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User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-t

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
-t {suffix} [accusative suffix] :: Used to form the accusative case
-t {suffix} [past-tense suffix] :: -ed, -t. Used to form the past tense of a verb
-t {suffix} [past-participle suffix] :: -ed, -t. Used to form the past participle of a verb
-t {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a noun
-t {suffix} :: [locative suffix, archaic] in (added to a noun or an adjective to form the locative case)
-t {suffix} [verb-forming suffix, now improductive] :: The causative (kelt, teremt) or instantaneous (ért, tilt) suffix for verbs
t. {adj} :: abbreviation of tisztelt
t {letter} :: letter:
T {letter} :: letter:
-ta {suffix} [past-tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-ta {suffix} [verbal-participle suffix] :: Used to form the verbal participle of verbs, always following the agent noun
-ta {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Used to form nouns from certain verbs (cf. -ás), incorporating the third-person singular possessive suffix (-a), which can be replaced by other personal possessive suffixes
{n} :: a syllable used in solfège to represent the quarter note as a rhythm, usually accompanied by clapping
{n} :: dash (the longer of the two symbols of Morse code)
tábla {n} :: writing board, chalkboard, whiteboard (smooth vertical surface to be written upon using an erasable material)
tábla {n} :: sign, plaque (flat object bearing a short message in words or pictures)
tábla {n} [board games] :: board (flat surface with markings for playing a board game)
tábla {n} :: table, chart (matrix or grid of data arranged in rows and columns)
tábla {n} :: bar, chocolate bar (flat slab of chocolate scored for easy breaking)
tábla {n} :: board (the front or back cover of a hardbound book)
tábla {n} [in compounds] :: cornfield (field of corn, wheat or other cereal crop)
táblagép {n} :: tablet computer, tablet
táblázat {n} :: table (containing entries)
tabletta {n} :: tablet, pill
tábor {n} :: camp
tábornok {n} :: general
táborozik {v} :: to camp
tábortűz {n} :: campfire
tabu {n} :: taboo
tabulátor {n} [computing, typography] :: tab (space character that extends to the next aligned column)
tacepao {n} :: dazibao
tacskó {n} :: dachshund
tacskó {n} [colloquial] :: callow youth
-tad {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
tádzsik {adj} :: Tajik (of, from, or relating to Tajikistan, its people or language)
tádzsik {n} :: Tajik (person)
tádzsik {n} [singular only] :: Tajik (language)
Tádzsikisztán {prop} :: Tádzsikisztán (country)
Tádzs Mahal {prop} :: Taj Mahal (a monument located in Agra, India)
tag {n} :: member
tag {n} :: synonym of végtag
tag {n} :: [computing] tag (a piece of markup representing an element in a markup language)
tag {n} :: tag (graffiti in the form of a stylized signature particular to the artist)
tág {adj} :: ample, wide
tágabb {adj} :: comparative of tág
tagad {vt} :: to deny
tagadás {n} :: negation (negative answer)
tagadás {n} [legal] :: contestation, denial
tagadás {n} [grammar] :: negative (a word that indicates negation)
tagadhatatlan {adj} :: undeniable, indisputable, evident, obvious, incontrovertible
tagadhatatlanabb {adj} :: comparative of tagadhatatlan
tagadhatatlanul {adv} :: undeniably
tagállam {n} :: member state
tágas {adj} :: spacious
tágasabb {adj} :: comparative of tágas
tágasan {adv} :: spaciously
tágasság {n} :: spaciousness, roominess
tagdíj {n} :: membership fee, dues
tágít {vt} :: to stretch, to widen, to expand, to ream
tágít {v} [in the negative, with nem (not)] :: to back down, to leave
tagjelölt {n} :: candidate (for membership)
taglal {vt} :: to cover a topic in detail, to deal with (in a book or in a speech)
tagország {n} :: member state
tagozatos {adj} [education] :: specialing in, with a special curriculum
tagság {n} :: membership
tagsági {adj} :: (of) membership
tagú {adj} :: with a named member of people, having a certain number of people belonging to a group (not always translated to English)
tágul {vi} :: to expand, to stretch
tágulat {n} [medicine] :: dilation, dilatation (the process or the result of expanding)
tágulékony {adj} :: expandable (having the capacity to be easily expanded)
táj {n} :: region
táj {n} :: landscape
tájékozódik {vi} :: to orient oneself
tájékozódik {vi} :: to inform oneself
tájékoztat {vt} :: to inform (to communicate knowledge to others)
tájékoztatás {n} :: information, posting, orientation
tájékoztatási {adj} :: of, or relating to information
tájékoztató {n} :: briefing, orientation
tájékoztató {n} :: brochure, prospectus
tájfun {n} [weather] :: typhoon
tajga {n} :: taiga
tájkép {n} :: landscape (a picture representing a scene by land or sea)
tájképfestő {n} :: landscape painter (an artist who paints pictures of landscapes)
tájnyelv {n} :: dialect (a language variety that is characteristic of a particular area, community or group)
tájol {vt} :: to orient (a map, a church, a grave etc.)
tájol {vi} [of an ensemble etc.] :: to barnstorm, to tour the country
Tajpej {prop} :: Tajpej (capital city)
tájszólás {n} :: (regional) accent (the distinctive manner of pronouncing a language associated with a particular region)
tájszólás {n} [colloquial] :: dialect (a language variety that is characteristic of a particular area, community or group)
tájszótár {n} :: dialect dictionary
Tajvan {prop} :: Taiwan
tajvani {adj} :: Taiwanese (of or relating to Taiwan, its people or language)
tajvani {n} :: Taiwanese (person)
tajvani {n} [singular only] :: Taiwanese (language)
Tajvani-szoros {prop} :: Taiwan Strait (the strait dividing mainland China from Taiwan and connecting the East and South China Seas)
-tak {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
-ták {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
takács {n} :: weaver
takar {vt} :: to cover (to place something over or upon, as to conceal or protect)
takar {vt} :: to cover (to be over or upon, as to conceal or protect)
takarékos {adj} :: thrifty, sparing, frugal (characterized by economy and good management of property)
takarékosabb {adj} :: comparative of takarékos
takarékoskodik {vi} :: to save, to economize, to be sparing (with something: val)
takarít {vit} :: to tidy, clean
takarító {n} :: cleaner (person who cleans)
takarmány {n} :: fodder, stover (food for animals)
takarmányoz {v} :: to feed animals, to fodder
takaró {n} :: blanket, covers
takaros {adj} :: tidy, neat, spruce (having a pleasingly orderly appearance)
takaros {adj} [colloquial] :: tidy (considerable in its amount)
takarózik {v} :: to cover, wrap, muffle oneself up
takarózik {v} :: to hide behind excuses
tákol {vt} :: to knock up (to put together hastily or without effective equipment)
tákolmány {n} [derogatory] :: patchwork, lash-up, construction (a structure, especially a building or furniture, put together without effective equipment and skill)
tákolmány {n} [derogatory, by extension] :: patchwork (a shallow intellectual work of poor quality)
takony {n} :: snot (mucus)
taksa {n} [colloquial] :: charge, rate, price
taksál {vt} [colloquial] :: to estimate, reckon
taktika {n} :: tactics
taktikai {adj} :: tactical
taktikaibb {adj} :: comparative of taktikai
-tal {suffix} [noun suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a noun
-tál {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
tál {n} :: dish, bowl (a vessel such as a plate for holding or serving food)
tál {n} :: plate, platter (main dish and side dishes served together on one plate)
talaj {n} :: soil (mixture of sand and organic material)
-talak {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs with second-person object (definite conjugations)
talál {vt} :: to find, come across (encounter or discover by accident)
talál {vt} :: to find (encounter or discover something being searched for)
talál {vt} :: to hit (manage to touch, strike, shoot etc. in the right place)
talál {vt} :: to find (decide that, form the opinion that)
tálal {vt} :: to serve (up)
tálal {vt} :: to present
találat {n} :: hit, match
találékony {adj} :: inventive, ingenious, resourceful
találékonyabb {adj} :: comparative of találékony
találékonyság {n} :: inventiveness, ingenuity, resourcefulness
találgat {v} :: to guess repeatedly
található {adj} :: to be found, obtainable, located
találka {n} [literary] :: tryst (a prearranged meeting between lovers to meet at a specific place and time)
találkozás {n} :: meeting (gathering for a purpose)
találkozás {n} :: encounter
találkozik {vi} :: to meet
találkozó {n} :: meeting
találmány {n} :: invention
-talan {suffix} [adjective suffix] :: -less, un-, dis-. A privative suffix added to a noun or an adjective to form adjectives with a meaning of lacking something
talán {adv} :: maybe, perhaps
talány {n} :: mystery (something unexplainable)
talány {n} [archaic] :: enigma, puzzle
talányos {adj} [somewhat, dated, literary] :: mysterious
talár {n} :: gown (the official robe of scholars, judges, etc.)
tálca {n} :: tray (a small, typically rectangular or round, flat, rigid object upon which things are carried)
tálca {n} [computing] :: tray (a notification area used for icons and alerts)
tali {n} [slang] :: meeting
talicska {n} :: wheelbarrow
talizmán {n} :: talisman
tálka {n} [rare] :: little bowl, dish
Tallinn {prop} :: Tallinn (capital city)
tallium {n} :: thallium (chemical element)
tallóz {v} :: browse
talp {n} :: sole (of the foot)
talp {n} [typography] :: serif
talpas {adj} [typography] :: serif (of a typeface, provided with serifs)
talpas {adj} :: broad-footed, pawed
talpas {n} :: infanteer
talpas {n} [hunting] ::  bear
talpatlan {adj} [typography] :: sans serif (of a typeface, without serifs)
talpnyaló {n} :: bootlicker, adulator
talpnyaló {adj} :: bootlicking
talponjáró {adj} [zoology] :: plantigrade
talponjáró {n} [zoology] :: plantigrade
talpraesett {adj} [of a person] :: smart, clever, bright, resourceful (able to find quick and good solutions in difficult circumstances)
talpraesettebb {adj} :: comparative of talpraesett
talpú {adj} :: -soled, with a …… sole (having some specific type of sole or soles)
tályog {n} [diseases] :: abscess (cavity filled with pus)
-tam {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite and definite conjugations)
támad {vi} :: to arise, originate
támad {vi} :: to occur, awaken
támad {vi} :: to attack (a person or another being ra)
támad {vt} :: to attack, assail, assault, tackle
támadás {n} :: attack
támadó {adj} :: offensive
támadó {adj} :: aggressive
támadó {n} :: attacker
támadó {n} :: aggressor
támadóbb {adj} :: comparative of támadó
Tamás {prop} :: given name
tamáskodik {vi} :: to disbelieve, to have doubts
támasz {n} :: support
támaszkodik {vi} [literal] :: to lean (on/against something: ra)
támaszkodik {vi} [figurative] :: to rely (on somebody/something: ra)
támaszpont {n} [engineering, architecture] :: point of support
támaszpont {n} [military] :: base
támaszt {vt} :: to lean, to prop against (with nak or hoz)
támaszt {vt} :: to support, to prop up, to shore up
támaszt {vt} :: to impose (a requirement or an expectation), to set (a standard), to lay (claim to something)
támaszt {vt} :: to provoke (a conflict, quarrel)
támasztja a pultot {v} [idiomatic, colloquial, derogatory] :: to prop up the bar (to spend time drinking alcohol at the bar in a pub)
tambura {n} [music] :: tambura (a long-necked lute-like stringed instrument)
támogat {vt} :: to support
támogatás {n} :: support, encouragement
támogatási {adj} [attributive] :: support, aid
támogató {adj} :: supporting, support
támogató {n} :: supporter (a person who gives support to someone or something)
támogatói {adj} :: (of) support
támolyog {vi} :: to reel, stagger (to walk slowly, shakily or unsteadily; to move as if drunk, exhausted, or not in control of oneself)
tan {n} :: doctrine, lore
tan {n} :: science of, theory, branch of instruction
tan {n} [as a suffix in compounds] :: -logy, -ology, -graphy (a branch of learning; a study of a particular subject)
tan {n} [as a prefix in compounds] :: educational, academic
tán {adv} :: maybe, perhaps
tanács {n} :: advice, counsel
tanács {n} :: council
tanácsadás {n} :: guidance, counsel, consultation
tanácsadó {adj} :: advisory, consultative
tanácsadó {n} :: advisor, counselor, consultant
tanácsi {adj} :: of council
tanácskozás {n} :: conference, deliberation, discussion, consultation
tanácsol {v} :: to advise
tanácsos {adj} :: advisable, recommendable
tanácsos {n} :: councillor
tanácstalan {adj} :: puzzled (confused or perplexed)
tanácstalanabb {adj} :: comparative of tanácstalan
tanácsterem {n} :: council chamber (meeting room for councillors)
tanácsterem {n} :: boardroom (meeting room for the governing board of an organization)
tanakodik {vi} :: to think, ponder, mull (over something n) (to think deeply about something)
tanakodik {vi} :: to consider, deliberate with, consult (to think deeply about something while discussing it with others)
tanakszik {vi} :: alternative form of tanakodik
tananyag {n} :: subject-matter of instruction, curriculum
tanár {n} :: teacher (especially as an occupation; usually teaching children over ten, specialized in certain subjects)
tanári {adj} :: professorial, teaching, teacher's (of or relating to teachers)
tanári {n} [colloquial] :: staffroom
tanárkodik {vi} :: to work as a teacher
tanárnő {n} :: teacher (a female who teaches)
tánc {n} :: dance
tánccipő {n} :: dance shoe (shoe designed for dancing)
táncol {vit} :: to dance
táncos {n} :: dancer [male]
táncosnő {n} :: dancer [female]
táncospár {n} :: dancing couple
táncparkett {n} :: dance floor
tánctanár {n} :: dance instructor
tánczene {n} :: dance music
tánccsoport {n} :: dance group
tanév {n} :: school year
tanfolyam {n} :: course (a training course)
tanga {n} :: G-string, thong, tanga, posing pouch
tángál {vt} [dialectal] :: to beat, thresh, whip
tángál {vt} [dialectal] :: to support someone (physically)
tángál {vt} [figuratively] :: to support, help someone
tangens {n} [trigonometry] :: tangent
tangenstétel {n} [trigonometry] :: law of tangents
tangó {n} :: tango
tangóharmonika {n} :: accordion
tangózik {v} :: to tango (to dance the tango)
tanít {vt} :: to teach (to pass on knowledge to)
tanít {vt} :: to teach (to cause to learn or understand)
tanít {vi} :: to teach (to act as a teacher)
tanítás {n} :: teaching
tanítási {adj} :: teaching, (of) school
tanító {n} :: teacher (for children under 10, usually qualified to teach most or all their subjects)
tanító {n} :: teacher (in an abstract sense, as a religious and/or philosophical leader)
tanítómester {n} :: schoolmaster, teacher
tanítónő {n} :: teacher (a female who teaches grades 1-4)
taníttat {v} :: to have someone (especially one's child) taught, to educate (to provide for the education of someone)
tanítvány {n} :: pupil, student, apprentice
tanítvány {n} :: disciple, follower
tank {n} :: tank (a closed container for liquids or gases)
tank {n} :: tank, fuel tank (the fuel reservoir of a vehicle)
tank {n} [military] :: tank, armoured fighting vehicle (military fighting vehicle)
tank {n} [photography] :: developing tank (a closed container used for developing film in a daylight environment)
tankcsapda {n} [military] :: tank trap (anything placed to impede the movement of tanks, such as caltrops, mines, or depressions in the ground)
tankol {vt} :: to buy gas (to fill the gas tank)
tankönyv {n} :: schoolbook, textbook, manual
tanonc {n} [dated] :: apprentice
tanóra {n} :: period, class, lesson (45-minute block of teaching a school subject)
tanszék {n} :: chair, professorship, professorate
tanszék {n} [education] :: department (of a university)
tanszéki {adj} :: faculty (of, or relating to a university department)
tantál {n} :: tantalum (a metallic chemical element, symbol Ta, atomic number 73)
tantárgy {n} :: subject (a particular area of study in school)
tantárgyi {adj} :: (of) subject (of a particular area of study in school)
tanterem {n} :: classroom, schoolroom (a room, often in a school, where classes take place)
tanterem {n} :: class (the collection of pupils who gather in such a room)
tanterv {n} :: curriculum
tantestület {n} :: teaching staff, faculty
tanti {n} [dated, colloquial] :: aunt
tántorog {vi} :: to reel, stagger, totter
tantusz {n} :: token (a piece of stamped metal used as a substitute for money)
tanú {n} :: witness (someone called to give evidence in a court)
tanú {n} :: witness (someone called upon to witness an event or action, such as a wedding or the signing of a document)
tanúbizonyság {n} :: testimony
tanúbizonyság {n} :: evidence
tanúbizonyság {n} [rare] :: witness
tanul {vt} :: to study, to learn
tanulás {n} :: learning, study, studying (preparation for school)
tanulatlan {adj} :: unlearned, untaught, uneducated, illiterate, unlettered, unschooled (without education)
tanulatlanabb {adj} :: comparative of tanulatlan
tanulékony {adj} [of humans or animals] :: teachable, docile (capable of learning easily; ready to accept instruction or direction)
tanulmány {n} :: study, essay, treatise, paper (written work)
tanulmány {n} [in the plural] :: study, pursuit (the process of studying)
tanulmány {n} :: study (artwork made in order to practise or demonstrate)
tanulmányi {adj} :: academic, related to studies, school, education
tanulmányoz {vt} :: to inquire into, to study, to investigate
tanulmányozás {n} :: study, investigation
tanuló {n} :: pupil (student)
tanulói {adj} :: of or relating to student, learner, training
tanulság {n} :: lesson, moral, teaching, takeaway (ethical significance or practical lesson)
tanulságos {adj} :: instructive, edifying, enlightening, informative, educational
tanult {adj} :: learned
tanult {n} :: [plural only] what they learned, what(ever) is/was learned
tanultabb {adj} :: comparative of tanult
tanúság {n} :: testimony
tanúsít {vt} :: to certify, to attest
tanúsítvány {n} :: certificate
tanúskodik {vi} :: to bear witness, testify, act as witness, give evidence
tanúskodik {vi} :: to witness, act as witness (when signing an official document)
tanúskodik {vi} :: to bespeak, betoken, attest, indicate, signify (some attribute: ról)
tanúvallomás {n} [law] :: testimony, statement, deposition (statements made by a witness in court)
Tanzánia {prop} :: Tanzánia (country)
tanzániai {adj} :: Tanzanian (of, from, or relating to Tanzania and its people)
tanzániai {n} :: Tanzanian (a person from Tanzania or of Tanzanian descent)
tanya {n} :: detached farm (-stead)
tanya {n} :: nest, abode, haunt, den (dwelling place)
tányér {n} :: plate (dish)
tao {n} :: tao
tao {n} :: initialism of társasági adó és osztalékadó
taoista {adj} :: Taoist
taoista {n} :: Taoist
taoizmus {n} :: Taoism
táp {n} :: nutrient, feed, nourishment
tapad {vi} :: to cling, stick, be sticky
tapasz {n} :: sticking plaster (e.g. onto a wound), band-aid
tapasz {n} :: lute, putty
tapaszt {vt} :: to stick, plaster
tapasztal {vt} :: to experience (to observe or undergo)
tapasztalat {n} :: experience (collection of events and/or activities from which an individual or group may gather knowledge)
tapasztalatcsere {n} :: exchange of experience (exchanging technical information and experience)
tapasztalati {adj} :: empirical, experimental, experiential, practical
tapasztalatlan {adj} :: inexperienced
tapasztalatlanabb {adj} :: comparative of tapasztalatlan
tapasztalatlanság {n} :: inexperience
tapasztalatszerzés {n} :: gaining experience (the process or act of building up career related experience)
tapasztalt {adj} :: experienced
tapasztaltabb {adj} :: comparative of tapasztalt
tápegység {n} :: power supply
taperol {v} [slang] :: to grope
tapéta {n} :: wallpaper (decorative paper-like material used to cover the inner walls of buildings)
tapint {vt} :: to touch
tapintás {n} :: touch, touching (an act of touching, especially with the hand or finger)
tapintás {n} :: touch (the faculty or sense of perception by physical contact)
tapintás {n} [medicine] :: palpation (the act of feeling or pushing on various parts of a patient’s body to determine medical condition such as the normality of organs or the presence or absence of tumors, swelling, muscle tension, etc.)
tapintás {n} :: feel, texture (a quality of an object experienced by touch)
tapintású {adj} :: with a specific feel or touch
tapintat {n} :: tact
tapintatlan {adj} :: indiscreet, tactless
tapintatlanabb {adj} :: comparative of tapintatlan
tapintatos {adj} :: tactful, discreet
tapintatosabb {adj} :: comparative of tapintatos
tapintható {adj} :: palpable, tangible, tactile
tapír {n} :: tapir
táplál {vt} :: to nourish
táplálék {n} :: food, nourishment
tápláléklánc {n} :: food chain (the feeding relationships between species in a biotic community)
táplálkozás {n} :: nutrition, diet, alimentation, nourishment
táplálkozási {adj} :: dietetic, dietary, nutritional
táplálkozik {vi} :: to eat, to feed (oneself)
tapló {n} :: tinder fungus
tapló {n} :: tinder, amadou (a material used for starting slow-burning fires; the fungus was removed from the tree, the hard outer layer scraped off, and then thin strips of the inner spongy layer cut for use as tinder)
tapló {n} [colloquial] :: boor, redneck
tapos {vt} :: to trample, to tread
taposóakna {n} [military] :: land mine, landmine (a mine that is placed on land and designed to explode when stepped upon or touched)
taposómalom {n} :: treadmill (mill worked by persons treading upon steps on the periphery of a wide wheel having a horizontal axis)
taposómalom {n} [by extension] :: drudgery, daily grind (monotonous tasks of daily work; tedious, monotonous workplace)
taps {n} :: applause, clapping
tapsol {vt} :: to clap, applaud (to express approval by clapping)
tapsvihar {n} :: round of applause; a loud applause among a large audience
táptalaj {n} :: soil (material that serves as a natural medium for the growth of plants)
táptalaj {n} [biology] :: culture medium
táptalaj {n} [figuratively] :: breeding-ground (a place or circumstances that support the development of certain theories or conditions)
tar {adj} :: bald
tár {n} :: storehouse, repository
tár {n} :: cabinet, collection (in museums)
tár {n} :: magazine (in guns)
tár {vt} :: to open wide
tár {vt} :: to expose, to reveal something (to someone elé)
tarackbúza {n} :: couch grass (a species of grass, Elymus repens, usually considered a weed)
tarantász {n} :: tarantass (a low horse-drawn carriage without springs used in Russia)
tárca {n} :: wallet
tárca {n} [government] :: portfolio
tárcsa {n} :: disc (a thin, flat, circular plate)
tárcsa {n} :: dial (a disk with finger holes on a telephone; used to select the number to be called)
tárcsa {n} [agriculture] :: disc harrow (an agricultural implement to till the soil or to chop up unwanted weeds or crop remainders using a row of concave metal discs, which may be scalloped, set at an oblique angle)
tárcsafék {n} :: disc brake (a type of brake where the friction is produced by brake pads which are pressed against a disc)
tárcsáz {vt} :: to dial (to select a number, or to call someone, on a telephone)
taréj {n} :: comb, crest
taréj {n} [construction] :: ridge, crest
targonca {n} :: wheelbarrow
targonca {n} :: forklift
targonca {n} :: pallet jack
tárgy {n} :: object, thing
tárgy {n} :: topic, subject, matter, theme
tárgy {n} [education] :: subject
tárgy {n} [grammar] :: object
tárgyal {vt} :: to discuss, negotiate
tárgyalás {n} :: negotiation (process of achieving agreement)
tárgyaló {n} :: boardroom, conference room
tárgyalóterem {n} :: courtroom
tárgyas ige {n} :: transitive verb (a verb that is accompanied by a direct object)
tárgyelem {n} [education, formal] :: course (the smallest unit in a university curriculum that has credit hours assigned to it)
tárgyeset {n} [grammar] :: accusative case, accusative (answers the question word mit)
tárgyi {adj} :: objective, factual, material
tárgyiasít {vt} :: to objectify
tárgyilagos {adj} :: objective, unbiased, impartial
tárgyilagosabb {adj} :: comparative of tárgyilagos
tárgyilagosság {n} :: objectivity, impartiality
tárgyú {adj} :: with a named subject, of subject (not always translated to English)
tarhál {v} [slang] :: to panhandle, to beg for money or valuables
tárhely {n} [computing] :: data storage, repository
tarhonya {n} :: a traditional Hungarian egg-based pasta grain
tarja {n} :: spare ribs
tarka {adj} :: variegated
tarkább {adj} :: comparative of tarka
tarkállik {vi} :: to appear in many different colors, to be colorful, to be dotted with ( tól)
tarkó {n} [anatomy] :: nape, occiput (the back part of the neck)
tárkony {n} :: tarragon (perennial herb Artemisia dracunculus)
tarkószíj {n} :: crownpiece, headstall [US], headpiece [UK] (a strap in the bridle that goes over the horse's head just behind the animal's ears)
tárlat {n} :: exhibition, art show
tarlatán {n} :: tarlatan
tarló {n} :: stubble (short stalks left in a field after harvest)
tárogató {n} :: tarogato (refers to two different Hungarian woodwind instruments: the ancient tárogató and the modern or modified tárogató)
tárol {vt} :: to store
tárolás {n} :: storage
tárolási {adj} :: of, or relating to storage
tároló {adj} :: storing
tároló {n} :: storage, container
tárolt {adj} :: stored
társ {n} :: companion
társ {n} [in compounds] :: fellow, mate, partner
társadalmi {adj} :: social
társadalmibb {adj} :: comparative of társadalmi
társadalom {n} :: society
társadalombiztosítás {n} :: social security
társadalomkutató {n} :: sociologist (a scientist studying the field of sociology)
társadalomtudós {n} :: sociologist, social scientist
társalapító {n} :: cofounder (one of several people jointly involved with the creation of a business, organization, union, or entity)
társalgás {n} :: conversation, discourse, small talk, talk
társalog {vi} :: to converse
társas {adj} :: joint, social
társaság {n} :: company, party, companionship (a group of people)
társaság {n} :: company, corporation, association
társaság {n} [obsolete] :: society
társaságkedvelő {adj} :: sociable, gregarious, outgoing
társasház {n} :: condominium, condo
társasjáték {n} :: board game
társasjáték {n} :: parlour game
társít {vt} :: to associate with something ( val)
társkereső {adj} :: dating
társkereső {n} :: an online dating site
társkereső {n} :: a person seeking a romantic relationship
tarsoly {n} [archaic] :: scrip, satchel, musette (a small leather bag with a shoulder strap)
tarsoly {n} [historical] :: sabretache (a leather pocket or pouch worn hanging from a cavalry officer’s belt)
tarsoly {n} [rare] :: purse, bag, handbag
tarsoly {n} [colloquial, figuratively] :: in expressions, as in up one's sleeve, in reserve, hidden
társul {vi} :: to associate with someone ( val), to enter into partnership with someone, to partner, team up
társulás {n} :: association, partnership
társulat {n} :: association, society, organization, company
társulat {n} :: troupe (theatrical company)
társszerző {n} :: coauthor (an author who collaborates with another to write something)
tart {vt} :: to keep (many different senses overlapping with English, see examples)
tart {vt} :: to hold
tart {vt} :: to support (keep in the same place, withstanding its weight)
tart {vi} :: to take up space or time, extend, to last ( tólig)
tart {vi} :: momentarily describing whether a process is still in progress, and if yes how far it has gone
tart {vi} :: to esteem, deem, regard, think highly or poorly of (with ra)
tart {vi} :: to head into a direction
tart {vi} :: to fear (of someone or something tól)
tart {vi} [used with attól] :: to be afraid, to be regretful, to be sorry
tart {v} [mathematics] :: to converge, have limit at ( hoz or ba)
tárt {adj} :: wide open
tartalék {adj} :: reserve, spare
tartalék {n} :: reserve (that which is reserved, or kept back, as for future use)
tartalmas {adj} [of food] :: substantial, filling (rich in nourishing ingredients)
tartalmas {adj} :: rich, meaty, meaningful, enriching, substantive (rich in content, ideas, information, such as an article, debate, life, etc.)
tartalmas {adj} [of a person] :: knowledgeable (rich in knowledge, character, intellectual and spiritual values)
tartalmaz {vt} :: to contain, hold, comprise
tartalmazó {adj} :: containing
tartalmi {adj} :: of or relating to content
tartalmilag {adv} :: in content, regarding its content or substance
tartalom {n} :: content, contents
tartalomjegyzék {n} :: contents (table of contents)
tartály {n} :: container
tartam {n} [of time] :: duration, length
tartás {n} :: keeping, holding
tartás {n} :: poise
tartás {n} :: backbone, attitude
tarthatatlan {adj} :: untenable
tárt karokkal {adv} [idiomatic] :: with open arms (with enthusiasm, as if embracing)
tartó {adj} :: holding, keeping
tartó {adj} [chiefly with an adverb like hosszan or sokáig] :: lasting, enduring
tartó {n} :: beam
tartó {n} :: case, holder, container
tartomány {n} :: province
tartomány {n} :: range, interval
tartomány {n} [mathematics] :: domain (connected open subset)
tartós {adj} :: durable (able to resist wear; enduring)
tartósabb {adj} :: comparative of tartós
tartósít {vt} :: to preserve (to save from decay, especially food)
tartósítás {n} :: preservation, canning (the process of preserving food by heat processing in a sealed vessel)
tartozás {n} :: debt, obligation, liability
tartozék {n} :: accessory (attachment)
tartozik {vi} :: to belong to someone or something, appertain ( hoz)
tartozik {vi} :: to fall under something ( ba), be classed among, be categorized among
tartozik {vi} :: to owe someone ( nak) something ( val)
tartozik {vi} :: to concern someone ( ra)
tartozik {n} [finance] :: the debit (left) side in bookkeeping, i.e. expenditure
tartózkodás {n} :: stay, sojourn, temporary residency (anything between a few hours and a few years)
tartózkodás {n} :: reserve (restraint of freedom in words or actions; backwardness; caution in personal behavior)
tartózkodás {n} :: abstention (from voting)
tartózkodási {adj} :: staying, residence (relating to present physical location or dwell time)
tartózkodik {vi} :: to stay (to remain in a particular place)
tartózkodik {vi} :: to refrain from, to abstain from ( tól)
tartózkodik {vi} :: to abstain (at a vote)
tartózkodó {adj} :: reserved, guarded, reticent
tartozó {adj} :: belonging, corresponding
tartóztat {vt} :: to detain, make someone stay
tartóztat {vt} [rare] :: to hinder, delay
tartóztat {vtr} :: to restrain/control oneself (to make an effort to suppress one's emotions, temper, etc.)
tártszerelműség {n} :: polyamory
tárul {vi} :: to become open
tasak {n} :: satchel, (small) bag, pouch, packet
táska {n} :: bag (container made of textile or leather, used for carrying personal items)
táska {n} :: bag (puffed up skin under the eyes due to age, lack of sleep, or crying)
táska {n} :: bundle, pocket (puff pastry folded over a sweet or savoury filling)
Tasmánia {prop} :: Tasmania (island)
Tass {prop} :: Tass. Tass (village)
Tass {prop} :: Nyírtass; former name of Nyírtass Tass (village)
taszít {vt} :: to repel
-tat {suffix} [causative suffix] :: Added to a verb (or extremely rarely to a noun) to form a verb with a meaning of let, make somebody do something
tat {n} [nautical] :: stern (the rear part or after end of a ship or vessel)
tát {vt} :: to gape, to open wide (the mouth)
tata {n} [possibly, offensive] :: uncle, old man, fogey (used to speak of or address old men humorously or disparagingly)
tata {n} [colloquial, dialectal] :: father, dad
Tata {prop} :: Tata (town)
Tatabánya {prop} :: Tatabánya (city)
tatárjárás {n} :: The Mongol invasion of Hungary and Eastern Europe in the 13th century
tataroz {vt} :: to renovate, to repair
-tatik {suffix} [archaic, passive suffix] :: Added to a back-vowel verb to form a verb with a passive meaning
tátika {n} :: snapdragon
tátog {v} :: to gape (to open one's mouth repeatedly)
tátog {v} :: to mouth (to make the actions of speech, without producing sound)
-tatok {suffix} [past-tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
-tatok {suffix} [causative suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense causative of verbs (indefinite conjugations). Variants: -tetek, -atok, -etek
-tátok {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
tatu {n} :: armadillo
tau {n} :: tau (Greek letter)
tautológia {n} :: tautology (expression that features tautology)
táv {n} :: distance
táv {n} [as a prefix in compounds] :: remote, tele-
táv {n} [as a suffix in compounds and phrases] :: -term, -run, -range, -haul
tavacska {n} :: lakelet, pond
tavaly {adv} :: last year, yesteryear (year before this one, a year ago)
tavalyi {adj} :: of last year, last year's
tavasz {n} :: spring (season)
tavaszi {adj} :: spring, springtime, vernal (related to spring)
tavaszonként {adv} :: every spring
tavasszal {adv} :: spring, in the spring, in the springtime, in spring
távcső {n} :: binoculars
távcső {n} :: telescope
távirányít {v} :: to control remotely
távirányító {n} :: remote control
távírász {n} :: telegrapher, telegraphist (a telegraph operator)
távirat {n} :: telegram (message sent by telegraph)
távirati {adj} :: telegraphic
távkapcsolat {n} :: long-distance relationship
távkioldó {n} [photography] :: remote shutter release (device that triggers the shutter from a distance, preventing accidental movement of the camera)
távközlés {n} :: telecommunications, communications, phone, telephone
távközlési {adj} :: telecommunications, communications, phone, telephone
távlat {n} :: perspective, vista, view
távmunka {n} :: telework, telecommuting (remote work)
távoktatás {n} :: distance education, distance learning
távoktatási {adj} :: distance-learning (of, or relating to distance learning and distance education)
távol {adv} :: far (used with tól)
távol {adv} :: away, absent
távol {n} :: distance, farness, remoteness
távolabb {adv} :: comparative of távol
távoli {adj} :: distant, remote (at a distance)
távolibb {adj} :: comparative of távoli
távolít {vt} :: to move away from something
távolít {vt} [anatomy] :: to abduct (to draw away, as a limb or other part, from the median axis of the body)
távolító {adj} :: removing, abducting
távolító {adj} [anatomy] :: abducent
távolító ideg {n} [neuroanatomy] :: abducens nerve, abducent nerve (the sixth cranial nerve; it controls the lateral rectus muscle in the eye)
Távol-Kelet {prop} :: Far East
távollét {n} :: absence
távol marad {v} :: to abstain, to be absent, to keep away
távolodik {v} :: to move away, to recede
távolság {n} :: distance
távolsági {adj} :: long-distance
távolsági autóbusz {n} :: coach (a long-distance bus)
távolsági busz {n} :: coach (a long-distance bus)
távolságtartás {n} :: distancing, distance (the act of keeping a physical or emotional distance from others)
távolugrás {n} :: long jump
távozás {n} :: departure
távozik {vi} :: to leave, to go away
távú {adj} :: -term (indicating shorter or longer distance in time or space)
távvezérel {v} :: to control remotely
taxaméter {n} :: taximeter
taxi {n} :: taxi (a vehicle that may be hired for single journeys by members of the public, driven by a taxi driver)
taxira van szükségem {phrase} :: I need a taxi
taxisofőr {n} :: cabdriver, taxi driver, cabbie, cabman
taxonómia {n} :: taxonomy (science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms)
tb {n} :: abbreviation of társadalombiztosítás
Tbiliszi {prop} :: Tbiliszi (capital city)
-te {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-te {suffix} [verbal-participle suffix] :: Used to form the verbal participle of verbs, always following the agent noun
-te {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Used to form nouns from certain verbs (cf. -és), incorporating the third-person singular possessive suffix (-e), which can be replaced by other personal possessive suffixes
te {pron} [personal] :: you (second-person singular, nominative, informal form)
{n} :: letter: t
tea {n} :: tea
teaház {n} :: teahouse, tearoom
tealád {pron} :: synonym of alád [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tealattad {pron} :: synonym of alattad [with an added emphasis on the person]
tealevél {n} :: tea leaf
tealólad {pron} :: synonym of alólad [with an added emphasis on the person.]
teáltalad {pron} :: synonym of általad [with an added emphasis on the person.]
teás {adj} :: tea- (in compounds: with tea, of or pertaining to tea)
teás {n} :: tea person/drinker (a person who enjoys drinking tea)
teásabb {adj} :: comparative of teás
teáskanál {n} :: teaspoon
teáskanna {n} :: teapot
teaszűrő {n} :: tea filter, tea infuser, tea ball
teátrális {adj} :: theatrical
teátrálisabb {adj} :: comparative of teátrális
teátrálisan {adv} :: theatrically
teátrálisság {n} :: theatricality (theatrical behaviour and mannerisms)
teátrista {n} [archaic] :: actor
teátrum {n} [archaic] :: theatre
teázik {vi} :: to tea, to have/drink tea
tebeléd {pron} :: synonym of beléd [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tebelőled {pron} :: synonym of belőled [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tebenned {pron} :: synonym of benned [with an added emphasis on the person.]
téboly {n} [literary] :: madness, craze, mania, insanity
téboly {n} [colloquial, exaggerated] :: madness, frenzy (a nerve-racking, chaotic situation, state, circumstance)
tébolyda {n} :: insane asylum, madhouse, bedlam
Teca {prop} :: given name. Comparable to the English Tess, Tessa
technécium {n} :: technetium (symbol: Tc)
technika {n} :: technique (a way of accomplishing a task that is not immediately obvious)
technikai {adj} :: technical
technikailag {adv} :: technically
technikus {n} :: technician
technológia {n} :: technology
technológiai {adj} :: technological
-ted {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
teelébed {pron} :: synonym of elébed [with an added emphasis on the person.]
teeléd {pron} :: synonym of eléd [with an added emphasis on the person.]
teelőled {pron} :: synonym of előled [with an added emphasis on the person.]
teelőtted {pron} :: synonym of előtted [with an added emphasis on the person.]
teendő {n} :: task, to-do (actions or steps that have to be taken)
teéretted {pron} :: synonym of éretted [with an added emphasis on the person.]
teérted {pron} :: synonym of érted [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tefeléd {pron} :: synonym of feléd [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tefeletted {pron} :: synonym of feletted [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tefelőled {pron} :: synonym of felőled [with an added emphasis on the person]
teflon {n} :: Teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene, a synthetic polymer used as a non-stick coating for cookware)
tefölötted {pron} :: synonym of fölötted [with an added emphasis on the person.]
téged {pron} :: you, thee (as the direct object of a verb)
tégedet {pron} [dialectal] :: synonym of téged
tegez {n} :: quiver (for arrows)
tegez {vt} :: to address informally; to use the informal te form; to thou; [approx.] to be on a first-name basis (on first-name terms) with someone
tegeződik {vi} :: to be on informal terms with someone; to use the informal te form; to thou; [approx.] to be on a first-name basis (on first-name terms) with someone ( val)
tégla {n} :: brick
téglaház {n} :: brick house
téglalap {n} [geometry] :: rectangle (a quadrilateral having opposing sides parallel and four right angles)
tegnap {adv} :: yesterday
tegnap {n} :: yesterday (the day before today)
tegnapelőtt {adv} :: (on) the day before yesterday
tegnapelőtt {n} :: the day before yesterday
tegnapi {adj} :: yesterday's, of yesterday
tehát {adv} :: so
tehát {conj} [somewhat, formal] :: so, therefore, thus, hence
tehelyetted {pron} :: synonym of helyetted [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tehén {n} :: cow
tehén {n} :: doe, hind
tehénistálló {n} :: cowshed, byre
teher {n} :: burden, weight, load, freight, cargo
teher {n} [figuratively] :: burden, load, nuisance
teher {n} [in set phrases formed with teherbe or teherben] :: pregnancy
teher {n} [finance, often in set phrases with terhére] :: debit
teher {n} [in the phrase …… terhe mellett] :: penalty, punishment (cf. on pain of, under pain of)
Teherán {prop} :: Teherán (capital city)
teherautó {n} :: truck
teherbe esik {v} [idiomatic, of a woman] :: to become pregnant, to conceive
teherhajó {n} :: cargo ship
tehetetlen {adj} :: powerless
tehetetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of tehetetlen
tehetetlenség {n} :: helplessness, impotence, inability, powerlessness
tehetetlenség {n} [physics] :: inertia
tehetetlenségi {adj} :: inertial
tehetetlenségi erő {n} [mechanics] :: fictitious force
tehetetlenségi nyomaték {n} [mechanics] :: moment of inertia
tehetős {adj} :: well-to-do, wealthy, affluent
tehetősebb {adj} :: comparative of tehetős
tehetség {n} :: talent (marked natural ability or skill)
tehetség {n} :: talent (talented person)
tehetség {n} [archaic, dialectal] :: financial capacity, means
tehetséges {adj} :: talented, gifted (endowed with special abilities)
tehetségesebb {adj} :: comparative of tehetséges
tehozzád {pron} :: synonym of hozzád [with an added emphasis on the person.]
teirántad {pron} :: synonym of irántad [with an added emphasis on the person]
tej {n} :: milk
tejben-vajban füröszt {vt} [idiomatic] :: to pamper someone (to give someone the best of everything, to treat with excessive care, attention or indulgence)
tejcsokoládé {n} :: milk chocolate
tejes {adj} :: milk- (with milk, relating to milk)
tejesebb {adj} :: comparative of tejes
tejesember {n} :: milkman (man who delivers milk early in the morning)
tejfel {n} :: alternative form of tejföl
tejfog {n} :: milk tooth, deciduous tooth
tejföl {n} :: sour cream, smetana
tejsav {n} [organic compound] :: lactic acid
tejszín {n} :: cream
tejszínhab {n} :: whipped cream (thick cream that has had air incorporated into it through rapid beating)
tejtermék {n} :: dairy product
Tejút {prop} [astronomy] :: our galaxy that we inhabit
Tejút {prop} [astronomy] :: Milky Way, a broad band of diffuse white light, visible in the night sky; our view of the galaxy that we inhabit
-tek {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation)
-tek {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: your (second-person plural informal, single possession)
-tek {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
-ték {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a noun
-ték {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
teke {n} :: ball, sphere, bowl
teker {vt} :: to wind, twist, coil
teker {vit} :: to pedal
tekercs {n} :: scroll (roll of paper or parchment)
tekercs {n} :: coil (object wound in the form of a spiral; a coil of conductive material)
tekercs {n} :: inductor
tekercs {n} :: spool (cylinder on which cable, thread, wire or other such material is wound)
tekereg {vi} [pejorative, of a person] :: to hang about, loiter, loaf around (to wander about aimlessly, outside of one's home, avoiding work, doing nothing in particular)
tekereg {vi} :: to squirm, wriggle, wind, twist (to twist one's body with snakelike motions)
tekerőlant {n} :: hurdy-gurdy
tekervény {n} :: convolution, winding, spiral, coil, twists and turns (something that is folded or twisted)
tekervény {n} :: convolution (any of the folds on the surface of the brain)
tekint {vi} [with ra] :: to view, to look at something
tekint {vt} [with nak] :: to regard, to consider as something
tekintély {n} :: authority, prestige, respect, regard
tekintélyes {adj} :: respectable, distinguished (of a person with authority and prestige)
tekintélyes {adj} :: considerable, sizable, imposing
tekintélyromboló {adj} [formal] :: iconoclastic
tekintet {n} :: look, eye
tekintet {n} [figuratively] :: (paying) attention, respect, regard, consideration (given to something ra) (especially in the phrases tekintettel and tekintet nélkül)
tekinthető {adj} :: viewable (can be viewed, regarded, considered as)
tekintve {adv} :: regarding, considering
teknő {n} :: trough, wash tub
teknő {n} :: scute, tortoise shell
teknő {n} [geology] :: basin
teknős {adj} :: testacean, testaceous
teknős {n} :: turtle, tortoise
teknősbéka {n} :: turtle, tortoise
tékozol {v} :: to squander, to waste
tekörötted {pron} :: synonym of körötted [with an added emphasis on the person]
teközötted {pron} :: synonym of közötted [with an added emphasis on the person]
tektonikus {adj} [geology] :: tectonic (of, relating to, or caused by large-scale movements of the Earth's lithosphere)
-tel {suffix} [noun suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a noun
tel. {n} :: abbreviation of telefon
-tél {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
tél {n} :: winter
tele- {prefix} :: tele-
tele- {prefix} :: [verbal prefix] to the brim, fully, over an entire extent
tele {adv} :: full (of something val)
tele {adj} :: full (of something val)
tele {n} [photography, slang] :: telephoto lens (lens which produces a magnified view of distant objects)
telefon {n} :: telephone
telefonál {vi} :: to telephone (someone nak)
telefonál {vt} [rare] :: to announce something over the telephone
telefonálás {n} :: phone call, phone chat, telephony (the act or process of calling someone on the phone)
telefonálgat {vi} :: to keep calling someone on the phone
telefonbeszélgetés {n} :: telephone conversation
telefonbetyár {n} :: prank caller
telefonérme {n} :: telephone token
telefonfülke {n} :: phone booth, telephone booth (a small enclosure housing a public telephone)
telefonhálózat {n} :: telephone network
telefonhívás {n} :: call, phone call, telephone call
telefonkártya {n} :: phone card, phonecard, telephone card, calling card
telefonos {adj} :: telephonic, telephone
telefonos {n} [dated] :: telephonist
telefonszám {n} :: telephone number, phone number
telefonvonal {n} :: telephone line, phone line
telefonzsinór {n} :: telephone cord
teleház {n} :: telecentre, telecenter, telebureau, telecottage (a facility mainly in rural communities to provide public access to personal computers, other digital equipment, and the Internet)
-telek {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs with second-person object (definite conjugations)
telek {n} :: lot [US], parcel (of land), plot, piece of ground (an area or land used for building on or planting on)
telekommunikáció {n} :: telecommunication
telekommunikációs {adj} :: telecommunications
-telen {suffix} [adjective suffix] :: -less, un-, dis-. A privative suffix added to a noun or an adjective to form adjectives with a meaning of lacking something
télen {adv} :: winter, in the winter, in winter
telenként {adv} :: every winter
télen-nyáron {adv} :: at all times, at all seasons, all year round, winter or summer
telente {adv} :: every winter
teleobjektív {n} [photography] :: telephoto lens (lens which produces a magnified view of distant objects)
telep {n} [buildings and structures] :: yard (an enclosed area designated for a specific purpose, e.g. on railways etc.)
telep {n} [manufacturing] :: plant, works, workshop, station (a place where one performs a task or where one is on call to perform a task)
telep {n} [agriculture] :: ranch, farm, plantation
telep {n} [recreation] :: resort (a place where people go for recreation, especially one with facilities)
telep {n} [mining, archaeology] :: site, deposit (e.g. for mining or archeological research)
telep {n} [electricity] :: (storage) battery, storage cell
telep {n} [sociology] :: colony, settlement
telep {n} [botany] :: thallus, mycelium (an undifferentiated plant body, such as in algae or fungi)
telepakol {vt} :: to pack, fill, fill up something fully (with something val)
telepedik {vi} :: to sit down comfortably somewhere, to settle over (followed by ra)
telepedik {vi} :: to settle in somewhere (to get comfortable or established in a new place)
telepes {n} :: settler
telepít {vt} :: to settle, to resettle (populations, refugees)
telepít {vt} :: to plant (trees, vine, etc.)
telepít {vt} :: to install (a system)
telepít {vt} [computing] :: to install (software)
telepítés {n} :: settlement (settling down a group somewhere)
telepítés {n} [computing] :: installation, deployment
telepítési {adj} [computing] :: installation
telepítő {n} [computing] :: installer (program that installs software and prepares it for use)
telepszik {vi} :: alternative form of telepedik
települ {vi} :: to settle somewhere (a person or a company)
települ {v} [computing] :: to get installed (of a software)
település {n} :: settlement
teleszkóp {n} :: telescope
tele van a hócipője {v} [idiomatic] :: to be fed up (with something val)
televény {n} :: humus (natural organic compounds, found in the soil, formed from the chemical and biological decomposition of plant and animal residues and from the synthetic activity of microorganisms)
televény {n} :: soil, mold, mould, loam (earth rich in humus)
televény {n} [literary] :: hotbed, breeding ground, hothouse (an environment that is ideal for the growth or development of something)
televízió {n} :: television (medium)
televíziónéző {n} :: TV viewer
telhető {adj} :: doable, manageable, accomplishable (on behalf of someone től, as much as one's powers suffice, as much as one is possibly capable)
telhető {n} :: that which one can possibly do, manage or accomplish; one's best (on behalf of someone től)
teli {adj} :: full
téli {adj} :: winterly, winter
téli álom {n} [biology] :: hibernation (state of inactivity and metabolic depression in animals during winter)
telihold {n} :: full moon
telik {vi} :: to fill (to get filled)
telik {vi} [of time] :: to elapse, to pass, to go by
telik {vi} [impersonal] :: to be able to afford to buy (something ra, for someone nak)
télikabát {n} :: winter coat
telis-tele {adv} [with val] :: full, to the brim, packed tight (to the point of being full, almost overflowing with something or with people)
telis-teli {adv} [with val] :: synonym of telis-tele: full, to the brim
telít {vt} :: to saturate
telítetlen {adj} [chemistry] :: unsaturated
telítetlen zsírsav {n} [fatty acid] :: unsaturated fatty acid
telített {adj} [chemistry] :: saturated (having all available valence bonds filled)
telített zsírsav {n} [fatty acid] :: saturated fatty acid
telítődik {vi} :: to get saturated with something ( val)
telivér {adj} :: thoroughbred
telivér {n} :: thoroughbred
teljes {adj} :: entire, full, total
teljes {adj} :: complete
teljesebb {adj} :: comparative of teljes
teljesebben {adv} :: comparative of teljesen
teljesen {adv} :: completely, entirely, totally, wholly, fully
teljesít {vt} :: to accomplish
teljesítés {n} :: fulfilment, fulfillment, accomplishment, completion
teljesítmény {n} :: performance
teljesítmény {n} [physics] :: power
teljesítményű {adj} :: of power, -performance, -powered, -capacity
teljes kiőrlésű {adj} :: wholemeal, wholegrain, whole-wheat (containing or made from the whole grain, including the bran)
teljesség {n} :: completeness, entirety, totality
teljesül {vi} :: to come true, to be fulfilled, to be met (dreams, expectations, wishes, etc.)
teljesszög {n} [geometry] :: full angle, round angle, complete angle, perigon (an angle of 360 degrees)
tellik {v} :: alternative form of telik. (Used mainly in past tense.)
tellúr {n} :: tellurium (symbol: Te)
telt {adj} :: full
telt {adj} :: plump (figure)
teltebb {adj} :: comparative of telt
-tem {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite and definite conjugations)
téma {n} :: theme, topic
téma {n} [music] :: theme, motif
témájú {adj} :: having a theme, topic, subject (not always translated to English)
témakör {n} :: topic, subject, field
témanyitás {n} [internet] :: the act or process of adding a new discussion topic on an internet forum
tematikus {adj} :: thematic
temelléd {pron} :: synonym of melléd [with an added emphasis on the person.]
temelletted {pron} :: synonym of melletted [with an added emphasis on the person.]
temellőled {pron} :: synonym of mellőled [with an added emphasis on the person.]
Temesvár {prop} :: Temesvár (city)
temet {vt} :: to bury, inter (a dead body or some object)
temetés {n} :: funeral (a ceremony to honour and remember a deceased person)
temetés {n} :: burial, interment (the act of burying)
temetési {adj} :: funereal, funeral, sepulchral (relating to a burial or a funeral)
temetetlen {adj} :: unburied (not having been buried)
temető {adj} :: burying
temető {n} :: cemetery, graveyard
temetőbogár {n} :: burying beetle, sexton beetle, necrophore (beetle of the genus Nicrophorus)
temetség {n} [archaic] :: funeral
temiattad {pron} :: synonym of miattad [with an added emphasis on the person]
temögéd {pron} :: synonym of mögéd [with an added emphasis on the person.]
temögötted {pron} :: synonym of mögötted [with an added emphasis on the person.]
temögüled {pron} :: synonym of mögüled [with an added emphasis on the person.]
temperamentum {n} :: temperament
templom {n} :: church (a house of worship)
templomi {adj} :: (of) church
templomos {n} :: Templar
templomos {adj} :: Templar
templomos {adj} [rare] :: churchgoing
tempó {n} :: tempo, pace, speed
tempó {n} [music] :: tempo
tempó {n} [swimming] :: stroke
Temze {prop} :: Thames (river through London)
tenálad {pron} :: synonym of nálad [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tendál {vi} :: to tend
tendencia {n} :: tendency, trend
teneked {pron} :: synonym of neked [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tenéked {pron} :: synonym of néked [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tengelic {n} :: goldfinch
tengely {n} :: shaft, axle, spindle
tengely {n} [theoretical] :: axis
tengelyhatalom {n} :: Axis power (a country in the alliance (in effect before and during World War II) of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, imperial Japan and a few other countries, which opposed the Allies)
tengelykapcsoló {n} :: clutch (a device to interrupt power transmission)
tenger {n} :: sea
tengeralattjáró {n} :: submarine
tengerész {n} :: sailor
tengerészkék {adj} :: navy blue
tengerfenék {n} :: seabed, seafloor (the floor or bottom of the sea)
tengeri {adj} :: naval, marine, sea-
tengeri {n} :: corn, maize
tengeribetegség {n} :: seasickness, nausea
tengeri csillag {n} :: starfish
tengerimalac {n} :: guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)
tengeri teknős {n} :: sea turtle
tengeriuborka {n} :: sea cucumber (an echinoderm of the class Holothuroidea, with an elongated body and leathery skin)
tengermély {n} :: deep sea
tengermély {adj} [humorous] :: as deep as the sea, profound
tengernagy {n} :: admiral
tengernyi {adj} :: a sea of
tengerpart {n} :: beach, coast, seacoast, seashore
tengerparti {adj} :: seaside, coastal, littoral, maritime
tenisz {n} :: tennis (sport played by two or four players with strung racquets)
teniszezik {vi} :: to play tennis
teniszpálya {n} :: tennis court, court
teniszütő {n} :: tennis racket
tennivaló {n} :: things to be done
tente {interj} [childish] :: rock-a-bye, hush, hushaby (used in quieting a baby to sleep)
tény {n} :: fact
tenyér {n} :: palm (the inner part of the human hand)
tenyérjóslás {n} :: palm reading, palmistry, chiromancy
tenyérnyi {adj} :: palmful, handbreadth (of a size of a hand or palm)
tenyérnyi {adj} [exaggerated] :: very small
tenyerű {adj} :: -palmed, with a …… palm or palms (having a specific kind of palm[s])
tenyészt {vt} :: to breed (to keep animals and have them reproduce)
tenyésztő {n} :: breeder (person who breeds animals)
tényező {n} :: factor (integral part)
tényező {n} [mathematics] :: factor
tényleg {adv} :: really, in actuality, truly
tényleg {adv} :: indeed (said when realizing something)
tényleges {adj} :: factual, real
ténylegesen {adv} :: effectively, actually
teodolit {n} :: theodolite (surveying instrument)
teológia {n} :: theology (the study of God and the truthfulness of religion)
teológia {n} [education] :: seminary (a theological academy)
teológiai {adj} :: theological
teológus {n} :: theologian, theologist (one who is skilled, professes or practices of what relates with God)
teológus {n} :: student of divinity (one who studies theology)
teoretikus {adj} :: theoretical
teoretikus {n} :: theoretician (someone who is expert in the theory of a particular science)
teoretikusan {adv} :: theoretically
tép {vt} :: to tear, rend
tépelődik {vi} [literary] :: to agonize, brood, ruminate, worry (about something: n or miatt) (to struggle with something mentally at length, searching for reasons before making a decision)
tépked {vt} :: to tear, pluck, rip repetitively
tépőzár {n} :: Velcro
tepsi {n} :: baking tray, baking pan, roasting pan (for meats)
tér {n} :: [physics, mathematics] space (physical extent across two or three dimensions; area, volume)
tér {n} :: room (space for something, or to carry out an activity; [also figuratively] sufficient space for or to do something)
tér {n} :: (in compounds) field (open country suitable for a given purpose)
tér {n} :: square (open area in a city, town, or village)
tér {n} [physics] :: field (a physical phenomenon [such as force, potential or fluid velocity] that pervades a region; a mathematical model of such a phenomenon that associates each point and time with a scalar, vector or tensor quantity)
tér {n} :: field (the extent of a given perception)
tér {n} :: aspect, respect, field (a particular aspect, feature, or detail of something)
tér {vi} :: [archaic, except in set phrases] to turn
tér {vi} [dialectal] :: synonym of fér
terád {pron} :: synonym of rád [with an added emphasis on the person.]
terajtad {pron} :: synonym of rajtad [with an added emphasis on the person.]
terapeuta {n} :: therapist
terápia {n} :: therapy
terápiás {adj} :: therapeutic, of or relating to therapy
terasz {n} :: deck, terrace, patio (a platform that extends outwards from a building)
terasz {n} :: patio (outdoor seating at restaurants)
terasz {n} [geology] :: terrace (a step-like landform)
térbeli {adj} :: spatial
terc {n} [music] :: third (an interval consisting of the first and third notes in a scale)
terc {n} [card games] :: tierce (a sequence of three playing cards of the same suit)
terc {n} [fencing] :: tierce (the third defensive position, with the sword hand held at waist height, and the tip of the sword at head height)
tercel {vi} [music] :: to sing or play a musical instrument in thirds
térd {n} :: knee
térdel {vi} :: to kneel (to rest on one's bent knees, sometimes only one)
térdepel {vi} :: to kneel
térdkalács {n} [anatomy] :: kneecap, kneepan, patella, rotula (the flat, roundish bone in the knee)
térdreflex {n} :: patella reflex
térdszalag {n} :: garter (a bendlet in heraldry)
térdszalag {n} [anatomy] :: knee ligament
térdű {adj} :: -kneed, with a …… knee or knees (having a specific kind of knee[s])
térdzokni {n} :: knee sock (sock that reaches almost up to the knee)
tereád {pron} :: synonym of reád [with an added emphasis on the person.]
terefere {n} :: small talk, chit-chat
tereget {vt} :: to hang out / hang up (to dry)
terei {adj} :: Of, with, or relating to a city/town square designated as tere.
terel {vt} :: to direct somewhere
terel {vt} :: to herd, to drive (animals)
terelget {v} :: to keep herding (animals)
terem {n} :: hall, chamber, room
terem {n} [as a synonym of a hall or room specified elsewhere] :: classroom, exhibition room, concert hall etc
terem {n} [as a prefix in compounds, usu. for sports] :: indoor ……
terem {vit} :: to yield, to produce, to bring forth, to bear (fruit or crops)
terem {vi} [figuratively, in the past tense] :: to be cut out for (a task, ra; literally, “to be made” for a purpose)
terem {vi} [with an adverbial of location] :: to appear, to turn up instantly or suddenly
teremt {vt} :: to create (to put into existence)
teremtés {n} :: creation (act of creation)
teremtés {n} :: creature, person, thing (a living being)
teremtésmítosz {n} :: creation myth
teremtetik {vi} [archaic] :: to be created (to be put into existence)
teremtmény {n} :: creature (a living being; an animal or human)
teremtmény {n} :: creation (something created such as an invention or artwork)
teremtő {n} :: creator
terén {postp} :: in the field of, in, with
terep {n} :: ground, field, area
terep {n} :: terrain
térerősség {n} [electricity] :: (the measure of an) electric field
Teréz {prop} :: given name
Terézia {prop} :: given name
térfogat {n} :: volume (unit of three dimensional measure that consists of a length, a width and a height)
terhel {vt} :: to burden, encumber
terhel {vt} [banking] :: to debit
terhelés {n} :: burden, stress
terhelés {n} [physics] :: load
terhelés {n} [banking] :: debiting (amount taken out of an account)
terhes {adj} :: pregnant, in a family way
terhes {adj} :: burdensome, hard, taxing (task), obnoxious, tiring (person) for someone ( nak)
terhes {adj} [rare, literary] :: loaded, filled, heavy, laden, saturated
terhes {n} :: pregnant woman
terhesebb {adj} :: comparative of terhes
terhesség {n} :: pregnancy (condition of being pregnant)
terhességmegszakítás {n} :: abortion (induced termination of pregnancy)
Teri {prop} :: given name
téridő {n} [physics] :: spacetime
terime {n} [archaic, physics] :: The volume (three-dimensional measure of space) of a substance or shape
terime {n} [medical] :: A localized enlargement or swelling of the body; a mass or tumor
térinformatika {n} :: geoinformatics (the academic discipline or career of working with geographic information systems)
tériszony {n} :: acrophobia, fear of heights
tériszony {n} [rare] :: agoraphobia, fear of open spaces or crowds
terít {vt} :: to set (to arrange the table with dishes and cutlery)
térít {vt} :: to turn, direct (to a place)
térít {vt} :: to convert (to another faith)
térít {vt} :: to bring round (to resuscitate)
teríték {n} :: place (at a table), table setting
térítés {n} [formal] :: payment, compensation, reimbursement (the sum of money paid in exchange for goods or services)
térítés {n} [religion] :: conversion, proselytization
térítési {adj} :: of, or relating to compensation
térítési {adj} [religion] :: of, or relating to religious conversion
térítésmentes {adj} :: free of charge (not requiring any payment)
térítésmentesen {adv} :: free of charge (without any payment being required)
térítmény {n} :: reimbursement, compensation
terítő {n} :: cloth, tablecloth
terítő {n} :: coverlet, bedspread
térítő {n} :: missionary, proselytizer
térítő {n} :: tropic
terjed {vi} :: to spread (to expand)
terjedelem {n} :: size, bulk, dimension, range, extent, length
terjedelmes {adj} :: large, big, voluminous, wide, spacious, extensive
terjedelmesebb {adj} :: comparative of terjedelmes
terjedelmű {adj} :: having a named size, volume, dimension, length, scope
terjedés {n} :: spreading, expansion, dissemination, propagation
terjengős {adj} :: lengthy, wordy, prolix, long-winded
terjengősebb {adj} :: comparative of terjengős
terjeszt {vt} :: to spread (to expand)
terjesztés {n} :: spreading, distribution, dissemination, circulation, propagation
terjeszthető {adj} :: distributable (that which can be spread, distributed, disseminated, promulgated, or circulated)
térkép {n} :: map (visual representation of an area)
térképész {n} :: cartographer
térképészet {n} :: cartography
térképezés {n} :: mapping, charting
térképre van szükségem {phrase} :: I need a map
termálfürdő {n} :: thermal bath
termék {n} :: product
termékcsalád {n} :: product family, product line (a group of similar products manufactured by the same company)
termékeny {adj} :: rich, fertile, productive, fruitful (capable of growing abundant crops)
termékeny {adj} :: fertile, fecund (capable of reproducing)
termékeny {adj} :: productive, prolific, fertile (producing results or works in abundance)
termékeny {adj} [linguistics] :: productive (consistently applicable to any of an open set of words)
termékenység {n} :: fertility
termékismertető {n} :: product brochure, product information (a booklet or a sheet of paper containing information about the product)
termel {vt} :: to produce
termel {vt} [agriculture] :: to grow, raise, cultivate
termel {vt} :: to generate (energy)
termelékeny {adj} :: productive
termelékenység {n} :: productivity
termelés {n} :: production
termelő {n} :: grower, producer (a farmer; one who grows things)
termelőszövetkezet {n} :: collective farm (an agricultural cooperative)
termény {n} :: produce, crop (harvested agricultural goods collectively, especially vegetables, fruit, cereal)
termés {n} :: crop, harvest, yield (a plant grown to be harvested as food; the yield of harvesting, i.e. the gathered crops or fruits)
termesz {n} :: termite (insect)
természet {n} :: nature (environment)
természet {n} :: nature (essential characteristics)
természetbeni {adj} :: in kind ((paying or giving) with goods or services (as opposed to cash))
természetes {adj} :: natural (not artificial)
természetes alapú logaritmus {n} [mathematics] :: natural logarithm
természetesebb {adj} :: comparative of természetes
természetesebben {adv} :: comparative of természetesen
természetesen {adv} :: naturally
természetesen {interj} :: of course, by all means, certainly, definitely
természetes ölősejt {n} [immunology] :: natural killer cell (any cell that expresses cell surface receptors that deliver signals to either activate or inhibit a response as part of the immune system)
természetes személy {n} [law] :: natural person (a person that is an individual human being, as opposed to a legal person, which may be a private or public organization)
természetföldrajz {n} :: geography (study of the physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth)
természeti {adj} :: natural, nature's, of nature (of, or relating to nature)
természeti katasztrófa {n} :: natural disaster
természettudomány {n} :: natural science (science involved in studying phenomena or laws of the physical world)
természettudományos {adj} :: scientific, of natural science
természetű {adj} :: -natured, -tempered
termeszt {vt} [of plants] :: to grow, raise, cultivate
termet {n} :: stature, figure, build, physique
termetes {adj} :: large, tall, well-built
termetesebb {adj} :: comparative of termetes
termetű {adj} :: -statured (having a named build, physique)
terminál {n} :: terminal
terminológia {n} :: terminology
terólad {pron} :: synonym of rólad [with an added emphasis on the person.]
Terpszikhoré {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Terpsichore, the Muse of dance and dramatic chorus
territórium {n} :: territory (a geographic area under control of a single governing entity)
territórium {n} :: territory (a large extent or tract of land)
territórium {n} :: territory (an area of subject matter, knowledge, or experience)
terror {n} :: terror (especially the action or quality of causing dread)
terrorista {adj} :: terrorist
terrorista {n} :: terrorist (person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle)
terrorizál {vt} :: to terrorize
terrorizmus {n} :: terrorism
terrortámadás {n} :: terrorist attack
térség {n} :: area, region, space
térszög {n} [geometry] :: solid angle
Terus {prop} :: given name. Comparable to English Tess, Tessa
terület {n} :: area (e.g. a neighborhood)
terület {n} :: area (the measure of how big something is in two dimensions)
terület {n} :: field (a part of a science)
területfejlesztés {n} :: regional development, land development, spatial development
területfejlesztési {adj} :: regional development, land development, spatial development
területi {adj} :: territorial, regional
területileg {adv} :: territorially, geographically
terv {n} :: plan (set of intended actions)
tervel {vt} :: to plan
tervez {vt} :: to plan, to intend, to consider doing
tervez {vt} :: to design
tervezés {n} :: planning
tervezési {adj} :: design [attributive], of design, planning, designing
tervezet {n} :: draft, draft plan, sketch, plan, layout
tervezett {adj} :: planned, intended
tervezgetés {n} :: planning (the process of thinking about a subject and making plans for the future)
tervező {adj} :: design, designing, planning
tervező {n} :: designer
tervezőgrafika {n} :: graphic design (art and profession of designing visual material such as logos, magazines, packaging, etc.)
tervezőgrafikus {n} :: graphic designer (person who designs visual material such as logos, magazines, packaging, etc. as a profession)
tervszerű {adj} :: systematic (carried out using a planned, ordered procedure)
tervszerűbb {adj} :: comparative of tervszerű
tesó {n} [colloquial] :: sibling, brother or sister
tesó {n} [slang] :: bro (used to address a male)
tessék {interj} :: (offering or doing a favor for someone, expressing consent, approval, readiness, or encouragement)
tessék {interj} :: here you are! (handing something over to someone)
tessék {interj} :: help yourself!, do start! (offering food and encouraging eating)
tessék {interj} :: after you!, go ahead! (allowing someone to pass at the door)
tessék {interj} :: go ahead! (answering a request for permission, like whether to open the window)
tessék {interj} :: yes please!, can I help you? (expressing full attention by a shop assistant towards a customer)
tessék {interj} :: come again?, I beg your pardon? (if the speaker did not hear or understand or cannot believe what was heard)
tessék {interj} :: action (instruction to start an act or scene of a theatric performance)
test {n} [anatomy] :: body
test {n} [geometry] :: solid (three-dimensional figure)
test {n} [algebra] :: field (commutative ring)
testalkat {n} :: build, figure, shape, physique, stature, form
testamentum {n} :: testament
testápolás {n} :: personal hygiene
testápoló {n} :: body lotion
testépítés {n} :: bodybuilding
testépítő {n} :: bodybuilder
testes {adj} :: burly
testesebb {adj} :: comparative of testes
testi {adj} :: bodily, physical
testnevelés {n} :: physical education (an element of an educational curriculum concerned with bodily development, strength, physical co-ordination, and agility)
testőr {n} :: bodyguard
testrész {n} [anatomy] :: body part
testre szab {vt} [idiom] :: to customize
testtan {n} :: somatology
testtömegindex {n} :: body mass index
testű {adj} :: -bodied, with a …… body (having a specific kind of body)
testület {n} :: body, committee, board (organisation, company, or other authoritative group)
testületi {adj} :: corporative, corporate
testvér {n} :: sibling
testvériség {n} :: fraternity, brotherhood, sisterhood
tesz {vt} :: to do
tesz {vt} :: to place, to put
tesz {vt} :: to make (to cause to be; with the result in )
tesz {vi} :: to see to it, to ensure (followed by the adverb róla)
tesz {vi} :: to (be able to) help it, to be the cause of, to be to blame (potential form with ról or followed by the adverb róla)
teszerinted {pron} :: synonym of szerinted [with an added emphasis on the person.]
teszt {n} :: test (an examination, given often during the academic term)
teszt {n} :: test (a session in which a product or piece of equipment is examined under everyday or extreme conditions to evaluate its durability)
tészta {n} :: dough, batter (a soft mixture of various ingredients such as flour, fat, egg, and water used for baking)
tészta {n} :: pasta, noodles
tészta {n} [regional] :: cake, pastry
tésztaszűrő {n} :: colander (a kitchen utensil with holes in it used for draining pasta)
tesztel {vt} :: to test
tesztelés {n} :: testing (the act of conducting a test)
-tet {suffix} [causative suffix] :: Added to a verb (or extremely rarely to a noun) to form a verb with a meaning of let, make somebody do something
tét {n} :: stake, bet, wager
tetejű {adj} :: having some kind of top or roof
-tetek {suffix} [past-tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
-tetek {suffix} [causative suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense causative of verbs (indefinite conjugations). Variants: -tatok, -atok, -etek
-tétek {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
tétel {n} [mathematics] :: theorem
tétel {n} :: item, unit
tétel {n} [music] :: movement (a large division of a larger musical composition)
tételes {adj} :: itemized
tetemes {adj} :: considerable, sizeable, huge
tetet {v} :: to make someone put something somewhere
tetet {v} :: to make someone do something
tetéz {vt} :: to compound, add to, make worse (problem, difficulty, mistake)
-tetik {suffix} [archaic, passive suffix] :: Added to a front-vowel verb to form a verb with a passive meaning
tetik {v} [obsolete] :: to appear, like
tétlen {adj} :: inactive, idle
tétlenebb {adj} :: comparative of tétlen
tétlenség {n} :: inaction
tetovál {vt} :: to tattoo
tetoválás {n} :: tattoo
tétovázik {vi} :: to hesitate
tető {n} :: top, roof
tetőcsomagtartó {n} :: roof rack
tetőled {pron} :: synonym of tőled [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tetőtől talpig {phrase} [idiomatic] :: from head to toe
tetraéder {n} [geometry] :: tetrahedron (a polyhedron composed of four triangular faces, six straight edges, and four vertex corners)
tetrahidrokannabinol {n} [organic compound] :: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
tetszés {n} :: satisfaction, liking, pleasure, approval
tetszetős {adj} :: attractive, appealing
tetszik {vi} :: to appeal, to be liked
tetszik {v} [auxiliary with a verb in the infinitive] :: used to indicate politeness towards the elderly
tetszik {vi} [archaic] :: to seem, to appear ( nak)
tetsző {adj} :: pleasing, suitable, appealing to someone's taste
tetsző {adj} :: seeming, apparent
tett {n} :: action, act, deed
tettes {n} :: culprit, offender (the person at fault for a crime)
tettestárs {n} :: accomplice (an associate in the commission of a crime)
tettet {vt} :: to pretend
tetű {n} :: louse
tetves {adj} :: lousy, nitty (infested with lice)
tetves {adj} [vulgar] :: blasted, bloody
tetvesebb {adj} :: comparative of tetves
tév- {prefix} :: mis-, de-. The derived words are related to falsehood, confusion, mixing up things, etc
teve {n} :: camel
tévé {n} :: telly, TV
téved {vi} :: to err, make a mistake
téved {vi} :: to be wrong, to be mistaken
téved {vi} :: to wander off somewhere
tévedés {n} :: error, mistake, miscalculation
tévedni emberi dolog {proverb} :: to err is human
tevegel {vi} [jocular] :: to ride a camel
tevékeny {adj} :: active, busy, brisk (full of action)
tevékenykedik {vi} :: to be active, to be busy
tevékenykedik {vi} :: to officiate as (followed by ként) (to perform the functions of some office)
tevékenység {n} :: activity
tévékészülék {n} :: television, TV, TV set, television set
teveled {pron} :: synonym of veled [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tevéled {pron} :: synonym of véled [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tévelyeg {vi} :: to err, stray
tévelyeg {vi} [literary] :: to wander, roam (to walk aimlessly, without purpose or goal)
tévelygés {n} :: erring, straying
tévelygés {n} :: aberration (deviation)
tévépaprika {n} :: alternative form of tv-paprika
tevés {n} :: putting, doing (the act of putting or doing; mostly in expressions)
tevés {adj} :: of, with or relating to camels
téves {adj} :: erroneous, wrong, incorrect, false
tévesebb {adj} :: comparative of téves
tévesen {adv} :: wrongly, incorrectly, falsely, erroneously
téves riasztás {n} :: false alarm (trigger of an unfounded response)
téveszt {vt} :: to miss, to make a mistake
tévesztendő {adj} :: to be confused, to be mixed up
tévézik {v} :: to watch TV
tévhit {n} :: misbelief, misconception
tévút {n} :: wrong way, wrong road
tévút {n} :: error, aberration
texasi {adj} :: Texan (of, from, or relating to Texas)
textilipar {n} :: textile industry
textus {n} [archaic] :: text
tfilin {n} [Judaism] :: phylacteries, tefillin
thai {adj} :: Thai (of, or relating to Thailand, its people or language)
thai {n} :: Thai (person)
thai {n} [singular only] :: Thai (language)
Thaiföld {prop} :: Thaiföld (country). Former name: Siam
Thaiföldi Királyság {prop} :: Kingdom of Thailand
Thaleia {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Thalia, the Muse of comedy and idyllic poetry
Thaleia {prop} [Greek mythology] :: one of the three Graces
Thanatosz {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Thanatos, the god of peaceful death
Thészeusz {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Theseus, a Greek mythological hero
théta {n} :: theta (Greek letter)
ti. {conj} :: abbreviation of tudniillik
ti {pron} [personal] :: y'all, you (second-person plural, nominative, informal form), you guys
ti {n} :: si, a syllable used in solfège to represent the seventh note of a major scale
ti {n} :: dot (the short mark, one of the two symbols used in Morse code)
tialátok {pron} :: synonym of alátok [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tialattatok {pron} :: synonym of alattatok [with an added emphasis on the person]
tialólatok {pron} :: synonym of alólatok [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tiáltalatok {pron} :: synonym of általatok [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tibelétek {pron} :: synonym of belétek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tibelőletek {pron} :: synonym of belőletek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tibennetek {pron} :: synonym of bennetek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
Tibi {prop} :: given name
Tibor {prop} :: given name
tied {pron} :: alternative form of tiéd
tiéd {pron} :: yours (that which belongs to you ― singular, informal)
tieid {pron} :: yours (those which belong to you ― informal, singular possessor, multiple possessions)
tiéid {pron} [folksy] :: alternative form of tieid
tieitek {pron} :: yours (those which belong to you all, informal, multiple possessions)
tiéitek {pron} :: alternative form of tieitek
tielébetek {pron} :: synonym of elébetek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tielétek {pron} :: synonym of elétek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tielőletek {pron} :: synonym of előletek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tielőttetek {pron} :: synonym of előttetek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tiérettetek {pron} :: synonym of érettetek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tiértetek {pron} :: synonym of értetek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tietek {pron} :: alternative spelling of tiétek
tiétek {pron} :: yours (that which belongs to you all ― plural, informal)
tifelétek {pron} :: synonym of felétek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tifelettetek {pron} :: synonym of felettetek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tifelőletek {pron} :: synonym of felőletek [with an added emphasis on the person]
tifölöttetek {pron} :: synonym of fölöttetek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tigris {n} :: tiger (Panthera tigris, a large predatory mammal of the cat family)
Tigris {prop} :: Tigris
tigriscápa {n} :: tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
Tihany {prop} :: Tihany (village)
tihelyettetek {pron} :: synonym of helyettetek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tihozzátok {pron} :: synonym of hozzátok [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tiirántatok {pron} :: synonym of irántatok [with an added emphasis on the person]
tik {pron} [personal, folksy] :: alternative form of ti
-tika {suffix} :: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It cannot be considered as an independent Hungarian suffix
tíkfa {n} :: teak
tiköröttetek {pron} :: synonym of köröttetek [with an added emphasis on the person]
tiközöttetek {pron} :: synonym of közöttetek [with an added emphasis on the person]
tik-tak {interj} :: tick tock (the sound of a ticking clock)
tilalom {n} :: prohibition, ban
tilinkó {n} :: flute, shepherd's pipe, reed
tilinkózik {v} :: to blow/play the pipe/flute
tilos {adj} :: forbidden, prohibited
tilt {vt} :: to forbid, prohibit
tiltakozás {n} :: protest
tiltakozik {vi} :: to protest
tiltakozó {adj} :: protesting
tiltakozó {n} :: protester
tiltott {adj} :: forbidden, prohibited
tiltottabb {adj} :: comparative of tiltott
tímár {n} :: tanner
timellétek {pron} :: synonym of mellétek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
timellettetek {pron} :: synonym of mellettetek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
timellőletek {pron} :: synonym of mellőletek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
timiattatok {pron} :: synonym of miattatok [with an added emphasis on the person]
timögétek {pron} :: synonym of mögétek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
timögöttetek {pron} :: synonym of mögöttetek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
timögületek {pron} :: synonym of mögületek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tinálatok {pron} :: synonym of nálatok [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tincs {n} :: curl, lock, ringlet (of hair)
tinédzser {n} :: teenager
tinektek {pron} :: synonym of nektek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tinéktek {pron} :: synonym of néktek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tini {n} [colloquial] :: teenager
tinó {n} :: steer (the castrated male of cattle, a young bullock)
tinta {n} :: ink
tinta {n} [slang] :: booze
tintahal {n} :: squid (sea animal)
tintasugaras {adj} :: inkjet
tintatartó {n} :: inkwell (container for ink)
tintázik {vi} [slang] :: to drink, booze; to hit the bottle (to consume alcoholic beverages)
tipeg {vi} :: to toddle
tipikus {adj} :: typical (capturing the overall sense of a thing; representing something by form)
tipikusan {adv} :: typically
tipográfia {n} :: typography (art or practice of setting and arranging type)
tipográfus {n} :: typographer (person who sets and arranges type as a profession)
tipométer {n} [typography, printing] :: type gauge, typometer (special ruler used to measure the point size of printed text)
tipor {v} :: to tread
tipp {n} :: tip (a piece of private or secret information or a piece of advice)
tippel {vt} :: to guess
típus {n} :: type
típusfaj {n} [biology, taxonomy] :: type species (species which has been designated as typical of a genus)
típusú {adj} :: kind of, type of, -type
tirajtatok {pron} :: synonym of rajtatok [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tirátok {pron} :: synonym of rátok [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tireátok {pron} :: synonym of reátok [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tirólatok {pron} :: synonym of rólatok [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tisza {n} :: yew (mainly used in the compound word tiszafa)
Tisza {prop} :: Tisza (river)
Tiszaderzs {prop} :: Tiszaderzs (village)
tiszafa {n} :: yew (tree)
Tiszalúc {prop} :: Tiszalúc (village)
Tiszaroff {prop} :: Tiszaroff (village)
Tiszasüly {prop} :: Tiszasüly (village)
tiszerintetek {pron} :: synonym of szerintetek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tiszt {n} :: officer
tiszt {n} :: duty
tiszt {n} :: honor
tiszta {adj} :: clean, clear
tiszta {n} :: clean change of clothes
tiszta {n} [rare] :: a morally clean person or object
tiszta {n} [in set phrases] :: clarity (the fact that something is cleared up and clean)
tisztában van {v} [idiom] :: to be fully aware (of something val), to know/understand/realize clearly
tisztább {adj} :: comparative of tiszta
tisztálkodik {vi} :: to clean oneself
tisztán {adv} :: cleanly, clearly
tisztás {n} :: clearing, glade, opening (a smaller grassy open space devoid of trees)
tisztaság {n} :: cleanliness, purity
tisztátalan {adj} [literary] :: impure
tisztáz {vt} :: to clarify, to make something clear, to explain, to demystify
tisztáz {vt} :: to clear, absolve, exonerate someone (from an accusation alól)
tisztázás {n} :: clarification, clearing, exculpation (the act or process of making or becoming clear)
tisztázatlan {adj} :: unclear, uncleared, unexplained, unclarified
tisztázódik {vi} :: to get cleared up, to get explained
tisztel {vt} :: to respect
tiszteleg {vi} :: to salute (a formal gesture made in honor of someone or something, usually with the hand or hands in one of various particular positions)
tisztelet {n} :: respect, regard, esteem
tisztelet {n} :: honor, honour, reputation, veneration, worship
tiszteletbeli {adj} :: honorary
tiszteletdíj {n} :: royalty (payment made to a writer, composer, inventor etc. for the sale or use of intellectual property, invention etc.)
tiszteletem {interj} :: hello, sir (see usage notes)
tisztelt {adj} :: dear (a formal way to address somebody at the beginning of a letter)
tisztelt {adj} :: respected
tisztes {adj} :: honest, respectable, honorable, honourable
tisztesség {n} :: honour, respect (token of respect)
tisztesség {n} :: honesty, integrity
tisztességes {adj} :: honest, upright
tisztességes {adj} :: good, decent (salary, work, meal, etc.)
tisztességesebb {adj} :: comparative of tisztességes
tisztességtelen {adj} :: dishonest
tisztességtelen {adj} :: indecent, improper (clothing)
tisztességtelen {adj} [legal] :: unfair, disloyal, fraudulent
tisztességtelenebb {adj} :: comparative of tisztességtelen
tisztít {vt} :: to clean
tisztogat {vt} :: to clean, cleanse, scour
tisztogatás {n} :: cleansing
tisztség {n} :: position, office, function, appointment
tisztségviselő {n} :: official, officeholder, functionary
tisztújítás {n} :: renewal, reelection, election (the reelection of officials in a party, association, etc.)
tisztújítás {n} [archaic] :: reelection (the renewal of staff of officers in local (city, county) government)
tisztviselő {n} :: official (office holder invested with powers and authorities)
titán {n} :: titanium (symbol: Ti)
titán {n} :: titan (deity in Greek mythology)
Titanic {prop} :: Titanic (ship)
titeket {pron} :: you, you all, you guys (as the direct object of a verb)
titkár {n} :: secretary (a person keeping records and handling clerical work)
titkárnő {n} :: secretary (female)
titkárság {n} :: secretariat
titkol {vt} :: to conceal, to hide (to keep as a secret)
titkolózik {vi} :: to keep secrets
titkon {adv} [literary] :: secretly, covertly
titkos {adj} :: secret
titkosabb {adj} :: comparative of titkos
titkosít {vt} :: to encrypt
titkosszolgálat {n} :: secret service
titok {n} :: secret
titokban {adv} :: secretly, covertly, stealthily, on the sly, furtively, clandestinely
titokban tart {vt} [idiom] :: to keep something secret, keep a lid on
titoktartó {adj} :: discreet, secretive (able to keep secrets)
titokzatos {adj} :: mysterious
titokzatosabb {adj} :: comparative of titokzatos
titokzokni {n} :: low-cut sock, invisible sock (short sock that extends to the ankle or lower)
titőletek {pron} :: synonym of tőletek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
titrál {vt} :: to titrate
Tivadar {prop} :: given name
tiveletek {pron} :: synonym of veletek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tivéletek {pron} :: synonym of véletek [with an added emphasis on the person.]
tíz {num} :: ten
tized {n} :: a tenth (one of ten equal parts of a whole)
tized {n} [history, taxation] :: tithe
tizedes {adj} [mathematics] :: decimal (concerning fractional numerals expressed in the base-ten system)
tizedes {n} :: corporal
tizedespont {n} [mathematics] :: decimal point (period used to set off the decimal or fractional part of a number)
tizedesvessző {n} [mathematics] :: decimal comma (comma used as a decimal separator in some countries)
tizedik {num} :: tenth
tizedike {n} :: the tenth (day of a month)
tizen- {prefix} [number prefix] :: -teen
tízen {adv} :: the ten of us/you/them
tizenegy {num} :: eleven
tizenegyedik {num} :: eleventh
tizenegyedike {n} :: the eleventh (day of a month)
tizenéves {adj} :: teenage
tizenéves {n} :: teenager
tizenharmadik {num} :: thirteenth
tizenharmadika {n} :: the thirteenth (day of a month)
tizenhárom {num} :: thirteen
tizenháromszög {n} :: tridecagon, triskaidecagon
tizenhat {num} :: sixteen
tizenhatodik {num} :: sixteenth
tizenhatodika {n} :: the sixteenth (day of a month)
tizenhét {num} :: seventeen
tizenhetedik {num} :: seventeenth
tizenhetedike {n} :: the seventeenth (day of a month)
tizenkét {num} :: twelve
tizenkettedik {num} :: twelfth
tizenkettedike {n} :: the twelfth (day of a month)
tizenkettő {num} :: twelve
tizenkilenc {num} :: nineteen
tizenkilencedik {num} :: nineteenth
tizenkilencedike {n} :: the nineteenth (day of a month)
tizennégy {num} :: fourteen
tizennegyedik {num} :: fourteenth
tizennegyedike {n} :: the fourteenth (day of a month)
tizenöt {num} :: fifteen
tizenötödik {num} :: fifteenth
tizenötödike {n} :: the fifteenth (day of a month)
tizennyolc {num} :: eighteen
tizennyolcadik {num} :: eighteenth
tizennyolcadika {n} :: the eighteenth (day of a month)
tízéves {adj} :: ten-year-old, ten years old, ten
tízéves {adj} :: ten-year
tízezer {num} :: ten thousand
tízórai {adj} :: ten hours of (lasting for ten hours)
tízórai {adj} :: of/at ten o'clock
tízórai {n} :: second breakfast, snack, elevenses, a light cold meal between breakfast and lunch, not necessarily at ten o'clock
tízparancsolat {n} :: the Ten Commandments
tízszeres {adj} :: tenfold (ten times as much)
-tlan {suffix} [adjective suffix] :: -less, un-, dis-. A privative suffix added to a noun or an adjective to form an adjective with a meaning of lacking something
-tlen {suffix} [adjective suffix] :: -less, un-, dis-. A privative suffix added to a noun or an adjective to form adjectives with a meaning of lacking something
{n} :: lake
toalett {n} :: toilet (the act of dressing, washing, grooming oneself)
toalett {n} :: dress
toalett {n} :: dressing room
toalett {n} :: dressing table
toalett {n} [rare] :: lavatory, water closet
toalettpapír {n} :: toilet paper
Tobago {prop} :: Tobago (island)
tobogán {n} :: toboggan (a flat-bottomed sled with no runners)
toboroz {vt} :: to recruit
toboz {n} [plant] :: cone, pinecone (the seed-bearing conical fruit of a pine tree)
tobozmirigy {n} [anatomy] :: pineal gland (a small, pinecone-shaped endocrine gland found near the centre of the brain that produces melatonin)
tócsa {n} :: puddle, pool
tóga {n} :: toga
Togo {prop} :: Togo (country)
tojás {n} :: egg
tojásdad {adj} :: egg-shaped, oval
tojásdadabb {adj} :: comparative of tojásdad
tojásfehérje {n} :: egg white, albumen (the white part of an egg)
tojáshéj {n} :: eggshell
tojáslepény {n} :: omelette, omelet [US]
tojáslikőr {n} :: eggnog, egg nog
tojásrántotta {n} :: scrambled eggs
tojássárgája {n} :: yolk
tojik {vit} :: to lay (eggs)
-tok {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation)
-tok {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: your (second-person plural informal, single possession)
tok {n} :: holder
tok {n} :: case
tok {n} :: cover
tok {n} :: sheath
tok {n} :: sturgeon (a type of fish)
toka {n} :: double chin
toka {n} :: jowl, dewlap
Tokaj {prop} :: Tokaj (town)
tokaji {adj} :: of Tokaj
tokaji {n} :: a sweet Hungarian dessert wine made in Tokaj
tokaji {n} :: a person from Tokaj
tokány {n} :: Strips of meat stewed on fried onion, black pepper and marjoram. A kind of "pörkölt" that does not contain paprika and has less sauce)
Tokelau {prop} :: alternative form of Tokelau-szigetek, Tokelau (territory)
Tokelau-szigetek {prop} [plural only] :: Tokelau-szigetek (territory)
Tokió {prop} :: Tokió (prefecture/capital city)
tokkal-vonóval {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: lock, stock and barrel (in its entirety, with nothing omitted)
tokmány {n} [folksy] :: scythe stone holder (an oblong case made of wood, sheet metal, horn or leather, partially filled with water to keep the stone wet in order to provide lubrication when honing the cutting edge; usually attached to the belt)
tokmány {n} [mechanical engineering] :: chuck (a mechanical device that holds an object or tool firmly in place)
tol {vt} :: to push
-tól {suffix} [case suffix] :: Used to form the ablative case
-tól {suffix} :: from (place)
-tól {suffix} :: from, since (time)
tolakodik {vi} :: to intrude, obtrude (oneself upon somebody)
tolakodik {vi} :: to push (oneself forward in a crowd)
tolakodik {vi} :: to hustle
tolakszik {vi} :: alternative form of tolakodik
tolat {v} :: to reverse, to back up a car
told {vt} :: to add, to splice
toldalék {n} :: addition (anything that is added)
toldalék {n} [linguistics] :: affix, suffix, termination
toldalék {n} [archaic] :: appendix, postscript (a text added to the end of a book or an article, containing additional information)
tolerál {vt} :: to tolerate
tolerancia {n} :: tolerance
toleráns {adj} :: tolerant (tending to permit, allow, understand, or accept something)
toleráns {adj} :: tolerant (tending to withstand or survive)
toleránsabb {adj} :: comparative of toleráns
toll {n} :: feather (a branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds, used for flight, swimming, protection and display)
toll {n} :: feather (a feather-like fin or wing on objects, such as an arrow)
toll {n} :: pen (a tool, originally made from a feather but now usually a small tubular instrument, containing ink used to write or make marks)
toll {n} [figuratively] :: pen (a writer, or his style)
tollas {adj} :: feathered
tollas {adj} :: inky from a pen
tollas {n} [colloquial] :: ellipsis of tollaslabda
tollas {n} [literary] :: synonym of madár
tollasabb {adj} :: comparative of tollas
tollaslabda {n} :: badminton
tollaslabda {n} :: shuttlecock (the ball used in badminton)
tollászkodik {vi} [of birds] :: to preen oneself, to plume (to groom; to trim or dress with the beak, as the feathers)
tollászkodik {vi} [figuratively, of a person] :: to primp (to get ready very slowly)
tollatlan {adj} :: featherless (having no feathers)
tolltartó {n} :: pencil case, pencil box, an object that can hold pens and pencils
tollú {adj} :: -feathered, with …… feathers (having a specific kind of feather[s])
tollú {adj} :: with/of a …… pen
tolmács {n} :: interpreter (one who listens to a speaker in one language and relates that utterance to the audience in a different language)
tolmácsol {v} :: to interpret (to act as an interpreter)
Tolna {prop} :: An administrative county in central Hungary and in the former Kingdom of Hungary
Tolna {prop} :: Tolna (town)
tolódik {v} :: to get pushed
tolong {vi} [of a crowd] :: to jostle (to bump into or brush against while (with difficulty) moving here and there)
tolong {vi} :: to jostle (to move through by pushing and shoving)
tolószék {n} :: wheelchair
Tolsztoj {prop} :: Tolstoy (Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer)
tolsztoji {adj} :: Tolstoyan
toluol {n} [organic compound] :: toluene
tolvaj {n} :: thief (one who carries out theft)
tolvajnyelv {n} :: cant (language)
tombol {vi} [of a person] :: to rage, to be frantic
tombol {vi} [of a natural or social phenomenon, storm, war, epidemic, etc.] :: to rage
tombola {n} :: raffle
tombolázik {vi} :: to play raffle
Tomi {prop} :: given name
tompa {adj} :: blunt, dull, obtuse
tompa {adj} [typography, of a paragraph] :: without first-line indent
tompább {adj} :: comparative of tompa
tompaszög {n} [geometry] :: obtuse angle
tompaszögű {adj} [geometry] :: obtuse-angled, obtuse (of a triangle, having an obtuse angle)
tompaszögű háromszög {n} [geometry] :: obtuse triangle, obtuse-angled triangle (a triangle one of whose angles is obtuse)
tompor {n} [anatomy] :: haunch, buttock, hinder, trochanter (the area encompassing the upper thigh, hip and buttocks)
Tonga {prop} :: Tonga (country)
tonhal {n} :: tuna (fish)
tonhal {n} :: tuna (the edible flesh of the tuna)
tonna {n} :: ton (unit of weight, 1000 kg)
tonzúra {n} :: tonsure
topánka {n} [literary, affectionate] :: lady's shoe
tópart {n} :: lakeshore
tóparti {adj} :: lakeside
topáz {n} :: topaz (mineral)
topográfia {n} :: topography
topológia {n} :: topology
toportyán {n} [dialectal] :: wolf
toportyán {n} [dialectal] :: bear
toportyán {n} [dialectal] :: golden jackal
toportyánféreg {n} [dialectal] :: wolf
toportyánféreg {n} [dialectal] :: bear
toportyánféreg {n} [dialectal] :: golden jackal
tor {n} [literary, archaic or folksy] :: meal, repast (ceremonial meal held after weddings, funerals, or other special occasions)
tor {n} [zoology] :: thorax (of an arthropod)
Tóra {prop} [Judaism] :: Torah
Torda {prop} :: Torda (city)
Torda {prop} [rare] :: given name
tórium {n} :: thorium (chemical element)
torkú {adj} :: -throated, with a …… throat (having a specific kind of throat)
torma {n} :: horseradish (Armoracia rusticana)
torna {n} :: gymnastics, physical exercise
torna {n} :: tournament
tornác {n} :: portico, verandah, porch, terrace
tornacipő {n} :: sneaker (shoe)
tornádó {n} [weather] :: tornado
tornász {n} :: gymnast
tornázás {n} :: exercise, workout
tornázik {vi} :: to exercise, to do gymnastics, to work out
torok {n} :: throat
torokszíj {n} :: throatlatch, throatlash (part of a horse's bridle that prevents the bridle from coming off over the horse's head)
torol {vt} :: to retaliate
torony {n} :: tower
torony {n} [chess] :: rook
toronyiránt {adv} [idiomatic] :: as the crow flies (straight)
toronyóra {n} :: clock tower
torpedó {n} :: torpedo (cylindrical explosive projectile)
torta {n} :: torte, cake, gateau (a dense dessert richly decorated and filled with cream or jam)
tortalapát {n} :: cake slice, cake server (a utensil with a wide, triangular, unsharpened blade, designed to cut and serve slices of cake)
tortúra {n} :: ordeal, torment (a painful or trying experience)
tortúra {n} [archaic] :: torture
tory {n} [politics] :: Tory (member or supporter of the Conservative Party of the UK)
torz {adj} :: deformed, misshapen, distorted, malformed, freakish
torzít {vt} :: to deform, to distort, to disfigure
torzul {vi} :: to become deformed, distorted, disfigured
Toshiba {prop} :: Toshiba (a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation)
Toshiba {prop} :: Toshiba (a product manufactured by Toshiba)
Toszkána {prop} :: Toszkána (region)
tót {n} [dated, regional] :: A Slovak or Slovene person, or a person of such origins
totál {adv} [colloquial] :: totally, completely
totál {n} [film] :: long shot (the primary wide shot of a scene)
totális {adj} :: total
totális {adj} :: totalitarian
totalitárius {adj} :: totalitarian
totemoszlop {n} :: totem pole
tótumfaktum {n} :: factotum
totyog {vi} :: to toddle
tovább- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: further
tovább {adv} :: further, farther (in distance)
tovább {adv} :: longer (in time)
továbbá {adv} :: further
továbbad {vt} :: to pass something to someone ( nak)
továbbfejleszt {vt} :: to (further) develop, improve
további {adj} :: further
további {n} :: the events, things, or situations that happen after the present
továbbít {vt} :: to forward, transmit, send, relay, convey
továbbképzés {n} :: continuing education
továbbra {adv} :: for the future, in the future, still (indicates something that is continued even after a certain point of time)
toxikológia {n} :: toxicology
toxikológus {n} :: toxicologist
{n} [of plants] :: stem (plant), foot, stump (tree)
{n} [grammar] :: stem
{n} [of hair] :: root
{n} [mathematics] :: radix
több {num} :: more (comparative of sok)
több {num} :: several, multiple
több {adj} :: older (followed by nál)
több {adj} [of a person] :: better (having a greater significance, importance; more valuable due to position, moral substance, or authority)
több {n} :: more (a greater value, a more important thing)
többé {adv} [in negative constructions, often with soha] :: any more, anymore, again
többé-kevésbé {adv} :: more or less
többen {adv} :: a number of people, several, many of them
többértelmű {adj} :: ambiguous, unclear
többet {adv} :: comparative of sokat
többféle {adj} :: various
többfunkciós {adj} :: multifunctional
többi {adj} :: other
többi {n} :: the others (all except for the specified ones)
többlet {n} :: extra, surplus, excess
többnejű {adj} :: polygynous (practicing polygyny)
többnejűség {n} :: polygyny
többnyelvű {adj} :: multilingual
többnyelvűség {n} :: multilingualism
többnyire {adv} :: mostly, usually, generally, mainly, for the most part
többrétegű {adj} :: multilayered (having more than one layer)
többség {n} :: majority (more than half)
többségi {adj} :: (of the) majority
több szem többet lát {proverb} :: two heads are better than one
többször {adv} :: several times (more than once or twice but no too often)
többször {adv} [slightly, colloquial] :: again (usually with nem)
többször {adv} :: comparative of sokszor
többszöri {adj} :: multiple
többszörös {adj} :: multiple, multi
többszörös {n} [mathematics] :: multiple (a number that may be divided by another number with no remainder)
többszörösen {adv} :: multiply (in many or multiple ways, several times)
tőgy {n} :: udder (part of domestic milk-giving animal that expresses milk)
-tök {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation)
-tök {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: your (second-person plural informal, single possession)
tök {n} :: squash, pumpkin, vegetable marrow
tök {n} [cards] :: bells (a suit)
tök {n} [slang] :: testicles, balls
tök {adv} [slang] :: very, quite, rather
tőke {n} :: stump (of a tree, which remained after it is felled, used for fuel etc.)
tőke {n} [botany, folksy] :: (vine etc.) stock
tőke {n} [botany] :: rhizome
tőke {n} :: (chopping) block
tőke {n} [finance] :: funds
tőke {n} [figuratively] :: asset
tőke {n} [economics] :: capital (money and wealth)
tőkehal {n} :: cod (marine fish of the family Gadidae)
tökéletes {adj} :: perfect, flawless
tökéletesebb {adj} :: comparative of tökéletes
tökéletesebben {adv} :: comparative of tökéletesen
tökéletesen {adv} :: perfectly, flawlessly
tökéletesít {v} :: to perfect, improve (to make something better)
tökéletesség {n} :: perfection
tökéletlen {adj} :: imperfect (not perfect)
tökéletlenebb {adj} :: comparative of tökéletlen
tőkepiac {n} :: capital market
tőkés réce {n} :: mallard
tökfilkó {n} [pejorative] :: dolt, blockhead
töklámpás {n} :: jack-o'-lantern
tökmag {n} :: pumpkinseed
tökre {adv} [slang] :: very, quite, rather
tökű {adj} :: -balled, with …… ball(s) (having some specific type or number of ball[s])
-től {suffix} [case suffix] :: Used to form the ablative case
-től {suffix} :: from (place)
-től {suffix} :: from, since (time)
tölcsér {n} :: funnel, tunnel (a utensil of the shape of an inverted hollow cone, terminating below in a pipe, and used for conveying liquids etc. into a close vessel)
tölcsér {n} :: ice cream cone, cone, cornet (a thin, conical confection baked from crepe batter, sealed at its apex, used to hold ice cream while it is being eaten)
tölcsér {n} :: pastry bag, piping bag (a cloth bag shaped like a cone with a small hole at the tapered end, used with a metal or similar nozzle for squeezing out decorative icing and other pastes in cooking)
tölcsér {n} :: funnel, pipe, horn (a conical device used to direct sound waves)
tölcsér {n} [geology, figuratively] :: crater (the basin-like opening or mouth of a volcano)
tölcsérszerű {adj} :: funnellike (resembling a funnel)
tőle {pron} :: from him / her / it
tőle {pron} :: of him / her / it
tőle {pron} :: With a verb, noun or phrase that requires -tól/-től case suffix
tőlem {pron} [colloquial] :: for all I care (indicating indifference)
tőlem {pron} :: whatever… (indicating the speaker does not care what someone says)
tölgy {n} :: oak (tree)
tölgyfa {n} :: oak tree, oak (a tree of the genus Quercus)
tölgyfa {adj} :: oaken (made from the wood of the oak tree)
tölt {vt} :: to pour
tölt {vt} :: to charge (electrically)
tölt {vi} [computing] :: to load
tölt {vt} :: to pass (time), spend (time) with something ( val)
töltelék {n} :: filling (anything that is used to fill something)
töltelék {n} [cooking] :: stuffing
töltény {n} [firearms] :: cartridge, bullet
tölténytár {n} :: magazine, ammunition clip (a chamber in a firearm enabling multiple rounds of ammunition to be fed into the firearm)
töltés {n} [electricity] :: charge
töltés {n} :: loading
töltés {n} :: bank, embankment, dike
töltés {n} :: connotation
töltés {n} [rare, of time] :: passing
töltő {adj} :: charging
töltő {adj} :: filling
töltő {n} :: charger
töltő {n} :: filler (material)
töltőtoll {n} :: fountain pen (a pen containing a reservoir of ink, which is fed to a writing nib automatically)
töltött {adj} :: filled
töltött {adj} [cooking] :: stuffed
töltött káposzta {n} :: stuffed cabbage, sarma (Hungarian dish made of cabbage leaves stuffed with minced meat and rice served with sauerkraut)
töltött paprika {n} :: stuffed paprika (Hungarian dish made of bell peppers (paprika) stuffed with minced meat and rice in tomato sauce)
töm {vt} :: to stuff, to fill
tömb {n} :: block
tömbház {n} :: block of flats
tömbös {adj} [typography] :: justified, flush (said of text arranged so that the ends of its lines are aligned on both sides)
tömeg {n} :: crowd, mass (e.g. of people)
tömeg {n} [physics] :: mass
tömeges {adj} :: mass, multitudinous
tömegesen {adv} :: in large numbers, in multitudes, in droves
tömegközlekedés {n} :: public transport
tömegközlekedési {adj} :: of public transport
tömegpusztító {adj} :: of mass destruction
tömegpusztítóbb {adj} :: comparative of tömegpusztító
tömegsír {n} :: mass grave
tömegű {adj} :: having a named mass
tömegvonzás {n} [physics] :: gravitation (fundamental force of attraction)
tömeggyártás {n} :: mass production
tömeggyilkos {n} :: mass murderer (someone who commits a mass murder)
tömeggyilkosság {n} :: mass murder (the killing of a large number of people over a short period of time)
tömény {adj} [chemistry] :: concentrated
tömény {adj} [of liquid] :: pure (homogeneous, not or barely containing foreign material, especially water)
tömény {adj} [figuratively, colloquial, derogatory] :: strong, thick, undiluted, heavy
tömény {n} [colloquial] :: hard liquor (a distilled beverage with a high alcohol content)
tömés {n} :: verbal noun of töm, filling, stuffing
tömés {n} [dentistry] :: filling (any material used to fill a cavity in a tooth; the result of using such material; the act of filling the cavity)
tömés {n} :: padding (soft filling material used in cushions, shoulders of jackets, etc.)
tömés {n} [of goose or duck] :: force-feeding (the act of forcing an animal to ingest food, for example by stuffing food down the throat)
tömjén {n} :: frankincense
tömköd {vit} :: to stuff, fill, cram, jam (something) repeatedly
tömlő {n} :: hose
tömlő {n} :: goatskin
tömlő {n} :: inner tube
tömlöc {n} [dated] :: dungeon, prison
tömör {adj} [of material] :: solid, compact, massive (lacking holes, hollows or admixtures of other materials)
tömör {adj} [of text] :: brief, concise
Tömörd {prop} :: Tömörd (village)
tömörebb {adj} :: comparative of tömör
tömörít {vt} :: to compress
tömörített {adj} :: condensed, compressed
tömörül {vi} :: to clog together, coalesce, cluster
tömörül {vi} :: to form a group, conglomerate
tömzs {n} [geology, mining] :: stock, or dome (an irregular-shaped mass of igneous rock with steep sides, with a surface exposure of less than 100 square kilometres, smaller than a batholith)
tönk {n} :: stump, treestump (the remains of a tree that has been cut off)
tönk {n} :: chopping stump (a large section of a tree trunk used for splitting hardwood)
tönk {n} :: stipe, stalk, stem (the stem of a mushroom that supports its cap)
tönk {n} [idiomatic] :: financial collapse, bankruptcy
tönkretesz {vt} :: to ruin, spoil, destroy (to make unfit for use or normal functioning)
töpörtyű {n} :: greaves, pork rind [US], pork scratching [UK] (snack food, the unmeltable residue left after animal fat has been rendered)
töpreng {vi} :: to wonder, ponder, reflect, ruminate, brood (on/over something n) (to think deeply and at length)
tör {vt} :: to break
tör {vi} :: to strive for something ( ra)
tőr {n} :: dagger
tőr {n} [fencing] :: foil (very thin sword)
tőr {n} :: trap, snare (a device designed to catch animals)
tőr {n} [figuratively] :: trap, snare, setup (an arrangement designed to catch someone in a more general sense)
tördel {vt} :: to crumble (to break into pieces)
tördel {vt} [printing, typography] :: to set text (to arrange text in lines, columns and pages)
töredék {n} :: fragment (detached piece)
töredék {n} :: fraction (small portion of the whole)
töredékes {adj} :: fragmentary
töredezett {adj} :: fragmented
töredezettebb {adj} :: comparative of töredezett
töredezettség {n} :: fragmentation
töredezettségmentes {adj} :: free of fragmentation, unfragmented
töredezettségmentesít {vt} [computing] :: to defragment, defrag
töredezettségmentesítés {n} [computing] :: defragmentation (the act of defragmenting)
töredezettségmentesíthetetlen {adj} :: undefragmentable, undefraggable, impossible to be defragmented
töredezettségmentesíthető {adj} :: defragmentable, defraggable, possible to be defragmented
töredezettségmentesítő {n} [computing] :: defragmenter, defragger
törekedik {vi} :: to strive, endeavour [UK], endeavor, struggle, make an effort ( ra) (to try to achieve a result; to make strenuous effort; to try earnestly and persistently)
törekedik {vi} [rare, archaic] :: to be going or heading somewhere, attempt to get to a place
törékeny {adj} :: fragile, frail, delicate, brittle, breakable
törékenyebb {adj} :: comparative of törékeny
törekszik {vi} :: alternative form of törekedik
törekvés {n} :: endeavour, effort
törés {n} :: breaking (the act of breaking)
törés {n} :: fracture, break
törésvonal {n} [geology] :: fault line (the line formed by the intersection of the plane of a fault with the surface of the Earth)
töretlen {adj} :: unbroken
töretlenebb {adj} :: comparative of töretlen
törhetetlen {adj} :: unbreakable (difficult to break and therefore able to withstand rough usage)
törhető {adj} :: breakable (able to be broken)
töri {n} [colloquial] :: history (a school subject)
töri a fejét {v} [idiomatic] :: to rack one's brain
törik {vi} :: to break (to end up in two or more pieces)
törlés {n} :: wiping
törlés {n} :: cancellation
törlés {n} :: deletion (act of deleting)
törleszt {vt} :: to repay, amortize, pay off (to pay a debt in installments)
törlő {adj} :: wiping
törlő {n} :: wiper
törlő {n} :: kitchen towel
törmelék {n} :: debris, rubble
törő {adj} :: breaking, pounding, cracking
törő {n} :: pestle, pounder, cracker (nut)
törődik {vi} :: to get bruised/damaged
törődik {vi} :: to care (about something vel), to take care of (someone val), to look after, to provide care for ( val)
török {adj} :: Turkish (of, from, or relating to Turkey, its people or language)
török {n} :: Turk (person)
török {n} [singular only] :: Turkish (language)
törökbúza {n} [regional] :: maize
törökfürdő {n} :: Turkish bath
töröknyereg {n} [anatomy] :: sella turcica (a saddle-shaped depression in the sphenoid bone of the skull in humans and other hominids)
Törökország {prop} :: Törökország (country)
törökországi {adj} :: Turkish (of, from, or relating to Turkey)
törökszegfű {n} :: sweet william (Dianthus barbatus)
törökül {adv} :: in Turkish
törökülés {n} :: Indian style, cross-legged sitting
törökülésben {adv} :: cross-legged (having one ankle over and across the other, and the knees far apart)
töröl {vt} :: to wipe, dust
töröl {vt} :: to delete, erase
töröl {vt} :: to annul, cancel
törpe {adj} :: dwarfish, miniature
törpe {n} :: dwarf
törpébb {adj} :: comparative of törpe
törpebolygó {n} :: dwarf planet
törpeharcsa {n} :: brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus)
tört {adj} :: broken
tört {n} :: [mathematics] fraction
történelem {n} :: history (aggregate of past events)
történelem {n} :: writing of history, historiography
történelem {n} :: history (branch of knowledge that studies the past)
történelem {n} :: history (school subject)
történelem {n} [colloquial] :: history class
történelem {n} [colloquial] :: history (something that no longer exists or is no longer relevant)
történelem előtti {adj} :: prehistoric (of, or relating to the epoch before written record)
történelmi {adj} :: historical
történész {n} :: historian
történet {n} :: story, tale (sequence of real or fictional events)
történet {n} :: history (a record or narrative description, an aggregate of past events, especially that of a particular place, object, family, etc.)
történet {n} [slang] :: thing, thingy, gizmo, contraption
történet {n} [rare] :: writing of history, historiography
történet {n} [archaic] :: history (branch of knowledge that studies the past)
történet {n} [archaic] :: chance (random occurrence)
történeti {adj} :: historical
történetírás {n} :: historiography (the writing of history)
történetíró {n} :: historian (writer of history)
történik {vi} [impersonal] :: to happen (to occur)
történtek {n} [plural only] :: events (all that happened previously)
törtszám {n} [mathematics] :: fraction
törtvonalú {adj} [typography] :: black-letter, Gothic (in the style of script used throughout Western Europe from the 12th to the 17th century)
törülközik {vi} :: to dry oneself, towel oneself
törülköző {n} :: towel
törvény {n} :: law
törvényalkotás {n} :: legislation
törvényes {adj} :: legal
törvényesebb {adj} :: comparative of törvényes
törvényesen {adv} :: legally (as permitted by law)
törvényesség {n} :: legality
törvényhozás {n} :: legislation
törvényhozó {adj} :: legislative
törvényhozó {n} :: legislator, lawmaker (one who makes or enacts laws)
törvényhozói {adj} :: legislative
törvényjavaslat {n} :: bill (a proposed law)
törvénykezés {n} :: judgment (the act of judging)
törvénykezés {n} :: justice
törvénykönyv {n} [law] :: code, statute book
törvénysértés {n} :: violation of the law, offence against the law
törvénytelen {adj} :: illegal, unlawful
törzs {n} :: tribe (group of people)
törzs {n} :: body, torso
törzs {n} :: tree trunk
törzs {n} [biology, taxonomy] :: phylum
törzshely {n} :: hangout, haunt, favorite restaurant (a place at which one is regularly found)
törzsszám {n} [mathematics, archaic] :: prime number
törzsű {adj} :: -trunked, with a …… trunk (having a specific kind of trunk)
törzsű {adj} :: -torsoed, with a …… torso (having a specific kind of torso)
tőszám {n} :: cardinal number
tőszámnév {n} [grammar] :: cardinal numeral
tövis {n} :: thorn
tövisnyúlvány {n} [anatomy] :: spinous process (a bony process of a vertebra that projects posteriorly from the neural arch and serves as attachment for muscles and ligaments)
tőzeg {n} :: peat
tőzegáfonya {n} :: cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos)
tőzike {n} :: snowflake (flower)
tőzsde {n} :: stock market
tőzsdei {adj} :: stock market, stock
tőzsdeügynök {n} [finance] :: broker, stockbroker (a person who buys and sells shares on a stock exchange on behalf of clients)
Trabi {prop} [colloquial] :: Trabby (a Trabant car)
tradíció {n} :: tradition
tradicionális {adj} :: traditional
tradicionálisan {adv} :: traditionally
trágár {adj} :: obscene, ribald, indecent, smutty
tragédia {n} :: tragedy
tragikomikus {adj} :: tragicomical
tragikomikusabb {adj} :: comparative of tragikomikus
tragikus {adj} :: tragic
tragikus {n} [literary studies] :: an Ancient Greek writer of tragedy
tragikusabb {adj} :: comparative of tragikus
trágya {n} :: dung, manure (animal excrement, especially that of common domestic farm animals and when used as fertilizer; usually with straw)
trágyadomb {n} :: dung heap
trágyaeltávolítás {n} :: manure removal
trágyaszóró {n} :: manure spreader (an agricultural machine used to distribute manure over a field as a fertilizer)
trágyáz {vt} :: to fertilize, manure (to apply manure as fertilizer or soil improver)
trágyázás {n} [of soil] :: manuring, fertilizing (the application of manure as fertilizer)
trágyázatlan {adj} [of soil] :: unfertilized (not supplied with manure as fertilizer)
trágyázható {adj} [of soil] :: manurable (available for the application of manure)
traktor {n} :: tractor (a vehicle used on farms)
traktorvezető {n} :: tractor driver (one who drives a tractor)
trampli {adj} [derogatory] :: awkward, clumsy
trampli {n} [derogatory] :: a sloppy, slovenly woman
transz- {prefix} :: trans-
transzcendens szám {n} [mathematics] :: transcendental number
transzferál {vt} :: to transfer
transzformáció {n} :: transformation
transzformál {vt} :: to transform
transzkripció {n} [linguistics] :: transcription (a representation of speech sounds as phonetic symbols)
transzkripció {n} [music] :: transcription (an adaptation of a composition)
transzkripció {n} [genetics] :: transcription (the synthesis of RNA under the direction of DNA)
transznacionális {adj} :: transnational
transznemű {adj} :: transgender
transznemű {n} :: a transgender person
transzplantál {vt} :: to transplant
transzplantátum {n} :: transplant
transzrealizmus {n} :: transrealism (literary mode)
transzszexuális {adj} :: transsexual
transzszexuális {n} :: transsexual
transzvesztita {n} :: transvestite
tranzakció {n} :: transaction
tranzisztor {n} :: transistor
trapéz {n} [geometry] :: trapezium [UK], trapezoid [US]
trapéz {n} :: trapeze (swinging horizontal bar)
trapézcsont {n} [anatomy] :: trapezium bone, trapezium, greater multangular (a bone of the carpus at the base of the thumb)
tré {adj} [slang] :: bad, lousy, crummy
tréfa {n} :: joke, fun, prank
tréfás {adj} [of a person] :: funny, humorous, facetious, jocular (showing humor, making jokes)
tréfás {adj} [of a situation] :: funny, humorous, comic (containing humor, arousing laughter)
tréfát űz {v} [idiom] :: to poke fun (at someone or something: ból, val), ridicule, make fun of
treff {n} :: club (symbol on playing-cards)
tréfli {adj} [Judaism] :: treyf (not kosher)
tréfli {adj} [rare, colloquial] :: suspicious, unreliable
tréfli {n} [Judaism] :: treyf food
trehány {adj} [colloquial] :: slovenly, sloppy
trehányabb {adj} :: comparative of trehány
trend {n} :: trend
trendi {adj} :: trendy
trendibb {adj} :: comparative of trendi
tréner {n} :: trainer (somebody who trains, a coach)
tréning {n} :: training, practice
tréningruha {n} :: tracksuit, sweatsuit (a two-piece garment worn during exercise)
treníroz {vt} :: to train somebody (to actively help someone else train)
treníroz {vi} :: to train, practice (to do something with the only purpose of getting better in something later, get fitter)
triangulum {n} [geometry, archaic] :: triangle (polygon with three sides and three angles)
triangulum {n} [musical instrument] :: triangle (percussion instrument)
Trianon {prop} :: Trianon (either of two royal palaces in Versailles, France)
Trianon {prop} [metonymically, historical] :: Trianon (peace treaty after World War I)
trichológia {n} :: trichology (the science or study of hair)
trigonometria {n} [trigonometry] :: trigonometry (the branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between the sides and the angles of triangles and the calculations based on them, particularly the trigonometric functions)
trikó {n} [rare] :: tricot
trikó {n} :: singlet, vest [UK], undershirt [US]
trikó {n} :: T-shirt
trilógia {n} :: trilogy
trimeszter {n} :: trimester
Trinidad és Tobago {prop} :: Trinidad és Tobago (country)
trinitrotoluol {n} [organic compound] :: trinitrotoluene
tripod {n} :: tripod (three-legged stand or mount)
tripper {n} [colloquial] :: gonorrhea (an STD caused by a species of bacteria (the gonococcus) that affects the mucous membrane of the genital and urinary tracts)
triumvirátus {n} :: triumvirate
triviális {adj} :: trivial (of little significance or value)
triviális {adj} :: trivial (commonplace, ordinary)
triviális {adj} [biology] :: trivial (relating to or designating the name of a species; specific as opposed to generic)
triviális {adj} [biology] :: trivial (denoting the popular name of an organism or substance, as opposed to the scientific one)
triviálisabb {adj} :: comparative of triviális
triviálisan {adv} :: trivially
trófea {n} :: trophy (any emblem of success or victory)
trófea {n} :: trophy (an object taken as a prize by a hunter)
trófea {n} :: trophy (a statuette, cup, or shield, awarded for success in a competition or to mark a special achievement)
Trója {prop} :: Trója (ancient city)
trójai {adj} :: Trojan (relating to the city of Troy)
trójai {n} :: Trojan (person from Troy)
trolibusz {n} :: trolley bus, trolleybus
trombita {n} :: trumpet
trombitajátékos {n} :: trumpet player, trumpeter
trombitál {v} :: to trumpet
trombitaművész {n} :: trumpet player, trumpeter
trombitás {n} :: trumpeter
trombózis {n} :: thrombosis
tromf {n} [card games] :: trump (a suit that outranks all others)
tromf {n} :: quip, riposte, retort, rejoinder
trón {n} :: throne
trónfosztás {n} :: dethronement, dethroning
trónkövetelő {n} [monarchy] :: pretender (claimant to a throne)
trónkövetelő {n} [figurative] :: pretender (aspirant to a high position or honour)
trónol {vi} :: to be/sit enthroned
trónörökös {n} :: heir to the throne, crown prince
trónszék {n} :: throne
trónus {n} :: throne
trópus {n} [geography] :: tropics (region with tropical climate)
trópus {n} [rhetoric] :: trope (a figure of speech in which words or phrases are used with a nonliteral or figurative meaning)
trópusi {adj} :: tropical
trópusi esőerdő {n} :: tropical rainforest
trumpi {adj} [US politics] :: Trumpian (of or relating to Donald Trump (born 1946), the 45th president of the United States)
trükk {n} :: trick
tsak {adv} :: obsolete spelling of csak
tsz {n} :: abbreviation of termelőszövetkezet
-tt {suffix} [past-participle suffix] :: -ed, -t. Used to form the past participle of a verb
-tt {suffix} [past-tense suffix] :: -ed, -t. Used to form the past tense of a verb
-tt {suffix} [locative suffix, archaic] :: Added to a noun or an adjective to form the locative case
-tta {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-ttad {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-ttak {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
-tták {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-ttál {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
-ttalak {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs with second-person object (definite conjugations)
-ttam {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite and definite conjugations)
-ttatok {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
-ttátok {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-tte {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-tted {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-ttek {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
-tték {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-ttél {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
-ttelek {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs with second-person object (definite conjugations)
-ttem {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite and definite conjugations)
-ttetek {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
-ttétek {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-ttuk {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugations)
-ttunk {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugations)
-ttük {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugations)
-ttünk {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugations)
tuareg {n} :: Tuareg (a traditionally nomadic Berber people of the Sahara)
tuareg {n} [singular only] :: Tuareg (any of various Berber languages spoken by the Tuareg people)
tuba {n} [musical instruments] :: tuba
tuberkulózis {n} [diseases] :: tuberculosis
tucat {n} :: dozen
tud {vt} :: to know (to be aware of some information)
tud {v} [auxiliary with a verb in the infinitive] :: can, to be able, know how to
tud {vt} [colloquial] :: to know (to be acquainted or familiar with)
tudakol {vt} :: to ask, inquire, query
tudás {n} [usually, noncountable] :: knowledge
tudásbázis {n} [computing] :: knowledge base (a database designed to meet the complex storage and retrieval requirements of computerized knowledge management, especially in support of artificial intelligence or expert systems)
tudásszomj {n} :: thirst for knowledge
tudat {n} :: consciousness (awareness)
tudat {vt} :: to let someone know, inform, notify
tudatlan {adj} :: ignorant, clueless
tudatlanabb {adj} :: comparative of tudatlan
tudatlanság {n} :: ignorance
tudatos {adj} :: conscious
tudniillik {conj} :: namely (specifically, that is to say)
tudnivaló {n} :: information (important facts one needs to know)
tudomány {n} :: science (collective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method)
tudomány {n} [dated] :: knowledge [of a person]
tudományág {n} :: discipline (a specific branch of knowledge or learning)
tudományegyetem {n} :: university of sciences
tudománykedvelő {n} :: science enthusiast, science buff (one who loves sciences and enjoys learning)
tudományos {adj} :: scientific, academic, scholarly
tudományosabb {adj} :: comparative of tudományos
tudományosan {adv} :: scientifically
tudomás {n} :: knowledge, cognizance, notice
tudomásul vesz {vt} :: to acknowledge, realize (to admit the knowledge of; to recognize as a fact or truth)
tudomásul vesz {vt} [formal] :: to accept
tudós {adj} :: erudite, scholarly, learned
tudós {n} :: scientist, scholar (specialist in a particular branch of knowledge)
tudósabb {adj} :: comparative of tudós
tudósít {vt} :: to inform
tudósít {vt} [newspapers, television, radio] :: to report
tudta {n} :: knowledge (awareness of a particular fact or situation)
-tuk {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugations)
tukán {n} :: toucan (ramphastid)
túl- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: over; beyond something, farther
túl {adv} :: excessively, too
túl {postp} :: beyond something (with: on)
túladagol {vt} :: to overdose
tulaj {n} :: owner (one who owns)
tulajdon {n} :: property (something owned)
tulajdoni {adj} :: of or relating to ownership of property
tulajdonképpen {adv} :: in fact, actually, practically
tulajdonnév {n} :: proper noun (the name of a particular person, place, organization or other individual entity)
tulajdonos {n} :: owner (one who owns)
tulajdonosi {adj} :: proprietorial (of, or relating to ownership)
tulajdonosnő {n} :: proprietress (female owner)
tulajdonság {n} :: property (attribute or abstract quality associated with an object, individual or concept)
tulajdonú {adj} :: -owned
túlbecsül {vt} :: to overestimate, to overrate
túlbeszél {vt} :: to discuss something longer than necessary, to "over-discuss"
túlbeszél {vt} :: to outtalk someone (to speak louder in comparison)
túlbuzgó {adj} :: overzealous
túlbuzgóbb {adj} :: comparative of túlbuzgó
túlél {vt} :: to survive (to live past a life-threatening event)
túlél {vt} :: to survive, outlive, outlast (to live longer than)
túlél {vi} :: to survive (to continue to live; to remain alive)
túlélés {n} :: survival (the fact or act of surviving; continued existence or life)
túlexponál {vt} [photography] :: to overexpose (expose to light for a longer time than is required)
túli {adj} :: beyond, over, past
tulipán {n} :: tulip
túlium {n} :: thulium
túllép {vt} :: to exceed (to be larger, greater than something else or than expected or desirable)
túlnépesedés {n} :: overpopulation (when the number of occupants of an area exceeds the ability of that area to provide for the occupants)
túlnyomó {adj} :: predominant, prevalent (the most common or widespread)
túlóra {n} :: overtime
túloz {vit} :: to exaggerate
túlságos {adj} :: excessive, exaggerated
túlságosan {adv} :: excessively, overly, far too
túlsó {adj} :: opposite, far, the other (located directly across from something else)
túl sok {adv} :: too much
túl sok {adv} :: too many
túlsúly {n} :: overweight
túlsúlyos {adj} :: overweight, obese (heavier than what is generally considered healthy for a given body type and height)
túlsúlyosabb {adj} :: comparative of túlsúlyos
túlterhel {vt} :: to overload, to overburden
túltermelés {n} :: overproduction
túltol {vt} :: to push too far
túltol {vt} [slang] :: to overdo, to carry too far, to go overboard with
túlzás {n} :: exaggeration, hyperbole
túlzott {adj} :: exaggerated
túlzottabb {adj} :: comparative of túlzott
túlzottan {adv} :: exaggeratedly, beyond measure, immoderately, inordinately, over-
túlzsúfolt {adj} :: overcrowded
Tunézia {prop} :: Tunézia (country)
tunika {n} :: tunic
Tunisz {prop} :: Tunisz (capital city)
-tunk {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugations)
tupíroz {vt} :: to backcomb, fluff one's hair
tupíroz {vt} [colloquial] :: to improve on the truth
túr {vt} :: to dig (to move earth out of the way, especially downward to make a hole)
túr {vit} :: to root about (to turn up or dig with the snout)
túr {vt} :: to rummage
túr {n} [archaic] :: injury (from harness, yoke, or saddle)
túra {n} :: tour, trip
turbán {n} :: turban (a man's headdress made by winding a length of cloth round the head)
turbán {n} :: turban (a woman's close-fitting hat with little or no brim)
turbánliliom {n} :: martagon lily, Turk's cap lily (Lilium martagon)
turbános {adj} :: turbanned, turban-wearing (wearing a turban)
turbános {n} :: a person wearing a turban
turbékol {vi} [of a pigeon or dove] :: to coo (to make its characteristic soft murmuring call)
turbékol {vi} [of a person] :: to coo, bill and coo (to speak in a soft murmur, affectionately)
turbina {n} :: turbine (rotary machines)
turf {n} [sports] :: turf (a racetrack or the sport of racing horses)
turista {n} :: tourist
turisztika {n} :: mountaineering
turisztika {n} :: tourism
turisztikai {adj} :: touristic
turizmus {n} :: tourism
turmixgép {n} :: blender, liquidizer, mixer
turné {n} :: tour (a journey through a given list of places, such as by an entertainer performing concerts)
túró {n} :: cottage cheese
turolás {n} :: pressure ridge on ice covering a body of water
turolás {n} :: the process in which such ridges form
túros {adj} [archaic] :: injured (especially horseback)
túrós {adj} :: made with/containing curd cheese
túrós csusza {n} :: A traditional Hungarian savory dish: square pasta with curd cheese, chopped, fried crispy bacon, topped with thick sour cream
turul {n} :: turul (Hungarian mythological bird)
tus {n} :: Indian ink (black ink made from lampblack)
tus {n} [music] :: flourish (ceremonious passage)
tus {n} [obsolete] :: drinking to someone's health
tus {n} :: shower
tus {n} :: butt (of a rifle)
tus {n} [dialectal] :: large end of a stick
tus {n} [fencing] :: touch
tus {n} [wrestling] :: fall, pinfall (instance of being pinned to the mat)
tusa {n} :: struggle, fight, combat
tusfürdő {n} :: shower gel
túsz {n} :: hostage (a person given as a pledge or security)
tutaj {n} :: raft
tutaj {n} :: float
tutaj {n} :: pontoon
tuti {adj} :: certain, sure, unquestionable
tuti {n} [colloquial] :: dead cert
Tuvalu {prop} :: Tuvalu (country)
túzok {n} :: bustard
{n} :: needle
{n} :: pin
tücsök {n} :: cricket
tüdejű {adj} :: -lunged, with a …… lung or lungs (having a specific kind of lung[s])
tüdő {n} [anatomy] :: lung (a biological organ that controls breathing, and oxygenates the blood)
tüdő {n} [medicine, attributive, in compound words] :: pulmonary
tüdőembólia {n} [pathology] :: pulmonary embolism (the obstruction of a pulmonary artery)
tüdőgyulladás {n} [disease] :: pneumonia
tüdővéna {n} [anatomy] :: pulmonary vein (vein that returns blood to the heart after it has circulated through the lungs)
-tük {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugations)
tűkön ül {v} [idiomatic] :: to be on pins and needles, be on tenterhooks (to wait for the beginning or the end of something restlessly, with agonizing impatience)
tükör {n} :: mirror
tükörfordítás {n} :: loan translation, calque
tükörkép {n} :: mirror image
tükörreflexes {adj} [photography] :: reflex (denoting a camera which uses a mirror in the viewfinder's optical path)
tükörsima {adj} :: smooth as glass
tükörsimább {adj} :: comparative of tükörsima
tükörszó {n} [linguistics] :: calque, loan translation
tükörtojás {n} :: fried egg, sunny side up
tükröz {vt} :: to mirror, reflect
tükröző {adj} :: reflective, specular (mirror-like)
tülekedik {vi} :: to scramble, scuffle (to push and shove one's way forward using the body, elbow, shoulders)
tülekszik {vi} :: alternative form of tülekedik
tünde {n} :: elf (a mythical being)
Tünde {prop} :: given name
tündér {n} :: fairy
tündérkonty {n} :: arum lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica)
tündérmese {n} :: fairy tale
tündérország {n} :: fairyland
tündérrózsa {n} :: water lily (Nymphaea)
tünékeny {adj} :: evanescent, transient, ephemeral
tünékenyebb {adj} :: comparative of tünékeny
tünemény {n} :: phenomenon, wonder (a thing or being, event or process, perceptible through senses)
tünemény {n} :: goddess, creature, apparition (someone thought of as wonderful or preternatural)
tünet {n} :: sign, symptom, signal (anything that indicates, or is characteristic of, the presence of something else)
tünet {n} [medicine] :: symptom (a perceived change in some function, sensation or appearance of a person that indicates a disease or disorder, such as fever, headache or rash)
tünetcsoport {n} [pathology] :: syndrome (a recognizable pattern of signs, symptoms and/or behaviours, especially of a disease or medical or psychological condition)
tünetegyüttes {n} [pathology] :: syndrome (a recognizable pattern of signs, symptoms and/or behaviours, especially of a disease or medical or psychological condition)
tüneti {adj} :: symptomatic
tünetileg {adv} :: symptomatically
tünetmentes {adj} :: asymptomatic, symptomless
tünetmentesebb {adj} :: comparative of tünetmentes
tűnik {vi} [usually with an adverbial complement] :: to disappear, vanish
tűnik {vi} :: to seem, appear, come across, look, sound, smell, taste, feel (with nak)
-tünk {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugations)
tüntet {vi} :: to demonstrate (to participate in a demonstration)
tüntetés {n} :: demonstration, protest, rally (an event where people gather together to protest for or against a given cause)
tüntető {n} :: demonstrator
tűpárna {n} :: pincushion (a small device designed to receive sewing pins)
tűr {vt} :: to endure, tolerate
tűr {vt} :: to crumple, roll, roll up, tuck in (e.g. the bottom edge of a shirt under the belt of trousers)
türbe {n} [historical] :: turbe
türelem {n} :: patience
türelmes {adj} :: patient
türelmes {adj} :: tolerant
türelmesebb {adj} :: comparative of türelmes
türelmesebben {adv} :: comparative of türelmesen
türelmesen {adv} :: patiently
türelmesen {adv} :: tolerantly
türelmetlen {adj} :: impatient, intolerant
türelmetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of türelmetlen
türelmetlenebbül {adv} :: comparative of türelmetlenül
türelmetlenkedik {vi} :: to lose patience, get/grow impatient (to behave impatiently)
türelmetlenség {n} :: impatience (a tense internal state, anxiety, restlessness)
türelmetlenség {n} :: intolerance (ill-intentioned, hostile behavior towards someone or something)
türelmetlenül {adv} :: impatiently
türelmetlenül {adv} :: intolerantly
türelmi {adj} :: of toleration, of tolerance, grace
türelmi idő {n} :: grace period
tűrhetetlen {adj} :: intolerable
tűrhetetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of tűrhetetlen
türkiz {adj} :: turquoise
türkiz {n} :: turquoise
türkizkék {adj} :: turquoise (color)
türkmén {adj} :: Turkmen (of, or relating to Turkmenistan, its people or language)
türkmén {n} :: Turkmen (person)
türkmén {n} [singular only] :: Turkmen (language)
Türkmenisztán {prop} :: Türkmenisztán (country)
tűrő {adj} :: suffering, patient
tűrő {n} :: sufferer
tűrőbb {adj} :: comparative of tűrő
tűrőképesség {n} :: tolerance, endurance, resilience (the ability to endure pain or hardship)
tűsarok {n} :: stiletto heel
tüske {n} [botany] :: prickle (sharpened extension of the outer layers of a plant's stem)
tüske {n} :: thorn, spine, prickle (any sharp protective part of a plant, without botanical distinction)
tüske {n} :: spine, quill (needle-like protuberance on an animal, used for defense)
tüske {n} :: spike (piece of pointed metal; the spike of a morning star, of a wrought iron fence, etc.)
tüske {n} :: barb (sharp point on the strands of a barbed wire)
tüske {n} :: peg, pin (small cylindrical piece with a dull end, made out of wood, metal or plastic)
tüske {n} [electricity] :: pin (the connecting element of a multipole electrical connector)
tüske {n} :: spiky haircut (very short haircut with the ends pointing upwards)
tüske {n} [figurative] :: grudge (long-term resentment against someone due to a past insult)
tüsszent {vi} :: to sneeze
tüsszentés {n} :: sneeze
tütü {n} :: tutu (balett skirt)
tütü {n} [colloquial] :: booze (any alcoholic beverage)
tütü {n} [childish] :: drink, water
tűvé tesz {vt} [idiomatic] :: to search meticulously someplace (for someone or something ért), to fine-tooth comb, leave no stone unturned, turn upside down, search every nook and cranny, search high and low, to scour
tűz {n} :: fire
tűz {n} :: fire, passion
tűz {vt} :: to pin, to stitch (to fasten with a pin or stitch)
tűz {vt} :: to fix, to stick
tűz {vi} [of the sun] :: to shine, blaze, glare
tűzcsap {n} :: fire hydrant
tüzel {vt} :: inflame, excite
tüzel {vi} :: have a fire
tüzel {vi} :: fire, shoot (a gun)
tüzel {vi} :: burn (body, face)
tüzelőanyag {n} :: fuel (substance consumed to provide energy)
tüzér {n} :: artilleryman, gunner
tüzérség {n} :: artillery
tüzes {adj} :: red-hot
tüzes {adj} :: fiery, ardent
tüzesebb {adj} :: comparative of tüzes
tüzet nyit {v} [idiomatic] :: to open fire, to fire on someone (to begin firing weapons at something or someone) (with ra)
tűzfal {n} :: firewall (fireproof barrier)
tűzfal {n} [computing] :: firewall (software that monitors traffic)
tűzfegyver {n} :: firearm
tűzforró {adj} :: piping hot
tűzgolyó {n} :: fireball
tűzhányó {n} :: volcano (mountain containing a magma chamber)
tűzhely {n} :: stove, cookstove, cooker, range
tűzhely {n} :: hearth, fireplace
tűzi {adj} :: fire-, of fire
tűzijáték {n} :: fireworks
tűzoltó {adj} :: fire extinguishing
tűzoltó {n} :: fireman
tűzoltóautó {n} :: fire engine
tűzoltóság {n} :: fire brigade, fire department
tűzőgép {n} :: stapler
tűzőkapocs {n} :: staple (wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper)
tűzön-vízen át {adv} [idiomatic] :: come hell or high water (no matter what the adverse circumstances, regardless of the hardships)
tűzvédelem {n} :: fire protection
tűzvédelmi {adj} :: fire-protection, fire-control
tűzvész {n} :: conflagration, fire (a large, ferocious, and destructive fire)
tűzveszélyes {adj} :: flammable, fire hazard, fire risk (easily set on fire; having an increased likelihood of creating fire)
tűzszerész {n} :: pyrotechnician (a person who designs or organizes pyrotechnics)
tűzszerész {n} [military] :: an expert in deactivation of unexploded devices, bombs, mines, etc
tűzszünet {n} :: ceasefire
tv. {n} :: abbreviation of törvény
tv {n} :: television, TV
tv-paprika {n} :: Hungarian wax pepper of larger size and a mild taste, cultivated to be stuffed
ty {letter} :: letter: tyé
Ty {letter} :: letter: tyé
tyé {n} :: letter: ty
-tyú {suffix} [noun suffix] :: Added to a word to form a noun
tyúk {n} :: hen
tyúkanyó {n} :: mother hen
-tyű {suffix} [noun suffix] :: Added to a word to form a noun
tyű {interj} [dialectal, dated] :: wow!
tyűha {interj} [dialectal, dated] :: wow!