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User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-p

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
p/ {prep} :: abbreviation of para
p {letter} :: letter
p**** {f} :: euphemistic spelling of porra
p**** {interj} :: euphemistic spelling of porra
P {letter} :: letter
pa {prep} [Africa, rural areas of Brazil] :: contraction of para
PA {prop} {m} :: abbreviation of Pará
{f} /ˈpa/ :: shovel; spade (tool for digging and moving material)
{f} :: windmill blade
{f} :: the end of a paddle or oar with the blade
{m} [Portugal, colloquial, used in the vocative] /ˈpa/ :: dude; mate (term of informal address)
{interj} [Portugal, colloquial] :: dude!; man!
{prop} {m} [Greek god] /ˈpɐ̃/ :: Pan (god of nature and shepherds)
paca {adv} [Brazil, familiar] :: a lot; super
Pacaembu {prop} :: Pacaembu (municipality)
pacas {adv} [Brazil, familiar] /ˈpa.kɐs/ :: a lot; super
pacato {adj} :: peaceful
pacato {adj} :: quiet
Pacheco {prop} {mf} /pa.ˈʃe.ku/ :: surname
pachorra {f} [colloquial] :: patience
pachorra {f} [colloquial] :: laziness; slowness
pachorrentamente {adv} :: carelessly, (in a carefree manner), phlegmatically
pachorrento {adj} :: careless, carefree
pachorrento {adj} :: phlegmatic
pachuli {m} [rare] :: alternative form of patchuli
paciência {f} /pɐ.ˈsjẽ.sjɐ/ :: patience
paciente {mf} [healthcare] /pɐ.ˈsjẽ.tɨ/ :: patient (person receiving medical treatment)
paciente {adj} :: patient (willing to wait)
paciente {m} [linguistics] :: patient (noun phrase semantically on the receiving end of an action)
pacientemente {adv} :: patiently (in a patient manner)
pacificamente {adv} :: In context of being free from anger or anxiety; calmly; peacefully
pacificando {v} :: gerund of pacificar
pacificar {v} /pɐ.si.fi.ˈkaɾ/ :: to pacify
pacífico {adj} :: peaceful (inclined to peace; peaceable)
pacífico {adj} :: pacific; calm; peaceful
Pacífico {prop} {m} :: Pacífico (ocean)
pacifismo {m} :: pacifism (doctrine that disputes should be settled without violence)
pacifista {mf} :: pacifist (one who opposes violence and war)
packet {m} [networking] :: packet (small fragment of data)
paço {m} /ˈpa.su/ :: palace (large residence where aristocrats usually live)
paço {m} :: palace (large and lavishly ornate residence)
paço {m} :: manor
Paços de Ferreira {prop} /ˈpasuʒ ðɨ fɨˈʁɐjɾɐ/ :: Paços de Ferreira (city/and/municipality)
pacote {m} /pɐˈkɔ.tɨ/ :: package
pacote {m} :: packet
pacote {m} :: bundle
pacotilha {f} [historical] /ˌpa.ko.ˈt͡ʃi.ʎɐ/ :: pacotille (cheap objects sold for a high profit to faraway peoples)
pacotilha {f} [transport] :: allowance (amount of luggage a passenger is allowed to carry free of charge)
pacotilha {f} :: junk (cheap, tacky objects)
pacotilha {f} [Brazil] :: gang (organisation of criminals)
pacóvio {m} [dated] /pa.ˈkɔ.vju/ :: fool, idiot
pacóvio {adj} [dated] :: stupid, dumb
pactar {v} :: alternative form of pactuar
pacto {m} /ˈpak.tu/ :: pact
pactuando {v} :: gerund of pactuar
pactuar {v} [legal] /pɐk.ˈtwaɾ/ :: To covenant
pacu {m} /pa.ˈku/ :: pacu (any of several species of South American fishes)
pacú {m} :: obsolete spelling of pacu
padaria {f} /pa.ðɐ.ˈɾi.ɐ/ :: bakery (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold)
padecendo {v} :: gerund of padecer
padecer {v} [de, por] /ˌpa.deˈse(ʁ)/ :: to suffer
padeiro {m} /pa.ˈdɐj.ɾu/ :: baker (person who bakes and sells bread)
padejar {v} :: to shovel (to move material with a shovel)
pá de lixo {f} :: dustpan (flat scoop for assembling dust)
padieira {f} :: lintel
Padilha {prop} {mf} /paˈd͡ʒi.ʎɐ/ :: surname
padioleiro {m} :: stretcher-bearer: one of a pair of soldiers who carry the injured out of the battlefield on a stretcher
padixá {m} [historical] :: Padishah (title used by Ottoman, Persian and Mughal rulers)
padoca {f} [Brazil, slang] /pa.ˈdɔ.ka/ :: bakery
padrão {adj} /pa.ˈdɾɐ̃w̃/ :: standard
padrão {m} :: standard, model
padrão {m} :: pattern
padrão {m} [historical, Age of Discovery] :: padrão (pillar placed by Portuguese explorers)
padrão de vida {m} :: standard of living (a relative measure of the quality of life of a person or group has)
padrão Fifa {adj} [Brazil, of public services and facilities] :: very high-quality
padrão FIFA {adj} :: alternative spelling of padrão Fifa
padrasto {m} /pɐ.ˈdɾaʃ.tu/ :: stepfather (husband of one's biological mother, other than one's biological father)
padre {m} /ˈpa.ðɾɨ/ :: [ecclesiastical] priest (Christian clergyman who performs masses)
padre {m} :: [archaic] father (male parent)
Padre Carvalho {prop} :: Padre Carvalho (municipality)
Padre Paraíso {prop} :: Padre Paraíso (municipality)
padrinho {m} /pɐ.ˈðɾi.ɲu/ :: godfather (a male godparent)
padroeiro {adj} [attributive] /pɐˈðɾwɐjɾu/ :: patron
padroeiro {adj} :: protecting
padroeiro {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: patron saint
padroeiro {m} [figuratively] :: patron; protector
padronizado {adj} :: having a standard
padronizado {adj} :: conforming to a standard
padronizar {v} :: to standardise (to establish a standard)
padronizar {v} :: to standardise (to make to conform to a standard)
Pádua {prop} {f} :: Pádua (city/and/province)
pae {m} :: obsolete spelling of pai
paeja {f} :: alternative form of paelha
paelha {f} :: paella (a Valencian dish made with rice, vegetables and shellfish)
pág. {f} :: abbreviation of página (page)
pagã {f} :: feminine noun of pagão
pagador {m} :: payer
pagamento {m} /pɐ.ɣɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: payment
pagamento {m} :: pay
paganismo {m} :: paganism
pagante {mf} :: payer (one who pays)
pagante {adj} :: paying (who pays)
pagão {adj} [religion] /pɐ.ˈɣɐ̃w̃/ :: pagan; heathenish
pagão {m} [religion] :: pagan; heathen (person who does not follow an Abrahamic religion)
pagão {m} [paganism] :: neopagan
pagar {v} /pɐ.ˈɣaɾ/ :: to pay
pagar {vit} :: to give [someone] money in exchange for a good or service
pagar {vt} :: (to give money in order to discharge [a debt or bill])
pagar {vt} :: to pay for; to buy (to give money in exchange for [a good or service])
pagar {vi} [colloquial] :: to suffer negative consequences
pagar {vt} :: to do (exercises, physical activities), especially as punishment
pagar {vt} [followed by de] :: to pretend to be, to feign an attribute or style
pagar as contas {v} :: See: pt pagar as contas
pagar as contas {v} [idiomatic] :: to pay the bills (to provide enough income)
pagar as favas {v} [idiomatic] :: to leave someone holding the bag (leave somebody holding the responsibility or blame)
pagar boquete {vi} [vulgar, slang] :: to perform a blowjob
pagar mico {v} [Brazil] /pa.ˈɡa(ʁ) ˈmi.ku/ :: to make an exhibition of oneself (to embarrass oneself in public)
pagar para ver {v} [poker] :: to call, especially with the intent of seeing another player's cards to discover if he or she is bluffing
pagar pau {v} [idiomatic, usually followed by para] :: to fawn (seek approbation by flattery)
pagar peitinho {v} [slang] :: to show one's nipples
pagé {m} :: alternative form of pajé
pager {m} :: pager (device used for sending and receiving electronic messages)
página {f} /ˈpa.ʒi.nɐ/ :: page
página {f} [internet] :: web site
paginar {v} :: to paginate (to number the pages of a book or other document)
pago {adj} /ˈpa.ɡu/ :: paid (having been paid for)
pago {m} [Rio Grande do Sul] :: the place where one was born or grew up
pagode {m} [music genre] /pɐ.ˈɣɔ.ðɨ/ :: a subgenre of samba music
pagode {m} [architecture, Buddhism] :: pagoda (a tiered tower with multiple eaves)
pagode {m} [historical] :: pagoda (Indian unit of currency)
pagode {m} :: spree
pahoehoe {m} [volcanology] :: pahoehoe (a type of lava flow)
pai {m} /paj/ :: father (male who sires a child)
pai {m} :: One's father
pai {m} [usually, in the plural] :: parent (either a mother or a father)
pai {m} [figurative] :: father (the founder of a discipline or science)
Pai {prop} {m} [Christianity, usually as a form of address] /ˈpaj/ :: God
Pai {prop} {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: the first person of the Holy Trinity
paia {adj} [Brazil, Brasília, South Brazil, slang] :: boring, uninteresting, monotonous
paia {adj} [Brazil, Brasília, South Brazil, slang] :: of bad quality; inefficient
Paial {prop} :: Paial (municipality)
Pai celeste {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Heavenly Father (a formal name for God)
pai-de-santo {m} :: synonym of babalorixá
pai dos burros {m} [Brazil, slang] :: a dictionary
Paim Filho {prop} :: Paim Filho (municipality)
paina {f} :: kapok
pai natal {m} [Portugal] /paj.nɐ.ˈtaɫ/ :: a person dressed up as Santa Claus
Pai Natal {prop} {m} [Portugal] /paj.nɐ.ˈtaɫ/ :: Santa Claus
painço {m} /pɐ.ˈĩ.su/ :: millet, any grass in the genus Panicum
paineira {f} :: kapok (tree)
Paineiras {prop} :: Paineiras (municipality)
painel {m} /paj.ˈnɛɫ/ :: panel (rectangular section of a surface)
painel {m} :: panel (a group of people gathered to judge, interview, discuss etc)
painel {m} :: dashboard (of a vehicle)
Painel {prop} :: Painel (municipality)
painel de bordo {m} :: dashboard (panel under the windscreen of a motor car or aircraft)
painel de controle {m} :: control panel (surface onto which controls, instruments and displays are mounted)
painel fotovoltaico {m} [electricity] :: solar panel (array of connected solar cells)
painel solar {m} [electricity] :: solar panel (array of connected solar cells)
painho {m} :: storm petrel (any of several small seabirds of the family Hydrobatidae)
painho {m} [familiar, Northeast Brazil] :: alternative form of paizinho; equivalent to dad or daddy
Pai Nosso {prop} {m} :: Lord's Prayer (the prayer taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples)
Pains {prop} :: Pains (municipality)
paiol {m} :: magazine (ammunition storehouse)
paiol {m} [Brazil] :: barn (farm building used for storage)
Pai Pedro {prop} :: Pai Pedro (municipality)
pairando {v} :: gerund of pairar
pairar {v} /pajˈɾaɾ/ :: to hover
pairar {v} :: to float
pairar {v} :: to tolerate
pais {mp} /ˈpajʃ/ :: parents
país {m} /pɐ.ˈiʃ/ :: country; nation (a sovereign polity)
país {m} :: country; land (a region inhabited by a particular people or characterised by a certain feature)
paisagem {f} /paj.ˈza.ʒɐ̃j̃/ :: landscape (portion of land or territory which the eye can comprehend in a single view)
paisagem {f} :: landscape (a picture representing a scene by land or sea)
paisagem {f} :: the general characteristics of a biome
paisagem sonora {f} :: soundscape (emotional environment created using sound)
paisagista {mf} :: landscaper, landscape architect
País Basco {prop} {m} :: País Basco (autonomous community)
país das maravilhas {m} [figurative] :: wonderland (place full of wonder or marvels)
País de Gales {prop} {m} /pɐ.iʃ.ðɨ.ˈɣa.lɨʃ/ :: País de Gales (country)
países baixos {mp} [euphemistic] :: the genitals and crotch area
Países Baixos {prop} {mp} /pɐˌizɨʒˈβajʃuʃ/ :: Países Baixos (country)
paitrocínio {m} [humorous] /ˌpaj.tɾo.ˈsi.nju/ :: the bank of mum and dad [UK]; financial support from one’s father or parents
Paiva {prop} :: Paiva (municipality)
Paiva {prop} :: former name of Castelo de Paiva
Paiva {prop} {mf} :: surname
paixa {f} [Brazil, slang] :: alternative form of paixão
paixão {f} /pajˈʃɐ̃w̃/ :: passion
paixonite {f} [colloquial] :: crush (a short-lived love or infatuation)
paiz {m} :: obsolete spelling of país
paizão {m} :: augmentative of pai
paizinho {m} :: dad, daddy
pajé {m} /pa.ˈʒɛ/ :: a type of shaman in some tribal cultures in Brazil
pajear {v} :: to babysit (to watch or tend someone else’s child)
pajem {m} [historical] /ˈpa.ʒɐ̃j̃/ :: page (boy servant)
pajubá {prop} {m} /pa.ʒu.ˈba/ :: Pajubá
Pakistão {prop} {m} [uncommon] :: alternative spelling of Paquistão
pala {f} [heraldiccharge] :: pale
palacete {m} /pɐ.lɐ.ˈse.tɨ/ :: mansion (small palace; luxurious apartment block)
palaciano {adj} :: palatial
palácio {m} /pɐ.ˈla.sju/ :: palace (large residence where aristocrats usually live)
palácio {m} :: palace (large and lavishly ornate residence)
palácio {m} :: major government building
paladar {m} /pɐ.lɐ.ˈðaɾ/ :: the sense of taste
paladar {m} :: taste (a person’s implicit set of preferences)
paladar {m} :: palate (roof of the mouth)
paladim {m} :: alternative form of paladino
paladino {m} /ˌpa.la.ˈd͡ʒi.nu/ :: paladin (heroic champion)
paladino {m} [military unit, historical] :: paladin (knight in Charlemagne’s retinue)
paládio {m} /pa.ˈla.d͡ʒi.u/ :: palladium; safeguard
paládio {m} [uncountable] :: palladium (element)
paladioso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: palladous
palaíta {m} :: Palaic (extinct Anatolian language)
palanca {f} /pa.ˈlɐ̃.kɐ/ :: stake (long, sharp piece of wood)
palanca {f} :: lever (long, rigid object used to transmit force)
palanca {f} [military architecture, historical] :: a rampart with palisades or stakes
palanca {f} :: roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus, an antelope of the African savannah)
palanquim {m} /palɐ̃ˈkĩ/ :: palanquin (a type of covered litter)
Palas {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Pallas (epithet for Athena)
palatal {adj} [anatomy] :: palatal (pertaining to the palate)
palatal {adj} [phonetics] :: palatal (articulated at the hard palate)
palatal {f} [phonetics] :: palatal (consonant articulated at the hard palate)
palatalização {f} :: palatalization
palatalizar {vt} [phonetics] :: to palatalize (to pronounce a sound with the tongue against the palate)
palatalizar {vr} [phonetics] :: to palatalize (to be pronounced with the tongue against the palate)
palatável {adj} :: palatable (pleasing to the taste)
palatável {adj} :: palatable (tolerable, acceptable)
palatino {adj} [anatomy] :: palatal (pertaining to the palate)
palatino {adj} :: palatine (relating to a palace)
palato {m} /pa.ˈla.tu/ :: palate (roof of the mouth)
palato duro {m} :: hard palate (bony plate of the skull in the roof of the mouth)
palato mole {m} [anatomy] :: soft palate (soft tissue at the back of the roof of the mouth)
Palau {prop} {m} :: Palau (country)
palavra {f} /pɐ.ˈla.vɾɐ/ :: word (unit of language)
palavra {f} :: the ability or permission to talk
palavra {f} :: word; oath; guarantee
palavra {f} :: word (brief conversation)
palavra {f} :: religious teachings
palavra {f} [computing] :: word (unit of data)
palavra {interj} :: word (used to assert that something is true)
palavra-chave {f} :: keyword (word used as an identifier of a document to assist in searching)
palavra de homem {f} [idiom] :: A sworn statement said by a man
palavra de honra {f} :: word of honour (pledge of one’s good faith)
palavra mágica {f} :: magic word (word with magical effect)
palavra mágica {f} :: magic word (mnemonic of please or thanks)
palavrão {m} :: curse, swear word (impolite, vulgar or offensive taboo word)
palavrão {m} [nonstandard] :: augmentative of palavra
palavra-ônibus {f} [linguistics] :: polysemous word: specifically, word with a network of multiple, related, context-dependent senses, eluding formal definition
palavra-passe {f} :: password (word used to gain admittance into a system or location)
palavra por palavra {adv} :: verbatim; word for word (in exactly the same words)
palavras cruzadas {fp} [games, puzzles] :: crossword (a type of word puzzle)
palavra-valise {f} [linguistics] :: portmanteau word (word which combines the meaning of two words)
palavrinha {f} :: diminutive of palavra
palavrinha {f} :: any obscure word used pretentiously
palavrinha {f} :: short conversation
palco {m} /ˈpaɫ.ku/ :: stage (of a theatre)
palco {m} [figurative] :: a location where something important happens
palear {v} :: to shovel (to move material with a shovel)
paleoantropologista {mf} :: paleoanthropologist (specialist in paleoanthropology)
paleoartista {mf} :: paleoartist
paleoclimatologia {f} :: palaeoclimatology (the study of prehistoric climate)
paleocristão {adj} :: paleochristian (relating to the early Christian church)
paleoetnobotânica {f} [archaeology] :: paleoethnobotany (the study of plant remains from archaeological sites)
paleografia {f} [archaeology, linguistics] :: paleography (the study of ancient forms of writing)
paleolítico {m} [archaeology] :: Paleolithic (early period of the Stone Age)
paleolítico {adj} [archaeology] :: Paleolithic (relating to the Paleolithic Age)
paleontologia {f} :: paleontology
paleontológico {adj} :: paleontological (of or pertaining to paleontology)
paleontologista {mf} :: paleontologist
paleontólogo {m} :: paleontologist
palerma {adj} :: silly, goofy
palerma {adj} :: foolish, dumb, stupid
palerma {adj} [pejorative, dated] :: retarded
Palermo {prop} {f} /pa.ˈlɛʁ.mu/ :: Palermo (city/and/province)
palestina {f} :: feminine noun of palestino
Palestina {prop} {f} /ˌpa.les.ˈt͡ʃi.na/ :: Palestina (historical region/and/province)
Palestina {prop} {f} :: Palestina (country)
Palestina {prop} {f} :: Palestina (municipality)
palestino {adj} :: Palestinian (of, from or relating to Palestine)
palestino {m} :: Palestinian (someone from Palestine)
palestra {f} /paˈlɛs.tɾɐ/ :: lecture (spoken lesson or exposition, usually delivered to a group)
palestra {f} [literary] :: chat, talk (informal conversation)
palestra {f} [historical] :: palaestra (public area in ancient Greece and Rome dedicated to the teaching and practice of wrestling and other sports)
palestrando {v} :: gerund of palestrar
palestrante {mf} :: lecturer (person who gives lectures)
palestrar {v} :: to converse
paleta {f} :: palette (thin board on which a painter lays and mixes colours)
paleta {f} :: palette (range of colours in a given work)
palete {m} :: pallet (a portable platform)
paletó {m} /ˌpa.li.ˈtɔ/ :: paletot (a loose outer jacket, overcoat)
paletó {m} [Brazil, slang, euphemistic] :: coffin, as a euphemism for death
palha {f} /ˈpa.ʎɐ/ :: straw (a dried stalk of a cereal plant)
palha {f} [uncountable] :: straw considered collectively
palha {f} :: textile made of straw
palhaçada {f} :: clowning
palhaçada {f} :: burlesque
palhaçada {f} :: masquerade
palhaçada {f} :: any funny or amusing business
palhaçada {f} [pejorative] :: silly or idiot business
palhaçaria {f} :: clownery (the typical behaviour of a clown; tomfoolery)
palhaço {m} /paˈʎasu/ :: clown
palhaço {m} :: any funny or amusing person
palhaço {m} [pejorative] :: a silly or stupid person; imbecile
palhaço {adj} [personal] :: funny, entertaining
palhaço {adj} [personal, pejorative] :: silly, idiot
palhaço {adj} :: strawen; made of straw
palha de aço {f} :: steel wool (pads of fine strips of steel used as an abrasive)
palheiro {m} [agriculture] :: a shed for storing hay
palheiro {m} :: a hut with a straw roof
palheiro {m} [Brazil] :: a home-made cigarette wrapped with maize husk
palheta {f} :: any thin piece of material used for a specific purpose
palheta {f} [music] :: reed (vibrating part of the mouthpiece of some woodwind instruments)
palheta {f} [music] :: plectrum; pick (small piece of material for plucking the strings)
palheta {f} [painting] :: alternative form of paleta
palheta {f} :: a slat of a Venetian blind
palheta {f} :: a blade of a fan or propeller
palhinha {f} [Portugal] :: drinking straw (a long tube through which a drink is drunk)
palhinha {f} :: diminutive of palha
Palhoça {prop} :: Palhoça (municipality)
páli {m} /ˈpa.li/ :: Pali
paliar {v} :: to palliate
paliativo {adj} [medicine] /ˌpa.li.a.ˈt͡ʃi.vu/ :: palliative (reducing progression and relieving symptoms)
paliativo {m} [medicine] :: a palliative medicine
paliativo {m} [figuratively] :: anything figuratively functioning like palliatives
paliçada {f} :: palisade (a wall of wooden stakes)
palidamente {adv} :: palely
palidez {f} :: paleness (the condition of being pale)
pálido {adj} /ˈpa.li.ðu/ :: ashen
pálido {adj} :: pale, pallid
palimpsesto {m} :: palimpsest (a manuscript scraped clean for reuse)
palíndromo {m} /pɐˈlĩdrumu/ :: palindrome
palinológico {adj} :: palynological
pálio {m} :: cloak;
pálio {m} [Catholicism] :: pallium;
pálio {m} :: processional canopy, mobile baldachin
palito {m} /pɐˈlitu/ :: stick
palito de dente {m} :: alternative form of palito de dentes
palito de dentes {m} :: toothpick (pointed stick for removing food residue from the area between the teeth)
palládio {m} :: obsolete spelling of paládio
palliativo {adj} :: obsolete spelling of paliativo
palma {f} :: palm (inner part of the hand)
palma {f} :: clap (the act of striking the palms of the hands)
palma {f} [in the plural] :: applause
palma {f} :: palm tree (any tree of the family Arecaceae)
Palma {prop} :: Palma (municipality)
palmada {f} :: slap (a blow with the palm of the hand)
Palmares do Sul {prop} :: Palmares do Sul (municipality)
Palmares Paulista {prop} :: Palmares Paulista (municipality)
palmari {mf} :: alternative form of paumari
palmari {adj} :: alternative form of paumari
palmas {f} /ˈpaɫ.mɐʃ/ :: hand-clapping, applause
Palmas {prop} :: Palmas (municipality/state capital)
Palmas de Monte Alto {prop} :: Palmas de Monte Alto (municipality)
Palma Sola {prop} :: Palma Sola (municipality)
palmatória {f} :: ferule (instrument used to slap children on the hand)
palmatória {f} :: prickly pear (any of various spiny cacti of the genus Opuntia)
palmeira {f} /paw.ˈme(j).ɾa/ :: palm (tropical tree)
Palmeira {prop} :: Palmeira (municipality)
Palmeira das Missões {prop} :: Palmeira das Missões (municipality)
Palmeira d'Oeste {prop} {f} :: Palmeira d'Oeste (municipality)
Palmeiras {prop} :: Palmeiras (municipality)
palmeirense {adj} [Brazil, soccer] :: Pertaining to, or related to Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras
palmeirense {mf} [Brazil, soccer] :: A player or supporter of Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras sports team, especially the association football (soccer) team
Palmela {prop} {f} /pɐɫˈmɛlɐ/ :: Palmela (village/and/municipality)
palmeyra {f} :: obsolete spelling of palmeira
palmilha {f} :: insole (inside sole of footwear)
Palmira {prop} {f} /paw.ˈmi.ɾɐ/ :: Palmira (<<ancient>> Semitic <<city>> in modern <<c/Syria>>)
Palmital {prop} :: Palmital (municipality)
palmiteiro {m} /ˌpaw.miˈte(j).ɾu/ :: any palm tree with an edible heart
palmiteiro {m} [specifically] :: palmiteiro; juçara (Euterpe edulis)
palmiteiro {m} :: someone who harvest heart of palm from wild palm trees, often illegally
palmiteiro {adj} :: relating to the extraction of heart of palm
Palmitinho {prop} :: Palmitinho (municipality)
palmito {m} :: heart of palm (a vegetable harvested from the inner core and growing bud of certain palm trees)
Palmitos {prop} :: Palmitos (municipality)
palmo {m} :: handspan (distance between the outstretched tips of the little finger and thumb, used as a unit of measurement)
Palmópolis {prop} :: Palmópolis (municipality)
palmura {f} :: web (a fold of tissue connecting the toes of certain animals)
Palmyra {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Palmira
palpando {v} :: gerund of palpar
palpar {v} :: to palpate (to examine or otherwise explore through touch)
palpável {adj} :: palpable (able to be touched)
palpável {adj} [figurative] :: palpable; obvious
palpável {adj} [medicine] :: palpable (that can be detected by palpation)
pálpebra {f} /ˈpaɫ.pɨ.βɾɐ/ :: eyelid (a thin skin membrane which moves over an eye)
palpitação {f} :: palpitation
palpitação {f} :: throbbing
palpitando {v} :: gerund of palpitar
palpitar {v} :: to palpitate
palpitar {v} :: to throb
palpite {m} :: heartbeat
palpite {m} [by extension] :: hunch, guess, opinion
palração {f} :: waffle (speech or writing that is vague)
palrança {f} :: waffle (speech or writing that is vague)
palrar {v} :: to waffle (to speak or write at length without any clear point or aim)
palude {m} :: wetland, marsh, swamp
palustre {adj} :: palustral; marshy (pertaining to, characteristic of, or living in marshes)
pamari {mf} :: alternative form of paumari
pamari {adj} :: alternative form of paumari
Pamir {prop} {m} :: Pamir (range)
pamonha {f} /pa.ˈmo.ɲa/ :: pamonha
pâmpano {m} [botany] /ˈpɜ̃.(ᵐ)pɐ.nu/ :: shoot or stem of a vine with leaves;
pâmpano {m} :: pampre
Pampilhosa da Serra {prop} {f} /pɐ̃piˈʎɔzɐ ðɐ ˈsɛʁɐ/ :: Pampilhosa da Serra (village/and/municipality)
pan- {prefix} :: pan-
Pan {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of
PAN {m} [Brazil] :: acronym of partido dos aposentados da nação
panaca {adj} [slang, derogatory] :: stupid, idiot
panaceia {f} :: panacea
panacéia {f} :: obsolete spelling of panaceia
Panaji {prop} {f} :: Panaji (city/state capital)
Panamá {prop} {m} :: Panamá (country)
Panamá {prop} {m} :: clipping of Canal do Panamá
Panambi {prop} :: Panambi (municipality)
panamenho {adj} :: Panamanian (of, from or relating to Panama)
panamenho {m} :: Panamanian (person from Panama)
panapaná {m} [Brazil] :: flight (collective term for butterfly)
panapaná {m} [Brazil] :: a butterfly
panapanã {f} :: alternative form of panapaná
panar {vt} :: to bread (to coat with breadcrumbs)
pan-arabismo {m} :: pan-Arabism (movement seeking the union of Arabic peoples)
Panateneias {prop} {fp} [historical] :: Panathenaea (a festival in Ancient Greece)
panca {f} :: wooden lever
panca {f} [colloquial] :: craze, obsession
panca {f} [plural] :: difficulties
pança {f} /ˈpɐ̃.sɐ/ :: paunch (large belly)
pancada {f} /pɐ̃.ˈka.da/ :: blow; strike
pancada {f} [Brazil] :: sudden rain
pancadaria {f} :: brawl
pança de cerveja {f} :: beer belly (protruding abdomen attributed to the consumption of beer)
pancake {f} :: dated form of panqueca
Pancasila {prop} {m} :: Pancasila (the official philosophical foundation of the Indonesian state)
Panchatantra {prop} {m} :: Panchatantra (a collection of Sanskrit and Pali animal fables)
Panchen Lama {m} [Tibetan Buddhism] :: Panchen Lama (second-highest ranking lama of the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism)
pancontinental {adj} :: pancontinental
pancrácio {m} :: pankration (ancient Greek martial art)
pancrácio {m} :: fool (person with poor judgment or little intelligence)
pâncreas {m} :: pancreas
pancreático {adj} :: pancreatic
pancreatite {f} [pathology] :: pancreatitis
pancromo {m} :: panchromium
pançudo {adj} :: fat, potbellied
panda {m} /ˈpã.dɐ/ :: panda
panda gigante {m} :: giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, an ursid of south-central China)
panda-gigante {m} :: alternative spelling of panda gigante
panda vermelho {m} :: red panda (Ailurus fulgens, an arboreal mammal of the eastern Himalayas and southern China)
panda-vermelho {m} :: alternative spelling of panda vermelho
pândega {f} :: spree
pândega {f} :: party etc, with plentiful food and wine
pandeiro {m} /pɐ̃ˈdɐjɾu/ :: pandeiro
pandeiro {m} [colloquial] :: butt
pandeísmo {m} :: pandeism
pandeísta {mf} /ˌpɐ̃.de.ˈis.tɐ/ :: pandeist
pandeísta {adj} :: pandeistical
pandemia {f} :: pandemic (disease that hits a wide geographical area)
pandémico {adj} [European orthography, medicine, of a disease] :: pandemic (epidemic over a wide area)
pandêmico {adj} [pathology] :: pandemic
pandemónio {m} [European orthography] :: pandemonium (tumultuous or lawless violence)
pandemônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of pandemónio
pandita {m} :: pundit (a Hindu scholar)
pândita {m} :: alternative form of pandita
pandito {m} :: alternative form of pandita
Pandora {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Pandora (woman who released evil into the world)
pandorga {f} [South Brazil] :: kite (flying toy on string)
pandu {m} [colloquial] :: stomach (organ)
panegírico {m} :: panegyric (praising speech or opus)
panela {f} /pɐ.ˈnɛ.lɐ/ :: cooking pot
panela {f} :: cooking pan
panela a vapor {f} [cookware] :: a pan with holes, used for steaming food
panelaço {m} [Brazil] :: form of protest in which people create noise with pots and pans
panela de pressão {f} [cookware] :: pressure cooker
paneleiro {adj} [pejorative, vulgar] :: queer (homosexual)
paneleiro {m} [pejorative, vulgar] :: queer (homosexual)
panelinha {f} :: diminutive of panela
panelinha {f} :: clique (small, exclusive group)
panella {f} :: obsolete spelling of panela
panenteísmo {m} :: panentheism
pan-eslavismo {m} :: Pan-Slavism (movement seeking the union of Slavic peoples)
panetone {m} /ˌpɐ.ne.ˈto.ni/ :: panettone
panettone {m} :: alternative spelling of panetone
panfleto {m} /pɐ̃.ˈfle.tu/ :: pamphlet (but of a political, often defamatory, nature)
panfleto {m} :: leaflet; flyer (small sheet of paper containing information)
pangaré {m} :: nag (weak and useless horse)
Pangeia {prop} {f} :: Pangeia (supercontinent)
Pangéia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Pangeia
Pangim {prop} {f} :: Pangim (city/state capital)
panglossiano {adj} :: Panglossian (naively or unreasonably optimistic)
panglossiano {m} :: a Panglossian person
pangolim {m} :: pangolin (long-tailed, scale-covered mammal of the order Pholidota of tropical Africa and Asia)
pânico {m} /ˈpɐ.ni.ku/ :: panic
pânico moral {m} :: moral panic (a public outcry based on the perception that a group of people poses a threat to society)
panícula {f} [botany] :: panicle (a compound raceme)
panículo {m} [anatomy] :: panniculus (a dense layer of fatty tissue growth)
panificação {f} :: bakery (the process or art of baking bread)
panificadora {f} :: feminine noun of panificador
panificadora {f} [industrial] :: bakery
panificadora {f} [regional, Paraná] :: bakery (a shop in which bread and such is baked and sold)
Panjab {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Pendjab
Panjabe {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Pendjab
panjabi {mf} :: alternative form of punjabi
panjabi {adj} :: alternative form of punjabi
panno {m} :: obsolete spelling of pano
Pannónia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Panónia
pano {m} /ˈpɐ.nu/ :: cloth (woven fabric)
pano {m} :: rag; tatter
pano de chão {m} :: floorcloth (cloth for cleaning floors)
pano de copa {m} :: synonym of pano de prato
pano de fundo {m} :: backdrop (decorated cloth hung at the back of a stage)
pano de fundo {m} :: backdrop (background of a historical event)
pano de louça {m} :: dishcloth (cloth for drying dishes)
pano de prato {m} :: dishcloth (cloth for drying dishes)
Panónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] /pa.ˈno.ni.ɐ/ :: Panónia (province)
Panônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of Panónia
panóplia {f} :: panoply
panóptico {m} :: panopticon (hypothetical prison wherein all the cells are visible from the centre of the building)
panorama {m} :: panorama (unbroken view of an entire surrounding area)
panorama {m} :: panorama (picture representing a continuous scene)
panorama {m} [figuratively] :: panorama (comprehensive survey on a subject)
Panorama {prop} :: Panorama (municipality)
panorâmico {adj} :: panoramic
pan-psiquismo {m} [philosophy] :: panpsychism (the doctrine that all matter has a mental aspect)
panpsiquismo {m} :: alternative spelling of pan-psiquismo
panqueca {f} /pɐ̃.ˈkɛ.kɐ/ :: pancake (thin batter cake)
panqueque {f} :: dated form of panqueca
pansexualidade {f} :: pansexuality
pantagruélico {adj} :: pantagruelian
pantagruélico {adj} [figurative] :: excessive
pantanal {m} :: swamp, marsh, wetland
pântano {m} /ˈpɐ̃.tɐ.nu/ :: quagmire, swamp, marsh, bog
Pantano Grande {prop} :: Pantano Grande (municipality)
pantanoso {adj} :: swampy (resembling a swamp)
panteão {m} [mythology] :: pantheon (all the gods of a particular religion)
panteão {m} :: pantheon (temple dedicated to all the gods)
panteão {m} :: pantheon (category or classification denoting the most honored persons of a group)
panteísmo {m} :: pantheism
panteísta {adj} /ˌpɐ̃.te.ˈis.tɐ/ :: pantheistic
panteísta {mf} :: pantheist
pantera {f} /pɐ̃.ˈtɛ.ɾa/ :: panther (big cat of genus Panthera)
pantera-nebulosa {f} :: clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)
pantera-negra {f} :: black panther (leopard or jaguar with black fur)
pantomima {f} /pɐ̃tuˈmimɐ/ :: pantomime (gesturing without speaking)
pantomima {f} :: pantomime (type of musical comedy stage production)
pantorrilha {f} :: alternative spelling of panturrilha
pantufa {f} :: slipper (low, soft shoe worn indoors)
panturrilha {f} /ˌpɐ̃.tu.ˈʁi.ʎɐ/ :: calf (back of the leg below the knee)
panvitalismo {m} :: panvitalism (belief that all things are part of a single living universe)
pao {m} :: obsolete spelling of pau
pão {m} /ˈpɐ̃w̃/ :: bread
pão {m} [figuratively] :: food, sustenance
pão {m} [colloquial, dated] :: an attractive and elegant boy
pão branco {m} :: white bread (bread made from white flour)
pão careca {m} [Brazil, Pará] :: pão francês
pão com ovo {adj} [idiom] :: trivial, banal
pão com ovo {adj} [derogatory, of a woman] :: promiscuous, slutty
pão com ovo {adj} [derogatory, of a man] :: effeminate, gay
pão com ovo {m} :: See: pt pão com ovo
pão d'água {m} [Brazil, southern Santa Catarina] :: pão francês
Pão de Açúcar {prop} {m} :: Pão de Açúcar (rocky peak)
Pão de Açúcar {prop} {m} :: Pão de Açúcar (municipality)
pão de cada dia {m} :: daily bread (material needs)
pão de cada dia {m} :: See: pt pão de cada dia
pão de forma {m} :: pain de mie; sandwich loaf
pão de fôrma {m} :: superseded spelling of pão de forma
pão de leite {m} [Brazil, Assis] :: pão francês
pão de ló {m} :: sponge cake (type of cake)
pão-de-ló {m} :: alternative spelling of pão de ló
pão de queijo {m} :: A small, baked cheese roll, which is a popular snack and breakfast food in Brazil
pão de sal {m} [Brazil, Minas Gerais, Bahia] :: pão francês
pão-duro {adj} :: miserly (excessively cautious with money)
pão-duro {m} :: skinflint (one who is excessively cautious with money)
pão e circo {m} :: bread and circuses (grand spectacles provided by the state to distract and pacify people)
pão francês {m} :: A popular Brazilian variation of the marraqueta bread
pão jacó {n} [Brazil, Sergipe] :: pão francês
pão massa fina {m} [Meio-norte and parts of the North Region, Brazil] :: a type of smooth, often sweetened bread originally from Provence, France
pão massa grossa {m} [Brazil, Meio-norte and Amazonas] :: pão francês
pão, pão, queijo, queijo {phrase} :: used to introduce a frank or direct statement
pão sovado {m} :: a type of smooth, often sweetened bread originally from Provence, France
pão tatu {m} [Brazil, regional] :: a type of smooth, often sweetened bread originally from Provence, France
pãozão {m} :: augmentative of pão
pãozinho {m} :: diminutive of pão
pãozinho {m} [city of São Paulo] :: pão francês
papa {m} [Christianity] /ˈpa.pɐ/ :: pope
papa {m} :: pap (food in the form of a soft paste)
papa {m} [figurative] :: something with a pasty consistency
papa {m} [colloquial, child language] :: any type of food
papá {m} [familiar, Portugal] :: dad; daddy; father
papá {m} [childish] :: food
papado {m} :: papacy (the office of a pope)
papado {m} :: papacy (the period of a particular pope’s office)
papagaio {m} /pɐ.pɐ.ˈɣaj.u/ :: parrot (bird)
papagaio {m} :: parroter
papagaio {m} :: kite (of paper)
papagaio-do-mar {m} :: puffin (seabird of the genera Fratercula and Lunda)
Papagaios {prop} :: Papagaios (municipality)
papagaio velho não aprende a falar {proverb} :: you can't teach an old dog new tricks
papaguear {v} :: to parrot (to repeat exactly without showing understanding)
papai {m} [Brazil, familiar] /paˈpaj/ :: dad, papa
papaia {f} :: papaya (Carica papaya, a tropical tree of the Americas)
papaia {f} :: papaya (the fruit of the Carica papaya tree)
papai do céu {prop} {m} :: alternative case form of Papai do Céu
Papai do Céu {prop} {m} [childish, religion] :: "Sky Daddy", God
Papai Noel {m} [folklore] :: Santa Claus (mythological man who brings gifts to children during Christmas)
papal {adj} :: papal (related to the pope or papacy)
papa-léguas {m} :: roadrunner (bird of the Geococcyx genus)
papamóvel {m} :: Popemobile (vehicle with bulletproof glass sides used to transport the Pope)
Papanduva {prop} :: Papanduva (municipality)
papão {m} /pɐˈpɐ̃w̃/ :: clipping of bicho-papão
papão {m} [figuratively, colloquial] :: glutton
papar {v} [hypocoristic, usually, childish] /pɐ.ˈpaɾ/ :: to eat
paparazzo {m} /papaˈɾatsu/ :: paparazzo (freelance photographer of celebrities)
paparicar {v} /pɐpɐɾiˈkaɾ/ :: to pamper (to treat with excessive care)
paparicho {m} [cooking] /papaˈɾiʃu/ :: delicacy (delicious dish or food)
paparrotão {m} /paˌpaʁoˈtɐ̃w̃/ :: boaster, braggart
paparrotona {n} :: feminine of paparrotão
papas na língua {n} :: the discernment that holds someone from being excessively sincere (mostly used negatively to indicate that someone lacks it); the ability to hold one's tongue
papeamento {m} :: rare spelling of papiamento
papear {v} [Portugal] :: to chat, to chatter, to babble
papeira {f} [Portugal] :: mumps
papeira {f} :: goitre (enlargement of the neck caused by inflammation of the thyroid gland)
papel {m} /pɐ.ˈpɛɫ/ :: paper (material)
papel {m} [by extension] :: (written) document
papel {m} [by extension] :: cash (especially bills)
papel {m} [theatre, cinema] :: role, part
papel {m} [by extension] :: function, role
papel {m} [in the plural] :: papers; documents
papelada {f} :: paperwork
papel-alumínio {m} :: aluminium foil (thin sheet of aluminium)
papel amate {m} :: amate (ficus-bark paper produced by Mexican natives)
papelão {m} /pɐpɨˈlɐ̃w̃/ :: cardboard
papelão {m} [figurative] :: gaffe, blunder (embarassing mistake)
papelaria {f} :: a shop where stationery is sold
papel-carbono {m} :: carbon paper (sheet of carbon-covered paper used to make copies)
papel de arroz {m} :: rice paper (thin paper made from rice straw)
papel de cozinha {m} :: paper towel (sheet of absorbent paper)
papel de parede {m} [uncountable] :: wallpaper (decorative paper for walls)
papel de parede {m} [computing] :: wallpaper (image used to cover the background of the desktop)
papel de periódico {m} :: newspaper (type of paper)
papel de tornassol {m} :: litmus paper (paper containing a water-soluble mixture of different dyes extracted from certain lichens)
papeleira {f} :: papermaking
papel higiénico {m} [European orthography] :: alternative form of papel higiênico
papel higiênico {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: toilet paper
papelinho {m} :: piece of paper
papelinho {m} :: (in plural) confetti
papel laminado {m} :: aluminium foil (thin sheet of aluminium)
papel machê {m} :: alternative spelling of papel-machê
papel-machê {m} :: papier-mâché (paper mixed with glue used to create sculptures)
papel-moeda {m} :: paper money (cash in the form of banknotes)
papelote {m} :: wrapped paper used by women to curl the hair
papelote {m} :: hairstyle made in such a way
papelote {m} :: piece of paper used to wrap small amounts of drugs such as cocaine
papel toalha {m} :: alternative spelling of papel-toalha
papel-toalha {m} :: paper towel (sheet of absorbent paper)
papelzinho {m} :: diminutive of papel
papelzinho {m} :: piece of paper
papelzinho {m} :: (in plural) confetti
papiamento {m} :: Papiamento (Spanish- and Portuguese-based creole spoken in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao)
papila {f} [anatomy] /pa.ˈpi.lɐ/ :: papilla (any nipple-like structure)
papila gustativa {f} [anatomy] :: tastebud (a small organ on the tongue that detects tastes)
papilla {f} :: obsolete spelling of papila
papinha {f} :: baby food (soft food designed for babies)
papiro {m} :: papyrus (Cyperus papyrus, a plant native to the Nile valley)
papiro {m} :: papyrus (a paper-like material made from the papyrus plant)
papiro {m} :: papyrus (a document written on papyrus)
papisa {f} [historical] :: papess (female pope)
papo {m} /ˈpa.pu/ :: crop (pouch-like part of the alimentary tract of some animals)
papo {m} [colloquial] :: stomach
papo {m} :: goitre (enlarged neck)
papo {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: chat (informal conversation)
papo {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: clipping of papo furado (lip service, nonsense)
papo furado {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: lip service (words absent of action or intention)
papo furado {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: nonsense (untrue statements intended to deceive)
papo-furado {m} :: alternative spelling of papo furado
papoila {f} /pɐ.ˈpoj.lɐ/ :: alternative form of papoula
papo reto {m} [Brazil, colloquial, slang] :: an objective, straightforward conversation
papoula {f} /pɐ.ˈpo(w).lɐ/ :: poppy (plant)
papoula de São Francisco {f} [Brazil] :: kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus, a plant native to Asia)
páprica {f} :: paprika (a Hungarian spice made from dried and ground fruits of sweet pepper or chilli pepper)
Papua Nova Guiné {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Papua-Nova Guiné
Papua-Nova Guiné {prop} {f} :: Papua-Nova Guiné (country)
paquebote {m} :: packet-boat
paqueirar {v} :: alternative form of paquerar
paquera {f} /pa.ˈkɛ.ɾa/ :: flirtation, flirting (the act of trying to seduce someone romantically)
paquera {f} :: a short and not intense romantic involvement
paquera {mf} :: a person one is flirting or having a short relationship with
paquerar {v} [Brazil, colloquial] /pa.ˈke.ɾa(ɾ)/ :: to flirt with, to try to seduce someone by flattening
paquerar {v} [Brazil, colloquial] :: to look attentively at something
paquete {m} :: a large steamboat
paquete {m} [obsolete] :: a small cargo and/or messenger sailing ship
paquete {m} [by extension] :: referring to different types of boats
paquete {m} [colloquial] :: a young man who delivers messages (specially love messages)
paquete {m} [slang] :: menstruation
paquete {adj} :: well dressed
paquímetro {m} :: calipers (device used to measure thickness)
paquinha {f} [Brazil] :: mole cricket (any of the large burrowing crickets of the family Gryllotalpidae)
paquistanês {adj} :: Pakistani (of, from or relating to Pakistan)
paquistanês {m} :: Pakistani (person from Pakistan)
Paquistão {prop} {m} /ˌpa.kis.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ :: Paquistão (country)
par {m} /ˈpaɾ/ :: pair
par {m} :: partner
par {m} :: couple
par {m} :: peer
par {m} [golf] :: par
par {adj} [maths] :: even
para {prep} /ˈpɐ.ɾɐ/ :: for (directed at, intended to belong to or to be appropriate for)
para {prep} :: indicates application of an adjective; to
para {prep} :: to; so; in order to (indicates purpose)
para {prep} :: towards; to; in the direction of (indicates destination)
para {prep} :: introduces the location, direction or context that applies to a verb
para {prep} :: to (to the value of)
para {prep} :: in the opinion of
para {prep} :: [with an infinitive] about to; soon to be (indicates that something will happen soon)
Pará {prop} {m} :: Pará (state)
para baixo {adv} [comparable] :: down; downwards (to a lower position)
parabenização {f} :: congratulation (act of congratulating)
parabenizar {v} :: to congratulate (laud someone for his accomplishment)
parabens {mp} :: obsolete spelling of parabéns
parabéns {interj} /pɐ.ɾɐ.ˈβɐ̃j̃ʃ/ :: happy birthday!
parabéns {interj} :: congratulations!
parabéns {mp} :: congratulations
parabẽs {mp} [obsolete] :: abbreviation of parabéns
parábola {f} :: parable
parábola {f} [mathematics] :: parabola
parabólica {f} :: satellite dish (parabolic antenna)
para bom entendedor, meia palavra basta {proverb} :: People are often able to understand something not fully explained
para-brisa {m} /ˌpa.ɾɐ.ˈbri.zɐ/ :: windshield, windscreen
pára-brisa {m} :: obsolete form of para-brisa
Paracambi {prop} :: Paracambi (municipality)
para caralho {adv} [vulgar slang, intensifier] :: loads of; a fuckload of
para caralho {adv} [vulgar slang, intensifier] :: really; fucking
para caramba {adv} [colloquial, intensifier] :: denoting great amounts
para caramba {adv} [colloquial, intensifier] :: denoting an elevated level
para casa {adv} :: home; homewards (towards one’s home)
Paracatu {prop} :: Paracatu (municipality)
Paracelso {prop} {m} /ˌpa.ɾa.ˈsɛw.su/ :: Paracelsus (Swiss Renaissance scientist and alchemist)
paracetamol {m} /ˌpa.ɾa.ˌse.ta.ˈmɔw/ :: paracetamol (medicine used to relieve pain and reduce fever)
para-choque {m} [automotive] :: bumper (impact absorber on a vehicle)
para-choques {m} [automotive] :: bumper (impact absorber on a vehicle)
para cima {adv} :: up; upwards
paracleto {m} :: paraclete (supporter or protector)
paráclito {m} :: alternative form of paracleto
para com {prep} :: toward, towards, concerning (in relation to)
parada {f} :: stop
parada {f} :: halt (the act of stopping or halting)
parada {f} :: stop (place where passengers get on and off buses or trams)
parada {f} :: parade (organised procession with displays and performances)
parada {f} [gambling] :: stake (money laid down as a wager)
parada {f} [music] :: record chart (ranking of music according to popularity)
parada {f} [Brazil, slang] :: thing (an object, quality or concept)
parada cardíaca {f} [cardiology, pathology] :: cardiac arrest (cessation of heartbeat)
para dar e vender {pron} :: a whole lot of (a great quantity of)
paradeiro {m} [usually, uncountable] :: whereabouts (the location where something or someone ends up, with the implication that there was no fixed destination or that it was unknown)
paradeiro {m} :: meeting place (place where people routinely meet)
Pará de Minas {prop} :: Pará de Minas (municipality)
paradigma {m} /ˌpa.ɾa.ˈd͡ʒiɡ.ma/ :: paradigm (model or example)
paradigma {m} [linguistics] :: paradigm (set of all forms which contain a common element)
paradigma {m} [computing] :: a fundamental style of programming
paradisíaco {adj} :: heavenly, paradisiac
parado {adj} /pɐ.ˈɾa.ðu/ :: stopped, halted, immobile
parado {adj} :: standing
paradoxal {adj} :: paradoxical
paradoxalmente {adv} :: paradoxically
paradoxo {m} :: paradox
paradoxo francês {m} [nutrition] :: French paradox (the observation that the French suffer a low incidence of coronary heart disease, despite having a diet rich in saturated fats)
paraense {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Pará
paraense {mf} :: Someone from Pará
parafascismo {m} [fascism] :: para-fascism
parafernália {f} :: paraphernalia (miscellaneous items, especially the set of equipment required for a particular activity)
parafimose {f} [pathology] :: paraphimosis (foreskin trapped behind the glans)
parafina {f} :: paraffin (all senses)
paráfrase {f} :: paraphrase
parafraseando {v} :: gerund of parafrasear
parafrasear {v} :: to paraphrase
parafusado {adj} /paɾafuˈzadu/ :: fastened with screws
parafusar {v} :: alternative form of aparafusar
parafuso {m} /pɐɾɐˈfuzu/ :: screw
parafuso Allen {m} :: Allen screw (screw whose head has a hexagonal socket)
parafuso de Arquimedes {m} :: Archimedes' screw (a screwlike device that raises water)
parafuso sextavado {m} :: Allen screw (screw whose head has a hexagonal socket)
paragem {f} /pɐˈɾaʒɐ̃j̃/ :: stop, stoppage, halt (the act of stopping or halting)
paragem {f} :: stop (place where passengers get on and off buses or trams)
paragem cardíaca {f} [cardiology, pathology] :: cardiac arrest (cessation of heartbeat)
parágrafo {m} :: paragraph
Paraguaçu {prop} :: Paraguaçu (municipality)
Paraguaçu Paulista {prop} :: Paraguaçu Paulista (municipality)
Paraguai {prop} {m} :: Paraguai (country)
paraguaio {adj} :: Paraguayan (of, from or relating to Paraguay)
paraguaio {m} :: Paraguayan (person from Paraguay)
Paraí {prop} :: Paraí (municipality)
Paraíba {prop} {f} /ˌpa.ɾa.ˈi.bɐ/ :: Paraíba (state)
Paraíba do Sul {prop} :: Paraíba do Sul (municipality)
paraibana {f} :: female equivalent of paraibano
paraibano {adj} :: of or from Paraíba
paraibano {m} :: someone from Paraíba
Paraibuna {prop} :: Paraibuna (municipality)
para inglês ver {adj} [idiomatic, especially of laws] :: mostly demagogic or symbolic and with little to no effect in practice
paraíso {m} /pɐ.ɾɐ.ˈi.zu/ :: paradise
paraíso {m} :: heaven
Paraíso {prop} {m} [religion] /ˌpa.ɾa.ˈi.zu/ :: Heaven; Paradise
Paraíso {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Paradise (the Garden of Eden)
Paraíso {prop} {m} :: Paraíso (municipality)
Paraíso {prop} {m} :: Paraíso (municipality)
Paraíso do Sul {prop} :: Paraíso do Sul (municipality)
paraíso fiscal {m} :: tax haven (country or territory where certain taxes are very low)
Paraisópolis {prop} :: Paraisópolis (municipality)
para lá de Bagdá {adj} [familiar] :: in a chaotic situation; messed up
para-lama {m} :: mudguard (a flap behind the wheel of a vehicle)
paralaxe {f} :: parallax
paralelamente {adv} :: parallelly (in a parallel manner or direction)
paralelepípedo {m} /ˌpa.ɾa.ˌlɛ.le.ˈpi.pe.do/ :: sett (paving stone)
paralelepípedo {m} [geometry] :: parallelepiped
paralelismo {m} :: parallelism (state or condition of being parallel)
paralelismo {m} :: parallelism (resemblance or analogy)
paralelismo {m} [rhetoric, grammar] :: parallelism (juxtaposition of equivalent syntactic constructions)
paralelismo {m} [computing] :: parallelism (the use of parallel methods in computing)
paralelo {adj} [geometry] /ˌpɐ.ɾɐ.ˈlɛ.lu/ :: parallel (of two or more (straight) lines, (flat) surfaces etc: equally distant from one another at all points)
paralelo {adj} [computing] :: parallel (involving the processing of multiple tasks at the same time)
paralelo {adj} :: parallel (having the same overall direction)
paralelo {adj} [of events] :: happening at the same time
paralelo {adj} [electricity] :: describes conductor which are in parallel
paralelo {adj} :: which is used as an alternative to something official
paralelo {m} [geography] :: parallel (line of latitude)
paralelo {m} :: a comparison (evaluation of the similarities and differences)
paralelogramo {m} [geometry] :: parallelogram (convex quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite edges are parallel and of equal length)
paralisação {f} :: standstill (complete immobility)
paralisação {f} :: suspension (cessation of activities)
paralisação {f} :: the process of becoming paralysed
paralisar {v} :: to paralyze
paralisia {f} :: paralysis
paralisia {f} :: palsy
paralisia cerebral {f} [neurology, pathology] :: cerebral palsy (any of several conditions caused by brain damage before birth)
paralisia de Bell {f} [pathology] :: Bell's palsy (paralysis of the facial nerve)
paralítico {adj} :: paralytic (affected with paralysis)
paralítico {m} :: paralytic (person suffering from paralysis)
paralizando {v} :: gerund of paralisar
paralizar {v} :: obsolete spelling of paralisar
parallelepípedo {m} :: obsolete spelling of paralelepípedo
parallelo {adj} :: obsolete spelling of paralelo
parálogo {adj} [genetics, of multiple genes at different chromosomal locations in the same organism] :: paralogous (having a similar structure)
parálogo {m} [genetics] :: paralogon (set of paralogous chromosomal regions, derived from a common ancestral region)
paramagnético {adj} :: paramagnetic
Paramaribo {prop} {f} :: Paramaribo (capital city)
paramécio {m} [zoology] :: paramecium (oval-shaped protozoan of the genus Paramecium)
paramédico {m} :: paramedic (emergency healthcare professional trained to stabilise people outside the hospital)
parâmetro {m} :: parameter
paramilitar {adj} :: paramilitary
paramilitar {mf} :: paramilitary (A member of a paramilitary group)
Paramirim {prop} :: Paramirim (municipality)
paramita {f} [Buddhism] :: paramita (perfection or culmination of certain virtues)
paramnésia {f} [psychology] :: paramnesia
Paraná {prop} {m} :: Paraná (river)
Paraná {prop} {m} :: Paraná (state)
Paraná {prop} {m} :: Paraná (provincial capital)
Paraná {prop} {m} :: Paraná (municipality)
paranaense {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Paraná
paranaense {mf} :: Someone from Paraná
Paranapanema {prop} :: Paranapanema (municipality)
Paranapuã {prop} :: Paranapuã (municipality)
paranho {m} :: land with privileges
paranho {m} [Azores, Brazil] :: spider's web
para ninguém botar defeito {adj} :: perfect; unlikely to be criticised
paranoia {f} :: paranoia (a psychotic disorder characterised by delusions of persecution)
paranóia {f} :: obsolete spelling of paranoia
paranoico {adj} :: paranoid
paranóico {adj} :: obsolete spelling of paranoico
paranormal {adj} :: paranormal
paranormalmente {adv} :: paranormally
Paraolimpíadas {prop} {fp} :: Paralympic Games (international sports competition for people with physical disabilities)
Paraopeba {prop} :: Paraopeba (municipality)
parapeito {m} /pɐ.ɾɐˈ.pɐj.tu/ :: parapet (low wall to prevent people from falling over an edge)
parapente {m} :: paraglider (lightweight, free-flying, foot-launched glider aircraft with no rigid primary structure)
parapente {m} :: paragliding
parapentista {mf} :: paraglider
paraplegia {f} [pathology] :: paraplegia (condition of being paralysed from the waist down)
paraplégico {adj} :: paraplegic
paraplégico {m} :: paraplegic
parapolicial {adj} :: parapolice (within the police force but above the law)
parapsicologia {f} :: parapsychology (study of supernatural phenomena)
parapsíquico {adj} :: relating to or involving parapsychology
parapsíquico {m} :: parapsychologist (person who studies parapsychology)
Parapuã {prop} :: Parapuã (municipality)
paraq̃ {conj} [obsolete] :: abbreviation of para que
para que {conj} :: so that; in order to
paraque {conj} :: obsolete spelling of para que
paraquedas {m} /paɾɐˈkɛðɐʃ/ :: parachute
pára-quedas {m} :: obsolete form of paraquedas
paraquedismo {mf} :: parachuting, skydiving
paraquedista {mf} :: parachutist, skydiver (someone who jumps with a parachute)
paraquedista {mf} [military] :: paratrooper
parar {vi} /pɐ.ˈɾaɾ/ :: to stop (to no longer move)
parar {vi} :: to stop (to no longer progress or do something)
parar {vt} :: to stop (to cause something to no longer move)
parar {vt} :: to stop (to cause something to no longer progress or happen)
parar {v} [de] :: to stop; to cease (to no longer do an action)
parar {vi} [_, with a locational adverb phrase] :: to stop at (to pay a short visit to)
parar {vi} [_, with a locational adverb phrase] :: to end up (to be in a place or situation, after something having happened)
para-raios {m} :: lightning rod (metallic conductor that protects buildings from lightning)
pára-raios {m} :: superseded spelling of para-raios
para sempre {adv} :: forever (for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time)
parasita {mf} :: parasite
parasitação {f} :: parasitization, parasitation
parasitar {vt} [ecology] :: to parasitize (live in a host organism)
parasitar {vt} [figurative] :: to parasitize (take advantage of someone else)
parasiticida {f} :: parasiticide
parasitismo {m} [ecology] :: parasitism (interaction in which one organism benefits at the expense of another without killing them)
parasitismo {m} [figuratively] :: parasitism (the practice of taking advantage of others)
parassaurolofo {m} :: parasaurolophus (herbivorous ornithopod dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period)
parassuicídio {m} [suicidology] :: parasuicide (a suicide attempt that was not intended to succeed)
parataxe {f} [grammar] :: parataxis (a construct in which clauses or phrases are placed together without being separated by conjunctions)
paratha {m} :: paratha (a type of Indian bread)
Paratinga {prop} :: Paratinga (municipality)
paratireoide {adj} [chiefly, Brazil] :: alternative form of paratiroide
paratireoide {f} [chiefly, Brazil] :: alternative form of paratiroide
paratiroide {adj} [anatomy, chiefly Portugal] :: parathyroid (pertaining to the parathyroid glands or their extracts)
paratiroide {f} [anatomy, chiefly Portugal] :: parathyroid gland (any of four endocrine glands situated in the neck)
para trás {adv} :: backwards (towards the back)
Paraty {prop} :: Paraty (municipality)
para variar {adv} [idiomatic, usually, sarcastic] :: for a change (as a departure from the usual)
parça {mf} [Brazil, slang] :: clipping of parceiro; fella, pal
parceira {f} :: partner (female)
parceiro {m} /pɐɾ.ˈsɐj.ɾu/ :: partner, sidekick
parceiro {m} [colloquial] :: fellow
parcel {m} :: a shoal, a sandbank
parcela {f} :: small part, portion
parcela {f} :: instalment
parcela de mercado {f} :: market share
parcelar {vt} /pɐɾsɨˈlaɾ/ :: to parcel out (to divide into portions)
parcelar {vt} :: to divide a debt into instalments
parceria {f} :: partnership (state of being associated with a partner)
parceria civil {f} :: civil partnership
parcial {adj} /pɐɾˈsjaɫ/ :: partial [all senses]
parcialidade {f} :: partiality, bias (lack of neutrality)
parcialmente {adv} /pɐɾsiaɫˈmẽtɨ/ :: partially
parcimónia {f} [European orthography] :: parsimony (great reluctance to spend money unnecessarily)
parcimônia {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of parcimónia
parcimonioso {adj} :: parsimonious; thrifty (avoiding expenditures)
parcómetro {m} [European orthography] :: alternative form of parquímetro
parcômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of parquímetro
pardal {m} /pɐɾ.ˈðaɫ/ :: sparrow
pardal doméstico {m} :: alternative spelling of pardal-doméstico
pardal-doméstico {m} [zoology] :: house sparrow (Passer domesticus)
pardaloca {f} :: feminine noun of pardal, a female sparrow
pardao {m} :: obsolete spelling of pardau
pardau {m} [historical] :: the pardo, a coin formerly used in India
pardeeiro {m} :: obsolete spelling of pardieiro
pardeeyro {m} :: obsolete spelling of pardieiro
pardela {f} :: shearwater (Calonectris diomedea, a seabird of the Atlantic and Mediterranean)
pardelão {m} :: fulmar (seabird in the genus Fulmarus)
pardelha {f} :: dace (Leuciscus leuciscus, a small fish of European rivers)
pardieiro {m} :: a dilapidated building
pardieyro {m} :: obsolete spelling of pardieiro
Pardinho {prop} :: Pardinho (municipality)
pardo {m} /ˈpaɾ.ðu/ :: multiracial person
pardo {adj} :: brown
pardo {adj} :: mulatto; brown-skinned (but not black)
pardo {adj} :: grayish, dun
pardoca {f} :: feminine noun of pardal, a female sparrow
parecença {f} :: resemblance, similarity, likeness
parecer {v} [copulative or auxiliary] /pɐ.ɾɨ.ˈseɾ/ :: to seem
parecer {v} [com, .pronominal] :: to resemble
parecer {m} :: expert opinion, advice, assessment, evaluation
parecidas {adj} :: feminine plural form of parecido
parecido {adj} /pɐ.ɾɨ.ˈsi.ðu/ :: similar
Pareci Novo {prop} :: Pareci Novo (municipality)
paredão {m} /ˌpa.ɾe.ˈdɐ̃w̃/ :: augmentative of parede
paredão {m} [geology] :: rock face (vertical expanse of rock)
paredão {m} [slang] :: a wall in front of which people are lined up to be punished, especially executed by firing squad
parede {f} /pɐ.ˈɾe.ðɨ/ :: wall (of a house or building)
parede abdominal {f} :: abdominal wall (muscles that surround the abdominal cavity)
parede celular {f} [cytology] :: cell wall (thick layer around cells of plants, fungi and algae)
parede corta-fogo {f} :: firewall (wall used to prevent the spread of fire)
Paredes {prop} /pɐˈɾeðɨʃ/ :: Paredes (city/and/municipality)
Paredes de Coura {prop} /pɐˈɾeðɨʃ ðɨ ˈkowɾɐ/ :: Paredes de Coura (village/and/municipality)
pareidolia {f} :: pareidolia (tendency to interpret vague stimuli as something familiar)
parelha {f} :: team (a set of draught animals, such as two horses in front of a carriage)
parelha {f} [colloquial, of people] :: couple, pair
parelha {f} [literature] :: couplet (a pair of lines with rhyming end words)
parelho {adj} :: forming a pair
parelho {adj} :: similar, equal
paremiologia {f} :: paremiology (the study of proverbs)
parentagem {f} :: kin (relatives collectively)
parental {adj} :: parental (relating to parents)
parental {adj} :: relating to relatives
parente {mf} /pɐ.ˈɾẽ.tɨ/ :: relative (someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption)
parente {adj} :: related (in the same family)
parente {adj} :: related (standing in relation)
parentela {f} /ˌpa.ɾẽ.ˈtɛ.lɐ/ :: relatives (people in one’s family)
parenteral {adj} [medicine] :: parenteral
parentesco {m} :: kinship (relation by blood)
parêntese {m} :: parenthesis
parênteses angulares {mp} :: angle brackets (name of the characters ⟨ and ⟩)
parêntesis {mp} :: alternative form of parêntese
páreo {m} [rare] :: a race between pairs of competitors
páreo {m} :: the event of a particular race in the sport of horse racing;
páreo {m} :: match (someone with equal or better skill)
parestesia {f} [medicine] /pa.ɾes.te.ˈzi.a/ :: paresthesia
parga {f} [regional, Turquel] :: pile; mound
pariá {mf} :: alternative form of pária
pária {mf} /ˈpa.ɾjɐ/ :: pariah
pariato {m} :: peerage (peers as a group)
paridade {f} :: parity
paridade {f} :: par
paridade do poder de compra {f} [economics] :: purchasing power parity
parideira {f} /ˌpa.ɾi.ˈde(j).ɾɐ/ :: a female who is giving birth
parideira {f} :: a female in reproductive age
parietal {adj} /ˌpa.ɾi.e.ˈtaw/ :: relating to walls of a room
parietal {adj} :: that which is normally hung on walls (such as tapestries or paintings)
parietal {m} [skeleton] :: parietal bone
parindo {v} :: gerund of parir
Paripiranga {prop} :: Paripiranga (municipality)
Pariquera-Açu {prop} :: Pariquera-Açu (municipality)
parir {v} [slightly derogatory] /pɐ.ˈɾiɾ/ :: to give birth (to a human baby)
parir {v} :: to give birth (to an animal)
Paris {prop} {f} /pa.ˈɾis/ :: Paris (caplc)
Páris {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] /ˈpa.ɾis/ :: Paris (Trojan prince)
Parisi {prop} :: Parisi (municipality)
parisiense {adj} :: Parisian (of, from or relating Paris)
parisiense {mf} :: Parisian (someone from Paris)
parkour {m} /paʁ.ˈkuʁ/ :: parkour (athletic discipline)
parlamentar {adj} /ˌpaɻ.la.mẽ.ˈtaɻ/ :: parliamentary (of, relating to, or enacted by a parliament)
parlamentar {mf} :: parliamentarian (member of a parliament)
parlamento {m} /paʁ.la.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: parliament
Parlamento Europeu {m} :: European Parliament
parlapatão {adj} /paɾ.la.pa.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ :: who tells lies
parlapatão {m} :: a liar
parlapatice {f} /paɾ.la.pa.ˈt(ʃ)i.s(i)/ :: the behaviour of telling lies and acting falsely
parlar {v} :: to chat
parlemento {m} :: parliament
parlenda {f} :: A type of children's rhythmic word game that may take the form of a tongue twister
parmense {adj} :: Parmesan (of, from or relating to Parma)
parmense {mf} :: Parmesan (someone from Parma)
parmesão {adj} :: Parmesan (of, from or relating to Parma)
parmesão {m} :: parmesan (hard, full-fat Italian cheese from Parma)
parmesão {m} :: Parmesan (someone from Parma)
par mínimo {m} [linguistics] :: minimal pair (pair of words differing by only one phonetic segment)
Parobé {prop} :: Parobé (municipality)
parochia {f} :: obsolete spelling of paróquia
pároco {m} [ecclesiastical] :: curate (parish priest)
paródia {f} :: parody
paródia {f} :: travesty
paródia {f} :: burlesque
parodiar {v} :: to parody (make a parody of something)
paródico {adj} :: parodic (relating to or having the characteristics of parody)
parodista {mf} :: parodist
parolar {v} /pɐ.ɾuˈlaɾ/ :: to chat; to prattle
paronímia {f} :: paronymy
parónimo {m} :: paronym (word with same root as other word)
parônimo {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of parónimo
paróquia {f} [Christianity] /pa.ˈɾɔ.ki.ɐ/ :: parish (part of a diocese)
paróquia {f} [Christianity] :: parish (members of a parish)
paróquia {f} [Brazil, jocular] :: hood; neighbourhood (part of a city)
paroquial {adj} :: parochial
paroquiano {m} :: parishioner
paroquiano {adj} :: parochial, parochian
par ordenado {m} [set theory] :: ordered pair (object containing exactly two elements in a fixed order, so that, when the elements are different, exchanging them gives a different object)
parótida {f} [anatomy] :: parotid gland (salivary gland near the ear)
parótide {f} :: alternative form of parótida
paroxítono {m} :: paroxytone (a paroxytone word)
paroxítono {adj} [linguistics, of a word] :: paroxytone (having the stress or accent on the penultimate syllable)
parque {m} /ˈpaɾ.kɨ/ :: park
parque aquático {m} :: aquapark; waterpark (an amusement park with waterplay areas)
parque aquático {m} :: aquatic centre (facility with swimming pools)
parque de diversões {m} :: amusement park (place with rides, games and other entertainment attractions)
parque infantil {m} :: playground
parque nacional {m} :: national park (area of land reserved by the national government for recreational use)
parquete {m} :: parquet (block of wood used to make floors)
parque temático {m} :: theme park (amusement park that has one or more specific central themes)
parquímetro {m} :: parking meter
parquinho {m} :: diminutive of parque
parra {f} /ˈpa.ʁa/ :: shoot or stem of a vine with leaves
parra {f} :: excessive pride, bragging
parreira {f} :: grapevine (climbing plant that produces grapes)
parricida {mf} :: patricide (someone who murders their father)
parricídio {m} :: patricide (murder of one’s own father)
parrudo {adj} /pa.ˈʁu.du/ :: ground-level or creeping such as vines
parrudo {adj} :: stubby
parrudo {adj} [Brazil, slang] :: muscular, robust
parsec {m} [astronomy] :: parsec (a unit of length, about 3.26 lightyears)
parser {m} [computing] :: parser (computer program that parses data)
parte {f} /ˈpaɾ.tɨ/ :: part, section, portion
parte {f} :: party (law)
parte do leão {f} [idiomatic] :: lion's share (a large portion)
parteira {f} /paɻ.ˈte(j).ɾa/ :: midwife (person who assists women in childbirth)
parteira {f} :: feminine noun of parteiro
parteiro {m} :: midhusband (male midwife)
partejamento {m} :: midwifery (the practice of assisting women in childbirth)
Partenão {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Partenon
partenocárpico {adj} [botany] :: parthenocarpic (relating to parthenocarpy)
partenogénese {f} [European orthography, biology] :: parthenogenesis (reproduction from a single gamete without fertilisation)
partenogênese {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of partenogénese
Partenon {prop} {m} :: Parthenon (ancient temple to Athena in Athens)
Parténope {prop} {f} [European orthography, Greek mythology] /paʁ.ˈte.no.pi/ :: Parthenope (one of the Sirens)
Partênope {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of Parténope
partes {fp} [euphemistic] /ˈpaɾ.tɨʃ/ :: Male genitals; parts
Parthenope {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Parténope
Parthénope {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Parténope
Parthia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Pártia
Pártia {prop} {f} /ˈpaʁ.t͡ʃi.ɐ/ :: Pártia (historical region/and/ancient empire)
partição {f} :: partition (all senses)
participação {f} :: participation
participação em mercado {f} :: market share
participação no mercado {f} :: alternative form of participação em mercado
participante {mf} :: participant (one who participates)
participar {v} /pɐɾ.ti.si.ˈpaɾ/ :: to take part, to participate
participar {v} :: to share
participial {adj} [grammar] :: participial (of or relating to a participle)
participialmente {adv} [grammar] :: participially (in the manner of a participle)
particípio {m} [grammar] /ˌpaʁ.t͡ʃi.ˈsi.pi.u/ :: participle
particípio passado {m} [grammar] :: past participle (participle indicating a completed action or state)
particípio presente {m} [grammar] :: present participle (verb form that indicates an ongoing action)
partícula {f} /paɹ.ˈt͡ʃi.ku.la/ :: particle (body with very small size)
partícula {f} [Christianity] :: host (consecrated bread)
partícula {f} [linguistics] :: particle (word that has a particular grammatical function but does not obviously belong to any particular part of speech)
partícula {f} [physics] :: elementary particle
partícula alfa {f} [physics] :: alpha particle (positively charged nucleus of a helium-4 atom)
partícula elementar {f} [physics] :: elementary particle (a subatomic particle that does not consist of smaller particles)
particular {adj} /pɐɾ.ti.ku.ˈlaɾ/ :: private (concerning, accessible or belonging to an individual person or group)
particular {adj} :: private (not belonging to the government)
particular {adj} :: particular; specific
particular {adj} :: particular; distinguished; exceptional
particularidade {f} :: particularity
particularidade {f} :: peculiarity
particularidade {f} :: particular
particularmente {adv} /pɐɾtikulaɾˈmẽtɨ/ :: particularly
partícula subatómica {f} [European orthography, physics] :: subatomic particle (unit of matter smaller than an atom)
partícula subatômica {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of partícula subatómica
partida {f} /pɐɾˈtiðɐ/ :: departure (act of departing)
partida {f} :: start (beginning point of a race)
partida {f} [sports] :: match (sporting event)
partida {f} [colloquial] :: ignition of a vehicle
partida {f} :: trick, prank
partidário {adj} /pɐɾtiˈðaɾju/ :: partisan (adherent to a party or faction)
partido {m} /pɐɾ.ˈti.ðu/ :: party (political group)
partido {m} :: bachelor (man who is socially regarded as able to marry, but has not yet)
partido {adj} :: fragmented; divided
partido {adj} :: cracked [broken so that cracks appear on the surface]
partidocracia {f} :: partocracy, partitocracy, partocracy
partilha {f} [legal, in the plural] :: division; shareout (especially relating to an inheritance)
partilha {f} :: lot; share
partilhar {v} /pɐɾ.ti.ˈʎaɾ/ :: to share (to give, to donate)
partilhar {v} :: to share (to divide and distribute)
partir {vt} /pɐɾ.ˈtiɾ/ :: to split (divide something, especially in two roughly equal parts)
partir {vip} :: to split; to break apart (become divided, especially in two roughly equal parts)
partir {vi} [formal] :: to depart; to leave; to go away
partir {vi} [euphemistic] :: to leave us; to depart (die)
partir {v} [de] :: to come from (be caused by)
partir {v} [para, .colloquial] :: to start behaving in a particular way [especially violent behaviour]
partir {v} [para, para cima de, .colloquial] :: to fall on; to attack
partir o coração de {v} [idiomatic] :: to break someone's heart (to cause a person to feel grief or sadness)
partitivo {adj} [grammar] :: partitive (indicating a part)
partitivo {m} [grammar] :: partitive case
partitocracia {f} :: alternative spelling of partidocracia
partitura {f} [music] :: sheet music (written musical notation)
partiu {interj} [colloquial] :: let's go
partner {mf} [dancing] :: a dance partner
parto {m} /ˈpaɹ.tu/ :: childbirth (act of giving birth)
paru {m} :: angelfish (a marine fish of the family Pomacanthidae)
Parvanoff {prop} {mf} :: surname
parvenu {mf} :: parvenu (a person who has risen to a higher social class)
parvo {adj} /ˈpaɾ.vu/ :: dumb, foolish, stupid
parvo {adj} [anatomy] :: small
parvo {m} :: a fool, an idiot
parvoíce {f} :: silliness
párvulo {m} :: child, boy
párvulo {adj} :: small as a child
párvulo {adj} :: stupid, ignorant
Pasárgada {prop} {f} /pa.ˈzaʁ.ɡa.dɐ/ :: Pasárgada (ancient capital)
pascácio {m} /pas.ˈka.sju/ :: fool, idiot
pascácio {adj} :: dumb, stupid, foolish
pascal {m} :: pascal
Páscoa {prop} {f} /ˈpaʃ.kwɐ/ :: Easter
pascoense {m} :: Rapa Nui (Eastern Polynesian language spoken in Easter Island)
pascoense {adj} :: of, from or relating to Easter Island
Pas de Calais {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Pas-de-Calais
Pas-de-Calais {prop} {m} :: Pas-de-Calais (department)
pashto {m} :: Pashto (a language spoken in parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan)
pasmado {adj} :: astonished; in awe
pasmar {vt} :: to astonish; to surprise
pasmar {vi} :: to become astonished, surprised
pasmo {adj} :: taken aback (surprised or shocked)
paspalhão {m} :: fool; simpleton (person lacking common sense)
paspalho {m} /pasˈpaʎu/ :: a fool, a stupid person
paspalho {m} :: a pretentious and vain person
pasquim {m} [pejorative] :: a bad newspaper
pasquim {m} :: a critical or calumnious newspaper
passa {interj} /ˈpa.sɐ/ :: shoo!; get away!; clear off! (said to an animal)
passa {f} :: dried fruit
passa {f} [specifically] :: raisin (dried grape)
Passabém {prop} :: Passabém (municipality)
passada {m} :: step; footstep; pace (movement made from one foot to the other)
passada {m} :: step; pace (a unit distance roughly equivalent to the distance covered in a step)
passada {m} :: step; footstep (sound produced by stepping on the ground)
passada {m} :: hop (quick visit)
passada {m} :: [tennis] passing shot (shot that reaches the other side but out of the opponent’s reach)
passadeira {f} :: a narrow rug used on corridors or stairs
passadeira {f} :: a woman who works ironing clothes
passadeira {f} :: a type of filter used in sugar mills
passadeira {f} [Portugal] :: zebra crossing (pedestrian crossing featuring broad white stripes)
passadeira {f} [Portugal] :: treadmill (equipment used for running while staying in place)
passadiço {adj} :: ephemeral (lasting for a short period of time)
passadiço {m} :: passageway (any way for passing in, out or through something)
passadiço {m} [Brazil, nautical] :: bridge (elevated platform from which a ship is navigated)
passadio {m} :: daily food
passadismo {m} [uncountable] :: Undesirable attachment to the past
passado {adj} /pɐ.ˈsa.ðu/ :: past (of the past)
passado {adj} [with time periods] :: last; previous (nouns modified by passado in this sense can be noun phrases or adverb phrases)
passado {adj} [of fruit] :: past its ripeness; beginning to rot
passado {adj} [figuratively] :: past its prime
passado {m} :: past (period of time that has already happened)
passado {m} [grammar] :: past; past tense (verb tense expressing actions that already happened)
passado anterior {m} [grammar] :: past anterior (a compound tense used in literary French and Spanish)
passado anterior {m} :: See: pt passado anterior
passador {m} :: passer (someone who passes something)
passador {m} :: ironer (someone who irons clothes)
passador {m} :: colander (a bowl with holes used for draining food)
passador {m} :: gossip (person who gossips often)
passageiro {adj} :: passing, transitory
passageiro {m} :: passenger
passagem {f} /pɐ.ˈsa.ʒɐ̃j̃/ :: passage (act of passing)
passagem {f} :: passageway (any way for passing in, out or through something)
passagem {f} :: ticket (pass entitling the holder to board a train, a bus, a plane, or other means of transportation)
passagem {f} :: passage (paragraph or section of text or music)
passagem a ferro {f} :: ironing (act of unwrinkling clothes with an iron)
passagem de ano {f} :: New Year's Eve
passagem de nível {f} :: level crossing (crossing between a railway line and an ordinary road)
Passagem Nordeste {prop} {f} [geography] :: Passagem Nordeste (shipping lane)
passagem sem retorno {f} :: synonym of passagem só de ida
passagem sem volta {f} :: synonym of passagem só de ida
passagem só de ida {f} :: one-way ticket (a ticket granting permission to travel to a place but not back)
passagem só de ida {f} [figurative] :: one-way ticket (course of action from which there is no way back)
passa-palavra {m} :: word of mouth (verbal, personal transmission of information)
passaporte {m} :: passport
Passa-Quatro {prop} :: Passa-Quatro (municipality)
passar {v} /pɐ.ˈsaɾ/ :: [por, -another positional preposition] to pass; to pass by (to move past)
passar {vt} :: to overtake (to move ahead of)
passar {v} :: [de] to cross (to move beyond)
passar {v} :: [de] to cross; to pass; to go over (to become greater in value than)
passar {v} :: [por] to go through (to move from one end through to the other side)
passar {v} :: [em, de, por] to pass (to go unheeded or neglected)
passar {v} :: [em, -a locational pronoun] to stop by (to pay a brief visit)
passar {v} :: [para, a, -indirect objective pronoun, .transitive, .or] to pass (to move something over to)
passar {v} :: [para, a, -indirect objective pronoun, .sports, .intransitive, .transitive, .or] to pass
passar {vi} :: to pass (to be over)
passar {vip} :: [of time, sometimes] to pass; to elapse
passar {v} :: [a] to begin to; to start to; usually referring to something habitual
passar {vt} :: to spend (to stay somewhere during a given time)
passar {v} :: [auxiliary with a verb phrase in the present participle] to spend (to do something during a given time)
passar {vtp} :: to take place; to happen; to occur
passar {vi} :: to pass (to advance through the stages necessary to become valid or effective)
passar {v} :: [de] to pass (to successfully complete an academic term)
passar {v} :: [em] to pass (to successfully complete an academic course, subject or test)
passar {vt} :: to pass (to make a student pass a term or course)
passar {vi} :: to pass (to be passable, good enough, acceptable)
passar {vt} :: to iron (to unwrinkle clothing using an iron)
passar {vt} :: to spread; to apply (to rub evenly on a surface)
passar {v} :: [por] to go through; to undergo; to experience
passar {vi} [with the adverb bem or mal] :: to be in a given situation of health
passar {vt} :: to pass; to spread (to put in circulation)
passar {v} :: [por, .pronominal] to impersonate (to pretend to be something in order to deceive)
passar {vit} :: [games] to pass (to decline to play on one’s turn)
pássara {f} :: feminine noun of pássaro, a female bird, particularly a female songbird
passar a bola para {v} :: to finish talking, expecting another person to talk
passaralho {m} [colloquial, humorous] /pɐsɐrˈɐʎu/ :: depiction of a penis with wings
passaralho {m} [colloquial, humorous] :: the act of firing a large number of employees
passar a noite em claro {v} :: to stay up all night
passarão {m} :: augmentative of pássaro
passar a perna {v} [idiom, slang] :: to trick, delude, deceive or fool someone
passar batido {vi} :: to get away with something; to escape punishment
passar dos limites {v} [idiomatic] :: to cross the line (to exceed the limit of acceptable behaviour)
passar dos limites {v} :: See: pt passar dos limites
passarela {f} :: footbridge (bridge for pedestrians)
passarela {f} :: runway (platform for fashion shows)
passar em branco {v} :: to lose an opportunity
Passárgada {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Pasárgada
passarinha {f} :: feminine noun of passarinho; a female bird
passarinha {f} [slang] :: woman's genitals; vagina
passarinhar {v} :: to hunt birds
passarinhar {v} :: to idle (to spend time doing nothing productive)
passarinheiro {m} /pɐsɐɾiˈɲɐjɾu/ :: birdcatcher (a person who catches or snares birds)
passarinho {m} /pɐsɐˈɾiɲu/ :: Any small species of bird, such as passerines
passarinho {m} :: birdie (small bird, or a term of endearment)
pássaro {m} /ˈpa.sɐ.ɾu/ :: a male bird (animal), especially a small one
pássaro {m} :: passerine (any bird of the order Passeriformes)
passar pano {v} [literally] :: to rub a cloth (often wet with water or cleaning products) over a surface in order to clean it
passar pano {v} [figuratively, pejorative, often followed by para] :: to minimize or downplay someone's misconduct or crimes, to "clean" someone's reputation
passar por {vt} :: to undergo; to experience
passar por {v} :: See: pt passar por
Passa Sete {prop} :: Passa Sete (municipality)
passatempo {m} :: pastime (activity done for enjoyment in spare time)
Passa Tempo {prop} :: Passa Tempo (municipality)
Passa-Vinte {prop} :: Passa-Vinte (municipality)
passe {m} /ˈpa.si/ :: pass (document granting admission or permission to pass)
passe {m} [sports] :: pass (the act of moving the ball to another player)
passe {m} :: an employment contract
passe {m} [bullfighting] :: pass (the act of tricking the bull into running through the cape)
passear {v} /pɐ.ˈsjaɾ/ :: to walk (take for a walk)
passear {v} :: to walk (go for a walk)
passear {v} :: to stroll, wander
passear {v} :: to travel in leisure, exploring a country or area
passeata {f} /pa.si.ˈa.tɐ/ :: march (political rally or parade)
passe-bem {interj} /ˌpa.sɨ.ˈβɐ̃j/ :: goodbye
passeio {m} /pɐˈsɐju/ :: a leisure trip
passeio {m} :: stroll, walk (an idle and leisurely walk)
passeio {m} :: sidewalk; pavement
passeio {m} :: paseo (public path or avenue designed for walking)
passeyo {m} :: obsolete spelling of passeio
passionista {mf} :: Passionist (member of a Roman Catholic institute with emphasis on the Passion)
passivador {adj} :: passivating
passivamente {adv} :: passively (in a passive manner)
passível {adj} :: liable
passividade {f} :: passivity
passividade {f} :: inactivity
passivo {adj} :: passive
passivo {m} [especially, in the plural] :: economic liabilities
passo {m} /ˈpa.su/ :: step; footstep; pace (movement made from one foot to the other)
passo {m} :: step; pace (a unit distance roughly equivalent to the distance covered in a step)
passo {m} :: step (very short distance)
passo {m} :: step; footstep (sound produced by stepping on the ground)
passo {m} :: [chiefly military, except in set phrases] pace (manner or speed of walking or marching)
passo {m} :: pace (the speed of a process)
passo {m} :: [dancing] the movements associated with a dance style
passo {m} :: step; stage; phase (distinct part of a process or protocol)
passo {m} :: [figurative] step (an attempt in dealing with something)
passo {m} :: [geography] pass (narrow passage or channel between geographical features)
passo {m} :: [mechanical engineering] pitch (distance between a gear’s teeth)
passo {m} :: [mechanical engineering] pitch (distance between a screws’s threads)
passo a passo {adv} :: step by step; gradually
passo a passo {m} :: a document containing step-by-step instructions
passo-a-passo {m} :: alternative spelling of passo a passo
Passo de Calais {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Pas-de-Calais
Passo de Torres {prop} :: Passo de Torres (municipality)
Passo do Sobrado {prop} :: Passo do Sobrado (municipality)
Passo Fundo {prop} :: Passo Fundo (municipality)
Passos {prop} :: Passos (municipality)
Passos Maia {prop} :: Passos Maia (municipality)
password {f} [computing] /ˈpaswɐɾd(ə)/ :: password (secret string of characters used to access a system)
pasta {f} [cooking] :: dough (mix of flour and other ingredients)
pasta {f} :: paste
pasta {f} :: folder (organizer)
pasta {f} [computing, Brazil] :: folder (container of computer files)
pasta {f} :: briefcase (case used for carrying documents)
pasta {f} [politics] :: ministry; portfolio (responsibilities of a government department)
pasta de dente {f} :: toothpaste
pastagem {f} :: pasture (grassy land on which cattle is kept for feeding)
pastar {v} :: to graze (to eat grass from a pasture)
pastel {m} /pɐʃˈtɛɫ/ :: crayon
pastel {m} :: a fried pastry made of wheat flour, filled with cheese, meat or other fillings; comparable to German Teigtaschen
pastelaria {f} /pɐʃtɨlɐˈɾiɐ/ :: A business where certain snacks are sold
pastelaria {f} :: patisserie, pastry shop, cake shop
pastelaria {f} :: confectionery
pastelaria {f} [Brazil] :: a business, often in outdoor food stalls and markets, that sells a fried pastry
pastel de vento {m} :: a pastel (the fried pastry) without any filling
pastel dos tintureiros {m} :: alternative spelling of pastel-dos-tintureiros
pastel-dos-tintureiros {m} :: woad (Isatis tinctoria, a plant whose leaves are used to make blue dye)
pasteleira {f} :: feminine noun of pasteleiro
pasteleiro {m} /pɐʃtɨˈlɐjɾu/ :: pastry cook, confectioner
pastelista {mf} [arts] :: pastellist (an artist who works in pastels)
pasteurização {f} :: pasteurization
pasteurizar {v} :: to pasteurize
pastiche {m} :: pastiche (work that imitates the work of a previous artist)
pasticho {m} :: alternative form of pastiche
pastilha {f} :: tablet, lozenge, pastille
pastilha {f} [Portugal] :: chewing gum
pastilha {f} :: pellet
pastilha {f} :: wafer
pastilha {f} [colloquial] :: pill; drug
pastilha elástica {f} :: chewing gum
pastinaca {f} :: parsnip (Pastinaca sativa, a plant known for its edible root)
pastinaga {f} :: alternative form of pastinaca
pasto {m} /ˈpas.tu/ :: pasture (land on which cattle can be kept for feeding)
pasto {m} :: grass or herbage suitable for the grazing of livestock
pastó {m} :: alternative form of pashto
pastor {m} /pɐʃ.ˈtoɾ/ :: herdsman; herder (someone who tends livestock)
pastor {m} [in particular] :: shepherd (someone who tends sheep)
pastor {m} :: herding dog (any of several breeds of dog originally used to herd livestock)
pastor {m} :: short for pastor alemão
pastor {m} [figurative, chiefly religion] :: shepherd (one who watches over or guides others)
pastor {m} [Protestantism] :: the chief clergyman of a Protestant congregation: a pastor, minister or parson
pastoral {adj} :: alternative form of pastoril
pastoral {adj} :: pastoral (relating to the pastor of a church)
pastoral {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: a letter written by a bishop or the pope explaining a doctrine
pastor alemão {m} :: German Shepherd
pastorar {v} :: alternative form of pastorear
pastor belga {m} :: Belgian Sheepdog (sheepdog breed from Belgium)
pastorear {v} :: to watch over a herd
pastorear {v} [figurative] :: to lead (to conduct or direct with authority)
pastoreio {m} :: grazing
pastoril {adj} :: pastoral (of or pertaining to shepherding)
pastoril {adj} :: relating to simple, rural lifestyle
pastor inglês {m} :: Old English Sheepdog (a breed of herding dog)
pastrami {m} :: pastrami (seasoned cut of smoked beef)
-pata {suffix} :: -path
pata {f} /ˈpa.tɐ/ :: paw, foot, leg (of an animal)
pata {f} [colloquial] :: human leg, foot, footprint (often used by an angry person)
pata {f} :: feminine noun of pato; a female duck
pataca {f} [historical] :: a silver coin worth 320 réis
pataca {f} [historical] :: pataca (monetary unit of Portuguese Timor)
pataca {f} :: pataca (monetary unit of Macau)
patada {f} /pa.ˈta.dɐ/ :: a kick, especially from an animal's paws
patada {f} [figurative, colloquial] :: an act of unkindness or ingratitude
patada {f} [figurative, colloquial] :: an instance of verbally attacking someone, often indirectly (i.e. with hints)
Patagónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] :: Patagónia (geograhical region/and/desert)
Patagônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of Patagónia
patamar {m} /pɐ.tɐ.ˈmaɾ/ :: landing (top-most step of a staircase)
patamar {m} [figurative] :: level, stage
patamar {m} :: patamar (sailing vessel)
patchouli {m} :: alternative spelling of patchuli
patchouly {m} :: alternative spelling of patchuli
patchuli {m} :: patchouli (east Indian plant plant)
patchuli {m} :: patchouli (fragrance produced from this plant)
patê {m} :: pâté (finely-ground paste of meat, game fish or vegetables)
pateca {f} [regional, dated] :: watermelon
patego {adj} [colloquial] :: dumb, stupid
patego {m} [colloquial] :: simpleton
patela {f} [skeleton] /pa.ˈtɛ.la/ :: kneecap
patelar {adj} [anatomy] :: patellar (near or relating to the kneecap)
patena {f} :: alternative form of pátena
pátena {f} [ecclesiastical] :: paten (plate for the host during Eucharist)
patente {adj} :: patent (explicit and obvious)
patente {f} :: patent (declaration issued by a government to an inventor)
patente {f} :: rank (level in an organisation, such as the military)
patente {f} [South Brazil] :: outhouse (outbuilding containing a toilet)
patenteado {adj} :: patented
patentear {v} :: to patent (register an invention with a government agency)
pateo {m} :: obsolete spelling of pátio
paternidade {f} :: fatherhood; paternity (the condition of being a father)
paterno {adj} :: paternal (relating to fathers)
patesca {f} [nautical] /paˈtes.kɐ/ :: a type of simple pulley system
patesca {m} [nautical jargon, dated] :: seadog (an experienced seaman)
patesca {adj} [of a pulley system] :: having a single wheel
patesca {adj} [nautical jargon, dated] :: experienced in seafaring, or characteristic of advanced seamanship; salty
pateta {mf} :: fool
pateta {mf} :: dimwit, dummy
pateta {adj} :: silly, goofy
pateta {adj} :: stupid
patetice {f} :: foolishness
patético {adj} /pa.ˈtɛ.t͡ʃi.ku/ :: pathetic (arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion)
patético {adj} :: pathetic (arousing scornful pity or contempt, often due to miserable inadequacy)
pathetico {adj} :: obsolete spelling of patético
pathos {m} :: pathos (the quality of anything which touches the feelings or excites emotions)
páthos {m} :: alternative spelling of pathos
-patia {suffix} :: [feeling or passion] -pathy
-patia {suffix} [pathology, abnormal state] :: -pathy
-pático {suffix} :: -pathic
patifaria {f} :: knavery
patife {m} :: rascal
patilha {f} :: tab (small piece of metal etc)
patim {m} :: diminutive of pátio
patim {m} :: a small landing (level part of a staircase)
patim {m} [usually in the plural] :: skate (boot having wheels or a blade)
patim de gelo {m} [usually in the plural] :: ice skate (boot, fitted with a blade, used for skating on ice)
pátina {f} :: patina (green rust that appears on bronze objects)
patinação {f} :: skating
patinação artística {f} :: figure skating (sport where people perform spins, jumps and other moves on ice skates)
patinação de velocidade {f} :: speed skating (the sport of racing on ice skates)
patinada {f} :: slip (an act or instance of slipping)
patinada {f} :: slip (mistake or error)
patinador {m} :: an ice skater or roller skater
patinar {v} :: to skate (to move along a surface using ice skates or roller skates)
patinar {v} :: to slip (to lose one’s traction on a slippery surface)
patinar {v} :: to patinate (to coat with a patina)
patinete {f} {m} /pa.t(ʃ)i.ˈnɛ.t(ʃ)i/ :: kick scooter, push scooter, scooter
patinhar {v} :: to splash
patinho {m} :: duckling
patinho feio {m} :: ugly duckling (one who is ugly, but who is expected to become beautiful as they mature)
patins em linha {mp} :: in-line skates (roller skates with wheels aligned in a single row)
pátio {m} /ˈpa.tju/ :: yard, courtyard
pátio {m} :: vestibule (passage, hall or room between the outer door and the interior of a building)
pátio {m} :: patio (paved area next to a house)
Patis {prop} :: Patis (municipality)
patisseria {f} :: patisserie; pastry shop
pato {m} /ˈpa.tu/ :: duck
patoá {m} :: patois
pato do mato {m} :: alternative spelling of pato-do-mato
pato-do-mato {m} :: Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata, a large duck species of the Americas)
Pato Donald {prop} {m} :: Donald Duck (Disney character)
patogénese {f} [European orthography, pathology] :: pathogenesis (origin and development of a disease)
patogênese {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of patogénese
patogenesia {f} [pathology] :: pathogenesis (origin and development of a disease)
patogenia {f} [pathology] :: pathogenesis (origin and development of a disease)
patogénico {adj} [European orthography, pathology] :: pathogenic
patogênico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of patogénico
patógeno {m} [pathology] :: pathogen (an organism or substance that causes disease)
patola {f} :: pincer (claw of a crustacean)
patola {f} [slang] :: foot
patola {f} :: the hook of a crane
patola {f} :: a group of fools
patola {mf} :: fool; simpleton
patologia {f} :: pathology
patologicamente {adv} :: pathologically
patológico {adj} [medicine] /ˌpa.to.ˈlɔ.ʒi.ku/ :: pathological (pertaining to pathology)
patológico {adj} [medicine] :: pathological (relating to or caused by a physical or mental disorder)
patologista {mf} :: pathologist (expert in pathology)
pato mandarim {m} :: alternative spelling of pato-mandarim
pato-mandarim {m} :: mandarin duck (Aix galericulata, a perching duck of East Asia)
pato-marreco {m} :: garganey (Anas querquedula, a small dabbling duck of Europe and Asia)
pato-mudo {m} :: Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata, a large duck species of the Americas)
Patópolis {prop} {f} /paˈtɔ.po.lis/ :: Duckburg (fictional city where Donald Duck lives)
patopolitano {adj} /ˌpa.to.po.liˈtɐ.nu/ :: Duckburgian, relating to Duckburg (fictional town in the Disney universe) or its people
patopolitano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Duckburg; a Duckburgian
pato real {m} :: alternative spelling of pato-real
pato-real {m} :: mallard (Anas platyrhynchos, a widespread dabbling duck species)
patos {m} :: alternative spelling of páthos
Patos de Minas {prop} :: Patos de Minas (municipality)
pato-selvagem {m} :: Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata, a large duck species of the Americas)
patota {f} /paˈtɔtɐ/ :: cheat, trick (unfair act or advantage)
patota {f} :: untrustworthy business
patota {f} [colloquial] :: mob, gang
patoteiro {adj} :: cheating
pato-vapor {m} :: steamer duck (any South American duck of the genus Tachyeres)
patrão {m} /pɐˈtɾɐ̃w̃/ :: master, boss
patrão {m} :: employer
patrão {m} :: patron
Patras {prop} {f} :: Patras (city/regional capital)
patrasana {m} :: alternative spelling of patrazana
patrazana {m} /pa.tɾa.ˈzɐ̃.na/ :: a soldier of the National Guard
patrazana {m} :: a plumb, kind, and ingenuous man
patrazana {m} :: an individual, a person
patria {f} :: obsolete spelling of pátria
pátria {f} /ˈpa.tɾjɐ/ :: fatherland (the country of one’s birth, origin)
pátria-mãe {f} :: motherland (the country of one’s birth)
patriarca {m} [sociology] /pɐ.tɾi.ˈaɾ.kɐ/ :: patriarch (male head of a community or household)
patriarca {m} [ecclesiastical, chiefly Eastern Orthodoxy and Eastern Catholicism] :: patriarch (highest rank of bishop)
patriarcado {m} [sociology] /ˌpa.tɾi.ˌaʁ.ˈka.du/ :: patriarchy (social system in which the father is head of the household)
patriarcado {m} :: patriarchate
patriarcal {adj} :: patriarchal (relating to patriarchy or patriarchs)
patriarcha {m} :: obsolete spelling of patriarca
patriarchado {m} :: obsolete spelling of patriarcado
patriarquia {f} :: patriarchy (social system in which the father is head of the household)
Patrícia {prop} {f} /pa.ˈtɾi.sjɐ/ :: given name
patricida {mf} :: alternative form of parricida
patricídio {m} :: alternative form of parricídio
patricinha {f} [Brazil, slang, derogatory] :: a young, upper-class woman overly interested in shopping, personal appearance and social status
patrício {m} /pɐ.ˈtɾi.sju/ :: compatriot
Patrício {prop} {m} /pa.ˈtɾi.sju/ :: given name
patrimonial {adj} :: patrimonial
patrimonio {m} :: obsolete spelling of património
património {m} /pɐ.tɾi.ˈmɔ.nju/ :: patrimony
património {m} :: inheritance
património {m} :: heritage
Património {prop} :: surname
patrimônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] /pa.tɾi.ˈmõ.nju/ :: alternative form of património
patriota {adj} :: patriotic
patriota {mf} :: patriot
patrioteirismo {m} :: jingoism (extreme patriotism)
patrioticamente {adv} :: patriotically
patriótico {adj} :: patriotic (inspired by patriotism)
patriotismo {m} :: patriotism (love of one’s own country)
patroa {f} :: wife; a female partner in a stable relationship
patrocinador {m} :: sponsor (person or organisation that pays part of the cost of an event or service)
patrocinadora {f} :: female equivalent of patrocinador
patrocinar {vt} :: to sponsor (to pay part of the cost of an event or service)
patrocínio {m} /ˌpa.tɾo.ˈsi.nju/ :: financial support
patrocínio {m} [arts] :: patronage (support, especially in the form of money, given to an artist)
patrocínio {m} [marketing] :: sponsorship (money, products or services given to a person, organisation or event in exchange for the display of advertisements)
Patrocínio {prop} :: Patrocínio (municipality)
Patrocínio do Muriaé {prop} :: Patrocínio do Muriaé (municipality)
Patrocínio Paulista {prop} :: Patrocínio Paulista (municipality)
Pátroclo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Patroclus
patrola {f} [South Brazil, Goiás] /paˈtɾɔ.lɐ/ :: grader (vehicle with a blade used to flatten ground)
patronato {m} :: patronage (the act of providing approval and support)
patronímico {m} :: patronymic (a surname derived from one’s father’s name)
patrono {m} [religion] /pɐ.ˈtɾo.nu/ :: patron saint (saint who protects a specific place, group of people or profession)
patrono {m} :: patron (one who protects or supports)
patrono {m} [Ancient Rome] :: patron (master who had freed his slave but still retained some paternal rights over him)
patrulha {f} [chiefly military] /pa.ˈtɾu.ʎɐ/ :: patrol (the act of patrolling a location)
patrulha {f} [chiefly military] :: patrol (detachment that performs a patrol)
patrulhador {m} :: patroller
patrulhamento {m} :: patrol (the act of patrolling a location)
patrulhar {v} [military] /ˌpa.tɾu.ˈʎa(ɹ)/ :: to patrol
patrulhar {v} [figurative] :: to verify that others are respecting one’s mores or principles
patuá macaense {m} :: Macanese (a Portuguese-based creole spoken in Macau)
patuleia {f} :: rabble (the mass of common people)
patuléia {f} :: obsolete spelling of patuleia
patuscada {f} :: spree, carousal
patusco {adj} :: wanton, playful
Paty do Alferes {prop} :: Paty do Alferes (municipality)
pau {m} /ˈpaw/ :: stick
pau {m} :: wood
pau {m} [slang, vulgar] :: penis, dick, cock, prick
pau a pau {adj} :: neck and neck (very close in progress)
pau-brasil {m} /ˈpaw bɾa.ˈziw/ :: brazilwood (a Brazilian timber tree, Caesalpinia echinata)
Pau Brasil {prop} :: Pau Brasil (municipality)
pau-d'arco {m} :: Tabebuia tree
paudurescência {f} [vulgar, humorous, uncountable] :: the ability to have an erection
paudurescência {f} [vulgar, humorous, countable] :: an erection
pau-ferro {m} :: ironwood (any of several trees characterised by particularly solid wood)
pau-ferro {m} :: Brazilian ironwood (Libidibia ferrea)
pau-ferro {m} :: snake bean (Bobgunnia madagascariensis)
pau-ferro {m} :: Zollernia paraensis and Zollernia ilicifolia
pau-ferro {m} :: Ceylon ironwood (Mesua ferrea)
pau-furado {m} :: rifle
paul {m} [geography] /pɐ.ˈuɫ/ :: swamp
Paula {prop} {f} /ˈpaw.lɐ/ :: given name
Paula Cândido {prop} :: Paula Cândido (municipality)
paulada {f} /paw.ˈla.dɐ/ :: the act of striking with a wooden stick
paulada {f} [by extension] :: strike; blow (the act of hitting strongly)
paulatino {adj} :: gradual
Paulete {prop} {f} /paw.ˈlɛ.t͡ʃi/ :: given name
Paulicéia {prop} :: Paulicéia (municipality)
Paulínia {prop} :: Paulínia (municipality)
Paulino {prop} :: given name
Paulino {prop} :: surname
paulista {adj} /paw.ˈlis.tɐ/ :: of, from or relating to the state of São Paulo, Brazil
paulista {adj} :: [religion] relating to Saint Paul
paulista {mf} :: a person from the state of São Paulo, Brazil
paulista {mf} :: [religion] Paulist (member of a religious order associated with Saint Paul)
paulistana {f} :: feminine noun of paulistano
Paulistânia {prop} :: Paulistânia (municipality)
paulistano {m} [demonym] /paw.lis.ˈtɐ.nu/ :: Born in or inhabitant of the municipality of São Paulo, the largest city in Brazil
paulistano {adj} [demonym] :: Pertaining or related to the municipality of São Paulo, the largest city in Brazil
Paulistas {prop} :: Paulistas (municipality)
Paulo {prop} {m} /ˈpaw.lu/ :: given name
Paulo {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Paul (an early Christian apostle)
Paulo Afonso {prop} :: Paulo Afonso (municipality)
Paulo Bento {prop} :: Paulo Bento (municipality)
Paulo de Faria {prop} :: Paulo de Faria (municipality)
Paulo Lopes {prop} :: Paulo Lopes (municipality)
paumari {mf} :: a member of the Paumarí, a tribe of northern Brazil
paumari {mf} [uncountable] :: an Arauan language spoken by the Paumarí
paumari {adj} :: Pertaining to the language or culture of the Paumarí
pau para toda obra {m} [idiomatic, Brazil] :: a person or tool that can be used for several different tasks
paupérrimo {adj} [formal] /paw.ˈpɛ.ʁi.mu/ :: superlative of pobre
pau pra toda obra {m} :: nonstandard spelling of pau para toda obra
pau-preto {m} /pawˈpɾe.tu/ :: blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon)
pau que nasce torto nunca se endireita {proverb} :: The traits which one has been born with cannot be really changed
pau que nasce torto nunca se endireita {proverb} :: The best is to emphasize a proper education from the youngest age. Cf. you can't teach an old dog new tricks
pau-rosa {m} :: rosewood
paus {mp} /ˈpawʃ/ :: clubs (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♣)
pausa {f} /ˈpaw.zɐ/ :: pause (short time for relaxing)
pausa {f} :: interruption (time interval during which there is a cessation of something)
pausar {v} :: to pause (to interrupt an activity)
pauta {f} /ˈpaw.tɐ/ :: agenda
pauta {f} :: assignment (in Journalism)
pauta {f} :: the set of guidelines in a notebook
pautando {v} :: gerund of pautar
pautar {v} :: to trace (lines on a page)
pautar {v} :: to table (put forward for discussion)
pautar {v} :: to guide
pauzinho {m} :: diminutive of pau
pauzinho {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: chopstick (eating utensil)
pauzinhos {mp} :: chopsticks
pavão {m} /pɐ.ˈvɐ̃w̃/ :: peacock
Pavão {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Pavo (constellation of the southern sky)
Pavão {prop} {m} :: Pavão (municipality)
pavão real {m} :: Indian peacock; blue peacock (Pavo cristatus, a species of peafowl)
pavão-real {m} :: alternative spelling of pavão real
pavê {m} /paˈve/ :: a type of cake made with biscuits arranged into layers
Paverama {prop} :: Paverama (municipality)
pavês {m} [historical, military] /paˈves/ :: pavis; pavise (a shield large enough to cover the whole body)
pavês {m} [historical, nautical] :: a shield hung on the side of a ship
pávido {adj} :: faint; shy (easily frightened)
pavilhão {m} :: pavilion
pavilhão {m} :: flag; national symbol
pavilhão auditivo {m} [anatomy] :: pinna; outer ear
pavimentando {v} :: gerund of pavimentar
pavimentar {v} :: to pave
pavimento {m} /pɐviˈmẽtu/ :: road surface [British], pavement [US]
pavimento {m} :: paving
pavio {m} :: fuse (cord used to ignite a charge)
pavio {m} :: wick (burning cord of a candle)
pavio curto {adj} [idiomatic] :: irritable, temperamental
pavoa {f} :: feminine noun of pavão
pavonear {vi} :: to strut (to walk proudly or haughtily)
pavonear {vt} :: to flaunt (to display with ostentation)
pavonear {vt} :: to dress gaudily
pavor {m} /pɐˈvoɾ/ :: intense fear, dread
pavorosamente {adv} :: appallingly; frightfully (in an frightful manner)
pavoroso {adj} :: gruesome; dreadful
Pawlowski {prop} {mf} :: surname
paxá {m} [historical] :: pasha (highest honorary title during the Ottoman Empire)
paxalato {m} :: pashalik
pay {m} :: obsolete spelling of pai
pays {m} :: obsolete spelling of país
pays {m} :: obsolete spelling of pais
paz {f} /paʃ/ :: peace
paz do Senhor {interj} :: "Lord's peace!"; a greeting (hello, hi) used by Christian people
PB {prop} :: abbreviation of Paraíba (Brazilian state)
PC {m} /peˈse/ :: initialism of personal computer
PC da NASA {m} [Brazil, colloquial, humorous] :: a personal computer with a very sophisticated, expensive, modern, or advanced hardware
PC da Xuxa {m} [Brazil, colloquial, humorous] :: a personal computer with a very unsophisticated, cheap, rudimentary or outdated hardware
PCUS {prop} {mf} [history, politics] :: CPSU (initialism of Partido Comunista da União Soviética)
PDA {m} :: PDA; personal digital assistant (hand-held electronic organiser)
PE {prop} {m} :: abbreviation of Pernambuco (Brazilian state)
{m} /ˈpɛ/ :: foot
{m} [followed by de] :: plant, -stalk; tree
{m} :: obsolete spelling of
{m} /ˈpe/ :: pee (name of the letter P, p)
peã {m} :: paean (a song of triumph)
peão {m} /ˈpjɐ̃w̃/ :: peon
peão {m} :: pedestrian
peão {m} [chess] :: pawn
Pearl Harbor {prop} {f} :: Pearl Harbor (harbour/and/naval base)
pebol {m} [literary] /ˌpɛ.ˈbɔw/ :: football; soccer (team sport)
pébol {m} :: alternative form of pebol
pebolim {m} [Brazil] :: foosball (table soccer)
PEC {f} [Brazil, politics, initialism] /ˈpɛk(i)/ :: Proposta de Emenda Constitucional (Constitutional Amendment Proposal)
pecã {f} :: pecan (the nut of the pecan tree)
peça {f} /ˈpɛ.sɐ/ :: piece (a part of something)
peça {f} [theatre] :: play
pecado {m} /pɨ.ˈka.ðu/ :: sin
pecado capital {m} [Christianity] :: deadly sin (wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy or gluttony)
pecado original {m} [Christianity] :: original sin (state of sin that is a direct result of Adam’s disobedience to God)
pecador {m} :: sinner (person who sins)
pecador {adj} :: who sins
pecadora {f} :: female equivalent of pecador
pecaminoso {adj} :: peccaminous; sinful
Peçanha {prop} :: Peçanha (municipality)
Peçanha {prop} {mf} :: surname
pecar {v} [theology] /pe.ˈka(ɹ)/ :: to sin (commit a sin)
pecar {v} :: to commit a misdeed
pecari {m} :: any animal of the Tayassuidae family (a wild pig family of the Americas)
pecari {m} :: white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari), a hog-like animal species found in Central and South America
peccado {f} :: obsolete spelling of pecado
peccar {v} :: obsolete spelling of pecar
pechincha {f} :: bargain (advantageous business)
pechinchar {v} /ˌpi.ʃĩ.ˈʃa(ɹ)/ :: to haggle (argue about prices)
peçonha {f} /pɨ.ˈso.ɲɐ/ :: venom, poison
peçonhento {adj} [of an animal] :: venomous (producing poison)
peçonhento {adj} [figurative] :: venomous; malignant; spiteful; hateful
pectina {f} [carbohydrate] :: pectin (polysaccharide extracted from the cell walls of plants)
pecuária {f} :: the raising of livestock; animal husbandry
pecuário {adj} :: Of or relating to the raising of livestock
peculato {m} [legal] :: embezzlement of public money
peculiar {adj} :: peculiar; unusual; strange
peculiar {adj} :: peculiar (common or usual for a particular place or circumstance)
peculiaridade {f} :: peculiarity
pecúlio {m} :: estate (property of a person)
pecuniário {adj} :: pecuniary
pedacinho {m} /pe.da.ˈsi.ɲu/ :: diminutive of pedaço
pedaço {m} /pɨ.ˈða.su/ :: piece
pedaço {m} [by extension] :: moment (of time)
pedaço {m} [colloquial] :: hottie (physically or sexually attractive person)
pedaço de mau caminho {m} [colloquial, idiom] :: hunk, stud (an attractive man)
pedágio {m} :: toll
pedágio {m} :: tollbooth
pedagogia {f} /pe.ˌda.ɡo.ˈʒi.a/ :: pedagogy (the activities of educating, teaching or instructing)
pedagogicamente {adv} :: pedagogically
pedagógico {adj} :: pedagogical (of or relating to pedagogy)
pedagogo {m} :: pedagogue (teacher or instructor of children)
pedagogo {m} [historical, Ancient Greece] :: pedagogue (slave who led the master’s children to school)
pedal {m} :: pedal (lever operated by one’s foot)
pedalada {f} :: the act of pedaling
pedalada {f} [figuratively] :: energy, dynamism; momentum
pedalagem {f} [cycling] :: the act of pedalling
pedalar {vi} :: to pedal; to bike (to ride a bicycle)
pedante {mf} :: pedant (person overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning)
pedante {adj} :: pedantic (behaving as a pedant)
pedantice {f} :: pedantry (the characteristic or an instance of being pedantic)
pedantismo {m} :: pedantry
pê da vida {adj} :: euphemistic form of puto da vida
pé-de-altar {m} [ecclesiastical] :: budget that a curate obtains from ceremonies such as baptisms, weddings and burials
pé de árvore {m} :: synonym of pé de pau
pé de árvore {m} :: See: pt de árvore
pé de atleta {m} :: See: pt de atleta
pé de atleta {m} [disease] :: athlete's foot (fungal infection of the skin of the foot)
pé-de-atleta {m} :: alternative spelling of pé de atleta
pé de cabra {m} :: alternative spelling of pé-de-cabra
pé-de-cabra {m} :: crowbar, prybar (iron or steel bar used as a lever to manually force things apart)
pé-de-cabra {m} [botany] :: Ipomoea pes-caprae, also known as beach morning glory or goat's foot
pé de chinelo {mf} [Brazil] :: a criminal who is not very dangerous
pé de chinelo {mf} [Brazil] :: poor, insignificant or inexpressive individual
pé-de-gato {m} [in the plural, Portugal, climbing] :: climbing shoe
pé de moleque {m} [cuisine] :: a traditional Brazilian sweet made with peanuts, similar to brittle
pé-de-moleque {m} :: alternative form of pé de moleque
pé de mosca {m} [rare] :: pilcrow (¶, a character used to mark paragraphs)
pé de pato {m} :: fin (flat, elongated shoe used by divers)
pé-de-pato {m} :: alternative spelling of pé de pato
pé de pau {m} [Northeast Brazil] /ˈpɛ d͡ʒi ˈpaw/ :: a tree of an uncertain, unknown or irrelevant species
pé de pau {m} :: See: pt de pau
pé de poeira {mf} :: an infantry soldier
pé de poeira {mf} :: a very poor and inexpressive individual
pederasta {m} :: pederast (man who is engaged in a sexual relationship with an adolescent boy)
pederastia {f} :: pederasty (erotic relationship between a man and an adolescent boy)
pederneira {f} :: flint (hard, fine-grained quartz that generates sparks when struck)
Pederneiras {prop} :: Pederneiras (municipality)
Pé de Serra {prop} :: Pé de Serra (municipality)
pedestal {m} [architecture] :: pedestal (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like)
pedestal {m} [figuratively] :: pedestal (a place of reverence or honor)
pedestre {adj} :: pedestrian
pedestre {mf} :: pedestrian (somebody walking rather than using a vehicle)
pediatra {mf} :: paediatrician (physician who specialises in paediatrics)
pediátrico {adj} :: pediatric (of or pertaining to the treatment of children)
pedicure {f} :: pedicure (cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails)
pedicure {f} :: a professional who provides pedicure
pedido {adj} /pɨ.ˈði.ðu/ :: requested
pedido {m} :: something which is asked for
pedido {m} :: the act of asking for
pedido {m} :: order (request for some product or service)
pedido {m} :: wish (a will for something to happen)
pedigree {m} :: pedigree (chart of ancestors, showing the breed of an animal)
pedigree {adj} :: purebred; pedigree
pedincha {mf} [colloquial] :: someone who constantly asks or begs
pedinchão {m} :: augmentative of pedincha
pedinchar {v} :: alternative form of pedintar
pedintar {vti} :: to beg
pedinte {mf} :: beggar
pedir {v} [por] /pɨ.ˈdiɾ/ :: to ask for; to request (to express the need or desire for something)
pedir {vt} :: to order (to request a product or service)
pedir {v} [por] :: to ask for; to invite (to be in obvious need of)
pedir {v} [por] :: to charge (to assign a given price to something)
pé-direito {m} [architecture] :: the distance between the floor and the ceiling of a storey
pedir penico {v} [idiom] :: to say uncle (to indicate submission)
pedófila {f} :: feminine noun of pedófilo
pedofilia {f} :: pedophilia
pedófilo {m} :: pedophile (an adult who is sexually attracted to children)
pedófilo {adj} :: sexually attracted to children
pedológico {adj} :: pedological
pedómetro {m} [European orthography] :: alternative form of podómetro
pedômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of podómetro
pedonal {adj} /ˌpe.do.ˈnaw/ :: pedestrian
pedossexual {adj} :: pedosexual (relating to sexual activity between adults and children)
pedra {f} /ˈpɛ.ðɾɐ/ :: stone (as a material)
pedra {f} :: stone, rock
pedra {f} :: hailstone
pedra {f} [medicine] :: deposit, calculus, stone
pedra {f} [dentistry] :: tartar
pedra {f} [slang] :: crack cocaine
Pedra Azul {prop} :: Pedra Azul (municipality)
Pedra Badejo {prop} {f} :: Pedra Badejo (city)
Pedra Bela {prop} :: Pedra Bela (municipality)
Pedra Bonita {prop} :: Pedra Bonita (municipality)
pedrada {f} :: a blow with a rock
pedrada {f} :: stone's throw (short distance)
pedrada {f} [colloquial] :: trip
pedra da lua {f} :: alternative spelling of pedra-da-lua
pedra-da-lua {f} [mineral] :: moonstone (translucent gemstone of feldspar)
pedra da Lua {f} :: alternative spelling of pedra-da-lua
pedra de águia {f} :: eaglestone (concretion with a loose kernel inside, formerly used for magical or medicinal purposes)
pedra de rim {f} [medicine] :: kidney stone (calculus in the kidney)
Pedra de Roseta {prop} {f} :: Rosetta Stone (large inscribed stone found in Egypt)
pedra de toque {f} :: touchstone (a stone used to test the quality of precious metals)
pedra de toque {f} [figurative] :: touchstone (a standard of comparison or evaluation)
Pedra do Anta {prop} :: Pedra do Anta (municipality)
Pedra do Indaiá {prop} :: Pedra do Indaiá (municipality)
Pedra Dourada {prop} :: Pedra Dourada (municipality)
pedra filosofal {f} [alchemy, fiction] :: philosopher's stone (substance able to turn base metals into gold or silver or provide immortality)
Pedralva {prop} :: Pedralva (municipality)
Pedranópolis {prop} :: Pedranópolis (municipality)
pedra no sapato {f} /ˈpɛ.dɾɐ nu sa.ˈpa.tu/ :: a minor but constant problem; an annoyance
pedra no sapato {f} :: See: pt pedra no sapato
Pedrão {prop} :: Pedrão (municipality)
pedra, papel e tesoura {m} :: alternative form of pedra-papel-tesoura
pedra, papel ou tesoura {m} :: alternative form of pedra-papel-tesoura
pedra-papel-tesoura {m} [games] :: rock paper scissors (a popular child’s game played with the hands)
pedra-pomes {f} :: pumice (light, porous type of igneous rock)
pedra preciosa {f} :: gemstone; precious stone
pedra que rola não cria limo {proverb} :: a rolling stone gathers no moss
pedraria {f} /pɨ.ðɾɐ.ˈɾi.ɐ/ :: stone cutting; masonry
pedraria {f} :: gem cutting
Pedras Altas {prop} {f} :: Pedras Altas (municipality)
Pedras de Maria da Cruz {prop} :: Pedras de Maria da Cruz (municipality)
Pedras Grandes {prop} :: Pedras Grandes (municipality)
pedra, tesoura e papel {m} :: alternative form of pedra-papel-tesoura
pedra, tesoura ou papel {m} :: alternative form of pedra-papel-tesoura
pedra-tesoura-papel {m} :: alternative form of pedra-papel-tesoura
pedregoso {adj} :: rocky (full of rocks)
pedregulho {m} /ˌpɨ.ðɾɨ.ˈɣu.ʎu/ :: pebble (small stone)
pedregulho {m} :: boulder (large stone)
Pedregulho {prop} :: Pedregulho (municipality)
pedreira {f} /pɨ.ˈðɾɐj.ɾɐ/ :: quarry
Pedreira {prop} :: Pedreira (municipality)
pedreiro {m} /pɨ.ˈðɾɐj.ɾu/ :: mason; builder; bricklayer
pedrinha {f} :: diminutive of pedra
Pedrinhas Paulista {prop} :: Pedrinhas Paulista (municipality)
Pedrinho {prop} {m} :: diminutive of Pedro; Petey
Pedrinópolis {prop} :: Pedrinópolis (municipality)
Pedro {prop} {m} /ˈpe.dɾu/ :: given name
Pedro Alexandre {prop} :: Pedro Alexandre (municipality)
Pedro de Toledo {prop} :: Pedro de Toledo (municipality)
Pedrógão Grande {prop} /pɨˈðɾɔɣɐ̃w ˈɣɾɐ̃d(ɨ)/ :: Pedrógão Grande (village/and/municipality)
Pedro Leopoldo {prop} :: Pedro Leopoldo (municipality)
Pedro Osório {prop} :: Pedro Osório (municipality)
Pedro Teixeira {prop} :: Pedro Teixeira (municipality)
pedzita {f} [mineral] :: petzite
pega {f} /ˈpe.ɣɐ/ :: common magpie (Pica pica)
pega {f} :: a prating woman, a female gossiper
pega {f} [Portugal, offensive] :: slut (a sexually promiscuous woman or girl)
pega {f} /ˈpɛ.ɣɐ/ :: handle
pega {f} [bullfighting] :: the final event in a typical Portuguese bullfight, involving eight forcados who challenge the bull with their bare hands
pega {f} {m} :: fight, quarrel
pega {f} {m} [Brazil] :: an illegal street race
pega {f} /ˈpɛ.ɣɐ/ :: alternative form of peia
pegada {f} :: footprint (impression of the foot)
pegada {f} [colloquial, uncountable] :: confidence, boldness, seen as attractive qualities
pegador {m} :: catcher (someone who catches)
pegador {m} :: spaghetti tongs
pegador {m} :: tag (game in which a child attempts to catch other children)
pegador {m} :: remora (any of various elongated fish from the family Echeneidae)
pegajoso {adj} /pɨ.ɣɐ.ˈʒo.zu/ :: sticky (tending to stick to things)
pegapacapá {m} :: alternative form of pega pra capar
pega-pega {m} :: tag (game in which a child attempts to catch other children)
pega pra capar {m} [colloquial] :: confusion, disarray
pega pra capar {m} [colloquial] :: fight, disagreement
pega pra capar {m} [colloquial] :: a decisive, crucial, exact or opportune moment
pega pra capar {m} :: See: pt pega pra capar
pegar {vt} /pɨ.ˈɣaɾ/ :: to catch
pegar {v} :: to grab, to hold
pegar {v} :: to discover someone doing something
pegar {vtr} :: to engage in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with someone for one night or some short period of time
pegar {vtr} :: to fight, to engage in a physical conflict
pegar {vti} :: to stick, to glue
pegar {vi} [colloquial] :: to catch on
pegar {vt} [Brazil] :: to catch, to take (a transport)
pegar fogo {v} :: to catch fire (become engulfed with flames)
pegar fogo {v} [figurative, of a situation] :: to become chaotic
pegar leve {v} [idiomatic] :: to play or do something else in an easy or calm way
pegar leve {v} [idiomatic] :: to take it easy
pegar leve {v} :: See: pt pegar leve
pegar no pé {v} [idiom] :: to tease
pegar o jeito {v} [de, .idiomatic] :: to get the hang of (to learn how to do something)
pegar onda {v} [slang] :: to surf (to rive a wave on a surfboard)
pegar para Cristo {v} [idiom] :: insistently talk with, interact or otherwise demand the attention of someone, to the point of being obnoxious
pégaso {m} [Greek Mythology] :: pegasus (a mythological winged horse)
Pégaso {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] /ˈpɛ.ɡa.zu/ :: Pegasus (mythical winged horse)
Pégasus {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Pégaso
pega-varetas {m} :: spillikins; pick-up sticks (game where players remove sticks from a scattered pile)
pegmatita {f} :: pegmatite
pego {m} /ˈpe.ɣu/ :: Eurasian oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)
pego {m} :: the bottom of the sea
pego {m} :: the deepest point of a body of water
pego {m} :: an underwater cave
pêgo {v} [past participle only] :: obsolete spelling of pego
pé-grande {m} :: alternative form of Pé-Grande, seen as a member of a species and not as an individual
Pé-Grande {prop} {m} [cryptozoology, folklore, as an individual creature] :: Bigfoot (unidentified yeti-like animal)
peguete {mf} [Brazil, colloquial] /pe.ˈɡɛ.t(ʃ)i/ :: A person one has occasional romantic or sexual encounters with
pegureiro {m} :: shepherd
peia {f} :: fetter (object used to bind a person or animal by its legs)
peia {f} [figurative] :: fetter (anything that restricts or restrains)
peidando {v} :: gerund of peidar
peidar {v} [colloquial] /pej.ˈda(ɹ)/ :: to fart (to emit flatulent gases)
peido {m} [colloquial] :: fart
peidorreiro {adj} [vulgar, derogatory] :: farter (said of someone who farts)
peiote {m} :: peyote (Lophophora williamsii, a small cactus of North America from which mescaline is extracted)
peitchola {f} [slang] :: breast
peitilho {m} :: an item of clothing, or part of an item clothing, that goes over the chest
peitinho {m} /pej.ˈt͡ʃi.ɲu/ :: diminutive of peito
peito {m} [anatomy] /ˈpɐj.tu/ :: chest
peito {m} :: breast
peito {m} [swimming] :: breaststroke
peito do pé {m} [anatomy] :: instep (top of the foot between the toes and the ankle)
peitoral {adj} [anatomy] :: pectoral
peitoril {m} [architecture] :: windowsill, sill, parapet
peitudo {adj} [colloquial, of a person] :: Having big breasts
peixa {f} [possibly, childish] :: A female fish
peixão {m} :: large fish
peixão {m} [colloquial] :: voluptuous woman
peixaria {f} :: fishmonger's (shop that sells fish)
peixe {m} /ˈpɐj.ʃɨ/ :: fish (cold-blooded vertebrate animal that lives in water)
peixe-agulha {m} :: garfish; needlefish (any of the slender marine fish of family Belonidae)
peixe-arqueiro {m} :: archerfish (any fish in the family Toxotidae)
peixe-balão {m} :: blowfish (any species of fish of the family Tetraodontidae that have the ability to inflate themselves to a globe)
peixe beta {m} :: fighting fish (Betta splendens, a small, aggressive freshwater fish popular as an aquarium fish)
peixe-beta {m} :: alternative spelling of peixe beta
peixe-boi {m} :: manatee (any of several plant-eating marine mammals of family Trichechidae)
peixe de abril {m} [Brazil] :: April fool (practical joke played on April Fools’ Day)
peixe de briga {m} :: fighting fish (Betta splendens, a small, aggressive freshwater fish popular as an aquarium fish)
peixe-de-briga {m} :: alternative spelling of peixe de briga
peixe-de-são-pedro {m} :: John Dory (Zeus faber, an edible marine fish)
peixe-diabo {m} :: anglerfish (marine fish of the order Lophiiformes)
peixe eléctrico {m} :: obsolete spelling of peixe-elétrico
peixe-eléctrico {m} :: obsolete spelling of peixe-elétrico
peixe elétrico {m} :: alternative form of peixe-elétrico
peixe-elétrico {m} :: electric eel (Electrophorus electricus, an eel-like fish capable of generating powerful electric shocks)
peixe-escorpião {m} :: scorpionfish (any of the family Scorpaenidae of marine, venomous fish)
peixe espada {m} :: alternative spelling of peixe-espada
peixe-espada {m} :: swordfish (Xiphias gladius, a large marine fish with a long, pointed bill)
peixe espada preto {m} :: alternative spelling of peixe-espada-preto
peixe-espada preto {m} :: alternative spelling of peixe-espada-preto
peixe-espada-preto {m} :: black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo, an elongated fish of the North Atlantic)
peixe-espátula {m} [rare] :: paddlefish (any fish of the family Polyodontidae, that have a long, flat snout)
peixe-frade {m} :: angelfish (a marine fish of the family Pomacanthidae)
peixe-galo {m} :: John Dory (Zeus faber, an edible marine fish)
peixe gato {m} :: alternative spelling of peixe-gato
peixe-gato {m} :: any of several species of fish with large, whisker-like barbels
peixeira {f} :: feminine noun of peixeiro (fisherwoman)
peixeira {f} :: A type of knife initially designed to cut fish, also usable as a weapon
peixeiro {m} :: fishmonger (person who sells fish)
peixe-lapa {m} :: lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus, a fish of the Atlantic)
peixe-lua {m} :: sunfish (any fish of the family Molidae)
peixe-palhaço {m} :: clownfish (any of several colourful sea fishes that live among sea anemones)
peixe-papagaio {m} :: parrotfish (Sparisoma cretense, a fish of the Atlantic Ocean)
peixe-pescador {m} :: anglerfish (marine fish of the order Lophiiformes)
peixe-piloto {m} :: pilot fish (Naucrates ductor, a fish that follows vessels and sharks)
peixe-pilôto {m} :: obsolete spelling of peixe-piloto
Peixes {prop} {mp} [zodiac constellations, astrology] :: Pisces (constellation)
Peixes {prop} {mp} [astrology] :: Pisces (astrological sign)
peixe-sapo {m} :: stargazer (any of the perciform fish in the family Uranoscopidae)
peixe-sapo {m} :: toadfish (any of the ray-finned fishes of family Batrachoididae)
peixe-sapo {m} :: anglerfish (marine fish of the order Lophiiformes)
peixe-voador {m} :: flying fish (any of the tropical marine fish of the family Exocoetidae, capable of short flights)
peixe-zebra {m} :: zebrafish (Danio rerio, a small striped fish)
peixinho {m} :: diminutive of peixe
peixinho dourado {m} :: goldfish (Carassius auratus, a small fish commonly kept in aquariums)
peixota {f} [zoology] :: common name for fish of species Merluccius or Urophycis
pejado {v} :: past participle of pejar
pejado {adj} :: loaded, filled
pejo {m} /ˈpɛʒu/ :: modesty
pejo {m} :: shame, embarrassment
pejorativo {m} /pe.ˌʒo.ɾa.ˈt͡ʃi.vo/ :: pejorative (disparaging, belittling or derogatory word or expression)
pejorativo {adj} :: pejorative; disparaging
Pejuçara {prop} :: Pejuçara (municipality)
pela {contraction} /ˈpe.lɐ/ :: contraction of por (by; through) and a (the)
pêla {contraction} :: superseded spelling of pela
pela boca morre o peixe {proverb} :: what you say can do you harm
pelada {f} [Brazil, slang] :: a friendly, amateur association football match
peladinha {f} [sports] :: a game of football / soccer (usually played with friends or as a friendly)
pelado {adj} /pɨ.ˈla.ðu/ :: skinned
pelado {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] :: naked (not wearing any clothes)
pelagem {f} :: fur (hairy coat of a mammal)
pelágico {adj} :: pelagic
pelagra {f} [disease] :: pellagra (disease caused by niacin deficiency)
pela madrugada {interj} :: blow me down (exclamation of surprise)
pela mesma boca {adv} :: [dated, idiomatic] in agreement; expressing the same opinion
pela mesma boca {adv} :: See: pt pela mesma boca
pelar {v} /pɨ.ˈlaɾ/ :: to depilate (remove hair)
pelar {v} :: to skin (remove skin)
pelar {v} :: to unclothe (make naked)
pelar {v} [Brazil, colloquial] :: to be extremely hot
pelargónio {m} [European orthography] :: pelargonium (any of the flowering plants of the genus Pelargonium)
pelargônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of pelargónio
pelas {contraction} /ˈpe.lɐʃ/ :: contraction of por as
pelas mãos de {prep} :: at the hands of (by the actions of)
pele {f} /ˈpɛ.lɨ/ :: skin
pele {f} :: fur
pelear {v} [South Brazil] :: alternative form of pelejar
pele de galinha {f} :: See: pt pele de galinha
pele de galinha {f} :: skin covered in goose bumps
pele e osso {phrase} [idiomatic, of a person or animal] :: skin and bones (very skinny)
pelego {m} :: sheepskin (skin of a sheep with the fleece left on)
pelego {m} [figurative] :: doormat (someone that is over-submissive to others’ wishes)
peleijar {v} :: obsolete form of pelejar
pelejar {vi} :: to fight, to dispute
pele-vermelha {mf} :: redskin (a North American native)
pelica {f} :: kidskin (hide or leather of a young goat)
pelicano {m} /ˌpe.li.ˈkɐ.nu/ :: pelican (any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae)
película {f} /pe.ˈli.ku.lɐ/ :: film (thin layer of some substance)
pella {contraction} :: obsolete spelling of pela
pellouro {m} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of pelouro
pelmeni {m} :: pelmeni (Russian dumplings)
pelo {contraction} /pɨ.lu/ :: contraction of por o; by the; for the; through the
pelo {m} /ˈpe.lu/ :: hair (filament which grows on the skin of mammals), except hair on top of humans’ heads, which is called cabelo
pelo {m} :: hair (an animal’s hair as a whole)
pelo {m} :: [by extension] any filament which grows on plants and non-mammals
pêlo {m} :: superseded spelling of pelo
pelo amor de deus {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: for the love of God (expressing anger or exasperation)
pelo amor de Deus {phrase} :: for the love of God; for God's sake
pelo bem de {prep} :: for the sake of (for the benefit of)
pelo contrário {adv} [conjunctive] :: on the contrary (opposite to what has been said)
peloirinho {m} :: alternative form of pelourinho
peloiro {m} :: dated form of pelouro
pelo menos {adv} :: At a lower limit, at least
peloponésio {adj} :: Peloponnesian (of, from or pertaining to the Peloponnesus)
peloponésio {m} :: Peloponnesian (person from the Peloponnesus)
Peloponeso {prop} {m} :: Peloponeso (peninsula/and/traditional region)
Peloponneso {prop} {m} :: superseded spelling of Peloponeso
pelos {contraction} /ˈpe.luʃ/ :: contraction of por os
pelota {f} :: a small ball or sphere
pelotão {m} :: platoon, squad
pelotão {m} :: peloton
pelotão de fuzilamento {m} :: firing squad (a group of soldiers detailed to execute someone)
Pelotas {prop} :: Pelotas (municipality)
pelourinho {m} /pɨ.lo(w).ˈɾi.ɲu/ :: pillory (a framework on a post used as a means of punishment and humiliation)
pelouro {m} /pɨ.ˈlo(w).ɾu/ :: a branch municipal administration in Portugal
pelouro {m} [historical] :: a small ball of metal or clay used as ammunition for crossbows, scorpions and firearms
peltre {m} :: pewter (alloy of tin, copper and antimony)
peluche {m} [Portugal] /pɨ.ˈlu.ʃ(ɨ)/ :: plush
peluche {m} [Portugal] :: a plush toy
peluche {m} :: fluffiness, fluff
pelúcia {f} [Brazil] /pe.ˈlu.sja/ :: plush, a soft tissue, made of wool or silk, faux fur
pelúcia {f} [Brazil] :: a plush toy
peludo {adj} [of a person] /pɨ.ˈlu.ðu/ :: Having a lot of hair on the body; hairy; furry; hirsute
peludo {adj} [of an animal] :: Having a lot of fur; hairy; furry
peludo {adj} [of a body part other than the head] :: Having hair growing from it; hairy; furry; hirsute
pelve {f} [skeleton] /ˈpɛw.vi/ :: pelvis
pélvico {adj} :: pelvic (relating to the pelvis)
pélvis {f} :: alternative form of pelve
pena {f} /ˈpe.nɐ/ :: punishment
pena {f} :: pain; sadness
pena {interj} :: pity (what a shame, what a pity)
pena {f} /ˈpe.nɐ/ :: feather
pena {f} :: quill (pen made from a feather)
pena {f} [dated] :: alternative form of penha
pena capital {f} :: capital punishment (punishment by death)
penacho {m} :: panache (ornamental plume on a hat or helmet)
penacho {m} :: a bird’s tuft
Penacova {prop} {f} /pɨnɐˈkɔvɐ/ :: Penacova (village/and/municipality)
penada {f} :: penstroke
penada {f} [by extension] :: opinion; vote
penado {adj} :: suffering
penado {adj} :: alternative form of pinado
Penafiel {prop} /pɨnɐfiˈɛɫ/ :: Penafiel (city/and/municipality)
penal {adj} /pe.ˈnaɫ/ :: penal (related to punishment, often in legal context)
penal {m} [Paraná, regionalism] :: pencil case
penal {m} [soccer] :: penalty
penalidade {f} :: penalty (punishment for violating rules)
penalidade máxima {f} [sports] :: penalty
penalizar {vt} :: to penalise (to subject to a penalty)
pênalti {m} [sports] :: penalty
Penalva do Castelo {prop} {f} /pɨˈnaɫvɐ ðu kɐʃˈtɛlu/ :: Penalva do Castelo (village/and/municipality)
Penamacor {prop} /penɐmɐˈkoɾ/ :: Penamacor (village/and/municipality)
Penápolis {prop} :: Penápolis (municipality)
penar {v} /pɨ.ˈnaɾ/ :: to suffer, to grieve
penar {v} :: to afflict, to torment
pé na táboa {interj} :: obsolete spelling of pé na tábua
pé na tábua {interj} :: used to request that something be done as quickly as possible, especially riding an animal or driving a vehicle
penca {f} [botany] :: white cabbage
penca {f} :: a bunch (of flowers or fruits)
penca {f} [slang] :: a bunch (a considerable amount of something)
penca {f} [slang] :: hooter; schnozzle (especially large nose)
pendão {m} /pẽ.ˈdɐ̃w̃/ :: tassel (male inflorescence of maize)
pendão {m} :: banner
pendência {f} :: pendency
pendência {f} :: dependency
pendência {f} :: abeyance
pendente {adj} :: pendent; dangling
pendente {adj} :: pendent; drooping
pendente {adj} :: pending (awaiting conclusion or confirmation)
pendente {m} :: pendant (jewellery which hangs down)
pender {v} /pẽ.ˈdeɾ/ :: to hang, to dangle
pender {v} :: to be pending
Pendjab {prop} {m} :: Pendjab (traditional region)
Pendjab Ocidental {prop} {m} :: Pendjab Ocidental (former province)
Pendjab Oriental {prop} {m} :: Pendjab Oriental (former state)
pendor {m} :: incline, slope, inclination
pen-drive {m} [computer hardware] /pẽˈdɾaj.vi/ :: pen drive; flash drive (small storage device with an USB input)
pendrive {m} :: alternative spelling of pen-drive
pendular {adj} :: pendular, oscillating
pêndulo {m} :: pendulum (body suspended from a fixed support)
pendurar {v} /ˌpẽ.du.ˈɾaɾ/ :: to hang (cause (something) to be suspended)
pendurar {v} [figurative] :: to give up or retire from a profession (followed by the name of a piece of clothing associated with the profession)
penedo {m} [geology] /pɨ.ˈne.du/ :: crag
penedo {m} [geology] :: boulder
Penedono {prop} /pɨnɨˈðonu/ :: Penedono (village/and/municipality)
peneira {f} /pe.ˈne(j).ɾa/ :: sieve (device to separate larger objects)
peneira {f} [figurative] :: something which selects the best and filters out the rest
peneiramento {m} :: sieving, sifting, screening
peneirando {v} :: gerund of peneirar
peneirar {v} :: to sieve, sift, screen
peneireiro-vulgar {m} :: common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus, a small falcon)
Penela {prop} {f} /pɨˈnɛlɐ/ :: Penela (village/and/municipality)
penetra {n} :: gatecrasher
penetração {f} :: penetration
penetração {f} :: permeation
penetrador {m} :: penetrator
penetrador {m} :: infiltrator
penetrante {adj} :: penetrating (able to pierce of penetrate)
penetrante {adj} [figurative] :: penetrating (demonstrating acute or keen understanding)
penetrar {v} :: to penetrate (manage to get through)
penetrar {v} :: to penetrate (have sex with a hole)
penetrar {v} :: to get into, to get in
penetrãte {adj} [obsolete] :: abbreviation of penetrante
penha {m} /ˈpe.ɲɐ/ :: A rock, stone, cliff or outcropping; crag
Penha {prop} :: Penha (municipality)
Penha {prop} :: Penha (district)
penhasco {m} /pɨ.ˈɲaʃ.ku/ :: cliff
penhascoso {adj} :: cliffy (abounding in cliffs)
penhor {m} /pe.ˈɲoɹ/ :: pledge (solemn promise)
penhor {m} :: pledge (security to guarantee payment of a debt)
penhora {f} [legal] :: seizure
penhorando {v} :: gerund of penhorar
penhorar {v} :: to apprehend; to seize
penhorar {v} :: to pawn; to pledge
penhorista {mf} :: pawnbroker (person who makes loans, taking personal property as security)
péni {m} [European orthography] :: penny (1/100 of a pound sterling or British pound)
pêni {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of péni
Peniche {prop} /pˈniʃ/ :: Peniche (city/and/municipality)
penicilina {f} /pɨ.ni.siˈli.nɐ/ :: penicillin (antibiotic)
penico {m} /pɨˈniku/ :: potty; chamber pot (bowl used as a temporary toilet)
pênico {adj} [rare] :: relating to the penis
península {f} [geography] /pɨ.ˈnĩ.su.lɐ/ :: peninsula (a piece of land projecting into water)
Península Antártica {prop} {f} :: Península Antártica (peninsula)
Península Apenina {prop} {f} :: Península Apenina (peninsula)
Península Arábica {prop} {f} :: Península Arábica (peninsula)
Península Balcânica {prop} {f} :: Península Balcânica (peninsula)
Península de Iucatã {prop} {f} :: Península de Iucatã (peninsula)
Península de Kola {prop} {f} :: Península de Kola (peninsula)
Península Ibérica {prop} {f} :: Península Ibérica (peninsula)
Península Itálica {prop} {f} :: Península Itálica (peninsula)
peninsular {adj} [geography] /pe.nĩ.suˈlaɾ/ :: peninsular (of or relating to a peninsula)
pénis {m} [European orthography] :: penis
pênis {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: penis
penitencia {f} :: obsolete spelling of penitência
penitência {f} /pɨ.niˈtẽ.sjɐ/ :: penitence (regret or remorse for doing wrong or sinning)
penitência {f} :: punishment (penalty to punish wrongdoing)
penitência {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: confession (disclosure of one’s sins to a priest for absolution)
penitenciária {f} :: penitentiary (prison for convicted felons)
Penjabe {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Pendjab
Pennsilvania {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Pensilvânia
Pennsilvânia {prop} {f} [uncommon] :: alternative spelling of Pensilvânia
Pennsylvania {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Pensilvânia
Pennsylvânia {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Pensilvânia
penny {m} :: alternative spelling of péni
pé-no-saco {m} [slang] :: pain in the ass (someone or something that causes discomfort)
penque {m} :: alternative form of pinque
pensador {m} /ˌpẽ.sa.ˈdoʁ/ :: thinker (one who spends time thinking)
pensador {m} :: philosopher
pensadora {f} :: feminine noun of pensador
pensamento {m} /pẽ.sɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: a thought; an idea
pensamento {m} [uncountable] :: thinking (process by which thoughts arise)
pensamento {m} :: ideology (beliefs and principle of a group)
pensamento desejoso {m} [uncountable] :: wishful thinking
pensamento desejoso {m} :: wishful thought (an instance of wishful thinking)
pensão {f} /pẽ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: pension
pensão {f} :: alimony
pensão {f} :: boarding house (house in which paying residents are provided with accommodation and meals)
pensar {v} /pẽ.ˈsaɾ/ :: to think (communicate to oneself in one’s mind)
pensar {v} :: to conceive, intend
pensar com seus botões {v} :: to introspect
pensar duas vezes {v} [idiomatic] :: to think twice (to proceed with caution)
pensar em {v} :: to think about
pensar em {v} :: to consider (to think of doing something)
pensar na morte da bezerra {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] /pẽ.ˈsa(ɾ) na ˈmɔɾ.t͡ʃi da be.ˈze.ʁɐ/ :: to be lost in thought (preoccupied with one’s thoughts rather than paying attention to reality)
pensar que berimbau é gaita {vi} [Brazil, idiom, slang] :: to be mistaken, to be confused
pensativamente {adv} :: pensively
pensativo {adj} /pẽ.sɐ.ˈti.vu/ :: pensive
pênsil {adj} :: hanging
Pensilvania {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Pensilvânia
Pensilvânia {prop} {f} /ˌpẽ.siw.ˈvɐ.ni.ɐ/ :: Pensilvânia (state)
pensionar {v} :: to pension (grant a pension)
pensionato {m} :: boarding house (house in which paying residents are provided with accommodation and meals)
pensionista {mf} :: pensioner (someone who receives a pension)
penso {m} /ˈpẽsu/ :: band-aid
penso {m} :: sanitary towel
penso, logo existo {phrase} [philosophy] /ˈpẽsu ˈlɔ.ɣu i.ˈziʃ.tu/ :: I think therefore I am
pensoso {adj} [archaic] /pẽ.ˈso.zu/ :: pensive
Pensylvania {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Pensilvânia
Pensylvânia {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Pensilvânia
pentacampeão {m} :: five-time champion
pentacloreto {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pentachloride
pentafluoreto {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pentafluoride
pentagonal {adj} :: pentagonal (of, relating to, or shaped like a pentagon)
pentágono {m} /pẽˈtaɣunu/ :: pentagon
Pentágono {prop} {m} :: Pentagon (the headquarters of the United States’ Department of Defense)
pentagrama {m} [music] :: staff, stave (five lines to write music)
pentagrama {m} :: pentagram (shape of a five-pointed star)
pentaiodeto {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pentaiodide
pentâmetro iâmbico {m} [poetry] :: iambic pentameter
pentano {m} [organic compound] :: pentane (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C5H12)
Pentateuco {prop} {m} [Bible] :: Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible)
pentatleta {mf} [athletics] :: pentathlete (an athlete who competes in the pentathlon)
pentatlo {m} :: pentathlon
pente {m} /ˈpẽ.tɨ/ :: comb
penteadeira {f} :: dressing table (low table equipped with mirror for dressing and makeup)
penteado {m} /pẽ.ˈtja.ðu/ :: hairdo
penteado {m} :: haircut
penteado {m} :: coiffure
pentear {v} /pẽˈtjaɾ/ :: to comb
pentecostalismo {m} :: Pentecostalism (a Christian religious movement)
Pentecoste {prop} {m} :: Pentecost (Christian festival)
Pentecostes {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Pentecoste
pente-de-macaco {m} :: monkey comb (Pithecoctenium crucigerum, a climbing shrub of South America)
pente-de-macaco {m} :: the fruit of the monkey comb plant, or one half of its outer shell
pentelho {m} [vulgar] /pẽˈtɐ(j)ʎu/ :: pubic hair
pentelho {m} [Brazil, vulgar, pejorative] :: a young boy, especially an annoying one
penteno {m} [organic compound] :: pentene (any of several isomeric alkenes having five carbon atoms and one double bond)
pentil {m} [organic chemistry] :: pentyl
pentlandita {f} [mineral] :: pentlandite
pentose {f} [carbohydrate] :: pentose
pentóxido {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pentoxide
penugem {f} :: fluff, hair, down
penúltimo {adj} /pe.ˈnuw.t͡ʃi.mu/ :: penultimate (the next-to-last in a sequence)
penumbra {f} /pɨ.ˈnũ.bɾɐ/ :: situation of low light
penúria {f} :: gall (great misery or physical suffering)
penúria {f} :: poverty
penúria {f} :: shortage, scarcity
Penza {prop} {f} :: Penza (oblast)
Penza {prop} {f} :: Penza (city/administrative center)
peonagem {f} :: a group of peons
peonagem {f} :: peonage (the state of being a peon)
peónia {f} [European orthography] :: peony (a flowering plant of the genus Paeonia)
peônia {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of peónia
pepeca {f} [slang] :: female external genitals; vulva
pepeta {f} [colloquial, childish] :: binky (baby's pacifier)
pepineiro {m} /ˌpe.pi.ˈne(j).ɾu/ :: cucumber (Cucumis sativus, a vine in the gourd family)
pepino {m} /pe.ˈpi.nu/ :: cucumber (Cucumis sativus, a vine in the gourd family)
pepino {m} :: cucumber (the fruit of the cucumber plant, used as a vegetable)
pepino {m} [Brazil, slang] :: problem (difficulty that has to be resolved or dealt with)
pepino-do-mar {m} :: sea cucumber (any echinoderm of the class Holothuroidea)
pepita {f} :: an ore nugget
pepsina {f} [enzyme] :: pepsin (a digestive enzyme)
peptídeo {m} [biochemistry] :: peptide
peptídico {adj} [biochemistry] :: peptidic
peptídio {m} :: alternative form of peptídeo
peptido {m} :: alternative form of peptídeo
péptido {m} :: alternative form of peptídeo
peptona {f} [biochemistry] :: peptone (water-soluble product of partial protein hydrolysis)
pequenino {adj} /pɨ.kɨ.ˈni.nu/ :: diminutive of pequeno; wee
pequeníssimo {adj} :: tiny, very small
pequenito {adj} [irregular] :: diminutive of pequeno
pequeno {adj} /pɨ.ˈke.nu/ :: small
pequeno {m} [colloquial] :: child
pequeno-almoço {m} [Portugal] /pɨˌke.nwaɫ.ˈmo.su/ :: breakfast (first meal of the day)
Pequeno Polegar {prop} {m} [English folklore] :: Tom Thumb (a thumb-sized fairy-tale hero)
Pequeri {prop} :: Pequeri (municipality)
pequi {m} :: Caryocar brasiliense, a tree native to the Brazilian cerrado
pequi {m} :: the fruit of that tree
Pequi {prop} :: Pequi (municipality)
Pequim {prop} {f} :: Pequim (direct-administered municipality/capital city)
pequinês {adj} :: Pekingese (of, from or relating to Beijing, China)
pequinês {m} :: Pekingese (someone from Beijing)
pequinês {m} :: Pekingese (a breed of toy dog)
pera {f} /ˈpe.ɾɐ/ :: pear
pera {interj} [colloquial] /ˈpɛ.ɾɐ/ :: just a minute
pera {interj} [colloquial] :: wait (asking for stop to make an observation)
pera {prep} :: obsolete form of para
pêra {f} :: superseded spelling of pera
pera aí {interj} :: alternative form of peraí
pé-rachado {m} [Rio Grande do Sul] :: alternative form of pé-rapado
pera doce {adj} [colloquial] :: easy as pie (easy or pleasant task)
peraí {interj} [Brazil, colloquial] /ˌpɛ.ɾa.ˈi/ :: just a minute
peraí {interj} [Brazil, colloquial] :: wait (asking for stop to make an observation)
peral {m} :: pear orchard
peralta {adj} [Brazil] :: mischievous
peralta {adj} [Portugal] :: well dressed, dandy
peralta {mf} :: a mischievous kid, a brat
peralta {mf} :: someone who dresses in an exaggerated manner
peralta {mf} [colloquial] :: an idle person
pera-maçã {f} :: apple pear (Pyrus pyrifolia, a species of pear tree and its apple-like fruit)
perambulação {f} :: wander (act or instance of wandering)
perambulando {v} :: gerund of perambular
perambular {v} /pɯ.ɾɐ̃.bu.ˈlaɾ/ :: to perambulate, stroll, roam
perante {prep} :: before, in front of
perante {prep} [figuratively] :: facing; confronting
pé-rapado {m} [derogatory] :: someone who is poor and wears shaggy, dirty clothes
peraq̃ {conj} [obsolete] :: abbreviation of peraque
peraque {conj} :: obsolete form of para que
perbromato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: perbromate
perca {f} [proscribed] /ˈpeɾ.kɐ/ :: loss (an instance of losing objects or money)
perca {f} /ˈpɛɾ.kɐ/ :: perch (fish in the genus Perca)
perca-amarela {f} :: American perch (Perca flavescens, a perch of North America)
perca comum {f} :: European perch (Perca fluviatilis, a freshwater fish native to Eurasia)
perca europeia {f} :: European perch (Perca fluviatilis, a freshwater fish native to Eurasia)
percalçar {v} [archaic] :: to profit
percalço {m} :: accident, mishap
percalço {m} [figuratively] :: difficulty
percalço {m} :: profit, benefit
perceba {f} :: alternative form of percebe
percebe {m} /peʁ.ˈse.bi/ :: barnacle
perceber {v} [Portugal] /pɨɾ.sɨ.ˈbeɾ/ :: to understand
perceber {v} :: to realize, to notice
percebido {adj} :: perceived
perceção {f} [European orthography] /pɨɾ.sɛ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: alternative form of percepção
percentagem {f} :: percentage
percentagem {f} :: percent
percentagem {f} :: [by extension] commission
percento {m} [uncommon] :: alternative form of porcento
percepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: perception
percepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: sensation
percepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: intuition
percepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: idea
percepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: image
percepção extrassensorial {f} [parapsychology] :: extrasensory perception (ability to obtain information without the use of normal sensory channels)
perceptível {adj} :: perceptible
perceptível {adj} :: conspicuous
perceptivo {adj} :: perceptive (having perception: insight, understanding or intuition)
perceve {m} :: alternative form of percebe
percevejo {m} :: bedbug
percevejo {m} :: drawing pin, thumbtack
pércida {m} [usually in the plural] :: any fish in the family Percidae
percídeo {m} :: perch (any fish in the family Percidae)
perciforme {m} :: perch (any fish in the order Perciformes)
perclorato {m} [chemistry] :: perchlorate (any salt of perchloric acid)
perclórico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: perchloric
percolação {f} :: percolation (seepage or filtration of a liquid through porous material)
percorrendo {v} :: gerund of percorrer
percorrer {v} /pɨɾ.ku.ˈʁeɾ/ :: to travel
percorrer {v} :: to roam, wander
percurso {m} /pərˈkuɾsu/ :: course, route
percurso {m} :: journey
percussão {f} :: percussion
percussor {m} :: hammer (part of a firearm)
percussor {m} :: anything or anyone who percusses
percussor {adj} :: which or who percusses
perda {f} /ˈpeɾ.ðɐ/ :: loss (instance of losing something)
perda {f} [euphemistic] :: the death of someone close
perdam {m} :: obsolete spelling of perdão
perdaõ {m} :: obsolete spelling of perdão
perdão {m} /pɨɾ.ˈdɐ̃w̃/ :: pardon; forgiveness
perdão {interj} [somewhat, formal] :: excuse me (used to request someone’s attention)
perdão {interj} [somewhat, formal] :: sorry (used as an apology)
perda total {f} [Brazil] :: A totaled car; one that has lost all of its value after an accident
perda total {f} [Brazil, slang] :: A person who has gotten very drunk
perdedor {m} :: loser (person who fails to win)
perdedor {m} :: loser (someone with bad luck or poor skills who consistently loses)
perdedor {m} :: loser (person who is frequently unsuccessful in life)
perdedor {adj} :: losing (who loses, fails to win)
perder {v} /pɨɾ.ˈðeɾ/ :: to lose (an object, a job, interest etc.)
perder {v} :: to lose (to be defeated in a match, an election etc.)
perder {v} :: to miss (an opportunity, a train or bus etc.)
perder {v} :: to waste (time)
perder {v} [Internet slang] :: to laugh a lot or to find something funny
perder as botas {v} [idiomatic, euphemistic, colloquial] :: to give up the ghost; kick the bucket (to die)
perder de vista {vt} :: to lose sight of (to be no longer able to see)
perder o seu latim {v} [idiomatic] :: To waste time attempting to explain something to somebody who doesn’t understand or doesn’t desire to
perder o seu latim {v} [idiomatic] :: To be forced to do/say something without getting a result
perder-se {vr} :: to get lost (to become lost)
perder tempo {v} :: to waste time (to spend time in an unproductive manner)
perdeu {interj} [Brazil, slang] :: used by thieves when stealing someone’s valuables; stand and deliver
perdição {f} /pɨɾ.ði.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: perdition
perdição {f} :: ruin, downfall
perdidamente {adv} /pɨɾ.ði.ðɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: hopelessly
perdidamente {adv} :: helplessly
perdido {adj} /pɨɾ.ˈði.ðu/ :: lost
perdido {adj} :: hopeless
perdido {adj} :: helpless
perdido {adj} :: missing
perdido por cem, perdido por mil {proverb} :: in for a penny, in for a pound (expressing recognition that one must conclude something after having started it)
perdido por um, perdido por mil {proverb} :: alternative form of perdido por cem, perdido por mil
Perdigão {prop} :: Perdigão (municipality)
perdível {adj} :: losable (liable to being lost)
perdiz {f} /pɛʁˈd͡ʒis/ :: partridge (any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris)
perdiz-cinzenta {f} :: grey partridge (Perdix perdix, a gamebird in pheasant family)
Perdizes {prop} :: Perdizes (municipality)
perdoando {v} :: gerund of perdoar
perdoar {v} /pɨɾ.ˈdwaɾ/ :: to forgive; to pardon
perdoar {v} [legal] :: to pardon (to grant an official pardon for a crime)
perdoar {v} :: to treat mercifully
perdoar {v} :: to forgive a debt
perdoável {adj} :: pardonable; forgivable (capable of being forgiven)
Perdões {prop} :: Perdões (municipality)
perdulário {m} /peɾ.du.ˈla.ɾju./ :: a spendthrift, a spender (someone who spends a lot)
perdurar {vi} :: to last, persist
pereba {f} /peˈɾɛbɐ/ :: wound, lesion
perecendo {v} :: gerund of perecer
perecer {v} :: to perish, die
perecibilidade {f} /pe.re.si.bi.li.ˈda.d(ʒ)i/ :: perishability
perecível {adj} :: perishable
peregrinaçam {f} :: obsolete spelling of peregrinação
peregrinaçaõ {f} :: obsolete spelling of peregrinação
peregrinação {f} :: pilgrimage (journey to a sacred place)
peregrinagem {f} :: pilgrimage (journey to a sacred place)
peregrinar {v} :: to pilgrimage (go on a pilgrimage)
peregrino {adj} :: peregrine
peregrino {m} :: pilgrim (someone who goes on a pilgrimage)
pereira {f} /pɨ.ˈɾɐj.ɾɐ/ :: pear tree
Pereira {prop} {mf} /pɨ.ˈɾɐj.ɾɐ/ :: surname
Pereira Barreto {prop} :: Pereira Barreto (municipality)
Pereiras {prop} :: Pereiras (municipality)
peremptoriamente {adv} [Brazilian orthography] :: peremptorily
peremptório {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: peremptory
perene {adj} /pɨ.ˈɾɛ.nɨ/ :: perennial; lasting; enduring
perene {adj} :: perennial (continuing without cessation or intermission)
perene {adj} [botany, of a plant] :: perennial (having a life cycle of more than two years)
perenemente {adv} :: perennially
perenne {adj} :: superseded spelling of perene
perentoriamente {adv} [European orthography] /pɨ.ɾẽ.tɔ.ɾjɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: alternative form of peremptoriamente
perentório {adj} [European orthography] /pɨ.ɾẽ.tɔ.ɾju/ :: alternative form of peremptório
perereca {f} :: tree frog (frog of the family Hylidae)
perereca {f} [slang] :: female genitals; vagina
Peres {prop} {mf} :: surname
perestroika {f} :: perestroika (reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s)
perfazendo {v} :: gerund of perfazer
perfazer {v} :: to finish, conclude, end, complete
perfeccionismo {m} :: perfectionism (obsession with perfection)
perfeccionista {adj} [of a person] :: perfectionistic (needing everything to be perfect)
perfeccionista {mf} :: perfectionist (person who needs everything to be perfect)
perfecionismo {m} :: alternative spelling of perfeccionismo
perfectivo {adj} [grammar] :: perfective (relative to the perfect tense or perfective aspect)
perfeição {f} /pɨɾ.fɐj.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: perfection (state of being perfect)
perfeitamente {adv} /pɨɾ.fɐj.tɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: perfectly
perfeito {adj} /pɨɾˈfɐj.tu/ :: perfect
pérfido {adj} :: perfidious; disloyal
perfil {m} /pɨɾ.ˈfiɫ/ :: profile (the shape, view, or shadow of a person's head from the side)
perfil {m} [law enforcement] :: profile (summary or collection of information, especially about a person)
perfil {m} [internet] :: profile (specific space or field in which users can provide various types of personal information in software or Internet systems)
perfilar {vt} /ˌpeʁ.fi.ˈla(ʁ)/ :: to profile; to outline (to create a summary of information about someone or something)
perfilar {vt} [military] :: to line up (to arrange soldiers into a line)
perfilar {vp} :: to stand up straight
perfilar {vt} :: to make someone, or one’s body, stand up straight
perfilar {v} [para, .usually, .pronominal] :: to report (to show up for an appointment or recruitment)
perfilar {v} [com] :: to compare (to assess the similarities and differences between things)
perfilhação {f} :: adoption
perfilhação {f} :: affiliation
perfilhando {v} :: gerund of perfilhar
perfilhar {v} :: to adopt
perfilhar {v} :: to affiliate
perfolhear {vt} :: to read various pages of a publication with care and attention
performance {f} /peʁ.ˈfɔʁ.mɐ̃.si/ :: performance (amount of useful work accomplished by someone or something)
perfórmance {f} [uncommon] :: alternative spelling of performance
perfumado {adj} :: perfumed; scented
perfumar {vt} :: to perfume (to apply perfume to)
perfumaria {f} :: perfumery (shop selling perfumes)
perfumaria {f} :: perfumery (factory where perfume is made)
perfume {m} :: perfume (substance providing a pleasant smell)
perfumista {mf} :: perfumer (person who makes or sells perfume)
perfunctório {adj} :: perfunctory (performed out of routine, with little care)
perfuração {f} :: perforation, piercing
perfuração {f} :: drilling, boring
perfurado {adj} :: perforated
perfurador {adj} :: perforating
perfuradora {f} :: feminine noun of perfurador
perfuradora {f} :: rig (drill used to dig wells)
perfuradora {f} :: a drilling company
perfurar {vt} :: to perforate
perfurar {vt} :: to pierce
perfuratriz {f} :: rig (drill used to dig wells)
perfusão {f} :: perfusion (act of perfusing)
pergaminho {m} :: parchment
Pérgamo {prop} {m} /ˈpɛʁ.ɡɐ.mu/ :: Pérgamo (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in <<r/Mysia>>, in modern <<c/Turkey>>)
pérgola {f} :: pergola (trelliswork roof used to support climbing plants)
pérgula {f} :: alternative form of pérgola
pergunta {f} /pɨɾ.ˈɣũ.tɐ/ :: question
pergunta que não quer calar {f} [idiom] :: an important question, often one difficult or impossible to answer
perguntar {vt} /pɨɾ.ɣũ.ˈtaɾ/ :: to ask (request an answer)
perguntar {vp} :: to wonder (query in the mind)
perguntar-se {vr} :: to ask oneself (to ponder about something)
peri {m} :: peri
periapside {f} :: periapsis
pericarpo {m} [botany] :: pericarp (outermost layer of a fruit)
perícia {f} :: expertise (great skill or knowledge)
perícia {f} :: a person or group of people responsible for expert analyses, such as a forensic scientist
pericial {adj} :: expert
periclase {f} [mineral] :: periclase
Péricles {prop} {m} :: Pericles (Greek politician)
Péricles {prop} {m} :: given name
periculosidade {f} :: perilousness, dangerousness; peril, danger
periculoso {adj} [labor law, of an occupation or workplace] :: involving physical hazards (such as the risk of accident or of being murdered) that entitle the worker to extra compensation
periculoso {adj} [poetic] :: perilous; dangerous
peridoto {m} :: peridot; chrysolite (a transparent olive-green form of olivine)
perieco {m} :: one of the Perioikoi, ancient inhabitants of Laconia
periélio {m} [astronomy] :: perihelion (point where the planet or comet is nearest to the sun)
periferia {f} [Brazil] :: outskirts, suburbs (often related to poor neighborhoods around a big city)
periférico {adj} :: peripheral (located on the periphery)
periférico {adj} :: peripheral; unimportant
periférico {m} [computer hardware] :: peripheral (device connected to a computer)
perífrase {f} :: periphrasis (use of a longer expression instead of a shorter one)
perifrasticamente {adv} :: periphrastically (with circumlocution)
perifrasticamente {adv} [linguistics] :: periphrastically (with periphrasis)
perifrástico {adj} :: periphrastic; verbose (using more words than necessary)
perifrástico {adj} :: periphrastic; roundabout; circuitous (avoiding getting to the point)
perifrástico {adj} [grammar] :: periphrastic (characterised by periphrasis)
perigo {m} [uncountable] /pɨ.ˈɾi.ɣu/ :: danger (exposure to liable harm)
perigo {m} :: danger (an instance or cause of liable harm)
perigosamente {adv} :: dangerously
perigoso {adj} /pɨɾiˈɣozu/ :: Presenting danger; unsafe; dangerous; risky
periguete {f} :: dated spelling of piriguete
perilômia {f} :: skullcap (plant of the genus Scutellaria)
perímetro {m} [geometry] :: perimeter (the length of the outline of an object)
perímetro {m} :: perimeter (outer limits of an area)
perímetro {m} :: perimeter (instrument for measuring the field of vision)
perineal {adj} :: perineal
períneo {m} [anatomy] :: perineum
periodato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: periodate
periodicamente {adv} :: periodically (in a regular, periodic manner)
periódico {m} :: periodical (publication that appears at fixed intervals)
periódico {adj} :: periodic (occurring at regular intervals)
periodismo {m} :: journalism (activity or profession of being a journalist)
periodismo {m} :: the condition of being subject to intervals
periodista {mf} :: journalist
periodístico {adj} :: relating to periodicals
período {m} /pɨ.ˈɾi.u.ðu/ :: period (time)
período de experiência {m} :: probation (period of conditional employment)
período glacial {m} :: ice age (period of extensive glaciation)
periósteo {m} [anatomy] :: periosteum (membrane surrounding a bone)
peripatética {f} :: feminine noun of peripatético
peripécia {f} [drama] :: peripeteia (sudden reversal of fortune as a plot point)
peripécia {f} [by extension] :: an unexpected occurrence
périplo {m} :: circumnavigation; periplus
periquita {f} :: feminine noun of periquito
periquita {f} [slang] :: pussy (the female genitalia)
periquito {m} :: parakeet (any of various species of small parrots)
Periquito {prop} :: Periquito (municipality)
periquito australiano {m} :: budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus, a species of parakeet often kept as a pet)
periquito-australiano {m} :: alternative spelling of periquito australiano
periscópio {m} :: periscope (device that allows someone to see things at a different height level)
perispírito {m} [spiritualism] :: perispirit (ethereal material that forms a bond between spirit and body)
peristalse {f} [medicine] :: peristalsis (rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract)
peristaltismo {m} [medicine] :: peristalsis (rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract)
Peritiba {prop} :: Peritiba (municipality)
perito {adj} :: expert (extraordinarily capable or knowledgeable)
perito {m} :: expert (person with extensive knowledge or ability)
peritoneal {adj} :: peritoneal (relating to or affecting the peritoneum)
peritoneu {m} [anatomy] :: peritoneum (membrane lining the cavity of the abdomen)
peritónio {m} [European orthography, anatomy] :: peritoneum (membrane lining the cavity of the abdomen)
peritônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of peritónio
perjúrio {m} :: perjury
perla {f} [heraldiccharge] :: pall
perlavar {v} :: to cleanse
perlavar {v} :: to purify
perlita {f} [mineral] :: perlite
Perm {prop} {f} :: Perm (krai)
Perm {prop} {f} :: Perm (city/administrative center)
permacultura {f} [agriculture] :: permaculture (agriculture that renews natural resources and enriches local ecosystems)
permafrost {m} [geology] :: permafrost (permanently frozen ground)
permanecer {vi} /pɨɾ.mɐ.nɨ.ˈseɾ/ :: to remain, stay, persist
permanecer {vi} :: to abide, reside
permanência {f} :: permanence
permanência de objeto {f} :: alternative form of permanência de objetos
permanência de objetos {f} [developmental psychology] :: object permanence (the understanding that an object still exists when it disappears from sight)
permanente {adj} [uncomparable] /ˌpəɾ.ma.ˈnẽ.t(ə)/ :: permanent (without end)
permanente {adj} :: permanent (lasting for an indefinitely long time)
permanente {f} :: permanent hair straightening
permanentemente {adv} :: permanently
permanganato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: permanganate
permeabilidade {f} [physics] :: permeability
permeado {adj} :: permeated; filled with
permear {v} :: to permeate (to pass through the pores or interstices of)
permear {v} [figurative] :: to pervade (to spread through)
permeável {adj} :: permeable
permeio {m} :: permeation; interposition
permil {m} :: permille (indicates a proportion per thousand)
permissão {f} :: permission (authorisation)
permitindo {v} :: gerund of permitir
permitir {v} /pɨɾ.mi.ˈtiɾ/ :: to permit, allow, tolerate
permitir {v} :: to enable
permuta {f} :: exchange (an act of exchanging or trading)
permutação {f} [mathematics] /peɻ.mu.ta.ˈsɐ̃õ/ :: permutation (one-to-one mapping)
permutação {f} [combinatorics] :: permutation (ordering of a finite set of distinct elements)
permutação {f} :: the act of permuting
permutação {f} :: an exchange (act of trading, exchanging or swapping)
permutação {f} [prosody] :: metathesis (transposition of letters, syllables or sounds within a word)
permutação {f} [cytology] :: exchange of genetic material during meiosis
permutável {adj} :: interchangeable
perna {f} /ˈpɛɾ.nɐ/ :: leg
perna {f} :: stint
pernada {f} :: a kick; literally, "leg thrust"
perna-de-pau {f} :: stilt (pole with footrests, allowing someone to walk above the ground)
pernambucano {adj} /peʁ.ˌnɐ̃.bu.ˈkɐ.nu/ :: Pernambucan
pernambucano {m} :: Pernambucan
pernambuco {m} [obsolete] :: someone from the Brazilian state of Pernambuco
Pernambuco {prop} {m} /ˌpeʁ.nɐ̃.ˈbu.ku/ :: Pernambuco (state)
Pernau {prop} {f} :: Pernau (city)
perneta {adj} :: lame or having lost a leg
perneta {mf} :: someone who is lame or lost a leg
perneta {mf} [slang] :: a bad football player
perniciosamente {adv} :: perniciously (in a pernicious manner)
perniciosidade {f} :: perniciousness (the condition of being pernicious)
pernicioso {adj} :: pernicious (causing harm in a subtle way)
pernil {m} :: meat from the thigh of quadrupeds
pernilongo {m} :: cranefly (any fly of the suborder Tipulomorpha with very long legs)
pernoita {f} :: night (night spent at a place, especially a hotel)
pernoitada {f} [rare] :: night (night spent at a place)
pernoitamento {m} :: night, overnight stay
pernoitar {v} :: to overnight (to stay overnight at a place)
pernoite {m} [Brazil] :: night (night spent at a place, especially a hotel)
pernóstico {adj} /ˈpeɾ.nɔs.t(ʃ)i.ku/ :: ill-mannered, misbehaving
pernóstico {adj} :: pretentious
pernóstico {adj} :: pedant
pernóstico {adj} :: audacious
pernoutar {v} :: alternative form of pernoitar
pero {conj} [obsolete] :: but (introduces a clause that contradicts the implications of the previous clause)
pero {conj} [obsolete] :: even if (indicates that the preceding clause is true regardless of the following clause)
peró {conj} :: alternative form of pero
perol {conj} :: alternative form of pero
pérola {f} /ˈpɛ.ɾu.lɐ/ :: pearl (rounded shelly concretion produced by certain mollusks)
pérola {f} [slang, Brazil] :: faux pas; blunder
peróneo {m} [European orthography] :: alternative form of perónio
perôneo {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of perónio
perónio {m} [European orthography, skeleton, dated] /pɨ.ˈɾɔ.nju/ :: fibula
perônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of perónio
peronismo {m} [politics] :: Peronism (the political ideology of Argentine president Juan Perón)
perovskita {f} [mineral] :: perovskite
peroxidação {f} [chemistry] :: peroxidation
peróxido {m} [chemistry] :: peroxide
peróxido de hidrogénio {m} [European orthography, inorganic compound] :: hydrogen peroxide (h2O2)
peróxido de hidrogênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of peróxido de hidrogénio
perpassando {v} :: gerund of perpassar
perpassar {v} :: to pervade
perpendicular {adj} /pɨɾ.pẽ.di.ku.ˈlaɾ/ :: perpendicular
perpendicular {f} :: perpendicular
perpendicularmente {adv} :: perpendicularly (in a perpendicular manner)
perpetrador {m} :: perpetrator (one who perpetrates a crime or offense)
perpetrando {v} :: gerund of perpetrar
perpetrar {v} :: to perpetrate
perpetuação {f} :: perpetuation
perpetuamente {adv} :: perpetually; forever (at all times in the future)
perpetuar {vt} :: to perpetuate (make perpetual)
perpetuar {vt} :: to perpetuate (prolong the existence of)
perpetuo {adj} :: obsolete spelling of perpétuo
perpétuo {adj} :: perpetual, everlasting, eternal
perpianho {m} :: perpent stone (large stone reaching through a wall)
Perpignan {prop} {f} :: Perpignan (city)
Perpinhã {prop} {f} :: rare spelling of Perpignan
Perpinhão {prop} {f} :: rare spelling of Perpignan
perplexidade {f} :: perplexity
perplexo {adj} /peɾ.ˈplɛ.ksu/ :: perplexed (confused or puzzled)
perque {conj} :: obsolete form of porque
perque {adv} :: obsolete form of porque
perrengue {m} [colloquial] :: difficulty (difficult situation)
perrexil {m} :: parsley
perrexil {m} :: rock samphire; sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum, an edible plant that grows near the sea)
perro {adj} /ˈpe.ʁu/ :: stiff (of an object, rigid, hard to bend, inflexible)
perro {adj} :: stubborn
perro {m} [rare] :: dog
perro {m} [figurative] :: mischievous person
persa {mf} /ˈpɛɾ.sɐ/ :: Persian (member of ethnic group native to the Iranian plateau)
persa {mf} :: Iranian (person from Iran)
persa {mf} [uncountable] :: Persian; Farsi (national language of Iran)
persa {adj} :: Persian (of Persia)
persa {adj} :: Iranian (of Iran)
persa {adj} :: Persian (of the Persian language)
perscrutar {v} :: to examine; to investigate thoroughly; to inquire; to question
perscrutar {v} :: to try to learn; to try to discover a secret
per se {adv} :: per se (without considering extraneous factors)
Perséfona {prop} {f} :: rare form of Perséfone
Perséfone {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Persephone (wife of Hades)
perseguição {f} /pɨɾ.sɨ.ɣi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: persecution, harassment
perseguição {f} :: pursuit, chase
perseguida {f} [colloquial, Brazil] :: vagina (woman's genitalia)
perseguidor {m} :: pursuer (one who pursues)
perseguidora {f} :: female equivalent of perseguidor
perseguindo {v} :: gerund of perseguir
perseguir {v} /pɨɾ.sɨ.ˈɣiɾ/ :: to pursue, follow
perseguir {v} :: to chase
pérseo {adj} :: Persian (from or pertaining to Persia)
Persephone {prop} {f} :: archaic spelling of Perséfone
Perséphone {prop} {f} :: archaic spelling of Perséfone
Persépolis {prop} {f} /peʁ.ˈsɛ.po.lis/ :: Persépolis (<<ancient>> ceremonial <<capital>> of the <<empire:Suf/Achaemenid>>, in modern <<c/Iran>>)
Perseu {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] /peʁ.ˈsew/ :: Perseus (hero who slew Medusa)
perseverança {f} :: perseverance (persistent determination; insistence)
perseverar {vi} :: to persevere (persist steadfastly)
Persia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Pérsia
Pérsia {prop} {f} :: Pérsia (ancient empire)
Pérsia {prop} {f} :: former name of Irão; Persia
persiana {f} :: Venetian blind (blind consisting of overlapping horizontal slats)
pérsico {adj} :: Persian (from or pertaining to Persia)
persignar {v} :: only used in persignar-se
persignar-se {vr} :: to cross (to make the sign of the cross over oneself)
persistência {f} :: persistence
persistência {f} :: tenacity
persistência {f} :: perseverance
persistente {adj} :: persistent (refusing to give up or yield)
persistentemente {adv} :: persistently
persistir {v} :: to persist (continue to exist)
persoa {f} :: obsolete form of pessoa
personagem {mf} /pɨɾ.su.ˈna.ʒɐ̃j̃/ :: a character in a story
personalidade {f} /ˌpeɹ.so.ˌna.li.ˈda.d͡ʒi/ :: personality (set of qualities that make a person distinct from another)
personalidade {f} :: personality; celebrity
personalidade {f} :: personality (qualities that make a person stand out from the crowd)
personalizado {adj} :: custom (made to fit someone’s specific needs)
personalizar {v} :: to personalize, to customise (alter to suit individual requirements or specifications)
persona non grata {f} :: persona non grata (a person who is not welcome)
personificação {f} :: personification; embodiment (person, thing or name typifying a certain quality or idea)
personificação {f} :: personification (the attribution of human qualities to an inanimate object)
personificar {v} :: to embody; to personify (have all the attributes of)
perspéctico {adj} :: perspective (relating to perspective)
perspectiva {f} /peɾs.pek.ˈt͡ʃi.va/ :: perspective (view, vista or outlook)
perspectiva {f} [optics] :: perspective (appearance of depth in objects)
perspectiva {f} :: perspective (technique of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface)
perspectiva {f} :: perspective; point of view
perspectiva {f} :: prospect; anticipation; expectation
perspectivar {v} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of perspetivar
perspetiva {f} [European orthography] /pɨɾʃpɛˈtiva/ :: alternative form of perspectiva
perspetivando {v} :: gerund of perspetivar
perspetivar {v} [arts] /pɨɾʃpɛˈtivaɾ/ :: to create the illusion of depth in an artwork
perspicácia {f} :: perspicacity (acute discernment or understanding)
perspicaz {adj} :: perspicacious (showing keen insight)
perspicazmente {adv} :: keenly, acutely, perspicaciously
perspiração {f} :: perspiration (process of sweating)
persuadir {vt} /peʁ.swa.ˈdʒi(ʁ)/ :: to persuade (convince through reasoning)
persuasivamente {adv} :: persuasively
persulforeto {m} :: persulfide
pertecnectato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pertechnetate
pertence {m} :: an object that belongs to someone; property, item
pertencendo {v} :: gerund of pertencer
pertencente {adj} :: belonging (to)
pertencente {adj} :: relative (to)
pertencente {adj} :: appurtenant
pertencer {v} [a] /pɨɾ.tẽ.ˈseɾ/ :: to belong to (to be property of; to be owned by)
pertencer {v} [a] :: to belong to (to be a part of)
pertencer {v} [a, .set theory] :: to belong to (to be an element of a set)
pertencimento {m} :: belonging (the fact of belonging to someone or something)
Perth {prop} {f} :: Perth (city)
Perth {prop} {f} :: Perth (city)
pértica {f} [historical] :: a unit of measure equivalent to approximately 2.60 metres
pertinaz {adj} :: pertinacious
pertinaz {adj} :: obstinate
pertinaz {adj} :: persistent
pertinência {f} :: pertinence (the quality of being pertinent)
pertinência {f} [set theory] :: membership (the fact of being a member of a set)
pertinência {f} [fuzzy logic] :: membership (the degree to which a value belongs to a fuzzy set)
pertinente {adj} /peʁ.tʃi.ˈnẽ.tʃi/ :: pertinent; relevant (directly related to a topic)
perto {adv} /ˈpɛɾ.tu/ :: close, closely, next (at a little distance)
perto de {prep} :: near (in close proximity to)
perto de {prep} :: about (near or approximately, regarding time, size or quantity)
perturbação {f} /pɨɾ.tuɾ.βɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: perturbation
perturbação {f} :: disturbance
perturbação {f} :: turmoil, upheaval
perturbado {adj} /pɨɾ.tuɾ.ˈβa.ðu/ :: disturbed [person]
perturbador {adj} /pɨɾtuɾβaˈðoɾ/ :: disturbing (causing distress or worry)
perturbar {v} /per.tur.ˈbar/ :: to perturb, to disturb
pertússis {f} [disease] :: whooping cough (a contagious disease)
peru {m} /pɨˈɾu/ :: turkey
peru {m} [slang] :: penis
Peru {prop} {m} /pɨˈɾu/ :: Peru (country)
perua {f} :: feminine noun of peru, a turkey-hen
perua {f} [Brazil, colloquial, figuratively, sometimes offensive] :: a middle-aged woman who uses extravagant clothes and accessories
perua {f} [Brazil, colloquial, sometimes offensive] :: a prostitute
perua {f} [Brazil] :: van (an automobile smaller than a bus or truck and larger than a common car)
perua {f} :: a very skinny riding equid
perua {f} :: drunkenness
peruana {f} :: female equivalent of peruano
peruano {adj} :: Peruvian
peruano {m} :: Peruvian
peruca {f} /pɨ.ˈɾu.kɐ/ :: wig
peruca {f} :: chignon
Perúgia {prop} {f} :: Perúgia (city/and/province)
Peruíbe {prop} :: Peruíbe (municipality)
Perúsia {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Perúgia
pervasivo {adj} :: pervasive (manifested throughout)
perversão {f} /pɨɾvɨɾˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: perversion
perversidade {f} :: perversity
perverso {adj} :: perverse
pervertido {adj} :: perverted (deviating from what is normally considered right)
pervertido {m} :: pervert (one who has turned to error)
pervertido {m} :: pervert (sexually perverted person)
pervinca {f} :: periwinkle (any of several evergreen plants of the genus Vinca)
perxenato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: perxenate
PES {f} [parapsychology] :: initialism of percepção extrassensorial: ESP
pesadamente {adv} :: heavily
pesadão {adj} :: augmentative of pesado
pesadelar {adj} :: nightmarish (resembling a nightmare)
pesadelo {m} /pɨzɐˈdelu/ :: nightmare
pesado {adj} /pɨ.ˈza.ðu/ :: Having great weight; heavy
pesado {adj} :: Of great force, power or intensity; deep; heavy; intense
pesagem {f} /pɨ.ˈza.ʒɐ̃j̃/ :: weighing (the process determining the weight of something)
pêsame {m} [often, in the plural] :: condolence
pesando {v} :: gerund of pesar
pesa-papéis {m} :: paperweight (object placed on top of pieces of paper to prevent them from fluttering away)
pesar {m} /pɨ.ˈzaɾ/ :: grief; regret
pesar {v} /pɨ.ˈzaɾ/ :: to weigh (determine the weight of an object)
pesar {v} :: to weigh (have a certain weight)
pesar {v} :: to influence (to exert an influence upon)
pesar {vi} :: to be heavy
pesar {v} [of a food or meal] :: to cause heartburn or indigestion
pesar {v} :: to burden (cause worry or pressure)
pesaroso {adj} :: mournful (filled with grief or sadness)
pesca {f} /ˈpɛʃ.kɐ/ :: fishing (the business or sport of catching fishes)
pesca {f} :: catch (the amount of fish caught)
pescada {f} [zoology] :: whiting (Merlangius merlangus)
pescador {m} /pɨʃ.kɐ.ˈðoɾ/ :: fisher (one that fishes)
Pescador {prop} :: Pescador (municipality)
pescador esportivo {m} :: angler (person who fishes with a hook and line as a hobby)
pesca esportiva {f} :: angling (fishing for recreation or sport)
pescar {v} /pes.ˈka(ɹ)/ :: to fish (try to catch fish)
pescar {v} :: to remove an object from a body of water
pescar {v} :: to fish (attempt to find an object by searching among other objects)
Pescara {prop} {f} :: Pescara (province)
Pescara {prop} {f} :: Pescara (capital city)
Pescaria Brava {prop} :: Pescaria Brava (municipality)
pescoço {m} /pɨʃ.ˈko.su/ :: neck (part of body)
pescotapa {m} :: A slap on the neck
pés de gato {n} :: alternative spelling of pés-de-gato
peseta {f} :: peseta (former currency unit of Spain and Andorra)
Peshawar {prop} {f} :: Peshawar (city/provincial capital)
peshmerga {mp} /ˌpɛ.ʃi.ˈmɛʁ.ɡɐ/ :: peshmerga (the armed militia of Iraqi Kurdistan)
peshmerga {adj} :: relating or belonging to the peshmerga
Peshmerga {mp} :: alternative case form of peshmerga
Peshmerga {adj} :: alternative case form of peshmerga
pés no chão {adv} [idiom] :: feet on the ground (sensibly, showing good sense)
peso {m} /ˈpe.zu/ :: weight (force on an object due to the gravitational attraction)
peso {m} :: heaviness (the condition of being heavy)
peso {m} :: weight (object used for its heaviness)
peso {m} [weightlifting] :: weight (heavy object lifted for strength training)
peso {m} [athletics] :: shot (heavy ball thrown in shot put)
peso {m} [figurative] :: weight (importance or influence)
peso {m} [figurative] :: emotional pressure
peso {m} [sports] :: weight class (subdivision of a competition based on the competitors’ weight)
peso {m} [mathematics] :: weight (value that multiplies a variable)
peso {m} [typography] :: weight; boldness (thickness of a character’s strokes)
peso {m} /ˈpe.zu/ :: peso (currency unit of Argentina, Chile, Mexico and the Philippines)
pêso {m} :: obsolete spelling of peso
Peso da Régua {prop} /ˈpezu ðɐ ˈʁɛɣwɐ/ :: Peso da Régua (city/and/municipality)
peso líquido {m} :: net weight (weight of a product without the weight of its package)
peso morto {m} [idiomatic] :: dead weight (that which is useless or excess)
pesponto {m} [sewing] :: a backstitch
pesqueiro {m} :: fishing ground
pesquisa {f} /pes.ˈki.zɐ/ :: research (inquiry or examination)
pesquisa {f} [computing] :: search
pesquisador {m} :: researcher
pesquisadora {f} :: female researcher
pesquisadora {f} :: feminine noun of pesquisador
pesquisa psi {f} :: parapsychology (study of that supernatural phenomena)
pesquisar {vt} /pɨʃ.ki.ˈzaɾ/ :: to look for
Pessach {prop} {m} [Judaism] :: Passover; Pesach (eight-day Jewish festival)
pêssanka {f} [Paraná] /ˈpe.sɐ̃.kɐ/ :: pysanka; Ukrainian Easter egg (easter egg decorated with intricate designs)
pessego {m} :: obsolete spelling of pêssego
pêssego {m} /ˈpe.sɨ.ɣu/ :: peach (fruit)
pessegueiro {m} :: peach (Prunus persica, a fruit-bearing tree)
pessimismo {m} :: pessimism (expectation that bad things will happen)
pessimista {adj} :: pessimistic (always expecting the worst)
pessimista {mf} :: pessimist (someone who habitually expects the worst)
péssimo {adj} /ˈpɛ.si.mu/ :: superlative of mau: very bad
pessoa {f} /pɨ.ˈso.ɐ/ :: person (an individual being, especially a human)
pessoa {f} :: [formal] person (someone’s physical body)
pessoa {f} :: [grammar] person (either the speaker, those spoken to or the subject of the discussion)
pessoa {f} :: [Christian theology] person (any of the three hypostases of the Holy Trinity)
pessoa {f} :: [law] person (person or organisation with standing before the courts)
Pessoa {prop} {mf} :: surname
pessôa {f} :: obsolete spelling of pessoa
pessoa física {f} [legal] :: natural person (human being, as opposed to an organisation)
pessoa jurídica {f} [legal] :: legal person (an organisation or group of people)
pessoal {adj} /pɨˈswaɫ/ :: personal
pessoal {m} :: staff
pessoal {m} [colloquial] :: folks; guys (to address a crowd)
pessoalmente {adv} /pɨ.swaɫ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: personally
pessoalmente {adv} :: in person
pessoa moral {f} [legal] :: legal person (an organisation or group of people)
pessoa não grata {f} :: alternative form of persona non grata
pessoa non grata {f} [rare] :: alternative form of persona non grata
pestana {f} /pɨʃ.ˈtɐ.nɐ/ :: eyelash (one of the hairs which grow along the edge of eyelids)
pestana {f} :: nap (short period of sleep)
pestana {f} [musical instrument] :: nut (a small piece at the peghead end of the fingerboard of string instruments that holds the strings)
pestana {f} [music] :: barre chord (type of chord where a finger presses multiple strings)
pestanejar {vi} :: to blink
peste {f} /ˈpɛʃtɨ/ :: plague
peste {f} :: contagious disease
peste {f} :: annoying person
peste bovina {f} :: rinderpest (contagious viral disease that affects ruminants and swine)
peste bubónica {f} [European orthography, pathology] :: bubonic plague (a contagious and deadly disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis)
peste bubônica {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of peste bubónica
peste negra {f} [pathology] :: bubonic plague (a contagious and deadly disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis)
pesticida {m} :: pesticide (substance used to kill pests)
pestilência {f} :: pestilence, plague, contagion
pet {m} [Brazil, upper class slang] /ˈpɛt͡ʃ/ :: pet (animal kept as a companion)
peta- {prefix} :: peta- (SI prefix multiplying the unit by 1015)
petabit {m} [computing] :: petabit (one quadrillion bits)
petabyte {m} [computing] /ˌpɛtaˈbajt(ʃ)(i)/ :: petabyte (one quadrillion bytes)
pétala {f} :: petal
petalita {f} [mineral] :: petalite
petanca {f} [games] :: pétanque
pétaso {m} [historical] :: petasus (low-crowned hat worn by the Ancient Greeks and Romans)
peteca {f} :: an object similar to a badminton shuttlecock, but larger and struck with the palm of the hand
peteca {f} :: a sport similar to badminton
peteleco {m} :: fillip (the act of releasing the index finger from the hold of a thumb with a snap)
petição {f} :: petition (formal request)
peticionário {adj} :: petitionary (making a petition)
peticionário {m} :: petitioner (someone making a petition)
petiscar {v} :: to snack, nibble
petisco {m} [culinary] :: titbit (tasty morsel of food)
petisco {m} [culinary] :: snack, bite
petisco {m} [culinary] :: canapé
petisco {m} [culinary, in the plural] :: appetizers, tapas
petista {mf} [Brazil, politics, neologism] /pe.ˈt͡ʃis.ta/ :: a person who supports or is affiliated to the Workers' Party
petista {adj} [Brazil, politics, neologism] :: pertaining or related to the Workers' Party
petista {adj} [Brazil, politics, neologism] :: supporting or pro-Workers' Party
petitório {adj} :: petitionary (making or relating to a petition)
petiz {adj} [colloquial] /pəˈtiʃ/ :: small; little
petiz {m} [colloquial] :: kid
peto verde {m} :: green woodpecker (Picus viridis, a European woodpecker species)
petralha {mf} [derogatory, offensive] :: A person who supports or is affiliated to Partido dos Trabalhadores (Worker's Party), a political party in Brazil, and justifies the misappropriation of public funds
petrecho {m} :: obsolete form of apetrecho
petrecho {m} [military, archaic] :: Materiel
petrecho {m} [law, chiefly in the plural] :: Paraphernalia, especially when used in the commission of a crime (e.g., drug paraphernalia, burglar's tools)
petrecho {m} [fishing, chiefly in the plural] :: Any apparatus used for fishing or angling; gear, tackle
pétreo {adj} :: petrous (resembling stone)
pétreo {adj} :: relating to stone
pétreo {adj} [figurative] :: ice-cold (without emotion)
Petrescu {prop} {mf} :: surname
petrificar {vt} :: to petrify, to produce rigidity
petrino {adj} :: Petrine (of or pertaining to Saint Peter)
Petroff {prop} {mf} :: surname
Petroff {prop} {mf} :: surname
Petrolândia {prop} :: Petrolândia (municipality)
Petrolândia {prop} :: Petrolândia (municipality)
petroleira {f} [Brazil] :: oil company
petroleiro {adj} [attributive] :: oil, petrol (related to mineral oil)
petroleiro {m} :: oil tanker
petróleo {m} /pɨ.ˈtɾɔ.lju/ :: oil; petroleum
petróleo bruto {m} :: crude oil (unrefined oil)
petróleo cru {m} :: crude oil (unrefined oil)
petrologia {f} [geology] :: petrology
Petropavlovsk {prop} {f} :: Petropavlovsk (city/administrative center)
Petrópolis {prop} :: Petrópolis (municipality)
petroquímico {adj} :: petrochemical
Petrov {prop} {mf} :: surname
Petrov {prop} {mf} :: surname
Petrovsk {prop} {f} :: Petrovsk (city/regional capital)
Petrozavodsk {prop} {f} :: Petrozavodsk (city/regional capital)
pet shop {mf} :: pet shop (shop where pets and pet products are sold)
petulante {adj} :: petulant
petúnia {f} /pɨ.ˈtu.njɐ/ :: petunia (plant)
peúga {f} [Portugal] :: sock
pé-vela {m} :: foot-candle
pevide {f} /pe.ˈvi.d͡ʒi/ :: A flat seed, such as that of a pumpkin, melon or pear
pevide {f} :: Pasta // () shaped like flat seeds
pevide {f} [veterinary medicine] :: pip (respiratory disease of birds)
pevide {f} [speech pathology] :: Inability to pronounce rhotic consonants correctly
pevide {f} :: The burned part of a candle’s wick
p. ex. {adv} :: abbreviation of por exemplo; e.g.
-pexia {suffix} [surgery] :: -pexy (forms the name of surgical procedures where a part of the body is attached to another)
pez {m} :: pitch (dark, extremely viscous material made by distilling tar)
pezinho {m} /pɛ.ˈzi.ɲu/ :: diminutive of
pezinho {m} /pe.ˈzi.ɲu/ :: diminutive of
pezunho {m} :: hoof
PF {m} :: initialism of prato feito
PF {phrase} :: initialism of por favor
PF {prop} {f} :: initialism of Polícia Federal
phagocyto {m} :: obsolete spelling of fagócito
phalange {f} :: obsolete spelling of falange
phalangeta {f} :: obsolete spelling of falangeta
phalanginha {f} :: obsolete spelling of falanginha
phallico {adj} :: obsolete spelling of fálico
phantasma {morf} :: obsolete spelling of fantasma
pharaó {m} :: obsolete spelling of faraó
pharmaceutico {adj} :: obsolete spelling of farmacêutico
pharmaceutico {m} :: obsolete spelling of farmacêutico
pharmacia {f} :: obsolete spelling of farmácia
pharol {m} :: obsolete spelling of farol
PhDeus {m} [slang, humorous] :: A snooty Ph.D.
Phebe {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Febe
Phenícia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Fenícia
phenício {m} :: obsolete spelling of fenício
phenício {adj} :: obsolete spelling of fenício
Phenix {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Fénix
Phénix {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Fénix
phenomeno {m} :: obsolete spelling of fenómeno
phenomenologia {f} :: obsolete spelling of fenomenologia
phi {m} :: obsolete spelling of fi
philaucia {f} :: obsolete spelling of filáucia
Philipa {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Filipa
Philippa {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Filipa
Philomena {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Filomena
philósopha {f} :: feminine noun of philósopho
philosophal {adj} :: obsolete spelling of filosofal
philosopho {m} :: obsolete spelling of filósofo
philósopho {m} :: obsolete spelling of filósofo
phishing {m} [computer security] :: phishing (the act of sending email that falsely claims to be from a legitimate organisation)
phlegma {f} :: obsolete form of fleuma
phleugma {f} :: obsolete form of fleuma
phleuma {f} :: obsolete spelling of fleuma
Phnom Penh {prop} {f} :: Phnom Penh (capital city)
Phocida {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Fócida
Phócida {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Fócida
Phoenix {prop} {f} :: Phoenix (city/state capital)
phosphato {m} :: obsolete spelling of fosfato
photographar {v} :: obsolete spelling of fotografar
photographia {f} :: obsolete spelling of fotografia
phrase {f} :: obsolete spelling of frase
phthisica {f} :: obsolete spelling of tísica
phthisico {adj} :: obsolete spelling of tísico
phthisico {m} :: obsolete spelling of tísico
physica {f} :: obsolete spelling of física
physis {f} [Ancient Greek philosophy and theology] :: physis (nature, as contrasted with law or custom)
pi {m} /ˈpi/ :: pi (name of the Greek letter Π, π)
pi {interj} :: bleep (high-pitched sound)
PI {prop} :: abbreviation of Piauí (Brazilian state)
pia {f} :: sink
pia {f} :: basin
piá {m} [colloquial, Paraná, Southern Brazil] /piˈa/ :: kid; child
piá {m} [colloquial, vocative, Paraná, Southern Brazil] :: man; dude
piá {adj} [colloquial, Paraná, Southern Brazil, personal] :: childish
piá {v} :: eye dialect of piar
pia batismal {f} :: font (a receptacle for holy water in a church)
piaçá {f} :: alternative form of piaçaba
piaçaba {f} /pja.ˈsa.βɐ/ :: Brazilian palm trees Attalea funifera and Leopoldinia piassaba
piaçaba {f} :: fibrous product of these trees, formerly used in making brooms and for other purposes
piaçaba {f} :: toilet brush
Piacatu {prop} :: Piacatu (municipality)
piaçava {f} :: alternative form of piaçaba
Piacenza {prop} {f} :: Piacenza (city/and/province)
piada {f} :: joke (amusing story)
piada {f} [Portugal] :: fun, reason
piadeira {f} :: wigeon (any of the dabbling ducks of the genus Anas)
piadista {mf} :: joker (person who makes jokes)
piamente {adv} :: piously (in a pious manner)
pianinho {m} /pi.ɐ.ˈni.ɲu/ :: diminutive of piano; pianette
pianinho {m} [slang] :: guitar
pianinho {adj} [of sound] :: very soft
pianinho {adj} [slang, of people] :: submissive (obedient in fear of authority or power)
pianista {mf} /ˌpi.ɐ.ˈnis.ta/ :: pianist (piano player)
piano {adj} /ˈpjɐnu/ :: piano
piano {adv} [music] :: piano, soft
piano {adv} [music] :: piano, slowly
piano {m} [musical instrument] :: piano
piano de cauda {m} [musical instruments] :: grand piano (a piano in which the strings are strung horizontally)
pião {m} /ˈpjɐ̃w̃/ :: spinning top (a type of toy that spins on its axis)
piar {v} :: to chirp (to make a short, sharp sound, as of small birds)
piar {v} [by extension] :: to chat
Piatã {prop} :: Piatã (municipality)
Piau {prop} :: Piau (municipality)
Piauí {prop} {m} /ˌpi.aw.ˈi/ :: Piauí (state)
piauiense {adj} :: of or from Piauí
piauiense {mf} :: someone from Piauí
PIB {m} :: gross domestic product, GDP
pica {f} [slang] :: dick; prick; penis
pica {f} [Portugal] :: jab (medical injection)
pica {f} [Internet slang] :: pic (short for picture, meaning image)
piça {f} [vulgar, slang] :: dick; prick; penis
picada {f} :: the act of stinging
picada {f} :: bite (skin swelling caused by an insect sting)
Picada Café {prop} :: Picada Café (municipality)
pica das galáxias {mf} [slang] :: someone with great reputation or accomplishments
pica das galáxias {mf} [slang] :: the highest in a hierarchy
pica das galáxias {adj} [slang] :: great, powerful, or reputable
picadilha {f} [Brazil, slang] /pi.ka.ˈd͡ʒi.ʎɐ/ :: the act of doing something in secrecy
picadilha {f} [Brazil, slang] :: style
picadinho {m} :: a dish of diced meat
picado {adj} :: having insect bites
picado {adj} :: hash (chopped into small pieces)
picado {adj} [of the sea] :: choppy (having many small, rough waves)
picado {adj} [music] :: staccato (with each note played for a very short duration)
picado {m} :: finely chopped food
picado {m} [music] :: staccato (articulation in with each note played for a very short duration)
picador de gelo {m} :: icepick (a pointed tool used for breaking ice)
picância {f} :: spiciness (the quality of being spicy)
picanço {m} :: shrike (any of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae)
picante {adj} /pi.ˈkɐ̃.tɨ/ :: hot, spicy (of food)
picante {adj} :: stinging
picante {adj} :: bawdy
picante {m} :: hot sauce
pica-pau {m} :: woodpecker
picapau {m} :: woodpecker
pica-pau malhado grande {m} :: great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major, a woodpecker species of Eurasia)
pica-pau malhado pequeno {m} :: lesser spotted woodpecker (Picoides minor, a woodpecker species of the Paleartic region)
picape {f} :: pickup truck (truck with an open cargo bed)
pica-peixe {m} :: kingfisher (any of various birds of the suborder Alcedines)
picar {v} /piˈkaɾ/ :: to sting (pierce with a small, sharp point)
picar {v} :: to mince; to shred (chop into small pieces)
picar a mula {v} [slang] :: to run away, to flee
Picardia {prop} {f} /ˌpi.kaʁ.ˈd͡ʒi.ɐ/ :: Picardia (former region)
picardo {adj} :: Picard
picardo {m} :: Picard (person)
picardo {m} [uncountable] :: Picard (language)
picaresco {adj} :: picaresque
picareta {f} /pikɐˈɾetɐ/ :: pickaxe (heavy tool used to break rocks)
picareta {mf} [Brazil, slang] :: a conman or charlatan
picaretagem {f} :: fraud
pícea {f} :: spruce (tree from the genus Picea)
picha {f} :: cruet (small bottle or container used to hold a condiment)
picha {f} :: a small shrimp
picha {f} [slang] :: dick; prick; penis
pichação {f} [uncountable] /piʃaˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: graffiti (form of vandalism involving painting text or images in public places)
pichação {f} :: graffito (single instance of graffiti)
pichação {f} :: the act of graffitiing illegally
pichador {m} /ˌpi.ʃa.ˈdoɻ/ :: one who tars (coats with tar)
pichador {m} :: graffiti bomber
pichar {v} :: to graffiti (to create graffiti), especially vandalistic graffiti
piche {m} /ˈpiʃi/ :: pitch (material made from tar)
Pichilemu {prop} {f} :: Pichilemu (city)
picho {m} [Portugal] /ˈpiʃu/ :: a small jar or pot used to extract or drink wine
picho {m} [Portugal, by extension] :: any such small jar or pot
picho {m} :: street graffiti
picho {m} :: the act of spraying graffiti over a urban surface
pichulé {m} :: alternative spelling of pixulé
pickup {f} :: alternative form of picape
picles {m} [nonstandard] :: a single pickle
pico {m} /ˈpi.ku/ :: peak; summit; top (the highest point of a mountain)
pico {m} [by extension] :: a high mountain that ends in a peak
pico {m} [figuratively] :: top, apogee, acme (the greatest, highest, most successful or most developed point of anything)
pico {m} :: sharp tip of anything
pico {m} :: thorn
pico {m} :: tart or acid flavour
pico {m} :: zest; enthusiasm; excitement
pico {m} :: instrument for cutting stone
pico {m} :: picul (Chinese outdated unit of measurement of weight, roughly equivalent to 60.47 kg or 110.2 lb)
pico {m} [colloquial, more commonly in plural] :: each bubble in a carbonated beverage
pico {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: hullabaloo; turmoil; tumult; commotion; riot
pico {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: injected dosage
pico {m} [Portugal, derogatory] :: homosexual man
picolé {m} [Brazil] /pi.koˈlɛ/ :: ice pop (ice cream or frozen fruit juice on a stick)
picota {f} :: pillory
picota {f} [nautical] :: pump-cheek
picota {f} :: shadoof
picotagem {f} :: perforation
picotar {v} :: to chop (to cut into pieces)
picotar {v} :: to perforate paper
picto {m} [historical] :: Pict (member of a Celtic people of northern and central Scotland)
pictograma {m} :: pictogram (image that represents a word or an idea)
pidgin {m} [linguistics] :: pidgin (amalgamation of two languages having no native speakers)
pidgin inglês da China {m} :: Chinese pidgin English (an English-lexifier pidgin formerly used along the Chinese coast)
pidir {v} :: obsolete form of pedir Now an eye dialect
piedade {f} /pjɛˈðaðɨ/ :: piety
piedade {f} :: pity, compassion
Piedade {prop} :: Piedade (municipality)
Piedade de Caratinga {prop} :: Piedade de Caratinga (municipality)
Piedade de Ponte Nova {prop} :: Piedade de Ponte Nova (municipality)
Piedade do Rio Grande {prop} :: Piedade do Rio Grande (municipality)
Piedade dos Gerais {prop} :: Piedade dos Gerais (municipality)
piedade filial {f} :: filial piety (respect to one’s parents and ancestors)
piedoso {adj} /pjɛ.ˈðo.zu/ :: Showing mercy; merciful
piedoso {adj} [of a person] :: Prone to having mercy; merciful
piegas {adj} :: overly sentimental; sappy, cheesy
piegas {adj} :: who becomes embarrassed easily, by insignificant things
piegas {mf} :: one who is excessively sentimental
piegas {mf} :: one who becomes embarrassed easily
Piemonte {prop} {m} /pjɨˈmõtɨ/ :: Piemonte (region)
piemontês {adj} :: Piedmontese (of, from or relating to Piedmont, Italy)
piemontês {m} :: Someone from Piedmont, Italy
piemontês {m} [uncountable] :: Piemontese (a Gallo-Italic language spoken in Piedmont)
píer {m} [Brazil] :: pier (raised platform built from the shore out over water)
piercing {m} /ˈpiʁ.sĩ/ :: piercing (jewellery worn through a hole in the skin or tongue)
Pieria {prop} {f} :: Pieria (Greek prefecture)
Pierre {prop} {m} /pi.ˈɛ.ʁi/ :: given name
Pierre {prop} {f} :: Pierre (city/state capital)
pietista {mf} [Christianity] /pi.e.ˈt͡ʃis.tɐ/ :: Pietist (follower of Pietism)
pietista {adj} [Christianity] :: Pietist (relating to Pietism)
piezeletricidade {f} [physics] :: piezoelectricity
piezelétrico {adj} :: piezoelectric
piezoeletricidade {f} [physics] :: piezoelectricity (capacity of crystal to generate electricity)
piezoelétrico {adj} :: piezoelectric
pífano {m} :: alternative form of pífaro
pifão {m} :: boozing
pifar {vi} [a machine or device] :: to break (to stop functioning properly)
pifar {vi} [figurative, a person or animal] :: to tire, to weary (to become tired)
pifar {vi} [figurative, a person or animal] :: to die
pifar {vt} :: to secretely steal something
pifar {v} :: to fail, to be not successful
pifar {v} :: to drink alcohol excessively
pifaro {m} :: obsolete spelling of pífaro
pífaro {m} [musical instruments] :: fife (small, shrill pipe)
pife {m} [musical instruments] :: fife (small, shrill pipe)
pife {m} [card games] :: a game where each player is given 9 cards and has to create three sequences or sets
pífio {adj} :: cheap (of low quality or taste)
pífio {adj} :: despicable
pigargo {m} :: white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla, a large Eurasian eagle)
pigarreada {f} :: hawk (an effort to force up phlegm from the throat)
pigarrear {v} :: to hawk; expectorate; cough up
pigarro {m} :: hawk (an effort to force up phlegm from the throat)
pigídio {m} /pi.ˈʒi.dju/ :: pygidium
pigmentação {f} :: pigmentation, colouring
pigmentar {vt} :: to pigment (add pigment)
pigmento {m} :: pigment (dry colourant)
pigmeu {m} :: pygmy (a member of various African peoples noted for their low stature)
pigmeu {m} [Greek mythology] :: pygmy (a member of a mythological race of dwarfs)
pigmeu {m} [figuratively] :: pygmy (any dwarfish person)
pigmeu {m} [figuratively] :: pygmy (an insignificant person)
pigmeu {adj} :: dwarfish (very short)
pignoratício {adj} :: pledge (attributive)
pii {interj} :: alternative form of pi
piii {interj} :: alternative form of pi
pijama {m} /pi.ˈʒɐ.mɐ/ :: pajamas (clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in)
pila {f} [slang, Portugal] :: penis
pila {f} [slang, South Brazil] :: cash
pilaf {m} :: pilaf (dish in which rice is cooked in a seasoned broth)
pilafe {m} :: alternative form of pilaf
pilantra {mf} [Brazil] /ˈpi.lɐ̃.tɾa/ :: tricker, rascal, crook (dishonest person)
pilantra {adj} [of a person] :: dishonest, having the characteristics of a rascal
pilantragem {f} :: rascality (behaviour of rascals)
pilão {m} :: pestle (instrument used with a mortar to grind things)
pilão {m} :: a large, wooden mortar used to mash food
Pilão Arcado {prop} :: Pilão Arcado (municipality)
pilar {m} /piˈlaɾ/ :: pillar (large post, often used as supporting architecture)
pilar {m} [figurative] :: pillar (essential part of something)
pilar {v} :: to grind using a pestle
Pilar do Sul {prop} :: Pilar do Sul (municipality)
pilarete {m} :: a small pillar
pilarete {m} :: bollard (post preventing vehicles from entering pedestrian area)
pilastra {f} [architecture] :: pier or pilaster (rectangular pillar that supports or decorates a wall or roof)
Pilatos {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Pilate (Roman prefect who ordered the crucifixion of Jesus)
pilcha {f} :: the traditional costume of the Gauchos
pileca {f} :: nag (small or weak horse)
pilha {f} /ˈpi.ʎɐ/ :: stack; pile; heap (mass of things)
pilha {f} :: battery (device that produces electricity)
pilha {f} [computing] :: stack (data structure)
pilhador {m} :: pillager (one who plunders)
pilhagem {f} :: pillage (the act of pillaging)
pilhar {v} :: to pillage (loot or plunder by force)
pilhar {v} [Brazil, slang] :: To want to do something, to have intention of doing something, to have energy for
pilhéria {m} :: joke
pilhéria {m} :: facetiousness
pillar {m} :: obsolete spelling of pilar
pilo {m} /ˈpi.lu/ :: pilum (Roman javelin)
piloiro {m} [rare] :: dated form of pelouro
pilone {m} :: pylon (a gateway to the inner part of an Ancient Egyptian temple)
pilono {m} :: alternative form of pilone
pilota {f} :: feminine noun of piloto
pilotar {v} :: to pilot (to control an aircraft or watercraft)
piloto {mf} [nautical] /pi.ˈlo.tu/ :: pilot; helmsman
piloto {mf} [aviation] :: pilot (person who controls the aircraft)
piloto {mf} [motor racing] :: racing driver
piloto {mf} [television] :: pilot (sample episode of a proposed TV series)
piloto {mf} :: pilot light
piloto {mf} :: pilot fish
pilôto {mf} :: superseded spelling of piloto
piloto automático {m} :: autopilot (system that guides a vehicle, especially an aircraft, automatically)
pilouro {m} :: obsolete form of pelouro
pilriteiro {m} :: may (shrub of the genus Crataegus)
Pilsen {prop} {f} /ˈpiw.sẽj̃/ :: Pilsen (city)
Pilsudski {prop} {mf} :: surname
pílula {f} /ˈpilulɐ/ :: pill
pilungo {m} :: (Brazil, South Region) nag (weak and useless horse)
pimba {interj} :: expresses an occurrence that is very sudden
pimenta {f} /pi.ˈmẽ.tɐ/ :: pepper (plant)
pimenta {f} [uncountable] :: pepper (spice)
pimenta {f} :: pepper (fruit)
Pimenta {prop} :: Pimenta (municipality)
pimenta-caiena {f} :: cayenne pepper (chilli pepper cultivar)
pimenta-da-jamaica {f} :: allspice (spice made from the fruits of the Pimenta dioica tree)
pimenta-de-caiena {f} :: alternative form of pimenta-caiena
pimenta-do-reino {f} :: black pepper (Piper nigrum, a flowering vine)
pimenta-do-reino {f} :: black pepper (the fruits of the black pepper plant used as spice)
pimenta-negra {f} :: black pepper (Piper nigrum, a flowering vine)
pimenta-negra {f} :: black pepper (the fruits of the black pepper plant used as spice)
pimenta no cu dos outros é refresco {proverb} [vulgar] :: alternative form of pimenta nos olhos dos outros é refresco
pimenta nos olhos dos outros é refresco {proverb} :: Misfortunes seem more bearable when happening to others
pimenta nos olhos dos outros é refresco {proverb} :: When something bad happens to others, it seems amusing to us
pimentão {m} /ˌpi.mẽ.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ :: bell pepper (fruit)
pimentão {m} :: bell pepper (plant)
pimenta-preta {f} :: black pepper (Piper nigrum, a flowering vine)
pimenta-preta {f} :: black pepper (the fruits of the black pepper plant used as spice)
pimenta-redonda {f} :: black pepper (fruit of the black pepper plant used as spice)
pimenteira da Jamaica {f} [countable] :: allspice (Pimenta dioica, an evergreen tree of tropical America)
pimenteiro {m} /ˌpi.mẽ.ˈte(j).ɾu/ :: pepper (any plant of the family Piperaceae)
pimenteiro {m} :: chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus, a shrub of the Mediterranean region)
pimenteiro {m} :: pepper pot (a small container for pepper)
Pimentel {prop} :: surname
pimento {m} /pi.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: sweet pepper, bell pepper (Capsicum annuum, an edible vegetable)
pimpão {adj} /pĩ.ˈpɐ̃w̃/ :: who dresses in a flashy manner
pimpão {m} :: someone who dresses in a flashy manner
pimpinela {f} :: any plant of the genus Pimpinella
pimpinela {f} [Madeira] :: chayote (Sechium edule, a tropical fruit-bearing vine)
pimpona {f} :: feminine noun of pimpão
pináculo {m} [architecture] /pi.ˈna.ku.lu/ :: pinnacle
pináculo {m} [architecture] :: spire
pináculo {m} :: top
pinado {adj} [botany] :: pinnate (having two rows of branches, lobes, leaflets or veins arranged on each side of a common axis)
pinador {f} :: nail gun/nailgun, nailer (gun which drives nails)
pinar {v} [Portugal, vulgar] :: to fuck (to have sexual intercourse)
pinball {m} [games] /pĩ.ˈbɔw/ :: pinball (an arcade game)
pinça {f} :: pincers, tweezers (small gripping tool)
pinça {f} :: pincer (gripping appendage of some crustaceans and arachnids)
pinça {f} [automotive] :: caliper (part of a disc brake)
pincel {m} /pĩˈsɛɫ/ :: paintbrush
pincelada {f} [painting] :: brushstroke
pincelar {v} :: to paint with a brush
Pindaí {prop} :: Pindaí (municipality)
pindaíba {f} [colloquial] /pindaˈibɐ/ :: scarcity of money, especially a temporary poverty
Pindamonhangaba {prop} :: Pindamonhangaba (municipality)
pindarolas {interj} :: damn! (expresses anger or irritation)
pindarolas para ti {interj} :: damn you! (dissapointment or frustation decision)
pindérico {adj} [colloquial, derogatory] :: corny, tacky
Pindobaçu {prop} :: Pindobaçu (municipality)
Pindorama {prop} {f} [historical or poetic] :: Brazil
Pindorama {prop} {f} :: Oswald de Andrade's utopian vision of Brazil
Pindorama {prop} {f} :: Pindorama (municipality)
pindurá {v} :: eye dialect of pendurar
pindurar {v} :: obsolete form of pendurar Now an eye dialect
pinga {f} :: drop (small amount of liquid)
pinga {f} :: sip (small mouthful of drink)
pinga {f} [Brazil, slang] :: cachaça
pingado {adj} :: dotted; speckled
pingado {m} [regional] :: coffee with milk served in an espresso glass
pingando {v} :: gerund of pingar
pingar {v} :: to drop
pingar de sono {phrase} [idiomatic] :: to feel an intense organic need to sleep due to sleep privation
pingente {m} :: a bob or pendant, especially one shaped like a drop
pingo {m} /ˈpĩɡu/ :: a drop
pingo {m} :: a jot
pingo {m} [Portugal, regional] :: espresso with milk, similar to a cortado
pingo {m} [Brazil, typography] :: a small dot that is part of a letter, a tittle
pingo {m} [Rio Grande Do Sul] :: horse
Pingo-d'Água {prop} :: Pingo-d'Água (municipality)
pingolim {m} [childish] /pĩ.ɡuˈlĩ/ :: willy (the penis)
pingue-pongue {m} /pĩ.ɡɨ.ˈpõ.ɡɨ/ :: ping pong, table tennis
pinguim {m} /pĩˈɡwĩ/ :: penguin (bird)
pingüim {m} :: obsolete spelling of pinguim
pinguim-adélia {m} :: alternative form of pinguim-de-adélia
pinguim africano {m} :: African penguin (Spheniscus demersus, a penguin of southwestern Africa)
pinguim-de-adélia {m} :: Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae, a penguin found through Antarctica)
pinguim-de-magalhães {m} :: Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus, a species of penguin found in South America)
pinguim de Magalhães {m} :: alternative spelling of pinguim-de-magalhães
pinguim-de-Magalhães {m} :: alternative spelling of pinguim-de-magalhães
pinguim-gentoo {m} :: gentoo penguin
pinguim-imperador {m} :: emperor penguin
pinguim-rei {m} :: king penguin
pinha {f} [botany] /ˈpiɲɐ/ :: pine cone
pinha {f} [figuratively] :: crowd, mass
pinhal {m} :: pinewood (forest or grove of pines)
Pinhal {prop} :: Pinhal (municipality)
Pinhal da Serra {prop} :: Pinhal da Serra (municipality)
Pinhal Grande {prop} :: Pinhal Grande (municipality)
Pinhalzinho {prop} :: Pinhalzinho (municipality)
Pinhalzinho {prop} :: Pinhalzinho (municipality)
pinhão {m} :: pine nut
pinheiral {m} :: pinewood (forest or grove of pines)
Pinheiral {prop} :: Pinheiral (municipality)
pinheirinho {m} :: diminutive of pinheiro
Pinheirinho do Vale {prop} :: Pinheirinho do Vale (municipality)
pinheiro {m} /pi.ˈɲɐj.ɾu/ :: pine (any coniferous tree of the genus Pinus, or similar)
pinheiro {m} :: Christmas tree (tree decorated with hangings during Christmas)
pinheiro {m} [South Brazil] :: Paraná pine (Araucaria angustifolia, a tree of South America)
pinheiro-carrasco {m} :: kermes oak (Quercus coccifera, a tree of the western Mediterranean)
pinheiro cembro {m} :: Swiss pine (Pinus cembra, a pine tree of Eurasia and northern Africa)
pinheiro de natal {m} :: Christmas tree (a tree decorated and kept inside the house during Christmas season)
pinheiro-do-paraná {m} :: Paraná pine (Araucaria angustifolia, a tree of South America)
pinheiro do Paraná {m} :: alternative spelling of pinheiro-do-paraná
Pinheiro Machado {prop} :: Pinheiro Machado (municipality)
pinheiro manso {m} :: stone pine (Pinus pinea, a pine native to southern Europe)
Pinheiro Preto {prop} :: Pinheiro Preto (municipality)
Pinhel {prop} /piˈɲɛɫ/ :: Pinhel (city/and/municipality)
pinho {m} /ˈpi.ɲu/ :: pine (tree)
pinho {m} :: pinewood
pino {m} :: pin (cylinder of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts)
Pinocchio {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Pinóquio
pinoia {f} [derogatory] /pi.ˈnɔj.a/ :: a facile and bad-mannered woman
pinoia {f} :: something worthless
pinoia {f} :: something deceitful
pinoia {f} [Portugal, Lisbon] :: bargain (advantageous business)
pinoia {adj} :: worthless
pinóia {f} :: superseded spelling of pinoia
pinóia {adj} :: superseded spelling of pinoia
Pinóquio {prop} {m} [fantasy] /pi.ˈnɔ.kju/ :: Pinocchio (wooden puppet from The Adventures of Pinocchio, whose nose becomes larger when he lies and dreams of becoming a real boy)
Pinóquio {m} :: a liar, especially one who shows signs that he is lying
Pinóquio {m} :: someone who dreams of having a more meaningful life
pinote {m} /pi.ˈnɔ.t͡ʃi/ :: an animal’s leap, done in order to kick or to dislodge a rider; buck
pinote {m} [by extension] :: caper (frolicsome leap)
pinote {m} :: escape (the act of leaving a dangerous or unpleasant situation)
pinque {m} /ˈpĩ.kɨ/ :: a type of three-masted ship used in the Mediterranean
pint {m} :: pint (unit of volume for liquids)
pinta {f} /ˈpĩ.tɐ/ :: naevus
pinta {f} :: a small spot, dot or stain
pinta {f} :: suit (card game category)
pinta {f} :: appearance, look
pinta {f} :: pint [unit of measure]
pintada {f} /pĩ.ˈta.dɐ/ :: guinea fowl (any of several African birds resembling partridges)
Pintadas {prop} :: Pintadas (municipality)
pintado {adj} :: spotted
pintainho {m} :: alternative form of pintinho
pintalgada {adj} :: feminine singular form of pintalgado
pintalgadas {adj} :: feminine plural form of pintalgado
pintalgado {adj} :: variegated
pintalgado {adj} :: mottled
pintalgados {adj} :: masculine plural form of pintalgado
pintalgando {v} :: gerund of pintalgar
pintalgar {v} :: to variegate, mottle
pintar {vt} /pĩ.ˈtaɾ/ :: to paint (apply paint to)
pintarroxo {m} :: The common linnet (Linaria cannabina, syn. Carduelis cannabina, a finch of Europe, western Asia and northern Africa)
pintassilgo {m} /pĩ.tɐ.ˈsiɫ.ɣu/ :: European goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
pintinho {m} :: chick (very young chicken)
pinto {m} [zoology] /ˈpĩ.tu/ :: chick (young chicken)
pinto {m} [vulgar, Brazil] :: penis
Pinto Bandeira {prop} :: Pinto Bandeira (municipality)
Pintópolis {prop} :: Pintópolis (municipality)
pintor {m} /pĩˈtoɾ/ :: painter (artist)
pintora {f} :: feminine noun of pintor
pintura {f} [countable] /pĩ.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ :: a painting
pintura {f} [uncountable] :: painting
pintura gestual {f} [arts, uncountable] :: action painting (genre of modern art in which the paint is dribbled, splashed or poured onto the canvas)
pintura gestual {f} :: a painting produced using action painting
pinturesco {adj} /pĩ.tu.ˈɾeʃ.ku/ :: picturesque
pinyin {m} :: Pinyin (romanisation standard for Mandarin Chinese)
pio {adj} :: pious
pio {adj} :: compassionate
pio {m} :: chirp (sound emitted by chicks)
piolhento {adj} :: lousy (infested with lice)
piolhento {m} :: a person infested with lice
piolho {m} /pi.ˈo.ʎu/ :: louse (insect)
piolho da cabeça {m} :: See: pt piolho da cabeça
piolho da cabeça {m} :: head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis, a louse that infects human scalps)
piolho-da-cabeça {m} :: alternative spelling of piolho da cabeça
piolho de cabeça {m} :: alternative form of piolho da cabeça
piolho-de-cabeça {m} :: alternative form of piolho da cabeça
piolho do púbis {m} :: crab louse; pubic louse (Pthirus pubis, a louse that lives amongst the pubic hair of humans)
piolho-do-púbis {m} :: alternative spelling of piolho do púbis
piolho púbico {m} :: crab louse; pubic louse (Pthirus pubis, a louse that lives amongst the pubic hair of humans)
piolhoso {adj} :: lousy (infested with lice)
píon {m} [particle] :: pion (a semistable meson)
pioneira {f} :: feminine noun of pioneiro
pioneiro {m} :: pioneer (one who goes before)
pioneiro {adj} :: pioneering (involving accomplishments or activities that have not been done before)
Pionguiangue {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Pyongyang
pior {adj} /pjɔɾ/ :: worse; worst (with definite article)
pior {adv} :: worse
pior a emenda que o soneto {phrase} [idiomatic] :: the cure is worse than the disease (describes a situation where a solution causes a worse problem)
piorar {vit} /pjuˈɾaɾ/ :: to worsen
pior das hipóteses {phrase} :: Worst case scenario
piorio {m} [colloquial] :: worst; awfulness
Piorkowski {prop} {mf} :: surname
pior que {adv} :: See: pt pior que
pior que {adv} [Brazil, colloquial] :: I’m afraid (indicates that an occurrence is unfortunate)
Piotrowski {prop} {mf} :: surname
pipa {f} /ˈpi.pɐ/ :: cask; a large wooden barrel for wine
pipa {f} [Brazil] :: kite (flying toy on string)
pipa {f} [historical] :: obsolete unit of measure, equivalent to a full pipa (wooden barrel)
pipa {f} :: the truckload of a tank truck
piparote {m} :: fillip (the act of releasing a finger from the hold of a thumb with a snap)
pipe {m} [computing] /ˈpajp/ :: pipe (the redirection of the output of a process directly into the input of another)
pipeline {m} [computing] :: pipeline (set of data processing elements connected in series)
pipeta {f} :: pipette (small glass tube used for transferring liquid)
pipetar {v} :: to pipette (transfer or measure the volume of a liquid using a pipette)
pipi {m} [childish] /piˈpi/ :: pee (urine)
pipi {m} [childish] :: willy (the penis)
pipo {m} :: alternative form of pipa
pipoca {f} [culinary] /piˈpɔkɐ/ :: popcorn
pipoca {f} :: small skin boil
pipoca {f} :: tapeworm cyst embedded in meat
pipoco {m} [Brazil, slang] :: pop (gunshot)
pique {m} /ˈpi.ki/ :: any spear
pique {m} :: or specifically a pike
pique {m} :: hide-and-seek [game]
pique-esconde {m} [games] :: hide and seek (game)
piquenique {m} :: picnic
Piquerobi {prop} :: Piquerobi (municipality)
Piquet {prop} :: Piquet; surname
Piquete {prop} :: Piquete (municipality)
pira {f} /ˈpi.ɾɐ/ :: pyre (heap on which corpses are burned)
pira {f} [slang] :: thingamajig, gizmo, thingy (something whose name is unknown)
pira {f} [Brazil, slang] :: a proposition, suggestion or theory considered absurd or rather unlikely
Piracaia {prop} :: Piracaia (municipality)
piracanjuba {m} :: A freshwater fish from South American rivers (Brycon orbignyanus)
piração {f} [Brazil, slang] :: a proposition, suggestion or theory considered absurd or rather unlikely
Piracema {prop} :: Piracema (municipality)
Piracicaba {prop} :: Piracicaba (municipality)
pirado {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy; nuts
Piraí {prop} :: Piraí (municipality)
Piraí do Norte {prop} :: Piraí do Norte (municipality)
Piraju {prop} :: Piraju (municipality)
Pirajuba {prop} :: Pirajuba (municipality)
Pirajuí {prop} :: Pirajuí (municipality)
piramidal {adj} :: pyramidal (pyramid-shaped)
pirâmide {f} :: pyramid
Pirâmide de Quéops {prop} {f} :: Great Pyramid of Giza (the largest and most famous of the Egyptian pyramids)
Piranga {prop} :: Piranga (municipality)
Pirangi {prop} :: Pirangi (municipality)
Piranguçu {prop} :: Piranguçu (municipality)
Piranguinho {prop} :: Piranguinho (municipality)
piranha {f} /ˌpi.ˈɾɐ̃.ɲa/ :: piranha
piranha {f} [pejorative, vulgar, Brazil] :: slut
pirão {m} [cuisine] /piˈɾɐ̃w̃/ :: A pap made with cassava flour popular in Brazil and Angola
Pirapetinga {prop} :: Pirapetinga (municipality)
pirapitinga {m} :: A freshwater fish from South American rivers (Piaractus brachypomus)
Pirapó {prop} :: Pirapó (municipality)
Pirapora {prop} :: Pirapora (municipality)
Pirapora do Bom Jesus {prop} :: Pirapora do Bom Jesus (municipality)
Pirapozinho {prop} :: Pirapozinho (municipality)
pirar {v} [colloquial] :: to go nuts; to become crazy
pirarucu {m} :: pirarucu; arapaima (Arapaima gigas, a freshwater fish of South America)
Pirassununga {prop} :: Pirassununga (municipality)
pirata {mf} /pi.ˈɾa.tɐ/ :: pirate (person who commits robbery at sea against other ships)
pirata {mf} :: pirate (person who reproduces copyrighted works without permission)
pirataria {f} :: piracy (robbery at sea)
pirataria {f} :: piracy (unauthorised duplication of goods protected by intellectual property law)
pirateado {adj} :: pirate (illegally reproduced)
pirateador {m} :: pirater (one who pirates (produces unauthorised copies))
pirateadora {f} :: feminine noun of pirateador
piratear {v} :: to pirate (to plunder at sea)
piratear {v} [intellectual property] :: to pirate (to make and/or sell illegal copies)
Piratini {prop} :: Piratini (municipality)
Piratuba {prop} :: Piratuba (municipality)
Piraúba {prop} :: Piraúba (municipality)
pirenaico {adj} :: Pyrenean (relating to the Pyrenees)
Pireneus {prop} {mp} [chiefly Brazil] :: alternative form of Pirenéus
Pirenéus {prop} {mp} [chiefly Portugal] :: Pirenéus (range)
pires {m} /ˈpi.ɾɨʃ/ :: saucer (small dish)
Pires {prop} /ˈpi.ɾis/ :: surname
Pireu {prop} {m} :: Pireu (city/part of Athens urban area/and/regional unit)
piriguete {f} [Brazil, derogatory] /pi.ɾi.ˈɡɛ.t(ʃ)i/ :: whore, slut, bitch [promiscuous woman]
pirilampo {m} /ˌpi.ɾi.ˈlɐ̃.pu/ :: firefly (beetle)
pirilau {m} [vulgar, slang] :: prick; dick (the penis)
Pirineus {prop} {mp} :: alternative form of Pirenéus
Pirinéus {prop} {mp} :: alternative form of Pirenéus
Piripá {prop} :: Piripá (municipality)
piri-piri {m} :: The African birdseye chile pepper
pirita {f} [mineral] :: pyrite (mineral iron disulfide)
Piritiba {prop} :: Piritiba (municipality)
piroca {f} [Brazil] /piˈɾɔkə/ :: [vulgar slang] penis, cock, dick, prick [particularly when erect]
pirocloro {m} [mineral] :: pyrochlore
piroforicidade {f} :: pyrophoricity
pirofórico {adj} :: pyrophoric
pirofosfórico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: pyrophosphoric
pirólise {m} [chemistry] /pi.ˈɾɔ.li.zi/ :: pyrolysis (decomposition of a material or compound due to heat where there is no oxygen or other reagents)
pirolítico {adj} :: pyrolytic
pirolusita {f} [mineral] :: pyrolusite
piromania {f} [psychology] :: pyromania (obsession with fire)
pirómetro {m} [European orthography] :: pyrometer (instrument designed to measure high temperatures)
pirômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of pirómetro
piropo {m} [mineral] :: pyrope (a type of garnet)
piropo {m} [colloquial] :: a nice or flattering comment, especially one directed towards a woman; a compliment or pick-up line
piroso {adj} [colloquial, derogatory] :: tacky (of low quality or poor taste)
pirotecnia {f} :: pyrotechnics (art and technology of fireworks)
pirotécnica {f} :: pyrotechnist
pirotécnica {f} :: pyrotechny
pirotécnico {adj} :: pyrotechnical
pirotécnico {m} :: pyrotechnist
piroxena {f} [mineral] /piɾɔkˈsɛnɐ/ :: pyroxene (a mineral found in many igneous and metamorphic rocks)
piroxénio {m} [European orthography] :: alternative form of piroxena
piroxênio {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of piroxena
piroxeno {m} :: alternative form of piroxena
pirralha {f} :: feminine noun of pirralho
pirralho {m} /piˈʁaʎu/ :: brat (unruly child)
pirralho {m} [by extension] :: a short person
pirrol {m} [organic chemistry] :: pyrrole (any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds)
pirrotita {f} [mineral] :: pyrrhotite
pirueta {f} :: pirouette (whirling or turning on the toes)
pirueta {f} [by extension] :: any whirling movement around one’s own axis
pirulito {m} /ˌpi.ɾu.ˈli.tu/ :: lollipop (confectionery on a stick)
pirulito {m} [vulgar] :: penis
Pisa {prop} {f} :: Pisa (city/and/province)
pisante {m} [Brazil, slang] /pi.ˈzɐ̃.t͡ʃi/ :: shoe
pisa-papéis {m} [proscribed] :: alternative form of pesa-papéis
pisar {v} /pɨ.ˈzaɾ/ :: to tread; to step
pisar em ovos {v} [idiomatic] :: to walk on eggshells (to handle sensitive matters delicately)
pisar em ovos {v} :: See: pt pisar em ovos
pisar fundo {v} :: to step on it (to drive fast)
pisar menos {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: to tread lightly
pisar na bola {v} [Brazil, slang] :: To screw up, mess up (make a mistake); to disappoint
piscada {f} :: blink (the act of very quickly closing an eye and opening it again)
piscadela {f} :: blink (the act of very quickly closing an eye and opening it again)
piscando {v} :: gerund of piscar
piscar {v} /piʃˈkaɾ/ :: to blink (to close and reopen both eyes quickly)
písceo {adj} :: relating or similar to fish
Pisces {prop} {mp} [zodiac constellations, astrology] :: Pisces (constellation)
Pisces {prop} {mp} [astrology] :: Pisces (astrological sign)
piscicultura {f} :: pisciculture (the rearing of fish)
piscina {f} /piʃ.ˈsi.nɐ/ :: swimming pool
piscina {f} [Christianity] :: baptismal font
pisco-de-peito-azul {m} :: bluethroat (Luscinia svecica, an Old-World passerine bird)
pisco-de-peito-ruivo {m} :: European robin (Erithacus rubecula, a small passerine Old World bird)
piso {m} /ˈpi.zu/ :: storey (level of a building)
piso {m} :: floor (lower part of a room)
piso {m} :: surface (to walk on)
pisotear {vt} :: to trample (crush something by walking on it)
pista {f} /ˈpis.tɐ/ :: track; road; path
pista {f} :: lane (division of roadway)
pista {f} :: racetrack (course over which any type of race is run)
pista {f} :: clipping of pista de pouso (runway)
pista {f} :: clipping of pista de dança (dancefloor)
pista {f} :: footprints
pista {f} :: clue (information that may lead one to a certain point or conclusion)
pistacha {f} :: rare form of pistache
pistache {m} :: pistachio (Pistacia vera, a deciduous tree)
pistache {m} :: pistachio (the nut-like fruit of the pistachio tree)
pistáchio {m} :: rare form of pistache
pistáchis {m} :: rare form of pistache
pistácia {f} :: alternative form of pistache
pistácio {m} :: alternative form of pistache
pista de dança {f} :: dance floor (an area for dancing)
pista de gelo {f} :: ice rink (a surface for roller skating)
pista de pouso {f} :: runway (paved strip on which planes land or take off)
pistão {m} :: piston (solid disk or cylinder that fits inside a hollow cylinder)
pistilo {m} [botany] :: pistil (unit in the centre of a flower which receives the pollen and produces a fruit)
pistola {f} /piʃ.ˈtɔ.lɐ/ :: pistol (handgun)
pistola {adj} [colloquial, slang, Brazil] :: pissed off, mad, aggressively angry
pistola de ar {f} :: air pistol
pistola de pregos {f} :: nail gun/nailgun, nailer (gun which drives nails)
pistolar {v} [Brazil, colloquial] :: to express anger aggressively or furiously
pita {m} :: pita (a type of slightly leavened flatbread)
pita {f} :: Furcraea foetida, a fibrous, ornamental plant of the Americas
pita {f} :: agave (any plant of the genus Agave)
pita {f} :: pita (fibre obtained from agaves)
pitaco {m} [Brazil, pejorative] /pi.ˈta.ku/ :: an opinion, suggestion, statement or piece of advice considered unfounded and unwelcome; kibitzing
Pitágoras {prop} {m} :: Pythagoras (Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher)
pitaia {f} :: dragon fruit; pitaya (fruit of cacti of the genus Hylocereus)
pitanga {f} /pi.ˈtɐ̃.ɡɐ/ :: Surinam cherry (fruit of the Eugenia uniflora tree)
Pitangueiras {prop} :: Pitangueiras (municipality)
Pitangui {prop} :: Pitangui (municipality)
pitão {m} :: python (any of the large constricting snakes of the genus Python)
pitão {m} :: piton (spike, wedge, or peg driven into a rock or ice surface as a support)
pitaya {f} :: alternative spelling of pitaia
pitéu {m} [cooking] /piˈtɛw/ :: delicacy (delicious food or dish)
pitéu {m} [cooking] :: a stew made with chops of meat and sauce thickened with cassava flour
pitéu {m} [colloquial] :: a beautiful person, usually a woman
piti {m} :: scene; drama (exhibition of strong emotions)
pitiú {m} [Northern Brazil, colloquial] :: fish smell
pitiú {m} [Northern Brazil, colloquial] :: stench, stink
pito {m} :: chick (young chicken)
pito {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: cigarette
pitom {m} :: alternative form of pitão
Piton {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Python (the earth-dragon of Delphi)
píton {m} :: alternative form of pitão
pitoresco {adj} /pi.tu.ˈɾeʃ.ku/ :: picturesque
pitosga {adj} :: short-sighted, myopic
pitosga {adj} :: having a bad vision e.g. vision-impaired
pitosga {adj} :: constantly blinking
pitosga {mf} :: a short-sighted person
pitosga {mf} :: someone who does not see well
pitosga {mf} :: a person who blinks often
pitstop {m} [motor racing] :: pit (area at a motor racetrack used for refuelling and repairing the vehicles during a race)
pitstop {m} [motor racing] :: pit stop (stop made during an automobile race at the pit)
pitstop {m} [figurative] :: pit stop (a stop during a trip)
pitu {m} :: any large, freshwater species of shrimp
Piumhi {prop} :: Piumhi (municipality)
pivete {m} {mf} /pi.ˈvɛ.t(ʃ)i/ :: urchin (street kid)
pivete {m} {mf} :: brat (unruly child)
pivô {m} :: pivot (thing on which something turns)
pivô {m} :: pivot (something or someone having a paramount significance in a certain situation)
pivô {m} [basketball] :: center (player who plays closest to the basket)
pivotal {adj} :: pivotal; crucial (being the most important)
pixel {m} [computing] :: pixel (one of the dots that make up an image)
píxel {m} [uncommon] :: alternative spelling of pixel
pixelizado {adj} [computer graphics] :: pixelated (having visible pixels)
pixulé {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: loose change
pixulé {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: gratuity; tip
pixuleco {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: bribe
piza {f} [European orthography] :: alternative spelling of pizza
pizza {f} /ˈpi.zɐ/ :: pizza (baked Italian dish of dough with topped with tomato sauce, cheese and other ingredients)
pizza {f} [slang] :: sweat visible in the clothes, specially under armpits
pizzaiolo {m} /ˌpitsajˈolu/ :: pizzaiolo (man who makes pizzas)
pizzaria {f} :: pizzeria
placa {f} /ˈpla.ka/ :: plate (a flat metallic object)
placa {f} :: traffic sign
placa {f} [dentistry] :: dental plaque
placa {f} [Brazil] :: license plate
placa {f} [electronics] :: circuit board
placa {f} [seismology] :: tectonic plate
placa de circuito {f} :: circuit board (board with electronic components and circuits)
placa de som {f} :: soundboard
placa de vídeo {f} [computing] :: video card (piece of hardware that generates output for monitors or projectors)
placa-mãe {f} [computer hardware] :: motherboard (primary circuit board of a computer)
placar {v} [obsolete] /plɐˈkar/ :: to calm
placar {v} [rugby] /plɐˈkar/ :: To tackle
placar {m} /plaˈkar/ :: scoreboard (board that displays the score of a game)
placar {m} [by extension] :: the scores of a game at a given time
placa tectónica {f} [European orthography, geology] :: tectonic plate (large piece of the Earth’s crust)
placa tectônica {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of placa tectónica
placebo {m} [medicine] /pla.ˈse.bu/ :: placebo (a dummy medicine containing no active ingredients)
Placência {prop} {f} :: Placência (city/and/province)
placenta {f} [anatomy, botany] /pla.ˈsẽ.tɐ/ :: placenta
placentário {adj} :: placental (relating to the placenta)
placentário {m} :: placental (any animal that is a member of the Placentalia)
plácer {m} :: placer (mineral deposit)
plácido {adj} :: placid
plagiador {m} :: plagiarist
plagiadora {f} :: feminine noun of plagiador
plagiar {v} :: to plagiarize (pass off someone else’s work as one’s own)
plagiária {f} :: feminine noun of plagiário
plagiário {m} :: plagiarist (one who plagiarises)
plágio {m} [uncountable] :: plagiarism (act of plagiarising)
plágio {m} :: plagiarism (something plagiarised)
plagiozinho {m} :: diminutive of plágio
plaina {f} /ˈplaj.nɐ/ :: plane (tool for smoothing wood)
plainando {v} :: gerund of plainar
plainar {v} :: to plane, smooth (wood)
plaino {adj} :: alternative form of plano
plaino {m} [geography] :: plain (an expanse of land with relatively low relief)
planador {m} /pla.na.ˈdoɻ/ :: glider (anything which glides)
planador {m} :: glider (aircraft)
Planaltino {prop} :: Planaltino (municipality)
planalto {m} [geography] /pla.ˈnaw.tu/ :: plateau (level expansion)
Planalto {prop} :: Planalto (municipality)
Planalto {prop} :: Planalto (municipality)
Planalto {prop} :: Planalto (municipality)
Planalto {prop} :: Short for Palácio do Planalto, the workplace of the Brazilian government
Planalto Alegre {prop} :: Planalto Alegre (municipality)
planamente {adv} :: evenly (so as to make flat)
planar {vi} :: to glide (to fly unpowered)
planária {f} :: planarian
plâncton {m} :: plankton (small organisms that float in the sea)
planeado {adj} :: planned
planeamento {m} [Portugal] :: alternative form of planejamento
planear {v} [Portugal] /plɐˈnjaɾ/ :: alternative form of planejar
planejamento {m} [Brazil] :: planning (the act of formulating a plan)
planejamento familiar {m} :: family planning (euphemism for birth control)
planejamento urbano {m} :: urban planning
planejar {vt} [chiefly, Brazil] /ˌplɐ.ne.ˈʒa(ʁ)/ :: to plan; to design (to create a technical drawing or instructions)
planejar {vti} [chiefly, Brazil] :: to plan (to come up with a set of intended actions)
planejar {v} [chiefly, Brazil] :: [auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal infinitive] to plan to; to plan on; to intend to (to have the intention of)
planeta {m} /plɐ.ˈne.tɐ/ :: planet
planeta anão {m} [astronomy] :: dwarf planet (a celestial body the size of a planet but that has not cleared its orbit of other objects)
planeta-anão {m} :: alternative spelling of planeta anão
planetário {adj} :: planetary
Planeta X {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Planet X (hypothetical planet in the solar system)
planetoide {m} [astronomy] :: planetoid (asteroid of any size)
planetóide {m} :: superseded spelling of planetoide
plangendo {v} :: gerund of planger
plangente {adj} /plɐ̃.ˈʒẽ.t͡ʃi/ :: plangent (having a loud mournful sound)
plangente {adj} :: sad; unhappy
planger {v} :: to whine, cry
planger {v} :: to toll (of a bell)
planície {f} [geography] /plɐ.ˈni.si.e/ :: plain (an expanse of land with relatively low relief)
planície abissal {f} :: abyssal plain (expanse of flat ocean floor)
planície aluvial {f} [geography] :: alluvial plain (plain formed by deposition of sediment of a river)
planilha {f} [Brazil] :: spreadsheet (a sheet of paper marked with a grid where data is recorded)
planilha {f} [Brazil, computing] :: spreadsheet (a computer simulation of such a system of recording tabular data)
planímetro {m} :: planimeter (instrument used to determine the area of an arbitrary two-dimensional shape)
plano {adj} /ˈplɐ.nu/ :: flat; level (having the same height at all places)
plano {adj} :: plane (of a surface, perfectly flat)
plano {m} :: plane (level or flat surface)
plano {m} [geometry] :: plane (flat surface extending infinitely in all directions)
plano {m} :: plan (set of intended actions)
plano {m} :: plan (2-dimensional drawing of a building, location, transportation network, etc. as seen from above)
plano {m} [optics] :: focal plane
plano {m} [anatomy] :: plane (imaginary plane which divides the body into two portions)
plano B {m} :: plan B (alternative solution)
Plano Cruzado {prop} {m} :: A set of economic measures introduced in Brazil in 1986, which involved an attempt to freeze prices and taxes and the introduction of the cruzado as the national currency
plano de fundo {m} :: background (part of picture that depicts scenery behind the main subject)
plano de fundo {m} [computing] :: background (image of a computer’s desktop)
Plano Real {prop} {m} :: A set of measures taken with the intent of stabilizing the Brazilian economy in 1994, which involved with the introduction of the real as the national currency
planta {f} [botany] /ˈplɐ̃.tɐ/ :: a plant
planta {f} [architecture] :: floor plan
planta {f} :: the sole (of the foot)
plantação {f} /plɐ̃tɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: planting
plantação {f} :: plantation
planta do pé {f} :: sole (of the foot)
plantago {mf} :: plantain (any plant of the genus Plantago)
plantão {m} :: a work shift, especially one outside normal working time
plantar {v} /plɐ̃ˈtaɾ/ :: to plant
plantel {m} [figuratively, sports] :: squad; roster; team
plantio {m} :: planting
plantio {m} :: plantation
planura {f} :: flat; plain (area of level ground)
planura {f} :: levelness (the property of being level)
Planura {prop} :: Planura (municipality)
plaqueta {f} [haematology] :: platelet (particle found in the blood of mammals which helps with clotting)
plasma {m} [physics, biology] :: plasma
plasmar {vt} :: to mould, shape
plasmar {vt} [by extension] :: to express, represent, model
plasma sanguíneo {m} :: blood plasma
plasmídeo {m} [cytology] :: plasmid
plasmídio {m} :: alternative form of plasmídeo
plástica {f} [art] :: plastic art, modelling
plástica {f} :: clipping of cirurgia plástica
plástica {f} :: shape and form of the human body
plasticidade {f} [physics] :: plasticity
plástico {adj} /ˈplas.t͡ʃi.ku/ :: plastic, malleable; mouldable
plástico {adj} :: relating to plastic surgery
plástico {adj} :: relating to plastic arts
plástico {m} :: plastic (a stiff but usually slightly flexible synthetic material)
plástico-bolha {m} :: bubble wrap
plastificar {vt} :: to plasticize
plataforma {f} /ˌplɐ.tɐ.ˈfɔɾ.mɐ/ :: platform (raised structure)
plataforma {f} :: platform (structure for passengers)
plataforma {f} [computing] :: platform (environment for running software)
plataforma {f} :: a ramp for launching missiles or rockets
plataforma {f} :: oil platform
plataforma continental {f} [nautical] :: continental shelf (underwater landmass that extends from a continent)
plataforma de abrasão {f} [geology] :: abrasion platform (bedrock surface extending out from the foot of a marine cliff)
plataforma de petróleo {f} :: oil platform (large structure used to extract oil and gas from the ocean)
plátano {m} /ˈpla.tɐ.nu/ :: plane (any tree of the genus Platanus)
plátano-americano {m} :: American planetree (Platanus occidentalis, a large tree of North American)
Platão {prop} {m} /pla.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ :: historical given name
plateia {f} /plɐ.ˈtɐj.ɐ/ :: stalls (seat in a theatre close to and about level with the stage)
plateia {f} [by extension] :: audience
plateia {f} :: the public
platéia {f} :: obsolete spelling of plateia
platense {adj} :: Platine (of, from or relating to the region around River Plate in South America)
platicúrtico {adj} [statistics] :: platykurtic (having negative kurtosis)
platina {f} :: platinum
Platina {prop} :: Platina (municipality)
platinado {adj} :: containing or plated with platinum
platinado {adj} :: platinum (whitish-grey in colour)
platinado {m} :: platinum (a whitish-grey colour)
platitude {f} :: platitude (an overused saying)
platitude {f} :: platitude; triteness; unoriginality
platô {m} /pla.ˈto/ :: plateau
platónico {adj} [European orthography] :: Platonic [all senses]
platônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of platónico
plausibilidade {f} :: plausibility
plausível {adj} /plaw.ˈzi.vew/ :: plausible (likely, acceptable)
playback {m} [music, singing] :: lip-syncing
playboy {m} :: playboy (man who devotes himself to pleasure)
playboy {m} [Brazil, slang] :: a rich person
player {m} [electronics] /ˈplej.eʁ/ :: player (electronic device or software application that plays media)
player {m} [video games] :: player (a person or artificial intelligence that competes in a video game)
player de DVD {m} :: DVD player
playground {m} /ˌplej.ˈɡɾaw̃d͡ʒ/ :: playground (open-air space where the children can play)
playground {m} [by extension] :: playground (space to do what one pleases)
playlist {f} {m} :: playlist (list of music tracks to be played)
plebe {f} :: plebs (the common people)
plebeiamente {adv} /ple.ˌbɛj.ɐ.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ :: plebeianly (in a plebeian manner)
plebeo {m} :: obsolete spelling of plebeu
plebeu {m} :: plebeian (one of the common people in ancient Rome)
plebiscito {m} :: plebiscite, referendum
plectro {m} [music] :: plectrum (small piece of material for plucking strings)
Plêiades {prop} {fp} [Greek mythology] :: Pleiades (seven sisters, companions of Artemis)
Plêiades {prop} {fp} [astronomy] :: Pleiades (open cluster of hot blue stars in the constellation Taurus)
pleiba {m} [slang] :: playboy
pleitear {vti} /plej.tʃi.ˈa(ɹ)/ :: to dispute (for something)
pleitear {vti} :: to argue, to fight verbally (over something)
pleitear {vt} :: to want, to wish for
pleitear {vt} [law] :: to litigate (to contest in law)
pleito {m} /ˈplej.tu/ :: lawsuit
pleito {m} :: disagreement, argument
pleito {m} :: electoral debate
pleito {m} [archaic] :: pact
plenamente {adv} :: fully
plenario {adj} :: obsolete spelling of plenário
plenario {m} :: obsolete spelling of plenário
plenário {adj} :: plenary (fully attended)
plenário {m} :: plenary session (meeting at which all members are expected to attend)
plenilúnio {m} :: full moon (phase of moon when it is completely illuminated)
plenipotenciário {adj} :: plenipotentiary (invested with full power)
plenipotenciário {m} :: plenipotentiary (person invested with supreme authority)
pleno {adj} /ˈple.nu/ :: full, entire
pleno {adj} [emphatic] :: broad, open
pleonasmo {m} [rhetoric] :: pleonasm
pleonástico {adj} [rhetoric] /ˌple.o.ˈnas.t͡ʃi.ku/ :: pleonastic (of or relating to pleonasm)
pleonástico {adj} :: pleonastic (redundant in one’s wording)
pleroma {m} [gnosticism] :: pleroma
pletora {f} [medicine] :: excess of blood
pletora {f} [botany] :: excess of sap
pletora {f} :: plethora (excessive amount of something)
pleura {f} [anatomy] :: pleura (serous membrane that covers the lungs and thorax)
pleurisia {f} [pathology] :: pleurisy (inflammation of the lung pleura)
pleurite {f} [pathology] :: pleurisy (inflammation of the lung pleura)
Plínio {prop} {m} /ˈpli.nju/ :: given name
plinto {m} :: plinth (block or slab upon which a column or other structure stands)
plissado {m} [sewing] :: pleat (fold in a fabric of a garment, as part of the design)
plissado {adj} :: pleated (having pleats)
plmds {interj} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of pelo amor de Deus
plosiva {f} [linguistics] :: stop; plosive (consonant produced by blocking the passage of air)
plotador {m} /plo.ta.ˈdo(ɾ)/ :: plotter (but see plotar)
plotadora {f} /plo.ta.ˈdo.ɾa/ :: a printer used for large-scale works
plotadora {f} :: feminine noun of plotador
plotagem {f} /plo.ˈta.ʒɐ̃/ :: the development of an image by the drawing of lines
plotagem {f} [automobiles] :: the process by which stickers are put on a car's outer part
plotagem {f} :: the act of printing
plotagem {f} :: the act of finding, especially boats and aeroplanes
plotagem {f} :: the act of understanding something
plotar {v} /plo.ˈta(ɾ)/ :: to print (to produce copies using a printer)
plotar {v} :: to understand, to comprehend, to grasp
plotar {v} :: to find (e.g. a boat or aeroplane) using coordinates
plugar {v} :: to plug in (connect an electrical device into its socket)
plugin {m} [computing] :: plug-in (computer program addon)
pluma {f} :: plume (large and showy feather)
pluma {f} [geology] :: upwelling of molten material from the Earth's mantle (mantle plume)
plumagem {f} :: plumage (feathers collectively)
plúmbeo {adj} :: leaden; plumbeous (relating to or containing lead)
plúmbeo {adj} [figurative] :: gloomy; dismal
plúmbico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: plumbic
plural {adj} /plu.ˈɾal/ :: plural (consisting of more than one things)
plural {m} [grammar] :: plural (word referring to multiple things)
plurale tantum {m} [grammar] :: plurale tantum (a noun without a singular form)
pluralidade {f} :: plurality
pluridimensional {adj} :: multidimensional, pluridimensional
plurilingue {adj} :: alternative form of plurilíngue
plurilíngue {adj} :: synonym of multilíngue
plurilinguismo {m} :: multilingualism (condition of being able to speak several languages)
plurilingüismo {m} :: obsolete spelling of plurilinguismo
Plutão {prop} {m} [Roman god] /plu.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ :: Pluto (god of the underworld)
Plutão {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Pluto (a dwarf planet in the Solar System)
Plutarcho {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Plutarco
Plutarco {prop} {m} /plu.ˈtaʁ.ku/ :: historical given name
plutocracia {f} :: plutocracy (government by the wealthy)
plutocracia {f} :: plutocracy (controlling class of the wealthy)
plutocrata {mf} :: plutocrat (someone who rules by virtue of their wealth)
plutônico {adj} [geology] :: plutonic
plutónio {m} /pluˈtɔniu/ :: plutonium
plutónio {adj} :: Plutonian
plutônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of plutónio
pluvial {adj} :: pluvial, rain (attributive)
pluvímetro {m} :: alternative form of pluviómetro
pluviómetro {m} [European orthography, meteorology] :: pluviometer (instrument for measuring the amount of rainfall)
pluviômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of pluviómetro
pluviosidade {f} [meteorology] :: pluviosity
pluvioso {adj} :: rainy
Plzen {prop} {f} :: Plzen (city)
p.m. {adj} :: p.m. (after 12 o’clock)
PM {f} :: initialism of polícia militar
PM {mf} :: initialism of policial militar
PNA {m} :: abbreviation of princípio da não agressão
pneu {m} /ˈpnew/ :: tyre, tire
pneu {m} [figuratively] :: love handle
pneumática {f} [mechanics] :: pneumatics (the study of the mechanical properties of gases)
pneumático {adj} :: pneumatic
pneumático {m} :: tyre, tire
pneumatografia {f} [spiritualism] :: pneumatography (the act of a spirit making words appear out of nothing)
pneumo- {prefix} :: pneumo-
pneumoconiose {f} [diseases] /ˌpnew.mu.ˌko.ni.ˈɔ.zi/ :: pneumoconiosis (disease of the lungs)
pneumologia {f} :: pneumology
pneumologista {mf} :: pneumologist
pneumonia {f} [pathology] /ˌpnew.mo.ˈni.ɐ/ :: pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs)
Pnom Pen {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Phnom Penh
Pnom-Pen {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Phnom Penh
PNUD {prop} {m} :: initialism of Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento: UNDP
{m} /ˈpɔ/ :: powder
{m} :: dust
{m} [slang] :: cocaine
{prop} {m} /ˈpɔ/ :: (river)
{interj} [Brazil, coarse] /ˈpo/ :: It expresses astonishment, annoyance, boredom
PoA {prop} {f} :: abbreviation of Porto Alegre (a city in Southern Brazil)
poá {m} :: small filled circle of colour over a background of different colour, especially on fabric
poá {m} :: polka dot
Poá {prop} :: Poá (municipality)
poaense {mf} [demonym] /po.aˈẽ.si/ :: Born in or inhabitant of the Brazilian municipality of Poá
poaense {adj} [demonym] :: Pertaining or related to the Brazilian municipality of Poá
pobre {adj} /ˈpɔ.βɾɨ/ :: poor
pobre {mf} :: poor
pobre-diabo {m} [derogatory] :: a worthless, useless, weak, or inoffensive individual
pobrema {m} :: eye dialect of problema
pobretão {m} [Brazil, slang, derogatory] :: a very poor person
pobreza {f} [uncountable] /pu.ˈβɾe.zɐ/ :: poverty (quality or state of being poor)
pobreza {f} :: a lack; a deficiency
pobrêza {f} :: superseded spelling of pobreza
pobrezinho {m} /pɔβɾɨˈziɲu/ :: beggar
pobrezinho {m} :: poor thing
pobrezinho {adj} :: poor
pobrezinho {adj} :: pitiful
poça {f} /ˈpɔ.sɐ/ :: pool (of water or mud)
poça {interj} [euphemistic, sometimes considered mildly vulgar, slang] :: damn! (expresses surprise or disappointment)
poção {f} /puˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: potion
pochete {f} :: fanny pack (small fabric pouch worn at the waist by a strap around the hips)
pocilga {f} :: pigsty (shelter or enclosure where pigs are kept)
pocilga {f} [colloquial] :: pigsty (dirty or very untidy place)
poço {m} /ˈpo.su/ :: well
poço {m} :: pit
poço artesiano {m} :: artesian well (bore-hole in an artesian basin)
Poço das Antas {prop} :: Poço das Antas (municipality)
Poções {prop} :: Poções (municipality)
Poço Fundo {prop} :: Poço Fundo (municipality)
Poços de Caldas {prop} :: Poços de Caldas (municipality)
Pocrane {prop} :: Pocrane (municipality)
poda alfa-beta {f} [computing theory] :: alpha-beta pruning (algorithm for pruning a search tree by eliminating inferior branches)
podadeira {f} :: trimmer (large scissors used in gardening)
podão {m} :: billhook; pruning hook (agricultural implement similar to a sickle used to prune plants)
podão {m} :: trimmer (large scissors used in gardening)
podar {v} :: to prune
podcast {m} :: podcast (audio programme delivered over the Internet)
pode apostar {phrase} [idiomatic] :: you bet (indicates that something is certainly true)
poder {m} /pu.ˈdeɾ/ :: power (the ability to coerce, influence or control)
poder {m} :: [chiefly geopolitics] power (a powerful organisation, especially a country)
poder {m} :: possession; only used in em poder de
poder {m} :: [politics] power (branch of the government)
poder {m} :: power (extraordinary quality)
poder {m} :: [science fiction] power; superpower (supernatural ability)
poder {v} :: [auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal infinitive] to be able to; can (to have the ability to)
poder {v} :: [auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal infinitive] can; to be allowed to (to have the permission to)
poder {v} :: [auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal infinitive] can; could (indicates possibility)
poder {v} :: [com] to be able to take on (to be able to defeat or withstand)
poder {vi} :: [colloquial] to be allowed
poder {vi} [colloquial] :: to be available for a meeting or appointment
poder com {v} :: to be able to beat, overperform, or at least be equal in power with someone
poder de compra {m} [economics] :: purchasing power
poder executivo {m} [politics] :: executive branch
poder judiciário {m} [politics] :: judiciary, judicial branch
poder legislativo {m} [politics] :: legislative branch
poderosamente {adv} :: powerfully
poderoso {adj} /pu.ðɨ.ˈɾo.zu/ :: powerful
Podgorica {prop} {f} :: Podgorica (capital city)
podia dormir sem essa {phrase} [idiom] :: Said of an avoidable unpleasant situation
pódio {m} :: podium (platform in front of an audience)
pódio {m} [sports] :: podium (steepled platform for the winners of a competition)
pódio {m} [sports, by extension] :: podium (the best three in a competition)
pododáctilo {m} :: toe (digit of the foot)
pododátilo {m} :: alternative form of pododáctilo
podologia {f} [medicine, anatomy] :: podiatry (care or study of the feet)
podómetro {m} [European orthography] :: pedometer (device that measures the number of steps taken)
podrão {m} [Brazil, slang, pejorative or affectionate] /poˈdɾɐ̃w̃/ :: a cheap snack (originally a hot dog) with a variety of additional or unconventional ingredients or, metonymically, a place where it is sold
podre {adj} /ˈpo.ðɾɨ/ :: In state of decay; rotten
podre {adj} :: Overridden by bacteria and other infectious agents; rancid; rotten
podre {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] :: bad, horrible
podre {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: an embarrassing or compromising piece of information about someone or something
podre de rico {adj} [slang] :: filthy rich (very rich)
poeira {f} /ˈpwɐjɾɐ/ :: dust
poeirento {adj} :: dusty (covered with dust)
poeirento {adj} :: dusty (powdery and resembling dust)
poeirinha {f} :: little dust
poema {m} /ˈpwe.mɐ/ :: poem (literary piece written in verse)
poente {adj} /ˈpwẽ.tɨ/ :: setting (sun)
poente {adj} :: west
poente {m} :: sunset
poente {m} :: west
poesia {f} /pwɛ.ˈzi.ɐ/ :: poetry (class of literature)
poeta {m} /ˈpwɛtɐ/ :: poet
poetaço {m} :: poetaster (unskilled poet)
poetastro {m} :: poetaster (unskilled poet)
poeticamente {adv} :: poetically
poético {adj} :: poetic (relating to poetry)
poético {adj} :: poetic (similar in style to poetry)
poetisa {f} /pwɛ.ˈti.zɐ/ :: female poet, poetess (feminine noun of poeta)
pogrom {m} :: pogrom (riot against a particular ethnic or religious group)
poha {f} :: (vulgar, informal) Misspelling of porra
point {m} [Brazil, slang] /ˈpõj̃.t͡ʃ(i)/ :: a location where members of a group usually meet
pointer {m} :: pointer (breed of hunting dog)
poio {m} [rare, obsolete] /ˈpo.ju/ :: hill, hillock
poio {m} [figuratively] :: dunghill, heap of manure
poio {m} :: plateau, platform
poio {m} [Portugal] :: terrace
pois {adv} /pojʃ/ :: so; then (in that case)
pois {adv} :: emphasises a yes-or-no answer or an order
pois {conj} :: because; for (by or for the cause that)
poisada {f} :: alternative form of pousada
pois não {phrase} [Brazil, formal] :: Can I help you? [used when attending customers]
pois não {phrase} [Brazil, formal] :: yes; of course [used to confirm a request]
pois sim {interj} [sarcastic] :: "Yeah, sure!", "Yeah, yeah!" (used to agree with something in a dismissive way, implying that it is obviously false, impossible, etc.)
Pojuca {prop} :: Pojuca (municipality)
poker {m} :: alternative spelling of pôquer
polábio {m} :: Polabian (an extinct West Slavic language spoken around the Elbe)
polaco {adj} [chiefly Portugal] /pu.ˈla.ku/ :: Polish (of, from or relating to Poland)
polaco {m} [chiefly Portugal] :: Pole (person from Poland)
polaco {m} [uncountable, chiefly Portugal] :: Polish (West Slavic language spoken in Poland)
polaco {m} [South Brazil, Southeast Brazil] :: a descendant of Polish immigrants
polaco {m} [South Brazil, Southeast Brazil, jocular, sometimes, offensive] :: a person who is very white; pasty
polaina {f} :: spat (covering worn over a shoe)
polaridade {f} :: polarity (the condition of having two extremes)
polaridade {f} [chemistry] :: polarity (dipole-dipole intermolecular force)
Polaris {prop} {f} [star] :: Polaris (star in the north celestial pole)
Poláris {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Polaris
polarização {f} :: polarization
polca {f} :: polka (lively dance originating in Bohemia)
polca {f} :: polka (music for this dance)
poldro {m} :: colt (young male horse)
polegada {f} /ˌpo.le.ˈɡa.da/ :: inch (a unit of length equal to one-twelfth of a foot and equivalent to exactly 2.54 centimetres)
polegar {m} /pu.lɨ.ˈɣaɾ/ :: thumb (digit)
polegar {m} :: big toe (largest human toe)
polegar {adj} :: pollical
Polegarzinha {prop} {f} :: Thumbelina (thumb-sized girl in a fairy tale)
Polegarzinho {prop} {m} [English folklore] :: Tom Thumb (a thumb-sized fairy-tale hero)
poleiro {m} :: perch (branch or shaft where birds stand)
polemarca {m} [Ancient Greece] :: polemarch (military commander in chief in ancient Athens)
polémica {f} [European orthography] :: polemic (argument or controversy)
polêmica {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of polémica
polémico {adj} :: controversial, polemic
pólen {m} [botany] :: pollen (fine granular substance produced in flowers)
polenguinho {m} :: processed cheese
poli- {prefix} :: poly- (many; multiple)
polialita {f} [mineral] :: polyhalite
poliamida {f} :: polyamide
poliamina {f} [organic chemistry] :: polyamine
poliamor {m} :: polyamory (relationship with multiple partners with the consent of all involved)
poliandria {f} /po.li.ɐ̃.ˈdɾi.a/ :: polyandry (the condition or practice of having multiple husbands)
poliândrico {adj} :: polyandrous
poliândrio {m} :: polyandrion
poliandro {adj} :: polyandrous
polianita {f} [mineral] :: polianite
poliante {m} :: polyanthus
polianteia {f} :: polyanthea
poliargirita {f} [mineral] :: polyargyrite
poliartrite {f} [pathology] :: polyarthritis (arthritis affecting five or more joints)
polibã {m} :: alternative spelling of poliban
poliban {m} [Portugal] /pɔliˈbɐ̃/ :: shower tray, shower cabin (rectangular base of a shower)
polichinelo {m} [singular only] /pu.li.ʃiˈnɛ.lu/ :: Pulcinella, Punchinello (a short clown in the commedia dell'arte)
polichinelo {m} :: jumping jack (exercise performed by jumping with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead)
polícia {f} /pu.ˈli.sjɐ/ :: police
polícia {mf} :: policeman, policewoman
polícia de choque {f} :: riot police (police trained to deal with riots)
polícia do pensamento {f} [pejorative] :: thought police (people who aim to control what other people think)
policial {adj} /pu.li.si.ˈaw/ :: relating to the police
policial {mf} :: police officer
polícia militar {f} :: military police (police unit of a military organisation)
polícia militar {f} :: the branch of Brazilian police responsible for policing the civilian population
polícia secreta {f} :: secret police (police operating in secrecy)
policlínica {f} :: polyclinic (a clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated)
policloreto {m} [chemistry] :: polychloride
policloreto de vinila {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyvinyl chloride
policrase {f} [mineral] :: polycrase
policristalino {adj} :: polycrystalline
policrômico {adj} :: polychrome
polidamente {adv} :: politely
polidez {f} :: politeness
polidez {f} :: civility, courtesy
polido {adj} /pu.ˈli.ðu/ :: polite, well-mannered
poliedro {m} [geometry] :: polyhedron (solid figure)
poliéster {m} [chemistry] :: polyester
poliestireno {m} [organic chemistry] :: polystyrene
polietileno {m} [organic compound] :: polyethylene
polifenismo {m} [genetics] :: polyphenism
polifenol {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyphenol
polifónico {adj} [European orthography] :: polyphonic (relating to or exhibiting polyphony)
polifônico {adj} :: alternative spelling of polifónico
polifosfato {m} [chemistry] :: polyphosphate
poligamia {f} /po.li.ɡɐ̃.ˈmi.a/ :: polygamy (the practice of having multiple spouses or partners)
poligâmico {adj} /po.li.ˈɡɐ̃.mi.ku/ :: polygamous, polygamic, polygamical
poliginia {f} /po.li.ʒi.ˈni.a/ :: polygyny (the condition or practice of having multiple wives)
poliglota {adj} :: polyglot (able to speak many languages)
poliglota {mf} :: polyglot (someone who speaks many languages)
poligonal {adj} :: polygonal
polígono {m} :: polygon (plane figure bounded by straight edges)
polígrafo {m} :: polygraph
polihalita {f} :: obsolete form of polialita
Poliímnia {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Polímnia
polímata {mf} :: polymath (person with knowledgeable in various fields)
polímato {mf} :: alternative form of polímata
polimento {m} /pu.li.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: polish, sheen, glossiness
polimerase {f} [enzyme] :: polymerase
polímere {m} [chemistry] :: polymer
polimeria {f} [genetics] :: polygene
polimeria {f} [biology] :: polymeria
polimérico {adj} :: polymeric
polimerização {f} [chemistry] :: polymerization
polimerizando {v} :: gerund of polimerizar
polimerizar {v} [chemistry] :: To polymerize
polímero {m} [organic chemistry] :: polymer (molecule consisting of many identical monomers)
polimetileno {m} [organic chemistry] :: polymethylene
Polímnia {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Polyhymnia (muse of sacred music)
polimórfico {adj} :: polymorphic
polimorfismo {m} :: polymorphism (ability to assume different forms or shapes)
polimorfismo {m} [object-oriented programming] :: polymorphism (the dynamic treatment of data elements based on their type)
polimorfo {adj} :: polymorphous (having a variety of forms or styles)
polimorfo {adj} [biology] :: polymorphous (having, or occurring in, several distinct forms)
Polinésia {prop} {f} :: Polinésia (subregion)
Polinésia Francesa {prop} {f} :: Polinésia Francesa (overseas territory)
polinésico {adj} :: Polynesian
polinésio {adj} :: Polynesian (of, from or pertaining to Polynesia)
polinésio {m} :: Polynesian (person from Polynesia)
polinésio {m} [linguistics] :: Polynesian (a family of language spoken in Polynesia)
polinização {f} [botany] :: pollination (transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma)
polinizar {v} [botany] :: to pollinate (to apply pollen to)
polinomial {adj} [algebra] :: polynomial (relating to polynomials)
polinómio {m} [European orthography, algebra] :: polynomial (expression consisting of a sum of terms being the product of a constant coefficient and variable raised to a non-negative integer power)
polinômio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of polinómio
polinómio característico {m} [European orthography, linear algebra] :: characteristic polynomial
polinômio característico {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of polinómio característico
polinucleotídeo {m} [biochemistry] :: polynucleotide
-pólio {suffix} :: -poly
poliomielite {f} [pathology] :: poliomyelitis (infection by the poliovirus)
polioxometalato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: polyoxometallate
polipeptídeo {m} [biochemistry] :: polypeptide
polipeptídico {adj} [biochemistry] :: polypeptidic
pólipo {m} [medicine] :: polyp (abnormal growth protruding from a mucous membrane)
pólipo {m} [biology] :: polyp (coelenterate having a mouth surrounded with tentacles)
poliporo {m} :: polypore
polipropileno {m} [organic chemistry] :: polypropylene
políptico {m} [arts] /pu.ˈlip.ti.ku/ :: polyptych
poliptoto {m} [rhetoric] :: polyptoton (scheme in which words from the same root are used together)
poliqueta {f} :: polychete (any annelid of the class Polychaeta)
polir {v} /pu.ˈliɾ/ :: to polish; to shine; to make a surface very smooth or shiny by rubbing, cleaning, or grinding (often polish up)
polir {v} :: to refine; remove imperfections
pólis {f} :: polis (a city or city-state in Ancient Greece)
polissema {m} [semantics] :: polyseme (word or phrase with multiple meanings)
polissemia {f} [semantics] :: polysemy (the condition of having multiple meanings)
polissemicamente {adv} [semantics] :: polysemically (in a polysemic manner)
polissémico {adj} [European orthography, semantics] :: polysemous; polysemic (having multiple meanings)
polissêmico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of polissémico
polissilábico {adj} [of a word] :: polysyllabic (having more than one syllable)
polissílabo {adj} [chiefly philology, of a word] :: polysyllabic (having more than 3 syllables)
polissílabo {adj} [chiefly linguistics, of a word] :: polysyllabic (having more than 1 syllable)
polissílabo {m} :: a polysyllabic word
polissíndeto {m} [rhetoric] :: polysyndeton
polissintético {adj} [linguistics, of a language] :: polysynthetic (characterised by a prevalence of words containing a very large number of morphemes)
politburo {m} :: politburo (governing council of the Soviet Union)
politeísmo {m} :: polytheism
politetrafluoroetileno {m} [organic chemistry] :: polytetrafluoroethylene
política {f} /pu.ˈli.ti.kɐ/ :: politics (activities associated with running a government or organisation)
política {f} :: policy (a formal principle or protocol of conduct)
política {f} :: feminine noun of político
política externa {f} :: foreign affairs (policy of a government in dealing with other countries)
politicagem {f} [derrogatory] :: politicking; politics for personal interests
politicamente {adv} :: politically (in a political manner)
politicamente correto {adj} :: politically correct (avoiding offence)
politicamente correto {m} :: political correctness (the practice of being politically correct)
político {adj} /pu.ˈli.ti.ku/ :: political
político {m} :: politician
politização {f} :: politicization [US], politicisation [UK]
politizar {vt} :: to politicize, politicise (to give something political characteristics)
politizar {vt} :: to politicize, politicise (to make someone politically active)
politopo {m} [geometry] :: polytope (finite region of n-dimensional space bounded by hyperplanes)
poliuretano {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyurethane (any of various polymeric resins containing urethane links)
poliuria {f} [medicine] /pɔ.li.uˈɾi.a/ :: polyuria, diuresis (excessive urination)
poliúria {f} [medicine] /pɔ.li.ˈu.ɾja/ :: polyuria, diuresis (excessive urination)
polivalente {adj} /po.li.va.lẽ.t(ʃ)(i)/ :: polyvalent
polivalente {adj} :: multi-purpose, all-purpose
pollegada {f} :: obsolete spelling of polegada
pollegar {m} :: obsolete spelling of polegar
pollegar {adj} :: obsolete spelling of polegar
polme {m} :: batter (a beaten mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking)
polo {m} /ˈpɔ.lu/ :: pole [geographic, magnetic]
polo {m} [figurative] :: extreme opposite
polo {m} /ˈpɔ.lu/ :: polo [game, shirt]
polo {m} /ˈpo.lu/ :: eyas
polo {contraction} [obsolete] /ˈpu.lu/ :: Contraction of por (by; through; for) + o (the)
pólo {m} :: superseded spelling of polo
pôlo {m} :: superseded spelling of polo (eyas)
polo análogo {m} [physics] :: analogous pole (pole of a crystal that becomes positively electrified when heated)
pólo análogo {m} :: superseded spelling of polo análogo
polo animal {m} [embryology] :: animal pole (hemisphere of the blastula which eventually gives rise to the three germ layers)
pólo animal {m} :: superseded spelling of polo animal
pólo aquático {m} :: water polo (a team water sport)
polonês {adj} :: Polish (of Poland or its language)
polonês {m} :: Pole (someone from Poland)
polonês {m} [uncountable] :: Polish (language)
Poloni {prop} :: Poloni (municipality)
Polónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] /pu.ˈlɔ.njɐ/ :: Polónia (country)
Polônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of Polónia
polónio {m} [European orthography, chemistry] /po.ˈlo.ni.u/ :: polonium (chemical element)
polônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of polónio
polo norte {m} :: north pole (northernmost point on celestial bodies)
polo norte {m} :: north pole (positive pole of a magnetic dipole)
Polo Norte {prop} {m} [geography] :: North Pole (northernmost point on Earth)
polo sul {m} :: south pole (the southernmost point on a celestial body)
polo sul {m} :: south pole (negative pole of a magnetic diploe)
Polo Sul {prop} {m} [geography] :: South Pole (the southernmost point on Earth)
polo vegetal {m} [embryology] :: vegetal pole (hemisphere of the blastula comprising large yolk cells dividing at a slower rate)
pólo vegetal {m} :: superseded spelling of polo vegetal
polpa {f} :: pulp; flesh (edible part of fruit/vegetable)
polposo {adj} [of fruit] :: pulpy (having a large pulp)
polpudo {adj} :: pulpy, fleshy
poltergeist {m} [parapsychology] :: poltergeist (a disruptive ghost)
poltrão {adj} :: cowardly, fearful
poltrona {f} /poɫ.ˈtɾo.nɐ/ :: armchair
poltrona {f} :: seat (in a bus or the like, if it has arms)
polução {f} [medicine] /pu.lu.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: pollution (emission of semen at times other than in sexual intercourse)
polução {f} [rare] :: alternative form of poluição
polução noturna {f} :: nocturnal emission (ejaculation while asleep)
polucita {f} [mineral] :: pollucite
poluente {m} :: pollutant (something that pollutes)
poluente {adj} :: polluting (which pollutes)
poluição {f} /pu.lwi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: pollution (contamination of the environment by harmful substances)
poluição sonora {f} :: noise pollution (excessive noise)
poluição visual {f} :: light pollution (excess artificial light)
poluição visual {f} :: a clutter of visual information
poluído {adj} :: polluted
poluidor {m} :: polluter (someone or something that pollutes)
poluidor {adj} :: polluting (which pollutes)
poluir {v} /pu.ˈlwiɾ/ :: to pollute
poluível {adj} :: pollutable (capable of being polluted)
Pólux {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Pollux (a star in the constellation Gemini)
Pólux {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Pollux (one of the Dioscuri)
polvilhando {v} :: gerund of polvilhar
polvilhar {v} :: to powder (sprinkle with talc or other powder)
polvo {m} /ˈpoɫ.vu/ :: octopus
pólvora {f} /ˈpɔɫ.vu.ɾɐ/ :: gunpowder, powder
Polyhymnia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Polímnia
Polymnia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Polímnia
pomada {f} /puˈmaðɐ/ :: ointment (cream with medicine)
pomar {m} /po.ˈmaɹ/ :: orchard (land for cultivation of fruit or nut trees)
pomba {f} /ˈpõ.bɐ/ :: dove, pigeon
pomba {f} [slang] :: penis (man's genitalia)
pomba {f} [slang] :: vagina (woman's genitalia)
Pomba Gira {prop} :: An Afro-Brazilian spirit evoked by practitioners of Umbanda and Quimbanda in Brazil
pombal {m} :: dovecote
Pombal {prop} /põˈbaɫ/ :: Pombal (city/and/municipality)
pombalino {adj} :: referring to Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, first Marquis of Pombal (1699-1782) or his time
pombas {interj} :: oh no! (expresses frustration or irritation)
pombo {m} /ˈpõbu/ :: dove, pigeon
pombo bravo {m} :: alternative spelling of pombo-bravo
pombo-bravo {m} :: stock pigeon (Columba oenas, a species of pigeon)
pombo comum {m} :: rock dove (Columba livia, a species of pigeon)
pombo-correio {m} :: homing pigeon (domesticated pigeon used to deliver messages)
pombo-das-rochas {m} :: rock dove (Columba livia, a species of pigeon)
pombo-doméstico {m} :: rock dove (Columba livia, a species of pigeon)
pombo-passageiro {m} :: passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius, an extinct bird species)
pombo torcaz {m} :: alternative spelling of pombo-torcaz
pombo-torcaz {m} :: woodpigeon (Columba palumbus, a species of pigeon)
pomelo {m} :: pomelo (large citric fruit native to southeast Asia)
Pomerânia {prop} {f} /ˌpo.me.ˈɾɐ.ni.ɐ/ :: Pomerânia (historical region)
pomerano {adj} :: Pomeranian (of, from or relating to Pomerania)
pomerano {m} :: Pomeranian (a person from Pomerania)
pomerano {m} [uncountable] :: Pomeranian; Kashubian (a Slavic language spoken in Pomerania)
Pomerélia {prop} {f} [historical] :: Pomerélia (historical region)
Pomerode {prop} :: Pomerode (municipality)
pomo {m} [botany] :: pome
pomo {m} [figuratively] :: bosom
pomo da discórdia {m} :: apple of discord (anything that sows dissension and anger between people)
pomo de adão {m} :: alternative spelling of pomo de Adão
pomo-de-adão {m} :: alternative spelling of pomo de Adão
pomo de Adão {m} [anatomy] :: Adam's apple (the lump in the throat)
pomo-de-Adão {m} :: alternative spelling of pomo de Adão
Pompeia {prop} {f} :: Pompeia (ancient city)
Pompeia {prop} {f} :: Pompeia (municipality)
Pompéia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Pompeia
Pompéu {prop} :: Pompéu (municipality)
pompom {m} /põ.ˈpõ/ :: pompom
pomposamente {adv} :: pompously
pomposo {adj} :: pompous (affectedly grand)
poncã {f} [regional, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, South Brazil] :: mandarin orange
ponche {m} :: punch (mixture of fruit juice and another beverage)
poncho {m} /ˈpõʃu/ :: poncho
poncta {f} :: obsolete spelling of ponta
poncto {m} :: obsolete spelling of ponto
ponctualidade {f} :: obsolete spelling of pontualidade
ponderar {v} [mathematics] :: to weight (to assign weights to individual values)
ponderar {v} :: to ponder; to wonder (to think of deeply)
Pondicherry {prop} {f} :: Pondicherry (city)
pónei {m} [European orthography] :: pony (small breed of horse)
pônei {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of pónei
Pongaí {prop} :: Pongaí (municipality)
ponhar {v} [vulgar] /põˈɲaɾ/ :: alternative form of pôr
Poniatowski {prop} {mf} :: surname
ponta {f} /ˈpõ.tɐ/ :: tip, point
ponta {f} :: nib
ponta {f} :: beak
ponta {f} :: cusp
ponta {f} :: butt (of a cigarette)
ponta {f} :: cameo
ponta {mf} [football] :: winger
pontada {f} :: stitch (local sharp pain)
ponta de lança {mf} :: spearhead (player who initiates attacking moves)
ponta de lança {mf} :: someone in the vanguard
ponta-de-lança {mf} :: alternative spelling of ponta de lança
Ponta Delgada {prop} {f} /ˈpõtɐ ˌðɛɫˈɣaðɐ/ :: Ponta Delgada (city/and/municipality)
ponta do icebergue {f} [idiomatic] :: tip of the iceberg (a small indication of a larger possibility)
Ponta do Sol {prop} {f} /ˈpõtɐ ðu ˈsɔɫ/ :: Ponta do Sol (village/and/municipality)
Ponta do Sol {prop} {f} :: A city, being the northernmost populated place in both Santo Antão and Cape Verde
Pontal {prop} :: Pontal (municipality)
Pontalinda {prop} :: Pontalinda (municipality)
pontão {m} :: pontoon
pontão {m} :: small bridge
Pontão {prop} :: Pontão (municipality)
pontapé {m} /põ.tɐ.ˈpɛ/ :: kick (with the toe)
pontapé {m} [figurative] :: mistake, blunder
pontapé inicial {m} [football] :: kick-off (opening kick in football)
pontapé inicial {m} [by extension] :: kick-off (opening sequence of an event)
pontaria {f} :: aim, aiming
pontaria {f} :: marksmanship
ponta solta {f} :: See: pt ponta solta
ponta solta {f} [idiomatic] :: loose end (minor problem that needs to be resolved)
ponte {f} /ˈpõ.tɨ/ :: bridge (construction or natural feature that spans a divide)
ponte {f} [medicine] :: bypass (a passage created around a damaged organ)
ponte {f} [figuratively] :: bridge (anything that connects separate things)
ponte {f} :: long weekend; a day which falls between two work-free days (holidays or weekend days), on which leave is preferred
ponte aérea {f} [aviation] :: air bridge (link established by air transport)
ponte aérea {f} [basketball] :: alley oop (play in which one player catches a pass while airborne and dunks)
Ponte Alta {prop} :: Ponte Alta (municipality)
Ponte Alta do Norte {prop} :: Ponte Alta do Norte (municipality)
ponte basculante {f} :: bascule bridge (type of movable bridge)
Ponte da Barca {prop} {f} /ˈpõt(ɨ) ðɐ ˈβaɾkɐ/ :: Ponte da Barca (village/and/municipality)
Ponte de Lima {prop} {f} /ˈpõt(ɨ) ðɨ ˈlimɐ/ :: Ponte de Lima (village/and/municipality)
Ponte de Sor {prop} {f} /ˈpõt(ɨ) ðɨ ˈsoɾ/ :: Ponte de Sor (city/and/municipality)
ponte de Wheatstone {f} :: Wheatstone bridge (instrument used to measure an unknown electrical resistance)
Ponte dos Suspiros {prop} {f} :: Bridge of Sighs
ponte em arco {f} [architecture] :: arch bridge (a bridge with abutments at each end shaped as an arch)
ponteira {f} /põ.ˈte(j).ɾa/ :: aglet (cover at the tip of a shoelace)
ponteira {f} :: ferrule (metal tip of an umbrella or cane)
ponteira {f} :: chape (metal cap of a scabbard)
ponteira {f} [martial arts] :: a capoeira strike
ponteira {f} [musical instruments] :: fret
ponteiro {m} /põ.ˈtɐj.ɾu/ :: pointer (anything that points or is used for pointing)
ponteiro {m} :: pointer (needle-like component of a timepiece or measuring device)
ponteiro {m} :: masonry chisel with a pointy tip
ponteiro {m} [programming] :: pointer (variable that holds the address of a memory location)
ponteiro {m} [computing] :: mouse pointer; cursor
ponteiro {m} [sports] :: winger (offensive player who plays on either side of the center)
ponteiro {m} [musical instruments] :: plectrum (object to pluck strings of a musical instrument)
ponteiro {m} [musical instruments] :: chanter (pipe of a bagpipe on which the melody is played)
ponte levadiça {f} :: drawbridge (bridge which can be raised)
Ponte Nova {prop} :: Ponte Nova (municipality)
Ponte Preta {prop} :: Ponte Preta (municipality)
Ponte Serrada {prop} :: Ponte Serrada (municipality)
Pontes Gestal {prop} :: Pontes Gestal (municipality)
ponte terrestre {f} :: land bridge (connection between usually separate landmasses)
pontiagudo {adj} /põ.tjɐ.ˈɣu.ðu/ :: ending in a sharp tip or peak
pontífice {m} :: pontiff (the Pope)
pontinha {f} :: tip
pontinha {f} :: small portion
pontinha {f} :: tantrum
ponto {m} /ˈpõ.tu/ :: point (location or place)
ponto {m} :: point (unit of scoring)
ponto {m} :: point (topic of discussion)
ponto {m} :: point (particular moment in an event)
ponto {m} [economics] :: point (unit used to express differences in prices of stocks and shares)
ponto {m} [geometry] :: point (zero-dimensional object)
ponto {m} :: dot (small spot)
ponto {m} [typography] :: dot or tittle of a character
ponto {m} [grammar] :: full stop
ponto {m} [sewing] :: stitch (single pass of a needle in sewing or suture)
ponto {m} :: a register of the time each employee arrives and leaves his workplace
ponto {m} :: a machine or device which logs the time each employee arrives and leaves his workplace
ponto {m} :: a specific value in a scale
ponto {m} [cooking] :: neither well done nor rare
ponto {m} :: a location where passengers wait for a bus or taxi
ponto {m} :: a unit of measurement of TV audience
Ponto {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Pontus (god of the sea)
Ponto {prop} {m} [historical] :: Ponto (region)
ponto cardeal {m} :: compass point (any of the horizontal directions indicated on a compass)
ponto cego {m} [ophthalmology] :: blind spot (spot where the eye can’t see)
ponto cego {m} [driving] :: blind spot (part of the road that cannot be seen)
ponto cego {m} [figurative] :: blind spot (a topic that someone is unable to notice)
Ponto Chique {prop} :: Ponto Chique (municipality), see Wikipedia
ponto crítico {m} [thermodynamics] :: critical point (temperature and pressure at which the vapour density of the gas and liquid phases of a fluid are equal)
ponto crítico {m} [mathematics] :: critical point (point at which the derivative of a function is zero or undefined)
ponto-cruz {m} :: alternative form of ponto de cruz
ponto de cruz {m} :: cross-stitch (embroidery using double stitches that form a cross)
ponto de ebulição {m} [physics] :: boiling point (temperature at which a liquid boils)
ponto de equilíbrio {m} :: See: pt ponto de equilíbrio
ponto de equilíbrio {m} [business, management] :: break-even point (the point where total costs equal total sales revenue)
ponto de exclamação {m} :: exclamation point
ponto de inflexão {m} [mathematics] :: point of inflection (point on a curve at which the sign of the curvature changes)
ponto de interrogação {m} :: question mark
ponto de ônibus {m} [Brazil] :: bus stop (a stop for public transport buses)
ponto de referência {m} :: point of reference
ponto de vista {m} :: point of view (an attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs)
ponto de vista {m} [literary theory] :: point of view (the perspective from which a narrative is related)
ponto de vista {m} [arts] :: perspective
Ponto dos Volantes {prop} :: Ponto dos Volantes (municipality)
ponto e vírgula {m} :: alternative spelling of ponto-e-vírgula
ponto-e-vírgula {m} :: semicolon
ponto final {m} :: full stop (punctuation symbol: .)
ponto final {interj} [colloquial] :: full stop (and nothing less)
ponto G {m} :: G-spot (sensitive, erogenous zone on the anterior wall of the vagina)
ponto morto {m} :: neutral (gear position in which power cannot be transmitted to the drive mechanism)
Ponto Novo {prop} :: Ponto Novo (municipality)
ponto quântico {m} :: quantum dot (fluorescent nanoparticle)
pontos de reticência {mp} :: ellipsis (name of the punctuation mark …)
pontuação {f} /põtwɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: punctuation
pontuação {f} :: score
pontuação de Apgar {f} [medicine] :: Apgar score (a zero to ten point score given to newborns based on their APGAR vitals)
pontual {adj} :: punctual, prompt
pontualidade {f} /ˌpõ.tu.ˌa.li.ˈda.d͡ʒi/ :: punctuality (state or quality of being punctual, on time)
pontualmente {adv} /põ.twaɫ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: punctually, promptly
pontuando {v} :: gerund of pontuar
pontuar {v} /põ.ˈtwaɾ/ :: to punctuate
pontudo {adj} :: pointed (having a sharp point)
poodle {mf} :: poodle (breed of dog with a heavy, curly fur)
Poona {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Pune
pop {m} :: pop (music intended for or accepted by a wide audience)
popa {f} :: stern, poop
pope {m} [Russian Orthodoxy] :: pope (Russian Orthodox priest)
Popescu {prop} {mf} :: surname
popô {m} [slang] :: the buttocks
Popoff {prop} {mf} :: surname
Popoff {prop} {mf} :: surname
Popov {prop} {mf} :: surname
Popov {prop} {mf} :: surname
popozudo {adj} [colloquial, of a person] :: Having big buttocks
póprio {adj} [dialectal, nonstandard] :: alternative spelling of próprio
populaça {f} :: hoi polloi (the people, the masses)
população {f} /pu.pu.lɐ.ˈsɐ̃w/ :: population (all senses)
populacho {m} :: mob, crowd (of people)
populacho {m} :: hoi polloi
populacional {adj} :: population [attributive]
popular {adj} /ˌpo.pu.ˈlaʁ/ :: popular (liked by many people)
popular {adj} :: popular (relating to the general public)
popular {adj} :: popular (aimed at ordinary people)
popular {adj} [by extension] :: popular; affordable
popular {adj} [politics] :: democratic (involving the participation of the general public)
popular {m} [formal] :: civilian (a person who is not working in the police or armed forces)
popular {f} :: cheap accommodation
popular {v} [databases] /ˌpo.pu.ˈla(ʁ)/ :: to populate (to add initial data to [a database])
popular {v} [rare] :: synonym of povoar
popularidade {f} :: popularity
popularizando {v} :: gerund of popularizar
popularizar {v} /pupulɐɾiˈzaɾ/ :: to popularize
popularmente {adv} :: popularly
Populina {prop} :: Populina (municipality)
populismo {m} [politics] :: populism (doctrine that appeals to the interests and conceptions of the general people)
populoso {adj} :: populous
póquer {m} [Portugal] :: poker (card game)
pôquer {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: poker (card game)
por {prep} /puɾ/ :: for (on behalf of)
por {prep} :: for (in order to obtain)
por {prep} :: for (over a period of time)
por {prep} :: for (indicates something given in an exchange)
por {prep} :: by (through the action or presence of)
por {prep} :: by (indicates the creator of a work)
por {prep} :: by (using the rules or logic of)
por {prep} :: by (in the formula “X por X” or “por Xs”, indicates a steady progression)
por {prep} :: by; in the name of (indicates an oath)
por {prep} :: per; a; each (expresses the ratio of units)
por {prep} :: [arithmetic] by (indicates a mathematical division)
por {prep} :: through (entering and then leaving; being the medium of)
por {prep} :: around; about; near (in the vicinity of)
por {prep} :: around; about; approximately (close in quantity, amount or value to)
por {prep} :: throughout (in various parts of)
por {prep} :: for; in favour of (supporting)
por {prep} :: [in the formula “X por Y”, where X is a verb and Y the infinitive of the same verb or of a synonym] for its own sake; without a motive
por {v} :: obsolete spelling of pôr, now a common misspelling
pòr {v} :: obsolete spelling of pôr
pôr {vt} /poɾ/ :: to put; to place
pôr {vp} :: [copulative] to get (to position oneself into a given state)
pôr {v} :: [.pronominal, em, a, -another positional preposition] to go to a given location
pôr {vti} :: to lay (to produce and deposit an egg)
pôr {vp} :: to set (to go below the horizon)
pôr {vt} :: to put on; to wear (to start to use an item of clothing)
pôr {v} :: [ditransitive, copulative for the second object] to make; to get (to cause to be in a given state)
por a + b {adv} [idiom] :: alternative form of por a mais bê
por A + B {adv} [idiom] :: alternative form of por a mais bê
por acaso {adv} :: by chance (accidentally or unexpectedly)
por agora {adv} :: by now
por a mais b {adv} [idiom] :: alternative form of por a mais bê
por A mais B {adv} [idiom] :: alternative form of por a mais bê
por a mais bê {adv} [idiom] :: (to prove, explain etc.) with basis on consistent evidence or arguments; irrefutably
pôr a mão na massa {v} [idiomatic] :: to pull one's socks up (start making an effort; to get to work)
por amor da Santa {phrase} [colloquial] :: Used to express surprise, contempt, outrage, disgust, boredom, frustration
por amor de Deus {phrase} :: alternative form of pelo amor de Deus
Porangaba {prop} :: Porangaba (municipality)
porão {m} [nautical, aviation] /puˈrɐ̃w̃/ :: hold (cargo area of a ship or aircraft)
porão {m} :: basement
poraquê {m} :: electric eel (Electrophorus electricus, an eel-like fish capable of generating powerful electric shocks)
por assim dizer {adv} :: so to speak (used to indicate a word or statement is not exact)
por baixo dos panos {adv} [idiomatic] :: behind the scenes (in secret; out of public view)
porca {f} /ˈpɔɹ.ka/ :: sow; feminine noun of porco
porca {f} :: nut (that fits on a bolt)
porção {f} :: portion, part
porcaria {f} /puɾkɐˈɾiɐ/ :: dirtiness
porcaria {f} :: smut, filth
porcaria {f} :: trash, crap
porcariada {f} :: crap (useless, unspecified things)
por causa de {prep} :: because of (by reason of)
por causa que {conj} [Brazil, colloquial, nonstandard] :: because
porcelana {f} :: porcelain
porcentagem {f} :: alternative form of percentagem
por cento {phrase} :: percent (hundredths of)
porcento {m} :: percent
porcentual {adj} :: percentage (attributive)
pôr chifres em {vt} [colloquial] :: to cuckold; to cheat on (to engage in an extramarital affair)
porcino {adj} :: porcine (of or pertaining to pigs)
Porciúncula {prop} :: Porciúncula (municipality)
porco {m} /ˈpoɾ.ku/ :: pig (the domesticated farm animal Sus scrofa)
porco {m} :: pork; swineflesh
porco {m} [derogatory] :: pig (dirty or slovenly person)
porco {adj} [of a person] :: filthy; slovenly; unkempt
porco {adj} [of an object] :: coarse (of inferior quality)
porco-da-terra {m} :: aardvark (mammal)
porco-espim {m} :: alternative form of porco-espinho
porco-espinho {m} /ˈpoʁ.ku es.ˈpi.ɲu/ :: porcupine (any of several rodents of the families Hystricidae or Erethizontidae)
porco-formigueiro {m} :: aardvark (mammal)
por completo {adj} :: completely; fully
por conseguinte {adv} [formal] :: consequently (as a result or consequence)
por conta de {prep} :: due to; because of
por conta de {prep} :: on (paid for by)
por conta de {prep} :: under the care of; being the responsibility of
por conta própria {adv} :: by oneself, on one's own
porco vermelho {m} :: bush pig (any of the Potamochoerus genus of wild African pigs)
por dentro {phrase} /poʁ ˈdẽtrɾu/ :: See: pt por dentro
por dentro {phrase} :: on the inside
por dentro {phrase} :: informed or familiar with a subject
pôr do sol {m} :: sunset (time of day when the sun disappears below the horizon)
pôr-do-sol {m} :: sunset (time of day)
porem {adv} :: obsolete spelling of porém
porém {adv} /pu.ˈɾɐ̃j̃/ :: despite what preceded; nevertheless
porém {conj} :: but; however
porém {m} :: but (an instance of proclaiming an exception or starting an adversative clause)
por enquanto {adv} /ˌpo.ɾẽ.ˈkwɐ̃.tu/ :: for now, for the time being (at the moment; until later)
por entre {prep} :: through or among; surrounded by
por essas e outras {adv} [idiomatic] :: Due to various reasons
por excelência {phrase} :: Par excellence
por exemplo {adv} :: for example, for instance
por favor {adv} /puɾ.fɐ.ˈvoɾ/ :: As a polite request; please
por favor {adv} :: As an affirmative to an offer; please
por favor {adv} :: As an expression of annoyance or impatience; please
por favor {adv} :: As a request; please
por favor {interj} :: please (interjection to make commands more polite)
por favorzinho {interj} [familiar] :: pretty please
porfia {f} :: dispute
porfia {f} :: obstinacy
porfiado {adj} :: tenacious; stubborn (unwilling to yield)
porfiar {vi} :: to dispute
porfiar {vit} :: to insist, persist
por fim {adv} :: finally; in the end
porfirinúria {f} [pathology] :: porphyrinuria
pórfiro {m} [geology] :: porphyry
por fora, bela viola; por dentro, pão bolorento {proverb} :: beauty is only skin deep (a person’s character is more important than their outward appearance)
por fora, bela viola; por dentro, pão bolorento {proverb} :: a person appears to have good intentions, but in fact has not
por gentileza {interj} :: please
por goleada {adv} :: by a landslide (win scoring many goals)
por incrível que pareça {adv} :: oddly enough (implying that a following statement is seemingly unlikely but true)
por isso {conj} :: therefore
por isto {conj} :: alternative form of por isso
pôr lenha na fogueira {phrase} :: to add fuel to fire
por mais que {phrase} [subjunctive] :: however much
por meio de {prep} :: by means of (by using; making use of)
pormenor {m} [usually in the plural] /ˌpoʁ.me.ˈnɔʁ/ :: detail (minor aspect)
pormenorizadamente {adv} :: in minute detail
pormenorizado {adj} :: detailed (characterised by attention to detail and thoroughness of treatment)
por nada {adv} :: See: pt por nada
por nada {adv} :: not at all; you're welcome
porno {adj} [colloquial, Portugal] :: pornographic
pornô {adj} [colloquial, Brazil] :: pornographic
pornógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of pornógrafo
pornografia {f} /puɾnuɡɾaˈfiɐ/ :: pornography
pornográfico {adj} :: pornographic
pornógrafo {m} :: pornographer
poro {m} :: pore (a tiny opening in the skin)
poro {m} :: pore (any small opening)
poro abdominal {m} [ichthyology] :: abdominal pore (sphincter near the cloaca of fish)
por obséquio {interj} [archaic or formal] :: please
porongo {m} /puˈɾõɡu/ :: gourd (the dried and hardened shell of a gourd fruit)
por ora {adv} :: by now
porosidade {f} :: porosity (the state of being porous)
poroso {adj} :: porous (full of pores)
por outro lado {adv} /puɾ ˈo(w).tɾu ˈla.du/ :: on the other hand
por outro lado {adv} :: See: pt por outro lado
por pouco {adv} :: nearly; almost
porq̃ {conj} [obsolete] :: abbreviation of porque
porq̃ {adv} [obsolete] :: abbreviation of porque
porquanto {conj} :: because
porquanto {conj} :: therefore
porquanto {conj} :: inasmuch as
por que {adv} [Brazil, introducing a question] /ˈpuɾ.kɨ/ :: why, what for, for what reason
por que {adv} [Brazil, introducing a question, uncommon] :: by what, through what, via what
porque {conj} /ˈpuɾ.kɨ/ :: because; for (introduces an explanation to the claim in the previous clause)
porque {adv} [Portugal] :: alternative form of por que
por quê {adv} [Brazil] /puʁ.ˈke/ :: alternative form of por que
porquê {adv} [Portugal] /puɾ.ˈke/ :: why
porquê {m} :: reason, cause, explanation
por que caralhos {adv} [idiom, vulgar] :: why the fuck (introducing a question with a vulgar intensifier)
por que carambas {phrase} [euphemistic] :: what the hell
por que cargas d'água {adv} [idiom] :: why the hell; why the heck
por que diabos {adv} [idiom] :: why the hell; why the heck (introducing a question with a mildly vulgar intensifier)
por que não {adv} :: See: pt por que não
por que não {adv} :: why not (used to state one has no objection)
por que não {adv} :: why not (used to introduce a proposal)
por que será {interj} :: ironically implying that the answer to a question or doubt is obvious
porquinho {m} :: diminutive of porco
porquinho-da-índia {m} :: guinea pig (any tailless rodent of the genus Cavia)
porra {f} [Brazil, vulgar] :: semen; cum, jizz
porra {f} [Portugal, vulgar] :: penis
porra {f} [vulgar] :: shit, fuck; (often worthless) stuff, thing
porra {f} [archaic] :: club (heavy stick used as a weapon)
porra {interj} [vulgar, intensifier] :: fuck; crap (remark of anger and an unwelcome surprise)
porrada {f} :: punch, slap
porrada {f} :: shedload (large quantity)
porra de {phrase} [vulgar] :: fucking; damn (generic intensifier)
porrado {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] :: drunk
porra nenhuma {adv} [vulgar, idiomatic] :: Definitely not; by no means
porra nenhuma {pron} [vulgar, idiomatic] :: nothing
porre {m} [Brazil, colloquial] /ˈpɔ.hɪ/ :: drunkenness
porre {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: something tedious
porreiro {adj} [Portugal, colloquial] :: cool, excellent
porreiro {adj} [Portugal, colloquial] :: sympathetic, likeable
porreiro {adj} [Portugal, colloquial] :: loyal, reliable
porrete {m} /po.ˈʁe.t(ʃ)i/ :: baton; truncheon (stick carried by police officers)
porrigem {f} :: ringworm (contagious fungal infection of the skin)
porro {m} :: leek (Allium ampeloprasum, syn. Allium porrum, a vegetable)
por sinal {adv} :: by the way; incidentally
por sorte {adv} :: luckily; fortunately
porta {f} /ˈpɔɾ.tɐ/ :: door
porta {f} :: entrance
porta {f} [by extension] :: gateway
porta {f} [by extension] :: solution
porta {f} [computing] :: port (connector of an electronic device)
porta-aviões {m} :: aircraft carrier (warship for launching aircraft)
porta-bagagem {m} :: trunk (luggage storage compartment of a car)
porta-bandeira {mf} :: flag-bearer (person who carries flag or banner)
porta-cigarros {m} :: cigarette case (a small flat case for holding cigarettes)
porta-contêineres {m} [nautical, Brazil] :: synonym of porta-contentores
porta-contentores {m} [nautical, Portugal] :: container ship (ship designed to transport containers)
porta-copos {m} :: obsolete form of portacopos
portacopos {m} :: coaster (a recipient for glasses placed over tables in order to avoid the table's humidity)
portada {f} /puɾˈtaðɐ/ :: portal
portada {f} :: main page, home page [of a website]
portada {f} :: shutter
porta do cavalo {f} [colloquial] :: back door (subsidiary entrance to building)
portador {m} :: carrier, bearer
portador {m} :: conveyer
portadora {f} [electronics] :: carrier (signal modulated to transmit information)
porta-estandarte {mf} :: standard-bearer; flag-bearer (person who carries flag or banner)
porta-estandarte {mf} [figuratively] :: representant; poster child; figurehead
porta-fólio {m} :: portfolio (case for carrying documents)
porta-fólio {m} [finance] :: portfolio (investments and other assets held by an investor)
portagem {f} [Portugal] :: toll (fee for using roads and bridges)
porta giratória {f} :: revolving door
porta-joias {m} :: jewel case (box to hold jewels)
porta-jóias {m} :: obsolete spelling of porta-joias
portal {m} [architecture] /puɾˈtaɫ/ :: portal, doorway, gateway
Portalegre {prop} /puɾtɐˈlɛɣɾ(ɨ)/ :: Portalegre (district)
Portalegre {prop} :: Portalegre (city/and/municipality/district capital)
portaló {m} [nautical] :: gangway (passage on upper deck)
porta-luvas {m} :: glove compartment (compartment recessed in an automobile’s dashboard)
porta-malas {m} :: boot; trunk (luggage storage compartment of a car)
portanto {adv} /puɾ.ˈtɐ̃.tu/ :: hence; therefore
portão {m} /puɾ.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ :: gate
portão {m} :: augmentative of porta
Portão {prop} :: Portão (municipality)
portar {v} /puɾ.ˈtaɾ/ :: to bear; to carry
portaria {f} :: reception or information desk
portaria {f} :: entrance
portaria {f} :: In Brazilian law, an administrative decree or resolution issued by a Ministry of Secretary, detailing the application of a law
portátil {adj} :: portable
portátil {m} [computing] :: clipping of computador portátil (laptop computer)
portátil {m} [Portugal, rare] :: mobile phone
porta USB {m} [computing] :: USB port (port for USB connection)
portável {adj} :: portable (able to be carried)
portável {adj} [computing] :: portable (able to be adapted to multiple systems)
porta-voz {mf} :: spokesman (one who speaks as the voice of a group)
porte {m} :: postage (the charge for posting an item)
porte {m} :: carrying, possession
porte {m} :: size
porte {m} :: posture
porte {m} :: capacity
porteira {f} :: A wooden gate in a fence of the same material
porteira {f} :: feminine noun of porteiro
porteira {f} :: portress (female gatekeeper)
Porteirinha {prop} :: Porteirinha (municipality)
porteiro {m} /puɾ.ˈtɐj.ɾu/ :: doorman, gatekeeper, concierge
porteiro {m} :: porter
Portel {prop} /puɾˈtɛɫ/ :: Portel (village/and/municipality)
portela {f} :: small door
portela {f} :: narrow passageway between mountains
portento {m} :: wonder, marvel
portento {m} :: genius, prodigy
pórter {m} :: porter (a strong, dark ale)
porteyro {m} :: obsolete spelling of porteiro
portfólio {m} [art] :: portfolio (the works of an artist)
portfólio {m} [finance] :: portfolio (investments and other assets held by an investor)
pórtico {m} [architecture] :: portico (small space with a roof supported by columns, serving as the entrance to a building)
Portimão {prop} /puɾtiˈmɐ̃w/ :: Portimão (city/and/municipality)
portinha {f} :: diminutive of porta
portinhola {f} :: (small) door (especially of a vehicle)
portinhola {f} :: wicket (gate)
Port Louis {prop} {f} :: Port Louis (capital city)
Port Moresby {prop} {f} :: Port Moresby (capital city)
porto {m} /ˈpoɾ.tu/ :: port; harbour (place on the coast at which ships can shelter or dock)
porto {m} :: port (city containing such a place)
porto {m} [figurative] :: haven (place of safety)
porto {m} :: clipping of vinho do Porto
Porto {prop} {m} /ˈpoɾtu/ :: Porto (district)
Porto {prop} {m} :: Porto (city/and/municipality/district capital)
pôrto {m} :: obsolete spelling of porto
Porto Alegre {prop} :: Porto Alegre (municipality/state capital)
Porto Belo {prop} :: Porto Belo (municipality)
Porto de Espanha {prop} :: Porto de Espanha (capital city)
Porto de Mós {prop} /ˈpoɾtu ðɨ ˈmɔʃ/ :: Porto de Mós (village/and/municipality)
por todo lado {adv} :: everywhere (at all places)
Porto Feliz {prop} :: Porto Feliz (municipality)
Porto Ferreira {prop} :: Porto Ferreira (municipality)
Porto Firme {prop} :: Porto Firme (municipality)
Porto Inglês {prop} :: Porto Inglês
Porto Inglês {prop} :: English Port (secondary)
Porto Lucena {prop} :: Porto Lucena (municipality)
Porto Mauá {prop} :: Porto Mauá (municipality)
Porto Moniz {prop} /ˈpoɾtu muˈniʃ/ :: Porto Moniz (village/and/municipality)
Porto Moresby {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Port Moresby
portona {f} :: augmentative of porta
Porto Novo {prop} {f} :: Porto Novo (capital city)
Porto Novo {prop} {f} :: A city being the largest populated area in the island of Santo Antão, Cape Verde
Porto-Novo {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Porto Novo
Porto Príncipe {prop} {mf} :: Porto Príncipe (capital city)
Porto Real {prop} :: Porto Real (municipality)
Porto Rico {prop} {m} :: Porto Rico (island/and/territory)
porto-riquenho {adj} :: Puerto Rican (of, from or relating to Puerto Rico)
porto-riquenho {m} :: Puerto Rican (person from Puerto Rico)
Porto Santo {prop} /ˈpoɾtu ˈsɐ̃tu/ :: Porto Santo (city/and/municipality)
Porto Seguro {prop} :: Porto Seguro (municipality)
Porto União {prop} :: Porto União (municipality)
Porto Velho {prop} {m} :: Porto Velho (municipality/state capital)
Porto Vera Cruz {prop} :: Porto Vera Cruz (municipality)
Porto Xavier {prop} :: Porto Xavier (municipality)
por trás {prep} :: from behind
por trás {prep} [figurative] :: behind (responsible for)
por trás de {prep} :: behind (through or past the back of)
por trás de {prep} [figurative] :: behind (as a secret aspect or cause of)
Portsmouth {prop} {f} :: Portsmouth (city)
portuário {adj} :: of or relating to ports
por tudo o que é mais sagrado {adv} :: alternative form of por tudo que é mais sagrado
por tudo que é mais sagrado {adv} :: "by all that's most sacred!", for the love of God! (expresses exasperation)
portuense {adj} :: of or pertaining to Porto, Portugal
portuense {mf} :: someone from Porto
portuga {mf} [colloquial] :: Portuguese (person from Portugal)
portuga {adj} [colloquial] :: Portuguese (of Portugal)
Portugal {prop} {m} /puɾ.tu.ˈɣaɫ/ :: Portugal (country)
Portugol {prop} {m} [programming] :: pseudocode using Portuguese vocabulary
Portugual {prop} {m} :: obsolete form of Portugal
português {adj} /puɾtuˈɣeʃ/ :: Portuguese
português {m} :: Portuguese person
português {m} :: Portuguese language
portuguesamente {adv} :: In the manner of Portuguese people; in context of Portugal; Portuguesely
portuguesamente {adv} :: As said or written in Portuguese language; Portuguesely
português antigo {m} :: Old Portuguese (ancestor of modern Portuguese and Galician)
português arcaico {m} :: Old Portuguese (ancestor of modern Portuguese and Galician)
português com açúcar {m} [Portugal, colloquial] /puɾtuˈɣeʃ ˈkõ ɐˈsukɐɾ/ :: Brazilian Portuguese (The Portuguese language as spoken and written in Brazil)
portuguesismo {m} /puɾ.tu.ɣɨ.ˈziʒ.mu/ :: Portuguesism (Portuguese attitudes and culture)
portuguesismo {m} :: Portuguesism (a word or phrase typical of or derived from Portuguese)
portuguesmente {adv} :: nonstandard spelling of portuguesamente
portuguez {adj} :: archaic spelling of português
portuguez {m} :: archaic spelling of português
portugueza {f} :: feminine noun of portuguez
portuguezismo {m} :: obsolete spelling of portuguesismo
portulaca {f} :: purslane (any plant of the family Portulacaceae)
portulano {m} [historical, nautical, geography] :: portolan
portunhol {m} /puɾ.tu.ˈɲɔɫ/ :: Portuñol (any unsystematic mixture of Portuguese with Spanish)
portunhol {m} :: Riverense Portuñol (a variety of Portuguese with influences from Spanish spoken on the border between Uruguay and Brazil)
por um acaso {adv} :: by chance (without planning in advance)
por um acaso {adv} :: indicates a non-demanding tone when asking a question; to happen to; by the way
por um acaso {adv} :: indicates a derisive tone in a rhetorical question
por um lado {adv} [idiomatic] /puɾ ũ ˈla.du/ :: on the one hand
por ventura {adv} /puɾ.vẽ.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ :: luckily
por ventura {adv} [proscribed] :: alternative form of porventura
porventura {adv} /puɾ.vẽ.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ :: perhaps
porventura {adv} :: by chance, perchance
por vez {adv} [with a numeral] :: at a time; simultaneously
por vez {adv} :: in turn (in response)
por via de regra {adv} [idiomatic] :: as a rule; in general (most often)
por via popular {adv} [etymology] :: occurring by inheritance instead of loaning
porvir {m} :: what is to come, future
por volta de {prep} :: around; about; approximately (a point in time or a period of time)
pós- {prefix} :: post- (later or after)
pós {f} /ˈpɔʃ/ :: clipping of pós-graduação
pós-barba {m} :: aftershave (lotion, gel or liquid applied to the skin after shaving)
pós-bélico {adj} :: post-war (pertaining to a period after a war)
pós-combustão {f} :: afterburning (injection of extra fuel into a jet engine)
pós-combustor {m} :: afterburner (a device in a turbojet engine which injects fuel into the exhaust system to increase the thrust)
pós-doutoral {adj} :: postdoctoral (relating to a postdoctorate)
Poseidon {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Poseidon (god of the sea)
Posen {prop} {f} :: Posen (city)
pós-escrito {m} :: postscript (addendum to a text)
pós-escrito {adj} :: written after something
posfácio {m} :: afterword; epilogue (brief oration or script at the end of a literary piece)
pós-graduando {m} :: postgraduate (person continuing to study after acquiring a Bachelor’s degree)
pós-humano {adj} :: posthuman
posição {f} /pu.zi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: position (place, location)
posição {f} :: posture (way a person holds and positions their body)
posição {f} [sports] :: position (place assigned to a player)
posição anatómica {f} [European orthography, anatomy] :: anatomical position (the position of standing up with the arms down and thumbs pointing away from the body)
posição anatômica {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of posição anatómica
posição de Trendelenburg {f} [medicine] :: Trendelenburg position (physical position that a patient is placed in by raising the inferior half by 30 degrees)
posicionamento {m} :: placement (the way something is positioned)
posicionar {v} :: to position (put into place)
Posidão {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Poseidon
Posídon {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Poseidon
positivamente {adv} :: positively (in a positive manner)
positivamente {adv} :: expressing a positive answer
positivismo {m} /po.zi.t͡ʃi.ˈvis.mu/ :: optimism (tendency to expect the best)
positivismo {m} [philosophy] :: positivism (philosophical doctrine)
positivista {mf} /po.zi.t͡ʃi.ˈvis.ta/ :: positivist (a believer in positivism)
positivo {adj} /pu.zi.ˈti.vu/ :: affirmative (asserting that something is true)
positivo {adj} [mathematics, of a number] :: positive (greater than zero)
positivo {adj} :: (physics) positive (having more protons than electrons)
positivo {adj} [comparable] :: positive (characterized by constructiveness or influence for the better)
positivo {adj} [comparable] :: optimistic
positivo {adj} [grammar] :: positive (describing the primary sense of a word; not comparative or superlative, not augmentative or diminutive)
positivo {interj} [formal] :: yes
positrão {m} [physics] :: positron
pósitron {m} [Brazil, physics] :: alternative form of positrão
pós-modernismo {m} :: postmodernism (a style of art, literature, etc)
pós-moderno {adj} [arts] :: postmodern (of, relating to, or having the characteristics of postmodernism)
Posnânia {prop} {f} :: Posnânia (city)
pós-natal {adj} :: postnatal (relating to the period immediately after birth)
pós-natal {m} :: the period immediately after birth
pós-operatório {adj} [surgery] :: postoperative (pertaining to or occurring in the period after a surgical operation)
pós-operatório {m} [surgery] :: the period after a surgical operation
pospor {v} [grammar] :: to postpose (place a word or phrase after another)
pospor {v} :: to postpone (to delay an event)
posposição {f} :: the act of postponing an event
posposição {f} [grammar] :: postposition (particle that comes after the noun)
pós-produção {f} [cinematography] :: post-production (film production after actual filming)
possante {adj} :: powerful or vigorous
possante {m} [colloquial] :: ride (affectionate term for one’s automobile)
posse {f} /ˈpɔ.sɨ/ :: possession, land
posse {f} [uncountable] :: ownership
posse {f} [uncountable, politics] :: command
Possêidon {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Poseidon
posseiro {m} /po.ˈse(j).ɾu/ :: someone who has legal ownership of land without a document proving it
posseiro {m} [Brazil] :: someone who tries to adversely possess someone else’s property; squatter
possessão {f} :: possession; ownership (the act of owning something)
possessão {f} :: possession (something that is owned)
possessão {f} :: possession (territory under the rule of another country)
possessão {f} [parapsychology, religion] :: possession (the condition of being possessed by a demon or other supernatural entity)
possessivo {adj} [uncomparable, grammar] /ˌpo.se.ˈsi.vu/ :: possessive (indicating possession)
possessivo {adj} :: possessive (unwilling to yield possession)
possessivo {adj} :: jealous (suspecting rivalry in love)
possessivo {m} [uncountable] :: possessive case
possessivo {m} :: a possessive (unwilling to yield possession) individual
possessivo {m} :: a jealous (suspecting rivalry in love) individual
possessor {m} :: possessor; owner (one who possesses)
possibilidade {f} /pu.si.bi.li.ˈda.dɨ/ :: possibility
possibilitando {v} :: gerund of possibilitar
possibilitar {v} /pu.si.βi.li.ˈtaɾ/ :: to enable
possive {adj} :: eye dialect of possível
possivel {adj} :: obsolete spelling of possível
possível {adj} /pu.ˈsi.vɛɫ/ :: possible
possível {adj} :: potential
possível {adj} :: likely
possível {adj} :: feasible
possivelmente {adv} /pʊsivɛlˈmɛ̃t̪/ :: possibly
possíver {adj} :: eye dialect of possível
possuidor {m} :: possessor
possuidor {m} :: owner
possuir {v} /po.su.ˈi(ʁ)/ :: to possess; to have; to own
possuir {v} :: to have as a quality or characteristic
possuir {v} :: to control; to hold (exercise influence over)
possuir {v} [spiritualism] :: to possess (to take control of someone’s body or mind in a supernatural manner)
possuir {v} :: to overwhelm (to overpower emotionally)
possuir {v} [proscribed] :: to have (to be related to)
post {m} [internet] /ˈpowst͡ʃ/ :: post (individual message in an on-line discussion)
postagem {f} :: the act of posting mail
postal {adj} /puʃˈtaɫ/ :: postal (relating to mail)
postal {m} :: postcard
postar {v} :: to post; to mail (to send mail)
postar {v} [Internet] :: to post (to publish a message in an on-line discussion)
poste {m} /ˈpɔʃ.tɨ/ :: a large post, such as a lamppost or utility pole
poste de luz {m} :: lamp-post
postergar {v} /ˌpos.teʁ.ˈɡa(ʁ)/ :: to postpone (to delay or put off an event for later)
posteridade {f} :: posterity (all the future generations)
posterior {adj} :: posterior (following in order or in time)
posterior {adj} :: posterior (located in the rear)
posterior {adj} [phonetics] :: back (produced in the back of the mouth)
posterioridade {f} /puʃtɨˌɾjoɾiˈðaðɨ/ :: posteriority (the condition of being posterior)
posterioridade {f} [psychoanalysis] :: afterwardsness (the concept that an earlier event in one’s life can later acquire a meaning)
posteriormente {adv} /puʃtɨɾjoɾˈmẽtɨ/ :: afterwards, later
postigo {m} /puʃ.ˈti.ɣu/ :: a small window, peephole, hatch
postigo {m} :: shutter (protective panels over a window)
postigo {m} :: scuttle
postigo {m} :: wicket, wicket gate
posto {m} /ˈpos.tu/ :: position, job
posto {m} :: station, post
posto {m} :: place
posto avançado {m} :: outpost (military post stationed at a distance from the main body of troops)
posto de bombeiros {m} :: fire station
posto de gasolina {m} :: petrol station, garage, filling station, gas station, service station (a place which sells fuel to pump directly into the vehicle)
pós-traducional {adj} [genetics, biochemistry] :: posttranslational (relating to the period after a protein has been translated from mRNA)
postulando {v} :: gerund of postular
postular {v} :: to postulate
póstumo {adj} [of a child] :: posthumous (born after one’s father’s death)
póstumo {adj} [of a person] :: posthumous (taking place after one’s death)
póstumo {adj} [of a book or work of art] :: posthumous (published after the author’s death)
postura {f} :: posture (position of body or way of carrying oneself)
postura {f} [figurative] :: stance (opinion or point of view)
postura {f} :: the act or practice of laying eggs
postura {f} :: the period during which hens lay eggs
postural {adj} :: postural (relating to posture)
pota {f} :: Humboldt squid, giant squid
põta {f} [obsolete] :: abbreviation of ponta
potassemia {f} [pathology] :: kalemia
potássio {m} :: potassium
potável {adj} :: potable, drinkable
pote {m} /ˈpɔ.tɨ/ :: pot (container)
pote {m} :: tupperware (i.e. any container with a lid)
Poté {prop} :: Poté (municipality)
pote de mel {m} :: See: pt pote de mel
pote de mel {m} [computer security] :: honeypot (a trap set to detect or deflect attempts at unauthorised use of information systems)
potência {f} /po.ˈtẽ.sjɐ/ :: potency, potential
potência {f} :: power, might, force
potencial {adj} /po.tẽ.si.ˈaw/ :: potential
potencial {adj} :: virtual
potencial {adj} :: possible
potencial {m} :: potential
potencial {m} :: pressure
potencialidade {f} /po.tẽ.sja.li.ˈda.d(ʒ)i/ :: potentiality, potential, capability
potencialidade {f} :: probability, likeability
potencialização {f} :: potentiation
potencializando {v} :: gerund of potencializar
potencializar {v} :: to potentiate
potencialmente {adv} :: potentially (with the possibility of happening or being so)
potentado {m} :: potentate
potente {adj} :: powerful (having or capable of exerting power, potency or influence)
potestade {m} :: power; authority
potestade {m} [biblical] :: power (fourth level of angels)
potiguar {mf} :: someone from the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte
potiguar {adj} :: of, from or relating to the state of Rio Grande do Norte
Potim {prop} :: Potim (municipality)
Potira {prop} :: given name
Potiraguá {prop} :: Potiraguá (municipality)
Potirendaba {prop} :: Potirendaba (municipality)
pot-pourri {m} [music] :: potpourri (a medley of songs or music)
potpourri {m} :: alternative spelling of pot-pourri
potra {f} :: feminine noun of potro
potra {f} [medicine] :: intestinal hernia
potra {f} [botany] :: a disease that causes bulges to appear on the stems of plants
potra {f} [Brazil, colloquial] :: luck; good fortune
potra {f} :: arrogance; haughtiness
potro {m} /ˈpotɾu/ :: colt (young male horse)
Potsdam {prop} {f} :: Potsdam (city/state capital)
Potyra {prop} :: given name
pouco {pron} /ˈpow.ku/ :: little of something
pouco {pron} :: a short while
pouco {adj} :: little; few (not many)
pouco {adv} :: little (not much or not often)
pouco {adv} :: for a short duration
pouco a pouco {adv} :: little by little, bit by bit, a small amount at a time
pouco-caso {m} :: disregard, indifference
poucos {pron} /ˈpow.kuʃ/ :: few (not many things or people)
poupa {f} /ˈpo(w).pɐ/ :: hoopoe (Upupa epops, a small Old-World bird)
poupança {f} /pow.ˈpɐ̃.sɐ/ :: savings account
poupança {f} [colloquial] :: buttocks
poupar {vt} /po(w)ˈpar/ :: to save (time, money etc.)
poupar {vt} :: to spare
poupar {vi} :: to economize
pouquidade {f} :: fewness (the state of being few)
pouquinho {pron} /po(w).ˈki.ɲu/ :: diminutive of pouco
pousada {f} /po(w).ˈza.ðɐ/ :: inn (establishment where travellers can procure lodging, food, and drink)
pousada {f} :: stay (period of time spent in a place)
pousando {v} /powˈzɐ̃du/ :: gerund of pousar
pousar {v} /powˈzaɾ/ :: to land, alight
pousar {v} [Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil] :: to sleep over
pousio {m} [agriculture, uncountable] :: the practice of leaving ground fallow
pousio {m} [agriculture] :: fallow (ground left unseeded for a year)
Pouso Alegre {prop} :: Pouso Alegre (municipality)
Pouso Alto {prop} :: Pouso Alto (municipality)
Pouso Novo {prop} :: Pouso Novo (municipality)
Pouso Redondo {prop} :: Pouso Redondo (municipality)
povão {m} :: augmentative of povo
povão {m} :: populace (the common people)
poveiro {adj} /pɔˈvejɾu/ :: From Póvoa de Varzim
poveiro {adj} :: Of or relating to Póvoa de Varzim
poveiro {m} :: A native of Póvoa de Varzim
povinho {m} :: diminutive of povo
povo {m} /ˈpo.vu/ :: people
povo {m} :: hamlet (a small village or a group of houses)
povo {m} [Brazil] :: mob
póvoa {f} /ˈpɔ.vwɐ/ :: hamlet (small village or a group of houses)
povoação {f} /ˌpo.vo.a.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: settlement
povoação {f} :: The process through which a place becomes populated or settled
Povoação {prop} {f} /puvuɐˈsɐ̃w/ :: Povoação (village/and/municipality)
Póvoa de Lanhoso {prop} {f} /ˈpɔvuɐ ðɨ lɐˈɲozu/ :: Póvoa de Lanhoso (village/and/municipality)
Póvoa de Varzim {prop} {f} /ˈpɔvuɐ dɨ vɐɾˈzĩ/ :: Póvoa de Varzim (city/and/municipality)
povoado {adj} :: having a high population density
povoado {m} :: hamlet, thorp, village
povoador {m} :: settler
povoador {m} :: colonist
povoamento {m} :: population (act of peopling a region)
povoando {v} :: gerund of povoar
povoar {v} /pu.ˈvwaɾ/ :: to people, populate
powellita {f} [mineral] :: powellite
powerpoint {m} /ˌpaw.eʁ.ˈpɔj̃t͡ʃ/ :: powerpoint (electronic slide presentation)
PowerPoint {m} :: alternative case form of powerpoint
poxa {interj} :: alternative form of puxa
poys {adv} :: obsolete spelling of pois
poys {conj} :: obsolete spelling of pois
Poznan {prop} {f} :: Poznan (city)
Poznań {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Poznan
Poznânia {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Posnânia
PPC {f} :: initialism of paridade do poder de compra = PPP (purchasing power parity)
ppk {n} [internet slang] :: pepeca
pprt {n} [Internet slang] :: abbreviation of papo reto
pq {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of por que
pq {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of por quê
pq {m} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of porquê
pq {conj} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of porque
pqp {interj} [internet slang] :: initialism of puta que pariu
PQP {interj} :: initialism of puta que pariu; WTF!
PR {prop} [Brazil] :: abbreviation of Paraná (Brazilian state)
PR {prop} [Portugal] :: initialism of Presidente da República
p'ra {prep} [nonstandard or poetic] :: contraction of para
pra {prep} [nonstandard, colloquial, poetic] /pɾɐ/ :: contraction of para
pra {prep} [nonstandard, colloquial, poetic] :: Contraction of para + a
praça {f} /ˈpɾa.sɐ/ :: plaza (a public square or open area in front of a building or a place)
praça {m} [Brazil, historical, military] :: short for praça de pré
praça de pré {m} [Brazil, historical, military] :: a soldier of enlisted rank
praça de pret {m} :: obsolete spelling of praça de pré
praça de touros {f} [bullfighting] :: bullring (area in which a bullfight is competed)
pra caralho {adv} :: alternative form of para caralho
pra caramba {adv} :: alternative form of para caramba
Praça Vermelha {prop} {f} :: Red Square (large historical square in Moscow)
pra chuchu {adv} [colloquial] :: very much; really
pracinha {f} :: diminutive of praça
pracinha {m} :: A member of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force of World War II
Pracinha {prop} :: Pracinha (municipality)
prácrito {m} /ˈpɾakɾitu/ :: Prakrit
practicar {v} :: obsolete spelling of praticar
pra dar e vender {pron} [colloquial] :: alternative form of para dar e vender
pradaria {f} :: grassland, prairie
prado {m} :: meadow (an extensive area of grassland)
Prado {prop} :: Prado (municipality)
Prado {prop} :: surname
Pradópolis {prop} :: Pradópolis (municipality)
Prados {prop} :: Prados (municipality)
praga {f} [uncountable] /ˈpɾa.ɣɐ/ :: plague (a disease caused by the virulent bacterium Yersinia pestis)
praga {f} [pathology] :: plague (an epidemic or pandemic caused by any pestilence, but specifically by the above disease)
praga {f} :: plague (a widespread affliction, calamity or destructive influx, especially when seen as divine retribution)
praga {f} :: curse, swearword
praga {f} [figuratively] :: someone or something which is a nuisance
Praga {prop} {f} :: Praga (capital city)
pragmática {f} [linguistics, semiotics] :: pragmatics (study of the use of the language in a social context)
pragmático {adj} :: pragmatic; practical; down-to-earth
pragmático {adj} [philosophy] :: relating to pragmatism
pragmatismo {m} :: pragmatism (pursuit of practicality over aesthetic qualities)
pragmatismo {m} [politics] :: pragmatism (theory that problems should be met with practical solutions rather than ideological ones)
pragmatismo {m} [philosophy] :: pragmatism (philosophical idea that beliefs are identified with the actions of a believer)
praguejando {v} :: gerund of praguejar
praguejar {vi} /pɾɐɡəˈʒaɾ/ :: to curse (to place curses)
praia {f} /ˈpɾaj.ɐ/ :: beach (shore of a body of water, especially when sandy or pebbly)
Praia {prop} {f} :: Praia (capital city)
Praia {prop} {f} :: Praia (municipality)
Praia da Vitória {prop} {f} /ˈpɾajɐ ðɐ viˈtɔɾiɐ/ :: Praia da Vitória (city/and/municipality)
praia fluvial {f} /ˈpɾaj.ɐ flu.ˈvjaɫ/ :: river beach
Praia Grande {prop} :: Praia Grande (municipality)
Praia Grande {prop} :: Praia Grande (municipality)
praiano {adj} :: of, near or on the beach
praiano {m} :: someone who lives near the beach
praieiro {adj} :: of, near or on the beach
praieiro {m} [historical] :: someone who participated in the Praieira revolt
pra inglês ver {adj} :: alternative form of para inglês ver
pra lá de {adv} [idiom] :: rather; pretty
pra lá de {adv} [idiom] :: very; quite
pra lá de {adv} :: See: pt pra de
pra lá de Bagdá {adj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of para lá de Bagdá
prancha {f} /ˈpɾɐ̃ʃɐ/ :: board
prancha {f} :: plank
prancheta {f} :: clipboard (flat piece of rigid material with a clip to hold papers)
prancheta {f} [figurative] :: the planning stage of a project
prândio {m} [poetic] :: banquet (a large celebratory meal)
pra ninguém botar defeito {adj} :: alternative form of para ninguém botar defeito
pranteando {v} :: gerund of prantear
prantear {v} /ˌpɾɐ̃.te.ˈa(ɹ)/ :: to weep
prantear {v} :: to lament; to mourn
pranto {m} /ˈpɾɐ̃.tu/ :: mourning
pranto {m} :: crying, lamentation
pranto {m} [by extension] :: tears
pras {contraction} /pɾas/ :: contraction of para as
praseodímio {m} /ˌpɾa.zi.u.ˈd͡ʒi.mi.u/ :: praseodymium (chemical element)
praseodymio {m} :: obsolete spelling of praseodímio
prata {f} /ˈpɾa.tɐ/ :: silver (element)
prata {f} :: silver (coins)
prata {f} :: silver (cutlery)
prata {f} :: silver (items made from silver)
prata {f} [Brazil, colloquial] :: one hundred cents of current currency unit: an entire real, a Brazilian buck
Prata {prop} :: Prata (municipality)
pratada {f} :: plate; plateful (quantity of food contained on a plate)
Pratânia {prop} :: Pratânia (municipality)
Pratápolis {prop} :: Pratápolis (municipality)
prataria {f} /ˌpɾa.ta.ˈɾi.a/ :: silverware; cutlery
prataria {f} :: plates, dishes collectively
prateação {f} :: silvering (the process of coating a surface with silver)
prateado {adj} /pɾɐ.ˈtja.ðu/ :: silver (coloured, plated)
prateado {m} :: silver (colour)
prateira {f} :: feminine noun of prateiro
prateiro {m} :: silversmith (person who makes articles out of silver)
pratel {m} :: small plate
prateleira {f} /pɾɐtɨˈlɐjɾɐ/ :: shelf
prateleira {f} [slang] :: breasts
prática {f} /ˈpɾa.ti.kɐ/ :: practice
prática {f} :: use
prática {f} :: experience
praticabilidade {f} /pra.t(ʃ)i.ka.bi.li.ˈda.d(ʒ)i/ :: practicability, executability, feasibility, viability
praticamente {adv} :: practically (in practice; in effect)
praticamente {adv} :: practically (almost entirely)
praticamente {adv} :: practically (in a practical manner)
praticante {mf} :: practitioner
praticar {v} /pɾa.tʃi.ˈka(ʁ)/ :: to practice (repeat an activity as a way of improving one’s skill)
praticar {v} :: to practice (perform or observe in a habitual fashion)
praticável {adj} :: practicable, feasible
prático {adj} /ˈpɾa.ti.ku/ :: practical
prático {m} :: practitioner
Pratinha {prop} :: Pratinha (municipality)
prato {m} /ˈpɾa.tu/ :: plate
prato {m} :: a flat dish from which food is served or eaten
prato {m} :: a course at a meal
prato {m} [music] :: cymbal
prato principal {m} :: main course (main dish of a meal)
prato suspenso {m} [musical instruments] :: suspended cymbal (cymbal that is suspended horizontally)
pra valer {adv} :: seriously, truly
pra valer {adv} :: unlimitedly
pra valer {adj} :: serious, true
pra valer {adj} :: unlimited
praxe {f} :: that which is habitual and common
praxe {f} [Portugal, schools] :: hazing (initiation rituals for university freshmen)
praya {f} :: obsolete form of praia
prazenteiramente {adv} :: jovially, affably, cheerfully
prazenteiro {adj} /pɾɐ.zẽ.ˈtɐj.ɾu/ :: jovial, affable, cheerful
prazer {m} /pɾɐ.ˈzeɾ/ :: pleasure
prazer {v} :: to pleasure
prazo {m} /ˈpɾa.zu/ :: deadline (date on or before which something must be completed)
prazo {m} :: expiration date
prazo {m} :: a period of time
pre- {prefix} :: pre- (before)
pré- {prefix} :: pre-
preá {m} :: aperea (Cavia aperea, a Brazilian guinea pig)
preá da índia {m} :: alternative spelling of preá-da-índia
preá-da-índia {m} :: guinea pig (any tailless rodent of the genus Cavia)
preâmbulo {m} :: preamble (introduction to a formal document or statute)
pré-bélico {adj} :: antebellum (relating to the period of time prior to a war)
preboste {m} [military] :: provost (military prison keeper)
preboste {m} [religion] :: provost (highest position in a monastery below an abbot)
precariamente {adv} :: unstably (in an unstable manner)
precariamente {adv} :: using or having limited resources
precariedade {f} :: instability (state of being unstable)
precariedade {f} :: the lack of sufficient or appropriate resources
precário {adj} :: precarious, uncertain
precário {adj} :: poor
precarização {f} :: casualization (the increase of precarious work in the labour market)
precarização {f} :: precarization
precarizar {vt} :: to make precarious
precarizar {vt} :: to casualize
precaução {f} :: precaution
precaução {f} :: prevention
precaução {f} :: prudence
prece {f} /ˈpɾɛ.sɨ/ :: prayer
prece {f} :: request
prece {f} :: entreaty
precedência {f} :: precedence (the state of preceding in importance or priority)
precedendo {v} :: gerund of preceder
precedente {adj} /pɾɨsɨˈðẽtɨ/ :: preceding (occurring before or in front of something else)
precedente {m} :: precedent (past act used as an example)
precedente {m} [law] :: precedent (prior judgement in law)
preceder {v} :: to precede
preceipto {m} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of preceito
preceito {m} /pɾe.ˈsej.tu/ :: precept (rule or principle governing personal conduct)
preceito {m} :: teaching (something taught by a religious or philosophical authority)
preceito {m} :: prescription (piece of advice)
preceito {m} :: condition; requirement
preceituando {v} :: gerund of preceituar
preceituar {v} [legal] :: To rule (establish a precept, make a ruling)
precinho {m} :: diminutive of preço
precioso {adj} /pɾɨ.ˈsjo.zu/ :: precious (of high value or worth)
precioso {m} :: precious (someone (or something) who is loved)
precipício {m} :: precipice (a very steep cliff)
precipitação {f} :: precipitation
precipitação {f} :: rainfall
precipitação {f} :: rashness, irresponsibility
precipitadamente {adv} /pɾɨ.si.pi.ta.ðɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: precipitously, abruptly
precipitado {adj} :: precipitate
precipitado {m} :: precipitate
precipitando {v} :: gerund of precipitar
precipitar {v} :: to precipitate (all senses)
precisamente {adv} :: precisely (in a precise manner)
precisaõ {f} :: obsolete spelling of precisão
precisão {f} /pɾɨ.siˈzɐ̃w̃/ :: accuracy (state of being accurate)
precisão {f} [colloquial] :: need
precisar {vt} /pɾɨ.si.ˈzaɾ/ :: to need, must
preciso {adj} /pɾɨ.ˈsi.zu/ :: precise; accurate (in exact or careful conformity with the truth)
preciso {adj} :: accurate (which hits the target)
preciso {adj} :: necessary
preciso de uma camisinha {phrase} :: I need a condom
pré-clássico {adj} :: preclassical (from before a classical period)
preço {m} /ˈpɾe.su/ :: price (cost required to gain possession of something)
preço {m} :: price (cost of an action or deed)
precoce {adj} /pɾe.ˈkɔ.si/ :: precocious (characterised by exceptionally early occurrence or development)
precognição {f} :: the ability of making predictions
precognição {f} [parapsychology] :: precognition (the ability to foresee future events)
pré-comprar {v} [rare] :: to forebuy (to buy beforehand)
preconceito {m} [uncountable] /pɾɨ.kõ.ˈsɐj.tu/ :: prejudice (adverse judgement formed beforehand)
preconceito {m} :: prejudice (any preconceived opinion or feeling, whether positive or negative)
preconceito {m} :: a single instance of prejudice
preconceito {m} :: a superstitious aversion to something
preconceituoso {adj} :: prejudiced (having prejudices)
pré-condição {f} :: precondition (preexisting requirement)
preconizar {vt} :: to recommend
preconizar {vt} :: to praise
pré-cozer {v} :: to parbake (to bake (bread or dough) partially so it can be rapidly frozen for storage)
pré-cozinhar {v} :: to precook (to partially or completely cook in advance)
precursor {m} :: precursor; forerunner (something that led to the development of another)
precursor {adj} :: precursory (pertaining to events that will follow)
predador {m} :: predator (animal that hunts and kills other animals)
predador {m} :: predator (someone who attacks and plunders for gain)
predador sexual {m} :: sexual predator (person seen as threatening for wanting sex)
predar {v} :: to prey on (to hunt and eat prey)
predar {v} :: to prey on (to exert harmful influence)
pré-datação {f} :: antedating (the act of marking with an earlier date)
pré-datar {v} :: to antedate (assign a date earlier than the actual date)
predatório {adj} [ecology] :: predatory (relating to predators)
predecessor {m} :: predecessor (something or someone who precedes)
predecessor {adj} :: preceding (occurring before or in front of something else)
predecessora {f} :: female equivalent of predecessor
predefinição {f} :: template
predela {f} [arts] /pɾɨˈðɛlɐ/ :: predella
predestinação {f} [theology] :: predestination (doctrine that everything has been foreordained by God)
predestinado {adj} :: fated (predetermined by fate)
predial {adj} [legal] /ˌpɾe.d͡ʒi.ˈaw/ :: predial (relating to real estate)
predial {adj} :: relating to buildings
prédica {f} :: sermon
predicado {m} :: predicate
predicamento {m} [chiefly logic and philosophy] :: predicament (a definite class, state or condition)
predição {f} :: prediction (statement of what will happen in the future)
predicar {v} :: to promote a concept or idea
predicar {v} [logic] :: to predicate (state or assert)
predicativo {adj} [grammar] :: predicative (used as the object of a verb)
predicativo {m} [grammar] :: predicative (object of a linking verb)
predileção {f} :: predilection, preference
predileção {f} :: fondness, liking
predileto {adj} :: favorite / favourite
predio {m} :: obsolete spelling of prédio
prédio {m} /ˈpɾɛ.ðju/ :: edifice (a building, especially an imposing one)
prédio {m} [specifically] :: a large, multi-story building with rooms or floor belonging to different people or used for different purposes, such as an apartment block or skyscraper
predisponente {adj} :: predisposing
predisposição {f} :: predisposition (state of being susceptible to something)
predisposição {f} :: penchant (liking for something)
preditivo {adj} :: predictive (which predicts)
predizer {vt} :: to predict
predizivelmente {adv} :: In context of anticipation or expectation; predictably
predominância {f} :: predominance
predominando {v} :: gerund of predominar
predominante {adj} :: predominant
predominantemente {adv} :: predominantly
predominar {v} :: to predominate
preeminência {f} /pre.e.mi.ˈnẽ.sja/ :: preeminence, superiority, greatness, excellence
preeminente {adj} :: preeminent (exceeding others in quality or rank)
preempção {f} :: preemption (the purchase of something before it is offered for sale)
preempção {f} [computing] :: preemption (temporary interruption of a process)
preencher {vt} /pɾe.ĩ.ˈʃe(ʁ)/ :: To fill out, as a form
preensão {f} [physiology] :: grip; prehension (the ability to hold things with one’s hand)
preênsil {adj} :: prehensile (able to take hold of objects)
pré-escolar {adj} :: preschool (relating to years before primary school)
preexistência {f} :: preexistence
preexistente {adj} :: preexistent
préexistente {adj} :: pre-existing
preexistir {v} :: to preexist
prefabricar {v} :: to prefabricate (to manufacture something in standard components that can be fitted together on site)
prefaciar {v} :: to write the preface of a text
prefaciar {v} [figurative] :: to preface (to be an introduction or preface)
prefácio {m} :: preface, foreword
prefeito {m} /pɾɨ.ˈfɐj.tu/ :: prefect
prefeito {m} [Brazil] :: mayor
prefeitura {f} [political subdivision] :: prefecture (the district governed by a prefect)
prefeitura {f} :: prefecture (the office or position of a prefect)
prefeitura {f} :: town hall (a building that houses the local government offices of a town)
prefeitura {f} [Brazil] :: city hall (building that houses a city government)
preferência {f} :: preference
preferência {f} [traffic] :: right of way
preferencial {adj} :: preferential
preferencialmente {adv} :: preferentially
preferido {adj} /ˌpre.fe.ˈɾi.du/ :: favorite (liked more than all others)
preferir {vt} /pɾəfəˈɾiɾ/ :: to prefer
preferível {adj} :: preferable
preferivelmente {adv} :: preferably (in preference)
prefixal {adj} :: prefixal
prefixo {m} [grammar] /pɾe.ˈfik.su/ :: prefix (letters at the beginning of a word used to modify its meaning)
prefixo {m} [telephony] :: numbers prefixed to a telephone number to indicate the location of the telephone line
prefixo {adj} :: prefixed
preformismo {m} [biology] :: preformationism (the theory that all organisms start their existence already in a predetermined form)
preformista {mf} [biology] :: preformationist (a proponent of the theory of preformationism)
prega {f} /ˈpɾɛ.ɣɐ/ :: fold; crease
prega {f} :: an ornamental fold that is part of an item of clothing, curtain or similar
prega {f} :: wrinkle (crease on the skin)
pregador {m} :: preacher (one who preaches)
pregador {m} :: one who hammers nails
pregador {m} :: clipping of pregador de roupa
pregadora {f} :: feminine noun of pregador
pregão {m} :: proclamation
pregão {m} :: cry
pregar {v} /pɾɨ.ˈɣaɾ/ :: to nail (employ a nail or similar object as a fastener)
pregar {v} :: to preach
pregar {v} :: to nail (to drive a nail with a tool)
pregar {v} :: to stare
pregar {v} /pɾɛ.ˈɣaɾ/ :: to preach (give a sermon)
pregar {v} :: to preach; to advocate (encourage support)
pregar aos convertidos {v} [idiomatic] :: to preach to the choir (to attempt to convince someone of something they already believe)
pregar uma peça {v} :: to wind up (to play a prank)
prego {m} /ˈpɾɛ.ɣu/ :: nail (made of metal)
prego {m} [cooking, Portugal] :: steak sandwich (shortening of prego no pão)
prego no caixão {m} [figurative] :: nail in the coffin (one of a series of factors which lead to a downfall)
prego no caixão {m} :: See: pt prego no caixão
pré-guerra {adj} :: antebellum (relating to the period of time prior to a war)
preguiça {f} /pɾɨˈɣisɐ/ :: laziness; sloth (unwillingness to do work)
preguiça {f} [Christianity] :: sloth (deadly sin)
preguiça {f} [zoology] :: sloth (mammal)
preguicite {f} [humorous] /ˌpɾe.ɡi.ˈsi.t͡ʃi/ :: laziness, as if it were a disease
preguiçosamente {adv} :: lazily (in a lazy manner)
preguiçoso {adj} :: Unwilling to make an effort; lazy
pré-história {f} :: prehistory (history of human culture prior to written records)
pré-histórico {adj} :: prehistoric (of relating to the epoch before written record)
pré-histórico {adj} [slang] :: very old; archaic
preia {f} :: prey (hunted animal)
pré-imagem {f} [mathematics] :: preimage (set containing exactly every member of the domain of a function such that the member is mapped by the function onto an element of a given subset of the codomain of the function)
preju {m} [Brazil, slang] /pɾe.ˈʒu/ :: short for prejuízo
prejudicando {v} :: gerund of prejudicar
prejudicar {v} /pɾɨʒuðiˈkaɾ/ :: to harm, damage
prejudicar {v} :: to embarrass
prejudicar {v} :: to prejudice
prejudicial {adj} :: harmful
prejudicial {adj} :: prejudicial
prejuízo {m} /pɾɨ.ʒu.ˈi.zu/ :: harm, injury
prejuízo {m} :: prejudice, bias
prejuízo {m} [finance] :: loss
prejulgamento {m} :: prejudice (preconceived opinion)
prelado {m} [Christianity] /pɾɨ.ˈla.ðu/ :: prelate (a clergyman of high rank and authority)
preleção {f} :: lecture
prelibar {vt} /pɾe.li.ˈba(ʁ)/ :: to foretaste (to enjoy by anticipation)
preliminar {adj} :: preliminary (in preparation for something more important)
preliminares {fp} :: foreplay (acts that serve to build up sexual arousal before intercourse)
prelúdio {m} :: preface
prelúdio {m} :: prelude
premarital {adj} :: premarital (before one’s marriage)
prematrimonial {adj} :: premarital (before one’s marriage)
prematuramente {adv} :: prematurely
prematuro {adj} :: premature (occurring before a state of readiness or maturity)
premeditado {adj} :: premeditated (planned, considered or estimated in advance)
premente {adj} /pɾe.ˈmẽ.t(ʃ)i/ :: urgent
premente {adj} :: pressing, compressing
premente {adj} [figuratively] :: distressful
premer {v} :: alternative form of premir
premiado {adj} :: prizewinning
premiando {v} :: gerund of premiar
premiar {v} /pɾɨˈmjaɾ/ :: to reward
premiar {v} :: to award
premiê {mf} [politics] :: premier (title of the head of government of certain countries)
prémio {m} [European orthography] /ˈpɾɛ.mju/ :: prize (that which may be won by chance)
prémio {m} [European orthography] :: prize (honour or reward striven for in a competitive contest)
prêmio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of prémio
prémio de consolação {m} [European orthography] :: consolation prize
prêmio de consolação {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of prémio de consolação
prémio Nobel {m} [European orthography] :: Nobel Prize (international prize awarded annually by the Nobel Foundation)
prêmio Nobel {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of prémio Nobel
premir {v} [archaic] :: to press; to compress
premissa {f} /pɾe.ˈmi.sa/ :: premise (a proposition antecedently supposed or proved)
premissa {f} [logic] :: premise (any of the first propositions of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is deduced)
premonição {f} [parapsychology] :: premonition (the experience of seeing or thinking of something from the future)
pré-natal {adj} :: prenatal (happening before birth)
pré-natalmente {adv} :: antenatally; prenatally (before birth)
prenda {f} /ˈpɾẽ.dɐ/ :: gift, present
prendedor de gravata {m} :: tie clip (clip used to hold a necktie)
prender {v} /pɾẽ.ˈdeɾ/ :: to arrest (to seize and take into legal custody)
prender {v} :: to attach or bind
prender {v} :: to restrain; to restrict
prender {v} :: to become close (emotionally) to someone
prender a respiração {v} :: to hold one's breath
prenha {adj} :: alternative form of prenhe
prenhe {adj} /ˈpɾe.ɲɨ/ :: pregnant (of an animal)
prenhe {adj} [derogatory] :: pregnant (of a person)
prenome {m} :: first name (name chosen for a child by his parents)
prensa {f} /ˈpɾẽ.sɐ/ :: press (device used to apply pressure)
prensa {f} :: printing press
prensar {v} :: to press; to compress; to squeeze
pré-nupcial {adj} :: prenuptial, antenuptial (occurring before marriage)
preoccupar {v} :: obsolete spelling of preocupar
preocupação {f} /pɾjɔ.ku.pɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: worry
preocupado {adj} :: Thinking about unpleasant things that might happen; worried
preocupando {v} :: gerund of preocupar
preocupante {adj} :: worrisome; worrying (causing worry)
preocupar {vi} /pɾjɔ.ku.ˈpaɾ/ :: to worry; to concern (to cause someone, or people in general, to feel worried)
preocupar {v} [.pronominal, com] :: to worry (about)
preocupar-se {vr} :: to worry (to be concerned or troubled)
preparação {f} /pɾɨ.pɐ.ɾɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: preparation (act of preparing or getting ready)
preparado {adj} /pɾɨ.pɐ.ˈɾa.ðu/ :: prepared, ready
preparado {adj} :: qualified, well-qualified
preparado {m} :: preparation
preparar {v} /pɾɨpɐˈɾaɾ/ :: to prepare [all senses]
preparar {v} :: to plan
preparar, apontar, fogo {phrase} :: ready, aim, fire (sequence of commands used to order soldiers to carefully fire their weapons)
preparatório {adj} :: preparatory
pré-pascal {adj} [Christianity] :: antepaschal (before Easter)
preponderância {adj} /pɾɛ.põ.de.ˈrã.sja/ :: preponderance
preposição {f} [grammar] /pɾe.ˌpo.zi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: preposition (type of word such as “of”, “from”, “for”, “by”)
preposição {f} :: the act of putting in front
preposicional {adj} :: prepositional (of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a preposition)
preposicional {adj} [grammar] :: prepositional (of the prepositional case)
prepositivo {adj} :: prepositional (of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a preposition)
prepotência {f} /pɾɛ.po.ˈtẽ.sja/ :: tyranny
prepotência {f} :: arrogance
prepotente {adj} :: overbearing, arrogant
prepucial {adj} [anatomy] :: preputial (relating to the prepuce)
prepúcio {m} [anatomy] /pɾɨˈpusjʊ/ :: prepuce, foreskin
prequela {f} [narratology] :: prequel (in a series of works, an instalment that is set chronologically before its predecessor)
pré-requisito {m} :: prerequisite (something that must be gained in order to gain something else)
prerrogativa {f} /pɾe.ˌʁo.ɡɐ.ˈt͡ʃi.vɐ/ :: prerogative (a hereditary or official right or privilege)
prerrogativa {f} [by extension] :: any right or privilege
presa {f} /ˈpɾe.zɐ/ :: prey (that which may be seized by animals)
presa {f} :: prey (animal that is eaten by another living being)
presa {f} :: fang (long pointed tooth)
presa {f} :: feminine noun of preso
presa {f} [climbing] :: climbing hold, handhold
presbiopia {f} :: presbyopia (inability of the eye to focus on nearby objects)
presbiterianismo {m} [religion] :: Presbyterianism (a form of Protestantism)
presbiteriano {adj} :: Presbyterian (relating to the Presbyterian Church)
presbiteriano {m} :: Presbyterian (a member of the Presbyterian Church)
presbítero {m} :: priest; clergyman
Presburgo {prop} {f} :: Pressburg (former name of Bratislava, Slovakia)
presciência {f} :: foresight (ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future)
prescindir {v} [de, .pronominal] :: to do without; to dispense
prescindível {adj} :: dispensable; optional
prescrevendo {v} :: gerund of prescrever
prescrever {vt} [healthcare] :: to prescribe (to declare that a drug or treatment should be used by a patient)
prescrever {vt} :: to prescribe (to specify a procedure or practice as correct or required)
prescrever {vi} [criminal law, of a crime] :: to become unprosecutable after a time limit, due to a statute of limitations
prescrição {f} :: prescription
prescrição {f} :: limitation
prescritível {adj} /pɾes.kri.ˈt(ʃ)i.vew/ :: prescriptible
prescritivismo {m} [linguistics] :: prescriptivism (prescribing idealistic language norms)
prescrito {adj} :: prescribed
presença {f} /pɾɨ.ˈzẽ.sɐ/ :: presence
presença de espírito {f} :: presence of mind (alertness, resourcefulness, stability of thought and feeling)
presença real {f} :: See: pt presença real
presença real {f} [theology] :: real presence (actual presence of Christ in the Eucharist)
presenciando {v} :: gerund of presenciar
presenciar {v} :: to witness
presenilina {f} [biochemistry] :: presenilin
presente {adj} /pɾɨ.ˈzẽ.tɨ/ :: Pertaining to the current time; present
presente {m} :: the present
presente {m} :: present, gift
presentear {v} /pɾɨzẽˈtjaɾ/ :: to present (give (someone) a gift)
presentemente {adv} :: presently, currently
presentimento {m} :: obsolete spelling of pressentimento
presepada {f} [Brazil] /pɾe.ze.ˈpa.da/ :: extravagant and bizarre situation
presepada {f} [Brazil] :: prank, mischief
presepada {f} [Brazil] :: braggartry
presepada {f} [Brazil] :: turmoil, ruckus
presepada {f} [Brazil] :: something poorly done or unpleasant
presépio {m} [Christianity] /pɾɨ.ˈzɛ.pju/ :: nativity scene, nativity play
presépio {m} :: crib, manger
presépio {m} :: stable, stall
preservação {f} /pɾɨzɨɾvɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: preservation
preservador {m} :: preserver
preservando {v} :: gerund of preservar
preservante {m} :: preservative (any agent that acts to preserve, especially food)
preservar {v} /pɾe.zeʁ.ˈva(ʁ)/ :: to preserve
preservativo {adj} :: preservative
preservativo {m} :: preservative
preservativo {m} :: condom
presidência {f} :: presidency
presidencial {adj} :: presidential
presidencialismo {m} :: A presidential government
presidenciável {mf} :: presidential candidate
presidenta {f} :: a female president
presidenta {f} [dated] :: the president’s wife
presidente {adj} /pɾɨ.zi.ˈdẽ.tɨ/ :: presiding
presidente {mf} :: president
presidente {mf} [Portugal] :: mayor
presidente {mf} :: chairman
Presidente Alves {prop} :: Presidente Alves (municipality)
Presidente Bernardes {prop} :: Presidente Bernardes (municipality)
Presidente Bernardes {prop} :: Presidente Bernardes (municipality)
Presidente Castelo Branco {prop} :: Presidente Castelo Branco (municipality)
Presidente Dutra {prop} :: Presidente Dutra (municipality)
Presidente Epitácio {prop} :: Presidente Epitácio (municipality)
Presidente Getúlio {prop} :: Presidente Getúlio (municipality)
Presidente Jânio Quadros {prop} :: Presidente Jânio Quadros (municipality)
Presidente Juscelino {prop} :: Presidente Juscelino (municipality)
Presidente Kubitschek {prop} :: Presidente Kubitschek (municipality)
Presidente Lucena {prop} :: Presidente Lucena (municipality)
Presidente Nereu {prop} :: Presidente Nereu (municipality)
Presidente Olegário {prop} :: Presidente Olegário (municipality)
Presidente Prudente {prop} :: Presidente Prudente (municipality)
Presidente Tancredo Neves {prop} :: Presidente Tancredo Neves (municipality)
Presidente Venceslau {prop} :: Presidente Venceslau (municipality)
presidiario {m} :: obsolete spelling of presidiário
presidiario {adj} :: obsolete spelling of presidiário
presidiário {m} /pɾe.ˌzi.d͡ʒi.ˈa.ɾi.u/ :: a prisoner in a penitentiary
presidiário {m} [by extension] :: criminal; felon
presidiário {adj} :: penitentiary (relating to the punishment of criminals)
presidindo {v} :: gerund of presidir
presidir {vi} :: to preside
presilha {f} /pɾiˈziʎɐ/ :: One of several objects used to bond or stick together
presilha {f} :: cord, string, thread, or similar object, generally in the shape of a loop or flap, used to fasten, squeeze, or stretch
presilha {f} [Madeira] :: pin used to attach sheets of paper together
presilha {f} [Brazil] :: object used in the hair to hold it, interlace parts of it together and/or adorn it; hairclip
preso {adj} /ˈpɾe.zu/ :: imprisoned
preso {m} :: prisoner
preso político {m} :: political prisoner (person imprisoned for their political views activism)
pressa {f} :: hurry; rush; haste
pressa {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] :: contraction of pra essa (or para)
pressagiar {vt} :: to omen; to forebode (hint at something that will happen)
presságio {m} :: omen (thing that portends a future event)
pressão {f} /pɾɨ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: pressure
pressão osmótica {f} [physics] :: osmotic pressure (pressure exerted by a solution across a semipermeable membrane)
pressão sanguínea {f} :: blood pressure (pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels)
pressas {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] :: contraction of pra essas (or para)
presse {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] :: contraction of pra esse (or para)
pressentimento {m} /pɾe.ˌsẽ.t͡ʃi.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: feeling; intuition
pressentimento {m} [parapsychology] :: presentiment; premonition
pressentir {v} :: to sense, feel (have a presentment)
pressentir {v} :: to predict
presses {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] :: contraction of pra esses (or para)
pressionar {v} /ˌpɾɨ.sju.ˈnaɾ/ :: to press (apply pressure)
pressionar {v} [computing] :: to click a button
pressionar {v} :: to press; to impel; to urge strongly
pressupondo {v} :: gerund of pressupor
pressupor {v} :: to assume, presuppose
pressuposição {f} :: presupposition (assumption without proof)
pressuposto {v} :: past participle of pressupor
pressuposto {adj} :: assumed, presupposed
pressuposto {m} :: assumption, presupposition
pressurizando {v} :: gerund of pressurizar
pressurizar {v} :: to pressurize
pressuroso {adj} :: restless, impatient
pressuroso {adj} :: eager
prestação {f} :: installment
prestar {v} [para] /pɾes.ˈta(ʁ)/ :: to be useful; to be suitable; to be good
prestar {vt} :: to render, to provide, to offer (a service, help etc.)
prestar {vt} :: to pay (attention, respect etc.)
prestar {v} [.pronominal, a] :: to be suitable
prestar atenção {vi} [idiomatic] :: to pay attention (to be attentive)
prestatividade {f} :: helpfulness
prestativo {adj} :: obliging (happy and ready to do favours for others)
prestável {adj} :: helpful; useful (furnishing help; giving aid)
Preste João {prop} {m} [mediaeval folklore] :: Prester John (legendary Christian king of a distant Eastern or African kingdom)
prestenção {contraction} [nonstandard] :: preste atenção! or presta atenção! (pay attention!)
prestes {adj} /ˈpɾɛs.tʃis/ :: ready, prepared
prestes {adj} :: imminent, near in time
prestes {adj} :: quick, fast
prestes a {prep} :: about to (soon going to happen)
prestidigitador {m} :: prestidigitator (one who performs sleight-of-hand)
prestígio {m} :: prestige, status
prestígio {m} :: reputation
prestigioso {adj} :: prestigious (of high prestige)
préstimo {m} :: usefulness (the quality of being useful)
presto {adj} :: quick, swift, prompt
presto {adj} :: ready, prepared
presto {adv} :: immediately, promptly
presto {adv} :: right away, at once
presto {adv} [music] :: presto
presumido {m} :: an arrogant, overly proud person
presumindo {v} :: gerund of presumir
presumir {vit} /pɾɨ.zu.ˈmiɾ/ :: to presume, assume
presumível {adj} :: presumable
presumível {adj} :: presumptive
presumivelmente {adv} :: presumably
presumivelmente {adv} :: presumedly
presumpçoso {adj} :: obsolete spelling of presunçoso
presunção {f} :: presumption (all senses)
presunção {f} :: assumption
presunção {f} :: conceit
presunçoso {adj} /ˌpɾe.zũ.ˈso.zu/ :: presumptuous; arrogant; foolhardy
presuntivo {adj} :: presumptive
presunto {m} /pɾɨ.ˈzũ.tu/ :: dry-cured ham; thigh of a hog cured for food
presunto {m} [slang] :: a dead body, a corpse
presunto de Iorque {m} :: alternative form of presunto de York
presunto de York {m} :: York ham (a mild, cured ham)
presupondo {v} :: gerund of pressupor
preta {n} [Brazil, affectionate, usually preceded by "minha"] /ˈpɾe.tɐ/ :: term of endearment for a black female lover.
pretendendo {v} :: gerund of pretender
pretender {v} /pɾe.tẽ.ˈde(ʁ)/ :: to want
pretender {v} :: to pretend
pretender {v} :: to intend
pretender {v} :: to request
pretender {v} :: to aspire
pretendido {adj} :: wanted
pretendido {adj} :: intended
pretensão {f} :: pretension, claim
pretensão {f} :: pretext
pretensiosamente {adv} :: pretentiously
pretensioso {adj} :: pretentious (marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction)
pretenso {adj} :: supposed; ostensible (presumed to be)
preterir {v} :: to omit, pretermit
preterir {v} :: to deprecate, underestimate
preterir {v} :: to postpone
pretérito {adj} [grammar] :: Of the preterite verb tense
pretérito {m} [grammar] :: The preterite tense
pretérito imperfeito {m} [grammar] :: past continuous
pretérito mais-que-perfeito {m} :: pluperfect (tense of a verb used when referring to something that happened before another past event)
pretérito perfeito {m} [grammar] :: simple past
pretérito perfeito simples {m} [grammar] :: simple past
preternatural {adj} :: preternatural
pretexto {m} /pɾɨ.ˈtɐjʃ.tu/ :: pretext
pretinho {m} /pɾɨˈtiɲu/ :: diminutive of preto
pretinho {m} [Brazil, affectionate] :: term of endearment for a black loved one, usually a lover or a close family member.
pretinho {adj} :: diminutive of preto
preto {adj} /ˈpɾe.tu/ :: black; black in colour
preto {adj} [idiomatic, of situations] :: bad; very adverse
preto {adj} [often pejorative, of a person] :: black (dark-skinned)
preto {adj} [loosely] :: being the darkest of its kind
preto {m} :: the color black
preto {m} [often, derogatory] :: a black person
preto {m} :: black clothing
prêto {adj} :: obsolete spelling of preto
prêto {m} :: obsolete spelling of preto
preto básico {m} :: The black, as a color suitable for clothes in all occasions
preto e branco {adj} :: black-and-white (using or displaying only black, white and grey)
Pretória {prop} {f} :: Pretória (administrative capital)
pretzel {m} :: pretzel (toasted bread or cracker in the shape of a knot)
prevalecendo {v} :: gerund of prevalecer
prevalecer {v} :: to prevail
prevalecer {v} :: to predominate
prevalência {f} :: prevalence
prevalente {adj} :: prevalent (superior in frequency or dominant)
prevaricação {f} [legal] :: prevarication (abuse in the exercise of a public office)
prevaricador {adj} /ˌpɾe.va.ɾi.ka.ˈdoʁ/ :: violating one’s duty
prevaricador {adj} :: behaving improperly
prevaricador {m} :: someone who violates their duty
prevaricador {m} :: someone who behaves improperly
prevaricadora {f} :: female equivalent of prevaricador
prevaricar {v} :: to fail or refuse to obey certain laws, rules or obligations
prevaricar {v} [law] :: to commit the crime of prevarication, which consists in not complying with laws
prevaricar {v} :: to betray
prevaricar {vt} :: to corrupt
prevenção {f} /pɾɨvẽˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: prevention
prevenção {f} :: preparedness, foresight
prevenido {adj} :: prevented
prevenir {v} /pɾe.ve.ˈni(ʁ)/ :: to prevent
prevenir é melhor do que remediar {proverb} :: prevention is better than cure
prever {vt} /pɾe.ˈve(ʁ)/ :: to foresee; to predict (to estimate a future event on the basis of reasoning)
prever {vt} [chiefly legal] :: to prescribe (to explicitly specify as a procedure or direction)
prever {vt} [supernatural] :: to foretell; to predict (to tell the future)
previamente {adv} /ˌpɾɛ.vi.a.ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ :: previously (at an earlier time)
previamente {adv} :: in advance; beforehand (before is necessary, or before doing something else)
previlegio {m} :: obsolete spelling of privilégio
previlégio {m} :: obsolete spelling of privilégio, now a common misspelling
prévio {adj} :: previous, prior
previsão {f} /pɾɨviˈzɐ̃w̃/ :: forecast
previsão {f} :: prediction
previsão {f} :: conjecture
previsão {f} :: prescience
previsão do tempo {f} :: weather forecast (prediction of future weather)
previsível {adj} :: Able to be predicted; predictable
previsivelmente {adv} :: In context of anticipation or expectation; predictably
previsto {adj} /pɾɨ.ˈviʃ.tu/ :: anticipated (expected to happen)
previsto {adj} :: scheduled (set to a date)
previsto {adj} [law] :: formally described in a legal document
prezando {v} :: gerund of prezar
prezar {v} :: to appreciate, value
prezar {v} :: to regard, respect, consider
Príamo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Priam (king of Troy in the Iliad)
prião {m} [Portugal, molecular biology] :: prion (misfolded protein)
priapismo {m} [medicine] :: priapism
Príapo {prop} {m} [Greek god] /ˈpɾi.a.pu/ :: Priapus (god of procreation)
prima {f} /ˈpɾi.mɐ/ :: feminine noun of primo: a female cousin
prima {f} [music] :: an instrument’s thinnest string
prima {f} [Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy] :: the first canonical hour
prima {adj} [of birds of prey] :: female
primado {m} :: primacy (the state or condition of being prime or first)
primado {m} [ecclesiastical] :: primate (an archbishop or bishop)
primado {m} [ecclesiastical] :: primacy (the office, rank, or character of a primate)
prima dona {f} :: alternative spelling of prima-dona
prima-dona {f} :: prima donna (principal female opera singer)
prima donna {f} :: alternative spelling of prima-dona
prima-donna {f} :: alternative spelling of prima-dona
primariamente {adv} :: most importantly; primarily; mainly; chiefly; first and foremost
primário {adj} /pɾi.ˈma.ɾju/ :: primary
primário {adj} :: prime, first
primário {adj} :: primitive
primário {adj} :: rudimentary
primata {mf} /pɾi.ˈma.ta/ :: primate (mammal of the order Primates)
primata {adj} :: primatal
primavera {f} /pɾimɐˈvɛɾɐ/ :: spring, the season
Primavera Árabe {prop} {f} [geopolitics] :: Arab Spring (2010 pro-democracy movement in Arab countries)
primaveril {adj} /pɾimɐvɨˈɾiɫ/ :: vernal, springlike
primazia {f} :: primacy (the state or condition of being prime or first)
primeira classe {f} :: first class (the most luxurious class of accommodation)
primeira dama {f} :: First Lady (wife of a president)
primeira-dama {f} :: alternative spelling of primeira dama
Primeira Guerra Mundial {prop} {f} :: World War I (a war from 1914 to 1918)
primeira lei de Newton {f} [physics] :: Newton's first law (observation that objects in motion tend to stay in motion)
primeiramente {adv} /pɾimɐjɾɐˈmẽtɨ/ :: At the beginning; initially; firstly
primeira pessoa {f} [grammar] :: first person (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is making the statement)
primeira pessoa do plural {f} :: first-person plural
primeira pessoa do singular {f} :: first-person singular
primeiro {adj} /pɾi.ˈmɐj.ɾu/ :: first (ordinal form of um (one))
primeiro {m} :: the first one
primeiro {m} :: first (the first day of the month)
primeiro {adv} :: first (before all others)
primeiro {adv} :: first of all (used to introduce the first of a series of remarks, often with an angry tone)
primeiro de abril {m} :: See: pt primeiro de abril
primeiro de abril {m} :: April fool (practical joke played on April Fools’ Day)
primeiro-de-abril {m} :: alternative form of primeiro de abril
primeiro de tudo {adv} :: first of all (before anything else is said)
primeiro ministro {m} :: prime minister (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government)
primeiro-ministro {m} :: alternative spelling of primeiro ministro
primeiro nome {m} :: See: pt primeiro nome
primeiro nome {m} :: first name (name chosen for a child by his parents)
primeiro plano {m} :: See: pt primeiro plano
primeiro plano {m} :: foreground (the elements of an image which lie closest to the picture plane)
primeiro plano {m} :: things that require most attention
primeiros socorros {mp} [medicine] :: first aid (basic medical care given to an injury victim)
primeiro-tenente {m} [military ranks] :: first lieutenant (any of several low military ranks)
primevo {adj} :: primeval (belonging to the first ages)
primeyro {adj} :: obsolete spelling of primeiro
primeyro {adv} :: obsolete spelling of primeiro
primitiva {f} [colloquial] :: the old days; the past
primitiva {f} [mathematics] :: primitive (function whose derivative is a given function)
primitiva {f} [programming] :: primitive (data type that is built into the programming language)
primitivamente {adv} :: primitively (in a primitive manner)
primitivismo {m} :: primitiveness (quality or state of being primitive)
primitivismo {m} [philosophy] :: primitivism (the belief that life is better or more moral among primitive peoples)
primitivismo {m} [arts] :: primitivism (the use of elements borrowed from the art of primitive peoples)
primitivo {adj} :: primitive (pertaining to or harking back to a former time)
primitivo {adj} :: primitive (characterised by simplicity or crudeness)
primitivo {m} :: primitive (member of a primitive society)
primo {m} /ˈpɾi.mu/ :: male cousin (son of a person’s uncle or aunt)
primo {m} /ˈpɾi.mu/ :: prime (number)
primogénito {adj} [European orthography] :: alternative form of primogênito
primogénito {m} [European orthography] :: alternative form of primogênito
primogênito {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: firstborn (born as the first one in a family)
primogênito {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: firstborn (the first child in a family)
primordial {adj} :: primordial (first, earliest or original)
primordial {adj} :: primary, main, paramount
primórdio {m} [biology] :: primordium
primórdio {m} :: (especially in plural) the beginning(s)
primoroso {adj} :: prime (very excellent)
Primorsky {prop} {m} :: Primorsky (krai)
prímula {f} :: primrose (any plant of the genus Primula)
princesa {f} /pɾĩ.ˈse.zɐ/ :: princess
Princesa {prop} :: Princesa (municipality)
principado {m} :: principality (region headed by a prince or princess)
principado {m} [theology] :: principality (the fifth level of angels in Christian angelology)
Principado de Liechtenstein {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Principado do Liechtenstein
Principado de Mónaco {prop} {m} [European orthography] :: Principado de Mónaco (country)
Principado de Mônaco {prop} {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of Principado de Mónaco
Principado do Liechtenstein {prop} {m} :: Principado do Liechtenstein (country)
principal {adj} /pɾĩ.si.ˈpaɫ/ :: main; principal (most important)
principal {adj} :: fundamental; essential
principal {adj} [astronomy, of a heavenly body] :: having another body orbiting it
principal {adj} [grammar, of a sentence] :: not subordinate
principal {m} :: prelate of a religious, educational or commercial institution
principalmente {adv} /pɾĩ.si.paɫ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: principally, mainly
principe {m} :: obsolete spelling of príncipe
príncipe {m} /ˈpɾĩ.sɨ.pɨ/ :: prince
Príncipe {prop} {m} :: Príncipe (island)
príncipe coroado {m} :: crown prince
príncipe eleitor {m} :: alternative spelling of príncipe-eleitor
príncipe-eleitor {m} [historical] :: Elector (prince entitled to elect the Holy Roman Emperor)
príncipe encantado {m} :: Prince Charming (heroic prince in various fairy-tales)
príncipe encantado {m} [by extension] :: Prince Charming (ideal romantic man)
príncipe herdeiro {m} :: crown prince (person designated and raised to become the next king or emperor)
principiando {v} :: gerund of principiar
principiante {mf} :: beginner (an inexperienced person)
principiar {vt} /pɾĩ.ˌsi.pi.ˈa(ʁ)/ :: to initiate (to cause something to start)
principiar {vi} :: to begin; to start; to commence
principio {m} :: obsolete spelling of princípio
princípio {m} /pɾĩ.ˈsi.pju/ :: start, beginning
princípio {m} :: principle
princípio antrópico {m} [cosmology] :: anthropic principle (explanation for the nature of the universe)
princípio da não agressão {m} [ethics, philosophy] :: non-aggression principle
princípio dormitivo {m} [rare, rhetoric] :: dormitive principle (tautology in which an item is being explained in terms of the item itself)
Prins {prop} {mf} :: surname
print {m} [Internet slang, non-standard] /ˈpɾĩ.t(ʃ)(i)/ :: screenshot
printar {v} [computing] :: to screenshot (to take a screenshot)
Print Screen {m} :: Print Screen (keyboard key)
Print Screen {m} :: Print Screen (screenshot)
priolo {m} [ornithology] :: Azores bullfinch (Pyrrhula murina)
príon {m} [Brazil] :: alternative form of prião
prioridade {f} :: priority
prioridade de abertura {f} [photography] :: aperture priority (camera setting with automatic shutter speed for aperture exposure set manually)
prioritário {adj} :: prioritized (having high priority)
priorizar {v} :: to prioritize (to give someone or something high priority)
Pripiat {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Pripyat
Pripyat {prop} {f} :: Pripyat (abandoned city/and/ghost town)
prisam {f} :: obsolete spelling of prisão
prisaõ {f} :: obsolete spelling of prisão
prisão {f} /pɾi.ˈzɐ̃w/ :: prison
prisão {f} :: arrest
prisão de ventre {f} :: constipation (state of the bowels in which the evacuations are infrequent and difficult)
prisão domiciliar {f} [Brazil] :: alternative form of prisão domiciliária
prisão domiciliária {f} [legal, Portugal] :: house arrest (confinement of a person, by authorities, to their own residence)
prisão perpétua {f} :: life sentence (sentence of imprisonment for the rest of the defendant’s life)
Priscila {prop} {f} [biblical character] :: Priscilla (early Christian woman)
Priscila {prop} {f} :: given name
prisco {adj} :: pristine (pertaining to the earliest period of something)
prisioneiro {m} /pɾi.zju.ˈnɐj.ɾu/ :: prisoner (person incarcerated in a prison)
prisioneiro {m} [figuratively] :: prisoner (any person held against his or her will)
prisioneiro da consciência {m} :: alternative form of prisioneiro de consciência
prisioneiro de consciência {m} :: prisoner of conscience (person imprisoned because of their race, religion or political views)
prisioneiro de guerra {m} :: prisoner of war (combatant captured by the enemy)
prisma {m} [geometry] :: prism (polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape)
prisma {m} :: perspective (a point of view used in an analysis)
Pristina {prop} {f} :: Pristina (capital city)
Pristina {prop} {f} :: Pristina (district)
pristino {adj} :: pristine (pertaining to the earliest period of something)
pristino {adj} :: pristine; unspoiled
privação {f} /pɾivɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: privation, deprivation
privacidade {f} :: privacy
privada {f} [Brazil] :: toilet
privadamente {adv} :: privately
privado {adj} [comparable] /pɾi.ˈva.du/ :: Concerning only to a person or a specific group; private; personal
privado {adj} [not comparable] :: Not publicly known; not open; secret; private
privado {adj} [not comparable] :: Not accessible by the public; private
privando {v} :: gerund of privar
privar {vt} /pɾiˈvaɾ/ :: to deprive
privar {vt} :: to prohibit, to take
privar {vr} :: to refrain from doing something
privar {vt} :: (followed by com) to interact closely with someone
privativo {adj} :: private (accessible only to an individual person or a specific group)
privativo {adj} :: privative (causing privation; depriving)
privatização {f} :: privatization (transfer from the government to private ownership)
privatizando {v} :: gerund of privatizar
privatizar {vt} [economics] /pɾivɐtiˈzaɾ/ :: to privatize (release government control to private industry)
privilegiar {v} :: to privilege (to grant some particular right or exemption to)
privilegiar {v} :: to privilege (to bring or put into a condition of privilege)
privilegio {m} :: obsolete spelling of privilégio
privilégio {m} /ˌpɾi.vi.ˈlɛ.ʒi.u/ :: privilege (a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor)
PRM {prop} {m} :: initialism of Partido Republicano Mineiro
pro {contraction} [colloquial] /pɾu/ :: contraction of para (for) + o (the)
pró- {prefix} /ˈpɾɔ/ :: pro-
pró {prep} /ˈpɾɔ/ :: pro; in favour of
pró {m} :: pro (an advantageous aspect of something)
prò {contraction} :: eye dialect of pro
proa {f} /ˈproɐ/ :: bow, prow (front of a boat or ship)
proativo {adj} :: proactive (acting in advance)
pró-ativo {adj} :: alternative form of proativo
probabilidade {f} /pɾuβɐβiliˈðaðɨ/ :: probability
probatório {adj} [legal] :: evidential, probative
probidade {f} /ˌpɾo.bi.ˈda.d͡ʒi/ :: probity (integrity of character)
probiótico {adj} [bacteriology] :: probiotic
problema {m} /pɾu.ˈβle.mɐ/ :: problem (difficulty that has to be resolved or dealt with)
problema {m} :: problem (question to be answered)
problema {m} [pathology] :: disorder (physical or psychical malfunction)
problema de Alhazen {m} [mathematics] :: Alhazen's problem (a mathematical problem solved by Alhazen)
problema do caixeiro viajante {m} [graph theory] :: travelling salesman problem (problem involving the finding of a minimum-cost path that crosses all of a graph’s nodes)
problemão {m} :: augmentative of problema
problemática {f} :: question or topic
problemático {adj} /pɾuβlɨˈmatiku/ :: Posing trouble; problematic; troublesome; burdensome
problematizando {v} :: gerund of problematizar
problematizar {v} /pɾu.βlɨ.mɐ.ti.ˈzaɾ/ :: to represent something as a problem (question to be answered)
problematizar {v} :: to make something problematic; to cause a problem
probo {adj} :: Having strong moral principles; honest, decent, virtuous
probóscida {f} :: alternative form of probóscide
probóscide {f} [anatomy] :: proboscis (elongated tube)
procarionte {m} :: prokaryote
procariótico {adj} [biology] :: prokaryotic
procarioto {m} :: prokaryote
procedência {f} /pɾusɨˈðẽsjɐ/ :: origin
procedentemente {adv} :: procedurally
proceder {v} /pɾo.se.ˈde(ʁ)/ :: to proceed
procedimento {m} /pɾo.ˌse.d͡ʒi.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: proceeding (the act of proceeding)
procedimento {m} :: procedure (series of small tasks or steps taken to accomplish an end)
procedimento {m} :: procedure (particular method for performing a task)
procedimento {m} :: conduct; behaviour
procedimento {m} [legal] :: proceedings
procedimento {m} [programming] :: method; function
procela {f} :: storm
processador {m} :: processor (device which processes)
processador {m} [computer hardware] :: processor; microprocessor (CPU of a computer on an integrated circuit)
processamento {m} :: processing (the act of processing)
processar {v} /pɾu.sɨ.ˈsaɾ/ :: to process
processar {v} :: to sue
processo {m} /pɾu.ˈsɛ.su/ :: process (series of events to produce a result)
processo {m} :: proceeding (act of proceeding)
processo {m} :: method (way of doing something)
processo {m} [legal] :: process (act of serving a defendant with a summons or a writ)
processo {m} [legal] :: lawsuit
processo {m} [legal] :: trial (appearance at judicial court)
processo {m} [computing] :: process (task or program that is or was executing)
processo {m} [anatomy] :: process (tissue outgrowth, especially in bones)
processo alveolar {m} [anatomy] :: alveolar ridge (ridge that forms the borders of the maxilla and the mandible)
processo judicial {m} [legal] :: lawsuit (case where a court is needed to resolve differences)
procissão {f} /pɾu.si.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: procession (orderly, solemn advance of people; usually of a religious nature)
proclamação {f} :: proclamation (a statement which is proclaimed)
proclamando {v} :: gerund of proclamar
proclamar {v} :: to proclaim
próclise {f} [grammar] /ˈpɾɔ.kli.zi/ :: proclisis (use of a clitic before a word)
Procon {prop} {m} :: alternative case form of PROCON
PROCON {prop} {m} :: A major institution in Brazil dedicated to consumer's rights
procrastinação {f} :: procrastination (act of postponing, delaying or putting off actions)
procrastinador {m} :: procrastinator (someone who procrastinates)
procrastinar {v} :: to procrastinate (to delay taking action)
procriar {v} :: to procreate; to breed (to generate offspring)
proctólogo {m} :: proctologist
procura {f} /pɾɔ.ˈku.ɾɐ/ :: search (an attempt to find something)
procura {f} :: pursuit (act of pursuing a goal)
procura {f} [economics] :: demand (amount of a good or service that consumers are willing to buy at a particular price)
procuração {f} :: proxy
procuração {f} :: power of attorney
procuração {f} :: procuration
procurador {m} :: proxy (agent or substitute authorised to act for another person)
procurador {m} :: an official of the Brazilian government responsible for protecting the interests of the people
procurador {m} [Ancient Rome] :: procurator (governor of a small imperial province)
procurar {v} /pɾɔ.ku.ˈɾaɾ/ :: to search; to seek; to look for
procurar {v} :: to reach out (attempt to initiate communication)
procurar {v} [auxiliary with a verb in the impersonal infinitive] :: to try; to attempt
procurar {v} :: to work as a procurator (attorney or agent)
Prodanov {prop} {mf} :: surname
prodigalidade {f} :: prodigality
prodígio {m} :: prodigy (amazing or marvellous thing)
prodígio {m} :: prodigy (extremely talented person, especially a child)
prodígio {adj} [of a person] :: extremely talented
prodigiosamente {adv} :: prodigiously
pródromo {m} [medicine] :: prodrome; prodromus (an early symptom)
pródromo {m} :: prodrome (introductory or preliminary book or treatise)
produção {f} /pɾu.ðu.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: production
produção {f} :: output, yield
produção {f} [Brazil] :: the producers or the technical team (including directors, producers, screenwriters and camera operators) behind a radio or television program or a film
producção {f} :: archaic spelling of produção
producto {m} :: obsolete spelling of produto
productor {m} :: obsolete spelling of produtor
productor {adj} :: obsolete spelling of produtor
produtividade {f} :: productivity
produtivo {adj} :: productive (capable of producing something, especially in abundance)
produto {m} /pɾu.ˈðu.tu/ :: product (commodity for sale)
produto {m} :: product (consequence of someone’s efforts)
produto {m} [mathematics] :: product (quantity obtained by multiplication)
produto {m} [economics] :: produce (amount produced)
produto {m} [chemistry] :: product (substance formed as a result of a reaction)
produto cartesiano {m} [set theory] :: Cartesian product (set of possible pairs)
produto escalar {m} [linear algebra] :: scalar product (product of two vectors)
produto externo {m} [linear algebra] :: vector product (vector with size given by the product of two vectors)
produto interno {m} [linear algebra] :: scalar product (product of two vectors)
produto interno {m} [economy] :: domestic product
produto nacional bruto {m} [economics] :: gross national product (total market value of all the goods and services produced by a nation)
produto químico {m} :: chemical (an artificial chemical compound)
produtor {m} [economics] /pɾu.ðu.ˈtoɾ/ :: producer (individual or organization that creates goods and services)
produtor {m} :: producer (one who produces an artistic production)
produtor {m} :: creator (one who creates or makes something)
produtor {adj} :: which produces
produzido {adj} [colloquial] :: looking good, well-dressed, fully-dressed (might include wearing makeup, with hair done, etc.)
produzindo {v} :: gerund of produzir
produzir {v} /pɾu.du.ˈziɾ/ :: produce, make
proeminência {f} /pro.e.mi.ˈnẽ.sja/ :: prominence
proeminência {f} :: bulge, saliency, protuberance
proeminência {f} :: eminence, fame, notoriety
proeminente {adj} :: prominent; projecting; protuberant
proeminente {adj} :: prominent (distinguished above others)
Proença-a-Nova {prop} {f} /pɾuˈẽsa ˈnɔvɐ/ :: Proença-a-Nova (village/and/municipality)
proeza {f} /ˈpɾwe.zɐ/ :: feat (heroic or extraordinary deed)
profanador {adj} :: profanatory, defiling
profanador {m} :: profaner, defiler, desecrater, desecrator
profanamente {adv} :: profanely
profanar {vt} :: to profane (violate something sacred)
profanar {vt} :: to profane (put to a wrong or unworthy use)
profanidade {f} [uncountable] :: profanity (the quality of being profane)
profanidade {f} :: profanity (obscene, lewd or abusive language)
profano {adj} /pɾo.ˈfɐ.nu/ :: profane; unholy (desecrating a holy place or thing)
profano {adj} :: profane; secular (not relating to religion)
profano {m} :: one who is profane (desecrating a holy place or thing)
profe {mf} [colloquial, Portugal] /pɾɔ.fɨ/ :: clipping of professor, teacher
profecia {f} /pɾufɨˈsiɐ/ :: prophecy (prediction made under divine inspiration)
proferindo {v} :: gerund of proferir
proferir {vt} :: to profer; to utter; to declare
professor {m} /pɾufɨˈsoɾ/ :: teacher (person teaches professionally)
professor {m} [Brazil, pro football, slang] :: coach
professora {f} :: feminine noun of professor
professorado {m} :: professorship
profeta {m} /pɾuˈfɛtɐ/ :: prophet
profetisa {f} :: feminine noun of profeta; prophetess
profetizando {v} :: gerund of profetizar
profetizar {v} :: to prophesy; to predict; to foresee
proficiência {f} :: proficiency; ability; skill; competence
proficiente {adj} :: proficient; skilled
profícuo {adj} /pɾo.ˈfi.kwu/ :: profitable
profiláctico {adj} :: prophylactic
profissão {f} :: profession (occupation)
profissional {adj} /pɾu.fi.sju.ˈnaɫ/ :: professional
profissional {mf} :: professional
profissionalização {f} :: professionalisation/professionalization
profissionalizar {v} :: to professionalize
profissionalmente {adv} :: professionally
profundamente {adv} /pɾuˌfũdɐˈmẽtɨ/ :: deeply (to a deep extent)
profundamente {adv} :: deeply (in a deep way)
profundamente {adv} :: profoundly (with depth; meaninfully)
profundeza {f} :: depth
profundidade {f} /pɾufũdiˈðaðɨ/ :: depth, deepness
profundidade {f} :: profundity
profundo {adj} /pɾu.ˈfũ.du/ :: deep
profundo {adj} :: profound
profusamente {adv} :: profusely
profusão {f} :: profusion, abundance
profuso {adj} :: profuse
progénia {f} [European orthography] :: alternative form of progénie
progênia {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of progénie
progénie {f} [European orthography] :: progeny; offspring
progénie {f} [European orthography] :: origins; ancestry
progênie {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of progénie
progenitor {m} :: progenitor (any of a person’s direct ancestors)
progenitor {m} [figuratively] :: progenitor (a predecessor of something)
progenitora {f} :: feminine noun of progenitor
progeria {f} :: alternative form of progéria
progéria {f} [pathology] :: progeria (genetic condition wherein symptoms resembling aging are manifested at an early age)
progesterona {f} [steroid hormone] :: progesterone (steroid hormone secreted by the ovaries)
prognatismo {m} [medicine] :: prognathism (abnormal forward projection of the jaw)
prógnato {adj} :: prognathous (with jaws projecting forward)
prognose {f} [medicine] :: prognosis (forecast of the future course of a disease)
prognose {f} [by extension] :: prognosis (forecast of the future course, or outcome, of a situation)
prognosticando {v} :: gerund of prognosticar
prognosticar {v} :: to prognosticate
prognóstico {adj} :: prognostic (being a forecast of future development)
prognóstico {m} :: prognostic (sign by which a future event may be known or foretold)
programa {m} /pɾo.ˈɡɾɐ.mɐ/ :: program
programa {m} [computing] :: computer instructions
programa {m} [television, radio] :: performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television; programme
programa {m} :: relating to schedules and plans
programa {m} :: timetable, timeline
programa {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: leisure activity
programa {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: the time that a prostitute spends with a client in exchange for money
programação {f} /pɾo.ˌɡɾa.ma.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: program (set of structured activities)
programação {f} :: act of writing a programme (planned sequence of events)
programação {f} :: act of programming (causing to automatically behave in a particular way)
programação {f} [programming, uncountable] :: programming (the development of computer software)
programação orientada a objetos {f} [programming] :: object-oriented programming (paradigm that uses objects to design programs)
programa de computador {m} :: computer program (complete piece of software)
programador {m} /pɾu.ˌɣɾɐ.mɐ.ˈðoɾ/ :: programmer (one who writes software)
programadora {f} :: feminine noun of programador
programando {v} :: gerund of programar
programar {v} :: to program (write software)
programaticamente {adv} :: programmatically (in a programmatic manner)
programático {adj} :: programmatic (in the form of a step-by-step program)
programável {adj} :: programmable (capable of being programmed)
progredir {v} /ˌpɾo.ɡɾe.ˈd͡ʒi(ɹ)/ :: to proceed (to go forwards)
progredir {v} :: to progress; to improve
progredir {v} [of a problem or disease] :: to become worse, more serious
progressão {f} :: progress
progressão {f} :: progression
progressismo {m} [politics] :: progressivism (ideology that favours progress towards better conditions in society)
progressista {adj} :: progressive
progressista {mf} :: progressive
progressiva {f} /pɾo.ɡɾe.ˈsi.vɐ/ :: clipping of escova progressiva
progressivamente {adv} :: progressively
progressivo {adj} :: progressive (promoting progress)
progressivo {adj} :: progressive (gradually advancing or improving)
progressivo {adj} [medicine, of a condition] :: progressive (advancing in severity)
progressivo {adj} [grammar] :: progressive; continuous (expressing an ongoing action or state)
progresso {m} /pɾu.ˈɣɾɛ.su/ :: progress (a moving forward)
Progresso {prop} :: Progresso (municipality)
prohibição {f} :: obsolete form of proibição
prohibido {adj} :: obsolete spelling of proibido
prohibir {v} :: obsolete spelling of proibir
proibição {f} /pɾu.iβiˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: prohibition, ban
proibicionismo {m} :: prohibitionism
proibicionista {mf} :: prohibitionist
proibido {adj} /pɾuiˈβiðu/ :: prohibited, forbidden
proibido {adj} :: illegal
proibidor {adj} :: prohibitive
proibindo {v} :: gerund of proibir
proibir {v} /ˌpɾo.i.ˈbi(ɹ)/ :: to prohibit; to proscribe; to forbid
proïbir {v} :: obsolete spelling of proibir
proibitivo {adj} :: prohibitive
proibitório {adj} :: prohibitive
proiz {mf} :: painter (rope used to attach a boat to a jetty)
projeção {f} /ˌpɾo.ʒe.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: projection (something which projects outwards)
projeção {f} [uncountable] :: the quality of something which projects outwards
projeção {f} :: projection (act of projecting, throwing)
projeção {f} :: projection (forecast or prognosis obtained by extrapolation)
projeção {f} :: projection (display of an image by a projector)
projeção {f} [psychology] :: the attribution of one’s emotions into another object or person
projeção {f} [geometry] :: projection (image of an object on a surface of fewer dimensions)
projeção {f} [cartography] :: projection (system for representing a globe in a flat surface)
projecção {f} :: obsolete spelling of projeção
projéctil {m} :: superseded spelling of projétil
projecto {m} :: obsolete spelling of projeto
projector {m} :: alternative form of projetor
projetar {v} :: to design, plan
projetar {v} :: to project
projetil {m} [Brazil] :: alternative form of projétil
projétil {m} /pɾuˈʒɛtiɫ/ :: projectile
projeto {m} /pɾu.ˈʒɛ.tu/ :: project (planned endeavor)
projeto {m} :: plan (drawing showing technical details)
projeto {m} :: plan (set of intended actions)
projeto {m} [law] :: draft (early version of a written work) of a law
projetor {m} :: projector (device)
Prokofiev {prop} {mf} :: surname
prol {m} :: profit
prol {m} :: advantage
prolação {f} :: loud and clear pronunciation
prolactina {f} [hormone] :: prolactin
prole {f} :: progeny; offspring; brood
prolegômenos {mp} :: prolegomena
proletariado {m} :: proletariat; working class (social class that does physical work)
proletário {adj} [sociology] :: proletarian (relating to proletariat)
proletário {m} [sociology] :: proletarian (a member of the proletariat)
proliferação {f} :: proliferation
proliferando {v} :: gerund of proliferar
proliferar {vi} :: to proliferate
prolífico {adj} :: prolific (producing results or works in abundance)
prolixo {adj} :: prolix (tediously lengthy)
prolixo {adj} :: prolix (tending to use big or obscure words)
prólogo {m} /ˈpɾɔ.lu.ɣu/ :: prologue
prolongado {adj} :: prolonged
prolongamento analítico {m} [analysis] :: analytic continuation (extension of an analytic function)
prolongando {v} :: gerund of prolongar
prolongar {v} :: to extend, prolong, lengthen
promastigota {f} :: promastigote (stage in life-cycle of trypanosomatids when the flagellum not attached to the cell body)
promécio {m} /pɾo.ˈmɛ.si.u/ :: promethium (chemical element)
promessa {f} /pɾu.ˈmɛ.sɐ/ :: promise; vow
promessa {f} :: something which is hoped for
promessa {f} :: likelihood
promessa é dívida {proverb} :: a promise is a debt; used to demand or encourage someone to live up to his promises
prometedor {adj} :: promising
prometendo {v} :: gerund of prometer
prometer {v} /pɾo.me.ˈte(ʁ)/ :: to promise (to commit to something or action; to make an oath)
prometer {v} :: to indicate that something is likely
prometer {vi} :: to be promising (likely to develop in a desirable fashion)
Prometeu {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Prometheus (titan who gave the power of fire to the mortals)
Prometheu {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Prometeu
promiscuamente {adv} :: promiscuously
promiscuidade {f} :: promiscuity
promíscuo {adj} /pɾo.ˈmis.ku.o/ :: loose; promiscuous (indiscriminate in choice of sexual partners)
promíscuo {adj} :: promiscuous (of disorderly composition)
promissão {f} :: promise (all senses)
Promissão {prop} :: Promissão (municipality)
promissor {adj} :: promising
promissor {adj} :: promissory
promissória {f} :: clipping of nota promissória
promitente {mf} [legal] :: promisor
promo {m} [colloquial] :: promo (promotional material)
promoção {f} :: promotion (advancement in position)
promontorio {m} :: obsolete spelling of promontório
promontório {m} [geology] /ˌpɾo.mõ.ˈtɔ.ɾi.u/ :: promontory (a high point of land extending into a body of water, headland; cliff)
promotor {m} :: prosecutor
promotora {f} :: feminine noun of promotor
promover {v} /pɾo.mo.ˈve(ʁ)/ :: to promote, lead to
promover {v} :: to promote (put to a higher position)
promover {v} :: to promote (advertise, talk up)
promptuario {m} :: obsolete spelling of prontuário
promptuário {m} :: obsolete spelling of prontuário
promulgação {f} :: promulgation
promulgar {vt} :: to promulgate (make known to the public)
pronaos {m} [architecture] :: pronaos (the inner area of the portico of a Greek or Roman temple)
pronau {m} :: alternative form of pronaos
prono {adj} [chiefly physiotherapy] :: prone (lying face downward)
prono {adj} [rare, with a] :: prone (to) (having a tendency to)
pronome {m} /pɾʊˈnʊm(ɨ)/ :: pronoun
pronome indefinido {m} [grammar] :: indefinite pronoun (pronoun not specifying the identity of its referent)
pronome oblíquo tónico {m} [European orthography, grammar] :: the prepositional pronoun in Portuguese
pronome oblíquo tônico {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of pronome oblíquo tónico
pronome pessoal {m} :: personal pronoun (pronoun standing as the object or subject of a verb)
pronome possessivo {m} :: possessive pronoun
pronome preposicionado {m} [Romance linguistics] :: prepositional pronoun (type of pronoun in Romance languages)
pronome relativo {m} [grammar] :: relative pronoun
pronominal {adj} [grammar] :: pronominal
pronóstico {adj} :: alternative form of prognóstico
pronóstico {m} :: alternative form of prognóstico
prontamente {adv} :: readily (showing readiness)
prontidão {f} :: readiness (state or degree of being ready)
pronto {adj} /ˈpɾõ.tu/ :: ready
pronto {adj} [of a person] :: ready; willing (prepared for immediate action)
pronto-socorro {m} :: emergency room (hospital department used for the treatment of the most serious conditions)
prontuario {m} :: obsolete spelling of prontuário
prontuário {m} /ˌpɾõ.tu.ˈa.ɾi.u/ :: a medical or criminal record
prontuário {m} :: repository (place for storage of things that need to be retrieved quickly)
prontuário {m} [Portugal] :: handbook; manual (book of reference on a certain field of knowledge)
pronúncia {f} /pɾuˈnũsjɐ/ :: pronunciation
pronunciação {f} [phonology] :: pronunciation (way in which words are pronounced)
pronunciação {f} :: pronouncement; announcement
pronunciamento {m} :: pronouncement; proclamation (formal public announcement)
pronunciamento {m} [phonology] :: pronunciation (the act of speaking a word or phoneme)
pronunciar {v} /pɾunũˈsjaɾ/ :: to pronounce
pronunciar-se {vr} /pɾunũˈsjaɾs/ :: to express oneself, to speak up, to make one's opinion known
propagação {f} :: propagation
propaganda {f} /pɾupɐˈɣɐ̃dɐ/ :: propaganda
propaganda {f} :: advertisement, commercial
propagandismo {m} :: propagandism
propagar {v} :: to propagate
propágulo {m} [botany] :: propagule (a reproductive particle released by an organism that may germinate into another)
propano {m} [organic compound] :: propane (aliphatic hydrocarbon, a constituent of natural gas)
proparoxítono {adj} [linguistics, of a word] :: proparoxytone (stressed in the antepenultimate syllable)
propelente {m} :: propellant
propelente {adj} :: propellant
propensão {f} :: propensity
propensão {f} :: proclivity
propensão {f} :: inclination
propensão {f} :: trend
propensão {f} :: vocation
propfan {m} [rare] :: propfan (modified turbofan)
propiciar {vt} /pru.piˈsjar/ :: to bring about, enable
propiciar {vt} :: to propitiate, appease
propício {adj} :: propitious
propil {m} [organic chemistry] :: propyl
propileno {m} [organic chemistry] :: propylene, propene
propina {f} :: tip (money left for a servant as a token of appreciation)
propina {f} [Portugal] :: a fee for services such as enrolment or obtaining a document
propina {f} [Brazil, colloquial] :: bribe (something, usually money, given as an inducement to dishonesty)
propinoduto {m} [Brazil] :: a channel or route through which embezzled money flows; money trail
propio {adj} :: obsolete form of próprio
própio {adj} [dialectal, nonstandard] :: alternative form of próprio
propiska {f} :: propiska (system of mandatory registration in ex-USSR)
propoer {v} :: obsolete form of propor
própolis {m} :: propolis (glue-like substance made by bees)
propondo {v} :: gerund of propor
propor {v} /pɾo.ˈpo(ʁ)/ :: to propose; to suggest
propor {v} :: to have as an objective or purpose
propor {v} :: to make oneself available or willing to do something
propor {v} [law] :: to file a lawsuit
proporção {f} /pɾo.poʁ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: proportion
proporção {f} :: comparison
proporção {f} :: accordance
proporção {f} :: symmetry
proporção áurea {f} [geometry] :: golden ratio (a number which is equal the sum of its own reciprocal and 1)
proporcional {adj} :: proportional
proporcionalmente {adv} :: proportionally
proporcionando {v} :: gerund of proporcionar
proporcionar {v} /pɾo.poʁ.sjo.ˈna(ʁ)/ :: to provide, supply
proporcionar {v} :: to proportion
proposição {f} /pɾupuziˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: proposition
propositadamente {adv} :: purposely; on purpose; intentionally
proposital {adj} :: Done deliberately; intentional
proposito {m} :: obsolete spelling of propósito
propósito {m} /pɾuˈpɔzitu/ :: purpose; target; aim; goal
propósito {m} :: purpose; motive (reason for which something is done)
proposta {f} /pɾuˈpɔʃtɐ/ :: proposal
propriamente {adv} :: properly (in a proper manner)
propriamente dito {adj} :: proper (in the strictest sense of the word)
propriedade {f} /pɾu.pɾi.ɛ.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: property; belonging (something owned)
propriedade {f} :: property (piece of real estate)
propriedade {f} :: property; quality; attribute
propriedade {f} :: the state of being proper (following the established standards of behaviour)
propriedade arquimediana {f} [analysis] :: Archimedean property (the property that there is always a natural number greater than any real number)
propriedade intelectual {f} :: intellectual property (creations of the mind that have commercial value)
proprietário {m} /pɾu.pɾi.ɛ.ˈta.ɾju/ :: owner (one who owns)
proprietário {m} :: landlord (person who owns and rents land)
proprietário {adj} :: proprietary
proprio {adj} :: obsolete spelling of próprio
próprio {adj} /ˈpɾɔ.pɾju/ :: own
próprio {adj} :: proper, adequate
próprio {adj} :: peculiar, particular
próprio {pron} :: itself, themselves (used for emphasis)
propriocepção {f} :: proprioception (sense of the position of parts of the body)
propulsando {v} :: gerund of propulsar
propulsão {f} :: propulsion
propulsar {v} :: to propel
propulsor {m} :: propeller (mechanical device used to propel)
propulsor a jato {m} :: jet pack (equipment worn on the back allowing flight)
pró-reitor {m} [higher education] :: a rector’s assistant; provost
prorrogação {f} :: prorogation
prorrogação {f} :: extension, prolongation
prorrogar {v} :: to prolong, extend
pros {contraction} [colloquial] /pɾus/ :: contraction of para (for) + os (the)
prosa {f} [literature, uncountable] /ˈpɾɔ.zɐ/ :: prose (written language not intended as poetry)
prosa {f} :: a work in prose
prosa {f} :: eloquence
prosa {f} :: chat (informal conversation)
prosaico {adj} [literature] /pɾo.ˈzaj.ku/ :: prosaic (pertaining to or having the characteristics of prose)
prosaico {adj} :: common; usual
prosápia {f} :: progeny, lineage, ancestry, race
prosápia {f} :: pride, boasting, vanity
prosciutto {m} :: prosciutto (dry-cured ham from Italy)
proscrever {vt} :: to proscribe (to forbid or discourage)
proscrição {f} :: proscription
proscrição {f} :: expulsion, banishment
proscrição {f} :: abolition
proselitar {vit} :: to proselytize (induce people to join a cause)
proselitismo {m} :: proselytism (active effort to convince other people to join one’s organisation)
proselitizar {vti} :: to proselytize (to induce people to join a cause)
prosélito {m} :: proselyte (one who has recently converted to a religion or doctrine)
prosencéfalo {m} [anatomy] :: forebrain; prosencephalon (anterior part of the brain)
prosódia {f} [linguistics] :: prosody (study of rhythm and other attributes in speech)
prosódia {f} [poetry] :: prosody (study of poetic meter)
prosopopeia {f} :: prosopopoeia
prosopopéia {f} :: superseded spelling of prosopopeia
prospecção {f} :: prospecting
prospectar {v} [geology, mining] :: to prospect (to determine which minerals or metals are present in a location)
prospectar {v} [by extension] :: to prospect (to evaluate the potentials of something)
prospectivo {adj} :: prospective (relating to prospection; looking forward in time)
prosperar {vi} :: to prosper; to thrive (be successful)
prosperidade {f} :: prosperity
prosperidade {f} :: wealth
próspero {adj} :: prosperous; successful
prospetivo {adj} :: alternative form of prospectivo
prossecução {f} :: prosecution (all senses)
prossecução {f} :: resumption, continuance
prosseguimento {m} :: continuation (the act of continuing, of getting on with something)
prosseguindo {v} :: gerund of prosseguir
prosseguir {v} /pɾo.se.ˈɡi(ʁ)/ :: to continue
prostaglandina {f} [biochemistry] :: prostaglandin (any of a group of naturally occurring lipids derived from the C20 acid prostanoic acid)
próstata {f} [anatomy] :: prostate
prostático {adj} :: prostatic
prostatite {f} [pathology] :: prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate)
prostíbulo {m} :: brothel (house of prostitution)
prostituição {f} /pɾust̪ɪt̪ʊɪˈsə̃ʊ/ :: prostitution
prostituindo {v} :: gerund of prostituir
prostituir {vt} :: to prostitute
prostituta {f} /ˌpɾos.t͡ʃi.ˈtu.tɐ/ :: prostitute (woman who sells sex)
prostração {f} /ˈpɾos.tra.ˈsɐ̃w̃ / :: prostration
prostrar {vt} /pɾos.tɾaɾ/ :: to prostrate (to lie flat or facedown)
prostrar {vt} [figurative] :: to destroy
prostrar {vt} :: to humiliate
prostrar {vp} :: to get weak; to weaken
prostrar {vp} :: to kneel; to kowtow
prostrar {vp} [figurative] :: to humiliate oneself; to act in a submissive manner
prostrar-se {vr} :: to prostrate (to throw oneself down in submission)
protactínio {m} /pɾo.tak.ˈt͡ʃi.ni.u/ :: protactinium (chemical element)
protagonista {mf} :: protagonist (main character)
protagonista {mf} :: protagonist (leading person in a contest)
protagonizar {v} :: to star (appear as a featured performer or headliner)
protão {m} [physics] :: proton
Protásio Alves {prop} :: Protásio Alves (municipality)
protease {f} [enzyme] :: protease (any of a group of enzymes that cleave proteins)
proteção {f} [uncountable] /pɾu.tɛ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: protection (state of being safe)
proteção {f} :: protection (process of keeping safe)
proteção {f} [uncountable] :: favour (goodwill; benevolent regard)
protecção {f} :: superseded spelling of proteção
protecionismo {m} [economics] :: protectionism (policy of protecting domestic producers)
protecionista {adj} :: protectionist
protecionista {mf} :: protectionist
protector {m} :: obsolete spelling of protetor
protector {adj} :: obsolete spelling of protetor
protege {v} :: second-person singular imperative of proteger
protegendo {v} :: gerund of proteger
proteger {v} /pɾu.tɨ.ˈʒeɾ/ :: to protect
proteger {v} :: to support
proteição {f} :: obsolete form of proteção
proteína {f} [nutrition] /pɾutiˈinɐ/ :: protein (one of three major classes of food)
proteína {f} [biochemistry] :: protein (a large, complex molecule composed of long chains of amino acids)
protelar {v} /pɾo.te.ˈla(ɾ)/ :: to procrastinate, to delay
protelo {m} :: aardwolf (Proteles cristata, a carnivore of Africa)
próteo {m} :: alternative form of proteu
proteoglicana {f} [biochemistry] :: proteoglycan
proteólise {f} :: proteolysis
proteómica {f} [European orthography, biochemistry] :: proteomics (branch of molecular biology)
proteômica {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of proteómica
proteómico {adj} [European orthography] :: proteomic (of or relating to proteomics)
proteômico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of proteómico
proterozoico {adj} [geology] :: Proterozoic (relating to the eon from 2,500 to 541 million years ago)
Proterozoico {prop} {m} [geology] :: Proterozoic (eon representing the time just before the proliferation of complex life on Earth)
prótese {f} [medicine] :: prosthesis (artificial replacement for a body part)
prótese {f} [phonetics] :: prothesis (prepending of phonemes at the beginning of a word)
prótese {f} [music] :: anacrusis (unstressed note or notes before the first strong beat)
protestante {mf} [Christianity] /ˌpɾu.tɨʃ.ˈtɐ̃.tɨ/ :: Protestant (a modern Christian denomination not belonging to the Catholic or Orthodox traditions)
protestante {mf} :: protester
protestante {adj} :: who is protesting
protestante {adj} :: relating to Protestantism
protestantismo {m} :: Protestantism (a Christian denomination)
protestar {v} /ˌpɾu.tɨʃ.ˈtaɾ/ :: to protest (to make a strong objection)
protesto {m} /pɾuˈtɛʃtu/ :: protest
protesto {m} :: objection
protético {adj} :: prosthetic
protetivo {adj} :: protective (serving, intended or wishing to protect)
protetor {adj} :: protective
protetor {adj} :: defensive
protetor {m} :: protector, guardian
protetor {m} :: patron
protetor {m} :: keeper
protetora {f} :: female equivalent of protetor
protetorado {m} :: protectorate (government by a protector)
protetorado {m} :: protectorate (autonomous territory that is protected diplomatically or militarily against third parties by a stronger state or entity)
protetor de tela {m} :: screensaver (computer program that displays patterns or images when the computer is not being used)
proteu {m} :: olm (Proteus anguinus, a species of cave-dwelling salamander of the Dinaric Alps)
Proteu {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Proteus (sixth moon of Neptune)
Proteu {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Proteus (sea god)
prótio {m} :: protium
protista {m} [biology] /pɾo.ˈt͡ʃis.tɐ/ :: protist (any eukaryotic organism that is not an animal, plant or fungus)
proto- {prefix} :: proto-
protoactínio {m} :: alternative form of protactínio
protoanemonina {f} [biochemistry] :: protoanemonin (toxin found in all plants of the buttercup family)
protocolo {m} :: protocol (system of procedures for doing something)
proto-eslavo {m} :: superseded spelling of protoeslavo
proto-eslavo {adj} :: superseded spelling of protoeslavo
protoeslavo {m} :: Proto-Slavic (hypothetical mother tongue of Slavic languages)
protoeslavo {adj} :: Proto-Slavic (pertaining or relating to Proto-Slavic or the people who spoke it)
protoestrela {f} [star] :: protostar (collection of gas and dust in space that usually grows to the point of becoming a star)
proto-germânico {m} :: Proto-Germanic (unattested ancestor of the Germanic languages)
proto-germânico {adj} :: Proto-Germanic (of or pertaining to Proto-Germanic language or the people who spoke it)
proto-indo-europeu {m} [uncountable, indo-european studies] :: Proto-Indo-European (ancestor language of most European and Indian languages)
proto-indo-europeu {m} :: Proto-Indo-European (person who spoke the Proto-Indo-European language)
proto-indo-europeu {adj} :: Proto-Indo-European (relating to the Proto-Indo-European language)
proto-indo-europeu {adj} :: Proto-Indo-European (relating to the people who spoke Proto-Indo-European)
proto-língua {f} [linguistics] :: proto-language (ancestor language of all the languages of a given language family)
protolíngua {f} :: alternative spelling of proto-língua
protomártir {mf} :: protomartyr
próton {m} [Brazil, physics] :: proton
protônico {adj} :: proton (attributive)
protoplaneta {m} :: protoplanet (astronomical object, approximately the size of the Moon, thought to collide and form planets)
protoplanetário {adj} :: protoplanetary
protoplasma {m} [cytology] :: protoplasm (contents of a cell)
protoplásmico {adj} :: protoplasmic
protótipo {m} /pɾoˈtɔ.t͡ʃi.pu/ :: prototype
protozoário {adj} :: protozoan
protozoário {m} :: protozoan
protrair {v} :: to protrude (to extend from)
protrombina {f} [protein] :: prothrombin (a glycoprotein produced in the liver)
protuberância {f} /pɾo.ˌtu.be.ˈɾɐ̃.si.a/ :: protuberance; bulge (something sticking out)
protuberar {vi} :: to bulge; to protuberate
prov. {m} :: abbreviation of provençal
prov. {adv} :: abbreviation of provavelmente
prova {f} [education] /ˈpɾɔ.vɐ/ :: examination; test
prova {f} :: proof; evidence (fact or observation presented in support of an assertion)
prova {f} [legal] :: evidence (anything admitted by a court to prove or disprove alleged matters of fact in a trial)
prova {f} :: proof; assertion; affirmation
prova {f} [sports] :: discipline (category in which a sport belongs)
prova {f} [logic, mathematics] :: proof (sequence of statements which concludes with a statement that is the object of the proof)
prova {f} [figurative] :: obstacle; challenge
prova {f} :: the act of trying out clothes
prova {f} :: degustation; tasting
prova {f} [printing] :: proof (trial impression)
provação {f} :: ordeal
prova de fogo {f} :: crucible (difficult and trying experience)
provador {adj} :: testing
provador {adj} :: tasting
provador {m} :: tester
provador {m} :: taster
prova dos nove {f} [arithmetic] :: the procedure of casting out nines
prova dos nove {f} [logic, rhetoric] :: a definitive proof of the point stated
provar {v} /pɾu.ˈvaɾ/ :: to prove (to demonstrate that something is true; to give proof for)
provar {v} :: to taste, to try (to sample the flavour of food)
provar por a + b {v} [idiom] :: alternative form of provar por a mais bê
provar por a mais b {adv} [idiom] :: alternative form of provar por a mais bê
provar por a mais bê {v} [idiomatic] :: to prove based on solid arguments
provável {adj} /pɾu.ˈva.vɛɫ/ :: likely
provavelmente {adv} /pɾu.va.vɛɫ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: probably
provàvelmente {adv} :: alternative form of provavelmente, used in Brazil and Portugal until the 1970s
provedor {m} :: provider
provedor {m} :: Internet service provider
proveito {m} /pɾu.ˈvɐj.tu/ :: advantage
proveito {m} :: benefit
proveito {m} :: utility
proveito {m} :: profit
proveitoso {adj} :: profitable, useful, beneficial
Provença {prop} {f} :: Provença (traditional region)
provençal {m} :: Provençal; Occitan (language spoken in southern France)
provençal {m} :: Provençal (the Occitan dialect spoken in Provence)
provençal {mf} :: Provençal (person from Provence)
provençal {adj} :: Provençal (of, from or relating to Provence)
provendo {v} :: gerund of prover
proveniência {f} :: provenance
provento {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: revenue, proceeds
prover {v} /pɾo.ˈve(ʁ)/ :: to provide (give what is needed or desired)
provérbio {m} /pɾo.ˈvɛɹ.bi.u/ :: maxim; proverb, adage (phrase expressing a basic truth)
provérbio {m} [Bible] :: a maxim in the Book of Proverbs
Provérbios {prop} {m} [book of the bible] :: Proverbs (book of the Hebrew Bible)
proveta {f} :: test tube (glass tube used for small-scale laboratory tests)
providência {f} :: providence
providenciando {v} :: gerund of providenciar
providenciar {v} /pɾo.vi.dẽ.si.ˈa(ʁ)/ :: to provide
provido {adj} :: supplied; provided; furnished; stocked (having supplies or provisions)
provido {adj} :: full of; having much or enough of
provincia {f} :: obsolete spelling of província
província {f} /pɾu.ˈvĩ.sjɐ/ :: province
província {f} [political subdivision] :: region
provincial {adj} :: provincial
provinciano {adj} :: provincial (of, from or relating to a province)
provinciano {adj} :: provincial (characteristic of the inhabitants of a province)
provinciano {adj} :: provincial (not polished; rude)
provinciano {m} :: provincial (someone from a province)
provindo {v} :: gerund of provir
provir {v} /pɾo.ˈvi(ʁ)/ :: to come, derive (from)
provir {v} :: to result
provisão {f} /pɾo.vi.ˈzɐ̃w̃/ :: provision (goods or supplies, especially food, obtained for future use)
provisão {f} :: provision (the act of providing)
provisionar {v} :: alternative form of aprovisionar
provisoriamente {adv} :: provisionally, pro tem
provisório {adj} :: provisional
provisório {adj} :: interim, temporary
provocação {f} :: provocation (the act of provoking, annoying)
provocador {adj} /pɾu.vu.kɐˈdoɾ/ :: provocative
provocador {adj} :: provoking
provocador {adj} :: contentious (given to struggling with others)
provocador {m} :: provocator
provocando {v} :: gerund of provocar
provocar {v} /ˌpɾu.vu.ˈkaɾ/ :: to provoke (all senses)
provocatório {adj} /pɾu.vu.kɐˈtɔ.ɾju/ :: provocative
proxeneta {mf} /ˌpɾok.se.ˈne.ta/ :: pimp (prostitution solicitor)
proxenêta {mf} :: obsolete spelling of proxeneta
proximal {adj} :: proximal
proximamente {adv} :: closely (from a small distance)
proximamente {adv} :: nearly; approximately (imprecise but close to in quantity or value)
proximidade {f} /ˌpɾo.si.mi.ˈda.d͡ʒi/ :: proximity, nearness
proximidade {f} :: neighborhood, vicinity
próximo {adj} /ˈpɾɔ.si.mu/ :: near, close
próximo {adj} :: recent
próximo {adj} :: next
próximo {adv} :: near, close
próximo {m} :: neighbour, fellow man
Próximo Oriente {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Oriente Próximo
proxy {m} [software] /ˈpɾɔ.ksi/ :: proxy (software serving as an interface for a service)
proxy {m} :: clipping of servidor proxy
proxy server {m} [computing] :: proxy server (server that acts as an intermediary between a user and another server)
prudência {f} /pɾu.ˈðẽ.sjɐ/ :: prudence (the quality or state of being prudent)
prudente {adj} /pɾu.ˈdẽ.tɨ/ :: Prone to watch and guard against deception and danger; cautious; prudent; sagacious
Prudente {prop} :: surname
Prudente de Morais {prop} :: Prudente de Morais (municipality)
prudentemente {adv} :: prudently
pruína {f} :: white powdery coating upon certain fruits or leaves (grapes, plums)
pruir {v} :: alternative form of prurir
prum {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] /pɾũ/ :: contraction of para um
prum {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] :: contraction of por um
pruma {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] /ˈpɾu.mɐ/ :: contraction of para uma
pruma {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] :: contraction of por uma
prumas {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] /ˈpɾu.mɐs/ :: contraction of para umas
prumas {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] :: contraction of por umas
prumo {m} :: plummet (lead on a line used to check if something is perfectly vertical)
pruns {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] /pɾũs/ :: contraction of para uns
pruns {contraction} [nonstandard, colloquial] :: contraction of por uns
prurido {m} :: itch (a sensation that causes someone to want to scratch)
prurido {m} [figurative] :: itch (a strong desire)
prurir {v} :: to itch (feel the need to scratch)
Prussia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Prússia
Prússia {prop} {f} [historical] /ˈpɾu.sja/ :: Prússia (former kingdom)
Prússia {prop} {f} [historical] :: Prússia (historical region/and/former province)
Prússia Oriental {prop} {f} :: Prússia Oriental (former province)
psalmo {m} :: obsolete form of salmo
pschent {m} :: pschent (the double crown of ancient Egypt)
pseudo- {prefix} :: pseudo- (not genuine)
pseudoaleatório {adj} [computing] :: pseudorandom (seemingly random but generated using a deterministic algorithm)
pseudocereal {m} :: pseudocereal (plant whose seeds are used to make flour, but which does not belong to the grass family)
pseudociência {f} /ˌpsew.do.si.ˈẽ.si.ɐ/ :: pseudoscience (purported science)
pseudocódigo {m} [computing] :: pseudocode (description of a computer programming algorithm)
pseudoefedrina {f} :: pseudoephedrine (sympathomimetic alkaloid)
pseudofruto {m} [botany] :: pseudofruit; accessory fruit (a fruit with tissue not derived from ovary)
pseudogota {f} [medicine] :: pseudogout (medical condition with symptoms resembling gout)
pseudo-hifa {f} [mycology] :: pseudohypha (a chain of blastoconidia)
pseudónimo {m} [European orthography] /psew.ˈðɔ.ni.mu/ :: pseudonym
pseudónimo {adj} [European orthography] :: pseudonymous
pseudônimo {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of pseudónimo
pseudo-randômico {adj} [Brazilian orthography, computing] :: pseudorandom (seemingly random but generated using a deterministic algorithm)
pseudorraiva {f} [veterinary medicine] :: pseudorabies; Aujeszky's disease (a highly contagious herpes virus infection)
pseudosciencia {f} [rare] :: obsolete spelling of pseudociência
psi {m} [countable] :: psi (name of the Greek letter Ψ)
psicadélico {adj} [Portugal] :: alternative form of psicodélico
psicanálise {f} /ˌpsi.ka.ˈna.li.zi/ :: psychoanalysis (family of psychological theories and methods)
psicanalista {mf} :: analyst (psychoanalysis practitioner)
psico- {prefix} :: psycho- (relating to the mind)
psicodélico {adj} [Brazil] :: psychedelic (of, containing or generating hallucinations)
psicodélico {adj} [of graphics, Brazil] :: psychedelic (having bright colours and abstract shapes)
psicografia {f} [spiritualism] :: psychography (the act of a spirit possessing one's physical body in order to write something)
psicógrafo {m} [spiritualism] :: psychographer (a medium who is believed to be able to psychograph - to have one's body be possessed by spirits in order to let them write texts in the physical world)
psicolinguística {f} [linguistics] :: psycholinguistics (study of mental comprehension and production of language)
psicolinguístico {adj} :: psycholinguistic (pertaining to psycholinguistics)
psicóloga {f} /psi.ˈkɔ.lo.ɡa/ :: feminine noun of psicólogo; a female psychologist
psicologia {f} /psi.ko.lo.ˈʒi.a/ :: psychology
psicologia anormal {f} :: abnormal psychology (study of persons whose psychological characteristics deviate from the norm)
psicologia clínica {f} [psychology] :: clinical psychology (branch of psychology)
psicologia cognitiva {f} [psychology] :: cognitive psychology (branch of psychology)
psicologicamente {adv} :: psychologically
psicológico {adj} /psi.ko.ˈlɔ.ʒi.ku/ :: psychological
psicólogo {m} /psi.ˈkɔ.lo.ɡu/ :: psychologist (expert in the field of psychology)
psicometria {f} [parapsychology] :: psychometry (ability to discover information about an object’s past)
psicometria {f} [psychology] :: psychometry (use of psychological tests to measure personal traits)
psicomotor {adj} :: psychomotor
psicopata {mf} /ˌpsi.ko.ˈpa.tɐ/ :: psychopath (one who suffers from psychopathy)
psicopata {adj} :: psychopathic (exhibiting the behaviors and personality traits of a psychopath)
psicopatia {f} :: psychopathy (a personality disorder)
psicopático {adj} :: psychopathic (relating to or suffering from psychopathy)
psicopatologia {f} [uncountable, medicine] :: psychopathology (study of mental illnesses)
psicopatologia {f} [medicine] :: mental disorder; mental illnesses
psicopolítica {f} :: psychopolitics (interaction between psychology and politics)
psicopolítico {adj} :: psychopolitical (relating to psychopolitics)
psicopompo {m} :: psychopomp
psicose {f} :: psychosis (mental disorder marked by a deranged personality)
psicossomático {adj} [medicine, psychology] :: psychosomatic (of physical effects with mental causes)
psicoterapeuta {mf} :: psychotherapist (doctor who practices psychotherapy)
psicoterapia {f} :: psychotherapy (treatment of those with mental illness)
psicótico {adj} :: psychotic (relating to or suffering from psychosis)
psicótico {m} :: psychotic (person affected by psychosis)
psicrófilo {adj} [biology] :: psychrophilic (capable of living at relatively low temperature)
psicrófilo {m} [biology] :: psychrophile (organism capable of living at relatively low temperature)
psicrómetro {m} [European orthography, meteorology] :: psychrometer (instrument which measures atmospheric humidity)
psicrômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of psicrómetro
Psiquê {prop} {f} [Greek god, Roman god] :: Psyche (personification of the soul)
psiquiatra {mf} /ˌpsi.ki.ˈa.tɾɐ/ :: psychiatrist (doctor specializing in psychiatry)
psiquiatria {f} [medicine] /psi.ki.a.ˈtɾi.a/ :: psychiatry (branch of medicine dealing with mental illness)
psiquiátrico {adj} :: psychiatric
psíquica {f} /ˈpsi.ki.kɐ/ :: feminine noun of psíquico
psíquico {m} /ˈpsi.ki.ku/ :: psychic (person who possesses extra-sensory abilities)
psíquico {adj} :: psychic (relating to the abilities of a psychic)
psíquico {adj} :: psychological (relating to the mind)
psit {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: psst (request for silence or secrecy)
psiu {interj} :: used to discreetly call someone
psiu {interj} :: used to request silence; shh
Pskov {prop} {f} :: Pskov (oblast)
Pskov {prop} {f} :: Pskov (city/administrative center)
psoríase {f} [disease] :: psoriasis (chronic disease characterised by the presence of skin lesions)
PSP {m} [Brazil] :: abbreviation of Partido Social Progressista
PSP {f} [Portugal] :: abbreviation of Polícia de Segurança Pública
psychanalyse {f} :: obsolete spelling of psicanálise
psychiatra {mf} :: obsolete spelling of psiquiatra
psychopatha {mf} :: obsolete spelling of psicopata
psychopatha {adj} :: obsolete spelling of psicopata
PT {prop} [Brazil, politics, acronym] :: Partido dos Trabalhadores
p*ta {f} :: euphemistic spelling of puta
p*ta {interj} :: euphemistic spelling of puta
pteridófita {f} :: pteridophyte (a vascular plant that produce spores but not seeds)
pterodáctilo {m} :: pterodactyl
Ptolemeu {prop} {m} :: Ptolemy (Ptolemy I Soter, founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt)
Ptolomeu {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Ptolemeu
pua {f} /ˈpu.ɐ/ :: sharp end; point
pua {f} :: drill; bit (rotary cutting tool)
pua {f} :: sting
pua {f} :: [Brazil, Northeast Region, slang] womanizer, player
puã {f} :: pincer, claw (of crustaceans etc)
puberdade {f} :: puberty
púbere {adj} :: pubescent
pubescente {adj} :: pubescent (arriving at puberty)
púbis {m} [skeleton] /ˈpu.bis/ :: pubis
publicação {f} :: publication
publicamente {adv} /pu.βli.kɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: publicly
publicando {v} :: gerund of publicar
publicano {m} [Ancient Rome] /puβliˈkɐnu/ :: tax collector, publican
publicar {vt} /pu.βli.ˈkaɾ/ :: to publish
publicidade {f} /puβlisiˈðaðɨ/ :: publicity
publicidade {f} :: advertising, advertisement
publicidade indireta {f} :: product placement (form of advertising where a brand or product is placed in a programme)
publicitado {adj} /pu.βli.si.ˈta.ðu/ :: revealed to the public
publicitado {adj} :: formally registered
publicitado {adj} :: publicised; advertised
publicitando {v} :: gerund of publicitar
publicitar {v} /pu.βli.si.ˈtaɾ/ :: to reveal to the public
publicitar {v} :: to formally register something
publicitar {v} :: to publicise; to advertise
publicitário {adj} :: advertising (attributive)
publicitário {m} :: publicist, advertiser
público {adj} /ˈpu.βli.ku/ :: public (pertaining to the affairs of all people)
público {adj} :: public (open to general view)
público {adj} :: public (provided by the government)
público {m} :: people (human beings considered generally or collectively)
público {m} :: audience (group of people listening to a performance, speech etc.)
puçá {m} :: a small net with a handle
púcara {f} :: alternative form of púcaro
púcaro {m} /ˈpu.kɐ.ɾu/ :: a type of jug or mug, used for taking liquid from another container
pudera {interj} /pu.ˈdɛ.ɾa/ :: no wonder! (indicates that something is not surprising)
pudicícia {f} :: pudency, chastity
pudico {adj} :: easily ashamed
pudico {adj} :: prudish (easily offended or shocked)
pudico {m} :: prude (a person who is or tries to be excessively proper)
pudim {m} /puˈðĩ/ :: pudding (dessert)
pudor {m} :: pudor (appropriate sense of modesty or shame)
pueril {adj} /pwɛˈɾiɫ/ :: Of or pertaining to children or childhood
pueril {adj} :: childish, puerile
pueril {adj} :: futile, trivial
pueril {adj} :: ingenuous
pufe {m} :: beanbag (a large covering stuffed with pellets used as furniture)
púgil {m} :: boxer
pugilista {mf} :: pugilist, boxer
pugilístico {adj} :: boxing (attributive)
pugna {f} :: combat; battle; fight
pugna {f} [figurative] :: struggle
pugnace {adj} :: alternative form of pugnaz
pugnaz {adj} :: pugnacious; aggressive; belligerent
puh {interj} :: yuck (expression of disgust)
pula corda {m} :: jump rope (game or activity in which a person jumps over a rope repeatedly)
pular {vi} /pu.ˈla(ʁ)/ :: to jump, to propel oneself upward
pular {vt} :: to jump over, to propel oneself over
pular {vt} :: to skip, to omit, to disregard
pular a cerca {vi} [idiomatic] :: to cheat (on one's partner)
pular carnaval {v} [Brazil] :: to party on carnival season
pular corda {v} :: to jump rope (to jump over a rope repeatedly as a game or exercise)
pulcro {adj} [poetic] /ˈpuɫ.krʊ/ :: pretty, neat
pulga {f} /ˈpuɫ.ɣɐ/ :: flea (parasitic insect)
pulgão {m} :: aphid (sapsucking pest insect of the superfamily Aphidoidea)
pulgão das macieiras {m} :: apple aphid (a bright green aphid, Aphis pomi)
pulgueiro {m} [slang] :: blanket
pulgueiro {m} [slang] :: fleabag (filthy place)
pulguento {adj} :: infested with fleas
pulguento {m} :: a creature or person infested with fleas
pulha {f} /ˈpu.ʎɐ/ :: obscenity
pulha {f} :: caustic remark, cutting remark
pulha {f} :: witty remark
pulhas {f} :: hurtful criticism
pulicar {v} :: to do a series of hops
pulinhar {v} :: to do a series of hops
pulinho {m} :: diminutive of pulo
pulmão {m} :: lung
pulmonar {adj} :: pulmonary (relating to the lungs)
pulo {m} :: jump
pulôver {m} /pu.ˈlo.vɛɾ/ :: pullover (type of sweater)
púlpito {m} /ˈpuɫ.pi.tu/ :: pulpit (raised platform in church)
pulquérrimo {adj} /puw.ˈkɛ.ʁi.mu/ :: superlative of pulcro
pulsação {f} /puɫ.sɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: pulse, beat, pulsation
pulsando {v} :: gerund of pulsar
pulsão de morte {f} [Freudian psychology] :: death wish (desire for the death of oneself or of someone else)
pulsar {v} /puɫ.ˈsaɾ/ :: to pulse, beat, pulsate
pulseira {f} /puɫ.ˈsɐj.ɾɐ/ :: bracelet
pulso {m} [cardiology, uncountable] /ˈpuɫ.su/ :: pulse (regular beat caused by the heart)
pulso {m} [cardiology, uncountable] :: heart rate (number of heart beats per unit of time)
pulso {m} :: pulsation (single beat)
pulso {m} [anatomy] :: wrist (hand joint)
pulso {m} [electronics] :: electric pulse
pulular {v} :: to be swarming or teeming with something
pulverização {f} :: pulverization
pulverizador {m} :: sprayer (device used for spraying)
pulverizador {adj} :: which pulverises
pulverizar {v} :: to pulverize, atomize
pulverizável {adj} :: pulverizable
pulvimetalurgia {f} :: powder metallurgy
pum {interj} :: bang, pop
pum {m} [childish] :: fart (emission of digestive gases from the anus)
puma {mf} /ˈpu.mɐ/ :: puma; cougar; mountain lion (Puma concolor, a large feline of the Americas)
Puna {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Pune
punção {f} :: puncture (the act of puncturing)
punção {m} :: punch (device used for creating holes in material)
punção {m} :: stylus (tool for writing Braille)
punctura {f} :: puncture (hole, cut or tear)
pundonor {mf} :: honour, pride
Pune {prop} {f} :: Pune (major city/and/district)
pungente {adj} :: pungent (sharp-pointed)
pungente {adj} :: pungent (having a strong odour or taste that stings the nose or tongue)
pungente {adj} [figuratively] :: poignant (evoking strong mental sensation)
punguear {vti} :: to pickpocket (to steal something from someone’s pocket)
punguista {mf} :: pickpocket (one who steals from the pocket of a passerby)
punhado {m} :: handful, fistful
punhal {m} /pu.ˈɲaɫ/ :: poniard (a dagger with a triangular blade)
punhal {m} :: (generalisation) any dagger
punhalada {f} :: stab (act of piercing with a dagger)
punhalada {f} :: stab (wound made by stabbing)
punhalada {f} [figurative] :: stab; backstabbing (pain inflicted on a person’s feelings, especially when involving treason)
punhão {m} :: augmentative of punho
punheta {f} [vulgar, slang] /pu.ˈɲe.tɐ/ :: wank (act of male masturbation)
punheta {f} [vulgar, slang] :: hand job
punhetagem {f} [Brazil, slang] :: the act of beating around the bush
punhetagem {f} [Brazil, slang] :: delay
punhetagem {f} [Brazil, slang] :: the act of protracting or procrastinating
punhetar {v} [Brazil, slang, a male] :: to jerk off
punheteiro {adj} [colloquial, of a man] :: Who masturbates himself. (English colloquial: a wanker)
punheteiro {adj} [by extension, colloquial, of a person] :: Who masturbates a man or men
punho {m} /ˈpu.ɲu/ :: fist (clenched hand)
punho {m} [anatomy] :: wrist (part of the body between the hand and the forearm)
punho {m} :: the grip of a firearm
punho {m} :: each end of a hammock
punho de ferro {m} :: See: pt punho de ferro
punho de ferro {m} :: iron fist (ruthless control)
punição {f} :: punishment
púnico {adj} :: Punic (of or relating to Carthage)
púnico {adj} :: Punic, treacherous
púnico {prop} {m} :: Punic [language]
punindo {v} :: gerund of punir
punir {v} :: to punish
punitivo {adj} [legal, military] :: punitive (which punishes; being a punishment)
punível {adj} :: punishable
Punjabe {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Pendjab
punjabi {mf} :: Punjabi (someone from the Punjab)
punjabi {mf} :: Punjabi (an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the Punjab region)
punjabi {adj} :: Punjabi (of, pertaining to, descended from the people or culture of the Punjab)
punjabi {adj} :: Punjabi (relating to or written in the Punjabi language)
punk {m} /ˈpɐ̃k/ :: punk (a social and musical movement)
punk {m} :: punk; punk rock (a subgenre of rock music)
punk {mf} :: punk (a member of the punk movement or fan of punk rock)
punk {adj} :: relating to punk music or culture
punk {adj} [Brazil, slang, of a thing or situation] :: complicated, difficult, tense
pupa {f} :: pupa (insect in its development stage between a larva and an adult)
pupila {f} /pu.ˈpi.lɐ/ :: feminine noun of pupilo
pupila {f} :: pupil (of the eye)
pupila de Argyll Robertson {f} [pathology] :: Argyll Robertson pupil (pupil of the eye that reduces in size when the patient focuses on a near object but does not constrict when exposed to bright light)
pupilo {m} :: pupil (student under the supervision of a teacher or professor)
pupunha {f} [Brazil] :: peach palm
puramente {adv} :: purely
puré {m} [Portugal] :: purée or puree
purê {m} [Brazil] :: alternative spelling of puré
pureza {f} /pu.ˈɾe.zɐ/ :: purity (the state of being pure)
pureza {f} :: cleanliness (the state of being clean)
pureza {f} :: innocence (lack of ability or intention to harm or damage)
pureza {f} :: chastity; virginity
purgar {v} /puɹ.ˈɡa(ɹ)/ :: to purge (clean thoroughly; cleanse; rid of impurities)
purgar {v} [religion] :: to purge (free from sin, guilt, or the burden or responsibility of misdeeds)
purgar {v} [medicine] :: to give laxatives
purgatório {m} :: purgatory
purificação {f} :: purification
purificação {f} :: refining
purificar {vt} /pu.ɾi.fi.ˈkaɾ/ :: to purify, to refine
purificatório {adj} :: purifying (which purifies)
purificatório {m} [ecclesiastical] :: purificator (napkin used to wipe the lip of the chalice)
purina {f} [organic compound] :: purine (heterocyclic compound composed of fused pyrimidine and imidazole rings)
purista {adj} :: purist
purista {mf} :: purist
puro {adj} /ˈpu.ɾu/ :: pure (free of pollutants)
puro {adj} :: pure; flawless (free of flaws or imperfections)
puro {adj} :: pure; clean (free of immoral behaviour)
púrpura {f} :: a colour between purple and red
púrpura {f} [medicine] :: purpura (marks on the skin due to subdermal bleeding)
púrpura {f} :: Tyrian purple (a purple dye extracted from certain sea molluscs)
púrpura {f} :: any mollusc that produces Tyrian purple
púrpura {f} :: red fabric, dyed with Tyrian purple (a symbol of royal or ecclesiastic power)
púrpura {f} [metonym] :: royal or ecclesiastic power
púrpura {adj} :: of a colour between purple and red
purpurina {f} :: purpurin (all senses)
purulento {adj} [medicine] /puɾuˈlẽtu/ :: purulent (containing pus)
purulento {adj} [figurative] :: repulsive, disgusting
pus {m} /ˈpuʃ/ :: pus
pusilânime {adj} /ˌpu.zi.ˈlɐ.ni.mi/ :: pusillanimous (showing cowardice)
pusilânime {adj} :: lacking in enthusiasm
pusilânime {mf} :: one who is pusillanimous; a coward
pusilânime {mf} :: one who lacks enthusiasm
pusilanimidade {f} /pu.zi.lã.ni.mi.ˈda.d(ʒ)i./ :: cowardice
pusilanimidade {f} :: prostration
pusilanimidade {f} :: fear
pusillânime {adj} :: obsolete spelling of pusilânime
pusillânime {mf} :: obsolete spelling of pusilânime
pústula {f} :: pustule (accumulation of pus)
puta {f} [vulgar, pejorative] :: prostitute, whore, hooker, slut
puta {adj} [vulgar, pejorative, of a girl or woman] :: promiscuous
puta {adj} [only in some cities in Brazil, vulgar, also in Portugal] :: an intensifier used in a similar way as fucking, frigging or damn may be used in the USA. May mean "huge", "impressive" and/or "problematic" and can even be used in a good way if the person is jealous
puta merda {interj} [vulgar, slang] :: holy shit (expression of surprise or anger)
puta que la merda {interj} :: alternative form of puta que pariu!
puta que lhe pariu {interj} :: alternative form of puta que pariu
puta que lhe pariu {f} :: alternative form of puta que pariu
puta que o pariu {interj} :: alternative form of puta que pariu
puta que o pariu {f} :: alternative form of puta que pariu
puta que pariu {interj} [vulgar] :: damn it
puta que pariu {f} [vulgar, figurative] :: bumfuck (a very remote place)
puta que te pariu {interj} :: alternative form of puta que pariu
puta que te pariu {f} :: alternative form of puta que pariu
putaria {f} [vulgar] :: prostitution
putaria {f} [vulgar] :: joke, prank, dirty trick
putaria {f} [vulgar] :: taunt, mockery
putaria {f} [vulgar] :: fuckery
putativo {adj} :: putative (commonly believed to be the case)
puteiro {m} [vulgar] :: whorehouse, brothel
Putinga {prop} :: Putinga (municipality)
putinismo {m} [politics] :: Putinism (the policies of Vladimir Putin)
puto {adj} [colloquial, slang, Brazil] /ˈpu.tu/ :: furious, angry, annoyed, irritated
puto {m} [colloquial, derogatory, Portugal] :: small kid
puto {m} [vulgar, Brazil] :: a jerk; an unlikable, obnoxious person
puto {m} [vulgar, Rio Grande do Sul] :: a fag; a gay, homosexual
puto {m} [vulgar, Portugal, Brazil] :: a small quantity of money
puto da vida {adj} [vulgar] :: pissed off (very angry)
putona {f} [Brazil, slang, vulgar] :: augmentative of puta; whore, slut
putrefação {f} :: putrefaction (process of becoming rotten)
putrefazer {vt} :: to cause to putrefy
pútrido {adj} :: putrid; rotten
putsch {m} :: putsch; coup (effort to overthrow the government)
putz {interj} [slang] :: Used to emphasize something that has gone wrong
putz grila {interj} [slang] :: Used to emphasize something that has gone wrong
puxa {interj} [Brazil, colloquial] /ˈpu.ʃɐ/ :: expresses surprise or admiration
puxa {interj} [Brazil, colloquial] :: expresses disappointment
puxadinho {m} :: diminutive of puxado
puxado {m} :: annex (addition or extension to a building)
puxado {adj} [of a practice] :: harsh, tough
puxador {m} :: doorknob
puxão {m} :: a sudden and strong pull; a yank
puxão de orelha {m} [idiom] :: scolding
puxar {v} /pu.ˈʃaɾ/ :: to pull (to apply force to something so it comes towards one)
puxar {v} :: to drag (to pull along a surface)
puxar {v} :: to draw (pull out) a weapon
puxar {v} :: to initiate (to cause to begin) interaction with someone else
puxar {v} [colloquial] :: to take after; to inherit traits in appearance or behaviour
puxar {v} [slang, Brazil] :: to smoke marijuana
puxar a brasa para a minha sardinha {phrase} [idiom] :: to toot one's own horn (to promote oneself, to boast, to brag)
puxar a descarga {v} :: alternative form of puxar descarga
puxar descarga {vt} :: to flush (to cleanse a toilet by flooding it)
puxar o carro {v} [slang] :: to leave, to go away
puxar o saco {v} :: alternative form of puxar saco
puxar saco {vi} :: to fawn (to seek favour by flattery)
puxa-saco {mf} :: sycophant (one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favour or advantage from another person)
puxa vida {interj} :: oh life!
Pyongyang {prop} {f} :: Pyongyang (capital city)
pyra {f} :: obsolete spelling of pira
pyrilampo {m} :: obsolete spelling of pirilampo
pythão {m} :: obsolete spelling of pitão
Python {prop} {m} :: Python programming language