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From ut (out) +‎ stöta (hit).



utstöta (present utstöter, preterite utstötte, supine utstött, imperative utstöt)

  1. to utter, to emit, to let out (produce, usually a forceful and/or more or less "punchy" vocalization)
    Gorillan utstötte ett vrål
    The gorilla let out a roar
    Krigarna utstötte vilda stridsrop
    The warriors let out wild battle cries
    Varelsen gick omkring på golvet och utstötte små underliga pipljud
    The creature was walking around on the floor, making strange little squeaking noises
  2. Alternative form of stöta ut


Conjugation of utstöta (weak)
active passive
infinitive utstöta utstötas
supine utstött utstötts
imperative utstöt
imper. plural1 utstöten
present past present past
indicative utstöter utstötte utstöts, utstötes utstöttes
ind. plural1 utstöta utstötte utstötas utstöttes
subjunctive2 utstöte utstötte utstötes utstöttes
present participle utstötande
past participle utstött

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

