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pn = ["'d best", '-all', '-ana', '-ba', '-bound', '-de', '-e-', '-ea', '-ează', '-el', '-ena', '-enka', '-ení', '-er', '-ezi', '-han', '-hit', '-ie', '-ih', '-inchi', '-közi', '-la', '-lei', '-nnos', '-nto', '-se', '-íř', '-ýř', '-аем', '-им', '-осам', '-ра-', '-стревать', '-стрять', '-ынп-', '@', 'ABC Islands', 'APP', 'Aalborg', 'Afganastánach', 'Afghánka', 'Afracach', 'Albana', 'Alice in Wonderland', 'Allee effect', 'Annam', 'Apple', 'Arbi', 'Arellano', 'Arethusa', 'Ari', 'Aroztegi', 'Arrigorriaga', 'Astrape', 'Atena', 'Australia', 'Avlabari', 'BEA', "BN'er", 'Bamako', 'Bamakɔ', 'Barksian', 'Belgium', 'Bergen', 'Besiana', 'Bircher', 'BlackBerry', 'Blackfoot', 'Bora', 'Bristol Channel', 'Bréanainn', 'Bé', 'CHNOPS', 'California minute', 'Carlele axe', 'Casablanca', 'Chink', 'Chitral', 'Cybele', 'Cytherea', 'D-DK', 'D-DNy', 'DD', 'DILF', 'DINK', 'DOE', 'Daedalian', 'Daic', 'Dandong', 'Dietrich', 'Dixiecrat', 'Donald Duck', 'Drilon', 'Dufgus', 'Dunedin', 'Día', 'Ecuador', 'Edorta', 'Eerin', 'Elpis', 'Erin', 'Esbjerg', 'Estonka', 'FB', 'Facebook', 'Falkland Islands wolf', 'Fames', 'February 31', 'Fenian', 'Feronia', 'Fluss', 'Folketinget', 'Freia', 'Frenchlike', 'GDPR', 'Gangnam', 'Geldria', 'Genk', 'Glaucus', 'Google', 'Gooki', 'Grado', 'Griffin', 'Guangdong', 'Guyana', 'H', 'HFCS', 'Hainan', 'Haligonian', 'Hanyu Pinyin', 'Harmonia', 'Harrisburg', 'Hebei', 'Henan', 'Holandia Południowa', 'Holandia Północna', 'Hugolian', 'Hunan', 'Husky', 'I mean', 'Ianthe', 'Interpol', 'Iolar', 'Ioslam', 'Italianization', 'J', 'Jaguar', 'Japanese giant hornet', 'Jeta', 'Jidášovi', 'K-DK', 'Kateřina', 'Katka', 'Kazakhstani', 'Khamil', 'Kho', 'Klytia', 'Kruut', 'Kyrgyzstani', 'K国', 'Laboyan', 'Laetitia', 'Lagrange point', 'Leodensian', 'Lhoba', 'Liaoning', 'Lithuanization', 'Lollobrigidian', 'Luukas', 'Mair', 'Mar.', 'Mari', 'Monpa', "Monsel's salt", 'Moog', 'Mopti', 'Morgen', 'Morrn', 'Máccô', 'Mäkki', 'Nationalgericht', 'Nellim', 'New Zealand pigeon', 'North American football', 'Ny-DNy', 'Ny-ÉNy', 'Nysa', 'Oompa Loompa', 'Panopaea', 'Peirs', 'Picasso', 'Pinçonnière', 'Polka', 'Porvoo', 'Prenda', 'Psaki', 'Regelstudienzeit', 'Ringo', 'Rio', 'Roermond', 'Rouvière', 'Russian dressing', 'Russification', 'SR', 'Sahara', 'Saiva', 'Salic', 'Saskatchewanite', 'Sattel', 'Satu', 'Schlegelia', 'Schlüsselbund', 'Schmeißfliege', 'Scout', 'Scrobbesbyrigscir', 'Sefiller', 'Segu', 'Siani', 'Snotingahamscir', 'Suquamish', 'Syawal', "Tai'an", 'Tajikistani', 'Takkasilā', 'Tehran', 'Theotokos', 'Thisbe', 'Three Kingdoms', 'Thánh Mẫu', 'Tienen', 'Tongyong Pinyin', 'Tottenham', 'Trevethin', 'Turkish towel', 'Turkmenistani', 'Tuyuhun', 'Twitter', 'Ty', 'Tyche', 'Tyrrhenia', 'Täuber', 'Tšernobyl', 'Uyghurization', 'Uzbekistani', 'Valletta', 'Vietcong', 'Vlach', 'Weder', 'Wikipedian', 'XY', 'YF', 'Yingkou', 'Yllballe', 'Yllbardha', 'Ylldrita', 'Yllesha', 'Ylljeta', 'Yllkuqe', 'Yllëza', 'YouTube', 'ZOMFG', 'Zumarraga', 'Zuñiga', 'a', 'a-barth dyghow dhe', 'a-barth kledh dhe', 'a-barth woles dhe', 'a-dhelergh dhe', 'a-dhia ban', 'a-dhyghow dhe', 'a-dreus dhe', 'a-drev dhe', 'a-dro dhe', 'a-dryv dhe', 'a-gledh dhe', 'a-jei dhe', 'a-ji dhe', 'a/translations', 'aal', 'aankomst', 'aarlider', 'abandon ship', 'abashed', 'abborfamilien', 'abdichten', 'abelian', 'abkommen', 'abois', 'absque', 'abstract', 'abstraguar', 'abur', 'abweichen', 'abwiegen', 'accentor', 'accipitrine', 'acquiescent', 'acrophony', 'adar', 'adareg', 'adarydd', 'adequateness', 'adhika', 'adhmhill', 'adopt', 'adult actress', 'adult star', 'adumbrationism', 'adverbo', 'adversa', 'adversaria', 'advise', 'af-', 'afartar', 'afflatus', 'affärsresa', 'afirmuar', 'afkom', 'afrenta', 'aftafa', 'aftursæti', 'afweten', 'afër', 'agati', 'agga', 'aggregation', 'agilizar', 'agnogenic', 'agresivnost', 'aicíd', 'aila', 'aindia', 'airbrush', 'aire', 'aisíoc', 'aită', 'ajatuspoliisi', 'akibat', 'aknātsa', 'ako', 'akordya', 'aks', 'akull', 'alcôve', 'algid', 'algõ', 'algõd', 'algõm', 'ali', 'all-boys', 'all-girls', 'all-purpose', 'allo', 'allochroite', 'allofonia', 'allons-y', 'almendra', 'alveolitis', 'alā', 'ama', 'amager', 'amagerkaner', 'ambulation', 'amhanc', 'ammenteng', 'ampar', 'an/translations', 'ana', 'anaiwatstse', 'and of course', 'anechogenic', 'anfractuosity', 'anguinine', 'anshocair', 'ansujë', 'anti-seize', 'anticatabolic', 'anticonstitutionally', 'anticonvulsant', 'antilópa', 'antiphona', 'anās', 'anāsk-', 'aorta', 'appamāt', 'appropriate', 'apune', 'aq', 'ar draws', 'ar ôl', 'aranžérka', 'arbol', 'architecta', 'archivář', 'archivářka', 'are', 'argoel', 'arm', 'arm-twisting', 'armour', 'aromar', 'arotz', 'aroztegi', 'arrati', 'arrequeixar', 'arte', 'artiklo', 'artı', 'arvor', 'as of right', 'as though', 'asar', 'ashe', 'ashkth', 'assholedom', 'asteroid belt', 'astragal', 'asubha', 'asır', 'at', 'atasten', 'ataster', 'atemporality', 'atleta', 'ato', 'atom', 'atomize', 'auberge', 'aufwiegen', 'aus', 'auspiciosamente', 'auswiegen', 'autobus', 'avalotar', 'avari', 'avercorn', 'awm', 'aydın', 'azulejo', 'aṇṇava', 'b', 'babička', 'babywearing', 'bachlach', 'backbend', 'backbore', 'backen', 'backward', 'bacówka', 'bado', 'badpak', 'bajzë', 'bakgrunnur', 'bakukall', 'bakull', 'balanda', 'ball and chain', "balla'", 'banchan', 'bandeord', 'bandolier', 'bankroll', 'banor', 'banya', 'bao', 'barillet', 'barmaster', 'barnstar', 'barrel roll', 'barrghlas', 'barro', 'barrë', 'barva', 'baryton', 'base', 'base hit', 'bash', 'basilika', 'bathala', 'batonnet', 'battledore and shuttlecock', 'battledress', 'baur', 'bay', 'bayuk', 'be', 'beannach', 'beanstalk', 'bedekke', 'bedewed', 'beeswarm', 'befalle', 'befarre', 'befrieze', 'behuelen', 'behâlde', 'bekrûpe', 'bele', 'belide', 'belőle', 'bend', 'benumbed', 'benzinepomp', 'benzín', 'berenpels', 'berenval', 'bergeming', 'berjast', 'beronjë', 'berq', 'beruang', 'beskyldning', 'bet', 'betterave à sucre', 'betterer', 'betting', 'bettre', 'bevis', 'bey', 'bešā', 'bhaṇḍa', 'bhoga', 'bhū', 'bi', 'bicha', 'bicycle', 'bicycle kick', 'biddable', 'bidder', 'biggest', 'bihebbian', 'bilimbi', 'billeting', 'bio-inspired', 'bioch', 'bioinspired', 'biostrome', 'bir şey değil', 'birko', 'birq', 'birta', 'biscoiteiro', 'biscoito', 'biscuit hooks', 'blackfella', 'blatë', 'blitter', 'blockage', 'blood bin', 'blood replacement', 'blood substitution', 'bluaj', 'bluot', 'blusher', 'blåljus', 'bob', 'bobo', 'bochd', 'bocsájts', 'bocsájtsd', 'bocsásd', 'bocsáss', 'bocsássa', 'bocsássad', 'bocsássak', 'bocsássalak', 'bocsássam', 'bocsássanak', 'bocsássatok', 'bocsásson', 'bocsássuk', 'bocsássunk', 'bocsássák', 'bocsássál', 'bocsássátok', 'bocsátalak', 'bocsátana', 'bocsátanak', 'bocsátani', 'bocsátania', 'bocsátaniuk', 'bocsátanod', 'bocsátanom', 'bocsátanotok', 'bocsátanunk', 'bocsátaná', 'bocsátanád', 'bocsátanák', 'bocsátanál', 'bocsátanálak', 'bocsátanám', 'bocsátanának', 'bocsátanánk', 'bocsátanátok', 'bocsátanék', 'bocsátasz', 'bocsátja', 'bocsátjuk', 'bocsátják', 'bocsátjátok', 'bocsátod', 'bocsátok', 'bocsátom', 'bocsátotok', 'bocsátott', 'bocsátotta', 'bocsátottad', 'bocsátottak', 'bocsátottalak', 'bocsátottam', 'bocsátottatok', 'bocsátottuk', 'bocsátottunk', 'bocsátották', 'bocsátottál', 'bocsátottátok', 'bocsátunk', 'bocsátva', 'bohça', 'boilersmith', 'bojë', 'boksi', 'boldface', 'bole', 'bolest', 'bolle', 'boma', 'bonding', 'boofhead', 'book lung', 'boom vang', 'booze artist', 'boozhoo', 'borið', 'borja', 'borjúja', 'bornă', 'borratja', 'bosk', 'bossyboots', 'bota', 'bouncy ball', 'boustrophedon', 'bow-wow', 'box', 'brace aback', 'brath', 'bre', 'brengos', 'brenna', 'brewing', 'breză', 'bring to heel', 'broddsúla', 'brok', 'brose', 'broð', 'brwydr', 'brzda', 'brætspil', 'brók', 'brödă', 'brúdán', 'buddhābhiseka', 'budoucnost', 'budova', 'bugger up', 'buhok', 'build', 'bujtinë', 'bumfluff', 'bunda', 'bundë', 'buok', 'buord', 'buoy', 'burg', 'burim', 'burishtë', 'burmë', 'buron', 'butylate', 'bwthyn', 'by all accounts', 'bygning', 'byre', 'bábhún', 'bánt', 'bár', 'báseň', 'bé', 'bërtas', 'bóng', 'běhna', 'bạch', 'ca', 'cabas', 'caching', 'calculate', 'calends', 'callboy', 'camwheel', "can't help", 'canda', 'canker sore', 'cannot', 'cao tốc', 'captiva', 'carac', 'carbë', 'carpet munching', 'carriage bolt', 'carrok', 'casting couch', 'casuarina', 'catch', 'cathine', 'cathinone', 'cayer', 'ce', 'ceantracha', 'cell', 'cemtë', 'cena', "cera'", 'cerebrovascular accident', 'cerk', 'certain', 'cesta', 'cetanā', 'chamfron', 'chanda', 'charita', 'charlatanic', 'cheap', 'cheat day', 'checkout divider', 'cheeseparing', 'chemie', 'chequy', 'cheval glass', 'chief of staff', 'chlor', 'chocallo', 'choix', 'chomoutovský', 'choo-choo', 'chosen', 'chromocyte', 'chyba', 'chọi', 'cimra', 'cinge', 'cipő', 'circonstance', 'city car', 'civil registry', 'cizinka', 'cizoložství', 'claf', 'clapping', 'clapping game', 'clarinette', 'classified ad', 'claustrophilia', 'clawdd', 'clefyd', 'clippers', 'close quarters', 'cloud up', 'clowness', 'co-edition', 'cockamamy', 'cockboat', 'coefficient', 'coincheap', 'cokko', 'comenzar', 'comerse con patatas', 'comital', 'commensurately', 'compune', 'comrade in arms', 'concert', 'confidable', 'conn', 'connie agate', 'conodont', 'conserve', 'consociational', 'consonant stem', 'constellation', 'constructio ad sensum', 'convenientemente', 'cookie-cutter', 'cop-out', 'copepod', 'corbeille', 'cornstalk', 'coronavirus', 'corsage', 'cosigner', 'coso', 'cotilleo', 'cottager', 'cotyledonous', 'couch grass', 'could', 'country bumpkin', 'coutume', 'crack on', 'create', 'creational', 'creationary', 'crevü', 'crime-ridden', 'cripto-', 'crisis-ridden', 'crosstalk', 'crouste', 'cry', 'crú', 'cuddle buddy', 'cuks', 'cukë', 'cukël', 'cumshot', 'cumulate', 'cupriferous', 'cuvette', 'czaszołka', 'czyste konto', 'câpre', 'cëmoj', 'cô', 'cúsǐen', 'cúsǐeną', 'da', 'dabérka', 'daiman', 'dak', 'daku', 'dalawit', 'dame', 'damhsaí', 'darb', 'darty', 'darvak', 'data cube', 'dati', 'dausă', 'day labor', 'dazlak', 'de', 'dea-cháil', 'debuccalization', 'decouple', 'deef', 'deemoed', 'deep six', 'deers', 'deglaze', 'deigt', 'deleverage', 'delineation', 'demain', 'demarcation potential', 'demonstrate', 'dend', 'deng', 'dengka', 'dentialveolar', 'deprave', 'derpe', 'derrpe', 'descinge', 'desiderative', 'destem', 'deuteragonist', 'deviator', "devil's wheel", 'devă', 'dhammatā', 'dhein', 'dheineabhair', 'dheineadar', 'dheineamair', 'dheineas', 'dheinis', 'dhel', 'dheul', 'dhez', 'dhre', 'dhuhr', 'diachylon', 'dibek', 'dihati', 'dilmek', 'dimanche', 'dingeadh', 'dinghy', 'dirham', 'disappunctar', 'discouragement', 'disease-ridden', 'disgregation', 'disgruntlement', 'dish up', 'diskarte', 'dismay', 'dissatisfied', 'distro', 'dividivi', 'djerr', 'djärå', 'dnů', 'dob in', 'dobban', 'doctor bird', 'doited', 'dokërr', 'doliczony czas', 'dolmuş', 'domate', 'doogh', 'dorbëri', 'dorbëria', 'dots per inch', 'double', 'dovenetel', 'drak', 'draw', 'drejt', 'drerily', 'drerimod', 'drery', 'dreryhed', 'drerynesse', 'dresscoat', 'dridh', 'drite', 'drizë', 'droch-cháil', 'drogerie', 'drop a chalupa', 'drop a deuce', 'dropbox', 'druch', 'drudh', 'drudhe', 'drudhë', 'drug-ridden', 'drum and bass', "du'a'", 'dual earner', 'dual gruaige', 'dubstep', 'ductule', 'duda', 'dudum', 'dudë', 'duere', 'duhmë', 'dukje', 'dukke', 'duli', 'duotter', 'durbin', 'durumvete', 'dus', 'dynamic equilibrium', 'dyndje', 'dá', 'dálnice', 'début', 'décalque', 'découvert', 'défi', 'délka', 'déloyal', 'départ', 'détour', 'dëbim', 'dënjë', 'dërrasë', 'dílna', 'dívka', 'dözüm', 'dúkr', 'düzey', 'důkaz', 'dự', 'e', 'eargasmic', 'earthwork', 'easy come, easy go', 'eat', 'ecard', 'efe', 'effective', 'efficient', 'effractura', 'efnisskrá', 'eftirlaun', 'egg', 'einsaugen', 'eirin', 'eksi', 'eksponensiaal', 'eld', 'eldsváði', 'ele', 'electronic rock', 'electronic sport', 'elektrárna', 'elflike', 'eljan', 'eljun', 'elveszett', 'eléggé', 'elől', 'előle', 'email address', 'embayment', 'emetic', 'en', 'encara', 'encephalography', 'end', 'ende', 'endothermic', 'energie', 'enfranchise', 'enmesh', 'enquera', 'epem', 'epifanie', 'epitheory', 'equerry', 'equigranular', 'equipoise', 'erfðaskrá', 'eri', 'escoyer', 'esdek', 'ese', 'eshk', 'eshtë', 'eshë', 'espinós', 'ester', 'estrela', 'estropiar', 'eternal now', 'euritako', 'euro', 'eurodance', 'eux', 'evisceration', 'evolutionarily stable strategy', 'excipient', 'exonumia', 'exophtalmie', 'exterminator', 'extratemporality', 'extraversion', 'extravert', 'extroversion', 'eðalgas', 'eñe', 'eğer', 'f-szám', 'faal', 'faird', 'fantastique', 'faoina', 'fare', 'farlighet', 'faster', 'fasting', 'fat bike', 'fattyúsor', 'favoravelmente', 'fazenda', 'federast', 'feeb', 'feeder cattle', 'feje', 'felinity', 'fell', 'fellë', 'felszív', 'felé', 'feléje', 'felőle', 'femc', 'ferrë', 'ferrël', 'fic', 'fierar', 'fight dirty', 'figuier de Barbarie', 'fijoka', 'filem', 'fillar', 'final', 'fink', 'fioka', 'fireplace match', 'firma', 'fisk', 'fiskibolla', 'fissiparous', 'five senses', 'fişek', 'fjolla-fjolla', 'flak', 'flamina', 'flaminica', 'flaş', 'fle', 'fli', 'flladit', 'fluer', 'fluky', 'flutur', 'flyht', 'fodbold', 'fole', 'fonda', 'foost', 'fooster', 'foot', "force one's way", "force someone's hand", 'forebode', 'foredate', 'forlorn hope', 'forradalma', 'forsvar', 'forswear', 'fortolkning', 'fortumlet', 'fotbal', 'foudre', 'four pips', 'foveola', 'freess', 'freza', 'frisée', 'frost fair', 'froulju', 'frouwen', 'frybread', 'fuck and chuck', 'fuckpole', 'fujara', 'full boat', 'full of piss and vinegar', 'fulya', 'fure', 'fyl', 'fyrbë', 'fyrtårn', 'fyshtë', 'fyshtër', 'fysika', 'fyzika', 'fyçkë', 'fårå', 'félkövér', 'fëmijaq', 'fëndyell', 'fôr', 'förebrå', 'fú', 'gabim', 'gairm', 'galamsh', 'galen', 'galerie', 'gamebook', 'gameplay', 'gammoning', 'ganito', 'ganoon', 'gantang', 'ganyan', 'garret window', 'garrfhiach', 'garça', 'gati', 'gatoj', 'gavër', 'gaynly', 'ge', 'gebland', 'gecyndlim', 'gega', 'gegë', 'geilen', 'gemologist', 'general', 'genezer', 'ger', 'get in the way', 'ghanan', 'ghillie', 'giant tortoise', 'gicleur', 'gidomian', 'gifremmian', 'gift', 'gifullian', 'gifullon', 'gige', 'gigerwian', 'gihalon', 'gihuggian', 'giiwe', 'gimiwanose', 'gjerë', 'gjethkë', 'gjetkëz', 'gjithmonë', 'gjobis', 'gjobë', 'gjorë', 'gjozdă', 'gjuoj', 'gjëmoj', 'glaino', 'glance', 'glassware', 'glic', 'gljiva', 'gluggaveður', 'glåd', 'glåvă', 'glóbus', 'gnaidă', 'go', 'go-cart', 'goblin', 'god', 'godet', 'goetia', 'gogo', 'goler', 'goofball', 'goon squad', 'gorx', 'gosh freaking darnit', 'gosse', 'gotten', 'grafieten', 'graph theorist', 'gravidă', 'grazzi', 'great great great grandmother', 'green about the gills', 'grehull', 'grethac', 'grey', 'grih', 'grindcore', 'griuopa', 'grog artist', 'groyne', 'grześć', 'grån', 'grüssen', 'guilt-ridden', 'gullit', 'gurgule', 'gurgull', 'gurgulloj', 'gwyddoniaeth', 'gyermek', 'gyronny', 'gyógyír', 'gáḷa', 'gëlbazë', 'gëras', 'gërdallë', 'gërdhajë', 'gërdham', 'gërdhele', 'gërdheshtër', 'gërdhet', 'gërdhitë', 'gërdhomë', 'gërdhuc', 'gërdhushtë', 'gërgas', 'gërhanë', 'gërlas', 'gërmih', 'gërmis', 'gërryerje', 'gështallë', 'gëzim', 'gą̊s', 'gŕǫdă', 'gǫs', 'gədə', 'h', 'habit', 'hagsbót', 'hajda', 'haje', 'hajmë', 'hajthëm', 'halbë', 'halipula', 'hallkomë', 'hallkë', 'halloween', 'handmill', 'hang up the boots', 'hanua', 'haps', 'harb', 'harboj', 'harc', 'hardla', 'harlis', 'harlotry', 'harlë', 'harmi', 'harmoj', 'harrje', 'hartinë', 'hassasis', 'hastening', 'hatxe', 'hauka', 'have the run of', 'havn', 'head down, bum up', 'head man', 'heads will roll', 'heap', 'heat lightning', 'hectare', 'hedhe', 'heer', 'heimavinna', 'hejzë', 'hejčínský', 'hektogram', 'heljda', 'helmgitrostio', 'hep', 'heptose', 'her', 'here today, gone tomorrow', 'hermae', 'hermeettisesti', 'herre', 'herri', 'herriko taberna', 'hery', 'herþbelig', 'hete', 'hexapod', 'hexology', 'hi', 'high five', 'hightide', 'hikërr', 'hilaga', 'hile', 'himna', 'hin', 'hinduphobe', 'hinduphobes', 'hinduphobic', 'hintti', 'hist', 'hit it and quit it', 'hlad', 'hlaða', 'hlupačka', 'hmotnost', 'hobgoblin', 'hoeden', 'hokej', 'hold back', 'holli', 'hollë', 'hora', 'horr', 'horrë', 'hotfoot', 'hotfoot it', 'house', 'house lizard', 'house/translations', 'hozzá', 'hozzátok', 'hra', 'hrekkur', 'hudba', 'huggian', 'hulumtoj', 'hulusi', 'humilde', 'hummus', 'huppelen', 'hvit som et laken', 'hvězda', 'hydropower', 'hypotraceable', 'häbemekink', 'hälla', 'hääyö', 'híve', 'hónapja', 'hāmeʻa', 'hāsa', 'hết', 'i blith', 'i greko', 'i/translations', 'iarnbhreac', 'ibibik', 'ice rink', 'ideia', 'ideje', 'ideāls', 'idiogenesis', 'idiogenetic', 'iegå', 'iespējams', 'if I had a nickel for every time', 'igg', 'ihopsydd', 'ik', 'iliac furrow', 'ill-omened', 'illa', 'immobilize', 'imply', 'impossibilitat', 'impressment', 'imreasc', 'imtë', 'in fairness', 'in the heat of the moment', 'in/translations', 'ina', 'inadvertently', 'incode', 'indecorous', 'industriel', 'informace', 'inhoudsopgave', 'injury current', 'injury potential', 'ink-pad', 'inrang', 'inro', 'inside job', 'insiyak', 'inspire', 'intelet', 'intellectual disability', 'intention', 'interjeciono', 'intermix', 'internal medicine', 'internist', 'internship', 'interprocess', 'interprocess communication', 'intestinal gland', 'intinction', 'intralogistics', 'introduce', 'introduktion', 'intrusive', 'inung', 'inverting', 'ionsar', 'iplik', 'ipokrit', 'iredentizam', 'isidlo', 'isifo', 'isiga', 'iskender', 'isseng', 'isāna', 'itibapishi', 'itibapishili', 'ixa', 'iz', 'izt', 'işarə', 'ja', 'jahůdka', 'jama', 'jargoon', 'jautrü', 'jbṯt', "je'ne'", 'jedináčka', 'jednotka', 'jegener', 'jes', 'jet plane', 'jiass', 'jih', 'jizva', 'jjigae', 'jnbt', "jo'jo'", 'jobbery', 'jobťü', 'johnboat', 'joint', 'jolklotr', 'jomo', 'joss', 'jota', 'journalistik', 'judge, jury and executioner', 'judgmental', 'julspel', 'juvénat', 'járt', 'járta', 'jätte-', 'jätå', 'jää', 'jåskră', 'jízda', 'ka', 'kabát', 'kacabu', 'kacarroj', 'kachna', 'kafe', 'kaffi', 'kalama', 'kalaman', 'kalamend', 'kalavesh', 'kalb', 'kalecë', 'kalesh', 'kall', 'kalık', 'kam', 'kamarád', 'kamarádka', 'kamë', 'kank', 'kapal', 'kapt', 'kaptë', 'kapërdij', 'kara', 'karabush', 'karja', 'karjuk', 'karrabisht', "karru'", 'karta', 'karuk', 'kashtup', 'kaçel', 'ke', "ke'bu'", 'keffen', 'kekkur', 'kel', 'kelingg', 'keypad', 'keyspace', 'khaltura', 'khaṇa', 'kies', 'kihúzat', 'kikapu', 'kith', 'kithe', 'kituo', 'klinke', 'klith', 'kllapë', 'klobouk', 'kluk', 'klíček', 'klösu', 'knape', 'knavish', 'kniha', 'knihovna', 'knor', 'knotten', 'knout', 'knupå', 'ko', 'koj', 'kolinsky', 'kolokwium', 'komma fram', 'komma undan', 'komponistka', 'kongaríki', 'konjunciono', 'konzumentka', 'koprac', 'kore', 'korrë', 'koruna', 'korvo', 'kosinus', 'kotelna', 'kothere', 'kotorr', 'koupelna', 'kočka', 'kraftaverk', 'kraidlĕ', 'krakë', 'kramis', 'krandë', 'kredh', 'krej', 'krekë', 'krelë', 'kreppa', 'kreshk', 'kreshkë', 'kridhem', 'kridhë', 'krup', 'kruspull', 'krydh', 'krytyr', 'kråi', 'kréta', 'kthjellët', 'ku', 'kuak', 'kuchařka', 'kufizoj', 'kuhati', 'kulla', 'kumå', 'kun', 'kuuni', 'kvalitet', 'kvasac', 'kvikna', 'kylt', 'kyrtill', 'káva', 'käkätin', 'kêrel', 'këlbazë', 'këllas', 'këllehem', 'këlthas', 'këput', 'këputë', 'kërbisht', 'kërlesh', 'kërmill', 'kërp', 'kërthi', 'kërveshem', 'këthjellët', 'këtu', 'kólfr', 'kólfskot', 'köra med', 'köçek', 'köła', 'kúskús', 'křižovatka', 'kůže', "l'", "la'busu'", 'laba-', 'labardh', 'laden', 'lagje', 'laid', 'laipo', 'lajkë', 'lakan', 'lakuriq nate', 'lamung', 'landslið', "lanngere'", 'lapërdhi', 'larboc', 'last but not least', 'laste', 'lathery', 'latoj', 'laugh', 'lauk', 'lauta', 'law clerk', 'lay into', 'leaching', 'lead shot', 'leat', 'leave someone hanging', 'leavings', 'lecteur', 'ledhë', 'lednička', 'left-to-right', 'leg', 'legitimize', 'leikligr', 'leikmannligr', 'leje', "lembara'", 'lemm', 'lemondott', 'lena', 'lend', 'lende', 'lendusid', 'leoþ', 'lesh', 'leskër', 'lestarvörður', 'leur', 'leyen', 'li', 'libbian', 'liberal homophobia', 'libration point', 'lichva', 'lichvářka', 'lidumilka', 'liefan', 'liegbryne', 'lieks', 'light verb', 'like rats from a sinking ship', 'like two peas in a pod', 'lilo', 'liquified', 'lisë', 'livelong', 'livskvalitet', 'liðka', 'ljósár', 'llaf', 'llafos', 'llap', 'llapë', 'llastoj', 'llasë', 'lluke', 'llukë', 'llups', 'llurbë', 'llënjëz', 'loc', 'lokk', 'lomotit', 'longa', 'loose-fitting', 'loslopen', 'loutkář', 'love/translations', 'lovlig', 'lowtide', 'loçkë', 'lože', 'ložnice', "lu'lu'", 'lumak', 'luokse', 'luona', 'luota', 'luspë', 'lyshtër', 'lásd', 'láska', 'látka', 'lékařka', 'lëmaqe', 'lëmsh', 'lëpushë', 'lëvore', 'lëvorzë', 'lëvozhgë', 'lístek', 'lødig', 'løype', 'lüj', "m'", 'maantee', 'maax', 'macération', 'madagaskarinluhtakana', 'maga', 'magamiskott', 'magic lamp', 'magnetodynamics', 'magnetohydrodynamics', 'magpasan', 'magyarosítás', 'magyarítás', 'maighdean mhara', 'mail truck', 'maith', 'maišyti', 'make amends', "make one's bones", 'makkarasiili', 'makra', 'makut', 'makërr', 'malda', 'malkepige', 'malluvium', 'malmultekosta', 'manang', 'mang', 'mangaani', 'manjo', 'manlju', 'mannen', 'manong', 'mantel', 'mantrap', 'manželka', 'manželství', 'maoile', 'marbre', 'mare', 'marginal utility', 'marr', 'marrowbone', 'marsian', 'marsupial lion', 'mashkë', 'mashtroj', 'mask of pregnancy', 'mastigophorous', 'matematika', 'matka', 'matting', 'mauxo', 'mayat', 'mañju', 'mağlup', 'mašina', 'maṇḍapa', 'mbath', 'mbet', 'mbetje', 'mbeturinë', 'mbreh', 'mbruhem', 'mbrumë', 'mbrëmje', 'mbush', 'mbyll', 'mbështet', 'mbështjell', 'meal prep', 'mealworm', 'mear', 'meat stick', 'meathead', 'medvěd', 'meem', 'megahex', 'meiri', 'mekët', 'melléje', 'memetic', 'mendeshë', 'menemukan', 'meninggal', 'mercado de pulgas', 'mere', 'merosity', 'mesele', 'mesnatë', 'mesure', 'metonymia', 'metro', 'micro', 'microprocessor', 'midolla', 'mieux', 'mih', 'mihje', 'mila', 'mimar', 'mimoolomoucký', 'mirë', 'misgender', 'mission-critical', 'mistrial', 'mitra', 'miur', 'mizantropija', 'mjell', 'mjerth', 'mjet', 'mjólk', 'moanne', 'moda', 'moderns', 'modify', 'modilich', 'modinesse', 'mody', 'mok', 'mol', 'mole rat', 'molesto', 'money changer', 'monocotyledonous', 'monoheterosexual', 'moonless', 'moonshiner', 'moot court', 'moot point', 'morz', 'mother-naked', 'motor', 'motoring', 'moucha', 'moujtun', 'move', 'mprehtë', 'mrzák', 'msḫtyw', 'mucholapka', 'muck about', 'mudslinging', "mug's game", 'multiprocessing', 'muna', 'munan', 'mundial', 'mundur', 'murgash', 'murriz', 'murrmë', 'murrët', 'mushël', 'musiek', 'muzg', 'muška', 'mužatka', 'másnap', 'másodperce', 'mát', 'mä', 'måått', 'mèstu’úna', 'mètu’úna', 'mérou', 'même', 'mënd', 'mërgjyzë', 'mëshqerrë', 'mëzak', 'mílą', 'mír', 'míríomh', 'míč', 'mòr', 'mögé', 'mögéje', 'mörker', 'mødes', 'múltuber', 'müge', 'mātikā', 'măceș', 'mą́łisǐen', 'mą́łisǐeną', 'měsíc', 'mũkangarithi', 'műfog', 'mərzə', 'mất công', 'm’åglă', 'mꜣ-ḥḏ', 'naamval', 'nabíječka', 'nachbacken', 'nachweisen', 'naděje', 'naivă', 'napja', 'narval', 'nashti', 'navragen', 'ndej', 'ndes', 'ndesh', 'ndez', 'ndjerë', 'ndodh', 'ndorje', 'ndormë', 'ndrizë', 'ndryp', 'nduk', 'ndulket', 'ndërgjegje', 'ndërroj', 'near', 'near beer', 'nebe', 'nebü', 'nedostatek', 'nehoda', 'nehogy', 'neither', 'neki', 'nektariini', 'nelson', 'neoconceptualist', 'neolomoucký', 'neon', 'nephogram', 'nergis', 'nestless', 'nevihta', 'nevěstka', 'neîmbunătățit', 'neředínský', 'ngang', 'ngec', 'ngeke', 'ngeq', 'ngjeth', 'ngjicë', 'ngjire', 'ngjit', 'ngollar', 'ngordh', 'ngos', 'ngreh', 'ngricë', 'ngrydhem', 'ngrydhët', 'ngrys', 'ngul', 'ngërdhej', 'ni', 'nibbler', 'nideľă', 'nidāna', 'niederstarren', 'nikoqir', 'nil', 'nilas', 'nipple cripple', 'niu', 'no shit, Sherlock', 'noc', 'nod off', 'nogen', 'noi', 'non-creational', 'non-creationary', 'non-evolutional', 'non-evolutionary', 'nonaffix', 'noncreational', 'noncreationary', 'nonevolutional', 'nonevolutionary', 'nonșalanță', 'norme', 'notepad', 'noçë', 'number', 'nus', 'nusebukur', 'nuselalë', 'nádraží', 'náhoda', 'nála', 'náměstí', 'nástroj', 'náttúrusaga', 'názor', 'næbdyr', 'nære', 'núp', 'nügă', 'nýár', 'nāyaka', 'nīla', 'nẩu', 'o', 'o blith', 'o/Turkish', 'o/translations', 'obchod', 'oberoende', 'oblečení', 'obličej', 'obor', 'obr', 'obraz', 'obstetric', 'occipitofrontalis', 'occupy', 'octavius', 'odbornice', 'odborník', 'odderon', 'odeprzeć', 'odi', 'odjezd', 'oil', 'oil stove', 'ok', 'oktagon', 'old as the hills', 'olomoucký', 'olomucký', 'omagadöm', 'ominously', 'omkomma', 'omul', 'on the Q.T.', 'on/translations', 'onderduiken', 'one-time pad', 'ontboezemen', 'opdoffen', 'open the ball', 'operació', 'opgeilen', 'oppugnance', 'ordforråd', 'origine', 'origo', 'orlog', 'orlovi', 'ornithophobia', 'oroare', 'orto-', 'osa', "oshi'", 'osoba', 'ostentatious', 'oter', 'otrs', 'otázka', 'out', 'overcast', 'overerven', 'overhead kick', 'overlegen', 'overmortality', 'p', 'paccaya', 'packrat', 'packthread', 'pacotille', 'pact of silence', 'paduma', 'paedometer', 'paenteng', 'pagara', 'pageantry', 'pagtatampo', 'pah', 'pair', 'paizdă', 'pakati', 'pakhuis', 'palaeoxylology', 'palcë', 'paleanthropology', 'pallu', 'palm oil', 'palë', 'pamāṇa', 'panasa', 'pancrack', 'paperi', 'papescent', 'papyrus', 'parahita', 'parchi giochi', 'pardonner', 'parinvaihtotanssi', 'paritanssi', 'parlor', 'parsonage', 'part company', 'parthenophobia', 'participo', 'partikulo', 'partisanship', 'partnerka', 'paráw', 'pas de deux', 'pasta', 'pasteboard', 'pastinaak', 'pastër', 'pastəd', 'pasë', 'patrol car', 'patëllxhan', 'pavara', 'pavouk', 'pay off', 'payudara', 'pašeračka', 'paṇḍita', 'paṕår', 'paṭisandhi', 'paṭisandi', 'paṭiññā', 'pe', 'pea pod', 'pejoratif', 'pellë', 'penalty mark', 'penalty spot', 'pengoj', 'perce', 'perioda', 'periodic function', 'periplus', 'peritomy', 'pero', 'persecute', 'persoctreow', 'personisks', 'personocracy', 'perte', 'perĕndan', 'pescetarianism', 'petë', 'pečurka', 'phonemics', 'phut', 'phò', 'phôi', 'pick', 'piddling', 'piga', 'pillock', 'pilori', 'pimpernel', 'pinch a loaf', 'pinelike', 'pingul', 'pingël', 'pinko', 'pionnier', 'pire', 'pirë', 'pis', 'pistill', 'pitas', 'piti', 'pitu', 'pití', 'pička', 'pjekë', 'pjerk', 'pjerr', 'pjetem', 'plagued', 'plain water', 'planeta', 'planque', 'plasë', 'plehërim', 'plehëroj', 'ples', 'plesati', 'plim', 'pllymëz', 'plomba', 'ploughgate', 'ploxtă', 'plunge', 'pláž', 'pobretão', 'pockmarked', 'podcasting', 'podnikatel', 'podnikatelka', 'pohádka', 'poids', 'pokus', 'pokuta', 'polanne', 'poliad', 'policistka', 'politika', 'pollux', 'polyfunctional', 'polévka', 'pomeron', 'pondělí', 'ponožka', 'pontoon bridge', 'porn star', 'pornlike', 'poro', 'porr', 'porropi', 'port wine', 'porte-épée', 'portrét', 'possess', 'possible', 'post', 'postava', 'posticipate', 'postpoziciono', 'potential', 'pottage', 'pouchy', 'pounamu', 'poundman', 'power nap', 'pozor', 'počítač', 'pošta', 'pragmatist', 'prapolévka', 'pravda', 'pravopis', 'prazer', 'pračka', 'preciso', 'prehaluq', 'prehën', 'prehër', 'premium', 'prepandemic', 'prepoziciono', 'presort', 'presupune', 'prier', 'priestess', 'princezna', 'princeznička', 'probabilism', 'probar', 'proche', 'prodigality', 'profit', 'profusion', 'programla', 'pronomo', 'proporcija', 'propre', 'proptose', 'prostitutka', 'prostituált', 'proteći', 'protracted', 'pruh', 'prura', 'prvek', 'près', 'préalable', 'préférence', 'préjudice', 'prëhën', 'prëhër', 'prím', 'pseudoprophet', 'pshoj', 'pták', 'pubbesannivāsa', 'publicity stunt', 'publikum', 'puggalika', 'pulsation', 'pumpa', 'puost', 'puostkall', 'puppy foot', 'puțintel', 'pyriform', 'pártaí', 'pátek', 'på', 'påyk', 'pétard', 'pëlle', 'përbalcë', 'përball', 'përdorë', 'përgatis', 'përgjegjësi', 'përgjigje', 'përkas', 'përkorë', 'përkund', 'përmbys', 'përpjetë', 'përpëlit', 'përqell', 'përrua', 'përrëpi', 'përshesh', 'përshpejtoj', 'përsipër', 'përvjel', 'póyuosǐen', 'póyuosǐeną', 'püpel', 'pĕnideľă', 'předmět', 'přednost', 'předpis', 'přestávka', 'přání', 'příběh', 'příjezd', 'případ', 'příroda', 'příčka', 'půlměsíc', 'p’ą́nyuosǐen', 'p’ą́nyuosǐeną', 'p’ǫtă', 'q', 'qall', 'qapë', 'qas', 'qek', 'qelb', 'qell', 'qihem', 'qit', 'qitet', 'quai', 'quantity surveyor', 'quirt', 'quk', 'qukalosh', 'qukan', 'qukapik', 'qukem', 'qukë', 'qukël', 'quoi', 'quotidien', 'qyr', 'rabat', 'radhë', 'radost', 'rafelen', 'rage', 'ragged robin', 'rain gutter', 'raison', 'rakastaa', 'rakke', 'rakshasa', 'ralenti', 'rambade', 'rangaku', 'rap', 'rapportering', 'rapportør', 'rappung', 'rareripe', 'rasp', 'raspa', 'rassi', 'ratty', 'ratë', 'rawhide', 'razyana', 're', 're-lease', 'reading', 'reamer', "rearrange someone's face", 'reggie', 'registrovaný', 'regret', 'regulaminowy czas', 'rekës', 'rekă', 'relict', 'remedy', 'remove', 'rende', 'rendoj', 'renne', 'renom', 'repo', 'reportage', 'reportérka', 'repose-pied', 'repuq', 'reshje', 'reshte', 'reshtje', 'rest in power', 'restaurace', 'rettery', 'revalidation', 'reverberation', 'revert war', 'ribaldry', 'rica ederim', 'rico', 'riddenness', 'riding', 'riel', 'right-to-left', 'riikinkana', 'riku', 'rim-job', 'rimtë', 'rimu', 'rinra', 'rishte', 'riski', 'risque', 'risò', 'rišša', 'rmyt', 'roadshow', 'robovi', 'rodina', 'rokominë', 'rokëz', 'rom', 'romer', 'román', 'room for doubt', 'rooming house', 'roric', 'rorid', 'roscid', 'rostru', 'roundoff', 'rozdíl', 'rozpoczęcie meczu', 'rozpoczęcie spotkania', 'rradhë', 'rrafsh', 'rrafshoj', 'rrafës', 'rrajë', 'rrasht', 'rraskë', 'rrasë', 'rrebull', 'rredhë', 'rreng', 'rreshk', 'rresht', 'rreth', 'rrisgë', 'rrokje', 'rrokoll', 'rrokëz', 'rrua', 'rrudh', 'rrudhem', 'rrudhos', 'rruf', 'rrufkë', 'rrufë', 'rrëkuall', 'rrëkëllej', 'rrëmaç', 'rrëmejtë', 'rrëmih', 'rrëmoj', 'ruaj', 'ruckman', 'ruckwoman', 'rude', 'ruma', 'ruminate', 'run', 'runë', 'rusc', 'ryba', 'rychlost', 'ryj', 'rys', 'rá', 'ráo', 'rär', 'råg', 'rågbull', 'råibo', 'råk', 'råmą', 'råno', 'rækja', 'répétition', 'réticule', 'rêve', 'rëfyrë', 'rëkuall', 'rëpjetë', 'rözgă', 'rüzăc', 'rýže', 'răpune', 'rĩa', 'rǫkă', 's.', 'sacristie', 'safety card', 'saggy', 'sagmugg', 'sakli', 'salamat', 'salure', 'salát', 'samey', 'samphire', 'sandur', 'sankce', 'saor', 'saper', 'sarp', 'sassa', 'satakertaistaa', 'satti', 'sauko', 'sawed-off', 'scag', 'scarface', 'sceaþan', 'schaffe', 'school trip', 'schůze', 'scich', 'scissor kick', 'scothghlas', 'scourge', 'scratchpad', 'scribbler', 'scupper hole', 'scupper nail', 'scupper plug', 'scíathánach', 'se-', 'sea slug', 'sedeti', 'seductress', 'seggian', 'seinn', 'sekkur', 'self-drilling', 'self-referentiality', 'sembahyang', 'sembuh', 'semi-weekly', 'semimonthly', 'semita', 'send out', 'senyawa', 'serophobia', 'serovar', 'servírka', 'sestra', 'sestřenice', 'set', 'set for life', 'seun', 'seventh chord', 'sevkitabii', 'sgiath', 'shalwar', 'she', 'sheath dress', 'sheer hulk', 'shemër', 'sherr', 'shirt-button', 'shit hot', 'shitje', 'shitore', 'shkalbësoj', 'shkalis', 'shkallmoj', 'shkallmë', 'shkardhinë', 'shkarth', 'shkarthi', 'shkarzej', 'shkel', 'shkelb', 'shkelc', 'shklesë', 'shkluhë', 'shkmes', 'shkojëz', 'shkop', 'shkoq', 'shkota', 'shkrabë', 'shkreh', 'shkrehezë', 'shkridhem', 'shkrumb', 'shkul', 'shkulkë', 'shkund', 'shkundulloj', 'shkëlbazë', 'shkëlbozë', 'shkëlqar', 'shkërbe', 'shkërbej', 'shkërdhec', 'shkërmoq', 'shlligë', 'shopping center', 'shoshë', 'shove it up your ass', 'showy', 'shpat', 'shpet', 'shpie', 'shpik', 'shpinë', 'shpjertë', 'shpoj', 'shporr', 'shprishë', 'shpurdh', 'shpurdhem', 'shpurrit', 'shpurë', 'shpëlaj', 'shqep', 'shqile', 'shqirrë', 'shqis', 'shqisë', 'shqit', 'shqitem', 'shqitë', 'shqyrtoj', 'shqyt', 'shtaj', 'shtalkë', 'shtall', 'shtat', 'shtiak', 'shtiaz', 'shtijë', 'shtirë', 'shtizë', 'shtjell', 'shtreb', 'shtrek', 'shtremb', 'shtrembër', 'shtuara', 'shtërras', 'shuj', 'shuk', 'shupik', 'shurqel', 'shurrë', 'si', 'signet ring', 'silnice', 'since', 'sind', 'sinus', 'sipërinë', 'siri', 'sit on it', 'situace', 'siège', 'si̋en', 'si̋eną', 'sjávarmál', 'skaga', 'skage', 'skandha', 'skidoo', 'skillet', 'skladatelka', 'sklenice', 'skriti', 'skräddarsydd', 'skupina', 'skuth', 'skërfyell', 'skǫpĕ', 'slaină', 'slanging match', 'slangish', 'slay', 'sleepover', 'sleepsack', 'slekken', 'sleva', 'slečna', 'slina', 'slip through the cracks', 'slippage', 'sljett', 'slobozi', 'slockna', 'slottoren', 'slutspel', 'slást', 'slåmă', 'slæmur', 'slüvü', 'smadzenes', 'smalamál', 'smil', 'smirch', 'smoked salmon', 'smooth sailing', 'smutty', 'směr', 'smůla', 'sneaker', 'snjóskriða', 'snoubenka', 'sobota', 'socarrar', 'socha', 'sochař', 'sofa', 'soi', 'solicit', "songo'", 'sorbitol', 'sotten', 'souhait', 'soupen', 'sous-tendre', 'spagettí', 'speak', 'spear tackle', 'sperma', 'spikth', 'spilå', 'spirit lamp', 'spisovatel', 'spith', 'spitstick', 'split', 'splork', 'spola', 'spon', 'sportschoen', 'spott', 'spynner', 'spynnester', 'sqep', 'sqepadruth', 'sqepar', 'sqepor', 'squeeze', 'squirearchy', 'sredă', 'stable equilibrium', 'stamme', 'stamp pad', 'stand', 'standards', 'stanice', 'stap', 'startled', 'state line', 'static equilibrium', 'stay-button', 'steam room', 'stege', 'stercoranism', 'stick it out', 'stinge', 'stingsl', 'stint', 'stipanne', 'stipple', 'stoichedon', 'stompbox', 'straightforward', 'strap on the boots', 'strategi', 'street harassment', 'string out', 'studium', 'stuol', 'středa', 'střela', 'stǫpo', 'substantivo', 'subtab', 'suck', 'suffren', 'sukně', 'sukull', 'sukë', 'sul', 'sulem', 'sulm', 'sumedha', 'suncatcher', 'supersiisti', 'supplien', 'supra-aural', 'supraregional', 'supune', 'surcroît', 'surgical stocking', 'surmë', 'surplus', 'surveyen', 'sušička', 'svaińă', 'svare', 'svorko', 'světonázor', 'sweat buckets', 'sweatpants', 'sweet/translations', 'swene', 'syajarat', 'szilárdít', 'szélek', 'szélt', 'sál', 'sä', 'särbo', 'sécouée', 'søyda', 'sübötă', 'sürvə', 'sťauko', 'sḏm ꜥš', "t'", "ta'gala'", 'taberna', 'taft', 'tahun', 'taille', 'tairrig', 'taisns', 'taið', 'take', 'take a walk', 'takon', 'talk a blue streak', 'talker', 'tama', 'tampo', 'tamë', 'tangallë', 'taobh amuigh de', 'taper off', 'tarr', 'tartiflette', 'tas', 'tastebud', 'tatë', 'tavern', 'taç', 'taška', 'teacht', 'technorock', 'teh', 'tejzë', 'teka', 'tekijänoikeusvapaa', 'tel', 'televize', 'teli', 'teljast', 'templo', 'tend', 'tenllera', 'teplota', 'teposhtë', 'teproj', 'terplote', 'terrier', 'teschenite', 'tesh', 'tesha', 'teshem', 'teshë', 'teta', 'tetravó', 'tetravô', 'tewerkstellen', 'thar', 'tharb', 'tharbët', 'tharm', 'thashëm', 'thatë', 'thaw', 'the', 'the chickens come home to roost', 'the hell', 'the plot thickens', 'thel', 'thelpi', 'therokë', 'therpelë', 'theç', 'thigh boot', 'thirr', 'thirravajë', 'this', 'thith', 'thjellët', 'thjermë', 'thjerë', 'thkollët', 'thrak', 'thring', 'throughline', 'throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick', 'thrutch', 'thumboj', 'thunder', 'thërmoj', 'thërpehem', 'thërreckë', 'thơ Đường', 'tie-in', 'tijek', 'tilbud', 'tilą', 'tim', 'timbre', 'time heals all wounds', 'timelessness', 'timog', 'tinge', 'tingulloj', 'tingëlla', 'tingëz', 'tip over', 'tips', 'tiqueur', 'tirelessly', 'titty twister', 'titulek', 'tiŋmisuun', 'tjåke', 'tkadlena', 'tlapalli', 'tlusťoška', 'toane', 'toasty', 'toerag', 'toesig', 'toevje', 'toezicht', 'tokmak', 'tolkning', 'tonnerre', 'tooltip', 'toothmark', 'topolanský', 'tork', 'tort', 'tosbağa', 'toter', 'touch typing', 'tourbillon', 'tout', 'továrna', 'track and field', 'trackpad', 'tradhtar', 'trammel', 'translucency', 'transmedia', 'transphobia', 'trapka', 'travel', 'travel document', 'tregti', 'tregtoj', 'trenoj', 'tres', 'tresh', 'trestling', 'trikë', 'trink', 'triphibian', 'trishe', 'trishtoj', 'trishtë', 'tritagonist', 'trnka', 'trollkjerring', 'trondit', 'trouper', 'trousa', 'trubull', 'truffière', 'trullos', 'trump card', 'trumped-up', 'truss', 'truç', 'trystë', 'trå', "tu'guru'", 'tuhatkertaistaa', 'tuhatkertaistua', 'tuku', 'tunggel', 'tuoksukki', 'turistka', 'turkeyfish', 'turnaj', 'turu', 'tus', 'tutje', 'tužka', 'tvinntala', 'twitch gameplay', 'twmpath', 'twp', 'tytë', 'tågbyte', 'tëbanë', 'tërmonë', 'tìendo’óna', 'tông', 'törtszám', 'törĕ', 'tāsa', 'tělo', 'tį̀ęndo’óna', 'tır', 'tőle', 'třída', 'tǫco', 'tər', 'ubiti', 'uddannelse', 'udforske', 'udtalelse', 'ugly', 'ugu', 'ujanë', 'ujëdhesë', 'ukkaṭṭha', 'ulice', 'ullashtër', 'ullastër', 'ultra-sonore', 'ultrasonique', 'ultrasonore', 'umbethink', 'umbi-', 'umiti', 'umufi', 'umuga', 'umugqa', 'umění', 'unbox', 'undarbadon', 'undarhuggian', 'underhus', 'underweening', 'unfeminine', 'unfetter', 'ungji', 'ungulate', 'unisson', 'unlearn', 'unleashed', 'unmasculine', 'unprepossessing', 'unstable equilibrium', 'untuck', 'unzë', 'upadesa', 'upamā', 'uposatha', 'uppala', 'upírka', 'upāya', 'urelë', 'urgent', 'urrë', 'ushanka', 'usht', 'ushtar', 'ushtë', 'ushtëtar', 'usprkos', 'utabiri', 'utdrag', 'uttara', 'uturij', 'uunaq-', 'uve', 'uve bikoitz', 'uwanja', 'uçurum', 'učednice', 'učitelka', 'vadermoordenaar', 'vai ver', 'vaimoihminen', 'vakësirë', 'vakët', 'val', 'valeur', 'vallëzoj', 'vandbad', 'vanë', 'variaçión', 'varrezë', 'vasculaire', 'vasta-', 'vastikään', 'vatthu', 'vauzdă', 'vałe', 'vdjerr', 've', 'vederbörande', 'vedrü', 'veitsitukki', 'veja', 'vejlede', 'velikost', 'velvet hippo', 'venemous', 'veranda', 'verderzetten', 'verduiken', 'verduister', 'vermehren', 'vertebrate', 'vertex figure', 'verwedden', 'vescor', 'vesht', 'veshël', 'vesmír', 'vesnice', 'veterinary', 'vezullon', 'večeře', 'vicer', 'vickë', 'vickël', 'vidaya', 'video chat', 'vidlička', 'vif', 'vihata', 'vijaya', 'viku', 'vilas', 'vile', 'villager', 'vilsă', 'vinken', 'vintervejr', 'vinyard', 'violon', 'virtual private network', 'vishtat', 'visit', 'vithe', 'vizatoj', 'vińă', 'vjel', 'vjerdh', 'vlagë', 'vlak', 'vláda', 'vměšování', 'voda', 'vogël', 'voidable', 'volba', 'voler', 'voleur', 'vontatott', 'vonuar', 'vonë', 'vorno', 'vortă', 'votary', 'vranët', 'vring', 'vrokth', 'vrull', 'vstupenka', 'vu', 'vuo', 'vuurkleur', 'vuurklip', 'vuurmaak', 'vuurmaker', 'vuurvas', 'vuốt', 'vyej', 'vyer', 'vyeshëm', 'vysvědčení', 'vyšetřování', 'vzdout', 'vzedmout', 'vzpomínka', 'vztah', 'vài', 'vàrio', 'válka', 'vânt', 'vâtn', 'vådă', 'våuno', 'våťü', 'værelse', 'vëmendje', 'vërras', 'vështroj', 'víkend', 'víra', 'võitma', 'võrk', 'východ', 'výmluva', 'výplata', 'výsledek', 'výstava', 'vāsanā', 'věta', 'vəzn', 'vầy', 'waag', 'waagaakwadwaatig', 'waagan', "waisi'a", 'wall walk', 'wapen', 'war-ridden', 'warg', 'warkah', 'was', 'washed out', 'wast', 'watapana', 'water/translations', 'wating', 'watt', 'wattn', 'wavu', 'webber', 'webster', 'weduwee', 'welshite', 'wenis', 'wer', 'wever', 'wewenaar', 'weðerkall', "wham, bam, thank you ma'am", 'what can I say', 'white telephone', 'white-collar crime', 'whitefella', 'wiggle dress', 'wignat', 'wiigwaasaatig', 'wikipedisti', 'wikå', 'wine gum', 'winge', 'wingkag', 'winter carnival', 'winter festival', 'wiry', 'witharseggian', 'witå', 'wizardry', 'wišnja', 'wood pigeon', 'woodyard', 'woof-woof', 'workwear', 'worldbuilding', 'worm', 'worse', 'woz', 'wr ḥkꜣw', 'write', 'współczesny standardowy język arabski', 'wyga', 'wyjadacz', 'wyjadaczka', 'wårå', 'wære', 'wíansǐen', 'wíansǐeną', 'wísǐen', 'wísǐeną', 'wĩ mwega', 'x-axel', 'x86-16', 'x86-32', 'xanh', 'xbunjë', 'xenon', 'xeonllo', 'xhingël', 'xwílisǐen', 'xwílisǐeną', 'xwį́ęsǐen', 'xwį́ęsǐeną', 'yaa', 'yaang', 'yadplanetli', 'yamac', 'yarı', 'yaxın', 'yaxşı', 'yej', 'yern', 'yikes', 'yitirmek', 'yjëzë', 'yksinkertaistua', 'yllnajë', 'ymhlith', 'ymysg', 'yn lle', 'ynë', 'yö', 'yönsaus', 'yük', 'yþgebland', 'zabib', 'zahrada', 'zaimă', 'zaměstnání', 'zanë', 'zaujah', 'začátek', 'zbath', 'zbathur', 'zbiorowo', 'zbokth', 'zdap', 'zdraj', 'zdralë', 'zdramë', 'zdroj', 'ze', 'ze hautsi', 'zebra turkeyfish', 'země', 'zeréckzéien', 'zgafelle', 'zgavër', 'zgjas', 'zgjat', 'zgjerbe', 'zgjyrë', 'zgorkë', 'zgrip', 'zgurdhë', 'zgurdulloj', 'zhduk', 'zhdëp', 'zhiishiigwe', 'zhys', 'zidărie', 'ziej', 'zima', 'zim’ă', 'ziľozü', 'zkouška', 'zlomljen', 'znalost', 'znečištění', 'zobo', 'zorrë', 'zot', 'zpodstatnění', 'zpoždění', 'zpěvačka', 'zpěvák', 'zrel', 'zu', 'zusammenhängen', 'zvonice', 'zwemkleding', 'zymtë', 'záchod', 'zácpa', 'záminka', 'západ', 'zápas', 'září', 'zèkste', 'zëj', 'zëmër', 'É-ÉK', 'É-ÉNy', 'à vista', 'ábhaillí', 'ábi', 'águila', 'áirde', 'áirid', 'ása', 'ãade', 'äb', 'äd', 'äklö', 'ällö', 'ämblikuvõrk', 'ät', 'ättika', 'åra', 'åvå', 'æwe', 'çart', 'çarë', 'çavuş kuşu', 'çazë', 'çek', 'çelur', 'çiftçi', 'çizgi', 'çmend', 'çmendinë', 'çmendur', 'çmuar', 'çoj', 'çok', 'çukël', 'égard', 'émi', 'épreuve', 'érnéd', 'érném', 'észak', 'étroit', 'étrécir', 'étude', 'évezrede', 'évszázada', 'évtizede', 'éļi', 'është', 'ía', 'ólíkur', 'órája', 'örk', 'örtü', 'összes', 'øði', 'úkol', 'þakkagjörð', 'það', 'þjóna', 'þvertala', 'ÿüz', 'Češka', 'čaj', 'čas', 'časopis', 'časák', 'červenka', 'čist', 'článek', 'črn', 'č̣hir', 'ďölǫb', 'ďölǫbăk', 'ďüľă', 'Đường thi', 'đậm', 'ľotü', 'œillet', 'ředitel', 'ředitelka', 'řeka', 'řepčínský', 'şad', 'şayet', 'šesti', 'šička', 'šovén', 'šovénství', 'špicange', 'špiccange', 'šprušle', 'šálek', 'šéfka', 'ťöză', 'źornü', 'židle', 'živ', 'živahen', 'žnečka', 'žolt', 'žurnalistka', 'žízeň', 'ȯger', 'ʻalalā', 'ΑΜ', 'Ζαβεργάνης', 'Νῶε', 'αναγραφή', 'β', 'βάναυσος', 'βουνό', 'βουπόρος', 'γαρ', 'γιογιό', 'δ', 'δέρρις', 'διασπείρω', 'δυνάστης', 'η', 'ηλικιωμένη', 'κάργα', 'κοκοφοίνικας', 'κτίλος', 'κόρις', 'λιτή', 'λοίδορος', 'λοιπόν', 'μάρις', 'μέτοχος', 'μόναυλος', 'μῆχος', 'νεκραγωγός', 'ξερόλα', 'οἷον', 'πάρω', 'παιδικά', 'παρεών', 'πλάνη', 'πλαγίαυλος', 'πολύσπαστον', 'πού και πού', 'πρύτανις', 'σκελετός', 'συμβουλή', 'τιμωρός', 'τινθός', 'τσίκλα', 'τσιχλαηδόνι', 'χαμαίζηλος', 'χρυσότσιχλα', 'ψ', 'ψευδόχρυσος', 'όι-όι', 'όμικρον', 'ϣϫⲟⲙ', 'ϧⲉⲣϧⲉⲣ', 'Тӱҥӱр', 'алты', 'артыҡ', 'асы', 'ашыу', 'аҡ', 'аҿы', 'байтаҡ', 'баҫыу', 'безоумьѥ', 'бет', 'биш', 'булаг', 'бухара', 'ватан', 'водава', 'водана', 'водата', 'водиве', 'водине', 'водите', 'вътрешност', 'галичанине', 'глист', 'голобрад', 'головрат', 'гологлав', 'голоград', 'голорак', 'градити', 'градушка', 'гъба', 'гырджын', 'гыржын', 'дена', 'денес', 'денов', 'деновиве', 'деновине', 'деновите', 'денон', 'денот', 'детево', 'детено', 'детето', 'децава', 'децана', 'децата', 'джгаць', 'дурбин', 'дух', 'дүрт', 'дүъш', 'естетика', 'ете', 'жасыл', 'женава', 'женана', 'жената', 'жениве', 'женине', 'жените', 'жеравен', 'жеравъ', 'захар', 'зъль', 'иже', 'изучаем', 'ими', 'имиже', 'имьже', 'ихъже', 'йөк', 'квасац', 'килеү', 'кире', 'книгава', 'книгана', 'книгата', 'книгиве', 'книгине', 'книгите', 'кръг', 'кхъухьтедзапӏэ', 'къухьэуцупӏэ', 'көтмәгәндә', 'лакът', 'луѓево', 'луѓено', 'луѓето', 'лъх', 'мажа', 'маживе', 'мажине', 'мажите', 'мажов', 'мажон', 'мажот', 'ме', 'международен', 'мене', 'муха', 'мъж', 'народен', 'насып', 'неспасяем', 'несъдравъ', 'нэмыс', 'нюхаць', 'ограда', 'огън', 'одајчето', 'октопод', 'оҙаҡ', 'парашут', 'печурка', 'плет', 'поборник', 'повеляем', 'подлог', 'познаваем', 'покарати', 'помощ', 'пору', 'предлог', 'приміряти', 'проклѧтъ', 'проследяем', 'протећи', 'пуд', 'распа', 'род', 'семантика', 'смукалник', 'собэ', 'спасяем', 'стрък', 'съдравъ', 'тараҡан', 'тарво', 'тения', 'техник', 'тиклем', 'третииникъ', 'труд', 'трымаць', 'трьклѧтъ', 'тӏу', 'төрөк', 'уйғур', 'ун', 'унутар', 'учёный', 'уяўляць', 'фиока', 'фијока', 'фӏэхъус', 'харваач', 'цай', 'цөцгий', 'човека', 'човекон', 'човекот', 'шпицанге', 'шпиццанге', 'шӏуфэс', 'щур', 'щы', 'ялан', 'яныу', 'яғыу', 'ётмек', 'ўключаць', 'џандар', 'ѥ', 'ѧ', 'ѩ', 'ѭ', 'қысқа', 'ҡара', 'ҡарт', 'ҡурҡыу', 'ҡәҙәр', 'үйлдвэр', 'үҙ-', 'һауа', 'һуҙыу', 'һуҡыр', 'һуң', 'һөйләү', 'әдемі', 'әсе', 'өҙөү', 'աղեղն', 'ատակ', 'եղբայր', 'երեք', 'երկու', 'թիւր', 'կակաչ', 'հագանիմ', 'հայր', 'ձեզ', 'մեզ', 'մեք', 'նախահայր', 'սկեսրայր', 'քեզ', 'քոյր', 'אָנשפּאַרן', 'אבר', 'איש', 'בא', 'בסדר', 'בקע', 'בקשה', 'דוברה', 'האביר', 'התכונן', 'התפטר', 'זאָלן', 'חרת', 'יחיד', 'כפתור', 'מחשבה', 'מעלה', 'נמאס', 'סברה', 'עיוור', 'עין', 'עקד', 'קיין', 'רכב', 'שבע', 'שולחן', 'שפונדרה', 'שקל', 'תיבה', 'ء ذ ي', 'ء ك س د', 'آستر', 'آسيا', 'أبدى', 'أبغض', 'أثمن', 'أجاد', 'أجدى', 'أحد', 'أخصى', 'أرجوحة', 'أزعج', 'أسطوري', 'أعطى', 'أغلب', 'أفواه', 'أوربا', 'أوسخ', 'أوكل', 'أيد', 'إثبات', 'إمبراطورية', 'ئاشىق', 'ئەھەد', 'اختار', 'اخترع', 'ارتجاعی', 'استاد', 'اصدق', 'اعتقل', 'افغان', 'الأرجنتين', 'الأشهل', 'الإمارات العربية المتحدة', 'الاستیک', 'الدبران', 'الرباط', 'الطائف', 'الفلبين', 'انتقاض', 'اوکتاݢون', 'اپاہج پن', 'ب', 'ب ث ث', 'بارگاه', 'بارگه', 'بانة', 'بجانب', 'بجع', 'بجعة', 'براءة', 'برادة', 'بربرية', 'بردة', 'بسة', 'بسمة', 'بشكير', 'بطبط', 'بطمان', 'بغض', 'بكاء', 'بلاطة', 'بلطة', 'به عنوان', 'بولندا', 'بی\u200c گدار به آب زدن', 'تايلند', 'تجشؤ', 'ترفندباز', 'تصنع', 'تطهر', 'تغير', 'تفرنس', 'تفلور', 'تكديس', 'تكلف', 'تلاح', 'تلاش', 'تمسيح', 'تمول', 'تنورة', 'توسع', 'توضؤ', 'تين', 'ثقافة', 'ثواب', 'جادو', 'جاوب', 'جلالة', 'جن', 'جورجيا', 'حاد', 'حادي عشر', 'حاوی', 'حضرمي', 'حقب', 'حنة', 'حوري', 'حوری', 'حوصل', 'حوصلة', 'حیله\u200cگر', 'خراب', 'خروبة', 'خطأ', 'خوار', 'خوص', 'خيرات', 'دادگر', 'داع', 'داعش', 'دلواپس', 'دوختۇر', 'دوشیدن', 'دولاب', 'دولي', 'ذاتي', 'ذر', 'ربد', 'رتم', 'ردم', 'رهين', 'روض', 'ريب', 'ريحان', 'ریاضی', 'ز ي ي', 'زادیگ', 'زباله', 'زر', 'زفير', 'زلم', 'زم', 'سارقة', 'سبي', 'سبية', 'سجل', 'سحلية', 'سرسر', 'سرط', 'سرول', 'سطع', 'سطل آشغال', 'سطل زباله', 'سفرجلة', 'سلوى', 'سماوي', 'سندباد', 'سير', 'سيرج', 'سکہ', 'سہل', 'شاكر', 'شطرنج', 'شعلة', 'شقوة', 'شيرج', 'شيشة', 'ص ء ب', 'صبي', 'صدر', 'صعب', 'صلعمي', 'صنم', 'صور', 'صير', 'طبخ', 'طعم', 'طيب', 'عامة', 'عايد', 'عبور', 'عثمان', 'عثماني', 'عجب', 'عدد', 'عدم', 'عرضحال', 'علاقه', 'علة', 'على', 'عوارية', 'غائر', 'غسل', 'غوث', 'ـسز', 'ـغج', 'فاجر', 'فاجرة', 'فاكرة', 'فالوده', 'فتور', 'فذ', 'فريد', 'فكر', 'فلاحة', 'فلج اطفال', 'في', 'ق ع د', 'قارب', 'قاض', 'قرر', 'قطن', 'قلس', 'قوزی', 'قيد', 'قيلولة', 'كاذب', 'كار', 'كاهل', 'كثيف', 'كذاب', 'كذب', 'كذبة', 'كذوب', 'كرر', 'كرمة', 'كلف', 'كمثراة', 'كندا', 'كهل', 'كوبا', 'كوثر', 'ل ه ب', 'لؤلؤي', 'لبس', 'لصق', 'لقوة', 'لما', 'م', 'م ك ر', 'مأجوج', 'ماگىزىن', 'متشكر', 'متعهد', 'مجرم', 'محصول', 'مدر', 'مرض', 'مساوی', 'مسح', 'مشرع', 'مشهد', 'مضغ', 'مطبق', 'مع', 'مغلف', 'مفت', 'مفرد', 'ملوخيا', 'ملوخية', 'ملوكيا', 'ملوكية', 'ملکه', 'منتقض', 'منى', 'مهلبية', 'مورد', 'موزمبيق', 'موقف', 'مکر', 'نجر', 'نخروب', 'نص', 'نصيري', 'نعار', 'نقل', 'نمق', 'نهضة', 'نواكشوط', 'نورة', 'نگران', 'نیلوفر', 'هر', 'هرمز', 'هزم', 'واسطة', 'واعظ', 'واپسگرا', 'ورا', 'وسد', 'وسع', 'وشك', 'ولية', 'يأجوج', 'يعني', 'پاتیك', 'پند', 'پولیو', 'چلنك', 'کنسولگری', 'گورمك', 'ہیجڑا', 'ییل', 'ܒܝܥܬܐ', 'ܚܡܐ', 'ܚܬܬܐ', 'ܣܦܝܢܐ', 'ܪܕܝܐ', 'ܫܡܫܪܐ', 'अमल', 'उसमा', 'उसलाई', 'उसले', 'कजावा', 'कसमा', 'कसलाई', 'केको', 'केमा', 'केलाई', 'केले', 'खोलना', 'ग्राम', 'चूसना', 'ज', 'जसमा', 'जसलाई', 'जसले', 'ड', 'तँमा', 'तक्षशिला', 'तति', 'तद्', 'तनु', 'तपाईंको', 'तपाईंमा', 'तपाईंले', 'तिमीमा', 'तिमीले', 'तैँले', 'त्यसमा', 'त्यसलाई', 'त्यसले', 'थोड़ा', 'दम', 'ना', 'नाग', 'नि', 'निवास', 'पंजा', 'पद्', 'पन्जा', 'प्रभु', 'भट्ट', 'ममा', 'मैले', 'यसको', 'यसमा', 'यहाँका', 'यहाँमा', 'यहाँलाई', 'यहाँले', 'रहना', 'वहाँमा', 'वहाँलाई', 'वहाँले', 'वि', 'श्रुति', 'सत्ता', 'सहल', 'हामीमा', 'हामीले', 'हिंदू', 'हिन्दू', 'ह्व़ी', 'এৰ', 'কোৰ', 'জিকা', 'পেটী', 'বিচাৰ', 'বেল্ট', 'বেৰেটি', 'ખૂન', 'બરફ', 'માવતર', 'மாங்காய்', 'முலையூட்டி', 'గుర్రం', 'దేశము', 'ಅಡವಿ', 'ಅಡುಸು', 'ಆವೆ', 'ಎರಚು', 'ಕಾನು', 'ಚೇಡಿ', 'ಹಳು', 'ಹಳುವು', 'എരുമ', 'പോത്ത്', 'භවන\u200d්ත්', 'กมรเตง', 'กมรเตงอัญ', 'กริ่ง', 'กิมจิ', 'ขั้น', 'คุ', 'จำนำ', 'ฉันทลักษณ์', 'ซึม', 'ทำนองเสียง', 'ทู', 'น้า', 'น้ำปลา', 'มะเมีย', 'มาส', 'ลอดช่อง', 'ห้องสมุด', 'อสฺสุ', 'อินโดนีเซีย', 'เถรวาท', 'เมาะ', 'แสน', 'โดย', 'ไอ้', 'ລ້ານຊ້າງ', 'ແຄນ', 'ཐུབ', 'ནས', 'ခေါင်းလောင်း', 'စာရေး', 'ဆွမ်း', 'ဇလုံ', 'တပ်', 'တံခွန်', 'ထမင်း', 'ထောင့်', 'ဒူလာ', 'ဓာတ်', 'နို့', 'ပရုတ်', 'ပလ္လင်', 'ပုလင်း', 'ပုၚ်', 'ပွဲ', 'ဖောင်', 'ဗုဒ္ဓဘာသာ', 'မင်မွဲ', 'မိုး', 'ရာဇ', 'ရာဇာ', 'ရာသီ', 'ရုက္ခဗေဒ', 'ရှိန်းခို', 'ဝန်', 'ဝံသ', 'သက်သာ', 'သပိတ်', 'သၠ', 'ဟော', 'အတန်း', 'အဖုံး', 'အရမ်း', 'အရေး', 'အလွန်', 'კვეთა', 'კითხვა', 'კოცნა', 'კრება', 'კრეფა', 'მეგობარი', 'ნდობა', 'რეცხვა', 'სმენა', 'ჩვენება', 'წერა', 'წონა', 'ხუხულა', 'ᄀᆞ리', 'វត្ត', 'ស', 'អស្សុ', 'ᠮᡝᠨᠴᡳ', 'ᠮᡝᠨᡩᡝ', 'ᠮᡝᠨᡳ', 'ᠮᡝᠮᠪᡝ', 'ᠮᡠᠰᡝᠪᡝ', 'ᠮᡠᠰᡝᠴᡳ', 'ᠮᡠᠰᡝᡩᡝ', 'ᠮᡠᠰᡝᡳ', 'ᠮᡳᠨᠪᡝ', 'ᠮᡳᠨᠴᡳ', 'ᠮᡳᠨᡩᡝ', 'ᠮᡳᠨᡳ', 'ᠮᡳᠮᠪᡝ', 'ᠰᡠᠸᡝ', 'ᠰᡠᠸᡝᠨᠴᡳ', 'ᠰᡠᠸᡝᠨᡩᡝ', 'ᠰᡠᠸᡝᠨᡳ', 'ᠰᡠᠸᡝᠮᠪᡝ', 'ᠰᡳᠨᠴᡳ', 'ᠰᡳᠨᡩᡝ', 'ᠰᡳᠨᡳ', 'ᠰᡳᠮᠪᡝ', 'ᠴᡝ', 'ᠴᡝᠨᠴᡳ', 'ᠴᡝᠨᡩᡝ', 'ᠴᡝᠨᡳ', 'ᠴᡝᠮᠪᡝ', 'ᡳᠨᠴᡳ', 'ᡳᠨᡩᡝ', 'ᡳᠨᡳ', 'ᡳᠮᠪᡝ', 'ᩋᩔᩩ', 'ḥts', 'ḥzp', 'ḫw.f-wj', 'ḿoro', 'ṭhiti', 'ἀλφηστής', 'ἄδορος', 'ἄκρα', 'ἄμυλον', 'Ἴσειον', 'ὁμώνυμος', 'ῥίζις', '₯', '≲', '≳', '⪅', '⪆', 'ⲅⲩⲡⲧⲓⲟⲥ', 'ⲟⲩⲁϩⲃⲉϩ', 'ⲡⲧⲁϩ', 'ⲱⲙⲕ', 'いき', 'おはす', 'かきつばた', 'きょ', 'ぎゃ', 'くつわ虫', 'ささやく', 'したい', 'しゃ', 'しょ', 'じゅ', 'じょ', 'ちゃ', 'ちょ', 'つれてくる', 'とわ', 'にゃ', 'ふいんき', 'めんこい', 'やり', 'アウト', 'イケメン', 'エイチ', 'キンキ', 'クール', 'シニヨン', 'デッキ', 'バッティング', 'メール', 'ワン', 'ㄱ', '㔫', '㗎文', '㺀', '䰶', '䵷', '丁', '七つの喇叭', '七節', '三姊', '不像話', '不妙', '不尽', '且', '乗り物酔い', '乗換駅', '乞食', '二姊', '二度', '二時', '亖', '人肉', '仇女', '仏法僧', '仙', '位', '住月', '例', '侍', '俊才', '偏心', '偏愛', '偏疼', '做事', '儂好𠲎', '優', '六', '冇符', '凸', '初期', '別作', '到手', '創造者', '包飯', '千祈', '叫', '君が代', '吹き鳴らす', '呂', '告ぐ', '告送', '和平', '喙舌', '喙齒抿', '嚀個', '囚俘', '回想録', '回顧録', '國一', '國三', '國二', '土狼', '土豚', '外国', '夜中', '大/derived terms', '大公國', '大學士', '大家好', '大笑い', '天才', '天皇誕生日', '天螺陀', '天鵞絨', '女尊男卑', '奶母車', '好比', '姪', '嫡孫', '子規', '孫', '安娣', '對外', '小', '小妹妹', '居り', '屋裡', '屍姦', '山/derived terms', '山羊', '山茶花', '川獺', '巨乳', '布松布拉', '帳', '平和', '店內', '影響', '心/derived terms', '心得', '忽然', '悲しい', '惹味', '成年人', '戻す', '扞格', '持って来る', '按', '揣摩', '放', '敢若', '新年', '斷斷', '旡', '昂貴', '昔', '春日', '曉', '棟樑', '業務', '楽', '橄欖', '正電気', '死に', '毋著', '母衣', '比在', '水蛇', '氾', '汞', '汢', '沙羅双樹', '治喪', '治服', '法度', '海豹人', '海量', '湠', '湯水', '潮', '熱和', '牙搓仔', '牛母牛囝', '獅子山', '玉蜀黍', '王様ペンギン', '甘松', '生', '生/derived terms', '生姜', '生產', '生臊', '番斯', '異邦', '白身', '白身人', '皇帝ペンギン', '盤話', '盲腸', '真情', '真態', '知𡃴', '破費', '神道', '禾稈草', '私奇', '秦晉', '稈', '税', '穢す', '究竟', '空', '算額', '籤', '精', '精英', '糊', '紅芋', '索寞', '終須', '経', '絕對', '緣牛', '肉', '肥饒', '腎', '腐', '腸', '舅', '花/derived terms', '花斑馬', '花條馬', '茶盤', '茶盤子', '萬萬', '葡萄', '蛇哥', '蛙', '蝶', '蟲仔', '蟻', '親王國', '說合', '讃える', '豆', '貓囝', '買賣', '走道', '輕狂', '辣', '近', '違い', '遥', '酥', '酸', '金', '鈙', '銹', '鍾意', '鐔', '開使用', '開用', '閒嘢', '陽電気', '隠身', '集', '集會', '雞巴', '霊猫', '面顴', '順嘴', '風船葛', '颺埃', '驚', '魚', '鮮笑', '鳥隻', '鵞鳥', '鹽', '麝香猫', '麻將協會', '黑貓', '黑貓警長', '鼴', '齒刷', '齒抿', '齒抿仔', '齒漱', 'ꙗже', 'ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb', 'ꦗꦩ꧀ꦧꦸ', '가새', '개한민국', '결합', '계렬', '공민', '과대평가', '굴래꽝이', '그', '기역', '까자흐스딴', '꼴꼴', '꽝', '꾸바', '꿀꿀', '노랑ᄒᆞ다', '늬', '닉스타말화', '당황', '뒤', '들쭉날쭉하다', '똑', '립', '마리', '만두', '메이', '멥쌀', '멩이', '몫', '백색', '별로', '불알', '블라지보스또크', '비밀번호', '빠리', '삐침', '사대주의', '살며시', '살몃살몃', '살짝살짝', '살포시', '살푸시', '설설', '섬', '섬서', '셋', '수리아', '슬며시', '슬몃슬몃', '슬슬', '슬쩍', '슬쩍슬쩍', '심장', '쌍동이', '쌍발', '악', '안해', '야채', '어디여', '어색', '얼굴', '에스빠냐', '오십', '왕복', '왕정', '왼', '우글우글', '유통', '육자대명왕진언', '육자진언', '제대로', '짚', '채소', '출근', '치닫다', '크로스드레싱', '큰물', '키읔', '탈조선', '포경', '푸젠', '하나', '후과', '힘', '𐌲𐌰𐍂𐌰𐌷𐌽𐌾𐌰𐌽', '𐌷𐌰𐌻𐌱𐌰𐌹', '𐌹𐌿𐌳𐌰𐌹𐍅𐌹𐍃𐌺𐍉𐌽', '𐍆𐌹𐌰𐌽𐌳𐍃', '𐰀𐰲𐰾𐰴', '𑀅𑀲𑁆𑀲𑀼', '𡚸', '𡟓', '𪚢']
n = len(pn) # 4823
  • riski, 2538, 6
    • Finnish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Adjective
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • rys, 2604, 4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
          • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • saper, 2641, 4
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
      • Etymology 3
        • Verb
      • Etymology 4
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
          • Related terms
      • Anagrams
      • Further reading
  • uve, 3223, 4
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
    • Finnish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Synonyms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
        • References
  • -ea, 7, 2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Suffix
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Etymology 2
        • Suffix
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
          • Related terms
  • ka, 1538, 2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronoun
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
        • Pronoun
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Synonyms
      • References
  • mol, 1924, 2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • See also
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Related terms
      • Further reading
    • Danish
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
  • post, 2329, 2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
          • Translations
        • Verb
          • Derived terms
        • Descendants
        • Translations
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
          • Descendants
          • Translations
        • Verb
          • Derived terms
          • Translations
        • Adverb
          • Descendants
          • Translations
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
          • Translations
        • Verb
          • Translations
      • Etymology 4
        • Preposition
        • Translations
      • Etymology 5
        • Noun
        • See also
      • Etymology 6
        • Noun
      • Anagrams
    • Latvian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
    • Polish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Further reading
  • arm, 397, 0
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
          • Translations
        • Verb
      • Etymology 2
        • Adjective
        • References
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
          • Usage notes
          • Synonyms
          • Derived terms
          • Translations
        • Verb
          • Synonyms
          • Derived terms
          • Translations
      • Anagrams
    • Danish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Inflection
      • Etymology 2
        • Adjective
          • Inflection
      • Further reading
    • Old English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
    • Old High German
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
          • Descendants
      • Etymology 2
        • Adjective
          • Derived terms
          • Descendants
      • References
  • bob, 555, 0
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Noun 1
        • Derived terms
      • Noun 2
        • Derived terms
        • Declension
        • Mutation
      • References
  • ger, 1204, 0
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
    • Breton
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Inflection
  • house, 1396, 0
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
      • Further reading
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • p, 2170, 0
    • English
      • Etymology 1
        • Letter
          • See also
        • Number
      • Etymology 2
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Preposition
          • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
      • Adverb
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Letter
          • Declension
        • See also
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Further reading
  • prazer, 2346, 0
    • Old Portuguese
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Descendants
    • Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • sál, 2950, 0
    • Irish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • References
    • Old Irish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Inflection
          • Alternative forms
          • Descendants
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Inflection
          • Derived terms
          • Descendants
      • Mutation
      • References
  • živ, 3627, -1
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Verb
        • Related terms
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • خوص, 4032, 0
    • Arabic
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
        • Noun
          • Declension
        • Adjective
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
        • References
  • عثمان, 4098, 0
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • See also
  • على, 4106, 0
    • Hijazi Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
    • South Levantine Arabic
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Preposition
          • Inflection
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
  • 'd best, 0, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
      • Anagrams
  • -all, 1, -2
    • English
      • Etymology 1
      • Suffix
        • Usage notes
      • Etymology 2
        • Suffix
      • Anagrams
  • -ba, 3, -4
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Suffix
        • Declension
        • See also
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • -bound, 4, -2
    • English
      • Suffix
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • -ează, 8, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Suffix
        • Related terms
  • -ena, 10, -2
    • Indonesian
      • Etymology 1
      • Suffix
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • Etymology 2
        • Suffix
          • Derived terms
  • -enka, 11, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Suffix
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • -ení, 12, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Suffix
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • -er, 13, -2
    • French
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Suffix
        • Usage notes
        • Conjugation
      • Etymology 2
      • Pronunciation
      • Suffix
        • Derived terms
  • -ezi, 14, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Suffix
        • Related terms
  • -hit, 16, -2
    • Northern Sami
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Suffix
        • Usage notes
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
  • -ih, 18, -2
    • Pohnpeian
      • Pronunciation
      • Suffix
        • Derived terms
  • -inchi, 19, -2
    • Uzbek
      • Suffix
        • Derived terms
  • -közi, 20, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Suffix
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • See also
  • -se, 25, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Suffix
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • -íř, 26, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Suffix
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • -ýř, 27, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Suffix
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • -осам, 30, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Suffix
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • -стревать, 32, -2
    • Russian
      • Pronunciation
      • Combining form
        • Conjugation
  • -стрять, 33, -2
    • Russian
      • Pronunciation
      • Combining form
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
  • ABC Islands, 36, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
        • See also
  • APP, 37, -2
    • Chinese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • Aalborg, 38, -2
    • Polish
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • Afghánka, 40, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • Allee effect, 44, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • Annam, 45, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Descendants
  • Apple, 46, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • Arbi, 47, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • Arellano, 48, -6
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • Arethusa, 49, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Ari, 50, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Aroztegi, 51, -2
    • Basque
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • Arrigorriaga, 52, -2
    • Basque
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • Astrape, 53, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Further reading
  • Atena, 54, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • Australia, 55, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • Avlabari, 56, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • BEA, 57, -2
    • French
      • Proper noun
        • Coordinate terms
        • See also
  • BN'er, 58, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • Bamakɔ, 60, -2
    • Bambara
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
  • Barksian, 61, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Belgium, 62, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Meronyms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • See also
  • BlackBerry, 66, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
      • Further reading
      • References
  • Blackfoot, 67, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Proper noun
      • Further reading
  • Bora, 68, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Related terms
  • Bristol Channel, 69, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Bréanainn, 70, -4
    • Irish
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
  • , 71, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
      • References
  • California minute, 73, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
  • Casablanca, 75, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • Chitral, 77, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Cybele, 78, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Cytherea, 79, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • DILF, 83, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • DOE, 85, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Daedalian, 86, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • Daic, 87, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • Dixiecrat, 90, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • See also
  • Donald Duck, 91, -2
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Hyponyms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • Drilon, 92, -2
    • Albanian
      • Proper noun
        • Related terms
  • Dufgus, 93, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • Dunedin, 94, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Ecuador, 96, -4
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • Edorta, 97, -2
    • Basque
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • Eerin, 98, -2
    • Finnish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • Anagrams
  • Elpis, 99, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Erin, 100, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • Anagrams
  • Estonka, 102, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • FB, 103, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • Facebook, 104, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • Falkland Islands wolf, 105, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • Fames, 106, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
  • February 31, 107, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
  • Fenian, 108, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • Feronia, 109, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Fluss, 110, -2
    • Hunsrik
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • Folketinget, 111, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • Freia, 112, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Frenchlike, 113, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • GDPR, 114, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Gangnam, 115, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • Geldria, 116, -2
    • Polish
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • Genk, 117, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • Glaucus, 118, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Google, 119, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • Gooki, 120, -4
    • North Frisian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
  • Grado, 121, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Griffin, 122, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Guangdong, 123, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
        • See also
  • Guyana, 124, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • HFCS, 126, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Hainan, 127, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
        • See also
      • Anagrams
  • Hanyu Pinyin, 129, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • Harmonia, 130, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Harrisburg, 131, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Hebei, 132, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
        • Derived terms
      • See also
  • Holandia Południowa, 134, -2
    • Polish
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • Holandia Północna, 135, -2
    • Polish
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • Hugolian, 136, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • Hunan, 137, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
        • See also
  • Husky, 138, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • I mean, 139, -2
    • English
      • Particle
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • Ianthe, 140, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Interpol, 141, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • Iolar, 142, -2
    • Irish
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
  • Ioslam, 143, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • Italianization, 144, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Jaguar, 146, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • Jeta, 148, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Related terms
  • Jidášovi, 149, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Adjective
  • Kateřina, 151, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • Katka, 152, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • Khamil, 154, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Alternative forms
      • Anagrams
  • Klytia, 156, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Kruut, 157, -2
    • Low German
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • K国, 159, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
  • Laboyan, 160, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • Laetitia, 161, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Lagrange point, 162, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Hypernyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • See also
  • Leodensian, 163, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • Lhoba, 164, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Adjective
      • Anagrams
  • Lithuanization, 166, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • Lollobrigidian, 167, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • Luukas, 168, -2
    • Finnish
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
      • Anagrams
  • Mair, 169, -2
    • Welsh
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • Mar., 170, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • Anagrams
  • Monpa, 172, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Adjective
      • Anagrams
  • Monsel's salt, 173, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • Mopti, 175, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
  • Morgen, 176, -2
    • Low German
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • Morrn, 177, -2
    • Low German
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • Máccô, 178, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
  • Mäkki, 179, -2
    • Finnish
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • Nationalgericht, 180, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • Nellim, 181, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • New Zealand pigeon, 182, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • North American football, 183, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Hypernyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Coordinate terms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • Oompa Loompa, 187, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Further reading
  • Panopaea, 188, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Picasso, 190, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Further reading
  • Polka, 192, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • Porvoo, 193, -2
    • Finnish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Usage notes
  • Psaki, 195, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Regelstudienzeit, 196, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • Rio, 198, -2
    • Hunsrik
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • Roermond, 199, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Russian dressing, 201, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • Russification, 202, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • SR, 203, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • Saiva, 205, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • Salic, 206, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • Saskatchewanite, 207, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • Sattel, 208, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • Satu, 209, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • Schlegelia, 210, -2
    • Translingual
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Hyponyms
      • References
  • Schlüsselbund, 211, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • Schmeißfliege, 212, -2
    • German
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • Scout, 213, -2
    • English
      • Noun
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
  • Scrobbesbyrigscir, 214, -2
    • Old English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • References
  • Sefiller, 215, -2
    • Turkish
      • Proper noun
        • See also
  • Segu, 216, -2
    • Bambara
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
  • Siani, 217, -2
    • Welsh
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • Snotingahamscir, 218, -2
    • Old English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • Suquamish, 219, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • Syawal, 220, -2
    • Malay
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • Tai'an, 221, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Takkasilā, 223, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Descendants
  • Tehran, 224, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • Theotokos, 225, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Thisbe, 226, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Three Kingdoms, 227, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Thánh Mẫu, 228, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
  • Tienen, 229, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Tongyong Pinyin, 230, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
        • See also
  • Tottenham, 231, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • Trevethin, 232, -2
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Turkish towel, 233, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
  • Turkmenistani, 234, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • Tuyuhun, 235, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
  • Twitter, 236, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • Ty, 237, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Statistics
        • See also
  • Tyche, 238, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Tyrrhenia, 239, -2
    • Latin
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • See also
  • Tšernobyl, 241, -2
    • Finnish
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • Uyghurization, 242, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • Uzbekistani, 243, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Adjective
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
  • Valletta, 244, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • Vietcong, 245, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Vlach, 246, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • Weder, 247, -2
    • Low German
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • See also
  • Wikipedian, 248, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Adjective
        • See also
        • Translations
  • XY, 249, -2
    • Translingual
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
        • See also
  • YF, 250, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • Yingkou, 251, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Yllballe, 252, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Related terms
  • Yllbardha, 253, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Related terms
  • Ylldrita, 254, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Related terms
  • Ylljeta, 256, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Related terms
  • Yllkuqe, 257, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Related terms
  • Yllëza, 258, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Related terms
  • YouTube, 259, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • ZOMFG, 260, -2
    • English
      • Interjection
        • Synonyms
  • Zumarraga, 261, -2
    • Basque
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • Zuñiga, 262, -2
    • Basque
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • a-barth dyghow dhe, 264, -2
    • Cornish
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
  • a-barth kledh dhe, 265, -2
    • Cornish
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
  • a-barth woles dhe, 266, -2
    • Cornish
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
  • a-dhelergh dhe, 267, -2
    • Cornish
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
        • Antonyms
  • a-dhia ban, 268, -2
    • Cornish
      • Conjunction
        • Usage notes
  • a-dhyghow dhe, 269, -2
    • Cornish
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
        • Antonyms
  • a-dreus dhe, 270, -2
    • Cornish
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
  • a-drev dhe, 271, -2
    • Cornish
      • Alternative forms
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
        • Antonyms
  • a-dro dhe, 272, -2
    • Cornish
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
  • a-dryv dhe, 273, -2
    • Cornish
      • Alternative forms
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
        • Antonyms
  • a-gledh dhe, 274, -2
    • Cornish
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
        • Antonyms
  • a-jei dhe, 275, -2
    • Cornish
      • Alternative forms
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
        • Antonyms
  • a-ji dhe, 276, -2
    • Cornish
      • Alternative forms
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
        • Antonyms
  • a/translations, 277, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • aal, 278, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • aankomst, 279, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • aarlider, 280, -2
    • Manx
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • abandon ship, 281, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
        • See also
      • References
  • abashed, 282, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • abborfamilien, 283, -2
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Hyponyms
      • References
  • abdichten, 284, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
  • abois, 287, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • absque, 288, -2
    • Latin
      • Etymology
      • Preposition
        • Descendants
      • References
  • abstraguar, 290, -2
    • Albanian
      • Participle
        • Related terms
  • abweichen, 292, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • abwiegen, 293, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • accentor, 294, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • accipitrine, 295, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • acrophony, 297, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • adar, 298, -2
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • adareg, 299, -2
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • adarydd, 300, -2
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • adequateness, 301, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • adhika, 302, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • adhmhill, 303, -2
    • Irish
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Mutation
      • References
  • adopt, 304, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • adumbrationism, 307, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Further reading
  • adverbo, 308, -2
    • Ido
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • See also
  • adversa, 309, -2
    • Latin
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Participle
  • adversaria, 310, -2
    • Latin
      • Adjective
      • Adjective
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • advise, 311, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • af-, 312, -2
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Prefix
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • afartar, 313, -2
    • Catalan
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • affärsresa, 315, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • afirmuar, 316, -2
    • Albanian
      • Participle
        • Related terms
  • afkom, 317, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • afrenta, 318, -2
    • Spanish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
      • Further reading
  • aftafa, 319, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • aftursæti, 320, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • afweten, 321, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • agati, 323, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • agga, 324, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • aggregation, 325, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
        • Translations
  • agilizar, 326, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
      • References
  • agresivnost, 328, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • aila, 330, -2
    • Mirandese
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • aindia, 331, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • airbrush, 332, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • aire, 333, -2
    • Galician
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • aisíoc, 334, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • aită, 335, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ajatuspoliisi, 336, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • akibat, 337, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • aknātsa, 338, -2
    • Tocharian B
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • akordya, 340, -2
    • Cornish
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • aks, 341, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • algid, 344, -2
    • Livonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • See also
  • algõ, 345, -2
    • Livonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • See also
  • algõd, 346, -2
    • Livonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • See also
  • algõm, 347, -2
    • Livonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • See also
        • Usage notes
  • all-boys, 349, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
        • Translations
  • all-girls, 350, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
        • Translations
  • all-purpose, 351, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • allo, 352, -2
    • Makasar
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • allochroite, 353, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • allofonia, 354, -2
    • Finnish
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
  • allons-y, 355, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Phrase
        • Related terms
  • almendra, 356, -2
    • Mirandese
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • alveolitis, 357, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • alā, 358, -2
    • Livonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Adverb
      • Postposition
        • See also
  • amager, 360, -2
    • Danish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • amagerkaner, 361, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • ambulation, 362, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
  • amhanc, 363, -2
    • Irish
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • ammenteng, 364, -2
    • Makasar
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • an/translations, 366, -2
    • English
      • Article
        • Translations
  • anaiwatstse, 368, -2
    • Tocharian B
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Further reading
  • and of course, 369, -2
    • English
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
  • anechogenic, 370, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • anfractuosity, 371, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • anguinine, 372, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • anshocair, 373, -2
    • Irish
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • anticatabolic, 376, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • anticonstitutionally, 377, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Translations
  • anticonvulsant, 378, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Hyponyms
        • Translations
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • antilópa, 379, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • antiphona, 380, -2
    • Latin
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • anās, 381, -2
    • Tocharian B
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • anāsk-, 382, -2
    • Tocharian B
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Further reading
  • aorta, 383, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • appamāt, 384, -2
    • Tocharian B
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Further reading
  • apune, 386, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • ar draws, 388, -2
    • Welsh
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
  • ar ôl, 389, -2
    • Welsh
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
        • Antonyms
  • aranžérka, 390, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • arbol, 391, -2
    • Old Leonese
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • architecta, 392, -2
    • Latin
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Verb
      • References
  • archivář, 393, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • archivářka, 394, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • argoel, 396, -2
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • arm-twisting, 398, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • armour, 399, -2
    • English
      • Noun
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • aromar, 400, -2
    • Catalan
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • arotz, 401, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • aroztegi, 402, -2
    • Basque
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • arrati, 403, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • arrequeixar, 404, -2
    • Galician
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • References
  • arte, 405, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • artiklo, 406, -2
    • Ido
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • See also
  • artı, 407, -2
    • Turkish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
  • arvor, 408, -2
    • Old Portuguese
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • as though, 410, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Conjunction
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • ashkth, 413, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • assholedom, 414, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Related terms
  • asteroid belt, 415, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Proper noun
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Hyponyms
      • Further reading
  • astragal, 416, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • atasten, 420, -2
    • Middle English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Descendants
  • ataster, 421, -2
    • Old French
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Descendants
  • atemporality, 422, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • atleta, 423, -2
    • Galician
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • atom, 425, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • atomize, 426, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • auberge, 427, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • aufwiegen, 428, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Further reading
  • aus, 429, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • auspiciosamente, 430, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Antonyms
  • auswiegen, 431, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • autobus, 432, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • avalotar, 433, -2
    • Catalan
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • avercorn, 435, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • awm, 436, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • azulejo, 438, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • aṇṇava, 439, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • babička, 441, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • babywearing, 442, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • backbend, 444, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • See also
  • backbore, 445, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • bacówka, 448, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • badpak, 450, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • bajzë, 451, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • bakgrunnur, 452, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • bakukall, 453, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • bakull, 454, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • References
  • balanda, 455, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • ball and chain, 456, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • balla', 457, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • banchan, 458, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • bandeord, 459, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • bandolier, 460, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
        • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • banor, 462, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • banya, 463, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • barillet, 465, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • barmaster, 466, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • barnstar, 467, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • barrel roll, 468, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • barrghlas, 469, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • barro, 470, -2
    • Galician
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
      • References
  • barva, 472, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • base hit, 475, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • bash, 476, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Adverb
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • bathala, 478, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • batonnet, 479, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • battledore and shuttlecock, 480, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • battledress, 481, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Derived terms
  • baur, 482, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Conjugation
  • bay, 483, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
          • Derived terms
        • Adverb
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
      • Etymology 3
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronoun
          • Related terms
      • References
  • bayuk, 484, -2
    • Choctaw
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • beannach, 486, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • References
  • beanstalk, 487, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • bedekke, 488, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Further reading
  • bedewed, 489, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Verb
  • beeswarm, 490, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • befalle, 491, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Further reading
  • befarre, 492, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Further reading
  • befrieze, 493, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Further reading
  • behuelen, 494, -2
    • Luxembourgish
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • behâlde, 495, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Further reading
  • bekrûpe, 496, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Further reading
  • belide, 498, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Further reading
  • belőle, 499, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
      • See also
      • References
      • Further reading
  • bend, 500, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • benumbed, 501, -2
    • English
      • Verb
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • benzinepomp, 502, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • benzín, 503, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • berenpels, 504, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • berenval, 505, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • bergeming, 506, -2
    • Indonesian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • berjast, 507, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • beronjë, 508, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • beskyldning, 511, -2
    • Danish
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • betterave à sucre, 513, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • betterer, 514, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Adjective
        • See also
  • betting, 515, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • bešā, 519, -2
    • Latvian
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
  • bhaṇḍa, 520, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • bhoga, 521, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • bicycle, 525, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • bicycle kick, 526, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Verb
  • biddable, 527, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • bidder, 528, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • biggest, 529, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • bihebbian, 530, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • bilimbi, 531, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • billeting, 532, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • bio-inspired, 533, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • bioch, 534, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • bioinspired, 535, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • biostrome, 536, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • bir şey değil, 537, -4
    • Turkish
      • Interjection
        • Synonyms
  • birko, 538, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • birta, 540, -2
    • Galician
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • biscoiteiro, 541, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Noun
        • See also
  • biscoito, 542, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • biscuit hooks, 543, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • blackfella, 544, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
  • blatë, 545, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
      • References
  • blitter, 546, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • blockage, 547, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • blood bin, 548, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • blood replacement, 549, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • blood substitution, 550, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • blusher, 553, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • blåljus, 554, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • bochd, 557, -2
    • Scottish Gaelic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • bocsájts, 558, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsájtsd, 559, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsásd, 560, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsáss, 561, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsássa, 562, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsássad, 563, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsássak, 564, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsássalak, 565, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsássam, 566, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsássanak, 567, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsássatok, 568, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsásson, 569, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsássuk, 570, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsássunk, 571, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsássák, 572, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsássál, 573, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsássátok, 574, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátalak, 575, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátana, 576, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanak, 577, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátani, 578, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátania, 579, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátaniuk, 580, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanod, 581, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanom, 582, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanotok, 583, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanunk, 584, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátaná, 585, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanád, 586, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanák, 587, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanál, 588, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanálak, 589, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanám, 590, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanának, 591, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanánk, 592, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanátok, 593, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátanék, 594, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátasz, 595, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátja, 596, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátjuk, 597, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátják, 598, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátjátok, 599, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátod, 600, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátok, 601, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátom, 602, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátotok, 603, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátott, 604, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Participle
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • bocsátotta, 605, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátottad, 606, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátottak, 607, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátottalak, 608, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátottam, 609, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátottatok, 610, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátottuk, 611, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátottunk, 612, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátották, 613, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátottál, 614, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátottátok, 615, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátunk, 616, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • bocsátva, 617, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Participle
        • Usage notes
  • bohça, 618, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • boilersmith, 619, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
  • bojë, 620, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • boksi, 621, -2
    • Swahili
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • boldface, 622, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • bolest, 624, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • bolle, 625, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • boma, 626, -2
    • Swahili
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • bonding, 627, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • boofhead, 628, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • book lung, 629, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • boom vang, 630, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • booze artist, 631, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • borið, 633, -2
    • Faroese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • borja, 634, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • borjúja, 635, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • bornă, 636, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • borratja, 637, -2
    • Catalan
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • bosk, 638, -2
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • bossyboots, 639, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • bouncy ball, 641, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
  • brace aback, 645, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • brath, 646, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • References
  • bre, 647, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Interjection
        • Related terms
  • brengos, 648, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • brewing, 650, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • breză, 651, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • bring to heel, 652, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • broddsúla, 653, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • brose, 655, -2
    • Scots
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • broð, 656, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • brwydr, 657, -2
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • brzda, 658, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • brætspil, 659, -2
    • Danish
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • brók, 660, -2
    • Old Norse
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
  • brödă, 661, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • brúdán, 662, -2
    • Irish
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • buddhābhiseka, 663, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • budoucnost, 664, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • budova, 665, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • bugger up, 666, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Descendants
        • Translations
  • buhok, 667, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • build, 668, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • bujtinë, 669, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • bumfluff, 670, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • bunda, 671, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • bundë, 672, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • buok, 673, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • buord, 674, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • burg, 676, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
      • References
  • burim, 677, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • burishtë, 678, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • burmë, 679, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • References
  • buron, 680, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • butylate, 681, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • by all accounts, 683, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Prepositional phrase
        • Translations
  • bygning, 684, -2
    • Danish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Related terms
  • byre, 685, -2
    • Scots
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • bábhún, 686, -2
    • Irish
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • References
  • bánt, 687, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
      • Participle
        • Declension
      • Etymology 3
        • Verb
      • Etymology 4
        • Noun
  • bár, 688, -2
    • Ngam
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • báseň, 689, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • , 690, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
      • References
  • bërtas, 691, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Synonyms
  • bóng, 692, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
        • See also
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 3
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • běhna, 693, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • bạch, 694, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • See also
  • ca, 695, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • cabas, 696, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • caching, 697, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • calculate, 698, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
        • Further reading
  • calends, 699, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Alternative forms
        • Coordinate terms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
      • References
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • camwheel, 701, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • can't help, 702, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
        • Usage notes
      • Anagrams
  • canker sore, 704, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • cannot, 705, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Noun
      • Anagrams
  • cao tốc, 706, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • captiva, 707, -2
    • Latin
      • Adjective
      • Adjective
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • carac, 708, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • carbë, 709, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • carpet munching, 710, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • carriage bolt, 711, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Gallery
  • carrok, 712, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • casting couch, 713, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • casuarina, 714, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • catch, 715, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Translations
      • Derived terms
      • References
  • cathine, 716, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • cathinone, 717, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • cayer, 718, -2
    • Asturian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • ceantracha, 720, -2
    • Irish
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
  • cell, 721, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • cemtë, 722, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • cena, 723, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • cera', 724, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • cerebrovascular accident, 725, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • cerk, 726, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • certain, 727, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
      • Determiner
      • Related terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • cesta, 728, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • cetanā, 729, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • chamfron, 730, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
  • charita, 732, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • charlatanic, 733, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • cheat day, 735, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
  • checkout divider, 736, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • cheeseparing, 737, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • chemie, 738, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • chequy, 739, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • cheval glass, 740, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • chief of staff, 741, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • chlor, 742, -2
    • Czech
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • chocallo, 743, -2
    • Galician
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • choix, 744, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • chomoutovský, 745, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • choo-choo, 746, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • chosen, 747, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Adjective
        • Translations
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • chromocyte, 748, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • chyba, 749, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • chọi, 750, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • cimra, 751, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • cinge, 752, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • cipő, 753, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • circonstance, 754, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • city car, 755, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
  • civil registry, 756, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • cizinka, 757, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • cizoložství, 758, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • clapping, 760, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • clapping game, 761, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • clarinette, 762, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • classified ad, 763, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • claustrophilia, 764, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • clefyd, 766, -2
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • clippers, 767, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • cloud up, 769, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • clowness, 770, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • co-edition, 771, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • cockamamy, 772, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • coefficient, 774, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Hyponyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • coincheap, 775, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • cokko, 776, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • comenzar, 777, -2
    • Asturian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
  • comerse con patatas, 778, -4
    • Spanish
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • comital, 779, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • References
  • commensurately, 780, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Translations
      • References
  • compune, 781, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • comrade in arms, 782, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • concert, 783, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • confidable, 784, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • conodont, 787, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • conserve, 788, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • consociational, 789, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • consonant stem, 790, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • constellation, 791, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • See also
  • constructio ad sensum, 792, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
  • convenientemente, 793, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Antonyms
  • cop-out, 795, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Further reading
  • copepod, 796, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • corbeille, 797, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • cornstalk, 798, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • coronavirus, 799, -2
    • Swedish
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • corsage, 800, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • See also
      • Anagrams
  • cosigner, 801, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • coso, 802, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • cotilleo, 803, -2
    • Spanish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
      • Further reading
  • cottager, 804, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • cotyledonous, 805, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • couch grass, 806, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
        • Further reading
  • could, 807, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Noun
      • See also
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • coutume, 809, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • crack on, 810, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • References
  • create, 811, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • creational, 812, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
      • Anagrams
  • creationary, 813, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • crevü, 814, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • crime-ridden, 815, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • crisis-ridden, 817, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • crosstalk, 818, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • crouste, 819, -2
    • Middle French
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • cry, 820, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • See also
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • crú, 821, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • cuddle buddy, 822, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • cuks, 823, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • cukël, 825, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • cumshot, 826, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • See also
  • cumulate, 827, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Noun
  • cupriferous, 828, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • cuvette, 829, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • czaszołka, 830, -2
    • Polish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • czyste konto, 831, -2
    • Polish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • câpre, 832, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
      • Further reading
  • cëmoj, 833, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • , 834, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Pronoun
        • See also
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
        • Pronoun
        • See also
  • cúsǐen, 835, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • cúsǐeną, 836, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • dabérka, 838, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • daiman, 839, -2
    • Tok Pisin
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • dak, 840, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • daku, 841, -2
    • Indonesian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Synonyms
  • dalawit, 842, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • damhsaí, 844, -2
    • Irish
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
      • Mutation
  • darb, 845, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • darty, 846, -2
    • Polish
      • Pronunciation
      • Participle
        • Declension
      • Noun
      • Further reading
  • darvak, 847, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • data cube, 848, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • dausă, 850, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • day labor, 851, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • dazlak, 852, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • dea-cháil, 854, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • debuccalization, 855, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • decouple, 856, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • deef, 857, -2
    • Middle English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • deep six, 859, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Noun
      • See also
      • References
  • deers, 860, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • Anagrams
  • deglaze, 861, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • deigt, 862, -2
    • Norman
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • deleverage, 863, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • delineation, 864, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • demain, 865, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • demonstrate, 867, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
        • Translations
        • See also
  • dend, 868, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • deng, 869, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • dengka, 870, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • dentialveolar, 871, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Noun
  • descinge, 875, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Antonyms
  • desiderative, 876, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Further reading
  • destem, 877, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • deviator, 879, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • devil's wheel, 880, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • devă, 881, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • dhammatā, 882, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • dhein, 883, -2
    • Irish
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • dheineabhair, 884, -2
    • Irish
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • dheineadar, 885, -2
    • Irish
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • dheineamair, 886, -2
    • Irish
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • dheineas, 887, -2
    • Irish
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • dheinis, 888, -2
    • Irish
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • dheul, 890, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • dhez, 891, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • dhuhr, 893, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • diachylon, 894, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
      • Anagrams
  • dibek, 895, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • dihati, 896, -2
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • dimanche, 898, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • dingeadh, 899, -2
    • Irish
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • dinghy, 900, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
      • Anagrams
  • dirham, 901, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • disappunctar, 902, -2
    • Interlingua
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • discouragement, 903, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • disease-ridden, 904, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • disgregation, 905, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
      • Further reading
  • disgruntlement, 906, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • dish up, 907, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • diskarte, 908, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • dismay, 909, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • dissatisfied, 910, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Related terms
      • Verb
  • distro, 911, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • dividivi, 912, -2
    • Papiamentu
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • djärå, 914, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • dnů, 915, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • dob in, 916, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • doctor bird, 918, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • See also
  • dokërr, 920, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • doliczony czas, 921, -2
    • Polish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • dolmuş, 922, -2
    • Turkish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • domate, 923, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • doogh, 924, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • dorbëri, 925, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • dots per inch, 927, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • See also
  • dovenetel, 929, -2
    • Dutch
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • drak, 930, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • draw, 931, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • drejt, 932, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • dresscoat, 938, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • dridh, 939, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • drite, 940, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • drizë, 941, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • droch-cháil, 942, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • drogerie, 943, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • drop a chalupa, 944, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • drop a deuce, 945, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • dropbox, 946, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • druch, 947, -2
    • Polish
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
  • drudh, 948, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • drudhe, 949, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • drudhë, 950, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • drug-ridden, 951, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • drum and bass, 952, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • du'a', 953, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • dual gruaige, 955, -2
    • Irish
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • References
  • dubstep, 956, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ductule, 957, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • duda, 958, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • dudum, 959, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • dudë, 960, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
      • References
  • duere, 961, -2
    • Middle Dutch
      • Preposition
      • Adverb
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • duhmë, 962, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • dukje, 963, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • dukke, 964, -2
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
      • References
  • duli, 965, -2
    • Malay
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • duotter, 966, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • durbin, 967, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • durumvete, 968, -2
    • Swedish
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • dus, 969, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
      • Adverb
        • Coordinate terms
  • dynamic equilibrium, 970, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
  • dyndje, 971, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • dálnice, 973, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • décalque, 975, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
  • découvert, 976, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
      • Further reading
  • défi, 977, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • délka, 978, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • déloyal, 979, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • départ, 980, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • détour, 981, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • dëbim, 982, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • dënjë, 983, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • dërrasë, 984, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • dílna, 985, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • dívka, 986, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • dözüm, 987, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • düzey, 989, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
      • Further reading
  • důkaz, 990, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • dự, 991, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • eargasmic, 993, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • earthwork, 994, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • easy come, easy go, 995, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Proverb
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • eat, 996, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
        • See also
      • Noun
      • Anagrams
  • ecard, 997, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • efe, 998, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • effective, 999, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
  • efficient, 1000, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
      • References
  • effractura, 1001, -2
    • Latin
      • Participle
      • Participle
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • efnisskrá, 1002, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • eftirlaun, 1003, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • egg, 1004, -2
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Inflection
      • References
  • einsaugen, 1005, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • eirin, 1006, -2
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • eksponensiaal, 1008, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • eldsváði, 1010, -2
    • Old Norse
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • electronic rock, 1012, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • electronic sport, 1013, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • elektrárna, 1014, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • elflike, 1015, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • elveszett, 1018, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Participle
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • eléggé, 1019, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Usage notes
      • References
      • Further reading
  • elől, 1020, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Postposition
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • See also
      • References
      • Further reading
  • előle, 1021, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
      • References
      • Further reading
  • email address, 1022, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • embayment, 1023, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • encara, 1026, -2
    • Occitan
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • encephalography, 1027, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
        • Further reading
  • endothermic, 1030, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • energie, 1031, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • enfranchise, 1032, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
        • Related terms
  • enmesh, 1033, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Translations
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • enquera, 1034, -2
    • Occitan
      • Alternative forms
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
  • epem, 1035, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • epifanie, 1036, -2
    • Romanian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • epitheory, 1037, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • equerry, 1038, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • equigranular, 1039, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
        • Related terms
  • equipoise, 1040, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • erfðaskrá, 1041, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • escoyer, 1043, -2
    • Asturian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
  • ese, 1045, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • eshtë, 1047, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • eshë, 1048, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • espinós, 1049, -2
    • Catalan
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • ester, 1050, -2
    • Ladin
      • Etymology 1
      • Adjective
      • Etymology 2
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • estrela, 1051, -2
    • Old Portuguese
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • estropiar, 1052, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • eternal now, 1053, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • euritako, 1054, -2
    • Basque
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
  • euro, 1055, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • eurodance, 1056, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • eux, 1057, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • evisceration, 1058, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • evolutionarily stable strategy, 1059, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • excipient, 1060, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Adjective
      • References
  • exonumia, 1061, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • exophtalmie, 1062, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • exterminator, 1063, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • extratemporality, 1064, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • extraversion, 1065, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • extravert, 1066, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • Adjective
      • Verb
      • References
  • extroversion, 1067, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • References
  • eðalgas, 1068, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • eñe, 1069, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • eğer, 1070, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Conjunction
        • Synonyms
  • f-szám, 1071, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • faal, 1072, -2
    • North Frisian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • faird, 1073, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
      • Anagrams
  • fantastique, 1074, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • See also
  • faoina, 1075, -2
    • Irish
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Particle
        • Usage notes
      • Contraction
        • Related terms
  • faster, 1078, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • fasting, 1079, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • fattyúsor, 1081, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • favoravelmente, 1082, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Antonyms
  • fazenda, 1083, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • federast, 1084, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • feeb, 1085, -2
    • English
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
      • Anagrams
  • feeder cattle, 1086, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
        • Translations
  • feje, 1087, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • felinity, 1088, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • felé, 1092, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Postposition
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • See also
      • References
  • feléje, 1093, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • felőle, 1094, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
      • Related terms
      • References
  • ferrël, 1097, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • fic, 1098, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • fierar, 1099, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • fight dirty, 1100, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • figuier de Barbarie, 1101, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • fijoka, 1102, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • filem, 1103, -2
    • Malay
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Alternative forms
  • fillar, 1104, -2
    • Old Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Descendants
  • final, 1105, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • fink, 1106, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • fioka, 1107, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • fireplace match, 1108, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • firma, 1109, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • fiskibolla, 1111, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • fissiparous, 1112, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
        • Quotations
        • Related terms
  • five senses, 1113, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • See also
  • fişek, 1114, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • fjolla-fjolla, 1115, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • flamina, 1117, -2
    • Latin
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun 1
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun 2
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • References
  • flaminica, 1118, -2
    • Latin
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • flaş, 1119, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • fli, 1121, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • flladit, 1122, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • fluer, 1123, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • fluky, 1124, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • flyht, 1126, -2
    • Old English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
  • fodbold, 1127, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • See also
  • fonda, 1129, -2
    • Galician
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
      • Etymology 2
      • Adjective
      • References
  • foost, 1130, -2
    • Scots
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
      • References
  • fooster, 1131, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • foot, 1132, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Coordinate terms
        • Descendants
        • Translations
        • See also
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • force one's way, 1133, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
        • Further reading
  • force someone's hand, 1134, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
        • See also
  • forebode, 1135, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
      • See also
      • References
  • foredate, 1136, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • forlorn hope, 1137, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • See also
      • Notes
      • References
      • Further reading
  • forradalma, 1138, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • forsvar, 1139, -4
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • forswear, 1140, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • fortolkning, 1141, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • fortumlet, 1142, -2
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • fotbal, 1143, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • foveola, 1146, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • freess, 1147, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Alternative forms
  • freza, 1148, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • frisée, 1149, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • frost fair, 1150, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • froulju, 1151, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • frouwen, 1152, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • frybread, 1153, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • fuck and chuck, 1154, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • fuckpole, 1155, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • full of piss and vinegar, 1158, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • References
  • fulya, 1159, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • fyrbë, 1162, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • References
  • fyrtårn, 1163, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • fyshtër, 1165, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • fysika, 1166, -2
    • Czech
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • fyzika, 1167, -2
    • Czech
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • fårå, 1169, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • félkövér, 1170, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • fëmijaq, 1171, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • förebrå, 1174, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • References
  • , 1175, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Interjection
      • References
      • Further reading
  • gairm, 1177, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Mutation
      • References
  • galamsh, 1178, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • galen, 1179, -2
    • Swedish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Verb
      • Etymology 2
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • galerie, 1180, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • gamebook, 1181, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • gammoning, 1183, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
  • ganito, 1184, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
      • See also
  • ganoon, 1185, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
      • See also
  • gantang, 1186, -2
    • Cebuano
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • ganyan, 1187, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
      • See also
  • garret window, 1188, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • garrfhiach, 1189, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • garça, 1190, -2
    • Old Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • gebland, 1196, -2
    • Old English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • gecyndlim, 1197, -2
    • Old English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • See also
      • References
  • gega, 1198, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • gegë, 1199, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • geilen, 1200, -2
    • Dutch
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
  • gemologist, 1201, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • genezer, 1203, -2
    • Dutch
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • get in the way, 1205, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • ghillie, 1207, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • giant tortoise, 1208, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • See also
  • gicleur, 1209, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • gidomian, 1210, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • gifremmian, 1211, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • gifullian, 1213, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • gifullon, 1214, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • gigerwian, 1216, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • gihalon, 1217, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • gihuggian, 1218, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • giiwe, 1219, -2
    • Ojibwe
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • References
  • gimiwanose, 1220, -2
    • Ojibwe
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
  • gjobë, 1226, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • gjozdă, 1228, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • glaino, 1231, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • glance, 1232, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • glassware, 1233, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • glic, 1234, -2
    • Scottish Gaelic
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • gljiva, 1235, -4
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Declension
  • gluggaveður, 1236, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • glåd, 1237, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • glåvă, 1238, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • glóbus, 1239, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • gnaidă, 1240, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • go, 1241, -2
    • Alemannic German
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Particle
      • Preposition
      • Etymology 2
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • go-cart, 1242, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
  • goblin, 1243, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • godet, 1245, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • goetia, 1246, -2
    • Latin
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • gogo, 1247, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • goler, 1248, -2
    • Asturian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
  • goofball, 1249, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Adjective
      • See also
  • goon squad, 1250, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
  • gorx, 1251, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • gosh freaking darnit, 1252, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Interjection
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
  • gotten, 1254, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • grafieten, 1255, -2
    • Dutch
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
  • graph theorist, 1256, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • gravidă, 1257, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • grazzi, 1258, -2
    • Sicilian
      • Interjection
        • Related terms
  • great great great grandmother, 1259, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
        • Translations
  • green about the gills, 1260, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • grehull, 1261, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • grethac, 1262, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • grih, 1264, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • grindcore, 1265, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • griuopa, 1266, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • grog artist, 1267, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • groyne, 1268, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • grześć, 1269, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • grån, 1270, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • grüssen, 1271, -2
    • Cimbrian
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
  • guilt-ridden, 1272, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • gullit, 1273, -2
    • Pite Sami
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • gurgule, 1274, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • gurgull, 1275, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • gurgulloj, 1276, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • gwyddoniaeth, 1277, -2
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Mutation
  • gyronny, 1279, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • gyógyír, 1280, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • gáḷa, 1281, -2
    • Kalasha
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • gëras, 1283, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • gërdallë, 1284, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • gërdhajë, 1285, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • gërdham, 1286, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • gërdhele, 1287, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • gërdhet, 1289, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • gërgas, 1294, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • gërhanë, 1295, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • gërlas, 1296, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • gërmis, 1298, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • gërryerje, 1299, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • gështallë, 1300, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • gëzim, 1301, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • gą̊s, 1302, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • gŕǫdă, 1303, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • gǫs, 1304, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • gədə, 1305, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • habit, 1307, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • hagsbót, 1308, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • hajda, 1309, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • hajmë, 1311, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • halbë, 1313, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • halipula, 1314, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Anagrams
  • hallkomë, 1315, -2
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • halloween, 1317, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • handmill, 1318, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • hang up the boots, 1319, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
        • Antonyms
  • hanua, 1320, -2
    • 'Are'are
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • haps, 1321, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • harc, 1324, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • hardla, 1325, -10
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • harlis, 1326, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • harlotry, 1327, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • harmoj, 1330, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • harrje, 1331, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • hartinë, 1332, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • hatxe, 1335, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • hauka, 1336, -2
    • Wauja
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • have the run of, 1337, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • havn, 1338, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • head down, bum up, 1339, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
  • head man, 1340, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • heads will roll, 1341, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Phrase
        • Translations
  • heap, 1342, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Adverb
      • Anagrams
  • heat lightning, 1343, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • hectare, 1344, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • See also
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • hedhe, 1345, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • heimavinna, 1347, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • hejčínský, 1349, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • hektogram, 1350, -2
    • Polish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • heljda, 1351, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • helmgitrostio, 1352, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • heptose, 1354, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Hypernyms
        • Hyponyms
  • here today, gone tomorrow, 1356, -2
    • English
      • Proverb
        • Related terms
        • See also
  • hermae, 1357, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • hermeettisesti, 1358, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
  • herri, 1360, -2
    • Basque
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
      • Further reading
  • herriko taberna, 1361, -2
    • Basque
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • herþbelig, 1363, -2
    • Old English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • See also
      • References
  • hexapod, 1365, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Adjective
  • hexology, 1366, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • high five, 1368, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • hightide, 1369, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • hikërr, 1370, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • hilaga, 1371, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • hile, 1372, -2
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • himna, 1373, -2
    • Latvian
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • hist, 1379, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • hit it and quit it, 1380, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
        • See also
  • hlad, 1381, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • hlupačka, 1383, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • hmotnost, 1384, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • hobgoblin, 1385, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • hokej, 1387, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • hold back, 1388, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • holli, 1389, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • horr, 1392, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • horrë, 1393, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • hotfoot it, 1395, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • house lizard, 1397, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
      • References
  • house/translations, 1398, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • hozzá, 1399, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • hra, 1401, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • hrekkur, 1402, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • hudba, 1403, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • huggian, 1404, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • hulumtoj, 1405, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • hulusi, 1406, -2
    • Finnish
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Anagrams
  • hummus, 1408, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • huppelen, 1409, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • hvit som et laken, 1410, -2
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Idiom
        • Synonyms
      • See also
  • hvězda, 1411, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • hydropower, 1412, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • hypotraceable, 1413, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • häbemekink, 1414, -2
    • Estonian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • hälla, 1415, -2
    • Swedish
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • hääyö, 1416, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • See also
  • híve, 1417, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 2
      • Participle
        • Usage notes
  • hónapja, 1418, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • hāmeʻa, 1419, -2
    • Hawaiian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • hāsa, 1420, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • i blith, 1422, -2
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
  • i greko, 1423, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • i/translations, 1424, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • iarnbhreac, 1425, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Mutation
  • ibibik, 1426, -2
    • Turkish
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • ice rink, 1427, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
  • ideia, 1428, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • ideje, 1429, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • ideāls, 1430, -2
    • Latvian
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • idiogenesis, 1431, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • idiogenetic, 1432, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • iegå, 1433, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • iespējams, 1434, -2
    • Latvian
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Participle
        • Declension
  • igg, 1436, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • ihopsydd, 1437, -2
    • Swedish
      • Participle
        • Declension
  • ik, 1438, -2
    • Scots
      • Etymology
      • Pronoun
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • ill-omened, 1440, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • illa, 1441, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
        • See also
      • Anagrams
  • immobilize, 1442, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • imply, 1443, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
        • See also
        • Further reading
  • impossibilitat, 1444, -2
    • Catalan
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
      • Further reading
  • impressment, 1445, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • imreasc, 1446, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Mutation
      • References
  • in fairness, 1448, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Prepositional phrase
        • Translations
        • Further reading
  • in the heat of the moment, 1449, -2
    • English
      • Prepositional phrase
        • Translations
        • Further reading
  • in/translations, 1450, -2
    • English
      • Preposition
        • Translations
  • inadvertently, 1452, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • incode, 1453, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • See also
      • Anagrams
  • indecorous, 1454, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
        • Translations
  • informace, 1456, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • inhoudsopgave, 1457, -2
    • Dutch
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • injury current, 1458, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • See also
  • ink-pad, 1460, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • inrang, 1461, -2
    • Makasar
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • inro, 1462, -2
    • Makasar
      • Root
        • Derived terms
  • inside job, 1463, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • insiyak, 1464, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • inspire, 1465, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • intelet, 1466, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • intellectual disability, 1467, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • intention, 1468, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • interjeciono, 1469, -2
    • Ido
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • See also
  • internal medicine, 1471, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Meronyms
        • Translations
  • internist, 1472, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • internship, 1473, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
  • interprocess, 1474, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • interprocess communication, 1475, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • intestinal gland, 1476, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • intinction, 1477, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • intralogistics, 1478, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • introduce, 1479, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • introduktion, 1480, -2
    • Danish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Related terms
  • inung, 1482, -2
    • Makasar
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • inverting, 1483, -2
    • English
      • Verb
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
      • Noun
  • ionsar, 1484, -2
    • Irish
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
  • iplik, 1485, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • ipokrit, 1486, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • iredentizam, 1487, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • isidlo, 1488, -2
    • Zulu
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • isifo, 1489, -2
    • Zulu
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • isiga, 1490, -2
    • Zulu
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • iskender, 1491, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • isseng, 1492, -2
    • Makasar
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • isāna, 1493, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • itibapishi, 1494, -2
    • Choctaw
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • itibapishili, 1495, -2
    • Choctaw
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • ixa, 1496, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • iz, 1497, -2
    • Livonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • See also
  • izt, 1498, -2
    • Livonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • See also
  • işarə, 1499, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • jahůdka, 1501, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • jama, 1502, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • jargoon, 1503, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • jautrü, 1504, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • jbṯt, 1505, -2
    • Egyptian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • je'ne', 1506, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • jedináčka, 1507, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • jednotka, 1508, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • jes, 1510, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • jet plane, 1511, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • jiass, 1512, -2
    • Manx
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Mutation
      • Adjective
      • See also
  • jih, 1513, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Coordinate terms
      • Further reading
  • jizva, 1514, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • jjigae, 1515, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • jnbt, 1516, -2
    • Egyptian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • jo'jo', 1517, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • jobbery, 1518, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • jobťü, 1519, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • johnboat, 1520, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • joint, 1521, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • References
  • jolklotr, 1522, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • jomo, 1523, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • joss, 1524, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • jota, 1525, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • journalistik, 1526, -2
    • Danish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • judge, jury and executioner, 1527, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
  • judgmental, 1528, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • julspel, 1529, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • juvénat, 1530, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • járt, 1531, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Participle
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • járta, 1532, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
      • Participle
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • jätte-, 1533, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Prefix
        • Derived terms
        • Usage notes
  • jätå, 1534, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • jåskră, 1536, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • jízda, 1537, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • kabát, 1539, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • kachna, 1542, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • kaffi, 1544, -2
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • kalamend, 1547, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • kalavesh, 1548, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • kalecë, 1550, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • kalesh, 1551, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • kall, 1552, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • kam, 1554, -2
    • Chinese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • kamarád, 1555, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • kamarádka, 1556, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • kamë, 1557, -2
    • Kashubian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • kank, 1558, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • kapt, 1560, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • kaptë, 1561, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • kapërdij, 1562, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • karabush, 1564, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • karja, 1565, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • karjuk, 1566, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • karrabisht, 1567, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • karru', 1568, -2
    • Makasar
      • Root
        • Derived terms
  • karta, 1569, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • karuk, 1570, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • kashtup, 1571, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • kaçel, 1572, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • ke, 1573, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • ke'bu', 1574, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • keffen, 1575, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
  • kekkur, 1576, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • kel, 1577, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
  • kelingg, 1578, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • keypad, 1579, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
        • Translations
      • References
  • keyspace, 1580, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • khaltura, 1581, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • khaṇa, 1582, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • kies, 1583, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Noun
        • See also
  • kihúzat, 1584, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Further reading
  • kikapu, 1585, -2
    • Swahili
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • kituo, 1588, -2
    • Swahili
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • klinke, 1589, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Further reading
  • kllapë, 1591, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • klobouk, 1592, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • kluk, 1593, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • klíček, 1594, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • klösu, 1595, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • knavish, 1597, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • kniha, 1598, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • knihovna, 1599, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • knor, 1600, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • See also
  • knotten, 1601, -2
    • Dutch
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • knout, 1602, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • knupå, 1603, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • References
  • koj, 1605, -2
    • Albanian
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • kolinsky, 1606, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • kolokwium, 1607, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • komma fram, 1608, -2
    • Swedish
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • komma undan, 1609, -2
    • Swedish
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • komponistka, 1610, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • kongaríki, 1611, -2
    • Faroese
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • konjunciono, 1612, -2
    • Ido
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • See also
  • konzumentka, 1613, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • koprac, 1614, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • kore, 1615, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • korrë, 1616, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • koruna, 1617, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • korvo, 1618, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • kosinus, 1619, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • kotelna, 1620, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • kothere, 1621, -2
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • kotorr, 1622, -2
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • koupelna, 1623, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • kočka, 1624, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • kraftaverk, 1625, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • kraidlĕ, 1626, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • krakë, 1627, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • kramis, 1628, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Anagrams
  • krej, 1631, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • krekë, 1632, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • krelë, 1633, -2
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • kreshk, 1635, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • kridhë, 1638, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • krup, 1639, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • kruspull, 1640, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
  • krytyr, 1642, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • kråi, 1643, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • kréta, 1644, -2
    • Javanese
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Synonyms
  • kthjellët, 1645, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • kuak, 1647, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • kuchařka, 1648, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • kufizoj, 1649, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • kuhati, 1650, -2
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • kulla, 1651, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • kumå, 1652, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • kun, 1653, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • kuuni, 1654, -2
    • Finnish
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Anagrams
  • kvalitet, 1655, -2
    • Danish
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • kvasac, 1656, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Declension
  • kvikna, 1657, -2
    • Old Norse
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Descendants
      • References
  • káva, 1660, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • käkätin, 1661, -2
    • Finnish
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Idioms
      • Verb
  • kêrel, 1662, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • këllas, 1664, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • këllehem, 1665, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • këlthas, 1666, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • këput, 1667, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • këputë, 1668, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • kërbisht, 1669, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • kërlesh, 1670, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • kërp, 1672, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • kërthi, 1673, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • kërveshem, 1674, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • këthjellët, 1675, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • këtu, 1676, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • kólfr, 1677, -2
    • Old Norse
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • kólfskot, 1678, -2
    • Old Norse
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • See also
      • References
  • köra med, 1679, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Anagrams
  • köçek, 1680, -2
    • Turkish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • köła, 1681, -2
    • Vilamovian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • kúskús, 1682, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • křižovatka, 1683, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • kůže, 1684, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • l', 1685, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Article
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • la'busu', 1686, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • lagje, 1690, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • laid, 1691, -2
    • Middle French
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • laipo, 1692, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • lakan, 1694, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • lakuriq nate, 1695, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • landslið, 1697, -2
    • Faroese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • lanngere', 1698, -2
    • Makasar
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • lapërdhi, 1699, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • larboc, 1700, -2
    • Old English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • last but not least, 1701, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • lathery, 1703, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • latoj, 1704, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • laugh, 1705, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Coordinate terms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • lauk, 1706, -2
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • lauta, 1707, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
  • lay into, 1709, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • leaching, 1710, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • lead shot, 1711, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
  • leat, 1712, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • leave someone hanging, 1713, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
        • See also
  • leavings, 1714, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • lecteur, 1715, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
      • Further reading
  • lednička, 1717, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • left-to-right, 1718, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
      • Adverb
        • Translations
        • Alternative forms
      • Antonyms
      • Anagrams
  • legitimize, 1720, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • leikligr, 1721, -2
    • Old Norse
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • References
  • leikmannligr, 1722, -2
    • Old Norse
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • References
  • leje, 1723, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • lembara', 1724, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • lemm, 1725, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • lemondott, 1726, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Participle
        • Declension
  • lena, 1727, -2
    • Irish
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Particle
        • Usage notes
      • Contraction
        • Related terms
      • References
  • lend, 1728, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • lendusid, 1730, -2
    • Estonian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • leoþ, 1731, -2
    • Old English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
        • See also
  • lesh, 1732, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • lestarvörður, 1734, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • leur, 1735, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
      • Determiner
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
      • Further reading
  • libbian, 1738, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Descendants
  • libration point, 1740, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • lichva, 1741, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • lichvářka, 1742, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • lidumilka, 1743, -10
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • liegbryne, 1745, -2
    • Old English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • lieks, 1746, -2
    • Latvian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Verb
  • light verb, 1747, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • like rats from a sinking ship, 1748, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Prepositional phrase
        • Translations
        • See also
  • like two peas in a pod, 1749, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Prepositional phrase
        • Translations
  • lilo, 1750, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • liquified, 1751, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Verb
  • livelong, 1753, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • livskvalitet, 1754, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • liðka, 1755, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • ljósár, 1756, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • llap, 1759, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • llapë, 1760, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • llastoj, 1761, -2
    • Albanian
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • llasë, 1762, -2
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • lluke, 1763, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • llukë, 1764, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • llups, 1765, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • llurbë, 1766, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • llënjëz, 1767, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • loc, 1768, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • lokk, 1769, -2
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Synonyms
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
      • Verb
        • Hyponyms
      • References
  • lomotit, 1770, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • loose-fitting, 1772, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • References
  • loslopen, 1773, -2
    • Dutch
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • loutkář, 1774, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • lowtide, 1777, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • loçkë, 1778, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • lože, 1779, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • ložnice, 1780, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • lu'lu', 1781, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • lumak, 1782, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • luokse, 1783, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Postposition
        • Inflection
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • luona, 1784, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Postposition
        • Inflection
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • luota, 1785, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
      • Postposition
        • Inflection
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Anagrams
  • lyshtër, 1787, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • lásd, 1788, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Interjection
        • Usage notes
  • láska, 1789, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • látka, 1790, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • lékařka, 1791, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • lëmaqe, 1792, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • lëmsh, 1793, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • lëpushë, 1794, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • lëvorzë, 1796, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • lístek, 1798, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • lødig, 1799, -2
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • løype, 1800, -2
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Etymology
      • Interjection
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
      • Verb
      • References
  • lüj, 1801, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • m', 1802, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • maax, 1804, -2
    • Somali
      • Etymology
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • macération, 1805, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • madagaskarinluhtakana, 1806, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • maga, 1807, -2
    • Latin
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
      • Adjective
      • References
  • magamiskott, 1808, -2
    • Estonian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • magic lamp, 1809, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • magnetodynamics, 1810, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • magnetohydrodynamics, 1811, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • magpasan, 1812, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • magyarosítás, 1813, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • magyarítás, 1814, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • maighdean mhara, 1815, -6
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • mail truck, 1816, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • maith, 1817, -2
    • Welsh
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
  • maišyti, 1818, -2
    • Lithuanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Participle
      • References
  • make amends, 1819, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • make one's bones, 1820, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • See also
  • makkarasiili, 1821, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • makra, 1822, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • malda, 1825, -2
    • Lithuanian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • malkepige, 1826, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Related terms
  • malluvium, 1827, -2
    • Latin
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • malmultekosta, 1828, -2
    • Esperanto
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
  • manang, 1829, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • mangaani, 1831, -2
    • Finnish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
  • manjo, 1832, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • manlju, 1833, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • mannen, 1834, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • manong, 1835, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • mantel, 1836, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • mantrap, 1837, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • manželka, 1838, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • manželství, 1839, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • maoile, 1840, -2
    • Irish
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
  • marbre, 1841, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • marginal utility, 1843, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • marr, 1844, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • marrowbone, 1845, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • marsian, 1846, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • marsupial lion, 1847, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • mashkë, 1848, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • mask of pregnancy, 1850, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • mastigophorous, 1851, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • matematika, 1852, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • matting, 1854, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
  • mauxo, 1855, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • mayat, 1856, -2
    • Indonesian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • mañju, 1857, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • mağlup, 1858, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • References
  • mašina, 1859, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • maṇḍapa, 1860, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • mbath, 1861, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Antonyms
  • mbetje, 1863, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • mbreh, 1865, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • mbush, 1869, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • mbyll, 1870, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
  • mbështet, 1871, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • mbështjell, 1872, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • meal prep, 1873, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • mealworm, 1874, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • meat stick, 1876, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • meathead, 1877, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • medvěd, 1878, -2
    • Czech
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • meem, 1879, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • megahex, 1880, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Trivia
  • meiri, 1881, -2
    • Old Norse
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Adverb
        • Descendants
      • References
  • mekët, 1882, -2
    • Albanian
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • melléje, 1883, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • memetic, 1884, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
        • Derived terms
  • mendeshë, 1885, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • mercado de pulgas, 1888, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • merosity, 1890, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • mesele, 1891, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • mesnatë, 1892, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • mesure, 1893, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • metonymia, 1894, -2
    • Finnish
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • metro, 1895, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • micro, 1896, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
      • Anagrams
  • microprocessor, 1897, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Translations
        • See also
  • midolla, 1898, -2
    • Italian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Noun
  • mieux, 1899, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • mihje, 1901, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • mila, 1902, -2
    • Basque
      • Numeral
        • Derived terms
  • mimar, 1903, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • mimoolomoucký, 1904, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • mirë, 1905, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
      • See also
      • References
  • misgender, 1906, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • mission-critical, 1907, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • mistrial, 1908, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • miur, 1910, -2
    • Romansch
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • mizantropija, 1911, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • mjell, 1912, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • mjerth, 1913, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Preposition
        • Related terms
  • moda, 1917, -2
    • Ladin
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • moderns, 1918, -2
    • Latvian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • modify, 1919, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • mole rat, 1925, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • molesto, 1926, -2
    • Latin
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Adjective
      • References
  • money changer, 1927, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Hyponyms
        • Translations
  • monocotyledonous, 1928, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
  • monoheterosexual, 1929, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • moonless, 1930, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • moonshiner, 1931, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • moot court, 1932, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • morz, 1934, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • mother-naked, 1935, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • motor, 1936, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • motoring, 1937, -2
    • English
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • moucha, 1938, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Further reading
  • moujtun, 1939, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • move, 1940, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • References
  • mprehtë, 1941, -2
    • Albanian
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • mrzák, 1942, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • msḫtyw, 1943, -2
    • Egyptian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Proper noun
      • References
  • mucholapka, 1944, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • muck about, 1945, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • mudslinging, 1946, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • See also
  • mug's game, 1947, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
  • multiprocessing, 1948, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • munan, 1950, -2
    • Old English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • mundial, 1951, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • mundur, 1952, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • murgash, 1953, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • murriz, 1954, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • murrmë, 1955, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • murrët, 1956, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • mushël, 1957, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • musiek, 1958, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • muzg, 1959, -2
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • muška, 1960, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • mužatka, 1961, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • másnap, 1962, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • másodperce, 1963, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • mát, 1964, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • , 1965, -2
    • Finnish
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • måått, 1966, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • mèstu’úna, 1967, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
  • mètu’úna, 1968, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
  • mérou, 1969, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • mërgjyzë, 1972, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • mëshqerrë, 1973, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • mëzak, 1974, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • mílą, 1975, -2
    • Taos
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
  • mír, 1976, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • míríomh, 1977, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • míč, 1978, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • mòr, 1979, -2
    • Scottish Gaelic
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • mögé, 1980, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Postposition
          • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
      • See also
      • References
      • Further reading
  • mögéje, 1981, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • mörker, 1982, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • mødes, 1983, -2
    • Danish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Verb
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • múltuber, 1984, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • müge, 1985, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • măceș, 1987, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
  • mą́łisǐen, 1988, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • mą́łisǐeną, 1989, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • měsíc, 1990, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • mũkangarithi, 1991, -2
    • Kikuyu
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Meronyms
      • References
  • műfog, 1992, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • mərzə, 1993, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • mất công, 1994, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • m’åglă, 1995, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • mꜣ-ḥḏ, 1996, -2
    • Egyptian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • naamval, 1997, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • nabíječka, 1998, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • nachbacken, 1999, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • nachweisen, 2000, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • naděje, 2001, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • naivă, 2002, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • napja, 2003, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • narval, 2004, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Anagrams
  • nashti, 2005, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • navragen, 2006, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • ndej, 2007, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • ndes, 2008, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • ndez, 2010, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • ndjerë, 2011, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
        • Preposition
      • Etymology 2
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • References
  • ndodh, 2012, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ndorje, 2013, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • ndormë, 2014, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
      • References
  • ndrizë, 2015, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • ndryp, 2016, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • nduk, 2017, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • ndulket, 2018, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • ndërgjegje, 2019, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • ndërroj, 2020, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • near, 2021, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Adverb
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Noun
        • See also
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • near beer, 2022, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • See also
  • nebe, 2023, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • nebü, 2024, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • nedostatek, 2025, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • nehoda, 2026, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • nehogy, 2027, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Conjunction
        • Usage notes
      • Further reading
  • neither, 2028, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Determiner
        • Translations
      • Pronoun
        • Usage notes
        • Translations
        • Translations
      • Adverb
        • Translations
      • Usage notes
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • neki, 2029, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
      • See also
      • References
      • Further reading
  • nektariini, 2030, -2
    • Finnish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
  • nelson, 2031, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • neoconceptualist, 2032, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • neolomoucký, 2033, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • neon, 2034, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • nephogram, 2035, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • nergis, 2036, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • nestless, 2037, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • nevihta, 2038, -2
    • Slovene
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • nevěstka, 2039, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • neîmbunătățit, 2040, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Verb
  • neředínský, 2041, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • ngang, 2042, -2
    • Chuukese
      • Pronoun
        • See also
  • ngeke, 2044, -2
    • Zulu
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Inflection
      • References
  • ngeq, 2045, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • ngjicë, 2047, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • ngollar, 2050, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • ngordh, 2051, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
      • References
  • ngreh, 2053, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • ngricë, 2054, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • ngrys, 2057, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • ngërdhej, 2059, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • nibbler, 2061, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • nideľă, 2062, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • See also
  • nidāna, 2063, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • niederstarren, 2064, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • nikoqir, 2065, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • nil, 2066, -2
    • Golin
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • nilas, 2067, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • nipple cripple, 2068, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • no shit, Sherlock, 2070, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Interjection
        • Translations
      • See also
  • noc, 2071, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Coordinate terms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • nod off, 2072, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
  • nogen, 2073, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun 1
        • Usage notes
      • Pronoun 2
        • Usage notes
  • non-creational, 2075, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
  • non-creationary, 2076, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
      • Anagrams
  • non-evolutional, 2077, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
  • non-evolutionary, 2078, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
  • nonaffix, 2079, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
  • noncreational, 2080, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
  • noncreationary, 2081, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
      • Anagrams
  • nonevolutional, 2082, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
  • nonevolutionary, 2083, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
  • nonșalanță, 2084, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • norme, 2085, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • notepad, 2086, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
        • Translations
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • noçë, 2087, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • nus, 2089, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • nádraží, 2092, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • náhoda, 2093, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • nála, 2094, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • References
      • Further reading
  • náměstí, 2095, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • nástroj, 2096, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • náttúrusaga, 2097, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • názor, 2098, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • næbdyr, 2099, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • nære, 2100, -2
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Verb
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Adverb
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 3
        • Adjective
      • References
  • núp, 2101, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • nügă, 2102, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • nýár, 2103, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • nāyaka, 2104, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • nīla, 2105, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • nẩu, 2106, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Derived terms
  • o blith, 2108, -2
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
  • o/Turkish, 2109, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Pronoun
        • See also
      • Letter
        • See also
      • Noun
        • See also
  • o/translations, 2110, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • obchod, 2111, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • oberoende, 2112, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
  • oblečení, 2113, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • obličej, 2114, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Meronyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • obr, 2116, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
      • References
      • Further reading
  • obraz, 2117, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • obstetric, 2118, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • occupy, 2120, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • See also
      • References
  • octavius, 2121, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • odbornice, 2122, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • odborník, 2123, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • odderon, 2124, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • odeprzeć, 2125, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Further reading
  • odi, 2126, -2
    • Old High German
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • odjezd, 2127, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • oil, 2128, -2
    • Irish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 4
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • oil stove, 2129, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • ok, 2130, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • oktagon, 2131, -2
    • Malay
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • old as the hills, 2132, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • olomucký, 2134, -2
    • Czech
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • omagadöm, 2135, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • ominously, 2136, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Translations
  • omkomma, 2137, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
  • omul, 2138, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • on the Q.T., 2139, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Prepositional phrase
        • Translations
  • one-time pad, 2142, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
      • References
  • ontboezemen, 2143, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • opdoffen, 2144, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • open the ball, 2145, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • operació, 2146, -2
    • Catalan
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • opgeilen, 2147, -2
    • Dutch
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • oppugnance, 2148, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Quotations
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • ordforråd, 2149, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • origine, 2150, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
      • Further reading
  • origo, 2151, -2
    • Swedish
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • orlovi, 2153, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Adjective
  • ornithophobia, 2154, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • orto-, 2156, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Prefix
        • Derived terms
  • oshi', 2158, -2
    • Chickasaw
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • osoba, 2159, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • ostentatious, 2160, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • References
  • otrs, 2162, -2
    • Latvian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • otázka, 2163, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • overlegen, 2168, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • paccaya, 2171, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • packrat, 2172, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • packthread, 2173, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • pacotille, 2174, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • pact of silence, 2175, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • paduma, 2176, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • paedometer, 2177, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
  • paenteng, 2178, -2
    • Makasar
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • pageantry, 2180, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • pagtatampo, 2181, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • pah, 2182, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • paizdă, 2184, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • pakati, 2185, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • pakhuis, 2186, -2
    • Dutch
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • palaeoxylology, 2187, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • palcë, 2188, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • paleanthropology, 2189, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • pallu, 2190, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • palm oil, 2191, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Notes
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • palë, 2192, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • pamāṇa, 2193, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • panasa, 2194, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • pancrack, 2195, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • paperi, 2196, -2
    • Kven
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • papescent, 2197, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • papyrus, 2198, -2
    • Czech
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • parahita, 2199, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • parchi giochi, 2200, -2
    • Italian
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • pardonner, 2201, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Conjugation
      • Further reading
  • parinvaihtotanssi, 2202, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • paritanssi, 2203, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • parsonage, 2205, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • part company, 2206, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • parthenophobia, 2207, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • participo, 2208, -2
    • Ido
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • partikulo, 2209, -2
    • Ido
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • partisanship, 2210, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • partnerka, 2211, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • paráw, 2212, -2
    • Kalasha
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • pas de deux, 2213, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Further reading
      • References
  • pasteboard, 2215, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Adjective
      • References
  • pastinaak, 2216, -2
    • Dutch
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • pastër, 2217, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • pastəd, 2218, -2
    • Lushootseed
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • patrol car, 2220, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • patëllxhan, 2221, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • pavara, 2222, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • pavouk, 2223, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • pay off, 2224, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • See also
  • payudara, 2225, -2
    • Indonesian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • pašeračka, 2226, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • paṇḍita, 2227, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • paṕår, 2228, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • paṭisandhi, 2229, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • paṭisandi, 2230, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • pea pod, 2233, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • pejoratif, 2234, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • pellë, 2235, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • penalty mark, 2236, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • penalty spot, 2237, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • pengoj, 2238, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • perce, 2239, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • perioda, 2240, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • periodic function, 2241, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Hypernyms
        • Hyponyms
  • peritomy, 2243, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • pero, 2244, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • persecute, 2245, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • References
  • persoctreow, 2246, -2
    • Old English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • personisks, 2247, -2
    • Latvian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • personocracy, 2248, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • perte, 2249, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • perĕndan, 2250, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • See also
  • pescetarianism, 2251, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • pečurka, 2253, -4
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Declension
      • References
  • phonemics, 2254, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Translations
        • See also
      • Anagrams
  • phut, 2255, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Interjection
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • pick, 2258, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • See also
  • piddling, 2259, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Verb
  • piga, 2260, -2
    • Swahili
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Conjugation
  • pillock, 2261, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • pilori, 2262, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • pimpernel, 2263, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • pinch a loaf, 2264, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • pinelike, 2265, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • pingul, 2266, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • pingël, 2267, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • pinko, 2268, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
      • See also
  • pionnier, 2269, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
      • References
  • pire, 2270, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • pirë, 2271, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • pis, 2272, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Antonyms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • pistill, 2273, -2
    • Swedish
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • pitas, 2274, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • piti, 2275, -2
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • pití, 2277, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • pička, 2278, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • pjekë, 2279, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • pjerk, 2280, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • pjetem, 2282, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • plagued, 2283, -2
    • English
      • Verb
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • plain water, 2284, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • planeta, 2285, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • planque, 2286, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • plasë, 2287, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • plehërim, 2288, -2
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • plehëroj, 2289, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • ples, 2290, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • plesati, 2291, -2
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
  • pllymëz, 2293, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • plomba, 2294, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • ploxtă, 2296, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • pláž, 2298, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • pobretão, 2299, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
  • pockmarked, 2300, -2
    • English
      • Verb
      • Adjective
        • Hypernyms
        • Translations
  • podcasting, 2301, -2
    • Polish
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • podnikatel, 2302, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • podnikatelka, 2303, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • pohádka, 2304, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • poids, 2305, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • pokus, 2306, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • pokuta, 2307, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • polanne, 2308, -2
    • Finnish
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • poliad, 2309, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • policistka, 2310, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • politika, 2311, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • pollux, 2312, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • polyfunctional, 2313, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • polévka, 2314, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • pomeron, 2315, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • pondělí, 2316, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Hypernyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • ponožka, 2317, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • pontoon bridge, 2318, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • pornlike, 2320, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • porr, 2322, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • portrét, 2326, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • possible, 2328, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • postava, 2330, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • posticipate, 2331, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • postpoziciono, 2332, -2
    • Ido
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • See also
  • pottage, 2334, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • See also
  • pouchy, 2335, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • pounamu, 2336, -2
    • Maori
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • poundman, 2337, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • power nap, 2338, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • pozor, 2339, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Interjection
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • počítač, 2340, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • pošta, 2341, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • pragmatist, 2342, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
      • Adjective
  • prapolévka, 2343, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • pravda, 2344, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • pravopis, 2345, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • pračka, 2347, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • preciso, 2348, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Adjective
          • Quotations
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Verb
        • Quotations
  • prehaluq, 2349, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • prehër, 2351, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • premium, 2352, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Usage notes
        • Antonyms
      • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • prepandemic, 2353, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • See also
        • Translations
  • prepoziciono, 2354, -2
    • Ido
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • See also
  • presort, 2355, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • presupune, 2356, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • prier, 2357, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • priestess, 2358, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
      • See also
  • princezna, 2359, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • princeznička, 2360, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • probabilism, 2361, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • probar, 2362, -2
    • Asturian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
  • proche, 2363, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • Noun
      • Anagrams
      • Further reading
  • prodigality, 2364, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • profit, 2365, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • profusion, 2366, -2
    • French
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • pronomo, 2368, -2
    • Ido
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • propre, 2370, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • proptose, 2371, -2
    • French
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • prostitutka, 2372, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • prostituált, 2373, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Participle
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • proteći, 2374, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
  • protracted, 2375, -2
    • English
      • Verb
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • pruh, 2376, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • prura, 2377, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • prvek, 2378, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • préalable, 2380, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • préférence, 2381, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • préjudice, 2382, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • prëhën, 2383, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • pseudoprophet, 2386, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • pshoj, 2387, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • pták, 2388, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • pubbesannivāsa, 2389, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • publicity stunt, 2390, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
        • Translations
      • References
  • publikum, 2391, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • puggalika, 2392, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • pulsation, 2393, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • pumpa, 2394, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • puost, 2395, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • puostkall, 2396, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • pártaí, 2400, -2
    • Irish
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • pátek, 2401, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Hypernyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • , 2402, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
      • Adjective
      • See also
      • References
  • påyk, 2403, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • pétard, 2404, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • përbalcë, 2406, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • përball, 2407, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • përdorë, 2408, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • përgjegjësi, 2410, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • përkas, 2412, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • përkund, 2414, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • përmbys, 2415, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • përqell, 2418, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • përshesh, 2421, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • përshpejtoj, 2422, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • përsipër, 2423, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Preposition
        • Related terms
  • përvjel, 2424, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • póyuosǐen, 2425, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • póyuosǐeną, 2426, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • püpel, 2427, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • pĕnideľă, 2428, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • See also
  • předmět, 2429, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • přednost, 2430, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • předpis, 2431, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • přestávka, 2432, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • přání, 2433, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • příběh, 2434, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • příjezd, 2435, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • případ, 2436, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • příroda, 2437, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • příčka, 2438, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • půlměsíc, 2439, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • p’ą́nyuosǐen, 2440, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • p’ą́nyuosǐeną, 2441, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • p’ǫtă, 2442, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • q, 2443, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Letter
          • Usage notes
          • See also
        • Number
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Related terms
      • Etymology 3
      • Determiner
        • Related terms
  • qall, 2444, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • qapë, 2445, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • qas, 2446, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • qek, 2447, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • qelb, 2448, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • qell, 2449, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • qihem, 2450, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • qitet, 2452, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • quai, 2453, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • quantity surveyor, 2454, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • quirt, 2455, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • qukalosh, 2457, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • qukan, 2458, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • quoi, 2463, -2
    • French
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • quotidien, 2464, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • qyr, 2465, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • rabat, 2466, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Verb
      • Further reading
  • radhë, 2467, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • radost, 2468, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • rafelen, 2469, -2
    • Dutch
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • rage, 2470, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • See also
  • ragged robin, 2471, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • rain gutter, 2472, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • raison, 2473, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • rakastaa, 2474, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
  • rakke, 2475, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • rakshasa, 2476, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • ralenti, 2477, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Verb
      • Anagrams
      • Further reading
  • rambade, 2478, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • rangaku, 2479, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • rapportering, 2481, -2
    • Danish
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • See also
  • rapportør, 2482, -2
    • Danish
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Related terms
      • See also
  • rappung, 2483, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • rareripe, 2484, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Noun
      • Anagrams
  • raspa, 2486, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • rassi, 2487, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • ratty, 2488, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • ratë, 2489, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 1
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • rawhide, 2490, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
  • razyana, 2491, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • re-lease, 2493, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • reamer, 2495, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • rearrange someone's face, 2496, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • reggie, 2497, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
      • Anagrams
  • registrovaný, 2498, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • regret, 2499, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • regulaminowy czas, 2500, -2
    • Polish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Usage notes
  • rekă, 2502, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • relict, 2503, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Adjective
      • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • remedy, 2504, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • remove, 2505, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
      • References
  • rende, 2506, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • rendoj, 2507, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • renne, 2508, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • renom, 2509, -2
    • French
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • reportage, 2511, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Related terms
      • See also
  • reportérka, 2512, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • repose-pied, 2513, -2
    • French
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • repuq, 2514, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • reshje, 2515, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • reshtje, 2517, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • rest in power, 2518, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
        • Related terms
  • restaurace, 2519, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • rettery, 2520, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • revalidation, 2521, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • revert war, 2523, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • ribaldry, 2524, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
  • rica ederim, 2525, -2
    • Turkish
      • Pronunciation
      • Phrase
        • Synonyms
  • rico, 2526, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
  • riddenness, 2527, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • riel, 2529, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • right-to-left, 2530, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
      • Adverb
        • Translations
        • Alternative forms
      • Antonyms
      • Anagrams
  • riikinkana, 2531, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • riku, 2532, -2
    • Tetum
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
      • Noun
  • rim-job, 2533, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • rimtë, 2534, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • References
  • rimu, 2535, -2
    • Maori
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • rinra, 2536, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • rishte, 2537, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • risque, 2539, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Verb
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • risò, 2540, -2
    • Italian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Alternative forms
      • Anagrams
  • rmyt, 2542, -2
    • Egyptian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • References
  • roadshow, 2543, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
      • Anagrams
  • robovi, 2544, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Adjective
      • Anagrams
  • rodina, 2545, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • rokominë, 2546, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • romer, 2549, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • román, 2550, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • room for doubt, 2551, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Further reading
  • rooming house, 2552, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • roric, 2553, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • rorid, 2554, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • roscid, 2555, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • rostru, 2556, -2
    • Asturian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • roundoff, 2557, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • rozdíl, 2558, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • rozpoczęcie meczu, 2559, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • rozpoczęcie spotkania, 2560, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • rrafshoj, 2563, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • rrafës, 2564, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • rrajë, 2565, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • rraskë, 2567, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • rrasë, 2568, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • rrebull, 2569, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • rreng, 2571, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • rrisgë, 2575, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • rrokje, 2576, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • rrokoll, 2577, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • rruf, 2583, -2
    • Albanian
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • rrufkë, 2584, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • rrëkuall, 2586, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • rrëkëllej, 2587, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • rrëmaç, 2588, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • rrëmejtë, 2589, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • ruaj, 2592, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ruckman, 2593, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • ruckwoman, 2594, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • rude, 2595, -2
    • Danish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Inflection
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • See also
  • ruma, 2596, -2
    • Latin
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • ruminate, 2597, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Adjective
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • run, 2598, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
        • See also
      • Adjective
      • Verb
      • Anagrams
  • runë, 2599, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • rusc, 2600, -2
    • Catalan
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Holonyms
      • Further reading
  • ryba, 2601, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • rychlost, 2602, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
      • Further reading
  • ryj, 2603, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • , 2605, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Adverb
      • See also
      • References
      • Further reading
  • ráo, 2606, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • rär, 2607, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • råg, 2608, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • rågbull, 2609, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • råibo, 2610, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • råk, 2611, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • råmą, 2612, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • råno, 2613, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • rækja, 2614, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • répétition, 2615, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • réticule, 2616, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • rêve, 2617, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Verb
      • Further reading
  • rëkuall, 2619, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • rëpjetë, 2620, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • rözgă, 2621, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • rüzăc, 2622, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • rýže, 2623, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • răpune, 2624, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • rǫkă, 2626, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • s., 2627, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • sacristie, 2628, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • safety card, 2629, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • saggy, 2630, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • sagmugg, 2631, -2
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • sakli, 2632, -2
    • Choctaw
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • salamat, 2633, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Etymology
      • Interjection
        • Derived terms
  • salure, 2634, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
      • Further reading
  • salát, 2635, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • samey, 2636, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • samphire, 2637, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • sankce, 2639, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • sarp, 2642, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • sassa, 2643, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • satakertaistaa, 2644, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • sauko, 2646, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • sawed-off, 2647, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • scag, 2648, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Verb
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • scarface, 2649, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • school trip, 2652, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • schůze, 2653, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • scich, 2654, -2
    • Ladin
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • scissor kick, 2655, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • scothghlas, 2656, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • scourge, 2657, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • scratchpad, 2658, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
        • Translations
  • scribbler, 2659, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • scupper hole, 2660, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Further reading
  • scupper nail, 2661, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Further reading
  • scupper plug, 2662, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Further reading
  • scíathánach, 2663, -2
    • Old Irish
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • se-, 2664, -2
    • Malay
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Prefix
          • Synonyms
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Prefix
  • sea slug, 2665, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
  • seductress, 2667, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • seggian, 2668, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
  • seinn, 2669, -2
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • sekkur, 2670, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • self-drilling, 2671, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • self-referentiality, 2672, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • sembahyang, 2673, -2
    • Indonesian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • semita, 2677, -2
    • Catalan
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • send out, 2678, -2
    • English
      • Noun
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • senyawa, 2679, -2
    • Indonesian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Derived terms
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • serophobia, 2680, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
  • serovar, 2681, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • servírka, 2682, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • sestra, 2683, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • sestřenice, 2684, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • set, 2685, -2
    • Old French
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Numeral
        • Descendants
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
          • Descendants
  • set for life, 2686, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • seventh chord, 2688, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • sevkitabii, 2689, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • sgiath, 2690, -2
    • Irish
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • shalwar, 2691, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Derived terms
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • she, 2692, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • sheath dress, 2693, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • sheer hulk, 2694, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • shemër, 2695, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • sherr, 2696, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shirt-button, 2697, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
  • shit hot, 2698, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • shitje, 2699, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shitore, 2700, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Synonyms
  • shkalbësoj, 2701, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • shkallmoj, 2703, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shkardhinë, 2705, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shkarth, 2706, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shkarthi, 2707, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • shkarzej, 2708, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shkelb, 2710, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shkelc, 2711, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shklesë, 2712, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shkluhë, 2713, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • shkmes, 2714, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shkojëz, 2715, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shkota, 2718, -2
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • shkrabë, 2719, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shkrehezë, 2721, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shkridhem, 2722, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • shkrumb, 2723, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • shkulkë, 2725, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shkëlbazë, 2728, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shkëlbozë, 2729, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shkëlqar, 2730, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • shkërbej, 2732, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • shkërdhec, 2733, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shkërmoq, 2734, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • shlligë, 2735, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shopping center, 2736, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • shoshë, 2737, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shove it up your ass, 2738, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • See also
  • showy, 2739, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • shpat, 2740, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shpet, 2741, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shpik, 2743, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • shprishë, 2748, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shpurrit, 2751, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • shpurë, 2752, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • shqep, 2754, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • shqile, 2755, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shqirrë, 2756, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shqis, 2757, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • shqisë, 2758, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shqit, 2759, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
      • References
  • shqitem, 2760, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • shqitë, 2761, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shqyrtoj, 2762, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • shqyt, 2763, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shtaj, 2764, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shtalkë, 2765, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shtall, 2766, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shtat, 2767, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shtiak, 2768, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shtiaz, 2769, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shtirë, 2771, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • shtreb, 2774, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • shtrek, 2775, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shtremb, 2776, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • shtrembër, 2777, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • shtuara, 2778, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • shtërras, 2779, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shuj, 2780, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • shuk, 2781, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • shupik, 2782, -2
    • Choctaw
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • shurrë, 2784, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • signet ring, 2786, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • silnice, 2787, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • since, 2788, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Translations
      • Preposition
        • Antonyms
        • Translations
      • Conjunction
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • sind, 2789, -2
    • Middle English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • sinus, 2790, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • sipërinë, 2791, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • sit on it, 2793, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • situace, 2794, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • si̋en, 2796, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
  • sjávarmál, 2798, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • skaga, 2799, -6
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • skage, 2800, -6
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • skandha, 2801, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • skillet, 2803, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Usage notes
      • Anagrams
  • skladatelka, 2804, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • sklenice, 2805, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • skriti, 2806, -2
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • skräddarsydd, 2807, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • skupina, 2808, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • skërfyell, 2810, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • skǫpĕ, 2811, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • See also
  • slaină, 2812, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • slanging match, 2813, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • slangish, 2814, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • sleepover, 2816, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • sleepsack, 2817, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
  • slekken, 2818, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronoun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • sleva, 2819, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • slečna, 2820, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • slina, 2821, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • slip through the cracks, 2822, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
  • slippage, 2823, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • sljett, 2824, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology 1
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
      • See also
      • Etymology 2
      • Verb
      • Etymology 3
      • Noun
      • References
  • slockna, 2826, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
  • slottoren, 2827, -2
    • Dutch
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • slutspel, 2828, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • slást, 2829, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • slåmă, 2830, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • slæmur, 2831, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
  • slüvü, 2832, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • smadzenes, 2833, -2
    • Latvian
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • smalamál, 2834, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • smil, 2835, -2
    • Danish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Related terms
      • Verb
  • smooth sailing, 2838, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • smutty, 2839, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Verb
  • směr, 2840, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • smůla, 2841, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • snjóskriða, 2843, -2
    • Old Norse
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • snoubenka, 2844, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • sobota, 2845, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Hypernyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • socarrar, 2846, -2
    • Catalan
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • socha, 2847, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • sochař, 2848, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • soi, 2850, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
      • Further reading
  • solicit, 2851, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
        • Further reading
      • Noun
      • Anagrams
  • songo', 2852, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • souhait, 2855, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • sous-tendre, 2857, -2
    • French
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • spagettí, 2858, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • speak, 2859, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Coordinate terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
      • Anagrams
  • spear tackle, 2860, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • sperma, 2861, -2
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • spilå, 2863, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • spisovatel, 2865, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • spith, 2866, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • spitstick, 2867, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • split, 2868, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • splork, 2869, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Interjection
        • Synonyms
      • Verb
      • See also
  • spola, 2870, -2
    • Swedish
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • spon, 2871, -2
    • Dutch
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
  • sportschoen, 2872, -2
    • Dutch
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • spott, 2873, -2
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • sqepar, 2878, -2
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • sqepor, 2879, -2
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • squeeze, 2880, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
  • squirearchy, 2881, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
      • Further reading
  • sredă, 2882, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • See also
  • stable equilibrium, 2883, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Further reading
  • stamme, 2884, -2
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • References
  • stamp pad, 2885, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • stand, 2886, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
        • Translations
      • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • standards, 2887, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
      • References
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • stanice, 2888, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • stap, 2889, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • startled, 2890, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Verb
      • Anagrams
  • state line, 2891, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • static equilibrium, 2892, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
  • stay-button, 2893, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
  • steam room, 2894, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • stege, 2895, -2
    • Danish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Declension
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
  • stercoranism, 2896, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • stick it out, 2897, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • See also
  • stinge, 2898, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • stingsl, 2899, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • stint, 2900, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • stipanne, 2901, -2
    • Norman
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • stoichedon, 2903, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • straightforward, 2905, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Adverb
        • Hypernyms
        • Translations
  • strap on the boots, 2906, -2
    • English
      • Phrase
        • Antonyms
  • strategi, 2907, -2
    • Danish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Related terms
  • string out, 2909, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • studium, 2910, -2
    • Danish
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • See also
  • stuol, 2911, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • středa, 2912, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Hypernyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • střela, 2913, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • stǫpo, 2914, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • substantivo, 2915, -2
    • Ido
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • subtab, 2916, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • suck, 2917, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • suffren, 2918, -2
    • Middle English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Descendants
  • sukně, 2919, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • sukull, 2920, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
      • Etymology 3
      • Noun
  • sul, 2922, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • sulem, 2923, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • sumedha, 2925, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • suncatcher, 2926, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • supersiisti, 2927, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • supplien, 2928, -2
    • Middle English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Descendants
  • supra-aural, 2929, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Coordinate terms
  • supraregional, 2930, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • supune, 2931, -2
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • surcroît, 2932, -2
    • French
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
      • Further reading
  • surgical stocking, 2933, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • surmë, 2934, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • References
  • surplus, 2935, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • surveyen, 2936, -2
    • Middle English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Descendants
  • sušička, 2937, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • svaińă, 2938, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • svorko, 2940, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • světonázor, 2941, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • sweat buckets, 2942, -2
    • English
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • sweatpants, 2943, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • sweet/translations, 2944, -2
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • szilárdít, 2947, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • szélek, 2948, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • szélt, 2949, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • , 2951, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • sécouée, 2953, -2
    • Norman
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • søyda, 2954, -2
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • sübötă, 2955, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • See also
  • sürvə, 2956, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • sťauko, 2957, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • sḏm ꜥš, 2958, -2
    • Egyptian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • t', 2959, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • ta'gala', 2960, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • taberna, 2961, -2
    • Basque
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • taft, 2962, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • tahun, 2963, -2
    • Indonesian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
        • Derived terms
        • Compounds
      • Further reading
  • taille, 2964, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • tairrig, 2965, -2
    • Irish
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Mutation
  • taið, 2967, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • take, 2968, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Usage notes
        • Quotations
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • See also
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • take a walk, 2969, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • talk a blue streak, 2971, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • tama, 2973, -2
    • Finnish
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Anagrams
  • tampo, 2974, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • tangallë, 2976, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • taobh amuigh de, 2977, -2
    • Irish
      • Alternative forms
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
  • taper off, 2978, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • tarr, 2979, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • tartiflette, 2980, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • tastebud, 2982, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • tatë, 2983, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • tavern, 2984, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • taç, 2985, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • taška, 2986, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • technorock, 2988, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
  • teh, 2989, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • tejzë, 2990, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • tekijänoikeusvapaa, 2992, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • tel, 2993, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • televize, 2994, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • teli, 2995, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • teljast, 2996, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • templo, 2997, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • tenllera, 2999, -2
    • Asturian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • teplota, 3000, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • teproj, 3002, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • terplote, 3003, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • teschenite, 3005, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • tesh, 3006, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • tetravó, 3011, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
  • tewerkstellen, 3013, -2
    • Dutch
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • tharbët, 3016, -2
    • Albanian
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • thashëm, 3018, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • thatë, 3019, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • the chickens come home to roost, 3022, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proverb
        • Translations
        • See also
      • References
  • the hell, 3023, -2
    • English
      • Adverb
        • Translations
      • Interjection
      • Pronoun
  • thelpi, 3026, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • therokë, 3027, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • therpelë, 3028, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • theç, 3029, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • thigh boot, 3030, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
  • thirravajë, 3032, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • this, 3033, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Determiner
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Adverb
        • Translations
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
      • Interjection
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • thith, 3034, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
  • thjermë, 3036, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • References
  • thjerë, 3037, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • thkollët, 3038, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • References
  • thring, 3040, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick, 3042, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Proverb
        • Translations
        • See also
  • thunder, 3045, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
        • See also
        • Descendants
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
        • See also
  • thërmoj, 3046, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • thërpehem, 3047, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • thërreckë, 3048, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • thơ Đường, 3049, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • tie-in, 3050, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • tijek, 3051, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • tilbud, 3052, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Related terms
      • See also
  • tilą, 3053, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • tim, 3054, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • timbre, 3055, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • time heals all wounds, 3056, -2
    • English
      • Proverb
        • Translations
  • timelessness, 3057, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • timog, 3058, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • tinge, 3059, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • tingulloj, 3060, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • tingëlla, 3061, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • tip over, 3063, -2
    • English
      • Noun
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • tips, 3064, -2
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Noun
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
      • References
  • tiqueur, 3065, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
  • tirelessly, 3066, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Translations
  • titty twister, 3067, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • titulek, 3068, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • tiŋmisuun, 3069, -2
    • Inupiaq
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Synonyms
  • tjåke, 3070, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • tkadlena, 3071, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • tlusťoška, 3073, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • toane, 3074, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Further reading
  • toasty, 3075, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • toerag, 3076, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • toesig, 3077, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • toevje, 3078, -2
    • West Frisian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Further reading
  • toezicht, 3079, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
  • tokmak, 3080, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • tolkning, 3081, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • tonnerre, 3082, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • tooltip, 3083, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
        • Translations
      • See also
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • toothmark, 3084, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • topolanský, 3085, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • tork, 3086, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • toter, 3089, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • See also
      • Anagrams
  • touch typing, 3090, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • tourbillon, 3091, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • tout, 3092, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Adjective
      • Pronoun
        • Derived terms
      • Adverb
      • Further reading
  • továrna, 3093, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • track and field, 3094, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
  • trackpad, 3095, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
        • Translations
      • See also
      • References
  • translucency, 3098, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
  • transmedia, 3099, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • transphobia, 3100, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
        • Coordinate terms
  • trapka, 3101, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • travel, 3102, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
        • Further reading
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • travel document, 3103, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • See also
  • tregti, 3104, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • tregtoj, 3105, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • trenoj, 3106, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • tresh, 3108, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • trestling, 3109, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • trikë, 3110, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • trink, 3111, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • triphibian, 3112, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • trishe, 3113, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • trishtoj, 3114, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • trishtë, 3115, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • tritagonist, 3116, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • trnka, 3117, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • trondit, 3119, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • trouper, 3120, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • trousa, 3121, -2
    • Galician
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • truffière, 3123, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • trump card, 3125, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • trumped-up, 3126, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • trystë, 3129, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • tu'guru', 3131, -2
    • Makasar
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • tuhatkertaistaa, 3132, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • tuhatkertaistua, 3133, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
  • tunggel, 3135, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • tuoksukki, 3136, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • turistka, 3137, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • turkeyfish, 3138, -6
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • turnaj, 3139, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • turu, 3140, -2
    • Javanese
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • tutje, 3142, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • tužka, 3143, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • tvinntala, 3144, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • twmpath, 3146, -2
    • Welsh
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Synonyms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • tytë, 3148, -2
    • Albanian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Etymology 2
      • Adjective
      • References
  • tågbyte, 3149, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • tëbanë, 3150, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • tìendo’óna, 3152, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
  • tông, 3153, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
      • Etymology 3
        • Verb
  • törtszám, 3154, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • törĕ, 3155, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • See also
  • tāsa, 3156, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative scripts
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • tělo, 3157, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • tį̀ęndo’óna, 3158, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
  • tır, 3159, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • tőle, 3160, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
      • See also
      • References
      • Further reading
  • třída, 3161, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • tǫco, 3162, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ubiti, 3164, -2
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • uddannelse, 3165, -2
    • Danish
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • udforske, 3166, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • udtalelse, 3167, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • ugly, 3168, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
      • Anagrams
  • ujanë, 3170, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • ukkaṭṭha, 3172, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • ulice, 3173, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • ullastër, 3175, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • ultra-sonore, 3176, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • ultrasonique, 3177, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • ultrasonore, 3178, -2
    • French
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • umbethink, 3179, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • umbi-, 3180, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Prefix
        • Derived terms
  • umiti, 3181, -2
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
  • umufi, 3182, -2
    • Zulu
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • umuga, 3183, -2
    • Zulu
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • umugqa, 3184, -2
    • Zulu
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • umění, 3185, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • undarbadon, 3187, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • undarhuggian, 3188, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • underhus, 3189, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Coordinate terms
  • underweening, 3190, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
      • Adjective
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • unfeminine, 3191, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • See also
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • unfetter, 3192, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • ungji, 3193, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • ungulate, 3194, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • unisson, 3195, -2
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • unlearn, 3196, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • unleashed, 3197, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • unmasculine, 3198, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • See also
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • unprepossessing, 3199, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • unstable equilibrium, 3200, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Further reading
  • untuck, 3201, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Antonyms
        • Translations
  • unzë, 3202, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • upadesa, 3203, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • upamā, 3204, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • uposatha, 3205, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • uppala, 3206, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • upírka, 3207, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • urelë, 3209, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • urgent, 3210, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • urrë, 3211, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • ushanka, 3212, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • usht, 3213, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • ushtëtar, 3216, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • usprkos, 3217, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Synonyms
  • utabiri, 3218, -2
    • Swahili
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • uttara, 3220, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • uturij, 3221, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • uunaq-, 3222, -2
    • Inupiaq
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • uve bikoitz, 3224, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • uwanja, 3225, -2
    • Swahili
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • učednice, 3227, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • učitelka, 3228, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • vadermoordenaar, 3229, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • vai ver, 3230, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • vaimoihminen, 3231, -2
    • Kven
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Synonyms
  • vakësirë, 3232, -2
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • val, 3234, -2
    • Venetian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • valeur, 3235, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • vallëzoj, 3236, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • vandbad, 3237, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Usage notes
  • vanë, 3238, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • variaçión, 3239, -2
    • Ligurian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • vasta-, 3242, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Prefix
        • Inflection
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • vastikään, 3243, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
  • vatthu, 3244, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • vauzdă, 3245, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • vałe, 3246, -2
    • Venetian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • vdjerr, 3247, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • vederbörande, 3249, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Usage notes
      • Verb
  • vedrü, 3250, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • veitsitukki, 3251, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • veja, 3252, -2
    • Lithuanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • vejlede, 3253, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
  • velikost, 3254, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • velvet hippo, 3255, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • veranda, 3257, -2
    • Turkish
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • verderzetten, 3258, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • verduiken, 3259, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • verduister, 3260, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • vermehren, 3261, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • vertex figure, 3263, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • verwedden, 3264, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
  • vescor, 3265, -2
    • Latin
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
      • References
  • vesht, 3266, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • veshël, 3267, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • vesmír, 3268, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • vesnice, 3269, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Hypernyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • veterinary, 3270, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • večeře, 3272, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • vicer, 3273, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • vidaya, 3276, -2
    • Asturian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • video chat, 3277, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
  • vidlička, 3278, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • vif, 3279, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • vihata, 3280, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Conjugation
      • Anagrams
  • vijaya, 3281, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • viku, 3282, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Alternative forms
  • vilas, 3283, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • vile, 3284, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • villager, 3285, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • vilsă, 3286, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • vinken, 3287, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Verb
        • Alternative forms
  • vintervejr, 3288, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • vinyard, 3289, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
  • violon, 3290, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • virtual private network, 3291, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
  • vishtat, 3292, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • visit, 3293, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Related terms
  • vizatoj, 3295, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • vińă, 3296, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • vjerdh, 3298, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • vlagë, 3299, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • vlak, 3300, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • vláda, 3301, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • vměšování, 3302, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • voda, 3303, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • vogël, 3304, -2
    • Albanian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • References
  • voidable, 3305, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • volba, 3306, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • voler, 3307, -2
    • Occitan
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
  • voleur, 3308, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Adjective
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • vonuar, 3310, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • vonë, 3311, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • vorno, 3312, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • vortă, 3313, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • votary, 3314, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • vrull, 3318, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • vstupenka, 3319, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • vu, 3320, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • Preposition
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • vuurkleur, 3322, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • vuurklip, 3323, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • vuurmaak, 3324, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • vuurmaker, 3325, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • vuurvas, 3326, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • vysvědčení, 3331, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • vyšetřování, 3332, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • vzdout, 3333, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • vzedmout, 3334, -2
    • Czech
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Further reading
  • vzpomínka, 3335, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • vztah, 3336, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • vài, 3337, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Determiner
        • Related terms
  • vàrio, 3338, -2
    • Ligurian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • válka, 3339, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • vânt, 3340, -2
    • Romanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • vâtn, 3341, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • vådă, 3342, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • våuno, 3343, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • våťü, 3344, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • værelse, 3345, -2
    • Danish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
  • vëmendje, 3346, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • vërras, 3347, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • víkend, 3349, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • víra, 3350, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • võitma, 3351, -2
    • Estonian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Antonyms
  • võrk, 3352, -2
    • Estonian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
  • výmluva, 3354, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • výplata, 3355, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • výsledek, 3356, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • výstava, 3357, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • vāsanā, 3358, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • věta, 3359, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • vəzn, 3360, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • vầy, 3361, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • See also
  • waag, 3362, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Pronunciation 1
      • Noun
      • Pronunciation 2
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • waagaakwadwaatig, 3363, -2
    • Ojibwe
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • waagan, 3364, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • waisi'a, 3365, -2
    • 'Are'are
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • wall walk, 3366, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • wapen, 3367, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • war-ridden, 3368, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • warg, 3369, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • warkah, 3370, -2
    • Malay
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • washed out, 3372, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Verb
  • wast, 3373, -2
    • Middle English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Descendants
  • watapana, 3374, -2
    • Papiamentu
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • water/translations, 3375, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • wating, 3376, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • watt, 3377, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • wattn, 3378, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • wavu, 3379, -4
    • Swahili
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • weduwee, 3382, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • welshite, 3383, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • wenis, 3384, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • wewenaar, 3387, -2
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • weðerkall, 3388, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • wham, bam, thank you ma'am, 3389, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Alternative forms
      • Interjection
        • Translations
  • what can I say, 3390, -2
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Phrase
        • Translations
  • white-collar crime, 3392, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
  • whitefella, 3393, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Coordinate terms
  • wiggle dress, 3394, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • wignat, 3395, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • wiigwaasaatig, 3396, -2
    • Ojibwe
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • wikipedisti, 3397, -2
    • Finnish
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • wine gum, 3399, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • wingkag, 3401, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • winter carnival, 3402, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • winter festival, 3403, -2
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • wiry, 3404, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • witharseggian, 3405, -2
    • Old Saxon
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • witå, 3406, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • wizardry, 3407, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
  • wišnja, 3408, -2
    • Lower Sorbian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • woodyard, 3410, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • woof-woof, 3411, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Interjection
        • Coordinate terms
      • Noun
  • workwear, 3412, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • worldbuilding, 3413, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
  • worse, 3415, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Adverb
        • Translations
      • Verb
      • Noun
      • Anagrams
  • wr ḥkꜣw, 3417, -2
    • Egyptian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • write, 3418, -2
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • współczesny standardowy język arabski, 3419, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • wyjadacz, 3421, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • wyjadaczka, 3422, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • wårå, 3423, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • wære, 3424, -2
    • Old English
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Quotations
        • Descendants
  • wíansǐen, 3425, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • wíansǐeną, 3426, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • wísǐen, 3427, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • wísǐeną, 3428, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • wĩ mwega, 3429, -2
    • Kikuyu
      • Pronunciation
      • Phrase
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • x-axel, 3430, -2
    • Swedish
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • xbunjë, 3434, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • xenon, 3435, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • xeonllo, 3436, -2
    • Galician
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • xwílisǐen, 3438, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • xwílisǐeną, 3439, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • xwį́ęsǐen, 3440, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • xwį́ęsǐeną, 3441, -2
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Related terms
  • yaang, 3443, -2
    • Tagalog
      • Pronunciation 1
      • Noun
      • Pronunciation 2
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • yadplanetli, 3444, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • yamac, 3445, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • yaxın, 3447, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Adverb
      • References
  • yej, 3449, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • yikes, 3451, -2
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Interjection
        • Translations
        • Synonyms
      • See also
      • Further reading
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • yitirmek, 3452, -2
    • Turkish
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • yjëzë, 3453, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • yksinkertaistua, 3454, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • yllnajë, 3455, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • ymhlith, 3456, -2
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
      • Mutation
  • ymysg, 3457, -2
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
      • Mutation
  • yn lle, 3458, -2
    • Welsh
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
  • , 3460, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Compounds
      • References
  • yönsaus, 3461, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • yük, 3462, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • References
  • yþgebland, 3463, -2
    • Old English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • zahrada, 3465, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • zaimă, 3466, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • zaměstnání, 3467, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • zanë, 3468, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • zaujah, 3469, -2
    • Malay
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • začátek, 3470, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • zbathur, 3472, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • zbiorowo, 3473, -2
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • zdap, 3475, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • zdralë, 3477, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • zdramë, 3478, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • zdroj, 3479, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • ze, 3480, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • ze hautsi, 3481, -2
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • zebra turkeyfish, 3482, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • References
  • země, 3483, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Noun
      • Further reading
  • zeréckzéien, 3484, -2
    • Luxembourgish
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • zgavër, 3486, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • zgjerbe, 3489, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • zgjyrë, 3490, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • zgorkë, 3491, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • zgrip, 3492, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • zgurdhë, 3493, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • zgurdulloj, 3494, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • zhduk, 3495, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • zhdëp, 3496, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • zhiishiigwe, 3497, -2
    • Ojibwe
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Derived terms
      • References
  • zhys, 3498, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • ziej, 3500, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • zima, 3501, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • zim’ă, 3502, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ziľozü, 3503, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • zkouška, 3504, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • zlomljen, 3505, -2
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • znalost, 3506, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • znečištění, 3507, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • zobo, 3508, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • zorrë, 3509, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • zpodstatnění, 3511, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • zpoždění, 3512, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • zpěvačka, 3513, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • zpěvák, 3514, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • zrel, 3515, -2
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • zusammenhängen, 3517, -2
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • zvonice, 3518, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • zwemkleding, 3519, -2
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Hyponyms
  • zymtë, 3520, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
        • Antonyms
      • References
  • záchod, 3521, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • zácpa, 3522, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • záminka, 3523, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • západ, 3524, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Coordinate terms
      • Further reading
  • zápas, 3525, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • září, 3526, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • zèkste, 3527, -2
    • Cimbrian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • à vista, 3532, -2
    • Portuguese
      • Adverb
        • Antonyms
  • ábhaillí, 3533, -2
    • Irish
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Adjective
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
      • References
  • ábi, 3534, -2
    • Kalasha
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronoun
        • See also
  • águila, 3535, -2
    • Mirandese
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • áirde, 3536, -2
    • Irish
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
      • Mutation
  • áirid, 3537, -2
    • Irish
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • ása, 3538, -2
    • Kalasha
      • Pronoun
        • See also
      • Coordinate terms
  • ãade, 3539, -2
    • Old Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • äb, 3540, -2
    • Livonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • See also
  • äd, 3541, -2
    • Livonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • See also
  • äklö, 3542, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • ällö, 3543, -2
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • ämblikuvõrk, 3544, -2
    • Estonian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
  • ät, 3545, -2
    • Livonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • See also
  • ättika, 3546, -2
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Derived terms
  • åra, 3547, -2
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 2
        • Alternative forms
        • Noun
  • åvå, 3548, -2
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • æwe, 3549, -2
    • Old English
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • çart, 3550, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • çarë, 3551, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • çavuş kuşu, 3552, -2
    • Turkish
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • çazë, 3553, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • çek, 3554, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • çiftçi, 3556, -2
    • Turkish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • çizgi, 3557, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • çmendinë, 3559, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • çmendur, 3560, -2
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
  • çoj, 3562, -2
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • égard, 3565, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • émi, 3566, -2
    • Kalasha
      • Pronoun
        • See also
  • épreuve, 3567, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • érnéd, 3568, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • érném, 3569, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • észak, 3570, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Coordinate terms
        • Derived terms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • étroit, 3571, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • étrécir, 3572, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Conjugation
      • Anagrams
      • Further reading
  • étude, 3573, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • évezrede, 3574, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • évszázada, 3575, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • évtizede, 3576, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • éļi, 3577, -2
    • Kalasha
      • Pronoun
        • See also
  • ía, 3579, -2
    • Kalasha
      • Pronoun
        • See also
  • ólíkur, 3580, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • órája, 3581, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • örk, 3582, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • örtü, 3583, -2
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • összes, 3584, -2
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Determiner
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • úkol, 3586, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • þakkagjörð, 3587, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • þjóna, 3589, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • þvertala, 3590, -2
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ÿüz, 3591, -2
    • Turkmen
      • Numeral
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • Češka, 3592, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • čaj, 3593, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • čas, 3594, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • časopis, 3595, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • časák, 3596, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Further reading
  • červenka, 3597, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • čist, 3598, -2
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • článek, 3599, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • črn, 3600, -2
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • č̣hir, 3601, -2
    • Kalasha
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • ďölǫb, 3602, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • References
  • ďölǫbăk, 3603, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • ďüľă, 3604, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • Đường thi, 3605, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • đậm, 3606, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • ľotü, 3607, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • œillet, 3608, -2
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • ředitel, 3609, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • ředitelka, 3610, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • řeka, 3611, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • řepčínský, 3612, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • şad, 3613, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • šesti, 3615, -2
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • šička, 3616, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • šovén, 3617, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Quotations
        • Declension
        • Alternative forms
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • šovénství, 3618, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Quotations
        • Declension
        • Alternative forms
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • špicange, 3619, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • špiccange, 3620, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • šprušle, 3621, -2
    • Czech
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • šálek, 3622, -2
    • Czech
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • šéfka, 3623, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • ťöză, 3624, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • źornü, 3625, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • židle, 3626, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • živahen, 3628, -2
    • Slovene
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • žnečka, 3629, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • žolt, 3630, -2
    • Slovene
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • žurnalistka, 3631, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • žízeň, 3632, -2
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • ȯger, 3633, -2
    • Westrobothnian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • ʻalalā, 3634, -2
    • Hawaiian
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • ΑΜ, 3635, -2
    • Greek
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • Ζαβεργάνης, 3636, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Inflection
        • Descendants
      • References
  • Νῶε, 3637, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Descendants
      • References
  • β, 3639, -2
    • Greek
      • Letter
        • Derived terms
        • See also
  • βάναυσος, 3640, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • βουνό, 3641, -2
    • Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Related terms
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • βουπόρος, 3642, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • γαρ, 3643, -2
    • Greek
      • Etymology
      • Conjunction
        • Derived terms
  • γιογιό, 3644, -2
    • Greek
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Etymology 2
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
  • δέρρις, 3646, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • διασπείρω, 3647, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • δυνάστης, 3648, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • ηλικιωμένη, 3650, -2
    • Greek
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Participle
  • κοκοφοίνικας, 3652, -2
    • Greek
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • κτίλος, 3653, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • κόρις, 3654, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • λιτή, 3655, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • λοίδορος, 3656, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • λοιπόν, 3657, -2
    • Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Conjunction
        • Synonyms
  • μέτοχος, 3659, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • μόναυλος, 3660, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • μῆχος, 3661, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • νεκραγωγός, 3662, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • οἷον, 3664, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Determiner
      • Etymology 2
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
  • πάρω, 3665, -2
    • Greek
      • Verb
        • Related terms
  • παιδικά, 3666, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
  • παρεών, 3667, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Pronunciation
      • Participle
        • Declension
  • πλαγίαυλος, 3669, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • πολύσπαστον, 3670, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Descendants
      • Adjective
      • References
  • πού και πού, 3671, -2
    • Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
  • πρύτανις, 3672, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • σκελετός, 3673, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • συμβουλή, 3674, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • τιμωρός, 3675, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • τινθός, 3676, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • τσίκλα, 3677, -2
    • Greek
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • χαμαίζηλος, 3679, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • ψ, 3681, -2
    • Greek
      • Letter
        • Derived terms
      • See also
  • ψευδόχρυσος, 3682, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • όι-όι, 3683, -2
    • Greek
      • Interjection
        • Synonyms
  • όμικρον, 3684, -2
    • Greek
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • See also
        • Further reading
  • ϣϫⲟⲙ, 3685, -2
    • Coptic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • ϧⲉⲣϧⲉⲣ, 3686, -2
    • Coptic
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • References
  • Тӱҥӱр, 3687, -2
    • Southern Altai
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • алты, 3688, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Numeral
        • Derived terms
  • артыҡ, 3689, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Adverb
      • Predicative
        • Synonyms
  • асы, 3690, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • ашыу, 3691, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • аҡ, 3692, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • аҿы, 3693, -2
    • Abkhaz
      • Noun
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
        • Alternative forms
      • See also
  • байтаҡ, 3694, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
      • Predicative
        • See also
  • баҫыу, 3695, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • безоумьѥ, 3696, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • биш, 3698, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Numeral
        • Derived terms
  • булаг, 3699, -2
    • Azerbaijani
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • бухара, 3700, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • ватан, 3701, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Declension
  • водава, 3702, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • водана, 3703, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • водата, 3704, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • водиве, 3705, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • водине, 3706, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • водите, 3707, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
      • Verb
  • вътрешност, 3708, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • галичанине, 3709, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • глист, 3710, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • голобрад, 3711, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • References
  • головрат, 3712, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • References
  • гологлав, 3713, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • голоград, 3714, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • References
  • голорак, 3715, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • References
  • градити, 3716, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • градушка, 3717, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • гъба, 3718, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • гырджын, 3719, -2
    • Karachay-Balkar
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • гыржын, 3720, -2
    • Karachay-Balkar
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • дена, 3721, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • денов, 3723, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • деновиве, 3724, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • деновине, 3725, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • деновите, 3726, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • денон, 3727, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • денот, 3728, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • детево, 3729, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • детено, 3730, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • детето, 3731, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • децава, 3732, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • децана, 3733, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • децата, 3734, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • джгаць, 3735, -2
    • Belarusian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • References
  • дурбин, 3736, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • дух, 3737, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • дүрт, 3738, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
      • Pronunciation
      • Numeral
        • Derived terms
  • дүъш, 3739, -2
    • Tuvan
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
  • естетика, 3740, -2
    • Ukrainian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • ете, 3741, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Numeral
        • Derived terms
  • жасыл, 3742, -2
    • Kazakh
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Etymology 2
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • See also
  • женава, 3743, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • женана, 3744, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • жената, 3745, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • жениве, 3746, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • женине, 3747, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • жените, 3748, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • жеравен, 3749, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • References
  • жеравъ, 3750, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • захар, 3751, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • иже, 3753, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Etymology
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
      • References
  • изучаем, 3754, -3
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • ими, 3755, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • имиже, 3756, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • имьже, 3757, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
      • References
  • ихъже, 3758, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • йөк, 3759, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • квасац, 3760, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Declension
  • килеү, 3761, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • кире, 3762, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • книгава, 3763, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • книгана, 3764, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • книгата, 3765, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • книгиве, 3766, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • книгине, 3767, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • книгите, 3768, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • кръг, 3769, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • кхъухьтедзапӏэ, 3770, -2
    • Kabardian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • къухьэуцупӏэ, 3771, -2
    • Adyghe
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • көтмәгәндә, 3772, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
  • лакът, 3773, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • луѓево, 3774, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • луѓено, 3775, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • луѓето, 3776, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • лъх, 3777, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • мажа, 3778, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • маживе, 3779, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • мажине, 3780, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • мажите, 3781, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • мажов, 3782, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • мажон, 3783, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • мажот, 3784, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • ме, 3785, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • международен, 3786, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • References
  • мене, 3787, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • муха, 3788, -2
    • Rusyn
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • мъж, 3789, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • народен, 3790, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • References
  • насып, 3791, -2
    • Kabardian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • неспасяем, 3792, -3
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • References
  • несъдравъ, 3793, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
  • нэмыс, 3794, -2
    • Kabardian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • нюхаць, 3795, -2
    • Belarusian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • See also
      • References
  • ограда, 3796, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • одајчето, 3798, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • октопод, 3799, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • оҙаҡ, 3800, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Adverb
        • See also
      • References
  • парашут, 3801, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • печурка, 3802, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • плет, 3803, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • поборник, 3804, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • References
  • повеляем, 3805, -3
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • подлог, 3806, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • познаваем, 3807, -3
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • пору, 3810, -2
    • Russian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
  • предлог, 3811, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • проклѧтъ, 3813, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
  • проследяем, 3814, -3
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • протећи, 3815, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
  • пуд, 3816, -2
    • Komi-Zyrian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 3
        • Postposition
      • References
  • распа, 3817, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • род, 3818, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • семантика, 3819, -2
    • Ukrainian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • смукалник, 3820, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Hyponyms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • спасяем, 3822, -3
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • стрък, 3823, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • съдравъ, 3824, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
  • тарво, 3826, -2
    • Erzya
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • тения, 3827, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Hyponyms
      • References
  • техник, 3828, -2
    • Kazakh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • тиклем, 3829, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Postposition
        • Synonyms
  • третииникъ, 3830, -2
    • Old East Slavic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • See also
      • References
  • труд, 3831, -2
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • трымаць, 3832, -2
    • Belarusian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • References
  • трьклѧтъ, 3833, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • тӏу, 3834, -2
    • Adyghe
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Numeral
        • Synonyms
  • ун, 3837, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Numeral
        • Derived terms
  • унутар, 3838, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Synonyms
  • уяўляць, 3840, -2
    • Belarusian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • References
  • фиока, 3841, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • фијока, 3842, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • фӏэхъус, 3843, -2
    • Kabardian
      • Pronunciation 1
      • Interjection
        • Synonyms
  • харваач, 3844, -2
    • Mongolian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • цөцгий, 3846, -2
    • Mongolian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • човека, 3847, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • човекон, 3848, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • човекот, 3849, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • шпицанге, 3850, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • шпиццанге, 3851, -2
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • шӏуфэс, 3852, -2
    • Adyghe
      • Pronunciation 1
      • Interjection
        • Synonyms
  • щы, 3854, -2
    • Adyghe
      • Pronunciation
      • Numeral
        • Synonyms
  • ялан, 3855, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • яныу, 3856, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • яғыу, 3857, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ётмек, 3858, -2
    • Karachay-Balkar
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • ўключаць, 3859, -2
    • Belarusian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Usage notes
  • џандар, 3860, -2
    • Macedonian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • See also
  • ѥ, 3861, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Etymology
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • ѧ, 3862, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • ѩ, 3863, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • ѭ, 3864, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • қысқа, 3865, -2
    • Kazakh
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • ҡара, 3866, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ҡарт, 3867, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • ҡурҡыу, 3868, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ҡәҙәр, 3869, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Postposition
        • Synonyms
  • үйлдвэр, 3870, -2
    • Mongolian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • үҙ-, 3871, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Prefix
        • Derived terms
  • һауа, 3872, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Declension
  • һуҙыу, 3873, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • һуҡыр, 3874, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • һуң, 3875, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Postposition
        • Antonyms
      • Adverb
        • Antonyms
      • Particle
        • Derived terms
  • әдемі, 3877, -2
    • Kazakh
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • әсе, 3878, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • өҙөү, 3879, -2
    • Bashkir
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ատակ, 3881, -2
    • Old Armenian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • երեք, 3883, -2
    • Old Armenian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Declension
      • Adverb
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • երկու, 3884, -2
    • Old Armenian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Declension
      • Adverb
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • կակաչ, 3886, -2
    • Middle Armenian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
      • References
  • հագանիմ, 3887, -2
    • Old Armenian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • հայր, 3888, -2
    • Old Armenian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • ձեզ, 3889, -2
    • Old Armenian
      • Etymology
      • Pronoun
        • Descendants
  • մեզ, 3890, -2
    • Old Armenian
      • Pronoun
        • Descendants
  • սկեսրայր, 3893, -2
    • Old Armenian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • References
  • քեզ, 3894, -2
    • Old Armenian
      • Etymology
      • Pronoun
        • Descendants
      • References
  • אָנשפּאַרן, 3896, -2
    • Yiddish
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • איש, 3898, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Pronoun
      • References
  • בסדר, 3900, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
      • Adverb
      • Interjection
        • Descendants
  • בקע, 3901, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation 1
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Etymology 2
      • Verb
      • Etymology 3
      • Pronunciation 3
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • בקשה, 3902, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • דוברה, 3903, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Noun
        • See also
  • התכונן, 3905, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • התפטר, 3906, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
  • זאָלן, 3907, -2
    • Yiddish
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • See also
  • חרת, 3908, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • See also
  • יחיד, 3909, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
  • כפתור, 3910, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Proper noun
  • מחשבה, 3911, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • נמאס, 3913, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Conjugation
  • עיוור, 3915, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • עקד, 3917, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • קיין, 3918, -2
    • Yiddish
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
      • Determiner
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Preposition
  • שפונדרה, 3922, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • תיבה, 3924, -2
    • Hebrew
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
        • Synonyms
        • Further reading
  • آستر, 3927, -2
    • Persian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • آسيا, 3928, -2
    • Arabic
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • أبدى, 3929, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Further reading
  • أبغض, 3930, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • أثمن, 3931, -2
    • Arabic
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • أجاد, 3932, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • أجدى, 3933, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • أحد, 3934, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Declension
        • Noun
          • Declension
        • Noun
        • Adjective
          • Derived terms
          • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Etymology 3
        • Proper noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 3
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
      • Etymology 4
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
  • أخصى, 3935, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Verb
  • أرجوحة, 3936, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • أزعج, 3937, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • أسطوري, 3938, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • أعطى, 3939, -3
    • South Levantine Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Conjugation
  • أفواه, 3941, -2
    • Arabic
      • Noun
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Descendants
  • أوربا, 3942, -2
    • Arabic
      • Alternative forms
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • أوكل, 3944, -2
    • Arabic
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
      • Etymology 3
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
  • أيد, 3945, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
      • Noun
  • إثبات, 3946, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • ئاشىق, 3948, -2
    • Uyghur
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • ئەھەد, 3949, -2
    • Uyghur
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
  • اختار, 3950, -2
    • Moroccan Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • ارتجاعی, 3952, -2
    • Persian
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • استاد, 3953, -2
    • Urdu
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • اصدق, 3954, -2
    • Arabic
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Verb
  • اعتقل, 3955, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • افغان, 3956, -2
    • Urdu
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • الأشهل, 3958, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • الإمارات العربية المتحدة, 3959, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • الاستیک, 3960, -2
    • Persian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • الدبران, 3961, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • الرباط, 3962, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • الطائف, 3963, -2
    • Arabic
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • انتقاض, 3965, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • اوکتاݢون, 3966, -2
    • Malay
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • اپاہج پن, 3967, -2
    • Urdu
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • ب, 3968, -2
    • Tunisian Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
  • بارگاه, 3970, -2
    • Persian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • بارگه, 3971, -2
    • Persian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • بانة, 3972, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • بجانب, 3973, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
        • Synonyms
  • بجع, 3974, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • بجعة, 3975, -2
    • Arabic
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • براءة, 3976, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • بردة, 3979, -2
    • Arabic
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • بشكير, 3982, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • بطبط, 3983, -2
    • Moroccan Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • بطمان, 3984, -2
    • Ottoman Turkish
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • References
  • بكاء, 3986, -2
    • Arabic
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • بلاطة, 3987, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • بلطة, 3988, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • به عنوان, 3989, -2
    • Persian
      • Preposition
        • Synonyms
  • بی‌ گدار به آب زدن, 3991, -2
    • Persian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Related terms
      • References
  • تايلند, 3992, -2
    • Arabic
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • تجشؤ, 3993, -2
    • Arabic
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ترفندباز, 3994, -2
    • Persian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • تغير, 3997, -2
    • South Levantine Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • تفرنس, 3998, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Related terms
  • تفلور, 3999, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Related terms
  • تكديس, 4000, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • تكلف, 4001, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
        • Verb
  • تلاح, 4002, -2
    • Moroccan Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • تلاش, 4003, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • تمسيح, 4004, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • تمول, 4005, -2
    • Moroccan Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • تنورة, 4006, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • توسع, 4007, -2
    • South Levantine Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • توضؤ, 4008, -2
    • Arabic
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ثواب, 4011, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Descendants
  • جادو, 4012, -2
    • Urdu
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • جاوب, 4013, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Conjugation
  • جورجيا, 4016, -2
    • Arabic
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Proper noun
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • References
  • حادي عشر, 4018, -2
    • Arabic
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • حاوی, 4019, -2
    • Persian
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • حنة, 4022, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • حوري, 4023, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • حوری, 4024, -2
    • Persian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • حوصل, 4025, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • حوصلة, 4026, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • خراب, 4028, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • خطأ, 4030, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Descendants
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • خوار, 4031, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • دادگر, 4034, -2
    • Persian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • داع, 4035, -3
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
      • References
  • داعش, 4036, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
  • دلواپس, 4037, -2
    • Persian
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • دوختۇر, 4038, -2
    • Uyghur
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • دولي, 4041, -2
    • Malay
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • ربد, 4044, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
  • رتم, 4045, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • ردم, 4046, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • رهين, 4047, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • ريب, 4049, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
  • ريحان, 4050, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • References
  • ریاضی, 4051, -2
    • Urdu
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • زادیگ, 4053, -2
    • Ottoman Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • زباله, 4054, -2
    • Persian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • زفير, 4056, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Hypernyms
  • زلم, 4057, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • سارقة, 4059, -2
    • Arabic
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • سبي, 4060, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • سبية, 4061, -2
    • Arabic
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • سجل, 4062, -2
    • Moroccan Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • سحلية, 4063, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • سرط, 4065, -2
    • Moroccan Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • سرول, 4066, -2
    • Arabic
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • سطع, 4067, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • سطل آشغال, 4068, -2
    • Persian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • سطل زباله, 4069, -2
    • Persian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • سفرجلة, 4070, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • سلوى, 4071, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • سندباد, 4073, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • سير, 4074, -2
    • Moroccan Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • سيرج, 4075, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • سکہ, 4076, -2
    • Urdu
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • سہل, 4077, -2
    • Urdu
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • شاكر, 4078, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • شطرنج, 4079, -2
    • Persian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • See also
  • شعلة, 4080, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • شقوة, 4081, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • شيرج, 4082, -2
    • Arabic
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • صعب, 4087, -2
    • Persian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • صلعمي, 4088, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • طيب, 4094, -2
    • Moroccan Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
  • عايد, 4096, -4
    • Arabic
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • عبور, 4097, -2
    • Persian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • عدم, 4102, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Antonyms
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
        • Descendants
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • علاقه, 4104, -2
    • Persian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • علة, 4105, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • غائر, 4108, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • References
  • ـسز, 4111, -2
    • Ottoman Turkish
      • Suffix
        • Descendants
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ـغج, 4112, -2
    • Ottoman Turkish
      • Alternative forms
      • Suffix
        • Descendants
        • Derived terms
  • فاجر, 4113, -2
    • Arabic
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • فاجرة, 4114, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Adjective
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
  • فاكرة, 4115, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Adjective
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
  • فالوده, 4116, -2
    • Persian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • References
  • فلج اطفال, 4122, -2
    • Persian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • في, 4123, -2
    • Tunisian Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
  • قارب, 4125, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • قاض, 4126, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • References
  • قطن, 4128, -2
    • Andalusian Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • قوزی, 4130, -2
    • Ottoman Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • قيلولة, 4132, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • كاذب, 4133, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • كار, 4134, -2
    • Gulf Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • كاهل, 4135, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • كثيف, 4136, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • كذوب, 4140, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • كرمة, 4142, -2
    • Arabic
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • كمثراة, 4144, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • لؤلؤي, 4150, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • لبس, 4151, -2
    • Egyptian Arabic
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • لصق, 4152, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Etymology 2
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • لقوة, 4153, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • لما, 4154, -2
    • Arabic
      • Particle
        • Usage notes
      • Adverb
      • Conjunction
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • م, 4155, -2
    • Persian
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Letter
      • Etymology 2
        • Suffix
          • Usage notes
      • Etymology 3
        • Prefix
  • مأجوج, 4157, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • ماگىزىن, 4158, -2
    • Uyghur
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • متشكر, 4159, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Descendants
  • مدر, 4163, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Adjective
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
      • References
  • مساوی, 4165, -2
    • Persian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • مشرع, 4167, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • مشهد, 4168, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • See also
  • مضغ, 4169, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
  • مطبق, 4170, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Adjective
          • Declension
      • Etymology 3
        • Adjective
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • مفت, 4173, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ملوخيا, 4175, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ملوكيا, 4177, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ملوكية, 4178, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • منتقض, 4180, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • References
  • منى, 4181, -2
    • Arabic
      • Verb 1
        • Conjugation
      • Verb 2
        • Conjugation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • مورد, 4183, -2
    • Persian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Noun
  • موزمبيق, 4184, -2
    • Arabic
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • مکر, 4186, -2
    • Persian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • نص, 4189, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • References
  • نصيري, 4190, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
  • نمق, 4193, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • References
  • نهضة, 4194, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • نواكشوط, 4195, -2
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • نورة, 4196, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Descendants
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • نگران, 4197, -2
    • Persian
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • هر, 4199, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • هزم, 4201, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • واپسگرا, 4204, -2
    • Persian
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • ورا, 4205, -2
    • Hijazi Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
        • See also
  • وسد, 4206, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
  • يأجوج, 4210, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • يعني, 4211, -2
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Interjection
        • Descendants
      • Verb
  • پاتیك, 4212, -2
    • Ottoman Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • پند, 4213, -2
    • Persian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
      • Etymology 2
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • References
  • پولیو, 4214, -2
    • Persian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • چلنك, 4215, -2
    • Ottoman Turkish
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • کنسولگری, 4216, -2
    • Persian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • ییل, 4219, -2
    • Ottoman Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • References
  • ܒܝܥܬܐ, 4220, -2
    • Classical Syriac
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Usage notes
        • See also
        • Descendants
      • References
  • ܚܡܐ, 4221, -2
    • Classical Syriac
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • ܚܬܬܐ, 4222, -2
    • Classical Syriac
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • ܣܦܝܢܐ, 4223, -2
    • Classical Syriac
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Inflection
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Inflection
      • Etymology 3
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Inflection
      • Etymology 4
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
      • Etymology 5
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
      • References
  • ܪܕܝܐ, 4224, -2
    • Classical Syriac
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • ܫܡܫܪܐ, 4225, -2
    • Classical Syriac
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • उसमा, 4227, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • उसलाई, 4228, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • उसले, 4229, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • कजावा, 4230, -2
    • Hindi
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
        • Declension
  • कसमा, 4231, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • कसलाई, 4232, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • केको, 4233, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • केमा, 4234, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • केलाई, 4235, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • केले, 4236, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • खोलना, 4237, -2
    • Hindi
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • References
      • Further reading
  • चूसना, 4239, -2
    • Hindi
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • , 4240, -2
    • Sanskrit
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Adjective
          • Declension
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Adjective
          • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • जसमा, 4241, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • जसलाई, 4242, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • जसले, 4243, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • , 4244, -2
    • Rajbanshi
      • Alternative forms
      • Classifier
        • Related terms
  • तँमा, 4245, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • तक्षशिला, 4246, -2
    • Sanskrit
      • Alternative scripts
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • References
  • तति, 4247, -2
    • Sanskrit
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Determiner
        • Declension
  • तद्, 4248, -2
    • Sanskrit
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • Usage notes
      • Noun
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • तपाईंको, 4250, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • तपाईंमा, 4251, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • तपाईंले, 4252, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • तिमीमा, 4253, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • तिमीले, 4254, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • तैँले, 4255, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • त्यसमा, 4256, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • त्यसलाई, 4257, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • त्यसले, 4258, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • थोड़ा, 4259, -2
    • Hindi
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Adverb
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • निवास, 4264, -2
    • Sanskrit
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • References
  • पंजा, 4265, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
  • पद्, 4266, -2
    • Sanskrit
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • Root
        • Derived terms
  • पन्जा, 4267, -2
    • Nepali
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
  • प्रभु, 4268, -2
    • Sanskrit
      • Alternative forms
      • Alternative scripts
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • References
  • ममा, 4270, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • मैले, 4271, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • यसको, 4272, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • यसमा, 4273, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • यहाँका, 4274, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • यहाँमा, 4275, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • यहाँलाई, 4276, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • यहाँले, 4277, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • रहना, 4278, -2
    • Hindi
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • वहाँमा, 4279, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • वहाँलाई, 4280, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • वहाँले, 4281, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • वि, 4282, -2
    • Sanskrit
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
      • Preposition
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • सत्ता, 4284, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
  • सहल, 4285, -2
    • Hindi
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • हामीमा, 4286, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • हामीले, 4287, -2
    • Nepali
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • हिंदू, 4288, -2
    • Hindi
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
  • हिन्दू, 4289, -2
    • Hindi
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
  • ह्व़ी, 4290, -2
    • Gamale Kham
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Adverb
      • References
  • এৰ, 4291, -2
    • Assamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • জিকা, 4293, -2
    • Assamese
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Alternative forms
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 3
        • Adjective
        • Verb
      • References
  • পেটী, 4294, -2
    • Assamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • বিচাৰ, 4295, -2
    • Assamese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • বেল্ট, 4296, -2
    • Assamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • বেৰেটি, 4297, -2
    • Assamese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • બરફ, 4299, -2
    • Gujarati
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • માવતર, 4300, -2
    • Gujarati
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • மாங்காய், 4301, -2
    • Tamil
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
        • See also
      • References
  • முலையூட்டி, 4302, -2
    • Tamil
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • గుర్రం, 4303, -2
    • Telugu
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
      • See also
  • దేశము, 4304, -2
    • Telugu
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ಅಡುಸು, 4306, -2
    • Kannada
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • ಆವೆ, 4307, -2
    • Kannada
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • ಎರಚು, 4308, -2
    • Kannada
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • ಚೇಡಿ, 4310, -2
    • Kannada
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • ಹಳು, 4311, -2
    • Kannada
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • എരുമ, 4313, -2
    • Malayalam
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
  • പോത്ത്, 4314, -2
    • Malayalam
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
  • භවන‍්ත්, 4315, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • กมรเตง, 4316, -2
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • กมรเตงอัญ, 4317, -2
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • กริ่ง, 4318, -2
    • Thai
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • กิมจิ, 4319, -2
    • Thai
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
      • Adjective
  • ขั้น, 4320, -2
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • ฉันทลักษณ์, 4323, -2
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • See also
  • ซึม, 4324, -2
    • Thai
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • ทำนองเสียง, 4325, -2
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • ทู, 4326, -2
    • Thai
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • น้า, 4327, -2
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • น้ำปลา, 4328, -2
    • Thai
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • มะเมีย, 4329, -2
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Proper noun
        • See also
  • มาส, 4330, -2
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • ลอดช่อง, 4331, -2
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • ห้องสมุด, 4332, -2
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • อสฺสุ, 4333, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • อินโดนีเซีย, 4334, -2
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
      • Noun
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
  • แสน, 4337, -2
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Numeral
        • Synonyms
      • Adverb
      • Noun
      • Derived terms
  • โดย, 4338, -2
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • See also
  • ไอ้, 4339, -2
    • Thai
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • ລ້ານຊ້າງ, 4340, -2
    • Lao
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Descendants
  • ແຄນ, 4341, -2
    • Lao
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • ཐུབ, 4342, -2
    • Tibetan
      • Etymology 1
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
  • ནས, 4343, -2
    • Tibetan
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • See also
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Suffix
      • Particle
        • Derived terms
  • ခေါင်းလောင်း, 4344, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • စာရေး, 4345, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Verb
      • References
  • ဆွမ်း, 4346, -2
    • Burmese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
  • ဇလုံ, 4347, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • တပ်, 4348, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Verb
  • တံခွန်, 4349, -2
    • Burmese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • ထမင်း, 4350, -2
    • Burmese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ထောင့်, 4351, -2
    • Burmese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • See also
      • References
  • ဒူလာ, 4352, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • References
  • ဓာတ်, 4353, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • နို့, 4354, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • ပလ္လင်, 4356, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • ပုလင်း, 4357, -2
    • Burmese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • References
  • ပွဲ, 4359, -2
    • Burmese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Classifier
        • Descendants
      • References
  • ဖောင်, 4360, -2
    • Burmese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Verb
      • Further reading
  • ဗုဒ္ဓဘာသာ, 4361, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • မင်မွဲ, 4362, -4
    • Mon
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Etymology 2
        • Derived terms
  • မိုး, 4363, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Synonyms
      • Proper noun
      • References
  • ရာဇ, 4364, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ရာဇာ, 4365, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Proper noun
  • ရာသီ, 4366, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
      • See also
  • ရုက္ခဗေဒ, 4367, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ရှိန်းခို, 4368, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • ဝန်, 4369, -2
    • Burmese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • ဝံသ, 4370, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • သက်သာ, 4371, -2
    • Burmese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • သပိတ်, 4372, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • သၠ, 4373, -2
    • Mon
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • References
  • ဟော, 4374, -2
    • Burmese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Descendants
      • References
  • အတန်း, 4375, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • References
  • အဖုံး, 4376, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • အရမ်း, 4377, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • အရေး, 4378, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • အလွန်, 4379, -2
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
        • Usage notes
  • კვეთა, 4380, -2
    • Georgian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Verbal noun
        • Derived terms
  • კითხვა, 4381, -2
    • Georgian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Verbal noun
        • Derived terms
        • Inflection
      • See also
  • კოცნა, 4382, -2
    • Georgian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Verbal noun
        • Derived terms
  • კრება, 4383, -2
    • Georgian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
      • Verbal noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • კრეფა, 4384, -2
    • Georgian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verbal noun
        • Derived terms
  • მეგობარი, 4385, -2
    • Georgian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • ნდობა, 4386, -2
    • Georgian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Verbal noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • See also
  • რეცხვა, 4387, -2
    • Georgian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verbal noun
        • Derived terms
      • See also
  • სმენა, 4388, -2
    • Georgian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verbal noun
        • Derived terms
        • See also
  • ჩვენება, 4389, -2
    • Georgian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Verbal noun
        • Derived terms
  • წერა, 4390, -2
    • Georgian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Verbal noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • წონა, 4391, -2
    • Georgian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Verbal noun
        • Inflection
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • ხუხულა, 4392, -2
    • Georgian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
      • References
  • ᄀᆞ리, 4393, -2
    • Jeju
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • អស្សុ, 4396, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ᠮᡝᠨᠴᡳ, 4397, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠮᡝᠨᡩᡝ, 4398, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠮᡝᠨᡳ, 4399, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠮᡝᠮᠪᡝ, 4400, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠮᡠᠰᡝᠪᡝ, 4401, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠮᡠᠰᡝᠴᡳ, 4402, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠮᡠᠰᡝᡩᡝ, 4403, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠮᡠᠰᡝᡳ, 4404, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠮᡳᠨᠪᡝ, 4405, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠮᡳᠨᠴᡳ, 4406, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠮᡳᠨᡩᡝ, 4407, -2
    • Manchu
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠮᡳᠨᡳ, 4408, -2
    • Manchu
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠮᡳᠮᠪᡝ, 4409, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠰᡠᠸᡝ, 4410, -2
    • Manchu
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠰᡠᠸᡝᠨᠴᡳ, 4411, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠰᡠᠸᡝᠨᡩᡝ, 4412, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠰᡠᠸᡝᠨᡳ, 4413, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠰᡠᠸᡝᠮᠪᡝ, 4414, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠰᡳᠨᠴᡳ, 4415, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠰᡳᠨᡩᡝ, 4416, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠰᡳᠨᡳ, 4417, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠰᡳᠮᠪᡝ, 4418, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠴᡝ, 4419, -2
    • Manchu
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠴᡝᠨᠴᡳ, 4420, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠴᡝᠨᡩᡝ, 4421, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠴᡝᠨᡳ, 4422, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᠴᡝᠮᠪᡝ, 4423, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᡳᠨᠴᡳ, 4424, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᡳᠨᡩᡝ, 4425, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᡳᠨᡳ, 4426, -2
    • Manchu
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᡳᠮᠪᡝ, 4427, -2
    • Manchu
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Related terms
  • ᩋᩔᩩ, 4428, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ḥts, 4429, -2
    • Egyptian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Alternative forms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ḥzp, 4430, -2
    • Egyptian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • References
  • ḫw.f-wj, 4431, -2
    • Egyptian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Alternative forms
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • ḿoro, 4432, -2
    • Polabian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ṭhiti, 4433, -2
    • Pali
      • Etymology
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • ἀλφηστής, 4434, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • ἄδορος, 4435, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • ἄκρα, 4436, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Inflection
          • Descendants
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Adjective
        • Adjective
      • References
  • ἄμυλον, 4437, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • References
  • Ἴσειον, 4438, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Descendants
  • ὁμώνυμος, 4439, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • ῥίζις, 4440, -2
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
      • Further reading
  • , 4441, -2
    • Translingual
      • Etymology
      • Symbol
        • Synonyms
      • See also
  • , 4442, -2
    • Translingual
      • Symbol
        • See also
  • , 4443, -2
    • Translingual
      • Symbol
        • See also
  • , 4444, -2
    • Translingual
      • Symbol
        • See also
  • , 4445, -2
    • Translingual
      • Symbol
        • See also
  • ⲅⲩⲡⲧⲓⲟⲥ, 4446, -2
    • Coptic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
  • ⲟⲩⲁϩⲃⲉϩ, 4447, -2
    • Coptic
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Related terms
      • References
  • ⲡⲧⲁϩ, 4448, -2
    • Coptic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
  • ⲱⲙⲕ, 4449, -2
    • Coptic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Derived terms
      • References
  • かきつばた, 4452, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • きょ, 4453, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Syllable
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
  • ぎゃ, 4454, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Syllable
      • Etymology 2
        • Particle
          • See also
      • References
  • くつわ虫, 4455, -2
    • Japanese
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • ささやく, 4456, -2
    • Japanese
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
  • したい, 4457, -2
    • Japanese
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
      • Noun
  • しゃ, 4458, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Syllable
      • Etymology 2
        • Suffix
  • しょ, 4459, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Syllable
      • Etymology 2
        • Counter
        • Noun
        • Prefix
        • Suffix
  • じゅ, 4460, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Syllable
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
  • じょ, 4461, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Syllable
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
  • ちゃ, 4462, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Syllable
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
      • Etymology 3
        • Conjunction
  • ちょ, 4463, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Syllable
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
        • Suffix
        • Suffix
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
      • Etymology 4
        • Alternative forms
        • Interjection
  • つれてくる, 4464, -2
    • Japanese
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • とわ, 4465, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
        • Inflection
        • Synonyms
      • Noun
      • References
  • にゃ, 4466, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Syllable
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
        • Alternative forms
        • Descendants
      • Etymology 3
        • Particle
  • めんこい, 4468, -2
    • Japanese
      • Alternative forms
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
  • やり, 4469, -2
    • Japanese
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Verb
  • アウト, 4470, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
  • エイチ, 4472, -2
    • Japanese
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Coordinate terms
  • キンキ, 4473, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • シニヨン, 4475, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • デッキ, 4476, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • References
  • メール, 4478, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Conjugation
  • , 4480, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Letter
        • Usage notes
        • See also
  • 㗎文, 4482, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • , 4486, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Han character
        • Compounds
      • References
  • 七つの喇叭, 4487, -2
    • Japanese
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • 七節, 4488, -2
    • Japanese
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • 三姊, 4489, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • 不像話, 4490, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • 不妙, 4491, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • 不尽, 4492, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Proper noun
          • Derived terms
      • References
  • 乗り物酔い, 4494, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Hyponyms
  • 乗換駅, 4495, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • 乞食, 4496, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • 二姊, 4497, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • 二度, 4498, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Synonyms
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
      • Etymology 2
        • Alternative forms
        • Noun
      • Adverb
      • See also
  • 二時, 4499, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
  • 人肉, 4501, -2
    • Japanese
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • 仇女, 4502, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 仏法僧, 4503, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • 住月, 4506, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 俊才, 4509, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 偏心, 4510, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 偏愛, 4511, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 偏疼, 4512, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 做事, 4513, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 儂好𠲎, 4514, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Phrase
        • Usage notes
        • See also
  • 冇符, 4517, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 別作, 4520, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 到手, 4521, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 創造者, 4522, -2
    • Japanese
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • 千祈, 4524, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
  • 吹き鳴らす, 4527, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • References
  • 告ぐ, 4529, -2
    • Japanese
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • 告送, 4530, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 和平, 4531, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • Proper noun
      • Derived terms
      • Descendants
  • 喙舌, 4532, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • 喙齒抿, 4533, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 嚀個, 4534, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Synonyms
  • 囚俘, 4535, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 回想録, 4536, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 回顧録, 4537, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 土狼, 4541, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • See also
  • 土豚, 4542, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • See also
      • References
  • 外国, 4543, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • 大公國, 4546, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
        • Derived terms
  • 大學士, 4547, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • 大家好, 4548, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Phrase
        • Synonyms
  • 大笑い, 4549, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Alternative forms
      • Adjectival noun
        • Inflection
        • Synonyms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
  • 天才, 4550, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Descendants
  • 天皇誕生日, 4551, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • See also
      • References
  • 天螺陀, 4552, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 天鵞絨, 4553, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Usage notes
      • Etymology 2
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • 女尊男卑, 4554, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
      • References
  • 奶母車, 4555, -2
    • Chinese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 好比, 4556, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • , 4557, -2
    • Japanese
      • Kanji
        • Readings
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
  • 嫡孫, 4558, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 子規, 4559, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • 對外, 4562, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
  • , 4563, -2
    • Chinese
      • Glyph origin
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Definitions
        • Synonyms
      • Compounds
      • Descendants
      • References
  • 小妹妹, 4564, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • 居り, 4565, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
      • See also
  • 屍姦, 4567, -2
    • Japanese
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • 山羊, 4569, -2
    • Japanese
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • 巨乳, 4572, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 布松布拉, 4573, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
  • 平和, 4575, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Adjective
          • Inflection
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
        • Synonyms
        • Proper noun
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • 店內, 4576, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 心得, 4579, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 忽然, 4580, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
        • Descendants
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • 悲しい, 4581, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • 惹味, 4582, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • 扞格, 4585, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • 持って来る, 4586, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • See also
  • 揣摩, 4588, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
      • Descendants
  • 新年, 4591, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • See also
  • 斷斷, 4592, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
  • 昂貴, 4594, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
  • 棟樑, 4598, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • See also
  • 業務, 4599, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 橄欖, 4601, -2
    • Japanese
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • 正電気, 4602, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • 死に, 4603, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Prefix
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • 毋著, 4604, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • 母衣, 4605, -2
    • Japanese
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 比在, 4606, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 沙羅双樹, 4611, -2
    • Japanese
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • 治喪, 4612, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 治服, 4613, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 法度, 4614, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
        • See also
  • 海豹人, 4615, -8
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 海量, 4616, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 湯水, 4618, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Adjective
  • 熱和, 4620, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • 牙搓仔, 4621, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 牛母牛囝, 4622, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 獅子山, 4623, -2
    • Chinese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
  • 玉蜀黍, 4624, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • 王様ペンギン, 4625, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
      • See also
  • 甘松, 4626, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • , 4627, -2
    • Chinese
      • Glyph origin
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Definitions
        • Synonyms
      • Compounds
      • Descendants
  • 生姜, 4629, -2
    • Japanese
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • 生臊, 4631, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 番斯, 4632, -2
    • Chinese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 異邦, 4633, -2
    • Japanese
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • 白身, 4634, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 白身人, 4635, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 皇帝ペンギン, 4636, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
      • See also
  • 盤話, 4637, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 盲腸, 4638, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • 真情, 4639, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • 真態, 4640, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 破費, 4642, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 神道, 4643, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • 禾稈草, 4644, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 私奇, 4645, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 秦晉, 4646, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • 穢す, 4649, -2
    • Japanese
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • 究竟, 4650, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
  • 算額, 4652, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 精英, 4655, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 紅芋, 4657, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • 終須, 4659, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
  • 絕對, 4661, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
      • Derived terms
      • Descendants
      • References
  • 緣牛, 4662, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • , 4663, -2
    • Vietnamese
      • Hán tự
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • 肥饒, 4664, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • 花/derived terms, 4669, -2
    • Japanese
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Compounds
      • Affix
        • Compounds
  • 花斑馬, 4670, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 花條馬, 4671, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 茶盤, 4672, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 茶盤子, 4673, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 蛇哥, 4676, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • , 4677, -2
    • Japanese
      • Kanji
        • Readings
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Alternative forms
        • Noun
          • Usage notes
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 3
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
      • Etymology 4
        • Affix
        • Derived terms
      • See also
      • References
  • 蟲仔, 4679, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • 親王國, 4681, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • 說合, 4682, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 貓囝, 4685, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 買賣, 4686, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • 走道, 4687, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 輕狂, 4688, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
  • 鍾意, 4698, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • , 4699, -2
    • Japanese
      • Kanji
        • Readings
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
      • References
  • 開使用, 4700, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 開用, 4701, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 閒嘢, 4702, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 陽電気, 4703, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
      • References
  • 集會, 4706, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • 雞巴, 4707, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
      • Usage notes
  • 霊猫, 4708, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • 面顴, 4709, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 順嘴, 4710, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
  • 風船葛, 4711, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • 颺埃, 4712, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 鳥隻, 4716, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 鵞鳥, 4717, -2
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • 麝香猫, 4719, -2
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • 麻將協會, 4720, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • 黑貓, 4721, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 黑貓警長, 4722, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 齒刷, 4724, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 齒抿, 4725, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 齒抿仔, 4726, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 齒漱, 4727, -2
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • ꙗже, 4728, -2
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
  • ꜥnḫ wḏꜣ snb, 4729, -2
    • Egyptian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Interjection
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • 가새, 4731, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 개한민국, 4732, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
  • 결합, 4733, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • 계렬, 4734, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 공민, 4735, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 과대평가, 4736, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
  • 굴래꽝이, 4737, -2
    • Jeju
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • , 4738, -2
    • Jeju
      • Pronunciation
      • Determiner
        • Usage notes
  • 기역, 4739, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
      • See also
  • 까자흐스딴, 4740, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
  • 꼴꼴, 4741, -2
    • Korean
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Ideophone
        • Derived terms
  • , 4742, -2
    • Jeju
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
  • 꾸바, 4743, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
  • 꿀꿀, 4744, -2
    • Korean
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Ideophone
        • Derived terms
  • 노랑ᄒᆞ다, 4745, -2
    • Jeju
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • References
  • 당황, 4748, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • , 4749, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • 들쭉날쭉하다, 4750, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Conjugation
  • , 4751, -2
    • Korean
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • , 4752, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Syllable
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • 만두, 4754, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • 메이, 4755, -2
    • Korean
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 멥쌀, 4756, -2
    • Korean
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • 멩이, 4757, -2
    • Korean
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • , 4758, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 백색, 4759, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • 불알, 4761, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • 블라지보스또크, 4762, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
  • 비밀번호, 4763, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • 빠리, 4764, -2
    • Korean
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
  • 사대주의, 4766, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • 살며시, 4767, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • 살몃살몃, 4768, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Ideophone
        • Related terms
  • 살짝살짝, 4769, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • 살포시, 4770, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • 살푸시, 4771, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • 설설, 4772, -3
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Ideophone
        • Derived terms
  • , 4773, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • 섬서, 4774, -2
    • Korean
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Usage notes
  • 수리아, 4776, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
  • 슬며시, 4777, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • 슬몃슬몃, 4778, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Ideophone
        • Related terms
  • 슬슬, 4779, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Ideophone
        • Related terms
  • 슬쩍, 4780, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • 슬쩍슬쩍, 4781, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
  • 심장, 4782, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 쌍동이, 4783, -2
    • Korean
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 쌍발, 4784, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • , 4785, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • 안해, 4786, -2
    • Korean
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 야채, 4787, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 어디여, 4788, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Interjection
        • See also
  • 어색, 4789, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • 얼굴, 4790, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 에스빠냐, 4791, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
  • 오십, 4792, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Numeral
        • Usage notes
  • 왕복, 4793, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
  • 왕정, 4794, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • , 4795, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Determiner
        • Usage notes
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • See also
  • 우글우글, 4796, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Ideophone
        • Related terms
  • 유통, 4797, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
  • 육자대명왕진언, 4798, -2
    • Korean
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 육자진언, 4799, -2
    • Korean
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 제대로, 4800, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
  • 채소, 4802, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 출근, 4803, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • 치닫다, 4804, -2
    • Korean
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • 크로스드레싱, 4805, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 큰물, 4806, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 키읔, 4807, -2
    • Korean
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • 탈조선, 4808, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Related terms
  • 푸젠, 4810, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Usage notes
  • 하나, 4811, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Numeral
        • Usage notes
  • 후과, 4812, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • , 4813, -2
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
  • 𐌲𐌰𐍂𐌰𐌷𐌽𐌾𐌰𐌽, 4814, -2
    • Gothic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Further reading
  • 𐌷𐌰𐌻𐌱𐌰𐌹, 4815, -2
    • Gothic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • 𐌹𐌿𐌳𐌰𐌹𐍅𐌹𐍃𐌺𐍉𐌽, 4816, -3
    • Gothic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • 𐍆𐌹𐌰𐌽𐌳𐍃, 4817, -2
    • Gothic
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • 𐰀𐰲𐰾𐰴, 4818, -2
    • Old Turkic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Antonyms
      • References
  • 𑀅𑀲𑁆𑀲𑀼, 4819, -2
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • -ana, 2, -4
    • Northern Ndebele
      • Etymology
      • Suffix
        • Derived terms
    • Southern Ndebele
      • Etymology
      • Suffix
        • Derived terms
  • -han, 15, -4
    • Finnish
      • Etymology 1
      • Clitic
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
      • Etymology 2
        • Suffix
      • See also
  • -lei, 22, -4
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Suffix
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
  • -nnos, 23, -4
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Suffix
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • -nto, 24, -4
    • Finnish
      • Etymology
      • Suffix
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • -аем, 28, -4
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Suffix
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • @, 35, -4
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Alternative forms
        • See also
      • Symbol
      • See also
  • Bamako, 59, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
  • D-DK, 80, -4
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Coordinate terms
  • D-DNy, 81, -4
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Coordinate terms
  • DD, 82, -4
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • See also
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
      • Etymology 3
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
      • Etymology 4
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
      • Etymology 5
        • Pronunciation
        • Proper noun
  • DINK, 84, -4
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
  • Dandong, 88, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • Día, 95, -4
    • Old Irish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • Mutation
  • Haligonian, 128, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • Japanese giant hornet, 147, -4
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • See also
  • K-DK, 150, -4
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Coordinate terms
  • Kazakhstani, 153, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • Kyrgyzstani, 158, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Adjective
        • Translations
  • Liaoning, 165, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Ny-DNy, 184, -4
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Coordinate terms
  • Ny-ÉNy, 185, -4
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Coordinate terms
  • Nysa, 186, -4
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • Prenda, 194, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • Sahara, 204, -4
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • adult actress, 305, -4
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • adult star, 306, -4
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • afflatus, 314, -4
    • Latin
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • Participle
        • Declension
      • References
  • afër, 322, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • aicíd, 329, -4
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • akull, 342, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • alcôve, 343, -4
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • ampar, 365, -4
    • Irish
      • Noun 1
        • Declension
      • Noun 2
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • ansujë, 374, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • anti-seize, 375, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Related terms
      • Adjective
      • See also
  • appropriate, 385, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Further reading
  • asubha, 417, -4
    • Pali
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
      • Adjective
        • Descendants
  • avari, 434, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
    • Italian
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Adjective
        • Noun
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 3
        • Pronunciation
        • Adjective
        • Noun
      • Anagrams
  • aydın, 437, -4
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • bachlach, 443, -4
    • Middle Irish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • bele, 497, -4
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • References
  • bicha, 524, -4
    • Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
        • Related terms
      • Verb
      • Further reading
  • bluaj, 551, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • boustrophedon, 642, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
      • Adjective
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • brok, 654, -4
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
      • Noun
        • Related terms
  • buoy, 675, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
  • claf, 759, -4
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • clawdd, 765, -4
    • Welsh
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Mutation
      • References
  • cockboat, 773, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • conn, 785, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • connie agate, 786, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Usage notes
  • cripto-, 816, -4
    • Galician
      • Etymology
      • Prefix
        • Derived terms
    • Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Prefix
        • Derived terms
  • cukë, 824, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • dame, 843, -4
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
    • Middle English
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Related terms
          • Descendants
        • References
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
      • Etymology 4
        • Noun
      • Etymology 5
        • Verb
  • deemoed, 858, -4
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • See also
  • demarcation potential, 866, -4
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • deuteragonist, 878, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Coordinate terms
        • Translations
      • See also
    • Serbo-Croatian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • dhel, 889, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • dhre, 892, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
      • Etymology 2
      • Verb
        • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 3
      • Conjunction
        • Related terms
  • dilmek, 897, -4
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
        • Conjugation
      • See also
  • djerr, 913, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • References
  • doited, 919, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • dual earner, 954, -4
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • dúkr, 988, -4
    • Old Norse
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
  • eksi, 1007, -4
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
  • emetic, 1024, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Further reading
  • esdek, 1044, -4
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Conjugation
  • eshk, 1046, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
      • References
  • farlighet, 1077, -6
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
  • fat bike, 1080, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
        • Translations
        • See also
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
  • fell, 1089, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • fellë, 1090, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • felszív, 1091, -4
    • Hungarian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Further reading
  • ferrë, 1096, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • fisk, 1110, -4
    • Elfdalian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • fujara, 1156, -4
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • fëndyell, 1172, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • fôr, 1173, -4
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
      • Etymology 3
        • Verb
      • References
  • gavër, 1193, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • ghanan, 1206, -4
    • Swedish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • gift, 1212, -4
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
        • Related terms
  • gjithmonë, 1224, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • gjorë, 1227, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • gjëmoj, 1230, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 1
      • Verb
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Etymology 2
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • References
  • gosse, 1253, -4
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
  • gërdheshtër, 1288, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • gërdhitë, 1290, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • gërdhomë, 1291, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • gërdhuc, 1292, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • gërdhushtë, 1293, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • haje, 1310, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • hallkë, 1316, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
  • harboj, 1323, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • harlë, 1328, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • harmi, 1329, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • hastening, 1334, -4
    • English
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • hollë, 1390, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
      • Noun
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Further reading
      • References
  • hotfoot, 1394, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
      • Adjective
      • Adverb
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • hozzátok, 1400, -4
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronoun
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
  • humilde, 1407, -4
    • Portuguese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
        • Further reading
  • industriel, 1455, -4
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
      • Further reading
  • injury potential, 1459, -4
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • intermix, 1470, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
  • intrusive, 1481, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
      • References
  • jegener, 1509, -4
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • jää, 1535, -4
    • Estonian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Verb
  • kacabu, 1540, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • kacarroj, 1541, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • kalama, 1545, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • kalaman, 1546, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • kalık, 1553, -4
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • klith, 1590, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • kredh, 1630, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • kreppa, 1634, -4
    • Old Norse
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • kreshkë, 1636, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • kridhem, 1637, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
  • krydh, 1641, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • kylt, 1658, -4
    • Westrobothnian
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • kyrtill, 1659, -4
    • Old Norse
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • këlbazë, 1663, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • laba-, 1687, -4
    • Phuthi
      • Etymology 1
        • Prefix
      • Etymology 2
        • Prefix
    • Swazi
      • Etymology 1
        • Prefix
      • Etymology 2
        • Prefix
  • lajkë, 1693, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • lende, 1729, -4
    • Estonian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
    • Middle English
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Descendants
        • References
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
  • leskër, 1733, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • li, 1737, -4
    • Esperanto
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • liberal homophobia, 1739, -4
    • English
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Translations
        • See also
      • References
  • lisë, 1752, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 2
      • Verb
        • Inflection
      • References
  • llaf, 1757, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • longa, 1771, -4
    • Faroese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • love/translations, 1775, -4
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Translations
  • luspë, 1786, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • lëvore, 1795, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • makut, 1823, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
  • mashtroj, 1849, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
  • mbet, 1862, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • mbeturinë, 1864, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Synonyms
  • mbruhem, 1866, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
  • mbrumë, 1867, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • mere, 1889, -4
    • Middle French
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
    • Old French
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • mjet, 1914, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
  • mjólk, 1915, -4
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • See also
  • moanne, 1916, -4
    • West Frisian
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Further reading
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
          • Further reading
  • moot point, 1933, -4
    • English
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Translations
  • même, 1970, -4
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • ndesh, 2009, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ngec, 2043, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • ngjeth, 2046, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • ngrydhët, 2056, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • ngul, 2058, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
        • Antonyms
      • References
  • ni, 2060, -4
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • nusebukur, 2090, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • nuselalë, 2091, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • occipitofrontalis, 2119, -4
    • Latin
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
        • Descendants
  • onderduiken, 2141, -4
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Descendants
  • orlog, 2152, -22
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • oroare, 2155, -4
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
  • out, 2164, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • See also
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Preposition
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Descendants
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Translations
      • Interjection
        • Coordinate terms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Derived terms
      • Related terms
      • References
  • overcast, 2165, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • overerven, 2166, -4
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
  • overhead kick, 2167, -4
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • overmortality, 2169, -6
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • pagara, 2179, -4
    • Dutch
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
    • Sranan Tongo
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Descendants
  • parlor, 2204, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Hypernyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Further reading
  • pasë, 2219, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • periplus, 2242, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Coordinate terms
        • Translations
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • petë, 2252, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • pjerr, 2281, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • plim, 2292, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
      • References
  • plunge, 2297, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • porn star, 2319, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • porropi, 2323, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • potential, 2333, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Further reading
  • proporcija, 2369, -4
    • Lithuanian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • près, 2379, -4
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
      • Preposition
        • Synonyms
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
      • Anagrams
      • Further reading
  • përpjetë, 2416, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • përpëlit, 2417, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • përrua, 2419, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • përrëpi, 2420, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • quk, 2456, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • qukapik, 2459, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • Adjective
  • qukem, 2460, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • qukël, 2462, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • rasp, 2485, -4
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
      • Anagrams
  • reading, 2494, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • rekës, 2501, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • reshte, 2516, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Synonyms
  • rišša, 2541, -4
    • Northern Sami
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Further reading
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Inflection
          • Further reading
  • rradhë, 2561, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Related terms
  • rrafsh, 2562, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • rredhë, 2570, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • rresht, 2573, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
  • rrua, 2579, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • rrufë, 2585, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
  • rëfyrë, 2618, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • rĩa, 2625, -4
    • Kikuyu
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • See also
      • References
  • sandur, 2638, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Alternative forms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • sceaþan, 2650, -4
    • Old English
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Declension
      • Etymology 2
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • schaffe, 2651, -4
    • Alemannic German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Further reading
  • semi-weekly, 2675, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Adverb
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • semimonthly, 2676, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Adverb
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Noun
  • shkop, 2716, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shkoq, 2717, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • shkreh, 2720, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • shkund, 2726, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shkundulloj, 2727, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • shkërbe, 2731, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • shpie, 2742, -4
    • Albanian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • shpinë, 2744, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • shpjertë, 2745, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
  • shpoj, 2746, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shpëlaj, 2753, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • shtijë, 2770, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • shtjell, 2773, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • siège, 2795, -4
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • si̋eną, 2797, -4
    • Taos
      • Etymology
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Derived terms
  • slobozi, 2825, -4
    • Romanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation 1
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • Pronunciation 2
        • Verb
  • smoked salmon, 2837, -4
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Hyponyms
        • Translations
  • sofa, 2849, -4
    • Old Norse
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • sorbitol, 2853, -4
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • References
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • spikth, 2862, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • sqep, 2876, -4
    • Albanian
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
  • sqepadruth, 2877, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • stipple, 2902, -4
    • English
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • stompbox, 2904, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
  • street harassment, 2908, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
        • Translations
  • sulm, 2924, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • takon, 2970, -4
    • Javanese
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • talker, 2972, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • See also
  • tend, 2998, -4
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
          • Usage notes
          • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
        • See also
      • Etymology 2
        • Alternative forms
        • Verb
          • Synonyms
          • Translations
      • Etymology 3
        • Alternative forms
        • Verb
          • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
  • teposhtë, 3001, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
        • Antonyms
  • tharb, 3015, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
  • thaw, 3020, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • the plot thickens, 3024, -4
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Phrase
        • Translations
        • See also
  • thirr, 3031, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Participle
      • Verb
      • References
  • thumboj, 3044, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • tingëz, 3062, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • trammel, 3097, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
  • trollkjerring, 3118, -4
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • trubull, 3122, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • trullos, 3124, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • tuku, 3134, -4
    • Javanese
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • tus, 3141, -6
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
      • References
    • Spanish
      • Pronunciation
      • Determiner
        • Related terms
  • tërmonë, 3151, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • tər, 3163, -4
    • Azerbaijani
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Adjective
        • See also
      • References
  • ujëdhesë, 3171, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • unbox, 3186, -4
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • ushtë, 3215, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • utdrag, 3219, -4
    • Norwegian Bokmål
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
    • Norwegian Nynorsk
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • vakët, 3233, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • vithe, 3294, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • vjel, 3297, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • vontatott, 3309, -4
    • Hungarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
      • Participle
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
  • vranët, 3315, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • vring, 3316, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • vrokth, 3317, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • vuốt, 3327, -4
    • Vietnamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
  • vyej, 3328, -4
    • Albanian
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • vyer, 3329, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • vyeshëm, 3330, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • vështroj, 3348, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • wood pigeon, 3409, -4
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • See also
      • Anagrams
  • wyga, 3420, -4
    • Polish
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Further reading
  • x86-16, 3431, -4
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Hypernyms
        • Coordinate terms
  • yarı, 3446, -4
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • yaxşı, 3448, -4
    • Azerbaijani
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
      • Adverb
        • Derived terms
      • Interjection
      • Usage notes
  • zbath, 3471, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
  • zbokth, 3474, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • zdraj, 3476, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • zgafelle, 3485, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • zidărie, 3499, -4
    • Romanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
  • zu, 3516, -4
    • Basque
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • References
      • Further reading
  • zëj, 3528, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • zëmër, 3529, -4
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • References
  • É-ÉK, 3530, -4
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Coordinate terms
  • É-ÉNy, 3531, -4
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Coordinate terms
  • çelur, 3555, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • çmend, 3558, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Related terms
        • Derived terms
  • çmuar, 3561, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • çok, 3563, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
    • Northern Kurdish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • çukël, 3564, -4
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • øði, 3585, -4
    • Faroese
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
  • það, 3588, -4
    • Icelandic
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
  • αναγραφή, 3638, -4
    • Greek
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • δ, 3645, -4
    • Greek
      • Etymology 1
      • Letter
        • See also
      • Etymology 2
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Coordinate terms
  • η, 3649, -4
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Letter
        • Derived terms
        • See also
  • κάργα, 3651, -4
    • Greek
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • μάρις, 3658, -4
    • Ancient Greek
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Inflection
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • ξερόλα, 3663, -4
    • Greek
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun 1
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun 2
  • τσιχλαηδόνι, 3678, -4
    • Greek
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Coordinate terms
      • References
  • χρυσότσιχλα, 3680, -4
    • Greek
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Coordinate terms
      • References
  • зъль, 3752, -4
    • Old Church Slavonic
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
  • огън, 3797, -4
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
  • приміряти, 3812, -4
    • Ukrainian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb 1
        • Conjugation
      • Verb 2
        • Conjugation
      • References
  • собэ, 3821, -4
    • Romanian
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Declension
  • աղեղն, 3880, -4
    • Old Armenian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
      • References
  • եղբայր, 3882, -4
    • Old Armenian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • մեք, 3891, -4
    • Old Armenian
      • Etymology
      • Pronoun
        • Declension
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • նախահայր, 3892, -4
    • Old Armenian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • References
  • քոյր, 3895, -4
    • Old Armenian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • סברה, 3914, -4
    • Hebrew
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • עין, 3916, -4
    • Hebrew
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • רכב, 3919, -4
    • Hebrew
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • שקל, 3923, -4
    • Hebrew
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation 1
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Etymology 2
      • Pronunciation 2
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • بسة, 3980, -4
    • Hijazi Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
    • South Levantine Arabic
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
  • بسمة, 3981, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
  • تين, 4009, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • References
  • حقب, 4021, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
      • Noun
      • References
  • حیله‌گر, 4027, -4
    • Persian
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • خروبة, 4029, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • خيرات, 4033, -4
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • زر, 4055, -4
    • Persian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Related terms
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
  • سرسر, 4064, -4
    • Moroccan Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
  • سماوي, 4072, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • See also
  • طبخ, 4092, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation 1
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Pronunciation 2
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Pronunciation 3
        • Noun
          • Declension
        • References
  • طعم, 4093, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Descendants
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
    • Persian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
  • عدد, 4101, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Descendants
        • References
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
    • Persian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • عوارية, 4107, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • غسل, 4109, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Descendants
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • غوث, 4110, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology 1
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
        • References
  • فلاحة, 4121, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • قلس, 4129, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Etymology 3
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Etymology 4
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Etymology 5
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 6
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • References
  • كلف, 4143, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Adjective
        • Declension
  • كهل, 4146, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • مفرد, 4174, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • ملوخية, 4176, -4
    • Arabic
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • ملکه, 4179, -4
    • Persian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Descendants
      • Proper noun
  • نخروب, 4188, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • نقل, 4192, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
          • Descendants
        • References
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
        • References
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
          • Declension
        • References
      • Etymology 4
        • Verb
        • Verb
      • Etymology 5
        • Verb
        • Verb
  • هرمز, 4200, -4
    • Arabic
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • وشك, 4208, -4
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation 1
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Pronunciation 2
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Pronunciation 3
        • Noun
          • Declension
        • References
  • گورمك, 4217, -4
    • Ottoman Turkish
      • Etymology 1
      • Verb
        • Descendants
      • Etymology 2
      • Verb
        • Descendants
      • References
  • अमल, 4226, -4
    • Sanskrit
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • तनु, 4249, -4
    • Sanskrit
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • Proper noun
  • दम, 4260, -4
    • Sanskrit
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • नि, 4263, -4
    • Sanskrit
      • Etymology 1
      • Pronunciation
      • Prefix
        • See also
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Etymology 3
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • References
  • भट्ट, 4269, -4
    • Sanskrit
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
  • কোৰ, 4292, -4
    • Assamese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
  • ખૂન, 4298, -4
    • Gujarati
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • ಅಡವಿ, 4305, -4
    • Kannada
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • ಕಾನು, 4309, -4
    • Kannada
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
  • ಹಳುವು, 4312, -4
    • Kannada
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • คุ, 4321, -4
    • Thai
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Adjective
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
  • จำนำ, 4322, -4
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Preposition
  • เถรวาท, 4335, -4
    • Thai
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
  • เมาะ, 4336, -4
    • Thai
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Adverb
        • References
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
  • ပရုတ်, 4355, -4
    • Burmese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
  • ふいんき, 4467, -4
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Quotations
        • Usage notes
  • イケメン, 4471, -4
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • クール, 4474, -4
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Inflection
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
  • 君が代, 4526, -4
    • Japanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Proper noun
        • Usage notes
      • References
  • 國一, 4538, -4
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • 國三, 4539, -4
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • 國二, 4540, -4
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • 夜中, 4544, -4
    • Japanese
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
      • Etymology 3
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
      • References
  • 安娣, 4561, -4
    • Chinese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Coordinate terms
  • 屋裡, 4566, -4
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • 川獺, 4571, -4
    • Japanese
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
      • References
  • 影響, 4577, -4
    • Chinese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
  • 敢若, 4590, -4
    • Chinese
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
          • Synonyms
        • References
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
      • Conjunction
        • Synonyms
      • References
  • 水蛇, 4607, -4
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
  • 生產, 4630, -4
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Synonyms
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • , 4665, -4
    • Japanese
      • Kanji
        • Readings
        • Compounds
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
      • References
  • 萬萬, 4674, -4
    • Chinese
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
        • Synonyms
        • Usage notes
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • ꦗꦩ꧀ꦧꦸ, 4730, -4
    • Javanese
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Synonyms
  • 마리, 4753, -4
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Counter
        • Usage notes
        • See also
  • 삐침, 4765, -4
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • See also
  • , 4775, -4
    • Jeju
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Numeral
        • Alternative forms
        • Synonyms
        • See also
  • , 4801, -4
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
  • 포경, 4809, -4
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • -им, 29, -6
    • Bulgarian
      • Etymology
      • Suffix
        • Usage notes
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • Afganastánach, 39, -6
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • Afracach, 41, -6
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • Chink, 76, -6
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Adjective
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • Esbjerg, 101, -6
    • Czech
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
    • Polish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
    • Slovak
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • Peirs, 189, -6
    • Irish
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Proper noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • Rouvière, 200, -6
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Proper noun
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Further reading
      • References
  • Täuber, 240, -6
    • German
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Coordinate terms
        • Hypernyms
      • See also
      • Further reading
  • abelian, 285, -6
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Translations
        • Related terms
        • See also
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • backward, 447, -6
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Synonyms
        • Translations
      • Adverb
        • Usage notes
        • Antonyms
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Translations
      • Related terms
      • References
      • Anagrams
  • bankroll, 461, -6
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Translations
        • Derived terms
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • bey, 518, -6
    • Turkish
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
      • References
  • bole, 623, -6
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
    • Middle English
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Related terms
          • Descendants
        • References
      • Etymology 2
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Descendants
        • References
  • bow-wow, 643, -6
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Interjection
        • Translations
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Coordinate terms
        • See also
      • Adjective
  • close quarters, 768, -6
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Noun
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • dobban, 917, -6
    • Hungarian
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
      • References
      • Further reading
  • double, 928, -6
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
      • Noun
      • Verb
      • Further reading
  • ende, 1029, -6
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Adverb
        • Related terms
    • Middle English
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
          • Descendants
        • References
      • Etymology 2
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Descendants
        • References
      • Etymology 3
        • Verb
  • foudre, 1144, -6
    • French
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
        • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Descendants
      • Further reading
  • god, 1244, -6
    • Middle English
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Descendants
        • References
        • Proper noun
          • Related terms
          • Descendants
        • References
      • Etymology 2
        • Adjective
    • Old Frisian
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Inflection
        • Descendants
  • heer, 1346, -6
    • Afrikaans
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
    • Westrobothnian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
  • hoeden, 1386, -6
    • Dutch
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
  • liefan, 1744, -6
    • Old English
      • Etymology 1
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Alternative forms
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
  • maantee, 1803, -6
    • Estonian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
        • See also
  • ngjit, 2049, -6
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • on/translations, 2140, -6
    • English
      • Adjective
        • Translations
      • Adverb
        • Translations
      • Preposition
        • Translations
  • pe, 2232, -6
    • Ainu
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
        • Alternative forms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
        • Alternative forms
        • Derived terms
        • See also
    • Basque
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
  • ploughgate, 2295, -6
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Noun
        • Hypernyms
        • Synonyms
        • Hyponyms
  • port wine, 2324, -6
    • English
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
  • prím, 2385, -6
    • Old Irish
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
        • Inflection
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • qit, 2451, -6
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Further reading
      • References
  • qukë, 2461, -6
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • rreth, 2574, -6
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Preposition
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Synonyms
        • See also
      • References
  • shkallmë, 2704, -6
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • shkul, 2724, -6
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
      • Noun
      • Adjective
  • sneaker, 2842, -6
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Hypernyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
      • Anagrams
    • Dutch
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
  • teacht, 2987, -6
    • Irish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Alternative forms
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Mutation
      • Further reading
  • x86-32, 3432, -6
    • English
      • Proper noun
        • Synonyms
        • Hypernyms
        • Coordinate terms
  • xhingël, 3437, -6
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • πλάνη, 3668, -6
    • Greek
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • See also
      • Etymology 2
        • Alternative forms
        • Noun
          • Declension
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
  • بربرية, 3978, -6
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Adjective
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
          • Declension
  • بغض, 3985, -6
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Antonyms
  • صير, 4091, -6
    • Arabic
      • Etymology 1
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Declension
          • Descendants
          • See also
          • Further reading
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Etymology 4
        • Verb
  • عجب, 4100, -6
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation 1
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Pronunciation 2
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Pronunciation 3
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Pronunciation 4
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • Adjective
        • Declension
        • Related terms
        • Descendants
  • كذبة, 4139, -6
    • Arabic
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Descendants
      • Noun
        • Declension
  • مع, 4171, -6
    • Hijazi Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
    • Moroccan Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Conjunction
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
    • Tunisian Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Preposition
        • Inflection
  • ワン, 4479, -6
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
          • Coordinate terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
          • Synonyms
  • 初期, 4519, -6
    • Japanese
      • Pronunciation
      • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
      • References
  • 별로, 4760, -6
    • Korean
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adverb
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • See also
  • acquiescent, 296, -8
    • English
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
        • Translations
      • See also
      • References
  • barrë, 471, -8
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
      • References
  • cookie-cutter, 794, -8
    • English
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Translations
        • See also
      • Further reading
  • fole, 1128, -8
    • Albanian
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
    • Middle English
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
          • Descendants
        • References
        • Adjective
          • Descendants
        • References
      • Etymology 2
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Descendants
        • References
      • Etymology 3
        • Verb
  • herre, 1359, -8
    • Middle English
      • Etymology 1
        • Alternative forms
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Descendants
        • References
      • Etymology 2
        • Alternative forms
        • Noun
          • Descendants
        • References
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
      • Etymology 4
        • Noun
      • Etymology 5
        • Pronoun
      • Etymology 6
        • Adverb
      • Etymology 7
        • Determiner
      • Etymology 8
        • Adjective
  • mënd, 1971, -8
    • Albanian
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Declension
      • Etymology 2
      • Verb
        • Inflection
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • References
  • phò, 2256, -8
    • Vietnamese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
        • See also
  • wer, 3385, -8
    • English
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
        • Related terms
      • Anagrams
    • Middle English
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
          • Synonyms
          • Related terms
        • Antonyms
        • Descendants
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
      • Etymology 3
        • Noun
    • Old English
      • Alternative forms
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
          • Declension
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
  • backen, 446, -10
    • German
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
  • cheap, 734, -10
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Noun
      • Adjective
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Related terms
        • See also
        • Translations
      • Verb
        • Derived terms
        • Usage notes
      • Adverb
      • Anagrams
  • hintti, 1378, -10
    • Finnish
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
      • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Etymology 2
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Synonyms
      • Anagrams
  • hlaða, 1382, -10
    • Icelandic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Verb
        • Conjugation
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Related terms
  • imtë, 1447, -10
    • Albanian
      • Alternative forms
      • Etymology
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Noun
        • Declension
        • Derived terms
        • Further reading
      • References
  • xanh, 3433, -10
    • Vietnamese
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Adjective
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Antonyms
        • Derived terms
      • Etymology 2
        • Noun
          • Synonyms
      • References
  • pair, 2183, -12
    • English
      • Pronunciation
      • Etymology 1
        • Noun
        • Usage notes
        • Synonyms
        • Derived terms
        • Descendants
        • Translations
        • Verb
          • Derived terms
          • Related terms
        • See also
        • Translations
      • Etymology 2
        • Verb
      • Anagrams
    • French
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation
      • Adjective
        • Derived terms
        • Related terms
      • Noun
        • Derived terms
        • Antonyms
      • Further reading
      • Anagrams
  • وسع, 4207, -12
    • South Levantine Arabic
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
  • いき, 4450, -12
    • Japanese
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
        • Synonyms
        • See also
          • Inflection
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Noun
        • Adjectival noun
      • Etymology 3
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
        • Noun
          • Derived terms
      • Etymology 4
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
        • Noun
          • Antonyms
        • Prefix
      • Etymology 5
      • Etymology 6
      • Etymology 7
      • References
  • صدر, 4086, -16
    • Arabic
      • Etymology
      • Pronunciation 1
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Pronunciation 2
        • Verb
          • Conjugation
      • Pronunciation 3
        • Noun
          • Declension
      • References
  • أغلب, 3940, -60
    • Arabic
      • Etymology 1
        • Pronunciation
        • Adjective
          • Declension
      • Etymology 2
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 3
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 4
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 5
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 6
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 7
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 8
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 9
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 10
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 11
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 12
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 13
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 14
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 15
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • Etymology 16
        • Pronunciation
        • Verb
      • References