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Relative adjective (nisba) composed of صَلْعَم (ṣalʕam) +‎ ـِيّ (-iyy). From صَلْعَم (ṣalʕam, but rarely so pronounced), an acronym or alteration of صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ (ṣallā l-lahu ʕalayhi wasallama, May Allah bless him and grant him peace), a religious eulogy that typically follows the mentioning of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, with the acronym turning into a derogatory denomination of Muhammad himself.





صَلْعَمِيّ (ṣalʕamiyym (plural صَلاعِمة (ṣalāʕima), feminine صَلْعَمِيَّة (ṣalʕamiyya))

  1. (slang, religious slur) a mudslime, a muzzie, a Mahometist (a Muslim)
    Synonym: شارِب بَوْل بَعِير (šārib bawl baʕīr, drinker of camel piss)

Usage notes


The word is part of the slang of Arabic-speaking non-Muslims, and in particular non-theists, who have formed quite numerous and very active internet communities (particularly since the Arab Spring and ISIS). Muhammad is oftentimes called صَلْعَم (ṣalʕam) by such groups to avoid the positive significations of his name, which is the passive participle of حَمَّدَ (ḥammada), thus meaning (“the Blessed”, “the Praised”).

