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Inherited from Latin intrāre.


  • IPA(key): /enˈtɾaɾ/ [ẽn̪ˈt̪ɾaɾ]
  • Rhymes: -aɾ
  • Hyphenation: en‧trar



entrar (first-person singular indicative present entro, past participle entráu)

  1. to enter; to go in







Inherited from Latin intrāre.



entrar (first-person singular present entro, first-person singular preterite entrí, past participle entrat); root stress: (Central, Valencia, Balearic) /e/

  1. to enter




  • “entrar” in Diccionari català-valencià-balear, Antoni Maria Alcover and Francesc de Borja Moll, 1962.





Inherited from Old Galician-Portuguese entrar, intrar, from Latin intrāre.


  • IPA(key): /enˈtɾaɾ/ [en̪ˈt̪ɾaɾ]
  • Rhymes: -aɾ
  • Hyphenation: en‧trar



entrar (first-person singular present entro, first-person singular preterite entrei, past participle entrado)

  1. to enter
    Antonym: saír
  2. to begin
    Antonym: comezar
  3. (soccer, sports) tackle (to attempt to take away a ball)
    Synonym: sachar









Inherited from Old Spanish entrar, from Latin intrāre. Cognate with English enter.



entrar (Hebrew spelling אינטראר)[1]

  1. (ambitransitive) to enter (go or come into an enclosed or partially enclosed space)
    • 1982, Enrique Saporta y Beja, En torno de la torre blanca[1], Editions Vidas Largas, page 52:
      Mas londje, komo un kulevro vedre entrando en la agua, se via el "Kutchuk Karaburnu" ke los djidyos yamavan la Punta Tchika (o Petit cap en franses).
      Further away, like a green snake entering the water, the ‘Kutchuk Karaburnu’ was seen, which the Jews were calling the Little Tip (or petit cap in French).
    • 2006, Matilda Koén‐Sarano, Por el plazer de kontar[2], page 80:
      Una demanyana, ayá a las mueve, ensupitó entraron en la kazika onde morávamos en Mombaroccio dos soldados almanes kon dos geynas muertas en la mano.
      One morning at nine, two German soldiers with two dead hens in hand suddenly entered the little house in Mombaroccio where we were living.
    • 2012, Alicia Sisso Raz, “Los Masapanes de Purim”, in Voces de Ḥaketía[3]:
      Con alegría, riza y pizzoteares, vos entre Purim.
      May Purim enter you with pleasure, laughter and trampling.
  2. to introduce



Derived terms



  1. ^ entrar”, in Trezoro de la Lengua Djudeoespanyola.

Old Galician-Portuguese


Alternative forms




Inherited from Latin intrāre. Cognate with Old Spanish entrar.




  1. (ambitransitive) to enter (go or come into an enclosed or partially enclosed space)
    • 1395, Miguel González Garcés, editor, Historia de La Coruña. Edad Media, A Coruña: Caixa Galicia, page 556:
      Outrosy mandamos que o dicto martin bezerra et sua moller façan outra porta a a dicta casa noua en a outra quadra via de de çima en o chaao, et que non aia altura nehuna do terreo, et que seia ancha tanto por que posa entrar longura de hun tonel a traues, et de altura por que posa entrar un ome ençima de hun caualo, et que non seia ferrada de ferro, saluo palmelas et golfoos pertenesçentes.
      Otherwise, we command that the aforementioned Martin Becerra and his wife should made another gate in this new house, in the other square, in the ground level, which should not have any elevation over the ground; it should be wide enough to enter a barrel in long, and high enough for a mounted man, and it should have not iron reinforcements with the exception of the needed leaves and pins [of the hinges]
    • 1414, “Da uiꝛgem q̃ moꝛdeo aalfaça [Of the virgin that bit the lettuce]” (chapter XI), in Estêvão Anes Lourido, transl., [dialogo de ſam Gꝛegoꝛio], book I, translation of Dialogi by Pope Gregory I, unnumbered page:
      Contou ainda ſam Gregoꝛẏo q̃ huũ dia hũa ſrgent de deꝯ q̃ uȷuẏa no mͦ. daq̃las virgẽẽs. de ſuſo dto q̃ el auẏ ade ueer entrou na oꝛta deſſe mͦ. ⁊ uẏu hũa alfaça muẏ fremoſa ⁊ cobiȷçou a.
      Saint Gregory further said that, one day, a God's servant that lived in the monastery, one of those above-said virgins that he should see, entered the vegetable garden and saw a beautiful lettuce, which she coveted.


  • Galician: entrar
  • Portuguese: entrar



Old Spanish




Inherited from Latin intrāre. Cognate with Old Galician-Portuguese entrar.




  1. (ambitransitive) to enter (go or come into an enclosed or partially enclosed space)
    • c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 37r:
      Qvando entro noe en el archa auẏe .dc. annos e fue el diluuio de las aguas abrieron ſe todas las fõtanas del abiſmo ⁊ fueron abiertas las fẏnieſtras de los cielos e plouio ſobre la tr̃a .xL. dias ⁊ .xL. noches.
      When Noah entered the ark he was six hundred years old. And the deluge of the waters took place. All the fountains of the deep were opened and the windows of the heavens were opened. And it rained upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
    • c. 1250, Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 17v:
      [] pero la gente daq̃lla tierra o ella es mas fallada, llaman le la piedra dela liebre, por eſta razon. q̃ en aquel logar o entra el grand ryo del nilo en la mar medio terrana, cria ſe y un animal que ſemeia en ſus miembros ⁊ en todas ſus fayciones ala liebre de tierra. ⁊ por endel llaman liebre marina.
      But the people of that land, where it is most found, call it the stone of the hare for this reason; that in that place, where the great river Nile enters the Mediterranean Sea, there breeds an animal that is similar in its limbs and all of its features to the land hare, and thus they call it a marine hare.




  • Ralph Steele Boggs et al. (1946) “entrar”, in Tentative Dictionary of Medieval Spanish, volume I, Chapel Hill, page 223





Inherited from Old Galician-Portuguese entrar, intrar, from Latin intrāre.


  • (Brazil) IPA(key): (careful pronunciation) /ẽˈtɾa(ʁ)/ [ẽˈtɾa(h)], (natural pronunciation) /ĩˈtɾa(ʁ)/ [ĩˈtɾa(h)]
    • (São Paulo) IPA(key): (careful pronunciation) /ẽˈtɾa(ɾ)/, (natural pronunciation) /ĩˈtɾa(ɾ)/
    • (Rio de Janeiro) IPA(key): (careful pronunciation) /ẽˈtɾa(ʁ)/ [ẽˈtɾa(χ)], (natural pronunciation) /ĩˈtɾa(ʁ)/ [ĩˈtɾa(χ)]
    • (Southern Brazil) IPA(key): (careful pronunciation) /ẽˈtɾa(ɻ)/, (natural pronunciation) /ĩˈtɾa(ɻ)/

  • Audio (Brazil):(file)
  • Hyphenation: en‧trar



entrar (first-person singular present entro, first-person singular preterite entrei, past participle entrado)

  1. to enter; to go into





For quotations using this term, see Citations:entrar.







Inherited from Old Spanish entrar, from Latin intrāre. Cognate with English enter.





entrar (first-person singular present entro, first-person singular preterite entré, past participle entrado)

  1. to enter; to come in; to get in; to go in; to get inside; to come on in
    Antonym: salir
    • 2016, Jesús Gálvez, Robos Legales[4], Palibrio:
      [] llegaron sin novedad a la entrada de la colonia donde vivía Mario Garcia Solís y los tres vehiculos entraron por diferentes calles, un poco antes de llegar a la casa a donde iban, todos se pusieron los pasamontañas, llegaron por las dos esquinas de la calle, la casa estaba a mediación de la cuadra.
      They arrived as usual to the colony entrance where Mario Garcia Solís lived and the three vehicles entered by different streets, a bit before arrived to the house they lived, everyone donned the balaclavas, they arrived by the two corners of the street, the house was halfway through the square.
  2. to break in
  3. to join; to enter; to start
  4. to access; to log in
  5. to fit
  6. to step in
  7. to input; to enter (data or information)
    • 2019 April 2, “Uber te bloquea si dices groserías”, in El Universal[5]:
      Uber define las palabras inaceptables como aquellas que vulneran la integridad de la persona, por lo que estos mensajes automáticamente entran a un proceso de desactivación permanente de la cuenta.
      Uber defines unacceptable words as those that damage the person’s integrity, so these messages automatically enter a permanent deactivation process of the account.
  8. to enter in; to enter into; to get into; to come into; to walk into; to step into; to slip into (entrar + en)
    • 1910, Joseph Charles Mardrus, transl., El libro de las mil noches y una noche:
      Terminado completamente su trabajo, al segundo día fué al palacio, entró en la cámara del rey y besó la tierra entre sus manos. Después le prescribió que fuera á caballo al meidán y jugara con la bola y el mazo.
      His work being entirely finished, on the second day that he went to the palace, he entered the king’s chamber, and prostrated himself. Then he instructed the king to go on horseback to the maidan and play with the ball and mallet.
  9. to break into (entrar + en)
    • 1915, Julio Vicuña Cifuentes, Mitos y Supersticiones Recogidos de la Tradición Oral Chilena, page 11:
      [] pudo comprobar que de casa de la familia enemiga salía todas las noches una perra, cual entraba sigilosamentte en la habitación de la enfermera por una ventanilla que quedaba abierta.
      [Somebody] was able to prove that a dog from the enemy family’s house left every night, which stealthily broke into the residence of the sick woman by a small window that she had left open.
  10. to fit in; to fall in; to fall within (entrar + en)
    • 2019, “El Perro De Tu Señorío”, performed by Carolina Durante:
      Y si peso mucho puedo adelgazar / Lo necesario para entrar en tu bolsillo
      And if I weigh a lot I can lose weight / What is necessary to fit in your pocket
  11. (colloquial, transitive) to make a move (on someone)
  12. (soccer, sports) tackle (to attempt to take away a ball)



Derived terms




Further reading






Inherited from Latin intrāre. Compare Italian entrare.




  1. (transitive) to enter
  2. (transitive) to start



* Venetan conjugation varies from one region to another. Hence, the following conjugation should be considered as typical, not as exhaustive.