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See also: Mallig





From dialectal malle (crumb) suffixed with -ig, further origin unknown.



mallig (comparative malligare, superlative malligast)

  1. (colloquial) cocky, snooty
    Han gav henne ett stort malligt flin när de såg att han skulle vinna
    He gave her a big cheeky grin when they saw that he would win
    Jag gillar inte henne. Hon är så jäkla mallig.
    I don't like her. She's so damn smug.


Inflection of mallig
Indefinite positive comparative superlative1
common singular mallig malligare malligast
neuter singular malligt malligare malligast
plural malliga malligare malligast
masculine plural2 mallige malligare malligast
Definite positive comparative superlative
masculine singular3 mallige malligare malligaste
all malliga malligare malligaste

1 The indefinite superlative forms are only used in the predicative.
2 Dated or archaic.
3 Only used, optionally, to refer to things whose natural gender is masculine.

Derived terms


Further reading
