User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-e
e- {prefix} | :: alternative form of em- used before M and N |
e- {prefix} | :: alternative form of ex- (outward motion) |
e {conj} /ˈɛ/ | :: and (connects two clauses indicating that the events occurred together, one after the other or without any special implication) |
e {conj} | :: and (connects the last and penultimate elements in a list) |
e {conj} | :: [emphatic] and (connects every element of a list) |
e {conj} | :: [logic] and (indicates a conjunction operation) |
e {conj} | :: [in the format “X e X”] and (indicates a great number of something) |
e {m} [logic] | :: and, conjunction |
e {letter} | :: letter |
e {m} | :: abbreviation of este (east) |
E {letter} | :: letter |
é {m} /ˈɛ/ | :: e (name of the letter E, e) |
é {interj} | :: that’s right; yes; yeah; indicates agreement |
é {interj} | :: erm; um; used in hesitant speech |
ê {m} | :: alternative form of é |
Ea {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Eeia |
eai {interj} [Brazil] | :: nonstandard spelling of e aí |
e aí {interj} [colloquial] | :: hi; what's up (a greeting) |
e aí {interj} | :: What's next? (asking what is the next step or the next thing that follows) |
e aí {interj} | :: See: pt e aí |
e aí {adv} [colloquial] | :: then (soon afterward) |
eão {m} [Portugal] | :: alternative form of éon |
-ear {suffix} | :: forms verbs from adjectives and nouns, equivalent to -ize |
e assim por diante {adv} [idiomatic] | :: and so on; and so forth (indicates that a list continues) |
e assim vai {adv} [idiomatic] | :: and so on; and so forth (indicates that a list continues) |
e assim vai {adv} | :: See: pt e assim vai |
EAU {prop} {mp} /ˈe ˈa ˈu/ | :: UAE |
eba {interj} | :: yay (an expression of happiness) |
ebâneo {adj} | :: ebony (deep, dark black in colour) |
ebanista {mf} | :: cabinetmaker (person who makes high-quality wooden furniture) |
ébano {m} | :: ebony (wood) |
ébano {m} | :: ebony (tree) |
ébano {m} | :: ebony (colour) |
ébano {adj} | :: ebony (deep, dark black colour) |
ebó {m} [religion] /e.ˈbɔ/ | :: an offering to a deity in Afro-Brazilian religions such as Umbanda and Candomblé |
ebó {m} | :: a food of African origin made with corn and dendê oil |
ebola {m} [virology] | :: Ebola virus (extremely contagious filovirus of African origin that causes Ebola fever) |
é bom que {phrase} | :: See: pt é bom que |
é bom que {phrase} | :: one/you/he/they/etc. better (used to make passive aggressive threats) |
ebonite {f} | :: ebonite (product of vulcanising rubber with sulphur) |
e-book {m} | :: e-book |
eborense {adj} | :: of or pertaining to Évora |
eborense {mf} | :: someone from Évora |
ebóreo {adj} | :: ivory (made of ivory) |
ébrio {adj} | :: drunk |
Ebro {prop} {m} | :: Ebro (river) |
ebulição {f} | :: boiling |
ebulição {f} | :: ebullition |
ebulioscópio {m} [physics] | :: ebullioscope (an instrument used to measure the boiling point of liquids) |
ébulo {m} | :: danewort (Sambucus ebulus, a herbaceous species of elder) |
ebúrneo {adj} | :: ivory (made of ivory) |
eca {interj} | :: An exclamation of disgust: yuck |
Ecaterimburgo {prop} {f} | :: Ecaterimburgo (city/administrative center) |
Ecbátana {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Ecbátana (ancient city) |
Echaporã {prop} | :: Echaporã (municipality) |
echarpe {f} | :: scarf (long garment worn around the neck) |
echo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of eco |
ecídio {m} | :: aecidium (the cupulate fruiting body on the mycelium of certain fungi) |
eciosporo {m} [botany] | :: aeciospore (the binucleate spore of a rust fungus) |
Eckstein {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
ecléctico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of eclético |
eclesial {adj} | :: ecclesiastical (pertaining to the church) |
Eclesiastes {prop} {m} [book of the bible] | :: Ecclesiastes (book of the Bible) |
eclesiástico {adj} /i.klɨ.ˈzjaʃ.ti.ku/ | :: ecclesiastical (pertaining to the church) |
eclesiologia {f} | :: ecclesiology (branch of theology) |
ecleticamente {adv} | :: eclectically (in an eclectic manner) |
eclético {adj} | :: eclectic (selecting a mixture of what appear to be best of various doctrines, methods or styles) |
eclipsar {v} | :: to eclipse |
eclipse {m} | :: eclipse |
eclipse anular {m} [astronomy] | :: annular eclipse (solar eclipse where the outer disk of the sun can be seen) |
eclipse lunar {m} [astronomy] | :: lunar eclipse (when the Earth casts its shadow over the Moon) |
eclipse solar {m} [astronomy] | :: solar eclipse (when the Moon passes between the Earth and the sun) |
eclíptica {f} [astronomy] | :: ecliptic (Earth’s orbital plane) |
eclodir {vi} | :: to hatch (to emerge from an egg) |
eclosão {f} [biology] | :: eclosion; hatching (the act of an egg hatching) |
eclosão {f} [figurative] | :: sudden appearance of something |
eclusa {f} | :: lock (segment of a canal) |
eclusa {f} | :: sluice (artificial passage for water, fitted with a valve or gate) |
eclusa de ar {f} | :: airlock (chamber used to provide access to and from a spacecraft or submarine) |
eco- {prefix} | :: eco- (concerning ecology or the environment) |
eco {m} /ˈɛ.ku/ | :: echo (a reflected sound that is heard again by its initial observer) |
Eco {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Echo (Oread able to only mimic the voice of others) |
ecoar {v} | :: to echo (to reflect sound) |
ecoar {v} | :: to echo (to repeat back what another has just said) |
ecogénico {adj} [European orthography, medicine] | :: echogenic |
ecogênico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of ecogénico |
ecografia {f} [medicine] /ˌɛ.ko.ɡɾa.ˈfi.ɐ/ | :: ultrasonography; sonography; ultrasound; echography |
ecolalia {f} [clinical psychology] | :: echolalia (echoing of words or phrases) |
ecolinguística {f} [linguistics] | :: ecolinguistics (linguistics taking ecological context into account) |
ecolinguístico {adj} | :: ecolinguistic (of or pertaining to ecolinguistics) |
ecolingüístico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of ecolinguístico |
ecologia {f} | :: ecology |
ecologicamente {adv} | :: ecologically |
ecológico {adj} | :: ecological |
ecologismo {m} | :: environmentalism, ecologism |
ecologista {mf} | :: ecologist |
ecólogo {m} | :: ecologist |
e comercial {m} | :: See: pt e comercial |
e comercial {m} | :: ampersand (the symbol &) |
e como {phrase} | :: See: pt e como |
e como {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: and how! (strong confirmation of preceding statement) |
econometria {f} | :: econometrics |
economia {f} [uncountable] /i.kɔ.nu.ˈmi.ɐ/ | :: economics (study) |
economia {f} | :: economy (management of resources) |
economia {f} | :: economy, frugality |
economia de mercado {f} | :: market economy (economy in which and services are exchanged in a free market) |
economicamente {adv} | :: economically |
económico {adj} [European orthography] /ikuˈnɔmiku/ | :: economic, economical |
económico {adj} [European orthography, of an item or service] | :: cheap, inexpensive |
económico {adj} [European orthography] | :: careful with the expenditure of money: chary, frugal, sparing, thrifty, parsimonious, provident |
econômico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] /e.ko.ˈno.mi.ku/ | :: economic, economical |
econômico {adj} [Brazilian orthography, of an item or service] | :: cheap, inexpensive |
econômico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: careful with the expenditure of money: chary, frugal, sparing, thrifty, parsimonious, provident |
economista {mf} /ikunuˈmiʃtɐ/ | :: economist (expert in economics) |
economizando {v} | :: gerund of economizar |
economizar {v} | :: to economize, save |
ecônomo {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: manciple, butler |
ecossistema {m} | :: ecosystem |
ecótone {m} | :: alternative form of ecótono |
ecótono {m} | :: ecotone (a region of transition) |
ecoturismo {m} | :: ecotourism (tourism involving low-impact visits to natural areas) |
ecozona {f} | :: ecozone |
ecrã {m} [Portugal] /ɛ.ˈkɾɐ̃/ | :: screen (device used for displaying images) |
écran {m} | :: alternative form of ecrã |
ecrão {m} [Portugal] | :: screen (device used for displaying images) |
ecstasy {m} | :: ecstasy (drug) |
ectoblasto {m} [dated, biology] | :: ectoblast |
-ectomia {suffix} [surgery] | :: -ectomy |
ectoparasita {m} | :: ectoparasite (parasite living on the surface of host organism) |
ectoplasma {m} [parapsychology] | :: ectoplasm (visible substance believed to emanate from spiritualistic mediums) |
ectoplásmico {adj} | :: ectoplasmic |
ectoplástico {adj} [rare] | :: ectoplastic |
Ecuador {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Equador |
ecuménico {adj} [European orthography, ecclesiastical] | :: ecumenical (pertaining to the Christian Church worldwide) |
ecumênico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of ecuménico |
ecumenismo {m} [philosophy] | :: ecumenism (ecumenical doctrines and practices) |
eczema {m} [dermatology, pathology] /iɡˈzɛmɐ/ | :: eczema (acute or chronic inflammation of the skin) |
edade {f} | :: obsolete form of idade |
edafoclimático {adj} | :: edaphoclimatic |
e daí {interj} /i.da.ˈi/ | :: so what? (reply to an unimportant or irrelevant statement, indicating indifference on the part of the speaker) |
é dando que se recebe {proverb} | :: It is through giving that we receive |
edeagal {adj} | :: aedeagal (relating to the aedeagus) |
edeago {m} | :: aedeagus (copulatory organ of some insects) |
é de cair o cu da bunda {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: (vulgar): amazing; horrifying; bizarre |
Edelschild {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Edelstein {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
edema {m} | :: oedema (excessive accumulation of serum in tissue) |
Éden {prop} {m} [biblical] | :: Eden (garden built by God as the home for Adam and Eve) |
edénico {adj} [European orthography, Portugal] | :: Edenic (of or suggesting Eden) |
edênico {adj} [Brazilian orthography, Brazil] | :: Edenic (of or suggesting Eden) |
Edgar {prop} {m} /ed͡ʒ.ˈɡaʁ/ | :: given name |
Édgar {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Edgardo {prop} {m} | :: given name |
edição {f} | :: edition |
edição {f} | :: issue |
edição {f} | :: editing (an act or instance of something being edited) |
edícula {f} [arts] | :: aedicula (painted framed niche) |
edícula {f} | :: a small building |
edificação {f} /i.ðɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: edification |
edificação {f} | :: building |
edificando {v} | :: gerund of edificar |
edificar {v} /i.ðˈkaɾ/ | :: to build |
edifício {m} /iðiˈfisju/ | :: building, edifice |
edil {m} [Ancient Rome] | :: aedile (elected official in Ancient Rome) |
edilato {m} [historical] | :: aedileship (the office of an aedile) |
Edimburgo {prop} {f} /ɛ.ðĩ.ˈbuɾ.ɣu/ | :: Edimburgo (capital city) |
Edimburgo {prop} {f} | :: Edimburgo (council area) |
Édipo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Oedipus (son of Laius and Jocasta) |
Edirna {prop} {f} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of Edirne |
Edirne {prop} {f} | :: Edirne (city) |
edital {m} | :: advertisement (public notice) |
editar {v} /e.d͡ʒi.ˈta(ɹ)/ | :: to edit (to change a text, or a document) |
editar {v} | :: to edit (to be the editor of a publication) |
edito {m} /e.ˈdi.tu/ | :: edict |
editor {m} /i.ðiˈtoɾ/ | :: editor (person who edits) |
editor {m} | :: publisher (one who publishes, especially books) |
editor {m} [computer software] | :: editor (program for modifying text files) |
editora {f} | :: feminine noun of editor |
editora {f} [publishing] | :: a publishing company |
editora {f} [music] | :: ellipsis of editora discográfica; record label |
editorial {adj} /iðituˈɾjaɫ/ | :: editorial (of or relating to an editor, editing, or an editorial) |
editorial {m} | :: editorial (article giving the opinion of editors) |
edível {adj} | :: edible (that can be eaten without harm) |
Edmaria {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Edmonton {prop} {f} | :: Edmonton (capital city) |
Edna {prop} {f} /ˈɛd͡ʒ.nɐ/ | :: given name |
-edo {suffix} /ˈe.ðu/ | :: forms collectives |
-ẽdo {suffix} [obsolete] | :: abbreviation of -endo |
edredão {m} | :: alternative form of edredom |
edredom {m} /e.dɾe.ˈdõ/ | :: comforter; duvet (padded cover or quilt for a bed) |
edredon {m} | :: alternative spelling of edredom |
Edu {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Eduardo {prop} {m} /ˌe.du.ˈaʁ.du/ | :: given name |
educação {f} /i.ðu.kɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: education |
educação especial {f} | :: special education |
educação física {f} | :: physical education |
educação sexual {f} | :: sex education |
educacional {adj} /e.du.ka.sjo.ˈnaw/ | :: educational (relating to education) |
educado {adj} /i.ðu.ˈka.ðu/ | :: well-mannered, polite |
educado {adj} | :: educated |
educando {v} | :: gerund of educar |
educar {v} /i.ðu.ˈkaɾ/ | :: to educate |
educativo {adj} | :: educational; instructive |
Edwiges {prop} {f} | :: given name |
éé {interj} | :: alternative form of é |
Eea {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Eeia |
ééé {interj} | :: alternative form of é |
Eeia {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Eeia (mythological island) |
e eu com isso {interj} | :: I don't care |
efe {m} /ˈɛ.fɨ/ | :: letter: f |
efectivação {f} | :: alternative form of efetivação |
efectivamente {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of efetivamente |
efectivar {v} | :: alternative form of efetivar |
efectivo {adj} | :: actual, effective |
efectivo {m} [military] | :: personnel, staff (of a military unit) |
efectuando {v} | :: gerund of efectuar |
efectuar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of efetuar |
efedrina {f} | :: ephedrine (an alkaloid used as a drug) |
efeito {m} /i.ˈfɐj.tu/ | :: effect (result of an action) |
efeito {m} [cinematography] | :: effect |
efeito {m} [sound engineering] | :: effect |
efeito Allee {m} [ecology] | :: Allee effect (negative population growth observed at low population densities) |
efeito borboleta {m} | :: butterfly effect (technical notion of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory) |
efeito Casimir {m} [quantum field theory] | :: Casimir effect (physical forces arising from a quantised field) |
efeito colateral {m} | :: side effect (an adverse effect) |
efeito dominó {m} | :: domino effect (chain of events) |
efeito Doppler {m} [physics] | :: Doppler effect (change in frequency or wavelength of a wave due to relative motion of the observer) |
efeito especial {m} [film, television] | :: special effect (effect that cannot be reasonably achieved by normal means) |
efeito estufa {m} [ecology] | :: greenhouse effect (process by which a planet is warmed by its atmosphere) |
efeito Mozart {m} | :: Mozart effect (supposed phenomenon by which listening to Mozart induces improvement in mental performance) |
efeito sonoro {m} | :: sound effect (artificially created or enhanced sound) |
efémera {f} | :: mayfly (insect of order Ephemeroptera) |
efemérida {f} | :: mayfly (insect of order Ephemeroptera) |
efemeridade {f} | :: ephemerality |
efémero {adj} [European orthography] | :: ephemeral (not lasting) |
efêmero {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of efémero |
efeminação {f} | :: effeminacy (the quality of being effeminate) |
efeminadamente {adv} | :: effeminately (in an effeminate manner) |
efeminado {adj} | :: alternative form of afeminado |
efêndi {m} | :: effendi (Turkish title of respect) |
eferente {adj} | :: efferent (which carries something away) |
efervescência {f} | :: effervescence |
efervescente {adj} | :: effervescent; fizzy; sparkling (giving off bubbles) |
Efésios {prop} {m} [biblical] | :: Ephesians (book of the Bible) |
Éfeso {prop} {m} /ˈɛ.fe.zu/ | :: Éfeso (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in modern <<p:Suf/İzmir>>, <<c/Turkey>>) |
efetivação {f} | :: effectiveness |
efetivamente {adv} | :: effectively (in an efficient or effective manner) |
efetivamente {adv} | :: effectively; essentially; for all practical purposes |
efetivar {v} | :: to effect |
efetivar {v} | :: to actualize |
efetividade {f} | :: effectiveness |
efetivo {adj} /e.fe.ˈt(ʃ) | :: effective, functional |
efetivo {adj} | :: permanent |
efetivo {adj} | :: true, real, existent |
efetivo {m} | :: one who occupies a permanent post |
efetivo {m} | :: that which truly exists or works |
efetivo {m} | :: each of the individuals who comprise a group |
efetivo {m} [military] | :: soldiers that comprise a troop |
efetivo {m} [law] | :: fixed capital of a company |
efetuar {v} /i.fɛ.tu.ˈaɾ/ | :: to carry out, accomplish |
efetuar {v} | :: to do, perform |
efeyto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of efeito |
effeito {m} | :: obsolete spelling of efeito |
effeyto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of efeito |
eficácia {f} | :: efficacy, effectiveness |
eficácia {f} | :: efficiency |
eficacíssimo {adj} | :: most or very efficacious or effective |
eficaz {adj} /ˈka(j)s/ | :: effective, efficacious |
eficazmente {adv} | :: effectively (in an efficient or effective manner) |
eficiência {f} | :: efficiency |
eficiência {f} | :: effectiveness |
eficiente {adj} | :: efficient (making good use of resources) |
efígie {f} | :: effigy (dummy or other crude representation) |
efluente {m} | :: effluent |
efluente {adj} | :: effluent |
eflúvio {m} | :: exhalation, emanation, effluence |
eflúvio {m} | :: aroma |
eflúvio {m} | :: miasma |
Efraim {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Ephraim (the younger son of Joseph) |
Efraim {prop} {m} | :: given name |
egeu {adj} | :: Aegean (of or relating to the Aegean Sea) |
egeu {adj} [archaeology] | :: Aegean (of or relating to the Bronze Age civilisation from the Aegean coast) |
egeu {m} [archaeology] | :: a member of the Aegean civilisation |
égide {f} | :: aegis (mythological shield) |
égide {f} | :: aegis; protection |
Egídio {prop} {m} /e.ˈʒi.d͡ʒju/ | :: given name |
Egina {prop} {f} /e.ˈʒi.nɐ/ | :: Egina (island) |
egineta {mf} | :: Aeginetan (person from Aegina) |
egineta {adj} | :: of, from or relating to Aegina |
egipã {m} [Classical mythology] | :: aegipan (goat-like creature resembling a satyr) |
egipcio {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of egípcio |
egipcio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of egípcio |
egípcio {adj} /e.ˈʒ | :: Egyptian (of, from or relating to Egypt) |
egípcio {m} | :: Egyptian (person from Egypt) |
egípcio {m} [uncountable] | :: Egyptian (Afroasiatic language spoken in Ancient Egypt) |
Egipto {prop} {m} [proscribed] | :: alternative form of Egito |
Egipto Antigo {prop} {m} | :: superseded spelling of Antigo Egito |
egiptóloga {f} | :: female equivalent of egiptólogo |
egiptologia {f} | :: Egyptology (the study of Ancient Egypt) |
egiptólogo {m} | :: Egyptologist (person who studies Ancient Egypt) |
egirina {f} | :: alternative form of aegirina |
Egito {prop} {m} /i.ˈʒi.tu/ | :: Egito (country) |
Egito {prop} {m} | :: Egito (ancient civilisation) |
Egito Antigo {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Antigo Egito |
Egle {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Aegle (goddess of good health) |
eglefim {m} | :: haddock (marine fish) |
ego {m} /ˈɛ.ɣu/ | :: ego (the self) |
ego {m} [psychology] | :: ego (most central part of the mind) |
egocêntrico {adj} | :: egocentric (obsessed with oneself) |
egocêntrico {m} | :: egocentric (person who is egocentric) |
egocentrismo {m} | :: egocentrism (following ones egotistical desires) |
egoísmo {m} /i.ˈɣwiʒ.mu/ | :: egoism (tendency to think of self) |
egoísta {adj} /i.ˈɣwiʃ.tɐ/ | :: selfish (holding one’s self-interest as the standard for decision making) |
egoísta {mf} | :: a selfish person |
egrégio {adj} /eˈɡrɛ.ʒju/ | :: exceptional; outstanding |
egrégora {f} [occult] | :: egregor (psychic entity influencing thoughts) |
égua {f} /ˈɛɣwɐ/ | :: mare |
égua {interj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: fucking hell, Jesus H. Christ, bloody hell, fuck, shit, crikey (interjection of astonishment and difficulty) |
egualha {f} | :: obsolete form of igualha |
egualmente {adv} | :: obsolete form of igualmente |
egypcio {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of egípcio |
egypcio {m} | :: obsolete spelling of egípcio |
Egypto {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Egipto |
eh {interj} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: alternative form of é |
-ei {suffix} /e(j)/ | :: forms the 1st-person singular preterite indicative of 1st conjugation verbs; appended to the stem |
-ei {suffix} | :: forms the 1st-person singular future indicative of verbs; appended to the infinitive |
-ei {suffix} | :: forms the 2nd-person plural affirmative imperative of 2nd conjugation verbs; appended to the stem |
ei {interj} /ˈej/ | :: hey (exclamation to get attention) |
eia {interj} | :: come on! |
eialete {m} | :: eyalet |
eid {m} [Islam] | :: Eid (Muslim religious festival) |
Eid al-Adha {prop} {m} [Islam] | :: Eid al-Adha (Islamic festival) |
Eid al-Fitr {prop} {m} [Islam] | :: Eid al-Fitr (religious celebration) |
êider {m} | :: eider (duck of genus Somateria) |
eidético {adj} | :: eidetic |
eigreja {f} | :: obsolete spelling of igreja |
eim {interj} | :: rare form of hein |
Eindhoven {prop} {f} | :: Eindhoven (city) |
einstânio {m} | :: einsteinium |
Einstein {prop} {mf} /ˈaj̃s.taj̃/ | :: Einstein (Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist) |
Einstein {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
Einstein {m} | :: A extremely intelligent or wise person |
einsteiniano {adj} | :: Einsteinian |
einsténio {m} | :: alternative form of einstênio |
einstênio {m} | :: einsteinium |
-eira {suffix} /ˈɐjɾɐ/ | :: feminine noun of -eiro |
eira {f} /ˈɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: threshing floor |
eira {f} | :: tayra (Eira barbara) |
-eiro {suffix} /ˈɐjru/ | :: forms nouns from nouns or verbs, denoting someone who works with the suffixed noun or engages in the suffixed verb; -er; -eer |
-eiro {suffix} | :: forms nouns, from nouns denoting a location or type of location, meaning “someone from the location” and adjectives meaning “of, from or related to the location” |
-eiro {suffix} | :: forms nouns from the names of fruits or other plant products, denoting the plant bearing them, usually trees and shrubs |
-eiro {suffix} [usually feminine] | :: forms nouns, from nouns or adjectives, denoting a state, property or quality of being the suffixed adjective or having the suffixed noun; -ity, -ness |
-eiro {suffix} | :: forms nouns, from nouns, denoting a place where there is plenty of the suffixed noun |
-eiro {suffix} | :: forms nouns, from verbs, denoting a place where the suffixed verb is likely to occur |
-eiro {suffix} | :: forms the names of trees, often synonyms |
-eiro {suffix} | :: forms nouns from nouns, denoting a container for the suffixed noun |
-eiro {suffix} | :: forms adjectives meaning “which transports the suffixed noun”, and nouns meaning “a ship which transports the suffixed noun” |
-eiro {suffix} | :: forms nouns, from the name of a drug, denoting someone who is addicted to the drug; -head |
-eiro {suffix} | :: forms nouns and adjectives, from nouns, denoting a fan of the suffixed noun |
eis {adv} [formal] /ˈɐjʃ/ | :: here is, here are |
Eisenstein {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
eis senão quando {adv} | :: [dated, only in the beginning of sentences] when suddenly; all of a sudden (quickly and without warning) |
é isso aí {interj} | :: alternative form of isso aí |
eita {interj} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of eta |
eito {m} | :: row (line of objects, often regularly spaced) |
eiva {f} | :: crack |
eiva {f} [figuratively] | :: flaw |
eivar {vt} | :: to contaminate |
eixo {m} /ˈɐj.ʃu/ | :: axle, axletree (the pin or spindle on which a wheel revolves) |
eixo {m} [geometry] | :: axis (imaginary line) |
Eixo {prop} {m} [historical] | :: Axis Powers (an alliance during the second world war) |
eixo-badeixo {m} [games] | :: leapfrog |
eixo de comando {m} | :: camshaft (a shaft fitted with cams) |
eixo de simetria {m} [geometry] | :: axis of symmetry (a line about which a geometric figure is symmetric) |
eixo do mal {m} | :: axis of evil (states sponsoring terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction) |
eixo z {m} [algebraic geometry] | :: z-axis (axis on a graph that is usually drawn as if vertical) |
ejaculação {f} | :: ejaculation |
ejaculação precoce {f} | :: premature ejaculation (occurrence of male orgasm too quickly) |
ejacular {v} | :: to cum (have an orgasm; ejaculate) |
ejacular {v} [rare] | :: to eject |
-ejar {suffix} /e.ˈʒa(ɾ)/ | :: -le (forms verbs with the frequentative aspect) |
-ejar {suffix} | :: forms verbs meaning “to use, apply or perform [the suffixed noun]” |
ejeção de massa coronal {f} | :: coronal mass ejection |
ejetar {v} | :: to eject |
-ejo {suffix} | :: Forming nouns |
el {art} | :: only used in el-rei: the |
-ela {suffix} /ˈɛ.la/ | :: forms diminutives |
-ela {suffix} | :: forms nouns indicating a superficial or minor action |
ela {pron} /ˈɛ.lɐ/ | :: third-person feminine singular nominative pronoun she; it |
ela {pron} | :: third-person feminine singular prepositional pronoun her |
ela {pron} | :: [Brazil, nonstandard] third-person feminine singular pronoun used in all positions she; it; her |
elã {m} | :: élan; zeal (extreme enthusiasm and devotion) |
El Aaiun {prop} {f} [rare] | :: alternative form of Laayoune |
El Aaiún {prop} {f} [rare] | :: alternative form of Laayoune |
elaboração {f} | :: elaboration |
elaboração {f} | :: preparation |
elaborar {v} | :: to devise, to conceive, to formulate |
elaborar {v} | :: to make more complex, to develop further, to better, to improve |
elaborar {v} | :: to modify a food for it to be incorporated by an organism |
Elam {prop} {m} | :: Elam (ancient civilisation) |
ela mesma {pron} | :: feminine singular of ele mesmo |
élan {m} | :: alternative form of elã |
Elão {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Elam |
elas {pron} /ˈɛ.lɐʃ/ | :: they (a group of people other than the speaker, entirely female) |
elasticidade {f} [physics] /i.lɐʃˈða.ðɨ/ | :: elasticity |
elástico {adj} /i.ˈlaʃ.ti.ku/ | :: elastic |
elástico {m} | :: elastic band |
elastômero {m} [physics, chemistry] | :: elastomer |
elativo {m} [grammar] | :: elative case |
elativo {adj} [grammar] | :: expressing outwards motion |
e lá vai fumaça {phrase} [idiom] | :: Used to fill in an unknown number or year |
Elba {prop} {m} | :: Elba (river) |
Elba {prop} {f} | :: Elba (island) |
Elba {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Elbro {prop} {m} | :: Elbro (mountain) |
Elbrus {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Elbro |
Eldorado {prop} | :: Eldorado (municipality) |
El Dorado {prop} {m} [early modern European folklore] | :: El Dorado (mythological city) |
Eldorado do Sul {prop} | :: Eldorado do Sul (municipality) |
El Dourado {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of El Dorado |
ele {pron} /ˈe.lɨ/ | :: third-person masculine singular nominative personal pronoun; he; it |
ele {pron} | :: third-person masculine singular prepositional pronoun; him; it |
ele {pron} | :: [Brazil, colloquial] third-person masculine singular personal pronoun used in all positions; he; him; it |
ele {m} /ˈɛlɨ/ | :: letter: l |
êle {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of ele |
Eleazar {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Eleazar (a high priest of the Israelites) |
electivo {adj} | :: alternative form of eletivo |
electrão {m} | :: obsolete spelling of eletrão |
electrão-volt {m} | :: superseded spelling of eletrão-volt |
electricidade {f} | :: obsolete spelling of eletricidade |
electricista {mf} | :: obsolete spelling of eletricista |
eléctrico {adj} | :: superseded spelling of elétrico |
eléctrico {m} | :: superseded spelling of elétrico |
electrificação {f} | :: alternative spelling of eletrificação |
electrificar {v} | :: alternative spelling of eletrificar |
electrizante {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of eletrizante |
electrocutar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of eletrocutar |
electrodiálise {f} | :: electrodialysis |
electrodinâmica {f} | :: obsolete spelling of eletrodinâmica |
eléctrodo {m} | :: alternative form of elétrodo |
electrofisiológico {adj} | :: electrophysiological |
electrólise {f} | :: alternative form of eletrólise |
electromagnético {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of eletromagnético |
eléctron {m} | :: dated form of elétron |
electrónica {f} | :: obsolete spelling of eletrónica |
elefanta {f} | :: female elephant |
elefantaria {f} [military, historical, rare] | :: elephantry (branch of an army that uses elephants) |
elefante {m} /i.lɨ.ˈfɐ̃.tɨ/ | :: elephant |
elefante africano {m} | :: African elephant (either of two species of elephant found in Africa) |
elefante da floresta {m} | :: African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis, a species of elephant found in the Congo basin) |
elefante da savana {m} | :: African savannah elephant (Loxodonta africana, a species of elephant found throughout Africa) |
elefante-marinho {m} | :: elephant seal (mammal of the genus Mirounga) |
elefantíase {f} [pathology] | :: elephantiasis (disease) |
elefantino {adj} | :: elephantine (of or relating to elephants) |
elegância {f} | :: elegance |
elegante {adj} /i.lɨ.ˈɣɐ̃.tɨ/ | :: elegant |
elegantemente {adv} /ilɨˌɣɐ̃tɨˈmẽtɨ/ | :: elegantly |
eleger {v} /i.lɨ.ˈʒeɾ/ | :: to elect |
eleger {v} | :: to name (mention, specify, choose) |
elegia {f} | :: elegy |
elegibilidade {f} | :: eligibility (the quality of being eligible) |
elegível {adj} /i.lɨ.ˈʒi.vɛɫ/ | :: eligible (meeting the conditions) |
elegível {adj} | :: electable (able to be elected) |
eleição {f} /e.lej.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: election |
eleição geral {f} | :: general election (election in which candidates are elected in most districts of a nation) |
eleito {adj} | :: elect, elected |
eleitor {m} | :: voter (one who votes) |
eleitorado {m} /e.ˌˈɾ | :: electorate (those entitled to vote collectively) |
Eleitorado do Palatinato {prop} {m} | :: Eleitorado do Palatinato (historical territory) |
eleitoral {adj} | :: electoral (relating to elections) |
eleitoreiro {adj} [derogatory] | :: electioneering (deliberately unethical, for the purpose of getting votes) |
elementar {adj} | :: elementary (relating to the basic part of something) |
elementar {adj} | :: simple (easy to understand) |
elemento {m} /i.lɨ.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: element |
elemento químico {m} [chemistry] | :: chemical element (any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot be decomposed in a chemical reaction) |
Elena {prop} {f} | :: given name |
elencar {vt} | :: to list, to enumerate |
elenco {m} [collective] | :: cast (group of actors performing together) |
elephante {m} | :: obsolete spelling of elefante |
eles {pron} /ˈe.lɨʃ/ | :: masculine third-person plural nominative personal pronoun; they |
eles {pron} | :: masculine third-person plural prepositional pronoun; them |
eles {pron} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: masculine third-person plural personal pronoun used in all positions; they; them |
êles {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of eles |
eletivo {adj} | :: elective |
eletrão {m} [Portugal, particle] /i.lɛ.ˈtɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: electron |
eletrão-volt {m} [Portugal] | :: alternative form of elétron-volt |
eletricamente {adv} | :: electrically |
eletricidade {f} /i.lɛ.tɾˈða.ðɨ/ | :: electricity |
eletricista {mf} | :: electrician (tradesman who works with electrical equipment) |
elétrico {adj} /i.ˈlɛ.tɾi.ku/ | :: electric (pertaining to electricity) |
elétrico {adj} | :: that which works by using electricity |
elétrico {m} [Portugal] | :: tram (passenger vehicle) |
eletrificação {f} | :: electrification (the act of electrifying, or the state of being charged with electricity) |
eletrificar {v} | :: electrify |
eletrizante {adj} /e.ˌle.tɾi.ˈzɐ̃.te/ | :: electric (emotionally thrilling) |
eletrizante {adj} | :: electrifying |
eletro- {prefix} | :: electro- |
eletrocardiograma {m} [cardiology] | :: electrocardiogram (trace of an electrocardiograph) |
eletrocução {f} | :: alternative spelling of eletrocussão |
eletrocussão {f} | :: electrocution (death by electric shock) |
eletrocutar {v} | :: to electrocute (to kill with electric shock) |
eletrodeposição {f} | :: electrodeposition |
eletródico {adj} | :: electrodic |
eletrodinâmica {f} [physics] | :: electrodynamics |
eletrodo {m} | :: electrode |
elétrodo {m} | :: electrode |
eletroeletrônico {m} [mainly, advertising slang] | :: an electric appliance or an electronic device |
eletroerosão {f} | :: electroerosion |
eletrofílico {adj} | :: electrophylic |
eletroforese {f} [analytical chemistry] | :: electrophoresis (method for separation of large molecules) |
eletroímã {m} | :: electromagnet |
eletrolisando {v} | :: gerund of eletrolisar |
eletrolisar {v} | :: to electrolyse |
eletrólise {f} [physics, chemistry] | :: electrolysis |
eletrolítico {adj} | :: electrolytic |
eletrólito {m} [physics, chemistry] | :: electrolyte |
eletroluminescência {f} [physics] | :: electroluminescence (generation of light by application of an alternating current or by electric discharge) |
eletroluminoso {adj} | :: electroluminescent |
eletromagneticamente {adv} | :: electromagnetically |
eletromagnético {adj} | :: electromagnetic |
eletromagnetismo {m} [physics] | :: electromagnetism (a fundamental force) |
eletromecânico {adj} | :: electromechanical |
elétron {m} [Brazil] | :: electron (the negatively charged subatomic particles that orbit atoms) |
eletronegatividade {f} [physics, chemistry] | :: electronegativity |
eletronegativo {adj} [physics, chemistry] | :: electronegative |
eletrónica {f} | :: electronics |
eletrônica {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of eletrónica |
eletrónico {adj} | :: electronic |
eletrônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of eletrónico |
elétron-volt {m} [physics, Brazil] | :: electron volt (a unit for measuring the energy of subatomic particles) |
eletropositivo {adj} [physics, chemistry] | :: electropositive |
eletroquímica {f} [chemistry] | :: electrochemistry (the science of the chemistry associated with the flow of electricity) |
eletroquímica {f} | :: feminine noun of eletroquímico |
eletroquímico {adj} [chemistry] | :: electrochemical |
eletroscópio {m} [physics] | :: electroscope (device that detects the presence of an electric charge) |
eletrostática {f} | :: electrostatics (branch of physics that deals with static electricity) |
eletrostático {adj} | :: electrostatic |
elevação {f} /i.lɨ.vɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: elevation (all senses) |
elevado {adj} /ˌi.lɨ.ˈva.ðu/ | :: elevated; raised; high (at a great distance from the ground) |
elevado {adj} [of a quantity or value] | :: high; great |
elevado {adj} [of qualities] | :: superior (being greater or better than average) |
elevado a {prep} [mathematics] | :: to the power of (indicates an exponent) |
elevador {m} /i.lɨ.vɐ.ˈðoɾ/ | :: something which elevates (agent noun of elevar) |
elevador {m} | :: lift (mechanical device for vertically transporting goods or people) |
elevador espacial {m} [astronomy, science fiction] | :: space elevator (a hypothetical cable connecting the ground with space) |
elevar {v} /i.lɨ.ˈvaɾ/ | :: to raise; to lift (to bring or take upwards) |
elevar {v} | :: to increase (to make a value or quantity larger) |
elevar {v} [figurative] | :: to put on a pedestal (to hold in very high esteem) |
elevar-se {v} | :: reflexive of elevar |
elevar-se {vr} | :: to tower over; to loom over |
elevar-se às alturas {vr} | :: to skyrocket (to increase suddenly and extremely) |
elfo {m} /ˈɛ | :: (Germanic mythology) elf (a mythical being) |
elfo {m} [fantasy] | :: elf (humanoid),fairy (a mythical being) |
Eli {prop} {m} /e.ˈli/ | :: given name |
Eli {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Eli (priest who brought up Samuel) |
Elias {prop} {m} [biblical character] /e.ˈli.ɐs/ | :: Elijah (Old Testament prophet) |
Elias {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Elias Fausto {prop} | :: Elias Fausto (municipality) |
eliminação {f} /ilɨminɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: elimination |
eliminar {v} /ˈna(ʁ)/ | :: to eliminate (to completely destroy something) |
eliminatória {f} [sports] | :: qualifying match |
eliminatório {adj} | :: eliminatory (which can eliminate) |
elipse {f} | :: ellipse |
elíptico {adj} | :: elliptical (in shape reminding of an ellipse, oval) |
Elisabet {prop} {f} | :: given name; alternative form of Elisabete |
Elisabeta {prop} {f} | :: given name; alternative form of Elisabete |
elisabetano {adj} | :: Elizabethan (pertaining to the reign of Elizabeth I of England) |
Elisabete {prop} {f} /e.ˌˈbɛ.t͡ʃi/ | :: given name |
Eliseba {prop} {f} [biblical character] | :: Elisheba (wife of Aaron) |
Eliseu {prop} {m} | :: Elisha (biblical prophet) |
Eliseu {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Elisiário {prop} | :: Elisiário (municipality) |
Elísio {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] /e.ˈli.zju/ | :: Elysium (home of the blessed after death) |
Elísio {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Elísio Medrado {prop} | :: Elísio Medrado (municipality) |
Elista {prop} {f} | :: Elista (capital city) |
elite {f} | :: elite (group with higher status) |
elite {f} | :: elite (person who is among the best at certain task) |
elitismo {m} | :: elitism (belief society should be run by elite) |
elixir {m} [alchemy] | :: elixir (liquid which was believed to turn non-precious metals to gold) |
elixir {m} [fiction] | :: a magical potion |
elixir da vida {m} [alchemy] | :: elixir of life (elixir that brings immortality) |
Elizabet {prop} {f} | :: given name; alternative form of Elisabete |
Elizabeta {prop} {f} | :: given name; alternative form of Elisabete |
Elizabete {prop} {f} | :: given name; alternative form of Elisabete |
-ella {suffix} | :: obsolete spelling of -ela |
ella {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of ela |
elle {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of ele |
êlle {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of ele |
elles {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of eles |
elles {m} | :: obsolete spelling of eles |
êlles {pron} | :: obsolete spelling of eles |
Elliana {prop} {f} | :: given name |
elmo {m} /ˈɛɫ.mu/ | :: helm |
elmo {m} [heraldry] | :: helmet |
El Niño {prop} {m} [meteorology] /ˌew.ˈni.ɲu/ | :: El Niño (a global coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon) |
elo {m} /ˈɛlu/ | :: link |
Eloá {prop} {f} /e.lo.ˈa/ | :: given name |
elogiando {v} | :: gerund of elogiar |
elogiar {vt} | :: to praise, eulogise |
elogio {m} /e.loˈʒiu̯/ | :: praise, compliment |
elogio {m} | :: eulogy (high praise or recommendation) |
Elói Mendes {prop} | :: Elói Mendes (municipality) |
Eloísa {prop} {f} | :: given name |
elo perdido {m} [evolutionary biology] | :: missing link (transitional primate between apes and humans) |
eloquência {f} /ˈkwẽ.sjɐ/ | :: eloquence |
eloqüência {f} | :: obsolete spelling of eloquência |
eloquente {adj} | :: eloquent |
eloquentemente {adv} | :: eloquently |
eloqüentemente {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of eloquentemente |
el-rei {m} [dated] /ɛɫˈʁɐj/ | :: the king |
el-Rei {m} | :: alternative case form of el-rei |
El-Rei {m} | :: alternative case form of el-rei |
El Salvador {prop} {m} | :: El Salvador (country) |
elucidar {v} | :: to elucidate (make clear) |
elucubração {f} /ɾa.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: elucubration |
elucubração {f} | :: an intense, vehement reflection or meditation |
elucubração {f} [by extension] | :: a laborious creation or the mental dedication needed to create it |
elucubração {f} [sarcastic] | :: rambling, incoherent speculation |
elucubrar {v} /ˈbra(ɾ)/ | :: to reflect (on something) |
eluro- {prefix} | :: ailuro- (relating to cats) |
elusivo {adj} | :: elusive (evading capture, comprehension or remembrance) |
elusivo {adj} | :: elusive (difficult to describe) |
Elvas {prop} {f} | :: Elvas (city/and/municipality) |
Elvis {prop} {m} /ˈɛw.vis/ | :: given name |
Elysio {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Elísio |
em- {prefix} | :: forms verbs indicating motion or transformation into the prefixed noun; in- |
em {prep} /ɐ̃j̃/ | :: in; inside; within (contained by) |
em {prep} | :: on; on top of (located just above the surface of) |
em {prep} | :: in; at (located in a location) |
em {prep} | :: in (part of; a member of) |
em {prep} | :: in; into; inside (towards the inside of) |
em {prep} | :: indicates the target of an action |
em {prep} | :: in (pertaining to the particular thing) |
em {prep} | :: in (immediately after a period of time) |
em {prep} | :: in; during (within a period of time) |
em {prep} | :: at; in (in a state of) |
em {prep} | :: in (indicates means, medium, format, genre or instrumentality) |
em {prep} | :: in (indicates a language, script, tone etc. of writing, speaking etc.) |
em {prep} | :: in (wearing) |
em {prep} | :: [slang] indicates that the object deserves a given punishment |
ema {f} | :: Rhea bird |
Ema {prop} {f} | :: given name |
emaciado {adj} | :: emaciated (excessively thin) |
emagrecendo {v} | :: gerund of emagrecer |
emagrecer {v} /ɡɾe.ˈse(ʁ)/ | :: to become leaner; to lose body weight |
emagrecer {v} | :: to make leaner; to cause to lose body weight |
emagrecimento {m} | :: slimming (the act or process of losing weight or becoming skinny) |
e-mail {m} [uncountable] /i.ˈme.ju/ | :: e-mail (system for sending messages via the Internet) |
e-mail {m} | :: e-mail (message sent via e-mail) |
e-mail {m} | :: e-mail (an e-mail address) |
é mais fácil dizer do que fazer {proverb} | :: things are easier said than done (it is easy to propose something, but difficult to accomplish it) |
é mais fácil falar do que fazer {proverb} | :: alternative form of é mais fácil dizer do que fazer |
emanação {f} | :: emanation |
emanação {f} | :: derivation, origin, provenance |
emanação {f} | :: effluvium |
emanando {v} | :: gerund of emanar |
emanar {v} | :: to emanate (from) |
emanar {v} | :: to originate (from) |
emancipação {f} | :: emancipation |
emancipando {v} | :: gerund of emancipar |
emancipar {v} | :: to emancipate |
emancipar {v} | :: to free |
em andamento {adj} | :: ongoing; occurring (presently or currently happening; being in progress) |
em antemão {adv} | :: beforehand; in advance (before it is necessary) |
Emanuel {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Immanuel (figure whose birth is prophesied in the Book of Isaiah) |
Emanuel {prop} {m} | :: given name |
emaranhar {v} | :: to tangle (to mix together or intertwine) |
emasculado {adj} | :: emasculate; castrated |
emascular {v} /imɐskuˈlaɾ/ | :: to castrate |
embaçado {adj} /ɪ̃ɲ̞ᵐbaˈsadʊ̥/ | :: opaque, not transparent |
embaçado {adj} | :: lustreless, not shining |
embaçado {adj} | :: indistinct, hazy, blurry |
embaçado {adj} [figurative] | :: confusing, obscure, overly complex |
embaçar {vt} /ɪ̃ɲ̞ᵐbaˈsaχ/ | :: to reduce the luster or the transparency [of something] |
embaçar {vr} | :: to lose luster or transparency |
embaçar {v} [by extension] | :: to make [an image, a picture] indistinct or hazy, to blur |
embaçar {v} [figurative] | :: to make more confusing, to obscure, to obfuscate |
embaçar {v} [figurative, by extension] | :: to deceive |
embaçar {v} [figurative] | :: to make less prestigious, to make less eminent, to outshine |
Embach {prop} {m} | :: Embach (river) |
embaciar {v} | :: alternative form of embaçar |
embaiba {f} | :: alternative form of ambaíba |
embaíba {f} | :: alternative form of ambaíba |
embainhar {v} | :: to sheathe (to put a weapon into a sheath) |
embair {v} | :: to deceive, mislead |
embair {v} | :: to seduce |
embaixada {f} /ẽ.baj.ˈʃa.ðɐ/ | :: embassy (organization representing a foreign state) |
embaixada {f} | :: ambassadorship (the post or office of ambassador) |
embaixada {f} | :: the act of repeatedly kicking a football upwards in order to prevent it from touching the ground |
embaixador {m} /ẽ.ˌbaj.ʃɐ.ˈðoɾ/ | :: ambassador |
embaixadora {f} | :: feminine noun of embaixador |
embaixar {v} [rare] | :: to ambass (to work as an ambassador) |
embaixatriz {f} | :: feminine noun of embaixador |
em baixo {adv} [European orthography] | :: alternative spelling of embaixo |
embaixo {adv} [Brazil] /ĩ.ˈbaj.ʃu/ | :: below, down |
embaixo de {prep} | :: beneath; below; under |
embalado {adj} | :: crashed |
embalado {adj} | :: drunk (or under the influence of drugs) |
embalagem {f} /ĩ.ba.ˈla.ʒẽj̃/ | :: package |
embalagem {f} | :: packing |
embalar {vt} | :: to rock (move gently back and forth) |
embalar {vt} | :: to lull (to soothe a baby into sleep) |
embalar {vit} | :: to accelerate (to cause to move faster) |
embalar {vt} | :: to wrap (to enclose completely in fabric, paper, etc.) |
embalsamação {f} | :: embalming |
embalsamamento {m} | :: embalming |
embalsamando {v} | :: gerund of embalsamar |
embalsamar {v} /ẽj̃ˈma(ɻ)/ | :: to embalm (preserve corpse) |
embalsamar {v} | :: to embalm; to perfume |
embandeirar {v} | :: to flag (to furnish with flags) |
em banho-maria {adv} | :: See: pt em banho-maria |
em banho-maria {adv} [idiomatic] | :: on the back burner (in low priority) |
embaraçado {adj} | :: tangled (messily intertwined) |
embaraçado {adj} | :: confusing or complicated |
embaraçar {v} [of hair, ropes, cables and similar] | :: to tangle; to snarl (to interweave in a messy way) |
embaraçar {v} | :: to embarrass (to make someone feel discomforted from shame) |
embaraço {m} /ẽ.bɐ.ˈɾ | :: embarrassment |
embaraço {m} | :: awkwardness |
embaraçoso {adj} | :: Causing embarrassment; embarrassing |
embaralhamento {m} | :: shuffle (act of shuffling cards) |
embaralhar {v} | :: to shuffle (to put in a random order, especially cards) |
embarcação {f} [nautical] /ẽbɐɾkɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: vessel, ship |
embarcação {f} | :: embarkation |
embarcando {v} | :: gerund of embarcar |
embarcar {v} /ẽbɐɾˈkaɾ/ | :: to embark |
embarcar {v} | :: to ship |
embarcar {v} [idiomatic] | :: to die |
embargo {m} /ẽˈbaɾɣu/ | :: embargo (an order by the government prohibiting ships from leaving port) |
embargo {m} | :: embargo (a ban on trade with another country) |
embarque {m} | :: embarkation |
embasado {adj} | :: founded (having a basis) |
embasamento {m} [architecture] | :: foundation (the base of a building) |
embasamento {m} [figurative] | :: basis (base or foundation for an argument or hypothesis) |
embasamento {m} | :: plinth (base of a column, statue or pedestal) |
embasamento {m} [geology] | :: basement (mass of rock underlying sedimentary cover) |
embasar {vt} [architecture] | :: to build (a building’s) foundation |
embasar {v} [em] | :: to base on (to use something as a basis for (an opinion, idea or procedure)) |
embasbacado {adj} | :: astonished, surprised |
embate {m} | :: collision; crash |
embate {m} [figuratively] | :: conflict; clash |
embate {m} [figuratively, politics] | :: opposition; resistance |
embauba {f} | :: alternative form of ambaíba |
embaúba {f} | :: alternative form of ambaíba |
Embaúba {prop} | :: Embaúba (municipality) |
embauva {f} | :: alternative form of ambaíba |
embaúva {f} | :: alternative form of ambaíba |
embayba {f} | :: obsolete form of ambaíba |
embebedar {v} | :: to get someone drunk |
embebendo {v} | :: gerund of embeber |
embeber {v} | :: to soak, impregnate |
embebido {adj} | :: impregnated, soaked |
embebido {adj} | :: stewed |
embebido {adj} | :: infiltrated |
embeiçando {v} | :: gerund of embeiçar |
embeiçar {v} | :: to fall in love (with) |
embelezar {v} | :: to beautify (make beautiful or more beautiful) |
emberiza {f} | :: bunting (any of various songbirds of the genus Emberiza) |
embigo {m} | :: dated form of umbigo |
embirração {f} | :: stubbornness |
embirração {f} | :: dislike |
embirrar {v} [com] | :: to dislike |
embirrar {v} [em] | :: to insist |
emblema {m} | :: emblem (representative symbol) |
emblemático {adj} | :: emblematic (serving as a symbol) |
em boas mãos {adv} | :: in good hands (under guidance) |
embocadura {f} | :: bit (piece of metal placed in a horse’s mouth and connected to the reins) |
embocadura {f} | :: mouth (the end of a river out of which water flows) |
embocadura {f} [music] | :: embouchure (shape of the mouth and lips when playing a wind instrument) |
embolar {v} /ĩ.bo.ˈla(ɾ)/ | :: to put spheres on the tip of a bull's horn to avoid hurting the bullfighter |
embolar {v} [Brazil] | :: to grab an enemy and roll with them over the ground |
embolar {v} | :: to form a bunch (load of material put together) |
embolia {f} [pathology] | :: embolism (obstruction or occlusion of an artery by an embolus) |
embolorado {adj} | :: mouldy (covered with mould) |
em bom português {adv} [often with "dizer", "falar": to speak] | :: candidly, frankly |
embonecar {v} | :: to doll up (to dress oneself or another in formal or ostentatious clothing) |
embora {adv} /ẽ.ˈbɔ.ɾɐ/ | :: away; hence (from this place) |
embora {adv} | :: home (to one’s home) |
embora {conj} | :: although (used with subjunctive, introducing a clause that expresses a concession) |
emboscada {f} /ˌẽ.buʃ.ˈka.dɐ/ | :: ambush, ambuscade (a disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station) |
emboscador {m} | :: ambusher (one who ambushes) |
emboscador {adj} | :: ambushing (who or which ambushes) |
emboscar {v} /ˌẽ.buʃ.ˈkaɾ/ | :: to ambush (to lie in wait for, or to attack) |
embotar {vt} | :: to blunt (to make blunt) |
embotar {vi} | :: to blunt (to become blunt) |
embotar {vt} [figurative] | :: to blunt (to repress or weaken) |
embotelhar {vt} | :: to bottle (seal into a bottle) |
embraiagem {f} [Portugal] | :: clutch (the pedal in a car that disengages power transmission) |
em branco {adj} | :: blank (having an empty space to be filled in) |
embreagem {f} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of embraiagem |
embrenhando {v} | :: gerund of embrenhar |
embrenhar {v} | :: to hide (in undergrowth etc) |
em breve {adv} | :: soon, anon (in a short time) |
embriagar {vr} | :: to get drunk (become inebriated) |
embriaguez {f} | :: inebriation, intoxication, drunkenness (state of being intoxicated or drunk) |
embrião {m} | :: embryo (all senses) |
embrião {m} | :: germ |
embrião {m} | :: origin, beginning |
embriologia {f} | :: embryology (the study of embryos) |
embrionário {adj} [embryology] | :: embryonic (of or relating to embryos) |
embriónico {adj} [European orthography, embryology] | :: embryonic (of or relating to embryos) |
embriônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of embriónico |
embromar {vt} | :: to beat around the bush (to delay doing or talking about something difficult or unpleasant) |
embromar {vt} | :: to deceive, to trick |
embromar {vi} | :: to promise something but not accomplish it |
embromar {vi} | :: to joke, to play |
embromar {vi} | :: to walk slowly |
embromation {mf} [Brazil, slang] /ĩ.bɾo.ˈmej.ʃõ/ | :: the act of beating around the bush, especially while pretending to do something useful |
embromation {mf} [Brazil, slang, chiefly music] | :: the act of improvising the use of another language, such as mimicking the lyrics of a song badly or using Portuguese-like words and syntax |
embrulhando {v} | :: gerund of embrulhar |
embrulhar {v} /ẽ.bɾu.ˈʎaɾ/ | :: to wrap up, bundle, pack |
embrulho {m} /ẽ.ˈbɾu.ʎu/ | :: package, parcel |
embrulho {m} | :: the act of wrapping (a package, bundle, etc.) |
embuçado {adj} | :: covered (especially relating to the face) |
embuçar {vt} | :: to cover one's face |
embuçar {vt} | :: to disguise |
Embu das Artes {prop} | :: Embu das Artes (municipality) |
Embu-Guaçu {prop} | :: Embu-Guaçu (municipality) |
embu-guaçuense {mf} [demonym] /ẽ.bu.ɡwa.suˈẽ.si/ | :: Born in or inhabitant of the Brazilian municipality of Embu-Guaçu |
embu-guaçuense {adj} [demonym] | :: Pertaining or related to the Brazilian municipality of Embu-Guaçu |
embuia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of imbuia |
embúia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of imbuia |
emburrado {adj} | :: sulky; cantankerous |
emburrecer {v} /ĩ.bu.ʁe.ˈse(ɾ)/ | :: to get or make dumb, less intelligent |
emburrecimento {m} /ĩ.bu.ʁˈmẽ.tu/ | :: the act of becoming or making dumb, less intelligent |
embuste {m} | :: a scam or hoax |
embustice {f} | :: hoax (something deliberately intended to deceive or trick) |
embutido {adj} | :: embedded (lodged solidly into) |
embutido {m} [usually plural] | :: any type of sausage |
embuya {f} | :: obsolete spelling of imbuia |
em cartaz {adj} [of a film] | :: available to be watched in theaters |
em casa {adv} | :: home; at home (in one’s home) |
em casa de ferreiro, o espeto é de pau {proverb} | :: the shoemaker's children go barefoot (one often neglects those closest to oneself) |
em cima {adv} /ĩ.ˈsi.mɐ/ | :: above (in a higher place) |
em cima {adv} | :: upstairs (up the stairs; on a higher floor or level) |
em cima {adv} [idiom] | :: depending on or sustaining from (someone or something), chiefly in a unfair way, like taking advantage |
em cima de {prep} | :: above (in a higher place) |
em cima do muro {adv} [idiom] | :: divided between (usually two) opinions or decisions; uncertain; on the fence |
em cima do muro {adv} | :: See: pt em cima do muro |
em comum {prep} | :: in common (shared with others) |
em comum {prep} | :: in common (having similar or identical qualities) |
em conta {adj} [euphemistic] | :: reasonable; budget; inexpensive; cheap |
em contrário {adj} | :: otherwise (other than supposed) |
em curso {adj} | :: current (occurring at the moment) |
em definitivo {adv} [idiomatic] | :: for good (forever; permanently) |
em desenvolvimento {adj} [geopolitics, of a country] | :: developing (having a low human development index, or undeveloped industry) |
em desenvolvimento {adj} | :: See: pt em desenvolvimento |
em detalhes {adv} [idiomatic] | :: in detail (with all particulars) |
em diante {adv} | :: forward; on (into the future) |
eme {m} /ˈɛ.mɨ/ | :: letter: m |
em efígie {adv} | :: in effigy (as a symbol) |
é melhor prevenir do que remediar {proverb} | :: a stitch in time saves nine (a timely effort can prevent larger problems) |
emendabilidade {f} | :: amendableness (the state or quality of being amendable) |
Emenda Dante de Oliveira {prop} [historical] | :: A law amendment which was rejected at a voting in 2 March 1983, which proposed allowing direct elections for the office of president of Brazil as per the Diretas Já movement |
emendado {adj} | :: [of a document] amended (changed or corrected from a previous version) |
emendado {adj} | :: [of a piece of text] amended (added to a document, especially as a correction) |
emendado {adj} | :: [especially of clothes] patched (mended by sewing patches) |
emendado {adj} [figuratively, of a situation or organisation] | :: whose problems have been fixed, especially in a way doesn’t really remove them |
emendador {m} | :: amender (one who amends) |
emendador {adj} | :: amending (who or which amends) |
emendando {v} | :: gerund of emendar |
emendar {v} /i.mẽ.ˈdaɾ/ | :: to amend |
emendar {v} | :: to join, splice |
emendativo {adj} | :: amendatory (for the purpose of amending, correcting) |
emendável {adj} | :: amendable (capable of being amended) |
ementa {f} /i.ˈmẽ.tɐ/ | :: syllabus (topics which will be covered during an academic course) |
ementa {f} | :: list (enumeration or compilation of items) |
ementa {f} | :: menu (a list of dishes offered in a restaurant) |
ementar {v} | :: to list |
emergência {f} | :: emergency |
emergência {f} | :: emergence |
emergencista {mf} | :: emergency physician |
emergindo {v} | :: gerund of emergir |
emergir {v} /e.meʁ.ˈʒi(ʁ)/ | :: to emerge |
emérito {adj} | :: emeritus (retired but retaining an honorific version of previous title) |
êmese {f} [medicine] | :: emesis (act of vomiting) |
em espécie {adv} | :: in cash |
em essência {adv} | :: in essence; essentially |
emético {adj} [pharmacology] | :: emetic (causing nausea and vomiting) |
emético {m} [pharmaceutical drug] | :: emetic (an agent that induces vomiting) |
emfim {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of enfim |
em flagrante {adv} | :: red-handed (in the act of wrongdoing) |
em frente a {prep} | :: in front of |
em geral {adv} | :: generally; by and large (with few exceptions) |
em geral {adv} | :: generally (as a rule; usually) |
em geral {adv} | :: generally (without reference to specific details) |
em grande escala {adv} | :: occurring in large-scale |
em guarda {interj} [chiefly fencing] | :: en garde (used to warn one’s opponent to take a defensive position) |
em guarda {interj} | :: See: pt em guarda |
EMHO {phrase} [Internet] | :: IMHO. abbreviation of em minha humilde opinião |
-emia {suffix} [pathology] /e.ˈmi.ɐ/ | :: -aemia (forms the names of conditions affecting the blood or the bloodstream) |
emigração {f} /e.ˌmi.ɡɾa.ˈsɐ̃õ/ | :: emigration (act of emigrating) |
emigrante {mf} /i.mi.ˈɣɾɐ̃.tɨ/ | :: emigrant (someone who leaves a country) |
emigrar {vi} /emiˈɡɾaɾ/ | :: to emigrate (to leave one’s country) |
emigrês {m} | :: any dialect spoken by emigrants |
Emiko {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Emília {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Emília {prop} {f} | :: Emília (traditional region) |
Emilianópolis {prop} | :: Emilianópolis (municipality) |
Emília-Romanha {prop} {f} | :: Emília-Romanha (region) |
Emílio {prop} {m} /e.ˈmil.ju/ | :: given name |
eminência {f} | :: eminence (high reputation) |
eminência parda {f} | :: éminence grise (secret or unofficial decision-maker) |
eminente {adj} | :: remarkable; eminent; notable |
eminentemente {adv} | :: eminently (in an eminent manner) |
emir {m} /e.ˈmiʁ/ | :: emir (Islamic prince or leader) |
emirado {m} | :: emirate (region ruled by an emir) |
Emirados Árabes Unidos {prop} {mp} | :: alternative form of Emiratos Árabes Unidos |
Emiratos Árabes Unidos {prop} {mp} | :: Emiratos Árabes Unidos (country) |
emissão {f} /ˌe.mi.ˈsɐ̃õ/ | :: emission (something that is emitted, especially the exhaust from a car) |
emissão alfa {f} [radiation] | :: alpha emission (emission of alpha particles from the nucleus of an atom) |
emissário {m} | :: emissary (an agent sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else) |
emissividade {f} [physics] | :: emissivity |
emissor {adj} | :: emitting |
emissor {m} | :: emitter |
emissora {n} /e.mi.ˈso.ɾɐ/ | :: network (group of affiliated television stations) |
emissor alfa {m} [radiation] | :: alpha emitter (substance that decays by emitting alpha particles) |
emitindo {v} | :: gerund of emitir |
emitir {v} /i.mi.ˈtiɾ/ | :: to emit, issue, transmit |
em jogo {adj} [idiomatic] | :: at stake (at risk) |
em larga escala {adv} | :: occurring in large-scale |
em linha {adj} | :: online |
em loop {adv} | :: in/on a loop, looping (repetitively endlessly) |
emmagrecer {v} | :: obsolete spelling of emagrecer |
em mãos {adv} | :: on hand; available |
em massa {adv} | :: en masse (in a single body or group) |
em meio a {prep} | :: amid; amidst; among; in the middle of (surrounded or encompassed by) |
em meio a {prep} | :: during; in the middle of (at any time within a given time interval or event) |
emmoldurar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of emoldurar |
em nome de {prep} | :: on behalf of; in the name of (speaking or acting for) |
emoção {f} /imuˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: emotion |
emocionado {adj} | :: emotional (characterised by emotion) |
emocionado {adj} | :: touched (emotionally moved) |
emocionado {adj} | :: thrilled; excited |
emocional {adj} | :: emotional (of or relating to the emotions) |
emocional {adj} | :: emotional (characterised by emotion) |
emocional {adj} | :: emotional (determined by emotion rather than reason) |
emocional {adj} | :: emotional (appealing to or arousing emotion) |
emocionalmente {adv} | :: emotionally |
emocionante {adj} | :: poignant (evoking strong mental sensation) |
emocionante {adj} | :: thrilling; exciting |
emocionar {v} | :: to thrill (to give someone great pleasure) |
emocionar {v} | :: to move (to arouse the feelings or passions of) |
emoldurando {v} | :: gerund of emoldurar |
emoldurar {v} /i.moɫ.du.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to add a frame to a painting or picture |
emoldurar {v} | :: to add mouldings to a wall |
emoldurar {v} [figurative, of something that surrounds something else] | :: to adorn |
emolumento {m} | :: emolument |
em operação {adj} | :: in operation; operating; running |
em ordem {adj} | :: in order; tidy; neat |
em ordem {adj} | :: in good condition |
em ordem {adj} [usually predicative] | :: in order (in accordance with the rules) |
-emos {suffix} | :: forms the 1st person plural present subjunctive of 1st conjugation verbs |
-emos {suffix} | :: forms the 1st person plural affirmative and negative imperative of 1st conjugation verbs |
-emos {suffix} | :: forms the 1st person plural present indicative of 2nd conjugation verbs |
-emos {suffix} | :: forms the 1st person plural preterite indicative of 2nd conjugation verbs |
emoticon {m} | :: emoticon (simple drawing using text characters) |
emotivo {adj} | :: emotional (of or relating to the emotions) |
emotivo {adj} | :: emotional (characterised by emotion) |
emotivo {adj} | :: emotional (determined by emotion rather than reason) |
emotivo {adj} | :: emotional (easily affected by emotion) |
emotivo {adj} | :: emotional (readily displaying emotion) |
em outras palavras {adv} [conjunctive, idiomatic] | :: in other words (stated or interpreted another way) |
empacar {v} | :: to jib (to stop and refuse to proceed) |
empacar {v} [figurative] | :: to stop growing or improving |
empachando {v} | :: gerund of empachar |
empachar {v} | :: to obstruct |
empachar {v} | :: to overeat |
empacotamento {m} | :: packing |
empacotamento {m} | :: package |
empacotando {v} | :: gerund of empacotar |
empacotar {v} | :: to pack or bundle |
empacotar {v} | :: to bale |
empacotar {v} [idiomatic] | :: To die |
empada {f} | :: a type of meat or fish pie with a very crumbly crust |
empáfia {f} /ĩˈpa.fjɐ/ | :: arrogance, presumption |
empalanca {f} | :: alternative form of palanca (roan antelope) |
empalar {v} | :: to impale (put to death by piercing with a pale) |
empalhar {v} | :: to stuff (to preserve a dead animal for display) |
empalidecer {vi} | :: to pale (to become pale) |
empanando {v} | :: gerund of empanar |
empanar {v} | :: to obscure |
empanturrar {v} | :: to cram; to stuff (to fill with food beyond satiety) |
empapelar {vt} | :: to wallpaper (to cover with wallpaper) |
empapelar {vt} | :: to wrap with paper |
empapelar {vt} [figurative] | :: to protect with great care |
em paralelo {adv} | :: in parallel |
em paralelo {adv} [electricity] | :: in parallel |
emparedar {v} /ĩ.pa.ɾe.ˈda(ɾ)/ | :: to wall in (enclose by surrounding with walls) |
emparedar {v} | :: to hide something inside a wall |
emparedar {v} | :: to immure (to wall up someone) |
emparelhar {vt} | :: to pair; to mate (arrange in matched pairs) |
em parte {adv} | :: partly (not completely) |
empastado {adj} | :: plastered |
empastado {adj} | :: swollen |
empatar {vt} | :: to cause the score of a game or match to become even |
empatar {vi} | :: to draw (to end (a game) with neither side winning) |
empate {m} /ẽˈpat(ə)/ | :: draw; tie (situation in which the participants of a competition have equal scores) |
empatia {f} | :: empathy (capacity to understand another person’s point of view or feelings) |
em pé {adj} | :: up; standing |
empecer {vt} | :: to harm; to prejudice |
empecer {vti} | :: to prevent; to impede |
empecilho {m} /ĩ.pe.ˈsi.ʎu/ | :: obstacle; hindrance |
empeçonhar {vt} [of animals] | :: to poison (to inject poison into someone or an animal) |
em pé de guerra {adj} [idiomatic] | :: on the warpath (very angry or upset) |
empedernido {adj} /ẽ.pe.deʁ.ˈni.du/ | :: rock hard (hard like rock) |
empedernir {vt} /ẽ.pe.deʁ.ˈni(ʁ)/ | :: to make rock hard |
empena {f} [architecture] | :: gable (triangular area of wall just under the roof) |
empena {f} | :: warping of wood due to heat or humidity |
empenhado {adj} | :: determined |
empenhado {adj} | :: dedicated; committed |
empenhado {adj} | :: pawned |
empenhado {adj} [colloquial] | :: indebted |
empenhando {v} | :: gerund of empenhar |
empenhar {vt} /ˌe͡ɪm.peɲˈaʁ/ | :: to pawn |
empenhar {vt} | :: to pledge |
empenhar {vt} | :: to force |
empenhar {vt} | :: to commit |
empenhar {vp} | :: to get into debt |
empenhar {v} [em, .pronominal] | :: to dedicate oneself; to commit oneself to |
empenhar {v} [em, .pronominal] | :: to strive to; to make an effort |
empenho {m} /ẽ.ˈpe.ɲu/ | :: effort, endeavour |
em pequena escala {adv} | :: occurring in small-scale |
emperador {m} | :: obsolete form of imperador |
emperio {m} | :: obsolete form of império |
empério {m} | :: obsolete form of império |
emperrar {v} /ˌẽ.pe.ˈha(ɻ)/ | :: to stick; to jam |
empertigar {v} /em.peɾ.tiˈɣaɾ/ | :: to stiffen |
em pessoa {adv} | :: in person (actually present) |
em pessoa {adj} | :: personified; of a person said of the embodiment of an abstract concept |
empestear {v} | :: to stink, to reek, to a great extent |
emphyteuse {f} | :: obsolete spelling of enfiteuse |
emphyteutico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of enfitêutico |
empiema {m} [medicine] | :: empyema (accumulation of pus) |
empilhadeira {f} | :: forklift (type of industrial vehicle) |
empilhamento {m} | :: stack, pile |
empilhamento {m} | :: accumulation |
empilhando {v} | :: gerund of empilhar |
empilhar {v} | :: to pile, stack, heap, accumulate |
empinar {vt} | :: to pitch upwards, to tilt something so that its front extremity points higher than standardly |
empinar {vt} | :: to perform a wheelie with (a bicycle, a motorcycle, etc.) |
empinar o nariz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to put on airs (to become haughty, to assume a haughty manner) |
empiorar {vit} /ẽpjuˈɾaɾ/ | :: synonym of piorar |
empiricamente {adv} | :: empirically |
empírico {adj} /ẽ.ˈpi.ɾi.ko/ | :: empirical (pertaining to or based on experience) |
empirismo {m} [philosophy] | :: empiricism (doctrine that the source of human knowledge is experience) |
empirista {mf} | :: empiricist (an advocate or supporter of empiricism) |
emplasto {m} | :: alternative form of emplastro |
emplastro {m} | :: poultice; plaster |
em plena luz do dia {adv} [idiomatic] | :: in broad daylight (in a blatant and visible manner) |
em pó {adj} | :: powdered (which has been made into a powder) |
empoado {adj} | :: powdered (covered with powder) |
empoado {adj} | :: dusty (covered with dust) |
empoar {vt} | :: to dust (to cover with dust) |
empobrecer {vt} | :: to impoverish (to make poor) |
empobrecer {vi} | :: to impoverish (to become poor) |
empobrecido {adj} | :: impoverished (reduced to poverty) |
empoderamento {m} | :: empowerment (granting of power) |
empoderamento {m} | :: empowerment (state of being empowered) |
empoderar {v} | :: to empower |
empoleirar {vt} | :: to perch (to place something on a perch) |
empoleirar-se {vr} | :: to perch (to rest on a perch, to roost) |
empolgado {adj} | :: excited (having great enthusiasm) |
empolgar {vt} | :: to make someone eager or excited |
em ponto {adv} | :: sharp (precisely at the given time) |
em ponto {adv} | :: o’clock |
empório {m} /ĩ.ˈpɔ.ɾju/ | :: emporium (large retail store) |
em poucas palavras {adv} [idiomatic] | :: in a nutshell; in summary |
empreendedor {m} | :: entrepreneur |
empreendedora {f} | :: female equivalent of empreendedor |
empreendedorismo {m} | :: entrepreneurship (quality of being an entrepreneur) |
empreender {v} /ẽ.pɾjẽ.ˈdeɾ/ | :: to attempt |
empreender {v} | :: to undertake (to start an enterprise) |
empreendimento {m} | :: enterprise (company, business, organisation, or other purposeful endeavour) |
empreendimento {m} | :: enterprise (undertaking, especially a daring and courageous one) |
empregada {f} | :: maid (women employed to keep a house clean) |
empregada doméstica {f} | :: feminine noun of empregado doméstico |
empregado {adj} /ẽpɾɨˈɣaðu/ | :: employed (in a job, working) |
empregado {m} | :: employee |
empregado doméstico {m} [usually in the feminine] | :: housecleaner (person employed to clean a house) |
empregado doméstico {m} | :: domestic worker (person who works in the employer’s household) |
empregador {m} | :: employer (person or entity which employs others) |
empregar {v} /ẽpɾɨˈɣaɾ/ | :: to employ (to give someone a job) |
empregar {v} | :: to employ; to make use of (to put into use) |
empregatício {adj} | :: relating to employment |
emprego {m} /ẽ.ˈpɾe.ɣu/ | :: job (economic role for which a person is paid) |
emprego {m} | :: use; usage (the act of using something or the way something is used) |
emprego {m} [uncountable] | :: employment (the state of being employed) |
emprehender {v} | :: obsolete spelling of empreender |
empreitada {f} | :: contract, agreement |
empreitada {f} | :: enterprise (venture) |
empreitando {v} | :: gerund of empreitar |
empreitar {v} | :: to work piecework |
empreiteira {f} | :: feminine noun of empreiteiro |
empreiteira {f} | :: construction company |
empreiteiro {m} | :: builder |
emprenhar {vt} [usually of animals] | :: to impregnate (to cause to become pregnant) |
empresa {f} /ĩ.ˈpɾe.zɐ/ | :: company; business |
empresa de capital aberto {f} [business] | :: joint-stock company (company with transferable ownership and limited shareholder liability) |
empresário {m} | :: businessman |
empresário {m} | :: entrepreneur, impresario |
emprestador {m} | :: borrower (one who borrows) |
emprestador {m} | :: lender (one who lends) |
emprestando {v} | :: gerund of emprestar |
emprestar {v} /ˌĩ.pɾes.ˈta(ʁ)/ | :: [a, para, -an indirect objective pronoun, .transitive, .or] to lend; to loan (to give temporarily) |
emprestar {vt} | :: [Brazil] to borrow (to obtain temporarily) |
empréstimo {m} /ẽˈpɾɛʃtimu/ | :: loan |
empréstimo {m} [linguistics] | :: loanword, foreign word, borrowing |
empreza {f} | :: obsolete spelling of empresa |
em primeiro lugar {adv} | :: See: pt em primeiro lugar |
em primeiro lugar {adv} [idiomatic] | :: first of all (before anything else is mentioned) |
em prol de {prep} | :: in favor of (for the benefit of) |
empunhadura {f} | :: grip; handle; hilt |
empunhar {v} /ẽ.pu.j̃aɾ/ | :: to hold [something] by its end with one’s clenched fist, like a sword |
empurrão {m} | :: push (short, directed application of force) |
empurrãozinho {m} | :: a little push |
empurrãozinho {m} | :: a little help |
empurrar {vt} /ẽ.pu.ˈʁaɾ/ | :: to push (apply a force to (an object) so that it moves away) |
empurrar {vt} | :: to push (e.g. a button) |
empurrar {vt} | :: to sell a product that is overpriced and/or of low quality, especially with malice |
empuxo {m} | :: a pushing force |
empuxo {m} [physics] | :: buoyancy (upward force on an immersed body) |
empyreo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of empíreo |
em quanto {conj} | :: obsolete spelling of enquanto |
em quanto {conj} | :: See: pt em quanto |
emquanto {conj} | :: obsolete spelling of enquanto |
em questão {adj} | :: in question (under consideration or discussion) |
em regra {adv} [idiomatic] | :: as a rule; in general (most often) |
em relação a {prep} | :: in relation to |
em Roma, como os romanos {proverb} | :: alternative form of quando em Roma, faça como os romanos |
em Roma sê romano {proverb} | :: when in Rome, do as the Romans do (behave as those around you do) |
em seguida {adv} | :: afterwards |
em série {adv} | :: serially |
em série {adv} [electricity] | :: in series |
em suma {adv} [idiomatic] | :: on the whole, all in all |
em tempo {adv} | :: by the way |
em terra de cego, quem tem um olho é rei {proverb} | :: When most people have no talent or ability at all, the one person with mild skills stands out |
em todo caso {adv} | :: in any case; at any rate |
em torno de {prep} | :: around (defining a circle or closed curve containing) |
em torno de {prep} | :: around; about; approximately |
emu {m} /e.ˈmu/ | :: emu |
emudecer {vt} | :: to mute, to silence, to make quiet |
emulação {f} /imulɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: emulation |
emulador {adj} | :: emulative |
emulador {m} | :: emulator (someone or something that emulates) |
emulador {m} [computing] | :: emulator (application that simulates another system) |
emular {vt} /imuˈlaɾ/ | :: to emulate |
emulsão {f} | :: emulsion (suspension of one liquid in another) |
em uma palavra {adv} | :: alternative form of numa palavra |
em um repente {adv} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of num repente |
emurchecido {adj} /e.ˌmuɻ.ʃe.ˈ | :: dried up; withered |
em vão {adv} | :: Ending in failure; unsuccessfully; in vain |
em vez de {prep} | :: instead of |
em vigor {adj} | :: in force, in effect |
em virtude de {prep} [idiomatic] | :: by virtue of, because of |
em vista de {prep} [idiomatic] | :: in light of; given; considering (introduces a fact that is relevant to the conclusion) |
em voga {adj} | :: in vogue; popular; trendy |
em volta {adv} | :: around (on all sides) |
em volta de {prep} | :: around (defining a circle containing a thing) |
em voz alta {adv} | :: out loud; aloud |
en- {prefix} | :: en- (all meanings) |
enaltecendo {v} | :: gerund of enaltecer |
enaltecer {vt} | :: to praise, to compliment |
enaltecimento {m} | :: the act of greatly praising or complimenting someone |
enamorando {v} | :: gerund of enamorar |
enamorar {v} | :: to enamor |
enamorar-se {v} [reciprocal] | :: to fall in love (to come to have feelings of love towards each other) |
enamorar-se {vr} | :: to fall in love (to come to have feelings of love) |
enantiodromia {f} | :: enantiodromia |
enantiómero {m} [European orthography, chemistry] | :: enantiomer (one of a pair of mirror-image stereoisomers) |
enantiômero {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of enantiómero |
enaquim {m} | :: alternative form of anaquim |
enartrose {f} [anatomy] | :: enarthrosis (a ball-and-socket joint) |
-ença {suffix} [non-productive] | :: forms nouns, from verbs, indicating a state or condition; -ence |
encabular {vt} | :: to shame, to induce shyness |
encaçapar {v} [billiards, snooker, pool] | :: to pocket (to cause a ball to go into a pocket of a billiard table) |
encadeamento {m} | :: chaining |
encadeamento {m} | :: catenation |
encadeamento {m} | :: series |
encadeando {v} | :: gerund of encadear |
encadear {v} | :: to chain |
encadear {v} | :: to catenate |
encadernação {f} | :: bookbinding (the process of binding a book) |
encadernador {m} | :: bookbinder (person whose binds books) |
encadernando {v} | :: gerund of encadernar |
encadernar {v} | :: to bind |
encafifar {vti} /ĩˈfa(ɾ)/ | :: to shame (to induce shyness) or to become ashamed |
encafifar {vr} | :: to become angry |
encaixar {v} /ĩ.kaj.ˈʃa(ʁ)/ | :: to fit (to conform to in size and shape) |
encaixar {v} | :: to fit (to attach, especially when requiring exact positioning or sizing) |
encaixar {v} [football, of a goalkeeper] | :: to catch the football and hold it tightly |
encaixe {m} /ẽ.ˈka(j).ʃi/ | :: slot (depression, perforation, or aperture for the reception of a piece fitting in it) |
encaixe {m} | :: the act of fitting things together |
encaixe {m} [football] | :: the act of a goalkeeper catching the football and holding it tightly |
encaixe {m} | :: budget (money set aside for something) |
encaixilhar {v} /ẽ.kaj.ʃi.ˈʎaɾ/ | :: to frame |
encaixotar {vt} /ẽkajʃuˈtaɾ/ | :: to box, to place inside a box |
encalçar {v} | :: to chase after, to pursue |
encalço {m} /ĩ.ˈ | :: pursuit, chase |
encalço {m} | :: clue |
encalhando {v} | :: gerund of encalhar |
encalhar {v} [nautical] | :: To beach, strand, run aground |
encalistrar {v} /ĩ.ka.ˈlis.tɾa(ɾ)/ | :: to make ashamed |
encaminhando {v} | :: gerund of encaminhar |
encaminhar {v} | :: to direct; to guide |
encaminhar {v} | :: to send |
encaminhar {v} | :: to forward (email) |
encaminhar-se {vi} | :: head (move in a specified direction) |
encampaçaõ {f} | :: obsolete spelling of encampação |
encampação {f} [legal] | :: expropriation |
encampando {v} | :: gerund of encampar |
encampar {v} | :: to annul, to cancel, to revoke |
encampar {v} [legal] | :: to expropriate |
encampar {v} | :: to adopt (a cause, etc.) |
encampar {v} | :: to abandon (a cause, etc.) |
encanador {m} | :: plumber |
encanamento {m} | :: plumbing |
encantação {m} /ẽ.kɐ̃.tɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: enchantment |
encantação {m} | :: spell, incantation |
encantado {adj} /ẽkɐ̃ˈtadu/ | :: enchanted, bewitched |
encantado {adj} | :: delighted, pleased |
Encantado {prop} | :: Encantado (municipality) |
encantador {adj} | :: charming (pleasant; charismatic; beautiful) |
encantadoramente {adv} | :: enchantingly (in an enchanting manner) |
encantadoramente {adv} | :: alluringly (in an alluring manner) |
encantador de serpentes {m} | :: snake charmer |
encantamento {m} | :: enchantment |
encantamento {m} | :: seduction |
encantar {v} /ẽ.kɐ̃.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to enchant, charm |
encantar {v} | :: to delight |
encantar {v} | :: to bewitch, put a spell on |
encanto {m} /ẽ.ˈkɐ̃.tu/ | :: something that is charming, enchanting |
encanto {m} | :: a feeling of joy when coming across something pleasant or charming; delight; pleasantness |
encanto {m} [fiction, paranormal] | :: charm; spell; enchantment (a magical effect on someone or something) |
encapar {vt} | :: to put a cover on a book |
encapsular {v} | :: to encapsulate (to enclose as if in a capsule) |
encapsular {v} [object-oriented programming] | :: to encapsulate (to restrict access to some of an object’s components) |
encaracolado {adj} | :: curly (having curls) |
encaracolar {vt} | :: to curl (to make into a curl or spiral) |
encarar {v} /ˌẽ.ka.ˈɾa(ɻ)/ | :: to face (position oneself/itself towards) |
encarar {v} | :: to face (to deal with) |
encarar de frente {v} [idiomatic] | :: to take the bull by the horns (to deal directly with a matter; to confront a difficulty) |
encarcerado {adj} | :: incarcerated |
encarcerado {adj} | :: arrested |
encarcerado {adj} | :: cloistered |
encarceramento {m} | :: incarceration; imprisonment (the act of confining in jail) |
encarcerar {v} | :: to incarcerate (to lock away in prison) |
encardido {adj} /ˌẽ.kaɻ.ˈd͡ʒ | :: grubby; very dirty |
encardido {adj} [Rio Grande do Sul] | :: ugly |
encardido {m} | :: a filthy person |
encardido {m} [uncountable] | :: filth in cloth |
encardimento {m} [uncountable] | :: the state of being grimy |
encardimento {m} | :: grime (dirt that is ingrained and difficult to remove) |
encarecendo {v} | :: gerund of encarecer |
encarecer {v} | :: to raise the price of; become expensive |
encarecer {v} | :: to extol, exalt |
encargo {m} | :: responsibility (duty, obligation or liability for which someone is held accountable) |
encargo {m} | :: a fee or tax |
encargo {m} | :: post (appointed position) |
encarnação {f} /ẽ.kɐɾ.nɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: incarnation |
encarnação {f} | :: embodiment |
encarnado {adj} /ē.kɐɾ.ˈna.du/ | :: red |
encarnado {adj} | :: incarnate (embodied in flesh) |
encarnado {m} [uncountable] | :: red [colour] |
encarnado {m} | :: a person with a physical body, as opposed to a ghost or spirit |
encarnado {m} | :: a spirit which is possessing someone |
encarnar {v} | :: to incarnate (to embody in flesh) |
encarnar {v} | :: to incarnate; to embody (to represent in a concrete form) |
encarniçado {adj} | :: fierce, ferocious |
encarniçado {adj} | :: cruel, bloodthirsty |
encaroçado {adj} /ĩ.ˌka.ɾo.ˈsa.du/ | :: containing undissolved pellets |
encaroçado {adj} | :: containing growths (abnormal masses, such as a tumours) |
encaroçamento {m} | :: the formation of growths (an abnormal mass, such as a tumour) |
encaroçamento {m} | :: the formation of undissolved pellets or chunks |
encaroçando {v} | :: gerund of encaroçar |
encaroçar {v} /ĩ.ka.ɾɾ)/ | :: to form growths (an abnormal mass such as a tumour) |
encaroçar {v} | :: to form undissolved chunks |
encarquilhado {adj} | :: wizened; wrinkled |
encarquilhando {v} | :: gerund of encarquilhar |
encarquilhar {v} | :: to shrivel |
encarquilhar {v} | :: to crease |
encarregado {adj} | :: responsible (for) |
encarregado de negócios {m} | :: See: pt encarregado de negócios |
encarregado de negócios {m} | :: chargé d'affaires (diplomat ranking below an ambassador) |
encarregando {v} | :: gerund of encarregar |
encarregar {v} | :: to charge |
encarregar {v} | :: to instruct |
encarrilhado {adj} | :: on track |
encasquetar {v} | :: [often followed by com] to be obstinate or stubborn |
encasquetar {v} | :: to cover with a casquete |
encavacar {v} /ĩˈka(ɾ)/ | :: to become or make angry |
encavacar {v} | :: to become or make ashamed |
encayxar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of encaixar |
encayxe {m} | :: obsolete spelling of encaixe |
encefalite {f} [pathology] | :: encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) |
encefalização {f} | :: encephalization |
encefalizando {v} | :: gerund of encefalizar |
encefalizar {v} | :: to encephalize |
encefalocele {f} [medicine] | :: encephalocele (hernia of the brain) |
encefalograma {f} [medicine] /ẽ.ˌsɛ.fa.lo.ˈɡɾɐ.mɐ/ | :: encephalogram (x-ray image of the brain) |
encefalopatia {f} [pathology, neurology] | :: encephalopathy (any condition affecting the brain) |
encefalopatia espongiforme bovina {f} [disease, neurology] | :: bovine spongiform encephalopathy |
encefalopatia espongiforme transmissível {f} [disease, neurology] | :: transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (any fatal, degenerative disease transmitted by prions) |
encenação {f} [drama] /ẽsɨnɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: acting (the act of playing a character as an actor) |
encenação {f} [figurative] | :: simulation (assuming an appearance which is feigned) |
encenar {vti} [dramaturgy] | :: to stage (to produce on a stage) |
encenar {vti} | :: to stage (to demonstrate in a deceptive manner) |
encerado {adj} | :: waxed (coated with wax) |
encerado {m} [countable] | :: tarpaulin (heavy, waterproof sheet of material) |
encerar {vt} | :: to wax (to apply wax to) |
encerramento {m} | :: closure, completion |
encerrar {v} | :: to contain |
encerrar {v} | :: to complete, finish |
encerrar {v} [computing] | :: to shut down |
encestar {v} /ẽ.ses.ˈta(ɾ)/ | :: to throw something into a basket |
encestar {v} [basketball] | :: to score a basket |
encestar {v} | :: to punch out (to repeatedly hit someone or something) |
encetando {v} | :: gerund of encetar |
encetar {v} /ɪ̃ɲ̞seˈtaɾ/ | :: to start, commence, initiate |
encharcado {adj} /ẽʃɐɾˈkadu/ | :: Drenched with liquid; soaked; soggy; sodden |
encharcar {v} | :: to sodden; to soak; to drench (to make or become very wet) |
enchente {f} /ẽ.ˈʃẽ.te/ | :: flood (overflow of water) |
encher {v} /ẽ.ˈʃeɾ/ | :: to fill, fill up |
encher a cara {v} [idiom] | :: to drink alcohol excessively |
encher a cara {v} | :: See: pt encher a cara |
encher o saco {v} [Brazil, idiom, colloquial] | :: to annoy; to disturb |
encher o saco {v} [Brazil, idiom, colloquial] | :: to joke |
enchimento {m} /ẽ.ʃi.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: filling |
enchimento {m} | :: wadding |
enchova {f} | :: alternative form of anchova |
-ência {suffix} [non-productive] | :: forms nouns, from verbs, indicating a state or condition; -ence |
encíclica {f} [Roman Catholicism] | :: encyclical (papal letter delivered to bishops) |
enciclopédia {f} /ẽsikloˈpɛd͡ʒi.a/ | :: encyclopedia |
enciclopédico {adj} | :: encyclopedic |
enclausurado {adj} | :: cloistered |
enclausurado {adj} | :: closed, bolted |
enclausurar {vt} | :: to cloister (to confine in a cloister) |
enclausurar {vt} | :: to pen; to enclose |
enclave {m} [geography] | :: enclave (region completely surrounded by another) |
enclave {m} [geology] | :: an intrusive rock |
ênclise {f} [grammar] /ˈẽ.kli.zi/ | :: enclisis (use of a clitic after a word) |
encobrindo {v} | :: gerund of encobrir |
encobrir {v} | :: to hide, cover up, mask |
encoleirar {v} | :: to leash (to fasten or secure with a leash) |
encoleirar {v} [figurative] | :: to wrap around one’s little finger (to successfully control or influence) |
encolerizar {v} | :: to anger (to make someone feel anger) |
encolerizar {v} | :: to be or become angry |
encolher {vi} /ˌẽ.ku.ˈʎeɾ/ | :: to shrink; to become smaller |
encolher {vt} | :: to shrink; to cause something to become smaller |
encolher os ombros {v} | :: to shrug (to raise the shoulders to express uncertainty or lack of concern) |
encolhida de ombros {f} | :: shrug (a lifting of the shoulders to signal indifference or uncertainty) |
encolhido {adj} /ẽ.ku.ˈʎi.ðu/ | :: shrunken |
encolhido {adj} | :: shy |
encomenda {f} /ẽ.ku.ˈmẽ.dɐ/ | :: order (commercial request for some product or service) |
encomenda {f} | :: a product that has been ordered |
encomenda {f} [Afro-Brazilian religions] | :: a ritual spell or curse |
encomendando {v} | :: gerund of encomendar |
encomendar {vt} /ẽ.ku.mẽ.ˈdaɾ/ | :: to order; to instruct |
encomendar {vt} | :: to commission |
encomendar {vt} | :: to recommend |
encomendar {vp} | :: to commend oneself; to entrust oneself |
encômio {m} [Brazil] | :: compliment, the act of praising someone |
encompridar {vt} | :: to lengthen (to make longer) |
encontrado {adj} /ẽ.kõ.ˈtɾa.ðu/ | :: found |
encontrado {adj} | :: joined, close |
encontrado {adj} | :: opposite |
encontrão {m} /ẽ.kõ.ˈtɾɐ̃w̃/ | :: shock, jerk |
encontrão {m} | :: hustle, jostle |
encontrar {v} /ẽ.kõ.ˈtɾaɾ/ | :: to meet |
encontrar {v} | :: to find |
encontro {m} /ẽ.ˈkõ.tɾu/ | :: meeting; gathering; get-together; meet-up |
encontro {m} | :: date (romantic meeting) |
encontro {m} | :: the act of finding something |
encontro {m} | :: bump (a light collision) |
encontro {m} | :: epaulet oriole (Icterus cayanensis, a bird of South America) |
encontro às cegas {m} | :: See: pt encontro às cegas |
encontro às cegas {m} [idiomatic] | :: blind date (romantic meeting between two people who have never met before) |
encontro consonantal {m} [phonetics] | :: cluster (group of consonants) |
encorajamento {m} /ẽ.ku.ɾɐ.ʒɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: encouragement |
encorajando {v} | :: gerund of encorajar |
encorajar {v} /ẽ.ku.ɾɐ.ˈʒaɾ/ | :: to encourage |
encordoar {vt} | :: to string (put strings on) |
encorpado {adj} | :: corpulent |
encorpado {adj} | :: consistent |
encorpado {adj} [of wine] | :: full-bodied |
encorpar {vt} | :: to thicken (to make denser) |
encorpar {vi} | :: to fill out (to have one’s physique expand) |
encorrer {v} | :: obsolete spelling of incorrer |
encortinar {v} | :: to curtain (to cover with a curtain) |
encosta {f} /ẽ.ˈkɔʃ.tɐ/ | :: slope, gradient |
encosta {f} | :: hill |
encostando {v} | :: gerund of encostar |
encostar {v} /ẽkuʃˈtaɾ/ | :: to support |
encostar {v} | :: to stow |
encostar {vt} | :: to close (a door) without locking it |
encosto {m} | :: support |
encouraçado {m} [military] | :: ironclad (armour-plated warship) |
encourado {adj} | :: dressed in leather |
encravado {adj} | :: nailed (fixed with nails) |
encravado {adj} | :: embedded; encrusted; firmly stuck |
encravado {adj} [of a country, geographical region, etc.] | :: landlocked (surrounded by land) |
encravar {vt} /ẽ.kɾa.ˈva(ʁ)/ | :: to stick into (to push something pointy into something such that it becomes stuck) |
encravar {vt} | :: to nail; to nail down (to attach something with nails) |
encravar {vt} | :: to encrust (to inset gems or similar into an object) |
encravar {vi} [of a toenail or hair] | :: to become ingrown |
encrave {m} | :: alternative form of enclave |
encrenca {f} | :: trouble |
encrespar {v} | :: to curl [hair] |
encriptação {f} | :: encryption |
encriptar {v} [cryptography] /ẽ.kɾip.ˈta(ɻ)/ | :: to encrypt (conceal information by means of a code or cipher) |
encruamento {m} [metallurgy] | :: work hardening (repeated plastic deformation of a material) |
encruamento {m} | :: heartburn (burning pain in the chest caused by acid entering the gullet) |
encruzilhada {f} | :: crossroads (intersection) |
encruzilhada {f} [figuratively] | :: a difficult situation |
Encruzilhada {prop} | :: Encruzilhada (municipality) |
Encruzilhada do Sul {prop} | :: Encruzilhada do Sul (municipality) |
encurtado {adj} | :: shortened (made shorter) |
encurtar {vt} | :: to shorten (to make shorter) |
encurtar {vi} | :: to shorten (to become shorter) |
endemia {f} | :: endemic (a disease affecting a number of people simultaneously, so as to show a distinct connection with certain localities) |
endêmico {adj} | :: endemic |
endemoniado {adj} | :: possessed (by the devil) |
endemoniado {adj} | :: diabolic, devilish |
endemoniado {adj} | :: disquiet, prankster |
endereçador {m} | :: addresser (a person or machine that writes addresses on objects) |
endereçamento {m} | :: addressing (the process of placing an address on something) |
endereçamento {m} [computing] | :: addressing (method of locating and accessing information within storage) |
endereçar {v} | :: to address |
endereço {m} /ĩ.de.ˈɾ | :: address (direction for letters) |
endereço electrónico {m} | :: obsolete spelling of endereço eletrónico |
endereço eletrónico {m} [European orthography] | :: e-mail address |
endereço eletrônico {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of endereço eletrónico |
endereço IP {m} [Internet] | :: IP address (number assigned to each computer’s network interface) |
endeusamento {m} | :: deification; apotheosis (the act of treating someone as a god) |
endeusar {vt} | :: to deify (to make a god of) |
endireitar {vt} | :: to straighten (to make straight) |
endireitar {vi} | :: to straighten (to become straight) |
endireitar {v} | :: to improve or rectify |
endireitar {v} | :: to put on the right path |
endireitar-se {vr} | :: to right (to return to normal upright position) |
endívia {f} | :: endive (salad vegetable) |
endividado {adj} | :: indebted (owing money to someone) |
endividado {adj} | :: indebted (owing favours to someone) |
endividamento {m} | :: indebtedness (the condition of owing money) |
endividamento {m} | :: the process of becoming indebted (owing money) |
endividar {vt} | :: to indebt |
endividar {vr} | :: to get into debt |
-endo {suffix} /-ˈẽ.du/ | :: forms the gerund of 2nd conjugation verbs |
endo- {prefix} | :: end-/endo- |
Endo {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
endocitose {f} [cytology] | :: endocytosis |
endócrino {adj} [anatomy] | :: endocrine (producing internal secretions) |
endocrinologia {f} [physiology] | :: endocrinology (study of the endocrine glands) |
endogamia {f} | :: endogamy (the practice of marrying within one’s own social group) |
endógeno {adj} | :: endogenous |
endoidar {v} [colloquial] | :: to go nuts, to get crazy |
endoidecer {v} | :: to go crazy |
endométrico {adj} [anatomy] | :: synonym of endometrial |
endomingado {adj} /ẽdumĩˈɡaðu/ | :: dressed in one’s Sunday best, endimanched |
endoplasmático {adj} | :: endoplasmic |
endorfina {f} [biochemistry] | :: endorphin (any of a group of peptide hormones) |
endoscopia {f} [medicine] /ˌẽ.dos.ko.ˈpi.a/ | :: endoscopy |
endoscópico {adj} | :: endoscopic (of or relating to endoscopy) |
endossando {v} | :: gerund of endossar |
endossar {vt} | :: to endorse |
endossimbiose {f} [ecology] | :: endosymbiosis (living within another organism) |
endotelial {adj} | :: endothelial |
endotermicamente {adv} | :: endothermically |
endotérmico {adj} | :: endothermic |
endotóxico {adj} | :: endotoxic (of, relating to or caused by an endotoxin) |
endotraqueal {adj} | :: endotracheal (within or through the trachea) |
endoutrinar {v} | :: alternative form of endoutrinar |
endovenoso {adj} [medicine] | :: intravenous (inside the veins) |
endro {m} /ˈẽ.dɾo/ | :: dill (herb) |
endurecedor {m} | :: hardener |
endurecendo {v} | :: gerund of endurecer |
endurecer {v} /ẽ.du.ɾɨ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to harden |
endurecer {v} | :: to strengthen |
endurecimento {m} | :: induration |
ene {m} /ˈɛ.nɨ/ | :: letter: n |
eneágono {m} /ɛnjˈaɣunu/ | :: nonagon |
enegrecer {vt} | :: to blacken (to make black) |
enegrecer {vi} | :: to blacken (to become black) |
Eneias {prop} {m} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology] | :: Aeneas (Trojan hero and ancestor of the Romans) |
Eneias {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Enéias {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Eneida {prop} {f} | :: Aeneid (classic epic poem that tells the story of Aeneas fleeing Troy and settling in Italy) |
Enéida {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Eneida |
enema {m} | :: enema (injection of fluid into the rectum) |
enema {m} | :: enema (fluid so injected) |
éneo {adj} [European orthography, poetic] | :: aeneous (bronze-coloured) |
êneo {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of éneo |
eneolítico {m} [archaeology] | :: Eneolithic (era characterised by the use of copper tools) |
eneolítico {adj} [archaeology] | :: Eneolithic (relating to the Eneolithic era) |
energeticamente {adv} | :: alternative spelling of energicamente |
energético {adj} | :: energetic (of or relating to energy) |
energético {adj} | :: lively; energetic |
energético {m} | :: energy drink (highly caffeinated beverage used to increase alertness) |
energia {f} /i.nɨɾ.ˈʒi.ɐ/ | :: energy (impetus behind activity) |
energia {f} [physics] | :: energy (ability to do work) |
energia {f} [colloquial] | :: electricity |
energia cinética {f} [physics] | :: kinetic energy (energy from motion) |
energia elétrica {f} [physics] | :: electrical energy (energy from electricity) |
energia elétrica {f} | :: electricity |
energia escura {f} [astrophysics] | :: dark energy (hypothetical form of energy which is spread uniformly throughout space and time and has anti-gravitational properties) |
energia nuclear {f} [physics] | :: nuclear energy (energy released by a nuclear reaction) |
energia potencial {f} | :: potential energy (energy possessed by an object because of its position) |
energicamente {adv} | :: energetically |
enèrgicamente {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of energicamente |
enérgico {adj} /iˈnɛɾʒiku/ | :: energetic (possessing, exerting, or displaying energy) |
energizar {v} | :: to energise (to make energetic, lively) |
energizar {v} | :: to energise (to supply with energy, especially electricity) |
energúmeno {m} [pejorative] | :: energumen |
enervação {f} | :: enervation |
enervando {v} | :: gerund of enervar |
enervar {v} /i.nɨɾ.ˈvaɾ/ | :: to enervate |
enervar {v} | :: to irritate |
enésimo {ordinal num} | :: nth |
enésimo {ordinal num} | :: umpteenth |
enevoado {adj} | :: misted (up) |
enevoando {v} | :: gerund of enevoar |
enevoar {v} | :: to mist (up) |
enfadar {vt} | :: to bore |
enfadar {vt} | :: to annoy |
enfadar {vp} | :: to get bored |
enfado {m} | :: tedium; boredom; tediousness; ennui |
enfadonho {adj} | :: tedious; boring (inciting boredom) |
enfaixar {v} | :: to swathe (to bind with bandages or rollers) |
enfardar {vt} | :: to bale (wrap into a bale) |
enfardar {vt} | :: to store (keep (something) while not in use) |
enfardelando {v} | :: gerund of enfardelar |
enfardelar {v} | :: to bundle |
enfarinhar {v} [cooking] | :: to flour (to apply flour to something) |
enfarruscado {adj} | :: blackened |
enfarruscando {v} | :: gerund of enfarruscar |
enfarruscar {v} | :: to blacken |
enfarte {m} | :: infarct, heart attack |
ênfase {f} /ˈẽ.fɐ.zi/ | :: emphasis, stress |
ênfase {f} | :: thrust |
enfastiado {adj} | :: bored or tired of something |
enfaticamente {adv} | :: emphatically |
enfático {adj} | :: emphatic (having emphasis) |
enfatizando {v} | :: gerund of enfatizar |
enfatizar {v} | :: to emphasize |
enfatuação {f} | :: infatuation (unreasoning love or attraction) |
enfatuado {adj} | :: arrogant, vain |
enfatuado {adj} | :: infatuated |
enfatuamento {f} | :: infatuation (the act of infatuating) |
enfatuamento {f} | :: infatuation (the state of being infatuated) |
enfear {vt} | :: to uglify (to make ugly) |
enfeitar {v} | :: to adorn (to add ornaments and decorations) |
enfeite {m} | :: ornament |
enfeitiçar {vt} | :: to cast a spell upon |
enfermaria {f} /ẽ.fɨɾ.mɐ.ˈɾi.ɐ/ | :: infirmary |
enfermaria {f} | :: ward |
enfermeira {f} /ˌẽ.feɻ.ˈme(j).ɾa/ | :: feminine noun of enfermeiro (sister, nurse) |
enfermeiro {m} /ẽ.fɨɾ.ˈmɐj.ɾu/ | :: nurse |
enfermiço {adj} | :: sickly (frequently ill) |
enfermiço {adj} | :: sickly (having the appearance of sickness) |
enfermidade {f} /ẽ.fɨɾ.mi.ˈða.ðɨ/ | :: disease |
enfermidade {f} | :: illness, sickness |
enfermidade {f} | :: infirmity |
enfermo {adj} [of a person] | :: sick, ill |
enferrujado {adj} | :: rusty (covered in rust) |
enferrujado {adj} [figurative] | :: rusty (lacking recent practice) |
enferrujamento {m} | :: rusting |
enferrujar {vi} | :: to rust (to become rusty) |
enferrujar {vt} | :: to rust (to cause to become rusty) |
enferrujar {vi} [figurative] | :: to rust (to become dull or impaired by inaction) |
enfiar {v} /ẽˈfjaɾ/ | :: to thread (to put thread through an orifice, especially a pinhole) |
enfiar {v} | :: to stick (to place) |
enfiar a faca {v} [idiom] | :: to charge too much for a product or service |
enfileirando {v} | :: gerund of enfileirar |
enfileirar {v} | :: to align (put in rows) |
enfileirar {v} | :: to queue |
enfim {adv} /ẽ.ˈfĩ/ | :: after a long time; eventually; at last |
enfim {adv} | :: anyways; whatever |
enfisema {m} [pathology] | :: emphysema (abnormal accumulation of air in tissues) |
enfiteuse {f} [legal] /ˌẽ.fi.ˈtew.zi/ | :: emphyteusis (long-term right to use a property on condition of taking care of it and paying taxes) |
enfitêutico {adj} [legal] /ˌẽ.fi.ˈtew.t͡ʃi.ku/ | :: emphyteutic (relating to emphyteusis) |
enfitêutico {adj} [of a property] | :: held by emphyteutic lease |
enfoque {m} | :: focus (concentration of attention) |
enforcador {m} | :: choke chain (type of dog collar) |
enforcador {m} [rare] | :: hanger (one who kills people by hanging them) |
enforcamento {m} | :: hanging (event in which a person is hanged) |
enforcando {v} | :: gerund of enforcar |
enforcar {v} | :: to hang (i.e. execute by suspension by the neck) |
enformar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of informar |
enfraquecer {vt} | :: to weaken (make weaker) |
enfraquecer {vi} | :: to weaken (become weaker) |
enfraquecimento {m} | :: weakening (the process of becoming or making weaker) |
enfrentar {v} /ẽ.fɾẽ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to face, confront |
enfrentar {v} | :: to encounter |
enfronhando {v} | :: gerund of enfronhar |
enfronhar {v} | :: to coat; upholster |
enfronhar {v} | :: to be engrossed (in) |
enfumaçado {adj} | :: smoky; smoke-filled |
enfurecendo {v} | :: gerund of enfurecer |
enfurecer {vt} /ẽ.fu.ɾɨ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to infuriate (to make furious) |
enfurecer {vi} | :: to become furious |
engabelar {v} | :: to deceive; to trick |
Engadina {prop} {f} | :: Engadina (valley) |
engaiolar {vt} | :: to cage (to put into a cage) |
engajar {vt} /ĩ.ɡa.ˈʒa(ʁ)/ | :: to engage (to hold the attention of) |
engajar {vt} | :: to engage (to enter into conflict with) |
engajar {vt} | :: to engage (to arrange to employ or use) |
engajar {vt} | :: to engage (to gain someone’s support) |
engambelar {v} | :: alternative form of engabelar |
enganação {f} | :: deception (instance of misleading, deceiving) |
enganador {adj} | :: deceptive (likely or attempting to deceive) |
enganador {m} | :: deceiver (one who deceives) |
enganadora {f} | :: female equivalent of enganador |
enganar {vt} /ẽ.ɡɐ.ˈnaɾ/ | :: to deceive |
enganar {vt} | :: to cheat, swindle |
enganar {vp} | :: to be mistaken |
enganar {vp} | :: to deceive oneself |
enganar {vp} | :: to make a mistake |
enganar-se {vr} | :: to make a mistake in thought; to be wrong |
enganchar {v} | :: to hook (to attach or get attached to a hook) |
engano {m} /ẽ.ˈɡɐ.nu/ | :: deceit; fraud |
enganosamente {adv} | :: deceptively (in a deceptive manner) |
enganoso {adj} /ẽɡɐˈnozu/ | :: deceptive |
engarrafamento {m} /ẽ.ɡɐ.ʁɐ.fɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: the act of putting liquid in a bottle |
engarrafamento {m} | :: traffic jam (situation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow) |
engarrafar {vt} /ẽɡɐʁɐˈfaɾ/ | :: to bottle up |
engasgar {vi} [typically by solids] | :: to choke (be unable to breathe because of obstruction of the windpipe) |
engasgar {vt} [typically of solids] | :: to choke (to obstruct the windpipe of) |
engasgo {m} | :: choke, choking |
engasgo {m} | :: obstruction (in the throat) |
engasgo {m} [figurative] | :: trouble speaking |
engasgo {m} [computers, figurative] | :: delay, hiccup, lag |
engastando {v} | :: gerund of engastar |
engastar {v} | :: to set, mount (a jewel); to embed, enchase |
engatar {vt} | :: to hitch, to couple |
engatar {vt} [colloquial] | :: to chat up, to flirt |
engatilhar {v} | :: to cock |
engatinhar {vi} | :: to crawl, as baby does (to move along the ground on hands and knees) |
engendrado {adj} | :: engendered |
engendrado {adj} | :: invented, created, produced |
engendrando {v} | :: gerund of engendrar |
engendrar {v} | :: to engender |
engenharia {f} | :: engineering |
engenharia de sistemas {f} | :: systems engineering (interdisciplinary field of engineering) |
engenharia elétrica {f} | :: electrical engineering (branch of engineering that deals with electricity) |
engenharia florestal {f} | :: forestry (the art of cultivating, exploiting and renewing forests for commercial purposes) |
engenharia genética {f} | :: genetic engineering (practice or science of genetic modification) |
engenharia reversa {f} | :: reverse engineering (analysing the construction of a product in order to create a similar one) |
engenharia reversa {f} [computing] | :: reverse engineering (to obtain source code from an executable) |
engenharia social {f} [computer security] | :: social engineering (tricking someone into giving sensitive information or access) |
engenheira {f} | :: feminine noun of engenheiro |
engenheiro {m} /ˌẽ.ʒeˈɲe(j).ɾu/ | :: engineer (person qualified or professionally engaged in engineering) |
Engenheiro Caldas {prop} | :: Engenheiro Caldas (municipality) |
Engenheiro Coelho {prop} | :: Engenheiro Coelho (municipality) |
Engenheiro Navarro {prop} | :: Engenheiro Navarro (municipality) |
Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin {prop} | :: Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin (municipality) |
engenho {m} /ẽ.ˈʒe.ɲu/ | :: ingenuity (the quality of being ingenious) |
engenho {m} | :: astuteness (the quality of being astute) |
engenho {m} | :: machine (mechanical device) |
engenho {m} [obsolete or historical] | :: factory (industrial facility) |
engenho {m} | :: sugar mill (machine for pressing out the juice of the sugar cane) |
engenho {m} | :: sugar mill (factory that processes sugar cane) |
engenho {m} [South Brazil] | :: factory that processes yerba maté leaves |
engenhoca {f} | :: gadget (any device or machine) |
engenhoca {adj} [colloquial] | :: skilled, ingenious |
engenho de açúcar {m} | :: sugar mill (machine that mills sugar) |
engenho de açúcar {m} | :: sugar mill (place or building where sugar is milled) |
engenhosidade {f} | :: ingenuity (ability to come up with solutions to difficult problems) |
engenhoso {adj} | :: Displaying genius or brilliance; ingenious |
engenhoso {adj} | :: Tending to invent; ingenious |
Engenho Velho {prop} | :: Engenho Velho (municipality) |
Engern {prop} [historical] | :: Engern (historical region) |
engessando {v} | :: gerund of engessar |
engessar {v} | :: to plaster (walls, broken limbs etc) |
englobando {v} | :: gerund of englobar |
englobar {v} | :: to encompass, include, cover |
englobar {v} | :: to conglomerate |
-engo {suffix} [sometimes, pejorative] | :: pertaining to, having relation with or qualities of |
engodar {vt} | :: to bait; to lure; to attract |
engodo {m} | :: bait (anything which allures) |
engôdo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of engodo |
engolfar {vt} | :: to engulf; to overwhelm |
engolindo {v} | :: gerund of engolir |
engolir {vt} | :: to swallow, to consume food |
engolir {vt} | :: to eat very fast |
engolir {vt} [colloquial] | :: to swallow, to believe, to accept |
engolir {vt} | :: to fail to pronounce |
engolir a seco {v} | :: alternative form of engolir em seco |
engolir em seco {v} [idiomatic] | :: to not reply to an offense or something unfair |
engolir em seco {v} [idiomatic] | :: to become worried |
engomar {vt} | :: to iron (to unwrinkle clothes with an iron) |
engomar {vt} | :: to starch (to apply laundry starch) |
engordar {v} [a person or animal] /ẽ.ɡuɾ.ˈðaɾ/ | :: to fatten (to become fatter) |
engordar {v} [a food or nutrient] | :: to fatten (to cause to be fatter) |
engordurado {adj} | :: greasy (covered in fat or grease) |
engorgitamento {m} /ẽ.ɡoʁ.ʒi.ta.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: alternative form of ingurgitamento |
engorovinhado {adj} [of clothing] /ĩ.ɡo.ɾˈɲa.du/ | :: full of creases |
engos {mp} | :: dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus, a herbaceous species of elder) |
engraçadinho {adj} /ĩ.ɡɾˈd͡ʒi.ɲu/ | :: obnoxious, especially when attempting to be funny |
engraçadinho {adj} | :: diminutive of engraçado |
engraçadinho {m} | :: an obnoxious person |
engraçado {adj} | :: funny |
engraçado {adj} | :: amusing; comical |
engraçado {adj} | :: curious, peculiar, weird |
engraçar {v} [com, de] | :: to become friendly with |
engraçar {vr} | :: to behave cheekily or insolently |
engraçar {v} [com, .reflexive] | :: to be cheeky towards |
engraçar {vt} | :: to grace (to embellish and dignify) |
engraçar {v} [com, em, .reflexive] | :: to earn or have a good reputation among |
engradado {m} | :: crate (box for carrying goods) |
engrandecendo {v} | :: gerund of engrandecer |
engrandecer {v} /ẽ.ɡɾɐ̃.dɨ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to aggrandize |
engrandecer {v} | :: to enhance |
engrandecer {v} | :: to exalt |
engrandecimento {m} | :: aggrandizement |
engrandecimento {m} | :: enlargement |
engravidar {vi} [of a female] | :: to become pregnant |
engravidar {vt} [of a male] | :: to make a female pregnant |
engraxador {m} | :: shoeshiner |
engraxadora {f} | :: feminine of engraxador |
engraxamento {m} | :: the act of lubricating with grease |
engraxamento {m} | :: shoeshine (the act of polishing shoes) |
engraxando {v} | :: gerund of engraxar |
engraxar {v} | :: to grease, lubricate |
engraxar {v} | :: to polish |
engraxate {mf} | :: shoeshiner |
engrenagem {f} | :: gear, gearing (mechanical) |
engrenar {vt} [engineering] | :: to gear (to fit with gears) |
engrenar {v} [of gears] | :: to couple; to connect |
engrossando {v} | :: gerund of engrossar |
engrossar {v} /ẽ.ɡɾo.ˈsa(ɾ)/ | :: to thicken (make thicker) |
engrossar {v} | :: to thicken (become thicker) |
engrossar {v} | :: to thicken (make thicker, more viscous) |
engrossar {v} | :: to thicken (become thicker, more viscous) |
engruvinhado {adj} /ĩ.ɡɾˈɲa.du/ | :: alternative form of engorovinhado |
engruvinhado {adj} [dialectal, São Paulo] | :: tangled, mixed |
engruvinhado {adj} [dialectal, Florianópolis] | :: shrivelled because of cold |
engruvinhar {v} | :: to make creases in clothing |
engruvinhar {v} [dialectal, São Paulo] | :: to tangle, to mix |
engruvinhar {v} [dialectal, Florianópolis] | :: to be shrivelled because of cold |
Enguerrando {prop} {m} | :: historical given name |
enguia {f} /ẽ.ˈɡi.ɐ/ | :: eel |
enguia-elétrica {f} | :: electric eel |
enguia europeia {f} | :: European eel (Anguilla anguilla, an eel of Europe and Northern Africa) |
enguiçar {v} /ẽ.ɡi.ˈsaɾ/ | :: to evil-eye (to cast an evil eye) |
enguiçar {v} [Brazil] | :: to break (to stop functioning properly) |
enguiçar {v} | :: to stunt a vegetable (to hinder the growth of) |
enguiço {m} /ẽ.ˈɡ | :: curse |
enguiço {m} | :: breakdown |
enguiço {m} | :: impediment, snag |
enhe {m} | :: letter: ñ |
-enho {suffix} | :: forms the names of residents or inhabitants of a place |
-enho {suffix} | :: forms adjectives meaning “of, from or relating to [the suffixed place]” |
-enho {suffix} | :: forms adjectives meaning “having the qualities of [the suffixed material]” |
enigma {m} | :: enigma |
enigmaticamente {adv} | :: enigmatically |
enigmático {adj} | :: enigmatic |
enigmatita {f} [mineral] | :: aenigmatite (an inosilicate mineral of sodium and iron) |
Ênio {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Enyo (goddess of war) |
enjoando {v} | :: gerund of enjoar |
enjoar {v} /ẽˈʒwaɾ/ | :: to nauseate |
enjoar {v} | :: to disgust |
enjoo {m} /ẽˈʒo.u/ | :: nausea |
enjoo {m} | :: queasiness |
enjôo {m} | :: superseded spelling of enjoo |
enjoo de viagem {m} | :: motion sickness when travelling |
enjôo de viagem {m} | :: superseded spelling of enjoo de viagem |
enlaçando {v} | :: gerund of enlaçar |
enlaçar {v} | :: to entwine |
enlaçar {v} | :: to lace |
enlaçar {v} | :: to embrace |
enlace {m} | :: intertwining |
enlace {m} | :: connection, link |
enlace {m} [figuratively] | :: marriage |
enlace {m} | :: hug |
enlatado {v} | :: past participle of enlatar |
enlatado {adj} | :: tinned, canned |
enlatamento {m} | :: canning (process of preserving food in sealed cans) |
enlatando {v} | :: gerund of enlatar |
enlatar {v} | :: to can |
enlevar {v} | :: to enrapture, to overjoy |
enlevo {m} /ej̃ˈ | :: rapture, ecstasy |
enlouquecedor {adj} | :: insane (causing insanity or madness) |
enlouquecendo {v} | :: gerund of enlouquecer |
enlouquecer {v} /ẽ.lo(w).kɨ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to go mad |
enmendar {v} | :: obsolete form of emendar |
-eno {suffix} [chemistry] | :: -ene (forms the names of alkenes) |
-eno {suffix} | :: -ean (forms demonyms) |
-eno {suffix} | :: eye dialect of -endo |
eno- {prefix} | :: oeno- (forms terms relating to wine) |
enojar {v} /ˈʒaɾ/ | :: to disgust (cause an intense dislike for something) |
enóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of enólogo |
enologicamente {adv} | :: enologically |
enólogo {m} | :: oenologist / enologist |
enorme {adj} /i.ˈnɔɾ.mɨ/ | :: enormous |
enormemente {adv} /iˌnɔɾmɨˈmẽtɨ/ | :: enormously |
enormidade {f} | :: enormity; nefariousness; extreme wickedness |
enormidade {f} | :: enormity; enormousness; hugeness |
enosis {f} | :: alternative case form of Enosis |
Enosis {prop} {f} | :: Enosis (movement aiming to incorporate Cyprus into Greece) |
ênosis {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Enosis |
enquadramento {m} /ẽ.kwɐ.ðɾɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: context, scope, framework |
enquadramento {m} | :: (lit.) framing, composition |
enquadrando {v} | :: gerund of enquadrar |
enquadrar {v} /ẽ.kwɐ.ˈðɾaɾ/ | :: to frame |
enquanto {conj} /ẽ.ˈkwɐ̃.tu/ | :: as; while (at the same time as) |
enquanto {conj} | :: while; whereas (introduces a situation that is contrasts with another situation) |
enquanto {prep} [formal] | :: as a (in the role of; being) |
enquanto isso {adv} | :: meanwhile (at the same time but elsewhere) |
enquete {f} | :: poll (an election or a survey of a particular group) |
enraivecer {vt} | :: to anger (to cause such a feeling of antagonism) |
enraivecidamente {adv} | :: angrily (in an angry manner) |
enraizar {vi} /ẽ.ʁɐ.iˈzaɾ/ | :: to take root |
enramalhetar {vt} | :: to make a bouquet from |
enramalhetar {vt} | :: to adorn with bouquets |
enramalhetar {vt} [figurative] | :: to adorn; to decorate |
enredar {v} /ˌẽ.ʁe.ˈda(ɹ)/ | :: to benet (to catch in a net) |
enredar {v} | :: to entangle (twist or interweave in such a manner as not to be easily separated) |
enredo {m} [narratology] /ĩˈʁe.du/ | :: plot (the course of a story) |
enredo {m} | :: mess; confusion |
enredo {m} | :: intrigue |
enregelar {vtr} | :: to cool down (decrease the temperature) |
enregelar {v} [figurative] | :: to discourage, to dishearten, to dispirit |
enregelar {v} [figurative] | :: to frighten; to be or cause to be afraid |
Enrique {prop} {m} | :: given name |
enriquecer {v} /ẽ.ʁi.kɨ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to enrich |
enriquecido {adj} | :: enriched |
enriquecimento {m} | :: enrichment |
Enriques {prop} {mf} | :: surname, variant of Henriques |
enrocar {vt} [chess] | :: to castle |
enrolação {f} | :: the act of beating around the bush |
enrolando {v} | :: gerund of enrolar |
enrolar {v} /ĩ.ʁo.ˈla(ʁ)/ | :: to curl or coil (up) |
enrolar {v} | :: to stall |
enrolar-se {vr} | :: to tangle (to become mixed together or intertwined) |
enrolar-se {vr} [Brazil] | :: to procrastinate (to become mixed together or intertwined) |
enroscar {v} | :: to coil up |
enrubescendo {v} | :: gerund of enrubescer |
enrubescer {v} | :: to blush, flush, redden |
enrubescimento {m} | :: blush (an act of blushing) |
enrugar {v} /ẽj̃.ʁuˈɡa(ʁ)/ | :: to wrinkle (to make wrinkles in; to cause to have wrinkles) |
enrustir {vt} [popular] /ẽ.ʁus.tiɾ/ | :: to hide [something] deceitfully |
ENSA {phrase} [Internet] | :: IANAL ("Eu Não Sou Advogado" - "I Am Not A Lawyer") |
ensaboar {vt} | :: to soap (to apply soap in washing) |
ensacar {v} | :: to sack (to put in a sack) |
ensaiando {v} | :: gerund of ensaiar |
ensaiar {v} | :: to rehearse |
ensaiar {v} | :: to essay, test |
ensaiar {v} | :: to assay |
ensaio {m} /ẽ.ˈsaj.o/ | :: essay (written composition) |
ensaio {m} | :: a instance of practicing, rehearsal |
ensaio geral {m} | :: dress rehearsal (rehearsal prior to a public spectacle, where all the performers are in costume) |
ensaísta {mf} | :: essayist (one who writes essays) |
ensalada {f} | :: alternative form of salada |
ensanguentado {adj} | :: gory; bloody (covered with blood) |
ensangüentando {v} | :: gerund of ensangüentar |
ensanguentar {v} | :: to blood (to cause to be covered with blood) |
ensangüentar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of ensanguentar |
-ense {suffix} | :: forms the names of residents or inhabitants of a place |
-ense {suffix} | :: forms adjectives meaning “of, from or relating to [the suffixed place]” |
enseada {f} | :: cove (a small coastal inlet, especially one having high cliffs protecting vessels from prevailing winds) |
ensejando {v} | :: gerund of ensejar |
ensejar {v} | :: to give rise to |
ensejar {v} | :: to await one's opportunity |
ensejo {m} | :: opportunity |
ensejo {m} | :: occasion |
ensemble {m} | :: ensemble (a coordinated costume or outfit) |
ensemble {m} | :: ensemble (a group of artists who perform together) |
ensemble {m} [music] | :: ensemble (a piece for several musicians) |
ensinamento {m} /ẽˈmẽ.tu/ | :: the act of teaching something |
ensinamento {m} [usually plural] | :: teaching (something taught, especially by a religious or philosophical authority) |
ensinança {m} | :: teaching |
ensinar {vt} /ẽ.si.ˈnaɾ/ | :: to teach (to pass on knowledge to) |
ensinar a missa ao padre {v} | :: teach grandma how to suck eggs (to attempt to teach an expert) |
ensinar a missa ao vigário {v} | :: teach grandma how to suck eggs (to attempt to teach an expert) |
ensino {m} /ẽ.ˈ | :: teaching (the profession of teaching) |
ensino fundamental {m} [schools] | :: elementary school, primary school |
ensino médio {m} [schools] | :: high school (secondary school) |
ensino primário {m} [schools] | :: primary school (first formal, obligatory school) |
ensino secundário {m} [schools] | :: secondary school |
ensino superior {m} | :: higher education (university education or higher) |
ensolarado {adj} /ẽ.ˌˈɾ | :: sunny (weather, day) |
ensombrando {v} | :: gerund of ensombrar |
ensombrar {v} | :: to overshadow |
ensonado {adj} /ẽsuˈnaðu/ | :: Feeling the need to sleep; sleepy, drowsy |
ensopado {m} [cooking] | :: stew (dish made by stewing) |
ensopando {v} | :: gerund of ensopar |
ensopar {v} | :: to soak |
ensurdecedor {adj} | :: deafening (excessively loud) |
ensurdecer {v} | :: to deafen (to make deaf, permanently or temporarily) |
entabuar {vt} | :: to plank (to cover something with planking) |
entabular {vt} | :: to plank (to cover something with planking) |
entalhar {v} | :: to carve wood |
entalhar {v} | :: to engrave |
entalho {m} | :: a wood engraving |
entalpia {f} [physics] | :: enthalpy (internal heat content of a system) |
entanto {m} /ẽ.ˈtɐ̃.tu/ | :: only used in no entanto |
entaõ {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of então |
entaõ {conj} | :: obsolete spelling of então |
então {adv} /ẽ.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ | :: then (at that time) |
então {adv} | :: then (soon afterwards; after that) |
então {conj} | :: thus; therefore (as a result) |
então {interj} | :: so (used after a pause for thought to introduce a new topic, question or story) |
então {interj} | :: Used to introduce an answer which is more complex than expected |
entardecer {v} [the day] | :: to become late or close to night |
entardecer {m} | :: evening (the transition period between afternoon and night) |
ente {m} /ˈẽ.tɨ/ | :: an existing being or thing |
enteada {f} | :: feminine noun of enteado; stepdaughter |
enteado {m} /ẽˈtjaðu/ | :: stepchild (the child of one's spouse and his or her previous partner) |
entediando {v} | :: gerund of entediar |
entediante {adj} | :: dull, tedious; boring |
entediar {v} /ẽ.te.d͡ʒi.ˈa(ɾ)/ | :: to bore (to cause boredom) |
entelhar {v} | :: to tile a roof |
entendedor {m} | :: understander (someone who understands (something)) |
entendendo {v} | :: gerund of entender |
entender {v} /ẽ.tẽ.ˈdeɾ/ | :: to understand, to grasp, to comprehend |
entender {vp} | :: To have a good or satisfactory relationship (with someone) |
entendeu {interj} [slang] | :: a tag question |
entendimento {m} /ẽtẽdiˈmẽtu/ | :: understanding, comprehension |
entendimento {m} | :: perception |
entendimento {m} | :: agreement |
entendível {adj} | :: understandable (easily understood) |
entérico {adj} | :: enteric (of, relating to, within, or by way of the intestines) |
enterite {f} [pathology] | :: enteritis (intestinal disease) |
enternecendo {v} | :: gerund of enternecer |
enternecer {v} | :: to move (emotionally) |
enternecido {adj} | :: softened, moved |
enterólito {m} | :: enterolith (mineral concretion in the intestinal tract) |
enterrado {adj} /ẽ.tɨ.ˈʁa.ðu/ | :: buried |
enterramento {m} | :: burial, interment |
enterrar {v} /ẽ.tɨ.ˈʁaɾ/ | :: to bury, inter, entomb |
enterro {m} | :: burial, interment |
enthusiasmo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of entusiasmo |
enthusiasta {mf} | :: obsolete spelling of entusiasta |
enthusiasta {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of entusiasta |
entidade {f} /ˌẽ.t͡ʃi.ˈ | :: entity (something or somebody that exists as an individual unit) |
entintar {vt} | :: to ink (to apply ink) |
entitular {v} | :: obsolete form of intitular |
-ento {suffix} | :: (inclined to); -y |
-ento {suffix} | :: having a certain quality |
entoação {f} | :: alternative form of entonação |
entoacional {adj} | :: intonational (pertaining to intonation) |
entoar {vt} [music] | :: to sing (to produce musical with one’s voice) |
entoar {vt} [music] | :: to place (to sing (a note) with the correct pitch) |
entomóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of entomólogo |
entomologia {f} | :: entomology (study of insects) |
entomológico {adj} | :: entomological |
entomologista {mf} | :: entomologist |
entomólogo {m} | :: entomologist (scientist who studies insects) |
entonação {f} [music] | :: intonation (act of sounding the tones of the musical scale) |
entonação {f} [linguistics] | :: intonation (the rise and fall of the voice in speaking) |
entornar {vt} | :: to turn a container, spilling its contents |
entornar {v} | :: to spread; to scatter |
entorpecer {v} | :: to numb (to cause to become numb) |
entorpecer {v} | :: to stupefy (dull the senses or capacity to think) |
entorpecido {adj} | :: numb |
entortando {v} | :: gerund of entortar |
entortar {v} /ĩ.toɾ.ˈta(ɾ)/ | :: to bend (to cause something to change its shape into a curve) |
entortar {v} | :: to bend (to become curved) |
entourage {m} | :: entourage (retinue of attendants, associates or followers) |
entourage {m} | :: clique (one’s social group of friends) |
entrada {f} /ẽ.ˈtɾa.ðɐ/ | :: entrance |
entrada {f} | :: appetizer |
entrada {f} | :: ticket (for a concert or a show) |
entrada {f} | :: entry |
entrançar {v} | :: to interweave (to combine two things through weaving) |
entranha {f} [anatomy] | :: bowel (an internal organ of the stomach) |
entranha {f} [usually in plural] | :: bowels (seat of emotions) |
entranha {f} [usually in plural, by extension] | :: essence, core |
entranhado {adj} | :: ingrained, deep-rooted |
entranhado {adj} | :: deep, intense |
entranhando {v} | :: gerund of entranhar |
entranhar {v} | :: to entrench |
entranhar {vp} | :: to penetrate |
entrar {v} /ẽ.ˈtɾaɾ/ | :: to enter, to go into |
entrar em {vt} | :: to enter (somewhere) |
entrar em jogo {v} | :: to come into play (to become involved, start to play a role) |
entrar em vigor {v} [idiomatic] | :: to come into force; to come into effect |
entravar {vt} | :: to hinder (to delay or impede movement or advancement) |
entrave {m} /ˈĩ.tɾ | :: obstacle, hindrance |
entre- {prefix} | :: inter- (among, between) |
entre {prep} /ˈẽ.tɾɨ/ | :: among (denotes a mingling or intermixing with distinct or separable objects) |
entre {prep} | :: between (in the position or interval that separates things) |
entre {prep} | :: between (intermediate in quantity or degree) |
entre {prep} | :: between (shared in confidence) |
entreaberto {adj} /ẽ.tɾjɐ.ˈβɛɾ.tu/ | :: ajar (slightly turned or opened) |
entre a cruz e a espada {adj} [idiomatic] | :: between a rock and a hard place (in a bad situation without an easy solution) |
entrecasca {f} | :: liber (inner bark of plants, next to the wood) |
entrecho {m} | :: plot (of a drama) |
entrecortando {v} | :: gerund of entrecortar |
entrecortar {v} | :: to intersect |
Entre Folhas {prop} | :: Entre Folhas (municipality) |
entrega {f} | :: delivery |
entrega {f} | :: handover |
entrega {f} | :: installment; payment |
entrega {f} | :: surrender |
entregador {m} /ĩ.tɾe.ɡa.ˈdo(ɾ)/ | :: one who delivers, especially commodities to a home |
entregando {v} | :: gerund of entregar |
entregar {vt} /ẽ.tɾɨ.ˈɣaɾ/ | :: to deliver (to transport something to a destination) |
entregar {vt} | :: to deliver; to hand over; to surrender (to relinquish control or possession of) |
entregar {vt} | :: [colloquial] to reveal (to show non-obvious information) |
entregar {vt} | :: [slang] to snitch; to grass; to inform on; to betray to (to report a criminal to the authorities) |
entregar {v} | :: [a, .pronominal] to surrender (to) (to give oneself up to the authorities) |
entregar {vp} | :: to reveal negative information about oneself, especially accidentally |
entregar os pontos {vi} [idiom] | :: to give up, to surrender |
entregar-se {vr} | :: to surrender; to submit (to give oneself up into the power of another) |
entregar-se {vr} | :: to give away (to unintentionally reveal a secret) |
entreguerras {m} [history] | :: interwar (the period between two wars, especially the first and second world wars) |
entreguerras {adj} [history] | :: interwar (relating to the time between two wars, especially the first and second world wars) |
Entre-Ijuís {prop} | :: Entre-Ijuís (municipality) |
entrelaçar {v} | :: to interweave (to combine two things through weaving) |
entrelinha {f} | :: space between lines, interline |
entrelinha {f} [by extension] | :: something implicit or implied |
entrelinhando {v} | :: gerund of entrelinhar |
entrelinhar {v} | :: to interline |
entremaduro {adj} | :: not completely ripe or mature |
entremeando {v} | :: gerund of entremear |
entremear {v} | :: to intersperse, interweave |
entremear {v} | :: to mix (add to) |
entremeio {m} /ẽ.tɾeˈmei.u/ | :: that which is in between [something] |
entremeio {m} | :: the space between [something] |
entremez {m} [dramaturgy] /ẽ.tɾɨ.ˈmeʃ/ | :: intermezzo, farse |
entreolhando {v} | :: gerund of entreolhar |
entreolhar {v} | :: to look at multiple things or people |
entreolhar {v} [rare] | :: to look indirectly at something or someone |
entreolhar {v} [rare, figurative] | :: to be reminiscent of |
entreolhar-se {v} [reciprocal] | :: To look at each other |
entre outros {adv} [idiomatic] | :: and so on (indicates that a list continues) |
entre outros {adv} | :: See: pt entre outros |
entreperna {f} | :: crotch (area of a person’s body) |
entreperna {f} | :: the part of trousers that covers the crotch |
entreposto {m} | :: warehouse |
entreposto {m} | :: emporium |
entre quatro paredes {adv} [idiom] | :: behind closed doors (privately or secretly) |
Entre Rios {prop} | :: Entre Rios (municipality) |
Entre Rios {prop} | :: Entre Rios (municipality) |
Entre Rios de Minas {prop} | :: Entre Rios de Minas (municipality) |
Entre Rios do Sul {prop} | :: Entre Rios do Sul (municipality) |
entretanto {adv} /ẽ.tɾɨ.ˈtɐ̃.tu/ | :: meanwhile; in the meantime |
entretanto {m} | :: meantime |
entretanto {conj} | :: but, however |
entretenimento {m} /ẽ.tɾɨ.tɨ.ni.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: entertainment |
entretenimento {m} | :: amusement, pastime |
entreter {vt} | :: to amuse; to entertain |
entretimento {m} | :: alternative form of entretenimento |
entrevado {adj} | :: crippled |
entrevado {adj} | :: paralyzed |
entrevado {adj} | :: bedridden |
entrevista {f} /ˌẽ.tɾɨ.ˈviʃ.tɐ/ | :: interview (a formal meeting for the assessment of a candidate or applicant) |
entrevista {f} | :: interview (conversation between a journalist and another person) |
entrevistador {m} | :: interviewer (one who interviews) |
entrevistar {v} /ẽ.tɾɨ.viʃ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to interview (obtain an interview from) |
entrincheirar {v} [military] | :: to entrench (surround with a trench) |
entristecendo {v} | :: gerund of entristecer |
entristecer {v} /ẽ.tɾiʃ.tɨ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to sadden (make or become sad) |
entronar {vt} | :: to enthrone (put on the throne) |
entroncamento {m} /ẽtɾõkɐˈmẽtu/ | :: junction (place where two things meet) |
Entroncamento {prop} {m} /ẽtɾõkɐˈmẽtu/ | :: Entroncamento (city/and/municipality) |
entronizar {vt} | :: to enthrone (put on the throne) |
entropia {f} [thermodynamics] | :: entropy |
entrudo {m} [usually capitalized] / ẽ.ˈtɾu.ðu / | :: carnival (festive occasion marked by parades) |
entrudo {m} [usually capitalized, Christianity] | :: Shrovetide (days immediately preceding Lent) |
entruido {m} [dated, dialectal] / ẽ.ˈtɾuj.ðu / | :: alternative form of entrudo |
entulhado {adj} /ẽ.tu.ˈʎa.du/ | :: rubbly (full of rubble) |
entulhado {adj} | :: packed (filled with a large number of something) |
entulhado {adj} | :: full (having eaten enough or too much) |
entulhado {adj} | :: warehoused (stored in a warehouse) |
entulho {m} | :: rubble |
entulho {m} | :: rubbish, junk |
entumescer {v} | :: alternative form of intumescer |
entupido {adj} | :: stuffy; clogged |
entupimento {m} | :: clog; blockage |
entupir {vt} | :: to stuff (to fill (something) up in a compressed manner) |
entupir {vt} | :: to clog (to block or slow passage through) |
entupir {vi} | :: to clog (to become blocked) |
entupir-se {vr} | :: to cram (to eat greedily, and to satiety; to stuff) |
entusiasmado {adj} | :: excited (having great enthusiasm) |
entusiasmar {v} /ẽ.tu.zjɐʒ.ˈmaɾ/ | :: to excite (to cause (someone) to feel enthusiasm) |
entusiasmo {m} /ẽ.tu.ˈzjaʒ.mu/ | :: enthusiasm (excited interest or eagerness) |
entusiasta {mf} /ẽ.tu.ˈzjaʃ.tɐ/ | :: enthusiast (person filled with or guided by enthusiasm) |
entusiasta {adj} | :: characterised by enthusiasm |
entusiasticamente {adv} /ẽtuˌzjaʃtikɐˈmẽtɨ/ | :: enthusiastically (in an enthusiastic manner) |
entusiástico {adj} /ẽtuˈzjaʃtiku/ | :: enthusiastic (with zealous fervor; excited, motivated) |
-enu {suffix} | :: eye dialect of -endo |
enum {f} | :: abbreviation of enumeração |
enumeraçaõ {f} | :: obsolete spelling of enumeração |
enumeração {f} /ˌˌme.ɾa.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: enumeration (the act of enumerating, listing) |
enumeração {f} | :: enumeration (account in which each item is individually noted) |
enumeração {f} [programming] | :: enumeration (data type consisting of a set of named constants) |
enumerado {adj} | :: enumerated, counted |
enumerando {v} | :: gerund of enumerar |
enumerar {v} | :: to enumerate |
enumerar {v} | :: to count |
enumerar {v} | :: to recite |
enumerável {adj} | :: countable (capable of being counted; having a quantity) |
enunciação {f} | :: enunciation (act of enunciating) |
enunciado {m} | :: utterance; enunciation; statement (something spoken) |
enunciado {m} | :: the part of a question or exercise that explains what is the problem to be solved |
enunciado {adj} | :: uttered; stated |
enunciado do problema {m} | :: problem statement |
enunciado performativo {m} [rhetoric] | :: performative utterance (expression which accomplishes something) |
enus. {fp} | :: abbreviation of enumerações (numeradas) (“[numbered] enumerations”) |
enuviar {vtr} [the sky] | :: to become clouded |
enuviar {vr} [figurative] | :: te become somber or gloomy |
envejoso {adj} | :: obsolete form of invejoso |
envelhecendo {v} | :: gerund of envelhecer |
envelhecer {v} /ẽ.vɨ.ʎɨ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to age (grow old) |
envelhecidamente {adv} | :: agedly (in an aged manner) |
envelhecimento {m} /ẽ.vɨ.ʎɨ.si.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: aging |
envelope {m} /ẽ.vɨ.ˈlɔ.pɨ/ | :: envelope |
envencilhar {v} /ẽ.vẽ.si.ˈʎa(ɾ)/ | :: tie using a vencilho |
envencilhar {v} | :: to tangle |
envenenamento {m} /ẽvɨnɨnɐˈmẽtu/ | :: poisoning |
envenenamento {m} | :: intoxication |
envenenar {vt} /ẽ.vɨ.nɨ.ˈnaɾ/ | :: to poison |
envenenar {vp} | :: to be poisoned; to take poison |
envenenar {v} [figuratively] | :: to spoil; to destroy |
envenenar {v} [colloquial] | :: to soup up (a car) |
envergadura {f} | :: wingspan (of a bird, airplane) |
envergadura {f} [nautical] | :: breadth, beam (of a boat) |
envergadura {f} | :: armspan |
envergadura {f} [figuratively] | :: magnitude, importance |
envergar {vt} | :: to curve (bend, crook) |
envergar {vt} | :: to don; to wear [a piece of clothing] |
envergonhadamente {adv} | :: ashamedly |
envergonhado {adj} /ẽvɨɾɣuˈɲaðu/ | :: ashamed, shamefaced |
envergonhado {adj} | :: abashed |
envergonhado {adj} | :: sheepish |
envergonhando {v} | :: gerund of envergonhar |
envergonhar {v} /ẽvɨɾɣuˈɲaɾ/ | :: to shame, abash |
envernizar {v} | :: to varnish (to cover up with varnish) |
enviador {m} | :: sender (someone who sends) |
enviar {v} /ẽ.ˈvjaɾ/ | :: to send |
enviesado {adj} | :: biased; slanted (angled at a slant) |
enviesado {adj} | :: biased; partial (favouring one opinion) |
enviesamento {m} | :: the process of making something biased |
envio {m} /ẽˈviu/ | :: shipment, sending |
enviuvando {v} | :: gerund of enviuvar |
enviuvar {v} | :: to be widowed |
envolto {adj} /ej̃ˈvou̯.tu/ | :: wrapped; tangled |
envôlto {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of envolto |
envoltório {m} | :: that which wraps or covers something |
envólucro {adj} [proscribed] /ĩ.ˈvɔ.lu.kɾu/ | :: alternative form of invólucro |
envolvedor {adj} | :: involved |
envolvedor {adj} | :: engaged |
envolver {v} /ẽ.voɫ.ˈveɾ/ | :: to involve (envelop completely) |
envolver {v} | :: to encompass (include within the scope) |
envolvimento {m} | :: involvement |
envolvimento {m} | :: envelopment |
enxada {f} | :: hoe (agricultural tool) |
enxadar {vt} | :: to hoe (to turn soil using a hoe) |
enxadrista {mf} | :: chess player |
enxaguante bucal {m} | :: mouthwash (liquid used to clean one’s mouth) |
enxaguar {vt} /ẽʃɐˈɡwar/ | :: to rinse (to remove soap from something using water) |
enxágue {m} /ĩ.ˈʃa.ɡwi/ | :: the act of rinsing |
enxágue bucal {m} | :: mouthwash (liquid used to clean one’s mouth) |
enxame {m} /ẽ.ˈʃɐ.mɨ/ | :: swarm |
enxamear {v} | :: to swarm |
enxaqueca {f} [medicine] | :: migraine (kind of headache, usually affecting only one side of the head) |
enxerga {f} | :: pallet (simple bed) |
enxergar {vt} /ĩ.ʃeʁ.ˈɡa(ʁ)/ | :: to see (to perceive with the eyes); to regard |
enxergar {vt} | :: to make out; to discern |
enxergar {vi} | :: to be able to see; not to be blind |
enxergar {v} [figurative] | :: to grasp |
enxerido {adj} | :: meddlesome; nosy (inclined to meddle or interfere in other people’s affairs) |
enxertando {v} | :: gerund of enxertar |
enxertar {v} | :: to graft |
enxertar {v} | :: to transplant |
enxertia {f} | :: grafting |
enxerto {m} [rare] | :: insertion |
enxerto {m} | :: graft (small shoot or scion) |
enxerto {m} [uncountable, horticulture] | :: grafting |
enxerto {m} [horticulture] | :: an instance of grafting |
enxerto {m} [horticulture] | :: a plant which has undergone grafting |
enxerto {m} [surgery] | :: graft |
enxó {m} | :: adze (cutting tool) |
enxofre {m} /ẽjˈʃo.fɾi/ | :: sulphur, sulfur |
enxotar {vt} | :: to shoo (to induce someone to leave) |
enxoval {m} | :: layette; trousseau (set of clothes and accessories used for a specific purpose) |
enxudreiro {m} | :: wetland, marsh, swamp |
enxugar {vt} | :: to wipe dry |
enxugar {v} | :: to slim down |
enxugar gelo {v} [idiomatic] | :: To work hard on something that brings little or no benefit |
enxurdeiro {m} | :: wetland, marsh, swamp |
enxurrada {f} | :: flash flood (sudden, rapid flood) |
enxurrada {f} [figuratively] | :: flood (large number or quantity of something that appears suddenly) |
enxuto {adj} /ẽ.ˈʃu.tu/ | :: dry |
enxuto {adj} | :: withered, skinny |
enzima {m} [biochemistry] | :: enzyme |
enzima conversora de angiotensina {f} [biochemistry] | :: angiotensin converting enzyme (enzyme that catalyses the creation of angiotensin) |
enzimático {adj} | :: enzymatic (of, relating to, or caused by enzymes) |
enzímico {adj} [biochemistry] /ẽ.ˈzi.mi.ku/ | :: enzymatic (of, relating to, or caused by enzymes) |
e o caralho {phrase} [vulgar, slang] | :: and so on |
e olha que {phrase} [idiom] | :: "and mind you"! (used to introduce a difficulty, an obstacle that has been overcome, for emphasis on the final result) |
e olhe lá {phrase} | :: See: pt e olhe lá |
e olhe lá {phrase} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: Used to end a sentence, indicates that a small improvement is already more than expected and one should not hope for more |
Eólia {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Eólia (historical region) |
eólico {adj} | :: aeolian |
eólio {adj} | :: Aeolic; Aeolian (of, from or relating to Aeolis) |
eólio {m} | :: Aeolian (person from Aeolis) |
eólio {m} [uncountable] | :: Aeolic (Ancient Greek dialect spoken in Boeotia and Lesbos) |
eolípila {f} | :: aeolipile (steam engine powered by rocket propulsion due to escaping steam) |
Éolo {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Aeolus (character in Greek mythology) |
éon {m} | :: eon (period of 1,000,000,000 years) |
éon {m} [geology] | :: eon (longest time period used in geology) |
éon {m} [gnosticism] | :: eon (spirit being emanating from the Godhead) |
eoo {adj} [archaic] /e.ˈɔ.u/ | :: Oriental |
eóo {adj} | :: alternative spelling of eoo |
Éos {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Eos (goddess of the dawn) |
e/ou {conj} | :: and/or (inclusive "or") |
epa {interj} | :: hey (protest or reprimand) |
epa {interj} | :: oops (expression of surprise) |
epêntese {f} /e.ˈpẽ.te.ze/ | :: epenthesis (the insertion of a phoneme or letter into a word) |
epenthese {f} | :: obsolete spelling of epêntese |
Epheso {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Éfeso |
Épheso {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Éfeso |
epi- {prefix} | :: epi- (above, over, on, in addition to) |
epiceno {adj} [grammar, of words for animals] | :: having a fixed grammatical gender |
epicentro {m} | :: epicentre, epicenter |
epiciclo {m} [astronomy] | :: epicycle (a small circle whose centre is on the circumference of a larger circle) |
epicicloide {f} [geometry] | :: epicycloid (a plane curve produced by tracing an epicycle) |
epiciclóide {f} | :: obsolete spelling of epicicloide |
epicidade {f} | :: epicness (quality or state of being epic) |
épico {adj} | :: epic (of, or relating to, an epic) |
épico {m} | :: epic (extended narrative poem) |
epícrise {f} | :: epicrisis (critical or analytical summing-up) |
Epicuro {prop} {m} | :: historical given name |
epidemia {f} [pathology] /e.pi.ðɨ.ˈmi.ɐ/ | :: an epidemic |
epidémico {adj} [European orthography] | :: epidemic (like an epidemic) |
epidêmico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of epidémico |
epidemióloga {f} | :: female equivalent of epidemiólogo |
epidemiologia {f} [sciences] | :: epidemiology (branch of medicine dealing with transmission and control of disease in populations) |
epidemiologicamente {adv} | :: epidemiologically |
epidemiológico {adj} | :: epidemiological |
epidemiologista {mf} | :: epidemiologist |
epidemiólogo {m} | :: epidemiologist (scientist specialised in epidemiology) |
epiderme {f} /ˌe.pi.ˈdɛɻ.me/ | :: epidermis (skin's outer layer in animals) |
epidérmico {adj} | :: epidermic, epidermal |
epidermólise {f} [pathology] | :: epidermolysis (any connective tissue disease) |
epidermólise bolhosa {f} [pathology] | :: epidermolysis bullosa (a connective tissue disease causing blisters in the skin and mucous membranes) |
epidídimo {m} [anatomy] | :: epididymis |
epifania {f} [religion] | :: epiphany (manifestation of a divine being) |
epifania {f} | :: epiphany (illuminating realisation or discovery) |
Epifania {prop} {f} | :: Epiphany (Christian feast) |
epigástrio {m} [anatomy] | :: epigastrium (the upper middle region of the abdomen) |
epigénese {f} [European orthography, biology, geology] | :: epigenesis |
epigênese {f} [Brazilian orthography, biology, geology] /e.pi.ˈʒ | :: epigenesis |
epigenesia {f} /e.pi.ʒˈzi.a/ | :: synonym of epigênese |
epigenesia {f} | :: synonym of epigénese |
epigenética {f} [genetics] | :: epigenetics |
epigenético {adj} [genetics] | :: epigenetic (of or relating to epigenetics) |
epigenético {adj} [geology] | :: epigenetic (of or relating to epigenesis) |
epigenia {f} /e.pi.ʒe.ˈni.a/ | :: synonym of epigênese |
epigenia {f} | :: synonym of epigénese |
epiglote {f} [anatomy] | :: epiglottis (cartilaginous organ in the throat of terrestrial vertebrates) |
epígrafe {f} | :: epigraph (ancient inscription) |
epigrafia {f} | :: epigraphy (study of ancient inscriptions) |
epigrafista {mf} | :: epigraphist (person who studies ancient inscriptions) |
epilepsia {f} [pathology] /ˌe.pi.lep.ˈsi.ɐ/ | :: epilepsy (condition characterised by recurring seizures) |
epiléptico {adj} [European orthography] | :: epileptic (of or relating to epilepsy) |
epilético {adj} | :: alternative form of epiléptico |
epílogo {m} | :: epilogue (short speech at the end of a play) |
epílogo {m} | :: epilogue (brief script at the end of a literary piece) |
epinefrina {f} [neurotransmitter] | :: epinephrine (catecholamine hormone and neurotransmitter) |
Épiro {prop} {m} | :: Épiro (tradition region/and/ancient kingdom) |
Épiro {prop} {m} | :: Épiro (periphery) |
epirogénese {f} [European orthography, geomorphology] | :: epeirogenesis (formation of continents, basins and plateaus via movements of Earth’s crust) |
epirogênese {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of epirogénese |
epirota {mf} | :: Epirote (a person from Epirus) |
epirota {adj} | :: of, from or relating to Epirus |
episcopado {m} [ecclesiastical] | :: bishopric (diocese of a bishop) |
episcopado {m} [ecclesiastical] | :: bishopric; episcopate (function of being bishop) |
episcopal {adj} [ecclesiastical] | :: episcopal (relating to bishops) |
epíscopo {m} [Christianity] /e.ˈpis.ko.pu/ | :: a bishop, especially during the early Christian church |
episiotomia {f} [surgery] | :: episiotomy |
episódio {m} /i.pi.ˈzɔ.ðju/ | :: episode (all senses) |
episódio {m} | :: incident |
epistaxe {f} [medicine] | :: epistaxis (nosebleed; a haemorrhage from the nose) |
epistemóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of epistemólogo |
epistemologia {f} | :: epistemology (branch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge) |
epistemologicamente {adv} | :: epistemologically |
epistemológico {adj} | :: epistemological (of, or relating to, epistemology) |
epistemólogo {m} | :: epistemologist (person who studies theory of knowledge) |
epístola {f} [Christianity] | :: epistle (book of the New Testament) |
epitáfio {m} | :: epitaph |
epitelial {adj} | :: epithelial |
epitélio {m} | :: epithelium |
epíteto {m} | :: epithet (term used to characterize a person or thing) |
epítome {m} [of a class of items] | :: epitome (embodiment or encapsulation of) |
epítome {m} [of a document] | :: epitome (summary) |
epitomizar {v} | :: to epitomise (to be an epitome of) |
epitrocoide {f} | :: epitrochoid (type of geometric curve) |
epitrocóide {f} | :: superseded spelling of epitrocoide |
epizeuxe {f} [prosody] | :: epizeuxis (emphatic repetition of words) |
epoca {f} | :: obsolete spelling of época |
época {f} /ˈɛ.pu.kɐ/ | :: time, season |
época {f} | :: age, period, epoch (particular period of history) |
epocha {f} | :: obsolete spelling of época |
épocha {f} | :: obsolete spelling of época |
epónimo {adj} [European orthography] | :: eponymous (relating to the person after which something is named) |
epónimo {m} [European orthography] | :: eponym (name of a person that has given rise to the name of something) |
epónimo {m} [European orthography] | :: eponym (word formed from a person’s name) |
epônimo {m} | :: eponym |
epopeia {f} [poetry] /epoˈpɛjɐ/ | :: epic |
epopéia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of epopeia |
e por aí fora {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: and so on; and so forth |
e por aí vai {adv} [idiomatic] | :: and so on; and so forth (indicates that a list continues) |
e por aí vai {adv} | :: See: pt e por aí vai |
epóxi {m} | :: epoxy |
epóxido {m} [organic chemistry] | :: epoxide |
é proibido fumar {phrase} /ˈɛ pɾu.i.ˈβi.ðu fuˈmaɾ/ | :: no smoking |
épsilo {m} | :: rare form of épsilon |
épsilon {m} | :: epsilon (name of the Greek letter Ε, ε) |
Epstein {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
equação {f} | :: equation |
equação algébrica {f} [algebra] | :: algebraic equation |
equação de Airy {f} [mathematics] | :: Airy equation (the simplest second-order linear differential equation with a turning point) |
equação de Arrhenius {f} [chemistry] | :: Arrhenius equation |
equação diferencial {f} [calculus] | :: differential equation (equation involving the derivatives of a function) |
equação diferencial parcial {f} [calculus] | :: partial differential equation |
equacionar {v} | :: to ponder, consider |
equacionar {v} | :: to look at as an option |
equacionar {v} | :: to equate |
equador {m} /ˌe.kwa.ˈdoɻ/ | :: equator (circle around the earth) |
Equador {prop} {m} | :: Equador (country) |
equanimidade {f} | :: equity (justice, impartiality and fairness) |
equatorial {adj} | :: equatorial |
equatoriano {adj} | :: Ecuadorian (of, from or relating to Ecuador) |
equatoriano {m} | :: Ecuadorian (person from Ecuador) |
é que {phrase} | :: the thing is (introduces a justification or excuse to alleviate an unfavorable situation) |
é que {phrase} | :: Particle of focus or emphasis |
é que {phrase} | :: Eu é que fiz o trabalho. (It was me who did the work) |
é que {phrase} | :: Interrogative particle (reinforcement) |
é que {phrase} | :: Quem é que chegou? (Who did arrive?) |
equestre {adj} | :: equestrian (relating to horseback riding) |
equestre {mf} | :: equestrian (one who rides on horseback) |
equidade {f} /ikwiˈðaðɨ/ | :: equity, fairness |
equidade {f} | :: justice |
equidade {f} | :: impartiality |
equidistante {adj} | :: equidistant (occupying a position that is an equal distance between several points) |
equilátero {adj} [geometry, of a polygon] | :: equilateral (whose sides are of equal length) |
equilibrando {v} | :: gerund of equilibrar |
equilibrar {v} | :: to balance, equilibrate |
equilíbrio {m} /ˈli.bɾju/ | :: equilibrium (state of being balanced) |
equilíbrio {m} [chemistry] | :: equilibrium |
equilíbrio {m} [physics] | :: equilibrium |
equilíbrio {m} | :: equilibrium (mental balance) |
equimose {f} | :: bruise |
equino {m} /e.k(w) | :: equine (animal of the genus Equus) |
equino {adj} | :: equine (of or relating to horses) |
equinocial {adj} | :: equinoctial |
equinócio {m} /ˌekinˈɔsjʊ/ | :: equinox |
equinócio de outono {m} | :: autumnal equinox |
equinócio de primavera {m} | :: vernal equinox |
equinócio vernal {m} | :: vernal equinox |
equinodermo {m} | :: echinoderm (member of the Echinodermata) |
equipa {f} [Portugal] /i.ˈki.pɐ/ | :: team |
equipagem {f} | :: equipment (the act of equipping) |
equipagem {f} | :: crew (staff operating a craft) |
equipagem {f} | :: baggage (traveller’s belongings being transported) |
equipagem {f} | :: retinue (group of servants or attendants) |
equipamento {m} /ikipɐˈmẽtu/ | :: equipment |
equipamento {m} | :: apparatus |
equipamento {m} | :: hardware |
equipamento {m} | :: gear |
equipando {v} | :: gerund of equipar |
equipar {v} /ˈpaɾ/ | :: to equip or outfit |
equipar {v} | :: to rig |
equiparando {v} | :: gerund of equiparar |
equiparar {v} | :: to equate |
equipe {f} [Brazil] /e.ˈki.pi/ | :: team |
equipendência {f} /ikwipẽˈdẽsiɐ/ | :: equivalence in weight |
equitação {f} | :: equestrianism (the art of riding horses) |
equitativamente {adv} | :: equitably |
eqüitativamente {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of equitativamente |
equitativo {adj} | :: equitable |
equivalência {f} | :: equivalence |
equivalente {adj} /ikivɐˈlẽtɨ/ | :: equivalent (similar or identical in value) |
equivocadamente {adv} | :: mistakenly, wrongly |
equivocado {adj} [polite, of a person] | :: wrong; mistaken (asserting something incorrect) |
equivocamente {adv} | :: equivocally |
equivocar-se {vr} | :: to be mistaken |
equívoco {adj} | :: ambiguous; equivocal |
equívoco {adj} | :: erroneous |
equívoco {m} | :: mistake; error |
equívoco {m} | :: pun |
-er {suffix} /ˈeɾ/ | :: The infinitive of the second class (-er class) of verbs |
era {f} /ˈɛ.ɾɐ/ | :: era (time period of indeterminate length, generally more than one year) |
era {f} [archaeology] | :: age (period of human prehistory) |
era {f} [geology] | :: era (unit of time, smaller than aeons and greater than periods) |
era apostólica {f} [Christianity] | :: Apostolic Age (the period of the Twelve Apostles) |
Era Comum {prop} {f} | :: Common Era (secular equivalent of anno Domini) |
era do gelo {f} | :: ice age (period of extensive glaciation) |
era espacial {f} | :: space age (period characterised by space exploration) |
era glacial {f} | :: ice age (period of extensive glaciation) |
erança {f} | :: obsolete spelling of herança |
erário {m} | :: treasury (public finance) |
Erasmo {prop} {m} /e.ˈɾ | :: given name |
era só o que me faltava {phrase} /ˈɛɾa ˈsɔ‿u̯ ki mi fau̯ˈtavḁ/ | :: literally: “[that] was the only missing piece for me/[that] was just what I was missing.” either expresses impatience towards yet another misfortune or expresses disbelief towards an absurd statement: “give me a break!” |
Erato {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Erato (muse of lyric poetry) |
era uma vez {adv} [used at the beginnings of fairytales] /ˈɛ.ɾɐ ˈu.mɐ ˈveʃ/ | :: once upon a time |
era viking {f} [history] | :: Viking Age (period from 8th to 11th century in Europe) |
érbia {f} [inorganic compound] | :: erbia |
Erbil {prop} {f} | :: Erbil (city) |
érbio {m} | :: erbium (chemical element) |
Erebango {prop} | :: Erebango (municipality) |
ereção {f} | :: erection |
erecção {f} | :: erection |
Erechim {prop} | :: Erechim (municipality) |
eremita {mf} /iɾɨˈmitɐ/ | :: hermit, eremite |
eremitério {m} | :: hermitage (dwelling place of hermit) |
eremitério {m} [by extension] | :: hermitage (any place of seclusion) |
erétil {adj} | :: erectile |
ereto {adj} | :: erect |
Erevã {prop} {f} | :: alternative spelling of Erevan |
Erevan {prop} /ˌe.ɾe.ˈvɐ̃/ | :: Erevan (capital city) |
Erevão {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Erevan |
ergástulo {m} [historical, Ancient Rome] /ɛɾˈɡaʃtulu/ | :: workhouse, labour camp |
ergástulo {m} | :: prison |
-ergia {suffix} | :: -ergy (work) |
ergo {conj} | :: ergo, therefore |
ergometria {f} | :: ergometry |
ergométrico {adj} | :: ergometric |
ergômetro {m} | :: ergometer |
ergonomia {f} | :: ergonomics (science of the design of equipment so as to reduce discomfort) |
ergonómico {adj} [European orthography] | :: ergonomic (designed for comfort or to minimise fatigue) |
ergonômico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of ergonómico |
ergosterol {m} [steroid hormone, mycology] | :: ergosterol (steroid precursor of vitamin D2) |
erguer {vt} /eɾˈɡeɾ/ | :: to lift up, to elevate |
erguer {v} | :: to build or erect |
erguer o nariz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to put on airs (to become haughty, to assume a haughty manner) |
Érica {prop} {f} /ˈɛ.ɾi.kɐ/ | :: given name |
Érico {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Érico Cardoso {prop} | :: Érico Cardoso (municipality) |
erigir {vt} | :: to set up; to construct; to build |
Erínias {prop} {fp} [Greek god] | :: Erinyes (goddesses of vengeance) |
Éris {prop} {m} [astronomy] /ˈɛ.ɾis/ | :: Eris (dwarf planet) |
Éris {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Eris (Greek goddess of chaos) |
eritoblasto {m} | :: erythroblast |
Eritreia {prop} {f} | :: Eritreia (country) |
Eritréia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Eritreia |
eritrócito {m} | :: erythrocyte |
eritrônio {m} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: erythronium |
Ermano {prop} {m} | :: given name |
ermão {m} | :: obsolete form of irmão |
ermida {f} /iɾ.ˈmi.ðɐ/ | :: hermitage |
ermida {f} | :: an isolated chapel, shrine or other sanctuary, often in the care of a hermit or anchorite |
ermitão {m} | :: hermit; eremite (someone who lives alone for religious reasons) |
ermitão {m} | :: hermit; recluse (someone who lives alone and shuns human companionship) |
ermo {adj} /ˈeɾ.mu/ | :: uninhabited |
ermo {adj} | :: solitary, retired (far from civilisation, not able to be easily seen or accessed) |
ermo {m} | :: waste (desolate place) |
Ermo {prop} | :: Ermo (municipality) |
Ernane {prop} {m} | :: given name. alternative form of Hernâni |
Ernani {prop} {m} | :: given name. alternative form of Hernâni |
Ernâni {prop} {m} | :: given name. alternative form of Hernâni |
Ernestina {prop} | :: Ernestina (municipality) |
Ernesto {prop} {m} | :: given name |
erodir {vi} | :: to erode (to suffer erosion) |
erodir {vt} | :: to erode (to cause erosion) |
Eros {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Eros (god of love and sexual desire) |
erosão {f} | :: erosion |
eroticamente {adv} | :: erotically |
erótico {adj} | :: Arousing sexual desire; erotic; sensual; sexy |
erótico {adj} | :: Of or relating to the sexual desire; erotic |
erotizar {v} | :: to eroticize (make erotic) |
erradamente {adv} [proscribed] /i.ʁɐ.ðɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: mistakenly, wrongly, incorrectly |
erradicação {f} | :: eradication, removal |
erradicando {v} | :: gerund of erradicar |
erradicar {v} /i.ˌʀɐ.ði.ˈkaɾ/ | :: to eradicate, annihilate |
erradicar {v} | :: to uproot |
errado {adj} /i.ˈʁa.ðu/ | :: not correct; wrong; incorrect |
errante {adj} | :: wandering; errant |
errante {adj} | :: errant (straying from the proper course or standard) |
errar {vi} /i.ˈʁaɾ/ | :: to err (make a mistake) |
errar {vt} | :: to miss (fail to hit) |
errar {vt} | :: to do something incorrectly |
errar {vi} | :: to roam (wander or travel freely and with no specific destination) |
errar é humano {proverb} | :: to err is human (everybody makes mistakes) |
erre {m} /ˈɛ.ʁɨ/ | :: letter: r |
erro {m} /ˈe.ʁu/ | :: error |
erroneamente {adv} | :: erroneously, mistakenly |
erròneamente {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of erroneamente |
erróneo {adj} [European orthography, formal] /iˈʁɔnju/ | :: erroneous; incorrect (containing an error) |
errôneo {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of erróneo |
eructar {v} | :: to belch, burp |
erudição {f} | :: erudition (profound knowledge, especially that based on learning and scholarship) |
erudito {adj} | :: erudite (scholarly, learned) |
erudito {m} | :: scholar (learned person) |
erupção {f} | :: eruption |
erupção solar {f} [astronomy] | :: solar flare (violent explosion on the Sun’s surface) |
erva {f} /ˈɛɾ.vɐ/ | :: herb |
erva {f} [colloquial, South Brazil] | :: yerba mate |
erva {f} | :: grass |
erva {f} | :: weed |
erva {f} [slang] | :: marijuana |
erva-bezerra {f} | :: snapdragon (any plant of the genus Antirrhinum) |
erva-cicutária {f} | :: cow parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris, a weedy biennial umbellifer) |
erva cidreira {f} | :: alternative spelling of erva-cidreira |
erva-cidreira {f} | :: lemon balm (Melissa officinalis, a southern European herb used in flavouring) |
erva daninha {f} | :: weed (unwanted plant) |
erva-de-bicho {f} | :: hydropiper (a species of knotweed, Polygonum hydropiper) |
erva-de-gato {f} | :: catnip (plant that affects the behaviour of cats) |
erva-de-são-joão {f} | :: St John's wort (any plant of the genus Hypericum) |
erva-doce {f} | :: fennel (Foeniculum vulgare, a plant) |
erva-férrea {f} | :: allheal (Prunella vulgaris, a herb in the mint family) |
erva gigante {f} | :: See: pt erva gigante |
erva gigante {f} | :: bear's breech (Acanthus mollis) |
Erval Grande {prop} | :: Erval Grande (municipality) |
Ervália {prop} | :: Ervália (municipality) |
Erval Seco {prop} | :: Erval Seco (municipality) |
Erval Velho {prop} | :: Erval Velho (municipality) |
erva marinha {f} | :: seagrass (any of several grasslike marine plants) |
erva-mate {f} | :: maté (shrub whose leaves are used to produced the beverage maté) |
êrvedo {m} [botany] | :: strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo, a small, fruit-bearing tree of Europe) |
ervilha {f} [culinary] /iɾ.ˈvi.ʎɐ/ | :: pea (edible seed) |
ervilha {f} [botany] | :: pea (plant) |
ervilhaca {f} | :: vetch (any of several leguminous plants) |
ervilha de cheiro {f} | :: alternative spelling of ervilha-de-cheiro |
ervilha-de-cheiro {f} | :: sweet pea (flowering plant) |
êrvodo {m} | :: alternative form of êrvedo |
Erzurum {prop} {f} | :: Erzurum (city) |
-es {suffix} | :: forms the 2nd-person singular present indicative of 2nd and 3rd conjugation verbs |
-es {suffix} | :: forms the 2nd-person singular present subjunctive of 1st conjugation verbs |
-es {suffix} | :: forms the 2nd-person singular negative imperative of 1st conjugation verbs |
-es {suffix} | :: forms the plural of nouns and adjectives ending in -r, -z, stressed -s and of some ending in -n |
-es {suffix} [historical] | :: -son (a suffix added to a given name to form a patronymic surname) |
E/S {n} [computing, electrical engineering] | :: input/output |
ES {prop} | :: initialism of Espírito Santo (Brazilian state) |
-ês {suffix} /ˈeʃ/ | :: -ese (forms adjectives describing a particular place and nouns indicating a native of the place) |
-ês {suffix} | :: -ese (forms the names of languages spoken in a given place or by a given people) |
-esa {suffix} /ˈe.zɐ/ | :: feminine singular of -ês |
Esaú {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Esau (son of Isaac and Rebekah) |
esbaldar-se {vr} | :: to enjoy oneself; to have fun |
esbanjamento {m} | :: profligacy (careless wastefulness) |
esbanjar {v} | :: to squander; to waste (to spend lavishly or profusely) |
esbarrando {v} | :: gerund of esbarrar |
esbarrar {v} | :: to bump |
esbater {v} | :: to blur |
esbater {v} | :: to attenuate |
esbater {v} | :: to mitigate |
esbelto {adj} | :: svelte |
esboçando {v} | :: gerund of esboçar |
esboçar {vt} /(ɨ)ʒβuˈsaɾ/ | :: to draft, outline |
esboçar {vt} | :: to design |
esboçar {vt} | :: to delineate |
esboço {m} /ɨʒ.ˈ | :: sketch (quick drawing) |
esboço {m} | :: a rough draft |
esboço {m} [figuratively] | :: rudiment |
esbodegado {adj} | :: shabby (torn or worn; poor; mean; ragged) |
esbodegado {adj} [South Brazil] | :: exhausted (very tired) |
esbofeteando {v} | :: gerund of esbofetear |
esbofetear {v} | :: to slap |
esbombardeando {v} | :: gerund of esbombardear |
esbombardear {v} | :: alternative form of bombardear |
esbracejar {vi} | :: to flail one’s arms |
esbracejar {vi} [figurative] | :: to wave one’s appendages |
esbranquiçado {adj} /(ɨ)ʒˌβɾɐ̃kiˈsaðu/ | :: whitish (somewhat white) |
esbranquiçado {adj} | :: pale; pallid |
esbraseando {v} | :: gerund of esbrasear |
esbrasear {v} | :: to set on fire |
esbrasear {v} | :: to redden |
esbrasear {v} | :: to blush |
esbravejar {v} | :: to express oneself furiously, often shouting |
esbravejar {v} | :: to become furious and violent |
esbugalhar {vt} | :: to remove the oak apples of; |
esbugalhar {vt} | :: to open [eyes] inordinately |
esbulhando {v} | :: gerund of esbulhar |
esbulhar {v} | :: to oust |
esbulhar {v} | :: to usurp |
esburacando {v} | :: gerund of esburacar |
esburacar {v} /iʒ.βu.ɾɐ.ˈkaɾ/ | :: to hole, hollow |
esc {m} [computing] | :: escape (key on a computer keyboard) |
escabelo {m} /iʃ.kɐ.ˈβ | :: stool, footstool |
escabroso {adj} | :: horrendous, awful, terrible |
escachoando {v} | :: gerund of escachoar |
escachoar {v} | :: to gush, gurgle (of water etc) |
escada {f} /iʃ.ˈka.ðɐ/ | :: ladder |
escada {f} | :: stairs |
escadaria {f} /es.ka.da.ˈɾi.a/ | :: staircase (connected set of flights of stairs) |
escada rolante {f} | :: escalator |
escadório {m} | :: a staircase whose landings contain images of the Passion of Christ |
escadote {m} | :: step ladder (folding ladder with steps instead of rungs) |
escafoide {adj} /ˌes.ka.ˈfɔ | :: keel-shaped |
escafoide {m} [skeleton] | :: scaphoid bone |
escafóide {adj} | :: superseded spelling of escafoide |
escafóide {m} | :: superseded spelling of escafoide |
escaganifobeticamente {adv} | :: clumsily |
escaganifobeticamente {adv} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: extraordinarily |
escaganifobético {adj} | :: clumsy |
escaganifobético {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: extraordinary; not common |
escala {f} /iʃˈkalɐ/ | :: scale, measure |
escala {f} | :: stopover |
escala absoluta {f} | :: See: pt escala absoluta |
escala absoluta {f} | :: absolute scale (temperature scale based on absolute zero) |
escalabilidade {f} | :: scalability (property of being scalable) |
escalada {f} | :: ascent, ascension; climb |
escalada {f} [sports] | :: climbing |
escalada {f} [figuratively] | :: increase, escalation |
escalada artificial {f} [climbing] | :: aid climbing (rock climbing characterised by using equipment to make upward progress) |
escala de Apgar {f} [medicine] | :: Apgar score (a zero to ten point score given to newborns based on their APGAR vitals) |
escalador {m} | :: climber (one who climbs) |
escalador {adj} | :: who climbs |
escalafobético {adj} | :: clumsy |
escalafobético {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: extraordinary; not common |
escalando {v} | :: gerund of escalar |
escalão {m} | :: echelon (a level or rank in an organisation, profession, or society) |
escalão {m} | :: bracket (an interval between two values, as in a tax bracket) |
escalar {adj} [maths, physics] /iʃ.kɐ.ˈlaɾ/ | :: scalar |
escalar {v} | :: to climb, mount, scale |
escala Richter {f} [seismology] /es.ˈ ˈʁiʃ.teʁ/ | :: Richter scale (logarithmic scale of the size of an earthquake) |
Escalda {prop} {m} | :: Escalda (river) |
escaldado {adj} | :: scalded |
escaldando {v} | :: gerund of escaldar |
escaldante {adj} | :: scalding (hot) |
escaldante {adj} | :: baking (hot) |
escaldão {m} | :: sunburn |
escaldão {m} | :: scald, burn |
escaldar {v} | :: to scald |
escaleno {adj} [geometry, of a triangle] | :: scalene (having all sides of different lengths) |
escalfar {v} | :: to poach (cook in simmering water) |
escalonar {v} | :: to echelon (to form troops into an echelon) |
escalonar {v} | :: to separate items into categories |
escalpar {v} | :: alternative form of escalpelar |
escalpelamento {m} | :: scalping (the act of scalping) |
escalpelar {v} | :: to scalp (to remove the scalp of) |
escalpelo {m} | :: scalpel |
escalpo {m} | :: scalp (top skin of the head that has been cut off) |
escama {f} | :: scale |
escamando {v} | :: gerund of escamar |
escamar {v} | :: to scale (remove the scales from a fish) |
escamoso {adj} | :: squamous; scaly |
escamotar {v} | :: alternative form of escamotear |
escamotear {v} | :: Refers to actions performed without the agent being noticed, including: |
escamotear {v} | :: to hide, to conceal |
escamotear {v} | :: to steal |
escamotear {v} | :: to leave a place |
escanção {m} | :: someone who serves drinks |
escançar {v} | :: to serve drinks |
escancarado {adj} | :: gaping (wide open) |
escancarar {v} | :: to gape (to open wide) |
escancear {v} | :: alternative form of escançar |
escândalo {m} /iʃ.ˈkɐ̃.dɐ.lu/ | :: scandal |
escandalosamente {adv} | :: scandalously |
escandaloso {adj} | :: scandalous |
escandinava {f} | :: female equivalent of escandinavo |
Escandinávia {prop} {f} [sociopolitics] /(ɨ)ʃ.ˌkɐ̃.di.ˈna.vjɐ/ | :: Escandinávia (cultural region) |
Escandinávia {prop} {f} [geology] | :: Escandinávia (peninsula) |
escandinavo {adj} | :: Scandinavian (of, from or relating to Scandinavia) |
escandinavo {m} | :: Scandinavian (someone from Scandinavia) |
escandinavo antigo {m} | :: Old Norse (language of Scandinavia before 1400 CE) |
escândio {m} | :: scandium (chemical element) |
escandir {v} [poetry] | :: to scan (form a poetic metre) |
escaneamento {m} | :: scan |
escaneamento {m} | :: scanning |
escaneando {v} | :: gerund of escanear |
escanear {v} [Brazil] | :: to scan |
escâner {m} [Brazil] | :: scanner (device to scan documents) |
escanho {m} /iʃ.ˈkɐ.ɲu/ | :: alternative form of escano |
Escânia {prop} {f} | :: Escânia (province) |
escanifobeticamente {adj} | :: synonym of escaganifobeticamente |
escanifobético {adj} | :: synonym of escaganifobético |
escano {m} /iʃ.ˈkɐ.nu/ | :: bench |
escano {m} | :: footstool |
escansão {f} | :: scansion (the act of analysing the meter of poetry) |
escanteio {m} [soccer] | :: corner kick |
escapada {f} | :: escape (the act of escaping) |
escapada {f} | :: escapade (undertaking which goes against convention) |
escapadela {f} | :: escape (the act of escaping), especially one of little importance |
escapadela {f} | :: escapade (undertaking which goes against convention) |
escapamento {m} | :: escape (act of escaping) |
escapamento {m} | :: exhaust pipe |
escapar {v} /iʃ.kɐ.ˈpaɾ/ | :: to escape (get free) |
escapatória {f} | :: way out |
escaphoide {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of escafoide |
escaphoide {m} | :: obsolete spelling of escafoide |
escapismo {m} | :: escapism (inclination to escape) |
escápula {f} [skeleton] /es.ˈ | :: scapula; shoulder blade |
escapulir {v} [childish] | :: to escape |
escara {f} | :: bedsore (lesion caused by staying in bed for too long) |
escarafunchando {v} | :: gerund of escarafunchar |
escarafunchar {v} | :: to peck |
escarafunchar {v} | :: to investigate something thoroughly |
escarafunchar {v} | :: to remove dirt or filth from something |
escaramuça {f} | :: skirmish |
escaramuçando {v} | :: gerund of escaramuçar |
escaramuçar {v} | :: to skirmish |
escaravelho {m} /(i)ʃ.kɐ.ɾɐ.ˈve.ʎu/ | :: beetle (insect) |
escaravelho {m} | :: scarab |
escarcéu {m} | :: tidal wave (or similar) |
escarcéu {m} | :: hullaballoo |
escarcha {f} | :: hoarfrost; frost (frozen dew drops) |
escarchar {v} | :: to frost (to cover with frost) |
escardilho {m} | :: spud (a tool used for digging out weeds) |
escargô {m} [uncountable] | :: escargot (French snail dish) |
escargô {m} | :: an edible snail |
escarlate {adj} /iʃ.kɐɾ.ˈla.tɨ/ | :: scarlet (colour) |
escarlate {m} | :: scarlet (colour) |
escarlatina {f} | :: scarlet fever |
escarmentar {vt} | :: to reprehend, to rebuke, to reprove |
escarmentar {vr} | :: to learn by reprehension; to regret |
escarnecedor {adj} | :: derisive (expressing or characterized by derision; mocking) |
escarnecer {v} /iʃ.kɐɾ.nɨ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to mock; to deride; to laugh at |
escarnho {m} [dialectal] | :: dated spelling of escárnio |
escárnio {m} /iʃ.ˈkaɾ.nju/ | :: scorn, derision |
escárnio {m} | :: contempt, disdain |
escarnir {v} [de] | :: to mock; to make fun of |
escarola {f} | :: endive (salad vegetable) |
escarradeira {f} | :: spittoon (receptacle for spit) |
escarrando {v} | :: gerund of escarrar |
escarrar {v} | :: to expectorate, spit, cough up |
escarro {m} | :: phlegm; spit (mucus secreted in the bronchial passages) |
escarro {m} [by extension] | :: filth |
escasseando {v} | :: gerund of escassear |
escassear {v} | :: to become scarce |
escassez {f} /es.kaˈses/ | :: scarcity, dearth, shortage |
escasso {adj} /iʃ.ˈ | :: scarce, rare |
escasso {adj} | :: sparse, scanty |
escatologia {f} | :: eschatology (system of doctrines concerning final matters, such as death) |
escatologia {f} | :: scatology |
escatológico {adj} | :: scatological (relating to scatology, the study of faeces) |
escatológico {adj} [religion] | :: eschatological (relating to eschatology, the study of the end of the world) |
escavação {f} | :: excavation (act of excavating, or of making hollow) |
escavação {f} | :: excavation (cavity formed by cutting, digging, or scooping) |
escavação {f} [archaeology] | :: excavation (site where an archaeological exploration is being carried out) |
escavadora {f} | :: excavator (tracked vehicle used to dig ditches) |
escavadora {f} | :: feminine noun of escavador |
escavando {v} | :: gerund of escavar |
escavar {v} | :: to dig |
escavar {v} | :: to excavate |
escavar {v} | :: to scoop, hollow |
Eschilo {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Ésquilo |
Éschilo {prop} {m} [rare] | :: obsolete spelling of Ésquilo |
Eschylo {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Ésquilo |
Éschylo {prop} {m} [uncommon] | :: obsolete spelling of Ésquilo |
Escítia {prop} {f} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of Cítia |
esclarecendo {v} | :: gerund of esclarecer |
esclarecer {v} /is.kla.ɾe.ˈse(ʁ)/ | :: to clarify |
esclarecer {v} | :: to explain |
esclarecer {v} | :: to enlighten |
esclarecido {adj} | :: explained |
esclarecido {adj} | :: enlightened, educated |
esclarecido {adj} | :: distinct, famous |
esclarecimento {m} | :: clarification, elucidation |
esclarecimento {m} | :: enlightenment |
esclerose {f} [pathology] | :: sclerosis (abnormal hardening of body tissues) |
esclerose lateral amiotrófica {f} [pathology, neurology] | :: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (chronic, progressive disease characterised by degeneration of the central nervous system) |
esclerose múltipla {f} [pathology] | :: multiple sclerosis (chronic disease of the brain and spinal cord) |
esclerótico {adj} | :: sclerotic |
escoamento {m} /iʃ.kwɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: outflow; act of draining |
escoamento superficial {m} | :: surface runoff |
escoar {v} /iʃ.ku.ˈaɾ/ | :: to drain |
escocês {adj} /ˌes.koˈse(j)s/ | :: Scottish (of, from or relating to Scotland) |
escocês {adj} | :: tartan (of cloth and clothing: having a pattern of coloured stripes that intersect at right angles) |
escocês {m} | :: Scot; Scotsman (someone from Scotland) |
escocês {m} | :: Scottish (ambiguous term for any of a number of languages spoken in Scotland) |
escocesa {f} /ˌes.koˈse.zɐ/ | :: feminine noun of escocês |
Escócia {prop} {f} /iʃ.ˈkɔ.si.ɐ/ | :: Escócia (country) |
escol {m} | :: elite (group with higher status) |
escola {f} /iʃ.ˈkɔ.lɐ/ | :: school |
escola {f} | :: campus |
escola {f} | :: college |
escola {f} | :: academy |
escola {f} | :: system |
escola {f} | :: method |
escola da vida {f} [idiomatic] | :: school of hard knocks; university of life (adverse real-world experiences) |
escolarização {f} | :: schooling |
escolarização {f} | :: school attendance |
escolarizar {vt} | :: to school (to educate, teach, or train) |
escolasticismo {m} [philosophy] | :: scholasticism (school of philosophy combining classical philosophy with Catholic theology) |
escolástico {adj} [philosophy] | :: scholastic (of or pertaining to scholasticism) |
escolástico {m} | :: scholastic (a member of the medieval philosophical school of scholasticism) |
escolha {f} /iʃ.ˈko.ʎɐ/ | :: choice (opportunity to choose or select something) |
escolha {f} | :: the act of choosing |
escolher {v} /iʃ.ku.ˈʎeɾ/ | :: to choose |
escolher a dedo {v} [idiom] | :: to choose carefully |
escolhido {adj} | :: chosen; selected; picked |
escolhido {m} | :: something or someone that has been chosen, selected |
escolhido {m} [fiction, religion] | :: the chosen one |
escolho {m} [geography] /es.ˈko.ʎu/ | :: skerry; reef (rock lying near or just above the surface of water) |
escolho {m} [geography] | :: a rocky island of difficult access |
escolho {m} [figurative] | :: obstacle; impediment; hurdle (something that prevents progress) |
escolinha {f} | :: diminutive of escola |
escolinha {f} | :: nursery school (a school for pre-school children) |
escolta {f} | :: escort (group of people who someone or something to provide protection) |
escoltar {v} | :: to escort (to guard someone or something as they go somewhere) |
escombros {mp} | :: rubble resulting from destruction |
esconde-esconde {m} | :: hide-and-go-seek (game) |
esconder {vt} /ɨʃ.kõ.ˈdeɾ/ | :: to hide |
esconderijo {m} | :: hide |
esconderijo {m} | :: hideout, hideaway, hiding place |
esconderijo {m} | :: cache |
escondido {adj} /iʃ.kõ.ˈdi.ðu/ | :: hidden |
escondrijo {m} | :: hideout (place for hiding) |
esconjurar {v} /iʃ.kõ.ʒu.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to exorcise |
esconjurar {v} | :: to cast a spell |
esconjurar {v} | :: to curse |
esconjuro {m} /iʃ.kõ.ˈʒu.ɾu/ | :: exorcism (ritual driving out of evil spirits) |
esconjuro {m} | :: spell, incantation (words or a formula supposed to have magical powers) |
esconjuro {m} | :: curse (a prayer or imprecation that harm may befall someone) |
esconso {adj} | :: sloped; slanted |
esconso {adj} | :: hidden |
escopeta {f} /es.ko.ˈpe.ta/ | :: rifle |
escopo {m} | :: scope |
escorar {v} | :: to prop (support or shore up something) |
escorbuto {m} [disease] | :: scurvy (deficiency of vitamin C) |
escore de Apgar {m} [medicine] | :: Apgar score (a zero to ten point score given to newborns based on their APGAR vitals) |
escória {f} | :: slag, dross, scoria |
escória {f} | :: scum |
escorpião {m} /(i)ʃkuɾˈpjɐ̃w̃/ | :: scorpion |
Escorpião {prop} {m} [astrology] | :: Scorpio (astrological sign) |
Escorpião {prop} {m} [zodiac constellations] | :: Scorpius (constellation) |
escorpião-amarelo {m} | :: Brazilian yellow scorpion (Tityus serrulatus, a deadly scorpion found mainly in the Southeast region of Brazil) |
escorredeira {f} | :: A place through which water drains |
escorredoiro {n} | :: alternative form of escorredouro |
escorredor {m} | :: colander (a bowl-shaped utensil with holes in it used for draining food) |
escorredouro {m} | :: A place through which water drains |
escorrega {m} /(i)ʃ.ku.ˈʁɛ.ɣɐ/ | :: slide (item of play equipment) |
escorrega {m} [figuratively] | :: slip, gaffe (foolish and embarrassing error) |
escorregadio {adj} | :: slippery (hard to stand on without falling) |
escorregador {m} [Brazil] | :: slide (item of play equipment for children to slide) |
escorregando {v} | :: gerund of escorregar |
escorregar {v} /iʃ.ku.ʁɨ.ˈɣaɾ/ | :: to slide (to move on a low friction surface) |
escorregar {v} | :: to slip (to lose one’s traction on a slippery surface) |
escorregar {v} [figuratively] | :: to blunder |
escorregar no quiabo {v} [idiom, often, offensive] | :: To perform anal sex in the receiving position |
escorregar no quiabo {v} [idiom, often, offensive] | :: Used to say that man is gay, and also a practitioner of the receiving position in anal sex |
escorrendo {v} | :: gerund of escorrer |
escorrer {v} | :: to drain (liquid) |
escorrimento {m} | :: run (flow of liquid) |
escota {f} [nautical] | :: sheet (rope to adjust sail) |
escoteiro {m} | :: scout (member of the Scout movement) |
escotilha {f} | :: hatch of a watercraft |
escotismo {m} | :: scouting (a movement that aims to support young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development) |
escoto {m} [historical] | :: Gael (member of an ethnic group of Ireland and western Scotland in Antiquity and the Middle Ages) |
escoto {m} [rare] | :: Scot; Scotsman (person from Scotland) |
escova {f} /iʃˈkovɐ/ | :: brush |
escova de cabelo {f} | :: hairbrush (type of brush used in hair care) |
escova de dentes {f} | :: toothbrush (brush for cleaning the teeth and tongue) |
escovadela {f} | :: brush (act of brushing) |
escovamento {m} | :: brush (act of brushing) |
escovando {v} | :: gerund of escovar |
escovar {v} /iʃkuˈvaɾ/ | :: to brush, sweep |
escovinha {f} | :: diminutive of escova |
escovinha {f} | :: cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) |
escrava {f} | :: feminine noun of escravo |
escrava {f} | :: slave (female) |
escravagismo {m} /is.ˌˈʒ | :: a societal or political system in which slavery is practiced |
escravagismo {m} | :: the advocacy of slavery |
escravagista {adj} | :: relating to slaves or slavery |
escravagista {mf} | :: a supporter of slavery |
escrava sexual {f} | :: feminine noun of escravo sexual |
escravatura {f} | :: slavery |
escraviário {m} [nonce word, humorous] | :: intern; workie |
escravidão {f} | :: slavery |
escravidão sexual {f} | :: sexual slavery (activity that involves forced sexual acts upon a person who is held hostage) |
escravismo {m} /is.kra.ˈ | :: alternative form of escravagismo |
escravista {adj} | :: relating to slaves or slavery |
escravista {mf} | :: a supporter of slavery |
escravização {m} /iʃ.kɾɐ.vi.zɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: enslavement |
escravizado {adj} | :: that has been turned into a slave; enslaved; enthralled |
escravizar {vt} /es.ˌkɾˈza(ʁ)/ | :: to enslave (to turn someone into a slave) |
escravizar {vt} [figurative] | :: to enslave; to enthrall (to make subservient) |
escravo {m} /iʃ.ˈkɾ | :: slave |
escravo {m} | :: a person whose labour or life is owned by someone else |
escravo {m} [figuratively] | :: an abject person; someone in a servile condition |
escravo {m} | :: a submissive partner in a BDSM play |
escravoceta {m} [derogatory] | :: mangina, white knight (a man who defends a woman to get favors) |
escravocrata {adj} | :: enslaving |
escravo sexual {m} | :: sex slave (person forced into being available for sex) |
escrevedeira {f} | :: sparrow (bird of the family Emberizidae) |
escrevedeira-amarela {f} | :: yellowhammer (a passerine bird, Emberiza citrinella) |
escrevente {mf} | :: clerk (office worker) |
escrevente {mf} | :: amanuensis (one employed to take dictation or copy manuscripts) |
escrever {v} /iʃ.kɾɨ.ˈveɾ/ | :: to write (to form letters, etc.) |
escriba {mf} | :: scribe (someone employed to write and take notes) |
escriptor {m} | :: obsolete spelling of escritor |
escriptório {m} | :: obsolete spelling of escritório |
escriptura {f} | :: obsolete spelling of escritura |
escrita {f} /iʃˈkɾitɐ/ | :: writing (written letters or symbols that express some meaning) |
escrito {adj} /iʃ.ˈkɾi.tu/ | :: That was written; written |
escritor {m} /iʃ.kɾi.ˈtoɾ/ | :: writer |
escritora {f} | :: feminine noun of escritor |
escritório {m} /iʃ.kɾi.ˈtɔ.ɾju/ | :: office (building or room) |
escritura {f} | :: a manner of writing |
escritura {f} [religion] | :: scripture (sacred writing) |
escritura {f} [legal] | :: deed (legal document) |
escrituração {f} | :: bookkeeping (the craft of keeping records of financial transactions) |
escriturando {v} | :: gerund of escriturar |
escriturar {v} | :: to book-keep |
escriturar {v} | :: to write or register a commercial document |
escriturário {m} | :: bookkeeper |
escriturário {m} | :: clerk |
escriturário {m} | :: scribe |
escrivaninha {f} | :: diminutive of escrivã |
escrivaninha {f} | :: secretary (a type of desk) |
escrivão {m} /iʃ.kɾi.ˈvɐ̃w̃/ | :: registrar |
escrivão {m} | :: clerk (legal) |
escrófula {f} [disease] | :: scrofula (a form tuberculosis) |
escrófulas {fp} | :: goitre (enlargement of the neck caused by inflammation of the thyroid gland) |
escrofuloso {adj} [pathology] | :: scrofulous (of, related to, or suffering from scrofula) |
escroque {m} | :: crook, swindler |
escrotal {adj} /(ɨ)ʃ.kɾuˈtaɫ/ | :: scrotal |
escroto {m} [anatomy] | :: scrotum |
escroto {adj} [Brazil, vulgar] | :: shitty |
escrúpulo {m} /iʃ.ˈkɾ | :: scruple |
escrupuloso {adj} | :: scrupulous; meticulous |
escrutinador {m} | :: scrutinizer (one who scrutinizes) |
escrutinador {m} | :: teller (person who counts the votes in an election) |
escrutinador {adj} | :: scrutinizing (who or which scrutinizes) |
escrutínio {m} | :: scrutiny |
escrutinizador {adj} [rare] | :: scrutinizing (who or which scrutinizes) |
escrutinizar {vt} | :: to scrutinise (to examine with great care) |
escudeiro {m} | :: squire (armour-bearer who attends a knight) |
escudo {m} /iʃ.ˈku.du/ | :: shield |
escudo {m} [heraldry] | :: shield |
escudo {m} [historical, numismatics] | :: escudo (obsolete Portuguese currency) |
escudo humano {m} | :: human shield (civilian placed in or around targets) |
escuitar {v} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of escutar |
esculachar {v} [colloquial] | :: to own; to defeat; to overwhelm |
esculapiano {adj} | :: Aesculapian (relating to Aesculapius) |
esculápio {m} | :: doctor, physician |
Esculápio {prop} {m} [Roman god] | :: Aesculapius (Roman god of medicine and healing) |
esculhambação {f} | :: disorder, confusion |
esculhambação {f} | :: insolence, ridicule |
esculpido em Carrara {phrase} | :: doppelganger; someone physically very similar to someone else |
esculpir {v} | :: to carve (shape a piece of material into an object) |
escultor {m} | :: sculptor (person who creates sculptures) |
Escultor {prop} {m} [constellation] | :: Sculptor (a dim spring constellation of the southern sky) |
escultora {f} | :: female equivalent of escultor |
escultura {f} /(ɨ)ʃkuɫˈtuɾɐ/ | :: sculpture (work of art created by sculpting) |
escumadeira {f} | :: skimmer (slotted spoon) |
escumalha {f} /is.ku.ˈma.ʎa/ | :: residue of metal fusion |
escumalha {f} [derogatory] | :: scum, rabble (lower class of people) |
escumalho {f} /is.ku.ˈma.ʎu/ | :: residue of metal fusion |
escuna {f} [nautical] | :: schooner (type of sailing ship) |
escurecendo {v} | :: gerund of escurecer |
escurecer {v} /iʃkuɾɨˈseɾ/ | :: to dim, darken |
escurecimento {m} | :: darkening |
escuridade {f} | :: darkness |
escuridão {f} /iʃ.ku.ɾi.ˈðɐ̃w̃/ | :: darkness |
escuridão {f} | :: gloom |
escuridão {f} | :: obscurity |
escuridão {f} | :: night |
escuro {adj} /iʃ.ˈku.ɾu/ | :: dark |
escuro {m} | :: dark |
escurra {mf} [archaic] | :: fool |
escusando {v} | :: gerund of escusar |
escusar {vt} | :: to forgive; to pardon; to excuse |
escusar {v} [de, por, .pronominal] | :: to apologize [for] |
escusar {vt} | :: to excuse (to allow to leave) |
escusar {vt} | :: to excuse; to justify (to be an acceptable reason for) |
escutar {vti} /iʃ.ku.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to listen to; to hear (to perceive sound) |
escutismo {m} | :: alternative spelling of escotismo |
Esdras {prop} {m} [book of the bible] /ˈɛz.dɾɐs/ | :: Ezra; Esdras (any of four books of the Bible) |
Esdras {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Ezra; Esdras (Jewish high priest) |
esdrúxulo {m} | :: proparoxytone (a word which has the stress in on the antepenultimate syllable) |
esdrúxulo {adj} [phonetics] | :: proparoxytone (whose stress in on the antepenultimate syllable) |
esdrúxulo {adj} | :: weird; strange; bizarre |
e se {adv} | :: what if; what about (conjecturing a hypothesis or making a suggestion) |
ESE {m} | :: ESE (east-southeast) |
esfacelar {v} | :: to destroy |
Esfahan {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Isfahan |
esfalerita {f} [mineral] | :: sphalerite |
esfalfar {v} | :: to weary, to tire, to fatigue |
esfaquear {v} | :: to stab |
esfarelando {v} | :: gerund of esfarelar |
esfarelar {v} | :: to crumble |
esfarpar {vi} | :: to splinter (to come apart into splinters) |
esfarpar {vt} | :: to splinter (to cause to break apart into splinters) |
esfarrapado {adj} | :: shabby (clothed with ragged, much worn, or soiled garments) |
esfênio {m} [mineral] /(ɨ)ʃˈfenju/ | :: sphene |
esfenoide {m} [skeleton] /es.fe.ˈnɔ | :: sphenoid bone |
esfenóide {m} | :: superseded spelling of esfenoide |
esfera {f} /iʃ.ˈfɛ.ɾɐ/ | :: sphere (object) |
esfera armilar {f} | :: armillary sphere (instrument used to represent the motion of celestial bodies around the earth) |
esfera de influência {f} | :: sphere of influence (area influenced by something or someone) |
esferal {adj} | :: spheral (of or relating to a sphere) |
esférico {adj} [geometry] | :: spherical (shaped like a sphere) |
esferificação {f} | :: spherification (process of forming something into spheres) |
esferográfica {f} | :: ballpoint pen |
esferoidal {adj} | :: spheroidal |
esferómetro {m} [European orthography] | :: spherometer (device to measure the curvature of a surface) |
esferômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of esferómetro |
esferovite {f} [Portugal] | :: styrofoam (expanded polystyrene foam) |
esférula {f} | :: spherule |
esfigmomanómetro {m} [European orthography] | :: sphygmomanometer (device to measure blood pressure) |
esfigmomanômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of esfigmomanómetro |
esfiha {f} | :: alternative spelling of esfirra |
esfíncter {m} [anatomy] | :: sphincter (band of muscle that surrounds an opening) |
esfíncter anal {f} [anatomy] | :: anal sphincter (sphincter surrounding the anus) |
esfinge {f} | :: sphinx |
Esfinge {prop} {f} /es.ˈfĩ.ʒi/ | :: Sphinx (large monument in Egypt) |
Esfinge {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Sphinx (creature with the body of a lion and head of a human) |
esfirra {f} | :: sfiha |
esfolamento {m} | :: chafe (injury or wear caused by friction) |
esfolamento {m} | :: flaying (instance of removing someone’s skin) |
esfolar {vt} /(i)ʃfuˈlaɾ/ | :: to flay |
esfomeado {adj} | :: very hungry |
esfomear {vt} | :: to starve (to deprive of food) |
esforçado {adj} | :: showing power and initiative |
esforçado {adj} | :: hard-working; industrious |
esforçando {v} | :: gerund of esforçar |
esforçar {v} /iʃ.fuɾ.ˈsaɾ/ | :: to strain |
esforçar-se {vr} | :: to make an effort |
esforço {m} /ɨʃ.ˈfoɾ.su/ | :: effort (the amount of work involved in achieving something) |
esfregão {m} | :: mop |
esfregar {v} /ɨʃ.fɾɨ.ˈɣaɾ/ | :: to rub (move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area) |
esfregar {v} | :: to clean by rubbing |
esfregar sal na ferida {v} [idiomatic] | :: to rub salt in the wound (to make something worse) |
esfriamento {m} | :: cooling, chilling |
esfriando {v} | :: gerund of esfriar |
esfriar {v} | :: to cool, cool down, chill |
esfumaçamento {m} | :: the act of filling a place with smoke |
esfumaçamento {m} | :: the act of covering something with soot |
esfumaçante {adj} | :: smoking (giving off smoke) |
esfuziante {adj} | :: overjoyous, very happy |
esfuziar {vi} | :: to blow |
esfuziar {vi} | :: to hiss |
esganar {v} | :: to strangle (to squeeze someone’s throat) |
esganiçar {v} | :: to squeak |
esgar {m} | :: grimace |
esgar {m} | :: smirk |
esgaravatar {v} | :: to clean [something] by picking it with a pointed stick, or with the fingers |
esgaravatar {v} | :: to poke; to stir up [a fire] with a poker |
esgarçando {v} | :: gerund of esgarçar |
esgarçar {v} | :: to rip (clothing etc) |
esgotado {adj} | :: exhausted, worn out |
esgotado {adj} | :: sold out |
esgotado {adj} | :: used up (resources, credits) |
esgotado {adj} | :: jaded |
esgotamento {m} | :: exhaustion, depletion |
esgotando {v} | :: gerund of esgotar |
esgotante {adj} | :: gruelling; exhausting (causing someone to become extremely tired) |
esgotar {vt} | :: to exhaust, deplete, use up |
esgotar {vp} | :: to be used up; to sell out |
esgotar {vp} | :: to run out |
esgotável {adj} | :: exhaustible |
esgoto {m} | :: sewer (for waste liquid) |
esgrafito {m} [art] | :: sgraffito (technique where the top layer is scratched through to reveal an underlying layer) |
esgravatar {v} | :: to pick off pieces of dirt or filth |
esgravatar {vt} | :: to rummage (to search something thoroughly and with disregard) |
esgrima {f} [sports] | :: fencing |
esgrimir {v} | :: to fight with a bladed weapon |
esgrimir {vt} | :: to brandish (a weapon) threateningly |
esgrimir {vi} [sports] | :: to fence (to engage in the sport of fencing) |
esgrimir {vt} [figurative] | :: to propose; to put forward (arguments) |
esgrimir {vi} [figurative] | :: to discuss |
esgrouviado {adj} | :: slender and tall [like a crane] |
esgualepado {adj} [South Brazil] | :: mangled (maimed or disfigured) |
esgueirar {vi} | :: to sneak; to creep (to move stealthily) |
esguelha {f} | :: slant |
esguichar {vt} | :: to squirt (to cause a liquid to be ejected, in a rapid stream) |
esguicho {m} | :: squirt |
esguicho {m} | :: hose, instrument from which a liquid is forcefully ejected |
esguicho {m} | :: quick ejected stream |
esguio {adj} /iʒ.ˈɣi.u/ | :: slender and tall |
eslávico {adj} | :: Slavic (of the Slavs, their culture or languages) |
eslavismo {m} | :: Pan-Slavism (movement aimed at uniting all the Slavic peoples) |
eslavismo {m} | :: Slavism (idiom or phrase from a Slavic language) |
eslavo {adj} /ɨʒ.ˈ | :: Slavic |
eslavo {m} | :: Slav |
eslavo comum {m} | :: Common Slavic |
eslavo eclesiástico {m} | :: Old Church Slavonic (the first literary and liturgical Slavic language) |
Eslavónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: Eslavónia (traditional region) |
Eslavônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: Eslavônia (region) |
eslavónico {m} [European orthography] | :: Slavonic |
eslavónico {adj} [European orthography] | :: Slavonic |
eslavônico {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: Slavonic |
eslavônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: Slavonic |
eslavónico eclesiástico {m} [European orthography, rare] | :: alternative form of eslavo eclesiástico |
eslavónio {adj} [European orthography] | :: Slavonic |
eslavônio {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: Slavonic |
eslovaco {adj} /ˌes.lo.ˈva.ko/ | :: Slovak (of Slovakia or its language) |
eslovaco {m} | :: Slovak (person from Slovakia) |
eslovaco {m} [uncountable] | :: Slovak (language) |
Eslováquia {prop} {f} /iʒ.lu.ˈɐ/ | :: Eslováquia (country) |
Eslovénia {prop} {f} /iʒ.lɔ.ˈvɛ.njɐ/ | :: Eslovénia (country) |
Eslovênia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Eslovénia |
esloveno {m} /ˌes.lo.ˈ | :: Slovene (person from Slovenia) |
esloveno {m} [uncountable] | :: Slovenian (language) |
esloveno {adj} | :: Slovenian |
esmaecer {v} | :: to fade |
esmaecer {v} | :: to wither |
esmagador {adj} | :: overwhelming |
esmagamento {m} /(ɨ)ʒmɐɣɐˈmẽtu/ | :: crush, crushing |
esmagar {v} /ɨʒ.mɐ.ˈɣaɾ/ | :: to crush (to overwhelm by pressure or weight) |
esmaltado {adj} | :: enamelled |
esmaltado {adj} | :: glazed |
esmaltando {v} | :: gerund of esmaltar |
esmaltar {v} | :: to enamel |
esmaltar {v} | :: to glaze |
esmalte {m} | :: enamel |
esmalte {m} | :: glaze (coating on pottery) |
esmalte {m} | :: nail polish, nail varnish |
esmegma {m} | :: smegma (sebaceous secretion around the genitals) |
esmeralda {f} /(i)ʒ.mɨ.ˈɾaɫ.dɐ/ | :: emerald |
Esmeralda {prop} | :: Esmeralda (municipality) |
Esmeraldas {prop} | :: Esmeraldas (municipality) |
esmerar {v} | :: to hone (to refine or master a skill) |
esmeril {m} | :: grinder (tool with a spinning abrasive disc) |
esmerilhão {m} | :: merlin (small species of falcon) |
esmero {m} | :: great care, or diligence |
esmigalhado {adj} | :: crumbled |
esmigalhado {adj} | :: fragmented |
esmigalhar {v} | :: to crush (to reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding) |
Esmirna {prop} /ez.ˈmiʁ.nɐ/ | :: Esmirna (ancient city) |
Esmirna {prop} | :: Esmirna (modern city/capital) |
esmiuçado {adj} | :: chopped or ground into small pieces |
esmiuçado {adj} | :: detailed (characterised by attention to detail and thoroughness of treatment) |
esmiuçar {vt} | :: to detail (to explain in detail) |
esmiuçar {vt} | :: to chop finely or grind |
esmo {m} | :: estimate, conjecture |
esmola {f} /iʒ.ˈmɔ.lɐ/ | :: alms (small amount of money or goods given to someone as charity) |
esmola {f} | :: almsgiving (the practice of giving alms) |
esmola {f} [figurative] | :: a small benefit or help given to someone in need |
esmolaria {f} | :: almonry (building in which alms were distributed) |
esmolaria {f} | :: almonership (the rank or office of an almoner) |
Esmolensco {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Smolensk |
esmoler {mf} | :: almoner; almsgiver (person who distributes alms) |
esmolla {f} | :: obsolete spelling of esmola |
esmorecer {vt} | :: to dishearten; discourage |
esmorecer {vi} | :: to falter; wilt |
esmurrar {vt} | :: to punch (to strike something or someone with one's fist) |
Esmyrna {prop} | :: obsolete spelling of Esmirna |
esnobar {vti} | :: to act like a snob, to look down on others |
esnobar {v} | :: to refuse |
esnobe {mf} | :: snob (person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes) |
esnobe {adj} | :: snobbish (smugly superior or dismissive of perceived inferiors) |
esnórquel {m} | :: rare spelling of snorkel |
esofagiano {adj} | :: esophageal |
esofágico {adj} [anatomy] | :: oesophageal (of or pertaining to the oesophagus) |
esofago {m} | :: obsolete spelling of esófago |
esófago {m} [anatomy] | :: oesophagus |
esôfago {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of esófago |
esophago {m} | :: obsolete spelling of esófago |
esóphago {m} | :: obsolete spelling of esófago |
esôphago {m} | :: obsolete form of esófago |
esopiano {adj} [uncomparable] | :: Aesopian (of or relating to Ancient Greek fabulist Aesop) |
esopiano {adj} | :: Aesopian (similar to the style of Aesop’s animal fables) |
Esopo {prop} {m} /e.ˈzo.pu/ | :: Aesop (ancient Greek author) |
esotérico {adj} | :: esoteric (understood only by a chosen few or an enlightened inner circle) |
esotérico {adj} | :: esoteric (having to do with concepts that are highly theoretical) |
esoterismo {m} | :: esoterism (inward forms of faith and religion) |
espaçamento {m} | :: spacing |
espaçar {v} /ˌˈsa(ɻ)/ | :: to space (to be separated to a distance) |
espacate {m} | :: splits (manoeuvre in dance or gymnastics by which the legs are extended straight out and perpendicular to the body) |
espacear {v} | :: alternative form of espaçar |
espacial {adj} /ˈaw/ | :: spatial (relating to outer space) |
espacial {adj} | :: spatial (relating to the dimension of space) |
espaço {m} /iʃ.ˈ | :: space |
espaço absoluto {m} | :: absolute space |
espaço aéreo {m} [politics, aviation] | :: airspace (controlled portion of atmosphere) |
espaço aéreo {m} [aviation] | :: airspace (part of sky used by aircraft) |
espaço de Hilbert {m} [functional analysis] | :: Hilbert space (space in which functions take the place of points) |
espaço de nomes {m} [computing] | :: namespace (a set of identifiers) |
espaço euclidiano {m} [geometry] | :: Euclidean space (space with a constant distance between parallel lines) |
espaço gerado {m} [mathematics] | :: span (the space of all linear combinations of something) |
espaço métrico {m} [mathematics] | :: metric space (space in which a distance between points may be specified) |
espaço morto {m} [physiology, pneumonology] | :: alveolar dead space (air in the lung which does not partake in gas exchange) |
espaço morto {m} | :: See: pt espaço morto |
espaço-nave {f} | :: alternative spelling of espaçonave |
espaçonave {f} /es.ˌˈ | :: spaceship (vehicle that flies through space) |
espaço sideral {m} | :: outer space (region of space beyond Earth’s atmosphere) |
espaçoso {adj} /iʃpɐˈsozu/ | :: spacious |
espaço-tempo {m} [physics] | :: spacetime |
espaço-tempo absoluto {m} [physics] | :: absolute space-time (Newtonian concept of an unchangeable reference system of time and spatial coordinates) |
espaço topológico {m} [topology] | :: topological space (a set with its topology) |
espaço vetorial {m} [mathematics] | :: vector space (mathematical structure formed by a collection of vectors) |
espada {f} /ɨʃ.ˈpa.dɐ/ | :: sword |
espada {f} [fencing] | :: épée |
espadachim {mf} [military unit, historical] /iʃpɐðɐˈʃĩ/ | :: swordsman (a person who fights with a sword) |
espada de Dâmocles {f} | :: sword of Damocles (thing or situation which causes a prolonged state of impending doom or misfortune) |
espadarte {m} | :: swordfish |
espadas {n} [card games] /iʃˈpadɐʃ/ | :: spades (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♠) |
espadeiro {m} | :: swordsmith (maker of swords) |
espadeiro {m} | :: swordsman (a person skilled at using swords) |
espadilha {f} | :: sprat (any of various small marine fish in the genus Sprattus) |
espádua {f} [skeleton] /es.ˈpa.du.a/ | :: scapula; shoulder blade |
espádua {f} | :: shoulder |
espaguete {m} | :: spaghetti (pasta) |
espairecer {vi} | :: to unwind; to relax (to stop being stressed or worried) |
espalhado {adj} | :: scattered (randomly distributted) |
espalhafato {m} /e̞sˌpaˑʎɐˈfaˑtu/ | :: fuss (excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something) |
espalhafato {m} | :: ostentation (display intended to excite admiration or applause) |
espalhafatoso {adj} | :: gaudy (very showy or ornamented) |
espalhamento {m} | :: spread (act of spreading) |
espalhar {v} /ɨʃ.pɐ.ˈʎaɾ/ | :: to spread; to scatter |
espalhar {v} | :: to rumor (to tell a rumour or gossip to a number of people) |
espalhar {v} | :: to thresh |
espalhar-se como um rastilho de pólvora {v} [simile] | :: to spread like wildfire |
espalhar-se como um relâmpago {vr} [rare, simile] | :: to spread like wildfire |
espalho {m} [Portugal, colloquial] | :: distraction |
espalmado {adj} | :: flat (as the palm of the hand) |
espalmado {adj} | :: shallow, boring (of a person) |
espalmado {adj} | :: open, extended |
espanador {m} | :: duster |
espanar {v} | :: to dust |
espanar {v} | :: to give up because something is no longer possible, like relationship differences |
espancar {v} | :: to batter (to hit or strike violently and repeatedly) |
espanglês {m} | :: Spanglish (code-switching of English and Spanish) |
Espanha {prop} {f} /iʃˈpɐ.ɲɐ/ | :: Espanha (country) |
Espanha {prop} {f} [obsolete or poetic] | :: Iberian Peninsula |
espanhol {adj} /ɨʃ.pɐ.ˈɲɔɫ/ | :: Spanish (of, from or relating to Spain, its people or culture) |
espanhol {adj} | :: Spanish (of or relating to the Spanish language) |
espanhol {m} | :: Spaniard (person from Spain) |
espanhol {m} [uncountable] | :: Spanish (Romance language spoken in Spain and much of Latin America) |
espanhola {f} [slang] | :: titfuck |
Espanhola {prop} {f} | :: Espanhola (island) |
espanholamente {adv} | :: In the manner of Spanish people; in context of Spain; Spanishly |
espanholamente {adv} | :: As said or written in Spanish language; Spanishly |
espanholismo {m} | :: Hispanicism (a Spanish language item as it appears in another language) |
espanholizar {vt} | :: to Hispanicize (to make Spanish in character) |
espantadamente {adv} | :: astonishedly (in a astonished manner) |
espantado {adj} /(i)ʃ.pɐ̃.ˈta.ðu/ | :: amazed, surprised |
espantado {adj} | :: frightened |
espantalho {m} | :: scarecrow (an effigy made to scare the birds away) |
espantar {v} | :: to terrify, to frighten |
espantar {v} | :: to chase off, to shoo |
espantar {v} [figuratively] | :: to surprise, to astonish |
espanto {m} /ɨʃ.ˈpɐ̃.tu/ | :: astonishment, amazement |
espanto {m} | :: wonder |
espantosamente {adv} | :: frighteningly |
espantoso {adj} /ɨʃ.pɐ̃.ˈto.zu/ | :: amazing |
esparadrapo {m} | :: bandage (binding to close wounds) |
esparavel {f} [fishing] /iʃ.ˌpɐ.ɾɐ.ˈvɛɫ/ | :: cast net |
esparcel {m} | :: a sandbank, a shoal |
espargo {m} [Portugal] | :: asparagus (asparagus plant) |
esparídeo {m} | :: sparoid (any fish of the Sparidae family) |
esparramar {v} | :: to strew (to distribute objects or pieces of something) |
esparrela {f} | :: trap |
esparso {adj} | :: sparse (whose elements are far from each other) |
Esparta {prop} {f} /es.ˈpaʁ.tɐ/ | :: Esparta (ancient city-state) |
Espártaco {prop} {m} /es.ˈpaʁ.ta.ku/ | :: historical given name |
espartilho {m} | :: corset (woman’s garment that supports the waistline, hips and bust) |
espasmar {vi} | :: to spasm (to undergo a spasm) |
espasmo {m} | :: spasm |
espasmódico {adj} | :: spasmodic; spastic |
espátula {f} | :: spatula (kitchen utensil for turning and lifting) |
espavorir {vt} | :: to frighten |
espécia {f} [obsolete or dialectal] | :: alternative form of espécie |
especiação {f} [biology] | :: speciation |
especial {adj} /iʃ.pɨ.ˈsjaɫ/ | :: special |
especial {adj} [euphemism] | :: disabled (having some physical disability) |
especialidade {f} /iʃ.pɨ.sjɐ.li.ˈða.ðɨ/ | :: speciality, specialism |
especialidade {f} | :: expertise |
especialista {mf} | :: specialist; expert (person with extensive knowledge or ability in a given field) |
especialização {f} | :: specialization |
especializar {v} | :: to make specialised (highly skilled in a specific field) |
especializar {v} | :: to specialise (to mention specially) |
especialmente {adv} /iʃpɨsjaɫˈmẽtɨ/ | :: especially, particularly |
especiaria {f} | :: spice |
espécie {f} [biology, taxonomy] /(ɨ)ʃ.ˈpɛ.sjɨ/ | :: species |
espécie {f} | :: type, sort, kind |
especificação {f} | :: specification |
especificadamente {adv} | :: specifically |
especificamente {adv} | :: specifically |
especificar {vt} /ˈka(ʁ)/ | :: to specify |
especificidade {f} [uncountable] | :: specificity (the state of being specific rather than general) |
especificidade {f} | :: specificity (a specific aspect of something) |
específico {adj} /ˈ | :: specific |
espécime {m} | :: specimen |
espécime {m} | :: sample |
espécime {m} | :: example |
especioso {adj} | :: specious (seemingly well-reasoned, but fallacious) |
espectacular {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of espetacular |
espectáculo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of espetáculo |
espectador {m} /iʃ.pɛ(k).tɐ.ˈdoɾ/ | :: spectator (observer) |
espectadora {f} | :: feminine noun of espectador |
espectral {adj} | :: spectral (all senses) |
espectral {adj} | :: ghostly |
espectro {m} /iʃˈpɛktɾu/ | :: spectre, ghost |
espectro {m} | :: spectrum |
espectrofotómetro {m} [European orthography, physics] | :: spectrophotometer (instrument used to measure the intensity of electromagnetic radiation at different wavelengths) |
espectrofotômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of espectrofotómetro |
espectrografia {f} [physics, chemistry] | :: spectrography |
espectrográfico {adj} | :: spectrographic |
espectrógrafo {m} | :: spectrograph |
espectrometria {f} | :: spectrometry |
espectrometria de massa {f} [physics, analytical chemistry] | :: mass spectrometry (analytical technique that measures the mass / charge ratio of the ions formed when a molecule or atom is ionised, vaporised and introduced into a vacuum) |
espectrométrico {adj} | :: spectrometric |
espectrómetro {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative spelling of espectrômetro |
espectrômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: spectrometer |
espectroscopia {f} | :: spectroscopy |
espectroscópico {adj} | :: spectroscopic |
espectroscópio {m} | :: spectroscope |
especulação {f} | :: speculation |
especulador {m} | :: speculator |
especulando {v} | :: gerund of especular |
especular {v} | :: to speculate |
espedindo {v} | :: gerund of espedir |
espedir {v} | :: alternative form of despedir |
espeleologia {f} | :: speleology (scientific study of caves) |
espeleológico {adj} | :: speleological |
espeleologista {mf} | :: speleologist (person who studies caves) |
espeleólogo {m} | :: speleologist (person who studies caves) |
espeleotema {m} [geology] | :: speleothem (mineral deposited in a cave by the action of water) |
espelhante {adj} | :: brilliant, sparkling (like light reflected from a mirror) |
espelhar {vt} | :: to mirror |
espelho {m} /ɨʃˈpɐ(j)ʎu/ | :: mirror (smooth surface, usually made of glass with reflective material painted on the underside) |
espelho {m} [by extension] | :: any reflective surface |
espelho {m} [figurative] | :: role model (person who serves as an example) |
espelho {m} | :: riser (vertical part of a step on a staircase) |
espelho {m} | :: a protective plate around something, such as an escutcheon around a keyhole or a cover around an electric outlet |
espelho {m} [geology] | :: a surface of a tectonic plate which has been polished by friction |
espêlho {m} | :: superseded spelling of espelho |
espelho retrovisor {m} | :: rear-view mirror (mirror in a vehicle giving view of the traffic behind) |
espelta {f} | :: spelt (a type of wheat, Triticum spelta or Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta) |
espelunca {f} | :: A cave, cavern or grotto |
espelunca {f} [derogatory] | :: A poorly lit, dirty and messy dwelling |
espelunca {f} [derogatory] | :: A generally illegal gambling house |
espera {f} /ɨʃ.ˈpɛ.ɾɐ/ | :: wait (time spent waiting) |
Espera Feliz {prop} | :: Espera Feliz (municipality) |
esperança {f} /iʃ.pɨ.ˈɾɐ̃.sɐ/ | :: hope |
esperança de vida {f} | :: life expectancy (statistical measure of how long a person is expected to live) |
esperançado {adj} | :: hopeful |
esperançado {adj} | :: confidant, optimistic |
Esperança do Sul {prop} | :: Esperança do Sul (municipality) |
esperança é a última que morre {proverb} | :: alternative form of a esperança é a última que morre |
esperançosamente {adv} | :: hopefully (in a hopeful manner) |
esperantista {mf} | :: Esperantist (supporter or speaker of Esperanto) |
esperanto {m} | :: Esperanto (an auxiliary language) |
esperantólogo {m} | :: Esperantologist |
esperar {v} /ɨʃ.pɨ.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to wait |
esperar {v} | :: [por] to wait (for); to await |
esperar {vt} | :: [auxiliary with a verb in the personal infinitive as the second object] to wait for (not to do anything until) |
esperar {v} | :: to hope |
esperar {v} | :: [por] to hope for (to really want something) |
esperar {v} | :: [que] to hope (that) someone does something |
esperar {v} | :: [auxiliary with a verb in the personal or impersonal infinitive] to hope something can be done |
esperar {v} | :: [por] to expect; to anticipate (to know or think that something will happen) |
esperar aí {v} [usually in the imperative] | :: to hang on; to wait a minute |
esperar sentado {v} | :: See: pt esperar sentado |
esperar sentado {v} [idiomatic] | :: to wait for something that is unlikely to happen soon or at all |
Esperidião {prop} | :: given name |
esperma {m} | :: sperm (semen (fluid)) |
espermatozoide {m} [cytology] | :: spermatozoon (reproductive cell of the male) |
espermograma {m} | :: semen analysis |
espernear {v} [colloquial] | :: (often a child or another person to express great discontent or rage) to vigorously agitate the legs while sitting or lying down |
espernear {v} [figurative] | :: to protest, express personal revolt or discontent |
espertalhão {m} [colloquial] | :: a smart person |
espertalhão {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: smartass |
espertalhona {f} | :: female equivalent of espertalhão |
esperteza {f} | :: smartness; cleverness (the quality of being smart or clever) |
esperteza {f} | :: cunning; slyness (the quality of being sly or deceitful) |
espertinho {m} /es.pɛʁ.ˈt͡ʃi.ɲu/ | :: smarty pants; know-it-all (someone who obnoxiously claims to be knowledgeable) |
espertinho {m} | :: a sly, cunning person |
espertinho {adj} [of a person] | :: who obnoxiously claims to be knowledgeable |
espertinho {adj} [of a person] | :: sly; cunning; wily |
esperto {adj} /ɨʃ.ˈpɛɾ.tu/ | :: smart, intelligent |
esperto {adj} | :: witty, clever, ingenious |
esperto como uma raposa {adj} [simile] | :: sly as a fox (very sly) |
espesso {adj} /iʃ.ˈ | :: dense, compact, opaque |
espesso {adj} | :: thick |
espesso {adj} | :: leafy |
espessura {f} /iʃ.pɨ.ˈsu.ɾɐ/ | :: thickness, width |
espessura {f} | :: density |
espetacular {adj} /(i)ʃpɛ.tɐ.kuˈlaɾ/ | :: spectacular (amazing or worthy of special attention) |
espetacular {adj} [colloquial] | :: excellent, wicked |
espetacularmente {adv} | :: spectacularly |
espetáculo {m} /iʃ.pɛ.ˈ | :: show, spectacle |
espetador {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of espectador |
espetar {v} /ˈta(ʁ)/ | :: to spit (to impale on a spit) |
espetar {v} | :: to prick; to pierce; to puncture |
espeto {m} /iʃ.ˈpe.tu/ | :: skewer; spit (long pin used to secure food during cooking) |
espeto {m} [figuratively] | :: a slender and tall person |
espêto {m} | :: superseded spelling of espeto |
espetro {m} [European orthography] | :: alternative form of espectro |
espevitado {adj} | :: sassy (bold and spirited) |
espezinhar {v} | :: to tread; to trample |
esphenoide {m} | :: obsolete spelling of esfenoide |
esphera {f} | :: obsolete spelling of esfera |
Esphinge {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Esfinge |
Esphynge {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Esfinge |
espiã {f} | :: feminine noun of espião |
espião {m} | :: spy (person who secretly watches) |
espiar {v} /ˌes.pi.ˈa(ɻ)/ | :: to spy (to act as a spy) |
espiar {v} | :: to peek; to peep |
espichando {v} | :: gerund of espichar |
espichar {v} | :: to broach |
espicho {m} | :: a wooden stick used to cover a hole on a pot or similar object |
espicho {m} [figuratively] | :: a slender and tall person |
espículo {m} /es.ˈpi.ku.lo/ | :: a sharp point |
espículo {m} | :: the point of a rod used to drive cattle |
espículo {m} | :: needle |
espículo {m} | :: spiculum (a type of throwing spear) |
espiga {f} [botany] /iʃ.ˈpi.ɣɐ/ | :: spike (ear of grain) |
espina bífida {f} | :: alternative form of espinha bífida |
espinafre {m} /iʃpiˈnafɾɨ/ | :: spinach |
espinal {adj} | :: alternative form of espinhal |
espinela {f} [mineral] /(ɨ)ʃpiˈnɛlɐ/ | :: spinel (any of several hard minerals of cubic symmetry that are mixed oxides of magnesium and aluminium) |
espineta {f} [musical instruments] | :: spinet (short, compact harpsichord) |
espingarda {f} /(ɨ)ʃ.pĩˈɡaɾ.ðɐ/ | :: rifle (firearm with long barrel) |
espingarda {f} [Brazil] | :: shotgun |
espinha {f} /(ɨ)ʃˈpiɲɐ/ | :: backbone |
espinha {f} | :: pimple |
espinha bífida {f} [teratology] | :: spina bifida (birth defect resulting in a cleft in the spinal column) |
espinhaço {m} [anatomy] /es.piˈɲasu/ | :: spine |
espinhaço {m} [geography] | :: ridge |
espinha dorsal {f} | :: vertebral column, backbone |
espinhal {adj} | :: spinal |
espinhão {m} | :: augmentative of espinho |
espinheiro {m} | :: bramble (or similar thorny bush) |
espinheiro-preto {m} | :: viburnum (any plant of the genus Viburnum) |
espinheiro-preto {m} | :: black hawthorn; European buckthorn (Rhamnus lycioides, a shrub of the Mediterranean region) |
espinheiro-preto {m} | :: Acacia glomerosa, a tree of Brazil |
espinheiro-preto {m} | :: Mimosa tenuiflora, a tree or shrub of the Americas known for its medicinal properties |
espinhento {adj} | :: thorny (having thorns) |
espinho {m} /ɨʃ.ˈpi.ɲu/ | :: thorn (sharp protective spine of a plant) |
espinho {m} [by extension] | :: any sharp point |
espinho {m} [botany, specifically] | :: a thorn which grows from the woody core of a plant, as opposed to an acúleo, which grows from the epidermis |
Espinho {prop} {m} /(ɨ)ʃˈpiɲu/ | :: Espinho (city/and/municipality) |
espinho agulha {m} | :: alternative spelling of espinho-agulha |
espinho-agulha {m} [Brazil] | :: a small bush with needle-like thorns. The exact species varying from region to region |
espinho branco {m} | :: alternative spelling of espinho-branco |
espinho-branco {m} [Brazil] | :: the common name of several thorny plants in the Mimosoideae subfamily characterised by white flowers |
espinho-de-agulha {m} | :: alternative form of espinho-agulha |
espinho-de-carneiro {m} | :: spiny cocklebur (Xanthium spinosa) |
espinho de cerca {m} | :: alternative spelling of espinho-de-cerca |
espinho-de-cerca {m} | :: Mimosa bimucronata, a small South American tree |
espinho-de-cristo {m} | :: Gleditsia amorphoides, a tree |
espinho de Cristo {m} | :: alternative spelling of espinho-de-cristo |
espinho-de-jerusalém {m} | :: Parkinsonia aculeata, a tree |
espinho de Jerusalém {m} | :: alternative spelling of espinho-de-jerusalém |
espinho de maricá {m} | :: alternative form of espinho-de-maricá |
espinho-de-maricá {m} | :: Mimosa bimucronata, a small South American tree |
espinhoso {adj} | :: prickly; thorny (covered with sharp points) |
espinhozinho {m} | :: diminutive of espinho |
Espinosa {prop} | :: Espinosa (municipality) |
espionagem {f} | :: espionage, spying |
espionagem industrial {f} | :: industrial espionage (use of clandestine methods to acquire secret information for commercial advantage) |
espionar {vi} | :: to spy (to obtain information surreptitiously) |
espira {f} | :: turn (single loop of a coil) |
espiral {f} [geometry] | :: spiral |
espiral de Arquimedes {f} [mathematics] | :: Archimedean spiral (a spiral that increases in distance from the point of origin at a constant rate) |
espírita {mf} | :: a spiritist (follower of Spiritism) |
espiritismo {m} | :: Spiritism, Kardecism (a religious and philosophical doctrine developed by Allan Kardec) |
espírito {m} /iʃ.ˈpi.ɾi.tu/ | :: spirit (the soul of a person or other living being) |
espírito {m} | :: ghost |
espírito {m} | :: nature; characteristic |
espírito áspero {m} [orthography] | :: spiritus asper (diacritic mark used in Ancient Greek) |
espírito familiar {m} | :: familiar (attendant spirit) |
espírito faminto {m} [Buddhism, Chinese folk religion] | :: hungry ghost (a type of supernatural being) |
espírito-santense {adj} | :: of, from, or relating to Espírito Santo, a state of Brazil |
espírito-santense {adj} [dated] | :: of, from, or relating to Vitória, the capital of that state |
espírito-santense {n} | :: a person from the Brazilian state of Espírito Santo |
Espírito Santo {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Holy Ghost; Holy Spirit (one of the three figures of the Holy Trinity) |
Espírito Santo {prop} {m} | :: Espírito Santo (state) |
Espírito Santo do Dourado {prop} | :: Espírito Santo do Dourado (municipality) |
Espírito Santo do Pinhal {prop} | :: Espírito Santo do Pinhal (municipality) |
Espírito Santo do Turvo {prop} {m} | :: Espírito Santo do Turvo (municipality) |
espiritual {adj} /iʃ.pi.ɾi.ˈtwaɫ/ | :: spiritual |
espiritualidade {f} | :: spirituality (concern with spiritual matters) |
espiritualismo {m} | :: spiritualism (the philosophic doctrine opposing materialism) |
espiritualismo {m} | :: spiritualism (the belief that the dead communicate with the living through mediums) |
espiritualista {adj} | :: spiritualist (pertaining to spiritualism) |
espiritualista {mf} [spiritualism] | :: spiritualist (one who practices spiritualism) |
espiritualizando {v} | :: gerund of espiritualizar |
espiritualizar {v} | :: to spiritualize |
espiritualizar {v} | :: to distil (to isolate an essence) |
espiritualmente {adv} | :: spiritually |
espirobol {m} | :: tetherball |
espirómetro {m} [European orthography, medicine] | :: spirometer (medical device that measures the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs) |
espirômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of espirómetro |
espirradeira {f} | :: oleander (Nerium oleander, a poisonous shrub) |
espirrar {v} /iʃ.piˈʁaɾ/ | :: to sneeze |
espirro {m} /iʃˈpiʁu/ | :: sneeze |
espital {m} | :: obsolete form of hospital |
esplanada {f} | :: esplanade (a clear, level space) |
esplanada {f} | :: sidewalk cafe, patio (an outdoor portion of a restaurant or cafe) |
Esplanada {prop} | :: Esplanada (municipality) |
esplâncnico {adj} [medicine] | :: splanchnic (relating to the viscera) |
esplêndido {adj} /(i)ʃ.ˈplẽ.di.ðu/ | :: splendid |
esplendor {m} /iʃ.plẽ.ˈdoɾ/ | :: splendour, shine, brilliance |
esplendor {m} | :: shine (excellence in quality or appearance) |
esplendor {m} | :: pomp, magnificence |
esplenectomia {f} [surgery] | :: splenectomy (surgical removal of the spleen) |
esplim {m} [Brazil] | :: spleen; bad mood |
espocar {v} | :: alternative form of espoucar |
espojando {v} | :: gerund of espojar |
espojar {v} | :: to wallow |
espoleta {f} | :: fuse (for an explosive) |
espoliar {vt} | :: to plunder; to loot (to take an enemy’s possessions by force) |
espólio {m} | :: booty; plunder; loot; spoil (goods taken from defeated enemies) |
espólio {m} | :: estate; collection; legacy |
espondeu {m} | :: spondee (word or metrical foot of two syllables) |
espondilite {f} [disease] | :: spondylitis (inflammation of the spine) |
espondilite anquilosante {f} [disease] | :: ankylosing spondylitis (arthritis that affects the joints between vertebrae and the sacroiliac joint) |
esponja {f} /ɨʃˈpõʒɐ/ | :: sponge (marine invertebrate with a porous skeleton) |
esponja {f} | :: sponge (piece of porous material used for washing) |
esponja de aço {f} | :: steel wool (pads of fine strips of steel used as an abrasive) |
esponsais {mp} | :: betrothal (mutual promise, engagement, or contract for a future marriage) |
esponsal {adj} /iʃ.põ.ˈsaɫ/ | :: espousal |
esponsal {adj} | :: related to husband |
esponsal {adj} | :: affinity of souls |
espontaneamente {adv} | :: spontaneously, naturally, freely |
espontaneidade {f} | :: spontaneity |
espontâneo {adj} | :: spontaneous |
espora {f} /(ɨ)ʃˈpɔɾɐ/ | :: spur (implement that is fixed to one’s heel for prodding horses) |
espora {f} | :: spur (naturally growing spike of an animal) |
espora {f} [figuratively] | :: stimulus, incentive |
esporadicamente {adv} | :: sporadically |
esporádico {adj} | :: sporadic |
esporão {m} | :: spur |
esporão {m} [botany] | :: outgrowth of tissue on plant organs |
esporão {m} [zoology] | :: naturally growing spike of an animal |
esporão {m} [medicine, zoology] | :: any protuberance in a body |
esporão {m} [nautical] | :: the salient part of a ship's bow |
esporar {v} | :: to spur (to prod with a spur) |
espório {m} | :: alternative form of esporo |
esporo {m} /is.ˈpɔ.ɾu/ | :: spore (reproductive particle) |
esporrar {v} | :: to cum (to have an orgasm; to ejaculate) |
esporro {f} [slang] | :: scolding; reproach; reprimand (violent criticizing) |
esporro {f} [slang] | :: slam |
esporro {f} [slang, vulgar] | :: the act of cumming, especially in large amounts |
esporte {m} [Brazil] /is.ˈpɔʁ.tʃi/ | :: sport |
esporte de contato {m} [sports, Brazil] | :: contact sport (sport involving physical contact) |
esportista {mf} | :: sportsperson |
esportivo {adj} [Brazil] | :: sporting, sports |
esposa {f} /iʃ.ˈpo.zɐ/ | :: feminine noun of esposo, wife |
esposa {f} | :: (usually in plural) handcuffs |
esposar {v} | :: to espouse |
esposar {v} | :: to unite in marriage |
esposar {vp} | :: to marry |
esposar {v} | :: to plight |
Esposende {prop} {f} /(ɨ)ʃpɔˈzẽd(ɨ)/ | :: Esposende (city/and/municipality) |
esposo {m} /iʃ.ˈpo.zu/ | :: husband, male spouse |
espoucar {v} | :: to pop, burst or flash |
espreguiçadeira {f} | :: lounger (long chair for lounging) |
espreguiçar {v} | :: to stretch |
espreguiçar-se {vr} | :: to stretch (to extend one’s limbs or body in order to stretch the muscles) |
esprei {m} | :: rare spelling of spray |
espreitador {m} | :: peeper (someone who peeps) |
espreitando {v} | :: gerund of espreitar |
espreitar {vt} /iʃ.pɾɐj.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to peek at; to peer (to observe while hidden) |
espreitar {vi} | :: to lurk (to move about in hiding) |
espreitar {vt} | :: to analyse; to examine (to inspect carefully or critically) |
espremedor {m} | :: squeezer (device for squeezing things) |
espremer {v} | :: to squeeze (to apply pressure to from two or more sides at once) |
esprinte {m} | :: sprint |
espruce {m} | :: spruce (tree from the genus Picea) |
espuma {f} /isˈpũmɐ/ | :: foam; froth (mass of bubbles) |
espuma {f} | :: spittle (frothy saliva) |
espumadeira {f} | :: skimmer (slotted spoon) |
espumante {adj} | :: sparkling |
espumante {adj} | :: bubbly, fizzy, gassy |
espumar {v} | :: to froth |
espumoso {adj} | :: frothy; foamy |
Espumoso {prop} | :: Espumoso (municipality) |
espúrio {adj} | :: spurious; false; not authentic |
espúrio {adj} | :: spurious; illegitimate; bastard |
esputinique {m} [rare] | :: alternative form of sputnik |
esquadra {f} [nautical] | :: fleet |
esquadra {f} | :: squad |
esquadrão {m} | :: squadron |
esquadrão {m} | :: squad |
esquadrinhar {vt} | :: to investigate in detail |
esquadro {m} | :: set square (tool used to draw right angles) |
esqualidez {f} | :: squalor (the state of being squalid) |
esqualor {m} | :: squalor (the state of being squalid) |
esquecediço {adj} | :: alternative form of esquecidiço |
esquecer {v} /iʃ.kɛ.ˈseɾ/ | :: to forget |
esquecidiço {adj} | :: forgetful; oblivious (tending to forget things) |
esquecido {adj} /iʃ.kɛ.ˈsi.ðu/ | :: forgotten |
esquecido {adj} | :: forgetful |
esquecido {m} | :: forgetter, a forgetful person |
esquecimento {m} | :: forgetfulness |
esquecimento {m} | :: oblivion |
esquecível {adj} | :: forgettable |
esqueite {m} | :: rare form of skate |
esqueitista {mf} | :: alternative spelling of skatista |
esqueletal {adj} | :: skeletal |
esquelético {adj} [anatomy] | :: skeletal |
esqueleto {m} [anatomy] /ɨʃ.kɨ.ˈle.tu/ | :: skeleton (bones of an organism) |
esqueleto {m} [fiction] | :: skeleton (undead) |
esqueleto {m} [figuratively, pejorative] | :: a very thin person |
esqueleto {m} | :: frame; framework |
esqueleto articulado {m} | :: See: pt esqueleto articulado |
esqueleto articulado {m} [paleontology] | :: articulated skeleton (skeleton found with the bones arranged in the proper order) |
esquema {m} /is.ˈke.mɐ/ | :: scheme (orderly combination of related parts) |
esquema {m} | :: scheme (chart or diagram) |
esquema {m} | :: scheme (secret, devious plan) |
esquentado {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: irritable, irascible (easily angry) |
esquentando {v} | :: gerund of esquentar |
esquentar {v} | :: to warm, heat (up) |
esquentar banco {v} [idiomatic, sports, rare] | :: to ride the pine (to not be used in a game) |
esquerda {f} /iʃ.ˈkeɾ.ðɐ/ | :: left (side) |
esquerda {f} | :: left (politics) |
esquerda {f} [Brazil] | :: the Brazilian political left; a general term for parties associated with left-wing ideologies |
esquerda {mf} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: leftist (a person who follows or sympathizes with left-wing politics or the Brazilian left) |
esquerdalha {f} [politics] | :: leftists as a whole; all the leftists of a region or movement |
esquerdar {v} [politics, neologism, Brazil] | :: to support leftist political views or ideas |
esquerdino {adj} /iʃ.kɨɾ.ˈð | :: left-handed |
esquerdino {adj} | :: left-footed |
esquerdismo {m} | :: leftism (movement pro- or belief in left-wing politics) |
esquerdista {adj} | :: left, left-wing, leftist (pertaining to the political left) |
esquerdista {mf} [person, politics] | :: left-winger, leftist (a person who belongs to the political left; a member of the left wing of a party or group) |
esquerdo {adj} /iʃ.ˈkeɾ.ðu/ | :: Toward the left side; left-hand; left |
esquerdo {adj} [politics] | :: Pertaining to the political left; left-wing; left |
esquerdomacho {m} | :: brocialist |
esquerdomacho {m} | :: a "fake mangina", who fakes feminist or otherwise leftist political opinions in order to attract women |
esquerdopata {adj} [Brazil, politics, pejorative] | :: left-wing extremist; fanatic about left-wing ideals |
esquerdopata {adj} [Brazil, politics, pejorative] | :: leftist (at any degree) |
esquerdopata {mf} [Brazil, politics, pejorative] | :: a left-wing extremist; a fanatic about left-wing ideals |
esquerdopata {mf} [Brazil, politics, pejorative] | :: leftist (at any degree) |
esquete {f} {m} /is.ˈkɛ.tʃi/ | :: sketch (short musical, dramatic or literary work or idea) |
esqui {m} /es.ˈki/ | :: ski (one of a pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow or water) |
esqui {m} [sports] | :: skiing |
esquiação {f} [sports] | :: skiing (the sport or activity of using skis) |
esquiador {m} | :: skier (someone who practices skiing) |
esquiadora {f} | :: feminine noun of esquiador |
esqui alpino {m} [skiing] | :: alpine skiing (downhill skiing) |
esqui aquático {m} | :: water ski (type of ski used for skiing on water) |
esqui aquático {m} [uncountable] | :: water skiing (the sport of skiing on water) |
esquiar {vi} | :: to ski |
esquila {f} [regional] | :: shear (the act of shearing an animal) |
esquila {f} | :: feminine noun of esquilo |
esquilar {v} [regional] | :: to shear (to remove the fleece of sheep) |
esquiliano {adj} [literature] | :: Aeschylean (relating to Aeschylus) |
esquilo {m} | :: squirrel (any of the rodents of the family Sciuridae distinguished by their large bushy tail) |
Ésquilo {prop} {m} /ˈɛ | :: historical given name |
esquilo vermelho {m} | :: See: pt esquilo vermelho |
esquilo vermelho {m} | :: red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) |
esquilo voador {m} | :: flying squirrel (any of several species of squirrel able to glide) |
esquimau {mf} | :: obsolete spelling of esquimó |
esquimó {mf} /ˌˈmɔ/ | :: Eskimo (individual) |
esquimó {mf} [uncountable] | :: Eskimo (any of several languages) |
esquimó {adj} | :: Eskimo |
esquina {f} /ɨʃ.ˈki.nɐ/ | :: angle (corner where two walls intersect) |
esquina {f} | :: corner (of a street) |
esquírola {f} [medicine, dated] | :: fragment (small piece of bone that breaks off in a fracture) |
esquírola {f} [literary] | :: chip; shard |
Esquiros {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Skyros |
esquisito {adj} /iʃkiˈzitu/ | :: eerie, weird, peculiar, strange |
esquistossomo {m} | :: schistosome (any worm of the genus Schistosoma) |
esquistossomose {f} /es.ˌˈmɔ.ze/ | :: schistosomiasis (various diseases) |
esquiva {f} [uncountable, psychology] | :: the avoidance of social contact |
esquiva {f} | :: a defensive move in capoeira |
esquivamente {adv} | :: asocially |
esquivamento {m} [uncountable, psychology] | :: the avoidance of social contact |
esquivamento {m} | :: the act of avoiding an issue |
esquivança {f} | :: contempt towards someone |
esquivança {f} [uncountable, psychology] | :: the avoidance of social contact |
esquivando {v} | :: gerund of esquivar |
esquivante {adj} | :: which avoids an issue |
esquivar {v} | :: to eschew, to shun |
esquivar {v} | :: to avoid (to keep away from) |
esquivar {v} | :: to swerve (turn aside or deviate to avoid impact) |
esquivez {f} | :: the avoidance of social contact |
esquiveza {f} | :: untamability (quality of not being tamable) |
esquivo {adj} | :: asocial (not sociable) |
esquivo {adj} | :: elusive (evading capture or comprehension) |
esquivo {adj} | :: untamable (incapable of being controlled, subdued, or tamed) |
esquivoso {adj} | :: asocial (not sociable) |
esquizofrenia {f} | :: schizophrenia |
esquizofrénico {adj} [European orthography, psychology] | :: schizophrenic (pertaining to or afflicted with schizophrenia) |
esquizofrénico {m} [European orthography] | :: schizophrenic (person suffering from schizophrenia) |
esquizofrênico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of esquizofrénico |
esquizofrênico {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of esquizofrénico |
essa {determiner} /ˈɛ.sɐ/ | :: feminine singular of esse |
essa {pron} | :: feminine singular of esse |
essa {f} | :: catafalque (platform to display or convey a coffin) |
essa Coca é Fanta {phrase} [offensive, idiom] | :: Said to announce that a man is gay or effeminate |
essa é velha {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: been there, done that (assertion that the speaker has personal knowledge of a particular topic) |
-esse {suffix} /ˈɛ.si/ | :: -ess |
esse {determiner} /ˈe.sɨ/ | :: that (near you) |
esse {determiner} | :: [Brazil] this (near me) |
esse {pron} | :: that, that one (near you) |
esse {pron} | :: that (that one); this (this one) (indicates something already mentioned or understood from context) |
esse {m} /ˈɛ.sɨ/ | :: letter: s |
esse {m} | :: something shaped like the letter S |
êsse {pron} | :: superseded spelling of esse |
essência {f} /i.ˈsẽ.sjɐ/ | :: essence (all senses) |
essência {f} | :: gist, substance |
essencial {adj} /isẽˈsjaɫ/ | :: essential |
essencial {adj} | :: important |
essencial {adj} | :: main, principal |
essencial {adj} | :: fundamental |
essencialidade {f} | :: essentiality |
essencialismo {m} [philosophy] | :: essentialism (view that objects have properties that are essential to them) |
essencialmente {adv} | :: essentially |
essencialmente {adv} | :: primarily |
essencialmente {adv} | :: substantially |
esses dias {adv} [idiomatic] | :: the other day; recently |
és-sudeste {m} | :: alternative form of este-sudeste |
és-sueste {m} | :: alternative form of este-sudeste |
esta {determiner} /ˈɛʃ.tɐ/ | :: feminine singular of este |
esta {pron} | :: feminine singular of este |
estabanado {adj} | :: clumsy |
estabelecer {v} /ˈse(ʁ)/ | :: to establish |
estabelecido {adj} /ˌes.ta.ˌbe.le.ˈsi.du/ | :: established |
estabelecido {adj} | :: stable |
estabelecido {adj} | :: signed |
estabelecido {adj} | :: fixed |
estabelecimento {m} /es.ˌˌˈmẽ.to/ | :: establishment (the act of establishing) |
estabelecimento {m} | :: a commercial building |
está bem {interj} | :: all right (used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent) |
estabilidade {f} | :: stability (condition of being stable) |
estabilizador {adj} | :: stabilizing |
estabilizador {m} | :: stabilizer |
estabilizador {m} | :: surge protector |
estabilizante {adj} | :: stabilizing |
estabilizar {vt} | :: to stabilize |
establishment {prop} {m} | :: establishment (ruling authority) |
está bom {interj} | :: all right (used to affirm, indicate agreement, or consent) |
estábulo {m} | :: stable (building for horses) |
estaca {f} /iʃ.ˈta.kɐ/ | :: stake (pointed piece of wood) |
estaca {f} [agriculture] | :: cutting (piece of a branch removed from a plant and cultivated to grow a new plant) |
estação {f} /iʃ.tɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: season |
estação {f} | :: station |
estação {f} | :: train station |
Estação {prop} | :: Estação (municipality) |
estação de correios {f} | :: post office (place concerned with the business of delivering mail) |
estação de esqui {f} | :: ski resort (resort for skiers) |
estação de ônibus {f} [Brazil] | :: bus station (major bus stop, one that serves as a transfer point between a large number of routes) |
estação de rádio {f} | :: radio station (broadcast station emitting an audio signal) |
estação de trabalho {f} | :: workstation (powerful desktop computer) |
estação de trem {f} [rail transport, Brazil] | :: railway station (place where trains stop) |
estação espacial {f} | :: space station (manned artificial satellite) |
estação móvel {f} | :: See: pt estação móvel |
estação móvel {f} [telecommunications] | :: mobile station (mobile equipment) |
estacar {vt} | :: to stake (fasten, support, or defend with stakes) |
estacar {vt} | :: to stop or interrupt suddenly |
estacionamento {m} /iʃtɐsjunɐˈmẽtu/ | :: parking (action) |
estacionamento {m} | :: car park |
estacionar {v} /iʃtɐsjuˈnaɾ/ | :: to stand still for a long time |
estacionar {v} | :: to park (bring to a halt) |
estacionário {adj} | :: stationary (not moving) |
estacionário {adj} | :: stationary (incapable of being moved) |
estacionário {adj} | :: stationary (not changing) |
estadia {f} | :: stay, sojourn |
estádio {m} /isˈtad͡ʒju/ | :: stadium |
estadista {mf} | :: statesman / stateswoman (person who is a leader in national or international affairs) |
estado {m} [political subdivision] /(i)ʃ.ˈta.ðu/ | :: state (subdivision of a nation) |
estado {m} [uncountable] | :: state, government |
estado {m} | :: status, condition, standing |
estado absoluto {m} [grammar] | :: absolute state (in the Semitic languages, the state of a noun that is not grammatically linked to another noun) |
estado assistencial {m} | :: welfare state (a state that takes overall responsibility for the welfare of its citizens) |
estado civil {m} | :: marital status |
estado da arte {m} | :: state of the art (the highest existing level of development of a technology) |
Estado da Cidade do Vaticano {prop} {m} | :: Estado da Cidade do Vaticano (country) |
Estado da Eritreia {prop} {m} | :: Estado da Eritreia (country) |
estado da matéria {m} [chemistry] | :: state of matter (different phases of matter: solid, liquid, gas, etc.) |
estado de bem-estar {m} | :: welfare state (a state that takes overall responsibility for the welfare of its citizens) |
estado de bem-estar social {m} | :: welfare state (a state that takes overall responsibility for the welfare of its citizens) |
estado de direito {m} [politics] | :: nation of laws (nation-state subject to rule of law) |
Estado de Israel {prop} {m} | :: Estado de Israel (country) |
Estado do Catar {prop} {m} | :: Estado do Catar (country) |
estado insular {m} | :: island state (state consisting only of an island or islands) |
Estado Islâmico {prop} {m} | :: Islamic State (Sunni jihadist group active primarily in Syria and Iraq) |
Estado Islâmico {prop} {m} | :: Estado Islâmico (caliphate/and/separatist state) |
Estado Livre Associado de Porto Rico {prop} {m} | :: the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico |
Estado Livre de Orange {prop} {m} | :: Estado Livre de Orange (former province) |
Estado Livre de Orange {prop} {m} | :: Estado Livre de Orange (former republic) |
Estado Novo {prop} {m} [historical, politics] | :: The period in the history of Brazil starting with president Getúlio Vargas's coup d'état in 10 November 1937 and including the presidency of his successor José Linhares, which ended in 31 January 1946 |
estado policial {m} | :: police state (nation whose government controls people with the police) |
Estados Confederados da América {prop} {mp} [historical] | :: Estados Confederados da América (former separatist state) |
Estados Federados da Micronésia {prop} {mp} | :: Estados Federados da Micronésia (country) |
Estados Papais {prop} {mp} | :: Estados Papais (former country) |
Estados Unidos {prop} {mp} /isˈta.duz‿uˈni.dus/ | :: United States |
Estados Unidos {prop} {mp} | :: Estados Unidos (country) |
Estados Unidos {prop} {mp} | :: Any federation composed of states and officially named so, such as the United States of Brazil |
Estados Unidos da América {prop} {mp} /ɨʃˈtaðuz uniˈðuʒ dɐ aˈmɛɾikɐ/ | :: Estados Unidos da América (country) |
estado-unidense {mf} /is.ta.du.niˈdej̃.si̥/ | :: citizen of the United States of America |
estado-unidense {adj} | :: American (of or pertaining to the U.S. or its culture), Usonian, of the United States of America |
estadual {adj} | :: of or relating to a state |
estadunidense {adj} | :: alternative form of estado-unidense |
estafeta {mf} | :: courier (person who delivers messages) |
estagiando {v} | :: gerund of estagiar |
estagiar {v} | :: to apprentice |
estagiária {f} | :: feminine noun of estagiário |
estagiário {m} | :: intern (a student or recent graduate who works in order to gain experience in their chosen field) |
estágio {m} /is.ˈta.ʒju/ | :: phase, stage |
estágio {m} | :: apprenticeship |
estagnação {f} | :: stagnation (lack of circulation in a fluid) |
estagnação {f} | :: stagnation (lack of change or activity) |
estagnado {adj} | :: stagnant; stale (lacking freshness and flow) |
estagnado {adj} [figurative] | :: stagnant; stale (no longer new or interesting) |
estagnar {v} | :: to stagnate (to cease moving or flowing) |
estagnar {v} | :: to stagnate (to cease activity) |
estala {f} [obsolete] | :: stable (building where horses are kept) |
estala {f} [obsolete, ecclesiastical] | :: a monk’s or canon’s seat |
estalactite {f} | :: stalactite |
estalagem {f} /iʃ.tɐ.ˈla.ʒɐ̃j̃/ | :: inn |
estalagmite {f} | :: stalagmite |
estalajadeiro {m} | :: innkeeper (person who runs an inn) |
estalando {v} | :: gerund of estalar |
estalar {v} /iʃ.tɐ.ˈlaɾ/ | :: to click, snap |
estalar {v} | :: to break |
estaleiro {m} [nautical] | :: shipyard (place to build and repair ships) |
estaleiro {m} [by extension] | :: construction site |
estalido {m} | :: a cracking or clicking sound |
Estaline {prop} {m} | :: Stalin (Soviet leader) |
estalinismo {m} | :: alternative form of stalinismo |
estalinista {adj} | :: Stalinist (of, relating to, or resembling Stalin) |
estalinista {adj} | :: Stalinist (of or relating to Stalinism) |
estalinista {mf} | :: Stalinist (person who accepts Stalinism) |
estambre {m} | :: worsted (fine smooth wool fabric) |
Estambul {prop} {f} | :: dated spelling of Istambul |
estame {m} [botany] | :: stamen (a flower part that produces pollen) |
estamina {f} | :: stamina (strength for continuing to do something over a period of time) |
estâmina {f} | :: alternative form of estamina |
estamos conversados? {phrase} | :: Do I make myself clear? (asking if the interlocutor understood a conversation) |
estamos quites {phrase} /iʃˈtɐ.muʃ ˈki.tɨʃ/ | :: We are even |
estampa ilustrada {f} | :: an illustrated card |
estampa ilustrada {f} [cards] | :: a trading card |
estampando {v} | :: gerund of estampar |
estampar {vt} | :: to stamp (mark by pressing quickly and heavily) |
estampido {m} | :: bang (sudden percussive noise) |
estanato {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: stannate |
estancar {vt} | :: to staunch (to stop the loss of blood) |
estancar {vt} [figurative] | :: to staunch (to stop, check, or deter an action) |
estancar {vip} | :: to stop |
estância {m} /(ɨ)ʃˈtɐ̃sjɐ/ | :: stanza, verse |
estância {m} | :: resort |
estância {m} | :: estate, ranch, farm |
Estância Velha {prop} | :: Estância Velha (municipality) |
estandardização {f} | :: standardization (process of establishing a standard) |
estandardizar {v} | :: to standardise (to establish a standard) |
estandardizar {v} | :: to standardise (to make to conform to a standard) |
estandarte {m} /iʃtɐ̃ˈdaɾtɨ/ | :: banner, flag |
estande {m} | :: stand (small booth) |
estande {m} | :: stall (a small open-fronted shop) |
estanhar {vt} | :: to tin (to cover with tin) |
estanho {m} /iʃˈtɐɲu/ | :: tin |
estânico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: stannic |
Estanislau {prop} {m} | :: given name |
estanita {f} [mineral] | :: stannite |
estante {f} /iʃ.ˈtɐ̃.tɨ/ | :: rack (series of shelves) |
estapafúrdico {adj} | :: alternative form of estapafúrdio |
estapafúrdio {adj} | :: bizarre; strange |
estapagado {m} | :: Manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus, a seabird of the Atlantic) |
estapédio {m} [skeleton, dated] /es.ta.ˈpɛ.d͡ʒi.o/ | :: stapes |
estaquia {f} [agriculture] /es.ta.ˈki.ɐ/ | :: the planting of tree cuttings |
estar {v} /iʃ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: [em, -another locational preposition] to be (indicates location in space) |
estar {v} | :: [copulative] to be (denotes a transient quality; a quality expected to change) |
estar {v} | :: [a] to be (forms the progressive aspect) |
estar {vt} | :: to cost (to be worth a certain amount of money), especially of something whose price changes often |
estar bombando {vi} [slang, Brazil] | :: to pump (to be going very well) |
estar cansado de saber {v} [idiom] | :: to know very well |
estar com {v} [Brazil] | :: To possess, have, or have in possession |
estar com a pulga atrás da orelha {v} [idiom] | :: to distrust, to mistrust; to smell a rat |
estar com bicho-carpinteiro {v} [idiomatic] | :: to have ants in one's pants (to be agitated and fidgety) |
estar com tudo {v} | :: to be well prepared or equipped |
estardalhaço {m} | :: din (loud commotion) |
estar para {v} | :: to stand for, to mean |
estarrecedor {adj} /ɪstaʁesëˈdoɾ/ | :: terrifying |
estarrecedor {adj} | :: astonishing, startling, alarming |
estarrecer {vt} /ɪstaʁëˈseɾ/ | :: to terrify, to frighten |
estarrecer {vr} | :: to be terrified |
estarrecido {adj} | :: speechless (not knowing what to say) |
Estarreja {prop} {f} /(ɨ)ʃtɐˈʁɐjʒɐ/ | :: Estarreja (city/and/municipality) |
estatal {adj} /(ɨ)ʃtɐˈtal/ | :: of, relating to or provided by the state (national government) |
estatal {f} | :: a government-owned company |
estática {f} [physics] | :: statics (branch of mechanics) |
estática {f} | :: static (atmospheric interference on a broadcast signal) |
estático {adj} | :: static (not moving or changing) |
estático {adj} [programming] | :: static (occupying memory allocated when a program is loaded) |
estatística {f} [uncountable] | :: statistics (mathematical science concerned with data collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation) |
estatística {f} | :: statistic (single item in a statistical study) |
estatística {f} | :: feminine noun of estatístico |
estatisticamente {adv} | :: statistically (in a statistical way) |
estatístico {m} | :: statistician (person who compiles, interprets, or studies statistics) |
estatístico {adj} | :: statistical (of or relating to statistics) |
estatizar {vt} [politics] | :: to nationalize (make a private asset public) |
estátua {f} /iʃ.ˈta.twɐ/ | :: statue (three-dimensional work of art) |
Estátua da Liberdade {prop} {f} | :: Statue of Liberty (large statue in New York harbour) |
estatueta {f} | :: statuette, figurine |
estatuindo {v} | :: gerund of estatuir |
estatuir {v} | :: to adjudicate |
estatu quo {m} | :: alternative form of status quo |
estatura {f} /iʃ.ta.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ | :: stature (a person's height) |
estatura {f} [figuratively] | :: competence |
estatus quo {m} | :: alternative form of status quo |
estatutário {adj} | :: statutory |
estatuto {m} /(ɨ)ʃtɐˈtutu/ | :: bylaw (law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization) |
estatuto {m} | :: status (a person’s position or standing relative to that of others) |
estável {adj} /iʃˈtavɛɫ/ | :: stable |
estavelmente {adv} | :: stably |
este {m} /ˈɛʃ.tɨ/ | :: east (one of the four principal compass points) |
este {adj} | :: eastern (of, situated in, or coming from the east) |
este {determiner} /ˈeʃ.tɨ/ | :: this (indicates something or someone nearby) |
este {determiner} | :: that (indicates something or someone just mentioned) |
este {determiner} | :: this (indicates something or someone about to be mentioned) |
este {determiner} [of a unit of time] | :: this (which is current) |
este {pron} | :: this one (indicates something or someone nearby) |
este {pron} | :: this one (indicates something or someone about to be mentioned) |
este {pron} [of a unit of time] | :: this (which is current) |
êste {pron} | :: superseded spelling of este |
estearato {m} [organic chemistry] | :: stearate |
esteganografia {f} | :: steganography |
estegossauro {m} | :: stegosaur |
esteio {m} /iʃ.ˈtɐj.u/ | :: prop, support |
esteio {m} | :: pillar |
esteio {m} [nautical] | :: mainstay |
Esteio {prop} | :: Esteio (municipality) |
esteira {f} /iʃ.ˈtɐj.ɾɐ/ | :: mat, matting |
esteira {f} | :: course, track |
esteira ergométrica {f} [Brazil] | :: treadmill (piece of indoor sporting equipment) |
esteira rolante {f} | :: conveyor belt (moving band used to transport objects) |
esteirinha {m} | :: place mat |
estelante {adj} [poetic] | :: starry (filled with stars) |
estelante {adj} [poetic] | :: shining like the stars |
estelar {adj} [astronomy] | :: stellar (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of stars) |
estelionatário {m} | :: embezzler |
estelionatário {m} | :: swindler |
estelionato {m} | :: embezzlement |
estêncil {m} | :: stencil |
estendal {m} | :: clothesline (rope or cord for drying clothes) |
estendarte {m} | :: obsolete form of estandarte |
estendedoiro {m} | :: alternative form of estendedouro |
estendedouro {m} | :: clothesline (rope or cord for drying clothes) |
estendendo {v} /iʃ.tẽ.ˈdẽ.du/ | :: gerund of estender |
estender {vt} /iʃ.tẽ.ˈdeɾ/ | :: to extend; to broaden; to widen (to increase the extent or size of) |
estender {vip} | :: [sometimes] to extend; to broaden; to widen (to increase in extent or size) |
estender {vt} | :: to extend (to cause to last longer) |
estender {vt} | :: to spread; to stretch (to set an object such that it covers more space) |
estender {vt} | :: to extend (to straighten a limb outwards) |
estender {vt} | :: to hang clothes or other objects to dry |
estender {vt} | :: to hand something over by extending one’s arm |
estenografar {vti} | :: stenograph (to write using shorthand) |
estenografia {f} | :: stenography (the practice of transcribing speech using shorthand) |
estenographar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of estenografar |
estenose {f} [medicine] | :: stenosis (abnormal narrowing or stricture in a blood vessel or other tubular organ) |
estepe {f} | :: steppe (the grasslands of Eastern Europe and Asia) |
estepe {f} | :: steppe (vast cold, dry grass-plains) |
estepe {m} [Brazil] | :: a vehicle’s spare tyre |
estequiometria {f} [chemistry] | :: stoichiometry |
estequiométrico {adj} | :: stoichiometric |
Ester {prop} {f} /es.ˈtɛʁ/ | :: given name |
Ester {prop} {f} [biblical character] | :: Esther (Jewish queen of the Persian king Ahasuerus) |
éster {m} [organic chemistry] | :: ester |
estercar {v} | :: to manure (to apply manure to a field or plant) |
esterco {m} | :: dung, manure |
estercorário {m} | :: dung beetle |
estercorário {m} | :: skua (predatory seabird of the family Stercorariidae) |
estercorário {adj} | :: of or relating to animal excrement |
estereotipando {v} | :: gerund of estereotipar |
estereotipar {v} | :: to stereotype (all senses) |
estereótipo {m} /ˌes.te.ɾe.ˈɔ.t͡ʃi.po/ | :: stereotype (a conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image) |
estereótipo {m} [typography] | :: stereotype |
estereotypo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of estereótipo |
estéril {adj} | :: barren, sterile (unable to bear children) |
estéril {adj} [agriculture] | :: infertile (soil where crops don't grow, or grow slowly) |
estéril {adj} | :: sterile, germless |
estéril {adj} | :: unproductive |
esterilidade {f} | :: sterility (all senses) |
esterilização {f} | :: sterilization |
esterilizando {v} | :: gerund of esterilizar |
esterilizar {v} | :: to sterilize |
esterilizável {adj} | :: sterilisable (able to be sterilised) |
esterlino {adj} | :: relating to the pound or the English money |
esterlino {m} | :: legal currency of Great Britain |
esterno {m} /es.ˈtɛɻ.no/ | :: breastbone, sternum |
esteroide {m} [biochemistry] | :: steroid (any organic compounds having a structure of 17 carbon atoms arranged in four rings) |
esteroide {m} | :: clipping of esteroide anabolizante |
esteróide {m} | :: obsolete spelling of esteroide |
esteroide anabólico {m} [steroid hormone] | :: anabolic steroid (steroid hormone that promotes muscle growth) |
esteróide anabólico {m} | :: obsolete spelling of esteroide anabólico |
esteroide anabolizante {m} [steroid hormone] | :: anabolic steroid (steroid hormone that promotes muscle growth) |
esteróide anabolizante {m} | :: obsolete spelling of esteroide anabolizante |
esterqueira {f} | :: dunghill, dung heap, muckheap (heap of dung for agricultural purposes) |
esterquilínio {m} | :: dunghill, dung heap, muckheap (heap of dung for agricultural purposes) |
esterrar {v} | :: alternative form of desterrar |
estertor {m} | :: raucus breathing |
estertor {m} [medicine] | :: an abnormal breathing sound heard during auscultation |
estesia {f} | :: sensitivity; esthesis |
este-sudeste {m} | :: east-southeast (compass point) |
este-sueste {m} | :: alternative form of este-sudeste |
esteta {mf} | :: aesthete (someone who has an unusually high sensitivity to beauty) |
estética {f} /(ɨ)ʃ.ˈtɛ.ti.kɐ/ | :: aesthetic (the study of art or beauty) |
esteticamente {adv} | :: aesthetically (in an aesthetic manner) |
esteticismo {m} | :: alternative form of estetismo |
esteticista {mf} | :: aesthetician (oneone who studies aesthetics) |
esteticista {mf} | :: beautician (someone who provides beauty treatments) |
estético {adj} /iʃ.ˈtɛ.ti.ku/ | :: aesthetic / esthetic |
estetismo {m} | :: aestheticism (doctrine which holds aesthetics as the highest ideal) |
estetização {f} | :: aestheticisation (the act or process of making aesthetic) |
estetizar {v} | :: to aestheticise (to make aesthetic) |
estetoscópio {m} [medicine] | :: stethoscope (medical instrument used to listen to sounds inside the body) |
esteva {f} /es.ˈte.vɐ/ | :: Cretan rockrose (Cistus creticus), a shrub that yields labdanum |
esteva {f} [agriculture] | :: stilt (handle of a plough) |
estêva {f} | :: obsolete spelling of esteva |
Estêvão {prop} {m} /es.ˈte.vɐ̃w̃/ | :: given name |
Estêvão {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Stephen (the first Christian martyr) |
estévia {f} | :: any plant of the genus Stevia |
esteyra {f} | :: obsolete spelling of esteira |
Esther {prop} {f} | :: given name |
esthetica {f} | :: obsolete spelling of estética |
estiagem {f} | :: drought |
estiagem {f} [figurative] | :: absence |
estiar {vi} [impersonal] | :: to stop raining; to be dry; to be there a drought |
estibina {f} [mineral] | :: stibnite |
estibordo {m} [nautical] | :: starboard |
esticar {vt} /iʃ.ti.ˈkaɾ/ | :: to stretch (lengthen by pulling) |
esticar {vi} | :: to stretch (to be longer, as by pulling) |
esticar {vt} [colloquial] | :: to extend |
esticar {vi} [, colloquial] | :: to die |
esticar as canelas {v} [idiomatic] | :: To die |
esticar o cambito {v} [idiomatic] | :: To die |
Estige {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Estige (mythological river) |
estígio {adj} | :: Stygian (of, or relating to the river Styx) |
estigma {m} | :: stigma (mark of infamy) |
estigma {m} [botany] | :: stigma (part of the pistil) |
estigmatização {f} | :: stigmatization |
estigmatizar {vt} | :: to stigmatize (to characterize as disgraceful or ignominious) |
estilete {m} /ˌiʃ.ti.ˈle.ti/ | :: craft knife |
estilete {m} | :: stiletto (small dagger) |
estilha {f} | :: splinter |
estilha {f} | :: chip |
estilha {f} | :: fragment |
estilhaçar {vt} | :: to shatter (to violently break something into pieces) |
estilhaçar {vi} | :: to shatter (to break into tiny pieces) |
estilhaço {m} | :: splinter |
estilhaço {m} | :: shard |
estilhaço {m} [especially, in the plural] | :: shrapnel |
estilingue {m} /ˌes.tʃi.ˈlĩ.ɡe/ | :: slingshot (weapon) |
estilizar {v} | :: to style (to create or give a style, fashion or image) |
estillo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of estilo |
estilo {m} /iʃ.ˈ | :: style (manner of doing things) |
estilo {m} | :: stylus (writing instrument) |
estilóbata {m} [Classical Greek architecture] | :: stylobate (top step of the crepidoma) |
estilóbato {m} | :: alternative form of estilóbata |
estilo borboleta {m} | :: butterfly stroke (swimming stroke) |
estilo de vida {m} | :: life style (style of living) |
estilo livre {m} | :: See: pt estilo livre |
estilo livre {m} | :: freestyle (swimming event in which the contestants may choose any stroke) |
estiloso {adj} | :: stylish |
estima {f} /iʃ.ˈti.mɐ/ | :: esteem, or respect |
estima {f} | :: affection |
estimação {f} | :: estimation (all senses) |
estimado {adj} | :: dear (formal way of addressing somebody at the beginning of a letter) |
estimar {v} | :: to estimate |
estimar {v} | :: to assess, evaluate, appraise |
estimar {v} | :: to esteem |
estimativa {f} | :: estimate |
estimativo {adj} | :: estimated |
estimulação {f} | :: stimulation (pushing or goading toward action) |
estimulação {f} | :: stimulation (activity causing excitement or pleasure) |
estimulador {m} /(ɨ)ʃtimulɐˈðoɾ/ | :: stimulator (one who incites) |
estimulante {adj} /(ɨ)ʃtimuˈlɐ̃tɨ/ | :: stimulating (that stimulates) |
estimulante {m} [pharmacology] | :: stimulant (substance acting to increase physiological or nervous activity in the body) |
estimulante {m} | :: stimulant (something promoting activity, interest or enthusiasm) |
estimular {v} | :: to stimulate |
estímulo {m} /es.ˈt͡ʃ | :: stimulus (anything that induces a person to take action) |
estímulo {m} [physiology] | :: stimulus (something external that elicits or influences a physiological or psychological activity or response) |
estímulo {m} [psychology] | :: stimulus (anything effectively impinging upon any of the sensory apparatuses of a living organism) |
estímulo {m} [economics] | :: stimulus (a policy that attempts to improve the economy) |
estio {m} /iʃ.ˈti.u/ | :: summer |
estio {m} | :: dry season |
estiolando {v} | :: gerund of estiolar |
estiolar {v} [botany] | :: to wither; to rot |
estiolar {v} [botany] | :: to etiolate |
estiolar {v} [figuratively] | :: to weaken, to fade away |
estípula {f} [botany] | :: stipule |
estipulação {f} | :: stipulation |
estipulando {v} | :: gerund of estipular |
estipulante {adj} | :: stipulating |
estipular {adj} | :: stipular |
estipular {v} | :: to stipulate |
estirando {v} | :: gerund of estirar |
estirão {m} | :: long path |
estireno {m} [organic chemistry] | :: styrene |
Estíria {prop} {f} | :: Estíria (state) |
estírio {adj} | :: Styrian (of, from or relating to Styria) |
estírio {m} | :: Styrian (someone from Styria) |
estirpe {f} | :: lineage, root |
estirpe {f} [biology] | :: strain |
Estiva {prop} | :: Estiva (municipality) |
estivação {f} [biology] | :: aestivation (state of inactivity during summer) |
estivação {f} | :: the loading and unloading of a ship’s cargo |
estivador {m} /is.ˌt͡ʃˈdoɻ/ | :: stevedore (dockworker involved in loading and unloading cargo) |
Estiva Gerbi {prop} | :: Estiva Gerbi (municipality) |
estival {adj} /iʃ.ti.ˈvaɫ/ | :: estival |
estival {adj} | :: summery |
estivando {v} | :: gerund of estivar |
estivar {v} /iʃ.ti.ˈvaɾ/ | :: to load (a ship) |
estivo-outonal {adj} | :: aestivoautumnal (happening in summer and autumn) |
estoa {f} [US] | :: store; shop |
estocada {f} [fencing] | :: thrust (an attack with a sword) |
estocar {v} | :: to stockpile (to store things in a stockpile) |
estocástico {adj} [mathematics] | :: stochastic (randomly determined) |
Estocolmo {prop} {f} | :: Estocolmo (capital city) |
estofa {f} | :: alternative form of estofo |
estofado {m} /ˈfa.du/ | :: upholstered furniture |
estofo {m} [upholstery] /es.ˈto.fu/ | :: the fabric covering of furniture |
estôfo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of estofo |
estoicismo {m} | :: stoicism (school of philosophy) |
estoico {m} [philosophy] | :: stoic (proponent of stoicism) |
estoico {adj} | :: stoic (of or relating to stoicism) |
estoico {adj} | :: stoic (not affected by pain or distress) |
estóico {m} | :: superseded spelling of estoico |
estóico {adj} | :: superseded spelling of estoico |
estoirar {v} | :: alternative form of estourar |
estoiro {m} | :: alternative form of estouro |
estojo {m} | :: case, pencil case |
estojo {m} | :: box, container |
estojo {m} | :: kit |
estojo {m} | :: set |
estojo {m} | :: chest |
estol {m} [aeronautics] /isˈtɔw/ | :: stall (loss of lift) |
estola {f} /iʃˈtɔlɐ/ | :: stole (religious clothing) |
estolar {v} [aeronautics] | :: to stall (to exceed the critical angle of attack, resulting in total loss of lift) |
estólido {adj} | :: stolid (having or revealing little emotion or sensibility) |
estoma {m} [botany] /ɨʃˈtomɐ/ | :: stoma (tiny pore in the epidermis of a leaf) |
estoma {m} [medicine] | :: stoma (surgically constructed opening) |
estomacal {adj} /ˈkaw/ | :: stomachal (relating to the stomach) |
estomacal {adj} | :: stomachic (beneficial to the stomach) |
estomachal {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of estomacal |
estômago {m} /ɨʃˈtomɐɣu/ | :: stomach (organ that stores food) |
estomatite {f} [pathology] | :: stomatitis |
Estónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] /ɨʃˈtɔniɐ/ | :: Estónia (country) |
Estônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Estónia |
estoniano {adj} | :: Estonian |
estoniano {m} [countable] | :: Estonian (person from Estonia) |
estoniano {m} [uncountable] | :: Estonian (language) |
estonteando {v} | :: gerund of estontear |
estontear {v} /iʃ.tõ.ˈtjaɾ/ | :: to stun, befuddle, dazzle |
estopa {m} | :: tow (an untwisted bundle of fibers) |
estopa {m} [nautical] | :: oakum (fibrous caulking material) |
estopim {m} /is.tu.ˈpĩ/ | :: fuse |
estopim {m} [figurative] | :: an important event that causes a succession of other events |
estoque {m} /is.ˈtɔ.ki/ | :: stockpile (supply for future use) |
estore {m} /iʃ.ˈtɔ.ɾɨ/ | :: blind, shade (for a window) |
estória {f} [chiefly proscribed] | :: alternative form of história; story (an account of real or fictional events) |
estorninho {m} | :: starling |
estorno {m} [banking] | :: chargeback (reversal of an accounting entry) |
estôrno {m} | :: obsolete spelling of estorno |
estorvar {vt} | :: to hinder; to hamper (to delay or impede movement or progress) |
estorvo {m} | :: hindrance |
estourar {v} /iʃtowˈɾaɾ/ | :: to burst, to pop (to break from internal pressure) |
estourar {v} | :: (of a herd) to flee or run |
estourar {v} [figuratively] | :: to lose one's temper |
estourar {v} | :: (usually of wars) to begin suddenly and violently |
estourar {v} [Brazil, slang] | :: to become popular quickly |
estourar {v} [computing] | :: to overflow |
estourar {v} | :: to go over a limit; of a deadline, to be missed |
estouro {m} /es.ˈto(w).ɾu/ | :: burst; blast; pop |
estouro {m} | :: an outburst of people or animals |
estouro {m} [figurative] | :: outburst (sudden and violent expression of emotion) |
estouro {m} [figurative] | :: an unexpected occurrence with wide repercussion |
estouro {m} [colloquial] | :: blast (a good time; an enjoyable moment) |
estoutro {contraction} [archaic] | :: contraction of este + outro |
estouvada {f} | :: feminine noun of estouvado |
estouvado {adj} | :: madcap; reckless; careless; heedless |
estouvado {adj} | :: frisky; larky; prankish; playful |
estouvado {m} | :: a careless individual |
estouvado {m} | :: a playful individual |
estovaína {f} [pharmacology] | :: amylocaine; Stovaine (a synthetic local anesthetic) |
Estrabão {prop} {m} | :: Strabo (ancient Greek geographer, historian and philosopher) |
estrábico {adj} | :: cross-eyed (having both eyes oriented inward) |
estrabismo {m} [ophthalmology] | :: strabismus; squint (inability to point both eyes to the same point) |
Estrabo {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Estrabão |
estraçalhar {vt} | :: to destroy; to shred to pieces |
estrada {f} /iʃ.ˈtɾa.ðɐ/ | :: road |
estrada de ferro {f} | :: alternative spelling of estrada-de-ferro |
estrada-de-ferro {f} | :: railway (track for trains, consisting of parallel rails) |
Estrada de Santiago {n} [astronomy] | :: A broad band of diffuse white light, visible in the night sky; our view of the dense portions of the Milky Way Galaxy from inside the galaxy |
estradeiro {adj} [of a person] | :: who often travels around |
estradeiro {adj} [of a pack or riding animal] | :: that travels well; that can travel for a long time without stalling |
estradeiro {adj} [of a person] | :: deceitful (who attempts to deceive people) |
estradeiro {m} | :: someone who often travels around |
estradeiro {m} | :: deceiver (someone who tries to deceive people) |
estrado {m} | :: dais (raised platform) |
estragado {adj} [of food] | :: spoiled, rotten, deteriorated |
estragado {adj} [Portugal, of objects] | :: broken, damaged |
estragando {v} | :: gerund of estragar |
estragão {m} | :: tarragon (perennial herb Artemisia dracunculus) |
estragão {m} | :: tarragon (the leaves of Artemisia dracunculus) |
estraga-prazeres {mf} | :: spoilsport (someone who or something which puts an end to harmless fun) |
estragar {v} /iʃtɾɐˈɣaɾ/ | :: to spoil, to damage, to corrupt, to ruin |
estragar {v} | :: to botch, bungle |
estragar {v} | :: to go bad (of foods and commodities) |
estrago {m} | :: destruction |
estrago {m} | :: damage |
estrago {m} | :: waste |
estral {adj} | :: oestral; oestrous (relating to oestrus, a female animal’s willingness to mate) |
estralar {vi} | :: to crack (to make a sharp sound) |
estralar {vt} | :: to crack (to cause to make a sharp sound) |
estralho {m} [regional, fishing] | :: snood; snell (short line by which a fishhook is attached to a longer line) |
estrambote {m} [literature] | :: Extra lines or verses added to a work |
estrambótico {adj} | :: outlandish, weird |
estramónio {m} [European orthography] | :: thorn apple (Datura stramonium, a toxic herb used in traditional medicine) |
estramônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of estramónio |
estrangeirado {adj} | :: foreign; foreign-looking |
estrangeirado {m} [Portugal, historical, in the plural] | :: Europeanized Portuguese intellectual of the 17th and 18th century |
estrangeirinha {f} | :: stratagem; ruse (underhanded tactic) |
estrangeirinha {f} | :: diminutive of estrangeira |
estrangeirismo {m} [derogatory] | :: A loanword (borrowed from other language into Portuguese) that one considers wrong to use, because it is able to be substituted by a more traditionally correct Portuguese-sounding word |
estrangeiro {m} /iʃ.tɾɐ̃.ˈʒɐj.ɾu/ | :: foreigner |
estrangeiro {m} [dated, except regional] | :: exterior, foreign lands |
estrangeiro {adj} [not comparable] | :: From a different country; foreign |
estrangeiro {adj} [comparable] | :: Belonging to a different culture; foreign |
estrangêro {m} | :: eye dialect of estrangeiro |
estrangêro {adj} | :: eye dialect of estrangeiro |
estrangeyro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of estrangeiro |
estrangeyro {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of estrangeiro |
estrangulador {m} | :: strangler |
estrangular {v} | :: to strangle |
estrangúria {f} | :: strangury (painful, frequent need to urinate in small volume) |
estranha {f} /ˈʃtɾɐɲɐ/ | :: feminine noun of estranho |
estranhamente {adv} | :: strangely |
estranhar {v} /iʃtɾɐˈɲaɾ/ | :: to think that something is unusual or weird, to be surprised |
estranhar {v} [usually refering to babies or animals] | :: to not recognize |
estranhar {v} | :: to feel uncomfortable |
estranho {adj} /(i)ʃ.ˈtɾɐ.ɲu/ | :: odd; strange (not normal) |
estranho {adj} [especially of people] | :: unknown; unfamiliar (not known or familiar) |
estranho {m} | :: stranger (unknown person) |
estrapada {f} | :: strappado (form of torture) |
Estrasburgo {prop} {f} | :: Estrasburgo (capital city) |
estratagema {m} /(ɨ)ʃtɾɐtɐˈʒemɐ/ | :: stratagem |
estratégia {f} /ˌes.tɾa.ˈtɛ.ʒi.a/ | :: strategy (science and art of military command) |
estrategicamente {adv} | :: strategically |
estratégico {adj} | :: strategic |
estrategista {mf} | :: strategist (one who devises strategies) |
estratego {m} | :: strategus (leader or commander of an army in Ancient Greece) |
estratificação {f} | :: stratification |
estratificando {v} | :: gerund of estratificar |
estratificar {v} | :: to stratify |
estratigráfico {adj} | :: stratigraphic |
estrato {m} | :: bed (deposit of ore, coal etc.) |
estrato {m} [geology] | :: stratum (layer of sedimentary rock) |
estratosfera {f} [meteorology, planetology] /is.tɾa.tos.ˈfɛ.ɾa/ | :: stratosphere (layer of Earth's atmosphere) |
estratovulcão {m} [vulcanology] | :: stratovolcano (type of volcano) |
estreando {v} | :: gerund of estrear |
estrear {v} /iʃ.ˈtɾjaɾ/ | :: to debut, premier |
estrebaria {f} | :: stable (building for horses) |
estreia {f} /iʃ.ˈtɾɐj.ɐ/ | :: debut, premiere (first showing of a film, play etc.) |
estréia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of estreia |
estreiar {vt} | :: to debut (to formally introduce to the public) |
estreiar {vi} | :: to debut (to make one's initial formal appearance) |
estreitamente {adv} | :: closely, narrowly |
estreitando {v} | :: gerund of estreitar |
estreitar {v} /iʃ.tɾɐj.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to narrow |
estreitar {v} | :: to tighten |
estreitar-se {vr} | :: to narrow (to get narrower) |
estreitez {f} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of estreiteza |
estreiteza {f} /es.tɾej.ˈte.zɐ/ | :: narrowness (the state of being narrow) |
estreiteza {f} [figurative] | :: closeness (the condition of being close in a relationship) |
estreiteza {f} [figurative] | :: narrow-mindedness (the condition of being narrow-minded) |
estreiteza {f} [figurative] | :: scarcity (inadequate amount of resources, especially money) |
estreito {adj} /iʃ.ˈtɾɐj.tu/ | :: narrow (having a small width) |
estreito {adj} | :: close#Etymology_2 (of a relationship or connection) |
estreito {m} [geography] | :: strait |
Estreito de Bering {prop} {m} /es.ˈtɾej.tu d͡ʒi ˈbɛ.ɾĩ/ | :: Estreito de Bering (strait) |
Estreito de Gibraltar {prop} {m} | :: Estreito de Gibraltar (strait) |
estreito de Hormuz {prop} {m} | :: estreito de Hormuz (strait) |
Estreito de Magalhães {prop} {m} | :: Estreito de Magalhães (strait) |
Estreito de Messina {prop} {m} | :: Estreito de Messina (strait) |
Estreito de Sunda {prop} {m} | :: Estreito de Sunda (strait) |
Estreito de Taiwan {prop} {m} | :: Estreito de Taiwan (strait) |
estrela {f} /ɨʃˈtɾelɐ/ | :: star (a luminous celestial body) |
estrela {f} [geometry] | :: star |
estrela {f} | :: celebrity |
Estrela {prop} | :: Estrela (municipality) |
estrela anã {f} [star] | :: dwarf star |
estrela binária {f} [astronomy] | :: binary star (one of two stars orbiting their centre of mass) |
estrela cadente {f} | :: shooting star, falling star |
estrela d'alva {f} | :: morning star (planet Venus as seen around dawn) |
Estrela d'Alva {prop} {f} | :: Morning Star (planet Venus as seen around dawn) |
Estrela Dalva {prop} | :: Estrela Dalva (municipality) |
estrela de davi {f} | :: alternative spelling of estrela-de-davi |
estrela-de-davi {f} | :: Star of David (symbol of Judaism) |
estrela de Davi {f} | :: alternative spelling of estrela-de-davi |
estrela de neutrões {f} [star, Portugal] | :: neutron star (star composed of neutrons) |
estrela de nêutrons {f} [Brazil] | :: alternative form of estrela de neutrões |
Estrela d'Oeste {prop} | :: Estrela d'Oeste (municipality) |
Estrela do Indaiá {prop} | :: Estrela do Indaiá (municipality) |
estrela-do-mar {f} | :: starfish (any of several star-shaped echinoderms) |
Estrela do Norte {prop} | :: Estrela do Norte (municipality) |
Estrela do Sul {prop} | :: Estrela do Sul (municipality) |
estrela dupla {f} [astronomy] | :: double star |
Estrela Polar {prop} {f} [star] | :: Pole Star (nearest to Earth’s axis when extended above the North Pole) |
estrelar {v} | :: to star (to perform in a play or film) |
Estrela Velha {prop} | :: Estrela Velha (municipality) |
estrelinha {f} | :: diminutive of estrela |
estrelinha {f} | :: starlet |
estrelinha {f} | :: cartwheel (a gymnastic manoeuvre) |
estrella {f} | :: superseded spelling of estrela |
Estremadura {prop} {f} | :: Estremadura (traditional region) |
Estremadura {prop} {f} | :: alternative form of Extremadura |
estremecer {v} /es.ˌtɾˈse(ɾ)/ | :: to cause to shake |
estremecer {v} | :: to shake; to tremble |
estremecer {v} | :: to shiver |
estremecer {v} | :: to terrify; to send shivers down someone's spine |
estremenho {adj} | :: of or relating to Estremadura (historical province of central Portugal) |
estremenho {adj} | :: of or relating to Extremadura (autonomous province of western Spain) |
estremenho {m} | :: inhabitant of Estremadura (historical province of central Portugal) |
estremenho {m} | :: inhabitant of Extremadura (autonomous province of western Spain) |
Estremoz {prop} | :: Estremoz (city/and/municipality) |
estrênuo {adj} | :: tireless, dedicated, tenacious |
estrênuo {adj} | :: brave, courageous |
estrepe {m} [weaponry] | :: a caltrop or sharp stick used as a booby trap |
estrepeiro {m} | :: may; hawthorn (shrub of the genus Crataegus) |
estrépido {m} | :: alternative form of estrépito |
estrépito {m} /es.ˈtɾɛ.pi.tu/ | :: din; cacophony |
estreptococo {m} | :: streptococcus (a spherical, gram-positive bacterium of the genus Streptococcus) |
estressante {adj} | :: stressful (causing stress) |
estressar {v} | :: to stress (apply emotional pressure to) |
estresse {m} /es.ˈtɾɛ.si/ | :: stress (emotional pressure) |
estresse tibial medial {m} [medicine] | :: shin splint (painful inflammation of muscles in the shins) |
estreyto {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of estreito |
estreyto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of estreito |
estria {f} | :: a line, scratch or groove on a surface |
estria {f} [dermatology] | :: stretch mark; stria (stripes on the skin caused by rapid growth of tissues underneath) |
estria {f} [firearms] | :: a groove inside a barrel with rifling |
estria {f} [architecture] | :: flute (a decorative groove on a column) |
estria {f} [geology] | :: crevice (narrow fissure on a rock) |
estria {f} | :: witch |
estribeiro {m} | :: groom (person who cares for horses) |
estribilho {m} /iʃ.tɾi.ˈβi.ʎu/ | :: refrain |
estribo {m} /es.ˈtɾ | :: stirrup |
estribo {m} [skeleton] | :: stapes |
estricnina {f} [organic compound] | :: strychnine (a toxic, colourless, crystalline alkaloid) |
estridência {f} | :: stridency, shrillness |
estridente {adj} | :: strident; shrill (high-pitched and piercing) |
estridulando {v} | :: gerund of estridular |
estridular {v} | :: to stridulate |
estrídulo {adj} | :: shrill |
estrige {f} [ornithology] | :: owl (any bird of prey of the order Strigiformes) |
estrige {f} | :: witch |
estripador {m} | :: ripper (murderer who mutilates victims with a blade) |
estripar {v} | :: to disembowel (to take out the bowels) |
estritamente {adv} | :: strictly, rigorously, severely |
estrito {adj} | :: strict |
estro {m} | :: heat (condition where a mammal is aroused sexually or where it is especially fertile) |
estróbilo {m} [botany] | :: cone (fruit of conifers) |
estroboscópico {adj} | :: stroboscopic |
estrofe {f} | :: stanza, verse |
estrofe {f} | :: strophe |
estrogénio {m} [European orthography, steroid hormone] | :: estrogen (hormone secreted by the ovaries) |
estrogênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of estrogénio |
estrógeno {m} [steroid hormone] | :: estrogen (hormone secreted by the ovaries) |
estrogonofe {m} | :: stroganoff (dish of sautéed pieces of beef) |
estrolomia {f} [archaic] | :: astronomy |
estromal {adj} [anatomy] | :: stromal (of or relating to a stroma) |
estromatólito {m} [geology] | :: stromatolite (rock-like structure built by microorganisms) |
estrompar {v} | :: to ruin, to spoil |
estrompar {v} [colloquial] | :: to weary, to tire, to fatigue |
estrompido {m} /es.tɾõ.ˈpi.du/ | :: boom (loud, resonant noise) |
estronciana {f} [mineral] | :: strontia |
estroncianita {f} [mineral] | :: strontianite |
estrôncio {m} | :: strontium |
estrondear {v} | :: to boom (to make a loud, resonant sound) |
estrondo {m} /(ɨ)ʃˈtɾõdu/ | :: boom; thunder (deep, rumbling noise) |
estropear {v} [Portugal] /iʃ.tɾu.ˈpjaɾ/ | :: to knock; to knock loudly at the door |
estropear {v} | :: to make noise |
estropear {v} | :: obsolete spelling of estropiar |
estropiado {adj} | :: maimed (having lost a limb) |
estropiado {adj} | :: shabby (torn or worn) |
estrovenga {f} | :: mattock |
estrovenga {f} [colloquial] | :: penis |
estructura {f} | :: obsolete form of estrutura |
estrufegar {v} [Portugal, Alto Minho] | :: to pour liquids from a container to another |
estrumar {v} | :: to manure (to apply manure to a field or plant) |
estrume {m} /ɨʃ.ˈtɾu.mɨ/ | :: manure (excrement used as fertiliser) |
estrumpfe {m} [Portugal, comics, fictional character] /(ɨ)ʃˈtɾũfɨ/ | :: smurf (fictional blue pixie character of The Smurfs) |
estrunfe {m} | :: alternative form of estrumpfe |
estrupidar {v} | :: to make a racket (cacophonous noise) |
estrupido {m} | :: racket (cacophonous noise of people or animals moving and talking) |
estrupo {m} [archaic] | :: loud noise caused by too many people walking disorderly |
estrupo {m} [archaic] | :: ruckus, turmoil |
estrutura {f} /iʃ.tɾu.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ | :: structure (a cohesive whole built up of distinct parts) |
estrutura {f} | :: structure (underlying shape of a solid) |
estrutura {f} | :: structure (overall form or organization of something) |
estrutura {f} | :: framework (arrangement of support beams) |
estrutura algébrica {f} [algebra] | :: algebraic structure (sets with operations) |
estrutura de dados {f} [comp sci] | :: data structure (organisation of data) |
estrutural {adj} | :: structural |
estruturalmente {adv} | :: structurally |
estruturar {vt} | :: to structure, to arrange |
estruvita {f} [mineral] | :: struvite |
estuário {m} | :: estuary (place where ocean tides and river water merge) |
estucador {m} | :: plasterer |
estudado {adj} [Brazil, colloquial] | :: learned, cultured (having a reasonable knowledge) |
estudante {mf} /iʃ.tu.ˈðɐ̃.tɨ/ | :: student (person who studies an academic subject) |
estudantil {adj} | :: student |
estudar {v} /iʃ.tu.ˈðaɾ/ | :: to study |
estúdio {m} /es.ˈtu.d͡ʒi.o/ | :: studio (artist’s or photographer’s workshop) |
estudioso {adj} /iʃ.tu.ˈðjo.zu/ | :: studious (devoted to the acquisition of knowledge) |
estudioso {m} | :: scholar (specialist in a particular branch of knowledge) |
estudo {m} /ɨʃ.ˈtu.ðu/ | :: study |
estudo {m} | :: training |
estudo de caso {m} [science] | :: case study (research performed in detail on a single case) |
estudos de área {mp} | :: area studies (interdisciplinary fields of research focusing on a region) |
estudos de tradução {mp} | :: translation studies (study of theory and practice of translating and interpreting) |
estudos sociais {mp} | :: social studies (study of social-science subjects) |
estufa {f} /iʃ.ˈtu.fɐ/ | :: greenhouse, glasshouse |
estufa {f} | :: hothouse |
estufa {f} | :: stove |
estufar {v} [cooking] | :: to braise (cook in a covered pan) |
estufar {v} | :: to place or store in a greenhouse |
estufar {v} | :: to inflate temporarily |
Estugarda {prop} {f} | :: Estugarda (caplc) |
estulto {m} | :: fool, idiot |
estulto {adj} | :: idiotic, stupid |
estupa {f} | :: stupa (a dome-shaped Buddhist monument, used to house relics of the Lord Buddha) |
estupefaciente {adj} | :: narcotic |
estupefaciente {m} | :: narcotic |
estupefato {adj} | :: astonished; amazed |
estupeficar {v} | :: to stupefy (dull the senses or capacity to think) |
estupendo {adj} | :: terrific; stupendous; marvelous |
estupidamente {adv} /iʃ.tu.pi.ðɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: stupidly |
estupidamente {adv} | :: exaggeratedly |
estupidez {f} | :: stupidity, the property of being stupid |
estupidificado {adj} | :: dumbfound (shocked and speechless) |
estúpido {adj} /iʃ.ˈtu.pi.du/ | :: rude |
estúpido {adj} | :: overused, exaggerated |
estupor {m} | :: stupor (a state of reduced consciousness or sensibility) |
estuprador {m} | :: rapist (someone who rapes) |
estupradora {f} | :: feminine noun of estuprador |
estuprar {vt} | :: to rape, to engage in sexual activity upon another person without their consent |
estupro {m} /i(j)ʃ.ˈtu.pɾu/ | :: rape (the act of forcing sexual activity) |
estupro {m} | :: statutory rape |
estupro {m} [figuratively] | :: an overwhelming victory |
estuque {m} | :: stucco |
estuque {m} | :: plaster |
esturjão {m} /es.tuɾ.ˈʒɐ̃w̃/ | :: sturgeon (fish of the family Acipenseridae) |
estyllo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of estilo |
estylo {m} | :: obsolete spelling of estilo |
esvaindo {v} | :: gerund of esvair |
esvair {v} /(i)ʒ.vɐˈiɾ/ | :: to evaporate |
esvair {vp} | :: to faint |
esvair {vp} | :: to lose strength or feeling |
esvaziar {v} /(i)ʒ.vɐ.ˈzjaɾ/ | :: to empty (to make empty) |
esvaziar {vi} | :: to become empty |
esverdeado {adj} /es.ˌveɻ.de.ˈ | :: greenish (somewhat green) |
esvoaçar {vi} [of a bird] | :: to flutter (to flap its wings without flying, or in preparation for flight) |
Esztergom {prop} {f} | :: Esztergom (town) |
E.T. {m} | :: alternative spelling of ET |
ET {mf} [ufology] | :: abbreviation of extraterrestre |
-eta {suffix} | :: forms the diminutive of feminine nouns, usually as an adaptation of French -ette |
-eta {suffix} | :: person missing a body part, especially if they have only one part of a pair, such as only one hand or one foot |
eta {interj} | :: expresses surprise |
e tal {phrase} [colloquial] | :: and such (and other similar things) |
e tal {phrase} [colloquial] | :: odd; approximately |
et al. {phrase} | :: et al. (and others) |
etanal {m} [organic compound] | :: acetaldehyde; ethanal (an organic chemical compound) |
etanamida {f} [organic compound] | :: acetamide (amide of acetic acid) |
etano {m} [organic compound] | :: ethane (aliphatic hydrocarbon, C2H6) |
etanol {m} [organic compound] | :: ethanol |
etanolamina {f} [organic compound] | :: ethanolamine (a hydroxy-amine manufactured by the reaction of ethylene oxide with ammonia) |
e tanto {adj} | :: See: pt e tanto |
e tanto {adj} [idiom, used always after nouns] | :: great; exceptional; exciting |
e tanto {adj} [idiom, used always after nouns] | :: valuable |
etapa {f} /iˈtapɐ/ | :: step; stage; phase |
etário {adj} | :: age |
etc. {phrase} /et(ʃ)(i)ˈsɛteɾɐ/ | :: abbreviation of et cetera |
et cetera {phrase} | :: et cetera; and so on |
-ete {suffix} | :: -ette |
-ete {suffix} | :: forms the diminutive of nouns |
-ete {suffix} | :: forms the female equivalents |
-ete {suffix} | :: forms derived terms |
éter {m} [organic compound] /ˈɛ.teɹ/ | :: ether (class and specifically diethyl ether) |
éter {m} [alchemy] | :: aether (classical physical element) |
éter {m} [physics, obsolete] | :: aether (substance once thought to fill all space) |
éter {m} [poetic] | :: aether (the upper sky) |
etéreo {adj} | :: ethereal; otherworldly |
eternal {adj} | :: eternal |
eternamente {adv} /i.tɛɾ.nɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: eternally |
eternidade {f} /i.tɨɾ.ni.ˈða.ðɨ/ | :: eternity |
eterno {adj} /i.ˈtɛɾ.nu/ | :: eternal |
ether {m} | :: obsolete spelling of éter |
éther {m} | :: obsolete spelling of éter |
éthica {f} | :: obsolete spelling of ética |
éthico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of ético |
Ethiopia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Etiópia |
Ethiópia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Etiópia |
ethmoide {m} | :: obsolete spelling of etmoide |
éthnico {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of étnico |
ethos {m} [aesthetics] | :: ethos (the character or fundamental values of a person, people, culture or movement) |
Ethyopia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Etiópia |
ética {f} [philosophy] /ˈɛ.t͡ʃi.kɐ/ | :: ethics (study of principles governing right and wrong conduct) |
ética {f} | :: ethics (the standards that govern the conduct of a person) |
eticamente {adv} | :: ethically |
ético {adj} | :: ethical |
etil {m} [organic chemistry] | :: ethyl |
etila {f} [organic compound] | :: ethyl (a univalent hydrocarbon radical) |
etileno {m} [organic compound] | :: ethylene (a colourless gaseous hydrocarbon) |
etilenodiamina {f} [organic compound] | :: ethylenediamine |
etilenoglicol {m} [organic compound] | :: ethylene glycol |
etílico {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: ethyl (attributive), ethylic |
etilino {m} [organic compound] | :: ethylene |
etilismo {m} [pathology] | :: alcoholism (addiction to alcohol) |
etilmercúrio {m} [organic compound] | :: ethylmercury |
etilómetro {m} [European orthography] | :: breathalyser (a device that measures alcohol in expired air) |
etilômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of etilómetro |
étimo {m} /ˈɛ | :: etymon (source word) |
etimóloga {f} | :: feminine noun of etimólogo |
etimologia {f} /e.tʃˈʒi.ɐ/ | :: etymology |
etimologia popular {f} [etymology] | :: folk etymology (a false but popular etymology) |
etimologicamente {adv} [linguistics] | :: etymologically (based on or belonging to etymology) |
etimológico {adj} | :: etymological (of or relating to etymology) |
etimologista {mf} | :: etymologist (person who specialises in etymology) |
etimólogo {m} | :: etymologist (person who specialises in etymology) |
etiogénese {f} [European orthography] | :: aetiogenesis (origin and development of a pathological condition) |
etiogênese {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative spelling of etiogénese |
etiologia {f} | :: aetiology (study of causes or origins) |
etiologicamente {adv} | :: etiologically |
etiológico {adj} | :: aetiologic (pertaining to aetiology) |
etiopatogenia {f} [medicine] | :: etiopathogenesis (cause and development of an abnormal condition) |
etíope {mf} /e.ˈt͡ʃi.o.pi/ | :: Ethiopian (person from Ethiopia) |
etíope {adj} | :: Ethiopian (of Ethiopia) |
Etiopia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Etiópia |
Etiópia {prop} {f} | :: Etiópia (country) |
etiópico {adj} | :: Ethiopian (of, from, or pertaining to Ethiopia) |
etiqueta {f} | :: label (small ticket or sign giving information) |
etiqueta {f} | :: etiquette (ceremonial code of polite society) |
etiquetar {v} | :: to label |
etmoide {m} [skeleton] | :: ethmoid bone |
etmóide {m} | :: obsolete spelling of etmoide |
Etna {prop} {m} /ˈɛt(ɨ)nɐ/ | :: Etna (volcano) |
Etna {prop} {f} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology] | :: Aetna (Sicilian nymph) |
Etna {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Aetna (ancient Sicilian city) |
etnia {f} | :: ethnicity (an ethnic group) |
etnia {f} | :: ethnicity (the characteristics of an ethnic group) |
étnico {adj} /ˈɛ | :: ethnic (related to a group of people having common origins) |
étnico {adj} [archaic] | :: ethnic; heathen; not Judaeo-Christian |
étnico {m} [archaic] | :: an ethnic, heathen; a non-Judaeo-Christian |
etnocentrismo {m} | :: ethnocentrism |
etnografia {f} [anthropology] | :: ethnography (branch of anthropology that studies human cultures and societies) |
etnográficamente {adv} | :: ethnographically |
etnográfico {adj} | :: ethnographic |
etnologia {f} [anthropology] | :: ethnology (branch of anthropology that studies and compares the different human cultures) |
etnologicamente {adv} | :: ethnologically |
etnológico {adj} | :: ethnological (of or relating to ethnology) |
etnomusicologia {f} [music] | :: ethnomusicology (study of music and culture) |
Etólia {prop} {f} | :: Etólia (traditional region) |
etólio {adj} | :: Aetolian (of, from or relating to Aetolia) |
etólio {m} | :: Aetolian (person from Aetolia) |
etologia {f} [zoology] | :: ethology (study of human and animal behaviour) |
etologicamente {adv} | :: ethologically |
etólogo {m} /e.ˈtɔ.lo.ɡu/ | :: ethologist |
Etrúria {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Etrúria (historical region) |
etrusco {m} /e.ˈtɾus.ko/ | :: Etruscan (language) |
etrusco {m} | :: Etruscan (person from Etruria) |
etrusco {adj} | :: Etruscan |
Etsch {prop} {m} | :: Etsch (river) |
e tudo {phrase} | :: Used to emphasize something absurd |
Etyopia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Etiópia |
eu {pron} /ew/ | :: I (first-person singular personal pronoun) |
eu {m} [chiefly philosophy] | :: ego; self (individual person as the object of his own reflective consciousness) |
eu {interj} | :: Used to draw attention to oneself after having their name called |
E.U.A. {prop} {mp} | :: E.U.A. (country); initialism of Estados Unidos da América |
EUA {prop} {mp} /ˈew.ɐ/ | :: EUA (country); acronym of Estados Unidos da América |
Eubeia {prop} {f} | :: Eubeia (island/and/regional unit) |
Eubéia {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Eubeia |
eubiose {f} | :: A society and religious/philosophic movement founded by Henrique José de Souza in Brazil in 1921 |
eucalipto {m} /ˌew.ka.ˈlip.tu/ | :: eucalyptus (any tree of the genus Eucalyptus) |
eucaliptol {m} [organic compound] | :: eucalyptol |
eucalypto {m} | :: obsolete spelling of eucalipto |
eucarionte {m} | :: eukaryote (any of the single-celled or multicellular organisms whose cells contain at least one distinct nucleus) |
eucariota {m} | :: alternative form of eucarionte |
eucariótico {adj} [biology] | :: eukaryotic (relating to eukaryotes) |
eucarioto {m} | :: alternative form of eucarionte |
eucaristia {f} [Christianity] | :: Eucharist (religious service in which this sacrament is enacted) |
Euclides {prop} {m} | :: Euclid (Ancient Greek mathematician) |
Euclides {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Euclides da Cunha {prop} | :: Euclides da Cunha (municipality) |
Euclides da Cunha Paulista {prop} | :: Euclides da Cunha Paulista (municipality) |
euclidiano {adj} | :: Euclidean (of or relating to Euclid, Ancient Greek mathematician) |
euclidiano {adj} [geometry] | :: Euclidean (adhering to the principles of traditional geometry) |
euclidiano {adj} [literature] | :: of or relating to Euclides da Cunha, Brazilian writer |
eudicotiledôneas {fp} [Brazilian orthography, botany, rare] | :: eudicots (major clade) |
eudiómetro {m} [European orthography, physics] | :: eudiometer (tube for measuring volume of gases) |
eudiômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of eudiómetro |
Eufémia {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: given name |
Eufêmia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Eufémia |
eufemismo {m} | :: euphemism |
eufemístico {adj} | :: euphemistic |
eufonia {f} | :: euphony (pleasing pronunciation) |
eufónico {adj} | :: euphonic (pleasant to hear) |
eufônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of eufónico |
eufórbio {m} | :: spurge (any plant of the genus Euphorbia) |
euforia {f} | :: euphoria (an excited state of joy) |
eufórico {adj} | :: euphoric (feeling intense happiness) |
Eufrates {prop} {m} | :: Eufrates (river) |
Eufrósine {prop} {f} [Greek god] | :: Euphrosyne (one of the Charites) |
eugenia {f} [biology] | :: eugenics (science of improving stock) |
Eugénia {prop} {f} [European orthography] | :: given name |
Eugênia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: given name, alternative form of Eugénia |
Eugénio {prop} {m} [European orthography] | :: given name |
Eugênio {prop} {m} [Brazilian orthography] | :: given name, alternative form of Eugénio |
Eugênio de Castro {prop} | :: Eugênio de Castro (municipality) |
eugenista {mf} | :: eugenicist (an advocate of or specialist in eugenics) |
Eugenópolis {prop} | :: Eugenópolis (municipality) |
eu, hein {interj} | :: An expression of indignation or disgust |
eu mereço {phrase} [sarcastic] | :: used to express frustration |
eu mereço {phrase} | :: See: pt eu mereço |
eu não entendo {phrase} | :: I don't understand |
eu não falo inglês {phrase} | :: I don't speak English |
eu não falo português {phrase} | :: I don't speak Portuguese |
eu não mordo {interj} [idiomatic] | :: don't be shy (with me) |
eu não mordo {interj} | :: See: pt eu não mordo |
Eunápolis {prop} | :: Eunápolis (municipality) |
Eunómia {prop} {f} [European orthography, Greek god] | :: Eunomia (goddess of law) |
Eunômia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] | :: alternative form of Eunómia |
e uns quebrados {phrase} | :: and change (and some quantity, but less than the increment to the next round number) |
eunuco {m} /ew.ˈnu.ku/ | :: eunuch |
eu poderia comer um cavalo {phrase} [idiomatic, hyperbole] | :: I could eat a horse (I am very hungry) |
eu preciso de uma camisinha {phrase} | :: I need a condom |
Eurafrásia {prop} {f} | :: Eurafrásia (supercontinent) |
Eurásia {prop} {f} /ew.ˈɾa.zjɐ/ | :: Eurásia (supercontinent) |
eurasiano {adj} [chiefly, Portugal] | :: Eurasian (of, from or relating to Eurasia) |
eurasiano {m} [chiefly, Portugal] | :: Eurasian (person from Eurasia) |
eurasiático {adj} [chiefly, Brazil] | :: Eurasian (of, from or relating to Eurasia) |
eurasiático {m} [chiefly, Brazil] | :: Eurasian (person from Eurasia) |
eureca {interj} /ew.ˈɾɛ.kɐ/ | :: eureka (exclamation indicating sudden discovery) |
Eurídice {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Eurydice (a nymph) |
Eurípides {prop} {m} /ew.ˈɾi.pi.d͡ʒis/ | :: historical given name |
euro- {prefix} | :: Euro- (pertaining to Europe) |
euro- {prefix} | :: Euro- (pertaining to the European Union) |
euro {m} /ˈew.ɾɔ/ | :: euro (currency unit of the European Union) |
Euro {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Eurus (god of the east wind) |
Eurocâmara {m} [colloquial] | :: European Parliament |
eurocomunismo {m} | :: Eurocommunism |
eurocomunista {adj} | :: Eurocommunist, Eurocommunistic |
eurocomunista {mf} | :: Eurocommunist |
eurodeputada {f} | :: female equivalent of eurodeputado |
eurodeputado {m} [politics] | :: MEP (Member of the European Parliament) |
eurofobia {f} | :: Europhobia |
eurogrupo {m} [politics] | :: Eurogroup (body of Eurozone finance ministers) |
Europa {prop} {f} /ew.ˈɾɔ.pɐ/ | :: Europa (continent) |
Europa {prop} {f} | :: [Greek mythology] Europa (Phoenician princess) |
Europa {prop} {f} | :: [astronomy] Europa (moon of Jupiter) |
Europa Central {prop} {f} | :: Europa Central (geographical region) |
Europa Ocidental {prop} {f} | :: Western Europe |
Europarlamento {ms} [colloquial] | :: European Parliament |
européia {adj} | :: superseded spelling of europeia |
europeísmo {m} | :: Europeanism |
europeísta {mf} | :: Europeanist |
europeização {f} | :: Europisation (assimilation of European culture) |
europeização {f} | :: Europeanisation (assimilation of European Union culture and loss of national culture) |
europeizar {v} | :: to Europeanize |
europeu {adj} /ew.ɾu.ˈpew/ | :: European (related to Europe or the European Union) |
europeu {m} | :: European (person living or originating from Europe) |
europeu {m} | :: European (person who resides within the European Union) |
európio {m} | :: europium (chemical element) |
europoide {mf} [anthropology] | :: Caucasoid |
europoide {adj} [anthropology] | :: Caucasoid |
Europol {prop} {f} /ˌew.ɾo.ˈpɔw/ | :: Europol (the criminal intelligence agency of the European Union) |
Eurotúnel {prop} {m} | :: Channel Tunnel; Eurotunnel (tunnel joining England to France) |
Eurovisão {prop} {f} | :: Eurovision |
eurovisivo {adj} | :: Eurovision (attributive) |
Eurozona {prop} {f} | :: Eurozone |
Eurydice {prop} {f} | :: obsolete spelling of Eurídice |
Eusebio {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Eusébio {prop} {m} /ew.ˈzɛ.bju/ | :: given name |
eu sou mais eu {phrase} | :: I have self-confidence |
Eustácio {prop} {m} /ews.ˈta.sju/ | :: given name |
Eustáquio {prop} {m} /ews.ˈta.kju/ | :: given name |
eutanásia {f} | :: euthanasia |
eu te amo {phrase} | :: I love you |
eu tenho uma pergunta {phrase} | :: I have a question |
Euterpe {prop} {f} [Greek god] /ew.ˈtɛʁ.pi/ | :: Euterpe (the Muse of music and lyric poetry) |
eutético {adj} | :: eutectic |
eutimia {f} | :: euthymia |
eutímico {n} | :: euthymic |
euxenita {f} [mineral] | :: euxenite |
euzinha {pron} /ew.ˈzi.ɲa/ | :: diminutive of eu (feminine) |
euzinho {pron} /ew.ˈzi.ɲu/ | :: diminutive of eu (masculine) |
Eva {prop} {f} [Abrahamic religions] | :: Eve (the first woman) |
Eva {prop} {f} | :: given name |
evacuação {f} | :: evacuation |
evacuação {f} | :: emptying |
evacuar {v} /e.ˌva.ku.ˈa(ɻ)/ | :: to evacuate (to make empty) |
evacuar {v} | :: to evacuate; to withdraw |
evacuar {v} | :: to defecate |
evadir {vt} | :: to evade (to get away from by artifice) |
evangelho {m} | :: gospel (first section of New Testament) |
evangélico {adj} | :: evangelical |
evangelizar {v} [Christianity] | :: to evangelize (to preach the Christian gospel to non-Christians) |
evaporação {f} /i.vɐ.pu.ɾɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: evaporation |
evaporar {v} [chemistry] /i.vɐ.pu.ˈɾaɾ/ | :: to evaporate |
evaporar {v} [figuratively] | :: to disappear, to vanish |
evasão {f} | :: evasion (the act of eluding or avoiding) |
evasão fiscal {f} | :: tax evasion (illegal avoidance of tax) |
evasiva {f} | :: evasion (the act of eluding or avoiding, particularly the pressure of an argument, accusation, charge, or interrogation) |
evasivo {adj} | :: evasive (directed towards avoidance or escape) |
evati {m} | :: gurjun (any tree in the genus Dipterocarpus) |
evento {m} /i.ˈvẽ.tu/ | :: event; occurrence (something that happens) |
evento {m} | :: event (social gathering) |
evento {m} | :: [physics] event (point in space-time) |
evento {m} | :: [computing] event (action triggered by an event listener when a condition is met) |
eventrando {v} | :: gerund of eventrar |
eventrar {v} | :: to eviscerate |
eventrar {v} | :: to examine (the insides of) |
eventual {adj} /i.vẽ.ˈtwaɫ/ | :: infrequent |
eventual {adj} | :: casual |
eventual {adj} | :: eventual |
eventualmente {adv} | :: casually; occasionally |
evergetismo {m} [historical] | :: euergetism (the practice of the élite in Greek and Roman cities to distribute a part of their wealth to the community) |
evicção {f} | :: eviction |
evidência {f} /ˈdẽ.sjɐ/ | :: evidence |
evidenciando {v} | :: gerund of evidenciar |
evidenciar {v} /ẽ.si.ˈa(ʁ)/ | :: to demonstrate |
evidenciar {v} | :: to evidence |
evidenciar {v} | :: to evince |
evidente {adj} /ˈðẽ.tɨ/ | :: Easily discovered, seen or understood; evident; obvious; self-explanatory |
evidentemente {adv} /ðẽ.tɨ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: In context of being known by simple observation; obviously; evidently; clearly |
evitar {v} /ˈtaɾ/ | :: to avoid |
evitar como uma praga {v} | :: to avoid like the plague |
evitável {adj} | :: avoidable |
eviternidade {f} [philosophy] | :: aeviternity (midpoint between time and eternity) |
evocar {v} /ˈkar/ | :: to evoke (cause the manifestation of something (emotion, picture, etc.) in someone's mind or imagination) |
evocar {v} | :: to remember |
evoé {m} [historical] | :: euoi (the yell that the bacchantes uttered to call Bacchus) |
evoé {m} [by extension] | :: any yell of joy |
evolando {v} | :: gerund of evolar |
evolar {v} | :: to fly, drift away (in the air) |
evolar {v} | :: to volatilize |
evolução {f} | :: evolution |
evolucionista {adj} [biology] | :: evolutionistic (relating to evolutionism) |
evolucionista {adj} | :: being an evolutionist; believing in the theory of evolution |
evolucionista {mf} | :: evolutionist (person who believes in the theory of evolution) |
evoluindo {v} | :: gerund of evoluir |
evoluir {v} | :: to evolve |
evolutivo {adj} | :: evolutive; evolutionary (relating to evolution) |
evolver {vi} | :: to evolve |
Évora {prop} {f} | :: Évora (district) |
Évora {prop} {f} | :: Évora (city/and/municipality) |
Ewbank da Câmara {prop} | :: Ewbank da Câmara (municipality) |
ex. {adv} | :: e.g.; abbreviation of por exemplo |
ex {mf} [colloquial] | :: ex (an ex-husband, ex-wife or ex-partner) |
exa- {prefix} | :: exa- (SI prefix multiplying the unit by 1018) |
exª {f} | :: abbreviation of excelência, as a form of address |
exabit {m} [computing] | :: exabit (one quintillion bits) |
exabyte {m} [computing] | :: exabyte (one quintillion bytes) |
exacerbando {v} | :: gerund of exacerbar |
exacerbar {v} | :: to exacerbate |
exactamente {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of exatamente |
exactidão {f} | :: alternative form of exatidão |
exacto {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of exato |
exageração {f} | :: exaggeration |
exageradamente {adv} | :: exaggeratedly, extravagantly |
exagerar {v} | :: to exaggerate |
exagerar {v} | :: to overstate |
exagerar a verdade {v} [idiomatic] | :: to stretch the truth (to exaggerate) |
exagero {m} /ˈʒe.ɾu/ | :: exaggeration (the act of exaggerating) |
exagero {m} | :: exaggeration (an exaggerated representation) |
exalar {vtp} [sometimes] /ˌe.zaˈla(ʁ)/ | :: to give off a smell |
exalar {vt} [figurative] | :: to ooze; to exude (to display an emotion blatantly) |
exalar {vt} [figurative] | :: to let out an audible expression (such as a sigh, complaint, shout or snore) |
exalar {vi} [chiefly in translated works] | :: to exhale (to breathe out) |
exalar {vt} [chiefly in translated works] | :: to exhale (to expel from the lungs) |
exaltação {f} | :: exaltation |
exaltando {v} | :: gerund of exaltar |
exaltar {vt} | :: to exalt |
exaltar {v} [figuratively] | :: to excite |
exaltar {v} [figuratively] | :: to irritate |
exame {m} /i.ˈzɐ.mɨ/ | :: examination (all senses) |
exame {m} | :: exam, test |
exame de sangue {m} | :: blood test (analysis of a sample of blood) |
examinador {m} | :: examiner |
examinador {m} | :: assessor |
examinador {m} | :: teacher |
examinar {v} /i.zɐ.mi.ˈnaɾ/ | :: to examine |
examinar {v} | :: to study, observe |
exânime {adj} | :: exanimate; lifeless |
exão {m} [Portugal] | :: alternative form of éxon |
exarado {adj} | :: entered, recorded |
exarado {adj} | :: carved, embossed |
exasperação {f} | :: exasperation |
exasperar {v} | :: to exasperate (frustrate, vex, annoy) |
exaspero {m} | :: exasperation (state of being exasperated) |
exatamente {adv} /ɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: exactly |
exatidão {f} | :: accuracy, exactness |
exato {adj} /i.ˈza.tu/ | :: exact |
exato {adj} | :: accurate |
exato {adj} | :: precise |
exato {interj} | :: exactly, absolutely, precisely |
exaurido {adj} | :: exhausted (in a state of exhaustion) |
exaurir {v} | :: to exhaust (to empty by drawing or letting out the contents) |
exaurir {v} | :: to exhaust (to consume all resources) |
exaurir {v} | :: to exhaust (to make very tired) |
exaustão {f} | :: exhaustion (supreme tiredness; having exhausted energy) |
exaustivo {adj} | :: exhaustive, detailed, thorough |
exaustivo {adj} | :: exhausting, wearisome, tiring, stressful |
exausto {adj} /i.ˈzawʃ.tu/ | :: In a state of exhaustion; exhaust; depleted |
exaustor {m} | :: ventilator (device that circulates fresh air and expels stale or noxious air) |
ex-BBB {mf} | :: An ex-participant of the show Big Brother Brasil |
Excalibur {prop} {f} [Arthurian mythology] /es.ˌˈbuʁ/ | :: Excalibur (King Arthur’s sword) |
excavador {m} | :: excavator (person who excavates) |
excavador {adj} | :: which excavates |
excavadora {f} | :: feminine noun of excavador |
exceção {f} /(ɐj)ʃ.sɛ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: exception |
exceção que prova a regra {f} | :: exception that proves the rule |
excedente {adj} | :: surplus (being a surplus) |
excedente {m} | :: surplus (excess, overplus) |
exceder {vt} | :: to exceed (to be larger or greater than something) |
exceder {vt} | :: to exceed (to go beyond the limits of something) |
excelência {f} /iʃ.sɨ.ˈlẽ.sjɐ/ | :: excellence (the quality of being excellent) |
excelente {adj} /iʃ.sɨ.ˈlẽ.tɨ/ | :: excellent |
excelentemente {adv} | :: excellently (very well) |
excelentíssimo {adj} | :: most or very excellent (used as an honorary title) |
exceler {vi} | :: to excel |
excellencia {f} | :: obsolete spelling of excelência |
excellente {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of excelente |
exceller {v} | :: obsolete spelling of exceler |
excentricidade {f} | :: eccentricity (the quality of being eccentric) |
excentricidade {f} | :: eccentricity (eccentric behaviour) |
excêntrico {adj} | :: eccentric (deviating from the norm) |
excêntrico {m} | :: eccentric |
excepção {f} | :: superseded spelling of exceção |
excepcional {adj} | :: exceptional, special |
excepcional {adj} | :: extraordinary, unusual |
excepcionalmente {adv} | :: exceptionally |
excepcionar {vt} | :: to except (to make an exception of) |
exception {f} [computing] | :: exception (an interruption in normal processing) |
excepto {prep} | :: obsolete spelling of exceto |
exceptuando {v} | :: gerund of exceptuar |
exceptuar {v} | :: alternative form of excetuar |
excerto {m} | :: excerpt; snippet; passage; extract (small piece of a larger work) |
excessivamente {adv} /iʃ.sɨ.si.vɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ | :: excessively |
excessivamente {adv} | :: overly |
excessivo {adj} /iʃ.sɨ.ˈ | :: excessive |
excessivo {adj} | :: exceeding |
excesso {m} /iʃ.ˈsɛ.su/ | :: excess, surplus |
exceto {prep} /ɐjʃˈsɛ.tu/ | :: except, other than |
excetuando {v} | :: gerund of excetuar |
excetuar {v} | :: to except |
excetuar {v} | :: to exclude |
excipiente {m} [pharmacology] | :: excipient (drug additive without therapeutic or diagnostic effect) |
excitação {f} | :: excitement |
excitado {adj} /iʃ.si.ˈta.ðu/ | :: stimulated |
excitado {adj} | :: uneasy |
excitado {adj} | :: (sexually) aroused |
excitador {adj} /ɐjʃsitɐˈðoɾ/ | :: arousing (that or who arouses) |
excitador {m} | :: arouser (someone or something that arouses) |
excitante {adj} | :: sexually arousing |
excitante {adj} | :: exciting (causing excitement) |
excitar {v} /iʃ.si.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to excite (sexually) |
excitável {adj} | :: arousable (that can be aroused) |
excitável {adj} | :: excitable (that can be excited) |
exclamação {f} | :: exclamation (loud calling or crying out) |
exclamar {v} /ɐjʃklɐˈmaɾ/ | :: to exclaim |
excludente {adj} | :: exclusionary (acting to exclude something or someone) |
excluindo {v} | :: gerund of excluir |
excluir {v} /is.klu.ˈi(ʁ)/ | :: to exclude |
excluir {v} | :: to delete |
excluir {v} | :: to preclude |
exclusão {f} | :: exclusion |
exclusão {f} | :: exception |
exclusão {f} | :: preclusion |
exclusão {f} | :: deletion |
exclusivamente {adv} | :: exclusively (to the exclusion of anything or anyone else) |
exclusividade {f} | :: exclusivity |
exclusivo {adj} | :: exclusive (excluding items or members that do not meet certain conditions) |
exclusivo {adj} | :: exclusive (requiring membership) |
exclusivo {adj} [linguistic, of the first-person plural personal pronoun] | :: exclusive (referring to the speaker and others, but not the addressee) |
excomungando {v} | :: gerund of excomungar |
excomungar {v} | :: to excommunicate |
excomunhão {f} | :: excommunication |
excreção {f} | :: excretion (act or substance) |
excremento {m} /iʃ.kɾɨ.ˈmẽ.tu/ | :: excrement |
excrescência {f} | :: excrescence |
excretando {v} | :: gerund of excretar |
excretar {v} | :: to excrete |
excretar {v} | :: to expel, expunge |
excretar {v} | :: to defecate |
excretor {adj} | :: excretory |
excruciante {adj} | :: excruciating (causing great pain or anguish) |
excursão {f} | :: excursion (brief trip) |
excutindo {v} | :: gerund of excutir |
excutir {v} [legal] | :: To foreclose |
execrável {adj} | :: execrable; abominable; hateful; detestable; loathsome |
execução {f} | :: execution (all senses) |
execução {f} | :: enforcement |
executador {m} | :: executioner |
executar {v} /e.ˌze.ku.ˈta(ɻ)/ | :: to carry out |
executar {v} | :: to execute (kill as punishment) |
executar {v} [computing] | :: to run a software |
executar {v} | :: to play music |
executável {adj} [computing] | :: executable |
executiva {f} [aviation] | :: clipping of classe executiva |
executiva {f} | :: feminine noun of executivo |
executivo {adj} /e.ˌzɨ.ku.ˈ | :: executive |
executivo {adj} | :: ministerial |
executivo {m} | :: executive (person) |
executivo {m} [politics] | :: short for poder executivo |
executor {m} | :: executor |
exegese {f} /e.ze.ˈʒɛ.zi/ | :: exegesis |
exemplar {adj} /i.ˈzẽ.plaɾ/ | :: exemplary |
exemplar {m} | :: example, exemplar |
exemplificar {v} | :: to exemplify |
exemplo {m} /i.ˈzẽ.plu/ | :: example |
exequente {mf} [legal] | :: creditor |
exéquia {f} | :: only used in plural form: exéquias |
exéquias {fp} /e.ˈzɛ.kjas/ | :: funeral or similar posthumous cerimonies |
exéquias {fp} [by extension] | :: prayers said during those cerimonies |
exequibilidade {f} /ˈda.d(ʒ)i/ | :: executability, feasibility, practicability, viability |
exequibilidade {f} [legal] | :: quality attributed to liquid titles that can subject to execution, a proccess that grants the title holder the enforcement of their right |
exequível {adj} /izɨˈkwivɛɫ/ | :: executable |
exequível {adj} | :: practicable |
exequível {adj} | :: possible |
exequível {adj} | :: practical |
exercer {v} | :: to instruct, to command |
exercer {v} | :: to exercise |
exercer {v} | :: to practise, to do |
exercício {m} /e.zeʁ.ˈsi.sju/ | :: exercise |
exercício {m} | :: training |
exercitar {v} /e.zeʁ.si.ˈta(ʁ)/ | :: to exercise (to perform an activity designed to hone a skill) |
exercitar {v} [specifically] | :: to work out (perform physical exercise) |
exército {m} /i.ˈzɛɾ.si.tu/ | :: army |
exhalar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of exalar |
exhortar {v} | :: obsolete form of exortar |
exibição {f} /ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: exhibition, display (act) |
exibição {f} | :: exhibit |
exibição {f} | :: ostentation |
exibicionismo {m} | :: exhibitionism (practice of drawing attention to oneself) |
exibicionista {mf} | :: exhibitionist (he who exposes genitalia) |
exibicionista {mf} | :: show-off |
exibicionista {mf} | :: streaker |
exibido {adj} [colloquial] /e.ziˈbi.du/ | :: boastful, vainglorious |
exibir {v} /i.zɨ.ˈbiɾ/ | :: to exhibit, display |
exibir {v} | :: to expose |
exibir-se {v} | :: reflexive of exibir |
exibir-se {vr} | :: to show off (to attract attention for the purpose of bragging) |
exigência {f} /iziˈʒẽsjɐ/ | :: requirement, demand |
exigência {f} | :: exigency |
exigente {adj} /i.zi.ˈʒẽ.tɨ/ | :: Needing immediate action; exigent |
exigibilidade {f} | :: enforceability |
exigindo {v} | :: gerund of exigir |
exigir {v} /i.zi.ˈʒiɾ/ | :: to require, need |
exigir {v} | :: to ask, demand |
exigível {adj} | :: required, needed |
exiguidade {f} /iˌziɣwiˈðaðɨ/ | :: exiguity |
exiguidade {f} | :: shortage |
exíguo {adj} /iˈziɡwu/ | :: exiguous |
exilado {m} | :: exile (someone who is banished from one’s home or country) |
exilado {adj} | :: exiled (banished from one’s home or country) |
exilar {v} /i.zi.ˈlaɾ/ | :: to exile (to send into exile) |
exílio {m} /i.ˈzi.lju/ | :: exile |
exímio {adj} /i.ˈzi.mju/ | :: excellent, extraordinary |
eximir {vt} | :: to absolve; to clear (to remove from suspicion or guilt) |
existem casos e casos {phrase} [idiom] | :: There are different cases (situations) with different circumstances to be considered separately |
existência {f} /i.ziʃ.ˈtẽ.sjɐ/ | :: existence, being |
existência {f} | :: life |
existencial {adj} | :: existential |
existencialismo {m} [philosophy] | :: existentialism |
existencialista {adj} [philosophy] | :: existentialist (of or pertaining to existentialism) |
existencialista {mf} [philosophy] | :: existentialist (a person who adheres to existentialism) |
existente {adj} /iziʃˈtẽtɨ/ | :: existent (which exists) |
existir {v} /i.ziʃ.ˈtiɾ/ | :: to exist (to be) |
êxito {m} /ˈɐj.zi.tu/ | :: result, end, consequence, effect |
êxito {m} | :: success | {adj} | :: alternative spelling of exmo |
exmo {n} | :: abbreviation of excelentíssimo (as a title) |
exobiologia {f} [biology, science fiction] | :: exobiology (biology dealing with extraterrestrial lifeforms) |
êxodo {m} /ˈe.zu.du/ | :: exodus (mass emigration) |
Êxodo {prop} {m} [Christianity, Judaism] /ˈe.zo.du/ | :: Exodus (departure of Hebrew slaves from Egypt) |
Êxodo {prop} {m} [book of the bible] | :: Exodus (book of Torah and Old Testament) |
exoesqueleto {m} [anatomy] | :: exoskeleton (hard outer structure) |
exoftalmia {f} [pathology] | :: exophthalmos (abnormal protrusion of the eyeball) |
exógeno {adj} | :: exogenous |
éxon {m} [Brazil, genetics] /ˈɛ.ksõ/ | :: exon (region of a gene) |
exoneração {f} | :: exoneration |
exonerando {v} | :: gerund of exonerar |
exonerar {v} /izunɨˈɾaɾ/ | :: to exonerate |
exoplaneta {m} [astronomy, planetology] /e.zo.plaˈne.ta/ | :: exoplanet (planet outside Earth’s solar system) |
exorbitância {f} | :: exorbitance |
exorbitante {adj} | :: exorbitant |
exorcismo {m} | :: exorcism (ritual driving out of evil spirits) |
exorcista {mf} | :: exorcist (a person who practices exorcism) |
exorcizar {vt} [religion, parapsychology] | :: to exorcise (to drive out an evil spirit from someone or something) |
exorcizar {v} [figurative] | :: to get rid of something evil or reprehensible |
exórdio {m} | :: exordium |
exortar {v} | :: to exhort, encourage or persuade |
exosfera {f} [meteorology, planetology] /e.zos.ˈfɛ.ɾa/ | :: exosphere (layer of Earth's atmosphere) |
exosqueleto {m} [uncommon] | :: alternative form of exoesqueleto |
exotermicamente {adv} | :: exothermically |
exotérmico {adj} | :: exothermic |
exótico {adj} /eˈzɔ.tʃi.ku/ | :: exotic |
expandindo {v} | :: gerund of expandir |
expandir {v} /iʃ.pɐ̃.ˈdiɾ/ | :: to expand |
expansão {f} /iʃ.pɐ̃.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: expansion (all senses) |
expatriado {m} | :: expatriate (person living outside his own country) |
expatriado {m} | :: expatriate (person who has been banished from his own country) |
expatriar {vt} | :: to expatriate (to banish someone from his own country) |
expectativa {f} /ɐjʃpɛtɐˈtivɐ/ | :: expectation (that which is expected or looked for) |
expectativa de vida {f} | :: life expectancy (statistical measure of how long a person is expected to live) |
expectoração {f} | :: expectoration (the act of expelling phlegm from the lungs) |
expectorante {m} | :: expectorant (drug used to expel phlegm from the lungs) |
expectorar {v} | :: to expectorate (to cough up fluid from the lungs) |
expedição {f} /ɐjʃ.pɨ.di.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: expedition (all senses) |
expedição {f} | :: shipment |
expedidor {m} | :: dispatcher |
expedidor {m} | :: shipper, sender |
expediente {adj} | :: expeditious (facilitating or done with efficiency and speed) |
expediente {m} | :: resource (something that one uses to achieve an objective) |
expediente {m} | :: resource (personal capacity) |
expediente {m} | :: shift (period of time spent at work) |
expedindo {v} | :: gerund of expedir |
expedir {v} | :: to issue |
expedir {v} | :: to despatch / dispatch |
expedir {v} | :: to forward |
expedir {v} | :: to expedite |
expelir {v} | :: to expel |
expelir {v} | :: to dislodge |
experiência {f} /(i)ʃ.pɨ.ˈɾjẽ.sjɐ/ | :: experience (event(s) of which one is cognizant) |
experiência {f} [uncountable] | :: knowledge gathered throughout time |
experiencial {adj} | :: experiential (of, related to, encountered in, or derived from experience) |
experienciar {vt} /ɾjẽ.si.ˈa(ʁ)/ | :: to undergo; to experience |
experiente {adj} | :: experienced (having experience) |
experimental {adj} | :: experimental (of, pertaining to or being an experiment) |
experimentando {v} | :: gerund of experimentar |
experimentar {v} /iʃ.pɨ.ɾi.mẽ.ˈtaɾ/ | :: to experience |
experimentar {v} | :: to experiment |
experimentar {v} | :: to try (taste of food, fit of clothing etc.) |
experimentar {v} | :: to attempt |
expert {mf} /ˈɛks.pɛʁt͡ʃ/ | :: expert (person with extensive knowledge or ability in a given field) |
expertise {f} | :: expertise |
experto {adj} /ɐjʃˈpɛɾtu/ | :: expert |
experto {m} | :: expert |
expiação {f} | :: expiation, atonement |
expiraçaõ {f} | :: obsolete spelling of expiração |
expiração {f} /es.pi.ɾa.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: expiration (act or process of breathing out) |
expiração {f} | :: expiration (instance of expiring, becoming invalid after a deadline) |
expirar {v} /es.pi.ˈɾa(ɾ)/ | :: to expire (to breath out) |
expirar {v} | :: to expire (to become invalid after a deadline) |
explanação {f} | :: explanation |
explanar {v} | :: to explain (to illustrate the meaning of) |
explanar {v} [slang] | :: to rumor (to tell a rumour or gossip to a number of people) |
explanar {v} [slang] | :: to publicise private material of someone, like photographs |
expletiva {f} [grammar] | :: expletive (word that performs a syntactic role but contributes nothing to meaning) |
expletivo {adj} [grammar] | :: expletive (performing a syntactic role but contributing nothing to meaning) |
expletivo {m} [grammar] | :: expletive (word that performs a syntactic role but contributes nothing to meaning) |
explicação {f} /iʃplikɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: explanation, explication |
explicação {f} [usually plural] | :: private lesson |
explicar {vt} /iʃ.pli.ˈkaɾ/ | :: to explain |
explicável {adj} | :: explicable, explainable |
explicitamente {adv} | :: explicitly |
explícito {adj} | :: explicit |
explodir {v} /ɐjʃpluˈðiɾ/ | :: to explode (blow up) |
explodir {v} | :: to explode (act violently) |
explodir em risadas {vi} [idiomatic] | :: to burst out laughing (suddenly start laughing intensely) |
explodir na cara de {v} | :: See: pt explodir na cara de |
explodir na cara de {v} [idiomatic] | :: to blow up in (one’s) face (fail disastrously) |
exploit {m} [computer security] /eks.ˈplɔjt͡ʃ/ | :: exploit (security vulnerability in a computer system) |
exploração {f} | :: exploration |
exploração {f} | :: exploitation |
explorador {m} | :: explorer (one who explores) |
explorador {m} | :: exploiter (one who exploits) |
exploradora {f} | :: feminine noun of explorador |
explorador dental {m} | :: explorer (hand tool with sharp point used in dentistry) |
explorando {v} | :: gerund of explorar |
explorar {v} /is.plo.ˈɾa(ʁ)/ | :: to explore |
explorar {v} | :: to exploit |
explorar {v} | :: to discover |
explorar {v} | :: to research |
explorável {adj} | :: exploitable |
explorável {adj} | :: explorable |
explosão {f} /ɐjʃpluˈzɐ̃w̃/ | :: explosion |
explosivamente {adv} | :: explosively |
explosivo {adj} /ɐjʃpluˈzivu/ | :: explosive |
explosivo {m} | :: explosive (material) |
Expo {f} | :: World Exposition (a regular international exposition) |
expoente {m} [mathematics] | :: exponent (power to which a value is to be raised) |
expoente {mf} | :: exponent (one who expounds, represents or advocates) |
expondo {v} | :: gerund of expor |
exponencial {adj} | :: exponential (relating to an exponent) |
exponencial {adj} [mathematics] | :: exponential (expressed in terms of a power or e) |
exponencial {adj} | :: exponential (having a high or rapid rate of change) |
expor {v} | :: to expose (to uncover; to make visible) |
expor {v} | :: to expose (to make something public) |
expor {v} | :: to expose to the elements (outdoor weather) |
expor {v} | :: to exhibit (to display at an exhibition) |
expor {v} | :: to subject (to cause to undergo a particular experience) |
exportação {f} | :: exportation (act of exporting) |
exportador {adj} | :: which exports |
exportador {m} | :: exporter (someone who exports goods) |
exportadora {f} [business] | :: exporter (a company that primarily exports goods) |
exportar {vt} | :: to export |
exposiçaõ {f} | :: obsolete spelling of exposição |
exposição {f} /es.ˌpo.zi.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: exposition (the act of exposing something) |
exposição {f} | :: exposition; disclosure (the act of revealing hidden information) |
exposição {f} | :: exhibition; exposition (public display of objects) |
Exposição mundial {f} | :: World Exposition (a regular international exposition) |
Exposição Mundial {prop} {f} | :: World Exposition (a regular international exposition) |
Exposição Universal {prop} {f} | :: World Exposition (a regular international exposition) |
exposto {adj} | :: exposed |
exposto {adj} | :: visible, manifest, patent |
exposto {m} | :: foundling (child abandoned by its parents) |
expremedor {m} | :: squeezer (device for squeezing things) |
expressamente {adv} | :: expressly |
expressão {f} /iʃ.pɾɨ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: expression |
expressão idiomática {f} | :: idiom (phrase that cannot be understood from its component words) |
expressão regular {f} [computing] | :: regular expression (a notational pattern to be matched) |
expressar {vt} /is.pɾe.ˈsa(ʁ)/ | :: to express (to convey meaning) |
expressionismo {m} | :: expressionism (a modernist movement in the arts) |
expressivamente {adv} | :: expressively |
expressivo {adj} | :: expressive |
expressivo {adj} | :: marked, significant |
expresso {adj} | :: express |
expresso {m} | :: express (train) |
expresso {m} | :: espresso (coffee) |
exprimir {vt} | :: to phrase (to express by means of words) |
expropriação {f} | :: expropriation |
expropriando {v} | :: gerund of expropriar |
expropriar {v} | :: to expropriate |
expulsão {f} | :: expulsion (the act of expelling or the state of being expelled) |
expulsar {v} /is.puw.ˈsa(ʁ)/ | :: to expel (to remove from membership) |
expulsar {v} | :: to expel; to eject (to cast out) |
expulsar {v} [sports] | :: to send off (show someone a red card) |
expurgação {f} | :: expurgation |
expurgação {f} | :: purge |
expurgar {v} | :: to expurgate |
expurgar {v} | :: to expunge |
exsecutar {v} [rare] | :: obsolete spelling of executar |
exsicante {adj} /ˈkã.t(ʃ)i/ | :: that exsiccates |
exsicante {adj} [chemistry] | :: capable of extracting the water of crystallization from a crystalline substance |
exsicar {v} /ˈka(ɾ)/ | :: to exsiccate, to desiccate, to dehydrate |
exsudar {vi} /ɐjʃ.su.ˈðaɾ/ | :: to exude |
exsurgência {f} [rare] | :: source; spring (place where water springs from the ground) |
exsurgir {v} /e.suɾ.ˈʒi(ɾ)/ | :: to rise |
exsurgir {v} | :: to appear, become visible |
êxtase {m} | :: ecstasy; bliss |
êxtase {m} | :: ecstasy (trance associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation) |
extasiar {vt} | :: to entrance; to captivate |
extemporâneo {adj} | :: extemporaneous, inopportune (occurring or appearing at an inconvenient or inappropriate time) |
extender {v} | :: obsolete spelling of estender |
extensamente {adv} | :: extensively |
extensão {f} /is.tẽ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: tract (an area) |
extensão {f} [electricity] | :: extension cord; power strip with extension cord |
extensão analítica {f} [analysis] | :: analytic continuation (extension of an analytic function) |
extensivamente {adv} | :: extensively |
extensivo {adj} | :: extensive (having a large scope) |
extenso {adj} | :: extensive |
extenuação {f} | :: exhaustion (extreme tiredness) |
extenuante {adj} | :: exhausting (very tiring) |
exterior {adj} /es.te.ɾi.ˈoʁ/ | :: exterior (located in the outside) |
exterior {adj} | :: foreign (relating to foreign countries) |
exterior {adj} [formal] | :: not encompassed by; not related to or covered by |
exterior {m} | :: outside (outer surface) |
exterior {m} | :: outside (the space beyond some limit or boundary) |
exterior {m} | :: exterior; territory of foreign countries |
exteriorizando {v} | :: gerund of exteriorizar |
exteriorizar {v} | :: to externalize |
exterminador {m} | :: exterminator (someone or something that exterminates) |
exterminador {m} | :: exterminator (person whose job it is to kill insects and other pests) |
exterminador {m} [science fiction] | :: terminator (artificial intelligence machine created to destroy humans) |
exterminador {adj} | :: exterminating (that exterminates) |
exterminar {v} | :: to exterminate |
extermínio {m} | :: extermination (act of exterminating) |
externalização {f} | :: outsourcing |
externalizar {v} | :: to outsource |
externamente {adv} | :: externally, outside |
externo {adj} /is.ˈtɛʁ.nu/ | :: Outside of; external |
externo {m} | :: exterior |
externo {m} | :: day student (not a boarder) |
extinção {f} /ˌes.t͡ʃĩ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: extinguishment (act of putting out a fire) |
extinção {f} | :: extinction; annihilation; eradication; destruction |
extinção {f} | :: abolition (act of abolishing) |
extinção {f} [ecology] | :: extinction (the disappearance of a species from a region, or as a whole) |
extinção {f} | :: the act of slaking lime to produce slaked lime |
extinção {f} [astronomy] | :: extinction (absorption or scattering of electromagnetic radiation) |
extincçaõ {f} | :: obsolete form of extinção |
extincção {f} | :: obsolete spelling of extinção |
extinguir {v} | :: to extinguish, quench |
extintivo {adj} | :: extinction (attributive) |
extinto {adj} [of fire] | :: extinguished (no longer alight) |
extinto {adj} [chiefly biology] | :: extinct (having died out) |
extinto {adj} [volcanology] | :: extinct (no longer erupting) |
extintor {m} | :: fire extinguisher |
extintor de incêndio {m} | :: fire extinguisher |
extirpação {f} | :: extirpation (the act of extirpating) |
extirpar {v} | :: to extirpate; to uproot |
extorquir {vt} | :: to extort |
extorsão {f} /ˌes.toʁ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: extortion (the practice of extorting money or other property) |
extra {adj} /ˈes.tɾɐ/ | :: extra (beyond what is due, usual, expected or necessary) |
extra {m} | :: anything that is extra |
extra {m} | :: bonus (extra amount of money given as a premium) |
extra {mf} [film] | :: extra; walk-on (actor in a small role with no dialogue) |
extração {f} /ɐjʃtɾaˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: extraction |
extracção {f} | :: alternative form of extração |
extracelular {adj} | :: extracellular |
extraconjugal {adj} | :: extramarital (taking place outside marriage) |
extracontratual {adj} [legal] | :: extracontractual |
extractar {v} | :: obsolete spelling of extratar |
extradição {f} | :: extradition |
extraditar {v} | :: to extradite |
extraindo {v} | :: gerund of extrair |
extrair {v} | :: to extract |
extrair {v} | :: to take out |
extrajudicial {adj} | :: extrajudicial |
extrajudicialmente {adv} | :: extrajudicially |
extramundano {adj} | :: extramundane (beyond mundane) |
extrangeiro {m} | :: obsolete spelling of estrangeiro |
extrangeiro {adj} | :: obsolete spelling of estrangeiro |
extraoficial {adj} | :: unofficial (not official) |
extraordinariamente {adv} | :: extraordinarily |
extraordinário {adj} /ɐjʃ.tɾɐ.ɔɾ.ði.ˈna.ɾju/ | :: extraordinary |
extrapolação {f} | :: extrapolation (inference about some hypothetical situation based on known facts) |
extrapolação {f} [mathematics] | :: extrapolation (calculation of an estimate) |
extrassensorial {adj} | :: extrasensory (of or relating to extrasensory perception) |
extratando {v} | :: gerund of extratar |
extratar {v} | :: to extract |
extraterrestre {adj} | :: extraterrestrial; not of the Earth |
extraterrestre {mf} | :: extraterrestrial; alien |
extraterritorialidade {f} | :: extraterritoriality |
extrato {m} | :: extract (all senses) |
extravagante {adj} | :: extravagant; flamboyant; showy |
extravasar {v} | :: to overflow, to extravasate |
extravasar {v} | :: to express oneself impetuously |
extraviado {adj} | :: lost or stolen |
extraviar {vr} | :: to go astray, to get lost |
extraviar {vt} | :: to steal |
extraviar {v} [figurative] | :: to mislead |
extravio {m} /is.tɾa.ˈvi.u/ | :: lose (act of losing something or oneself) |
extravio {m} | :: disappearance |
extravio {m} | :: theft |
extravio {m} | :: deviation (act of going out of the way) |
extravio {m} [colloquial] | :: lack of consideration for one's own appearance |
Extrema {prop} | :: Extrema (municipality) |
extrema-direita {f} | :: far right |
Extremadura {prop} {f} | :: Extremadura (autonomous community) |
extrema-esquerda {f} | :: far left |
extremamente {adv} | :: To an extreme degree; extremely |
extrema-unção {f} [Christianity] | :: Anointing of the Sick (sacrament given to a dying person) |
extremenho {adj} /ˌes.tɾe.ˈme.ɲu/ | :: Extremaduran (of, or relating to Extremadura) |
extremenho {m} | :: Extremaduran (person from Extremadura) |
extremenho {m} [uncountable] | :: Extremaduran language |
extremidade {f} | :: extremity |
extremismo {m} | :: extremism |
extremista {mf} /ɐjʃtɾɨˈmiʃtɐ/ | :: extremist |
extremista {adj} | :: extremist |
extremo {adj} /iʃ.ˈtɾ | :: extreme |
extremo {m} | :: extreme |
extremo {m} | :: end, the extreme part of an object |
extremo {m} [figurative] | :: an extreme view or attitude |
extremófilo {m} [biology] | :: extremophile (organism that lives under extreme conditions) |
extremófilo {adj} [biology] | :: extremophilic (living under extreme conditions) |
Extremo Oriente {prop} {m} | :: Far East (East and Southeast Asia) |
Extremo-Oriente {prop} {m} | :: obsolete spelling of Extremo Oriente |
extremunção {f} | :: alternative form of extrema-unção |
extrínseco {adj} | :: extrinsic (not being an inherent characteristic of a thing itself) |
extrovertido {adj} | :: extroverted; outgoing (being comfortable in social settings and interactions) |
extrovertido {m} | :: extrovert (one who is outgoing, sociable and socially confident) |
extruído {adj} | :: extruded |
extrusão {f} | :: extrusion (process where a billet of material is pushed through a die) |
exuberância {f} | :: exuberance |
exuberante {adj} | :: exuberant |
exudar {v} | :: rare spelling of exsudar |
exultação {f} | :: exultation (lively joy at success or victory) |
exultante {adj} | :: elated (extremely happy and excited) |
exultar {v} | :: to exult |
exumação {f} /i.zu.mɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ | :: exhumation |
exumar {v} | :: to exhume (to take out of a place of burial) |
-ey {suffix} | :: obsolete spelling of -ei |
-eyra {suffix} | :: obsolete spelling of -eira |
-eyro {suffix} | :: obsolete spelling of -eiro |
-ez {suffix} | :: -ness (appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning "the state of ...", "the quality of ...", or "the measure of ...") |
-ez {suffix} | :: obsolete spelling of -ês |
-eza {suffix} /ˈe.zɐ/ | :: -ness; -ity (appended to adjectives to form nouns meaning “the state of ...”, “the quality of ...”, or “the measure of ...”) |
-eza {suffix} | :: obsolete spelling of -esa |
-êza {suffix} | :: obsolete spelling of -esa |
-êza {suffix} | :: obsolete spelling of -eza |
Ezequiel {prop} {m} [book of the bible] | :: Ezekiel (book of the Bible) |
Ezequiel {prop} {m} [biblical character] | :: Ezekiel (a prophet) |
Ezequiel {prop} {m} | :: given name |