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på gång

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Alternative forms


Prepositional phrase



  1. (idiomatic) planned or about to occur, on the way, underway
    Det är en fest på gång.
    They'll be having a party soon.
    Det är regn på gång.
    It's going to rain. / Rain is on the way.
  2. (idiomatic) currently being worked on, underway
    Det är på gång.
    It's being worked on / underway.
    Han har något på gång.
    He's working on something. (lit. He has something being worked on / underway.)
  3. (idiomatic) making progress, working at full speed/capacity, underway
    Efter några förseningar är vi äntligen på gång igen.
    After a few delays, we're finally making progress / underway again.
  4. (idiomatic, of people, chiefly as "på G") feeling keen, feeling up to something
    Planen var att jogga i morse, men när jag vaknade kände jag mig inte alls på G.
    The plan was to go jogging this morning. But when I woke up, I didn't feel up to it at all.

