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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-e

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
-e {suffix} :: Used to form the feminine of adjectives
-e {suffix} :: Abbreviation of -ième when an ordinal number is written with Arabic numerals
e {m} :: letter: e
E {adj} :: abbreviation of est; east
E {m} :: abbreviation of est; east
E {letter} :: letter
{suffix} [grammar] :: past participle root verb suffix of regular -er verbs, an inflected infinitive verb; -ed
é- {prefix} :: prefix indicating away, moving away from
è {phrase} [Quebec] :: she's, it's: contraction of elle est
eagle {m} [golf] :: eagle
eastwoodien {adj} :: Eastwoodian
e-athlète {mf} :: alternative form of ethlete
-eau {suffix} :: Forming diminutive masculine nouns, especially with the sense "young animal"
eau {f} :: Water, a liquid that is transparent, colorless, odorless and tasteless in its pure form, the primary constituent of lakes, rivers, seas and oceans
eau {f} :: In particular, rain
eau {f} [chemistry] :: The chemical compound with empirical formula H2O existing in the form of ice, liquid water or steam
eau {f} :: Natural liquid quantities or expanses
eau {f} :: Fluids such as sweat, formed and found in the body of man or animal
EAU {prop} {mp} :: UAE
ÉAU {prop} [rare] :: abbreviation of Émirats arabes unis (UAE, United Arab Emirates)
eau bénite {f} :: holy water
eau de Cologne {f} :: cologne (scented alcohol-based product)
eau de Javel {f} :: bleach
eau de mer {f} :: seawater
eau de rose {f} :: rosewater
eau de source {f} :: springwater (water originating from a spring)
eau de toilette {f} :: eau de toilette, toilet water
eau de vaisselle {f} :: dishwater
eau-de-vie {f} :: brandy
eau douce {f} :: fresh water (water with little salt)
eau douce {f} :: soft water
eau dure {f} :: hard water
eau du robinet {f} :: tap water
eau-forte {f} :: aqua fortis
eau-forte {f} [arts] :: etching
eau gazeuse {f} :: sparkling water, soda water
eau lourde {f} :: heavy water
eau micellaire {f} [cosmetology] :: micellar water
eau minérale {f} :: mineral water
eau oxygénée {f} [chemistry] :: hydrogen peroxide
eau pétillante {f} :: sparkling water, soda water
eau plate {f} :: still water
eau régale {f} [chemistry] :: aqua regia
eau tonique {f} :: tonic water
eaux territoriales {fp} [international law] :: territorial waters
ébahi {adj} :: dumbfounded, dumbstruck
ébahir {v} :: to astonish, to astound
ébahissement {m} :: astonishment
ébarber {v} :: to trim; to shave (remove excess)
ébarboir {m} :: A deburring tool; a tool to remove excess metal
ébardoir {m} :: Type of three-sided scraper used in carpentry
ébat {m} [usually in plural] :: frolic
ébattre {vr} :: to frolic
ébattre {vt} [rare] :: to frolic away
ébaubir {v} [colloquial] :: to astonish, flabbergast
ébauche {f} :: draft (early version of a written work)
ébaucher {vt} :: to sketch, rough out (a plan, picture); to draft (a piece of writing)
ébaucher {vt} :: to start up (a conversation, friendship etc.)
ébaucher {vr} :: to form, take shape
ébaucher {vr} :: to open up, start up
ébaudir {v} [obsolete] :: to amuse, entertain, lighten up
ébavurer {v} :: deburr
ébénacé {adj} :: Resembling ebony
ébène {adj} :: ebony, ebony-colored
ébène {f} :: ebony
ébénier {m} :: ebony (tree)
ébéniste {m} :: cabinetmaker
ébéniste {m} [antiquated] :: ebonist (a cabinetmaker who works in ebony)
ébénisterie {f} :: cabinetmaking
éberluer {v} :: to astonish, to wow
éblouir {vt} :: to dazzle
éblouissant {adj} [literally and figuratively] :: dazzling
éblouissement {m} :: glare, dazzle
éblouissement {m} :: dizziness
ébonite {f} :: ebonite
éborgner {v} :: to cause to lose an eye, take someone's eye out, have someone's eye out, gouge out an eye
ébouer {v} :: to clean up
éboueur {m} :: dustman (UK), garbage man (US)
éboueuse {f} :: feminine noun of éboueur
ébouillanter {v} :: to scald (to burn with hot fluid)
éboulement {m} :: crumbling (act, instance of crumbling)
éboulement {m} :: landslide
ébouler {v} :: to crumble or crumple
ébouler {v} :: to collapse
éboulis {m} :: mass of fallen rocks/earth
éboulis {m} [geography] :: scree
ébouriffé {adj} :: tousled, disheveled, untidy
ébouriffer {v} :: to ruffle, mess up (someone's hair)
ébousiner {v} :: to remove the 'soft crust' of a stone (which it has when taken out of the quarry)
ébouter {v} :: to hew off the point (of something)
ébraiser {v} :: to move or remove the embers (in or from a brazier)
ébrancher {vt} :: to remove the branches of a tree
ébranlement {m} :: shaking
ébranlement {m} :: shock
ébranlement {m} :: weakening
ébranler {vt} :: to shake, rattle
ébranler {vt} :: to weaken (health), disturb, unhinge (spirits)
ébranler {vr} :: to move off, set off (of vehicle)
ébraser {v} :: to widen; to splay
ébréché {adj} :: chipped
ébrécher {v} :: to chip; to dent
ébriété {f} :: drunkenness
ébrillade {f} :: The sudden jerking of a horse's rein when the horse refuses to turn
ébriosité {f} :: ebriosity
ébrouement {m} :: snort
ébrouer {vr} :: to snort
ébrouer {vr} [of a bird] :: to flap its wings
ébruiter {v} :: to divulge, to make public
ébulliomètre {m} :: ebulliometer
ébullioscope {m} :: ebullioscope
ébullioscopie {f} :: ebullioscopy
ébullioscopique {adv} :: ebullioscopic
ébullition {f} :: boiling, ebullition (the act of boiling)
écabocher {v} :: to cut off the tops of tobacco leaves
écacher {v} :: to flatten
e caduc {m} :: schwa
écaille {f} :: scale (of fish, reptile etc.)
écaille {f} :: shell (of tortoise, oyster)
écaille {f} :: tortoiseshell (manufacturing material)
écaille de tortue {f} :: tortoiseshell (shell of a tortoise or of a turtle)
écaille de tortue {f} [invariable] :: tortoiseshell cat; tortie
écailler {v} :: to scale (a fish)
écailler {v} :: to open (an oyster)
écailler {v} :: to chip (paintwork)
écailler {vr} :: (of paint, varnish etc.) to chip, flake (off)
écailleux {adj} :: scaly
écale {f} :: husk
écale {f} :: pod
écale {f} :: shell (of nut)
écaler {v} :: to peel, to pare (nuts, shell, egg etc)
écanguer {v} :: to scutch, swingle (hemp or flax)
écarbouiller {v} [obsolete] :: alternative form of écrabouiller
écarlate {adj} :: scarlet
écarlate {f} :: scarlet (color)
écarquiller {v} :: to open wide, to goggle
écart {m} :: space, gap, interval, distance
écart {m} :: difference (between numbers)
écart {m} :: discrepancy, disparity (between excuses, explanations)
écart {m} [cards] :: discard
écart {m} [administration] :: hamlet
écarté {adj} :: discarded
écarté {adj} :: removed, separated
écarté {adj} :: isolated, secluded
écarté {adj} :: back(ward), far from the main area
écarté {adj} :: stray (Louisiana)
écarté {m} [cards] :: écarté
écartelé {adj} [heraldry] :: quarterly; per cross
écartèlement {m} :: quartering
écarteler {v} :: to pull a body apart by the four limbs
écarteler {v} [heraldry] :: to divide a shield into four parts
écartement {m} :: spread, spreading
écartement {m} :: distance between two things
écarter {v} :: to separate, move apart
écarter {v} :: to spread, open (fingers, legs etc)
écarter {v} :: to draw (curtains)
écarter {v} :: to dismiss, rule out, turn down
écarter {v} :: to remove a person from a job or position
écarter {v} [Louisiana] :: to lose
écarter {vr} :: to withdraw, diverge, deviate
écarter {vr} [Louisiana] :: to stray
écarter les cuisses {v} [colloquial, figuratively, of a woman] :: to put out, to open one's legs
écart type {m} :: standard deviation
écart-type {m} :: alternative spelling of écart type
ecchymose {f} :: bruise (mark on body), ecchymosis
ecclésial {adj} :: ecclesiastical
Ecclésiaste {prop} {m} [bible] :: Ecclesiastes
ecclésiastique {adj} :: ecclesiastic
ecclésiastiquement {adv} :: ecclesiastically
Eceh {n} :: initialism of Escherichia coli entérohémorragique
écervelé {adj} :: scatterbrained, foolish, brainless
écervelé {m} :: fool, blockhead, idiot
échafaud {m} :: scaffold (elevated platform on which a criminal is executed)
échafaudage {m} :: scaffolding (system of tubes or poles used to support people and material)
échafaudé {adj} :: devised
échafauder {vi} :: to put up scaffolding
échafauder {vt} :: to devise, develop (a plan, theory)
échalas {m} [horticulture] :: stake, pole (to support plants etc.)
échalas {m} [colloquial] :: beanpole (thin person)
échalasser {v} :: to furnish with stakes
échalier {m} :: stile
échalote {f} :: shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum)
échancré {adj} :: indented (coastline etc)
échancré {adj} :: low-cut, revealing (neckline etc)
échancrer {v} :: to scallop (cut in the shape of a crescent)
échancrure {f} :: indentation
échancrure {f} :: low neckline (or similar revealing feature)
échancrure {f} :: slot
échange {m} :: exchange
échangeable {adj} :: exchangeable
échange de bons procédés {m} :: two-way street, exchange of favours, exchange of courtesies, exchange of friendly services, like-for-like exchange, quid pro quo
échange linguistique {m} :: language exchange
échanger {v} :: to exchange, to swap
échangeur {m} :: interchange (on a motorway etc)
échangeur {m} :: exchanger
échangeur {adj} :: exchange (attributive)
échangisme {m} :: [sexuality] swinging
échangiste {mf} :: [sexuality] swinger
échangiste {adj} :: [sexuality] swinging
échanson {m} :: cupbearer (officer who is responsible for serving drinks to a king or noble)
échanson {m} [by extension] :: drink server (someone whose job is to serve drinks)
échantillon {m} :: sample, extract
échantillonnage {m} :: sampling
échantillonné {adj} :: sampled
échantillonner {vt} :: to sample, take a sample
échantillonneur {m} [music] :: sampler (electronic device)
échappabilité {f} :: escapability
échappatoire {f} :: loophole, escape route (method of escape)
échappé {m} :: escapee
échappée {f} :: escape
échappée {f} :: feminine noun of échappé
échappement {m} :: exhaust pipe (of a vehicle)
échappement {m} :: escape
échappement {m} [horlogery] :: escapement
échapper {vi} [followed by à or de] :: to escape (from), evade
échapper {vt} [Quebec] :: to drop an object unintentionally
échapper {vr} [s'échapper followed by de] :: to escape, break out [e.g., from prison]
échapper {vr} [s'échapper] :: to go away, run away
écharde {f} :: splinter (from wood)
échardonnage {m} :: deburring (of raw wool)
échardonnoir {m} :: a tool for removing thistles
écharpe {f} :: scarf
écharper {v} :: to cut to pieces; to tear to pieces
échasse {f} :: stilt (piece of wood used to appear taller)
échasse {f} [ornithology] :: One of a number of stilt birds, not always directly corresponding to stilt
échassier {m} :: stiltwalker
échassier {m} :: Any of a number of wading birds. (Note that this does not always directly correspond to English wading bird.)
échauder {vt} :: to scald
échauffement {m} :: warmup
échauffer {v} :: to overheat
échauffer {v} :: to excite, incite (imagination etc.)
échauffer {v} [medicine, dated] :: to inflame
échauffer {vr} :: to warm up
échauffourée {f} :: scuffle, brawl
échauffourée {f} :: skirmish, affray
échauguette {f} :: watchtower (attached to a medieval building)
échauguette {f} :: bartisan
échéance {f} :: expiry date, expiration date
échéance {f} :: redemption date, date of payment, due date
échéance {f} :: term (period of time)
échéancier {m} :: schedule
échec {m} :: failure
échec {m} [chess] :: check
échec {interj} :: check
échec et mat {m} :: checkmate
échec et mat {interj} :: checkmate
Échécrate {prop} {m} :: Echecrates
échecs {mp} :: chess
échelle {f} :: ladder
échelle {f} :: scale, proportion, size
échelle {f} [figuratively] :: ladder
échelle chromatique {f} [music] :: chromatic scale
échelle de Beaufort {f} [meteorology] :: Beaufort scale
échelle de corde {f} :: rope ladder
échelle de Richter {prop} {f} :: Richter scale
échelle diatonique {f} [music] :: diatonic scale
échelon {m} :: rung
échelon {m} :: echelon
échelon {m} [Louisiana French] :: soup bone
échelonnement {m} :: staggering, spacing out, spreading out
échelonner {vt} [military] :: to position [people, objects, etc.] at intervals
échelonner {vt} :: to space (something) out
échelonner {vt} :: to spread, stagger [payments, etc.]
écher {v} :: alternative form of escher
écheveau {m} :: skein
écheveau {m} [figuratively] :: web, tangle
échevelé {adj} :: tousled, dishevelled
échevelé {adj} :: frenzied
échevin {m} [historical] :: town magistrate
échevin {m} [Belgium, Canada] :: alderman, municipal councillor
échidné {m} :: echidna
échine {f} :: spinal column; backbone; spine of an animal
échiner {v} :: to break someone's back
échiner {v} [Louisiana French] :: to wear out, to tire
échiner {vr} :: to break one's back (both literally and figuratively)
échiner {vr} [Louisiana French] :: to tire oneself out
échino- {prefix} :: echino-
échinocarpe {adj} [botany] :: echinocarpous (having spiny fruit)
échinococcose {f} :: echinococcosis
échinocoque {m} :: echinococcus
échinoderme {m} :: echinoderm
échinofaune {f} :: echinofauna
échinoïde {m} :: sea urchin of the class Echinoidea
échinomètre {m} :: sea urchin (of the genus Echinometra)
échinomyie {f} :: spiny rat (of the genus Echimys)
échinon {m} :: An openwork box used to store curd for making cheese
échinope {m} :: globe thistle (of the genus Echinops)
échinophore {adj} :: echinophorous (spiny)
échinozoaire {m} :: sea urchin of the subphylum Echinozoa
échiqueter {v} [heraldry] :: to divide (esp. a coat of arms) into a chequered pattern
échiquier {m} :: chessboard
échiquier {m} :: treasury, exchequer
écho {m} :: echo (a reflected sound that is heard again by its initial observer)
écho {m} :: rumour
échographie {f} :: echography
échographique {adj} :: echographic
échoir {vi} :: to befall, to happen by chance
échoir {vi} [legal, obsolete] :: to become necessary (only used in the phrase le cas échéant)
échoir {vi} [of an invoice] :: to become payable, to be due
écholalie {f} :: echolalia
échole {f} :: obsolete form of école
écholocalisation {f} :: echolocation, echolocalization
écholocation {f} :: echolocation
échoppe {f} :: stall, booth, small shop
échoppe {f} :: a type of chisel with a flat or rounded side used by engravers to efface
échotier {m} :: A journalist who spreads rumours
échotière {f} :: feminine singular of échotier
échotomographie {f} :: echotomography
échouage {f} :: beaching, the state of a ship being run aground, or beached, in a voluntary fashion
échouer {v} :: to fail, fall through, miscarry
échouer {v} [colloquial] :: to end, wind up
échouer {vti} :: to ground, run aground
échouer {v} [voluntarily] :: to beach
écimage {m} :: the act of pollarding, the act of cutting off the top of a tree to allow better growth in the lower branches
écimer {v} [horticulture] :: to pollard, to prune a tree's top to improve the growth of its lower parts
éclabousser {v} :: to splatter, to splash
éclabousser {v} [Louisiana French] :: to shatter, to burst
éclaboussure {f} :: splash, splatter
éclade {f} :: A dish of mussels cooked among burning pine needles
éclair {m} :: lightning
éclair {m} :: flash
éclair {m} :: sparkle
éclair {m} :: éclair (pastry)
éclair {adj} [postpositive, idiomatic] :: Very fast
éclairable {adj} :: lightable; capable of being lit up, of being made more visible with light
éclairage {m} :: lighting (equipment, illumination)
éclairage public {m} :: street lighting
éclairant {adj} :: illuminated
éclaircie {f} :: sunny spell, bright interval
éclaircir {vt} :: to brighten (up)
éclaircir {v} :: to thin (down)
éclaircir {v} :: to clear up, solve, clarify (mystery, problem etc.)
éclaircissage {m} :: thinning out (of plants)
éclaircissement {m} :: A clarification, notably on an obscure subject
éclair de génie {m} :: stroke of genius
éclairé {adj} :: lit, illuminated
éclairé {adj} [figuratively] :: enlightened, informed, knowledgeable
éclairement {m} :: illumination
éclairement {m} [physics] :: illuminance
éclairer {v} :: to light up; to brighten
éclairer {v} [figuratively] :: to shed light on; to enlighten
éclairer {v} :: to scout
éclaireur {m} [military] :: scout
éclaireur {m} :: scout, boy scout
éclat {m} :: brilliance, shine, lustre
éclat {m} :: fragment
éclat {m} :: Strong reaction; scandal
éclatamment {adv} :: brightly, brilliantly
éclatant {adj} :: bright, brilliant, blazing, dazzling
éclatement {m} :: smash, burst
éclatement {m} :: boom (sound)
éclatement {m} :: breakup, split
éclatement {m} :: (verbal) outburst
éclater {v} :: to burst; to break, to shatter
éclater {v} :: to boom (make a loud noise)
éclater {v} [literary] :: to appear
éclater {v} [literally or figuratively] :: to shine
éclater {vr} [colloquial] :: to party; to have a great time, to have a ball
éclater de rire {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to burst out laughing
éclectique {adj} :: eclectic (selecting a mixture of what appear to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles)
éclectiquement {adv} :: eclectically
éclectisme {m} :: eclecticism
éclipse {f} [astronomy] :: eclipse
éclipse lunaire {f} [astronomy] :: lunar eclipse
éclipser {v} [astronomy] :: to eclipse
éclipser {v} [figuratively] :: to eclipse, to overshadow, to surpass
éclipser {vr} :: to slip away, to escape
éclipse solaire {f} [astronomy] :: solar eclipse
écliptique {m} [astronomy] :: ecliptic
éclisse {f} :: splint
éclisse {f} :: spline
éclopé {adj} :: injured, lame
éclore {v} :: to hatch (for an egg)
éclore {v} :: to bloom (for a flower)
éclore {v} [figuratively] :: To hatch (to start, to begin existence)
éclosable {adj} :: hatchable, that can be hatched
éclosion {f} :: eclosion; hatching; the act of an egg hatching
éclosion {f} [figurative] :: sudden appearance of something
écluse {f} :: sluice, lock (of canal)
écluser {v} [nautical, of a vessel] :: to pass through a lock
écluser {v} [colloquial] :: to drink; to booze
éco- {prefix} :: eco- (relating to ecological topics)
éco-blanchiment {m} :: greenwash
écoblanchiment {m} :: greenwash
écochimie {f} [chemistry] :: ecochemistry
écocide {m} :: ecocide
écocité {f} :: synonym of écoville
écoclimatique {adj} :: ecoclimatic
écoépidémiologie {f} :: ecoepidemiology
écœuramment {adv} :: sickeningly, nauseatingly, disgustingly
écoeurant {adj} :: alternative form of écœurant
écœurant {adj} :: sickening, nauseating
écœurant {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] :: very good, excellent
écœurant {m} [Quebec, colloquial] :: an annoying person
écœurante {f} :: feminine noun of écœurant
écœurement {m} [literary] :: nausea
écœurement {m} :: disgust, loathing
écoeurer {v} :: nonstandard spelling of écœurer
écœurer {vt} :: to nauseate
écœurer {vt} :: to disgust
écœurer {v} [Quebec] :: to annoy
écolâtre {m} :: schoolmaster of a medieval cathedral school
école {f} :: school
école de la vie {f} :: alternative form of école de vie
école de pensée {f} :: school of thought
école de vie {f} :: university of life, school of hard knocks
école maternelle {f} :: kindergarten, nursery school
école normale supérieure {f} :: A selective type of public service school (grandes écoles) providing training for researchers and teachers in France
école primaire {f} :: primary school
école secondaire {f} :: secondary school
écolier {m} [historical] :: (university) student (especially in the Middle Ages)
écolier {m} :: schoolboy
écolière {f} :: schoolgirl
écolo {adj} :: eco
écologie {f} :: ecology (branch of biology)
écologique {adj} :: ecologic, ecological
écologique {adj} :: ecologically friendly, environmentally friendly, sustainable, green
écologiquement {adv} :: ecologically
écologisant {adj} :: greening
écologiser {v} :: To green (make more ecologically-friendly)
écologisme {m} :: synonym of environnementalisme
écologiste {mf} :: environmentalist (the political position)
écologiste {mf} :: ecologist (in common language. Often used, but rigorously, a scholar in environment science is an écologue)
écologue {mf} :: ecologist
ecommerçant {adj} :: e-commercial
écomusée {m} :: ecomuseum
éconduire {v} :: to dismiss, to get rid of (someone)
éconduire {v} :: to refuse, to reject
économat {m} :: bursary
économe {adj} :: penny-wise; thrifty; economical
économe {mf} :: bursar
économe {mf} :: vegetable peeler
économétrie {f} :: econometrics (branch of economics)
économétrique {adj} :: econometric
économétriquement {adv} :: econometrically
économie {f} :: economy
économie {f} :: economics (the science)
économie circulaire {f} :: circular economy
économie de marché {f} [economics] :: market economy
économie planifiée {f} [economics] :: planned economy
économie politique {f} :: political economy
économies {fp} :: savings
économies d'échelle {fp} [economy] :: economies of scale
économie souterraine {f} [economics] :: underground economy, shadow economy
économique {adj} :: economic (pertaining to economy)
économique {adj} :: economic (frugal)
économiquement {adv} :: economically
économiser {v} :: to economise (to conserve money)
économiseur {m} :: economiser
économisme {m} [economics] :: economism
économiste {mf} :: economist
écopaysager {v} :: To landscape in an environmentally-friendly manner
écope {f} [nautical] :: bailer, baler (for bailing out a vessel)
écoper {v} [nautical] :: to bail out
écoper {v} [colloquial] :: to get
écoper {v} [de, .colloquial] :: to be on the receiving end
écoperche {f} :: supporting boom, pole holding something in a scaffolding or a ship
écophysiologie {f} :: ecophysiology
écoquartier {m} :: ecodistrict
écorce {f} :: bark (of a tree)
écorce {f} :: peel (of certain fruits)
écorce {f} :: crust (of the Earth)
écorcer {v} :: to debark, to strip the bark from a tree
écorceur {m} :: debarker
écorché {adj} :: flayed, skinned
écorché {adj} :: hypersensitive
écorché {m} :: écorché
écorcher {v} :: to skin (to remove the skin off)
écorcher {vr} :: to graze (one's body)
écorchure {f} :: burn (on the skin)
écorchure {f} :: graze (on the skin)
écorégion {f} :: eco-region
éco-responsable {adj} :: alternative form of écoresponsable
écoresponsable {adj} :: eco-responsible
écorner {v} [agriculture] :: to remove the horns of; dehorn
écorner {v} [figuratively or literally] :: to chip or dent
écorner {v} :: to dog-ear
écornifler {v} :: to cadge
écornifler {v} :: to importune
écosocialisme {m} :: ecosocialism
écosocialiste {adj} :: ecosocialist
écosocialiste {mf} :: ecosocialist
écosphère {f} [ecology] :: ecosphere
Ecossais {m} :: alternative form of Écossais
écossais {adj} :: Scottish
écossais {m} :: Scots language
Écossais {m} :: Scotsman
Ecossaise {f} :: alternative form of Écossaise
Écossaise {f} :: feminine noun of Écossais; Scotswoman
Ecosse {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Écosse
Écosse {prop} {f} :: Scotland
écosser {v} :: to shell (e.g. a nut)
écosseur {m} :: sheller
écosseuse {f} :: feminine singular of écosseur
écosystème {m} :: ecosystem
écosystémique {adj} :: ecosystemic
écot {m} :: share
écot {m} :: scot (tax)
écotechnologie {f} :: ecotechnology (environmental technology)
écotechnologique {adj} :: ecotechnological
écotone {m} :: ecotone (a region of transition)
écotourisme {m} :: ecotourism (responsible travel)
écotoxicité {f} :: ecotoxicity
écotoxicologie {f} :: ecotoxicology
écotoxicologique {adj} :: ecotoxicological
écotoxique {adj} :: ecotoxic
écoulage {m} :: flowing, overflowing
écoulage {m} :: production of grape juice (for wine) from grapes
écoulement {m} :: flow (the movement of a fluid)
écouler {v} :: to sell off, to shift
écouler {vr} :: to flow
écouler {vr} [of time] :: to pass, to elapse
écouler {vr} [of one's fortune] :: to diminish, to dwindle away slowly
écoumène {m} :: ecumene
écourter {v} :: to shorten, curtail (make shorter e.g. by cutting)
écourter {vr} :: to shorten [become shorter]
écourter {v} :: to dock, clip (cut the tail of e.g. a dog)
écourter {v} :: to cut short, curtail (shorten the time of something)
écourter {v} :: to cut short, cut
écoute {f} :: the act of listening
écoute {f} [always in plural] :: listening in, especially short for écoutes téléphoniques (phone hacking)
écoute {f} [nautical] :: sheet (line to control a sail)
écouter {vi} :: to listen
écouter {vt} :: to listen to
écoute-s'il-pleut {m} :: (type of) watermill
écoute-s'il-pleut {m} [figuratively] :: pipedream, castle in the air
écoutes téléphoniques {f} [plurale tantum] :: phone hacking, phone tapping
écouteur {m} :: listener (one who listens)
écouteur {m} [usually, in the plural] :: earpiece, earphone
écouteur {m} [in plural] :: headphones, headset
écouteuse {f} :: feminine noun of écouteur
écoutille {f} :: hatch, hatchway
écoville {f} :: ecotown, ecocity
écozone {f} :: ecozone
écrabouiller {v} :: to squash, crush
écran {m} :: screen
écran de fumée {m} :: smokescreen
écran de fumée {m} [figuratively] :: smokescreen, smoke and mirrors
écran de veille {m} [computing] :: screensaver
écraniste {mf} [nonstandard] :: synonym of cinéaste
écran plat {m} :: flatscreen
écran tactile {m} :: touch screen
écrantage {m} :: screening (protection by means of a screen)
écranter {v} :: To screen (especially from electromagnetic fields)
écrapoutir {v} [Quebec] :: to squash, to crush
écrasant {adj} :: crushing
écrasant {adj} :: overwhelming
écrasement {m} :: crushing
écrasement {m} :: crash (of an airplane)
écrase-merde {m} [France, slang] :: shoe
écraser {v} :: to squash
écraser {v} :: to obliterate
écraser {v} [cooking] :: to mash (vegetables), to crush (garlic)
écraser {v} [figuratively] :: to thrash, to crush, to win by a large margin
écraser {vr} [France, slang] :: to shut up
écraser {vr} [of an aircraft] :: to crash
écraser une mouche avec un marteau {v} [figuratively] :: to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
écraseur {adj} :: crushing; which crushes
écraseur {m} :: crusher
écraseuse {f} :: feminine noun of écraseur
écrémage {m} :: skimming, creaming off
écrémer {v} :: to skim (milk)
écrêtage {m} :: clipping
écrêteur {m} :: limiter, suppressor
écrevisse {f} :: crayfish, crawfish
écrevisse signal {f} :: signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus)
écrier {vp} :: to exclaim
écrier {vp} :: to yell, scream
écrin {m} :: jewel case, jewel box
écrin {m} :: box (of jewels)
écrire {v} :: to write
écrit {adj} :: written
écrit {m} :: writing
écriteau {m} :: sign, notice
écritoire {f} :: writing case
écriture {f} :: writing
écriture {f} :: scripture
écriture {f} :: handwriting
écriture inclusive {f} :: gender-neutral writing
écrivable {adj} :: Writable
écrivaillon {m} :: scribbler, hack (mediocre writer)
écrivain {m} :: writer
écrivaine {f} :: feminine noun of écrivain
écrou {m} :: nut (that fits on a bolt), female screw
écrou {m} :: A prison register, prison admission form
écrouelles {fp} [pathology] :: scrofula
écrouer {v} :: to lock up, to imprison
écrouissage {m} [metallurgy] :: work hardening, cold working
écrouissage {m} [metallurgy] :: cold work
écroulement {m} :: collapse
écrouler {vp} :: to collapse
écru {adj} :: raw (of materials)
ectasie {f} [pathology] :: ectasis
ecto- {prefix} :: ecto-
ectoblaste {m} [dated, biology] :: ectoblast
ectoderme {m} :: ectoderm
ectogenèse {f} [biology] :: ectogenesis
éctoïne {f} [organic compound] :: ectoine
-ectomie {suffix} [surgery] :: -ectomy
ectomie {f} [surgery] :: ectomy
ectoparasitisme {m} [biology] :: ectoparasitism
ectopique {adj} :: ectopic
ectoplasme {m} :: ectoplasm
ectoplasmique {adj} :: ectoplasmic
ectoprocte {m} :: bryozoan, ectoproct
ectosymbiose {f} [biology] :: ectosymbiosis
ectosymbiote {m} [biology] :: ectosymbiont
ectosymbiotique {adj} [biology] :: ectosymbiotic
ectotherme {mf} [biology] :: ectotherm
ectothermique {adj} [biology] :: ectothermic
écu {m} :: shield
écu {m} [historical] :: écu
écueil {m} :: (shallow) reef, shelf
écueil {m} [figuratively] :: pitfall, stumbling block
écuelle {f} :: bowl
écuelle {f} :: bowlful
éculé {adj} :: bottomless; having lost its bottom or base
éculé {adj} [by extension] :: obsolete; unneeded
éculé {adj} :: hackneyed
éculer {v} :: to damage or remove the bottom of something; particularly the sole of a shoe
écumage {m} :: skimming (removing scum from a liquid)
écumant {adj} :: foaming; frothing
écume {f} :: foam
écume de mer {f} :: seafoam
écume de mer {f} :: meerschaum
écuménique {adj} :: ecumenical
écuméniquement {adv} :: ecumenically
écumer {vi} :: to foam, foam up, froth, froth up
écumer {vi} :: to lather (as of a horse)
écumer {vt} :: to unfoam, remove foam from
écumer {vt} :: to take the scum off
écumer {vt} :: to skim
écumer {v} [figuratively] :: to scour (shops, etc., looking for something)
écumeux {adj} :: frothy, foamy
écumeux {adj} :: scummy
écumoire {f} :: slotted spoon, skimmer, skimming ladle
écurer {v} :: to clean thoroughly
écureuil {m} :: squirrel
écureuil d'Eurasie {m} :: red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
écureuil gris {m} :: gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
écureuil occidental {m} :: gray squirrel (Sciurus griseus)
écureuil roux {m} :: red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
écurie {f} :: stable
écurie {f} [figuratively, messy place] :: pigsty
écurie {f} [motor racing] :: constructor
écusson {m} :: insignia, badge
écusson {m} [heraldiccharge] :: escutcheon
écusson {m} :: bark of a tree containing what will become a bud (used in grafting)
écuyer {m} [historical] :: squire, equerry
écuyer {m} :: rider, horseman
écuyère {f} :: feminine noun of écuyer
écuyère {f} :: rider (female), horsewoman
eczéma {m} :: eczema
ed {m} :: eth
éd. {m} :: ed. (editor)
éd. {m} :: ed. (edition)
édam {m} :: Edam cheese
e dans l'a {m} :: Name of the ligature æ / Æ
e dans l'o {m} :: Name of the ligature œ / Œ
édaphique {adj} [soil science] :: edaphic
édaphiquement {adv} :: edaphically
édaphologie {f} :: edaphology
edelweiss {m} :: edelweiss
édelweiss {m} :: alternative spelling of edelweiss
éden {m} :: Eden (earthly paradise)
édenté {adj} :: toothless (having no teeth)
édenter {v} :: to remove teeth
Edgar {prop} :: given name
édicté {adj} :: promulgated, enacted
édicter {vt} :: to promulgate or enact
édicule {m} :: aedicula
édifiant {adj} :: edifying
édifiant {adj} :: uplifting
édification {f} :: building, edification (act of building)
édifice {m} :: building, structure
édifier {v} :: to construct, erect, edify
édile {m} :: aedile
édile {m} :: city magistrate or councillor
édilitaire {adj} :: municipal administration (attributive)
édilité {f} :: aedileship
Édimbourg {prop} :: Édimbourg (capital city)
Édimbourg {prop} :: Édimbourg (council area)
édit {m} :: An edict, type of legislative and/or judicial proclamation, originally emanating from a Roman magistrate
éditable {adj} :: editable
éditer {v} :: to publish
éditer {v} :: to edit (be the editor of)
éditer {v} :: edit (to change a text, or a document)
éditeur {m} :: editor; publisher
éditeur de texte {m} [computing] :: text editor
Édith {prop} :: given name
édition {f} :: edition (of a magazine, etc.)
éditique {f} :: desktop publishing
édito {m} :: editorial, leader
éditorial {adj} :: editorial
éditorial {m} [journalism] :: editorial
éditorialiser {v} :: To editorialize
éditorialiste {m} :: editorialist
éditrice {f} :: (female) editor
Edmée {prop} {f} :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Edmond
Edmond {prop} {m} :: given name
Edmonton {prop} :: Edmonton (capital city)
édomite {adj} :: Edomite (attributive)
Edouard {prop} {m} :: given name, typographical variant of Édouard
Édouard {prop} :: given name
édouardien {adj} :: Edwardian
-èdre {suffix} :: seat
-èdre {suffix} [geometry] :: -hedron
édredon {m} :: eiderdown
-édrique {suffix} :: -hedral
éducable {adj} :: educable (capable of being educated)
éducateur {m} :: educator, teacher, instructor
éducateur {m} :: educationalist
éducatif {adj} :: educational, educative (inspiring to learn)
éducation {f} :: education (all meanings)
éducation {f} :: upbringing
éducation civique {m} :: civics
éducation spécialisée {f} :: special education
éducativement {adv} :: educationally
éducatrice {f} :: feminine singular of éducateur
éducologie {f} :: educology
édulcorant {m} :: sweetener
édulcoré {adj} :: sweetened
édulcorer {vt} :: to sweeten
édulcorer {vt} :: to tone down, bowdlerize
éduquer {v} :: to educate (all meanings)
Edwige {prop} :: given name
-ée {suffix} :: Forming feminine nouns having the sense of ‘something contained by’ (the root word)
EEE {prop} {m} :: initialism of Espace économique européen (the European Economic Area, EEA)
effaçable {adj} :: erasable
efface {f} [Quebec] :: eraser
effacement {m} :: erasure (act of erasing)
effacer {v} :: to erase
effacer {v} :: to efface
effaceur {m} :: eraser (something used to erase markings)
effarant {adj} :: outrageous; breathtaking; stunning
effaré {adj} :: aghast, alarmed
effarement {m} :: alarm
effarement {m} :: bewilderment
effarer {vt} [usually of an animal] :: to alarm; to shake up; to scare
effarouchement {m} :: alarm, scare
effaroucher {vt} :: to scare off, frighten away (an animal)
effaroucher {vt} [figuratively] :: to frighten, alarm (someone)
effaroucher {vt} :: to shock
effe {m} :: letter: f
effecteur {m} :: effector (all senses)
effectif {m} :: number of members of a group
effectif {m} [sports] :: lineup (of a team)
effectif {adj} :: real, actual
effectivement {adv} :: indeed
effectivement {adv} [rare] :: really, actually
effectuer {v} :: to effect
effectuer {v} :: to work out (a calculation)
effectuer {v} :: to carry out (an experiment)
effectuer {v} :: to execute (an operation)
effectuer {v} :: to bring about (reconciliation)
effectuer {v} :: to hold (a sale)
effectuer {v} :: to accomplish
effectuer {v} :: to make (a purchase)
effectuer {v} :: to run (some tests)
efféminé {adj} [usually, of a person] :: effeminate
efféminément {adv} :: effeminately
efférence {f} [anatomy] :: efference
effervescence {f} :: effervescence
effervescent {adj} :: effervescent
effet {m} :: effect
effet {m} [ball sports] :: spin, bend, curl
effet bœuf {m} [colloquial] :: a very surprising, unexpected effect
effet boule de neige {m} [figuratively] :: snowball effect
effet de manche {m} [pejorative] :: arm waving, grandstanding
effet de serre {m} [ecology] :: greenhouse effect (process by which a planet is warmed by its atmosphere)
effet de seuil {m} [sciences, economics] :: threshold effect
effet de souffle {m} :: blast effect (injuries resulting from a blast)
effet domino {m} [figuratively] :: domino effect
effet Matilda {m} :: Matilda effect
effet papillon {m} :: butterfly effect
effet personnel {m} [usually plural] :: personal effect
effet secondaire {m} :: side effect
effet serre {m} [rare] :: alternative form of effet de serre
effeuillage {m} :: striptease
effeuiller {vt} :: to thin out (the leaves of a tree, bush etc.); to pick or pull the leaves or petals from
effeuiller {vr} :: to lose its leaves, shed its leaves
effeuiller {v} [by extension] :: to strip (perform a striptease)
effeuiller la marguerite {v} [idiomatic] :: To play "she loves me, she loves me not"
effeuilleur {m} :: stripper (male)
effeuilleuse {f} :: stripper (female dancer who performs a striptease)
efficace {adj} :: effective
efficace {adj} :: efficacious
efficacement {adv} :: efficiently; effectively
efficacité {f} :: efficacy
efficience {f} :: effectiveness, efficiency
efficient {adj} :: efficient
efficient {adj} :: effective
effigie {f} :: An effigy
effilé {adj} :: slender
effilé {adj} :: sharp
effiler {vt} :: to thin, taper
effiler {vt} :: to fray
effilochement {m} :: fraying, unravelling
effilocher {vt} :: to fray
effilocher {vp} :: to fray
effiloquer {v} :: to fray cloth into tatters
efflanqué {adj} :: emaciated, scrawny
effleurement {m} :: light touch
effleurer {v} :: to stroke gently, to touch lightly
effleurer {v} :: to brush over, to brush past
effleurer {v} [figuratively] :: to skim over (a subject)
effleurir {v} :: To effloresce
effluent {adj} :: effluent
effluent {m} :: effluent
effluve {m} :: emanation (something that emanates)
effluve {m} :: waft
effluve {m} :: whiff
effoirer {vr} [Quebec, colloquial] :: to flatten as a result of a fall or [[crash]
effoirer {vr} [Quebec, colloquial] :: by analogy with 1, to fail
effoirer {vr} [Quebec, colloquial] :: by analogy with 1, to lie down unceremoneously
effondrement {m} :: collapse
effondrer {vtr} :: to collapse
efforcer {vr} [with de] :: to make efforts towards, to try hard to, to endeavour
effort {m} :: effort
effraction {f} :: breaking and entering, burglary
effraction {f} :: hacking
effraction {f} [medicine] :: effraction
effraie {f} :: barn owl, owl of genus Tyto
effrangé {adj} :: frayed
effrayant {adj} :: Causing fear, fearful, frightening
effrayer {v} :: to affray, to frighten, to scare
effréné {adj} :: wild, frantic, unbridled
effrénément {adv} :: wildly, frantically, unrestrainedly
effritement {m} :: crumbling
effriter {vt} :: to break up, crumble
effriter {vp} :: to crumble
effroi {m} [literary] :: terror, dread
effronté {adj} :: insolent; cheeky; impudent
effrontément {adv} :: insolently, brazenly, shamelessly
effronterie {f} :: insolence, cheek, effrontery
effroyable {adj} :: horrific, horrifying, terrifying
effroyablement {adv} :: horribly, frightfully
effusion {f} :: effusion
égailler {v} :: to disperse, scatter
égal {adj} :: equal
égal {adj} :: indifferent, of no importance to
égalable {adj} :: comparable
également {adv} :: equally
également {adv} :: too; also
égaler {vt} [mathematics] :: to equal
égaler {v} :: to equate to
égalisant {adj} :: equalizing
égalisateur {adj} :: equalizing
égalisateur {adj} :: equalizer (attributive)
égalisation {f} :: equalization (act of equalizing)
égalisation {f} :: equalizer
égaliser {v} :: to equalize, equalise
égaliser {v} :: to even, to even out
égaliseur {m} :: equalizer, equaliser (electronic device)
égalitaire {adj} :: egalitarian
égalitarisme {m} :: egalitarianism
égalitariste {adj} :: egalitarian
égalité {f} :: equality
égalité {f} [tennis] :: deuce
égalité {f} :: tie (in sport)
égard {m} :: consideration
égaré {adj} :: stray
égaré {adj} :: astray
égaré {adj} :: mislaid, misplaced
égaré {adj} :: (of look) wild
égarement {m} :: distraction, confusion
égarer {vt} :: to misplace
égarer {vt} :: to mislead, misinform
égarer {vr} :: to get lost, go astray, to lose one's way; to wander
égayer {vt} :: to entertain
égayer {vt} :: to brighten up (make appear more jolly)
égayer {vr} :: to have fun, to enjoy oneself
égéen {adj} :: Aegean
égérie {f} :: muse
égermer {v} [botany] :: to deseed (remove seed from)
égide {f} [mythology] :: Aegis
égide {f} [figuratively] :: aegis
Égide {prop} :: given name
égilope {f} :: goatgrass (of genus Aegilops)
églantier {m} [botany] :: wild rosebush
églantine {f} :: eglantine, dog rose
églefin {m} :: haddock
église {f} [architecture, Christianity] :: church
Église {prop} :: Church (establishment)
Église orthodoxe {prop} {f} :: Eastern Orthodox Church
églogue {f} [poetry] :: eclogue
égo {m} :: ego
égocentrique {adj} :: egocentric
égocentrisme {m} :: self-centredness, egocentrism
égoïsme {m} :: egoism (tendency to think of self)
égoïste {adj} :: selfish; egoistic
égoïste {mf} :: egoist
égoïstement {adv} :: selfishly
égoïstique {adj} :: egoistic
égoïstiquement {adv} :: egoistically
égoïté {f} :: egoity
égoïté {f} :: individuality
égoportrait {m} :: selfie
égorgement {m} :: slaughter
égorger {vt} :: to slit the throat of; to rip out the throat of
égorgeur {m} :: slaughterer
égorgeuse {f} :: feminine singular of égorgeur
égosiller {vr} :: to shout oneself hoarse
égotisme {m} :: egotism, egoism
égout {m} :: drain
égout {m} :: sewer
égouteuse {f} :: drainer
égoutier {m} :: sewage worker
égoutière {f} :: feminine noun of égoutier
égouttage {m} :: draining
égoutter {v} :: to drain (to remove the liquid from something)
égouttoir {m} :: drainer, draining board
égrainer {v} :: alternative form of égrener
égrappage {m} :: stalking (removing stalks from bunches of grapes etc)
égratignement {m} :: scratching; scratch
égratigner {v} :: to graze, scratch
égratigner {v} [figurative] :: to offend
égratignure {f} :: the act of scratching, scraping or grazing
égratignure {f} :: a scratch, a graze
égrégore {m} :: an autonomous psychic entity composed of and influencing the thoughts of a group of people
égrener {v} :: to shell, pod (maize, peas, wheat etc.)
égrener {v} :: to gin (cotton)
égrener {v} :: to ripple (flax)
égrener {vr} :: to drop off the stalk or bunch
égrener {v} :: to dish out
égrener {v} :: to rattle off, go through (a list)
égrillard {adj} :: ribald, bawdy, libertine
égrotant {adj} [literary] :: sickly
Egypte {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Égypte
Égypte {prop} {f} :: Egypt
égyptiaque {adj} :: (Ancient) Egyptian
Egyptien {m} :: alternative form of Égyptien
égyptien {adj} :: Egyptian (of or pertaining to Egypt or its people or culture)
égyptien {m} :: Egyptian, the Egyptian language
Égyptien {m} :: Egyptian (person)
Egyptienne {f} :: feminine noun of Egyptien
Égyptienne {f} :: feminine noun of Égyptien
égypto- {prefix} :: Egypto-
égyptologie {f} :: Egyptology (the study of ancient Egypt)
égyptologue {mf} :: Egyptologist
eh {interj} :: signifying indifference or surprise
éhonté {adj} :: shameless (without shame)
éhontément {adv} :: shamelessly
Ehpad {m} :: alternative case form of EHPAD
EHPAD {m} [France] :: retirement home, old people's home
EI {prop} {m} :: IS (Islamic State)
ÉI {prop} {m} :: IS (Islamic State)
eicosanoïde {m} [biochemistry] :: eicosanoid
éicosanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: eicosanoic
eicosatétraénoïque {adj} :: eicosatetraenoic
eicosatriénoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: eicosatrienoic
eicosénoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: eicosenoic
eider {m} :: eider
eidétique {adj} :: eidetic
eidétiquement {adv} :: eidetically
eidotrope {m} :: eidotrope
EII {prop} {m} :: ISI (Islamic State in Iraq) abbreviation of État islamique d'Irak alternative form of ÉII
ÉII {prop} {m} :: ISI (Islamic State in Iraq) abbreviation of État islamique d'Irak
EIIL {prop} {m} :: ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant)
ÉIIL {prop} {m} :: ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant)
einsteinien {adj} :: Einsteinian (relating to Einstein and his theories)
einsteinium {m} :: einsteinium
Eisenberg {prop} :: surname
Eisenhauer {prop} :: surname
ej {pron} [Acadia, Quebec, Louisiana, colloquial] :: I
éjac {f} [slang] :: cumshot
éjaculat {m} :: ejaculate
éjaculateur {adj} :: ejaculatory
éjaculation {f} [physiology] :: ejaculation
éjaculation précoce {f} :: premature ejaculation
éjaculer {v} :: to ejaculate
éjecta {m} [geology] :: pyroclast, tephra
éjectable {adj} :: ejectable
éjecté {adj} :: ejected
éjecter {v} :: to eject
éjectile {m} [physics] :: ejectile
éjection {f} :: ejection
éka- {prefix} [chemistry] :: eka-
ékaiode {m} [obsolete, chemistry] :: eka-iodine
ekamanganèse {m} :: ekamanganese
ékasilicium {m} :: ekasilicon
Ekat {prop} [colloquial] :: Ekat (abbreviation of the name of the city of Yekaterinburg, the <<administrative center>> of <<obl/Sverdlovsk>>, <<c/Russia>>)
ekpyrotique {adj} [physics] :: ekpyrotic
ékranoplane {m} [aviation, nautical] :: ekranoplan
-el {suffix} :: To make an adjectival form of a noun; -al
élaboration {f} :: drawing up, putting together, creation
élaborer {v} :: to draw up, write up, make up, whip up, put together
élaborer {v} :: to process farther, to produce, to develop, to metabolize
élaborer {v} :: to elaborate, to work out
élagage {m} :: pruning
élaguer {v} :: to prune (trim a tree or shrub)
élagueur {m} :: tree surgeon
élagueur {m} :: pruner (device)
élagueuse {f} :: feminine singular of élagueur
élaïdine {f} :: elaidin
élaïdique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: elaidic
Élam {prop} {m} :: Elam
élamite {adj} :: Elamite
Élamites {prop} :: Elamites
élan {m} :: spirit
élan {m} :: momentum
élan {m} [sports] :: run up
élan {m} :: moose, elk
élancé {adj} :: slender
élancement {m} :: throbbing or shooting pain
élancer {vr} :: to dash forward, to throw oneself at
élancer {vr} :: to soar up
éland {m} :: eland
élanion {m} :: elanid kite, bird in genus Elanus
élargir {v} :: to enlarge, to make larger
élargir ses horizons {v} :: to broaden one's horizons, to widen one's horizons, to expand one's horizons
élargissement {m} :: enlargement
élasticine {f} [protein] :: elastin
élasticité {f} :: elasticity
élasticité {f} [economics] :: elasticity
élastine {f} [protein] :: elastin
élastique {adj} :: elastic
élastique {adj} [economics] :: elastic
élastique {m} :: rubber band
élastiqué {adj} :: elasticated
élastiquement {adv} :: elastically
élastiquement {adv} :: resiliently
élastomère {m} :: elastomer
élatérine {f} :: elaterin
élatéromètre {m} :: elatrometer
élatif {m} [grammar] :: elative case
elbaïte {f} [mineral] :: elbaite
Elbe {prop} {f} :: Elbe (river)
Elbe {prop} {f} :: Elba (island in the Tuscan Archipelago)
elbot {m} [Belgium] :: halibut (fish of genus Hippoglossus)
eldorado {m} :: neverland
Eldorado {prop} {m} :: El Dorado
Éléazar {prop} :: Eleazar
électeur {m} :: elector
électif {adj} :: elective
élection {f} :: election
élection partielle {f} :: by-election
électivement {adv} :: electively
électoral {adj} :: electoral; related to elections
électoralement {adv} :: electorally
électoralisme {m} :: electioneering
électoraliste {adj} :: electioneering (attributive)
électorat {m} [politics] :: electorate
électre {m} :: electrum
Électre {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Electra
Électre {prop} [star] :: Electra
électrice {f} :: feminine noun of électeur
électricien {m} :: electrician
électricienne {f} :: feminine noun of électricien
électricité {f} :: electricity
électrification {f} :: electrification
électrifier {v} :: to electrify
électrique {adj} :: electric, electrical
électriquement {adv} :: electrically
électrisation {f} :: electrification
électriser {v} :: to electrify (charge with electricity)
electro {f} :: alternative spelling of électro (music genre)
electro {m} :: alternative spelling of électro (électroménager)
électro- {prefix} :: electro-
électro {f} [music] :: electro, electronic music
électro {m} :: clipping of électrocardiogramme: electrocardiogram
électro {m} :: clipping of électroménager: white goods/household appliance
électroacoustique {adj} :: electroacoustic
électroacoustique {f} :: electroacoustics
électroaffinage {m} :: electrorefining
électroaimant {m} [physics] :: electromagnet
électroanalyse {f} :: electroanalysis
électroattracteur {m} [chemistry] :: electron acceptor
électrobiologique {adj} :: electrobiological
électrocapillaire {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: electrocapillary
électrocapillarité {f} [physics, chemistry] :: electrocapillarity
électrocardiogramme {m} :: electrocardiogram
électrocardiographe {m} :: electrocardiograph
électrocardiographie {f} :: electrocardiography
électrocatalyseur {m} [chemistry] :: electrocatalyst
électrochimie {f} [chemistry] :: electrochemistry
électrochimique {adj} [chemistry] :: electrochemical
électrochoc {m} :: electroconvulsive therapy
électrocinétique {adj} :: electrokinetic
électrocuter {v} :: to electrocute
électrocution {f} :: electrocution (death or suicide by electric shock)
électrocyclique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: electrocyclic
électrocyte {m} [cytology] :: electrocyte
électrode {f} [physics] :: electrode
électrodéposition {f} :: electrodeposition
électrodialyse {f} :: electrodialysis
électrodonneur {m} [chemistry] :: electron donor
électrodynamique {adj} :: electrodynamic
électrodynamique {f} [physics] :: electrodynamics
électroencéphalogramme {m} :: electroencephalogram (a recording of electrical brain activity made by an electroencephalograph)
électroencéphalographique {adj} :: electroencephalographic
électroencéphalographiquement {adv} :: electroencephalographically
électrofaible {adj} [physics] :: electroweak
électrofiltre {m} :: electrostatic precipitator
électrofuge {adj} [chemistry] :: electrofugal
électrogène {adj} :: generating (electricity)
électrologie {f} [physics] :: electrology
électroluminescence {f} [physics] :: electroluminescence
électroluminescent {adj} [physics] :: electroluminescent
électrolysable {adj} :: electrolyzable
électrolysation {f} :: electrolyzation
électrolyse {f} :: electrolysis
électrolyser {v} [chemistry, physics] :: to electrolyze
électrolyte {m} :: electrolyte
électrolytique {adj} :: electrolytic
électrolytiquement {adv} :: electrolytically
électromagnétique {adj} :: electromagnetic
électromagnétiquement {adv} :: electromagnetically
électromagnétisme {f} :: electromagnetism (a fundamental force)
électromécanicien {m} :: electrical mechanic / technician
électromécanicienne {f} :: feminine singular of électromécanicien
électromécanique {adj} :: electromechanical (combining the fields of mechanics and electronics)
électromécanique {f} :: electromechanics
électroménager {m} :: household appliance
électrométallurgie {f} :: electrometallurgy
électrométallurgique {adj} :: electrometallurgical
électromètre {m} :: electrometer
électrométrie {f} [physics] :: electrometry
électromigration {f} :: electromigration
électromoteur {adj} [physics] :: electromotor (attributive), electromotive
électron {m} [particle] :: electron (the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms)
électronarcose {f} [medicine] :: electronarcosis
électronégatif {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: electronegative
électronégativité {f} [chemistry, physics] :: electronegativity
électroneutralité {f} :: electroneutrality
électronicien {m} :: electronics engineer
électronicienne {f} :: female electronics engineer
électronique {adj} :: electronic
électroniquement {adv} :: electronically
électron libre {m} [physics, chemistry] :: free electron
électron libre {m} [figuratively] :: free spirit, free agent; loose cannon; catalyst
électronucléaire {adj} :: nuclear power (attributive)
électronucléaire {m} :: nuclear power
électron-volt {m} :: alternative spelling of électronvolt
électronvolt {m} [physics] :: electronvolt
électronystagmographique {adj} :: electronystagmographic
électro-osmose {f} [physics, chemistry] :: electroosmosis
électrophile {adj} [chemistry] :: electrophylic
électrophone {m} :: record player
électrophore {m} :: electrophorus
électrophorèse {f} :: electrophoresis
électrophotographique {adj} :: electrophotographic
électrophotographiquement {adv} :: electrophotographically
électrophysiologie {f} :: electrophysiology
électroplaquage {m} :: electroplating
électropositif {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: electropositive
électropositivité {f} [chemistry, physics] :: electropositivity
électroradiologiste {mf} :: electroradiologist
électrorhéologie {f} :: electrorheology
électrorhéologique {adj} :: electrorheological
électroscope {m} :: electroscope (device that detects the presence of an electric charge)
électrosensibilité {f} :: electrosensibility
électrosensible {mf} :: electrosensible (one who suffers from electrosensibility)
électrosmose {f} :: alternative form of électro-osmose
électrospray {m} :: electrospray
électrostatique {adj} :: electrostatic
électrostatique {f} [physics] :: electrostatics
électrosynthèse {f} :: electrosynthesis
électrotechnicien {m} :: electrotechnician
électrotechnicienne {f} :: feminine singular of électrotechnicien
électrotechnique {adj} :: electrotechnical
électrotechnique {f} :: electrical technology
électrothérapie {f} [medical] :: electrotherapy
électrothermie {f} :: electrothermy
électrothermique {adj} :: electrothermic, thermoelectric
électrovalence {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: electrovalence
électrum {m} :: electrum (alloy of gold and silver)
électuaire {m} :: linctus
élégamment {adv} :: elegantly
élégance {f} :: elegance
élégant {adj} :: elegant (exhibiting elegance)
élégantissime {adj} :: superelegant
élégiaque {adj} :: elegiac
élégie {f} :: elegy (mournful or plaintive poem or song)
élément {m} :: element (part of a whole)
élément {m} :: element (chemical element)
élémentaire {adj} :: elementary
élémentairement {adv} :: elementarily
élément chimique {m} :: chemical element
élémicine {f} [organic compound] :: elemicin
élémine {f} :: elemin
Éléonore {prop} :: given name
éléostéarique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: eleostearic
éléphant {m} :: elephant
éléphant blanc {m} :: white elephant (mammal)
éléphant d'Afrique {m} :: African elephant
éléphant d'Asie {m} :: Asian elephant
éléphant de mer {m} :: sea elephant
éléphante {f} :: feminine noun of éléphant
éléphanteau {m} :: Young (male) elephant, calf
éléphantelle {f} :: Young female elephant, calf
éléphantesque {adj} :: elephantine, mammoth, colossal (very large)
éléphantin {adj} :: elephantine (relative ro elephants)
élestricité {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: alternative form of électricité, electricity
élestrique {adj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: alternative form of électrique, electric
éleusine {f} :: Any of several grasses in the genus Eleusine, particularly the cereal finger millet
élevage {m} :: livestock farming
élevage {m} :: farm
élevage {m} :: stock (of animals)
élevage {m} :: maturing (of wine, in barrels)
élévateur {adj} :: lifting
élévateur {m} :: elevator, lift
élévation {f} :: elevation (height above something)
élève {mf} :: [masculine, referring to a boy] schoolboy, pupil, student
élève {mf} :: [masculine, referring to a child of unspecified sex] schoolchild, pupil, student
élève {mf} :: [feminine] schoolgirl, pupil, student
élever {v} :: to raise
élever {v} :: to bring up
élever {v} :: to elevate, to enhance
élever {vr} [of a voice] :: to be heard, to rise
élever {vr} :: to rise, to soar
élever au carré {v} :: to square (multiply by itself)
éleveur {m} :: breeder (of animals)
elfe {m} :: elf
elfique {adj} :: elven; elvish
Éliakim {prop} :: Eliakim
Éliane {prop} :: given name
élicitation {f} :: elicitation
élider {v} :: to elide
Élie {prop} [biblical character] :: Elijah (prophet)
Élie {prop} :: given name
élier {v} :: To rack (wine)
Éliézer {prop} :: Eliezer
éligibilité {f} :: eligibility
éligible {adj} :: eligible
élimé {adj} :: worn, threadbare, shabby
éliminateur {adj} :: that eliminates
éliminateur {m} :: eliminator
élimination {f} :: elimination
éliminatoire {adj} :: eliminatory (tending to eliminate)
éliminatoire {f} :: knockout stage
éliminatrice {f} :: feminine noun of éliminateur
éliminer {v} :: to eliminate; to phase out
élingue {f} :: sling
élire {v} :: to elect
élire {v} :: to take up (residence)
élire domicile {v} [formal] :: to take up residence somewhere, to choose to live somewhere
Élisa {prop} :: given name, diminutive of Élisabeth
Élisabeth {prop} {f} [biblical character] :: Elizabeth, Elisabeth (mother of John the Baptist)
Élisabeth {prop} {f} :: given name of biblical origin
élisabéthain {adj} :: Elizabethan
Élise {prop} :: given name, diminutive of Élisabeth
Élisée {prop} [biblical character] :: Elisha (prophet, disciple and successor of Elijah)
Élisée {prop} [rare] :: given name
élision {f} :: elision (the omission of a letter or syllable)
élitaire {adj} :: elite (attributive use)
élite {f} :: elite
élitisme {m} :: elitism (belief society should be run by elite)
élitiste {adj} :: elitist
élixation {f} :: elixation
élixir {m} :: elixir (pharmacy: sweet taste-masking liquid)
-elle {suffix} :: Forming feminine nouns, often with a diminutive sense
elle {pron} :: she
elle {pron} :: it (feminine gender third-person singular subject pronoun)
elle {pron} :: disjunctive form of elle; her; à elle = hers
elle {m} :: letter: l
ellébore {m} :: hellebore (plant)
elle-même {pron} [emphatic] :: herself, itself
elles {pron} :: they (female)
elles {pron} :: them (female)
elles-mêmes {pron} [emphatic] :: themselves
ellipse {f} [geometry] :: ellipse
ellipse {f} [grammar, figure of speech] :: ellipsis
ellipsoïdal {adj} :: ellipsoidal
ellipsoïde {adj} :: ellipsoid
ellipsoïde {m} :: ellipsoid
ellipticité {f} [mathematics, astronomy] :: ellipticity
elliptique {adj} :: elliptic (referring to ellipsis)
elliptique {adj} :: elliptical (in shape reminding of an ellipse)
elliptiquement {adv} :: elliptically
élocution {f} :: speech
élocution {f} :: delivery (of speech)
élocution {f} :: elocution
Élodie {prop} :: given name
éloge {m} :: praise
éloge {m} :: accolade
éloge {m} :: eulogy
élogieusement {adv} :: eulogistically
élogieusement {adv} :: very favourably
élogieux {adj} :: eulogistic, laudatory
Éloi {prop} {m} :: given name
éloigné {adj} :: remote, distant
éloignement {m} :: distancing (putting something further away)
éloignement {m} :: removal
éloignement {m} :: distance between two things
éloignement {m} :: long time ago
éloignement {m} :: long distance
éloignement {m} :: distance (lack of intimacy)
éloigner {v} :: to remove
éloigner {v} :: to distance, to draw or pull away from
éloigner {vr} [s'éloigner] :: to distance oneself, to pull oneself away from
Éloïse {prop} :: given name
élongation {f} :: elongation
élongation {f} :: muscle strain
éloquemment {adv} :: eloquently
éloquence {f} :: eloquence (the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing)
éloquent {adj} :: eloquent (fluently persuasive and articulate)
éloquent {adj} :: eloquent; descriptive
El Salvador {prop} {m} :: El Salvador (country)
élu {m} :: A person who has been elected in a vote
élu {m} :: A person who has been chosen (by God)
éluant {m} :: eluant
Éluard {prop} :: Paul Éluard
éluat {m} [chemistry] :: eluate
élucidation {f} :: elucidation
élucidé {adj} :: elucidated
élucider {v} :: clarify, elucidate
élucider {v} :: solve, resolve
élucubration {f} [pejorative] :: lucubration, elucubration (results of intense study with little value; used ironically)
élucubration {f} :: ranting
élucubrer {vt} [pejorative] :: to dream up
éluder {v} :: to elude (avoid, with cunning)
élu de son cœur {m} :: one's love, one's heart's desire, one's beloved
élué {adj} :: eluted
éluer {v} [chemistry] :: to elute
élusif {adj} :: elusive
élution {f} :: elution
élutriation {f} :: elutriation
Elven {prop} :: A village in the Morbihan department of Bretagne
elvinois {adj} :: Of or from Elven
Elvinois {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Elven
Elvinoise {f} :: feminine singular of Elvinois
élyme {m} :: [botany] elymus, lyme-grass
Elysée {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Élysée
Élysée {prop} {m} [mythology] :: Elysium
Élysée {prop} {m} :: the Élysée palace (official residence of the President of France)
élyséen {adj} :: Elysian
élytre {m} [entomology] :: elytron
élytroïde {adj} :: elytroid
em- {prefix} :: em- (form of en- before b, m or p)
émacié {adj} :: emaciated (thin or haggard)
émacié {adj} :: dry (of a sound)
email {m} [colloquial] :: email
émail {m} :: enamel
émail {m} :: vitreous enamel
émail {m} :: glaze (coating on pottery)
émail {m} [heraldry] :: tincture
émaillage {m} :: enamelling
émailler {v} :: to enamel
émailler {v} [figuratively] :: to mar, spoil, blemish
émaillerie {f} :: enameling
émailleur {m} :: enameler; enamelist
émailleuse {f} :: feminine noun of émailleur
émanation {f} :: emanation, emission
émancipateur {m} :: emancipator
émancipation {f} :: emancipation
émancipatrice {f} :: female equivalent of émancipateur
émanciper {v} :: to emancipate
émaner {v} :: to emanate, to come (from)
émaner {v} :: to radiate
émargement {m} :: annotation
émargement {m} :: signing, initialing (especially of a register)
émarger {v} :: to initial (a document)
émarger {v} :: to sign, sign in
émarger {v} :: to annotate, make marginal notes in
émarger {v} :: to draw one's salary
émasculation {f} :: emasculation
émasculer {v} :: to emasculate
embabouiner {v} :: to flatter, butter up
emballage {m} :: wrapping (action of wrapping something up)
emballage {m} :: packaging (materials used for wrapping)
emballé {adj} :: packed up, wrapped up
emballement {m} :: packing up; packaging
emballer {vt} :: to pack up; to wrap up; to parcel
emballer {v} [colloquial] :: to thrill, to turn on
emballer {vr} :: to race
emballer {vr} [for a horse] :: to bolt
emballer {vr} [colloquial] :: to get carried away
emballer {vr} [colloquial] :: to get ahead of oneself, to get one's hopes up
emballer {vt} [colloquial] :: to make out with someone
emballeur {m} :: packer (worker)
emballeuse {f} :: feminine noun of emballeur
embancher {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] :: to sit on a bench
embarasser {v} [obsolete] :: alternative form of embarrasser
embarcadère {m} :: pier, wharf
embarcation {f} :: (small) boat, craft
embarcation {f} :: embarkation (although the use of embarquement is more correct)
embarcation {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: transportation
embardée {f} :: swerve
embargo {m} :: embargo
embarquement {m} :: boarding
embarquement {m} :: loading (shipping)
embarquer {v} :: to board (a vehicle)
embarquer {v} :: to embark (to set off on a journey)
embarquer {v} :: (followed by dans) To embark (upon)
embarras {m} :: embarrassment
embarras {m} :: obstacle, hindrance
embarras {m} :: lack of money
embarras du choix {m} :: embarrassment of riches (overabundance of possibilities, so that choosing becomes difficult)
embarrassant {adj} :: embarrassing (causing embarrassment)
embarrassé {adj} :: embarrassed, perplexed, confused
embarrasser {vt} :: embarrass
embarrasser {vt} :: clutter; block (up)
embastillement {m} :: imprisonment
embastiller {v} [historical] :: to imprison in Bastille
embastiller {v} [by extension] :: to imprison
embauchage {m} :: hiring (of employees)
embauche {f} :: hiring, employment, taking-on
embauche {f} :: vacancy
embaucher {v} :: to hire, to employ
embauchoir {m} :: shoetree
embaumement {m} :: embalming
embaumer {v} :: to embalm
embaumer {v} :: to fill with fragrance
embéguiner {v} [figuratively] :: to have a crush on someone; to be infatuated
embéguiner {v} [literally, rare] :: to wear a bonnet
embellie {f} :: a clear spell following rain
embellie {f} :: upturn
embellir {v} :: to improve, make more attractive
embellir {v} :: to embellish
embellissement {m} :: embellishment, beautification
emberlificoter {v} [colloquial] :: to entangle
embêtement {m} [familiar] :: problem, difficulty; [especially in plural] bother
embêter {vt} :: to bug, bother, annoy
embêter {vt} :: to pick on someone
embioptère {m} :: embiopteran, webspinner
emblaver {v} :: to sow wheat
emblavure {f} :: land that has been sown (typically with wheat)
emblématique {adj} :: emblematic
emblématiquement {adv} :: emblematically
emblème {m} :: emblem
embobiner {vt} :: to wind up, reel up
embobiner {vt} :: to wrap up
embobiner {vt} [colloquial] :: reel in
emboîtant {adj} :: (of clothing) skin-tight, close-fitting
emboîtement {m} :: interlocking, stacking
emboiter {v} :: alternative form of emboîter
emboîter {v} :: to embed, encapsulate
emboîter {v} :: to fit, fit together
emboîter {v} :: to box, to place in a box
emboîter le pas {v} [à] :: to follow in someone's footsteps, to follow suit
emboîture {f} :: socket (or any similar device in which something fits inside another)
embolie {f} :: embolism (obstruction or occlusion of an artery by an embolus)
embolique {adj} :: embolic
embonpoint {m} :: plumpness, stoutness
embossé {adj} :: embossed
embosser {v} :: To emboss
embosser {v} [nautical] :: To moor a vessel with cables from both the prow and the stern
embouché {adj} :: mouthed
emboucher {v} :: to place one's lips against the mouthpiece of a wind instrument
emboucher {v} :: to place the bit in a horse's mouth
emboucher {v} [colloquial] :: to tell off, to antagonize
emboucher {vr} [colloquial] :: to argue
embouchure {f} :: mouthpiece (of a musical instrument)
embouchure {f} :: embouchure (of a wind instrument player)
embouchure {f} :: mouth (of a river)
embouchure {f} :: bit (horse controlling mechanism)
embouer {v} :: to mud (make muddy)
embouquer {v} [nautical] :: To sail through a canal, strait or similar narrow passage
embourbement {m} :: quagmire
embourber {vr} :: to get stuck in the mud
embourber {vr} [figuratively] :: to get bogged down (dans in)
embourgeoisement {m} :: bourgeoisification; embourgeoisement
embourgeoisement {m} :: gentrification
embourgeoiser {v} :: to become bourgeois
embourgeoiser {v} :: to gentrify
embout {m} :: nozzle
embout {m} :: tip (of a walking stick or an umbrella)
embouteillage {m} :: bottling
embouteillage {m} :: blockade
embouteillage {m} :: traffic jam, gridlock
embouteiller {v} :: to bottle, to bottle up, to put into bottles
embouteiller {v} [of traffic] :: to back up
embouteilleur {m} :: bottler (person) (machine, masculine only)
embouteilleuse {f} :: feminine noun of embouteilleur
embouter {v} :: to put a nozzle or tip on something (see embout)
emboutir {v} :: to emboss
emboutir {v} :: to crash into
emboutissage {m} :: stamping
embranchement {m} :: junction, branch, fork
embranchement {m} [taxonomy] :: phylum
embrancher {v} :: to join or link up
embrancher {v} :: to connect
embrasement {m} :: blaze
embraser {v} :: to set fire to
embraser {v} [figuratively] :: to inflame, impassion
embrassade {f} :: hugging and kissing
embrassade {f} :: embrace
embrassement {m} :: embracing
embrassement {m} :: hugs and kisses
embrasser {v} [dated] :: to hug, embrace (affectionately wrap one's arms around another)
embrasser {v} :: to kiss (to touch with the lips)
embrasure {f} :: embrasure
embrayage {m} :: clutch
embrayage {m} :: clutch pedal
embrayer {v} :: to engage (to mesh or interlock)
embrayer {v} :: to engage, set in motion
embrigadement {m} :: recruitment
embrigader {v} :: to recruit; to rope in
embringuer {v} [colloquial] :: to rope in or drag in
embrocation {f} :: embrocation
embrocher {v} :: to put on a spit
embrocher {v} :: to skewer
embrouillamini {m} :: muddle, confusion
embrouille {f} [colloquial] :: problem, mess, mix-up
embrouiller {v} :: to entangle
embrouiller {v} [colloquial] :: to bamboozle, to confuse
embroussaillé {adj} :: overgrown; tangled, bushy
embrumé {adj} :: misty
embrumé {adj} :: befuddled
embrun {m} :: spindrift, spray
embryoblaste {m} [biology] :: embryoblast
embryogenèse {f} :: embryogenesis
embryogénie {f} [biology] :: embryogenesis
embryogénique {adj} :: embryogenic
embryologie {f} :: embryology
embryologique {adj} :: embryological
embryologiste {mf} :: embryologist
embryomorphose {f} [biology] :: embryomorphosis
embryon {m} [biology] :: embryo
embryon {m} [botany] :: embryo
embryon {m} :: embryo (the beginning, the first stage)
embryonnaire {adj} [anatomy, embryology, physiology] :: embryonic
embryonnaire {adj} [figuratively] :: embryonic
embryophyte {m} :: embryophyte
embryotoxique {adj} :: embryotoxic
embuche {f} :: alternative form of embûche
embûche {f} [usually plural] :: ambush (concealment in order to attack or harm someone by surprise)
embûche {f} [figurative] :: trap
embucher {v} :: alternative form of embûcher
embûcher {v} [of an animal] :: to make enter its lair
embûcher {v} [dated] :: to ambush
embué {adj} :: misted up (covered in condensation)
embuscade {f} :: ambuscade; ambush
embusquer {v} :: to ambush
-ème {suffix} [linguistics] :: -eme
éméché {adj} :: tipsy
Émeline {prop} {f} :: given name
émeraude {f} :: emerald (gemstone)
émeraude {f} :: emerald (color)
émeraude {adj} :: emerald (color)
émergence {f} [physics] :: emergence
émergent {adj} :: emerging (in the process of emerging)
émerger {v} :: to arrive at the top; to move upwards
émerger {v} :: emerge (to come into view)
émerger {v} [colloquial] :: to wake up
émeri {m} :: emery
Émeric {prop} {m} :: given name
émerillon {m} :: swivel (piece, as a ring or hook, attached to another piece by a pin, in such a manner as to permit rotation about the pin as an axis)
émerillon {m} :: merlin
émerillonner {v} :: To be cheerful and jovial
émerine {f} [protein] :: emerin
émérite {adj} :: emeritus
émerveillement {m} :: wonder, wonderment
émerveiller {v} :: to fascinate, amaze (strike with admiration and marvel)
émerveiller {vp} [s'émerveiller] :: To marvel (at)
Émèse {prop} {f} :: Emesa
émésène {adj} :: synonym of émésénien
Émésène {prop} {f} :: Emesene (region)
Émésène {mf} :: synonym of Émésénien
émésénien {adj} :: Emesene
Émésénien {m} :: Emesene
Émésénienne {f} :: feminine noun of Émésénien
émésien {adj} :: synonym of émésénien
Émésien {m} :: synonym of Émésénien
Émésienne {f} :: feminine noun of Émésien
Émesse {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Émèse
émétique {adj} :: emetic
émétique {m} :: an emetic
émétophobie {f} :: emetophobia
émetteur {m} :: transmitter
émetteur {m} :: issuer
émetteur {adj} :: issuing, transmitting
émetteur-récepteur {m} :: transceiver
émettre {vt} :: to emit
émettre {vt} :: to state, to express
émettre {vt} :: to issue
émeu {m} :: emu (a large flightless bird)
émeute {f} :: riot
émeute {f} [figuratively] :: chaos, disorder
émeutier {m} :: rioter
émeutier {adj} :: rioting
-émie {suffix} :: -aemia
émiettable {adj} :: crumbly, crumblable
émiettement {m} :: crumbling (e.g. of bread, forming into crumbs)
émiettement {m} [figuratively] :: eating away, erosion
émietter {v} :: to crumble (make into crumbs)
émietter {v} [figuratively] :: To eat away (at)
émietter {vr} :: To crumble; to whittle away
émigrant {adj} :: migrating
émigrant {m} :: emigrant, migrator
émigration {f} :: emigration
émigré {m} :: emigrant
émigrer {v} :: to emigrate
émigrer {v} :: to migrate
Emiko {prop} :: given name
Émile {prop} {m} :: given name
Émilie {prop} {f} :: given name
émilien {m} :: Emilian (language)
émilien {adj} :: Emilian (relating to the Italian region Emilia, its people or its language)
Émilien {prop} {m} :: given name
Émilien {m} :: Emilian (person from the Italian region Emilia)
Émilienne {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Émilien
émincé {adj} :: thinly sliced
émincer {v} :: to cut (meat etc) into thin slices
éminemment {adv} :: eminently (in an eminent manner)
éminence {f} :: importance, notoriety
éminence {f} :: eminence (honorific title)
éminence {f} [figuratively] :: beacon; a place of great importance
éminence grise {f} [idiomatic] :: éminence grise
éminent {adj} :: eminent; distinguished; noteworthy
émir {m} :: emir (islamic prince or leader)
émirat {m} :: emirate (country ruled by an emir)
émirati {adj} :: pertaining to the emirati (United Arab Emirates)
Émirati {m} :: An Emirati (A person from the United Arab Emirates)
Émiratie {f} :: feminine singular of Émirati
Emirats arabes unis {prop} {mp} :: alternative form of Émirats arabes unis
Émirats arabes unis {prop} {mp} :: United Arab Emirates
émirien {adj} :: Emirati
Émirien {m} :: Emirati person
Émirienne {f} :: feminine singular of Émirien
émisphère {m} :: obsolete spelling of hémisphère
émissaire {adj} :: emissary
émissaire {m} :: emissary
émissif {adj} :: emissive
émission {f} :: emission
émission {f} :: programme, show
émittance {f} [physics] :: emittance
émittancemètre {m} :: emittance meter
Emma {prop} {f} :: given name
emmagasinage {m} :: storage
emmagasiné {adj} :: stored (up), stocked (up)
emmagasiner {v} [literally] :: To store (in a shop, in a store)
emmagasiner {v} :: to store up, to stock up
emmailloter {v} :: to wrap, to bind, to swaddle
emmailloter {v} :: to coddle, to pamper, to mollycoddle
emmaillotter {v} :: alternative form of emmailloter
emmanché {adj} [heraldry, of axes or hammers] :: having handles that are of a different tincture or layer of enamel
emmanché {m} [vulgar, derogatory] :: sodomite
emmanché {m} [slang, derogatory] :: idiot, fool
emmanché {m} [slang, derogatory] :: jerk, dickhead
emmanchement {m} :: fitting, fit
emmanchement {m} [engineering] :: press fit
emmancher {vt} :: to fit, to attach (especially to a shaft or a handle)
emmancher {vt} :: to help someone into [clothes]
emmancher {vt} :: to get going, start up, set about, commence
emmancher {vt} [vulgar] :: to sodomise, buttfuck
emmanchure {f} :: armhole
Emmanuel {prop} [biblical character] :: Immanuel
Emmanuel {prop} :: given name
Emmanuelle {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Emmanuel
Emmaüs {prop} [biblical] :: Emmaus
emme {m} :: letter: m
emmêler {v} :: to tangle (to become mixed together or intertwined)
emménagement {m} :: moving in
emménagement {m} [nautical] :: fitting out
emménager {v} :: to move in (to a new home)
emmener {vt} :: to take off, take away or out
emmener {vt} :: to take (someone) somewhere, to take (something) with (someone)
emmental {m} :: Emmentaler
emmerde {f} [slang, short form, clipping, abbreviation] :: trouble (short form, abbreviation of emmerdement)
emmerdement {m} :: pain in the ass
emmerdement {m} :: bother, trouble
emmerder {vt} [vulgar] :: To bug, bother, irritate "the shit out of" someone
emmerder {vtp} [vulgar] :: To bother with
emmerder {vtp} [vulgar] :: To be bored
emmerder {vt} [vulgar] :: used to tell someone to bug off
emmerdeur {m} [vulgar, slang] :: A pain in the arse (person who is irritating)
emmerdeuse {f} :: feminine noun of emmerdeur
emmi {adv} [archaic] :: in the middle; in the centre
emmitouflé {adj} :: bundled up, swaddled
emmitoufler {vt} :: to wrap (something) up warmly, to swaddle
emmurement {m} :: immurement
emmurer {vt} :: to immure
emmuseler {v} [archaic] :: to muzzle
émoi {m} :: agitation; emotion; vicissitude
émoi {m} :: excitement
émoi {m} :: commotion; turmoil
emoji {m} :: emoji (digital graphic icon used to represent a concept or object)
émollient {adj} :: emollient
émollient {m} :: emollient (something which softens or lubricates the skin.)
émolument {m} :: remuneration
émolument {m} :: fee, emolument
émonder {v} :: to prune (a tree etc.)
émondeur {m} :: pruner
émoticône {f} :: emoticon (representation of an emotion of the writer)
émotif {adj} :: emotive
émotion {f} :: emotion
émotionnel {adj} :: emotional
émotionnellement {adv} :: emotionally
émotivement {adv} :: emotively
émotivité {f} :: emotivity, emotionality
émoudre {v} :: to sharpen on a grindstone
émoulu {adj} :: sharpened
émoussé {adj} :: dull
émousser {v} :: to dull, blunt (to render blunt; to remove or blunt an edge or something that was sharp)
émousser {v} [figuratively] :: to dull (a feeling)
émoustiller {v} :: to exhilarate
émoustiller {v} :: to titillate
émouvant {adj} :: moving (causing emotion)
émouvoir {v} :: to move emotionally; to touch
empaffer {v} [vulgar] :: to bugger, to ass-fuck
empaillé {adj} :: stuffed (animal, teddybear)
empailler {vt} :: to stuff [a dead animal]
empailleur {m} :: taxidermist
empailleuse {f} :: feminine noun of empailleur
empaler {v} :: to impale
empaleur {m} :: impaler
empaleuse {f} :: feminine singular of empaleur
empan {m} :: spand, span (imperial measurement equivalent to nine inches)
empanaché {adj} :: plumed
empanacher {vt} :: to decorate with plumes
empannage {m} [nautical] :: gybe, gybing
empanner {v} [nautical] :: To gybe
empapaouter {vt} :: To dupe, cheat or defraud
empapaouter {vr} :: To be bored
empapaouter {vt} [slang] :: To fuck; to sodomize
empaquetage {m} :: packing, packaging
empaqueté {adj} :: packaged
empaqueter {v} :: to package (put into a package)
empaqueter {v} [slang] :: to put away, put behind bars (imprison)
empaqueter {v} :: to wrap up (cover with many clothes)
emparer {v} [de, .pronominal] :: to seize, get hold of
emparer {v} [de, .pronominal] :: to take over
empâter {vt} :: to coat, enrobe
empâter {vtp} :: to thicken
empâter {vt} :: to puff up
empâter {v} [figurative] :: to nourish
empâter {vp} [figurative] :: to fill out, to get fat
empathie {f} :: empathy
empathique {adj} :: empathic, empathetic
empattement {m} [mechanics] :: wheelbase
empattement {m} [typography] :: serif
empaumer {v} :: to grasp
empêchement {m} :: obstacle; impediment
empêcher {vt} :: to stop; to prevent; to hinder
empêcher {vr} :: to refrain (used with de)
empêcheur {m} :: troublemaker
empêcheur de tourner en rond {m} [figuratively] :: spoilsport, killjoy
empêcheuse {f} :: feminine singular of empêcheur
Empédocle {prop} {m} :: Empedocles
empéguer {v} :: to glue (attach with glue)
empeigne {f} :: shoe upper
empennage {f} :: fletching
empennage {f} :: empennage
empereur {m} :: emperor
emperler {v} :: to impearl (decorate with pearls)
empeser {v} :: to starch
empester {vt} :: to infect with a pest or with a contagious disease
empester {vt} :: to cause to stink, to cause to reek (of)
empester {vi} :: to stink, reek of
empétarder {v} [slang] :: to bugger, to fuck up the ass
empêtré {adj} :: entangled
empêtré {adj} :: bogged down
empêtrer {v} :: to ensnare, to entangle, to bog down
emphase {f} :: emphasis (special weight or forcefulness given to something considered important)
emphatique {adj} :: emphatic (characterized by emphasis)
emphatiquement {adv} :: emphatically
emphysème {m} :: emphysema (abnormal accumulation of air in tissues)
emphytéose {f} :: emphyteusis
emphytéotique {adj} :: freehold (attributive)
empiècement {m} :: yoke (piece of material)
empiéger {v} [rare] :: to trap
empierrer {vt} :: to metal [a road]
empiétement {m} :: encroachment, trespassing
empiétement {m} :: infringement
empiètement {m} :: alternative form of empiétement
empiéter {v} [sur] :: to encroach, impinge (upon)
empiffrer {vp} :: to stuff oneself, to binge
empilage {m} :: piling, stacking
empilé {adj} :: piled up
empilement {m} :: piling up, stacking
empilement {m} :: close-packing (e.g. of atoms in a crystal)
empiler {v} :: to pile up
empire {m} :: empire
empire {m} :: influence, authority
Empire byzantin {prop} {m} :: Byzantine Empire
Empire du Milieu {prop} {m} [dated] :: the Middle Kingdom (China)
Empire ottoman {prop} {m} :: Ottoman Empire
empirer {vit} :: to worsen
Empire romain {prop} {m} :: Roman Empire
empirique {adj} :: empirical
empirique {mf} :: empiricism
empirique {mf} :: empiricist
empiriquement {adv} :: empirically
empirisme {m} :: empiricism
empiriste {mf} :: empiricist
emplacement {m} :: site, location
emplâtre {m} :: plaster (glue-like substance)
emplâtre {m} [colloquial] :: a useless individual, a good-for-nothing
emplâtre {m} [slang] :: a blow received during a fight
emplâtrer {vt} :: to apply a plaster on
emplâtrer {vr} [slang] :: to fight
emplâtre sur jambe de bois {m} :: alternative form of emplâtre sur une jambe de bois
emplâtre sur une jambe de bois {m} :: synonym of cataplasme sur une jambe de bois
emplette {f} [dated] :: purchase
empli {adj} :: filled
emplir {vt} :: to fill
emplir {vp} [s'emplir] :: to fill
emploi {m} :: job
emploi {m} :: employment
emploi {m} :: use; need
emploi aidé {m} :: state-subsidised job
emploi du temps {m} :: timetable; schedule
employabilité {f} :: employability
employable {adj} :: usable
employable {adj} :: employable
employé {m} :: employee
employé de bureau {m} :: office worker
employé de maison {mf} :: cleaner, housemaid
employer {v} :: to employ
employer les grands moyens {v} [figuratively] :: to bring out the big guns, to resort to drastic measures, to take drastic steps
employeur {m} :: employer
emplumé {adj} :: feathered
empocher {v} :: to pocket (to put something in a pocket)
empoignade {f} :: violent argument, scrap or altercation
empoigner {v} :: to grab; grasp (to make a sudden grasping or clutching motion (at something))
empois {m} :: glue made from starch
empoisonnement {m} :: poisoning
empoisonner {vt} :: to poison, to kill by poisoning
empoisonneur {m} :: poisoner
empoisonneuse {f} :: feminine noun of empoisonneur
empoissé {adj} :: glutinous, sticky
empoissonnement {m} :: the stocking up with fish, the act of populating something with fish
empoissonner {v} :: to stock with fish; to populate with fish
emporétique {adj} :: emporetic
emport {m} :: payload
emportement {m} :: (a fit of) anger, rage
emporte-pièce {m} :: cookie cutter
emporter {v} :: to take
emporter {v} :: to win
emporter {v} :: to take away, to blow away, to carry away
emporter {v} :: to take away
emporter {vr} [s'emporter] :: to get angry; to lose one's temper; to flare up
emportiérage {f} :: dooring (the act of cycling into a car door)
empoté {adj} :: clumsy, awkward
empoté {m} :: clumsy person, butterfingers
empoter {vt} :: to pot [a plant]
empoter {vt} :: to load liquid or gas into a tanker [road vehicle]
empourprer {v} :: to make purple, to color purple, empurple
empreindre {vt} :: to imprint
empreindre {vt} :: to influence
empreindre {vt} :: to imbue (with)
empreindre {vr} :: to become imbued (with)
empreint {adj} [followed by the preposition de] :: characterized or marked (by)
empreinte {f} :: imprint (any visible mark caused by pressure)
empreinte carbonique {f} :: carbon footprint
empreinte digitale {f} :: fingerprint
empreinte écologique {f} :: ecological footprint
empressement {m} :: attentiveness
empressement {m} :: eagerness, alacrity
empresser {vr} [literary, of crowd] :: to mass, to gather
empresser {vp} [~ de faire] :: to hasten
emprésurage {m} :: renneting (adding rennet during cheesemaking)
emprise {f} :: expropriation
emprise {f} :: domination, control, influence
emprisonnement {m} :: imprisonment
emprisonner {v} :: to imprison
emproser {v} [slang] :: to bugger, to fuck up the ass
emprunt {m} :: loan
emprunt {m} [lexicography] :: loan, borrowing
emprunté {adj} :: awkward, stilted, gawky
emprunter {v} :: to borrow
emprunter {v} :: to take, to follow
emprunteur {m} :: borrower
emprunteuse {f} :: feminine noun of emprunteur
emprunt savant {m} [linguistics, grammar] :: learned loan
empuantir {vt} :: to stink out
empyreumatique {adj} :: empyreumatic
empyreume {f} :: empyreuma
ému {adj} [emotionally] :: touched, moved
e muet {m} [phonetics] :: schwa
émulateur {m} :: emulator (one who emulates)
émulateur {m} [computing] :: emulator (software)
émulation {f} :: rivalry, competition
émulation {f} [computing] :: emulation
émulatrice {f} :: feminine noun of émulateur
émule {mf} :: emulator, imitator (person that emulates or strives to do so)
émule {mf} [dated] :: rival (competitor with the same goal as another)
émule {mf} [dated] :: peer, equal (somebody who is at a level equal (to that of something else) in a given occupation, field, etc.)
émuler {v} :: to emulate
émuler {v} [computing] :: to emulate
émulgent {adj} [physiology] :: emulgent
émulsifiant {adj} :: emusifying
émulsifiant {m} :: emulsifier
émulsifier {v} [rare] :: to emulsify
émulsine {f} [enzyme] :: emulsin
émulsion {f} :: emulsion (suspension of one liquid in another)
émulsionner {v} :: to emulsify
en- {prefix} :: en- (all meanings)
en {prep} :: in (used to indicate space, also see usage notes)
en {prep} :: to (indicates direction towards certain very large locations or turns the locations into indirect objects, see usage notes)
en {prep} :: by (used to indicate means)
en {prep} :: as
en {prep} :: at (used to describe an ability)
en {prep} :: of, made of (used to describe composition)
en {prep} :: in (during the following time (used for months and years))
en {prep} [followed by a gerund] :: while
en {prep} [followed by a gerund] :: by, in (describing a way of getting something)
en {prep} :: in (used to describe color)
en {prep} :: in (used to describe feelings)
en {prep} :: in (as part of something)
en {pron} :: Used as the object of a verb to indicate an indefinite quantity; of it, of them. Replaces the partitive article (du, de la, etc.)
en {pron} :: Adverbial preposition indicating movement away from a place already mentioned
ENA {prop} {f} :: École nationale d'administration
en abondance {adv} :: in abundance, abundantly, aplenty
ènal {m} [organic chemistry, especially, in compounds] :: enal
en ami {adv} :: as a friend
énamine {f} [organic chemistry] :: enamine
en amont {adv} :: upstream, uphill (higher up than, on a river or a hill)
en amont {adv} [en amont de] :: before, ahead of, prior to
enamourer {vr} :: to fall in love
énamourer {vr} :: alternative form of enamourer
énanthique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: enanthic
énantiomère {m} :: enantiomer (one of a pair of mirror-image stereoisomers)
énantiomérie {adj} [chemistry] :: enantiomeric
énantiomérique {adj} [chemistry] :: enantiomeric
énantiotrope {adj} [chemistry] :: enantiotropic
en apparence {adv} :: to all appearances, ostensibly, seemingly, on the surface, on the face of it
en appeler à {v} :: to appeal from the present judgment to.
énarchie {f} :: government/rule by the énarques (graduates of the École nationale d'administration)
énargite {m} [mineralogy] :: enargite
énarque {mf} :: énarque
énarthrose {f} :: enarthrosis, ball and socket joint
en attendant {adv} :: meanwhile, in the meantime
en attendant que {conj} :: while
en aucun cas {adv} :: under no circumstances, on no account
en aucune façon {adv} :: under no circumstances, on no account
en aucune manière {adv} :: under no circumstances, on no account; by no means
en aval {adv} :: downstream, downhill (lower than, on a river or a hill)
en avance {adj} :: early, ahead of time, in advance
en avance sur son temps {adj} :: ahead of one's time
en avant {adv} :: forward (towards the front)
en avant {interj} :: forward! let's go!
en-avant {m} [rugby] :: knock-on
en avant toute {interj} :: forward ho! let's go! off we go!
en avoir assez {v} [de] :: to be fed up (with), have had it
en avoir gros sur le cœur {v} [figuratively] :: to have a heavy heart, to be sad at heart, to have something weighing on one's heart, to be heavy-hearted
en avoir le cœur net {vi} :: to be certain, to be sure of it
en avoir marre {v} [colloquial] :: [de] to be fed up (with), to have had it, to be sick and tired (of)
en avoir plein le cul {v} [vulgar] :: [de] to be fed up to the back teeth (with)
en avoir plein le dos {v} [colloquial] :: [de] to be fed up to the back teeth (with)
en avoir plein les bottes {v} [colloquial] :: [de] to be fed up to the back teeth (with)
en avoir pour son argent {phrase} :: to get one's money's worth, to get good value for money
en avoir ras la casquette {v} [colloquial] :: [de] to be fed up to the back teeth (with)
en avoir ras le bol {v} [colloquial] :: [de] to be fed up to the back teeth (with)
en avoir ras le cul {v} [vulgar] :: [de] to be fed up to the back teeth (with)
en avoir sa claque {v} [de] :: [colloquial] to be fed up (with), have had it
en avoir sa dose {v} [de] :: [colloquial] to be fed up (with), have had enough (of), have had it
en avoir vu d'autres {v} [colloquial] :: to have seen it all before, to have survived worse
en banc {adv} :: en banc
en bandoulière {adj} :: strung across the shoulder
en bas {adj} :: below, down below, downstairs
en bas {adv} :: down, downhill, downstairs, in a downwards direction
en bas âge {adj} :: very young
en bas de {prep} :: at the bottom of
en baver {v} [colloquial] :: to go through hell, to suffer, to have a hard time, to have a rough time of it; to go through the mill (with a purpose)
en baver des ronds de chapeau {v} [colloquial] :: to go through hell, to suffer, to have a hard time, to have a rough time of it; to go through the mill (with a purpose)
en beauté {adv} :: brilliantly, with a flourish
en berne {adv} :: at half-mast (lowered position of a flag)
en béton {adj} [figuratively] :: watertight, rock solid
en bonne et due forme {prep} :: in due form, in form, by the book, according to Hoyle
en bonne santé {adj} :: healthy, in good health
en bonnes mains {adv} :: alternative form of entre de bonnes mains
en boucher un coin {v} [colloquial] :: [à] to astonish, to knock for a loop
en boucle {adv} :: in/on a loop, looping (repetitively endlessly)
en bras de chemise {prep} :: in one's shirt sleeves, in shirt sleeves, casually dressed
en bref {adv} :: in short, in brief, in a nutshell
en brosse {f} :: crew cut
encabaner {v} :: to put silkworms into trellises in wood or iron used to fence for parks containing cattle, for properties, for shelter for plants, and for support for the storage and drying of fruit
encabaner {v} :: to put into prison
encablure {f} [nautical] :: cable (length), cable length
en cachette {adv} [colloquial] :: on the sly, secretly
encadrant {adj} :: framing
encadrant {adj} :: supervising
encadrant {m} :: supervisor
encadrement {m} :: framing (of a picture)
encadrement {m} :: supervision, monitoring, overlooking, watchful eye
encadrement {m} [work] :: training, managerial or supervisory staff
encadrement {m} [architecture] :: frame
encadrement {m} :: framework
encadrer {vt} :: to frame
encadrer {vt} :: to surround, outline
encadrer {vt} :: to supervise, overlook
encadreur {m} :: (picture) framer
encagement {m} :: caging
encagement {m} :: incarceration
encager {v} :: to cage, encage
encagoulé {adj} :: wearing a balaclava
encagouler {v} :: to put on a balaclava
encaissable {adj} :: cashable
encaissage {m} :: cashing
encaissé {adj} [of a river] :: steep-sided
encaissement {m} [finance] :: cashing
encaissement {m} :: collection, receipt (of rent)
encaissement {m} :: steepness (of a valley side)
encaisser {v} :: to collect, to cash
encaisser {v} [sports] :: To let in, concede
encaisser {v} [slang] :: to take
encaisser {v} [slang] :: to stand, to tolerate
encaisseur {m} :: (debt) collector
encaisseuse {f} :: feminine noun of encaisseur
encalminé {adj} [nautical, of a ship] :: becalmed
encalminer {v} [nautical] :: to becalm
encan {m} :: auction
encanaillement {m} :: mixing with the riffraff
encanailler {vr} :: To socialise with the riffraff
encapsulation {f} :: encapsulation
encapsulation {f} [object-oriented] :: encapsulation
encapsuler {vt} :: to encapsulate
encapsuler {vt} [computing] :: to cache
encapuchonner {v} :: to hood (cover with a hood)
encapuchonner {v} :: to lead into a monastic life
encaquer {v} :: to put into barrels containing herrings
en carafe {adj} [colloquial] :: broken, broken-down, out of order
en carafe {adj} [colloquial] :: high and dry, stranded
en carafe {adj} [colloquial] :: speechless
encart {m} [journalism] :: insert (publicity)
encarter {v} :: to put in, insert (an insert to a publication)
en carton {adj} [slang] :: of poor quality
en carton {adj} [slang] :: lacking sustenance; pathetic; bogus
encartonner {v} :: to put into cartons
encartoucher {v} :: to prepare a cartouche of firearms (by putting powders)
en-cas {m} :: snack
encas {n} :: alternative spelling of en-cas [1990 reform spelling]
en cas de {prep} :: in case of, in the event of
encaserner {v} :: to lodge in barracks
en cas que {conj} [dated or literary] :: in case
encastage {m} :: the action of putting a pottery in front of a stove in a little house
encaster {v} :: to put a pottery in front of a stove in a little house
encasteur {m} :: a person who puts a pottery in front of a stove in a little house
encasteuse {f} :: a person who puts a pottery in front of a stove in a little house
encastrable {adj} :: built-in (or designed to be built in)
encastrement {m} :: embedding
encastrement {m} :: building in
encastrer {v} :: to embed
encastrer {v} :: to fit in, slot in etc
en catastrophe {adv} [colloquial] :: hurriedly, hastily, in a hurry
en catimini {adv} :: secretly, on the sly
encaustiquage {m} :: polishing, waxing
encaustiquer {vt} :: to polish, wax
en cavale {adj} [colloquial] :: on the run, on the lam
encaver {v} :: to put in a cellar, store in a cellar
-ence {suffix} :: -ence, -ance
en ce compris {prep} [Belgium] :: including (being part of the group or topic just mentioned)
enceindre {v} :: to surround
enceint {adj} :: pregnant
enceinte {adj} :: pregnant
enceinte {f} :: enclosure, compound
enceinte {f} :: interior
enceinte {f} :: speaker, amplifier
enceinter {vt} [Africa] :: To make pregnant; to knock up
encelluler {vt} :: to put in a [prison] cell, lock up
en ce moment {adv} :: at the moment; right now
encens {m} :: incense (a perfume often used in the rites of various religions)
encensement {m} :: incensing
encenser {v} :: to acclaim, sing the praises of
encenser {v} :: to cense, to incense
encenseur {m} [religion] :: thurifer
encenseuse {f} :: feminine noun of encenseur
encensier {m} :: synonym of romarin
encensoir {m} :: censer
encéphale {m} [anatomy] :: encephalon, brain
encéphalique {adj} :: encephalic
encéphalite {f} [pathology] :: encephalitis
encéphalogramme {m} :: encephalogram
encéphalographie {f} :: encephalography
encéphalographique {adj} :: encephalographic
encéphalographiquement {adv} :: encephalographically
encéphalopathie {f} :: encephalopathy
encéphalopathie spongiforme bovine {f} :: bovine spongiform encephalopathy
en ce qui concerne {prep} :: concerning, as to, as far as ... is concerned
encerclement {m} :: encircling, surrounding
encercler {vt} :: circle (draw a circle round)
encercler {vt} :: ring round, circle round
encercler {vt} :: surround, encircle
en ce temps-là {adv} :: at the time, back then, in those days
enchainement {m} :: alternative spelling of enchaînement
enchaînement {m} :: sequence, series, chain
enchaînement {m} [phonology] :: resyllabification
enchainer {v} :: alternative spelling of enchaîner
enchaîner {v} :: to chain, to shackle
enchaîner {v} [figurative] :: to subjugate, to enslave
enchaîner {v} :: to put together (in a sequence), to concatenate
enchaînure {f} :: enchainment
en chair et en os {adv} [idiomatic] :: in the flesh (with one's own body and presence)
en chaleur {adj} [of a female] :: on heat (in estrus)
enchanté {adj} :: enchanted, delighted
enchanté {interj} :: pleased to meet you
enchantement {m} :: enchantment
enchanter {vt} :: to enchant
enchanteur {adj} :: enchanting, entrancing
enchanteur {m} :: enchanter
en charge de {prep} :: in charge of
encharner {v} :: to hinge
enchâssement {m} [linguistics] :: embedding
enchâssement {m} :: embeddedness
enchâsser {vt} :: to enshrine, to put in a display cabinet
enchâsser {vt} :: to lavish
enchâsser {vt} [jewellery] :: to set (place inside a case)
enchâsser {vt} :: to put or fix in a chassis
enchatonner {v} [jewelry] :: to attach a jewel on the collet of a ring
enchaucener {v} :: alternative form of enchaussener
enchaussener {v} [obsolete] :: to lime, to limewash (a hide, so the hairs detach more easily)
enchausser {v} :: alternative form of chausser
enchaussumer {v} :: synonym of enchaussener
enchemiser {vt} :: to put into a folder
enchère {f} :: bid (in a sale, an auction or in the card game bridge)
enchérir {vt} :: to make more expensive
enchérir {vt} :: to bid; to make a bid (at auction etc.)
enchérir {vi} :: to go up (in price), become more expensive
enchérisseur {m} :: bidder
enchérisseuse {f} :: feminine noun of enchérisseur
enchevêtrement {m} :: tangle, mixture, muddle
enchevêtrement {m} :: labyrinth
enchevêtrer {v} :: to tangle up
enchevêtrer {v} :: to entangle, to involve, to implicate
enchevêtrer {vr} :: to become tangled
enchevêtrer {vr} [~ dans] :: to get tangled up (in), to get mixed up (in)
en cheville {adj} [avec] :: [colloquial] in cahoots (with)
en chien {adj} [slang, chiefly of men, pejorative] :: on the prowl, eager for sex, sexually frustrated
en chien de fusil {adv} [idiomatic] :: curled up
en chier {v} [vulgar] :: to go through hell, to suffer, to have a hard time (doing something), to have a job (doing something), to have a rough time of it; to go through the mill (with a purpose)
enchifrener {v} [archaic] :: to block up (a nose)
en chœur {adv} [figuratively] :: in chorus
enchondrome {m} :: enchondroma
enchondrosarcome {m} :: enchondrosarcoma
encirer {vt} :: to wax, wax up (cover or seal with wax)
en clair {adv} :: simply put, in brief
enclave {f} :: enclave
enclaver {v} :: to enclave
enclenchement {m} :: engaging
enclenchement {m} :: interlock
enclencher {v} :: to set off, start up, put in motion
enclin {adj} :: inclined, prone (+ à - to)
enclise {f} [prosody] :: enclisis
enclitique {adj} [linguistics] :: enclitic (referring to a clitic which joins with the preceding word)
enclitique {m} [linguistics] :: enclitic (clitic which joins with the preceding word)
enclitiquement {adv} :: enclitically
en cloque {adj} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: knocked up, up the duff
enclore {v} :: to enclose
enclore {v} :: to fortify
enclore {vr} [s'enclore] :: to fortify
enclos {m} :: enclosure, paddock
enclouer {v} :: to nail in, put a nail in
enclume {f} :: anvil (block used in blacksmithing)
enclume {f} [skeleton] :: anvil, incus
encoche {n} :: Notch
encocher {v} :: to notch, put a notch in
encocher {v} :: to nock (an arrow)
encodage {m} :: encoding
encoder {v} :: to encode
encodeur {m} :: encoder (a device to encode a signal)
encoffrer {v} :: to enclose in a chest or box
encoignure {f} :: corner
encoignure {f} :: threshold
encoignure {f} :: encoignure
en coin {adj} :: [of a smile or look] from the corner, from the side (such as from that of a smirk)
en colère {adj} :: angry
encoller {v} :: to glue
encolure {f} :: neck (of a horse)
encombrant {adj} :: cumbersome, heavy, bulky
encombre {m} :: obstacle, hindrance, difficulty
encombré {adj} :: cluttered; congested
encombré {adj} :: burdened, encombered
encombré {adj} :: jammed (of a switchboard)
encombrement {m} :: traffic congestion
encombrement {m} :: cluttering, jamming, obstruction
encombrement {m} :: overcrowding, saturation
encombrer {vt} :: to block off, to clutter, to clutter up, to congest
encombrer {vt} :: to encumber, to burden
encombrer {vt} :: to jam (e.g. a switchboard)
encomium {m} :: An Ancient Greek literary genre of praise
encomium {m} [obsolete] :: Dictionary
encommencer {vt} [obsolete] :: To begin, start, initiate, or commence
en commun {adv} :: in common
en compagnie de {prep} :: in company of, accompanied by, with
en connaissance de cause {adv} :: knowingly, knowing all the facts, with full knowledge of the facts, with one's eyes open
en connaître un rayon {v} [colloquial] :: to know a fair bit about something, to know a thing or two about something, to know one's stuff, to know one's onions
enconner {vt} [dated, rare, vulgar slang] :: to fuck
en conséquence {adv} :: consequently, as a result, hence, therefore, thus
en conséquence {adv} :: accordingly
en conséquence de {conj} :: as a result of, due to
en continu {adj} :: nonstop
encontre {m} :: only in à l'encontre de
en contrepartie {adv} :: in return, in exchange
encoprésie {f} :: encopresis
encor {adv} [poetic] :: alternative spelling of encore
encorbellement {m} :: corbelling
encorder {vt} :: to rope up, connect with a rope
encore {adv} :: still
encore {adv} :: more
encore {adv} :: again
encore {adv} [after the adverb pas] :: yet, not yet
encore et encore {adv} :: again and again, over and over, time after time
encore et toujours {adv} :: still, as always, yet again
encore heureux {interj} [colloquial] :: and a good job too! and a good thing too! well that's lucky! I'm glad to hear it! it's just as well! thank goodness!
encore que {conj} :: though, although
encore une fois {adv} :: once again, once more
encorner {vt} :: to horn, to ram with the horns
encorner {vt} [archaic, colloquial] :: to cuckold
encornet {m} :: squid (cooked) (sea animal)
encoubler {v} [Switzerland] :: to trip, stumble
encoubler {vr} [Switzerland] :: to trip over something
en coulisse {prep} :: backstage
en coulisse {prep} [figuratively] :: behind the scenes
en coup de vent {adv} [colloquial, figuratively] :: briefly, quickly, hurriedly
encourageant {adj} :: encouraging (providing encouragement)
encouragement {m} :: An encouragement
encourager {v} :: to encourage
encourir {vt} :: to incur (to expose oneself to something inconvenient)
encourir {vt} :: to run [the risk], to bring upon (something unfavourable)
en cours {adj} :: in progress, underway, ongoing
en cours de {prep} :: in the process of
en cours de {prep} :: during, in the course of
en cours de route {adv} [colloquial] :: on the way, along the way
en crabe {adv} :: crablikely, moving sideways
en crabe {adj} :: crablike (in the sense "moving sideways")
encrage {m} :: inking
encrassage {m} :: dirtying, fouling
encrassement {m} :: fouling
encrasser {vt} :: to dirty, to foul
encrasser {vr} :: to get dirty, get filthy
encre {f} :: ink
encre de Chine {f} :: India ink
encrer {vt} :: to ink (to apply ink to)
encreur {adj} :: ink, inking (attributive)
encrier {m} :: inkwell
encrine {m} :: stone lily (fossil crinoid)
encroûter {v} :: to encrust, crust over
encroûter {vr} :: to crust over, form a crust
encroûter {vr} :: to get into a rut
enculable {adj} [vulgar] :: fuckable, buttfuckable
enculade {f} [vulgar] :: sodomy, buggery, assfuck, buttfuck (act of anal sex)
enculade {f} [vulgar] :: fuckover (trickery)
enculé {m} [slang, vulgar] :: bugger, fuckwit, fucker, fuckhead, etc
enculé {m} [often, humorous] :: A man, a fellow, a male friend
enculé {m} [LGBT] :: bottom (man with a preference for being penetrated during homosexual intercourse)
enculer {v} [vulgar, slang] :: to bugger, to sodomize (have anal sex)
enculer {v} [vulgar, slang] :: to fuck (have sex)
enculer {v} [vulgar, slang] :: to fuck, to con (defraud)
enculer les mouches {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: to split hairs; to nitpick
enculeur {m} [vulgar] :: buggerer, sodomizer (one who performs anal sex)
enculeur {m} [LGBT] :: top (man with a preference for penetrating during homosexual intercourse)
enculeur {m} [vulgar] :: cunt, dickhead, asshole, arsehole
enculeur de mouches {m} [slang] :: nitpicker
enculeuse {f} :: feminine noun of enculeur
enculeuse de mouches {f} :: feminine singular of enculeur de mouches
encuvage {m} :: vatting (putting grape juice into fermentation vats to produce wine)
encuver {v} :: to put into a vat or a tank
encyclique {adj} :: encyclical
encyclique {f} :: encyclical
encyclopædie {f} :: obsolete form of encyclopédie
encyclopédicité {f} :: encyclopedicity
encyclopédie {f} :: encyclopedia
encyclopédique {adj} :: encyclopedic
encyclopédiquement {adv} :: encyclopedically
encyclopédiste {mf} :: encyclopedist
en danger {adj} :: in danger, endangered
en danseuse {prep} [cycling] :: Riding out of the saddle, standing up, and rocking from side to side for leverage
endaubage {m} :: stewing (method of cooking)
endauffer {v} [slang] :: to bugger, to fuck up the ass
en d'autres termes {adv} :: in other words, to put it another way
endéans {prep} [chiefly Belgium and Luxembourg] :: within a time interval, distance, or other limit
en deçà {prep} :: on this side
en deçà {prep} :: below
endécagone {m} :: alternative form of hendécagone
en dehors {adj} [music] :: played "out in front of" the ensemble by projecting the volume so as to be heard
en dehors de {prep} :: outside of
en dehors de {prep} [figuratively] :: apart from, aside from
en délicatesse {adj} [avec] :: [literary] on chilly terms (with someone), on the verge of having a falling out (with someone)
endémie {f} :: endemic
endémique {adj} :: endemic
endémisme {m} :: endemism
endenté {adj} :: toothed (of a wheel etc)
endenter {v} [usually of an object] :: to provide with teeth
en dents de scie {adj} :: jagged, serrated
en dents de scie {adj} [figuratively] :: uneven, chequered, inconsistent
en dépit de {prep} :: despite, in spite of
en désespoir de cause {adv} :: in desperation, out of desperation, as a last resort
en dessous de {prep} :: below
en dessous de la ceinture {phrase} [colloquial] :: salacious, dirty
en dessous de la ceinture {phrase} [colloquial] :: below the belt, unfair, dirty
en dessous de tout {adj} [colloquial] :: lousy, shit, shitty, crappy (completely worthless)
en détail {adv} :: in detail
endetté {adj} :: in debt
endettement {m} :: debt
endetter {vt} :: to indebt; to put someone or something into debt
endetter {vr} :: to get into debt
endeuiller {vt} :: to take on an air of mourning
en deuspi {adv} [slang, verlan, backslang] :: fast
en deux coups de cuiller à pot {adv} :: alternative spelling of en deux coups de cuillère à pot
en deux coups de cuillère à pot {adv} [colloquial] :: in two shakes, in a flash, in a jiffy
en deux temps trois mouvements {adv} [colloquial] :: in two shakes, in a flash, in a jiffy, in nothing flat
en devenir {adj} :: in the making, budding, up-and-coming
endiablé {adj} :: possessed (by a devil)
endiablé {adj} :: furious
en difficulté {adj} :: beleaguered, in difficulty, in distress, in trouble
endigage {m} :: synonym of endiguement
endiguable {adj} :: curbable, containable
endiguement {m} :: containment
endiguer {v} :: to curb, contain
endimanché {adj} :: in one's Sunday best, endimanched
endimanché {adj} :: awkward, out of one's comfort zone
endimanchement {m} :: the act of dressing up in one's Sunday best
endimancher {vp} :: to dress up in one's Sunday best
endimancher {vt} :: to dress someone to look on their Sunday best
en direct {adv} :: directly
en direct {adv} [idiomatic] :: live (in real time)
en dire des vertes et des pas mûres {v} [colloquial] :: to say excessive things, to say things that are unsavory, harsh, shocking, unpleasant, nasty, ugly
en dire long {v} [sur] :: to speak volumes, to say it all
endive {f} [culinary] :: Belgian endive (edible chicory bud of Cichorium intybus)
endo- {prefix} :: end-/endo-
endoblaste {m} :: endoblast
endocarde {m} :: endocardium
endocardite {f} :: endocarditis
endocarpe {m} :: endocarp
endocol {m} [anatomy] :: endocervix
endocrinien {adj} :: endocrine
endocrinologie {f} :: endocrinology
endocrinologue {mf} :: endocrinologist (practitioner of endocrinology)
endoctrinement {m} :: indoctrination
endoctriner {v} :: to indoctrinate
endoctriner {v} :: to teach; to instruct
endoderme {m} :: endoderm
endodermique {adj} :: endodermic
endodontie {f} :: endodontics
endodontique {adj} :: endodontic
endoédrique {adj} :: endohedral
endogame {adj} :: endogamous (of a marriage, within a social group)
endogamie {f} :: endogamy (the practice of marrying within one's own social group)
endogamique {adj} :: endogamous (of a marriage, within a social group)
endogène {adj} :: endogenous (produced, originating or growing from within)
endolithe {m} [biology] :: endolith
endolori {adj} :: painful, sore
endolymphe {f} [anatomy] :: endolymph
endomembranaire {adj} :: endomembranous
endomembrane {f} :: endomembrane
endomètre {m} :: endometrium
endométrectomie {f} [surgery] :: endometrectomy
endométriose {m} :: endometriosis
endométrite {f} :: endometritis
endommagement {m} :: damaging
endommager {v} :: to damage (to cause damage to something)
endomorphe {mf} [biology] :: endomorph
endomorphine {f} [biochemistry] :: endomorphin; endorphin
endomorphique {adj} [biology] :: endomorphic
endomorphisme {m} :: endomorphism
endonucléase {f} [biochemistry] :: endonuclease
endoparasitique {adj} [biology] :: endoparasitic
endoparasitisme {m} [biology] :: endoparasitism
endoparasitoïde {m} [biology] :: endoparasitoid
endoplasme {m} [biology] :: endoplasm
endoplasmique {adj} [biology] :: endoplasmic
endoréique {adj} :: endorheic
endormi {adj} :: asleep
endormir {vt} :: to put to sleep
endormir {vr} [s'endormir] :: to fall asleep
endorphine {f} :: endorphin
endoscope {m} :: endoscope
endoscopie {f} :: endoscopy (examination using an endoscope)
endoscopique {adj} :: endoscopic
endosmomètre {m} :: endosmometer
endosmose {m} :: endosmosis
endosperme {m} :: endosperm
endosquelette {m} :: endoskeleton
endossable {adj} [finance] :: endorsable
endossataire {mf} :: endorsee
endossement {m} :: endorsement
endosser {v} :: to carry on one's back
endosser {v} :: to assume responsibility, to shoulder
endosser {v} :: to endorse
endosser {vt} :: to take on (e.g. a role)
endosser {v} :: to put on, to don [clothes]
endosseur {m} :: endorser
endosseuse {f} :: feminine noun of endosseur
endosymbiose {f} :: endosymbiosis (living within another organism)
endosymbiote {m} :: endosymbiont
endosymbiotique {adj} :: endosymbiotic
endothélial {adj} :: endothelial
endothélium {m} :: endothelium
endothermique {adj} :: endothermic
endotoxine {f} :: endotoxin
endotoxique {adj} :: endotoxic
endotrachéal {adj} [anatomy] :: endotracheal
en douce {adv} [colloquial] :: on the sly, secretly
en douceur {adv} [colloquial] :: gently, smoothly, softly, slowly
endroit {m} :: place, spot (specified area)
enduire {v} :: to plaster
enduire {v} :: to coat, cover
enduire {v} :: to smear, anoint (to smear or rub over with oil or an unctuous substance)
enduit {adj} :: coated (de with)
enduit {m} :: coat; coating
enduit {m} :: render (thin coat of plaster)
enduit {m} :: plaster; plastering
en dur {adv} [computing] :: hard
endurable {adj} :: endurable, which can be endured
endurance {f} :: endurance, stamina
endurant {adj} :: resistant, tough, hardy
endurcir {vt} :: to harden (make harder)
endurcir {vt} :: to harden, inure
endurcissement {m} :: hardening; toughening
endurcissement {m} :: hardness; toughness
endurer {vt} :: to endure
enduriste {m} :: endurance motorcyclist
enduro {f} :: enduro
-ène {suffix} [chemistry] :: -ene
en échange {adv} :: in return, in exchange
Énée {prop} :: Aeneas
en effet {adv} :: indeed
énergéticien {m} :: energy company
énergétique {adj} :: related to energy
énergétiquement {adv} :: energetically
énergie {f} :: energy (for power)
énergie {f} :: Energy (motivation)
énergie atomique {f} :: atomic energy
énergie fossile {f} :: fossil energy
énergie nucléaire {f} :: nuclear energy
énergie renouvelable {f} :: renewable energy
énergie solaire {f} :: solar energy
énergie verte {f} :: green energy
énergique {adj} :: energetic
énergiquement {adv} :: energetically
énergisant {adj} :: energizing
énergiser {v} :: to energize
énergumène {mf} [theology] :: energumen
énergumène {mf} :: fanatic, zealot
énergumène {mf} :: one expressing him or herself with great energy, excitement or vehemence
énergumène {mf} [colloquial] :: nutcase, loony
énervant {adj} :: annoying
énervement {m} :: annoyance
énerver {vt} :: to vex, to get on one's nerves
énerver {v} :: to unnerve, to make nervous
énerver {v} [Quebec] :: to be excited
Énésidème {prop} {m} :: Aenesidemus
en état d'arrestation {adj} :: under arrest
en être {v} [colloquial] :: to be game, to be in
en être de sa poche {v} [figuratively] :: to have to pay out of one's own pocket
en face {prep} [de] :: opposite, in front of
en face de {prep} :: opposite, across
en faire des caisses {v} [colloquial] :: to overdo it, to go over the top, to go overboard, to blow things out of proportion
en faire des tonnes {v} [colloquial] :: to overdo it, to go over the top, to go overboard, to blow things out of proportion
en fait {adv} [modal] :: actually; in fact (really)
en fait de {prep} [literary or formal] :: with respect to, in regard to, in respect of, as regards, regarding, when it comes to
enfaîter {vt} :: to cover
enfance {f} [countable and uncountable] :: childhood
enfant {mf} :: child (someone who is not yet an adult)
enfant {mf} :: child (offspring)
enfant chéri {m} :: golden boy (a favored youth, held in high esteem by others, and for whom there are high hopes)
enfant de chœur {m} [religion] :: altar boy
enfant de chœur {m} [figurative] :: angel
enfant de pute {mf} [vulgar] :: son of a whore; a son of a bitch
enfantement {m} :: childbirth
enfanter {vt} [literary] :: to bear [a child], bring into the world
enfanter {vt} [of animals] :: to give birth
enfanter {vt} [of plants] :: to bear [fruit]
enfanter {vt} :: to produce, reel off [an opus]
enfantillage {m} :: childishness
enfantin {adj} :: childlike, childish
enfantin {adj} :: child's, for children
enfantinement {adv} :: childishly; infantilely
enfant prodige {m} :: child prodigy, whiz kid, wunderkind
enfant sauvage {m} :: feral child
enfant soldat {m} :: child soldier
enfant terrible {m} :: enfant terrible
enfant trouvé {m} :: foundling
enfant unique {mf} :: only child
enfariner {v} :: to flour (cover with flour)
en faveur de {prep} :: in favor of
enfer {m} :: Hell
enfer {m} [by extension] :: hell (a very uncomfortable situation)
enfermement {m} :: confinement
enfermer {v} :: to lock up, lock in, lock away
enfermer {v} :: to imprison, entrap
enfermer {v} [literary] :: to enclose, contain
enferrer {v} :: to pierce with the end of a sword or a bayonet or the like
en feu {adj} :: blazing, burning, alight, on fire
en feu {adv} :: on fire, ablaze
enfeu {m} :: funereal recess
enficher {v} :: to plug the male part of a device into the female part designed to receive it
enfieller {v} :: to fill with rage
enfiévré {adj} :: feverish
enfiévrer {v} :: to stir up, rouse
enfilade {f} :: row or series (of houses)
enfilade {f} [architecture] :: enfilade
enfilade {f} :: enfilade (gunfire)
enfilade {f} [chess] :: skewer
enfiler {v} :: to thread (a needle)
enfiler {v} :: to string, to sling (put on a string or sling)
enfiler {v} :: to put on (clothes)
enfiler {v} [vulgar] :: To hump, to screw
enfin {adv} :: finally; in the end
enfin {adv} :: at last, finally
enfin {adv} :: in fact; indeed
enfin {interj} :: at last, finally, about time!
en fin de compte {adv} :: ultimately, at the end of the day, when all is said and done
en finir {v} [avec quelque chose] :: To put an end to something, usually something unpleasant
en finir {v} [avec quelqu'un, euphemistic] :: To get rid of someone, to kill someone
en finir {v} [by ellipsis, en finir avec la vie] :: To commit suicide
enfirouaper {vt} :: to scam, swindle, or trick someone
enfirouâper {v} :: alternative spelling of enfirouaper
enflammer {v} :: to set fire to, to set on fire
enflammer {v} :: to inflame, to fuel (e.g. a debate, hatred)
enflammer {vr} [s'enflammer] :: to catch fire
enflé {adj} :: swollen
enfler {vt} :: to inflate
enfler {vt} :: to fill
enfler {vt} :: to build up (an emotion)
enfler {vi} :: to swell up
enfleurage {m} :: enfleurage
enfleurer {v} :: to add the scent of flowers to a perfume
enflure {f} :: weal; swelling
enflure {f} [slang] :: bastard, scumbag
enfoiré {m} [vulgar] :: dickhead, fuckhead, shithead
enfoirée {f} :: feminine noun of enfoiré
enfoirer {v} [archaic] :: to cover with excrement
enfoncement {m} :: breaking down, breaking open (of a door etc.); breaking through (enemy lines)
enfoncement {m} :: driving in (of a stake, post etc.)
enfoncement {m} :: sinking (of foundations)
enfoncement {m} :: recess, nook, cranny
enfoncement {m} :: dip, slide
enfoncer {vt} :: to push in, to press in, to drive in
enfoncer {vt} :: to break open, to break down
enfoncer {vt} :: to defeat, to thrash
enfoncer {vi} :: to sink down
enfoncer {vr} [s'enfoncer] :: to bury oneself; to immerse oneself
enfoncer des portes ouvertes {v} [figuratively] :: to state the obvious
enfoncer le clou {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to ram something home, to drive a lesson home (to repeat something insistently so that it is understood)
enfoncer le couteau dans la plaie {v} :: alternative form of remuer le couteau dans la plaie
enfoncer une porte ouverte {v} :: alternative form of enfoncer des portes ouvertes
enfonceur {m} :: pusher, presser (someone who pushes or presses)
en fonction de {prep} :: according to, depending on, based on (as a function to)
en force {adv} :: in force, in droves, in large numbers
en forme {adj} :: in form
en forme {adj} :: in the shape of
enfouir {vt} :: to bury
enfouissement {m} :: burying
enfourcher {v} :: to get on, mount
enfournement {m} :: charging / loading an oven (with bread etc)
enfourner {v} :: to put in the oven
en foutre une {v} [à] :: [vulgar, by ellipsis] to beat the crap out of
enfreindre {v} :: to infringe
enfreinte {f} :: infraction
en friche {adj} [agriculture] :: without culture
en friche {adj} [figuratively] :: simple-minded, uncultivated
en froid {adj} [figuratively] :: on bad terms (with)
enfuir {v} :: to escape (somewhere)
enfuir {vr} :: to flee
enfumé {adj} :: smoked out
enfumer {vt} :: to smoke, smoke out
enfutailler {v} :: to cask
enfuter {v} :: alternative form of enfûter
enfûter {v} :: to put into a keg; cask or barrel
Engadine {prop} {f} :: Engadin
engageant {adj} :: attractive, appealing, engaging, tempting, inviting
engagement {m} :: commitment
engagement {m} :: engagement
engager {v} :: to pledge, commit
engager {v} :: to hire, sign, snap up
engager {v} :: to involve
engager {v} :: to encourage
engager {v} :: to pawn
engager {v} [military] :: to enlist
engager {v} :: to enter into (as, e.g., a conversation)
engagiste {mf} :: A person who pledged support to the king and received land, title etc. in return
engainer {v} :: to sheathe
engaller {v} :: to dye black by passing through a decoction of gall
engamer {v} [of a fish] :: To swallow the hook along with the bait
en gang {adv} [Quebec] :: with a group of friends
engatse {m} [Marseille] :: problem, snag, nightmare, difficulty
engazonnement {m} :: turfing
engazonner {vt} :: to turf
engeance {f} [dated] :: breed (of animals, especially those that fly)
engeance {f} :: descendance, children, offspring
engeance {f} :: sort, type (of people)
engeance {f} :: mob, brood
engeancer {v} [dated] :: To embarrass
engelure {f} :: chilblain
engendrement {m} :: fathering (of child)
engendrer {vt} :: to generate, spawn, beget
engendreur {m} :: begetter
engendreuse {f} :: feminine noun of engendreur
en général {adv} :: in general, on the whole
engin {m} :: any device, contraption or machinery, particularly a complex, dangerous or powerful one
engin {m} :: a piece of military equipment
engin {m} :: a piece of heavy machinery
engin {m} [colloquial] :: any object whose name or function is unknown; a thingy; a gizmo
engin {m} [colloquial] :: penis
engin {m} [chiefly legal] :: a piece of hunting equipment
engin {m} [sports] :: an apparatus used in artistic gymnastics
engin {m} [dated] :: any tool or apparatus
englacé {adj} [geology] :: glaciated
englobant {adj} :: encompassing, including
englober {v} :: to include, to encompass
engloutir {vt} :: to gulp
engloutir {vt} :: to swallow up
engloutissement {m} :: gobbling up (of food)
engluage {m} :: liming
engluer {v} :: to birdlime
engluer {vr} :: to get bogged down
engobe {m} :: engobe
engober {v} [pottery] :: to cover with engobe
engoncé {adj} :: constrained, squeezed into
engorgement {m} :: clogging
engorgement {m} :: engorgement
engorger {v} :: to clog, clog up, congest
engouement {m} :: craze, zest, keen interest
engouer {v} [obsolete] :: to block the gullet when swallowing
engouer {vr} [s'engouer, ~ de] :: to become passionate or infatuated (with)
engouffrer {v} :: to gobble up; to eat up
engouffrer {v} :: to engulf
engoulevent {m} :: nightjar
engourdi {adj} :: numb
engourdir {vt} :: to numb, make numb
engourdir {vt} :: to dull, deaden, blunt
engourdir {vr} :: to go numb, go to sleep
engourdissement {m} :: numbness, numbing
engrain {m} [botany] :: einkorn wheat
engrais {m} :: fertilizer
engraissage {m} :: fattening
engraissement {m} :: fattening
engraisser {vt} :: to fatten
engramme {m} :: engram
en grande pompe {adv} :: sumptuously, lavishly, in state, with great fanfare, with great pomp, with pomp and show, with pomp and circumstance
engrangement {m} :: gathering, garnering (of hay)
engranger {v} :: to store
engranger {v} :: to rake in
engranger {v} :: to collect, gather in
engranger {v} :: to gain (experience, points)
engranger {v} :: to generate (economics; profits)
engraver {vt} [nautical] :: to ground
engrenage {m} :: gear (a wheel with grooves)
engrenage {m} [figuratively] :: inescapable sequence of events; slippery slope
engrener {vit} :: to fill with grain
engrener {vit} :: to set in motion; to start; to begin
engrener {vt} :: to engage or mesh (come into gear with)
engrener {vi} :: to be caught on a slippery slope
engrener {vt} [dated] :: [of poultry] to fatten by feeding grain
engrener {vt} [agriculture, obsolete] :: to thresh
engrisailler {vtr} :: to make or become gloomy
en gros {adv} :: in bulk
en gros {adv} [colloquial] :: in a nutshell, in summary, in short
engrosser {vt} [colloquial] :: to impregnate, to knock up
engueulade {f} [colloquial] :: telling off
engueulade {f} [colloquial] :: argument
engueulement {m} [dated] :: telling-off
engueulement {m} [dated] :: argument
engueuler {vt} [colloquial] :: to give (someone) a roasting, to tell someone off, to chew out, to give shit
engueuler {vp} [colloquial] :: to argue, to have a row
engueuler comme du poisson pourri {vt} [simile, colloquial] :: to give (someone) a rollicking, to give (someone) a bollocking, to tear a strip off (someone)
engueuleur {m} :: arguer
engueuleuse {f} :: feminine singular of engueuleur
enguirlander {vt} [colloquial] :: to tell off, tick off
en guise de {prep} :: by way of, as
enhardir {v} :: to embolden
enharmonique {adj} :: enharmonic
enharmoniquement {adv} :: enharmonically
enharnacher {v} :: to harness a horse
enharnacher {v} :: to caparison
en haut {adv} :: above
en haut {adv} :: upstairs
en haut {adv} :: up
en haut de {prep} :: at the top of
en herbe {adj} :: budding, in the making
énième {adj} :: nth
énième {adj} [pejorative] :: umpteenth
énième {mf} :: an nth
énigmatique {adj} :: enigmatic
énigmatiquement {adv} :: enigmatically
énigme {f} :: enigma, puzzle (anything difficult to understand or make sense of)
énigme {f} :: riddle
en imposer {vi} [colloquial] :: to be impressive
en instance {adj} [legal] :: pending, in the process
enivrant {adj} :: intoxicating
enivrement {m} :: exhilaration
enivrer {vt} :: to intoxicate, make drunk or get (someone) drunk, either physically or figuratively
enivrer {vr} [+ de] :: to get drunk; to become intoxicated
enjambée {f} :: stride
enjambement {m} :: enjambment
enjambement {m} [biology] :: crossing-over
enjamber {v} :: to straddle
enjamber {v} :: to stride
enjamber {v} [poetry] :: to make an enjambment
enjambeur {m} :: high-clearance tractor that can straddle the crops
en jeter {vi} [colloquial] :: to be impressive; to look great
en jeu {adj} :: at stake, on the line
enjeu {m} :: stake (what is at stake)
enjeu {m} :: issue, problem
enjoindre {vt} :: to order; to enjoin (someone à faire something)
enjôlement {m} :: bewitching
enjôler {vt} :: to bewitch
enjôleur {adj} :: bewitching
enjolivé {adj} :: embellished, enlivened
enjolivement {m} :: embellishment
enjoliver {v} :: to embellish, prettify
enjoliveur {m} :: hubcap
enjolivure {f} :: (small) embellishment
enjoué {adj} :: cheerful
enjouement {m} :: playfulness, cheerfulness
enképhaline {f} :: enkephalin
enkystement {m} :: encystment
enkyster {vr} [s'enkyster] :: to encyst (becoming surrounded by a cyst)
enlacer {v} :: to wrap around, to embrace
enlacer {vr} :: to wrap around each other, to intertwine
enlaidir {vt} :: to uglify
enlaidissement {m} :: uglification
en l'air {adj} [figuratively] :: empty, not backed by action
en l'espace de {prep} :: in the space of, in the span of
en l'état {adj} :: as is, as it is
en l'état {adv} :: as it is, given the current circumstances
enlèvement {m} :: takeoff, liftoff
enlèvement {m} :: removal, whether by moving, by destroying, or by erasing
enlèvement {m} [legal] :: abduction, kidnapping
enlever {vt} :: to remove, take off, take away, clear
enlever {vt} :: to take off, remove (clothes)
enlever {vt} :: to kidnap, abduct
enlever {vt} :: to win, capture, carry off
enlever {vr} :: to come out, wash off
enlever une épine du pied {v} [à] :: [colloquial, figuratively] to get out of a tight spot, to help out of a jam; to take a weight off someone's shoulders; to be a relief
enlève ta soutadère que je te monte {interj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] :: prepare for a fight!
en l'honneur de {prep} :: in honour of
en l'honneur de {prep} :: on the occasion of
enliasser {v} :: to bundle together (usually paper)
en lice {adj} [figuratively] :: in the game, in the running
en lieu et place de {prep} :: in place of, in lieu of
en ligne {adj} [computing, Internet] :: online
enligner {vt} [chiefly Quebec] :: to align
enligner {vr} [chiefly Quebec] :: to head for, to head towards
enlisement {m} :: The act of getting stuck in sand, mud etc
enlisement {m} :: stalemate (figurative)
enliser {vt} :: to get (a ship or vehicle) stuck in mud, sand etc
enliser {vr} :: to get stuck in mud, sand etc
enliser {vr} [figurative] :: to get bogged down
enliser {vr} [figurative] :: to sink deeper (into a hole of e.g. lies)
en l'occurrence {adv} :: as a matter of fact, as it happens, in this case, in the present case
enloger {vt} :: to put a pigeon into a box to transport it
en long et en large {adv} :: in detail, in minute detail, at length, at great length
enluminer {vt} [archaic] :: to light up, embrighten
enluminer {vt} :: to brighten, make brighter, brighten up (make more colorful)
enluminer {vt} [historical] :: to illuminate (a manuscript, etc.)
enlumineur {m} :: illuminator
enlumineuse {f} :: feminine noun of enlumineur
enluminure {f} [arts] :: illumination
enluminure {f} [arts] :: miniature
en main propre {adv} [figuratively] :: personally, in person
en mains propres {adv} :: alternative spelling of en main propre
en mal de {adj} :: lacking (something), missing (something), in need of (something)
en mal de copie {adj} :: short of copy (short of news to report, short of stories to tell)
en manque {adj} [colloquial, followed by the preposition de] :: experiencing withdrawal symptoms; in need of something
en manque {adj} [colloquial, used absolutely] :: frustrated, especially sexually
en marche {prep} :: up, functional, in operation, operational, up and running
en marche {prep} :: underway
en marge de {prep} :: on the fringes of, outside the jurisdiction of
en masse {adv} :: en masse
en masse {adv} :: in large amounts
en masse {adv} [Canada] :: in sufficient amounts
en matière de {prep} :: with respect to, in regard to, in respect of, as regards, regarding, when it comes to
en même temps {adv} :: at the same time, at once, simultaneously
en même temps {adv} [colloquial] :: on the other hand, at the same time, then again
en mesure de {adj} :: capable of, ready to, in the way of, in a position to do (something)
en mettre plein la vue {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to sock it to someone, to blow someone away, to impress someone
en moins de deux {adv} [colloquial] :: in no time, in two shakes, in a flash, in a jiffy
en moins de rien {adv} [literary, archaic] :: in no time, in less than no time
en moins de temps qu'il ne faut pour le dire {adv} [colloquial] :: before you can say Jack Robinson, before you can say knife, faster than a minnow can swim a dipper, in two shakes, in a flash, in a jiffy
en moyenne {adv} :: on average
en nage {adv} [colloquial] :: covered in or wet with sweat
en nature {adv} :: in kind
en nature {adv} [colloquial] :: in trade
enne {m} :: letter: n
ennéachorique {adj} [statistics] :: enneachoric
ennéagonal {adj} [geometry] :: enneagonal
ennéagone {m} [geometry] :: enneagon
enneigement {m} :: snowfall
enneigement {m} :: snow cover
enneiger {v} :: to cover in snow
ennemi {adj} :: enemy
ennemi {m} :: enemy
ennemi juré {m} :: sworn enemy; nemesis; archenemy; mortal enemy
ennoblir {vt} :: to ennoble
ennoblissement {m} :: ennoblement
ennoiement {m} :: flooding, inundation
en nombre {adv} :: in force, in droves, in large numbers
ennoyer {v} :: To flood, inundate
ennuager {v} :: to cloud over (become cloudy)
ennui {m} [uncountable] :: Boredom; lassitude
ennui {m} [uncountable] :: Trouble, issue, annoyance
ennuyant {adj} :: annoying
ennuyant {adj} :: boring
ennuyé {adj} :: annoyed, upset, sorry, angry, disappointed, embarrassed, concerned
ennuyé {adj} :: (to look) worried, bothered, annoyed (avoir l'air ennuyé)
ennuyé {adj} [rarely] :: bored, ennuyé
ennuyer {v} :: to afflict with boredom; to bore
ennuyer {vr} :: to be bored
ennuyer {vr} [_, + de] :: to miss something or someone
ennuyer {v} :: to annoy, bother, trouble
ennuyer {v} :: to worry
ennuyeusement {adv} :: boringly
ennuyeux {adj} :: dull, boring, tedious, tiresome, monotonous
ennuyeux {adj} :: annoying
énoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: enoic
énol {m} [organic chemistry] :: enol
énolase {f} [enzyme] :: enolase
énolique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: enolic
énolisation {f} [organic chemistry] :: enolization
énologie {f} :: alternative form of œnologie
énoncer {vt} :: to enounce, lay out, declare
énoncer {vr} [obsolete] :: to explain
énonciateur {adj} :: enunciating, uttering
énonciateur {adj} :: explaining
énonciateur {m} :: enunciator, utterer
énonciateur {m} :: explainer
énonciatif {adj} :: enunciative
énonciation {f} :: enunciation
énophtalmie {f} :: enophthalmos
en or {adj} :: golden (made of gold)
en or {adj} [figuratively] :: golden, wonderful
en ordre {adj} :: orderly, tidy
en ordre {adj} :: in order
en ordre de bataille {adv} :: ready for battle, at the ready
en ordre dispersé {prep} :: at sixes and sevens, in disarray, in disorder, in a disorganized manner
enorgueillir {vt} :: to make [someone] proud
enorgueillir {vr} :: to boast, to pride oneself on
énorme {adj} :: enormous, huge
énormément {adv} :: enormously
énormité {f} :: enormity
énostose {f} :: enostosis
énouer {v} :: to remove the knots from, to unknot
en outre {adv} :: besides, moreover, furthermore
en panne {adj} :: broken, broken-down, out of order
en parallèle {adv} :: in parallel
en parallèle {adv} [electricity] :: in parallel
en particulier {adv} :: in particular, especially, particularly
en partie {adv} :: in part, partly
en partie double {adj} :: double-entry
en partie simple {adj} :: single-entry
en passant {adv} :: in passing; incidentally, by the way
en passant {adv} [chess] :: en passant
en passe de {prep} [somewhat literary] :: on the brink (of); on the verge (of), on track to, about to
en permanence {adv} [colloquial] :: constantly; all the time
en personne {adv} :: in person, in the flesh (with one's own body and presence)
en personne {adj} :: personified, incarnate
en perspective {adv} :: in the offing, in sight, on the horizon
en perte de vitesse {adj} [figuratively] :: losing momentum, losing steam, losing speed
en place {adj} :: in place
en placer une {v} [colloquial] :: To get a word in edgewise
en plein air {adv} :: in the open air, alfresco, outside, outdoors
en plein essor {adv} :: on the rise
en plus {adv} [colloquial] :: moreover, what is more, on top of that
en plus de {prep} :: in addition to
en pointe {adj} :: pointed, sharp
en pointe {adj} :: state-of-the-art, leading-edge, cutting-edge
en pratique {adv} :: in practice, for all practical purposes, in truth, in reality, in actuality, actually, really
en premier lieu {adv} :: first of all, firstly, first
en premier lieu {adv} :: first and foremost
en prendre de la graine {v} [colloquial] :: to learn, to take a lesson
en prendre pour son grade {v} [colloquial] :: to be taken down a peg, to get a severe telling-off, to get read the riot act; to take a severe beating
en présence {adj} :: present; involved
en présence de {prep} :: in the presence of, before (someone)
en prime {adv} [colloquial] :: as a bonus; on top of that; to boot, into the bargain
en primeur {adv} :: (used in connection to buying new wine) Either before a wine is bottled or while it is in bottle but has not yet fully matured
en principe {adv} :: in principle, in theory, theoretically
en prise {adj} :: in gear (vehicle)
en prise {adj} [avec] :: in touch with
en privé {adv} :: in private
en profil {adv} [of a face] :: Portrayed sideways
en profondeur {adv} :: in depth, completely, thoroughly, from top to bottom
en proie à {adv} :: in the grip of
en proie à {adv} :: prey to
en proie à {adv} :: affected by
en public {adv} :: in public
en puissance {adj} :: potential, possible; would-be, in the making; waiting to happen
en pure perte {adv} [rather formal] :: to no avail, fruitlessly, unsuccessfully, pointlessly, in vain, for nothing
en qualité de {prep} [formal] :: as, in one's capacity as
en quantité {prep} :: in plenty, aplenty, galore, abundantly, in abundance, in quantity
en quatrième vitesse {adv} [colloquial] :: at full tilt, full throttle, full bore
en quel honneur {adv} :: what for, on what occasion
en quelque sorte {adv} :: in a way, kind of, sort of, somewhat, so to speak
enquérir {vp} :: to inquire (about = de)
en question {adj} :: in question, under discussion, under consideration
enquête {f} :: inquest, investigation, examination
enquête {f} :: survey, inquiry
enquêter {v} :: to investigate
enquêter {v} :: to survey
enquêteur {m} :: investigator
enquêtrice {f} :: feminine singular of enquêteur
enquiquinement {m} :: nuisance
enquiquiner {vt} [slang] :: to annoy; to piss off
enquiquineur {m} :: pain, pain in the ass, pain in the neck
enquiquineuse {f} :: feminine noun of enquiquineur
enracinement {m} :: taking root
enraciner {vt} [e.g. of a tree] :: to root
enraciner {vt} :: to cause to take root
enraciner {vr} [e.g. of a tree] :: to take root
enraciner {vr} [e.g. of an immigrant] :: to settle down
enragé {adj} :: furious, enraged, incensed
enragé {adj} :: rabid
enrager {v} [obsolete] :: to have rabies
enrager {v} :: to enrage, anger, infuriate
enrager {v} :: to inflame, arouse
enraiement {m} :: alternative spelling of enrayement
en raison de {prep} :: due to, because of
en rajouter une couche {v} [colloquial] :: to go one step further; to overdo it, to lay it on thick; to add insult to injury, to make things even worse
en rang {adv} :: in a row (consecutively)
enrayement {m} :: checking, curbing (of a disease)
enrayer {v} :: to slow down, brake
enrayer {v} :: to curb, check
enrayer {v} :: to jam, to block (a weapon)
en réalité {adv} :: in reality, in practice, in truth, in actuality, actually, really
enrégimentement {m} :: enlistment
enrégimentement {m} :: indoctrination
enrégimenter {vt} :: to enlist
enregistrable {adj} :: recordable
enregistrement {m} :: registration
enregistrement {m} [computing] :: save (act of saving data onto a disk)
enregistrement {m} :: check-in (at the airport)
enregistrement {m} :: recording (of e.g. music)
enrégistrement {m} :: A registration, entry in a register
enrégistrement {m} :: An office in charge of certain official registrations
enrégistrement {m} :: check-in
enrégistrement {m} [history] :: A deed by which a cour souveraine (each of the highest courts of justice) ordered a royal order or decree to be transcribed and entered into its own register of legislation
enregistrer {v} :: to record for later replay or use, especially sound
enregistrer {v} :: to tape a movie or otherwise record it
enregistrer {v} :: to inscribe on a register or similar support
enregistrer {v} :: to record on
enregistrer {v} [computing] :: To save
enregistrer {vr} :: to record one's arrival; to check in
enregistreur {adj} :: recording
enregistreur de données de vol {m} [aviation] :: flight data recorder, FDR
enregistreur phonique {m} [aviation] :: cockpit voice recorder, cockpit recorder
en règle {adj} :: valid, in order (in compliance with the law or the rules)
en règle générale {adv} :: as a rule, in general
enrêner {vt} :: to harness [a horse]
en rester là {phrase} :: to call it quits, to leave it at that, to stop
en résumé {adv} :: in a nutshell
en retard {adj} :: late, overdue
en retard {adj} :: backward, unsophisticated
en retour {adv} :: in return, in exchange, in turn, back
en retraite {adj} [dated] :: retired; in retirement
en revanche {adv} :: however
en revanche {adv} :: on the other hand
en revenir {v} [idiomatic] :: to believe; to be able to believe (something incredible)
enrhumé {adj} :: Having a cold (illness)
enrhumer {vt} :: To affect with a cold, to give someone a cold (illness)
enrichir {v} :: to enrich
enrichissement {m} :: enrichment
enrobage {m} :: coating, enrobing
enrober {v} :: to coat
enrobeuse {f} :: enrobing (coating) machine
enrochement {m} :: riprap
enrôlé {m} :: recruit
enrôlée {f} :: feminine noun of enrôlé
enrôlement {m} :: enrolment (act of enroling)
enrôlement {m} :: enrolment (record of enroling)
enrôler {v} :: to enroll, enlist
enroué {adj} :: hoarse, husky
enrouement {m} :: hoarseness
enrouer {vt} [of a voice] :: to make hoarse
enrouiller {vt} [rare] :: to rust, rust up
enroulé {adj} :: wound or curled around
enroulement {m} :: winding
enrouler {v} :: to wind, curl (around)
enrouler {v} [colloquial] :: to make out with, to score with, to get off with (to kiss someone)
enrouleur {adj} :: winding
en route {prep} :: on the way, on one's way, en route
enrubanner {vt} :: to ribbon, beribbon
en rupture de ban {adj} :: at odds with society
en rupture de ban {adj} :: separated from society
en rut {adj} [of a male] :: rutting
ENS {n} :: École normale supérieure; a member of the grandes écoles of France, the first "École normale supérieure"
ENS {n} :: école normale supérieure; by extension, any of a set of schools named École Normale Supérieure
ensablement {m} :: silting up
ensabler {vt} :: to silt up
ensabler {vt} :: to strand [on a sandbank or beach]
ensachage {m} :: bagging (all senses)
ensacher {v} :: to bag (put into a bag or bags)
ensanglanté {adj} :: bloodstained, bloody
ensanglanter {v} :: to cover with shed blood
ensantine {m} :: ensantina
ensauver {vp} [regional, s'ensauver] :: to leave; to depart
enseignant {m} :: teacher
enseignant {adj} :: teaching
enseignante {f} :: female equivalent of enseignant
enseigne {f} :: shop sign
enseigne {f} [by metonymy] :: any chain store that operates under a shop brand
enseigne {f} [cards] :: suit
enseigne {mf} [military] :: ensign
enseigné {adj} :: taught
enseigné {adj} :: indicated
enseignement {m} :: education, teaching
enseignement spécialisé {m} :: special education
enseignement supérieur {m} :: higher education
enseigner {v} :: to teach
ensellé {adj} [of a horse] :: hollow-backed (having a concave back)
enseller {v} :: to saddle (a horse, etc.)
ensemble {adv} :: together
ensemble {m} :: an outfit
ensemble {m} [mathematics] :: a set
ensemble {m} [music] :: an ensemble
ensemblement {adv} :: together
ensemble vide {m} [mathematics] :: empty set (the unique set that contains no elements)
ensemblier {m} :: interior designer
ensemblier {m} :: set designer (cinema, TV)
ensemblière {f} :: feminine noun of ensemblier
ensembliste {adj} [maths] :: set-theoretic
ensemencement {m} :: sowing (of a seed)
ensemencer {vt} :: to sow, seed
en série {adv} :: in series
en série {adv} :: serially
en série {adv} [electricity] :: in series
enserrer {v} :: to clasp, to hold on tightly around (something)
ensevelir {vt} :: to bury
ensevelir {vt} :: to cover with earth
ensevelir {vt} [figuratively] :: to bury (hide something)
ensevelir {vp} :: to bury oneself, hide away
ensevelissement {m} :: burial, entombment
ensevelisseur {m} :: burier (one who buries a dead body)
ensevelisseuse {f} :: feminine noun of ensevelisseur
en signe de {prep} :: as a sign of, as a mark of, as a gesture of, out of
ensilage {m} :: ensilage
en silence {adv} :: in silence, silently
ensiler {vt} :: to store in a silo
ensileuse {f} :: forage harvester
ensimer {v} :: to lightly grease a fabric
en soi {adv} :: per se, in and of itself, as such
en soleil {adj} :: surrounded by light
ensoleillé {adj} :: sunny
ensoleillement {m} :: sunshine (amount of)
ensoleillement {m} :: insolation
ensoleiller {v} :: to fill with light, to brighten, to illuminate
en somme {adv} :: in summary
en somme {adv} :: after all
ensommeillé {adj} :: sleeping, asleep
ensommeillé {adj} :: sleepy, drowsy
en son âme et conscience {adv} :: in all conscience, in good conscience
ensorceler {v} :: to enchant; to cast a spell
ensorceler {v} [figuratively] :: to captivate; to enchant
ensorceleur {adj} :: bewitching
ensorceleur {m} :: sorcerer, bewitcher
ensorcellement {m} :: enchantment, bewitchment
en souffrance {adj} :: pending, outstanding, held up
en souffrance {adj} [of a package] :: undelivered; unclaimed
ensouple {f} :: warp beam
ensoupler {v} :: To load a warp beam
ensoutané {adj} :: cassocked
enstatite {f} [mineral] :: enstatite
ensuit {adv} :: after, later
ensuite {adv} :: in turn, subsequently, thereafter
ensuivre {v} [archaic or literary] :: to follow (to come after)
ensuivre {vr} :: to follow, to come next
ensuivre {vr} :: to result, to come as a result
en sus {adv} :: in addition
en sus de {prep} :: in addition to, over and above
-ent {suffix} :: A suffix denoting the third-person plural present indicative form of a verb
entablement {m} [architecture] :: entablature
entabler {vr} [of a, horse] :: To have the hips move before the shoulders
entacher {v} :: to taint
entacher {v} [figuratively] :: To blemish; to besmirch; to mar
entacher {v} [figuratively] :: To stain/harm someone's reputation
entaille {f} :: cut, slice, gash; notch
entailler {vt} :: to snick, to cut into, to gash [wood, stone, metal, etc.]
en tailleur {adv} :: cross-legged
entailleur {m} [during the Middles Ages] :: a stone mason or sculptor (person who makes structures or sculptures out of stone)
entame {f} :: start, opening, beginning
entame {f} [card games] :: lead (first card played)
entame {f} :: The first slice
entamer {v} :: to cut into (something)
entamer {v} :: to remove a small piece of something
entamer {v} [figurative] :: to eat into (savings etc.); to undermine (credibility)
entamer {v} [figurative] :: to start, to begin, initiate
en tant que {prep} :: as (a)
en tapinois {adv} :: stealthily
entarbouché {adj} :: tarbooshed
entartage {m} :: pieing (an instance of throwing a pie at someone)
entartement {m} :: pieing (an instance of throwing a pie at someone)
entarter {v} :: to throw a pie at, to hit with pie
entartrage {m} :: furring up (formation of scale)
entartrer {v} :: to scale, fur up
entassement {m} :: piling, cramming
entassement {m} :: a pile, a heap
entasser {v} :: to pile (objects), to hoard (money etc.)
entasser {vr} :: to pile up
ente {f} :: verbal noun of enter
entéléchie {f} :: entelechy
en temps et en heure {adv} :: in good time, in due time, in due course
en temps et lieu {adv} :: in time and place
en temps normal {adv} :: usually, normally, in normal circumstances
en temps utile {adv} :: in good time, in due time, in due course
en temps voulu {adv} :: in good time, in due time, in due course
entendant {m} :: person who is capable of hearing
entendement {m} :: understanding, comprehension
entendeur {m} :: wise person
entendre {v} :: to hear
entendre {vi} :: to be able to hear
entendre {v} [literary] :: to listen to
entendre {v} [formal] :: to mean
entendre {vr} :: to agree with each other
entendre {vr} :: to have good relations with; to get on; to get along
entendre {vp} :: to be good or competent at something
entendre {v} [rare] :: to desire; to wish; to intend
entendre {v} [dated] :: to demand
entendre {v} [dated] :: to know
entendre {v} [archaic] :: to understand
entendre des voix {v} :: to hear things, to hear voices
entendre raison {v} :: to see sense, to see reason, to listen to reason
entendu {adj} :: understood
entendu {adj} :: heard
entendu {adj} :: accepted, decided following a discussion
entente {f} :: accord; agreement
entente {f} :: interpretation, meaning
entention {f} :: obsolete form of intention
en tenue {adj} :: dressed (in a specified way)
en tenue {adj} [military] :: in uniform
enter {v} [agriculture] :: to graft
enter {v} :: to implant
entéralgie {f} :: enteralgia
entériner {v} :: to ratify, to confirm, to consent
entérique {adj} :: enteric
entérite {f} [pathology] :: enteritis (intestinal disease)
en termes de {prep} :: in terms of
entérobactérie {f} :: enterobacteria
entérocolite {f} :: enterocolitis
entérocoque {f} :: enterococcus
entérocytaire {adj} [biology] :: enterocytic
entérocyte {m} [biology] :: enterocyte
entérokinase {f} :: enterokinase
entérologie {f} :: enterology
entéropathie {f} :: enteropathy
entéropneuste {f} :: acorn worm
entéro-rénal {adj} :: enterorenal
entérorénal {adj} [anatomy, pathology] :: enterorenal
entérotrope {adj} [anatomy] :: enterotropic
entérovaccin {adj} :: enterovaccine
enterrement {m} :: burial
enterrement {m} [by extension] :: funeral
enterrement de vie de garçon {m} :: bachelor party
enterrement de vie de jeune fille {m} :: bachelorette party
enterrer {v} :: to bury (put underground)
enterrer {v} :: to ditch, to bury (e.g. plans/memories)
enterrer la hache de guerre {v} [figuratively] :: to bury the hatchet
enterreur {m} :: burier (one who buries dead bodies)
enterreuse {f} :: feminine noun of enterreur
en tête {prep} :: ahead; in the lead
en-tête {m} :: header, heading, letterhead
entête {m} :: alternative form of en-tête
entêté {adj} :: stubborn
entêtement {m} :: stubbornness
entêter {v} :: to be stubborn
entêter {v} :: to persist
entêter {v} :: to go to the head
enthalpie {f} [physics] :: enthalpy
en théorie {adv} :: in principle, in theory, theoretically
enthèse {f} [anatomy] :: enthesis
enthousiasme {m} :: enthusiasm, keenness
enthousiasmé {adj} :: excited
enthousiasmer {v} :: to enthuse
enthousiasmer {vr} :: to be enthusiastic about
enthousiaste {adj} :: Of a person, inspired, passionate (religiously or artistically); often construed with de (= by)
enthousiaste {adj} :: Of a person, enthusiastic; easily inspired or impassioned; often construed with de (= about)
enthousiaste {adj} :: Of a thing, enthusiastic, expressing enthusiasm
enthousiaste {mf} [often ironic or pejorative] :: One who is inspired by the Divinity
enthousiaste {mf} :: One who is enthusiastic or fanatical; often construed with de (= about)
enthousiastement {adv} :: enthusiastically
enthymème {m} [figure of speech] :: enthymeme
enthymémisme {m} [logic] :: synonym of enthymème
enticher {vp} :: to become infatuated, besotted (de (with))
entier {adj} :: whole
entier {adj} [arithmetic] :: whole [of a number], integer
entier {adj} :: entire, whole
entier {adj} [of bread] :: wholemeal [UK], wholewheat [US]
entier {m} [mathematics] :: integer, whole number
entièrement {adv} :: entirely
entier naturel {m} [mathematics] :: natural number
entité {f} :: entity
en titre {adj} :: current
entoblaste {m} :: entoblast
entognathe {m} :: entognath
entoiler {v} :: to canvas (cover with canvas)
entomochorie {f} [biology] :: entomochory
entomologie {f} :: entomology
entomologique {adj} :: entomological
entomologiste {mf} :: entomologist
entomophage {adj} :: entomophagous
entomophile {adj} :: entomophilic, entomophilous
entomophile {m} :: entomophile
entomophilie {f} :: entomophily
entomostracé {f} :: entomostraca
entonner {v} :: to strike up, burst into (chanting or singing)
entonner {v} :: to funnel (pour using a funnel)
entonner {v} :: to channel
entonnoir {m} :: funnel
entorse {f} :: sprain
entorse {f} [figuratively] :: exception, violation (to a rule)
en tort {adv} :: at fault, in the wrong
entortillement {m} :: entanglement
entortiller {vt} :: to wrap around, to twist around, to envelop
entortiller {v} [figuratively] :: to win over, to persuade especially with tricks
entortiller {v} [figuratively] :: to muddle up (one's explanation)
entortiller {vp} :: to get tangled up, to get entangled
entour {m} [in plural] :: surroundings
entour {m} :: circumlocution
entour {m} :: entourage
entourage {m} :: ornament, decoration surrounding something
entourage {m} :: group of acquaintances
entourer {v} :: to surround
entourloupe {f} :: scam; attached strings
entourlouper {v} :: to swindle; dupe; hoodwink
entourloupette {f} :: mean trick
entourner {v} :: To wind, turn or curl around something
entournure {f} :: armhole
en tous genres {adj} :: alternative spelling of en tout genre
en tout {adv} :: in total, in all, all told
en tout bien tout honneur {adv} :: with the most honorable of intentions, with the best of intentions, with no ulterior motive, in good faith, disinterestedly, above board
en tout cas {adv} :: anyway, anyhow, at any rate
en tout état de cause {adv} :: at any rate, in any case, anyway
en tout et pour tout {adv} :: altogether, in all, all told
en tout genre {adj} [colloquial] :: of all kinds, of every stripe, of all sorts
en tout point {adv} :: in every respect, perfectly, totally, entirely
entr'acte {m} :: archaic spelling of entracte
entracte {m} [theater] :: interval; intermission
entracte {m} [theater] :: interval act; half-time show
entradmirer {v} :: To admire each other
entraide {f} :: Action of helping one another
entraider {vr} [reciprocal] :: to help one another
entrailles {fp} :: entrails, bowels, guts
entrailles {fp} [literary] :: womb
entrailles {fp} [figuratively] :: bowels, depths
entrain {m} :: spirit, liveliness, vivacity, drive
entrainant {adj} :: alternative form of entraînant
entraînant {adj} :: catchy
entraînant {adj} :: entrancing
en train de {adv} :: in the middle of, in the process of (doing something)
en train de {adv} :: about to (do something)
entrainé {adj} :: carried, dragged
entrainé {adj} :: involved
entrainement {m} :: alternative form of entraînement
entraînement {m} :: training
entrainer {v} :: alternative spelling of entraîner
entraîner {v} :: to coach, to train
entraîner {v} :: to carry, pull, drive
entraîner {v} :: to drag (along)
entraîner {v} :: to bring about, lead to, involve
entraîner {vr} [s'entraîner] :: to exercise, to train
entraineur {m} :: trainer (coach)
entraîneur {m} :: alternative spelling of entraineur
entraineuse {f} :: female equivalent of entraineur
entraîneuse {f} :: alternative spelling of entraineuse
entrapercevoir {vt} :: to glimpse; to catch a glimpse (of)
entraperçu {adj} :: glimpsed
entrave {f} :: hobble (chain)
entrave {f} :: fetter (chain)
entrave {f} :: hindrance, obstacle
entraver {v} :: to hinder; to impede
entraver {v} [slang, dated] :: to understand
en travers {adv} :: across (it)
entraxe {m} :: The distance between two axes
entre- {prefix} :: inter-
entre {prep} :: between
entre {prep} :: among
entre autres {adv} :: among other things, inter alia
entrebâillé {adj} :: half-open, ajar
entrebâillement {m} :: crack, chink (small gap)
entrebâiller {vt} :: to half-open; to leave ajar
entrebaiser {vr} [s'entrebaiser] :: to kiss one another
entrechat {m} [dance] :: entrechat
entrechat {m} [humorous] :: leap, bound
entre chien et loup {adv} [literally] :: between a dog and a wolf
entre chien et loup {adv} [by extension, idiomatic] :: At dusk, at twilight; gloaming
entre chien et loup {adv} [photography] :: golden hour (used in same technical sense for “good photographic light at twilight”)
entrechoquer {vtr} :: to knock together, clink together
entrechoquer {vp} :: to contradict (each other), clash
entrecôte {f} :: entrecôte
entrecouper {vt} :: To interrupt; to intersperse; to scatter with
entrecouper {vp} :: To intersect, to cross one another
entrecroisement {m} :: intertwining
entrecroiser {vr} :: to criss-cross, intersect
entrecuisse {m} :: midthigh
entre de bonnes mains {adv} :: in good hands
entre-déchirer {vr} :: to tear each other to bits
entredéchirer {v} :: To tear apart
entredéchirer {v} :: To tear one another apart
entre-deux {m} :: interspace, gap (between two things)
entre-deux {m} :: half-time, intervening period
entre-deux {m} [sports] :: jump ball, drop ball
entre deux âges {adj} :: middle-aged
entre-deux-guerres {mf} :: An interwar period
Entre-Deux-Mers {prop} :: A wine region in Bordeaux, France, situated between the rivers Garonne and Dordogne, and bounded in the east by the border of the Gironde department and in the west by the Bec d'Ambès
entre-dévorer {vr} :: to devour each other
entrée {f} :: entry, act of entering
entrée {f} :: entrance, way in
entrée {f} :: starter (of a meal)
entrée {f} [lexicography] :: headword, entry (in a dictionary, encyclopedia)
entrée des artistes {f} :: stagedoor
entrée des artistes {f} [figuratively] :: anus
entrée de service {f} :: service entrance
entrée en fonction {f} :: taking of office, assuming of one's post, coming into power
entrée en matière {f} :: an introduction, a way in, a lead-in
entre-égorger {vr} :: to cut or slit each other's throats
entrefaite {f} [especially in plural] :: meantime
entrefilet {m} :: snippet (short newspaper article)
entre-frapper {vr} :: to hit each other
entregent {m} :: socializing, mingling; networking
entregent {m} :: social skills, interpersonal skills
entre guillemets {adv} :: quote unquote (emphasize the following word or phrase for irony)
entre-heurter {vr} :: to hit one another
entreheurter {v} :: alternative form of entre-heurter
entrejambe {f} :: crotch (of person, clothing)
entrejeu {m} [soccer] :: midfield
entrelac {m} [especially in plural] :: entanglement; tracery
entrelacement {m} :: interlacing
entrelacement {m} :: interweaving
entrelacer {v} :: to interlock; to interweave
entrelacs {m} :: interlacing, tracery
Entrelacs {prop} :: Entrelacs (a placename)
entre la peste et le choléra {prep} [figuratively] :: between the devil and the deep blue sea, between a rock and a hard place
entre la poire et le fromage {adv} [figuratively] :: blithely, lightly, rather carelessly
entre l'arbre et l'écorce {adv} [literally] :: Between the tree and the bark
entre l'arbre et l'écorce {adv} [by extension, idiomatic] :: In a bad situation; between a rock and a hard place
entrelarder {vt} :: to lard
entrelarder {vt} :: to intersperse (with)
entre le marteau et l'enclume {adv} [literally] :: between the hammer and the anvil
entre le marteau et l'enclume {adv} [by extension, idiomatic] :: between a rock and a hard place; between the devil and the deep blue sea
entre-louer {v} [prominal, s'entre-louer] :: to praise one another
entrelouer {v} :: alternative form of entre-louer
entre-manger {vr} :: to eat one another
entremêler {v} :: to interlock; to interweave
entremets {m} :: entremets
entremetteur {m} :: go-between, mediator
entremetteuse {f} :: procuress
entremettre {vr} [dated] :: to mediate
entremise {f} :: An intervention, means, or method
entre nous {phrase} :: between us, confidentially, privately
entrepont {m} :: steerage (section of a passenger ship)
entreposage {m} :: warehousing (storage in a warehouse)
entreposer {v} :: to store goods in a warehouse
entrepôt {m} :: warehouse; store
entreprenant {adj} :: enterprising
entreprenariat {m} :: alternative form of entrepreneuriat
entreprendre {v} :: to undertake
entrepreneur {m} :: entrepreneur (person who organizes and operates a business venture)
entrepreneurial {adj} :: entrepreneurial
entrepreneuriat {m} :: entrepreneurship
entrepreneuse {f} :: female equivalent of entrepreneur
entreprise {f} :: company, business
entreprise {f} :: enterprise, project
entre quatre yeux {adv} [colloquial] :: one-to-one, describing a meeting between just two persons
entre quatre-z-yeux {adv} :: alternative spelling of entre quatre yeux
entre quat'z'yeux {adv} :: alternative form of entre quatre yeux
entrer {vi} :: to enter
entrer dans le vif du sujet {v} :: to get to the crux of the matter, to get to the heart of the matter, to cut to the chase
entre-regarder {vr} :: to look at each other
entrer en jeu {v} :: to come into play
entrer en jeu {v} :: to step in
entrer en lice {vi} :: to throw one's hat in the ring, to enter the lists, to enter the running, to enter the fray, to enter the arena
entrer en ligne de compte {v} [figuratively] :: to come into account, to enter the equation, to enter the picture, to count for something
entrer en religion {v} :: to take one's vows, to take orders (to enter a religious order, a religious community)
entrer en scène {v} [theater] :: to come on (to appear on a stage)
entrer en scène {v} [figuratively] :: to enter the picture, to enter the scene, to come on the scene
entrer en vigueur {v} :: to come into force, to come into effect
entresol {m} :: entresol
entretailler {v} [of a, horse] :: to knock knees, to have one's legs hit each other when one walks
entre-temps {adv} :: alternative form of entretemps
entre-temps {m} :: alternative form of entretemps
entretemps {adv} :: meanwhile, in the meantime
entretemps {m} :: interim, break
entretenir {vt} :: to maintain, to look after
entretenir {vt} :: to support (e.g a family)
entretenir {vt} [figuratively] :: to fuel, to keep something going
entretenir {vr} :: to have a discussion (with someone)
entretenir {vr} :: to keep fit
entretenu {adj} :: maintained, supported
entretien {m} :: upkeep (maintenance)
entretien {m} :: welfare, well-being
entretien {m} :: interview (dialogue)
entretien d'embauche {m} :: job interview
entretoiser {v} :: to brace, to put a brace/crosspiece between (two beams)
entre-tuer {vr} :: to kill each other
entretuer {vr} :: To kill each other
entrevoir {v} :: to make out, see vaguely; to glimpse
entrevoir {v} :: to foresee, anticipate
entrevoir {v} :: to catch sight of, see briefly
entrevu {adj} :: glimpsed
entrevue {f} :: interview
entrisme {m} :: entryism
en trombe {adv} :: like a whirlwind, quickly and violently; brusquely
en trop {adv} [idiom] :: too much; too many; in excess
en trop {adv} [idiom] :: disposable; unnecessary
entropie {f} :: entropy
entropion {m} :: entropion
entropique {adj} [physics] :: entropic
entropiquement {adv} :: entropically
entrouvert {adj} :: half-opened
entrouvrir {vtp} :: to half-open; to leave ajar
entuber {vt} [vulgar] :: to shaft, to fuck over, dupe, swindle, fool
enturbanné {adj} :: turbaned
enturbannement {m} :: enturbanment
enturbanner {v} :: to enturban
énucléabilité {f} [surgery] :: enucleability
énucléation {f} :: enucleation
énucléer {v} :: to enucleate
énumérabilité {f} [maths] :: enumerability
énumérable {adj} [maths] :: enumerable
énumératif {adj} :: enumerative
énumération {f} :: enumeration
énumérer {v} :: to enumerate; count out; go through one by one
en un clin d'œil {adv} [colloquial] :: in the blink of an eye, in no time, in two shakes, in a flash, in a jiffy
en un mot {adv} :: in a word, in short, in a nutshell
en un mot comme en cent {adv} :: in short, in other words, to make it abundantly clear, to put it another way
en un rien de temps {adv} [colloquial] :: in no time, in two shakes, in a flash, in a jiffy
en un tournemain {adv} :: in a flash, in a jiffy
énuquer {vr} [Switzerland] :: to break one's neck
énurésie {f} [pathology] :: bedwetting, enuresis
énurésie nocturne {f} :: bedwetting
énurétique {adj} :: enuretic
en usage {adj} :: used, in use
envahir {v} :: to invade
envahir {v} :: to stretch, to overgrow, to fill
envahissant {adj} :: invasive, pervasive
envahissement {m} :: invasion
envahissement {m} :: encroachment
envahisseur {m} :: invader (one who invades)
envahisseuse {f} :: feminine noun of envahisseur
en vain {adv} :: in vain
en vase clos {adv} :: in isolation
envasement {m} :: silting up
envaser {v} :: to silt up
enveloppant {adj} :: enveloping
enveloppe {f} :: envelope (wrapper for mailing)
enveloppe {f} [geometry] :: envelope (of a family of curves)
enveloppe {f} [biology] :: envelope (an enclosing structure or cover, such as a membrane)
enveloppement {m} :: enveloping, wrapping
envelopper {v} :: to wrap someone or something, to cover
envelopper {v} :: to envelop
envenimation {f} [biology, medicine] :: envenomation
envenimement {m} :: poisoning
envenimement {m} :: worsening
envenimer {vt} :: to envenom
envenimer {vt} [figurative] :: to aggravate, inflame
en venir à {v} :: from the previous state of matters to come to.
en venir au fait {v} :: to get to the point, to cut to the chase
en venir aux mains {v} :: to come to blows, to duke it out
envergure {f} [of an aircraft] :: wingspan
envergure {f} [figuratively] :: scale; magnitude
en vérité {adv} :: in truth, in reality, in practice, in actuality, actually, really
envers {m} :: reverse
envers {m} :: inverse
envers {m} :: back
envers {m} :: wrong side
envers {m} :: other side
envers {m} :: seamy side ("l'envers de la vie")
envers {m} :: inside
envers {prep} :: in relation to
envers {prep} :: toward
envers du décor {m} [with the definite article l'] :: [figuratively] what's behind the scenes
envers et contre tous {adv} :: despite all opposition; against all opposition
envers et contre tout {adv} :: despite all opposition; against all opposition; through thick and thin
en vertu de {prep} :: by virtue of, due to
en veux-tu en voilà {adv} :: in plenty, aplenty, galore, abundantly, in abundance
envi {m} :: only used in the phrase à l'envi
enviable {adj} :: enviable
enviander {v} [dated] :: to feed meat
enviander {v} [slang] :: to bugger, to fuck up the ass
enviander {v} [slang] :: to screw over, to fuck up (to dupe, to swindle)
en vie {adj} :: living, alive
envie {f} :: desire, lust, urge
envie {f} :: appetite, craving
envie {f} :: envy
envie {f} :: birthmark
envie {f} :: hangnail
envier {vi} :: to envy
envieusement {adv} :: enviously; jealously
envieux {adj} :: envious
en vigueur {adj} :: in force (of law, rule)
en vigueur {adj} :: current (regime, conditions, etc.)
environ {adv} :: about, close to, around
environ {m} [especially in plural] :: a surrounding area
environnant {adj} :: surrounding
environnement {m} :: environment
environnement {m} :: nature
environnemental {adj} :: environmental
environnementalement {adv} :: environmentally
environnementalisme {m} :: environmentalism, ecologism
environnementaliste {mf} :: environmentalist
environner {v} :: to surround, encircle
environs {mp} :: neighborhood (close proximity, particularly in reference to home)
envisageable {adj} :: foreseeable
envisageable {adj} :: conceivable
envisager {v} :: to envisage; to contemplate
en vitesse {adv} [colloquial] :: quickly, rapidly, fast
en vogue {adj} :: in fashion, fashionable
envoi {m} :: dispatch, sending (act of sending); shipping
envoi {m} [military] :: dispatch
envoi {m} :: package (something that is sent or dispatches)
envoi {m} [poetry] :: envoi
en voie de {prep} :: in the process of
envoiler {vp} :: To warp or become bent
en voir de toutes les couleurs {v} :: to go through hell
envol {m} :: takeoff (of plane, bird etc.)
envol {m} :: soar
envoler {vr} :: to take off, to take flight
envoler {vr} :: to blow away
envoler {vr} :: to fly (of time)
envoler {vr} [colloquial] :: to vanish, disappear, walk (to be stolen)
en vouloir {v} [à] :: to be angry (with)
en vouloir {vi} [colloquial] :: to be a go-getter, to have a go-getter attitude
envoûtant {adj} :: fascinating
envoûtement {m} :: bewitchment
envouter {v} :: alternative spelling of envoûter
envoûter {v} :: to cast a spell, bewitch, charm, hex
envoûter {v} :: to fascinate, captivate, entrance
envoûteur {m} :: sorcerer
envoûteuse {f} :: feminine noun of envoûteur
envoye {m} :: slowworm (anguis fragilis)
envoye {interj} [Quebec, slang] :: c'mon
envoyé {m} :: envoy
envoyé {m} :: messenger
envoyé {m} :: correspondent
envoyer {v} :: to send
envoyer {vr} :: to gulp down with relish
envoyer ad patres {vt} :: to kill
envoyer balader {vt} :: to send someone packing
envoyer bouler {vt} [colloquial] :: to send someone packing
envoyer chier {vt} [vulgar] :: to send someone packing, to tell someone to fuck off
envoyer des fleurs {v} [rare] :: [figuratively] [à] to say nice things to somebody, to compliment somebody
envoyer des fleurs {v} [reflexively] :: to toot one's own horn, to blow one's own horn, to blow one's own trumpet, to pat oneself on the back
envoyer du pâté {vi} [colloquial, slang] :: to kick ass, to kick butt, to rock, to rule (to be awesome)
envoyer du steak {vi} [colloquial, slang] :: to kick ass, to kick butt, to rock, to rule (to be awesome)
envoyer paître {vt} :: to send someone packing
envoyer promener {vt} [colloquial] :: to send someone packing, to reject, to dismiss, to tell someone to piss off
envoyer son gantelet {v} [idiomatic] :: throw down the gauntlet
envoyer sur les roses {vt} :: to send someone packing
envoyé spécial {m} :: special correspondent; special envoy
envoyeur {m} :: sender
envoyeur {m} :: remitter
envoyeuse {f} :: feminine noun of envoyeur
en vrac {adj} [of goods and items in a supermarket] :: loose, in bulk, unpackaged
en vrac {adj} [colloquial] :: higgledy-piggledy, in disorder
en vue {adj} :: in sight
en vue {adj} [figuratively] :: on the horizon, in sight, in the offing
en vue {adj} [of a person] :: high-profile, prominent, in fashion, fashionable
en vue de {conj} :: in order to, with the aim of
enweille {interj} [Quebec, colloquial] :: alternative form of envoye
ényne {m} [organic chemistry] :: enyne
Enzo {prop} :: given name, popular in the 2000s
enzootie {f} :: enzooty
enzootique {adj} :: enzootic
enzootiquement {adv} :: enzootically
enzymage {m} :: fermentation (of wine by adding yeast or other enzymes)
enzymatique {adj} :: enzymatic
enzymatiquement {adv} :: enzymatically
enzyme {mf} [biochemistry] :: enzyme
enzymer {vt} :: to add yeast or other sources of enzymes as part of winemaking
enzymologie {m} [biochemistry] :: enzymology
enzymologique {adj} :: enzymological
enzymopathie {f} :: enzymopathy
EO {m} :: EO (ethylene oxide) abbreviation of oxyde d'éthylène
éocène {adj} :: Eocene
Éocène {prop} {m} :: Eocene period
Éole {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Aeolus (God of the Winds)
éolien {adj} [geography, music] :: Aeolian
éolien {adj} [linguistics] :: Aeolic
éolien {adj} [attributive] :: wind (of, or pertaining to wind)
éolien {adj} [geology] :: aeolian
éolienne {f} :: wind turbine
éolipile {f} :: aeolipile
éolipyle {m} :: aeolipile
éolithe {f} :: eolith
éon {m} :: eon (geological time period)
éonisme {m} :: eonism
éosine {f} :: eosin
éosinophile {m} [cytology] :: eosinophil
éosinophile {adj} :: eosinophilic
éosinophilie {f} :: eosinophilia
ép. {adj} :: abbreviation of épousée
épacte {f} :: epact
épagneul {m} :: spaniel
épagneule {f} :: feminine noun of épagneul
épagomène {adj} :: epagomenic
épais {adj} :: thick
épais {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] :: stupid, thick
épais {adv} :: thickly; densely
épaissement {adv} :: thickly
épaisseur {f} :: thickness
épaissi {adj} :: thickened
épaissir {v} :: to thicken, get/make thicker
épaississement {m} :: thickening
épaississeur {m} :: thickener
Épaminondas {prop} {m} :: Epaminondas
épanalepse {f} [figures of speech] :: epanalepsis
épanchement {m} :: outpouring, effusion
épancher {vt} [archaic] :: to pour, pour out
épancher {vt} [of a volcano] :: to erupt, spit out, spurt out
épancher {vt} :: to emit (an odour, sound, visual effect)
épancher {v} :: to pour out (sound)
épancher {v} :: to give off (odour)
épancher {v} :: to reflect (visual effect)
épancher {vt} [figuratively] :: pour out, pour forth (emotions)
épancher {vr} [of a liquid] :: to flow, spread
épancher {vr} [of a liquid] :: to spill out, flow out
épancher {vr} :: to pour one's heart out
épandage {m} :: muck spreading
épandeur {m} :: spreader (person or machine. feminine is machine)
épandeuse {f} :: spreader (vehicle)
épandre {v} [archaic] :: to discharge, pour
épandu {adj} :: spread
épanouir {vr} :: to blossom; to bloom; to flower
épanouir {vr} :: to reveal its qualities
épanouir {vr} [figuratively] :: to thrive, flourish
épanouissement {m} :: development
épanouissement {m} :: blooming
épanouissement {m} :: flowering
Épaphras {prop} :: Epaphras
Épaphrodite {prop} :: Epaphroditus
éparchie {f} :: eparchy
éparchique {adj} :: eparchial
éparer {v} [rare] :: To spread
épargnant {adj} :: sparing
épargnant {adj} :: soft, lacking authority
épargnant {m} :: a saver, someone who accumulates financial savings
épargne {f} :: savings
épargner {v} :: to save (time, money etc.)
épargner {v} :: to save, spare (someone from something)
éparpillé {adj} :: strewn, all over the place
éparpillement {m} :: scattering
éparpillement {m} :: dissipation
éparpiller {v} :: to scatter
éparque {m} :: eparch
épars {adj} :: scattered
éparsement {adv} :: sparsely
éparvin {m} :: spavin
épatamment {adv} :: surprisingly
épatamment {adv} :: impressively
épatant {adj} :: amazing, surprising, stupefying
épatement {m} :: flatness (of nose)
épater {vt} [figuratively] :: to amaze, to stagger
épater la galerie {v} [colloquial] :: to impress the audience, to impress people, to cause a sensation
épater le bourgeois {v} [idiomatic] :: to shake (or shock) middle-class attitudes
épaulard {m} :: killer whale; orca
épaule {f} [anatomy] :: shoulder
épaulé-jeté {m} [weightlifting] :: clean and jerk
épaulement {m} :: escarpment
épaulement {m} :: retaining wall, abutment
épaulement {m} [military] :: breastwork
épauler {vt} :: to give a hand, to help out
épaulette {f} :: epaulette
épaulière {m} :: épaulière
épaulière {m} :: shoulder pad
épave {f} :: wreck (ship, car, etc.)
épave {f} [figuratively] :: human wreck, basket case
épave {f} :: wreckage, piece of wreckage; flotsam
épave {f} [legal] :: derelict
épave {f} :: ruins
épazote {m} :: epazote
épeautre {m} :: spelt (Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta or Triticum spelta)
épée {f} :: sword
épée {f} :: glaive
épée {f} [heraldiccharge] :: sword; the weapon as shown on a coat of arms
épée de Damoclès {f} :: sword of Damocles
épeiche {f} :: great spotted woodpecker
épeichette {f} :: lesser spotted woodpecker
épeire {f} :: spider
épeire diadème {f} :: European garden spider (Araneus diadematus)
épeirogénique {adj} :: epeirogenic
épéisme {m} [fencing] :: epee fighting
épéiste {mf} :: epeeist
épeler {v} :: to spell
épellation {f} :: spelling, orthography
épendymaire {adj} [anatomy] :: ependymal
épendyme {m} :: ependyma
épenthèse {f} [phonetics] :: epenthesis
épenthétique {adj} :: epenthetic
épépiner {v} :: to deseed, to remove the pips from something
éperdre {vr} [obsolete, literary, s'éperdre] :: to lose one's way
éperdu {adj} :: desperate, distraught (glance, look)
éperdu {adj} :: overwhelming, desperate (need)
éperdu {adj} :: boundless, violent (love)
éperdument {adv} :: desperately; passionately
éperdument {adv} :: utterly
éperlan {m} :: smelt
Epernay {prop} :: alternative form of Épernay
Épernay {prop} :: Épernay (town)
éperon {m} :: spur (for riding or on a cockerel)
éperon {m} [geology] :: spur
éperon {m} [nautical] :: ram; cutwater
éperonner {vt} :: to spur (hit a horse with a spur)
éperonner {vt} :: to spur on
éperonner {vt} [nautical] :: to ram (to use a ram to hit another ship)
épervier {m} :: sparrow hawk
épervier {adj} :: sparrow hawk (attributive)
épervier d'Europe {m} :: Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)
épervière boréale {f} :: northern hawk owl (Surnia ulula)
épervin {m} :: alternative spelling of éparvin
épha {m} :: ephah
éphèbe {m} :: Adonis, ephebe (beautiful young man)
éphédrine {f} :: ephedrine
éphelcystique {adj} :: ephelcystic
éphémère {adj} :: lasting for only a short time; transitory, ephemeral
éphémère {adj} [biology] :: existing for only one day; ephemeral
éphémère {m} :: mayfly
éphémèrement {adv} :: ephemerally
éphéméride {f} :: block or tear-off calendar; the events that took place on a particular date in previous years
éphéméride {f} :: (in plural) ephemeris
Éphèse {prop} :: Ephesus
Éphésien {m} :: Ephesian (male)
Éphésienne {f} :: female equivalent of Éphésien
Éphésiens {prop} {m} :: Ephesians
Éphialte {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Éphialtès
Éphialtès {prop} {m} :: Ephialtes (either the ancient Greek statesman or a mythological Giant)
éphippion {m} [anatomy] :: ephippium
éphod {m} :: ephod
éphore {m} [Ancient Greece] :: ephor
Éphraïm {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Ephraim (son of Joseph, progenitor of one of the twelve tribes of Israel)
éphyrule {f} [biology] :: ephyra
épi- {prefix} :: epi-
épi {m} :: ear (of corn)
épi {m} :: cowlick
épi {m} :: spica (bandage)
épi {m} [architecture] :: groyne, groin (US)
épi {m} [roofing] :: finial
épi {m} :: opus spicatum
épi {m} :: angle parking
épi {m} :: shelf or storage unit with storage areas on both sides, that is placed in the middle of a room, notably found in libraries
épi {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, in the plural] :: vegetables
épiaire {f} :: betony, woundwort
épiangiotique {adj} [obsolete, chemistry] :: epiangiotic
épiblaste {m} :: epiblast
épibolie {f} :: epiboly
épicalice {m} :: epicalyx
épicarde {m} [anatomy] :: epicardium
épicarpe {m} :: epicarp
épicatéchine {f} [organic chemistry] :: epicatechin
épice {f} :: spice
épicé {adj} :: hot, spicy (having a spicy taste)
épicéa {m} :: spruce (tree from the genus Picea)
épicène {adj} :: epicene (lacking gender distinction)
épicentre {m} [geophysics] :: epicentre
épicer {v} :: to spice, to add spice to
épicerie {f} :: grocery store (shop or store that sells groceries), more precisely a specialty food shop
épicerie fine {f} :: delicatessen
épices d'automne {fp} :: pumpkin spice
Épicharme {prop} {m} :: Epicharmus
épichérème {m} [logic] :: epichirema
épichorial {adj} [anatomy] :: epichorial
épichorion {m} [anatomy] :: epichorion
épicier {m} :: grocer
épicière {f} :: grocer (female)
épiclèse {f} [Christianity] :: epiclesis
épicolique {adj} [anatomy] :: epicolic
épicondyle {m} [anatomy] :: epicondyle
épicontinental {adj} :: epicontinental
épicrâne {m} [anatomy] :: epicranium
épicrânien {adj} [anatomy] :: epicranial
Épictète {prop} {m} :: the Stoic philosopher Epictetus
Épicure {prop} {m} :: the 4th-3rd century BCE Hellenistic philosopher Epicurus of Samos
épicurien {adj} :: epicurean
épicurien {m} :: epicurean (person)
épicurisme {m} :: epicurism, Epicureanism
épicycle {m} [maths, astronomy] :: epicycle
épicycloïde {f} [geometry] :: epicycloid
épidémie {f} :: epidemic (widespread disease)
épidémiologie {f} :: epidemiology (branch of medicine dealing with transmission and control of disease in populations)
épidémiologique {adj} :: epidemiologic
épidémiologiste {mf} :: epidemiologist
épidémique {adj} :: epidemic
épidémiquement {adv} :: epidemically
épiderme {m} :: epidermis
épidermique {adj} :: epidermal, epidermic
épidermique {adj} :: skin (attributive)
épidermoïde {adj} [anatomy] :: epidermoid
épidermose {f} :: epidermose
épidictiquement {adv} :: epidictically
épididyme {m} [anatomy] :: epididymis
épidote {m} [mineral] :: epidote
épidural {adj} [anatomy] :: epidural
épier {vt} :: to spy on, keep an eye on, watch
épier {vt} [dated] :: to watch for
épier {vi} [agriculture] :: to ear
épieu {m} :: spear; lance
épigastre {m} [anatomy] :: epigastrium
épigastrique {adj} [anatomy] :: epigastric
épigenèse {f} [biology] :: epigenesis
épigénétique {adj} [genetics] :: epigenetic
épigénétique {f} [genetics] :: epigenetics
épigénétiquement {adv} :: epigenetically
épigénique {adj} [mineralogy] :: epigenic, epigenetic
épigénome {m} [genetics] :: epigenome
épigénomique {adj} [genetics] :: epigenomic
épigénomique {f} [genetics] :: epigenomics
épiglottal {adj} :: epiglottal (both senses)
épiglotte {f} [anatomy] :: epiglottis (an organ)
épiglottique {adj} [anatomy] :: epiglottic
épigone {m} :: epigone
épigrammatique {adj} :: epigrammatic (characteristic of an epigram)
épigrammatiquement {adv} :: epigrammatically
épigramme {m} :: epigram
épigraphe {f} :: epigraph (all senses)
épigraphe {f} :: motto
épigraphe {adj} :: epigraphic
épigraphie {f} :: epigraphy
épigraphique {adj} :: epigraphic
épilaryngien {adj} [anatomy] :: epilaryngeal
épilateur {m} :: epilator
épilation {f} :: depilation, hair removal
épilatoire {adj} :: depilatory
épilepsie {f} :: epilepsy (medical condition)
épileptiforme {adj} :: epileptiform
épileptique {adj} :: epileptic
épiler {v} :: to epilate
épilimnion {m} [geography] :: epilimnion
épilobe {m} :: willowherb (of genus Epilobium)
épilogue {m} :: epilogue
épiloguer {vt} [dated] :: To criticize (someone or something) minutely and, often, pettily
épiloguer {v} [sur] :: [often pejorative] To make long comments, often superfluous, sometimes malevolent, about a thing
épimère {m} [organic chemistry] :: epimer
épimérique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: epimeric
épimorion {m} [maths] :: epimorion
épimorphisme {m} [maths] :: epimorphism
épimutation {f} [genetics] :: epimutation
Épinal {prop} :: Main city of the Vosges department in France
épinard {m} :: spinach plant (Spinacia oleracea)
épinard {m} [usually, in the plural] :: spinach (foodstuff)
épine {f} :: thorn; spine; prickle
épine {f} :: An aperitif made from blackthorn berries
épine au pied {f} [figuratively] :: thorn in the flesh, thorn in someone's side
épine dorsale {f} :: backbone, spine
épine dorsale {f} [figuratively] :: backbone
épiner {vt} :: to protect with spikes or spines
épinette {f} [musical instruments] :: spinet
épinette {f} [Quebec] :: spruce
épinette de Norvège {f} [Quebec] :: Norway spruce (Picea abies)
épineux {adj} :: spikey; spiny
épineux {adj} [figuratively] :: spikey; abrasive, nettlesome
épineux {adj} [figuratively, of a person] :: deliberately difficult or awkward
épineux {adj} :: spinous, spinal
épineux {m} :: thornbush
épine-vinette {f} :: barberry
épinglage {m} :: pinning
épingle {f} :: pin (small device, made of drawn-out steel wire with one end sharpened and the other flattened or rounded into a head, used for fastening)
épingle à cheveux {f} :: hairpin
épingle à linge {f} :: clothes peg
épingle à nourrice {f} :: safety pin
épingle de sûreté {f} :: safety pin
épingler {v} :: to pin (fasten/attach with a pin)
épingler {v} [figuratively] :: to catch
épinglette {f} :: pin; tack
épinière {adj} :: backbone (attributive); spinal
épinoche {f} :: stickleback
épinocher {vt} [obsolete] :: to pick at (one's food)
épipélagique {adj} :: epipelagic
Épiphane {prop} {m} :: Epiphanes
Épiphanie {f} [Christianity] :: Epiphany
épiphénomène {m} :: epiphenomenon
épiphénomène {m} :: secondary phenomenon
épiphénomène {m} :: byproduct
épiphrase {f} :: epiphrasis
épiphyse {f} [anatomy] :: epiphysis
épiphyte {m} :: epiphyte
épiphytique {adj} :: epiphytic
épiphytiquement {adv} :: epiphytically
épiploïque {adj} [anatomy] :: epiploic
épiploon {m} [anatomy] :: epiploon
épipolaire {adj} [maths] :: epipolar
épipôle {m} [maths] :: epipole
épique {adj} :: epic (relating to epic poetry)
épique {adj} :: epic (immense, important)
épique {adj} :: epic, extraordinary, amazing
épiquement {adv} :: epically
Épire {prop} {f} :: Epirus
épirétinien {adj} [anatomy] :: epiretinal
épirote {adj} :: Epirotic
épiscopal {adj} :: episcopal
épiscopalement {adv} :: episcopally
épiscopalien {adj} :: Episcopalian
épiscopat {m} [religion] :: episcopate, episcopacy
épiscope {m} :: episcope
épiscope {m} :: bishop
épisiotomie {f} :: episiotomy (surgical incision)
épisode {m} :: episode (all meanings)
épisodique {adj} :: episodic
épisodique {adj} :: occasional
épisodiquement {adv} :: occasionally
épisodiquement {adv} :: episodically
épissage {m} [genetics] :: splicing
épissure {f} [nautical] :: splice
épistasie {f} [genetics] :: epistasis
épistatique {adj} [genetics] :: epistatic
épistaxis {f} :: nosebleed
épistémè {f} :: episteme (foucaultian philosophy)
épistémologie {f} :: epistemology
épistémologique {adj} :: epistemological
épistémologiquement {adv} :: epistemologically
épistémologiste {mf} :: epistemologist
épistémologue {mf} :: epistemologist
épistilbite {f} [mineral] :: epistilbite
épistolaire {adj} :: epistolary
épistolaire {m} :: A collection of letters
épistole {f} [extremely rare] :: letter
épistolier {m} :: correspondent (letter writer)
épistolier {m} :: lectionary (masculine only)
épistolière {f} :: correspondent (female)
épistrophée {f} [anatomy] :: epistropheus
épistule {f} [extremely rare] :: letter
épisulfure {m} [organic chemistry] :: episulphide
épitaphe {f} :: epitaph (inscription on a gravestone)
épitaxie {f} :: epitaxy
épitaxier {v} :: to grow an epitaxial layer
épithalamus {m} :: epithalamus (segment of the diencephalon)
épithélial {adj} [anatomy] :: epithelial
épithélioma {f} :: epithelioma
épithélium {m} [anatomy] :: epithelium
épithèque {f} [biology] :: epitheca
épithermique {adj} [physics] :: epithermal
épithète {f} [linguistics, grammar] :: attributive adjective
épithète {f} :: epithet
épitomé {m} :: epitome (brief summary of a book)
épitope {m} [biochemistry] :: epitope
épître {f} :: epistle (a letter)
épitrite {m} :: epitrite
épitrochlée {f} [anatomy] :: epitrochlea
épizoïque {adj} [biology, geology] :: epizoic
épizootie {f} :: epizootic
épizootique {adj} :: epizootic
éploré {adj} :: tearful, grief-stricken
éplorer {vr} :: to cry
éployé {adj} [heraldry] :: displayed
éployer {v} [literary] :: to spread (out), unfurl
épluchage {m} :: peeling, cleaning of vegetables etc
éplucher {v} :: to peel
éplucheur {m} :: peeler (person who peels food)
éplucheur {m} [figuratively] :: someone who analyses carefully
éplucheur {m} :: peeler (utensil)
éplucheuse {f} :: feminine noun of éplucheur
épluchoir {m} :: peeler, potato peeler
épluchure {f} :: peeling (leftover waste parts of food after peeling)
épointé {adj} [mathematics] :: punctured, having a point removed
épointer {v} :: to blunt
éponge {f} :: sponge (creature)
éponge {f} :: sponge (tool for washing)
éponge à récurer {f} :: scrubbing brush
éponger {v} :: to sponge (clean with a sponge)
éponger {v} :: to absorb
éponyme {m} :: eponym (person whose name is associated with something)
éponyme {adj} :: eponymous
éponymement {adv} :: eponymously
éponymie {f} :: eponymy
épopée {f} :: epic, saga
épopée {f} [by extension] :: adventurous and intrepid journey
époptique {adj} :: epoptic
époptique {adj} :: epioptic
époque {adj} :: vintage
époque {f} :: epoch
époque {f} :: time (time period)
épouiller {v} :: to delouse
époumoner {vr} :: To scream one's heart out; yell/wail/sing one's head off; bust one's lungs; shout at the top of one's lungs
épousailles {fp} [dated, plurale tantum] :: nuptials; wedding celebration
épouse {f} :: female spouse, wife
épouser {vt} :: to marry, to wed
épouser {vr} [s'épouser] :: to marry, to get married, wed
épouser {vt} :: to cling to, hug (of tight clothes etc.)
épouseur {m} :: suitor
époussetage {m} :: dusting
épousseter {v} :: to dust
époustouflant {adj} :: breathtaking, amazing, surprising, stupefying
époustoufler {v} :: to amaze, to stupefy
épouvantable {adj} :: atrocious, awful, appalling
épouvantablement {adv} :: appallingly, terribly, dreadfully
épouvantail {m} :: scarecrow (an effigy made to scare the birds away)
épouvante {f} :: terror
épouvanter {vt} :: to terrify, horrify
époux {m} :: spouse
époux {m} :: male spouse, husband
époxy {m} :: epoxy
époxyde {m} [organic chemistry] :: epoxide
Epping {prop} :: Epping (commune)
épreindre {v} [archaic, rare] :: to squeeze out, draw out by pressing, to extract
éprendre {vr} [obsolete] :: to burn
éprendre {vr} [literary] :: to become enamoured with, fall in love with
épreuve {f} :: test
épreuve {f} :: ordeal, trial
épreuve {f} [sports] :: event, heat
épreuve {f} [typography, coinage] :: proof
épreuve {f} [photography] :: print
épreuve {f} [film, television, in the plural] :: rushes
épreuve du feu {f} :: trial by fire, acid test
épreuve par le feu {f} :: trial by fire, acid test
épris {adj} :: enamoured, infatuated
ePrix {m} :: eprix, an electric grand prix, a motorsports race involving electric-powered vehicles
éprouvamment {adv} :: demandingly, challengingly
éprouvant {adj} :: punishing, demanding, testing, challenging
éprouver {v} :: to test
éprouver {v} :: to sense, to feel
éprouver {v} :: to undergo a transformation
éprouvette {f} :: test tube
epsilon {m} :: epsilon (Greek letter)
epsiloniser {v} [maths] :: To epsilonize
épucer {v} :: to remove fleas (from an animal)
épuisant {adj} :: exhausting
épuisé {adj} :: exhausted
épuisé {adj} :: out of print
épuisement {m} :: exhaustion, depletion
épuisement {m} :: tiredness, exhaustion
épuiser {vt} :: To squeeze out (physically force liquid from something)
épuiser {vt} :: To dry up (to empty liquid from something)
épuiser {v} :: to exhaust, to wear out (drain energy from something or someone)
épuisette {f} :: landing net
épuisette {f} :: shrimping net
épurateur {m} :: purifier
épuration {f} :: purification
épuration {f} :: cleansing
épuratoire {adj} :: purifying
épuré {adj} :: simple, sober, stripped down
épurer {vt} :: to purify
épurer {vt} :: to expurgate
épurer {vr} :: to get pure, become pure
épurer {v} :: to refine
épurge {f} :: spurge (of genus Euphorbia)
équand {adv} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: when
équanimité {f} :: equanimity
équarrir {v} :: to square off
équarrir {v} :: to quarter (cut an animal into four)
équarrissage {m} :: squaring off
équarrissage {m} :: quartering (an animal)
équarrissage {m} :: rendering (a surface)
équarrisseur {m} [of meat] :: knacker, butcher
équarrisseur {m} [of wood] :: squarer
équarrissoir {m} :: knacker's yard
Equateur {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Équateur
équateur {m} :: equator
Équateur {prop} {m} :: Équateur (country)
équatif {m} [grammar] :: the equative case
équation {f} :: equation (assertion)
équation chimique {f} [chemistry] :: chemical equation
équation du second degré {f} [mathematics] :: quadratic equation
équato-guinéen {adj} :: Equatorial Guinean
équatorial {adj} :: equatorial
équatorialement {adv} :: equatorially
Equatorien {m} :: alternative spelling of Équatorien
équatorien {adj} :: Ecuadorian
Équatorien {m} :: Ecuadorian (person from Ecuador)
Equatorienne {f} :: feminine noun of Equatorien
Équatorienne {f} :: feminine noun of Équatorien
équel {adv} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: which
équerre {f} :: square (tool)
équerre {f} [geometry] :: set square
équerrer {v} :: To square off
équestre {adj} :: equestrian
équeuter {v} :: to remove the stem from (a fruit); to stem, hull (a strawberry)
équi- {prefix} :: Meaning equal
équiangle {adj} [geometry] :: equiangular
équianharmonique {adj} [maths] :: equianharmonic
équidé {m} :: equid
équidifférence {f} [maths] :: equidifference
équidifférent {adj} [maths] :: equidifferent
équidistance {f} :: equidistance
équidistant {adj} :: equidistant
équilatéral {adj} [geometry] :: equilateral
équilatère {adj} [geometry, rare] :: equilateral
équilibrage {m} :: balancing
équilibration {f} :: equilibration
équilibre {m} :: balance, equilibrium
équilibre instable {m} [physics] :: unstable equilibrium
équilibrer {vt} :: to balance, make balanced
équilibrer {vt} :: to counterbalance
équilibrisme {m} :: balancing (occupation of a performer who performs balances)
équilibriste {mf} :: balance artist (entertainer who performs balances)
équille {f} :: sand eel
équimolaire {adj} [chemistry] :: equimolar
équimultiple {adj} [maths] :: equimultiple
équin {adj} :: equine
équinisme {m} :: equinism
équinoxe {m} :: equinox
équinoxe d'automne {m} :: autumn equinox
équinoxe de printemps {m} :: spring equinox
équipage {m} :: horse and carriage
équipage {m} :: crew (of a boat)
équipage {m} :: equipment
équipe {f} :: team
équipement {m} :: equipment, kit, provision
équipement {m} :: equipping (act of equipping, e.g. a vessel)
équipementier {m} :: equipment manufacturer
équiper {v} :: to supply
équiper {v} :: to equip
équipier {m} :: team member; member of a team
équipière {f} :: feminine noun of équipier
équipollence {f} :: equipollence; the condition of having equal power or force
équipollent {adj} :: equipollent (all senses)
équipotence {f} :: equipotency
équiprobable {adj} :: equiprobable
équiprobablement {adv} :: equiprobably
équisigne {adj} [mathematics] :: same-signed
équisonnant {adj} [music] :: equisonant (separated by an octave)
équitable {adj} :: just, equitable, fair
équitablement {adv} :: fairly; justly; rightly
équitation {f} :: equestrianism, horseriding
équité {f} :: equity
équivalemment {adv} :: equivalently
équivalence {f} :: equivalence
équivalent {adj} :: equivalent
équivalent {m} :: equivalent
équivalentiste {m} [historical, chemistry] :: equivalentist
équivaloir {v} :: to be equivalent (to)
équivaloir {vr} :: to be equivalent, to be the same
équivoque {adj} :: equivocal
équivoque {f} :: equivocation (expression susceptible of a double signification, possibly misleading)
équivoque {f} :: double entendre
-er {suffix} :: Forms infinitives of first-conjugation verbs
ER {prop} [sports] :: abbreviation of Erie
érable {m} :: maple
éradication {f} :: eradication
éradiquer {v} :: to eradicate
éraflage {m} :: destemming (of bunches of grapes as part of winemaking)
érafler {v} :: to scratch, graze
érafloir {m} :: destemmer (of grapes)
éraflure {f} :: scratch
-erai {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person singular future of regular -er verbs
-eraie {suffix} :: alternative form of -aie
-eraient {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural conditional of regular -er verbs
érailler {vt} :: to scratch, tear
érailler {vt} :: to make (the voice) hoarse
-erais {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person singular conditional of regular -er verbs
-erais {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person singular conditional of regular -er verbs
-erait {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person singular conditional of regular -er verbs
Érasistrate {prop} {m} :: Erasistratus
éraste {m} :: erastes
Éraste {prop} :: Erastus
Ératosthène {prop} {m} :: Eratosthenes
erbine {m} [inorganic compound] :: erbia
erbium {m} :: erbium
ère {f} :: era (all meanings)
ère commune {f} :: Common Era (secular equivalent of anno Domini and the Christian Era)
érecteur {m} :: erector
érectile {adj} :: erectile
érectilité {f} :: erectility
érection {f} :: erection (of a building, a monument)
érection {f} [by extension] :: start (of a process)
érection {f} [physiology] :: erection
érectrice {f} :: feminine singular of érecteur
éreintant {adj} [colloquial] :: exhausting
éreinté {adj} :: exhausted, washed-up, all-in
éreintement {m} :: exhaustion
éreinter {v} :: to wear out, to exhaust
éreinter {v} [figuratively] :: to criticize strongly
éreinter {vr} :: to wear oneself out
érémacausie {f} :: eremacausis
-èrent {suffix} :: Suffix forming the third-person plural past historic of -er verbs
érésipèle {m} :: alternative form of érysipèle
-eresse {suffix} [rare] :: used to form feminine forms of agent nouns from nouns ending in -eur
érésypèle {m} :: alternative form of érysipèle
Erevan {prop} {f} :: Erevan (capital)
-erez {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the second-person plural future of regular -er verbs
erg {m} :: erg (desert region)
erg {m} :: erg (unit of work done)
ergatif {adj} [grammar] :: ergative
ergatif {m} :: ergative, ergative case (case used to indicate the agent of a verb)
ergocalciférol {m} [organic compound] :: ergocalciferol
ergodicité {f} :: ergodicity
ergodique {adj} [maths] :: ergodic
ergol {m} :: propellant (for rockets etc)
ergonomie {f} :: ergonomics
ergonomie {f} :: usability
ergonomique {adj} :: ergonomic
ergonomiquement {adv} :: ergonomically
ergot {m} :: spur of a male member of Galliformes
ergot {m} :: ergot
ergotage {m} :: quibbling, hair-splitting
ergotamine {f} :: ergotamine
ergoter {v} [figuratively] :: to quibble; to argue; to contest
ergoter {vt} :: to prune a tree or plant
ergoter {v} [of poultry] :: to scratch with the dewclaw (spur)
ergoteur {m} :: quibbler
ergoteuse {f} :: feminine noun of ergoteur
ergothérapeute {mf} :: occupational therapist
ergothérapie {f} :: occupational therapy
Éric {prop} :: given name
-erie {suffix} :: denoting a shop selling a certain product
-erie {suffix} :: denoting an organization specializing in a given field
-erie {suffix} :: denoting an object used to perform an action
-erie {suffix} :: denoting nouns describing qualities or properties
érifler {v} [Quebec] :: to scratch; graze
érigé {adj} :: erected
ériger {vt} :: to erect
érigeron {m} :: alternative form of érigéron
érigéron {m} :: erigeron
ériomètre {m} :: eriometer
éristique {adj} :: eristic
éristiquement {adv} :: eristically
erlenmeyer {f} :: Erlenmeyer flask; ellipsis of fiole Erlenmeyer
Erlenmeyer {prop} :: Erlenmeyer; surname
ermitage {m} :: hermitage (dwelling place of hermit)
ermitage {m} :: hideaway
ermite {m} :: hermit
Ernée {prop} :: Ernée (city), a town in the department of Mayenne
Ernest {prop} :: given name
ernestine {adj} :: Ernestine
éroder {v} :: to erode
érodium {m} :: erodium
érogène {adj} :: erogenous
-erons {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the first-person plural simple future of regular -er verbs
-eront {suffix} :: Used with a stem to form the third-person plural simple future of regular -er verbs
éros {m} :: eros (physical love)
Éros {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Eros
érosif {adj} :: erosive
érosion {f} [geology] :: erosion, weathering
érotique {adj} :: sensual, erotic
érotiquement {adv} :: erotically
érotisation {f} :: eroticization
érotiser {v} :: to eroticise/eroticize
érotisme {m} :: eroticism
érotissime {adj} :: super-erotic
érotomane {adj} :: erotomaniac
érotomane {mf} :: erotomane
érotomanie {f} :: erotomania (mental disorder based on the delusion of a romantic relationship)
érouve {m} :: eruv
errance {f} :: wandering, wanderlust
errant {adj} :: wandering, stray
errant {adj} :: errant
erratique {adj} :: erratic
erratique {adj} :: irregular, intermittent
erre {m} :: letter: r
erre {m} [nautical] :: way, inertia, movement through the water
errements {m} :: The manner in which a business is conducted
errer {vi} :: to wander, to wander about
erreur {f} :: error; mistake
erreur de jeunesse {f} :: youthful error, youthful mistake (mistake done when - and because - one was young)
erroné {adj} :: wrong; erroneous
erronément {adv} :: wrongly; incorrectly; erroneously
ers {m} [botany] :: bitter vetch, ervil (Vicia ervilia)
ers {m} [botany] :: Lens ervoides
ersatz {m} :: ersatz
érucique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: erucic
éructation {f} :: eructation, belching
éructer {vi} :: to belch or eructate
éructer {vt} [figurative] :: to blurt out
érudit {adj} :: learned, erudite
érudit {m} :: scholar
érudition {f} :: erudition
éruptif {adj} :: eruptive
éruption {f} :: eruption
éruption {f} :: rash (inflammation of skin)
érynge {m} :: eryngium, eryngo
éryngion {m} :: eringo
érysipèle {m} [pathology] :: erysipelas
érythémateux {adj} :: erythematous
érythème {m} :: erythema
Erythrée {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Érythrée
Érythrée {prop} {f} :: Eritrea
érythréen {adj} :: Eritrean
Érythréen {m} :: Eritrean (male)
Érythréenne {f} :: female equivalent of Érythréen
érythrine {f} [mineral] :: erythrite
érythrite {f} [mineralogy] :: erythrite
érythroblaste {m} [cytology] :: erythroblast
érythrocytaire {adj} :: erythrocytic
érythrocyte {m} [cytology] :: erythrocyte
érythroïde {adj} :: erythroid
érythronium {m} [obsolete, chemistry] :: erythronium
érythropoïèse {f} [biology] :: erythropoiesis
érythropoïétine {adj} [biology] :: erythropoietic
érythrose {m} [carbohydrate] :: erythrose
érythrulose {m} [carbohydrate] :: erythrulose
ès {prep} [archaic] :: in (the)
Ésaïe {prop} [bible] :: Isaiah (biblical character)
Ésaïe {prop} [bible] :: Isaiah (book of the Bible)
Ésaü {prop} [biblical character] :: Esau (son of Isaac and Rebekah)
ESB {n} :: BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
esbigner {vt} :: to steal
esbigner {vr} :: to steal away
esbroufe {f} :: faff; jibber-jabber
escabeau {m} :: step ladder
escabèche {f} :: escabeche
escabelle {f} [archaic or literary] :: stool
escadre {f} :: squadron; wing (air force)
escadrille {f} :: squadron (of airplanes)
escadrille {f} :: flotilla
escadron {m} :: squadron
escagasser {v} [France, colloquial] :: to annoy
escalade {f} [sports] :: climbing
escalade {f} :: escalation
escalade de glace {f} [uncountable] :: ice climbing
escalade de glace {f} [countable] :: ice climb
escalader {v} :: to escalade (attack (e.g. a castle) by using ladders etc. to climb to the top)
escalader {v} :: to climb, to go rock climbing
escalade sur glace {f} [uncountable] :: ice climbing
escalade sur glace {f} [countable] :: ice climb
escalateur {m} :: escalator (mechanical device)
escalator {m} :: escalator
escale {f} :: port of call
escale {f} :: stopover
escalier {m} :: step, stair
escalier {m} :: staircase
escalier {m} :: stairs
escalier mécanique {m} :: escalator (mechanical device)
escalier roulant {m} [rare] :: escalator
escalope {f} :: an escalope, a thin slice of meat
escamotable {adj} :: retractable
escamotage {m} :: conjuring
escamotage {m} :: retraction (of undercarriage)
escamoter {vt} :: to conjure away, to make disappear
escamoter {vt} [by extension, ] :: to snatch, to nick
escamoter {vt} :: to evade, dodge; to skip (a word, question, etc.)
escamoter {vt} :: to retract (landing gear)
escamoteur {m} :: conjurer; magician
escampette {f} :: only in prendre la poudre d'escampette
escapisme {m} :: escapism (inclination to escape)
escarbille {f} :: a speck of ember that escapes from a fire and floats in the air, often making small holes in clothes
escarbot {m} :: dung beetle
escarbot {adj} :: of or relating to dung beetles
escarboucle {f} :: carbuncle
escarbouiller {v} :: obsolete form of écrabouiller
escarcelle {f} [historical] :: moneybag
escargatoire {m} :: escargatoire
escargot {m} :: snail
escarmouche {f} :: skirmish; dispute
escarmouche {f} [military] :: skirmish (small combat)
escarmoucher {v} :: To skirmish
escarole {f} :: dated form of scarole
escarpe {m} [obsolete, slang] :: murderer, killer
escarpe {f} [fortifications] :: escarpment
escarpé {adj} :: steep (near-vertical)
escarpement {m} [uncountable] :: steepness (state of being steep)
escarpement {m} [countable] :: a steep or abrupt slope, an escarpment
escarpement {m} [countable, figuratively, of a person or his qualities] :: severity, harshness
escarpin {m} :: high-heeled woman's shoe
escarpolette {f} :: swing (e.g. playground fixture)
escarre {f} :: eschar, bedsore
Escaut {prop} :: The river Scheldt
eschatologie {f} :: eschatology (system of doctrines concerning final matters, such as death)
eschatologique {adj} :: eschatological
esche {f} :: bait
escher {v} :: To bait a hook
Eschine {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] :: Aeschines
Eschyle {prop} {m} :: Aeschylus (Greek tragedian)
escient {m} :: wisdom, knowledge
esclaffer {vr} :: to burst out in laughter
esclandre {m} :: scandal; scene, fracas
esclavage {m} :: slavery (institution or practice of owning human beings)
esclavagisme {m} :: proslavery
esclavagiste {adj} :: proslavery
esclavagiste {mf} :: slaver
esclave {mf} :: slave
Esclave {prop} :: Slavey (An Athabaskan people)
esclavon {adj} :: Slavonic
escoffien {adj} :: Escoffierian
escoffier {v} [archaic] :: to kill
escofier {v} :: alternative form of escoffier
escogriffe {m} [colloquial] :: beanpole (lanky man)
escompte {m} :: discount
escompter {v} :: to discount because of a payment by anticipation
escompter {v} :: to anticipate, to be in the hope of
escopateur {m} [Rennes] :: a garbage man/bin man
escopette {f} :: carbine, escopet
escopettier {m} :: carabineer
escorte {f} :: escort, suite
escorter {v} :: to escort
escorter {v} :: to accompany
escorteur {m} [nautical] :: escort (ship)
escouade {f} :: squad, squadron
escourgeon {m} :: bere (type of barley)
escrime {m} :: fencing (sport)
escrimer {v} [dated] :: to fence, to do fencing (sport)
escrimer {vr} :: to apply oneself, to exert oneself
escrimeur {m} :: a fencer; someone who participates in the sport of fencing
escrimeuse {f} :: fencer
escrivain {m} :: obsolete spelling of écrivain
escroc {m} :: crook (a criminal who steals)
escroc {m} :: baddy (evil character, in a story)
escroquer {v} :: to swindle
escroquerie {f} :: swindle, swindling
escroquerie {f} [legal] :: fraud
escudet {m} :: navelwort
esculape {m} [colloquial] :: A medical doctor, physician
Esculape {prop} :: Aesculapius, the Greco-Roman god of healing, born a mortal
esculapien {adj} :: Aesculapian
esculapien {m} [colloquial] :: A medical doctor, physician
esculetine {f} :: aesculetin
esculique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: esculic
Esdras {prop} {m} [bible] :: Ezra
Esdras {prop} {m} [bible] :: Esdras
éséridine {f} :: eseridine
esgal {adj} :: archaic spelling of égal
esgalité {f} :: archaic spelling of égalité
esgourde {f} [France, anatomy, colloquial] :: ear
eskimo {adj} :: Eskimo
Eskimo {m} :: an Eskimo
esloigner {v} :: archaic spelling of éloigner
esmérillon {m} :: swivel
Ésope {prop} {m} :: Aesop
ésotérique {adj} :: esoteric
ésotériquement {adv} :: esoterically
ésotérisme {m} :: esoterism (inward forms of faith and religion)
espace {m} :: space
espace {f} [typography] :: space
espacé {adj} :: spaced out
Espace économique européen {prop} {m} :: European Economic Area
espace insécable {f} [typography] :: non-breaking space
espace interstellaire {f} :: interstellar space
espacement {m} :: spacing (out)
espacer {vt} :: to space out, to allow gaps or intervals between
espace-temps {m} :: spacetime (four dimensional continuum)
espace vectoriel {m} [linear algebra] :: vector space
espadon {m} :: swordfish
espadon {m} :: espadon (sword)
espadrille {f} [European French] :: espadrille
espadrille {f} [Quebec] :: sneaker, running shoe
espadron {m} [Louisiana] :: swordfish
Espagne {prop} {f} :: Espagne (country)
espagnol {adj} :: Spanish, from or otherwise related to Spain, its people etc
espagnol {m} :: Spanish language
Espagnol {m} :: Spaniard (male)
Espagnole {f} :: feminine noun of Espagnol; woman from Spain
espagnolette {f} :: espagnolette (window locking device)
espalier {m} [agriculture] :: espalier
espalier {m} [sports] :: wall bars
esparcette {f} :: esparcet, sainfoin
espargue {f} :: synonym of asperge
espèce {f} :: type, sort, kind
espèce {f} [taxonomy] :: species
espèce {f} [in the plural] :: cash, specie, coin
espèce de {adj} [pejorative, used before an insult] :: you
espèce envahissante {f} [biology] :: invasive species
espèce invasive {f} [biology, proscribed] :: invasive species
espèces sonnantes et trébuchantes {f} :: cash, spot cash, hard cash
espécialement {adv} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: especially
espérable {adj} :: expected; hoped for
espérance {f} :: hope
espérance de vie {f} :: life expectancy (years of expected life according to statistical tables)
espérance de vie {f} [machinery maintenance] :: mean time to breakdown
espérantiser {v} :: to Esperantize
espéranto {m} :: Esperanto (auxiliary language)
espérantologue {mf} :: Esperantologist
espérer {vi} :: to hope
espérer {vt} :: to hope for
espérer {vi} :: to have faith, to trust [with en (in)]
espérer {v} [Louisiana French] :: [Normandy] to wait
esperluète {f} :: alternative form of esperluette
esperluette {f} :: ampersand
espiègle {m} :: prankster, imp, rascal
espiègle {adj} :: playful, frolicsome
espiègle {adj} :: impish, mischievous
espiègle {adj} :: skittish
espièglement {adv} :: playfully
espièglerie {f} :: mischief, cheekiness (vexatious or annoying conduct)
espingole {f} :: blunderbuss (weapon)
espiogiciel {m} [computing] :: spyware
espion {m} :: spy (person who secretly watches)
espionite {f} :: spy mania / paranoia
espionnage {m} :: espionage; spying
espionne {f} :: feminine noun of espion
espionner {v} :: to spy (to act as a spy)
espionnite {f} :: alternative form of espionite
esplanade {f} :: esplanade, plaza, square, piazza
espliquer {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: alternative form of expliquer, to explain
espoir {m} [all senses] :: hope
esponton {m} :: spontoon
esposer {v} :: obsolete spelling of exposer
Esposito {prop} :: Esposito; surname
esprit {m} :: immaterial or incorporeal substance
esprit {m} :: disembodied mind
esprit {m} :: mind (in the wide sense)
esprit {m} :: mind (as principle of thought)
esprit {m} :: specific mind aptitude
esprit {m} :: high mind aptitude
esprit {m} :: deep intention, sense, or purpose (of a text, action, attitude...); philosophy (in figurative sense)
esprit {m} [metonymy] :: human being, as possessing abilities of mind
esprit {m} :: (old) volatile fluid ; (in particular) alcohol
esprit chagrin {m} :: a gloomy Gus, a Debbie Downer, a pessimist, a cynic, a disgruntled person, a faultfinder, a spoilsport, a sourpuss
esprit de clocher {m} :: parochialism
esprit de contradiction {m} :: contrariness, argumentativeness, quarrelsomeness, contentious spirit, confrontational attitude
esprit de corps {m} :: esprit de corps, spirit of the group, common spirit
esprit de l'escalier {m} :: l'esprit de l'escalier, staircase wit
esprit d'équipe {m} :: team spirit
esprit d'escalier {m} :: alternative form of esprit de l'escalier
esprit de suite {m} [dated] :: tenacity, obstinacy, consistency, perseverance (frame of mind that leads someone to seeing things through)
esprit-de-vin {m} :: spirits of wine
esprit doux {m} [phonetics, typography] :: smooth breathing
esprit fort {m} :: esprit fort
esprit fort {m} :: freethinker
esprit frappeur {m} :: poltergeist (a disruptive ghost)
esprit pyroacétique {m} [obsolete, organic compound] :: pyroacetic spirit
esprit rude {m} [phonetics, typography] :: rough breathing
Esprit-Saint {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Holy Spirit (one of the three persons of the Holy Trinity)
-esque {suffix} :: -esque
esque {f} :: Bait used for fishing
esquicher {v} :: To squeeze
esquif {m} [literary] :: skiff (any of various types of boats small enough for sailing or rowing by one person)
esquille {f} :: splinter
esquimau {adj} :: Eskimo (attributive)
esquimau {m} :: Inuit (language of the Eskimo)
esquimau {m} :: snowsuit
Esquimau {m} :: Eskimo (person)
esquinter {v} :: to damage, ruin, or wear out, especially through use or misuse
esquipot {m} :: A meal where everyone contributes, a picnic, a potluck
esquipot {m} [slang, dated] :: money box
esquisse {f} [arts] :: sketch (quick freehand drawing)
esquisse {f} :: sketch (brief description)
esquisser {v} :: to sketch
esquisser {v} :: to draft, outline
esquiver {vt} :: to dodge (a blow), duck
esquiver {vt} :: to evade, elude
esquiver {vt} :: to sidestep, to strafe
esquiver {vr} :: to slip away
essai {m} :: try, trial
essai {m} :: assay
essai {m} [rugby] :: try
essai {m} :: essay, composition of moderate length exploring a particular issue or subject
essai de pénalité {m} [rugby] :: penalty try
essaim {m} :: swarm (of bees, insects etc.)
essaimage {m} :: swarming (of bees)
essaimage {m} :: swarming (when a lot of animals or people congregate)
essaimer {v} [of bees] :: to swarm
essaimer {v} [figuratively, of people] :: to swarm (to go in a massive group)
essart {m} :: assart
essarter {v} :: to clear forest land of trees, bushes, etc.; to assart
essayage {m} :: fitting, trying on
essayer {vt} :: to test, to try on
essayer {v} [with "de"] :: to try, to attempt
essayeur {m} :: fitter
essayeur {m} :: assayer
essayeuse {f} :: assayer, fitter (female)
essayeuse {f} :: A woman employed in clothing stores to fit clients with clothes
essayiste {mf} :: essayist
-esse {suffix} :: used to form nouns describing the condition of being something (-ness, -ity, etc.)
-esse {suffix} :: -ess (female form)
esse {m} :: letter: s
essence {f} [philosophy, theology] :: essence
essence {f} :: petrol, gasoline
essence {f} :: essence, essential oil
essencerie {f} [Africa] :: gas station; petrol station
essencier {m} :: essencier
essentialisme {m} [philosophy] :: essentialism
essentialité {f} :: essentialness
essentialité {f} :: essentiality, essence
essentiel {adj} :: essential
essentiel {m} :: essential; essence, essential part
essentiellement {adv} :: essentially
esseulé {adj} :: left alone, stranded, forlorn
esseuler {vt} :: to isolate
esseuler {vp} :: to isolate oneself
essieu {m} :: axel, axle (of a car)
essif {m} [grammar] :: essive, essive case
Essonne {prop} {f} :: Essonne
essonnien {adj} :: Of or from Essonne
essor {m} :: flight (the time of soaring, for a bird)
essor {m} [figurative] :: soaring (great success)
essorage {m} :: spinning, spin-drying
essorage {m} :: wringing (out)
essorer {v} :: to dry out, to hang out to dry (e.g. washing)
essorer {v} :: wring, wring out
essoreuse {f} :: mangle, wringer
essoufflé {adj} :: out of breath, breathless
essoufflement {m} :: breathlessness
essoufflement {m} :: panting
essouffler {vt} :: to knock the wind out of, leave breathless
essouffler {vr} :: to become breathless
essouffler {vr} :: to lose steam, to tail off
essuie-glace {m} :: windscreen wiper
essuie-mains {m} :: hand towel
essuie-tout {m} :: paper towel, kitchen towel
essuyer {v} :: to wipe, to wipe down
est {adj} :: east
est {m} :: east
establishment {prop} {m} :: establishment (ruling authority)
estafette {f} :: courier
estafette {f} [military] :: dispatch rider
estafier {m} :: armed valet; bodyguard, hatchet man
estafilade {f} :: gash, slash
estaminet {m} [obsolete] :: restaurant room where smoking is allowed
estaminet {m} [by extension] :: small café
estampage {m} :: estampage
estampe {f} :: print
estamper {v} :: to emboss
estamper {v} :: to stamp (mark by pressing quickly and heavily)
estampie {f} [historical] :: A medieval French dance
estampille {f} :: stamp (device for imprinting)
estampille {f} :: stamp (imprint made by a stamp)
estampiller {v} :: to stamp (mark with a stamp)
est-ce que {particle} :: Used to introduce a yes-or-no question
est-ce que {particle} :: Used after a preposed interrogative to introduce the remainder of the question
Estelle {prop} :: given name
ester {v} [legal, rare] :: to appear
ester {v} [archaic] :: to be
ester {m} [organic chemistry] :: ester
estérification {f} [organic chemistry] :: esterification
estérifié {adj} :: esterified
estérifier {vt} [organic chemistry] :: to esterify
Esther {prop} {f} :: Esther
Esther {prop} {f} :: the book of Esther
Esther {prop} {f} :: given name
esthésie {f} :: aesthesia
esthète {mf} :: aesthete (someone who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature)
esthéticien {m} :: beautician
esthéticienne {f} :: feminine noun of esthéticien
esthétique {adj} :: aesthetic (concerned with beauty)
esthétique {f} :: aesthetics (study of beauty)
esthétiquement {adv} :: aesthetically
esthétisant {adj} :: aestheticized, aestheticizing
esthétisme {m} :: estheticism
esti {f} :: alternative form of ostie
Estienne {prop} :: given name, chiefly obsolete form of Étienne
est-il {phrase} :: is he
est-il {phrase} [impersonal] :: is it
estimable {adj} :: estimable, creditable
estimable {adj} :: esteemed
estimateur {m} :: estimator, assessor
estimatif {adj} :: estimated
estimation {f} :: estimate; estimation (rough calculation or guess)
estime {f} :: esteem
estime {f} :: estimation
estime de soi {f} :: self-esteem
estimer {vt} :: to estimate, to calculate roughly
estimer {vt} :: to esteem, to hold in high regard
estimer {vt} :: to give some thought to, to consider
estival {adj} :: estival, summery
estivant {m} :: summer holidaymaker
estivation {f} :: estivation
estiver {v} :: to estivate
est-nord-est {m} :: east-northeast (compass point)
estoc {m} :: (type of) sword, rapier
estocade {f} :: the mortal impalement of a bull, in bullfighting
estomac {m} [anatomy] :: stomach
estomac à pattes {m} [figuratively] :: walking stomach, stomach on legs (person who is hungry all the time)
estomach {m} :: obsolete form of estomac
estomac sur pattes {m} [figuratively] :: walking stomach, stomach on legs (person who is hungry all the time)
estomaqué {adj} :: flabbergasted
estomaquer {vtr} :: to flabbergast, stupefy
estomper {v} :: to blur, to make indistinct, to dim
estomper {vr} :: to become blurred
estomper {vr} :: to die down, to fade away
Estonie {prop} {f} :: Estonia
estonien {m} :: Estonian, the Estonian language
estonien {adj} :: Estonian
Estonien {m} :: Estonian (person)
Estonienne {f} :: feminine noun of Estonien
estoquer {v} :: to impale
estouffade {f} :: estouffade
estourbi {adj} :: stunned
estourbir {vt} [colloquial] :: To stun or knock out
est-quart-nord-est {m} :: east by north (compass point)
est-quart-sud-est {m} :: east by south (compass point)
estrade {f} :: platform, podium
estragol {m} [organic compound] :: estragole
estragon {m} :: tarragon (the plant)
estragon {m} :: tarragon (the leaves)
estramaçon {m} [historical] :: (a type of) broadsword
estrapade {f} :: strappado, a torture or punishment technique where the victim is tied at a pole which is dropped from a considerable height to just above the soil; aboard a vessel, the victim is dipped into the sea
estrapade {f} :: mast or other contraption constructed for such torturous treatment
estrapade {f} :: gymnastic exercise, where the athlete hangs from a rope and passes the rest of the body in between both arms
estre {v} :: archaic spelling of être
Estrébœuf {prop} :: Estrébœuf
estre humain {m} :: obsolete spelling of être humain
estrémaduran {m} :: Extremaduran (the language of Extremadura)
estropié {adj} :: maimed, crippled
estropié {m} :: cripple
estropier {v} :: cripple
est-sud-est {m} :: east-southeast (compass point)
estuaire {m} :: estuary
estuarien {adj} :: estuarine
estudiantin {adj} :: student (attributive)
esturgeon {m} :: sturgeon
ésule {f} :: milkweed
-et {suffix} :: Suffix indicating diminution or affection
et {conj} :: and
êta {m} :: eta (Greek letter)
étable {f} :: stable (building for animals)
établer {v} :: to stable (put in a stable)
établi {adj} :: established
établir {v} :: to make out (a bill), to draw up (a document etc.)
établir {v} :: to establish, to set up (a business, government, camp, reputation etc.)
établir {v} :: to demonstrate, establish (a fact, responsibility)
établir {v} [sport] :: to set (a record)
établir {v} :: to institute [a rule]
établir {vr} :: to settle down
établir {vr} :: (+ preposition à) to stand at (about a statistic)
établir {vr} [biology] :: to colonize
établir {v} [uncommon] :: to become part of common usage
établissement {m} :: establishment
étage {m} :: (building) floor, storey
étage {m} :: (geology) stage, division of a geological period
étage {m} :: (oceanography) floor in ocean and sea
étage {m} :: (climatology) zone
étage {m} :: (rocketry) stage
étagement {m} :: layering
étager {v} :: to layer, to set one above the other
étager {v} :: to set in progressive installments
étagère {f} :: whatnot, shelf
étagère {f} :: a piece of furniture equipped with shelves, such as a rack or bookcase
étai {m} [nautical] :: A stay
étai {m} :: stay, prop, strut, support
étain {m} :: tin
et ainsi de suite {idiom} :: and so on, and so forth
étal {m} :: (market) stall
étal {m} :: butcher's block
étalage {m} :: display
étalage {m} :: window display, window dressing
étalagiste {mf} :: window dresser
étalement {m} :: spreading, sprawling
étalement {m} :: staggering
étalement urbain {m} :: urban sprawl
étaler {vt} :: to spread, spread out (papers, objects, etc.; sur on or over)
étaler {vt} :: to spread, smear (butter, etc.)
étaler {vt} :: to spread, stagger (repayments)
étaler {vt} :: to flaunt, show off (talents, money)
étaler {vr} :: to spread out, stretch out
étaler {vr} :: to show off
étaler {vr} [colloquial] :: to fall over
étalingure {f} [nautical] :: bitter end
étalon {m} :: stallion (uncastrated male horse)
étalon {m} :: stallion (sexually active man)
étalon {m} :: standard (something used as a measure for comparative evaluations)
étalonnage {m} :: calibration
étalonné {adj} :: calibrated
étalonner {v} :: to calibrate
étalonnier {adj} [attributive] :: stallion
étalonnier {m} :: stallioner (someone who looks after stallions)
et alors {interj} :: so what?
étamage {m} :: action of result of tin plating
étamer {vt} :: to tin plate (metal, etc.)
étameur {m} :: whitesmith
étameuse {f} :: feminine noun of étameur
étamine {f} :: stamen (a flower part that produces pollen)
étamine {f} :: muslin, cheesecloth, etamine (a fine fabric often used to filter liquids)
étanche {adj} :: watertight
étanche {adj} :: airtight
étanchéifier {v} :: to waterproof
étanchéité {f} :: watertightness; airtightness
étanchement {m} :: sealing, staunching
étanchement {m} :: sealant
étancher {vt} :: to make watertight, to stop water from flowing
étancher {vt} :: to quench (thirst)
étancher {vt} [figuratively] :: to satiate, to quench, to assuage
étançon {m} :: stanchion
étançonner {v} :: to prop up or shore up
étang {m} :: pond (small lake)
étant {m} :: being
étant donné {prep} :: given, in view of, in light of
étant donné que {conj} :: given that, seeing that
étape {f} :: stage, stop (on a journey)
étape {f} :: leg (of race)
étape {f} [figuratively] :: step, stage
Etat {m} :: alternative case form of État
état {m} :: state, condition
état {m} :: alternative case form of État
État {m} :: state, nation
État {m} :: government
État {m} :: alternative case form of état
état civil {m} [law, administration] :: personal data, personal information, personal records; civil status, marital status
état civil {m} [law, administration] :: public records, civil registry (register of births, marriages and deaths)
état civil {m} [law, administration] :: register office
état d'âme {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: misgiving
état de choses {m} :: state of affairs, situation
État de droit {m} [law] :: rule-of-law state, constitutional state, legally constituted state
état de fait {m} :: state of affairs, real situation, factual situation, inescapable fact
état de grâce {m} [theology] :: state of grace
état de grâce {m} [figuratively, politics] :: honeymoon period
état de grâce {m} [figuratively, sports] :: God mode
état de langue {m} [linguistics] :: a form of a language at any given time, seen synchronically
état de l'art {m} :: state of the art, latest developments in a particular field
état de l'art {m} :: overview, survey, status report of a particular field
état de nature {m} [philosophy] :: state of nature
état des lieux {m} [law] :: inventory of fixtures, schedule of fixtures (inspection of the condition of an apartment)
état des lieux {m} [figuratively] :: assessment of the situation; state of play
état d'esprit {m} :: state of mind (psychological state)
état d'urgence {m} :: state of emergency
état intéressant {m} [euphemistic, singulare tantum] :: interesting condition
étatique {adj} [politics] :: stately; of or relating to a state
étatisation {f} :: nationalization
étatiser {v} :: to nationalize
État islamique {prop} {m} :: Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL)
État islamique d'Irak {prop} {m} :: Islamic State in Iraq; former name of Daech (État islamique en Irak et au Levant)
État islamique en Irak et au Levant {prop} {m} :: ISIS/ISIL (Islamic State)
étatisme {m} :: etatism; state socialism, government control
étatiste {mf} [politics] :: statist
étatiste {adj} [politics] :: statist
État libre associé de Porto Rico {prop} {m} :: the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
état-major {m} [military] :: general staff, headquarters (group of officers in charge of an army under the control of the commander-in-chief)
état-major {m} [military] :: headquarters (military installation from which troops are commanded and orders are issued)
état-major {m} [politics] :: administrative staff (body of staff that administers a political party)
état-major {m} [business] :: senior management (group of people in charge of a corporation)
état-major {m} [colloquial, by extension] :: any administrative body aimed at aiding a professional or academic in their work
État-nation {m} :: nation-state
État policier {m} :: police state
état second {m} :: trance, altered state
états-unien {adj} :: American, pertaining to the USA, Usonian
étatsunien {adj} :: alternative form of états-unien
États-Unien {m} :: American citizen, U.S. citizen
États-Unienne {f} :: feminine singular of États-Unien
Etats-Unis {prop} {mp} :: alternative spelling of États-Unis
États-Unis {prop} {mp} :: États-Unis (country)
Etats-Unis d'Amérique {prop} {mp} :: alternative form of États-Unis d'Amérique
États-Unis d'Amérique {prop} {mp} :: États-Unis d'Amérique (country)
étau {m} :: vice [UK], vise [US]
étau {m} [figuratively] :: noose
étayer {v} :: to prop up; to support
étayer {v} :: to back up; to support (e.g. an opinion, a theory)
etc. {adv} :: et cetera (and so on)
et cætera {adv} :: alternative form of et cetera
et cétéra {adv} :: alternative form of et cetera
et comment {interj} [colloquial] :: and how!
et comment {interj} [colloquial] :: yes please! do I ever!
et des {phrase} [colloquial, chiefly Belgium] :: or thereabouts, and change, and a bit over
et des poussières {phrase} :: or thereabouts; and change
-eté {suffix} :: variant of -té, for example: proprepropreté
été {m} :: summer
été de la Saint-Martin {m} :: Indian summer, St. Martin's summer (stretch of warm days during late autumn)
éteignoir {m} :: candle snuffer
éteignoir {m} :: killjoy, wet blanket
éteindre {v} :: to turn off (a switch)
éteindre {v} :: to put out (a fire)
éteindre {vr} :: to die out, fade
éteint {adj} :: extinct
éteint {adj} :: dead, lifeless
et encore {adv} [colloquial] :: if that, and even then!
étendage {m} :: extension (act of extending)
étendage {m} :: clothesline
étendard {m} :: standard (flag used in battle)
étendoir {f} :: clotheshorse
étendre {v} :: to stretch (the limbs)
étendre {v} :: to spread
étendre {v} :: to hang out (washing)
étendre {v} :: to extend
étendre {v} :: to enlarge, expand
étendre {vr} :: to expand upon; to discuss in greater detail
étendre {v} :: to dilute; to water down
étendu {adj} :: extensive (wide)
étendu {adj} :: widespread
étendue {f} :: expanse, area (of land, water etc.)
étendue {f} :: size (of a country, collection etc.)
étendue {f} :: scale, range, extent (of knowledge, damage etc.); depth (of ignorance)
éternel {adj} :: eternal (ever-lasting)
éternellement {adv} :: eternally
éterniser {v} :: to drag out, to prolong
éterniser {v} :: to immortalize
éterniser {vr} :: to drag on
éternité {f} :: eternity
éternuement {m} :: sneeze
éternuer {v} :: to sneeze
éternument {m} [obsolete] :: alternative form of éternuement
étésien {adj} :: etesian
étésien {m} :: etesian
êtes-vous allergique à certains médicaments {phrase} :: are you allergic to any medications?
étêtement {m} :: the act of pollarding
étêtement {m} :: the act of cutting the top off an object (such as a pin)
étêter {v} [horticulture, forestry] :: to pollard, to trim the top of a tree
étêter {v} [by extension] :: to cut off the top of any object
éthal {m} [obsolete, organic compound] :: ethal
éthanal {m} [organic compound] :: ethanal
éthane {m} :: ethane (aliphatic hydrocarbon, C2H6)
éthanedial {m} [organic compound] :: ethanedial, glyoxal
éthanedioïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: ethanedioic
éthanethiol {m} [organic compound] :: ethanethiol
éthanoate {m} [organic chemistry] :: ethanoate
éthanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: ethanoic
éthanol {m} [organic compound] :: ethanol
éthanolamine {f} [organic compound] :: ethanolamine
éthanolate {m} [organic chemistry] :: ethanolate
éthanoylation {f} [organic chemistry] :: ethanoylation
éthène {m} [organic compound] :: ethene
éthènone {m} [organic compound] :: ethenone
éthényle {m} [organic chemistry] :: ethenyl
éther {m} :: ether
éthérate {m} [organic chemistry] :: etherate
éthéré {adj} :: ethereal (all senses)
éthérification {f} [organic chemistry] :: etherification
éthérique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: etheric
éthériser {v} :: To etherize
éthérol {m} [obsolete, organic chemistry] :: etherol
éthionique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: ethionic
Ethiopie {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Éthiopie
Éthiopie {prop} {f} :: Ethiopia
Ethiopien {m} :: alternative spelling of Éthiopien
éthiopien {adj} :: Ethiopian (of or pertaining to Ethiopia or its people or culture)
Éthiopien {m} :: an Ethiopian
Ethiopienne {f} :: feminine noun of Ethiopien
Éthiopienne {f} :: feminine noun of Éthiopien
éthiops {m} :: aethiops
éthique {adj} :: ethical
éthique {f} :: ethic
éthiquement {adv} :: ethically
ethlete {mf} :: ethlete
ethmoïdal {adj} [anatomy] :: ethmoidal, ethmoid
ethmoïde {adj} :: ethmoid
ethnarque {m} :: ethnarch
ethnicité {f} :: ethnicity
ethnie {f} :: ethnic group
ethnique {adj} :: ethnic
ethniquement {adv} :: ethnically
ethno- {prefix} :: ethno-
ethnoastronomie {f} [astronomy] :: ethnoastronomy
ethnobiologie {f} [biology] :: ethnobiology
ethnobiologiste {mf} [biology] :: ethnobiologist
ethnocentrique {adj} :: ethnocentric (related to ethnocentrism)
ethnocentrisme {m} :: ethnocentrism
ethnocentriste {adj} :: ethnocentrist
ethnoclassification {f} :: ethnoclassification
ethnoculturel {adj} :: ethnocultural
ethnoentomologie {f} :: ethnoentomology
ethnoentomologiste {mf} :: ethnoentomologist
ethnographe {mf} :: ethnographer (one who studies ethnography)
ethnographie {f} :: ethnography
ethnographier {v} :: to record in the form of an ethnography
ethnographique {adj} :: ethnographic
ethnolinguistique {adj} :: ethnolinguistic
ethnologie {f} :: ethnology
ethnologique {adj} :: ethnologic, ethnological
ethnologiquement {adv} :: ethnologically
ethnologue {mf} :: ethnologist
ethnomathématique {adj} :: ethnomathematical
ethnomathématique {f} [maths] :: ethnomathematics
ethnomusicologie {f} :: ethnomusicology
ethnomusicologique {adj} :: ethnomusicologic
ethnomusicologiquement {adv} :: ethnomusicologically
ethnomusicologue {mf} :: ethnomusicologist
ethnonyme {m} :: ethnonym
ethnoornithologie {f} :: ethnoornithology
ethnoornithologiste {mf} :: ethnoornithologist
ethnopolitique {adj} :: ethnopolitical
ethnopolitique {f} :: ethnopolitics
ethnopsychiatre {mf} :: ethnopsychiatrist
ethnopsychiatrie {f} :: ethnopsychiatry
ethnozoologie {f} :: ethnozoology
ethnozoologiste {mf} :: ethnozoologist
éthographie {f} :: ethography
éthologie {f} :: ethology
éthologue {mf} :: ethologist
éthopée {f} [rhetoric] :: ethopoeia
éthoxyde {m} [organic chemistry] :: ethoxide
éthoxyéthane {m} [organic compound] :: ethoxyethane, diethyl ether
éthyl {m} [organic chemistry] :: ethyl
éthylamine {f} [organic compound] :: ethylamine
éthylbenzène {m} [organic compound] :: ethylbenzene
éthyle {m} [organic chemistry] :: ethyl
éthylène {m} [organic compound] :: ethylene
éthylènediamine {f} [organic compound] :: ethylenediamine
éthylènediaminetétraacétique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: ethylenediaminetetraacetic
éthylénique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: ethylenic
éthylidène {m} [organic chemistry] :: ethylidene
éthylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: ethyl (attributive)
éthylique {adj} :: alcoholic
éthylisme {m} :: alcoholism
éthylomètre {m} :: breathalyzer
éthylotest {m} :: alcohol test; blood alcohol test (test to measure the level of blood alcohol)
éthylotest {m} :: breathalyser/breathalyzer
éthylvanilline {f} :: ethylvanillin
éthyne {m} [organic compound] :: ethyne
éthynediol {m} [organic compound] :: ethynediol
éthynol {m} [organic compound] :: ethynol
éthynylestradiol {m} [organic compound] :: ethinylestradiol
étiage {m} :: lowest water level (of a river course)
Etienne {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Étienne
Étienne {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Stephen (Christian martyr)
Étienne {prop} {m} :: given name
étier {m} :: channel for salt marshes
étiléfrine {m} :: etilefrine
étincelamment {adv} :: sparklingly
étincelant {adj} :: sparkling
étincelant {adj} :: scintillating
étinceler {v} [archaic] :: to spark (give off sparks)
étinceler {v} :: to sparkle, twinkle
étincelle {f} :: spark
étioler {v} :: to etiolate (to render pale)
étiologie {f} :: aetiology (study of causes or origins)
étiologique {adj} :: etiological
étique {adj} :: consumptive, tubercular
étique {adj} :: skinny, thin
étique {adj} :: shabby, poor
étiquetage {m} :: labelling
étiqueté {adj} :: labelled
étiqueter {v} :: label
étiquette {f} :: tag, label
étiquette {f} :: etiquette, prescribed behavior
étirable {adj} :: stretchable
étirage {m} :: stretching
étiré {adj} :: stretched
étirement {m} :: stretch (act of stretching, all senses)
étirer {v} :: to stretch
étirer {vr} [s'étirer] :: To stretch (stretch one's muscles)
étisie {f} :: consumption
étisie {f} :: decline
et le tour est joué {interj} [colloquial] :: and Bob's your uncle! there you have it! that's all there is to it! ta-da! shazaam!
et moi donc {interj} [colloquial] :: what about me then? and what about me? so am I! so do I! same here! tell me about it!
étoffe {f} :: fabric, material
étoffe {f} [figuratively] :: stuff
étoffer {v} :: to stuff (a pillow, food)
étoffer {v} [furniture] :: to upholster
étoffer {v} [clothing] :: to fill out
étoffer {v} :: to pad out; to flesh out (give something more substance)
étoffer {vr} [also, figurative] :: to fill out (to get plumper)
étoile {f} :: star
étoile {f} [heraldiccharge] :: mullet
étoile {f} [farming] :: a white mark on the forehead of a horse or bull
étoilé {adj} :: starry
étoile à neutrons {f} [astronomy] :: neutron star
étoile de David {f} :: yellow badge
étoile de mer {f} :: starfish
étoile de mer {f} [colloquial] :: dead fish, cold fish (a woman who doesn't move during sex, but contents herself with a passive role in the missionary position)
étoile du matin {f} :: morning star (planet Venus when in the East)
étoile du soir {f} [astronomy] :: Evening star; the planet Venus as seen in the western sky in the evening
étoile du soir {f} [astronomy] :: Evening star; any star seen in the evening, especially the planets Mercury and Jupiter
étoile filante {f} :: shooting star, falling star
étoile invitée {f} [astronomy] :: guest star
étoile jaune {f} :: yellow badge
étoiler {v} :: To scatter or adorn with stars
étole {f} :: stole
étonnable {adj} :: astonishing
étonnablement {adv} :: astonishingly
étonnamment {adv} :: surprisingly (in a way that causes surprise because it is unexpected, or unusual)
étonnant {adj} :: amazing; surprising
étonné {adj} :: surprised
étonnement {m} :: astonishment, amazement
étonner {v} :: to surprise
et/ou {conj} :: and/or
étouffant {adj} :: oppressive, sultry, stifling, stuffy
étouffe-chrétien {m} [colloquial] :: stodge, stodgy meal
étouffée {f} :: étouffée (stew cooked in a closed pot); the manner of cooking which is used to make such stews
étouffement {m} :: suffocation
étouffer {vit} :: to choke
étouffer {v} [figuratively, by extension] :: to stop, to inhibit, to prevent
étouffer dans l'œuf {v} :: to nip in the bud (literally, "to smother in the egg")
étouffoir {m} [music] :: damper
étoupe {f} :: oakum, tow (residue)
étouper {v} :: to caulk (block using oakum or by extension another similar material)
étourderie {f} :: thoughtlessness, carelessness
étourdi {m} :: scatterbrain, absent-minded individual
étourdi {adj} :: stunned
étourdi {adj} :: dizzy, giddy
étourdi {adj} :: scatterbrained, distracted
étourdiment {adv} :: thoughtlessly, carelessly, foolishly, rashly
étourdir {v} :: to daze, to stun
étourdir {v} [colloquial] :: to tire, to wear out
étourdissant {adj} :: stunning, deafening
étourdissant {adj} :: thunderous
étourdissement {m} :: blackout, dizzy spell
étourdissement {m} [literary] :: surprise; exhilaration
étourneau {m} :: starling
étourneau {m} [colloquial] :: birdbrain, scatterbrain
et pas qu'un peu {interj} [colloquial] :: and then some! and how!
et patin-couffin {adv} [colloquial] :: and so forth, et cetera
et plus vite que ça {phrase} [colloquial] :: and be quick about it! make it snappy! snap to it! snap it up! chop-chop! move it!
et pour cause {adv} [colloquial] :: and with good reason, and rightly so, and unsurprisingly so
et puis quoi encore {interj} [colloquial] :: what more do you wantjam on it? oh yeah, and what else? anything else? is that all? (used ironically, when someone asks too much, with the meaning "not a chance I'm going to do that!")
et que ça saute {phrase} [colloquial] :: make it snappy! snap it up! chop-chop! move it! be quick about it!
et quelque {phrase} :: alternative spelling of et quelques
et quelques {phrase} [colloquial] :: or thereabouts; and change, and a bit over
étrange {adj} :: strange (bizarre, odd, abnormal)
étrange {adj} [of countries] :: foreign
étrangement {adv} :: strangely (in a strange manner)
étranger {adj} :: foreign
étranger {adj} :: unacquainted
étranger {m} :: foreigner
étranger {m} :: stranger
étranger {m} :: foreign place
étrangère {f} :: feminine noun of étranger
étrangeté {f} :: strangeness
étrangeté {f} [physics] :: strangeness
étranglement {m} :: strangling
étrangler {v} :: to strangle
étrangler le borgne {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to bash the bishop (to masturbate)
étrangleur {m} :: strangler
étrangleuse {f} :: strangler (female)
étrave {f} [nautical] :: stem
être {v} :: to be
être {v} [auxiliary] :: Used to form the perfect and pluperfect tense of certain verbs (including all reflexive verbs)
être {v} [auxiliary] :: to be (Used to form the passive voice)
être {m} :: being, creature
être à {v} :: to pertain to; to belong to; to be one's
être à cran {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to be on edge, to be edgy (to be very tense and irritated)
être à la bourre {v} [idiomatic, slang] :: To be late or rushed
être à la hauteur {v} [de] :: to live up to, to measure up to, to be up to the task of
être à la porte {v} :: to be locked out (of a building)
être à l'ouest {v} [colloquial] :: to be out to lunch, out of it, not with it, spaced out
être à son avantage {v} :: to look good, to look one's best, to appear in one's best light
être assis entre deux chaises {v} [figuratively] :: to fall between two stools, to have a foot in both camps, to be piggy in the middle, to be caught in the middle, to be sitting on the fence
être au four et au moulin {v} [idiomatic] :: To be all over the place; be in two places at once
être au septième ciel {v} :: to be on cloud nine, to be on top of the world, to be in seventh heaven, to be over the moon
être aux anges {v} :: to be on cloud nine, to be on top of the world, to be in seventh heaven, to be over the moon
être aux petits soins {v} [pour] :: [colloquial] to see to somebody's every need, to wait on somebody hand and foot
être aux premières loges {v} [figuratively] :: to have a ringside seat, a box seat
être aux prises avec {v} :: to fight against, to grapple with
étrécir {vt} [archaic] :: to make narrow
être dans de beaux draps {v} [colloquial] :: To be up the creek without a paddle; be in trouble; be in a pickle; be in a spot of bother
être dans de sales draps {v} :: alternative form of être dans de beaux draps
être dans des transes {v} :: to be shaking in one's boots
être dans la dèche {v} [colloquial, slang] :: to be broke
être dans la lune {v} [figuratively, idiom] :: To be absent-minded; to be distracted
être dans la merde jusqu'au cou {phrase} [figuratively] :: To be up to your neck in trouble, to be up shit creek
être dans le même bateau {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to be in the same boat
être dans les Fordoches {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] :: to be in distress
être dans les nuages {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to have one's head in the clouds
être dans les poux de bois {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] :: to be in distress
être debout {v} :: stand (be upright, support oneself on the feet in an erect position)
être de la partie {v} :: to be included; to be coming, to be in, to be game
être de la partie {v} [meteorology] :: to be there, not to be lacking
être de mèche {v} [avec] :: [colloquial] to be in cahoots (with), to go cahoots
être de notoriété publique {v} :: to be common knowledge (that)
être d'intelligence {v} [avec] :: [literary] to be in cahoots (with)
être dos au mur {v} [figuratively] :: to have one's back to the wall, to be up against the wall, to be backed into a corner, to have no way out
être du pareil au même {v} [idiomatic, pleonasm, set phrase] :: same difference, six of one, half a dozen of the other
être en bonne odeur {v} [idiomatic] :: to have a good name
être en fonds {v} [literary] :: to have money, to be in funds
être en mauvaise odeur {v} [idiomatic] :: to have an ill name
être en odeur de sainteté {v} [figuratively] :: to be esteemed, to be popular, to be thought highly of; to be in favour with someone, to be in someone's good books
être fait comme un rat {v} [simile, colloquial] :: To be cornered, to be a dead duck
être faux comme un jeton {v} [colloquial, simile] :: to be phony as a three-dollar bill, to be bent as a nine-bob note, to be extremely dishonest
être humain {m} :: A human being
étreindre {v} :: to hug (embrace)
étreindre {v} :: to clutch, grip
étreinte {f} :: embrace, hug
étreinte fatale {f} [computing] :: deadlock
être le cas {v} :: be the case
être le pied {v} [colloquial] :: to be terrific, to be great (to be very pleasant)
être logé à la même enseigne {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to be in the same boat, to be treated in the same way
être moins une {v} [colloquial] :: to be a near thing, to be a close call
étrenne {f} [obsolete] :: the first sale of the day made by a shopkeeper, merchant etc
étrenne {f} [rare] :: the first time something is used/worn/done
étrenne {f} [in the plural] :: New Year's gift; Christmas present (especially when talking to a child)
étrenner {v} :: to use/wear for the first time
étrenner {v} [for wearing clothes] :: to break in
étrenner {v} :: to be the guinea pig
étrennes {fp} :: New Year's gift; Christmas present (especially when talking to a child)
être pendu aux lèvres de {v} :: to hang on someone's every word
être plus catholique que le pape {v} :: to go overboard, to overdo it, to be an extremist, to have extreme views
être plus royaliste que le roi {v} :: to be more Catholic than the Pope; to make more effort to defend someone's interests than they make themselves
être pris entre deux feux {v} [figuratively] :: to be between a rock and a hard place, to be between Scylla and Charybdis, to be between the devil and the deep blue sea, to be caught in the middle, to be caught in the crossfire
être sur la même longueur d'onde {v} :: to be on the same wavelength
être sur la paille {v} [colloquial] :: to be ruined, to be penniless
être sur les nerfs {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to be on edge (to be very tense and irritated)
être sur les rotules {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to be knackered, to be exhausted, to be on one's last legs
être sur son 31 {v} :: alternative spelling of être sur son trente-et-un
être sur son trente et un {v} :: alternative spelling of être sur son trente-et-un
être sur son trente-et-un {v} :: be dressed to the nines, be dressed to kill
être sur toutes les lèvres {v} [figuratively] :: to be on everyone's lips, to be the talk of the town, to be talked about by everyone
être sur un petit nuage {v} :: to be on cloud nine, to be on top of the world, to be in seventh heaven, to be over the moon
être tout ouïe {v} :: to be all ears
étrier {m} [equestrian, medicine] :: stirrup
étrier {m} [anatomy] :: stirrup bone, stapes
étrier {m} [climbing] :: étrier (UK), stirrup (US)
étrier {m} :: caliper (US), calliper (UK), the part of a brake
étrille {f} :: currycomb, strigil
étriller {v} :: to curry (a horse), to groom
étriller {v} [sports] :: to crush, to trounce
étriller {v} [figuratively] :: to critique, to reprimand
étriper {v} :: to gut, disembowel
étriper {v} :: to thrash (defeat convincingly)
étriquer {v} :: to narrow
étriver {vt} [nautical] :: to tie together two ropes with a third
étrivière {f} :: stirrup
étroit {adj} :: narrow
étroit d'esprit {adj} :: narrow-minded
étroitement {adv} :: narrowly
étroitesse {f} :: narrowness
étron {m} :: turd, crap, fecal matter
étronçonner {v} :: to cut off branches; debranch
étrusque {adj} :: Etruscan
étrusque {m} :: Etruscan (language)
Étrusque {mf} :: Etruscan (person)
-ette {suffix} :: feminine noun of -et
et tout le tremblement {phrase} [colloquial] :: and all that jazz, and the whole kit and caboodle, and the whole caboodle
étude {f} :: study
étude de marché {f} [marketing] :: market research
étudiant {m} :: student
étudiant {adj} :: studying (in the process of studying)
étudiant d'échange {m} :: exchange student
étudier {v} :: to study
étui {m} :: case (for glasses, cigars, a viola)
étui {m} :: holster (for a gun)
étui {m} :: cover (for an umbrella)
étui {m} :: cartridge (of a bullet)
étuve {f} :: drying oven
étuve {f} :: sauna
étuve {f} [figuratively] :: a hot place; an oven
étuve {f} [historical] :: public baths
étuvé {adj} :: dried in an oven
étuvée {f} :: steaming (of food)
étuver {v} :: to dry in a drying oven
et voilà le travail {interj} [colloquial] :: Bob's your uncle!
et voilà le travail {interj} [colloquial] :: ta-da! shazaam!
étymologie {f} :: etymology
étymologie populaire {f} [linguistics] :: folk etymology
étymologique {adj} :: etymological
étymologiquement {adv} :: etymologically
étymologiste {mf} :: etymologist (person who specializes in etymology)
étymon {m} :: etymon
EU {prop} :: EU (country); initialism of États-Unis
ÉUA {prop} {mp} :: ÉUA (country); initialism of États-Unis d'Amérique
eubactérie {f} :: eubacterium
Eubée {prop} {f} :: Euboea
Eubœe {prop} {f} :: obsolete form of Eubée
eucalyne {f} [carbohydrate] :: eucalyn
eucalyptus {m} :: eucalyptus
eucalyptus citronné {m} :: lemon eucalyptus (Corymbia citriodora)
eucaryote {m} [cytology] :: eukaryote
eucharistie {f} [Christianity] :: Eucharist
Eucharistie {f} :: alternative case form of eucharistie
eucharistique {adj} :: eucharistic
Euclide {prop} {m} :: Euclid
euclidien {adj} :: Euclidean
eucologe {m} :: euchologion
Eudème {prop} {m} :: Eudemus (an Ancient Greek given name)
eudiomètre {m} :: eudiometer (tube for measuring volume of gases)
eudiométrie {m} :: eudiometry
eudiométrique {adj} :: eudiometric
eu égard à {prep} :: given, in view of, in light of
Eugène {prop} :: given name
eugénésie {f} :: eugenics
eugénésique {adj} :: eugenic
eugénie {f} :: eugenics
Eugénie {prop} :: given name
eugénine {f} :: eugenin
eugénique {adj} :: eugenic
eugénisme {m} :: eugenics
eugéniste {adj} :: eugenist
eugéniste {mf} :: eugenist
eugénol {m} [organic compound] :: eugenol
euh {interj} :: er, um, uh; expressing hesitation, reflection, confusion, or doubt
Eulalie {prop} {f} :: given name
eulérien {adj} :: Eulerian
eumélanine {f} :: eumelanin
eumolpique {adj} :: eumolpic
eunuchat {m} :: quality of being a eunuch
eunuque {m} :: eunuch
euphémique {adj} :: euphemistic
euphémiquement {adv} :: euphemistically
euphémisme {m} :: euphemism
euphonie {f} :: euphony
euphonique {adj} :: euphonic
euphoniquement {adv} :: euphonically
euphorbe {f} :: spurge (any plant of the genus Euphorbia)
euphorbique {adj} :: euphorbic
euphorie {f} :: euphoria (an excited state of joy)
euphorique {adj} :: euphoric, very happy, exhilarated
euphorisant {adj} :: euphoriant
euphotique {adj} :: euphotic (describing that part of the near-surface ocean in which photosynthesis is possible)
euphraise {f} :: eyebright
Euphrate {prop} {m} :: Euphrates
-eur {suffix} :: Used to form agent nouns from verbs
-eur {suffix} :: Used to form abstract nouns from adjectives; -ness
Eurafrasie {prop} {f} :: Afro-Eurasia (supercontinent)
eurasiatique {adj} :: Eurasian
Eurasie {prop} {f} :: Eurasia (supercontinent)
eurasien {adj} :: Eurasian (of or from Eurasia)
Eurasien {m} :: Eurasian (someone from Eurasia)
Eurasienne {f} :: feminine noun of Eurasien
Eure {prop} {f} :: Eure (river)
Eure {prop} {f} :: Eure (department)
Eure-et-Loir {prop} :: Eure-et-Loir
eurêka {interj} :: eureka
eurhodine {f} [organic compound] :: eurhodine
Euripide {prop} {m} :: Euripides (Ancient Greek tragedian)
euristique {adj} :: heuristic
euro- {prefix} :: Euro- (forms words relating to Europe)
euro {m} :: euro (currency)
eurochèque {m} :: Eurocheque
eurocommunisme {m} :: Eurocommunism
eurocommuniste {adj} :: Eurocommunist
eurocommuniste {mf} :: Eurocommunist
eurodéputé {m} :: MEP, Eurodeputy
eurodéputée {f} :: female equivalent of eurodéputé
euromissile {m} :: Euromissile
Europarlement {prop} {m} :: European Parliament
europate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: europate
Europe {prop} {f} :: Europe
Europe {prop} {f} :: Europa, a moon of Jupiter
européanisation {f} :: Europeanisation
européaniser {v} :: to Europeanize
Europe centrale {prop} {f} :: Central Europe
européen {adj} :: European
Européen {m} :: European; person from Europe
Européenne {f} :: feminine noun of Européen
européiste {adj} :: pro-European
européiste {mf} :: pro-European
europhile {mf} :: europhile
europhile {adj} :: europhilic, europhile
europhilie {f} :: europhilia (love of Europe)
europhobe {adj} :: Europhobic
europium {m} :: europium
eurosceptique {adj} :: Eurosceptic
eurosceptique {mf} :: Eurosceptic
Eurovision {prop} :: Eurovision
euryèce {adj} [ecology] :: euryoecious
eurytherme {adj} [biology] :: eurythermal
euryxène {adj} [biology] :: euryxenous
-euse {suffix} :: feminine noun of -eur
-euse {suffix} :: feminine singular of -eux
Eusèbe {prop} {m} :: given name
eusocial {adj} [biology] :: eusocial
eusocialement {adv} [biology] :: eusocially
eusocialité {f} [biology] :: eusociality
Eustache {prop} :: given name
eustatisme {m} :: eustasy
eutectique {adj} :: eutectic
eutectique {m} :: eutectic (point, mixture)
eutectoïde {adj} [physics] :: eutectoid
eutexie {f} :: eutexia
euthanasie {f} :: euthanasia (practice of killing a human being or animal)
euthanasier {v} :: to euthanise
Euthydème {prop} {m} :: Euthydemus
eutrophe {adj} [geography, of a swamp or a similar water reservoir] :: eutrophic, providing nutrients
eutrophie {f} [physiology] :: eutrophy
eutrophique {adj} [geography, of a swamp or a similar water reservoir] :: eutrophic, providing nutrients
eutrophique {adj} [medicine] :: eutrophic, promoting health and nutrients
eutrophisation {f} :: eutrophication
eutrophiser {v} [physiology] :: to render eutrophic
-eux {suffix} :: -ous, -y
eux-autres {pron} [Canada, Louisiana] :: they
euxénite {m} [mineral] :: euxenite
eux-mêmes {pron} [emphatic] :: themselves
Éva {prop} :: given name, a Latinate variant of Ève (= Eve)
évacuation {f} :: evacuation (act of emptying)
évacuer {vt} :: to evacuate
évadé {adj} :: escaped
évadé {m} :: escapee, evader
évader {vr} :: to escape (from a building, situation etc.)
évaluatif {adj} :: evaluative
évaluation {f} :: assessment
évaluation par les pairs {f} :: peer review
évaluer {v} :: to assess
évanescence {f} :: evanescence
évanescent {adj} :: evanescent
évangélique {adj} :: evangelical
évangéliquement {adv} :: evangelically
évangélisation {f} :: evangelisation
évangéliser {v} :: to evangelise
évangélisme {m} :: evangelicalism
évangélisme {m} :: evangelism
évangéliste {m} :: evangelist (all meanings)
évangile {m} [biblical] :: gospel
Évangile {prop} :: Good News; Evangealion
évanouir {vp} :: to lose consciousness; to faint
évanouir {vp} [formal] :: to vanish or disappear without a trace, especially things
évanouissable {adj} :: Liable to faint
évanouissable {adj} [maths] :: vanishingly small
évanouissement {m} :: fainting
évaporation {f} :: evaporation
évaporer {v} :: to evaporate
évasé {adj} :: flared
évaser {v} :: to widen, open out or splay
évaser {v} :: to flare
évasif {adj} :: evasive, slippery, noncommittal
évasion {f} :: escape
évasion {f} :: escapism
évasion fiscale {f} :: tax evasion
évasivement {adv} :: evasively
Ève {prop} [biblical character] :: Eve (wife of Adam)
Ève {prop} :: given name
évêché {m} :: bishopric
évêché {m} :: bishop's palace
évêché {m} :: cathedral town
éveil {m} :: wakefulness, vigil
éveil {m} :: arousal
éveillé {adj} :: awake
éveiller {v} :: to stimulate
éveiller {v} :: to kindle
éveiller {v} :: to waken
Évelyne {prop} :: given name
événement {m} :: event
évènement {m} :: alternative spelling of événement
événementiel {adj} :: event (attributive)
évènementiel {adj} :: event (attributive)
évent {m} :: blowhole (of cetaceans)
éventail {m} :: fan (hand-held device)
éventail {m} [figurative] :: range, array
éventaire {m} :: flat basket used by flower sellers, etc
éventaire {m} :: stall (outside a shop)
éventer {v} [dated] :: to air, ventilate (expose to the air)
éventer {vtr} :: to fan
éventer {v} [nautical] :: to expose to the wind
éventer {vr} [of foods] :: to go off, go stale, go flat
éventiller {v} [of a bird] :: to hover
éventration {f} :: eventration
éventration {f} :: rupture
éventration {f} :: evisceration
éventrement {m} :: disemboweling
eventrer {v} :: obsolete form of éventrer
éventrer {v} [literally] :: to disembowel
éventrer {v} [by extension] :: to rip apart, to tear open
éventrer {v} [of a bull] :: to gore
éventreur {m} :: ripper, someone who disembowels or mutilates their victim
éventualité {f} :: eventuality, event, possible outcome
éventuel {adj} :: possible, hypothetical (that might come about)
éventuellement {adv} :: possibly, maybe, perhaps; if you want
éventuellement {adv} [Quebec] :: eventually
évêque {mf} :: bishop (clergyman)
évertuer {vp} :: to strive
éviction {f} :: eviction (the act of evicting)
évidemment {adv} :: of course, evidently, obviously
évidence {f} :: obviousness, clearness
évident {adj} :: evident, obvious
évider {v} :: to hollow out, to scoop out
évier {m} :: sink, basin
évincement {m} :: outsing
évincer {v} :: evict (to expel)
évincer {v} :: to depose
évincer {v} :: to knock out, eliminate, do away with, see off
éviscérer {v} :: to eviscerate
évitable {adj} :: avoidable
évitable {adj} :: preventable
évitement {m} :: avoidance, eschewal
éviter {v} :: to avoid
éviter {v} :: to dodge, to shun, to bypass
éviter {v} :: to avert
évocateur {adj} :: evocative, suggestive
évocateur {m} :: evoker (one who evokes)
évocation {f} :: evocation
évolué {adj} :: advanced (of technique etc.)
évolué {adj} :: intelligent (of person), broad-minded
évolué {m} :: évolué
évoluer {v} :: to evolve; to change, to develop
évoluer {v} [sports] :: to play
évoluer {v} :: to move (in a given area), to move about
évolutif {adj} :: evolutive, evolving, evolutionary
évolutif {adj} :: scalable
évolution {f} :: evolution
évolution {f} [biology] :: evolution
évolutionnisme {m} :: evolutionism
évolutionniste {adj} :: evolutionist, Darwinist
évolutionniste {mf} :: evolutionist, Darwinist
évolutivité {f} :: upgradability, scalability
évoquer {v} :: to evoke (to cause the manifestation of something (emotion, picture, etc.) in someone's mind or imagination)
évoquer {v} :: to mention
Évrard {prop} {m} :: given name
évulgation {f} :: A publishing or spreading abroad; evulgation
évulguer {v} :: To publish or spread abroad; to evulgate or promulgate
éwé {m} :: the Ewe language
ex. {n} :: abbreviation of exemple
exa- {prefix} :: exa-
exacerbation {f} :: exacerbation
exacerber {v} :: to exacerbate, to worsen
exact {adj} :: exact; precise
exactement {adv} :: exactly, quite
exacteur {m} :: exactor
exaction {f} :: extortion
exaction {f} :: exaction
exactitude {f} :: exactitude, accuracy
exactrice {f} :: feminine singular of exacteur
ex aequo {adv} [usually, used for sports] :: equal; in an equal state
ex-aequo {adv} :: alternative spelling of ex aequo
ex æquo {adv} :: alternative spelling of ex aequo
ex-æquo {adv} :: alternative spelling of ex aequo
exagérateur {m} :: exaggerator
exagération {f} :: exaggeration
exagératrice {f} :: feminine singular of exagérateur
exagérément {adv} :: exaggeratedly (in an exaggerated way)
exagérer {v} :: to exaggerate
exakatal {m} :: exakatal
exaltation {f} :: exaltation
exalter {vt} :: to elate, thrill
exalter {vr} :: to be elated
exam {m} [colloquial] :: Short for examen
examen {m} :: exam, test
examen blanc {m} :: a mock exam
examen d'admission {m} :: entrance examination
examen de la vue {m} :: eye test
examen d'entrée {m} :: entrance examination
examinateur {m} :: examiner
examinatrice {f} :: examiner
examiner {v} :: to examine
exanimé {adj} [obsolete] :: exanimate, lifeless
exanthème {m} :: exanthem, exanthema
exaoctet {m} [computing] :: exabyte
exarchal {adj} :: exarchal
exarchat {m} [historical] :: exarchate
exarque {m} [historical] :: exarch
exarque {m} [religion] :: exarch
exaspérant {adj} :: exasperating
exaspération {f} :: exasperation, an exasperated feeling of annoyance, aggravation
exaspération {f} :: exasperation (due to actions that cause great irritation or anger)
exaspérer {v} :: to exasperate (to frustrate)
exaucement {m} :: fulfilment
exaucer {vt} [religion] :: to fulfil the wish of a prayer
exbioctet {m} :: exbibyte
excavateur {m} :: excavator (vehicle, often on tracks, used to dig ditches etc; a backhoe)
excavation {f} :: excavation
excavatrice {f} :: excavator
excaver {v} :: to excavate
excédant {adj} :: surplus, excess, excessive
excédent {m} :: excess, surplus
excédentaire {adj} :: surplus, excess
excéder {vt} :: to exceed (in quantity)
excéder {vt} :: to annoy, to anger (someone)
excellement {adv} [obsolete or nonstandard] :: alternative spelling of excellemment
excellemment {adv} :: excellently; brilliantly
excellence {f} :: Excellence
excellence {f} :: Excellency (term of address)
Excellence {prop} {m} :: Excellence
excellent {adj} :: excellent; splendid
excellentissime {adj} :: superexcellent
excellentissimement {adv} [rare] :: very excellently
exceller {v} :: to excel
excentrer {v} :: to offset
excentricité {f} :: eccentricity (the quality of being eccentric)
excentricité {f} [mathematics] :: eccentricity (a ratio between distances in a conic section)
excentrique {adj} :: eccentric (away from the centre)
excentrique {adj} [mathematics] :: eccentric (not having the same centre)
excentrique {adj} [figuratively] :: eccentric (characterized by unusual behaviour), oddball
excentriquement {adv} :: eccentrically
excepté {prep} :: except
excepter {v} :: to exclude, not count, make an exception
exception {f} :: exception
exceptionnel {adj} :: exceptional
exceptionnel {adj} :: outstanding (not yet solved)
exceptionnellement {adv} :: exceptionally
excès {m} :: excess
excès de zèle {m} :: overzealousness, overdoing it, overkill
excessif {adj} :: excessive
excessivement {adv} :: excessively
excimère {m} [chemistry, physics] :: excimer
exciper {v} [legal] :: to plea
exciser {v} :: to excise
excision {f} :: excision
excitabilité {f} :: excitability
excitable {adj} :: excitable
excitant {adj} :: exciting (causing stimulation or excitement)
excitant {adj} :: arousing
excitant {m} :: excitant; stimulant
excitateur {adj} :: stimulating
excitation {f} :: excitement
excité {adj} :: horny; excited
excité {adj} :: excited
excité comme une puce {adj} [simile, colloquial] :: extremely excited
exciter {v} :: to excite (to stir the emotions of)
exciton {m} [physics] :: exciton
exclamatif {adj} :: exclamatory
exclamation {f} :: exclamation (cry of joy)
exclamativement {adv} :: exclamatorily
exclamer {v} :: to exclaim, shout out
exclarrogatif {adj} :: Only used in the noun point exclarrogatif (interrobang)
exclu {m} :: person who is excluded
exclu {f} [media] :: exclusive
exclu {adj} :: excluded
exclu {adj} :: exclusive
exclure {v} :: to exclude
exclure {v} :: to leave out
exclusif {adj} :: exclusive
exclusion {f} :: exclusion
exclusivement {adv} :: exclusively
exclusivisme {m} :: exclusivism
exclusivité {f} :: exclusiveness
exclusivité {f} [media] :: exclusive
excogitation {f} :: excogitation
excogiter {v} [rare, aged] :: to imagine
excommunication {f} :: excommunication
excommunier {v} :: to excommunicate
excorier {v} :: to excoriate
excrément {m} :: excrement (animal solid waste)
excrémentiel {adj} :: excremental
excrétat {m} [biology] :: excreta
excrété {adj} :: excreted
excréter {v} :: to excrete
excréteur {adj} :: excretory
excrétion {f} :: excretion
excrétoire {adj} :: excretory
excroissance {f} :: excrescence, outgrowth
excursion {f} :: excursion
excursion {f} :: wander (talk off topic)
excursionner {v} [dated] :: to trip (take a trip)
excursionniste {mf} :: excursionist
excursionniste {mf} :: hiker, walker
excusable {adj} :: excusable, pardonable
excusablement {adv} :: excusably
excuse {f} :: excuse
excuse-moi {interj} :: excuse me?
excuser {v} :: to excuse; to pardon
excusez du peu {interj} [colloquial] :: no less! if you please! would you believe!
excusez-moi {interj} :: excuse me?
exécrable {adj} :: loathsome, detestable
exécrable {adj} [colloquial] :: extremely bad, awful, poor
exécrablement {adv} :: poorly; awfully; lamentably
exécration {f} :: execration
exécrer {v} :: to loathe
exécutable {adj} :: executable
exécutant {m} [music] :: performer
exécutante {f} :: feminine singular of exécutant
exécuté {adj} :: executed (all senses)
exécuter {v} :: to execute; to carry out
exécuter {v} :: to execute (to kill as punishment)
exécuter {vr} :: to comply
exécuter {v} :: to perform (contract)
exécuteur {m} :: executor
exécutif {adj} :: executive
exécution {f} :: execution
exécutoire {adj} [legal] :: enforceable (legally binding)
exécutoirement {adv} :: enforceably
exécutrice {f} :: executrix
exégèse {f} :: exegesis (formal written exposition or explanatory essay)
exégète {mf} :: exegete (a person skilled in exegesis)
exégétique {adj} :: exegetical
exéma {m} :: alternative spelling of eczéma
exemplaire {m} :: copy; facsimile
exemplaire {m} :: example
exemplaire {m} :: sample; instance; specimen
exemplaire {adj} :: exemplary
exemplaire {adj} :: example
exemplairement {adv} :: exemplarily
exemplarité {f} :: exemplarity
exemple {m} :: example
exemplification {f} :: exemplification
exemplifier {v} :: to exemplify
exempt {adj} :: exempt
exempt {m} :: exempt, (type of) policeman
exempter {v} :: to exempt
exemption {f} :: exemption
exercer {v} :: to instruct, to command
exercer {v} :: to exercise
exercer {v} :: to practise, to do
exercice {m} :: exercise, practice
exercice {m} [finance] :: fiscal year, financial year
exergue {m} [numismatics] :: exergue (space beneath the main design on a coin or medal for an inscription)
exergue {m} [by extension] :: inscription
exergue {m} :: epigraph
exfiltrer {v} :: To exfiltrate
exfoliant {adj} :: exfoliating; that causes exfoliation of the skin
exfoliation {f} :: exfoliation
exfolier {vt} :: to exfoliate, strip of leaves
exfolier {vr} :: to exfoliate
exhalaison {f} :: exhalation
exhalant {adj} :: exhalant
exhalation {f} :: exhalation
exhaler {v} :: to exhale
exhaler {v} :: to give off (e.g. an odor)
exhaler {v} :: to let out, let slip (e.g. a secret)
exhaler {v} :: to let out (e.g. of an instrument, to emit a sound)
exhaure {f} :: drainage (especially of water from a mine)
exhaurer {vt} :: to drain water from a mine
exhaussement {m} :: elevation, erection (action of raising up)
exhausser {vt} :: to raise up, erect [a building]
exhausteur {m} :: enhancer (for the carburator)
exhausteur de goût {m} :: flavour enhancer
exhaustif {adj} :: exhaustive
exhaustivement {adv} :: exhaustively
exhaustivité {f} :: exhaustiveness
exhérédation {f} :: disinheritance
exhéréder {vt} [law] :: to disinherit
exhiber {v} [legal] :: to exhibit
exhiber {v} :: to show, show round, show off
exhiber {vr} :: to show off, flaunt, strut one's stuff
exhibition {f} [sport] :: exhibition, friendly
exhibition {f} [document] :: presentation, production
exhibition {f} :: showing off, outrageous behaviour
exhibitionisme {m} :: alternative form of exhibitionnisme
exhibitionnisme {m} :: exhibitionism
exhibitionniste {mf} :: exhibitionist
exhilarant {adj} :: exhilarant
exhortation {f} :: An exhortation
exhorter {v} :: to exhort
exhumation {f} :: exhumation
exhumer {v} :: to exhume
exigeant {adj} :: demanding
exigence {f} :: demand
exiger {v} :: to demand, require
exigible {adj} :: exigible
exigu {adj} :: small, tiny, poky, exiguous
exiguïté {f} :: smallness, crampedness
exil {m} :: exile
exilé {m} :: exile (someone in exile)
exilé {adj} :: exiled, in exile
exilée {f} :: feminine noun of exilé
exiler {v} :: to exile, to banish
exiler {vr} :: to go into exile
exinscrit {adj} [maths] :: exinscribed
existant {adj} :: existing, being
existant {adj} :: existent
existant {adj} :: extant, in existence
existence {f} :: existence
existence {f} :: life
existentialisme {m} [philosophy] :: existentialism
existentialiste {adj} :: existentialist
existentialiste {mf} :: existentialist
existentiation {f} :: existentiation
existentiel {adj} :: existential
existentiellement {adv} :: existentially
exister {v} :: to exist
exo- {prefix} :: exo-
exo {m} [slang] :: exercise
exobiologie {f} [biology] :: exobiology
exobiologique {adj} [biology] :: exobiological
exobiologiste {mf} [biology] :: exobiologist
exocarpe {m} :: exocarp
exocet {m} :: flying fish
Exocet {m} :: A French antiship missile
exocol {m} [anatomy] :: exocervix
exocrine {adj} :: exocrine
exode {m} :: exodus
Exode {prop} {m} [bible] :: Exodus
exode des cerveaux {m} [Canada] :: brain drain
exogame {adj} :: exogamous
exogamie {f} :: exogamy
exogamique {adj} :: exogamous
exogène {adj} :: exogenous
exogéologie {f} [geology] :: exogeology
exogéomorphologie {f} :: exogeomorphology
exon {m} [genetics] :: exon
exonération {f} :: exoneration
exonérer {v} :: to exonerate
exonucléase {f} [biochemistry] :: exonuclease
exonyme {m} :: exonym (a name given to a group or category of people by a secondary person or persons other than the people it refers to)
exophtalmie {f} :: exophthalmos
exoplanète {f} [astronomy] :: exoplanet (planet outside Earth's solar system)
exoplanétologie {f} [astronomy] :: exoplanetology
exorbitamment {adv} :: exorbitantly
exorbitant {adj} :: exorbitant
exorbitant {adj} :: extortionate
exorbité {adj} :: bulging (eyes)
exorciser {v} :: to exorcise
exorcisme {m} :: exorcism
exorciste {mf} :: exorcist
exorde {m} [rhetoric] :: exord, exordium
exorer {v} [rare] :: To implore or pray (to a God)
exoscopie {f} [geology] :: exoscopy
exosphère {f} :: exosphere (layer of the Earth's atmosphere)
exosquelette {m} :: exoskeleton
exostose {f} :: exostosis
exotérique {adj} :: exoteric
exothermique {adj} :: exothermic
exoticisation {f} [rare] :: synonym of exotisation
exotique {adj} :: exotic
exotiquement {adv} :: exotically
exotisme {m} :: exoticism
exotoxine {f} :: exotoxin
exotoxique {adj} :: exotoxic
expansé {adj} :: expanded
expansif {adj} :: expansive
expansif {adj} :: expansionary
expansion {f} :: expansion
expansionnisme {m} :: expansionism
expansionniste {adj} :: expansionist
expansivité {f} :: expansivity, expansiveness
expatriation {f} :: expatriation
expatrier {vt} :: to expatriate, deport
expatrier {vr} :: to emigrate
expectatif {adj} :: expectant
expectatif {adj} :: expectative
expectoration {f} :: expectoration
expectorer {v} :: to expectorate
expédient {m} :: expedient
expédier {v} :: to post, to send, to ship
expédier {v} :: to expedite
expédier {v} :: to deal with quickly, to get rid of
expéditeur {m} :: sender, transmitter
expéditif {adj} :: expeditive, expeditious
expédition {f} :: the act of expediting or hurrying
expédition {f} :: expedition, excursion
expédition {f} :: shipping, delivery of goods
expéditionnaire {adj} :: expeditionary
expéditivement {adv} :: expeditively, expeditiously
expérience {f} [countable] :: experiment, trial, test
expérience {f} [countable] :: experience, totally of events one lives through
expérience {f} [uncountable] :: experience, knowledge and skills
expérience de mort imminente {f} [medecine] :: near-death experience
expérience de pensée {f} :: thought experiment
expérimental {adj} :: experimental
expérimentalement {adv} :: experimentally
expérimentateur {m} :: experimenter (one who experiments)
expérimentation {f} :: experimentation
expérimentatrice {f} :: feminine noun of expérimentateur A female experimenter
expérimenté {adj} :: experienced, having experience
expérimenter {v} :: to experiment
expérimenter {v} :: to experience
expert {adj} :: expert
expert {m} :: expert
expert-comptable {m} :: chartered accountant (one whose profession includes organizing, maintaining and auditing the records of another)
experte {f} :: feminine noun of expert
experte-comptable {f} :: feminine singular of expert-comptable
expertement {adv} :: expertly
expertise {f} [countable] :: appraisal
expertise {f} [uncountable] :: expertness
expertiser {vt} :: to appraise, value
expiation {f} :: expiation
expiatoire {adj} :: expiatory
expier {vt} :: to expiate, to make amends for, atone for
expirant {adj} :: expiring, dying
expirateur {adj} [anatomy] :: expiratory
expiration {f} :: expiration (act of expiring)
expiration {f} :: expiration (act of breathing out)
expiration {f} :: expiration (end)
expirer {vt} :: To breathe out
expirer {vi} :: to expire, run out
expirer {vi} :: to pass away (die)
explétif {adj} :: expletive
explétivement {adv} :: expletively
explicable {adj} :: explicable, explainable
explicateur {m} :: explainer, expounder
explicateur {m} :: explicator
explicatif {adj} :: explanatory
explication {f} :: explanation
explicit {m} :: end (of a story)
explicite {adj} :: explicit, unequivocal, overt
explicitement {adv} :: explicitly
expliciter {v} :: to clarify
expliquer {v} :: to explain
exploit {m} :: exploit, feat
exploitable {adj} :: exploitable
exploitant {adj} :: exploiting
exploitant {adj} :: exploitative
exploitant {m} :: owner, manager; operator; (of farm) farmer
exploitation {f} :: exploitation
exploiter {vt} :: to exploit
exploiteur {m} :: exploiter
explorateur {m} :: explorer
exploration {f} :: An exploration
exploration de données {f} [databases] :: data mining
explorativement {adv} :: exploratively
exploratrice {f} :: feminine noun of explorateur
explorer {v} :: to explore
exploser {v} :: to explode
exploser de rire {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to burst out laughing
explosible {adj} :: explosive
explosif {adj} :: explosive (all meanings)
explosif {m} :: explosive (material)
explosion {f} :: explosion
explosion cambrienne {f} :: Cambrian explosion
explosivement {adv} :: explosively
explosivité {f} :: explosivity
expographie {f} :: expography
exponentiation {f} :: exponentiation (process)
exponentiel {adj} :: exponential
exponentielle {f} :: exponential function
exponentiellement {adv} :: exponentially
export {m} :: export
exportateur {adj} :: export [attributive]
exportateur {m} :: exporter
exportation {f} :: exportation, export
exportatrice {f} :: feminine noun of exportateur
exporter {v} :: to export
exposant {m} :: exhibitor
exposant {m} [mathematics] :: exponent
exposant {m} :: superscript
exposé {adj} :: exposed
exposé {m} :: presentation
exposer {v} :: to expose
exposition {f} :: exposition
exposition {f} :: exhibition
exposition {f} :: exposure
exprès {adj} :: express
exprès {adj} :: express (post), special delivery
exprès {adv} :: on purpose, intentionally, deliberately
exprès {m} :: a messenger carrying letters for personal delivery
exprès {m} [archaic] :: a messenger (in general)
express {adj} :: express, rapide
express {m} :: express train or service
expressément {adv} :: expressly
expressif {adj} :: expressive
expression {f} :: expression
expressionnisme {m} [arts] :: expressionism
expressionniste {adj} [arts] :: expressionist
expressionniste {mf} [arts] :: expressionist
expressivement {adv} :: expressively
expressivité {f} :: expressivity
expresso {m} :: espresso
exprimable {adj} :: expressible
exprimer {vt} :: to express
exprimer {vr} [s'exprimer] :: to express oneself
expropriation {f} :: expropriation, confiscation, seizure
expropriation {f} [legal] :: eminent domain, compulsory purchase
exproprier {v} :: to expropriate
expulser {v} :: to expel
expulser {vt} [sports] :: to send off
expulsion {f} :: expulsion
expulsion {f} [sports] :: sending-off, red card, dismissal
expurgation {f} :: expurgation
expurger {v} :: to expurgate
exquis {adj} :: exquisite
exquisement {adv} :: alternative form of exquisément
exquisément {adv} :: exquisitely
exsangue {adj} :: bloodless
exsangue {adj} :: exsanguine
exsanguination {f} :: exsanguination
exstirper {v} :: obsolete spelling of extirper
exstrophie {f} [anatomy] :: exstrophy
exstrophique {adj} [anatomy] :: exstrophic
exsudatif {adj} [pathology] :: exudative
exsuder {v} :: to exude
extase {f} :: ecstasy (sentiment)
extasier {vr} :: to be in ecstacy
extasier {vr} :: to rave
extatique {adj} :: ecstatic
extatiquement {adv} :: ecstatically
extemporané {adj} :: extemporaneous
extemporanément {adv} :: extemporaneously
extenseur {adj} :: extensor (attributive)
extenseur {m} [anatomy] :: extensor (muscle)
extenseur {m} :: chest expander (or similar equipment)
extensibilité {f} [computing] :: scalability (computing: ability to support the required quality of service as the system load increases)
extensible {adj} :: extensible
extensible {adj} :: elastic; tensile
extensif {adj} :: extensive
extension {f} :: extension
extensivement {adv} :: extensively
exténuant {adj} :: exhausting
exténuation {f} :: extenuation; exhaustion
exténuer {v} :: to extenuate, weaken, exhaust
extérieur {adj} :: exterior
extérieur {m} :: exterior, outside
extérieurement {adv} :: outside; exterior
extériorisation {f} :: exteriorization
extérioriser {v} :: to exteriorize
exterminateur {m} :: exterminator
extermination {f} :: extermination
exterminatrice {f} :: feminine noun of exterminateur
exterminer {v} :: to exterminate
externalisation {f} :: outsourcing
externalisation {f} :: extenalisation/externalization
externaliser {v} :: to outsource
externalité {f} [economics] :: externality
externat {m} :: day school (school without boarders)
externat {m} :: externship (condition of an extern)
externe {adj} :: external
extincteur {m} :: fire extinguisher
extinction {f} :: extinction
extirper {v} :: to uproot, extirpate (pull [a plant and its roots] out of the ground)
extirper {v} [medicine] :: to remove, take out (e.g. an organ)
extirper {v} [figuratively] :: to weed out, get rid of, eradicate (e.g. a problem or characteristic)
extirper {v} :: to pull out, take out, whip out (remove something from e.g. a holder, pocket, holster etc.)
extirper {v} :: to drag out, hoist out, lug out (remove someone, with difficulty, from a place)
extirper {vr} :: to pull oneself out (of somewhere)
extirper {v} [colloquial] :: to fish out, make someone cough up (obtain e.g. information from someone)
extorquer {v} :: to extort
extorsion {f} :: extortion (the practice of extorting money or other property)
extra- {prefix} :: extra-
extra {adj} :: extra, additional
extra {adj} :: great, super, famous
extra {mf} :: extra, supplement
extracellulaire {adj} :: extracellular
extrachromosomique {adj} :: extrachromosomal
extracommunautaire {adj} :: non-EC, non-EU
extraconjugal {adj} :: extramarital
extracteur {m} :: extractor
extracteur {m} :: extractor fan
extractif {adj} :: extractive
extractiforme {adj} :: extractiform
extraction {f} :: extraction
extrader {v} :: to extradite
extradiégétique {adj} :: extradiegetic
extradition {f} :: extradition
extradosser {v} :: to make an extrados
extragalactique {adj} :: extragalactic
extraire {v} :: extract (to draw out)
extrait {m} :: an extract
extrait {m} :: a clip
extrait {m} :: an excerpt
extrait {adj} :: extracted
extrajudiciaire {adj} :: extrajudicial
extrajudiciairement {adv} :: extrajudicially
extralégal {adj} :: extralegal
extranucléaire {adj} [physics] :: extranuclear
extraordinaire {adj} :: extraordinary, out of the ordinary
extraordinairement {adv} :: extraordinarily
extraparlementaire {adj} :: extraparliamentary
extraplanétaire {adj} [astronomy] :: extraplanetary
extrapolation {f} :: extrapolation
extrapolé {adj} :: extrapolated
extrapoler {v} :: to extrapolate
extrasolaire {adj} :: extrasolar
extraterrestre {adj} :: extraterrestrial
extraterrestre {mf} :: extraterrestrial
extraterritorial {adj} :: extraterritorial
extraterritorialité {f} :: extraterritoriality
extravagamment {adv} :: extravagantly
extravagance {f} :: extravagance
extravagant {adj} :: extravagant
extravaguer {v} :: to go, wander, extravagate
extravasation {f} :: extravasation
extravaser {v} :: to extravasate
extravéhiculaire {adj} :: extravehicular
extraversion {f} :: extroversion
extraverti {adj} :: extrovert
extrémaduran {adj} :: Extremaduran (from Extremadura)
extrémaduran {m} :: Extremaduran (the language of Extremadura)
extrémal {adj} :: extremal
extrême {adj} :: extreme
extrêmement {adv} :: extremely
extrême-onction {f} :: Anointing of the Sick, extreme unction, last rites
Extrême-Orient {prop} {m} :: Far East
extrémisme {m} :: extremism (extreme ideas or actions)
extrémiste {adj} :: extremist
extrémiste {mf} :: an extremist
extrémité {f} :: extremity
extrémité {f} :: tip; end; top (furthermost or highest part)
extrémité {f} :: extreme
extrêmophile {adj} :: extremophile
extrêmophile {m} :: extremophile
extrémum {m} :: extremum
extrinsèque {adj} :: extrinsic
extrinsèquement {adv} :: extrinsically
extroverti {adj} :: alternative form of extraverti
extruder {v} :: to extrude
extrudeuse {f} :: extruder
extrusif {adj} :: extrusive
extrusion {f} :: extrusion
extuber {vt} :: to extubate
exubéramment {adv} :: exuberantly
exubérance {f} :: exuberance
exubérant {adj} :: exuberant
exulcérer {v} :: to exulcerate, chafe
exulter {v} :: to exult, rejoice
exutoire {m} :: outlet (release of desires)
eyalet {m} :: eyalet
éyalet {m} :: eyalet
éyoù {adv} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: where
-ez {suffix} :: suffix forming the formal second-person singular or second-person plural (vous) present indicative of an -er verb
-ez {suffix} :: suffix forming the second-person plural imperative
Ézéchias {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Hezekiah (a king of Judah)
Ézéchiel {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Ezekiel (prophet)
Ézéchiel {prop} {m} :: the book of Ezekiel