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Wiktionary:Todo/Dash quotes

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#*: [''The paragraph below is quoted from http://jacksonville.com/opinion/blog/godspenman/2010-04-03/it-all-celebration-contradiction — the text below is odin's response.'']
#*: "Of course, I do not believe in atheists. I have never met an atheist in my entire life. I have met people who said they were atheists, but I never believed it. Every time an atheist gets in trouble, he blames it on God. Remember 9/11? Now, if he really does not believe in God, why does he blame things on God?"
#*: But Iwould{{sic}} take that up a notch...
#*: Of course, I do not believe in '''aatheists'''. I have never met an '''aatheist''' in my entire life. I have met people who said they were '''aatheists''', but I never believed it. Therefore, I must be an aaatheist, but I digress. Every time an '''aatheist''' gets in trouble, he blames it on an atheist. Remember 9/11? Now, if he really does not believe in atheists, why does he blame things on atheists?
absit omen
#*'''1895 ''' March 18, Henry Labouchere, [https://api.parliament.uk/historic-hansard/commons/1895/mar/18/supply-navy-estimates-1895-6#column_1295 SUPPLY—NAVY ESTIMATES, 1895–6.] ''Hansard'' HC Deb vol 31 c.1295
#*:Now it was very obvious we should require a much stronger Navy in the event of war, say with France and Russia—'''absit omen'''—if we were obliged to maintain our flag in the Mediterranean, than if we were to withdraw from the Mediterranean.
#* ''Speaking to me. They wash and tub and scrub. '''Agenbite''' of inwit. Conscience.'' — James Joyce, ''Ulysses'', 1922
#* ''A special property of all social extensions of the body is that they return to plague the inventors in a kind of '''agenbite''' of outwit.'' — Marshall McLuhan, ''The Agenbite of Outwit'', 1998
#* ''But more to the point here, the '''agenbite''' is, if not a Jewish condition, then more pervasive among Jews than any other group, by a wide margin.'' — David Koffler, ''How Jewy Should We Want Our Presidents To Be?'', 2008
#* ''... a habitude of writers challenged by the affliction of an over-'''agenbite''' and inwit to match.'' — James Rother, ''A Review of An Lauterbach'', 2005
#* ''I walked across the concrete to examine the '''altarpiece''' of the atomic age. A large crack ran through it. '' — ''Atomic John: A truck driver uncovers secrets about the first nuclear bombs'', David Samuels December, The New Yorker, 15, 2008 [http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/12/15/081215fa_fact_samuels?printable=true]
Bakewell pudding
#* "The Bakewell Pudding.—Having covered a dish with thin puff paste, put a layer of any kind of jam about half an inch thick, then take the yolks of eight eggs and two whites, half a pound of butter melted, and almond flavour to your taste; beat well together; pour the mixture into the dish an inch thick, and bake it about an hour in a moderate oven."[http://books.google.co.uk/books?pg=PA359]
#* "The next day as the three travelers were approaching the town, Peter went out on the '''balcony''' to pray."—{{w|Book of Acts}} 10:9–13, The Message translation
beau sabreur
#*: No longer was she that '''beau sabreur''' of suffrage brandishing her sword—for the sheath had outlived the sword as doubtless ... the body had outlived the soul.
#*: '''Contextual note''': ''In the source, "she" is frequently described with masculine (technicaly neutral) language ("She was a man of the world.")''
#*:The Lienchiang County government (which administers Matsu’s 36 islands and islets) estimates that — excluding facilities still in use by Taiwan’s military — some 256 underground fortifications, tunnels, air raid shelters, and other related structures were constructed in Matsu’s four townships: Nangan, '''Beigan''', Juguang, and Dongyin.
#* "You are a '''bleeding''' liar. Truth is of no interest to you at all." — [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.software.year-2000/msg/ba82c9dd28cde368]
#* ''Red '''Blinkenlight''''' — Matt's RV-7 (airplane) Project, 2005 <!--http://www.rv7blog.com/2005/11/18/red-blinkenlight/-->
#* ''The Smart, Stealth LED '''Blinkenlight''''' — Instructables, LED Bikelight, 2011 <!--http://www.instructables.com/id/The-Smart,-Stealth-LED-Blinkenlight/-->
#* ''Running a PDP-11 simulation with SIMH … is just half the fun, because you do not get the '''blinkenlight''' console.'' — Henk Gooijen, Homebrew 'PDP=11', undated <!--http://www.pdp-11.nl/homebrew/my-proj.html-->
#* '''''Blinkenlight''' … An indicator light. … The '''blinkenlight''' interface is used to switch on and off an indicator light, …'' — '''Blinkenlight''', Interface Specification, Coroware Support Pages for Player 3.01, 2005 <!--http://support.coroware.com/Player_3.0.1/group__interface__blinkenlight.html-->
#* ''Found a link to the USB '''blinkenlight''' hub.'' — '''blinkenlight''' USB2 hub, 2007 <!--http://68kmla.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2892-->
#* ''Heat Controlled '''Blinkenlight''''' — Gavin Black, "'''Blinkenlight'''", 2008 <!--http://gavinblack.blogspot.com/2008/02/blinkenlight.html-->
#* ''Das '''Blinkenlight''' Effect. So, remember my funky battery light problem?'' — Paul Frankenstein, "Das '''Blinkenlight''' Effect", 2006 <!--http://paulfrankenstein.org/2006/09/das-blinkenlight-effect.html-->
#* ''Mysterious Eigenharp offers '''blinkenlight''' sitar looks'' — Tim Stevens, Engadget: News, 2009 <!--http://www.engadget.com/2009/09/11/video-mysterious-eigenharp-offers-blinkenlight-sitar-looks-chi/-->
#* ''In general, computers have long since become too fast for '''blinkenlight''' displays to be of much use in debugging problems,'' — Discover Magazine Online, "This Day in History: The Birth of '''Blinkenlights'''", Mar, 2009<!--http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/sciencenotfiction/2009/03/31/this-day-in-science-fiction-history-the-birth-of-blinkenlights/-->
#* {{cite-journal |year=2011 |first=Pascal |last=Piluso |journal=Nuclear Safety in Light Water Reactors: Severe Accident Phenomenology |editor=Seghal, Bal Raj |ISBN=978-0-12-388446-6 |publisher=Academic Press |location=Waltham (MA) |page=664 |title=Appendix 1: '''Corium''' Thermodynamics and Thermophysics, 2. '''Corium''' Thermophysics |passage=The materials of the nuclear reactor—nuclear oxide fuel and fission products, cladding, metallic alloys, moderator, absorbers, structural materials, coolants, concrete, and so on, could melt to form complex, multiphases, and aggressive mixtures known by the general term '''''corium'''''. }}
#*: (glossary entry) '''''Crincum-crancum''''',—Lines of irregularity and involution.
#*: ‘... yet if she will come into the court riding backward upon a black ram, with his tail in her hand, and say the words following, the steward is bound, by the custom, to re-admit her to her free-bench: —<br/>    Here I am<br/>    Riding upon a black ram,<br/>    Like a ***** as I am;<br/>    Who, for my '''''Crinkum Crankum''''',<br/>    Have lost my ''Binkum Bankum'';<br/>    *        *        *        *        *        *<br/>    *        *        *        *        *        *<br/>    Therefore, I pray you, Mr. Steward, let me have my land again.’<br/>[...] That '''''Crinkum Crankum''''' is not less descriptive of tortuosity of opinion as it is of irregularity of conduct.
dies infaustus
#*: Once, turning another corner—it must have been his '''dies infaustus'''—Mr. Spitzer passed down a long, dim street of cigar store Indians, and he could almost have thought he had come, in his wanderings, to an Indian stockade—but this would not have been so bad if suddenly, when he went to strike a match on a wooden cheek, the Indian had not lifted his tomahawk—and someone had cried out, as all the wooden shutters banged—Indian massacre!
dog my cats
#* ''Buffalo Bill Cody: "'''Dog my cats'''"'' — [[w:Preston Sturgis|Preston Sturgis]], "[[w:Annie Oakley (1935_film)|Annie Oakley]]", 1935
#* ''Salesman: "Well, '''dog my cats'''!"'' — [[w:Moroni Olsen|Moroni Olsen]], "[[w:Christmas in July (film)|Christmas in July]]", 1940
#* ''Joe Ross: "'''Dog my cats''' indeed"'' — [[w:David Mamet|David Mamet]], "[[w:The Spanish Prisoner|The Spanish Prisoner]]", 1997
#* ''Marshall Eriksen: "Well, '''dog my cats...'''"'' — [[w:Jason Segel|Jason Segel]], "[[w:How I Met Your Mother|How I Met Your Mother]]", 2010
#*:'''''Erenhot'''''—known for little more than being a border town, a required stop for motorists and trains, as well as rich fossil territory.[...]"We cannot let you be seen," she shouted to him, when the first lights of '''Erenhot'''—and Zamyn-Uud, a little farther across the border between Mongolia and China— flickered into view. "No one would understand!"
#* ''(see table 9.1 with row numbers four, ten, and sixteen terminating respectively at the eleventh, twenty-ninth and forty-'''oneth''' place)'' —A. R. Rajwade, 2001. ''Convex polyhedra with regularity conditions and Hilbert's third problem'', p. 72.
#* ''The ''begár ka Chamár'' receives a fortieth or forty-'''oneth''' part of the grain ; and for this he provides a man to work in the fields whenever special work is in hand,'' —Denzil Ibbetson, 1883. ''Report on the Revision of Settlement of the Panipat Tahsil & Karnal Parganah of the Karnal District'', Chap. VII, Para. 284.
#* ''Provided that in estates in which before the passing of this Act engagements have been taken from the landholder for the payment of the land revenue and settlement cesses in one consolidated sum, ... one-forty-'''oneth''' part of such sum shall be deducted on account of such cesses'' —"Local Rates (Oudh)", Act no. V. 1894, Part II, ''The Consolidated Local Rate'', 3, p. 103. ''Legislative Acts of Lieutenant Governor, 1887–1901, with amendments''. United Provinces of Agra and Oudh (India)
#* ''Today, francophobia has donned new clothes: those of populism. Under the simplistic discourse of budgetary rigour, deficit reduction, and common sense, the new populist apostles see bilingualism not as an advantage but as a frill [...] In times like these, one may only remember the cri du coeur launched in 1913 by Franco-Ontarians against those who sought to strip their children’s access to French-language education'' — https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-francophobia-is-donning-new-populist-clothes-in-canada
#* "This was an unnecessary and '''frivolent''' post that did not contain any reason or logic." — [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/rec.games.computer.ultima.series/msg/4dd74e0205254b64]
#* "You're beginning to annoy me with '''frivolent''' and useless theoretical arguments. " — [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.chips/msg/e4d760b0a4bf5722]
#* "I'm sorry but I have ''personally'' seen so many people paid out on fraudulent and '''frivolent''' claims to have any faith in the system as it currently stands. " — [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/uk.legal.moderated/msg/551e5debdc0715f1]
#* "My serious replies tend to evoke 'I couldn't worship that sort of a God' responses. My '''frivolent''' replies are usually intended to show that some of the criticisms aimed at my serious replies aren't as well-founded as the person making them seems to think." — [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/uk.religion.christian/msg/4110e62d55ad2c2b]
#* '''2003:''' "I do feel a bit '''Gollumish''' about it…" —''alt.support.low-carb'', 12 Nov 2003
#* '''2004:''' "With the '''gollumish''' Tony Blair never far away, urging him on, George W Bush doggedly climbed his own Mt Doom and thrust the Coalition of the Willing into the fire – along with a few thousand apparently expendable human lives." —''[https://web.archive.org/web/20041024205004/http://www.listener.co.nz/default,1225.sm The New Zealand Listener, Vol 191]'', "2003 reloaded", 27 Jan 2004
#* "Induration is a measure of rock "strength" and is defined as the ratio of the measured frame modulus to the maximum frame modulus allowed by the Gassmann-Biot model." Spratt, R. S.; Goins, N. R. and Fitch, T. J. (1993) "Pseudo-shear — The analysis of AVO." Castagna, John P. and Backus, Milo M. (eds.) ''Offset-Dependent Reflectivity — Theory and Practice of AVO Analysis''. Series: Investigation in Geophysics volume 8. Tulsa : Society of Exploration Geophysicistspp. 37-56, page 37, isbn 978-1-56080-059-0.
mother-in-law apartment
#* "Accessory dwelling units are commonly referred to as mother-in-law apartments. Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are a second dwelling on a piece of property where a primary residence already exists." —King County (Washington) [https://web.archive.org/web/20060828104522/http://directory.metrokc.gov/ServiceDetail.asp?ServiceID=6955 Online Directory] <!-- fetched 2006-07-31 -->
#* ''Soon after the first law of thermodynamics was postulated in the mid nineteenth century, it was realized how the law presupposed a more elementary law, which we now call the zeroth law ... But scientists soon realized how even the zeroth law was too advanced, since it presupposed a yet more elementary law, which explains why the minus-'''oneth''' law had to be formulated.'' —Paul M. S. Monk, 2008. "Laws and the minus-'''oneth''' law of thermodynamics", in ''Physical chemistry: understanding our chemical world'', p. 8.
#* ''(see table 9.1 with row numbers four, ten, and sixteen terminating respectively at the eleventh, twenty-ninth and forty-'''oneth''' place)'' —A. R. Rajwade, 2001. ''Convex polyhedra with regularity conditions and Hilbert's third problem'', p. 72.
#* ''about twenty thirty-'''oneths''' in value of such sales being made as hereinafter mentioned to a syndicate of persons in the United Kingdom, about seven thirty-'''oneths''' to residents in the United States, and about four thirty-'''oneths''' to residents in other European countries and the colonies.'' —"Brooke & Co. (Limited) ''v.'' Commissioners of Inland Revenue". In ''The Weekly Reporter'', vol. XLIV, p. 671, August 15, 1896. Supreme Court of Judicature, House of Lords, London.
#* <b>2001, <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Jul.</span></b>, Sargent Bush [ed.] of the Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture, ''The Correspondence of John Cotton'', [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Uaahkbo2j2AC&pg=PA183&dq=quaestioned&ei=_NRbSf2nJpS6ygTzzPnDBg#PPA183,M1 page 183] ([http://uncpress.unc.edu/browse/book_detail?title_id=829 UNC Press]; ISBN 978‒0‒8078‒2635‒5) — (past participle)
#*: To have tarryed in England for the end you mention, to appeare in defence of ''tha''t cause for w''hi''c''h'' we were '''Quæstioned''', had bene (as we conceyve it in our case) to {l}imitt wittnesse-bearinge to the cause (w''hi''c''h'' may [be] done more wayes then one) to one onely way, & ''tha''t such away, as we doe not see god callinge vs vnto.
#* ''he found ... that the circumference was three times the diameter plus a quantity which was less than a seventh but more than ten seventy-'''one<sup>ths</sup>'''.'' —Frederic Harrison, 1892. "Archimedes", ''The new calendar of great men'', p. 124.
#* ''With an area of 3367 square miles [Corsica] is only a sixty-'''oneth''' of the area of France and four thirty-thirds of that of Italy.'' —''Scottish geographical magazine'', vol. 15, p. 641, 1899.
#* ''The Holy Synod discussed in particular and at length the ecclesiastical matter of Ukraine, in the presence of His Excellency Archbishop Daniel of Pamphilon and His Grace Bishop Hilarion of Edmonton, Patriarchal Exarchs to Ukraine, and following extensive deliberations decreed: [...] [t]o reestablish, at this moment, the '''Stavropegion''' of the Ecumenical Patriarch in Kyiv, one of its many '''Stavropegia''' in Ukraine that existed there always.'' — ([https://www.patriarchate.org/announcements/-/asset_publisher/MF6geT6kmaDE/content/communiq-1?_101_INSTANCE_MF6geT6kmaDE_languageId=en_US Communiqué from 11 October 2018] of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople).
#* ''about twenty thirty-'''oneths''' in value of such sales being made as hereinafter mentioned to a syndicate of persons in the United Kingdom, about seven thirty-'''oneths''' to residents in the United States, and about four thirty-'''oneths''' to residents in other European countries and the colonies.'' —"Brooke & Co. (Limited) ''v.'' Commissioners of Inland Revenue". In ''The Weekly Reporter'', vol. XLIV, p. 671, August 15, 1896. Supreme Court of Judicature, House of Lords, London.
#* ''Glad '''tidings''' we bring / To you and your kin.'' — A traditional Christmas carol.
#*:NORTH CHINA.—A letter from Mr. Blodget announces the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley at '''Tientsin''', on the 13th of March, "after their long voyage and their winter at Shanghai."...Mr. Stanley reached Shanghai so late in the season, last year, that navigation to '''Tientsin''' was closed for the winter.
#* ''average ministerial age of pastors 22 years and nineteen twenty-'''oneths''' ; average pastoral age, 13 years and ten twenty-'''oneths''''' —"VI. New London Association." In the ''Minutes of the General Association of Connecticut, at their Meeting in New London: June, 1844.'' Appendix, p. 32.
#*:{{...}} let's say the flop comes 9-9-8, with the open pair on top. One player has J-T-9-8 for the overfull—9s full of 8s for the nut full house—while another player has 8-8-7-6 for 8s full of 9s and the "'''underfull'''". The player with the '''underfull''' is both getting smashed and drawing dead.
#* '''[[circa|ca]] 1888''', H. P. Blavatsky, ''The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy, Volume II, Anthropogenesis'', pages 423—424:
#*: So early, in truth, that in the days when tropical nature was to be found, where now lie eternal '''unthawing''' snows, one could cross almost by dry land from Norway ''via'' Iceland and Greenland, to the lands that at present surround Hudson's Bay.
#* 2002: "That spirit is not unique to the West Indies, I'm sure, but the '''Windian''' expression of it is, as we see with all the characters at '''Windian''' grounds out to have a party and enjoy a good "lime". And the '''Windian''' character off the field has its reflection on the field as well, which is why Dravid was safe on that occasion, and the appeal was stifled, even though technically he could have been out." — Sidney Thomas, [news:///rec.sport.cricket rec.sport.cricket], [news:///3CD819BC.636A6235@verizon.net <3CD819BC.636A6235@verizon.net>]
#* "Are you a '''Yiffer'''?" — [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/alt.fan.furry/msg/fc41c7ac1483151d]
#* "I am not at all a '''Yiffer''' or a beastiality freak and I generally look down upon those who are only in it for the sex." — [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/alt.horror.werewolves/msg/d60c50e2089d6499]
#* "never do I ever equate '''yiffing''' between furries, whether they be between anthro to anthro, anthro to non-anthro or non-anthro to non-anthro species, where both partners are sentient, to be compared to bestiaitly or zoophilia." — [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/alt.lifestyle.furry/msg/3181e696d0ede98f]
#* "Some furs are only able to get here at certain times of the week, and they may read your question about '''yiffing''' before seeing this message." — [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/alt.lifestyle.furry/msg/d39dda448a8a5b77]
#* "It's just a list of furs who enjoy more adult, ie. '''yiffy''', subject matter." — [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/alt.lifestyle.furry/msg/59813bf1293310dd]
#* "Hello world, I'm a big-breasted vixen<br>Come on, get '''yiffy'''!<br>A whole lot of spooge is what we'll be seein'<br>We'll make you '''yiffy'''!"<br> — [http://groups-beta.google.com/group/alt.fan.furry/msg/34b7f78f0b4ec511]
#*:The Weitulake “pyramids” — sand hills in '''Yutien''' County now surrounded by transformed oases.