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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-r

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
-r {suffix} :: alternative form of -ra
-r {suffix} :: alternative form of -re
r {letter} :: letter: är, er
R {letter} :: letter: är, er
-ra {suffix} :: Forms nouns or adjectives, mostly from nominal stems
raa’annokka {n} [nautical] :: yardarm (outer end of a yard)
raa’asti {adv} :: cruelly, brutally, savagely
raadanta {n} :: toil
raadanta {n} :: drudgery
raadella {v} :: To savage, maul (to attack with the teeth)
raadollinen {adj} :: unscrupulous
raadollisuus {n} :: unscrupulousness
raadon {n} [archaic] :: alternative form of radon
raadonsyöjä {n} :: scavenger, necrophage
raadonsyönti {n} :: necrophagy
raaempi {adj} :: comparative of raaka
raaentaa {vt} :: To make more brutal
raaentua {v} [nonstandard] :: alternative form of raaistua
raahaantua {vi} :: to be dragged
raahata {v} :: To drag, haul
raahata ahterinsa {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: to get one's butt [somewhere]
raahata perseensä {v} [vulgar] :: synonym of raahata ahterinsa
raahautua {vi} :: To be dragged
Raahe {prop} :: Raahe (town/and/municipality)
raahelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Raahe
raahelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Raahe
raahustaa {vi} :: To shamble, saunter, slog
raain {adj} :: superlative of raaka
raaistaa {vt} :: to brutalise/brutalize (to make more brutal)
raaistua {v} :: to become more brutal
raaistuttaa {v} :: synonym of raaistaa
raaja {n} [anatomy] :: limb
-raajainen {adj} :: legged
raajapari {n} :: pair of limbs
raajarikko {n} :: [of animal] lame
raajarikkoinen {adj} :: crippled
raajaton {adj} :: limbless
raajoa {v} [dialectal] :: to cut up or dismember a slaughtered animal
raaka {adj} :: raw
raaka {adj} :: crude
raaka {adj} :: rude, brutal
raaka {adj} :: brute
raaka {n} [nautical] :: yard
raaka-aine {n} [manufacturing] :: raw material
raaka-aine {n} [business] :: commodity (primary product as object of trade in an exchange)
raaka-ainevarat {n} :: raw material reserves
raakadata {n} :: raw data
rääkäistä {vi} :: to squawk, to shriek, to screech
rääkäisy {n} :: screech (harsh, shrill cry)
raakakaakao {n} :: cocoa (dried and partially fermented seeds of cacao tree)
raakakäännös {n} :: raw translation
raakakivi {n} :: unworked stone
raakakupari {n} :: raw copper
raakakypsyttää {vt} :: to hang (meat)
raakalainen {n} :: A brute, a brutal or uncivilized person
raakalainen {n} :: An ogre (brutish man whose behavior resembles that of the mythical ogre)
raakalaismainen {adj} :: barbaric
raakalaisuus {n} :: barbarianism, savagery
raakamaa {n} :: undeveloped land, raw land
raakamaito {n} :: raw milk (non-pasteurized milk)
raakamakkara {n} :: raw sausage
raakamalmi {n} [metallurgy] :: raw ore
raakametalli {n} :: raw metal (intermediate product in metallurgy, having high metallic content but not being good for end use in metalworking industry or elsewhere without further processing)
raakaöljy {n} :: crude oil
raakapakaste {n} :: raw frozen food
raakapihvi {n} :: synonym of tartarpihvi
raakapurje {n} [nautical] :: square sail
raakapuu {n} :: raw wood
raakapuu {n} [nautical] :: yard
raakapuuvilla {n} :: raw cotton; cotton wool [US]
raakarauta {n} :: pig iron, crude iron
raakasokeri {n} :: raw sugar, jaggery
raakasuklaa {n} :: raw chocolate (chocolate not heated beyond 42 degrees Celsius during processing)
raakata {v} [colloquial] :: to discard, reject, eliminate
raakata {v} [dialectal] :: to shave (beard)
rääkätä {v} :: to torture, torment (especially an animal)
raakatalja {n} :: rawhide
raakateksti {n} [journalism] :: copy (text that is to be typeset)
raakateräs {n} :: crude steel
raaka voima {n} :: brute force (method of solving problems)
Raakel {prop} :: Rachel [biblical character]
Raakel {prop} :: given name of biblical origin
raakile {n} :: A raw or unripe fruit or berry
raakile {n} :: draft, sketch
raakimus {n} :: brute
rääkkä {n} :: crake (galliform birds in several genera)
rääkkä {n} [in plural] :: the genus Crex
rääkkääntyä {v} :: synonym of rääkkäytyä
rääkkäytyä {vi} :: to be tormented or tortured
raakki {n} :: crock (person)
rääkkiäinen {n} :: rail (bird of the genus Coturnicops)
raakku {n} :: freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera)
raakku {n} [mining] :: synonym of sivukivi
raakkua {vi} [of a bird] :: To caw
rääkkyä {v} :: [of a crow etc.] to croak
Rääkkylä {prop} :: Rääkkylä
rääkkyläläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Rääkkylä
rääkkyläläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Rääkkylä
raakua {v} :: alternative form of raakkua
raakuus {n} :: rawness
raakuus {n} :: cruelty
rääkyä {vi} :: To cry loudly (like a small baby; a somewhat disparaging expression)
rääkynä {n} :: alternative form of rääyntä
rääkyntä {n} :: crow's croak
raamattu {n} :: A bible
Raamattu {prop} :: The Bible
raamattutieto {n} :: information or knowledge about the Bible
raamattuvyöhyke {n} :: Bible Belt (area in which Evangelical Protestantism is a pervasive or dominant part of the culture)
raamatullinen {adj} :: biblical
raamatunkäännös {n} :: Bible translation
raamatunselitysoppi {n} :: exegesis, exegetics (explanation and interpretation of the texts of the Bible)
raamatunteksti {n} [Christianity] :: scripture, text from the Bible
raami {n} :: frame
raamiäes {n} :: a harrow with a frame having multiple rows of spikes
raamikas {adj} :: robust (body shape)
raamisaha {n} :: frame saw
raamittaa {vt} [colloquial] :: to frame (put in or furnish with a frame)
raana {n} :: faucet
raani {n} [plant] :: shoreweed (Littorella uniflora)
raanu {n} :: A traditional heavy woven rug, used as bed cover and wall textile
raapaista {vt} :: To scratch, scrape (once)
raapaisu {n} :: A graze; light scratch
raapaisupinta {n} :: striking surface (such as that on a matchbox)
rääpäle {n} :: A runt
raapata {vt} :: to scrape
raape {n} :: The material loosened by scratching
raapia {vt} :: To scratch, scrape
rääpiä {vi} :: to skimp, to slight
rääpiäiset {n} :: alternative form of rääppiäiset
raapiintua {v} :: synonym of raapiutua
raapiutua {vi} :: to be scratched or scraped
raappa {n} :: scraper
rääppeet {n} [colloquial] :: leftovers, remains
raappia {v} [dialectal] :: alternative form of raapia
rääppiä {v} :: synonym of rääpiä
rääppiäiset {n} :: A leftovers party
raappiintua {v} :: synonym of raappiutua
raappiutua {vi} :: to be scraped or scratched
raapustaa {v} :: to scrawl, scribble (e.g. of notes)
raaputella {vt} :: to scratch repeatedly
raaputin {n} :: scraper
raaputtaa {vt} :: to scratch
raaputus {n} :: scratching
rääpynen {n} [dialect, Eastern-Finnish] :: vendace
rääpys {n} :: synonym of reeska
rääseikkö {n} :: A type of swampy forest
Raasepori {prop} :: Raasepori (town/and/municipality)
raaseporilainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Raseborg
raaseporilainen {n} :: a person from or living in Raseborg
raaskia {v} [colloquial] :: To dare (to have enough courage to do something because of emotional reasons)
raastaa {v} :: To tear, pull
raastaa {v} :: To grate
raaste {n} [cooking] :: grated food
raastin {n} :: grater
raastinrauta {n} :: grater (kitchen tool)
raastupa {n} :: courtroom
raastuvanoikeus {n} [legal, historical] :: Until Dec. 1993 the court of first instance in the cities of Finland, since then replaced by käräjäoikeus. English-language equivalents vary by jurisdiction, at least following are used: magistrates court (UK), municipal court (US)
raasu {n} :: wretch
rääsy {n} :: rag
rääsyläinen {n} :: rag (person who is dressed in rags due to poverty)
raataa {vi} :: to drudge, toil, sweat, slave (to work very hard and during long hours)
räätäli {n} :: tailor
räätäli {n} :: tailorbird (any bird of the genus Artisomis in Cisticolidae family)
räätäliliike {n} :: tailor's
räätälinlihas {n} [anatomy] :: sartorius
räätälinliitu {n} :: tailor's chalk
räätälintyö {n} :: tailoring work
räätälöidä {vt} :: to tailor
räätälöity {adj} :: tailor-made, tailored
raataminen {n} :: drudging, toiling, working hard
raate {n} :: bogbean, buckbean, Menyanthes trifoliata
raatelu {n} :: savaging, mauling
raateluhammas {n} :: eyetooth, canine tooth; especially a well-developed one which is particularly suited for tearing meat
raatelujalka {n} [zoology] :: a foot with curved claws used for mauling or tearing
raatelunokka {n} :: raptorial beak
raati {n} :: jury (body of judges in a competition)
raati {n} [archaic] :: city council
raatihuone {n} [historical] :: city hall, town hall
Raatikainen {prop} :: surname
räätikkä {n} [dialectal] :: swede, rutabaga
raato {n} :: An animal carcass, corpse
raato {n} [colloquial] :: A dead human corpse
raatokukka {n} :: rafflesia
raatokuoriainen {n} :: staphylinoid (member of the beetle superfamily Staphylinoidea)
raatsia {v} :: alternative form of raaskia
raavas {adj} :: robust, strong
raavas {n} :: [dated] cow
rääväsuinen {n} :: potty-mouthed, scurrilous (using vulgar language, especially strong profanities)
rääväsuisesti {adv} :: in a potty-mouthed or scurrilous manner
rääväsuisuus {n} :: potty mouth (characteristic of regularly using vulgar language, especially strong profanities)
rääväsuu {n} :: A potty mouth (person having the characteristic of regularly using vulgar language, especially strong profanities)
Rääveli {prop} [archaic] :: Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia
raavin {n} :: scraper (an instrument with which anything is scraped)
raavinta {n} :: scratching
räävitön {adj} :: obscene, coarse, rude
räävittömämpi {adj} :: comparative of räävitön
räävittömästi {adv} :: obscenely, coarsely, rudely
räävittömin {adj} :: superlative of räävitön
rääyntä {n} :: loud cry of a baby
rääyttää {vt} :: to make cry loudly
rabbi {n} :: rabbi
rabbiini {n} :: rabbi
rabdomyolyysi {n} [pathology] :: rhabdomyolysis
raclette {n} :: raclette (dish)
radeerata {vt} [dated] :: to erase (writing)
radiaalinen {adj} :: radial
radiaani {n} [geometry] :: radian (unit of angle)
radiaatio {n} :: radiation
radiaattori {n} :: radiator
radianssi {n} [physics] :: radiance (the flux of radiation emitted per unit solid angle in a given direction by a unit area of a source)
radiantti {n} [astronomy] :: radiant
radikaalein {adj} :: superlative of radikaali
radikaali {adj} :: radical
radikaali {n} :: A radical person or one who acts radically
radikaali {n} [chemistry] :: radical
radikaalimpi {adj} :: comparative of radikaali
radikaalinen {adj} :: radical
radikaalisesti {adv} :: radically
radikaalistaa {vt} :: to radicalize
radikaalisti {adv} :: radically
radikaalistua {vi} :: to become radicalized
radikaalisuus {n} :: radicalness
radikaalius {n} :: radicalness
radikalismi {n} :: radicalism
radikalisoida {vt} :: To radicalize
radikalisoitua {vi} :: To be radicalized
radikuliitti {n} :: radiculitis
radio- {prefix} :: radio- (radiation)
radio {n} :: radio (technology)
radio {n} :: radio (receiver or transmitter)
radio {n} :: radio (type of media)
radio {n} [modifier] :: radio- (of or pertaining to radiowaves)
radioaakkonen {n} :: in plural only, radio alphabet, spelling alphabet (set of standard words used in radiotelephony to represent the letters of alphabet when spelling in conditions where misunderstanding may easily happen)
radioaakkonen {n} :: spelling word (word used to represent a letter when spelling)
radioaallot {n} :: radio waves
radioaktiivinen {adj} :: radioactive
radioaktiivinen jäte {n} :: radioactive waste
radioaktiivisesti {adv} :: radioactively
radioaktiivisuus {n} :: radioactivity
radioamatööri {n} :: A ham (ham radio operator)
radioamatööriasema {n} :: ham radio station, amateur radio station
radioantenni {n} :: radio antenna
radioasema {n} :: radio station
radioastronomi {n} :: radio astronomer
radioastronomia {n} :: radio astronomy
radiobiologi {n} :: radiobiologist
radiobiologia {n} :: radiobiology
radiografia {n} :: radiography (science of analyzing radiographs)
radiografia {n} [rare] :: radiography (process of producing radiographs)
radiogramofoni {n} :: radiogram (device combining radio and gramophone)
radiohäirintä {n} :: radio jamming
radiohiili {n} :: radiocarbon
radiohiiliajoitus {n} :: radiocarbon dating
radiohiljaisuus {n} :: radio silence
radioida {v} :: To radio
radioisotooppi {n} :: radioisotope
radioitse {adv} :: By radio
radiojodi {n} :: iodine-131
radiokanava {n} :: radio channel
radiokasettisoitin {n} :: radio cassette player
radiokemia {n} :: nuclear chemistry
radiokemia {n} :: radiochemistry
radiokeskustelu {n} :: a radio conversation
radiokommunikaatio {n} :: radiocommunication
radiokuva {n} [rare] :: synonym of röntgenkuva
radiolähetin {n} :: radio (transmitter)
radiolähetys {n} :: radio transmission
radio-levysoitin {n} :: radiogram (device combining radio and record player)
radioliikenne {n} :: radio communication
radiologi {n} :: radiologist
radiologia {n} :: radiology
radiologinen {adj} :: radiological
radioluotaus {n} :: radio sounding
radiolyysi {n} :: radiolysis
radiomajakka {n} :: A radio beacon
radiometri {n} :: radiometer
radiometria {n} :: radiometry
radiometrinen {adj} :: radiometric
radionuklidi {n} [physics] :: radionuclide (radioactive nuclide)
radio-ohjattava {adj} :: radio-controlled (controlled remotely using radio signals)
radio-ohjattu {adj} :: radio-controlled
radio-ohjaus {n} :: radio control
radiopatologia {n} :: radiopathology
radiopuhelin {n} :: radiotelephone
radiopuhelin {n} :: walkie-talkie
radiosanoma {n} :: radiogram (message, like telegram, sent over radio)
radiosignaali {n} :: radio signal
radiositeetti {n} :: radiosity
radiosondi {n} :: radiosonde
radiosuuntimislaite {n} :: synonym of radiosuuntimalaite
radiotähti {n} :: radio star
radiotähtitiede {n} [astronomy] :: radio astronomy
radioteitse {adv} :: by radio
radiotekniikka {n} :: radio technology
radioteleskooppi {n} :: radio telescope
radiouutiset {n} :: radio news
radiovastaanotin {n} :: radio (receiver)
radioviestintä {n} [biology] :: radiocommunication
radium {n} :: radium
radiumkloridi {n} [chemistry] :: radium chloride
radon {n} :: radon
radonfluoridi {n} [chemistry] :: radon fluoride
radža {n} :: A rajah
rae {n} :: hailstone, hail
rae {n} [materials science] :: grain (a region within a material having a single crystal structure or direction)
raejuusto {n} :: a Finnish fresh cheese similar to cottage cheese
raejuusto {n} :: cottage cheese
raekoko {n} :: grain size
raekuuro {n} :: hail shower
raesade {n} :: hail, hailstorm
raesokeri {n} :: nib sugar, pearl sugar (coarse opaque sugar)
Rafael {prop} :: Raphael [biblical character]
Rafael {prop} :: given name
raffinoida {vt} :: To refine
raffinoitua {vi} :: to be refined
raffinoitunut {adj} :: refined, that which has been refined
raffinoosi {n} :: raffinose
rafflesia {n} :: rafflesia
rafla {n} [slang] :: restaurant
raflaava {adj} [colloquial] :: showy, bold, flamboyant, racy; that which attracts or is intended to attract attention
raflaavasti {adv} [colloquial] :: showily, flamboyantly
raggari {n} :: raggare
ragnarök {n} [Norse mythology] :: Ragnarok
ragoût {n} :: ragout
raguu {n} :: ragout
raha {n} :: money (see the usage notes below)
raha {n} [obsolete] :: squirrel pelt
raha-aateli {n} :: rich people collectively
raha-ansio {n} :: monetary income, monetary earnings
raha-arkku {n} :: coffer; treasury chest, treasury casket, treasury coffin
raha-arpa {n} :: ticket for a prize draw with monetary prizes
raha-arpajaiset {n} :: a prize draw with monetary prizes
raha-arvo {n} :: value in money, monetary value
raha-asia {n} :: finance, financial matter
raha-automaatti {n} :: slot machine that gives monetary prizes
raha-avustus {n} :: financial aid, monetary grant
rähähtää {vi} :: to snarl
rahahuoli {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: worries about money
rahajärjestelmä {n} :: monetary system
rahakammio {n} :: treasury, especially a historical one
rahakanta {n} :: monetary base
rahakas {adj} :: wealthy, rich
rahakas {adj} :: lucrative, bringing much wealth
rahakasvi {n} :: cash crop
rahake {n} :: token (substitute for money)
rahakirstu {n} :: coffer (supply or store of money)
rähäkkä {n} :: affray, fracas, ruffle
rahakokoelma {n} :: money collection, coin collection
rahakortti {n} :: stored value card
rahaksimuutto {n} :: realization, liquidation (turning into money)
rahakukkaro {n} :: coin purse
rahalähde {n} :: income, source of money
rahalähetys {n} :: remittance
rahalahja {n} :: monetary gift, financial gift
rahalahjoitus {n} :: monetary donation
rahalaina {n} :: monetary loan, loan of money
rahalaitos {n} :: financial institution
rahaliike {n} :: synonym of rahaliikenne
rahaliikenne {n} :: money transfers and transactions collectively
rahaliitto {n} :: monetary union
rahalipas {n} :: money box, cashbox
rahalla saa ja hevosella pääsee {proverb} :: used by or of a person who is willing to spend to get what they want
rahallinen {adj} :: monetary
rahallisesti {adv} :: monetarily
rahalöytö {n} [archeology] :: discovery or find of money
rahaluotto {n} :: monetary credit
rahamaailma {n} :: (the) financial world
rahamäärä {n} :: amount or sum of money
rahamalmi {n} :: coin-sized piece or pieces of limonite
rahamarkkinat {n} [finance] :: money market
rahametalli {n} :: metal or alloy used as or for making money, bullion
rahamies {n} [colloquial] :: moneybags
rahaministeri {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of valtiovarainministeri
rahamuuli {n} :: money mule
rahamylly {n} [figurative] :: great source of profit
rahanahne {adj} :: mercenary
rahanahneus {n} :: greed for money
rahanarvo {n} :: value of money, purchasing power
rahanarvoinen {adj} :: having monetary value
rahanhimo {n} :: avarice, greed for money or wealth
rahanhimoinen {adj} :: extortionate, greedy
rahanhukka {n} :: waste of money
rahani {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of raha
rahankäyttö {n} :: spending, use of money
rahankeräys {n} :: fundraising, collection of money
rahankierto {n} :: circulation of money
rahanlähde {n} :: income, source of money
rahanlainaaja {n} :: moneylender
rahanlainaus {n} :: money lending
rahanlajittelukone {n} :: money sorting machine
rahanlaskukone {n} :: money counting machine
rahanmeno {n} :: expense
rahanpesu {n} :: money laundering
rahanpuute {n} :: lack of money
rahanreikä {n} :: synonym of rahareikä
rahansäästö {n} :: saving money
rahantarve {n} :: need for money
rahantulo {n} :: income of money
rahanuudistus {n} :: synonym of rahauudistus
rahanväärennys {n} :: counterfeiting or forgery of money
rahanväärentäjä {n} :: counterfeiter or forger of money
rahanvaihtaja {n} :: money changer
rahanvaihto {n} :: money exchange
rahapaja {n} :: mint (where money is produced)
rahapalkinto {n} :: financial or monetary prize or reward
rahapalkka {n} :: wage or salary paid as money or cash
rahapalkkio {n} :: financial or monetary reward
rahapanos {n} :: actual money used as currency in a game, such as a card game (as opposed to playing for fun or such)
rahapeli {n} :: gamble (game with money involved)
rahapeliautomaatti {n} :: slot machine (gambling)
rahapoliittinen {adj} :: pertaining to monetary policy or monetary politics
rahapolitiikka {n} :: monetary policy
rahapuhelin {n} :: payphone (public telephone that requires prepayment)
rahapula {n} :: shortage of money
rahapussi {n} :: A purse
rahapuu {n} :: jade plant (Crassula ovata)
raha ratkaisee {phrase} :: money talks
rahareformi {n} :: synonym of rahauudistus
rahareikä {n} [figurative] :: money pit, reason for loss of one's money
raharikas {adj} :: rich, wealthy, that has a lot of money
raharuhtinas {n} [figurative] :: very rich person, filthy rich person
rahasampo {n} :: cash cow, moneymaker
rahasi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of raha
rahastaa {v} :: to collect money, as e.g. at the entrance of something
rahastaa {v} :: to cash in (to profit from)
rahastaa {v} [colloquial] :: to charge exorbitantly, to rip off
rahastaja {n} :: conductor (person whose job is to collect fares in a bus or tram)
rahasto {n} :: fund
rahasto {n} :: war chest (fund for a special campaign)
rahastoanti {n} [finance] :: capitalization issue
rahastoida {vt} :: to fund (transfer of assets to an entity)
rahastojen rahasto {n} [finance] :: fund of funds (investment fund that invests primarily in other funds)
rahastonhoitaja {n} :: A treasurer in a club or other similar organization
rahasto-osuus {n} :: fund contribution, fund compartment
rahastoyhtiö {n} :: fund management company
rahastus {n} [public transport] :: fare collection
rahastus {n} :: rip-off (unfair pricing or business strategy aimed at maximizing profit)
rahastuslaukku {n} [public transport] :: conductor's bag
rahasumma {n} :: sum of money
rahasuoritus {n} :: monetary contribution
rahatalletus {n} :: deposit of money
rahatalous {n} :: monetary economics, finance
rahatalous {n} :: monetary economy
rahatalous {n} :: financial economy
rahatiede {n} :: numismatics
rahatilanne {n} :: financial position or situation
rahatoimi {n} [usually in the plural] :: financial affair
rahaton {adj} :: penniless, impecunious, broke, busted, skint (lacking money, temporarily and/or because of being poor)
rähättää {v} :: to laugh hoarsely
rahatulo {n} :: monetary income
rahauudistus {n} :: monetary reform
rahavaikeus {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: difficulties or troubles with money
rahavalta {n} :: plutocracy
rahavaranto {n} [economics] :: money supply
rahavarat {n} :: finance, monetary resources
rahavirta {n} :: money flow, cash flow
rahayksikkö {n} :: unit of currency, monetary unit
rahdata {vt} :: to haul
rahdinantaja {n} :: shipper (person or organization that ships or sends something)
rahdinkuljettaja {n} :: carrier, freight carrier
rahdittaa {vt} :: to freight, to transport
rahi {n} [dated] :: low bench
rahi {n} :: footstool, stool
rahina {n} [onomatopoetic] :: rasping sound, rattle
rahina {n} [pathology] :: rale, rales, crackles (abnormal sound from the lungs)
rähinä {n} :: brawl, ruction (noisy quarrel or fight)
rähinäkänni {n} :: beer muscles (aggressive attitude resulting from consumption of an alcoholic beverage)
rähinäremmi {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of komentohihna
rähinöidä {v} :: To rumble, brawl
rähinöitsijä {n} :: brawler
rahisi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of rahi
rahista {vi} [onomatopoetic] :: To rasp (to make a rasping sound)
rähistä {vi} :: To brawl
rahistaa {vt} [onomatopoetic] :: to make rasp (to cause to make a rasping sound)
rähjä {n} :: raggedy or ramshackle thing, especially a building
rähjääntyä {vi} :: to become raggedy or ramshackle
rähjäinen {adj} :: ragged
rähjätä {v} :: to yell at (to scold, to rebuke - often by yelling)
rähjäytyä {v} :: synonym of rähjääntyä
rahje {n} [horsemanship] :: A leather strap used to join the shafts of a carriage, sled etc. to the horse collar
rahje {n} [figuratively] :: In plural, the capacity, potential or capabilities of e.g. a person or an organization, whether financial, intellectual, physical or other
rahjus {n} :: frail person
rahjustaa {v} :: To shamble
rahka {n} :: quark (food)
rahka {n} :: curd
rahkahapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula sphagnophila
rahkahopeatäplä {n} :: Frigga fritillary, Boloria frigga (syn. Clossiana frigga)
rahkaneva {n} :: a dry, poor fen
rahkapiirakka {n} :: quark pie
rahkapulla {n} :: a sweet pastry with quark in the middle; very similar to a vatrushka
rahkaräme {n} :: a barren boreal swamp with a thick layer of peat
rahkarousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius sphagneti
rahkasammal {n} [plant] :: sphagnum, peat moss
rahkasammalinen {adj} :: sphagnous
rahkasara {n} [plant] :: few-flowered sedge (Carex pauciflora)
rahkaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius huronensis
rahkoittua {vi} :: to be covered in sphagnum
Rahkonen {prop} :: surname
Rahkonen {prop} :: A placename
rähmä {n} :: rheum, sleep (substance found in the corner of the eye)
rähmällään {adv} :: prone (lying face down)
rähmällään {adv} :: olla ~ : to grovel (to be prone on the ground)
rähmällään {adv} [figuratively] :: olla ~ : to grovel (to abase oneself before another person)
rähmälleen {adv} :: into being prone (lying face down)
rähmältään {adv} :: from being prone (lying face down)
rähmiä {vi} :: to extrude rheum
rahna {n} [colloquial] :: money
rahnuttaa {vt} [dialectal] :: synonym of rapsuttaa
rahoittaa {vt} :: To finance, fund, pay for, support financially, provide financial/monetary support/backing for; to sponsor
rahoittaja {n} :: financier, funder
rahoittamaton {adj} :: unfunded, unfinanced
rahoittaminen {n} :: financing, funding
rahoitus {n} :: financing, finance
rahoituserä {n} [accounting] :: financial item (item on the financial statement of a bookkeeping entity which deals with financing, as opposed to the real process of producing goods and services)
rahoitushakemus {n} :: funding application, financing application
rahoitusjohtaja {n} :: chief financial officer, CFO, treasurer, financial director (head of finance in a company)
rahoitusjohtaminen {n} :: financial management
rahoituskriisi {n} :: financial crisis
rahoituslaitos {n} :: financial institution
rahoitusmahdollisuus {n} :: financing option, financing possibility
rahoitusmatematiikka {n} :: mathematical finance
rahoitusmuoto {n} :: form of funding
rahoitusneuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the third rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished businesspeople in the finance industry
rahoitusosuus {n} :: financial contribution
rahoituspäätös {n} :: financing decision
rahoitussuunnitelma {n} :: financing plan
rahoitustarkastus {n} :: financial supervision
rahtaaja {n} :: charterer, shipper
rahtaussopimus {n} :: charter, chartering contract
rahti {n} :: freight, cargo
rahtialus {n} :: cargo vessel
rahtiasema {n} :: freight station
rahtijuna {n} :: synonym of tavarajuna
rahtikirja {n} :: waybill, bill of lading
rahtikone {n} :: synonym of rahtilentokone
rahtikulut {n} :: freight costs
rahtilaiva {n} :: cargo ship
rahtilentokone {n} :: cargo plane
rahtimaksu {n} :: freight (payment)
rahtitavara {n} :: cargo
rahtitila {n} :: cargo compartment, cargo area
rahtityö {n} :: outsourced work
rahtivapaasti {adv} :: delivered for free
rahtu {n} :: A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota. Normally used only in the idiom "ei rahtuakaan" (not at all, not the slightest bit)
rahtunen {n} :: A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota. Normally used only attributively
rahvaanomainen {adj} :: vulgar, common, plebeian (not sophisticated)
rahvaanomaisempi {adj} :: comparative of rahvaanomainen
rahvaanomaisesti {adv} :: vulgarly
rahvaanomaisin {adj} :: superlative of rahvaanomainen
rahvaanomaisuus {n} :: vulgarity
rahvas {n} [relatively derogatory] :: The peasantry, common/ordinary people/folks, lower-class people (often used of those people in the past, in distinction from the rich and/or influential proportion of a people), the riff-raff, proletariat, lumpenproletariat
rahvas {n} [playfully] :: people, folks
raidakas {adj} :: striped
raidakkaampi {adj} :: comparative of raidakas
raidakkain {adj} :: superlative of raidakas
raidallinen {adj} :: striped
raidallinen {adj} :: streaky
raidanrousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius aspideus
raide {n} :: track, railroad track
raide {n} :: numbered track or platform at a railway station
raideleveys {n} [rail transport, automotive] :: track, track width, gauge, track gauge (distance between two opposite wheels on a same axletree)
raidetaksi {n} :: personal rapid transit
raideväli {n} [automotive] :: track of an axle
raideväli {n} [rail transport] :: distance between track centers
raidoittaa {vt} :: to stripe (mark or decorate with stripes)
raiheinä {n} :: any plant of the genus Lolium
raiheinä {n} [in plural] :: the genus Lolium
raihnaantua {vi} [especially of older people] :: To become ailing, frail
raihnaisesti {adv} :: decrepitly
raihnas {adj} [of people] :: dilapidated, wasted, deteriorated, in bad shape
raihnautua {vi} :: alternative form of raihnaantua
Raija {prop} :: given name
raijata {v} [colloquial] :: to haul, to lug
raikaa {v} [rare, literary] :: to blare, resound
räikää {vi} :: To blare
raikas {adj} :: fresh (invigoratingly cool and refreshing)
raikastaa {vt} :: To freshen
raikaste {n} :: freshener (substance that freshens)
raikaste {n} :: synonym of deodorantti
raikastin {n} :: A freshener (device that freshens something, especially air)
raikastua {vi} :: To freshen
raikas tuulahdus {n} [literally and figuratively] :: breath of fresh air
räike {n} :: The sound of a ratchet
räikeä {adj} :: glaring, blatant, flagrant
räikeä {adj} :: garish, gaudy
räikeä {adj} :: loud, garish
räikeästi {adv} :: glaringly, blatantly
räikeästi {adv} :: garishly, loudly
räikinä {n} :: alternative form of räike
räikkä {n} [music] :: ratchet
räikkä {n} :: crake, forest rail (any of the galliform birds in the genus Rallina native to Asia and Australasia, and one species in the genus Porzana)
raikkaampi {adj} :: comparative of raikas
raikkaus {n} :: freshness
Räikkönen {prop} :: surname
raikua {vi} :: to blare, resound
räikyä {vi} :: to blare
räikynä {n} :: alternative form of räike
Raila {prop} :: given name
railakas {adj} :: lively, sociable
railakka {adj} :: alternative form of railakas
railakkaasti {adv} :: lively, sociably
railata {v} [colloquial] :: Same as interrailata
Raili {prop} :: given name popular in the 1930s and the 1940s
railo {n} :: crack, crevasse (on ice)
railoilla {vi} :: to crack or form crevasses (like ice)
räimiä {v} :: to beat, lash (to strike repeatedly)
Raimo {prop} :: given name
raina {n} :: filmstrip
raina {n} [colloquial] :: movie
raina {n} [papermaking] :: web, paper web
rainata {v} [papermaking] :: to make paper web
raine {n} :: synonym of kokkapuu
Raine {prop} :: given name derived from German Rainer
rainelippu {n} [nautical] :: jack (small flag at bow of ship)
Raino {prop} :: given name
raippa {n} :: crop (short whip)
rairuoho {n} :: ryegrass, especially when used as an Easter decoration
Raisa {prop} :: given name of Finnish speakers
Raisa {prop} :: A transliteration of the Russian female given name Раи́са.
Räisänen {prop} :: surname
Raisio {prop} :: Raisio (town)
Raisio {prop} :: A publicly held company engaged in cereal products and animal feeds, known internationally as Raisio Group
raisiolainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Raisio
raisiolainen {n} :: a person from or living in Raisio
raiska {n} :: dung
raiska {n} :: wretch
räiskää {v} [poetic] :: synonym of räiskyä
raiskaaja {n} :: rapist, raper
raiskaantua {vi} :: alternative form of raiskautua
räiskähdellä {vi} :: to splash or spill repeatedly
räiskähtää {vi} :: to slosh or splash once
räiskäle {n} :: A thin pancake, crepe
raiskata {vt} :: To rape (to force sexual intercourse)
raiskata {vt} :: To rape (to abuse an object in an extreme manner)
raiskata {vt} [figuratively] :: To ruin, damage, spoil, not do justice to
raiskaus {n} :: rape
raiskausyritys {n} :: attempted rape
raiskautua {vi} :: To become ruined, spoiled, raped
räiskäyttää {vt} :: to cause to slosh or splash once
räiske {n} :: bang, banging (repeated loud sudden noises)
räiskiä {v} :: to bang (to make sudden loud noises, and often repeatedly, especially by exploding or hitting something)
räiskiä {v} [rare] :: to splatter
räiskinä {n} :: synonym of räiske
räiskintä {n} :: potshot
räiskintäpeli {n} [colloquial] :: shooting game; any kind of shooting game, such as a first-person shooter or shoot 'em up
räiskyä {v} :: to splatter
räiskyä {v} :: to crackle
räiskynä {n} :: alternative form of räiske
räiskyntä {n} :: splashing, spilling
räiskyntä {n} :: banging (making loud sudden sounds repeatedly)
räiskytellä {vt} :: to splash, splatter or crackle repeatedly
räiskyttää {vt} :: to splash, to splatter, to crackle
räiskyvästi {adv} :: splashily, sparkingly, flamboyantly
raisu {adj} :: boisterous, rambunctious
raisusti {adv} :: boisterously, rambunctiously
raita {n} :: stripe
raita {n} :: band
raita {n} :: track
raita {n} [heraldry] :: bendlet
raita {n} [music] :: track
raita {n} [obsolete] :: trace
raita {n} :: goat willow, Salix caprea
Raita {prop} :: surname
Raita {prop} :: given name
raitahiiri {n} :: barbary striped grass mouse, Lemniscomys barbarus (small rodent native to northwest Africa, name species of its genus)
raitahiiri {n} :: striped grass mouse (rodent of the genus Lemniscomys)
raitahiiri {n} [in plural] :: Lemniscomys (genus)
raitainen {adj} :: striped
raitainen {adj} [heraldry] :: barry (if more than seven)
raitajuurikas {n} :: A cultivar of beet, Beta vulgaris var. cruenta the cross-section of which features alternate red and white concentric rings
raitapuumuura {n} :: barred antshrike
raitasardelli {n} :: broad-striped anchovy, Anchoa hepsetus
raiteilla {vt} [colloquial] :: to travel by rail
raitio {n} :: tram rail
raitio {n} :: alternative form of raito
raitiolinja {n} :: tram line
raitiotie {n} :: tramway (tracks for a tram)
raitiovaunu {n} :: tram, tram car, streetcar
raitiovaunukaista {n} :: tram lane
raitiovaunuliikenne {n} :: tram traffic
raitiovaunupysäkki {n} :: tram stop
raitis {adj} :: sober (not intoxicated)
raitis {adj} :: fresh (e.g. fresh air)
raitis {n} :: teetotaller/teetotaler
Raitis {prop} [very, rare] :: given name
raitisilma {n} :: fresh air
raitisilmasuodatin {n} [automotive] :: cabin air filter
raitisilmaventtiili {n} :: fresh air valve
raitistaa {vt} :: to refresh
raitistella {vi} [colloquial] :: to be sober, to not drink (alcohol) for some time
raitistua {v} :: to sober up (to reduce or stop altogether one's consumption of alcohol)
raitistuminen {n} :: sobering up
raito {n} :: A line of reindeer which pull an ahkio
raitsikka {n} [colloquial] :: tram
raitti {n} :: a lone village road splitting the village in half
raittiisti {adv} :: soberly, freshly
raittikylä {n} :: a village along some route or passage, such as a road
raittius {n} :: temperance (abstinence from intoxicants, especially from alcohol)
raittius {n} :: sobriety (state of being sober)
raittiusaate {n} :: The cause of temperance
raittiusjuoma {n} [dated] :: Any non-alcoholic drink suggested or offered as an alternative to alcohol
raittiuslautakunta {n} :: A municipal board for promotion of temperance
raittiusliike {n} :: The temperance movement
raittiuslupaus {n} :: A pledge of temperance, the pledge (promise to abstain from drinking alcohol)
raittiusmies {n} :: A supporter of temperance movement
raittiusseura {n} :: A temperance association
raittiustyö {n} :: temperance work
raittiusväki {n} :: The supporters of temperance movement collectively
raivaaja {n} :: clearer, sweeper
raivaaja {n} :: short for uudisraivaaja
raivaamaton {adj} :: uncleared
raivaaminen {n} :: clearing, bulldozing
raivain {n} [military] :: machine used in demining
raivari {n} [colloquial] :: a fit of rage
raivata {v} :: to clear, bulldoze
raivata {v} [military] :: to demine; often used with an object such as miinakenttä (minefield), miinoja (mines) (to remove mines)
raivaustraktori {n} :: bulldozer
raivauttaa {vt} :: to have (something) cleared or bulldozed
raivautua {vi} :: to clear way for oneself
raivio {n} :: clearing (in forest)
raivo {n} :: fury, rage
raivo {n} [anatomy, rare] :: back of the head
raivoaminen {n} :: raging
raivohullu {n} :: raving mad
raivoihinsa {adv} :: into being enraged or furious
raivoisa {adj} :: rabid, frantic, frenzied
raivoisasti {adv} :: rabidly, frantically
raivoissaan {adv} :: furious, raging (about = elative); apoplectic
raivokas {adj} :: fierce, frenetic, raging
raivokkaasti {adv} :: fiercely
raivokkuus {n} :: ferocity
raivokohtaus {n} :: fit of rage
raivonpuuska {n} :: tantrum
raivopäinen {adj} :: raging, mad
raivopäinen {adj} :: ferocious
raivoraitis {n} :: teetotaler (person who never consumes alcohol)
raivoraitis {adj} :: being a teetotaler
raivostua {vi} :: to get furious/mad, lose one's temper, fly off the handle, blow one's top, blow a fuse, hit the roof, go off
raivostunut {adj} :: furious, exasperated, infuriated, apoplectic, irate, wrathful, enraged, raging (feeling great anger, extremely angry)
raivostuttaa {vt} :: to infuriate, enrage, incense (to make furious)
raivota {vi} :: To rage, stomp/storm around furiously, rampage, rant and rave
raivotar {n} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology] :: A Fury
raivotauti {n} [pathology] :: rabies, hydrophobia
raivotautinen {adj} :: rabid
raja {n} :: [geographically] boundary (line), border(line), frontier; a (city) limit; a (county) line
raja {n} :: [socially; mentally] limit, bound, confine
raja {n} [sports] :: line
raja-aita {n} :: border fence
raja-alue {n} :: frontier (a boundary region)
raja-arvo {n} [mathematics] :: limit
raja-asema {n} :: border station
raja-asukas {n} :: frontiersman
rajageminaatio {n} [linguistics] :: synonym of rajakahdennus
räjähde {n} :: explosive (explosive device)
räjähde {n} :: explosive (explosive substance)
räjähdeaine {n} :: alternative form of räjähdysaine (explosive substance)
räjähdellä {vi} :: To explode (repeatedly), blow up (repeatedly)
räjähdys {n} :: explosion
räjähdysaine {n} :: explosive (explosive substance)
räjähdysalue {n} :: explosion area (an area where an explosion occurred)
räjähdysalue {n} :: explosive range (of a gas or vapor)
räjähdysalue {n} :: blast radius
räjähdyselohopea {n} [chemistry] :: mercury(II) fulminate
räjähdysherkkä {adj} :: explosive (having high tendency to explode)
räjähdysherkkä {adj} [colloquial] :: volatile (of a person, quick to become angry)
räjähdyskaasu {n} :: explosion gas, gas created by an explosion
räjähdysmäinen {adj} :: explosive (having the character of an explosion)
räjähdysmäisesti {adv} :: explosively
räjähdysvaara {n} :: danger of explosion
räjähdysvoima {n} :: explosive power
rajaheitto {n} [soccer] :: throw-in
räjähtää {v} :: to explode, burst, blow up
räjähtää {v} :: to detonate
räjähtää {vi} :: to blow one's top, go ape, go apeshit, hit the roof, hit the ceiling, lose one's rag (to become explosively angry)
räjähtänyt {adj} :: blasted (describing something that has been subjected to explosion)
räjähtänyt {adj} :: exploded (describing something that has exploded)
räjähtänyt {adj} [figuratively] :: destructed, rickety, ramshackle (in poor or abysmal condition)
rajahyöty {n} [economics] :: marginal utility, marginal benefit
rajain {n} :: cropper (tool that crops)
rajajääkäri {n} [military] :: a private in the Finnish Border Guard
rajajoki {n} :: boundary river
rajajoukko {n} [usually, in plural] :: border troop, border force
rajajoukko {n} [set theory] :: limit set
rajajoukot {n} :: border troops, border forces
rajakahakka {n} :: A border skirmish
rajakahdennus {n} [grammar] :: gemination as it occurs in Finnish at the end of some words (jäännöslopuke)
Raja-Karjala {prop} :: Eastern part of Laatokan Karjala (Ladoga Karelia)
rajakauppa {n} :: cross-border trade, frontier trade
rajakivi {n} :: borderstone
rajakkain {adv} :: bordering, adjoining, next to
rajakkainen {adj} :: adjacent, that borders each other
rajakreivi {n} :: A margrave
rajakulma {n} [optics] :: critical angle
rajakulma {n} :: limiting angle
rajakustannus {n} [economics] :: marginal cost
rajakytkin {n} :: limit switch
Rajala {prop} :: surname
Rajala {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
rajalinja {n} :: demarcation line, border line
rajallinen {adj} :: Limited, restricted
rajallisesti {adv} :: limitedly, restrictedly
rajamaa {n} :: borderland
Rajamäki {prop} :: A population centre in the municipality of Nurmijärvi in the Uusimaa region
Rajamäki {prop} :: surname
rajamerkki {n} :: boundary marker
rajanaapuri {n} :: adjoining neighbour (individual, country etc. that shares a border with another)
rajanaapurukset {n} :: neighbouring individuals, countries etc. that share a border collectively
rajanhaltija {n} [Finnish mythology] :: a creature haunting a border, screaming when the border is moved
rajankäynti {n} :: demarcation (act of marking off a boundary or setting a limit, especially when not caused by war)
rajankäynti {n} :: demarcation of property in real estate
rajanopeus {n} [physics] :: terminal velocity
rajansa kaikella {phrase} [idiomatic] :: you have to draw the line somewhere, there are limits to everything (especially in a context where someone is perceived as going too far)
rajanylityspaikka {n} :: border crossing
rajapinta {n} :: interface (point of interconnection between entities)
rajapinta {n} [computing] :: interface (connection between parts of software)
rajapyykki {n} :: landmark
rajarauha {n} :: peace on the border, absence of a border conflict
rajaseutu {n} :: frontier, borderland (part of a country which fronts or faces another country or an unsettled region)
rajata {vt} :: to limit, confine
rajata {vt} :: to crop (remove the outer parts of a photograph or other image)
rajataajuus {n} [audio engineering] :: cutoff frequency
rajatapaus {n} :: borderline case
rajata pois {vt} [idiomatic] :: to exclude, to preclude, to rule out, to eliminate (exclude from investigation or from further competition)
rajata pois {vt} :: to zone off
rajatarkastus {n} :: border check, border inspection
rajatarkistus {n} :: synonym of rajatarkastus
rajatarkistus {n} :: synonym of rajankäynti
rajatiede {n} :: fringe science
rajatieto {n} :: supernaturalism, occultism
rajaton {adj} :: boundless, limitless, unlimited
rajattomasti {adv} :: unlimitedly
rajattomuus {n} :: limitlessness, boundlessness, infiniteness
rajattu {adj} :: limited
rajatuksin {adv} :: synonym of rajakkain
rajatusten {adv} :: bordering, adjoining, next to
rajaus {n} :: limiting
rajaus {n} :: cropping
rajauskynä {n} :: eyeliner
rajautua {vi} :: to be delimited, to border
rajavalvonta {n} :: border control
rajavartija {n} :: border guard
rajavartioasema {n} :: border guard post
rajavartiolaitos {n} :: border guard (agency)
rajaviiva {n} :: A borderline
räjäytellä {vt} :: To detonate, blow up, blast, explode in a continuous/indifferent manner
räjäytetty {adj} :: blasted (describing something that has been subject to intentional blasting)
räjäytin {n} :: detonator
räjäyttää {vt} :: to detonate, blow up, blast, explode
räjäyttää pankki {v} [idiomatic] :: to break the bank (win more money than is available to be paid)
räjäytys {n} :: A controlled explosion, blast
räjäytyskuva {n} :: exploded view (drawing)
rajoite {n} :: constraint
rajoitettu {adj} :: limited
rajoitettu {adj} :: restricted
rajoitettu {adj} :: bounded
rajoitetusti {adv} :: limitedly
rajoitin {n} :: limiter
rajoittaa {vt} :: to restrict, limit
rajoittaa {vt} :: to inhibit
rajoittaa {vt} :: to constrain
rajoittamaton {adj} :: unlimited
rajoittamaton {adj} :: unobstructed
rajoittamaton {adj} :: uncontrolled
rajoittamaton {adj} :: untrammelled
rajoittamaton {adj} :: unrestricted
rajoittamaton {adj} :: free (unobstructed)
rajoittamaton {adj} :: absolute (free from any limitation or condition)
rajoittaminen {n} :: restricting, limiting, inhibiting
rajoitteinen {adj} :: challenged (lacking some physical or mental attribute or skill)
rajoittua {vi} :: To abut, be limited, limit oneself, be restricted, restrict oneself
rajoittuma {n} [mathematics] :: restriction (of a function)
rajoittuva {adj} :: adjacent, marginal (sharing a border)
rajoitus {n} :: limit, limitation, restriction, constraint
rajoitusalue {n} :: restricted zone, restricted area
rajoitusehto {n} :: constraint, condition
rajoni {n} :: district, raion (administrative division in Russia and some other East European countries)
raju {adj} :: fierce, violent (involving extreme force or motion)
raju {adj} :: rapid, sudden fast
raju {adj} :: brave, daring, courageous
rajuilma {n} :: storm, tempest
rajuin {adj} :: superlative of raju
rajumpi {adj} :: comparative of raju
rajusti {adv} :: fiercely, intensely, fervently
rajuus {n} :: Fierceness
rajuus {n} :: Violence, extreme force (of something abstract or inanimate)
räkä {n} :: snot (viscous)
räkä {n} :: rheum, water (watery)
räkä {n} [colloquial] :: saliva
räkäinen {adj} :: snotty
räkäisempi {adj} :: comparative of räkäinen
räkäisesti {adv} :: snottily
räkäistä {vi} :: To gob
räkäjarrut {n} [pejorative] :: moustache
räkäklöntti {n} [colloquial] :: gob of snot; bogie (piece of mucus from the nose)
räkälä {n} :: Inexpensive, run-down bar
räkälä {n} [pejorative] :: pub
räkänokka {n} [literally] :: snot-nosed youngster
räkänokka {n} :: snotnose, whippersnapper
räkänokkainen {adj} :: snot-nosed
räkäpää {n} [military slang] :: blank, blank round
räkärätti {n} [colloquial] :: kleenex, hanky
rakas {adj} :: dear, beloved, cherished
rakas {adj} [dialectal] :: eager, willing, greedy
rakas {n} :: A darling, sweetheart, love
rakastaa {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to love
rakastaja {n} :: lover
rakastajatar {n} :: female lover, mistress
rakastamaton {adj} :: unloved
rakastaminen {n} :: loving
rakastan sinua {phrase} :: I love you
rakastavainen {n} :: [usually plural] lover
rakasteleminen {n} :: making love
rakastella {vi} :: To make love
rakastelu {n} :: lovemaking
rakastelukohtaus {n} [film] :: love scene
rakastettava {adj} :: lovable
rakastettavasti {adv} :: lovably
rakastettu {adj} :: beloved, loved
rakastettu {n} :: beloved
rakastua {vi} [_, + illative] :: to fall in love with, enamor
rakastuminen {n} :: falling in love
rakastunut {adj} :: in love, enamored
räkätauti {n} :: glanders
räkättää {v} :: talk or shout noisily, to make a racket
räkättirastas {n} :: fieldfare, Turdus pilaris
rakeinen {adj} :: Granular
rakeistaa {v} :: to granulate
rakenne {n} :: structure
rakenne {n} :: texture
rakenneaine {n} :: texturing agent
rakenneanalyysi {n} :: structural analysis
rakennebiologia {n} [biology] :: structural biology
rakenneisomeria {n} [chemistry] :: structural isomerism
rakennekaava {n} [chemistry] :: structural formula
rakennella {vt} :: to build casually, leisurely or repeatedly
rakennella pilvilinnoja {v} [idiomatic] :: to build castles in the air
rakennelma {n} :: structure, edifice (building, structure)
rakennemalli {n} :: model structure, structured model
rakennemuutos {n} :: restructuring
rakennepiirustus {n} :: structural plan, arrangement drawing
rakennerahasto {n} :: A financial tool set up to implement the Regional policy of the European Union with the aim of reducing regional disparities in terms of income, wealth and opportunities
rakennesuunnittelu {n} :: structural engineering
rakennetyöttömyys {n} :: structural unemployment
rakennetyyppi {n} :: design type, structural type
rakennevika {n} :: construction flaw, structural defect
rakennus {n} :: building (closed structure with walls and a roof)
rakennus {n} :: building, construction (the act of building or construction)
rakennusaine {n} :: building material
rakennusaineenvaihdunta {n} :: anabolism (constructive metabolism of the body)
rakennusaineteollisuus {n} :: building materials industry
rakennusakustiikka {n} :: building acoustics
rakennusala {n} :: construction, construction branch, construction business (trade of building structures)
rakennusalue {n} :: building area, construction area
rakennusarkkitehti {n} :: a person that has completed a vocational education in architecture in a vocational school (ammattikoulu)
rakennusautomaatio {n} :: building automation
rakennuselementti {n} :: building element
rakennusfirma {n} [colloquial] :: construction firm
rakennushallinto {n} :: building administration, building management
rakennushanke {n} :: construction project, development project
rakennushanke {n} :: real estate development (group of buildings planned as a whole)
rakennushistoria {n} :: building history
rakennushistoriallinen {adj} :: pertaining to the history of a building
rakennushomma {n} :: construction project, construction work
rakennusinsinööri {n} :: civil engineer
rakennusinventointi {n} :: building inventory
rakennusjärjestys {n} :: building code, building ordinance
rakennusjäte {n} :: construction waste
rakennuskaavoitus {n} :: building surveying
rakennuskanta {n} :: building stock
rakennuskate {n} :: construction roofing
rakennuskelpoinen {adj} :: eligible for construction
rakennuskeramiikka {n} :: ceramic construction products
rakennuskielto {n} :: ban on building
rakennuskivi {n} :: building stone
rakennuskompleksi {n} :: building complex
rakennuskone {n} :: construction machine
rakennuskorkeus {n} :: height of a building
rakennuskulttuuri {n} :: building culture
rakennuskustannukset {n} :: construction costs
rakennuslaki {n} [legal] :: building act (law regulating construction and maintenance of buildings)
rakennuslaki {n} :: A similar law in another jurisdiction
rakennuslasi {n} :: building glass
rakennuslautakunta {n} :: board of construction, buildings committee
rakennuslevy {n} :: building board, building panel
rakennusliike {n} :: construction firm
rakennuslupa {n} [zoning] :: planning permission, construction permit, building permit
rakennusmaa {n} :: building land
rakennusmaalari {n} :: building painter
rakennusmääräys {n} :: An individual regulation included in a building code
rakennusmääräys {n} :: In plural (rakennusmääräykset), a building code
rakennusmateriaali {n} :: building material, construction material
rakennusmestari {n} :: A polytechnic level degree in construction, aimed at training foremen; often translated as Master Builder (occupation) into English
rakennusmestari {n} [colloquial] :: A Construction foreman, site foreman
rakennusmies {n} :: construction man, construction worker
rakennusmuistomerkki {n} :: building monument
rakennusmuovi {n} :: construction plastic, builders' ware of plastic
rakennusneuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the fifth rank granted by the President of Finland to people with accomplished careers in the construction industry
rakennusohje {n} :: building instruction, construction plan
rakennusoikeus {n} [zoning] :: the maximum total constructed floor area allowed on a given lot; equal to the product of floor area ratio and the area of the lot
rakennusosa {n} :: building block (component that is part of a larger construction)
rakennuspäällikkö {n} :: construction manager
rakennuspaikka {n} :: building site (place where a building is located, is currently under construction, or shall be constructed)
rakennuspaikka {n} [archaeology] :: building site (site of a former structure)
rakennuspalikka {n} :: building block (block made of wood or plastic that is used as a children's toy)
rakennuspalikka {n} [colloquial] :: building block (component that is part of a larger construction)
rakennusperinne {n} :: building tradition
rakennusperintö {n} :: architectural heritage, building heritage
rakennuspiirtäjä {n} :: technical drawer, draftsman
rakennuspiirustus {n} :: construction draft, blueprint
rakennuspohja {n} :: building ground, building site
rakennuspohja {n} :: building subsoil
rakennuspuu {n} :: construction timber
rakennuspuusepänteollisuus {n} :: synonym of rakennuspuutuoteteollisuus
rakennuspuuseppä {n} :: builder carpenter, builder joiner
rakennuspuutavara {n} :: construction timber, structural timber
rakennuspuutuoteteollisuus {n} :: construction woodwork industry, construction carpentry industry
rakennusrasite {n} [law] :: building encumbrance, building servitude
rakennusrunko {n} :: frame of a building
rakennusryhmä {n} :: group of buildings
rakennussaneeraus {n} :: building renovation
rakennussarja {n} :: construction set
rakennusselitys {n} :: specification of design of a building
rakennussiivooja {n} :: building cleaner
rakennussirkkeli {n} :: circular saw table
rakennussuojelu {n} :: architectural conservation, building conservancy
rakennussuunnitelma {n} :: building plan, construction plan
rakennussuunnittelu {n} :: architectural engineering, architectural design, civil engineering, building design, construction design
rakennustaide {n} :: architecture
rakennustaiteellinen {adj} :: architectural
rakennustarkastaja {n} :: building inspector
rakennustarkastus {n} :: building inspection
rakennustarvike {n} :: building material, hardware
rakennustekniikka {n} :: construction engineering
rakennustekninen {adj} :: pertaining to civil or structural engineering
rakennusteline {n} :: scaffolding
rakennustensuojelu {n} :: conservation or protection of buildings
rakennusteollisuus {n} :: construction industry
rakennusteräs {n} :: construction steel
rakennustoiminta {n} :: construction work, construction activity
rakennustuotanto {n} :: construction output
rakennustuote {n} :: construction product
rakennustuoteteollisuus {n} :: construction products industry
rakennustutkimus {n} :: synonym of rakennustarkastus
rakennustyö {n} :: construction, construction work (the process of constructing)
rakennustyöläinen {n} :: construction worker
rakennustyömaa {n} :: construction site
rakennustyömies {n} :: (male) construction worker
rakennustyöntekijä {n} :: construction worker, construction laborer
rakennustyyli {n} :: building style
rakennusurakka {n} :: construction contract work
rakennusurakointi {n} :: construction contracting
rakennusurakoitsija {n} :: construction contractor, property developer
rakennusvalvonta {n} :: building supervision
rakennusvienti {n} :: construction exports
rakennusyhtiö {n} :: construction company
rakennuttaa {vt} :: to have something built, constructed
rakennuttaja {n} :: developer (of real estate)
rakentaa {vt} :: to build, construct
rakentaja {n} :: builder
rakentaja {n} [programming] :: constructor
rakentamaton {adj} :: unbuilt
rakentaminen {n} :: construction, building (act or process of constructing)
rakentaminen {n} :: construction, building trade (trade of building)
rakentaminen {n} :: real estate development (process or amount of building activity)
rakentamismääräys {n} :: building regulation, construction regulation
rakentava {adj} :: constructive
rakentavampi {adj} :: comparative of rakentava
rakentavin {adj} :: superlative of rakentava
rakenteellinen {adj} :: structural
rakenteellisesti {adv} :: structurally
rakenteilla {adv} :: under construction
rakenteille {adv} :: into being built or under construction
rakenteinen {adj} :: structured
rakenteistaa {v} :: to structure
rakenteisuus {n} :: structuredness
rakentua {vi} :: to consist of, to be made of
rakentua {v} :: to be based on, to be founded upon
raketinheitin {n} [military] :: A multiple rocket launcher
raketti {n} :: rocket
raketti {n} [colloquially] :: firework
rakettihyökkäys {n} :: rocket attack
rakettimainen {adj} :: rocketlike
rakettimoottori {n} :: rocket engine
rakettipolttoaine {n} :: rocket fuel
rakettireppu {n} :: jet pack
rakettireppu {n} [literally] :: A backpack of fireworks
rakettitiede {n} :: rocket science (literal and figurative sense)
rakettitieteilijä {n} :: rocket scientist
rakettivaihe {n} [space] :: rocket stage
raki {n} :: raki
rakia {n} :: rakija
räkiä {v} [colloquial] :: to spit (saliva)
rakiitti {n} [disease] :: rachitis, rickets
räkittää {v} [dialectal, of the sun] :: to shine brightly, to burn
rakka {n} :: tor (craggy outcrop of rock on the summit of a hill)
räkkä {n} :: In the summer of Lapland, the period of vast number of blood-sucking insects
rakkaalla lapsella on monta nimeä {proverb} [often, ironic] :: a dear child has many names; used whenever someone or something has multiple names
rakkaampi {adj} :: comparative of rakas
rakkahin {adj} [poetic] :: superlative of rakas
rakkakuoppa {n} :: a pit that has been dug in a tor
rakkari {n} [dialectal] :: rascal, thug, chav (anti-social youngster)
rakkaudella {adv} :: with love (written at the end of a letter, before the signature)
rakkaudeton {adj} :: loveless
rakkaus {n} :: love, affection
rakkausasiat {n} :: love affairs or matters
rakkausavioliitto {n} :: love match (marriage based on a spontaneous mutual feeling of love)
rakkauselämä {n} :: love life
rakkaus ensi silmäyksellä {n} :: love at first sight
rakkauskertomus {n} :: love story
rakkauskirje {n} :: love letter
rakkauslaulu {n} :: love song
rakkausruno {n} :: love poem
rakkaussuhde {n} :: love affair (amorous relationship)
rakkaussuhde {n} :: love affair (fondness)
rakki {n} [disparaging] :: mongrel, mutt, pooch, cur (mixed-breed dog)
rakki {n} [slang] :: pooch (dog)
rakki {n} [nautical] :: truss (rope or iron used to keep the center of a yard to the mast)
räkki {n} :: rack (series of shelves)
rakkikoira {n} :: hound dog, mongrel
rakkine {n} [colloquial, deprecating] :: A machine or device working poorly or not at all; a contraption
rakko {n} :: bladder
rakko {n} :: blister
rakko {n} :: vesicle
rakkohauru {n} :: bladderwrack, black tang, rockweed, bladder fucus, sea oak, black tany, cut weed, dyers fucus, red fucus, rock wrack (Fucus vesiculosus) (species of seaweed)
rakkoilla {vi} :: to blister
rakkokivi {n} :: bladder stone
rakkolevä {n} :: bladderwrack, Fucus vesiculosus (common seaweed)
rakkomato {n} :: bladderworm (larva of tapeworm)
rakkula {n} :: blister, vesicle
rakkula {n} :: saccule
rakkula-aste {n} [embryology] :: blastula
rakkulakasvain {n} [pathology] :: ganglion cyst
rakkularauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: seminal vesicle
rakletti {n} :: raclette
räknätä {v} [colloquial or dialectal] :: to count, to calculate
rako {n} :: slit, slot
rako {n} :: crack
rako {n} :: chink (narrow opening)
rako {n} [geology] :: joint, geologic joint
rakoilematon {adj} :: uncracked
rakoilla {v} :: to fissure (split forming fissures)
rakonen {n} :: slit, crack (small and narrow opening)
rakonen {n} [figuratively] :: interstice
rakonokka {n} :: openbill (bird of the genus Anastomus)
rakosellaan {adv} :: synonym of raollaan
rakottua {vi} [rare] :: to blister (break out in blisters)
rakotuli {n} :: synonym of rakovalkea
rakotulkki {n} :: feeler gauge
rakovalkea {n} :: A type of open fire where the fire burns in a crack between two large logs; the fire burns slowly yet warmly
raksa {n} [colloquial] :: construction site
räksä {n} [colloquial] :: fieldfare, Turdus pilaris
raksaa {v} :: alternative form of raksahdella
raksahdella {vi} :: To crackle
raksahdus {n} :: snap (sound)
raksahtaa {vi} :: to snap, to crack, to crackle
raksauttaa {vt} :: to cause to snap, crack or crackle
raksi {n} :: hanging loop (small loop sewn into a jacket, towel etc. for hanging)
raksia {v} :: to unpick (undo sewing stitches)
raksu {n} [colloquial] :: darling, dear (term of endearment)
raksua {v} :: alternative form of raksahdella
raksutella {v} :: to make ticking or cracking sounds repeatedly, with some regularity
raksuttaa {v} :: to tick
raksuttaa {v} :: to clack (to make repetitive abrupt, sharp sounds, such as by two colliding hard objects colliding)
raksutus {n} :: tick, ticking (relatively quiet but sharp sound generally made repeatedly by moving machinery)
räksyttää {v} :: to yap; to bark, especially with high pitch like small dogs would do
räksyttää {v} :: alternative form of raksuttaa
räksytys {n} :: yap, bark (high-pitched bark)
rakuuna {n} :: dragoon (cavalryman)
rakuuna {n} :: tarragon (plant and its leaves used as spice)
räkyttää {v} :: To bark, especially in an annoying manner
Ralf {prop} :: given name
rälläkkä {n} [colloquial] :: angle grinder
rälläkkä {n} [colloquial] :: Salvation Army
rälläköidä {v} [colloquial] :: to cut or grind with an angle grinder
rällästää {v} :: alternative form of rällätä
rällätä {v} :: to revel
rallatella {v} :: to sing in a carefree manner, to go tra-la-la
rallattaa {v} :: synonym of rallatella
ralli {n} :: song
ralli {n} [dialectal] :: grating
ralli {n} [motor racing] :: rally
ralliauto {n} :: racecar
ralliautoilija {n} :: racing car driver
ralliautoilu {n} [motor racing] :: rally, rallying
rallienglanti {n} [humorous] :: English spoken with a heavy Finnish accent
raloksifeeni {n} :: raloxifene
rälssitila {n} :: a tax exempt farm
rämä {adj} :: ramshackle
ramadan {n} [Islam] :: Ramadan
rämähdyttää {vt} :: to have make a crashing sound
rämähtää {vi} :: to make a crashing sound
ramaista {vi} :: to feel tired or sleepy
rämäkästi {adv} [colloquial] :: loudly, boisterously, wildly
rämäkkä {adj} [colloquial] :: loud, boisterous, wild
rämäpäisesti {adv} :: recklessly
rämäyttää {vt} :: to have make a crashing sound
rambutani {n} :: rambutan
räme {n} :: A boreal swamp type characterized by sparse growth of pine, a thick layer of sphagnum on the ground and dense growth of woody shrubs
räme {n} :: Any forested swampland in other climate zones
rämeä {adj} [of sound] :: brassy
rämeästi {adv} [of sound] :: brassily
rämeikkö {n} :: quagmire, morass
rämeletto {n} :: a swamp between a räme and letto
rämemajava {n} :: synonym of nutria
rämemetsä {n} :: a forest in a boreal swamp
rämeseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius tubarius
rämesuo {n} :: boreal swamp
rämettää {vt} :: to make into a räme
rämettää {vt} [figuratively] :: to ruin, to spoil
rämettyä {vi} :: to become like a specific type of boreal swamp
rami {n} [card games] :: grand (in tuppi and similar games, bid to win majority of tricks in a game with no trumps)
rami {n} :: ramie (plant and fiber)
Rami {prop} :: given name
rämin {adj} :: superlative of rämä
ramina {n} [cards] :: rams (card game)
räminä {n} :: rattle
rämistä {vi} :: to clatter, rattle
rämistää {vt} :: to clatter, rattle
rämistellä {vt} :: to clatter or rattle repeatedly
rämisyttää {vt} :: to clatter, rattle
rampa {adj} :: Physically lame
rampa {n} :: A lame person
rampaantua {v} :: alternative form of rampautua
rampata {v} :: To go to and fro
rampata {v} :: To tramp on doing a massage
rämpätä {v} [colloquial] :: synonym of rämpyttää
rampauttaa {vt} :: To lame
rampauttaa {vt} [figuratively] :: To disable
rampautua {vi} :: To be crippled, maimed
rämpiä {v} :: To wade
ramppi {n} :: ramp (inclined surface that connects two levels)
ramppi {n} :: apron, ramp (area for parking, servicing, loading and unloading aircraft at an airport)
ramppi {n} :: way (timbers of shipyard stocks that slope into the water and along which a ship or large boat is launched)
ramppikulma {n} [automotive] :: ramp angle
ramppikuume {n} :: stage fright
ramppivalot {n} :: footlights
rämpyti {interj} :: A verbal emulation of a thrumming sound
rämpyttää {v} :: to thrum (to cause a steady rhythmic vibration, usually by plucking; to play a stringed instrument idly)
rämpyttää {v} :: to turn on and off repeatedly (such as a light)
rämpyttää {v} :: to mash (a button); to press, click or tap quickly over and over again
ranapalkki {n} [nautical] :: A cathead
rangaista {vt} :: To punish, penalise/penalize, mete out a penalty/punishment for
rangaistava {adj} :: punishable
rangaistus {n} :: punishment
rangaistus {n} :: penalty
rangaistus {n} :: comeuppance
rangaistusaika {n} :: penalty time
rangaistusaitio {n} [ice hockey] :: penalty box
rangaistusalue {n} [soccer] :: penalty area (rectangular area in front of a soccer goal)
rangaistusmaali {n} [sports] :: A penalty goal
rangaistuspotku {n} [soccer] :: penalty kick
rangaistuspotkukilpailu {n} :: penalty shootout (a series of penalty kicks)
rangaistusväline {n} :: instrument of punishment
ränget {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of länget
ranka {n} :: pole (delimbed but not debarked stem of a thin tree that is not cut to a specified length)
ranka {n} :: stalk (supporting member of a plant part, such as a leaf or inflorescence)
ranka {n} :: spine (short for selkäranka)
rankaisija {n} :: punisher
rankaista {vt} [nonstandard] :: alternative form of rangaista
rankaisu {n} :: punishment
rankaisutapa {n} :: method of punishment
rankalauta {n} [emergency medicine] :: spine board
rankarakenne {n} :: skeletal structure, substructure
rankasti {adv} :: hard, toughly, intensely, heavily
rankata {v} [slang] :: to rank (to give something a rank)
ranketa {vi} :: To become harder, more intense
ranki {n} :: rank (position of a person)
rankinen {n} :: a traditional mosquito screen used with a lean-to
rankka {adj} :: hard (demanding a lot of effort to endure)
rankka {adj} :: intense (of high intensity)
rankka {adj} :: harsh, tough
rankkari {n} [soccer, colloquial] :: A penalty kick
rankkari {n} [ice hockey, colloquial] :: A penalty shot
rankkarikisa {n} [colloquial] :: penalty shootout, shootout
rankkasade {n} :: rainstorm, cloudburst
rankkaus {n} [chiefly sports] :: ranking (one's position in a list sorted by performance)
rankki {n} :: mash, wash, dregs (sediment left behind when manufacturing spirits/liquor or yeast, particularly one from which alcohol has already been extracted)
rankki {n} [mathematics] :: rank (rank of a group in group theory)
rankkuri {n} :: animal control officer
ränkky {n} [dialectal, Southern Ostrobothnia] :: seat, chair, stool
ranko {n} :: alternative form of ranka
rannansiirtyminen {n} :: coastline change, coastline shifting
ranne {n} :: wrist
rannekanava {n} [anatomy] :: carpal tunnel
ranneke {n} :: wristband
rannekello {n} :: A wristwatch
rannekoru {n} :: bracelet
ranneluu {n} [skeleton] :: A carpal or carpal bone
rannemmaksi {adv} :: synonym of rannemmas
rannemmalla {adv} :: closer to the shore or beach
rannemmalle {adv} :: to closer towards the shore or beach
rannemmalta {adv} :: from closer towards the shore or beach
rannemmas {adv} :: closer towards the beach or shore
rannempaa {adv} :: from closer to the beach or shore
rannempana {adv} [static] :: closer to the beach or shore
rannempi {adj} :: (Located) closer to beach or shore
rannenivel {n} [anatomy] :: any of the joints of the wrist, or those joints collectively
rannerengas {n} :: wristlet, bracelet, wrist ring
rannesuoja {n} :: wrist guard
rannevaltimo {n} :: radial artery
ränni {n} [colloquial] :: Often in plural (rännit), a system for collecting the rainwater from the roof and leading it down to a drain or to the ground
ränni {n} [colloquial] :: Any of the main components of such system, particularly a downspout (syöksytorvi) or a gutter (sadevesikouru)
ränni {n} :: A trough which is open in one or both ends, especially when used as component in a liquid handling system
ränni {n} [mining] :: A launder (trough used by miners to separate metal-rich pieces from the crushed ore by washing)
ränni {n} [sports] :: In ice hockey, the boards when used to steer the puck
ränni {n} [slang] :: vein, especially when referred to in connection of intravenous drug use
rannikko {n} :: A coast
rannikkoalue {n} :: coastal region
rannikkoalus {n} :: coastal vessel, coaster
rannikkoasema {n} :: coastal station
rannikkohöyry {n} :: coastal steamer
rannikkoilmasto {n} :: coastal climate
rannikkojääkäri {n} [military] :: A marine (private in the Finnish marine corps)
rannikkojalkaväki {n} [military] :: marine corps
rannikkokanava {n} :: a radio or television channel in Swedish for coastal areas with large Swedish-speaking minority or even a majority of such
rannikkokaupunki {n} :: coastal town
rannikkolaivurin radiotodistus {n} [nautical] :: A Short Range Certificate, SRC (British), Maritime Restricted Radio Operator's Certificate, ROC(M) (US, Canadian)
rannikkopuolustus {n} :: coastal defense
rannikkopuumuura {n} :: Sooretama slaty antshrike
rannikkovaltio {n} :: coastal state
rannikkovartiosto {n} :: coast guard
rannikkoyhteisö {n} :: coastal community
rannimmainen {adj} :: One closest to the beach
ränsistää {vt} :: To cause something (such as a building) to decay
ränsistyä {v} :: to deteriorate, go to pot
ränsistynyt {adj} :: ramshackle (in disrepair or disorder; poorly maintained; lacking upkeep)
ränsistyttää {v} :: alternative form of ränsistää
ranska {n} :: French (language)
Ranska {prop} :: France (country)
ranskalainen {n} :: A Frenchman or a Frenchwoman
ranskalainen {n} :: In plural (ranskalaiset), when speaking of the natives or inhabitants of France collectively, "the French"
ranskalainen {n} :: In plural (ranskalaiset), short for ranskalaiset perunat, the French fries
ranskalainen {adj} :: French
ranskalainen {adj} :: In combined terms appears usually in the form ranskalais-, the English equivalent being franco- or Franco-
ranskalainen peruna {n} :: french fry
ranskalaiset {n} :: Short form of ranskalaiset perunat (the French fries)
ranskalaiset perunat {n} :: French fries [British], french fries [US]
ranskalaiset perunat {n} :: chips [British]
ranskalaisittain {adv} :: in the French way
ranskalaismies {n} :: Frenchman, French man
ranskalaisnainen {n} :: Frenchwoman, French woman
ranskalaisperäinen {adj} :: of French origin
ranskalaistaa {vt} :: to make French
ranskalaistua {vi} :: To become French
ranskalaisuus {n} :: Frenchness
ranskanbulldoggi {n} :: French Bulldog (breed of dog)
Ranskan Guayana {prop} :: French Guiana (French department in South America)
ranskankerma {n} :: crème fraîche
ranskankielinen {n} :: Francophone (speaker of French)
ranskankielinen {adj} :: Francophone, French-speaking
ranskanleipä {n} :: French roll
ranskannos {n} :: French translation
ranskanperuna {n} :: A french fry [US]
ranskanperuna {n} :: A chip [British]
ranskanperunat {n} :: French fries [British], french fries [US]
ranskanperunat {n} :: chips [British]
Ranskan Polynesia {prop} :: Ranskan Polynesia (overseas territory)
ranskantaa {v} :: to translate into French
ranskantaitoinen {adj} :: proficient in French (speaking French as foreign language)
Ranskan ympäriajo {prop} :: Tour de France (famous bicycle race)
ranskatar {n} :: Frenchwoman
ranskis {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of ranskanleipä
ranskis {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of ranskanperuna
ranstakka {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of hiilihanko
ränstyä {v} [dialectal] :: synonym of ränsistyä
Ransu {prop} :: given name
ranta {n} :: shore (the border of a body of water and land in general)
ranta {n} :: beach (sandy shore)
ranta {n} :: bank (shore of a river)
ranta {n} :: [rarely] strand
Ranta {prop} :: surname
Ranta {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
räntä {n} :: sleet; rain and snow mixed (a mixture of rain and snow)
ranta-alpi {n} :: garden loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris)
ranta-alue {n} :: waterfront area, shore area
rantaantua {v} :: alternative form of rantautua
ranta-asemakaava {n} :: beach plan (zoning plan for an area with a beach)
ranta-asu {n} :: beachwear
rantaelämä {n} :: life at a beach
rantahiekka {n} :: beach sand
rantahietikko {n} :: the expanse of sand at a beach
rantahotelli {n} :: beach hotel
rantajalkapallo {n} :: beach soccer
rantajuurikas {n} :: sea beet, Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima (wild ancestor of the cultivated beets)
rantakäärme {n} :: grass snake, Natrix natrix
rantakaava {n} :: synonym of ranta-asemakaava
rantakaavoitus {n} :: coastal planning
rantakahvila {n} :: a café at a beach or shore
rantakaislikko {n} :: the reeds or a bed of reeds at a beach
rantakala {n} :: a dish made from fish cooked in butter
rantakallio {n} :: seacliff
rantakana {n} :: rail (any bird of the galliform family Rallidae)
rantakasvi {n} :: coastal plant
rantakasvillisuus {n} :: coastal flora
rantakatu {n} :: boardwalk (especially one running alongside a beach)
rantakaura {n} :: beachgrass, marram (grass of the genus Ammophila)
rantakaura {n} :: beachgrass, marram, European beachgrass, European marram grass, Ammophila arenaria (coarse grass native to sandy beaches of Europe (north to Iceland) and northwest Africa)
rantakirppu {n} :: dune buggy, beach buggy
rantakivi {n} [usually in the plural] :: coastal stone, coastal pebble
rantakivikko {n} :: the rocky ground of a beach
rantakoivikko {n} :: (usually small) coastal birch woods
rantakoivu {n} :: a birch at a shore or beach
rantakukka {n} :: purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria (semi-aquatic herbaceous plant)
rantakukkakirppa {n} :: loosestrife flea beetle, Lythraria salicariae
rantakurvi {n} :: Terek sandpiper, Xenus cinereus
räntäkuuro {n} :: sleet shower, shower of rain and snow mixed
Rantala {prop} :: surname
Rantala {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
rantaleijona {n} [slang] :: a man who shows off his looks at a beach
rantaleikki {n} :: a (children's) play or game involving a beach, such as the sand of a beach
rantaleinikki {n} :: creeping spearwort, Ranunculus reptans (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
rantalentopallo {n} :: beach volleyball
rantalintu {n} :: any bird of the order Charadriiformes
rantalintu {n} [in the plural] :: the order Charadriiformes
rantaloma {n} :: a seaside or beach holiday or vacation
räntälumi {n} :: heavy wet snow
rantamaisema {n} :: the view of a beach
rantamatalikko {n} :: a shallow or shoal at a beach
rantamerkki {n} [geology] :: any formation characteristic of a former beach
rantamökki {n} :: a cabin or cottage by a beach or shore
rantamuodostuma {n} :: a formation at a beach or shore
rantamuoti {n} :: beach fashion
rantamuuri {n} :: seawall (wall along a waterfront to protect against erosion of the shoreline)
Rantanen {prop} :: surname
rantaneula {n} :: spined loach (small needle-like Eurasian sweetwater fish, Cobitis taenia)
rantaneula {n} :: in plural (rantaneulat) also the family Cobitidae, the true loach
rantaniitty {n} :: coastal meadow
rantanuoliainen {n} :: spined loach (small needle-like Eurasian sweetwater fish, Cobitis taenia)
rantaoikeus {n} :: a right to use a beach and its area of water
rantapalle {n} :: a certain kind of geological formation at a beach
rantapallo {n} :: beach ball
rantapalsta {n} :: a patch or plot of beach
rantapatja {n} :: beach mattress (usually an inflatable one)
rantapenger {n} :: bank (bank along the border of a body of water)
rantapetäjä {n} :: pine tree next to a beach
rantapuku {n} :: a dress or suit designed to be used at a beach
rantapyyhe {n} :: beach towel
rantaremmi {n} [colloquial] :: a group of drunken people at a beach
rantarosvo {n} [rare] :: one who loots ships at a beach
rantaruotsalainen {n} [colloquial] :: a Swedish Finn who lives at a coast
rantaryssä {n} [pejorative] :: A Russian-speaking Finn (lit. Coast Russian)
räntäsade {n} :: sleet (precipitation of mixed water and snow)
rantasalmelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Rantasalmi
rantasalmelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Rantasalmi
Rantasalmi {prop} :: Rantasalmi (municipality)
Rantasalmi {prop} :: surname
rantasappi {n} :: synonym of sappi
rantasauna {n} :: A sauna that is located on lakeside
rantasipi {n} :: common sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos
rantatasanko {n} :: coastal plain
rantatie {n} :: coastal road
rantatontti {n} :: a plot at a beach (for a house)
rantatörmä {n} :: synonym of törmä
rantatöyräs {n} :: synonym of töyräs
rantatuoli {n} :: deck chair
rantatyttö {n} :: beachgirl (girl who spends a lot of time at the beach)
rantautua {v} [nautical] :: to beach, strand, landfall
rantautua {v} [figuratively] :: to arrive, to reach, to make landfall
rantautuminen {n} [nautical] :: landfall
rantavahti {n} :: lifeguard (attendant at a beach)
rantavalli {n} :: bulkhead (man-made embankment along a waterfront to protect against erosion of the shoreline)
rantavaltio {n} :: coastal state
rantavalvoja {n} :: beach lifeguard, beach guard
rantavehnä {n} :: sand ryegrass, lyme grass, sea lyme grass, Leymus arenarius (grass native to the sandy coasts of Atlantic and Northern Europe)
rantavehnä {n} :: wild rye (any grass of the genus Leymus)
rantavehnä {n} [in plural] :: The genus Leymus
rantavesi {n} :: coastal water
rantaviiva {n} :: shoreline
rantaviiva {n} :: coastline
rantavyöhyke {n} :: shoreline zone
rantavyöhyke {n} :: riparian zone
rantayrtti {n} :: gypsywort (Lycopus europaeus)
rantayrtti {n} :: any plant of the genus Lycopus
rantayrtti {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Lycopus
rante {n} :: a place where timber is stored for domestic use
ranteen veneluu {n} [anatomy] :: The scaphoid bone (navicular bone of the wrist)
rantojensuojelu {n} :: coastal protection
Rantsi {prop} :: surname
Rantsila {prop} :: A former municipality, now part of Siikalatva
rantsu {n} [slang] :: beach
ranttaliksi {adv} [colloquial] :: crazy, wild, amok (with "panna", "pistää" for "go wild")
Ranttila {prop} :: surname
ränttü {n} [Finglish] :: rent
rantu {n} :: A stripe (marking)
Ranua {prop} :: Ranua
ranualainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Ranua
ranualainen {n} :: a person from or living in Ranua
ranunculus {n} [rare, plant] :: ranunculus (plant of the genus Ranunculus)
raollaan {adv} :: ajar (in the state of being slightly open)
raolleen {adv} :: ajar (into the state of being slightly open)
raotella {vt} :: to crack repeatedly (open slightly)
raottaa {v} :: to crack (open slightly)
raottua {vi} :: To open slightly, to ajar
rap {n} :: rap, rap music
rapa {n} :: dirt, mud
rapakalja {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of ykkösolut
rapakeli {n} :: muddy weather
rapakivi {n} [geology] :: rapakivi
rapakivigraniitti {n} [geology] :: rapakivi granite
rapakko {n} :: puddle
rapakko {n} :: the pond (nickname of the Atlantic ocean)
rapakunto {n} [colloquial] :: poor physical condition
rapapalli {n} :: a ball twined from birchbark, with stones inside
raparperi {n} :: rhubarb, Rheum rhaponticum
raparperi {n} :: rhubarb, Rheum
raparperikeitto {n} :: rhubarb soup
raparperikiisseli {n} :: rhubarb kisel
raparperipiirakka {n} :: rhubarb pie
rapata {v} :: to plaster
räpätä {v} :: to rap (to speak lyrics in the style of rap music)
räpätä {v} :: to tap, hit lightly
räpätä {v} [figurative, dialectal, impersonal] :: to get it (to understand)
rapatessa roiskuu {phrase} :: that's how the cookie crumbles, that's the way the mop flops, that's the way the ball bounces
räpättää {v} :: to yap, to clack, to blabber
rapattu {adj} :: plastered
rapauttaa {vt} :: to erode
rapautua {vi} [of stone] :: To crumble, erode
rapautuma {n} :: crumbling, erosion, weathering
rapautuminen {n} [geology] :: weathering
räpäyttää {v} :: To blink (eyes, once)
rapea {adj} :: crispy, crunchy
rapeakuorinen {adj} :: crispy-crusted
räpelö {n} :: quaking grass (any plant of the genus Briza)
räpelö {n} [in plural] :: the genus Briza
räpeltää {vi} [colloquial] :: to fumble, botch (do something badly or clumsily)
räpeltää {vi} [colloquial] :: to fumble (idly touch or nervously handle)
rapeutua {v} :: to become crispier
rapiat {adj} [colloquial, usually nominal] :: a bit more (than)
rapiiri {n} :: rapier (slender, straight, sharply pointed sword)
räpiköidä {v} :: to act or move clumsily, make clumsy attempts
rapina {n} :: rustle
rapista {vi} :: to patter, to rustle
rapistaa {vt} [onomatopoetic] :: To rustle
rapistella {vt} :: to rustle (repeatedly)
räpistellä {vi} :: to act or move clumsily, to flutter
rapistua {v} :: to deteriorate
rapisuttaa {vt} :: to rustle
raplata {v} :: alternative form of räplätä
räplätä {vt} [colloquial] :: to fiddle
rap-musiikki {n} [music] :: rap
raportoida {vt} :: to report
raportoiminen {n} :: reporting
raportti {n} :: A report
rappaaja {n} :: plasterer
räppänä {n} :: vent, flap
rappari {n} :: plasterer
rappari {n} :: rapper (performer of rap music)
rappari {n} [dated] :: pillager, robber
räppäri {n} :: A rapper
rappaus {n} :: plastering (on buildings)
rappauslaasti {n} :: render, plaster, mortar
rappausverkko {n} :: plaster mesh
rappeuma {n} :: degeneration (the result of degenerating)
rappeuttaa {v} :: to degenerate
rappeuttaa {v} :: to erode
rappeutua {vi} [of buildings etc.] :: to decay
rappeutua {vi} :: to degenerate
rappeutuma {n} :: degeneration (the result of degenerating)
rappeutuminen {n} :: degeneration (process of degenerating)
rappeutuminen {n} :: dystrophy (process of wasting body tissue)
rappeutumissairaus {n} :: degenerative disease
räppi {n} :: rap (music genre)
räppimusiikki {n} [music] :: rap music
rappio {n} :: decay, degradation
rappio {n} :: decline, decadence, degeneration
rappio {n} :: ruin, the state of a human life to be in ruin, such as being unemployed and an alcoholic
rappioalkoholisti {n} :: a drunkard whose life is in ruin as a result of the alcoholism
rappioittaa {vt} :: to degrade, to decay
rappioitua {v} :: alternative form of rappeutua
rappiotila {n} :: state of decline
rappiotila {n} :: run-down farm
rappu {n} :: A stairstep
rappu {n} :: A section of an apartment building connected by a staircase
rappukäytävä {n} :: A stairwell
rapsaa {vi} :: to rustle
rapsahdella {vi} :: to snap repeatedly (make a short and somewhat silent rustling or snapping sound)
räpsähdellä {vi} [of an eye] :: to blink repeatedly
räpsähdellä {vi} [of a camera] :: to snap repeatedly
rapsahtaa {vi} :: to snap, to make a short and somewhat silent rustling or snapping sound
rapsahtaa {vi} [colloquial] :: to be given or handed out (of things such as fines or prison sentences)
räpsähtää {vi} [of an eye] :: to blink
räpsähtää {vi} [of a camera] :: to snap suddenly
rapsauttaa {vt} :: to snap (cause to make a short and somewhat silent rustling or snapping sound)
räpsäyttää {vt} :: to blink (one's eyes)
rapse {n} :: rustle
räpse {n} :: snapping (akin to the sound of cameras taking photos)
rapsi {n} :: rapeseed (plant Brassica napus)
rapsi {n} :: rapeseed (seeds of that plant collectively)
rapsia {vt} :: to rustle, to do something that causes a pattering sound
räpsiä {v} :: to snap (repeatedly)
rapsikärsäkäs {n} :: cabbage seed weevil, cabbage shoot weevil, turnip seed weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus
rapsikirppa {n} :: cabbage stem flea beetle, rape flea beetle, Psylliodes chrysocephalai
rapsikuoriainen {n} :: common pollen beetle, blossom beetle, pollen beetle, rape beetle, Brassicogethes aeneus
rapsinsiemen {n} :: rapeseed (individual seed)
räpsintä {n} :: snapping (action of taking photos with a camera or producing a sound similar to it)
rapsiöljy {n} :: colza oil, rapeseed oil
rapsipelto {n} :: canola field, rapeseed field (field of Brassica napus)
rapsipistiäinen {n} :: turnip sawfly, beet sawfly, Athalia rosae
rapsodia {n} :: rhapsody
rapsutella {v} :: To scratch
rapsutin {n} :: scratcher (piece of equipment used to scratch part of the body to relieve an itch)
rapsuttaa {vt} :: to pet by rubbing or scratching
rapsuttaa {vt} :: to scratch
rapsutus {n} :: scratching
räpsyä {vi} :: to make a snapping sound (like that of cameras taking photos)
räpsytellä {vt} :: to make do a snapping sound repeatedly
räpsytellä {vi} :: to blink repeatedly (blink one's eyes)
räpsyttää {vt} :: to make do a snapping sound
räpsyttää {vi} :: to blink (one's eyes), to bat one's eyes
rapu {n} :: European crayfish, noble crayfish, broad-fingered crayfish, Astacus astacus
rapu {n} :: signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus
rapu {n} :: crayfish, crawfish [Southern US], crawdad [central and western US], freshwater lobster, mountain lobster, mudbug [US, rare], yabby [Australia] (freshwater decapod crustacean resembling small lobster)
rapu {n} :: decapod (any crustacean of the order Decapoda)
rapu {n} :: crab
Rapu {prop} :: alternative spelling of Krapu
rapueläin {n} :: crustacean, crab
rapujuhla {n} [usually, in plural] :: crayfish party
rapukanta {n} :: crab stock (population available to be captured from the wild for economic use)
rapukausi {n} :: crayfish season (in Finland, the time of year when it is legal to catch crayfish)
rapukeitto {n} :: crab soup, crawfish soup
rapukestit {n} :: crayfish party
rapulokki {n} :: Olrog's gull (Larus atlanticus)
rapumerta {n} :: pot, crayfish trap (trap for fishing crayfish)
rapurutto {n} :: crayfish plague
rapuvoi {n} :: crab butter (greasy yellow-to-white jelly-like substance that accumulates on the inside of the shell of a crayfish or a crab)
rapuvoi {n} :: tomalley, also crab butter (hepatopancreas of a crayfish when consumed as food, considered as delicacy by many, especially in Sweden and coastal Finland)
rapuvoi {n} :: Butter flavored by simmering it with crayfish shells, used e.g. as base for soups
räpylä {n} :: webfoot
räpylä {n} :: swim fin
räpylä {n} :: baseball mitt
räpylä {n} [slang, colloquial] :: mitt (hand)
räpyläjalka {n} [zoology] :: webfoot, webbed foot (type of foot in which the toes are connected with a fold of skin, common among waterbirds but also among other aquatic animals)
räpyläjalkainen {adj} :: webfooted
räpyläjalkaisuus {n} :: webfootedness (quality of being webfooted)
räpyläsara {n} :: bird's foot sedge Carex ornithopoda
räpytellä {vt} :: to flutter or flap repeatedly
räpytellä {vt} :: to blink (eyes) repeatedly
räpyttää {v} :: to blink (eyes, repeatedly)
räpyttää {v} :: to flap (as wings)
rariteetti {n} :: rarity
rarotonga {n} :: Cook Islands Maori, Rarotongan
rasagiliini {n} :: rasagiline
rasahdella {vi} :: to crackle or rustle repeatedly or continuously
räsähdellä {vi} :: to make a sharp cracking ot tearing noise repeatedly
rasahtaa {v} :: to crackle, rustle
räsähtää {vi} :: to make a sharp cracking or tearing noise
Räsänen {prop} :: surname
rasavilli {n} :: mischief-maker; unruly or naughty child
räsäyttää {vt} :: to have something make a sharp cracking or tearing noise
raseeminen {adj} [biochemistry] :: racemic
rasemisaatio {n} :: racemization (formation of racemate)
rasi {n} [agriculture] :: A forest that has been cleared for slash and burn but has not yet been burnt
rasia {n} :: box, case, container, casket (mostly one of relatively small size)
rasismi {n} :: racism
rasisti {n} :: A racist
rasistinen {adj} :: racist
rasistisempi {adj} :: comparative of rasistinen
rasistisesti {adv} :: racistly
rasistisin {adj} :: superlative of rasistinen
rasite {n} :: burden
rasite {n} [legal] :: servitude; encumbrance
rasite {n} :: easement
rasittaa {vt} :: to strain, wear out
rasittava {adj} :: painful, arduous
rasittava {adj} :: tiresome
rasittava {adj} :: irritating
rasittavasti {adv} :: tiresomely
rasittavasti {adv} :: irritatingly
rasittua {vi} :: To become strained
rasittua {vi} :: To become exhausted
rasitus {n} :: strain (act of straining, or the state of being strained)
rasitus {n} :: stress
rasitusmurtuma {n} [pathology] :: stress fracture (small crack in a bone caused by repeated stress)
rasitusrintakipu {n} [pathology] :: angina pectoris
rasitussairaus {n} :: straining disease
rasitusvamma {n} [pathology] :: repetitive strain injury
raskaaksi {adv} :: into the state of being pregnant
raskaampi {adj} :: comparative of raskas
raskaana {adv} :: pregnant
raskaasti {adv} :: heavily
raskas {adj} :: strenuous
raskas {adj} :: heavy
raskaslastialus {n} :: heavy cargo vessel
raskasmetalli {n} :: heavy metal (type of metal)
raskasmielinen {adj} :: gloomy
raskasmielisyys {n} :: melancholy
raskasrakenteinen {adj} :: heavily built
raskassarja {n} [sports] :: heavyweight division
raskassoutuinen {adj} :: tedious
raskastekoinen {adj} :: heavily built
raskas vesi {n} :: heavy water
raskasvesi {n} :: heavy water
raskas vety {n} :: deuterium, heavy hydrogen
raskasvety {n} :: alternative spelling of raskas vety
raskaudenaika {n} :: pregnancy period
raskaudenkeskeytys {n} :: abortion (an induced abortion of a human fetus)
raskaus {n} :: heaviness, weight
raskaus {n} :: seriousness, gravity
raskaus {n} :: pregnancy, gravidity; especially of a human
raskausaika {n} :: pregnancy, gestation (period of time between conception and birth)
raskausarpi {n} :: A stretch mark, stria
raskauskilo {n} [usually in plural] :: baby weight, baby fat (weight gained by a woman during pregnancy)
raskauskoe {n} :: pregnancy test
raskauskuukausi {n} :: pregnancy month
raskausmyrkytys {n} [pathology, colloquial] :: preeclampsia ‎(complication of pregnancy)
raskaustesti {n} :: pregnancy test
raskausviikko {n} :: pregnancy week
raskauttaa {v} [legal] :: to aggravate
raskauttava {adj} [legal] :: aggravating
raskauttava {adj} :: incriminating
raski {n} :: a fermentation starter used in the leavening of (sourdough) rye bread
raskia {v} :: alternative form of raaskia
rasko {n} :: weight (gravitational force)
raspata {v} :: to rasp (use a rasp)
raspata {v} :: to rasp (work something with a rasp)
raspaus {n} :: dental (cleaning of horse's teeth)
raspi {n} :: rasp (coarse filing tool)
raspi {n} [computing, slang] :: a Raspberry Pi
rassailla {vt} :: to tinker (a machine, car, etc.)
rassata {v} :: to clean with a pipe cleaner
rassata {v} :: to tinker (to fiddle with something mechanical in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it, especially in an experimental or unskilled manner)
rassata {v} [impersonal, colloquial] :: to bug, annoy
rassi {n} :: pipe cleaner
rassukka {n} :: alternative form of rassu
rasta {n} :: rasta, Rastafarian (person)
rasta {n} :: dreadlock (single strand of dreadlocks)
rastafari {n} :: Rastafarianism (movement)
rastafari {n} :: Rastafarian (supporter of that movement)
rastaletti {n} :: dreadlocks
rastas {n} :: thrush (any of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae)
rastaskerttunen {n} :: great reed warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus
rastat {n} :: dreadlocks
rasteri {n} [printing] :: half-toning
rasteri {n} [computing] :: raster
rasterikulma {n} [printing] :: screen angle
rasterikuva {n} :: raster image
rasteritiheys {n} [printing] :: dot density, resolution (of a halftone screen)
rasteroida {vt} [computing] :: to rasterize
rasteroida {vt} [printing] :: to halftone
rasteroida {vt} [computer graphics] :: to dither
rasterointi {n} [computer graphics] :: rasterizing
rasti {n} :: X, cross (mark or sign that resembles the letter X)
rasti {n} [orienteering] :: checkpoint
rasti {n} :: bugloss (plant of the genus, Anchusa)
rästi {n} [colloquial] :: anything undone, uncompleted or left over; often in plural; translations into English vary by case, e.g. loose ends
rastia {v} :: to check (to mark with checkmarks)
rästiintyä {v} :: synonym of rästiytyä
rästikanto {n} [dated] :: synonym of jälkikanto
rastittaa {v} :: synonym of rastia
rästiytyä {vi} :: to be left undone or unpaid in time
rastuli {n} :: solitaire (several bird species in the genus Myadestes)
rastulit {n} :: the genus Myadestes
rasva {n} :: fat (tissue, substance)
rasva {n} :: grease (animal fat, oily or fatty matter)
rasva {n} :: ointment
rasva {n} :: (medical, facial) cream
rasva {n} :: lotion
rasva-aine {n} :: fatty substance
rasva-aineenvaihdunta {n} :: lipid metabolism
rasva-alkoholi {n} [organic chemistry] :: fatty alcohol
rasvaantua {v} :: alternative form of rasvautua
rasva-apina {n} [slang] :: A grease monkey (mechanic, often with the specific connotation of an automobile mechanic)
rasvaevä {n} [anatomy, of a fish] :: an adipose fin
rasvahäntä {n} :: fatty tail
rasvahappo {n} [chemistry] :: fatty acid
rasvahiiri {n} :: a rodent in genus Steatomys
rasvahiiri {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Steatomys
rasvailla {v} :: to apply cream or lotion (repeatedly or carelessly)
rasvaimu {n} [medicine] :: liposuction
rasvainen {adj} :: greasy
rasvainen {adj} :: fatty
rasvainen {adj} :: sebaceous
rasvainen {adj} [of price] :: steep, stiff, jacked up
rasvainen {adj} [of story, joke etc.] :: greasy, gross
rasvaisin {adj} :: superlative of rasvainen
rasvakala {n} :: lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus)
rasvakalvo {n} :: layer of grease
rasvakalvo {n} :: fatty membrane
rasvakasvain {n} :: lipoma
rasvakattila {n} :: grease pot
rasvakehrääjä {n} :: oilbird (Steatornis caripensis)
rasvakeitin {n} :: deep fryer, deep-fat fryer
rasvakeräymä {n} :: fat aggregation
rasvakerros {n} :: layer of grease
rasvakiilto {n} :: greasy lustre
rasvakimpale {n} :: slab or chunk of fat
rasvakoe {n} :: fat test
rasvakoostumus {n} :: fat composition, fat content
rasvakovettumistauti {n} [pathology] :: atherosclerosis
rasvakovetustauti {n} [pathology, valtimoiden ~] :: atherosclerosis
rasvakudos {n} [anatomy] :: adipose tissue, fatty tissue, fat tissue
rasvakynä {n} :: grease pencil
rasvaletti {n} :: greased hair
rasvaletti {n} :: greaser (man who greases his hair)
rasvaliitu {n} :: oil pastel, wax oil crayon
rasvaliitupiirros {n} :: oil pastel drawing
rasvaliukoinen {adj} :: fat-soluble
rasvaliukoisuus {n} :: liposolubility, lipophilicity
rasvamäärä {n} :: fat level, fat content
rasvamaksa {n} [pathology] :: fatty liver
rasvamonttu {n} :: grease pit, inspection pit
rasvamuodostuma {n} :: fat deposit
rasvanahka {n} :: greasy leather
rasvanippa {n} :: grease nipple
rasvapäämutu {n} :: black-headed minnow, fathead, Pimephales promelas (cyprinid fish of the Mississippi valley)
rasvapallo {n} :: a ball or clump of fat
rasvapallo {n} [derogatory] :: fat or obese person
rasvapalo {n} :: grease fire
rasvapitoisuus {n} :: fat content
rasvapoimu {n} :: fat crease
rasvaprässi {n} :: grease gun
rasvaprosentti {n} :: fat content
rasvari {n} :: greaser (one who applies grease)
rasvari {n} [slang] :: grease gun
rasvari {n} [slang] :: Any device to apply grease
rasvari {n} [slang] :: grease monkey
rasvarieska {n} :: rieska with slices of bacon on top
rasvasekoite {n} :: creamer, blend of fats
rasvasilli {n} :: oily herring
rasvasisältö {n} :: fat content
rasvasolu {n} [cytology] :: adipocyte
rasvasolukko {n} :: fat tissue
rasvasuodatin {n} :: grease trap, grease filter
rasvata {v} :: To grease, oil
rasvatahra {n} :: grease stain
rasvaton {adj} :: fat-free, non-fat
rasvaton {adj} [milk] :: skimmed [British], skim [US]
rasvaton maito {n} :: non-fat milk, homogenized and pasteurized skim milk/skimmed milk (in Finland, milk with at most 0.5% fat content)
rasvatyyni {adj} :: dead calm (of a body of water, completely still with no waves)
rasvaus {n} :: greasing
rasvautua {vi} :: To become greasy
rasvavilla {n} :: Unwashed sheep wool
rasvis {n} :: synonym of rasvaletti
rasvoittaa {vt} :: to grease, to make greasy
rasvoittua {vi} :: To get greasy
rasvoittua {vi} [of internal organs] :: To gather fat
räsy {n} :: rag
räsymatto {n} :: rug, rag rug
räsynukke {n} :: rag doll
rata {n} [rail transport] :: railroad track
rata {n} [sports] :: track, lane, course
rata {n} [curling] :: sheet (area of ice on which one game of curling is played)
rata {n} :: orbit (path of one object around another)
rata {n} :: course (sequence of events)
rata {n} :: trajectory, course [path of a body as it travels through space]
Rata {prop} :: the Finnish name of the Financial Supervision Authority, the authority supervising financial markets and participants
rata-auto {n} :: track racing car
rata-autoilija {n} :: circuit racing driver
ratagolf {n} :: miniature golf
ratakisko {n} :: rail (metal bar)
ratamestari {n} :: roadmaster (one in charge of a railroad track)
ratamo {n} :: plantain (plant of the genus Plantago)
rataosa {n} :: railway section
ratapiha {n} :: rail yard
ratapölkky {n} :: railroad tie, cross-tie [US], railway sleeper, sleeper [UK] (heavy, preserved piece of timber or concrete slab laid crossways to and supporting the rails of a railroad)
ratapölkkysieni {n} :: scaly lentinus (Neolentinus lepideus)
ratapyörä {n} :: track bike, track bicycle (a bicycle used in track cycling)
rataresonanssi {n} [astronomy] :: orbital resonance
ratas {n} :: cogwheel
rataseläin {n} :: rotifer
ratasmylly {n} :: a water mill in which the wheel resembles a cog
ratasnivel {n} :: synonym of kiertonivel
rataspakka {n} :: cogset, cassette
ratatui {n} :: ratatouille
ratautua {v} [figurative] :: to get into a rut
ratavirkailija {n} [motor racing] :: track marshal
ratayhteys {n} :: rail link
ratifioida {vt} [legal] :: To ratify
ratifiointi {n} :: ratification
ratikka {n} [colloquial] :: A tram
Ratilainen {prop} :: surname
ratina {n} :: crackling, rustle
rätinä {n} :: crackle
rationaalifunktio {n} :: rational function
rationaalikertoiminen {adj} :: with rational coefficients
rationaaliluku {n} [mathematics] :: rational number
rationaalinen {adj} :: rational
rationaalisesti {adv} :: rationally
rationaalistaa {v} :: alternative form of rationalisoida
rationaalistua {v} :: alternative form of rationalisoitua
rationaalisuus {n} :: rationality
rationalismi {n} :: rationalism
rationalisoida {vt} :: To rationalize
rationalisoitua {vi} :: To become (more) rational
rationalisti {n} :: rationalist
rationaliteetti {n} :: rationality
rationoida {v} :: To rationalize
ratista {vi} :: to crackle, to crunch, to rattle
rätistä {vi} :: To crackle
rätisyttää {vt} :: to make crackle
rätkähtää {vi} :: to crash (down on), to flop down
ratkaisematon {adj} :: unsolved
ratkaisematon {adj} :: indecisive
ratkaiseminen {n} :: solving
ratkaiseva {adj} :: crucial, pivotal
ratkaiseva {adj} :: decisive
ratkaisevasti {adv} :: crucially
ratkaisevasti {adv} :: decisively
ratkaisija {n} :: solver
ratkaista {vt} :: To solve (a problem)
ratkaista {v} :: To decide; to make a decision in a complicated issue
rätkäistä {vt} :: to slap on, to slam on
ratkaisu {n} :: solution, answer (to a problem)
ratkaisu {n} :: conclusion (of a war, story, etc.)
ratkaisuehdotus {n} :: proposed solution
ratkaisuehdotus {n} [European Union law] :: opinion (judicial opinion delivered by an Advocate General to the European Court of Justice for a legal solution in a case)
ratkaisukaava {n} [math] :: solution formula
ratkaisutapa {n} :: solution, way of solving or resolving
rätkäyttää {vt} :: to slap on, to slam on
ratkeama {n} :: rip, tear, rent, split
ratkeamattomuus {n} :: unsolvability
ratkeilla {vi} :: to tear repeatedly
ratketa {vi} :: to be resolved
ratketa {vi} :: to tear
ratki {adv} :: really, totally
ratki {adv} :: ripped, broken (cloth)
rätkiä {vt} [colloquial] :: to whack, to hit
ratkoa {v} :: To solve
ratkoa {v} :: To rip, unpick a seam
rätkyttää {v} :: to yap, to bark
rätsähtää {vi} :: to crack (open)
ratsailla {adv} :: mounted (on a horse, etc.)
ratsaille {adv} :: nousta ratsaille: to mount a horse
ratsailta {adv} :: nousta/laskeutua ratsailta: to unmount a horse
ratsain {adv} :: horseback, ahorse, ahorseback (on the back of a horse)
ratsastaa {vi} :: To ride (on a horse)
ratsastaja {n} :: rider (one who rides a horse)
ratsastaja {n} [nautical] :: slider, sail slide (small pieces attached to the luff of a fore-and-aft mainsail which hold the hoisted sail in its place by sliding into a groove at the aft side of the mast)
ratsastajapatsas {n} :: equestrian statue (statue depicting a person on horseback)
ratsastaminen {n} :: riding
ratsastella {vi} :: to ride (a horse) around
ratsastuksenopettaja {n} :: horse instructor, riding instructor
ratsastus {n} :: horseriding, equestrianism, equitation (act or action of sitting on and controlling a horse for sport, recreation or transport)
ratsastus {n} :: riding (act or action of sitting on and controlling any animal for sport, recreation or transport)
ratsastus {n} :: horse racing (horseback riding as competitive sport)
ratsastus {n} [billiards] :: combination shot (shot in which the white hits first other than the actual target ball)
ratsastusasento {n} :: cowgirl position (sex position)
ratsastushalli {n} :: indoor horse riding arena
ratsastushousut {n} :: riding breeches, jodhpurs
ratsastuskenttä {n} :: horse riding arena, horse riding field
ratsastuskilpailu {n} :: horse race
ratsastuskilpailu {n} :: equestrian show or competition
ratsastuskoulu {n} :: riding school
ratsastuskurssi {n} :: horse riding course
ratsastuskypärä {n} :: horse riding helmet
ratsastusleiri {n} :: horse riding camp
ratsastuspuku {n} :: horse riding outfit, horse riding suit, horse riding clothes
ratsastusrata {n} :: horse riding track
ratsastussaapas {n} :: riding boot
ratsastustaito {n} :: horsemanship
ratsastustalli {n} :: horse riding stable
ratsastusterapia {n} :: equine therapy, hippotherapy
ratsastustunti {n} :: horse riding lesson
ratsastusurheilu {n} :: equestrianism, equestrian sport, horse riding sport
ratsata {vt} :: to raid
ratsautua {vi} :: to mount
ratsia {n} :: raid (by police), roundup
ratsia {n} :: stop check
ratsu {n} :: riding horse or other animal used for riding
ratsu {n} [humorous] :: anything else used for riding
ratsu {n} [chess] :: knight
ratsukko {n} :: A horse and its rider
ratsumestari {n} [military ranks, archaic] :: A captain in the cavalry
ratsumies {n} :: horseman
ratsumies {n} :: cavalryman (soldier in the cavalry)
ratsupaikat {n} [colloquial] :: fat in the outer area of thighs
ratsupiiska {n} :: riding crop
ratsupoliisi {n} :: mounted police
ratsutie {n} :: bridleway
ratsutila {n} :: horse riding ranch
ratsuväki {n} :: cavalry
rattaat {n} :: wagon, cart, carriage (unmotorized wheeled vehicle)
rattaat {n} :: short for lastenrattaat (baby buggy, pushchair)
rattaisto {n} :: gearing, system of gears
rättäri {n} :: A nickname of the French carmaker Citroën's 2 CV model
ratti {n} :: steering wheel
ratti {n} :: funnel (vessel)
rätti {n} :: A rag (a piece of cloth torn off; a tattered piece of cloth; a shred; a tatter; a fragment)
rätti {n} [colloquial] :: A rag (any piece of canvas)
rätti {n} [colloquial, pejorative] :: A garment
rätti {n} [nautical, slang] :: A sail
rätti {adj} [colloquial] :: exhausted
rattijuoppo {n} :: drunk driver, drink-driver
rattijuoppous {n} [colloquial] :: drunk driving
rattijuopumus {n} :: drunk driving
rättikatto {n} :: fabric roof of a convertible car
rattikelkka {n} :: bobsleigh
rattikelkka {n} :: snow racer
rattikelkkailija {n} :: bobsledder (one who rides a bobsled)
rattikelkkailu {n} :: bobsleigh, bobsled (winter sport)
rättipää {n} [offensive] :: raghead
rattiraivo {n} :: road rage
rättisitikka {n} :: A nickname of the French carmaker Citroën's 2 CV model
rättiväsynyt {adj} [idiomatic] :: exhausted, stuffed (very tired)
ratto {n} :: pleasure
rattoisa {adj} :: enjoyable
rattoisasti {adv} :: enjoyably
rattopoika {n} :: playboy
rattopoika {n} :: gigolo
rattopoika {n} :: male prostitute, rent boy
rattu {n} :: New World rat (any of a large number of small rat-like rodents native to the Americas)
ratustaa {v} :: to crunch (when eating)
ratustella {v} :: to crunch repeatedly
rätvänä {n} :: tormentil
Räty {prop} :: surname
Raudanjoki {n} :: Raudanjoki (river), a tributary of the Kemi river
raudankova {adj} :: as hard as iron
raudannosto {n} :: raising of bog iron or limonite from a lake
raudanpuute {n} :: lack of iron
raudanvalmistuspaikka {n} :: iron manufacturing site
raudanvarastoitumistauti {n} [pathology] :: hemochromatosis (metabolic disorder)
raudikko {n} :: chestnut horse, bay (reddish-brown horse)
raudoite {n} :: reinforcement (in cement)
raudoittaa {v} :: to iron (to furnish or arm with iron)
raudoitus {n} :: ironing (furnishing with iron)
rauduskoivu {n} :: silver birch (Betula pendula)
raueta {vi} :: to lapse, to expire, to abort
raueta {vi} :: to weaken, to abate, to fade
rauha {n} :: peace, harmony, calm (state of tranquility, quiet, and harmony)
rauha {n} :: peace (state free of oppressive and unpleasant thoughts and emotions)
rauha {n} :: peace (state free of war)
Rauha {prop} :: given name
rauhaantua {v} [rare] :: synonym of rauhoittaa
rauhaarakastava {adj} :: peaceable, peace-loving (in favor of piece)
rauhaisa {adj} :: peaceful
Rauhala {prop} :: surname
rauhallinen {adj} :: Peaceful, quiet, restful, serene, tranquil
rauhallisempi {adj} :: comparative of rauhallinen
rauhallisesti {adv} :: in a calm manner; calmly
rauhallisesti {adv} :: quietly
rauhallisuus {n} :: peace, calm, tranquility
rauhanaate {n} :: pacifism
rauhanaika {n} :: peacetime
rauhanaikainen {adj} :: peacetime (taking place or being in force during peace)
rauhanasia {n} :: cause of peace
rauhanehto {n} :: peace term, peace clause
rauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: gland
rauhanenkeli {n} :: angel of peace
rauhanhäiritsijä {n} :: troublemaker, disturber of peace
rauhanhieronta {n} :: peacemaking
rauhanjärjestö {n} :: peace organization
rauhanjuhla {n} :: peace rally, peace ceremony
rauhankasvatus {n} :: education for peace
rauhankonferenssi {n} :: peace conference
rauhankumppanuus {n} :: education for peace
rauhankyyhky {n} :: dove of peace
rauhankyyhkynen {n} :: dove of peace (symbol)
rauhanlähettiläs {n} :: peace envoy
rauhanliike {n} :: peace movement
rauhanlippu {n} :: peace flag
rauhanmarssi {n} :: peace march
rauhanmies {n} :: man of peace, man for peace
rauhanneuvottelija {n} :: peace talker, peace negotiator
rauhanneuvottelu {n} :: peace talks, peace negotiations
rauhanomainen {n} :: peaceful, non-violent, peaceable, inoffensive
rauhanomaisesti {adv} :: peaceably
rauhanoppositio {n} [historical] :: In the Finnish history, a group of politicians who, towards the end of WWII were working for concluding a separate peace treaty with the Soviet Union; usually translated as peace opposition into English
rauhanoppositio {n} [by extension] :: Any opposition group in any country which works for peace, either in order to end an ongoing war or to prevent a threatening war
rauhanpalkinto {n} :: peace prize
rauhanpiippu {n} :: A peace pipe
rauhanpolitiikka {n} :: peace policy
rauhanprosessi {n} :: peace process
rauhanpuolustaja {n} :: pacifist, defender of peace
rauhanpyrkimys {n} :: peace effort
rauhanrakentaja {n} :: peacemaker
rauhanrikkoja {n} :: peacebreaker
rauhansopimus {n} :: peace treaty
rauhansuunnitelma {n} :: peace plan
rauhantahto {n} :: will for peace
rauhantahtoinen {adj} :: peaceable, peaceful (favouring peace)
rauhantekijä {n} :: peacemaker
rauhanteko {n} :: peacemaking
rauhantila {n} :: state for peace
rauhantunnustelija {n} :: peace negotiator
rauhantunnustelu {n} [usually in the plural] :: peace talks, peace negotiations
rauhantuomari {n} :: Justice of the Peace
rauhanturvaaja {n} :: peacekeeper (member of a peacekeeping force)
rauhanturvaaminen {n} :: peacekeeping
rauhanturvajoukko {n} [normally in plural] :: peacekeeping force (military force with the task of preserving peace between hostile groups)
rauhanturvaoperaatio {n} :: peacekeeping operation
rauhanturvatehtävä {n} :: peacekeeping operation
rauhantutkija {n} :: peace researcher
rauhantutkimus {n} :: peace research
rauhantyö {n} :: peace work
rauhanvaltuuskunta {n} :: peace delegation
rauhanvetoomus {n} :: appeal for peace
rauhas-lihaskasvain {n} :: adenomyoma (complex tumor including components derived from glands and muscle)
rauhasmainen {n} [anatomy] :: glandiform
rauhas-rasvakasvain {n} [pathology] :: adenolipoma (benign lipoma of a gland containing both glandular and fat tissue)
rauhassa {adv} :: in peace
rauhassa {adv} :: at one's own pace, without hurrying or haste
rauhastauti {n} [pathology] :: adenopathy
rauhastulehdus {n} [pathology] :: adenitis (glandular inflammation)
rauhaton {adj} :: restless
rauhattomasti {adv} :: restlessly
rauhoite {n} :: sedative
rauhoitella {vt} :: To pacify, appease, reassure, calm (down), quiet (down) (in an continuous or indifferent manner)
rauhoitettu {adj} :: protected (of a species, protected by law against hunting, fishing, picking or destroying of habitat etc.)
rauhoittaa {vt} :: to pacify, appease, reassure, calm (down), quiet (down)
rauhoittaa {vt} [medicine] :: to tranquillize, sedate, settle
rauhoittaa {vt} :: to protect, preserve, reserve (a land area, a species; to withhold from present use)
rauhoittaja {n} :: pacifier (one who pacifies)
rauhoittamaton {adj} [of species] :: unprotected
rauhoittava {adj} :: pacifying, appeasing, reassuring, calming, soothing
rauhoittava {adj} [medicine] :: sedative, tranquilizing, depressant, ataractic, ataraxic
rauhoittava {n} [medicine] :: tranquilizer/tranquilliser, sedative, depressant
rauhoittua {vi} :: to calm down, relax, unwind
rauhoitusaika {n} [fishing, hunting] :: close season
rauhoitusalue {n} :: sanctuary, reserve, refuge
rauhoituslääke {n} :: sedative, tranquilizer
raukaista {vi} :: to feel drowsy
raukaista {vt} :: to cause drowsiness
raukea {adj} :: limp, listless, languid
raukea {adj} :: drowsy; calm, relaxed
raukeaminen {n} :: lapsing, expiring
raukeaminen {n} :: weakening, abating
raukeasti {adv} :: drowsily, languidly
raukein {adj} :: superlative of raukea
raukka {n} :: wretch
raukka {n} :: coward
raukka {n} :: poor thing (someone or something to be pitied)
raukkamaisesti {adv} :: cowardly, gutlessly
Rauli {prop} :: given name
rauma {n} :: a flowing or streaming strait or sound that does not freeze even in the winter
Rauma {prop} :: Rauma, a city in Finland
raumalainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Rauma
raumalainen {n} :: a person from or living in Rauma
raumankielinen {adj} :: Speaking the Rauma dialect
raumankielinen {adj} :: Expressed in the Rauma dialect
Rauna {prop} :: given name
Rauni {prop} :: given name
Rauni {prop} :: given name
raunikki {n} :: baby's breath (plant of the genus Gypsophila)
raunio {n} :: A ruin
raunioittaa {vt} :: to ruin
raunioitua {vi} :: to fall into ruin or a state of destruction
rauniokaupunki {n} :: ruined city
rauniokoira {n} :: search and rescue dog
rauniolinna {n} :: ruined castle
Rauno {prop} :: given name
rausku {n} :: A ray (fish)
rausku {n} :: A skate (ray)
rauta {n} :: iron (metal)
rauta {n} [golf] :: iron club
rauta {n} [in plural] :: the shackles, irons
rauta {n} [in plural] :: a trap (heavy metal device designed to catch animals by catching hold of part of the body)
rauta {n} [in plural] :: short for hammasraudat
rauta {n} [computing, slang] :: hardware
rauta-aita {n} :: iron fence
rauta-alumaannos {n} [geology] :: ferralsol
rautabetoni {n} :: concrete reinforced with iron
rautaesine {n} :: ironwork (anything made wholly or largely of iron)
rautaesirippu {n} :: The Iron Curtain
rautahäkki {n} [literally] :: iron cage
rautahäkki {n} [sociology] :: iron cage
rautahammas {n} :: permanent tooth (tooth that replaces a milk tooth)
rautaharkko {n} :: iron ingot, iron bar
rautahydroksidi {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: iron hydroxide
rautainen {adj} :: iron
rautainen {adj} [figuratively] :: iron
rautainen {adj} :: mettlesome (of great mettle, courageous)
rautaisesti {adv} :: in an iron way
rautaisesti {adv} :: in a mettlesome way
rautajää {n} :: ice that is as hard as iron
rautakaivos {n} :: iron mine
rautakanki {n} :: iron bar
rautakarbidi {n} :: iron carbide
rautakauppa {n} :: hardware store
rautakausi {n} :: Iron Age
rautakautinen {adj} :: Iron Age (dating or related to the Iron Age)
rautaketju {n} :: iron chain
rautakeuhko {n} :: iron lung (outdated respiratory device)
rautakiihdytys {n} [computing, slang] :: hardware acceleration
rautakoriste {n} :: ironwork (decoration made wholly or largely of iron)
rautakorko {n} :: iron heel
rautakoura {n} :: iron fist (ruthless control)
rautalääke {n} :: any medicine using iron
Rautalampi {prop} :: Rautalampi (municipality)
rautalampilainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Rautalampi
rautalampilainen {n} :: a person from or living in Rautalampi
rautalanka {n} :: iron or steel wire
rautalanka {n} :: instrumental rock (music genre)
rautalanka {n} [in compounds] :: wireframe
rautalankamalli {n} :: wireframe model, wireframe
rautalapio {n} :: iron shovel, iron spade
rautalehti {n} :: synonym of heinäratamo
Rautamaa {prop} :: surname
rautamalmi {n} :: iron ore
rautametalli {n} :: ferrous metal
rautamuodostuma {n} [geology] :: iron formation
rautamuuri {n} [colloquial, computer security] :: firewall implemented on hardware
rautanaula {n} :: iron nail
rautaneitsyt {n} :: iron maiden
rautanokkonen {n} :: annual nettle, Urtica urens
rautanuija {n} :: mace (weapon)
rautaoksidi {n} [chemistry] :: iron oxide
rautaosasto {n} :: iron or hardware section, such as of a department store
rautapaita {n} :: armor for the body or upper body made out of iron or other metal, such as brigandine or mail
rautapannu {n} :: iron pan
rautapata {n} :: iron pot
rautapitoinen {adj} :: ferrous (containing iron)
rautapuu {n} :: Persian ironwood, Parrotia persica
rautapyynti {n} :: hunting with a trap (heavy metal device)
rautarengas {n} :: iron ring
rautaristi {n} :: Iron Cross (German military decoration and symbol)
rautaromu {n} :: iron scrap
rautarouva {n} :: A strong and powerful (in terms of influence) female; especially the former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, known as the Iron Lady in English
rautaruukki {n} :: ironworks
rautasaha {n} :: hacksaw
rautasälpä {n} [mineral] :: siderite
rautasänky {n} :: iron bed
rautasaostuma {n} :: iron precipitate (in water)
rautaseos {n} :: ferroalloy
rautasulatto {n} :: iron melting works, ferrous metal melting works
rautasulfaatti {n} :: iron sulfate
rautatammi {n} :: holm oak, holly oak, Quercus ilex (evergreen oak, native to the Mediterranean region)
rautatavara {n} :: hardware (metal implements)
rautateitse {adv} :: By railway
rautatie {n} :: railway, railroad
rautatieasema {n} :: railroad station, railway station
rautatiekalusto {n} :: rolling stock, railway equipment
rautatiekartta {n} :: rail map
rautatiekuljetus {n} :: rail transport
rautatieläinen {n} :: railwayman, railwaywoman, person working on the railway/railroad
rautatieliikenne {n} :: rail transport
rautatieristeys {n} :: railroad crossing
rautatiesilta {n} :: railroad bridge
rautatiet {n} :: railway (transport system)
rautatietunneli {n} :: railroad tunnel
rautatievaunu {n} :: railroad car
rautatieverkko {n} :: railway network
rautatieyhteys {n} :: railroad connection
Rautavaara {prop} :: surname
Rautavaara {prop} :: Rautavaara (municipality)
rautavaaralainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Rautavaara
rautavaaralainen {n} :: a person from or living in Rautavaara
rautavalimo {n} :: iron foundry
rautavalmiste {n} :: iron preparation (medical product with iron)
rautavihtrilli {n} [chemistry] :: ferrous sulfate, copperas
rautayhdiste {n} [chemistry] :: iron compound
rautayrtti {n} :: synonym of verbena
rautiainen {n} :: dunnock (Prunella modularis)
rautiainen {n} :: accentor (any bird of genus Prunella)
Rautiainen {prop} :: surname
rautias {n} :: chestnut horse, bay (reddish-brown horse)
rautio {n} :: smith
rautio {n} :: deathwatch beetle, Xestobium rufovillosum
Rautio {prop} :: surname
rautjärveläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Rautjärvi (Finnish municipality)
rautjärveläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Rautjärvi (Finnish municipality)
Rautjärvi {prop} :: Rautjärvi
rautu {n} :: Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) aka saibling
rävähtää {vi} :: to quickly open or change in some way (such as open one's eyes, change one's colors)
ravakasti {adv} :: briskly
räväkästi {adv} :: smartly, boldly, pertly, piquantly, saucily
ravakka {adj} :: brisk
räväkkä {adj} :: smart, bold, pert, piquant, saucy
ravata {vi} [of a horse] :: To trot
ravata {vi} [of a person] :: To run or trot
ravata {vi} [colloquial] :: To visit (too) frequently, go (too) frequently, run around
ravauttaa {vt} :: to make trot or run
räväyttää {vt} :: to quickly open or change in some way (such as open one's eyes, change the colors of something)
raveliini {n} :: ravelin (fortification outside a castle used to split an attacking force)
ravi {n} :: [horsemanship] trot
ravi {n} :: trot (rapid gait of a person)
ravihevonen {n} :: racehorse
raviini {n} :: ravine
ravikilpailut {n} :: synonym of ravit
ravinne {n} :: nutrient
ravinnerikas {adj} :: rich in nutrients
ravinnesuola {n} :: nutrient salt
ravinnevarat {n} :: nutrient reserves
ravinteikas {adj} :: nutritious
ravinto {n} :: nutrition, nourishment, nutriment (technical term for food or fodder)
ravinto {n} [in compounds] :: nutritional
ravintoaine {n} :: nutrient
ravintoarvo {n} :: nutritional value
ravintohiiva {n} :: nutritional yeast
ravintokasvi {n} :: food plant, crop plant
ravintoketju {n} [ecology] :: food chain
ravintokuitu {n} :: dietary fibre
ravintola {n} :: restaurant (an eating establishment in which diners are served food at their tables)
ravintola-ala {n} :: catering sector, catering industry
ravintolakeittiö {n} :: restaurant kitchen
ravintolanjohtaja {n} :: restaurant manager
ravintolapanimo {n} :: brewery in a restaurant
ravintolasali {n} :: restaurant hall, dining hall
ravintolavaunu {n} [rail transport] :: dining car
ravintolisä {n} :: dietary supplement
ravintoloitsija {n} :: restaurateur, restaurant keeper
ravintoöljy {n} :: cooking oil
ravinto-opillisesti {adv} :: nutritionally
ravintorasva {n} :: edible fat, food fat
ravintorikas {adj} :: highly nutritious
ravintosuola {n} :: nutrient salt
ravintotalous {n} :: food economy
ravintotiheä {adj} :: nutrient dense (having high content of nutrients per calorie intake)
ravintotottumus {n} :: eating habit, dietary habit
ravintoverkko {n} [ecology] :: food web
ravintoympyrä {n} :: [US] food pyramid (diagram giving advice on how to eat healthily)
ravio {n} [dialectal] :: limb
ravio {n} [dialectal] :: carcass of an animal
ravioli {n} :: ravioli (small square parcels of pasta)
ravirata {n} :: harness racing course
ravistaa {vt} :: To shake (to cause to move; mostly for regular or short-term action, compare ravistella)
ravistella {vt} :: To shake (to cause to move; indifferently and/or repeatedly, see Usage notes)
ravistelu {n} :: shake (act of shaking)
ravistin {n} :: cocktail shaker
ravistua {vi} [of wood] :: to form fissures because of being dry
ravistus {n} :: shake (act of shaking)
ravistuttaa {vt} [of wood] :: to cause to form fissures because of being dry
ravit {n} :: harness racing event
ravita {vt} :: to nourish
ravitseminen {n} :: nourishment (act of nourishing)
ravitsemisala {n} :: catering sector
ravitsemuksellinen {adj} :: nutritional (related or pertaining to nutrition)
ravitsemus {n} :: nutrition (organic process)
ravitsemusasiantuntija {n} :: nutritionist
ravitsemustiede {n} :: food science, nutrition (discipline)
ravitseva {adj} :: nutritious
ravunkivi {n} :: limestone grain of a crayfish
ravunsakset {n} :: crab claws
ravunsyöjäkoira {n} :: crab eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus)
ravunsyöjäsupi {n} :: crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus)
ravunsyötti {n} :: crab bait (bait for crabbing)
ravuri {n} :: trotter (horse)
ravustaa {v} :: To catch crayfish
ravustaa {v} :: To crab (to fish for crabs)
ravustaja {n} :: crayfish catcher
ravustaja {n} :: crabber
ravustus {n} :: Fishing for crabs; crabbing
ravustuskausi {n} :: crayfish season (in Finland, a period in the late summer when catching crayfish is permitted)
Ray-Banit {n} [slang] :: The glasses of Ray-Ban
räyhähenki {n} :: A poltergeist
räyhäkäs {adj} :: aggressive, quarrelsome
räyhätä {vi} :: To rage, storm; to brawl
Raynaudin oireyhtymä {n} :: alternative spelling of Raynaud’n oireyhtymä
Raynaud’n oireyhtymä {n} [pathology] :: Raynaud's disease
räyskä {n} :: Caspian tern, Hydroprogne caspia
räyske {n} :: barking, shouting
räyskiä {vi} :: to yap, to bark
räyskiä {vi} :: to be snappy
räyskyttää {v} :: to bark (in a way that the speaker finds annoying)
räystäänalunen {n} :: eavesdrop (space around a house on which water drips from the eaves)
räystäs {n} :: eaves (underside of a roof)
räystäskouru {n} :: eavestrough, gutter
räystäspääsky {n} :: common house martin, northern house martin, Delichon urbicum
räystäspääsky {n} :: house martin (bird of the genus Delichon)
räystäspääsky {n} [in plural] :: Delichon (the genus of house martins)
räytyä {vi} [dialectal, of butter] :: to melt (in heat)
räytyä {vi} :: to wilt, to languish
-re {suffix} :: Forms nouns, mostly from nominal stems
reaali {n} :: short for reaalikoe
reaaliaikainen {adj} :: realtime
reaaliaikaisesti {adv} :: In real time
reaaliaine {n} :: academic subject (as opposed to practical subject) that is not mathematics or a language
reaaliakseli {n} :: real axis
reaalianalyysi {n} [mathematics] :: real analysis
reaaliansio {n} :: real income
reaaliarvo {n} :: real value, actual value
reaaliarvoinen {adj} :: real-valued
reaalifunktio {n} [mathematics] :: real function
reaalikaasu {n} [physics] :: real gas
reaalikertoiminen {adj} :: with real coefficients
reaalikoe {n} :: a part of the Finnish matriculation exam testing knowledge in a reaaliaine (historically one exam for multiple distinct academic subjects, but now one exam per subject)
reaaliluku {n} [mathematics] :: real number
reaalinen {adj} :: real
reaaliosa {n} [mathematics] :: real part
reaalipääoma {n} [economics] :: Real capital
reaalipalkka {n} :: real income
reaalipolitiikka {n} :: realpolitik
reaalipreesenssi {n} [Christianity, theology] :: real presence
reaalisosialismi {n} :: real socialism
reaalisosialisti {n} :: real socialist
reaalisosialistinen {adj} :: real socialistic
reaalistaa {v} [rare] :: to realise/realize (to make real)
reaalistua {v} [rare] :: to be realized
reaalitalous {n} [economics] :: real economy
reaalitaso {n} [math] :: real plane
reaaliunioni {n} :: real union
reaganismi {n} :: Reaganism
reaganisti {n} :: Reaganist
reagenssi {n} [chemistry] :: reagent
reagoida {vi} [+ illative] :: to react on
reagoimaton {adj} :: unresponsive
reagoimaton {adj} :: inert
reagointi {n} :: The act of reacting
reaktanssi {n} :: reactance
reaktiivinen {adj} :: reactive
reaktiivisuus {n} :: reactivity
reaktio {n} :: A reaction
reaktioaika {n} :: reaction time
reaktiolämpö {n} [chemistry] :: heat of reaction
reaktiomatka {n} :: thinking distance
reaktiomoottori {n} :: reaction engine
reaktionopeus {n} :: reaction speed
reaktio-osamäärä {n} [chemistry] :: reaction quotient
reaktiotapa {n} :: way of reacting
reaktiotuote {n} :: product, reaction product (result of chemical reaction)
reaktiovoima {n} :: reactive force
reaktioyhtälö {n} [chemistry] :: chemical equation
reaktori {n} :: reactor
reaktorisydän {n} :: reactor core (the part of a nuclear reactor which contains the fuel components that are undergoing nuclear reactions)
realisaatio {n} :: realization
realismi {n} :: realism
realisoida {vt} :: To realise/realize (to make real)
realisoida {v} :: To sell assets to raise cash (realization of assets)
realisointi {n} :: realization
realisoitua {vi} :: To be realized
realisti {n} :: realist
realistinen {adj} :: realistic
realistisesti {adv} :: realistically
realiteetti {n} :: Fact, reality
rebec {n} [music] :: rebec
Rebekka {prop} :: Rebekah [biblical character]
Rebekka {prop} :: given name
redaktio {n} :: redaction
redi {n} [nautical] :: alternative spelling of reti
reduktaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: reductase
reduktio {n} :: reduction
reduktionismi {n} :: reductionism
redundanssi {n} :: redundancy
redundantti {adj} :: redundant
redusoida {vt} :: to reduce
redusointi {n} :: reduction
redusoitua {vi} :: To reduce
redusoitua {vi} [chemistry] :: To reduce
redutti {n} [military, historical] :: redoubt (a small supplementary fortification outside a larger fort)
reelinki {n} [nautical] :: gunwale
reeska {n} :: Coregonus lavaretus f. wartmanni (a type of dwarf whitefish)
reesusapina {n} :: A rhesus macaque
reesustekijä {n} :: The Rhesus factor
Reeta {prop} :: given name
Reetta {prop} :: given name
refaktoroida {vt} :: to refactor
refaktorointi {n} :: refactoring
referaatti {n} :: report (such as book report), abstract, summary
referatiivinen {adj} :: referative
referatiivirakenne {n} [grammar] :: in Finnish, a participial phrase used for reported or witnessed events, using the genitive of the present or past active participle
referee {n} :: referee (expert who judges the manuscript of an article or book to decide if it should be published)
referenssi {n} :: reference
referenssijärjestelmä {n} :: reference system
referenssikirjasto {n} :: reference library
referoida {v} :: To summarize
reflaatio {n} [economics] :: reflation
refleksi {n} :: reflex
refleksiivinen {adj} [grammar] :: reflexive
refleksiivinen {adj} [set theory] :: reflexive
refleksiivipronomini {n} [grammar] :: reflexive pronoun
refleksiivisyys {n} :: reflexivity
refleksiiviverbi {n} [grammar] :: reflexive verb
refleksologi {n} :: reflexologist
refleksologia {n} :: reflexology
reflektanssi {n} :: reflectance
reflektorinen {adj} [medicine] :: reflex
reflektorisesti {adv} :: in a reflex way
refluksi {n} [physiology] :: acid reflux (reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus)
refluksi {n} [pathology, colloquial] :: heartburn (the pain caused by an acid reflux)
refluksitauti {n} [pathology] :: gastric reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD
reformaatio {n} :: reformation
reformaatio {n} [Christianity] :: Reformation (religious movement initiated by Martin Luther)
reformi {n} :: reform
reformismi {n} :: reformism
reformisti {n} :: reformist
reformistinen {adj} :: reformist
reformoida {vt} :: To reform
reformoija {n} :: reformer
reformointi {n} :: reformation
refraktaarinen {adj} [medicine] :: refractory (difficult to heal)
refraktorinen {adj} [medicine] :: refractory (difficult to heal)
refrengi {n} :: refrain (chorus or burden of a song repeated at the end of each verse or stanza)
regaali {n} :: regalia (emblem, symbol or paraphernalia indicative of royalty)
regaali {n} [musical instrument] :: regal
regatta {n} :: regatta (boat race)
regeneraatio {n} :: regeneration
regeneraattori {n} :: regenerator
regeneroida {vt} :: To regenerate
regenerointi {n} :: regeneration
regeneroitua {vi} :: To regenerate
regentti {n} :: regent (person or group of persons selected to act as head of state because the ruler is a minor, not present, or debilitated)
reggae {n} :: reggae
regiimi {n} :: regime
regionaalinen {adj} :: regional
regionalismi {n} :: regionalism
regoliitti {n} [geology] :: regolith
regressiivinen {adj} :: regressive
regressio {n} :: regression
regressio {n} [statistics] :: regression
regressioanalyysi {n} [statistics] :: regression analysis
regressiofunktio {n} [probability theory] :: regression function
regressiomalli {n} [statistics] :: regression model
regressiosuora {n} [statistics] :: regression line
regulaattori {n} :: regulator
reguloida {vt} :: To regulate
rehabilitaatio {n} :: rehabilitation
rehabilitoida {vt} :: To rehabilitate
rehabilitointi {n} :: rehabilitation
rehahtaa {v} :: to burst (such as burst open, burst into laughter, burst into bloom etc.)
rehdisti {adv} :: honestly
rehellinen {adj} :: honest
rehellisempi {adj} :: comparative of rehellinen
rehellisesti {adv} :: honestly
rehellisyys {n} :: honesty, sincerity
rehellisyys {n} :: integrity
rehellisyys maan perii {proverb} :: honesty is the best policy
rehennellä {vi} :: to brag, boast
rehentelijä {n} :: braggart
rehentely {n} :: swagger, boasting, bragging
rehevä {adj} :: lush, exuberant, luxuriant
rehevä {adj} :: [water bodies] eutrophic
rehevä {adj} :: buxom
rehevämpi {adj} :: comparative of rehevä
rehevästi {adv} :: lushly, exuberantly, luxuriantly
rehevöittää {v} :: to eutrophicate (to cause to become eutrophic)
rehevöityä {v} :: To eutrophicate (to become eutrophic)
rehevöityminen {n} [ecology] :: eutrophication
rehevyys {n} :: lushness
rehevyys {n} :: [water bodies] The amount of eutrophication
rehkiä {v} :: to work hard; to toil, to drudge
Rehn {prop} :: surname
rehottaa {vi} :: to grow with ease, to flourish, to sprawl
rehti {adj} :: honest
rehto {n} [dialectal] :: a long building
rehto {n} [dialectal] :: hayrack
rehtori {n} :: rector, schoolmaster/schoolmistress, headmaster/headmistress
rehtori {n} :: an honorary title of the eleventh rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished teachers and headmasters/headmistresses
rehtorikausi {n} :: head teacher term, headmaster term
rehu {n} :: fodder, animal feed
rehuarvo {n} :: feed value
rehujauho {n} :: middling (product of milling that is not flour)
rehujuurikas {n} :: mangelwurzel, mangold, mangold wurzel, fodder beet (root vegetable, variety of Beta vulgaris, cultivated chiefly as cattle feed)
rehukasvi {n} :: fodder plant, forage plant
rehunauris {n} :: The varieties of turnip (Brassica rapa) grown primarily as fodder
rehustaa {v} :: to feed animals with fodder
rehutorni {n} :: feed tower, feed bin
rehuvilja {n} :: feed grain, fodder grain
rehvakas {adj} :: self-important
rehvakkaasti {adv} :: swaggeringly, self-importantly
rehvastelija {n} :: braggart
rehvastella {v} :: to brag
reiäkäs {adj} :: holey
rei’ikäs {adj} :: synonym of reikäinen
rei’itin {n} :: hole punch
rei’ittää {v} :: to punch (employ a punch)
rei’ittää {v} :: to hole (especially when making several small holes)
rei’ittäjä {n} :: hole punch (office tool)
rei’ittyä {vi} :: to become holey
rei’itys {n} :: hole punching, perforating
Reija {prop} :: given name
Reijo {prop} :: given name
Reijonen {prop} :: surname
reikä {n} :: hole
reikä {n} :: puncture (hole, cut, or tear created by a sharp object)
reikä {n} :: cavity
reikä {n} [slang, doubled, in expressions of time] :: zero
reikä {n} [bowling] :: split
reikä {n} [vulgar] :: cunt
reikäinen {adj} :: holey
reikäinen {adj} :: cavitied
reikäisempi {adj} :: comparative of reikäinen
reikäjuusto {n} :: any cheese with holes
reikäjuusto {n} [figuratively] :: Swiss cheese (something that is full of holes or vulnerabilities)
reikäkauha {n} :: skimmer (sieve-like, slotted spoon)
reikäkirves {n} [archaeology] :: shaft hole axe
reikäkivi {n} :: a stone or rock with a hole through it
reikäkivi {n} :: a hollow stone brick
reikäkortti {n} :: punch card
reikäkorttikone {n} :: tabulating machine, punch card machine
reikäleipä {n} :: A type of bread, usually of rye, that is flat and has a hole in the middle; originally the purpose of the hole was to facilitate storage in horizontal poles so as to keep the bread safe from rodents
reikänauha {n} :: paper tape, punched tape
reikänauha {n} :: synonym of reikävanne
reikäpää {n} [pejorative] :: airhead (having no brain, used often of a person who takes unnecessary risks e.g. when driving or in sports)
reikäpiirilevy {n} [electronics] :: stripboard
reikärauta {n} [colloquial] :: shooting iron (handgun, especially a revolver)
reikäsaha {n} :: hole saw
reikätiili {n} :: air brick
reikätuoli {n} :: a chair or stool with a hole through the seat
reikävanne {n} :: perforated metal tape (sometimes called plumber's tape)
reikiintyä {vi} :: to become holey
reikiintyä {vi} [teeth] :: to decay
reilaan {adv} [colloquial] :: into condition or good shape; into being alright
reilassa {adv} [colloquial] :: in condition or good shape; alright
reilata {v} :: To interrail (to travel with InterRail rail pass)
reilu {adj} :: fair, just
reilu {adj} :: generous [more than adequate]
reilu {adj} :: sincere, frank, honest
reiluin {adj} :: superlative of reilu
reilu meininki {phrase} [colloquial] :: great atmosphere (said e.g. of a party or festival)
reilumpi {adj} :: comparative of reilu
reilusti {adv} :: fairly, justly
reilusti {adv} :: well, much
reiluus {n} :: fairness
reima {adj} [rare] :: brisk
Reima {prop} :: given name
reimari {n} [nautical] :: spar buoy
Rein {prop} :: the Rhine
Reinikainen {prop} :: surname
Reininmaa {prop} :: Rhineland
reininviini {n} :: Rhenish wine
reinkarnaatio {n} :: reincarnation
Reino {prop} :: given name
reipas {adj} :: brave
reipas {adj} :: brisk
reipas {adj} :: generous
reipas {adj} :: breezy
reipas {adj} :: cheery
reipastua {vi} :: to become brave, brisk, breezy or cheery
reippaasti {adv} :: briskly
reippaasti {adv} :: much more/less
reippailla {vi} :: to act brave, brisk, breezy or cheery
reippain {adj} :: superlative of reipas
reisi {n} :: thigh
reisi {n} :: femur (section of an insect's leg)
reisi {n} [as modifier] :: femoral
reisi {n} :: wing, arm (of a seine (net))
reisilaskimo {n} [anatomy] :: femoral vein
reisiluu {n} [skeleton] :: A femur or thighbone
reisityrä {n} [pathology] :: hernia femoralis
reisjärveläinen {adj} :: alternative form of reisjärvinen
reisjärveläinen {n} :: alternative form of reisjärvinen
Reisjärvi {prop} :: Reisjärvi (municipality)
reisjärvinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Reisjärvi (Finnish municipality)
reisjärvinen {n} :: a person from or living in Reisjärvi (Finnish municipality)
reissata {v} [colloquial] :: To travel
reissu {n} [colloquial] :: A trip (journey)
reissuvihko {n} :: a notebook in which events are reported and messages written to be delivered between school and home, used in primary schools and can also serve as the pupil's diary
reistailla {v} [colloquial] :: to act up or malfunction repeatedly
reistata {v} [colloquial] :: to act up, to malfunction
reititin {n} [networking] :: router
reitittää {v} :: to route (to direct or divert along a particular course)
reitittää {v} [internet] :: to route (to connect two or more local area networks, thereby forming an internet)
reitittää {v} [computing] :: to route (to send information through a router)
reitittäjä {n} :: router (someone who routes or directs items from one location to another)
reitittäjä {n} [rare] :: synonym of reititin
reitti {n} :: route
reittikone {n} :: aircraft flying on a scheduled route
reittitaksi {n} :: share taxi, also called marshrutka, matatu, service etc. depending on country (minibus or other vehicle used as type of mass transport in many countries, usually operating a fixed route, scheduled or unscheduled)
reivata {v} [nautical] :: To reef
reivata {v} :: To rave (to attend a rave)
reivi {n} [nautical] :: A reef (arrangement to reduce the area of a sail in a high wind)
reivinaru {n} [nautical] :: reefing tie (short length of thin rope used to tie the mainsail into the boom when reefing)
reiviseisinki {n} [nautical] :: reefing line (short line attached to a sail for tying up the reefed part of the sail to the boom or yard)
reivisolmu {n} [dialectal] :: reef knot
reivit {n} :: A rave (all night dance party filled with electronic dance music)
rekanveturi {n} :: A tractor (truck used to pull a trailer or a semi-trailer)
rekapituloida {v} [rare] :: to recapitulate (to summarize or repeat in concise form)
rekapituloida {v} :: to recapitulate (to repeat the evolutionary stages of an organism during its embryonic development)
reki {n} :: A relatively large sledge or sleigh equipped with runners and shafts, and typically drawn by a horse or a motorized vehicle
rekikeli {n} :: good weather for driving a sleigh or sled
rekipeitto {n} :: sleigh blanket
rekiryijy {n} :: synonym of rekipeitto
rekisteri {n} :: register (formal recording)
rekisteri {n} :: registrar (official keeper of records)
rekisteri {n} [computing] :: register (small but fast memory used to store a value)
rekisterikilpi {n} :: license plate, registration plate
rekisterinpitäjä {n} :: registrar, controller
rekisterinumero {n} :: license number, plate number
rekisteriote {n} :: vehicle license; pink slip [informal, US], logbook [UK] (official document which verifies the ownership and other officially recorded data of a vehicle)
rekisteriote {n} :: An extract or excerpt of any register
rekisteriseloste {n} :: privacy policy, opening order
rekisteritappi {n} [music] :: organ stop (knob near the keyboard of an organ used to select different timbres)
rekisteritunnus {n} :: registration number
rekisteriviranomainen {n} :: registry authority
rekisteröidä {vt} :: To register, enter in a register
rekisteröinti {n} :: registration
rekisteröity {adj} :: registered
rekisteröity {adj} :: of record (officially recorded; documented)
rekisteröityä {vi} [computing] :: To register an account
rekisteröity parisuhde {n} [legal] :: civil partnership, civil union, domestic partnership, registered partnership (an officially confirmed union, comparable in most respects with a marriage for its legal effects, between two persons of same sex)
rekisteröity puolue {n} :: registered political party
rekisteröity yhdistys {n} [legal] :: registered association
rekka {n} [slang] :: A semi-trailer
rekka {n} [slang] :: A semi (US), artic (UK)
rekka {n} [colloquial] :: Any truck/tractor and trailer/semi-trailer combination
rekka {n} [colloquial] :: A truck
rekka {n} :: A horse-drawn sleigh especially designed for dragging tree trunks from forest
rekka-auto {n} [colloquial] :: A semi, semi-trailer, artic, articulated lorry (tractor/truck - semitrailer combination)
rekka-auto {n} [colloquial] :: Any combination of a truck/tractor and semi-trailer/trailer
rekka-auto {n} [colloquial] :: A truck, lorry
rekkakuski {n} [colloquial] :: trucker
rekkalesbo {n} [slang] :: dyke, stone butch (masculine lesbian)
rekkamiehen pastilli {n} [slang, idiom] :: dingleberry (dried fecal matter adhering to anal hair)
rekkamies {n} [colloquial] :: (male) trucker
rekkaparkki {n} :: truck stop [US], transport café [UK]
rekki {n} [gymnastics] :: horizontal bar, high bar
rekkitanko {n} [gymnastics] :: horizontal bar
rekkopaita {n} :: a shirt that is a part of a traditional äyrämöinen Ingrian women's costume
reklaami {n} [dated] :: advertisement
reklamaatio {n} :: consumer complaint, complaint
reklamaatio {n} :: reclamation (of land, for example)
reklamoida {vi} :: To make a complaint of a product that one has purchased
Rekola {prop} :: surname
Rekola {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
rekombinaatio {n} [biology, genetics, chemistry] :: recombination
rekonstruktio {n} :: reconstruction
rekonstruoida {vt} :: To reconstruct (to create a copy e.g. of a relic; to reconstruct a situation)
rekonstruointi {n} :: reconstruction
rekrytä {v} [colloquial] :: synonym of rekrytoida
rekrytoida {vt} :: To recruit (people)
rekrytoija {n} :: recruiter
rekrytointi {n} :: recruiting
rekrytointimessut {n} :: job fair, career fair, career expo
rekryytti {n} :: recruit
reksi {n} [colloquial] :: principal (school administrator)
rektaalinen {adj} :: rectal
rektaskensio {n} [astronomy] :: right ascension
rektio {n} [grammar] :: government
rekuperaattori {n} :: recuperator
rekuperatiivinen {adj} :: recuperative
rekursiivinen {adj} [mathematics, philosophy, computing] :: recursive
rekursiivisuus {n} [mathematics, philosophy, computing] :: recursivity
rekursio {n} :: recursion
rekursiokaava {n} :: recursive formula
rekviemi {n} :: requiem
rekvisiitta {n} :: prop, property (in theatre/film)
rekyyli {n} :: recoil
rekyylienergia {n} :: recoil energy
rekyylitön {adj} :: recoilless
rela {adj} [slang] :: relaxed
relaatio {n} :: relation
relaatioalgebra {n} :: relational algebra
relaatioalgebra {n} :: relation algebra
relaatiomalli {n} [databases] :: relational model
relaatiotietokanta {n} [computing] :: relational database
relaksantti {n} :: relaxant
relata {v} [slang] :: to relax
relatiivilause {n} [grammar] :: A relative clause
relatiivinen {adj} :: relative
relatiivipronomini {n} [grammar] :: relative pronoun
relatiivisuus {n} :: relativity
relativismi {n} :: relativism
relativisti {n} :: relativist
relativistinen {adj} :: relativistic
rele {n} [electronics] :: relay
relevanssi {n} :: relevance
relevantti {adj} :: relevant
reliaabeli {adj} [statistics] :: reliable
reliabiliteetti {n} [statistics] :: reliability
reliefi {n} :: relief (type of artwork)
reliikki {n} :: relic
reliikki {n} [religion] :: relic
relikti {n} [biology] :: relict
relikvaario {n} [religion] :: A reliquary
rellestää {vi} :: to revel
remahtaa {vi} :: to burst into laughter
remakasti {adv} :: resoundingly, loudly
remakka {adj} :: resounding, loud
remakka {n} :: noise, racket
remanenssi {n} [physics] :: remanence
remasteroida {vt} :: to remaster
remburssi {n} [finance] :: A letter of credit, LC, L/C
remeli {n} :: leather strap or belt
remissi {n} :: remittance
remissio {n} [medicine] :: remission
remittentti {n} [finance] :: payee (of a bill of exchange or cheque)
remmi {n} :: leash (strap, cord or rope with which to restrain an animal)
remmi {n} :: strap (long, narrow, pliable strip of leather, cloth etc.)
remmi {n} [colloquial] :: group of people; gang, lot
remmiapeli {n} :: spanking with a strap
remontoida {v} :: to repair, refurbish (a building, room etc.)
remontteerata {v} :: synonym of remontoida
remontti {n} :: renovation
remonttiryhmä {n} :: reform group, renewal team (group of people working for renewal of something, usually an organization from within)
remonttiryhmä {n} :: Reform Group (Finland) (short-lived political party in Finland, active in 1998 - 2001)
rémouladekastike {n} :: remoulade
rempallaan {adv} :: in a state of neglect or decay
rempalleen {adv} :: into a state of neglect or decay
rempata {vt} [colloquial] :: to remodel, to refurbish, to decorate (a house)
rempseä {adj} :: free and easy, easygoing
rempseä {adj} :: rakish
rempseästi {adv} :: in an easygoing way
rempseästi {adv} :: rakishly
remu {n} :: noisy or boisterous celebration
remuisa {adj} :: raucous, boisterous
remuta {v} :: To celebrate etc. noisily
renaalinen {adj} [professional, academic] :: renal (of or relating to kidneys)
renaturaatio {n} :: renaturation
renderöidä {v} [computer graphics] :: To render
renessanssi {n} :: Renaissance (both in history and figuratively)
renessanssiaika {n} :: Renaissance (period of transition from medieval to modern times)
renessanssikausi {n} :: period of renaissance
rengas {n} :: ring, loop, hoop
rengas {n} :: tyre, tire
rengas {n} [algebra] :: ring
rengas {n} [gymnastics, on plural] :: rings, still rings (apparatus)
rengasalue {n} [geometry] :: annulus (the region in a plane between two concentric circles of different radius)
rengashaarniska {n} :: chain armour, chain mail armour
rengasholvi {n} [architecture] :: annular vault
rengasjärjestelmä {n} [astronomy] :: ring system (combained structure of rings)
rengaskansio {n} :: ring binder
rengaslaji {n} [biology] :: ring species
rengaslihas {n} [anatomy] :: ring-shaped muscle
rengaslukko {n} :: boot (parking control device)
rengasmainen {adj} :: ring-shaped, ringlike, annular
rengasmuisti {n} [computing] :: core memory
rengasnokkalokki {n} :: ring-billed gull (Larus delawarensis)
rengaspaine {n} :: tyre pressure
rengaspanssari {n} :: mail (armour consisting of metal rings or plates linked together)
rengaspuskuri {n} [computing] :: circular buffer
rengasraanu {n} :: a type of raanu (heavy rug) with a double harness weave
rengasrauta {n} [tools] :: tire iron
rengasrikko {n} :: puncture, flat
rengasruoste {n} :: crown rust (plant disease caused by Puccinia coronata)
rengassilikaatti {n} [mineral] :: cyclosilicate (mineral)
rengassokka {n} :: linchpin
rengastaa {v} [ornithology] :: To ring, band
rengastaa {v} :: To circle (draw a circle around)
rengasteoria {n} [mathematics] :: ring theory
rengastus {n} :: ringing, banding (technique used in study of wild birds)
rengasvalli {n} [motor racing] :: tire barrier
renginkaappi {n} :: a traditional wooden wall cabinet
reniini {n} [biochemistry] :: renin
renium {n} :: rhenium
renki {n} [chiefly historical] :: farmhand
renki {n} [obsolete, Peräpohjola dialects] :: a boychild (term of endearment "own son")
renkku {n} :: stool
renkku {n} :: sawbuck
renkkusilta {n} :: trestle bridge
renksu {n} :: synonym of ripustuslenkki
renkuttaa {vi} :: to play a song repeatedly
renniini {n} [chemistry] :: rennin, chymosin
rennompi {adj} :: comparative of rento
rennosti {adv} :: relaxedly
rennosti {adv} :: casually, informally
rensseli {n} :: satchel, backpack
rento {adj} :: easygoing, laid-back, relaxed, casual
rentous {n} :: relaxedness
rentoute {n} :: relaxant
rentouttaa {vt} :: to relax (to relieve (something) from stress)
rentoutua {v} :: to relax
rentoutunut {adj} :: relaxed
rentoutus {n} :: relaxation
renttu {n} :: bum, yob
renttuilla {vi} :: to act like a bum or yob
rentukka {n} :: kingcup, marsh marigold (Caltha palustris)
reologia {n} :: rheology
reostaatti {n} [electronics] :: rheostat
repäisevästi {adv} :: rakishly, eventfully, raucously
repäistä {v} :: To suddenly rip something
repäistä {v} [figurative] :: To surprisingly do something unexpectedly and/or radically
repäisykorkki {n} :: pull-off cap
repäisylujuus {n} :: tear strength
repale {n} :: scrap, rag, tatter
repaleinen {adj} :: tattered (rent in tatters, torn, hanging in rags; ragged)
repata {v} :: alternative form of reputtaa
repeämä {n} :: tear, crack, rift, rupture
repeentyä {v} :: alternative form of repeytyä
repeillä {v} :: to tear (repeatedly)
repertoaari {n} :: repertoire (list of dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed and is prepared to perform or display)
repertuaari {n} :: alternative spelling of repertoaari
Repe Sorsa {prop} :: Daffy Duck
repeytyä {vi} :: to tear (to become torn)
repiä {vt} :: To tear, shred, rip
repivä {adj} :: deconstructive
repliikki {n} :: line (sentence of dialogue, especially in a play, movie or the like)
repliikki {n} :: reply, retort, especially a short contradicting remark to somebody else's speech in a meeting
replika {n} :: replica
replikaasi {n} [biochemistry] :: replicase
replikaatio {n} [genetics] :: replication
replikantti {n} :: replicant
replikoida {vt} :: To replicate
replikoitua {vi} :: To replicate
repo {n} [nickname, poetic] :: fox, Vulpes vulpes
Repo {prop} :: surname
repolainen {n} [nickname] :: fox, Vulpes vulpes
repolarisaatio {n} [neurology] :: repolarization
reportaasi {n} :: reportage
reportteri {n} :: reporter
repostella {vt} :: to pick apart, to criticize the details (of)
reppana {n} [colloquial] :: poor thing, someone to be pitied, a miserable person
reppana {n} :: weakling
reppu {n} :: backpack
reppu {n} :: any kind of bag
reppufirma {n} [colloquial] :: a subcontractor providing short-term labour hire
reppumatkaaja {n} :: backpacker (traveler)
reppuri {n} :: synonym of laukkuryssä
reppuri {n} :: anyone who goes around with a backpack
reppuryssä {n} [historical] :: An alternative term for laukkuryssä
reppuselässä {adv} :: piggyback (on somebody's back or shoulders)
representaatio {n} :: representation
representoida {v} [philosophy, philology] :: to represent
repro {n} [printing] :: prepress
reproduktio {n} :: reproduction
reproduktiokuvaus {n} :: synonym of reprokuvaus
reprodusoida {v} :: To reproduce
reprokamera {n} :: reprographic camera
reprokuvaus {n} :: reprography
reps {interj} :: lol, short for repesin nauruun (I ruptured into a laugh)
repsahtaa {vi} :: to relapse, to indulge, to cave in
repsikka {n} [colloquial] :: handyman, odd-jobber
repsottaa {vi} :: to dangle, to hang
republikaani {n} :: A republican (someone who favors republic over other forms of government)
republikaani {n} :: A Republican (supporter of a Republican party of the United States)
republikaaninen {adj} :: Republican (of or pertaining to a Republican Party)
repullinen {adv} [colloquial] :: bagful, sackful (summary measure of volume, roughly the size of a backpack)
repulsiivinen {adj} :: repulsive
repulsio {n} :: repulsion
reputtaa {v} [colloquial] :: to fail in an examination, flunk
reš {n} :: resh (twentieth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)
reseda {n} :: reseda (plant of the genus Reseda)
reseda {n} [in plural] :: the genus Reseda
resensio {n} :: recension, review
resepti {n} :: A prescription (a written order for the administration of a medicine)
resepti {n} :: A prescription (formal description of the lens geometry needed for spectacles)
resepti {n} :: A recipe (instructions for making or preparing food)
resepti {n} :: A recipe (any mixture instructions)
reseptilääke {n} :: prescription drug
reseptio {n} :: reception
reseptionisti {n} :: receptionist
reseptivapaa {adj} [pharmacy] :: over-the-counter
reseptori {n} :: receptor
reserpiini {n} [chemistry] :: reserpin
reservaatio {n} :: reservation
reservaatti {n} :: reservation (tract of land)
reservi {n} :: reserve (that which is reserved)
reservi {n} [military] :: reserve (body of troops kept in the rear of an army drawn up for battle)
reserviläinen {n} :: reservist
reserviupseerikoulu {n} [military] :: The Reserve Officers Training Corps, ROTC
resessiivinen {adj} :: recessive
resetata {v} [colloquial, especially, computing and electronics] :: To reset
residenssi {n} [literary] :: residence
residuaali {n} :: residual
residy {n} [complex analysis] :: residue
resignaatio {n} :: resignation
resignoitua {vi} :: to resign (give up passively)
resiina {n} :: handcar
resiina {n} :: draisine
resiprookkilaki {n} [number theory] :: law of reciprocity
resiprookkinen {adj} :: reciprocal
resiprookkipronomini {n} [grammar] :: reciprocal pronoun
resistanssi {n} [physics] :: resistance
resistenssi {n} :: resistance (against drugs, antibiotics etc.)
resistentti {adj} :: resistant (bacteria etc.)
resistiivisyys {n} [physics] :: resistivity
resistori {n} :: resistor (an electronic component that transmits current in direct proportion to the voltage across it)
resitaali {n} :: recital
resitaatio {n} :: recitation
resitatiivi {n} :: recitative
resitatiivisesti {adv} :: recitatively
resitoida {v} :: To recite
reskontra {n} [accounting] :: personal ledger (book for keeping the personal accounts, i.e. the sales ledger and the purchase ledger)
resla {n} :: a curved platform or tray put on a sleigh for heavy loads
resla {n} [Northern Finland] :: a type of sleigh used in reindeer herding
reslareki {n} :: a sleigh with a resla
resoluutio {n} :: resolution (formal statement)
resoluutio {n} :: resolution (degree of fineness)
resonaattori {n} :: resonator
resonaattorikitara {n} :: resonator guitar, resonator (type of guitar)
resonanssi {n} :: resonance
resonanssi-integraali {n} [quantum mechanics] :: resonance integral
resonanssiontelo {n} :: resonance cavity
resonanssipiiri {n} :: synonym of värähtelypiiri
resonanssitaajuus {n} :: resonant frequency
resonantti {n} [phonetics] :: resonant
resonantti {adj} [physics, electronics] :: resonant
resonoida {vi} :: To resonate
resonointi {n} :: resonance
resorboida {vt} :: to resorb
resori {n} :: ribbing, rib stitch
resoribletti {n} [medicine] :: resoriblette (tablet ment to slowly dissolve in the mouth)
resorsinoli {n} [chemistry] :: resorcinol
respa {n} [colloquial] :: reception (front desk)
respekti {n} [colloquial, anglicism] :: respect
respiittiaika {n} :: A period of time, a "grace period", during which an unqualified person, who has been elected to an office, must obtain the required qualifications
respiraattori {n} [medicine] :: ventilator
responsorinen {adj} :: responsory
ressu {n} :: wretch (unhappy, unfortunate, or miserable person)
ressu {n} [military slang] :: reservist
Ressu {prop} :: Snoopy
ressukka {n} :: wretch, poor thing (unhappy, unfortunate, or miserable person)
restauraatio {n} :: restoration
restauroida {v} :: To restore (building, painting etc. to its original condition)
restaurointi {n} :: restoration
restaurointimaalaus {n} :: restoration painting
resti {n} [billiards] :: rest
restonomi {n} :: bachelor of hospitality management
restriktioentsyymi {n} [genetics] :: restriction enzyme
resu {n} :: rag
resuinen {adj} :: tattered
resultantti {n} :: resultant
resupekka {n} :: rag, tatterdemalion (shabby, beggarly fellow)
resupekka {n} :: ragamuffin (dirty, shabbily-clothed child)
resursoida {vt} :: To resource
resursointi {n} :: The act of providing appropriate resources for an individual or organization to help it fulfill its objectives
resurssi {n} :: resource
resurssienhallinta {n} [computing, Windows] :: explorer, Windows Explorer
resuta {vi} :: to hustle, to fluster
resveratroli {n} [chemistry] :: resveratrol
retale {n} :: rag, shred
retale {n} :: scoundrel, wretch
reteä {adj} :: relaxed, easygoing
reteästi {adv} :: in a relaxed or an easygoing way
reti {n} [nautical] :: roadstead (stretch of water near the shore where vessels may ride at anchor)
retiisi {n} :: radish, Raphanus sativus var. sativus (plant and its root)
retikka {n} :: black radish, Raphanus sativus var. niger (subspecies of radish)
retikka {n} [in plural] :: Raphanus (genus of radishes)
retikkakirppa {n} :: Phyllotreta nigripes
retikkaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius scutulatus
retikulosyytti {n} :: reticulocyte
retina {n} :: synonym of verkkokalvo
retinoblastooma {n} [oncology] :: retinoblastoma
retinoli {n} [organic chemistry, biochemistry] :: retinol
retinopatia {n} [disease] :: retinopathy
retkahdella {vi} :: to slump or fall repeatedly
retkahtaa {vi} :: to slump, to fall
retkahtaa {vt} [+ illative] :: to fall for (fall in love with someone)
retkeilijä {n} :: hiker
retkeilijä {n} :: backpacker
retkeilijä {n} :: explorer
retkeillä {vi} :: to hike
retkeily {n} :: hiking
retkeilyalue {n} :: camping ground
retkeilymaja {n} :: hostel, youth hostel (establishment where travellers can procure lodging, often also food and drink; cheaper and more modest than an inn or a hotel)
retkeilypaikka {n} :: camping place, camping spot
retkeilyreitti {n} :: hiking route
retkeilyvaruste {n} :: (piece of) camping gear, camping equipment
retki {n} :: trip
retki {n} :: expedition
retkijalkineet {n} :: hiking footwear
retkikeitin {n} :: campstove
retkikirves {n} :: camping axe
retkikunta {n} :: expedition (body of people)
retkiluistelu {n} :: tour skating
retkiluistin {n} :: touring skate
retkiopas {n} :: tour guide
retkipatja {n} :: synonym of makuualusta
retkipolku {n} :: marked hiking trail or skiing trail
retkisukset {n} :: touring skis
retkiteltta {n} :: camping tent, trekking tent
retkituoli {n} :: camping chair
retkivarusteet {n} :: camping or hiking equipment
retkottaa {vi} :: to sprawl, to loll, to slouch
retku {n} :: scoundrel
retku {n} [usually plural] :: rags and tatters
retkua {vi} :: to droop, to hang, to sprawl
retkue {n} :: A group, party (of travelers)
retliini {adj} [dialectal] :: synonym of violetti
retoriikka {n} :: rhetoric
retorikko {n} :: rhetorician
retorinen {adj} :: rhetorical
retorisesti {adv} :: rhetorically
retoromaani {n} :: Romansh; also Romansch, Rumantsch, or Romanche
retortti {n} [chemistry] :: A retort
retostaa {v} [colloquial] :: to boast
retostaa {v} [colloquial] :: to scrape by
retostella {v} [colloquial] :: to boast around
retraktio {n} :: retraction
retribuutio {n} :: retribution
retriitti {n} [religion] :: religious retreat
retrofleksio {n} :: retroflexion
retrogradinen {adj} [medicine] :: retrograde
retronyymi {n} :: retronym
retrospektiivinen {adj} :: retrospective
retrovirus {n} [virology] :: retrovirus
retsina {n} :: retsina
rettelö {n} :: trouble (violent occurrence)
rettelöidä {v} :: To wrangle, riot, make trouble
rettelöijä {n} :: troublemaker
rettelöinti {n} :: troublemaking
rettelöitsijä {n} :: troublemaker
retusoida {vt} :: To retouch
retusointi {n} :: retouching
retussiruisku {n} :: synonym of kynäruisku
retustaa {v} :: alternative form of retuuttaa
retuuttaa {vt} :: to toss around (carry, throw)
retuuttaa {vi} :: to scrape by
reuhata {vi} :: to rage
reuhka {n} [colloquial] :: fur hat
reuhka {n} [colloquial] :: An old, worn-out hat
reuhka {n} [derogative] :: A despicable person
reuhottaa {vi} :: to hang, to sprawl
reuhtoa {vi} :: alternative form of riuhtoa
reuma {n} [pathology] :: rheumatism
reumaatikko {n} [pathology] :: A person affected by rheumatism
reumaattinen {adj} :: rheumatic
reumaattisesti {adv} :: rheumatically
reumakuume {n} [pathology] :: rheumatic fever
reumasairaus {n} :: rheumatism
reumatismi {n} [pathology] :: rheumatism
reumatologi {n} :: rheumatologist
reumatologia {n} [medicine] :: rheumatology
reuna {n} :: rim
reuna {n} :: brink, edge, border
reuna {n} [topology] :: boundary
reuna-alue {n} :: peripheral region
reuna-arvotehtävä {n} :: boundary value problem
reunaehto {n} [mathematics] :: boundary condition
reunaehto {n} [figuratively] :: precondition
reunaelementtimenetelmä {n} :: boundary element method
reunahuomautus {n} :: marginal remark (remark written at the margin of a book)
reunajyrsin {n} :: edge router (tool)
reunake {n} [sewing] :: hem facing that is on both sides of the fabric
reunakiveys {n} :: curb [US], kerb [UK] (raised concrete, asphalt, stone etc. margin along the edge of a road)
reunakivi {n} :: curbstone, kerbstone
reunalaituri {n} [rail transport] :: side platform
reunalista {n} [nautical] :: fiddle, fiddle rail (rail or batten around the edge of a table or stove to prevent objects falling off at sea)
reunama {n} :: fringe, outskirts
reunameri {n} :: A marginal sea
reunamoreeni {n} [geology] :: terminal moraine
reunamuodostuma {n} [geology] :: terminal moraine
reunapiste {n} [mathematics, topology] :: boundary point
reunatapaus {n} :: edge case
reunatiheysfunktio {n} :: marginal density function
reunaviiva {n} :: sideline, border line (line at the side, edge or border)
reunavuoret {n} :: the mountains around a plateau
reunavuoristo {n} :: marginal mountains
reunemmaksi {adv} :: synonym of reunemmas
reunemmalla {adv} [static] :: closer to the edge or border
reunemmalle {adv} :: to closer to the edge or border
reunemmalta {adv} :: from closer to the edge or border
reunemmas {adv} :: closer towards the edge or border
reunempaa {adv} :: from closer to the edge or border
reunempana {adv} [static] :: closer to the edge or border
reunimmainen {adj} :: closest to the edge or border
reunus {n} :: skirt, edge, border, curb
reunus {n} [heraldry] :: bordure
reunuskivi {n} :: kerbstone
reunuspäivänkakkara {n} [colloquial, commercial] :: feverfew, Tanacetum parthenium
reunuspietaryrtti {n} [botany] :: feverfew, Tanacetum parthenium
reunusta {n} :: border, edge, margin
reunustaa {vi} :: to border, edge, bound
reunuste {n} :: border, lining
reutoa {vt} :: to yank, to tug
reva {n} [vulgar] :: vagina
reva {n} [slang] :: cross brace
revähdys {n} [pathology] :: sprain
revähdyttää {vt} :: to sprain, to tear
revähtää {vi} :: to rupture, to be torn (of soft tissue, to be injured as if by pulling apart)
revähtää {vi} :: to be torn (to open with sudden movement)
reväistä {v} [dialectal] :: To suddenly rip something
revalvaatio {n} :: revaluation
revalvoida {v} :: To revalue (upward)
revalvointi {n} :: revaluation
revalvoitua {vi} [economics, of currency] :: To increase in value
revansismi {n} :: revanchism
revansisti {n} :: revanchist
revansistinen {adj} :: revanchist
revanssi {n} :: A rematch (in a game etc.)
revanssiottelu {n} :: A revenge match
revari {n} [colloquial] :: revisionist
reväyttää {vt} :: to sprain, to tear
reversata {v} [engineering, slang] :: synonym of takaisinmallintaa
reversiibeli {adj} :: reversible
revetä {vi} :: To rupture
revetä {v} [slang] :: to burst out laughing
reviiri {n} [zoology] :: territory (area that an animal of a particular species consistently defends against its conspecifics)
reviiri {n} [psychology] :: personal space (area which a person regards as private or otherwise belonging to him)
reviiri {n} :: turf (territory claimed by a person, gang, etc. as their own)
reviirikäyttäytyminen {n} :: territorial behavior
revinnäiskirjonta {n} :: drawn thread work
revinnäistyö {n} :: drawn thread work
revintä {n} :: tearing, shredding, ripping
revisio {n} :: revision
revisioneuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished tax officials, accountants, auditors and such
revisionismi {n} :: revisionism
revisionisti {n} :: revisionist
revisionistinen {adj} :: revisionist
revitellä {v} :: to revel in, to do pompously
revittää {vt} :: to have something torn
revittää {vt} :: to rev
revityttää {vt} :: to have (something) torn
revolutionismi {n} :: revolutionism
revolutionisti {n} :: revolutionist
revoluutio {n} :: revolution
revolveri {n} :: revolver
revolverisorvi {n} [machining] :: turret lathe
revonhäntä {n} :: amaranth (plant of the genus Amaranthus)
revonhäntä {n} [in plural] :: Amaranthus (genus)
revonrousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius fulvissimus
revonsara {n} :: false fox-sedge (Carex otrubae)
revontulet {n} :: aurora (atmospheric phenomenon around magnetic poles of the Earth, created by charged particles from the sun striking the upper atmosphere)
revontulet {n} :: northern lights, aurora borealis (this phenomenon on the northern hemisphere)
revontulet {n} :: southern lights, aurora australis (this phenomenon on the southern hemisphere)
revyy {n} :: revue (type of theatrical performance)
Reykjavik {prop} :: Reykjavik (capital city)
Reykjavík {prop} :: alternative spelling of Reykjavik, Reykjavík (capital city)
rhinoplastia {n} [surgery] :: rhinoplasty (type of plastic surgery, used to improve the function or appearance of a person's nose)
Rh-negatiivinen {adj} :: Rh negative (not having Rhesus factor in one's blood)
Rhode Island {prop} :: Rhode Island (state)
rhodesialainen {adj} :: Rhodesian
rhodesialainen {n} :: A Rhodesian person
rhodesiankoira {n} :: Rhodesian ridgeback, Rhodesian Ridgeback (southern African breed of dog, famous for its ability to control a lion)
Rhodos {prop} :: alternative spelling of Rodos
rhoo {n} :: rho (Greek letter)
Rh-positiivinen {adj} :: Rh positive (having Rhesus factor in one's blood)
Rh-tekijä {n} :: The Rhesus factor
-ri {suffix} :: Used to create names of occupations from nouns or verbs
-ri {suffix} [slang] :: Used to create terms meaning "supporter of something"
Riad {prop} :: Riad (capital city)
rial {n} :: rial
rias {n} [geology] :: ria
riboflaviini {n} :: riboflavin
ribonukleaasi {n} [chemistry] :: ribonuclease
ribonukleiinihappo {n} [biochemistry] :: ribonucleic acid
ribonukleotidi {n} [biochemistry, genetics] :: ribonucleotide
riboosi {n} :: ribose
ribosomi {n} :: A ribosome
ribotsyymi {n} :: ribozyme
rickrollata {vt} [Internet slang, neologism] :: rickroll
rickrollaus {n} [Internet slang, transitive, neologism] :: rickrolling
riebeckiitti {n} [mineral] :: riebeckite
riebekkiitti {n} :: alternative spelling of riebeckiitti
riehaannuttaa {vt} :: to make go wild
riehaantua {vi} :: to go wild
riehakas {adj} :: boisterous, frantic, raucous, wild
riehakka {adj} :: alternative form of riehakas
riehakkaasti {adv} :: boisterously, franticly
riehakkuus {n} :: boisterousness
riehua {v} :: to rage, rampage
riehua {v} :: to play intensively
riehuminen {n} :: rampage
riehunta {n} :: rampage
riekale {n} :: shred, tatter
Riekkinen {prop} :: surname
riekko {n} :: willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus)
riekkokana {n} :: female willow grouse
riekkokukko {n} :: male willow grouse
riekkua {vi} :: to rampage
riekkujaiset {n} :: party or gathering that involves noisy behavior or even rampaging
riekonmarja {n} :: mountain bearberry, alpine bearberry, black bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpina)
riekonsara {n} :: twotipped sedge (Carex lachenalii)
riemastua {vi} :: To be overjoyed, exhilarate
riemastuttaa {vt} :: to overjoy, to excite, to delight
riemastuttava {adj} :: exhilarating
riemu {n} :: joy, elation, glee
riemuisa {adj} :: elated, joyful, jubilant
riemuisasti {adv} :: elatedly, joyfully, jubilantly
riemuissaan {adv} :: overjoyed, rejoicing
riemuita {vi} :: to rejoice
riemuiten {adv} :: jubilantly
riemuitseva {adj} :: jubilant, rejoicing, rejoiceful
riemukaari {n} :: triumphal arch
riemukas {adj} :: jubilant, joyful
riemukkaasti {adv} :: jubilantly
riemuntunne {n} :: feeling of elation
riemurasia {n} [euphemistic, jocular] :: vagina
riemurinnoin {adv} :: with (great) joy
riemusaatto {n} :: triumph (any triumphal procession; pompous exhibition etc.)
riemuvoitto {n} :: triumph
riena {n} :: blasphemy, profanity
rienaaja {n} :: blasphemer
rienata {vti} :: To blaspheme
rienaus {n} :: blasphemy
rientää {v} :: to rush, hurry (to move rapidly somewhere)
riepoa {vi} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: To anger
riepotella {v} :: to whack or shake in a violent and repetitive or continuous manner
riepottaa {v} :: to drag, haul or pull in a violent manner
riepottaa {v} :: to maul, mishandle (to handle roughly)
riepu {n} :: A rag
riepu {adj} :: poor
riesa {n} :: nuisance, annoyance, peeve
riesa {n} :: pain in the ass, pain in the neck
rieska {n} :: A traditional thin unleavened bread made from barley or oat, sometimes with potato as additional ingredient. There are many regional varieties of rieska, some of them similar to the Norwegian lefse or the Swedish tunnbröd
rieska {n} [obsolete] :: milk
rieskamaa {n} :: a type of slash and burn cultivation done on a young deciduous forest
rietas {adj} :: wanton, lewd, lascivious
rietastella {vi} :: to behave lecherously, lead a loose life, lead a dissolute life; lech [slang]
riettaasti {adv} :: wantonly, lewdly, lasciviously
rievä {n} :: barley bread, bread made from barley
riffi {n} [music] :: riff
rigorismi {n} :: rigorism
rigoristi {n} :: rigorist
rigoristinen {adj} :: rigoristic
rigoristisesti {adv} :: rigoristically
rihkama {n} :: bauble (cheap piece of jewellery)
rihkama {n} :: odds and ends, trinkets, junk
rihla {n} :: rifling (the grooves)
rihlata {v} :: to rifle (to create a rifling)
rihlaton {adj} [firearms] :: unrifled
rihlattu {adj} :: rifled (having a spiral groove inside a gun barrel)
rihlaus {n} :: rifling
rihma {n} :: thread
rihma {n} :: snare (a trap for catching grouse or hares consisting of a thread wrapped into a loop)
rihma-aine {n} :: fibrin
rihmasto {n} :: mycelium
rihmasto {n} [philosophy] :: rhizome (philosophical concept developed Gilles Deleuze)
rihmata {v} [nautical] :: to whip
rihveli {n} :: synonym of kivikynä
rihvelitaulu {n} :: slate board
riiailla {v} :: to date repeatedly (to take on a series of dates)
Riianlahti {prop} :: The Gulf of Riga
riiata {v} :: to date (to take on a series of dates)
riiata {v} :: to woo, to court
riidanaihe {n} :: subject of or reason for a quarrel
riidanalainen {adj} :: disputed
riidanhaluinen {adj} :: Belligerent
riidankylväjä {n} :: A stirrer, person who agitates
riidellä {vi} :: to quarrel [about]
riidenlieko {n} [plant] :: An interrupted clubmoss, Lycopodium annotinum
riidenmarja {n} :: mezereon (Daphne mezereum)
riidoissa {adv} :: at sixes and sevens (in a state of dispute or disagreement)
riihi {n} [agriculture, historical] :: A traditional Scandinavian and Russian grain drying and threshing cabin, in which the grain was dried in the heat and smoke of a chimneyless stove and then threshed on the floor
riihi {n} [by extension, in compounds] :: workshop (collaborative effort to some end)
riihiharava {n} :: a type of rake used in a riihi
riihilapio {n} :: a type of shovel used in a riihi
riihimäkeläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Riihimäki
riihimäkeläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Riihimäki
Riihimäki {prop} :: Riihimäki (town)
Riihimäki {prop} :: surname
riihipaita {n} :: a type of loose overshirt made of cotton
riihipiha {n} :: a yard with a riihi
riihittää {vt} :: to dry in a riihi
Riika {prop} :: Riika (capital city)
Riika {prop} :: given name
riikin- {prefix} :: Swedish (pertaining to the Kingdom of Sweden)
riikinkana {n} :: peahen
riikinkukko {n} :: peafowl (bird of the genus Pavo)
riikinkukko {n} :: peacock (male of peafowl)
Riikinkukko {prop} :: The constellation Pavo
riikinkukkomainen {adj} :: pavonine
riikinkukkovaltaistuin {n} :: Peacock Throne (golden throne once used in Persia)
riikinkukkovaltaistuin {n} :: Peacock Throne (former Persian monarchy)
riikinruotsi {n} :: The Swedish language spoken in Sweden as opposed to Finnish Swedish; rikssvenska
riikintaalari {n} :: alternative form of riikintaaleri
riikintaaleri {n} [historical] :: riksdaler (Swedish unit of currency used between 1777 and 1873)
Riikka {prop} :: given name
Riikonen {prop} :: surname
riimi {n} :: rhyme
riimihärkä {n} :: salted beef
riimiruno {n} :: rhyming poem
riimitellä {v} :: To rhyme (to put words together so that they rhyme)
riimittää {vt} :: to rhyme (compose or treat in verse)
riimu {n} [dialectal] :: scratch
riimu {n} :: rune (letter)
riimu {n} [dialectal] :: chain
riimu {n} :: halter (horse's headgear)
riimu {n} :: the larger mesh of a trammel
riimukalenteri {n} :: synonym of riimusauva
riimukirjain {n} :: rune (letter)
riimukirjoitus {n} :: runes (rune writing)
riimukivi {n} :: runestone
riimunvarsi {n} :: a halter leash or strap
riimuttaa {vt} :: to equip with a trammel (trammel net)
riimuverkko {n} [fishing] :: trammel net
Riina {prop} :: given name, short for Katariina (Catherine)
riipaisevasti {adv} :: harrowingly, heartbreakingly, grievously
riipaista {vt} :: to cause to weep or tear up, to tug at one's heartstrings
riipalla {adv} :: alternative form of riipallaan
riipallaan {adv} :: hanging limp
riipalle {adv} :: alternative form of riipalleen
riipalleen {adv} :: into being hanging limp
riipiä {v} :: To tear off (by pulling with hands, especially from plants), to rip away from
riipoa {vt} :: to tear off, to rip off
riipoa {vt} [figuratively] :: to trouble
riippakivi {n} :: a rock used to anchor a vessel
riippakivi {n} [figurative] :: burden, millstone, dead weight, ball and chain
riippasara {n} :: Carex magellanica subsp. irrigua
riippua {vi} :: To hang, dangle, be suspended (from = elative)
riippua {vi} :: To depend (on = elative)
riippuen {prep} :: depending (on something)
riippuen {postp} :: depending (on something)
riippukansio {n} :: suspension file
riippukeinu {n} :: swing chair, hammock chair
riippuliidin {n} :: hang glider (type of light aircraft)
riippuliitää {v} :: to hang-glide, hang glide
riippuliitäjä {n} :: hang glider (person)
riippuliito {n} :: hang gliding
riippulukko {n} :: padlock
riippuluomi {n} :: ptosis (of the eyelid)
riippumaton {adj} :: independent (not depending)
riippumatto {n} :: hammock (swinging couch or bed of canvas or net, suspended at the ends)
riippumattomasti {adv} :: independently
riippumattomuus {n} :: independence
riippusilta {n} :: suspension bridge
riipputuoli {n} :: hammock chair, hanging chair
riippuva {adj} :: hanging
riippuva {adj} :: dependent
riippuvainen {adj} :: dependent
riippuvaisuus {n} :: reliance
riippuva muuttuja {n} [mathematics] :: dependent variable
riippuvatsa {n} :: hanging belly
riippuvuus {n} :: dependence
riippuvuus {n} :: addiction
riippuvuus {n} [computing] :: dependency
riippuvuuskaavio {n} :: dependency graph
riipuksiin {adv} :: into hanging (down)
riipuksissa {adv} :: hanging (down)
riipunta {n} :: hanging
riipus {n} :: pendant
riipustaa {v} :: to scrawl
riipustella {v} :: To doodle (to draw or scribble something aimlessly)
riiputtaa {vt} :: to dangle
riiseittäin {adv} :: in reams, by the ream (ream being measure of paper, 500 sheets)
riisi {n} :: rice (plant and seeds)
riisi {n} :: ream (quantity of 500 sheets of paper)
riisi {n} [dated, pathology] :: rachitis
riisi {n} [obsolete, pathology] :: of almost any (childhood) disease
riisi {n} [obsolete, pathology] :: animal disease
riisihärö {n} :: saw-toothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (pest of grain and grain products as well as chocolate, drugs, and tobacco)
riisihiutale {n} :: rice flake
riisijauho {n} :: rice flour
riisikakku {n} :: puffed rice cake (a cylinder-shaped foodstuff made with puffed rice)
riisikakku {n} :: rice cake
riisikakku {n} [uncommon] :: mochi
riisikeitin {n} :: alternative form of riisinkeitin
riisikulho {n} :: rice bowl
riisikuorukka {n} :: rice croquette
riisikuppi {n} :: rice bowl
riisilintu {n} [dated] :: synonym of riisipeippo
riisimuro {n} :: puffed rice
riisinen {adj} :: rice (made of or containing rice)
riisinen {adj} :: resembling or tasting of rice
riisinjyvä {n} :: a grain of rice
riisinkeitin {n} :: rice cooker, rice steamer
riisinviljely {n} :: rice growing
riisipallo {n} :: rice ball
riisipaperi {n} :: rice paper
riisipeippo {n} :: Java sparrow (Lonchura oryzivora)
riisipelto {n} :: rice paddy, paddy field, ricefield
riisipiirakka {n} :: rice pasty, Karelian pasty with rice filling
riisipiiras {n} :: synonym of riisipiirakka
riisiposliini {n} :: rice grain porcelain (a type of china porcelain)
riisipurilainen {n} :: riceburger
riisipussi {n} :: rice pouch (pouch of rice)
riisipussi {n} [slang, pejorative] :: A Japanese automobile
riisipuuro {n} :: rice pudding
riisipuuro {n} :: rice porridge
riisirattu {n} :: rice rat (New World rat of the genus Oryzomys, having an exceptionally long tail)
riisiryyni {n} [usually in the plural] :: rice groat (hulled grain of rice)
riisiryynipuuro {n} :: synonym of riisipuuro
riisisato {n} :: rice harvest, rice yield
riisisuklaa {n} :: chocolate rice crispy cake
riisisuurimo {n} [usually in the plural] :: rice groat (hulled grain of rice)
riisitärkkelys {n} :: rice starch
riisitauti {n} [disease] :: rickets (malformation of bones caused by shortage of vitamin D)
riisitautinen {adj} :: rickety (affected with or suffering from rickets)
riisivanukas {n} :: rice pudding
riisivesi {n} :: rice water
riisiviina {n} :: distilled beverage made from rice, such as mao tai
riisiviini {n} :: rice wine
riista {n} :: game (animals that are hunted)
riistää {vt} [concretely + genitive-accusative] :: To take, rip, wrench, snatch
riistää {vt} [figuratively] :: To deprive, bereave (someone = ablative, of something = genitive-accusative)
riistää {vt} [_, + partitive] :: To oppress, exploit
riista-aita {n} :: game fence
riista-alue {n} :: game area
riistaeläin {n} :: game (wild animal hunted for food)
riistäjä {n} :: exploiter, depriver
riistamaaliammunta {n} [sports] :: running target (shooting event shot at a target that moves sideways)
riistanhoitaja {n} :: gamekeeper (person employed to maintain the game for hunting and all associated materials and effects)
riistanhoito {n} :: gamekeeping (measures to maintain and promote the game stock in order to ensure good catch for the hunters)
riistanhoitopiiri {n} :: gamekeeping district; in Finland one of the 15 regional organizations of the National Hunter's Association, which bear the main responsibility for gamekeeping in their area. Their tasks are regulated in the law, they e.g. grant the hunting permissions for the regulated species
riistapelto {n} :: field used to feed game (wild animals)
riistapoliisi {n} :: synonym of eräpoliisi
riistatalous {n} :: hunting (as an (economic) activity)
riistäytyä {v} :: To break loose
riistäytyä {v} :: To break out
riisto {n} :: deprivation
riisto {n} :: exploitation
riisua {vt} :: to take off (clothes, or figuratively other things), to undress, strip (a person)
riisuminen {n} :: taking off
riisuminen {n} :: undressing, stripping (the act of undressing someone or taking someone's clothes off)
riisunta {n} :: undressing
riisunta {n} :: stripping
riisunta {n} :: aseiden~: disarmament
riisuttaa {vt} :: to undress, to strip; to have (someone) undressed or stripped
riisuuntua {vi} :: To undress
riisuutua {vi} :: To undress
riita {n} :: quarrel
riitaannuttaa {vt} :: to make fall out (make cease to be on friendly terms)
riitaantua {vi} :: to fall out (cease to be on friendly terms)
riitaisa {adj} :: quarrelsome
riitaisesti {adv} :: contentiously, in a way that is the matter of a dispute or quarrel
riitakapula {n} [idiomatic] :: bone of contention
riitakumppanukset {n} [dated, law] :: the parties involved in a dispute
riitapukari {n} :: troublemaker, brawler, fire-eater (quarrelsome or belligerent person)
riitasointu {n} [music] :: discord, dissonance
riitasointuinen {adj} :: discordant, dissonant
riitauttaa {vt} [law] :: to challenge or contest a decision
riitautua {v} :: synonym of riitaantua
riite {n} :: a thin layer of ice; grease ice
riitelijä {n} :: quarreler
Riitta {prop} :: given name
riittää {vi} :: to be enough, suffice, do
Riitta-Liisa {prop} :: given name
riittämätön {adj} :: Insufficient, deficient, inadequate
riittämättömästi {adv} :: insufficiently, deficiently, inadequately
riittämättömyydentunne {n} :: feeling inadequate
riittämiin {adv} :: sufficiently, enough
riittävä {adj} :: sufficient
riittävästi {adv} :: sufficiently
riittävyys {n} :: sufficiency
riitti {n} :: rite
riittoisa {adj} :: sufficient, ample
riittoisasti {adv} :: sufficiently, amply
riittyä {vi} [rare] :: to freeze thinly on the surface; to be covered with a thin layer of ice
riiustaa {v} :: alternative form of riiata
riiustella {vt} :: to woo
riiuu {n} [colloquial] :: courtship, wooing
riiuuyöaie {n} :: plan for a dating night (intention of doing something in the night when dating someone)
riivaaja {n} :: evil spirit, demon [one that needs to be exorcised]
riivata {vt} [of something very negative] :: To obsess
riivata {vt} [of evil forces] :: To possess
riivattu {adj} :: wretched
riivattu {adj} :: possessed
riivatusti {adv} :: wretchedly, in a possessed manner
riivinrauta {n} :: grater (kitchen tool)
riiviö {n} :: rascal, badly behaving child
rikas {adj} :: rich
rikas {adj} :: wealthy
rikas {adj} :: opulent
rikastaa {vt} :: To enrich, concentrate (e.g. ore)
rikastaminen {n} :: enriching, concentrating
rikaste {n} :: concentrate
rikastin {n} [automotive] :: choke (of a carburetor)
rikastua {v} :: to get rich
rikastua {v} :: to become enriched (e.g. via some process)
rikastuma {n} :: enrichment, formation that has been formed by enrichment
rikastuminen {n} :: getting rich
rikastuminen {n} :: becoming enriched
rikastus {n} :: enriching, enrichment
rikastuttaa {v} :: To make rich, to enrich
rike {n} [legal] :: minor offence/offense, misdemeanor, infraction
rike {n} [sports] :: foul
Rikhard {prop} :: Richard, as the name of kings and other historical persons
riki {n} [nautical] :: rig
riki {n} [nautical] :: shaft of an outboard motor
rikinhaju {n} :: smell of sulfur
rikinkatku {n} :: smell of sulfur
rikinkeltainen {adj} :: sulfur (of a sulfur color)
rikinkeltainen {n} :: sulfur (color, shade of yellow)
rikinpoisto {n} :: desulfurization
rikittää {vt} [chemistry] :: to sulfur, sulfurate, sulphurate (to treat with sulfur)
rikka {n} :: mote, litter (small particle of waste or unwanted material)
rikka {n} :: short for rikkakasvi
rikkaampi {adj} :: comparative of rikas
rikkaa ristiin {phrase} [idiomatic] :: squat (of doing, nothing)
rikkaasti {adv} :: richly, wealthily
rikkain {adj} :: superlative of rikas
rikkakasvi {n} :: weed (any plant regarded as unwanted)
rikkalapio {n} :: dustpan
rikkaruoho {n} :: weed [unwanted grassy plant]
rikkaruohomyrkky {n} :: weedkiller
rikkaus {n} :: richness
rikkaus {n} :: riches; usually in plural: rikkaudet
rikkaus {n} :: wealth
rikki {n} :: sulfur, sulphur
rikki {adv} :: broken
rikkiatomi {n} :: sulfur atom
rikkibakteeri {n} :: sulfur bacterium
rikkidioksidi {n} [inorganic compound] :: sulfur dioxide, sulphur dioxide (SO2)
rikkihapoke {n} [chemistry] :: sulfurous acid, sulphurous acid, H2SO3
rikkihappo {n} [chemistry] :: sulphuric acid [UK], sulfuric acid [US], H2SO4
rikkiheksafluoridi {n} [chemistry] :: sulfur hexafluoride
rikkihiili {n} :: carbon disulfide
rikkikiisu {n} [mineral] :: pyrite
rikkimonoksidi {n} [inorganic compound] :: sulfur monoxide
rikkinäinen {adj} :: broken (fragmented, in separate pieces)
rikkinäinen {adj} :: broken (not working properly)
rikkinäinen levy {n} :: See: fi rikkinäinen levy
rikkinäinen levy {n} [idiomatic] :: broken record (someone or something that constantly repeats itself, causing annoyance)
rikkinäinen puhelin {n} :: Chinese whispers, broken telephone, telephone, operator (children's game)
rikkioksidi {n} :: sulfur oxide
rikkipäästö {n} [usually, in plural] :: sulfur emission
rikkipitoinen {adj} :: sulfurous (containing sulfur)
rikkirauta {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: ferrous sulfide
rikkirousku {n} :: yellowdrop milk-cap, Lactarius chrysorrheus
rikkisilta {n} [chemistry] :: disulfide bond
rikkitrioksidi {n} [chemistry] :: sulfur trioxide
rikkivety {n} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrogen sulfide
rikkiviisaasti {adv} :: cheekily, in a smartass way
rikkiviisas {adj} :: cheeky, smartass, pedantic
rikkiyhdiste {n} [chemistry] :: sulfur compound
rikko {n} :: breakage
rikko {n} [plant] :: saxifrage
rikkoa {vt} :: to break
rikkoa {vt} :: to violate, breach
rikkoa {vti} :: to offend, to transgress (something = partitive, against something = partitive + vastaan)
rikkoa {vt} :: to renege
rikkoa {vt} :: ~ rauhaa = to disturb the peace
rikkoa {vt} [sports + partitive] :: to foul
rikkojaiset {n} :: event or occasion in which something is broken
rikkomaton {adj} :: unbroken
rikkominen {n} :: breaking
rikkomus {n} :: breach, transgression, infraction, misdemeanor (violation of a law, command or duty that is lesser than a crime)
rikkomus {n} :: wrongdoing (violation of standards of behavior)
rikkonainen {adj} :: disintegrated, broken
rikkonainen {adj} [of terrain] :: rugged, rocky
rikkoontua {v} :: synonym of rikkoutua
rikkoutua {vi} :: to break, break up, fall apart
rikkua {vi} [dialectal] :: To break
rikkumaton {adj} :: unbroken
rikkuri {n} :: strikebreaker
rikkuri {n} [pejorative] :: scab, blackleg
rikkurityövoima {n} :: workforce of strikebreakers
rikollinen {adj} :: criminal
rikollinen {n} :: A criminal
rikollisempi {adj} :: comparative of rikollinen
rikollisesti {adv} :: criminally
rikollisjärjestö {n} :: A criminal organization
rikollisjärjestö {n} :: organized crime (criminal organization)
rikollisjengi {n} :: criminal gang
rikollispomo {n} :: crime lord
rikollisuus {n} :: crime (practice or habit of committing crimes; criminal acts collectively)
rikollisuus {n} :: criminality, criminalness (state of being criminal)
rikos {n} [legal] :: crime, offence/offense, criminality (criminal act)
rikos {n} :: (törkeä) ~ a felony
rikosepäily {n} :: suspicion of crime, suspicion of criminal offence
rikos ihmisyyttä vastaan {n} :: crime against humanity
rikosilmoitus {n} :: police report, crime report, offense report (US) (Tehdä rikosilmoitus ["make a police report"] is the originally only bureaucratic, formal way Finns now often say ilmoittaa rikos ["report a crime"] even in colloquial speech)
rikoskomisario {n} :: detective inspector [official translation]; a detective rank in Finnish police, equal in seniority to komisario (inspector)
rikoslaki {n} [legal] :: criminal code (a law sanctioning criminal activity)
rikosmäärä {n} :: crime rate
rikosnimike {n} [law] :: name or title of a criminal offense, nomen juris of an offense
rikosoikeudellinen {adj} [legal] :: criminal-law, criminal (of or pertaining to criminal law)
rikosoikeus {n} [law] :: criminal law
rikosoppi {n} :: criminology
rikospaikka {n} :: crime scene
rikospoliisi {n} :: detective police, criminal police
rikospsykologi {n} :: criminal psychologist
rikospsykologia {n} :: criminal psychology
rikosrekisteri {n} :: criminal record
Rikosseuraamuslaitos {prop} :: The Criminal Sanctions Agency (official translation); government authority under the direction of the Ministry of Justice, which enforces prison sentences and community sanctions
rikossyyte {n} :: criminal charge
rikostekninen {adj} :: forensic
rikostiedustelu {n} :: criminal intelligence (activity of compiling, analyzing and/or disseminating information in an effort to anticipate, prevent, or monitor criminal activity)
rikostoveri {n} :: accomplice, collaborator, partner in crime
rikostuomioistuin {n} :: criminal court
rikostutkija {n} :: criminalist [US], crime inspector
rikostutkinta {n} :: criminal investigation
rikosylikonstaapeli {n} :: detective sergeant [official translation]; a detective rank in Finnish police, equal in seniority to ylikonstaapeli (police sergeant)
riksa {n} :: alternative spelling of rikša
rikša {n} :: rickshaw
riksahtaa {vi} :: to snap once (make a light snapping sound)
riksi {n} [historical] :: riksdaler
Riku {prop} :: given name
rillat {n} :: a four-wheeled horse carriage, phaeton
rilli {n} :: white-eye (any of the small passerine birds of the family Zosteropidae, typically having a ring of white around their eyes)
rillipäinen {adj} [colloquial] :: eyeglass-wearing; that is wearing eyeglasses or glasses
rillit {n} [colloquial, pluralonly] :: glasses, eyeglasses, spectacles
rillit {n} :: (plural only) Zosteropidae (family of birds, commonly called white-eyes in English)
rillutella {vi} [colloquial] :: to have fun, to fool around
rima {n} :: lath
rima {n} [sports] :: bar, hurdle
rima-aita {n} :: lath fence, batten fence
rimalevy {n} :: blockboard
rimani {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of rima
rimantadiini {n} [chemistry] :: rimantadine
rimmata {v} :: to rhyme
rimoittaa {vt} :: to lath, to furnish with laths
rimpi {n} :: A quagmire or morass (swampy, soggy spot)
rimpineva {n} :: a wet swamp with no trees or moss
rimpsu {n} :: strip or band of fabric, possibly crinkled
rimpsu {n} [computing, colloquial] :: string
rimpuilla {vi} :: To struggle, wriggle (when attempting to escape after being caught)
rimputella {vt} :: to ring, strum or twang repeatedly
rimputtaa {vt} :: to ring, to strum, to twang (play an instrument or similar in a manner that creates such a sound)
ringette {n} [sports] :: ringette
rinkeli {n} :: ring-shaped baked good, such as a bagel, pretzel or donut
rinki {n} :: A ring of people
rinkilä {n} :: doughnut
rinkirunkku {n} [vulgar, slang, internet slang] :: circle jerk
rinkka {n} :: an usually large backpack mounted on a light frame; rucksack
rinkula {n} [colloquial] :: ring
rinnakkain {adv} :: side by side (close to each other in distance)
rinnakkain {adv} :: in parallel (at the same time)
rinnakkain {adj} :: superlative of rinnakas
rinnakkainen {adj} :: parallel
rinnakkaiselo {n} [politics] :: coexistence (state of two or more countries, political systems, groups of people, etc. or of people in general existing near each other or in the same area)
rinnakkaisesti {adv} :: synonym of rinnakkain
rinnakkaisistunto {n} :: parallel session
rinnakkaiskortti {n} :: supplementary credit card
rinnakkaiskortti {n} [computing] :: parallel card
rinnakkaislääke {n} [pharmacology] :: generic drug
rinnakkaislaskenta {n} [computing] :: parallel computing
rinnakkaisliitäntä {n} [computing, electronics] :: parallel interface
rinnakkaisliitin {n} [computing, electronics] :: parallel port, parallel connector (the port itself)
rinnakkaisluokka {n} :: a different classroom of students in the same grade in the same school, whose students stay with their own class (such as classes 4A and 4B in a Finnish elementary school)
rinnakkaismuoto {n} [linguistics] :: alternate form, parallel form, variant
rinnakkaismuoto {n} [computing] :: parallel type (of data transmission)
rinnakkaissävellaji {n} [music] :: relative key
rinnakkaistaa {vt} :: to parallelize (make parallel)
rinnakkaisteksti {n} :: parallel text
rinnakkaistodellisuus {n} :: parallel reality
rinnakkaistuonti {n} :: parallel import (import without permission of the intellectual property owner)
rinnakkaistuontivalmiste {n} :: parallel import medicine
rinnakkaisvalmiste {n} :: generic drug, generic medicine, parallel trade medicine
rinnalla {postp} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] :: beside (next to)
rinnalle {postp} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] :: to beside, to the side of (next to)
rinnalta {postp} [+ genitive or possessive suffix] :: from aside or beside
rinnan {adv} [electronics] :: in parallel
rinnan {adv} :: alternative form of rinnakkain
rinnankytkentä {n} [electronics] :: parallel connection
rinnanpoistoleikkaus {n} [surgery] :: mastectomy (surgical procedure to remove all or part of a breast)
rinnastaa {v} :: to assimilate, to regard as tantamount, equivalent or comparable (to compare a thing to something similar)
rinnastaa {v} [rare] :: to contrast, compare (to set in opposition in order to show the difference or differences between)
rinnasteinen {adj} [grammar] :: appositive
rinnastua {vi} :: to be comparable to, to be regarded as comparable to
rinnastus {n} :: comparison
rinnastuskonjunktio {n} [grammar] :: coordinating conjunction
rinnatusten {adv} :: synonym of rinnakkain
rinne {n} :: A slope, hillside
rinne {n} [skiing] :: A piste
rinneleikkaus {n} :: a type of anti-tank obstacle made on a hillside
rinnepelto {n} [rare] :: field on a hillside
rinnusta {n} :: breast (the part of a shirt which covers the chest)
rinnusta {n} :: front, breast, chest
rinnustin {n} :: hame strap (strap to connect two hames)
rinofaryngiitti {n} :: nasopharyngitis, rhinopharyngitis (inflammation of the nasal passages and upper pharynx)
rinologi {n} :: rhinologist
rinologia {n} [pathology] :: rhinology
rinta {n} :: breast
rinta {n} :: chest, especially the front side of it (thorax)
rintaääni {n} [phonology] :: chest voice
rintaelin {n} [anatomy] :: thoracic organ
rintaelinkirurgia {n} :: thoracic surgery
rintaevä {n} [anatomy, of a fish] :: pectoral fin
rintakarva {n} :: chest hair (single)
rintakarvat {n} :: chest hair (collectively)
rintakehä {n} [skeleton] :: rib cage
rintakehä {n} :: chest wall, thoracic wall
rintakehä {n} :: breast, chest, thorax (region of the mammalian body between the neck and abdomen)
rintakehä {n} :: thorax (cavity containing the heart and lungs)
rintakehäkirurgia {n} :: cardiothoracic surgery, thorax surgery (field of medicine involved in surgical treatment of diseases affecting organs inside the thorax)
rintakipu {n} :: chest pain
rintakirurgia {n} :: thoracic surgery
rintakoru {n} :: brooch
rintakukka {n} :: boutonniere (flower worn in buttonhole)
rintakuppi {n} :: breast cup
rintakuva {n} :: bust
rintalappu {n} :: bib
rintalapsi {n} :: A breastfed baby
rintalasta {n} [skeleton] :: breastbone, sternum
rintalastantakainen {adj} [anatomy, medicine] :: retrosternal
rintaliha {n} :: brisket (meat)
rintalihas {n} :: pec (breast muscle)
rintaliivit {n} :: A bra, brassiere
rintama {n} [military] :: front, battlefront (region or line along which opposing armies engage in combat)
rintama {n} [meteorology] :: front
rintama {n} [military] :: theater
rintamaa {n} :: heartland
rintamahyökkäys {n} :: frontal assault
rintamaito {n} :: breast milk
rintamakarkuri {n} :: deserter
rintamakirjeenvaihtaja {n} :: war correspondent operating at a battlefront
rintamalinja {n} :: battlefront (region or line along which opposing armies engage in combat)
rintamalinja {n} :: battlefront (area in which opponents or opposing ideas meet)
rintamalohko {n} [military] :: troops assigned to a section of a battlefront
rintamamies {n} :: battlefront soldier
rintamamiestalo {n} :: A type of detached house build after the Second World War for the families of soldiers who fought in the battlefront
rintamapalvelus {n} :: frontline service
rintamasota {n} :: front line war
rintamasotilas {n} :: battlefront soldier
rintamaukkonen {n} [weather] :: frontal thunderstorm
rintamaveteraani {n} :: veteran who has served in the front line
rintamerkki {n} :: badge
rintamus {n} :: synonym of rinnusta
rintanappi {n} :: A button (a button-like badge worn on clothes)
rintaneula {n} :: brooch
rintanikama {n} [skeleton] :: A thoracic vertebra
rintaontelo {n} [anatomy] :: thoracic cavity, chest cavity
rintapaneeli {n} :: a panelling on the lower part of a wall
rintaperillinen {n} [legal] :: descendant (in inheritance law, the offspring of the deceased)
rintapumppu {n} :: breast pump
rintaranka {n} [skeleton] :: thoracic vertebrae (the middle vertebrae of the backbone collectively)
rintarauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: mammary gland
rintareppu {n} :: A child carrier or baby carrier carried on the front of the body
rintaristi {n} [ecclesiastical] :: pectoral
rintaruokinta {n} :: breastfeeding
rintasolki {n} :: brooch, broach
rintasyöpä {n} :: breast cancer
rintasyöpäseulonta {n} :: breast cancer screening
rintatähti {n} :: star badge or medal
rintatasku {n} :: breast pocket
rintatiehyt {n} [anatomy] :: thoracic duct
rintauinti {n} :: breaststroke (swimming stroke)
rintava {adj} :: full-bosomed, big-breasted, buxom
rintavarustus {n} :: breastwork (fortification)
rintavarustus {n} [humorous] :: rack (woman's breasts)
rintsikat {n} [colloquial] :: A bra
ripa {n} :: handle, handgrip
ripari {n} [slang] :: synonym of rippikoulu
ripari {n} [slang, sports] :: rebound
ripaska {n} [dance] :: trepak
ripata {vt} :: to rip (copy data from CD, DVD, Internet stream, etc. to a hard drive, portable device, etc.)
ripaus {n} :: pinch (small amount)
ripauttaa {v} :: to dash, sprinkle
ripauttaa {v} :: to rain shortly and lightly
ripe {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: the leftovers, remains
ripeä {adj} :: rapid, prompt
ripeästi {adv} :: promptly
ripeksiä {v} :: To be sprinkling (of rain)
ripeys {n} :: promptness, alacrity, swiftness, briskness, celerity, haste (rapidity of an action)
ripeyttää {v} :: to speed up
ripeytyä {vi} :: to become (more) rapid
ripinä {n} :: rustle
ripistä {vi} :: to crackle quietly
ripittää {v} [religion] :: to shrive
ripittäytyä {vi} [religion] :: To confess oneself
ripittäytyjä {n} :: confessor [one who confesses]
riposti {n} [fencing] :: riposte, ripost
ripotella {v} :: To sprinkle
ripottaa {v} :: to strew, sprinkle, scatter
rippi {n} [Christianity] :: A confession (disclosure of one's sins to a priest)
rippi {n} [colloquial] :: A confirmation (sacrament of sealing and strengthening in many Christian religions)
rippi {n} [colloquial] :: A Communion (Holy Communion)
rippikoulu {n} [Christianity] :: Literally, a confirmation school; in the Finnish Lutheran tradition, religious classes that a person is required to complete before being allowed a Christian wedding or being accepted to become a godparent. It normally consists of 80 hours of teaching and is done at the age of 15. At the end of rippikoulu the children receive the confirmation
rippikoulunopettaja {n} :: teacher of or in a rippikoulu
rippileiri {n} [Christianity] :: confirmation camp, a camp type of rippikoulu
rippipuku {n} :: Literally, the suit a young man wears in his confirmation (sense: sacrament)
rippipuku {n} :: A man's first suit; often used mockingly of a suit that is too small for the wearer
rippisaarna {n} :: confession sermon
rippisanat {n} [Christianity] :: words said during a confession
rippituoli {n} [Christianity, Roman Catholic church] :: confessional (small room where confession is performed)
rippu {n} :: nugget, pinch
rippunen {n} :: diminutive of rippu
rippunen {n} :: nugget, pinch
ripsahdella {vi} :: to snap or crackle repeatedly
ripsahtaa {vi} :: to snap or crackle once
ripsari {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of ripsiväri
ripsauttaa {vt} :: to cause to snap or crackle once
ripsi {n} :: lash
ripsi {n} [anatomy] :: eyelash
ripsi {n} [biology] :: cilium
ripsi {n} [textiles] :: rep, reps
ripsiä {v} :: to rain or snow
ripsiäinen {n} [insects] :: thrips (any of the insects in the order Thysanoptera)
ripsieläin {n} [biology] :: ciliate
ripsiharja {n} :: eyelash wand, eyelash brush
ripsipiirakka {n} [humorous, vulgar] :: female genitalia
ripsiväri {n} :: mascara
ripsu {n} :: fringe
ripsua {v} :: ripsiä (to rain lightly and sporadically)
ripsua {v} [rare] :: rispaantua
ripuli {n} [pathology] :: diarrhea
ripulinen {adj} :: suffering from diarrhea
ripuloida {v} :: To have diarrhea
ripustaa {vt} :: To hang, hang up (e.g. clothes)
ripustaa pelikenkänsä naulaan {v} [idiomatic] :: to hang up one's boots
ripustautua {vi} :: to hang, dangle oneself (not to kill oneself; see hirttäytyä)
ripustin {n} :: hanger (that by which a thing is suspended)
ripustus {n} :: hanging, setting to hang
ripustus {n} [automotive, usually, in plural] :: suspension
ripustuslenkki {n} :: hanging loop (small loop of any material for hanging something)
risa {n} [anatomy] :: tonsil
risa {adj} [colloquial] :: broken
risahdella {vi} :: to crackle or snap repeatedly
risahtaa {vi} :: to crackle or snap once
risahyytelöjäkälä {n} :: Collema multipartitum (a lichen)
risakas {n} [mushroom] :: A mushroom of the genus Inocybe
risareunaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius incisus
risat {adv} :: only used in ja risat
risatulehdus {n} :: tonsillitis
risauttaa {vt} :: to cause to crackle or snap once
risiini {n} :: castor oil plant, Ricinus communis
risiini {n} :: ricin (toxic protein extracted from the castor bean)
risiinikasvi {n} :: castor oil plant
risiinimyrkky {n} :: ricin
risiiniöljy {n} :: castor oil (pale yellow vegetable oil extracted from the castor bean)
risiinipapu {n} :: castor bean
riskaabeli {adj} :: risky
riskeerata {v} [colloquial] :: To risk or incur risk (to something)
riski {adj} :: strong (capable of producing great physical force, said of a person or an animal)
riski {adj} :: sturdy (of firm build, said of a person or an animal)
riski {n} :: risk (possible, usually negative, outcome, e.g., a danger)
riski {n} :: risk (likelihood of a negative outcome)
riski {n} :: risk (potential, conventionally negative, impact of an event)
riski {n} :: chance (risk)
riskialtis {adj} :: risky, dodgy
riskianalyysi {n} :: risk analysis
riskigeeni {n} :: risk gene
riskikäyttäytyminen {n} :: risk behavior
riskilä {n} :: guillemot (seabird in the genus Cepphus of the auk family)
riskilä {n} :: in plural (riskilät), the genus Cepphus
riskilä {n} :: black guillemot, tystie, Cepphus grylle (type species of the genus)
riskilääke {n} :: risk medicine
riskinhallinta {n} :: risk management
riskinottohalu {n} [finance] :: risk appetite (amount of risk which an investor is willing to accept in pursuit of profit)
riskiraha {n} :: venture money, risk money
riskiryhmä {n} :: risk group
riskitaso {n} :: risk level
riskitekijä {n} :: risk factor
riskitön {adj} :: riskless, risk-free
risku {n} [dialectal] :: bronch, brooch, badge
risoa {vi} [impersonal, partitive + 3rd-pers. singular] :: to annoy, vex
risotto {n} :: risotto
rispaantua {vi} :: To fray, unravel
rispautua {vi} :: alternative form of rispaantua
risperidoni {n} [chemistry] :: risperidone
Rissanen {prop} :: surname
risteilijä {n} [nautical, military] :: A cruiser (class of warships)
risteilijä {n} [nautical] :: A cruiser (civilian yacht designed for cruising)
risteilijä {n} [military, slang] :: A plate or other container provided on a military mess table for collection of potato peels and other debris
risteillä {vi} :: to crisscross (to move around, from place to place)
risteillä {vi} [nautical] :: to cruise
risteily {n} :: cruise
risteilyalus {n} :: cruise ship, cruiser (passenger ship used for pleasure voyages)
risteilyohjus {n} :: cruise missile
ristetä {vi} :: to intersect, cross
risteymä {n} :: cross, hybrid, crossbreed
risteys {n} :: crossing, intersection, junction
risteysalue {n} :: crossing area, intersection area, junction area
risteysasema {n} [rail transport] :: junction station, interchange station
risteyskohta {n} :: crossing, intersection, meeting
risteyttää {vt} :: To crossbreed, cross
risteyttäminen {n} :: crossbreeding
risteytyä {vi} :: To crossbreed, cross
risteytys {n} [genetics] :: crossover
risti {n} :: cross
risti {n} [cards] :: clubs, club
risti {n} [music, colloquial] :: sharp (symbol ♯ in notation)
risti {n} :: short for ristiselkä (small of the back); used especially of animals
risti {n} [typography] :: dagger (†)
ristiä {vt} :: to christen (name)
ristiä {vt} :: to cross
ristiaallokko {n} :: cross sea
ristiäiset {n} :: christening
ristiakka {n} [colloquial, card games] :: synonym of ristikuningatar
ristiässä {n} [cards] :: ace of clubs
ristibarbi {n} :: spanner barb, t-barb, Puntius lateristriga
ristidipoli {n} :: turnstile antenna
ristiholvi {n} [architecture] :: groin vault, cross vault
ristiin {adv} :: across
ristiin {adv} :: criss, in the expression ristiin rastiin (criss-cross, crisscross)
ristiinajo {n} :: cross-check, cross-referencing
ristiinhäivytys {n} :: crossfade
ristiinkääntäjä {n} [computing] :: cross compiler
ristiinnaulita {vt} [religion] :: to crucify
ristiinnaulitseminen {n} :: A crucifixion
ristiinnaulitunkuva {n} :: crucifix
ristiin rastiin {adv} :: crisscross (crossing one another)
ristiintaulukointi {n} [statistics] :: cross tabulation, cross tab
ristijärveläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Ristijärvi (Finnish municipality)
ristijärveläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Ristijärvi (Finnish municipality)
Ristijärvi {prop} :: Ristijärvi
ristijätkä {n} :: jack of clubs, knave of clubs
ristikakkonen {n} [cards] :: two of clubs
ristikantaruuvi {n} :: Phillips screw
ristikasi {n} [cards] :: eight of clubs
ristikerroksellisuus {n} [geology] :: cross-bedding
ristikirkko {n} :: cruciform church
ristikivi {n} :: cross stone
ristikivi {n} :: khachkar
ristikkäin {adv} :: crisscross, crosswise, crossed
ristikkäinen {adj} :: crossed, crisscross, crosswise
ristikkäisesti {adv} :: synonym of ristikkäin
ristikkäispaine {n} :: cross pressure
ristikko {n} :: grid, lattice
ristikko {n} :: grating
ristikko {n} :: crosswords
ristikkomerkki {n} :: number sign, pound sign, hash, octothorpe (#)
ristikkonauha {n} :: a band or sash woven with a specific technique that can be done with only fingers
ristikkosilta {n} :: truss bridge (bridge supported by vertical and diagonal trusses)
ristikoe {n} [pathology] :: Coombs test
ristikoida {v} :: to add a lattice
ristikolmonen {n} [cards] :: three of clubs
ristikorrelaatio {n} :: cross-correlation
ristikukkainen {adj} [botany] :: cruciferous
ristikulma {n} [geometry] :: vertical angle, opposite angle
ristikuningas {n} :: king of clubs
ristikuningatar {n} :: queen of clubs (a playing card)
ristikuulustella {v} :: To cross-examine
ristikuulustelu {n} :: A cross-examination
ristikuutonen {n} [cards] :: six of clubs
ristikuva {n} [cinematography] :: dissolve, crossfade
ristikymppi {n} [cards] :: ten of clubs
ristilaukka {n} [horsemanship] :: cross-canter, disunited canter
ristilimitys {n} [masonry] :: English bond
ristiluu {n} [skeleton] :: sacrum
ristimänimi {n} :: Christian name
ristimitta {n} :: diagonal measurement
ristinelonen {n} [cards] :: four of clubs
ristinikama {n} [skeleton] :: A sacral vertebra
ristinivel {n} :: universal joint
ristinmerkki {n} [Christianity] :: sign of the cross
ristinmuotoinen {adj} :: cruciform
ristinmuotoinen {adj} :: cross-shaped
ristinmuotoinen {adj} :: cruciate
ristinolla {n} :: tic-tac-toe (game)
ristinpuu {n} :: cross
ristintie {n} :: way of the cross
ristiohjain {n} :: d-pad, directional pad
ristipää {n} :: cross-shaped head (like in some tools)
ristipääruuvi {n} :: Phillips screw, Phillips head
ristipääruuvimeisseli {n} :: Phillips screwdriver
ristipääruuvimeisseli {n} :: Pozidriv screwdriver
ristipääruuvitaltta {n} :: Phillips screwdriver
ristipääruuvitaltta {n} :: Pozidriv screwdriver
ristipääty {n} [architecture] :: wall dormer
ristipaine {n} :: cross pressure
ristipisto {n} :: cross-stitch (double stitch that forms a cross)
ristipistotyö {n} :: cross-stitch (embroidery or needlework made using cross-stitches)
ristipölytys {n} :: cross-pollination
ristiretkeläinen {n} [historical] :: crusader
ristiretki {n} :: Crusade
ristiretkiaika {n} :: crusade period
ristiriidaton {adj} :: consistent, not contradictory
ristiriipunta {n} [gymnastics] :: iron cross, crucifix
ristiriita {n} :: contradiction (a logical incompatibility among two or more elements or propositions)
ristiriita {n} :: disagreement, conflict
ristiriitainen {adj} :: contradictory
ristiriitainen {adj} :: conflicting
ristiriitainen {adj} :: ambivalent (simultaneously experiencing or expressing opposing or contradictory feelings, beliefs, or motivations)
ristiritari {n} :: crusader
ristirouva {n} :: queen of clubs
ristisaastuminen {n} :: cross-contamination
ristisaatto {n} :: crucession, procession headed by the cross of Christianity
ristisaatto {n} :: recession (ceremonial filing out of clergy and/or choir at the end of a church service)
ristisana {n} [games] :: crossword
ristisanatehtävä {n} [games] :: A crossword puzzle
ristiseiska {n} [cards] :: seven of clubs
ristiseiska {n} [cards] :: a certain card game
ristiselkä {n} [anatomy] :: lumbar region, small of the back
ristisidos {n} [chemistry] :: cross-link
ristisiitos {n} :: crossbreeding
ristisorsa {n} :: shelduck (any bird in the genus Tadorna)
ristisorsa {n} :: common shelduck, Tadorna tadorna
ristisotilas {n} :: jack of clubs
ristissä {adv} :: crosswise, across, crossed
ristituli {n} :: crossfire
ristitulo {n} [linear algebra] :: vector product, cross product
ristiturpa {n} :: hare (a nickname for a hare)
ristiuraruuvi {n} :: crosshead screw
ristivaihto {n} :: synonym of ristiinhäivytys
ristivaikutus {n} [electronics] :: crosstalk
ristiveto {n} :: cross-draught, draught
ristiviittaus {n} :: cross-reference
ristiviivoitus {n} :: crosshatching (method of shading)
ristivitonen {n} [cards] :: five of clubs
ristiysi {n} [cards] :: nine of clubs
Risto {prop} :: given name
Risto {prop} :: The letter "R" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Risto Reipas {prop} :: A male who is brave and brisk up to the point of being annoying
risu {n} :: stick, dry twig
risu {n} :: brickbat (criticism or uncomplimentary remark)
risuaita {n} :: A fence made of brushwood
risuaita {n} [colloquial] :: hash, pound sign, square (# -symbol)
risuaita {n} [colloquial] :: hashtag
risukarhi {n} :: a kind of harrow made of young spruces and used in slash and burn cultivation
risukko {n} :: thicket
risuluuta {n} :: synonym of varpuluuta
risuparta {n} [pejorative] :: An unkempt beard, clearly longer than just a stubble, especially on a young man
risupartainen {adj} :: scruffy-bearded
rita {n} [hunting] :: A box trap with three walls with the exit closed once the snare is engaged
ritari {n} :: knight (warrior of the Middle Ages)
ritari {n} :: knight (person on whom a knighthood has been conferred by a monarch)
ritari {n} [in Finland] :: knight (member of any of the three official honorary orders of Finland)
ritariballadi {n} :: chivalry ballad
ritarihuone {n} :: a hall where the nobility meet, hall of knights
ritarihyve {n} :: chivalry virtue, principle of chivalry
ritari-ihanne {n} :: knightly ideal, ideal of chivalry
ritarikannus {n} :: alternative form of ritarinkannus
ritarikomentaja {n} :: knight or dame commander
ritariksilyönti {n} :: knighting (the action of conferring knighthood upon someone)
ritarikunta {n} :: An order, order of knighthood, order of chivalry (society of knights)
ritarilaitos {n} :: institution of knighthood, chivalry as an institution
ritarilaulu {n} :: a (medieval) chivalry song
ritarilinna {n} :: castle, court (residence of a nobleman)
ritarillinen {adj} :: gallant, chivalrous
ritarillisesti {adv} :: chivalrously, gallantly
ritarillisuus {n} :: gallantry, chivalry (chivalrous courtliness, especially towards women)
ritarimerkki {n} :: knighthood medal, knighthood badge
ritarimonni {n} :: porthole catfish (Dianema longibarbis)
ritarinkannus {n} :: any plant of the genus Delphinium
ritarinkannus {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Delphinium
ritarinkukka {n} :: any plant of the genus Hippeastrum
ritarinkukka {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Hippeastrum
ritariperhonen {n} :: swallowtail (butterfly of the family Papilionidae)
ritariperhonen {n} :: Old World swallowtail (Papilio machaon)
ritariromaani {n} :: chivalric romance (literary genre)
ritarirunous {n} :: chivalric poetry, courtly poetry
ritarisääty {n} :: knighthood (knights collectively; the estate)
ritarisali {n} :: hall of knights
ritaristo {n} :: knighthood (knights collectively)
ritilä {n} :: grate, grill
ritilä {n} :: grating
ritinä {n} :: crackle
ritirati {n} [games] :: Short of "ritirati sanapeli"; the game of scrabble
ritirati {interj} :: Of a crackling sound, especially that caused by thin ice crackling under one's feet
Riti-Rati sanapeli {prop} [dated] :: Scrabble (board game)
ritirinnan {adv} :: closely or tightly side by side
ritistä {vi} :: To crackle
Ritola {prop} :: surname
Ritola {prop} [humorous] :: escape, flight; used in the idiomatic expression ottaa Ritolat (to run away, take to the hills, lit. take the Ritolas)
ritsa {n} :: A slingshot, (small) catapult
ritsata {v} :: synonym of piirrottaa
ritti {n} [figure skating] :: loop jump
Ritu {prop} :: given name
rituaali {n} :: A ritual
rituaaliesine {n} :: ritualistic object
rituaalimurha {n} :: ritual murder
rituaalinen {adj} :: ritualistic
ritva {n} :: a slender, hanging branch, as of a birch or a willow
Ritva {prop} :: given name
riuduttaa {vt} :: to consume, to wilt, to enfeeble
riuhtaista {vt} :: to yank, to tug, to wrench
riuhtaisu {n} :: yank
riuhtautua {vi} :: to struggle oneself (such as struggle oneself free)
riuhtoa {vt} :: to yank, tug (to pull hard repeatedly)
riukiunkaniini {n} :: Amami rabbit, Pentalagus furnessi
riuku {n} :: pole (delimbed and usually not debarked stem of a small tree, especially one cut to a specified length for a purpose)
riuku {n} :: beanstalk (tall and slim person)
riuku {n} :: A latrine equipped with seats by supporting poles between trees
riukuaita {n} :: roundpole fence (traditional Scandinavian wooden pole fence)
riukuaita {n} :: log fence
riukuaita {n} :: split rail fence
riukukota {n} :: a kota made of poles made from small trees
riuna {n} [dated] :: hryvnia
riusa {n} :: a type of flail in which the swipple is attached to a hole in the other stick with a knot
riuska {adj} :: brisk
riuskasti {adv} :: briskly
riuskin {adj} :: superlative of riuska
riutta {n} :: reef
riutua {v} :: to languish, (to lose strength and become weak)
riutua {v} :: often with ikävästä (for yearning), to pine away (to long or yearn so much that it causes suffering)
riutunut {adj} :: haggard, gaunt, wan, emaciated, worn
rivakasti {adv} :: briskly
rivakin {adj} :: superlative of rivakka
rivakka {adj} :: brisk
rivari {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of rivitalo
rive {n} :: oakum, tow
riveittäin {adv} :: in rows or lines
riveittäin {adv} :: by row
riverauta {n} :: caulking iron
rivi {n} :: row, line
rivi {n} :: line (in a text)
rivi {n} [chess] :: rank
riviavaruus {n} [linear algebra] :: row space
riviekvivalenssi {n} [linear algebra] :: row-equivalence
riviekvivalentti {adj} [linear algebra] :: row-equivalent
rivi-ilmoitus {n} :: classified advertisement
riviin järjesty {interj} [military] :: fall in! (command to get into position in a rank)
rivijako {n} :: line division
rivijäsen {n} :: rank-and-filer
rivikirjoitin {n} :: line printer
rivikylä {n} :: linear village
rivikylvökone {n} :: seed drill, grain drill
rivilatomakone {n} :: linotype
riviliitin {n} [electrical engineering] :: terminal block, terminal strip
rivimies {n} :: rank-and-filer
rivimies {n} [in plural] :: rank and file
rivimoottori {n} :: straight engine
rivinsiirto {n} [computing] :: line feed
rivinvaihto {n} :: line break, newline
rivinväli {n} :: line spacing
rivistö {n} [military] :: column (body of troops or army vehicles strung out along a road)
rivistö {n} :: lines (something arranged in lines)
rivitalo {n} :: terrace (row of residential houses with no gaps between them; a group of row houses)
rivitalo {n} :: rowhouse, row house, terraced house, rowhome, town house, townhouse (one of a row of houses situated side by side and sharing a common wall)
rivitaloalue {n} :: an area where terraces, row houses or terraced houses are the primary form of housing
rivitaloasunto {n} :: rowhouse, row house, terraced house, rowhome, town house, townhouse (one of a row of houses situated side by side and sharing a common wall)
rivitekniikka {n} [music] :: dodecaphony, twelve-tone technique
rivittää {vt} :: to arrange into rows
rivittää {vt} :: to wrap (break a continuous line (of text) onto the next line)
rivittäin {adv} :: synonym of riveittäin
riviväli {n} :: line spacing
rivivälistys {n} [typography] :: leading (spacing between lines)
rivivektori {n} [linear algebra] :: row vector
rivo {adj} :: obscene, bawdy, profane
rivompi {adj} :: comparative of rivo
rivopuheinen {adj} :: foulmouthed
rivosti {adv} :: obscenely, bawdily, profanely
rivosuinen {adj} :: coarse-mouthed
rivous {n} :: obscenity (meaning both the feature and an obscene act)
rkl {n} :: tbsp (tablespoon, as unit of measure)
RKP {prop} :: Ruotsalainen Kansanpuolue; a political party in Finland defending the interests of the Swedish-speaking minority, in English "The Swedish People's Party"
RNA-polymeraasi {n} [biochemistry] :: RNA polymerase
Robert {prop} :: given name
robinsonadi {n} :: Robinsonade
robotiikka {n} :: robotics
robotisoida {vt} :: To robotize
robotisointi {n} :: automation
robotisoitua {vi} :: To be robotized
robotoida {vt} :: To robotize
robotointi {n} :: alternative form of robotisointi
robotti {n} :: robot
robottiauto {n} :: self-driving car, robot car; a computer-controlled car
robottitekniikka {n} :: robotic technology
robottivaihteisto {n} [automotive] :: semi-automatic transmission
robusti {adj} [scientific] :: robust
rock {n} :: rock (style of music)
rockbändi {n} :: rock band
rockmusiikki {n} :: rock music
rocktähti {n} :: rockstar
rockvideo {n} :: rock video
rockyhtye {n} :: rock band
rodeo {n} :: rodeo
rodium {n} :: rhodium
rodokrosiitti {n} [mineral] :: rhodochrosite
Rodoksen kolossi {prop} :: Colossus of Rhodes (one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World)
rodoniitti {n} [mineral] :: rhodonite
rodopsiini {n} :: rhodopsin
Rodos {prop} :: Rhodes (Greek island)
rodriguezindodo {n} :: solitaire, Pezophaps solitaria (extinct bird)
rodullinen {adj} :: racial
rodullisesti {adv} :: racially
rodullistaa {vt} :: to racialize, racialise
rodunjalostusoppi {n} :: eugenics (theory or practice of applying selective breeding methods to humans)
röh {interj} :: oink
röhähdellä {vi} :: to make a low rasping sound repeatedly
röhähtää {vi} :: to make a low rasping sound once
rohdin {n} :: crash (thread, linen)
rohdinkangas {n} :: crash (linen)
rohdos {n} :: herb
rohdos {n} :: medicine, drug
rohduksissa {adv} :: chapped
rohina {n} :: rhonchus
röhinä {n} :: A low rasping sound (in lungs, throat etc.)
rohinga {n} :: Rohingya (language spoken in Burma in the coastal area from Irawadi delta to Indian border)
rohinga {n} :: Rohingya (person who speaks this language)
rohista {vi} :: to rasp (make a rasping sound)
röhistä {vi} :: to make a low rasping sound
rohjeta {vt} [auxiliary + infinitive] :: To bring oneself (to do), dare (to do), venture (to do), have the nerve (to do)
rohka {n} :: flax ripple
rohkaiseva {adj} :: encouraging
rohkaista {vt} :: to encourage
röhkäistä {vi} :: To grunt (to make one pig's grunt)
rohkaistua {vi} :: to be encouraged, get (the) courage (to do something), take courage
rohkaisu {n} :: encouragement
rohkaisuryyppy {n} :: an alcoholic drink taken for courage to do something; Dutch courage
rohkea {adj} :: brave, courageous, valiant
rohkea {adj} :: bold, daring, audacious
rohkea {adj} :: mildly erotic, racy, risqué
rohkea {adj} [of an outfit] :: revealing, racy
rohkeampi {adj} :: comparative of rohkea
rohkea rokan syö, kaino ei saa kaaliakaan {proverb} :: proverb used to motivate someone to do a certain thing, literally "a brave man gets to eat soup, a shy man can't even eat cabbage"
rohkea rokan syö, kaino ei saa kaaliakaan {proverb} :: fortune favors the brave
rohkeasti {adv} :: bravely, courageously, valiantly
rohkeus {n} :: courage, bravery
rohkia {vt} :: to ripple (flax)
röhkiä {v} :: to grunt, to oink (to make repeatedly pig's grunts)
röhkinä {n} :: pig's grunt
rohmu {n} [pejorative] :: A greedy hoarder
rohmu {n} :: One who possesses or takes a lot of something
rohmuta {v} :: To hoard
rohmutokko {n} :: sleeper (freshwater fish of the family Odontobutidae)
röhnöttää {vi} :: to sprawl, to loll, to lie lazy
röhönauru {n} :: guffaw, horselaugh
röhöttää {vi} :: to laugh snortily and/or raspily
rohto {n} :: a herb used for medical purposes
rohto {n} :: medicine, drug in general
rohto {n} :: remedy
rohtoimikkä {n} [plant] :: lungwort, common lungwort, Mary's tears, Our Lady's milk drops, Pulmonaria officinalis
rohtokalmojuuri {n} :: sweet flag, Acorus calamus (perennial wetland plant)
rohtokataja {n} :: savin (Juniperus sabina)
rohtokoirankieli {n} :: hound's tongue, Cynoglossum officinale
rohtokoisio {n} :: ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
rohtokuirimo {n} :: common scurvygrass, Cochlearia officinalis (flowering plant formerly used to prevent scurvy)
rohtoluppio {n} :: great burnet, Sanguisorba officinalis
rohtonukula {n} :: motherwort, throw-wort, lion's ear, Lions's tail, Leonurus cardiaca
rohtopähkämö {n} :: purple betony, Betonica officinalis syn. Stachys officinalis
rohtopäivänhattu {n} :: pale purple coneflower, Echinacea pallida
rohtosalkoruusu {n} :: marshmallow (Althaea officinalis, species of mallow that grows in marshy terrain)
rohtosamettikukka {n} [botany] :: synonym of samettirakuuna
rohtosuoputki {n} :: masterwort, Peucedanum ostruthium
rohtovirmajuuri {n} :: valerian, Valeriana officinalis
rohtua {vi} :: to get chapped
rohtuma {n} :: eczema, chapping
roihahtaa {v} :: to burst into flames
roihu {n} :: A blaze (fast-burning fire producing a lot of flames and light)
roihuta {vi} :: To blaze, flare
röijeli {n} [nautical] :: royal sail
röijeli {n} :: compounded with other words, used in sailing terminology as the adjective royal is used in English
röijy {n} :: synonym of ryijy
röijy {n} :: a shirt worn by Romani women
roikaa {vi} :: to blare
roikale {n} [colloquial] :: tall person or thing, giant, whopper
roikale {n} [colloquial, dialectal] :: sluggish or repulsive man or person
roikka {n} [colloquial, dated] :: troika
roikka {n} [colloquial] :: gang, crowd, group, caboodle
roikka {n} [colloquial] :: extension cord
roikkua {vi} :: To hang
roikkua {v} :: To hang around
roikkua perässä {v} :: See: fi to hang behind
roikkua perässä {vt} [_, + genitive] :: to tag along
roikkua perässä {vt} [_, + genitive] :: to tailgate
roikkuminen {n} :: hanging (the act of hanging or remaining suspended)
roikkupallo {n} [sports] :: lazy fly ball
roikotella {vt} :: to dangle continuously or casually
roikottaa {vt} :: to dangle
roikua {vi} [impersonal, colloquial] :: To cause (especially fiercely resounding) loud voice
roikuksissa {adv} :: hanging (in the hanging state)
roilokone {n} :: wall chaser
roilotiili {n} :: conduit brick (brick with grooves or holes for constructing conduits for installation of electric cables or waterpipes within the wall structure)
roima {adj} :: sturdy
roimasti {adv} :: a great deal more
roimia {v} :: to beat, pound, strike, repeatedly and quite forcefully
roina {n} [colloquial] :: junk (miscellaneous items of little value)
roina {n} [bodybuilding, sports, slang] :: roid
roisi {adj} [colloquial] :: ragged, untidy
roisi {adj} [colloquial] :: gross, greasy, indecent
roisisti {adv} [colloquail] :: raggedly, untidily
roisisti {adv} :: (colloquial) grossly, greasily, indecently
roiskahdella {vi} :: to splash or splatter repeatedly
roiskahtaa {vi} :: to splash or splatter once
roiskaista {vt} :: to splash or spatter (once or suddenly)
roiskautella {vt} :: to splash or splatter repeatedly
roiskauttaa {vt} :: to splash or splatter once
roiske {n} :: splash, spray, splatter
roiskeläppä {n} :: mudguard, mudflap
roiskeläppä {n} [colloquial] :: a cheap convenience food pizza sold in stores and designed to be heated in a microwave oven
roiskeläppä {n} [colloquial] :: miniskirt
roiskerappaus {n} :: spray plastering, spray texture
roiskia {vt} :: to splatter
roiskua {vi} :: To splash, splatter, scatter
roiskutella {vt} :: to splash or splatter repeatedly
roiskuttaa {vt} :: to splash, to splatter
roisto {n} :: villain
roisto {n} :: thug
roistomainen {adj} :: thuggish
roistomaisesti {adv} :: thuggishly
roistomaisuus {n} :: thuggishness
rojahtaa {vi} :: to plop, to thud (fall heavily)
rojalismi {n} :: royalism
rojalisti {n} :: royalist
rojalistinen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to royalism or to royalists
rojalti {n} :: royalty (the form of payment)
rojauttaa {vt} :: to cause to plop or thud; to cause to fall heavily
rojottaa {vi} :: To be laying (carelessly, lazily)
roju {n} :: junk
rok {n} :: roc (mythical bird)
rokahtua {vi} :: synonym of rohtua
rökäletappio {n} :: decisive defeat
rokata {v} [colloquial] :: to rock (to play rock music)
rökittää {v} :: to trounce someone, to beat someone in a fight
rökittää {v} [sports] :: to trash (to beat soundly in a game)
rokka {n} :: pea soup
rokka {n} [dialectal] :: soup
rokkaaminen {n} [colloquial] :: rocking (the act of rocking, playing rock music or doing well)
rokkapata {n} :: pea soup pot
rokkari {n} [colloquial] :: rock musician
rokki {n} :: rock music
rokkibändi {n} :: alternative form of rockbändi
rökkiin {adv} :: alternative form of rökkiinsä
rökkiinsä {adv} :: synonym of turpa
rokkimusiikki {n} :: alternative form of rockmusiikki
rokkivideo {n} :: alternative form of rockvideo
rokkiyhtye {n} :: alternative form of rockyhtye
rokko {n} :: pock (pus-filled swelling caused by pox or similar disease)
rokko {n} [pathology] :: pox (disease characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pockmarks)
rokko {n} [in compounds] :: used of some plant diseases which cause pock-like lesions on the surface of the plant
rokkoinen {adj} [medicine] :: poxy
rok-lintu {n} :: Alternative term for rok (mythical bird)
rokokoo {n} :: rococo (style of architecture and decorative art originating from 18th-century France)
rokokooaika {n} :: rococo (historical period)
rokokootuoli {n} :: rococo chair
rokonarpi {n} :: pockmark
rokonarpinen {adj} :: pockmarked
rokote {n} [immunology] :: vaccine
rokottaa {vt} :: To vaccinate, inoculate
rokottaminen {n} :: vaccination, inoculation
rokotus {n} :: vaccination
rokotusaine {n} :: vaccine, vaccination material
rokotusarpi {n} :: vaccination mark (small scar left on the skin by vaccination)
rokuli {n} [colloquial] :: hooky, break, time off (self-initiated absence from work)
rollaattori {n} :: rollator; walker (walking frame equipped with wheels)
rölli {n} :: bentgrass, bent (grass of the genus Agrostis)
rölli {n} [Internet slang] :: troll
röllinurmikka {n} :: love grass (any plant of the genus Eragrostis)
röllinurmikka {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Eragrostis
roll-on {n} :: roll-on (cosmetic product)
romaani {n} :: novel (book of fiction)
romaanihenkilö {n} :: character in a novel or book
romaanikäännös {n} :: translation of a novel
romaaninen {adj} [linguistics] :: Romance
romaaninen kieli {n} [linguistics] :: Romance language
romahdella {vi} :: To crumble, collapse in a continuous manner
romahdus {n} :: A collapse (act of collapsing)
romahdus {n} :: A meltdown (situation being likened to a nuclear meltdown)
romahdusmainen {adj} [of a fall or change] :: dramatic, drastic
romahdusmaisesti {adv} [of a fall or change] :: dramatically, drastically
romahduttaa {vt} :: To make something collapse
romahtaa {vi} [of a construction] :: to collapse, crash down, come down, tumble down, topple down, cave in, crumple
romahtaa {vi} [of economy] :: to crash, collapse, slump; (of prices, rates) to go into a tailspin, spiral downwards, plummet
romahtaa {vi} [of sb's nerves] :: To collapse, break down, crack up
romahtaminen {n} :: collapsing
romanesco {n} :: Romanesco, Brassica oleracea var. broccolo (cultivar of cabbage)
romani {n} :: a Rom, a Romani [a person, a member of the Roma community or descendant thereof]
romani {n} :: Romani [language]
romania {n} :: The Romanian language
Romania {prop} :: Romania
romanialainen {n} :: Romanian
romanialainen {adj} :: Romanian
romanialaisuus {n} :: Romanianness (state or quality of being Romanian)
romanikieli {n} :: Romani (macrolanguage)
romanikieli {n} :: short for Suomen romanikieli
romanimies {n} :: A Rom
romanisti {n} :: A Romanicist
romanivastaisuus {n} :: antigypsyism, antiziganism (hostility, prejudice or racism toward Romani people)
romanssi {n} :: romance
romantiikka {n} [arts] :: Romanticism
romantiikka {n} :: romanticism
romantiikka {n} :: romance
romantikko {n} :: romanticist
romantisoida {vt} :: to romanticize (to view something in a romantic manner)
romantisoitu {adj} :: romanticized, romanticised (interpreted in idealized fashion)
romanttinen {adj} :: romantic
romanttisesti {adv} :: romantically
romanttisuus {n} :: romanticism
romauttaa {v} :: To collapse (to cause to collapse)
rombi {n} [geometry] :: rhombus
rombi-ikosidodekaedri {n} [geometry] :: rhombicosidodecahedron (Archimedean solid)
rombinen {adj} [crystallography] :: orthorhombic
romboedri {n} [geometry] :: rhombohedron
romboedrinen {adj} [crystallography] :: rhombohedric
römeä {adj} [of voice] :: gruff
römeästi {adv} [of voice] :: gruffly
romesco-kastike {n} :: romesco (sauce)
romina {n} :: rattle
romisko {n} :: screamer (any bird of the family Anhimidae)
romisko {n} :: any large and ugly object, used e.g. of furniture
romista {vi} [rare] :: synonym of rämistä
rommi {n} :: rum (liquor)
rommi {n} :: rummy (card game)
rompe {n} [colloquial] :: stuff, junk
romppu {n} [colloquial] :: CD-ROM
romu {n} :: scrap, junk, especially one that consists of metal objects
romu {n} :: wreck, wreckage
romuarvo {n} :: scrap value
romuauto {n} :: scrap vehicle, scrap car
romukasa {n} :: pile or heap of scrap
romukasa {n} [figuratively] :: piece of trash (something of perceived low quality)
romukauppa {n} :: junk shop
romukauppias {n} :: junkman
romukeräys {n} :: synonym of romunkeräys
romukoppa {n} :: scrap heap
romukuorma {n} :: a load of scrap or junk
romulaatikko {n} :: junk drawer
romulaatikko {n} :: scrap box, box of junk
romuliike {n} :: junkyard
romuluinen {adj} :: gangly
romumetalli {n} :: scrap metal
romunkerääjä {n} :: scrap collector
romunkeräys {n} :: scrap collection
romuralli {n} :: A demolition derby
romurauta {n} :: scrap iron
romuttaa {v} :: to scrap
romuttaa {v} :: to wreck
romuttaa {v} :: to debunk (to discredit, or expose to ridicule the falsehood or the exaggerated claims of something)
romuttamo {n} :: scrapyard, junkyard
romuttua {vi} :: to become wreck
romutus {n} :: scrapping
romutus {n} :: wrecking
romuvarasto {n} :: junkyard, junk storage
rondonianmuura {n} :: Rondonia bushbird
Roni {prop} :: given name
Ronja {prop} :: given name of modern usage
Ronkainen {prop} :: surname
ronkeli {adj} [dialectal, colloquial] :: picky, choosy, demanding
ronkkia {v} :: to fiddle
ronski {adj} :: easygoing, bold, racy, gamey
ronski {adj} [of a person] :: rough, tough
ronskisti {adv} :: boldly, racily, in an easygoing manner
rönsy {n} [botany] :: runner, stolon (shoot that grows along the ground)
rönsy {n} :: offshoot (that which develops from something else)
rönsyillä {vi} [botany] :: to form runners
rönsyillä {vi} [idiomatic] :: to offshoot, to ramble, to wander
rönsyleinikki {n} :: creeping buttercup, Ranunculus repens (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)
röntgen {n} :: A röntgen, roentgen (physical unit)
röntgen {n} :: X-ray (when used as modifier in compound terms)
röntgendiffraktio {n} [physics] :: X-ray diffraction
röntgenhoitaja {n} :: radiology nurse, medical imaging nurse [US]; radiographer, radiographist [UK] (nurse that cares for patients who undergo diagnostic imaging or radiation therapy)
röntgenium {n} :: roentgenium
röntgenkone {n} :: X-ray machine
röntgenkristallografia {n} :: X-ray crystallography
röntgenkuva {n} :: X-ray photograph, X-ray (photograph made with X-rays)
röntgenkuvata {vt} :: To X-ray (take a radiograph)
röntgenkuvaus {n} :: radiography (process of producing radiographs)
röntgenlääkäri {n} :: medical radiologist
röntgenlähde {n} [astronomy] :: X-ray source
röntgenlaite {n} :: an X-ray, X-ray machine, X-ray apparatus
röntgennäkö {n} :: X-ray vision
röntgenologi {n} :: radiologist
röntgenologia {n} :: radiology
röntgenologinen {adj} :: roentgenological
röntgenputki {n} :: X-ray tube
röntgensäde {n} [physics] :: X-ray
röntgensäteily {n} [physics] :: X-rays {p}, X-radiation, Röntgen radiation
röntgenspektrometri {n} [analytical chemistry] :: X-ray spectrometer
röntgenspektroskopia {n} [analytical chemistry] :: X-ray spectroscopy
röntgenteleskooppi {n} :: X-ray telescope
rontti {n} :: scoundrel
rönttönen {n} :: a pasty made of barley or flour, with a sweet filling of berries and potatoes
rönttönen {n} :: synonym of pallopurkki
röökata {v} [slang] :: To smoke
rööki {n} [Helsinki slang] :: A fag (cigarette)
röökynä {n} [dialectal] :: (young) lady
rooli {n} :: role
roolihenkilö {n} :: character, role
roolileikki {n} :: roleplay (act of roleplaying; especially one not done very seriously)
roolimalli {n} :: role model
roolipeli {n} [gaming] :: role-playing game
Rooma {prop} :: Rooma (capital city)
Rooma {prop} :: Rooma (ancient empire)
Roomaa ei rakennettu yhdessä päivässä {proverb} :: alternative form of ei Roomaakaan päivässä rakennettu
roomalainen {adj} :: Roman
roomalainen {n} :: A Roman
roomalainen kynttilä {n} :: Roman candle (type of firework)
roomalainen numero {n} :: Roman numeral
roomalaisempi {adj} :: comparative of roomalainen
roomalaiskatolinen {adj} :: Roman Catholic, Catholic (of the Western Christian church, as opposed to the Orthodox church)
roomalaiskatolinen {n} :: A Roman Catholic person
roomalaiskatolisuus {n} :: Roman Catholicism
roomalaistaa {vt} :: To make Roman
roomalaistua {vi} :: to become Roman
roomalaisuus {n} :: Romanness (state or quality of being Roman)
Rooman imperiumi {prop} :: The Roman Empire
roomankumina {n} :: cumin (plant)
roomansalaatti {n} :: Romaine lettuce, cos lettuce, Lactuca sativa longifolia (variety of lettuce)
Rooman valtakunta {prop} :: The Roman Empire
roomatar {n} :: A Roman woman
Roope {prop} :: given name
Roopertti {prop} :: given name
rööri {n} [slang] :: pipe
roosa {adj} :: pink
Roosa {prop} :: given name
roottori {n} :: rotor
roottori {n} [mathematics, physics] :: curl
rope {n} [gaming, slang] :: abbreviation of roolipeli
ropeloida {v} :: alternative form of käpälöidä
röpelöinen {adj} [colloquial] :: uneven, rough (not having a smooth texture)
ropina {n} :: pitter-patter (sound of rain on roof)
ropista {vi} :: to patter
ropisuttaa {vt} :: to cause to patter (make irregular sounds)
ropo {n} :: lepton, mite (smallest coin in circulation in Palestine at the time of Christ)
ropo {n} :: A trifle amount of money, especially when given as donation or contribution
ropo {n} [rare] :: coin
roponen {n} [usually in plural] :: A trifle amount of money
röpörieska {n} :: unleavened bread made of barley groats
roppakaupalla {adv} [colloquial] :: lots of, loads of
ropsahdella {vi} :: to patter repeatedly
ropsahdella {vi} [figuratively] :: to repeatedly fall on someone (of fines)
ropsahtaa {vi} :: to patter quickly or briefly
ropsahtaa {vi} [figuratively] :: to fall on someone (of a fine)
ropsautella {vt} :: to cause to patter repeatedly
ropsautella {vt} [figuratively] :: to repeatedly hand (fines)
ropsauttaa {vt} :: to cause to patter once or briefly
ropsauttaa {vt} [figuratively] :: to hand (a fine)
ropse {n} :: rattle
ropsia {vt} :: to slap
Rosa {prop} :: given name
rosasiitti {n} [mineral] :: rosasite
Rosberg {prop} :: Rosberg; surname
rosé {n} :: alternative form of rosee
rosee {n} :: rosé
roseepippuri {n} :: alternative form of rosépippuri
roseeviini {n} :: rosé wine
rosella {n} :: rosella (parrot of the genus Platycercus)
rosépippuri {n} :: Peruvian pepper (Schinus molle)
Rosettan kivi {prop} :: The Rosetta Stone
rosetti {n} :: rosette (ornament)
rosettirauta {n} :: rosette iron
roséviini {n} :: alternative form of roseeviini
roš hašana {n} [Judaism] :: Rosh Hashanah
roš hodeš {n} [Judaism] :: Rosh Chodesh
rosis {n} [slang] :: synonym of raastuvanoikeus
rosis {n} [slang] :: synonym of käräjäoikeus
roska {n} :: litter, trash, rubbish
roskaa {interj} :: rubbish (expresses that what was recently said is untruth or nonsense)
roskaantua {vi} :: to be covered or filled with trash
roska-astia {n} :: rubbish bin, litter bin, garbage can, waste container
roska-auto {n} :: garbage truck
roskainen {adj} :: covered in or having trash, filthy, dirty
roskajuoksu {n} :: plogging
roskakala {n} :: trash fish, rough fish
roskakori {n} :: wastepaper basket, wastebasket (small container for dry household or office waste)
roskakori {n} :: (computing) recycle bin
roskakuilu {n} :: garbage chute, trash chute
roskakuski {n} [colloquial] :: garbage collector, bin man, dustman, garbage man, garbo, refuse collector, sanitation engineer, trashman
roskalaatikko {n} :: garbage can, dumpster
roskalava {n} :: skip, dumpster
roskalehti {n} [colloquial] :: asswipe (periodical which has the habit of publishing questionable truths)
roskapankki {n} :: A bad bank
roskapönttö {n} [colloquial] :: garbage can
roskaposti {n} :: junk mail (mail or letters that are not welcome or solicited)
roskaposti {n} [computing, internet] :: spam (unsolicited or undesired electronic content)
roskapussi {n} :: trash bag, garbage bag (small paper or plastic bag used for disposal of household waste)
roskaruoka {n} :: junk food
roskasäkki {n} :: trash bag, garbage bag (large, usually plastic bag used for disposal of household and other waste)
roskata {v} :: to litter (drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it)
roskaväki {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: trash (people of low social status or class), riffraff
roskaväki {n} [derogatory] :: scum (reprehensible persons as group)
roskienkerääjä {n} :: garbage collector
roskienkerääjä {n} :: waste picker
roskienkeräin {n} [computing] :: garbage collector
roskienkeräys {n} :: trash collection
roskienkeräys {n} [programming] :: garbage collection
roskis {n} [colloquial] :: Any container meant for collection and temporary storage of garbage, such as wastepaper basket, garbage can, dustbin, bin etc
rosmariini {n} :: rosemary, Salvia rosmarinus syn. Rosmarinus officinalis
rosmota {v} [childish] :: to steal, rob
roso {n} :: Any small uneven part or defect on a surface
rosoinen {adj} :: jagged, rugged
rosoisesti {adv} :: jaggedly, ruggedly
rosolli {n} :: A cold salad made with cooked cubed carrot, beet and pickle as main ingredients, often also apple, onion, boiled egg and pickled herring, served with spiced whipped cream
rosopyöriäinen {n} :: finless porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides (species of porpoise that lacks a true dorsal fin and is found in the coastal waters of Asia)
rospuutto {n} [dialectal] :: synonym of kelirikko
rospuuttoaika {n} :: rasputitsa
rössypottu {n} :: a soup made of blodpalt, potatoes and pork
rosteri {n} [colloquial] :: stainless steel
rosteri {n} [sports] :: roster (sports team, with the names of players who are eligible to be placed in the lineup for a particular game)
rösti {n} :: rösti (traditional breakfast dish in Germanophone Switzerland)
röstiperunat {n} :: rösti (breakfast dish of fried potatoes, traditional in Germanophone Switzerland)
rostraalinen {adj} [anatomy] :: rostral
rosvo {n} :: A robber, bandit, brigand
rosvoilla {vi} [rare] :: to act like a robber; to steal
rosvopaisti {n} :: A hunk of meat, preferably a leg of lamb, prepared for food in an earth oven
rosvota {v} :: To rob, plunder
rosvous {n} :: robbery
rotaatio {n} :: rotation
rotaatiokone {n} :: synonym of rotaatiopainokone
rotaatiopainokone {n} :: rotary printing press, rotary printing machine
rotankolo {n} :: rathole
rotanmyrkky {n} :: rat poison, rodenticide
rotari {n} :: A Rotarian
rotavirus {n} :: rotavirus
roteva {adj} :: robust, sturdy
rotevuus {n} :: robustness (quality of being robust)
roti {n} [colloquial, chiefly in idioms] :: discipline, order
roti {n} :: a piece of wood or a rock placed under a lever for support
roti {n} :: roti
rotinat {n} :: food brought as a gift to the family of a woman that has just given birth
rötkäle {n} :: A large and flabby thing
rotko {n} :: gulley
rotko {n} :: gorge, ravine
rotkolaakso {n} :: canyon
rötköttää {vi} :: to lie lazy, to sprawl
rotkotulkku {n} :: Mongolian finch, Bucanetes mongolicus
rötös {n} :: wrongdoing, evildoing, crime, especially one against property, such as theft, robbery, fraud or embezzlement
rötösherra {n} [historical] :: a politician that has committed one or more wrongdoings
rötöstellä {v} :: to commit crimes
rotsi {n} [slang] :: jacket, coat
rotta {n} :: rat
rotta {n} [Internet slang] :: unemployed person living on welfare
Rotta {prop} :: Rat (the first animal in the 12-year cycle in Chinese zodiac)
rottabaari {n} :: A box with a poisoned bait for killing rats, similar to hiiribaari (mouse bar), but larger and with more potent poison
rottamainen {adj} :: ratlike
rottamaki {n} :: Coquerel's dwarf lemur, formerly also Coquerel's giant mouse lemur, southern giant mouse lemur, Mirza coquereli (small nocturnal lemur endemic to Madagascar)
rottasiili {n} :: gymnure, moonrat (mammal of the subfamily Galericinae, related to hedgehogs)
rottasota {n} :: A campaign to destroy rats in a given area, often carried out in late autumn - early winter when the rats seek shelter in heated buildings. During such campaign houseowners are encouraged to install rat traps in their premises so as to leave the rats as few places to hide as possible
röttelö {n} :: hovel, shack, shanty
rottinki {n} :: rattan (material)
rottinkipalmu {n} :: rattan (climbing palm of the genus Calamus)
rottinkituoli {n} :: rattan chair
rottinkityö {n} :: rattan work
rottweiler {n} :: Rottweiler (breed of dog)
rotu {n} :: breed (as in dog breed)
rotu {n} :: race (as in racism)
rotuerottelu {n} :: racial segregation
rotuerottelulaki {n} :: racial segregation law; Jim Crow law [US]
rotuhygieenikko {n} :: eugenicist
rotuhygienia {n} :: eugenics
rotukiintiö {n} :: racial quota
rotukissa {n} :: purebred cat
rotukoira {n} :: purebred dog
rotumellakka {n} :: race riot
rotunda {n} :: rotunda
rotuoppi {n} :: racism (in the original sense)
rotupetturi {n} [derogatory] :: race traitor
rotupuhtaus {n} :: racial purity
roturealismi {n} :: racial realism (the idea that human races are different and the differences should be accepted, possibly a euphemism for racism)
rotusorto {n} :: racial discrimination
rotusyrjintä {n} :: racial discrimination
rotuviha {n} :: race hatred
rötvätä {v} [military slang] :: To lie e.g. in a bed
roudari {n} :: roadie (member of the crew for a musical group)
roudarinteippi {n} :: gaffer tape (sturdy adhesive tape)
roudata {vt} [colloquial] :: to transport or haul items
roudittua {v} :: synonym of routaantua
rouhaista {vt} :: to kibble or grind off
rouhe {n} :: kibble
rouhentaa {vt} :: to kibble, to grind
rouhia {v} :: to grind coarsely, to kibble
rouhiintua {v} :: alternative form of rouhiutua
rouhin {n} :: a tool or machine for grinding, milling
rouhinta {n} :: grinding (the act of grinding something)
rouhiutua {vi} :: To become ground
rouskahtaa {vi} :: to crunch once
rouske {n} :: crunch (sound)
rousku {n} :: A milk-cap (mushroom of the genus Lactarius)
rouskua {vi} :: to crunch, to scrunch
rouskutella {v} :: to munch repeatedly
rouskutella {v} :: to crunch repeatedly
rouskuttaa {v} :: to munch (to chew with a grinding, crunching sound)
rouskuttaa {v} :: to crunch (to crush something with a noisy crackling sound, especially with reference to food)
rouskutus {n} :: crunch, munch (the sound of munching or crunching)
rouskutus {n} :: crunching, munching (the action of munching or crunching)
rouste {n} :: pipkrake
routa {n} :: ground frost (frozen top layer of soil caused by cold weather in winter)
routaannuttaa {vt} :: to freeze (the ground)
routaantua {vi} [of ground] :: to freeze
routainen {adj} :: [of ground] frozen
routaraja {n} :: soil frost limit
routavuosi {n} [history, pluralonly] :: in Finnish history, first of the two periods (1899–1905 and 1908–1917) when the Russian Empire aimed at limiting the autonomy of the Grand Duchy of Finland and Russifying the country culturally
routavuosi {n} :: Any individual year falling within this period
routia {vi} :: of frost heave, to occur
routiintua {v} :: alternative form of routaantua
routiminen {n} :: frost heave, frost heaving (raising of the level of the ground due to the freezing of moist soil)
rouva {n} :: lady
rouva {n} :: madam
rouvashenkilö {n} :: lady, madam, gentlewoman
rouvasväki {n} :: female gentry
rouvitella {vt} :: to address as rouva (Mrs, Lady, madam)
rova {n} [obsolete, now only in placenames] :: forested esker
rovaniemeläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Rovaniemi
rovaniemeläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Rovaniemi
Rovaniemi {prop} :: Rovaniemi
rovasti {n} :: canon, provost (ecclesiastical title)
rovastinna {n} [rare, dated] :: Wife of a dean (officer in the church)
rove {n} :: Small container made of birch bark
rovio {n} :: bonfire (large, controlled outdoor fire)
rovio {n} :: pyre, bonfire (funeral fire or fire to burn unwanted or disreputable items or people)
röyh {interj} :: burp!
röyhähdys {n} :: a burst (such as into fire)
röyhähtää {vi} :: to burst (into)
röyhdätä {v} [rare] :: to belch, to burp
röyhelö {n} :: ruffle, frill, furbelow
röyhelöinen {adj} :: frilly, frilled
röyhelöisempi {adj} :: comparative of röyhelöinen
röyhelöpaita {n} :: frilly shirt
röyhistää {v} :: to puff up (proudly)
röyhistellä {vi} :: to puff up repeatedly, to boast
röyhkeä {adj} :: insolent
röyhkeä {adj} :: arrogant
röyhkeä {adj} :: presumptuous
röyhkeämpi {adj} :: comparative of röyhkeä
röyhkeästi {adv} :: insolently, arrogantly, presumptuously
röyhkeys {n} :: insolence, arrogance, impudence
röyhtäillä {vi} :: to burp, belch (repeatedly)
röyhtäistä {vi} :: To burp, belch
röyhtäisy {n} :: A burp, belch
röyhtäys {n} :: burp, belch
röyhtäyttää {vt} :: to burp, to cause to burp or belch
röyhy {n} [botany] :: panicle, panicled spike
röyhysara {n} :: fibrous tussock-sedge (Carex appropinquata)
röyhytä {vi} :: to smoke heavily, to produce lots of smoke, to billow smoke
röyhytellä {vt} :: to cause something to smoke heavily continuously or repeatedly
röyhyttää {vt} :: To cause something to smoke heavily
röyhyvihvilä {n} [plant] :: common rush, soft rush (Juncus effusus)
röykkiö {n} :: heap (collection of things laid in a body, or thrown together so as to form an elevation)
röykkiöittäin {adv} :: loads of something, heaps of something, mounds of something
röykkiökalmisto {n} :: an ancient graveyard with cairns
röykyttää {vt} :: to pound, to be rough on, to trounce
röytä {n} :: a type of canopy or shelter next to a traditional drying and threshing cabin (riihi)
r.p. {n} :: initialism of rekisteröity puolue (registered political party)
rp. {n} :: alternative form of r.p. (rekisteröity puolue, "registered political party")
-rtaa {suffix} :: Variant of -ertaa
ruanda {n} :: Kinyarwanda (language)
Ruanda {prop} :: Ruanda (country)
rubeliitti {n} :: rubellite
rubidium {n} :: rubidium
rubiini {n} :: ruby
rubiinihapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula rubra
rubiinihippiäinen {n} :: ruby-crowned kinglet, Regulus calendula
rubiinikolibri {n} :: Brazilian ruby, Clytolaema rubricauda
rubiinikurkkukolibri {n} :: ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris)
rubiininpunainen {adj} :: ruby
rubiininpunainen {n} :: ruby
rubiinisatakieli {n} :: Siberian rubythroat (Calliope calliope, syn. Luscinia calliope)
rubiinitetra {n} :: glowlight tetra, Hemigrammus erythrozonus
Rubikin kuutio {n} :: Rubik's cube
rubriikki {n} :: rubric, headline
rucola {n} :: commercial name for arugula, rocket (Eruca sativa or Eruca vesicaria, a grassy plant used for salad)
rudimentaarinen {adj} :: rudimentary
rudimentti {n} [rare] :: rudiments (the basics of something, especially of a field of learning)
rudimentti {n} [biology] :: rudiment (organ that has lost its original function)
rudimentti {n} [music] :: rudiment (basic drumming pattern)
rugby {n} [sports] :: rugby
ruhje {n} :: contusion
ruhjevamma {n} [pathology] :: contusion
ruhjevyöhyke {n} [geology] :: shear zone
ruhjoa {v} :: to mangle, mutilate
ruhjoontua {v} :: alternative form of ruhjoutua
ruhjoutua {vi} :: To be maimed
ruho {n} :: carcass, dead body
ruholiha {n} :: carcass meat
ruholiha {n} :: meat including bones when measured in weight
ruhtinaallinen {adj} :: regal, sumptuous, fit for a king
ruhtinaallisesti {adv} :: sumptuously
ruhtinas {n} :: prince (sovereign)
ruhtinaskunta {n} :: principality
ruhtinatar {n} :: princess (female ruler of a principality)
ruhtinatar {n} :: princess (wife of a prince, sense "ruler of principality")
Ruija {prop} :: Ruija (county)
ruijanesikko {n} :: Primula nutans (species of primrose native to northernmost parts of Scandinavia and neighbouring parts of Russia)
ruijanpallas {n} :: Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus
ruijansuomalainen {n} :: synonym of kveeni
ruijansuomalainen {adj} :: synonym of kveeniläinen
ruikata {vt} :: to dash a small amount of liquid at something or someone
ruikkia {v} :: to splatter or splash with small amounts of liquid
ruikuttaa {v} [colloquial] :: to whine (negative connotation)
ruikuttaja {n} :: whiner
ruikuttava {adj} [colloquial] :: whiny, snivelling (with a negative connotation)
ruinata {vi} [colloquial] :: to beg
ruipelo {adj} :: scrawny, skinny
ruis {n} :: rye
ruisjauho {n} :: rye flour
ruiskahtaa {vi} :: to splatter or splash quickly (of small amounts of liquid)
ruiskaista {vt} :: to squirt (once or suddenly)
ruiskaunokki {n} :: cornflower, bachelor's button, bluebottle, boutonniere flower, hurtsickle, cyani flower, Centaurea cyanus
ruiskautella {vt} :: to splatter or splash repeatedly (of small amounts of liquid)
ruiskauttaa {vt} :: to splatter or splash quickly (of small amounts of liquid)
ruiske {n} :: An injection
ruiske {n} :: A syringe
ruiskia {vt} :: to splatter or splash (of small amounts of liquid)
ruisku {n} :: sprayer, squirt, douche
ruisku {n} :: syringe
ruiskubetoni {n} :: shotcrete
ruiskukka {n} :: cornflower, bachelor's button, Centaurea cyanus
ruiskulakata {vt} :: to varnish with a spray varnish
ruiskumaalata {vt} :: to spray paint
ruiskumaalaus {n} :: spray painting
ruiskuta {vi} :: To squirt
ruiskute {n} :: spray
ruiskuttaa {vt} :: to squirt, spray
ruiskuttaa {vt} :: to inject (using a syringe)
ruiskutuspumppu {n} :: injection pump
ruiskuvalukone {n} :: injection molding machine
ruisleipä {n} :: rye bread (bread made entirely or mostly of rye)
ruislimppu {n} :: rye loaf
ruislintu {n} :: corncrake, Crex crex
ruismaltaat {n} :: rye malt
ruispala {n} :: rectangular rye bread
ruispelto {n} :: rye field
ruisrääkkä {n} :: corncrake, landrail (Crex crex)
ruisvehnä {n} :: triticale (grain crop, a hybrid of wheat and rye, that gives a high yield, used chiefly as forage and fodder)
rujo {adj} :: Hideous
rujompi {adj} :: comparative of rujo
RUK {n} [military] :: initialism of reserviupseerikoulu; ROTC
rukata {vt} :: to fix, to adjust, to tweak
rukiinen {adj} :: rye (made of or containing rye)
rukiinen {adj} :: resembling or tasting of rye
rukinlapa {n} :: (paddle-shaped) distaff (part of a spinning wheel from which fibre is drawn to be spun)
rukka {n} :: poor, pitiful person or thing
rukkanen {n} :: mitten, work mitt (heavy-duty mitten for work or sport, usually made of non-textile material such as leather or rubber)
rukkauttaa {vt} :: to have fixed, adjusted or tweaked
rukki {n} :: a spinning wheel
rukki {n} [military slang] :: reserve officer school
ruko {n} :: haycock, haystack
rukoileminen {n} :: praying
rukoilevaisuus {n} [Christianism] :: A Lutheran revivalist movement in Finland; the name has not been translated into English
rukoilija {n} :: prayer (the person who prays)
rukoilijasirkka {n} :: praying mantis
rukoilla {vti} [religion] :: to pray
rukoilla {vti} [figuratively] :: to pray, beg, implore, beseech
rukoilu {n} :: praying
rukola {n} :: alternative spelling of rucola
rukous {n} :: prayer (act of praying)
rukous {n} :: rogation (deeply serious and somber prayer)
rukoushuone {n} :: chapel
rukousjakkara {n} :: prayer stool
rukouskirja {n} :: A breviary, prayer book (book containing prayers, hymns, and so on for everyday use)
rukouskutsu {n} :: call to prayer
rukouskutsu {n} [islam] :: adhan
rukouslippu {n} :: prayer flag
rukousmatto {n} :: prayer rug
rukousnauha {n} :: prayer beads; rosary
rukouspesu {n} [Islam] :: abdest
rukoussali {n} :: prayer hall, worship hall
rukoustorvi {n} :: a horn used to call out people for prayer
ruksata {v} :: alternative form of kruksata
ruksi {n} [colloquial] :: X, cross (mark or sign that resembles the letter X)
ruksia {v} :: to check (mark with checkmarks)
rulettaa {v} [slang] :: To rule (to excel)
ruletti {n} :: roulette
ruljanssi {n} :: rigmarole, an obnoxiously complex procedure
rulla {n} :: roll
rulla {n} :: roller, as in "roller skates"
rulla {n} :: reel, as in "cable reel"
rulla {n} :: wheel, as in "wheelchair"
rulla {n} :: wrap (type of food consisting of various ingredients wrapped in an unleavened flatbread, used especially in compounds)
rullaäes {n} :: a harrow consisting of rollers with spikes pointing to all sides
rullafilmi {n} :: roll film
rullailla {vt} :: to roll around
rullaketju {n} :: roller chain
rullakko {n} :: trolley (wheeled platform for carrying goods)
rullalaakeri {n} :: roller bearing
rullalauta {n} :: skateboard (platform on wheels)
rullalautailija {n} :: skateboarder
rullalautailu {n} :: skateboarding
rullaluistelija {n} :: rollerskater
rullaluistelija {n} :: rollerblader
rullaluistella {v} :: to roller skate, rollerblade
rullaluistelu {n} :: roller skating
rullaluistelu {n} :: rollerblading
rullaluistin {n} :: roller skate
rullamitta {n} :: measuring tape, tape measure
rullanaula {n} [usually, in plural] :: collated nail for a nail gun, as a part of a nail coil
rullaovi {n} :: revolving door
rullaportaat {n} :: escalator
rullaportaikko {n} :: escalator
rullapukki {n} :: roller stand
rullapyörä {n} :: caster (wheeled assembly)
rullasilta {n} :: movable bridge (a bridge in which the platform can be moved away for boats to cross)
rullasuksi {n} :: roller ski
rullata {vt} :: to roll
rullata {v} [aviation] :: to taxi
rullata {vt} [slang] :: to steal from, to rob, to mug
rullatuoli {n} [colloquial, dated] :: synonym of pyörätuoli
rullaus {n} :: rolling, roll
rullaus {n} [aviation] :: taxiing
rullaustie {n} [aviation] :: taxiway
rullautua {vi} :: to roll itself up, to be wound up, to curl up
rullaverho {n} :: roller blind
ruma {adj} :: ugly (displeasing to the eye or ear)
ruma {adj} :: ugly, dirty (offensive to one's sensibilities or morality)
ruma {adj} :: dirty (of a word or language in general: something considered vulgar)
ruma ankanpoikanen {n} :: ugly duckling
rumahko {adj} :: Somewhat ugly
ruma kuin rullatuoli {adj} [simile, colloquial] :: ugly as sin
rumannäköinen {adj} :: ugly-looking, unsightly
rumanvärinen {adj} :: ugly-colored
rumasti {adv} :: uglily
rumasti {adv} :: nastily, maliciously
rumasti {adv} [of speech or talk] :: dirtily (containing swearing)
rumat ne vaatteilla koreilee {proverb} :: Unattractive people tend to find other ways to compensate, especially fancy clothing; used to imply either direction
rumba {n} :: rumba (dance)
rumba {n} [figurative] :: fuss
rumbata {v} :: to rumba (to dance rumba)
rumeliini {n} :: ugli fruit
rumempi {adj} :: comparative of ruma
rumentaa {vt} :: to deform, uglify
rumentua {vi} :: to become less attractive; to become more ugly
rumeta {vi} :: To grow uglier
rumilus {n} :: An ugly person or creature
ruminaatio {n} :: rumination (act of ruminating)
ruminaatio {n} [psychology] :: rumination (negative cyclic thinking)
ruminaatio {n} [pathology] :: rumination (eating disorder)
rumistaa {v} :: to make uglier
rumistua {v} :: to become uglier
rummunlyöjä {n} :: drum beater, drummer
rummunlyönti {n} :: beating a drum, drumming
rummunpärinä {n} :: drumbeat, drum roll
rummusto {n} :: drum kit, drum set
rummuttaa {vti} :: to drum (also figuratively)
rummutus {n} :: drumming
rummutus {n} [figuratively] :: drumming (going about, as a drummer does, to gather recruits, to draw or secure partisans, customers, etc.)
rumpali {n} :: drummer
rumpu {n} :: A drum (musical instrument)
rumpu {n} :: (usually rotating) A cylinder (e.g. in washing machine)
rumpu {n} :: An underpass built under e.g. roads to allow drainage
rumpujarru {n} :: drum brake
rumpukalvo {n} :: drum head
rumpukalvo {n} [anatomy, dated] :: An eardrum
rumpukapula {n} :: A drumstick (stick used to play drums)
rumpukone {n} [musical instruments] :: drum machine
rumpukuivain {n} :: rotary dryer
rumpukuivuri {n} :: synonym of rumpukuivain
rumpulipas {n} :: drum magazine (circular magazine for a gun)
rumpumuisti {n} [computing] :: drum memory
rumpupalikka {n} [colloquial] :: A drumstick (stick used to play drums)
rumpupesukone {n} :: drum-type washing machine
rumpusatsi {n} [colloquial] :: drum kit
rumpusetti {n} :: drum kit
rumpuskanneri {n} :: drum scanner
rumpusoolo {n} [music] :: drum solo
rumputuli {n} :: drumfire
rumuus {n} :: ugliness
rundi {n} [slang] :: round (circular or repetitious route; serving of something; a series of changes or events ending where it began; a stage in a competition)
rundi {n} [slang] :: tour (of a band)
runebergiläinen {adj} :: Runebergian
runebergintorttu {n} :: Runeberg torte, a Finnish pastry
runkata {vti} [vulgar] :: to beat, jerk, jack off, wank
runkkari {n} [vulgar] :: wanker
runkkaus {n} [vulgar] :: wanking, wank
runkki {n} [colloquial, vulgar] :: wank
runkku {n} [vulgar] :: A jerk-off; an annoying (usually male) person
runkku {n} [vulgar] :: A session of masturbation; a wank
runkku {n} [vulgar] :: A (usually of a male) person who masturbates a lot; a wanker
runko {n} :: trunk (of a tree)
runko {n} :: hull
runko {n} :: body (of a car)
runko {n} :: fuselage (of an airplane)
runko {n} :: structure, build
runko {n} [colloquial] :: body of a human
runkoääni {n} [acoustics] :: structure-borne sound
runkohuone {n} :: the main room or nave of a church
runkoluku {n} :: number of tree trunks
runkonopeus {n} [nautical] :: hull speed
runko-ohjattu {adj} :: articulated (of a vehicle, constructed with articulated sections and steered by pivoting the front in relation to the back by hydraulic rams)
runko-ohjaus {n} :: articulated steering (system by which a four-wheel drive vehicle is split into front and rear halves and is steered by changing the angle between the halves)
runkopatja {n} :: mattress foundation
runkorakenne {n} :: frame or skeletal structure, framework
runkosarja {n} [sports] :: season [UK], regular season [North America], home and away season [Australia] (the part in an icehockey, football etc. season, during which the clubs play each other according to a predefined schedule)
runkotie {n} :: arterial road
runkoverkko {n} :: backbone network
runnata {v} :: synonym of runnoa
runnella {v} :: to disfigure (to change the appearance of something/someone to the negative)
runnella {v} :: to mangle, mutilate, maul
runnella {v} :: to tear, used especially with "war"
runnoa {vt} :: to mangle (to change, mutilate or disfigure by cutting, tearing, rearranging etc.)
runnoa {vt} :: to force through, to do with force and/or extreme determination
runo {n} :: poem
runo {n} :: poetry
runo {n} :: rune (only in the rare sense of a Finnish poem, or a division of one, especially a division of the Kalevala)
runoelma {n} :: poem, particularly a narrative or epic poem
runoilija {n} :: poet
runoilijanimi {n} :: poet pen name
runoilijatar {n} :: poetess
runoilla {v} :: to write a poem or poems
runoilla {v} [figurative] :: to lie, to make excuses (for)
runojalka {n} [prosody] :: foot
runokäännös {n} :: translation of a poem
runokieli {n} :: poetic language
runollinen {adj} :: poetic
runollinen vapaus {n} :: poetic licence
runollisesti {adv} :: poetically
runomitta {n} [prosody] :: meter [US], metre [UK]
runonlausunta {n} :: reciting poetry, reading poetry
runotar {n} :: muse (of a poet)
runous {n} :: poetry
runousoppi {n} :: poetics (theory of poetry)
runsaasti {adv} :: plenty
runsaiten {adv} :: Most plenty
runsas {adj} :: abundant
runsashappinen {adj} :: containing large amounts of oxygen
runsasjärvinen {adj} :: lake-rich (that has many lakes)
runsasjärvisyys {n} :: abundance of lakes
runsaskalainen {adj} :: with lots of fish
runsaskätisesti {adv} :: generously
runsas luku {n} [number theory] :: abundant number
runsaslukuinen {adj} :: numerous
runsaslukuisesti {adv} :: numerously
runsasmuotoinen {adj} :: voluptuous, full-figured
runsasravinteinen {adj} :: eutrophic (rich in nutriets)
runsassiemeninen {adj} :: seedy (full of seeds)
runsastua {vi} :: to become abundant or ample
runsasväkinen {adj} :: populous
runsaudensarvi {n} :: cornucopia, horn of plenty
runsaus {n} :: abundance, profusion, plenty (a large quantity, more than a sufficient amount)
runtata {vt} [colloquial] :: to crumple
runtata {vt} [colloquial] :: to mangle, to beat up
runtu {n} [military slang, usually in partitive] :: reprimand, scolding
ruoanlaitto {n} :: cooking
ruoanlaittokurssi {n} :: cooking class
ruoanlaittotaito {n} :: cooking skill
ruoansäilytys {n} :: food preservation, food storage
ruoansulatus {n} :: digestion
ruoansulatuselimistö {n} :: digestive system
ruoansulatushäiriö {n} [pathology] :: indigestion, dyspepsia (mild disorder of digestion characterized by stomach pain, nausea, heartburn and/or discomfort; it may have a number of underlying reasons and is a symptom rather than a disease)
ruoansulatusjärjestelmä {n} :: digestive system
ruoansulatuskanava {n} [anatomy] :: A digestive tract
ruoansulatusneste {n} :: digestive fluid
ruoansulatusvaivat {n} [pathology] :: indigestion, dyspepsia (mild disorder of digestion characterized by stomach pain, nausea, heartburn and/or discomfort; it may have a number of underlying reasons and is a symptom rather than a disease)
ruoanvalmistus {n} :: cookery
ruoanvalmistusastia {n} :: cooking vessel
ruode {n} [architecture] :: rib
ruodeholvi {n} [architecture] :: ribbed vault
ruodinta {n} :: deboning (of fish)
ruodinta {n} [idiomatic] :: dissection, analysis
ruodis {n} [slang] :: military service
ruodoton {adj} :: boneless (free of fishbones)
ruohikko {n} :: grass
ruohikko {n} :: lawn
ruohikkopalo {n} :: grassfire, grass fire
ruohikkouistin {n} [fishing] :: weed lure
ruoho {n} :: grass (mass noun); blade of grass (individual specimen)
ruoho {n} [slang] :: marijuana
ruohoinen {adj} :: grassy
ruohokanukka {n} :: bunchberry, especially the Eurasian bunchberry or northern bunchberry (Cornus suecica)
ruohokatto {n} :: grass roof
ruoholaukka {n} :: chive, Allium schoenoprasum (chiefly, the plant)
ruohomatto {n} :: carpet of grass (even and usually wide growth of grass, may be used both of natural grassland and man-made lawn)
Ruohonen {prop} :: surname
ruohonjuuritaso {n} :: grassroots level
ruohonkerääjä {n} :: thatcher (device, often a lawnmower attachment, which collects the grass clippings)
ruohonleikkuri {n} :: A lawnmower
ruohonleikkuukone {n} :: lawnmower (especially a larger one)
ruoho on aina vihreämpää aidan toisella puolella {proverb} :: the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
ruohoselja {n} :: dwarf elder, danewort, Sambucus ebulus (small European herbaceous perennial elder)
ruohosipuli {n} :: chive, Allium schoenoprasum (chiefly, as herb)
ruohottua {vi} :: to become grassy, to have grass grow on
ruohovartinen {adj} [botany] :: herbaceous
ruoikko {n} :: reed bed
ruoja {n} :: scoundrel, wretch, dog
ruoju {n} :: a traditional boot with strings or laces
ruoka {n} :: food
ruoka {n} :: meal
ruoka-aika {n} :: mealtime
ruoka-aine {n} :: foodstuff
ruoka-aineympyrä {n} :: food circle
ruoka-aitta {n} [historical] :: a farm storehouse used for storing meat, flour and fish
ruoka-aitta {n} :: foodshed (food-producing region)
ruokabanaani {n} :: plantain
ruokahalu {n} :: appetite
ruokahaluttomuus {n} :: lack of appetite
ruokahuolto {n} :: catering, food supply (infrastructure associated with such)
ruokailija {n} :: diner [one who dines]
ruokailla {vi} :: to have one's meal, to eat
ruokailu {n} :: eating (the act of eating food)
ruokailuaika {n} :: eating time
ruokailuastia {n} :: dining dish, dining vessel
ruokailuastiasto {n} :: dinner set, tableware
ruokailuhuone {n} :: dining room
ruokailuryhmä {n} :: dining set, dinette
ruokailutila {n} :: dining area
ruokailuväline {n} [rare] :: A piece of cutlery
ruokailuväline {n} [in plural] :: cutlery [UK], silverware [US] (collective ensemble of eating and serving utensils such as knives, forks and spoons)
ruokaisa {adj} :: [of food] filling
ruokajono {n} :: chowline, food line
ruokajuurikas {n} :: Any of the cultivars of beetroot that are used for human consumption
ruokakala {n} :: foodfish (fish used as human food)
ruokakauppa {n} :: grocery, grocer's, grocery store
ruokakauppias {n} :: food seller, grocer
ruokakello {n} :: dinner bell
ruokakerma {n} :: cooking cream, single cream (relatively low-fat cream)
ruokakilometri {n} :: food miles (measure of the environmental impact of food production)
ruokakoira {n} [neologism] :: a dog locating illegal food by its sense of smell during border checks
ruokakomero {n} :: pantry, larder (cool room used as food storage)
ruokakuljetus {n} :: meals on wheels (service in which food is delivered to those unable to cook for themselves)
ruokakulttuuri {n} :: culinary art
ruokakulttuuri {n} :: cuisine
ruokakulut {n} :: food costs, food expenses
ruokakunta {n} :: ménage, household
ruokakuponki {n} :: food stamp, especially when distributed as social welfare
ruokala {n} :: dining hall, canteen (small cafeteria or snack bar, especially one in a military establishment or place of work)
ruokalaji {n} :: dish, course
ruokalappu {n} :: bib
ruokalista {n} :: menu, bill of fare
ruokalukutaito {n} :: food literacy
ruokalusikallinen {n} :: tablespoonful
ruokalusikka {n} :: tablespoon (spoon)
ruokalusikka {n} [cooking] :: tablespoon (unit of measure; equivalent to 15 millilitres)
ruokamakkara {n} :: sausage used as or in food
ruokamenot {n} :: food expenses
ruokamulta {n} :: topsoil (the most fertile top layer of soil)
ruokamyrkytys {n} :: food poisoning
ruokaohje {n} :: recipe (a set of instructions for making or preparing food dishes)
ruokaöljy {n} :: cooking oil
ruokaomena {n} :: cooking apple (apple used as ingredient for various dishes, as opposed to an apple eaten fresh)
ruokapalkka {n} :: salary enough to pay for food only
ruokapalvelu {n} :: A usually municipal central kitchen which supplies the food to schools, daycare centers, municipal homes for elderly and other spots in which the municipality is responsible for providing food
ruokapankki {n} :: food bank (charity)
ruokaparsa {n} :: asparagus plant, Asparagus officinalis
ruokaperinne {n} :: culinary tradition
ruokapidot {n} :: feast with a meal or dinner
ruokaporno {n} :: foodporn
ruokapöytä {n} :: dinner table
ruokapula {n} :: food shortage
ruokaraha {n} [usually in the plural] :: food money, food allowance
ruokarauha {n} :: peace and quiet for eating or dining
ruokaretikka {n} :: radish, garden radish, Raphanus sativus (taxonomic species within the family Brassicaceae)
ruokarukous {n} [religion] :: A grace (short prayer of thanks before or after a meal)
ruokasali {n} :: dining room
ruokasieni {n} :: edible mushroom
ruokasooda {n} :: baking soda, NaHCO3
ruokasula {n} :: chyme
ruokasuola {n} :: table salt
ruokatabu {n} :: food taboo
ruokatalous {n} :: food management, food economy
ruokatalous {n} :: an independently acting and managed unit in terms of food procurement and cooking, such as a household, hospital, state school, etc
ruokatarpeet {n} :: food requirements or supplies
ruokatauko {n} :: meal break, bait
ruokatorvi {n} [anatomy] :: oesophagus, esophagus; in compound terms also translated with the adjective oesophageal, esophageal
ruokatunti {n} :: meal break (break in work or school for having a meal; despite the name the duration is usually less than one hour)
ruokatunti {n} :: lunchtime, lunch break, lunch hour (break in work or school usually at about midday for eating lunch; duration varies from 30 minutes up)
ruokavalio {n} :: diet
ruokavarat {n} :: food supplies
ruokaviini {n} :: wine to drink with food
ruokinta {n} :: feeding
ruokinta-aika {n} :: feeding time
ruokinta-astia {n} :: feeding container, feeding vessel
ruokintakatos {n} :: a small shed or canopy for feeding animals
ruokintapaikka {n} :: haunt (feeding place for animals)
ruokki {n} :: auk (birds of the family Alcidae)
ruokki {n} :: in plural (ruokit), the family Alcidae
ruokki {n} :: razorbill, Alca torda (type species of the family)
ruokkia {vt} :: to feed (usually of animals; also figuratively)
ruokkiminen {n} :: feeding (the act of feeding, mostly of feeding an animal)
ruokko {n} [dated] :: alimony
ruokkoamaton {adj} :: unkempt
ruoko {n} :: reed, cane
ruokohelpi {n} :: reed canarygrass, Phalaris arundinacea
ruokoinen {adj} :: reedy, cany
ruokokasvi {n} :: reed, cane (any such plant)
ruokokerttunen {n} :: sedge warbler, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
ruokokerttunen {n} :: reed warbler (bird of the genus Acrocephalus)
ruokokerttunen {n} [in plural] :: Acrocephalus (genus of small passerine birds)
ruokokieli {n} [music] :: reed (part of the mouthpiece of certain woodwind instruments)
ruokokutoja {n} :: southern brown-throated weaver (Ploceus xanthopterus)
ruokolahtelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Ruokolahti
ruokolahtelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Ruokolahti
Ruokolahti {prop} :: Ruokolahti
ruokomatto {n} :: reed matting, reed mat, matting
ruokonata {n} :: tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea)
ruokopilli {n} [musical instrument] :: reed pipe
ruokosirkkalintu {n} :: Savi's warbler, Locustella luscinioides
ruokosokeri {n} :: cane sugar
ruokosokerisiirappi {n} :: cane syrup, cane sugar syrup
ruokota {v} :: to tidy up
ruokota {v} :: to keep clean
ruokoton {adj} :: untidy
ruokoton {adj} :: scurrilous
ruo’onkorsi {n} :: reed cane
ruopata {v} :: to dredge
ruopia {vt} :: to scrape, to dig, to paw
ruoppa {n} :: mud, mire, sediment
ruoppaaja {n} [nautical] :: A dredger
ruoppaus {n} :: dredging
ruoputtaa {vt} :: to scrape, to scratch
ruori {n} [nautical] :: helm (steering wheel of a vessel)
ruorimies {n} [nautical] :: A helm, helmsman (member of crew in charge of steering)
ruoripotkuri {n} [nautical] :: rudder propeller, steering propeller, azimuth propeller, azimuth thruster
ruoska {n} :: whip
ruoskia {vt} :: To whip, (figurative) lash
ruoskija {n} :: whipper
ruoskinta {n} :: flagellation, whipping, flogging, scourging (punishment)
ruoste {n} :: rust (oxidized iron)
ruoste {n} :: rust [plant disease]
ruoste {n} :: rusty; inessive case is sometimes better translated into English with the adjective
ruostealppiruusu {n} :: alpenrose, Rhododendron ferrugineum
ruosteenesto {n} :: protecting or preserving against rust
ruosteenestoaine {n} :: anti-rusting agent
ruosteenestomaali {n} :: anti-rust paint, anti-corrosion paint
ruosteenpoistoaine {n} :: rust remover (substance)
ruosteenruskea {adj} :: rusty (of the rust color, reddish)
ruosteenruskea {n} :: rust (the rust color)
ruostegueretsa {n} :: red colobus monkey (Old World monkey of the genus Procolobus)
ruostegueretsa {n} [dated] :: western red colobus, Procolobus badius (West African monkey)
ruostehelttaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius fervidus
ruosteinen {adj} :: rusty
ruostekirppa {n} :: A flea beetle of the genus Neocrepidodera
ruostekurkkusirkku {n} :: Cretzschmar's bunting, Emberiza caesia
ruostenopsasiipi {n} :: brown hairstreak, Thecla betulae (species of butterfly)
ruostepääsky {n} :: red-rumped swallow (Cecropis daurica)
ruostepapurikko {n} :: wall brown, Lasiommata megera
ruostepilkku {n} :: spot of rust
ruostepyrstö {n} :: rufous bush robin, Cercotrichas galactotes
ruostepyrstöjakamari {n} :: rufous-tailed jacamar, Galbula ruficauda
ruosterastas {n} :: dusky thrush, Turdus naumanni
ruostesieni {n} :: rust (a reddish-brown fungus that cause a plant disease, order Pucciniales)
ruostesieni {n} [in the plural] :: the order Pucciniales
ruostesirppimatkija {n} :: brown thrasher, Toxostoma rufum
ruostesorsa {n} :: ruddy shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea)
ruostesuojaus {n} :: rustproofing
ruostetäpläkissa {n} :: rusty-spotted cat, Prionailurus rubiginosus
ruostua {vi} :: To rust, to get rusty
ruostuma {n} :: rusting, corrosion (a part of something that has undergone rusting or corrosion)
ruostumaton {adj} [metallurgy] :: stainless, rustproof
ruostumaton {n} :: Short for ruostumaton teräs, stainless steel
ruostumaton teräs {n} :: stainless steel
ruostumattomuus {n} [metallurgy] :: stainlessness
ruostunut {adj} :: rusted, rusty
ruostuttaa {vt} :: To rust (to cause to rust)
ruostuva {adj} :: rusting (in the process of rusting)
ruoti {n} [architecture] :: rib
ruoti {n} [botany] :: rib (main, or any of the prominent veins of a leaf)
ruoti {n} [botany, ornithology] :: rachis
ruotia {vt} :: To debone (a fish)
ruotiartisokka {n} :: synonym of isoartisokka
ruotimangoldi {n} :: Any cultivar of chard that has edible, thick and fleshy midribs
ruotimiinaajakärpänen {n} :: cabbage leaf miner, Phytomyza rufipes
ruotiselleri {n} :: synonym of varsiselleri
ruoto {n} :: fishbone, bone (bone of a fish)
ruoto {n} :: shaft, stem (main axis of a feather)
ruoto {n} [colloquial] :: spine, chine (backbone, especially of an animal)
ruoto {n} [zoology, ornithology] :: rachis
ruotoinen {adj} :: bony (having a lot of fish bones)
ruotomuura {n} :: spot-backed antshrike
ruotsalainen {n} :: Swede
ruotsalainen {adj} :: Swedish (of or relating to Sweden)
ruotsalainen {adj} :: Swedish (relating to the Swedish language)
Ruotsalainen {prop} :: surname
ruotsalainen oo {n} :: letter: å
ruotsalaisittain {adv} :: In a Swedish way
ruotsalaismies {n} :: Swedish man
ruotsalaisnainen {n} :: Swedish woman
ruotsalaistaa {vt} :: to make (more) Swedish
ruotsalaistua {vi} :: to become Swedish
ruotsalaisuus {n} :: Swedishness (state or property of being Swedish)
ruotsi {n} :: Swedish (language)
Ruotsi {prop} :: Sweden
ruotsidemokraatti {n} :: A Sweden Democrat; member or supporter of the Swedish political party Sverigedemokraterna
ruotsinkielinen {adj} :: Swedish-speaking
ruotsinkielinen {adj} :: Swedish (being expressed in the Swedish language)
Ruotsin kuningaskunta {prop} :: The Kingdom of Sweden
ruotsinlaiva {n} :: Any of the large, well-equipped, even luxurious ferries that run regular traffic between Sweden and Finland
ruotsinlaiva {n} :: Used also attributively to refer to the somewhat showy style in which these ferries are decorated
ruotsinlapinkoira {n} :: Swedish lapphund
Ruotsin Otava {prop} [rare] :: synonym of Pikku-Otava
ruotsinruotsi {n} :: The Swedish language spoken in Sweden (as opposed to the Swedish spoken in Finland)
ruotsinsuomalainen {n} :: Finnish Swede
ruotsinsuomalainen {adj} :: Finnish-Swedish
ruotsintaa {vt} :: To translate into Swedish
ruotsintorakka {n} :: oriental cockroach, water bug (Blatta orientalis)
ruotsinvoittoisesti {adv} :: in a manner that is greatly influenced by the Swedish language
ruotu {n} [historical, military] :: In the forced conscription system (often translated as "allotment system" into English, see Wikipedia article linked above) valid in Finland from 1682 to 1901, a group of estates responsible for providing an armed soldier for the crown
ruotu {n} :: (historical, military) Smallest operative grouping in the armed forces of Sweden consisting of 12 to 20 men, corresponding roughly to the platoon of modern armies
ruotu {n} [idiomatic] :: order, discipline; chiefly in the expressions laittaa (joku) ruotuun ("to discipline, impose order on someone"), poiketa ruodusta ("to step aside, deviate from the right or proper path, especially from an ideological point of view") and pysyä ruodussa ("to toe the line, fall in line")
ruotujakolaitos {n} [historical] :: allotment system (ruotujako) as implemented by the government
ruotuväki {n} [historical] :: military (armed forces of Sweden and Finland during the period when the formation of military units was based on so called allotment system, in which each ruotu, or a grouping of 2 to 6 estates, was responsible for providing one armed soldier to the crown)
ruotuväki {n} [by extension, colloquial] :: military (current armed forces of Finland)
Ruovesi {prop} :: Ruovesi (municipality)
ruoveteläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Ruovesi
ruoveteläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Ruovesi
ruovetinen {adj} :: alternative form of ruoveteläinen
ruovetinen {n} :: alternative form of ruoveteläinen
ruovikko {n} :: alternative form of ruoikko
ruovonpäristäjä {n} [archaic] :: synonym of pelikaani
rupatella {v} :: To chat
rupattelu {n} :: chat, chatter, chit-chat, small talk, smalltalk, tattle
rupeama {n} :: (working) time or period, often of irregular or indeterminate duration
rupeutua {vi} :: to scab (become covered by a scab or scabs)
rupi {n} :: scab (incrustation over wound)
rupi {n} :: eschar (dry, dark scab or scar, especially as a result of burning)
rupi {n} :: scab (potato disease)
rupi {n} :: scab (plant disease)
rupia {n} :: rupee
rupia {n} :: rupia
rupikonna {n} :: common toad, European toad, toad, Bufo bufo
rupilisko {n} :: great crested newt, Triturus cristatus
rupinen {adj} :: scabby
rupisammakko {n} [colloquial] :: toad, Bufo bufo
rupla {n} :: ruble (Russian monetary unit)
rupsahtaa {vi} :: to lose one's beauty or handsomeness, especially regarding the shape and firmness of body
ruptuura {n} [medicine] :: rupture
rusahdella {vi} :: To crunch, crack
rusahtaa {vi} :: to crack, to crunch
rusahtava {adj} [nonstandard] :: brownish (of a colour which resembles brown)
rusakko {n} :: European hare or brown hare, Lepus europaeus
rusauttaa {vt} :: to cause to crack or crunch once
rusehtava {adj} [dialectal] :: brownish (of a colour which resembles brown)
rusentaa {vt} :: to crush
rusentua {vi} :: to be crushed
rusertava {adj} [dialectal] :: brownish (of a colour which resembles brown)
rusetti {n} :: A bowtie
rusikoida {v} :: To pound
rusikointi {n} :: pounding
rusina {n} :: raisin
rusina {n} [pejorative] :: old woman
rusinainen {adj} :: raisiny
rusinakeitto {n} :: raisin soup
rusinamakkara {n} :: a sausage made of pork, barley groats and raisins
rusinanpoimija {n} :: cherry picker (one who picks the best for themself)
rusinanpoiminta {n} :: cherry picking
rusinasoppa {n} :: raisin soup
rusistiikka {n} [linguistics] :: The study of Russian language
ruska {n} :: autumn foliage, fall foliage (the process of leaves turning various shades of red, yellow, purple, and brown in the autumn)
ruska {n} :: the time during which autumn foliage or fall foliage occurs
ruskaa {v} :: alternative form of rusahdella
ruska-aika {n} :: autumn foliage season, fall foliage season
ruskea {adj} :: brown
ruskea {n} :: A brown color
ruskeahko {adj} :: brownish (of a colour, brown with hints of other colours; quite brown)
ruskea kääpiö {n} [astronomy] :: brown dwarf
ruskeakarhu {n} :: brown bear (Ursus arctos)
ruskeakastike {n} :: brown sauce
ruskeakaulalaiskiainen {n} :: brown-throated three-toed sloth, Bradypus variegatus
ruskeakielinen {n} [pejorative] :: brownnoser; sycophant
ruskeakielinen {adj} :: brownnosing
ruskeanharmaa {adj} :: taupe, brownish gray
ruskeanharmaa {n} :: taupe, brownish gray
ruskeankirjava {adj} :: of color, consisting of many shades with brown as the dominating color, often streaky or spotted; brindled
ruskean reiän ritari {n} [idiomatic, pejorative] :: fag (homosexual male)
ruskea sokeri {n} :: brown sugar (partially refined sugar which still contains molasses)
ruskehtava {adj} :: brownish (of a colour which resembles brown)
ruskein {adj} :: superlative of ruskea
ruskettaa {vt} :: to tan, suntan
ruskettua {vi} :: to tan, suntan (obtain a suntan)
ruskettunut {adj} :: tanned, suntanned
rusketus {n} :: tan
rusketusvoide {n} :: sunless tanning lotion (lotion that contains chemicals which, when applied to the skin, produce an effect similar in appearance to a suntan)
rusketusvoide {n} :: indoor tanning lotion (lotion that accelerates the tanning process induced by a tanbed or similar device by promoting the production of melanin)
ruskeus {n} :: brownness (quality of being brown)
ruskeuttaa {vt} :: to make brown
ruskeutua {vi} :: To brown
ruskistaa {vt} [cooking] :: to brown
ruskistua {vi} [of food] :: To brown (to become brown)
rusko {n} :: The reddish glow at or near the horizon during sunrise and sunset, see aamurusko, iltarusko
rusko {n} [as modifier] :: brown
rusko {n} :: brown horse
Rusko {prop} :: Rusko (municipality)
ruskohaikara {n} :: purple heron, Ardea purpurea
ruskohaiskiainen {n} :: beet carrion beetle, Blitophaga opaca, also Aclypea o.
ruskohapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula mustelina
ruskoherkkusieni {n} :: An agaric, Agaricus mediofuscus
ruskohiili {n} :: lignite, brown coal
ruskohiirimaki {n} :: brown mouse lemur, Microcebus rufus
ruskohyeena {n} :: brown hyena (Parahyaena brunnea)
ruskojalohaukka {n} :: brown falcon, Falco berigora
ruskokärpässieni {n} :: royal fly agaric, brown fly agaric, Amanita regalis (highly poisonous species of mushroom)
ruskokerttu {n} :: Dartford warbler, Sylvia undata
ruskokiivi {n} :: tokoeka, Apteryx australis
ruskokruunukerttuli {n} :: palm warbler, Dendroica palmarum
ruskolainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Rusko
ruskolainen {n} :: a person from or living in Rusko
ruskolevä {n} :: brown alga
ruskomaki {n} :: brown lemur, Eulemur fulvus
ruskomäntypistiäinen {n} :: A pine sawfly, of the Diprionidae
ruskomäntypistiäinen {n} :: Neodiprion sertifer, common pest of pine forests
ruskonuppiseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius rufoolivaceus
rusko-orakas {n} [mushroom] :: terracotta hedgehog (Hydnum rufescens)
ruskosotka {n} :: ferruginous duck, Aythya nyroca
ruskottaa {vi} :: to glow red (such as during a sunset)
ruskouunilintu {n} :: dusky warbler, Phylloscopus fuscatus
ruskua {vi} :: to crunch, crack
ruskuainen {n} :: yolk
ruskuaispussi {n} :: yolk sac
ruso {n} :: synonym of rusko
ruso {n} [modifier] :: red, reddish
rusohapero {n} :: rosy russula, Russula rosea syn. Russula lepida (species of brittlegill)
rusoherkkusieni {n} :: A species of agaric, Agaricus lutosus
rusojuuri {n} :: stoneseed (a plant of genus Lithospermum)
rusojuuri {n} [in the plural] :: the genus Lithospermum
rusokärpässieni {n} :: blusher, Amanita rubescens
rusokas {n} [mushroom] :: A mushroom of the genus Entoloma
rusokki {n} :: beggartick (any flowering plant in genus Bidens)
rusokoiranhammas {n} :: dog's tooth violet, Erythronium dens-canis (bulbous herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the family Liliaceae, only plant in its genus that is native to Europe)
rusokylkikerttuli {n} :: chestnut-sided warbler, Dendroica pensylvanica
rusomonninen {n} :: Adolfo's catfish, Corydoras adolfoi
rusoposkikerttuli {n} :: cape may warbler, Dendroica tigrina
rusoreunahapero {n} :: A species of brittlegill, Russula depallens
rusorintakerttu {n} :: subalpine warbler, Sylvia cantillans
rusorypykkä {n} :: wrinkled crust, Phlebia radiata (species of wood-decaying fungi)
rusotähtianis {n} :: star anise (evergreen tree Illicium verum, the fruit of which are used as spice)
rusotasku {n} :: black-eared wheatear, Oenanthe hispanica
rusottaa {v} :: synonym of ruskottaa
rusotyviseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A species of webcap, Cortinarius roseolimbatus
russakka {n} :: German cockroach, Blatta germanica
russistiikka {n} :: alternative form of rusistiikka
russofobia {n} :: Russophobia (fear of Russians)
rustailla {v} [colloquial] :: to write casually or repeatedly
rustata {v} [colloquial] :: to write
rustiikka {n} :: bossage
rustiikkatiili {n} :: rough brick, rustic brick
rusto {n} [anatomy] :: cartilage (tough connective tissue)
rusto {n} :: gristle (cartilage, when present in meat)
rustoinen {adj} :: cartilaginous (comprising cartilage)
rustokala {n} :: cartilaginous fish
rustokudos {n} [anatomy] :: cartilage (tissue)
rustolevy {n} :: cartilage disc
rustoliitos {n} [anatomy] :: cartilaginous joint
rustottua {v} :: to form cartilage, gristle
rustoutua {v} :: to form cartilage, gristle
rusty nail {n} :: rusty nail (cocktail)
rusupiirakka {n} :: a pasty similar to Karelian pasty filled with potato, rutabaga and pork flank
rutarousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius lacunarum
rutata {v} :: to crush
rutata {v} :: to crumple, rumple, crinkle
ruteeni {n} :: A Rusyn person
ruteeni {n} :: The Rusyn language
rutenium {n} :: ruthenium
rutherfordium {n} :: rutherfordium
rutiili {n} [mineral] :: rutile
rutiini {n} :: routine
rutiini {n} :: rutin
rutiiniluonteisesti {adv} :: routinely, like a routine
rutiinimaisesti {adv} :: in a routine manner, routinely
rutiininomainen {adj} :: routine (according to established procedure)
rutiininomainen {adj} :: routine (regular; habitual)
rutiininomainen {adj} :: routine (ordinary with nothing to distinguish it from all the others)
rutiininomainen {adj} :: routined (regulated by routine)
rutiinityö {n} :: routine work
rutiköyhä {adj} :: poverty-stricken, extremely poor; poor as a church mouse
rutiköyhä {n} :: pauper (extremely poor person)
rutikuiva {adj} :: bone-dry
rutina {n} :: crackle, crunch (sound of sand between gears)
rutina {n} [colloquial] :: constant complaint
rutinoida {vt} :: to routinize, routinise (make routine)
rutinoitua {vi} :: to become routined
rutista {v} :: To make a continuous crunchy voice
rutista {v} [colloquial] :: To groan, to complain
rutista {v} [colloquial, euphemism] :: To flatulate audibly
rutistaa {v} :: To crush
rutistaa {v} :: To squish
rutistaa {v} :: To squeeze
rutistaa {v} :: To crumple
rutistua {vi} :: to be crushed, squished, squeezed or crumpled
rutjake {n} :: scoundrel
rutka {adj} [colloquial, rare] :: plentiful
rutkasti {adv} [colloquial] :: a lot, plentifully
rutkuttaa {vi} [colloquial] :: to complain, to moan (about)
rutosidi {n} :: rutin
rutosti {adv} [colloquial] :: lots of
ruttaantua {vi} :: To be crushed
ruttautua {v} :: alternative form of ruttaantua
rutto {n} [pathology] :: plague
ruttoinen {adj} :: plagued (affected by a plague)
ruttojuuri {n} :: butterbur, a plant of the genus Petasites
ruttotautinen {adj} :: plagued; affected by plague
ruttu {n} :: dent
ruttu {n} :: wrinkle
ruttuinen {adj} :: wrinkly, crinkly
ruttuun {adv} :: into being crumpled or scrunched
rutussa {adv} :: crumpled or scrunched
ruuanlaitto {n} :: alternative form of ruoanlaitto
ruuansulatus {n} :: alternative form of ruoansulatus
ruuansulatushäiriö {n} :: alternative form of ruoansulatushäiriö
Ruuben {prop} :: Reuben (Biblical figure)
Ruuben {prop} [rather rare] :: given name of biblical origin
ruudikas {adj} :: powerful
ruuduittain {adv} :: by square or box
ruudukas {adj} :: checkered
ruudukko {n} :: grid (rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size)
ruudullinen {adj} :: checkered
ruudunlukuohjelma {n} [computing] :: screen reader (program)
ruuduttaa {v} :: to grid (to mark with a grid)
ruuhi {n} :: A dugout (boat)
ruuhi {n} :: A flat-bottomed boat
ruuhiarkku {n} :: dugout coffin
ruuhilaakso {n} :: A U-shaped valley
ruuhilöytö {n} :: find of a dugout boat
ruuhka {n} :: congestion, lots of traffic, traffic jam
ruuhka {n} :: jam, logjam, blockage
ruuhka {n} :: backlog
ruuhka-aika {n} :: rush hour
ruuhka-alue {n} :: congested area
ruuhkaantua {vi} :: alternative form of ruuhkautua
ruuhkajuna {n} :: rush hour train
ruuhkata {v} :: synonym of ruuhkauttaa
ruuhkatunti {n} :: rush hour
ruuhkauttaa {vt} :: to jam, to congest, to pile, to bottleneck
ruuhkautua {vi} :: to be congested; to bottleneck
ruukata {v} [dialectal] :: to be in the habit of, to do as a habit
ruukki {n} [historical] :: a type of industrial area by a body of water that produced metal products
ruukki {n} :: ironworks
ruukku {n} :: pot
ruukku {n} :: jar
ruukku {n} [archaeology] :: situla (deep ceramic vase with a wide opening)
Ruukkujen tasanko {prop} :: Plain of Jars
ruukuttaa {vt} :: to pot, to put in a jar
ruuma {n} [nautical] :: cargo hold
ruuma {n} [aviation] :: cargo bin, luggage hold (compartment in the plane used to transport check-in luggage)
ruumen {n} :: husk
ruumiillinen {adj} :: corporal (of or pertaining to the body)
ruumiillinen {adj} :: manual, when making reference to manual labor (=ruumiillinen työ)
ruumiillinen {adj} :: bodily
ruumiillinen {adj} :: physical (having to do with the body)
ruumiillisesti {adv} [of a punishment] :: bodily, physically; corporally
ruumiillistua {vi} :: to be embodied
ruumiillistuma {n} :: embodiment, epitome, incarnation
ruumiillistuma {n} :: avatar
ruumiinavaus {n} :: autopsy, dissection, post mortem
ruumiinjäsen {n} :: body part (extremity of a body)
ruumiinkieli {n} :: body language
ruumiinkuva {n} :: body image
ruumiinlämpö {n} :: body heat
ruumiinlämpö {n} :: body temperature
ruumiinmato {n} [pathology, archaic] :: cancer
ruumiinneste {n} [anatomy] :: bodily fluid (any liquid portion of the body)
ruumiinosa {n} :: body part (organ or part of an organism)
ruumiinpeite {n} :: An integument (outer protective covering of the body of an animal, such as skin or shell)
ruumiinpesijä {n} :: washer of the dead (one who washes a dead body before burial)
ruumiinrangaistus {n} :: corporal punishment
ruumiintarkastus {n} :: body search
ruumiintoiminto {n} :: bodily function
ruumiinvalvojaiset {n} :: deathwatch
ruumiinvoima {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: physical powers of one's body
ruumiiton {adj} :: bodiless, incorporeal
ruumis {n} :: body
ruumis {n} :: corpse, cadaver
ruumisarkku {n} :: coffin
ruumisarkkukoroke {n} :: catafalque (platform used to display or convey a coffin during a funeral, often ornate)
ruumisarkunnaula {n} [colloquial, humorous] :: coffin nail (cigarette)
ruumisauto {n} :: hearse (car)
ruumishauta {n} [archaeology] :: a grave in which a person has been buried without cremation
ruumishautaus {n} [archaeology] :: any burial method that does not involve cremation or incineration
ruumishuone {n} :: A morgue
ruumiskalmisto {n} :: an ancient graveyard where people were buried
ruumiskellari {n} :: sepulchre, burial cellar
ruumiskoira {n} :: cadaver dog
ruumislauta {n} :: a board on which a dead body was placed after it was washed but before burial
ruumispaarit {n} :: bier, hearse
ruumispussi {n} :: body bag
ruumissaatto {n} :: funeral procession
ruumistua {vi} [uncommon] :: to be embodied
ruumisvaatteet {n} :: shroud (dress for the dead)
ruumisvaunut {n} :: hearse
ruuna {n} :: gelding
ruunata {vt} :: to castrate a horse
ruunata {vt} [dialectal] :: alternative form of kruunata
ruunikko {n} :: bay (horse)
ruunu {n} [dialectal] :: crown
ruunu {n} [dialectal] :: krona (Swedish currency)
ruunu {n} :: coronet (ring of tissue between a horse's hoof and its leg)
Ruuska {prop} :: surname
Ruuskanen {prop} :: surname
ruustinna {n} :: wife of rovasti
ruusu {n} :: rose
ruusu {n} [pathology] :: erysipelas
ruusufinni {n} [pathology] :: rosacea (chronic condition characterized by redness of the face)
ruusuhapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula roseipes
ruusuhiottu {adj} [gemmology] :: rose cut (of gems, cut such that it is entirely covered with facets on the surface, and flat below)
ruusuikkuna {n} :: rose window
ruusuilla tanssimista {phrase} :: (no) bed of roses
ruusuinen {adj} :: rosy
ruusukaali {n} :: Brussels sprout
ruusukakadu {n} :: galah, rose-breasted cockatoo or galah cockatoo, Eolophus roseicapilla
ruusukapustahaikara {n} :: roseate spoonbill, Platalea ajaja or Ajaja ajaja
ruusukasvi {n} :: A plant of the family Rosaceae
ruusuke {n} :: rosette
ruusukirva {n} :: synonym of elokirva
ruusukivi {n} :: rosette (gem shape)
ruusukvartsi {n} [mineral] :: Pink quartz (pink variety of quartz)
ruusukvitteni {n} :: A plant of the genus Chaenomeles
ruusunmarja {n} :: rose hip, rose haw
ruusunmarjakeitto {n} :: rosehip soup
ruusunmarjatee {n} :: rosehip tea
ruusunnuppu {n} :: rosebud
ruusunpunainen {adj} :: rose-colored
ruusuöljy {n} :: rose oil
ruusupapu {n} :: runner bean, Phaseolus coccineus
ruusupeippo {n} :: red-billed firefinch, Lagonosticta senegala
ruusupippuri {n} :: Peruvian pepper, Schinus molle
ruusupuu {n} :: rosewood
ruusuripsiäinen {n} :: rose thrips, Thrips fuscipennis
ruusuruoho {n} :: field scabious, Knautia arvensis
ruususiipitulkku {n} :: crimson-winged finch, Rhodopechys sanguineus
ruususuola {n} :: Himalayan salt
ruusutimantti {n} :: rose diamond
Ruut {prop} :: Ruth [biblical character]
Ruut {prop} :: given name of biblical origin
ruuta {n} [plant] :: rue (plant of the genus Ruta)
ruutana {n} :: crucian carp, crucian (Carassius carassius)
ruuti {n} :: gunpowder
ruutikellari {n} :: gunpowder cellar
ruutimitta {n} :: a gunpowder measure
ruutipussi {n} :: bag of gunpowder
ruutisalaliitto {n} [historical] :: Gunpowder Plot (failed 1605 attempt to assassinate King James I of England by a group of English Catholics)
ruutisarvi {n} :: powder horn
ruutitynnyri {n} :: powder keg
ruutu {n} :: square (in other than mathematical context)
ruutu {n} :: rectangle (in other than mathematical context)
ruutu {n} :: box (a small square on a form that may e.g. be checked)
ruutu {n} :: hash, square, pound sign (#-symbol)
ruutu {n} :: screen (informational viewing area of electronic output devices)
ruutu {n} :: pane (individual sheet of glass in a window)
ruutu {n} :: check (a square or rectangular in a checkered pattern)
ruutu {n} :: hopscotch, hoppers (child's game)
ruutu {n} :: frame (of video; division of time on a multimedia timeline)
ruutu {n} [heraldry] :: fusil, lozenge
ruutu {n} [graphical user interface] :: pane
ruutu {n} [card games] :: diamond, diamonds
Ruutu {prop} :: surname
ruutuaika {n} :: screen time (the amount of time a person spends using technology)
ruutuakka {n} [colloquial, card games] :: synonym of ruutukuningatar
ruutuässä {n} :: ace of diamonds
ruutuhapero {n} :: A brittlegill, Russula virescens
ruutuikkuna {n} :: pane window
ruutujätkä {n} :: jack of diamonds, knave of diamonds
ruutukaappari {n} [computing] :: frame grabber
ruutukaava {n} :: grid plan (type of city plan)
ruutukakkonen {n} [cards] :: two of diamonds
ruutukasi {n} [cards] :: eight of diamonds
ruutukolmonen {n} [cards] :: three of diamonds
ruutukoodi {n} :: QR code (Quick Response code, a two-dimensional barcode)
ruutukuningas {n} :: king of diamonds
ruutukuningatar {n} :: queen of diamonds (a playing card)
ruutukuutonen {n} [cards] :: six of diamonds
ruutukuvio {n} :: checks (pattern)
ruutukymppi {n} [cards] :: ten of diamonds
ruutulippu {n} :: chequered flag
ruutumonninen {n} :: banded corydoras or bearded catfish, Scleromystax barbatus
ruutunelonen {n} [cards] :: four of diamonds
ruutupaperi {n} :: grid paper, graph paper
ruutupaperi {n} [idiomatic] :: back-of-the-envelope
ruuturouva {n} :: queen of diamonds
ruutuseiska {n} [cards] :: seven of clubs
ruutusotilas {n} :: jack of diamonds
ruutuvitonen {n} [cards] :: five of diamonds
ruutuysi {n} [cards] :: nine of diamonds
ruuvailla {vt} :: to screw, fasten with screws or twist a screw repeatedly
ruuvari {n} [colloquial] :: screwdriver
ruuvata {vt} :: to screw, fasten with screws, twist (a screw)
ruuvi {n} :: screw
ruuviakseli {n} :: screw axis
ruuviavain {n} :: screw spanner
ruuviholkki {n} :: screw insert
ruuvijärjestelmä {n} :: screw system
ruuvijarru {n} :: screw brake; a certain type of mechanical train brake
ruuvikara {n} :: screw spindle
ruuvikierre {n} :: thread (of a screw or nut)
ruuvikierre {n} :: helix
ruuvikiinnitys {n} :: screw fixation (fixing with screws)
ruuvikompressori {n} :: screw compressor
ruuvikoukku {n} :: screw hook
ruuvikuljetin {n} :: screw conveyor
ruuviliike {n} :: screw shop
ruuviliitos {n} :: screw fitting, screw fixation
ruuviliitos {n} :: a woodworking joint held together by screws
ruuvimeisseli {n} :: screwdriver (tool)
ruuvinkanta {n} :: screw head
ruuvinreikä {n} :: screw hole
ruuvinväännin {n} :: power screwdriver, electric screwdriver
ruuvipenkki {n} :: vise [US], vice [UK]
ruuvipihti {n} :: screw vise
ruuvipihti {n} [in plural] :: screw pliers
ruuvipinta {n} :: screw surface
ruuvipinta {n} :: helicoidal surface
ruuvipotkuri {n} :: screw propeller
ruuvipumppu {n} :: screw pump
ruuvipuristin {n} :: vise
ruuvipyörä {n} :: helical worm wheel
ruuvisilmukka {n} :: screw eye
ruuvisyöttö {n} :: screw or auger input into a snowblower
ruuvitaltta {n} :: screwdriver
ruuvitanko {n} :: screw bar
ruuvitunkki {n} :: screw jack, screw lifter
ruuviura {n} :: screw groove
ruuvivälitys {n} :: helical transmission
ruuviviiva {n} [mathematics] :: helix
ruveta {v} :: to begin or start to do something [+ active third infinitive in illative, first infinitive or noun in illative]
ruveta {v} :: to take up (to begin doing an activity on a regular basis) [+ active third infinitive in illative or first infinitive]
ruveta {v} :: to become or wish to become something in the future [+ translative]
ruvettua {v} :: synonym of rupeutua
rva {n} :: Mrs
Rva {n} :: abbreviation of rouva
ry {n} :: initialism of rekisteröity yhdistys
ryhähärkä {n} :: zebu, Bos primigenius indicus
ryhävalas {n} :: humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
ryhdikäs {adj} :: straight (posture opposite to slouch)
ryhdikkäästi {adv} :: straight (in a straight manner; standing up straight)
ryhdistää {v} :: to straighten
ryhdistää {v} :: to make more upright
ryhdistäytyä {v} :: to get a grip of oneself, to take hold of oneself, to brace oneself
ryhdistyä {v} :: synonym of ryhdistäytyä
ryhdittömästi {adv} :: limply, recklessly, sleazily
ryhmä {n} :: group, team
ryhmä {n} [military] :: squad
ryhmä {n} :: troupe
ryhmä {n} [mathematics] :: group
ryhmä {n} :: complex (assemblage of related things, collection)
ryhmäajo {n} :: driving in a group
ryhmäalennus {n} :: group rebate
ryhmääntyä {v} :: synonym of ryhmäytyä
ryhmäase {n} :: weapon or gun operated by a group as opposed to a single person
ryhmähenki {n} :: camaraderie, team spirit
ryhmähenkivakuutus {n} :: group life insurance
ryhmähomomorfismi {n} [algebra] :: group homomorphism
ryhmäjako {n} :: classification, division into groups
ryhmäjohto {n} :: cable from a distribution board
ryhmäkanne {n} [legal] :: class action, class action lawsuit (chiefly US, a lawsuit brought by a single plaintiff as a representative of a large group of others having a common interest)
ryhmäkasvi {n} :: bedding plant
ryhmäkeskeisyys {n} :: ethnocentrism
ryhmäkeskus {n} [electricity distribution] :: distribution board, panelboard
ryhmäkeskustelu {n} :: group conversation
ryhmäkirje {n} :: circular letter, circular
ryhmäkoko {n} :: group size
ryhmäkokous {n} :: group meeting
ryhmäkoti {n} :: group home
ryhmäkunta {n} :: faction, clique, party
ryhmäkuri {n} :: group discipline
ryhmäkuva {n} :: group shot, group photo, group picture
ryhmäkylä {n} :: a traditional Western Finnish village type where the houses were located close to each other
ryhmälähetys {n} [networking, computing] :: multicast
ryhmälähtö {n} [harness racing] :: group start
ryhmäleikki {n} :: group play (a children's play or game done in groups)
ryhmälippu {n} :: group ticket
ryhmänäyttely {n} :: group show
ryhmänjohtaja {n} :: group leader
ryhmänmuodostus {n} :: teambuilding, team building, group building, forming a group
ryhmänopeus {n} [physics] :: group velocity
ryhmäopetus {n} :: team teaching, group teaching
ryhmäostaminen {n} :: group buying
ryhmäpäätös {n} :: group decision
ryhmäpaine {n} :: peer pressure
ryhmäpsykoterapia {n} :: group psychotherapy
ryhmäpuheenvuoro {n} :: group floor or say
ryhmäruusu {n} :: a type of rose grown together with other roses
ryhmäsana {n} :: collective word, collective noun
ryhmäseksi {n} :: group sex
ryhmäsihteeri {n} :: secretary of a group
ryhmäteoria {n} [algebra] :: group theory
ryhmäterapia {n} :: group therapy
ryhmätuki {n} :: group support
ryhmätyö {n} :: teamwork
ryhmätyöhuone {n} :: teamwork study room
ryhmätyöskentely {n} :: group work
ryhmävakuutus {n} :: group insurance
ryhmävoimistelu {n} :: synonym of joukkuevoimistelu
ryhmäytyä {vi} :: to form (into) a group, to group up, to team up
ryhmitellä {vt} :: to group (divide into groups)
ryhmittää {vt} :: to group, to classify (divide into groups)
ryhmittäin {adv} :: in or by group or groups, divided into groups
ryhmittäinen {adj} :: per group; happening, occurring or delimited per group
ryhmittäytyä {vi} :: to form a or into a group
ryhmittyä {vi} :: to group, to form (into) a group
ryhmittymä {n} :: alliance, group
ryhmitysalue {n} :: grouping area
ryhmy {n} :: A knob
ryhmyinen {adj} :: gnarled, gnarly
ryhmysauva {n} :: cudgel
ryhti {n} :: posture
ryhti {n} :: carriage (manner)
ryhtivika {n} :: posture fault
ryhtyä {vt} [auxiliary, + active 3rd infinitive in illative] :: to set out (to do something), start (doing something), begin (to do)
ryhtyä {vi} [+ translative] :: to become (usually a proponent of a profession)
ryhtyä {vi} [archaic, + illative] :: to grab, touch
ryhtyä {vi} [law, + illative] :: to touch or interact with something or someone in a criminal manner or with something obtained through criminal means
ryhtyä varastettuun tavaraan {v} [legal] :: To take possession of stolen goods
ryhtymään {v} :: infinitive of ryhtyä
ryhtyminen {n} :: setting out to do something, beginning to do something
ryhtyminen {n} :: becoming (the act of becoming, often of starting work in a certain profession)
ryijy {n} :: rya (type of rug)
ryijy {n} [vulgar] :: beaver (female pubic hair)
ryintä {n} :: clearing one's throat (action of doing so)
ryiskellä {vi} :: to try to clear one's throat
ryittää {v} :: To make somebody to cough
rykäistä {vi} :: to clear one's throat, to harrumph
rykelmä {n} :: A cluster
rykelmittäin {adv} :: in clusters
rykiä {vi} :: to clear one's throat
rykiä {vi} :: to cough
rykiä {v} [dialectal] :: to be in rut; said especially of reindeer
rykimäaika {n} :: reindeer rut (period of sexual desire of the reindeer)
rykmentti {n} :: A regiment
rymähtää {vi} :: to rumble once (emit a low-pitched irregular noise)
ryminä {n} :: rumble, clash
rymistä {vi} :: to rumble (emit a low-pitched irregular noise, such as a truck on a bumpy road or stones being unloaded from a dumper)
rymistää {v} :: to rumble
rymistellä {vi} :: to rumble around, to crash around
rymisyttää {vt} :: to cause to rumble (emit a low-pitched irregular noise, such as a truck on a bumpy road or stones being unloaded from a dumper)
rymy {n} :: rumble
rymytä {vi} [onomatopoetic] :: to rumble, to make a rumbling noise
rynkky {n} [colloquial] :: assault rifle
rynkyttää {vi} :: to pull or tug strongly
rynnäkkö {n} :: A charge (attack)
rynnäkkökivääri {n} :: assault rifle
rynnäkkökone {n} :: ground-attack aircraft
rynnäkköpanssarivaunu {n} [military] :: infantry fighting vehicle
rynnäköidä {vi} [military] :: to sally, to charge
rynnäs {n} [nautical] :: one of the sides of the bow (of a ship)
rynnäs {n} [in the plural] :: breast or chest of a horse
rynnäs {n} [colloquial, chiefly in the plural] :: (female) breast
rynnätä {vi} :: to rush (run directly somewhere)
rynnätä {vi} :: to charge, attack
rynniä {vi} :: to barge (to intrude or break through in an unwelcome manner)
rynnistää {v} [military] :: to rush (make a swift or sudden attack)
ryntäillä {vi} :: to rush around (run or move quickly)
ryntäys {n} :: charge, drive, onrush, rush (forceful forward movement, rushing onward)
ryntäys {n} :: inrush, onslaught, rush (crowding or flooding in)
ryntäys {n} :: landrush, rush (scramble for limited resources)
ryntteet {n} [dialectal, colloquial] :: clothes
rynttyyt {n} [dialectal, colloquial] :: clothes
ryöhähtää {vi} :: to burst (into) (begin in a sudden and immediate manner)
ryöhätä {v} :: to do something suddenly or in a burst
ryökäle {n} :: scoundrel, wretch, dog
ryoliitti {n} [rock] :: rhyolite
ryömiä {vi} :: To crawl, creep
ryömijä {n} :: crawler (one who crawls by dragging oneself forward with hands and legs keeping the body down)
ryömijä {n} :: rover (vehicle for exploring extraterrestrial bodies)
ryömintä {n} :: creep, creeping
ryömintävaihde {n} :: crawler gear, creeper gear
ryönä {n} :: waste, rubbish, trash
ryöpätä {v} [cooking] :: to parboil (to boil shortly, especially some mushrooms in order to remove poison or bitter taste)
ryöppäys {n} [cooking] :: The act of parboiling mushrooms in order to remove poison from them
ryöppy {n} :: torrent, gush, gust
ryöppy {n} :: rain
ryöppy {n} :: burst
ryöpsähdellä {vi} :: to gush repeatedly
ryöpsähtää {vi} :: to gush
ryöpsäyttää {vt} :: to cause to gush
ryöpytä {v} :: to cascade, rush
ryöpyttää {v} :: to make something gush
ryöpyttää {v} :: to blast, scold
ryöstää {vt} :: to rob, plunder; to loot, sack
ryöstäjä {n} :: robber
ryöstäytyä {vi} :: ~ käsistä, ~ hallinnasta, etc. to get out of control (with very harmful consequences)
ryöstellä {v} :: to loot, maraud, pillage
ryöstö {n} :: robbery
ryöstömurha {n} :: robbery-homicide, robbery-murder
ryöstösaalis {n} [nautical, military science] :: booty, sack, plunder
ryöstötalous {n} :: plunder economy, looting economy
ryöstöviljellä {v} :: to flog the land
ryöväri {n} :: robber
ryövätä {vt} :: To rob, thieve, plunder
ryöväys {n} :: robbing
rypäle {n} :: grape
rypäle {n} :: cluster
rypälepommi {n} :: cluster bomb
rypälesato {n} :: vintage, harvest (of grapes)
rypälesokeri {n} :: glucose
rypäleviina {n} :: brandy made of grapes
rypäleviini {n} :: grape wine
rypäs {n} :: cluster
rypeä {v} :: to wallow
rypistää {v} :: To crease, wrinkle (to make a crease in)
rypistää {v} :: To frown, knot, pucker (to form wrinkles in the forehead)
rypistää {v} :: To crumple, rumple, crinkle (to press into wrinkles by crushing together)
rypistellä {vt} :: to crease, wrinkle or crumple repeatedly
rypistellä {vi} :: to frown (form wrinkles in the forehead)
rypistellä {vi} [colloquial] :: to resist
rypistyä {vi} :: to become wrinkled, to frill, to crumple
rypistymä {n} :: crease, wrinkle
rypistymätön {adj} :: wrinkle-free
rypistymätön {adj} :: uncreased
ryppy {n} :: wrinkle
ryppy {n} :: crinkle
ryppy {n} :: crease
ryppyillä {vi} [colloquial] :: to mess with, to pick on
ryppyinen {adj} :: wrinkled
ryppylimaseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: Cortinarius elatior
ryppyotsaisesti {adv} :: frowningly
ryppyvoide {n} :: wrinkle cream
rypsi {n} :: Brassica rapa subsp. oleifera, turnip rape, field mustard, bird rape, keblock, canola (a crop plant similar to but different from and often confused with rapeseed)
rypsiöljy {n} :: rapeseed oil (oil pressed from the seeds of field mustard [Brassica rapa, rypsi] or closely related rapeseed [Brassica napus, rapsi ], especially when used for technical purposes)
rypsiöljy {n} :: canola oil (food quality rapeseed oil)
rypsipelto {n} :: colza field (field of Brassica rapa)
rypyttää {vt} :: to crinkle, to rumple
rysä {n} [fishing] :: fyke net or fyke; a type of fish-trap consisting of tubular nets that are supported by hoops
rysähdellä {vi} :: to crash repeatedly (collide, fall or come down violently; make a sound of violent crashing)
rysähdys {n} :: crash (sound)
rysähtää {vi} :: to crash (collide, fall or come down violently; make a sound of violent crashing)
Rysälä {prop} [colloquial] :: A nickname of the city of Brussels
rysän päältä {adv} [idiomatic] :: red-handed, with a smoking gun
rysäys {n} :: crash (sound)
rysäys {n} :: stroke, one fell swoop
rysäyttää {vt} :: to crash (cause to collide, fall or come down violently; cause to make a sound of violent crashing)
ryskää {vi} :: synonym of ryskyä
ryskätä {v} :: synonym of ryskyä
ryske {n} :: crash (series of loud dull sounds such as from a falling tree)
ryskiä {v} :: synonym of ryskyä
ryskinä {n} :: alternative form of ryske
ryskyä {v} :: to crash (to make a series of loud dull sounds like e.g. a falling tree)
ryskyttää {vt} :: to thump, to thud, to pound, to bang
ryssä {n} [derogatory, ethnic slur] :: Russki, Russkie (Russian person), a Orthodox
Ryssä {prop} [derogatory] :: Russia
ryssäbotti {n} [Internet slang] :: a pro-Russian Internet poster
ryssänrenki {n} [historical, derogatory] :: A Finnish collaborator with the Russian army that occupied and plundered Finland between 1714 and 1721 during the Great Northern War
ryssänuuni {n} :: a type of stone arrangement found in Finland and Sweden, likely used as ovens
ryssäviha {n} :: Russophobia
ryssiä {v} [colloquial] :: to screw up
rysty {n} :: synonym of rystynen
rysty {n} [tennis] :: short for rystylyönti
rystylyönti {n} [tennis] :: backhand drive
rystynen {n} :: knuckle
rystysluu {n} :: knucklebone
rysy {n} :: fistfight
rytäkkä {n} :: fracas
rytäkkä {n} :: hustle, rush
ryteikkö {n} :: thicket, copse
ryteikkö {n} [figuratively] :: tangle, mess
ryteikköinen {adj} :: tangled (of or with vegetation)
ryti {n} [plant] :: common reed, Phragmites australis
rytikerttunen {n} :: reed warbler, Eurasian reed warbler, Acrocephalus scirpaceus
rytinä {n} :: clatter
rytistä {vi} :: to crash repeatedly (to make a series of loud dull sounds like e.g. a falling tree)
rytistää {v} :: to rumble
rytkähtää {vi} :: to crack once and suddenly (make a loud noise like that of cracking)
rytke {n} :: rumble, crash (dull low-pitched sound)
Rytkönen {prop} :: surname
rytky {n} [colloquial] :: worn out cloth
rytkyä {vi} [of loud sound] :: To crack
rytkyttää {vt} :: to cause to crack (make a loud noise like that of cracking)
rytmi {n} :: rhythm
rytmihäiriö {n} :: arrhythmia, dysrhythmia
rytmiikka {n} :: rhythmics
rytmikapulat {n} [musical instrument] :: claves
rytmikäs {adj} :: rhythmic, rhythmical
rytmikitara {n} [music] :: rhythm guitar
rytmikkäästi {adv} :: rhythmically
rytmikone {n} :: rhythm machine
rytmikorva {n} :: rhythm ear, rhythmic ear (skill in hearing rhythm)
rytmillisesti {adv} :: rhythmically, in terms of rhythm
rytminen {adj} :: rhythmic
rytminen voimistelu {n} :: rhythmic gymnastics
rytminsiirto {n} [cardiology] :: cardioversion
rytmiryhmä {n} :: rhythm section
rytmisesti {adv} :: rhythmically
rytmittää {vt} :: to make rhythmical, to pace
rytmittyä {vi} :: to become rhythmical
rytmitys {n} :: Setting the rhythm or pace of something; timing, pacing
rytökauris {n} :: hog deer, Axis porcinus
rytövarustus {n} :: abatis (means of defense made of felled trees)
rytyyttää {vt} :: to shake (a person)
ryväs {n} :: cluster
ryvässipuli {n} :: potato onion, multiplier onion
ryvästyä {vi} :: to cluster (form into a cluster)
ryvettää {vt} :: to dirty
ryvettyä {vi} :: to become dirty or soiled (both in concrete and abstract sense)
ryydittää {vt} [idiomatic] :: to spice, to spice up, to flavor
Ryynänen {prop} :: surname
ryyni {n} :: An individual grain of groats (hulled grain)
ryynimäinen {adj} :: consisting of individual grains
ryynimakkara {n} :: sausage made with groats
ryynit {n} :: grits, groats (hulled grain)
ryypätä {v} :: to sip, to drink, to toss off (have a drink)
ryypätä {v} :: to drink, to booze, to get drunk (to consume alcoholic beverages in quantity)
ryypiskellä {vi} :: to tipple, drink habitually
ryyppääminen {n} :: binge drinking, heavy drinking
ryyppäjäiset {n} :: drinking party, booze-up
ryyppi {n} [archaic] :: shot, drink
ryyppi {n} [historical] :: an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for volume half a jumpru
ryyppy {n} :: drink, dram, snifter (dose of a strong alcoholic beverage)
ryyppy {n} :: gulp, sip (amount of drink swallowed, not necessarily alcoholic)
ryyppy {n} :: primer (quantity of liquid which a centrifugal pump requires to start pumping)
ryyppy {n} [colloquial] :: choke (control on a carburetor to adjust the air/fuel mixture when the engine is cold)
ryyppykaveri {n} :: drinking buddy
ryyppylasi {n} :: shot glass
ryyppyputki {n} :: drinking-bout, binge (period of excessive consumption of alcohol, lasting at least days)
ryypyksiin {adv} [colloquial] :: into being drunk
ryypyksissä {adv} [colloquial] :: drunk
ryypytin {n} [colloquial] :: primer (device)
ryysätä {vi} [colloquial] :: to jostle (to move through by pushing and shoving)
ryysiä {v} :: alternative form of ryysätä
ryysis {n} [colloquial] :: rush, dense crowd of people
ryystää {v} :: to drink noisily; to slurp
ryysy {n} [pejorative] :: rag (worn-out or worthless piece of clothing)
ryysyinen {adj} :: ragged (wearing tattered clothes)
ryysyläinen {n} :: rag (shabby, beggarly fellow)
ryyti {n} :: herb, especially one that is used as spice
ryytineito {n} [botany] :: black caraway, nigella, Nigella sativa (plant)
ryytiseitikki {n} [mushroom] :: A webcap, Cortinarius percomis
ryytyä {vi} :: to congeal
ryytyä {vi} [colloquial] :: to get tired or exhausted