User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-f
fa {m} [music] | :: fa, the note 'F' |
fabacée {f} [botany] | :: legume (of family Fabaceae) |
fabien {adj} | :: Fabian |
Fabien {prop} | :: given name |
Fabienne {prop} | :: given name, the feminine form of Fabien ( =Fabian ) |
fable {f} | :: fable, story |
fabliau {m} | :: fabliau |
fabricant {m} | :: manufacturer, producer |
fabricant {mf} | :: artisan, maker |
fabricateur {m} | :: fabricator |
fabrication {f} | :: manufacture, manufacturing |
fabrication {f} | :: fabrication |
fabrication {f} | :: production |
Fabrice {prop} | :: given name |
fabrique {f} | :: factory, plant (factory or industrial facility) |
fabriquer {v} | :: to make; to create |
fabriquer {v} [colloquial, colloquial] | :: to do, a more polite than ficher, less polite than faire |
fabulateur {adj} | :: fantasizing |
fabulateur {m} | :: fantasizer |
fabuler {vi} [rare] | :: to fantasize |
fabulette {f} | :: tale, fable |
fabulette {f} | :: lie |
fabuleusement {adv} | :: fabulously |
fabuleux {adj} | :: fabulous |
fabuleux {adj} | :: fabled |
fabulisme {m} | :: fabulism |
fabuliste {adj} | :: fabulist |
fabuliste {mf} | :: fabulist |
fac {f} [colloquial, France] | :: university |
façade {f} | :: façade (of a building) |
façade {f} | :: façade (deceptive outward appearance) |
face {f} | :: face (anatomy) |
face {f} | :: surface, side |
face {f} | :: face (geometry) |
face {f} | :: head (of a coin) |
face à {prep} | :: facing towards |
face à {prep} | :: versus, against; faced with |
face-à-face {m} | :: face-to-face interview |
face-à-face {m} | :: head-on collision |
face cachée {f} [figuratively] | :: the hidden side, the hidden face (of something); the dark side (of something) |
face de rat {f} [offensive, pejorative, colloquial] | :: ratface |
facétie {f} | :: practical joke |
facétieusement {adv} | :: facetiously |
facétieux {adj} | :: facetious |
facette {f} | :: facet |
facetté {adj} | :: facetted |
facetter {v} | :: to facet |
fâchant {adj} | :: annoying |
fâché {adj} | :: angry |
fâcher {v} | :: to annoy, to vex |
fâcher {vp} | :: to get angry, fall out |
fâcherie {f} [colloquial] | :: anger |
fâcheusement {adv} | :: irritatingly; annoyingly |
fâcheux {adj} | :: annoying; irritating |
fâcheux {adj} | :: unfortunate; regrettable |
facho {adj} [slang] | :: fascist, right-wing |
facho {mf} [slang] | :: fascist, right-winger |
fachosphère {f} | :: fascist political parties considered as a group |
facial {adj} | :: facial |
faciès {m} | :: Facies; appearance |
facile {adj} | :: easy, simple |
facilement {adv} | :: easily |
facilitateur {m} | :: facilitator |
facilitation {f} | :: facilitation |
facilité {f} | :: ease, easiness |
facilité {adj} | :: facilitated |
faciliter {v} | :: facilitate |
faciomusculaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: faciomuscular |
façon {f} | :: way; manner; fashion |
faconde {f} [literary] | :: eloquence, gift of the gab |
façon de parler {f} | :: façon de parler |
façonnable {adj} [rare] | :: malleable, shapeable |
façonnage {m} | :: shaping, making, processing |
façonner {vt} | :: to work on, to shape, notably with tool(s); to fashion |
façonner {vt} | :: to educate morally, spiritually |
façonner {vi} | :: to perform labor |
façonnier {mf} | :: A person who works in the fashion business |
fac-similé {m} | :: alternative form of facsimilé |
facsimilé {m} | :: facsimile |
facsimilé {m} | :: fax |
factage {m} | :: drayage (transportation of goods or baggage) |
facteur {m} | :: factor; element |
facteur {m} [mathematics] | :: factor |
facteur {m} | :: postman [UK]; mailman (gender neutral: postal carrier or mail carrier) [US] |
factice {adj} | :: fake, artificial, false |
facticement {adv} | :: artificially |
facticement {adv} | :: falsely |
factieusement {adv} | :: factiously, provocatively |
factieux {adj} | :: factious, agitating, provocative |
factieux {m} | :: agitator, provocator |
faction {f} | :: act of keeping watch |
faction {f} | :: a watchman |
faction {f} [politics] | :: a faction; specifically one which causes trouble |
factionnaire {m} | :: A soldier who is on guard; sentry, sentinel, guard |
factitif {adj} [grammar] | :: causative; factitive |
factitif {m} [grammar] | :: causative; factitive |
factorerie {f} | :: The office or factory of a colonial agent or factor |
factorialiser {v} | :: To factorialize |
factorialité {f} [maths] | :: factoriality |
factoriel {adj} [mathematics] | :: factorial |
factorielle {f} [mathematics] | :: factorial (mathematical operation or its result) |
factorisation {f} | :: factorisation |
factoriser {v} [mathematics] | :: to factorize |
factrice {f} | :: feminine noun of facteur |
factuel {adj} | :: factual |
factuellement {adv} | :: factually |
facturation {f} | :: invoicing |
facture {f} | :: bill, invoice |
facture {f} | :: craft, making, fabric |
facturer {vt} | :: to charge, invoice, bill |
facturette {f} | :: credit card slip (for old-style credit cards that require a signature) |
facturier {m} | :: invoice clerk |
facturière {f} | :: feminine noun of facturier |
facultatif {adj} | :: optional, elective; not mandatory; facultative |
facultativement {adv} | :: optionally, electively |
faculté {f} | :: capacity; ability |
faculté {f} | :: faculty |
faculté {f} | :: resources |
faculté {f} | :: department (of a university) |
faculté {f} | :: [by extension] a university |
fada {adj} [Provence] | :: crazy |
fada {mf} [Provence] | :: nutcase |
fadaise {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: uninteresting or banal thought; twaddle |
fadasse {adj} | :: wishy-washy (wavering or lacking in commitment, certainty, or support) |
fade {adj} | :: tasteless, insipid |
fade {adj} | :: boring; lukewarm |
fade {m} [criminal slang] | :: share of loot / booty |
fadement {adv} | :: insipidly, blandly |
fader {vr} [colloquial] | :: to get stuck with |
fadette {f} | :: fairy |
fadette {f} [police, slang] | :: A detailed list of phone calls made and received, together with associated GPS information |
fadeur {f} | :: blandness, dullness, insipidness |
fæces {fp} [very, rare] | :: obsolete form of fèces |
faena {f} [bullfighting] | :: faena |
fafiot {m} [slang] | :: banknote |
fafiot {m} [slang] | :: cheat sheet |
fafiot {m} [slang] | :: any written paper |
fagacée {f} | :: beech (any member of Fagaceae) |
fagne {f} | :: marshland; fen |
fagot {m} | :: fagot (bundle of sticks, twigs or small tree branches bound together) |
fagoté {adj} | :: togged up |
fagoter {vt} | :: to bundle |
fagoter {vt} | :: to dress up (wear special clothes) |
fagoue {f} | :: sweetbread (pancreas of an animal) |
faiblard {adj} | :: feeble, weak |
faiblard {m} | :: weakling |
faible {adj} | :: weak |
faible {adj} | :: lacking endurance |
faible {adj} | :: low, small (amount, degree, percentage) |
faible {m} | :: weakness, soft spot (for someone/something) |
faiblement {adv} | :: weakly |
faiblement {adv} | :: slightly; mildly (not sharply) |
faiblement {adv} | :: dimly (not brightly) |
faiblesse {f} | :: weakness |
faiblir {v} | :: to weaken, to get weaker |
faiblissant {adj} | :: weakening |
faict {m} | :: obsolete spelling of fait |
faïence {f} | :: faience |
faïencerie {f} | :: pottery, earthenware |
faïencier {m} | :: A person who makes or sells earthenware (faience) |
faïencière {f} | :: feminine singular of faïencier |
faignant {adj} | :: alternative form of feignant |
faignant {m} | :: alternative form of feignant |
faille {f} [seismology] | :: fault |
faille {f} | :: flaw |
faille {f} | :: faille (fabric woven from silk) |
faillibilité {f} | :: fallibility |
faillible {adj} | :: fallible |
failliblement {adv} | :: fallibly |
faillir {v} | :: to almost do something |
faillir {v} | :: to fail |
faillir {v} | :: to go bankrupt |
faillite {f} | :: bankruptcy |
faillite {f} | :: failure |
faim {f} | :: hunger (desire of food) |
faim {f} | :: hunger (strong desire) |
faine {f} | :: alternative spelling of faîne |
faîne {f} | :: fruit of the beech tree; beechnut, beech mast |
fainéant {m} | :: a lazybones; one who makes little or no effort |
fainéant {adj} | :: lazy |
fainéant {adj} | :: nonchalant |
fainéant {adj} | :: apathetic |
fainéante {f} | :: feminine noun of fainéant |
fainéanter {v} | :: to do nothing; to be idle; to faff |
fainéantise {f} | :: idleness |
faire {vt} | :: to do |
faire {vt} | :: to make |
faire {vt} | :: to say [of a person], to go (of an animal) |
faire {vt} | :: to make (cause someone or something to do something) |
faire {v} [impersonal] | :: To be [of the weather or various situations] |
faire {vr} | :: to do, to make (oneself) |
faire {vr} [followed by an infinitive] | :: to be, to get (used for a passive action) |
faire {vr} | :: to ripen [of fruit], to mature (, etc.) |
faire {vr} [~ à] | :: to become used to, to get used to |
faire {vrt} [slang] | :: to do (to have sex with) |
faire {vr} | :: to become, to get |
faire abstraction {v} [de] | :: to forget; to ignore, to set aside, to disregard, to not take into account (for simplification purposes) |
faire acte de présence {v} | :: to put in an appearance |
faire aller {vt} [Belgium, colloquial] | :: to pull someone's leg, to fool, usually as a joke |
faire allusion {v} [à] | :: to allude to |
faire amende honorable {v} | :: to make amends, to mend one's ways, to eat crow |
faire appel {v} [law] | :: to appeal |
faire appel {v} [à] | :: to call on, to call upon, to call in; to appeal to, to make an appeal to; to use, to make use of |
faire attention {v} | :: to pay attention |
faire autorité {v} | :: to be an authority, to be authoritative; to be a definitive work |
faire avancer le schmilblick {v} [colloquial] | :: to get things done, to keep things going, to move things along, to help move things forward |
faire bande à part {v} [figuratively] | :: to keep to oneself, not to join in; to form a separate group |
faire barrage à {v} | :: to stand in the way of |
faire bien de {v} [colloquial] | :: to do well to, had better |
faire bombance {v} | :: to feast, to have a feast, to gourmandise, to make a pig of oneself |
faire bon accueil {v} [à] | :: to welcome, to reserve a warm welcome to |
faire bon ménage {v} [figuratively] | :: to get along well, to make good bedfellows |
faire bonne chère {v} | :: to feast, to have a feast, to gourmandise, to make a pig of oneself |
faire bonne contenance {v} | :: to put on a brave face, to put a brave face on it, to keep one's composure |
faire bonne figure {v} | :: to put on a brave face, to put up a good front |
faire bonne figure {v} | :: to put one's best foot forward, to show oneself in one's best light, to appear in a good light, to look good, to make a good impression |
faire bonne impression {v} | :: to make a good impression |
faire bonne mesure {v} | :: to be generous; to do more than necessary |
faire bonne mine à mauvais jeu {v} | :: to grin and bear it, to put a brave face on it |
faire bon vivre {v} [impersonal] | :: to be good to live (somewhere), to be a good place to live |
faire buisson creux {v} [dated, colloquial, figuratively] | :: to not find what one was looking for, to come back empty-handed, to draw a blank |
faire caca {v} [childish] | :: to poo (defecate) |
faire carrière {v} | :: to have a career, to make a career (in some industry) |
faire cas {v} | :: [~ de] to have a high opinion (of), to esteem |
faire cause commune {v} [avec] | :: to make common cause with |
faire cavalier seul {v} [figuratively] | :: to go it alone, to go solo |
faire chambre à part {v} | :: to sleep in separate rooms (of a couple) |
faire chanter {v} [idiomatic] | :: to blackmail |
faire chaud {v} | :: to be hot (of the weather) |
faire chaud au cœur {v} [colloquial] | :: [à] to gladden someone's heart, to warm the cockles of someone's heart, to do someone's heart good, to be heart-warming |
faire chaudière ensemble {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] | :: to marry |
faire chier {v} [vulgar] | :: to piss off, to annoy, to irritate |
faire chier {vr} [vulgar] | :: to have a (fucking) nightmare of a time; to go through hell |
faire chiquer poteau {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] | :: to prevent a young man from dancing with a young girl |
faire chou blanc {v} [figuratively] | :: to fail, to miss the mark; to draw a blank, to come back empty-handed |
faire comme chez soi {vi} [colloquial, simile] | :: to make oneself at home |
faire confiance {v} [à] | :: to trust; to have trust in (someone, something) |
faire connaissance {v} | :: to get to know each other |
faire connaissance {v} [avec] | :: to get to know, to meet, to get acquainted with, to make the acquaintance of |
faire contre mauvaise fortune bon cœur {v} | :: to grin and bear it, to make the best of a bad job, to put a brave face on it, to take the rough with the smooth |
faire corps {vi} | :: to be one, to be as one, to be at one |
faire corps {v} [avec] | :: to adhere strongly to, to hold together with, so much so that one ends up forming one (single) body with, becomes one with, fuses with |
faire cul sec {v} | :: to finish one's drink in one go; to down; "Bottoms up!" |
faire date {v} | :: to make history, to go down in history, to become a historical milestone, to set a precedent |
faire débat {v} | :: to be debated, to cause controversy, to be controversial |
faire défaut {v} [à] | :: to be lacking |
faire défaut {v} [law] | :: to default |
faire de la peine {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to upset, to hurt, to hurt someone's feelings |
faire de la peine {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to look pitiful, to be pathetic |
faire de l'esprit {v} | :: to try to be witty |
faire de l'ombre {v} [à] | :: to block the light (to someone) |
faire de l'ombre {v} [à] | :: [figuratively] to put someone in the shade |
faire demi-tour {v} | :: to go back (or to drive back, etc.) before arriving to one's destination, or when there was no fixed destination |
faire des avances {v} [à] | :: to put the make on, to put the moves on |
faire des courbettes {v} [figuratively] | :: to bow and scrape |
faire des façons {v} | :: to make a fuss; to stand on ceremony, to put on airs |
faire des folies {v} [colloquial] | :: to spend money extravagantly, to splash out, to splurge, to go on a spending spree |
faire des gorges chaudes {v} [de] | :: to make fun of, to laugh at, to poke fun at, to have a good laugh at (someone) |
faire des histoires {v} | :: to kick up a fuss, to make a fuss |
faire des merveilles {v} | :: to work wonders, to do wonders |
faire de son mieux {v} | :: to do as best one can, to do one's best, to do one's utmost, to give it one's best shot |
faire désordre {v} [colloquial] | :: to look disjointed and disorganised, to not look good, to look disorderly |
faire des pieds et des mains {v} [colloquial] | :: to bend over backwards, to go out of one's way, to move heaven and earth |
faire des plans sur la comète {v} | :: alternative form of tirer des plans sur la comète |
faire des ravages {v} | :: to wreak havoc |
faire des ravages {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to break many hearts (to be very attractive) |
faire des salamalecs {v} [idiomatic] | :: to grovel, kowtow; to drown (someone) in courtesies |
faire des siennes {v} [colloquial] | :: to disobey, to get up to mischief, to mess about, to act up, to be up to one's usual tricks, to be up to no good |
faire des vagues {v} [figuratively] | :: to make waves; to rock the boat |
faire diligence {v} [literary] | :: to make haste, to be quick, to hurry |
faire diversion {v} | :: to create a diversion |
faire dodo {v} [childish] | :: to sleep |
faire don {v} | :: to make a gift of something to someone |
faire du bien {v} | :: to do someone good, to feel good (to someone) |
faire du bruit {v} | :: to make a lot of noise, to be noisy |
faire du bruit {v} [figuratively] | :: to make waves, to cause a stir |
faire d'une pierre deux coups {v} [figuratively] | :: to kill two birds with one stone |
faire du pied {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to play footsie with |
faire du sur place {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to tread water, to be at a standstill, to not get anywhere, to go round in circles, to stagnate |
faire du surplace {v} | :: alternative spelling of faire du sur place |
faire échec {v} [à] | :: to thwart, to foil, to stymie, to cause (something) to fail, to make (something) fail |
faire école {v} | :: to found a school of thought, to attract a following, to find followers, to be seminal, to set a precedent, to set an example |
faire effet {v} [of a drug, etc.] | :: to take effect, to become active, effective |
faire en sorte {v} | :: to see to it, make sure |
faire époque {v} [of an event] | :: to make history, to go down in history (to become a historical milestone) |
faire erreur {v} | :: to be mistaken, to be wrong |
faire étalage {v} [de] | :: to make a display of, to flaunt |
faire état {v} [de] | :: to cite, to mention, to give an account |
faire état {v} [de] | :: to give (something) some thought, to consider |
faire exprès {v} [idiomatic] | :: to do (something) deliberately; to do (something) on purpose |
faire face {v} [à] | :: to square up; to come up against; to deal with, to face up to, to meet the challenge of |
faire faim {v} [impersonal, colloquial] | :: it's hungry in here |
faire fausse route {v} [figuratively] | :: to be on the wrong track, to bark up the wrong tree |
faire faux bond {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to stand someone up, to leave someone in the lurch, to let someone down |
faire fête {v} [à] | :: [dated] to welcome enthusiastically, to greet with eagerness |
faire feu {v} | :: to fire (shoot a weapon) |
faire feu de tout bois {v} [figuratively] | :: to use all available means, to use everything at one's disposal, to take advantage of every resource in one's environment, to put everything to good use, to be resourceful |
faire fi de {v} | :: to turn one's nose up (at), disdain |
faire fi de {v} | :: to disregard or ignore a factor |
faire flèche de tout bois {v} [figuratively] | :: to use all available means, to use everything at one's disposal, to take advantage of every resource in one's environment, to be resourceful |
faire florès {vi} | :: To flourish, to be successful, to gain a reputation |
faire foi {v} [de] | :: to prove (something), to serve as proof (that), to be evidence (that), to attest to the fact (that); |
faire foi {v} [law] | :: to be valid; to prevail |
faire fort {v} [colloquial] | :: to outdo oneself, to do very well, to perform outstandingly |
faire fortune {v} | :: to make a fortune, to make a pile |
faire froid {v} [impersonal, of the weather] | :: to be cold |
faire froid dans le dos {v} [figuratively] | :: to be chilling, to give the creeps, to send shivers down someone's spine |
faire fureur {vi} [colloquial] | :: to be all the rage, to be red hot |
faire gaffe {v} [à, .informal] | :: to pay attention, to watch out, to mind |
faire genre {v} [slang] | :: to put on airs |
faire grâce {v} [à, ;, de] | :: to spare someone something, to let someone off something |
faire grand bruit {v} | :: to be much talked of |
faire grand cas {v} [literary] | :: [de] to have a high opinion (of), to esteem |
faire grève {v} | :: to strike; to be on strike |
faire grocerie {v} [Louisiana French] | :: to go grocery shopping |
faire honneur {v} [à] | :: to be worthy of, to be a credit to, to do proud |
faire honneur {v} [à] | :: to do justice to |
faire honneur {v} [à] | :: to honour |
faire honte {v} [à] | :: to embarrass someone, to disgrace someone, to make someone feel ashamed, to bring shame upon someone |
faire irruption {v} [dans] | :: to barge in, to burst in |
faire jour {v} [impersonal] | :: to be daylight |
faire la bringue {v} [colloquial] | :: to party, to live it up, to whoop it up |
faire la connaissance {v} [de] | :: to get to know |
faire la conversation {v} | :: to make conversation |
faire la cour {v} [à] | :: to woo; to court |
faire la différence {v} [colloquial] | :: to make a difference, to make a big difference |
faire la fête {v} | :: to party, have a party, live it up |
faire l'affaire {v} [colloquial] | :: to do the trick, to do the job, to do, to be enough, sufficient |
faire la file {v} [Belgium] | :: to line up, queue (to put oneself at the end of a queue) |
faire la fine bouche {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to be finicky, to be choosy, to turn up one's nose |
faire la grasse matinée {v} | :: to sleep in, to have a lie in |
faire la gueule {v} [very, colloquial] | :: to sulk, to pout, to be in a huff |
faire la java {v} [dated] | :: to party |
faire la leçon {v} [à] | :: [figuratively] to preach, lecture |
faire la loi {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to call the shots, to call the tune, to rule the roost (to be the one who makes the rules, to be the one who decides) |
faire la manche {vi} [figuratively] | :: to beg, to panhandle |
faire la mijaurée {v} [of a woman] | :: to put on airs |
faire la moue {v} | :: to pout |
faire l'amour {v} | :: to make love, to have sex |
faire la navette {v} | :: to commute, to shuttle (to go back and forth between two places) |
faire la noce {phrase} [Switzerland] | :: to party |
faire la paire {v} [colloquial] | :: to make quite a duo, to be two of a kind |
faire la paix {v} [avec] | :: to make peace with |
faire la part belle {v} [à] | :: to give somebody or something top billing, to feature somebody or something prominently |
faire la part des choses {v} [figuratively] | :: To put things into perspective |
faire la peau {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to do in, to bump off (to kill) |
faire la plonge {v} [slang] | :: to wash up, do the washing-up |
faire la pluie et le beau temps {v} [figuratively] | :: to call the shots, to call the tune, to rule the roost (to be the one who makes the rules, to be the one who decides) |
faire la poussière {v} | :: to dust; to do the dusting |
faire la queue {v} | :: to line up, queue (to put oneself at the end of a queue) |
faire la sourde oreille {v} | :: to turn a deaf ear |
faire la tête {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to sulk, to pout, to be in a huff |
faire la tournée des grands-ducs {v} [literary] | :: to paint the town red, to go out on the town |
faire la tronche {v} [colloquial] | :: to sulk |
faire la une {v} | :: to hit the headlines (to appear on the front page of a publication) |
faire l'autruche {v} [figuratively] | :: to bury one's head in the sand, to ignore what is going on |
faire la vaisselle {vi} | :: to wash up, to wash the dishes, to do the washing-up |
faire le beau {v} [of a dog] | :: to sit up and beg, to sit pretty |
faire le canard {v} [idiom] | :: To suck up to; flatter too much |
faire l'école buissonnière {v} [dated] | :: to play truant, to play hooky, to skip class, to ditch, to bunk |
faire le con {v} | :: to fool around |
faire le coup de poing {v} | :: to fight, to fistfight |
faire le difficile {v} [colloquial] | :: to be choosy, to be nitpicky, to be particular, to be difficult |
faire le grand saut {v} [euphemistic, idiomatic] | :: to snuff it, to kick the bucket (to die) |
faire le gros dos {vi} [of a cat] | :: to arch one's back |
faire le gros dos {vi} [idiomatic] | :: to weather the storm, lie low |
faire le lit {v} | :: make the bed (to prepare a bed for later use and for tidiness) |
faire le malin {v} [colloquial] | :: to get wise, get cute, to act smart, to try to be clever, to be impertinent |
faire le ménage {v} [literally] | :: to do the housework, the household chores |
faire le ménage {v} [figuratively] | :: to clean up; to clear out |
faire le mort {v} | :: to play dead (to act as though no longer alive) |
faire le mur {v} [dated] | :: to play truant, to play hooky, to skip class, to ditch, to bunk |
faire le plein {v} [colloquial] | :: To fill up (with petrol) |
faire le poids {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: [face à, devant] to hold a candle to, to measure up to |
faire le point {v} [sur] | :: to review, to take stock of, to get a fix on |
faire le pont {v} [figuratively] | :: To take a long weekend; to take an extra day off work in addition to a public holiday that falls on a Thursday or Tuesday, thereby making a four-day weekend. If the public holiday falls on Wednesday, the individual has the option of taking either Monday and Tuesday or Thursday and Friday off |
faire le premier pas {v} [figuratively] | :: to make the first move |
faire les 400 coups {v} | :: alternative spelling of faire les quatre cents coups |
faire les cent pas {v} | :: to pace up and down |
faire les courses {vi} | :: to do the shopping, to do the shopping errands |
faire les frais {v} [de] | :: to bear the brunt |
faire les gros titres {v} | :: to hit the headlines (to appear on the front page of a publication) |
faire les magasins {v} [colloquial] | :: to go shopping |
faire les poches {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to pick someone's pocket, to pickpocket |
faire les quatre cents coups {v} | :: to do one crazy thing after the other, to engage in all excesses imaginable, to live a wild life, to be wild, to be a party animal; to paint the town red, to go out on the town |
faire les yeux doux {v} [à] | :: [figuratively] to make eyes at someone, to make cow eyes at someone, to look at someone with doe eyes |
faire le tour du propriétaire {v} | :: to look around a property, to visit a place such as an apartment |
faire le trottoir {v} [figuratively] | :: to act as a prostitute |
faire l'expérience {v} [de] | :: to try (something); to experience (something) |
faire l'impasse {v} [sur] | :: to give something a miss, to forgo something |
faire l'objet {v} [de] | :: to be the subject of, to be subject to |
faire long feu {v} | :: to fizzle out |
faire l'unanimité {v} | :: to win unanimous support, to be approved unanimously, to be the object of a full consensus, to be unanimous |
faire machine arrière {v} [nautical] | :: to go astern |
faire machine arrière {v} [figuratively] | :: to backpedal, retreat, do a U-turn |
faire main basse {v} [sur] | :: to help oneself to, to get hold of, to walk off with |
faire mal {v} | :: to hurt (to cause pain) |
faire marche arrière {phrase} | :: to turn back, go backwards |
faire marche arrière {phrase} | :: to backpedal |
faire marcher {vt} [colloquial] | :: to pull someone's leg, to fool, usually as a joke |
faire mieux de {v} [colloquial, conditional only, conditional] | :: had better |
faire minette {v} [idiomatic slang, vulgar] | :: to eat pussy; to perform cunnilingus |
faire montre {v} [de] | :: [literary] to evince, to show, to demonstrate, to display (a quality) |
faire mouche {v} | :: to hit the bullseye |
faire mouche {v} [figuratively] | :: to come off; to hit home, to hit the nail on the head |
faire mumuse {v} [childish, colloquial] | :: to play around |
faire noir {v} [idiomatic] | :: To be dark, especially when it's night |
faire noir comme chez le loup {v} [simile, impersonal] | :: To be dark to the point where one can't see; to be pitch-dark |
faire nuit {v} [impersonal] | :: to be night-time |
faire obstacle {v} [à] | :: to stand in the way of, to be a hindrance to, to hinder, to obstruct, to stymie |
faire office de {v} | :: to act as |
faire office de {v} | :: to serve as |
faire pâle figure {v} [devant, en face de, face à] | :: [figuratively] to pale in comparison, to pale into insignificance, not to hold a candle to |
faire parler de soi {v} | :: to set tongues wagging, to make waves, to hit the headlines, to get oneself talked about, to be the talk of the town |
faire part {v} [à, ;, de] | :: to inform someone of something, to tell someone about something |
faire-part {m} | :: announcement |
faire partie {v} [de] | :: to be a part of |
faire partie intégrante {v} [de] | :: to be a integral part of, to be part and parcel of |
faire peau neuve {v} [figuratively] | :: to get a facelift, to get a makeover, to get a new look, to be freshened up, to be revamped, to change one's image, to undergo a transformation |
faire péter {vt} [slang] | :: To pass, to hand something |
faire peu de cas {v} | :: [~ de] to neglect, to disregard, to consider trivial |
faire peur {v} [à] | :: to frighten (someone) |
faire pièce {v} [à] | :: [literary] to thwart, to stymie, to foil |
faire pipi {v} [childish] | :: to wee (urinate) |
faire pipi au lit {v} [childish] | :: to wet the bed (to urinate in one's bed) |
faire pitié {v} [colloquial] | :: to be pathetic, to look pitiful, to inspire compassion, to arouse pity, to tug at someone's heartstrings |
faire place {vi} | :: to give way; to make way (à for) |
faire plaisir {v} [colloquial] | :: [à] to please someone, to do something nice for someone, to cheer up someone, to keep someone happy, to make someone happy |
faire pleurer le colosse {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to pee, urinate |
faire pression {v} [sur] | :: to put pressure on, to pressure (someone), to lobby |
faire preuve {v} [de] | :: to show, to demonstrate, to display (a quality) |
faire profil bas {v} [colloquial] | :: to keep a low profile, to lie low |
faire rage {v} | :: to rage (to move with great violence) |
faire route {vi} | :: advance, move, travel |
faire salle comble {v} | :: to sell out, to have a full house (for an event to be so well attended that there is no room left in the venue) |
faire sauter la banque {v} | :: break the bank |
faire sa valise {v} | :: alternative form of faire ses valises |
faire savoir {v} | :: to inform, to let someone know |
faire semblant {v} [de] | :: to pretend |
faire sens {v} [proscribed] | :: to make sense |
faire sensation {v} | :: to make a splash, to cause a stir, to cause a sensation; to be a hit, to be a huge success |
faire ses adieux {v} [à] | :: to bid farewell to, to bid adieu to, to say goodbye to |
faire ses besoins {v} [euphemistic] | :: to do one's business, to relieve oneself |
faire ses choux gras {v} [de] | :: to have a field day |
faire ses dents {v} | :: to teethe |
faire ses dents {v} [figuratively] | :: to cut one's teeth |
faire ses preuves {v} | :: to prove oneself, to prove one's worth, to win one's spurs, to earn one's stripes, to earn one's wings |
faire ses valises {v} [figuratively] | :: to pack one's bags, to depart |
faire sien {vt} | :: to make (something) one's own, to endorse |
faire signe {v} | :: to signal; to gesticulate; to indicate using gestures |
faire soif {v} [impersonal, colloquial] | :: it's thirsty in here |
faire son apparition {v} | :: to appear |
faire son chemin {v} [of an idea, figuratively] | :: to make progress, to gain some acceptance, to catch on |
faire son entrée {v} | :: to enter, to make one's entrance, to make an entrance |
faire son marché {v} [colloquial] | :: to take one's pick |
faire son possible {v} | :: to do what one can |
faire souche {v} [figuratively] | :: to hive off, to spread, to produce offspring, to start a line of descendants, to found a family, to establish a colony (somewhere) |
faire surface {v} | :: to surface, to emerge |
faire table rase {v} | :: to start again from scratch, to start again with a clean slate |
faire tache {v} [figuratively] | :: to not belong; to stand out awkwardly, to stick out like a sore thumb |
faire tache d'encre {v} [figuratively] | :: to spread, to slowly gain ground |
faire tache d'huile {v} [figuratively] | :: to spread, to slowly gain ground |
faire tourner en bourrique {vt} [colloquial] | :: to drive nuts, to drive crazy, to drive mad |
faire toute une histoire de {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to make a big thing out of, to make a meal of |
faire tout un foin de {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to make a meal of, make a big thing out of |
faire tout un fromage de {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to make a meal of, to make a big thing out of |
faire tout un plat de {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to make a meal of, make a big thing out of |
faire un bide {v} [colloquial] | :: to flop, to bomb, to tank |
faire un caca nerveux {v} [colloquial] | :: to have a shit fit, to throw a tantrum, to get one's knickers in a twist, to get one's panties in a bunch (over something trivial) |
faire un carton {v} [colloquial] | :: to be a hit, to be a huge success |
faire une belle jambe {v} [colloquial, sarcastic, idiom] | :: [à] to do a fat lot of good to (someone) |
faire une carte de France {v} [literally] | :: to make a map of France |
faire une carte de France {v} [euphemistic, slang] | :: to have a wet dream |
faire une croix sur {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to forsake something, to kiss goodbye to something (to give up something reluctantly) |
faire une fleur {v} [à] | :: [figuratively] to do someone a kindness, to do someone a good turn, to cut someone a break, to cut someone some slack |
faire une joke {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, Acadia] | :: to make a joke |
faire une machine {v} [colloquial] | :: to do a load of laundry, to put a load on, to put a wash on |
faire une montagne d'une taupinière {v} [figuratively] | :: to make a mountain out of a molehill, to sweat the small stuff |
faire une scène {v} [colloquial] | :: to make a scene, to cause a scene, to raise a fuss |
faire une scène {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to blow up at, to lay into |
faire un flop {v} [colloquial] | :: to flop, to bomb, to tank |
faire un malheur {vi} [colloquial] | :: to be all the rage, to be a huge success, to be a hit |
faire un pied de nez {v} [à] | :: to thumb one's nose |
faire un saut {v} [à, chez] | :: [colloquial, figuratively] to make a stop (somewhere), to pop in to see (someone), to stop off (at someone's place), to pop over (at someone's house) |
faire un tabac {v} [colloquial] | :: to be a hit |
faire un tour {v} | :: to take a stroll, to go for a walk |
faire usage {v} [de] | :: to make use of, to use; to exercise |
faire valoir {v} | :: to assert, affirm |
faire-valoir {m} | :: a sidekick, a foil, a stooge |
faire violence {v} [à] | :: to force someone, to use violence on someone |
faire violence {vr} | :: to force oneself (to do something) |
fair-play {m} | :: fair play |
faisabilité {f} | :: feasibility, doability |
faisable {adj} | :: feasible; doable (able to be done) |
faisan {m} | :: pheasant (a bird of family Phasianidae) |
faisan {m} | :: cock pheasant (male pheasant) |
faisandé {adj} | :: gamy, high (of meat) |
faisandé {adj} | :: corrupt, decadent |
faisane {f} | :: feminine noun of faisan |
faisceau {m} | :: fasces |
faisceau {m} | :: beam, ray |
faisceau {m} | :: bundle, sheaf, cluster |
fais ce que je dis, pas ce que je fais {proverb} | :: do as I say and not as I do |
fais de beaux rêves {phrase} | :: sweet dreams |
faiseur {m} | :: maker |
faiseur {m} | :: tailor |
faiseur d'anges {m} [euphemistic] | :: A non-physician who carries out illicit abortions |
faiseur d'opinion {m} | :: opinionmaker |
faiseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of faiseur |
faiseuse d'anges {f} | :: feminine noun of faiseur d'anges |
faisselle {f} | :: cheese strainer |
faisselle {f} | :: curd cheese |
fait {m} | :: fact |
fait {adj} | :: done |
fait {adj} | :: cut out |
fait accompli {m} | :: a fait accompli, a done deal |
faîtage {m} | :: ridge (of a roof) |
faîtage {m} | :: ridgepole |
fait d'armes {m} | :: prowess, feat of arms |
fait de société {m} | :: social reality, social phenomenon |
fait divers {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: miscellaneous news story, minor news item |
faîte {m} | :: top, summit, pinnacle |
faites vos jeux {phrase} [gambling] | :: place your bets, faites vos jeux [call made by the croupier] |
faitier {adj} | :: alternative spelling of faîtier |
faîtier {adj} | :: Relating to the top of a roof |
faîtier {adj} [Switzerland] | :: central, as in an association, organisation, committee, etc |
faitière {f} | :: alternative spelling of faîtière |
faîtière {f} [roofing] | :: ridge tile |
faîtière {f} [carpentry] | :: ridge beam |
faîtière {f} | :: ridgepole |
fait maison {adj} | :: homemade (made at home) (self made) |
faitout {m} | :: stewpot (large cooking pot with handles and a lid) |
fait que {conj} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: So, therefore, in that case |
faits et gestes {mp} | :: actions, movements, doings, comings and goings (of someone) |
fait-tout {m} | :: alternative spelling of faitout |
faix {m} [literary or dated] | :: burden, heavy load |
fak {conj} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: Phonetic, vernacular spelling of fait que |
fakir {m} | :: fakir (all meanings) |
FAL {m} | :: FAL, FN-FAL (the NATO standard rifle) |
falaise {f} | :: cliff (steep rock face) |
falbala {m} | :: furbelow (a ruffle) |
falbala {m} | :: furbelow (a flashy ornament) |
falconiforme {m} | :: bird belonging to Falconiforms |
faldistoire {m} | :: faldstool |
falisque {m} | :: Faliscan (language) |
falklandais {adj} | :: Falkland |
Falklandais {m} | :: a Falklander |
Falklandaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Falklandais |
fallacieusement {adv} | :: deceptively, fallaciously |
fallacieux {adj} | :: fallacious (characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken) |
falloir {v} [impersonal] | :: to need, have to |
falloir {v} | :: to take (time) |
falloir {vr} [with "en"] | :: to be missing |
falot {m} | :: lantern |
falot {adj} | :: droll |
falotement {adv} | :: drolly |
falsifiabilité {f} | :: falsifiability |
falsifiable {adj} | :: falsifiable |
falsificateur {m} | :: falsifier |
falsification {f} | :: falsification |
falsificatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of falsificateur |
falsifier {v} | :: to falsify (all meanings) |
faluche {f} | :: faluche |
faluche {f} | :: A type of dense white bread from northern France |
falun {m} [geology, agriculture] | :: A stratum chiefly composed of shell beds, usually in reference to certain marine Cenozoic deposits in France |
famé {adj} | :: (in combination) Having a specified reputation |
famélique {adj} | :: half-starved; scrawny |
famélique {mf} | :: starveling |
fameusement {adv} | :: famously |
fameusement {adv} [dated] | :: very |
fameux {adj} | :: recognised, well-known, famous |
familial {adj} | :: familial, relating to a family |
familialement {adv} | :: familially |
familiarisation {f} | :: familiarization |
familiariser {vt} | :: to familiarize |
familiarité {f} | :: familiarity |
familier {adj} | :: familiar (known to one) |
familier {adj} [linguistics] | :: familiar, informal, colloquial (lexicon) |
familièrement {adv} | :: colloquially; informally |
famille {f} | :: family (group of related people) |
famille {f} [biology] | :: family |
famille d'accueil {f} | :: host family |
famille recomposée {f} | :: blended family (a stepfamily in which both new mates have one or more living kids from prior partners) |
famine {f} | :: famine |
fan {mf} | :: fan (admirer, supporter) |
fan {f} [Canada] | :: fan (ventilator) |
FAN {prop} {fp} | :: Forces Armées du Nord (Armed Forces of the North), a Chadian rebel army active during the Chadian Civil War |
fanal {m} | :: lantern |
fanal {m} | :: beacon, lamp (of lighthouse) |
fanal {m} | :: headlight (of train) |
fanatique {adj} | :: fanatic, fanatical |
fanatique {mf} | :: fanatic (one who is zealously enthusiastic) |
fanatiquement {adv} | :: fanatically |
fanatiser {vt} | :: to fanaticize |
fanatisme {m} | :: fanaticism (the characteristic or practice of being a fanatic) |
fane {f} [archaic] | :: dry leaf |
fane {f} [cooking] | :: The leaves attached to vegetable, but which are themselves not usually consumed, such as those of carrot, radishes and cauliflowers |
fane {f} [gardening, agriculture] | :: The leaves of any vegetable which is not itself a leaf vegetable, and which are not usually attached to the edible part, such as those of potatoes, tomatoes and beans |
fané {adj} | :: faded |
faner {vi} [literary] | :: to make hay |
faner {vt} | :: to toss, turn [grass, hay, etc.] |
faner {vt} [literary] | :: to fade |
faner {vr} | :: to fade, wither |
faneur {m} | :: haymaker |
faneur {m} | :: tedder (feminine) |
faneuse {f} | :: tedder |
fanfare {f} [musical instrument] | :: fanfare |
fanfaron {adj} | :: boasting |
fanfaron {m} | :: boaster |
fanfaronnade {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: bragging, boasting |
fanfaronner {v} | :: to boast, swagger |
fanfiction {f} | :: fan fiction |
fanfreluche {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: frill(s); decorative trimmings or embellishments |
fanfrelucher {vt} | :: to decorate with frills |
fange {f} [literary] | :: filth, mire |
fange {f} [literary, figurative] | :: filth, baseness, debauchery |
fange {f} [literary, archaic] | :: fen, swamp |
fangeux {adj} | :: muddy, miry, filthy |
fangeux {adj} | :: abject |
fanion {m} | :: fanion |
fanion {m} | :: pennant |
Fanny {prop} | :: given name borrowed from English; also used as a pet form of Stéphanie |
fanon {m} | :: dewlap (pendulous skin under the neck of an ox, lizard, or other animal) |
fanon {m} | :: wattle (wrinkled fold of skin hanging from the neck of a turkey or other bird) |
fanon {m} [in the plural] | :: baleen plate; baleen (bony material that makes up the plates in the mouth of a baleen whale) |
fanon {m} | :: feather, feathering (long hair on the lower legs of a horse) |
fanon {m} [heraldry] | :: bracelet on the right arm |
fanon {m} | :: fanon (vestment reserved for the Pope) |
fanon {m} [usually plural] | :: fanon (part of a bishops mitre) |
fanon {m} [by extension, usually plural] | :: tabs on a banner or pennant |
fanonien {adj} | :: Fanonian |
fanorona {m} | :: The national game of Madagascar, a board game similar to checkers / draughts |
fantaisie {f} | :: fantasy (something fanciful) |
fantaisie {f} | :: fantasy (something created by the imagination) |
fantaisie {f} | :: imagination |
fantaisie {f} [music] | :: fantasia |
fantaisiste {adj} | :: fanciful |
fantaisiste {m} | :: music hall / variety artist |
fantascope {m} | :: synonym of fantasmascope |
fantasie {f} | :: alternative form of fantasy |
fantasier {v} [obsolete] | :: to imagine |
fantasmagorie {f} | :: phantasmagoria |
fantasmagorique {adj} | :: phantasmagoric |
fantasmagoriquement {adv} | :: phantasmagorically |
fantasmascope {m} | :: phenakistoscope |
fantasmatique {adj} | :: fantastical |
fantasmatique {adj} | :: phantasmal |
fantasmatiquement {adv} | :: fantastically |
fantasmatiquement {adv} | :: phantasmally |
fantasme {m} [chiefly sexuality] | :: fantasy |
fantasme {m} [dated] | :: hallucination |
fantasmé {adj} | :: fantasized, dreamt |
fantasmé {adj} | :: chimeric |
fantasmer {v} | :: to fantasise |
fantasque {adj} | :: capricious, unpredictable (character); whimsical, fanciful (story etc.) |
fantasquement {adv} | :: capriciously |
fantasquement {adv} | :: fancifully |
fantassin {m} | :: foot soldier, infantryman |
fantastique {adj} | :: fantastic (related to fantasy or fantasies) |
fantastiquement {adv} | :: fantastically (in a way related to fantasy) |
fantasy {f} [literature] | :: fantasy (literary genre) |
fantoche {m} | :: puppet |
fantoche {adj} | :: manipulated |
fantochement {adv} | :: manipulatedly |
Fantômas {prop} {m} | :: one of the most popular characters in the history of French crime fiction |
fantomatique {adj} | :: ghostly |
fantôme {m} | :: ghost |
fantosme {m} | :: obsolete form of fantôme |
fanzine {m} | :: fanzine |
FAO {prop} {fp} | :: initialism of Forces Armées Occidentales a Chadian insurgent group |
faon {m} | :: fawn (young deer) |
faonner {vi} | :: To fawn; to give birth to a fawn, or young deer |
FAQ {f} | :: FAQ (foire aux questions) |
faque {conj} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: Phonetic vernacular spelling of fait que |
faquin {m} [archaic] | :: wretch, rascal |
far {m} | :: A traditional Breton cake |
farad {m} | :: farad |
faradique {adj} [physics] | :: faradic |
faramineux {adj} [colloquial] | :: colossal, staggering, incredible |
faraud {adj} | :: smug or proud of one's appearance or clothing |
far breton {m} | :: A kind of cake from Brittany, often made with plums |
farce {f} [cooking] | :: stuffing |
farce {f} [theatre] | :: farce |
farce ou friandise {interj} | :: trick or treat |
farceur {m} | :: joker; trickster; prankster, jokester |
farceur {m} [dated] | :: actor who plays in a farce |
farcin {m} | :: farcy |
farcineux {adj} | :: farcinous |
farcir {v} [cooking] | :: to stuff; to applying stuffing to |
farcir {vp} | :: to get saddled with; to have to put up with |
fard {m} | :: make-up |
farde {f} [Belgium] | :: file (stationery to keep documents together), binder, folder |
fardé {adj} | :: disguised |
fardé {adj} | :: made up (i.e. with make-up) |
fardeau {m} | :: burden |
fardeau {m} | :: load |
fardeau {m} [figuratively] | :: A worry or trouble |
farder {v} | :: to disguise |
farder {v} | :: to make up or paint (the face) |
farder {v} | :: to represent in a false light; to augment with falsehoods or affectations |
farder {v} | :: to weigh heavily; to be burdensome |
farder {v} | :: to settle or sink downwards |
farfadet {m} | :: elf, leprechaun (or similar small demon) |
farfelu {adj} [of a person] | :: eccentric, scatty |
farfelu {adj} [of an idea] | :: ridiculous, harebrained |
farfouiller {vi} | :: to rummage around |
faribole {f} [especially, in plural] | :: nonsense, poppycock |
fariboler {v} | :: to fool about; mess around |
farigoule {f} [regional] | :: synonym of thym (aromatic herb used in cooking) |
farinacé {adj} | :: farinaceous |
farine {f} | :: flour, specifically wheat flour |
farine {f} | :: feed, animal food |
farine de poisson {f} | :: fishmeal (ground dried fish) |
fariner {v} | :: to flour (to apply flour to something) |
farineux {adj} | :: floury, mealy |
farinier {m} | :: miller |
farinier {m} | :: flour merchant |
farinière {f} | :: feminine singular of farinier |
farnésol {m} [organic compound] | :: farnesol |
farniente {m} | :: dolce far niente, sweet idleness |
farouche {adj} [of animals] | :: wild, shy of humans |
farouche {adj} | :: shy, unsociable, retiring, hesitant |
farouche {adj} [of women] | :: distant, unapproachable |
farouche {adj} | :: stubborn, intransigent |
farouche {adj} [of things] | :: savage, dangerous, fierce |
farouche {adj} [of supporters] | :: staunch |
farouchement {adv} | :: fiercely, strongly, bitterly, doggedly, rabidly |
fart {m} | :: wax (for skis) |
farter {v} | :: to wax skis |
Far West {prop} {m} | :: The western part of the United States, earlier defined as the American frontier and later as the areas west of the Midwest |
Far West {prop} {m} [figuratively] | :: a state of lawlessness |
fasce {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: fess |
fascicule {m} | :: installment |
fascicule {m} | :: fascicle |
fascicule {m} | :: bundle |
fascié {adj} | :: fasciated, banded |
fascinant {adj} | :: fascinating; captivating |
fascination {f} | :: fascination |
fasciner {vt} | :: to fascinate |
fascisant {adj} | :: fascist |
fascisation {f} | :: fascistization |
fascisme {m} | :: Fascism, an extreme-right totalitarian political regime/ideology |
fasciste {adj} | :: fascist (supporting the principles of fascism) |
fasciste {mf} | :: fascist (proponent of fascism) |
fascistement {adv} | :: fascistically |
fascistisation {f} | :: alternative form of fascisation |
fascistissime {adj} | :: Very fascist |
faste {m} | :: splendour; pomp |
faste {adj} | :: auspicious |
fastidieusement {adv} | :: tiresomely; boringly |
fastidieux {adj} | :: tedious; tiresome; boring |
fastoche {adj} [colloquial] | :: easy |
fastueusement {adv} | :: sumptuously, lavishly |
fastueux {adj} | :: sumptuous, luxurious |
fat {adj} | :: conceited |
fatal {adj} | :: fatal (due to fate) |
fatal {adj} | :: fatal (causing death) |
fatalement {adv} | :: fatally |
fatalisme {m} | :: fatalism |
fataliste {mf} | :: fatalist |
fatalité {f} | :: fatality |
fat bike {m} [winter sports] | :: fat bike |
fatbike {m} | :: alternative form of fat bike |
fatha {mf} | :: fatha |
Fatick {prop} | :: Fatick (city) |
fatidique {adj} | :: fateful |
fatidique {adj} | :: fated |
fatidiquement {adv} | :: fatedly, fatefully |
fatigabilité {f} | :: fatigability |
fatigant {adj} | :: tiring |
fatigant {adj} | :: tiresome; annoying; boring |
fatigue {f} | :: fatigue, weariness |
fatigué {adj} | :: tired |
fatiguer {vi} | :: to tire |
fatiguer {vt} | :: to wear out, to drain |
fatiguer {vr} | :: to make an effort [especially in the negative] |
Fatimata {prop} {f} | :: given name, widely used in Islamic West Africa |
fatimide {mf} | :: Fatimid (related to the Fatimid caliphate) |
fatiste {m} | :: actor in a medieval mystery play |
fatras {m} | :: jumble, hodgepodge |
fattouch {m} | :: fattouch |
fatuité {f} | :: self-satisfaction, complacency |
fatwa {f} [Islam] | :: fatwa (legal opinion issued by a mufti) |
faubert {m} | :: a mop made from old rope (particularly hemp rope), used for cleaning the deck of a ship |
faubourg {m} | :: suburb |
faubourien {adj} | :: working class Parisian |
fauchage {m} | :: mowing, reaping |
fauchaison {f} [rare] | :: scything, scything season |
fauché {adj} [slang] | :: skint, broke or otherwise lacking money |
fauché comme les blés {adj} [simile, colloquial] | :: broke, skint (lacking money; bankrupt) |
faucher {v} | :: to mow, to reap |
faucher {v} | :: to run over, to knock down |
faucheur {m} | :: A scyther |
faucheur {m} | :: harvestman; daddy longlegs |
Faucheuse {prop} {f} | :: Grim Reaper (a personification of Death as a cloaked old man or a skeleton, usually carrying a scythe) |
faucheux {m} | :: daddy longlegs |
fauchon {m} | :: falchion |
faucille {f} | :: sickle (agricultural implement) |
fauciller {v} | :: to sickle (cut with a sickle) |
faucon {m} | :: falcon |
faucon crécerelle {m} | :: common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) |
faucon hobereau {m} | :: Eurasian hobby (Falco subbuteo) |
fauconnerie {f} | :: falconry |
fauconnier {m} | :: falconer (a person who breeds or trains hawks) |
fauconnière {f} | :: feminine noun of fauconnier |
faucon pèlerin {m} | :: peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) |
faufil {m} | :: tacking thread |
faufilage {m} | :: tacking (in sewing) |
faufiler {v} [sewing] | :: to baste |
faufiler {vp} | :: to worm one's way, to slink (about) |
faulknérien {adj} | :: Faulknerian |
fauloir {v} | :: alternative form of falloir |
faune {m} | :: faun |
faune {m} | :: tree grayling (butterfly Hipparchia statilinus) |
faune {f} | :: fauna, wildlife |
faunesse {f} | :: satyress, fauness |
faunique {adj} | :: faunistic |
faunistique {adj} | :: faunal, faunistic |
faunistiquement {adv} | :: faunally, faunistically |
faussaire {mf} | :: forger |
faussé {adj} | :: falsified |
faussé {adj} | :: distorted, skewed |
fausse couche {f} | :: miscarriage |
faussement {adv} | :: falsely; untruly |
fausse modestie {f} | :: false modesty, humblebragging |
fausse-monnayeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of faux-monnayeur |
fausse note {f} | :: false note |
fausser {v} | :: to falsify, to render invalid |
fausser {v} | :: to skew, to distort (a result) |
fausser compagnie {v} [à] | :: to give someone the slip, to slip away from someone |
fausset {m} | :: faucet (tap used to stop the flow of liquid from a vessel) |
fausset {m} [chiefly in the singular] | :: falsetto (type of singing voice) |
fausseté {f} | :: falseness; falsity |
faustien {adj} | :: Faustian |
faute {f} | :: error, mistake |
faute {f} | :: fault, blame |
faute {f} [legal] | :: wrong, misdemeanor |
faute {f} [sports] | :: foul, fault (infraction of the rules) |
faute avouée est à demi pardonnée {proverb} | :: alternative form of faute avouée est à moitié pardonnée |
faute avouée est à moitié pardonnée {proverb} | :: a fault confessed is half redressed |
faute de {prep} | :: through lack of; for want of; because of a lack of |
faute de frappe {f} | :: typing error, typo (typographical error) |
faute de grives on mange des merles {proverb} | :: beggars can't be choosers, half a loaf is better than none |
faute de mieux {adv} | :: for want of something better, faute de mieux |
faute de quoi {adv} | :: failing that; otherwise |
faute directe {f} [sports] | :: unforced error |
fauter {vi} | :: to make a mistake, to mess up |
fauteuil {m} | :: armchair |
fauteuil à bascule {m} | :: rocking chair (chair with a curved base which can be gently rocked) |
fauteuil roulant {m} | :: wheelchair |
fauteur {m} | :: instigator |
fauteur de troubles {m} [rather formal] | :: troublemaker |
Fauteux {prop} | :: surname |
fautif {adj} [of a thing] | :: incorrect; wrong; erroneous |
fautif {adj} [of a thing] | :: faulty; malfunctioning |
fautif {adj} [of a person] | :: guilty, culprit |
fautivement {adv} | :: wrongly; erroneously |
fauve {adj} | :: tawny |
fauve {adj} [rare, archaic] | :: savage, fierce (having the ferocity of a wild animal) 19th c |
fauve {adj} [rare, by extension] | :: dangerous, wild from mid-19th c |
fauve {adj} [arts] | :: fauvist from early 20th c |
fauve {m} [dated] | :: tawny-coloured animal from late 16th c |
fauve {m} [by extension] | :: a big cat, such as a lion or lynx |
fauve {m} [by extension] | :: beast, wild animal, especially fierce, aggressive, or predatory |
fauve {m} [figuratively] | :: a violent or aggressive man or woman |
fauve {m} | :: a brownish orange color, tawny from mid-19th c |
fauve {m} [polytechnic jargon, obsolete] | :: examiner |
fauvement {adv} | :: savagely, fiercely, dangerously, wildly |
fauverie {f} | :: An enclosure for containing and displaying wild animals |
fauverie {f} | :: The characteristic color of the fauvist artists |
fauvette {f} | :: warbler |
fauvisme {m} | :: fauvism |
faux {adj} | :: false; untrue |
faux {adj} | :: false; not real |
faux {adv} | :: badly; inaccurately; untruly |
faux {f} | :: scythe |
faux-ami {m} | :: Faux ami, false friend |
faux anglicisme {m} [lexicography] | :: pseudo-anglicism |
faux bonhomme {m} | :: One who has a false visage of joviality and lightheartedness |
faux bourdon {m} | :: drone (male bee) |
faux-bourdon {m} | :: drone (bee) |
faux-bourdon {m} | :: A musical style in which a countermelody sung above the melody and another sung below create the impression of a bass that isn't really there |
faux cul {m} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: hypocrite, phony |
faux départ {m} | :: false start |
faux-filet {m} | :: sirloin |
faux frère {m} | :: traitor, backstabber, snake in the grass |
faux-fuyant {m} | :: prevarication, pretext |
faux jeton {m} [colloquial] | :: hypocrite, phony, two-faced person, two-timer |
faux-monnayeur {m} | :: counterfeiter (a person who counterfeits) |
faux négatif {m} | :: false negative |
faux-nez {m} [Internet] | :: sock puppet |
faux-palais {m} | :: retainer (a device that holds teeth in position after orthodontic treatment) |
faux pas {m} | :: stumble, misstep, false step |
faux pas {m} [figuratively] | :: faux pas, blunder |
faux plat {m} | :: false flat |
faux positif {m} | :: false positive |
faux-semblant {m} | :: false display (of emotions or situations) |
favéole {f} | :: faveolus |
faveur {f} | :: favour |
favorable {adj} | :: favourable, favorable |
favorablement {adv} | :: favorably |
favori {adj} | :: favourite [UK] / favorite [US] |
favori {m} | :: favorite |
favori {m} [in the plural] | :: sideburns, side whiskers |
favoris {mp} | :: sideburns, side whiskers |
favorisant {adj} | :: favoring / favouring |
favorisant {adj} | :: promoting |
favorisant {adj} | :: encouraging |
favoriser {v} | :: to favour, to show a preference to something |
favoriser {v} | :: to prioritise |
favoriser {v} | :: to promote, encourage, foster |
favorite {f} | :: female equivalent of favori |
favoritisme {m} | :: favoritism, favouritism |
Favre {prop} | :: surname for a smith |
favus {m} | :: favus |
faxer {v} | :: to fax (send a document) |
fayalite {f} [mineral] | :: fayalite |
fayence {f} [dated] | :: alternative spelling of faïence |
fayencier {m} | :: alternative form of faïencier |
fayencière {f} | :: feminine singular of fayencier |
fayettiste {mf} | :: A supporter of Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette during the French Revolution |
fayot {m} [France, colloquial] | :: bean |
fayot {m} [France, colloquial] | :: bootlicker |
fayoter {v} [France, colloquial] | :: to brownnose |
FBI {prop} {m} | :: FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) |
FC {prop} {fp} [Canada, military] | :: initialism of w:Forces canadiennes; CF (Canadian Forces) |
fdpin {adv} | :: P&P included |
fdpout {adv} | :: P&P not included |
FE {prop} {f} [automotive, sport] | :: abbreviation of Formule E |
féal {adj} [obsolete] | :: faithful |
featurette {f} [film] | :: featurette (bonus material) |
fébrifuge {adj} | :: febrifugal |
fébrifuge {m} | :: febrifuge |
fébrile {adj} | :: febrile, feverous, feverish |
fébrilement {adv} | :: feverishly; feverously |
fébrilement {adv} [figuratively] | :: erratically; chaotically |
fébrilité {f} | :: febrility |
fébrilité {f} | :: feverishness |
féca {m} [slang, verlan, backslang] | :: coffee |
fécal {adj} | :: fecal (of or relating to feces) |
fèces {fp} [medicine, pluralonly] | :: Faeces |
fèces {fp} [pharmacy, archaic, pluralonly] | :: Sediments depositing in a container of murky or cloudy liquid |
fécond {adj} [biology] | :: fertile (able to procreate) |
fécond {adj} | :: fecund |
fécond {adj} | :: fruit-bearing |
fécond {adj} | :: fruitful |
fécond {adj} | :: productive |
fécond {adj} | :: abundant (in), rich (in) |
fécondabilité {f} | :: fecundability |
fécondable {adj} | :: fertilisable |
fécondant {adj} | :: fecund |
fécondation {f} | :: fertilisation |
fécondation {f} | :: impregnation |
fécondation {f} | :: insemination |
fécondation {f} | :: pollinisation |
fécondement {adv} | :: fecundly, fruitfully, prolifically |
féconder {v} | :: to fecundate |
fécondité {f} | :: fertility (state of being fertile) |
fécondité {f} | :: fecundity |
fécondité {f} [of plants] | :: ability to bear fruits |
fécondité {f} | :: productivity |
fécondité {f} | :: fruitfulness |
fécule {f} | :: starch from potatoes, manioc etc |
féculent {adj} | :: starchy |
féculent {m} | :: any starchy food |
féculeux {adj} | :: starchy |
fédéral {adj} | :: federal |
fédéralisation {f} | :: federalization |
fédéraliser {vt} | :: to federalize |
fédéralisme {m} | :: federalism |
fédéraliste {mf} | :: federalist |
fédéraliste {adj} | :: federalist |
fédérateur {adj} | :: federative, unifying |
fédérateur {m} | :: unifier |
fédératif {adj} | :: federative |
fédération {f} | :: federation |
fédérer {v} | :: to federate |
fédité {f} | :: fedity |
fée {f} | :: fairy, fay |
feedback {m} | :: feedback (generic) |
fée du logis {f} [figuratively] | :: perfect housewife |
feeling {m} | :: instinct, hunch |
féerie {f} | :: what fairies do |
féerie {f} | :: any fictional universe involving magical creatures such as fairies, ogres and dragons |
féerie {f} | :: faerie, féerie |
féerie {f} | :: extravaganza |
féerie {f} [figuratively] | :: something impressive and/or enchanting |
féerique {adj} | :: relating to fairies |
féerique {adj} | :: relating to fairytales |
féérique {adj} | :: alternative form of féerique |
féeriquement {adv} | :: fairily |
féériquement {adv} | :: alternative form of féeriquement |
feignant {adj} | :: lazy, idle |
feignant {m} | :: idler, loafer |
feijoada {f} | :: feijoada |
feindre {v} | :: to fake; to feign |
feinte {f} [sports] | :: feint, dummy |
feinter {v} [sports] | :: to feint |
feintise {f} [archaic] | :: disguise |
feintise {f} [archaic] | :: trickery; deceit |
Fekir {prop} | :: surname |
feldiègre {m} | :: (rare) Imperial courier in Russia |
fêlé {adj} | :: cracked |
fêler {vt} | :: to crack |
fêler {vp} | :: to crack |
félibre {m} | :: félibre |
Félicien {prop} | :: given name |
félicitation {f} | :: congratulation |
félicitations {interj} | :: felicitations, congratulations, well done |
félicité {f} | :: bliss |
félicité {f} | :: happiness |
félicité {f} | :: felicity |
Félicité {prop} {f} | :: given name |
féliciter {v} | :: to congratulate |
félidé {m} [usually, in the plural] | :: A felid: a member of the Felidae sub-family |
félin {adj} | :: feline |
félin {adj} | :: catlike |
félin {m} | :: A cat, or a member of the cat family (family Felidae) |
Félix {prop} | :: given name |
fellaga {m} | :: A supporter of liberation from French rule in colonial Tunisia and Algeria |
fellagha {m} | :: fellagha |
fellateur {m} | :: fellator |
fellation {f} | :: fellatio |
fellatrice {f} | :: fellatrix |
félon {adj} | :: treacherous, perfidious |
félon {m} | :: traitor |
félonie {f} | :: treachery, treason |
felouque {f} | :: felucca |
fêlure {f} | :: crack |
fem {f} | :: a femme (feminine queer woman) [contrast butch] |
femelle {adj} | :: female |
femelle {f} | :: female (of a species) |
femelle {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: woman, girl |
femelle {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: wife |
féminicide {f} | :: femicide |
féminilité {f} [archaic] | :: feminility |
féminin {m} [linguistics] | :: feminine |
féminin {adj} | :: female |
féminin {adj} | :: feminine |
fémininement {adv} | :: femininely |
féminisation {f} | :: feminization/feminisation |
féminiser {v} | :: to feminize (make (more) feminine) |
féminisme {m} | :: feminism (all meanings) |
féministe {adj} | :: feminist |
féministe {mf} | :: feminist |
féminité {f} | :: femininity |
féminitude {f} | :: womynhood (feminist definition of feminity) |
féminologie {f} | :: feminology |
féminologique {adj} [very, rare] | :: feminological |
femme {f} | :: woman |
femme {f} | :: wife |
femme {f} [LGBT, rare] | :: alternative form of fem [contrast butch] |
femme au foyer {f} | :: housewife (female head of household) |
femme au volant, mort au tournant {proverb} [offensive] | :: danger, woman driver ahead! female drivers are a constant danger! |
femme d'affaires {f} | :: businesswoman |
femme de chambre {f} | :: chambermaid |
femme de charge {f} [dated] | :: housekeeper |
femme de Dieu {f} | :: a godly woman |
femme de lettres {f} | :: woman of letters, a literary woman |
femme de ménage {f} | :: cleaning lady, cleaning woman |
femme de petite vertu {f} [euphemistic] | :: loose woman, strumpet (promiscuous woman) |
femme de petite vertu {f} [euphemistic] | :: woman of easy virtue, prostitute (woman having sex for profit) |
femme de réconfort {f} | :: comfort woman |
femme d'ouvrage {f} [Belgium] | :: cleaning lady |
femme du monde {f} | :: woman of the world |
femme fatale {f} | :: femme fatale |
femme fontaine {f} | :: a woman who visibly ejaculates on orgasm |
femme galante {f} [dated] | :: courtesan |
femmelette {f} | :: wimp |
femmelette {f} | :: sissy |
femme politique {f} | :: a (female) politician |
femme qui rit, à moitié dans son lit {proverb} | :: alternative form of femme qui rit, à moitié dans ton lit |
femme qui rit, à moitié dans ton lit {proverb} | :: make her laugh and you're halfway there, women like a man who can make them laugh |
fémoral {adj} | :: femoral (of, pertaining to, or near the femur or thigh) |
femto- {prefix} | :: femto- |
femtokatal {m} | :: femtokatal |
femtométrique {adj} | :: femtometric |
fémur {m} | :: femur |
fenaison {f} | :: haymaking |
fenasse {f} | :: sainfoin |
fenasse {f} | :: Arrhenatherum elatius |
fendard {adj} [France, slang] | :: funny, comical |
fendeur {m} | :: splitter, chopper (person) |
fendeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of fendeur |
fendillé {adj} | :: cracked, crazed (surface) |
fendiller {vt} | :: to crack, craze |
fendoir {m} | :: cleaver (a squarish knife used for hacking) |
fendre {v} | :: to split, to chop (wood), to crack |
fendre {v} | :: to shoulder (one's way through a crowd) |
fendre {v} [figurative] | :: to break (someone's heart) |
fendre {vr} [se fendre, of heart] | :: to break |
fendre {vr} [se fendre] | :: to crack, to split |
fendre {vr} [se fendre, ~ de] | :: to manage, to come up with |
fendre {vr} [se fendre, fencing] | :: to lunge |
fendre le cœur {v} [à] | :: [figuratively] to break someone's heart |
fendre son biscuit {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] | :: to beat |
fendre son garganna {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] | :: to beat someone, to win |
fenestre {f} | :: obsolete spelling of fenêtre |
fenêtre {f} | :: window |
fenêtre de lancement {f} [astronautics] | :: launch window |
fenêtre de tir {f} [astronautics] | :: launch window |
fenêtre nationale {f} [dated, jocular] | :: guillotine |
fenil {m} | :: hayloft |
fennique {adj} | :: Finnic |
Fennoscandie {prop} {f} | :: Fennoscandia |
fenouil {m} | :: fennel |
fente {f} | :: cleft, fissure, crack (in rock) |
fente {f} | :: split, crack (in wood) |
fente {f} | :: slit, slot |
fente {f} | :: slit (in skirt), vent (in jacket etc.) |
fente {f} [anatomy] | :: fissure |
fente {f} [fencing] | :: lunge |
fente {f} [vulgar, slang] | :: crack, slit (vagina) |
fenugrec {m} | :: fenugreek (plant) |
fenugrec {m} | :: fenugreek (seed) |
féodal {adj} | :: feudal |
féodalement {adv} | :: feudally |
féodalisme {m} [history, economics, politics] | :: feudalism |
féodalité {f} | :: feudalism, feudality |
fer {m} | :: iron |
fer {m} | :: shoe (for horse); steel tip |
fer {m} [golf] | :: iron |
fer {m} | :: iron (appliance) |
fer {m} [in the plural, archaic] | :: irons, fetters |
fer à cheval {m} | :: horseshoe |
fer à friser {m} | :: curling iron |
féral {adj} | :: feral; wild |
féralies {fp} | :: Feralia |
fer à repasser {m} | :: smoothing iron |
fer à souder {m} | :: soldering iron (tool) |
ferbérite {f} [mineral] | :: ferberite |
fer-blanc {m} | :: tin, tinplate |
ferblanterie {f} | :: tinplate (objects, manufacture) |
ferblantier {m} | :: tinsmith |
ferblantière {f} | :: feminine noun of ferblantier |
fer de lance {m} [literally] | :: spearhead, arrowhead |
fer de lance {m} [figuratively] | :: spearhead |
fer de lance {m} | :: fer-de-lance (snake) |
-fère {suffix} | :: -ferous, -iferous |
férié {adj} [obsolete] | :: holiday (attributive) |
férier {v} [obsolete] | :: to celebrate |
féringien {adj} | :: Faroese |
férir {v} [obsolete] | :: to hit, to strike |
ferler {v} [nautical] | :: to furl, to roll up (a sail) |
fermage {m} | :: tenant farming |
fermage {m} [by extension] | :: rent paid by a tenant farmer |
ferme {adj} | :: firm |
ferme {f} [carpentry] | :: roof truss |
ferme {f} | :: farm |
fermé {adj} | :: closed |
fermement {adv} | :: firmly, strongly, tightly |
fermement {adv} | :: hard |
fermentaire {adj} | :: fermentation (attributive) |
fermentation {f} | :: fermentation |
fermentation homolactique {f} | :: homolactic fermentation |
fermenté {adj} | :: fermented |
fermenter {v} | :: to ferment |
fermentescible {adj} | :: fermentable |
ferme piscicole {f} | :: fish farm |
fermer {vt} | :: to shut |
fermer {vt} | :: to close |
fermer {vr} | :: to close |
fermer à clé {v} | :: alternative spelling of fermer à clef |
fermer à clef {vt} | :: to lock |
fermer boutique {v} | :: to close up shop, to shut up shop, to close down |
fermer la marche {v} | :: to bring up the rear |
fermer les yeux {v} [idiomatic] | :: to turn a blind eye |
fermer les yeux {v} [idiomatic] | :: to pass away, to die |
fermer les yeux {v} [literally] | :: to shut one's eyes |
fermer sa gueule {v} [vulgar, offensive] | :: to shut one's mouth; to shut up (refrain from speech) |
ferme ta gueule {interj} [vulgar, offensive] | :: shut up; shut the fuck up; shut your mouth! |
fermeté {f} | :: firmness |
fermette {f} | :: farmhouse |
fermette {f} | :: small farm |
fermeture {f} | :: closing |
fermeture {f} | :: fastener |
fermeture éclair {f} | :: zip fastener |
fermier {adj} | :: farmer (attributive) |
fermier {m} | :: farmer |
fermière {f} | :: female equivalent of fermier |
fermière {f} | :: farmer's wife |
fermion {m} [physics] | :: fermion |
fermionique {adj} [physics] | :: fermionic |
fermium {m} | :: fermium |
fermoir {m} | :: clasp (or similar small metal fastening) |
Fernand {prop} | :: given name |
Fernande {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Fernand |
féroce {adj} | :: ferocious |
féroce {adj} | :: wild |
férocement {adv} | :: ferociously |
férocement {adv} | :: wildly |
férocité {f} | :: ferocity |
férocité {f} | :: rabidness |
féroïen {m} | :: Faroese, the Faroese language |
féroïen {adj} | :: Faroese, pertaining to the Faroese language, the Faroe Islands and its inhabitants |
Féroïen {m} | :: A Faroese person |
Féroïenne {f} | :: feminine noun of Féroïen |
féron {m} | :: ironworker |
ferrage {m} | :: shoeing (of a horse) |
ferraillage {m} | :: The network of rebars used within reinforced concrete |
ferraille {f} | :: old iron, scrap |
ferraille {f} [colloquial] | :: loose change, shrapnel |
ferrailler {vt} | :: to cross swords with |
ferrailler {vt} | :: to scrap or recycle |
ferrailleur {m} | :: swordsman |
ferrailleur {m} | :: scrap dealer or merchant |
ferrane {m} [Morocco] | :: oven |
Ferrare {prop} {m} | :: Ferrare (city/and/province) |
ferré {adj} | :: Strong, powerful |
ferrédoxine {f} [protein] | :: ferredoxin |
ferrer {v} | :: to clad in iron (transitive), to be clad in iron (intransitive) |
ferrer {v} | :: to shoe (a horse) |
ferrer {v} | :: to clad in some metal, not necessarily iron |
ferrer {v} | :: to hook (a fish) |
ferret {m} | :: (metal) tag; aglet, aiguillette |
ferreux {adj} | :: ferrous (all senses) |
ferricyanure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: ferricyanide |
ferrier {m} [historical] | :: a farrier |
ferrier {m} [historical] | :: a blacksmith |
ferrier {m} [historical] | :: a small mound, heap, or hill composed of the remnants or by-products (slag/dross/scoria) of an ancient iron forge or bloomery, especially from the late Iron age and Gallo-Roman era in France |
ferrière {f} | :: feminine noun of ferrier |
ferrifère {adj} | :: ferriferous |
ferrimagnétique {adj} [physics] | :: ferrimagnetic |
ferrimagnétisme {m} [physics] | :: ferrimagnetism |
ferriprive {adj} [pathology] | :: Suffering from a deficiency of iron |
ferrique {adj} [chemistry] | :: ferric |
ferro- {prefix} | :: ferro- |
ferro- {prefix} | :: Relating to railways |
ferrocène {m} [chemistry] | :: ferrocene |
ferrocérium {m} | :: ferrocerium |
ferrocyane {m} | :: synonym of cyanoferre |
ferrocyanique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: ferrocyanic |
ferrocyanure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: ferrocyanide |
ferroélasticité {f} [physics] | :: ferroelasticity |
ferroélectricité {f} [physics] | :: ferroelectricity |
ferroélectrique {adj} [physics] | :: ferroelectric |
ferrofluide {m} [physics] | :: ferrofluid |
ferroique {adj} [physics] | :: ferroic |
ferromagnésien {adj} | :: ferromagnesian |
ferromagnétique {adj} [physics] | :: ferromagnetic |
ferromagnétisme {m} [physics] | :: ferromagnetism |
ferron {m} | :: wrought iron |
ferronnerie {f} | :: ironwork (the art of the blacksmith) |
ferronnerie {f} | :: ironworks (iron factory) |
ferronnier {m} | :: blacksmith (worker in wrought iron) |
ferronnière {f} | :: feminine noun of ferronnier |
ferrosilicium {m} | :: ferrosilicon |
ferrotoroïdicité {f} [physics] | :: ferrotoroidicity |
ferrotype {m} | :: ferrotype |
ferroutage {m} | :: piggyback transportation (of a lorry on a train) |
ferrouter {v} | :: To piggyback (transport a lorry on a train) |
ferroviaire {adj} | :: Rail; pertaining to railroad transportation |
ferrugineux {adj} | :: ferruginous |
ferrure {f} | :: iron fitting (often ornamental) |
ferry {m} | :: ferry |
fertile {adj} | :: fertile |
fertilement {adv} | :: fertilely |
fertilisant {adj} | :: fertilizing |
fertilisation {f} | :: fertilization |
fertiliser {v} | :: to fertilize |
fertilité {f} | :: fertility |
féru {adj} | :: addicted, bitten (figurative sense), passionate about |
féru {m} | :: fan, addict |
férule {f} | :: fennel, giant fennel (genus Ferula) |
férule {f} | :: ferule (device for hitting schoolchildren) |
férule {f} | :: the crook of a bishop, abbot, or pope |
férule {f} [figuratively] | :: bondage |
férule commune {f} | :: giant fennel (Ferula communis) |
férulique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: ferulic |
fervemment {adv} | :: fervently; with fervor |
fervent {adj} | :: fervent |
ferveur {f} | :: ardour, zeal, fervor |
Fès {prop} {f} | :: Fez (Moroccan town) |
fesse {f} | :: buttock |
fessé {m} | :: spankee |
Fessebouc {prop} [humorous, pejorative] | |
fessecul {m} | :: saltbush Atriplex halimus |
fessée {f} | :: spanking |
fessée {f} | :: female equivalent of fessé |
Fessenheim {prop} | :: A commune in Haut-Rhin |
fesser {v} | :: to spank |
fesser {v} [Quebec, slang] | :: to whack |
fessier {adj} | :: Pertaining or belonging to the buttocks |
fessier {adj} [anatomy] | :: Specifically, of the buttocks' muscles |
fessier {m} | :: The bottom as a whole |
fessier {m} | :: One of several muscles in the buttocks |
fessu {adj} | :: fat-bottomed |
festif {adj} | :: festive |
festin {m} | :: banquet, feast (a large celebratory meal) |
festiner {v} | :: to feast |
festival {m} | :: festival |
festivalier {adj} | :: festival (attributive) |
festivalier {m} | :: festivalgoer |
festivement {adv} | :: festively |
festivité {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: festivity, merrymaking |
feston {m} | :: festoon |
festonner {v} | :: to festoon |
festoyer {vt} | :: to feast, banquet |
festoyeur {m} | :: reveler |
festoyeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of festoyeur |
fétal {adj} | :: alternative form of fœtal |
fêtard {m} | :: party animal |
fêtard {m} | :: partygoer |
fêtarde {f} | :: feminine singular of fêtard |
fête {f} | :: winter holidays (always in plural) |
fête {f} | :: party |
fête {f} [Christianity] | :: name day |
fête {f} [Canada, Louisiana] | :: birthday |
fête champêtre {f} | :: A garden party (pastoral festival) that was a popular form of entertainment in the 18th century, particularly popular at the French court, at Versailles. In theory it is a simple pastoral festival but in practice it was often contrived and elaborate with orchestras and fancy dress |
fête des Mères {f} | :: Mother's Day |
fête des Pères {f} | :: Father's Day |
fête foraine {f} | :: travelling funfair |
fêter {vt} | :: to celebrate [an event] |
fêter {vt} | :: to celebrate [somebody] |
fétiche {m} [religion] | :: fetish, idol |
fétiche {m} [figuratively] | :: amulet |
fétiche {m} [sexuality] | :: fetish |
fétiche {adj} [religion] | :: animist |
fétiche {adj} | :: bringing good luck |
fétiche {adj} [sexuality] | :: fetish, used as a sexual fetish |
féticher {v} [Africa] | :: to enchant by magic; to cast a spell |
féticher {v} [religion] | :: to practice fetishism |
fétichisation {f} | :: fetishization |
fétichiser {v} | :: to fetishize |
fétichisme {m} [religion] | :: fetishism |
fétichisme {m} [figuratively] | :: adoration of a false god |
fétichisme {m} [sexuality] | :: fetishism; fetish |
fétichiste {adj} | :: fetishistic |
fétichiste {mf} | :: fetishist |
fétide {adj} | :: fetid, foetid, foul |
fétidité {f} | :: fetidness |
fétidité {f} | :: stench |
fétu {m} [countable] | :: straw (dried stalk of a cereal plant) |
fétu {m} [figurative] | :: straw (something proverbially worthless) |
fétuine {f} [protein] | :: fetuin |
fétuque {f} | :: fescue |
fétus {m} [rare] | :: alternative spelling of fœtus |
feu {m} | :: fire |
feu {m} | :: (cigarette) lighter |
feu {m} | :: traffic light |
feu {adj} | :: deceased, the late |
feu d'artifice {m} | :: firework |
feudataire {adj} | :: feudatory |
feudataire {mf} | :: feudatory, vassal |
feu de camp {m} | :: campfire (fire at a campground) |
feu de forêt {m} | :: forest fire, wildfire |
feu de joie {m} | :: bonfire |
feu de paille {m} [figuratively] | :: a flash in the pan |
feu follet {m} | :: will-o'-the-wisp |
feu grégeois {m} | :: Greek fire |
feuh {m} [verlan, backslang, slang] | :: egg |
feuillage {m} | :: foliage |
feuillaison {f} | :: foliation (annual formation of leaves) |
feuillant {adj} | :: Feuillant |
feuillant {m} | :: Feuillant |
feuillard {m} | :: band (of iron) |
feuille {f} | :: leaf (of a plant or tree) |
feuille {f} | :: sheet (of paper, etc) |
feuille {f} [colloquial] | :: ear |
feuille d'acanthe {f} [arts and architecture] | :: An acanthus decorative pattern |
feuille de chou {f} [derogatory, figuratively] | :: a rag (low-quality newspaper) |
feuille de pompe {f} | :: cheat sheet |
feuille de rose {f} [euphemistic] | :: anilingus |
feuille de route {f} | :: road map; action plan |
feuillée {f} [obsolete] | :: foliage |
feuillée {f} [in plural, military slang] | :: latrines, lats |
feuille-morte {adj} | :: of the colour of dying leaves: russet, feuillemorte |
feuillet {m} | :: page, leaf (of book etc.) |
feuillet {m} | :: layer (of wood) |
feuillet {m} | :: omasum, manyplies (of ruminants) |
Feuillet {prop} | :: surname |
feuilletage {m} | :: flakiness (of pastry etc) |
feuilleté {adj} | :: laminated |
feuilleté {adj} | :: layered |
feuilleté {m} | :: A layered cake |
feuilleter {v} | :: to leaf through (to turn the pages of (a book) rapidly reading short sections at random) |
feuilletine {f} | :: feuilletine |
feuilleton {m} [TV] | :: soap opera |
feuilletonesque {adj} | :: serialized (especially as a soap opera) |
feuillette {f} | :: half-barrel (of wine) |
feuillu {adj} | :: leafy, leafed |
feuillu {m} | :: broad-leaved tree |
feuj {adj} [slang, sometimes, pejorative, offensive] | :: Jewish |
feulement {m} | :: growl |
feuler {v} [especially of a tiger or other big cats] | :: to growl |
feu orange {m} | :: yellow light, amber light |
feu rouge {m} | :: red light |
feurre {m} [obsolete] | :: hay, straw (especially as used to cushion chairs, cover rural housing etc.) |
Feurs {prop} | :: A small town in the Loire department of Rhône-Alpes |
feutrage {m} | :: felting (all senses) |
feutre {m} | :: felt |
feutre {m} | :: felt hat; trilby (UK), fedora (US) |
feutre {m} | :: felt-tip (pen) |
feutré {adj} | :: having a texture like felt; felt-like |
feutré {adj} [figuratively] | :: muted, muffled |
feutrer {vt} | :: to felt |
feutrer {vt} | :: to muffle |
feutrine {f} | :: lightweight felt |
feu vert {m} | :: green light (green traffic light) |
feu vert {m} [figuratively] | :: green light, go-ahead |
feux croisés {mp} [military] | :: crossfire |
fève {f} | :: bean, generally |
fève {f} | :: strictly, the broad bean Vicia faba |
fève {f} | :: non-legume beans, as in coffee beans |
fève {f} | :: the trinket in a king cake (galette des rois) – originally an actual broad bean, today often a plastic, metal or porcelain figurine |
fèverole {f} | :: broad bean; horse bean |
févier {m} | :: honey locust (tree of the genus Gleditsia) |
févr. {n} | :: abbreviation of février Feb |
février {m} | :: February |
fez {m} | :: fez |
FFF {prop} [soccer] | :: initialism of Fédération Française de Football, the governing body of football (soccer) in France |
fi {interj} [archaic] | :: faugh, fie |
FIA {prop} {f} | :: FIA - initialism of Fédération internationale de l'automobile |
fiabilisation {f} | :: reliability |
fiabiliser {v} | :: To make more reliable |
fiabilité {f} | :: reliability |
fiable {adj} | :: reliable, dependable |
fiablité {f} | :: reliability |
fiançaille {f} [obsolete in the singular] | :: betrothal |
fiançaille {f} [in the plural] | :: engagement (before a marriage) |
fiançailles {fp} | :: engagement (before a marriage); betrothal |
fiance {f} [obsolete] | :: faith; confidence |
fiancé {adj} | :: engaged |
fiancé {m} | :: fiancé |
fiancée {f} | :: feminine noun of fiancé; a fiancée |
fiancée {f} | :: a large yellow underwing |
fiancer {v} | :: to get engaged (to be married) |
fiasco {m} | :: fiasco (situation) |
fiasco {m} | :: fiasco (bottle) |
fibrage {m} | :: optical fibre installation |
fibranne {f} | :: A rayon fabric |
fibre {f} | :: fibre |
fibré {adj} | :: fibrous |
fibre optique {f} | :: optical fiber |
fibreux {adj} | :: fibrous |
fibrillaire {adj} | :: fibrillary |
fibrille {f} | :: fibril |
fibrinogène {m} [protein] | :: fibrinogen |
fibroblaste {m} | :: fibroblast |
fibrociment {m} | :: fibre cement, fibrocement (containing asbestos etc.) |
fibroïne {f} [protein] | :: fibroin |
fibrome {m} [pathology] | :: fibroma |
fibromyalgie {f} [pathology] | :: fibromyalgia |
fibroprotéine {f} [protein] | :: fibrous protein |
fibroscope {m} | :: fibrescope / fiberscope |
fibroscopie {f} | :: fibroscopy / fiberoscopy |
fibule {f} | :: fibula (brooch) |
ficaire {m} | :: lesser celandine (Ficaria verna, formerly Ranunculus ficaria) |
ficelage {m} | :: tying (up) |
ficeler {v} | :: to tie up, to truss |
ficelle {f} | :: twine |
ficelles du métier {fp} | :: the tricks of the trade |
fichage {m} [computing] | :: filing |
fichage {m} [by extension] | :: surveillance |
fiche {f} | :: card (in a file) |
fiche {f} | :: plug |
fiché {adj} [heraldry] | :: fitché (said of a cross) |
ficher {vt} | :: to plug in; to drive something in by its point, as with a nail or a stake |
ficher {v} | :: to file, record, track (e.g. by police) |
ficher {vr} [s'en ficher, euphemistic] | :: to not care |
ficher {v} [infinitive "fiche", colloquial, past participle "fichu", euphemism] | :: to do |
ficher {vr} [colloquial, followed with "de", se ficher de/se fiche de (quelqu'un)] | :: to make fun of someone |
ficher la paix {v} | :: alternative form of foutre la paix |
ficher le camp {v} [colloquial] | :: to get the hell out; to get out of here; to bugger off; to scarper |
fiche S {f} | :: An indicator used by French law enforcement to flag an individual considered to be a serious threat to national security, and justifying surveillance but not arrest |
fichier {m} | :: file (collection of papers) |
fichier {m} [computing] | :: file |
fichtre {interj} [dated] | :: gosh! |
fichtre {adv} [dated] | :: adds emphasis to what the speaker is saying |
fichtrement {adv} | :: very, terribly, awfully, darned, damn |
fichu {m} [historical] | :: fichu |
fichu {m} | :: scarf, headscarf |
fichu {adj} [colloquial] | :: lousy, rotten, hell of a |
fichu {adj} [colloquial] | :: done for |
fichu {adj} [colloquial] | :: put together, rigged out, got up |
ficoïde {f} | :: fig marigold, ice plant (of family Aizoaceae or Ficoidaceae) |
fictif {adj} | :: fictional |
fiction {f} | :: fiction |
fictionaliser {v} | :: to fictionalize |
fictionnel {adj} | :: fictional |
fictionnellement {adv} | :: fictionally |
fictivement {adv} | :: fictitiously |
fidéicommis {m} [historical] | :: fideicommissum |
fidéicommis {m} [legal] | :: trust, living trust; trusteeship |
fidéisme {m} | :: fideism |
fidéiste {adj} | :: fideistic |
fidéiste {mf} | :: fideist |
fidèle {adj} | :: loyal |
fidèle {adj} | :: faithful |
fidèle {m} | :: a believer |
fidèlement {adv} | :: faithfully |
fidélisation {f} | :: gaining the loyalty of a customer or client |
fidéliser {vt} | :: to loyalize, to keep loyal |
fidélité {f} | :: faithfulness, fidelity |
FIDIC {prop} {f} | :: acronym of Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils |
Fidji {prop} {fp} | :: Fiji |
fidjien {adj} | :: Fijian (of or pertaining to Fiji or its people or culture) |
fidjien {m} | :: Fijian, the Fijian language |
Fidjien {m} | :: a Fijian |
Fidjienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Fidjien |
fiduciaire {mf} | :: trustee, fiduciary |
fiduciaire {adj} | :: fiduciary |
fiduciairement {adv} | :: fiduciarily |
fiducie {f} | :: escrow, trust |
fief {m} | :: fief |
fieffé {adj} | :: arrant, out-and-out, blatant |
fiel {m} | :: bile |
fielleusement {adv} | :: venomously |
fielleusement {adv} | :: spitefully |
fielleux {adj} | :: venomous, spiteful, scurrilous |
fiente {f} | :: droppings |
fienter {v} | :: to defecate, shit |
-fier {suffix} | :: alternative form of -ifier |
fier {adj} | :: proud |
fier {adj} | :: remarkable (in this sense always used before the noun it qualifies) |
fier {vr} [se fier à quelqu'un] | :: to trust someone (à), to rely on someone (à) |
fier-à-bras {m} [pejorative] | :: braggart |
fier comme un paon {adj} [simile] | :: proud as a peacock |
fièrement {adv} | :: proudly |
fiérot {adj} | :: cocky (pleased with oneself) |
fierté {f} | :: pride (emotion), self-esteem |
fieu {m} [Picardy, colloquial] | :: son (male child) |
fièvre {f} | :: fever |
fièvre aphteuse {f} | :: foot-and-mouth disease |
fièvre de cheval {f} | :: a strong, raging fever |
fièvre de lait {f} | :: milk fever |
fièvre jaune {f} | :: yellow fever |
fiévreusement {adv} [figuratively] | :: feverishly; zealously |
fiévreux {adj} | :: feverish, running a high body-temperature |
fiévreux {adj} | :: causing fever |
fiévreux {adj} [figuratively] | :: hot-tempered, agitated |
fiévreux {m} | :: A fever-sufferer, notably a feverish patient |
fiévreux {m} [figuratively] | :: A hothead, feverishly agitated person |
fif {m} [Quebec, slang, derogatory] | :: an effeminate male homosexual; poof; faggot |
Fifi Brindacier {prop} {f} | :: Pippi Longstocking (fictional character invented by Astrid Lindgren) |
fifille {f} | :: little girl |
fifre {m} | :: fife |
fig. {adj} | :: abbreviation of figuré; figurative |
figaro {m} | :: barber |
figé {adj} | :: frozen |
figé {adj} | :: (of an expression) fixed |
figé {adj} [by extension] | :: lifeless; motionless |
figeage {m} | :: freezing |
figement {m} | :: freezing (action or result of freezing) |
figer {v} | :: to freeze |
figer {v} [figuratively] | :: to scare, to frighten |
fignolage {m} | :: tweaking, fine tuning |
fignoler {vt} | :: to tweak, put the finishing touches to |
figue {f} | :: fig (fruit) |
figue de Barbarie {f} | :: prickly pear, the edible fruit of Opuntia ficus-indica |
figuier {m} | :: fig tree |
figuier de Barbarie {m} | :: prickly pear, the plant Opuntia ficus-indica |
figurant {m} [cinema] | :: extra |
figurant {m} [theater] | :: bit player |
figuratif {adj} | :: figurative |
figurativement {adv} | :: figuratively |
figure {f} | :: face |
figure {f} | :: figure |
figuré {adj} | :: figurative |
figure d'autorité {f} | :: authority figure |
figure de proue {f} [literally and figuratively] | :: figurehead |
figure de style {f} | :: figure of speech (word or phrase) |
figurément {adv} | :: figuratively |
figure paternelle {f} | :: father figure |
figurer {v} | :: to appear (in a list, etc.), to be included; to represent |
figurer {vr} | :: to imagine, picture |
figurine {f} | :: figurine |
figurine {f} | :: (games) miniature |
fil {m} | :: yarn, thread, wire |
fil {m} | :: grain (of wood etc.) |
fil {m} | :: edge (of blade, razor etc.) |
FIL {prop} | :: FIL (Federation of International Lacrosse); synonym of FCI; initialism of Fédération Internationale de Lacrosse |
filage {m} | :: spinning (of thread) |
filage {m} | :: run-through (rehearsal) |
filaggrine {f} [protein] | :: filaggrin |
filaire {adj} | :: wired, corded (connected by wire/cord) |
filamenteux {adj} | :: Filamentous; having filaments |
filandreux {adj} | :: stringy (resembling strings) |
filandreux {adj} [of prose] | :: rambling |
filant {adj} | :: spinning (as a thread) |
fil à plomb {m} | :: plumb line |
filasse {f} | :: tow, oakum, hards |
filasse {f} [by metonymy] | :: its distinctive bleak color |
filasse {f} | :: something of that color, especially blond hair |
filasse {f} [by extension] | :: a yellowish-blond haired person; a towhead |
filateur {m} | :: spinner (machine, person) |
filatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of filateur |
filature {f} | :: filature |
filature {f} | :: spinning factory |
filature {f} | :: watch, surveillance |
fil barbelé {m} | :: barbed wire |
fil conducteur {m} | :: fairlead |
fil conducteur {m} | :: power cable |
fil conducteur {m} [figuratively] | :: throughline, common thread, central theme |
fil d'Ariane {m} [computing] | :: breadcrumbs |
fil d'Ariane {m} [diving] | :: a distance line, penetration line, cave line, guide line |
fil d'Ariane {m} [figuratively] | :: a beacon, a breadcrumb trail |
fil de fer {f} | :: wire |
fil de fer {f} | :: wirewalking |
fil de fer {f} | :: larva of the click beetle |
fil de fer {f} [computing] | :: wireframe |
fil de fer barbelé {m} | :: barbed wire |
fil-de-fériste {mf} | :: tightrope walker (high wire artist) |
fildefériste {mf} | :: alternative form of fil-de-fériste |
fil dentaire {m} | :: dental floss (floss used to clean the areas between the teeth) |
file {f} | :: A line of objects placed one after the other |
file {f} [Belgium] | :: traffic jam |
filé {m} | :: simple or twisted textile thread, as used for needlework |
filé {m} | :: fine, equivalent precious metal thread, used in luxury production |
file d'attente {f} | :: queue |
file indienne {f} | :: single file, Indian file |
filer {vt} | :: to spin (a web) |
filer {vt} | :: to thread through (a crowd) |
filer {vi} | :: to spin a thread (of syrup, or syrup-like substances) |
filer {vi} [colloquial] | :: to leave, to get going, to scram, to slip through |
filer {vt} [colloquial] | :: to pass, to hand, to give |
filer {vt} [nautical] | :: to ease a line |
filer à l'anglaise {v} | :: to take French leave |
filer par le bout {v} | :: to slip the anchor |
filer un mauvais coton {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to go through a spell of poor health, to be coming down with something, to get in a bad way |
filer un mauvais coton {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to be headed for trouble, to be circling the drain, to go downhill |
filet {m} | :: trickle, drizzle (of liquid etc.), wisp (of smoke) |
filet {m} | :: fillet, filet (of meat) |
filet {m} [anatomy] | :: frenum |
filet {m} [typography] | :: rule |
filet {m} [architecture] | :: fillet, listel |
filet {m} [fishing, sports] | :: net |
filet {m} | :: (used for carrying groceries) net |
filet à cheveux {m} | :: hairnet (net designed to keep hair up) |
filetage {m} | :: screw thread |
filet à papillons {m} | :: butterfly net |
filet de pêche {m} | :: fishing net, fishnet |
filet de sécurité {m} | :: safety net |
filet de sécurité {m} [figuratively] | :: safety net |
fileté {adj} | :: threaded |
filetier {m} | :: spinner (maker of threads) |
filet japonais {m} | :: mist net |
filet mignon {m} | :: filet mignon |
fileur {m} | :: spinner (person who spins thread) |
fileuse {f} | :: female equivalent of fileur |
filial {adj} | :: Characteristic of or befitting the relationship between a son or daughter and their parents |
filiale {f} | :: subsidiary |
filialement {adv} | :: filially |
filialisation {f} | :: subsidiarization |
filialiser {v} | :: To subsidiarize |
filialiser {v} | :: To spin off |
filiation {f} | :: filiation |
filicique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: filicic |
filière {f} | :: industry |
filière {f} | :: creance (in falconry) |
filière {f} | :: die (in manufacturing) |
filière {f} | :: spinneret (of a spider) |
filière {f} | :: course of events |
filière {f} | :: ring (of people, for example in drug dealing) |
filiforme {adj} | :: filiform, threadlike |
filigrane {m} | :: watermark (translucent design impressed on paper) |
filigrane {m} | :: filigree |
filigraner {v} | :: filigree (to decorate something with intricate ornamentation made from gold or silver twisted wire) |
filin {m} [nautical] | :: rope, cord |
filipino {m} | :: Filipino (language) |
fille {f} | :: girl |
fille {f} | :: daughter |
fille {f} [slang] | :: prostitute, wench |
fille de comptoir {f} | :: A barmaid |
fille de cuisine {f} | :: kitchen maid |
fille de joie {f} [euphemistic] | :: lady of the night |
fille de laiterie {f} | :: milkmaid |
fille de pute {f} | :: feminine noun of fils de pute |
fille de rue {f} [euphemistic, pejorative] | :: a prostitute |
fille des rues {f} [euphemistic, pejorative] | :: a prostitute |
fille de trottoir {f} [euphemistic, pejorative] | :: a prostitute |
fille du port {f} [euphemistic, slang] | :: a prostitute who works in harbours, harbour girl |
fille facile {f} [euphemistic, pejorative] | :: a prostitute |
fille manquée {f} [often disparaging] | :: tomgirl; boy who behaves like a girl; effeminate man or boy |
fille-mère {f} | :: single mother, unmarried mother |
fille publique {f} | :: streetwalker |
Filles du Roi {prop} | :: Filles du Roy |
fille soumise {f} [euphemistic, pejorative] | :: a prostitute |
fillette {f} | :: A little girl |
fillette {f} | :: A little daughter |
filleul {m} | :: godson |
filleule {f} | :: goddaughter |
fille unique {f} | :: Female only child |
Fillon {prop} | :: surname |
filloniste {adj} | :: Relating to, or characteristic of François Fillon |
fillonniste {adj} | :: Relating to, or characteristic of François Fillon |
film {m} | :: movie, film |
film de boules {m} [colloquial, slightly vulgar] | :: a porn movie, a skin flick, a blue movie, a porno |
film de cul {m} [colloquial, slightly vulgar] | :: a porn movie, a skin flick, a blue movie, a porno |
film d'exploitation {m} | :: exploitation film |
film d'horreur {m} | :: horror movie |
filmer {v} | :: to film |
filmique {adj} | :: film / movie (attributive) |
filmique {adj} | :: filmic, cinematic |
film muet {m} | :: silent film |
film noir {m} | :: film noir |
filmographie {f} | :: filmography |
film X {m} [colloquial] | :: an X-rated movie, an adult movie, a blue movie, a porn movie, a skin flick, a porno |
filoir {m} [nautical] | :: fairlead |
filon {m} [geology] | :: lode, seam, vein |
filonien {adj} | :: fibrous |
filopode {m} | :: filopodium |
filou {m} [archaic] | :: thief, pickpocket |
filou {m} | :: rascal, rogue |
filou {m} | :: trickster |
filou {m} [colloquial] | :: mischievous child |
filouterie {f} | :: knavery |
filouterie {f} | :: fraud |
fil rouge {m} [figuratively] | :: common thread, central theme, governing principle |
fils {m} | :: son |
fils {m} | :: any male descendant |
fils {m} | :: any direct descendant, male or female |
fils {m} | :: Jr. (postnomial designator indicating a son with the same name as the father) |
fils {m} | :: darling, dear (term of affection for a male beloved) |
Fils {prop} [Christianity] | :: Son, person of the Holy Trinity |
fils à papa {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: rich kid, daddy's boy, spoiled brat |
Fils de Dieu {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Son of God (Jesus) |
Fils de l'homme {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Son of Man |
fils de putain {m} [vulgar] | :: alternative form of fils de pute |
fils de pute {m} [vulgar, pejorative] | :: son of a prostitute : whoreson, son of a whore |
fils de pute {m} [vulgar, offensive] | :: objectionable person : son of a bitch, motherfucker, bastard |
Fils du Ciel {m} [historical] | :: Son of Heaven (Emperor of China) |
fils prodigue {m} | :: prodigal son |
fils unique {m} | :: Male only child |
filtrage {m} | :: filtering |
filtrant {adj} | :: filter (attributive) |
filtrat {m} | :: filtrate |
filtration {f} | :: filtration |
filtre {m} | :: filter |
filtré {adj} | :: filtered |
filtrer {vt} | :: to filter |
filtrer {v} | :: to leak (secret information) |
filtreur {adj} | :: filter (attributive) |
fin {f} | :: end, close, finish |
fin {f} | :: end, end goal, objective, purpose |
fin {adj} | :: thin, fine |
fin {adj} [Quebec] | :: kind, nice |
final {adj} | :: final (last) |
final {adj} [linguistics, grammar] | :: expressing purpose |
finale {f} | :: a final |
finalement {adv} | :: finally; last; lastly |
finalement {adv} | :: finally; eventually; after all |
finalisation {f} | :: finalisation |
finaliser {v} [administration] | :: To finalize |
finalisme {m} | :: finalism |
finaliste {mf} | :: finalist |
finalité {f} | :: purpose, end result |
finalité {f} [philosophy] | :: idea according to which things and forms are created and change according to an end, teleology |
finance {f} | :: finance |
financement {m} | :: funding, financing |
financer {v} | :: to fund |
financeur {adj} | :: financing |
financeur {m} | :: financer |
financeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of financeur |
financiarisation {f} | :: financialisation |
financier {adj} | :: financial (of, or relating to, the world of money) |
financier {m} | :: financier [person] |
financier {m} | :: financier [cake] |
financier {m} | :: banker |
financièrement {adv} | :: financially |
finasser {vt} | :: to finesse |
finasserie {f} | :: trick, dodge, ruse |
finastéride {f} [organic compound] | :: finasteride |
finaud {adj} | :: wily, sly |
fin comme du gros sel {adj} [simile] | :: Unsubtle, subtle as a sledgehammer |
fin de semaine {f} [chiefly Europe] | :: the end of the working week (Thursday and Friday) |
fin de semaine {f} [chiefly Canada, Louisiana] | :: the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) |
fin de semaine folle {f} | :: Thanksgiving Weekend or Black Friday Weekend (the shopping period from Thanksgiving Thursday (U.S. Thanksgiving Day) through Cyber Monday (cyberlundi), including Black Friday (vendredi noir or vendredi fou), with large discounts in the prices of goods) |
fin-de-siècle {adj} | :: fin de siècle |
fine {f} [typography] | :: thin space, non-breakable space |
fine {f} | :: a number of high grade French brandies (usually AOC certified) |
fine fleur {f} [figuratively] | :: crème de la crème, cream (of) |
finement {adv} | :: finely; delicately |
finesse {f} | :: fineness (of hair, writing etc.) |
finesse {f} | :: thinness |
finesse {f} | :: keenness, sharpness (of blade) |
finesse {f} | :: fineness, delicacy; slenderness |
finesse {f} | :: perceptiveness; sensitivity, finesse |
fini {m} | :: Aspect or texture of what has been completed |
fini {adj} | :: Completed or done |
fini {adj} | :: Which has come to an end |
fini {adj} [technical, philosophical] | :: Which has an end, limited, finite |
fini {adj} | :: Which has been carefully done |
fini {adj} [pejorative] | :: Whose art has been perfected; accomplished; complete |
fini {adj} | :: Which has been morally damaged and has lost his reputation; done for |
fini {adj} | :: Readily useable |
finiment {adv} | :: finitely |
fini-parti {n} | :: A work arrangement by which the employee can leave as soon as their work is done, regardless of the number of daily hours in the contract |
finir {v} | :: to finish, end, complete |
finir ses jours {v} | :: to end one's days, to spend the rest of one's life, to spend one's last days (somewhere) (to pass the end of one's days (somewhere)) |
finissage {m} | :: finishing, polish |
finissant {m} [Quebec] | :: A student who completely or incompletely finishes a educational stage |
finissant {adj} [literary] | :: Which is ending |
finissante {f} | :: feminine noun of finissant |
finissement {m} [rare] | :: end |
finisseur {m} | :: finisher |
finisseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of finisseur |
Finistère {prop} {m} | :: Finistère |
finistérien {adj} | :: of, from, or relating to, Finistère, the westernmost department in Brittany |
Finistérien {m} | :: someone of or from Finistère |
Finistérienne {f} | :: feminine singular of Finistérien |
finitaire {adj} [maths] | :: finitary |
finition {f} | :: finishing (act of finishing) |
finitisme {m} [maths] | :: finitism |
finitude {f} | :: finitude, impermanence, transience |
finlandais {adj} | :: Finnish (from, or pertaining to Finland) |
Finlandais {m} | :: Finn (person from Finland) |
Finlandaise {f} | :: female equivalent of Finlandais |
Finlande {prop} {f} | :: Finlande (country) |
finlandisation {f} | :: Finlandization (the influence of a large state on a smaller one) |
fin mot {m} | :: the real story, the whole story, the truth (behind something) |
finnois {m} | :: Finnish, the Finnish language |
finnois {adj} | :: Finnish (related to the Finnish language) |
Finnois {m} | :: Finn (of Finnish ethnicity, not nationality) |
Finnoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Finnois |
finno-ougrien {n} | :: Finno-Ugric |
finnophone {adj} | :: Finnophone |
finnophone {mf} | :: a Finnophone |
fiole {f} | :: vial, phial |
fiole Erlenmeyer {f} | :: Erlenmeyer flask |
fion {m} [slang] | :: arse, arsehole |
Fiona {prop} | :: given name of Goidelic origin, popular in the 1990s and the 2000s |
fiord {m} | :: alternative spelling of fjord |
fioriture {f} | :: (especially in plural) flourish, frill, fioriture |
fiote {f} | :: alternative spelling of fiotte |
fiotte {f} [pejorative, vulgar] | :: faggot; poof |
fiou {interj} | :: phew, an onomatopoeic interjection used to express relief |
fioul {m} | :: heating oil, fuel oil |
fioul {m} [Canada] | :: diesel |
FIP {prop} | :: initialism of Fédération Internationale de Philatélie |
firmament {m} | :: firmament |
firme {f} | :: firm (company) |
FIS {prop} [ski] | :: abbreviation of Fédération internationale de ski; the International Ski Federation |
fisc {m} [economics] | :: fiscal administration |
fisc {m} | :: government department of taxation |
fiscal {adj} | :: fiscal, financial |
fiscalement {adv} [finance] | :: fiscally |
fiscaliser {vt} | :: to tax (make taxable) |
fiscaliste {mf} | :: A taxation expert |
fiscaliste {mf} | :: An economist that believes fiscal policy is of paramount importance in economic regulation |
fiscalité {f} | :: the practice of managing taxes and taxation |
Fischer {prop} | :: surname of German origin |
Fiset {prop} | :: surname |
fisétine {f} [organic compound] | :: fisetin |
fissa {adv} [slang] | :: snappy (rapid and without delay) |
fissible {adj} [physics] | :: fissile |
fissile {adj} | :: fissile, fissible |
fission {f} [chiefly physics] | :: fission |
fissionner {v} [physics] | :: To fission |
fission nucléaire {f} | :: nuclear fission |
fissipare {adj} [biology] | :: fissiparous |
fissiparie {f} [biology] | :: fissiparity |
fissure {f} | :: fissure |
fissurer {v} | :: to fissure |
fissurer {v} | :: to crack |
fister {v} | :: to fist-fuck |
fiston {m} | :: boy, son, sonny, lad, young man (as a form of address) |
fistule {f} [medicine] | :: fistula |
fitness {m} | :: (physical) fitness |
fitzgeraldien {adj} | :: Fitzgeraldian |
fivète {f} | :: IVF (in vitro fertilization) |
fix {m} | :: alternative spelling of fixe#Etymology_2 |
fixage {m} | :: fixing |
fixateur {m} | :: fixer |
fixateur {m} | :: fixative |
fixatif {adj} | :: fixative |
fixation {f} | :: fixation |
fixation {f} [psychology, colloquial] | :: fixation, obsession |
fixatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of fixateur |
fixe {adj} | :: fixed |
fixe {m} | :: fix |
fixement {adv} | :: fixedly |
fixer {v} | :: to fix, fasten |
fixer {v} | :: to fix, arrange, set (a date, price etc.) |
fixer {vr} | :: to settle (in a place) |
fixer {vt} | :: to stare at |
fixette {f} [colloquial] | :: fixation, obsession |
fixisme {m} [biology] | :: fixism |
fixiste {adj} [biology] | :: fixist |
fixiste {mf} [biology] | :: fixist |
fixité {f} | :: fixedness, fixity, immovability |
fjeld {m} [geography] | :: fjeld |
fjord {m} | :: fjord |
Fl. {f} [music] | :: Fl. (flute) |
flaccide {adj} | :: flaccid |
flaccidité {f} | :: flaccidity, limpness |
flacon {m} | :: vial, flacon |
flafla {m} | :: ostentation, display |
flafla {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: frills |
flagada {adj} | :: tired, exhausted, knackered |
flagellantisme {m} | :: flagellantism |
flagellateur {m} | :: flagellator |
flagellatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of flagellateur |
flagelle {n} | :: flagellum |
flagellé {adj} | :: flagellate |
flagellé {m} | :: flagellate |
flageller {vt} | :: To beat severely, with a scourge or a whip |
flageller {vr} | :: To whip oneself as mortification |
flageller {vt} | :: To abuse verbally, give a tongue-lashing |
flageolant {adj} | :: trembling |
flageolant {adj} | :: wobbly |
flageoler {vi} | :: to stagger |
flageolet {m} [musical instruments] | :: flageolet [type of small flute] |
flageolet {m} | :: A type of kidney bean, common in France |
flagorner {vt} [literary] | :: to flatter coarsely |
flagornerie {f} | :: coarse flattery |
flagorneur {m} | :: sycophant |
flagorneuse {f} | :: female equivalent of flagorneur |
flagramment {adv} [rare, proscribed] | :: blatantly |
flagrance {f} | :: flagrancy |
flagrant {adj} | :: flagrant, blatant, glaring, obvious, evident |
flair {m} | :: sense of smell |
flair {m} [by extension] | :: intuition, sixth sense |
flairer {vt} | :: to smell, sniff (at) |
flairer {vt} [hunting] | :: to scent |
flairer {vt} | :: to sense |
flamand {m} | :: Flemish (dialect) |
flamand {adj} | :: Flemish |
Flamand {m} | :: Fleming, person from Flanders, Belgium |
Flamande {f} | :: feminine noun of Flamand |
flamant {m} | :: flamingo |
flambage {m} | :: buckling |
flambant {adj} | :: flaming (on fire) |
flambant neuf {adj} | :: brand new |
flambard {adj} | :: funloving |
flambe {f} | :: A kind of iris flower. |
flambe {f} | :: A sword with a curved blade. |
flambe {f} [archaic or dialectal] | :: A high, clear flame. |
flambe {f} [argot] | :: game |
flambeau {m} | :: torch |
flambeau {m} | :: candle |
flambeau {m} | :: candlestick |
flambeau {m} [metonymy] | :: light, flame as symbolic spirit of something |
flambée {f} | :: fire |
flambée {f} [figuratively] | :: flare-up, explosion |
flamber {vt} | :: to flame, flambé |
flamber {vt} [figuratively] | :: to squander money, especially on gambling |
flamber {vi} | :: to burn, blaze |
flamber {v} | :: to buckle |
flambeur {m} | :: (big-time) gambler |
flambeur {m} | :: Big spender |
flambeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of flambeur |
flamboiement {m} | :: blaze, flare (of heat or light) |
flamboyamment {adv} | :: flamingly |
flamboyamment {adv} | :: flamboyantly |
flamboyant {adj} | :: flaming |
flamboyant {adj} | :: flamboyant |
flamboyer {vi} | :: to blaze, flame |
flamenco {m} | :: flamenco (music, dance) |
flamer {v} [Internet] | :: to flame (post disruptive messages) |
flamiche {f} | :: leek pie (or any of several other pastries) |
flamine {m} | :: flamen |
flamingant {adj} | :: Flemish-speaking |
flamingant {m} | :: Flemish nationalist |
flamingantisme {m} | :: Flemish nationalism (in Belgium) |
flaminique {f} | :: female flamen |
flaminique {f} | :: wife of a flamen |
flamme {f} | :: flame |
flamme {f} [figurative] | :: talent, brilliance |
flamme {f} [nautical] | :: streamer (long, narrow flag) |
flammé {adj} | :: flamed |
flammèche {f} | :: spark (detached from burning material) |
flammer {v} | :: To bleed (an animal) |
flammer {v} [regional] | :: To flame |
flammerole {f} | :: will-o'-the-wisp |
flamme rouge {f} [cycling] | :: a red flag indicating to riders that the finish line is coming up in one kilometre |
flammette {f} [nautical] | :: A small streamer (long, narrow flag) |
flamouche {adj} [Belgium, dated, pejorative] | :: alternative form of flamand |
flan {m} | :: baked custard tart |
flan {m} | :: coin die |
flanc {m} | :: side (of person); side, flank (of animal) |
flanc {m} [military] | :: flank |
flanc {m} | :: side, slope (of mountain etc.) |
flanc {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: flaunch |
flancher {v} | :: to drop out; pussy out; wuss out; chicken out; back down |
flanchet {m} | :: flank (meat from the flank) |
Flandre {prop} {f} | :: Flanders (subnational state in the north of federal Belgium) |
flandrien {n} | :: Flandrian |
Flandrien {m} | :: Flandrian |
Flandrienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Flandrien |
flanelle {f} | :: flannel (soft cloth material) |
flâner {v} | :: to wander around |
flâner {v} | :: to loiter, mill about |
flânerie {f} | :: idling about, dawdling about, loafing about |
flânerie {f} | :: stroll |
flâneur {m} | :: loafer, idler, dawdler, loiterer |
flâneuse {f} | :: feminine noun of flâneur |
flanker {m} [rugby] | :: flanker |
flânocher {vi} [colloquial] | :: to loiter |
flanquer {v} | :: to flank, adjoin |
flanquer {v} [colloquial] | :: to fling, chuck |
flanquer {v} [colloquial] | :: to give |
flanquer {v} | :: to stay by (someone's) side, to be someone's right hand man |
flanquer une tripotée {v} | :: to beat up |
flanquer une tripotée {vp} | :: to get into a fight, have a bust-up |
flaperon {m} | :: flaperon |
flapi {adj} [colloquial] | :: dog-tired, knackered |
flaque {f} | :: puddle |
flaquer {v} [archaic] | :: to splash |
flash {m} | :: flash (burst of light) |
flash {m} [photography] | :: flash |
flash {m} | :: newsflash |
flash {m} [juggling] | :: flash |
flash-ball {m} | :: flash-ball |
flasher {v} | :: to flash (of a light, to have intermittent periods on and off) |
flasher {v} | :: to flash (of a camera, to use flash photography) |
flasher {v} | :: to flash (of a vehicle, to be caught on camera speeding) |
flasque {adj} | :: flabby, not firm |
flasque {adj} [figurative] | :: characterless |
flasque {f} | :: flask |
flasquement {adv} | :: flabbily |
flatter {v} | :: to flatter |
flatter {v} | :: to pet, to caress |
flatterie {f} | :: flattery |
flatteur {adj} | :: flattering |
flatteur {m} | :: flatterer (one who flatters) |
flatteusement {adv} | :: flatteringly |
flatulence {f} | :: flatulence |
flatulent {adj} | :: flatulent |
flatuosité {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: flatulence, flatus, wind |
Flaubert {prop} | :: surname |
flaubertien {adj} | :: Flaubertian |
flavanthrène {m} | :: flavanthrone |
flavescine {f} | :: flavescin |
flavien {adj} | :: Flavian |
flavine {f} [organic chemistry] | :: flavin |
flavonoïde {m} [organic chemistry] | :: flavonoid |
FLE {n} [initialism] | :: Français langue étrangère - the learning or teaching of the French language as a foreign language |
fléau {m} | :: A flail, either tool or weapon |
fléau {m} | :: A scourge; a curse, a calamity or a plague |
fléau {m} [mechanics] | :: The beam of a mechanical balance |
flébile {adj} [rare, literary] | :: whiny, doleful |
fléchage {m} | :: signposting, waymarking (arrows as signs) |
flèche {f} [archery, symbol] | :: arrow (projectile or symbol) |
flèche {f} | :: spire |
flèche {f} | :: jib |
flèche {f} | :: pointer, needle |
flèche {f} [fencing] | :: fleche |
flèche {f} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: bright spark, quick study |
Flèche {prop} {f} [astronomy] | :: Sagitta, a constellation |
flèche du Parthe {f} | :: Parthian shot |
flèche du Parthe {f} [figuratively] | :: parting shot |
flécher {vt} | :: to mark with arrows |
fléchette {f} | :: dart |
fléchettes {f} [sports] | :: darts |
fléchir {vt} | :: to bend, to fold |
fléchir {vi} | :: to bend, to bend over |
fléchir {vt} [figuratively] | :: to provoke pity |
fléchissement {m} | :: bending, sagging |
fléchissement {m} | :: weakening |
fléchissement {m} | :: fall-off |
fléchisseur {m} [anatomy] | :: flexor |
flegmatique {adj} | :: phlegmatic, stolid |
flegmatiquement {adv} | :: phlegmatically |
flegme {m} [medicine, historical] | :: phlegm |
flegme {m} | :: composure |
fleischnacka {f} | :: alternative form of fleischschnacka |
fleischschnacka {f} | :: An Alsatian meat-stuffed noodle dish, typically made with minced beef |
flemmard {m} [colloquial] | :: slacker, idler |
flemmard {adj} [colloquial] | :: shiftless, bone-idle |
flemmarder {v} [colloquial] | :: to laze about, to laze around |
flemmardise {f} [colloquial] | :: laziness |
flemme {f} [colloquial] | :: laziness |
flérovium {m} | :: flerovium |
flet {m} | :: flounder (fish) |
flétan {m} | :: halibut (fish of genus Hippoglossus) |
flétri {adj} | :: withered, wizened |
flétrir {vt} | :: to wither |
flétrir {vr} | :: to wither, wilt, shrivel |
flétrir {vt} [archaic] | :: to brand (as punishment) |
flétrir {vt} [archaic] | :: to condemn |
flétrir {vt} [archaic] | :: to blacken, besmirch (someone's reputation etc.) |
flétrissant {adj} | :: withering |
flétrissant {adj} | :: ignominious |
flétrissement {m} | :: withering, wilting, fading |
flétrissure {f} | :: stigmatization |
flétrissure {f} | :: making something unfresh |
fleur {f} [botany] | :: Flower; bloom; blossom; collectively, the reproductive organs and the envelope which surrounds them in angiosperms (also called "flowering plants") |
fleur {f} [metonymy] | :: Flowering plant; angiosperm; the plant with flowers itself |
fleur {f} [figuratively] | :: A kind favor given by one person to another |
fleur {f} [figuratively] | :: The best of something |
fleur {f} [metaphor] | :: The virginity of a woman |
fleur {f} [archaic, chemistry] | :: Substances with a state of purity or extreme separation, produced by sublimation |
fleur bleue {adj} [pejorative] | :: mushy, slushy, cheesy, corny, sappy, soppy, schmaltzy, syrupy, saccharine, maudlin, sentimental |
fleur de lis {f} | :: alternative form of fleur de lys |
fleurdelisé {m} | :: flag of Québec |
fleurdeliser {v} | :: alternative form of fleurdelyser |
fleur de lys {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: fleur-de-lys |
fleurdelysé {m} | :: The flag of Quebec |
fleurdelysé {adj} | :: fleur-de-lysed, decorated with fleurs-de-lys |
fleurdelyser {v} | :: To decorate with fleurs-de-lys |
fleurer {v} | :: to give off (an odor) |
fleurer {v} | :: to waft |
fleurer {v} | :: to smell, catch a waft of |
fleurer {v} | :: to sprinkle |
fleuret {m} [fencing] | :: foil (weapon) |
fleurette {f} | :: small flower |
fleurettiste {m} | :: foil fencer |
fleuri {adj} | :: flowery |
fleurie {m} | :: A red wine from the Rhône department |
fleurir {v} | :: to flower; to produce flowers |
fleurir {v} | :: to bloom |
fleurir {v} | :: to flourish |
fleurissement {m} | :: flowering, blooming |
fleuriste {mf} | :: florist |
fleuron {m} | :: (crown) jewel |
fleuron {m} [architecture] | :: fleuron, finial |
fleuron {m} [typography] | :: fleuron |
fleuron {m} [botany] | :: floret |
fleuron {m} [figuratively] | :: jewel, emblem |
fleuronné {adj} [of a manuscript, etc.] | :: floreted (decorated with flowers) |
fleuve {m} | :: A river (one that flows into an ocean or sea. A river that flows into another river is called a rivière) |
Flevoland {prop} {m} | :: Flevoland |
flexibilisation {f} | :: flexibilization |
flexibiliser {vt} | :: to make supple |
flexibiliser {vi} | :: to become supple |
flexibilité {f} | :: flexibility; flexibleness |
flexible {adj} | :: flexible |
flexiblement {adv} | :: flexibly |
flexion {f} [grammar] | :: inflection |
flexionnel {adj} [linguistics] | :: inflected (allowing inflection) |
flexionnel {adj} [linguistics] | :: inflectional |
flexueusement {adv} | :: flexuously, sinuously |
flexueux {adj} | :: flexuous, sinuous |
flibuste {f} | :: buccaneering, freebooting |
flibuste {f} | :: buccaneers, freebooters (collectively) |
flibuster {v} | :: to buccaneer |
flibuster {v} | :: to steal; to filch |
flibustier {m} | :: A filibuster, a pirate |
flic {m} [slang, pejorative] | :: copper, pig, rozzer; (police officer) |
flicage {m} | :: policing |
flicage {m} | :: surveillance |
flicaille {f} [collectively, derogatory, slang] | :: cops; pigs; the fuzz (the police) |
flingot {m} [dated] | :: gun |
flingue {m} [colloquial] | :: shooter, pistol, gat (gun) |
flinguer {v} [colloquial] | :: to gun, to gun down |
flinguer {vr} [colloquial] | :: to commit suicide with a gun |
flingueur {m} | :: killer, assassin |
flip {m} | :: a type of alcoholic punch from Normandy, composed of cider and calvados |
flip {m} [gymnastics] | :: backflip |
flip-flap {m} [gymnastics] | :: flip (frontflip or backflip) |
flippant {adj} [Europe, colloquial] | :: Surprising |
flippant {adj} [Europe, colloquial] | :: Worrying; scary |
flipper {m} | :: pinball |
flipper {v} [colloquial, slang] | :: to freak out |
fliquer {v} [colloquial] | :: to police |
fliquesse {f} [colloquial] | :: policewoman |
fliquette {f} [colloquial] | :: female police officer |
flirt {m} | :: An episode of (or the act of) flirting |
flirter {vi} | :: to flirt |
flirteur {adj} | :: flirtatious, flirty |
flirteur {m} | :: flirt |
flirteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of flirteur |
FLN {prop} {m} | :: FLN (political party) |
flo {m} [Québec] | :: boy |
flocon {m} | :: a flock (as of wool) |
flocon {m} | :: a snowflake, a small mass of falling snow |
flocon {m} | :: a flake of cereal, as of cornflakes |
flocon d'avoine {m} | :: flake of oat; oatmeal |
floconneux {adj} | :: flaky |
floconneux {adj} | :: fleecy, fluffy |
floculation {f} [chemistry] | :: flocculation |
floculer {v} | :: to flocculate |
flonflon {m} [colloquial, especially in plural] | :: blare |
flopée {f} [colloquial] | :: ton, shedload (large amount) |
floppée {f} | :: alternative form of flopée |
Flora {prop} | :: given name, a Latinate variant of Flore |
floraison {f} | :: flowering, florescence |
floraison {f} | :: an instance of flowering |
floral {adj} | :: floral |
floralie {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: flower show |
flore {f} [uncountable] | :: flora (plants considered as a group, especially those of a particular country, region, time, etc.) |
flore {f} [countable] | :: flora (a book describing the plants of a country etc.) |
flore {f} [uncountable] | :: flora (the microorganisms that inhabit some part of the body) |
Flore {prop} [Roman mythology] | :: Flora |
Flore {prop} | :: given name |
floréal {m} [historical] | :: Floréal (the eighth month of French Republican Calendar) |
flore intestinale {f} | :: gut flora or intestinal flora (the microorganisms that inhabit the intestines) |
Florence {prop} {f} | :: Florence (capital city) |
Florence {prop} {f} | :: Florence (metropolitan city) |
Florence {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of the saint's name Florent |
Florent {prop} | :: given name |
florentin {adj} | :: Florentine; of or pertaining to Florence |
florentin {m} [cooking] | :: florentine (biscuit made with honey and almonds) |
Florentin {m} | :: Florentine; person from Florence |
Florentin {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Florentine {f} | :: feminine noun of Florentin |
florès {adj} | :: only used in faire florès |
Florian {prop} | :: given name |
floribond {adj} | :: producing many flowers |
floriculteur {m} | :: flower grower |
floricultrice {f} | :: feminine noun of floriculteur |
floriculture {f} | :: floriculture |
Floride {prop} | :: Florida |
florilège {m} | :: anthology |
florir {v} | :: to flourish, to be prosperous |
florissant {adj} | :: flourishing |
floristique {adj} | :: floral (pertaining to the flora of a region), floristic |
floristiquement {adv} | :: floristically |
flot {m} [in the plural, literary] | :: waves |
flot {m} | :: stream, flood (large amount) |
flot {m} | :: incoming tide (of the sea); floodtide |
flottabilité {f} | :: buoyancy |
flottage {m} | :: floating (especially as a means of transporting logs) |
flottaison {f} | :: floating, flotation (in water) |
flottaison {f} [nautical] | :: buoyancy |
flottant {adj} | :: floating |
flottant {adj} [figuratively] | :: vacillating, fluctuating, indecisive, variable |
flottation {f} | :: floating (all senses) |
flottation {f} | :: flotation (industrial process) |
flotte {f} | :: fleet |
flotte {f} [colloquial] | :: water |
flotte {f} [colloquial] | :: rain |
flottement {m} | :: hesitation |
flottement {m} | :: flutter, fluctuation |
flottement {m} | :: floating |
flotter {vi} | :: To float |
flotter {v} | :: to flutter, to wave |
flotter {v} [colloquial] | :: to mill about |
flotteur {m} | :: float (any of many floating devices) |
flottille {f} | :: flotilla |
flou {adj} | :: fuzzy; blurred, blurry; unclear |
flouer {vt} | :: to swindle, con |
flous {m} [Maghreb] | :: money |
flouse {m} [slang] | :: dosh, dough, bread |
flouze {m} [slang] | :: dough (money) |
flu {m} [Québec] | :: diarrhoea |
fluage {m} [metallurgy] | :: creep (progressive deformation) |
fluctuant {adj} | :: fluctuant |
fluctuation {f} | :: fluctuation |
fluctuer {v} | :: to fluctuate (to vary irregularly; to swing) |
fluer {v} [medicine] | :: to flow |
fluer {v} [science] | :: to creep |
fluet {adj} | :: slender, slim, skinny |
fluet {adj} [of a sound, voice etc.] | :: weak, thin, narrow |
fluide {m} | :: fluid |
fluidement {adv} | :: fluidly |
fluidification {f} | :: fluidification |
fluidifier {v} | :: to fluidify |
fluidisé {adj} | :: fluidized |
fluidité {f} | :: fluidity |
fluoborique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: fluoboric |
fluoborure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: fluoboride, borofluoride |
fluocompact {mf} | :: energy-saving light bulb |
fluocompacte {adj} | :: compact fluorescent (of lamps) |
fluor {m} | :: fluorine (chemical element) |
fluoranthène {m} [organic compound] | :: fluoranthene |
fluorate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: fluorate |
fluoration {f} | :: fluoridation |
fluoré {adj} | :: fluorinated, fluoridated |
fluorène {m} [organic compound] | :: fluorene |
fluorénone {m} [organic compound] | :: fluorenone |
fluorescéine {f} [organic compound] | :: fluorescein |
fluorescence {f} [physics] | :: fluorescence |
fluorescentement {adv} | :: fluorescently |
fluorhydrate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: hydrofluoride |
fluorhydrique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: hydrofluoric |
fluorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: fluoric |
fluorohydrure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: fluorohydride |
fluoropolymère {m} [organic chemistry] | :: fluoropolymer |
fluorose {f} [pathology] | :: fluorosis |
fluorouracile {f} | :: fluorouracil |
fluorure {f} [chemistry] | :: fluoride |
fluosilicié {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: fluosilicic |
fluosilicique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: fluosilicic |
fluoxétine {m} [medicine] | :: fluoxetine |
flush {m} [poker] | :: flush |
flush {m} [anglicism] | :: flush (reddening of the face) |
flush {m} [anglicism, IT] | :: emptying of the cache |
flusher {v} [Canada, anglicism] | :: to flush (a toilet) |
flute {f} | :: alternative spelling of flûte |
flûte {f} [musical instruments] | :: flute (musical instrument) |
flûte {interj} | :: blow!, drat! (mildly impolite interjection) |
flûté {adj} | :: reedy (of a voice) |
flûte à bec {f} | :: recorder (musical instrument) |
flûte de Pan {f} | :: panpipes, pan flute |
flûte traversière {f} [musical instruments] | :: Western concert flute (a type of transverse flute) |
flutiste {mf} | :: alternative form of flûtiste |
flûtiste {mf} | :: flutist, flautist |
fluvial {adj} | :: fluvial |
flux {m} | :: flow (the flow of the tide) |
fluxage {m} | :: flux, flow |
flux de travaux {m} [computing] | :: workflow (a process and/or procedure in which tasks are completed) |
flux de trésorerie {m} [accounting] | :: cash flow |
fluxion de poitrine {f} [obsolete] | :: pneumonia |
flyé {adj} [Quebec, of a person] | :: eccentric |
flyer {m} | :: flyer (leaflet) |
FMI {prop} | :: IMF (International Monetary Fund) |
FN {prop} {m} | :: Front National; a political party from either France or Belgium |
FN {prop} {f} | :: Fabrique Nationale; a Belgian firearms manufacturer |
Fnac {prop} {f} | :: Fnac, a large French retail chain selling books, music and consumer electronics |
FN FAL {m} | :: alternative form of FN-FAL |
FN-FAL {m} | :: FN-FAL; the NATO standard assault rifle |
FNSEA {prop} | :: Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d'Exploitants Agricoles - National Federation of Farmer's Unions |
foc {m} [nautical] | :: jib (sail) |
focal {adj} | :: focal |
focalisation {f} | :: focalization |
focalisation {f} | :: focusing |
focaliser {v} | :: to focus; to focalize |
focusser {v} [Quebec] | :: to focus |
fodmap {m} | :: FODMAP |
fœdération {f} | :: obsolete form of fédération |
fœdité {f} | :: rare spelling of fédité |
foehn {m} [meteorology] | :: foehn |
foehn {m} [Switzerland, Alsace] | :: hair-dryer |
foehner {v} [Switzerland] | :: To dry one's hair with a hairdryer |
fœminin {adj} [hypercorrect] | :: obsolete form of féminin |
foène {f} | :: alternative spelling of foëne |
foëne {f} | :: a fishgig; a pronged harpoon |
foëne {f} [regional] | :: a pitchfork for handling hay |
foëner {v} | :: to fish with a fishgig |
foëner {v} [regionalism] | :: to make hay |
fœtal {adj} | :: fetal |
fœtoscopie {f} | :: fetoscopy / foetoscopy |
fœtus {m} | :: fetus |
foi {f} | :: faith |
foi {f} [heraldry] | :: a depiction of a handshake |
foi du charbonnier {f} | :: simple faith, blind faith |
foie {m} [anatomy] | :: liver |
foie {m} | :: liver (as food) |
foie gras {m} | :: foie gras (fattened liver of geese or ducks) |
foin {m} | :: hay |
foirache {f} [regional] | :: annual mercury (Mercurialis annua) |
foirade {f} | :: screwup |
foirail {m} | :: fairground |
foirante {f} [regional] | :: annual mercury (Mercurialis annua) |
foiraude {f} [regional] | :: annual mercury (Mercurialis annua) |
foire {f} | :: a fair, an exposition |
foire {f} | :: a marketplace selling artisan goods |
foire {f} [vulgar] | :: diarrhoea |
foire {f} [figuratively, slang] | :: fuckup, mess |
foire aux questions {f} | :: frequently asked questions (online document) |
foire d'empoigne {f} [colloquial] | :: a free-for-all, a rat race, a rough-and-tumble situation |
foirer {vit} [colloquial] | :: to screw up, mess up |
foireux {adj} [slang] | :: crappy |
foireux {adj} [slang] | :: ineffective, half-baked |
foirode {f} | :: synonym of foiraude |
foirole {f} | :: synonym of foiraude |
foirolle {f} | :: synonym of foiraude |
fois {f} | :: time, an instance of something happening; a repetition |
fois {f} [arithmetic] | :: times, multiplied by |
foison {f} [dated] | :: abundance, great deal, load |
foisonnant {adj} | :: abounding (in); abundant |
foisonnement {m} | :: abundance, proliferation |
foisonner {vi} | :: to abound, to be plentiful, to teem (with) |
foisonner {vi} | :: to breed, multiply (said of various types of animals) |
folâtre {adj} | :: playful, frolicsome, frisky |
folâtrement {adv} | :: playfully, friskily |
folâtrer {vi} | :: to frolic, gambol |
foldingue {adj} [colloquial] | :: nutty, crazy |
foldoscope {m} | :: foldscope |
foliaire {adj} | :: foliar |
foliaire {adj} | :: foliate |
folichon {adj} [colloquial] | :: slight, lightweight; mischievous |
folie {f} | :: madness, folly, insanity; silliness, craziness |
folie {f} [architecture] | :: folly |
folie des grandeurs {f} | :: delusions of grandeur, megalomania |
folie du pourquoi {f} [psychology] | :: a medical condition in which a patient has a psychopathological condition to compulsively ask questions |
foliole {f} [botany] | :: leaflet (component of a compound leaf) |
folique {adj} | :: folic |
folklo {adj} [colloquial] | :: clipping of folklorique |
folklore {m} | :: folklore |
folklorique {adj} | :: folk (related to folklore) |
folklorique {adj} [colloquial, figurative, pejorative] | :: outlandish, bizarre, quaint |
folle {f} | :: madwoman |
folle {f} [slang] | :: queen [male homosexual] |
folle de la gâchette {f} | :: feminine noun of fou de la gâchette |
follement {adv} [usually figuratively] | :: madly; insanely |
follerie {f} [Quebec] | :: silliness, craziness, ridiculousness |
follet {m} [archaic] | :: sprite, goblin |
follet {adj} | :: scatterbrained |
follet {adj} | :: manic, irregular |
follicule {m} [anatomy] | :: follicle |
follistatine {f} [protein] | :: follistatin |
follower {m} [Internet] | :: follower (on Twitter and similar sites) |
follower {v} [Internet] | :: To follow (on Twitter and similar sites) |
fomentateur {m} | :: agitator |
fomenter {v} | :: to foment |
fon {m} | :: Fon (language) |
foncé {adj} [of a colour] | :: dark (having a dark shade) |
foncedé {adj} [slang, verlan, backslang] | :: very drunk, screwed up |
foncedé {v} [slang, backslang, verlan] | :: défoncer |
fonceder {v} | :: to smash in, smash up, break, break open (destroy violently) |
fonceder {v} | :: to rip, rip apart, tear apart |
fonceder {vt} [of drugs] | :: to fuck up, make high, screw up (intoxicate) |
fonceder {vr} | :: to get high, get pissed |
fonceder {v} [vulgar] | :: to fuck |
foncer {vti} | :: to darken |
foncer {vi} | :: to tear along (of person, vehicle etc.) |
foncer {vi} [colloquial] | :: to get a move on, go for it |
fonceur {m} [colloquial] | :: go-getter |
fonceuse {f} | :: feminine noun of fonceur |
foncier {adj} | :: (of) land, property |
foncier {adj} | :: fundamental, basic |
foncièrement {adv} | :: fundamentally |
foncteur {m} | :: functor |
foncteur {m} [object-oriented programming] | :: functor |
fonction {f} | :: function (what something does or is used for) |
fonction {f} | :: role (function or position of something or someone) |
fonction {f} [mathematics] | :: function |
fonction exponentielle {f} [mathematics] | :: exponential function |
fonction générique {f} [object-oriented] | :: generic function |
fonction impaire {f} [mathematics] | :: odd function |
fonctionnaire {mf} | :: civil servant, official |
fonctionnalisation {f} | :: functionalization |
fonctionnaliser {v} | :: To functionalize |
fonctionnalisme {m} | :: functionalism |
fonctionnaliste {adj} | :: functionalist |
fonctionnaliste {mf} | :: functionalist |
fonctionnalité {f} | :: functionality |
fonctionnariat {m} | :: officialdom (the status of a civil servant or similar official) |
fonctionnarisation {f} | :: establishment as a civil servant |
fonctionnariser {vt} | :: to establish as a civil servant |
fonctionnel {adj} | :: functional (related to functions) |
fonctionnel {adj} | :: functional (able to be used) |
fonctionnel {adj} | :: Of or relating to bodily functions |
fonctionnellement {adv} | :: functionally |
fonctionnement {m} | :: working |
fonctionnement {m} | :: functioning |
fonctionnement {m} | :: operation |
fonctionner {v} | :: to function, to work |
fonction paire {f} [mathematics] | :: even function |
fonction trigonométrique {f} [trigonometry] | :: trigonometric function |
fonction virtuelle {f} [object-oriented] | :: virtual function |
fond {m} | :: back |
fond {m} | :: bottom |
fond {m} | :: fund; funding |
fond {m} | :: foundation |
fond {m} [figuratively] | :: basics, essence |
fond {m} | :: background |
fond {m} [cooking] | :: base |
fond {m} [music] | :: foundation stop on a pipe organ |
fondamental {adj} | :: fundamental |
fondamental {m} | :: fundamental (that which is fundamental) |
fondamentalement {adv} | :: fundamentally |
fondamentalisme {m} [religion, philosophy] | :: fundamentalism |
fondamentaliste {adj} | :: fundamentalist |
fondamentaliste {mf} | :: fundamentalist |
fondant {adj} | :: melting |
fondant {adj} | :: melt in the mouth |
fondant {m} | :: fondant (all senses) |
fondateur {m} | :: founder |
fondation {f} [business] | :: foundation |
fondation {f} [construction] | :: foundation |
fondatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of fondateur |
fond de court {m} [tennis] | :: baseline |
fond d'écran {m} [computing] | :: background, wallpaper (image used to cover a desktop) |
fond de teint {m} [cosmetics] | :: foundation |
fondé {adj} | :: founded |
fondé de pouvoir {m} [law] | :: attorney-in-fact, proxy, authorised representative, authorised signatory |
fondement {m} | :: foundation |
fondement {m} | :: fundament (anus) |
fonder {v} | :: to found |
fonderie {f} | :: foundry |
fondeur {m} | :: owner of a foundry |
fondeur {m} | :: founder, the iron worker in charge of the blast furnace and the smelting operation in a foundry |
fondeur {m} | :: cross-country skier |
fondouk {m} [North Africa] | :: hotel, hostel; fonduk |
fondre {vt} | :: to melt, melt down, smelt |
fondre {vi} | :: to melt |
fondre {vi} | :: to melt away, waste away |
fondre {vi} | :: to dwindle; to diminish |
fondre {vr} [se fondre dans] | :: to blend in, blend into |
fondre comme neige au soleil {v} [simile] | :: to shrink at a rate of knots, to melt away (to dwindle or diminish very rapidly) |
fondre en larmes {v} | :: to burst into tears, to dissolve into tears |
fondrière {f} | :: pothole (hole in a road caused by weathering) |
fonds {mp} | :: fund, funds |
fonds {mp} | :: resources |
fonds {m} [Switzerland] | :: field |
fonds commercial {m} | :: goodwill (the value of a business entity not directly attributable to its tangible assets and liabilities) |
fonds de pension {m} | :: pension fund |
fonds de placement {m} [finance] | :: investment fund |
fonds d'investissement {m} [finance] | :: investment fund |
fondu {m} | :: fade |
fondu {m} [film, video] | :: fade |
fondue {f} | :: fondue |
fondue bourguignonne {f} | :: cheese fondue served with beef |
fondue savoyarde {f} | :: cheese fondue (served with bread) |
fongibilité {f} | :: fungibility |
fongible {adj} [legal] | :: fungible (able to be substituted for something of equal value) |
fongicide {adj} | :: fungicidal |
fongicide {m} | :: fungicide |
fongicole {adj} | :: fungicolous |
fongiforme {adj} | :: fungiform |
fongique {adj} | :: fungal |
fongistatique {adj} | :: fungistatic |
fongite {f} | :: fungite |
fongivore {adj} | :: fungivorous |
fongoïde {adj} | :: fungoid, fungiform |
fongus {m} [botany] | :: fungus |
fongus {m} [medicine] | :: A kind of tumor that forms on the skin and has a microscopic appearance of a sponge or fungus |
fonio {m} | :: Digitaria exilis, a cereal cultivated in western Africa |
fontaine {f} | :: fountain |
fontaine {f} [juggling] | :: fountain |
fontaine {f} | :: cistern (domestic); tank (of a flush toilet) |
fontaine {f} | :: standpipe |
Fontaine {prop} | :: Fontaine; surname |
fontaine de jouvence {f} | :: fountain of youth |
fontaine de lave {f} [geology] | :: lava fountain |
fontainerie {f} | :: The manufacture of fountains or of domestic plumbing |
fontainier {m} | :: a plumber |
fontainier {m} | :: A person who builds fountains |
fontainière {f} | :: feminine singular of fontainier |
fontanelle {f} | :: fontanelle |
fonte {f} | :: melting, smelting, thawing |
fonte {f} | :: cast iron |
fonte {f} [typography] | :: font |
fonte {f} | :: holster (on saddle) |
Fontenay-aux-Roses {prop} | :: Fontenay-aux-Roses (town/and/commune/suburb) |
Fontenay-le-Fleury {prop} | :: Fontenay-le-Fleury |
Fontenot {prop} | :: surname |
fonts {mp} | :: church font, as that used for baptism |
fonts baptismaux {mp} | :: baptismal font |
foodista {f} | :: foodie |
foot {m} [colloquial] | :: association football; football, soccer |
football {m} | :: association football, soccer |
football {m} [Canada] | :: Canadian football |
football {m} [Louisiana French] | :: American football |
football américain {m} [Europe] | :: American football |
football canadien {m} | :: Canadian football |
footballène {m} [colloquial] | :: buckminsterfullerène |
footballeur {m} | :: footballer |
footballeuse {f} | :: female equivalent of footballeur |
footballistique {adj} | :: footballing |
footeux {adj} [colloquial, attributive] | :: footie; footballing (related to football (soccer)) |
footeux {m} [colloquial] | :: footie player; footballer (soccer player) |
footing {m} [France] | :: Exercise walking, jogging (as a form of exercise) |
for- {prefix} | :: [nonproductive] prefix used to express error, exclusion, or inadequacy |
for {m} [obsolete] | :: only used in for intérieur |
forage {m} | :: drilling (act of drilling) |
forain {m} | :: showman (fairground entertainer) |
forain {m} | :: stallholder |
forain {adj} | :: fair, fairground (attributive) |
foraminé {adj} | :: foraminiferous |
foraminifère {m} | :: foraminifer |
forban {m} [archaic] | :: pirate |
forban {m} | :: rogue, scoundrel; an unscrupulous individual capable of any wrongdoing |
forçable {adj} | :: forceable; able to be forced |
forçat {m} | :: convict |
forçat {m} | :: galley slave |
force {f} | :: force |
force {f} | :: strength |
force {adj} [archaic] | :: Many; a lot of; a great quantity of |
force de frappe {f} [countable, military] | :: strike force |
force de frappe {f} [uncountable] | :: force de frappe |
force de l'âge {f} | :: acme, prime of life |
force majeure {f} [law] | :: force majeure |
forcément {adv} | :: inevitably |
forcément {adv} | :: (with a negative) necessarily |
forcené {adj} | :: crazed, frenzied, deranged |
forcené {m} | :: maniac |
forcener {v} | :: to become enraged |
forcer {v} | :: to force |
forcer la main {v} [à] | :: to twist someone's arm; force someone's hand |
forcer le trait {v} [figuratively] | :: to exaggerate, to caricature (often on purpose, so as to make something appear more clearly) |
forces aériennes {fp} [military] | :: air force, air corps or flying corps |
Forces armées canadiennes {prop} {fp} [Canada, military] | :: Forces canadiennes |
Forces canadiennes {prop} {fp} [Canada, military] | :: Canadian Forces |
forces de l'ordre {fp} | :: the law enforcement agencies, the law enforcement, the police, the authorities |
forceur {m} | :: forcer |
forceur {m} | :: aggressor |
forceuse {f} | :: feminine singular of forceur |
forcir {vi} | :: to become stronger, fatter |
forclore {vt} [legal] | :: to debar |
forclusion {f} [legal] | :: debarment |
fordisme {m} | :: Fordism |
foré {adj} | :: bored, drilled |
forer {v} | :: to bore; to drill (to make a hole) |
foresterie {f} [Canada] | :: forestry |
forestier {adj} [attributive] | :: forested |
forestier {m} | :: male forester |
Forestier {prop} | :: a French surname |
forestière {f} | :: feminine noun of forestier |
forestièrement {adv} | :: forestedly |
foret {m} | :: drill bit (driving part of a drill) |
forêt {f} | :: forest |
forêt noire {f} | :: Black Forest gâteau, Black Forest cake |
Forêt-Noire {prop} {f} | :: Black Forest (German forest and mountain range) |
forêt vierge {f} | :: virgin forest, primeval forest |
foreur {m} | :: driller |
foreuse {f} | :: drill (tool) |
forézien {adj} | :: Of or from Feurs |
forfait {m} | :: crime, infamy |
forfait {m} [telephone] | :: flat rate, fixed rate |
forfait {m} [tourism] | :: a package, a pass |
forfait {m} [sports] | :: elimination due to withdrawal |
forfaitaire {adj} | :: fixed-price; flat-rate; inclusive |
forfaitairement {adv} | :: at a flat rate; inclusively |
forfaiture {f} [legal] | :: abuse of authority |
forfanterie {f} | :: boasting, boastfulness |
forficule {f} | :: earwig |
forge {f} | :: forge (workshop) |
forge {f} | :: forge (furnace) |
forgeage {m} | :: forging (metalworking) |
forger {v} | :: To fashion metal with fire and a hammer, to forge |
forger {v} | :: To forge, falsify |
forger {v} [figuratively] | :: To create, to conceive, to make up |
forger {v} [equestrian] | :: To trot |
forgeron {m} | :: blacksmith |
forgeronne {f} | :: feminine noun of forgeron |
Forgues {prop} | :: surname |
for intérieur {m} | :: heart of hearts, innermost part of the self |
forjuger {v} [obsolete] | :: To strip somebody of a right, a property, by legal sentence, to dispossess |
formable {adj} | :: formable, shapeable |
formage {m} | :: forming (metalworking) |
formage {m} [Louisiana French, ] | :: alternative form of fromage, cheese |
formaldéhyde {m} [organic compound] | :: formaldehyde |
formaliser {v} | :: to formalize, legalize |
formaliser {vp} | :: to take offense |
formalisme {m} | :: formalism |
formaliste {adj} | :: formalist |
formaliste {mf} | :: formalist |
formalité {f} | :: formality (all meanings) |
format {m} | :: format |
formatage {m} [computing] | :: the act of formatting |
formatage {m} [pejorative] | :: the act of restraining someone in a certain fixed way/manner of thought/thinking (cf. set in one's ways) |
formater {v} [computing] | :: to format |
formateur {adj} | :: shaping |
formateur {m} | :: trainer, former |
formation {f} | :: formation, forming, development |
formation {f} | :: education; training |
formation {f} [military] | :: formation |
formatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of formateur |
-forme {suffix} | :: -form |
forme {f} | :: shape (geometrical representation) |
forme {f} | :: shape (physical appearance) |
forme {f} | :: form |
forme canonique {f} [mathematics] | :: canonical form (standard or normal presentation of a mathematical entity) |
forme canonique {f} [linguistics] | :: dictionary form (standard or normal form of a word) |
forme fruste {f} [medical] | :: forme fruste, unfinished form |
formel {adj} | :: formal; official |
formel {adj} | :: adamant, positive, certain |
formellement {adv} | :: formally |
formène {m} [obsolete, organic compound] | :: methane |
former {v} | :: to form (generic sense) |
former {v} | :: to shape (to make into a certain shape) |
former {v} | :: to train; to educate |
formeuse {f} | :: former |
formeux {adj} | :: beautiful |
formidable {adj} [dated or literary] | :: fearsome |
formidable {adj} | :: fantastic, tremendous |
formidablement {adv} | :: brilliantly; excellently |
formidablement {adv} | :: formidably |
formique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: formic |
formol {m} | :: formol |
formosan {adj} | :: Formosan |
formulable {adj} | :: formulable |
formulaire {m} | :: form (document to be filled in) |
formulation {f} | :: wording |
formulation {f} | :: formulation |
formule {f} | :: formula |
formule {f} [gastronomy] | :: menu offer, set meal |
Formule 1 {f} | :: Formula One |
formule magique {f} | :: magic formula, magic spell |
formule magique {f} [figuratively] | :: magic bullet |
formuler {v} | :: to formulate |
formuler {v} | :: to express; to word, to put into words |
formulette {f} | :: A brief, verbal phrase, used in traditional circumstances, children's games etc |
formyle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: formyl |
formylium {m} | :: formylium |
forniquer {v} | :: to fornicate |
fors {prep} | :: except, save |
forskalie {f} | :: siphonophore of the genus Forskalia |
forstérite {f} [mineral] | :: forsterite |
forsythia {m} | :: forsythia |
fort {adj} | :: strong; powerful |
fort {adj} [en] | :: [colloquial] skilled, proficient, successful, sometimes translated "good" [often used in reference to academic subjects] |
fort {adj} [de] | :: who can count on |
fort {adv} | :: strongly |
fort {adv} | :: much, a lot |
fort {adv} [when preceding an adjective] | :: very [the adjective] |
fort {m} | :: A fort |
fort comme un bœuf {adj} [simile] | :: strong as an ox |
fort comme un Turc {adj} [simile] | :: strong as an ox |
fort de café {adj} [colloquial] | :: brazen, rich |
Fort-de-France {prop} | :: Fort-de-France (capital city) |
fortement {adv} | :: strongly, powerfully |
fortement {adv} | :: highly, extremely, sorely |
fortement {adv} | :: seriously, greatly |
forteresse {f} | :: fortress |
fortiche {adj} [colloquial] | :: clever, smart, brainy |
fortiche {mf} [colloquial] | :: someone who's intelligent, a brain |
Fortier {prop} | :: surname |
fortifiant {adj} | :: fortifying, strengthening, restorative |
fortification {f} | :: fortification (all meanings) |
fortifié {adj} | :: fortified |
fortifier {v} | :: to fortify (make stronger) |
Fortin {prop} | :: surname |
fortissimo {adv} [music] | :: fortissimo |
fortitude {f} | :: fortitude |
fortran {m} | :: Fortran |
fortuit {adj} | :: fortuitous (happening by chance, by fortune) |
fortuitement {adv} | :: fortuitously |
fortune {f} | :: fortune |
fortuné {adj} | :: With good luck; fortunate |
fortuné {adj} | :: wealthy; well-off |
forum {m} | :: forum |
forum {m} | :: forum (for Internet) |
fosse {f} | :: pit (hole in the ground) |
fossé {m} | :: ditch; trench; moat |
fosse commune {f} | :: mass grave |
fossette {f} | :: dimple |
fossile {m} | :: fossil |
fossile vivant {m} | :: living fossil |
fossilifère {adj} | :: fossiliferous |
fossilisation {f} | :: fossilization (the process of conversion into a fossil) |
fossiliser {v} | :: to fossilize |
fossoyeur {m} | :: gravedigger |
fossoyeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of fossoyeur |
fou {adj} | :: mad, crazy |
fou {m} | :: madman |
fou {m} [court entertainer] | :: jester |
fou {m} [chess, ] | :: bishop |
fou {m} | :: booby (bird) |
fouace {f} | :: a type of brioche or other light pastry or bun from some regions of France, such as Auvergne |
fou à lier {adj} [colloquial] | :: stark raving mad, crazy, barking |
fouane {f} | :: alternative form of foëne |
foucade {f} | :: caprice |
foucaldien {adj} | :: Foucauldian |
Foucault {prop} | :: surname |
Foucault {prop} [physics] | :: the French physicist Jean Bernard Léon Foucault |
Foucault {prop} [philosophy] | :: the French philosopher Michel Foucault |
Foucher {prop} | :: surname |
fou comme un balai {adj} [Quebec, simile] | :: very agitated out of excitation or anxiousness |
fou de Bassan {m} | :: northern gannet (Morus bassanus) |
fou de joie {adj} | :: elated, thrilled |
fou de la gâchette {adj} | :: trigger-happy (with firearms) |
fou de la gâchette {m} | :: a trigger-happy man (with firearms) |
fou de rage {adj} | :: livid, furious, beside oneself with anger, in a towering rage |
foudre {f} | :: lightning |
foudre {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: thunderbolt |
foudroyant {adj} [figurative] | :: rapid |
foudroyant {adj} [figurative] | :: devastating |
foudroyant {adj} [medicine] | :: fulminant; fatal, deadly (coming on quickly and destructively) |
foudroyé {adj} | :: thunderstruck |
foudroyé {adj} | :: blasted, devastated |
foudroyer {v} | :: to strike (of lightning) |
foudroyer {v} | :: to devastate; to cause to be thunderstruck |
fou du roi {m} | :: court jester |
fouëne {f} | :: alternative spelling of foëne |
fouet {m} | :: whip (tool) |
fouet {m} [cooking] | :: whisk |
fouet {m} [zoology] | :: tip |
fouettard {adj} | :: whipping - but used only in the term père fouettard |
fouetté {adj} | :: whipped |
fouette-cul {m} | :: A person in charge of administering discipline by serious spankings, as once done to pupils in French Catholic schools by a priest |
fouettement {m} | :: lashing, whipping |
fouetter {vt} | :: to beat with a whip |
fouetter {vti} | :: to hit and sting like a whip |
fouetter {vt} | :: to mix food in a rapid aerating fashion |
fouetter {vt} | :: to stimulate or urge into action |
fouetter {vi} [slang] | :: to stink |
fouetteur {m} | :: whipper, beater (someone who beats, especially with a whip) |
fouetteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of fouetteur |
foufou {adj} [colloquial] | :: nutty, scatty, dippy |
foufou {m} | :: foo-foo |
foufoune {f} [France] | :: vulva (especially of young girls); foo-foo, front bottom, foufounette |
foufoune {f} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: buttock, spaghetti |
foufounette {f} | :: pussy |
fou furieux {m} | :: berserk, raving lunatic |
fou furieux {m} [figurative] | :: An excessively dogmatic, uncontrollable, unpredictable person |
fougasse {f} [military] | :: fougasse (land-mine) |
fougasse {f} [culinary] | :: fougasse (lattice-shaped bread associated with Provence) |
fougeraie {f} | :: stand of ferns |
fougère {f} | :: fern |
Fougère {prop} | :: surname |
fougue {f} | :: enthusiasm, ardour |
fougueusement {adv} | :: ardently |
fougueusement {adv} | :: impetuously |
fougueux {adj} | :: spirited, lively |
fougueux {adj} | :: enthusiastic |
fouille {f} | :: search (act of searching through something, e.g. a bag, pocket) |
fouille {f} | :: rummage |
fouille {f} [archaeology] | :: excavation |
fouille {f} [MtG] | :: delve |
fouille-merde {mf} | :: muckraker (a scandal-mongering person who is not driven by any social principle) |
fouiller {vt} | :: to search (place, thing) |
fouiller {vt} | :: to search, frisk (person) |
fouiller {vt} | :: to go into, investigate (question, issue) |
fouiller {vi} | :: to rummage, delve (dans in) |
fouiller {vr} | :: to go through one's pockets |
fouiller {vt} | :: to dig |
fouillis {m} | :: mess, confusion, jumble |
fouinard {m} | :: nosey parker, peeping tom |
fouine {f} | :: beech marten |
fouiner {v} [colloquial] | :: to furrow, ferret, snoop around |
fouineur {m} | :: busybody (someone who interferes with others) |
fouineur {m} [computing] | :: hacker |
fouineuse {f} | :: feminine noun of fouineur |
fouir {vt} | :: to dig, grub, burrow |
fouisseur {adj} | :: burrowing |
foulage {m} | :: pressing, crushing |
foulant {adj} | :: crowding, pressing (by use of pressure) |
foulard {m} | :: headscarf |
foule {f} | :: crowd |
foule {f} | :: the thronging of a crowd |
foule {f} | :: a great number, multitude, mass; host |
foule {f} | :: the act or process of treading or milling |
foule {f} | :: oppression, vexation |
foulé {adj} | :: sprained; twisted |
foulée {f} | :: stride (of horse, athlete etc.) |
fouler {vt} | :: to stamp, impress, dent; to mill |
fouler {vt} | :: to walk on, trample |
fouler {vt} | :: to oppress, mistreat |
fouler {vt} | :: to injure by knocking, bumping or dinting |
fouler {vr} | :: to sprain |
fouler {vp} [chiefly in the negative, colloquial] | :: to wear oneself out, to overdo it |
fouler au pied {v} | :: alternative spelling of fouler aux pieds |
fouler aux pieds {vt} [figuratively] | :: to ride roughshod over, to trample underfoot, to trample on |
fouleur {m} | :: fuller (profession) |
fouleuse {f} | :: feminine singular of fouleur |
fouloir {m} | :: press (for grapes etc) |
foulon {m} | :: fuller (job) |
Foulon {prop} | :: surname |
foulonné {adj} | :: tanned |
foulque {f} | :: coot (bird) |
foultitude {f} | :: oodles (a large number of things) |
foulure {f} | :: sprain |
foune {f} [vulgar] | :: pussy, beaver (vagina) |
Fouquet {prop} | :: surname |
four {m} | :: oven |
four {m} | :: stove |
four {m} | :: flop |
four à micro-ondes {m} | :: microwave oven, microwave (oven) |
fourbe {f} [literary] | :: guile, deception |
fourbe {mf} | :: double-dealer, swindler |
fourbe {adj} | :: deceitful, two-faced, treacherous |
fourberie {f} | :: deceit, trickery, guile |
fourbi {m} | :: stuff, kit |
fourbi {m} | :: junk |
fourbir {vt} | :: to furbish, burnish |
fourbisseur {m} | :: furbisher (of weapons) |
fourbisseuse {f} | :: feminine singular of fourbisseur |
fourbu {adj} | :: worn out |
fourbu {adj} | :: exhausted |
fourche {f} | :: pitchfork |
fourche {f} | :: fork (in the road etc.) |
fourche {f} | :: crotch |
fourche {f} | :: split end (hair) |
fourche {f} | :: fork (of a bicycle) |
fourcher {vi} | :: to fork |
fourcher {vi} | :: to make a slip of the tongue |
fourchette {f} | :: fork (for eating) |
fourchette {f} | :: wishbone |
fourchette {f} [statistics] | :: margin |
fourchette {f} [chess] | :: fork |
fourchette {f} | :: band, bracket (as of taxes) |
fourchette {f} | :: frog (part of a horse's hoof) |
fourchette à découper {f} | :: carving fork |
fourchette à fondue {f} | :: fondue fork |
fourchette à gâteau {f} | :: pastry fork |
fourchette à poisson {f} | :: fish fork |
fourchette à salade {f} | :: salad fork |
fourchette sternale {f} | :: suprasternal notch |
fourchette vulvaire {f} [anatomy] | :: fourchette |
fourchu {adj} | :: cloven, cleft |
fourchu {adj} | :: forked |
fourchu {adj} | :: split (ends of hair) |
Fourès {prop} | :: surname |
fourgon {m} | :: poker, fire poker |
fourgon {m} [archaic] | :: coach, wagon |
fourgon {m} [archaic, military] | :: truck |
fourgon {m} | :: van |
fourgon {m} | :: minivan |
fourgon {m} [rail] | :: goods wagon, freight car |
fourgonnette {f} | :: van |
fourgonnette {f} | :: minivan |
fourguer {v} | :: to sell off; to flog |
fourguer {v} | :: to get rid of (something) |
Fourier {prop} | :: surname |
fouriérisme {m} | :: Fourierism |
fouriériste {adj} | :: Fourierist |
fou rire {m} [colloquial] | :: uncontrollable laughter, hysterical laughter, fit of laughter, giggles |
fourme {f} | :: a type of blue cheese made from cow's milk |
fourmi {f} | :: ant |
fourmi {f} [plurale tantum] | :: pins and needles |
four micro-onde {m} | :: microwave oven |
fourmilier {m} | :: anteater |
fourmilier {m} | :: any of a number of different species of ant-eating birds |
fourmilière {f} | :: anthill |
fourmilier géant {m} | :: giant anteater |
fourmilier nain {m} | :: silky anteater, pygmy anteater |
fourmilion {m} | :: antlion |
fourmillement {m} | :: swarming |
fourmillement {m} | :: pins and needles |
fourmiller {v} | :: to swarm, to be full of |
fourmiller {v} | :: to tingle |
fourmis {fp} | :: pins and needles |
fournaise {f} | :: furnace, oven |
fournaise {f} | :: blaze, conflagration |
fourneau {m} | :: stove (cooker) |
fourneau {m} | :: stove (heater) |
fourneau {m} | :: chamber (of a tobacco pipe) |
fourneau {m} [slang, archaic] | :: beggar, hobo |
Fourneau {prop} | :: surname |
Fourneaux {prop} | :: surname |
fournée {f} | :: the capacity of an oven |
fournée {f} [by extension, baking] | :: batch |
fourni {adj} | :: abundant, luxuriant |
Fournier {prop} | :: surname |
fournil {m} | :: bakehouse |
fourniment {m} | :: equipment, kit, furniment |
fournir {v} | :: to supply, to provide, to furnish |
fournir {v} | :: to put in |
fournir {v} [card games] | :: to follow suit |
fournir {v} [slang] | :: To poke, to shaft, to hump; to have sex |
fournisseur {m} | :: provider, supplier |
fournisseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of fournisseur |
fourniture {f} | :: supply, provision |
fourniture {f} | :: provisioning, victualling |
fourrage {m} | :: forage, fodder |
Fourrage {prop} | :: surname |
fourrager {adj} | :: fodder [attributive] |
fourrager {vi} | :: to forage |
fourrager {vi} | :: to rummage through |
fourragère {f} | :: hay wagon |
fourre {f} [Switzerland] | :: cover, slipcover, folder |
fourré {m} | :: shrubbery |
fourreau {m} | :: scabbard, sheath |
fourreau {m} | :: sheath dress |
fourrer {vt} [colloquial] | :: to shove, stick, stuff (dans in something) |
fourrer {vt} | :: to stuff (a turkey etc.); to fill (a cake) |
fourrer {vt} [vulgar, slang] | :: to fuck, to shaft, to screw |
fourrer dans le même sac {v} | :: synonym of mettre dans le même sac |
fourrer les pieds {v} [colloquial] | :: to set foot (somewhere) |
fourrer son nez {v} [dans] | :: [colloquial, figuratively] to stick one's nose in |
fourre-tout {m} [pejorative] | :: catch-all |
fourre-tout {m} [pejorative] | :: ragbag, hodgepodge |
fourre-tout {m} | :: holdall (UK), carryall (US) |
fourreur {m} | :: furrier |
fourrière {f} | :: pound (a place for the detention of stray animals) |
fourrière {f} | :: tow pound (to where law enforcement tows vehicle) |
fourrure {f} [zoology, fashion, heraldry] | :: fur |
fourvoyer {vt} | :: to mislead |
fourvoyer {vp} | :: to make a mistake, go astray, err |
fourvoyer {v} | :: to cloak |
fous {pron} [nonstandard] | :: alternative form of vous |
foutage de gueule {m} [vulgar] | :: piss-take (form of mockery) |
foutaise {f} | :: crap, bullcrap (nonsense) |
foutaises {fp} | :: guff (nonsensical talk or thinking) |
fouterie {f} [archaic, vulgar] | :: fucking |
fouteur {m} [vulgar, dated] | :: fucker (one who loves or frequently participates in sex) |
fouteur de merde {m} [vulgar] | :: shit-stirrer, troublemaker |
foutoir {m} [archaic, vulgar] | :: brothel |
foutoir {m} [slang] | :: mess, shambles |
foutre {vt} [vulgar, slang] | :: to do, to fuck around with, to dick around, to fritter, to tinker |
foutre {vt} [slang] | :: to give |
foutre {vt} [slang] | :: to put on/in (quickly), to shove, to stick, to stash |
foutre {vr} [slang] | :: to tease, to make fun of, to mock, to not take seriously or to dismiss |
foutre {vt} [vulgar, archaic] | :: to fuck, to screw, to have sex |
foutre {vr} [vulgar] | :: to fuck off, to jerk off, to wank |
foutre {m} [vulgar, slang] | :: spunk, sperm, cum |
foutre en l'air {vt} [vulgar slang] | :: to screw up, mess up, fuck up, botch up something |
foutre en rogne {vt} [colloquial] | :: to piss off, to anger |
foutre la merde {v} [vulgar] | :: to stir shit, to mess things up, to fuck things up |
foutre la paix {v} [very, colloquial] | :: [à] to leave alone, to leave be |
foutre la pression {v} [à] | :: [very, colloquial] to put pressure on, to pressure (someone) |
foutre le camp {v} [slang, somewhat vulgar] | :: to fuck off, GTFO; to get the hell out; to get out of here; to bugger off; to get stuffed; to sling one's hook |
foutre les boules {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to give someone the shits |
foutre les boules {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to piss someone off |
foutre les chocottes {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to scare someone stiff, to make someone's blood run cold, to give someone the shits |
foutre les jetons {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to scare someone stiff, to make someone's blood run cold, to give someone the shits |
foutre les pieds {v} [colloquial] | :: to set foot (somewhere) |
foutrement {adv} [as an intensifier] | :: bloody, fucking |
foutu {adj} [slang] | :: done for, screwed, fucked, doomed |
foutu {adj} [slang] | :: broken beyond repair, destroyed |
foutu {adj} [slang, pejorative, always before the noun] | :: fucking (as an intensifier), pesky, damned, bloody |
foutu {adj} [slang, pejorative, followed by de + infinitive] | :: liable to, capable of |
foutu {adj} [slang, of a thing] | :: (poorly/badly) made, built, executed, devised |
foutu {adj} [slang, of a person] | :: (well) built |
foutument {adv} [rare] | :: damnedly |
foutument {adv} [rare] | :: very |
foutu pour foutu {adv} [colloquial] | :: things being as they are, one might as well; what the hell (we have lost everything, so anything is worth a try now: why the hell not?) |
fovéa {f} [anatomy] | :: fovea; retinal fovea |
fovéal {adj} | :: foveal |
foxé {adj} | :: [of wine] foxy; tasting of blackcurrant |
fox-trot {m} | :: foxtrot (dance) |
fox-trott {m} | :: alternative spelling of fox-trot |
foyer {m} | :: hearth |
foyer {m} | :: lobby, foyer |
foyer {m} | :: home, domicile |
foyer {m} | :: household |
foyer {m} | :: source, centre, seat |
fpqc {adj} [maths] | :: initialism of fidèlement plat et quasi-compact |
fqih {m} | :: fqih, faqih |
frac {m} | :: white tie and tails |
fracas {m} | :: crash |
fracas {m} | :: din, roar |
fracasser {v} | :: to smash (to break violently) |
fractal {adj} | :: fractal |
fractal {m} [rare] | :: synonym of fractale |
fractale {m} | :: fractal (self-similar shape) |
fraction {f} | :: fraction (small amount) |
fraction {f} [mathematics] | :: fraction |
fraction {f} | :: fraction, breakup |
fractionnaire {adj} [mathematics] | :: fractional (of or pertaining to fractions) |
fractionné {adj} | :: fractionated |
fractionnel {adj} | :: fractional |
fractionnement {m} | :: fractionation |
fractionnement {m} | :: division |
fractionner {vt} | :: to fractionate |
fractionner {vt} | :: to divide [into fractions] |
fractionnisme {m} | :: fractionism |
fractionniste {adj} | :: fractionist |
fractionniste {mf} | :: fractionist |
fracturation {f} | :: breaking, fracturing |
fracturation hydraulique {f} [oil industry] | :: hydraulic fracturing, fracking |
fracture {f} | :: fracture |
fracturer {vt} | :: To fracture |
fragile {adj} | :: fragile |
fragilement {adv} | :: fragilely |
fragilisation {f} | :: weakening |
fragilisation {f} | :: embrittlement |
fragiliser {v} | :: to weaken |
fragilité {f} | :: fragility |
fragment {m} | :: fragment |
fragmentaire {adj} | :: fragmentary |
fragmentation {f} | :: fragmentation |
fragment d'Okazaki {m} [genetics] | :: Okazaki fragment |
fragmenter {vt} | :: to split up, divide, fragment |
fragon {m} | :: laurel, butcher's broom (and other plants of the genus Ruscus) |
fragrance {f} | :: a fragrance, a pleasurable smell |
frai {m} | :: fry (young fish); spawn |
fraichement {adv} | :: alternative spelling of fraîchement |
fraîchement {adv} | :: freshly |
fraicheur {f} | :: alternative spelling of fraîcheur |
fraîcheur {f} | :: freshness |
fraîcheur {f} [climate] | :: coolness |
fraîchir {vi} | :: to freshen [temperature, wind] |
fraîchir {v} [impersonal] | :: to deteriorate [weather] |
frairie {f} [archaic] | :: fete, festival (of a locality) |
frairie {f} [archaic] | :: merrymaking |
frais {adj} | :: fresh |
frais {adj} | :: cool (temperature) |
frais {adj} | :: recent, something that has just happened |
frais {mp} | :: cost, charge |
fraisage {m} | :: sheering |
frais comme l'œil {adj} [simile] | :: fit as a fiddle, in fine fettle, fresh as a daisy |
frais comme un gardon {adj} [simile] | :: fit as a fiddle |
frais de scolarité {mp} | :: tuition, tuition fees |
frais d'inscription {mp} | :: tuition, tuition fees |
fraise {f} | :: strawberry |
fraise {f} | :: bulwark, palisade (defensive rampart of earth with sharpened wooden stakes set in at an angle) |
fraise {f} | :: [literary] nipple |
fraise {f} | :: calf's mesentery |
fraise {f} | :: [historical] fraise (ruff collar) |
fraise {f} | :: milling cutter |
fraisé {adj} | :: sheered |
fraise des bois {f} | :: wild strawberry, woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) |
fraiser {v} | :: to sheer (with a cutting tool) |
fraiseraie {f} | :: strawberry orchard |
frais et dispos {adj} | :: fresh as a daisy, refreshed and ready to go, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed |
fraiseur {m} | :: milling machine operator |
fraiseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of fraiseur |
fraiseuse {f} | :: milling machine |
fraisier {m} | :: strawberry (plant) |
framboise {f} | :: raspberry (fruit) |
framboise {adj} | :: raspberry (colour) |
framboiseraie {f} | :: raspberry orchard |
framboisier {m} | :: Rubus idaeus, the raspberry plant |
franc {adj} | :: free |
franc {adj} | :: frank |
franc {adj} | :: full |
franc {adj} | :: tax-free |
franc {m} [monetary] | :: franc |
franc {m} | :: Frank |
franc {adj} | :: Frankish, Franconian |
Franc {m} | :: Frank (member of a people that inhabited parts of what are now France, the Low Countries and Germany) |
Françafrique {prop} {f} [often, pejorative] | :: Relations between France and its former colonies in Africa |
français {adj} | :: French |
français {adj} [Louisiana French] | :: Franco-American or Francophone |
français {m} | :: French (language) |
Français {m} | :: Frenchman |
Français {m} [Louisiana French] | :: Anybody with French ancestry or who is Francophone |
français cassé {m} [Louisiana French] | :: A name for the Louisiana Creole French language |
Français de papier {m} [derogatory] | :: A newly-naturalized Frenchman |
Français de souche {m} | :: A Frenchman of old stock |
Française {f} | :: Frenchwoman |
françaisement {adv} | :: Frenchly |
françate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: francate |
franc CFA {m} | :: CFA franc |
franc comme l'or {adj} [simile] | :: always frank, sincere and honest, straight as a die, honest as the day is long |
franc-comtois {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to Franche-Comté or its inhabitants |
franc-comtois {m} | :: The dialect spoken in Franche-Comté |
France {prop} {f} | :: France (country) |
France {prop} {f} | :: given name |
France {prop} {f} | :: surname |
Francfort {prop} | :: Francfort (largest city) |
Francfort {prop} | :: Francfort (sizable town) |
francfortois {adj} [attributive] | :: Frankfurt |
Francfortois {m} | :: Frankfurter (someone from Frankfurt) |
Francfortoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Francfortois |
franc français {m} | :: French franc |
Franche-Comté {prop} {f} | :: Franche-Comté (former region) |
franchement {adv} | :: frankly; sincerely |
franchir {v} | :: to clear, to cross (a line), to pass (an obstacle etc.); to get over (a fence) |
franchir {v} | :: to cover (a distance) |
franchir le pas {v} | :: to take the plunge; to go for it |
franchir le Rubicon {v} [idiomatic] | :: to cross the Rubicon |
franchisage {m} | :: franchising |
franchise {f} [archaic] | :: liberty, freedom |
franchise {f} | :: frankness, honesty |
franchise {f} [insurance] | :: excess [UK], deductible [US] |
franchise {f} [business] | :: franchise |
franchiser {v} [business] | :: to franchise |
franchiseur {m} | :: franchisor |
franchisme {m} | :: alternative form of frankisme |
franchissable {adj} | :: surmountable, passable |
franchissement {m} | :: the act of crossing (e.g. a road, a river) |
franchissement {m} | :: the act of clearing (e.g. an obstacle) |
franchouillard {adj} | :: typically French [familiar and sometimes pejorative] |
franchouillardement {adv} | :: In a typically French manner (pejoratively) |
francien {m} | :: Francien |
francien {adj} | :: Francien |
francilien {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to the Île-de-France region of France |
Francilien {m} | :: person from Île-de-France |
Francilienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Francilien |
Francine {prop} {f} | :: given name |
francique {adj} | :: Frankish |
francique {adj} | :: Franconian |
francique {m} | :: Frankish |
francique {m} | :: Franconian |
francique ripuaire {m} | :: Ripuarian |
Francis {prop} | :: given name |
francisation {f} | :: Frenchification, francization |
franciscain {adj} | :: Franciscan |
franciser {v} | :: to Frenchify |
francisque {f} | :: A type of throwing axe |
francisque {f} | :: A decoration awarded by the Vichy regime |
francitan {m} | :: Francitan (French influenced by Occitan usage and accent) |
francité {f} | :: Frenchness (being French) |
francitude {f} | :: Frenchness |
francium {m} | :: francium |
Franck {prop} {m} | :: given name |
franckisme {m} | :: alternative form of frankisme |
franc-maçon {m} | :: Freemason |
franco- {prefix} | :: Franco- (relating to France, the ethnic French, the French language, or the Franks) |
François {prop} {m} | :: given name |
François {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Françoise {prop} {f} | :: given name |
francolin {m} | :: francolin |
franconien {adj} | :: Franconian (relating to the Franks or their empire; Frankish) |
franconien {adj} | :: relating to the Franconcian languages |
franconien {m} | :: Frankish (language) |
Franconien {m} | :: Franconian person |
Franconienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Franconien |
francophile {mf} | :: A Francophile |
francophile {adj} | :: Francophile |
francophilie {f} | :: francophilia |
francophobe {mf} | :: Francophobe |
francophobe {adj} | :: Francophobe |
francophobie {f} | :: Francophobia |
francophone {adj} | :: Francophone |
francophone {mf} | :: a Francophone |
francophonie {f} | :: Francophonie |
Francophonie {prop} {f} | :: Francophonie (organization of countries) |
franco-provençal {adj} | :: Franco-Provençal |
franco-provençal {m} | :: Franco-Provençal |
francoprovençal {adj} | :: alternative form of franco-provençal |
francoprovençal {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of franco-provençal |
franc suisse {m} | :: Swiss franc |
franc-tireur {m} [military] | :: a sniper |
franc-tireur {m} [figuratively] | :: someone who works alone, outside of the rules |
frange {f} | :: fringe |
franger {v} | :: to fringe |
frangible {adj} | :: frangible, breakable |
frangin {m} [colloquial] | :: buddy; mate |
frangin {m} [colloquial] | :: bro |
frangine {f} [colloquial] | :: sis, sister |
frangine {f} [slang] | :: woman, girl |
frangipanier {m} | :: frangipani (tree) |
franglais {m} | :: Franglais |
Frank {prop} {m} | :: given name |
frankisme {m} [religion] | :: Frankism |
frankiste {mf} | :: Frankist |
Franque {f} | :: feminine noun of Franc |
franquette {f} | :: only used in à la bonne franquette |
franquisme {m} | :: Francoism |
franquiste {adj} | :: Francoist |
fransaskois {adj} | :: Fransaskois |
Fransaskois {m} | :: Fransaskois |
Fransaskoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Fransaskois |
frapadingue {m} | :: alternative spelling of frappadingue |
frappadingue {adj} [colloquial, slang] | :: mad, crazy |
frappadingue {mf} [colloquial, slang] | :: a madman or madwoman, a lunatic |
frappant {adj} | :: striking; noticeable; remarkable |
frappe {f} | :: hit |
frappe {f} | :: strike, striking, kick |
frappe {f} [pejorative] | :: knave, thug, villain |
frappé {adj} | :: beaten, hit |
frappé {m} [music] | :: downbeat |
frappé {m} [Switzerland] | :: milkshake |
frappé {m} | :: Short for café frappé, iced coffee |
frappé au coin du bon sens {adj} | :: commonsense |
frapper {v} | :: to hit, to strike, to bash |
frapper {v} | :: to knock (e.g. on a door) |
frapper {v} | :: to bang (to get attention) |
frapper {v} [music] | :: to beat time (as a conductor) |
frapper {v} [music] | :: to strike (a chord) |
frapper {v} | :: to strike down |
frapper {v} | :: to hit (to be affected by a punishment) |
frapper {v} [figuratively] | :: to strike |
frapper {v} [bartending] | :: to shake |
frapper à la bonne porte {v} [figuratively] | :: to come to the right place |
frapper les grands coups {v} [idiomatic] | :: make waves |
frapper monnaie {v} | :: synonym of battre monnaie |
frapper un ennemi à terre {v} [figuratively] | :: to kick someone when they are down |
frapper un grand coup {v} [idiomatic] | :: make a splash, hit hard |
frappeur {m} [baseball, cricket] | :: hitter, batter, batsman |
frappeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of frappeur |
frappuccino {m} | :: frappuccino |
frasage {m} | :: tempering (mixing of bread ingredients before kneading them) |
fraser {v} | :: to slowly mix yeast, flour and water |
frasque {f} | :: escapade; a foolish experience or adventure |
fraternel {adj} | :: fraternal |
fraternellement {adv} | :: fraternally |
fraternisation {f} | :: fraternization |
fraterniser {v} | :: to fraternize |
fraternité {f} | :: brotherhood (state of being brothers or a brother) |
fraternité {f} | :: brotherhood (organization) |
fraternité {f} | :: fraternity |
fratricide {m} | :: fratricide (crime) |
fratricide {m} | :: fratricide (person who commits this crime) |
fratricide {adj} | :: fratricidal |
fratrie {f} | :: set of siblings |
fraude {f} | :: fraud |
fraude {f} [education] | :: cheating |
fraude fiscale {f} | :: tax evasion |
frauder {vi} | :: To commit fraud |
fraudeur {m} | :: [fraudster]] |
frauduleusement {adv} | :: fraudulently |
frauduleux {adj} | :: fraudulent (all meanings) |
fraudulosité {f} | :: fraudulentness |
fraxinine {f} | :: fraxinin |
frayer {vt} | :: to open up, clear (a path etc.) |
frayer {vi} [zoology] | :: to spawn, to fertilize an egg |
frayer {vr} [se frayer, literally, figuratively] | :: to find (one's way through something); to clear (oneself) a path |
frayer {v} [obsolete] | :: to rub |
frayeur {f} | :: fright, fear, dread |
fredaine {f} | :: prank, escapade |
Frédéric {prop} | :: given name |
frédéricien {adj} | :: Frederician |
Frédérique {prop} | :: given name |
fredonner {v} | :: to hum (to make sound with lips closed) |
fredonneur {m} | :: hummer |
fredonneuse {f} | :: feminine noun of fredonneur |
freezer {m} | :: freezer compartment |
frégate {f} [nautical] | :: frigate [a number of different classes of ships] |
frégate {f} | :: frigatebird |
Frégoses {prop} {mp} | :: Fregosi (one of the families that controlled the dogate in Genoa) |
Fregozes {prop} {mp} | :: obsolete spelling of Frégoses |
frein {m} [chiefly obsolete] | :: bit (equipment put in a horse's mouth) |
frein {m} | :: brake (of a vehicle, etc.) |
frein {m} [figuratively] | :: restraint, reserve |
frein {m} [anatomy] | :: frenulum |
frein à disque {m} | :: disc brake |
freinage {m} | :: action of braking |
freinage {m} | :: deceleration |
frein à main {m} | :: handbrake (hand-operated brake in a car) |
freiner {v} | :: to brake |
freiner {v} [figuratively] | :: to put a stop on, to slow down the progress of |
frelaté {adj} | :: adulterated |
frelaté {adj} | :: tainted |
frelater {v} | :: To adulterate |
frelater {v} | :: To corrupt |
frêle {adj} | :: frail |
FRELIMO {prop} {m} | :: alternative case form of Frelimo |
frelon {m} | :: hornet |
frelon européen {m} | :: European hornet (Vespa crabro) |
freluquet {m} | :: whippersnapper |
freluquet {m} | :: popinjay |
freluquet {m} | :: runt |
frêmer {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative form of fermer, to close |
Frémicourt {prop} | :: surname |
frémir {v} | :: to quiver; to shiver |
frémir {v} | :: to simmer |
frémissant {adj} | :: simmering (water) |
frémissement {m} | :: quiver, shiver (light shaking movement) |
frémissement {m} | :: A simmering temperature, just below boiling |
Frémont {prop} | :: surname |
frênaie {f} | :: ash tree plantation |
frénal {adj} [anatomy] | :: frenal |
frencher {v} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: to French kiss |
french touch {f} [music genre] | :: style of French house music popular the 1990s |
French touch {f} | :: alternative case form of french touch |
frêne {m} | :: ash tree |
frêne commun {m} | :: common ash, European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) |
frénésie {f} | :: frenzy |
frénétique {adj} | :: frantic; frenetic |
frénétiquement {adv} | :: frantically |
Frenette {prop} | :: surname |
fréon {m} | :: freon |
fréquemment {adv} | :: often, frequently |
fréquence {f} | :: frequency (all meanings) |
fréquent {adj} | :: frequent |
fréquentable {adj} | :: respectable |
fréquentatif {adj} | :: frequentative |
fréquentatif {m} | :: frequentative (subclass of imperfective verbs that denotes a continuously repeated action) |
fréquentation {f} | :: company, companionship |
fréquentation {f} | :: activity |
fréquentation {f} | :: frequentation |
fréquenter {vt} | :: To frequent, to go to (a place) |
fréquenter {vt} | :: To socialise with (people) |
frère {m} | :: brother (relation) |
frère {m} | :: brother (monk) |
frère d'armes {m} | :: brother-in-arms, comrade in arms |
frère de lait {m} | :: foster brother |
frère de sang {m} | :: blood brother (unrelated male considered to share a brother-like relationship established by a ceremonial sharing of blood) |
frère siamois {m} | :: (male) Siamese twin |
frérot {m} | :: little brother, kid |
frérot {m} [colloquial] | :: bro |
frésillon {m} | :: synonym of troène |
Fresnel {prop} | :: surname |
fresque {f} | :: fresco |
fressure {f} | :: giblets |
fressure {f} | :: offal |
fret {m} [shipping] | :: Freight, cargo fees: the cost of transporting cargo by boat |
fret {m} [by extension] | :: Rental of a ship, in whole or in part |
fret {m} | :: Freight, cargo, payload [of a ship] |
fréter {v} | :: to charter; to loan |
fréteur {m} | :: charterer |
fréteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of fréteur |
frétillant {adj} | :: wriggling |
frétillant {adj} | :: wagging |
frétiller {vi} | :: to wriggle |
frétiller {vi} | :: to wag [of a tail] |
fretin {m} | :: fry (young fish) |
frette {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: fret |
frette {f} [music] | :: fret |
frette {adj} [Acadia, , Louisiana French, Cajun French, Quebec] | :: alternative form of froid |
fretter {v} | :: to reinforce with ferrules |
freudien {adj} | :: Freudian |
freudiennement {adv} | :: Freudianly |
freudisme {m} | :: Freudianism (freudian beliefs and practices) |
freux {m} | :: rook (bird) |
friabilité {f} | :: friability |
friable {adj} | :: crumbly |
friable {adj} | :: crummy, pitiful |
friand {adj} | :: cultured, having good taste |
friand {adj} [of food] | :: delicious, tasty |
friand {m} | :: friand (a sausage wrapped in puff pastry) |
friandement {adv} | :: deliciously, tastily |
friandise {f} [usually, in the plural] | :: sweet; cake; piece of cake |
friandise {f} [figuratively] | :: something small and dainty |
Fribourg {prop} | :: Fribourg (city) |
Fribourg {prop} | :: Fribourg (canton) |
fribourgeois {adj} | :: Of or from Fribourg |
fric {m} [slang] | :: dosh, dough, bread (money) |
fricassée {f} | :: fricassee |
fricasser {v} | :: To fricassee |
fricasser {v} | :: To partake in debauchery |
fricatif {adj} | :: fricative |
fricative {f} [phonetics] | :: fricative |
friche {f} | :: fallow land |
friche {f} | :: wasteland |
frichti {m} [colloquial] | :: snack, light meal |
fricot {m} | :: stew |
fricot {m} [regional] | :: feast |
fricoter {vit} | :: to cook a stew |
fricoter {vit} | :: to flirt, knock about (with) |
fricoteur {adj} | :: flirtatious |
fricoteur {m} | :: flirt |
friction {f} | :: friction: the rubbing, the conflict or the physics force |
frictionner {vt} | :: to rub, rub down, massage |
frifri {m} | :: pussy (vulva) |
frigélisation {f} | :: winterization |
frigéliser {v} | :: To winterize |
frigidaire {m} | :: A refrigerator |
frigide {adj} | :: frigid (very cold) |
frigide {adj} | :: frigid (unable to take part in sexual intercourse) |
frigidité {f} | :: frigidity (all senses) |
frigo {m} [colloquial] | :: fridge; refrigerator |
frigoporteur {m} | :: coolant |
frigorifier {vt} | :: to refrigerate |
frigorifique {adj} | :: refrigerating, cooling |
frigorigène {adj} | :: refrigerant |
frigotartinable {adj} | :: (of margarine or butter) spreadable straight from the refrigerator |
frigoule {f} | :: synonym of thym |
frileusement {adv} | :: in a chilly manner; shivering |
frileux {adj} | :: sensitive to the cold, psychrosensitive |
frileux {adj} | :: cautious (of policy, attitude, etc.) |
frilosité {f} | :: sensitivity to the cold |
frimaire {m} [historical] | :: Frimaire (the third month of the French Republican Calendar) |
frimas {m} | :: Thick fog that tends to freeze |
frimas {m} [obsolete] | :: Frost |
frime {f} | :: show (showing off, for the sake of acting) |
frimer {v} [colloquial] | :: to show off |
frimeur {m} | :: show-off |
frimeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of frimeur |
frimousse {f} [colloquial] | :: sweet face, cute little face |
frimousse {f} [Internet] | :: emoticon, smiley |
fringale {f} | :: ravenous hunger |
fringale {f} | :: craving |
fringant {adj} | :: dashing |
fringant {adj} | :: alert |
fringant {adj} | :: exuberant |
fringue {mf} [colloquial] | :: gear (garment, item of clothing), dress, clothes |
fringuer {vtr} | :: to tog up |
frioulan {m} | :: Friulian (language spoken in Friuli) |
Frioul-Vénétie julienne {prop} {m} | :: Frioul-Vénétie julienne (region) |
fripe {f} | :: rag (tattered clothes) |
friper {v} | :: to crumple, crush |
friperie {f} | :: second-hand shop |
fripier {m} | :: secondhand clothes dealer |
fripière {f} | :: feminine noun of fripier |
fripon {m} | :: rascal, rogue |
fripon {adj} | :: mischievous |
friponnerie {f} | :: knavery, roguery |
fripouille {f} [colloquial] | :: crook |
frire {v} [defective] | :: to fry (cook in hot fat) |
frisbee {m} | :: Frisbee (a disk thrown for recreation) |
frisbee {m} | :: Frisbee (sport) |
frise {f} | :: border |
frise {f} | :: frieze |
Frise {prop} {f} | :: Friesland (Dutch province) |
frisé {adj} | :: twisted; contorted |
frisé {adj} | :: curly |
friser {v} | :: to curl |
friser {v} | :: to graze, to pass by barely touching |
friser {v} | :: to skip, to print double |
friser {v} [figuratively] | :: to just miss |
friser {v} | :: to buzz |
friseur {m} [dated] | :: hairdresser |
friseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of friseur |
frison {m} | :: a lock of hair |
frison {adj} | :: Frisian, from or pertaining to Friesland |
frison {m} | :: Frisian (language) |
Frison {m} | :: Frisian (person from Friesland) |
Frison {m} | :: Any member of the Frisian ethnic group |
Frisonne {f} | :: feminine singular of Frison |
frisotis {m} | :: alternative form of frisottis |
frisottis {m} | :: frizz (small curl of hair) |
frisquet {adj} | :: chilly, cold |
frisquet {adj} [figurative] | :: reserved, taciturn, cold |
frisson {m} | :: A shiver or thrill of fright that can be strangely pleasurable, as when reading good horror fiction |
frisson {m} | :: An experience of intense excitement |
frissonnant {adj} | :: shivering; thrilled |
frissonnant {adj} | :: shivery |
frissonnement {m} | :: shivering, the shivers |
frissonner {v} [of emotion] | :: tremble |
frissonner {v} | :: shiver |
frissonner {v} [literary] | :: rustle |
frisure {f} | :: curl (of hair) |
frit {adj} | :: fried |
frite {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: chips, French fries |
friterie {f} | :: chip shop, fish and chips takeaway |
friterie {f} | :: a restaurant that specializes in serving french fries |
fritillaire {f} | :: fritillary |
frittage {m} | :: sintering |
fritté {adj} | :: sintered |
fritter {vt} | :: to fritter / sinter |
friture {f} | :: the act of frying |
friture {f} | :: fried product |
friture {f} | :: anything that assists in frying such as butter and oil |
friture {f} [colloquial] | :: signal interference in radios and etc, crackling |
friture {f} [Belgium] | :: (deprecated, use friterie) chip shop, fish and chips takeaway |
frivole {adj} | :: vain; conceited |
frivolement {adv} | :: vainly; conceitedly |
frivolité {f} | :: frivolity |
Frobisher Bay {prop} | :: Frobisher Bay (bay) |
Frobisher Bay {prop} | :: Frobisher Bay (the former name of Iqaluit, the <<capital city>> of <<terr/Nunavut>>, <<c/Canada>>) |
froc {m} | :: frock (clerical garment) |
froc {m} | :: [by extension] the clerical profession |
froc {m} [colloquial] | :: pants; trousers |
froid {adj} | :: cold (temperature) |
froid {m} [diseases] | :: cold, chill |
froid {m} [of a relationship] | :: distance, strain |
froid de canard {m} [colloquial] | :: bitter cold; brass monkeys weather |
froidement {adv} [figuratively] | :: coldly |
froideur {f} | :: coldness, cold |
froidir {v} [archaic] | :: to cool; to cool off; to cool down |
froidure {f} [literary] | :: cold |
froidure {f} [poetic] | :: winter |
froidure {f} [medicine] | :: frostbite |
froissé {adj} | :: crumpled, rumpled, creased |
froissement {m} | :: rustle, rustling |
froissement {m} | :: crumpling (of paper, fabric etc.) |
froissement {m} [medicine] | :: strain |
froisser {v} | :: to crumple, rumple, crease (paper, fabric…) |
froisser {v} | :: to offend, to hurt someone's feelings |
frôlement {m} | :: brush, soft, light touch |
frôlement {m} | :: caress |
frôler {vt} | :: to brush against, touch, skim |
frôler {vt} | :: to verge on |
fromage {m} | :: cheese |
fromage à la pie {m} | :: soft cow's-milk cheese with herbs |
fromage blanc {m} | :: sour cream, junket, cottage cheese, quark |
fromage frais {m} | :: fromage frais |
fromager {adj} | :: related to cheese making, especially the industry |
fromager {m} | :: cheesemonger, one who sells cheese |
fromager {m} | :: cheesemaker, one who makes cheese |
fromager {m} | :: silk-cotton tree |
fromage râpé {m} | :: grated cheese |
fromagère {f} | :: cheesemonger, one who sells cheese |
fromagère {f} | :: cheesemaker, one who makes cheese |
fromagerie {f} | :: fromagerie |
fromageux {adj} | :: Cheesy (resembling cheese) |
froment {m} [dated, agriculture] | :: wheat, bread wheat, common wheat (Triticum aestivum) |
froment {m} [Switzerland] | :: (any) cereal (type of grass cultivated for its edible grains) |
fronce {f} | :: a frown; scowl |
froncement {m} | :: scowl (the wrinkling of the brows or face in frowning) |
froncer {v} | :: to scowl |
froncer {vt} | :: to gather (fabric) |
froncer les sourcils {v} [idiomatic] | :: knit one's brows |
frondaison {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: foliage |
frondaison {f} | :: foliation |
fronde {f} [dated, literary] | :: foliage |
fronde {f} | :: frond |
fronde {f} | :: sling, slingshot |
fronde {f} [by extension] | :: criticism, opposition |
fronder {v} [dated] | :: to slingshot |
fronder {v} [figurative] | :: to critique |
frondeur {m} | :: slinger (someone who slings or who uses a sling) |
frondeur {m} [historical] | :: member of the Fronde (civil war in France, 1648–1653) |
frondeur {m} [by extension] | :: political rebel |
frondeur {adj} | :: politically disapproving |
frondeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of frondeur |
fronsac {m} | :: A red wine from the Bordeaux region |
front {m} | :: forehead |
front {m} [military] | :: front, frontline |
frontal {adj} | :: frontal (relating to the forehead) |
frontalement {adv} | :: frontally |
frontalier {adj} [attributive] | :: border |
frontalier {adj} | :: near the border, on the border |
frontalier {m} | :: border-dweller (someone who lives near the border) |
frontalière {f} | :: feminine noun of frontalier |
fronteau {m} | :: frontlet |
fronteau {m} | :: phylactery (when worn on the forehead) |
frontière {f} | :: boundary, frontier, border |
front intérieur {m} | :: home front |
frontispice {m} | :: frontispiece |
frontiste {adj} | :: Of or relating to the Front national |
frontiste {mf} | :: A member of the Front national |
Front National {prop} {m} | :: former name of Rassemblement National; National Front |
fronton {m} | :: fronton |
fronton {m} [architecture] | :: pediment |
frottant {adj} | :: rubbing |
frottement {m} | :: rub; rubbing |
frottement {m} | :: friction |
frotter {v} | :: to rub, chafe |
frotter {v} | :: to scrub, scour |
frotter {v} | :: to scrape |
frotter {v} | :: to fritter |
frotter {v} | :: to stone |
frotter {vp} [figurative, colloquial, se frotter] | :: to rub (someone) in the wrong way, to get on (someone)'s bad side |
frotteur {m} | :: One who rubs a finish on floors |
frotteurisme {m} | :: frotteurism (paraphilia) |
frottis {m} [medicine] | :: smear, smear test |
frottoir {m} | :: friction strip (on a box of matches) |
frottoir {m} | :: brush |
frou-frou {m} | :: a frou-frou; a rustling sound, as of silk fabric |
froufrouter {vi} | :: to rustle |
frouiller {v} [Switzerland] | :: to cheat |
froumi {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative form of fourmi, ant |
froussard {adj} [colloquial] | :: cowardly, chicken |
frousse {f} [colloquial] | :: fear, terror |
fructane {m} [carbohydrate] | :: fructan |
fructidor {m} [historical] | :: Fructidor (the twelfth month of the French Republican Calendar) |
fructifier {v} | :: to fructify |
fructose {m} [carbohydrate] | :: fructose |
fructueusement {adv} | :: fruitfully (producing positive outcomes) |
fructueux {adj} | :: fruitful |
frugal {adj} | :: frugal, austere |
frugalement {adv} | :: frugally |
frugalité {f} | :: frugality |
fruict {m} | :: archaic spelling of fruit |
fruit {m} | :: fruit |
fruit à coque {m} | :: nut (a seed possessing a hard shell) |
fruit défendu {m} | :: forbidden fruit |
fruit de la passion {m} | :: passion fruit |
fruit de mer {m} | :: a piece of seafood |
fruit du dragon {m} | :: dragon fruit |
fruité {adj} | :: fruity (containing fruit or fruit flavoring) |
fruiterie {f} | :: fruitshop |
fruiticulteur {m} | :: fruit grower |
fruiticultrice {f} | :: feminine noun of fruiticulteur |
fruitier {adj} | :: fruit-bearing |
fruitier {m} | :: fruitseller |
fruitière {f} | :: feminine noun of fruitier |
fruitière {f} [regional] | :: cheese producer (especially of Gruyère) |
fruits de mer {mp} | :: seafood |
fruit sec {m} | :: dried fruit |
fruit sec {m} | :: nut |
fruit sec {m} [slang] | :: lazybones |
frumentaire {adj} | :: frumentary |
frusques {fp} [colloquial] | :: clothes, especially poor quality ones |
fruste {adj} | :: rough, uncouth, coarse |
frustement {adv} | :: roughly, coarsely |
frustrant {adj} | :: frustrating, vexing |
frustration {f} | :: frustration |
frustratoire {adj} | :: vexatious |
frustratoirement {adv} | :: vexatiously |
frustré {adj} | :: frustrated |
frustrer {v} | :: to frustrate, to vex |
fuchsia {m} | :: fuchsia |
fuchsia {adj} | :: fuchsia |
fuchsien {adj} | :: Fuchsian |
fucker {v} [Quebec, vulgar] | :: to fuck up, mess up, ruin |
fucker {v} [Quebec, vulgar] | :: to do something with difficulty |
fucoïdane {m} [carbohydrate] | :: fucoidan |
fucoxanthine {f} [organic compound] | :: fucoxanthin |
fucus {m} | :: fucus |
fucus {m} | :: kelp |
fuégien {adj} | :: Fuegian |
Fuégien {m} | :: Fuegian (inhabitant of Tierra del Fuego) |
fuel {m} | :: heating oil |
fugace {adj} | :: fleeting (brief, passing) |
fugacement {adv} | :: fleetingly |
fugacité {f} | :: transience, fugacity |
fugitif {m} | :: Fugitive |
fugitive {f} | :: feminine noun of fugitif; a female fugitive |
fugitivement {adv} | :: fleetingly |
fugue {f} [colloquial] | :: running away (from a place where one was staying) |
fugue {f} [music] | :: fugue |
fuguer {v} | :: to flee, especially to run away from home |
fugueur {adj} | :: runaway |
fugueur {m} | :: runaway |
führer {m} | :: The Führer, the title of Adolf Hitler as ruler of Nazi Germany |
fuir {vi} | :: To escape |
fuir {vt} | :: To flee |
fuir {vi} | :: To leak; to have a leak |
fuir comme la peste {vt} [simile] | :: to avoid like the plague |
fuite {f} | :: escape; getaway; flight (e.g. from prison) |
fuite {f} | :: leak; the act of leaking |
fuite des cerveaux {f} | :: brain drain |
fuite en avant {f} | :: See: fr |
fuiter {vi} [dialectal] | :: to leak information |
fulani {m} | :: Fula, Fulani (language) |
fulgurant {adj} | :: flashing, dazzling, full of lightning |
fulgurant {adj} | :: quick as a flash, fast as lightning |
fulgurant {adj} [of pain] | :: intense, sharp |
fulgurant {adj} [in regards to the imagination or spirit] | :: striking |
fulgurer {v} | :: to fulgurate |
fuligineux {adj} | :: sooty, fuliginous |
full {adj} [Québec] | :: full |
full {adj} [Québec] | :: overflowing, packed, crowded |
full {adv} [Québec] | :: very, really |
full {m} [poker] | :: full house |
fullerène {m} [chemistry] | :: fullerene |
fulminer {v} | :: to fulminate |
fulminique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: fulminic |
fumage {m} | :: smoking (of food etc) |
fumaison {f} | :: smoking (of food etc) |
fumana {m} | :: sunrose of genus Fumana |
fumant {adj} | :: smoking, smouldering, steaming |
fumarique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: fumaric |
fumé {adj} | :: smoked |
fumée {f} | :: smoke |
fumée {f} | :: steam |
fumée {f} | :: spoor (of game animals) |
fumer {vit} | :: to smoke |
fumer {vi} | :: to emit smoke |
fumer {vi} | :: to steam |
fumer comme un dragon {v} [simile] | :: To be a heavy smoker, to smoke like a chimney |
fumer comme une cheminée {v} [simile] | :: Be a heavy smoker; smoke like a chimney |
fumer comme un pompier {v} [simile] | :: Be a heavy smoker; smoke like a chimney |
fumer comme un sapeur {v} [simile] | :: to be a heavy smoker, to smoke like a chimney |
fumer comme un Turc {v} [simile] | :: to be a heavy smoker, to smoke like a chimney |
fumerolle {f} | :: fumarole |
fumerolle {f} | :: the gas and smoke from a fumarole |
fumet {m} | :: aroma, odor (of meat etc.); bouquet (of wine) |
fumet {m} [hunting] | :: scent |
fumeterre {f} | :: fumitory (plant) |
fumette {f} [slang] | :: toke (of cannabis cigarette) |
fumeur {m} | :: smoker |
fumeusement {adv} | :: smokily |
fumeux {adj} | :: smoky |
fumeux {adj} | :: smoking |
fumeux {adj} | :: woolly, unclear |
fumiciel {m} | :: vapourware |
fumier {m} | :: manure, dung |
fumier {m} [vulgar, slang] | :: bastard, shit |
fumigateur {m} | :: fumigator |
fumigène {m} | :: smoke grenade, smoke device |
fumigène {m} [agriculture] | :: fumigator |
fumiste {mf} | :: A person who installs fireplaces etc |
fumiste {mf} | :: An unpleasant, untrustworthy person |
fumisterie {f} | :: The installation of fireplaces etc |
fumisterie {f} | :: (Figuratively) A bad / unpleasant joke |
fumoir {m} | :: smoking room (room used to smoke food) |
fumoir {m} | :: smoking room (room reserved for smokers) |
fumonisine {f} | :: fumonisin |
fumure {f} | :: manuring, fertilizing (land) |
fun {adj} [colloquial] | :: fun |
funambule {f} | :: tightrope walker (acrobat who practices tightrope walking) |
funambuler {v} | :: To walk the tightrope |
funambulisme {m} | :: tightrope walking (acrobatic feat of walking on a tightrope) |
Fundy {prop} | :: ellipsis of Baie de Fundy |
funèbre {adj} | :: funereal |
funèbrement {adv} | :: sombrely |
funéraille {f} [rare, archaic] | :: funeral |
funéraire {adj} | :: funerary; (attributive) funeral |
funérarium {m} | :: funeral parlour |
funérarium {m} | :: crematorium |
funeste {adj} | :: baneful, disastrous (causing disaster) |
funeste {adj} | :: fatal; deadly |
funestement {adv} | :: disastrously |
funestement {adv} | :: fatally |
fungiforme {adj} | :: alternative spelling of fongiforme |
fungique {adj} | :: alternative spelling of fongique |
fungus {m} | :: alternative spelling of fongus |
funiculaire {adj} | :: funicular |
funiculaire {m} | :: funicular railway |
funky {adj} [music] | :: funky |
fur {m} | :: only used in au fur et à mesure |
furane {m} [organic compound] | :: furan |
furanéol {m} [organic compound] | :: furaneol |
furanique {adj} | :: furan (attributive) |
furanique {adj} | :: furanose (attributive) |
furax {adj} [colloquial] | :: furious |
furet {m} | :: ferret |
fureter {v} | :: to ferret (around, about); to rummage |
fureteur {m} | :: ferreter |
fureteur {m} | :: snooper |
fureteur {m} [Internet, Quebec] | :: browser |
fureteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of fureteur |
fureur {f} | :: wrath (great anger) |
furibard {adj} | :: very furious; livid |
furibond {adj} | :: furious |
furieusement {adv} | :: furiously |
furieux {adj} | :: furious |
Furneaux {prop} | :: surname |
furoncle {m} | :: boil, furuncle, carbuncle |
furtif {adj} | :: furtive, stealthy |
furtivement {adv} | :: furtively, stealthily, surreptitiously |
furtivité {f} | :: stealth (attribute or characteristic of acting in secrecy) |
fusain {m} | :: spindle-tree |
fusain {m} [art] | :: charcoal |
fuseau {m} | :: spindle |
fuseau {m} | :: bobbin (lacemaking) |
fuseau {m} | :: lune (geometry) |
fuseau {m} | :: timezone |
fuseau horaire {m} | :: time zone (range of longitudes where a common standard time is used) |
fusée {f} | :: rocket (vehicle) |
fusée {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: fusil |
fuselage {m} | :: fuselage |
fuseler {v} | :: to give the shape of a spindle |
fuselier {m} | :: spindle maker |
fuselier {m} | :: European cornel (Cornus mas) |
fusement {m} | :: melting, fusing |
fuser {v} | :: to melt or fuse |
fuser {v} | :: to gush or spurt |
fuser {v} | :: to ring out, sound out |
fusible {m} | :: fuse (electrical component) |
fusiforme {adj} | :: fusiform |
fusil {m} | :: rifle, gun |
fusil {m} | :: steel to strike sparks from a flint (pierre à fusil) |
fusil à canon scié {m} | :: sawn-off shotgun, sawed-off shotgun |
fusil d'assaut {m} | :: assault rifle |
fusil de chasse {m} | :: shotgun |
fusilier {m} | :: rifleman |
fusillade {f} | :: shootout; shooting (of a firearm) |
fusillade {f} | :: fusillade |
fusillade {f} [ice hockey] | :: penalty |
fusiller {v} | :: to shoot, to shoot down, to gun down (especially with a rifle, but also with other firearms) |
fusiller du regard {vt} | :: to look daggers at, to stare daggers at, to throw a death stare at |
fusil-mitrailleur {m} | :: light machine gun, LMG |
fusion {f} [physics, chemistry] | :: fusion (act of melting or liquefying something by heating it) |
fusion {f} [figuratively] | :: mix; mixture |
fusion {f} [nuclear physics] | :: fusion |
fusionnel {adj} | :: inseparable (said of a very close relationship between people) |
fusionnement {m} | :: merger, fusion, incorporation |
fusionner {v} | :: to fuse, to meld |
fustel {m} | :: alternative form of fustet |
fustet {m} | :: smoke tree, Cotinus coggygria |
fustigateur {m} | :: fustigator |
fustiger {v} | :: to fustigate, to publicly criticize |
fustine {f} | :: fustin |
fut {f} | :: alternative spelling of fût |
fût {m} | :: bole (of tree) |
fût {m} | :: keg, cask, draft |
futaie {f} | :: cluster of (tall) trees, tall forest |
futaille {f} [rare] | :: barrel, cask |
futal {m} [colloquial] | :: trousers, pants |
futé {adj} | :: wily, cunning, crafty |
fute fute {adj} | :: alternative spelling of fute-fute |
fute-fute {adj} [colloquial] | :: clever, bright |
fut-fut {adj} | :: alternative spelling of fute-fute |
futile {adj} | :: futile |
futilement {adv} | :: futilely |
futilité {f} | :: futility |
Futuna {prop} | :: Futuna |
futunien {adj} | :: Of or from Futuna |
futur {adj} | :: future |
futur {m} | :: future (what will happen) |
futur {m} [grammar] | :: future, future tense |
futur antérieur {m} [grammar] | :: future perfect (verb tense) |
futurisme {m} [arts] | :: futurism |
futuriste {adj} | :: futuristic (advanced so far beyond that which is current as to appear to be from the future) |
futuriste {mf} | :: futurist |
futurologie {f} | :: futurology |
futurologue {mf} | :: futurologist |
futur simple {m} [grammar] | :: simple future (verb tense) |
fuyant {adj} | :: fleeing (in the process of fleeing) |
fuyard {adj} | :: fleeing |
fuyard {m} | :: fleer, runaway |
fuyard {m} [military] | :: deserter (someone who runs away from battle) |
fuyarde {f} | :: feminine noun of fuyard |