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Alternative forms




From favorável +‎ -mente.


  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /fa.voˌɾa.vewˈmẽ.t͡ʃi/ [fa.voˌɾa.veʊ̯ˈmẽ.t͡ʃi]
    • (Southern Brazil) IPA(key): /fa.voˌɾa.vewˈmẽ.te/ [fa.voˌɾa.veʊ̯ˈmẽ.te]

  • Hyphenation: fa‧vo‧ra‧vel‧men‧te



favoravelmente (comparable, comparative mais favoravelmente, superlative o mais favoravelmente)

  1. favorably; conveniently
    Synonyms: auspiciosamente, convenientemente
    Antonyms: desfavoravelmente, inconvenientemente
    • 1857, José de Alencar, O Guarani:
      O escudeiro voltou a dar esta noticia ao fidalgo, que recebeu-a menos favoravelmente do que se devia supor; ignorava a causa e o fim dessa partida repentina, e desconfiava dela.
      The squire returned to give the news to the nobleman, who received it less favorably than he had anticipated; he ignored the aim and the end of that unexpected departure, and distrusted of it.