (male midwife) |
partejamento {m} | :: midwifery (the practice of assisting women in childbirth) |
Partenão {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Partenon |
partenocárpico {adj} [botany] | :: parthenocarpic (relating to parthenocarpy) |
partenogénese {f} [European orthography, biology] | :: parthenogenesis (reproduction from a single gamete without fertilisation) |
partenogênese {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of partenogénese |
Partenon {prop} {m} | :: Parthenon (ancient temple to Athena in Athens) |
Parténope {prop} {f} [European orthography, Greek mythology] /paʁ.ˈ | :: Parthenope (one of the Sirens) |
Partênope {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Parténope |
partes {fp} [euphemistic] /ˈpaɾ.tɨʃ/ | :: Male genitals; parts |
Parthenope {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Parténope |
Parthénope {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Parténope |
Parthia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Pártia |
Pártia {prop} {f} /ˈpaʁ.t͡ʃi.ɐ/ | :: Pártia (historical region/and/ancient empire) |
partição {f} | :: partition (all senses) |
participação {f} | :: participation |
participação em mercado {f} | :: market share |
participação no mercado {f} | :: alternative form of participação em mercado |
participante {mf} | :: participant (one who participates) |
participar {v} /pɐɾˈpaɾ/ | :: to take part, to participate |
participar {v} | :: to share |
participial {adj} [grammar] | :: participial (of or relating to a participle) |
participialmente {adv} [grammar] | :: participially (in the manner of a participle) |
particípio {m} [grammar] /ˌpaʁ.t͡ʃi.ˈsi.pi.u/ | :: participle |
particípio passado {m} [grammar] | :: past participle (participle indicating a completed action or state) |
particípio presente {m} [grammar] | :: present participle (verb form that indicates an ongoing action) |
partícula {f} /paɹ.ˈt͡ʃ | :: particle (body with very small size) |
partícula {f} [Christianity] | :: host (consecrated bread) |
partícula {f} [linguistics] | :: particle (word that has a particular grammatical function but does not obviously belong to any particular part of speech) |
partícula {f} [physics] | :: elementary particle |
partícula alfa {f} [physics] | :: alpha particle (positively charged nucleus of a helium-4 atom) |
partícula elementar {f} [physics] | :: elementary particle (a subatomic particle that does not consist of smaller particles) |
particular {adj} /pɐɾ.ti.ku.ˈlaɾ/ | :: private (concerning, accessible or belonging to an individual person or group) |
particular {adj} | :: private (not belonging to the government) |
particular {adj} | :: particular; specific |
particular {adj} | :: particular; distinguished; exceptional |
particularidade {f} | :: particularity |
particularidade {f} | :: peculiarity |
particularidade {f} | :: particular |
particularmente {adv} /pɐɾtikulaɾˈmẽtɨ/ | :: particularly |
partícula subatómica {f} [European orthography, physics] | :: subatomic particle (unit of matter smaller than an atom) |
partícula subatômica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of partícula subatómica |
partida {f} /pɐɾˈtiðɐ/ | :: departure (act of departing) |
partida {f} | :: start (beginning point of a race) |
partida {f} [sports] | :: match (sporting event) |
partida {f} [colloquial] | :: ignition of a vehicle |
partida {f} | :: trick, prank |
partidário {adj} /pɐɾtiˈðaɾju/ | :: partisan (adherent to a party or faction) |
partido {m} /pɐɾ.ˈti.ðu/ | :: party (political group) |
partido {m} | :: bachelor (man who is socially regarded as able to marry, but has not yet) |
partido {adj} | :: fragmented; divided |
partido {adj} | :: cracked [broken so that cracks appear on the surface] |
partidocracia {f} | :: partocracy, partitocracy, partocracy |
partilha {f} [legal, in the plural] | :: division; shareout (especially relating to an inheritance) |
partilha {f} | :: lot; share |
partilhar {v} /pɐɾ.ti.ˈʎaɾ/ | :: to share (to give, to donate) |
partilhar {v} | :: to share (to divide and distribute) |
partir {vt} /pɐɾ.ˈtiɾ/ | :: to split (divide something, especially in two roughly equal parts) |
partir {vip} | :: to split; to break apart (become divided, especially in two roughly equal parts) |
partir {vi} [formal] | :: to depart; to leave; to go away |
partir {vi} [euphemistic] | :: to leave us; to depart (die) |
partir {v} [de] | :: to come from (be caused by) |
partir {v} [para, .colloquial] | :: to start behaving in a particular way [especially violent behaviour] |
partir {v} [para, para cima de, .colloquial] | :: to fall on; to attack |
partir o coração de {v} [idiomatic] | :: to break someone's heart (to cause a person to feel grief or sadness) |
partitivo {adj} [grammar] | :: partitive (indicating a part) |
partitivo {m} [grammar] | :: partitive case |
partitocracia {f} | :: alternative spelling of partidocracia |
partitura {f} [music] | :: sheet music (written musical notation) |
partiu {interj} [colloquial] | :: let's go |
partner {mf} [dancing] | :: a dance partner |
parto {m} /ˈpaɹ.tu/ | :: childbirth (act of giving birth) |
paru {m} | :: angelfish (a marine fish of the family Pomacanthidae) |
Parvanoff {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
parvenu {mf} | :: parvenu (a person who has risen to a higher social class) |
parvo {adj} /ˈpaɾ.vu/ | :: dumb, foolish, stupid |
parvo {adj} [anatomy] | :: small |
parvo {m} | :: a fool, an idiot |
parvoíce {f} | :: silliness |
párvulo {m} | :: child, boy |
párvulo {adj} | :: small as a child |
párvulo {adj} | :: stupid, ignorant |
Pasárgada {prop} {f} /pa.ˈzaʁ.ɡa.dɐ/ | :: Pasárgada (ancient capital) |
pascácio {m} /pas.ˈka.sju/ | :: fool, idiot |
pascácio {adj} | :: dumb, stupid, foolish |
pascal {m} | :: pascal |
Páscoa {prop} {f} /ˈpaʃ.kwɐ/ | :: Easter |
pascoense {m} | :: Rapa Nui (Eastern Polynesian language spoken in Easter Island) |
pascoense {adj} | :: of, from or relating to Easter Island |
Pas de Calais {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Pas-de-Calais |
Pas-de-Calais {prop} {m} | :: Pas-de-Calais (department) |
pashto {m} | :: Pashto (a language spoken in parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan) |
pasmado {adj} | :: astonished; in awe |
pasmar {vt} | :: to astonish; to surprise |
pasmar {vi} | :: to become astonished, surprised |
pasmo {adj} | :: taken aback (surprised or shocked) |
paspalhão {m} | :: fool; simpleton (person lacking common sense) |
paspalho {m} /pasˈpaʎu/ | :: a fool, a stupid person |
paspalho {m} | :: a pretentious and vain person |
pasquim {m} [pejorative] | :: a bad newspaper |
pasquim {m} | :: a critical or calumnious newspaper |
passa {interj} /ˈpa.sɐ/ | :: shoo!; get away!; clear off! (said to an animal) |
passa {f} | :: dried fruit |
passa {f} [specifically] | :: raisin (dried grape) |
Passabém {prop} | :: Passabém (municipality) |
passada {m} | :: step; footstep; pace (movement made from one foot to the other) |
passada {m} | :: step; pace (a unit distance roughly equivalent to the distance covered in a step) |
passada {m} | :: step; footstep (sound produced by stepping on the ground) |
passada {m} | :: hop (quick visit) |
passada {m} | :: [tennis] passing shot (shot that reaches the other side but out of the opponent’s reach) |
passadeira {f} | :: a narrow rug used on corridors or stairs |
passadeira {f} | :: a woman who works ironing clothes |
passadeira {f} | :: a type of filter used in sugar mills |
passadeira {f} [Portugal] | :: zebra crossing (pedestrian crossing featuring broad white stripes) |
passadeira {f} [Portugal] | :: treadmill (equipment used for running while staying in place) |
passadiço {adj} | :: ephemeral (lasting for a short period of time) |
passadiço {m} | :: passageway (any way for passing in, out or through something) |
passadiço {m} [Brazil, nautical] | :: bridge (elevated platform from which a ship is navigated) |
passadio {m} | :: daily food |
passadismo {m} [uncountable] | :: Undesirable attachment to the past |
passado {adj} /pɐ.ˈsa.ðu/ | :: past (of the past) |
passado {adj} [with time periods] | :: last; previous (nouns modified by passado in this sense can be noun phrases or adverb phrases) |
passado {adj} [of fruit] | :: past its ripeness; beginning to rot |
passado {adj} [figuratively] | :: past its prime |
passado {m} | :: past (period of time that has already happened) |
passado {m} [grammar] | :: past; past tense (verb tense expressing actions that already happened) |
passado anterior {m} [grammar] | :: past anterior (a compound tense used in literary French and Spanish) |
passado anterior {m} | :: See: pt passado anterior |
passador {m} | :: passer (someone who passes something) |
passador {m} | :: ironer (someone who irons clothes) |
passador {m} | :: colander (a bowl with holes used for draining food) |
passador {m} | :: gossip (person who gossips often) |
passageiro {adj} | :: passing, transitory |
passageiro {m} | :: passenger |
passagem {f} /pɐ.ˈsa.ʒɐ̃j̃/ | :: passage (act of passing) |
passagem {f} | :: passageway (any way for passing in, out or through something) |
passagem {f} | :: ticket (pass entitling the holder to board a train, a bus, a plane, or other means of transportation) |
passagem {f} | :: passage (paragraph or section of text or music) |
passagem a ferro {f} | :: ironing (act of unwrinkling clothes with an iron) |
passagem de ano {f} | :: New Year's Eve |
passagem de nível {f} | :: level crossing (crossing between a railway line and an ordinary road) |
Passagem Nordeste {prop} {f} [geography] | :: Passagem Nordeste (shipping lane) |
passagem sem retorno {f} | :: synonym of passagem só de ida |
passagem sem volta {f} | :: synonym of passagem só de ida |
passagem só de ida {f} | :: one-way ticket (a ticket granting permission to travel to a place but not back) |
passagem só de ida {f} [figurative] | :: one-way ticket (course of action from which there is no way back) |
passa-palavra {m} | :: word of mouth (verbal, personal transmission of information) |
passaporte {m} | :: passport |
Passa-Quatro {prop} | :: Passa-Quatro (municipality) |
passar {v} /pɐ.ˈsaɾ/ | :: [por, -another positional preposition] to pass; to pass by (to move past) |
passar {vt} | :: to overtake (to move ahead of) |
passar {v} | :: [de] to cross (to move beyond) |
passar {v} | :: [de] to cross; to pass; to go over (to become greater in value than) |
passar {v} | :: [por] to go through (to move from one end through to the other side) |
passar {v} | :: [em, de, por] to pass (to go unheeded or neglected) |
passar {v} | :: [em, -a locational pronoun] to stop by (to pay a brief visit) |
passar {v} | :: [para, a, -indirect objective pronoun, .transitive, .or] to pass (to move something over to) |
passar {v} | :: [para, a, -indirect objective pronoun, .sports, .intransitive, .transitive, .or] to pass |
passar {vi} | :: to pass (to be over) |
passar {vip} | :: [of time, sometimes] to pass; to elapse |
passar {v} | :: [a] to begin to; to start to; usually referring to something habitual |
passar {vt} | :: to spend (to stay somewhere during a given time) |
passar {v} | :: [auxiliary with a verb phrase in the present participle] to spend (to do something during a given time) |
passar {vtp} | :: to take place; to happen; to occur |
passar {vi} | :: to pass (to advance through the stages necessary to become valid or effective) |
passar {v} | :: [de] to pass (to successfully complete an academic term) |
passar {v} | :: [em] to pass (to successfully complete an academic course, subject or test) |
passar {vt} | :: to pass (to make a student pass a term or course) |
passar {vi} | :: to pass (to be passable, good enough, acceptable) |
passar {vt} | :: to iron (to unwrinkle clothing using an iron) |
passar {vt} | :: to spread; to apply (to rub evenly on a surface) |
passar {v} | :: [por] to go through; to undergo; to experience |
passar {vi} [with the adverb bem or mal] | :: to be in a given situation of health |
passar {vt} | :: to pass; to spread (to put in circulation) |
passar {v} | :: [por, .pronominal] to impersonate (to pretend to be something in order to deceive) |
passar {vit} | :: [games] to pass (to decline to play on one’s turn) |
pássara {f} | :: feminine noun of pássaro, a female bird, particularly a female songbird |
passar a bola para {v} | :: to finish talking, expecting another person to talk |
passaralho {m} [colloquial, humorous] /pɐsɐrˈɐʎu/ | :: depiction of a penis with wings |
passaralho {m} [colloquial, humorous] | :: the act of firing a large number of employees |
passar a noite em claro {v} | :: to stay up all night |
passarão {m} | :: augmentative of pássaro |
passar a perna {v} [idiom, slang] | :: to trick, delude, deceive or fool someone |
passar batido {vi} | :: to get away with something; to escape punishment |
passar dos limites {v} [idiomatic] | :: to cross the line (to exceed the limit of acceptable behaviour) |
passar dos limites {v} | :: See: pt passar dos limites |
passarela {f} | :: footbridge (bridge for pedestrians) |
passarela {f} | :: runway (platform for fashion shows) |
passar em branco {v} | :: to lose an opportunity |
Passárgada {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Pasárgada |
passarinha {f} | :: feminine noun of passarinho; a female bird |
passarinha {f} [slang] | :: woman's genitals; vagina |
passarinhar {v} | :: to hunt birds |
passarinhar {v} | :: to idle (to spend time doing nothing productive) |
passarinheiro {m} /pɐsɐɾiˈɲɐjɾu/ | :: birdcatcher (a person who catches or snares birds) |
passarinho {m} /pɐsɐˈɾiɲu/ | :: Any small species of bird, such as passerines |
passarinho {m} | :: birdie (small bird, or a term of endearment) |
pássaro {m} /ˈpa.sɐ.ɾu/ | :: a male bird (animal), especially a small one |
pássaro {m} | :: passerine (any bird of the order Passeriformes) |
passar pano {v} [literally] | :: to rub a cloth (often wet with water or cleaning products) over a surface in order to clean it |
passar pano {v} [figuratively, pejorative, often followed by para] | :: to minimize or downplay someone's misconduct or crimes, to "clean" someone's reputation |
passar por {vt} | :: to undergo; to experience |
passar por {v} | :: See: pt passar por |
Passa Sete {prop} | :: Passa Sete (municipality) |
passatempo {m} | :: pastime (activity done for enjoyment in spare time) |
Passa Tempo {prop} | :: Passa Tempo (municipality) |
Passa-Vinte {prop} | :: Passa-Vinte (municipality) |
passe {m} /ˈ | :: pass (document granting admission or permission to pass) |
passe {m} [sports] | :: pass (the act of moving the ball to another player) |
passe {m} | :: an employment contract |
passe {m} [bullfighting] | :: pass (the act of tricking the bull into running through the cape) |
passear {v} /pɐ.ˈsjaɾ/ | :: to walk (take for a walk) |
passear {v} | :: to walk (go for a walk) |
passear {v} | :: to stroll, wander |
passear {v} | :: to travel in leisure, exploring a country or area |
passeata {f} /ˈa.tɐ/ | :: march (political rally or parade) |
passe-bem {interj} /ˌpa.sɨ.ˈβɐ̃j/ | :: goodbye |
passeio {m} /pɐˈsɐju/ | :: a leisure trip |
passeio {m} | :: stroll, walk (an idle and leisurely walk) |
passeio {m} | :: sidewalk; pavement |
passeio {m} | :: paseo (public path or avenue designed for walking) |
passeyo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of passeio |
passionista {mf} | :: Passionist (member of a Roman Catholic institute with emphasis on the Passion) |
passivador {adj} | :: passivating |
passivamente {adv} | :: passively (in a passive manner) |
passível {adj} | :: liable |
passividade {f} | :: passivity |
passividade {f} | :: inactivity |
passivo {adj} | :: passive |
passivo {m} [especially, in the plural] | :: economic liabilities |
passo {m} /ˈ | :: step; footstep; pace (movement made from one foot to the other) |
passo {m} | :: step; pace (a unit distance roughly equivalent to the distance covered in a step) |
passo {m} | :: step (very short distance) |
passo {m} | :: step; footstep (sound produced by stepping on the ground) |
passo {m} | :: [chiefly military, except in set phrases] pace (manner or speed of walking or marching) |
passo {m} | :: pace (the speed of a process) |
passo {m} | :: [dancing] the movements associated with a dance style |
passo {m} | :: step; stage; phase (distinct part of a process or protocol) |
passo {m} | :: [figurative] step (an attempt in dealing with something) |
passo {m} | :: [geography] pass (narrow passage or channel between geographical features) |
passo {m} | :: [mechanical engineering] pitch (distance between a gear’s teeth) |
passo {m} | :: [mechanical engineering] pitch (distance between a screws’s threads) |
passo a passo {adv} | :: step by step; gradually |
passo a passo {m} | :: a document containing step-by-step instructions |
passo-a-passo {m} | :: alternative spelling of passo a passo |
Passo de Calais {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Pas-de-Calais |
Passo de Torres {prop} | :: Passo de Torres (municipality) |
Passo do Sobrado {prop} | :: Passo do Sobrado (municipality) |
Passo Fundo {prop} | :: Passo Fundo (municipality) |
Passos {prop} | :: Passos (municipality) |
Passos Maia {prop} | :: Passos Maia (municipality) |
password {f} [computing] /ˈpaswɐɾd(ə)/ | :: password (secret string of characters used to access a system) |
pasta {f} [cooking] | :: dough (mix of flour and other ingredients) |
pasta {f} | :: paste |
pasta {f} | :: folder (organizer) |
pasta {f} [computing, Brazil] | :: folder (container of computer files) |
pasta {f} | :: briefcase (case used for carrying documents) |
pasta {f} [politics] | :: ministry; portfolio (responsibilities of a government department) |
pasta de dente {f} | :: toothpaste |
pastagem {f} | :: pasture (grassy land on which cattle is kept for feeding) |
pastar {v} | :: to graze (to eat grass from a pasture) |
pastel {m} /pɐʃˈtɛɫ/ | :: crayon |
pastel {m} | :: a fried pastry made of wheat flour, filled with cheese, meat or other fillings; comparable to German Teigtaschen |
pastelaria {f} /pɐʃtɨlɐˈɾiɐ/ | :: A business where certain snacks are sold |
pastelaria {f} | :: patisserie, pastry shop, cake shop |
pastelaria {f} | :: confectionery |
pastelaria {f} [Brazil] | :: a business, often in outdoor food stalls and markets, that sells a fried pastry |
pastel de vento {m} | :: a pastel (the fried pastry) without any filling |
pastel dos tintureiros {m} | :: alternative spelling of pastel-dos-tintureiros |
pastel-dos-tintureiros {m} | :: woad (Isatis tinctoria, a plant whose leaves are used to make blue dye) |
pasteleira {f} | :: feminine noun of pasteleiro |
pasteleiro {m} /pɐʃtɨˈlɐjɾu/ | :: pastry cook, confectioner |
pastelista {mf} [arts] | :: pastellist (an artist who works in pastels) |
pasteurização {f} | :: pasteurization |
pasteurizar {v} | :: to pasteurize |
pastiche {m} | :: pastiche (work that imitates the work of a previous artist) |
pasticho {m} | :: alternative form of pastiche |
pastilha {f} | :: tablet, lozenge, pastille |
pastilha {f} [Portugal] | :: chewing gum |
pastilha {f} | :: pellet |
pastilha {f} | :: wafer |
pastilha {f} [colloquial] | :: pill; drug |
pastilha elástica {f} | :: chewing gum |
pastinaca {f} | :: parsnip (Pastinaca sativa, a plant known for its edible root) |
pastinaga {f} | :: alternative form of pastinaca |
pasto {m} /ˈpas.tu/ | :: pasture (land on which cattle can be kept for feeding) |
pasto {m} | :: grass or herbage suitable for the grazing of livestock |
pastó {m} | :: alternative form of pashto |
pastor {m} /pɐʃ.ˈtoɾ/ | :: herdsman; herder (someone who tends livestock) |
pastor {m} [in particular] | :: shepherd (someone who tends sheep) |
pastor {m} | :: herding dog (any of several breeds of dog originally used to herd livestock) |
pastor {m} | :: short for pastor alemão |
pastor {m} [figurative, chiefly religion] | :: shepherd (one who watches over or guides others) |
pastor {m} [Protestantism] | :: the chief clergyman of a Protestant congregation: a pastor, minister or parson |
pastoral {adj} | :: alternative form of pastoril |
pastoral {adj} | :: pastoral (relating to the pastor of a church) |
pastoral {f} [Roman Catholicism] | :: a letter written by a bishop or the pope explaining a doctrine |
pastor alemão {m} | :: German Shepherd |
pastorar {v} | :: alternative form of pastorear |
pastor belga {m} | :: Belgian Sheepdog (sheepdog breed from Belgium) |
pastorear {v} | :: to watch over a herd |
pastorear {v} [figurative] | :: to lead (to conduct or direct with authority) |
pastoreio {m} | :: grazing |
pastoril {adj} | :: pastoral (of or pertaining to shepherding) |
pastoril {adj} | :: relating to simple, rural lifestyle |
pastor inglês {m} | :: Old English Sheepdog (a breed of herding dog) |
pastrami {m} | :: pastrami (seasoned cut of smoked beef) |
-pata {suffix} | :: -path |
pata {f} /ˈpa.tɐ/ | :: paw, foot, leg (of an animal) |
pata {f} [colloquial] | :: human leg, foot, footprint (often used by an angry person) |
pata {f} | :: feminine noun of pato; a female duck |
pataca {f} [historical] | :: a silver coin worth 320 réis |
pataca {f} [historical] | :: pataca (monetary unit of Portuguese Timor) |
pataca {f} | :: pataca (monetary unit of Macau) |
patada {f} /pa.ˈta.dɐ/ | :: a kick, especially from an animal's paws |
patada {f} [figurative, colloquial] | :: an act of unkindness or ingratitude |
patada {f} [figurative, colloquial] | :: an instance of verbally attacking someone, often indirectly (i.e. with hints) |
Patagónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: Patagónia (geograhical region/and/desert) |
Patagônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Patagónia |
patamar {m} /pɐ.tɐ.ˈmaɾ/ | :: landing (top-most step of a staircase) |
patamar {m} [figurative] | :: level, stage |
patamar {m} | :: patamar (sailing vessel) |
patchouli {m} | :: alternative spelling of patchuli |
patchouly {m} | :: alternative spelling of patchuli |
patchuli {m} | :: patchouli (east Indian plant plant) |
patchuli {m} | :: patchouli (fragrance produced from this plant) |
patê {m} | :: pâté (finely-ground paste of meat, game fish or vegetables) |
pateca {f} [regional, dated] | :: watermelon |
patego {adj} [colloquial] | :: dumb, stupid |
patego {m} [colloquial] | :: simpleton |
patela {f} [skeleton] /pa.ˈtɛ.la/ | :: kneecap |
patelar {adj} [anatomy] | :: patellar (near or relating to the kneecap) |
patena {f} | :: alternative form of pátena |
pátena {f} [ecclesiastical] | :: paten (plate for the host during Eucharist) |
patente {adj} | :: patent (explicit and obvious) |
patente {f} | :: patent (declaration issued by a government to an inventor) |
patente {f} | :: rank (level in an organisation, such as the military) |
patente {f} [South Brazil] | :: outhouse (outbuilding containing a toilet) |
patenteado {adj} | :: patented |
patentear {v} | :: to patent (register an invention with a government agency) |
pateo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pátio |
paternidade {f} | :: fatherhood; paternity (the condition of being a father) |
paterno {adj} | :: paternal (relating to fathers) |
patesca {f} [nautical] /paˈtes.kɐ/ | :: a type of simple pulley system |
patesca {m} [nautical jargon, dated] | :: seadog (an experienced seaman) |
patesca {adj} [of a pulley system] | :: having a single wheel |
patesca {adj} [nautical jargon, dated] | :: experienced in seafaring, or characteristic of advanced seamanship; salty |
pateta {mf} | :: fool |
pateta {mf} | :: dimwit, dummy |
pateta {adj} | :: silly, goofy |
pateta {adj} | :: stupid |
patetice {f} | :: foolishness |
patético {adj} /pa.ˈtɛ.t͡ʃi.ku/ | :: pathetic (arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion) |
patético {adj} | :: pathetic (arousing scornful pity or contempt, often due to miserable inadequacy) |
pathetico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of patético |
pathos {m} | :: pathos (the quality of anything which touches the feelings or excites emotions) |
páthos {m} | :: alternative spelling of pathos |
-patia {suffix} | :: [feeling or passion] -pathy |
-patia {suffix} [pathology, abnormal state] | :: -pathy |
-pático {suffix} | :: -pathic |
patifaria {f} | :: knavery |
patife {m} | :: rascal |
patilha {f} | :: tab (small piece of metal etc) |
patim {m} | :: diminutive of pátio |
patim {m} | :: a small landing (level part of a staircase) |
patim {m} [usually in the plural] | :: skate (boot having wheels or a blade) |
patim de gelo {m} [usually in the plural] | :: ice skate (boot, fitted with a blade, used for skating on ice) |
pátina {f} | :: patina (green rust that appears on bronze objects) |
patinação {f} | :: skating |
patinação artística {f} | :: figure skating (sport where people perform spins, jumps and other moves on ice skates) |
patinação de velocidade {f} | :: speed skating (the sport of racing on ice skates) |
patinada {f} | :: slip (an act or instance of slipping) |
patinada {f} | :: slip (mistake or error) |
patinador {m} | :: an ice skater or roller skater |
patinar {v} | :: to skate (to move along a surface using ice skates or roller skates) |
patinar {v} | :: to slip (to lose one’s traction on a slippery surface) |
patinar {v} | :: to patinate (to coat with a patina) |
patinete {f} {m} /pa.t(ʃ)i.ˈnɛ.t(ʃ)i/ | :: kick scooter, push scooter, scooter |
patinhar {v} | :: to splash |
patinho {m} | :: duckling |
patinho feio {m} | :: ugly duckling (one who is ugly, but who is expected to become beautiful as they mature) |
patins em linha {mp} | :: in-line skates (roller skates with wheels aligned in a single row) |
pátio {m} /ˈpa.tju/ | :: yard, courtyard |
pátio {m} | :: vestibule (passage, hall or room between the outer door and the interior of a building) |
pátio {m} | :: patio (paved area next to a house) |
Patis {prop} | :: Patis (municipality) |
patisseria {f} | :: patisserie; pastry shop |
pato {m} /ˈpa.tu/ | :: duck |
patoá {m} | :: patois |
pato do mato {m} | :: alternative spelling of pato-do-mato |
pato-do-mato {m} | :: Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata, a large duck species of the Americas) |
Pato Donald {prop} {m} | :: Donald Duck (Disney character) |
patogénese {f} [European orthography, pathology] | :: pathogenesis (origin and development of a disease) |
patogênese {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of patogénese |
patogenesia {f} [pathology] | :: pathogenesis (origin and development of a disease) |
patogenia {f} [pathology] | :: pathogenesis (origin and development of a disease) |
patogénico {adj} [European orthography, pathology] | :: pathogenic |
patogênico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of patogénico |
patógeno {m} [pathology] | :: pathogen (an organism or substance that causes disease) |
patola {f} | :: pincer (claw of a crustacean) |
patola {f} [slang] | :: foot |
patola {f} | :: the hook of a crane |
patola {f} | :: a group of fools |
patola {mf} | :: fool; simpleton |
patologia {f} | :: pathology |
patologicamente {adv} | :: pathologically |
patológico {adj} [medicine] /ˌˈlɔ.ʒi.ku/ | :: pathological (pertaining to pathology) |
patológico {adj} [medicine] | :: pathological (relating to or caused by a physical or mental disorder) |
patologista {mf} | :: pathologist (expert in pathology) |
pato mandarim {m} | :: alternative spelling of pato-mandarim |
pato-mandarim {m} | :: mandarin duck (Aix galericulata, a perching duck of East Asia) |
pato-marreco {m} | :: garganey (Anas querquedula, a small dabbling duck of Europe and Asia) |
pato-mudo {m} | :: Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata, a large duck species of the Americas) |
Patópolis {prop} {f} /paˈtɔ.po.lis/ | :: Duckburg (fictional city where Donald Duck lives) |
patopolitano {adj} /ˌˈtɐ.nu/ | :: Duckburgian, relating to Duckburg (fictional town in the Disney universe) or its people |
patopolitano {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Duckburg; a Duckburgian |
pato real {m} | :: alternative spelling of pato-real |
pato-real {m} | :: mallard (Anas platyrhynchos, a widespread dabbling duck species) |
patos {m} | :: alternative spelling of páthos |
Patos de Minas {prop} | :: Patos de Minas (municipality) |
pato-selvagem {m} | :: Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata, a large duck species of the Americas) |
patota {f} /paˈtɔtɐ/ | :: cheat, trick (unfair act or advantage) |
patota {f} | :: untrustworthy business |
patota {f} [colloquial] | :: mob, gang |
patoteiro {adj} | :: cheating |
pato-vapor {m} | :: steamer duck (any South American duck of the genus Tachyeres) |
patrão {m} /pɐˈtɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: master, boss |
patrão {m} | :: employer |
patrão {m} | :: patron |
Patras {prop} {f} | :: Patras (city/regional capital) |
patrasana {m} | :: alternative spelling of patrazana |
patrazana {m} /pa.tɾa.ˈzɐ̃.na/ | :: a soldier of the National Guard |
patrazana {m} | :: a plumb, kind, and ingenuous man |
patrazana {m} | :: an individual, a person |
patria {f} | :: obsolete spelling of pátria |
pátria {f} /ˈpa.tɾjɐ/ | :: fatherland (the country of one’s birth, origin) |
pátria-mãe {f} | :: motherland (the country of one’s birth) |
patriarca {m} [sociology] /pɐ.tɾi.ˈaɾ.kɐ/ | :: patriarch (male head of a community or household) |
patriarca {m} [ecclesiastical, chiefly Eastern Orthodoxy and Eastern Catholicism] | :: patriarch (highest rank of bishop) |
patriarcado {m} [sociology] /ˌpa.tɾi.ˌaʁ.ˈka.du/ | :: patriarchy (social system in which the father is head of the household) |
patriarcado {m} | :: patriarchate |
patriarcal {adj} | :: patriarchal (relating to patriarchy or patriarchs) |
patriarcha {m} | :: obsolete spelling of patriarca |
patriarchado {m} | :: obsolete spelling of patriarcado |
patriarquia {f} | :: patriarchy (social system in which the father is head of the household) |
Patrícia {prop} {f} /pa.ˈtɾi.sjɐ/ | :: given name |
patricida {mf} | :: alternative form of parricida |
patricídio {m} | :: alternative form of parricídio |
patricinha {f} [Brazil, slang, derogatory] | :: a young, upper-class woman overly interested in shopping, personal appearance and social status |
patrício {m} /pɐ.ˈtɾi.sju/ | :: compatriot |
Patrício {prop} {m} /pa.ˈtɾi.sju/ | :: given name |
patrimonial {adj} | :: patrimonial |
patrimonio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of património |
património {m} /pɐ.tɾi.ˈmɔ.nju/ | :: patrimony |
património {m} | :: inheritance |
património {m} | :: heritage |
Património {prop} | :: surname |
patrimônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] /pa.tɾi.ˈmõ.nju/ | :: alternative form of património |
patriota {adj} | :: patriotic |
patriota {mf} | :: patriot |
patrioteirismo {m} | :: jingoism (extreme patriotism) |
patrioticamente {adv} | :: patriotically |
patriótico {adj} | :: patriotic (inspired by patriotism) |
patriotismo {m} | :: patriotism (love of one’s own country) |
patroa {f} | :: wife; a female partner in a stable relationship |
patrocinador {m} | :: sponsor (person or organisation that pays part of the cost of an event or service) |
patrocinadora {f} | :: female equivalent of patrocinador |
patrocinar {vt} | :: to sponsor (to pay part of the cost of an event or service) |
patrocínio {m} /ˌpa.tɾo.ˈsi.nju/ | :: financial support |
patrocínio {m} [arts] | :: patronage (support, especially in the form of money, given to an artist) |
patrocínio {m} [marketing] | :: sponsorship (money, products or services given to a person, organisation or event in exchange for the display of advertisements) |
Patrocínio {prop} | :: Patrocínio (municipality) |
Patrocínio do Muriaé {prop} | :: Patrocínio do Muriaé (municipality) |
Patrocínio Paulista {prop} | :: Patrocínio Paulista (municipality) |
Pátroclo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Patroclus |
patrola {f} [South Brazil, Goiás] /paˈtɾɔ.lɐ/ | :: grader (vehicle with a blade used to flatten ground) |
patronato {m} | :: patronage (the act of providing approval and support) |
patronímico {m} | :: patronymic (a surname derived from one’s father’s name) |
patrono {m} [religion] /pɐ.ˈtɾ | :: patron saint (saint who protects a specific place, group of people or profession) |
patrono {m} | :: patron (one who protects or supports) |
patrono {m} [Ancient Rome] | :: patron (master who had freed his slave but still retained some paternal rights over him) |
patrulha {f} [chiefly military] /pa.ˈtɾu.ʎɐ/ | :: patrol (the act of patrolling a location) |
patrulha {f} [chiefly military] | :: patrol (detachment that performs a patrol) |
patrulhador {m} | :: patroller |
patrulhamento {m} | :: patrol (the act of patrolling a location) |
patrulhar {v} [military] /ˌpa.tɾu.ˈʎa(ɹ)/ | :: to patrol |
patrulhar {v} [figurative] | :: to verify that others are respecting one’s mores or principles |
patuá macaense {m} | :: Macanese (a Portuguese-based creole spoken in Macau) |
patuleia {f} | :: rabble (the mass of common people) |
patuléia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of patuleia |
patuscada {f} | :: spree, carousal |
patusco {adj} | :: wanton, playful |
Paty do Alferes {prop} | :: Paty do Alferes (municipality) |
pau {m} /ˈpaw/ | :: stick |
pau {m} | :: wood |
pau {m} [slang, vulgar] | :: penis, dick, cock, prick |
pau a pau {adj} | :: neck and neck (very close in progress) |
pau-brasil {m} /ˈpaw bɾa.ˈziw/ | :: brazilwood (a Brazilian timber tree, Caesalpinia echinata) |
Pau Brasil {prop} | :: Pau Brasil (municipality) |
pau-d'arco {m} | :: Tabebuia tree |
paudurescência {f} [vulgar, humorous, uncountable] | :: the ability to have an erection |
paudurescência {f} [vulgar, humorous, countable] | :: an erection |
pau-ferro {m} | :: ironwood (any of several trees characterised by particularly solid wood) |
pau-ferro {m} | :: Brazilian ironwood (Libidibia ferrea) |
pau-ferro {m} | :: snake bean (Bobgunnia madagascariensis) |
pau-ferro {m} | :: Zollernia paraensis and Zollernia ilicifolia |
pau-ferro {m} | :: Ceylon ironwood (Mesua ferrea) |
pau-furado {m} | :: rifle |
paul {m} [geography] /pɐ.ˈuɫ/ | :: swamp |
Paula {prop} {f} /ˈpaw.lɐ/ | :: given name |
Paula Cândido {prop} | :: Paula Cândido (municipality) |
paulada {f} /paw.ˈla.dɐ/ | :: the act of striking with a wooden stick |
paulada {f} [by extension] | :: strike; blow (the act of hitting strongly) |
paulatino {adj} | :: gradual |
Paulete {prop} {f} /paw.ˈlɛ.t͡ʃi/ | :: given name |
Paulicéia {prop} | :: Paulicéia (municipality) |
Paulínia {prop} | :: Paulínia (municipality) |
Paulino {prop} | :: given name |
Paulino {prop} | :: surname |
paulista {adj} /paw.ˈlis.tɐ/ | :: of, from or relating to the state of São Paulo, Brazil |
paulista {adj} | :: [religion] relating to Saint Paul |
paulista {mf} | :: a person from the state of São Paulo, Brazil |
paulista {mf} | :: [religion] Paulist (member of a religious order associated with Saint Paul) |
paulistana {f} | :: feminine noun of paulistano |
Paulistânia {prop} | :: Paulistânia (municipality) |
paulistano {m} [demonym] /paw.lis.ˈtɐ.nu/ | :: Born in or inhabitant of the municipality of São Paulo, the largest city in Brazil |
paulistano {adj} [demonym] | :: Pertaining or related to the municipality of São Paulo, the largest city in Brazil |
Paulistas {prop} | :: Paulistas (municipality) |
Paulo {prop} {m} /ˈ | :: given name |
Paulo {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Paul (an early Christian apostle) |
Paulo Afonso {prop} | :: Paulo Afonso (municipality) |
Paulo Bento {prop} | :: Paulo Bento (municipality) |
Paulo de Faria {prop} | :: Paulo de Faria (municipality) |
Paulo Lopes {prop} | :: Paulo Lopes (municipality) |
paumari {mf} | :: a member of the Paumarí, a tribe of northern Brazil |
paumari {mf} [uncountable] | :: an Arauan language spoken by the Paumarí |
paumari {adj} | :: Pertaining to the language or culture of the Paumarí |
pau para toda obra {m} [idiomatic, Brazil] | :: a person or tool that can be used for several different tasks |
paupérrimo {adj} [formal] /paw.ˈpɛ.ʁ | :: superlative of pobre |
pau pra toda obra {m} | :: nonstandard spelling of pau para toda obra |
pau-preto {m} /pawˈpɾe.tu/ | :: blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon) |
pau que nasce torto nunca se endireita {proverb} | :: The traits which one has been born with cannot be really changed |
pau que nasce torto nunca se endireita {proverb} | :: The best is to emphasize a proper education from the youngest age. Cf. you can't teach an old dog new tricks |
pau-rosa {m} | :: rosewood |
paus {mp} /ˈpawʃ/ | :: clubs (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♣) |
pausa {f} /ˈpaw.zɐ/ | :: pause (short time for relaxing) |
pausa {f} | :: interruption (time interval during which there is a cessation of something) |
pausar {v} | :: to pause (to interrupt an activity) |
pauta {f} /ˈpaw.tɐ/ | :: agenda |
pauta {f} | :: assignment (in Journalism) |
pauta {f} | :: the set of guidelines in a notebook |
pautando {v} | :: gerund of pautar |
pautar {v} | :: to trace (lines on a page) |
pautar {v} | :: to table (put forward for discussion) |
pautar {v} | :: to guide |
pauzinho {m} | :: diminutive of pau |
pauzinho {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: chopstick (eating utensil) |
pauzinhos {mp} | :: chopsticks |
pavão {m} /pɐ.ˈvɐ̃w̃/ | :: peacock |
Pavão {prop} {m} [constellation] | :: Pavo (constellation of the southern sky) |
Pavão {prop} {m} | :: Pavão (municipality) |
pavão real {m} | :: Indian peacock; blue peacock (Pavo cristatus, a species of peafowl) |
pavão-real {m} | :: alternative spelling of pavão real |
pavê {m} /paˈve/ | :: a type of cake made with biscuits arranged into layers |
Paverama {prop} | :: Paverama (municipality) |
pavês {m} [historical, military] /paˈves/ | :: pavis; pavise (a shield large enough to cover the whole body) |
pavês {m} [historical, nautical] | :: a shield hung on the side of a ship |
pávido {adj} | :: faint; shy (easily frightened) |
pavilhão {m} | :: pavilion |
pavilhão {m} | :: flag; national symbol |
pavilhão auditivo {m} [anatomy] | :: pinna; outer ear |
pavimentando {v} | :: gerund of pavimentar |
pavimentar {v} | :: to pave |
pavimento {m} /pɐviˈmẽtu/ | :: road surface [British], pavement [US] |
pavimento {m} | :: paving |
pavio {m} | :: fuse (cord used to ignite a charge) |
pavio {m} | :: wick (burning cord of a candle) |
pavio curto {adj} [idiomatic] | :: irritable, temperamental |
pavoa {f} | :: feminine noun of pavão |
pavonear {vi} | :: to strut (to walk proudly or haughtily) |
pavonear {vt} | :: to flaunt (to display with ostentation) |
pavonear {vt} | :: to dress gaudily |
pavor {m} /pɐˈvoɾ/ | :: intense fear, dread |
pavorosamente {adv} | :: appallingly; frightfully (in an frightful manner) |
pavoroso {adj} | :: gruesome; dreadful |
Pawlowski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
paxá {m} [historical] | :: pasha (highest honorary title during the Ottoman Empire) |
paxalato {m} | :: pashalik |
pay {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pai |
pays {m} | :: obsolete spelling of país |
pays {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pais |
paz {f} /paʃ/ | :: peace |
paz do Senhor {interj} | :: "Lord's peace!"; a greeting (hello, hi) used by Christian people |
PB {prop} | :: abbreviation of Paraíba (Brazilian state) |
PC {m} /peˈse/ | :: initialism of personal computer |
PC da NASA {m} [Brazil, colloquial, humorous] | :: a personal computer with a very sophisticated, expensive, modern, or advanced hardware |
PC da Xuxa {m} [Brazil, colloquial, humorous] | :: a personal computer with a very unsophisticated, cheap, rudimentary or outdated hardware |
PCUS {prop} {mf} [history, politics] | :: CPSU (initialism of Partido Comunista da União Soviética) |
PDA {m} | :: PDA; personal digital assistant (hand-held electronic organiser) |
PE {prop} {m} | :: abbreviation of Pernambuco (Brazilian state) |
pé {m} /ˈpɛ/ | :: foot |
pé {m} [followed by de] | :: plant, -stalk; tree |
pè {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pé |
pê {m} /ˈpe/ | :: pee (name of the letter P, p) |
peã {m} | :: paean (a song of triumph) |
peão {m} /ˈpjɐ̃w̃/ | :: peon |
peão {m} | :: pedestrian |
peão {m} [chess] | :: pawn |
Pearl Harbor {prop} {f} | :: Pearl Harbor (harbour/and/naval base) |
pebol {m} [literary] /ˌpɛ.ˈbɔw/ | :: football; soccer (team sport) |
pébol {m} | :: alternative form of pebol |
pebolim {m} [Brazil] | :: foosball (table soccer) |
PEC {f} [Brazil, politics, initialism] /ˈpɛk(i)/ | :: Proposta de Emenda Constitucional (Constitutional Amendment Proposal) |
pecã {f} | :: pecan (the nut of the pecan tree) |
peça {f} /ˈpɛ.sɐ/ | :: piece (a part of something) |
peça {f} [theatre] | :: play |
pecado {m} /pɨ.ˈka.ðu/ | :: sin |
pecado capital {m} [Christianity] | :: deadly sin (wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy or gluttony) |
pecado original {m} [Christianity] | :: original sin (state of sin that is a direct result of Adam’s disobedience to God) |
pecador {m} | :: sinner (person who sins) |
pecador {adj} | :: who sins |
pecadora {f} | :: female equivalent of pecador |
pecaminoso {adj} | :: peccaminous; sinful |
Peçanha {prop} | :: Peçanha (municipality) |
Peçanha {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
pecar {v} [theology] /pe.ˈka(ɹ)/ | :: to sin (commit a sin) |
pecar {v} | :: to commit a misdeed |
pecari {m} | :: any animal of the Tayassuidae family (a wild pig family of the Americas) |
pecari {m} | :: white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari), a hog-like animal species found in Central and South America |
peccado {f} | :: obsolete spelling of pecado |
peccar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of pecar |
pechincha {f} | :: bargain (advantageous business) |
pechinchar {v} /ˌpi.ʃĩ.ˈʃa(ɹ)/ | :: to haggle (argue about prices) |
peçonha {f} /pɨ.ˈso.ɲɐ/ | :: venom, poison |
peçonhento {adj} [of an animal] | :: venomous (producing poison) |
peçonhento {adj} [figurative] | :: venomous; malignant; spiteful; hateful |
pectina {f} [carbohydrate] | :: pectin (polysaccharide extracted from the cell walls of plants) |
pecuária {f} | :: the raising of livestock; animal husbandry |
pecuário {adj} | :: Of or relating to the raising of livestock |
peculato {m} [legal] | :: embezzlement of public money |
peculiar {adj} | :: peculiar; unusual; strange |
peculiar {adj} | :: peculiar (common or usual for a particular place or circumstance) |
peculiaridade {f} | :: peculiarity |
pecúlio {m} | :: estate (property of a person) |
pecuniário {adj} | :: pecuniary |
pedacinho {m} /pe.da.ˈsi.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of pedaço |
pedaço {m} /pɨ.ˈð | :: piece |
pedaço {m} [by extension] | :: moment (of time) |
pedaço {m} [colloquial] | :: hottie (physically or sexually attractive person) |
pedaço de mau caminho {m} [colloquial, idiom] | :: hunk, stud (an attractive man) |
pedágio {m} | :: toll |
pedágio {m} | :: tollbooth |
pedagogia {f} /pe.ˌda.ɡo.ˈʒi.a/ | :: pedagogy (the activities of educating, teaching or instructing) |
pedagogicamente {adv} | :: pedagogically |
pedagógico {adj} | :: pedagogical (of or relating to pedagogy) |
pedagogo {m} | :: pedagogue (teacher or instructor of children) |
pedagogo {m} [historical, Ancient Greece] | :: pedagogue (slave who led the master’s children to school) |
pedal {m} | :: pedal (lever operated by one’s foot) |
pedalada {f} | :: the act of pedaling |
pedalada {f} [figuratively] | :: energy, dynamism; momentum |
pedalagem {f} [cycling] | :: the act of pedalling |
pedalar {vi} | :: to pedal; to bike (to ride a bicycle) |
pedante {mf} | :: pedant (person overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning) |
pedante {adj} | :: pedantic (behaving as a pedant) |
pedantice {f} | :: pedantry (the characteristic or an instance of being pedantic) |
pedantismo {m} | :: pedantry |
pê da vida {adj} | :: euphemistic form of puto da vida |
pé-de-altar {m} [ecclesiastical] | :: budget that a curate obtains from ceremonies such as baptisms, weddings and burials |
pé de árvore {m} | :: synonym of pé de pau |
pé de árvore {m} | :: See: pt pé de árvore |
pé de atleta {m} | :: See: pt pé de atleta |
pé de atleta {m} [disease] | :: athlete's foot (fungal infection of the skin of the foot) |
pé-de-atleta {m} | :: alternative spelling of pé de atleta |
pé de cabra {m} | :: alternative spelling of pé-de-cabra |
pé-de-cabra {m} | :: crowbar, prybar (iron or steel bar used as a lever to manually force things apart) |
pé-de-cabra {m} [botany] | :: Ipomoea pes-caprae, also known as beach morning glory or goat's foot |
pé de chinelo {mf} [Brazil] | :: a criminal who is not very dangerous |
pé de chinelo {mf} [Brazil] | :: poor, insignificant or inexpressive individual |
pé-de-gato {m} [in the plural, Portugal, climbing] | :: climbing shoe |
pé de moleque {m} [cuisine] | :: a traditional Brazilian sweet made with peanuts, similar to brittle |
pé-de-moleque {m} | :: alternative form of pé de moleque |
pé de mosca {m} [rare] | :: pilcrow (¶, a character used to mark paragraphs) |
pé de pato {m} | :: fin (flat, elongated shoe used by divers) |
pé-de-pato {m} | :: alternative spelling of pé de pato |
pé de pau {m} [Northeast Brazil] /ˈpɛ d͡ʒi ˈpaw/ | :: a tree of an uncertain, unknown or irrelevant species |
pé de pau {m} | :: See: pt pé de pau |
pé de poeira {mf} | :: an infantry soldier |
pé de poeira {mf} | :: a very poor and inexpressive individual |
pederasta {m} | :: pederast (man who is engaged in a sexual relationship with an adolescent boy) |
pederastia {f} | :: pederasty (erotic relationship between a man and an adolescent boy) |
pederneira {f} | :: flint (hard, fine-grained quartz that generates sparks when struck) |
Pederneiras {prop} | :: Pederneiras (municipality) |
Pé de Serra {prop} | :: Pé de Serra (municipality) |
pedestal {m} [architecture] | :: pedestal (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like) |
pedestal {m} [figuratively] | :: pedestal (a place of reverence or honor) |
pedestre {adj} | :: pedestrian |
pedestre {mf} | :: pedestrian (somebody walking rather than using a vehicle) |
pediatra {mf} | :: paediatrician (physician who specialises in paediatrics) |
pediátrico {adj} | :: pediatric (of or pertaining to the treatment of children) |
pedicure {f} | :: pedicure (cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails) |
pedicure {f} | :: a professional who provides pedicure |
pedido {adj} /pɨ.ˈði.ðu/ | :: requested |
pedido {m} | :: something which is asked for |
pedido {m} | :: the act of asking for |
pedido {m} | :: order (request for some product or service) |
pedido {m} | :: wish (a will for something to happen) |
pedigree {m} | :: pedigree (chart of ancestors, showing the breed of an animal) |
pedigree {adj} | :: purebred; pedigree |
pedincha {mf} [colloquial] | :: someone who constantly asks or begs |
pedinchão {m} | :: augmentative of pedincha |
pedinchar {v} | :: alternative form of pedintar |
pedintar {vti} | :: to beg |
pedinte {mf} | :: beggar |
pedir {v} [por] /pɨ.ˈdiɾ/ | :: to ask for; to request (to express the need or desire for something) |
pedir {vt} | :: to order (to request a product or service) |
pedir {v} [por] | :: to ask for; to invite (to be in obvious need of) |
pedir {v} [por] | :: to charge (to assign a given price to something) |
pé-direito {m} [architecture] | :: the distance between the floor and the ceiling of a storey |
pedir penico {v} [idiom] | :: to say uncle (to indicate submission) |
pedófila {f} | :: feminine noun of pedófilo |
pedofilia {f} | :: pedophilia |
pedófilo {m} | :: pedophile (an adult who is sexually attracted to children) |
pedófilo {adj} | :: sexually attracted to children |
pedológico {adj} | :: pedological |
pedómetro {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of podómetro |
pedômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of podómetro |
pedonal {adj} /ˌˈnaw/ | :: pedestrian |
pedossexual {adj} | :: pedosexual (relating to sexual activity between adults and children) |
pedra {f} /ˈpɛ.ðɾɐ/ | :: stone (as a material) |
pedra {f} | :: stone, rock |
pedra {f} | :: hailstone |
pedra {f} [medicine] | :: deposit, calculus, stone |
pedra {f} [dentistry] | :: tartar |
pedra {f} [slang] | :: crack cocaine |
Pedra Azul {prop} | :: Pedra Azul (municipality) |
Pedra Badejo {prop} {f} | :: Pedra Badejo (city) |
Pedra Bela {prop} | :: Pedra Bela (municipality) |
Pedra Bonita {prop} | :: Pedra Bonita (municipality) |
pedrada {f} | :: a blow with a rock |
pedrada {f} | :: stone's throw (short distance) |
pedrada {f} [colloquial] | :: trip |
pedra da lua {f} | :: alternative spelling of pedra-da-lua |
pedra-da-lua {f} [mineral] | :: moonstone (translucent gemstone of feldspar) |
pedra da Lua {f} | :: alternative spelling of pedra-da-lua |
pedra de águia {f} | :: eaglestone (concretion with a loose kernel inside, formerly used for magical or medicinal purposes) |
pedra de rim {f} [medicine] | :: kidney stone (calculus in the kidney) |
Pedra de Roseta {prop} {f} | :: Rosetta Stone (large inscribed stone found in Egypt) |
pedra de toque {f} | :: touchstone (a stone used to test the quality of precious metals) |
pedra de toque {f} [figurative] | :: touchstone (a standard of comparison or evaluation) |
Pedra do Anta {prop} | :: Pedra do Anta (municipality) |
Pedra do Indaiá {prop} | :: Pedra do Indaiá (municipality) |
Pedra Dourada {prop} | :: Pedra Dourada (municipality) |
pedra filosofal {f} [alchemy, fiction] | :: philosopher's stone (substance able to turn base metals into gold or silver or provide immortality) |
Pedralva {prop} | :: Pedralva (municipality) |
Pedranópolis {prop} | :: Pedranópolis (municipality) |
pedra no sapato {f} /ˈpɛ.dɾɐ nu sa.ˈpa.tu/ | :: a minor but constant problem; an annoyance |
pedra no sapato {f} | :: See: pt pedra no sapato |
Pedrão {prop} | :: Pedrão (municipality) |
pedra, papel e tesoura {m} | :: alternative form of pedra-papel-tesoura |
pedra, papel ou tesoura {m} | :: alternative form of pedra-papel-tesoura |
pedra-papel-tesoura {m} [games] | :: rock paper scissors (a popular child’s game played with the hands) |
pedra-pomes {f} | :: pumice (light, porous type of igneous rock) |
pedra preciosa {f} | :: gemstone; precious stone |
pedra que rola não cria limo {proverb} | :: a rolling stone gathers no moss |
pedraria {f} /pɨ.ðɾɐ.ˈɾi.ɐ/ | :: stone cutting; masonry |
pedraria {f} | :: gem cutting |
Pedras Altas {prop} {f} | :: Pedras Altas (municipality) |
Pedras de Maria da Cruz {prop} | :: Pedras de Maria da Cruz (municipality) |
Pedras Grandes {prop} | :: Pedras Grandes (municipality) |
pedra, tesoura e papel {m} | :: alternative form of pedra-papel-tesoura |
pedra, tesoura ou papel {m} | :: alternative form of pedra-papel-tesoura |
pedra-tesoura-papel {m} | :: alternative form of pedra-papel-tesoura |
pedregoso {adj} | :: rocky (full of rocks) |
pedregulho {m} /ˌpɨ.ðɾɨ.ˈɣu.ʎu/ | :: pebble (small stone) |
pedregulho {m} | :: boulder (large stone) |
Pedregulho {prop} | :: Pedregulho (municipality) |
pedreira {f} /pɨ.ˈðɾɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: quarry |
Pedreira {prop} | :: Pedreira (municipality) |
pedreiro {m} /pɨ.ˈðɾɐj.ɾu/ | :: mason; builder; bricklayer |
pedrinha {f} | :: diminutive of pedra |
Pedrinhas Paulista {prop} | :: Pedrinhas Paulista (municipality) |
Pedrinho {prop} {m} | :: diminutive of Pedro; Petey |
Pedrinópolis {prop} | :: Pedrinópolis (municipality) |
Pedro {prop} {m} /ˈpe.dɾu/ | :: given name |
Pedro Alexandre {prop} | :: Pedro Alexandre (municipality) |
Pedro de Toledo {prop} | :: Pedro de Toledo (municipality) |
Pedrógão Grande {prop} /pɨˈðɾɔɣɐ̃w ˈɣɾɐ̃d(ɨ)/ | :: Pedrógão Grande (village/and/municipality) |
Pedro Leopoldo {prop} | :: Pedro Leopoldo (municipality) |
Pedro Osório {prop} | :: Pedro Osório (municipality) |
Pedro Teixeira {prop} | :: Pedro Teixeira (municipality) |
pedzita {f} [mineral] | :: petzite |
pega {f} /ˈpe.ɣɐ/ | :: common magpie (Pica pica) |
pega {f} | :: a prating woman, a female gossiper |
pega {f} [Portugal, offensive] | :: slut (a sexually promiscuous woman or girl) |
pega {f} /ˈpɛ.ɣɐ/ | :: handle |
pega {f} [bullfighting] | :: the final event in a typical Portuguese bullfight, involving eight forcados who challenge the bull with their bare hands |
pega {f} {m} | :: fight, quarrel |
pega {f} {m} [Brazil] | :: an illegal street race |
pega {f} /ˈpɛ.ɣɐ/ | :: alternative form of peia |
pegada {f} | :: footprint (impression of the foot) |
pegada {f} [colloquial, uncountable] | :: confidence, boldness, seen as attractive qualities |
pegador {m} | :: catcher (someone who catches) |
pegador {m} | :: spaghetti tongs |
pegador {m} | :: tag (game in which a child attempts to catch other children) |
pegador {m} | :: remora (any of various elongated fish from the family Echeneidae) |
pegajoso {adj} /pɨ.ɣɐ.ˈʒo.zu/ | :: sticky (tending to stick to things) |
pegapacapá {m} | :: alternative form of pega pra capar |
pega-pega {m} | :: tag (game in which a child attempts to catch other children) |
pega pra capar {m} [colloquial] | :: confusion, disarray |
pega pra capar {m} [colloquial] | :: fight, disagreement |
pega pra capar {m} [colloquial] | :: a decisive, crucial, exact or opportune moment |
pega pra capar {m} | :: See: pt pega pra capar |
pegar {vt} /pɨ.ˈɣaɾ/ | :: to catch |
pegar {v} | :: to grab, to hold |
pegar {v} | :: to discover someone doing something |
pegar {vtr} | :: to engage in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with someone for one night or some short period of time |
pegar {vtr} | :: to fight, to engage in a physical conflict |
pegar {vti} | :: to stick, to glue |
pegar {vi} [colloquial] | :: to catch on |
pegar {vt} [Brazil] | :: to catch, to take (a transport) |
pegar fogo {v} | :: to catch fire (become engulfed with flames) |
pegar fogo {v} [figurative, of a situation] | :: to become chaotic |
pegar leve {v} [idiomatic] | :: to play or do something else in an easy or calm way |
pegar leve {v} [idiomatic] | :: to take it easy |
pegar leve {v} | :: See: pt pegar leve |
pegar no pé {v} [idiom] | :: to tease |
pegar o jeito {v} [de, .idiomatic] | :: to get the hang of (to learn how to do something) |
pegar onda {v} [slang] | :: to surf (to rive a wave on a surfboard) |
pegar para Cristo {v} [idiom] | :: insistently talk with, interact or otherwise demand the attention of someone, to the point of being obnoxious |
pégaso {m} [Greek Mythology] | :: pegasus (a mythological winged horse) |
Pégaso {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] /ˈpɛ.ɡa.zu/ | :: Pegasus (mythical winged horse) |
Pégasus {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Pégaso |
pega-varetas {m} | :: spillikins; pick-up sticks (game where players remove sticks from a scattered pile) |
pegmatita {f} | :: pegmatite |
pego {m} /ˈpe.ɣu/ | :: Eurasian oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) |
pego {m} | :: the bottom of the sea |
pego {m} | :: the deepest point of a body of water |
pego {m} | :: an underwater cave |
pêgo {v} [past participle only] | :: obsolete spelling of pego |
pé-grande {m} | :: alternative form of Pé-Grande, seen as a member of a species and not as an individual |
Pé-Grande {prop} {m} [cryptozoology, folklore, as an individual creature] | :: Bigfoot (unidentified yeti-like animal) |
peguete {mf} [Brazil, colloquial] /pe.ˈɡɛ.t(ʃ)i/ | :: A person one has occasional romantic or sexual encounters with |
pegureiro {m} | :: shepherd |
peia {f} | :: fetter (object used to bind a person or animal by its legs) |
peia {f} [figurative] | :: fetter (anything that restricts or restrains) |
peidando {v} | :: gerund of peidar |
peidar {v} [colloquial] /pej.ˈda(ɹ)/ | :: to fart (to emit flatulent gases) |
peido {m} [colloquial] | :: fart |
peidorreiro {adj} [vulgar, derogatory] | :: farter (said of someone who farts) |
peiote {m} | :: peyote (Lophophora williamsii, a small cactus of North America from which mescaline is extracted) |
peitchola {f} [slang] | :: breast |
peitilho {m} | :: an item of clothing, or part of an item clothing, that goes over the chest |
peitinho {m} /pej.ˈt͡ʃi.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of peito |
peito {m} [anatomy] /ˈpɐj.tu/ | :: chest |
peito {m} | :: breast |
peito {m} [swimming] | :: breaststroke |
peito do pé {m} [anatomy] | :: instep (top of the foot between the toes and the ankle) |
peitoral {adj} [anatomy] | :: pectoral |
peitoril {m} [architecture] | :: windowsill, sill, parapet |
peitudo {adj} [colloquial, of a person] | :: Having big breasts |
peixa {f} [possibly, childish] | :: A female fish |
peixão {m} | :: large fish |
peixão {m} [colloquial] | :: voluptuous woman |
peixaria {f} | :: fishmonger's (shop that sells fish) |
peixe {m} /ˈpɐj.ʃɨ/ | :: fish (cold-blooded vertebrate animal that lives in water) |
peixe-agulha {m} | :: garfish; needlefish (any of the slender marine fish of family Belonidae) |
peixe-arqueiro {m} | :: archerfish (any fish in the family Toxotidae) |
peixe-balão {m} | :: blowfish (any species of fish of the family Tetraodontidae that have the ability to inflate themselves to a globe) |
peixe beta {m} | :: fighting fish (Betta splendens, a small, aggressive freshwater fish popular as an aquarium fish) |
peixe-beta {m} | :: alternative spelling of peixe beta |
peixe-boi {m} | :: manatee (any of several plant-eating marine mammals of family Trichechidae) |
peixe de abril {m} [Brazil] | :: April fool (practical joke played on April Fools’ Day) |
peixe de briga {m} | :: fighting fish (Betta splendens, a small, aggressive freshwater fish popular as an aquarium fish) |
peixe-de-briga {m} | :: alternative spelling of peixe de briga |
peixe-de-são-pedro {m} | :: John Dory (Zeus faber, an edible marine fish) |
peixe-diabo {m} | :: anglerfish (marine fish of the order Lophiiformes) |
peixe eléctrico {m} | :: obsolete spelling of peixe-elétrico |
peixe-eléctrico {m} | :: obsolete spelling of peixe-elétrico |
peixe elétrico {m} | :: alternative form of peixe-elétrico |
peixe-elétrico {m} | :: electric eel (Electrophorus electricus, an eel-like fish capable of generating powerful electric shocks) |
peixe-escorpião {m} | :: scorpionfish (any of the family Scorpaenidae of marine, venomous fish) |
peixe espada {m} | :: alternative spelling of peixe-espada |
peixe-espada {m} | :: swordfish (Xiphias gladius, a large marine fish with a long, pointed bill) |
peixe espada preto {m} | :: alternative spelling of peixe-espada-preto |
peixe-espada preto {m} | :: alternative spelling of peixe-espada-preto |
peixe-espada-preto {m} | :: black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo, an elongated fish of the North Atlantic) |
peixe-espátula {m} [rare] | :: paddlefish (any fish of the family Polyodontidae, that have a long, flat snout) |
peixe-frade {m} | :: angelfish (a marine fish of the family Pomacanthidae) |
peixe-galo {m} | :: John Dory (Zeus faber, an edible marine fish) |
peixe gato {m} | :: alternative spelling of peixe-gato |
peixe-gato {m} | :: any of several species of fish with large, whisker-like barbels |
peixeira {f} | :: feminine noun of peixeiro (fisherwoman) |
peixeira {f} | :: A type of knife initially designed to cut fish, also usable as a weapon |
peixeiro {m} | :: fishmonger (person who sells fish) |
peixe-lapa {m} | :: lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus, a fish of the Atlantic) |
peixe-lua {m} | :: sunfish (any fish of the family Molidae) |
peixe-palhaço {m} | :: clownfish (any of several colourful sea fishes that live among sea anemones) |
peixe-papagaio {m} | :: parrotfish (Sparisoma cretense, a fish of the Atlantic Ocean) |
peixe-pescador {m} | :: anglerfish (marine fish of the order Lophiiformes) |
peixe-piloto {m} | :: pilot fish (Naucrates ductor, a fish that follows vessels and sharks) |
peixe-pilôto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of peixe-piloto |
Peixes {prop} {mp} [zodiac constellations, astrology] | :: Pisces (constellation) |
Peixes {prop} {mp} [astrology] | :: Pisces (astrological sign) |
peixe-sapo {m} | :: stargazer (any of the perciform fish in the family Uranoscopidae) |
peixe-sapo {m} | :: toadfish (any of the ray-finned fishes of family Batrachoididae) |
peixe-sapo {m} | :: anglerfish (marine fish of the order Lophiiformes) |
peixe-voador {m} | :: flying fish (any of the tropical marine fish of the family Exocoetidae, capable of short flights) |
peixe-zebra {m} | :: zebrafish (Danio rerio, a small striped fish) |
peixinho {m} | :: diminutive of peixe |
peixinho dourado {m} | :: goldfish (Carassius auratus, a small fish commonly kept in aquariums) |
peixota {f} [zoology] | :: common name for fish of species Merluccius or Urophycis |
pejado {v} | :: past participle of pejar |
pejado {adj} | :: loaded, filled |
pejo {m} /ˈpɛʒu/ | :: modesty |
pejo {m} | :: shame, embarrassment |
pejorativo {m} /pe.ˌʒo.ɾa.ˈt͡ʃi.vo/ | :: pejorative (disparaging, belittling or derogatory word or expression) |
pejorativo {adj} | :: pejorative; disparaging |
Pejuçara {prop} | :: Pejuçara (municipality) |
pela {contraction} /ˈpe.lɐ/ | :: contraction of por (by; through) and a (the) |
pêla {contraction} | :: superseded spelling of pela |
pela boca morre o peixe {proverb} | :: what you say can do you harm |
pelada {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: a friendly, amateur association football match |
peladinha {f} [sports] | :: a game of football / soccer (usually played with friends or as a friendly) |
pelado {adj} /pɨ.ˈla.ðu/ | :: skinned |
pelado {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: naked (not wearing any clothes) |
pelagem {f} | :: fur (hairy coat of a mammal) |
pelágico {adj} | :: pelagic |
pelagra {f} [disease] | :: pellagra (disease caused by niacin deficiency) |
pela madrugada {interj} | :: blow me down (exclamation of surprise) |
pela mesma boca {adv} | :: [dated, idiomatic] in agreement; expressing the same opinion |
pela mesma boca {adv} | :: See: pt pela mesma boca |
pelar {v} /pɨ.ˈlaɾ/ | :: to depilate (remove hair) |
pelar {v} | :: to skin (remove skin) |
pelar {v} | :: to unclothe (make naked) |
pelar {v} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: to be extremely hot |
pelargónio {m} [European orthography] | :: pelargonium (any of the flowering plants of the genus Pelargonium) |
pelargônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of pelargónio |
pelas {contraction} /ˈpe.lɐʃ/ | :: contraction of por as |
pelas mãos de {prep} | :: at the hands of (by the actions of) |
pele {f} /ˈpɛ.lɨ/ | :: skin |
pele {f} | :: fur |
pelear {v} [South Brazil] | :: alternative form of pelejar |
pele de galinha {f} | :: See: pt pele de galinha |
pele de galinha {f} | :: skin covered in goose bumps |
pele e osso {phrase} [idiomatic, of a person or animal] | :: skin and bones (very skinny) |
pelego {m} | :: sheepskin (skin of a sheep with the fleece left on) |
pelego {m} [figurative] | :: doormat (someone that is over-submissive to others’ wishes) |
peleijar {v} | :: obsolete form of pelejar |
pelejar {vi} | :: to fight, to dispute |
pele-vermelha {mf} | :: redskin (a North American native) |
pelica {f} | :: kidskin (hide or leather of a young goat) |
pelicano {m} /ˌˈkɐ.nu/ | :: pelican (any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae) |
película {f} /pe.ˈli.ku.lɐ/ | :: film (thin layer of some substance) |
pella {contraction} | :: obsolete spelling of pela |
pellouro {m} [rare] | :: obsolete spelling of pelouro |
pelmeni {m} | :: pelmeni (Russian dumplings) |
pelo {contraction} /pɨ.lu/ | :: contraction of por o; by the; for the; through the |
pelo {m} /ˈ | :: hair (filament which grows on the skin of mammals), except hair on top of humans’ heads, which is called cabelo |
pelo {m} | :: hair (an animal’s hair as a whole) |
pelo {m} | :: [by extension] any filament which grows on plants and non-mammals |
pêlo {m} | :: superseded spelling of pelo |
pelo amor de deus {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: for the love of God (expressing anger or exasperation) |
pelo amor de Deus {phrase} | :: for the love of God; for God's sake |
pelo bem de {prep} | :: for the sake of (for the benefit of) |
pelo contrário {adv} [conjunctive] | :: on the contrary (opposite to what has been said) |
peloirinho {m} | :: alternative form of pelourinho |
peloiro {m} | :: dated form of pelouro |
pelo menos {adv} | :: At a lower limit, at least |
peloponésio {adj} | :: Peloponnesian (of, from or pertaining to the Peloponnesus) |
peloponésio {m} | :: Peloponnesian (person from the Peloponnesus) |
Peloponeso {prop} {m} | :: Peloponeso (peninsula/and/traditional region) |
Peloponneso {prop} {m} | :: superseded spelling of Peloponeso |
pelos {contraction} /ˈpe.luʃ/ | :: contraction of por os |
pelota {f} | :: a small ball or sphere |
pelotão {m} | :: platoon, squad |
pelotão {m} | :: peloton |
pelotão de fuzilamento {m} | :: firing squad (a group of soldiers detailed to execute someone) |
Pelotas {prop} | :: Pelotas (municipality) |
pelourinho {m} /pɨ.lo(w).ˈɾi.ɲu/ | :: pillory (a framework on a post used as a means of punishment and humiliation) |
pelouro {m} /pɨ.ˈlo(w).ɾu/ | :: a branch municipal administration in Portugal |
pelouro {m} [historical] | :: a small ball of metal or clay used as ammunition for crossbows, scorpions and firearms |
peltre {m} | :: pewter (alloy of tin, copper and antimony) |
peluche {m} [Portugal] /pɨ.ˈlu.ʃ(ɨ)/ | :: plush |
peluche {m} [Portugal] | :: a plush toy |
peluche {m} | :: fluffiness, fluff |
pelúcia {f} [Brazil] /pe.ˈlu.sja/ | :: plush, a soft tissue, made of wool or silk, faux fur |
pelúcia {f} [Brazil] | :: a plush toy |
peludo {adj} [of a person] /pɨ.ˈlu.ðu/ | :: Having a lot of hair on the body; hairy; furry; hirsute |
peludo {adj} [of an animal] | :: Having a lot of fur; hairy; furry |
peludo {adj} [of a body part other than the head] | :: Having hair growing from it; hairy; furry; hirsute |
pelve {f} [skeleton] /ˈpɛ | :: pelvis |
pélvico {adj} | :: pelvic (relating to the pelvis) |
pélvis {f} | :: alternative form of pelve |
pena {f} /ˈpe.nɐ/ | :: punishment |
pena {f} | :: pain; sadness |
pena {interj} | :: pity (what a shame, what a pity) |
pena {f} /ˈpe.nɐ/ | :: feather |
pena {f} | :: quill (pen made from a feather) |
pena {f} [dated] | :: alternative form of penha |
pena capital {f} | :: capital punishment (punishment by death) |
penacho {m} | :: panache (ornamental plume on a hat or helmet) |
penacho {m} | :: a bird’s tuft |
Penacova {prop} {f} /pɨnɐˈkɔvɐ/ | :: Penacova (village/and/municipality) |
penada {f} | :: penstroke |
penada {f} [by extension] | :: opinion; vote |
penado {adj} | :: suffering |
penado {adj} | :: alternative form of pinado |
Penafiel {prop} /pɨnɐfiˈɛɫ/ | :: Penafiel (city/and/municipality) |
penal {adj} /pe.ˈnaɫ/ | :: penal (related to punishment, often in legal context) |
penal {m} [Paraná, regionalism] | :: pencil case |
penal {m} [soccer] | :: penalty |
penalidade {f} | :: penalty (punishment for violating rules) |
penalidade máxima {f} [sports] | :: penalty |
penalizar {vt} | :: to penalise (to subject to a penalty) |
pênalti {m} [sports] | :: penalty |
Penalva do Castelo {prop} {f} /pɨˈnaɫvɐ ðu kɐʃˈtɛlu/ | :: Penalva do Castelo (village/and/municipality) |
Penamacor {prop} /penɐmɐˈkoɾ/ | :: Penamacor (village/and/municipality) |
Penápolis {prop} | :: Penápolis (municipality) |
penar {v} /pɨ.ˈnaɾ/ | :: to suffer, to grieve |
penar {v} | :: to afflict, to torment |
pé na táboa {interj} | :: obsolete spelling of pé na tábua |
pé na tábua {interj} | :: used to request that something be done as quickly as possible, especially riding an animal or driving a vehicle |
penca {f} [botany] | :: white cabbage |
penca {f} | :: a bunch (of flowers or fruits) |
penca {f} [slang] | :: a bunch (a considerable amount of something) |
penca {f} [slang] | :: hooter; schnozzle (especially large nose) |
pendão {m} /pẽ.ˈdɐ̃w̃/ | :: tassel (male inflorescence of maize) |
pendão {m} | :: banner |
pendência {f} | :: pendency |
pendência {f} | :: dependency |
pendência {f} | :: abeyance |
pendente {adj} | :: pendent; dangling |
pendente {adj} | :: pendent; drooping |
pendente {adj} | :: pending (awaiting conclusion or confirmation) |
pendente {m} | :: pendant (jewellery which hangs down) |
pender {v} /pẽ.ˈdeɾ/ | :: to hang, to dangle |
pender {v} | :: to be pending |
Pendjab {prop} {m} | :: Pendjab (traditional region) |
Pendjab Ocidental {prop} {m} | :: Pendjab Ocidental (former province) |
Pendjab Oriental {prop} {m} | :: Pendjab Oriental (former state) |
pendor {m} | :: incline, slope, inclination |
pen-drive {m} [computer hardware] /pẽˈdɾ | :: pen drive; flash drive (small storage device with an USB input) |
pendrive {m} | :: alternative spelling of pen-drive |
pendular {adj} | :: pendular, oscillating |
pêndulo {m} | :: pendulum (body suspended from a fixed support) |
pendurar {v} /ˌpẽ.du.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to hang (cause (something) to be suspended) |
pendurar {v} [figurative] | :: to give up or retire from a profession (followed by the name of a piece of clothing associated with the profession) |
penedo {m} [geology] /pɨ.ˈne.du/ | :: crag |
penedo {m} [geology] | :: boulder |
Penedono {prop} /pɨnɨˈðonu/ | :: Penedono (village/and/municipality) |
peneira {f} /pe.ˈne(j).ɾa/ | :: sieve (device to separate larger objects) |
peneira {f} [figurative] | :: something which selects the best and filters out the rest |
peneiramento {m} | :: sieving, sifting, screening |
peneirando {v} | :: gerund of peneirar |
peneirar {v} | :: to sieve, sift, screen |
peneireiro-vulgar {m} | :: common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus, a small falcon) |
Penela {prop} {f} /pɨˈnɛlɐ/ | :: Penela (village/and/municipality) |
penetra {n} | :: gatecrasher |
penetração {f} | :: penetration |
penetração {f} | :: permeation |
penetrador {m} | :: penetrator |
penetrador {m} | :: infiltrator |
penetrante {adj} | :: penetrating (able to pierce of penetrate) |
penetrante {adj} [figurative] | :: penetrating (demonstrating acute or keen understanding) |
penetrar {v} | :: to penetrate (manage to get through) |
penetrar {v} | :: to penetrate (have sex with a hole) |
penetrar {v} | :: to get into, to get in |
penetrãte {adj} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of penetrante |
penha {m} /ˈpe.ɲɐ/ | :: A rock, stone, cliff or outcropping; crag |
Penha {prop} | :: Penha (municipality) |
Penha {prop} | :: Penha (district) |
penhasco {m} /pɨ.ˈɲaʃ.ku/ | :: cliff |
penhascoso {adj} | :: cliffy (abounding in cliffs) |
penhor {m} /pe.ˈɲoɹ/ | :: pledge (solemn promise) |
penhor {m} | :: pledge (security to guarantee payment of a debt) |
penhora {f} [legal] | :: seizure |
penhorando {v} | :: gerund of penhorar |
penhorar {v} | :: to apprehend; to seize |
penhorar {v} | :: to pawn; to pledge |
penhorista {mf} | :: pawnbroker (person who makes loans, taking personal property as security) |
péni {m} [European orthography] | :: penny (1/100 of a pound sterling or British pound) |
pêni {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of péni |
Peniche {prop} /pˈniʃ/ | :: Peniche (city/and/municipality) |
penicilina {f} /pɨ.ni.siˈli.nɐ/ | :: penicillin (antibiotic) |
penico {m} /pɨˈniku/ | :: potty; chamber pot (bowl used as a temporary toilet) |
pênico {adj} [rare] | :: relating to the penis |
península {f} [geography] /pɨ.ˈnĩ.su.lɐ/ | :: peninsula (a piece of land projecting into water) |
Península Antártica {prop} {f} | :: Península Antártica (peninsula) |
Península Apenina {prop} {f} | :: Península Apenina (peninsula) |
Península Arábica {prop} {f} | :: Península Arábica (peninsula) |
Península Balcânica {prop} {f} | :: Península Balcânica (peninsula) |
Península de Iucatã {prop} {f} | :: Península de Iucatã (peninsula) |
Península de Kola {prop} {f} | :: Península de Kola (peninsula) |
Península Ibérica {prop} {f} | :: Península Ibérica (peninsula) |
Península Itálica {prop} {f} | :: Península Itálica (peninsula) |
peninsular {adj} [geography] /pe.nĩ.suˈlaɾ/ | :: peninsular (of or relating to a peninsula) |
pénis {m} [European orthography] | :: penis |
pênis {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: penis |
penitencia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of penitência |
penitência {f} /pɨ.niˈtẽ.sjɐ/ | :: penitence (regret or remorse for doing wrong or sinning) |
penitência {f} | :: punishment (penalty to punish wrongdoing) |
penitência {f} [Roman Catholicism] | :: confession (disclosure of one’s sins to a priest for absolution) |
penitenciária {f} | :: penitentiary (prison for convicted felons) |
Penjabe {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Pendjab |
Pennsilvania {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Pensilvânia |
Pennsilvânia {prop} {f} [uncommon] | :: alternative spelling of Pensilvânia |
Pennsylvania {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Pensilvânia |
Pennsylvânia {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Pensilvânia |
penny {m} | :: alternative spelling of péni |
pé-no-saco {m} [slang] | :: pain in the ass (someone or something that causes discomfort) |
penque {m} | :: alternative form of pinque |
pensador {m} /ˌpẽ.sa.ˈdoʁ/ | :: thinker (one who spends time thinking) |
pensador {m} | :: philosopher |
pensadora {f} | :: feminine noun of pensador |
pensamento {m} /pẽ.sɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: a thought; an idea |
pensamento {m} [uncountable] | :: thinking (process by which thoughts arise) |
pensamento {m} | :: ideology (beliefs and principle of a group) |
pensamento desejoso {m} [uncountable] | :: wishful thinking |
pensamento desejoso {m} | :: wishful thought (an instance of wishful thinking) |
pensão {f} /pẽ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: pension |
pensão {f} | :: alimony |
pensão {f} | :: boarding house (house in which paying residents are provided with accommodation and meals) |
pensar {v} /pẽ.ˈsaɾ/ | :: to think (communicate to oneself in one’s mind) |
pensar {v} | :: to conceive, intend |
pensar com seus botões {v} | :: to introspect |
pensar duas vezes {v} [idiomatic] | :: to think twice (to proceed with caution) |
pensar em {v} | :: to think about |
pensar em {v} | :: to consider (to think of doing something) |
pensar na morte da bezerra {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] /pẽ.ˈsa(ɾ) na ˈmɔɾ.t͡ʃi da be.ˈze.ʁɐ/ | :: to be lost in thought (preoccupied with one’s thoughts rather than paying attention to reality) |
pensar que berimbau é gaita {vi} [Brazil, idiom, slang] | :: to be mistaken, to be confused |
pensativamente {adv} | :: pensively |
pensativo {adj} /pẽ.sɐ.ˈ | :: pensive |
pênsil {adj} | :: hanging |
Pensilvania {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Pensilvânia |
Pensilvânia {prop} {f} /ˌpẽ.siw.ˈvɐ.ni.ɐ/ | :: Pensilvânia (state) |
pensionar {v} | :: to pension (grant a pension) |
pensionato {m} | :: boarding house (house in which paying residents are provided with accommodation and meals) |
pensionista {mf} | :: pensioner (someone who receives a pension) |
penso {m} /ˈpẽsu/ | :: band-aid |
penso {m} | :: sanitary towel |
penso, logo existo {phrase} [philosophy] /ˈpẽsu ˈlɔ.ɣu i.ˈziʃ.tu/ | :: I think therefore I am |
pensoso {adj} [archaic] /pẽ.ˈso.zu/ | :: pensive |
Pensylvania {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Pensilvânia |
Pensylvânia {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Pensilvânia |
pentacampeão {m} | :: five-time champion |
pentacloreto {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pentachloride |
pentafluoreto {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pentafluoride |
pentagonal {adj} | :: pentagonal (of, relating to, or shaped like a pentagon) |
pentágono {m} /pẽˈtaɣunu/ | :: pentagon |
Pentágono {prop} {m} | :: Pentagon (the headquarters of the United States’ Department of Defense) |
pentagrama {m} [music] | :: staff, stave (five lines to write music) |
pentagrama {m} | :: pentagram (shape of a five-pointed star) |
pentaiodeto {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pentaiodide |
pentâmetro iâmbico {m} [poetry] | :: iambic pentameter |
pentano {m} [organic compound] | :: pentane (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C5H12) |
Pentateuco {prop} {m} [Bible] | :: Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) |
pentatleta {mf} [athletics] | :: pentathlete (an athlete who competes in the pentathlon) |
pentatlo {m} | :: pentathlon |
pente {m} /ˈpẽ.tɨ/ | :: comb |
penteadeira {f} | :: dressing table (low table equipped with mirror for dressing and makeup) |
penteado {m} /pẽ.ˈtja.ðu/ | :: hairdo |
penteado {m} | :: haircut |
penteado {m} | :: coiffure |
pentear {v} /pẽˈtjaɾ/ | :: to comb |
pentecostalismo {m} | :: Pentecostalism (a Christian religious movement) |
Pentecoste {prop} {m} | :: Pentecost (Christian festival) |
Pentecostes {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Pentecoste |
pente-de-macaco {m} | :: monkey comb (Pithecoctenium crucigerum, a climbing shrub of South America) |
pente-de-macaco {m} | :: the fruit of the monkey comb plant, or one half of its outer shell |
pentelho {m} [vulgar] /pẽˈtɐ(j)ʎu/ | :: pubic hair |
pentelho {m} [Brazil, vulgar, pejorative] | :: a young boy, especially an annoying one |
penteno {m} [organic compound] | :: pentene (any of several isomeric alkenes having five carbon atoms and one double bond) |
pentil {m} [organic chemistry] | :: pentyl |
pentlandita {f} [mineral] | :: pentlandite |
pentose {f} [carbohydrate] | :: pentose |
pentóxido {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pentoxide |
penugem {f} | :: fluff, hair, down |
penúltimo {adj} /pe.ˈnuw.t͡ʃ | :: penultimate (the next-to-last in a sequence) |
penumbra {f} /pɨ.ˈnũ.bɾɐ/ | :: situation of low light |
penúria {f} | :: gall (great misery or physical suffering) |
penúria {f} | :: poverty |
penúria {f} | :: shortage, scarcity |
Penza {prop} {f} | :: Penza (oblast) |
Penza {prop} {f} | :: Penza (city/administrative center) |
peonagem {f} | :: a group of peons |
peonagem {f} | :: peonage (the state of being a peon) |
peónia {f} [European orthography] | :: peony (a flowering plant of the genus Paeonia) |
peônia {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of peónia |
pepeca {f} [slang] | :: female external genitals; vulva |
pepeta {f} [colloquial, childish] | :: binky (baby's pacifier) |
pepineiro {m} /ˌpe.pi.ˈne(j).ɾu/ | :: cucumber (Cucumis sativus, a vine in the gourd family) |
pepino {m} /pe.ˈ | :: cucumber (Cucumis sativus, a vine in the gourd family) |
pepino {m} | :: cucumber (the fruit of the cucumber plant, used as a vegetable) |
pepino {m} [Brazil, slang] | :: problem (difficulty that has to be resolved or dealt with) |
pepino-do-mar {m} | :: sea cucumber (any echinoderm of the class Holothuroidea) |
pepita {f} | :: an ore nugget |
pepsina {f} [enzyme] | :: pepsin (a digestive enzyme) |
peptídeo {m} [biochemistry] | :: peptide |
peptídico {adj} [biochemistry] | :: peptidic |
peptídio {m} | :: alternative form of peptídeo |
peptido {m} | :: alternative form of peptídeo |
péptido {m} | :: alternative form of peptídeo |
peptona {f} [biochemistry] | :: peptone (water-soluble product of partial protein hydrolysis) |
pequenino {adj} /pɨ.kɨ.ˈ | :: diminutive of pequeno; wee |
pequeníssimo {adj} | :: tiny, very small |
pequenito {adj} [irregular] | :: diminutive of pequeno |
pequeno {adj} /pɨ.ˈ | :: small |
pequeno {m} [colloquial] | :: child |
pequeno-almoço {m} [Portugal] /pɨˌke.nwaɫ.ˈ | :: breakfast (first meal of the day) |
Pequeno Polegar {prop} {m} [English folklore] | :: Tom Thumb (a thumb-sized fairy-tale hero) |
Pequeri {prop} | :: Pequeri (municipality) |
pequi {m} | :: Caryocar brasiliense, a tree native to the Brazilian cerrado |
pequi {m} | :: the fruit of that tree |
Pequi {prop} | :: Pequi (municipality) |
Pequim {prop} {f} | :: Pequim (direct-administered municipality/capital city) |
pequinês {adj} | :: Pekingese (of, from or relating to Beijing, China) |
pequinês {m} | :: Pekingese (someone from Beijing) |
pequinês {m} | :: Pekingese (a breed of toy dog) |
pera {f} /ˈpe.ɾɐ/ | :: pear |
pera {interj} [colloquial] /ˈpɛ.ɾɐ/ | :: just a minute |
pera {interj} [colloquial] | :: wait (asking for stop to make an observation) |
pera {prep} | :: obsolete form of para |
pêra {f} | :: superseded spelling of pera |
pera aí {interj} | :: alternative form of peraí |
pé-rachado {m} [Rio Grande do Sul] | :: alternative form of pé-rapado |
pera doce {adj} [colloquial] | :: easy as pie (easy or pleasant task) |
peraí {interj} [Brazil, colloquial] /ˌpɛ.ɾa.ˈi/ | :: just a minute |
peraí {interj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: wait (asking for stop to make an observation) |
peral {m} | :: pear orchard |
peralta {adj} [Brazil] | :: mischievous |
peralta {adj} [Portugal] | :: well dressed, dandy |
peralta {mf} | :: a mischievous kid, a brat |
peralta {mf} | :: someone who dresses in an exaggerated manner |
peralta {mf} [colloquial] | :: an idle person |
pera-maçã {f} | :: apple pear (Pyrus pyrifolia, a species of pear tree and its apple-like fruit) |
perambulação {f} | :: wander (act or instance of wandering) |
perambulando {v} | :: gerund of perambular |
perambular {v} /pɯ.ɾɐ̃.bu.ˈlaɾ/ | :: to perambulate, stroll, roam |
perante {prep} | :: before, in front of |
perante {prep} [figuratively] | :: facing; confronting |
pé-rapado {m} [derogatory] | :: someone who is poor and wears shaggy, dirty clothes |
peraq̃ {conj} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of peraque |
peraque {conj} | :: obsolete form of para que |
perbromato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: perbromate |
perca {f} [proscribed] /ˈpeɾ.kɐ/ | :: loss (an instance of losing objects or money) |
perca {f} /ˈpɛɾ.kɐ/ | :: perch (fish in the genus Perca) |
perca-amarela {f} | :: American perch (Perca flavescens, a perch of North America) |
perca comum {f} | :: European perch (Perca fluviatilis, a freshwater fish native to Eurasia) |
perca europeia {f} | :: European perch (Perca fluviatilis, a freshwater fish native to Eurasia) |
percalçar {v} [archaic] | :: to profit |
percalço {m} | :: accident, mishap |
percalço {m} [figuratively] | :: difficulty |
percalço {m} | :: profit, benefit |
perceba {f} | :: alternative form of percebe |
percebe {m} /peʁ.ˈ | :: barnacle |
perceber {v} [Portugal] /pɨɾ.sɨ.ˈbeɾ/ | :: to understand |
perceber {v} | :: to realize, to notice |
percebido {adj} | :: perceived |
perceção {f} [European orthography] /pɨɾ.sɛ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: alternative form of percepção |
percentagem {f} | :: percentage |
percentagem {f} | :: percent |
percentagem {f} | :: [by extension] commission |
percento {m} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of porcento |
percepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: perception |
percepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: sensation |
percepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: intuition |
percepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: idea |
percepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: image |
percepção extrassensorial {f} [parapsychology] | :: extrasensory perception (ability to obtain information without the use of normal sensory channels) |
perceptível {adj} | :: perceptible |
perceptível {adj} | :: conspicuous |
perceptivo {adj} | :: perceptive (having perception: insight, understanding or intuition) |
perceve {m} | :: alternative form of percebe |
percevejo {m} | :: bedbug |
percevejo {m} | :: drawing pin, thumbtack |
pércida {m} [usually in the plural] | :: any fish in the family Percidae |
percídeo {m} | :: perch (any fish in the family Percidae) |
perciforme {m} | :: perch (any fish in the order Perciformes) |
perclorato {m} [chemistry] | :: perchlorate (any salt of perchloric acid) |
perclórico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: perchloric |
percolação {f} | :: percolation (seepage or filtration of a liquid through porous material) |
percorrendo {v} | :: gerund of percorrer |
percorrer {v} /pɨɾ.ku.ˈʁeɾ/ | :: to travel |
percorrer {v} | :: to roam, wander |
percurso {m} /pərˈkuɾsu/ | :: course, route |
percurso {m} | :: journey |
percussão {f} | :: percussion |
percussor {m} | :: hammer (part of a firearm) |
percussor {m} | :: anything or anyone who percusses |
percussor {adj} | :: which or who percusses |
perda {f} /ˈpeɾ.ðɐ/ | :: loss (instance of losing something) |
perda {f} [euphemistic] | :: the death of someone close |
perdam {m} | :: obsolete spelling of perdão |
perdaõ {m} | :: obsolete spelling of perdão |
perdão {m} /pɨɾ.ˈdɐ̃w̃/ | :: pardon; forgiveness |
perdão {interj} [somewhat, formal] | :: excuse me (used to request someone’s attention) |
perdão {interj} [somewhat, formal] | :: sorry (used as an apology) |
perda total {f} [Brazil] | :: A totaled car; one that has lost all of its value after an accident |
perda total {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: A person who has gotten very drunk |
perdedor {m} | :: loser (person who fails to win) |
perdedor {m} | :: loser (someone with bad luck or poor skills who consistently loses) |
perdedor {m} | :: loser (person who is frequently unsuccessful in life) |
perdedor {adj} | :: losing (who loses, fails to win) |
perder {v} /pɨɾ.ˈðeɾ/ | :: to lose (an object, a job, interest etc.) |
perder {v} | :: to lose (to be defeated in a match, an election etc.) |
perder {v} | :: to miss (an opportunity, a train or bus etc.) |
perder {v} | :: to waste (time) |
perder {v} [Internet slang] | :: to laugh a lot or to find something funny |
perder as botas {v} [idiomatic, euphemistic, colloquial] | :: to give up the ghost; kick the bucket (to die) |
perder de vista {vt} | :: to lose sight of (to be no longer able to see) |
perder o seu latim {v} [idiomatic] | :: To waste time attempting to explain something to somebody who doesn’t understand or doesn’t desire to |
perder o seu latim {v} [idiomatic] | :: To be forced to do/say something without getting a result |
perder-se {vr} | :: to get lost (to become lost) |
perder tempo {v} | :: to waste time (to spend time in an unproductive manner) |
perdeu {interj} [Brazil, slang] | :: used by thieves when stealing someone’s valuables; stand and deliver |
perdição {f} /pɨɾ.ði.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: perdition |
perdição {f} | :: ruin, downfall |
perdidamente {adv} /pɨɾ.ði.ðɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: hopelessly |
perdidamente {adv} | :: helplessly |
perdido {adj} /pɨɾ.ˈði.ðu/ | :: lost |
perdido {adj} | :: hopeless |
perdido {adj} | :: helpless |
perdido {adj} | :: missing |
perdido por cem, perdido por mil {proverb} | :: in for a penny, in for a pound (expressing recognition that one must conclude something after having started it) |
perdido por um, perdido por mil {proverb} | :: alternative form of perdido por cem, perdido por mil |
Perdigão {prop} | :: Perdigão (municipality) |
perdível {adj} | :: losable (liable to being lost) |
perdiz {f} /pɛʁˈd͡ʒis/ | :: partridge (any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris) |
perdiz-cinzenta {f} | :: grey partridge (Perdix perdix, a gamebird in pheasant family) |
Perdizes {prop} | :: Perdizes (municipality) |
perdoando {v} | :: gerund of perdoar |
perdoar {v} /pɨɾ.ˈdwaɾ/ | :: to forgive; to pardon |
perdoar {v} [legal] | :: to pardon (to grant an official pardon for a crime) |
perdoar {v} | :: to treat mercifully |
perdoar {v} | :: to forgive a debt |
perdoável {adj} | :: pardonable; forgivable (capable of being forgiven) |
Perdões {prop} | :: Perdões (municipality) |
perdulário {m} /peɾ.du.ˈla.ɾju./ | :: a spendthrift, a spender (someone who spends a lot) |
perdurar {vi} | :: to last, persist |
pereba {f} /peˈɾɛbɐ/ | :: wound, lesion |
perecendo {v} | :: gerund of perecer |
perecer {v} | :: to perish, die |
perecibilidade {f} /ˈda.d(ʒ)i/ | :: perishability |
perecível {adj} | :: perishable |
peregrinaçam {f} | :: obsolete spelling of peregrinação |
peregrinaçaõ {f} | :: obsolete spelling of peregrinação |
peregrinação {f} | :: pilgrimage (journey to a sacred place) |
peregrinagem {f} | :: pilgrimage (journey to a sacred place) |
peregrinar {v} | :: to pilgrimage (go on a pilgrimage) |
peregrino {adj} | :: peregrine |
peregrino {m} | :: pilgrim (someone who goes on a pilgrimage) |
pereira {f} /pɨ.ˈɾɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: pear tree |
Pereira {prop} {mf} /pɨ.ˈɾɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: surname |
Pereira Barreto {prop} | :: Pereira Barreto (municipality) |
Pereiras {prop} | :: Pereiras (municipality) |
peremptoriamente {adv} [Brazilian orthography] | :: peremptorily |
peremptório {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: peremptory |
perene {adj} /pɨ.ˈɾɛ.nɨ/ | :: perennial; lasting; enduring |
perene {adj} | :: perennial (continuing without cessation or intermission) |
perene {adj} [botany, of a plant] | :: perennial (having a life cycle of more than two years) |
perenemente {adv} | :: perennially |
perenne {adj} | :: superseded spelling of perene |
perentoriamente {adv} [European orthography] /pɨ.ɾẽ.tɔ.ɾjɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: alternative form of peremptoriamente |
perentório {adj} [European orthography] /pɨ.ɾẽ.tɔ.ɾju/ | :: alternative form of peremptório |
perereca {f} | :: tree frog (frog of the family Hylidae) |
perereca {f} [slang] | :: female genitals; vagina |
Peres {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
perestroika {f} | :: perestroika (reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s) |
perfazendo {v} | :: gerund of perfazer |
perfazer {v} | :: to finish, conclude, end, complete |
perfeccionismo {m} | :: perfectionism (obsession with perfection) |
perfeccionista {adj} [of a person] | :: perfectionistic (needing everything to be perfect) |
perfeccionista {mf} | :: perfectionist (person who needs everything to be perfect) |
perfecionismo {m} | :: alternative spelling of perfeccionismo |
perfectivo {adj} [grammar] | :: perfective (relative to the perfect tense or perfective aspect) |
perfeição {f} /pɨɾ.fɐj.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: perfection (state of being perfect) |
perfeitamente {adv} /pɨɾ.fɐj.tɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: perfectly |
perfeito {adj} /pɨɾˈfɐj.tu/ | :: perfect |
pérfido {adj} | :: perfidious; disloyal |
perfil {m} /pɨɾ.ˈfiɫ/ | :: profile (the shape, view, or shadow of a person's head from the side) |
perfil {m} [law enforcement] | :: profile (summary or collection of information, especially about a person) |
perfil {m} [internet] | :: profile (specific space or field in which users can provide various types of personal information in software or Internet systems) |
perfilar {vt} /ˌpeʁ.fi.ˈla(ʁ)/ | :: to profile; to outline (to create a summary of information about someone or something) |
perfilar {vt} [military] | :: to line up (to arrange soldiers into a line) |
perfilar {vp} | :: to stand up straight |
perfilar {vt} | :: to make someone, or one’s body, stand up straight |
perfilar {v} [para, .usually, .pronominal] | :: to report (to show up for an appointment or recruitment) |
perfilar {v} [com] | :: to compare (to assess the similarities and differences between things) |
perfilhação {f} | :: adoption |
perfilhação {f} | :: affiliation |
perfilhando {v} | :: gerund of perfilhar |
perfilhar {v} | :: to adopt |
perfilhar {v} | :: to affiliate |
perfolhear {vt} | :: to read various pages of a publication with care and attention |
performance {f} /peʁ.ˈfɔʁ.mɐ̃.si/ | :: performance (amount of useful work accomplished by someone or something) |
perfórmance {f} [uncommon] | :: alternative spelling of performance |
perfumado {adj} | :: perfumed; scented |
perfumar {vt} | :: to perfume (to apply perfume to) |
perfumaria {f} | :: perfumery (shop selling perfumes) |
perfumaria {f} | :: perfumery (factory where perfume is made) |
perfume {m} | :: perfume (substance providing a pleasant smell) |
perfumista {mf} | :: perfumer (person who makes or sells perfume) |
perfunctório {adj} | :: perfunctory (performed out of routine, with little care) |
perfuração {f} | :: perforation, piercing |
perfuração {f} | :: drilling, boring |
perfurado {adj} | :: perforated |
perfurador {adj} | :: perforating |
perfuradora {f} | :: feminine noun of perfurador |
perfuradora {f} | :: rig (drill used to dig wells) |
perfuradora {f} | :: a drilling company |
perfurar {vt} | :: to perforate |
perfurar {vt} | :: to pierce |
perfuratriz {f} | :: rig (drill used to dig wells) |
perfusão {f} | :: perfusion (act of perfusing) |
pergaminho {m} | :: parchment |
Pérgamo {prop} {m} /ˈpɛʁ.ɡɐ.mu/ | :: Pérgamo (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in <<r/Mysia>>, in modern <<c/Turkey>>) |
pérgola {f} | :: pergola (trelliswork roof used to support climbing plants) |
pérgula {f} | :: alternative form of pérgola |
pergunta {f} /pɨɾ.ˈɣũ.tɐ/ | :: question |
pergunta que não quer calar {f} [idiom] | :: an important question, often one difficult or impossible to answer |
perguntar {vt} /pɨɾ.ɣũ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to ask (request an answer) |
perguntar {vp} | :: to wonder (query in the mind) |
perguntar-se {vr} | :: to ask oneself (to ponder about something) |
peri {m} | :: peri |
periapside {f} | :: periapsis |
pericarpo {m} [botany] | :: pericarp (outermost layer of a fruit) |
perícia {f} | :: expertise (great skill or knowledge) |
perícia {f} | :: a person or group of people responsible for expert analyses, such as a forensic scientist |
pericial {adj} | :: expert |
periclase {f} [mineral] | :: periclase |
Péricles {prop} {m} | :: Pericles (Greek politician) |
Péricles {prop} {m} | :: given name |
periculosidade {f} | :: perilousness, dangerousness; peril, danger |
periculoso {adj} [labor law, of an occupation or workplace] | :: involving physical hazards (such as the risk of accident or of being murdered) that entitle the worker to extra compensation |
periculoso {adj} [poetic] | :: perilous; dangerous |
peridoto {m} | :: peridot; chrysolite (a transparent olive-green form of olivine) |
perieco {m} | :: one of the Perioikoi, ancient inhabitants of Laconia |
periélio {m} [astronomy] | :: perihelion (point where the planet or comet is nearest to the sun) |
periferia {f} [Brazil] | :: outskirts, suburbs (often related to poor neighborhoods around a big city) |
periférico {adj} | :: peripheral (located on the periphery) |
periférico {adj} | :: peripheral; unimportant |
periférico {m} [computer hardware] | :: peripheral (device connected to a computer) |
perífrase {f} | :: periphrasis (use of a longer expression instead of a shorter one) |
perifrasticamente {adv} | :: periphrastically (with circumlocution) |
perifrasticamente {adv} [linguistics] | :: periphrastically (with periphrasis) |
perifrástico {adj} | :: periphrastic; verbose (using more words than necessary) |
perifrástico {adj} | :: periphrastic; roundabout; circuitous (avoiding getting to the point) |
perifrástico {adj} [grammar] | :: periphrastic (characterised by periphrasis) |
perigo {m} [uncountable] /pɨ.ˈɾi.ɣu/ | :: danger (exposure to liable harm) |
perigo {m} | :: danger (an instance or cause of liable harm) |
perigosamente {adv} | :: dangerously |
perigoso {adj} /pɨɾiˈɣozu/ | :: Presenting danger; unsafe; dangerous; risky |
periguete {f} | :: dated spelling of piriguete |
perilômia {f} | :: skullcap (plant of the genus Scutellaria) |
perímetro {m} [geometry] | :: perimeter (the length of the outline of an object) |
perímetro {m} | :: perimeter (outer limits of an area) |
perímetro {m} | :: perimeter (instrument for measuring the field of vision) |
perineal {adj} | :: perineal |
períneo {m} [anatomy] | :: perineum |
periodato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: periodate |
periodicamente {adv} | :: periodically (in a regular, periodic manner) |
periódico {m} | :: periodical (publication that appears at fixed intervals) |
periódico {adj} | :: periodic (occurring at regular intervals) |
periodismo {m} | :: journalism (activity or profession of being a journalist) |
periodismo {m} | :: the condition of being subject to intervals |
periodista {mf} | :: journalist |
periodístico {adj} | :: relating to periodicals |
período {m} /pɨ.ˈɾi.u.ðu/ | :: period (time) |
período de experiência {m} | :: probation (period of conditional employment) |
período glacial {m} | :: ice age (period of extensive glaciation) |
periósteo {m} [anatomy] | :: periosteum (membrane surrounding a bone) |
peripatética {f} | :: feminine noun of peripatético |
peripécia {f} [drama] | :: peripeteia (sudden reversal of fortune as a plot point) |
peripécia {f} [by extension] | :: an unexpected occurrence |
périplo {m} | :: circumnavigation; periplus |
periquita {f} | :: feminine noun of periquito |
periquita {f} [slang] | :: pussy (the female genitalia) |
periquito {m} | :: parakeet (any of various species of small parrots) |
Periquito {prop} | :: Periquito (municipality) |
periquito australiano {m} | :: budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus, a species of parakeet often kept as a pet) |
periquito-australiano {m} | :: alternative spelling of periquito australiano |
periscópio {m} | :: periscope (device that allows someone to see things at a different height level) |
perispírito {m} [spiritualism] | :: perispirit (ethereal material that forms a bond between spirit and body) |
peristalse {f} [medicine] | :: peristalsis (rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract) |
peristaltismo {m} [medicine] | :: peristalsis (rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract) |
Peritiba {prop} | :: Peritiba (municipality) |
perito {adj} | :: expert (extraordinarily capable or knowledgeable) |
perito {m} | :: expert (person with extensive knowledge or ability) |
peritoneal {adj} | :: peritoneal (relating to or affecting the peritoneum) |
peritoneu {m} [anatomy] | :: peritoneum (membrane lining the cavity of the abdomen) |
peritónio {m} [European orthography, anatomy] | :: peritoneum (membrane lining the cavity of the abdomen) |
peritônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of peritónio |
perjúrio {m} | :: perjury |
perla {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: pall |
perlavar {v} | :: to cleanse |
perlavar {v} | :: to purify |
perlita {f} [mineral] | :: perlite |
Perm {prop} {f} | :: Perm (krai) |
Perm {prop} {f} | :: Perm (city/administrative center) |
permacultura {f} [agriculture] | :: permaculture (agriculture that renews natural resources and enriches local ecosystems) |
permafrost {m} [geology] | :: permafrost (permanently frozen ground) |
permanecer {vi} /pɨɾ.mɐ.nɨ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to remain, stay, persist |
permanecer {vi} | :: to abide, reside |
permanência {f} | :: permanence |
permanência de objeto {f} | :: alternative form of permanência de objetos |
permanência de objetos {f} [developmental psychology] | :: object permanence (the understanding that an object still exists when it disappears from sight) |
permanente {adj} [uncomparable] /ˌpəɾ.ma.ˈnẽ.t(ə)/ | :: permanent (without end) |
permanente {adj} | :: permanent (lasting for an indefinitely long time) |
permanente {f} | :: permanent hair straightening |
permanentemente {adv} | :: permanently |
permanganato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: permanganate |
permeabilidade {f} [physics] | :: permeability |
permeado {adj} | :: permeated; filled with |
permear {v} | :: to permeate (to pass through the pores or interstices of) |
permear {v} [figurative] | :: to pervade (to spread through) |
permeável {adj} | :: permeable |
permeio {m} | :: permeation; interposition |
permil {m} | :: permille (indicates a proportion per thousand) |
permissão {f} | :: permission (authorisation) |
permitindo {v} | :: gerund of permitir |
permitir {v} /pɨɾ.mi.ˈtiɾ/ | :: to permit, allow, tolerate |
permitir {v} | :: to enable |
permuta {f} | :: exchange (an act of exchanging or trading) |
permutação {f} [mathematics] /peɻ.mu.ta.ˈsɐ̃õ/ | :: permutation (one-to-one mapping) |
permutação {f} [combinatorics] | :: permutation (ordering of a finite set of distinct elements) |
permutação {f} | :: the act of permuting |
permutação {f} | :: an exchange (act of trading, exchanging or swapping) |
permutação {f} [prosody] | :: metathesis (transposition of letters, syllables or sounds within a word) |
permutação {f} [cytology] | :: exchange of genetic material during meiosis |
permutável {adj} | :: interchangeable |
perna {f} /ˈpɛɾ.nɐ/ | :: leg |
perna {f} | :: stint |
pernada {f} | :: a kick; literally, "leg thrust" |
perna-de-pau {f} | :: stilt (pole with footrests, allowing someone to walk above the ground) |
pernambucano {adj} /peʁ.ˌnɐ̃.bu.ˈkɐ.nu/ | :: Pernambucan |
pernambucano {m} | :: Pernambucan |
pernambuco {m} [obsolete] | :: someone from the Brazilian state of Pernambuco |
Pernambuco {prop} {m} /ˌpeʁ.nɐ̃.ˈbu.ku/ | :: Pernambuco (state) |
Pernau {prop} {f} | :: Pernau (city) |
perneta {adj} | :: lame or having lost a leg |
perneta {mf} | :: someone who is lame or lost a leg |
perneta {mf} [slang] | :: a bad football player |
perniciosamente {adv} | :: perniciously (in a pernicious manner) |
perniciosidade {f} | :: perniciousness (the condition of being pernicious) |
pernicioso {adj} | :: pernicious (causing harm in a subtle way) |
pernil {m} | :: meat from the thigh of quadrupeds |
pernilongo {m} | :: cranefly (any fly of the suborder Tipulomorpha with very long legs) |
pernoita {f} | :: night (night spent at a place, especially a hotel) |
pernoitada {f} [rare] | :: night (night spent at a place) |
pernoitamento {m} | :: night, overnight stay |
pernoitar {v} | :: to overnight (to stay overnight at a place) |
pernoite {m} [Brazil] | :: night (night spent at a place, especially a hotel) |
pernóstico {adj} /ˈpeɾ.nɔs.t(ʃ)i.ku/ | :: ill-mannered, misbehaving |
pernóstico {adj} | :: pretentious |
pernóstico {adj} | :: pedant |
pernóstico {adj} | :: audacious |
pernoutar {v} | :: alternative form of pernoitar |
pero {conj} [obsolete] | :: but (introduces a clause that contradicts the implications of the previous clause) |
pero {conj} [obsolete] | :: even if (indicates that the preceding clause is true regardless of the following clause) |
peró {conj} | :: alternative form of pero |
perol {conj} | :: alternative form of pero |
pérola {f} /ˈpɛ.ɾu.lɐ/ | :: pearl (rounded shelly concretion produced by certain mollusks) |
pérola {f} [slang, Brazil] | :: faux pas; blunder |
peróneo {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of perónio |
perôneo {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of perónio |
perónio {m} [European orthography, skeleton, dated] /pɨ.ˈɾɔ.nju/ | :: fibula |
perônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of perónio |
peronismo {m} [politics] | :: Peronism (the political ideology of Argentine president Juan Perón) |
perovskita {f} [mineral] | :: perovskite |
peroxidação {f} [chemistry] | :: peroxidation |
peróxido {m} [chemistry] | :: peroxide |
peróxido de hidrogénio {m} [European orthography, inorganic compound] | :: hydrogen peroxide (h2O2) |
peróxido de hidrogênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of peróxido de hidrogénio |
perpassando {v} | :: gerund of perpassar |
perpassar {v} | :: to pervade |
perpendicular {adj} /pɨɾ.pẽ.di.ku.ˈlaɾ/ | :: perpendicular |
perpendicular {f} | :: perpendicular |
perpendicularmente {adv} | :: perpendicularly (in a perpendicular manner) |
perpetrador {m} | :: perpetrator (one who perpetrates a crime or offense) |
perpetrando {v} | :: gerund of perpetrar |
perpetrar {v} | :: to perpetrate |
perpetuação {f} | :: perpetuation |
perpetuamente {adv} | :: perpetually; forever (at all times in the future) |
perpetuar {vt} | :: to perpetuate (make perpetual) |
perpetuar {vt} | :: to perpetuate (prolong the existence of) |
perpetuo {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of perpétuo |
perpétuo {adj} | :: perpetual, everlasting, eternal |
perpianho {m} | :: perpent stone (large stone reaching through a wall) |
Perpignan {prop} {f} | :: Perpignan (city) |
Perpinhã {prop} {f} | :: rare spelling of Perpignan |
Perpinhão {prop} {f} | :: rare spelling of Perpignan |
perplexidade {f} | :: perplexity |
perplexo {adj} /peɾ.ˈplɛ.ksu/ | :: perplexed (confused or puzzled) |
perque {conj} | :: obsolete form of porque |
perque {adv} | :: obsolete form of porque |
perrengue {m} [colloquial] | :: difficulty (difficult situation) |
perrexil {m} | :: parsley |
perrexil {m} | :: rock samphire; sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum, an edible plant that grows near the sea) |
perro {adj} /ˈpe.ʁu/ | :: stiff (of an object, rigid, hard to bend, inflexible) |
perro {adj} | :: stubborn |
perro {m} [rare] | :: dog |
perro {m} [figurative] | :: mischievous person |
persa {mf} /ˈpɛɾ.sɐ/ | :: Persian (member of ethnic group native to the Iranian plateau) |
persa {mf} | :: Iranian (person from Iran) |
persa {mf} [uncountable] | :: Persian; Farsi (national language of Iran) |
persa {adj} | :: Persian (of Persia) |
persa {adj} | :: Iranian (of Iran) |
persa {adj} | :: Persian (of the Persian language) |
perscrutar {v} | :: to examine; to investigate thoroughly; to inquire; to question |
perscrutar {v} | :: to try to learn; to try to discover a secret |
per se {adv} | :: per se (without considering extraneous factors) |
Perséfona {prop} {f} | :: rare form of Perséfone |
Perséfone {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Persephone (wife of Hades) |
perseguição {f} /pɨɾ.sɨ.ɣi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: persecution, harassment |
perseguição {f} | :: pursuit, chase |
perseguida {f} [colloquial, Brazil] | :: vagina (woman's genitalia) |
perseguidor {m} | :: pursuer (one who pursues) |
perseguidora {f} | :: female equivalent of perseguidor |
perseguindo {v} | :: gerund of perseguir |
perseguir {v} /pɨɾ.sɨ.ˈɣiɾ/ | :: to pursue, follow |
perseguir {v} | :: to chase |
pérseo {adj} | :: Persian (from or pertaining to Persia) |
Persephone {prop} {f} | :: archaic spelling of Perséfone |
Perséphone {prop} {f} | :: archaic spelling of Perséfone |
Persépolis {prop} {f} /peʁ.ˈsɛ.po.lis/ | :: Persépolis (<<ancient>> ceremonial <<capital>> of the <<empire:Suf/Achaemenid>>, in modern <<c/Iran>>) |
Perseu {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] /peʁ.ˈsew/ | :: Perseus (hero who slew Medusa) |
perseverança {f} | :: perseverance (persistent determination; insistence) |
perseverar {vi} | :: to persevere (persist steadfastly) |
Persia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Pérsia |
Pérsia {prop} {f} | :: Pérsia (ancient empire) |
Pérsia {prop} {f} | :: former name of Irão; Persia |
persiana {f} | :: Venetian blind (blind consisting of overlapping horizontal slats) |
pérsico {adj} | :: Persian (from or pertaining to Persia) |
persignar {v} | :: only used in persignar-se |
persignar-se {vr} | :: to cross (to make the sign of the cross over oneself) |
persistência {f} | :: persistence |
persistência {f} | :: tenacity |
persistência {f} | :: perseverance |
persistente {adj} | :: persistent (refusing to give up or yield) |
persistentemente {adv} | :: persistently |
persistir {v} | :: to persist (continue to exist) |
persoa {f} | :: obsolete form of pessoa |
personagem {mf} /pɨɾ.su.ˈna.ʒɐ̃j̃/ | :: a character in a story |
personalidade {f} /ˌpeɹ.so.ˌˈda.d͡ʒi/ | :: personality (set of qualities that make a person distinct from another) |
personalidade {f} | :: personality; celebrity |
personalidade {f} | :: personality (qualities that make a person stand out from the crowd) |
personalizado {adj} | :: custom (made to fit someone’s specific needs) |
personalizar {v} | :: to personalize, to customise (alter to suit individual requirements or specifications) |
persona non grata {f} | :: persona non grata (a person who is not welcome) |
personificação {f} | :: personification; embodiment (person, thing or name typifying a certain quality or idea) |
personificação {f} | :: personification (the attribution of human qualities to an inanimate object) |
personificar {v} | :: to embody; to personify (have all the attributes of) |
perspéctico {adj} | :: perspective (relating to perspective) |
perspectiva {f} /peɾs.pek.ˈt͡ʃ | :: perspective (view, vista or outlook) |
perspectiva {f} [optics] | :: perspective (appearance of depth in objects) |
perspectiva {f} | :: perspective (technique of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface) |
perspectiva {f} | :: perspective; point of view |
perspectiva {f} | :: prospect; anticipation; expectation |
perspectivar {v} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of perspetivar |
perspetiva {f} [European orthography] /pɨɾʃpɛˈtiva/ | :: alternative form of perspectiva |
perspetivando {v} | :: gerund of perspetivar |
perspetivar {v} [arts] /pɨɾʃpɛˈtivaɾ/ | :: to create the illusion of depth in an artwork |
perspicácia {f} | :: perspicacity (acute discernment or understanding) |
perspicaz {adj} | :: perspicacious (showing keen insight) |
perspicazmente {adv} | :: keenly, acutely, perspicaciously |
perspiração {f} | :: perspiration (process of sweating) |
persuadir {vt} /peʁ.swa.ˈdʒi(ʁ)/ | :: to persuade (convince through reasoning) |
persuasivamente {adv} | :: persuasively |
persulforeto {m} | :: persulfide |
pertecnectato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pertechnetate |
pertence {m} | :: an object that belongs to someone; property, item |
pertencendo {v} | :: gerund of pertencer |
pertencente {adj} | :: belonging (to) |
pertencente {adj} | :: relative (to) |
pertencente {adj} | :: appurtenant |
pertencer {v} [a] /pɨɾ.tẽ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to belong to (to be property of; to be owned by) |
pertencer {v} [a] | :: to belong to (to be a part of) |
pertencer {v} [a, .set theory] | :: to belong to (to be an element of a set) |
pertencimento {m} | :: belonging (the fact of belonging to someone or something) |
Perth {prop} {f} | :: Perth (city) |
Perth {prop} {f} | :: Perth (city) |
pértica {f} [historical] | :: a unit of measure equivalent to approximately 2.60 metres |
pertinaz {adj} | :: pertinacious |
pertinaz {adj} | :: obstinate |
pertinaz {adj} | :: persistent |
pertinência {f} | :: pertinence (the quality of being pertinent) |
pertinência {f} [set theory] | :: membership (the fact of being a member of a set) |
pertinência {f} [fuzzy logic] | :: membership (the degree to which a value belongs to a fuzzy set) |
pertinente {adj} /peʁ.tʃi.ˈnẽ.tʃi/ | :: pertinent; relevant (directly related to a topic) |
perto {adv} /ˈpɛɾ.tu/ | :: close, closely, next (at a little distance) |
perto de {prep} | :: near (in close proximity to) |
perto de {prep} | :: about (near or approximately, regarding time, size or quantity) |
perturbação {f} /pɨɾ.tuɾ.βɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: perturbation |
perturbação {f} | :: disturbance |
perturbação {f} | :: turmoil, upheaval |
perturbado {adj} /pɨɾ.tuɾ.ˈβa.ðu/ | :: disturbed [person] |
perturbador {adj} /pɨɾtuɾβaˈðoɾ/ | :: disturbing (causing distress or worry) |
perturbar {v} /per.tur.ˈbar/ | :: to perturb, to disturb |
pertússis {f} [disease] | :: whooping cough (a contagious disease) |
peru {m} /pɨˈɾu/ | :: turkey |
peru {m} [slang] | :: penis |
Peru {prop} {m} /pɨˈɾu/ | :: Peru (country) |
perua {f} | :: feminine noun of peru, a turkey-hen |
perua {f} [Brazil, colloquial, figuratively, sometimes offensive] | :: a middle-aged woman who uses extravagant clothes and accessories |
perua {f} [Brazil, colloquial, sometimes offensive] | :: a prostitute |
perua {f} [Brazil] | :: van (an automobile smaller than a bus or truck and larger than a common car) |
perua {f} | :: a very skinny riding equid |
perua {f} | :: drunkenness |
peruana {f} | :: female equivalent of peruano |
peruano {adj} | :: Peruvian |
peruano {m} | :: Peruvian |
peruca {f} /pɨ.ˈɾu.kɐ/ | :: wig |
peruca {f} | :: chignon |
Perúgia {prop} {f} | :: Perúgia (city/and/province) |
Peruíbe {prop} | :: Peruíbe (municipality) |
Perúsia {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Perúgia |
pervasivo {adj} | :: pervasive (manifested throughout) |
perversão {f} /pɨɾvɨɾˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: perversion |
perversidade {f} | :: perversity |
perverso {adj} | :: perverse |
pervertido {adj} | :: perverted (deviating from what is normally considered right) |
pervertido {m} | :: pervert (one who has turned to error) |
pervertido {m} | :: pervert (sexually perverted person) |
pervinca {f} | :: periwinkle (any of several evergreen plants of the genus Vinca) |
perxenato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: perxenate |
PES {f} [parapsychology] | :: initialism of percepção extrassensorial: ESP |
pesadamente {adv} | :: heavily |
pesadão {adj} | :: augmentative of pesado |
pesadelar {adj} | :: nightmarish (resembling a nightmare) |
pesadelo {m} /pɨzɐˈdelu/ | :: nightmare |
pesado {adj} /pɨ.ˈza.ðu/ | :: Having great weight; heavy |
pesado {adj} | :: Of great force, power or intensity; deep; heavy; intense |
pesagem {f} /pɨ.ˈza.ʒɐ̃j̃/ | :: weighing (the process determining the weight of something) |
pêsame {m} [often, in the plural] | :: condolence |
pesando {v} | :: gerund of pesar |
pesa-papéis {m} | :: paperweight (object placed on top of pieces of paper to prevent them from fluttering away) |
pesar {m} /pɨ.ˈzaɾ/ | :: grief; regret |
pesar {v} /pɨ.ˈzaɾ/ | :: to weigh (determine the weight of an object) |
pesar {v} | :: to weigh (have a certain weight) |
pesar {v} | :: to influence (to exert an influence upon) |
pesar {vi} | :: to be heavy |
pesar {v} [of a food or meal] | :: to cause heartburn or indigestion |
pesar {v} | :: to burden (cause worry or pressure) |
pesaroso {adj} | :: mournful (filled with grief or sadness) |
pesca {f} /ˈpɛʃ.kɐ/ | :: fishing (the business or sport of catching fishes) |
pesca {f} | :: catch (the amount of fish caught) |
pescada {f} [zoology] | :: whiting (Merlangius merlangus) |
pescador {m} /pɨʃ.kɐ.ˈðoɾ/ | :: fisher (one that fishes) |
Pescador {prop} | :: Pescador (municipality) |
pescador esportivo {m} | :: angler (person who fishes with a hook and line as a hobby) |
pesca esportiva {f} | :: angling (fishing for recreation or sport) |
pescar {v} /pes.ˈka(ɹ)/ | :: to fish (try to catch fish) |
pescar {v} | :: to remove an object from a body of water |
pescar {v} | :: to fish (attempt to find an object by searching among other objects) |
Pescara {prop} {f} | :: Pescara (province) |
Pescara {prop} {f} | :: Pescara (capital city) |
Pescaria Brava {prop} | :: Pescaria Brava (municipality) |
pescoço {m} /pɨʃ.ˈ | :: neck (part of body) |
pescotapa {m} | :: A slap on the neck |
pés de gato {n} | :: alternative spelling of pés-de-gato |
peseta {f} | :: peseta (former currency unit of Spain and Andorra) |
Peshawar {prop} {f} | :: Peshawar (city/provincial capital) |
peshmerga {mp} /ˌpɛ.ʃi.ˈmɛʁ.ɡɐ/ | :: peshmerga (the armed militia of Iraqi Kurdistan) |
peshmerga {adj} | :: relating or belonging to the peshmerga |
Peshmerga {mp} | :: alternative case form of peshmerga |
Peshmerga {adj} | :: alternative case form of peshmerga |
pés no chão {adv} [idiom] | :: feet on the ground (sensibly, showing good sense) |
peso {m} /ˈpe.zu/ | :: weight (force on an object due to the gravitational attraction) |
peso {m} | :: heaviness (the condition of being heavy) |
peso {m} | :: weight (object used for its heaviness) |
peso {m} [weightlifting] | :: weight (heavy object lifted for strength training) |
peso {m} [athletics] | :: shot (heavy ball thrown in shot put) |
peso {m} [figurative] | :: weight (importance or influence) |
peso {m} [figurative] | :: emotional pressure |
peso {m} [sports] | :: weight class (subdivision of a competition based on the competitors’ weight) |
peso {m} [mathematics] | :: weight (value that multiplies a variable) |
peso {m} [typography] | :: weight; boldness (thickness of a character’s strokes) |
peso {m} /ˈpe.zu/ | :: peso (currency unit of Argentina, Chile, Mexico and the Philippines) |
pêso {m} | :: obsolete spelling of peso |
Peso da Régua {prop} /ˈpezu ðɐ ˈʁɛɣwɐ/ | :: Peso da Régua (city/and/municipality) |
peso líquido {m} | :: net weight (weight of a product without the weight of its package) |
peso morto {m} [idiomatic] | :: dead weight (that which is useless or excess) |
pesponto {m} [sewing] | :: a backstitch |
pesqueiro {m} | :: fishing ground |
pesquisa {f} /pes.ˈki.zɐ/ | :: research (inquiry or examination) |
pesquisa {f} [computing] | :: search |
pesquisador {m} | :: researcher |
pesquisadora {f} | :: female researcher |
pesquisadora {f} | :: feminine noun of pesquisador |
pesquisa psi {f} | :: parapsychology (study of that supernatural phenomena) |
pesquisar {vt} /pɨʃ.ki.ˈzaɾ/ | :: to look for |
Pessach {prop} {m} [Judaism] | :: Passover; Pesach (eight-day Jewish festival) |
pêssanka {f} [Paraná] /ˈpe.sɐ̃.kɐ/ | :: pysanka; Ukrainian Easter egg (easter egg decorated with intricate designs) |
pessego {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pêssego |
pêssego {m} /ˈpe.sɨ.ɣu/ | :: peach (fruit) |
pessegueiro {m} | :: peach (Prunus persica, a fruit-bearing tree) |
pessimismo {m} | :: pessimism (expectation that bad things will happen) |
pessimista {adj} | :: pessimistic (always expecting the worst) |
pessimista {mf} | :: pessimist (someone who habitually expects the worst) |
péssimo {adj} /ˈpɛ | :: superlative of mau: very bad |
pessoa {f} /pɨ.ˈso.ɐ/ | :: person (an individual being, especially a human) |
pessoa {f} | :: [formal] person (someone’s physical body) |
pessoa {f} | :: [grammar] person (either the speaker, those spoken to or the subject of the discussion) |
pessoa {f} | :: [Christian theology] person (any of the three hypostases of the Holy Trinity) |
pessoa {f} | :: [law] person (person or organisation with standing before the courts) |
Pessoa {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
pessôa {f} | :: obsolete spelling of pessoa |
pessoa física {f} [legal] | :: natural person (human being, as opposed to an organisation) |
pessoa jurídica {f} [legal] | :: legal person (an organisation or group of people) |
pessoal {adj} /pɨˈswaɫ/ | :: personal |
pessoal {m} | :: staff |
pessoal {m} [colloquial] | :: folks; guys (to address a crowd) |
pessoalmente {adv} /pɨ.swaɫ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: personally |
pessoalmente {adv} | :: in person |
pessoa moral {f} [legal] | :: legal person (an organisation or group of people) |
pessoa não grata {f} | :: alternative form of persona non grata |
pessoa non grata {f} [rare] | :: alternative form of persona non grata |
pestana {f} /pɨʃ.ˈtɐ.nɐ/ | :: eyelash (one of the hairs which grow along the edge of eyelids) |
pestana {f} | :: nap (short period of sleep) |
pestana {f} [musical instrument] | :: nut (a small piece at the peghead end of the fingerboard of string instruments that holds the strings) |
pestana {f} [music] | :: barre chord (type of chord where a finger presses multiple strings) |
pestanejar {vi} | :: to blink |
peste {f} /ˈpɛʃtɨ/ | :: plague |
peste {f} | :: contagious disease |
peste {f} | :: annoying person |
peste bovina {f} | :: rinderpest (contagious viral disease that affects ruminants and swine) |
peste bubónica {f} [European orthography, pathology] | :: bubonic plague (a contagious and deadly disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis) |
peste bubônica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of peste bubónica |
peste negra {f} [pathology] | :: bubonic plague (a contagious and deadly disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis) |
pesticida {m} | :: pesticide (substance used to kill pests) |
pestilência {f} | :: pestilence, plague, contagion |
pet {m} [Brazil, upper class slang] /ˈpɛt͡ʃ/ | :: pet (animal kept as a companion) |
peta- {prefix} | :: peta- (SI prefix multiplying the unit by 1015) |
petabit {m} [computing] | :: petabit (one quadrillion bits) |
petabyte {m} [computing] /ˌpɛtaˈbajt(ʃ)(i)/ | :: petabyte (one quadrillion bytes) |
pétala {f} | :: petal |
petalita {f} [mineral] | :: petalite |
petanca {f} [games] | :: pétanque |
pétaso {m} [historical] | :: petasus (low-crowned hat worn by the Ancient Greeks and Romans) |
peteca {f} | :: an object similar to a badminton shuttlecock, but larger and struck with the palm of the hand |
peteca {f} | :: a sport similar to badminton |
peteleco {m} | :: fillip (the act of releasing the index finger from the hold of a thumb with a snap) |
petição {f} | :: petition (formal request) |
peticionário {adj} | :: petitionary (making a petition) |
peticionário {m} | :: petitioner (someone making a petition) |
petiscar {v} | :: to snack, nibble |
petisco {m} [culinary] | :: titbit (tasty morsel of food) |
petisco {m} [culinary] | :: snack, bite |
petisco {m} [culinary] | :: canapé |
petisco {m} [culinary, in the plural] | :: appetizers, tapas |
petista {mf} [Brazil, politics, neologism] /pe.ˈt͡ʃis.ta/ | :: a person who supports or is affiliated to the Workers' Party |
petista {adj} [Brazil, politics, neologism] | :: pertaining or related to the Workers' Party |
petista {adj} [Brazil, politics, neologism] | :: supporting or pro-Workers' Party |
petitório {adj} | :: petitionary (making or relating to a petition) |
petiz {adj} [colloquial] /pəˈtiʃ/ | :: small; little |
petiz {m} [colloquial] | :: kid |
peto verde {m} | :: green woodpecker (Picus viridis, a European woodpecker species) |
petralha {mf} [derogatory, offensive] | :: A person who supports or is affiliated to Partido dos Trabalhadores (Worker's Party), a political party in Brazil, and justifies the misappropriation of public funds |
petrecho {m} | :: obsolete form of apetrecho |
petrecho {m} [military, archaic] | :: Materiel |
petrecho {m} [law, chiefly in the plural] | :: Paraphernalia, especially when used in the commission of a crime (e.g., drug paraphernalia, burglar's tools) |
petrecho {m} [fishing, chiefly in the plural] | :: Any apparatus used for fishing or angling; gear, tackle |
pétreo {adj} | :: petrous (resembling stone) |
pétreo {adj} | :: relating to stone |
pétreo {adj} [figurative] | :: ice-cold (without emotion) |
Petrescu {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
petrificar {vt} | :: to petrify, to produce rigidity |
petrino {adj} | :: Petrine (of or pertaining to Saint Peter) |
Petroff {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Petroff {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Petrolândia {prop} | :: Petrolândia (municipality) |
Petrolândia {prop} | :: Petrolândia (municipality) |
petroleira {f} [Brazil] | :: oil company |
petroleiro {adj} [attributive] | :: oil, petrol (related to mineral oil) |
petroleiro {m} | :: oil tanker |
petróleo {m} /pɨ.ˈtɾɔ.lju/ | :: oil; petroleum |
petróleo bruto {m} | :: crude oil (unrefined oil) |
petróleo cru {m} | :: crude oil (unrefined oil) |
petrologia {f} [geology] | :: petrology |
Petropavlovsk {prop} {f} | :: Petropavlovsk (city/administrative center) |
Petrópolis {prop} | :: Petrópolis (municipality) |
petroquímico {adj} | :: petrochemical |
Petrov {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Petrov {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Petrovsk {prop} {f} | :: Petrovsk (city/regional capital) |
Petrozavodsk {prop} {f} | :: Petrozavodsk (city/regional capital) |
pet shop {mf} | :: pet shop (shop where pets and pet products are sold) |
petulante {adj} | :: petulant |
petúnia {f} /pɨ.ˈtu.njɐ/ | :: petunia (plant) |
peúga {f} [Portugal] | :: sock |
pé-vela {m} | :: foot-candle |
pevide {f} /pe.ˈvi.d͡ʒi/ | :: A flat seed, such as that of a pumpkin, melon or pear |
pevide {f} | :: Pasta // () shaped like flat seeds |
pevide {f} [veterinary medicine] | :: pip (respiratory disease of birds) |
pevide {f} [speech pathology] | :: Inability to pronounce rhotic consonants correctly |
pevide {f} | :: The burned part of a candle’s wick |
p. ex. {adv} | :: abbreviation of por exemplo; e.g. |
-pexia {suffix} [surgery] | :: -pexy (forms the name of surgical procedures where a part of the body is attached to another) |
pez {m} | :: pitch (dark, extremely viscous material made by distilling tar) |
pezinho {m} /pɛ.ˈzi.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of pé |
pezinho {m} /pe.ˈzi.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of pê |
pezunho {m} | :: hoof |
PF {m} | :: initialism of prato feito |
PF {phrase} | :: initialism of por favor |
PF {prop} {f} | :: initialism of Polícia Federal |
phagocyto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of fagócito |
phalange {f} | :: obsolete spelling of falange |
phalangeta {f} | :: obsolete spelling of falangeta |
phalanginha {f} | :: obsolete spelling of falanginha |
phallico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of fálico |
phantasma {morf} | :: obsolete spelling of fantasma |
pharaó {m} | :: obsolete spelling of faraó |
pharmaceutico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of farmacêutico |
pharmaceutico {m} | :: obsolete spelling of farmacêutico |
pharmacia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of farmácia |
pharol {m} | :: obsolete spelling of farol |
PhDeus {m} [slang, humorous] | :: A snooty Ph.D. |
Phebe {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Febe |
Phenícia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Fenícia |
phenício {m} | :: obsolete spelling of fenício |
phenício {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of fenício |
Phenix {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Fénix |
Phénix {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Fénix |
phenomeno {m} | :: obsolete spelling of fenómeno |
phenomenologia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of fenomenologia |
phi {m} | :: obsolete spelling of fi |
philaucia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of filáucia |
Philipa {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Filipa |
Philippa {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Filipa |
Philomena {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Filomena |
philósopha {f} | :: feminine noun of philósopho |
philosophal {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of filosofal |
philosopho {m} | :: obsolete spelling of filósofo |
philósopho {m} | :: obsolete spelling of filósofo |
phishing {m} [computer security] | :: phishing (the act of sending email that falsely claims to be from a legitimate organisation) |
phlegma {f} | :: obsolete form of fleuma |
phleugma {f} | :: obsolete form of fleuma |
phleuma {f} | :: obsolete spelling of fleuma |
Phnom Penh {prop} {f} | :: Phnom Penh (capital city) |
Phocida {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Fócida |
Phócida {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Fócida |
Phoenix {prop} {f} | :: Phoenix (city/state capital) |
phosphato {m} | :: obsolete spelling of fosfato |
photographar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of fotografar |
photographia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of fotografia |
phrase {f} | :: obsolete spelling of frase |
phthisica {f} | :: obsolete spelling of tísica |
phthisico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of tísico |
phthisico {m} | :: obsolete spelling of tísico |
physica {f} | :: obsolete spelling of física |
physis {f} [Ancient Greek philosophy and theology] | :: physis (nature, as contrasted with law or custom) |
pi {m} /ˈpi/ | :: pi (name of the Greek letter Π, π) |
pi {interj} | :: bleep (high-pitched sound) |
PI {prop} | :: abbreviation of Piauí (Brazilian state) |
pia {f} | :: sink |
pia {f} | :: basin |
piá {m} [colloquial, Paraná, Southern Brazil] /piˈa/ | :: kid; child |
piá {m} [colloquial, vocative, Paraná, Southern Brazil] | :: man; dude |
piá {adj} [colloquial, Paraná, Southern Brazil, personal] | :: childish |
piá {v} | :: eye dialect of piar |
pia batismal {f} | :: font (a receptacle for holy water in a church) |
piaçá {f} | :: alternative form of piaçaba |
piaçaba {f} /pja.ˈsa.βɐ/ | :: Brazilian palm trees Attalea funifera and Leopoldinia piassaba |
piaçaba {f} | :: fibrous product of these trees, formerly used in making brooms and for other purposes |
piaçaba {f} | :: toilet brush |
Piacatu {prop} | :: Piacatu (municipality) |
piaçava {f} | :: alternative form of piaçaba |
Piacenza {prop} {f} | :: Piacenza (city/and/province) |
piada {f} | :: joke (amusing story) |
piada {f} [Portugal] | :: fun, reason |
piadeira {f} | :: wigeon (any of the dabbling ducks of the genus Anas) |
piadista {mf} | :: joker (person who makes jokes) |
piamente {adv} | :: piously (in a pious manner) |
pianinho {m} /pi.ɐ.ˈni.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of piano; pianette |
pianinho {m} [slang] | :: guitar |
pianinho {adj} [of sound] | :: very soft |
pianinho {adj} [slang, of people] | :: submissive (obedient in fear of authority or power) |
pianista {mf} /ˌpi.ɐ.ˈnis.ta/ | :: pianist (piano player) |
piano {adj} /ˈpjɐnu/ | :: piano |
piano {adv} [music] | :: piano, soft |
piano {adv} [music] | :: piano, slowly |
piano {m} [musical instrument] | :: piano |
piano de cauda {m} [musical instruments] | :: grand piano (a piano in which the strings are strung horizontally) |
pião {m} /ˈpjɐ̃w̃/ | :: spinning top (a type of toy that spins on its axis) |
piar {v} | :: to chirp (to make a short, sharp sound, as of small birds) |
piar {v} [by extension] | :: to chat |
Piatã {prop} | :: Piatã (municipality) |
Piau {prop} | :: Piau (municipality) |
Piauí {prop} {m} /ˌˈi/ | :: Piauí (state) |
piauiense {adj} | :: of or from Piauí |
piauiense {mf} | :: someone from Piauí |
PIB {m} | :: gross domestic product, GDP |
pica {f} [slang] | :: dick; prick; penis |
pica {f} [Portugal] | :: jab (medical injection) |
pica {f} [Internet slang] | :: pic (short for picture, meaning image) |
piça {f} [vulgar, slang] | :: dick; prick; penis |
picada {f} | :: the act of stinging |
picada {f} | :: bite (skin swelling caused by an insect sting) |
Picada Café {prop} | :: Picada Café (municipality) |
pica das galáxias {mf} [slang] | :: someone with great reputation or accomplishments |
pica das galáxias {mf} [slang] | :: the highest in a hierarchy |
pica das galáxias {adj} [slang] | :: great, powerful, or reputable |
picadilha {f} [Brazil, slang] /pi.ka.ˈd͡ʒi.ʎɐ/ | :: the act of doing something in secrecy |
picadilha {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: style |
picadinho {m} | :: a dish of diced meat |
picado {adj} | :: having insect bites |
picado {adj} | :: hash (chopped into small pieces) |
picado {adj} [of the sea] | :: choppy (having many small, rough waves) |
picado {adj} [music] | :: staccato (with each note played for a very short duration) |
picado {m} | :: finely chopped food |
picado {m} [music] | :: staccato (articulation in with each note played for a very short duration) |
picador de gelo {m} | :: icepick (a pointed tool used for breaking ice) |
picância {f} | :: spiciness (the quality of being spicy) |
picanço {m} | :: shrike (any of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae) |
picante {adj} /pi.ˈkɐ̃.tɨ/ | :: hot, spicy (of food) |
picante {adj} | :: stinging |
picante {adj} | :: bawdy |
picante {m} | :: hot sauce |
pica-pau {m} | :: woodpecker |
picapau {m} | :: woodpecker |
pica-pau malhado grande {m} | :: great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major, a woodpecker species of Eurasia) |
pica-pau malhado pequeno {m} | :: lesser spotted woodpecker (Picoides minor, a woodpecker species of the Paleartic region) |
picape {f} | :: pickup truck (truck with an open cargo bed) |
pica-peixe {m} | :: kingfisher (any of various birds of the suborder Alcedines) |
picar {v} /piˈkaɾ/ | :: to sting (pierce with a small, sharp point) |
picar {v} | :: to mince; to shred (chop into small pieces) |
picar a mula {v} [slang] | :: to run away, to flee |
Picardia {prop} {f} /ˌpi.kaʁ.ˈd͡ʒi.ɐ/ | :: Picardia (former region) |
picardo {adj} | :: Picard |
picardo {m} | :: Picard (person) |
picardo {m} [uncountable] | :: Picard (language) |
picaresco {adj} | :: picaresque |
picareta {f} /pikɐˈɾetɐ/ | :: pickaxe (heavy tool used to break rocks) |
picareta {mf} [Brazil, slang] | :: a conman or charlatan |
picaretagem {f} | :: fraud |
pícea {f} | :: spruce (tree from the genus Picea) |
picha {f} | :: cruet (small bottle or container used to hold a condiment) |
picha {f} | :: a small shrimp |
picha {f} [slang] | :: dick; prick; penis |
pichação {f} [uncountable] /piʃaˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: graffiti (form of vandalism involving painting text or images in public places) |
pichação {f} | :: graffito (single instance of graffiti) |
pichação {f} | :: the act of graffitiing illegally |
pichador {m} /ˌpi.ʃa.ˈdoɻ/ | :: one who tars (coats with tar) |
pichador {m} | :: graffiti bomber |
pichar {v} | :: to graffiti (to create graffiti), especially vandalistic graffiti |
piche {m} /ˈpiʃi/ | :: pitch (material made from tar) |
Pichilemu {prop} {f} | :: Pichilemu (city) |
picho {m} [Portugal] /ˈpiʃu/ | :: a small jar or pot used to extract or drink wine |
picho {m} [Portugal, by extension] | :: any such small jar or pot |
picho {m} | :: street graffiti |
picho {m} | :: the act of spraying graffiti over a urban surface |
pichulé {m} | :: alternative spelling of pixulé |
pickup {f} | :: alternative form of picape |
picles {m} [nonstandard] | :: a single pickle |
pico {m} /ˈpi.ku/ | :: peak; summit; top (the highest point of a mountain) |
pico {m} [by extension] | :: a high mountain that ends in a peak |
pico {m} [figuratively] | :: top, apogee, acme (the greatest, highest, most successful or most developed point of anything) |
pico {m} | :: sharp tip of anything |
pico {m} | :: thorn |
pico {m} | :: tart or acid flavour |
pico {m} | :: zest; enthusiasm; excitement |
pico {m} | :: instrument for cutting stone |
pico {m} | :: picul (Chinese outdated unit of measurement of weight, roughly equivalent to 60.47 kg or 110.2 lb) |
pico {m} [colloquial, more commonly in plural] | :: each bubble in a carbonated beverage |
pico {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: hullabaloo; turmoil; tumult; commotion; riot |
pico {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: injected dosage |
pico {m} [Portugal, derogatory] | :: homosexual man |
picolé {m} [Brazil] /pi.koˈlɛ/ | :: ice pop (ice cream or frozen fruit juice on a stick) |
picota {f} | :: pillory |
picota {f} [nautical] | :: pump-cheek |
picota {f} | :: shadoof |
picotagem {f} | :: perforation |
picotar {v} | :: to chop (to cut into pieces) |
picotar {v} | :: to perforate paper |
picto {m} [historical] | :: Pict (member of a Celtic people of northern and central Scotland) |
pictograma {m} | :: pictogram (image that represents a word or an idea) |
pidgin {m} [linguistics] | :: pidgin (amalgamation of two languages having no native speakers) |
pidgin inglês da China {m} | :: Chinese pidgin English (an English-lexifier pidgin formerly used along the Chinese coast) |
pidir {v} | :: obsolete form of pedir Now an eye dialect |
piedade {f} /pjɛˈðaðɨ/ | :: piety |
piedade {f} | :: pity, compassion |
Piedade {prop} | :: Piedade (municipality) |
Piedade de Caratinga {prop} | :: Piedade de Caratinga (municipality) |
Piedade de Ponte Nova {prop} | :: Piedade de Ponte Nova (municipality) |
Piedade do Rio Grande {prop} | :: Piedade do Rio Grande (municipality) |
Piedade dos Gerais {prop} | :: Piedade dos Gerais (municipality) |
piedade filial {f} | :: filial piety (respect to one’s parents and ancestors) |
piedoso {adj} /pjɛ.ˈðo.zu/ | :: Showing mercy; merciful |
piedoso {adj} [of a person] | :: Prone to having mercy; merciful |
piegas {adj} | :: overly sentimental; sappy, cheesy |
piegas {adj} | :: who becomes embarrassed easily, by insignificant things |
piegas {mf} | :: one who is excessively sentimental |
piegas {mf} | :: one who becomes embarrassed easily |
Piemonte {prop} {m} /pjɨˈmõtɨ/ | :: Piemonte (region) |
piemontês {adj} | :: Piedmontese (of, from or relating to Piedmont, Italy) |
piemontês {m} | :: Someone from Piedmont, Italy |
piemontês {m} [uncountable] | :: Piemontese (a Gallo-Italic language spoken in Piedmont) |
píer {m} [Brazil] | :: pier (raised platform built from the shore out over water) |
piercing {m} /ˈpiʁ.sĩ/ | :: piercing (jewellery worn through a hole in the skin or tongue) |
Pieria {prop} {f} | :: Pieria (Greek prefecture) |
Pierre {prop} {m} /pi.ˈɛ.ʁi/ | :: given name |
Pierre {prop} {f} | :: Pierre (city/state capital) |
pietista {mf} [Christianity] /pi.e.ˈt͡ʃis.tɐ/ | :: Pietist (follower of Pietism) |
pietista {adj} [Christianity] | :: Pietist (relating to Pietism) |
piezeletricidade {f} [physics] | :: piezoelectricity |
piezelétrico {adj} | :: piezoelectric |
piezoeletricidade {f} [physics] | :: piezoelectricity (capacity of crystal to generate electricity) |
piezoelétrico {adj} | :: piezoelectric |
pífano {m} | :: alternative form of pífaro |
pifão {m} | :: boozing |
pifar {vi} [a machine or device] | :: to break (to stop functioning properly) |
pifar {vi} [figurative, a person or animal] | :: to tire, to weary (to become tired) |
pifar {vi} [figurative, a person or animal] | :: to die |
pifar {vt} | :: to secretely steal something |
pifar {v} | :: to fail, to be not successful |
pifar {v} | :: to drink alcohol excessively |
pifaro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pífaro |
pífaro {m} [musical instruments] | :: fife (small, shrill pipe) |
pife {m} [musical instruments] | :: fife (small, shrill pipe) |
pife {m} [card games] | :: a game where each player is given 9 cards and has to create three sequences or sets |
pífio {adj} | :: cheap (of low quality or taste) |
pífio {adj} | :: despicable |
pigargo {m} | :: white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla, a large Eurasian eagle) |
pigarreada {f} | :: hawk (an effort to force up phlegm from the throat) |
pigarrear {v} | :: to hawk; expectorate; cough up |
pigarro {m} | :: hawk (an effort to force up phlegm from the throat) |
pigídio {m} /pi.ˈʒi.dju/ | :: pygidium |
pigmentação {f} | :: pigmentation, colouring |
pigmentar {vt} | :: to pigment (add pigment) |
pigmento {m} | :: pigment (dry colourant) |
pigmeu {m} | :: pygmy (a member of various African peoples noted for their low stature) |
pigmeu {m} [Greek mythology] | :: pygmy (a member of a mythological race of dwarfs) |
pigmeu {m} [figuratively] | :: pygmy (any dwarfish person) |
pigmeu {m} [figuratively] | :: pygmy (an insignificant person) |
pigmeu {adj} | :: dwarfish (very short) |
pignoratício {adj} | :: pledge (attributive) |
pii {interj} | :: alternative form of pi |
piii {interj} | :: alternative form of pi |
pijama {m} /pi.ˈʒɐ.mɐ/ | :: pajamas (clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in) |
pila {f} [slang, Portugal] | :: penis |
pila {f} [slang, South Brazil] | :: cash |
pilaf {m} | :: pilaf (dish in which rice is cooked in a seasoned broth) |
pilafe {m} | :: alternative form of pilaf |
pilantra {mf} [Brazil] /ˈpi.lɐ̃.tɾa/ | :: tricker, rascal, crook (dishonest person) |
pilantra {adj} [of a person] | :: dishonest, having the characteristics of a rascal |
pilantragem {f} | :: rascality (behaviour of rascals) |
pilão {m} | :: pestle (instrument used with a mortar to grind things) |
pilão {m} | :: a large, wooden mortar used to mash food |
Pilão Arcado {prop} | :: Pilão Arcado (municipality) |
pilar {m} /piˈlaɾ/ | :: pillar (large post, often used as supporting architecture) |
pilar {m} [figurative] | :: pillar (essential part of something) |
pilar {v} | :: to grind using a pestle |
Pilar do Sul {prop} | :: Pilar do Sul (municipality) |
pilarete {m} | :: a small pillar |
pilarete {m} | :: bollard (post preventing vehicles from entering pedestrian area) |
pilastra {f} [architecture] | :: pier or pilaster (rectangular pillar that supports or decorates a wall or roof) |
Pilatos {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Pilate (Roman prefect who ordered the crucifixion of Jesus) |
pilcha {f} | :: the traditional costume of the Gauchos |
pileca {f} | :: nag (small or weak horse) |
pilha {f} /ˈpi.ʎɐ/ | :: stack; pile; heap (mass of things) |
pilha {f} | :: battery (device that produces electricity) |
pilha {f} [computing] | :: stack (data structure) |
pilhador {m} | :: pillager (one who plunders) |
pilhagem {f} | :: pillage (the act of pillaging) |
pilhar {v} | :: to pillage (loot or plunder by force) |
pilhar {v} [Brazil, slang] | :: To want to do something, to have intention of doing something, to have energy for |
pilhéria {m} | :: joke |
pilhéria {m} | :: facetiousness |
pillar {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pilar |
pilo {m} /ˈ | :: pilum (Roman javelin) |
piloiro {m} [rare] | :: dated form of pelouro |
pilone {m} | :: pylon (a gateway to the inner part of an Ancient Egyptian temple) |
pilono {m} | :: alternative form of pilone |
pilota {f} | :: feminine noun of piloto |
pilotar {v} | :: to pilot (to control an aircraft or watercraft) |
piloto {mf} [nautical] /pi.ˈlo.tu/ | :: pilot; helmsman |
piloto {mf} [aviation] | :: pilot (person who controls the aircraft) |
piloto {mf} [motor racing] | :: racing driver |
piloto {mf} [television] | :: pilot (sample episode of a proposed TV series) |
piloto {mf} | :: pilot light |
piloto {mf} | :: pilot fish |
pilôto {mf} | :: superseded spelling of piloto |
piloto automático {m} | :: autopilot (system that guides a vehicle, especially an aircraft, automatically) |
pilouro {m} | :: obsolete form of pelouro |
pilriteiro {m} | :: may (shrub of the genus Crataegus) |
Pilsen {prop} {f} /ˈpiw.sẽj̃/ | :: Pilsen (city) |
Pilsudski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
pílula {f} /ˈpilulɐ/ | :: pill |
pilungo {m} | :: (Brazil, South Region) nag (weak and useless horse) |
pimba {interj} | :: expresses an occurrence that is very sudden |
pimenta {f} /pi.ˈmẽ.tɐ/ | :: pepper (plant) |
pimenta {f} [uncountable] | :: pepper (spice) |
pimenta {f} | :: pepper (fruit) |
Pimenta {prop} | :: Pimenta (municipality) |
pimenta-caiena {f} | :: cayenne pepper (chilli pepper cultivar) |
pimenta-da-jamaica {f} | :: allspice (spice made from the fruits of the Pimenta dioica tree) |
pimenta-de-caiena {f} | :: alternative form of pimenta-caiena |
pimenta-do-reino {f} | :: black pepper (Piper nigrum, a flowering vine) |
pimenta-do-reino {f} | :: black pepper (the fruits of the black pepper plant used as spice) |
pimenta-negra {f} | :: black pepper (Piper nigrum, a flowering vine) |
pimenta-negra {f} | :: black pepper (the fruits of the black pepper plant used as spice) |
pimenta no cu dos outros é refresco {proverb} [vulgar] | :: alternative form of pimenta nos olhos dos outros é refresco |
pimenta nos olhos dos outros é refresco {proverb} | :: Misfortunes seem more bearable when happening to others |
pimenta nos olhos dos outros é refresco {proverb} | :: When something bad happens to others, it seems amusing to us |
pimentão {m} /ˌpi.mẽ.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: bell pepper (fruit) |
pimentão {m} | :: bell pepper (plant) |
pimenta-preta {f} | :: black pepper (Piper nigrum, a flowering vine) |
pimenta-preta {f} | :: black pepper (the fruits of the black pepper plant used as spice) |
pimenta-redonda {f} | :: black pepper (fruit of the black pepper plant used as spice) |
pimenteira da Jamaica {f} [countable] | :: allspice (Pimenta dioica, an evergreen tree of tropical America) |
pimenteiro {m} /ˌpi.mẽ.ˈte(j).ɾu/ | :: pepper (any plant of the family Piperaceae) |
pimenteiro {m} | :: chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus, a shrub of the Mediterranean region) |
pimenteiro {m} | :: pepper pot (a small container for pepper) |
Pimentel {prop} | :: surname |
pimento {m} /pi.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: sweet pepper, bell pepper (Capsicum annuum, an edible vegetable) |
pimpão {adj} /pĩ.ˈpɐ̃w̃/ | :: who dresses in a flashy manner |
pimpão {m} | :: someone who dresses in a flashy manner |
pimpinela {f} | :: any plant of the genus Pimpinella |
pimpinela {f} [Madeira] | :: chayote (Sechium edule, a tropical fruit-bearing vine) |
pimpona {f} | :: feminine noun of pimpão |
pináculo {m} [architecture] /pi.ˈ | :: pinnacle |
pináculo {m} [architecture] | :: spire |
pináculo {m} | :: top |
pinado {adj} [botany] | :: pinnate (having two rows of branches, lobes, leaflets or veins arranged on each side of a common axis) |
pinador {f} | :: nail gun/nailgun, nailer (gun which drives nails) |
pinar {v} [Portugal, vulgar] | :: to fuck (to have sexual intercourse) |
pinball {m} [games] /pĩ.ˈbɔw/ | :: pinball (an arcade game) |
pinça {f} | :: pincers, tweezers (small gripping tool) |
pinça {f} | :: pincer (gripping appendage of some crustaceans and arachnids) |
pinça {f} [automotive] | :: caliper (part of a disc brake) |
pincel {m} /pĩˈsɛɫ/ | :: paintbrush |
pincelada {f} [painting] | :: brushstroke |
pincelar {v} | :: to paint with a brush |
Pindaí {prop} | :: Pindaí (municipality) |
pindaíba {f} [colloquial] /pindaˈibɐ/ | :: scarcity of money, especially a temporary poverty |
Pindamonhangaba {prop} | :: Pindamonhangaba (municipality) |
pindarolas {interj} | :: damn! (expresses anger or irritation) |
pindarolas para ti {interj} | :: damn you! (dissapointment or frustation decision) |
pindérico {adj} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: corny, tacky |
Pindobaçu {prop} | :: Pindobaçu (municipality) |
Pindorama {prop} {f} [historical or poetic] | :: Brazil |
Pindorama {prop} {f} | :: Oswald de Andrade's utopian vision of Brazil |
Pindorama {prop} {f} | :: Pindorama (municipality) |
pindurá {v} | :: eye dialect of pendurar |
pindurar {v} | :: obsolete form of pendurar Now an eye dialect |
pinga {f} | :: drop (small amount of liquid) |
pinga {f} | :: sip (small mouthful of drink) |
pinga {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: cachaça |
pingado {adj} | :: dotted; speckled |
pingado {m} [regional] | :: coffee with milk served in an espresso glass |
pingando {v} | :: gerund of pingar |
pingar {v} | :: to drop |
pingar de sono {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: to feel an intense organic need to sleep due to sleep privation |
pingente {m} | :: a bob or pendant, especially one shaped like a drop |
pingo {m} /ˈpĩɡu/ | :: a drop |
pingo {m} | :: a jot |
pingo {m} [Portugal, regional] | :: espresso with milk, similar to a cortado |
pingo {m} [Brazil, typography] | :: a small dot that is part of a letter, a tittle |
pingo {m} [Rio Grande Do Sul] | :: horse |
Pingo-d'Água {prop} | :: Pingo-d'Água (municipality) |
pingolim {m} [childish] /pĩ.ɡuˈlĩ/ | :: willy (the penis) |
pingue-pongue {m} /pĩ.ɡɨ.ˈpõ.ɡɨ/ | :: ping pong, table tennis |
pinguim {m} /pĩˈɡwĩ/ | :: penguin (bird) |
pingüim {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pinguim |
pinguim-adélia {m} | :: alternative form of pinguim-de-adélia |
pinguim africano {m} | :: African penguin (Spheniscus demersus, a penguin of southwestern Africa) |
pinguim-de-adélia {m} | :: Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae, a penguin found through Antarctica) |
pinguim-de-magalhães {m} | :: Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus, a species of penguin found in South America) |
pinguim de Magalhães {m} | :: alternative spelling of pinguim-de-magalhães |
pinguim-de-Magalhães {m} | :: alternative spelling of pinguim-de-magalhães |
pinguim-gentoo {m} | :: gentoo penguin |
pinguim-imperador {m} | :: emperor penguin |
pinguim-rei {m} | :: king penguin |
pinha {f} [botany] /ˈpiɲɐ/ | :: pine cone |
pinha {f} [figuratively] | :: crowd, mass |
pinhal {m} | :: pinewood (forest or grove of pines) |
Pinhal {prop} | :: Pinhal (municipality) |
Pinhal da Serra {prop} | :: Pinhal da Serra (municipality) |
Pinhal Grande {prop} | :: Pinhal Grande (municipality) |
Pinhalzinho {prop} | :: Pinhalzinho (municipality) |
Pinhalzinho {prop} | :: Pinhalzinho (municipality) |
pinhão {m} | :: pine nut |
pinheiral {m} | :: pinewood (forest or grove of pines) |
Pinheiral {prop} | :: Pinheiral (municipality) |
pinheirinho {m} | :: diminutive of pinheiro |
Pinheirinho do Vale {prop} | :: Pinheirinho do Vale (municipality) |
pinheiro {m} /pi.ˈɲɐj.ɾu/ | :: pine (any coniferous tree of the genus Pinus, or similar) |
pinheiro {m} | :: Christmas tree (tree decorated with hangings during Christmas) |
pinheiro {m} [South Brazil] | :: Paraná pine (Araucaria angustifolia, a tree of South America) |
pinheiro-carrasco {m} | :: kermes oak (Quercus coccifera, a tree of the western Mediterranean) |
pinheiro cembro {m} | :: Swiss pine (Pinus cembra, a pine tree of Eurasia and northern Africa) |
pinheiro de natal {m} | :: Christmas tree (a tree decorated and kept inside the house during Christmas season) |
pinheiro-do-paraná {m} | :: Paraná pine (Araucaria angustifolia, a tree of South America) |
pinheiro do Paraná {m} | :: alternative spelling of pinheiro-do-paraná |
Pinheiro Machado {prop} | :: Pinheiro Machado (municipality) |
pinheiro manso {m} | :: stone pine (Pinus pinea, a pine native to southern Europe) |
Pinheiro Preto {prop} | :: Pinheiro Preto (municipality) |
Pinhel {prop} /piˈɲɛɫ/ | :: Pinhel (city/and/municipality) |
pinho {m} /ˈpi.ɲu/ | :: pine (tree) |
pinho {m} | :: pinewood |
pino {m} | :: pin (cylinder of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts) |
Pinocchio {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Pinóquio |
pinoia {f} [derogatory] /pi.ˈnɔj.a/ | :: a facile and bad-mannered woman |
pinoia {f} | :: something worthless |
pinoia {f} | :: something deceitful |
pinoia {f} [Portugal, Lisbon] | :: bargain (advantageous business) |
pinoia {adj} | :: worthless |
pinóia {f} | :: superseded spelling of pinoia |
pinóia {adj} | :: superseded spelling of pinoia |
Pinóquio {prop} {m} [fantasy] /pi.ˈnɔ.kju/ | :: Pinocchio (wooden puppet from The Adventures of Pinocchio, whose nose becomes larger when he lies and dreams of becoming a real boy) |
Pinóquio {m} | :: a liar, especially one who shows signs that he is lying |
Pinóquio {m} | :: someone who dreams of having a more meaningful life |
pinote {m} /pi.ˈnɔ.t͡ʃi/ | :: an animal’s leap, done in order to kick or to dislodge a rider; buck |
pinote {m} [by extension] | :: caper (frolicsome leap) |
pinote {m} | :: escape (the act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation) |
pinque {m} /ˈpĩ.kɨ/ | :: a type of three-masted ship used in the Mediterranean |
pint {m} | :: pint (unit of volume for liquids) |
pinta {f} /ˈpĩ.tɐ/ | :: naevus |
pinta {f} | :: a small spot, dot or stain |
pinta {f} | :: suit (card game category) |
pinta {f} | :: appearance, look |
pinta {f} | :: pint [unit of measure] |
pintada {f} /pĩ.ˈta.dɐ/ | :: guinea fowl (any of several African birds resembling partridges) |
Pintadas {prop} | :: Pintadas (municipality) |
pintado {adj} | :: spotted |
pintainho {m} | :: alternative form of pintinho |
pintalgada {adj} | :: feminine singular form of pintalgado |
pintalgadas {adj} | :: feminine plural form of pintalgado |
pintalgado {adj} | :: variegated |
pintalgado {adj} | :: mottled |
pintalgados {adj} | :: masculine plural form of pintalgado |
pintalgando {v} | :: gerund of pintalgar |
pintalgar {v} | :: to variegate, mottle |
pintar {vt} /pĩ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to paint (apply paint to) |
pintarroxo {m} | :: The common linnet (Linaria cannabina, syn. Carduelis cannabina, a finch of Europe, western Asia and northern Africa) |
pintassilgo {m} /pĩ.tɐ.ˈsiɫ.ɣu/ | :: European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis) |
pintinho {m} | :: chick (very young chicken) |
pinto {m} [zoology] /ˈpĩ.tu/ | :: chick (young chicken) |
pinto {m} [vulgar, Brazil] | :: penis |
Pinto Bandeira {prop} | :: Pinto Bandeira (municipality) |
Pintópolis {prop} | :: Pintópolis (municipality) |
pintor {m} /pĩˈtoɾ/ | :: painter (artist) |
pintora {f} | :: feminine noun of pintor |
pintura {f} [countable] /pĩ.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ | :: a painting |
pintura {f} [uncountable] | :: painting |
pintura gestual {f} [arts, uncountable] | :: action painting (genre of modern art in which the paint is dribbled, splashed or poured onto the canvas) |
pintura gestual {f} | :: a painting produced using action painting |
pinturesco {adj} /pĩ.tu.ˈɾeʃ.ku/ | :: picturesque |
pinyin {m} | :: Pinyin (romanisation standard for Mandarin Chinese) |
pio {adj} | :: pious |
pio {adj} | :: compassionate |
pio {m} | :: chirp (sound emitted by chicks) |
piolhento {adj} | :: lousy (infested with lice) |
piolhento {m} | :: a person infested with lice |
piolho {m} /pi.ˈo.ʎu/ | :: louse (insect) |
piolho da cabeça {m} | :: See: pt piolho da cabeça |
piolho da cabeça {m} | :: head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis, a louse that infects human scalps) |
piolho-da-cabeça {m} | :: alternative spelling of piolho da cabeça |
piolho de cabeça {m} | :: alternative form of piolho da cabeça |
piolho-de-cabeça {m} | :: alternative form of piolho da cabeça |
piolho do púbis {m} | :: crab louse; pubic louse (Pthirus pubis, a louse that lives amongst the pubic hair of humans) |
piolho-do-púbis {m} | :: alternative spelling of piolho do púbis |
piolho púbico {m} | :: crab louse; pubic louse (Pthirus pubis, a louse that lives amongst the pubic hair of humans) |
piolhoso {adj} | :: lousy (infested with lice) |
píon {m} [particle] | :: pion (a semistable meson) |
pioneira {f} | :: feminine noun of pioneiro |
pioneiro {m} | :: pioneer (one who goes before) |
pioneiro {adj} | :: pioneering (involving accomplishments or activities that have not been done before) |
Pionguiangue {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Pyongyang |
pior {adj} /pjɔɾ/ | :: worse; worst (with definite article) |
pior {adv} | :: worse |
pior a emenda que o soneto {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: the cure is worse than the disease (describes a situation where a solution causes a worse problem) |
piorar {vit} /pjuˈɾaɾ/ | :: to worsen |
pior das hipóteses {phrase} | :: Worst case scenario |
piorio {m} [colloquial] | :: worst; awfulness |
Piorkowski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
pior que {adv} | :: See: pt pior que |
pior que {adv} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: I’m afraid (indicates that an occurrence is unfortunate) |
Piotrowski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
pipa {f} /ˈpi.pɐ/ | :: cask; a large wooden barrel for wine |
pipa {f} [Brazil] | :: kite (flying toy on string) |
pipa {f} [historical] | :: obsolete unit of measure, equivalent to a full pipa (wooden barrel) |
pipa {f} | :: the truckload of a tank truck |
piparote {m} | :: fillip (the act of releasing a finger from the hold of a thumb with a snap) |
pipe {m} [computing] /ˈpajp/ | :: pipe (the redirection of the output of a process directly into the input of another) |
pipeline {m} [computing] | :: pipeline (set of data processing elements connected in series) |
pipeta {f} | :: pipette (small glass tube used for transferring liquid) |
pipetar {v} | :: to pipette (transfer or measure the volume of a liquid using a pipette) |
pipi {m} [childish] /piˈpi/ | :: pee (urine) |
pipi {m} [childish] | :: willy (the penis) |
pipo {m} | :: alternative form of pipa |
pipoca {f} [culinary] /piˈpɔkɐ/ | :: popcorn |
pipoca {f} | :: small skin boil |
pipoca {f} | :: tapeworm cyst embedded in meat |
pipoco {m} [Brazil, slang] | :: pop (gunshot) |
pique {m} /ˈ | :: any spear |
pique {m} | :: or specifically a pike |
pique {m} | :: hide-and-seek [game] |
pique-esconde {m} [games] | :: hide and seek (game) |
piquenique {m} | :: picnic |
Piquerobi {prop} | :: Piquerobi (municipality) |
Piquet {prop} | :: Piquet; surname |
Piquete {prop} | :: Piquete (municipality) |
pira {f} /ˈpi.ɾɐ/ | :: pyre (heap on which corpses are burned) |
pira {f} [slang] | :: thingamajig, gizmo, thingy (something whose name is unknown) |
pira {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: a proposition, suggestion or theory considered absurd or rather unlikely |
Piracaia {prop} | :: Piracaia (municipality) |
piracanjuba {m} | :: A freshwater fish from South American rivers (Brycon orbignyanus) |
piração {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: a proposition, suggestion or theory considered absurd or rather unlikely |
Piracema {prop} | :: Piracema (municipality) |
Piracicaba {prop} | :: Piracicaba (municipality) |
pirado {adj} [colloquial] | :: crazy; nuts |
Piraí {prop} | :: Piraí (municipality) |
Piraí do Norte {prop} | :: Piraí do Norte (municipality) |
Piraju {prop} | :: Piraju (municipality) |
Pirajuba {prop} | :: Pirajuba (municipality) |
Pirajuí {prop} | :: Pirajuí (municipality) |
piramidal {adj} | :: pyramidal (pyramid-shaped) |
pirâmide {f} | :: pyramid |
Pirâmide de Quéops {prop} {f} | :: Great Pyramid of Giza (the largest and most famous of the Egyptian pyramids) |
Piranga {prop} | :: Piranga (municipality) |
Pirangi {prop} | :: Pirangi (municipality) |
Piranguçu {prop} | :: Piranguçu (municipality) |
Piranguinho {prop} | :: Piranguinho (municipality) |
piranha {f} /ˌpi.ˈɾɐ̃.ɲa/ | :: piranha |
piranha {f} [pejorative, vulgar, Brazil] | :: slut |
pirão {m} [cuisine] /piˈɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: A pap made with cassava flour popular in Brazil and Angola |
Pirapetinga {prop} | :: Pirapetinga (municipality) |
pirapitinga {m} | :: A freshwater fish from South American rivers (Piaractus brachypomus) |
Pirapó {prop} | :: Pirapó (municipality) |
Pirapora {prop} | :: Pirapora (municipality) |
Pirapora do Bom Jesus {prop} | :: Pirapora do Bom Jesus (municipality) |
Pirapozinho {prop} | :: Pirapozinho (municipality) |
pirar {v} [colloquial] | :: to go nuts; to become crazy |
pirarucu {m} | :: pirarucu; arapaima (Arapaima gigas, a freshwater fish of South America) |
Pirassununga {prop} | :: Pirassununga (municipality) |
pirata {mf} /pi.ˈɾa.tɐ/ | :: pirate (person who commits robbery at sea against other ships) |
pirata {mf} | :: pirate (person who reproduces copyrighted works without permission) |
pirataria {f} | :: piracy (robbery at sea) |
pirataria {f} | :: piracy (unauthorised duplication of goods protected by intellectual property law) |
pirateado {adj} | :: pirate (illegally reproduced) |
pirateador {m} | :: pirater (one who pirates (produces unauthorised copies)) |
pirateadora {f} | :: feminine noun of pirateador |
piratear {v} | :: to pirate (to plunder at sea) |
piratear {v} [intellectual property] | :: to pirate (to make and/or sell illegal copies) |
Piratini {prop} | :: Piratini (municipality) |
Piratuba {prop} | :: Piratuba (municipality) |
Piraúba {prop} | :: Piraúba (municipality) |
pirenaico {adj} | :: Pyrenean (relating to the Pyrenees) |
Pireneus {prop} {mp} [chiefly Brazil] | :: alternative form of Pirenéus |
Pirenéus {prop} {mp} [chiefly Portugal] | :: Pirenéus (range) |
pires {m} /ˈpi.ɾɨʃ/ | :: saucer (small dish) |
Pires {prop} /ˈpi.ɾis/ | :: surname |
Pireu {prop} {m} | :: Pireu (city/part of Athens urban area/and/regional unit) |
piriguete {f} [Brazil, derogatory] /pi.ɾi.ˈɡɛ.t(ʃ)i/ | :: whore, slut, bitch [promiscuous woman] |
pirilampo {m} /ˌpi.ɾi.ˈlɐ̃.pu/ | :: firefly (beetle) |
pirilau {m} [vulgar, slang] | :: prick; dick (the penis) |
Pirineus {prop} {mp} | :: alternative form of Pirenéus |
Pirinéus {prop} {mp} | :: alternative form of Pirenéus |
Piripá {prop} | :: Piripá (municipality) |
piri-piri {m} | :: The African birdseye chile pepper |
pirita {f} [mineral] | :: pyrite (mineral iron disulfide) |
Piritiba {prop} | :: Piritiba (municipality) |
piroca {f} [Brazil] /piˈɾɔkə/ | :: [vulgar slang] penis, cock, dick, prick [particularly when erect] |
pirocloro {m} [mineral] | :: pyrochlore |
piroforicidade {f} | :: pyrophoricity |
pirofórico {adj} | :: pyrophoric |
pirofosfórico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pyrophosphoric |
pirólise {m} [chemistry] /pi.ˈɾɔ.li.zi/ | :: pyrolysis (decomposition of a material or compound due to heat where there is no oxygen or other reagents) |
pirolítico {adj} | :: pyrolytic |
pirolusita {f} [mineral] | :: pyrolusite |
piromania {f} [psychology] | :: pyromania (obsession with fire) |
pirómetro {m} [European orthography] | :: pyrometer (instrument designed to measure high temperatures) |
pirômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of pirómetro |
piropo {m} [mineral] | :: pyrope (a type of garnet) |
piropo {m} [colloquial] | :: a nice or flattering comment, especially one directed towards a woman; a compliment or pick-up line |
piroso {adj} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: tacky (of low quality or poor taste) |
pirotecnia {f} | :: pyrotechnics (art and technology of fireworks) |
pirotécnica {f} | :: pyrotechnist |
pirotécnica {f} | :: pyrotechny |
pirotécnico {adj} | :: pyrotechnical |
pirotécnico {m} | :: pyrotechnist |
piroxena {f} [mineral] /piɾɔkˈsɛnɐ/ | :: pyroxene (a mineral found in many igneous and metamorphic rocks) |
piroxénio {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of piroxena |
piroxênio {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of piroxena |
piroxeno {m} | :: alternative form of piroxena |
pirralha {f} | :: feminine noun of pirralho |
pirralho {m} /piˈʁaʎu/ | :: brat (unruly child) |
pirralho {m} [by extension] | :: a short person |
pirrol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: pyrrole (any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds) |
pirrotita {f} [mineral] | :: pyrrhotite |
pirueta {f} | :: pirouette (whirling or turning on the toes) |
pirueta {f} [by extension] | :: any whirling movement around one’s own axis |
pirulito {m} /ˌpi.ɾu.ˈli.tu/ | :: lollipop (confectionery on a stick) |
pirulito {m} [vulgar] | :: penis |
Pisa {prop} {f} | :: Pisa (city/and/province) |
pisante {m} [Brazil, slang] /pi.ˈzɐ̃.t͡ʃi/ | :: shoe |
pisa-papéis {m} [proscribed] | :: alternative form of pesa-papéis |
pisar {v} /pɨ.ˈzaɾ/ | :: to tread; to step |
pisar em ovos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to walk on eggshells (to handle sensitive matters delicately) |
pisar em ovos {v} | :: See: pt pisar em ovos |
pisar fundo {v} | :: to step on it (to drive fast) |
pisar menos {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: to tread lightly |
pisar na bola {v} [Brazil, slang] | :: To screw up, mess up (make a mistake); to disappoint |
piscada {f} | :: blink (the act of very quickly closing an eye and opening it again) |
piscadela {f} | :: blink (the act of very quickly closing an eye and opening it again) |
piscando {v} | :: gerund of piscar |
piscar {v} /piʃˈkaɾ/ | :: to blink (to close and reopen both eyes quickly) |
písceo {adj} | :: relating or similar to fish |
Pisces {prop} {mp} [zodiac constellations, astrology] | :: Pisces (constellation) |
Pisces {prop} {mp} [astrology] | :: Pisces (astrological sign) |
piscicultura {f} | :: pisciculture (the rearing of fish) |
piscina {f} /piʃ.ˈsi.nɐ/ | :: swimming pool |
piscina {f} [Christianity] | :: baptismal font |
pisco-de-peito-azul {m} | :: bluethroat (Luscinia svecica, an Old-World passerine bird) |
pisco-de-peito-ruivo {m} | :: European robin (Erithacus rubecula, a small passerine Old World bird) |
piso {m} /ˈpi.zu/ | :: storey (level of a building) |
piso {m} | :: floor (lower part of a room) |
piso {m} | :: surface (to walk on) |
pisotear {vt} | :: to trample (crush something by walking on it) |
pista {f} /ˈpis.tɐ/ | :: track; road; path |
pista {f} | :: lane (division of roadway) |
pista {f} | :: racetrack (course over which any type of race is run) |
pista {f} | :: clipping of pista de pouso (runway) |
pista {f} | :: clipping of pista de dança (dancefloor) |
pista {f} | :: footprints |
pista {f} | :: clue (information that may lead one to a certain point or conclusion) |
pistacha {f} | :: rare form of pistache |
pistache {m} | :: pistachio (Pistacia vera, a deciduous tree) |
pistache {m} | :: pistachio (the nut-like fruit of the pistachio tree) |
pistáchio {m} | :: rare form of pistache |
pistáchis {m} | :: rare form of pistache |
pistácia {f} | :: alternative form of pistache |
pistácio {m} | :: alternative form of pistache |
pista de dança {f} | :: dance floor (an area for dancing) |
pista de gelo {f} | :: ice rink (a surface for roller skating) |
pista de pouso {f} | :: runway (paved strip on which planes land or take off) |
pistão {m} | :: piston (solid disk or cylinder that fits inside a hollow cylinder) |
pistilo {m} [botany] | :: pistil (unit in the centre of a flower which receives the pollen and produces a fruit) |
pistola {f} /piʃ.ˈtɔ.lɐ/ | :: pistol (handgun) |
pistola {adj} [colloquial, slang, Brazil] | :: pissed off, mad, aggressively angry |
pistola de ar {f} | :: air pistol |
pistola de pregos {f} | :: nail gun/nailgun, nailer (gun which drives nails) |
pistolar {v} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: to express anger aggressively or furiously |
pita {m} | :: pita (a type of slightly leavened flatbread) |
pita {f} | :: Furcraea foetida, a fibrous, ornamental plant of the Americas |
pita {f} | :: agave (any plant of the genus Agave) |
pita {f} | :: pita (fibre obtained from agaves) |
pitaco {m} [Brazil, pejorative] /pi.ˈta.ku/ | :: an opinion, suggestion, statement or piece of advice considered unfounded and unwelcome; kibitzing |
Pitágoras {prop} {m} | :: Pythagoras (Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher) |
pitaia {f} | :: dragon fruit; pitaya (fruit of cacti of the genus Hylocereus) |
pitanga {f} /pi.ˈtɐ̃.ɡɐ/ | :: Surinam cherry (fruit of the Eugenia uniflora tree) |
Pitangueiras {prop} | :: Pitangueiras (municipality) |
Pitangui {prop} | :: Pitangui (municipality) |
pitão {m} | :: python (any of the large constricting snakes of the genus Python) |
pitão {m} | :: piton (spike, wedge, or peg driven into a rock or ice surface as a support) |
pitaya {f} | :: alternative spelling of pitaia |
pitéu {m} [cooking] /piˈtɛw/ | :: delicacy (delicious food or dish) |
pitéu {m} [cooking] | :: a stew made with chops of meat and sauce thickened with cassava flour |
pitéu {m} [colloquial] | :: a beautiful person, usually a woman |
piti {m} | :: scene; drama (exhibition of strong emotions) |
pitiú {m} [Northern Brazil, colloquial] | :: fish smell |
pitiú {m} [Northern Brazil, colloquial] | :: stench, stink |
pito {m} | :: chick (young chicken) |
pito {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: cigarette |
pitom {m} | :: alternative form of pitão |
Piton {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Python (the earth-dragon of Delphi) |
píton {m} | :: alternative form of pitão |
pitoresco {adj} /pi.tu.ˈɾeʃ.ku/ | :: picturesque |
pitosga {adj} | :: short-sighted, myopic |
pitosga {adj} | :: having a bad vision e.g. vision-impaired |
pitosga {adj} | :: constantly blinking |
pitosga {mf} | :: a short-sighted person |
pitosga {mf} | :: someone who does not see well |
pitosga {mf} | :: a person who blinks often |
pitstop {m} [motor racing] | :: pit (area at a motor racetrack used for refuelling and repairing the vehicles during a race) |
pitstop {m} [motor racing] | :: pit stop (stop made during an automobile race at the pit) |
pitstop {m} [figurative] | :: pit stop (a stop during a trip) |
pitu {m} | :: any large, freshwater species of shrimp |
Piumhi {prop} | :: Piumhi (municipality) |
pivete {m} {mf} /pi.ˈvɛ.t(ʃ)i/ | :: urchin (street kid) |
pivete {m} {mf} | :: brat (unruly child) |
pivô {m} | :: pivot (thing on which something turns) |
pivô {m} | :: pivot (something or someone having a paramount significance in a certain situation) |
pivô {m} [basketball] | :: center (player who plays closest to the basket) |
pivotal {adj} | :: pivotal; crucial (being the most important) |
pixel {m} [computing] | :: pixel (one of the dots that make up an image) |
píxel {m} [uncommon] | :: alternative spelling of pixel |
pixelizado {adj} [computer graphics] | :: pixelated (having visible pixels) |
pixulé {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: loose change |
pixulé {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: gratuity; tip |
pixuleco {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: bribe |
piza {f} [European orthography] | :: alternative spelling of pizza |
pizza {f} /ˈpi.zɐ/ | :: pizza (baked Italian dish of dough with topped with tomato sauce, cheese and other ingredients) |
pizza {f} [slang] | :: sweat visible in the clothes, specially under armpits |
pizzaiolo {m} /ˌpitsajˈolu/ | :: pizzaiolo (man who makes pizzas) |
pizzaria {f} | :: pizzeria |
placa {f} /ˈpla.ka/ | :: plate (a flat metallic object) |
placa {f} | :: traffic sign |
placa {f} [dentistry] | :: dental plaque |
placa {f} [Brazil] | :: license plate |
placa {f} [electronics] | :: circuit board |
placa {f} [seismology] | :: tectonic plate |
placa de circuito {f} | :: circuit board (board with electronic components and circuits) |
placa de som {f} | :: soundboard |
placa de vídeo {f} [computing] | :: video card (piece of hardware that generates output for monitors or projectors) |
placa-mãe {f} [computer hardware] | :: motherboard (primary circuit board of a computer) |
placar {v} [obsolete] /plɐˈkar/ | :: to calm |
placar {v} [rugby] /plɐˈkar/ | :: To tackle |
placar {m} /plaˈkar/ | :: scoreboard (board that displays the score of a game) |
placar {m} [by extension] | :: the scores of a game at a given time |
placa tectónica {f} [European orthography, geology] | :: tectonic plate (large piece of the Earth’s crust) |
placa tectônica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of placa tectónica |
placebo {m} [medicine] /pla.ˈse.bu/ | :: placebo (a dummy medicine containing no active ingredients) |
Placência {prop} {f} | :: Placência (city/and/province) |
placenta {f} [anatomy, botany] /pla.ˈsẽ.tɐ/ | :: placenta |
placentário {adj} | :: placental (relating to the placenta) |
placentário {m} | :: placental (any animal that is a member of the Placentalia) |
plácer {m} | :: placer (mineral deposit) |
plácido {adj} | :: placid |
plagiador {m} | :: plagiarist |
plagiadora {f} | :: feminine noun of plagiador |
plagiar {v} | :: to plagiarize (pass off someone else’s work as one’s own) |
plagiária {f} | :: feminine noun of plagiário |
plagiário {m} | :: plagiarist (one who plagiarises) |
plágio {m} [uncountable] | :: plagiarism (act of plagiarising) |
plágio {m} | :: plagiarism (something plagiarised) |
plagiozinho {m} | :: diminutive of plágio |
plaina {f} /ˈplaj.nɐ/ | :: plane (tool for smoothing wood) |
plainando {v} | :: gerund of plainar |
plainar {v} | :: to plane, smooth (wood) |
plaino {adj} | :: alternative form of plano |
plaino {m} [geography] | :: plain (an expanse of land with relatively low relief) |
planador {m} /ˈdoɻ/ | :: glider (anything which glides) |
planador {m} | :: glider (aircraft) |
Planaltino {prop} | :: Planaltino (municipality) |
planalto {m} [geography] /pla.ˈnaw.tu/ | :: plateau (level expansion) |
Planalto {prop} | :: Planalto (municipality) |
Planalto {prop} | :: Planalto (municipality) |
Planalto {prop} | :: Planalto (municipality) |
Planalto {prop} | :: Short for Palácio do Planalto, the workplace of the Brazilian government |
Planalto Alegre {prop} | :: Planalto Alegre (municipality) |
planamente {adv} | :: evenly (so as to make flat) |
planar {vi} | :: to glide (to fly unpowered) |
planária {f} | :: planarian |
plâncton {m} | :: plankton (small organisms that float in the sea) |
planeado {adj} | :: planned |
planeamento {m} [Portugal] | :: alternative form of planejamento |
planear {v} [Portugal] /plɐˈnjaɾ/ | :: alternative form of planejar |
planejamento {m} [Brazil] | :: planning (the act of formulating a plan) |
planejamento familiar {m} | :: family planning (euphemism for birth control) |
planejamento urbano {m} | :: urban planning |
planejar {vt} [chiefly, Brazil] /ˌplɐ.ne.ˈʒa(ʁ)/ | :: to plan; to design (to create a technical drawing or instructions) |
planejar {vti} [chiefly, Brazil] | :: to plan (to come up with a set of intended actions) |
planejar {v} [chiefly, Brazil] | :: [auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal infinitive] to plan to; to plan on; to intend to (to have the intention of) |
planeta {m} /plɐ.ˈne.tɐ/ | :: planet |
planeta anão {m} [astronomy] | :: dwarf planet (a celestial body the size of a planet but that has not cleared its orbit of other objects) |
planeta-anão {m} | :: alternative spelling of planeta anão |
planetário {adj} | :: planetary |
Planeta X {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Planet X (hypothetical planet in the solar system) |
planetoide {m} [astronomy] | :: planetoid (asteroid of any size) |
planetóide {m} | :: superseded spelling of planetoide |
plangendo {v} | :: gerund of planger |
plangente {adj} /plɐ̃.ˈʒẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: plangent (having a loud mournful sound) |
plangente {adj} | :: sad; unhappy |
planger {v} | :: to whine, cry |
planger {v} | :: to toll (of a bell) |
planície {f} [geography] /plɐ.ˈ | :: plain (an expanse of land with relatively low relief) |
planície abissal {f} | :: abyssal plain (expanse of flat ocean floor) |
planície aluvial {f} [geography] | :: alluvial plain (plain formed by deposition of sediment of a river) |
planilha {f} [Brazil] | :: spreadsheet (a sheet of paper marked with a grid where data is recorded) |
planilha {f} [Brazil, computing] | :: spreadsheet (a computer simulation of such a system of recording tabular data) |
planímetro {m} | :: planimeter (instrument used to determine the area of an arbitrary two-dimensional shape) |
plano {adj} /ˈplɐ.nu/ | :: flat; level (having the same height at all places) |
plano {adj} | :: plane (of a surface, perfectly flat) |
plano {m} | :: plane (level or flat surface) |
plano {m} [geometry] | :: plane (flat surface extending infinitely in all directions) |
plano {m} | :: plan (set of intended actions) |
plano {m} | :: plan (2-dimensional drawing of a building, location, transportation network, etc. as seen from above) |
plano {m} [optics] | :: focal plane |
plano {m} [anatomy] | :: plane (imaginary plane which divides the body into two portions) |
plano B {m} | :: plan B (alternative solution) |
Plano Cruzado {prop} {m} | :: A set of economic measures introduced in Brazil in 1986, which involved an attempt to freeze prices and taxes and the introduction of the cruzado as the national currency |
plano de fundo {m} | :: background (part of picture that depicts scenery behind the main subject) |
plano de fundo {m} [computing] | :: background (image of a computer’s desktop) |
Plano Real {prop} {m} | :: A set of measures taken with the intent of stabilizing the Brazilian economy in 1994, which involved with the introduction of the real as the national currency |
planta {f} [botany] /ˈplɐ̃.tɐ/ | :: a plant |
planta {f} [architecture] | :: floor plan |
planta {f} | :: the sole (of the foot) |
plantação {f} /plɐ̃tɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: planting |
plantação {f} | :: plantation |
planta do pé {f} | :: sole (of the foot) |
plantago {mf} | :: plantain (any plant of the genus Plantago) |
plantão {m} | :: a work shift, especially one outside normal working time |
plantar {v} /plɐ̃ˈtaɾ/ | :: to plant |
plantel {m} [figuratively, sports] | :: squad; roster; team |
plantio {m} | :: planting |
plantio {m} | :: plantation |
planura {f} | :: flat; plain (area of level ground) |
planura {f} | :: levelness (the property of being level) |
Planura {prop} | :: Planura (municipality) |
plaqueta {f} [haematology] | :: platelet (particle found in the blood of mammals which helps with clotting) |
plasma {m} [physics, biology] | :: plasma |
plasmar {vt} | :: to mould, shape |
plasmar {vt} [by extension] | :: to express, represent, model |
plasma sanguíneo {m} | :: blood plasma |
plasmídeo {m} [cytology] | :: plasmid |
plasmídio {m} | :: alternative form of plasmídeo |
plástica {f} [art] | :: plastic art, modelling |
plástica {f} | :: clipping of cirurgia plástica |
plástica {f} | :: shape and form of the human body |
plasticidade {f} [physics] | :: plasticity |
plástico {adj} /ˈplas.t͡ʃi.ku/ | :: plastic, malleable; mouldable |
plástico {adj} | :: relating to plastic surgery |
plástico {adj} | :: relating to plastic arts |
plástico {m} | :: plastic (a stiff but usually slightly flexible synthetic material) |
plástico-bolha {m} | :: bubble wrap |
plastificar {vt} | :: to plasticize |
plataforma {f} /ˌplɐ.tɐ.ˈfɔɾ.mɐ/ | :: platform (raised structure) |
plataforma {f} | :: platform (structure for passengers) |
plataforma {f} [computing] | :: platform (environment for running software) |
plataforma {f} | :: a ramp for launching missiles or rockets |
plataforma {f} | :: oil platform |
plataforma continental {f} [nautical] | :: continental shelf (underwater landmass that extends from a continent) |
plataforma de abrasão {f} [geology] | :: abrasion platform (bedrock surface extending out from the foot of a marine cliff) |
plataforma de petróleo {f} | :: oil platform (large structure used to extract oil and gas from the ocean) |
plátano {m} /ˈpla.tɐ.nu/ | :: plane (any tree of the genus Platanus) |
plátano-americano {m} | :: American planetree (Platanus occidentalis, a large tree of North American) |
Platão {prop} {m} /pla.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: historical given name |
plateia {f} /plɐ.ˈtɐj.ɐ/ | :: stalls (seat in a theatre close to and about level with the stage) |
plateia {f} [by extension] | :: audience |
plateia {f} | :: the public |
platéia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of plateia |
platense {adj} | :: Platine (of, from or relating to the region around River Plate in South America) |
platicúrtico {adj} [statistics] | :: platykurtic (having negative kurtosis) |
platina {f} | :: platinum |
Platina {prop} | :: Platina (municipality) |
platinado {adj} | :: containing or plated with platinum |
platinado {adj} | :: platinum (whitish-grey in colour) |
platinado {m} | :: platinum (a whitish-grey colour) |
platitude {f} | :: platitude (an overused saying) |
platitude {f} | :: platitude; triteness; unoriginality |
platô {m} /pla.ˈto/ | :: plateau |
platónico {adj} [European orthography] | :: Platonic [all senses] |
platônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of platónico |
plausibilidade {f} | :: plausibility |
plausível {adj} /plaw.ˈzi.vew/ | :: plausible (likely, acceptable) |
playback {m} [music, singing] | :: lip-syncing |
playboy {m} | :: playboy (man who devotes himself to pleasure) |
playboy {m} [Brazil, slang] | :: a rich person |
player {m} [electronics] /ˈplej.eʁ/ | :: player (electronic device or software application that plays media) |
player {m} [video games] | :: player (a person or artificial intelligence that competes in a video game) |
player de DVD {m} | :: DVD player |
playground {m} /ˌplej.ˈɡɾaw̃d͡ʒ/ | :: playground (open-air space where the children can play) |
playground {m} [by extension] | :: playground (space to do what one pleases) |
playlist {f} {m} | :: playlist (list of music tracks to be played) |
plebe {f} | :: plebs (the common people) |
plebeiamente {adv} /ple.ˌbɛj.ɐ.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: plebeianly (in a plebeian manner) |
plebeo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of plebeu |
plebeu {m} | :: plebeian (one of the common people in ancient Rome) |
plebiscito {m} | :: plebiscite, referendum |
plectro {m} [music] | :: plectrum (small piece of material for plucking strings) |
Plêiades {prop} {fp} [Greek mythology] | :: Pleiades (seven sisters, companions of Artemis) |
Plêiades {prop} {fp} [astronomy] | :: Pleiades (open cluster of hot blue stars in the constellation Taurus) |
pleiba {m} [slang] | :: playboy |
pleitear {vti} /plej.tʃi.ˈa(ɹ)/ | :: to dispute (for something) |
pleitear {vti} | :: to argue, to fight verbally (over something) |
pleitear {vt} | :: to want, to wish for |
pleitear {vt} [law] | :: to litigate (to contest in law) |
pleito {m} /ˈplej.tu/ | :: lawsuit |
pleito {m} | :: disagreement, argument |
pleito {m} | :: electoral debate |
pleito {m} [archaic] | :: pact |
plenamente {adv} | :: fully |
plenario {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of plenário |
plenario {m} | :: obsolete spelling of plenário |
plenário {adj} | :: plenary (fully attended) |
plenário {m} | :: plenary session (meeting at which all members are expected to attend) |
plenilúnio {m} | :: full moon (phase of moon when it is completely illuminated) |
plenipotenciário {adj} | :: plenipotentiary (invested with full power) |
plenipotenciário {m} | :: plenipotentiary (person invested with supreme authority) |
pleno {adj} /ˈ | :: full, entire |
pleno {adj} [emphatic] | :: broad, open |
pleonasmo {m} [rhetoric] | :: pleonasm |
pleonástico {adj} [rhetoric] /ˌple.o.ˈnas.t͡ʃi.ku/ | :: pleonastic (of or relating to pleonasm) |
pleonástico {adj} | :: pleonastic (redundant in one’s wording) |
pleroma {m} [gnosticism] | :: pleroma |
pletora {f} [medicine] | :: excess of blood |
pletora {f} [botany] | :: excess of sap |
pletora {f} | :: plethora (excessive amount of something) |
pleura {f} [anatomy] | :: pleura (serous membrane that covers the lungs and thorax) |
pleurisia {f} [pathology] | :: pleurisy (inflammation of the lung pleura) |
pleurite {f} [pathology] | :: pleurisy (inflammation of the lung pleura) |
Plínio {prop} {m} /ˈpli.nju/ | :: given name |
plinto {m} | :: plinth (block or slab upon which a column or other structure stands) |
plissado {m} [sewing] | :: pleat (fold in a fabric of a garment, as part of the design) |
plissado {adj} | :: pleated (having pleats) |
plmds {interj} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: abbreviation of pelo amor de Deus |
plosiva {f} [linguistics] | :: stop; plosive (consonant produced by blocking the passage of air) |
plotador {m} /plo.ta.ˈdo(ɾ)/ | :: plotter (but see plotar) |
plotadora {f} /plo.ta.ˈdo.ɾa/ | :: a printer used for large-scale works |
plotadora {f} | :: feminine noun of plotador |
plotagem {f} /plo.ˈta.ʒɐ̃/ | :: the development of an image by the drawing of lines |
plotagem {f} [automobiles] | :: the process by which stickers are put on a car's outer part |
plotagem {f} | :: the act of printing |
plotagem {f} | :: the act of finding, especially boats and aeroplanes |
plotagem {f} | :: the act of understanding something |
plotar {v} /plo.ˈta(ɾ)/ | :: to print (to produce copies using a printer) |
plotar {v} | :: to understand, to comprehend, to grasp |
plotar {v} | :: to find (e.g. a boat or aeroplane) using coordinates |
plugar {v} | :: to plug in (connect an electrical device into its socket) |
plugin {m} [computing] | :: plug-in (computer program addon) |
pluma {f} | :: plume (large and showy feather) |
pluma {f} [geology] | :: upwelling of molten material from the Earth's mantle (mantle plume) |
plumagem {f} | :: plumage (feathers collectively) |
plúmbeo {adj} | :: leaden; plumbeous (relating to or containing lead) |
plúmbeo {adj} [figurative] | :: gloomy; dismal |
plúmbico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: plumbic |
plural {adj} /plu.ˈɾal/ | :: plural (consisting of more than one things) |
plural {m} [grammar] | :: plural (word referring to multiple things) |
plurale tantum {m} [grammar] | :: plurale tantum (a noun without a singular form) |
pluralidade {f} | :: plurality |
pluridimensional {adj} | :: multidimensional, pluridimensional |
plurilingue {adj} | :: alternative form of plurilíngue |
plurilíngue {adj} | :: synonym of multilíngue |
plurilinguismo {m} | :: multilingualism (condition of being able to speak several languages) |
plurilingüismo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of plurilinguismo |
Plutão {prop} {m} [Roman god] /plu.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: Pluto (god of the underworld) |
Plutão {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Pluto (a dwarf planet in the Solar System) |
Plutarcho {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Plutarco |
Plutarco {prop} {m} /plu.ˈtaʁ.ku/ | :: historical given name |
plutocracia {f} | :: plutocracy (government by the wealthy) |
plutocracia {f} | :: plutocracy (controlling class of the wealthy) |
plutocrata {mf} | :: plutocrat (someone who rules by virtue of their wealth) |
plutônico {adj} [geology] | :: plutonic |
plutónio {m} /pluˈtɔniu/ | :: plutonium |
plutónio {adj} | :: Plutonian |
plutônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of plutónio |
pluvial {adj} | :: pluvial, rain (attributive) |
pluvímetro {m} | :: alternative form of pluviómetro |
pluviómetro {m} [European orthography, meteorology] | :: pluviometer (instrument for measuring the amount of rainfall) |
pluviômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of pluviómetro |
pluviosidade {f} [meteorology] | :: pluviosity |
pluvioso {adj} | :: rainy |
Plzen {prop} {f} | :: Plzen (city) |
p.m. {adj} | :: p.m. (after 12 o’clock) |
PM {f} | :: initialism of polícia militar |
PM {mf} | :: initialism of policial militar |
PNA {m} | :: abbreviation of princípio da não agressão |
pneu {m} /ˈpnew/ | :: tyre, tire |
pneu {m} [figuratively] | :: love handle |
pneumática {f} [mechanics] | :: pneumatics (the study of the mechanical properties of gases) |
pneumático {adj} | :: pneumatic |
pneumático {m} | :: tyre, tire |
pneumatografia {f} [spiritualism] | :: pneumatography (the act of a spirit making words appear out of nothing) |
pneumo- {prefix} | :: pneumo- |
pneumoconiose {f} [diseases] /ˌˌˈɔ.zi/ | :: pneumoconiosis (disease of the lungs) |
pneumologia {f} | :: pneumology |
pneumologista {mf} | :: pneumologist |
pneumonia {f} [pathology] /ˌˈni.ɐ/ | :: pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs) |
Pnom Pen {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Phnom Penh |
Pnom-Pen {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Phnom Penh |
PNUD {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento: UNDP |
pó {m} /ˈpɔ/ | :: powder |
pó {m} | :: dust |
pó {m} [slang] | :: cocaine |
Pó {prop} {m} /ˈpɔ/ | :: Pó (river) |
pô {interj} [Brazil, coarse] /ˈpo/ | :: It expresses astonishment, annoyance, boredom |
PoA {prop} {f} | :: abbreviation of Porto Alegre (a city in Southern Brazil) |
poá {m} | :: small filled circle of colour over a background of different colour, especially on fabric |
poá {m} | :: polka dot |
Poá {prop} | :: Poá (municipality) |
poaense {mf} [demonym] /po.aˈẽ.si/ | :: Born in or inhabitant of the Brazilian municipality of Poá |
poaense {adj} [demonym] | :: Pertaining or related to the Brazilian municipality of Poá |
pobre {adj} /ˈpɔ.βɾɨ/ | :: poor |
pobre {mf} | :: poor |
pobre-diabo {m} [derogatory] | :: a worthless, useless, weak, or inoffensive individual |
pobrema {m} | :: eye dialect of problema |
pobretão {m} [Brazil, slang, derogatory] | :: a very poor person |
pobreza {f} [uncountable] /pu.ˈβɾe.zɐ/ | :: poverty (quality or state of being poor) |
pobreza {f} | :: a lack; a deficiency |
pobrêza {f} | :: superseded spelling of pobreza |
pobrezinho {m} /pɔβɾɨˈziɲu/ | :: beggar |
pobrezinho {m} | :: poor thing |
pobrezinho {adj} | :: poor |
pobrezinho {adj} | :: pitiful |
poça {f} /ˈpɔ.sɐ/ | :: pool (of water or mud) |
poça {interj} [euphemistic, sometimes considered mildly vulgar, slang] | :: damn! (expresses surprise or disappointment) |
poção {f} /puˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: potion |
pochete {f} | :: fanny pack (small fabric pouch worn at the waist by a strap around the hips) |
pocilga {f} | :: pigsty (shelter or enclosure where pigs are kept) |
pocilga {f} [colloquial] | :: pigsty (dirty or very untidy place) |
poço {m} /ˈ | :: well |
poço {m} | :: pit |
poço artesiano {m} | :: artesian well (bore-hole in an artesian basin) |
Poço das Antas {prop} | :: Poço das Antas (municipality) |
Poções {prop} | :: Poções (municipality) |
Poço Fundo {prop} | :: Poço Fundo (municipality) |
Poços de Caldas {prop} | :: Poços de Caldas (municipality) |
Pocrane {prop} | :: Pocrane (municipality) |
poda alfa-beta {f} [computing theory] | :: alpha-beta pruning (algorithm for pruning a search tree by eliminating inferior branches) |
podadeira {f} | :: trimmer (large scissors used in gardening) |
podão {m} | :: billhook; pruning hook (agricultural implement similar to a sickle used to prune plants) |
podão {m} | :: trimmer (large scissors used in gardening) |
podar {v} | :: to prune |
podcast {m} | :: podcast (audio programme delivered over the Internet) |
pode apostar {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: you bet (indicates that something is certainly true) |
poder {m} /pu.ˈdeɾ/ | :: power (the ability to coerce, influence or control) |
poder {m} | :: [chiefly geopolitics] power (a powerful organisation, especially a country) |
poder {m} | :: possession; only used in em poder de |
poder {m} | :: [politics] power (branch of the government) |
poder {m} | :: power (extraordinary quality) |
poder {m} | :: [science fiction] power; superpower (supernatural ability) |
poder {v} | :: [auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal infinitive] to be able to; can (to have the ability to) |
poder {v} | :: [auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal infinitive] can; to be allowed to (to have the permission to) |
poder {v} | :: [auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal infinitive] can; could (indicates possibility) |
poder {v} | :: [com] to be able to take on (to be able to defeat or withstand) |
poder {vi} | :: [colloquial] to be allowed |
poder {vi} [colloquial] | :: to be available for a meeting or appointment |
poder com {v} | :: to be able to beat, overperform, or at least be equal in power with someone |
poder de compra {m} [economics] | :: purchasing power |
poder executivo {m} [politics] | :: executive branch |
poder judiciário {m} [politics] | :: judiciary, judicial branch |
poder legislativo {m} [politics] | :: legislative branch |
poderosamente {adv} | :: powerfully |
poderoso {adj} /pu.ðɨ.ˈɾo.zu/ | :: powerful |
Podgorica {prop} {f} | :: Podgorica (capital city) |
podia dormir sem essa {phrase} [idiom] | :: Said of an avoidable unpleasant situation |
pódio {m} | :: podium (platform in front of an audience) |
pódio {m} [sports] | :: podium (steepled platform for the winners of a competition) |
pódio {m} [sports, by extension] | :: podium (the best three in a competition) |
pododáctilo {m} | :: toe (digit of the foot) |
pododátilo {m} | :: alternative form of pododáctilo |
podologia {f} [medicine, anatomy] | :: podiatry (care or study of the feet) |
podómetro {m} [European orthography] | :: pedometer (device that measures the number of steps taken) |
podrão {m} [Brazil, slang, pejorative or affectionate] /poˈdɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: a cheap snack (originally a hot dog) with a variety of additional or unconventional ingredients or, metonymically, a place where it is sold |
podre {adj} /ˈpo.ðɾɨ/ | :: In state of decay; rotten |
podre {adj} | :: Overridden by bacteria and other infectious agents; rancid; rotten |
podre {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: bad, horrible |
podre {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: an embarrassing or compromising piece of information about someone or something |
podre de rico {adj} [slang] | :: filthy rich (very rich) |
poeira {f} /ˈpwɐjɾɐ/ | :: dust |
poeirento {adj} | :: dusty (covered with dust) |
poeirento {adj} | :: dusty (powdery and resembling dust) |
poeirinha {f} | :: little dust |
poema {m} /ˈpwe.mɐ/ | :: poem (literary piece written in verse) |
poente {adj} /ˈpwẽ.tɨ/ | :: setting (sun) |
poente {adj} | :: west |
poente {m} | :: sunset |
poente {m} | :: west |
poesia {f} /pwɛ.ˈzi.ɐ/ | :: poetry (class of literature) |
poeta {m} /ˈpwɛtɐ/ | :: poet |
poetaço {m} | :: poetaster (unskilled poet) |
poetastro {m} | :: poetaster (unskilled poet) |
poeticamente {adv} | :: poetically |
poético {adj} | :: poetic (relating to poetry) |
poético {adj} | :: poetic (similar in style to poetry) |
poetisa {f} /pwɛ.ˈti.zɐ/ | :: female poet, poetess (feminine noun of poeta) |
pogrom {m} | :: pogrom (riot against a particular ethnic or religious group) |
poha {f} | :: (vulgar, informal) Misspelling of porra |
point {m} [Brazil, slang] /ˈpõj̃.t͡ʃ(i)/ | :: a location where members of a group usually meet |
pointer {m} | :: pointer (breed of hunting dog) |
poio {m} [rare, obsolete] /ˈpo.ju/ | :: hill, hillock |
poio {m} [figuratively] | :: dunghill, heap of manure |
poio {m} | :: plateau, platform |
poio {m} [Portugal] | :: terrace |
pois {adv} /pojʃ/ | :: so; then (in that case) |
pois {adv} | :: emphasises a yes-or-no answer or an order |
pois {conj} | :: because; for (by or for the cause that) |
poisada {f} | :: alternative form of pousada |
pois não {phrase} [Brazil, formal] | :: Can I help you? [used when attending customers] |
pois não {phrase} [Brazil, formal] | :: yes; of course [used to confirm a request] |
pois sim {interj} [sarcastic] | :: "Yeah, sure!", "Yeah, yeah!" (used to agree with something in a dismissive way, implying that it is obviously false, impossible, etc.) |
Pojuca {prop} | :: Pojuca (municipality) |
poker {m} | :: alternative spelling of pôquer |
polábio {m} | :: Polabian (an extinct West Slavic language spoken around the Elbe) |
polaco {adj} [chiefly Portugal] /pu.ˈla.ku/ | :: Polish (of, from or relating to Poland) |
polaco {m} [chiefly Portugal] | :: Pole (person from Poland) |
polaco {m} [uncountable, chiefly Portugal] | :: Polish (West Slavic language spoken in Poland) |
polaco {m} [South Brazil, Southeast Brazil] | :: a descendant of Polish immigrants |
polaco {m} [South Brazil, Southeast Brazil, jocular, sometimes, offensive] | :: a person who is very white; pasty |
polaina {f} | :: spat (covering worn over a shoe) |
polaridade {f} | :: polarity (the condition of having two extremes) |
polaridade {f} [chemistry] | :: polarity (dipole-dipole intermolecular force) |
Polaris {prop} {f} [star] | :: Polaris (star in the north celestial pole) |
Poláris {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Polaris |
polarização {f} | :: polarization |
polca {f} | :: polka (lively dance originating in Bohemia) |
polca {f} | :: polka (music for this dance) |
poldro {m} | :: colt (young male horse) |
polegada {f} /ˌpo.le.ˈɡa.da/ | :: inch (a unit of length equal to one-twelfth of a foot and equivalent to exactly 2.54 centimetres) |
polegar {m} /pu.lɨ.ˈɣaɾ/ | :: thumb (digit) |
polegar {m} | :: big toe (largest human toe) |
polegar {adj} | :: pollical |
Polegarzinha {prop} {f} | :: Thumbelina (thumb-sized girl in a fairy tale) |
Polegarzinho {prop} {m} [English folklore] | :: Tom Thumb (a thumb-sized fairy-tale hero) |
poleiro {m} | :: perch (branch or shaft where birds stand) |
polemarca {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: polemarch (military commander in chief in ancient Athens) |
polémica {f} [European orthography] | :: polemic (argument or controversy) |
polêmica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of polémica |
polémico {adj} | :: controversial, polemic |
pólen {m} [botany] | :: pollen (fine granular substance produced in flowers) |
polenguinho {m} | :: processed cheese |
poli- {prefix} | :: poly- (many; multiple) |
polialita {f} [mineral] | :: polyhalite |
poliamida {f} | :: polyamide |
poliamina {f} [organic chemistry] | :: polyamine |
poliamor {m} | :: polyamory (relationship with multiple partners with the consent of all involved) |
poliandria {f} /ɐ̃.ˈdɾi.a/ | :: polyandry (the condition or practice of having multiple husbands) |
poliândrico {adj} | :: polyandrous |
poliândrio {m} | :: polyandrion |
poliandro {adj} | :: polyandrous |
polianita {f} [mineral] | :: polianite |
poliante {m} | :: polyanthus |
polianteia {f} | :: polyanthea |
poliargirita {f} [mineral] | :: polyargyrite |
poliartrite {f} [pathology] | :: polyarthritis (arthritis affecting five or more joints) |
polibã {m} | :: alternative spelling of poliban |
poliban {m} [Portugal] /pɔliˈbɐ̃/ | :: shower tray, shower cabin (rectangular base of a shower) |
polichinelo {m} [singular only] /ʃiˈnɛ.lu/ | :: Pulcinella, Punchinello (a short clown in the commedia dell'arte) |
polichinelo {m} | :: jumping jack (exercise performed by jumping with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead) |
polícia {f} /pu.ˈli.sjɐ/ | :: police |
polícia {mf} | :: policeman, policewoman |
polícia de choque {f} | :: riot police (police trained to deal with riots) |
polícia do pensamento {f} [pejorative] | :: thought police (people who aim to control what other people think) |
policial {adj} /ˈaw/ | :: relating to the police |
policial {mf} | :: police officer |
polícia militar {f} | :: military police (police unit of a military organisation) |
polícia militar {f} | :: the branch of Brazilian police responsible for policing the civilian population |
polícia secreta {f} | :: secret police (police operating in secrecy) |
policlínica {f} | :: polyclinic (a clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated) |
policloreto {m} [chemistry] | :: polychloride |
policloreto de vinila {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyvinyl chloride |
policrase {f} [mineral] | :: polycrase |
policristalino {adj} | :: polycrystalline |
policrômico {adj} | :: polychrome |
polidamente {adv} | :: politely |
polidez {f} | :: politeness |
polidez {f} | :: civility, courtesy |
polido {adj} /pu.ˈli.ðu/ | :: polite, well-mannered |
poliedro {m} [geometry] | :: polyhedron (solid figure) |
poliéster {m} [chemistry] | :: polyester |
poliestireno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polystyrene |
polietileno {m} [organic compound] | :: polyethylene |
polifenismo {m} [genetics] | :: polyphenism |
polifenol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyphenol |
polifónico {adj} [European orthography] | :: polyphonic (relating to or exhibiting polyphony) |
polifônico {adj} | :: alternative spelling of polifónico |
polifosfato {m} [chemistry] | :: polyphosphate |
poligamia {f} /ɡɐ̃.ˈmi.a/ | :: polygamy (the practice of having multiple spouses or partners) |
poligâmico {adj} /ˈɡɐ̃.mi.ku/ | :: polygamous, polygamic, polygamical |
poliginia {f} /ʒi.ˈni.a/ | :: polygyny (the condition or practice of having multiple wives) |
poliglota {adj} | :: polyglot (able to speak many languages) |
poliglota {mf} | :: polyglot (someone who speaks many languages) |
poligonal {adj} | :: polygonal |
polígono {m} | :: polygon (plane figure bounded by straight edges) |
polígrafo {m} | :: polygraph |
polihalita {f} | :: obsolete form of polialita |
Poliímnia {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Polímnia |
polímata {mf} | :: polymath (person with knowledgeable in various fields) |
polímato {mf} | :: alternative form of polímata |
polimento {m} /ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: polish, sheen, glossiness |
polimerase {f} [enzyme] | :: polymerase |
polímere {m} [chemistry] | :: polymer |
polimeria {f} [genetics] | :: polygene |
polimeria {f} [biology] | :: polymeria |
polimérico {adj} | :: polymeric |
polimerização {f} [chemistry] | :: polymerization |
polimerizando {v} | :: gerund of polimerizar |
polimerizar {v} [chemistry] | :: To polymerize |
polímero {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polymer (molecule consisting of many identical monomers) |
polimetileno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polymethylene |
Polímnia {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Polyhymnia (muse of sacred music) |
polimórfico {adj} | :: polymorphic |
polimorfismo {m} | :: polymorphism (ability to assume different forms or shapes) |
polimorfismo {m} [object-oriented programming] | :: polymorphism (the dynamic treatment of data elements based on their type) |
polimorfo {adj} | :: polymorphous (having a variety of forms or styles) |
polimorfo {adj} [biology] | :: polymorphous (having, or occurring in, several distinct forms) |
Polinésia {prop} {f} | :: Polinésia (subregion) |
Polinésia Francesa {prop} {f} | :: Polinésia Francesa (overseas territory) |
polinésico {adj} | :: Polynesian |
polinésio {adj} | :: Polynesian (of, from or pertaining to Polynesia) |
polinésio {m} | :: Polynesian (person from Polynesia) |
polinésio {m} [linguistics] | :: Polynesian (a family of language spoken in Polynesia) |
polinização {f} [botany] | :: pollination (transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma) |
polinizar {v} [botany] | :: to pollinate (to apply pollen to) |
polinomial {adj} [algebra] | :: polynomial (relating to polynomials) |
polinómio {m} [European orthography, algebra] | :: polynomial (expression consisting of a sum of terms being the product of a constant coefficient and variable raised to a non-negative integer power) |
polinômio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of polinómio |
polinómio característico {m} [European orthography, linear algebra] | :: characteristic polynomial |
polinômio característico {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of polinómio característico |
polinucleotídeo {m} [biochemistry] | :: polynucleotide |
-pólio {suffix} | :: -poly |
poliomielite {f} [pathology] | :: poliomyelitis (infection by the poliovirus) |
polioxometalato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: polyoxometallate |
polipeptídeo {m} [biochemistry] | :: polypeptide |
polipeptídico {adj} [biochemistry] | :: polypeptidic |
pólipo {m} [medicine] | :: polyp (abnormal growth protruding from a mucous membrane) |
pólipo {m} [biology] | :: polyp (coelenterate having a mouth surrounded with tentacles) |
poliporo {m} | :: polypore |
polipropileno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polypropylene |
políptico {m} [arts] /pu.ˈlip.ti.ku/ | :: polyptych |
poliptoto {m} [rhetoric] | :: polyptoton (scheme in which words from the same root are used together) |
poliqueta {f} | :: polychete (any annelid of the class Polychaeta) |
polir {v} /pu.ˈliɾ/ | :: to polish; to shine; to make a surface very smooth or shiny by rubbing, cleaning, or grinding (often polish up) |
polir {v} | :: to refine; remove imperfections |
pólis {f} | :: polis (a city or city-state in Ancient Greece) |
polissema {m} [semantics] | :: polyseme (word or phrase with multiple meanings) |
polissemia {f} [semantics] | :: polysemy (the condition of having multiple meanings) |
polissemicamente {adv} [semantics] | :: polysemically (in a polysemic manner) |
polissémico {adj} [European orthography, semantics] | :: polysemous; polysemic (having multiple meanings) |
polissêmico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of polissémico |
polissilábico {adj} [of a word] | :: polysyllabic (having more than one syllable) |
polissílabo {adj} [chiefly philology, of a word] | :: polysyllabic (having more than 3 syllables) |
polissílabo {adj} [chiefly linguistics, of a word] | :: polysyllabic (having more than 1 syllable) |
polissílabo {m} | :: a polysyllabic word |
polissíndeto {m} [rhetoric] | :: polysyndeton |
polissintético {adj} [linguistics, of a language] | :: polysynthetic (characterised by a prevalence of words containing a very large number of morphemes) |
politburo {m} | :: politburo (governing council of the Soviet Union) |
politeísmo {m} | :: polytheism |
politetrafluoroetileno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polytetrafluoroethylene |
política {f} /pu.ˈli.ti.kɐ/ | :: politics (activities associated with running a government or organisation) |
política {f} | :: policy (a formal principle or protocol of conduct) |
política {f} | :: feminine noun of político |
política externa {f} | :: foreign affairs (policy of a government in dealing with other countries) |
politicagem {f} [derrogatory] | :: politicking; politics for personal interests |
politicamente {adv} | :: politically (in a political manner) |
politicamente correto {adj} | :: politically correct (avoiding offence) |
politicamente correto {m} | :: political correctness (the practice of being politically correct) |
político {adj} /pu.ˈli.ti.ku/ | :: political |
político {m} | :: politician |
politização {f} | :: politicization [US], politicisation [UK] |
politizar {vt} | :: to politicize, politicise (to give something political characteristics) |
politizar {vt} | :: to politicize, politicise (to make someone politically active) |
politopo {m} [geometry] | :: polytope (finite region of n-dimensional space bounded by hyperplanes) |
poliuretano {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyurethane (any of various polymeric resins containing urethane links) |
poliuria {f} [medicine] /pɔ.li.uˈɾi.a/ | :: polyuria, diuresis (excessive urination) |
poliúria {f} [medicine] /pɔ.li.ˈu.ɾja/ | :: polyuria, diuresis (excessive urination) |
polivalente {adj} /ẽ.t(ʃ)(i)/ | :: polyvalent |
polivalente {adj} | :: multi-purpose, all-purpose |
pollegada {f} | :: obsolete spelling of polegada |
pollegar {m} | :: obsolete spelling of polegar |
pollegar {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of polegar |
polme {m} | :: batter (a beaten mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking) |
polo {m} /ˈpɔ.lu/ | :: pole [geographic, magnetic] |
polo {m} [figurative] | :: extreme opposite |
polo {m} /ˈpɔ.lu/ | :: polo [game, shirt] |
polo {m} /ˈ | :: eyas |
polo {contraction} [obsolete] /ˈ | :: Contraction of por (by; through; for) + o (the) |
pólo {m} | :: superseded spelling of polo |
pôlo {m} | :: superseded spelling of polo (eyas) |
polo análogo {m} [physics] | :: analogous pole (pole of a crystal that becomes positively electrified when heated) |
pólo análogo {m} | :: superseded spelling of polo análogo |
polo animal {m} [embryology] | :: animal pole (hemisphere of the blastula which eventually gives rise to the three germ layers) |
pólo animal {m} | :: superseded spelling of polo animal |
pólo aquático {m} | :: water polo (a team water sport) |
polonês {adj} | :: Polish (of Poland or its language) |
polonês {m} | :: Pole (someone from Poland) |
polonês {m} [uncountable] | :: Polish (language) |
Poloni {prop} | :: Poloni (municipality) |
Polónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] /pu.ˈlɔ.njɐ/ | :: Polónia (country) |
Polônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of Polónia |
polónio {m} [European orthography, chemistry] /po.ˈ | :: polonium (chemical element) |
polônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of polónio |
polo norte {m} | :: north pole (northernmost point on celestial bodies) |
polo norte {m} | :: north pole (positive pole of a magnetic dipole) |
Polo Norte {prop} {m} [geography] | :: North Pole (northernmost point on Earth) |
polo sul {m} | :: south pole (the southernmost point on a celestial body) |
polo sul {m} | :: south pole (negative pole of a magnetic diploe) |
Polo Sul {prop} {m} [geography] | :: South Pole (the southernmost point on Earth) |
polo vegetal {m} [embryology] | :: vegetal pole (hemisphere of the blastula comprising large yolk cells dividing at a slower rate) |
pólo vegetal {m} | :: superseded spelling of polo vegetal |
polpa {f} | :: pulp; flesh (edible part of fruit/vegetable) |
polposo {adj} [of fruit] | :: pulpy (having a large pulp) |
polpudo {adj} | :: pulpy, fleshy |
poltergeist {m} [parapsychology] | :: poltergeist (a disruptive ghost) |
poltrão {adj} | :: cowardly, fearful |
poltrona {f} /poɫ.ˈtɾo.nɐ/ | :: armchair |
poltrona {f} | :: seat (in a bus or the like, if it has arms) |
polução {f} [medicine] /ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: pollution (emission of semen at times other than in sexual intercourse) |
polução {f} [rare] | :: alternative form of poluição |
polução noturna {f} | :: nocturnal emission (ejaculation while asleep) |
polucita {f} [mineral] | :: pollucite |
poluente {m} | :: pollutant (something that pollutes) |
poluente {adj} | :: polluting (which pollutes) |
poluição {f} /pu.lwi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: pollution (contamination of the environment by harmful substances) |
poluição sonora {f} | :: noise pollution (excessive noise) |
poluição visual {f} | :: light pollution (excess artificial light) |
poluição visual {f} | :: a clutter of visual information |
poluído {adj} | :: polluted |
poluidor {m} | :: polluter (someone or something that pollutes) |
poluidor {adj} | :: polluting (which pollutes) |
poluir {v} /pu.ˈlwiɾ/ | :: to pollute |
poluível {adj} | :: pollutable (capable of being polluted) |
Pólux {prop} {f} [astronomy] | :: Pollux (a star in the constellation Gemini) |
Pólux {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Pollux (one of the Dioscuri) |
polvilhando {v} | :: gerund of polvilhar |
polvilhar {v} | :: to powder (sprinkle with talc or other powder) |
polvo {m} /ˈpoɫ.vu/ | :: octopus |
pólvora {f} /ˈpɔɫ.vu.ɾɐ/ | :: gunpowder, powder |
Polyhymnia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Polímnia |
Polymnia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Polímnia |
pomada {f} /puˈmaðɐ/ | :: ointment (cream with medicine) |
pomar {m} /po.ˈmaɹ/ | :: orchard (land for cultivation of fruit or nut trees) |
pomba {f} /ˈpõ.bɐ/ | :: dove, pigeon |
pomba {f} [slang] | :: penis (man's genitalia) |
pomba {f} [slang] | :: vagina (woman's genitalia) |
Pomba Gira {prop} | :: An Afro-Brazilian spirit evoked by practitioners of Umbanda and Quimbanda in Brazil |
pombal {m} | :: dovecote |
Pombal {prop} /põˈbaɫ/ | :: Pombal (city/and/municipality) |
pombalino {adj} | :: referring to Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, first Marquis of Pombal (1699-1782) or his time |
pombas {interj} | :: oh no! (expresses frustration or irritation) |
pombo {m} /ˈpõbu/ | :: dove, pigeon |
pombo bravo {m} | :: alternative spelling of pombo-bravo |
pombo-bravo {m} | :: stock pigeon (Columba oenas, a species of pigeon) |
pombo comum {m} | :: rock dove (Columba livia, a species of pigeon) |
pombo-correio {m} | :: homing pigeon (domesticated pigeon used to deliver messages) |
pombo-das-rochas {m} | :: rock dove (Columba livia, a species of pigeon) |
pombo-doméstico {m} | :: rock dove (Columba livia, a species of pigeon) |
pombo-passageiro {m} | :: passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius, an extinct bird species) |
pombo torcaz {m} | :: alternative spelling of pombo-torcaz |
pombo-torcaz {m} | :: woodpigeon (Columba palumbus, a species of pigeon) |
pomelo {m} | :: pomelo (large citric fruit native to southeast Asia) |
Pomerânia {prop} {f} /ˌˈɾɐ.ni.ɐ/ | :: Pomerânia (historical region) |
pomerano {adj} | :: Pomeranian (of, from or relating to Pomerania) |
pomerano {m} | :: Pomeranian (a person from Pomerania) |
pomerano {m} [uncountable] | :: Pomeranian; Kashubian (a Slavic language spoken in Pomerania) |
Pomerélia {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Pomerélia (historical region) |
Pomerode {prop} | :: Pomerode (municipality) |
pomo {m} [botany] | :: pome |
pomo {m} [figuratively] | :: bosom |
pomo da discórdia {m} | :: apple of discord (anything that sows dissension and anger between people) |
pomo de adão {m} | :: alternative spelling of pomo de Adão |
pomo-de-adão {m} | :: alternative spelling of pomo de Adão |
pomo de Adão {m} [anatomy] | :: Adam's apple (the lump in the throat) |
pomo-de-Adão {m} | :: alternative spelling of pomo de Adão |
Pompeia {prop} {f} | :: Pompeia (ancient city) |
Pompeia {prop} {f} | :: Pompeia (municipality) |
Pompéia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Pompeia |
Pompéu {prop} | :: Pompéu (municipality) |
pompom {m} /põ.ˈpõ/ | :: pompom |
pomposamente {adv} | :: pompously |
pomposo {adj} | :: pompous (affectedly grand) |
poncã {f} [regional, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, South Brazil] | :: mandarin orange |
ponche {m} | :: punch (mixture of fruit juice and another beverage) |
poncho {m} /ˈpõʃu/ | :: poncho |
poncta {f} | :: obsolete spelling of ponta |
poncto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of ponto |
ponctualidade {f} | :: obsolete spelling of pontualidade |
ponderar {v} [mathematics] | :: to weight (to assign weights to individual values) |
ponderar {v} | :: to ponder; to wonder (to think of deeply) |
Pondicherry {prop} {f} | :: Pondicherry (city) |
pónei {m} [European orthography] | :: pony (small breed of horse) |
pônei {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of pónei |
Pongaí {prop} | :: Pongaí (municipality) |
ponhar {v} [vulgar] /põˈɲaɾ/ | :: alternative form of pôr |
Poniatowski {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
ponta {f} /ˈpõ.tɐ/ | :: tip, point |
ponta {f} | :: nib |
ponta {f} | :: beak |
ponta {f} | :: cusp |
ponta {f} | :: butt (of a cigarette) |
ponta {f} | :: cameo |
ponta {mf} [football] | :: winger |
pontada {f} | :: stitch (local sharp pain) |
ponta de lança {mf} | :: spearhead (player who initiates attacking moves) |
ponta de lança {mf} | :: someone in the vanguard |
ponta-de-lança {mf} | :: alternative spelling of ponta de lança |
Ponta Delgada {prop} {f} /ˈpõtɐ ˌðɛɫˈɣaðɐ/ | :: Ponta Delgada (city/and/municipality) |
ponta do icebergue {f} [idiomatic] | :: tip of the iceberg (a small indication of a larger possibility) |
Ponta do Sol {prop} {f} /ˈpõtɐ ðu ˈsɔɫ/ | :: Ponta do Sol (village/and/municipality) |
Ponta do Sol {prop} {f} | :: A city, being the northernmost populated place in both Santo Antão and Cape Verde |
Pontal {prop} | :: Pontal (municipality) |
Pontalinda {prop} | :: Pontalinda (municipality) |
pontão {m} | :: pontoon |
pontão {m} | :: small bridge |
Pontão {prop} | :: Pontão (municipality) |
pontapé {m} /põ.tɐ.ˈpɛ/ | :: kick (with the toe) |
pontapé {m} [figurative] | :: mistake, blunder |
pontapé inicial {m} [football] | :: kick-off (opening kick in football) |
pontapé inicial {m} [by extension] | :: kick-off (opening sequence of an event) |
pontaria {f} | :: aim, aiming |
pontaria {f} | :: marksmanship |
ponta solta {f} | :: See: pt ponta solta |
ponta solta {f} [idiomatic] | :: loose end (minor problem that needs to be resolved) |
ponte {f} /ˈpõ.tɨ/ | :: bridge (construction or natural feature that spans a divide) |
ponte {f} [medicine] | :: bypass (a passage created around a damaged organ) |
ponte {f} [figuratively] | :: bridge (anything that connects separate things) |
ponte {f} | :: long weekend; a day which falls between two work-free days (holidays or weekend days), on which leave is preferred |
ponte aérea {f} [aviation] | :: air bridge (link established by air transport) |
ponte aérea {f} [basketball] | :: alley oop (play in which one player catches a pass while airborne and dunks) |
Ponte Alta {prop} | :: Ponte Alta (municipality) |
Ponte Alta do Norte {prop} | :: Ponte Alta do Norte (municipality) |
ponte basculante {f} | :: bascule bridge (type of movable bridge) |
Ponte da Barca {prop} {f} /ˈpõt(ɨ) ðɐ ˈβaɾkɐ/ | :: Ponte da Barca (village/and/municipality) |
Ponte de Lima {prop} {f} /ˈpõt(ɨ) ðɨ ˈlimɐ/ | :: Ponte de Lima (village/and/municipality) |
Ponte de Sor {prop} {f} /ˈpõt(ɨ) ðɨ ˈsoɾ/ | :: Ponte de Sor (city/and/municipality) |
ponte de Wheatstone {f} | :: Wheatstone bridge (instrument used to measure an unknown electrical resistance) |
Ponte dos Suspiros {prop} {f} | :: Bridge of Sighs |
ponte em arco {f} [architecture] | :: arch bridge (a bridge with abutments at each end shaped as an arch) |
ponteira {f} /põ.ˈte(j).ɾa/ | :: aglet (cover at the tip of a shoelace) |
ponteira {f} | :: ferrule (metal tip of an umbrella or cane) |
ponteira {f} | :: chape (metal cap of a scabbard) |
ponteira {f} [martial arts] | :: a capoeira strike |
ponteira {f} [musical instruments] | :: fret |
ponteiro {m} /põ.ˈtɐj.ɾu/ | :: pointer (anything that points or is used for pointing) |
ponteiro {m} | :: pointer (needle-like component of a timepiece or measuring device) |
ponteiro {m} | :: masonry chisel with a pointy tip |
ponteiro {m} [programming] | :: pointer (variable that holds the address of a memory location) |
ponteiro {m} [computing] | :: mouse pointer; cursor |
ponteiro {m} [sports] | :: winger (offensive player who plays on either side of the center) |
ponteiro {m} [musical instruments] | :: plectrum (object to pluck strings of a musical instrument) |
ponteiro {m} [musical instruments] | :: chanter (pipe of a bagpipe on which the melody is played) |
ponte levadiça {f} | :: drawbridge (bridge which can be raised) |
Ponte Nova {prop} | :: Ponte Nova (municipality) |
Ponte Preta {prop} | :: Ponte Preta (municipality) |
Ponte Serrada {prop} | :: Ponte Serrada (municipality) |
Pontes Gestal {prop} | :: Pontes Gestal (municipality) |
ponte terrestre {f} | :: land bridge (connection between usually separate landmasses) |
pontiagudo {adj} /põ.tjɐ.ˈɣu.ðu/ | :: ending in a sharp tip or peak |
pontífice {m} | :: pontiff (the Pope) |
pontinha {f} | :: tip |
pontinha {f} | :: small portion |
pontinha {f} | :: tantrum |
ponto {m} /ˈpõ.tu/ | :: point (location or place) |
ponto {m} | :: point (unit of scoring) |
ponto {m} | :: point (topic of discussion) |
ponto {m} | :: point (particular moment in an event) |
ponto {m} [economics] | :: point (unit used to express differences in prices of stocks and shares) |
ponto {m} [geometry] | :: point (zero-dimensional object) |
ponto {m} | :: dot (small spot) |
ponto {m} [typography] | :: dot or tittle of a character |
ponto {m} [grammar] | :: full stop |
ponto {m} [sewing] | :: stitch (single pass of a needle in sewing or suture) |
ponto {m} | :: a register of the time each employee arrives and leaves his workplace |
ponto {m} | :: a machine or device which logs the time each employee arrives and leaves his workplace |
ponto {m} | :: a specific value in a scale |
ponto {m} [cooking] | :: neither well done nor rare |
ponto {m} | :: a location where passengers wait for a bus or taxi |
ponto {m} | :: a unit of measurement of TV audience |
Ponto {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Pontus (god of the sea) |
Ponto {prop} {m} [historical] | :: Ponto (region) |
ponto cardeal {m} | :: compass point (any of the horizontal directions indicated on a compass) |
ponto cego {m} [ophthalmology] | :: blind spot (spot where the eye can’t see) |
ponto cego {m} [driving] | :: blind spot (part of the road that cannot be seen) |
ponto cego {m} [figurative] | :: blind spot (a topic that someone is unable to notice) |
Ponto Chique {prop} | :: Ponto Chique (municipality), see Wikipedia |
ponto crítico {m} [thermodynamics] | :: critical point (temperature and pressure at which the vapour density of the gas and liquid phases of a fluid are equal) |
ponto crítico {m} [mathematics] | :: critical point (point at which the derivative of a function is zero or undefined) |
ponto-cruz {m} | :: alternative form of ponto de cruz |
ponto de cruz {m} | :: cross-stitch (embroidery using double stitches that form a cross) |
ponto de ebulição {m} [physics] | :: boiling point (temperature at which a liquid boils) |
ponto de equilíbrio {m} | :: See: pt ponto de equilíbrio |
ponto de equilíbrio {m} [business, management] | :: break-even point (the point where total costs equal total sales revenue) |
ponto de exclamação {m} | :: exclamation point |
ponto de inflexão {m} [mathematics] | :: point of inflection (point on a curve at which the sign of the curvature changes) |
ponto de interrogação {m} | :: question mark |
ponto de ônibus {m} [Brazil] | :: bus stop (a stop for public transport buses) |
ponto de referência {m} | :: point of reference |
ponto de vista {m} | :: point of view (an attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs) |
ponto de vista {m} [literary theory] | :: point of view (the perspective from which a narrative is related) |
ponto de vista {m} [arts] | :: perspective |
Ponto dos Volantes {prop} | :: Ponto dos Volantes (municipality) |
ponto e vírgula {m} | :: alternative spelling of ponto-e-vírgula |
ponto-e-vírgula {m} | :: semicolon |
ponto final {m} | :: full stop (punctuation symbol: .) |
ponto final {interj} [colloquial] | :: full stop (and nothing less) |
ponto G {m} | :: G-spot (sensitive, erogenous zone on the anterior wall of the vagina) |
ponto morto {m} | :: neutral (gear position in which power cannot be transmitted to the drive mechanism) |
Ponto Novo {prop} | :: Ponto Novo (municipality) |
ponto quântico {m} | :: quantum dot (fluorescent nanoparticle) |
pontos de reticência {mp} | :: ellipsis (name of the punctuation mark …) |
pontuação {f} /põtwɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: punctuation |
pontuação {f} | :: score |
pontuação de Apgar {f} [medicine] | :: Apgar score (a zero to ten point score given to newborns based on their APGAR vitals) |
pontual {adj} | :: punctual, prompt |
pontualidade {f} /ˌpõ.tu.ˌˈda.d͡ʒi/ | :: punctuality (state or quality of being punctual, on time) |
pontualmente {adv} /põ.twaɫ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: punctually, promptly |
pontuando {v} | :: gerund of pontuar |
pontuar {v} /põ.ˈtwaɾ/ | :: to punctuate |
pontudo {adj} | :: pointed (having a sharp point) |
poodle {mf} | :: poodle (breed of dog with a heavy, curly fur) |
Poona {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Pune |
pop {m} | :: pop (music intended for or accepted by a wide audience) |
popa {f} | :: stern, poop |
pope {m} [Russian Orthodoxy] | :: pope (Russian Orthodox priest) |
Popescu {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
popô {m} [slang] | :: the buttocks |
Popoff {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Popoff {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Popov {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Popov {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
popozudo {adj} [colloquial, of a person] | :: Having big buttocks |
póprio {adj} [dialectal, nonstandard] | :: alternative spelling of próprio |
populaça {f} | :: hoi polloi (the people, the masses) |
população {f} /pu.pu.lɐ.ˈsɐ̃w/ | :: population (all senses) |
populacho {m} | :: mob, crowd (of people) |
populacho {m} | :: hoi polloi |
populacional {adj} | :: population [attributive] |
popular {adj} /ˌpo.pu.ˈlaʁ/ | :: popular (liked by many people) |
popular {adj} | :: popular (relating to the general public) |
popular {adj} | :: popular (aimed at ordinary people) |
popular {adj} [by extension] | :: popular; affordable |
popular {adj} [politics] | :: democratic (involving the participation of the general public) |
popular {m} [formal] | :: civilian (a person who is not working in the police or armed forces) |
popular {f} | :: cheap accommodation |
popular {v} [databases] /ˌpo.pu.ˈla(ʁ)/ | :: to populate (to add initial data to [a database]) |
popular {v} [rare] | :: synonym of povoar |
popularidade {f} | :: popularity |
popularizando {v} | :: gerund of popularizar |
popularizar {v} /pupulɐɾiˈzaɾ/ | :: to popularize |
popularmente {adv} | :: popularly |
Populina {prop} | :: Populina (municipality) |
populismo {m} [politics] | :: populism (doctrine that appeals to the interests and conceptions of the general people) |
populoso {adj} | :: populous |
póquer {m} [Portugal] | :: poker (card game) |
pôquer {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: poker (card game) |
por {prep} /puɾ/ | :: for (on behalf of) |
por {prep} | :: for (in order to obtain) |
por {prep} | :: for (over a period of time) |
por {prep} | :: for (indicates something given in an exchange) |
por {prep} | :: by (through the action or presence of) |
por {prep} | :: by (indicates the creator of a work) |
por {prep} | :: by (using the rules or logic of) |
por {prep} | :: by (in the formula “X por X” or “por Xs”, indicates a steady progression) |
por {prep} | :: by; in the name of (indicates an oath) |
por {prep} | :: per; a; each (expresses the ratio of units) |
por {prep} | :: [arithmetic] by (indicates a mathematical division) |
por {prep} | :: through (entering and then leaving; being the medium of) |
por {prep} | :: around; about; near (in the vicinity of) |
por {prep} | :: around; about; approximately (close in quantity, amount or value to) |
por {prep} | :: throughout (in various parts of) |
por {prep} | :: for; in favour of (supporting) |
por {prep} | :: [in the formula “X por Y”, where X is a verb and Y the infinitive of the same verb or of a synonym] for its own sake; without a motive |
por {v} | :: obsolete spelling of pôr, now a common misspelling |
pòr {v} | :: obsolete spelling of pôr |
pôr {vt} /poɾ/ | :: to put; to place |
pôr {vp} | :: [copulative] to get (to position oneself into a given state) |
pôr {v} | :: [.pronominal, em, a, -another positional preposition] to go to a given location |
pôr {vti} | :: to lay (to produce and deposit an egg) |
pôr {vp} | :: to set (to go below the horizon) |
pôr {vt} | :: to put on; to wear (to start to use an item of clothing) |
pôr {v} | :: [ditransitive, copulative for the second object] to make; to get (to cause to be in a given state) |
por a + b {adv} [idiom] | :: alternative form of por a mais bê |
por A + B {adv} [idiom] | :: alternative form of por a mais bê |
por acaso {adv} | :: by chance (accidentally or unexpectedly) |
por agora {adv} | :: by now |
por a mais b {adv} [idiom] | :: alternative form of por a mais bê |
por A mais B {adv} [idiom] | :: alternative form of por a mais bê |
por a mais bê {adv} [idiom] | :: (to prove, explain etc.) with basis on consistent evidence or arguments; irrefutably |
pôr a mão na massa {v} [idiomatic] | :: to pull one's socks up (start making an effort; to get to work) |
por amor da Santa {phrase} [colloquial] | :: Used to express surprise, contempt, outrage, disgust, boredom, frustration |
por amor de Deus {phrase} | :: alternative form of pelo amor de Deus |
Porangaba {prop} | :: Porangaba (municipality) |
porão {m} [nautical, aviation] /puˈrɐ̃w̃/ | :: hold (cargo area of a ship or aircraft) |
porão {m} | :: basement |
poraquê {m} | :: electric eel (Electrophorus electricus, an eel-like fish capable of generating powerful electric shocks) |
por assim dizer {adv} | :: so to speak (used to indicate a word or statement is not exact) |
por baixo dos panos {adv} [idiomatic] | :: behind the scenes (in secret; out of public view) |
porca {f} /ˈpɔɹ.ka/ | :: sow; feminine noun of porco |
porca {f} | :: nut (that fits on a bolt) |
porção {f} | :: portion, part |
porcaria {f} /puɾkɐˈɾiɐ/ | :: dirtiness |
porcaria {f} | :: smut, filth |
porcaria {f} | :: trash, crap |
porcariada {f} | :: crap (useless, unspecified things) |
por causa de {prep} | :: because of (by reason of) |
por causa que {conj} [Brazil, colloquial, nonstandard] | :: because |
porcelana {f} | :: porcelain |
porcentagem {f} | :: alternative form of percentagem |
por cento {phrase} | :: percent (hundredths of) |
porcento {m} | :: percent |
porcentual {adj} | :: percentage (attributive) |
pôr chifres em {vt} [colloquial] | :: to cuckold; to cheat on (to engage in an extramarital affair) |
porcino {adj} | :: porcine (of or pertaining to pigs) |
Porciúncula {prop} | :: Porciúncula (municipality) |
porco {m} /ˈpoɾ.ku/ | :: pig (the domesticated farm animal Sus scrofa) |
porco {m} | :: pork; swineflesh |
porco {m} [derogatory] | :: pig (dirty or slovenly person) |
porco {adj} [of a person] | :: filthy; slovenly; unkempt |
porco {adj} [of an object] | :: coarse (of inferior quality) |
porco-da-terra {m} | :: aardvark (mammal) |
porco-espim {m} | :: alternative form of porco-espinho |
porco-espinho {m} /ˈpoʁ.ku es.ˈpi.ɲu/ | :: porcupine (any of several rodents of the families Hystricidae or Erethizontidae) |
porco-formigueiro {m} | :: aardvark (mammal) |
por completo {adj} | :: completely; fully |
por conseguinte {adv} [formal] | :: consequently (as a result or consequence) |
por conta de {prep} | :: due to; because of |
por conta de {prep} | :: on (paid for by) |
por conta de {prep} | :: under the care of; being the responsibility of |
por conta própria {adv} | :: by oneself, on one's own |
porco vermelho {m} | :: bush pig (any of the Potamochoerus genus of wild African pigs) |
por dentro {phrase} /poʁ ˈdẽtrɾu/ | :: See: pt por dentro |
por dentro {phrase} | :: on the inside |
por dentro {phrase} | :: informed or familiar with a subject |
pôr do sol {m} | :: sunset (time of day when the sun disappears below the horizon) |
pôr-do-sol {m} | :: sunset (time of day) |
porem {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of porém |
porém {adv} /pu.ˈɾɐ̃j̃/ | :: despite what preceded; nevertheless |
porém {conj} | :: but; however |
porém {m} | :: but (an instance of proclaiming an exception or starting an adversative clause) |
por enquanto {adv} /ˌpo.ɾẽ.ˈkwɐ̃.tu/ | :: for now, for the time being (at the moment; until later) |
por entre {prep} | :: through or among; surrounded by |
por essas e outras {adv} [idiomatic] | :: Due to various reasons |
por excelência {phrase} | :: Par excellence |
por exemplo {adv} | :: for example, for instance |
por favor {adv} /puɾ.fɐ.ˈvoɾ/ | :: As a polite request; please |
por favor {adv} | :: As an affirmative to an offer; please |
por favor {adv} | :: As an expression of annoyance or impatience; please |
por favor {adv} | :: As a request; please |
por favor {interj} | :: please (interjection to make commands more polite) |
por favorzinho {interj} [familiar] | :: pretty please |
porfia {f} | :: dispute |
porfia {f} | :: obstinacy |
porfiado {adj} | :: tenacious; stubborn (unwilling to yield) |
porfiar {vi} | :: to dispute |
porfiar {vit} | :: to insist, persist |
por fim {adv} | :: finally; in the end |
porfirinúria {f} [pathology] | :: porphyrinuria |
pórfiro {m} [geology] | :: porphyry |
por fora, bela viola; por dentro, pão bolorento {proverb} | :: beauty is only skin deep (a person’s character is more important than their outward appearance) |
por fora, bela viola; por dentro, pão bolorento {proverb} | :: a person appears to have good intentions, but in fact has not |
por gentileza {interj} | :: please |
por goleada {adv} | :: by a landslide (win scoring many goals) |
por incrível que pareça {adv} | :: oddly enough (implying that a following statement is seemingly unlikely but true) |
por isso {conj} | :: therefore |
por isto {conj} | :: alternative form of por isso |
pôr lenha na fogueira {phrase} | :: to add fuel to fire |
por mais que {phrase} [subjunctive] | :: however much |
por meio de {prep} | :: by means of (by using; making use of) |
pormenor {m} [usually in the plural] /ˌpoʁ.me.ˈnɔʁ/ | :: detail (minor aspect) |
pormenorizadamente {adv} | :: in minute detail |
pormenorizado {adj} | :: detailed (characterised by attention to detail and thoroughness of treatment) |
por nada {adv} | :: See: pt por nada |
por nada {adv} | :: not at all; you're welcome |
porno {adj} [colloquial, Portugal] | :: pornographic |
pornô {adj} [colloquial, Brazil] | :: pornographic |
pornógrafa {f} | :: feminine noun of pornógrafo |
pornografia {f} /puɾnuɡɾaˈfiɐ/ | :: pornography |
pornográfico {adj} | :: pornographic |
pornógrafo {m} | :: pornographer |
poro {m} | :: pore (a tiny opening in the skin) |
poro {m} | :: pore (any small opening) |
poro abdominal {m} [ichthyology] | :: abdominal pore (sphincter near the cloaca of fish) |
por obséquio {interj} [archaic or formal] | :: please |
porongo {m} /puˈɾõɡu/ | :: gourd (the dried and hardened shell of a gourd fruit) |
por ora {adv} | :: by now |
porosidade {f} | :: porosity (the state of being porous) |
poroso {adj} | :: porous (full of pores) |
por outro lado {adv} /puɾ ˈo(w).tɾu ˈla.du/ | :: on the other hand |
por outro lado {adv} | :: See: pt por outro lado |
por pouco {adv} | :: nearly; almost |
porq̃ {conj} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of porque |
porq̃ {adv} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of porque |
porquanto {conj} | :: because |
porquanto {conj} | :: therefore |
porquanto {conj} | :: inasmuch as |
por que {adv} [Brazil, introducing a question] /ˈpuɾ.kɨ/ | :: why, what for, for what reason |
por que {adv} [Brazil, introducing a question, uncommon] | :: by what, through what, via what |
porque {conj} /ˈpuɾ.kɨ/ | :: because; for (introduces an explanation to the claim in the previous clause) |
porque {adv} [Portugal] | :: alternative form of por que |
por quê {adv} [Brazil] /puʁ.ˈke/ | :: alternative form of por que |
porquê {adv} [Portugal] /puɾ.ˈke/ | :: why |
porquê {m} | :: reason, cause, explanation |
por que caralhos {adv} [idiom, vulgar] | :: why the fuck (introducing a question with a vulgar intensifier) |
por que carambas {phrase} [euphemistic] | :: what the hell |
por que cargas d'água {adv} [idiom] | :: why the hell; why the heck |
por que diabos {adv} [idiom] | :: why the hell; why the heck (introducing a question with a mildly vulgar intensifier) |
por que não {adv} | :: See: pt por que não |
por que não {adv} | :: why not (used to state one has no objection) |
por que não {adv} | :: why not (used to introduce a proposal) |
por que será {interj} | :: ironically implying that the answer to a question or doubt is obvious |
porquinho {m} | :: diminutive of porco |
porquinho-da-índia {m} | :: guinea pig (any tailless rodent of the genus Cavia) |
porra {f} [Brazil, vulgar] | :: semen; cum, jizz |
porra {f} [Portugal, vulgar] | :: penis |
porra {f} [vulgar] | :: shit, fuck; (often worthless) stuff, thing |
porra {f} [archaic] | :: club (heavy stick used as a weapon) |
porra {interj} [vulgar, intensifier] | :: fuck; crap (remark of anger and an unwelcome surprise) |
porrada {f} | :: punch, slap |
porrada {f} | :: shedload (large quantity) |
porra de {phrase} [vulgar] | :: fucking; damn (generic intensifier) |
porrado {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: drunk |
porra nenhuma {adv} [vulgar, idiomatic] | :: Definitely not; by no means |
porra nenhuma {pron} [vulgar, idiomatic] | :: nothing |
porre {m} [Brazil, colloquial] /ˈpɔ.hɪ/ | :: drunkenness |
porre {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: something tedious |
porreiro {adj} [Portugal, colloquial] | :: cool, excellent |
porreiro {adj} [Portugal, colloquial] | :: sympathetic, likeable |
porreiro {adj} [Portugal, colloquial] | :: loyal, reliable |
porrete {m} /po.ˈʁe.t(ʃ)i/ | :: baton; truncheon (stick carried by police officers) |
porrigem {f} | :: ringworm (contagious fungal infection of the skin) |
porro {m} | :: leek (Allium ampeloprasum, syn. Allium porrum, a vegetable) |
por sinal {adv} | :: by the way; incidentally |
por sorte {adv} | :: luckily; fortunately |
porta {f} /ˈpɔɾ.tɐ/ | :: door |
porta {f} | :: entrance |
porta {f} [by extension] | :: gateway |
porta {f} [by extension] | :: solution |
porta {f} [computing] | :: port (connector of an electronic device) |
porta-aviões {m} | :: aircraft carrier (warship for launching aircraft) |
porta-bagagem {m} | :: trunk (luggage storage compartment of a car) |
porta-bandeira {mf} | :: flag-bearer (person who carries flag or banner) |
porta-cigarros {m} | :: cigarette case (a small flat case for holding cigarettes) |
porta-contêineres {m} [nautical, Brazil] | :: synonym of porta-contentores |
porta-contentores {m} [nautical, Portugal] | :: container ship (ship designed to transport containers) |
porta-copos {m} | :: obsolete form of portacopos |
portacopos {m} | :: coaster (a recipient for glasses placed over tables in order to avoid the table's humidity) |
portada {f} /puɾˈtaðɐ/ | :: portal |
portada {f} | :: main page, home page [of a website] |
portada {f} | :: shutter |
porta do cavalo {f} [colloquial] | :: back door (subsidiary entrance to building) |
portador {m} | :: carrier, bearer |
portador {m} | :: conveyer |
portadora {f} [electronics] | :: carrier (signal modulated to transmit information) |
porta-estandarte {mf} | :: standard-bearer; flag-bearer (person who carries flag or banner) |
porta-estandarte {mf} [figuratively] | :: representant; poster child; figurehead |
porta-fólio {m} | :: portfolio (case for carrying documents) |
porta-fólio {m} [finance] | :: portfolio (investments and other assets held by an investor) |
portagem {f} [Portugal] | :: toll (fee for using roads and bridges) |
porta giratória {f} | :: revolving door |
porta-joias {m} | :: jewel case (box to hold jewels) |
porta-jóias {m} | :: obsolete spelling of porta-joias |
portal {m} [architecture] /puɾˈtaɫ/ | :: portal, doorway, gateway |
Portalegre {prop} /puɾtɐˈlɛɣɾ(ɨ)/ | :: Portalegre (district) |
Portalegre {prop} | :: Portalegre (city/and/municipality/district capital) |
portaló {m} [nautical] | :: gangway (passage on upper deck) |
porta-luvas {m} | :: glove compartment (compartment recessed in an automobile’s dashboard) |
porta-malas {m} | :: boot; trunk (luggage storage compartment of a car) |
portanto {adv} /puɾ.ˈtɐ̃.tu/ | :: hence; therefore |
portão {m} /puɾ.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: gate |
portão {m} | :: augmentative of porta |
Portão {prop} | :: Portão (municipality) |
portar {v} /puɾ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to bear; to carry |
portaria {f} | :: reception or information desk |
portaria {f} | :: entrance |
portaria {f} | :: In Brazilian law, an administrative decree or resolution issued by a Ministry of Secretary, detailing the application of a law |
portátil {adj} | :: portable |
portátil {m} [computing] | :: clipping of computador portátil (laptop computer) |
portátil {m} [Portugal, rare] | :: mobile phone |
porta USB {m} [computing] | :: USB port (port for USB connection) |
portável {adj} | :: portable (able to be carried) |
portável {adj} [computing] | :: portable (able to be adapted to multiple systems) |
porta-voz {mf} | :: spokesman (one who speaks as the voice of a group) |
porte {m} | :: postage (the charge for posting an item) |
porte {m} | :: carrying, possession |
porte {m} | :: size |
porte {m} | :: posture |
porte {m} | :: capacity |
porteira {f} | :: A wooden gate in a fence of the same material |
porteira {f} | :: feminine noun of porteiro |
porteira {f} | :: portress (female gatekeeper) |
Porteirinha {prop} | :: Porteirinha (municipality) |
porteiro {m} /puɾ.ˈtɐj.ɾu/ | :: doorman, gatekeeper, concierge |
porteiro {m} | :: porter |
Portel {prop} /puɾˈtɛɫ/ | :: Portel (village/and/municipality) |
portela {f} | :: small door |
portela {f} | :: narrow passageway between mountains |
portento {m} | :: wonder, marvel |
portento {m} | :: genius, prodigy |
pórter {m} | :: porter (a strong, dark ale) |
porteyro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of porteiro |
portfólio {m} [art] | :: portfolio (the works of an artist) |
portfólio {m} [finance] | :: portfolio (investments and other assets held by an investor) |
pórtico {m} [architecture] | :: portico (small space with a roof supported by columns, serving as the entrance to a building) |
Portimão {prop} /puɾtiˈmɐ̃w/ | :: Portimão (city/and/municipality) |
portinha {f} | :: diminutive of porta |
portinhola {f} | :: (small) door (especially of a vehicle) |
portinhola {f} | :: wicket (gate) |
Port Louis {prop} {f} | :: Port Louis (capital city) |
Port Moresby {prop} {f} | :: Port Moresby (capital city) |
porto {m} /ˈpoɾ.tu/ | :: port; harbour (place on the coast at which ships can shelter or dock) |
porto {m} | :: port (city containing such a place) |
porto {m} [figurative] | :: haven (place of safety) |
porto {m} | :: clipping of vinho do Porto |
Porto {prop} {m} /ˈpoɾtu/ | :: Porto (district) |
Porto {prop} {m} | :: Porto (city/and/municipality/district capital) |
pôrto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of porto |
Porto Alegre {prop} | :: Porto Alegre (municipality/state capital) |
Porto Belo {prop} | :: Porto Belo (municipality) |
Porto de Espanha {prop} | :: Porto de Espanha (capital city) |
Porto de Mós {prop} /ˈpoɾtu ðɨ ˈmɔʃ/ | :: Porto de Mós (village/and/municipality) |
por todo lado {adv} | :: everywhere (at all places) |
Porto Feliz {prop} | :: Porto Feliz (municipality) |
Porto Ferreira {prop} | :: Porto Ferreira (municipality) |
Porto Firme {prop} | :: Porto Firme (municipality) |
Porto Inglês {prop} | :: Porto Inglês |
Porto Inglês {prop} | :: English Port (secondary) |
Porto Lucena {prop} | :: Porto Lucena (municipality) |
Porto Mauá {prop} | :: Porto Mauá (municipality) |
Porto Moniz {prop} /ˈpoɾtu muˈniʃ/ | :: Porto Moniz (village/and/municipality) |
Porto Moresby {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Port Moresby |
portona {f} | :: augmentative of porta |
Porto Novo {prop} {f} | :: Porto Novo (capital city) |
Porto Novo {prop} {f} | :: A city being the largest populated area in the island of Santo Antão, Cape Verde |
Porto-Novo {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Porto Novo |
Porto Príncipe {prop} {mf} | :: Porto Príncipe (capital city) |
Porto Real {prop} | :: Porto Real (municipality) |
Porto Rico {prop} {m} | :: Porto Rico (island/and/territory) |
porto-riquenho {adj} | :: Puerto Rican (of, from or relating to Puerto Rico) |
porto-riquenho {m} | :: Puerto Rican (person from Puerto Rico) |
Porto Santo {prop} /ˈpoɾtu ˈsɐ̃tu/ | :: Porto Santo (city/and/municipality) |
Porto Seguro {prop} | :: Porto Seguro (municipality) |
Porto União {prop} | :: Porto União (municipality) |
Porto Velho {prop} {m} | :: Porto Velho (municipality/state capital) |
Porto Vera Cruz {prop} | :: Porto Vera Cruz (municipality) |
Porto Xavier {prop} | :: Porto Xavier (municipality) |
por trás {prep} | :: from behind |
por trás {prep} [figurative] | :: behind (responsible for) |
por trás de {prep} | :: behind (through or past the back of) |
por trás de {prep} [figurative] | :: behind (as a secret aspect or cause of) |
Portsmouth {prop} {f} | :: Portsmouth (city) |
portuário {adj} | :: of or relating to ports |
por tudo o que é mais sagrado {adv} | :: alternative form of por tudo que é mais sagrado |
por tudo que é mais sagrado {adv} | :: "by all that's most sacred!", for the love of God! (expresses exasperation) |
portuense {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Porto, Portugal |
portuense {mf} | :: someone from Porto |
portuga {mf} [colloquial] | :: Portuguese (person from Portugal) |
portuga {adj} [colloquial] | :: Portuguese (of Portugal) |
Portugal {prop} {m} /puɾ.tu.ˈɣaɫ/ | :: Portugal (country) |
Portugol {prop} {m} [programming] | :: pseudocode using Portuguese vocabulary |
Portugual {prop} {m} | :: obsolete form of Portugal |
português {adj} /puɾtuˈɣeʃ/ | :: Portuguese |
português {m} | :: Portuguese person |
português {m} | :: Portuguese language |
portuguesamente {adv} | :: In the manner of Portuguese people; in context of Portugal; Portuguesely |
portuguesamente {adv} | :: As said or written in Portuguese language; Portuguesely |
português antigo {m} | :: Old Portuguese (ancestor of modern Portuguese and Galician) |
português arcaico {m} | :: Old Portuguese (ancestor of modern Portuguese and Galician) |
português com açúcar {m} [Portugal, colloquial] /puɾtuˈɣeʃ ˈkõ ɐˈsukɐɾ/ | :: Brazilian Portuguese (The Portuguese language as spoken and written in Brazil) |
portuguesismo {m} /puɾ.tu.ɣɨ.ˈziʒ.mu/ | :: Portuguesism (Portuguese attitudes and culture) |
portuguesismo {m} | :: Portuguesism (a word or phrase typical of or derived from Portuguese) |
portuguesmente {adv} | :: nonstandard spelling of portuguesamente |
portuguez {adj} | :: archaic spelling of português |
portuguez {m} | :: archaic spelling of português |
portugueza {f} | :: feminine noun of portuguez |
portuguezismo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of portuguesismo |
portulaca {f} | :: purslane (any plant of the family Portulacaceae) |
portulano {m} [historical, nautical, geography] | :: portolan |
portunhol {m} /puɾ.tu.ˈɲɔɫ/ | :: Portuñol (any unsystematic mixture of Portuguese with Spanish) |
portunhol {m} | :: Riverense Portuñol (a variety of Portuguese with influences from Spanish spoken on the border between Uruguay and Brazil) |
por um acaso {adv} | :: by chance (without planning in advance) |
por um acaso {adv} | :: indicates a non-demanding tone when asking a question; to happen to; by the way |
por um acaso {adv} | :: indicates a derisive tone in a rhetorical question |
por um lado {adv} [idiomatic] /puɾ ũ ˈla.du/ | :: on the one hand |
por ventura {adv} /puɾ.vẽ.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ | :: luckily |
por ventura {adv} [proscribed] | :: alternative form of porventura |
porventura {adv} /puɾ.vẽ.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ | :: perhaps |
porventura {adv} | :: by chance, perchance |
por vez {adv} [with a numeral] | :: at a time; simultaneously |
por vez {adv} | :: in turn (in response) |
por via de regra {adv} [idiomatic] | :: as a rule; in general (most often) |
por via popular {adv} [etymology] | :: occurring by inheritance instead of loaning |
porvir {m} | :: what is to come, future |
por volta de {prep} | :: around; about; approximately (a point in time or a period of time) |
pós- {prefix} | :: post- (later or after) |
pós {f} /ˈpɔʃ/ | :: clipping of pós-graduação |
pós-barba {m} | :: aftershave (lotion, gel or liquid applied to the skin after shaving) |
pós-bélico {adj} | :: post-war (pertaining to a period after a war) |
pós-combustão {f} | :: afterburning (injection of extra fuel into a jet engine) |
pós-combustor {m} | :: afterburner (a device in a turbojet engine which injects fuel into the exhaust system to increase the thrust) |
pós-doutoral {adj} | :: postdoctoral (relating to a postdoctorate) |
Poseidon {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Poseidon (god of the sea) |
Posen {prop} {f} | :: Posen (city) |
pós-escrito {m} | :: postscript (addendum to a text) |
pós-escrito {adj} | :: written after something |
posfácio {m} | :: afterword; epilogue (brief oration or script at the end of a literary piece) |
pós-graduando {m} | :: postgraduate (person continuing to study after acquiring a Bachelor’s degree) |
pós-humano {adj} | :: posthuman |
posição {f} /pu.zi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: position (place, location) |
posição {f} | :: posture (way a person holds and positions their body) |
posição {f} [sports] | :: position (place assigned to a player) |
posição anatómica {f} [European orthography, anatomy] | :: anatomical position (the position of standing up with the arms down and thumbs pointing away from the body) |
posição anatômica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of posição anatómica |
posição de Trendelenburg {f} [medicine] | :: Trendelenburg position (physical position that a patient is placed in by raising the inferior half by 30 degrees) |
posicionamento {m} | :: placement (the way something is positioned) |
posicionar {v} | :: to position (put into place) |
Posidão {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Poseidon |
Posídon {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Poseidon |
positivamente {adv} | :: positively (in a positive manner) |
positivamente {adv} | :: expressing a positive answer |
positivismo {m} /po.zi.t͡ʃi.ˈ | :: optimism (tendency to expect the best) |
positivismo {m} [philosophy] | :: positivism (philosophical doctrine) |
positivista {mf} /po.zi.t͡ʃi.ˈvis.ta/ | :: positivist (a believer in positivism) |
positivo {adj} /pu.zi.ˈ | :: affirmative (asserting that something is true) |
positivo {adj} [mathematics, of a number] | :: positive (greater than zero) |
positivo {adj} | :: (physics) positive (having more protons than electrons) |
positivo {adj} [comparable] | :: positive (characterized by constructiveness or influence for the better) |
positivo {adj} [comparable] | :: optimistic |
positivo {adj} [grammar] | :: positive (describing the primary sense of a word; not comparative or superlative, not augmentative or diminutive) |
positivo {interj} [formal] | :: yes |
positrão {m} [physics] | :: positron |
pósitron {m} [Brazil, physics] | :: alternative form of positrão |
pós-modernismo {m} | :: postmodernism (a style of art, literature, etc) |
pós-moderno {adj} [arts] | :: postmodern (of, relating to, or having the characteristics of postmodernism) |
Posnânia {prop} {f} | :: Posnânia (city) |
pós-natal {adj} | :: postnatal (relating to the period immediately after birth) |
pós-natal {m} | :: the period immediately after birth |
pós-operatório {adj} [surgery] | :: postoperative (pertaining to or occurring in the period after a surgical operation) |
pós-operatório {m} [surgery] | :: the period after a surgical operation |
pospor {v} [grammar] | :: to postpose (place a word or phrase after another) |
pospor {v} | :: to postpone (to delay an event) |
posposição {f} | :: the act of postponing an event |
posposição {f} [grammar] | :: postposition (particle that comes after the noun) |
pós-produção {f} [cinematography] | :: post-production (film production after actual filming) |
possante {adj} | :: powerful or vigorous |
possante {m} [colloquial] | :: ride (affectionate term for one’s automobile) |
posse {f} /ˈpɔ.sɨ/ | :: possession, land |
posse {f} [uncountable] | :: ownership |
posse {f} [uncountable, politics] | :: command |
Possêidon {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Poseidon |
posseiro {m} /po.ˈse(j).ɾu/ | :: someone who has legal ownership of land without a document proving it |
posseiro {m} [Brazil] | :: someone who tries to adversely possess someone else’s property; squatter |
possessão {f} | :: possession; ownership (the act of owning something) |
possessão {f} | :: possession (something that is owned) |
possessão {f} | :: possession (territory under the rule of another country) |
possessão {f} [parapsychology, religion] | :: possession (the condition of being possessed by a demon or other supernatural entity) |
possessivo {adj} [uncomparable, grammar] /ˌˈ | :: possessive (indicating possession) |
possessivo {adj} | :: possessive (unwilling to yield possession) |
possessivo {adj} | :: jealous (suspecting rivalry in love) |
possessivo {m} [uncountable] | :: possessive case |
possessivo {m} | :: a possessive (unwilling to yield possession) individual |
possessivo {m} | :: a jealous (suspecting rivalry in love) individual |
possessor {m} | :: possessor; owner (one who possesses) |
possibilidade {f} /ˈda.dɨ/ | :: possibility |
possibilitando {v} | :: gerund of possibilitar |
possibilitar {v} /βˈtaɾ/ | :: to enable |
possive {adj} | :: eye dialect of possível |
possivel {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of possível |
possível {adj} /pu.ˈsi.vɛɫ/ | :: possible |
possível {adj} | :: potential |
possível {adj} | :: likely |
possível {adj} | :: feasible |
possivelmente {adv} /pʊsivɛlˈmɛ̃t̪/ | :: possibly |
possíver {adj} | :: eye dialect of possível |
possuidor {m} | :: possessor |
possuidor {m} | :: owner |
possuir {v} /ˈi(ʁ)/ | :: to possess; to have; to own |
possuir {v} | :: to have as a quality or characteristic |
possuir {v} | :: to control; to hold (exercise influence over) |
possuir {v} [spiritualism] | :: to possess (to take control of someone’s body or mind in a supernatural manner) |
possuir {v} | :: to overwhelm (to overpower emotionally) |
possuir {v} [proscribed] | :: to have (to be related to) |
post {m} [internet] /ˈpowst͡ʃ/ | :: post (individual message in an on-line discussion) |
postagem {f} | :: the act of posting mail |
postal {adj} /puʃˈtaɫ/ | :: postal (relating to mail) |
postal {m} | :: postcard |
postar {v} | :: to post; to mail (to send mail) |
postar {v} [Internet] | :: to post (to publish a message in an on-line discussion) |
poste {m} /ˈpɔʃ.tɨ/ | :: a large post, such as a lamppost or utility pole |
poste de luz {m} | :: lamp-post |
postergar {v} /ˌpos.teʁ.ˈɡa(ʁ)/ | :: to postpone (to delay or put off an event for later) |
posteridade {f} | :: posterity (all the future generations) |
posterior {adj} | :: posterior (following in order or in time) |
posterior {adj} | :: posterior (located in the rear) |
posterior {adj} [phonetics] | :: back (produced in the back of the mouth) |
posterioridade {f} /puʃtɨˌɾjoɾiˈðaðɨ/ | :: posteriority (the condition of being posterior) |
posterioridade {f} [psychoanalysis] | :: afterwardsness (the concept that an earlier event in one’s life can later acquire a meaning) |
posteriormente {adv} /puʃtɨɾjoɾˈmẽtɨ/ | :: afterwards, later |
postigo {m} /puʃ.ˈti.ɣu/ | :: a small window, peephole, hatch |
postigo {m} | :: shutter (protective panels over a window) |
postigo {m} | :: scuttle |
postigo {m} | :: wicket, wicket gate |
posto {m} /ˈpos.tu/ | :: position, job |
posto {m} | :: station, post |
posto {m} | :: place |
posto avançado {m} | :: outpost (military post stationed at a distance from the main body of troops) |
posto de bombeiros {m} | :: fire station |
posto de gasolina {m} | :: petrol station, garage, filling station, gas station, service station (a place which sells fuel to pump directly into the vehicle) |
pós-traducional {adj} [genetics, biochemistry] | :: posttranslational (relating to the period after a protein has been translated from mRNA) |
postulando {v} | :: gerund of postular |
postular {v} | :: to postulate |
póstumo {adj} [of a child] | :: posthumous (born after one’s father’s death) |
póstumo {adj} [of a person] | :: posthumous (taking place after one’s death) |
póstumo {adj} [of a book or work of art] | :: posthumous (published after the author’s death) |
postura {f} | :: posture (position of body or way of carrying oneself) |
postura {f} [figurative] | :: stance (opinion or point of view) |
postura {f} | :: the act or practice of laying eggs |
postura {f} | :: the period during which hens lay eggs |
postural {adj} | :: postural (relating to posture) |
pota {f} | :: Humboldt squid, giant squid |
põta {f} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of ponta |
potassemia {f} [pathology] | :: kalemia |
potássio {m} | :: potassium |
potável {adj} | :: potable, drinkable |
pote {m} /ˈpɔ.tɨ/ | :: pot (container) |
pote {m} | :: tupperware (i.e. any container with a lid) |
Poté {prop} | :: Poté (municipality) |
pote de mel {m} | :: See: pt pote de mel |
pote de mel {m} [computer security] | :: honeypot (a trap set to detect or deflect attempts at unauthorised use of information systems) |
potência {f} /po.ˈtẽ.sjɐ/ | :: potency, potential |
potência {f} | :: power, might, force |
potencial {adj} /po.tẽ.si.ˈaw/ | :: potential |
potencial {adj} | :: virtual |
potencial {adj} | :: possible |
potencial {m} | :: potential |
potencial {m} | :: pressure |
potencialidade {f} /po.tẽˈda.d(ʒ)i/ | :: potentiality, potential, capability |
potencialidade {f} | :: probability, likeability |
potencialização {f} | :: potentiation |
potencializando {v} | :: gerund of potencializar |
potencializar {v} | :: to potentiate |
potencialmente {adv} | :: potentially (with the possibility of happening or being so) |
potentado {m} | :: potentate |
potente {adj} | :: powerful (having or capable of exerting power, potency or influence) |
potestade {m} | :: power; authority |
potestade {m} [biblical] | :: power (fourth level of angels) |
potiguar {mf} | :: someone from the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte |
potiguar {adj} | :: of, from or relating to the state of Rio Grande do Norte |
Potim {prop} | :: Potim (municipality) |
Potira {prop} | :: given name |
Potiraguá {prop} | :: Potiraguá (municipality) |
Potirendaba {prop} | :: Potirendaba (municipality) |
pot-pourri {m} [music] | :: potpourri (a medley of songs or music) |
potpourri {m} | :: alternative spelling of pot-pourri |
potra {f} | :: feminine noun of potro |
potra {f} [medicine] | :: intestinal hernia |
potra {f} [botany] | :: a disease that causes bulges to appear on the stems of plants |
potra {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: luck; good fortune |
potra {f} | :: arrogance; haughtiness |
potro {m} /ˈpotɾu/ | :: colt (young male horse) |
Potsdam {prop} {f} | :: Potsdam (city/state capital) |
Potyra {prop} | :: given name |
pouco {pron} /ˈpow.ku/ | :: little of something |
pouco {pron} | :: a short while |
pouco {adj} | :: little; few (not many) |
pouco {adv} | :: little (not much or not often) |
pouco {adv} | :: for a short duration |
pouco a pouco {adv} | :: little by little, bit by bit, a small amount at a time |
pouco-caso {m} | :: disregard, indifference |
poucos {pron} /ˈpow.kuʃ/ | :: few (not many things or people) |
poupa {f} /ˈpo(w).pɐ/ | :: hoopoe (Upupa epops, a small Old-World bird) |
poupança {f} /pow.ˈpɐ̃.sɐ/ | :: savings account |
poupança {f} [colloquial] | :: buttocks |
poupar {vt} /po(w)ˈpar/ | :: to save (time, money etc.) |
poupar {vt} | :: to spare |
poupar {vi} | :: to economize |
pouquidade {f} | :: fewness (the state of being few) |
pouquinho {pron} /po(w).ˈki.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of pouco |
pousada {f} /po(w).ˈza.ðɐ/ | :: inn (establishment where travellers can procure lodging, food, and drink) |
pousada {f} | :: stay (period of time spent in a place) |
pousando {v} /powˈzɐ̃du/ | :: gerund of pousar |
pousar {v} /powˈzaɾ/ | :: to land, alight |
pousar {v} [Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil] | :: to sleep over |
pousio {m} [agriculture, uncountable] | :: the practice of leaving ground fallow |
pousio {m} [agriculture] | :: fallow (ground left unseeded for a year) |
Pouso Alegre {prop} | :: Pouso Alegre (municipality) |
Pouso Alto {prop} | :: Pouso Alto (municipality) |
Pouso Novo {prop} | :: Pouso Novo (municipality) |
Pouso Redondo {prop} | :: Pouso Redondo (municipality) |
povão {m} | :: augmentative of povo |
povão {m} | :: populace (the common people) |
poveiro {adj} /pɔˈvejɾu/ | :: From Póvoa de Varzim |
poveiro {adj} | :: Of or relating to Póvoa de Varzim |
poveiro {m} | :: A native of Póvoa de Varzim |
povinho {m} | :: diminutive of povo |
povo {m} /ˈ | :: people |
povo {m} | :: hamlet (a small village or a group of houses) |
povo {m} [Brazil] | :: mob |
póvoa {f} /ˈpɔ.vwɐ/ | :: hamlet (small village or a group of houses) |
povoação {f} /ˌpo.vo.a.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: settlement |
povoação {f} | :: The process through which a place becomes populated or settled |
Povoação {prop} {f} /puvuɐˈsɐ̃w/ | :: Povoação (village/and/municipality) |
Póvoa de Lanhoso {prop} {f} /ˈpɔvuɐ ðɨ lɐˈɲozu/ | :: Póvoa de Lanhoso (village/and/municipality) |
Póvoa de Varzim {prop} {f} /ˈpɔvuɐ dɨ vɐɾˈzĩ/ | :: Póvoa de Varzim (city/and/municipality) |
povoado {adj} | :: having a high population density |
povoado {m} | :: hamlet, thorp, village |
povoador {m} | :: settler |
povoador {m} | :: colonist |
povoamento {m} | :: population (act of peopling a region) |
povoando {v} | :: gerund of povoar |
povoar {v} /pu.ˈvwaɾ/ | :: to people, populate |
powellita {f} [mineral] | :: powellite |
powerpoint {m} /ˌpaw.eʁ.ˈpɔj̃t͡ʃ/ | :: powerpoint (electronic slide presentation) |
PowerPoint {m} | :: alternative case form of powerpoint |
poxa {interj} | :: alternative form of puxa |
poys {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of pois |
poys {conj} | :: obsolete spelling of pois |
Poznan {prop} {f} | :: Poznan (city) |
Poznań {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Poznan |
Poznânia {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Posnânia |
PPC {f} | :: initialism of paridade do poder de compra = PPP (purchasing power parity) |
ppk {n} [internet slang] | :: pepeca |
pprt {n} [Internet slang] | :: abbreviation of papo reto |
pq {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: abbreviation of por que |
pq {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: abbreviation of por quê |
pq {m} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: abbreviation of porquê |
pq {conj} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: abbreviation of porque |
pqp {interj} [internet slang] | :: initialism of puta que pariu |
PQP {interj} | :: initialism of puta que pariu; WTF! |
PR {prop} [Brazil] | :: abbreviation of Paraná (Brazilian state) |
PR {prop} [Portugal] | :: initialism of Presidente da República |
p'ra {prep} [nonstandard or poetic] | :: contraction of para |
pra {prep} [nonstandard, colloquial, poetic] /pɾɐ/ | :: contraction of para |
pra {prep} [nonstandard, colloquial, poetic] | :: Contraction of para + a |
praça {f} /ˈpɾa.sɐ/ | :: plaza (a public square or open area in front of a building or a place) |
praça {m} [Brazil, historical, military] | :: short for praça de pré |
praça de pré {m} [Brazil, historical, military] | :: a soldier of enlisted rank |
praça de pret {m} | :: obsolete spelling of praça de pré |
praça de touros {f} [bullfighting] | :: bullring (area in which a bullfight is competed) |
pra caralho {adv} | :: alternative form of para caralho |
pra caramba {adv} | :: alternative form of para caramba |
Praça Vermelha {prop} {f} | :: Red Square (large historical square in Moscow) |
pra chuchu {adv} [colloquial] | :: very much; really |
pracinha {f} | :: diminutive of praça |
pracinha {m} | :: A member of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force of World War II |
Pracinha {prop} | :: Pracinha (municipality) |
prácrito {m} /ˈpɾakɾitu/ | :: Prakrit |
practicar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of praticar |
pra dar e vender {pron} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of para dar e vender |
pradaria {f} | :: grassland, prairie |
prado {m} | :: meadow (an extensive area of grassland) |
Prado {prop} | :: Prado (municipality) |
Prado {prop} | :: surname |
Pradópolis {prop} | :: Pradópolis (municipality) |
Prados {prop} | :: Prados (municipality) |
praga {f} [uncountable] /ˈpɾa.ɣɐ/ | :: plague (a disease caused by the virulent bacterium Yersinia pestis) |
praga {f} [pathology] | :: plague (an epidemic or pandemic caused by any pestilence, but specifically by the above disease) |
praga {f} | :: plague (a widespread affliction, calamity or destructive influx, especially when seen as divine retribution) |
praga {f} | :: curse, swearword |
praga {f} [figuratively] | :: someone or something which is a nuisance |
Praga {prop} {f} | :: Praga (capital city) |
pragmática {f} [linguistics, semiotics] | :: pragmatics (study of the use of the language in a social context) |
pragmático {adj} | :: pragmatic; practical; down-to-earth |
pragmático {adj} [philosophy] | :: relating to pragmatism |
pragmatismo {m} | :: pragmatism (pursuit of practicality over aesthetic qualities) |
pragmatismo {m} [politics] | :: pragmatism (theory that problems should be met with practical solutions rather than ideological ones) |
pragmatismo {m} [philosophy] | :: pragmatism (philosophical idea that beliefs are identified with the actions of a believer) |
praguejando {v} | :: gerund of praguejar |
praguejar {vi} /pɾɐɡəˈʒaɾ/ | :: to curse (to place curses) |
praia {f} /ˈpɾaj.ɐ/ | :: beach (shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly) |
Praia {prop} {f} | :: Praia (capital city) |
Praia {prop} {f} | :: Praia (municipality) |
Praia da Vitória {prop} {f} /ˈpɾajɐ ðɐ viˈtɔɾiɐ/ | :: Praia da Vitória (city/and/municipality) |
praia fluvial {f} /ˈpɾaj.ɐ flu.ˈvjaɫ/ | :: river beach |
Praia Grande {prop} | :: Praia Grande (municipality) |
Praia Grande {prop} | :: Praia Grande (municipality) |
praiano {adj} | :: of, near or on the beach |
praiano {m} | :: someone who lives near the beach |
praieiro {adj} | :: of, near or on the beach |
praieiro {m} [historical] | :: someone who participated in the Praieira revolt |
pra inglês ver {adj} | :: alternative form of para inglês ver |
pra lá de {adv} [idiom] | :: rather; pretty |
pra lá de {adv} [idiom] | :: very; quite |
pra lá de {adv} | :: See: pt pra lá de |
pra lá de Bagdá {adj} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of para lá de Bagdá |
prancha {f} /ˈpɾɐ̃ʃɐ/ | :: board |
prancha {f} | :: plank |
prancheta {f} | :: clipboard (flat piece of rigid material with a clip to hold papers) |
prancheta {f} [figurative] | :: the planning stage of a project |
prândio {m} [poetic] | :: banquet (a large celebratory meal) |
pra ninguém botar defeito {adj} | :: alternative form of para ninguém botar defeito |
pranteando {v} | :: gerund of prantear |
prantear {v} /ˌpɾɐ̃.te.ˈa(ɹ)/ | :: to weep |
prantear {v} | :: to lament; to mourn |
pranto {m} /ˈpɾɐ̃.tu/ | :: mourning |
pranto {m} | :: crying, lamentation |
pranto {m} [by extension] | :: tears |
pras {contraction} /pɾas/ | :: contraction of para as |
praseodímio {m} /ˌpɾa.zi.u.ˈd͡ʒi.mi.u/ | :: praseodymium (chemical element) |
praseodymio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of praseodímio |
prata {f} /ˈpɾa.tɐ/ | :: silver (element) |
prata {f} | :: silver (coins) |
prata {f} | :: silver (cutlery) |
prata {f} | :: silver (items made from silver) |
prata {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: one hundred cents of current currency unit: an entire real, a Brazilian buck |
Prata {prop} | :: Prata (municipality) |
pratada {f} | :: plate; plateful (quantity of food contained on a plate) |
Pratânia {prop} | :: Pratânia (municipality) |
Pratápolis {prop} | :: Pratápolis (municipality) |
prataria {f} /ˌpɾa.ta.ˈɾi.a/ | :: silverware; cutlery |
prataria {f} | :: plates, dishes collectively |
prateação {f} | :: silvering (the process of coating a surface with silver) |
prateado {adj} /pɾɐ.ˈtja.ðu/ | :: silver (coloured, plated) |
prateado {m} | :: silver (colour) |
prateira {f} | :: feminine noun of prateiro |
prateiro {m} | :: silversmith (person who makes articles out of silver) |
pratel {m} | :: small plate |
prateleira {f} /pɾɐtɨˈlɐjɾɐ/ | :: shelf |
prateleira {f} [slang] | :: breasts |
prática {f} /ˈpɾa.ti.kɐ/ | :: practice |
prática {f} | :: use |
prática {f} | :: experience |
praticabilidade {f} /pra.t(ʃ)ˈda.d(ʒ)i/ | :: practicability, executability, feasibility, viability |
praticamente {adv} | :: practically (in practice; in effect) |
praticamente {adv} | :: practically (almost entirely) |
praticamente {adv} | :: practically (in a practical manner) |
praticante {mf} | :: practitioner |
praticar {v} /pɾa.tʃi.ˈka(ʁ)/ | :: to practice (repeat an activity as a way of improving one’s skill) |
praticar {v} | :: to practice (perform or observe in a habitual fashion) |
praticável {adj} | :: practicable, feasible |
prático {adj} /ˈpɾa.ti.ku/ | :: practical |
prático {m} | :: practitioner |
Pratinha {prop} | :: Pratinha (municipality) |
prato {m} /ˈpɾa.tu/ | :: plate |
prato {m} | :: a flat dish from which food is served or eaten |
prato {m} | :: a course at a meal |
prato {m} [music] | :: cymbal |
prato principal {m} | :: main course (main dish of a meal) |
prato suspenso {m} [musical instruments] | :: suspended cymbal (cymbal that is suspended horizontally) |
pra valer {adv} | :: seriously, truly |
pra valer {adv} | :: unlimitedly |
pra valer {adj} | :: serious, true |
pra valer {adj} | :: unlimited |
praxe {f} | :: that which is habitual and common |
praxe {f} [Portugal, schools] | :: hazing (initiation rituals for university freshmen) |
praya {f} | :: obsolete form of praia |
prazenteiramente {adv} | :: jovially, affably, cheerfully |
prazenteiro {adj} /pɾɐ.zẽ.ˈtɐj.ɾu/ | :: jovial, affable, cheerful |
prazer {m} /pɾɐ.ˈzeɾ/ | :: pleasure |
prazer {v} | :: to pleasure |
prazo {m} /ˈpɾa.zu/ | :: deadline (date on or before which something must be completed) |
prazo {m} | :: expiration date |
prazo {m} | :: a period of time |
pre- {prefix} | :: pre- (before) |
pré- {prefix} | :: pre- |
preá {m} | :: aperea (Cavia aperea, a Brazilian guinea pig) |
preá da índia {m} | :: alternative spelling of preá-da-índia |
preá-da-índia {m} | :: guinea pig (any tailless rodent of the genus Cavia) |
preâmbulo {m} | :: preamble (introduction to a formal document or statute) |
pré-bélico {adj} | :: antebellum (relating to the period of time prior to a war) |
preboste {m} [military] | :: provost (military prison keeper) |
preboste {m} [religion] | :: provost (highest position in a monastery below an abbot) |
precariamente {adv} | :: unstably (in an unstable manner) |
precariamente {adv} | :: using or having limited resources |
precariedade {f} | :: instability (state of being unstable) |
precariedade {f} | :: the lack of sufficient or appropriate resources |
precário {adj} | :: precarious, uncertain |
precário {adj} | :: poor |
precarização {f} | :: casualization (the increase of precarious work in the labour market) |
precarização {f} | :: precarization |
precarizar {vt} | :: to make precarious |
precarizar {vt} | :: to casualize |
precaução {f} | :: precaution |
precaução {f} | :: prevention |
precaução {f} | :: prudence |
prece {f} /ˈpɾɛ.sɨ/ | :: prayer |
prece {f} | :: request |
prece {f} | :: entreaty |
precedência {f} | :: precedence (the state of preceding in importance or priority) |
precedendo {v} | :: gerund of preceder |
precedente {adj} /pɾɨsɨˈðẽtɨ/ | :: preceding (occurring before or in front of something else) |
precedente {m} | :: precedent (past act used as an example) |
precedente {m} [law] | :: precedent (prior judgement in law) |
preceder {v} | :: to precede |
preceipto {m} [rare] | :: obsolete spelling of preceito |
preceito {m} /pɾe.ˈsej.tu/ | :: precept (rule or principle governing personal conduct) |
preceito {m} | :: teaching (something taught by a religious or philosophical authority) |
preceito {m} | :: prescription (piece of advice) |
preceito {m} | :: condition; requirement |
preceituando {v} | :: gerund of preceituar |
preceituar {v} [legal] | :: To rule (establish a precept, make a ruling) |
precinho {m} | :: diminutive of preço |
precioso {adj} /pɾɨ.ˈsjo.zu/ | :: precious (of high value or worth) |
precioso {m} | :: precious (someone (or something) who is loved) |
precipício {m} | :: precipice (a very steep cliff) |
precipitação {f} | :: precipitation |
precipitação {f} | :: rainfall |
precipitação {f} | :: rashness, irresponsibility |
precipitadamente {adv} /pɾɨ.si.pi.ta.ðɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: precipitously, abruptly |
precipitado {adj} | :: precipitate |
precipitado {m} | :: precipitate |
precipitando {v} | :: gerund of precipitar |
precipitar {v} | :: to precipitate (all senses) |
precisamente {adv} | :: precisely (in a precise manner) |
precisaõ {f} | :: obsolete spelling of precisão |
precisão {f} /pɾɨ.siˈzɐ̃w̃/ | :: accuracy (state of being accurate) |
precisão {f} [colloquial] | :: need |
precisar {vt} /pɾɨ.si.ˈzaɾ/ | :: to need, must |
preciso {adj} /pɾɨ.ˈsi.zu/ | :: precise; accurate (in exact or careful conformity with the truth) |
preciso {adj} | :: accurate (which hits the target) |
preciso {adj} | :: necessary |
preciso de uma camisinha {phrase} | :: I need a condom |
pré-clássico {adj} | :: preclassical (from before a classical period) |
preço {m} /ˈpɾ | :: price (cost required to gain possession of something) |
preço {m} | :: price (cost of an action or deed) |
precoce {adj} /pɾe.ˈkɔ.si/ | :: precocious (characterised by exceptionally early occurrence or development) |
precognição {f} | :: the ability of making predictions |
precognição {f} [parapsychology] | :: precognition (the ability to foresee future events) |
pré-comprar {v} [rare] | :: to forebuy (to buy beforehand) |
preconceito {m} [uncountable] /pɾɨ.kõ.ˈsɐj.tu/ | :: prejudice (adverse judgement formed beforehand) |
preconceito {m} | :: prejudice (any preconceived opinion or feeling, whether positive or negative) |
preconceito {m} | :: a single instance of prejudice |
preconceito {m} | :: a superstitious aversion to something |
preconceituoso {adj} | :: prejudiced (having prejudices) |
pré-condição {f} | :: precondition (preexisting requirement) |
preconizar {vt} | :: to recommend |
preconizar {vt} | :: to praise |
pré-cozer {v} | :: to parbake (to bake (bread or dough) partially so it can be rapidly frozen for storage) |
pré-cozinhar {v} | :: to precook (to partially or completely cook in advance) |
precursor {m} | :: precursor; forerunner (something that led to the development of another) |
precursor {adj} | :: precursory (pertaining to events that will follow) |
predador {m} | :: predator (animal that hunts and kills other animals) |
predador {m} | :: predator (someone who attacks and plunders for gain) |
predador sexual {m} | :: sexual predator (person seen as threatening for wanting sex) |
predar {v} | :: to prey on (to hunt and eat prey) |
predar {v} | :: to prey on (to exert harmful influence) |
pré-datação {f} | :: antedating (the act of marking with an earlier date) |
pré-datar {v} | :: to antedate (assign a date earlier than the actual date) |
predatório {adj} [ecology] | :: predatory (relating to predators) |
predecessor {m} | :: predecessor (something or someone who precedes) |
predecessor {adj} | :: preceding (occurring before or in front of something else) |
predecessora {f} | :: female equivalent of predecessor |
predefinição {f} | :: template |
predela {f} [arts] /pɾɨˈðɛlɐ/ | :: predella |
predestinação {f} [theology] | :: predestination (doctrine that everything has been foreordained by God) |
predestinado {adj} | :: fated (predetermined by fate) |
predial {adj} [legal] /ˌpɾe.d͡ʒi.ˈaw/ | :: predial (relating to real estate) |
predial {adj} | :: relating to buildings |
prédica {f} | :: sermon |
predicado {m} | :: predicate |
predicamento {m} [chiefly logic and philosophy] | :: predicament (a definite class, state or condition) |
predição {f} | :: prediction (statement of what will happen in the future) |
predicar {v} | :: to promote a concept or idea |
predicar {v} [logic] | :: to predicate (state or assert) |
predicativo {adj} [grammar] | :: predicative (used as the object of a verb) |
predicativo {m} [grammar] | :: predicative (object of a linking verb) |
predileção {f} | :: predilection, preference |
predileção {f} | :: fondness, liking |
predileto {adj} | :: favorite / favourite |
predio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of prédio |
prédio {m} /ˈpɾɛ.ðju/ | :: edifice (a building, especially an imposing one) |
prédio {m} [specifically] | :: a large, multi-story building with rooms or floor belonging to different people or used for different purposes, such as an apartment block or skyscraper |
predisponente {adj} | :: predisposing |
predisposição {f} | :: predisposition (state of being susceptible to something) |
predisposição {f} | :: penchant (liking for something) |
preditivo {adj} | :: predictive (which predicts) |
predizer {vt} | :: to predict |
predizivelmente {adv} | :: In context of anticipation or expectation; predictably |
predominância {f} | :: predominance |
predominando {v} | :: gerund of predominar |
predominante {adj} | :: predominant |
predominantemente {adv} | :: predominantly |
predominar {v} | :: to predominate |
preeminência {f} /pre.e.mi.ˈnẽ.sja/ | :: preeminence, superiority, greatness, excellence |
preeminente {adj} | :: preeminent (exceeding others in quality or rank) |
preempção {f} | :: preemption (the purchase of something before it is offered for sale) |
preempção {f} [computing] | :: preemption (temporary interruption of a process) |
preencher {vt} /pɾe.ĩ.ˈʃe(ʁ)/ | :: To fill out, as a form |
preensão {f} [physiology] | :: grip; prehension (the ability to hold things with one’s hand) |
preênsil {adj} | :: prehensile (able to take hold of objects) |
pré-escolar {adj} | :: preschool (relating to years before primary school) |
preexistência {f} | :: preexistence |
preexistente {adj} | :: preexistent |
préexistente {adj} | :: pre-existing |
preexistir {v} | :: to preexist |
prefabricar {v} | :: to prefabricate (to manufacture something in standard components that can be fitted together on site) |
prefaciar {v} | :: to write the preface of a text |
prefaciar {v} [figurative] | :: to preface (to be an introduction or preface) |
prefácio {m} | :: preface, foreword |
prefeito {m} /pɾɨ.ˈfɐj.tu/ | :: prefect |
prefeito {m} [Brazil] | :: mayor |
prefeitura {f} [political subdivision] | :: prefecture (the district governed by a prefect) |
prefeitura {f} | :: prefecture (the office or position of a prefect) |
prefeitura {f} | :: town hall (a building that houses the local government offices of a town) |
prefeitura {f} [Brazil] | :: city hall (building that houses a city government) |
preferência {f} | :: preference |
preferência {f} [traffic] | :: right of way |
preferencial {adj} | :: preferential |
preferencialmente {adv} | :: preferentially |
preferido {adj} /ˌpre.fe.ˈɾi.du/ | :: favorite (liked more than all others) |
preferir {vt} /pɾəfəˈɾiɾ/ | :: to prefer |
preferível {adj} | :: preferable |
preferivelmente {adv} | :: preferably (in preference) |
prefixal {adj} | :: prefixal |
prefixo {m} [grammar] /pɾe.ˈ | :: prefix (letters at the beginning of a word used to modify its meaning) |
prefixo {m} [telephony] | :: numbers prefixed to a telephone number to indicate the location of the telephone line |
prefixo {adj} | :: prefixed |
preformismo {m} [biology] | :: preformationism (the theory that all organisms start their existence already in a predetermined form) |
preformista {mf} [biology] | :: preformationist (a proponent of the theory of preformationism) |
prega {f} /ˈpɾɛ.ɣɐ/ | :: fold; crease |
prega {f} | :: an ornamental fold that is part of an item of clothing, curtain or similar |
prega {f} | :: wrinkle (crease on the skin) |
pregador {m} | :: preacher (one who preaches) |
pregador {m} | :: one who hammers nails |
pregador {m} | :: clipping of pregador de roupa |
pregadora {f} | :: feminine noun of pregador |
pregão {m} | :: proclamation |
pregão {m} | :: cry |
pregar {v} /pɾɨ.ˈɣaɾ/ | :: to nail (employ a nail or similar object as a fastener) |
pregar {v} | :: to preach |
pregar {v} | :: to nail (to drive a nail with a tool) |
pregar {v} | :: to stare |
pregar {v} /pɾɛ.ˈɣaɾ/ | :: to preach (give a sermon) |
pregar {v} | :: to preach; to advocate (encourage support) |
pregar aos convertidos {v} [idiomatic] | :: to preach to the choir (to attempt to convince someone of something they already believe) |
pregar uma peça {v} | :: to wind up (to play a prank) |
prego {m} /ˈpɾɛ.ɣu/ | :: nail (made of metal) |
prego {m} [cooking, Portugal] | :: steak sandwich (shortening of prego no pão) |
prego no caixão {m} [figurative] | :: nail in the coffin (one of a series of factors which lead to a downfall) |
prego no caixão {m} | :: See: pt prego no caixão |
pré-guerra {adj} | :: antebellum (relating to the period of time prior to a war) |
preguiça {f} /pɾɨˈɣisɐ/ | :: laziness; sloth (unwillingness to do work) |
preguiça {f} [Christianity] | :: sloth (deadly sin) |
preguiça {f} [zoology] | :: sloth (mammal) |
preguicite {f} [humorous] /ˌpɾe.ɡi.ˈsi.t͡ʃi/ | :: laziness, as if it were a disease |
preguiçosamente {adv} | :: lazily (in a lazy manner) |
preguiçoso {adj} | :: Unwilling to make an effort; lazy |
pré-história {f} | :: prehistory (history of human culture prior to written records) |
pré-histórico {adj} | :: prehistoric (of relating to the epoch before written record) |
pré-histórico {adj} [slang] | :: very old; archaic |
preia {f} | :: prey (hunted animal) |
pré-imagem {f} [mathematics] | :: preimage (set containing exactly every member of the domain of a function such that the member is mapped by the function onto an element of a given subset of the codomain of the function) |
preju {m} [Brazil, slang] /pɾe.ˈʒu/ | :: short for prejuízo |
prejudicando {v} | :: gerund of prejudicar |
prejudicar {v} /pɾɨʒuðiˈkaɾ/ | :: to harm, damage |
prejudicar {v} | :: to embarrass |
prejudicar {v} | :: to prejudice |
prejudicial {adj} | :: harmful |
prejudicial {adj} | :: prejudicial |
prejuízo {m} /pɾɨ.ʒu.ˈi.zu/ | :: harm, injury |
prejuízo {m} | :: prejudice, bias |
prejuízo {m} [finance] | :: loss |
prejulgamento {m} | :: prejudice (preconceived opinion) |
prelado {m} [Christianity] /pɾɨ.ˈla.ðu/ | :: prelate (a clergyman of high rank and authority) |
preleção {f} | :: lecture |
prelibar {vt} /pɾˈba(ʁ)/ | :: to foretaste (to enjoy by anticipation) |
preliminar {adj} | :: preliminary (in preparation for something more important) |
preliminares {fp} | :: foreplay (acts that serve to build up sexual arousal before intercourse) |
prelúdio {m} | :: preface |
prelúdio {m} | :: prelude |
premarital {adj} | :: premarital (before one’s marriage) |
prematrimonial {adj} | :: premarital (before one’s marriage) |
prematuramente {adv} | :: prematurely |
prematuro {adj} | :: premature (occurring before a state of readiness or maturity) |
premeditado {adj} | :: premeditated (planned, considered or estimated in advance) |
premente {adj} /pɾe.ˈmẽ.t(ʃ)i/ | :: urgent |
premente {adj} | :: pressing, compressing |
premente {adj} [figuratively] | :: distressful |
premer {v} | :: alternative form of premir |
premiado {adj} | :: prizewinning |
premiando {v} | :: gerund of premiar |
premiar {v} /pɾɨˈmjaɾ/ | :: to reward |
premiar {v} | :: to award |
premiê {mf} [politics] | :: premier (title of the head of government of certain countries) |
prémio {m} [European orthography] /ˈpɾɛ.mju/ | :: prize (that which may be won by chance) |
prémio {m} [European orthography] | :: prize (honour or reward striven for in a competitive contest) |
prêmio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of prémio |
prémio de consolação {m} [European orthography] | :: consolation prize |
prêmio de consolação {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of prémio de consolação |
prémio Nobel {m} [European orthography] | :: Nobel Prize (international prize awarded annually by the Nobel Foundation) |
prêmio Nobel {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of prémio Nobel |
premir {v} [archaic] | :: to press; to compress |
premissa {f} /pɾe.ˈ | :: premise (a proposition antecedently supposed or proved) |
premissa {f} [logic] | :: premise (any of the first propositions of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is deduced) |
premonição {f} [parapsychology] | :: premonition (the experience of seeing or thinking of something from the future) |
pré-natal {adj} | :: prenatal (happening before birth) |
pré-natalmente {adv} | :: antenatally; prenatally (before birth) |
prenda {f} /ˈpɾẽ.dɐ/ | :: gift, present |
prendedor de gravata {m} | :: tie clip (clip used to hold a necktie) |
prender {v} /pɾẽ.ˈdeɾ/ | :: to arrest (to seize and take into legal custody) |
prender {v} | :: to attach or bind |
prender {v} | :: to restrain; to restrict |
prender {v} | :: to become close (emotionally) to someone |
prender a respiração {v} | :: to hold one's breath |
prenha {adj} | :: alternative form of prenhe |
prenhe {adj} /ˈpɾe.ɲɨ/ | :: pregnant (of an animal) |
prenhe {adj} [derogatory] | :: pregnant (of a person) |
prenome {m} | :: first name (name chosen for a child by his parents) |
prensa {f} /ˈpɾẽ.sɐ/ | :: press (device used to apply pressure) |
prensa {f} | :: printing press |
prensar {v} | :: to press; to compress; to squeeze |
pré-nupcial {adj} | :: prenuptial, antenuptial (occurring before marriage) |
preoccupar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of preocupar |
preocupação {f} /pɾjɔ.ku.pɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: worry |
preocupado {adj} | :: Thinking about unpleasant things that might happen; worried |
preocupando {v} | :: gerund of preocupar |
preocupante {adj} | :: worrisome; worrying (causing worry) |
preocupar {vi} /pɾjɔ.ku.ˈpaɾ/ | :: to worry; to concern (to cause someone, or people in general, to feel worried) |
preocupar {v} [.pronominal, com] | :: to worry (about) |
preocupar-se {vr} | :: to worry (to be concerned or troubled) |
preparação {f} /pɾɨ.pɐ.ɾɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: preparation (act of preparing or getting ready) |
preparado {adj} /pɾɨ.pɐ.ˈɾa.ðu/ | :: prepared, ready |
preparado {adj} | :: qualified, well-qualified |
preparado {m} | :: preparation |
preparar {v} /pɾɨpɐˈɾaɾ/ | :: to prepare [all senses] |
preparar {v} | :: to plan |
preparar, apontar, fogo {phrase} | :: ready, aim, fire (sequence of commands used to order soldiers to carefully fire their weapons) |
preparatório {adj} | :: preparatory |
pré-pascal {adj} [Christianity] | :: antepaschal (before Easter) |
preponderância {adj} /pɾɛ.põ.de.ˈrã.sja/ | :: preponderance |
preposição {f} [grammar] /pɾe.ˌpo.zi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: preposition (type of word such as “of”, “from”, “for”, “by”) |
preposição {f} | :: the act of putting in front |
preposicional {adj} | :: prepositional (of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a preposition) |
preposicional {adj} [grammar] | :: prepositional (of the prepositional case) |
prepositivo {adj} | :: prepositional (of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a preposition) |
prepotência {f} /pɾɛ.po.ˈtẽ.sja/ | :: tyranny |
prepotência {f} | :: arrogance |
prepotente {adj} | :: overbearing, arrogant |
prepucial {adj} [anatomy] | :: preputial (relating to the prepuce) |
prepúcio {m} [anatomy] /pɾɨˈpusjʊ/ | :: prepuce, foreskin |
prequela {f} [narratology] | :: prequel (in a series of works, an instalment that is set chronologically before its predecessor) |
pré-requisito {m} | :: prerequisite (something that must be gained in order to gain something else) |
prerrogativa {f} /pɾe.ˌʁo.ɡɐ.ˈt͡ʃi.vɐ/ | :: prerogative (a hereditary or official right or privilege) |
prerrogativa {f} [by extension] | :: any right or privilege |
presa {f} /ˈpɾe.zɐ/ | :: prey (that which may be seized by animals) |
presa {f} | :: prey (animal that is eaten by another living being) |
presa {f} | :: fang (long pointed tooth) |
presa {f} | :: feminine noun of preso |
presa {f} [climbing] | :: climbing hold, handhold |
presbiopia {f} | :: presbyopia (inability of the eye to focus on nearby objects) |
presbiterianismo {m} [religion] | :: Presbyterianism (a form of Protestantism) |
presbiteriano {adj} | :: Presbyterian (relating to the Presbyterian Church) |
presbiteriano {m} | :: Presbyterian (a member of the Presbyterian Church) |
presbítero {m} | :: priest; clergyman |
Presburgo {prop} {f} | :: Pressburg (former name of Bratislava, Slovakia) |
presciência {f} | :: foresight (ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future) |
prescindir {v} [de, .pronominal] | :: to do without; to dispense |
prescindível {adj} | :: dispensable; optional |
prescrevendo {v} | :: gerund of prescrever |
prescrever {vt} [healthcare] | :: to prescribe (to declare that a drug or treatment should be used by a patient) |
prescrever {vt} | :: to prescribe (to specify a procedure or practice as correct or required) |
prescrever {vi} [criminal law, of a crime] | :: to become unprosecutable after a time limit, due to a statute of limitations |
prescrição {f} | :: prescription |
prescrição {f} | :: limitation |
prescritível {adj} /pɾes.kri.ˈt(ʃ)i.vew/ | :: prescriptible |
prescritivismo {m} [linguistics] | :: prescriptivism (prescribing idealistic language norms) |
prescrito {adj} | :: prescribed |
presença {f} /pɾɨ.ˈzẽ.sɐ/ | :: presence |
presença de espírito {f} | :: presence of mind (alertness, resourcefulness, stability of thought and feeling) |
presença real {f} | :: See: pt presença real |
presença real {f} [theology] | :: real presence (actual presence of Christ in the Eucharist) |
presenciando {v} | :: gerund of presenciar |
presenciar {v} | :: to witness |
presenilina {f} [biochemistry] | :: presenilin |
presente {adj} /pɾɨ.ˈzẽ.tɨ/ | :: Pertaining to the current time; present |
presente {m} | :: the present |
presente {m} | :: present, gift |
presentear {v} /pɾɨzẽˈtjaɾ/ | :: to present (give (someone) a gift) |
presentemente {adv} | :: presently, currently |
presentimento {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pressentimento |
presepada {f} [Brazil] /pɾe.ze.ˈpa.da/ | :: extravagant and bizarre situation |
presepada {f} [Brazil] | :: prank, mischief |
presepada {f} [Brazil] | :: braggartry |
presepada {f} [Brazil] | :: turmoil, ruckus |
presepada {f} [Brazil] | :: something poorly done or unpleasant |
presépio {m} [Christianity] /pɾɨ.ˈzɛ.pju/ | :: nativity scene, nativity play |
presépio {m} | :: crib, manger |
presépio {m} | :: stable, stall |
preservação {f} /pɾɨzɨɾvɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: preservation |
preservador {m} | :: preserver |
preservando {v} | :: gerund of preservar |
preservante {m} | :: preservative (any agent that acts to preserve, especially food) |
preservar {v} /pɾe.zeʁ.ˈva(ʁ)/ | :: to preserve |
preservativo {adj} | :: preservative |
preservativo {m} | :: preservative |
preservativo {m} | :: condom |
presidência {f} | :: presidency |
presidencial {adj} | :: presidential |
presidencialismo {m} | :: A presidential government |
presidenciável {mf} | :: presidential candidate |
presidenta {f} | :: a female president |
presidenta {f} [dated] | :: the president’s wife |
presidente {adj} /pɾɨ.zi.ˈdẽ.tɨ/ | :: presiding |
presidente {mf} | :: president |
presidente {mf} [Portugal] | :: mayor |
presidente {mf} | :: chairman |
Presidente Alves {prop} | :: Presidente Alves (municipality) |
Presidente Bernardes {prop} | :: Presidente Bernardes (municipality) |
Presidente Bernardes {prop} | :: Presidente Bernardes (municipality) |
Presidente Castelo Branco {prop} | :: Presidente Castelo Branco (municipality) |
Presidente Dutra {prop} | :: Presidente Dutra (municipality) |
Presidente Epitácio {prop} | :: Presidente Epitácio (municipality) |
Presidente Getúlio {prop} | :: Presidente Getúlio (municipality) |
Presidente Jânio Quadros {prop} | :: Presidente Jânio Quadros (municipality) |
Presidente Juscelino {prop} | :: Presidente Juscelino (municipality) |
Presidente Kubitschek {prop} | :: Presidente Kubitschek (municipality) |
Presidente Lucena {prop} | :: Presidente Lucena (municipality) |
Presidente Nereu {prop} | :: Presidente Nereu (municipality) |
Presidente Olegário {prop} | :: Presidente Olegário (municipality) |
Presidente Prudente {prop} | :: Presidente Prudente (municipality) |
Presidente Tancredo Neves {prop} | :: Presidente Tancredo Neves (municipality) |
Presidente Venceslau {prop} | :: Presidente Venceslau (municipality) |
presidiario {m} | :: obsolete spelling of presidiário |
presidiario {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of presidiário |
presidiário {m} /pɾe.ˌzi.d͡ʒi.ˈa.ɾi.u/ | :: a prisoner in a penitentiary |
presidiário {m} [by extension] | :: criminal; felon |
presidiário {adj} | :: penitentiary (relating to the punishment of criminals) |
presidindo {v} | :: gerund of presidir |
presidir {vi} | :: to preside |
presilha {f} /pɾiˈziʎɐ/ | :: One of several objects used to bond or stick together |
presilha {f} | :: cord, string, thread, or similar object, generally in the shape of a loop or flap, used to fasten, squeeze, or stretch |
presilha {f} [Madeira] | :: pin used to attach sheets of paper together |
presilha {f} [Brazil] | :: object used in the hair to hold it, interlace parts of it together and/or adorn it; hairclip |
preso {adj} /ˈpɾe.zu/ | :: imprisoned |
preso {m} | :: prisoner |
preso político {m} | :: political prisoner (person imprisoned for their political views activism) |
pressa {f} | :: hurry; rush; haste |
pressa {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] | :: contraction of pra essa (or para) |
pressagiar {vt} | :: to omen; to forebode (hint at something that will happen) |
presságio {m} | :: omen (thing that portends a future event) |
pressão {f} /pɾɨ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: pressure |
pressão osmótica {f} [physics] | :: osmotic pressure (pressure exerted by a solution across a semipermeable membrane) |
pressão sanguínea {f} | :: blood pressure (pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels) |
pressas {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] | :: contraction of pra essas (or para) |
presse {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] | :: contraction of pra esse (or para) |
pressentimento {m} /pɾe.ˌsẽ.t͡ʃi.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: feeling; intuition |
pressentimento {m} [parapsychology] | :: presentiment; premonition |
pressentir {v} | :: to sense, feel (have a presentment) |
pressentir {v} | :: to predict |
presses {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] | :: contraction of pra esses (or para) |
pressionar {v} /ˌpɾɨ.sju.ˈnaɾ/ | :: to press (apply pressure) |
pressionar {v} [computing] | :: to click a button |
pressionar {v} | :: to press; to impel; to urge strongly |
pressupondo {v} | :: gerund of pressupor |
pressupor {v} | :: to assume, presuppose |
pressuposição {f} | :: presupposition (assumption without proof) |
pressuposto {v} | :: past participle of pressupor |
pressuposto {adj} | :: assumed, presupposed |
pressuposto {m} | :: assumption, presupposition |
pressurizando {v} | :: gerund of pressurizar |
pressurizar {v} | :: to pressurize |
pressuroso {adj} | :: restless, impatient |
pressuroso {adj} | :: eager |
prestação {f} | :: installment |
prestar {v} [para] /pɾes.ˈta(ʁ)/ | :: to be useful; to be suitable; to be good |
prestar {vt} | :: to render, to provide, to offer (a service, help etc.) |
prestar {vt} | :: to pay (attention, respect etc.) |
prestar {v} [.pronominal, a] | :: to be suitable |
prestar atenção {vi} [idiomatic] | :: to pay attention (to be attentive) |
prestatividade {f} | :: helpfulness |
prestativo {adj} | :: obliging (happy and ready to do favours for others) |
prestável {adj} | :: helpful; useful (furnishing help; giving aid) |
Preste João {prop} {m} [mediaeval folklore] | :: Prester John (legendary Christian king of a distant Eastern or African kingdom) |
prestenção {contraction} [nonstandard] | :: preste atenção! or presta atenção! (pay attention!) |
prestes {adj} /ˈpɾɛs.tʃis/ | :: ready, prepared |
prestes {adj} | :: imminent, near in time |
prestes {adj} | :: quick, fast |
prestes a {prep} | :: about to (soon going to happen) |
prestidigitador {m} | :: prestidigitator (one who performs sleight-of-hand) |
prestígio {m} | :: prestige, status |
prestígio {m} | :: reputation |
prestigioso {adj} | :: prestigious (of high prestige) |
préstimo {m} | :: usefulness (the quality of being useful) |
presto {adj} | :: quick, swift, prompt |
presto {adj} | :: ready, prepared |
presto {adv} | :: immediately, promptly |
presto {adv} | :: right away, at once |
presto {adv} [music] | :: presto |
presumido {m} | :: an arrogant, overly proud person |
presumindo {v} | :: gerund of presumir |
presumir {vit} /pɾɨ.zu.ˈmiɾ/ | :: to presume, assume |
presumível {adj} | :: presumable |
presumível {adj} | :: presumptive |
presumivelmente {adv} | :: presumably |
presumivelmente {adv} | :: presumedly |
presumpçoso {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of presunçoso |
presunção {f} | :: presumption (all senses) |
presunção {f} | :: assumption |
presunção {f} | :: conceit |
presunçoso {adj} /ˌpɾe.zũ.ˈso.zu/ | :: presumptuous; arrogant; foolhardy |
presuntivo {adj} | :: presumptive |
presunto {m} /pɾɨ.ˈzũ.tu/ | :: dry-cured ham; thigh of a hog cured for food |
presunto {m} [slang] | :: a dead body, a corpse |
presunto de Iorque {m} | :: alternative form of presunto de York |
presunto de York {m} | :: York ham (a mild, cured ham) |
presupondo {v} | :: gerund of pressupor |
preta {n} [Brazil, affectionate, usually preceded by "minha"] /ˈpɾe.tɐ/ | :: term of endearment for a black female lover. |
pretendendo {v} | :: gerund of pretender |
pretender {v} /pɾe.tẽ.ˈde(ʁ)/ | :: to want |
pretender {v} | :: to pretend |
pretender {v} | :: to intend |
pretender {v} | :: to request |
pretender {v} | :: to aspire |
pretendido {adj} | :: wanted |
pretendido {adj} | :: intended |
pretensão {f} | :: pretension, claim |
pretensão {f} | :: pretext |
pretensiosamente {adv} | :: pretentiously |
pretensioso {adj} | :: pretentious (marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction) |
pretenso {adj} | :: supposed; ostensible (presumed to be) |
preterir {v} | :: to omit, pretermit |
preterir {v} | :: to deprecate, underestimate |
preterir {v} | :: to postpone |
pretérito {adj} [grammar] | :: Of the preterite verb tense |
pretérito {m} [grammar] | :: The preterite tense |
pretérito imperfeito {m} [grammar] | :: past continuous |
pretérito mais-que-perfeito {m} | :: pluperfect (tense of a verb used when referring to something that happened before another past event) |
pretérito perfeito {m} [grammar] | :: simple past |
pretérito perfeito simples {m} [grammar] | :: simple past |
preternatural {adj} | :: preternatural |
pretexto {m} /pɾɨ.ˈtɐjʃ.tu/ | :: pretext |
pretinho {m} /pɾɨˈtiɲu/ | :: diminutive of preto |
pretinho {m} [Brazil, affectionate] | :: term of endearment for a black loved one, usually a lover or a close family member. |
pretinho {adj} | :: diminutive of preto |
preto {adj} /ˈpɾe.tu/ | :: black; black in colour |
preto {adj} [idiomatic, of situations] | :: bad; very adverse |
preto {adj} [often pejorative, of a person] | :: black (dark-skinned) |
preto {adj} [loosely] | :: being the darkest of its kind |
preto {m} | :: the color black |
preto {m} [often, derogatory] | :: a black person |
preto {m} | :: black clothing |
prêto {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of preto |
prêto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of preto |
preto básico {m} | :: The black, as a color suitable for clothes in all occasions |
preto e branco {adj} | :: black-and-white (using or displaying only black, white and grey) |
Pretória {prop} {f} | :: Pretória (administrative capital) |
pretzel {m} | :: pretzel (toasted bread or cracker in the shape of a knot) |
prevalecendo {v} | :: gerund of prevalecer |
prevalecer {v} | :: to prevail |
prevalecer {v} | :: to predominate |
prevalência {f} | :: prevalence |
prevalente {adj} | :: prevalent (superior in frequency or dominant) |
prevaricação {f} [legal] | :: prevarication (abuse in the exercise of a public office) |
prevaricador {adj} /ˌpɾɾi.ka.ˈdoʁ/ | :: violating one’s duty |
prevaricador {adj} | :: behaving improperly |
prevaricador {m} | :: someone who violates their duty |
prevaricador {m} | :: someone who behaves improperly |
prevaricadora {f} | :: female equivalent of prevaricador |
prevaricar {v} | :: to fail or refuse to obey certain laws, rules or obligations |
prevaricar {v} [law] | :: to commit the crime of prevarication, which consists in not complying with laws |
prevaricar {v} | :: to betray |
prevaricar {vt} | :: to corrupt |
prevenção {f} /pɾɨvẽˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: prevention |
prevenção {f} | :: preparedness, foresight |
prevenido {adj} | :: prevented |
prevenir {v} /pɾˈni(ʁ)/ | :: to prevent |
prevenir é melhor do que remediar {proverb} | :: prevention is better than cure |
prever {vt} /pɾe.ˈve(ʁ)/ | :: to foresee; to predict (to estimate a future event on the basis of reasoning) |
prever {vt} [chiefly legal] | :: to prescribe (to explicitly specify as a procedure or direction) |
prever {vt} [supernatural] | :: to foretell; to predict (to tell the future) |
previamente {adv} /ˌpɾɛ.vi.a.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ | :: previously (at an earlier time) |
previamente {adv} | :: in advance; beforehand (before is necessary, or before doing something else) |
previlegio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of privilégio |
previlégio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of privilégio, now a common misspelling |
prévio {adj} | :: previous, prior |
previsão {f} /pɾɨviˈzɐ̃w̃/ | :: forecast |
previsão {f} | :: prediction |
previsão {f} | :: conjecture |
previsão {f} | :: prescience |
previsão do tempo {f} | :: weather forecast (prediction of future weather) |
previsível {adj} | :: Able to be predicted; predictable |
previsivelmente {adv} | :: In context of anticipation or expectation; predictably |
previsto {adj} /pɾɨ.ˈviʃ.tu/ | :: anticipated (expected to happen) |
previsto {adj} | :: scheduled (set to a date) |
previsto {adj} [law] | :: formally described in a legal document |
prezando {v} | :: gerund of prezar |
prezar {v} | :: to appreciate, value |
prezar {v} | :: to regard, respect, consider |
Príamo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Priam (king of Troy in the Iliad) |
prião {m} [Portugal, molecular biology] | :: prion (misfolded protein) |
priapismo {m} [medicine] | :: priapism |
Príapo {prop} {m} [Greek god] /ˈpɾi.a.pu/ | :: Priapus (god of procreation) |
prima {f} /ˈpɾi.mɐ/ | :: feminine noun of primo: a female cousin |
prima {f} [music] | :: an instrument’s thinnest string |
prima {f} [Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy] | :: the first canonical hour |
prima {adj} [of birds of prey] | :: female |
primado {m} | :: primacy (the state or condition of being prime or first) |
primado {m} [ecclesiastical] | :: primate (an archbishop or bishop) |
primado {m} [ecclesiastical] | :: primacy (the office, rank, or character of a primate) |
prima dona {f} | :: alternative spelling of prima-dona |
prima-dona {f} | :: prima donna (principal female opera singer) |
prima donna {f} | :: alternative spelling of prima-dona |
prima-donna {f} | :: alternative spelling of prima-dona |
primariamente {adv} | :: most importantly; primarily; mainly; chiefly; first and foremost |
primário {adj} /pɾi.ˈma.ɾju/ | :: primary |
primário {adj} | :: prime, first |
primário {adj} | :: primitive |
primário {adj} | :: rudimentary |
primata {mf} /pɾi.ˈma.ta/ | :: primate (mammal of the order Primates) |
primata {adj} | :: primatal |
primavera {f} /pɾimɐˈvɛɾɐ/ | :: spring, the season |
Primavera Árabe {prop} {f} [geopolitics] | :: Arab Spring (2010 pro-democracy movement in Arab countries) |
primaveril {adj} /pɾimɐvɨˈɾiɫ/ | :: vernal, springlike |
primazia {f} | :: primacy (the state or condition of being prime or first) |
primeira classe {f} | :: first class (the most luxurious class of accommodation) |
primeira dama {f} | :: First Lady (wife of a president) |
primeira-dama {f} | :: alternative spelling of primeira dama |
Primeira Guerra Mundial {prop} {f} | :: World War I (a war from 1914 to 1918) |
primeira lei de Newton {f} [physics] | :: Newton's first law (observation that objects in motion tend to stay in motion) |
primeiramente {adv} /pɾimɐjɾɐˈmẽtɨ/ | :: At the beginning; initially; firstly |
primeira pessoa {f} [grammar] | :: first person (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is making the statement) |
primeira pessoa do plural {f} | :: first-person plural |
primeira pessoa do singular {f} | :: first-person singular |
primeiro {adj} /pɾi.ˈmɐj.ɾu/ | :: first (ordinal form of um (one)) |
primeiro {m} | :: the first one |
primeiro {m} | :: first (the first day of the month) |
primeiro {adv} | :: first (before all others) |
primeiro {adv} | :: first of all (used to introduce the first of a series of remarks, often with an angry tone) |
primeiro de abril {m} | :: See: pt primeiro de abril |
primeiro de abril {m} | :: April fool (practical joke played on April Fools’ Day) |
primeiro-de-abril {m} | :: alternative form of primeiro de abril |
primeiro de tudo {adv} | :: first of all (before anything else is said) |
primeiro ministro {m} | :: prime minister (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government) |
primeiro-ministro {m} | :: alternative spelling of primeiro ministro |
primeiro nome {m} | :: See: pt primeiro nome |
primeiro nome {m} | :: first name (name chosen for a child by his parents) |
primeiro plano {m} | :: See: pt primeiro plano |
primeiro plano {m} | :: foreground (the elements of an image which lie closest to the picture plane) |
primeiro plano {m} | :: things that require most attention |
primeiros socorros {mp} [medicine] | :: first aid (basic medical care given to an injury victim) |
primeiro-tenente {m} [military ranks] | :: first lieutenant (any of several low military ranks) |
primevo {adj} | :: primeval (belonging to the first ages) |
primeyro {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of primeiro |
primeyro {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of primeiro |
primitiva {f} [colloquial] | :: the old days; the past |
primitiva {f} [mathematics] | :: primitive (function whose derivative is a given function) |
primitiva {f} [programming] | :: primitive (data type that is built into the programming language) |
primitivamente {adv} | :: primitively (in a primitive manner) |
primitivismo {m} | :: primitiveness (quality or state of being primitive) |
primitivismo {m} [philosophy] | :: primitivism (the belief that life is better or more moral among primitive peoples) |
primitivismo {m} [arts] | :: primitivism (the use of elements borrowed from the art of primitive peoples) |
primitivo {adj} | :: primitive (pertaining to or harking back to a former time) |
primitivo {adj} | :: primitive (characterised by simplicity or crudeness) |
primitivo {m} | :: primitive (member of a primitive society) |
primo {m} /ˈpɾ | :: male cousin (son of a person’s uncle or aunt) |
primo {m} /ˈpɾ | :: prime (number) |
primogénito {adj} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of primogênito |
primogénito {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of primogênito |
primogênito {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: firstborn (born as the first one in a family) |
primogênito {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: firstborn (the first child in a family) |
primordial {adj} | :: primordial (first, earliest or original) |
primordial {adj} | :: primary, main, paramount |
primórdio {m} [biology] | :: primordium |
primórdio {m} | :: (especially in plural) the beginning(s) |
primoroso {adj} | :: prime (very excellent) |
Primorsky {prop} {m} | :: Primorsky (krai) |
prímula {f} | :: primrose (any plant of the genus Primula) |
princesa {f} /pɾĩ.ˈse.zɐ/ | :: princess |
Princesa {prop} | :: Princesa (municipality) |
principado {m} | :: principality (region headed by a prince or princess) |
principado {m} [theology] | :: principality (the fifth level of angels in Christian angelology) |
Principado de Liechtenstein {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Principado do Liechtenstein |
Principado de Mónaco {prop} {m} [European orthography] | :: Principado de Mónaco (country) |
Principado de Mônaco {prop} {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Principado de Mónaco |
Principado do Liechtenstein {prop} {m} | :: Principado do Liechtenstein (country) |
principal {adj} /pɾĩ.si.ˈpaɫ/ | :: main; principal (most important) |
principal {adj} | :: fundamental; essential |
principal {adj} [astronomy, of a heavenly body] | :: having another body orbiting it |
principal {adj} [grammar, of a sentence] | :: not subordinate |
principal {m} | :: prelate of a religious, educational or commercial institution |
principalmente {adv} /pɾĩ.si.paɫ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: principally, mainly |
principe {m} | :: obsolete spelling of príncipe |
príncipe {m} /ˈpɾĩ.sɨ.pɨ/ | :: prince |
Príncipe {prop} {m} | :: Príncipe (island) |
príncipe coroado {m} | :: crown prince |
príncipe eleitor {m} | :: alternative spelling of príncipe-eleitor |
príncipe-eleitor {m} [historical] | :: Elector (prince entitled to elect the Holy Roman Emperor) |
príncipe encantado {m} | :: Prince Charming (heroic prince in various fairy-tales) |
príncipe encantado {m} [by extension] | :: Prince Charming (ideal romantic man) |
príncipe herdeiro {m} | :: crown prince (person designated and raised to become the next king or emperor) |
principiando {v} | :: gerund of principiar |
principiante {mf} | :: beginner (an inexperienced person) |
principiar {vt} /pɾĩ.ˌsi.pi.ˈa(ʁ)/ | :: to initiate (to cause something to start) |
principiar {vi} | :: to begin; to start; to commence |
principio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of princípio |
princípio {m} /pɾĩ.ˈsi.pju/ | :: start, beginning |
princípio {m} | :: principle |
princípio antrópico {m} [cosmology] | :: anthropic principle (explanation for the nature of the universe) |
princípio da não agressão {m} [ethics, philosophy] | :: non-aggression principle |
princípio dormitivo {m} [rare, rhetoric] | :: dormitive principle (tautology in which an item is being explained in terms of the item itself) |
Prins {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
print {m} [Internet slang, non-standard] /ˈpɾĩ.t(ʃ)(i)/ | :: screenshot |
printar {v} [computing] | :: to screenshot (to take a screenshot) |
Print Screen {m} | :: Print Screen (keyboard key) |
Print Screen {m} | :: Print Screen (screenshot) |
priolo {m} [ornithology] | :: Azores bullfinch (Pyrrhula murina) |
príon {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of prião |
prioridade {f} | :: priority |
prioridade de abertura {f} [photography] | :: aperture priority (camera setting with automatic shutter speed for aperture exposure set manually) |
prioritário {adj} | :: prioritized (having high priority) |
priorizar {v} | :: to prioritize (to give someone or something high priority) |
Pripiat {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Pripyat |
Pripyat {prop} {f} | :: Pripyat (abandoned city/and/ghost town) |
prisam {f} | :: obsolete spelling of prisão |
prisaõ {f} | :: obsolete spelling of prisão |
prisão {f} /pɾi.ˈzɐ̃w/ | :: prison |
prisão {f} | :: arrest |
prisão de ventre {f} | :: constipation (state of the bowels in which the evacuations are infrequent and difficult) |
prisão domiciliar {f} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of prisão domiciliária |
prisão domiciliária {f} [legal, Portugal] | :: house arrest (confinement of a person, by authorities, to their own residence) |
prisão perpétua {f} | :: life sentence (sentence of imprisonment for the rest of the defendant’s life) |
Priscila {prop} {f} [biblical character] | :: Priscilla (early Christian woman) |
Priscila {prop} {f} | :: given name |
prisco {adj} | :: pristine (pertaining to the earliest period of something) |
prisioneiro {m} /pɾi.zju.ˈnɐj.ɾu/ | :: prisoner (person incarcerated in a prison) |
prisioneiro {m} [figuratively] | :: prisoner (any person held against his or her will) |
prisioneiro da consciência {m} | :: alternative form of prisioneiro de consciência |
prisioneiro de consciência {m} | :: prisoner of conscience (person imprisoned because of their race, religion or political views) |
prisioneiro de guerra {m} | :: prisoner of war (combatant captured by the enemy) |
prisma {m} [geometry] | :: prism (polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape) |
prisma {m} | :: perspective (a point of view used in an analysis) |
Pristina {prop} {f} | :: Pristina (capital city) |
Pristina {prop} {f} | :: Pristina (district) |
pristino {adj} | :: pristine (pertaining to the earliest period of something) |
pristino {adj} | :: pristine; unspoiled |
privação {f} /pɾivɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: privation, deprivation |
privacidade {f} | :: privacy |
privada {f} [Brazil] | :: toilet |
privadamente {adv} | :: privately |
privado {adj} [comparable] /pɾi.ˈva.du/ | :: Concerning only to a person or a specific group; private; personal |
privado {adj} [not comparable] | :: Not publicly known; not open; secret; private |
privado {adj} [not comparable] | :: Not accessible by the public; private |
privando {v} | :: gerund of privar |
privar {vt} /pɾiˈvaɾ/ | :: to deprive |
privar {vt} | :: to prohibit, to take |
privar {vr} | :: to refrain from doing something |
privar {vt} | :: (followed by com) to interact closely with someone |
privativo {adj} | :: private (accessible only to an individual person or a specific group) |
privativo {adj} | :: privative (causing privation; depriving) |
privatização {f} | :: privatization (transfer from the government to private ownership) |
privatizando {v} | :: gerund of privatizar |
privatizar {vt} [economics] /pɾivɐtiˈzaɾ/ | :: to privatize (release government control to private industry) |
privilegiar {v} | :: to privilege (to grant some particular right or exemption to) |
privilegiar {v} | :: to privilege (to bring or put into a condition of privilege) |
privilegio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of privilégio |
privilégio {m} /ˌpɾˈlɛ.ʒi.u/ | :: privilege (a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor) |
PRM {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Partido Republicano Mineiro |
pro {contraction} [colloquial] /pɾu/ | :: contraction of para (for) + o (the) |
pró- {prefix} /ˈpɾɔ/ | :: pro- |
pró {prep} /ˈpɾɔ/ | :: pro; in favour of |
pró {m} | :: pro (an advantageous aspect of something) |
prò {contraction} | :: eye dialect of pro |
proa {f} /ˈproɐ/ | :: bow, prow (front of a boat or ship) |
proativo {adj} | :: proactive (acting in advance) |
pró-ativo {adj} | :: alternative form of proativo |
probabilidade {f} /pɾuβɐβiliˈðaðɨ/ | :: probability |
probatório {adj} [legal] | :: evidential, probative |
probidade {f} /ˌpɾˈda.d͡ʒi/ | :: probity (integrity of character) |
probiótico {adj} [bacteriology] | :: probiotic |
problema {m} /pɾu.ˈβle.mɐ/ | :: problem (difficulty that has to be resolved or dealt with) |
problema {m} | :: problem (question to be answered) |
problema {m} [pathology] | :: disorder (physical or psychical malfunction) |
problema de Alhazen {m} [mathematics] | :: Alhazen's problem (a mathematical problem solved by Alhazen) |
problema do caixeiro viajante {m} [graph theory] | :: travelling salesman problem (problem involving the finding of a minimum-cost path that crosses all of a graph’s nodes) |
problemão {m} | :: augmentative of problema |
problemática {f} | :: question or topic |
problemático {adj} /pɾuβlɨˈmatiku/ | :: Posing trouble; problematic; troublesome; burdensome |
problematizando {v} | :: gerund of problematizar |
problematizar {v} /pɾu.βlɨ.mɐ.ti.ˈzaɾ/ | :: to represent something as a problem (question to be answered) |
problematizar {v} | :: to make something problematic; to cause a problem |
probo {adj} | :: Having strong moral principles; honest, decent, virtuous |
probóscida {f} | :: alternative form of probóscide |
probóscide {f} [anatomy] | :: proboscis (elongated tube) |
procarionte {m} | :: prokaryote |
procariótico {adj} [biology] | :: prokaryotic |
procarioto {m} | :: prokaryote |
procedência {f} /pɾusɨˈðẽsjɐ/ | :: origin |
procedentemente {adv} | :: procedurally |
proceder {v} /pɾˈde(ʁ)/ | :: to proceed |
procedimento {m} /pɾo.ˌse.d͡ʒi.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: proceeding (the act of proceeding) |
procedimento {m} | :: procedure (series of small tasks or steps taken to accomplish an end) |
procedimento {m} | :: procedure (particular method for performing a task) |
procedimento {m} | :: conduct; behaviour |
procedimento {m} [legal] | :: proceedings |
procedimento {m} [programming] | :: method; function |
procela {f} | :: storm |
processador {m} | :: processor (device which processes) |
processador {m} [computer hardware] | :: processor; microprocessor (CPU of a computer on an integrated circuit) |
processamento {m} | :: processing (the act of processing) |
processar {v} /pɾu.sɨ.ˈsaɾ/ | :: to process |
processar {v} | :: to sue |
processo {m} /pɾu.ˈsɛ.su/ | :: process (series of events to produce a result) |
processo {m} | :: proceeding (act of proceeding) |
processo {m} | :: method (way of doing something) |
processo {m} [legal] | :: process (act of serving a defendant with a summons or a writ) |
processo {m} [legal] | :: lawsuit |
processo {m} [legal] | :: trial (appearance at judicial court) |
processo {m} [computing] | :: process (task or program that is or was executing) |
processo {m} [anatomy] | :: process (tissue outgrowth, especially in bones) |
processo alveolar {m} [anatomy] | :: alveolar ridge (ridge that forms the borders of the maxilla and the mandible) |
processo judicial {m} [legal] | :: lawsuit (case where a court is needed to resolve differences) |
procissão {f} /pɾˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: procession (orderly, solemn advance of people; usually of a religious nature) |
proclamação {f} | :: proclamation (a statement which is proclaimed) |
proclamando {v} | :: gerund of proclamar |
proclamar {v} | :: to proclaim |
próclise {f} [grammar] /ˈpɾɔ.kli.zi/ | :: proclisis (use of a clitic before a word) |
Procon {prop} {m} | :: alternative case form of PROCON |
PROCON {prop} {m} | :: A major institution in Brazil dedicated to consumer's rights |
procrastinação {f} | :: procrastination (act of postponing, delaying or putting off actions) |
procrastinador {m} | :: procrastinator (someone who procrastinates) |
procrastinar {v} | :: to procrastinate (to delay taking action) |
procriar {v} | :: to procreate; to breed (to generate offspring) |
proctólogo {m} | :: proctologist |
procura {f} /pɾɔ.ˈku.ɾɐ/ | :: search (an attempt to find something) |
procura {f} | :: pursuit (act of pursuing a goal) |
procura {f} [economics] | :: demand (amount of a good or service that consumers are willing to buy at a particular price) |
procuração {f} | :: proxy |
procuração {f} | :: power of attorney |
procuração {f} | :: procuration |
procurador {m} | :: proxy (agent or substitute authorised to act for another person) |
procurador {m} | :: an official of the Brazilian government responsible for protecting the interests of the people |
procurador {m} [Ancient Rome] | :: procurator (governor of a small imperial province) |
procurar {v} /pɾɔ.ku.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to search; to seek; to look for |
procurar {v} | :: to reach out (attempt to initiate communication) |
procurar {v} [auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal infinitive] | :: to try; to attempt |
procurar {v} | :: to work as a procurator (attorney or agent) |
Prodanov {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
prodigalidade {f} | :: prodigality |
prodígio {m} | :: prodigy (amazing or marvellous thing) |
prodígio {m} | :: prodigy (extremely talented person, especially a child) |
prodígio {adj} [of a person] | :: extremely talented |
prodigiosamente {adv} | :: prodigiously |
pródromo {m} [medicine] | :: prodrome; prodromus (an early symptom) |
pródromo {m} | :: prodrome (introductory or preliminary book or treatise) |
produção {f} /pɾu.ðu.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: production |
produção {f} | :: output, yield |
produção {f} [Brazil] | :: the producers or the technical team (including directors, producers, screenwriters and camera operators) behind a radio or television program or a film |
producção {f} | :: archaic spelling of produção |
producto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of produto |
productor {m} | :: obsolete spelling of produtor |
productor {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of produtor |
produtividade {f} | :: productivity |
produtivo {adj} | :: productive (capable of producing something, especially in abundance) |
produto {m} /pɾu.ˈðu.tu/ | :: product (commodity for sale) |
produto {m} | :: product (consequence of someone’s efforts) |
produto {m} [mathematics] | :: product (quantity obtained by multiplication) |
produto {m} [economics] | :: produce (amount produced) |
produto {m} [chemistry] | :: product (substance formed as a result of a reaction) |
produto cartesiano {m} [set theory] | :: Cartesian product (set of possible pairs) |
produto escalar {m} [linear algebra] | :: scalar product (product of two vectors) |
produto externo {m} [linear algebra] | :: vector product (vector with size given by the product of two vectors) |
produto interno {m} [linear algebra] | :: scalar product (product of two vectors) |
produto interno {m} [economy] | :: domestic product |
produto nacional bruto {m} [economics] | :: gross national product (total market value of all the goods and services produced by a nation) |
produto químico {m} | :: chemical (an artificial chemical compound) |
produtor {m} [economics] /pɾu.ðu.ˈtoɾ/ | :: producer (individual or organization that creates goods and services) |
produtor {m} | :: producer (one who produces an artistic production) |
produtor {m} | :: creator (one who creates or makes something) |
produtor {adj} | :: which produces |
produzido {adj} [colloquial] | :: looking good, well-dressed, fully-dressed (might include wearing makeup, with hair done, etc.) |
produzindo {v} | :: gerund of produzir |
produzir {v} /pɾu.du.ˈziɾ/ | :: produce, make |
proeminência {f} /pro.e.mi.ˈnẽ.sja/ | :: prominence |
proeminência {f} | :: bulge, saliency, protuberance |
proeminência {f} | :: eminence, fame, notoriety |
proeminente {adj} | :: prominent; projecting; protuberant |
proeminente {adj} | :: prominent (distinguished above others) |
Proença-a-Nova {prop} {f} /pɾuˈẽsa ˈnɔvɐ/ | :: Proença-a-Nova (village/and/municipality) |
proeza {f} /ˈpɾwe.zɐ/ | :: feat (heroic or extraordinary deed) |
profanador {adj} | :: profanatory, defiling |
profanador {m} | :: profaner, defiler, desecrater, desecrator |
profanamente {adv} | :: profanely |
profanar {vt} | :: to profane (violate something sacred) |
profanar {vt} | :: to profane (put to a wrong or unworthy use) |
profanidade {f} [uncountable] | :: profanity (the quality of being profane) |
profanidade {f} | :: profanity (obscene, lewd or abusive language) |
profano {adj} /pɾo.ˈfɐ.nu/ | :: profane; unholy (desecrating a holy place or thing) |
profano {adj} | :: profane; secular (not relating to religion) |
profano {m} | :: one who is profane (desecrating a holy place or thing) |
profe {mf} [colloquial, Portugal] /pɾɔ.fɨ/ | :: clipping of professor, teacher |
profecia {f} /pɾufɨˈsiɐ/ | :: prophecy (prediction made under divine inspiration) |
proferindo {v} | :: gerund of proferir |
proferir {vt} | :: to profer; to utter; to declare |
professor {m} /pɾufɨˈsoɾ/ | :: teacher (person teaches professionally) |
professor {m} [Brazil, pro football, slang] | :: coach |
professora {f} | :: feminine noun of professor |
professorado {m} | :: professorship |
profeta {m} /pɾuˈfɛtɐ/ | :: prophet |
profetisa {f} | :: feminine noun of profeta; prophetess |
profetizando {v} | :: gerund of profetizar |
profetizar {v} | :: to prophesy; to predict; to foresee |
proficiência {f} | :: proficiency; ability; skill; competence |
proficiente {adj} | :: proficient; skilled |
profícuo {adj} /pɾo.ˈfi.kwu/ | :: profitable |
profiláctico {adj} | :: prophylactic |
profissão {f} | :: profession (occupation) |
profissional {adj} /pɾˈnaɫ/ | :: professional |
profissional {mf} | :: professional |
profissionalização {f} | :: professionalisation/professionalization |
profissionalizar {v} | :: to professionalize |
profissionalmente {adv} | :: professionally |
profundamente {adv} /pɾuˌfũdɐˈmẽtɨ/ | :: deeply (to a deep extent) |
profundamente {adv} | :: deeply (in a deep way) |
profundamente {adv} | :: profoundly (with depth; meaninfully) |
profundeza {f} | :: depth |
profundidade {f} /pɾufũdiˈðaðɨ/ | :: depth, deepness |
profundidade {f} | :: profundity |
profundo {adj} /pɾu.ˈfũ.du/ | :: deep |
profundo {adj} | :: profound |
profusamente {adv} | :: profusely |
profusão {f} | :: profusion, abundance |
profuso {adj} | :: profuse |
progénia {f} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of progénie |
progênia {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of progénie |
progénie {f} [European orthography] | :: progeny; offspring |
progénie {f} [European orthography] | :: origins; ancestry |
progênie {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of progénie |
progenitor {m} | :: progenitor (any of a person’s direct ancestors) |
progenitor {m} [figuratively] | :: progenitor (a predecessor of something) |
progenitora {f} | :: feminine noun of progenitor |
progeria {f} | :: alternative form of progéria |
progéria {f} [pathology] | :: progeria (genetic condition wherein symptoms resembling aging are manifested at an early age) |
progesterona {f} [steroid hormone] | :: progesterone (steroid hormone secreted by the ovaries) |
prognatismo {m} [medicine] | :: prognathism (abnormal forward projection of the jaw) |
prógnato {adj} | :: prognathous (with jaws projecting forward) |
prognose {f} [medicine] | :: prognosis (forecast of the future course of a disease) |
prognose {f} [by extension] | :: prognosis (forecast of the future course, or outcome, of a situation) |
prognosticando {v} | :: gerund of prognosticar |
prognosticar {v} | :: to prognosticate |
prognóstico {adj} | :: prognostic (being a forecast of future development) |
prognóstico {m} | :: prognostic (sign by which a future event may be known or foretold) |
programa {m} /pɾo.ˈɡɾɐ.mɐ/ | :: program |
programa {m} [computing] | :: computer instructions |
programa {m} [television, radio] | :: performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television; programme |
programa {m} | :: relating to schedules and plans |
programa {m} | :: timetable, timeline |
programa {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: leisure activity |
programa {m} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: the time that a prostitute spends with a client in exchange for money |
programação {f} /pɾo.ˌɡɾˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: program (set of structured activities) |
programação {f} | :: act of writing a programme (planned sequence of events) |
programação {f} | :: act of programming (causing to automatically behave in a particular way) |
programação {f} [programming, uncountable] | :: programming (the development of computer software) |
programação orientada a objetos {f} [programming] | :: object-oriented programming (paradigm that uses objects to design programs) |
programa de computador {m} | :: computer program (complete piece of software) |
programador {m} /pɾu.ˌɣɾɐ.mɐ.ˈðoɾ/ | :: programmer (one who writes software) |
programadora {f} | :: feminine noun of programador |
programando {v} | :: gerund of programar |
programar {v} | :: to program (write software) |
programaticamente {adv} | :: programmatically (in a programmatic manner) |
programático {adj} | :: programmatic (in the form of a step-by-step program) |
programável {adj} | :: programmable (capable of being programmed) |
progredir {v} /ˌpɾo.ɡɾe.ˈd͡ʒi(ɹ)/ | :: to proceed (to go forwards) |
progredir {v} | :: to progress; to improve |
progredir {v} [of a problem or disease] | :: to become worse, more serious |
progressão {f} | :: progress |
progressão {f} | :: progression |
progressismo {m} [politics] | :: progressivism (ideology that favours progress towards better conditions in society) |
progressista {adj} | :: progressive |
progressista {mf} | :: progressive |
progressiva {f} /pɾo.ɡɾe.ˈsi.vɐ/ | :: clipping of escova progressiva |
progressivamente {adv} | :: progressively |
progressivo {adj} | :: progressive (promoting progress) |
progressivo {adj} | :: progressive (gradually advancing or improving) |
progressivo {adj} [medicine, of a condition] | :: progressive (advancing in severity) |
progressivo {adj} [grammar] | :: progressive; continuous (expressing an ongoing action or state) |
progresso {m} /pɾu.ˈɣɾɛ.su/ | :: progress (a moving forward) |
Progresso {prop} | :: Progresso (municipality) |
prohibição {f} | :: obsolete form of proibição |
prohibido {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of proibido |
prohibir {v} | :: obsolete spelling of proibir |
proibição {f} /pɾu.iβiˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: prohibition, ban |
proibicionismo {m} | :: prohibitionism |
proibicionista {mf} | :: prohibitionist |
proibido {adj} /pɾuiˈβiðu/ | :: prohibited, forbidden |
proibido {adj} | :: illegal |
proibidor {adj} | :: prohibitive |
proibindo {v} | :: gerund of proibir |
proibir {v} /ˌpɾo.i.ˈbi(ɹ)/ | :: to prohibit; to proscribe; to forbid |
proïbir {v} | :: obsolete spelling of proibir |
proibitivo {adj} | :: prohibitive |
proibitório {adj} | :: prohibitive |
proiz {mf} | :: painter (rope used to attach a boat to a jetty) |
projeção {f} /ˌpɾo.ʒe.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: projection (something which projects outwards) |
projeção {f} [uncountable] | :: the quality of something which projects outwards |
projeção {f} | :: projection (act of projecting, throwing) |
projeção {f} | :: projection (forecast or prognosis obtained by extrapolation) |
projeção {f} | :: projection (display of an image by a projector) |
projeção {f} [psychology] | :: the attribution of one’s emotions into another object or person |
projeção {f} [geometry] | :: projection (image of an object on a surface of fewer dimensions) |
projeção {f} [cartography] | :: projection (system for representing a globe in a flat surface) |
projecção {f} | :: obsolete spelling of projeção |
projéctil {m} | :: superseded spelling of projétil |
projecto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of projeto |
projector {m} | :: alternative form of projetor |
projetar {v} | :: to design, plan |
projetar {v} | :: to project |
projetil {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of projétil |
projétil {m} /pɾuˈʒɛtiɫ/ | :: projectile |
projeto {m} /pɾu.ˈʒɛ.tu/ | :: project (planned endeavor) |
projeto {m} | :: plan (drawing showing technical details) |
projeto {m} | :: plan (set of intended actions) |
projeto {m} [law] | :: draft (early version of a written work) of a law |
projetor {m} | :: projector (device) |
Prokofiev {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
prol {m} | :: profit |
prol {m} | :: advantage |
prolação {f} | :: loud and clear pronunciation |
prolactina {f} [hormone] | :: prolactin |
prole {f} | :: progeny; offspring; brood |
prolegômenos {mp} | :: prolegomena |
proletariado {m} | :: proletariat; working class (social class that does physical work) |
proletário {adj} [sociology] | :: proletarian (relating to proletariat) |
proletário {m} [sociology] | :: proletarian (a member of the proletariat) |
proliferação {f} | :: proliferation |
proliferando {v} | :: gerund of proliferar |
proliferar {vi} | :: to proliferate |
prolífico {adj} | :: prolific (producing results or works in abundance) |
prolixo {adj} | :: prolix (tediously lengthy) |
prolixo {adj} | :: prolix (tending to use big or obscure words) |
prólogo {m} /ˈpɾɔ.lu.ɣu/ | :: prologue |
prolongado {adj} | :: prolonged |
prolongamento analítico {m} [analysis] | :: analytic continuation (extension of an analytic function) |
prolongando {v} | :: gerund of prolongar |
prolongar {v} | :: to extend, prolong, lengthen |
promastigota {f} | :: promastigote (stage in life-cycle of trypanosomatids when the flagellum not attached to the cell body) |
promécio {m} /pɾo.ˈmɛ.si.u/ | :: promethium (chemical element) |
promessa {f} /pɾu.ˈmɛ.sɐ/ | :: promise; vow |
promessa {f} | :: something which is hoped for |
promessa {f} | :: likelihood |
promessa é dívida {proverb} | :: a promise is a debt; used to demand or encourage someone to live up to his promises |
prometedor {adj} | :: promising |
prometendo {v} | :: gerund of prometer |
prometer {v} /pɾˈte(ʁ)/ | :: to promise (to commit to something or action; to make an oath) |
prometer {v} | :: to indicate that something is likely |
prometer {vi} | :: to be promising (likely to develop in a desirable fashion) |
Prometeu {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Prometheus (titan who gave the power of fire to the mortals) |
Prometheu {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Prometeu |
promiscuamente {adv} | :: promiscuously |
promiscuidade {f} | :: promiscuity |
promíscuo {adj} /pɾo.ˈmis.ku.o/ | :: loose; promiscuous (indiscriminate in choice of sexual partners) |
promíscuo {adj} | :: promiscuous (of disorderly composition) |
promissão {f} | :: promise (all senses) |
Promissão {prop} | :: Promissão (municipality) |
promissor {adj} | :: promising |
promissor {adj} | :: promissory |
promissória {f} | :: clipping of nota promissória |
promitente {mf} [legal] | :: promisor |
promo {m} [colloquial] | :: promo (promotional material) |
promoção {f} | :: promotion (advancement in position) |
promontorio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of promontório |
promontório {m} [geology] /ˌpɾo.mõ.ˈtɔ.ɾi.u/ | :: promontory (a high point of land extending into a body of water, headland; cliff) |
promotor {m} | :: prosecutor |
promotora {f} | :: feminine noun of promotor |
promover {v} /pɾˈve(ʁ)/ | :: to promote, lead to |
promover {v} | :: to promote (put to a higher position) |
promover {v} | :: to promote (advertise, talk up) |
promptuario {m} | :: obsolete spelling of prontuário |
promptuário {m} | :: obsolete spelling of prontuário |
promulgação {f} | :: promulgation |
promulgar {vt} | :: to promulgate (make known to the public) |
pronaos {m} [architecture] | :: pronaos (the inner area of the portico of a Greek or Roman temple) |
pronau {m} | :: alternative form of pronaos |
prono {adj} [chiefly physiotherapy] | :: prone (lying face downward) |
prono {adj} [rare, with a] | :: prone (to) (having a tendency to) |
pronome {m} /pɾʊˈnʊm(ɨ)/ | :: pronoun |
pronome indefinido {m} [grammar] | :: indefinite pronoun (pronoun not specifying the identity of its referent) |
pronome oblíquo tónico {m} [European orthography, grammar] | :: the prepositional pronoun in Portuguese |
pronome oblíquo tônico {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of pronome oblíquo tónico |
pronome pessoal {m} | :: personal pronoun (pronoun standing as the object or subject of a verb) |
pronome possessivo {m} | :: possessive pronoun |
pronome preposicionado {m} [Romance linguistics] | :: prepositional pronoun (type of pronoun in Romance languages) |
pronome relativo {m} [grammar] | :: relative pronoun |
pronominal {adj} [grammar] | :: pronominal |
pronóstico {adj} | :: alternative form of prognóstico |
pronóstico {m} | :: alternative form of prognóstico |
prontamente {adv} | :: readily (showing readiness) |
prontidão {f} | :: readiness (state or degree of being ready) |
pronto {adj} /ˈpɾõ.tu/ | :: ready |
pronto {adj} [of a person] | :: ready; willing (prepared for immediate action) |
pronto-socorro {m} | :: emergency room (hospital department used for the treatment of the most serious conditions) |
prontuario {m} | :: obsolete spelling of prontuário |
prontuário {m} /ˌpɾõ.tu.ˈa.ɾi.u/ | :: a medical or criminal record |
prontuário {m} | :: repository (place for storage of things that need to be retrieved quickly) |
prontuário {m} [Portugal] | :: handbook; manual (book of reference on a certain field of knowledge) |
pronúncia {f} /pɾuˈnũsjɐ/ | :: pronunciation |
pronunciação {f} [phonology] | :: pronunciation (way in which words are pronounced) |
pronunciação {f} | :: pronouncement; announcement |
pronunciamento {m} | :: pronouncement; proclamation (formal public announcement) |
pronunciamento {m} [phonology] | :: pronunciation (the act of speaking a word or phoneme) |
pronunciar {v} /pɾunũˈsjaɾ/ | :: to pronounce |
pronunciar-se {vr} /pɾunũˈsjaɾs/ | :: to express oneself, to speak up, to make one's opinion known |
propagação {f} | :: propagation |
propaganda {f} /pɾupɐˈɣɐ̃dɐ/ | :: propaganda |
propaganda {f} | :: advertisement, commercial |
propagandismo {m} | :: propagandism |
propagar {v} | :: to propagate |
propágulo {m} [botany] | :: propagule (a reproductive particle released by an organism that may germinate into another) |
propano {m} [organic compound] | :: propane (aliphatic hydrocarbon, a constituent of natural gas) |
proparoxítono {adj} [linguistics, of a word] | :: proparoxytone (stressed in the antepenultimate syllable) |
propelente {m} | :: propellant |
propelente {adj} | :: propellant |
propensão {f} | :: propensity |
propensão {f} | :: proclivity |
propensão {f} | :: inclination |
propensão {f} | :: trend |
propensão {f} | :: vocation |
propfan {m} [rare] | :: propfan (modified turbofan) |
propiciar {vt} /pru.piˈsjar/ | :: to bring about, enable |
propiciar {vt} | :: to propitiate, appease |
propício {adj} | :: propitious |
propil {m} [organic chemistry] | :: propyl |
propileno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: propylene, propene |
propina {f} | :: tip (money left for a servant as a token of appreciation) |
propina {f} [Portugal] | :: a fee for services such as enrolment or obtaining a document |
propina {f} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: bribe (something, usually money, given as an inducement to dishonesty) |
propinoduto {m} [Brazil] | :: a channel or route through which embezzled money flows; money trail |
propio {adj} | :: obsolete form of próprio |
própio {adj} [dialectal, nonstandard] | :: alternative form of próprio |
propiska {f} | :: propiska (system of mandatory registration in ex-USSR) |
propoer {v} | :: obsolete form of propor |
própolis {m} | :: propolis (glue-like substance made by bees) |
propondo {v} | :: gerund of propor |
propor {v} /pɾo.ˈpo(ʁ)/ | :: to propose; to suggest |
propor {v} | :: to have as an objective or purpose |
propor {v} | :: to make oneself available or willing to do something |
propor {v} [law] | :: to file a lawsuit |
proporção {f} /pɾo.poʁ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: proportion |
proporção {f} | :: comparison |
proporção {f} | :: accordance |
proporção {f} | :: symmetry |
proporção áurea {f} [geometry] | :: golden ratio (a number which is equal the sum of its own reciprocal and 1) |
proporcional {adj} | :: proportional |
proporcionalmente {adv} | :: proportionally |
proporcionando {v} | :: gerund of proporcionar |
proporcionar {v} /pɾo.poʁ.sjo.ˈna(ʁ)/ | :: to provide, supply |
proporcionar {v} | :: to proportion |
proposição {f} /pɾupuziˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: proposition |
propositadamente {adv} | :: purposely; on purpose; intentionally |
proposital {adj} | :: Done deliberately; intentional |
proposito {m} | :: obsolete spelling of propósito |
propósito {m} /pɾuˈpɔzitu/ | :: purpose; target; aim; goal |
propósito {m} | :: purpose; motive (reason for which something is done) |
proposta {f} /pɾuˈpɔʃtɐ/ | :: proposal |
propriamente {adv} | :: properly (in a proper manner) |
propriamente dito {adj} | :: proper (in the strictest sense of the word) |
propriedade {f} /pɾu.pɾi.ɛ.ˈða.ðɨ/ | :: property; belonging (something owned) |
propriedade {f} | :: property (piece of real estate) |
propriedade {f} | :: property; quality; attribute |
propriedade {f} | :: the state of being proper (following the established standards of behaviour) |
propriedade arquimediana {f} [analysis] | :: Archimedean property (the property that there is always a natural number greater than any real number) |
propriedade intelectual {f} | :: intellectual property (creations of the mind that have commercial value) |
proprietário {m} /pɾu.pɾi.ɛ.ˈta.ɾju/ | :: owner (one who owns) |
proprietário {m} | :: landlord (person who owns and rents land) |
proprietário {adj} | :: proprietary |
proprio {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of próprio |
próprio {adj} /ˈpɾɔ.pɾju/ | :: own |
próprio {adj} | :: proper, adequate |
próprio {adj} | :: peculiar, particular |
próprio {pron} | :: itself, themselves (used for emphasis) |
propriocepção {f} | :: proprioception (sense of the position of parts of the body) |
propulsando {v} | :: gerund of propulsar |
propulsão {f} | :: propulsion |
propulsar {v} | :: to propel |
propulsor {m} | :: propeller (mechanical device used to propel) |
propulsor a jato {m} | :: jet pack (equipment worn on the back allowing flight) |
pró-reitor {m} [higher education] | :: a rector’s assistant; provost |
prorrogação {f} | :: prorogation |
prorrogação {f} | :: extension, prolongation |
prorrogar {v} | :: to prolong, extend |
pros {contraction} [colloquial] /pɾus/ | :: contraction of para (for) + os (the) |
prosa {f} [literature, uncountable] /ˈpɾɔ.zɐ/ | :: prose (written language not intended as poetry) |
prosa {f} | :: a work in prose |
prosa {f} | :: eloquence |
prosa {f} | :: chat (informal conversation) |
prosaico {adj} [literature] /pɾo.ˈzaj.ku/ | :: prosaic (pertaining to or having the characteristics of prose) |
prosaico {adj} | :: common; usual |
prosápia {f} | :: progeny, lineage, ancestry, race |
prosápia {f} | :: pride, boasting, vanity |
prosciutto {m} | :: prosciutto (dry-cured ham from Italy) |
proscrever {vt} | :: to proscribe (to forbid or discourage) |
proscrição {f} | :: proscription |
proscrição {f} | :: expulsion, banishment |
proscrição {f} | :: abolition |
proselitar {vit} | :: to proselytize (induce people to join a cause) |
proselitismo {m} | :: proselytism (active effort to convince other people to join one’s organisation) |
proselitizar {vti} | :: to proselytize (to induce people to join a cause) |
prosélito {m} | :: proselyte (one who has recently converted to a religion or doctrine) |
prosencéfalo {m} [anatomy] | :: forebrain; prosencephalon (anterior part of the brain) |
prosódia {f} [linguistics] | :: prosody (study of rhythm and other attributes in speech) |
prosódia {f} [poetry] | :: prosody (study of poetic meter) |
prosopopeia {f} | :: prosopopoeia |
prosopopéia {f} | :: superseded spelling of prosopopeia |
prospecção {f} | :: prospecting |
prospectar {v} [geology, mining] | :: to prospect (to determine which minerals or metals are present in a location) |
prospectar {v} [by extension] | :: to prospect (to evaluate the potentials of something) |
prospectivo {adj} | :: prospective (relating to prospection; looking forward in time) |
prosperar {vi} | :: to prosper; to thrive (be successful) |
prosperidade {f} | :: prosperity |
prosperidade {f} | :: wealth |
próspero {adj} | :: prosperous; successful |
prospetivo {adj} | :: alternative form of prospectivo |
prossecução {f} | :: prosecution (all senses) |
prossecução {f} | :: resumption, continuance |
prosseguimento {m} | :: continuation (the act of continuing, of getting on with something) |
prosseguindo {v} | :: gerund of prosseguir |
prosseguir {v} /pɾˈɡi(ʁ)/ | :: to continue |
prostaglandina {f} [biochemistry] | :: prostaglandin (any of a group of naturally occurring lipids derived from the C20 acid prostanoic acid) |
próstata {f} [anatomy] | :: prostate |
prostático {adj} | :: prostatic |
prostatite {f} [pathology] | :: prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) |
prostíbulo {m} | :: brothel (house of prostitution) |
prostituição {f} /pɾust̪ɪt̪ʊɪˈsə̃ʊ/ | :: prostitution |
prostituindo {v} | :: gerund of prostituir |
prostituir {vt} | :: to prostitute |
prostituta {f} /ˌpɾos.t͡ʃi.ˈtu.tɐ/ | :: prostitute (woman who sells sex) |
prostração {f} /ˈpɾos.tra.ˈsɐ̃w̃ / | :: prostration |
prostrar {vt} /pɾos.tɾaɾ/ | :: to prostrate (to lie flat or facedown) |
prostrar {vt} [figurative] | :: to destroy |
prostrar {vt} | :: to humiliate |
prostrar {vp} | :: to get weak; to weaken |
prostrar {vp} | :: to kneel; to kowtow |
prostrar {vp} [figurative] | :: to humiliate oneself; to act in a submissive manner |
prostrar-se {vr} | :: to prostrate (to throw oneself down in submission) |
protactínio {m} /pɾo.tak.ˈt͡ʃ | :: protactinium (chemical element) |
protagonista {mf} | :: protagonist (main character) |
protagonista {mf} | :: protagonist (leading person in a contest) |
protagonizar {v} | :: to star (appear as a featured performer or headliner) |
protão {m} [physics] | :: proton |
Protásio Alves {prop} | :: Protásio Alves (municipality) |
protease {f} [enzyme] | :: protease (any of a group of enzymes that cleave proteins) |
proteção {f} [uncountable] /pɾu.tɛ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: protection (state of being safe) |
proteção {f} | :: protection (process of keeping safe) |
proteção {f} [uncountable] | :: favour (goodwill; benevolent regard) |
protecção {f} | :: superseded spelling of proteção |
protecionismo {m} [economics] | :: protectionism (policy of protecting domestic producers) |
protecionista {adj} | :: protectionist |
protecionista {mf} | :: protectionist |
protector {m} | :: obsolete spelling of protetor |
protector {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of protetor |
protege {v} | :: second-person singular imperative of proteger |
protegendo {v} | :: gerund of proteger |
proteger {v} /pɾu.tɨ.ˈʒeɾ/ | :: to protect |
proteger {v} | :: to support |
proteição {f} | :: obsolete form of proteção |
proteína {f} [nutrition] /pɾutiˈinɐ/ | :: protein (one of three major classes of food) |
proteína {f} [biochemistry] | :: protein (a large, complex molecule composed of long chains of amino acids) |
protelar {v} /pɾo.te.ˈla(ɾ)/ | :: to procrastinate, to delay |
protelo {m} | :: aardwolf (Proteles cristata, a carnivore of Africa) |
próteo {m} | :: alternative form of proteu |
proteoglicana {f} [biochemistry] | :: proteoglycan |
proteólise {f} | :: proteolysis |
proteómica {f} [European orthography, biochemistry] | :: proteomics (branch of molecular biology) |
proteômica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of proteómica |
proteómico {adj} [European orthography] | :: proteomic (of or relating to proteomics) |
proteômico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of proteómico |
proterozoico {adj} [geology] | :: Proterozoic (relating to the eon from 2,500 to 541 million years ago) |
Proterozoico {prop} {m} [geology] | :: Proterozoic (eon representing the time just before the proliferation of complex life on Earth) |
prótese {f} [medicine] | :: prosthesis (artificial replacement for a body part) |
prótese {f} [phonetics] | :: prothesis (prepending of phonemes at the beginning of a word) |
prótese {f} [music] | :: anacrusis (unstressed note or notes before the first strong beat) |
protestante {mf} [Christianity] /ˌpɾu.tɨʃ.ˈtɐ̃.tɨ/ | :: Protestant (a modern Christian denomination not belonging to the Catholic or Orthodox traditions) |
protestante {mf} | :: protester |
protestante {adj} | :: who is protesting |
protestante {adj} | :: relating to Protestantism |
protestantismo {m} | :: Protestantism (a Christian denomination) |
protestar {v} /ˌpɾu.tɨʃ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to protest (to make a strong objection) |
protesto {m} /pɾuˈtɛʃtu/ | :: protest |
protesto {m} | :: objection |
protético {adj} | :: prosthetic |
protetivo {adj} | :: protective (serving, intended or wishing to protect) |
protetor {adj} | :: protective |
protetor {adj} | :: defensive |
protetor {m} | :: protector, guardian |
protetor {m} | :: patron |
protetor {m} | :: keeper |
protetora {f} | :: female equivalent of protetor |
protetorado {m} | :: protectorate (government by a protector) |
protetorado {m} | :: protectorate (autonomous territory that is protected diplomatically or militarily against third parties by a stronger state or entity) |
protetor de tela {m} | :: screensaver (computer program that displays patterns or images when the computer is not being used) |
proteu {m} | :: olm (Proteus anguinus, a species of cave-dwelling salamander of the Dinaric Alps) |
Proteu {prop} {f} [astronomy] | :: Proteus (sixth moon of Neptune) |
Proteu {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Proteus (sea god) |
prótio {m} | :: protium |
protista {m} [biology] /pɾo.ˈt͡ʃis.tɐ/ | :: protist (any eukaryotic organism that is not an animal, plant or fungus) |
proto- {prefix} | :: proto- |
protoactínio {m} | :: alternative form of protactínio |
protoanemonina {f} [biochemistry] | :: protoanemonin (toxin found in all plants of the buttercup family) |
protocolo {m} | :: protocol (system of procedures for doing something) |
proto-eslavo {m} | :: superseded spelling of protoeslavo |
proto-eslavo {adj} | :: superseded spelling of protoeslavo |
protoeslavo {m} | :: Proto-Slavic (hypothetical mother tongue of Slavic languages) |
protoeslavo {adj} | :: Proto-Slavic (pertaining or relating to Proto-Slavic or the people who spoke it) |
protoestrela {f} [star] | :: protostar (collection of gas and dust in space that usually grows to the point of becoming a star) |
proto-germânico {m} | :: Proto-Germanic (unattested ancestor of the Germanic languages) |
proto-germânico {adj} | :: Proto-Germanic (of or pertaining to Proto-Germanic language or the people who spoke it) |
proto-indo-europeu {m} [uncountable, indo-european studies] | :: Proto-Indo-European (ancestor language of most European and Indian languages) |
proto-indo-europeu {m} | :: Proto-Indo-European (person who spoke the Proto-Indo-European language) |
proto-indo-europeu {adj} | :: Proto-Indo-European (relating to the Proto-Indo-European language) |
proto-indo-europeu {adj} | :: Proto-Indo-European (relating to the people who spoke Proto-Indo-European) |
proto-língua {f} [linguistics] | :: proto-language (ancestor language of all the languages of a given language family) |
protolíngua {f} | :: alternative spelling of proto-língua |
protomártir {mf} | :: protomartyr |
próton {m} [Brazil, physics] | :: proton |
protônico {adj} | :: proton (attributive) |
protoplaneta {m} | :: protoplanet (astronomical object, approximately the size of the Moon, thought to collide and form planets) |
protoplanetário {adj} | :: protoplanetary |
protoplasma {m} [cytology] | :: protoplasm (contents of a cell) |
protoplásmico {adj} | :: protoplasmic |
protótipo {m} /pɾoˈtɔ.t͡ʃi.pu/ | :: prototype |
protozoário {adj} | :: protozoan |
protozoário {m} | :: protozoan |
protrair {v} | :: to protrude (to extend from) |
protrombina {f} [protein] | :: prothrombin (a glycoprotein produced in the liver) |
protuberância {f} /pɾo.ˌˈɾɐ̃.si.a/ | :: protuberance; bulge (something sticking out) |
protuberar {vi} | :: to bulge; to protuberate |
prov. {m} | :: abbreviation of provençal |
prov. {adv} | :: abbreviation of provavelmente |
prova {f} [education] /ˈpɾɔ.vɐ/ | :: examination; test |
prova {f} | :: proof; evidence (fact or observation presented in support of an assertion) |
prova {f} [legal] | :: evidence (anything admitted by a court to prove or disprove alleged matters of fact in a trial) |
prova {f} | :: proof; assertion; affirmation |
prova {f} [sports] | :: discipline (category in which a sport belongs) |
prova {f} [logic, mathematics] | :: proof (sequence of statements which concludes with a statement that is the object of the proof) |
prova {f} [figurative] | :: obstacle; challenge |
prova {f} | :: the act of trying out clothes |
prova {f} | :: degustation; tasting |
prova {f} [printing] | :: proof (trial impression) |
provação {f} | :: ordeal |
prova de fogo {f} | :: crucible (difficult and trying experience) |
provador {adj} | :: testing |
provador {adj} | :: tasting |
provador {m} | :: tester |
provador {m} | :: taster |
prova dos nove {f} [arithmetic] | :: the procedure of casting out nines |
prova dos nove {f} [logic, rhetoric] | :: a definitive proof of the point stated |
provar {v} /pɾu.ˈvaɾ/ | :: to prove (to demonstrate that something is true; to give proof for) |
provar {v} | :: to taste, to try (to sample the flavour of food) |
provar por a + b {v} [idiom] | :: alternative form of provar por a mais bê |
provar por a mais b {adv} [idiom] | :: alternative form of provar por a mais bê |
provar por a mais bê {v} [idiomatic] | :: to prove based on solid arguments |
provável {adj} /pɾu.ˈva.vɛɫ/ | :: likely |
provavelmente {adv} /pɾɛɫ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: probably |
provàvelmente {adv} | :: alternative form of provavelmente, used in Brazil and Portugal until the 1970s |
provedor {m} | :: provider |
provedor {m} | :: Internet service provider |
proveito {m} /pɾu.ˈvɐj.tu/ | :: advantage |
proveito {m} | :: benefit |
proveito {m} | :: utility |
proveito {m} | :: profit |
proveitoso {adj} | :: profitable, useful, beneficial |
Provença {prop} {f} | :: Provença (traditional region) |
provençal {m} | :: Provençal; Occitan (language spoken in southern France) |
provençal {m} | :: Provençal (the Occitan dialect spoken in Provence) |
provençal {mf} | :: Provençal (person from Provence) |
provençal {adj} | :: Provençal (of, from or relating to Provence) |
provendo {v} | :: gerund of prover |
proveniência {f} | :: provenance |
provento {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: revenue, proceeds |
prover {v} /pɾo.ˈve(ʁ)/ | :: to provide (give what is needed or desired) |
provérbio {m} /pɾo.ˈvɛɹ.bi.u/ | :: maxim; proverb, adage (phrase expressing a basic truth) |
provérbio {m} [Bible] | :: a maxim in the Book of Proverbs |
Provérbios {prop} {m} [book of the bible] | :: Proverbs (book of the Hebrew Bible) |
proveta {f} | :: test tube (glass tube used for small-scale laboratory tests) |
providência {f} | :: providence |
providenciando {v} | :: gerund of providenciar |
providenciar {v} /pɾẽ.si.ˈa(ʁ)/ | :: to provide |
provido {adj} | :: supplied; provided; furnished; stocked (having supplies or provisions) |
provido {adj} | :: full of; having much or enough of |
provincia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of província |
província {f} /pɾu.ˈvĩ.sjɐ/ | :: province |
província {f} [political subdivision] | :: region |
provincial {adj} | :: provincial |
provinciano {adj} | :: provincial (of, from or relating to a province) |
provinciano {adj} | :: provincial (characteristic of the inhabitants of a province) |
provinciano {adj} | :: provincial (not polished; rude) |
provinciano {m} | :: provincial (someone from a province) |
provindo {v} | :: gerund of provir |
provir {v} /pɾo.ˈvi(ʁ)/ | :: to come, derive (from) |
provir {v} | :: to result |
provisão {f} /pɾˈzɐ̃w̃/ | :: provision (goods or supplies, especially food, obtained for future use) |
provisão {f} | :: provision (the act of providing) |
provisionar {v} | :: alternative form of aprovisionar |
provisoriamente {adv} | :: provisionally, pro tem |
provisório {adj} | :: provisional |
provisório {adj} | :: interim, temporary |
provocação {f} | :: provocation (the act of provoking, annoying) |
provocador {adj} /pɾɐˈdoɾ/ | :: provocative |
provocador {adj} | :: provoking |
provocador {adj} | :: contentious (given to struggling with others) |
provocador {m} | :: provocator |
provocando {v} | :: gerund of provocar |
provocar {v} /ˌpɾˈkaɾ/ | :: to provoke (all senses) |
provocatório {adj} /pɾɐˈtɔ.ɾju/ | :: provocative |
proxeneta {mf} /ˌpɾˈne.ta/ | :: pimp (prostitution solicitor) |
proxenêta {mf} | :: obsolete spelling of proxeneta |
proximal {adj} | :: proximal |
proximamente {adv} | :: closely (from a small distance) |
proximamente {adv} | :: nearly; approximately (imprecise but close to in quantity or value) |
proximidade {f} /ˌpɾˈda.d͡ʒi/ | :: proximity, nearness |
proximidade {f} | :: neighborhood, vicinity |
próximo {adj} /ˈpɾɔ | :: near, close |
próximo {adj} | :: recent |
próximo {adj} | :: next |
próximo {adv} | :: near, close |
próximo {m} | :: neighbour, fellow man |
Próximo Oriente {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Oriente Próximo |
proxy {m} [software] /ˈpɾɔ.ksi/ | :: proxy (software serving as an interface for a service) |
proxy {m} | :: clipping of servidor proxy |
proxy server {m} [computing] | :: proxy server (server that acts as an intermediary between a user and another server) |
prudência {f} /pɾu.ˈðẽ.sjɐ/ | :: prudence (the quality or state of being prudent) |
prudente {adj} /pɾu.ˈdẽ.tɨ/ | :: Prone to watch and guard against deception and danger; cautious; prudent; sagacious |
Prudente {prop} | :: surname |
Prudente de Morais {prop} | :: Prudente de Morais (municipality) |
prudentemente {adv} | :: prudently |
pruína {f} | :: white powdery coating upon certain fruits or leaves (grapes, plums) |
pruir {v} | :: alternative form of prurir |
prum {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] /pɾũ/ | :: contraction of para um |
prum {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] | :: contraction of por um |
pruma {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] /ˈpɾu.mɐ/ | :: contraction of para uma |
pruma {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] | :: contraction of por uma |
prumas {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] /ˈpɾu.mɐs/ | :: contraction of para umas |
prumas {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] | :: contraction of por umas |
prumo {m} | :: plummet (lead on a line used to check if something is perfectly vertical) |
pruns {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] /pɾũs/ | :: contraction of para uns |
pruns {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] | :: contraction of por uns |
prurido {m} | :: itch (a sensation that causes someone to want to scratch) |
prurido {m} [figurative] | :: itch (a strong desire) |
prurir {v} | :: to itch (feel the need to scratch) |
Prussia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Prússia |
Prússia {prop} {f} [historical] /ˈpɾu.sja/ | :: Prússia (former kingdom) |
Prússia {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Prússia (historical region/and/former province) |
Prússia Oriental {prop} {f} | :: Prússia Oriental (former province) |
psalmo {m} | :: obsolete form of salmo |
pschent {m} | :: pschent (the double crown of ancient Egypt) |
pseudo- {prefix} | :: pseudo- (not genuine) |
pseudoaleatório {adj} [computing] | :: pseudorandom (seemingly random but generated using a deterministic algorithm) |
pseudocereal {m} | :: pseudocereal (plant whose seeds are used to make flour, but which does not belong to the grass family) |
pseudociência {f} /ˌˈẽ.si.ɐ/ | :: pseudoscience (purported science) |
pseudocódigo {m} [computing] | :: pseudocode (description of a computer programming algorithm) |
pseudoefedrina {f} | :: pseudoephedrine (sympathomimetic alkaloid) |
pseudofruto {m} [botany] | :: pseudofruit; accessory fruit (a fruit with tissue not derived from ovary) |
pseudogota {f} [medicine] | :: pseudogout (medical condition with symptoms resembling gout) |
pseudo-hifa {f} [mycology] | :: pseudohypha (a chain of blastoconidia) |
pseudónimo {m} [European orthography] /psew.ˈðɔ | :: pseudonym |
pseudónimo {adj} [European orthography] | :: pseudonymous |
pseudônimo {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of pseudónimo |
pseudo-randômico {adj} [Brazilian orthography, computing] | :: pseudorandom (seemingly random but generated using a deterministic algorithm) |
pseudorraiva {f} [veterinary medicine] | :: pseudorabies; Aujeszky's disease (a highly contagious herpes virus infection) |
pseudosciencia {f} [rare] | :: obsolete spelling of pseudociência |
psi {m} [countable] | :: psi (name of the Greek letter Ψ) |
psicadélico {adj} [Portugal] | :: alternative form of psicodélico |
psicanálise {f} /ˌpsi.ka.ˈ | :: psychoanalysis (family of psychological theories and methods) |
psicanalista {mf} | :: analyst (psychoanalysis practitioner) |
psico- {prefix} | :: psycho- (relating to the mind) |
psicodélico {adj} [Brazil] | :: psychedelic (of, containing or generating hallucinations) |
psicodélico {adj} [of graphics, Brazil] | :: psychedelic (having bright colours and abstract shapes) |
psicografia {f} [spiritualism] | :: psychography (the act of a spirit possessing one's physical body in order to write something) |
psicógrafo {m} [spiritualism] | :: psychographer (a medium who is believed to be able to psychograph - to have one's body be possessed by spirits in order to let them write texts in the physical world) |
psicolinguística {f} [linguistics] | :: psycholinguistics (study of mental comprehension and production of language) |
psicolinguístico {adj} | :: psycholinguistic (pertaining to psycholinguistics) |
psicóloga {f} /psi.ˈkɔ.lo.ɡa/ | :: feminine noun of psicólogo; a female psychologist |
psicologia {f} /psi.ko.lo.ˈʒi.a/ | :: psychology |
psicologia anormal {f} | :: abnormal psychology (study of persons whose psychological characteristics deviate from the norm) |
psicologia clínica {f} [psychology] | :: clinical psychology (branch of psychology) |
psicologia cognitiva {f} [psychology] | :: cognitive psychology (branch of psychology) |
psicologicamente {adv} | :: psychologically |
psicológico {adj} /psi.ko.ˈlɔ.ʒi.ku/ | :: psychological |
psicólogo {m} /psi.ˈkɔ.lo.ɡu/ | :: psychologist (expert in the field of psychology) |
psicometria {f} [parapsychology] | :: psychometry (ability to discover information about an object’s past) |
psicometria {f} [psychology] | :: psychometry (use of psychological tests to measure personal traits) |
psicomotor {adj} | :: psychomotor |
psicopata {mf} /ˌpsi.ko.ˈpa.tɐ/ | :: psychopath (one who suffers from psychopathy) |
psicopata {adj} | :: psychopathic (exhibiting the behaviors and personality traits of a psychopath) |
psicopatia {f} | :: psychopathy (a personality disorder) |
psicopático {adj} | :: psychopathic (relating to or suffering from psychopathy) |
psicopatologia {f} [uncountable, medicine] | :: psychopathology (study of mental illnesses) |
psicopatologia {f} [medicine] | :: mental disorder; mental illnesses |
psicopolítica {f} | :: psychopolitics (interaction between psychology and politics) |
psicopolítico {adj} | :: psychopolitical (relating to psychopolitics) |
psicopompo {m} | :: psychopomp |
psicose {f} | :: psychosis (mental disorder marked by a deranged personality) |
psicossomático {adj} [medicine, psychology] | :: psychosomatic (of physical effects with mental causes) |
psicoterapeuta {mf} | :: psychotherapist (doctor who practices psychotherapy) |
psicoterapia {f} | :: psychotherapy (treatment of those with mental illness) |
psicótico {adj} | :: psychotic (relating to or suffering from psychosis) |
psicótico {m} | :: psychotic (person affected by psychosis) |
psicrófilo {adj} [biology] | :: psychrophilic (capable of living at relatively low temperature) |
psicrófilo {m} [biology] | :: psychrophile (organism capable of living at relatively low temperature) |
psicrómetro {m} [European orthography, meteorology] | :: psychrometer (instrument which measures atmospheric humidity) |
psicrômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of psicrómetro |
Psiquê {prop} {f} [Greek god, Roman god] | :: Psyche (personification of the soul) |
psiquiatra {mf} /ˌˈa.tɾɐ/ | :: psychiatrist (doctor specializing in psychiatry) |
psiquiatria {f} [medicine] /ˈtɾi.a/ | :: psychiatry (branch of medicine dealing with mental illness) |
psiquiátrico {adj} | :: psychiatric |
psíquica {f} /ˈɐ/ | :: feminine noun of psíquico |
psíquico {m} /ˈ | :: psychic (person who possesses extra-sensory abilities) |
psíquico {adj} | :: psychic (relating to the abilities of a psychic) |
psíquico {adj} | :: psychological (relating to the mind) |
psit {interj} [onomatopoeia] | :: psst (request for silence or secrecy) |
psiu {interj} | :: used to discreetly call someone |
psiu {interj} | :: used to request silence; shh |
Pskov {prop} {f} | :: Pskov (oblast) |
Pskov {prop} {f} | :: Pskov (city/administrative center) |
psoríase {f} [disease] | :: psoriasis (chronic disease characterised by the presence of skin lesions) |
PSP {m} [Brazil] | :: abbreviation of Partido Social Progressista |
PSP {f} [Portugal] | :: abbreviation of Polícia de Segurança Pública |
psychanalyse {f} | :: obsolete spelling of psicanálise |
psychiatra {mf} | :: obsolete spelling of psiquiatra |
psychopatha {mf} | :: obsolete spelling of psicopata |
psychopatha {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of psicopata |
PT {prop} [Brazil, politics, acronym] | :: Partido dos Trabalhadores |
p*ta {f} | :: euphemistic spelling of puta |
p*ta {interj} | :: euphemistic spelling of puta |
pteridófita {f} | :: pteridophyte (a vascular plant that produce spores but not seeds) |
pterodáctilo {m} | :: pterodactyl |
Ptolemeu {prop} {m} | :: Ptolemy (Ptolemy I Soter, founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt) |
Ptolomeu {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Ptolemeu |
pua {f} /ˈpu.ɐ/ | :: sharp end; point |
pua {f} | :: drill; bit (rotary cutting tool) |
pua {f} | :: sting |
pua {f} | :: [Brazil, Northeast Region, slang] womanizer, player |
puã {f} | :: pincer, claw (of crustaceans etc) |
puberdade {f} | :: puberty |
púbere {adj} | :: pubescent |
pubescente {adj} | :: pubescent (arriving at puberty) |
púbis {m} [skeleton] /ˈpu.bis/ | :: pubis |
publicação {f} | :: publication |
publicamente {adv} /pu.βli.kɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: publicly |
publicando {v} | :: gerund of publicar |
publicano {m} [Ancient Rome] /puβliˈkɐnu/ | :: tax collector, publican |
publicar {vt} /pu.βli.ˈkaɾ/ | :: to publish |
publicidade {f} /puβlisiˈðaðɨ/ | :: publicity |
publicidade {f} | :: advertising, advertisement |
publicidade indireta {f} | :: product placement (form of advertising where a brand or product is placed in a programme) |
publicitado {adj} /pu.βˈta.ðu/ | :: revealed to the public |
publicitado {adj} | :: formally registered |
publicitado {adj} | :: publicised; advertised |
publicitando {v} | :: gerund of publicitar |
publicitar {v} /pu.βˈtaɾ/ | :: to reveal to the public |
publicitar {v} | :: to formally register something |
publicitar {v} | :: to publicise; to advertise |
publicitário {adj} | :: advertising (attributive) |
publicitário {m} | :: publicist, advertiser |
público {adj} /ˈpu.βli.ku/ | :: public (pertaining to the affairs of all people) |
público {adj} | :: public (open to general view) |
público {adj} | :: public (provided by the government) |
público {m} | :: people (human beings considered generally or collectively) |
público {m} | :: audience (group of people listening to a performance, speech etc.) |
puçá {m} | :: a small net with a handle |
púcara {f} | :: alternative form of púcaro |
púcaro {m} /ˈpu.kɐ.ɾu/ | :: a type of jug or mug, used for taking liquid from another container |
pudera {interj} /pu.ˈdɛ.ɾa/ | :: no wonder! (indicates that something is not surprising) |
pudicícia {f} | :: pudency, chastity |
pudico {adj} | :: easily ashamed |
pudico {adj} | :: prudish (easily offended or shocked) |
pudico {m} | :: prude (a person who is or tries to be excessively proper) |
pudim {m} /puˈðĩ/ | :: pudding (dessert) |
pudor {m} | :: pudor (appropriate sense of modesty or shame) |
pueril {adj} /pwɛˈɾiɫ/ | :: Of or pertaining to children or childhood |
pueril {adj} | :: childish, puerile |
pueril {adj} | :: futile, trivial |
pueril {adj} | :: ingenuous |
pufe {m} | :: beanbag (a large covering stuffed with pellets used as furniture) |
púgil {m} | :: boxer |
pugilista {mf} | :: pugilist, boxer |
pugilístico {adj} | :: boxing (attributive) |
pugna {f} | :: combat; battle; fight |
pugna {f} [figurative] | :: struggle |
pugnace {adj} | :: alternative form of pugnaz |
pugnaz {adj} | :: pugnacious; aggressive; belligerent |
puh {interj} | :: yuck (expression of disgust) |
pula corda {m} | :: jump rope (game or activity in which a person jumps over a rope repeatedly) |
pular {vi} /pu.ˈla(ʁ)/ | :: to jump, to propel oneself upward |
pular {vt} | :: to jump over, to propel oneself over |
pular {vt} | :: to skip, to omit, to disregard |
pular a cerca {vi} [idiomatic] | :: to cheat (on one's partner) |
pular carnaval {v} [Brazil] | :: to party on carnival season |
pular corda {v} | :: to jump rope (to jump over a rope repeatedly as a game or exercise) |
pulcro {adj} [poetic] /ˈpuɫ.krʊ/ | :: pretty, neat |
pulga {f} /ˈpuɫ.ɣɐ/ | :: flea (parasitic insect) |
pulgão {m} | :: aphid (sapsucking pest insect of the superfamily Aphidoidea) |
pulgão das macieiras {m} | :: apple aphid (a bright green aphid, Aphis pomi) |
pulgueiro {m} [slang] | :: blanket |
pulgueiro {m} [slang] | :: fleabag (filthy place) |
pulguento {adj} | :: infested with fleas |
pulguento {m} | :: a creature or person infested with fleas |
pulha {f} /ˈpu.ʎɐ/ | :: obscenity |
pulha {f} | :: caustic remark, cutting remark |
pulha {f} | :: witty remark |
pulhas {f} | :: hurtful criticism |
pulicar {v} | :: to do a series of hops |
pulinhar {v} | :: to do a series of hops |
pulinho {m} | :: diminutive of pulo |
pulmão {m} | :: lung |
pulmonar {adj} | :: pulmonary (relating to the lungs) |
pulo {m} | :: jump |
pulôver {m} /pu.ˈlo.vɛɾ/ | :: pullover (type of sweater) |
púlpito {m} /ˈpuɫ.pi.tu/ | :: pulpit (raised platform in church) |
pulquérrimo {adj} /puw.ˈkɛ.ʁ | :: superlative of pulcro |
pulsação {f} /puɫ.sɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: pulse, beat, pulsation |
pulsando {v} | :: gerund of pulsar |
pulsão de morte {f} [Freudian psychology] | :: death wish (desire for the death of oneself or of someone else) |
pulsar {v} /puɫ.ˈsaɾ/ | :: to pulse, beat, pulsate |
pulseira {f} /puɫ.ˈsɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: bracelet |
pulso {m} [cardiology, uncountable] /ˈpuɫ.su/ | :: pulse (regular beat caused by the heart) |
pulso {m} [cardiology, uncountable] | :: heart rate (number of heart beats per unit of time) |
pulso {m} | :: pulsation (single beat) |
pulso {m} [anatomy] | :: wrist (hand joint) |
pulso {m} [electronics] | :: electric pulse |
pulular {v} | :: to be swarming or teeming with something |
pulverização {f} | :: pulverization |
pulverizador {m} | :: sprayer (device used for spraying) |
pulverizador {adj} | :: which pulverises |
pulverizar {v} | :: to pulverize, atomize |
pulverizável {adj} | :: pulverizable |
pulvimetalurgia {f} | :: powder metallurgy |
pum {interj} | :: bang, pop |
pum {m} [childish] | :: fart (emission of digestive gases from the anus) |
puma {mf} /ˈpu.mɐ/ | :: puma; cougar; mountain lion (Puma concolor, a large feline of the Americas) |
Puna {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Pune |
punção {f} | :: puncture (the act of puncturing) |
punção {m} | :: punch (device used for creating holes in material) |
punção {m} | :: stylus (tool for writing Braille) |
punctura {f} | :: puncture (hole, cut or tear) |
pundonor {mf} | :: honour, pride |
Pune {prop} {f} | :: Pune (major city/and/district) |
pungente {adj} | :: pungent (sharp-pointed) |
pungente {adj} | :: pungent (having a strong odour or taste that stings the nose or tongue) |
pungente {adj} [figuratively] | :: poignant (evoking strong mental sensation) |
punguear {vti} | :: to pickpocket (to steal something from someone’s pocket) |
punguista {mf} | :: pickpocket (one who steals from the pocket of a passerby) |
punhado {m} | :: handful, fistful |
punhal {m} /pu.ˈɲaɫ/ | :: poniard (a dagger with a triangular blade) |
punhal {m} | :: (generalisation) any dagger |
punhalada {f} | :: stab (act of piercing with a dagger) |
punhalada {f} | :: stab (wound made by stabbing) |
punhalada {f} [figurative] | :: stab; backstabbing (pain inflicted on a person’s feelings, especially when involving treason) |
punhão {m} | :: augmentative of punho |
punheta {f} [vulgar, slang] /pu.ˈɲe.tɐ/ | :: wank (act of male masturbation) |
punheta {f} [vulgar, slang] | :: hand job |
punhetagem {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: the act of beating around the bush |
punhetagem {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: delay |
punhetagem {f} [Brazil, slang] | :: the act of protracting or procrastinating |
punhetar {v} [Brazil, slang, a male] | :: to jerk off |
punheteiro {adj} [colloquial, of a man] | :: Who masturbates himself. (English colloquial: a wanker) |
punheteiro {adj} [by extension, colloquial, of a person] | :: Who masturbates a man or men |
punho {m} /ˈpu.ɲu/ | :: fist (clenched hand) |
punho {m} [anatomy] | :: wrist (part of the body between the hand and the forearm) |
punho {m} | :: the grip of a firearm |
punho {m} | :: each end of a hammock |
punho de ferro {m} | :: See: pt punho de ferro |
punho de ferro {m} | :: iron fist (ruthless control) |
punição {f} | :: punishment |
púnico {adj} | :: Punic (of or relating to Carthage) |
púnico {adj} | :: Punic, treacherous |
púnico {prop} {m} | :: Punic [language] |
punindo {v} | :: gerund of punir |
punir {v} | :: to punish |
punitivo {adj} [legal, military] | :: punitive (which punishes; being a punishment) |
punível {adj} | :: punishable |
Punjabe {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Pendjab |
punjabi {mf} | :: Punjabi (someone from the Punjab) |
punjabi {mf} | :: Punjabi (an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the Punjab region) |
punjabi {adj} | :: Punjabi (of, pertaining to, descended from the people or culture of the Punjab) |
punjabi {adj} | :: Punjabi (relating to or written in the Punjabi language) |
punk {m} /ˈpɐ̃k/ | :: punk (a social and musical movement) |
punk {m} | :: punk; punk rock (a subgenre of rock music) |
punk {mf} | :: punk (a member of the punk movement or fan of punk rock) |
punk {adj} | :: relating to punk music or culture |
punk {adj} [Brazil, slang, of a thing or situation] | :: complicated, difficult, tense |
pupa {f} | :: pupa (insect in its development stage between a larva and an adult) |
pupila {f} /pu.ˈpi.lɐ/ | :: feminine noun of pupilo |
pupila {f} | :: pupil (of the eye) |
pupila de Argyll Robertson {f} [pathology] | :: Argyll Robertson pupil (pupil of the eye that reduces in size when the patient focuses on a near object but does not constrict when exposed to bright light) |
pupilo {m} | :: pupil (student under the supervision of a teacher or professor) |
pupunha {f} [Brazil] | :: peach palm |
puramente {adv} | :: purely |
puré {m} [Portugal] | :: purée or puree |
purê {m} [Brazil] | :: alternative spelling of puré |
pureza {f} /pu.ˈɾe.zɐ/ | :: purity (the state of being pure) |
pureza {f} | :: cleanliness (the state of being clean) |
pureza {f} | :: innocence (lack of ability or intention to harm or damage) |
pureza {f} | :: chastity; virginity |
purgar {v} /puɹ.ˈɡa(ɹ)/ | :: to purge (clean thoroughly; cleanse; rid of impurities) |
purgar {v} [religion] | :: to purge (free from sin, guilt, or the burden or responsibility of misdeeds) |
purgar {v} [medicine] | :: to give laxatives |
purgatório {m} | :: purgatory |
purificação {f} | :: purification |
purificação {f} | :: refining |
purificar {vt} /pu.ɾˈkaɾ/ | :: to purify, to refine |
purificatório {adj} | :: purifying (which purifies) |
purificatório {m} [ecclesiastical] | :: purificator (napkin used to wipe the lip of the chalice) |
purina {f} [organic compound] | :: purine (heterocyclic compound composed of fused pyrimidine and imidazole rings) |
purista {adj} | :: purist |
purista {mf} | :: purist |
puro {adj} /ˈpu.ɾu/ | :: pure (free of pollutants) |
puro {adj} | :: pure; flawless (free of flaws or imperfections) |
puro {adj} | :: pure; clean (free of immoral behaviour) |
púrpura {f} | :: a colour between purple and red |
púrpura {f} [medicine] | :: purpura (marks on the skin due to subdermal bleeding) |
púrpura {f} | :: Tyrian purple (a purple dye extracted from certain sea molluscs) |
púrpura {f} | :: any mollusc that produces Tyrian purple |
púrpura {f} | :: red fabric, dyed with Tyrian purple (a symbol of royal or ecclesiastic power) |
púrpura {f} [metonym] | :: royal or ecclesiastic power |
púrpura {adj} | :: of a colour between purple and red |
purpurina {f} | :: purpurin (all senses) |
purulento {adj} [medicine] /puɾuˈlẽtu/ | :: purulent (containing pus) |
purulento {adj} [figurative] | :: repulsive, disgusting |
pus {m} /ˈpuʃ/ | :: pus |
pusilânime {adj} /ˌpu.zi.ˈlɐ.ni.mi/ | :: pusillanimous (showing cowardice) |
pusilânime {adj} | :: lacking in enthusiasm |
pusilânime {mf} | :: one who is pusillanimous; a coward |
pusilânime {mf} | :: one who lacks enthusiasm |
pusilanimidade {f} /pu.zi.lã.ni.mi.ˈda.d(ʒ)i./ | :: cowardice |
pusilanimidade {f} | :: prostration |
pusilanimidade {f} | :: fear |
pusillânime {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of pusilânime |
pusillânime {mf} | :: obsolete spelling of pusilânime |
pústula {f} | :: pustule (accumulation of pus) |
puta {f} [vulgar, pejorative] | :: prostitute, whore, hooker, slut |
puta {adj} [vulgar, pejorative, of a girl or woman] | :: promiscuous |
puta {adj} [only in some cities in Brazil, vulgar, also in Portugal] | :: an intensifier used in a similar way as fucking, frigging or damn may be used in the USA. May mean "huge", "impressive" and/or "problematic" and can even be used in a good way if the person is jealous |
puta merda {interj} [vulgar, slang] | :: holy shit (expression of surprise or anger) |
puta que la merda {interj} | :: alternative form of puta que pariu! |
puta que lhe pariu {interj} | :: alternative form of puta que pariu |
puta que lhe pariu {f} | :: alternative form of puta que pariu |
puta que o pariu {interj} | :: alternative form of puta que pariu |
puta que o pariu {f} | :: alternative form of puta que pariu |
puta que pariu {interj} [vulgar] | :: damn it |
puta que pariu {f} [vulgar, figurative] | :: bumfuck (a very remote place) |
puta que te pariu {interj} | :: alternative form of puta que pariu |
puta que te pariu {f} | :: alternative form of puta que pariu |
putaria {f} [vulgar] | :: prostitution |
putaria {f} [vulgar] | :: joke, prank, dirty trick |
putaria {f} [vulgar] | :: taunt, mockery |
putaria {f} [vulgar] | :: fuckery |
putativo {adj} | :: putative (commonly believed to be the case) |
puteiro {m} [vulgar] | :: whorehouse, brothel |
Putinga {prop} | :: Putinga (municipality) |
putinismo {m} [politics] | :: Putinism (the policies of Vladimir Putin) |
puto {adj} [colloquial, slang, Brazil] /ˈpu.tu/ | :: furious, angry, annoyed, irritated |
puto {m} [colloquial, derogatory, Portugal] | :: small kid |
puto {m} [vulgar, Brazil] | :: a jerk; an unlikable, obnoxious person |
puto {m} [vulgar, Rio Grande do Sul] | :: a fag; a gay, homosexual |
puto {m} [vulgar, Portugal, Brazil] | :: a small quantity of money |
puto da vida {adj} [vulgar] | :: pissed off (very angry) |
putona {f} [Brazil, slang, vulgar] | :: augmentative of puta; whore, slut |
putrefação {f} | :: putrefaction (process of becoming rotten) |
putrefazer {vt} | :: to cause to putrefy |
pútrido {adj} | :: putrid; rotten |
putsch {m} | :: putsch; coup (effort to overthrow the government) |
putz {interj} [slang] | :: Used to emphasize something that has gone wrong |
putz grila {interj} [slang] | :: Used to emphasize something that has gone wrong |
puxa {interj} [Brazil, colloquial] /ˈpu.ʃɐ/ | :: expresses surprise or admiration |
puxa {interj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: expresses disappointment |
puxadinho {m} | :: diminutive of puxado |
puxado {m} | :: annex (addition or extension to a building) |
puxado {adj} [of a practice] | :: harsh, tough |
puxador {m} | :: doorknob |
puxão {m} | :: a sudden and strong pull; a yank |
puxão de orelha {m} [idiom] | :: scolding |
puxar {v} /pu.ˈʃaɾ/ | :: to pull (to apply force to something so it comes towards one) |
puxar {v} | :: to drag (to pull along a surface) |
puxar {v} | :: to draw (pull out) a weapon |
puxar {v} | :: to initiate (to cause to begin) interaction with someone else |
puxar {v} [colloquial] | :: to take after; to inherit traits in appearance or behaviour |
puxar {v} [slang, Brazil] | :: to smoke marijuana |
puxar a brasa para a minha sardinha {phrase} [idiom] | :: to toot one's own horn (to promote oneself, to boast, to brag) |
puxar a descarga {v} | :: alternative form of puxar descarga |
puxar descarga {vt} | :: to flush (to cleanse a toilet by flooding it) |
puxar o carro {v} [slang] | :: to leave, to go away |
puxar o saco {v} | :: alternative form of puxar saco |
puxar saco {vi} | :: to fawn (to seek favour by flattery) |
puxa-saco {mf} | :: sycophant (one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favour or advantage from another person) |
puxa vida {interj} | :: oh life! |
Pyongyang {prop} {f} | :: Pyongyang (capital city) |
pyra {f} | :: obsolete spelling of pira |
pyrilampo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pirilampo |
pythão {m} | :: obsolete spelling of pitão |
Python {prop} {m} | :: Python programming language |