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16 compass points on a compass rose
compass point (plural compass points )
Any of the horizontal directions indicated on a compass . There may be 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or even 128 compass points on a compass, depending on its size and accuracy.
For the names of the individual compass points see the Wikipedia article on Points of the compass
any of the horizontal directions indicated on a compass
Catalan: punt cardinal (ca) m
Dutch: windstreek (nl) f , windrichting (nl) f
Estonian: ilmakaar , kompassisuund
Finnish: kompassisuunta , ilmansuunta (fi)
French: point cardinal (fr) m
Georgian: ჰორიზონტის მხარეები ( horizonṭis mxareebi )
German: Himmelsrichtung (de) f
Hungarian: égtáj (hu) , világtáj (hu)
Indonesian: mata angin (id)
Irish: rinn f , rinn compáis f , aird an chompáis f
Italian: punto cardinale m
Japanese: 方角 (ja) ( ほうがく, hōgaku )
Latin: (please verify ) plaga caeli
Latvian: debespuse f
Macedonian: страна на светот f ( strana na svetot )
Malay: mata angin
Polish: strona świata f
Portuguese: ponto cardeal (pt) m
Romanian: direcție cardinală f , punct cardinal (ro) n
Romansch: direcziun f , direcziùn f ( Sutsilvan )
Russian: сторона́ све́та (ru) f ( storoná svéta ) , страна́ све́та f ( straná svéta )
Sanskrit: दिशा (sa) f ( diśā )
Scottish Gaelic: àird f
Spanish: punto cardinal m
Swedish: väderstreck (sv) n
compass points : [edit ]