User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-u
Ürümchi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) SEE: Ürümqi | :: |
Ürümqi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) | :: 烏魯木斉 /ウルムチ, Urumuchi/ |
u {n} (name of the letter U, u) | :: ユー /yū/ |
ubiquitous {adj} (being everywhere) | :: 遍在する /へんざいする, henzai suru/ |
udder {n} (organ formed of the mammary glands of female quadruped mammals) | :: 乳房 /ちぶさ, chibusa, にゅうぼう, nyūbō/ |
Udine {prop} (capital) | :: ウーディネ |
Udmurt {prop} (language) | :: ウドムルト語 /udomurutogo/ |
Udmurt {adj} (pertaining to Udmurts, Udmurtia, or the Udmurt language) | :: ウドムルト語 |
udon {n} (udon) | :: 饂飩 /うどん, udon/, うどん /udon/ |
UDT {n} (user-defined type) | :: ユーザー定義型 /yūzā teigi gata/ |
uey {n} (U-turn) SEE: U-turn | :: |
Ufa {prop} (city) | :: ウファ /Ufa/ |
UFO {n} (an unidentified flying object) | :: UFO /yūfō/, 未確認飛行物体 /みかくにんひこうぶったい, mikakunin hikō buttai/ |
Uganda {prop} (Republic of Uganda) | :: ウガンダ /Uganda/ |
ugh {interj} (to express disgust) | :: うっ /u'/, わっ /wa'/, げ /ge/, ゲ /ge/, げっ /ge'/, ゲッ /ge'/) |
ugli {n} (cross between a tangerine and grapefruit) | :: アグリフルーツ /agurifurūtsu/ |
ugli fruit {n} (ugli) SEE: ugli | :: |
uglify {v} (to make ugly) | :: 醜くする /minikuku suru/, 醜化する /shūka suru/ |
ugliness {n} (condition of being ugly) | :: 醜 /しゅう, shū/ |
ugly {adj} (displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing) | :: 醜い /みにくい, minikui/, 見苦しい /みぐるしい, migurushii/, 格好悪い /かっこわるい, kakkowarui/ |
ugly duckling {n} (one who is ugly, but who is expected to become beautiful as they mature) | :: みにくいアヒルの子 /minikui ahiru no ko/ |
uguisubari {n} (wooden floors) | :: 鶯張り /うぐいすばり, uguisubari/ |
uh {interj} (expression of confusion or uncertainty) | :: あのう /anō/, ええと /ēto/, え /e/, うーん /ūn/ |
uh {interj} (space filler or pause during conversation) | :: あのう /anō/, ええと /ēto/, えー /ē/, うーん /ūn/ |
uh-huh {particle} (expressing agreement or affirmation) | :: うん /un/ |
uhlan {n} (soldier with lance) | :: ウーラン /ūran/ |
UK {prop} (abbreviation of United Kingdom, see also: United Kingdom) | :: Not used in Japanese |
ukha {n} (a soup in Russian cuisine) | :: ウハー /uhā/, 魚のスープ /sakana no sūpu/ |
ukiyo-e {n} (Japanese woodblock print or painting depicting everyday life) | :: 浮世絵 /ukiyoe/ |
Ukraine {prop} (Eastern European country) | :: ウクライナ /Ukuraina/ |
Ukrainian {n} (ethnic/citizen) | :: ウクライナ人 /Ukuraina-jin/ |
Ukrainian {n} (language) | :: ウクライナ語 /Ukuraina-go/ |
Ukrainian {adj} (relating to Ukraine or its people) | :: ウクライナの /Ukuraina no/ |
ukulele {n} (small four-stringed guitar) | :: ウクレレ /ukurere/ |
Ulaanbaatar {prop} (the capital of Mongolia) | :: ウランバートル /Uranbātoru/ |
Ulan-Ude {prop} (capital of Buryatia, Russia) | :: ウラン・ウデ /Uran-Ude/ |
ulcer {n} (open sore) | :: 潰瘍 /かいよう, kaiyō/ |
ulcer {n} (peptic ulcer) SEE: peptic ulcer | :: |
ulcus molle {n} (chancroid) SEE: chancroid | :: |
ulexite {n} (mineral) | :: 曹灰硼石 /そうかいほうせき, sōkaihōseki/ |
ulna {n} (bone of the forearm) | :: 尺骨 /しゃっこつ, shakkotsu/ |
ulp {interj} (sound of a person gulping in fear) SEE: gulp | :: |
Ulsan {prop} (a city in South Korea) | :: 蔚山 /うるさん, Urusan/ |
ulterior motive {n} (alternative or hidden reason for doing something) | :: 下心 /したごころ, shitagokoro/, 他心 /たしん, tashin/, 他意 /たい, tai/ |
ultimate {adj} (final; last in a series) | :: 終わりの /owari no/, 最後の /saigo no/ |
ultimate {adj} (greatest or maximum) | :: 究極の /kyūkyoku no/ |
ultimately {adv} (indicating the last item) | :: 最終的に /さいしゅうてきに, saishūteki ni/ |
ultimately {adv} (indicating the most important action) | :: 最終的に /さいしゅうてきに, saishūteki ni/ |
ultimately {adv} (recently) | :: 最近 /さいきん, saikin/ |
ultima Thule {n} | :: 極北 /kyokuhoku/ |
ultimatum {n} (a final statement of terms or conditions made by one party to another) | :: 最後通牒 /さいごつうちょう, saigo tsūchō/, 最後通告 /さいごつうこく, saigo tsūkoku/ |
ultra- {prefix} (greater than normal quantity or importance) | :: 超 |
ultra- {prefix} (beyond, on the far side of) | :: 超 |
ultra- {prefix} (beyond, outside of) | :: 超 |
ultra- {prefix} (excessively, to an extreme) | :: 超 |
ultramarathon {n} (type of running race) | :: ウルトラマラソン /urutoramarason/ |
ultramarine {n} (pigment) | :: ウルトラマリン /urutoramarin/ |
ultramarine {n} (colour) | :: 群青色 /ぐんじょういろ, gunjōiro/ |
ultramarine {adj} (colour) | :: 群青色の /ぐんじょういろの, gunjō-iro no/ |
ultranationalism {n} (extreme nationalism) | :: 超国家主義 /ちょうこっかしゅぎ, chō-kokkashugi/, ウルトラナショナリズム /urutoranashonarizumu/ |
ultraright {adj} (extremely right-wing) | :: 極右 /きょくう, kyokuu/ |
ultrasonic {adj} (beyond (higher in frequency than) the range of sound perceptible to the human ear) | :: 超音 /ちょうおん, chōon/ |
ultrasound {n} (sound) | :: 超音波 /ちょうおんぱ, chōonpa/ |
ultraviolet {adj} (radiation with wavelengths from 380 nanometre - 10 nanometre) | :: 紫外線 /しがいせん, shigaisen/ |
ultraviolet {n} (colour) | :: 紫外 /しがい, shigai/ |
Uluru {prop} (giant rock in Australia) | :: ウルル /Ururu/ |
Ulyanovsk {prop} (city) | :: ウリヤノフスク /Uriyanofusuku/ |
Ulysses {prop} (Odysseus) SEE: Odysseus | :: |
-um {suffix} (Latinate singular grammatical number suffix) | :: ウム /-umu/ |
umami {n} (one of the five basic tastes, savoriness) | :: 旨味 /うまみ, umami/ |
umber {n} (brown clay) | :: アンバー /anbā/ |
umber {n} (colour) | :: アンバー色 /anbā-iro/ |
umber {adj} (colour) | :: アンバー色の /anbā-iro no/ |
umbilical cord {n} (cord between foetus and placenta) | :: 臍帯 /さいたい, saitai/, 臍の緒 /へそのお, heso no o/ |
umbilicus {n} (navel) SEE: navel | :: |
umbra {n} (a shadow) SEE: shadow | :: |
umbra {n} (the fully shaded inner area of a shadow) | :: 本影 |
umbrella {n} (cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun) | :: 傘 /かさ, kasa/, 蝙蝠傘 /こうもりがさ, kōmorigasa/ |
Umbria {prop} (region of Italy) | :: ウンブリア /Unburia/, ウンブリア州 /ウンブリアしゅう, Unburia shū/ |
ume {n} (Japanese apricot) | :: 梅 /ume/, うめ /ume/ |
Umeå {prop} (city in Sweden) | :: ウメオ /Umeo/ |
umeshu {n} (Japanese liqueur) | :: 梅酒 /うめしゅ, umeshu, うめざけ, umezake/ |
umlaut {n} (partial assimilation of a vowel) | :: ウムラウト /umurauto/ |
umlaut {n} (diacritical mark) | :: ウムラウト /umurauto/ |
ummah {n} (the worldwide Muslim community) | :: ウンマ /unma/ |
umpire {v} (to act as an umpire in a game) | :: [for all sports] 審判 /shinpan/, 審判員 /shinpan'in/ [occasionally, for baseball] アンパイヤ /anpaiya/ |
umpire {v} (arbitrate) SEE: arbitrate | :: |
un- {prefix} (violative of; contrary to) | :: 不 /ふ, fu/, 無 /む, mu/ |
UN {prop} (United Nations) | :: UN, 国連 /こくれん, Kokuren/ |
unacceptable {adj} (unsatisfactory; not acceptable) | :: 容認できない /ようにんできない, yōnin dekinai/ |
unanimity {n} (condition) | :: 満場一致 /まんじょういっち, manjō itchi/ |
unanimous {adj} (based on unanimity) | :: 全会一致 /zenkaiitchi/ |
unanimousness {n} (unanimity) SEE: unanimity | :: |
unary operation {n} (one-operand operation) | :: 単項演算 /たんこうえんざん, tankō enzan/ |
unary operator {n} (operator taking one operand) | :: 単項演算子 /たんこうえんざんし, tankō enzanshi/ |
unaspirated {adj} (not aspirated) | :: 無気 /むき, muki/ |
unattractiveness {n} (the state of being unattractive) | :: 不細工 /ぶさいく, busaiku/ |
unavoidable {adj} (impossible to avoid) | :: 不可避な /fukahi na/, やむを得ない /yamu wo enai/ |
unawares {adv} (inadvertently) SEE: inadvertently | :: |
unbelief {n} (lack of belief) | :: 不信心 /ふしんじん, fushinjin/ |
unbelievable {adj} (incredible) | :: 信じられない /しんじられない, shinjirarenai/ |
unbeliever {n} (infidel) SEE: infidel | :: |
unbelieving {adj} (that does not believe) | :: 不信心な /ふしんじんな, fushinjin na/ |
unborn {adj} (not born) | :: まだ生まれていない /まだうまれていない, mada umarete inai/ |
unbound {v} (past participle of "to unbind") | :: とじていない /tojiteinai/ |
uncanny {n} (strange, mysteriously unsettling) | :: 不気味な /ぶきみな, bukimi na/ |
uncanny valley {n} (subtle differences from human behaviour that may cause negative reactions) | :: 不気味の谷 /ぶきみのたに, bukimi no tani/ |
uncensored {adj} (unedited) | :: 無修正 |
uncle {n} (brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent) | :: [older] 伯父 /oji, hakufu/ [humble], 伯父さん /ojisan/ [honorific], 伯父貴 /ojiki/ [younger] 叔父 /oji, shukufu/ [humble], 叔父さん /ojisan/ [honorific], 叔父貴 /ojiki/ |
uncle {n} (form of address to a man by young people or children in some countries) | :: おじさん /oji-san/ |
unclear {adj} (not clearly or explicitly defined) | :: 不明 /fumei/ |
Uncle Sam {prop} (personification of the US government) | :: アンクル・サム /Ankuru-Samu/ |
unclouded {adj} (not cloudy; clear) | :: 晴れた /はれた, hareta/, 曇りのない /くもりのない, kumori no nai/ |
uncombinable {adj} (incapable of being combined) | :: 不可合の /fukagō no/, 合併できない /gappei dekinai/, 合わせられない /awaserarenai/, 一緒にできない /issho ni dekinai/ |
uncomfortable {adj} (not comfortable) | :: 心地よくない /ここちよくない, kokochiyokunai/ |
uncommon {adj} (rare; not readily found; unusual) | :: 珍しい /mezurashii/ |
uncommon {adj} (remarkable; exceptional) | :: 非凡な /hibon na/, 特異な /tokui na/ |
unconditional {adj} (without conditions) | :: 無条件の /mujōken no/ |
unconditionally {adv} (without condition) | :: 無条件に, 絶対的に |
unconditional surrender {n} (surrender without conditions) | :: 無条件降伏 /むじょうけんこうふく, mujōkenkōfuku/ |
unconscious {adj} (not awake) | :: 無意識 /muishiki/ |
unconsciousness {n} (the state of lacking consciousness) | :: 無意識 (むいしき, muishiki) |
unconsciousness {n} (ignorance or innocence) | :: 無意識 (むいしき, muishiki) |
unconstitutional {adj} (contrary to the constitution) | :: 違憲 /iken/ |
unconstitutionality {n} (status of being unconstitutional) | :: 違憲 /iken/ |
unconvincing {adj} (not convincing) | :: 腑に落ちない /fu ni ochinai/ |
uncountable {adj} (too many to be counted) | :: 無数の /musū-no/, 数えきれないほどの /kazoe kirenai hodo no/ |
uncountable {adj} (linguistics: about a noun which cannot be counted) | :: 不可算 /ふかさん, fukasan/ |
uncountable set {n} (infinite set that is not countable) | :: 非可算集合 /hikasanshūgō/ |
uncurable {adj} (incurable) SEE: incurable | :: |
undamaged {adj} (not damaged) | :: 無傷の /mukizu no/, 完い /mattai/ |
undamaging {adj} (not causing damage) | :: 無害な /mugai na/ |
undead {n} (those creatures which are dead but still animate) | :: アンデッド /andeddo/ |
undecillion {num} (1036, see also: sextillion) | :: 澗 /かん, kan/ |
undeniable {adj} (irrefutable, or impossible to deny) | :: 否めない /inamenai/, 明らかな /akiraka na/, 明白な /meihaku na/ |
under {prep} (in a lower level than) | :: ...下に /...したに, ...shita ni/ |
under {prep} (subject of) | :: ...下に /...したに, ...shita ni/ |
under {prep} (less than) | :: 下に /shita ni/, したに /shita ni/ |
under {prep} (beneath the surface of) | :: 下に /shita ni/, したに /shita ni/ |
under {adv} (In a way lower or less than) | :: 下の /shita no/, したの /shita no/ |
under {adv} (In a way inferior to) | :: 下の /shita no/, したの /shita no/ |
underage {n} (deficit in funds) SEE: deficit | :: |
underage {adj} (below legal age) | :: 未成年 /みせいねん, miseinen/ |
underboob {n} (the lower part of a woman's breast) | :: 下乳 /したちち, shitachichi/ |
underdog {n} (competitor thought unlikely to win) | :: 敗残者 /はいざんしゃ, haizansha/ |
underdog {n} (somebody at a disadvantage) | :: 弱者 /じゃくしゃ, jakusha/ |
underestimate {v} (to perceive as having lower value) | :: 過小評価する /kashōhyōka suru/, 侮る /anadoru/, 舐める /nameru/ |
underestimated {v} (underrated) SEE: underrated | :: |
underestimation {n} (underestimate) SEE: underestimate | :: |
underfloor heating {n} (heating system that operates from under the floor) | :: 床暖房 /yukadanbō/ |
underfoot {adv} (under one's feet) | :: 足元に /あしもとに, ashimoto ni/ |
underfoot {adv} (in the way) SEE: in the way | :: |
underground {n} (subway) SEE: subway | :: |
underground {adj} (below the ground) | :: 地下 /ちか, chika/ |
underground {adj} (hidden, furtive) | :: 秘密の /ひみつの, himitsu no/, 不法の /ふほうの, fuhō no/, アングラ /angura/ |
underground {adj} (outside the mainstream) | :: アングラ /angura/ |
undergrowth {n} (plants which only reach a low height) | :: 下生え /したばえ, shitabae/ |
underhair {n} (pubic hair) SEE: pubic hair | :: |
underhanded {adj} (sly) | :: 卑怯な /hikyouna/ |
under-kimono {n} (garment worn underneath a kimono) | :: 長襦袢 /ながじゅばん, nagajuban/ |
underlie {v} (to serve as a basis of) | :: 基礎となる (kiso to naru) |
underline {n} (line underneath text) | :: 下線 /kasen/ |
underling {n} (a subordinate, or person of lesser rank or authority) | :: 下っ端 /したっぱ, shitappa/ |
under lock and key {prep} (imprisoned) SEE: behind bars | :: |
under one's hat {prep} (secret) SEE: secret | :: |
under one's thumb {prep} (under one's thumb) | :: 女房天下 /にょうぼうてんか, nyōbō-tenka/, 二本棒 /にほんぼう, nihonbō/, 鼻下長 /びかちょう, bikachō/ |
underpants {n} (underwear) | :: パンツ /pantsu/, ズボン下 /ズボンした, zubonshita/ |
underpass {n} (passage) | :: 地下道 /ちかどう, chikadō/ |
underpay {v} (to pay someone less than the value of their work) | :: 十分に払わない /jūbin ni harawanai/ |
underrate {v} (to underestimate) | :: 過小評価する /かしょうひょうかする, kashōhyōka suru/ |
underrated {adj} (not given enough recognition) | :: 過小評価された /かしょうひょうかされた, kashōhyōka sareta/ |
underscore {n} (an underline) | :: アンダーバー /andābā/ |
undershirt {n} (for wifebeater) SEE: singlet | :: |
understand {v} (to grasp the meaning of) | :: 分かる /わかる, wakaru/, 理解する /りかいする, rikai suru/ |
understand {v} (to believe one grasps the meaning of) | :: 信じる /しんじる, shinjiru/ |
understand {v} (to believe) | :: 分かる /わかる, wakaru/, 理解する /りかいする, rikai suru/ |
understanding {n} (understanding) SEE: grasp | :: |
understanding {n} (mental process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, subjective by its nature) | :: 理解 /りかい, rikai/ |
understanding {adj} (showing compassion) | :: 納得 /なっとく, nattoku/ |
understate {v} (to state something with less completeness than needed) | :: 矮小化する /waishōka suru/ |
understood {adj} (comprehended) | :: 分かった /わかった, wakatta/, 了解 /りょうかい, ryoukai/, 理解された /rikai-sare-ta/ |
understood {interj} (indication of comprehension) | :: 分かった /わかった, wakatta/, 了解 /ryōkai/, 分かりました /wakarimashita/ |
undertake {v} (to start an enterprise) | :: 取り掛かる /とりかかる, torikakaru/ |
undertaker {n} (funeral director) | :: 葬儀屋 /そうぎや, sōgiya/ |
under the sun {prep} (in existence) | :: 日の下 /ひのした, hi no shita/ |
underwater {adj} (beneath the water surface) | :: 水中の /すいちゅうの, suichū no/ |
underway {adv} (in motion, in progress; being done or carried out) | :: 進行中で /しんこうちゅうで, shinkōchū de/ |
underwear {n} (clothes worn next to the skin) | :: 下着 /したぎ, shitagi/ |
underworld {n} (part of society engaged in crime or vice) | :: 暗黒街 /あんこくがい, ankokugai/, 下層 /かそう, kasō/ |
underworld {n} (world of the dead) | :: 黄泉 /よも, yomo, よみ, yomi, こうせん, kōsen/, 地獄 /じごく, jigoku/, 冥界 /meikai/ |
undesirable {adj} (objectionable or not likely to please) | :: 望ましくない /nozomashiku nai/, 望まれない /nozomarenai/ |
undestroyable {adj} (Not able to be destroyed) | :: 壊れない /kowarenai/, 壊せない /kowasenai/, 丈夫な /jōbu na/ |
undies {n} (panties) SEE: panties | :: |
undine {n} (female water-sprite or nymph) | :: ウンディーネ /undīne/ |
undirected graph {n} (type of graph) | :: 無向グラフ /mukō gurafu/ |
undo {v} (to reverse) | :: 取り消す /とりけす, torikesu/, [computing] アンドゥする /andu suru/ |
undo {v} (to unfasten) | :: はずす /hazusu/, ほどく /hodoku/, 解く /とく, toku/ |
undoubtedly {adv} (without doubt) | :: 疑いもなく /うたがいもなく, utagai mo naku/ |
undoubtfully {adv} (without doubt) SEE: undoubtedly | :: |
undress {v} ((intransitive) remove one's clothing) | :: 脱ぐ /ぬぐ, nugu/ |
undress {v} ((transitive) remove somebody’s clothing) | :: 脱がす /ぬがす, nugasu/ |
undulated antshrike {n} (bird) | :: マダラカンムリアリモズ /madarakammuriarimozu/ |
unearned income {n} (income which is not a wage) | :: 不労所得 /ふろうしょとく, furōshotoku/ |
unemployed {adj} (having no job) | :: 失業者 /しつぎょうしゃ, shitsugyōsha/ |
unemployed {n} (the unemployed as a group) | :: 失業者 /しつぎょうしゃ, shitsugyōsha/ |
unemployment {n} (joblessness) | :: 失業 /しつぎょう, shitsugyō/ |
unequivocal {adj} (without ambiguity) | :: 明確な /めいかくな, meikaku na/, 一義的 /ichigiteki/ |
unerasable {adj} (that cannot be erased) | :: 消せない /kesenai/, 消去できない /shōkyo dekinai/ |
UNESCO {prop} (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) | :: UNESCO /ユネスコ, yunesuko/ |
uneven {adj} (odd) SEE: odd | :: |
unexpected {adj} (not expected, anticipated or foreseen) | :: 予想外の /yosōgai no/, 想定外の /sōteigai no/, 意外な /igai na/ |
unexplainable {adj} (inexplicable) SEE: inexplicable | :: |
unfair {adj} (not fair) | :: 不公平 /ふこうへい, fukōhei/ |
unfairness {n} (state of being unfair) | :: 不正 /ふせい, fusei/, 不公平 /ふこうへい, fukōhei/ |
unfamiliar {adj} (not familiar) | :: 知られていない /しられていない, shirarete inai/ |
unfasten {v} (to detach from any connecting agency or link, see also: disconnect) | :: はずす /hazusu/, ほどく /hodoku/, 解く /とく, toku/ |
unfathomable {adj} (impossible to fathom; incomprehensible) | :: 理解できないほど /りかいできないほど, rikai dekinai hodo/ |
unfinished {adj} (not finished) | :: 未完の /mikan no/ |
unfinishedness {n} (quality of being unfinished) | :: 未完 /mikan/ |
unfit {adj} (not fit; not having the correct requirements) | :: そぐわない /soguwanai/, 向かない /mukanai/, 不適当な /futekitō na/, 不相応な /fusōō na/ |
unforgettable {adj} (which is very difficult to forget) | :: 忘れられない /わすれられない, wasurerarenai/ |
unfortunately {adv} (happening through bad luck) | :: 生憎 /あいにく, ainiku/, 残念ながら /ざんねんながら, zannen-nagara/ |
unfounded {adj} (not based on solid reasons or facts) | :: 根拠のない /こんきょのない, konkyo no nai/ |
unfreeze {v} (thaw) SEE: thaw | :: |
unfreeze {v} (defrost) SEE: defrost | :: |
unfriendly {adj} (not friendly; hostile) | :: 不親切な /ふしんせつな, fushinsetsu na/ |
ungodly {adj} (immoral, sinful, or wicked) SEE: immoral | :: |
ungrammatical {adj} (in violation of one or more of the rules and conventions of a language) | :: 破格 /はかく, hakaku/, 非文法的 /ひぶんぽうてき, hibunpōteki/ |
unguent {n} (cream applied to the skin for a therapeutic purpose) SEE: ointment | :: |
unhappiness {n} (feeling of not being happy) | :: 不幸 /fukō/ |
unharness {v} (to liberate) SEE: liberate | :: |
unhealthy {adj} (sick or ill) SEE: sick | :: |
uni- {prefix} (one) | :: 一 /い, i, いち, ichi, ひと, hito/, 単 /たん, tan/, ユニ /yuni/ |
unicameralism {n} (principle of having single chamber legislative body) | :: 一院制 /いちいんせい, ichiinsei/ |
UNICEF {prop} (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) | :: UNICEF /Yunisefu/ |
unicellular {adj} (having a single cell) | :: 単細胞の /たんさいぼうの, tansaibō no/ |
Unicode {prop} (series of computer encoding standards) | :: ユニコード /yunikōdo/ |
unicorn {n} (mythical beast) | :: 麒麟 /きりん, kirin/, 一角獣 /いっかくじゅう, ikkakujū/, ユニコーン /yunikōn/, 一角馬 /ikkakuba/ |
unicycle {n} (one-wheeled pedaled cycle) | :: 一輪車 /いちりんしゃ, ichirinsha/, ユニサイクル /yunisaikuru/ |
unidentified flying object {n} (anything in the air not readily explainable) | :: UFO /ユーフォー, Yūfō/, 未確認飛行物体 /mikakunin-hikō-buttai/ |
unidentified flying object {n} (colloquial: an alien spacecraft) | :: UFO /ユーフォー, Yūfō/, 宇宙船 /uchūsen/, 空飛ぶ円盤 /そらとぶえんばん, sora tobu enban/ |
unifiable {adj} (able to be united or unified) | :: 一つにできる /hitotsu ni dekiru/, 統一できる /tōitsu dekiru/ |
unification {n} (act of unifying) | :: 統一 /tōitsu/ |
uniform {adj} (unvarying) | :: 統一された /tōitsu sareta/, 画一な /kakuitsu na/, 一定の /ittei no/ |
uniform {adj} (consistent) | :: 普遍な /fuhen na/, 統一された /tōitsu sareta/ |
uniform {n} (distinctive outfit as a means of identifying members of a group) | :: 制服 /せいふく, seifuku/, ユニフォーム /yunifōmu/ |
uniform antshrike {n} (passerine bird of the antbird family) | :: ムジアリモズ /mujiarimozu/ |
uniform continuity {n} (property of a function) | :: 一様連続 /ichiyō renzoku/ |
uniform convergence {n} | :: 一様収束 /ichiyō shūsoku/ |
uniform distribution {n} (probability distribution where each outcome is equally likely to occur) | :: 一様分布 /ichiyō bunpu/ |
uniformity {n} (a state of being uniform) | :: 統一性 /tōitsu-sē/, 画一性 /kakuitsu-sē/ |
uniformity {n} (an absence of alternativism) | :: 普遍性 /fuhen-sē/ |
Uniform Resource Locator {n} (URL) | :: 統一資源位置指定子 /tōitsushigen'ichishiteishi/, URL /yūārueru/ |
unify {v} (cause to become one) | :: 一つにする /hitotsu ni suru/, 統一する /tōitsu suru/ |
unilingual {adj} (only knowing or spoken in one language) SEE: monolingual | :: |
unimaginable {adj} (unable to be imagined) | :: 考えられない /kangaerarenai/, 想像できない /sōzō dekinai/ |
unimportant {adj} (not important or noteworthy) | :: 重要でない /じゅうようでない, jūyō denai/ |
unincreasable {adj} (not able to be increased) | :: 増やせない /fuyasenai/ |
union {n} (trade union) SEE: trade union | :: |
union {n} (the act of uniting or the state of being united) | :: 結合 /けつごう, ketsugō/, 連邦 /れんぽう, renpō/, 聯盟 /れんめい, renmei/, 同盟 /どうめい, dōmei/ |
union {n} (that which is united; something formed by a combination of parts or members) | :: [regions] 連邦 /renpō/, [group] 同盟 /dōmei/ |
union {n} (joint) | :: ユニオン継ぎ手 /ユニオンつぎて, yunion tsugite/ |
union {n} (in set theory) | :: 和集合 /わしゅうごう, washūgō/ |
union {n} (marriage) | :: 結婚 /けっこん, kekkon/ |
union {n} (sexual intercourse) | :: 性交 /せいこう, seikō/ |
union {n} (computing: certain data structure) | :: 共用体 /きょうようたい, kyōyōtai/ |
Union Jack {n} (flag of the UK) | :: ユニオンジャック /Yunion Jakku/ |
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics {prop} (a confederation of Communist states, see also: Soviet Union; USSR) | :: ソビエト社会主義共和国連邦 /Sobieto shakaishugi kyōwakoku renpō/ |
unique {adj} (one of a kind) | :: 唯一 /yuiitsu/, 唯一無二 /yuiitsumuni/, [+ -な -na] ユニーク /yunīku/ |
uniqueness {n} (state or quality of being unique or one of a kind) | :: 一意性 /ichiisei/, 唯一性 /yuiitsusei/, 独自性 /dokujisei/ |
unisex {adj} (designed to be suitable for any sex or gender) | :: ユニセックス /yunisekkusu/ |
unisexual {adj} (having characteristics of a single sex) | :: 単性の /たんせいの, tansei no/ |
unit {n} (standard measure of a quantity) | :: 単位 /たんい, tan'i/ |
unit {n} (organized group comprising people and/or equipment) | :: 一式 /いっしき, isshiki/ |
unit {n} (member of a military organization) | :: 部隊 /ぶたい, butai/, 部門 /ぶもん, bumon/ |
unit {n} (kilowatt-hour as recorded on an electricity meter) SEE: kilowatt-hour | :: |
Unitarian Universalism {prop} (religion which encourages theological liberalism) | :: ユニテリアン・ユニヴァーサリズム /Yuniterian yunivu~āsarizumu/ |
unitary {adj} (having the quality of oneness) | :: ユニタリー /yunitarī/ |
unite {v} ((transitive) to bring together as one) | :: 結合する /けつごうする, ketsugō suru/ |
united {adj} (joined into a single entity) | :: 連合した /れんごうした, rengō shita/ |
united {adj} (involving the joint activity of multiple agents) | :: 連合した /れんごうした, rengō shita/ |
United Arab Emirates {prop} (country in the Middle East) | :: アラブ首長国連邦 /アラブしゅちょうこくれんぽう, Arabu shuchōkoku renpō/ |
United Kingdom {prop} (Kingdom in Europe, see also: Great Britain) | :: 英国 /えいこく, Eikoku/, イギリス /Igirisu/, グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国 /Gurēto Buriten oyobi Kita Airurando rengō ōkoku/, 連合王国 /れんごうおうこく, Rengō ōkoku/ |
United Kingdom of Great Britain {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain) | :: グレートブリテン連合王国 /Gurēto Buriten Rengō Ōkoku/ |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) | :: グレートブリテン及びアイルランド連合王国 /グレートブリテンおよびアイルランドれんごうおうこく, Gurēto Buriten oyobi Airurando Rengōōkoku/ |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | :: グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国 /Gurēto-Buriten oyobi Kita-Airurando rengōōkoku/ |
United Nations {prop} (international coalition) | :: 国際連合 /こくさいれんごう, Kokusai-rengō/, 国連 /こくれん, Kokuren/ |
United Nations General Assembly {prop} (one of the six principal organs of the United Nations) | :: 国際連合総会 /Kokusai rengō sōkai/ |
United States {prop} (the United States) | :: 合衆国 /Gasshūkoku/, アメリカ合衆国 /Amerika Gasshūkoku/, 米国 /べいこく, Béikoku/, アメリカ /Amerika/ |
United States of America {prop} (country in North America) | :: アメリカ合衆国 /Amerika Gasshūkoku/, 米国 /Beikoku/, 米- /Bei-/, アメリカ /Amerika/ |
United States Virgin Islands {prop} (a US overseas territory in the Caribbean) | :: アメリカ領ヴァージン諸島 /Amerika-ryō Vājin-shotō/ |
unit matrix {n} (identity matrix) SEE: identity matrix | :: |
unity {n} (state of being one or undivided) | :: 団結 /だんけつ, danketsu/, 統一 /とういつ, tōitsu/ |
univalve {n} (univalve mollusk) | :: 一枚貝 /いちまいがい, ichimaigai/ |
universal {adj} | :: 全世界の /ぜんせかいの, zensekai no/ |
Universal Serial Bus {n} (computing standard for interconnecting PC devices) | :: USB /yū-esu-bī/ |
universal set {n} (set) | :: 普遍集合 /ふへんしゅうごう, fuhen shūgō/ |
universal value {n} (a value considered common for all or almost all mankind) | :: 普遍的価値 /ふへんてきなかち, fuhenteki-na kachi/ |
universe {n} (the Universe) | :: 宇宙 /うちゅう, uchū/ |
universe {n} (an entity similar to our universe) | :: 宇宙 /うちゅう, uchū/ |
universe {n} (everything under consideration) | :: 森羅万象 /しんらばんしょう, shinrabanshō/ |
Universiade {n} (a sport event) | :: ユニバーシアード /Yunibāshiādo/ |
university {n} (institution of higher education) | :: 大学 /だいがく daigaku/, 大学校 |
university student {n} | :: 大学生 /だいがくせい, daigakusei/ |
Unix {n} (operating system) | :: Unix, ユニックス /yunikkusu/ |
Unix time {prop} (system for describing instants of time) | :: UNIX時間 /Yunikkusu jikan/, UNIX時刻 /Yunikkusu jikoku/ |
unjust {adj} (not fair, just or right) | :: 不正な /ふせいな, fusei na/ |
unjustice {n} (injustice) SEE: injustice | :: |
unknown {adj} (not known) | :: 未知の /みちの, michi no/, 無名な /むめいな, mumei na/ |
unknown {n} (person of no identity) | :: 名無し /nanashi/ |
unleash {v} (to free from a leash) | :: 束縛を解く /そくばくをとく, sokubaku o toku/ |
unleashed {adj} (not leashed) | :: 解き放たれた /ときはなたれた, tokihanatareta/ |
unless {conj} (except on a specified condition) | :: もし...でなければ /moshi ... de nakereba/ |
unlicensed {adj} (not licensed) | :: 無免許の /mumenkyo no/, 潜りの /moguri no/ |
unlimited {adj} (limitless or without bounds; unrestricted) | :: 果てしない /hateshinai/, 無限の /mugen no/, 無制限の /museigen no/ |
unlimitedness {n} (the fact of being unlimited) | :: 無限 /mugen/ |
unload {v} (take off or remove the load from something) | :: 降ろす /おろす, orosu/ |
unlock {v} (to undo or open a lock) | :: 錠をあける /じょうをあける, jō o akeru/, 鍵をあける /かぎをあける, kagi o akeru/ |
unmanageable {adj} (not manageable; not readily submitting to handling) | :: 手に負えない /te ni oenai/, 煮ても焼いても食えない /nitemo yaitemo kuenai/ |
unmanned {adj} (not operated by a person or a crew) | :: 無人 /mujin/ |
unmarried {adj} (having no husband or wife) | :: 独身 /どくしん, dokushin/, 未婚 /みこん, mikon/ |
unmergeable {adj} (incapable of being merged) | :: 合併できない /gappei dekinai/, 併せられない /awaserarenai/, 不可合の /fukagō no/ |
unnamed {adj} (having no name) | :: 無名 /むめい, mumei/ |
unnecessary {adj} (not necessary) | :: 不必要 /ふひつよう, fuhitsuyō/, 不要 /ふよう, fuyō/ |
unnoticed {adj} (not noticed) | :: 気付かれない /kizukarenai/, 認知されない /ninchi sarenai/ |
UNO {prop} (United Nations) SEE: UN | :: |
unobtainium {n} (fictional component or material which would enable one to easily solve a hard problem) | :: アンオブタニウム |
unofficial {adj} (not official) | :: 非公認 /hikōnin/, 非公式 /hikōshiki/ |
unofficial {adj} (implicitly true but unauthorized) | :: 裏向きの /uramuki no/ |
unpack {v} (to remove from a package) | :: 解く /ほどく, hodoku/ |
unpaid {adj} (not paid for) | :: 未払いの /みばらいの, mibarai no/ |
unplanned {adj} (unintentional; not intended) | :: 計画外の /keikakugai no/, 予定外の /yoteigai no/ |
unplug {v} (disconnect from a supply) | :: ...からプラグを抜く /... kara puragu o nuku/, ...から栓を抜く /... kara sen o nuku/, ...のプラグを抜く /... no puragu o nuku/, ...の栓を抜く /... no sen o nuku/ |
unprecedented {adj} (never before seen or done, without precedent) | :: 前例のない /ぜんれいのない, zenren-no nai/, 空前 /くうぜん, kūzen/ |
unpredictable {adj} (unable to be predicted) | :: 予測できない /yosoku dekinai/, 先が見えない /saki ga mienai/ |
unpredictable {n} (unpredictable thing) | :: 一寸先は闇 /issunsaki ha yami/ |
unproductive {adj} (not productive) | :: 非生産的 /hiseisanteki/ |
unpublished {adj} (not published) | :: 未出版 /mi shuppan/ |
unqualified {adj} (ineligible, not qualified) | :: 失格の /shikkaku no/, 無資格の /mushikaku no/ |
unravel {v} (to separate the threads (of)) | :: 解く /とく, toku/, 解く /ほどく, hodoku/, ほぐす /hogusu/ |
unrealistic {adj} (not realistic) | :: 非現実的 /ひげんじつてき, higenjitsuteki/ |
unreconcilable {adj} (irreconcilable) SEE: irreconcilable | :: |
unrelated {adj} (not connected) | :: 関係がない /kankei ga nai/, 関係ない /kankei nai/ [informal] |
unrepentant {adj} (showing no regret) | :: 悔い改めない /くいあらためない, kui-aratamenai/, 心が頑固な /こころががんこな, kokoro ga ganko na/ |
unrequited love {n} (love that is not reciprocated, even though reciprocation is desired) | :: 片思い /かたおもい, kataomoi/ |
unrest {n} (state of trouble) | :: 動乱 /どうらん, dōran/, 動揺 /どうよう, dōyō/ |
unrestrained {adj} (not held in check) | :: 抑制されていない /よくせいされていない, yokusei sarete inai/ |
unrestrained {adj} (unconstrained) | :: 自然 /しぜん, shizen/ |
unryu-gata {n} (ring-entering ceremony) | :: 雲龍型 /unryū-gata/ |
unsaid {adj} (unspoken) SEE: unspoken | :: |
unsatisfied {adj} (dissatisfied) SEE: dissatisfied | :: |
unsaturated {adj} (capable of dissolving more solute) | :: 不飽和 /ふほうわ, fuhōwa/ |
unsaturated {adj} (having one or more double bonds or triple bonds between carbon atoms) | :: 不飽和 /ふほうわ, fuhōwa/ |
unsaturated fatty acid {n} (a fatty acid that contains at least one carbon to carbon double bond) | :: 不飽和脂肪酸 /ふほうわしぼうさん, fuhōwa shibōsan/ |
unscientific {adj} (not scientific) | :: 非科学的 /hikagakuteki/ |
UN Security Council {prop} (international organ) | :: 安全保障理事会 /あんぜんほしょうりじかい, anzen-hoshō-rijikai/, [abbrev.] 安保理 /あんぽり, anpori/ |
unselfish {adj} (not selfish; selfless; generous; altruistic) | :: 利他的 /ritateki/; [generous] 献身的 /kenshinteki/ |
unsightly {adj} (displeasing to the eye) | :: 目障り /mezawari/ |
unsigned {adj} (not accepting negative numbers; having only a positive absolute value) | :: 符号無し /ふごうなし, fugō-nashi/ |
unsinkable {adj} (of a ship: that cannot be sunk) | :: 不沈 /fuchin/ |
unskillful {adj} (not skilful) | :: 下手な /へたな, heta na/ |
unsolvable {adj} (not solvable) | :: 解決できない /kaiketsu dekinai/, 解けない /tokenai/, 割り切れない /warikirenai/ |
unspeakable {adj} (incapable of being spoken or uttered) | :: 言い知れぬ /いいしれぬ, iishirenu/, 口では言えない /くちではいえない, kuchi dewa ienai/ |
unspoken {adj} (not spoken; not said) | :: 無言の /mugon no/, 暗黙の /ammoku no/ |
unspoken rule {n} (rule that is understood but does not exist in written form) | :: 不文律 /ふぶんりつ, fubunritsu/ |
unstoppable {adj} (unable to be stopped) | :: 止められない /tomerarenai/, 止め処ない /tomedonai/ |
unstressed {adj} (not stressed or accentuated) | :: 強勢のない /きょうせいのない, kyōsei no nai/ |
unsuccessful {adj} (failed, not successful) | :: 不成功 /ふせいこう, fuseikō/ |
unsuitable {adj} (not suitable; unfit; inappropriate) | :: そぐわない /soguwanai/, 不適当な /futekitō na/, 不適切な /futekisetsu na/, 不相応な /fusōō na/ |
unsung hero {n} (one who does great deeds but receives little or no recognition) | :: 縁の下の力持ち /えんのしたのちからもち, en no shita no chikaramochi/ |
Unsupported titles/C sharp {prop} (C# - a programming language) | :: シーシャープ /shī-shāpu/ |
unsympathetic {adj} (not sympathetic) | :: つれない /tsurenai/ |
untie {v} (to loosen, as something interlaced or knotted) | :: 解く /ほどく, hodoku/ |
until {prep} (up to the time of) | :: ...まで /...made/ |
until {prep} (before) | :: ...まで /...made/ |
until {conj} (up to the time that) | :: ...まで /...made/ |
until {conj} (before) | :: ...まで /...made/ |
untitled {adj} (having no title) | :: 無題 /むだい, mudai/ |
untouchable {n} (pariah) SEE: pariah | :: |
untranslatable {adj} (not able to be translated) | :: 翻訳不可能 /hon'yaku fukāno/ |
ununennium {n} (chemical element) | :: ウンウンエンニウム |
ununhexium {n} (element with atomic number 116) | :: ウンウンヘキシウム /ununhekishiumu/ |
ununifiable {adj} (impossible to unify of be unified) | :: 一つにできない /hitotsu ni dekinai/, 統一できない /tōitsu dekinai/ |
unusual {adj} (not usual) | :: 珍しい /めずらしい, mezurashii/ |
unverified {adj} (not verified) | :: 未検証の /みけんしょう-の, mi-kenshō-no/ |
unvisible {adj} (invisible) SEE: invisible | :: |
unvisibly {adv} (invisibly) SEE: invisibly | :: |
unvoiced {adj} (linguistics: voiceless) SEE: voiceless | :: |
unwearied {adj} (never tiring) SEE: tireless | :: |
unwearied {adj} (not stopping) SEE: persistent | :: |
unwed {adj} (not married) SEE: unmarried | :: |
unwed {n} (bachelor or a spinster) SEE: unmarried | :: |
unwinnable {adj} (unable to be won) | :: 得られない /erarenai/ |
unworthiness {n} (the characteristic or condition of being unworthy) | :: 不肖 /ふしょう, fushō/ |
unwrap {v} (undo what is wrapped) | :: 解く /ほどく, hodoku/, 開梱する /かいこん-する, kaikon-suru/ |
unwritten {adj} (not written) | :: 書かれていない /kakareteinai/, 白紙の /hakushi no/ |
unwrittenness {n} (quality of being unwritten) | :: 白紙 /hakushi/, 無記載 /mukisai/, 暗黙 /anmoku/ |
unwritten rule {n} (unspoken rule) SEE: unspoken rule | :: |
up {adv} (away from earth’s surface) | :: 上に /うえに, ue ni/ |
up {adv} (north) | :: 北に /kita ni/ |
up {adv} (higher, louder) | :: 上に /うえに, ue ni/ |
up {adv} (rail transport: the direction towards milepost zero) | :: 上りに /nobori ni/ |
up {prep} (toward the top) | :: 上に /ue ni/ |
up {adj} (awake) | :: 起きている /okite iru/ |
up {adj} (finished) | :: 終わり /owari/ |
up {adj} (in a good mood) | :: 良い /yoi/ |
up {adj} (ready, willing) | :: 気が向いている /kiga-muite iru/ |
up {adj} (next) | :: 控えている /hikaete iru/ |
up {adj} (facing upwards) | :: 上を向けて /ue wo mukete/ |
up {adj} (standing) | :: 上に /ueni/ |
up {adj} (informed about) | :: 上がっている /agatte iru/ |
up {adj} (rail transport: traveling towards a major terminus) | :: 上り方向に /nobori-hōkō ni/ |
up {n} (direction opposed to the pull of gravity) | :: 上 /ue/ |
up {v} (increase) | :: 上げる /ageru/ |
up {v} (promote) | :: 上げる /ageru/ |
Upali {prop} (disciple of Gautama Buddha) | :: 優波離 |
update {n} (action of making something up to date) | :: 更新 /こうしん, kōshin/, アップデート /appudēto/ |
update {n} (action of advising someone so that they are up to date) | :: 沙汰 /さた, sata/ |
update {v} (to make something up to date) | :: 更新する /こうしんする, kōshin suru/, アップデートする /appudēto suru/ |
updo {n} | :: アップ /appu/ |
upfront {adv} (beforehand) SEE: beforehand | :: |
upgrade {n} (an improved component or replacement item) | :: アップグレード /appugurēdo/ |
uphold {v} (to hold up) | :: 掲げる /かかげる, kaka-geru/ |
uphold {v} (to support by approval or encouragement) | :: 支持する /しじする, shiji-suru/, 支える /ささえる, sasaeru/, 保つ /たもつ, tamotsu/ |
upland antshrike {n} (passerine bird) | :: コウゲンアリモズ (kougen'arimozu) |
upland sandpiper {n} (Bartramia longicauda) | :: マキバシギ /makibashigi/ |
upload {v} (to transfer data) | :: アップロードする /appurōdo suru/ |
upload {n} (file transfer) | :: アップロード /appurōdo/ |
uploader {n} (someone who uploads files) | :: うp主 /うぷぬし, upunushi/ |
upper {adj} | :: 上の (うえの, ue no) |
upper arm {n} (section of an arm) | :: 二の腕 /ninoude/, 上腕 /jowan/, 上膊 /johaku/ |
Upper Austria {prop} (state of Austria) | :: 上オーストリア州 /Ue Ōsutoria shū/, オーバーエスターライヒ州 /Ōbāesutāraihi-shū/ |
upper case {n} (upper case / uppercase (as a collective noun) or upper case letters (in the plural)) | :: 大文字 /おおもじ, ōmoji/ |
upper chamber {n} (upper house) SEE: upper house | :: |
upperclassman {n} (a senior student in a school or college) | :: 先輩 /せんぱい, senpai/ |
uppercut {n} (in boxing) | :: アッパーカット /appākatto/, アッパー /appā/ |
upper house {n} (part of a parliament) | :: 上院 /じょういん, jōin/ |
upper lip {n} | :: 上唇 /うわくちびる, uwakuchibiru/, 上唇 /じょうしん, jōshin/ |
upper reaches {n} (the part of a river that is near where it begins) | :: 上流 /じょうりゅう, jōryū/, 川上 /かわかみ, kawakami/, 水上 /みなかみ, minakami/ |
Upper Volta {prop} (former name of Burkina Faso) | :: オートボルタ /Ōto-Boruta/ |
Uppsala {prop} (city in eastern central Sweden) | :: ウプサラ /Upusara/ |
up quark {n} (up quark) | :: アップクォーク /appu kuwōku/ |
upright bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass | :: |
uprising {n} (a popular revolt) | :: 暴動 /ぼうどう, bōdō/, 反乱 /はんらん, hanran/ |
upriver {adj} (towards the source of a river) | :: 川上 /kawakami/ |
uproar {n} (noisy excitement) | :: 騒動 /そうどう, sōdō/ |
uproar {n} (confused noise) | :: 騒音 /そうおん, sōon/ |
uproot {v} (eradicate) SEE: eradicate | :: |
ups and downs {n} (idiomatic) | :: 起伏 /きふく, kifuku/, 浮き沈み /うきしずみ, ukishizumi/ |
upscale {adj} (marked by wealth or quality) SEE: high-class | :: |
upset {adj} (angry, distressed, unhappy) | :: くよくよ /kuyokuyo/ |
upset {v} (make (a person) angry, distressed or unhappy) | :: 引っ繰り返す /hikkuri-kaesu/ |
upside down {adv} (inverted) | :: 逆さに /sakasa ni/, 逆さまに /sakasama ni/ |
upside down {adj} (inverted) | :: 逆さ /sakasa/, 逆さま /sakasama/ |
upsilon {n} (letter of the Greek alphabet) | :: ユプシロン /yupushiron/, ウプシロン /upushiron/ |
upstairs {adv} (up the stairs; on a higher floor or level) | :: 階上 /かいじょう, kaijō/ |
upstart {n} (newly rich or prominent) | :: 成り金 /なりきん, narikin/, 成り上がり者 /なりあがりもの, nariagari-mono/, 出来星 /できぼし, dekiboshi/ |
upstream {adj} (Biology : towards the 5' end of a DNA molecule) | :: 川上 /kawakami/ |
upstream {adv} (against the flow) | :: 川上 /kawakami/ |
up to {adj} (the option or decision of) | :: 次第 /shidai/ |
uracil {n} (one of the bases of RNA) | :: ウラシル /urashiru/ |
urad {n} (South Asian bean) | :: 毛蔓小豆 /けつるあずき/ |
Ural Mountains {prop} (mountains) | :: ウラル山脈 /Uraru-sanmyaku/, ウラル /Uraru/ |
Ural owl {n} (Strix uralensis) | :: ウラルフクロウ /Uraru fukurō/ |
Urals {prop} (Ural Mountains) SEE: Ural Mountains | :: |
uranian {adj} (Uranian) SEE: Uranian | :: |
Uranian {adj} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual | :: |
Uranian {n} (inhabitant of the planet Uranus) | :: 天王星人 /てんのうせいじん, Tennōsei-jin/ |
uranium {n} (uranium (element)) | :: ウラン /uran/ |
Uranus {prop} (god of the sky and heavens) | :: ウラノス /Uranosu/, ウラヌス /Uranusu/ |
Uranus {prop} (planet) | :: 天王星 /てんのうせい, Tennōsei/, ウラヌス /Uranusu/ |
Urartu {prop} (ancient kingdom) | :: ウラルトゥ /Urarutu/ |
urate {n} (any salt of uric acid) | :: 尿酸塩 /にょうさんえん, nyōsan'en/ |
urban {adj} (of the city; characteristic of city life) | :: 都市の /としの, toshi no/ |
urbanism {n} (urbanization) SEE: urbanization | :: |
urbanite {n} (someone who lives in a city or similar urban area) | :: 都会人 /tokaijin/ |
urbanization {n} (growth of cities) | :: 都市化 /としか, toshika/ |
urban legend {n} (apocryphal story) | :: 都市伝説 /としでんせつ, toshi densetsu/ |
urban myth {n} (widely circulated story) SEE: urban legend | :: |
urchin {n} (hedgehog) SEE: hedgehog | :: |
urchin {n} (sea urchin) SEE: sea urchin | :: |
urchin {n} (mischievous child) | :: 小汚いガキ /kogitanai gaki/ |
Urdu {n} (the Indo-Iranian language) | :: ウルドゥー語 /urudūgo/ |
urea {n} (organic compound) | :: 尿素 /にょうそ, nyōso/ |
ureter {n} (narrow duct that carries urine from the kidneys) | :: 尿管 /にょうかん, nyōkan/, 輸尿管 /ゆにょうかん, yunyōkan/ |
urethra {n} (anatomical tube) | :: 尿道 /にょうどう, nyōdō/ |
urge {n} (a strong desire; an itch to do something) | :: 願望 /がんぼう, ganbō/, 衝動 /しょうどう, shōdō/ |
urge {v} (to press, push, drive) | :: 催促する /さいそくする, saisoku suru/ |
urge {v} (to press the mind or will of) | :: せきたてる /sekitateru/ |
urge {v} (to present in an urgent manner) | :: 急き立てる /せきたてる, sekitateru/ |
urge {v} (to be pressing in argument; to insist) | :: 催促する /さいそくする, saisoku suru/ |
urgent {adj} (requiring immediate attention) | :: 緊急の /きんきゅうの, kinkyū no/, 急を要する /きゅうをようする, kyū o yō-suru/ |
Ur-Germanic {prop} (Proto-Germanic) SEE: Proto-Germanic | :: |
Uriah {prop} (biblical character) | :: ウリヤ /Uriya/ |
Uriah Heep {n} (yes man) SEE: yes man | :: |
Uriah Heep {v} (brownnose) SEE: brownnose | :: |
uric acid {n} (bicyclic heterocyclic phenolic compound) | :: 尿酸 /にょうさん, nyōsan/ |
Urim and Thummim {n} (sacred devices used for casting lots) | :: ウリムとトンミム /urimu to tonmimu/, ウリムとトムミム /urimu to tomumimu/ |
urinal {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
urinal {n} (fixture for standing urination) | :: 便器 /べんき, benki/ |
urinal {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse | :: |
urinary bladder {n} (urinary bladder) | :: 膀胱 /ぼうこう, bōkō/ |
urinary tract {n} (urinary tract) | :: 尿路 /にょうろ, nyōro/ |
urinate {v} | :: 排尿する /はいにょうする, hainyō suru/, 放尿する /ほうにょうする, hōnyō suru/, 小便をする /しょうべんをする, shōben o suru/ |
urination {n} | :: 排尿 /はいにょう, hainyō/, 放尿 /ほうにょう, hōnyō/ |
urine {n} | :: 尿 /にょう, nyō/, 小便 /しょうべん, shōben/ [colloquial] |
urna {n} (dot) | :: 白毫 /びゃくごう, byakugō/ |
uroflowmetry {n} | :: 尿流量測定 /nyōryūryō sokutei/ |
urology {n} (branch of medicine dealing with urinary tract and urogenital system) | :: 泌尿器科 /ひにょうきか, hinyōkika/ |
Ursa Major {prop} (large circumpolar constellation of the northern sky) | :: 大熊座 /おおぐまざ, Ōgumaza/ |
Ursa Minor {prop} (a circumpolar constellation of the northern sky) | :: 小熊座 /こぐまざ, Kogumaza/ |
Ursula {prop} (female given name) | :: ウルスラ /urusura/, アーシュラ /āshura/ |
urtext {n} (original edition; manuscript) | :: 原典 /げんてん, genten/, 原譜 /げんぷ, genpu/, 原文 /げんぶん, genbun/, 原本 /げんぽん, genpon/ |
urticaria {n} (medical condition) | :: 蕁麻疹 /じんましん, jinmashin/ |
Uruguay {prop} (country) | :: ウルグアイ /Uruguai/ |
urumi {n} (sword) | :: ウルミ /urumi/ |
urushiol {n} (oil causing allergic rash) | :: ウルシオール /urushiōru/ |
us {pron} (objective case of "we") | :: 私達 (watashitachi) |
US {prop} (abbreviation of United States, see also: USA) | :: Not used in Japanese |
USA {prop} (United States of America) | :: アメリカ /Amerika/, USA /Yū Esu Ē/, 米国 /Beikoku/, 米- /Bei-/ [as a component], ユー・エス・エー /Yū-Esu-Ē/ |
usage {n} (the manner or the amount of using; use) | :: 使い方 /tsukaikata/ |
usage {n} (habit or accepted practice) | :: 使い方 /tsukaikata/, 習慣 /しゅうかん, shūkan/ |
usage {n} (the way words are spoken or written in a community) | :: 使い方 /tsukaikata/, 用法 /yōhō/ |
US dollar {n} (official currency of the United States) | :: アメリカ・ドル /Amerika-doru/, 米ドル /Bei-doru/ |
use {n} (act of using) | :: 使用 /shiyō/, 利用 /riyō/ |
use {n} (usefulness) | :: 効用 /kōyō/, 為 /tame/ |
use {n} (function) | :: 用途 /yōto/, 使い道 /tsukaimichi/ |
use {v} (employ, apply) | :: 用いる /もちいる, mochiiru/, 使う /つかう, tsukau/, 使用する /しようする, shiyō-suru/ |
use {v} (to exhaust the supply of, to consume) | :: 使い尽くす /tsukaitsukusu/ |
use case {n} (system scenario) | :: ユースケース /yūsukēsu/ |
used {adj} (that has or have previously been owned by someone else) | :: 中古 /ちゅうこ, chūko/ |
useful {adj} (having a practical or beneficial use) | :: 有用 /ゆうよう, yūyō/, 便利 /べんり, benri/, [verb] 役に立つ /やくにたつ, yaku ni tatsu/ |
usefulness {n} (quality of being useful) | :: 有用性 /ゆうようせい, yūyōsei/ |
useless {adj} (without use or possibility to be used) | :: 無用な /むような, muyō-na/ |
useless {adj} (unable to do well) | :: 下手 (な) /へた (な), heta (na)/ |
Usenet {prop} (a world-wide distributed discussion system consisting of newsgroups classified hierarchically by subject) | :: ユーズネット /Yūzunetto/ |
user {n} (one who uses something, a consumer) | :: 使用者 /しようしゃ, shiyōsha/, ユーザー /yūzā/, ユーザ /yūza/, 利用者 /りようしゃ, riyōsha/ |
user {n} (person who uses a computer) | :: ユーザー /yūzā/, ユーザ /yūza/, 利用者 /りようしゃ, riyōsha/ |
user-friendly {adj} (designed to be easy to use) | :: ユーザーフレンドリー /yūzāfurendorī/, 使用者の使いやすい /しようしゃのつかいやすい, shiyōsha-no tsukai-yasui/ |
user interface {n} (the part of a software application that a user sees and interacts with) | :: ユーザーインターフェース /yūzā intāfēsu/ |
username {n} (a person's identification on an individual computer system) | :: ユーザー名 /yūzā-mei/, 利用者名 /りようしゃめい, riyōshamei/, ログイン /roguin/ |
use up {v} (exhaust) SEE: exhaust | :: |
ushanka {n} (a traditional Russian fur cap with earflaps) | :: ロシア帽 /ロシアぼう, Roshia bō/, ウシャンカ /ushanka/ |
usher {n} (person who escorts people to their seats) | :: 案内人 /あんないにん, annainin/ |
Usonia {prop} (Words for the country that are distinct from "America" or the "United States of America") | :: 米国 /Beikoku/ |
Usonian {adj} (of the USA) | :: 米国の /べいこくの, Beikoku no/ |
Usonian {n} (a citizen of the USA, as opposed to an inhabitant of America as a whole) | :: 米国人 /べいこくじん, Beikokujin/ |
USSR {prop} (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) | :: ソ連 /それん, Soren/ |
Ussuriysk {prop} (city in Russia) | :: ウスリースク /Usurīsuku/ |
usual {adj} (most commonly occurring) | :: 通常 /つうじょう, tsūjō/, いつもの /itsumo no/ |
usually {adv} (most of the time) | :: 通常 /つうじょう, tsūjō/ |
usurer {n} (one who loans money at exorbitant interest rates) | :: 高利貸し /こうりがし, kōrigashi/ |
usurp {v} (seize power) | :: 簒奪 /sandatsu/ |
US Virgin Islands {prop} (Country in the Caribbean) | :: アメリカ領ヴァージン諸島 /Amerika-ryō Vājin toshō/, 米領ヴァージン諸島 /Beiryō Vājin toshō/ |
Utah {prop} (a state of the United States of America) | :: ユタ /Yuta/ |
uterine {adj} (born of the same mother but of a different father) | :: 胤違い /たねちがい, tanechigai/, 異父 /いふ, ifu/, 行き合い /ゆきあい, yukiai/ |
uterine sibling {n} (a half sibling with a different father) | :: 胤違い /たねちがい, tanechigai/ |
uterine tube {n} (Fallopian tube) SEE: Fallopian tube | :: |
uterus {n} (womb) SEE: womb | :: |
Uther {prop} (father of King Arthur) | :: ユーサー /Yūsā/ |
utilitarianism {n} (the theory of the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people") | :: 功利主義 /こうりしゅぎ, kōrishugi/ |
utility {adj} (state or condition of being useful) | :: 有用 /ゆうよう, yūyō/, 有用性 /ゆうようせい, yūyōsei/, 効用 /こうよう, kōyō/ |
utility {adj} (something that is useful) | :: 実用品 /じつようひん, jitsuyōhin/ |
utility {adj} (computing: software program with specific task) | :: ユーティリティ /yūtiriti/ |
utility knife {n} (cutting tool) | :: カッターナイフ /kattā naifu/, カッター /kattā/ |
utility pole {n} (tall cylinder) | :: 電柱 /でんちゅう, denchū/, 鉄塔 /てっとう, tettō/ |
utmost {adj} (Situated at the most distant limit) | :: 最大の /さいだいの, saidai no/, 極度な /きょくどな, kyokudo na/ |
utmost {adj} (The most extreme, ultimate) | :: 最大の /さいだいの, saidai no/ |
utmost {n} (maximum) | :: 最大 /saidai/ |
utopia {n} (world in perfect harmony) | :: 理想郷 /りそうきょう, risōkyō/, ユートピア /yūtopia/, 黄金世界 /おうごんせかい, ōgon sekai/ |
Utrecht {prop} (province of the Netherlands) | :: ユトレヒト, ユトレヒト州 |
Utrecht {prop} (city in the Netherlands) | :: ユトレヒト /Yutorehito/ |
Utsunomiya {prop} (a city of Japan) | :: 宇都宮 /うつのみや, Utsunomiya/ |
Uttarakhand {prop} (state in India) | :: ウッタラーカンド /Uttarākando/ |
Uttar Pradesh {prop} (state) | :: ウッタル・プラデーシュ /Uttaru Puradēshu/ |
utter {v} | :: 述べる /のべる, noberu/, 発する /はっする, hassuru/ |
utterly {adv} (in complete manner) SEE: completely | :: |
U-turn {n} (semi-circular turn) | :: Uターン /yūtān/ |
uvea {n} (the middle of the three concenctric layers that make up the eye) | :: 葡萄膜 /ぶどうまく, budōmaku/ |
uveitis {n} (inflammation of the uvea) | :: 葡萄膜炎 /ぶどうまくえん, budōmakuen/ |
uvula {n} (appendage that hangs from the palate) | :: 口蓋垂 /こうがいすい, kōgaisui/, 懸壅垂 /けんようすい, ken'yōsui/ [rare], のどちんこ /nodochinko/ |
uxorial {adj} (of or pertaining to a wife) | :: 妻の /つまの, tsumano/ |
uyezd {n} (an administrative subdivision) | :: ウエズド /uezudo/ |
Uyghur {n} (member of ethnic group) | :: ウイグル /uiguru/ |
Uyghur {prop} (language) | :: ウイグル語 /ウイグルご, uigurugo/ |
Uyghur {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the Uyghur people or the Uyghur language) | :: ウイグル /uiguru/ |
Uzbek {n} (person) | :: ウズベク人 /uzubeku-jin/ |
Uzbek {n} (language) | :: ウズベク語 /uzubeku-go/ |
Uzbek {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Uzbekistan, its people or language) | :: ウズベク /uzubeku/ |
Uzbekistan {prop} (Republic of Uzbekistan) | :: ウズベキスタン /Uzubekisutan/ |
Uzbekistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Uzbek language) SEE: Uzbek | :: |