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två massor som stöter ihop [two masses colliding (sharply bumping together)]



stöt +‎ -a


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stöta (present stöter, preterite stötte, supine stött, imperative stöt)

  1. (usually with a particle) to hit ((against) something) with a short, sharp impact; to bump, etc. (see usage notes below)
    Båten stötte i/emot bryggan
    The boat bumped against the pier
    Jag råkade stöta emot honom när jag gick förbi
    I accidentally bumped into [against] him as I was walking past
    Hon stötte till honom i sidan med armbågen
    She elbowed him in the side [bumped till (expresses a sudden and brief action) him in the side with her elbow]
    I biljard kan man stöta köspetsen mot köbollen så att den far iväg och stöter ner en annan boll i ett hål
    In pool, you can strike the tip of the cue against the cue ball so that it goes off and knocks [down] another ball into a pocket ["bump" sounds too light in this example]
    1. to shoot (in cue sports)
    2. to crush (with a pestle or the like)
      Stöt kardemummakärnorna i morteln
      Crush the cardamom seeds in the mortar
    3. (idiomatic, in "stöta och blöta" ("pound and wet" – from pounding clothes on rocks or the like to wash them – see also the usage notes below)) to deliberate on (an issue or the like), (often) to discuss back and forth
      en fråga som stötts och blötts i tio år
      an issue that has been discussed back and forth / has been labored over [has been pounded and wet] for ten years [fairly calm-sounding despite the stöta/pound]
  2. (in "stöta bort (away)") to push away, to repel (more generally, possibly at a distance)
    Synonym: (especially physics) repellera (repel)
    Lika laddningar stöter bort varandra
    Like charges repel each other
    1. (in "stöta bort (away)", figuratively) to push away, to alienate, etc.
      Hon stöter bort folk med sin attityd
      She pushes people away with her attitude
      Enkolumnslayouten riskerar att stöta bort desktop-användare
      The single-column layout risks alienating desktop users
    2. to reject (a transplant)
      Immunhämmande medel förhindrar att kroppen stöter bort det transplanterade organet
      Immunosuppressive agents prevent the body from rejecting the transplanted organ
  3. (with a particle, especially , ihop, or samman, with stress on the particle) to encounter by chance
    1. to meet by chance; to run into, to bump into, (more idiomatic for an animal) to encounter, etc.
      Jag stötte på en bekant nere på stan
      I ran into an acquaintance downtown
      Vi stötte på en björn i skogen
      We encountered a bear in the forest
    2. (usually with ) to encounter (a thing or something more abstract); to run into, to meet with, to come across, to encounter, to hit on, etc.
      stöta på problem [see also stöta på patrull]
      run into problems
      Förslaget stötte på motstånd
      The proposal met with resistance
      Vi stötte på en gammal övergiven gruva under promenaden
      We came across / hit on an old abandoned mine during the walk
  4. (in "stöta på," with stress on "stöta", colloquial) to hit on (someone)
    Synonyms: (colloquial) ragga på, flörta med
    stöta på en tjej
    hit on a girl
  5. to thrust, to lunge (with something)
    stöta med svärdet
    thrust with the sword
  6. (often in the present participle "stötande" – see also "stött") to offend
    använda stötande ord
    use offensive/objectionable words
    ta bort stötande kommentarer
    remove offensive comments
    1. (reflexive, with med) to upset (so as to get on bad terms with), to get on the wrong side of
      Jag tycker ditt förslag är bättre, men jag vill inte stöta mig med ledningen
      I think your proposal is better, but I don't want to upset / get on the wrong side of [bump/knock myself with] management
      Det kan vara farligt att stöta sig med maffian
      Getting on the wrong side of the mafia can be dangerous [It can be dangerous to bump/knock oneself with the mafia]
    2. (reflexive, with ) to be irritated by (something)
      Vissa stöter sig på hennes frispråkiga sätt
      Some take offence at [bump/knock themselves on] her outspoken manner
  7. to blow (on an instrument, like a horn or a trumpet)
    stöta i hornet
    blow on the horn
  8. (with i) to have a particular color tint
    Synonym: skifta i
    Mahogny stöter i rött
    Mahogany has a reddish tint
  9. (athletics) to throw, to put (the ball/shot, in shot put (kulstötning))
    stöta kula
    put the shot / compete in/practice shot put

Usage notes

  • Like bump in (sense 1), except it sometimes sounds too light. "Sharply bump" could be another gloss.
  • Originally from a nursery rhyme in (sense 1.3) and implying repeatedly harping on something, though this association might be mostly lost to many native speakers.


Conjugation of stöta (weak)
active passive
infinitive stöta stötas
supine stött stötts
imperative stöt
imper. plural1 stöten
present past present past
indicative stöter stötte stöts, stötes stöttes
ind. plural1 stöta stötte stötas stöttes
subjunctive2 stöte stötte stötes stöttes
present participle stötande
past participle stött

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

Derived terms




