User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-e
-e {suffix} | :: Used to form the feminine of adjectives |
-e {suffix} | :: Abbreviation of -ième when an ordinal number is written with Arabic numerals |
e {m} | :: letter: e |
E {adj} | :: abbreviation of est; east |
E {m} | :: abbreviation of est; east |
E {letter} | :: letter |
-é {suffix} [grammar] | :: past participle root verb suffix of regular -er verbs, an inflected infinitive verb; -ed |
é- {prefix} | :: prefix indicating away, moving away from |
è {phrase} [Quebec] | :: she's, it's: contraction of elle est |
eagle {m} [golf] | :: eagle |
eastwoodien {adj} | :: Eastwoodian |
e-athlète {mf} | :: alternative form of ethlete |
-eau {suffix} | :: Forming diminutive masculine nouns, especially with the sense "young animal" |
eau {f} | :: Water, a liquid that is transparent, colorless, odorless and tasteless in its pure form, the primary constituent of lakes, rivers, seas and oceans |
eau {f} | :: In particular, rain |
eau {f} [chemistry] | :: The chemical compound with empirical formula H2O existing in the form of ice, liquid water or steam |
eau {f} | :: Natural liquid quantities or expanses |
eau {f} | :: Fluids such as sweat, formed and found in the body of man or animal |
EAU {prop} {mp} | :: UAE |
ÉAU {prop} [rare] | :: abbreviation of Émirats arabes unis (UAE, United Arab Emirates) |
eau bénite {f} | :: holy water |
eau de Cologne {f} | :: cologne (scented alcohol-based product) |
eau de Javel {f} | :: bleach |
eau de mer {f} | :: seawater |
eau de rose {f} | :: rosewater |
eau de source {f} | :: springwater (water originating from a spring) |
eau de toilette {f} | :: eau de toilette, toilet water |
eau de vaisselle {f} | :: dishwater |
eau-de-vie {f} | :: brandy |
eau douce {f} | :: fresh water (water with little salt) |
eau douce {f} | :: soft water |
eau dure {f} | :: hard water |
eau du robinet {f} | :: tap water |
eau-forte {f} | :: aqua fortis |
eau-forte {f} [arts] | :: etching |
eau gazeuse {f} | :: sparkling water, soda water |
eau lourde {f} | :: heavy water |
eau micellaire {f} [cosmetology] | :: micellar water |
eau minérale {f} | :: mineral water |
eau oxygénée {f} [chemistry] | :: hydrogen peroxide |
eau pétillante {f} | :: sparkling water, soda water |
eau plate {f} | :: still water |
eau régale {f} [chemistry] | :: aqua regia |
eau tonique {f} | :: tonic water |
eaux territoriales {fp} [international law] | :: territorial waters |
ébahi {adj} | :: dumbfounded, dumbstruck |
ébahir {v} | :: to astonish, to astound |
ébahissement {m} | :: astonishment |
ébarber {v} | :: to trim; to shave (remove excess) |
ébarboir {m} | :: A deburring tool; a tool to remove excess metal |
ébardoir {m} | :: Type of three-sided scraper used in carpentry |
ébat {m} [usually in plural] | :: frolic |
ébattre {vr} | :: to frolic |
ébattre {vt} [rare] | :: to frolic away |
ébaubir {v} [colloquial] | :: to astonish, flabbergast |
ébauche {f} | :: draft (early version of a written work) |
ébaucher {vt} | :: to sketch, rough out (a plan, picture); to draft (a piece of writing) |
ébaucher {vt} | :: to start up (a conversation, friendship etc.) |
ébaucher {vr} | :: to form, take shape |
ébaucher {vr} | :: to open up, start up |
ébaudir {v} [obsolete] | :: to amuse, entertain, lighten up |
ébavurer {v} | :: deburr |
ébénacé {adj} | :: Resembling ebony |
ébène {adj} | :: ebony, ebony-colored |
ébène {f} | :: ebony |
ébénier {m} | :: ebony (tree) |
ébéniste {m} | :: cabinetmaker |
ébéniste {m} [antiquated] | :: ebonist (a cabinetmaker who works in ebony) |
ébénisterie {f} | :: cabinetmaking |
éberluer {v} | :: to astonish, to wow |
éblouir {vt} | :: to dazzle |
éblouissant {adj} [literally and figuratively] | :: dazzling |
éblouissement {m} | :: glare, dazzle |
éblouissement {m} | :: dizziness |
ébonite {f} | :: ebonite |
éborgner {v} | :: to cause to lose an eye, take someone's eye out, have someone's eye out, gouge out an eye |
ébouer {v} | :: to clean up |
éboueur {m} | :: dustman (UK), garbage man (US) |
éboueuse {f} | :: feminine noun of éboueur |
ébouillanter {v} | :: to scald (to burn with hot fluid) |
éboulement {m} | :: crumbling (act, instance of crumbling) |
éboulement {m} | :: landslide |
ébouler {v} | :: to crumble or crumple |
ébouler {v} | :: to collapse |
éboulis {m} | :: mass of fallen rocks/earth |
éboulis {m} [geography] | :: scree |
ébouriffé {adj} | :: tousled, disheveled, untidy |
ébouriffer {v} | :: to ruffle, mess up (someone's hair) |
ébousiner {v} | :: to remove the 'soft crust' of a stone (which it has when taken out of the quarry) |
ébouter {v} | :: to hew off the point (of something) |
ébraiser {v} | :: to move or remove the embers (in or from a brazier) |
ébrancher {vt} | :: to remove the branches of a tree |
ébranlement {m} | :: shaking |
ébranlement {m} | :: shock |
ébranlement {m} | :: weakening |
ébranler {vt} | :: to shake, rattle |
ébranler {vt} | :: to weaken (health), disturb, unhinge (spirits) |
ébranler {vr} | :: to move off, set off (of vehicle) |
ébraser {v} | :: to widen; to splay |
ébréché {adj} | :: chipped |
ébrécher {v} | :: to chip; to dent |
ébriété {f} | :: drunkenness |
ébrillade {f} | :: The sudden jerking of a horse's rein when the horse refuses to turn |
ébriosité {f} | :: ebriosity |
ébrouement {m} | :: snort |
ébrouer {vr} | :: to snort |
ébrouer {vr} [of a bird] | :: to flap its wings |
ébruiter {v} | :: to divulge, to make public |
ébulliomètre {m} | :: ebulliometer |
ébullioscope {m} | :: ebullioscope |
ébullioscopie {f} | :: ebullioscopy |
ébullioscopique {adv} | :: ebullioscopic |
ébullition {f} | :: boiling, ebullition (the act of boiling) |
écabocher {v} | :: to cut off the tops of tobacco leaves |
écacher {v} | :: to flatten |
e caduc {m} | :: schwa |
écaille {f} | :: scale (of fish, reptile etc.) |
écaille {f} | :: shell (of tortoise, oyster) |
écaille {f} | :: tortoiseshell (manufacturing material) |
écaille de tortue {f} | :: tortoiseshell (shell of a tortoise or of a turtle) |
écaille de tortue {f} [invariable] | :: tortoiseshell cat; tortie |
écailler {v} | :: to scale (a fish) |
écailler {v} | :: to open (an oyster) |
écailler {v} | :: to chip (paintwork) |
écailler {vr} | :: (of paint, varnish etc.) to chip, flake (off) |
écailleux {adj} | :: scaly |
écale {f} | :: husk |
écale {f} | :: pod |
écale {f} | :: shell (of nut) |
écaler {v} | :: to peel, to pare (nuts, shell, egg etc) |
écanguer {v} | :: to scutch, swingle (hemp or flax) |
écarbouiller {v} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of écrabouiller |
écarlate {adj} | :: scarlet |
écarlate {f} | :: scarlet (color) |
écarquiller {v} | :: to open wide, to goggle |
écart {m} | :: space, gap, interval, distance |
écart {m} | :: difference (between numbers) |
écart {m} | :: discrepancy, disparity (between excuses, explanations) |
écart {m} [cards] | :: discard |
écart {m} [administration] | :: hamlet |
écarté {adj} | :: discarded |
écarté {adj} | :: removed, separated |
écarté {adj} | :: isolated, secluded |
écarté {adj} | :: back(ward), far from the main area |
écarté {adj} | :: stray (Louisiana) |
écarté {m} [cards] | :: écarté |
écartelé {adj} [heraldry] | :: quarterly; per cross |
écartèlement {m} | :: quartering |
écarteler {v} | :: to pull a body apart by the four limbs |
écarteler {v} [heraldry] | :: to divide a shield into four parts |
écartement {m} | :: spread, spreading |
écartement {m} | :: distance between two things |
écarter {v} | :: to separate, move apart |
écarter {v} | :: to spread, open (fingers, legs etc) |
écarter {v} | :: to draw (curtains) |
écarter {v} | :: to dismiss, rule out, turn down |
écarter {v} | :: to remove a person from a job or position |
écarter {v} [Louisiana] | :: to lose |
écarter {vr} | :: to withdraw, diverge, deviate |
écarter {vr} [Louisiana] | :: to stray |
écarter les cuisses {v} [colloquial, figuratively, of a woman] | :: to put out, to open one's legs |
écart type {m} | :: standard deviation |
écart-type {m} | :: alternative spelling of écart type |
ecchymose {f} | :: bruise (mark on body), ecchymosis |
ecclésial {adj} | :: ecclesiastical |
Ecclésiaste {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Ecclesiastes |
ecclésiastique {adj} | :: ecclesiastic |
ecclésiastiquement {adv} | :: ecclesiastically |
Eceh {n} | :: initialism of Escherichia coli entérohémorragique |
écervelé {adj} | :: scatterbrained, foolish, brainless |
écervelé {m} | :: fool, blockhead, idiot |
échafaud {m} | :: scaffold (elevated platform on which a criminal is executed) |
échafaudage {m} | :: scaffolding (system of tubes or poles used to support people and material) |
échafaudé {adj} | :: devised |
échafauder {vi} | :: to put up scaffolding |
échafauder {vt} | :: to devise, develop (a plan, theory) |
échalas {m} [horticulture] | :: stake, pole (to support plants etc.) |
échalas {m} [colloquial] | :: beanpole (thin person) |
échalasser {v} | :: to furnish with stakes |
échalier {m} | :: stile |
échalote {f} | :: shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) |
échancré {adj} | :: indented (coastline etc) |
échancré {adj} | :: low-cut, revealing (neckline etc) |
échancrer {v} | :: to scallop (cut in the shape of a crescent) |
échancrure {f} | :: indentation |
échancrure {f} | :: low neckline (or similar revealing feature) |
échancrure {f} | :: slot |
échange {m} | :: exchange |
échangeable {adj} | :: exchangeable |
échange de bons procédés {m} | :: two-way street, exchange of favours, exchange of courtesies, exchange of friendly services, like-for-like exchange, quid pro quo |
échange linguistique {m} | :: language exchange |
échanger {v} | :: to exchange, to swap |
échangeur {m} | :: interchange (on a motorway etc) |
échangeur {m} | :: exchanger |
échangeur {adj} | :: exchange (attributive) |
échangisme {m} | :: [sexuality] swinging |
échangiste {mf} | :: [sexuality] swinger |
échangiste {adj} | :: [sexuality] swinging |
échanson {m} | :: cupbearer (officer who is responsible for serving drinks to a king or noble) |
échanson {m} [by extension] | :: drink server (someone whose job is to serve drinks) |
échantillon {m} | :: sample, extract |
échantillonnage {m} | :: sampling |
échantillonné {adj} | :: sampled |
échantillonner {vt} | :: to sample, take a sample |
échantillonneur {m} [music] | :: sampler (electronic device) |
échappabilité {f} | :: escapability |
échappatoire {f} | :: loophole, escape route (method of escape) |
échappé {m} | :: escapee |
échappée {f} | :: escape |
échappée {f} | :: feminine noun of échappé |
échappement {m} | :: exhaust pipe (of a vehicle) |
échappement {m} | :: escape |
échappement {m} [horlogery] | :: escapement |
échapper {vi} [followed by à or de] | :: to escape (from), evade |
échapper {vt} [Quebec] | :: to drop an object unintentionally |
échapper {vr} [s'échapper followed by de] | :: to escape, break out [e.g., from prison] |
échapper {vr} [s'échapper] | :: to go away, run away |
écharde {f} | :: splinter (from wood) |
échardonnage {m} | :: deburring (of raw wool) |
échardonnoir {m} | :: a tool for removing thistles |
écharpe {f} | :: scarf |
écharper {v} | :: to cut to pieces; to tear to pieces |
échasse {f} | :: stilt (piece of wood used to appear taller) |
échasse {f} [ornithology] | :: One of a number of stilt birds, not always directly corresponding to stilt |
échassier {m} | :: stiltwalker |
échassier {m} | :: Any of a number of wading birds. (Note that this does not always directly correspond to English wading bird.) |
échauder {vt} | :: to scald |
échauffement {m} | :: warmup |
échauffer {v} | :: to overheat |
échauffer {v} | :: to excite, incite (imagination etc.) |
échauffer {v} [medicine, dated] | :: to inflame |
échauffer {vr} | :: to warm up |
échauffourée {f} | :: scuffle, brawl |
échauffourée {f} | :: skirmish, affray |
échauguette {f} | :: watchtower (attached to a medieval building) |
échauguette {f} | :: bartisan |
échéance {f} | :: expiry date, expiration date |
échéance {f} | :: redemption date, date of payment, due date |
échéance {f} | :: term (period of time) |
échéancier {m} | :: schedule |
échec {m} | :: failure |
échec {m} [chess] | :: check |
échec {interj} | :: check |
échec et mat {m} | :: checkmate |
échec et mat {interj} | :: checkmate |
Échécrate {prop} {m} | :: Echecrates |
échecs {mp} | :: chess |
échelle {f} | :: ladder |
échelle {f} | :: scale, proportion, size |
échelle {f} [figuratively] | :: ladder |
échelle chromatique {f} [music] | :: chromatic scale |
échelle de Beaufort {f} [meteorology] | :: Beaufort scale |
échelle de corde {f} | :: rope ladder |
échelle de Richter {prop} {f} | :: Richter scale |
échelle diatonique {f} [music] | :: diatonic scale |
échelon {m} | :: rung |
échelon {m} | :: echelon |
échelon {m} [Louisiana French] | :: soup bone |
échelonnement {m} | :: staggering, spacing out, spreading out |
échelonner {vt} [military] | :: to position [people, objects, etc.] at intervals |
échelonner {vt} | :: to space (something) out |
échelonner {vt} | :: to spread, stagger [payments, etc.] |
écher {v} | :: alternative form of escher |
écheveau {m} | :: skein |
écheveau {m} [figuratively] | :: web, tangle |
échevelé {adj} | :: tousled, dishevelled |
échevelé {adj} | :: frenzied |
échevin {m} [historical] | :: town magistrate |
échevin {m} [Belgium, Canada] | :: alderman, municipal councillor |
échidné {m} | :: echidna |
échine {f} | :: spinal column; backbone; spine of an animal |
échiner {v} | :: to break someone's back |
échiner {v} [Louisiana French] | :: to wear out, to tire |
échiner {vr} | :: to break one's back (both literally and figuratively) |
échiner {vr} [Louisiana French] | :: to tire oneself out |
échino- {prefix} | :: echino- |
échinocarpe {adj} [botany] | :: echinocarpous (having spiny fruit) |
échinococcose {f} | :: echinococcosis |
échinocoque {m} | :: echinococcus |
échinoderme {m} | :: echinoderm |
échinofaune {f} | :: echinofauna |
échinoïde {m} | :: sea urchin of the class Echinoidea |
échinomètre {m} | :: sea urchin (of the genus Echinometra) |
échinomyie {f} | :: spiny rat (of the genus Echimys) |
échinon {m} | :: An openwork box used to store curd for making cheese |
échinope {m} | :: globe thistle (of the genus Echinops) |
échinophore {adj} | :: echinophorous (spiny) |
échinozoaire {m} | :: sea urchin of the subphylum Echinozoa |
échiqueter {v} [heraldry] | :: to divide (esp. a coat of arms) into a chequered pattern |
échiquier {m} | :: chessboard |
échiquier {m} | :: treasury, exchequer |
écho {m} | :: echo (a reflected sound that is heard again by its initial observer) |
écho {m} | :: rumour |
échographie {f} | :: echography |
échographique {adj} | :: echographic |
échoir {vi} | :: to befall, to happen by chance |
échoir {vi} [legal, obsolete] | :: to become necessary (only used in the phrase le cas échéant) |
échoir {vi} [of an invoice] | :: to become payable, to be due |
écholalie {f} | :: echolalia |
échole {f} | :: obsolete form of école |
écholocalisation {f} | :: echolocation, echolocalization |
écholocation {f} | :: echolocation |
échoppe {f} | :: stall, booth, small shop |
échoppe {f} | :: a type of chisel with a flat or rounded side used by engravers to efface |
échotier {m} | :: A journalist who spreads rumours |
échotière {f} | :: feminine singular of échotier |
échotomographie {f} | :: echotomography |
échouage {f} | :: beaching, the state of a ship being run aground, or beached, in a voluntary fashion |
échouer {v} | :: to fail, fall through, miscarry |
échouer {v} [colloquial] | :: to end, wind up |
échouer {vti} | :: to ground, run aground |
échouer {v} [voluntarily] | :: to beach |
écimage {m} | :: the act of pollarding, the act of cutting off the top of a tree to allow better growth in the lower branches |
écimer {v} [horticulture] | :: to pollard, to prune a tree's top to improve the growth of its lower parts |
éclabousser {v} | :: to splatter, to splash |
éclabousser {v} [Louisiana French] | :: to shatter, to burst |
éclaboussure {f} | :: splash, splatter |
éclade {f} | :: A dish of mussels cooked among burning pine needles |
éclair {m} | :: lightning |
éclair {m} | :: flash |
éclair {m} | :: sparkle |
éclair {m} | :: éclair (pastry) |
éclair {adj} [postpositive, idiomatic] | :: Very fast |
éclairable {adj} | :: lightable; capable of being lit up, of being made more visible with light |
éclairage {m} | :: lighting (equipment, illumination) |
éclairage public {m} | :: street lighting |
éclairant {adj} | :: illuminated |
éclaircie {f} | :: sunny spell, bright interval |
éclaircir {vt} | :: to brighten (up) |
éclaircir {v} | :: to thin (down) |
éclaircir {v} | :: to clear up, solve, clarify (mystery, problem etc.) |
éclaircissage {m} | :: thinning out (of plants) |
éclaircissement {m} | :: A clarification, notably on an obscure subject |
éclair de génie {m} | :: stroke of genius |
éclairé {adj} | :: lit, illuminated |
éclairé {adj} [figuratively] | :: enlightened, informed, knowledgeable |
éclairement {m} | :: illumination |
éclairement {m} [physics] | :: illuminance |
éclairer {v} | :: to light up; to brighten |
éclairer {v} [figuratively] | :: to shed light on; to enlighten |
éclairer {v} | :: to scout |
éclaireur {m} [military] | :: scout |
éclaireur {m} | :: scout, boy scout |
éclat {m} | :: brilliance, shine, lustre |
éclat {m} | :: fragment |
éclat {m} | :: Strong reaction; scandal |
éclatamment {adv} | :: brightly, brilliantly |
éclatant {adj} | :: bright, brilliant, blazing, dazzling |
éclatement {m} | :: smash, burst |
éclatement {m} | :: boom (sound) |
éclatement {m} | :: breakup, split |
éclatement {m} | :: (verbal) outburst |
éclater {v} | :: to burst; to break, to shatter |
éclater {v} | :: to boom (make a loud noise) |
éclater {v} [literary] | :: to appear |
éclater {v} [literally or figuratively] | :: to shine |
éclater {vr} [colloquial] | :: to party; to have a great time, to have a ball |
éclater de rire {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to burst out laughing |
éclectique {adj} | :: eclectic (selecting a mixture of what appear to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles) |
éclectiquement {adv} | :: eclectically |
éclectisme {m} | :: eclecticism |
éclipse {f} [astronomy] | :: eclipse |
éclipse lunaire {f} [astronomy] | :: lunar eclipse |
éclipser {v} [astronomy] | :: to eclipse |
éclipser {v} [figuratively] | :: to eclipse, to overshadow, to surpass |
éclipser {vr} | :: to slip away, to escape |
éclipse solaire {f} [astronomy] | :: solar eclipse |
écliptique {m} [astronomy] | :: ecliptic |
éclisse {f} | :: splint |
éclisse {f} | :: spline |
éclopé {adj} | :: injured, lame |
éclore {v} | :: to hatch (for an egg) |
éclore {v} | :: to bloom (for a flower) |
éclore {v} [figuratively] | :: To hatch (to start, to begin existence) |
éclosable {adj} | :: hatchable, that can be hatched |
éclosion {f} | :: eclosion; hatching; the act of an egg hatching |
éclosion {f} [figurative] | :: sudden appearance of something |
écluse {f} | :: sluice, lock (of canal) |
écluser {v} [nautical, of a vessel] | :: to pass through a lock |
écluser {v} [colloquial] | :: to drink; to booze |
éco- {prefix} | :: eco- (relating to ecological topics) |
éco-blanchiment {m} | :: greenwash |
écoblanchiment {m} | :: greenwash |
écochimie {f} [chemistry] | :: ecochemistry |
écocide {m} | :: ecocide |
écocité {f} | :: synonym of écoville |
écoclimatique {adj} | :: ecoclimatic |
écoépidémiologie {f} | :: ecoepidemiology |
écœuramment {adv} | :: sickeningly, nauseatingly, disgustingly |
écoeurant {adj} | :: alternative form of écœurant |
écœurant {adj} | :: sickening, nauseating |
écœurant {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: very good, excellent |
écœurant {m} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: an annoying person |
écœurante {f} | :: feminine noun of écœurant |
écœurement {m} [literary] | :: nausea |
écœurement {m} | :: disgust, loathing |
écoeurer {v} | :: nonstandard spelling of écœurer |
écœurer {vt} | :: to nauseate |
écœurer {vt} | :: to disgust |
écœurer {v} [Quebec] | :: to annoy |
écolâtre {m} | :: schoolmaster of a medieval cathedral school |
école {f} | :: school |
école de la vie {f} | :: alternative form of école de vie |
école de pensée {f} | :: school of thought |
école de vie {f} | :: university of life, school of hard knocks |
école maternelle {f} | :: kindergarten, nursery school |
école normale supérieure {f} | :: A selective type of public service school (grandes écoles) providing training for researchers and teachers in France |
école primaire {f} | :: primary school |
école secondaire {f} | :: secondary school |
écolier {m} [historical] | :: (university) student (especially in the Middle Ages) |
écolier {m} | :: schoolboy |
écolière {f} | :: schoolgirl |
écolo {adj} | :: eco |
écologie {f} | :: ecology (branch of biology) |
écologique {adj} | :: ecologic, ecological |
écologique {adj} | :: ecologically friendly, environmentally friendly, sustainable, green |
écologiquement {adv} | :: ecologically |
écologisant {adj} | :: greening |
écologiser {v} | :: To green (make more ecologically-friendly) |
écologisme {m} | :: synonym of environnementalisme |
écologiste {mf} | :: environmentalist (the political position) |
écologiste {mf} | :: ecologist (in common language. Often used, but rigorously, a scholar in environment science is an écologue) |
écologue {mf} | :: ecologist |
ecommerçant {adj} | :: e-commercial |
écomusée {m} | :: ecomuseum |
éconduire {v} | :: to dismiss, to get rid of (someone) |
éconduire {v} | :: to refuse, to reject |
économat {m} | :: bursary |
économe {adj} | :: penny-wise; thrifty; economical |
économe {mf} | :: bursar |
économe {mf} | :: vegetable peeler |
économétrie {f} | :: econometrics (branch of economics) |
économétrique {adj} | :: econometric |
économétriquement {adv} | :: econometrically |
économie {f} | :: economy |
économie {f} | :: economics (the science) |
économie circulaire {f} | :: circular economy |
économie de marché {f} [economics] | :: market economy |
économie planifiée {f} [economics] | :: planned economy |
économie politique {f} | :: political economy |
économies {fp} | :: savings |
économies d'échelle {fp} [economy] | :: economies of scale |
économie souterraine {f} [economics] | :: underground economy, shadow economy |
économique {adj} | :: economic (pertaining to economy) |
économique {adj} | :: economic (frugal) |
économiquement {adv} | :: economically |
économiser {v} | :: to economise (to conserve money) |
économiseur {m} | :: economiser |
économisme {m} [economics] | :: economism |
économiste {mf} | :: economist |
écopaysager {v} | :: To landscape in an environmentally-friendly manner |
écope {f} [nautical] | :: bailer, baler (for bailing out a vessel) |
écoper {v} [nautical] | :: to bail out |
écoper {v} [colloquial] | :: to get |
écoper {v} [de, .colloquial] | :: to be on the receiving end |
écoperche {f} | :: supporting boom, pole holding something in a scaffolding or a ship |
écophysiologie {f} | :: ecophysiology |
écoquartier {m} | :: ecodistrict |
écorce {f} | :: bark (of a tree) |
écorce {f} | :: peel (of certain fruits) |
écorce {f} | :: crust (of the Earth) |
écorcer {v} | :: to debark, to strip the bark from a tree |
écorceur {m} | :: debarker |
écorché {adj} | :: flayed, skinned |
écorché {adj} | :: hypersensitive |
écorché {m} | :: écorché |
écorcher {v} | :: to skin (to remove the skin off) |
écorcher {vr} | :: to graze (one's body) |
écorchure {f} | :: burn (on the skin) |
écorchure {f} | :: graze (on the skin) |
écorégion {f} | :: eco-region |
éco-responsable {adj} | :: alternative form of écoresponsable |
écoresponsable {adj} | :: eco-responsible |
écorner {v} [agriculture] | :: to remove the horns of; dehorn |
écorner {v} [figuratively or literally] | :: to chip or dent |
écorner {v} | :: to dog-ear |
écornifler {v} | :: to cadge |
écornifler {v} | :: to importune |
écosocialisme {m} | :: ecosocialism |
écosocialiste {adj} | :: ecosocialist |
écosocialiste {mf} | :: ecosocialist |
écosphère {f} [ecology] | :: ecosphere |
Ecossais {m} | :: alternative form of Écossais |
écossais {adj} | :: Scottish |
écossais {m} | :: Scots language |
Écossais {m} | :: Scotsman |
Ecossaise {f} | :: alternative form of Écossaise |
Écossaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Écossais; Scotswoman |
Ecosse {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Écosse |
Écosse {prop} {f} | :: Scotland |
écosser {v} | :: to shell (e.g. a nut) |
écosseur {m} | :: sheller |
écosseuse {f} | :: feminine singular of écosseur |
écosystème {m} | :: ecosystem |
écosystémique {adj} | :: ecosystemic |
écot {m} | :: share |
écot {m} | :: scot (tax) |
écotechnologie {f} | :: ecotechnology (environmental technology) |
écotechnologique {adj} | :: ecotechnological |
écotone {m} | :: ecotone (a region of transition) |
écotourisme {m} | :: ecotourism (responsible travel) |
écotoxicité {f} | :: ecotoxicity |
écotoxicologie {f} | :: ecotoxicology |
écotoxicologique {adj} | :: ecotoxicological |
écotoxique {adj} | :: ecotoxic |
écoulage {m} | :: flowing, overflowing |
écoulage {m} | :: production of grape juice (for wine) from grapes |
écoulement {m} | :: flow (the movement of a fluid) |
écouler {v} | :: to sell off, to shift |
écouler {vr} | :: to flow |
écouler {vr} [of time] | :: to pass, to elapse |
écouler {vr} [of one's fortune] | :: to diminish, to dwindle away slowly |
écoumène {m} | :: ecumene |
écourter {v} | :: to shorten, curtail (make shorter e.g. by cutting) |
écourter {vr} | :: to shorten [become shorter] |
écourter {v} | :: to dock, clip (cut the tail of e.g. a dog) |
écourter {v} | :: to cut short, curtail (shorten the time of something) |
écourter {v} | :: to cut short, cut |
écoute {f} | :: the act of listening |
écoute {f} [always in plural] | :: listening in, especially short for écoutes téléphoniques (phone hacking) |
écoute {f} [nautical] | :: sheet (line to control a sail) |
écouter {vi} | :: to listen |
écouter {vt} | :: to listen to |
écoute-s'il-pleut {m} | :: (type of) watermill |
écoute-s'il-pleut {m} [figuratively] | :: pipedream, castle in the air |
écoutes téléphoniques {f} [plurale tantum] | :: phone hacking, phone tapping |
écouteur {m} | :: listener (one who listens) |
écouteur {m} [usually, in the plural] | :: earpiece, earphone |
écouteur {m} [in plural] | :: headphones, headset |
écouteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of écouteur |
écoutille {f} | :: hatch, hatchway |
écoville {f} | :: ecotown, ecocity |
écozone {f} | :: ecozone |
écrabouiller {v} | :: to squash, crush |
écran {m} | :: screen |
écran de fumée {m} | :: smokescreen |
écran de fumée {m} [figuratively] | :: smokescreen, smoke and mirrors |
écran de veille {m} [computing] | :: screensaver |
écraniste {mf} [nonstandard] | :: synonym of cinéaste |
écran plat {m} | :: flatscreen |
écran tactile {m} | :: touch screen |
écrantage {m} | :: screening (protection by means of a screen) |
écranter {v} | :: To screen (especially from electromagnetic fields) |
écrapoutir {v} [Quebec] | :: to squash, to crush |
écrasant {adj} | :: crushing |
écrasant {adj} | :: overwhelming |
écrasement {m} | :: crushing |
écrasement {m} | :: crash (of an airplane) |
écrase-merde {m} [France, slang] | :: shoe |
écraser {v} | :: to squash |
écraser {v} | :: to obliterate |
écraser {v} [cooking] | :: to mash (vegetables), to crush (garlic) |
écraser {v} [figuratively] | :: to thrash, to crush, to win by a large margin |
écraser {vr} [France, slang] | :: to shut up |
écraser {vr} [of an aircraft] | :: to crash |
écraser une mouche avec un marteau {v} [figuratively] | :: to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut |
écraseur {adj} | :: crushing; which crushes |
écraseur {m} | :: crusher |
écraseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of écraseur |
écrémage {m} | :: skimming, creaming off |
écrémer {v} | :: to skim (milk) |
écrêtage {m} | :: clipping |
écrêteur {m} | :: limiter, suppressor |
écrevisse {f} | :: crayfish, crawfish |
écrevisse signal {f} | :: signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) |
écrier {vp} | :: to exclaim |
écrier {vp} | :: to yell, scream |
écrin {m} | :: jewel case, jewel box |
écrin {m} | :: box (of jewels) |
écrire {v} | :: to write |
écrit {adj} | :: written |
écrit {m} | :: writing |
écriteau {m} | :: sign, notice |
écritoire {f} | :: writing case |
écriture {f} | :: writing |
écriture {f} | :: scripture |
écriture {f} | :: handwriting |
écriture inclusive {f} | :: gender-neutral writing |
écrivable {adj} | :: Writable |
écrivaillon {m} | :: scribbler, hack (mediocre writer) |
écrivain {m} | :: writer |
écrivaine {f} | :: feminine noun of écrivain |
écrou {m} | :: nut (that fits on a bolt), female screw |
écrou {m} | :: A prison register, prison admission form |
écrouelles {fp} [pathology] | :: scrofula |
écrouer {v} | :: to lock up, to imprison |
écrouissage {m} [metallurgy] | :: work hardening, cold working |
écrouissage {m} [metallurgy] | :: cold work |
écroulement {m} | :: collapse |
écrouler {vp} | :: to collapse |
écru {adj} | :: raw (of materials) |
ectasie {f} [pathology] | :: ectasis |
ecto- {prefix} | :: ecto- |
ectoblaste {m} [dated, biology] | :: ectoblast |
ectoderme {m} | :: ectoderm |
ectogenèse {f} [biology] | :: ectogenesis |
éctoïne {f} [organic compound] | :: ectoine |
-ectomie {suffix} [surgery] | :: -ectomy |
ectomie {f} [surgery] | :: ectomy |
ectoparasitisme {m} [biology] | :: ectoparasitism |
ectopique {adj} | :: ectopic |
ectoplasme {m} | :: ectoplasm |
ectoplasmique {adj} | :: ectoplasmic |
ectoprocte {m} | :: bryozoan, ectoproct |
ectosymbiose {f} [biology] | :: ectosymbiosis |
ectosymbiote {m} [biology] | :: ectosymbiont |
ectosymbiotique {adj} [biology] | :: ectosymbiotic |
ectotherme {mf} [biology] | :: ectotherm |
ectothermique {adj} [biology] | :: ectothermic |
écu {m} | :: shield |
écu {m} [historical] | :: écu |
écueil {m} | :: (shallow) reef, shelf |
écueil {m} [figuratively] | :: pitfall, stumbling block |
écuelle {f} | :: bowl |
écuelle {f} | :: bowlful |
éculé {adj} | :: bottomless; having lost its bottom or base |
éculé {adj} [by extension] | :: obsolete; unneeded |
éculé {adj} | :: hackneyed |
éculer {v} | :: to damage or remove the bottom of something; particularly the sole of a shoe |
écumage {m} | :: skimming (removing scum from a liquid) |
écumant {adj} | :: foaming; frothing |
écume {f} | :: foam |
écume de mer {f} | :: seafoam |
écume de mer {f} | :: meerschaum |
écuménique {adj} | :: ecumenical |
écuméniquement {adv} | :: ecumenically |
écumer {vi} | :: to foam, foam up, froth, froth up |
écumer {vi} | :: to lather (as of a horse) |
écumer {vt} | :: to unfoam, remove foam from |
écumer {vt} | :: to take the scum off |
écumer {vt} | :: to skim |
écumer {v} [figuratively] | :: to scour (shops, etc., looking for something) |
écumeux {adj} | :: frothy, foamy |
écumeux {adj} | :: scummy |
écumoire {f} | :: slotted spoon, skimmer, skimming ladle |
écurer {v} | :: to clean thoroughly |
écureuil {m} | :: squirrel |
écureuil d'Eurasie {m} | :: red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) |
écureuil gris {m} | :: gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) |
écureuil occidental {m} | :: gray squirrel (Sciurus griseus) |
écureuil roux {m} | :: red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) |
écurie {f} | :: stable |
écurie {f} [figuratively, messy place] | :: pigsty |
écurie {f} [motor racing] | :: constructor |
écusson {m} | :: insignia, badge |
écusson {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: escutcheon |
écusson {m} | :: bark of a tree containing what will become a bud (used in grafting) |
écuyer {m} [historical] | :: squire, equerry |
écuyer {m} | :: rider, horseman |
écuyère {f} | :: feminine noun of écuyer |
écuyère {f} | :: rider (female), horsewoman |
eczéma {m} | :: eczema |
ed {m} | :: eth |
éd. {m} | :: ed. (editor) |
éd. {m} | :: ed. (edition) |
édam {m} | :: Edam cheese |
e dans l'a {m} | :: Name of the ligature æ / Æ |
e dans l'o {m} | :: Name of the ligature œ / Œ |
édaphique {adj} [soil science] | :: edaphic |
édaphiquement {adv} | :: edaphically |
édaphologie {f} | :: edaphology |
edelweiss {m} | :: edelweiss |
édelweiss {m} | :: alternative spelling of edelweiss |
éden {m} | :: Eden (earthly paradise) |
édenté {adj} | :: toothless (having no teeth) |
édenter {v} | :: to remove teeth |
Edgar {prop} | :: given name |
édicté {adj} | :: promulgated, enacted |
édicter {vt} | :: to promulgate or enact |
édicule {m} | :: aedicula |
édifiant {adj} | :: edifying |
édifiant {adj} | :: uplifting |
édification {f} | :: building, edification (act of building) |
édifice {m} | :: building, structure |
édifier {v} | :: to construct, erect, edify |
édile {m} | :: aedile |
édile {m} | :: city magistrate or councillor |
édilitaire {adj} | :: municipal administration (attributive) |
édilité {f} | :: aedileship |
Édimbourg {prop} | :: Édimbourg (capital city) |
Édimbourg {prop} | :: Édimbourg (council area) |
édit {m} | :: An edict, type of legislative and/or judicial proclamation, originally emanating from a Roman magistrate |
éditable {adj} | :: editable |
éditer {v} | :: to publish |
éditer {v} | :: to edit (be the editor of) |
éditer {v} | :: edit (to change a text, or a document) |
éditeur {m} | :: editor; publisher |
éditeur de texte {m} [computing] | :: text editor |
Édith {prop} | :: given name |
édition {f} | :: edition (of a magazine, etc.) |
éditique {f} | :: desktop publishing |
édito {m} | :: editorial, leader |
éditorial {adj} | :: editorial |
éditorial {m} [journalism] | :: editorial |
éditorialiser {v} | :: To editorialize |
éditorialiste {m} | :: editorialist |
éditrice {f} | :: (female) editor |
Edmée {prop} {f} | :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Edmond |
Edmond {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Edmonton {prop} | :: Edmonton (capital city) |
édomite {adj} | :: Edomite (attributive) |
Edouard {prop} {m} | :: given name, typographical variant of Édouard |
Édouard {prop} | :: given name |
édouardien {adj} | :: Edwardian |
-èdre {suffix} | :: seat |
-èdre {suffix} [geometry] | :: -hedron |
édredon {m} | :: eiderdown |
-édrique {suffix} | :: -hedral |
éducable {adj} | :: educable (capable of being educated) |
éducateur {m} | :: educator, teacher, instructor |
éducateur {m} | :: educationalist |
éducatif {adj} | :: educational, educative (inspiring to learn) |
éducation {f} | :: education (all meanings) |
éducation {f} | :: upbringing |
éducation civique {m} | :: civics |
éducation spécialisée {f} | :: special education |
éducativement {adv} | :: educationally |
éducatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of éducateur |
éducologie {f} | :: educology |
édulcorant {m} | :: sweetener |
édulcoré {adj} | :: sweetened |
édulcorer {vt} | :: to sweeten |
édulcorer {vt} | :: to tone down, bowdlerize |
éduquer {v} | :: to educate (all meanings) |
Edwige {prop} | :: given name |
-ée {suffix} | :: Forming feminine nouns having the sense of ‘something contained by’ (the root word) |
EEE {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Espace économique européen (the European Economic Area, EEA) |
effaçable {adj} | :: erasable |
efface {f} [Quebec] | :: eraser |
effacement {m} | :: erasure (act of erasing) |
effacer {v} | :: to erase |
effacer {v} | :: to efface |
effaceur {m} | :: eraser (something used to erase markings) |
effarant {adj} | :: outrageous; breathtaking; stunning |
effaré {adj} | :: aghast, alarmed |
effarement {m} | :: alarm |
effarement {m} | :: bewilderment |
effarer {vt} [usually of an animal] | :: to alarm; to shake up; to scare |
effarouchement {m} | :: alarm, scare |
effaroucher {vt} | :: to scare off, frighten away (an animal) |
effaroucher {vt} [figuratively] | :: to frighten, alarm (someone) |
effaroucher {vt} | :: to shock |
effe {m} | :: letter: f |
effecteur {m} | :: effector (all senses) |
effectif {m} | :: number of members of a group |
effectif {m} [sports] | :: lineup (of a team) |
effectif {adj} | :: real, actual |
effectivement {adv} | :: indeed |
effectivement {adv} [rare] | :: really, actually |
effectuer {v} | :: to effect |
effectuer {v} | :: to work out (a calculation) |
effectuer {v} | :: to carry out (an experiment) |
effectuer {v} | :: to execute (an operation) |
effectuer {v} | :: to bring about (reconciliation) |
effectuer {v} | :: to hold (a sale) |
effectuer {v} | :: to accomplish |
effectuer {v} | :: to make (a purchase) |
effectuer {v} | :: to run (some tests) |
efféminé {adj} [usually, of a person] | :: effeminate |
efféminément {adv} | :: effeminately |
efférence {f} [anatomy] | :: efference |
effervescence {f} | :: effervescence |
effervescent {adj} | :: effervescent |
effet {m} | :: effect |
effet {m} [ball sports] | :: spin, bend, curl |
effet bœuf {m} [colloquial] | :: a very surprising, unexpected effect |
effet boule de neige {m} [figuratively] | :: snowball effect |
effet de manche {m} [pejorative] | :: arm waving, grandstanding |
effet de serre {m} [ecology] | :: greenhouse effect (process by which a planet is warmed by its atmosphere) |
effet de seuil {m} [sciences, economics] | :: threshold effect |
effet de souffle {m} | :: blast effect (injuries resulting from a blast) |
effet domino {m} [figuratively] | :: domino effect |
effet Matilda {m} | :: Matilda effect |
effet papillon {m} | :: butterfly effect |
effet personnel {m} [usually plural] | :: personal effect |
effet secondaire {m} | :: side effect |
effet serre {m} [rare] | :: alternative form of effet de serre |
effeuillage {m} | :: striptease |
effeuiller {vt} | :: to thin out (the leaves of a tree, bush etc.); to pick or pull the leaves or petals from |
effeuiller {vr} | :: to lose its leaves, shed its leaves |
effeuiller {v} [by extension] | :: to strip (perform a striptease) |
effeuiller la marguerite {v} [idiomatic] | :: To play "she loves me, she loves me not" |
effeuilleur {m} | :: stripper (male) |
effeuilleuse {f} | :: stripper (female dancer who performs a striptease) |
efficace {adj} | :: effective |
efficace {adj} | :: efficacious |
efficacement {adv} | :: efficiently; effectively |
efficacité {f} | :: efficacy |
efficience {f} | :: effectiveness, efficiency |
efficient {adj} | :: efficient |
efficient {adj} | :: effective |
effigie {f} | :: An effigy |
effilé {adj} | :: slender |
effilé {adj} | :: sharp |
effiler {vt} | :: to thin, taper |
effiler {vt} | :: to fray |
effilochement {m} | :: fraying, unravelling |
effilocher {vt} | :: to fray |
effilocher {vp} | :: to fray |
effiloquer {v} | :: to fray cloth into tatters |
efflanqué {adj} | :: emaciated, scrawny |
effleurement {m} | :: light touch |
effleurer {v} | :: to stroke gently, to touch lightly |
effleurer {v} | :: to brush over, to brush past |
effleurer {v} [figuratively] | :: to skim over (a subject) |
effleurir {v} | :: To effloresce |
effluent {adj} | :: effluent |
effluent {m} | :: effluent |
effluve {m} | :: emanation (something that emanates) |
effluve {m} | :: waft |
effluve {m} | :: whiff |
effoirer {vr} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: to flatten as a result of a fall or [[crash] |
effoirer {vr} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: by analogy with 1, to fail |
effoirer {vr} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: by analogy with 1, to lie down unceremoneously |
effondrement {m} | :: collapse |
effondrer {vtr} | :: to collapse |
efforcer {vr} [with de] | :: to make efforts towards, to try hard to, to endeavour |
effort {m} | :: effort |
effraction {f} | :: breaking and entering, burglary |
effraction {f} | :: hacking |
effraction {f} [medicine] | :: effraction |
effraie {f} | :: barn owl, owl of genus Tyto |
effrangé {adj} | :: frayed |
effrayant {adj} | :: Causing fear, fearful, frightening |
effrayer {v} | :: to affray, to frighten, to scare |
effréné {adj} | :: wild, frantic, unbridled |
effrénément {adv} | :: wildly, frantically, unrestrainedly |
effritement {m} | :: crumbling |
effriter {vt} | :: to break up, crumble |
effriter {vp} | :: to crumble |
effroi {m} [literary] | :: terror, dread |
effronté {adj} | :: insolent; cheeky; impudent |
effrontément {adv} | :: insolently, brazenly, shamelessly |
effronterie {f} | :: insolence, cheek, effrontery |
effroyable {adj} | :: horrific, horrifying, terrifying |
effroyablement {adv} | :: horribly, frightfully |
effusion {f} | :: effusion |
égailler {v} | :: to disperse, scatter |
égal {adj} | :: equal |
égal {adj} | :: indifferent, of no importance to |
égalable {adj} | :: comparable |
également {adv} | :: equally |
également {adv} | :: too; also |
égaler {vt} [mathematics] | :: to equal |
égaler {v} | :: to equate to |
égalisant {adj} | :: equalizing |
égalisateur {adj} | :: equalizing |
égalisateur {adj} | :: equalizer (attributive) |
égalisation {f} | :: equalization (act of equalizing) |
égalisation {f} | :: equalizer |
égaliser {v} | :: to equalize, equalise |
égaliser {v} | :: to even, to even out |
égaliseur {m} | :: equalizer, equaliser (electronic device) |
égalitaire {adj} | :: egalitarian |
égalitarisme {m} | :: egalitarianism |
égalitariste {adj} | :: egalitarian |
égalité {f} | :: equality |
égalité {f} [tennis] | :: deuce |
égalité {f} | :: tie (in sport) |
égard {m} | :: consideration |
égaré {adj} | :: stray |
égaré {adj} | :: astray |
égaré {adj} | :: mislaid, misplaced |
égaré {adj} | :: (of look) wild |
égarement {m} | :: distraction, confusion |
égarer {vt} | :: to misplace |
égarer {vt} | :: to mislead, misinform |
égarer {vr} | :: to get lost, go astray, to lose one's way; to wander |
égayer {vt} | :: to entertain |
égayer {vt} | :: to brighten up (make appear more jolly) |
égayer {vr} | :: to have fun, to enjoy oneself |
égéen {adj} | :: Aegean |
égérie {f} | :: muse |
égermer {v} [botany] | :: to deseed (remove seed from) |
égide {f} [mythology] | :: Aegis |
égide {f} [figuratively] | :: aegis |
Égide {prop} | :: given name |
égilope {f} | :: goatgrass (of genus Aegilops) |
églantier {m} [botany] | :: wild rosebush |
églantine {f} | :: eglantine, dog rose |
églefin {m} | :: haddock |
église {f} [architecture, Christianity] | :: church |
Église {prop} | :: Church (establishment) |
Église orthodoxe {prop} {f} | :: Eastern Orthodox Church |
églogue {f} [poetry] | :: eclogue |
égo {m} | :: ego |
égocentrique {adj} | :: egocentric |
égocentrisme {m} | :: self-centredness, egocentrism |
égoïsme {m} | :: egoism (tendency to think of self) |
égoïste {adj} | :: selfish; egoistic |
égoïste {mf} | :: egoist |
égoïstement {adv} | :: selfishly |
égoïstique {adj} | :: egoistic |
égoïstiquement {adv} | :: egoistically |
égoïté {f} | :: egoity |
égoïté {f} | :: individuality |
égoportrait {m} | :: selfie |
égorgement {m} | :: slaughter |
égorger {vt} | :: to slit the throat of; to rip out the throat of |
égorgeur {m} | :: slaughterer |
égorgeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of égorgeur |
égosiller {vr} | :: to shout oneself hoarse |
égotisme {m} | :: egotism, egoism |
égout {m} | :: drain |
égout {m} | :: sewer |
égouteuse {f} | :: drainer |
égoutier {m} | :: sewage worker |
égoutière {f} | :: feminine noun of égoutier |
égouttage {m} | :: draining |
égoutter {v} | :: to drain (to remove the liquid from something) |
égouttoir {m} | :: drainer, draining board |
égrainer {v} | :: alternative form of égrener |
égrappage {m} | :: stalking (removing stalks from bunches of grapes etc) |
égratignement {m} | :: scratching; scratch |
égratigner {v} | :: to graze, scratch |
égratigner {v} [figurative] | :: to offend |
égratignure {f} | :: the act of scratching, scraping or grazing |
égratignure {f} | :: a scratch, a graze |
égrégore {m} | :: an autonomous psychic entity composed of and influencing the thoughts of a group of people |
égrener {v} | :: to shell, pod (maize, peas, wheat etc.) |
égrener {v} | :: to gin (cotton) |
égrener {v} | :: to ripple (flax) |
égrener {vr} | :: to drop off the stalk or bunch |
égrener {v} | :: to dish out |
égrener {v} | :: to rattle off, go through (a list) |
égrillard {adj} | :: ribald, bawdy, libertine |
égrotant {adj} [literary] | :: sickly |
Egypte {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Égypte |
Égypte {prop} {f} | :: Egypt |
égyptiaque {adj} | :: (Ancient) Egyptian |
Egyptien {m} | :: alternative form of Égyptien |
égyptien {adj} | :: Egyptian (of or pertaining to Egypt or its people or culture) |
égyptien {m} | :: Egyptian, the Egyptian language |
Égyptien {m} | :: Egyptian (person) |
Egyptienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Egyptien |
Égyptienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Égyptien |
égypto- {prefix} | :: Egypto- |
égyptologie {f} | :: Egyptology (the study of ancient Egypt) |
égyptologue {mf} | :: Egyptologist |
eh {interj} | :: signifying indifference or surprise |
éhonté {adj} | :: shameless (without shame) |
éhontément {adv} | :: shamelessly |
Ehpad {m} | :: alternative case form of EHPAD |
EHPAD {m} [France] | :: retirement home, old people's home |
EI {prop} {m} | :: IS (Islamic State) |
ÉI {prop} {m} | :: IS (Islamic State) |
eicosanoïde {m} [biochemistry] | :: eicosanoid |
éicosanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: eicosanoic |
eicosatétraénoïque {adj} | :: eicosatetraenoic |
eicosatriénoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: eicosatrienoic |
eicosénoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: eicosenoic |
eider {m} | :: eider |
eidétique {adj} | :: eidetic |
eidétiquement {adv} | :: eidetically |
eidotrope {m} | :: eidotrope |
EII {prop} {m} | :: ISI (Islamic State in Iraq) abbreviation of État islamique d'Irak alternative form of ÉII |
ÉII {prop} {m} | :: ISI (Islamic State in Iraq) abbreviation of État islamique d'Irak |
EIIL {prop} {m} | :: ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) |
ÉIIL {prop} {m} | :: ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) |
einsteinien {adj} | :: Einsteinian (relating to Einstein and his theories) |
einsteinium {m} | :: einsteinium |
Eisenberg {prop} | :: surname |
Eisenhauer {prop} | :: surname |
ej {pron} [Acadia, Quebec, Louisiana, colloquial] | :: I |
éjac {f} [slang] | :: cumshot |
éjaculat {m} | :: ejaculate |
éjaculateur {adj} | :: ejaculatory |
éjaculation {f} [physiology] | :: ejaculation |
éjaculation précoce {f} | :: premature ejaculation |
éjaculer {v} | :: to ejaculate |
éjecta {m} [geology] | :: pyroclast, tephra |
éjectable {adj} | :: ejectable |
éjecté {adj} | :: ejected |
éjecter {v} | :: to eject |
éjectile {m} [physics] | :: ejectile |
éjection {f} | :: ejection |
éka- {prefix} [chemistry] | :: eka- |
ékaiode {m} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: eka-iodine |
ekamanganèse {m} | :: ekamanganese |
ékasilicium {m} | :: ekasilicon |
Ekat {prop} [colloquial] | :: Ekat (abbreviation of the name of the city of Yekaterinburg, the <<administrative center>> of <<obl/Sverdlovsk>>, <<c/Russia>>) |
ekpyrotique {adj} [physics] | :: ekpyrotic |
ékranoplane {m} [aviation, nautical] | :: ekranoplan |
-el {suffix} | :: To make an adjectival form of a noun; -al |
élaboration {f} | :: drawing up, putting together, creation |
élaborer {v} | :: to draw up, write up, make up, whip up, put together |
élaborer {v} | :: to process farther, to produce, to develop, to metabolize |
élaborer {v} | :: to elaborate, to work out |
élagage {m} | :: pruning |
élaguer {v} | :: to prune (trim a tree or shrub) |
élagueur {m} | :: tree surgeon |
élagueur {m} | :: pruner (device) |
élagueuse {f} | :: feminine singular of élagueur |
élaïdine {f} | :: elaidin |
élaïdique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: elaidic |
Élam {prop} {m} | :: Elam |
élamite {adj} | :: Elamite |
Élamites {prop} | :: Elamites |
élan {m} | :: spirit |
élan {m} | :: momentum |
élan {m} [sports] | :: run up |
élan {m} | :: moose, elk |
élancé {adj} | :: slender |
élancement {m} | :: throbbing or shooting pain |
élancer {vr} | :: to dash forward, to throw oneself at |
élancer {vr} | :: to soar up |
éland {m} | :: eland |
élanion {m} | :: elanid kite, bird in genus Elanus |
élargir {v} | :: to enlarge, to make larger |
élargir ses horizons {v} | :: to broaden one's horizons, to widen one's horizons, to expand one's horizons |
élargissement {m} | :: enlargement |
élasticine {f} [protein] | :: elastin |
élasticité {f} | :: elasticity |
élasticité {f} [economics] | :: elasticity |
élastine {f} [protein] | :: elastin |
élastique {adj} | :: elastic |
élastique {adj} [economics] | :: elastic |
élastique {m} | :: rubber band |
élastiqué {adj} | :: elasticated |
élastiquement {adv} | :: elastically |
élastiquement {adv} | :: resiliently |
élastomère {m} | :: elastomer |
élatérine {f} | :: elaterin |
élatéromètre {m} | :: elatrometer |
élatif {m} [grammar] | :: elative case |
elbaïte {f} [mineral] | :: elbaite |
Elbe {prop} {f} | :: Elbe (river) |
Elbe {prop} {f} | :: Elba (island in the Tuscan Archipelago) |
elbot {m} [Belgium] | :: halibut (fish of genus Hippoglossus) |
eldorado {m} | :: neverland |
Eldorado {prop} {m} | :: El Dorado |
Éléazar {prop} | :: Eleazar |
électeur {m} | :: elector |
électif {adj} | :: elective |
élection {f} | :: election |
élection partielle {f} | :: by-election |
électivement {adv} | :: electively |
électoral {adj} | :: electoral; related to elections |
électoralement {adv} | :: electorally |
électoralisme {m} | :: electioneering |
électoraliste {adj} | :: electioneering (attributive) |
électorat {m} [politics] | :: electorate |
électre {m} | :: electrum |
Électre {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Electra |
Électre {prop} [star] | :: Electra |
électrice {f} | :: feminine noun of électeur |
électricien {m} | :: electrician |
électricienne {f} | :: feminine noun of électricien |
électricité {f} | :: electricity |
électrification {f} | :: electrification |
électrifier {v} | :: to electrify |
électrique {adj} | :: electric, electrical |
électriquement {adv} | :: electrically |
électrisation {f} | :: electrification |
électriser {v} | :: to electrify (charge with electricity) |
electro {f} | :: alternative spelling of électro (music genre) |
electro {m} | :: alternative spelling of électro (électroménager) |
électro- {prefix} | :: electro- |
électro {f} [music] | :: electro, electronic music |
électro {m} | :: clipping of électrocardiogramme: electrocardiogram |
électro {m} | :: clipping of électroménager: white goods/household appliance |
électroacoustique {adj} | :: electroacoustic |
électroacoustique {f} | :: electroacoustics |
électroaffinage {m} | :: electrorefining |
électroaimant {m} [physics] | :: electromagnet |
électroanalyse {f} | :: electroanalysis |
électroattracteur {m} [chemistry] | :: electron acceptor |
électrobiologique {adj} | :: electrobiological |
électrocapillaire {adj} [physics, chemistry] | :: electrocapillary |
électrocapillarité {f} [physics, chemistry] | :: electrocapillarity |
électrocardiogramme {m} | :: electrocardiogram |
électrocardiographe {m} | :: electrocardiograph |
électrocardiographie {f} | :: electrocardiography |
électrocatalyseur {m} [chemistry] | :: electrocatalyst |
électrochimie {f} [chemistry] | :: electrochemistry |
électrochimique {adj} [chemistry] | :: electrochemical |
électrochoc {m} | :: electroconvulsive therapy |
électrocinétique {adj} | :: electrokinetic |
électrocuter {v} | :: to electrocute |
électrocution {f} | :: electrocution (death or suicide by electric shock) |
électrocyclique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: electrocyclic |
électrocyte {m} [cytology] | :: electrocyte |
électrode {f} [physics] | :: electrode |
électrodéposition {f} | :: electrodeposition |
électrodialyse {f} | :: electrodialysis |
électrodonneur {m} [chemistry] | :: electron donor |
électrodynamique {adj} | :: electrodynamic |
électrodynamique {f} [physics] | :: electrodynamics |
électroencéphalogramme {m} | :: electroencephalogram (a recording of electrical brain activity made by an electroencephalograph) |
électroencéphalographique {adj} | :: electroencephalographic |
électroencéphalographiquement {adv} | :: electroencephalographically |
électrofaible {adj} [physics] | :: electroweak |
électrofiltre {m} | :: electrostatic precipitator |
électrofuge {adj} [chemistry] | :: electrofugal |
électrogène {adj} | :: generating (electricity) |
électrologie {f} [physics] | :: electrology |
électroluminescence {f} [physics] | :: electroluminescence |
électroluminescent {adj} [physics] | :: electroluminescent |
électrolysable {adj} | :: electrolyzable |
électrolysation {f} | :: electrolyzation |
électrolyse {f} | :: electrolysis |
électrolyser {v} [chemistry, physics] | :: to electrolyze |
électrolyte {m} | :: electrolyte |
électrolytique {adj} | :: electrolytic |
électrolytiquement {adv} | :: electrolytically |
électromagnétique {adj} | :: electromagnetic |
électromagnétiquement {adv} | :: electromagnetically |
électromagnétisme {f} | :: electromagnetism (a fundamental force) |
électromécanicien {m} | :: electrical mechanic / technician |
électromécanicienne {f} | :: feminine singular of électromécanicien |
électromécanique {adj} | :: electromechanical (combining the fields of mechanics and electronics) |
électromécanique {f} | :: electromechanics |
électroménager {m} | :: household appliance |
électrométallurgie {f} | :: electrometallurgy |
électrométallurgique {adj} | :: electrometallurgical |
électromètre {m} | :: electrometer |
électrométrie {f} [physics] | :: electrometry |
électromigration {f} | :: electromigration |
électromoteur {adj} [physics] | :: electromotor (attributive), electromotive |
électron {m} [particle] | :: electron (the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms) |
électronarcose {f} [medicine] | :: electronarcosis |
électronégatif {adj} [chemistry, physics] | :: electronegative |
électronégativité {f} [chemistry, physics] | :: electronegativity |
électroneutralité {f} | :: electroneutrality |
électronicien {m} | :: electronics engineer |
électronicienne {f} | :: female electronics engineer |
électronique {adj} | :: electronic |
électroniquement {adv} | :: electronically |
électron libre {m} [physics, chemistry] | :: free electron |
électron libre {m} [figuratively] | :: free spirit, free agent; loose cannon; catalyst |
électronucléaire {adj} | :: nuclear power (attributive) |
électronucléaire {m} | :: nuclear power |
électron-volt {m} | :: alternative spelling of électronvolt |
électronvolt {m} [physics] | :: electronvolt |
électronystagmographique {adj} | :: electronystagmographic |
électro-osmose {f} [physics, chemistry] | :: electroosmosis |
électrophile {adj} [chemistry] | :: electrophylic |
électrophone {m} | :: record player |
électrophore {m} | :: electrophorus |
électrophorèse {f} | :: electrophoresis |
électrophotographique {adj} | :: electrophotographic |
électrophotographiquement {adv} | :: electrophotographically |
électrophysiologie {f} | :: electrophysiology |
électroplaquage {m} | :: electroplating |
électropositif {adj} [chemistry, physics] | :: electropositive |
électropositivité {f} [chemistry, physics] | :: electropositivity |
électroradiologiste {mf} | :: electroradiologist |
électrorhéologie {f} | :: electrorheology |
électrorhéologique {adj} | :: electrorheological |
électroscope {m} | :: electroscope (device that detects the presence of an electric charge) |
électrosensibilité {f} | :: electrosensibility |
électrosensible {mf} | :: electrosensible (one who suffers from electrosensibility) |
électrosmose {f} | :: alternative form of électro-osmose |
électrospray {m} | :: electrospray |
électrostatique {adj} | :: electrostatic |
électrostatique {f} [physics] | :: electrostatics |
électrosynthèse {f} | :: electrosynthesis |
électrotechnicien {m} | :: electrotechnician |
électrotechnicienne {f} | :: feminine singular of électrotechnicien |
électrotechnique {adj} | :: electrotechnical |
électrotechnique {f} | :: electrical technology |
électrothérapie {f} [medical] | :: electrotherapy |
électrothermie {f} | :: electrothermy |
électrothermique {adj} | :: electrothermic, thermoelectric |
électrovalence {f} [inorganic chemistry] | :: electrovalence |
électrum {m} | :: electrum (alloy of gold and silver) |
électuaire {m} | :: linctus |
élégamment {adv} | :: elegantly |
élégance {f} | :: elegance |
élégant {adj} | :: elegant (exhibiting elegance) |
élégantissime {adj} | :: superelegant |
élégiaque {adj} | :: elegiac |
élégie {f} | :: elegy (mournful or plaintive poem or song) |
élément {m} | :: element (part of a whole) |
élément {m} | :: element (chemical element) |
élémentaire {adj} | :: elementary |
élémentairement {adv} | :: elementarily |
élément chimique {m} | :: chemical element |
élémicine {f} [organic compound] | :: elemicin |
élémine {f} | :: elemin |
Éléonore {prop} | :: given name |
éléostéarique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: eleostearic |
éléphant {m} | :: elephant |
éléphant blanc {m} | :: white elephant (mammal) |
éléphant d'Afrique {m} | :: African elephant |
éléphant d'Asie {m} | :: Asian elephant |
éléphant de mer {m} | :: sea elephant |
éléphante {f} | :: feminine noun of éléphant |
éléphanteau {m} | :: Young (male) elephant, calf |
éléphantelle {f} | :: Young female elephant, calf |
éléphantesque {adj} | :: elephantine, mammoth, colossal (very large) |
éléphantin {adj} | :: elephantine (relative ro elephants) |
élestricité {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative form of électricité, electricity |
élestrique {adj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative form of électrique, electric |
éleusine {f} | :: Any of several grasses in the genus Eleusine, particularly the cereal finger millet |
élevage {m} | :: livestock farming |
élevage {m} | :: farm |
élevage {m} | :: stock (of animals) |
élevage {m} | :: maturing (of wine, in barrels) |
élévateur {adj} | :: lifting |
élévateur {m} | :: elevator, lift |
élévation {f} | :: elevation (height above something) |
élève {mf} | :: [masculine, referring to a boy] schoolboy, pupil, student |
élève {mf} | :: [masculine, referring to a child of unspecified sex] schoolchild, pupil, student |
élève {mf} | :: [feminine] schoolgirl, pupil, student |
élever {v} | :: to raise |
élever {v} | :: to bring up |
élever {v} | :: to elevate, to enhance |
élever {vr} [of a voice] | :: to be heard, to rise |
élever {vr} | :: to rise, to soar |
élever au carré {v} | :: to square (multiply by itself) |
éleveur {m} | :: breeder (of animals) |
elfe {m} | :: elf |
elfique {adj} | :: elven; elvish |
Éliakim {prop} | :: Eliakim |
Éliane {prop} | :: given name |
élicitation {f} | :: elicitation |
élider {v} | :: to elide |
Élie {prop} [biblical character] | :: Elijah (prophet) |
Élie {prop} | :: given name |
élier {v} | :: To rack (wine) |
Éliézer {prop} | :: Eliezer |
éligibilité {f} | :: eligibility |
éligible {adj} | :: eligible |
élimé {adj} | :: worn, threadbare, shabby |
éliminateur {adj} | :: that eliminates |
éliminateur {m} | :: eliminator |
élimination {f} | :: elimination |
éliminatoire {adj} | :: eliminatory (tending to eliminate) |
éliminatoire {f} | :: knockout stage |
éliminatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of éliminateur |
éliminer {v} | :: to eliminate; to phase out |
élingue {f} | :: sling |
élire {v} | :: to elect |
élire {v} | :: to take up (residence) |
élire domicile {v} [formal] | :: to take up residence somewhere, to choose to live somewhere |
Élisa {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Élisabeth |
Élisabeth {prop} {f} [biblical character] | :: Elizabeth, Elisabeth (mother of John the Baptist) |
Élisabeth {prop} {f} | :: given name of biblical origin |
élisabéthain {adj} | :: Elizabethan |
Élise {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Élisabeth |
Élisée {prop} [biblical character] | :: Elisha (prophet, disciple and successor of Elijah) |
Élisée {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
élision {f} | :: elision (the omission of a letter or syllable) |
élitaire {adj} | :: elite (attributive use) |
élite {f} | :: elite |
élitisme {m} | :: elitism (belief society should be run by elite) |
élitiste {adj} | :: elitist |
élixation {f} | :: elixation |
élixir {m} | :: elixir (pharmacy: sweet taste-masking liquid) |
-elle {suffix} | :: Forming feminine nouns, often with a diminutive sense |
elle {pron} | :: she |
elle {pron} | :: it (feminine gender third-person singular subject pronoun) |
elle {pron} | :: disjunctive form of elle; her; à elle = hers |
elle {m} | :: letter: l |
ellébore {m} | :: hellebore (plant) |
elle-même {pron} [emphatic] | :: herself, itself |
elles {pron} | :: they (female) |
elles {pron} | :: them (female) |
elles-mêmes {pron} [emphatic] | :: themselves |
ellipse {f} [geometry] | :: ellipse |
ellipse {f} [grammar, figure of speech] | :: ellipsis |
ellipsoïdal {adj} | :: ellipsoidal |
ellipsoïde {adj} | :: ellipsoid |
ellipsoïde {m} | :: ellipsoid |
ellipticité {f} [mathematics, astronomy] | :: ellipticity |
elliptique {adj} | :: elliptic (referring to ellipsis) |
elliptique {adj} | :: elliptical (in shape reminding of an ellipse) |
elliptiquement {adv} | :: elliptically |
élocution {f} | :: speech |
élocution {f} | :: delivery (of speech) |
élocution {f} | :: elocution |
Élodie {prop} | :: given name |
éloge {m} | :: praise |
éloge {m} | :: accolade |
éloge {m} | :: eulogy |
élogieusement {adv} | :: eulogistically |
élogieusement {adv} | :: very favourably |
élogieux {adj} | :: eulogistic, laudatory |
Éloi {prop} {m} | :: given name |
éloigné {adj} | :: remote, distant |
éloignement {m} | :: distancing (putting something further away) |
éloignement {m} | :: removal |
éloignement {m} | :: distance between two things |
éloignement {m} | :: long time ago |
éloignement {m} | :: long distance |
éloignement {m} | :: distance (lack of intimacy) |
éloigner {v} | :: to remove |
éloigner {v} | :: to distance, to draw or pull away from |
éloigner {vr} [s'éloigner] | :: to distance oneself, to pull oneself away from |
Éloïse {prop} | :: given name |
élongation {f} | :: elongation |
élongation {f} | :: muscle strain |
éloquemment {adv} | :: eloquently |
éloquence {f} | :: eloquence (the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing) |
éloquent {adj} | :: eloquent (fluently persuasive and articulate) |
éloquent {adj} | :: eloquent; descriptive |
El Salvador {prop} {m} | :: El Salvador (country) |
élu {m} | :: A person who has been elected in a vote |
élu {m} | :: A person who has been chosen (by God) |
éluant {m} | :: eluant |
Éluard {prop} | :: Paul Éluard |
éluat {m} [chemistry] | :: eluate |
élucidation {f} | :: elucidation |
élucidé {adj} | :: elucidated |
élucider {v} | :: clarify, elucidate |
élucider {v} | :: solve, resolve |
élucubration {f} [pejorative] | :: lucubration, elucubration (results of intense study with little value; used ironically) |
élucubration {f} | :: ranting |
élucubrer {vt} [pejorative] | :: to dream up |
éluder {v} | :: to elude (avoid, with cunning) |
élu de son cœur {m} | :: one's love, one's heart's desire, one's beloved |
élué {adj} | :: eluted |
éluer {v} [chemistry] | :: to elute |
élusif {adj} | :: elusive |
élution {f} | :: elution |
élutriation {f} | :: elutriation |
Elven {prop} | :: A village in the Morbihan department of Bretagne |
elvinois {adj} | :: Of or from Elven |
Elvinois {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Elven |
Elvinoise {f} | :: feminine singular of Elvinois |
élyme {m} | :: [botany] elymus, lyme-grass |
Elysée {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Élysée |
Élysée {prop} {m} [mythology] | :: Elysium |
Élysée {prop} {m} | :: the Élysée palace (official residence of the President of France) |
élyséen {adj} | :: Elysian |
élytre {m} [entomology] | :: elytron |
élytroïde {adj} | :: elytroid |
em- {prefix} | :: em- (form of en- before b, m or p) |
émacié {adj} | :: emaciated (thin or haggard) |
émacié {adj} | :: dry (of a sound) |
email {m} [colloquial] | |
émail {m} | :: enamel |
émail {m} | :: vitreous enamel |
émail {m} | :: glaze (coating on pottery) |
émail {m} [heraldry] | :: tincture |
émaillage {m} | :: enamelling |
émailler {v} | :: to enamel |
émailler {v} [figuratively] | :: to mar, spoil, blemish |
émaillerie {f} | :: enameling |
émailleur {m} | :: enameler; enamelist |
émailleuse {f} | :: feminine noun of émailleur |
émanation {f} | :: emanation, emission |
émancipateur {m} | :: emancipator |
émancipation {f} | :: emancipation |
émancipatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of émancipateur |
émanciper {v} | :: to emancipate |
émaner {v} | :: to emanate, to come (from) |
émaner {v} | :: to radiate |
émargement {m} | :: annotation |
émargement {m} | :: signing, initialing (especially of a register) |
émarger {v} | :: to initial (a document) |
émarger {v} | :: to sign, sign in |
émarger {v} | :: to annotate, make marginal notes in |
émarger {v} | :: to draw one's salary |
émasculation {f} | :: emasculation |
émasculer {v} | :: to emasculate |
embabouiner {v} | :: to flatter, butter up |
emballage {m} | :: wrapping (action of wrapping something up) |
emballage {m} | :: packaging (materials used for wrapping) |
emballé {adj} | :: packed up, wrapped up |
emballement {m} | :: packing up; packaging |
emballer {vt} | :: to pack up; to wrap up; to parcel |
emballer {v} [colloquial] | :: to thrill, to turn on |
emballer {vr} | :: to race |
emballer {vr} [for a horse] | :: to bolt |
emballer {vr} [colloquial] | :: to get carried away |
emballer {vr} [colloquial] | :: to get ahead of oneself, to get one's hopes up |
emballer {vt} [colloquial] | :: to make out with someone |
emballeur {m} | :: packer (worker) |
emballeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of emballeur |
embancher {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] | :: to sit on a bench |
embarasser {v} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of embarrasser |
embarcadère {m} | :: pier, wharf |
embarcation {f} | :: (small) boat, craft |
embarcation {f} | :: embarkation (although the use of embarquement is more correct) |
embarcation {f} [Louisiana French, ] | :: transportation |
embardée {f} | :: swerve |
embargo {m} | :: embargo |
embarquement {m} | :: boarding |
embarquement {m} | :: loading (shipping) |
embarquer {v} | :: to board (a vehicle) |
embarquer {v} | :: to embark (to set off on a journey) |
embarquer {v} | :: (followed by dans) To embark (upon) |
embarras {m} | :: embarrassment |
embarras {m} | :: obstacle, hindrance |
embarras {m} | :: lack of money |
embarras du choix {m} | :: embarrassment of riches (overabundance of possibilities, so that choosing becomes difficult) |
embarrassant {adj} | :: embarrassing (causing embarrassment) |
embarrassé {adj} | :: embarrassed, perplexed, confused |
embarrasser {vt} | :: embarrass |
embarrasser {vt} | :: clutter; block (up) |
embastillement {m} | :: imprisonment |
embastiller {v} [historical] | :: to imprison in Bastille |
embastiller {v} [by extension] | :: to imprison |
embauchage {m} | :: hiring (of employees) |
embauche {f} | :: hiring, employment, taking-on |
embauche {f} | :: vacancy |
embaucher {v} | :: to hire, to employ |
embauchoir {m} | :: shoetree |
embaumement {m} | :: embalming |
embaumer {v} | :: to embalm |
embaumer {v} | :: to fill with fragrance |
embéguiner {v} [figuratively] | :: to have a crush on someone; to be infatuated |
embéguiner {v} [literally, rare] | :: to wear a bonnet |
embellie {f} | :: a clear spell following rain |
embellie {f} | :: upturn |
embellir {v} | :: to improve, make more attractive |
embellir {v} | :: to embellish |
embellissement {m} | :: embellishment, beautification |
emberlificoter {v} [colloquial] | :: to entangle |
embêtement {m} [familiar] | :: problem, difficulty; [especially in plural] bother |
embêter {vt} | :: to bug, bother, annoy |
embêter {vt} | :: to pick on someone |
embioptère {m} | :: embiopteran, webspinner |
emblaver {v} | :: to sow wheat |
emblavure {f} | :: land that has been sown (typically with wheat) |
emblématique {adj} | :: emblematic |
emblématiquement {adv} | :: emblematically |
emblème {m} | :: emblem |
embobiner {vt} | :: to wind up, reel up |
embobiner {vt} | :: to wrap up |
embobiner {vt} [colloquial] | :: reel in |
emboîtant {adj} | :: (of clothing) skin-tight, close-fitting |
emboîtement {m} | :: interlocking, stacking |
emboiter {v} | :: alternative form of emboîter |
emboîter {v} | :: to embed, encapsulate |
emboîter {v} | :: to fit, fit together |
emboîter {v} | :: to box, to place in a box |
emboîter le pas {v} [à] | :: to follow in someone's footsteps, to follow suit |
emboîture {f} | :: socket (or any similar device in which something fits inside another) |
embolie {f} | :: embolism (obstruction or occlusion of an artery by an embolus) |
embolique {adj} | :: embolic |
embonpoint {m} | :: plumpness, stoutness |
embossé {adj} | :: embossed |
embosser {v} | :: To emboss |
embosser {v} [nautical] | :: To moor a vessel with cables from both the prow and the stern |
embouché {adj} | :: mouthed |
emboucher {v} | :: to place one's lips against the mouthpiece of a wind instrument |
emboucher {v} | :: to place the bit in a horse's mouth |
emboucher {v} [colloquial] | :: to tell off, to antagonize |
emboucher {vr} [colloquial] | :: to argue |
embouchure {f} | :: mouthpiece (of a musical instrument) |
embouchure {f} | :: embouchure (of a wind instrument player) |
embouchure {f} | :: mouth (of a river) |
embouchure {f} | :: bit (horse controlling mechanism) |
embouer {v} | :: to mud (make muddy) |
embouquer {v} [nautical] | :: To sail through a canal, strait or similar narrow passage |
embourbement {m} | :: quagmire |
embourber {vr} | :: to get stuck in the mud |
embourber {vr} [figuratively] | :: to get bogged down (dans in) |
embourgeoisement {m} | :: bourgeoisification; embourgeoisement |
embourgeoisement {m} | :: gentrification |
embourgeoiser {v} | :: to become bourgeois |
embourgeoiser {v} | :: to gentrify |
embout {m} | :: nozzle |
embout {m} | :: tip (of a walking stick or an umbrella) |
embouteillage {m} | :: bottling |
embouteillage {m} | :: blockade |
embouteillage {m} | :: traffic jam, gridlock |
embouteiller {v} | :: to bottle, to bottle up, to put into bottles |
embouteiller {v} [of traffic] | :: to back up |
embouteilleur {m} | :: bottler (person) (machine, masculine only) |
embouteilleuse {f} | :: feminine noun of embouteilleur |
embouter {v} | :: to put a nozzle or tip on something (see embout) |
emboutir {v} | :: to emboss |
emboutir {v} | :: to crash into |
emboutissage {m} | :: stamping |
embranchement {m} | :: junction, branch, fork |
embranchement {m} [taxonomy] | :: phylum |
embrancher {v} | :: to join or link up |
embrancher {v} | :: to connect |
embrasement {m} | :: blaze |
embraser {v} | :: to set fire to |
embraser {v} [figuratively] | :: to inflame, impassion |
embrassade {f} | :: hugging and kissing |
embrassade {f} | :: embrace |
embrassement {m} | :: embracing |
embrassement {m} | :: hugs and kisses |
embrasser {v} [dated] | :: to hug, embrace (affectionately wrap one's arms around another) |
embrasser {v} | :: to kiss (to touch with the lips) |
embrasure {f} | :: embrasure |
embrayage {m} | :: clutch |
embrayage {m} | :: clutch pedal |
embrayer {v} | :: to engage (to mesh or interlock) |
embrayer {v} | :: to engage, set in motion |
embrigadement {m} | :: recruitment |
embrigader {v} | :: to recruit; to rope in |
embringuer {v} [colloquial] | :: to rope in or drag in |
embrocation {f} | :: embrocation |
embrocher {v} | :: to put on a spit |
embrocher {v} | :: to skewer |
embrouillamini {m} | :: muddle, confusion |
embrouille {f} [colloquial] | :: problem, mess, mix-up |
embrouiller {v} | :: to entangle |
embrouiller {v} [colloquial] | :: to bamboozle, to confuse |
embroussaillé {adj} | :: overgrown; tangled, bushy |
embrumé {adj} | :: misty |
embrumé {adj} | :: befuddled |
embrun {m} | :: spindrift, spray |
embryoblaste {m} [biology] | :: embryoblast |
embryogenèse {f} | :: embryogenesis |
embryogénie {f} [biology] | :: embryogenesis |
embryogénique {adj} | :: embryogenic |
embryologie {f} | :: embryology |
embryologique {adj} | :: embryological |
embryologiste {mf} | :: embryologist |
embryomorphose {f} [biology] | :: embryomorphosis |
embryon {m} [biology] | :: embryo |
embryon {m} [botany] | :: embryo |
embryon {m} | :: embryo (the beginning, the first stage) |
embryonnaire {adj} [anatomy, embryology, physiology] | :: embryonic |
embryonnaire {adj} [figuratively] | :: embryonic |
embryophyte {m} | :: embryophyte |
embryotoxique {adj} | :: embryotoxic |
embuche {f} | :: alternative form of embûche |
embûche {f} [usually plural] | :: ambush (concealment in order to attack or harm someone by surprise) |
embûche {f} [figurative] | :: trap |
embucher {v} | :: alternative form of embûcher |
embûcher {v} [of an animal] | :: to make enter its lair |
embûcher {v} [dated] | :: to ambush |
embué {adj} | :: misted up (covered in condensation) |
embuscade {f} | :: ambuscade; ambush |
embusquer {v} | :: to ambush |
-ème {suffix} [linguistics] | :: -eme |
éméché {adj} | :: tipsy |
Émeline {prop} {f} | :: given name |
émeraude {f} | :: emerald (gemstone) |
émeraude {f} | :: emerald (color) |
émeraude {adj} | :: emerald (color) |
émergence {f} [physics] | :: emergence |
émergent {adj} | :: emerging (in the process of emerging) |
émerger {v} | :: to arrive at the top; to move upwards |
émerger {v} | :: emerge (to come into view) |
émerger {v} [colloquial] | :: to wake up |
émeri {m} | :: emery |
Émeric {prop} {m} | :: given name |
émerillon {m} | :: swivel (piece, as a ring or hook, attached to another piece by a pin, in such a manner as to permit rotation about the pin as an axis) |
émerillon {m} | :: merlin |
émerillonner {v} | :: To be cheerful and jovial |
émerine {f} [protein] | :: emerin |
émérite {adj} | :: emeritus |
émerveillement {m} | :: wonder, wonderment |
émerveiller {v} | :: to fascinate, amaze (strike with admiration and marvel) |
émerveiller {vp} [s'émerveiller] | :: To marvel (at) |
Émèse {prop} {f} | :: Emesa |
émésène {adj} | :: synonym of émésénien |
Émésène {prop} {f} | :: Emesene (region) |
Émésène {mf} | :: synonym of Émésénien |
émésénien {adj} | :: Emesene |
Émésénien {m} | :: Emesene |
Émésénienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Émésénien |
émésien {adj} | :: synonym of émésénien |
Émésien {m} | :: synonym of Émésénien |
Émésienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Émésien |
Émesse {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Émèse |
émétique {adj} | :: emetic |
émétique {m} | :: an emetic |
émétophobie {f} | :: emetophobia |
émetteur {m} | :: transmitter |
émetteur {m} | :: issuer |
émetteur {adj} | :: issuing, transmitting |
émetteur-récepteur {m} | :: transceiver |
émettre {vt} | :: to emit |
émettre {vt} | :: to state, to express |
émettre {vt} | :: to issue |
émeu {m} | :: emu (a large flightless bird) |
émeute {f} | :: riot |
émeute {f} [figuratively] | :: chaos, disorder |
émeutier {m} | :: rioter |
émeutier {adj} | :: rioting |
-émie {suffix} | :: -aemia |
émiettable {adj} | :: crumbly, crumblable |
émiettement {m} | :: crumbling (e.g. of bread, forming into crumbs) |
émiettement {m} [figuratively] | :: eating away, erosion |
émietter {v} | :: to crumble (make into crumbs) |
émietter {v} [figuratively] | :: To eat away (at) |
émietter {vr} | :: To crumble; to whittle away |
émigrant {adj} | :: migrating |
émigrant {m} | :: emigrant, migrator |
émigration {f} | :: emigration |
émigré {m} | :: emigrant |
émigrer {v} | :: to emigrate |
émigrer {v} | :: to migrate |
Emiko {prop} | :: given name |
Émile {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Émilie {prop} {f} | :: given name |
émilien {m} | :: Emilian (language) |
émilien {adj} | :: Emilian (relating to the Italian region Emilia, its people or its language) |
Émilien {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Émilien {m} | :: Emilian (person from the Italian region Emilia) |
Émilienne {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of Émilien |
émincé {adj} | :: thinly sliced |
émincer {v} | :: to cut (meat etc) into thin slices |
éminemment {adv} | :: eminently (in an eminent manner) |
éminence {f} | :: importance, notoriety |
éminence {f} | :: eminence (honorific title) |
éminence {f} [figuratively] | :: beacon; a place of great importance |
éminence grise {f} [idiomatic] | :: éminence grise |
éminent {adj} | :: eminent; distinguished; noteworthy |
émir {m} | :: emir (islamic prince or leader) |
émirat {m} | :: emirate (country ruled by an emir) |
émirati {adj} | :: pertaining to the emirati (United Arab Emirates) |
Émirati {m} | :: An Emirati (A person from the United Arab Emirates) |
Émiratie {f} | :: feminine singular of Émirati |
Emirats arabes unis {prop} {mp} | :: alternative form of Émirats arabes unis |
Émirats arabes unis {prop} {mp} | :: United Arab Emirates |
émirien {adj} | :: Emirati |
Émirien {m} | :: Emirati person |
Émirienne {f} | :: feminine singular of Émirien |
émisphère {m} | :: obsolete spelling of hémisphère |
émissaire {adj} | :: emissary |
émissaire {m} | :: emissary |
émissif {adj} | :: emissive |
émission {f} | :: emission |
émission {f} | :: programme, show |
émittance {f} [physics] | :: emittance |
émittancemètre {m} | :: emittance meter |
Emma {prop} {f} | :: given name |
emmagasinage {m} | :: storage |
emmagasiné {adj} | :: stored (up), stocked (up) |
emmagasiner {v} [literally] | :: To store (in a shop, in a store) |
emmagasiner {v} | :: to store up, to stock up |
emmailloter {v} | :: to wrap, to bind, to swaddle |
emmailloter {v} | :: to coddle, to pamper, to mollycoddle |
emmaillotter {v} | :: alternative form of emmailloter |
emmanché {adj} [heraldry, of axes or hammers] | :: having handles that are of a different tincture or layer of enamel |
emmanché {m} [vulgar, derogatory] | :: sodomite |
emmanché {m} [slang, derogatory] | :: idiot, fool |
emmanché {m} [slang, derogatory] | :: jerk, dickhead |
emmanchement {m} | :: fitting, fit |
emmanchement {m} [engineering] | :: press fit |
emmancher {vt} | :: to fit, to attach (especially to a shaft or a handle) |
emmancher {vt} | :: to help someone into [clothes] |
emmancher {vt} | :: to get going, start up, set about, commence |
emmancher {vt} [vulgar] | :: to sodomise, buttfuck |
emmanchure {f} | :: armhole |
Emmanuel {prop} [biblical character] | :: Immanuel |
Emmanuel {prop} | :: given name |
Emmanuelle {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Emmanuel |
Emmaüs {prop} [biblical] | :: Emmaus |
emme {m} | :: letter: m |
emmêler {v} | :: to tangle (to become mixed together or intertwined) |
emménagement {m} | :: moving in |
emménagement {m} [nautical] | :: fitting out |
emménager {v} | :: to move in (to a new home) |
emmener {vt} | :: to take off, take away or out |
emmener {vt} | :: to take (someone) somewhere, to take (something) with (someone) |
emmental {m} | :: Emmentaler |
emmerde {f} [slang, short form, clipping, abbreviation] | :: trouble (short form, abbreviation of emmerdement) |
emmerdement {m} | :: pain in the ass |
emmerdement {m} | :: bother, trouble |
emmerder {vt} [vulgar] | :: To bug, bother, irritate "the shit out of" someone |
emmerder {vtp} [vulgar] | :: To bother with |
emmerder {vtp} [vulgar] | :: To be bored |
emmerder {vt} [vulgar] | :: used to tell someone to bug off |
emmerdeur {m} [vulgar, slang] | :: A pain in the arse (person who is irritating) |
emmerdeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of emmerdeur |
emmi {adv} [archaic] | :: in the middle; in the centre |
emmitouflé {adj} | :: bundled up, swaddled |
emmitoufler {vt} | :: to wrap (something) up warmly, to swaddle |
emmurement {m} | :: immurement |
emmurer {vt} | :: to immure |
emmuseler {v} [archaic] | :: to muzzle |
émoi {m} | :: agitation; emotion; vicissitude |
émoi {m} | :: excitement |
émoi {m} | :: commotion; turmoil |
emoji {m} | :: emoji (digital graphic icon used to represent a concept or object) |
émollient {adj} | :: emollient |
émollient {m} | :: emollient (something which softens or lubricates the skin.) |
émolument {m} | :: remuneration |
émolument {m} | :: fee, emolument |
émonder {v} | :: to prune (a tree etc.) |
émondeur {m} | :: pruner |
émoticône {f} | :: emoticon (representation of an emotion of the writer) |
émotif {adj} | :: emotive |
émotion {f} | :: emotion |
émotionnel {adj} | :: emotional |
émotionnellement {adv} | :: emotionally |
émotivement {adv} | :: emotively |
émotivité {f} | :: emotivity, emotionality |
émoudre {v} | :: to sharpen on a grindstone |
émoulu {adj} | :: sharpened |
émoussé {adj} | :: dull |
émousser {v} | :: to dull, blunt (to render blunt; to remove or blunt an edge or something that was sharp) |
émousser {v} [figuratively] | :: to dull (a feeling) |
émoustiller {v} | :: to exhilarate |
émoustiller {v} | :: to titillate |
émouvant {adj} | :: moving (causing emotion) |
émouvoir {v} | :: to move emotionally; to touch |
empaffer {v} [vulgar] | :: to bugger, to ass-fuck |
empaillé {adj} | :: stuffed (animal, teddybear) |
empailler {vt} | :: to stuff [a dead animal] |
empailleur {m} | :: taxidermist |
empailleuse {f} | :: feminine noun of empailleur |
empaler {v} | :: to impale |
empaleur {m} | :: impaler |
empaleuse {f} | :: feminine singular of empaleur |
empan {m} | :: spand, span (imperial measurement equivalent to nine inches) |
empanaché {adj} | :: plumed |
empanacher {vt} | :: to decorate with plumes |
empannage {m} [nautical] | :: gybe, gybing |
empanner {v} [nautical] | :: To gybe |
empapaouter {vt} | :: To dupe, cheat or defraud |
empapaouter {vr} | :: To be bored |
empapaouter {vt} [slang] | :: To fuck; to sodomize |
empaquetage {m} | :: packing, packaging |
empaqueté {adj} | :: packaged |
empaqueter {v} | :: to package (put into a package) |
empaqueter {v} [slang] | :: to put away, put behind bars (imprison) |
empaqueter {v} | :: to wrap up (cover with many clothes) |
emparer {v} [de, .pronominal] | :: to seize, get hold of |
emparer {v} [de, .pronominal] | :: to take over |
empâter {vt} | :: to coat, enrobe |
empâter {vtp} | :: to thicken |
empâter {vt} | :: to puff up |
empâter {v} [figurative] | :: to nourish |
empâter {vp} [figurative] | :: to fill out, to get fat |
empathie {f} | :: empathy |
empathique {adj} | :: empathic, empathetic |
empattement {m} [mechanics] | :: wheelbase |
empattement {m} [typography] | :: serif |
empaumer {v} | :: to grasp |
empêchement {m} | :: obstacle; impediment |
empêcher {vt} | :: to stop; to prevent; to hinder |
empêcher {vr} | :: to refrain (used with de) |
empêcheur {m} | :: troublemaker |
empêcheur de tourner en rond {m} [figuratively] | :: spoilsport, killjoy |
empêcheuse {f} | :: feminine singular of empêcheur |
Empédocle {prop} {m} | :: Empedocles |
empéguer {v} | :: to glue (attach with glue) |
empeigne {f} | :: shoe upper |
empennage {f} | :: fletching |
empennage {f} | :: empennage |
empereur {m} | :: emperor |
emperler {v} | :: to impearl (decorate with pearls) |
empeser {v} | :: to starch |
empester {vt} | :: to infect with a pest or with a contagious disease |
empester {vt} | :: to cause to stink, to cause to reek (of) |
empester {vi} | :: to stink, reek of |
empétarder {v} [slang] | :: to bugger, to fuck up the ass |
empêtré {adj} | :: entangled |
empêtré {adj} | :: bogged down |
empêtrer {v} | :: to ensnare, to entangle, to bog down |
emphase {f} | :: emphasis (special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important) |
emphatique {adj} | :: emphatic (characterized by emphasis) |
emphatiquement {adv} | :: emphatically |
emphysème {m} | :: emphysema (abnormal accumulation of air in tissues) |
emphytéose {f} | :: emphyteusis |
emphytéotique {adj} | :: freehold (attributive) |
empiècement {m} | :: yoke (piece of material) |
empiéger {v} [rare] | :: to trap |
empierrer {vt} | :: to metal [a road] |
empiétement {m} | :: encroachment, trespassing |
empiétement {m} | :: infringement |
empiètement {m} | :: alternative form of empiétement |
empiéter {v} [sur] | :: to encroach, impinge (upon) |
empiffrer {vp} | :: to stuff oneself, to binge |
empilage {m} | :: piling, stacking |
empilé {adj} | :: piled up |
empilement {m} | :: piling up, stacking |
empilement {m} | :: close-packing (e.g. of atoms in a crystal) |
empiler {v} | :: to pile up |
empire {m} | :: empire |
empire {m} | :: influence, authority |
Empire byzantin {prop} {m} | :: Byzantine Empire |
Empire du Milieu {prop} {m} [dated] | :: the Middle Kingdom (China) |
Empire ottoman {prop} {m} | :: Ottoman Empire |
empirer {vit} | :: to worsen |
Empire romain {prop} {m} | :: Roman Empire |
empirique {adj} | :: empirical |
empirique {mf} | :: empiricism |
empirique {mf} | :: empiricist |
empiriquement {adv} | :: empirically |
empirisme {m} | :: empiricism |
empiriste {mf} | :: empiricist |
emplacement {m} | :: site, location |
emplâtre {m} | :: plaster (glue-like substance) |
emplâtre {m} [colloquial] | :: a useless individual, a good-for-nothing |
emplâtre {m} [slang] | :: a blow received during a fight |
emplâtrer {vt} | :: to apply a plaster on |
emplâtrer {vr} [slang] | :: to fight |
emplâtre sur jambe de bois {m} | :: alternative form of emplâtre sur une jambe de bois |
emplâtre sur une jambe de bois {m} | :: synonym of cataplasme sur une jambe de bois |
emplette {f} [dated] | :: purchase |
empli {adj} | :: filled |
emplir {vt} | :: to fill |
emplir {vp} [s'emplir] | :: to fill |
emploi {m} | :: job |
emploi {m} | :: employment |
emploi {m} | :: use; need |
emploi aidé {m} | :: state-subsidised job |
emploi du temps {m} | :: timetable; schedule |
employabilité {f} | :: employability |
employable {adj} | :: usable |
employable {adj} | :: employable |
employé {m} | :: employee |
employé de bureau {m} | :: office worker |
employé de maison {mf} | :: cleaner, housemaid |
employer {v} | :: to employ |
employer les grands moyens {v} [figuratively] | :: to bring out the big guns, to resort to drastic measures, to take drastic steps |
employeur {m} | :: employer |
emplumé {adj} | :: feathered |
empocher {v} | :: to pocket (to put something in a pocket) |
empoignade {f} | :: violent argument, scrap or altercation |
empoigner {v} | :: to grab; grasp (to make a sudden grasping or clutching motion (at something)) |
empois {m} | :: glue made from starch |
empoisonnement {m} | :: poisoning |
empoisonner {vt} | :: to poison, to kill by poisoning |
empoisonneur {m} | :: poisoner |
empoisonneuse {f} | :: feminine noun of empoisonneur |
empoissé {adj} | :: glutinous, sticky |
empoissonnement {m} | :: the stocking up with fish, the act of populating something with fish |
empoissonner {v} | :: to stock with fish; to populate with fish |
emporétique {adj} | :: emporetic |
emport {m} | :: payload |
emportement {m} | :: (a fit of) anger, rage |
emporte-pièce {m} | :: cookie cutter |
emporter {v} | :: to take |
emporter {v} | :: to win |
emporter {v} | :: to take away, to blow away, to carry away |
emporter {v} | :: to take away |
emporter {vr} [s'emporter] | :: to get angry; to lose one's temper; to flare up |
emportiérage {f} | :: dooring (the act of cycling into a car door) |
empoté {adj} | :: clumsy, awkward |
empoté {m} | :: clumsy person, butterfingers |
empoter {vt} | :: to pot [a plant] |
empoter {vt} | :: to load liquid or gas into a tanker [road vehicle] |
empourprer {v} | :: to make purple, to color purple, empurple |
empreindre {vt} | :: to imprint |
empreindre {vt} | :: to influence |
empreindre {vt} | :: to imbue (with) |
empreindre {vr} | :: to become imbued (with) |
empreint {adj} [followed by the preposition de] | :: characterized or marked (by) |
empreinte {f} | :: imprint (any visible mark caused by pressure) |
empreinte carbonique {f} | :: carbon footprint |
empreinte digitale {f} | :: fingerprint |
empreinte écologique {f} | :: ecological footprint |
empressement {m} | :: attentiveness |
empressement {m} | :: eagerness, alacrity |
empresser {vr} [literary, of crowd] | :: to mass, to gather |
empresser {vp} [~ de faire] | :: to hasten |
emprésurage {m} | :: renneting (adding rennet during cheesemaking) |
emprise {f} | :: expropriation |
emprise {f} | :: domination, control, influence |
emprisonnement {m} | :: imprisonment |
emprisonner {v} | :: to imprison |
emproser {v} [slang] | :: to bugger, to fuck up the ass |
emprunt {m} | :: loan |
emprunt {m} [lexicography] | :: loan, borrowing |
emprunté {adj} | :: awkward, stilted, gawky |
emprunter {v} | :: to borrow |
emprunter {v} | :: to take, to follow |
emprunteur {m} | :: borrower |
emprunteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of emprunteur |
emprunt savant {m} [linguistics, grammar] | :: learned loan |
empuantir {vt} | :: to stink out |
empyreumatique {adj} | :: empyreumatic |
empyreume {f} | :: empyreuma |
ému {adj} [emotionally] | :: touched, moved |
e muet {m} [phonetics] | :: schwa |
émulateur {m} | :: emulator (one who emulates) |
émulateur {m} [computing] | :: emulator (software) |
émulation {f} | :: rivalry, competition |
émulation {f} [computing] | :: emulation |
émulatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of émulateur |
émule {mf} | :: emulator, imitator (person that emulates or strives to do so) |
émule {mf} [dated] | :: rival (competitor with the same goal as another) |
émule {mf} [dated] | :: peer, equal (somebody who is at a level equal (to that of something else) in a given occupation, field, etc.) |
émuler {v} | :: to emulate |
émuler {v} [computing] | :: to emulate |
émulgent {adj} [physiology] | :: emulgent |
émulsifiant {adj} | :: emusifying |
émulsifiant {m} | :: emulsifier |
émulsifier {v} [rare] | :: to emulsify |
émulsine {f} [enzyme] | :: emulsin |
émulsion {f} | :: emulsion (suspension of one liquid in another) |
émulsionner {v} | :: to emulsify |
en- {prefix} | :: en- (all meanings) |
en {prep} | :: in (used to indicate space, also see usage notes) |
en {prep} | :: to (indicates direction towards certain very large locations or turns the locations into indirect objects, see usage notes) |
en {prep} | :: by (used to indicate means) |
en {prep} | :: as |
en {prep} | :: at (used to describe an ability) |
en {prep} | :: of, made of (used to describe composition) |
en {prep} | :: in (during the following time (used for months and years)) |
en {prep} [followed by a gerund] | :: while |
en {prep} [followed by a gerund] | :: by, in (describing a way of getting something) |
en {prep} | :: in (used to describe color) |
en {prep} | :: in (used to describe feelings) |
en {prep} | :: in (as part of something) |
en {pron} | :: Used as the object of a verb to indicate an indefinite quantity; of it, of them. Replaces the partitive article (du, de la, etc.) |
en {pron} | :: Adverbial preposition indicating movement away from a place already mentioned |
ENA {prop} {f} | :: École nationale d'administration |
en abondance {adv} | :: in abundance, abundantly, aplenty |
ènal {m} [organic chemistry, especially, in compounds] | :: enal |
en ami {adv} | :: as a friend |
énamine {f} [organic chemistry] | :: enamine |
en amont {adv} | :: upstream, uphill (higher up than, on a river or a hill) |
en amont {adv} [en amont de] | :: before, ahead of, prior to |
enamourer {vr} | :: to fall in love |
énamourer {vr} | :: alternative form of enamourer |
énanthique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: enanthic |
énantiomère {m} | :: enantiomer (one of a pair of mirror-image stereoisomers) |
énantiomérie {adj} [chemistry] | :: enantiomeric |
énantiomérique {adj} [chemistry] | :: enantiomeric |
énantiotrope {adj} [chemistry] | :: enantiotropic |
en apparence {adv} | :: to all appearances, ostensibly, seemingly, on the surface, on the face of it |
en appeler à {v} | :: to appeal from the present judgment to. |
énarchie {f} | :: government/rule by the énarques (graduates of the École nationale d'administration) |
énargite {m} [mineralogy] | :: enargite |
énarque {mf} | :: énarque |
énarthrose {f} | :: enarthrosis, ball and socket joint |
en attendant {adv} | :: meanwhile, in the meantime |
en attendant que {conj} | :: while |
en aucun cas {adv} | :: under no circumstances, on no account |
en aucune façon {adv} | :: under no circumstances, on no account |
en aucune manière {adv} | :: under no circumstances, on no account; by no means |
en aval {adv} | :: downstream, downhill (lower than, on a river or a hill) |
en avance {adj} | :: early, ahead of time, in advance |
en avance sur son temps {adj} | :: ahead of one's time |
en avant {adv} | :: forward (towards the front) |
en avant {interj} | :: forward! let's go! |
en-avant {m} [rugby] | :: knock-on |
en avant toute {interj} | :: forward ho! let's go! off we go! |
en avoir assez {v} [de] | :: to be fed up (with), have had it |
en avoir gros sur le cœur {v} [figuratively] | :: to have a heavy heart, to be sad at heart, to have something weighing on one's heart, to be heavy-hearted |
en avoir le cœur net {vi} | :: to be certain, to be sure of it |
en avoir marre {v} [colloquial] | :: [de] to be fed up (with), to have had it, to be sick and tired (of) |
en avoir plein le cul {v} [vulgar] | :: [de] to be fed up to the back teeth (with) |
en avoir plein le dos {v} [colloquial] | :: [de] to be fed up to the back teeth (with) |
en avoir plein les bottes {v} [colloquial] | :: [de] to be fed up to the back teeth (with) |
en avoir pour son argent {phrase} | :: to get one's money's worth, to get good value for money |
en avoir ras la casquette {v} [colloquial] | :: [de] to be fed up to the back teeth (with) |
en avoir ras le bol {v} [colloquial] | :: [de] to be fed up to the back teeth (with) |
en avoir ras le cul {v} [vulgar] | :: [de] to be fed up to the back teeth (with) |
en avoir sa claque {v} [de] | :: [colloquial] to be fed up (with), have had it |
en avoir sa dose {v} [de] | :: [colloquial] to be fed up (with), have had enough (of), have had it |
en avoir vu d'autres {v} [colloquial] | :: to have seen it all before, to have survived worse |
en banc {adv} | :: en banc |
en bandoulière {adj} | :: strung across the shoulder |
en bas {adj} | :: below, down below, downstairs |
en bas {adv} | :: down, downhill, downstairs, in a downwards direction |
en bas âge {adj} | :: very young |
en bas de {prep} | :: at the bottom of |
en baver {v} [colloquial] | :: to go through hell, to suffer, to have a hard time, to have a rough time of it; to go through the mill (with a purpose) |
en baver des ronds de chapeau {v} [colloquial] | :: to go through hell, to suffer, to have a hard time, to have a rough time of it; to go through the mill (with a purpose) |
en beauté {adv} | :: brilliantly, with a flourish |
en berne {adv} | :: at half-mast (lowered position of a flag) |
en béton {adj} [figuratively] | :: watertight, rock solid |
en bonne et due forme {prep} | :: in due form, in form, by the book, according to Hoyle |
en bonne santé {adj} | :: healthy, in good health |
en bonnes mains {adv} | :: alternative form of entre de bonnes mains |
en boucher un coin {v} [colloquial] | :: [à] to astonish, to knock for a loop |
en boucle {adv} | :: in/on a loop, looping (repetitively endlessly) |
en bras de chemise {prep} | :: in one's shirt sleeves, in shirt sleeves, casually dressed |
en bref {adv} | :: in short, in brief, in a nutshell |
en brosse {f} | :: crew cut |
encabaner {v} | :: to put silkworms into trellises in wood or iron used to fence for parks containing cattle, for properties, for shelter for plants, and for support for the storage and drying of fruit |
encabaner {v} | :: to put into prison |
encablure {f} [nautical] | :: cable (length), cable length |
en cachette {adv} [colloquial] | :: on the sly, secretly |
encadrant {adj} | :: framing |
encadrant {adj} | :: supervising |
encadrant {m} | :: supervisor |
encadrement {m} | :: framing (of a picture) |
encadrement {m} | :: supervision, monitoring, overlooking, watchful eye |
encadrement {m} [work] | :: training, managerial or supervisory staff |
encadrement {m} [architecture] | :: frame |
encadrement {m} | :: framework |
encadrer {vt} | :: to frame |
encadrer {vt} | :: to surround, outline |
encadrer {vt} | :: to supervise, overlook |
encadreur {m} | :: (picture) framer |
encagement {m} | :: caging |
encagement {m} | :: incarceration |
encager {v} | :: to cage, encage |
encagoulé {adj} | :: wearing a balaclava |
encagouler {v} | :: to put on a balaclava |
encaissable {adj} | :: cashable |
encaissage {m} | :: cashing |
encaissé {adj} [of a river] | :: steep-sided |
encaissement {m} [finance] | :: cashing |
encaissement {m} | :: collection, receipt (of rent) |
encaissement {m} | :: steepness (of a valley side) |
encaisser {v} | :: to collect, to cash |
encaisser {v} [sports] | :: To let in, concede |
encaisser {v} [slang] | :: to take |
encaisser {v} [slang] | :: to stand, to tolerate |
encaisseur {m} | :: (debt) collector |
encaisseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of encaisseur |
encalminé {adj} [nautical, of a ship] | :: becalmed |
encalminer {v} [nautical] | :: to becalm |
encan {m} | :: auction |
encanaillement {m} | :: mixing with the riffraff |
encanailler {vr} | :: To socialise with the riffraff |
encapsulation {f} | :: encapsulation |
encapsulation {f} [object-oriented] | :: encapsulation |
encapsuler {vt} | :: to encapsulate |
encapsuler {vt} [computing] | :: to cache |
encapuchonner {v} | :: to hood (cover with a hood) |
encapuchonner {v} | :: to lead into a monastic life |
encaquer {v} | :: to put into barrels containing herrings |
en carafe {adj} [colloquial] | :: broken, broken-down, out of order |
en carafe {adj} [colloquial] | :: high and dry, stranded |
en carafe {adj} [colloquial] | :: speechless |
encart {m} [journalism] | :: insert (publicity) |
encarter {v} | :: to put in, insert (an insert to a publication) |
en carton {adj} [slang] | :: of poor quality |
en carton {adj} [slang] | :: lacking sustenance; pathetic; bogus |
encartonner {v} | :: to put into cartons |
encartoucher {v} | :: to prepare a cartouche of firearms (by putting powders) |
en-cas {m} | :: snack |
encas {n} | :: alternative spelling of en-cas [1990 reform spelling] |
en cas de {prep} | :: in case of, in the event of |
encaserner {v} | :: to lodge in barracks |
en cas que {conj} [dated or literary] | :: in case |
encastage {m} | :: the action of putting a pottery in front of a stove in a little house |
encaster {v} | :: to put a pottery in front of a stove in a little house |
encasteur {m} | :: a person who puts a pottery in front of a stove in a little house |
encasteuse {f} | :: a person who puts a pottery in front of a stove in a little house |
encastrable {adj} | :: built-in (or designed to be built in) |
encastrement {m} | :: embedding |
encastrement {m} | :: building in |
encastrer {v} | :: to embed |
encastrer {v} | :: to fit in, slot in etc |
en catastrophe {adv} [colloquial] | :: hurriedly, hastily, in a hurry |
en catimini {adv} | :: secretly, on the sly |
encaustiquage {m} | :: polishing, waxing |
encaustiquer {vt} | :: to polish, wax |
en cavale {adj} [colloquial] | :: on the run, on the lam |
encaver {v} | :: to put in a cellar, store in a cellar |
-ence {suffix} | :: -ence, -ance |
en ce compris {prep} [Belgium] | :: including (being part of the group or topic just mentioned) |
enceindre {v} | :: to surround |
enceint {adj} | :: pregnant |
enceinte {adj} | :: pregnant |
enceinte {f} | :: enclosure, compound |
enceinte {f} | :: interior |
enceinte {f} | :: speaker, amplifier |
enceinter {vt} [Africa] | :: To make pregnant; to knock up |
encelluler {vt} | :: to put in a [prison] cell, lock up |
en ce moment {adv} | :: at the moment; right now |
encens {m} | :: incense (a perfume often used in the rites of various religions) |
encensement {m} | :: incensing |
encenser {v} | :: to acclaim, sing the praises of |
encenser {v} | :: to cense, to incense |
encenseur {m} [religion] | :: thurifer |
encenseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of encenseur |
encensier {m} | :: synonym of romarin |
encensoir {m} | :: censer |
encéphale {m} [anatomy] | :: encephalon, brain |
encéphalique {adj} | :: encephalic |
encéphalite {f} [pathology] | :: encephalitis |
encéphalogramme {m} | :: encephalogram |
encéphalographie {f} | :: encephalography |
encéphalographique {adj} | :: encephalographic |
encéphalographiquement {adv} | :: encephalographically |
encéphalopathie {f} | :: encephalopathy |
encéphalopathie spongiforme bovine {f} | :: bovine spongiform encephalopathy |
en ce qui concerne {prep} | :: concerning, as to, as far as ... is concerned |
encerclement {m} | :: encircling, surrounding |
encercler {vt} | :: circle (draw a circle round) |
encercler {vt} | :: ring round, circle round |
encercler {vt} | :: surround, encircle |
en ce temps-là {adv} | :: at the time, back then, in those days |
enchainement {m} | :: alternative spelling of enchaînement |
enchaînement {m} | :: sequence, series, chain |
enchaînement {m} [phonology] | :: resyllabification |
enchainer {v} | :: alternative spelling of enchaîner |
enchaîner {v} | :: to chain, to shackle |
enchaîner {v} [figurative] | :: to subjugate, to enslave |
enchaîner {v} | :: to put together (in a sequence), to concatenate |
enchaînure {f} | :: enchainment |
en chair et en os {adv} [idiomatic] | :: in the flesh (with one's own body and presence) |
en chaleur {adj} [of a female] | :: on heat (in estrus) |
enchanté {adj} | :: enchanted, delighted |
enchanté {interj} | :: pleased to meet you |
enchantement {m} | :: enchantment |
enchanter {vt} | :: to enchant |
enchanteur {adj} | :: enchanting, entrancing |
enchanteur {m} | :: enchanter |
en charge de {prep} | :: in charge of |
encharner {v} | :: to hinge |
enchâssement {m} [linguistics] | :: embedding |
enchâssement {m} | :: embeddedness |
enchâsser {vt} | :: to enshrine, to put in a display cabinet |
enchâsser {vt} | :: to lavish |
enchâsser {vt} [jewellery] | :: to set (place inside a case) |
enchâsser {vt} | :: to put or fix in a chassis |
enchatonner {v} [jewelry] | :: to attach a jewel on the collet of a ring |
enchaucener {v} | :: alternative form of enchaussener |
enchaussener {v} [obsolete] | :: to lime, to limewash (a hide, so the hairs detach more easily) |
enchausser {v} | :: alternative form of chausser |
enchaussumer {v} | :: synonym of enchaussener |
enchemiser {vt} | :: to put into a folder |
enchère {f} | :: bid (in a sale, an auction or in the card game bridge) |
enchérir {vt} | :: to make more expensive |
enchérir {vt} | :: to bid; to make a bid (at auction etc.) |
enchérir {vi} | :: to go up (in price), become more expensive |
enchérisseur {m} | :: bidder |
enchérisseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of enchérisseur |
enchevêtrement {m} | :: tangle, mixture, muddle |
enchevêtrement {m} | :: labyrinth |
enchevêtrer {v} | :: to tangle up |
enchevêtrer {v} | :: to entangle, to involve, to implicate |
enchevêtrer {vr} | :: to become tangled |
enchevêtrer {vr} [~ dans] | :: to get tangled up (in), to get mixed up (in) |
en cheville {adj} [avec] | :: [colloquial] in cahoots (with) |
en chien {adj} [slang, chiefly of men, pejorative] | :: on the prowl, eager for sex, sexually frustrated |
en chien de fusil {adv} [idiomatic] | :: curled up |
en chier {v} [vulgar] | :: to go through hell, to suffer, to have a hard time (doing something), to have a job (doing something), to have a rough time of it; to go through the mill (with a purpose) |
enchifrener {v} [archaic] | :: to block up (a nose) |
en chœur {adv} [figuratively] | :: in chorus |
enchondrome {m} | :: enchondroma |
enchondrosarcome {m} | :: enchondrosarcoma |
encirer {vt} | :: to wax, wax up (cover or seal with wax) |
en clair {adv} | :: simply put, in brief |
enclave {f} | :: enclave |
enclaver {v} | :: to enclave |
enclenchement {m} | :: engaging |
enclenchement {m} | :: interlock |
enclencher {v} | :: to set off, start up, put in motion |
enclin {adj} | :: inclined, prone (+ à - to) |
enclise {f} [prosody] | :: enclisis |
enclitique {adj} [linguistics] | :: enclitic (referring to a clitic which joins with the preceding word) |
enclitique {m} [linguistics] | :: enclitic (clitic which joins with the preceding word) |
enclitiquement {adv} | :: enclitically |
en cloque {adj} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: knocked up, up the duff |
enclore {v} | :: to enclose |
enclore {v} | :: to fortify |
enclore {vr} [s'enclore] | :: to fortify |
enclos {m} | :: enclosure, paddock |
enclouer {v} | :: to nail in, put a nail in |
enclume {f} | :: anvil (block used in blacksmithing) |
enclume {f} [skeleton] | :: anvil, incus |
encoche {n} | :: Notch |
encocher {v} | :: to notch, put a notch in |
encocher {v} | :: to nock (an arrow) |
encodage {m} | :: encoding |
encoder {v} | :: to encode |
encodeur {m} | :: encoder (a device to encode a signal) |
encoffrer {v} | :: to enclose in a chest or box |
encoignure {f} | :: corner |
encoignure {f} | :: threshold |
encoignure {f} | :: encoignure |
en coin {adj} | :: [of a smile or look] from the corner, from the side (such as from that of a smirk) |
en colère {adj} | :: angry |
encoller {v} | :: to glue |
encolure {f} | :: neck (of a horse) |
encombrant {adj} | :: cumbersome, heavy, bulky |
encombre {m} | :: obstacle, hindrance, difficulty |
encombré {adj} | :: cluttered; congested |
encombré {adj} | :: burdened, encombered |
encombré {adj} | :: jammed (of a switchboard) |
encombrement {m} | :: traffic congestion |
encombrement {m} | :: cluttering, jamming, obstruction |
encombrement {m} | :: overcrowding, saturation |
encombrer {vt} | :: to block off, to clutter, to clutter up, to congest |
encombrer {vt} | :: to encumber, to burden |
encombrer {vt} | :: to jam (e.g. a switchboard) |
encomium {m} | :: An Ancient Greek literary genre of praise |
encomium {m} [obsolete] | :: Dictionary |
encommencer {vt} [obsolete] | :: To begin, start, initiate, or commence |
en commun {adv} | :: in common |
en compagnie de {prep} | :: in company of, accompanied by, with |
en connaissance de cause {adv} | :: knowingly, knowing all the facts, with full knowledge of the facts, with one's eyes open |
en connaître un rayon {v} [colloquial] | :: to know a fair bit about something, to know a thing or two about something, to know one's stuff, to know one's onions |
enconner {vt} [dated, rare, vulgar slang] | :: to fuck |
en conséquence {adv} | :: consequently, as a result, hence, therefore, thus |
en conséquence {adv} | :: accordingly |
en conséquence de {conj} | :: as a result of, due to |
en continu {adj} | :: nonstop |
encontre {m} | :: only in à l'encontre de |
en contrepartie {adv} | :: in return, in exchange |
encoprésie {f} | :: encopresis |
encor {adv} [poetic] | :: alternative spelling of encore |
encorbellement {m} | :: corbelling |
encorder {vt} | :: to rope up, connect with a rope |
encore {adv} | :: still |
encore {adv} | :: more |
encore {adv} | :: again |
encore {adv} [after the adverb pas] | :: yet, not yet |
encore et encore {adv} | :: again and again, over and over, time after time |
encore et toujours {adv} | :: still, as always, yet again |
encore heureux {interj} [colloquial] | :: and a good job too! and a good thing too! well that's lucky! I'm glad to hear it! it's just as well! thank goodness! |
encore que {conj} | :: though, although |
encore une fois {adv} | :: once again, once more |
encorner {vt} | :: to horn, to ram with the horns |
encorner {vt} [archaic, colloquial] | :: to cuckold |
encornet {m} | :: squid (cooked) (sea animal) |
encoubler {v} [Switzerland] | :: to trip, stumble |
encoubler {vr} [Switzerland] | :: to trip over something |
en coulisse {prep} | :: backstage |
en coulisse {prep} [figuratively] | :: behind the scenes |
en coup de vent {adv} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: briefly, quickly, hurriedly |
encourageant {adj} | :: encouraging (providing encouragement) |
encouragement {m} | :: An encouragement |
encourager {v} | :: to encourage |
encourir {vt} | :: to incur (to expose oneself to something inconvenient) |
encourir {vt} | :: to run [the risk], to bring upon (something unfavourable) |
en cours {adj} | :: in progress, underway, ongoing |
en cours de {prep} | :: in the process of |
en cours de {prep} | :: during, in the course of |
en cours de route {adv} [colloquial] | :: on the way, along the way |
en crabe {adv} | :: crablikely, moving sideways |
en crabe {adj} | :: crablike (in the sense "moving sideways") |
encrage {m} | :: inking |
encrassage {m} | :: dirtying, fouling |
encrassement {m} | :: fouling |
encrasser {vt} | :: to dirty, to foul |
encrasser {vr} | :: to get dirty, get filthy |
encre {f} | :: ink |
encre de Chine {f} | :: India ink |
encrer {vt} | :: to ink (to apply ink to) |
encreur {adj} | :: ink, inking (attributive) |
encrier {m} | :: inkwell |
encrine {m} | :: stone lily (fossil crinoid) |
encroûter {v} | :: to encrust, crust over |
encroûter {vr} | :: to crust over, form a crust |
encroûter {vr} | :: to get into a rut |
enculable {adj} [vulgar] | :: fuckable, buttfuckable |
enculade {f} [vulgar] | :: sodomy, buggery, assfuck, buttfuck (act of anal sex) |
enculade {f} [vulgar] | :: fuckover (trickery) |
enculé {m} [slang, vulgar] | :: bugger, fuckwit, fucker, fuckhead, etc |
enculé {m} [often, humorous] | :: A man, a fellow, a male friend |
enculé {m} [LGBT] | :: bottom (man with a preference for being penetrated during homosexual intercourse) |
enculer {v} [vulgar, slang] | :: to bugger, to sodomize (have anal sex) |
enculer {v} [vulgar, slang] | :: to fuck (have sex) |
enculer {v} [vulgar, slang] | :: to fuck, to con (defraud) |
enculer les mouches {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] | :: to split hairs; to nitpick |
enculeur {m} [vulgar] | :: buggerer, sodomizer (one who performs anal sex) |
enculeur {m} [LGBT] | :: top (man with a preference for penetrating during homosexual intercourse) |
enculeur {m} [vulgar] | :: cunt, dickhead, asshole, arsehole |
enculeur de mouches {m} [slang] | :: nitpicker |
enculeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of enculeur |
enculeuse de mouches {f} | :: feminine singular of enculeur de mouches |
encuvage {m} | :: vatting (putting grape juice into fermentation vats to produce wine) |
encuver {v} | :: to put into a vat or a tank |
encyclique {adj} | :: encyclical |
encyclique {f} | :: encyclical |
encyclopædie {f} | :: obsolete form of encyclopédie |
encyclopédicité {f} | :: encyclopedicity |
encyclopédie {f} | :: encyclopedia |
encyclopédique {adj} | :: encyclopedic |
encyclopédiquement {adv} | :: encyclopedically |
encyclopédiste {mf} | :: encyclopedist |
en danger {adj} | :: in danger, endangered |
en danseuse {prep} [cycling] | :: Riding out of the saddle, standing up, and rocking from side to side for leverage |
endaubage {m} | :: stewing (method of cooking) |
endauffer {v} [slang] | :: to bugger, to fuck up the ass |
en d'autres termes {adv} | :: in other words, to put it another way |
endéans {prep} [chiefly Belgium and Luxembourg] | :: within a time interval, distance, or other limit |
en deçà {prep} | :: on this side |
en deçà {prep} | :: below |
endécagone {m} | :: alternative form of hendécagone |
en dehors {adj} [music] | :: played "out in front of" the ensemble by projecting the volume so as to be heard |
en dehors de {prep} | :: outside of |
en dehors de {prep} [figuratively] | :: apart from, aside from |
en délicatesse {adj} [avec] | :: [literary] on chilly terms (with someone), on the verge of having a falling out (with someone) |
endémie {f} | :: endemic |
endémique {adj} | :: endemic |
endémisme {m} | :: endemism |
endenté {adj} | :: toothed (of a wheel etc) |
endenter {v} [usually of an object] | :: to provide with teeth |
en dents de scie {adj} | :: jagged, serrated |
en dents de scie {adj} [figuratively] | :: uneven, chequered, inconsistent |
en dépit de {prep} | :: despite, in spite of |
en désespoir de cause {adv} | :: in desperation, out of desperation, as a last resort |
en dessous de {prep} | :: below |
en dessous de la ceinture {phrase} [colloquial] | :: salacious, dirty |
en dessous de la ceinture {phrase} [colloquial] | :: below the belt, unfair, dirty |
en dessous de tout {adj} [colloquial] | :: lousy, shit, shitty, crappy (completely worthless) |
en détail {adv} | :: in detail |
endetté {adj} | :: in debt |
endettement {m} | :: debt |
endetter {vt} | :: to indebt; to put someone or something into debt |
endetter {vr} | :: to get into debt |
endeuiller {vt} | :: to take on an air of mourning |
en deuspi {adv} [slang, verlan, backslang] | :: fast |
en deux coups de cuiller à pot {adv} | :: alternative spelling of en deux coups de cuillère à pot |
en deux coups de cuillère à pot {adv} [colloquial] | :: in two shakes, in a flash, in a jiffy |
en deux temps trois mouvements {adv} [colloquial] | :: in two shakes, in a flash, in a jiffy, in nothing flat |
en devenir {adj} | :: in the making, budding, up-and-coming |
endiablé {adj} | :: possessed (by a devil) |
endiablé {adj} | :: furious |
en difficulté {adj} | :: beleaguered, in difficulty, in distress, in trouble |
endigage {m} | :: synonym of endiguement |
endiguable {adj} | :: curbable, containable |
endiguement {m} | :: containment |
endiguer {v} | :: to curb, contain |
endimanché {adj} | :: in one's Sunday best, endimanched |
endimanché {adj} | :: awkward, out of one's comfort zone |
endimanchement {m} | :: the act of dressing up in one's Sunday best |
endimancher {vp} | :: to dress up in one's Sunday best |
endimancher {vt} | :: to dress someone to look on their Sunday best |
en direct {adv} | :: directly |
en direct {adv} [idiomatic] | :: live (in real time) |
en dire des vertes et des pas mûres {v} [colloquial] | :: to say excessive things, to say things that are unsavory, harsh, shocking, unpleasant, nasty, ugly |
en dire long {v} [sur] | :: to speak volumes, to say it all |
endive {f} [culinary] | :: Belgian endive (edible chicory bud of Cichorium intybus) |
endo- {prefix} | :: end-/endo- |
endoblaste {m} | :: endoblast |
endocarde {m} | :: endocardium |
endocardite {f} | :: endocarditis |
endocarpe {m} | :: endocarp |
endocol {m} [anatomy] | :: endocervix |
endocrinien {adj} | :: endocrine |
endocrinologie {f} | :: endocrinology |
endocrinologue {mf} | :: endocrinologist (practitioner of endocrinology) |
endoctrinement {m} | :: indoctrination |
endoctriner {v} | :: to indoctrinate |
endoctriner {v} | :: to teach; to instruct |
endoderme {m} | :: endoderm |
endodermique {adj} | :: endodermic |
endodontie {f} | :: endodontics |
endodontique {adj} | :: endodontic |
endoédrique {adj} | :: endohedral |
endogame {adj} | :: endogamous (of a marriage, within a social group) |
endogamie {f} | :: endogamy (the practice of marrying within one's own social group) |
endogamique {adj} | :: endogamous (of a marriage, within a social group) |
endogène {adj} | :: endogenous (produced, originating or growing from within) |
endolithe {m} [biology] | :: endolith |
endolori {adj} | :: painful, sore |
endolymphe {f} [anatomy] | :: endolymph |
endomembranaire {adj} | :: endomembranous |
endomembrane {f} | :: endomembrane |
endomètre {m} | :: endometrium |
endométrectomie {f} [surgery] | :: endometrectomy |
endométriose {m} | :: endometriosis |
endométrite {f} | :: endometritis |
endommagement {m} | :: damaging |
endommager {v} | :: to damage (to cause damage to something) |
endomorphe {mf} [biology] | :: endomorph |
endomorphine {f} [biochemistry] | :: endomorphin; endorphin |
endomorphique {adj} [biology] | :: endomorphic |
endomorphisme {m} | :: endomorphism |
endonucléase {f} [biochemistry] | :: endonuclease |
endoparasitique {adj} [biology] | :: endoparasitic |
endoparasitisme {m} [biology] | :: endoparasitism |
endoparasitoïde {m} [biology] | :: endoparasitoid |
endoplasme {m} [biology] | :: endoplasm |
endoplasmique {adj} [biology] | :: endoplasmic |
endoréique {adj} | :: endorheic |
endormi {adj} | :: asleep |
endormir {vt} | :: to put to sleep |
endormir {vr} [s'endormir] | :: to fall asleep |
endorphine {f} | :: endorphin |
endoscope {m} | :: endoscope |
endoscopie {f} | :: endoscopy (examination using an endoscope) |
endoscopique {adj} | :: endoscopic |
endosmomètre {m} | :: endosmometer |
endosmose {m} | :: endosmosis |
endosperme {m} | :: endosperm |
endosquelette {m} | :: endoskeleton |
endossable {adj} [finance] | :: endorsable |
endossataire {mf} | :: endorsee |
endossement {m} | :: endorsement |
endosser {v} | :: to carry on one's back |
endosser {v} | :: to assume responsibility, to shoulder |
endosser {v} | :: to endorse |
endosser {vt} | :: to take on (e.g. a role) |
endosser {v} | :: to put on, to don [clothes] |
endosseur {m} | :: endorser |
endosseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of endosseur |
endosymbiose {f} | :: endosymbiosis (living within another organism) |
endosymbiote {m} | :: endosymbiont |
endosymbiotique {adj} | :: endosymbiotic |
endothélial {adj} | :: endothelial |
endothélium {m} | :: endothelium |
endothermique {adj} | :: endothermic |
endotoxine {f} | :: endotoxin |
endotoxique {adj} | :: endotoxic |
endotrachéal {adj} [anatomy] | :: endotracheal |
en douce {adv} [colloquial] | :: on the sly, secretly |
en douceur {adv} [colloquial] | :: gently, smoothly, softly, slowly |
endroit {m} | :: place, spot (specified area) |
enduire {v} | :: to plaster |
enduire {v} | :: to coat, cover |
enduire {v} | :: to smear, anoint (to smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance) |
enduit {adj} | :: coated (de with) |
enduit {m} | :: coat; coating |
enduit {m} | :: render (thin coat of plaster) |
enduit {m} | :: plaster; plastering |
en dur {adv} [computing] | :: hard |
endurable {adj} | :: endurable, which can be endured |
endurance {f} | :: endurance, stamina |
endurant {adj} | :: resistant, tough, hardy |
endurcir {vt} | :: to harden (make harder) |
endurcir {vt} | :: to harden, inure |
endurcissement {m} | :: hardening; toughening |
endurcissement {m} | :: hardness; toughness |
endurer {vt} | :: to endure |
enduriste {m} | :: endurance motorcyclist |
enduro {f} | :: enduro |
-ène {suffix} [chemistry] | :: -ene |
en échange {adv} | :: in return, in exchange |
Énée {prop} | :: Aeneas |
en effet {adv} | :: indeed |
énergéticien {m} | :: energy company |
énergétique {adj} | :: related to energy |
énergétiquement {adv} | :: energetically |
énergie {f} | :: energy (for power) |
énergie {f} | :: Energy (motivation) |
énergie atomique {f} | :: atomic energy |
énergie fossile {f} | :: fossil energy |
énergie nucléaire {f} | :: nuclear energy |
énergie renouvelable {f} | :: renewable energy |
énergie solaire {f} | :: solar energy |
énergie verte {f} | :: green energy |
énergique {adj} | :: energetic |
énergiquement {adv} | :: energetically |
énergisant {adj} | :: energizing |
énergiser {v} | :: to energize |
énergumène {mf} [theology] | :: energumen |
énergumène {mf} | :: fanatic, zealot |
énergumène {mf} | :: one expressing him or herself with great energy, excitement or vehemence |
énergumène {mf} [colloquial] | :: nutcase, loony |
énervant {adj} | :: annoying |
énervement {m} | :: annoyance |
énerver {vt} | :: to vex, to get on one's nerves |
énerver {v} | :: to unnerve, to make nervous |
énerver {v} [Quebec] | :: to be excited |
Énésidème {prop} {m} | :: Aenesidemus |
en état d'arrestation {adj} | :: under arrest |
en être {v} [colloquial] | :: to be game, to be in |
en être de sa poche {v} [figuratively] | :: to have to pay out of one's own pocket |
en face {prep} [de] | :: opposite, in front of |
en face de {prep} | :: opposite, across |
en faire des caisses {v} [colloquial] | :: to overdo it, to go over the top, to go overboard, to blow things out of proportion |
en faire des tonnes {v} [colloquial] | :: to overdo it, to go over the top, to go overboard, to blow things out of proportion |
en fait {adv} [modal] | :: actually; in fact (really) |
en fait de {prep} [literary or formal] | :: with respect to, in regard to, in respect of, as regards, regarding, when it comes to |
enfaîter {vt} | :: to cover |
enfance {f} [countable and uncountable] | :: childhood |
enfant {mf} | :: child (someone who is not yet an adult) |
enfant {mf} | :: child (offspring) |
enfant chéri {m} | :: golden boy (a favored youth, held in high esteem by others, and for whom there are high hopes) |
enfant de chœur {m} [religion] | :: altar boy |
enfant de chœur {m} [figurative] | :: angel |
enfant de pute {mf} [vulgar] | :: son of a whore; a son of a bitch |
enfantement {m} | :: childbirth |
enfanter {vt} [literary] | :: to bear [a child], bring into the world |
enfanter {vt} [of animals] | :: to give birth |
enfanter {vt} [of plants] | :: to bear [fruit] |
enfanter {vt} | :: to produce, reel off [an opus] |
enfantillage {m} | :: childishness |
enfantin {adj} | :: childlike, childish |
enfantin {adj} | :: child's, for children |
enfantinement {adv} | :: childishly; infantilely |
enfant prodige {m} | :: child prodigy, whiz kid, wunderkind |
enfant sauvage {m} | :: feral child |
enfant soldat {m} | :: child soldier |
enfant terrible {m} | :: enfant terrible |
enfant trouvé {m} | :: foundling |
enfant unique {mf} | :: only child |
enfariner {v} | :: to flour (cover with flour) |
en faveur de {prep} | :: in favor of |
enfer {m} | :: Hell |
enfer {m} [by extension] | :: hell (a very uncomfortable situation) |
enfermement {m} | :: confinement |
enfermer {v} | :: to lock up, lock in, lock away |
enfermer {v} | :: to imprison, entrap |
enfermer {v} [literary] | :: to enclose, contain |
enferrer {v} | :: to pierce with the end of a sword or a bayonet or the like |
en feu {adj} | :: blazing, burning, alight, on fire |
en feu {adv} | :: on fire, ablaze |
enfeu {m} | :: funereal recess |
enficher {v} | :: to plug the male part of a device into the female part designed to receive it |
enfieller {v} | :: to fill with rage |
enfiévré {adj} | :: feverish |
enfiévrer {v} | :: to stir up, rouse |
enfilade {f} | :: row or series (of houses) |
enfilade {f} [architecture] | :: enfilade |
enfilade {f} | :: enfilade (gunfire) |
enfilade {f} [chess] | :: skewer |
enfiler {v} | :: to thread (a needle) |
enfiler {v} | :: to string, to sling (put on a string or sling) |
enfiler {v} | :: to put on (clothes) |
enfiler {v} [vulgar] | :: To hump, to screw |
enfin {adv} | :: finally; in the end |
enfin {adv} | :: at last, finally |
enfin {adv} | :: in fact; indeed |
enfin {interj} | :: at last, finally, about time! |
en fin de compte {adv} | :: ultimately, at the end of the day, when all is said and done |
en finir {v} [avec quelque chose] | :: To put an end to something, usually something unpleasant |
en finir {v} [avec quelqu'un, euphemistic] | :: To get rid of someone, to kill someone |
en finir {v} [by ellipsis, en finir avec la vie] | :: To commit suicide |
enfirouaper {vt} | :: to scam, swindle, or trick someone |
enfirouâper {v} | :: alternative spelling of enfirouaper |
enflammer {v} | :: to set fire to, to set on fire |
enflammer {v} | :: to inflame, to fuel (e.g. a debate, hatred) |
enflammer {vr} [s'enflammer] | :: to catch fire |
enflé {adj} | :: swollen |
enfler {vt} | :: to inflate |
enfler {vt} | :: to fill |
enfler {vt} | :: to build up (an emotion) |
enfler {vi} | :: to swell up |
enfleurage {m} | :: enfleurage |
enfleurer {v} | :: to add the scent of flowers to a perfume |
enflure {f} | :: weal; swelling |
enflure {f} [slang] | :: bastard, scumbag |
enfoiré {m} [vulgar] | :: dickhead, fuckhead, shithead |
enfoirée {f} | :: feminine noun of enfoiré |
enfoirer {v} [archaic] | :: to cover with excrement |
enfoncement {m} | :: breaking down, breaking open (of a door etc.); breaking through (enemy lines) |
enfoncement {m} | :: driving in (of a stake, post etc.) |
enfoncement {m} | :: sinking (of foundations) |
enfoncement {m} | :: recess, nook, cranny |
enfoncement {m} | :: dip, slide |
enfoncer {vt} | :: to push in, to press in, to drive in |
enfoncer {vt} | :: to break open, to break down |
enfoncer {vt} | :: to defeat, to thrash |
enfoncer {vi} | :: to sink down |
enfoncer {vr} [s'enfoncer] | :: to bury oneself; to immerse oneself |
enfoncer des portes ouvertes {v} [figuratively] | :: to state the obvious |
enfoncer le clou {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to ram something home, to drive a lesson home (to repeat something insistently so that it is understood) |
enfoncer le couteau dans la plaie {v} | :: alternative form of remuer le couteau dans la plaie |
enfoncer une porte ouverte {v} | :: alternative form of enfoncer des portes ouvertes |
enfonceur {m} | :: pusher, presser (someone who pushes or presses) |
en fonction de {prep} | :: according to, depending on, based on (as a function to) |
en force {adv} | :: in force, in droves, in large numbers |
en forme {adj} | :: in form |
en forme {adj} | :: in the shape of |
enfouir {vt} | :: to bury |
enfouissement {m} | :: burying |
enfourcher {v} | :: to get on, mount |
enfournement {m} | :: charging / loading an oven (with bread etc) |
enfourner {v} | :: to put in the oven |
en foutre une {v} [à] | :: [vulgar, by ellipsis] to beat the crap out of |
enfreindre {v} | :: to infringe |
enfreinte {f} | :: infraction |
en friche {adj} [agriculture] | :: without culture |
en friche {adj} [figuratively] | :: simple-minded, uncultivated |
en froid {adj} [figuratively] | :: on bad terms (with) |
enfuir {v} | :: to escape (somewhere) |
enfuir {vr} | :: to flee |
enfumé {adj} | :: smoked out |
enfumer {vt} | :: to smoke, smoke out |
enfutailler {v} | :: to cask |
enfuter {v} | :: alternative form of enfûter |
enfûter {v} | :: to put into a keg; cask or barrel |
Engadine {prop} {f} | :: Engadin |
engageant {adj} | :: attractive, appealing, engaging, tempting, inviting |
engagement {m} | :: commitment |
engagement {m} | :: engagement |
engager {v} | :: to pledge, commit |
engager {v} | :: to hire, sign, snap up |
engager {v} | :: to involve |
engager {v} | :: to encourage |
engager {v} | :: to pawn |
engager {v} [military] | :: to enlist |
engager {v} | :: to enter into (as, e.g., a conversation) |
engagiste {mf} | :: A person who pledged support to the king and received land, title etc. in return |
engainer {v} | :: to sheathe |
engaller {v} | :: to dye black by passing through a decoction of gall |
engamer {v} [of a fish] | :: To swallow the hook along with the bait |
en gang {adv} [Quebec] | :: with a group of friends |
engatse {m} [Marseille] | :: problem, snag, nightmare, difficulty |
engazonnement {m} | :: turfing |
engazonner {vt} | :: to turf |
engeance {f} [dated] | :: breed (of animals, especially those that fly) |
engeance {f} | :: descendance, children, offspring |
engeance {f} | :: sort, type (of people) |
engeance {f} | :: mob, brood |
engeancer {v} [dated] | :: To embarrass |
engelure {f} | :: chilblain |
engendrement {m} | :: fathering (of child) |
engendrer {vt} | :: to generate, spawn, beget |
engendreur {m} | :: begetter |
engendreuse {f} | :: feminine noun of engendreur |
en général {adv} | :: in general, on the whole |
engin {m} | :: any device, contraption or machinery, particularly a complex, dangerous or powerful one |
engin {m} | :: a piece of military equipment |
engin {m} | :: a piece of heavy machinery |
engin {m} [colloquial] | :: any object whose name or function is unknown; a thingy; a gizmo |
engin {m} [colloquial] | :: penis |
engin {m} [chiefly legal] | :: a piece of hunting equipment |
engin {m} [sports] | :: an apparatus used in artistic gymnastics |
engin {m} [dated] | :: any tool or apparatus |
englacé {adj} [geology] | :: glaciated |
englobant {adj} | :: encompassing, including |
englober {v} | :: to include, to encompass |
engloutir {vt} | :: to gulp |
engloutir {vt} | :: to swallow up |
engloutissement {m} | :: gobbling up (of food) |
engluage {m} | :: liming |
engluer {v} | :: to birdlime |
engluer {vr} | :: to get bogged down |
engobe {m} | :: engobe |
engober {v} [pottery] | :: to cover with engobe |
engoncé {adj} | :: constrained, squeezed into |
engorgement {m} | :: clogging |
engorgement {m} | :: engorgement |
engorger {v} | :: to clog, clog up, congest |
engouement {m} | :: craze, zest, keen interest |
engouer {v} [obsolete] | :: to block the gullet when swallowing |
engouer {vr} [s'engouer, ~ de] | :: to become passionate or infatuated (with) |
engouffrer {v} | :: to gobble up; to eat up |
engouffrer {v} | :: to engulf |
engoulevent {m} | :: nightjar |
engourdi {adj} | :: numb |
engourdir {vt} | :: to numb, make numb |
engourdir {vt} | :: to dull, deaden, blunt |
engourdir {vr} | :: to go numb, go to sleep |
engourdissement {m} | :: numbness, numbing |
engrain {m} [botany] | :: einkorn wheat |
engrais {m} | :: fertilizer |
engraissage {m} | :: fattening |
engraissement {m} | :: fattening |
engraisser {vt} | :: to fatten |
engramme {m} | :: engram |
en grande pompe {adv} | :: sumptuously, lavishly, in state, with great fanfare, with great pomp, with pomp and show, with pomp and circumstance |
engrangement {m} | :: gathering, garnering (of hay) |
engranger {v} | :: to store |
engranger {v} | :: to rake in |
engranger {v} | :: to collect, gather in |
engranger {v} | :: to gain (experience, points) |
engranger {v} | :: to generate (economics; profits) |
engraver {vt} [nautical] | :: to ground |
engrenage {m} | :: gear (a wheel with grooves) |
engrenage {m} [figuratively] | :: inescapable sequence of events; slippery slope |
engrener {vit} | :: to fill with grain |
engrener {vit} | :: to set in motion; to start; to begin |
engrener {vt} | :: to engage or mesh (come into gear with) |
engrener {vi} | :: to be caught on a slippery slope |
engrener {vt} [dated] | :: [of poultry] to fatten by feeding grain |
engrener {vt} [agriculture, obsolete] | :: to thresh |
engrisailler {vtr} | :: to make or become gloomy |
en gros {adv} | :: in bulk |
en gros {adv} [colloquial] | :: in a nutshell, in summary, in short |
engrosser {vt} [colloquial] | :: to impregnate, to knock up |
engueulade {f} [colloquial] | :: telling off |
engueulade {f} [colloquial] | :: argument |
engueulement {m} [dated] | :: telling-off |
engueulement {m} [dated] | :: argument |
engueuler {vt} [colloquial] | :: to give (someone) a roasting, to tell someone off, to chew out, to give shit |
engueuler {vp} [colloquial] | :: to argue, to have a row |
engueuler comme du poisson pourri {vt} [simile, colloquial] | :: to give (someone) a rollicking, to give (someone) a bollocking, to tear a strip off (someone) |
engueuleur {m} | :: arguer |
engueuleuse {f} | :: feminine singular of engueuleur |
enguirlander {vt} [colloquial] | :: to tell off, tick off |
en guise de {prep} | :: by way of, as |
enhardir {v} | :: to embolden |
enharmonique {adj} | :: enharmonic |
enharmoniquement {adv} | :: enharmonically |
enharnacher {v} | :: to harness a horse |
enharnacher {v} | :: to caparison |
en haut {adv} | :: above |
en haut {adv} | :: upstairs |
en haut {adv} | :: up |
en haut de {prep} | :: at the top of |
en herbe {adj} | :: budding, in the making |
énième {adj} | :: nth |
énième {adj} [pejorative] | :: umpteenth |
énième {mf} | :: an nth |
énigmatique {adj} | :: enigmatic |
énigmatiquement {adv} | :: enigmatically |
énigme {f} | :: enigma, puzzle (anything difficult to understand or make sense of) |
énigme {f} | :: riddle |
en imposer {vi} [colloquial] | :: to be impressive |
en instance {adj} [legal] | :: pending, in the process |
enivrant {adj} | :: intoxicating |
enivrement {m} | :: exhilaration |
enivrer {vt} | :: to intoxicate, make drunk or get (someone) drunk, either physically or figuratively |
enivrer {vr} [+ de] | :: to get drunk; to become intoxicated |
enjambée {f} | :: stride |
enjambement {m} | :: enjambment |
enjambement {m} [biology] | :: crossing-over |
enjamber {v} | :: to straddle |
enjamber {v} | :: to stride |
enjamber {v} [poetry] | :: to make an enjambment |
enjambeur {m} | :: high-clearance tractor that can straddle the crops |
en jeter {vi} [colloquial] | :: to be impressive; to look great |
en jeu {adj} | :: at stake, on the line |
enjeu {m} | :: stake (what is at stake) |
enjeu {m} | :: issue, problem |
enjoindre {vt} | :: to order; to enjoin (someone à faire something) |
enjôlement {m} | :: bewitching |
enjôler {vt} | :: to bewitch |
enjôleur {adj} | :: bewitching |
enjolivé {adj} | :: embellished, enlivened |
enjolivement {m} | :: embellishment |
enjoliver {v} | :: to embellish, prettify |
enjoliveur {m} | :: hubcap |
enjolivure {f} | :: (small) embellishment |
enjoué {adj} | :: cheerful |
enjouement {m} | :: playfulness, cheerfulness |
enképhaline {f} | :: enkephalin |
enkystement {m} | :: encystment |
enkyster {vr} [s'enkyster] | :: to encyst (becoming surrounded by a cyst) |
enlacer {v} | :: to wrap around, to embrace |
enlacer {vr} | :: to wrap around each other, to intertwine |
enlaidir {vt} | :: to uglify |
enlaidissement {m} | :: uglification |
en l'air {adj} [figuratively] | :: empty, not backed by action |
en l'espace de {prep} | :: in the space of, in the span of |
en l'état {adj} | :: as is, as it is |
en l'état {adv} | :: as it is, given the current circumstances |
enlèvement {m} | :: takeoff, liftoff |
enlèvement {m} | :: removal, whether by moving, by destroying, or by erasing |
enlèvement {m} [legal] | :: abduction, kidnapping |
enlever {vt} | :: to remove, take off, take away, clear |
enlever {vt} | :: to take off, remove (clothes) |
enlever {vt} | :: to kidnap, abduct |
enlever {vt} | :: to win, capture, carry off |
enlever {vr} | :: to come out, wash off |
enlever une épine du pied {v} [à] | :: [colloquial, figuratively] to get out of a tight spot, to help out of a jam; to take a weight off someone's shoulders; to be a relief |
enlève ta soutadère que je te monte {interj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] | :: prepare for a fight! |
en l'honneur de {prep} | :: in honour of |
en l'honneur de {prep} | :: on the occasion of |
enliasser {v} | :: to bundle together (usually paper) |
en lice {adj} [figuratively] | :: in the game, in the running |
en lieu et place de {prep} | :: in place of, in lieu of |
en ligne {adj} [computing, Internet] | :: online |
enligner {vt} [chiefly Quebec] | :: to align |
enligner {vr} [chiefly Quebec] | :: to head for, to head towards |
enlisement {m} | :: The act of getting stuck in sand, mud etc |
enlisement {m} | :: stalemate (figurative) |
enliser {vt} | :: to get (a ship or vehicle) stuck in mud, sand etc |
enliser {vr} | :: to get stuck in mud, sand etc |
enliser {vr} [figurative] | :: to get bogged down |
enliser {vr} [figurative] | :: to sink deeper (into a hole of e.g. lies) |
en l'occurrence {adv} | :: as a matter of fact, as it happens, in this case, in the present case |
enloger {vt} | :: to put a pigeon into a box to transport it |
en long et en large {adv} | :: in detail, in minute detail, at length, at great length |
enluminer {vt} [archaic] | :: to light up, embrighten |
enluminer {vt} | :: to brighten, make brighter, brighten up (make more colorful) |
enluminer {vt} [historical] | :: to illuminate (a manuscript, etc.) |
enlumineur {m} | :: illuminator |
enlumineuse {f} | :: feminine noun of enlumineur |
enluminure {f} [arts] | :: illumination |
enluminure {f} [arts] | :: miniature |
en main propre {adv} [figuratively] | :: personally, in person |
en mains propres {adv} | :: alternative spelling of en main propre |
en mal de {adj} | :: lacking (something), missing (something), in need of (something) |
en mal de copie {adj} | :: short of copy (short of news to report, short of stories to tell) |
en manque {adj} [colloquial, followed by the preposition de] | :: experiencing withdrawal symptoms; in need of something |
en manque {adj} [colloquial, used absolutely] | :: frustrated, especially sexually |
en marche {prep} | :: up, functional, in operation, operational, up and running |
en marche {prep} | :: underway |
en marge de {prep} | :: on the fringes of, outside the jurisdiction of |
en masse {adv} | :: en masse |
en masse {adv} | :: in large amounts |
en masse {adv} [Canada] | :: in sufficient amounts |
en matière de {prep} | :: with respect to, in regard to, in respect of, as regards, regarding, when it comes to |
en même temps {adv} | :: at the same time, at once, simultaneously |
en même temps {adv} [colloquial] | :: on the other hand, at the same time, then again |
en mesure de {adj} | :: capable of, ready to, in the way of, in a position to do (something) |
en mettre plein la vue {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to sock it to someone, to blow someone away, to impress someone |
en moins de deux {adv} [colloquial] | :: in no time, in two shakes, in a flash, in a jiffy |
en moins de rien {adv} [literary, archaic] | :: in no time, in less than no time |
en moins de temps qu'il ne faut pour le dire {adv} [colloquial] | :: before you can say Jack Robinson, before you can say knife, faster than a minnow can swim a dipper, in two shakes, in a flash, in a jiffy |
en moyenne {adv} | :: on average |
en nage {adv} [colloquial] | :: covered in or wet with sweat |
en nature {adv} | :: in kind |
en nature {adv} [colloquial] | :: in trade |
enne {m} | :: letter: n |
ennéachorique {adj} [statistics] | :: enneachoric |
ennéagonal {adj} [geometry] | :: enneagonal |
ennéagone {m} [geometry] | :: enneagon |
enneigement {m} | :: snowfall |
enneigement {m} | :: snow cover |
enneiger {v} | :: to cover in snow |
ennemi {adj} | :: enemy |
ennemi {m} | :: enemy |
ennemi juré {m} | :: sworn enemy; nemesis; archenemy; mortal enemy |
ennoblir {vt} | :: to ennoble |
ennoblissement {m} | :: ennoblement |
ennoiement {m} | :: flooding, inundation |
en nombre {adv} | :: in force, in droves, in large numbers |
ennoyer {v} | :: To flood, inundate |
ennuager {v} | :: to cloud over (become cloudy) |
ennui {m} [uncountable] | :: Boredom; lassitude |
ennui {m} [uncountable] | :: Trouble, issue, annoyance |
ennuyant {adj} | :: annoying |
ennuyant {adj} | :: boring |
ennuyé {adj} | :: annoyed, upset, sorry, angry, disappointed, embarrassed, concerned |
ennuyé {adj} | :: (to look) worried, bothered, annoyed (avoir l'air ennuyé) |
ennuyé {adj} [rarely] | :: bored, ennuyé |
ennuyer {v} | :: to afflict with boredom; to bore |
ennuyer {vr} | :: to be bored |
ennuyer {vr} [_, + de] | :: to miss something or someone |
ennuyer {v} | :: to annoy, bother, trouble |
ennuyer {v} | :: to worry |
ennuyeusement {adv} | :: boringly |
ennuyeux {adj} | :: dull, boring, tedious, tiresome, monotonous |
ennuyeux {adj} | :: annoying |
énoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: enoic |
énol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: enol |
énolase {f} [enzyme] | :: enolase |
énolique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: enolic |
énolisation {f} [organic chemistry] | :: enolization |
énologie {f} | :: alternative form of œnologie |
énoncer {vt} | :: to enounce, lay out, declare |
énoncer {vr} [obsolete] | :: to explain |
énonciateur {adj} | :: enunciating, uttering |
énonciateur {adj} | :: explaining |
énonciateur {m} | :: enunciator, utterer |
énonciateur {m} | :: explainer |
énonciatif {adj} | :: enunciative |
énonciation {f} | :: enunciation |
énophtalmie {f} | :: enophthalmos |
en or {adj} | :: golden (made of gold) |
en or {adj} [figuratively] | :: golden, wonderful |
en ordre {adj} | :: orderly, tidy |
en ordre {adj} | :: in order |
en ordre de bataille {adv} | :: ready for battle, at the ready |
en ordre dispersé {prep} | :: at sixes and sevens, in disarray, in disorder, in a disorganized manner |
enorgueillir {vt} | :: to make [someone] proud |
enorgueillir {vr} | :: to boast, to pride oneself on |
énorme {adj} | :: enormous, huge |
énormément {adv} | :: enormously |
énormité {f} | :: enormity |
énostose {f} | :: enostosis |
énouer {v} | :: to remove the knots from, to unknot |
en outre {adv} | :: besides, moreover, furthermore |
en panne {adj} | :: broken, broken-down, out of order |
en parallèle {adv} | :: in parallel |
en parallèle {adv} [electricity] | :: in parallel |
en particulier {adv} | :: in particular, especially, particularly |
en partie {adv} | :: in part, partly |
en partie double {adj} | :: double-entry |
en partie simple {adj} | :: single-entry |
en passant {adv} | :: in passing; incidentally, by the way |
en passant {adv} [chess] | :: en passant |
en passe de {prep} [somewhat literary] | :: on the brink (of); on the verge (of), on track to, about to |
en permanence {adv} [colloquial] | :: constantly; all the time |
en personne {adv} | :: in person, in the flesh (with one's own body and presence) |
en personne {adj} | :: personified, incarnate |
en perspective {adv} | :: in the offing, in sight, on the horizon |
en perte de vitesse {adj} [figuratively] | :: losing momentum, losing steam, losing speed |
en place {adj} | :: in place |
en placer une {v} [colloquial] | :: To get a word in edgewise |
en plein air {adv} | :: in the open air, alfresco, outside, outdoors |
en plein essor {adv} | :: on the rise |
en plus {adv} [colloquial] | :: moreover, what is more, on top of that |
en plus de {prep} | :: in addition to |
en pointe {adj} | :: pointed, sharp |
en pointe {adj} | :: state-of-the-art, leading-edge, cutting-edge |
en pratique {adv} | :: in practice, for all practical purposes, in truth, in reality, in actuality, actually, really |
en premier lieu {adv} | :: first of all, firstly, first |
en premier lieu {adv} | :: first and foremost |
en prendre de la graine {v} [colloquial] | :: to learn, to take a lesson |
en prendre pour son grade {v} [colloquial] | :: to be taken down a peg, to get a severe telling-off, to get read the riot act; to take a severe beating |
en présence {adj} | :: present; involved |
en présence de {prep} | :: in the presence of, before (someone) |
en prime {adv} [colloquial] | :: as a bonus; on top of that; to boot, into the bargain |
en primeur {adv} | :: (used in connection to buying new wine) Either before a wine is bottled or while it is in bottle but has not yet fully matured |
en principe {adv} | :: in principle, in theory, theoretically |
en prise {adj} | :: in gear (vehicle) |
en prise {adj} [avec] | :: in touch with |
en privé {adv} | :: in private |
en profil {adv} [of a face] | :: Portrayed sideways |
en profondeur {adv} | :: in depth, completely, thoroughly, from top to bottom |
en proie à {adv} | :: in the grip of |
en proie à {adv} | :: prey to |
en proie à {adv} | :: affected by |
en public {adv} | :: in public |
en puissance {adj} | :: potential, possible; would-be, in the making; waiting to happen |
en pure perte {adv} [rather formal] | :: to no avail, fruitlessly, unsuccessfully, pointlessly, in vain, for nothing |
en qualité de {prep} [formal] | :: as, in one's capacity as |
en quantité {prep} | :: in plenty, aplenty, galore, abundantly, in abundance, in quantity |
en quatrième vitesse {adv} [colloquial] | :: at full tilt, full throttle, full bore |
en quel honneur {adv} | :: what for, on what occasion |
en quelque sorte {adv} | :: in a way, kind of, sort of, somewhat, so to speak |
enquérir {vp} | :: to inquire (about = de) |
en question {adj} | :: in question, under discussion, under consideration |
enquête {f} | :: inquest, investigation, examination |
enquête {f} | :: survey, inquiry |
enquêter {v} | :: to investigate |
enquêter {v} | :: to survey |
enquêteur {m} | :: investigator |
enquêtrice {f} | :: feminine singular of enquêteur |
enquiquinement {m} | :: nuisance |
enquiquiner {vt} [slang] | :: to annoy; to piss off |
enquiquineur {m} | :: pain, pain in the ass, pain in the neck |
enquiquineuse {f} | :: feminine noun of enquiquineur |
enracinement {m} | :: taking root |
enraciner {vt} [e.g. of a tree] | :: to root |
enraciner {vt} | :: to cause to take root |
enraciner {vr} [e.g. of a tree] | :: to take root |
enraciner {vr} [e.g. of an immigrant] | :: to settle down |
enragé {adj} | :: furious, enraged, incensed |
enragé {adj} | :: rabid |
enrager {v} [obsolete] | :: to have rabies |
enrager {v} | :: to enrage, anger, infuriate |
enrager {v} | :: to inflame, arouse |
enraiement {m} | :: alternative spelling of enrayement |
en raison de {prep} | :: due to, because of |
en rajouter une couche {v} [colloquial] | :: to go one step further; to overdo it, to lay it on thick; to add insult to injury, to make things even worse |
en rang {adv} | :: in a row (consecutively) |
enrayement {m} | :: checking, curbing (of a disease) |
enrayer {v} | :: to slow down, brake |
enrayer {v} | :: to curb, check |
enrayer {v} | :: to jam, to block (a weapon) |
en réalité {adv} | :: in reality, in practice, in truth, in actuality, actually, really |
enrégimentement {m} | :: enlistment |
enrégimentement {m} | :: indoctrination |
enrégimenter {vt} | :: to enlist |
enregistrable {adj} | :: recordable |
enregistrement {m} | :: registration |
enregistrement {m} [computing] | :: save (act of saving data onto a disk) |
enregistrement {m} | :: check-in (at the airport) |
enregistrement {m} | :: recording (of e.g. music) |
enrégistrement {m} | :: A registration, entry in a register |
enrégistrement {m} | :: An office in charge of certain official registrations |
enrégistrement {m} | :: check-in |
enrégistrement {m} [history] | :: A deed by which a cour souveraine (each of the highest courts of justice) ordered a royal order or decree to be transcribed and entered into its own register of legislation |
enregistrer {v} | :: to record for later replay or use, especially sound |
enregistrer {v} | :: to tape a movie or otherwise record it |
enregistrer {v} | :: to inscribe on a register or similar support |
enregistrer {v} | :: to record on |
enregistrer {v} [computing] | :: To save |
enregistrer {vr} | :: to record one's arrival; to check in |
enregistreur {adj} | :: recording |
enregistreur de données de vol {m} [aviation] | :: flight data recorder, FDR |
enregistreur phonique {m} [aviation] | :: cockpit voice recorder, cockpit recorder |
en règle {adj} | :: valid, in order (in compliance with the law or the rules) |
en règle générale {adv} | :: as a rule, in general |
enrêner {vt} | :: to harness [a horse] |
en rester là {phrase} | :: to call it quits, to leave it at that, to stop |
en résumé {adv} | :: in a nutshell |
en retard {adj} | :: late, overdue |
en retard {adj} | :: backward, unsophisticated |
en retour {adv} | :: in return, in exchange, in turn, back |
en retraite {adj} [dated] | :: retired; in retirement |
en revanche {adv} | :: however |
en revanche {adv} | :: on the other hand |
en revenir {v} [idiomatic] | :: to believe; to be able to believe (something incredible) |
enrhumé {adj} | :: Having a cold (illness) |
enrhumer {vt} | :: To affect with a cold, to give someone a cold (illness) |
enrichir {v} | :: to enrich |
enrichissement {m} | :: enrichment |
enrobage {m} | :: coating, enrobing |
enrober {v} | :: to coat |
enrobeuse {f} | :: enrobing (coating) machine |
enrochement {m} | :: riprap |
enrôlé {m} | :: recruit |
enrôlée {f} | :: feminine noun of enrôlé |
enrôlement {m} | :: enrolment (act of enroling) |
enrôlement {m} | :: enrolment (record of enroling) |
enrôler {v} | :: to enroll, enlist |
enroué {adj} | :: hoarse, husky |
enrouement {m} | :: hoarseness |
enrouer {vt} [of a voice] | :: to make hoarse |
enrouiller {vt} [rare] | :: to rust, rust up |
enroulé {adj} | :: wound or curled around |
enroulement {m} | :: winding |
enrouler {v} | :: to wind, curl (around) |
enrouler {v} [colloquial] | :: to make out with, to score with, to get off with (to kiss someone) |
enrouleur {adj} | :: winding |
en route {prep} | :: on the way, on one's way, en route |
enrubanner {vt} | :: to ribbon, beribbon |
en rupture de ban {adj} | :: at odds with society |
en rupture de ban {adj} | :: separated from society |
en rut {adj} [of a male] | :: rutting |
ENS {n} | :: École normale supérieure; a member of the grandes écoles of France, the first "École normale supérieure" |
ENS {n} | :: école normale supérieure; by extension, any of a set of schools named École Normale Supérieure |
ensablement {m} | :: silting up |
ensabler {vt} | :: to silt up |
ensabler {vt} | :: to strand [on a sandbank or beach] |
ensachage {m} | :: bagging (all senses) |
ensacher {v} | :: to bag (put into a bag or bags) |
ensanglanté {adj} | :: bloodstained, bloody |
ensanglanter {v} | :: to cover with shed blood |
ensantine {m} | :: ensantina |
ensauver {vp} [regional, s'ensauver] | :: to leave; to depart |
enseignant {m} | :: teacher |
enseignant {adj} | :: teaching |
enseignante {f} | :: female equivalent of enseignant |
enseigne {f} | :: shop sign |
enseigne {f} [by metonymy] | :: any chain store that operates under a shop brand |
enseigne {f} [cards] | :: suit |
enseigne {mf} [military] | :: ensign |
enseigné {adj} | :: taught |
enseigné {adj} | :: indicated |
enseignement {m} | :: education, teaching |
enseignement spécialisé {m} | :: special education |
enseignement supérieur {m} | :: higher education |
enseigner {v} | :: to teach |
ensellé {adj} [of a horse] | :: hollow-backed (having a concave back) |
enseller {v} | :: to saddle (a horse, etc.) |
ensemble {adv} | :: together |
ensemble {m} | :: an outfit |
ensemble {m} [mathematics] | :: a set |
ensemble {m} [music] | :: an ensemble |
ensemblement {adv} | :: together |
ensemble vide {m} [mathematics] | :: empty set (the unique set that contains no elements) |
ensemblier {m} | :: interior designer |
ensemblier {m} | :: set designer (cinema, TV) |
ensemblière {f} | :: feminine noun of ensemblier |
ensembliste {adj} [maths] | :: set-theoretic |
ensemencement {m} | :: sowing (of a seed) |
ensemencer {vt} | :: to sow, seed |
en série {adv} | :: in series |
en série {adv} | :: serially |
en série {adv} [electricity] | :: in series |
enserrer {v} | :: to clasp, to hold on tightly around (something) |
ensevelir {vt} | :: to bury |
ensevelir {vt} | :: to cover with earth |
ensevelir {vt} [figuratively] | :: to bury (hide something) |
ensevelir {vp} | :: to bury oneself, hide away |
ensevelissement {m} | :: burial, entombment |
ensevelisseur {m} | :: burier (one who buries a dead body) |
ensevelisseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of ensevelisseur |
en signe de {prep} | :: as a sign of, as a mark of, as a gesture of, out of |
ensilage {m} | :: ensilage |
en silence {adv} | :: in silence, silently |
ensiler {vt} | :: to store in a silo |
ensileuse {f} | :: forage harvester |
ensimer {v} | :: to lightly grease a fabric |
en soi {adv} | :: per se, in and of itself, as such |
en soleil {adj} | :: surrounded by light |
ensoleillé {adj} | :: sunny |
ensoleillement {m} | :: sunshine (amount of) |
ensoleillement {m} | :: insolation |
ensoleiller {v} | :: to fill with light, to brighten, to illuminate |
en somme {adv} | :: in summary |
en somme {adv} | :: after all |
ensommeillé {adj} | :: sleeping, asleep |
ensommeillé {adj} | :: sleepy, drowsy |
en son âme et conscience {adv} | :: in all conscience, in good conscience |
ensorceler {v} | :: to enchant; to cast a spell |
ensorceler {v} [figuratively] | :: to captivate; to enchant |
ensorceleur {adj} | :: bewitching |
ensorceleur {m} | :: sorcerer, bewitcher |
ensorcellement {m} | :: enchantment, bewitchment |
en souffrance {adj} | :: pending, outstanding, held up |
en souffrance {adj} [of a package] | :: undelivered; unclaimed |
ensouple {f} | :: warp beam |
ensoupler {v} | :: To load a warp beam |
ensoutané {adj} | :: cassocked |
enstatite {f} [mineral] | :: enstatite |
ensuit {adv} | :: after, later |
ensuite {adv} | :: in turn, subsequently, thereafter |
ensuivre {v} [archaic or literary] | :: to follow (to come after) |
ensuivre {vr} | :: to follow, to come next |
ensuivre {vr} | :: to result, to come as a result |
en sus {adv} | :: in addition |
en sus de {prep} | :: in addition to, over and above |
-ent {suffix} | :: A suffix denoting the third-person plural present indicative form of a verb |
entablement {m} [architecture] | :: entablature |
entabler {vr} [of a, horse] | :: To have the hips move before the shoulders |
entacher {v} | :: to taint |
entacher {v} [figuratively] | :: To blemish; to besmirch; to mar |
entacher {v} [figuratively] | :: To stain/harm someone's reputation |
entaille {f} | :: cut, slice, gash; notch |
entailler {vt} | :: to snick, to cut into, to gash [wood, stone, metal, etc.] |
en tailleur {adv} | :: cross-legged |
entailleur {m} [during the Middles Ages] | :: a stone mason or sculptor (person who makes structures or sculptures out of stone) |
entame {f} | :: start, opening, beginning |
entame {f} [card games] | :: lead (first card played) |
entame {f} | :: The first slice |
entamer {v} | :: to cut into (something) |
entamer {v} | :: to remove a small piece of something |
entamer {v} [figurative] | :: to eat into (savings etc.); to undermine (credibility) |
entamer {v} [figurative] | :: to start, to begin, initiate |
en tant que {prep} | :: as (a) |
en tapinois {adv} | :: stealthily |
entarbouché {adj} | :: tarbooshed |
entartage {m} | :: pieing (an instance of throwing a pie at someone) |
entartement {m} | :: pieing (an instance of throwing a pie at someone) |
entarter {v} | :: to throw a pie at, to hit with pie |
entartrage {m} | :: furring up (formation of scale) |
entartrer {v} | :: to scale, fur up |
entassement {m} | :: piling, cramming |
entassement {m} | :: a pile, a heap |
entasser {v} | :: to pile (objects), to hoard (money etc.) |
entasser {vr} | :: to pile up |
ente {f} | :: verbal noun of enter |
entéléchie {f} | :: entelechy |
en temps et en heure {adv} | :: in good time, in due time, in due course |
en temps et lieu {adv} | :: in time and place |
en temps normal {adv} | :: usually, normally, in normal circumstances |
en temps utile {adv} | :: in good time, in due time, in due course |
en temps voulu {adv} | :: in good time, in due time, in due course |
entendant {m} | :: person who is capable of hearing |
entendement {m} | :: understanding, comprehension |
entendeur {m} | :: wise person |
entendre {v} | :: to hear |
entendre {vi} | :: to be able to hear |
entendre {v} [literary] | :: to listen to |
entendre {v} [formal] | :: to mean |
entendre {vr} | :: to agree with each other |
entendre {vr} | :: to have good relations with; to get on; to get along |
entendre {vp} | :: to be good or competent at something |
entendre {v} [rare] | :: to desire; to wish; to intend |
entendre {v} [dated] | :: to demand |
entendre {v} [dated] | :: to know |
entendre {v} [archaic] | :: to understand |
entendre des voix {v} | :: to hear things, to hear voices |
entendre raison {v} | :: to see sense, to see reason, to listen to reason |
entendu {adj} | :: understood |
entendu {adj} | :: heard |
entendu {adj} | :: accepted, decided following a discussion |
entente {f} | :: accord; agreement |
entente {f} | :: interpretation, meaning |
entention {f} | :: obsolete form of intention |
en tenue {adj} | :: dressed (in a specified way) |
en tenue {adj} [military] | :: in uniform |
enter {v} [agriculture] | :: to graft |
enter {v} | :: to implant |
entéralgie {f} | :: enteralgia |
entériner {v} | :: to ratify, to confirm, to consent |
entérique {adj} | :: enteric |
entérite {f} [pathology] | :: enteritis (intestinal disease) |
en termes de {prep} | :: in terms of |
entérobactérie {f} | :: enterobacteria |
entérocolite {f} | :: enterocolitis |
entérocoque {f} | :: enterococcus |
entérocytaire {adj} [biology] | :: enterocytic |
entérocyte {m} [biology] | :: enterocyte |
entérokinase {f} | :: enterokinase |
entérologie {f} | :: enterology |
entéropathie {f} | :: enteropathy |
entéropneuste {f} | :: acorn worm |
entéro-rénal {adj} | :: enterorenal |
entérorénal {adj} [anatomy, pathology] | :: enterorenal |
entérotrope {adj} [anatomy] | :: enterotropic |
entérovaccin {adj} | :: enterovaccine |
enterrement {m} | :: burial |
enterrement {m} [by extension] | :: funeral |
enterrement de vie de garçon {m} | :: bachelor party |
enterrement de vie de jeune fille {m} | :: bachelorette party |
enterrer {v} | :: to bury (put underground) |
enterrer {v} | :: to ditch, to bury (e.g. plans/memories) |
enterrer la hache de guerre {v} [figuratively] | :: to bury the hatchet |
enterreur {m} | :: burier (one who buries dead bodies) |
enterreuse {f} | :: feminine noun of enterreur |
en tête {prep} | :: ahead; in the lead |
en-tête {m} | :: header, heading, letterhead |
entête {m} | :: alternative form of en-tête |
entêté {adj} | :: stubborn |
entêtement {m} | :: stubbornness |
entêter {v} | :: to be stubborn |
entêter {v} | :: to persist |
entêter {v} | :: to go to the head |
enthalpie {f} [physics] | :: enthalpy |
en théorie {adv} | :: in principle, in theory, theoretically |
enthèse {f} [anatomy] | :: enthesis |
enthousiasme {m} | :: enthusiasm, keenness |
enthousiasmé {adj} | :: excited |
enthousiasmer {v} | :: to enthuse |
enthousiasmer {vr} | :: to be enthusiastic about |
enthousiaste {adj} | :: Of a person, inspired, passionate (religiously or artistically); often construed with de (= by) |
enthousiaste {adj} | :: Of a person, enthusiastic; easily inspired or impassioned; often construed with de (= about) |
enthousiaste {adj} | :: Of a thing, enthusiastic, expressing enthusiasm |
enthousiaste {mf} [often ironic or pejorative] | :: One who is inspired by the Divinity |
enthousiaste {mf} | :: One who is enthusiastic or fanatical; often construed with de (= about) |
enthousiastement {adv} | :: enthusiastically |
enthymème {m} [figure of speech] | :: enthymeme |
enthymémisme {m} [logic] | :: synonym of enthymème |
enticher {vp} | :: to become infatuated, besotted (de (with)) |
entier {adj} | :: whole |
entier {adj} [arithmetic] | :: whole [of a number], integer |
entier {adj} | :: entire, whole |
entier {adj} [of bread] | :: wholemeal [UK], wholewheat [US] |
entier {m} [mathematics] | :: integer, whole number |
entièrement {adv} | :: entirely |
entier naturel {m} [mathematics] | :: natural number |
entité {f} | :: entity |
en titre {adj} | :: current |
entoblaste {m} | :: entoblast |
entognathe {m} | :: entognath |
entoiler {v} | :: to canvas (cover with canvas) |
entomochorie {f} [biology] | :: entomochory |
entomologie {f} | :: entomology |
entomologique {adj} | :: entomological |
entomologiste {mf} | :: entomologist |
entomophage {adj} | :: entomophagous |
entomophile {adj} | :: entomophilic, entomophilous |
entomophile {m} | :: entomophile |
entomophilie {f} | :: entomophily |
entomostracé {f} | :: entomostraca |
entonner {v} | :: to strike up, burst into (chanting or singing) |
entonner {v} | :: to funnel (pour using a funnel) |
entonner {v} | :: to channel |
entonnoir {m} | :: funnel |
entorse {f} | :: sprain |
entorse {f} [figuratively] | :: exception, violation (to a rule) |
en tort {adv} | :: at fault, in the wrong |
entortillement {m} | :: entanglement |
entortiller {vt} | :: to wrap around, to twist around, to envelop |
entortiller {v} [figuratively] | :: to win over, to persuade especially with tricks |
entortiller {v} [figuratively] | :: to muddle up (one's explanation) |
entortiller {vp} | :: to get tangled up, to get entangled |
entour {m} [in plural] | :: surroundings |
entour {m} | :: circumlocution |
entour {m} | :: entourage |
entourage {m} | :: ornament, decoration surrounding something |
entourage {m} | :: group of acquaintances |
entourer {v} | :: to surround |
entourloupe {f} | :: scam; attached strings |
entourlouper {v} | :: to swindle; dupe; hoodwink |
entourloupette {f} | :: mean trick |
entourner {v} | :: To wind, turn or curl around something |
entournure {f} | :: armhole |
en tous genres {adj} | :: alternative spelling of en tout genre |
en tout {adv} | :: in total, in all, all told |
en tout bien tout honneur {adv} | :: with the most honorable of intentions, with the best of intentions, with no ulterior motive, in good faith, disinterestedly, above board |
en tout cas {adv} | :: anyway, anyhow, at any rate |
en tout état de cause {adv} | :: at any rate, in any case, anyway |
en tout et pour tout {adv} | :: altogether, in all, all told |
en tout genre {adj} [colloquial] | :: of all kinds, of every stripe, of all sorts |
en tout point {adv} | :: in every respect, perfectly, totally, entirely |
entr'acte {m} | :: archaic spelling of entracte |
entracte {m} [theater] | :: interval; intermission |
entracte {m} [theater] | :: interval act; half-time show |
entradmirer {v} | :: To admire each other |
entraide {f} | :: Action of helping one another |
entraider {vr} [reciprocal] | :: to help one another |
entrailles {fp} | :: entrails, bowels, guts |
entrailles {fp} [literary] | :: womb |
entrailles {fp} [figuratively] | :: bowels, depths |
entrain {m} | :: spirit, liveliness, vivacity, drive |
entrainant {adj} | :: alternative form of entraînant |
entraînant {adj} | :: catchy |
entraînant {adj} | :: entrancing |
en train de {adv} | :: in the middle of, in the process of (doing something) |
en train de {adv} | :: about to (do something) |
entrainé {adj} | :: carried, dragged |
entrainé {adj} | :: involved |
entrainement {m} | :: alternative form of entraînement |
entraînement {m} | :: training |
entrainer {v} | :: alternative spelling of entraîner |
entraîner {v} | :: to coach, to train |
entraîner {v} | :: to carry, pull, drive |
entraîner {v} | :: to drag (along) |
entraîner {v} | :: to bring about, lead to, involve |
entraîner {vr} [s'entraîner] | :: to exercise, to train |
entraineur {m} | :: trainer (coach) |
entraîneur {m} | :: alternative spelling of entraineur |
entraineuse {f} | :: female equivalent of entraineur |
entraîneuse {f} | :: alternative spelling of entraineuse |
entrapercevoir {vt} | :: to glimpse; to catch a glimpse (of) |
entraperçu {adj} | :: glimpsed |
entrave {f} | :: hobble (chain) |
entrave {f} | :: fetter (chain) |
entrave {f} | :: hindrance, obstacle |
entraver {v} | :: to hinder; to impede |
entraver {v} [slang, dated] | :: to understand |
en travers {adv} | :: across (it) |
entraxe {m} | :: The distance between two axes |
entre- {prefix} | :: inter- |
entre {prep} | :: between |
entre {prep} | :: among |
entre autres {adv} | :: among other things, inter alia |
entrebâillé {adj} | :: half-open, ajar |
entrebâillement {m} | :: crack, chink (small gap) |
entrebâiller {vt} | :: to half-open; to leave ajar |
entrebaiser {vr} [s'entrebaiser] | :: to kiss one another |
entrechat {m} [dance] | :: entrechat |
entrechat {m} [humorous] | :: leap, bound |
entre chien et loup {adv} [literally] | :: between a dog and a wolf |
entre chien et loup {adv} [by extension, idiomatic] | :: At dusk, at twilight; gloaming |
entre chien et loup {adv} [photography] | :: golden hour (used in same technical sense for “good photographic light at twilight”) |
entrechoquer {vtr} | :: to knock together, clink together |
entrechoquer {vp} | :: to contradict (each other), clash |
entrecôte {f} | :: entrecôte |
entrecouper {vt} | :: To interrupt; to intersperse; to scatter with |
entrecouper {vp} | :: To intersect, to cross one another |
entrecroisement {m} | :: intertwining |
entrecroiser {vr} | :: to criss-cross, intersect |
entrecuisse {m} | :: midthigh |
entre de bonnes mains {adv} | :: in good hands |
entre-déchirer {vr} | :: to tear each other to bits |
entredéchirer {v} | :: To tear apart |
entredéchirer {v} | :: To tear one another apart |
entre-deux {m} | :: interspace, gap (between two things) |
entre-deux {m} | :: half-time, intervening period |
entre-deux {m} [sports] | :: jump ball, drop ball |
entre deux âges {adj} | :: middle-aged |
entre-deux-guerres {mf} | :: An interwar period |
Entre-Deux-Mers {prop} | :: A wine region in Bordeaux, France, situated between the rivers Garonne and Dordogne, and bounded in the east by the border of the Gironde department and in the west by the Bec d'Ambès |
entre-dévorer {vr} | :: to devour each other |
entrée {f} | :: entry, act of entering |
entrée {f} | :: entrance, way in |
entrée {f} | :: starter (of a meal) |
entrée {f} [lexicography] | :: headword, entry (in a dictionary, encyclopedia) |
entrée des artistes {f} | :: stagedoor |
entrée des artistes {f} [figuratively] | :: anus |
entrée de service {f} | :: service entrance |
entrée en fonction {f} | :: taking of office, assuming of one's post, coming into power |
entrée en matière {f} | :: an introduction, a way in, a lead-in |
entre-égorger {vr} | :: to cut or slit each other's throats |
entrefaite {f} [especially in plural] | :: meantime |
entrefilet {m} | :: snippet (short newspaper article) |
entre-frapper {vr} | :: to hit each other |
entregent {m} | :: socializing, mingling; networking |
entregent {m} | :: social skills, interpersonal skills |
entre guillemets {adv} | :: quote unquote (emphasize the following word or phrase for irony) |
entre-heurter {vr} | :: to hit one another |
entreheurter {v} | :: alternative form of entre-heurter |
entrejambe {f} | :: crotch (of person, clothing) |
entrejeu {m} [soccer] | :: midfield |
entrelac {m} [especially in plural] | :: entanglement; tracery |
entrelacement {m} | :: interlacing |
entrelacement {m} | :: interweaving |
entrelacer {v} | :: to interlock; to interweave |
entrelacs {m} | :: interlacing, tracery |
Entrelacs {prop} | :: Entrelacs (a placename) |
entre la peste et le choléra {prep} [figuratively] | :: between the devil and the deep blue sea, between a rock and a hard place |
entre la poire et le fromage {adv} [figuratively] | :: blithely, lightly, rather carelessly |
entre l'arbre et l'écorce {adv} [literally] | :: Between the tree and the bark |
entre l'arbre et l'écorce {adv} [by extension, idiomatic] | :: In a bad situation; between a rock and a hard place |
entrelarder {vt} | :: to lard |
entrelarder {vt} | :: to intersperse (with) |
entre le marteau et l'enclume {adv} [literally] | :: between the hammer and the anvil |
entre le marteau et l'enclume {adv} [by extension, idiomatic] | :: between a rock and a hard place; between the devil and the deep blue sea |
entre-louer {v} [prominal, s'entre-louer] | :: to praise one another |
entrelouer {v} | :: alternative form of entre-louer |
entre-manger {vr} | :: to eat one another |
entremêler {v} | :: to interlock; to interweave |
entremets {m} | :: entremets |
entremetteur {m} | :: go-between, mediator |
entremetteuse {f} | :: procuress |
entremettre {vr} [dated] | :: to mediate |
entremise {f} | :: An intervention, means, or method |
entre nous {phrase} | :: between us, confidentially, privately |
entrepont {m} | :: steerage (section of a passenger ship) |
entreposage {m} | :: warehousing (storage in a warehouse) |
entreposer {v} | :: to store goods in a warehouse |
entrepôt {m} | :: warehouse; store |
entreprenant {adj} | :: enterprising |
entreprenariat {m} | :: alternative form of entrepreneuriat |
entreprendre {v} | :: to undertake |
entrepreneur {m} | :: entrepreneur (person who organizes and operates a business venture) |
entrepreneurial {adj} | :: entrepreneurial |
entrepreneuriat {m} | :: entrepreneurship |
entrepreneuse {f} | :: female equivalent of entrepreneur |
entreprise {f} | :: company, business |
entreprise {f} | :: enterprise, project |
entre quatre yeux {adv} [colloquial] | :: one-to-one, describing a meeting between just two persons |
entre quatre-z-yeux {adv} | :: alternative spelling of entre quatre yeux |
entre quat'z'yeux {adv} | :: alternative form of entre quatre yeux |
entrer {vi} | :: to enter |
entrer dans le vif du sujet {v} | :: to get to the crux of the matter, to get to the heart of the matter, to cut to the chase |
entre-regarder {vr} | :: to look at each other |
entrer en jeu {v} | :: to come into play |
entrer en jeu {v} | :: to step in |
entrer en lice {vi} | :: to throw one's hat in the ring, to enter the lists, to enter the running, to enter the fray, to enter the arena |
entrer en ligne de compte {v} [figuratively] | :: to come into account, to enter the equation, to enter the picture, to count for something |
entrer en religion {v} | :: to take one's vows, to take orders (to enter a religious order, a religious community) |
entrer en scène {v} [theater] | :: to come on (to appear on a stage) |
entrer en scène {v} [figuratively] | :: to enter the picture, to enter the scene, to come on the scene |
entrer en vigueur {v} | :: to come into force, to come into effect |
entresol {m} | :: entresol |
entretailler {v} [of a, horse] | :: to knock knees, to have one's legs hit each other when one walks |
entre-temps {adv} | :: alternative form of entretemps |
entre-temps {m} | :: alternative form of entretemps |
entretemps {adv} | :: meanwhile, in the meantime |
entretemps {m} | :: interim, break |
entretenir {vt} | :: to maintain, to look after |
entretenir {vt} | :: to support (e.g a family) |
entretenir {vt} [figuratively] | :: to fuel, to keep something going |
entretenir {vr} | :: to have a discussion (with someone) |
entretenir {vr} | :: to keep fit |
entretenu {adj} | :: maintained, supported |
entretien {m} | :: upkeep (maintenance) |
entretien {m} | :: welfare, well-being |
entretien {m} | :: interview (dialogue) |
entretien d'embauche {m} | :: job interview |
entretoiser {v} | :: to brace, to put a brace/crosspiece between (two beams) |
entre-tuer {vr} | :: to kill each other |
entretuer {vr} | :: To kill each other |
entrevoir {v} | :: to make out, see vaguely; to glimpse |
entrevoir {v} | :: to foresee, anticipate |
entrevoir {v} | :: to catch sight of, see briefly |
entrevu {adj} | :: glimpsed |
entrevue {f} | :: interview |
entrisme {m} | :: entryism |
en trombe {adv} | :: like a whirlwind, quickly and violently; brusquely |
en trop {adv} [idiom] | :: too much; too many; in excess |
en trop {adv} [idiom] | :: disposable; unnecessary |
entropie {f} | :: entropy |
entropion {m} | :: entropion |
entropique {adj} [physics] | :: entropic |
entropiquement {adv} | :: entropically |
entrouvert {adj} | :: half-opened |
entrouvrir {vtp} | :: to half-open; to leave ajar |
entuber {vt} [vulgar] | :: to shaft, to fuck over, dupe, swindle, fool |
enturbanné {adj} | :: turbaned |
enturbannement {m} | :: enturbanment |
enturbanner {v} | :: to enturban |
énucléabilité {f} [surgery] | :: enucleability |
énucléation {f} | :: enucleation |
énucléer {v} | :: to enucleate |
énumérabilité {f} [maths] | :: enumerability |
énumérable {adj} [maths] | :: enumerable |
énumératif {adj} | :: enumerative |
énumération {f} | :: enumeration |
énumérer {v} | :: to enumerate; count out; go through one by one |
en un clin d'œil {adv} [colloquial] | :: in the blink of an eye, in no time, in two shakes, in a flash, in a jiffy |
en un mot {adv} | :: in a word, in short, in a nutshell |
en un mot comme en cent {adv} | :: in short, in other words, to make it abundantly clear, to put it another way |
en un rien de temps {adv} [colloquial] | :: in no time, in two shakes, in a flash, in a jiffy |
en un tournemain {adv} | :: in a flash, in a jiffy |
énuquer {vr} [Switzerland] | :: to break one's neck |
énurésie {f} [pathology] | :: bedwetting, enuresis |
énurésie nocturne {f} | :: bedwetting |
énurétique {adj} | :: enuretic |
en usage {adj} | :: used, in use |
envahir {v} | :: to invade |
envahir {v} | :: to stretch, to overgrow, to fill |
envahissant {adj} | :: invasive, pervasive |
envahissement {m} | :: invasion |
envahissement {m} | :: encroachment |
envahisseur {m} | :: invader (one who invades) |
envahisseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of envahisseur |
en vain {adv} | :: in vain |
en vase clos {adv} | :: in isolation |
envasement {m} | :: silting up |
envaser {v} | :: to silt up |
enveloppant {adj} | :: enveloping |
enveloppe {f} | :: envelope (wrapper for mailing) |
enveloppe {f} [geometry] | :: envelope (of a family of curves) |
enveloppe {f} [biology] | :: envelope (an enclosing structure or cover, such as a membrane) |
enveloppement {m} | :: enveloping, wrapping |
envelopper {v} | :: to wrap someone or something, to cover |
envelopper {v} | :: to envelop |
envenimation {f} [biology, medicine] | :: envenomation |
envenimement {m} | :: poisoning |
envenimement {m} | :: worsening |
envenimer {vt} | :: to envenom |
envenimer {vt} [figurative] | :: to aggravate, inflame |
en venir à {v} | :: from the previous state of matters to come to. |
en venir au fait {v} | :: to get to the point, to cut to the chase |
en venir aux mains {v} | :: to come to blows, to duke it out |
envergure {f} [of an aircraft] | :: wingspan |
envergure {f} [figuratively] | :: scale; magnitude |
en vérité {adv} | :: in truth, in reality, in practice, in actuality, actually, really |
envers {m} | :: reverse |
envers {m} | :: inverse |
envers {m} | :: back |
envers {m} | :: wrong side |
envers {m} | :: other side |
envers {m} | :: seamy side ("l'envers de la vie") |
envers {m} | :: inside |
envers {prep} | :: in relation to |
envers {prep} | :: toward |
envers du décor {m} [with the definite article l'] | :: [figuratively] what's behind the scenes |
envers et contre tous {adv} | :: despite all opposition; against all opposition |
envers et contre tout {adv} | :: despite all opposition; against all opposition; through thick and thin |
en vertu de {prep} | :: by virtue of, due to |
en veux-tu en voilà {adv} | :: in plenty, aplenty, galore, abundantly, in abundance |
envi {m} | :: only used in the phrase à l'envi |
enviable {adj} | :: enviable |
enviander {v} [dated] | :: to feed meat |
enviander {v} [slang] | :: to bugger, to fuck up the ass |
enviander {v} [slang] | :: to screw over, to fuck up (to dupe, to swindle) |
en vie {adj} | :: living, alive |
envie {f} | :: desire, lust, urge |
envie {f} | :: appetite, craving |
envie {f} | :: envy |
envie {f} | :: birthmark |
envie {f} | :: hangnail |
envier {vi} | :: to envy |
envieusement {adv} | :: enviously; jealously |
envieux {adj} | :: envious |
en vigueur {adj} | :: in force (of law, rule) |
en vigueur {adj} | :: current (regime, conditions, etc.) |
environ {adv} | :: about, close to, around |
environ {m} [especially in plural] | :: a surrounding area |
environnant {adj} | :: surrounding |
environnement {m} | :: environment |
environnement {m} | :: nature |
environnemental {adj} | :: environmental |
environnementalement {adv} | :: environmentally |
environnementalisme {m} | :: environmentalism, ecologism |
environnementaliste {mf} | :: environmentalist |
environner {v} | :: to surround, encircle |
environs {mp} | :: neighborhood (close proximity, particularly in reference to home) |
envisageable {adj} | :: foreseeable |
envisageable {adj} | :: conceivable |
envisager {v} | :: to envisage; to contemplate |
en vitesse {adv} [colloquial] | :: quickly, rapidly, fast |
en vogue {adj} | :: in fashion, fashionable |
envoi {m} | :: dispatch, sending (act of sending); shipping |
envoi {m} [military] | :: dispatch |
envoi {m} | :: package (something that is sent or dispatches) |
envoi {m} [poetry] | :: envoi |
en voie de {prep} | :: in the process of |
envoiler {vp} | :: To warp or become bent |
en voir de toutes les couleurs {v} | :: to go through hell |
envol {m} | :: takeoff (of plane, bird etc.) |
envol {m} | :: soar |
envoler {vr} | :: to take off, to take flight |
envoler {vr} | :: to blow away |
envoler {vr} | :: to fly (of time) |
envoler {vr} [colloquial] | :: to vanish, disappear, walk (to be stolen) |
en vouloir {v} [à] | :: to be angry (with) |
en vouloir {vi} [colloquial] | :: to be a go-getter, to have a go-getter attitude |
envoûtant {adj} | :: fascinating |
envoûtement {m} | :: bewitchment |
envouter {v} | :: alternative spelling of envoûter |
envoûter {v} | :: to cast a spell, bewitch, charm, hex |
envoûter {v} | :: to fascinate, captivate, entrance |
envoûteur {m} | :: sorcerer |
envoûteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of envoûteur |
envoye {m} | :: slowworm (anguis fragilis) |
envoye {interj} [Quebec, slang] | :: c'mon |
envoyé {m} | :: envoy |
envoyé {m} | :: messenger |
envoyé {m} | :: correspondent |
envoyer {v} | :: to send |
envoyer {vr} | :: to gulp down with relish |
envoyer ad patres {vt} | :: to kill |
envoyer balader {vt} | :: to send someone packing |
envoyer bouler {vt} [colloquial] | :: to send someone packing |
envoyer chier {vt} [vulgar] | :: to send someone packing, to tell someone to fuck off |
envoyer des fleurs {v} [rare] | :: [figuratively] [à] to say nice things to somebody, to compliment somebody |
envoyer des fleurs {v} [reflexively] | :: to toot one's own horn, to blow one's own horn, to blow one's own trumpet, to pat oneself on the back |
envoyer du pâté {vi} [colloquial, slang] | :: to kick ass, to kick butt, to rock, to rule (to be awesome) |
envoyer du steak {vi} [colloquial, slang] | :: to kick ass, to kick butt, to rock, to rule (to be awesome) |
envoyer paître {vt} | :: to send someone packing |
envoyer promener {vt} [colloquial] | :: to send someone packing, to reject, to dismiss, to tell someone to piss off |
envoyer son gantelet {v} [idiomatic] | :: throw down the gauntlet |
envoyer sur les roses {vt} | :: to send someone packing |
envoyé spécial {m} | :: special correspondent; special envoy |
envoyeur {m} | :: sender |
envoyeur {m} | :: remitter |
envoyeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of envoyeur |
en vrac {adj} [of goods and items in a supermarket] | :: loose, in bulk, unpackaged |
en vrac {adj} [colloquial] | :: higgledy-piggledy, in disorder |
en vue {adj} | :: in sight |
en vue {adj} [figuratively] | :: on the horizon, in sight, in the offing |
en vue {adj} [of a person] | :: high-profile, prominent, in fashion, fashionable |
en vue de {conj} | :: in order to, with the aim of |
enweille {interj} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: alternative form of envoye |
ényne {m} [organic chemistry] | :: enyne |
Enzo {prop} | :: given name, popular in the 2000s |
enzootie {f} | :: enzooty |
enzootique {adj} | :: enzootic |
enzootiquement {adv} | :: enzootically |
enzymage {m} | :: fermentation (of wine by adding yeast or other enzymes) |
enzymatique {adj} | :: enzymatic |
enzymatiquement {adv} | :: enzymatically |
enzyme {mf} [biochemistry] | :: enzyme |
enzymer {vt} | :: to add yeast or other sources of enzymes as part of winemaking |
enzymologie {m} [biochemistry] | :: enzymology |
enzymologique {adj} | :: enzymological |
enzymopathie {f} | :: enzymopathy |
EO {m} | :: EO (ethylene oxide) abbreviation of oxyde d'éthylène |
éocène {adj} | :: Eocene |
Éocène {prop} {m} | :: Eocene period |
Éole {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Aeolus (God of the Winds) |
éolien {adj} [geography, music] | :: Aeolian |
éolien {adj} [linguistics] | :: Aeolic |
éolien {adj} [attributive] | :: wind (of, or pertaining to wind) |
éolien {adj} [geology] | :: aeolian |
éolienne {f} | :: wind turbine |
éolipile {f} | :: aeolipile |
éolipyle {m} | :: aeolipile |
éolithe {f} | :: eolith |
éon {m} | :: eon (geological time period) |
éonisme {m} | :: eonism |
éosine {f} | :: eosin |
éosinophile {m} [cytology] | :: eosinophil |
éosinophile {adj} | :: eosinophilic |
éosinophilie {f} | :: eosinophilia |
ép. {adj} | :: abbreviation of épousée |
épacte {f} | :: epact |
épagneul {m} | :: spaniel |
épagneule {f} | :: feminine noun of épagneul |
épagomène {adj} | :: epagomenic |
épais {adj} | :: thick |
épais {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: stupid, thick |
épais {adv} | :: thickly; densely |
épaissement {adv} | :: thickly |
épaisseur {f} | :: thickness |
épaissi {adj} | :: thickened |
épaissir {v} | :: to thicken, get/make thicker |
épaississement {m} | :: thickening |
épaississeur {m} | :: thickener |
Épaminondas {prop} {m} | :: Epaminondas |
épanalepse {f} [figures of speech] | :: epanalepsis |
épanchement {m} | :: outpouring, effusion |
épancher {vt} [archaic] | :: to pour, pour out |
épancher {vt} [of a volcano] | :: to erupt, spit out, spurt out |
épancher {vt} | :: to emit (an odour, sound, visual effect) |
épancher {v} | :: to pour out (sound) |
épancher {v} | :: to give off (odour) |
épancher {v} | :: to reflect (visual effect) |
épancher {vt} [figuratively] | :: pour out, pour forth (emotions) |
épancher {vr} [of a liquid] | :: to flow, spread |
épancher {vr} [of a liquid] | :: to spill out, flow out |
épancher {vr} | :: to pour one's heart out |
épandage {m} | :: muck spreading |
épandeur {m} | :: spreader (person or machine. feminine is machine) |
épandeuse {f} | :: spreader (vehicle) |
épandre {v} [archaic] | :: to discharge, pour |
épandu {adj} | :: spread |
épanouir {vr} | :: to blossom; to bloom; to flower |
épanouir {vr} | :: to reveal its qualities |
épanouir {vr} [figuratively] | :: to thrive, flourish |
épanouissement {m} | :: development |
épanouissement {m} | :: blooming |
épanouissement {m} | :: flowering |
Épaphras {prop} | :: Epaphras |
Épaphrodite {prop} | :: Epaphroditus |
éparchie {f} | :: eparchy |
éparchique {adj} | :: eparchial |
éparer {v} [rare] | :: To spread |
épargnant {adj} | :: sparing |
épargnant {adj} | :: soft, lacking authority |
épargnant {m} | :: a saver, someone who accumulates financial savings |
épargne {f} | :: savings |
épargner {v} | :: to save (time, money etc.) |
épargner {v} | :: to save, spare (someone from something) |
éparpillé {adj} | :: strewn, all over the place |
éparpillement {m} | :: scattering |
éparpillement {m} | :: dissipation |
éparpiller {v} | :: to scatter |
éparque {m} | :: eparch |
épars {adj} | :: scattered |
éparsement {adv} | :: sparsely |
éparvin {m} | :: spavin |
épatamment {adv} | :: surprisingly |
épatamment {adv} | :: impressively |
épatant {adj} | :: amazing, surprising, stupefying |
épatement {m} | :: flatness (of nose) |
épater {vt} [figuratively] | :: to amaze, to stagger |
épater la galerie {v} [colloquial] | :: to impress the audience, to impress people, to cause a sensation |
épater le bourgeois {v} [idiomatic] | :: to shake (or shock) middle-class attitudes |
épaulard {m} | :: killer whale; orca |
épaule {f} [anatomy] | :: shoulder |
épaulé-jeté {m} [weightlifting] | :: clean and jerk |
épaulement {m} | :: escarpment |
épaulement {m} | :: retaining wall, abutment |
épaulement {m} [military] | :: breastwork |
épauler {vt} | :: to give a hand, to help out |
épaulette {f} | :: epaulette |
épaulière {m} | :: épaulière |
épaulière {m} | :: shoulder pad |
épave {f} | :: wreck (ship, car, etc.) |
épave {f} [figuratively] | :: human wreck, basket case |
épave {f} | :: wreckage, piece of wreckage; flotsam |
épave {f} [legal] | :: derelict |
épave {f} | :: ruins |
épazote {m} | :: epazote |
épeautre {m} | :: spelt (Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta or Triticum spelta) |
épée {f} | :: sword |
épée {f} | :: glaive |
épée {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: sword; the weapon as shown on a coat of arms |
épée de Damoclès {f} | :: sword of Damocles |
épeiche {f} | :: great spotted woodpecker |
épeichette {f} | :: lesser spotted woodpecker |
épeire {f} | :: spider |
épeire diadème {f} | :: European garden spider (Araneus diadematus) |
épeirogénique {adj} | :: epeirogenic |
épéisme {m} [fencing] | :: epee fighting |
épéiste {mf} | :: epeeist |
épeler {v} | :: to spell |
épellation {f} | :: spelling, orthography |
épendymaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: ependymal |
épendyme {m} | :: ependyma |
épenthèse {f} [phonetics] | :: epenthesis |
épenthétique {adj} | :: epenthetic |
épépiner {v} | :: to deseed, to remove the pips from something |
éperdre {vr} [obsolete, literary, s'éperdre] | :: to lose one's way |
éperdu {adj} | :: desperate, distraught (glance, look) |
éperdu {adj} | :: overwhelming, desperate (need) |
éperdu {adj} | :: boundless, violent (love) |
éperdument {adv} | :: desperately; passionately |
éperdument {adv} | :: utterly |
éperlan {m} | :: smelt |
Epernay {prop} | :: alternative form of Épernay |
Épernay {prop} | :: Épernay (town) |
éperon {m} | :: spur (for riding or on a cockerel) |
éperon {m} [geology] | :: spur |
éperon {m} [nautical] | :: ram; cutwater |
éperonner {vt} | :: to spur (hit a horse with a spur) |
éperonner {vt} | :: to spur on |
éperonner {vt} [nautical] | :: to ram (to use a ram to hit another ship) |
épervier {m} | :: sparrow hawk |
épervier {adj} | :: sparrow hawk (attributive) |
épervier d'Europe {m} | :: Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) |
épervière boréale {f} | :: northern hawk owl (Surnia ulula) |
épervin {m} | :: alternative spelling of éparvin |
épha {m} | :: ephah |
éphèbe {m} | :: Adonis, ephebe (beautiful young man) |
éphédrine {f} | :: ephedrine |
éphelcystique {adj} | :: ephelcystic |
éphémère {adj} | :: lasting for only a short time; transitory, ephemeral |
éphémère {adj} [biology] | :: existing for only one day; ephemeral |
éphémère {m} | :: mayfly |
éphémèrement {adv} | :: ephemerally |
éphéméride {f} | :: block or tear-off calendar; the events that took place on a particular date in previous years |
éphéméride {f} | :: (in plural) ephemeris |
Éphèse {prop} | :: Ephesus |
Éphésien {m} | :: Ephesian (male) |
Éphésienne {f} | :: female equivalent of Éphésien |
Éphésiens {prop} {m} | :: Ephesians |
Éphialte {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Éphialtès |
Éphialtès {prop} {m} | :: Ephialtes (either the ancient Greek statesman or a mythological Giant) |
éphippion {m} [anatomy] | :: ephippium |
éphod {m} | :: ephod |
éphore {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: ephor |
Éphraïm {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Ephraim (son of Joseph, progenitor of one of the twelve tribes of Israel) |
éphyrule {f} [biology] | :: ephyra |
épi- {prefix} | :: epi- |
épi {m} | :: ear (of corn) |
épi {m} | :: cowlick |
épi {m} | :: spica (bandage) |
épi {m} [architecture] | :: groyne, groin (US) |
épi {m} [roofing] | :: finial |
épi {m} | :: opus spicatum |
épi {m} | :: angle parking |
épi {m} | :: shelf or storage unit with storage areas on both sides, that is placed in the middle of a room, notably found in libraries |
épi {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, in the plural] | :: vegetables |
épiaire {f} | :: betony, woundwort |
épiangiotique {adj} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: epiangiotic |
épiblaste {m} | :: epiblast |
épibolie {f} | :: epiboly |
épicalice {m} | :: epicalyx |
épicarde {m} [anatomy] | :: epicardium |
épicarpe {m} | :: epicarp |
épicatéchine {f} [organic chemistry] | :: epicatechin |
épice {f} | :: spice |
épicé {adj} | :: hot, spicy (having a spicy taste) |
épicéa {m} | :: spruce (tree from the genus Picea) |
épicène {adj} | :: epicene (lacking gender distinction) |
épicentre {m} [geophysics] | :: epicentre |
épicer {v} | :: to spice, to add spice to |
épicerie {f} | :: grocery store (shop or store that sells groceries), more precisely a specialty food shop |
épicerie fine {f} | :: delicatessen |
épices d'automne {fp} | :: pumpkin spice |
Épicharme {prop} {m} | :: Epicharmus |
épichérème {m} [logic] | :: epichirema |
épichorial {adj} [anatomy] | :: epichorial |
épichorion {m} [anatomy] | :: epichorion |
épicier {m} | :: grocer |
épicière {f} | :: grocer (female) |
épiclèse {f} [Christianity] | :: epiclesis |
épicolique {adj} [anatomy] | :: epicolic |
épicondyle {m} [anatomy] | :: epicondyle |
épicontinental {adj} | :: epicontinental |
épicrâne {m} [anatomy] | :: epicranium |
épicrânien {adj} [anatomy] | :: epicranial |
Épictète {prop} {m} | :: the Stoic philosopher Epictetus |
Épicure {prop} {m} | :: the 4th-3rd century BCE Hellenistic philosopher Epicurus of Samos |
épicurien {adj} | :: epicurean |
épicurien {m} | :: epicurean (person) |
épicurisme {m} | :: epicurism, Epicureanism |
épicycle {m} [maths, astronomy] | :: epicycle |
épicycloïde {f} [geometry] | :: epicycloid |
épidémie {f} | :: epidemic (widespread disease) |
épidémiologie {f} | :: epidemiology (branch of medicine dealing with transmission and control of disease in populations) |
épidémiologique {adj} | :: epidemiologic |
épidémiologiste {mf} | :: epidemiologist |
épidémique {adj} | :: epidemic |
épidémiquement {adv} | :: epidemically |
épiderme {m} | :: epidermis |
épidermique {adj} | :: epidermal, epidermic |
épidermique {adj} | :: skin (attributive) |
épidermoïde {adj} [anatomy] | :: epidermoid |
épidermose {f} | :: epidermose |
épidictiquement {adv} | :: epidictically |
épididyme {m} [anatomy] | :: epididymis |
épidote {m} [mineral] | :: epidote |
épidural {adj} [anatomy] | :: epidural |
épier {vt} | :: to spy on, keep an eye on, watch |
épier {vt} [dated] | :: to watch for |
épier {vi} [agriculture] | :: to ear |
épieu {m} | :: spear; lance |
épigastre {m} [anatomy] | :: epigastrium |
épigastrique {adj} [anatomy] | :: epigastric |
épigenèse {f} [biology] | :: epigenesis |
épigénétique {adj} [genetics] | :: epigenetic |
épigénétique {f} [genetics] | :: epigenetics |
épigénétiquement {adv} | :: epigenetically |
épigénique {adj} [mineralogy] | :: epigenic, epigenetic |
épigénome {m} [genetics] | :: epigenome |
épigénomique {adj} [genetics] | :: epigenomic |
épigénomique {f} [genetics] | :: epigenomics |
épiglottal {adj} | :: epiglottal (both senses) |
épiglotte {f} [anatomy] | :: epiglottis (an organ) |
épiglottique {adj} [anatomy] | :: epiglottic |
épigone {m} | :: epigone |
épigrammatique {adj} | :: epigrammatic (characteristic of an epigram) |
épigrammatiquement {adv} | :: epigrammatically |
épigramme {m} | :: epigram |
épigraphe {f} | :: epigraph (all senses) |
épigraphe {f} | :: motto |
épigraphe {adj} | :: epigraphic |
épigraphie {f} | :: epigraphy |
épigraphique {adj} | :: epigraphic |
épilaryngien {adj} [anatomy] | :: epilaryngeal |
épilateur {m} | :: epilator |
épilation {f} | :: depilation, hair removal |
épilatoire {adj} | :: depilatory |
épilepsie {f} | :: epilepsy (medical condition) |
épileptiforme {adj} | :: epileptiform |
épileptique {adj} | :: epileptic |
épiler {v} | :: to epilate |
épilimnion {m} [geography] | :: epilimnion |
épilobe {m} | :: willowherb (of genus Epilobium) |
épilogue {m} | :: epilogue |
épiloguer {vt} [dated] | :: To criticize (someone or something) minutely and, often, pettily |
épiloguer {v} [sur] | :: [often pejorative] To make long comments, often superfluous, sometimes malevolent, about a thing |
épimère {m} [organic chemistry] | :: epimer |
épimérique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: epimeric |
épimorion {m} [maths] | :: epimorion |
épimorphisme {m} [maths] | :: epimorphism |
épimutation {f} [genetics] | :: epimutation |
Épinal {prop} | :: Main city of the Vosges department in France |
épinard {m} | :: spinach plant (Spinacia oleracea) |
épinard {m} [usually, in the plural] | :: spinach (foodstuff) |
épine {f} | :: thorn; spine; prickle |
épine {f} | :: An aperitif made from blackthorn berries |
épine au pied {f} [figuratively] | :: thorn in the flesh, thorn in someone's side |
épine dorsale {f} | :: backbone, spine |
épine dorsale {f} [figuratively] | :: backbone |
épiner {vt} | :: to protect with spikes or spines |
épinette {f} [musical instruments] | :: spinet |
épinette {f} [Quebec] | :: spruce |
épinette de Norvège {f} [Quebec] | :: Norway spruce (Picea abies) |
épineux {adj} | :: spikey; spiny |
épineux {adj} [figuratively] | :: spikey; abrasive, nettlesome |
épineux {adj} [figuratively, of a person] | :: deliberately difficult or awkward |
épineux {adj} | :: spinous, spinal |
épineux {m} | :: thornbush |
épine-vinette {f} | :: barberry |
épinglage {m} | :: pinning |
épingle {f} | :: pin (small device, made of drawn-out steel wire with one end sharpened and the other flattened or rounded into a head, used for fastening) |
épingle à cheveux {f} | :: hairpin |
épingle à linge {f} | :: clothes peg |
épingle à nourrice {f} | :: safety pin |
épingle de sûreté {f} | :: safety pin |
épingler {v} | :: to pin (fasten/attach with a pin) |
épingler {v} [figuratively] | :: to catch |
épinglette {f} | :: pin; tack |
épinière {adj} | :: backbone (attributive); spinal |
épinoche {f} | :: stickleback |
épinocher {vt} [obsolete] | :: to pick at (one's food) |
épipélagique {adj} | :: epipelagic |
Épiphane {prop} {m} | :: Epiphanes |
Épiphanie {f} [Christianity] | :: Epiphany |
épiphénomène {m} | :: epiphenomenon |
épiphénomène {m} | :: secondary phenomenon |
épiphénomène {m} | :: byproduct |
épiphrase {f} | :: epiphrasis |
épiphyse {f} [anatomy] | :: epiphysis |
épiphyte {m} | :: epiphyte |
épiphytique {adj} | :: epiphytic |
épiphytiquement {adv} | :: epiphytically |
épiploïque {adj} [anatomy] | :: epiploic |
épiploon {m} [anatomy] | :: epiploon |
épipolaire {adj} [maths] | :: epipolar |
épipôle {m} [maths] | :: epipole |
épique {adj} | :: epic (relating to epic poetry) |
épique {adj} | :: epic (immense, important) |
épique {adj} | :: epic, extraordinary, amazing |
épiquement {adv} | :: epically |
Épire {prop} {f} | :: Epirus |
épirétinien {adj} [anatomy] | :: epiretinal |
épirote {adj} | :: Epirotic |
épiscopal {adj} | :: episcopal |
épiscopalement {adv} | :: episcopally |
épiscopalien {adj} | :: Episcopalian |
épiscopat {m} [religion] | :: episcopate, episcopacy |
épiscope {m} | :: episcope |
épiscope {m} | :: bishop |
épisiotomie {f} | :: episiotomy (surgical incision) |
épisode {m} | :: episode (all meanings) |
épisodique {adj} | :: episodic |
épisodique {adj} | :: occasional |
épisodiquement {adv} | :: occasionally |
épisodiquement {adv} | :: episodically |
épissage {m} [genetics] | :: splicing |
épissure {f} [nautical] | :: splice |
épistasie {f} [genetics] | :: epistasis |
épistatique {adj} [genetics] | :: epistatic |
épistaxis {f} | :: nosebleed |
épistémè {f} | :: episteme (foucaultian philosophy) |
épistémologie {f} | :: epistemology |
épistémologique {adj} | :: epistemological |
épistémologiquement {adv} | :: epistemologically |
épistémologiste {mf} | :: epistemologist |
épistémologue {mf} | :: epistemologist |
épistilbite {f} [mineral] | :: epistilbite |
épistolaire {adj} | :: epistolary |
épistolaire {m} | :: A collection of letters |
épistole {f} [extremely rare] | :: letter |
épistolier {m} | :: correspondent (letter writer) |
épistolier {m} | :: lectionary (masculine only) |
épistolière {f} | :: correspondent (female) |
épistrophée {f} [anatomy] | :: epistropheus |
épistule {f} [extremely rare] | :: letter |
épisulfure {m} [organic chemistry] | :: episulphide |
épitaphe {f} | :: epitaph (inscription on a gravestone) |
épitaxie {f} | :: epitaxy |
épitaxier {v} | :: to grow an epitaxial layer |
épithalamus {m} | :: epithalamus (segment of the diencephalon) |
épithélial {adj} [anatomy] | :: epithelial |
épithélioma {f} | :: epithelioma |
épithélium {m} [anatomy] | :: epithelium |
épithèque {f} [biology] | :: epitheca |
épithermique {adj} [physics] | :: epithermal |
épithète {f} [linguistics, grammar] | :: attributive adjective |
épithète {f} | :: epithet |
épitomé {m} | :: epitome (brief summary of a book) |
épitope {m} [biochemistry] | :: epitope |
épître {f} | :: epistle (a letter) |
épitrite {m} | :: epitrite |
épitrochlée {f} [anatomy] | :: epitrochlea |
épizoïque {adj} [biology, geology] | :: epizoic |
épizootie {f} | :: epizootic |
épizootique {adj} | :: epizootic |
éploré {adj} | :: tearful, grief-stricken |
éplorer {vr} | :: to cry |
éployé {adj} [heraldry] | :: displayed |
éployer {v} [literary] | :: to spread (out), unfurl |
épluchage {m} | :: peeling, cleaning of vegetables etc |
éplucher {v} | :: to peel |
éplucheur {m} | :: peeler (person who peels food) |
éplucheur {m} [figuratively] | :: someone who analyses carefully |
éplucheur {m} | :: peeler (utensil) |
éplucheuse {f} | :: feminine noun of éplucheur |
épluchoir {m} | :: peeler, potato peeler |
épluchure {f} | :: peeling (leftover waste parts of food after peeling) |
épointé {adj} [mathematics] | :: punctured, having a point removed |
épointer {v} | :: to blunt |
éponge {f} | :: sponge (creature) |
éponge {f} | :: sponge (tool for washing) |
éponge à récurer {f} | :: scrubbing brush |
éponger {v} | :: to sponge (clean with a sponge) |
éponger {v} | :: to absorb |
éponyme {m} | :: eponym (person whose name is associated with something) |
éponyme {adj} | :: eponymous |
éponymement {adv} | :: eponymously |
éponymie {f} | :: eponymy |
épopée {f} | :: epic, saga |
épopée {f} [by extension] | :: adventurous and intrepid journey |
époptique {adj} | :: epoptic |
époptique {adj} | :: epioptic |
époque {adj} | :: vintage |
époque {f} | :: epoch |
époque {f} | :: time (time period) |
épouiller {v} | :: to delouse |
époumoner {vr} | :: To scream one's heart out; yell/wail/sing one's head off; bust one's lungs; shout at the top of one's lungs |
épousailles {fp} [dated, plurale tantum] | :: nuptials; wedding celebration |
épouse {f} | :: female spouse, wife |
épouser {vt} | :: to marry, to wed |
épouser {vr} [s'épouser] | :: to marry, to get married, wed |
épouser {vt} | :: to cling to, hug (of tight clothes etc.) |
épouseur {m} | :: suitor |
époussetage {m} | :: dusting |
épousseter {v} | :: to dust |
époustouflant {adj} | :: breathtaking, amazing, surprising, stupefying |
époustoufler {v} | :: to amaze, to stupefy |
épouvantable {adj} | :: atrocious, awful, appalling |
épouvantablement {adv} | :: appallingly, terribly, dreadfully |
épouvantail {m} | :: scarecrow (an effigy made to scare the birds away) |
épouvante {f} | :: terror |
épouvanter {vt} | :: to terrify, horrify |
époux {m} | :: spouse |
époux {m} | :: male spouse, husband |
époxy {m} | :: epoxy |
époxyde {m} [organic chemistry] | :: epoxide |
Epping {prop} | :: Epping (commune) |
épreindre {v} [archaic, rare] | :: to squeeze out, draw out by pressing, to extract |
éprendre {vr} [obsolete] | :: to burn |
éprendre {vr} [literary] | :: to become enamoured with, fall in love with |
épreuve {f} | :: test |
épreuve {f} | :: ordeal, trial |
épreuve {f} [sports] | :: event, heat |
épreuve {f} [typography, coinage] | :: proof |
épreuve {f} [photography] | |
épreuve {f} [film, television, in the plural] | :: rushes |
épreuve du feu {f} | :: trial by fire, acid test |
épreuve par le feu {f} | :: trial by fire, acid test |
épris {adj} | :: enamoured, infatuated |
ePrix {m} | :: eprix, an electric grand prix, a motorsports race involving electric-powered vehicles |
éprouvamment {adv} | :: demandingly, challengingly |
éprouvant {adj} | :: punishing, demanding, testing, challenging |
éprouver {v} | :: to test |
éprouver {v} | :: to sense, to feel |
éprouver {v} | :: to undergo a transformation |
éprouvette {f} | :: test tube |
epsilon {m} | :: epsilon (Greek letter) |
epsiloniser {v} [maths] | :: To epsilonize |
épucer {v} | :: to remove fleas (from an animal) |
épuisant {adj} | :: exhausting |
épuisé {adj} | :: exhausted |
épuisé {adj} | :: out of print |
épuisement {m} | :: exhaustion, depletion |
épuisement {m} | :: tiredness, exhaustion |
épuiser {vt} | :: To squeeze out (physically force liquid from something) |
épuiser {vt} | :: To dry up (to empty liquid from something) |
épuiser {v} | :: to exhaust, to wear out (drain energy from something or someone) |
épuisette {f} | :: landing net |
épuisette {f} | :: shrimping net |
épurateur {m} | :: purifier |
épuration {f} | :: purification |
épuration {f} | :: cleansing |
épuratoire {adj} | :: purifying |
épuré {adj} | :: simple, sober, stripped down |
épurer {vt} | :: to purify |
épurer {vt} | :: to expurgate |
épurer {vr} | :: to get pure, become pure |
épurer {v} | :: to refine |
épurge {f} | :: spurge (of genus Euphorbia) |
équand {adv} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: when |
équanimité {f} | :: equanimity |
équarrir {v} | :: to square off |
équarrir {v} | :: to quarter (cut an animal into four) |
équarrissage {m} | :: squaring off |
équarrissage {m} | :: quartering (an animal) |
équarrissage {m} | :: rendering (a surface) |
équarrisseur {m} [of meat] | :: knacker, butcher |
équarrisseur {m} [of wood] | :: squarer |
équarrissoir {m} | :: knacker's yard |
Equateur {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Équateur |
équateur {m} | :: equator |
Équateur {prop} {m} | :: Équateur (country) |
équatif {m} [grammar] | :: the equative case |
équation {f} | :: equation (assertion) |
équation chimique {f} [chemistry] | :: chemical equation |
équation du second degré {f} [mathematics] | :: quadratic equation |
équato-guinéen {adj} | :: Equatorial Guinean |
équatorial {adj} | :: equatorial |
équatorialement {adv} | :: equatorially |
Equatorien {m} | :: alternative spelling of Équatorien |
équatorien {adj} | :: Ecuadorian |
Équatorien {m} | :: Ecuadorian (person from Ecuador) |
Equatorienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Equatorien |
Équatorienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Équatorien |
équel {adv} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: which |
équerre {f} | :: square (tool) |
équerre {f} [geometry] | :: set square |
équerrer {v} | :: To square off |
équestre {adj} | :: equestrian |
équeuter {v} | :: to remove the stem from (a fruit); to stem, hull (a strawberry) |
équi- {prefix} | :: Meaning equal |
équiangle {adj} [geometry] | :: equiangular |
équianharmonique {adj} [maths] | :: equianharmonic |
équidé {m} | :: equid |
équidifférence {f} [maths] | :: equidifference |
équidifférent {adj} [maths] | :: equidifferent |
équidistance {f} | :: equidistance |
équidistant {adj} | :: equidistant |
équilatéral {adj} [geometry] | :: equilateral |
équilatère {adj} [geometry, rare] | :: equilateral |
équilibrage {m} | :: balancing |
équilibration {f} | :: equilibration |
équilibre {m} | :: balance, equilibrium |
équilibre instable {m} [physics] | :: unstable equilibrium |
équilibrer {vt} | :: to balance, make balanced |
équilibrer {vt} | :: to counterbalance |
équilibrisme {m} | :: balancing (occupation of a performer who performs balances) |
équilibriste {mf} | :: balance artist (entertainer who performs balances) |
équille {f} | :: sand eel |
équimolaire {adj} [chemistry] | :: equimolar |
équimultiple {adj} [maths] | :: equimultiple |
équin {adj} | :: equine |
équinisme {m} | :: equinism |
équinoxe {m} | :: equinox |
équinoxe d'automne {m} | :: autumn equinox |
équinoxe de printemps {m} | :: spring equinox |
équipage {m} | :: horse and carriage |
équipage {m} | :: crew (of a boat) |
équipage {m} | :: equipment |
équipe {f} | :: team |
équipement {m} | :: equipment, kit, provision |
équipement {m} | :: equipping (act of equipping, e.g. a vessel) |
équipementier {m} | :: equipment manufacturer |
équiper {v} | :: to supply |
équiper {v} | :: to equip |
équipier {m} | :: team member; member of a team |
équipière {f} | :: feminine noun of équipier |
équipollence {f} | :: equipollence; the condition of having equal power or force |
équipollent {adj} | :: equipollent (all senses) |
équipotence {f} | :: equipotency |
équiprobable {adj} | :: equiprobable |
équiprobablement {adv} | :: equiprobably |
équisigne {adj} [mathematics] | :: same-signed |
équisonnant {adj} [music] | :: equisonant (separated by an octave) |
équitable {adj} | :: just, equitable, fair |
équitablement {adv} | :: fairly; justly; rightly |
équitation {f} | :: equestrianism, horseriding |
équité {f} | :: equity |
équivalemment {adv} | :: equivalently |
équivalence {f} | :: equivalence |
équivalent {adj} | :: equivalent |
équivalent {m} | :: equivalent |
équivalentiste {m} [historical, chemistry] | :: equivalentist |
équivaloir {v} | :: to be equivalent (to) |
équivaloir {vr} | :: to be equivalent, to be the same |
équivoque {adj} | :: equivocal |
équivoque {f} | :: equivocation (expression susceptible of a double signification, possibly misleading) |
équivoque {f} | :: double entendre |
-er {suffix} | :: Forms infinitives of first-conjugation verbs |
ER {prop} [sports] | :: abbreviation of Erie |
érable {m} | :: maple |
éradication {f} | :: eradication |
éradiquer {v} | :: to eradicate |
éraflage {m} | :: destemming (of bunches of grapes as part of winemaking) |
érafler {v} | :: to scratch, graze |
érafloir {m} | :: destemmer (of grapes) |
éraflure {f} | :: scratch |
-erai {suffix} | :: Used with a stem to form the first-person singular future of regular -er verbs |
-eraie {suffix} | :: alternative form of -aie |
-eraient {suffix} | :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural conditional of regular -er verbs |
érailler {vt} | :: to scratch, tear |
érailler {vt} | :: to make (the voice) hoarse |
-erais {suffix} | :: Used with a stem to form the first-person singular conditional of regular -er verbs |
-erais {suffix} | :: Used with a stem to form the second-person singular conditional of regular -er verbs |
-erait {suffix} | :: Used with a stem to form the third-person singular conditional of regular -er verbs |
Érasistrate {prop} {m} | :: Erasistratus |
éraste {m} | :: erastes |
Éraste {prop} | :: Erastus |
Ératosthène {prop} {m} | :: Eratosthenes |
erbine {m} [inorganic compound] | :: erbia |
erbium {m} | :: erbium |
ère {f} | :: era (all meanings) |
ère commune {f} | :: Common Era (secular equivalent of anno Domini and the Christian Era) |
érecteur {m} | :: erector |
érectile {adj} | :: erectile |
érectilité {f} | :: erectility |
érection {f} | :: erection (of a building, a monument) |
érection {f} [by extension] | :: start (of a process) |
érection {f} [physiology] | :: erection |
érectrice {f} | :: feminine singular of érecteur |
éreintant {adj} [colloquial] | :: exhausting |
éreinté {adj} | :: exhausted, washed-up, all-in |
éreintement {m} | :: exhaustion |
éreinter {v} | :: to wear out, to exhaust |
éreinter {v} [figuratively] | :: to criticize strongly |
éreinter {vr} | :: to wear oneself out |
érémacausie {f} | :: eremacausis |
-èrent {suffix} | :: Suffix forming the third-person plural past historic of -er verbs |
érésipèle {m} | :: alternative form of érysipèle |
-eresse {suffix} [rare] | :: used to form feminine forms of agent nouns from nouns ending in -eur |
érésypèle {m} | :: alternative form of érysipèle |
Erevan {prop} {f} | :: Erevan (capital) |
-erez {suffix} | :: Used with a stem to form the second-person plural future of regular -er verbs |
erg {m} | :: erg (desert region) |
erg {m} | :: erg (unit of work done) |
ergatif {adj} [grammar] | :: ergative |
ergatif {m} | :: ergative, ergative case (case used to indicate the agent of a verb) |
ergocalciférol {m} [organic compound] | :: ergocalciferol |
ergodicité {f} | :: ergodicity |
ergodique {adj} [maths] | :: ergodic |
ergol {m} | :: propellant (for rockets etc) |
ergonomie {f} | :: ergonomics |
ergonomie {f} | :: usability |
ergonomique {adj} | :: ergonomic |
ergonomiquement {adv} | :: ergonomically |
ergot {m} | :: spur of a male member of Galliformes |
ergot {m} | :: ergot |
ergotage {m} | :: quibbling, hair-splitting |
ergotamine {f} | :: ergotamine |
ergoter {v} [figuratively] | :: to quibble; to argue; to contest |
ergoter {vt} | :: to prune a tree or plant |
ergoter {v} [of poultry] | :: to scratch with the dewclaw (spur) |
ergoteur {m} | :: quibbler |
ergoteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of ergoteur |
ergothérapeute {mf} | :: occupational therapist |
ergothérapie {f} | :: occupational therapy |
Éric {prop} | :: given name |
-erie {suffix} | :: denoting a shop selling a certain product |
-erie {suffix} | :: denoting an organization specializing in a given field |
-erie {suffix} | :: denoting an object used to perform an action |
-erie {suffix} | :: denoting nouns describing qualities or properties |
érifler {v} [Quebec] | :: to scratch; graze |
érigé {adj} | :: erected |
ériger {vt} | :: to erect |
érigeron {m} | :: alternative form of érigéron |
érigéron {m} | :: erigeron |
ériomètre {m} | :: eriometer |
éristique {adj} | :: eristic |
éristiquement {adv} | :: eristically |
erlenmeyer {f} | :: Erlenmeyer flask; ellipsis of fiole Erlenmeyer |
Erlenmeyer {prop} | :: Erlenmeyer; surname |
ermitage {m} | :: hermitage (dwelling place of hermit) |
ermitage {m} | :: hideaway |
ermite {m} | :: hermit |
Ernée {prop} | :: Ernée (city), a town in the department of Mayenne |
Ernest {prop} | :: given name |
ernestine {adj} | :: Ernestine |
éroder {v} | :: to erode |
érodium {m} | :: erodium |
érogène {adj} | :: erogenous |
-erons {suffix} | :: Used with a stem to form the first-person plural simple future of regular -er verbs |
-eront {suffix} | :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural simple future of regular -er verbs |
éros {m} | :: eros (physical love) |
Éros {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Eros |
érosif {adj} | :: erosive |
érosion {f} [geology] | :: erosion, weathering |
érotique {adj} | :: sensual, erotic |
érotiquement {adv} | :: erotically |
érotisation {f} | :: eroticization |
érotiser {v} | :: to eroticise/eroticize |
érotisme {m} | :: eroticism |
érotissime {adj} | :: super-erotic |
érotomane {adj} | :: erotomaniac |
érotomane {mf} | :: erotomane |
érotomanie {f} | :: erotomania (mental disorder based on the delusion of a romantic relationship) |
érouve {m} | :: eruv |
errance {f} | :: wandering, wanderlust |
errant {adj} | :: wandering, stray |
errant {adj} | :: errant |
erratique {adj} | :: erratic |
erratique {adj} | :: irregular, intermittent |
erre {m} | :: letter: r |
erre {m} [nautical] | :: way, inertia, movement through the water |
errements {m} | :: The manner in which a business is conducted |
errer {vi} | :: to wander, to wander about |
erreur {f} | :: error; mistake |
erreur de jeunesse {f} | :: youthful error, youthful mistake (mistake done when - and because - one was young) |
erroné {adj} | :: wrong; erroneous |
erronément {adv} | :: wrongly; incorrectly; erroneously |
ers {m} [botany] | :: bitter vetch, ervil (Vicia ervilia) |
ers {m} [botany] | :: Lens ervoides |
ersatz {m} | :: ersatz |
érucique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: erucic |
éructation {f} | :: eructation, belching |
éructer {vi} | :: to belch or eructate |
éructer {vt} [figurative] | :: to blurt out |
érudit {adj} | :: learned, erudite |
érudit {m} | :: scholar |
érudition {f} | :: erudition |
éruptif {adj} | :: eruptive |
éruption {f} | :: eruption |
éruption {f} | :: rash (inflammation of skin) |
érynge {m} | :: eryngium, eryngo |
éryngion {m} | :: eringo |
érysipèle {m} [pathology] | :: erysipelas |
érythémateux {adj} | :: erythematous |
érythème {m} | :: erythema |
Erythrée {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Érythrée |
Érythrée {prop} {f} | :: Eritrea |
érythréen {adj} | :: Eritrean |
Érythréen {m} | :: Eritrean (male) |
Érythréenne {f} | :: female equivalent of Érythréen |
érythrine {f} [mineral] | :: erythrite |
érythrite {f} [mineralogy] | :: erythrite |
érythroblaste {m} [cytology] | :: erythroblast |
érythrocytaire {adj} | :: erythrocytic |
érythrocyte {m} [cytology] | :: erythrocyte |
érythroïde {adj} | :: erythroid |
érythronium {m} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: erythronium |
érythropoïèse {f} [biology] | :: erythropoiesis |
érythropoïétine {adj} [biology] | :: erythropoietic |
érythrose {m} [carbohydrate] | :: erythrose |
érythrulose {m} [carbohydrate] | :: erythrulose |
ès {prep} [archaic] | :: in (the) |
Ésaïe {prop} [bible] | :: Isaiah (biblical character) |
Ésaïe {prop} [bible] | :: Isaiah (book of the Bible) |
Ésaü {prop} [biblical character] | :: Esau (son of Isaac and Rebekah) |
ESB {n} | :: BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) |
esbigner {vt} | :: to steal |
esbigner {vr} | :: to steal away |
esbroufe {f} | :: faff; jibber-jabber |
escabeau {m} | :: step ladder |
escabèche {f} | :: escabeche |
escabelle {f} [archaic or literary] | :: stool |
escadre {f} | :: squadron; wing (air force) |
escadrille {f} | :: squadron (of airplanes) |
escadrille {f} | :: flotilla |
escadron {m} | :: squadron |
escagasser {v} [France, colloquial] | :: to annoy |
escalade {f} [sports] | :: climbing |
escalade {f} | :: escalation |
escalade de glace {f} [uncountable] | :: ice climbing |
escalade de glace {f} [countable] | :: ice climb |
escalader {v} | :: to escalade (attack (e.g. a castle) by using ladders etc. to climb to the top) |
escalader {v} | :: to climb, to go rock climbing |
escalade sur glace {f} [uncountable] | :: ice climbing |
escalade sur glace {f} [countable] | :: ice climb |
escalateur {m} | :: escalator (mechanical device) |
escalator {m} | :: escalator |
escale {f} | :: port of call |
escale {f} | :: stopover |
escalier {m} | :: step, stair |
escalier {m} | :: staircase |
escalier {m} | :: stairs |
escalier mécanique {m} | :: escalator (mechanical device) |
escalier roulant {m} [rare] | :: escalator |
escalope {f} | :: an escalope, a thin slice of meat |
escamotable {adj} | :: retractable |
escamotage {m} | :: conjuring |
escamotage {m} | :: retraction (of undercarriage) |
escamoter {vt} | :: to conjure away, to make disappear |
escamoter {vt} [by extension, ] | :: to snatch, to nick |
escamoter {vt} | :: to evade, dodge; to skip (a word, question, etc.) |
escamoter {vt} | :: to retract (landing gear) |
escamoteur {m} | :: conjurer; magician |
escampette {f} | :: only in prendre la poudre d'escampette |
escapisme {m} | :: escapism (inclination to escape) |
escarbille {f} | :: a speck of ember that escapes from a fire and floats in the air, often making small holes in clothes |
escarbot {m} | :: dung beetle |
escarbot {adj} | :: of or relating to dung beetles |
escarboucle {f} | :: carbuncle |
escarbouiller {v} | :: obsolete form of écrabouiller |
escarcelle {f} [historical] | :: moneybag |
escargatoire {m} | :: escargatoire |
escargot {m} | :: snail |
escarmouche {f} | :: skirmish; dispute |
escarmouche {f} [military] | :: skirmish (small combat) |
escarmoucher {v} | :: To skirmish |
escarole {f} | :: dated form of scarole |
escarpe {m} [obsolete, slang] | :: murderer, killer |
escarpe {f} [fortifications] | :: escarpment |
escarpé {adj} | :: steep (near-vertical) |
escarpement {m} [uncountable] | :: steepness (state of being steep) |
escarpement {m} [countable] | :: a steep or abrupt slope, an escarpment |
escarpement {m} [countable, figuratively, of a person or his qualities] | :: severity, harshness |
escarpin {m} | :: high-heeled woman's shoe |
escarpolette {f} | :: swing (e.g. playground fixture) |
escarre {f} | :: eschar, bedsore |
Escaut {prop} | :: The river Scheldt |
eschatologie {f} | :: eschatology (system of doctrines concerning final matters, such as death) |
eschatologique {adj} | :: eschatological |
esche {f} | :: bait |
escher {v} | :: To bait a hook |
Eschine {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: Aeschines |
Eschyle {prop} {m} | :: Aeschylus (Greek tragedian) |
escient {m} | :: wisdom, knowledge |
esclaffer {vr} | :: to burst out in laughter |
esclandre {m} | :: scandal; scene, fracas |
esclavage {m} | :: slavery (institution or practice of owning human beings) |
esclavagisme {m} | :: proslavery |
esclavagiste {adj} | :: proslavery |
esclavagiste {mf} | :: slaver |
esclave {mf} | :: slave |
Esclave {prop} | :: Slavey (An Athabaskan people) |
esclavon {adj} | :: Slavonic |
escoffien {adj} | :: Escoffierian |
escoffier {v} [archaic] | :: to kill |
escofier {v} | :: alternative form of escoffier |
escogriffe {m} [colloquial] | :: beanpole (lanky man) |
escompte {m} | :: discount |
escompter {v} | :: to discount because of a payment by anticipation |
escompter {v} | :: to anticipate, to be in the hope of |
escopateur {m} [Rennes] | :: a garbage man/bin man |
escopette {f} | :: carbine, escopet |
escopettier {m} | :: carabineer |
escorte {f} | :: escort, suite |
escorter {v} | :: to escort |
escorter {v} | :: to accompany |
escorteur {m} [nautical] | :: escort (ship) |
escouade {f} | :: squad, squadron |
escourgeon {m} | :: bere (type of barley) |
escrime {m} | :: fencing (sport) |
escrimer {v} [dated] | :: to fence, to do fencing (sport) |
escrimer {vr} | :: to apply oneself, to exert oneself |
escrimeur {m} | :: a fencer; someone who participates in the sport of fencing |
escrimeuse {f} | :: fencer |
escrivain {m} | :: obsolete spelling of écrivain |
escroc {m} | :: crook (a criminal who steals) |
escroc {m} | :: baddy (evil character, in a story) |
escroquer {v} | :: to swindle |
escroquerie {f} | :: swindle, swindling |
escroquerie {f} [legal] | :: fraud |
escudet {m} | :: navelwort |
esculape {m} [colloquial] | :: A medical doctor, physician |
Esculape {prop} | :: Aesculapius, the Greco-Roman god of healing, born a mortal |
esculapien {adj} | :: Aesculapian |
esculapien {m} [colloquial] | :: A medical doctor, physician |
esculetine {f} | :: aesculetin |
esculique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: esculic |
Esdras {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Ezra |
Esdras {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Esdras |
éséridine {f} | :: eseridine |
esgal {adj} | :: archaic spelling of égal |
esgalité {f} | :: archaic spelling of égalité |
esgourde {f} [France, anatomy, colloquial] | :: ear |
eskimo {adj} | :: Eskimo |
Eskimo {m} | :: an Eskimo |
esloigner {v} | :: archaic spelling of éloigner |
esmérillon {m} | :: swivel |
Ésope {prop} {m} | :: Aesop |
ésotérique {adj} | :: esoteric |
ésotériquement {adv} | :: esoterically |
ésotérisme {m} | :: esoterism (inward forms of faith and religion) |
espace {m} | :: space |
espace {f} [typography] | :: space |
espacé {adj} | :: spaced out |
Espace économique européen {prop} {m} | :: European Economic Area |
espace insécable {f} [typography] | :: non-breaking space |
espace interstellaire {f} | :: interstellar space |
espacement {m} | :: spacing (out) |
espacer {vt} | :: to space out, to allow gaps or intervals between |
espace-temps {m} | :: spacetime (four dimensional continuum) |
espace vectoriel {m} [linear algebra] | :: vector space |
espadon {m} | :: swordfish |
espadon {m} | :: espadon (sword) |
espadrille {f} [European French] | :: espadrille |
espadrille {f} [Quebec] | :: sneaker, running shoe |
espadron {m} [Louisiana] | :: swordfish |
Espagne {prop} {f} | :: Espagne (country) |
espagnol {adj} | :: Spanish, from or otherwise related to Spain, its people etc |
espagnol {m} | :: Spanish language |
Espagnol {m} | :: Spaniard (male) |
Espagnole {f} | :: feminine noun of Espagnol; woman from Spain |
espagnolette {f} | :: espagnolette (window locking device) |
espalier {m} [agriculture] | :: espalier |
espalier {m} [sports] | :: wall bars |
esparcette {f} | :: esparcet, sainfoin |
espargue {f} | :: synonym of asperge |
espèce {f} | :: type, sort, kind |
espèce {f} [taxonomy] | :: species |
espèce {f} [in the plural] | :: cash, specie, coin |
espèce de {adj} [pejorative, used before an insult] | :: you |
espèce envahissante {f} [biology] | :: invasive species |
espèce invasive {f} [biology, proscribed] | :: invasive species |
espèces sonnantes et trébuchantes {f} | :: cash, spot cash, hard cash |
espécialement {adv} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: especially |
espérable {adj} | :: expected; hoped for |
espérance {f} | :: hope |
espérance de vie {f} | :: life expectancy (years of expected life according to statistical tables) |
espérance de vie {f} [machinery maintenance] | :: mean time to breakdown |
espérantiser {v} | :: to Esperantize |
espéranto {m} | :: Esperanto (auxiliary language) |
espérantologue {mf} | :: Esperantologist |
espérer {vi} | :: to hope |
espérer {vt} | :: to hope for |
espérer {vi} | :: to have faith, to trust [with en (in)] |
espérer {v} [Louisiana French] | :: [Normandy] to wait |
esperluète {f} | :: alternative form of esperluette |
esperluette {f} | :: ampersand |
espiègle {m} | :: prankster, imp, rascal |
espiègle {adj} | :: playful, frolicsome |
espiègle {adj} | :: impish, mischievous |
espiègle {adj} | :: skittish |
espièglement {adv} | :: playfully |
espièglerie {f} | :: mischief, cheekiness (vexatious or annoying conduct) |
espingole {f} | :: blunderbuss (weapon) |
espiogiciel {m} [computing] | :: spyware |
espion {m} | :: spy (person who secretly watches) |
espionite {f} | :: spy mania / paranoia |
espionnage {m} | :: espionage; spying |
espionne {f} | :: feminine noun of espion |
espionner {v} | :: to spy (to act as a spy) |
espionnite {f} | :: alternative form of espionite |
esplanade {f} | :: esplanade, plaza, square, piazza |
espliquer {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative form of expliquer, to explain |
espoir {m} [all senses] | :: hope |
esponton {m} | :: spontoon |
esposer {v} | :: obsolete spelling of exposer |
Esposito {prop} | :: Esposito; surname |
esprit {m} | :: immaterial or incorporeal substance |
esprit {m} | :: disembodied mind |
esprit {m} | :: mind (in the wide sense) |
esprit {m} | :: mind (as principle of thought) |
esprit {m} | :: specific mind aptitude |
esprit {m} | :: high mind aptitude |
esprit {m} | :: deep intention, sense, or purpose (of a text, action, attitude...); philosophy (in figurative sense) |
esprit {m} [metonymy] | :: human being, as possessing abilities of mind |
esprit {m} | :: (old) volatile fluid ; (in particular) alcohol |
esprit chagrin {m} | :: a gloomy Gus, a Debbie Downer, a pessimist, a cynic, a disgruntled person, a faultfinder, a spoilsport, a sourpuss |
esprit de clocher {m} | :: parochialism |
esprit de contradiction {m} | :: contrariness, argumentativeness, quarrelsomeness, contentious spirit, confrontational attitude |
esprit de corps {m} | :: esprit de corps, spirit of the group, common spirit |
esprit de l'escalier {m} | :: l'esprit de l'escalier, staircase wit |
esprit d'équipe {m} | :: team spirit |
esprit d'escalier {m} | :: alternative form of esprit de l'escalier |
esprit de suite {m} [dated] | :: tenacity, obstinacy, consistency, perseverance (frame of mind that leads someone to seeing things through) |
esprit-de-vin {m} | :: spirits of wine |
esprit doux {m} [phonetics, typography] | :: smooth breathing |
esprit fort {m} | :: esprit fort |
esprit fort {m} | :: freethinker |
esprit frappeur {m} | :: poltergeist (a disruptive ghost) |
esprit pyroacétique {m} [obsolete, organic compound] | :: pyroacetic spirit |
esprit rude {m} [phonetics, typography] | :: rough breathing |
Esprit-Saint {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Holy Spirit (one of the three persons of the Holy Trinity) |
-esque {suffix} | :: -esque |
esque {f} | :: Bait used for fishing |
esquicher {v} | :: To squeeze |
esquif {m} [literary] | :: skiff (any of various types of boats small enough for sailing or rowing by one person) |
esquille {f} | :: splinter |
esquimau {adj} | :: Eskimo (attributive) |
esquimau {m} | :: Inuit (language of the Eskimo) |
esquimau {m} | :: snowsuit |
Esquimau {m} | :: Eskimo (person) |
esquinter {v} | :: to damage, ruin, or wear out, especially through use or misuse |
esquipot {m} | :: A meal where everyone contributes, a picnic, a potluck |
esquipot {m} [slang, dated] | :: money box |
esquisse {f} [arts] | :: sketch (quick freehand drawing) |
esquisse {f} | :: sketch (brief description) |
esquisser {v} | :: to sketch |
esquisser {v} | :: to draft, outline |
esquiver {vt} | :: to dodge (a blow), duck |
esquiver {vt} | :: to evade, elude |
esquiver {vt} | :: to sidestep, to strafe |
esquiver {vr} | :: to slip away |
essai {m} | :: try, trial |
essai {m} | :: assay |
essai {m} [rugby] | :: try |
essai {m} | :: essay, composition of moderate length exploring a particular issue or subject |
essai de pénalité {m} [rugby] | :: penalty try |
essaim {m} | :: swarm (of bees, insects etc.) |
essaimage {m} | :: swarming (of bees) |
essaimage {m} | :: swarming (when a lot of animals or people congregate) |
essaimer {v} [of bees] | :: to swarm |
essaimer {v} [figuratively, of people] | :: to swarm (to go in a massive group) |
essart {m} | :: assart |
essarter {v} | :: to clear forest land of trees, bushes, etc.; to assart |
essayage {m} | :: fitting, trying on |
essayer {vt} | :: to test, to try on |
essayer {v} [with "de"] | :: to try, to attempt |
essayeur {m} | :: fitter |
essayeur {m} | :: assayer |
essayeuse {f} | :: assayer, fitter (female) |
essayeuse {f} | :: A woman employed in clothing stores to fit clients with clothes |
essayiste {mf} | :: essayist |
-esse {suffix} | :: used to form nouns describing the condition of being something (-ness, -ity, etc.) |
-esse {suffix} | :: -ess (female form) |
esse {m} | :: letter: s |
essence {f} [philosophy, theology] | :: essence |
essence {f} | :: petrol, gasoline |
essence {f} | :: essence, essential oil |
essencerie {f} [Africa] | :: gas station; petrol station |
essencier {m} | :: essencier |
essentialisme {m} [philosophy] | :: essentialism |
essentialité {f} | :: essentialness |
essentialité {f} | :: essentiality, essence |
essentiel {adj} | :: essential |
essentiel {m} | :: essential; essence, essential part |
essentiellement {adv} | :: essentially |
esseulé {adj} | :: left alone, stranded, forlorn |
esseuler {vt} | :: to isolate |
esseuler {vp} | :: to isolate oneself |
essieu {m} | :: axel, axle (of a car) |
essif {m} [grammar] | :: essive, essive case |
Essonne {prop} {f} | :: Essonne |
essonnien {adj} | :: Of or from Essonne |
essor {m} | :: flight (the time of soaring, for a bird) |
essor {m} [figurative] | :: soaring (great success) |
essorage {m} | :: spinning, spin-drying |
essorage {m} | :: wringing (out) |
essorer {v} | :: to dry out, to hang out to dry (e.g. washing) |
essorer {v} | :: wring, wring out |
essoreuse {f} | :: mangle, wringer |
essoufflé {adj} | :: out of breath, breathless |
essoufflement {m} | :: breathlessness |
essoufflement {m} | :: panting |
essouffler {vt} | :: to knock the wind out of, leave breathless |
essouffler {vr} | :: to become breathless |
essouffler {vr} | :: to lose steam, to tail off |
essuie-glace {m} | :: windscreen wiper |
essuie-mains {m} | :: hand towel |
essuie-tout {m} | :: paper towel, kitchen towel |
essuyer {v} | :: to wipe, to wipe down |
est {adj} | :: east |
est {m} | :: east |
establishment {prop} {m} | :: establishment (ruling authority) |
estafette {f} | :: courier |
estafette {f} [military] | :: dispatch rider |
estafier {m} | :: armed valet; bodyguard, hatchet man |
estafilade {f} | :: gash, slash |
estaminet {m} [obsolete] | :: restaurant room where smoking is allowed |
estaminet {m} [by extension] | :: small café |
estampage {m} | :: estampage |
estampe {f} | |
estamper {v} | :: to emboss |
estamper {v} | :: to stamp (mark by pressing quickly and heavily) |
estampie {f} [historical] | :: A medieval French dance |
estampille {f} | :: stamp (device for imprinting) |
estampille {f} | :: stamp (imprint made by a stamp) |
estampiller {v} | :: to stamp (mark with a stamp) |
est-ce que {particle} | :: Used to introduce a yes-or-no question |
est-ce que {particle} | :: Used after a preposed interrogative to introduce the remainder of the question |
Estelle {prop} | :: given name |
ester {v} [legal, rare] | :: to appear |
ester {v} [archaic] | :: to be |
ester {m} [organic chemistry] | :: ester |
estérification {f} [organic chemistry] | :: esterification |
estérifié {adj} | :: esterified |
estérifier {vt} [organic chemistry] | :: to esterify |
Esther {prop} {f} | :: Esther |
Esther {prop} {f} | :: the book of Esther |
Esther {prop} {f} | :: given name |
esthésie {f} | :: aesthesia |
esthète {mf} | :: aesthete (someone who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature) |
esthéticien {m} | :: beautician |
esthéticienne {f} | :: feminine noun of esthéticien |
esthétique {adj} | :: aesthetic (concerned with beauty) |
esthétique {f} | :: aesthetics (study of beauty) |
esthétiquement {adv} | :: aesthetically |
esthétisant {adj} | :: aestheticized, aestheticizing |
esthétisme {m} | :: estheticism |
esti {f} | :: alternative form of ostie |
Estienne {prop} | :: given name, chiefly obsolete form of Étienne |
est-il {phrase} | :: is he |
est-il {phrase} [impersonal] | :: is it |
estimable {adj} | :: estimable, creditable |
estimable {adj} | :: esteemed |
estimateur {m} | :: estimator, assessor |
estimatif {adj} | :: estimated |
estimation {f} | :: estimate; estimation (rough calculation or guess) |
estime {f} | :: esteem |
estime {f} | :: estimation |
estime de soi {f} | :: self-esteem |
estimer {vt} | :: to estimate, to calculate roughly |
estimer {vt} | :: to esteem, to hold in high regard |
estimer {vt} | :: to give some thought to, to consider |
estival {adj} | :: estival, summery |
estivant {m} | :: summer holidaymaker |
estivation {f} | :: estivation |
estiver {v} | :: to estivate |
est-nord-est {m} | :: east-northeast (compass point) |
estoc {m} | :: (type of) sword, rapier |
estocade {f} | :: the mortal impalement of a bull, in bullfighting |
estomac {m} [anatomy] | :: stomach |
estomac à pattes {m} [figuratively] | :: walking stomach, stomach on legs (person who is hungry all the time) |
estomach {m} | :: obsolete form of estomac |
estomac sur pattes {m} [figuratively] | :: walking stomach, stomach on legs (person who is hungry all the time) |
estomaqué {adj} | :: flabbergasted |
estomaquer {vtr} | :: to flabbergast, stupefy |
estomper {v} | :: to blur, to make indistinct, to dim |
estomper {vr} | :: to become blurred |
estomper {vr} | :: to die down, to fade away |
Estonie {prop} {f} | :: Estonia |
estonien {m} | :: Estonian, the Estonian language |
estonien {adj} | :: Estonian |
Estonien {m} | :: Estonian (person) |
Estonienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Estonien |
estoquer {v} | :: to impale |
estouffade {f} | :: estouffade |
estourbi {adj} | :: stunned |
estourbir {vt} [colloquial] | :: To stun or knock out |
est-quart-nord-est {m} | :: east by north (compass point) |
est-quart-sud-est {m} | :: east by south (compass point) |
estrade {f} | :: platform, podium |
estragol {m} [organic compound] | :: estragole |
estragon {m} | :: tarragon (the plant) |
estragon {m} | :: tarragon (the leaves) |
estramaçon {m} [historical] | :: (a type of) broadsword |
estrapade {f} | :: strappado, a torture or punishment technique where the victim is tied at a pole which is dropped from a considerable height to just above the soil; aboard a vessel, the victim is dipped into the sea |
estrapade {f} | :: mast or other contraption constructed for such torturous treatment |
estrapade {f} | :: gymnastic exercise, where the athlete hangs from a rope and passes the rest of the body in between both arms |
estre {v} | :: archaic spelling of être |
Estrébœuf {prop} | :: Estrébœuf |
estre humain {m} | :: obsolete spelling of être humain |
estrémaduran {m} | :: Extremaduran (the language of Extremadura) |
estropié {adj} | :: maimed, crippled |
estropié {m} | :: cripple |
estropier {v} | :: cripple |
est-sud-est {m} | :: east-southeast (compass point) |
estuaire {m} | :: estuary |
estuarien {adj} | :: estuarine |
estudiantin {adj} | :: student (attributive) |
esturgeon {m} | :: sturgeon |
ésule {f} | :: milkweed |
-et {suffix} | :: Suffix indicating diminution or affection |
et {conj} | :: and |
êta {m} | :: eta (Greek letter) |
étable {f} | :: stable (building for animals) |
établer {v} | :: to stable (put in a stable) |
établi {adj} | :: established |
établir {v} | :: to make out (a bill), to draw up (a document etc.) |
établir {v} | :: to establish, to set up (a business, government, camp, reputation etc.) |
établir {v} | :: to demonstrate, establish (a fact, responsibility) |
établir {v} [sport] | :: to set (a record) |
établir {v} | :: to institute [a rule] |
établir {vr} | :: to settle down |
établir {vr} | :: (+ preposition à) to stand at (about a statistic) |
établir {vr} [biology] | :: to colonize |
établir {v} [uncommon] | :: to become part of common usage |
établissement {m} | :: establishment |
étage {m} | :: (building) floor, storey |
étage {m} | :: (geology) stage, division of a geological period |
étage {m} | :: (oceanography) floor in ocean and sea |
étage {m} | :: (climatology) zone |
étage {m} | :: (rocketry) stage |
étagement {m} | :: layering |
étager {v} | :: to layer, to set one above the other |
étager {v} | :: to set in progressive installments |
étagère {f} | :: whatnot, shelf |
étagère {f} | :: a piece of furniture equipped with shelves, such as a rack or bookcase |
étai {m} [nautical] | :: A stay |
étai {m} | :: stay, prop, strut, support |
étain {m} | :: tin |
et ainsi de suite {idiom} | :: and so on, and so forth |
étal {m} | :: (market) stall |
étal {m} | :: butcher's block |
étalage {m} | :: display |
étalage {m} | :: window display, window dressing |
étalagiste {mf} | :: window dresser |
étalement {m} | :: spreading, sprawling |
étalement {m} | :: staggering |
étalement urbain {m} | :: urban sprawl |
étaler {vt} | :: to spread, spread out (papers, objects, etc.; sur on or over) |
étaler {vt} | :: to spread, smear (butter, etc.) |
étaler {vt} | :: to spread, stagger (repayments) |
étaler {vt} | :: to flaunt, show off (talents, money) |
étaler {vr} | :: to spread out, stretch out |
étaler {vr} | :: to show off |
étaler {vr} [colloquial] | :: to fall over |
étalingure {f} [nautical] | :: bitter end |
étalon {m} | :: stallion (uncastrated male horse) |
étalon {m} | :: stallion (sexually active man) |
étalon {m} | :: standard (something used as a measure for comparative evaluations) |
étalonnage {m} | :: calibration |
étalonné {adj} | :: calibrated |
étalonner {v} | :: to calibrate |
étalonnier {adj} [attributive] | :: stallion |
étalonnier {m} | :: stallioner (someone who looks after stallions) |
et alors {interj} | :: so what? |
étamage {m} | :: action of result of tin plating |
étamer {vt} | :: to tin plate (metal, etc.) |
étameur {m} | :: whitesmith |
étameuse {f} | :: feminine noun of étameur |
étamine {f} | :: stamen (a flower part that produces pollen) |
étamine {f} | :: muslin, cheesecloth, etamine (a fine fabric often used to filter liquids) |
étanche {adj} | :: watertight |
étanche {adj} | :: airtight |
étanchéifier {v} | :: to waterproof |
étanchéité {f} | :: watertightness; airtightness |
étanchement {m} | :: sealing, staunching |
étanchement {m} | :: sealant |
étancher {vt} | :: to make watertight, to stop water from flowing |
étancher {vt} | :: to quench (thirst) |
étancher {vt} [figuratively] | :: to satiate, to quench, to assuage |
étançon {m} | :: stanchion |
étançonner {v} | :: to prop up or shore up |
étang {m} | :: pond (small lake) |
étant {m} | :: being |
étant donné {prep} | :: given, in view of, in light of |
étant donné que {conj} | :: given that, seeing that |
étape {f} | :: stage, stop (on a journey) |
étape {f} | :: leg (of race) |
étape {f} [figuratively] | :: step, stage |
Etat {m} | :: alternative case form of État |
état {m} | :: state, condition |
état {m} | :: alternative case form of État |
État {m} | :: state, nation |
État {m} | :: government |
État {m} | :: alternative case form of état |
état civil {m} [law, administration] | :: personal data, personal information, personal records; civil status, marital status |
état civil {m} [law, administration] | :: public records, civil registry (register of births, marriages and deaths) |
état civil {m} [law, administration] | :: register office |
état d'âme {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: misgiving |
état de choses {m} | :: state of affairs, situation |
État de droit {m} [law] | :: rule-of-law state, constitutional state, legally constituted state |
état de fait {m} | :: state of affairs, real situation, factual situation, inescapable fact |
état de grâce {m} [theology] | :: state of grace |
état de grâce {m} [figuratively, politics] | :: honeymoon period |
état de grâce {m} [figuratively, sports] | :: God mode |
état de langue {m} [linguistics] | :: a form of a language at any given time, seen synchronically |
état de l'art {m} | :: state of the art, latest developments in a particular field |
état de l'art {m} | :: overview, survey, status report of a particular field |
état de nature {m} [philosophy] | :: state of nature |
état des lieux {m} [law] | :: inventory of fixtures, schedule of fixtures (inspection of the condition of an apartment) |
état des lieux {m} [figuratively] | :: assessment of the situation; state of play |
état d'esprit {m} | :: state of mind (psychological state) |
état d'urgence {m} | :: state of emergency |
état intéressant {m} [euphemistic, singulare tantum] | :: interesting condition |
étatique {adj} [politics] | :: stately; of or relating to a state |
étatisation {f} | :: nationalization |
étatiser {v} | :: to nationalize |
État islamique {prop} {m} | :: Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) |
État islamique d'Irak {prop} {m} | :: Islamic State in Iraq; former name of Daech (État islamique en Irak et au Levant) |
État islamique en Irak et au Levant {prop} {m} | :: ISIS/ISIL (Islamic State) |
étatisme {m} | :: etatism; state socialism, government control |
étatiste {mf} [politics] | :: statist |
étatiste {adj} [politics] | :: statist |
État libre associé de Porto Rico {prop} {m} | :: the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico |
état-major {m} [military] | :: general staff, headquarters (group of officers in charge of an army under the control of the commander-in-chief) |
état-major {m} [military] | :: headquarters (military installation from which troops are commanded and orders are issued) |
état-major {m} [politics] | :: administrative staff (body of staff that administers a political party) |
état-major {m} [business] | :: senior management (group of people in charge of a corporation) |
état-major {m} [colloquial, by extension] | :: any administrative body aimed at aiding a professional or academic in their work |
État-nation {m} | :: nation-state |
État policier {m} | :: police state |
état second {m} | :: trance, altered state |
états-unien {adj} | :: American, pertaining to the USA, Usonian |
étatsunien {adj} | :: alternative form of états-unien |
États-Unien {m} | :: American citizen, U.S. citizen |
États-Unienne {f} | :: feminine singular of États-Unien |
Etats-Unis {prop} {mp} | :: alternative spelling of États-Unis |
États-Unis {prop} {mp} | :: États-Unis (country) |
Etats-Unis d'Amérique {prop} {mp} | :: alternative form of États-Unis d'Amérique |
États-Unis d'Amérique {prop} {mp} | :: États-Unis d'Amérique (country) |
étau {m} | :: vice [UK], vise [US] |
étau {m} [figuratively] | :: noose |
étayer {v} | :: to prop up; to support |
étayer {v} | :: to back up; to support (e.g. an opinion, a theory) |
etc. {adv} | :: et cetera (and so on) |
et cætera {adv} | :: alternative form of et cetera |
et cétéra {adv} | :: alternative form of et cetera |
et comment {interj} [colloquial] | :: and how! |
et comment {interj} [colloquial] | :: yes please! do I ever! |
et des {phrase} [colloquial, chiefly Belgium] | :: or thereabouts, and change, and a bit over |
et des poussières {phrase} | :: or thereabouts; and change |
-eté {suffix} | :: variant of -té, for example: propre → propreté |
été {m} | :: summer |
été de la Saint-Martin {m} | :: Indian summer, St. Martin's summer (stretch of warm days during late autumn) |
éteignoir {m} | :: candle snuffer |
éteignoir {m} | :: killjoy, wet blanket |
éteindre {v} | :: to turn off (a switch) |
éteindre {v} | :: to put out (a fire) |
éteindre {vr} | :: to die out, fade |
éteint {adj} | :: extinct |
éteint {adj} | :: dead, lifeless |
et encore {adv} [colloquial] | :: if that, and even then! |
étendage {m} | :: extension (act of extending) |
étendage {m} | :: clothesline |
étendard {m} | :: standard (flag used in battle) |
étendoir {f} | :: clotheshorse |
étendre {v} | :: to stretch (the limbs) |
étendre {v} | :: to spread |
étendre {v} | :: to hang out (washing) |
étendre {v} | :: to extend |
étendre {v} | :: to enlarge, expand |
étendre {vr} | :: to expand upon; to discuss in greater detail |
étendre {v} | :: to dilute; to water down |
étendu {adj} | :: extensive (wide) |
étendu {adj} | :: widespread |
étendue {f} | :: expanse, area (of land, water etc.) |
étendue {f} | :: size (of a country, collection etc.) |
étendue {f} | :: scale, range, extent (of knowledge, damage etc.); depth (of ignorance) |
éternel {adj} | :: eternal (ever-lasting) |
éternellement {adv} | :: eternally |
éterniser {v} | :: to drag out, to prolong |
éterniser {v} | :: to immortalize |
éterniser {vr} | :: to drag on |
éternité {f} | :: eternity |
éternuement {m} | :: sneeze |
éternuer {v} | :: to sneeze |
éternument {m} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of éternuement |
étésien {adj} | :: etesian |
étésien {m} | :: etesian |
êtes-vous allergique à certains médicaments {phrase} | :: are you allergic to any medications? |
étêtement {m} | :: the act of pollarding |
étêtement {m} | :: the act of cutting the top off an object (such as a pin) |
étêter {v} [horticulture, forestry] | :: to pollard, to trim the top of a tree |
étêter {v} [by extension] | :: to cut off the top of any object |
éthal {m} [obsolete, organic compound] | :: ethal |
éthanal {m} [organic compound] | :: ethanal |
éthane {m} | :: ethane (aliphatic hydrocarbon, C2H6) |
éthanedial {m} [organic compound] | :: ethanedial, glyoxal |
éthanedioïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: ethanedioic |
éthanethiol {m} [organic compound] | :: ethanethiol |
éthanoate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: ethanoate |
éthanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: ethanoic |
éthanol {m} [organic compound] | :: ethanol |
éthanolamine {f} [organic compound] | :: ethanolamine |
éthanolate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: ethanolate |
éthanoylation {f} [organic chemistry] | :: ethanoylation |
éthène {m} [organic compound] | :: ethene |
éthènone {m} [organic compound] | :: ethenone |
éthényle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: ethenyl |
éther {m} | :: ether |
éthérate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: etherate |
éthéré {adj} | :: ethereal (all senses) |
éthérification {f} [organic chemistry] | :: etherification |
éthérique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: etheric |
éthériser {v} | :: To etherize |
éthérol {m} [obsolete, organic chemistry] | :: etherol |
éthionique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: ethionic |
Ethiopie {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Éthiopie |
Éthiopie {prop} {f} | :: Ethiopia |
Ethiopien {m} | :: alternative spelling of Éthiopien |
éthiopien {adj} | :: Ethiopian (of or pertaining to Ethiopia or its people or culture) |
Éthiopien {m} | :: an Ethiopian |
Ethiopienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Ethiopien |
Éthiopienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Éthiopien |
éthiops {m} | :: aethiops |
éthique {adj} | :: ethical |
éthique {f} | :: ethic |
éthiquement {adv} | :: ethically |
ethlete {mf} | :: ethlete |
ethmoïdal {adj} [anatomy] | :: ethmoidal, ethmoid |
ethmoïde {adj} | :: ethmoid |
ethnarque {m} | :: ethnarch |
ethnicité {f} | :: ethnicity |
ethnie {f} | :: ethnic group |
ethnique {adj} | :: ethnic |
ethniquement {adv} | :: ethnically |
ethno- {prefix} | :: ethno- |
ethnoastronomie {f} [astronomy] | :: ethnoastronomy |
ethnobiologie {f} [biology] | :: ethnobiology |
ethnobiologiste {mf} [biology] | :: ethnobiologist |
ethnocentrique {adj} | :: ethnocentric (related to ethnocentrism) |
ethnocentrisme {m} | :: ethnocentrism |
ethnocentriste {adj} | :: ethnocentrist |
ethnoclassification {f} | :: ethnoclassification |
ethnoculturel {adj} | :: ethnocultural |
ethnoentomologie {f} | :: ethnoentomology |
ethnoentomologiste {mf} | :: ethnoentomologist |
ethnographe {mf} | :: ethnographer (one who studies ethnography) |
ethnographie {f} | :: ethnography |
ethnographier {v} | :: to record in the form of an ethnography |
ethnographique {adj} | :: ethnographic |
ethnolinguistique {adj} | :: ethnolinguistic |
ethnologie {f} | :: ethnology |
ethnologique {adj} | :: ethnologic, ethnological |
ethnologiquement {adv} | :: ethnologically |
ethnologue {mf} | :: ethnologist |
ethnomathématique {adj} | :: ethnomathematical |
ethnomathématique {f} [maths] | :: ethnomathematics |
ethnomusicologie {f} | :: ethnomusicology |
ethnomusicologique {adj} | :: ethnomusicologic |
ethnomusicologiquement {adv} | :: ethnomusicologically |
ethnomusicologue {mf} | :: ethnomusicologist |
ethnonyme {m} | :: ethnonym |
ethnoornithologie {f} | :: ethnoornithology |
ethnoornithologiste {mf} | :: ethnoornithologist |
ethnopolitique {adj} | :: ethnopolitical |
ethnopolitique {f} | :: ethnopolitics |
ethnopsychiatre {mf} | :: ethnopsychiatrist |
ethnopsychiatrie {f} | :: ethnopsychiatry |
ethnozoologie {f} | :: ethnozoology |
ethnozoologiste {mf} | :: ethnozoologist |
éthographie {f} | :: ethography |
éthologie {f} | :: ethology |
éthologue {mf} | :: ethologist |
éthopée {f} [rhetoric] | :: ethopoeia |
éthoxyde {m} [organic chemistry] | :: ethoxide |
éthoxyéthane {m} [organic compound] | :: ethoxyethane, diethyl ether |
éthyl {m} [organic chemistry] | :: ethyl |
éthylamine {f} [organic compound] | :: ethylamine |
éthylbenzène {m} [organic compound] | :: ethylbenzene |
éthyle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: ethyl |
éthylène {m} [organic compound] | :: ethylene |
éthylènediamine {f} [organic compound] | :: ethylenediamine |
éthylènediaminetétraacétique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: ethylenediaminetetraacetic |
éthylénique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: ethylenic |
éthylidène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: ethylidene |
éthylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: ethyl (attributive) |
éthylique {adj} | :: alcoholic |
éthylisme {m} | :: alcoholism |
éthylomètre {m} | :: breathalyzer |
éthylotest {m} | :: alcohol test; blood alcohol test (test to measure the level of blood alcohol) |
éthylotest {m} | :: breathalyser/breathalyzer |
éthylvanilline {f} | :: ethylvanillin |
éthyne {m} [organic compound] | :: ethyne |
éthynediol {m} [organic compound] | :: ethynediol |
éthynol {m} [organic compound] | :: ethynol |
éthynylestradiol {m} [organic compound] | :: ethinylestradiol |
étiage {m} | :: lowest water level (of a river course) |
Etienne {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Étienne |
Étienne {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Stephen (Christian martyr) |
Étienne {prop} {m} | :: given name |
étier {m} | :: channel for salt marshes |
étiléfrine {m} | :: etilefrine |
étincelamment {adv} | :: sparklingly |
étincelant {adj} | :: sparkling |
étincelant {adj} | :: scintillating |
étinceler {v} [archaic] | :: to spark (give off sparks) |
étinceler {v} | :: to sparkle, twinkle |
étincelle {f} | :: spark |
étioler {v} | :: to etiolate (to render pale) |
étiologie {f} | :: aetiology (study of causes or origins) |
étiologique {adj} | :: etiological |
étique {adj} | :: consumptive, tubercular |
étique {adj} | :: skinny, thin |
étique {adj} | :: shabby, poor |
étiquetage {m} | :: labelling |
étiqueté {adj} | :: labelled |
étiqueter {v} | :: label |
étiquette {f} | :: tag, label |
étiquette {f} | :: etiquette, prescribed behavior |
étirable {adj} | :: stretchable |
étirage {m} | :: stretching |
étiré {adj} | :: stretched |
étirement {m} | :: stretch (act of stretching, all senses) |
étirer {v} | :: to stretch |
étirer {vr} [s'étirer] | :: To stretch (stretch one's muscles) |
étisie {f} | :: consumption |
étisie {f} | :: decline |
et le tour est joué {interj} [colloquial] | :: and Bob's your uncle! there you have it! that's all there is to it! ta-da! shazaam! |
et moi donc {interj} [colloquial] | :: what about me then? and what about me? so am I! so do I! same here! tell me about it! |
étoffe {f} | :: fabric, material |
étoffe {f} [figuratively] | :: stuff |
étoffer {v} | :: to stuff (a pillow, food) |
étoffer {v} [furniture] | :: to upholster |
étoffer {v} [clothing] | :: to fill out |
étoffer {v} | :: to pad out; to flesh out (give something more substance) |
étoffer {vr} [also, figurative] | :: to fill out (to get plumper) |
étoile {f} | :: star |
étoile {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: mullet |
étoile {f} [farming] | :: a white mark on the forehead of a horse or bull |
étoilé {adj} | :: starry |
étoile à neutrons {f} [astronomy] | :: neutron star |
étoile de David {f} | :: yellow badge |
étoile de mer {f} | :: starfish |
étoile de mer {f} [colloquial] | :: dead fish, cold fish (a woman who doesn't move during sex, but contents herself with a passive role in the missionary position) |
étoile du matin {f} | :: morning star (planet Venus when in the East) |
étoile du soir {f} [astronomy] | :: Evening star; the planet Venus as seen in the western sky in the evening |
étoile du soir {f} [astronomy] | :: Evening star; any star seen in the evening, especially the planets Mercury and Jupiter |
étoile filante {f} | :: shooting star, falling star |
étoile invitée {f} [astronomy] | :: guest star |
étoile jaune {f} | :: yellow badge |
étoiler {v} | :: To scatter or adorn with stars |
étole {f} | :: stole |
étonnable {adj} | :: astonishing |
étonnablement {adv} | :: astonishingly |
étonnamment {adv} | :: surprisingly (in a way that causes surprise because it is unexpected, or unusual) |
étonnant {adj} | :: amazing; surprising |
étonné {adj} | :: surprised |
étonnement {m} | :: astonishment, amazement |
étonner {v} | :: to surprise |
et/ou {conj} | :: and/or |
étouffant {adj} | :: oppressive, sultry, stifling, stuffy |
étouffe-chrétien {m} [colloquial] | :: stodge, stodgy meal |
étouffée {f} | :: étouffée (stew cooked in a closed pot); the manner of cooking which is used to make such stews |
étouffement {m} | :: suffocation |
étouffer {vit} | :: to choke |
étouffer {v} [figuratively, by extension] | :: to stop, to inhibit, to prevent |
étouffer dans l'œuf {v} | :: to nip in the bud (literally, "to smother in the egg") |
étouffoir {m} [music] | :: damper |
étoupe {f} | :: oakum, tow (residue) |
étouper {v} | :: to caulk (block using oakum or by extension another similar material) |
étourderie {f} | :: thoughtlessness, carelessness |
étourdi {m} | :: scatterbrain, absent-minded individual |
étourdi {adj} | :: stunned |
étourdi {adj} | :: dizzy, giddy |
étourdi {adj} | :: scatterbrained, distracted |
étourdiment {adv} | :: thoughtlessly, carelessly, foolishly, rashly |
étourdir {v} | :: to daze, to stun |
étourdir {v} [colloquial] | :: to tire, to wear out |
étourdissant {adj} | :: stunning, deafening |
étourdissant {adj} | :: thunderous |
étourdissement {m} | :: blackout, dizzy spell |
étourdissement {m} [literary] | :: surprise; exhilaration |
étourneau {m} | :: starling |
étourneau {m} [colloquial] | :: birdbrain, scatterbrain |
et pas qu'un peu {interj} [colloquial] | :: and then some! and how! |
et patin-couffin {adv} [colloquial] | :: and so forth, et cetera |
et plus vite que ça {phrase} [colloquial] | :: and be quick about it! make it snappy! snap to it! snap it up! chop-chop! move it! |
et pour cause {adv} [colloquial] | :: and with good reason, and rightly so, and unsurprisingly so |
et puis quoi encore {interj} [colloquial] | :: what more do you want – jam on it? oh yeah, and what else? anything else? is that all? (used ironically, when someone asks too much, with the meaning "not a chance I'm going to do that!") |
et que ça saute {phrase} [colloquial] | :: make it snappy! snap it up! chop-chop! move it! be quick about it! |
et quelque {phrase} | :: alternative spelling of et quelques |
et quelques {phrase} [colloquial] | :: or thereabouts; and change, and a bit over |
étrange {adj} | :: strange (bizarre, odd, abnormal) |
étrange {adj} [of countries] | :: foreign |
étrangement {adv} | :: strangely (in a strange manner) |
étranger {adj} | :: foreign |
étranger {adj} | :: unacquainted |
étranger {m} | :: foreigner |
étranger {m} | :: stranger |
étranger {m} | :: foreign place |
étrangère {f} | :: feminine noun of étranger |
étrangeté {f} | :: strangeness |
étrangeté {f} [physics] | :: strangeness |
étranglement {m} | :: strangling |
étrangler {v} | :: to strangle |
étrangler le borgne {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to bash the bishop (to masturbate) |
étrangleur {m} | :: strangler |
étrangleuse {f} | :: strangler (female) |
étrave {f} [nautical] | :: stem |
être {v} | :: to be |
être {v} [auxiliary] | :: Used to form the perfect and pluperfect tense of certain verbs (including all reflexive verbs) |
être {v} [auxiliary] | :: to be (Used to form the passive voice) |
être {m} | :: being, creature |
être à {v} | :: to pertain to; to belong to; to be one's |
être à cran {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to be on edge, to be edgy (to be very tense and irritated) |
être à la bourre {v} [idiomatic, slang] | :: To be late or rushed |
être à la hauteur {v} [de] | :: to live up to, to measure up to, to be up to the task of |
être à la porte {v} | :: to be locked out (of a building) |
être à l'ouest {v} [colloquial] | :: to be out to lunch, out of it, not with it, spaced out |
être à son avantage {v} | :: to look good, to look one's best, to appear in one's best light |
être assis entre deux chaises {v} [figuratively] | :: to fall between two stools, to have a foot in both camps, to be piggy in the middle, to be caught in the middle, to be sitting on the fence |
être au four et au moulin {v} [idiomatic] | :: To be all over the place; be in two places at once |
être au septième ciel {v} | :: to be on cloud nine, to be on top of the world, to be in seventh heaven, to be over the moon |
être aux anges {v} | :: to be on cloud nine, to be on top of the world, to be in seventh heaven, to be over the moon |
être aux petits soins {v} [pour] | :: [colloquial] to see to somebody's every need, to wait on somebody hand and foot |
être aux premières loges {v} [figuratively] | :: to have a ringside seat, a box seat |
être aux prises avec {v} | :: to fight against, to grapple with |
étrécir {vt} [archaic] | :: to make narrow |
être dans de beaux draps {v} [colloquial] | :: To be up the creek without a paddle; be in trouble; be in a pickle; be in a spot of bother |
être dans de sales draps {v} | :: alternative form of être dans de beaux draps |
être dans des transes {v} | :: to be shaking in one's boots |
être dans la dèche {v} [colloquial, slang] | :: to be broke |
être dans la lune {v} [figuratively, idiom] | :: To be absent-minded; to be distracted |
être dans la merde jusqu'au cou {phrase} [figuratively] | :: To be up to your neck in trouble, to be up shit creek |
être dans le même bateau {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to be in the same boat |
être dans les Fordoches {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] | :: to be in distress |
être dans les nuages {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to have one's head in the clouds |
être dans les poux de bois {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] | :: to be in distress |
être debout {v} | :: stand (be upright, support oneself on the feet in an erect position) |
être de la partie {v} | :: to be included; to be coming, to be in, to be game |
être de la partie {v} [meteorology] | :: to be there, not to be lacking |
être de mèche {v} [avec] | :: [colloquial] to be in cahoots (with), to go cahoots |
être de notoriété publique {v} | :: to be common knowledge (that) |
être d'intelligence {v} [avec] | :: [literary] to be in cahoots (with) |
être dos au mur {v} [figuratively] | :: to have one's back to the wall, to be up against the wall, to be backed into a corner, to have no way out |
être du pareil au même {v} [idiomatic, pleonasm, set phrase] | :: same difference, six of one, half a dozen of the other |
être en bonne odeur {v} [idiomatic] | :: to have a good name |
être en fonds {v} [literary] | :: to have money, to be in funds |
être en mauvaise odeur {v} [idiomatic] | :: to have an ill name |
être en odeur de sainteté {v} [figuratively] | :: to be esteemed, to be popular, to be thought highly of; to be in favour with someone, to be in someone's good books |
être fait comme un rat {v} [simile, colloquial] | :: To be cornered, to be a dead duck |
être faux comme un jeton {v} [colloquial, simile] | :: to be phony as a three-dollar bill, to be bent as a nine-bob note, to be extremely dishonest |
être humain {m} | :: A human being |
étreindre {v} | :: to hug (embrace) |
étreindre {v} | :: to clutch, grip |
étreinte {f} | :: embrace, hug |
étreinte fatale {f} [computing] | :: deadlock |
être le cas {v} | :: be the case |
être le pied {v} [colloquial] | :: to be terrific, to be great (to be very pleasant) |
être logé à la même enseigne {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to be in the same boat, to be treated in the same way |
être moins une {v} [colloquial] | :: to be a near thing, to be a close call |
étrenne {f} [obsolete] | :: the first sale of the day made by a shopkeeper, merchant etc |
étrenne {f} [rare] | :: the first time something is used/worn/done |
étrenne {f} [in the plural] | :: New Year's gift; Christmas present (especially when talking to a child) |
étrenner {v} | :: to use/wear for the first time |
étrenner {v} [for wearing clothes] | :: to break in |
étrenner {v} | :: to be the guinea pig |
étrennes {fp} | :: New Year's gift; Christmas present (especially when talking to a child) |
être pendu aux lèvres de {v} | :: to hang on someone's every word |
être plus catholique que le pape {v} | :: to go overboard, to overdo it, to be an extremist, to have extreme views |
être plus royaliste que le roi {v} | :: to be more Catholic than the Pope; to make more effort to defend someone's interests than they make themselves |
être pris entre deux feux {v} [figuratively] | :: to be between a rock and a hard place, to be between Scylla and Charybdis, to be between the devil and the deep blue sea, to be caught in the middle, to be caught in the crossfire |
être sur la même longueur d'onde {v} | :: to be on the same wavelength |
être sur la paille {v} [colloquial] | :: to be ruined, to be penniless |
être sur les nerfs {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to be on edge (to be very tense and irritated) |
être sur les rotules {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to be knackered, to be exhausted, to be on one's last legs |
être sur son 31 {v} | :: alternative spelling of être sur son trente-et-un |
être sur son trente et un {v} | :: alternative spelling of être sur son trente-et-un |
être sur son trente-et-un {v} | :: be dressed to the nines, be dressed to kill |
être sur toutes les lèvres {v} [figuratively] | :: to be on everyone's lips, to be the talk of the town, to be talked about by everyone |
être sur un petit nuage {v} | :: to be on cloud nine, to be on top of the world, to be in seventh heaven, to be over the moon |
être tout ouïe {v} | :: to be all ears |
étrier {m} [equestrian, medicine] | :: stirrup |
étrier {m} [anatomy] | :: stirrup bone, stapes |
étrier {m} [climbing] | :: étrier (UK), stirrup (US) |
étrier {m} | :: caliper (US), calliper (UK), the part of a brake |
étrille {f} | :: currycomb, strigil |
étriller {v} | :: to curry (a horse), to groom |
étriller {v} [sports] | :: to crush, to trounce |
étriller {v} [figuratively] | :: to critique, to reprimand |
étriper {v} | :: to gut, disembowel |
étriper {v} | :: to thrash (defeat convincingly) |
étriquer {v} | :: to narrow |
étriver {vt} [nautical] | :: to tie together two ropes with a third |
étrivière {f} | :: stirrup |
étroit {adj} | :: narrow |
étroit d'esprit {adj} | :: narrow-minded |
étroitement {adv} | :: narrowly |
étroitesse {f} | :: narrowness |
étron {m} | :: turd, crap, fecal matter |
étronçonner {v} | :: to cut off branches; debranch |
étrusque {adj} | :: Etruscan |
étrusque {m} | :: Etruscan (language) |
Étrusque {mf} | :: Etruscan (person) |
-ette {suffix} | :: feminine noun of -et |
et tout le tremblement {phrase} [colloquial] | :: and all that jazz, and the whole kit and caboodle, and the whole caboodle |
étude {f} | :: study |
étude de marché {f} [marketing] | :: market research |
étudiant {m} | :: student |
étudiant {adj} | :: studying (in the process of studying) |
étudiant d'échange {m} | :: exchange student |
étudier {v} | :: to study |
étui {m} | :: case (for glasses, cigars, a viola) |
étui {m} | :: holster (for a gun) |
étui {m} | :: cover (for an umbrella) |
étui {m} | :: cartridge (of a bullet) |
étuve {f} | :: drying oven |
étuve {f} | :: sauna |
étuve {f} [figuratively] | :: a hot place; an oven |
étuve {f} [historical] | :: public baths |
étuvé {adj} | :: dried in an oven |
étuvée {f} | :: steaming (of food) |
étuver {v} | :: to dry in a drying oven |
et voilà le travail {interj} [colloquial] | :: Bob's your uncle! |
et voilà le travail {interj} [colloquial] | :: ta-da! shazaam! |
étymologie {f} | :: etymology |
étymologie populaire {f} [linguistics] | :: folk etymology |
étymologique {adj} | :: etymological |
étymologiquement {adv} | :: etymologically |
étymologiste {mf} | :: etymologist (person who specializes in etymology) |
étymon {m} | :: etymon |
EU {prop} | :: EU (country); initialism of États-Unis |
ÉUA {prop} {mp} | :: ÉUA (country); initialism of États-Unis d'Amérique |
eubactérie {f} | :: eubacterium |
Eubée {prop} {f} | :: Euboea |
Eubœe {prop} {f} | :: obsolete form of Eubée |
eucalyne {f} [carbohydrate] | :: eucalyn |
eucalyptus {m} | :: eucalyptus |
eucalyptus citronné {m} | :: lemon eucalyptus (Corymbia citriodora) |
eucaryote {m} [cytology] | :: eukaryote |
eucharistie {f} [Christianity] | :: Eucharist |
Eucharistie {f} | :: alternative case form of eucharistie |
eucharistique {adj} | :: eucharistic |
Euclide {prop} {m} | :: Euclid |
euclidien {adj} | :: Euclidean |
eucologe {m} | :: euchologion |
Eudème {prop} {m} | :: Eudemus (an Ancient Greek given name) |
eudiomètre {m} | :: eudiometer (tube for measuring volume of gases) |
eudiométrie {m} | :: eudiometry |
eudiométrique {adj} | :: eudiometric |
eu égard à {prep} | :: given, in view of, in light of |
Eugène {prop} | :: given name |
eugénésie {f} | :: eugenics |
eugénésique {adj} | :: eugenic |
eugénie {f} | :: eugenics |
Eugénie {prop} | :: given name |
eugénine {f} | :: eugenin |
eugénique {adj} | :: eugenic |
eugénisme {m} | :: eugenics |
eugéniste {adj} | :: eugenist |
eugéniste {mf} | :: eugenist |
eugénol {m} [organic compound] | :: eugenol |
euh {interj} | :: er, um, uh; expressing hesitation, reflection, confusion, or doubt |
Eulalie {prop} {f} | :: given name |
eulérien {adj} | :: Eulerian |
eumélanine {f} | :: eumelanin |
eumolpique {adj} | :: eumolpic |
eunuchat {m} | :: quality of being a eunuch |
eunuque {m} | :: eunuch |
euphémique {adj} | :: euphemistic |
euphémiquement {adv} | :: euphemistically |
euphémisme {m} | :: euphemism |
euphonie {f} | :: euphony |
euphonique {adj} | :: euphonic |
euphoniquement {adv} | :: euphonically |
euphorbe {f} | :: spurge (any plant of the genus Euphorbia) |
euphorbique {adj} | :: euphorbic |
euphorie {f} | :: euphoria (an excited state of joy) |
euphorique {adj} | :: euphoric, very happy, exhilarated |
euphorisant {adj} | :: euphoriant |
euphotique {adj} | :: euphotic (describing that part of the near-surface ocean in which photosynthesis is possible) |
euphraise {f} | :: eyebright |
Euphrate {prop} {m} | :: Euphrates |
-eur {suffix} | :: Used to form agent nouns from verbs |
-eur {suffix} | :: Used to form abstract nouns from adjectives; -ness |
Eurafrasie {prop} {f} | :: Afro-Eurasia (supercontinent) |
eurasiatique {adj} | :: Eurasian |
Eurasie {prop} {f} | :: Eurasia (supercontinent) |
eurasien {adj} | :: Eurasian (of or from Eurasia) |
Eurasien {m} | :: Eurasian (someone from Eurasia) |
Eurasienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Eurasien |
Eure {prop} {f} | :: Eure (river) |
Eure {prop} {f} | :: Eure (department) |
Eure-et-Loir {prop} | :: Eure-et-Loir |
eurêka {interj} | :: eureka |
eurhodine {f} [organic compound] | :: eurhodine |
Euripide {prop} {m} | :: Euripides (Ancient Greek tragedian) |
euristique {adj} | :: heuristic |
euro- {prefix} | :: Euro- (forms words relating to Europe) |
euro {m} | :: euro (currency) |
eurochèque {m} | :: Eurocheque |
eurocommunisme {m} | :: Eurocommunism |
eurocommuniste {adj} | :: Eurocommunist |
eurocommuniste {mf} | :: Eurocommunist |
eurodéputé {m} | :: MEP, Eurodeputy |
eurodéputée {f} | :: female equivalent of eurodéputé |
euromissile {m} | :: Euromissile |
Europarlement {prop} {m} | :: European Parliament |
europate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: europate |
Europe {prop} {f} | :: Europe |
Europe {prop} {f} | :: Europa, a moon of Jupiter |
européanisation {f} | :: Europeanisation |
européaniser {v} | :: to Europeanize |
Europe centrale {prop} {f} | :: Central Europe |
européen {adj} | :: European |
Européen {m} | :: European; person from Europe |
Européenne {f} | :: feminine noun of Européen |
européiste {adj} | :: pro-European |
européiste {mf} | :: pro-European |
europhile {mf} | :: europhile |
europhile {adj} | :: europhilic, europhile |
europhilie {f} | :: europhilia (love of Europe) |
europhobe {adj} | :: Europhobic |
europium {m} | :: europium |
eurosceptique {adj} | :: Eurosceptic |
eurosceptique {mf} | :: Eurosceptic |
Eurovision {prop} | :: Eurovision |
euryèce {adj} [ecology] | :: euryoecious |
eurytherme {adj} [biology] | :: eurythermal |
euryxène {adj} [biology] | :: euryxenous |
-euse {suffix} | :: feminine noun of -eur |
-euse {suffix} | :: feminine singular of -eux |
Eusèbe {prop} {m} | :: given name |
eusocial {adj} [biology] | :: eusocial |
eusocialement {adv} [biology] | :: eusocially |
eusocialité {f} [biology] | :: eusociality |
Eustache {prop} | :: given name |
eustatisme {m} | :: eustasy |
eutectique {adj} | :: eutectic |
eutectique {m} | :: eutectic (point, mixture) |
eutectoïde {adj} [physics] | :: eutectoid |
eutexie {f} | :: eutexia |
euthanasie {f} | :: euthanasia (practice of killing a human being or animal) |
euthanasier {v} | :: to euthanise |
Euthydème {prop} {m} | :: Euthydemus |
eutrophe {adj} [geography, of a swamp or a similar water reservoir] | :: eutrophic, providing nutrients |
eutrophie {f} [physiology] | :: eutrophy |
eutrophique {adj} [geography, of a swamp or a similar water reservoir] | :: eutrophic, providing nutrients |
eutrophique {adj} [medicine] | :: eutrophic, promoting health and nutrients |
eutrophisation {f} | :: eutrophication |
eutrophiser {v} [physiology] | :: to render eutrophic |
-eux {suffix} | :: -ous, -y |
eux-autres {pron} [Canada, Louisiana] | :: they |
euxénite {m} [mineral] | :: euxenite |
eux-mêmes {pron} [emphatic] | :: themselves |
Éva {prop} | :: given name, a Latinate variant of Ève (= Eve) |
évacuation {f} | :: evacuation (act of emptying) |
évacuer {vt} | :: to evacuate |
évadé {adj} | :: escaped |
évadé {m} | :: escapee, evader |
évader {vr} | :: to escape (from a building, situation etc.) |
évaluatif {adj} | :: evaluative |
évaluation {f} | :: assessment |
évaluation par les pairs {f} | :: peer review |
évaluer {v} | :: to assess |
évanescence {f} | :: evanescence |
évanescent {adj} | :: evanescent |
évangélique {adj} | :: evangelical |
évangéliquement {adv} | :: evangelically |
évangélisation {f} | :: evangelisation |
évangéliser {v} | :: to evangelise |
évangélisme {m} | :: evangelicalism |
évangélisme {m} | :: evangelism |
évangéliste {m} | :: evangelist (all meanings) |
évangile {m} [biblical] | :: gospel |
Évangile {prop} | :: Good News; Evangealion |
évanouir {vp} | :: to lose consciousness; to faint |
évanouir {vp} [formal] | :: to vanish or disappear without a trace, especially things |
évanouissable {adj} | :: Liable to faint |
évanouissable {adj} [maths] | :: vanishingly small |
évanouissement {m} | :: fainting |
évaporation {f} | :: evaporation |
évaporer {v} | :: to evaporate |
évasé {adj} | :: flared |
évaser {v} | :: to widen, open out or splay |
évaser {v} | :: to flare |
évasif {adj} | :: evasive, slippery, noncommittal |
évasion {f} | :: escape |
évasion {f} | :: escapism |
évasion fiscale {f} | :: tax evasion |
évasivement {adv} | :: evasively |
Ève {prop} [biblical character] | :: Eve (wife of Adam) |
Ève {prop} | :: given name |
évêché {m} | :: bishopric |
évêché {m} | :: bishop's palace |
évêché {m} | :: cathedral town |
éveil {m} | :: wakefulness, vigil |
éveil {m} | :: arousal |
éveillé {adj} | :: awake |
éveiller {v} | :: to stimulate |
éveiller {v} | :: to kindle |
éveiller {v} | :: to waken |
Évelyne {prop} | :: given name |
événement {m} | :: event |
évènement {m} | :: alternative spelling of événement |
événementiel {adj} | :: event (attributive) |
évènementiel {adj} | :: event (attributive) |
évent {m} | :: blowhole (of cetaceans) |
éventail {m} | :: fan (hand-held device) |
éventail {m} [figurative] | :: range, array |
éventaire {m} | :: flat basket used by flower sellers, etc |
éventaire {m} | :: stall (outside a shop) |
éventer {v} [dated] | :: to air, ventilate (expose to the air) |
éventer {vtr} | :: to fan |
éventer {v} [nautical] | :: to expose to the wind |
éventer {vr} [of foods] | :: to go off, go stale, go flat |
éventiller {v} [of a bird] | :: to hover |
éventration {f} | :: eventration |
éventration {f} | :: rupture |
éventration {f} | :: evisceration |
éventrement {m} | :: disemboweling |
eventrer {v} | :: obsolete form of éventrer |
éventrer {v} [literally] | :: to disembowel |
éventrer {v} [by extension] | :: to rip apart, to tear open |
éventrer {v} [of a bull] | :: to gore |
éventreur {m} | :: ripper, someone who disembowels or mutilates their victim |
éventualité {f} | :: eventuality, event, possible outcome |
éventuel {adj} | :: possible, hypothetical (that might come about) |
éventuellement {adv} | :: possibly, maybe, perhaps; if you want |
éventuellement {adv} [Quebec] | :: eventually |
évêque {mf} | :: bishop (clergyman) |
évertuer {vp} | :: to strive |
éviction {f} | :: eviction (the act of evicting) |
évidemment {adv} | :: of course, evidently, obviously |
évidence {f} | :: obviousness, clearness |
évident {adj} | :: evident, obvious |
évider {v} | :: to hollow out, to scoop out |
évier {m} | :: sink, basin |
évincement {m} | :: outsing |
évincer {v} | :: evict (to expel) |
évincer {v} | :: to depose |
évincer {v} | :: to knock out, eliminate, do away with, see off |
éviscérer {v} | :: to eviscerate |
évitable {adj} | :: avoidable |
évitable {adj} | :: preventable |
évitement {m} | :: avoidance, eschewal |
éviter {v} | :: to avoid |
éviter {v} | :: to dodge, to shun, to bypass |
éviter {v} | :: to avert |
évocateur {adj} | :: evocative, suggestive |
évocateur {m} | :: evoker (one who evokes) |
évocation {f} | :: evocation |
évolué {adj} | :: advanced (of technique etc.) |
évolué {adj} | :: intelligent (of person), broad-minded |
évolué {m} | :: évolué |
évoluer {v} | :: to evolve; to change, to develop |
évoluer {v} [sports] | :: to play |
évoluer {v} | :: to move (in a given area), to move about |
évolutif {adj} | :: evolutive, evolving, evolutionary |
évolutif {adj} | :: scalable |
évolution {f} | :: evolution |
évolution {f} [biology] | :: evolution |
évolutionnisme {m} | :: evolutionism |
évolutionniste {adj} | :: evolutionist, Darwinist |
évolutionniste {mf} | :: evolutionist, Darwinist |
évolutivité {f} | :: upgradability, scalability |
évoquer {v} | :: to evoke (to cause the manifestation of something (emotion, picture, etc.) in someone's mind or imagination) |
évoquer {v} | :: to mention |
Évrard {prop} {m} | :: given name |
évulgation {f} | :: A publishing or spreading abroad; evulgation |
évulguer {v} | :: To publish or spread abroad; to evulgate or promulgate |
éwé {m} | :: the Ewe language |
ex. {n} | :: abbreviation of exemple |
exa- {prefix} | :: exa- |
exacerbation {f} | :: exacerbation |
exacerber {v} | :: to exacerbate, to worsen |
exact {adj} | :: exact; precise |
exactement {adv} | :: exactly, quite |
exacteur {m} | :: exactor |
exaction {f} | :: extortion |
exaction {f} | :: exaction |
exactitude {f} | :: exactitude, accuracy |
exactrice {f} | :: feminine singular of exacteur |
ex aequo {adv} [usually, used for sports] | :: equal; in an equal state |
ex-aequo {adv} | :: alternative spelling of ex aequo |
ex æquo {adv} | :: alternative spelling of ex aequo |
ex-æquo {adv} | :: alternative spelling of ex aequo |
exagérateur {m} | :: exaggerator |
exagération {f} | :: exaggeration |
exagératrice {f} | :: feminine singular of exagérateur |
exagérément {adv} | :: exaggeratedly (in an exaggerated way) |
exagérer {v} | :: to exaggerate |
exakatal {m} | :: exakatal |
exaltation {f} | :: exaltation |
exalter {vt} | :: to elate, thrill |
exalter {vr} | :: to be elated |
exam {m} [colloquial] | :: Short for examen |
examen {m} | :: exam, test |
examen blanc {m} | :: a mock exam |
examen d'admission {m} | :: entrance examination |
examen de la vue {m} | :: eye test |
examen d'entrée {m} | :: entrance examination |
examinateur {m} | :: examiner |
examinatrice {f} | :: examiner |
examiner {v} | :: to examine |
exanimé {adj} [obsolete] | :: exanimate, lifeless |
exanthème {m} | :: exanthem, exanthema |
exaoctet {m} [computing] | :: exabyte |
exarchal {adj} | :: exarchal |
exarchat {m} [historical] | :: exarchate |
exarque {m} [historical] | :: exarch |
exarque {m} [religion] | :: exarch |
exaspérant {adj} | :: exasperating |
exaspération {f} | :: exasperation, an exasperated feeling of annoyance, aggravation |
exaspération {f} | :: exasperation (due to actions that cause great irritation or anger) |
exaspérer {v} | :: to exasperate (to frustrate) |
exaucement {m} | :: fulfilment |
exaucer {vt} [religion] | :: to fulfil the wish of a prayer |
exbioctet {m} | :: exbibyte |
excavateur {m} | :: excavator (vehicle, often on tracks, used to dig ditches etc; a backhoe) |
excavation {f} | :: excavation |
excavatrice {f} | :: excavator |
excaver {v} | :: to excavate |
excédant {adj} | :: surplus, excess, excessive |
excédent {m} | :: excess, surplus |
excédentaire {adj} | :: surplus, excess |
excéder {vt} | :: to exceed (in quantity) |
excéder {vt} | :: to annoy, to anger (someone) |
excellement {adv} [obsolete or nonstandard] | :: alternative spelling of excellemment |
excellemment {adv} | :: excellently; brilliantly |
excellence {f} | :: Excellence |
excellence {f} | :: Excellency (term of address) |
Excellence {prop} {m} | :: Excellence |
excellent {adj} | :: excellent; splendid |
excellentissime {adj} | :: superexcellent |
excellentissimement {adv} [rare] | :: very excellently |
exceller {v} | :: to excel |
excentrer {v} | :: to offset |
excentricité {f} | :: eccentricity (the quality of being eccentric) |
excentricité {f} [mathematics] | :: eccentricity (a ratio between distances in a conic section) |
excentrique {adj} | :: eccentric (away from the centre) |
excentrique {adj} [mathematics] | :: eccentric (not having the same centre) |
excentrique {adj} [figuratively] | :: eccentric (characterized by unusual behaviour), oddball |
excentriquement {adv} | :: eccentrically |
excepté {prep} | :: except |
excepter {v} | :: to exclude, not count, make an exception |
exception {f} | :: exception |
exceptionnel {adj} | :: exceptional |
exceptionnel {adj} | :: outstanding (not yet solved) |
exceptionnellement {adv} | :: exceptionally |
excès {m} | :: excess |
excès de zèle {m} | :: overzealousness, overdoing it, overkill |
excessif {adj} | :: excessive |
excessivement {adv} | :: excessively |
excimère {m} [chemistry, physics] | :: excimer |
exciper {v} [legal] | :: to plea |
exciser {v} | :: to excise |
excision {f} | :: excision |
excitabilité {f} | :: excitability |
excitable {adj} | :: excitable |
excitant {adj} | :: exciting (causing stimulation or excitement) |
excitant {adj} | :: arousing |
excitant {m} | :: excitant; stimulant |
excitateur {adj} | :: stimulating |
excitation {f} | :: excitement |
excité {adj} | :: horny; excited |
excité {adj} | :: excited |
excité comme une puce {adj} [simile, colloquial] | :: extremely excited |
exciter {v} | :: to excite (to stir the emotions of) |
exciton {m} [physics] | :: exciton |
exclamatif {adj} | :: exclamatory |
exclamation {f} | :: exclamation (cry of joy) |
exclamativement {adv} | :: exclamatorily |
exclamer {v} | :: to exclaim, shout out |
exclarrogatif {adj} | :: Only used in the noun point exclarrogatif (interrobang) |
exclu {m} | :: person who is excluded |
exclu {f} [media] | :: exclusive |
exclu {adj} | :: excluded |
exclu {adj} | :: exclusive |
exclure {v} | :: to exclude |
exclure {v} | :: to leave out |
exclusif {adj} | :: exclusive |
exclusion {f} | :: exclusion |
exclusivement {adv} | :: exclusively |
exclusivisme {m} | :: exclusivism |
exclusivité {f} | :: exclusiveness |
exclusivité {f} [media] | :: exclusive |
excogitation {f} | :: excogitation |
excogiter {v} [rare, aged] | :: to imagine |
excommunication {f} | :: excommunication |
excommunier {v} | :: to excommunicate |
excorier {v} | :: to excoriate |
excrément {m} | :: excrement (animal solid waste) |
excrémentiel {adj} | :: excremental |
excrétat {m} [biology] | :: excreta |
excrété {adj} | :: excreted |
excréter {v} | :: to excrete |
excréteur {adj} | :: excretory |
excrétion {f} | :: excretion |
excrétoire {adj} | :: excretory |
excroissance {f} | :: excrescence, outgrowth |
excursion {f} | :: excursion |
excursion {f} | :: wander (talk off topic) |
excursionner {v} [dated] | :: to trip (take a trip) |
excursionniste {mf} | :: excursionist |
excursionniste {mf} | :: hiker, walker |
excusable {adj} | :: excusable, pardonable |
excusablement {adv} | :: excusably |
excuse {f} | :: excuse |
excuse-moi {interj} | :: excuse me? |
excuser {v} | :: to excuse; to pardon |
excusez du peu {interj} [colloquial] | :: no less! if you please! would you believe! |
excusez-moi {interj} | :: excuse me? |
exécrable {adj} | :: loathsome, detestable |
exécrable {adj} [colloquial] | :: extremely bad, awful, poor |
exécrablement {adv} | :: poorly; awfully; lamentably |
exécration {f} | :: execration |
exécrer {v} | :: to loathe |
exécutable {adj} | :: executable |
exécutant {m} [music] | :: performer |
exécutante {f} | :: feminine singular of exécutant |
exécuté {adj} | :: executed (all senses) |
exécuter {v} | :: to execute; to carry out |
exécuter {v} | :: to execute (to kill as punishment) |
exécuter {vr} | :: to comply |
exécuter {v} | :: to perform (contract) |
exécuteur {m} | :: executor |
exécutif {adj} | :: executive |
exécution {f} | :: execution |
exécutoire {adj} [legal] | :: enforceable (legally binding) |
exécutoirement {adv} | :: enforceably |
exécutrice {f} | :: executrix |
exégèse {f} | :: exegesis (formal written exposition or explanatory essay) |
exégète {mf} | :: exegete (a person skilled in exegesis) |
exégétique {adj} | :: exegetical |
exéma {m} | :: alternative spelling of eczéma |
exemplaire {m} | :: copy; facsimile |
exemplaire {m} | :: example |
exemplaire {m} | :: sample; instance; specimen |
exemplaire {adj} | :: exemplary |
exemplaire {adj} | :: example |
exemplairement {adv} | :: exemplarily |
exemplarité {f} | :: exemplarity |
exemple {m} | :: example |
exemplification {f} | :: exemplification |
exemplifier {v} | :: to exemplify |
exempt {adj} | :: exempt |
exempt {m} | :: exempt, (type of) policeman |
exempter {v} | :: to exempt |
exemption {f} | :: exemption |
exercer {v} | :: to instruct, to command |
exercer {v} | :: to exercise |
exercer {v} | :: to practise, to do |
exercice {m} | :: exercise, practice |
exercice {m} [finance] | :: fiscal year, financial year |
exergue {m} [numismatics] | :: exergue (space beneath the main design on a coin or medal for an inscription) |
exergue {m} [by extension] | :: inscription |
exergue {m} | :: epigraph |
exfiltrer {v} | :: To exfiltrate |
exfoliant {adj} | :: exfoliating; that causes exfoliation of the skin |
exfoliation {f} | :: exfoliation |
exfolier {vt} | :: to exfoliate, strip of leaves |
exfolier {vr} | :: to exfoliate |
exhalaison {f} | :: exhalation |
exhalant {adj} | :: exhalant |
exhalation {f} | :: exhalation |
exhaler {v} | :: to exhale |
exhaler {v} | :: to give off (e.g. an odor) |
exhaler {v} | :: to let out, let slip (e.g. a secret) |
exhaler {v} | :: to let out (e.g. of an instrument, to emit a sound) |
exhaure {f} | :: drainage (especially of water from a mine) |
exhaurer {vt} | :: to drain water from a mine |
exhaussement {m} | :: elevation, erection (action of raising up) |
exhausser {vt} | :: to raise up, erect [a building] |
exhausteur {m} | :: enhancer (for the carburator) |
exhausteur de goût {m} | :: flavour enhancer |
exhaustif {adj} | :: exhaustive |
exhaustivement {adv} | :: exhaustively |
exhaustivité {f} | :: exhaustiveness |
exhérédation {f} | :: disinheritance |
exhéréder {vt} [law] | :: to disinherit |
exhiber {v} [legal] | :: to exhibit |
exhiber {v} | :: to show, show round, show off |
exhiber {vr} | :: to show off, flaunt, strut one's stuff |
exhibition {f} [sport] | :: exhibition, friendly |
exhibition {f} [document] | :: presentation, production |
exhibition {f} | :: showing off, outrageous behaviour |
exhibitionisme {m} | :: alternative form of exhibitionnisme |
exhibitionnisme {m} | :: exhibitionism |
exhibitionniste {mf} | :: exhibitionist |
exhilarant {adj} | :: exhilarant |
exhortation {f} | :: An exhortation |
exhorter {v} | :: to exhort |
exhumation {f} | :: exhumation |
exhumer {v} | :: to exhume |
exigeant {adj} | :: demanding |
exigence {f} | :: demand |
exiger {v} | :: to demand, require |
exigible {adj} | :: exigible |
exigu {adj} | :: small, tiny, poky, exiguous |
exiguïté {f} | :: smallness, crampedness |
exil {m} | :: exile |
exilé {m} | :: exile (someone in exile) |
exilé {adj} | :: exiled, in exile |
exilée {f} | :: feminine noun of exilé |
exiler {v} | :: to exile, to banish |
exiler {vr} | :: to go into exile |
exinscrit {adj} [maths] | :: exinscribed |
existant {adj} | :: existing, being |
existant {adj} | :: existent |
existant {adj} | :: extant, in existence |
existence {f} | :: existence |
existence {f} | :: life |
existentialisme {m} [philosophy] | :: existentialism |
existentialiste {adj} | :: existentialist |
existentialiste {mf} | :: existentialist |
existentiation {f} | :: existentiation |
existentiel {adj} | :: existential |
existentiellement {adv} | :: existentially |
exister {v} | :: to exist |
exo- {prefix} | :: exo- |
exo {m} [slang] | :: exercise |
exobiologie {f} [biology] | :: exobiology |
exobiologique {adj} [biology] | :: exobiological |
exobiologiste {mf} [biology] | :: exobiologist |
exocarpe {m} | :: exocarp |
exocet {m} | :: flying fish |
Exocet {m} | :: A French antiship missile |
exocol {m} [anatomy] | :: exocervix |
exocrine {adj} | :: exocrine |
exode {m} | :: exodus |
Exode {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Exodus |
exode des cerveaux {m} [Canada] | :: brain drain |
exogame {adj} | :: exogamous |
exogamie {f} | :: exogamy |
exogamique {adj} | :: exogamous |
exogène {adj} | :: exogenous |
exogéologie {f} [geology] | :: exogeology |
exogéomorphologie {f} | :: exogeomorphology |
exon {m} [genetics] | :: exon |
exonération {f} | :: exoneration |
exonérer {v} | :: to exonerate |
exonucléase {f} [biochemistry] | :: exonuclease |
exonyme {m} | :: exonym (a name given to a group or category of people by a secondary person or persons other than the people it refers to) |
exophtalmie {f} | :: exophthalmos |
exoplanète {f} [astronomy] | :: exoplanet (planet outside Earth's solar system) |
exoplanétologie {f} [astronomy] | :: exoplanetology |
exorbitamment {adv} | :: exorbitantly |
exorbitant {adj} | :: exorbitant |
exorbitant {adj} | :: extortionate |
exorbité {adj} | :: bulging (eyes) |
exorciser {v} | :: to exorcise |
exorcisme {m} | :: exorcism |
exorciste {mf} | :: exorcist |
exorde {m} [rhetoric] | :: exord, exordium |
exorer {v} [rare] | :: To implore or pray (to a God) |
exoscopie {f} [geology] | :: exoscopy |
exosphère {f} | :: exosphere (layer of the Earth's atmosphere) |
exosquelette {m} | :: exoskeleton |
exostose {f} | :: exostosis |
exotérique {adj} | :: exoteric |
exothermique {adj} | :: exothermic |
exoticisation {f} [rare] | :: synonym of exotisation |
exotique {adj} | :: exotic |
exotiquement {adv} | :: exotically |
exotisme {m} | :: exoticism |
exotoxine {f} | :: exotoxin |
exotoxique {adj} | :: exotoxic |
expansé {adj} | :: expanded |
expansif {adj} | :: expansive |
expansif {adj} | :: expansionary |
expansion {f} | :: expansion |
expansionnisme {m} | :: expansionism |
expansionniste {adj} | :: expansionist |
expansivité {f} | :: expansivity, expansiveness |
expatriation {f} | :: expatriation |
expatrier {vt} | :: to expatriate, deport |
expatrier {vr} | :: to emigrate |
expectatif {adj} | :: expectant |
expectatif {adj} | :: expectative |
expectoration {f} | :: expectoration |
expectorer {v} | :: to expectorate |
expédient {m} | :: expedient |
expédier {v} | :: to post, to send, to ship |
expédier {v} | :: to expedite |
expédier {v} | :: to deal with quickly, to get rid of |
expéditeur {m} | :: sender, transmitter |
expéditif {adj} | :: expeditive, expeditious |
expédition {f} | :: the act of expediting or hurrying |
expédition {f} | :: expedition, excursion |
expédition {f} | :: shipping, delivery of goods |
expéditionnaire {adj} | :: expeditionary |
expéditivement {adv} | :: expeditively, expeditiously |
expérience {f} [countable] | :: experiment, trial, test |
expérience {f} [countable] | :: experience, totally of events one lives through |
expérience {f} [uncountable] | :: experience, knowledge and skills |
expérience de mort imminente {f} [medecine] | :: near-death experience |
expérience de pensée {f} | :: thought experiment |
expérimental {adj} | :: experimental |
expérimentalement {adv} | :: experimentally |
expérimentateur {m} | :: experimenter (one who experiments) |
expérimentation {f} | :: experimentation |
expérimentatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of expérimentateur A female experimenter |
expérimenté {adj} | :: experienced, having experience |
expérimenter {v} | :: to experiment |
expérimenter {v} | :: to experience |
expert {adj} | :: expert |
expert {m} | :: expert |
expert-comptable {m} | :: chartered accountant (one whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another) |
experte {f} | :: feminine noun of expert |
experte-comptable {f} | :: feminine singular of expert-comptable |
expertement {adv} | :: expertly |
expertise {f} [countable] | :: appraisal |
expertise {f} [uncountable] | :: expertness |
expertiser {vt} | :: to appraise, value |
expiation {f} | :: expiation |
expiatoire {adj} | :: expiatory |
expier {vt} | :: to expiate, to make amends for, atone for |
expirant {adj} | :: expiring, dying |
expirateur {adj} [anatomy] | :: expiratory |
expiration {f} | :: expiration (act of expiring) |
expiration {f} | :: expiration (act of breathing out) |
expiration {f} | :: expiration (end) |
expirer {vt} | :: To breathe out |
expirer {vi} | :: to expire, run out |
expirer {vi} | :: to pass away (die) |
explétif {adj} | :: expletive |
explétivement {adv} | :: expletively |
explicable {adj} | :: explicable, explainable |
explicateur {m} | :: explainer, expounder |
explicateur {m} | :: explicator |
explicatif {adj} | :: explanatory |
explication {f} | :: explanation |
explicit {m} | :: end (of a story) |
explicite {adj} | :: explicit, unequivocal, overt |
explicitement {adv} | :: explicitly |
expliciter {v} | :: to clarify |
expliquer {v} | :: to explain |
exploit {m} | :: exploit, feat |
exploitable {adj} | :: exploitable |
exploitant {adj} | :: exploiting |
exploitant {adj} | :: exploitative |
exploitant {m} | :: owner, manager; operator; (of farm) farmer |
exploitation {f} | :: exploitation |
exploiter {vt} | :: to exploit |
exploiteur {m} | :: exploiter |
explorateur {m} | :: explorer |
exploration {f} | :: An exploration |
exploration de données {f} [databases] | :: data mining |
explorativement {adv} | :: exploratively |
exploratrice {f} | :: feminine noun of explorateur |
explorer {v} | :: to explore |
exploser {v} | :: to explode |
exploser de rire {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to burst out laughing |
explosible {adj} | :: explosive |
explosif {adj} | :: explosive (all meanings) |
explosif {m} | :: explosive (material) |
explosion {f} | :: explosion |
explosion cambrienne {f} | :: Cambrian explosion |
explosivement {adv} | :: explosively |
explosivité {f} | :: explosivity |
expographie {f} | :: expography |
exponentiation {f} | :: exponentiation (process) |
exponentiel {adj} | :: exponential |
exponentielle {f} | :: exponential function |
exponentiellement {adv} | :: exponentially |
export {m} | :: export |
exportateur {adj} | :: export [attributive] |
exportateur {m} | :: exporter |
exportation {f} | :: exportation, export |
exportatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of exportateur |
exporter {v} | :: to export |
exposant {m} | :: exhibitor |
exposant {m} [mathematics] | :: exponent |
exposant {m} | :: superscript |
exposé {adj} | :: exposed |
exposé {m} | :: presentation |
exposer {v} | :: to expose |
exposition {f} | :: exposition |
exposition {f} | :: exhibition |
exposition {f} | :: exposure |
exprès {adj} | :: express |
exprès {adj} | :: express (post), special delivery |
exprès {adv} | :: on purpose, intentionally, deliberately |
exprès {m} | :: a messenger carrying letters for personal delivery |
exprès {m} [archaic] | :: a messenger (in general) |
express {adj} | :: express, rapide |
express {m} | :: express train or service |
expressément {adv} | :: expressly |
expressif {adj} | :: expressive |
expression {f} | :: expression |
expressionnisme {m} [arts] | :: expressionism |
expressionniste {adj} [arts] | :: expressionist |
expressionniste {mf} [arts] | :: expressionist |
expressivement {adv} | :: expressively |
expressivité {f} | :: expressivity |
expresso {m} | :: espresso |
exprimable {adj} | :: expressible |
exprimer {vt} | :: to express |
exprimer {vr} [s'exprimer] | :: to express oneself |
expropriation {f} | :: expropriation, confiscation, seizure |
expropriation {f} [legal] | :: eminent domain, compulsory purchase |
exproprier {v} | :: to expropriate |
expulser {v} | :: to expel |
expulser {vt} [sports] | :: to send off |
expulsion {f} | :: expulsion |
expulsion {f} [sports] | :: sending-off, red card, dismissal |
expurgation {f} | :: expurgation |
expurger {v} | :: to expurgate |
exquis {adj} | :: exquisite |
exquisement {adv} | :: alternative form of exquisément |
exquisément {adv} | :: exquisitely |
exsangue {adj} | :: bloodless |
exsangue {adj} | :: exsanguine |
exsanguination {f} | :: exsanguination |
exstirper {v} | :: obsolete spelling of extirper |
exstrophie {f} [anatomy] | :: exstrophy |
exstrophique {adj} [anatomy] | :: exstrophic |
exsudatif {adj} [pathology] | :: exudative |
exsuder {v} | :: to exude |
extase {f} | :: ecstasy (sentiment) |
extasier {vr} | :: to be in ecstacy |
extasier {vr} | :: to rave |
extatique {adj} | :: ecstatic |
extatiquement {adv} | :: ecstatically |
extemporané {adj} | :: extemporaneous |
extemporanément {adv} | :: extemporaneously |
extenseur {adj} | :: extensor (attributive) |
extenseur {m} [anatomy] | :: extensor (muscle) |
extenseur {m} | :: chest expander (or similar equipment) |
extensibilité {f} [computing] | :: scalability (computing: ability to support the required quality of service as the system load increases) |
extensible {adj} | :: extensible |
extensible {adj} | :: elastic; tensile |
extensif {adj} | :: extensive |
extension {f} | :: extension |
extensivement {adv} | :: extensively |
exténuant {adj} | :: exhausting |
exténuation {f} | :: extenuation; exhaustion |
exténuer {v} | :: to extenuate, weaken, exhaust |
extérieur {adj} | :: exterior |
extérieur {m} | :: exterior, outside |
extérieurement {adv} | :: outside; exterior |
extériorisation {f} | :: exteriorization |
extérioriser {v} | :: to exteriorize |
exterminateur {m} | :: exterminator |
extermination {f} | :: extermination |
exterminatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of exterminateur |
exterminer {v} | :: to exterminate |
externalisation {f} | :: outsourcing |
externalisation {f} | :: extenalisation/externalization |
externaliser {v} | :: to outsource |
externalité {f} [economics] | :: externality |
externat {m} | :: day school (school without boarders) |
externat {m} | :: externship (condition of an extern) |
externe {adj} | :: external |
extincteur {m} | :: fire extinguisher |
extinction {f} | :: extinction |
extirper {v} | :: to uproot, extirpate (pull [a plant and its roots] out of the ground) |
extirper {v} [medicine] | :: to remove, take out (e.g. an organ) |
extirper {v} [figuratively] | :: to weed out, get rid of, eradicate (e.g. a problem or characteristic) |
extirper {v} | :: to pull out, take out, whip out (remove something from e.g. a holder, pocket, holster etc.) |
extirper {v} | :: to drag out, hoist out, lug out (remove someone, with difficulty, from a place) |
extirper {vr} | :: to pull oneself out (of somewhere) |
extirper {v} [colloquial] | :: to fish out, make someone cough up (obtain e.g. information from someone) |
extorquer {v} | :: to extort |
extorsion {f} | :: extortion (the practice of extorting money or other property) |
extra- {prefix} | :: extra- |
extra {adj} | :: extra, additional |
extra {adj} | :: great, super, famous |
extra {mf} | :: extra, supplement |
extracellulaire {adj} | :: extracellular |
extrachromosomique {adj} | :: extrachromosomal |
extracommunautaire {adj} | :: non-EC, non-EU |
extraconjugal {adj} | :: extramarital |
extracteur {m} | :: extractor |
extracteur {m} | :: extractor fan |
extractif {adj} | :: extractive |
extractiforme {adj} | :: extractiform |
extraction {f} | :: extraction |
extrader {v} | :: to extradite |
extradiégétique {adj} | :: extradiegetic |
extradition {f} | :: extradition |
extradosser {v} | :: to make an extrados |
extragalactique {adj} | :: extragalactic |
extraire {v} | :: extract (to draw out) |
extrait {m} | :: an extract |
extrait {m} | :: a clip |
extrait {m} | :: an excerpt |
extrait {adj} | :: extracted |
extrajudiciaire {adj} | :: extrajudicial |
extrajudiciairement {adv} | :: extrajudicially |
extralégal {adj} | :: extralegal |
extranucléaire {adj} [physics] | :: extranuclear |
extraordinaire {adj} | :: extraordinary, out of the ordinary |
extraordinairement {adv} | :: extraordinarily |
extraparlementaire {adj} | :: extraparliamentary |
extraplanétaire {adj} [astronomy] | :: extraplanetary |
extrapolation {f} | :: extrapolation |
extrapolé {adj} | :: extrapolated |
extrapoler {v} | :: to extrapolate |
extrasolaire {adj} | :: extrasolar |
extraterrestre {adj} | :: extraterrestrial |
extraterrestre {mf} | :: extraterrestrial |
extraterritorial {adj} | :: extraterritorial |
extraterritorialité {f} | :: extraterritoriality |
extravagamment {adv} | :: extravagantly |
extravagance {f} | :: extravagance |
extravagant {adj} | :: extravagant |
extravaguer {v} | :: to go, wander, extravagate |
extravasation {f} | :: extravasation |
extravaser {v} | :: to extravasate |
extravéhiculaire {adj} | :: extravehicular |
extraversion {f} | :: extroversion |
extraverti {adj} | :: extrovert |
extrémaduran {adj} | :: Extremaduran (from Extremadura) |
extrémaduran {m} | :: Extremaduran (the language of Extremadura) |
extrémal {adj} | :: extremal |
extrême {adj} | :: extreme |
extrêmement {adv} | :: extremely |
extrême-onction {f} | :: Anointing of the Sick, extreme unction, last rites |
Extrême-Orient {prop} {m} | :: Far East |
extrémisme {m} | :: extremism (extreme ideas or actions) |
extrémiste {adj} | :: extremist |
extrémiste {mf} | :: an extremist |
extrémité {f} | :: extremity |
extrémité {f} | :: tip; end; top (furthermost or highest part) |
extrémité {f} | :: extreme |
extrêmophile {adj} | :: extremophile |
extrêmophile {m} | :: extremophile |
extrémum {m} | :: extremum |
extrinsèque {adj} | :: extrinsic |
extrinsèquement {adv} | :: extrinsically |
extroverti {adj} | :: alternative form of extraverti |
extruder {v} | :: to extrude |
extrudeuse {f} | :: extruder |
extrusif {adj} | :: extrusive |
extrusion {f} | :: extrusion |
extuber {vt} | :: to extubate |
exubéramment {adv} | :: exuberantly |
exubérance {f} | :: exuberance |
exubérant {adj} | :: exuberant |
exulcérer {v} | :: to exulcerate, chafe |
exulter {v} | :: to exult, rejoice |
exutoire {m} | :: outlet (release of desires) |
eyalet {m} | :: eyalet |
éyalet {m} | :: eyalet |
éyoù {adv} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: where |
-ez {suffix} | :: suffix forming the formal second-person singular or second-person plural (vous) present indicative of an -er verb |
-ez {suffix} | :: suffix forming the second-person plural imperative |
Ézéchias {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Hezekiah (a king of Judah) |
Ézéchiel {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Ezekiel (prophet) |
Ézéchiel {prop} {m} | :: the book of Ezekiel |