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User:Matthias Buchmeier/la-en-t

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
t {letter} :: A letter of the Latin alphabet
T. {prop} :: praenominal abbreviation of Titus
tabacarius {adj} [New Latin] :: Of or pertaining to tabacco
tabacum {noun} [New Latin] :: tobacco
Tabala {prop} :: A town of Lydia near the river Hermus
tabanus {noun} :: gadfly, horsefly
tabefacio {v} :: I melt or dissolve
tabefacio {v} :: I subdue
tabefactus {v} :: melted, dissolved
tabefactus {v} :: subdued
tabella {noun} :: small board, table or tablet (for writing)
tabella {noun} :: plaque, placard, signboard
tabella {noun} :: letter, contract (or similar written document)
tabellarius {adj} [relational] :: tablets, letters
tabellarius {noun} :: letter carrier, mail carrier, courier
tabellio {noun} :: notary (person who draws up contracts, wills etc)
tabens {v} :: dripping
tabeo {v} :: I melt, melt down or away; waste or rot away
taberna {noun} :: shop, store
taberna {noun} :: inn
taberna {noun} :: tavern, saloon
taberna {noun} :: hut, shed
tabernacularius {noun} :: tentmaker
tabernaculum {noun} :: A tent
tabernaculum {noun} :: A tabernacle
tabernarius {adj} [relational] :: shops, booths
tabernarius {noun} :: shopkeeper, tradesman
tabernula {noun} :: booth, small shop; small tavern
tabes {noun} :: the act of wasting away (due to a disease or by other means)
tabes {noun} :: decay, putrefaction
tabes {noun} :: foulness, stench
tabes {noun} [figurative] :: moral corruption
tabes {noun} :: fluid from a wound
tabes {noun} :: a fluid that results from melting or dissolving
tabescens {v} :: melting, dissolving
tabescens {v} :: dwindling
tabesco {v} :: I gradually melt or dissolve
tabesco {v} :: I dwindle away, waste away
tabidosus {adj} :: corrupting, putrefying, decaying
tabidulus {adj} :: consuming
tabidus {adj} :: melting or wasting away, dissolving
tabidus {adj} :: decaying, rotting, consuming, putrefying
tabidus {adj} :: pining away, languishing
tabificabilis {adj} :: wasting, consuming
tabificatio {noun} :: decay
tabifico {v} :: I waste (away)
tabifico {v} :: I consume
tabificus {adj} :: melting, dissolving
tabificus {adj} :: wasting
tabificus {adj} :: infectious
tabificus {adj} :: corroding
tabifluus {adj} :: wasting (away), decaying
tabifluus {adj} :: consuming
tabitudo {noun} :: consumption, decline
tabla {noun} [Vulgar Latin, proscribed] :: alternative form of tabula ("tablet")
tablinum {noun} :: study, archives (room in a Roman villa)
tablinum {noun} :: balcony, terrace
tablinum {noun} :: picture gallery
Tabuda {prop} :: A town of Numidia
Tabudium {prop} :: Tabudium (town)
tabula {noun} :: tablet, sometimes a tablet covered with wax for writing
tabula {noun} :: board or plank
tabula {noun} [by extension] :: map, painting, document or other item put onto a tablet
tabulamentum {noun} :: boarding, flooring
tabularis {adj} [relational] :: boards
tabularium {noun} :: A collection of tablets; a registry
tabularium {noun} :: An archive
tabularius {noun} :: registrar, archivist
tabularius {noun} :: accountant, bookkeeper
tabulatim {adv} :: in rows or divisions
tabulatio {noun} :: floor, storey (made of planks)
tabulatum {noun} :: flooring, storey
tabulatus {adj} :: floored (having a floor)
tabulinum {noun} :: balcony, terrace
tabum {noun} :: gore or similar putrid, viscous fluid
Taburnus {prop} :: A mountain situated between the valleys of the Calore and of the Isclero in Campania
Tacape {prop} :: Tacape (town) situated in the innermost part of Syrtis Minor, now Gabès
Tacatua {prop} :: Tacatua (town)
tacendus {v} :: which is to be omitted
tacendus {v} :: which is to be kept silent about
tacens {v} :: staying silent
taceo {vi} :: I am silent, say nothing, hold my tongue
taceo {vi} :: I am still or at rest
taceo {vt} :: I leave unsaid, keep quiet, pass over or omit in silence, make no mention of
tace tu {interj} :: peace!, silence!
Tacfarinas {noun} :: A Numidian who fought against the Romans
Taciteus {adj} :: Of or related to (Publius Cornelius) Tacitus
tacitulus {adj} :: silent (without speaking)
taciturnitas {noun} :: silence (keeping silent), taciturnity
taciturnitatas {noun} :: taciturnity
taciturnus {adj} :: untalkative, taciturn, quiet, silent
taciturus {v} :: about to omit
tacitus {v} :: (pass.) that is passed over in silence, not spoken of, kept secret, unmentioned
tacitus {v} :: that is done without words, assumed as a matter of course, silent, implied, tacit
tacitus {v} :: that is done or exists in silence; secret, hidden, concealed
tacitus {v} :: (act. or neut.) that does not speak, not uttering a sound, silent, still, quiet, noiseless, mute
Tacitus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen, notably borne by Tacitus (c.56-117), a historian of ancient Rome and Marcus Claudius Tacitus (c.200-275), a Roman emperor
tactilis {adj} :: tangible
tacturus {v} :: about to touch, about to grasp
tacturus {v} :: about to reach, about to arrive at
tacturus {v} :: about to attain to
tacturus {v} :: about to move, about to affect
tacturus {v} :: about to come home to
tactus {v} :: touched, having been touched, grasped, having been grasped
tactus {v} :: reached, having been reached, arrived at, having been arrived at
tactus {v} :: attained to, having been attained to
tactus {v} :: moved, having been moved, affected, having been affected
tactus {noun} :: sense of touch
Tader {prop} :: Tader (river), now Segura
Tadinum {prop} :: Tadinum (town), now Gualdo Tadino
Tadius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
taeda {noun} :: resinous pine wood
taeda {noun} :: board or plank of pinewood
taeda {noun} :: torch particularly if from resinous pinewood
taeda {noun} [poetic] ::  wedding or marriage (because of nuptial torches)
taeda {noun} :: a small piece of fat pork used for burnt offering
taedeo {v} [Late Latin] :: I am disgusted or offended
taedeo {v} [Late Latin] :: I am tired, weary or sick of
taediosus {adj} :: tedious, boring, wearisome, monotonous
taedium {noun} :: weariness, tedium, boredom, ennui
taedium {noun} :: disgust, aversion, repugnance, loathing
taedium {noun} :: sadness, grief
Taeieonum {noun} :: Daejeon (city)
Taenarus {prop} [geography] :: A promontory of Laconia and southernmost point of Peloponnesus
taenia {noun} :: ribbon
taenia {noun} :: tapeworm
taenia {noun} :: taenia (band between the frieze and architrave in the Doric order)
taenia {noun} :: ribbonfish (Trachipterus spp.)
taenia magnetoscopica {noun} [New Latin] :: videotape
taeniatus {adj} :: beribboned
taeniola {noun} :: little band; thin ribbon
taeter {adj} :: offensive, foul, noisome, revolting
taeter {adj} :: shocking, hideous, loathsome
taeterrimus {adj} :: most or very offensive etc
taetricus {adj} :: forbidding, harsh, crabbed, gloomy, sour, stern, severe
taetrior {adj} :: more offensive etc
taetritudo {noun} :: hideousness, loathsomeness
Taezali {prop} :: A tribe of Scotland mentioned by Ptolemy
Tafa {prop} :: Tafa (town) situated on the delta of the Nile
Tagaste {prop} :: A town of Numidia and birthplace of Saint Augustine
tagax {adj} :: that is apt to touch
tagax {adj} [rare] :: thievish, light-fingered, sticky-fingered
Tages {prop} [mythology] :: An Etruscan divinity that taught the Etrurians the art of divination
Tagonius {prop} :: Tagonius (river), now the Tajuña
Tagorae {prop} :: A tribe settled near the course of the Tanais
Tagus {prop} :: Tagus (river), now Tajo or Tagus
tahitensis {adj} [relational] :: Tahiti
tahoensis {adj} [relational] :: Lake Tahoe
taiganus {adj} [relational] :: taiga
taishanensis {adj} [relational] :: Taishan (in China)
Taivania {prop} :: Taiwan (place)
taiwanensis {adj} [New Latin] :: Taiwanese
taiwanianus {adj} :: taiwanese
taiwanus {adj} [New Latin] :: Taiwanese
Talabriga {prop} :: Talabriga (town) situated on the road from Aeminium to Langobriga
Talabriga {prop} :: a castellum (hill-fort) of the Limici, in Gallaecia
Talamina {prop} :: a town of the Seurbi in Hispania Tarraconensis
talaris {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the ankle or heel
talaris {adj} :: Reaching to the ankles, long
talaris {adj} :: Of or pertaining to dice
talarius {adj} :: Of or pertaining to dice
Talarus {prop} :: Talarus (mountain)
Talaura {noun} :: a town and mountain fortress of Pontus
Talaus {prop} [Greek mythology] :: an Argonaut and father of Adrastus
talcum {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: talc; talcum
talea {noun} :: A long or slender piece of wood or metal; rod, stick, stake, bar
talea {noun} :: A cutting, set or layer for planting
talea {noun} [by extension] :: A scion, twig, sprig
talentum {noun} :: A Grecian weight, which contained sixty minae or half a hundredweight
talentum {noun} :: A talent or sum of money; usually the Attic talent [sometimes with magnum]
talentum {noun} [New Latin] :: A marked natural skill or ability
taleola {noun} :: small shoot (to be planted)
talio {noun} :: a punishment equal to the injury sustained; retaliation
talio {v} :: I cut
talio {v} :: I prune (cut a shoot)
talis {adj} :: such
talis {adj} :: distinguished; so great; so excellent
Talisius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
taliter {adv} :: so, in such a manner
talitha {noun} :: girl, damsel
talitrum {noun} :: a rap or flick with the finger
Talius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Talius {prop} :: Talius Geminus, a man mentioned by Tacitus
talla {noun} :: a peel or coat of an onion
tallagium {noun} [medieval, historical] :: Tallage: an arbitrary royal tax upon the Crown's demesne lands and royal towns
tallagium {noun} [medieval, by extension] :: Other similar arbitrary imposts by feudal lords upon their vassals, particularly:
tallagium {noun} :: A municipal tax
tallagium {noun} :: A toll
tallagium {noun} :: A customs duty
tallagium {noun} :: A levy or other imposition
tallagium {noun} [medieval, by extension] :: A grant; financial assistance
Tallonius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
Talmis {prop} :: Talmis (town) situated on the left bank of the Nile, south of Philae
talpa {noun} :: mole [a burrowing animal]
talpona {noun} :: A variety of vine
Taludaei {prop} :: An Arabian tribe mentioned by Pliny
talus {noun} [anatomy] :: the ankle or anklebone (of animals), talus; knucklebone
talus {noun} :: an oblong die rounded at its ends and only marked on its other four sides
talus {noun} [figuratively] :: the heel
talutium {noun} [mineralogy] :: The superficial indication of the presence of gold under the earth
tam {adv} :: so, so much, to such an extent, to such a degree
tama {noun} :: A kind of swelling of the feet and legs
tamarensis {adj} [relational] :: Tamar (river)
Tamaris {prop} :: A river of Gallaecia, Hispania Tarraconensis, now the Tambre
tamarix {noun} :: tamarisk
Tamarus {prop} :: A river of Hirpinia and tributary of the Calor, now called Tammaro
Tamassus {prop} :: Tamassus (town)
tamdiu {adv} :: (for) so long
tamdiu {adv} :: all this time
tamen {conj} [postpositive] :: nevertheless, however
tamen {conj} :: yet, still
tamen {conj} :: at least
Tamesa {prop} :: alternative form of Tamesis
Tamesis {prop} :: the Thames (a river in Britain that runs through London)
tametsi {conj} :: although, though
tametsi {conj} :: even if
Tamiagi {prop} :: A tribe of Lybia mentioned by Pliny
Tamisclaus {prop} :: given name
tamisium {noun} [Late Latin] :: a kind of sieve
Tamisius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tamisius {prop} :: Tamisius Mustela, a Roman retainer
Tamislaus {prop} :: given name
Tamnum {prop} :: Tamnum (town) situated on the road from Mediolanum Santonum to Burdigala
Tamphilus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Tamphilus {prop} :: Marcus Baebius Tamphilus, a Roman consul
Tampius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tampius {prop} :: Lucius Tampius Flavianus, a Roman consul
Tampsapor {noun} :: A Persian general
tamquam {adv} :: as much as, so as, just as
tamquam {adv} :: as if, so to speak
Tamuda {prop} :: Tamuda (river), now the Martil
Tamuda {prop} :: A town situated on this river
Tamudius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
tamulicus {adj} :: Tamil
Tamynae {prop} :: A town of Euboea situated in the territory of Eretria
Tamyraca {prop} :: a town of Sarmatia on the Black Sea
Tamyras {prop} :: A river of Phoenicia flowing between Berytus and Sidon, now the Damour river
Tanager {prop} :: A river of Lucania tributary of the Silarus, now the Tanagro
Tanagra {prop} :: A town of Boeotia situated on a fertile plain upon the left bank of the Asopus
Tanais {prop} :: The river Don
Tanais {prop} :: A proper name for men
Tanarus {prop} :: A river of Liguria and one of the longest tributaries of the Padus, now the Tanaro
Tanas {prop} :: A river of Numidia flowing between Lares and Capsa
Tancorix {prop} :: given name
tandem {adv} :: at length, at last, finally, eventually
Tanetum {prop} :: Tanetum (town) situated between Regium and Parma
Tanfana {prop} :: A Germanic goddess mentioned by Tacitus
tangendus {v} :: which is to be touched, which is to be grasped
tangendus {v} :: which is to be reached, which is to be arrived at
tangendus {v} :: which is to be attained to
tangendus {v} :: which is to be moved, which is to be affected
tangens {v} :: touching, grasping
tangens {v} :: reaching, arriving at
tangens {v} :: attaining to
tangens {v} :: moving, affecting
tangens {v} :: coming home to
tangens {noun} [mathematics] :: tangent
tangibilis {adj} :: touchable, tangible; able to be touched or sensed
tango {vt} :: I touch, grasp
tango {vt} :: I reach, arrive at
tango {vt} :: I attain to
tango {vt} :: I move, affect
tango {vt} :: I come home to
taniacae {noun} :: long strips of pork
Tanis {prop} :: A city of Lower Egypt situated on the delta of the Nile
tanos {noun} :: an unknown precious stone
tanquam {adv} :: as, just as
tanquam {adv} :: as it were, so to speak
tanquam {adv} :: as much as
tanquam {adv} :: such as
tanquam {adv} :: for instance
tantalum {noun} :: tantalum
Tantasius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tantasius {prop} :: Lucius Tantasius, a Roman man slained by Catilina
tantillus {adj} :: so little, so small
tantisper {adv} :: for such time (as); for as long (as)
tantisper {adv} :: in the meantime; meanwhile
tantopere {adv} :: so very, to such a great degree
tantulus {adj} :: so small
tantulus {adj} :: so trifling
tantum {adv} :: only, so much, to such a degree (so greatly, so little)
tantumdem {noun} :: alternative spelling of tantundem
tantumdem {adv} :: alternative spelling of tantundem
tantummodo {adv} :: only, merely
tantum religio potuit suadere malorum {proverb} :: The practice of religion leads people to practise evil
tantundem {noun} :: just so much, just as much, the same amount or quantity
tantundem {phrase} [pro-sentence] :: ≈ same difference
tantundem {adv} :: to as great a degree or extent, just as much
tantus {adj} :: of such size
tantus {adj} :: so much, so great
tantusdem {adj} :: just as great or large, just as much or many, just as extensive or imposing, just as grand or important, etc
Tanus {prop} :: A river of Cynuria
Tanusius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tanusius {prop} :: Tanusius Geminus, a Roman historian
Tanzania {prop} [New Latin] :: Tanzania
Tapanitae {prop} :: A tribe of the interior of Marmarica mentioned by Ptolemy
tapes {noun} :: rug, carpet
tapes {noun} :: tapestry, hanging
tapete {noun} :: cloth (decorative, for use as carpet, wall hangings etc.)
Taphiae {prop} :: a group of islands situated between Leucas and Acarnania
Taphiassus {prop} :: Taphiassus (mountain) situated near the town of Macynia
Taphrae {prop} [geography] :: The isthmus of Crimea
Taphrae {prop} :: A town upon this isthmus
Taphros {noun} [geography] :: A strait between Corsica and Sardinia
Taposiris {prop} :: Taposiris (town) situated west of the delta of the Nile
Tapponius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
Tappulus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Tappulus {prop} :: Publius Villius Tappulus, a Roman consul
Taprobane {prop} [geography] :: Sri Lanka
taprobanensis {adj} :: Sri Lankan
Tapyri {prop} :: A tribe of Media
tarandrus {noun} :: reindeer
tarandus {noun} [New Latin] :: alternative form of tarandrus; reindeer
Tarbelli {prop} :: A tribe of Aquitania mentioned by Pliny
Tarcondimotus {prop} :: A king of Cilicia
tardandum {v} :: hesitating
tardandus {v} :: to be delayed, impeded
tardans {v} :: hesitating
tardatio {noun} :: slowness, sluggishness
tardaturus {v} :: about to delay, impede
tardaturus {v} :: about to hesitate
tardatus {v} :: checked or retarded (slowed down)
tardatus {v} :: hindered, impeded or delayed
tarde {adv} :: slowly
tarde {adv} :: tardily
tarde {adv} :: late
tardior {adj} :: slower
tardior {adj} :: tardier
tardipes {adj} :: slow-footed
tardissimus {adj} :: slowest or very slow etc
tarditas {noun} :: slowness, tardiness
tarditudo {noun} :: slowness, tardiness
tardiusculus {adj} :: slowish, somewhat slow
tardivitalis {adj} :: slow-living
tardo {v} :: I check or retard
tardo {v} :: I hinder, impede or delay
tardo {v} :: I hesitate
tardus {adj} :: slow, sluggish
tardus {adj} :: tardy
tardus {adj} :: late, lingering
tardus {adj} :: dull, stupid, slow-witted
Tarentum {prop} :: Taranto
targonus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a shield, a coat of arms
taricanus {adj} :: pickled, salted
Tarichea {prop} :: A city of Palestine at the southern end of the lake Tiberias
Taricheae {prop} :: A group of islands situated in front of Carthago
Tariona {prop} :: Tariona (town) situated near the course of the Tityus
Tarius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tarius {prop} :: Lucius Tarius Rufus, a Roman consul
tarmes {noun} :: a worm that eats wood; a woodworm
Tarnaiae {prop} :: A town of Helvetia mentioned in the Antonine Itinerary
Tarnis {prop} :: Tarnis (river), now the river Tarn
Tarona {prop} :: Tarona (town)
Tarpa {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Tarpa {prop} :: Spurius Maecius Tarpa, a Roman critic
Tarpeius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tarpeius {prop} :: Spurius Tarpeius, a Roman governor
Tarpeius {prop} :: Tarpeia, a Roman mythological figure
Tarpeius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Tarpeia
Tarphe {prop} :: A town of Locris mentioned by Homer
Tarquinii {prop} :: Tarquinii (city)
Tarquinius {prop} :: Tarquin; a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tarquinius {prop} :: Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, the seventh and final king of Rome
Tarquinius {adj} :: of or belonging to Tarquinii, Tarquinian
Tarquinius {adj} :: of or belonging to the family of the Tarquins, Tarquinian
Tarquitius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tarquitius {prop} :: Quintus Tarquitius Catulus, a Roman governor
Tarracina {prop} :: Tarracina (town)
Tarraco {prop} :: Tarragona (city and Roman provincial capital in Spain)
Tarracon {prop} :: alternative form of Tarracō
Tarraconensis {adj} :: of or pertaining to Tarracō (modern Tarragona), in Northeastern Spain
Tarrae {prop} :: Tarrae (ancient city) situated on the western coast of the island
Tarraelii {prop} :: A tribe of Ethiopia mentioned by Pliny
tarrupia {noun} :: A sort of grape
Tarrutenius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tarrutenius {prop} :: Tarrutenius Maximilianus, a Roman politician
tarsalis {adj} [New Latin] :: tarsal
Tarsatica {prop} :: a city of Liburnia situated on the shore of the Adriatic Sea, now Trsat near Rijeka
Tarsuras {prop} :: A river of Colchis flowing into the Black Sea
tarsus {noun} :: (flat part of the) foot
Tarsus {prop} :: Tarsus, Cilicia
Tartarus {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Tartarus (part of the underworld)
Tartarus {prop} :: A river of Venetia that used to flow into the Adriatic Sea, now called Tartaro
Tartarus {noun} :: alternative form of Tatarus
Tartessos {prop} :: The Greek name of Carteia
Tartessus {prop} :: An ancient city at the mouth of the Baetis
Taruenna {prop} :: Taruenna (town), now Thérouanne
tarum {noun} :: An aloe wood
Tarus {prop} :: Tarus (river) that flows near Parma, now the Taro
Tarusates {prop} :: A Celtic tribe of Aquitania mentioned by Pliny
Tarutius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tarutius {prop} :: Lucius Tarutius Firmanus, a Roman astrologer
Tarvisium {prop} :: a town of Venetia situated near the course of the Silis, now Treviso
tarvus {noun} [archaic] :: alternative form of taurus
-tas {suffix} :: -ty, -dom, -hood, -ness, -ship; Used to form feminine nouns indicating a state of being
Tasciaca {prop} :: Tasciaca (town) situated on the road from Caesarodunum to Avaricum
tasconium {noun} [geology] :: A white kind of earth resembling clay
Tasgetius {prop} :: A chief of the Carnutes
tasmanensis {adj} :: Tasmanian
tasmanicus {adj} :: Tasmanian
tasmaniensis {adj} :: Tasmanian
Tastris {prop} [geography] :: A peninsula of Cimbri
tata {noun} :: dad, daddy, a term used by children for their father
tatae {interj} :: What the deuce?! (expressing surprise)
tataricus {adj} :: Tatar
Tatarus {noun} :: a Tatar
Tatta {prop} :: A large salt lake on the frontier between Lycaonia and Galatia, now the Lake Tuz
Taulantii {prop} :: An Illyrian tribe settled on the coast of modern Albania
taura {noun} :: a barren, hybrid cow, a freemartin
taureus {adj} [relational] :: bull or ox
taureus {adj} :: taurine
tauricornis {adj} :: bull-horned, tauricornous
tauricus {adj} :: Crimean
taurifer {adj} :: bull-bearing
taurifer {adj} :: bearing, feeding, or supporting bulls
tauriformis {adj} :: bull-shaped, tauriform
taurigenus {noun} :: bull-born
Taurini {prop} :: A Celto-Ligurian tribe of ancient Piedmont, whose chief town was Taurasi
taurinus {adj} [relational] :: bulls, oxen; taurine
taurobolicus {noun} :: of or belonging to a sacrifice of a bull
taurobolinus {noun} :: one who has sacrificed a bull to Cybele
taurobolior {v} :: I make a sacrifice of a bull
taurocenta {noun} :: a bullfighter
Tauromenium {prop} :: Tauromenium (city), situated between Messana and Catana, now Taormina
taurophthalmon {noun} :: the oxeye, a kind of rosemary
taurulus {noun} :: a little bull
Taurunum {prop} :: Taurunum (town) situated near the confluence of the Sava in the Danube
taurus {noun} :: a bull, steer
taurus {noun} :: an instrument of torture, in the shape of a bull
taurus {noun} :: a small bird that sounds like the lowing of oxen, possibly the bittern
taurus {noun} :: a kind of beetle
taurus {noun} [anatomy] :: the perineum
Taveni {prop} :: An Arabian tribe mentioned by Pliny
Tavium {prop} :: The chief town of the Trocmi in Galatia
tax {interj} :: an onomatopoeia expressing the sound of blows, whack, crack
taxatio {noun} :: rating, valuing, evaluation, appraisal, estimation, assessment
taxea {noun} :: The Gaulish name for lard
taxeus {adj} :: Of the yew tree
taxicus {adj} :: Of or derived from the yew tree
taxifolius {adj} [New Latin] :: yew-leafed
Taxila {prop} :: Taxila (ancient city), situated between the rivers Indus and Hydaspes
Taxiles {prop} :: An Indian king, who reigned over the tract between the Indus and the Hydaspes
Taximagulus {prop} :: A king of Kent at the time of Caesar
taxiraeda {noun} [New Latin] :: a taxi
taxo {v} :: I feel, I touch sharply, I handle
taxo {v} :: I charge, I twit, I reproach, I censure
taxo {v} :: I rate, I appraise, I value, I estimate
taxo {v} :: I judge, I compute, I reckon, I estimate
taxo {noun} [Late Latin] :: badger
taxus {noun} :: A yew (tree)
taxus {noun} [poetic] :: A javelin made of the wood of the yew tree
taxus {noun} [Late Latin] :: badger
Taygetus {prop} :: A ridge of mountains of Laconia
te {noun} :: letter: t
te amo {phrase} :: I love you (affirmation of romantic feeling)
te amo {phrase} :: I love you (affection and caring of family members or friends)
Teanum Apulum {prop} :: Teanum Apulum (city), situated on the right bank of the river Frento
Teanum Sidicinum {prop} :: a city of the interior Campania, situated between Casinum and Cales, now Teano
Tearus {prop} :: A river of Thrace
Teate {prop} :: the chief city of the Marrucini situated near the course of the Aternus river, now the town of Chieti
Teatinus {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the city of Teate (present-day Chieti)
Teatinus {noun} :: An inhabitant of Teate
teba {noun} :: hill
tebeth {noun} :: Tevet
techna {noun} :: A piece of craft or subtlety
techna {noun} :: wile, trick, artifice, cunning device
technetium {noun} :: technetium
technicus {adj} :: technical
technocraticus {adj} [New Latin] :: technocratic
technologia {noun} :: technology
technologicus {adj} :: technological
technophysiotameum {noun} :: a museum of natural history
Tecmessa {prop} [Greek mythology] :: The wife of Ajax
Tecmon {prop} :: A city of Epirus mentioned by Livy
tecolithos {noun} :: An unknown gem
tectio {noun} :: covering
tectior {adj} :: better hidden, concealed etc
tectonicus {adj} [relational] :: building; architectural, tectonic, architectonic
Tectosages {prop} :: A sept of the Volcae, native to Gallia Narbonensis
tectum {noun} :: roof
tectum {noun} :: ceiling
tectum {noun} :: canopy
tecturus {v} :: about to cover, protect
tectus {v} :: Covered, concealed, hidden, having been covered, hidden or concealed
tectus {v} :: Sheltered, protected, guarded, defended, having been sheltered, protected, guarded or defended; roofed
tectus {v} :: Reserved, cautious, secretive
tecum {adv} :: with you, with thee
Tecum {prop} :: Tecum (river)
Tedanius {prop} :: Tedanius (river) that flows into the Adriatic Sea, now the Zrmanja or Zermagna
Tedius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tedius {prop} :: Tedius Afer, a Roman consul
Tedusia {prop} [very rare] :: given name
Tedusia {prop} :: The name in Latin of an ancient Greek colony in modern day Théziers, a town in Languedoc-Roussillon, France
Tedusius {prop} [very rare] :: given name
Tegea {prop} :: One of the most important towns of Arcadia
tegendus {v} :: which is to be covered, protected
tegens {v} :: covering, clothing
tegens {v} :: protecting
teges {noun} :: a mat or covering
tegeticula {noun} :: a little mat
Tegianum {prop} :: Tegianum (town) situated on the left bank of the Tanager, now Teggiano
tegimen {noun} :: cover, covering, protection; tegument
tegimentum {noun} :: alternative form of tegumentum
Teglicium {prop} :: A town of Moesia situated between Candidiana and Durostorum
tegmen {noun} :: alternative form of tegimen
tegmentum {noun} :: alternative form of tegumentum
Tegna {prop} :: Tegna (town) situated on the road from Vienna to Valentia
tego {v} :: I cover; I clothe
tego {v} :: I protect
tegula {noun} :: a roof-tile
tegularius {noun} :: roof-tile baker
tegumen {noun} :: alternative form of tegimen
tegumentum {noun} :: cover, covering
tegumentum {noun} :: clothing
tegumentum {noun} :: armour
tegumentum {noun} :: shell or husk (of an animal, fruit etc.)
Tegyra {prop} :: A small town of Boeotia famous for its oracle and temple of Apollo
Teichium {prop} :: Teichium (ancient town) situated on the borders of Locris
tela {noun} :: web
tela {noun} :: warp (threads that run lengthwise in a loom)
tela {noun} :: loom
Telamon {prop} [mythology] :: Telamon, father of Ajax
Telamon {prop} :: Telamon (city), near the mouth of the river Umbro, now Talamone
Telandria {prop} :: An island off the coast of Lycia
Telandrus {prop} :: Telandrus (town)
Tela Totius Terrae {prop} [New Latin] :: World Wide Web
telegraphum {noun} [New Latin] :: telegraph
Telendos {prop} :: One of the islands of the Dodecanese
telephonium {noun} :: alternative form of tēlephōnum
telephonium cellulare {noun} [New Latin] :: cellular phone
telephonum {noun} [New Latin] :: telephone
Telepte {prop} :: Telepte (town)
telescopium {noun} [New Latin] :: a telescope
Telesia {prop} :: a considerable city of Samnium, situated in the valley of the Calor, now Telese
Telesilla {prop} :: A lyric poetess of Argos
Telestis {prop} :: given name, character in the play Epidicus of Plautus
Telethrius {prop} :: A mountain in Euboea
televisificus {adj} [relational, New Latin] :: television; relating to television
televisificus {adj} [New Latin] :: televised
televisio {noun} [New Latin] :: television (medium)
televisio {noun} [New Latin] :: television (device)
telicardios {noun} :: an unknown kind of gem
teliger {adj} :: dart-bearing (an epithet of Cupid)
telirrhizos {noun} [mineralogy] :: a kind of precious stone (of uncertain type)
telis {noun} :: fenugreek
Tellenae {prop} :: Tellenae (ancient city), purportedly founded by the pre-Roman inhabitants
tellurium {noun} [New Latin] :: tellurium
tellus {noun} :: earth, ground
tellus {noun} :: the Earth, globe
tellus {noun} :: land, country
Tellus {noun} :: Earth
Tellus {noun} :: An ancient goddess of the Earth
Tellusa {prop} :: An island near Chios
Telmedius {prop} :: Telmedius (river)
Telmessus {prop} :: A prosperous city of Lycia situated on a bay
teloneum {noun} :: toll booth
teloneum {noun} :: custom house
telonium {noun} :: toll booth
telonium {noun} :: custom house
telonium {noun} :: tariff
Telonnum {prop} :: Telonnum (town) situated in the territory of the Aedui
Telos {prop} :: A small island situated between Rhodes and Nisyrus
telum {noun} :: dart, spear, missile
telum {noun} :: weapon, javelin
Temarunda {prop} [geography] :: The Scythian name of the Sea of Azov
Temathia {prop} :: A mountain of Messenia, which terminates in the promontory of Acritas
Temenitis {prop} :: A fountain in Syracusae
Temenothyra {prop} :: A small city of Lydia or Phrygia
temerandus {v} :: which is to be defiled
temerans {v} :: defiling
temerarius {adj} :: accidental
temerarius {adj} :: casual, rash, heedless
temerarius {adj} :: reckless
temeraturus {v} :: about to defile
temeratus {v} :: defiled
temere {adv} :: by chance, by accident, at random
temere {adv} :: without design, intent, or purpose
temere {adv} :: casually, fortuitously, rashly, heedlessly, thoughtlessly, inconsiderately, indiscreetly, idly
temeritas {noun} :: hap, chance, accident
temeritas {noun} :: rashness, thoughtlessness, temerity
temeritudo {noun} :: rashness, heedlessness, temerity
temero {v} :: I violate, defile, pollute, contaminate
temero {v} :: I dishonor, disgrace
Temesa {prop} :: Temesa (city) situated near the gulf of Hipponium
temet {pron} :: yourself
temetum {noun} :: Any intoxicating drink, especially strong wine or mead
temno {v} :: I despise
Temnus {prop} :: A range of mountains of Mysia
temo {noun} :: pole
temo {noun} :: tongue (of a carriage or plow)
temo {noun} :: beam
Tempe {prop} [geography] :: A valley of Thessaly, through which ran the river Peneus
temperandus {v} :: which is to be tempered
temperans {v} :: tempering
temperans {adj} :: restrained
temperans {adj} :: self-controlled
temperantia {noun} :: moderation, sobriety, temperance, self control
temperantior {adj} :: More restrained, etc
temperantissimus {adj} :: most or very restrained or self-controlled
temperatio {noun} :: tempering
temperatio {noun} :: regulation
temperatior {adj} :: milder, more temperate
temperatissimus {adj} :: mildest, very temperate
temperator {noun} [very, rare] :: one who duly arranges, orders, or governs
temperatura {noun} :: due or proper measure, proportion, composition or quality
temperatura {noun} [physics] :: temperature
temperaturus {v} :: about to temper
temperatus {v} :: qualified, tempered, moderated
temperatus {v} :: ordered, controlled
temperatus {adj} :: temperate, mild
temperi {adv} :: at the right time
temperies {noun} :: (moderate) temperature; temperateness
tempero {v} :: I divide duly, qualify, temper, moderate
tempero {v} :: I combine, compound or blend properly
tempero {v} :: I rule, regulate, govern, manage, arrange, order, control
tempero {v} :: I refrain or abstain (from), forbear
tempero {v} :: I am moderate or temperate; I show restraint
tempestas {noun} :: storm, tempest
tempestas {noun} :: weather
tempestas {noun} :: season
tempestivitas {adj} [rare] :: timeliness, seasonableness
tempestivus {adj} :: timely, opportune, fitting
tempestivus {adj} :: early, betimes
tempestivus {adj} [of a person] :: mature
templaris {adj} :: of or belonging to a temple
templatim {adv} :: towards the temple, through the temples
templum {noun} :: an open space for augural observation; open, clear, broad space
templum {noun} :: a space dedicated to some deity; sanctuary, shrine
temporalis {adj} [in general, chiefly post-Augustan] :: of or belonging to time, lasting but for a time, temporary, temporal
temporalis {adj} [in particular, grammar] :: denoting time
temporalis {adj} :: of or belonging to the temples of the head
temporaneus {adj} :: timely, opportune
temporarius {adj} :: transitory
temporarius {adj} :: temporal, temporary
tempori {adv} :: on time
temporivus {adj} :: early (in a season)
temptabundus {adj} :: alternative form of tentābundus
temptamentum {noun} :: a test, an attempt, a trial, an experiment
temptandus {v} :: which is to be tried or tested
temptans {v} :: testing, trying
temptans {v} :: urging
temptatio {noun} :: trial, temptation
temptaturus {v} :: about to try or test
temptatus {v} :: tried, tested
tempto {v} :: I test the strength; I make an attack upon
tempto {v} :: I test, try, attempt
tempto {v} :: I urge, incite, rouse
tempto {v} :: I handle, touch
tempus {noun} :: time, period, age
tempus {noun} :: season (quarter of the year)
tempus {noun} [grammar] :: tense
tempus {noun} [anatomy] :: temple (of the head)
tempus {noun} [figurative] :: face, visage, head
tempus {noun} [Medieval Latin, rare] :: weather
tempus fugit {phrase} :: Time flies
Tempyra {noun} :: A town in the south of Thrace where the Trausi attacked the Roman army
temulentus {adj} :: drunken, intoxicated
tenacior {adj} :: more clinging, tenacious etc
tenacitas {noun} :: tenacity
tenaculum {noun} [Late Latin] :: instrument for gripping
tenasserimensis {adj} [relational] :: Tenasserim
tenax {adj} :: clinging
tenax {adj} :: tenacious
tenax {adj} :: close-fisted, niggardly, stingy
tenax {adj} :: firm, steadfast, persistent
tendendus {v} :: which is to be stretched
tendens {v} :: extending
tendens {v} :: proceeding
tendens {v} :: striving for
tendens {v} :: pitching (a tent)
tendentia {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: The act of leaning toward; tendency, disposition, inclination
tendicula {noun} :: snare, noose
tendinus {adj} [anatomy] :: tendinous
tendo {v} :: I stretch, stretch out, distend, extend
tendo {v} :: I proceed
tendo {v} :: I strive for; I reach for
tendo {v} :: I pitch (a tent)
tendo {v} :: I speak to somebody
tendor {noun} :: stretching, straining, tension
Tenea {prop} :: The second most important city of Corinthia, situated between Corinth and Mycenae
tenebellae {noun} [pluralonly] :: the darkness
tenebra {noun} [in the plural] :: darkness, shadow, gloom, obscurity
tenebra {noun} :: ignorance
tenebra {noun} :: concealment
tenebrae {noun} :: darkness, especially the darkness of night
tenebrae {noun} [poetic] :: shadow of death
tenebrae {noun} :: prison, dungeon
tenebrae {noun} [by extension] :: gloom or darkness of the mind
tenebrarius {adj} :: Of or pertaining to darkness
tenebratio {noun} :: A darkening, obscuration
tenebrescens {v} :: darkening
tenebresco {v} :: I darken, grow dark, dim, gloomy
tenebrico {v} :: to become dark
tenebricosissimus {adj} :: gloomiest, very gloomy
tenebricosus {adj} :: full of darkness or gloom, shrouded in darkness, dark, gloomy
tenebricus {adj} :: dark, gloomy
tenebrio {noun} :: One who shuns the light, trickster, swindler
tenebrosus {adj} :: dark, gloomy
Tenedos {prop} :: the Island off the coast of Troy
Tenedus {prop} :: the Island off the coast of Troy
tenellulus {adj} :: somewhat tender or delicate
tenellus {adj} :: tender, delicate
tenendus {v} :: which is to be held, had
tenendus {v} :: which is to be restrained
tenens {v} :: holding, having
tenens {v} :: restraining
tenens {v} :: knowing, grasping, understanding
teneo {v} :: to hold, have; grasp
teneo {v} :: to possess, occupy, control
teneo {v} :: to watch, guard, maintain, defend; retain, keep
teneo {v} :: to reach, attain; gain, acquire, obtain
teneo {v} :: to hold fast, restrain, detain, check, control; bind, fetter
teneo {vr} :: to keep back, remain, stay, hold position
teneo {v} :: to know, grasp, understand, conceive
teneo {v} :: to recollect, retain knowledge of, remember, bear in mind
teneo {v} :: to insist, uphold
teneo {v} [of laws] :: to be binding on; bind, hold, obligate
teneo {v} :: to comprise, contain, include, hold
teneo {v} :: to hold someone's interest, to be interesting [to someone]
tener {adj} :: soft, delicate, tender
tener {adj} :: young, youthful
tener {adj} :: effeminate, sensitive
tener {adj} [poetic] :: erotic
tenere {adv} :: tenderly, lovingly
tenerissime {adv} :: superlative of tenerē
teneritas {noun} :: softness, tenderness
teneritudo {noun} :: softness, delicateness, tenderness
tenerius {adv} :: comparative of tenerē
tenerrimus {adj} :: most or very tender etc
teniludium {noun} [New Latin, sports] :: tennis
tenon {noun} [anatomy] :: A tendon, nerve
tenor {noun} :: a holding on, continuance, course, career, duration
tenor {noun} :: a holder
Tenos {prop} :: Tinos
tensa {noun} :: chariot which bore the images of the gods
tensio {noun} :: stretching, stretching out, extension
tensio {noun} :: tension
tensura {noun} :: stretching, straining, tension
tensus {v} :: stretched; stretched out; extended; distended
tentabundus {adj} :: trying, making attempts
tentabundus {adj} :: trying here and there
tentamen {noun} :: an attempt
tentamen {noun} [New Latin] :: a literary attempt: an essay
tentamentum {noun} :: trial, attempt, experiment
tentandus {v} :: which is to be handled, tried
tentans {v} :: handling, trying
tentatio {noun} :: temptation
tentatio {noun} :: trial, proof
tentaturus {v} :: about to handle, try
tentatus {v} :: handled, tried
tentigo {noun} :: lecherousness, lust
tentipellium {noun} :: That which stretches out a skin or hide: a hidestretcher, leather-stretcher
tento {v} :: I handle, touch
tento {v} :: I try, test
tentorium {noun} :: tent
tenturus {v} :: about to stretch
tenturus {v} :: about to grasp, about to occupy, about to possess
tentus {v} :: stretched; stretched out; extended; distended
tentus {v} :: held
Tentyra {noun} :: a city of Upper Egypt, now Dendera
tenuatus {v} :: Having been made thin, dissolved, dissipated
tenuicornis {adj} [New Latin] :: thin-horned
tenuifolius {adj} [New Latin] :: Having thin leaves
tenuior {adj} :: thinner, finer, slenderer
tenuior {adj} :: weaker, more delicate etc
tenuipes {adj} :: slender-footed, slender-legged
tenuirostris {adj} [New Latin] :: having a thin beak
tenuis {adj} :: thin, fine, slender
tenuis {adj} :: weak, watery
tenuis {adj} :: slight, trifling
tenuis {adj} :: delicate, subtle
tenuissimus {adj} :: thinnest, finest, slenderest
tenuissimus {adj} :: weakest
tenuistipitatus {adj} [New Latin, specific epithet] :: possessing a slender stalk
tenuitarsis {adj} [New Latin] :: delicate-footed
tenuitas {noun} :: thinness, fineness
tenuitas {noun} :: poverty
tenuitas {noun} :: frugality
tenuiter {adv} :: finely
tenuiter {adv} :: weakly
tenuiter {adv} :: slightly
tenuiter {adv} :: delicately
tenuo {v} :: I make thin
tenuo {v} :: I reduce or lessen
tenuo {v} :: I wear down
tenus {noun} :: some sort of snare or trap
tenus {postp} :: [with genitive and ablative] Right up to, as far as, just as far as
tenus {postp} [with ablative, of a process] :: Up to (a given stage of)
tenus {postp} [with genitive and ablative, of limitation] :: To the maximum extent of, within
tenus {postp} [Ecclesiastical Latin] :: Lengthwise, along
tepefaciens {v} :: warming up
tepefacio {v} :: I warm up
tepefactio {noun} :: warming
tepefacturus {v} :: about to warm up
tepefactus {v} :: warmed up
tepens {v} :: present participle of tepeo
tepeo {v} :: I am warm, lukewarm or tepid
tepeo {v} :: I glow with love; I am enamored
tepeo {v} :: I am lukewarm or indifferent in feeling
tepesco {v} :: I grow warm, I become lukewarm
tephritis {noun} :: An ash-colored kind of precious stone
tepidus {adj} :: tepid, moderately warm
tepidus {adj} :: lukewarm, cool, cooled
tepidus {adj} :: faint, languid
tepor {noun} :: gentle warmth; tepidity
tepoztlanensis {adj} [New Latin] :: From Tepoztlán
-ter {suffix} :: -ly; used to form adverbs from adjectives
ter {adv} :: thrice
Teranei {prop} :: An Arabian tribe mentioned by Pliny
terbium {noun} :: terbium
terebinthina {noun} :: turpentine
terebinthizusa {noun} :: A turpentine-colored precious stone
terebinthus {noun} :: terebinth (turpentine) tree
terebra {noun} :: an instrument for boring; borer; gimlet
terebratus {v} :: boring
terebro {v} :: I bore through, pierce, perforate
teredo {noun} :: woodworm, boring-worm, wood-fretter
teredo {noun} :: moth
terendus {v} :: I rub or triturate
terendus {v} :: I wear away or wear out
terendus {v} :: I tread
terens {v} :: rubbing or wearing away
Terentius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Terentius {prop} :: Marcus Terentius Varro, a Roman writer
Terentius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Terentia
Terenuthis {prop} :: A town of Lower Egypt on the delta of the Nile
teres {adj} :: rounded
teres {adj} :: polished, smooth
terga verto {v} :: to flee
tergendus {v} :: which is to be rubbed or cleansed
tergendus {v} :: which is to be polished
tergens {v} :: cleaning, cleansing
tergens {v} :: polishing, burnishing
tergeo {v} :: I rub, wipe, wipe off, clean, cleanse
tergeo {v} :: I polish, burnish
Tergeste {prop} :: A city of Venetia situated on the shore of the Adriatic Sea, now Trieste
Tergila {prop} :: Tergila (town)
tergilla {noun} :: The skin, sward or rind of pork
tergiversans {v} :: evading
tergiversatio {noun} :: subterfuge, tergiversation
tergiversatorius {adj} :: evasive (turning ones back)
tergiversaturus {v} :: about to evade
tergiversatus {v} :: evaded
tergiversor {v} :: I turn my back and am reluctant; I evade
tergo {v} :: alternative form of tergeō
Tergolape {prop} :: Tergolape (town), situated on the road from Ovilaba to Juvavum
tergum {noun} :: back, rear; surface
tergus {noun} :: back, rear
tergus {noun} :: hide, skin
Terias {prop} :: A river of Sicily flowing into the sea between Catana and Syracusae
Terina {prop} :: Terina (city)
termen {noun} :: alternative form of terminus
Termera {prop} :: Termera (maritime town) situated on the southern coast of the peninsula of Halicarnassus
termes {noun} :: a branch or bough of a tree, especially one severed thence
termes {noun} [Late Latin] :: alternative spelling of tarmes
Termes {prop} :: Lerma (a town in Hispania Tarraconensis)
Termes {prop} :: a town in Ionia
Termilae {prop} :: An ancient tribe of Lydia mentioned by Herodotus
terminalis {adj} [relational] :: boundary; terminal
terminalis {adj} :: final, concluding
terminandus {v} :: which is to be terminated
terminans {v} :: terminating
terminaturus {v} :: about to terminate
terminatus {v} :: marked off (by boundaries), bounded, limited
terminatus {v} :: defined, fixed, determined, circumscribed
terminatus {v} :: closed, finished, ended, terminated
termino {v} :: I mark off [by boundaries], set bounds to; bound, limit
termino {v} :: I define, fix, determine, circumscribe
termino {v} :: I close, finish, end, terminate
terminus {noun} :: a boundary, limit, end
Terminus {prop} [Roman god] :: the deity presiding over boundaries; a personification of the term terminus (a boundary, a limit)
ternarius {adj} :: Containing or consisting of three things
ternarius {adj} :: ternary
terni {num} [distributive] :: three each; three at a time
ternio {noun} :: The number three on a die
ternio {noun} :: a set of three
ternio {noun} :: a ternion
ternus {adj} :: triple, threefold, trinary
ternus {adj} [chiefly plural] :: three each
tero {v} :: I rub or triturate
tero {v} :: I wear away or wear out
tero {v} :: I tread
Terpimerus {prop} :: given name
terra {noun} :: ground, dry land
terra {noun} :: earth, soil, dirt
terra {noun} :: Earth's surface (dry land and sea together; as opposed to the heavens)
terra {noun} :: the world, the globe, earth as a celestial object
terra {noun} :: a land, a region, a country, a territory
Terra {prop} [Roman god] :: The Roman earth goddess, equivalent in the interpretatio graeca to Gaea
Terra {prop} :: [New Latin] The planet Earth
Terra Australis {prop} [geography] :: A hypothetical continent proposed, prior to the discovery of Australia, to exist in the Southern Hemisphere
Terra Australis {prop} :: A former name for the continent of Australia after its discovery
terracia {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: terrace
terracia {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: balcony
Terracina {prop} :: alternative form of Tarracīna
terrae motus {noun} :: alternative spelling of terraemotus
terraemotus {noun} :: earthquake
Terra Nova {prop} :: Newfoundland
terra salsuginis {noun} :: a desert
Terra Viridis {noun} :: Greenland
terrendus {v} :: that is to be alarmed or scared (away)
terrens {v} :: alarming, scaring etc
terrenus {adj} :: earthly
terrenus {adj} :: terrestrial
terreo {v} :: I frighten, terrify, alarm
terreo {v} :: I deter by terror, scare (away)
terrestris {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the earth or land; terrestrial, earthly
terreus {adj} :: made of earth or soil; earthy
terribilior {adj} :: more terrible etc
terribilis {adj} :: frightful, dreadful, terrible
terribiliter {adv} :: frightfully, dreadfully, terribly
terricolus {adj} :: earth-dwelling; terrestrial
terriloquus {adj} :: speaking in a way to inspire fear
Terrinius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Terrinius {prop} :: Terrinius Gallus, a Roman senator mentioned by Suetonius
territandus {v} :: which is to be frightened or intimidated
territans {v} :: terrifying
territo {v} :: I frighten or terrify
territo {v} :: I intimidate
territorialis {adj} [Late Latin] :: territorial; of or pertaining to a territory
territorium {noun} :: The land around or within the boundaries of a town; territory
territurus {v} :: about to be alarmed or scared (away)
territus {v} :: frightened, scared, terrified, having been frightened
territus {v} :: deterred by terror, having been deterred by terror
terror {noun} :: a dread, terror, great fear, alarm, panic
terror {noun} :: an object of fear or dread
terrosus {adj} :: full of earth; earthy
terruncius {noun} :: alternative spelling of teruncius
tersus {v} :: clean, neat, rubbed or wiped (off), cleansed, having been cleansed
tersus {v} [figuratively] :: pure, correct, nice, terse, spruce, neat
tersus {noun} :: a wiping off, cleansing
Tert. {prop} :: abbreviation of Tertulliānus
tertiarium {noun} :: a third part
tertiarius {adj} :: containing a third part
tertiarius {adj} [Medieval Latin, Catholicism] :: of or pertaining to the third orders, that is, Catholic orders of secular laypeople, who do not take any monastic vows nor are ordained but who nonetheless live according to certain standards of piety
tertiarius {noun} [Medieval Latin, Catholicism] :: one who lives according to the principles of a third order
tertiatus {v} :: having tried three times
tertio {vt} :: I do for the third time, thrice
tertio {adv} :: for the third time
tertio {adv} :: in the third place, thirdly
tertio {adv} :: three times, thrice
tertius {num} :: third, the ordinal number after secundus (second) and before quārtus (fourth)
tertius decimus {num} :: thirteenth
tertiusdecimus {num} :: thirteenth
tertufulus {noun} [New Latin] :: truffle, earthnut (edible fungus of the genus Tuber)
Tertullianus {prop} :: A masculine cognomen — famously held by:
Tertullianus {prop} :: Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus (circa AD 155–240), prolific early Christian author from Carthage, Africa Proconsularis
Tertullianus {prop} :: a celebrated jurist during the reign of Septimius Severus
Tertyllianus {prop} [Late Latin] :: alternative spelling of Tertulliānus (jurist)
teruncius {noun} :: a bronze coin valued at three unciae or one-quarter of an as, a “farthing
teruncius {noun} [transferred sense] :: something of negligible value, a trifle
teruncius {noun} [of inheritances, in the phrase ex terunciō] :: a fourth part, a quarter
tescum {noun} [chiefly in the plural] :: wilderness, wasteland, desert
tessaracoste {noun} [Late Latin] :: the fortieth day
Tessarescaedecatitae {prop} :: a name given to the followers of the fourth-century heretical movement of Audianism which honored the death of Christ on the eve of Jewish Passover on fourteenth day of Nisan instead of Easter Sunday; Quartodecimans, Audians
tessella {noun} :: A small cube of stone used for paving
tessellarius {noun} :: mosaic-floor-maker, who makes the tiled ground, paviour
tessellator {noun} :: mosaic-floor-maker, who makes the tiled ground, paviour
tessellatus {adj} :: tesselated
tessellatus {adj} [relational] :: mosaic
tessello {v} :: to tile, to tessellate, to lay mosaic on
tessera {noun} :: tessera
tessera {noun} :: die (used in games)
tessera {noun} :: watchword
tessera {noun} :: token
Tessuinum {prop} :: Tessuinum (town)
testa {noun} :: a piece of burned clay, brick, tile
testa {noun} [transferred sense] :: a piece of baked earthenware
testa {noun} :: an earthen pot, pitcher, jug, urn
testa {noun} :: a sherd, potsherd
testa {noun} :: a piece of bone
testa {noun} :: ostracon (= ὄστρακον)
testa {noun} :: the shell of shellfish or of testaceous animals, shellfish, skull
testa {noun} :: a sort of clapping with the flat of the hands (as if with two tiles), in token of applause, invented by Nero
Testa {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Testa {prop} :: Gaius Trebatius Testa, a Roman jurist
testaceus {adj} :: made of bricks or tiles
testaceus {adj} :: covered with a shell
testamentum {noun} :: will, testament
testandus {v} :: which is to be witnessed
testans {v} :: testifying
testatim {adv} :: in fragments
testatio {noun} :: testifying
testatior {adj} :: based on better evidence or testimony
testator {noun} :: testator
testator {noun} :: witness
testatrix {noun} :: a female testator; testatrix
testaturus {v} :: about to testify
testatus {v} :: testified
testeus {adj} :: earthy
testeus {adj} [relational] :: earthenware
testiculus {noun} [anatomy] :: a testicle
testiculus {noun} [figuratively] :: manliness
testificans {v} :: testifying
testificans {v} :: demonstrating
testificatio {noun} :: testifying, testification
testificatio {noun} :: attestation, proof, evidence
testificatus {v} :: testified
testificatus {v} :: demonstrated
testificor {v} :: I testify, bear witness
testificor {v} :: I bring to light, demonstrate
testimonium {noun} :: testimony
testimonium {noun} :: evidence, proof
testis {f} :: witness
testis {f} :: one who testifies or attests
testis {noun} :: testicle
testis unus, testis nullus {proverb} [law] :: A single witness or other evidence to an event is insufficient to establish that the event truly happened
testitrahus {adj} :: testicle-dragging
testor {v} :: I am witness, testify, attest
testor {v} :: I make a will
testu {noun} :: Vessel of earthenware
testuacium {noun} :: According to Varro, kind of sacrificial cake cooked in an earthen vessel and used during Matralia
testudineus {adj} :: testudineous; like a tortoise
testudineus {adj} :: of or pertaining to a tortoise
testudineus {adj} :: made of tortoise shell
testudo {noun} :: tortoise, turtle
testudo {noun} :: tortoise-shell
testudo {noun} [by extension] :: lyre, lute
testudo {noun} [by extension, military] :: covering, shed, shelter
testudo {noun} [by extension, in buildings] :: arch, vault
testula {noun} :: potsherd
testula {noun} [transferred sense] :: An earthen lamp
testula {noun} [transferred sense] :: A voting-tablet used by the Athenians
testum {noun} :: earthenware pot, vessel
tetanus {noun} :: A stiffness or spasm of the neck; tetanus
tetanus {noun} [New Latin] :: The disease caused by Clostridium tetani
tete {pron} :: emphatic form form of tē (you in the accusative or ablative)
teter {adj} :: alternative form of taeter
teterrimus {adj} :: alternative spelling of taeterrimus
tethea {noun} [plurale tantum] :: A kind of sponge
Tetius {prop} :: Tetius (river)
tetragonolobus {adj} [New Latin] :: A specific epithet of several taxonomic species names of plants having leaves with four lobes
tetragonus {adj} :: tetragonal
tetrapharmacum {noun} :: A substance composed of four ingredients
tetrarches {noun} :: tetrarch
Tetrica {prop} [geography] :: A mountain in the territory of the Sabines
tetrinnio {vi} [of ducks] :: I quack
tetrior {adj} :: alternative spelling of taetrior
tetritudo {noun} :: alternative form of taetritūdō
tettigonium {noun} :: a type of cicada
Tettius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tettius {prop} :: Tettius Julianus, a Roman praetor
Tetzcocanus {adj} [New Latin] :: Of or pertaining to Texcoco
Teubnerianus {adj} [New Latin] :: of or pertaining to the surname Teubner, particularly Bibliotheca_Teubneriana
Teubnerus {prop} [New Latin] :: latinized form of the surname Teubner
Teucrus {adj} :: Teucrian, Trojan
Teumessus {prop} :: A mountain and town of Boeotia, situated near Thebae
Teurisci {prop} :: A Dacian tribe situated near the sources of the Tyras
Teurnia {prop} :: Teurnia (town) situated on the left bank of the river Dravus
Teuta {prop} :: The queen of the Illyrians
Teuthrania {prop} [geography] :: A district in the western part of Mysia
Teutomatus {prop} :: A chief of the Nitiobriges
teutonicus {adj} :: Teutonic; Germanic; German
Teutonicus {adj} :: alternative case form of teutonicus
texanus {adj} [New Latin] :: Texan
texens {v} :: weaving
texens {v} :: plaiting
texensis {adj} :: Texan
Texia {prop} [New Latin] :: Texas
texo {v} :: I weave
texo {v} :: I plait, intertwine
textile {noun} :: fabric, textile, canvas, piece of cloth
textilis {adj} :: woven
textilis {adj} :: plaited, braided, intertwined
textor {noun} :: weaver (male)
textorius {adj} :: of or pertaining to weaving, plaiting, or braiding
textrinum {noun} :: weaver's shop, place for weaving cloths
textrinum {noun} :: the act of weaving
textrinus {adj} [relational] :: weaving
textrix {noun} :: weaver (female)
textura {noun} :: weaving
textura {noun} :: web
textura {noun} :: texture
textus {v} :: woven, having been woven
textus {noun} :: texture, structure
textus {noun} [of anatomy] :: tissue
textus {noun} [of language] :: connection, construction
Texuandri {prop} :: A tribe of Gallia Belgica mentioned by Pliny
Thabraca {prop} :: Tabarka, a Numidian port and Roman colony at the mouth of the Tusca in the province of Africa
Thaddaeus {prop} :: Thaddaeus
Thagines {prop} :: Thagines (small river), now the river Tacina
Thagura {prop} :: A town of Numidia
Thailandia {prop} [New Latin] :: Thailand
thailandicus {adj} :: Thai (of or relating to Thailand)
Thais {noun} :: The name of a famous hetaera
Thala {prop} :: An important town of Numidia
Thalamae {prop} :: Thalamae (town), situated near the frontiers with Achaia
Thalamae {prop} :: a town of Laconia, situated near Oetylus and Pephnus
thalamegus {noun} :: A state barge fitted with cabins
thalamus {noun} :: inner room, apartment of a house
thalamus {noun} :: bedroom, chamber
thalamus {noun} :: marriage bed
thalamus {noun} [by extension, figuratively] :: marriage
thalerus {noun} :: dollar, thaler, Taler
thalictrum {noun} :: meadowrue
thallium {noun} :: thallium
Thalna {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Thalna {prop} :: Manius Iuventius Thalna, a Roman consul
Thalutae {prop} :: A tribe of India mentioned by Pliny
Thamesis {prop} :: alternative spelling of Tamesis
Thamna {prop} :: Thamna (town) situated near Lydda
Thamugadi {prop} :: A town of Numidia situated near Lambaesis, now Timgad
Thanar {prop} :: Thanar (river)
Thapsacus {prop} :: An important town on the right bank of the Euphrates
Thapsagum {prop} :: Thapsagum (town)
Thapsos {prop} :: alternative form of Thapsus
thapsus {noun} [New Latin] :: an organism from or related to Thapsus, in Sicily
Thapsus {prop} :: Thapsus (ancient city near Bekalta in modern Tunisia)
Thapsus {prop} :: Thapsos (ancient city near Priolo Gargallo in modern Sicily)
Thapsus {prop} :: A small river of Numidia, now the Saf Saf
Thasos {prop} :: Thasos
thau {noun} :: tav, taw (letter)
Thaubasium {prop} :: A town of Lower Egypt situated on the canopic arm of the Nile
Thaumacia {prop} :: A town of Thessaly
thea {noun} [New Latin] :: tea
Theagenes {prop} :: A tyrant of Megara
Theagenes {prop} :: A literary of Rhegium
theatralis {adj} :: theatrical
theatralis {adj} [relational] :: stage
theatricus {adj} :: of or belonging to the theater
theatrum {noun} :: A theatre or theater, playhouse; stage
Thebae {prop} :: Thebae (city)
Thebae {prop} :: Thebae (city)
Thebani {prop} :: the Thebans, the people of Thebes
Thebasa {noun} :: a town of Lycaonia situated at the foot of Mount Taurus
-theca {suffix} [in words derived from Greek] :: Used for any kind of collection
theca {noun} :: a case, envelope, sheath
thecel {noun} :: shekel (weight)
Theganussa {prop} :: An island situated south of the promontory of Acritas in Messenia
Thelpusa {prop} :: A town of Arcadia situated on the left bank of the river Ladon
thelyrrhizos {noun} [mineralogy] :: alternative form of telirrhizos
thema {noun} :: theme, topic
thema {noun} :: the alignment of celestial bodies at a person's birth, horoscope
Themacus {prop} :: One of the demoi of Attica
thematicus {adj} :: topical
thematicus {adj} :: thematic
thematicus {adj} :: zodiacal
Themetra {prop} :: A town of Africa mentioned in an inscription
Themiscyra {prop} :: a town of Pontus near the mouth of the Thermodon
Themisonium {prop} :: A town of Phrygia situated at the borders with Pisidia
Themistius {prop} :: given name — famously held by:
Themistius {prop} :: Themistius Euphrades (AD 317–388), Roman statesman, rhetorician, and philosopher
Themisto {prop} :: Themisto
Themistocles {prop} :: an Athenian politician and general
Thenae {prop} :: a town of Crete situated near Cnossus
Thenae {prop} :: Thenae (maritime city)
Theocritus {prop} :: A celebrated Greek poet
theodiscus {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: of or pertaining to the language of the people
theodiscus {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: Germanic
Theodora {prop} :: given name
Theodorus {prop} :: given name
Theodosia {prop} :: given name
Theodosia {prop} :: A city of Crimea, now Feodosiya
Theodosius {prop} :: given name
theologalis {adj} :: theological
theologia {noun} :: theology (reasoning about gods)
theologicus {adj} :: theological
theologus {noun} :: theologian
Theophanius {prop} :: Theophanius (river), which fell into the Sea of Azov
Theophilus {prop} :: Theophilus
Theophrastus {prop} :: A Greek philosopher of Eressus, disciple of Plato and Aristotle
Theopompus {prop} :: A Greek historian and orator, pupil of Isocrates
Theopropides {prop} :: given name, character in the play Mostellaria of Plautus
theorema {noun} :: a theorem, a proposition to be proved
theoremation {noun} :: a little theorem
theoreticus {adj} :: contemplative, speculative
theoria {noun} [philosophy] :: speculation, theory
theos {noun} [religion] :: god or deity
theosophia {noun} :: theosophy
theosophicus {adj} :: theological; observant or attentive to theology
theosophus {adj} :: theosophical
theosophus {noun} :: A theologian.
theosophus {noun} :: A theosophist, theosopher.
Thera {prop} :: Thera (island)
therafin {noun} :: teraphim
Theramenes {prop} :: an Athenian tyrant and statesman
therapia {noun} [New Latin] :: therapy
Therapnae {prop} :: a small town of Laconia and birthplace of Helen
Therapontigonus {prop} :: given name, character in the play Curculio of Plautus
theriaca {noun} :: antidote, counter-remedy, panacea, antitoxin, theriac, treacle
theriologicus {adj} :: theriologic
Therionarcia {prop} :: Therionarcia (island)
theristrum {noun} :: A summer garment
therma {noun} [especially, in plural] :: warm / hot bath(s)
Thermodon {prop} :: An important river that flows through Cappadocia, now called Terme River
thermolimosus {adj} :: Found in hot, marshy habitats
thermopolium {noun} :: A place where hot drinks were sold
Thermopylae {prop} :: Thermopylae
thermula {noun} [especially, in plural] :: small warm / hot bath(s)
Thermum {prop} :: an important city of Aetolia famous for its temple of Apollo
Thermus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Thermus {prop} :: Quintus Minucius Thermus, a Roman consul
Thervingi {prop} :: A Gothic tribe of the Danubian plains
thesaurizans {v} :: hoarding treasure
thesaurizatus {v} :: treasured (gathered as treasure)
thesaurizo {v} [Late Latin] :: I gather or lay up treasure
thesaurus {noun} :: treasure, hoard
thesaurus {noun} :: a dear friend, loved one
thesaurus {noun} :: a vault for treasure
thesaurus {noun} :: chest, strongbox
thesaurus {noun} :: repository, collection
thesis {noun} :: thesis
Thespiae {prop} :: An ancient city of Boeotia situated at the foot of the mount Helicon
Thespis {prop} :: The celebrated father of Greek tragedy
Thesproti {prop} :: A tribe settled in Thesprotia
Thesprotia {prop} [geography] :: The southwestern region of Epirus
Thessalia {prop} [geography] :: Thessaly
Thestor {noun} :: A soothsayer and father of Calchas
Thetaedia {prop} :: One of the Sporades
Thetidium {prop} :: A town of Thessaly
Theudoria {prop} :: one of the chief towns of Athamania
Theveste {prop} :: An important inland town of Numidia, now Tébessa
thia {noun} [Late Latin, Medieval Latin] :: aunt
thiasus {noun} :: A group of singers and dancers assembled to celebrate the festival of one of the gods, especially Bacchus
thibetanus {adj} [New Latin] :: alternative form of tibetānus
Thibetum {prop} :: alternative form of Tibetum
Thignica {prop} :: Thignica (town), whose ruins are situated near the modern town of Testour
Thimida {prop} :: Thimida (town) situated near Bizerte, now Tinja
Thinis {prop} :: A town of Thebaid and capital of the first dynasties of Egypt
thiotiscus {adj} :: alternative form of theodiscus
Thisbe {prop} [Greek mythology] :: A maiden beloved by Pyramus
Thisbe {prop} :: A coastal town of Boeotia situated near Mount Helicon
thius {noun} [Late Latin] :: uncle
thlasias {noun} :: eunuch
thmesis {noun} :: alternative spelling of tmesis
Thmuis {prop} :: A town of Lower Egypt on the delta of the Nile
Thoani {prop} :: An Arabian tribe mentioned by Pliny
Thoaris {prop} :: Thoaris (small river)
Thocnia {prop} :: A town of Arcadia whose inhabitants were transferred to Megalopolis
thocum {noun} :: A kind of saddle
tholus {noun} :: dome, cupola, rotunda
Thomas {prop} [Christianity] :: Thomas the Apostle
Thomas {prop} :: given name of Biblical origin
thomensis {adj} [relational] :: São Tomé (São Tomé and Príncipe)
Thomista {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: Thomist
thomix {noun} :: a chord, string, thread
Thomna {prop} :: Thomna (town)
thoraciculus {noun} :: small bust (statue)
thoracicus {adj} [New Latin] :: thoracic
thoracicus {adj} [New Latin] :: resembling a breastplate (as a taxonomic epithet)
Thorae {prop} :: one of the demoi of Attica
Thoranius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Thoranius {prop} :: Gaius Thoranius, the tutor of Octavianus
thorax {noun} [anatomy] :: chest, thorax
thorax {noun} :: breastplate, cuirass
thorax {noun} :: doublet, stomacher
thorax {noun} :: bust (statue)
Thoricus {prop} :: a town of Attica situated near Sunium
thorium {noun} [New Latin] :: thorium
Thorius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Thorius {prop} :: Lucius Thorius Balbus, a Roman tribune
Thorius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Thoria
thorus {noun} :: alternative spelling of torus
Thracia {prop} :: Thrace
thracicus {adj} :: Thracian
thracius {adj} :: Thracian
thraex {noun} [historical, Ancient Rome] :: A gladiator bearing Thracian equipment (a small shield, short sword with curved blade and several pieces of armour)
Thraex {noun} :: alternative case form of thraex
thranis {noun} :: A kind of fish also called xiphias
thrascias {noun} :: A north-eastern wind
Thrasea {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Thrasea {prop} :: Publius Clodius Thrasea Paetus, a Roman senator
Thrasybulus {prop} :: An Athenian general who defeated the oligarchy of the Thirty Tyrants
thrauston {noun} :: a kind of gum
Thraustus {prop} :: Thraustus (town), whose location is still unknown
thrax {adj} :: Thracian
thrax {noun} [historical] :: A person from or an inhabitant of Thrace
Thrax {adj} :: alternative case form of thrax
Thrax {noun} :: alternative case form of thrax
threnodia {noun} [New Latin] :: a funeral lament, a dirge or elegy, a threnody
threnoedia {noun} :: rare spelling of thrēnōdia
threnus {noun} :: A dirge, a lamentation
Thria {prop} :: A town of Attica situated on the plain of Eleusis
thridax {noun} :: A kind of lettuce
thrips {noun} :: A kind of woodworm
thrips {noun} :: trifles, worthless things
thrissa {noun} :: A kind of fish
Thronium {prop} :: Thronium (town) situated near Amantia
thronus {noun} :: a throne
thronus {noun} :: an angelic order
Thubes {prop} :: Thubes (town)
Thubuscum {prop} :: a town in Mauretania Caesariensis
Thucydides {prop} :: A celebrated Greek historian
Thucydides {prop} :: An Athenian statesman
Thugga {prop} :: A city of Africa famous for its ruins, now Dougga
Thule {prop} :: a legendary northern island, Thule
Thule {prop} [Medieval Latin] :: Iceland
thulium {noun} :: thulium
thunnarius {noun} :: alternative form of thynnārius
thunnarius {adj} :: alternative form of thynnārius
thunnus {noun} :: tuna
thuribulum {noun} :: A censer
Thurii {prop} :: An ancient city of Bruttium not far from Sybaris
thuringiensis {adj} [relational] :: Thuringia
thus {noun} :: incense, frankincense
Thyamis {prop} :: A river of Epirus flowing into the Adriatic Sea, now called Kalamas
Thyatira {noun} :: A considerable city of Lydia situated on the road from Sardes to Germa
Thydonos {prop} :: Thydonos (town)
Thyia {prop} [mythology] :: the naiad of a spring on Mount Parnassos where the Thyiades of Dionysus gathered to revel
thyinus {adj} :: made from a citrus tree
thymbra {noun} :: savory, Satureja hortensis
Thymbrara {noun} :: a town near Sardis not far from the river Pactolus
Thymbrium {prop} :: A town of Phrygia situated west of Tyriaeum
thymelaea {noun} :: flax-leaved daphne (Daphne gnidium)
thymelicus {adj} :: theatrical
Thymena {prop} :: Thymena (coastal town)
thymiama {noun} :: incense, fumigant
thymiamaterium {noun} :: censer
Thymiaterium {prop} :: a town of Mauritania founded by Hanno south of Lixus
thymium {noun} [pathology] :: A kind of wart
Thymnias {prop} [geography] :: Thymnias (bay)
thymum {noun} :: thyme
thymus {noun} [medicine] :: A type of wart
Thynia {prop} :: Thynia
Thynias {adj} :: Thynian, a poetic word for Bithynian
Thynias {prop} :: a city in Thrace
Thynias {prop} :: an island on the Black Sea
thynnarius {adj} :: tunny-related
thynnarius {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: tunny procurer
thynnus {noun} :: alternative spelling of thunnus
Thyrea {prop} :: The main city of Cynuria
thyreoides {adj} :: alternative form of thyroides
thyreoideus {adj} :: alternative form of thyroideus
Thyrides {prop} :: A promontory of Laconia
Thyrides {prop} :: An island of the Ionian Sea mentioned by Pliny
Thyrium {prop} :: Thyrium (city), whose exact location is still unknown
thyroides {adj} [New Latin] :: Shaped like a shield
thyroideus {adj} [New Latin] :: Shaped like a shield
thyroideus {adj} [anatomy] :: Of or relating to the thyroid gland
thyrsiger {adj} :: carrying the thyrsus
thyrsus {noun} :: thyrsus
Thyrsus {prop} :: The most considerable river of Sardinia, still called Tirso
Thysdrus {prop} :: Thysdrus (city) situated between Thapsus and Thenae
Thyssagetae {prop} :: A tribe of Sarmatia mentioned by Pliny
Thyssus {prop} :: A town of Macedonia, whose exact position is still unknown
Ti. {prop} :: praenominal abbreviation of Tiberius
tiara {noun} :: turban
tiara {noun} :: Any of several oriental headresses
Tiarantus {prop} :: A river of Scythia mentioned by Ptolemy
Tiare {prop} :: Tiare (town)
Tibareni {prop} :: A tribe of the coast of Pontus believed to be of Scythian origin
Tibereius {adj} :: of Tiberius
Tiberias {prop} :: Tiberias (a town in Galilee)
Tiberis {prop} :: The Tiber River, which flows through Rome
Tiberius {prop} :: famously held by:
tibetanus {adj} [New Latin] :: Tibetan
Tibetum {prop} :: Tibet
tibia {noun} [anatomy] :: the large shin bone, tibia; leg
tibia {noun} [figuratively] :: a pipe, flute (originally of bone)
tibialis {adj} :: tibial; of or pertaining to the tibia (shin bone)
tibicen {noun} :: piper, flautist
tibicen {noun} [transferred sense] :: a kind of pillar, support, or prop of a building
tibicina {noun} :: A female fluteplayer
tibicinium {noun} :: the art of playing the flute, playing the flute,
Tibilis {prop} :: A town of Numidia famous for its hot springs
Tibiscus {prop} :: A river of Dacia and tributary river of the Danube, now the Tisza or the Timiș
Tibula {prop} :: Tibula (town), near the northern extremity of the island
Tibullus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Tibullus {prop} :: Albius Tibullus, a Roman poet
tibulus {noun} :: A kind of pine tree
Tibur {prop} :: Tibur (town)
Tibures {prop} :: A Celtic tribe of Hispania Tarraconensis, whose main town was Nemetobriga
Tiburtius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tiburtius {prop} :: Lucius Tiburtius, a Roman centurion
Ticida {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Ticida {prop} :: Aulus Ticida, a Roman poet
Ticinus {prop} :: The Ticino river
-ticus {suffix} :: enlarged form form of -cus
Tierna {prop} :: Tierna (town), on the Danube
Tifernum Tiberinum {prop} :: Tifernum Tiberinum (town), situated in the upper valley of the Tiber, now Città di Castello
Tifernus {prop} :: Tifernus (mountain), upon which was the town of Tifernum, now Monte Matese
Tifernus {prop} :: One of the most considerable rivers of Samnium, now called Biferno
Tigavae {prop} :: Tigavae (town) situated between Oppidum Novum and Malliana
Tigellius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tigellius {prop} :: Tigellius, a Roman poet
Tigidius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tigidius {prop} :: Sextus Tigidius Perennis, a Roman prefect
tigillum {noun} :: small piece of wood
tigillum {noun} :: small beam
tignarius {adj} [relational] :: beams
tignum {noun} :: building stuff, lumber
tignum {noun} :: tree trunk
tignum {noun} :: log
tignum {noun} :: beam
Tigranes {prop} :: the name of various kings of Armenia
tigrifer {adj} :: bearing tigers
tigrinus {adj} :: of or relating to tigers
tigrinus {adj} :: striped like a tiger
tigris {noun} :: tiger
tigris {noun} [poetic] :: tigress
tigris {noun} :: a tiger skin
Tigris {prop} :: Tigris (river)
Tigullia {prop} :: Tigullia (town)
tilia {noun} :: linden or lime tree
tilia {noun} :: the inner bark of the linden or lime tree
tiliaceus {adj} [relational] :: lime tree
Tiliaventum {prop} :: A river of Venetia which flows into the Adriatic Sea, now the Tagliamento
Tillius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tillius {prop} :: Lucius Tillius Cimber, one of the assassins of Caesar
Tilphossium {prop} :: A mountain of Boeotia, situated on the southern side of the lake Copais
Tilurium {prop} :: Tilurium (town) situated in the valley of the Tilurus, now Trilj or Treglia
Tilurus {prop} :: Tilurus (river) that flows into the Adriatic Sea, now the Cetina
-tim {suffix} :: forms adverbs from adjectives
Timachi {prop} :: A tribe of Moesia mentioned by Pliny
Timachus {prop} :: A river of Moesia, now called Timok
Timagenes {prop} :: A celebrated rhetorician of Alexandria
Timarchus {prop} :: A general of Athens
Timarchus {prop} :: A tyrant of Miletus
Timarete {prop} :: A celebrated Greek paintress born in Athens
Timavus {prop} :: A river of Venetia which flows into the Adriatic Sea between Aquileia and Tergeste
timefactus {adj} :: frightened, alarmed, intimidated
timendus {v} :: which is to be feared
timens {v} :: fearing
timeo {v} :: I fear, am afraid
Timici {prop} :: Timici (town)
timidior {adj} :: more timid
timidior {adj} :: more cowardly
timiditas {noun} :: timidity
timiditas {noun} :: fearfulness, cowardice
timidus {adj} :: fearful, afraid, apprehensive, timid
timidus {adj} :: cowardly
Timoleon {prop} :: A Corinthian general
Timomachus {prop} :: A painter of Byzantium
Timoniacum {prop} :: A town of Galatia, mentioned by Pliny
timor {noun} :: fear, dread
timor {noun} [poetic] :: awe, reverence
timoratus {adj} :: devout, God-fearing
timorensis {adj} [relational] :: Timor
Timosthenes {prop} :: a Greek navigator and geographer born in Rhodes
Timotheus {prop} :: Timothy, a companion of Paul [biblical character]
tina {noun} :: wine-vessel
Tina {prop} :: The river Tyne in England
tinca {noun} [Late Latin] :: a small fish, the tench
Tincontium {prop} :: Tincontium (town), situated between Avaricum and Decetia
tinctio {noun} :: the act of dyeing, soaking
tinctio {noun} :: baptism
tinctorius {adj} :: Of or pertaining to dyeing
tinctura {noun} :: a dyeing
tincturus {v} :: about to moisten, immerse etc
tinctus {v} :: impregnated with; dipped in
tinctus {v} :: treated
tinctus {v} :: coloured, tinged
tinea {noun} :: a destructive insect larva that attacks household items such as books or clothing; larva, maggot, caterpillar
Tineius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tineius {prop} :: Quintus Tineius Rufus, a Roman governor
tineo {v} :: I am infested by moths (or their maggots)
tingens {v} :: moistening
tingens {v} :: immersing
tingens {v} :: colouring
Tingis {prop} :: Tangiers
tingo {v} :: I wet, moisten, dip [in], impregnate [with]; I smear; I dip, immerse
tingo {v} :: I give to drink, treat
tingo {v} :: I colour, dye, tinge
tinguens {v} :: alternative form of tingēns
tinguo {v} :: alternative form of tingō
Tinia {prop} :: Tinia (small river), falling into the Tiber near Perusia, now the Topino
Tinna {prop} :: Tinna (river) that flows into the Adriatic Sea, now the Tenna
Tinnetio {prop} :: A town of Raetia, now Tinzen
tinniens {v} :: ringing, jingling, clinking
tinniens {v} :: crying, screaming in a shrill voice
tinnio {v} :: I ring, jingle, clink
tinnio {v} [figuratively] :: I pay (with the clinking of coins)
tinnio {v} :: I cry, scream in a shrill voice
tinniolum {noun} :: synonym of tintinnābulum
tinnipo {vi} [of ospreys] :: I cry
tinnitus {v} :: rung, jingled, having been jingled
tinnitus {v} :: cried, screamed, having been screamed in a shrill voice
tinnitus {noun} :: A ringing, jingling, tinkling
tinnulus {adj} :: ringing, tinkling, shrill-sounding
tintinabulum {noun} :: alternative form of tintinnābulum
tintinnabulum {noun} :: a bell, specifically a tintinnabulum
tintino {vi} :: I ring
Tinurtium {prop} :: Tinurtium (town) situated between Cabillonum and Matisco, now Tournus
tinus {noun} :: laurestine (Viburnum tinus)
-tio {suffix} :: -tion, -ation, -ing; suffixed to a verb (usually a participle form) to form a noun relating to some action or the result of an action
tiomanensis {adj} [relational] :: Tioman (Malaysian island)
Tipasa {prop} :: Tipasa (town) situated between Icosium and Iol
Tipasa {prop} :: a town in Numidia situated between Sicca Veneria and Cirta
tiphyon {noun} :: A kind of narcissus
tippula {noun} :: an insect running across the surface of the water; a water spider
Tiribazus {prop} :: A satrap of Western Armenia
Tirida {prop} :: Tirida (town)
Tiridates {prop} :: A king of Armenia, crowned by Nero
Tirinus {prop} :: A river that flows in the territory of the Paeligni, now Tirino
Tiristasis {prop} :: A town of Chersonesus in Thrace
tiro {noun} [Roman military] :: recruit
tiro {noun} :: beginner, novice
Tiro {prop} :: A masculine cognomen — famously held by:
Tiro {prop} :: Marcus Tullius Tiro (103–4 BC), freedman of and secretary to M. Tullius Cicero, and inventor of the Tironian notes
Tironianus {adj} :: Tironian (of or belonging to Tīrō)
Tirpimirus {prop} :: given name
tirunculus {noun} :: small or young recruit
Tiryns {prop} :: Tiryns (ancient city in Argolis, Greece)
tisana {noun} :: pearl barley
tisana {noun} :: barley water
Tisanusa {prop} :: Tisanusa (maritime town)
tisicus {adj} :: alternative spelling of phthisicus
Tisidium {prop} :: Tisidium (town) situated near Tunes
Tisienus {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tisienus {prop} :: Tisienus Gallus, a Roman general
Tissa {prop} :: Tissa (town)
Tissaphernes {prop} :: A Persian satrap of Lydia and Caria
titanium {noun} [New Latin] :: titanium
titanius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Titans; Titanic
Titaresius {prop} :: A river of Thessaly and tributary of the Peneus
Tithorea {prop} :: A town of Phocis, built on the slopes of Mount Parnassus
Tithraustes {prop} :: A Persian satrap who killed Tissaphernes
Tithronium {prop} :: a town of Phocis, destroyed by the army of Xerxes
tithymalus {noun} :: A kind of spurge
titillamentum {noun} :: a tickling
titillandus {v} :: To be tickled
titillatio {noun} :: tickling, titillation
titillo {v} :: to tickle
titillo {v} :: to titillate
titillosus {adj} :: ticklish
titillus {noun} :: synonym of tītillātiō
Titinius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Titinius {prop} :: Titinius, a Roman comedian
titio {noun} :: firebrand
Titius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Titius {prop} :: Marcus Titius, a Roman consul
Titius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Titia
-tito {suffix} :: Forms frequentative verbs from existing verbs
titubandus {v} :: which is to be staggered, wavered
titubans {v} :: staggering, wavering
titubanter {adv} :: falteringly
titubatio {noun} :: staggering, wavering
titubatio {noun} :: stammering
titubaturus {v} :: about to stagger, waver
titubatus {v} :: staggered, wavered
titubo {v} :: I stagger, totter, reel
titubo {v} :: I hesitate, falter, waver
titularis {adj} :: titular
Titulcia {prop} :: A town of the Carpetani in Hispania Tarraconensis, situated between Augusta Emerita and Caesaraugusta
titulo {v} [Late Latin] :: I give a title to; call; name; entitle
titulus {noun} :: title
titulus {noun} :: placard, tablet
titulus {noun} :: inscription
titulus {noun} :: epitaph
Titurius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Titurius {prop} :: Quintus Titurius Sabinus, a legate of Caesar
Titurnius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Titurnius {prop} :: Marcus Titurnius Rufus, a Roman man mentioned by Cicero
Titurnius {adj} :: of or pertaining to the gens Titurnia
titus {noun} :: wood pigeon
Tityus {prop} :: Tityus (river) that flows into the Adriatic Sea, now the Krka
tius {noun} [Late Latin] :: alternative form of thīus
Tius {prop} :: A town on the coast of Bithynia
tmesis {noun} [grammar] :: The separation of a word, tmesis
Tmolus {prop} :: A range of mountains on the south of Sardes
-to {suffix} :: Forms frequentative verbs from existing verbs
toallia {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: towel, washcloth
tobagoensis {adj} [relational] :: Tobago
Tobias {prop} :: A male given name, equivalent to English Tobias or Toby
tocco {v} [Renaissance Latin] :: to touch
toculio {noun} :: A loan shark, usurer, moneylender
todus {noun} :: A sort of small bird
tofaceus {adj} :: made of tufa; tufaceous
toficius {adj} :: resembling tufa; tufaceous
tofus {noun} :: tuff (kind of rock)
toga {noun} :: toga
toga {noun} :: a garment
toga {noun} :: a roof
toga {noun} [figuratively] :: a client
toga {noun} [figuratively] :: peace
togatarius {noun} :: An actor in the fabula togata
togatus {adj} :: wearing a toga
togatus {noun} :: a Roman citizen
togatus {noun} [Imperial Rome] :: a client, man of humble station
toga virilis {noun} :: the toga of manhood assumed by Roman men upon their legal majority, usually between the ages of 14 and 18
Togisonus {prop} :: A river of Venetia that flowed near the territory of Patavium, maybe the Bacchiglione
togoensis {adj} :: Togolese
Togonius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Togonius {prop} :: Togonius Gallus, a Roman senator
Togum {prop} :: Togo
Tokio {prop} [New Latin] :: Tokio (prefecture/capital city)
Tokium {prop} [New Latin] :: Tokyo
Tolentinum {prop} :: Tolentinum (town), in the valley of the Flusor, now Tolentino
Tolenus {prop} :: The river Turano, a tributary of the Velinus
tolerabilior {adj} :: more tolerable etc
tolerabilis {adj} :: bearable, supportable, endurable, passable, tolerable
tolerabilissime {adv} :: superlative of tolerābiliter
tolerabiliter {adv} :: bearably, passably, tolerably
tolerabilius {adv} :: comparative of tolerābiliter
tolerandus {v} :: which is to be endured, which is to be tolerated
tolerans {v} :: bearing, enduring, tolerating, tolerant
toleraturus {v} :: about to bear, about to endure, about to tolerate
toleratus {v} :: endured, having been endured, tolerated, having been tolerated
Tolerium {prop} :: Tolerium (ancient town)
tolero {v} :: I bear, endure, tolerate, put up with, support
tolero {v} :: I sustain [with the notion of barely doing so]
Tolerus {prop} :: alternative form of Trērus
toles {noun} :: tonsillitis
toles {noun} :: goitre
Toletum {prop} :: Toledo (a Hispanian town, now a city in modern Spain)
tolimensis {adj} [relational] :: Tolima
Tolistobogii {prop} :: A Galatian tribe mentioned by Livy
tollendus {v} :: which is to be raised, which is to be lifted up, which is to be elevated
tollendus {v} :: which is to be removed, which is to be taken away
tollendus {v} :: which is to be destroyed, which is to be abolished
tollens {v} :: raising, lifting up, elevating
tollens {v} :: removing, taking away
tollens {v} :: destroying, abolishing
tollo {v} :: I raise, lift up, elevate
tollo {v} :: I remove, take away
tollo {v} :: I destroy, abolish
Tolosa {prop} :: Tolosa (capital city)
Tolumnius {prop} :: A king of Veii
Tolumnius {prop} [Roman mythology] :: A soothsayer of the Rutuli
tomaclum {noun} :: a sausage of mixed meats and spices
Tomarus {prop} :: Tomarus (mountain) situated near Dodona
tomentosus {adj} [New Latin] :: having a mass of rough hairs
tomentum {noun} :: stuffing (for pillows, mattresses etc)
Tomerus {prop} :: A small river of Gedrosia
Tomis {prop} :: A town of Lower Moesia situated on the coast of Black Sea and famous as the place where Ovid was banished
tomus {noun} :: a section of a larger work
tomus {noun} :: a volume
Tomyris {prop} :: The queen of the Massagetae who killed Cyrus in battle
Tonabaei {prop} :: An Arabian tribe mentioned by Pliny
tonandus {v} :: which is to be thundered
tonans {v} :: thundering
tondendus {v} :: About to be sheared, about to be clipped, about to be cut
tondens {v} :: shaving, shearing, clipping
tondens {v} :: cropping, pruning, trimming
tondens {v} :: mowing, reaping
tondens {v} :: browsing
tondeo {v} :: I shave, shear, clip
tondeo {v} :: I crop, prune, trim
tondeo {v} :: I mow, reap
tondeo {v} :: I graze upon, browse, feed
tondeo {v} :: I plunder, deprive, fleece somebody
Tonga {prop} [New Latin] :: Tonga
tongens {v} :: knowing, understanding, grasping mentally
tongeo {vt} [rare] :: I know
Tongilius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
tongolensis {adj} :: Of or from Tongo
tonitrualis {adj} :: thundering (epithet of Jupiter)
tonitrus {noun} :: thunder
tonitruum {noun} :: thunder
toniturus {v} :: about to thunder
tonitus {v} :: thundered
tonkinensis {adj} [relational, New Latin] :: Tonkin [as a taxonomic epithet]
tonna {noun} :: alternative form of tunna
tonnarius {noun} :: alternative form of tunnārius
tonnarius {noun} :: alternative form of thynnārius
tono {v} :: I thunder
tono {v} :: I speak thunderously
tono {v} :: I resound like thunder
tonsa {noun} :: an oar
tonsillae {noun} :: tonsils
tonsio {noun} :: shearing
tonsor {noun} :: a hair cutter, barber
tonsor {noun} :: one who prunes or clips plants
tonsorius {adj} [relational] :: shaving
tonsorius {adj} [relational] :: barber
tonstrix {noun} :: a female hair cutter, barber
tonsura {noun} :: a clipping, trimming, cropping, shearing, pruning
tonsus {v} :: shaved, sheared, clipped, having been shaved
tonsus {v} :: cropped, pruned, trimmed, having been cropped
tonsus {v} :: mowed, reaped, having been mowed
tonsus {v} :: grazed upon, having been grazed upon
tonsus {v} :: plundered, deprived, having been plundered
tonsus {noun} :: a hairstyle, haircut, hairdo
Tonsus {prop} :: The most important tributary river of the Hebrus, now called Tundzha or Tunca
tonus {noun} :: The stretching or straining of a rope
tonus {noun} [by extension] :: A strain; tension
tonus {noun} [figuratively] :: The pitch, sound or tone of something
tonus {noun} [figuratively] :: A crack of thunder
toparcia {noun} :: territory, district, toparchy
topazion {noun} :: chrysolite, topaz
topazius {noun} :: topaz
topazos {noun} :: topaz
topazos {noun} :: chrysolite
topia {noun} :: ornamental gardening, landscape painting
topiarius {noun} :: landscape gardener, nurseryman
topiarius {adj} :: related to landscape gardening, having a connection to plant nursery, topiary
Topiris {prop} :: A town of Thrace situated near Abdera and the mouth of the river Nestus
-tor {suffix} :: -er; used to form a masculine agent noun
torax {adj} :: swelling, bulging
torcular {noun} :: press (for wine or oil)
torcular {noun} :: wine cellar (or room for pressing wine)
torcularius {adj} :: torcularious
torcularius {noun} :: presser, pressman (of wine or oil)
torculo {v} :: I press
torculum {noun} :: a wine or olive oil press
tordylion {noun} :: seed of seseli (Seseli spp.)
tordylion {noun} :: hartwort, (Tordylium spp.)
Toretae {prop} :: A tribe of Sarmatia settled near the coast of the Black Sea
toreuma {noun} :: embossed or carved work
-torius {suffix} :: -ory; used to form an adjective
tormentum {noun} :: an engine for hurling missiles; a shot or missile thrown by this
tormentum {noun} :: a (twisted) cord or rope
tormentum {noun} :: an instrument of torture
tormentum {noun} :: torture, anguish, pain, torment
tormentum {noun} :: a clothes press, mangle
tormentum {noun} [New Latin] :: gun, cannon
tormina {noun} [plurale tantum] :: [medicine] colic, gripes
torminalis {adj} [relational] :: gripes
torminalis {adj} :: countering gripes
torminosus {adj} :: subject to the gripes or colic
Tornadotus {prop} :: Tornadotus (river)
tornandus {v} :: which is to be turned
tornans {v} :: turning
tornatilis {adj} :: turned in a lathe
tornatilis {adj} [by extension] :: beautifully wrought, finished, rounded
tornatura {noun} :: turning (on a lathe)
tornaturus {v} :: about to turn
tornatus {v} :: turned
torno {v} :: I turn
torno {v} :: I round off, make round (by turning on a lathe)
tornus {noun} :: A turner's wheel, lathe
tornus {noun} :: A potter's wheel
Torone {prop} :: A town of Macedonia situated upon the coast of the peninsula of Sithonia
torosus {adj} :: muscular, brawny, fleshy
torosus {adj} [figuratively] :: fleshy (e.g., of a plant)
torpedo {noun} :: lethargy, inertness, sluggishness
torpedo {noun} :: torpedo fish
torpens {v} :: stupefying
torpeo {v} :: I am stiff, numb, torpid or motionless
torpeo {v} :: I am stupefied or astounded
torpeo {v} :: I am inactive or listless
torpescens {v} :: made numb, listless
torpesco {v} :: I grow stiff, numb or dull
torpesco {v} :: I become listless, indolent, slothful
torpesco {v} [figurative] :: I am useless
torpidus {adj} :: benumbed, stupefied, torpid
torpor {noun} :: numbness, stupefaction
torpor {noun} :: sluggishness, listlessness, inactivity
torquatus {adj} :: adorned with a neck chain or collar
Torquatus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Torquatus {prop} :: Titus Manlius Torquatus, a Roman dictator
torquendus {v} :: which is to be twisted
torquens {v} :: twisting, winding
torquens {v} :: spinning, whirling
torquens {v} :: distorting
torquens {v} :: tormenting
torqueo {v} :: I twist, wind
torqueo {v} :: I hurl violently; I spin, whirl
torqueo {v} :: I twist or bend awry, distort
torqueo {v} :: I torment, torture
torques {noun} :: alternative form of torquis
torquis {noun} :: chaplet
torquis {noun} :: collar/necklace of twisted metal (often military), torque
torquis {noun} :: ring
torquis {noun} :: wreath
torrefacio {v} :: I parch
torrens {v} :: scorching, burning, parching
torrens {v} :: roasting, baking
torrens {v} :: rushing, torrential
torrens {noun} :: torrent (rushing stream)
torreo {v} :: I scorch, burn, parch
torreo {v} :: I roast; bake
torreo {v} [of the cold] :: I nip, pinch
torres {noun} [rare] :: alternative form of torris
torridus {adj} :: dry, parched
torridus {adj} :: baked, roasted
torridus {adj} :: torrid
torris {noun} :: firebrand
torror {noun} :: A parching, a scorching
torrus {noun} [rare] :: alternative form of torris
torsio {noun} :: a wringing or griping
torsio {noun} :: colic
tortilis {adj} :: twisted, coiled
tortio {noun} :: torment, torture
tortor {noun} :: executioner, torturer
tortula {noun} :: small twist
tortuosus {adj} :: twisting, tortuous
tortura {noun} :: a twisting, wreathing
tortura {noun} :: torture, torment
torturus {v} :: about to twist
tortus {v} :: twisted, crooked
tortus {v} :: spun, whirled
tortus {v} :: bent, distorted
tortus {v} :: tormented, tortured
tortus {noun} :: a twist, a winding
tortus {noun} :: wreath
torulus {noun} :: a tuft of hair
torus {noun} :: a swelling, protuberance, bulge, knot
torus {noun} :: the muscular part of an animal
torus {noun} :: raised ornament on a garland
torus {noun} :: bolster, cushion
torus {noun} [by extension] :: bed, couch
torus {noun} :: marriage bed
torus {noun} [by extension, figuratively] :: marriage (sometimes any sexual relationship)
torus {noun} :: embankment, an elevation of earth
torus {noun} [architecture] :: large round molding at the base of a column
torvidus {adj} :: wild, fierce
torvitas {noun} :: wildness, fierceness, savageness
torvitas {noun} :: severity
torvus {adj} :: savage, fierce, harsh, stern
torvus {adj} :: pitiless, grim
Toryne {prop} :: A town of Thesprotia in Epirus, situated between Sybota and the mouth of the river Thyamis
tostus {v} :: roasted, toasted, scorched, having been roasted
tostus {v} :: parched, dried up, having been parched
tot {determiner} :: so many
totalis {adj} :: total, entire
totanus {noun} :: redshank (or similar wading bird of the shoreline)
totidem {num} :: just as many
totidem {num} :: just the same
totidem {num} :: all the same
totiens {adv} :: so often, so many times
totiens {adv} :: as often, as many times
toties {adv} :: alternative form of totiēns
totus {adj} :: whole, all, entire, total, complete, every part
totus {adj} :: all together, all at once
totus {adj} [very, rare] :: so great a ——
totus teres atque rotundus {phrase} :: self-confident and self-sufficient; well-rounded; all in all
toxico {v} [Late Latin] :: I smear or anoint with poison
toxicum {noun} :: a poison used on the tips of arrows
toxicum {noun} :: any poison
toxicus {adj} :: toxic; poisonous
Toxilus {prop} :: given name, character in the play Persa of Plautus
trabalis {adj} :: Of, pertaining to or used for beams or timber
trabalis {adj} :: Similar to a beam, beamlike
trabaria {noun} :: A small vessel made of the trunk of a tree
trabea {noun} :: A white or purple toga, or possibly mantle, ornamented with red or purple stripes, associated with the equestrian class
trabea {noun} :: The purple-bordered toga praetexta worn by augurs, other priests, and certain Republican officials
trabea {noun} :: A red or purple garment said to have been worn by Romulus and other early Roman kings and consuls, also used to decorate divine images
trabea {noun} [Late Latin, Medieval Latin] :: The elaborate ornamental dress of late Imperial consuls
trabeatus {adj} :: Dressed in a robe of state, in a trabea
trabecula {noun} :: A small beam
trabeculatus {adj} [New Latin] :: trabeculate
trabica {noun} :: A vessel made of beams fastened together; raft
trabs {noun} :: timber, beam, rafter
trabs {noun} :: tree trunk
trabs {noun} :: penis
Trachalio {prop} :: given name, character in the play Rudens of Plautus
Trachalus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Trachalus {prop} :: Publius Galerius Trachalus, a Roman senator
trachelus {noun} :: The neck of a catapult
trachia {noun} [anatomy] :: The windpipe, trachea
Trachis {prop} :: a town of Thessaly situated on Mount Oeta, where Hercules died
Trachonitis {prop} [geography] :: a region of ancient Palestine
tracta {noun} :: a flock of wool drawn out for spinning
tracta {noun} :: a long piece of dough pulled out in making pastry
tractabilior {adj} :: more tractable, pliant etc
tractabilis {adj} :: tractable
tractabilis {adj} :: pliant, yielding, manageable
tractabilitas {noun} [rare] :: fitness for being handled or wrought, manageableness, tractability
tractabiliter {adv} [rare] :: easily, without resistance
tractandus {v} :: which is to be hauled
tractans {v} :: tugging, dragging, hauling
tractans {v} :: handling, managing
tractans {v} :: transacting, performing
tractatio {noun} :: handling, management, treatment
tractatio {noun} :: conduct, behaviour
tractator {noun} [Classical] :: masseur
tractator {noun} [Classical] :: imperial official, manager
tractator {noun} [Late Latin] :: commentator, homilist
tractator {noun} [Late Latin] :: accountant
tractator {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: tractator, entrepreneur; person responsible for shipping and handling merchandise on behalf of an investor
tractatorium {noun} :: a place where deliberations were held, causes tried
tractatorium {noun} :: a place of business, session room
tractatrix {noun} :: a masseuse
tractaturus {v} :: about to haul
tractatus {v} :: tugged, dragged, hauled
tractatus {v} :: handled, managed
tractatus {v} :: exercised, practised, transacted, performed
tractatus {noun} :: touching, handling, working
tractatus {noun} :: management, treatment
tractatus {noun} :: treatise, tract
tractatus {noun} :: sermon, homily
tractim {adv} [poetic] :: little by little, by degrees; at length, slowly
tracto {v} :: I tug, drag or haul
tracto {v} :: I handle or manage
tracto {v} :: I exercise, practise, transact or perform
tracto {v} :: I discuss or debate
tractogalatus {adj} :: made of or cooked with pastry and milk
tractomelitus {adj} :: made of or cooked with pastry and honey
tractoria {noun} [mostly plural] :: a letter of invitation or summons
tractorius {adj} :: of or for drawing or hoisting
tractum {noun} :: a flock of wool drawn out for spinning
tractum {noun} :: a long piece of dough pulled out in making pastry
tractuosus {adj} :: that draws to itself, clammy, gluey, viscous
tracturus {v} :: about to drag
tracturus {v} :: about to trail
tracturus {v} :: about to extract, withdraw
tracturus {v} :: about to plunder, squander
tracturus {v} :: about to draw out, prolong
tractus {v} :: dragged, having been dragged
tractus {v} :: trailed, having been trailed
tractus {v} :: extracted, withdrawn, having been extracted or withdrawn
tractus {v} :: plundered, squandered, having been plundered or squandered
tractus {v} :: drawn out, prolonged, having been drawn out or prolonged
tractus {noun} :: drawing, dragging, hauling, pulling
tradendus {v} :: which is to be delivered or surrendered etc
tradens {v} :: handing over, delivering, surrendering
traditio {noun} :: a surrender, delivering up
traditio {noun} [legal] :: delivery of possession
traditio {noun} :: a teaching, instruction
traditio {noun} :: a saying handed down from earlier times
traditor {noun} :: betrayer, traitor
traditor {noun} :: teacher
traditurus {v} :: about to hand over, entrust etc
traditus {v} :: delivered, surrendered, confided etc
trado {v} :: I hand over, give up, deliver, transmit, surrender; impart; entrust, confide
trado {v} :: I leave behind, bequeath
trado {v} :: I give up or surrender (treacherously), betray
trado {v} :: I deliver by teaching, propound, propose, teach
trado {v} :: I hand down (to posterity by written communication), narrate, recount
traducendus {v} :: which is to be transported
traducens {v} :: transporting
traduco {v} :: I lead, bring, transport or conduct across or over something
traduco {v} :: I parade, lead along; make a show of, expose to public ridicule; dishonor, disgrace, degrade
traduco {v} [figuratively] :: I transfer, convert, remove
traduco {v} [figuratively] :: I exhibit, display, proclaim, spread abroad, make public
traduco {v} [figuratively] :: translate (transfer a word from one language to another)
traduco {v} :: derive (one word from another)
traduco {v} [figuratively, of time] :: I spend, pass, lead
traductio {noun} :: transferring
traductio {noun} [rhetoric] :: metonymy
traductio {noun} [rhetoric] :: repetition of the same word
traductio {noun} :: translation
traductio {noun} :: temporis, passage of time, lapse of time
traductivus {adj} :: of a kind of poetic metre
traductor {noun} :: One who transfers or carries over, conveyer
traducturus {v} :: about to transport
traductus {v} :: transported
traductus {v} :: paraded
tradux {noun} :: vine branch
Traens {prop} :: The river Trionto in Italy
tragelaphus {noun} :: goat-stag (a kind of antelope with a beard like a goat)
tragicus {adj} :: tragic
tragicus {adj} :: Relating to tragedy or to a tragic drama
tragicus {noun} :: A tragic poet
tragicus {noun} :: A tragic actor
Tragilus {prop} :: A town of Macedonia situated near Amphipolis
tragoedia {noun} [drama] :: tragedy
tragoedus {noun} [drama] :: A tragic actor
tragoedus {noun} :: An epithet of Jupiter
tragopan {noun} :: A fabulous kind of bird
tragula {noun} :: javelin, dart (having a throwing-strap)
tragum {noun} :: a kind of net
Tragurium {prop} :: Tragurium (important town), now Trogir or Traù
traha {noun} :: a kind of threshing instrument in form of a jagged board pulled by beasts, drag
traharius {noun} :: one who draws a traha, a sledge-man, baggage-man
trahax {adj} :: that draws everything to himself, greedy, covetous
trahea {noun} :: alternative form of traha
trahendus {v} :: which is to be dragged
trahendus {v} :: which is to be trailed
trahendus {v} :: which is to be extracted, withdrawn
trahendus {v} :: which is to be plundered, squandered
trahendus {v} :: which is to be drawn out, prolonged
trahens {v} :: dragging
trahens {v} :: trailing
trahens {v} :: extracting, withdrawing
trahens {v} :: plundering, squandering
trahens {v} :: drawing out, prolonging
trahitorius {adj} :: attracting, seducing
traho {v} :: I drag, pull
traho {v} :: I trail
traho {v} :: I extract, withdraw
traho {v} :: I plunder, squander
traho {v} :: I draw out, prolong
traho {v} [figuratively] :: I attract, draw (someone; their attention)
traho {v} [by extension] :: I attract the support of, sway, win over
Traianus {prop} :: Trajan
traiciendus {v} :: which is to be transferred
traiciens {v} :: transferring
traicio {v} :: I throw, cast or hurl across or over
traicio {v} :: I cause to go across, over or through; transfer
traicio {v} :: I pass through; strike, stab, pierce or transfix through
traicio {v} :: I overstep, transgress
traiecticius {adj} :: transported (especially overseas)
traiectio {noun} [literally] :: a crossing over, passing over, passage
traiectio {noun} :: a transposition (of words), hyperbaton
traiectio {noun} :: exaggeration, hyperbole
traiectio {noun} :: a throwing or putting off upon another
traiectorium {noun} :: funnel
Traiectum ad Mosam {prop} :: Maastricht
traiecturus {v} :: about to transfer
traiectus {v} :: thrown or hurled (over)
traiectus {v} :: transferred
traiectus {v} :: transfixed
traiectus {noun} :: crossing, passage
Trajanopolis {prop} :: A town of Thrace situated on the right bank of the Hebrus
trajecticius {adj} :: alternative form of traiecticius
trajectio {noun} :: alternative typography of trāiectiō
trajector {noun} :: piercer
trajectorium {noun} :: alternative spelling of trāiectōrium
trajecturus {v} :: alternative spelling of traiecturus
trajectus {v} :: alternative form of traiectus
trajicio {v} :: alternative form of trāiciō
tralaticius {adj} :: traditional, customary, usual, ordinary
Tralles {prop} :: Aydın (town in Lydia, in modern Turkey)
tralocuturus {v} :: about to recount
tralocutus {v} :: recounted
traloquendus {v} :: which is to be recounted
traloquens {v} :: recounting
traloquor {v} :: I talk over, recount
tralucens {v} :: alternative form of trānslūcens
traluceo {v} :: alternative form of trānslūceō
trama {noun} [of fabric] :: woof, weft
trama {noun} [by extension] :: A lean, lanky person
trames {noun} :: footpath, track
trames {noun} :: bed of a river
tramissus {v} :: Sent, carried, or conveyed across, over, or through;
tramitto {v} :: alternative form of trānsmittō
tranandus {v} :: which is to be permeated
tranans {v} :: permeating
tranaturus {v} :: about to permeate
tranatus {v} :: oermeated
Tranio {prop} :: given name, character in the play Mostellaria of Plautus
trano {v} :: I swim over, across or through
trano {v} :: I penetrate or permeate
tranquille {adv} :: calmly, quietly, tranquilly, serenely
tranquillissime {adv} :: superlative of tranquillō
tranquillitas {noun} :: quietness, calmness, stillness, tranquillity, serenity
tranquillius {adv} :: comparative of tranquillō
tranquillo {adv} :: quietly, without disturbance
tranquillo {v} :: I (make) calm or still,
tranquillo {v} :: I compose, tranquillize or tranquillise, calm (down)
tranquillum {noun} :: Quietness, calmness, stillness, tranquillity, serenity
tranquillum {noun} [of the weather, sea or similar] :: Calm conditions
tranquillus {adj} [of the weather or similar] :: quiet, calm, still, tranquil
tranquillus {adj} [of a person] :: placid, composed, untroubled, undisturbed
Tranquillus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Tranquillus {prop} :: Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, a Roman historian
trans- {prefix} :: through, across, beyond
trans {prep} :: across, beyond
transabeo {v} :: I pass by, go beyond
transabeo {v} :: I go through
transabeo {v} :: I pierce, transfix
transabiens {v} :: piercing
transabiturus {v} :: about to pierce
transabitus {v} :: pierced
transactio {noun} :: completion
transactio {noun} :: agreement, transaction, deal
transacturus {v} :: about to pierce
transactus {v} :: pierced
transactus {v} :: finished etc.; transacted
transalpinus {adj} :: transalpine
transcendens {v} :: overstepping, surpassing, exceeding, transcending
transcendo {v} :: I climb, pass, cross or step over
transcendo {v} :: I overstep, surpass, exceed or transcend
transcensus {v} :: climbed etc. over
transcensus {v} :: overstepped, surpassed, exceeded, transcended
transcensus {noun} :: surmounting
transcensus {noun} :: crossing
transcensus {noun} :: transition
transcido {vt} :: I cut or strike across or through, flog soundly
transcribendus {v} :: which is to be transcribed
transcribens {v} :: transcribing
transcribo {v} :: I transfer in writing, copy off, transcribe
transcribo {v} :: I alter, forge, falsify
transcribo {v} [of an item] :: I assign, convey, transfer
transcribo {v} [of place or station] :: I transfer, remove to
transcribo {v} [of pictures] :: I transfer, copy
transcripturus {v} :: about to transcribe
transcriptus {v} :: transcribed
transcursus {noun} :: running across
transducendus {v} :: alternative form of trādūcendus
transducens {v} :: alternative form of trādūcens
transduco {v} :: alternative form of trādūcō
transducturus {v} :: alternative form of trāducturus
transductus {v} :: alternative form of trāductus
transenna {noun} :: A noose, springe, net
transenna {noun} :: A latticework
transenna {noun} :: A snare, trap
transeo {v} :: I traverse, go across
transeo {v} :: I go over (to a side or faction)
transeo {v} :: I pass over
transeo {v} :: I surpass, exceed
transeo {v} [of time] :: I pass, elapse
transeo {v} [figuratively] :: I cease, pass away
transeundus {v} :: which is to be traversed etc
transferendus {v} :: which is to be transferred, transported etc
transferens {v} :: transporting, transferring
transferens {v} :: copying, transcribing
transfero {v} :: I bear, carry or bring across or over; transport, transfer
transfero {v} :: I copy, transcribe, transfer
transfero {v} :: I carry along in public, display in procession, bear in triumph
transfero {v} :: I put off, defer, postpone, delay, transfer
transfero {v} :: I translate into another language; interpret
transfero {v} :: I transfer in meaning, use figuratively or tropically
transfero {v} :: I apply, make use of
transfero {v} :: I change, transform
transfigens {v} :: piercing, stabbing
transfigo {v} :: I thrust through
transfigo {v} :: I transfix
transfigurans {v} :: transforming, transfiguring, metamorphosing
transfiguratus {v} :: transformed, transfigured or metamorphosed
transfiguro {v} :: I transform, transfigure or metamorphose
transfixus {v} :: pierced through
transfixus {v} :: transfixed
transfluo {vi} :: I flow or run across or through; seep through
transfluo {vi} [figuratively, of time] :: I pass away, elapse
transfodio {v} :: I thrust, stab or run through, transfix, transpierce
transformandus {v} :: which is to be transformed
transformans {v} :: transforming
transformatio {noun} [Ecclesiastical Latin, Medieval Latin] :: transformation
transformaturus {v} :: about to transform
transformatus {v} :: transformed
transformo {v} :: I transform (change in shape)
transfretandus {v} :: which is to be crossed
transfretans {v} :: ferrying
transfretaturus {v} :: about to cross
transfretatus {v} :: crossed
transfretens {v} :: ferrying
transfreto {v} :: I cross a strait
transfreto {v} :: I pass over the sea
transfreto {v} :: I ferry (across)
transfuga {noun} :: a deserter
transfugio {v} :: I flee to the enemy; I desert
transfugiturus {v} :: about to flee
transfugitus {v} :: fled
transfulgeo {vi} :: I shine or glitter through
transfundo {v} :: I decant
transfundo {v} :: I transfuse
transfusio {noun} :: pouring out or off, decanting, transfusion
transfusus {v} :: decanted
transfusus {v} :: transfused
transgrediens {v} :: crossing
transgrediens {v} :: deserting
transgredior {v} :: I step beyond, across or over, climb or pass over, cross
transgredior {v} [figuratively] :: I go over, desert
transgressio {noun} :: transposition
transgressio {noun} :: transition
transgressio {noun} :: transgression
transgressor {noun} :: transgressor
transgressus {v} :: crossed (climbed or passed over), having crossed
transiens {v} :: traversing, crossing
transiens {v} :: going over (to a side or faction)
transiens {v} :: passing over
transiens {v} :: surpassing, exceeding
transiens {v} [of time] :: passing, elapsing
transiens {v} [figuratively] :: ceasing, passing away
transigendus {v} :: which is to be pierced
transigens {v} :: piercing
transigo {v} :: I thrust through; I pierce; I stab
transigo {v} :: I spend (time)
transigo {v} :: I finish, accomplish, settle, complete, conclude, transact (a piece of business)
transigo {v} :: I settle a difference or dispute, come to an understanding
transigo {v} :: I put an end to, have done with
transiliens {v} :: jumping over, leaping across
transilio {v} :: I jump over, leap across
transilio {v} [rare] :: I hasten, go quickly
transitans {v} :: going or passing through
transitio {noun} :: transit, passage
transitio {noun} :: desertion
transitio {noun} :: infection, contagion
transitivus {adj} :: transiting (passing over)
transitorius {adj} :: transitory
transiturus {v} :: about to go across or over
transitus {noun} :: passage, crossing (movement over or across)
transitus {noun} :: transition
transitus {noun} :: transit
translaticius {adj} :: handed down, hereditary
translaticius {adj} :: customary, traditional
translatio {noun} :: Translation, in the broadest sense: the process of transferring or carrying something over from one thing to another; in particular:
translatio {noun} :: Translation of text from one language to another
translatio {noun} :: A transfer from a literal to a figurative meaning; a metaphor (compare the Ancient Greek μεταφορά with the same senses)
translativus {adj} :: transferable
translaturus {v} :: about to transfer
translatus {noun} :: a solemn procession
translatus {noun} :: pomp
translatus {v} :: transferred, having been transferred
translatus {v} :: carried, having been carried
translatus {v} :: conveyed, having been conveyed
translatus {v} :: handed over, having been handed over
transluceo {v} :: I shine across
transluceo {v} :: I shine or show through; I am transparent or translucent
transmarinus {adj} :: From beyond the sea; transmarine
transmarinus {adj} [relational] :: overseas
transmeo {v} :: I go over, across or through
transmigrans {v} :: moving house
transmigrans {v} :: transmigrating
transmigratio {noun} :: emigration
transmigratio {noun} :: transmigration
transmigratus {v} :: moved house
transmigratus {v} :: transmigrated
transmigro {v} :: I move house
transmigro {v} :: I transmigrate
transmissio {noun} :: transmission, passage (the sending across of something)
transmissurus {v} :: about to transmit
transmissus {v} :: transmitted, having been transmitted
transmissus {v} :: crossing, transiting
transmittendus {v} :: which is to be transmitted
transmittens {v} :: transmitting
transmitto {vt} :: I transmit
transmontanus {adj} :: that is or lives beyond the mountains; transmontane
transmoveo {v} :: I remove from one place to another; transfer
transmutatio {noun} [grammar] :: transposition
transmutatio {noun} :: changing, variability, alteration, transmutation
transmuto {v} :: change, shift, transform, transmute
transmuto {v} [medicine] :: transfer, remove
transnato {v} :: I swim across or through
transnavigo {v} :: I sail across or through
Transpadana {prop} [by extension] :: Often used for the name for a geographical entity that is situated across the river Po
Transpadana {prop} :: A placename for a Roman province, with gubernatorial seat at Mediolanum (Roman Milan, later capital of Lombardy)
Transpadana {prop} :: In modern history, a placename for the short-lived Transpadane Republic
transparens {v} :: transparent; showing through
transpareo {v} :: I am showing through; I am transparent
transpicio {v} [rare] :: I look or see through
transplantatio {noun} :: removal
transplantatio {noun} :: transplantation
transplantatus {v} :: transplanted
transplantatus {v} :: removed
transplanto {v} :: I transplant
transplanto {v} :: I remove
transponendus {v} :: which is to be transferred
transponens {v} :: transferring
transpono {v} :: I place over or across
transpono {v} :: I transfer
transportandus {v} :: about to be carried across, about to be transported
transportans {v} :: carrying across, transporting
transportaturus {v} :: about to carry across, about to transport
transportatus {v} :: carried across, having been carried across, transported, having been transported
transporto {v} :: I carry across; I transport
transpositurus {v} :: about to transfer
transpositus {v} :: transferred
transpungo {v} :: I prick through, I pierce through
transscendo {v} :: alternative form of trānscendō
transscribo {v} :: alternative form of trānscrībō
transsubstantiatio {noun} :: alternative spelling of trānsubstantiātiō
transtiberinus {adj} :: alternative case form of Trānstiberīnus
Transtiberinus {adj} :: located beyond the Tiber river; Transtiberine
transtineo {v} :: I go or pass through
transtrum {noun} :: crossbeam, transom
transtrum {noun} :: thwart of a vessel
transubstantiatio {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: transubstantiation
transubstantio {v} [Medieval Latin] :: I transubstantiate
transvaalensis {adj} [relational] :: Transvaal
transvaalicus {adj} [relational] :: Transvaal
transvado {v} :: I cross over
transvado {v} :: I pass by
transvecturus {v} :: about to transport
transvectus {v} :: transported
transvehendus {v} :: which is to be transported
transvehens {v} :: transporting
transveho {v} :: I carry, bear, convey across or over
transveho {v} :: I transport
transveho {v} :: I pass by
transvenio {v} :: I come (from another place or person)
transverbero {v} :: I strike through, pierce through; I transfix
transversalis {adj} :: transverse
transversus {v} :: turned across, lying across, from side to side; transverse; having been turned across
transverto {v} :: I turn across or away
transvolans {v} :: flying over or across
transvolo {v} :: I fly over or across
trapetus {noun} :: olive oil mill
trapezium {noun} :: trapezium, trapezoid (four-sided shape with no sides parallel and no equal sides)
Trapezuntinus {adj} :: of Trapezūs, Trapezuntine
Trapezus {prop} :: Trabzon (a city in Pontus (NE Anatolia on the Black Sea), formerly the capital of the Late Mediaeval Empire of Trebizond, now a city in the Republic of Turkey)
trapus {noun} :: alternative form of drapus
Trasimenus {prop} :: The Lake Trasimeno
Tratia {prop} [historical geography] :: synonym of Thracia: Thrace
traumaticum {noun} :: a vulnerary, a traumatic (a remedy for a wound or injury)
traumaticus {adj} :: vulnerary, traumatic (adapted to or efficacious in the healing of wounds)
Trausi {prop} :: A tribe of Thrace mentioned by Livy
travancoricus {adj} [relational] :: Travancore
travectio {noun} :: crossing
travectio {noun} :: (military) procession
travecturus {v} :: alternative form of trānsvecturus
travectus {v} :: alternative form of trānsvectus
travehendus {v} :: alternative form of trānsvehendus
travehens {v} :: alternative form of trānsvehens
traveho {v} :: alternative form of trānsvehō
Travus {prop} :: A river of Thrace flowing into lake Bistonis
Treba {prop} :: Treba (town), situated between Fulginia and the sources of Clitumnus, now Trevi
Treba {prop} :: Treba (city), situated in the upper valley of the river Anio, now Trevi nel Lazio
Trebatius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Trebatius {prop} :: Gaius Trebatius Testa, a Roman jurist
trebax {adj} :: cunning; crafty; practised
Trebellenus {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Trebellenus {prop} :: Titus Trebellenus Rufus, a Roman politician who committed suicide
Trebellius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Trebellius {prop} :: Trebellius Pollio, a Roman historian
Trebia {prop} :: Trebia (river) that flows into the Padus near Placentia, now the Trebbia
Trebius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Trebius {prop} :: Trebius Niger, a Roman historian
Trebonius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Trebonius {prop} :: Trebonius, a Roman commander
Trebula {prop} :: Trebula (ancient city) situated near the course of the Vulturnus
treceni {num} [distributive] :: three hundred each; three hundred at a time
trecentesimus {num} :: three hundredth
trecenti {num} :: three hundred; 300
trecentiens {adv} :: three hundred times
trecenties {adv} :: alternative form of trecentiēns
trecentum {num} :: three hundred; 300
tredecennium {noun} [New Latin] :: a thirteen-year period
tredecim {num} :: thirteen; 13
tredennis {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: thirteen years old
Treia {prop} :: Treia (town) situated on the left bank of the river Potentia, now still called Treia
tremebundus {adj} :: trembling, quivering, shaking
tremefacio {v} :: I cause to shake, quake or tremble
tremefactus {v} :: shaken
Tremellius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tremellius {prop} :: Gaius Tremellius Scrofa, a Roman praetor
tremendus {v} :: which is to be trembled, shaken, or shuddered at, awe-inspiring
tremendus {v} :: terrible, horrific
tremens {v} :: trembling, shaking, shuddering
tremesco {v} :: I begin to tremble, shake
tremesco {vt} :: I dread
tremipes {adj} :: trembling-footed
tremisco {v} :: alternative form of tremēscō
Tremithus {prop} :: Tremithus (ancient town)
tremiturus {v} :: about to tremble / shake / shudder at
tremo {v} :: I tremble, shake, shudder at
tremor {noun} :: trembling, quaking, tremor
tremulo {v} [Vulgar Latin, Medieval Latin] :: I tremble, shake
tremulus {adj} :: shaking, quaking, quivering, trembling, tremulous
trepidans {v} :: trembling
trepidans {v} :: fearing
trepidans {v} :: wavering
trepidatio {noun} :: agitation, confusion, trepidation
trepidatio {noun} :: the act of trembling or twitching
trepido {v} :: I tremble
trepido {v} :: I am afraid
trepido {v} :: I waver
trepidus {adj} :: nervous, jumpy, agitated
trepidus {adj} :: perilous, alarming
Treres {prop} :: A tribe mentioned by Strabo and Pliny, probably of Thracian origin
Trerus {prop} :: A river of Latium mentioned by Strabo, now the Sacco
tres {num} :: three; 3
Tres Galliae {prop} :: the three Gauls, the division of Northern Gaul (Gallia Comāta) into three parts (Aquītānia, Celtica/Gallia Lugdūnensis, and Belgica) by Julius Caesar
trespes {noun} [Late Latin] :: alternative form of tripēs
Treventum {prop} :: Treventum (town), situated on the right bank of the river Trinius, now Trivento
Treveri {prop} :: A tribe of Gallia Belgica whose chief town was Augusta Treverorum
Treverorum {prop} :: Treverorum (city)
tri- {prefix} [without adverbial sense] :: three, tri-
triandrus {adj} [New Latin] :: a taxonomic epithet for plants having hermaphrodite flowers with three non-coherent stamens
triangularis {adj} :: triangular
triangulatus {adj} :: three-cornered; triangular
trianguliferus {adj} [New Latin] :: carrying a triangle (i.e. having a triangular mark)
triangulum {noun} :: triangle
triangulus {adj} :: triangular, three-cornered, three-sided
triangulus {noun} :: alternative form of triangulum
Triarius {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Triarius {prop} :: Gaius Valerius Triarius, a Roman praetor
trias {noun} :: the number three, a triad
tribalis {adj} :: tribal; of or pertaining to a tribe
Triballi {prop} :: A tribe settled either in Moesia or Thrace
tribas {noun} :: a lesbian, gay woman, tribade
Triboci {prop} :: A tribe of Gallia Belgica, on the left shore of the Rhine
tribon {noun} :: A threadbare cloak
tribrachus {noun} :: alternative form of tribrachys
tribrachys {noun} [prosody] :: tribrach (metrical foot comprising three short syllables)
tribrevis {noun} [prosody] :: tribrach (metrical foot comprising three short syllables)
tribuarius {adj} :: tribal
tribuendus {v} :: which is to be bestowed
tribuens {v} :: granting, bestowing
tribuens {v} :: conceding, allowing
tribula {noun} :: alternative form of trībulum
tribulans {v} :: pressing, squeezing, extracting
tribulatio {noun} :: distress, trouble, tribulation
tribulatus {v} :: pressed, squeezed, extracted
tribulis {noun} :: fellow tribesman
tribulo {v} :: I press, squeeze, extract
tribulum {noun} :: threshing board, threshing sledge
tribulus {noun} :: caltrop (both the plant Tribulus terrestris and the weapon)
tribunal {noun} :: a raised semicircular or square platform, on which the seats of magistrates were placed; tribunal, judgment seat, dais, camp platform
tribunal {noun} :: cenotaph
tribunal {noun} [metonymy] :: a court of law, tribunal; judgment
tribunal {noun} [by extension] :: any platform used for purposes other than above
tribunal {noun} [by extension] :: mound, dam, embankment
tribunal {noun} [figuratively] :: height, greatness
tribunale {noun} [rare] :: alternative form of tribūnal
tribunatus {noun} :: tribuneship (office of a tribune)
tribunicius {adj} [relational] :: tribunitial; tribune
tribunicius {noun} :: an ex-tribune
tribunitius {adj} :: alternative form of tribūnīcius
tribunus {noun} :: chief of a tribe
tribunus {noun} :: commander, tribune
tribuo {vt} :: I grant, bestow
tribuo {vt} :: I yield, give up, concede, allow
tribus {noun} :: One of the three original tribes of Rome: Ramnes, Tities, Luceres
tribus {noun} :: A division of the Roman people
tribus {noun} :: A tribe
tribus {noun} :: The mob, the lower classes
tributarius {adj} [relational] :: tribute
tributim {adv} :: through each tribe
tributio {noun} [rare] :: a dividing, distributing, distribution
tributor {noun} :: a giver, imparter
tributorius {adj} :: of or concerning payment
tributum {noun} :: tax, tribute
tributurus {v} :: about to bestow
tributus {v} :: bestowed
tributus {adj} :: forming tribes
tributus {adj} :: formed by tribes
tricae {noun} [pluralonly] :: trifles, toys, trumpery
tricae {noun} [pluralonly] :: hindrances, impediments
Tricasses {prop} :: A Celtic tribe of Gallia Lugdunensis, whose chief city was Augustobona
Tricca {prop} :: An ancient city of Thessaly, now Trikala
tricenarius {adj} :: thirty
triceni {num} [distributive] :: thirty each; thirty at a time
tricensimus {num} :: thirtieth
triceps {adj} :: triple-headed, having three heads
triceps {adj} :: divided into three parts
tricesimus {num} :: thirtieth
trichechus {noun} [zoology] :: [New Latin] walrus
trichechus {noun} [zoology] :: [New Latin] sea cow
trichila {noun} :: arbor
trichila {noun} :: bower
trichiurus {adj} [New Latin] :: With a thread-like tail
trichocarpus {adj} [New Latin] :: having hairy seeds or fruit
trichrus {noun} :: A kind of precious stone with three colors
triciens {adv} :: alternative form of trīciēs
tricies {adv} :: thirty times
Tricipitinus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Tricipitinus {prop} :: Spurius Lucretius Tricipitinus, a Roman consul
tricliniarcha {noun} :: alternative form of trīclīniarchēs
tricliniarches {noun} :: a chief servant who has charge of the table
triclinium {noun} :: dining room, where three couches are laid out for dining around a small serving table
triclinium {noun} :: a couch for reclining at meal, on which three people may recline
trico {noun} :: mischiefmaker, shuffler, trickster
trico {v} [Late Latin] :: synonym of trīcor
tricolor {adj} :: three-coloured
tricor {v} :: I behave in an evasive manner, search for detours, dodge
tricor {v} :: I make difficult ties, trifle, dally, shuffle, play tricks
Tricorii {prop} :: A Gaulish tribe, who dwelt between the Rhône and the Alps
tricorniger {adj} :: having three horns
tricorniger {adj} :: having three points; trifurcate
tricornis {adj} :: three-horned
tricornutus {adj} :: having three horns
Tricorythus {prop} :: a town of Attica situated on the plain of Marathon
Tricostus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Tricostus {prop} :: Opiter Verginius Tricostus, a Roman consul
tricurium {noun} :: A great worry or concern
tridactylus {adj} [New Latin] :: three-fingered
tridens {adj} :: three-tined, having three prongs or teeth
tridens {noun} :: trident, a three-tined spear
tridentatus {adj} [New Latin] :: tridentate
tridentiger {adj} :: trident-bearing
tridentiger {noun} :: trident-bearer (an epithet of Neptune, god of the sea)
Tridentum {prop} :: a town of Rhaetia, situated on the left bank of the Athesis, now Trento
triduanus {adj} :: lasting three days
triduanus {adj} :: of three days' continuance
triduanus {adj} :: three-day fast
triduum {noun} :: the space of three days, three days
trienne {noun} :: (especially in plural) triennial festival
triennis {adj} :: three-year-old
triennium {noun} :: triennium
triens {noun} :: third (part of something)
triens {noun} :: triens
trientarius {adj} :: third (fractional part)
trientius {adj} :: sold for a third
trierarchus {noun} :: trierarch
trieris {adj} [nautical] :: Having three banks of oars (as on a trireme)
Trieris {prop} :: A town of Phoenicia not far from Tripolis
trietericus {adj} :: of three years
trietericus {adj} :: biennial (according to Roman timekeeping), of alternate years
trifariam {adv} :: triply
trifarius {adj} :: triple, threefold
trifasciatus {adj} [New Latin] :: marked with three bands; trifasciated
trifidus {adj} :: cleft into three
trifidus {adj} :: three-pronged
trifoliatus {adj} :: three-leaved; trifoliate
trifolium {noun} :: trefoil, clover
triforium {noun} :: triforium
triformis {adj} :: having three forms, shapes, or natures; threefold, triple, triform
trifurcifer {noun} :: Someone who is triply a rogue, an arrant rogue or rascal, arch-rogue, persistent thief
trifurcus {adj} [Late Latin] :: having three forks, prongs, or points
triga {noun} [historical] :: A triga: a three-horse chariot during Roman times
triga {noun} [figuratively] :: A trio: a set of three things bound together
trigesimus {adj} :: alternative form of tricesimus
triginta {num} :: thirty; 30
Trigisamum {prop} :: A town of Noricum on the river Trigisamus
Trigisamus {prop} :: A river of Noricum and tributary river of the Danube, now called Traisen
triglitis {noun} :: An unknown kind of gem
trigonus {adj} :: trigonal; three-angled; having three angles
Trigundum {prop} :: Trigundum (town)
trihorium {noun} :: the space of three hours, three hours
trilineatus {adj} [New Latin] :: marked with three lines
trilix {adj} :: having triple thread, three-ply
trillium {noun} :: trillium
trilobatus {adj} :: trilobate
trilobatus {adj} [relational] :: trefoil
trilobus {adj} [New Latin] :: trilobate
trimaculatus {adj} [New Latin] :: having three spots
trimembris {adj} :: having three (pairs of) limbs
trimestris {adj} [relational] :: three months
trimodia {noun} :: a vessel containing three bushels
trimulus {adj} :: diminutive of trīmus
trimus {adj} [relational] :: three years
trimus {adj} :: three-year-old
Trinacria {prop} :: Another name of Sicilia
trinalis {adj} [Medieval Latin] :: three, threefold
trinaliter {adv} [New Latin] :: in threes, in groups of three
Trinasus {prop} :: A town of Laconia situated upon a promontory
trinitarius {adj} :: ternary, threefold, triple
trinitarius {adj} :: Trinitarian
trinitas {noun} :: the number three
trinitas {noun} [post-Classical] :: a triad
trinitas {noun} [Ecclesiastical] :: the Trinity
Trinius {prop} :: Trinius (river) that flows into the Adriatic Sea near the town of Histonium, now the river Trigno
Trinobantes {prop} :: A Celtic tribe of Britannia, whose capital was Camulodunum
trinus {adj} :: triple
trio {noun} :: a plow ox
trio {noun} [chiefly in plural] :: the constellation of the Wagon (Ursa Major and Ursa Minor)
Trio {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Trio {prop} :: Lucius Fulcinius Trio, a Roman senator
Triocala {prop} :: Triocala (city)
tripalis {adj} :: that has, or is propped up by, three stakes or pales
tripartitus {adj} :: threefold, tripartite
tripertito {adv} :: in three parts
tripertitus {adj} :: divided into three parts; divisible by three; threefold
tripes {adj} :: Having three feet; three-footed
tripes {noun} :: tripod
Triphylia {prop} [geography] :: The smallest region of Elis, situated on the south
Tripimirus {prop} :: given name
triplex {adj} :: triple, threefold
triplicabilis {adj} :: threefold, triple
tripliciter {adv} :: triply
triplico {v} :: I treble, triple, triplicate
triplus {num} :: threefold, triple
Tripolis {prop} :: Tripolis (city)
Tripolis {prop} :: Tripolis (city)
Tripolis {prop} :: Tripoli (city in Thessaly, modern Greece)
Tripolis {prop} :: The name of several settlements in the Hellenistic world
Tripsedi {prop} :: A tribe of Asia mentioned by Pliny
Triptolemus {prop} [Greek mythology] :: The mythological inventor of agriculture
tripudiandus {v} :: which is to be danced
tripudians {v} :: dancing
tripudiaturus {v} :: about to dance
tripudiatus {v} :: danced
tripudio {v} :: I dance, caper etc
tripudium {noun} :: a measured stamping, a leaping, jumping, dancing in religious solemnities; a solemn religious dance
tripudium {noun} :: a war-dance
tripudium {noun} :: a favorable omen (when the chickens ate so greedily that the food dropped from their mouths to the ground)
tripunctatus {adj} [New Latin] :: three-pointed
tripunctatus {adj} [New Latin] :: three-spotted
tripus {noun} :: three-footed seat, tripod
tripus {noun} :: tripus (the tripod of the oracle at Delphi)
triquetrus {adj} :: triangular, having three corners
triremis {adj} :: having three banks of oars
triremis {noun} :: trireme
triseriatus {adj} [New Latin] :: triseriate
trisetus {adj} [New Latin] :: having three bristles
trispinosus {adj} [New Latin] :: having three spines or thorns
Trissum {prop} :: a town of the Iazyges mentioned by Ptolemy
tristanensis {adj} :: Tristanian
triste {adv} :: sadly
tristegum {noun} [chiefly in the plural] :: third floor
tristior {adj} :: sadder, rather sad
tristis {adj} :: sad, unhappy, melancholy, morose
tristis {adj} :: sorrowful, mournful
tristis {adj} [of taste] :: disagreeable, harsh, bitter
tristis {adj} [of smell] :: foul, offensive
tristissimus {adj} :: saddest, most or very unhappy etc
tristitia {noun} :: sadness, sorrow, melancholy, sloth
tristitia {noun} :: the (sad) state of things
tristitia {noun} [of demeanor] :: moroseness, sourness
tristities {noun} :: alternative form of trīstitia
tristitudo {noun} :: sadness, sorrow, grief, melancholy, dejection
tristius {adv} :: comparative of trīstiter
tristor {v} :: I am sad, dejected, downcast
tristor {v} :: I grieve
Tritaea {prop} :: a town of Achaia and member of the Achean league
Tritaea {prop} :: a town of Phocis burnt down by Xerxes
tritavia {noun} :: The mother of either an atavus or atavia
tritavus {noun} :: The father of either an atavus or atavia
triticeus {adj} [relational] :: wheat
triticeus {adj} :: wheaten
triticum {noun} :: wheat, a kind of grain
tritium {noun} :: tritium
Tritium {prop} :: A town of the Autrigones in Hispania Tarraconensis
trittilo {vi} [of birds] :: I chirp, twitter
tritura {noun} :: rubbing, chafing
tritura {noun} :: friction
tritura {noun} :: threshing (of grain)
triturans {v} :: threshing
trituro {v} :: I thresh
tritus {v} :: rubbed, triturated
tritus {v} :: worn out or away, well-worn
Triullati {prop} :: An Alpine tribe mentioned by Pliny
triumphalis {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a triumph (celebration)
triumphalis {adj} :: triumphant
triumphandus {v} :: which is to be triumphed
triumphans {v} :: triumphing
triumphans {v} :: exulting, rejoicing
triumphator {noun} :: A person who triumphs, or who celebrates a triumph
triumphatorius {adj} :: triumphant, triumphing
triumphaturus {v} :: about to triumph
triumphatus {v} :: triumphed
triumpho {v} :: I triumph (over)
triumpho {v} :: I celebrate a triumph, especially by means of a procession
triumpho {v} :: I exult, rejoice, celebrate
triumphus {noun} :: a hymn in honor of Bacchus (translating Greek θρίαμβος)
triumphus {noun} [vocative, addressing Thriambus] :: triumpe (a ritual exclamation of the Arval brothers)
triumphus {noun} :: the Roman Triumph (a ceremonial procession in celebration of a military victory)
triumphus {noun} :: triumph, celebration (any celebration of victory)
triumvir {noun} [formally] :: triumvir, whether a member of an official three-man commission or [informally] a member of a three-man junta or other group
triumviralis {adj} :: triumviral (of or relating to the triumvirs)
triumviratus {noun} :: triumvirate (rank or office of a triumvir)
triumvir monetalis {noun} [historical] :: One of the three officials in charge of the Roman mint
triunus {adj} :: triune
trivialis {adj} :: common, commonplace, ordinary, trivial
Trivicum {prop} :: A town of Hirpinia not far from the borders with Apulia, now the small town of Trevico
trivirgatus {adj} [New Latin] :: A specific epithet for several animals having three straight crests etc
trivittatus {adj} [New Latin] :: having three bands
trivium {noun} :: a crossroads or fork where three roads meet
trivium {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: trivium
trivius {adj} :: of or belonging to crossroad temples
-trix {suffix} :: -ess, -rix; used to form a feminine agent noun
-trix {suffix} [often poetic or pejorative] :: Used to form feminine versions of adjectives (in the same way as above), often with a poetic quality and/or a negative connotation
trixago {noun} :: A kind of germander
Troas {prop} :: Troad
trochilus {noun} :: A kind of small bird
trochilus {noun} [architecture] :: trochilus
trochis {f} {m} :: a kind of drink made with figs
trochlea {noun} :: pulley; block and tackle
trochoideus {adj} [New Latin] :: trochoid
trochus {noun} :: iron hoop
Trocmi {prop} :: A Celtic tribe of Galatia
troco {v} [Medieval Latin] :: I barter
Troezen {prop} :: Troezen; a city situated in the south-eastern part of Argolis
Trogitis {prop} :: A small lake of Pisidia mentioned by Strabo
Troglodytae {prop} :: A tribe of Ethiopia who dwelt in caves
troglodytes {noun} :: cave-dweller
troglodytis {adj} [New Latin] :: cave-dwelling
Trogus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Trogus {prop} :: Gnaeus Pompeius Trogus, a Roman historian
Troia {prop} :: Troia (ancient city)
Troianus {adj} :: Trojan
Troianus {noun} :: a Trojan
Troja {prop} :: alternative spelling of Trōia
tromocrata {noun} [New Latin] :: terrorist, person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle
tropaeum {noun} :: a trophy, victory memorial
tropaeum {noun} [figuratively] :: a victory
tropaeum {noun} :: a mark, token, monument
tropeum {noun} :: alternative form of tropaeum
tropicalis {adj} [New Latin] :: A specific epithet for many tropical organisms
tropicus {adj} :: tropical
Tropina {noun} :: Tropina (town)
troppus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: herd, flock
tropus {noun} :: a figurative use of a word, a trope (postAug. for trānslātiō, verbōrum immūtātiō)
tropus {noun} :: a way of singing, a song
Trossulum {prop} :: Trossulum (ancient town)
trossulus {adj} :: Of or from Trossulum
troxalis {noun} :: A kind of insect, perhaps the cricket
trua {noun} :: A ladle
trucanti {noun} :: A kind of small fish
trucidandus {v} :: which is to be slaughtered
trucidans {v} :: slaughtering
trucidatio {noun} :: slaughtering, massacring, butchery
trucidaturus {v} :: about to slaughter
trucidatus {v} :: slaughtered
trucido {v} :: I slaughter, cut to pieces, kill in a cruel way
trucido {v} :: I demolish, destroy, ruin
trucilo {vi} [of thrushes] :: I sing
trucior {adj} :: rougher, harsher
trucissime {adv} :: superlative of truciter
trucissimus {adj} :: roughest, harshest
truciter {adv} :: wildly, harshly
trucius {adv} :: comparative of truciter
tructa {noun} [Late Latin] :: a kind of trout
truculentior {adj} :: more savage, fierce etc
truculentus {adj} :: savage, ferocious
truculentus {adj} :: harsh, stern, cruel
truculentus {adj} :: stormy
Truculentus {prop} :: given name, character in the play Truculentus of Plautus
trudendus {v} :: which is to be thrusted
trudens {v} :: thrusting
trudis {noun} :: stake, pole
trudis {noun} :: metal-tipped pole
trudo {v} :: I thrust, push or shove
Truentus {prop} :: One of the most important rivers of Picenum, which flows into the Adriatic Sea near the city of Truentum, now the river Tronto
trulla {noun} :: small ladle or scoop
trulleum {noun} :: A basin, a washbasin
-trum {suffix} :: forming instrument nouns
Trumpilini {prop} :: A pre-Roman tribe of the Alps, who dwelt near Brixia
truncans {v} :: maiming, mutilating, especially by the removal of limbs
truncatio {noun} :: maiming, mutilating
truncatio {noun} :: truncation
truncatulus {adj} [New Latin] :: slightly truncated
truncatus {v} :: maimed, mutilated, having been maimed by having limbs cut off
trunco {v} :: I maim or mutilate by cutting off pieces
trunco {v} :: I truncate
trunculatus {adj} [New Latin] :: truncated
trunculus {noun} :: a small piece cut off from the body; tip
truncus {adj} :: lopped, docked
truncus {adj} :: maimed, mangled, mutilated
truncus {noun} :: A tree trunk
truncus {noun} [New Latin, biology] :: The thorax of an insect
truncus {noun} [New Latin, medicine] :: The trunk (torso) of the human body or other animal body
truncus {noun} [New Latin, medicine] :: An arterial trunk, such as the truncus arteriosus
truncus {noun} :: A piece cut off
truncus cerebri {noun} :: brain stem
truncus encephali {noun} :: brain stem
truo {noun} :: A kind of bird, perhaps the cormorant
trustis {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: antrustion, royal retainers
trustis {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: military campaign
trustis {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: military service
trustis {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: an armed escort
trusurus {v} :: about to thrust
trusus {v} :: thrusted
trutina {noun} :: balance, (pair of) scales
trutta {noun} :: trout
trutta {noun} :: shark
trux {adj} :: wild, rough, harsh, savage, fierce, ferocious
trux {adj} :: grim, stern
tryginon {noun} :: a blank coloring matter made from the lees of wine
trygon {noun} :: stingray (fish, Dasyatis pastinaca)
tryx {noun} [rare] :: new, unfermented wine, must
tsushimensis {adj} [relational] :: Tsushima
TTT {prop} [New Latin] :: initialism of Tēla Tōtīus Terrae
tu {pron} :: you (singular); thou
tuatim {adv} [hapax legomenon] :: in your way
tuba {noun} :: A long trumpet over 1 meter in length
tuba {noun} :: tube
Tubantes {prop} :: A German tribe allied with the Cherusci
tuber {noun} :: a hump, bump, swelling, protuberance; excrescence
tuber {noun} :: the cyclamen or other similar plants with tuberous roots
tuber {noun} :: a truffle (any of various edible fungi, of the genus Tuber)
tuber {f} [usually feminine] :: a kind of tree or bush of foreign origin, possibly the azarole (Crataegus azarolus)
tuber {f} [usually masculine] :: the fruit of the above tree
tuberculatus {adj} :: warty, tuberculate
tuberculosus {adj} [New Latin] :: Full of swellings, bumps, etc
tuberculum {noun} :: diminutive of tuber
tuberculum {noun} :: a small swelling, bump, or protuberance; a boil, pimple, tubercle
Tubero {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Tubero {prop} :: Quintus Aelius Tubero, a Roman jurist
tuberosus {adj} :: lumpy (full of protuberances)
Tubertus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Tubertus {prop} :: Publius Postumius Tubertus, a Roman consul
tubicen {noun} :: a trumpeter, especially in an army at war but also at sacrifices or funerals
tubicino {vi} :: I sound a trumpet
tubicino {vt} [Medieval Latin, figuratively] :: I praise or extol (someone)
tubifer {adj} :: tubiferous
tubulus {noun} :: small pipe or tube
Tubunae {prop} :: Tubunae (town)
Tuburbi {prop} :: The name of two towns of the interior of Africa
tuburchinabundus {adj} :: alternative form of tuburcinābundus
tuburcinabundus {adj} :: greedily eating or devouring, gobbling
tubus {noun} :: tube, pipe
tubus {noun} :: trumpet used at sacrifices
Tubusuptu {prop} :: Tubusuptu (town) situated near Saldae
tuccetum {noun} :: a kind of sausage made with meat of ox
Tucci {prop} :: Tucci (town)
Tuccius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tuccius {prop} :: Marcus Tuccius, a Roman praetor
Tucis {prop} :: Tucis (town)
tucumanensis {adj} [relational] :: Tucumán
Tuder {prop} :: Tuder (city) situated on a hill above the valley of Tiber, now Todi
tudes {noun} :: A hammer, mallet
Tudicius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tudicius {prop} :: Gnaeus Tudicius, a Roman senator
tudicula {noun} :: a machine for crushing olives
tudiculo {v} :: to stir, stir about
Tuditanus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Tuditanus {prop} :: Gaius Sempronius Tuditanus, a Roman historian
-tudo {suffix} :: -itude, -ness; used to form abstract nouns indicating a state or condition
tuendus {v} :: which is to be beheld, watched, viewed
tuendus {v} :: which is to be defended, supported
tuendus {v} :: which is to be maintained, preserved
tuens {v} :: beholding, watching, viewing
tuens {v} :: guarding, defending, protecting, supporting
tuens {v} :: upholding, maintaining, preserving
tueor {v} :: I look or gaze at, behold, watch, view
tueor {v} :: I care for, guard, defend, protect, support, compensate or make up for
tueor {v} :: I uphold, keep up, maintain, preserve
Tuerobis {prop} :: A river of Britannia mentioned by Ptolemy, probably the river Teifi
tufa {noun} :: a kind of helmet crest or plume
tufa {noun} :: a kind of military standard
Tuficum {prop} :: Tuficum (town), whose location is still unknown
Tugia {prop} :: Tugia (city)
tugurium {noun} :: a hut, cottage, shack; any primitive dwelling
tuitus {v} :: defended
tularensis {adj} [relational] :: Tulare County, California
Tulcis {prop} :: Tulcis (small river) that flows near the city of Tarraco
Tulingi {prop} :: A small tribe allied with the Helvetii
Tulliasses {prop} :: An Alpine tribe of Liguria mentioned in the Tabula Clesiana
tullius {noun} :: A jet of water, a waterfall
Tullius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tullius {prop} :: Servius Tullius, a Roman king
Tullius {prop} :: Marcus Tullius Cicero, a famous Roman orator
Tullum {prop} :: The chief town of the Leuci in Gallia Belgica, now Toul
tum {adv} :: then, thereupon
tum {adv} :: at the time, at that time, then
tum {adv} :: further on
tumba {noun} [Late Latin] :: tomb
tumefaciens {v} :: causing to swell, tumefying
tumefaciens {v} [figuratively] :: swelling, puffing or inflating with pride
tumefacio {v} :: I cause to swell, tumefy
tumefacio {v} [figuratively] :: I swell, puff up or inflate with pride
tumefactus {v} :: tumefied, having been tumefied
tumefactus {v} [figuratively] :: inflated with pride, having been inflated with pride
tumens {v} :: swelling
tumentia {noun} :: A swelling
tumeo {v} :: to be swollen, turgid, distended, puffed out or inflated, to swell
tumeo {v} [figuratively] :: to be excited or violent, ready to burst forth
tumeo {v} [figuratively] :: to be puffed out or inflated with pride
tumeo {v} [figuratively, of speech or writing] :: to be turgid, pompous or bombastic
tumescens {v} :: swelling (beginning to swell)
tumesco {v} :: I begin to swell, become distended or inflated, swell up
tumesco {v} [figuratively] :: I become excited or violent, ready to burst forth
tumide {adv} :: haughtily, pompously
tumidissime {adv} :: superlative of tumidē
tumiditas {noun} [Late Latin] :: A swelling, tumor
tumidius {adv} :: comparative of tumidē
tumido {vt} :: I cause to swell
tumidosus {adj} :: high-swelling
tumidulus {adj} :: somewhat swollen, protuberant or tumid
tumidus {adj} :: swollen, swelling, rising high, protuberant, tumid, dilated, bulging
tumidus {adj} :: causing to swell
tumidus {adj} [figuratively] :: excited, violent, exasperated; puffed up, elated; arrogant; restless, ready to break out
tumidus {adj} [figuratively, of an orator] :: bombastic, pompous
tumidus {adj} [figuratively, of speech] :: inflated, turgid, high-flown, bombastic, tumid
tumolus {noun} :: alternative form of tumulus
tumor {noun} :: The state of being swollen
tumor {noun} :: A swelling, tumor
tumor {noun} :: The swell of the sea
tumor {noun} [of the ground] :: An elevation, swelling
tumor {noun} [figuratively] :: A commotion, fermentation, excitement; arrogance
tumor {noun} [rhetoric] :: An inflated or pompous style, bombast
tumorosus {adj} :: swollen, inflated, bloated
tumulamen {noun} :: A sepulchral mound, tumulus
tumulandus {v} :: about to be buried
tumulatus {adj} :: buried, entombed
tumulo {vt} :: I cover with a mound; bury, inter, entomb
tumulosus {adj} :: full of hills or hillocks, hilly
tumultuans {v} :: disturbing the peace
tumultuatus {v} :: Having been disturbed, tumulted, or bustled
tumultuor {v} :: I make a disturbance
tumultuor {v} :: I cause an uproar
tumultuosior {adj} :: more turbulent, restless
tumultuosus {adj} :: turbulent, restless
tumultus {noun} :: An uproar; bustle, violent commotion, disturbance, tumult; turmoil, panic
tumultus {noun} :: A storm, tempest, thunderclap
tumultus {noun} :: A sudden outbreak of violence or an impending war; civil war; insurrection, riot, rebellion, sedition, tumult
tumultus {noun} [of the mind or feelings] :: Disturbance, disquietude, agitation; excitement, anxiety; fear, panic
tumultus {noun} [of speech] :: Confusion, muddle, disorder
tumulus {noun} :: A heap of earth, mound, hill, knoll, hillock
tumulus {noun} :: A barrow, grave, tumulus
tunc {adv} :: then, in its senses as
tunc {adv} :: at that time
tunc {adv} [New Latin] :: therefore
tunc {adv} :: from then on: from that time, thereupon, afterwards
tundens {v} :: hitting
tundo {v} :: I beat, strike, buffet
tundo {v} :: I pound, bruise, crush, pulp, bray [as in a mortar]
tundo {v} :: I keep on at, assail
Tunes {prop} :: Tunes (town), now Tunis
Tunesia {prop} :: Tunisia
Tungri {prop} :: A tribe of Gallia Belgica
tunica {noun} :: tunic, an undergarment worn by both men and women
tunica {noun} [figuratively] :: a coating, membrane, peel
tunicatus {adj} :: wearing a tunic
tunico {v} :: I cover or clothe with a tunic
tunna {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: tun, box
tunnarius {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: tun maker, barrel fixer, cooper
tunnarius {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: alternative form of thynnārius
tunsus {v} :: beaten, buffeted
tunsus {v} :: assailed
Tuphium {prop} :: A town of Upper Egypt situated near Hermonthis
-tura {suffix} :: -ure, -ing; used to form a noun relating to some action
turba {noun} :: stir, disturbance, tumult, uproar, trouble
turba {noun} :: mob, crowd, throng
turba {noun} :: multitude
Turbalio {prop} :: given name, character in the play Rudens of Plautus
turbans {v} :: disturbing, unsettling
turbans {v} :: upsetting
turbatio {noun} :: disturbance
turbatio {noun} :: confusion
turbatus {v} :: disturbed, unsettled
turbatus {v} :: upset
turbedo {noun} :: storm
turbedo {noun} :: cloudiness (of beer etc.)
turbellae {noun} :: A bustle, stir, row
turbellae {noun} :: A little crowd, multitude
turbidior {adj} :: more stormy or turbid
turbidissimus {adj} :: most or very stormy, turbid
turbidus {adj} :: wild, stormy
turbidus {adj} :: muddy, turbid
turbidus {adj} :: murky, foggy, clouded, opaque
turbidus {adj} :: troubled
turbidus {adj} :: unruly
turbinatus {adj} :: cone-shaped, conical
turbiscus {noun} :: an unknown kind of shrub
turbo {noun} :: tornado, whirlwind
turbo {noun} :: crowd
turbo {v} :: I disturb, unsettle, agitate
turbo {v} :: I upset
turbor {noun} :: restlessness, disturbance, tumult
turbulentia {noun} :: trouble, disquiet, turbulence
turbulentissimus {adj} :: most or very turbulent etc
turbulentissimus {adj} :: most or very unruly etc
turbulentus {adj} :: stormy, turbulent
turbulentus {adj} :: unruly, riotous
turbystum {noun} :: A kind of mordant
Turcae {prop} :: A Scythian tribe dwelling on the Sea of Azov
Turcia {prop} [New Latin] :: Turkey
turcicus {adj} :: Turkish
Turcilingi {prop} :: A tribe of Northern Germany
Turcomannia {prop} :: Turkmenistan
turcomannicus {adj} :: Turkmen
turdela {noun} :: thrush (bird)
Turdetani {prop} :: A tribe of Hispania Baetica who lived near the Turduli
Turduli {prop} :: Turduli, a tribe of Hispania Baetica who lived to the northeast of the Turdetani
turdus {noun} :: thrush, fieldfare
Turenum {prop} :: Turenum (city), now Trani
Turgalium {prop} :: Turgalium (town), now Trujillo
turgens {v} :: swelling
turgeo {v} :: I am swollen, swell out
turgeo {v} [figuratively] :: I swell (with rage); I am enraged
turgeo {v} [figuratively, of speech] :: I am inflated or bombastic
turgesco {v} :: I swell up, begin to swell
turgidulus {adj} :: somewhat swollen, inflamed etc
turgidus {adj} :: turgid, swollen, inflated, distended
turgidus {adj} [of language or style] :: bombastic, turgid
Turia {prop} :: The Turia river that flows in eastern Spain, which is called Guadalaviar from its source in the Montes Universales to Teruel in southern Aragon
Turiaso {prop} :: A town of the Celtiberians in Hispania Tarraconensis, now Tarazona
turibulum {noun} :: censer, thurible
turicensis {adj} [relational] :: Zurich
Turicum {prop} :: Turicum (town), now Zürich
-turio {suffix} :: I desire, I wish (verbal suffix appended to various words to make a new word meaning to desire or wish for an action.)
turio {noun} :: A shoot, a sprout, a tendril, a young branch of a tree
Turius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Turius {prop} :: Lucius Turius, a Roman orator
turkestanicus {adj} :: Turkestani
turma {noun} :: a troop, squadron of cavalry, team
turma {noun} [in general] :: a troop, crowd, company, throng, band, body
turmalis {adj} [military] :: of or belonging to a troop or squadron
turmalis {adj} :: of the equestrian order
turmalis {noun} [military] :: member of a cavalry squadron, especially one's own
turmalis {noun} [military] :: a cavalry trumpet
turmalis {noun} [military] :: a horseman
turmatim {adv} :: by squadrons, troops or turma
Turmogidi {prop} :: A tribe of Hispania Tarraconensis
Turnacum {prop} :: Turnacum (town), now Tournai
Turnus {prop} [Roman mythology] :: A king of the Rutuli killed by Aeneas
Turobriga {prop} :: Turobriga (ancient town)
Turodi {prop} :: A Celtic tribe of Hispania Tarraconensis
Turones {prop} :: A Celtic tribe of Gallia Lugdunensis, whose chief town was Caesarodunum
Turoqua {prop} :: Turoqua (town) situated on the road from Bracara Augusta to Lucus Augusti
turpans {v} :: fouling, polluting, defiling
turpans {v} [figuratively] :: disgracing, degrading
turpethum {noun} [Medieval Latin – New Latin] :: turpeth (plant and drug)
turpiculus {adj} :: somewhat ugly, foul, deformed
Turpilius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Turpilius {prop} :: Sextus Turpilius, a Roman writer
turpiloquium {noun} :: obscene or immodest speech, profanity
turpilucricupidus {adj} [hapax legomenon] :: greedy for dishonest gain
turpilucrus {adj} :: profiting dishonestly
Turpio {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Turpio {prop} :: Lucius Ambivius Turpio, a Roman actor
turpior {adj} :: uglier etc
turpis {adj} :: ugly, unsightly; foul, filthy
turpis {adj} [of sound] :: cacophonous, disagreeable
turpis {adj} [figuratively] :: base, infamous, scandalous, dishonorable, shameful, disgraceful
turpissimus {adj} :: ugliest, filthiest
turpiter {adv} :: repulsively
turpiter {adv} :: in an ugly manner
turpitudo {noun} :: ugliness, unsightliness, foulness, deformity
turpitudo {noun} :: baseness, indecency shamefulness, disgrace, dishonor, infamy, turpitude
turpius {adv} :: comparative of turpiter
turpo {v} :: I make ugly; disfigure, deform, mar; defile, pollute
turpo {v} [figuratively] :: I dishonor, disgrace
turquinensis {adj} [relational] :: Pico Turquino (in Cuba)
Turranius {prop} :: The name of a Roman gens
turriger {adj} [poetic] :: having turrets, turreted, turret-crowned (an epithet of Cybele, an Earth goddess)
turris {noun} :: tower
turris {noun} [Late Latin, chess] :: a rook
Turris {prop} :: A river of Venetia, now called Torre
turritus {adj} :: towered, turreted
turritus {adj} :: towering, lofty
tursio {noun} :: A kind of dolphin, perhaps the porpoise
turtur {noun} :: turtle dove
Turum {prop} :: Turum (town), now Turi
turunda {noun} :: A ball of paste for fattening geese
turunda {noun} :: A kind of sacrificial cake
turunda {noun} [medicine] :: A tent or roll of lint for wounds, a swab
Turuntus {prop} :: Turuntus (river)
Turutius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
-tus {suffix} :: Forms the past participle of verbs
-tus {suffix} :: Forms adjectives having the sense "provided with"
-tus {suffix} :: Forms action nouns from verbs
-tus {suffix} :: Forms collective/abstract nouns from adjectives or other nouns
tus {noun} :: alternative spelling of thūs
Tusca {prop} :: Tusca (river)
Tuscana {prop} :: a small town in Etruria (now Tuscania)
Tuscenius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name"
Tuscia {prop} :: Etruria
Tuscia {prop} :: Tuscany
Tuscilius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tuscilius {prop} :: Tuscilius Nominatus, a Roman orator
tusculum {noun} :: a small amount of incense
Tusculum {prop} :: a city of Latium said to be founded by Telegonus, the son of Ulysses
tuscus {adj} :: Etruscan
tuscus {adj} :: Tuscan
Tuscus {adj} :: alternative case form of tuscus
Tuscus {prop} :: A Roman cognomen — famously held by:
Tuscus {prop} :: Cornelius Tuscus, a Roman historian
tussedo {noun} :: A cough, often persistent
tussiens {v} :: one who has a cough; coughing
tussio {v} :: I cough
tussis {noun} :: cough
tutamen {noun} :: A means of protection; protection, defence or defense
tutamentum {noun} :: A means of protection; protection, defence or defense
tutandus {v} :: to be defended
tutans {v} :: alternative form of wikipediaans
tutaturus {v} :: alternative form of wikipediaus
tutatus {v} :: alternative form of wikipediaus
tute {pron} :: you yourself
tute {adv} :: safely, securely, in safety, without danger
tutela {noun} :: tutelage, guardianship
tutela {noun} :: dependent, client
tutemet {pron} :: emphatic form form of tū (you), you yourself
Tutia {prop} :: a small river that flows near Rome, mentioned by Livy
Tutilius {prop} :: a Roman nomen gentile, gens or "family name" famously held by:
Tutilius {prop} :: Tutilius, a Roman rhetorician
Tutini {prop} :: A tribe of Calabria mentioned by Pliny
tutior {adj} :: safer, more prudent
tutior {adj} :: more secure
tutissimo {adv} :: superlative of tūtō
tutissimus {adj} :: safest, most prudent
tutissimus {adj} :: securest
tutius {adv} :: comparative of tūtē
tutius {adv} :: comparative of tūtō
tuto {adv} :: safely, securely, in safety, without danger, without risk of being harmed
tuto {v} :: alternative form of tūtor
tutor {noun} :: watcher, protector, defender
tutor {noun} :: guardian (of minors)
tutor {noun} :: tutor
tutor {v} :: I guard, protect, defend
tutrix {noun} :: a female guardian; tutrix
tutulus {noun} :: A high headdress, formed by plaiting the hair in a cone over the forehead, worn expecially by the Flamen and his wife
tutus {adj} :: safe, prudent
tutus {adj} :: secure
tutus {adj} :: protected
tuus {determiner} [possessive] :: your [singular]
tuxtax {interj} :: an onomatopoeia expressing the sound of blows, whack, crack
Tyana {noun} :: Tyana (city) situated at the foot of Mount Taurus
Tycho {prop} :: given name, originally an epithet of Hermes but best known as a Latin substitute for Danish Thyge
Tydii {prop} :: A tribe of Caucasus mentioned by Pliny
Tylissus {prop} :: A town of Crete situated between Cydonia and Elyrus
tylos {noun} :: woodlouse
Tymbres {prop} :: A tributary river of the Sangarius, mentioned by Livy
Tymbria {prop} :: A town of Lycaonia mentioned by Pliny
tympanistria {noun} :: drummer or tambourine player (female)
tympanizo {v} :: I play a drum, beat a drum
tympanum {noun} :: drum, timbrel, tambour, tambourine
Tymphaea {prop} [geography] :: Tymphaea (district)
Tymphaei {prop} :: A tribe of Aetolia
Tymphe {prop} :: A mountain on the confines of Macedonia, Thessaly and Epirus
Tymphrestus {prop} :: A mountain of Dryopis
Tyndaris {prop} :: Tyndaris (ancient city)
Tyndarus {prop} :: given name, character in the play Bacchides of Plautus
typanum {noun} :: alternative form of tympanum
typarium {noun} :: A seal bearing its owner's image
typhimurium {noun} [New Latin] :: A specific epithet for a bacterium that causes typhoid fever in mice
typhonicus {adj} :: typhonic
Typhonomachia {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Typhonomachy
typicus {adj} :: figurative, typical
typicus {adj} :: periodic
typicus {adj} [New Latin, taxonomy, zoology] :: When it is the specific epithet of a binomial name, indicates it is the type species
typographus {noun} :: printer
typologia {noun} :: typology
typologicus {adj} :: typological
typus {noun} :: figure, image
typus {noun} :: bas-relief
typus {noun} [surveying] :: ground-plan
typus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a mystical figure or symbol, a prefiguration or portent
typus {noun} :: type, form, sort, kind
typus {noun} [medicine] :: form, type, or character of a fever
typus {noun} [Medieval Latin] :: a periodic fever
typus {noun} [New Latin, numismatics] :: a coin die
typus {noun} :: + New Latin: “Sigel” (German definition) -->
typus {noun} [New Latin] :: a printing form or font die
typus {noun} [singulare tantum, collectively] :: literature, printed material, books
typus {noun} [plurale tantum, as typī, typōrum] :: a printing house, a printery
typus {noun} [New Latin, taxonomy, zoology] :: When it is the specific epithet of a binomial name, indicates it is the type species
Tyragetae {prop} :: A tribe of Sarmatia dwelling east of the river Tyras
Tyrambae {prop} :: A tribe of Sarmatia mentioned by Ptolemy
tyrannice {adv} :: tyrannically
tyrannicida {noun} :: one who kills a tyrant, an assassin
tyrannicidium {noun} :: tyrannicide
tyrannicissime {adv} :: superlative of tyrannicē
tyrannicius {adv} :: comparative of tyrannicē
tyrannicus {adj} :: tyrannous, tyrannical
tyrannis {noun} :: tyranny; arbitrary or despotic rule
tyrannis {noun} [by extension] :: the region ruled by a tyrant
tyrannus {noun} :: ruler, monarch
tyrannus {noun} :: tyrant, despot
Tyras {prop} :: Tyras (river), the Dniester
Tyriaeum {prop} :: A town of Lycaonia situated west of Iconium
Tyrissa {prop} :: An ancient town of Emathia, situated next to Europus
tyrius {adj} :: Tyrian, of Tyre
Tyros {prop} :: alternative form of Tyrus
tyrotarichos {noun} :: A dish of cheese and salt-fish (symbolic of a plain and simple diet)
Tyrrhenia {prop} :: Etruria; land of the Etruscans; homeland of the Italic Tyrrhenian peoples
Tyrrhenia {prop} [geography] :: Land areas around the Tyrrhenian Sea, a part of the Mediterranean Sea off the western coast of Italy, bounded by Corsica and Sardinia (west), Tuscany, Lazio, Campania, and Calabria (east), and Sicily (south)
Tyrrhus {prop} [Roman mythology] :: A character mentioned in the Aeneid
tyrsus {noun} :: wreathed wand
Tyrtaeus {prop} :: Tyrtaeus
Tyrus {prop} :: Tyre (Phoenician city in modern Lebanon)
Tzadia {prop} :: Chad
Tzetzes {prop} [Medieval Latin] :: surname famously held by:
Tzetzes {prop} :: Joannes Tzetzes (circa 1110–1180), Byzantine poet and grammarian