enm -er -er -ere Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-raz armurer asker bakere barkar barker batailloure berkere bilder blader blomer botere bracer brewere bynder camper canner capper chalenger charmer chaundeler clevere cleyere clother cloystrer clubber clymber coroner coucher coynour creper crowdere delare delvere dower ender ensercher fauconer felter fischer foreyner forswerer gardener gauger glewer gonner gressehopper hakker hatere hatter hattere historier hoder homager horner hospiteler hostiler hunter journeier jueler kalender kneder knytter macer medler musiker nayler nexter norischer officer organer oyler pakker panterere parisshoner penner percher perer piker piper pissere pleyer potager poteller pottere prisoner pulter queller ratoner raunsoner recoverer reiser rerer reuler revere robber roster ryder sadeler saucer schaver scherer schilder sercher sether shryver skynner slynger smythier souker spicer spiller spynner steȝere storier stremer swerer synger tabler thresshere tilier toller trippere trompour vewer vitailler webber werreour werrour wever wheler writer yelpere enm -th -eth -th Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-iþō blast burde clift depthe derth eiȝtthe ferthe fifte helthe moneth myrthe nynthe reuþe schaft sevenþe sixte sleight theft thild tilthe trouthe wealth wefte wrength enm -el -el -le -let Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-ilaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-ulaz bridel canel crepel frountel hakle hatel honysokel kernel knoble panel potell sorel spangel spyndel swathel thymbyll tredel tridel wrot enm -ous -ous angwischous bataillous beautevous crymynous desirous envenymous fumous gracious injurious luxurious malencolious merveilous monstruous mountuous myschevous perilous rebellious ruynous toilous venemous vertuous vicious enm for- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fra- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/furai- for- forarnen forbannen forbarren forbeaten forbeoden forbinden forblow forblowen forcasten forcleave forcouth forcoveren forgreithen forholden forjudge forkerven fornimen forolded forsweren forȝiven enm with- with- withcallen withchaungen withclosen withdelen withdeparten withdon withdraw withfighten withlaughen withlesen withnayen withsamen withscapen withscoren withseien withsetten withsit withslippen withspeken withsterten withturnen wiþ- enm a- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uz- a- abenche aboard abord abread abrest abroad ac- adays ae afrainen agame aknowen aline amad around aserchen ashore astart avisioun revile enm -erie -ery baptistery bastardie bastardry capitainerie cirurgie develrye dowarye fairye hasardrie hostelrye naperye norserye pultrie saucerie skynnery spicerie surgerie tyrauntrie enm to Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/taihwǭ Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/tō behofþe behove bisy cleven hevy in-to te- ther-to to to- toe tois too toward tu- enm -te -t -ty Cristiente beaute cruelte duete febilte hevyte jelouste rebelte royalte sodeynte sotilte sovereynte surete sympilte enm of -a- Abbot of Misrule Abbot of Unreason Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ab a anew at þe fulle of þe mone bead contre of þe sterres in þe croke of þe mone in þe newe of þe mone lana succida of off sterne of sternes æf enm -ling -lin -ling -lings Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-ilingaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-ingaz chosling dokeling gadeling goselyng horlynge kiteling lordlyng scherling sterling werpling enm bi- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bi- be- begalewen begreten belanden belave beschrewen besenden bewrien bi- bicaren biflowen biqueste bireven by- enm -al collegial coronal cryminal eternal historial imperial instrumental material natural official original storial universal vertual enm -our creatour dettour douceoure gestour governour hasardour jurour rebelloure revelour translatour trompour versifiour werreour werrour enm mere Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mairiją Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mari Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mērijaz marchal mare meir mere mermaid mermaiden miere mother mære sea enm en- en- enact encompassen endowen endower enfeblen enfeblisshen engreynen enquest enserchen envenimen envenymous intronizen enm -dom -dom Cristendom Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-dōmaz dukedom erldom fredom hordom hæthendom kingdom popedome thedom wisdom enm side Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/siduz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sēdiz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sīdaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sīdǭ custom seed side sideling sidelong sidu sæd enm note Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hnuts cobble hnutu not note noteful noteless notu nut use walnot enm taken -en Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/taikną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/tēkaną tacan tacn tak taka take taken token enm -ere -ar -er -ere Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/warjaz astrologer berier hordere kerver sounere usere enm -ite auctorite captivite delitabilite diversite eternyte fumosite humanyte universalite universite venemosite enm Philip Phillpots Phillpott Phillpotts Philpot Philpots Philpott Philpotts Phippen Phipps Phips enm even Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/abniją Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ebnaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ēbanþs andefn efen eve even evenhede æfen enm given Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list forgiefan forȝiven gefa gie giefan give gyve yiven ȝiven enm -enen -en -nian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-inōną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-naną botnen cristenen gestenen nakenen thickenen enm -ster -ster bakestere beggestere brewester kembestere lopster spynnester syngster webster enm -ward -weard estward hethen-ward homward inward outward toward westward wolward enm dere Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/darō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/deuzą Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/diurijaz dear deer deore dere derth enm fere Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ferhuz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ferhwą Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fērō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fōriz fear feer feorh vear enm howe Kew Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hugiz ho hoe hoga hoo houe hough hu enm lesen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lausijaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lesaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/leusaną lease leese lese lorn losel withlesen enm mene Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gamainiz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mainiz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mainō bemean common demean mean moan mæne enm un- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/und onfrend un- undisposicioun uneasy unfrendly unsely unserchable untrewe enm werien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wargijaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/warjaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wazjaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wurgijaną warry wear werian worry wyrgan enm -able -able agreable assessable chalengeable delitable endowable greable unserchable enm -age beverage coignage cosynage cranage dotage parage patronage potage enm -ien Cristien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-janą Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-ōną cirurgien collegian magicien malencolien parisshen enm -reden -red -ræden brotherhede felawrede frenderede hatred hatrede manrede enm Philipot Phillpot Phillpots Phillpott Phillpotts Philpot Philpots Philpott Philpotts enm beleven Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bilaibijaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bilaubijaną beleave belib beliefan believe belæfan remain enm col Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kulą Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kōlaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kōluz cawel col cole collier kale enm cole Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kulą cawel charcoal coal col cole colly cál enm lien Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/launą Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/leuganą Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ligjaną ledger leogan licgan lie enm reken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rekaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/reukaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rōkijaną rack rackle reck reek reocan enm stede Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/stadiz city instead place steading steady sted stede enm umbe- um- umbeclosen umbedelven umbefolden umbegon umbelappen umbeloken ymb- enm ward Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/warduz barda foreward rereward ward warda warderobe weard enm -ant -and -ant -ent alien mountant norischaunt poynaunt enm as Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list ace also as asinus ass eallswa enm at Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list adh at at heuynesse at þe fulle of þe mone að behove enm athel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/aþalaz athel hathel hathill noble æðele æþele enm beliven belave beleave belifan belifen belive beliven remain enm blessen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blīþisjōną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blōþisōną blesh bless bletsian blissian blusschen enm faren faran fare farrow fearh for travel yondfaren enm ferme Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ferhuz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ferhwą Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fermō farm feorh ferme firm enm iren Reconstruction:Latin/tutellus Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/īsarną ain ire iron isern mars enm lake Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laiką Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lakaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lakō lac lacu lake enm led Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/liudiz lead leaden leden leed leode saturne enm leggen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lagjaną lay lecgan ledge ledger legge lygger enm leven Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laubijaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uzlaubijaną leave left livar læfan enm more Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/maizô Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/murhǭ mara more moru muir walmore enm over- ofer- over- overdeed overfeble overflowen overriden overthrow enm ryme Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hrīmaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/reumô Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rīmą rhyme rim rime rím enm that Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þar albeit t' that thot þat enm tor Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/tuz- tor tor- tore torr tower turris enm werken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wirkijaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wurkijaną wark warkand work wrought wyrcan enm -ard -ard Pollard bastard dotard gurnard taylarde enm be- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bi- be- belong bequest betides please enm bede Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bedō bead bede bedu beodan gebed enm behoven behofian behofþe behove behovely behovelynesse byhove enm beren atberen bear bearen beorn beran burde enm bolle bol boll bolla bolle bowl μπολ enm boren Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/burōną boore bore borian born boryng enm bule Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bulô Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/būlō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/būlǭ boil bull bulrush enm chavel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kaflaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kefalaz ceafl chavel choule jowl enm coppe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kuppaz cop copp cup cuppe spider enm croke Reconstruction:Old English/croc Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krōkaz crook crotch crúca in þe croke of þe mone enm do -en Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dajjǭ ado da doe don enm dol Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dailą dal doldrum doldrums dole enm drake Drake Enterich Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/anadrekô Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rekô draca drake enm dul Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dulaz doldrum doldrums dolt dull enm fangen catch fang fangle fon receive vang enm fede Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faihiþō fade feid feud fæhþ gefæd enm felen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/felhaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fōlijaną feal feel felan feolan enm fesen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/funsijaną faze fease feaze feese fysan enm first Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/firstiz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fristiz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/furist first frist fyrst enm herde Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/herdō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hirdijaz heord herd heren hierde enm hete Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/haitį̄ Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hataz hate heat hæte rehete enm hool Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hailaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hulą hal helthe holy whole enm how Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hugiz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hwaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hwō houve how enm hunten Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/huntōną hunt hunter huntian hunting enm imene Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gamainiz bemean common demean gemæne mean enm in- en- imposicioun in in- indisposicioun inwit enm kennen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kanjaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kannijaną cennan ken kenning enm lane Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laihną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lanō lane lanu loan lána enm last Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hlastuz ballast fault hlæst last least enm leche Letcher Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lēkijaz leach leech læce physician enm leyen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lagjaną lecgan ledge ledger legge lygger enm liggen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ligjaną ledger licgan lie lig enm lok Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lukkaz lo loc locc lock padlock enm loke Lock lake lo loca loke louk enm lone Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laihną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lanō lane lanu loan lána enm long Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/langaz flatlong headlong lang long enm los Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lausaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lusą loos loose los loss enm louken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/leukaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lūkaną lock louk lowk lucan enm mare Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/maizô Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/marǭ mair mare meir miere enm mede mead meadow medu meed mæd reward enm mis- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/missa- mis- misansweren misgang myschef mysspeken enm moste Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/maist Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/maistaz most motan must mæst enm over Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uber Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ōferaz ofer over overmorrow ower enm re- re- recoveren rehete request requite revewe enm rein Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/regnaz rain rean regn rein enm rocke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rukkô raket rochen rock rocken rocket enm roke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hraukaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hrōkaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/raukiz hroc roke rook enm scathen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skaþjaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skaþōną scathe sceaðian sceaþian skaith enm skathen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skaþjaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skaþōną scathe sceaðian sceaþian skaith enm sowen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sēaną sawan sew siwian sow enm thew Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þewaz larðewe thew thou þeaw þeow enm throwen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þrēaną throw thrown þrawan þrawen enm um- embrace um- umbedelven umbelappen umbeloken ymb- enm waxen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wahsijaną grow wax waxen weaxan weaxen enm wenen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wanjaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wēnijaną wean ween wenan wenian enm westen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/westanē Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wōstijaną waste weest westan westen enm -and -and -ant -ing flippant suddent enm -fold -feald -fold felefold sevenefold thyckfolde enm -ier -yer glasier hosyer lawier sporier enm -ioun abstraccyone creacion questioun rebellioun translacioun enm -kin -cen -chen -kin -kind Wilkins enm -riche -ric -rice byschopryke erchebyschopryke poperiche enm -some -some -sum hatesum hevysum newsome enm Ieneuer Januar Januari January janvier જાન્યુઆરી enm Reconstruction:Middle English/amasen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/masōną amased amasian amaze masen enm abiden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uzbīdaną abidan abidance abide abiding enm aught Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ahtō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ahtōu aught eight æht enm bedel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/budilaz beadle bedel bydel педель enm bellen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/belganą Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bellaną belgan bell bellan enm bene bean bee bein ben bene enm bose Reconstruction:Old English/bos Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bansaz boce boose boss enm boun Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/būaną bonnie bonny boun bound enm brennen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list bren brinded brymston bærnan enm budde Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/būdilaz boud bud budda bug enm burne Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brunjǭ Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brunnô burna burne byrne enm buwen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/beuganą boo bought bow bugan enm buȝen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/beuganą boo bought bow bugan enm callen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kalzōną call ceallian forthcallen withcallen enm chike Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kiukīną chick chicken cicen tsiks enm chiken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kiukīną chick chicken cicen tsiks enm closen beclose close clysan umbeclosen withclosen enm craken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krakōną crack crake crash croak enm croche Reconstruction:Frankish/krōk Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krukjō cricc croche crotch enm crok Reconstruction:Old English/croc Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krōkaz crockard crook crouch enm cruche Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krukjō cricc crotch crouch cruc enm dam Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dammaz beldame dam dame dan enm deie Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/daigijǭ deah dey dye dæge enm deor Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/deuzaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/deuzą animal deer enm dis- dis- disdeinous disparage disposicioun disrewlily enm draf Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/drabaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/draibō draff dreave drove enm drepen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/drepaną dreopan drepan drib drub enm dreven Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/draibijaną dreave dref drefan dreve enm dwergh durgan durgy dwarf dweorg dwerch enm eld Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ailidaz eald forolded æled enm evene Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/abniją andefn even evin enm evenliche -liche efenlic efenlice evenlike evenly enm evere Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ferhuz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ferhwą ever feorh æfre enm fat Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fatą fat fætt vat enm folden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/falþaną fealdan fold folden umbefolden enm fulle Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fullį̄ full fyllu heivol enm fullen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fullijaną fill full fulling fyllan enm fyn Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/finnō fin fine finn fíneáil enm gangen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ganganą gan gang gangan enm gast Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gaistaz gast ghastness ghost spirit enm graven Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list grafan grave graven grábháil enm greten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/grētaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/grōtijaną begreten greet grætan enm gulle Reconstruction:Proto-Brythonic/gwuɨlann Reconstruction:Proto-Celtic/wailannā Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gulaz gul gull enm halen Reconstruction:Frankish/halōn Reconstruction:Old English/halian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/halōną hale haul enm half Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/halbaz half halfpenny halpeni healf enm hogh Kew Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/haugaz hoe hoo hough enm hol Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hailaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hulą hal hole holy enm hoo Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/haugaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hijō ho hoo whoa enm ij appel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/augaaplaz apple of someone's eye apple of the eye eagæppel eye-apple enm iland Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/awjōlandą ieg iegland iland island enm ile Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/awjōlandą Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/igilaz igil island isle enm ivel Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list efel evil wough yfel enm iwis I wis Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gawissaz iwis wis wiss enm june Juin Jun June Juun جون enm juyng Juin Jun June Juun جون enm keye cail caium cei key quay enm kunde Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kinþiz cynd cynde kind mankind enm kynde Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kinþiz cynd kind mankynde wommankynde enm lac Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laiką fault lac lake enm laden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hlaþaną hladan lade loaden ládáil enm laken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laikaną lacan lake laker lakering enm lei Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laugiz lea leah leigh lig enm lenen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hlainijaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hlinjaną lean lend lænan enm lift Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list left luft lyft sky enm male Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/maþlą blackmail mail male mála enm marche March Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/marikiz march marche marcher enm might Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mahtiz micht might miht myght enm morwe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/murginaz morgen morning morrow overmorrow enm mos Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/musą Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mōsą mos moss mush enm net Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ganautaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/nautą neat net nitidus enm oft Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ufta Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uftō oft often oftin enm often Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ufta Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uftō oft often oftin enm raven hræfn rave raven resver rove enm repen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hrapjaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hrapōną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rīpaną reap touch enm rope Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/raipaz rap rope ropy enm roun Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rūnō roe roun round run enm sak Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sakkuz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sakō sack sacu sako enm schelle Reconstruction:Frankish/skallija escaille sciell shell shrill enm schippen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skipōną scieppan scipian ship shipping enm sechen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sōkijaną secan seech seek undersechen enm shoten chutar chuto sceotan shoot siyot enm sib Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sibjō Sif peace sib sibling enm sliven Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/slībaną part slifan slive sliver enm stagge Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-gô Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/staggijô stacga stag staig enm swo Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/swa Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/swē sae so swa enm tache Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/taikną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/taskǭ tass tasse tetchy enm thenchen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þankijaną hink think þencan enm tho Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þai tho those thou þa enm thole Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þullaz dola patience thild thole enm thos Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þai Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þus those thus þa enm thrucchen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þrukjaną push thrack thrutch þryccan enm tom Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/tōmaz leisure tam tame toom enm tome Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/tōmaz tam tame tom toom enm tosen Reconstruction:Old English/tasan Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/taisaną tose touse toze enm tunge Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/tungǭ tongue tung tunge enm wanien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wainōną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wanōną wane wanian wanion enm waschen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/waskaną wascan wash waswas enm washen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list wascan wash washen waswas enm wether Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/weþruz wedder wether weðer weþer enm wher Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hwar Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hweraz hwær where enm wite Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wītiją blame childwyte wite woot enm wose Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/waisǭ ooze ouze wos wuss enm wyd Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wīdaz wid wide wyde enm yland Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/awjōlandą ieg iegland iland island enm -aunce alliaunce governaunce ligeaunce recoveraunce enm -ent -ent defferent different suddent enm -ifien -ify amplifiyen glorifien versifien enm -ine -ine adamantine savagyne terebentyne enm -ken -cen -chen -k -kin enm Reconstruction:Middle English/ambre ammer amore yelamber yellowhammer enm Reconstruction:Middle English/kid Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kweþuz cwiþ kidney kite enm Reconstruction:Middle English/schagge Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-gô Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skaggiją sceacga shag enm Reconstruction:Middle English/thon Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þainaz Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/teh₂- thone þan enm abak a-bac aback back- bak enm abbot Abbot of Misrule Abbot of Unreason abbas abbot enm addere Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/nadrǭ adder nædre serpent enm aleggen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uzlagjaną alecgan allay allege enm ande Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/anadô and envy onde enm anden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/anadōną and andian breathe enm arsenik arsanaic arsenic arsenicum arsenik enm astonien astonish astony estoner stunian enm atheling Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/aþalingaz atheling æðeling æþeling enm aueril April Aprill Apryle اڤريل enm aunter Reconstruction:Latin/adventura adbentyur adventure saunter enm bald bald bauld beald bold enm banket Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bankiz banchetto bank banquet enm barly Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/baraz barley bærlic బార్లీ enm barrell Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/barilaz bairille baraill barrel enm bayne bain beinn bone βαλανεῖον enm bed bed bedd bedfelawe child bed enm beere beer beor ber bier enm beggen beg beggar beggestere begging enm beginnen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/biginnaną begin beginnan gin enm beholden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bihaldaną behealdan behold beholden enm beli bak bellows belly bælg enm belyen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bileuganą beleogan belicgan belie enm bench abenche benc bench binse enm bergh barrow beorg bergh mountain enm bernen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brinnaną birnan burn enm besetten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bisatjaną beset besettan besetten enm bile Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/būlō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/būlǭ bill boil enm bileven Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bilaubijaną belib beliefan believe enm bille Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bilją bil bill bille enm birnen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brinnaną birnan burn enm bithecchen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/biþakjaną bethatch beþeccan cover enm blee Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blīwą blee bleo color enm bleren blare blear blore blur enm blissen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blīþisjōną blesh blissian blusschen enm bode Body Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/budô boda bode enm body Body Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/budagą bodig body enm bogett badyet budget bulga bung enm bos Reconstruction:Old English/bos boce boosies boss enm bouget badyet budget bulga bung enm bowgette badyet budget bulga bung enm breth Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brēþiz breath breathe bryþen enm brethen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list breathe breoþan bryþen enm bright Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/birhtį̄ beorht brayt bright enm brod Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brōduz brad brood enm brouken brook brouk brucan use enm brusen Reconstruction:Proto-Celtic/bruseti Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brausijaną bruise brysan enm bryne Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brūwō Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/bʰreyH- Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/h₃bʰrúHs brine enm buggen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bugjaną bidge buy bycgan enm buhsum bightsome bowsome bucksome buxom enm burthe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/burþiz birth nation nature enm chawl Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kefalaz ceafl choule jowl enm chip chiffon chip chiper cipp enm cholle Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kefalaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kelǭ ceafl jowl enm chosen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/keusaną ceosan choose chosling enm cloud Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klūtaz cloud clud enm comen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list come comen cuman enm cool Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kōlaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kōluz col cool enm cost Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kustuz cost costas needs-cost enm costnien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kustōną costen costian try enm cove Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kubô caf cofa cove enm cumen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list come comen cuman enm cuppe cup cupa cuppe gulchecuppe enm daunsen damhsa dance dancier daunse enm dede Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dēdiz deed dæd indeed enm dene Dean Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/danjō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/duniz dyne enm derf Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/derbaz deorf derf derven enm deye Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/daigijǭ dey dæge enm dollen bedole doldrum doldrums dolt enm dor Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/durą door dor duru enm dragen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/draganą drag dragan draw enm draught Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/drahtuz draght draught drawth enm drihten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/druhtinaz dright drighten drihten enm driven Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/drībaną drayb drifan drive enm drubly Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/drōbuz droflic drublie drubly enm dullen bedole doldrum doldrums dolt enm dune Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/duniz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dusnaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dūnǭ dyne enm dunne Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dusnaz donkey dun dunn enm duschen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dwaiskijaną douse dush dwæscan enm dweomer Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dwemrą dweomer dwimor gedwimor enm eile Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ahilaz ail egle ile enm eke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/aukô eke ekename nickname enm empechen empeechier impeach impeachment peach enm engineour endyiner engigneor engineer इंजीनियर enm estacioun estasyon station stesen stáisiún enm ethe easy eath eaþe eth- enm faken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faiknaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faikną facn fake enm fallen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fallaną fall feallan enm falow Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/falgō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/falwaz fallow fealh enm false falsa false falsehood falshede enm fell Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/falisaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faluz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fellą fell enm ferd Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fardiz faird fard ferdness enm feren Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fōrijaną fear ferd travel enm fet Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fatą feet fet fætt enm fille Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fullį̄ fill full fyllu enm fillen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fullijaną fill fylfot fyllan enm flacken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flakkōną flack flag flaunt enm flitten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flutjaną flit flitter flytja enm flock Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flukkaz flocc floccus flock enm flok Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flakaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flukkaz flocc flock enm flytten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flutjaną flit flitter flytja enm fold Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faludaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fuldō fold folde enm for Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list for forsooth her-for enm fordriven Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fradrībaną compel fordrifan fordrive enm fore- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/furai- fore- fore-elder foreward enm forfaren Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frafaraną forfairn forfaran forfare enm forsaken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frasakaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sakaną forsacan forsake enm forseen foresee foreseon forsee forseon enm fraked Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frakunnaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frakunþaz forcouth fraked enm frien fricgan frigo frire fry enm frovre comfort frofor frother frover enm fulthe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fūliþō fouth fulth fylþ enm furst Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fristiz first frist fyrst enm gaile Reconstruction:Latin/caveola gale gaol jail enm gaille Reconstruction:Latin/caveola gaiole gaol jail enm galen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/galaną cry galan gale enm gang Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gangaz forthgang gang misgang enm gasten gast ghast ghastness gæstan enm gayle Reconstruction:Latin/caveola gaiole gaol jail enm gaylle Reconstruction:Latin/caveola gaiole gaol jail enm gayole Reconstruction:Latin/caveola gaiole gaol jail enm geld Danegeld Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/geldą geld wodegeld enm geten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/etunaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/getaną get geta enm girden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gurdijaną gird gride thorough-girt enm give Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list gewgaw misgive misgiving enm godles -les godleas godless goodless enm goodly Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gōdalīkaz godlic goodly guidly enm grim Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/grimmaz grim grima grime enm growen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/grōaną grow growan grown enm happen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hampijaną hap happen happy enm heigh heah heich heivol high enm hewen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hawwaną heawan hew enm hide Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hūdiz hide hyd enm hiden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hūdijaną hide huddle hydan enm hof Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hufą Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hōfaz hoof measure enm hoke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hōkaz hook huck huckle enm holm Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/halmaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hulmaz holen holme enm hot Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/haitaz fot hot hat hot enm huden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hūdijaną hide huddle hydan enm hwit Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hwītaz White white enm inke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/inkô inca inkle inkling enm inlighten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/inliuhtijaną enlighten inlight inlihtan enm iulius Julai Julie July جولاي enm jogeler geogolere jangleor juggle juggler enm kepen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kōpijaną cepan keep keepen enm kidenere Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kweþuz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/neurô cwiþ kidney enm kidnere Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kweþuz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/neurô cwiþ kidney enm kiken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kīkaną keek kick kyke enm kippen chipper kip kippa kipper enm laf Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hlaibaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laibō hlaf loaf enm lak Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laiką lac lake enm lang Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/langaz lang long enm lathe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lattō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laþô laith lath enm lavedi Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/daigijǭ hlæfdige lady lafði enm lef Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/leubaz leave leof lief enm leoden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/leudaną leden leid leoden enm lernen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/liznaną learn leornian lernar enm lese false lease leash lorn enm leye Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laguz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lugiz lagu lyge enm lifly lifely liflic liflice lively enm like -like Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/līką lich like enm liken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/līkijaną lician like please enm liver Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/librō lifer liver enm lode Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/laidō load loaden lodestone enm lodesman Lotse lodesman loods loodsman enm logge Reconstruction:Frankish/laubija laubia lodge log enm longsum Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/langasamaz langsome langsum longsome enm losen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/leusaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lusą lose losian enm lough Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lōgą loh low place enm lowen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hlōaną hlowan loon low enm lust Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hlustiz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lustuz lust lusty enm mal Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mailą blackmail mail mal enm maȝty Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mahtīgaz mighty mihtig myghty enm mengen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mangijaną mengan ming minge enm menske Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/manniskaz honor mennisc mense enm merche Merk Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/marikaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/marikiz march enm merke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/merkuz mark mearc murk enm mes mese mess messe messen enm mighti Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mahtīgaz mighty mihtig myghty enm minsen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/minnisōną geminsian mince minsian enm miȝty Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mahtīgaz mighty mihtig myghty enm mole Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mailą mal meal mole enm mool Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mailą mal meal mole enm most Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/maist Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/maistaz most mæst enm nede Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/neudaz need neod nied enm nithe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/nīþą envy nithe niþ enm no namo no noman nothyng enm non Nonesmanneslond non- none noon enm nou Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/nu noo now nu enm nu Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/nu noo now nu enm nute Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hnuts hnutu nut nutte enm old Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list eald forolded old enm on- Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ana- on- un- án enm onden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/anadōną andian breathe onde enm onlete Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/andawlitją Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wlitiz andwlita face enm oor Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/aiz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ōsaz ar ore enm ordal Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uzdailiją ordalian ordalium ordeal enm pal pal pale pall pole enm perishen Reconstruction:Latin/peresco perir perish perishen enm planten plant planteran plantian planto enm plot plat platt plot plotmele enm pole Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/pōlaz pal pole pool enm poten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/putōną pote put putten enm puke Puck Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/pūkô puca puck enm putten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/putōną put putten toput enm rail Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hragilą rail reel regula enm rake Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rakō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rekô raik rake enm rakente Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rakentǭ racente rackan rackle enm ransaken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/razną ramshackle ransack ransak enm rape Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/raipaz rap rape rope enm rappen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hrapōną hreppan rap rape enm rather Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hradaz hræd rathe rather enm reinbowe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/regnabugô bowe rainbow regnboga enm rek Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/raukiz rack rec reek enm reyn Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/regnaz rain regn enm rim Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/reumô rim rima rime enm rinen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hrīnaną hrinan rine touch enm ring hring ring ringue rink enm rinnen forarnen rin rinnan run enm ris Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hrīsą hris rice rise enm rith Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rīþiz rith rithe riþ enm ritten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wrītaną rit ritzen writan enm roche roach roche rochen rocken enm rokken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rukkōną roccian rock rog enm rolle Reconstruction:Frankish/skrōda roll rotula scroll enm rood Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rōdō cross rod rood enm ropen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hrōpaną croup hropan roop enm rosen praise roose rose rosen enm rudden Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rudjaną rud rudian enm ruschen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hurskijaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rūskōną hryscan rush enm ryche Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rīkijaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/rīkiją rice riche enm sake Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sakō cause sacu sake enm sale Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/salą Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/salō sale sæl enm schabbe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skabbaz scab sceabb shab enm schawen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skawwōną sceawian shaw show enm schenchen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skankijaną pour scencan shink enm schenken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skankijaną pour scencan shink enm schipen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skipōną scipian ship shipping enm schoggen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skukkōną jog shag shog enm schuld Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skuldiz fault scyld shild enm sede Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sēdiz seed sæd enm seed Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sēdiz seed sæd enm seil Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/seglą sail seel segl enm sewen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list sew siwian sue enm sibbe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sibjō godsib sib sibling enm sidlyng -lyng sideling sidelong sidling enm sinewe Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/snéh₁wr̥ seonu sinu tendon enm sith Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sinþaz bale-siðe sith siþ enm skere Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skairiz clear pure sheer enm skriken screech scrike shrill skrike enm sliver Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/slībaną part slifan sliver enm slouthe sloth slowth slut slutte enm smethe Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/smanþiz smeþe smooth enm sniken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/snīkaną sneak snican snitch enm snithen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/snīþaną cut snithe sniþan enm soke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sōkniz soc socn soke enm sompe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sumpaz sump swamp zomp enm sope Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/supô sape soap sop enm sound Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sundaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sundą gesund sound enm spade Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/spadô spade spadu spád enm speden Godspeed Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/spōdijaną spedan speed enm spik Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/spiką speck spic spike enm spike Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/spiką speck spic spike enm spite Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/spituz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/spitō Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/spey- spit enm sprengen sprengan sprent springe sprink enm stage estache esteyds stage staig enm stark Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/starkuz starch stark stearc enm stedfastnesse steadfastness sted stedefæstnes stedfastness enm stel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/stahliją steel stele style enm stem Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/stamniz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/staumaz steam stem enm ster Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/steuraz stare steer steor enm sterk Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/starkuz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/steuraz starch stearc enm sterling esterlino esterlín starling sterling enm steynen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/stenaną stain steinn stevened enm stiche Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/stukkiją stice stitch stucche enm stille Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/stillijaz still stille style enm stiren move steer stir styrian enm stor estor stour sturdy styria enm striden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/strīdaną stridan striddle stride enm striken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/strīkaną strican stricken strike enm stubbe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/stubbaz stab stub stybb enm stunien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/stenaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/stunōną stun stunian enm sum Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list some sum sumdel enm sund Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sundaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sundą gesund sound enm swelten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sweltaną swelt sweltan swelter enm swimmen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/swimmaną swim swimman enm swippen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/swippōną swap swipe zwepen enm swith Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/swinþaz swith swiþ very enm tale Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/talō tale talewise talu enm tarien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/targijaną tarre tarry tirgan enm tene Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/teuną teen ten tien enm thakken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þakwōną thack thwack þaccian enm thecchen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þakjaną cover thatch þeccan enm theow Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þewaz thew þeaw þeow enm thiggen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þigjaną receive thig þicgan enm thing Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þingą dhing thing þing enm thought Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þanhtaz thot thought thoughten enm thrawen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þrēaną throw þrawan enm thringen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þrinhwaną press thring þringan enm throwe Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list throe throw þrag enm tiren Reconstruction:Latin/tiro Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/teraną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/tiuzōną tire enm towen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/tugōną taut tow wanton enm twisel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/twisilą twisla twissel twistle enm two Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/twai tuo two enm unclene Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klainį̄ unclean unclæne enm unto Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/und behove until unto enm uvel Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list efel evil yfel enm wacchen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wakjaną wat watch weccan enm warien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wargijaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/warōną warian warry enm way Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wegaz waggen way enm werpen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list warp weorpan werpling enm weten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wētijaną wat weet wet enm what Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hwat wat what enm why Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hwī hwy vi why enm win winberie wine wáán ဝိုင် enm winne Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wunjō win winne wynn enm winsom Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wunjō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wunjōsamaz winsome wynsum enm witles -les Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/witjalausaz witleas witless enm worth weorþ worth worthen worthy enm wrake Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wrēkō wrack wrake wreak enm wrien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wrikkōną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wrīhaną bewrien wry enm wunne Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wunjō joy win wynn enm wunsum Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wunjō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wunjōsamaz winsome wynsum enm ya Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ja ya yea yo enm yare Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/garwaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/jērą yare yore enm -at alienat collegiate viciate enm -craft -craft -cræft wicchecraft enm -ein -an citeseyn gardein enm -elen -le -lian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-lōną enm -ence -ence difference resistence enm -end -and -ant suddent enm -ende -ing beende frend enm -enien -en -nian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-inōną enm -fald -feald -fold anfald enm -len -le -lian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-lōną enm -lien -le -lian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-lōną enm -nen -nian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-inōną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-naną enm -orie -oire -ory -torius enm -ren -er -ern -erne enm -t -t -th Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-iþō enm -ty -tig -ty ten enm -ure -ure creature mounture enm August August Ogos اوݢوس enm Cristofre Christopher Christopherus Christophorus enm Densc Dench Denisc Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/daniskaz enm Februarie Februar February februarius enm Gene Genua jean jeans enm Janevere Januar January janvier enm Januarie Januar January ianuarius enm May May Mayson Mey enm Oxneford Oxenford Oxford Oxnaford enm Phipp Phippen Phipps Phips enm Reconstruction:Middle English/bangen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bang- bang bangs enm Reconstruction:Middle English/befreen befree befreogan befria enm Reconstruction:Middle English/bifreen befree befreogan befria enm Reconstruction:Middle English/farh farrow fearh for enm Reconstruction:Middle English/farwe farrow fearh for enm Reconstruction:Middle English/farȝe farrow fearh for enm Reconstruction:Middle English/fnore fnora snore snoren enm Reconstruction:Middle English/glom glom gloom glum enm Reconstruction:Middle English/landmark Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/landamarkō landmark landmearc enm Reconstruction:Middle English/lecchen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lakjaną leach leccan enm Reconstruction:Middle English/lechen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lakjaną leach leccan enm Reconstruction:Middle English/menye Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/managį̄ many menigu enm Reconstruction:Middle English/spane spane spanu spean enm Reconstruction:Middle English/spene spane spanu spean enm Reconstruction:Middle English/steȝe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/staigilaz stay stægel enm Reconstruction:Middle English/stran Reconstruction:Frankish/strenō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/strinô strand enm Reconstruction:Middle English/than Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þainaz Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/teh₂- þan enm Reconstruction:Middle English/wigge Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wigją wicg widge enm Reconstruction:Middle English/yelwambre amore yelamber yellowhammer enm Reconstruction:Middle English/yenen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/aunōną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gaaunōną yean enm Reconstruction:Middle English/ȝenen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/aunōną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gaaunōną yean enm Rycharde Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/Rīkaharduz Richard Risteard enm Wednesdai Ash Wednesday Wadensday Wednesday enm abaten Reconstruction:Latin/abbato abate abatre enm aberen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uzberaną abear aberan enm absteinen abstain abstainer abstenir enm acorne acorn aicorn æcern enm acre acre æcer एकड़ enm adreden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/andahrēdaną adrad adread enm adressen address adrecier adres enm adse Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/adisô adesa adze enm after Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/after after æfter enm agnail Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/anguz agnail hangnail enm ak Auckland Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ak ac enm aker acre æcer एकड़ enm al- al- all- eall- enm alayen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uzlagjaną alecgan allay enm ald Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list eald old enm alder alder alor ealdor enm aleyen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uzlagjaną alecgan allay enm als also eallswa inasmuch enm and- and- answere answeren enm andsware Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/andaswarō andswaru answer enm andweorc cause material matter enm anelen anele anneal onælan enm angellich angelic aungelic engellic enm anlet Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/andawlitją Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wlitiz andwlita enm annoien annoy inodio noisome enm anter Reconstruction:Latin/adventura adbentyur adventure enm any Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ainagaz animan any enm appel of the eyȝe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/augaaplaz apple of someone's eye apple of the eye enm appreoven approve aprob aprub enm appreven approve aprob aprub enm apprile April Apryle اڤريل enm apreven approve aprob aprub enm areden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uzrēdaną arread arædan enm arisen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/uzrīsaną arisan arise enm armes arm armas arme enm astunien astonish astony stunian enm atstonden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/atstandaną atstand ætstandan enm attenden atend attend tend enm atter Rock ator atter enm attercoppe atorcoppe attercop spider enm auncyen Reconstruction:Latin/anteanus ancien ancient enm avantage advantage avantage vondeish enm avauntage advantage avantage vondeish enm aventure Reconstruction:Latin/adventura adbentyur adventure enm babe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bō- babe baby enm bache batch beach bæc enm bad Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bad- bad enm baffen baboon babouin baff enm bain bain beinn bone enm banke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bankô banc bank enm bannen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bannaną ban forbannen enm bathhous bathhouse bæðhus bæþhus enm bathous bathhouse bæðhus bæþhus enm bayn bain beinn bone enm bebathen bebathe bebaðian bebaþian enm bec Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bakiz beak bekkr enm becc Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bakiz beck bekkr enm becomen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bikwemaną become becuman enm bedon bedo bedon bedone enm bedoven bedofen bedoven bedufan enm befilen befile befylan defile enm begripen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bigrīpaną begripan begripe enm beheve behofþe behovely behovelynesse enm behoveable behofþe behovely behovelynesse enm behovefull behofþe behovely behovelynesse enm behovefully behofþe behovely behovelynesse enm behovesum behofþe behovely behovelynesse enm beleoȝen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bileuganą beleogan belie enm belirten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lurtijaną belirt belyrtan enm bely Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list belly belwen enm bemenen bemean bemoan bemænan enm benk benc bench bink enm berdles -les beardleas beardless enm bereden beread berede berædan enm berling Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/barō barling bearling enm bersten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brestaną berstan burst enm beschinen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/biskīnaną bescinan beshine enm beseen besee beseon well-beseen enm beshinen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/biskīnaną bescinan beshine enm besitten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bisitjaną besit besittan enm bestanden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bistandaną bestand bestandan enm betechen betake beteach betæcan enm beten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bautaną beat beatan enm bethenken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/biþankijaną bethink beþencan enm bewinden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/biwindaną bewind bewindan enm beyn bain beinn bone enm bibben bib bibber bibble enm bicumen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bikwemaną become becuman enm bight Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/buhtiz bight bought enm bilurten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/lurtijaną belirt belyrtan enm birken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/birkīnaz birchen birken enm bischadewen besceaduwian beshade beshadow enm bischilden bescyldian beshield protect enm bishiten beshit beshite beshitten enm bistanden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bistandaną bestand bestandan enm bite Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list bit bite enm bitte bit bite butt enm bitter Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bitraz biter bitter enm biwinden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/biwindaną bewind bewindan enm biȝt Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/buhtiz bight bought enm blanden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blandaną bland blunder enm bleath Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blauþuz blate bleaþ enm bleche Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blaikaz bleach bleak enm bleke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blaikaz bleach bleak enm blenken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blinkaną blencan blink enm blind Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blindaz blind blindfold enm blot Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/blautaz bloat blot enm bocchen bodge botch botettan enm bod Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/budą bod bode enm boden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/budōną bode bodian enm bold bauld beald bold enm boldeliche -liche bealdlice boldly enm bolken boak bolk bowk enm bollen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/belganą belgan boln enm bolnen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/belganą boln enm bonles -les banleas boneless enm bony bony bunion bunny enm borwen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/burgōną borgian borrow enm borȝien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/burgōną borgian borrow enm bosk Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/buskaz boscus bosk enm bosten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bausuz boast boost enm bought Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/buhtiz bight bought enm bouken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/būkōną buck buée enm bouline boline bouline bowline enm bourne Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brunnô burn burna enm bouten Reconstruction:Frankish/bōtan but butan enm bouȝt Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/buhtiz bight bought enm boye Reconstruction:Frankish/baukan Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bō- boy enm breie Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brīwaz bree briw enm bresen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brausijaną bruise brysan enm brisen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/brausijaną bruise brysan enm broilen Reconstruction:Frankish/brod broil bruir enm broken brocen broken brook enm bulle bull bulle papal bull enm burgh borough burg city enm burre bur burr burra enm butten Reconstruction:Frankish/bōtan Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bautaną butt enm byen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bugjaną buy bycgan enm byge Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/bewwu big bygg enm byȝt Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/buhtiz bight bought enm bæcche batch beach bæc enm cacchen cachier catch chacier enm calwe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kalwaz callow calu enm campen camp campian kampe enm caren bicaren care caren enm casten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kastōną cast forcasten enm centaure centaurea centaury κενταύρειον enm ch- cham chave chill enm chappen cappen chap chop enm charken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krakōną cark chirk enm chaul Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kefalaz ceafl jaw enm chaunceler cancellarius chancellor seansailéir enm chek check eschec tsek enm chekke check eschec tsek enm chepen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kaupijaną Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kaupōną cheap enm chesen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/keusaną ceosan choose enm chesil Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kisilaz chessil chisel enm chinen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kīnaną chine cinan enm chippe chiffon chip cipp enm chisel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kisilaz chessil chisel enm chitte Reconstruction:Old English/citten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kittīną chit enm choppen cappen chap chop enm choughe ceahhe ceo chough enm civil civil sibhialta sìobhalta enm clacken Reconstruction:Old English/clacian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klakōną clack enm claimen claim clamer kleim enm claken Reconstruction:Old English/clacian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klakōną clack enm clakken Reconstruction:Old English/clacian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klakōną clack enm clane Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klainiz clean clæne enm clenliche cleanly clænlic clænlice enm clenly cleanly clænlic clænlice enm cleppen clip clyppan clæppan enm clippen clip clipper clyppan enm clod Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klūtaz clod cloud enm clos clausus close tois enm cloude Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klūtaz cloud enm clud Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/klūtaz cloud clud enm coate coat cotte کوټ enm cock Philcox cocc cock enm coken Cockney Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kukōną cook enm comly comely comly cymlic enm connen can con cun enm core Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kuzą core gecor enm cortine curtain katiin katiin̄ enm coste coast coste cyst enm cotte coat cotte کوټ enm coul Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kōlaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kōluz col enm coule cowl cuculla cucullus enm couth couth cuddle forcouth enm coveren cover forcoveren recoveren enm cracchen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/krattōną cratch enm cradel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kradulaz cradle cradol enm craftiliche -liche craftily cræftiglice enm crak craic crake what's cracking enm credel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kradulaz cradle cradol enm creken creak cricket criquer enm culver colúr culfre culver enm curen cower cure küren enm cutten Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kutjaną cut enm de- deformen degre deposicion enm delicious delicious delisyos luscious enm demen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dōmijaną deem deman enm dernen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/darnijaną darn dern enm desiren desire desirous desirrer enm dier Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/deuzaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/deuzą deer enm directorie directory direktori direktoryo enm displayen despleier display splay enm disport disport esport sport enm disporten disport esport sport enm diven Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dūbaną dive dyfan enm dock Dock doca dock enm dodden dod dodipoll dodman enm dold doldrum doldrums dolt enm dolle Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list doldrum doldrums enm dore door dor duru enm douken Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dūkaną dook duck enm draȝen Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/draganą draw enm dreden Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/andahrēdaną dread enm dreng Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/drangijaz drench dreng enm drift Reconstruction:Old English/drift Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/driftiz drift enm drihte Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/druhtinaz dright drihten enm drit Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dritą dirt drite enm driten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/drītaną dirten drite enm drone Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/drēnuz dran drone enm dronknen drown druncnian drunken enm drunknen drown druncnian drunken enm dull Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dulaz dolt dull enm dun Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dusnaz donkey dun enm dunt Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/duntiz dint dunt enm duren dure durer during enm dusshen douse dush dwæscan enm duven Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dūbaną dive dyfan enm dwal Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dwalaz dolt dull enm dwinen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dwīnaną dwinan dwine enm earn Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/arô eagle erne enm ece Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/aiwukiz ece eche enm eldre elder eldra fore-elder enm elsen Reconstruction:Frankish/alsina elsen elsin enm emeraude Reconstruction:Latin/smeralda emerald esmeraude enm emplien emplier emploiier imply enm endosse endorse endorso indorse enm engyneour endyiner engineer इंजीनियर enm enoien annoy inodio noisome enm eornest Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ernustuz earnest eornost enm erbe erbe herb herba enm ern Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/arô Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/razną erne enm ernest Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ernustuz earnest eornost enm espien espier espiya spy enm evenly efenlic efenlice evenly enm eyle ail egle ile enm faderlich Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fadurlīkaz fatherly fæderlic enm faderly Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fadurlīkaz fatherly fæderlic enm fadome Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faþmaz fathom fæþm enm fah Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faihaz fah fou enm fain Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faganaz fain fægen enm fall fall offal tofall enm falwe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/falwaz fallow fealu enm fandien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fandōną fand try enm fare Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/farō fare warfare enm farme farm feorm ferme enm fasten Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fastijaną fast enm fathome Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faþmaz fathom fæþm enm fax Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fahsą fax feax enm fe fee felawe fieu enm februare Februar February februarius enm februari Februar February februarius enm feendy feend feendly fiendy enm feer Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fērō fear vear enm fel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/falisaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faluz fell enm felwe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/felgō felloe felly enm fenne Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fanją fen fenne enm feor Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ferhuz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/ferhwą feorh enm feoverel Februar February fevrier enm ferien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/farjaną ferian ferry enm fermen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/furbijaną farm feormian enm ferre Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list far feor enm ferst Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fristiz first fyrst enm feten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fatōną fet fetian enm fetten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fatōną fet fetian enm fever fefor fever fievre enm feyen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fōgijaną fay fegan enm fiken fician fidge fike enm filen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fūlijaną file fylan enm filtre Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/feltaz filter 필터 enm fin fin fine finesse enm firre Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/furhō fir fura enm flanc Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hlankō flanc flank enm flat Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flataz flat enm fliten Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flītaną flitan flite enm flouten flout floute flouter enm fnoren fnora snore snoren enm folde Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faludaz Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fuldō folde enm folk folc folk fowk enm fonke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/funkô funk spunk enm forberen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fraberaną forbear forberan enm forcast forcast forcasten forecast enm fordemen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fradōmijaną fordeem fordeman enm forleden forelead forlead forlædan enm forlesen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fraleusaną forleosan forlese enm forme Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frumô form former enm forsen force forsee forseon enm forslowen foreslow forslawian forslow enm forstanden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frastandaną forstand forstandan enm forthgon forthgo forthgoing forþgan enm forthy forthi forthy thy enm forworthen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frawerþaną forweorþan forworth enm forwurchen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frawurkijaną forwork forwyrcan enm foryelden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frageldaną forgieldan foryield enm freke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frekô freak freke enm frely freely freolic freolice enm fremen frame freme fremful enm frete Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frihtiz freet freht enm frofre Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/frōbraz frother frover enm full Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/fullaz full enm fulwen folgian full fulling enm funke Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/funkô funk spunk enm furbishen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/furbijaną furbish refurbish enm fyrst Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/furist first fyrst enm fæc Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/faką fack fæc enm fæle Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/failijaz feal fæle enm gad Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gaidō Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gazdaz gad enm gaderen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gadurōną gaderian gather enm gain- gain- gainset gegn- enm galeie galley halpeni 갤리 enm gambison Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/wambō gambeson gambison enm gantlett gantelet gantlet gauntlet enm garnischen Reconstruction:Latin/warnio Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/wer- garnish enm gauntelett gantelet gantlet gauntlet enm gelden geld gelt gilden enm gemme gem gemstone gimm enm gerdel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gurdilaz girdle gyrdel enm gert gert girt gurt enm gigge gig giggle jig enm gille Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gilją gil gill enm girdel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gurdilaz girdle gyrdel enm girt gert girt gurt enm gladliche -liche gladly glædlice enm gle Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/glīwą glee gleo enm glede Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/glōdiz gled gleed enm gleede Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/glōdiz gled gleed enm gleme Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/glaimiz gleam glæm enm glofe Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/galōfô glof glove enm glove Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/galōfô glof glove enm gnasten gnash gnast gnastan enm goden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gōdōną good gooden enm godien Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gōdōną good gooden enm godliche godlic goodly guidly enm godnesse godnes godness goodness enm gol Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gailaz gal goal enm gong Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gangaz gang gong enm good chepe goedkeap goedkoop goodkoop enm goode Appendix:Middle English Swadesh list good guid enm greve greave greeve grieve enm greyve Grayson greave grieve enm griet Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/greutą greot grit enm grinden Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/grindaną grind grindan enm groundles -les groundless grundleas enm gulchen glutch gulch gulchecuppe enm gurdel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gurdilaz girdle gyrdel enm guschen flush gush gust enm hagge Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hagatusjǭ hag hægtesse enm haggen haggis haggle hagis enm hal Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hailaz hal heall enm halfdede Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/halbadaudaz halfdead healfdead enm halien Reconstruction:Old English/halian Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/halōną haul enm halle hall halla heall enm halow eala hallo hallow enm handlen Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/handlōną handle handlian enm hard Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/harduz hard heren enm hare-fot hare's foot hare's-foot harefoot enm heel Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hanhilaz heel hela enm held Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/habilaz grace hield enm helien helan hele protect enm henten hent hentan hint enm heorde Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/herdō herd heren enm herbergeour Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/harjabergō harbinger herberjur enm hersum gehiersum hearsome hersum enm high heah heich high enm hinde Hinde Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hindiz hind