User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-sv-u
übermensch {n} (figure in Nazi ideology) | :: övermänniska {c} |
ubiquitous {adj} (widespread) SEE: widespread | :: |
ubiquitous {adj} (being everywhere) | :: allestädes närvarande, allmänt utbredd |
ubiquitous {adj} (seeming to appear everywhere at the same time) | :: (de är, man ser dem) överallt |
ubiquity {n} (omnipresence) | :: allestädesnärvaro {c}, ubikvitet {c} |
udder {n} (organ formed of the mammary glands of female quadruped mammals) | :: juver {n} |
Udmurt {n} (person) | :: udmurt {c} |
UFO {n} (an unidentified flying object) | :: ufo {n} |
ufology {n} (the study of UFOs) | :: ufologi {c} |
Uganda {prop} (Republic of Uganda) | :: Uganda |
Ugandan {n} (A person from Uganda or of Ugandan descent) | :: ugandier {c} |
Ugandan {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Uganda, the Ugandan people or the Ugandan language) | :: ugandisk |
Ugaritic {prop} (language) | :: ugaritiska {c} |
ugh {interj} (to express disgust) | :: usch |
ugli {n} (cross between a tangerine and grapefruit) | :: ugli |
uglification {n} (the process of being made ugly or uglified) | :: förfulning {c} |
ugli fruit {n} (ugli) SEE: ugli | :: |
uglify {v} (to make ugly) | :: förfula |
ugliness {n} (condition of being ugly) | :: fulhet {c} |
ugly {adj} (displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing) | :: ful |
ugly as sin {adj} (extremely ugly) | :: ful som stryk |
ugly duckling {n} (one who is ugly, but who is expected to become beautiful as they mature) | :: ful ankunge {c} |
uh {interj} (space filler or pause during conversation) | :: eh, öh |
uh-huh {particle} (expressing agreement or affirmation) | :: mhm |
uhlan {n} (soldier with lance) | :: ulan {c} |
Ukraine {prop} (Eastern European country) | :: Ukraina |
Ukrainian {n} (ethnic/citizen) | :: ukrainare {c}, ukrainska {c} |
Ukrainian {n} (language) | :: ukrainska {c} |
Ukrainian {adj} (relating to Ukraine or its people) | :: ukrainsk |
ukulele {n} (small four-stringed guitar) | :: ukulele {c} |
ulcer {n} (open sore) | :: böld |
ulcer {n} (peptic ulcer) SEE: peptic ulcer | :: |
ulna {n} (bone of the forearm) | :: armbågsben |
ulp {interj} (sound of a person gulping in fear) SEE: gulp | :: |
Ulric {prop} (male given name) | :: Ulrik |
Ulrica {prop} (female given name) | :: Ulrika, Ulla |
ulterior motive {n} (alternative or hidden reason for doing something) | :: baktanke {c} |
ultimate {adj} (final; last in a series) | :: ultimat, slutlig, slutgiltig |
ultimate {adj} (greatest or maximum) | :: slutliga |
ultimatum {n} (a final statement of terms or conditions made by one party to another) | :: ultimatum {n} |
ultranationalism {n} (extreme nationalism) | :: ultranationalism {c} |
ultraright {adj} (extremely right-wing) | :: extremhöger {c} |
ultrasound {n} (sound) | :: ultraljud {n} |
ultrastructure {n} (detailed structure observable only by electron microscopy) | :: ultrastruktur |
ultraviolet {adj} (radiation with wavelengths from 380 nanometre - 10 nanometre) | :: ultraviolett |
ultraviolet light {n} (light in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum) | :: ultraviolett ljus {n}, UV-ljus {n} |
Uluru {prop} (giant rock in Australia) | :: Ayers Rock, Uluru |
Ulyanovsk {prop} (city) | :: Uljanovsk |
Ulysses {prop} (Odysseus) SEE: Odysseus | :: |
-um {suffix} (Latinate singular grammatical number suffix) | :: -um |
umami {n} (one of the five basic tastes, savoriness) | :: umami {c} |
umber {n} (grayling) SEE: grayling | :: |
umbilical cord {n} (cord between foetus and placenta) | :: navelsträng {c} |
umbilicus {n} (navel) SEE: navel | :: |
umbra {n} (a shadow) SEE: shadow | :: |
umbra {n} (the fully shaded inner area of a shadow) | :: umbra, kärnskugga |
umbrella {n} (cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun) | :: paraply {n} [rain], parasoll {n} [for sun] |
umbrella {n} (something that covers a wide range of concepts, ideas, etc.) | :: paraply |
umbrella organisation {n} (organisation that coordinates the activities of a number of member organisations) | :: paraplyorganisation {c} |
umbrella organization {n} (umbrella organisation) SEE: umbrella organisation | :: |
umbrella pine {n} (stone pine) SEE: stone pine | :: |
umbrella term {n} (term covering a broad category of things) | :: överbegrepp {n} |
Umbria {prop} (region of Italy) | :: Umbrien |
Umeå {prop} (city in Sweden) | :: Umeå |
Ume Sami {prop} (language) | :: umesamiska {c} |
umlaut {n} (partial assimilation of a vowel) | :: omljud {n} |
umlaut {n} (diacritical mark) | :: omljud |
ummah {n} (the worldwide Muslim community) | :: umma {c} |
umpire {n} (an official who oversees a game or match) | :: domare {c} |
umpteen {determiner} (Relatively large but unspecified in number) | :: femtioelva |
umpteenth {adj} (informal: occurring in a relatively large but unspecified position in a series) | :: femtioelfte, sjuttielfte, hundrasjuttielfte, hundrafemtioelfte |
umptieth {adj} (a generic ordinal number) | :: femtielfte |
un- {prefix} (denoting absence) | :: o-, van- |
un- {prefix} (denoting a lack of) | :: o- |
un- {prefix} (violative of; contrary to) | :: o-, anti- |
un- {prefix} (reversal or cancellation) | :: av- |
UN {prop} (United Nations) | :: FN |
unabashed {adj} (not disconcerted or embarrassed) | :: ogenerad |
unabashed {adj} (that are not concealed) | :: ogenerad |
unable {adj} (not able) | :: oförmögen |
unabridged {adj} (not abridged) | :: oavkortad, oförkortad |
unacceptable {adj} (unsatisfactory; not acceptable) | :: oacceptabel |
unaccustomed {adj} | :: ovan |
unadulterated {adj} (pure) | :: oblandad |
unafraid {adj} (not afraid, fearless) | :: orädd |
unanimity {n} (condition) | :: enhällighet {c} |
unanimous {adj} (based on unanimity) | :: samstämmig, enig |
unanimous {adj} (sharing the same view) | :: enig, enhällig |
unanimously {adv} (in a unanimous manner) | :: enhälligt |
unanimousness {n} (unanimity) SEE: unanimity | :: |
unary {adj} (mathematics, programming: of a funciton, to take one argument) | :: unär |
unashamed {adj} (feeling or showing no shame, embarrassment or remorse) | :: oförskämd, hutlös |
unassuming {adj} (modest with no pretensions or ostentation) | :: anspråkslös |
unavailable {adj} (not available) | :: otillgänglig, oanträffbar |
unavailing {adj} (fruitless, futile, useless) | :: fåfäng, fruktlös, resultatlös |
unaware {adj} (not noticing, thoughtless, inattentive) | :: aningslös |
unawares {adv} (inadvertently) SEE: inadvertently | :: |
unbalanced {adj} (irrational or mentally deranged) | :: obalanserad {c} |
unbearable {adj} (so unpleasant or painful as to be unendurable) | :: outhärdligt |
unbearably {adv} (in an unbearable manner) | :: olidligt |
unbeknownst {adv} (Without the knowledge of) | :: någon ovetande, någon ovetandes (=unbeknownst to somebody) |
unbelievable {adj} (incredible) | :: otrolig |
unbelievable {adj} (implausible) | :: osannolik |
unbeliever {n} (infidel) SEE: infidel | :: |
unbibium {n} (element) | :: unbibium |
unbinilium {n} (chemical element) | :: unbinilium |
unbitrium {n} (element) | :: unbitrium |
unbiunium {n} | :: unbiunium |
unblemished {adj} (lacking blemishes) | :: fläckfri |
unborn {adj} (not born) | :: ofödd |
unborn {adj} (still in mother's womb) | :: ofödd |
unbound {adj} (not bound or tied up) | :: obunden |
unbraid {v} (to disentangle the strands of a braid) | :: fläta upp |
unbutton {v} ((transitive)) | :: knäppa upp |
uncanny {n} (strange, mysteriously unsettling) | :: underlig |
uncertain {adj} (not known for certain; questionable) | :: osäker, tvivelaktig |
uncertainty {n} (doubt; the condition of being uncertain) | :: osäkerhet {c} |
unchanged {adj} (not changed) | :: oförändrad |
unciform {n} (hamate bone) SEE: hamate bone | :: |
unciform {adj} (of the shape of a hook) | :: krokformad |
uncle {n} (brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent) | :: onkel {c}, farbror {c} [paternal], [father's brother-in-law] fars svåger {c}, ingift farbror {c}, morbror {c} [maternal], [mother's brother-in-law] mors svåger {c}, ingift morbror {c} |
unclean {adj} (dirty, soiled or foul) | :: smutsig, oren |
unclean {adj} (not moral or chaste) | :: oren, snuskig |
unclearly {adv} (in an unclear manner) | :: oklart |
Uncle Sam {prop} (personification of the US government) | :: Onkel Sam {c} |
uncolored {adj} (not treated with a dye) | :: ofärgad |
uncommon {adj} (rare; not readily found; unusual) | :: rar [archaic], sällsynt, ovanlig |
uncommon {adj} (remarkable; exceptional) | :: remarkabel, exceptionell |
uncommonness {n} (state of being uncommon) | :: ovanlighet, sällsynthet |
uncompromising {adj} (principled) | :: kompromisslös |
unconditional {adj} (without conditions) | :: ovillkorlig |
unconfirmed {adj} (not finally established, settled or confirmed) | :: obekräftad |
unconscionable {adj} (excessive) | :: överdriven, omåttlig |
unconscious {adj} (not awake) | :: medvetslös |
unconscious {adj} (without directed thought or awareness) | :: omedveten |
unconsciously {adv} (In an unconscious manner) | :: omedvetet |
unconstitutional {adj} (contrary to the constitution) | :: grundlagsvidrig, okonstitutionell |
uncontrolled {adj} (not controlled) | :: okontrollerad |
uncountable {adj} (too many to be counted) | :: oräknelig |
uncountable {adj} (mathematics: incapable of being enumerated by natural numbers) | :: ouppräknelig |
uncountable {adj} (linguistics: about a noun which cannot be counted) | :: icke räknebar, oräknebar |
uncountable set {n} (infinite set that is not countable) | :: överuppräknelig mängd {c} |
uncouth {adj} (unfamiliar, strange, foreign) | :: underlig |
uncouth {adj} (unrefined, crude) | :: ohyfsad, ofin, ohövlig |
uncurable {adj} (incurable) SEE: incurable | :: |
undamaged {adj} (not damaged) | :: oskadd |
undecagon {n} (11-sided polygon) | :: elvahörning, undekagon |
under {prep} (in a lower level than) | :: under, nedanför, nedan för |
under {prep} (subject of) | :: under |
under {prep} (beneath the surface of) | :: under |
underage {n} (deficit in funds) SEE: deficit | :: |
underage {adj} (below legal age) | :: minderårig |
undercarriage {n} (landing gear) SEE: landing gear | :: |
undercut {v} (to undermine) SEE: undermine | :: |
underdog {n} (competitor thought unlikely to win) | :: underdog {c}, mindrevärdig {c}, loser {c} |
underestimate {v} (to perceive as having lower value) | :: underskatta, undervärdera |
underestimate {n} (an estimate that is too low) | :: underskattning {c}, undervärdering {c} |
underestimated {v} (underrated) SEE: underrated | :: |
underestimation {n} (underestimate) SEE: underestimate | :: |
underfoot {adv} (in the way) SEE: in the way | :: |
undergo {v} (to experience) | :: genomgå |
undergo {v} (to suffer or endure) | :: undergå |
undergraduate {n} (student at a university who has not yet received a degree) | :: student {c} |
underground {n} (subway) SEE: subway | :: |
underground {adj} (below the ground) | :: underjordisk |
underhair {n} (pubic hair) SEE: pubic hair | :: |
underline {n} (line underneath text) | :: understrykning {c} |
underline {n} (an _ character) | :: understreck {n} |
underline {v} (to draw an underline) | :: stryka under |
underline {v} (to emphasise or stress something) | :: understryka, betona |
underlip {n} | :: underläpp {c} |
under lock and key {prep} (imprisoned) SEE: behind bars | :: |
underlying {adj} (basic or fundamental) | :: underliggande |
undermine {v} (hinder, sabotage) | :: underminera, undergräva |
undermine {v} | :: undergräva, underminera |
undernourished {adj} (insufficiently nourished) | :: undernärd |
undernourishment {n} (insufficient nourishment) | :: undernäring {c} |
under one's hat {prep} (secret) SEE: secret | :: |
underpants {n} (underwear) | :: underbyxa, kalsonger (for men), trosor (for women) |
underpass {n} (passage) | :: undergång |
underperform {v} (underachieve, to not reach standards or expectations) | :: underprestera |
underpin {v} (To support from below with props or masonry) | :: stödja, stötta |
underpin {v} (To give support to) | :: stödja, stötta |
underrate {v} (to underestimate) | :: underskatta |
underrated {adj} (not given enough recognition) | :: undervärderad |
underripe {adj} (not yet ripe) | :: omogen |
underscore {n} (an underline) | :: understreck {n} |
underscore {n} (background music) | :: bakgrundsmusik {c} |
underscore {v} (to underline) | :: stryka under |
underscore {v} (to emphasize) | :: understryka, betona |
undershirt {n} (for wifebeater) SEE: singlet | :: |
underside {n} (side that is underneath) | :: undersida {c} |
understand {v} (to grasp the meaning of) | :: förstå |
understand {v} (to believe one grasps the meaning of) | :: förstå |
understand {v} (to believe) | :: förstå |
understandability {n} (The property of being understandable) | :: begriplighet {c} |
understandable {adj} (capable of being understood) | :: förståelig |
understandable {adj} (capable of being accepted or excused) | :: förståelig |
understanding {n} (understanding) SEE: grasp | :: |
understanding {n} (mental process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, subjective by its nature) | :: förståelse {c} |
understanding {n} (ability to grasp the full meaning of knowledge, ability to infer) | :: förståelse {c} |
understanding {n} (informal contract, mutual agreement) | :: överenskommelse {c} |
understanding {adj} (showing compassion) | :: förstående |
understood {adj} (comprehended) | :: förstått |
understood {interj} (indication of comprehension) | :: uppfattat {n} |
undertaker {n} (funeral director) | :: begravningsentreprenör {c} |
undertaking {n} (That which is undertaken) | :: företag {n} |
under the influence {adv} (intoxicated) | :: påverkad |
under the knife {prep} (undergoing a surgical procedure) | :: under kniven |
under the microscope {adv} (under close scrutiny) | :: under luppen |
under the radar {prep} (in an undetected or secretive manner) | :: under radarn |
undertone {n} (implied meaning) | :: underton {c} |
undervalue {v} (to underestimate) | :: undervärdera |
under way {prep} (in operation or in process) | :: på väg |
underway {adv} (in motion, in progress; being done or carried out) | :: på väg, på gång |
underwear {n} (clothes worn next to the skin) | :: underkläder {p} |
underwear {n} (underpants and bras) | :: underkläder {p} |
underwhelming {adj} (failing to interest) | :: underväldigande |
underwire {n} (wire placed in bra) | :: bygel {c} |
underwire {n} (bra type) | :: bygelbehå {c} |
underworld {n} (part of society engaged in crime or vice) | :: undre värld |
underworld {n} (world of the dead) | :: dödsrike {n} |
undeserved {adj} (not deserved, earned or merited; unjustifiable or unfair) | :: oförtjänt |
undesirable {adj} (objectionable or not likely to please) | :: oönskad |
undies {n} (panties) SEE: panties | :: |
undisclosed {adj} (not disclosed) | :: hemlig, konfidentiell, hemlighållen [perfect participle], inte röjd [perfect participle], inte avslöjad [perfect participle] |
undo {v} (to reverse) | :: ångra (only when the person doing something is undoing self's actions) |
undocumented {n} (not having official documentation to enter, reside in, or work in a country) | :: papperslös |
undoing {n} (that which defeats) | :: fördärv {n} |
undoubtedly {adv} (without doubt) | :: otvivelaktligen, tvivelsutan |
undoubtfully {adv} (without doubt) SEE: undoubtedly | :: |
undress {v} ((intransitive) remove one's clothing) | :: klä av sig |
undress {v} ((transitive) remove somebody’s clothing) | :: klä av |
undress {n} (state of having little of no clothes on) | :: nakenhet {c}, klädlöshet {c} |
undrinkable {adj} (not drinkable) | :: odrickbar |
undulate {v} (transitive: cause to move in a wave) | :: försätta något i vågrörelse, komma något att bölja |
undulate {v} (intransitive: move in wavelike motions) | :: bölja, gå i vågor, röra sig i vågor |
undulated tinamou {n} (Crypturellus undulatus) | :: amazontinamo {c} |
undulation {n} (appearance or outline) | :: vågformighet {c} |
undulation {n} (a wavelike curve; a smooth and regular rise and fall) | :: vågformighet {c} |
undulation {n} (wavelike motion) | :: vågrörelse {c}, böljegång {c}, vågsvall {n} |
unduly {adv} (undeservedly; in a way that is not warranted) | :: oskäligt, onödigt, orättmätigt, otillbörligt, oberättigat |
unearth {v} (to dig up) | :: gräva |
unearthly {adj} (not of the earth; non-terrestrial) | :: ojordisk |
unearthly {adj} (preternatural or supernatural) | :: övernaturlig |
unearthly {adj} (strange or mysterious) | :: mystisk |
unearthly {adj} (ideal beyond the mundane) | :: himmelsk, överjordisk |
unease {n} (a feeling of disquiet or concern) | :: olust, obehag |
unemployed {adj} (having no job) | :: arbetslös |
unemployment {n} (joblessness) | :: arbetslöshet {c} |
unequivocal {adj} (without ambiguity) | :: entydig, omisskännlig |
unethical {adj} (not morally approvable) | :: oetisk |
uneven {adj} (odd) SEE: odd | :: |
uneven {adj} (not even) | :: ojämn |
uneven {adj} (varying in quality) | :: ojämn |
unexpected {adj} (not expected, anticipated or foreseen) | :: oväntad |
unexpectedly {adv} (in an unexpected manner) | :: oväntat, oförmodat |
unexplainable {adj} (inexplicable) SEE: inexplicable | :: |
unfair {adj} (not fair) | :: orättvis |
unfairly {adv} (unjustly) SEE: unjustly | :: |
unfairness {n} (state of being unfair) | :: orättvisa {c} |
unfairness {n} (an unjust act) | :: orättvisa {c} |
unfamiliar {adj} (not familiar) | :: obekant |
unfashionable {adj} (not fashionable) | :: omodern |
unfathomable {adj} (impossible to fathom; incomprehensible) | :: obegriplig, ofattbar |
unfazed {adj} (undaunted) | :: oberörd |
unfold {v} (To undo a folding) | :: vika upp |
unfold {v} (To reveal) | :: avslöja |
unforeseen {adj} (not foreseen) | :: oförutsedd |
unforeseen {adj} (not expected) | :: oförutsedd, oväntad |
unforgettable {adj} (which is very difficult to forget) | :: oförglömlig |
unforgivable {adj} (not forgivable) | :: oförlåtlig |
unfortunate {adj} (not favored by fortune) | :: olycklig |
unfortunately {adv} (happening through bad luck) | :: tyvärr, dessvärre, olyckligtvis |
unfounded {adj} (not based on solid reasons or facts) | :: ogrundad, grundlös, obefogad |
unfreeze {v} (thaw) SEE: thaw | :: |
unfreeze {v} (defrost) SEE: defrost | :: |
unfriend {v} (to remove from one's friends list) | :: ta bort som vän |
unfriendliness {n} (the quality of being unfriendly) | :: ovänlighet {c} |
unfurl {v} (to unroll or release) | :: veckla ut |
ungainly {adj} (clumsy) | :: klumpig, ovig, otymplig |
ungainly {adj} (difficult to move) | :: otymplig |
ungodly {adj} (immoral, sinful, or wicked) SEE: immoral | :: |
ungodly {adj} (lacking reverence for God; not in accordance with God's will or religious teachings) | :: ogudaktig |
unGoogleable {adj} (incapable of being found on the Web) | :: ogooglebar |
ungrammatical {adj} (in violation of one or more of the rules and conventions of a language) | :: ogrammatisk |
ungrateful {adj} (not grateful) | :: otacksam |
ungratefulness {n} (the state of being ungrateful) SEE: ingratitude | :: |
unguent {n} (cream applied to the skin for a therapeutic purpose) SEE: ointment | :: |
ungulate {adj} (having hooves) | :: hovförsedd |
ungulate {n} (hooved mammal) | :: hovdjur {n}, ungulat {c} [scientific] |
unguligrade {n} (animal that walks on hooves) | :: tåspetsgångare {c} |
unhappiness {n} (feeling of not being happy) | :: olycka {c} |
unhappy {adj} (not happy; sad) | :: olycklig |
unharness {v} (to liberate) SEE: liberate | :: |
unhealthy {adj} (sick or ill) SEE: sick | :: |
unhealthy {adj} (conducive to poor health) | :: ohälsosam |
unheard-of {adj} (previously unknown; unprecedented) | :: oerhörd, hittils okänd |
unheralded {adj} (Without prior warning; unexpected or unannounced) | :: oväntad, oannonserad |
unhorse {v} (disrupt or unseat) | :: kasta av |
unhug {v} (release from a hug) | :: sluta krama |
unhurt {adj} (not hurt) | :: oskadd |
unicameral {adj} (having a single legislative chamber) | :: enkammar- |
Unicode {prop} (series of computer encoding standards) | :: Unicode |
unicorn {n} (mythical beast) | :: enhörning {c} |
unicycle {n} (one-wheeled pedaled cycle) | :: enhjuling {c} |
unidentifiable {adj} (difficult, if not impossible, to identify or name) | :: oidentifierbar |
unidentified {adj} (not identified) | :: oidentifierad |
unidentified flying object {n} (anything in the air not readily explainable) | :: Oidentifierat flygande föremål; Oidentifierat flygande objekt, UFO [abbreviation] |
uniform {adj} (unvarying) | :: likformig, oföränderlig [in time], enhetlig, uniform |
uniform {adj} (consistent) | :: konsistent, beständig, konsekvent, motsägelsefri |
uniform {n} (distinctive outfit as a means of identifying members of a group) | :: uniform {c} |
uniform {n} (the letter "U" in ICAO spelling alphabet) | :: Urban [proper noun (name)] |
uniform continuity {n} (property of a function) | :: likformig kontinuitet |
uniformly continuous {adj} (property of a function) | :: likformigt kontinuerlig |
Uniform Resource Locator {n} (URL) | :: webbadress {c} |
unify {v} (cause to become one) | :: förena, slå samman, unifiera |
unilateral {adj} (done by one side only) | :: ensidig |
unilateralism {n} (tendency of nations to act on their own) | :: unilaterism |
unilingual {adj} (only knowing or spoken in one language) SEE: monolingual | :: |
unilingualism {n} (condition of being able to speak only a single language) SEE: monolingualism | :: |
unimportant {adj} (not important or noteworthy) | :: oviktig |
uninhabited {adj} (not inhabited) | :: obebodd |
uninstall {v} (completely remove hardware or software) | :: avinstallera |
unintelligible {adj} (not intelligible) | :: obegriplig |
uninterested {adj} (indifferent) | :: ointresserad |
uninterrupted {adj} (without interruption) | :: oavbrutet |
union {n} (trade union) SEE: trade union | :: |
union {n} (the act of uniting or the state of being united) | :: union {c}, förening {c}, förbund {n} |
union {n} (that which is united; something formed by a combination of parts or members) | :: förening {c}, union {c} |
union {n} (in set theory) | :: union |
union {n} (marriage) | :: förening {c} |
union {n} | :: union |
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics {prop} (a confederation of Communist states, see also: Soviet Union; USSR) | :: Socialistiska rådsrepublikernas union |
unique {adj} (one of a kind) | :: unik, enastående |
uniqueness {n} (state or quality of being unique or one of a kind) | :: unicitet {c}, unikhet, egenart {c} |
unironically {adv} (In an unironic manner) | :: oironiskt |
unisex {adj} (designed to be suitable for any sex or gender) | :: könsneutral, unisex |
unisex {adj} (not distinguished on the basis of sex or gender) | :: könsneutral |
unison {n} (music: the simultaneous playing of an identical note more than once) | :: samråd {c} |
unit {n} (standard measure of a quantity) | :: enhet {c} |
unit {n} (organized group comprising people and/or equipment) | :: enhet {c} |
unit {n} (member of a military organization) | :: enhet {c} |
unit {n} (military: subdivision in a task force) | :: enhet {c} |
unit {n} (military: standard or basic quantity) | :: enhet {c} |
unit {n} (military: selected reserve unit) | :: enhet {c} |
unit {n} (item which may be sold singly) | :: enhet {c} |
unit {adj} (for each unit) | :: enhets- |
unit {n} (kilowatt-hour as recorded on an electricity meter) SEE: kilowatt-hour | :: |
unit circle {n} (circle of radius 1) | :: enhetscirkel {c} |
unit circle {n} (circle of radius 1 with centre at the origin, used in trigonometry) | :: enhetscirkel {c} |
unite {v} ((transitive) to bring together as one) | :: förena |
unite {v} ((reciprocal) to come together as one) | :: förenas |
united {adj} (joined into a single entity) | :: förenad |
United Arab Emirates {prop} (country in the Middle East) | :: Förenade Arabemiraten |
United Kingdom {prop} (Kingdom in Europe, see also: Great Britain) | :: Förenade kungariket |
United Kingdom of Great Britain {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain) | :: Förenade kungariket Storbritannien {n} |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) | :: Förenade kungariket Storbritannien och Irland {n} |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) | :: Förenade konungariket Storbritannien och Nordirland |
United Nations {prop} (international coalition) | :: Förenta nationerna {c-p} |
United Nations Economic and Social Council {prop} (one of the six principal organs of the United Nations) | :: FN:s ekonomiska och sociala råd |
United Nations General Assembly {prop} (one of the six principal organs of the United Nations) | :: FN:s generalförsamling |
United States {prop} (the United States) | :: USA, Förenta staterna {n} |
United States of America {prop} (country in North America) | :: Amerikas förenta stater, Förenta staterna, USA, Staterna, Amerika {n} |
unit matrix {n} (identity matrix) SEE: identity matrix | :: |
unit price {n} (price of a standard amount of a good) | :: jämförelsepris {n}, jämförpris {n} |
unit vector {n} (vector with length 1) | :: enhetsvektor {c} |
unity {n} (state of being one or undivided) | :: enhet |
universal {adj} | :: universell , universal- |
universalism {n} (universality) SEE: universality | :: |
universality {n} (the property of being universal) | :: universalitet {c} |
universal suffrage {n} (the right to vote in a political election for all citizens) | :: allmän rösträtt |
universe {n} (the Universe) | :: universum |
universe {n} | :: [1,3] universum {n} |
university {n} (institution of higher education) | :: universitet {n}, högskola |
university of applied sciences {n} (school) | :: yrkeshögskola {c} |
university of life {n} (source of education by adverse experience) SEE: school of hard knocks | :: |
univocal {adj} (having only one possible meaning) | :: entydig |
unjust {adj} (not fair, just or right) | :: orättvis, vrång |
unjustice {n} (injustice) SEE: injustice | :: |
unjustifiable {adj} (that cannot be justified) | :: oförsvarlig |
unjustly {adv} (in an unjust manner) | :: orättvist |
unknown {adj} (not known) | :: okänd |
unknown {n} (person of no identity) | :: okänd |
unlawful {adj} (prohibited) | :: olaglig |
unleaded {adj} (without lead) | :: blyfri |
unleavened {adj} (without yeast) | :: ojäst, osyrad |
unless {conj} (except on a specified condition) | :: såvida ej, såvida inte |
unlike {adj} (dissimilar) | :: olik |
unlike {prep} (in contrast with; as opposed to) | :: till skillnad från |
unlimber {v} (deploy an artillery piece for firing) | :: brösta av, avbrösta |
unlimited {adj} (limitless or without bounds; unrestricted) | :: obegränsad |
unlist {v} (remove from a list) | :: avföra, stryka |
unlock {v} (to undo or open a lock) | :: låsa upp |
unmanned {adj} (not operated by a person or a crew) | :: obemannad |
unmarked {adj} (sport: not marked) | :: omarkerad |
unmarried {adj} (having no husband or wife) | :: ogift |
unmask {v} (to remove a mask from someone) | :: avmaskera |
unmask {v} (to expose the true character of someone) | :: avmaskera |
unmask {v} (to remove one's mask) | :: ta av sin mask |
unmeaningness {n} (insignificance) SEE: insignificance | :: |
unmistakable {adj} (unique, such that it cannot be mistaken for something else) | :: omisskännlig |
unmotivated {adj} (lacking motivation) | :: omotiverad |
unnatural {adj} (not natural) | :: onaturlig |
unnecessarily {adv} (in an unnecessary way) | :: onödigtvis, i onödan |
unnecessarily {adv} | :: onödigt |
unnecessary {adj} (not necessary) | :: onödig |
unneeded {adj} (not needed, not) | :: onödig |
UNO {prop} (United Nations) SEE: UN | :: |
unobtainable {adj} (not able to be acquired or reached) | :: otillgänglig |
unobtrusive {adj} (unobtrusive) | :: omärkbar |
unofficial {adj} (not official) | :: inofficiell |
unorthodox {adj} (unusual, unconventional, or idiosyncratic) | :: oortodox |
unpaid {adj} (not paid for) | :: obetald, upplupen [of interest] |
unpaid {adj} (done without agreed payment) | :: oavlönad |
unpainted {adj} (not painted) | :: omålad |
unpalatable {adj} (unpleasant to the taste) | :: oaptitlig |
unpasteurized {adj} (not pasteurised) | :: opastöriserad |
unpayable {adj} (that cannot be paid) | :: obetalbar |
unplausible {adj} (implausible) SEE: implausible | :: |
unpleasant {adj} (not pleasant) | :: otrevlig |
unplugged {adj} (not plugged in) | :: frånkopplad |
unpopular {adj} (lacking popularity) | :: impopulär |
unprecedented {adj} (never before seen or done, without precedent) | :: exempellös, oöverträffad, makalös, utan motstycke [placed after the noun] |
unpredictable {adj} (unable to be predicted) | :: oförutsägbar |
unprocurable {adj} (unobtainable) SEE: unobtainable | :: |
unprofessional {adj} (unbecoming of a professional) | :: oprofessionell, amatörmässig |
unpublished {adj} (not published) | :: opublicerad |
unquestionably {adv} (without doubt) | :: otvivelaktigt, utan tvivel, obestridligen |
unravel {v} (to separate the threads (of)) | :: fransa (reflexive), reda ut |
unravel {v} (to become undone; to collapse) | :: rämna |
unreachable {adj} (unable to be reached) | :: oåtkomlig, onåbar |
unreached {adj} (not reached) | :: onådd |
unrealistic {adj} (not realistic) | :: orealistisk |
unrealistically {adv} (in an unrealistic manner) | :: orealistiskt |
unreasonable {adj} (not reasonable) | :: orimlig, oresonlig |
unreasonably {adv} (to an unreasonable degree) | :: orimligt, orealistiskt |
unrecognizable {adj} (that cannot be recognized) | :: oigenkännlig |
unrefined {adj} (crude, unprocessed) | :: oraffinerad |
unrefined {adj} (of a person: lacking refinement) | :: okultiverad |
unreliable {adj} (not reliable) | :: opålitlig |
unrequited love {n} (love that is not reciprocated, even though reciprocation is desired) | :: obesvarad kärlek {c} |
unrest {n} (state of trouble) | :: oro {c} |
unripe {adj} (not ripe) | :: omogen |
unripe {adj} (premature) | :: omogen |
unrobe {v} (disrobe) SEE: disrobe | :: |
unsalted {adj} (not salted) | :: osaltad |
unsatisfied {adj} (dissatisfied) SEE: dissatisfied | :: |
unsaturated {adj} (capable of dissolving more solute) | :: omättad |
unsaturated {adj} (having one or more double bonds or triple bonds between carbon atoms) | :: omättad |
unsaturated {adj} (not chromatically pure) | :: omättad |
unsaturated fat {n} (unsaturated fat) | :: omättat fett {n} |
unsavory {adj} (disreputable) | :: tvivelaktig |
unscathed {adj} (not injured/harmed) | :: helskinnad, oskadd |
unscrupulous {adj} (without scruples) | :: skrupelfri |
UN Security Council {prop} (international organ) | :: FN:s säkerhetsråd {n}, Förenta nationernas säkerhetsråd {n} |
unseemly {adj} (inconsistent with standards, etc.) | :: opassande |
unselfish {adj} (not selfish; selfless; generous; altruistic) | :: osjälvisk, oegennyttig, altruistisk |
unselfishness {n} (the state of being unselfish) | :: oegennytta {c}, osjälviskhet {c} |
unshaven {adj} (not having shaved) | :: orakad |
unshod {adj} (not shod) | :: oskodd, skolös, bar, naken, barfota |
unsightly {adj} (displeasing to the eye) | :: ful, gräslig, anskrämlig |
unsinkable {adj} (of a ship: that cannot be sunk) | :: osänkbar |
unsorted {adj} | :: osorterad |
unsportsmanlike {adj} (violating the accepted standards of sportsmanship) | :: osportslig |
unstable {adj} (not stable) | :: instabil |
unsteady {adj} (not held in position) | :: ostadig |
unsteady {adj} (lacking regularity) | :: ostadig |
unsterilizable {adj} (unable to become sterilized) | :: osteriliserbar |
unstinted {adj} (not constrained, not restrained, or not confined) | :: förbehållslös, oreserverad, ohämmad, oinskränkt |
unstoppable {adj} (unable to be stopped) | :: ostoppbar |
unstressed {adj} (not stressed or accentuated) | :: obetonad |
unsubscribe {v} (to cancel a subscription) | :: säga upp, avprenumerera |
unsubsidized {adj} | :: osubventionerad |
unsufferable {adj} (insufferable) SEE: insufferable | :: |
unsure {adj} (uncertain) | :: osäker |
unsure {adj} (unstable or precarious) | :: oförsiktig, osäker |
unsuspecting {adj} | :: aningslös, intet ont anande, omisstänksam |
unsustainable {adj} (Not sustainable) | :: ohållbar |
unsweetened {adj} (Not sweetened) | :: osötad |
untenable {adj} (Not able to be held, as of an opinion or position) | :: ohållbar, oförsvarlig |
unthinkable {adj} (incapable of being believed; incredible) | :: otänkbar |
unthinkable {adj} (inconceivable or unimaginable; extremely improbable in a way that goes against common sense) | :: otänkbar |
until {prep} (up to the time of) | :: tills |
until {prep} | :: förrän [if with a negation], till, tills |
until {conj} (up to the time that) | :: tills |
until {conj} | :: förrän (with negations), till |
untitled {adj} (having no title) | :: namnlös |
untouchable {n} (pariah) SEE: pariah | :: |
untraditional {adj} (not traditional) | :: otraditionell |
untranslatable {adj} (not able to be translated) | :: oöversättlig |
untranslated {adj} (not translated; in the original language) | :: oöversatt |
untrue {adj} (false) | :: osann |
untrustworthy {adj} (not deserving of trust; unreliable) | :: opålitlig |
untruth {n} (lie or falsehood) | :: osanning {c} |
ununbium {n} (chemical element) | :: ununbium |
ununennium {n} (chemical element) | :: ununennium |
ununhexium {n} (element with atomic number 116) | :: ununhexium |
ununoctium {n} (chemical element) | :: ununoktium |
ununpentium {n} (chemical element) | :: ununpentium |
ununquadium {n} (chemical element) | :: ununquadium |
ununseptium {n} (element with atomic number 117) | :: ununseptium |
ununtrium {n} (chemical element) | :: ununtrium |
unusual {adj} (not usual) | :: ovanlig |
unvariable {adj} (invariable) SEE: invariable | :: |
unvarying {adj} (lacking variety; uniform) | :: konstant, likformig |
unveil {v} (to uncover) | :: avtäcka, avslöja |
unveil {v} (to reveal oneself) | :: avslöja |
unvisible {adj} (invisible) SEE: invisible | :: |
unvisibly {adv} (invisibly) SEE: invisibly | :: |
unvoiced {adj} (linguistics: voiceless) SEE: voiceless | :: |
unwarranted {adj} (being without warrant, authority or guaranty) | :: otillbörlig, orättmätig, oskälig |
unwed {adj} (not married) SEE: unmarried | :: |
unwed {n} (bachelor or a spinster) SEE: unmarried | :: |
unwelcome {adj} | :: ovälkommen |
unwell {adj} (not well) | :: krasslig |
unwieldy {adj} (difficult to carry, handle, manage or operate) | :: otymplig |
unwillingly {adv} (in an unwilling manner) | :: ogärna |
unwillingness {n} (property of being unwilling) | :: ovilja {c} |
unwind {v} (To wind off) | :: nysta upp |
unwind {v} (To disentangle) | :: nysta i |
unwind {v} (To relax) | :: varva ner |
unwittingly {adv} (in an unwitting manner) | :: oavsiktligt, omedvetet, ovetandes |
unwomanly {adj} (unfeminine) | :: okvinnlig |
unworthy {adj} (not worthy) | :: ovärdig |
up {adv} (away from earth’s surface) | :: upp, uppåt |
up {adv} (completely, thoroughly) | :: isär, itu |
up {adv} (higher, louder) | :: upp |
up {adv} (higher in pitch) | :: upp |
up {prep} (toward the top) | :: uppåt |
up {prep} (further along) | :: längs |
up {adj} (awake) | :: uppe |
up {adj} (facing upwards) | :: med ... uppåt |
up {adj} (standing) | :: upp |
up {adj} (available) | :: uppe |
up {adj} (informed about) | :: med [colloquial], uppdaterad |
up {v} (increase) | :: höja |
up and down {adv} (upward and downward, alternately) | :: upp och ner |
up and down {adv} (alternately forwards and backwards along a path) | :: fram och tillbaka |
up antiquark {n} (antiparticle of an up quark) | :: antiuppkvark {c} |
upbeat {adj} (Having a fast pace, tempo, or beat) | :: livad, upptempo |
upbeat {adj} (Having a positive, lively, or perky tone, attitude, etc.) | :: munter, positiv, upprymd, uppspelt, uppåt, pigg |
upcoming {adj} (of the relatively near future) | :: kommande |
update {n} (action of making something up to date) | :: uppdatering, aktualisering |
update {v} (to make something up to date) | :: uppdatera, aktualisera |
update {v} (to advise a person so that they are up to date) | :: uppdatera |
upend {v} (to end up; to set on end) | :: resa upp, ställa på högkant, ställa på ända |
upend {v} (to tip or turn over) | :: vända på, vända, vända upp och ned på, välta omkull |
upend {v} (to destroy, invalidate) | :: kullkasta |
upfront {adv} (beforehand) SEE: beforehand | :: |
upfront {adv} (attacker) SEE: attacker | :: |
upgrade {n} (an improved component or replacement item) | :: uppgradering {c} |
upgrade {v} (to improve) | :: befordra, uppvärdera, uppdatera |
upgrade {v} (to replace an existing object with something better) | :: uppgradera |
upgrade {v} (to replace a program with a later version of itself) | :: uppgradera |
upheaval {n} (process of being heaved upward, especially of the earth's crust) | :: omstörtning, omvälvning, kaos |
upheaval {n} (sudden violent upset, disruption or convulsion) | :: omvälvning {c} |
uphill {adv} (up a slope, towards higher ground) | :: uppför |
uphold {v} (to support by approval or encouragement) | :: upprätthålla |
upholsterer {n} (a craftsman who upholsters furniture) | :: tapetserare {c}, dekoratör {c} [often prefixed, e.g. wth möbel-] |
upland sandpiper {n} (Bartramia longicauda) | :: piparsnäppa {c} |
upload {v} (to transfer data) | :: ladda upp |
upload {n} (file transfer) | :: uppladdning {c} |
upon {prep} (being above and in contact with another) | :: uppå |
upper {adj} (at a higher level, rank or position) | :: övre |
upper {adj} (situated on higher ground, further inland, or more northerly) | :: övre |
upper {adj} (secondary; as of school) | :: gymnasial |
upper arm {n} (section of an arm) | :: överarm {c} |
upper case {n} (upper case / uppercase (as a collective noun) or upper case letters (in the plural)) | :: versaler {c-p}, stora bokstäver {c-p} |
uppercase {adj} (written in upper case) | :: versal |
upper chamber {n} (upper house) SEE: upper house | :: |
upper class {n} (those people at the top of a social hierarchy) | :: överklass {c} |
upper class {n} (aristocracy) | :: överklass {c} |
upper-crust {adj} (posh, upper-class) | :: överklass- |
uppercut {n} (in boxing) | :: uppercut {c} |
upper hand {n} ((idiomatic) advantage) | :: [definite] överhanden {c} |
upper house {n} (part of a parliament) | :: överhus {n} |
Upper Lusatian {prop} (Upper Sorbian) SEE: Upper Sorbian | :: |
upper side {n} (uppermost side) | :: ovansida {c}, översida {c} |
Upper Sorbian {prop} (a Slavic language spoken in part of Saxony) | :: högsorbiska {c} |
Upper Volta {prop} (former name of Burkina Faso) | :: Övre Volta {c} |
uppity {adj} (presumptuous, above oneself) | :: fisförnäm, mallig, snorkig, dryg, näsvis, högfärdig, snobbig, arrogant, högmodig, uppnosig |
Uppsala {prop} (city in eastern central Sweden) | :: Uppsala {n}, [archaic] Upsala {n}, Ubsola {n} |
up quark {n} (up quark) | :: uppkvark {c} |
upright bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass | :: |
uprighteous {adj} (righteous) SEE: righteous | :: |
uprising {n} (a popular revolt) | :: uppror {n}, resning {c} |
uproot {v} (eradicate) SEE: eradicate | :: |
uproot {v} (extirpate) SEE: extirpate | :: |
ups and downs {n} (idiomatic) | :: upp- och nedgångar {c-p} |
upset {adj} (angry, distressed, unhappy) | :: upprörd |
upset {adj} (of a stomach) | :: orolig |
upset {n} (sports: unexpected victory of a competitor) | :: skräll {c} |
upside down {adv} (inverted) | :: upp och ned, uppochned, upp och ner, uppochner |
upside down {adv} (in great disorder) | :: upp och ned |
upstart {n} (newly rich or prominent) | :: uppkomling {c} |
upstart {adj} (self-important and presumptuous) | :: uppkomling |
upstream {adv} (against the flow) | :: uppströms |
up the ante {v} (raise the stakes) | :: öka insatsen |
up to {adj} (against, next to, near, towards) | :: fram till |
up to {adj} (capable of) | :: beredd på, med på |
up to {adj} (as much as, no more than) | :: upp till, som mest |
up to {adj} (the option or decision of) | :: upp till |
up to {adj} (doing; involved in) | :: vad har du för dig? |
up-to-date {adj} (current; recent) | :: uppdaterad, aktuell |
up-to-date {adj} (informed of the latest news) | :: à jour, uppdaterad |
upwards {adv} (to a higher place) | :: uppför, uppåt |
up with the lark {adj} (awake and out of bed early) | :: uppe med tuppen |
ur- {prefix} (forming words with the sense of 'primitive') | :: ur- |
Ural {prop} (river) | :: Ural |
Ural Mountains {prop} (mountains) | :: Uralbergen {n-p} |
Ural owl {n} (Strix uralensis) | :: slaguggla {c} |
Urals {prop} (Ural Mountains) SEE: Ural Mountains | :: |
Uranian {adj} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual | :: |
Uranian {adj} (of or pertaining to astronomy) SEE: astronomical | :: |
uranium {n} (uranium (element)) | :: uran {n} |
uranium hexafluoride {n} (binary compound of uranium and fluorine, UF6) | :: uranhexafluorid {c} |
Uranus {prop} (god of the sky and heavens) | :: Uranos |
Uranus {prop} (planet) | :: Uranus |
urban {adj} (of the city; characteristic of city life) | :: stads-, urban |
Urban {prop} (male given name) | :: Urban {c} |
urbane {adj} (courteous, polite, refined, suave, and sophisticated) | :: belevad, världsvan, urban, artig |
urbanism {n} (urban planning) SEE: urban planning | :: |
urban legend {n} (apocryphal story) | :: vandringssägen {c}, klintbergare {c} |
urban myth {n} (widely circulated story) SEE: urban legend | :: |
urban planning {n} (conscious design of towns and cities) | :: stadsplanering {c} |
urban regeneration {n} (urban renewal) SEE: urban renewal | :: |
urban renewal {n} (redevelopment of urban areas) | :: stadsförnyelse {c} |
urchin {n} (hedgehog) SEE: hedgehog | :: |
urchin {n} (sea urchin) SEE: sea urchin | :: |
Urdu {n} (the Indo-Iranian language) | :: urdu |
urea {n} (organic compound) | :: urea {c}, urinämne {n} |
uremia {n} (blood poisoning due to retention of waste products) | :: uremi {c} |
ureter {n} (narrow duct that carries urine from the kidneys) | :: urinledare {c}, uretär {c} |
urethra {n} (anatomical tube) | :: urinrör |
urge {n} (a strong desire; an itch to do something) | :: uppmana |
urge {v} | :: uppmana |
urgent {adj} (requiring immediate attention) | :: brådskande |
Ur-Germanic {prop} (Proto-Germanic) SEE: Proto-Germanic | :: |
Uriah Heep {n} (yes man) SEE: yes man | :: |
Urim and Thummim {n} (sacred devices used for casting lots) | :: urim och tummim |
urinal {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet | :: |
urinal {n} (fixture for standing urination) | :: urinoar {c}, pissoar {c} |
urinal {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse | :: |
urinal {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine | :: |
urinary bladder {n} (urinary bladder) | :: urinblåsa |
urinate {v} | :: urinera, kissa [colloquial], pissa [colloquial], slå en drill [colloquial], göra nummer ett [colloquial] |
urination {n} | :: urinering {c} |
urine {n} | :: urin {c} |
URL {n} (Uniform Resource Locator) | :: URL {c} |
urology {n} (branch of medicine dealing with urinary tract and urogenital system) | :: urologi {c} |
Ursa Major {prop} (large circumpolar constellation of the northern sky) | :: Stora björn |
Ursa Minor {prop} (a circumpolar constellation of the northern sky) | :: Lilla Björn |
Uruguay {prop} (country) | :: Uruguay |
Uruguayan {adj} (of Uruguay) | :: uruguayansk |
us {pron} (objective case of "we") | :: oss |
USA {prop} (United States of America) | :: USA {n} |
usability {n} (easiness of use in computing) | :: användbarhet {c}, användarvänlighet {c} |
usable {adj} (capable of being used) | :: användbar, bruklig |
US American {n} (inhabitant or citizen of the United States of America) | :: amerikan {c}, amerikanska {c} |
usance {n} (customary or habitual usage) | :: usans {c} |
USB port {n} (port for USB connection) | :: USB-port {c} |
use {n} (act of using) | :: användning {c}, bruk {n}, nyttjande {n} |
use {n} (usefulness) | :: mening {c}, syfte {n}, nytta |
use {n} (function) | :: användande {n} |
use {v} (employ, apply) | :: använda, bruka, nyttja |
use {v} (to exhaust the supply of, to consume) | :: förbruka |
use {v} (used to) SEE: used to | :: |
useable {adj} (usable) SEE: usable | :: |
use-by date {n} (The date by which it is advised that a perishable product be consumed) | :: bäst före-datum {n} |
use case {n} (system scenario) | :: användningsfall {n} |
used {adj} (that has or have previously been owned by someone else) | :: begagnad |
used bookstore {n} (store selling secondhand books) | :: antikvariat {n} |
used to {adj} (accustomed to) | :: van vid |
used to {v} (formerly and habitually or repeatedly) | :: brukade + verb in infinitive; I used to eat cheese - Jag brukade äta ost. |
useful {adj} (having a practical or beneficial use) | :: nyttig, användbar, tjänlig |
useful idiot {n} (political sense) | :: nyttig idiot {c} |
user {n} (one who uses something, a consumer) | :: användare {c}, brukare {c} |
user {n} (one who uses drugs) | :: brukare {c}, missbrukare {c} [addictive use] |
user {n} (person who uses a computer) | :: användare {c} |
user-friendliness {n} (quality of being user-friendly) | :: användarvänlighet |
user-friendly {adj} (designed to be easy to use) | :: användarvänlig |
user interface {n} (the part of a software application that a user sees and interacts with) | :: användargränssnitt {n} |
username {n} (a person's identification on an individual computer system) | :: användarnamn {n} |
use the bathroom {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet | :: |
use the restroom {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet | :: |
use the toilet {v} (to use facilities to urinate or defecate) | :: gå på toaletten, gå på toa |
use the washroom {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet | :: |
use up {v} (exhaust) SEE: exhaust | :: |
ushanka {n} (a traditional Russian fur cap with earflaps) | :: usjanka |
USSR {prop} (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) | :: USSR |
usual {adj} (most commonly occurring) | :: vanlig |
usually {adv} (most of the time) | :: vanligtvis |
usufruct {n} (legal right to use and derive profit or benefit from property that belongs to another person) | :: nyttjanderätt |
usurer {n} (one who loans money at exorbitant interest rates) | :: ockrare {c} |
usurp {v} (seize power) | :: usurpera, tillskansa sig, inkräkta på, bemäktiga sig |
usurper {n} (one who usurps) | :: usurpator {c} |
usury {n} (exorbitant rate of interest in excess of any legal rates) | :: ocker {n} |
usury {n} (practice of lending money at illegal or unfair rates) | :: ocker |
US Virgin Islands {prop} (Country in the Caribbean) | :: Amerikanska Jungfruöarna |
Utah {prop} (a state of the United States of America) | :: Utah {n} |
uterine tube {n} (Fallopian tube) SEE: Fallopian tube | :: |
uterus {n} (womb) SEE: womb | :: |
utilisation {n} (manner of using) | :: utnyttjande, användande |
utilitarian {adj} (pertaining to utilitarianism) | :: utilitaristisk |
utilitarianism {n} (the theory of the "greatest happiness for the greatest number of people") | :: utilitarism {c} |
utility {adj} (state or condition of being useful) | :: användbarhet {c} |
utility {adj} (something that is useful) | :: användbar (adjective) |
utility {adj} (economics: ability of a commodity to satisfy needs or wants) | :: användbarhet {c}, lönsamhet {c} |
utility {adj} (business: service provider) | :: leverantör {c}, tjänsteleverantör {c}, specific public utilities: vattenverk {n}, kraftverk {n}, värmeverk {n} and other compounds with verk {n} |
utility {adj} (computing: software program with specific task) | :: tillämpning {c}, applikation {c}, verktyg {n} |
utilization {n} (utilization) SEE: utilisation | :: |
utmost {adj} (Situated at the most distant limit) | :: yttersta |
utmost {adj} (The most extreme, ultimate) | :: yttersta |
utopia {n} (world in perfect harmony) | :: utopi {c} |
Utraquist {n} (follower of Utraquism) | :: utrakvist {c} |
Utsunomiya {prop} (a city of Japan) | :: Utsunomiya |
utter {adj} (absolute) | :: ren, fullständig |
utter {v} | :: yttra, utstöta, ge till |
utterance {n} (an act of uttering) | :: yttrande {n} |
utterly {adv} (in complete manner) SEE: completely | :: |
Uusimaa {prop} | :: Nyland |
uvula {n} (appendage that hangs from the palate) | :: gomspene {c} |
uvular {adj} (of or relating to the uvula) | :: uvulär |
uvular {adj} (of a sound, articulated with the uvula) | :: uvulär, uvular |
Uzbekistan {prop} (Republic of Uzbekistan) | :: Uzbekistan |
Uzhgorod {prop} (Uzhhorod) SEE: Uzhhorod | :: |
Uzhhorod {prop} (a city in western Ukraine) | :: Uzjhorod |