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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-h

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
ha {interj} /hɑː/ (a representation of laughter) :: ah
ha {interj} (an exclamation of triumph or discovery) :: ah
Haapsalu {prop} (town) :: Haapsalu
Haarlem {prop} (city in North Holland) :: Haarlem, Harlem
Habacuc {prop} (Habakkuk) SEE: Habakkuk ::
Habakkuk {prop} /həˈbæk.ək/ (book of the Bible) :: Habacuc, Habaquq
Habakkuk {prop} (prophet) :: Habacuc
Habakkuk {prop} (male given name) :: Habacuc
haberdasher {n} /ˈhæb.ɜː(ɹ)ˌdæʃ.ə(ɹ)/ (a dealer in ribbons, buttons, thread, needles and similar sewing goods) :: mercier {m}
haberdashery {n} (ribbons, buttons, thread, needles and similar sewing goods sold in a haberdasher's shop) :: mercerie {f}
haberdashery {n} (a shop selling such goods) :: mercerie {f}
habilitation {n} (postdoctoral academic qualification required for tenure) :: habilitation {f}
habit {n} /ˈhæbɪt/ (an action done on a regular basis) :: habitude {f}
habit {n} (action performed repeatedly and automatically, usually without awareness) :: habitude {f}
habit {n} (long piece of clothing worn by monks and nuns) :: habit {m}
habit {n} (piece of clothing worn uniformly for a specific activity) :: costume {m}, uniforme {m}
habit {v} (clothe) :: habiller
habitable {adj} (inhabited) SEE: inhabited ::
habitat {n} /ˈhæbɪtæt/ (natural conditions in which a plant or animal lives) :: habitat {m}
habitué {n} /həˈbɪt͡ʃuˌeɪ/ (one who frequents a place, a regular) :: habitué {m}, habituée {f}
habitué {n} (devotee) SEE: devotee ::
habitual {adj} /həˈbɪ.tʃʊ.əl/ (of or relating to a habit; performed over and over again, see also: recurrent) :: habituel
habitual {adj} (regular or usual) :: habituel
Habsburg {n} /ˈhæps.bɜːɹɡ/ (a member of the Habsburg noble family) :: Habsbourg {m}
Habsburg {adj} (relating to the Habsburg family and dynasty) :: habsbourgeois, habsbourgeoise
hachure {n} /hæʃˈjʊə/ (a map line indicating steepness) :: hachure {f}
hacienda {n} /ˌhæsiˈɛndə/ (homestead) :: hacienda {f}
hack {v} /hæk/ (to chop or cut down in a rough manner) :: charcuter, couper
hack {v} (to cough noisily) :: tousser
hack {v} (to gain unauthorised access to a computer or online account) :: pirater
hack {n} (untalented writer) :: écrivaillon {m}
hackable {adj} (that can be hacked) :: piratable
hackamore {n} /ˈhækəmɔː/ (bridle with no bit) :: hackamore
hackberry {n} (plant) :: micocoulier
hackberry {n} (Prunus padus) SEE: bird cherry ::
hacker {n} /hækə(ɹ)/ (one who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data) :: hacker {m}, hackeur {m}, hackeuse {f}, pirate informatique {m} {f}, pirate {m} {f}, fouineur {m}, fouineuse {f}
hacking {adj} /ˈhækɪŋ/ (short and interrupted, broken, jerky) :: tué dans l'œuf
hacking {n} (playful solving of technical work) :: hack {m}
hackle {n} /ˈhækəl/ (an instrument with pins) :: séran {m}
hackneyed {adj} /ˈhækniːd/ (repeated too often) :: rebattu, éculé
hacksaw {n} (saw) :: scie à métaux {f}
hacktivist {n} (a person who engages in hacktivism) :: hacktiviste {m} {f}
hadal {adj} /ˈheɪdəl/ (of the deepest parts of the ocean) :: hadal
had best {v} (had better) SEE: had better ::
had better {v} (should; ought to; must) :: valoir mieux, avoir intérêt
haddock {n} /ˈhædək/ (marine fish) :: aiglefin {m}
Hades {prop} /ˈheɪdiːz/ (from Greek mythology) :: Hadès {m}
Hades {prop} (the Greek translation of Sheol) :: Hadès {m}
hadith {n} /haˈdiːθ/ (collected sayings and actions of Muhammad) :: hadith {m}
Hadrian {prop} (male given name) SEE: Adrian ::
Hadrian {prop} (the Roman emperor) :: Hadrien
hadron {n} /ˈhæd.ɹɑn/ (composite particle composed of quarks) :: hadron {m}
hadronic {adj} (related to hadrons) :: hadronique {m} {f}
haecceity {n} /hɛkˈsiː.ə.tiː/ (essence of a particular thing) :: eccéité {f}
haematologist {n} (scientist who specializes in haematology) :: hématologue {m} {f}
haematology {n} (scientific study of blood and blood-producing organs) :: hématologie {f}
haemo- {prefix} (pertaining to blood) :: hémo-
haemodialysis {n} (hemodialysis) SEE: hemodialysis ::
haemophilia {n} /ˌhiːməˈfɪliə/ (any of several hereditary illnesses that impair the body's ability to control bleeding) :: hémophilie {f}
haemorrhage {n} (hemorrhage) SEE: hemorrhage ::
haemorrhoids {n} /ˈhɛməɹɔɪdz/ (a pathological condition) :: hémorroïdes {f-p}
Haemus {prop} /ˈhiːməs/ (king of Thrace) :: Hémos
Hafezian {adj} (of or pertaining to Hafez) :: hafézien
hafnium {n} /ˈhæfniəm/ (chemical element) :: hafnium {m}
hag {n} /hæɡ/ (witch, sorceress, enchantress) :: sorcière {f}
hag {n} (ugly old woman) :: sorcière {f}, harpie {f}, virago {f}, haridelle {f}, mégère {f}
hag {n} (hagdon or shearwater) SEE: shearwater ::
hag {n} (fruit of Prunus padus) SEE: bird cherry ::
Hagar {prop} /ˈheɪɡɑːɹ/ (mother of Ishmael) :: Agar
hagberry {n} (tree) SEE: bird cherry ::
hagberry {n} (fruit) SEE: bird cherry ::
hagfish {n} (eellike fish of the family Myxinidae) :: myxine {f}
Haggai {prop} /ˈhæɡaɪ/ (book of The Bible) :: Agée, Aggée {m}
haggard {adj} /ˈhæɡ.ɚd/ (looking exhausted and unwell) :: hagard {m}
haggis {n} /ˈhæɡɪs/ (traditional Scottish dish) :: haggis {m}
haggle {v} /ˈhæɡəl/ (to argue for a better deal) :: marchander
hagiographer {n} /ˌheɪdʒiˈɑɡɹəfəɹ/ (someone who writes the biography of a saint) :: hagiographe {m}
hagiographic {adj} /ˈhæɡioʊˌɡɹæfɪk/ (of or pertaining to hagiography) :: hagiographique
hagiography {n} /ˌhæɡiˈɒɡɹəfi/ (study of saints) :: hagiographie {f}
hagiography {n} (biography of a saint) :: hagiographie {f}
ha-ha {n} /ˈhɑːhɑː/ (ditch acting as a sunken fence) :: haha, saut-de-loup
haha {interj} (representation of laughter) :: haha
Haidée {prop} (female given name) :: Haydée {f}
Haifa {prop} (a city in northern Israel) :: Haïfa {f}
haiku {n} /ˈhaɪ.ku/ (Japanese poem of a specific form) :: haïku {m}
haiku {n} (poem of similar structure) :: haïku {m}
haikuist {n} (person who writes haiku) :: haïkiste {m} {f}
hail {n} /heɪl/ (balls of ice) :: grêle {f}, grêlons {n}
hail {v} (to fall from the sky, of hail) :: grêler
hail {v} (to greet) :: saluer
hail {v} (to call out loudly in order to gain the attention of) :: héler
Hail Mary {n} (prayer) :: Je vous salue Marie {m}
hailstone {n} (single ball of hail) :: grêlon {m}
Hai-nan {prop} (Hainan) SEE: Hainan ::
Hainan {prop} /haɪˈnɑːn/ (province of China) :: Haïnan, Hainan
Hainaut {prop} (province) :: Hainaut {m}
hair {n} /hɛ(ə)ɹ/ (a pigmented keratinaceous growth on the human head) :: cheveu {m} [individual], cheveux {m} [usually plural], chevelure {f} [collection]
hair {n} (the collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of humans and animals) :: cheveux {m-p} [collection in humans], poils {m-p}
hair {n} (one of the above-mentioned filaments) :: poil {m}
hairball {n} (wad of fur) :: aegagropile {m}
hairband {n} (hair tie) SEE: hair tie ::
hair-brush {n} (a brush used in hair care) SEE: hairbrush ::
hairbrush {n} (a brush used in hair care) :: brosse à cheveux {f}
hair conditioner {n} (cosmetic product) :: après-shampoing
haircut {n} (act of cutting of hair) :: coupe {f}
haircut {n} (style into which hair is cut) :: coiffure {f}
hairdo {n} /ˈhɛəˌduː/ (hairstyle) :: coiffure {f}
hairdresser {n} (professional for haircutting or hairstyling) :: coiffeur {m}, coiffeuse {f}, friseur {m}, friseuse {f} [dated]
hairdresser's {n} (hairdresser’s shop) SEE: hair salon ::
hairdressing salon {n} (hairdressing salon) SEE: hair salon ::
hair dryer {n} (an electrical device used for drying hair) SEE: hairdryer ::
hairdryer {n} (electrical appliance for drying hair) :: sèche-cheveux {m}
hair dye {n} (any of various materials used to dye hair on the head) :: teinture pour les cheveux {f}
hair gel {n} (hairstyling gel that hardens the hair) :: gel coiffant {m}
hairiness {n} (the characteristic of being hairy) :: pilosité {m}
hairless {adj} (bald) SEE: bald ::
hairless {adj} (destitute of hair) :: glabre
hairlessness {n} (the condition or quality of being hairless) :: glabreté
hairnet {n} /ˈhɛɹˌnɛt/ (net designed to keep hair up) :: filet à cheveux {m}, résille {f}
hairpiece {n} (false substitute for a person's hair) :: perruque {f}
hairpin {n} /ˈheɪɹpɪn/ (pin or fastener for the hair) :: épingle à cheveux {f}, épingle {f}
hairpin {n} (tight bend) SEE: hairpin bend ::
hairpin bend {n} (acute curve in a road on a steep incline) :: virage en épingle à cheveux {m}
hair roller {n} (a small tube that is rolled into a person's hair) :: bigoudi {m}
hair salon {n} (workplace of a beautician or barber) :: salon de coiffure {m}
hair-splitting {n} (the act of finding exceedingly small differences which are neither important nor prominent) :: enculage de mouches {m} [slang], couper les cheveux en quatre
hair spray {n} (hairstyling product that stiffens the hair) :: laque {f} [pour les cheveux]
hairstyle {n} (the style in which someone's hair has been cut and arranged) :: coiffure {f}
hair tie {n} (circular piece of elastic) :: élastique {m}
hairy {adj} /ˈhɛəɹi/ (of a person) :: poilu
hairy {adj} (of a body part other than the head) :: poilu
haitch {n} (name of the letter H) SEE: aitch ::
Haiti {prop} /ˈheɪ.ti/ (a country in the Caribbean) :: Haïti
Haitian {n} /ˈheɪ.ʃən/ (person from Haiti) :: Haïtien {m}, Haïtienne {f}
Haitian {adj} (pertaining to the country, people, or language) :: haïtien
Haitian Creole {n} (language spoken in Haiti) :: créole haïtien {m}
hajduk {n} (outlaw, highwayman or freedom fighter in the Balkans) :: haïdouk {m}
hajib {n} (headscarf) SEE: hijab ::
hajj {n} /hɑʒ/ (pilgrimage to Mecca) :: hajj {m}
hajji {n} /ˈhædʒi/ (one who has participated in a hajj) :: hadji {m}
hakapik {n} :: hakapik {m}
hake {n} /heɪk/ (fish) :: merlu
Hakka {prop} /ˈhɑkə/ (Hakka (Kejia) language) :: hakka {m}
Halacha {prop} /həˈlʌχə/ (the whole of Jewish law) :: Halakha {f}, halakha {f}
halachic {adj} (of or pertaining to Halacha; in accordance with Halacha) :: halakhique, halachique
halal {adj} (fit to eat according to Muslim religious customs) :: halal
halberd {n} /ˈhælbəd/ (hand weapon) :: hallebarde {f}
halberdier {n} (a soldier armed with a halberd) :: hallebardier {m}
halcyon {n} /ˈhælsiːən/ (poetic: kingfisher) :: halcyon {m}
halcyon days {n} /ˈhælsiːən deɪz/ (halcyon days) :: jours heureux {m-p}
hale {adj} /heɪl/ (sound, entire, healthy, robust, not impaired) :: bonne santé, sain, pleine forme
hale {v} (to drag or pull forcibly) :: haler
half {adj} /hæf/ (consisting of a half) :: demi
half {n} (one of two equal parts into which anything may be divided) :: moitié {f}
half {n} (math: fraction) :: demi {m}
half {v} (halve) SEE: halve ::
half a dozen {num} (six) :: demi-douzaine {f}
half a loaf is better than none {proverb} :: mieux que rien
half-assed {adj} /ˈhæfæst/ (poorly or incompetently done) :: ni fait ni à faire, bâclé
half-baked {adj} (incomplete) :: foireux, fumeux
half board {n} (hotel rate) :: demi-pension
half-breed {n} (derogatory: person of racially mixed ancestry) :: métis {m}, métisse {f}
half brother {n} /ˌhæfˈbɹʌðɚ/ (a male half-sibling) :: demi-frère {m}
half cell {n} (part of an electrochemical cell) :: demi-cellule {f}
half-cell {n} (half cell) SEE: half cell ::
half-century {n} (period of fifty years) :: demi-siècle {m}
half dozen {n} (6) :: demi-douzaine {f}
halfheartedly {adv} (in a half-hearted manner) :: sans enthousiasme, sans y croire
half hitch {n} (knot) :: demi-clef
half-hour {n} (period) :: demi-heure {f}
half-life {n} /ˈhæfˌlaɪf/ (time in physics) :: demi-vie {f}
half-life {n} (chemistry: time required for concentration to fall to half) :: demi-vie {f}
half-line {n} (ray) SEE: ray ::
halfling {n} (a hobbit) :: halfelin {m}
half marathon {n} (running race) :: semi-marathon {m}
half-mast {n} (lowered position of a flag) :: en berne
half-measure {n} :: demi-mesure {f}
half-moon {n} (the moon in its first or last quarter) :: demi-lune {f}
half-moon {n} (anything shaped like a crescent) :: demi-lune {f}
half-naked {adj} (with very few clothes on) :: à moitié nu, demi-nu
half nephew {n} (son of a half sibling) :: demi-neveu {m}
half note {n} (minim) SEE: minim ::
half past {n} ("half past one" as example of usage in other languages) :: et demie
half-pipe {n} (A structure used to perform tricks) :: demi-lune
half-plane {n} (either half of an infinite plane) :: demi-plan
half-shower {n} (juggling pattern) :: demi-douche {f}
half sister {n} (a female half sibling) :: demi-sœur {f}
half-staff {n} (half-mast) SEE: half-mast ::
half time {n} (interval between halves) :: half-time {m}, mi-temps {f}
half title {n} (book title) :: faux-titre {m}
half-track {adj} (half-tracked) :: autochenille {f}
half-uncle {n} (half-brother of one's parent) :: démi-oncle
half volley {n} :: demi-volée {f}
halfway {adv} /hæfweɪ/ (midway) :: (à) mi-chemin
halfwidth {adj} (occupying half the width of a fullwidth character) :: demi-chasse {f}
halfwit {n} (someone lacking in intelligence) :: abruti {m}, abrutie {f}, idiot {m}, idiote {f}
half-year {n} (period of half a year) :: demi-année {f}
half-yearly {adj} (semiannual) SEE: semiannual ::
halibut {n} /ˈhæ.lɨ.bət/ (fish of genus Hippoglossus) :: flétan {m}, elbot {m} [Belgium]
Halicarnassus {prop} /ˌhælɪkɑɹˈnæsəs/ (ancient Greek city) :: Halicarnasse {m} {f}
halide {n} /ˈheɪ.laɪd/ (halogen salt) :: halogénure {m}
Halifax {prop} /ˈhælɨˌfæks/ (city in Nova Scotia, Canada) :: Halifax {m}
Haligonian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the town of Halifax, West Yorkshire, England) :: halifacien
Haligonian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) :: haligonien
Haligonian {n} (native or inhabitant of Halifax, West Yorkshire, England) :: Halifacien {m}, Halifacienne {f}
Haligonian {n} (native or inhabitant of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) :: Haligonien {m}, Haligonienne {f}
halitosis {n} /hæl.ɪˈtoʊs.ɪs/ (condition of having foul-smelling breath) :: halitose
hall {n} /hɔl/ (corridor or a hallway) :: couloir {m}, corridor {m}
hall {n} (meeting room) :: salle {f}, salon {m}
hall {n} (manor house) :: manoir {m}
hall {n} (building providing student accommodation) :: foyer {m}, résidence universitaire {f}
hall {n} (principal room of a secular medieval building) :: salle {f}
hall {n} :: hall {m}
hallelujah {interj} /ˌhælɪˈl(j)uːjə/ (exclamation to praise God) :: alléluia
hallelujah {interj} :: alléluia
hallelujah {n} :: alléluia
Halley's Comet {prop} /ˌhæliːz ˈkɒmɪt/ (comet) :: comète de Halley {f}
hallmark {n} /ˈhɔlmɑɹk/ (a distinct characteristic) :: marque de fabrique {f}
hallmark {n} (an official marking) :: poinçon {m}
hall of fame {n} (hall which honors people of great importance to some field) :: temple de la renommée {m}
halloumi {n} /həˈluːmi/ (traditional cheese from Cyprus) :: halloumi {m}
hallow {n} /ˈhæloʊ/ (holy person) :: saint {m}, sainte {f}
hallow {v} (to sanctify) :: sanctifier, bénir
Halloween {prop} /ˌhæləˈwiːn/ (October 31st) :: Halloween
hallows {n} (plural of hallow) SEE: hallow ::
hallows {n} /ˈhæloʊz/ (relics or remains of a saint, or the shrines in which they are kept) :: reliquaire {m}
halloysite {n} (a clay mineral) :: halloysite {f}
hallucinate {v} (seem to perceive what is not really present) :: halluciner
hallucination {n} /həˌluːsɪˈneɪʃən/ (sensory perception of something that does not exist) :: hallucination {f}, illusion {f}
hallucinogen {n} /həˈluː.sɪ.nə.dʒen/ (that which causes hallucinations) :: hallucinogène {m}
hallucinogenic {adj} /həˌlusənəˈdʒenɪk/ (producing hallucinations) :: hallucinogène {m} {f}
hallucinogenic {n} (a substance that is a hallucinogen) :: hallucinogène {m}
hallux {n} (big toe) SEE: big toe ::
hallway {n} (corridor) SEE: corridor ::
halo {n} /ˈheɪloʊ/ (atmospheric phenomenon) :: halo {m}
halo {n} (anything resembling the phenomenon) :: halo {m}
halo {n} (luminous disc around the heads of saints) :: auréole {f}, nimbe {m}
haloalkane {n} (chemical compound) :: halogénoalcane {m}
halocarbon {n} :: halocarbure {m}
halogen {n} /ˈhæ.ləˌd͡ʒən/ (any element of group 17) :: halogène {m}
halogenate {v} (to treat with, or react with, a halogen or a hydrohalic acid) :: halogéner
halogenation {n} (the reaction of a halogen with something) :: halogénation {f}
halon {n} :: halon {m}
halorhodopsin {n} :: halorhodopsine {f}
halt {v} (limp (walk lamely)) SEE: limp ::
halt {v} /hɔːlt/ (to stop either temporarily or permanently) :: faire halte
halt {n} (minor railway station) :: halte {f}
halter {n} /ˈhɔltɚ/ (animal's headgear) :: licou {m}, licol {m}, chevêtre {m} [archaic]
halter {n} (female garment) :: dos nu {m}
haltere {n} /ˈhæltɪɹ/ (small knobbed structure) :: haltère
halting problem {n} (problem in theoretical computer science) :: problème de l'arrêt {m}
halva {n} /hɑːlˈvɑː/ (confection) :: halva {m}
halve {v} /hæv/ (to divide in two equal parts) :: diviser en deux
halyard {n} (rope) :: drisse {f}
ham {n} /ˈhæm/ (thigh of a hog cured for food) :: jambon {m}
Hama {prop} (a city in Syria) :: Hama
hamadryad {n} /hæməˈdɹaɪæd/ (a woodnymph) :: hamadryade {f}
hamadryas {n} (Papio hamadryas) :: babouin hamadryas {m}
hamartia {n} /həˈmɑː.ti.ə/ (tragic flaw) :: hamartia
hamartia {n} (sin) SEE: sin ::
Hamas {prop} (Islamic militant organization) :: Hamas {m}
Hamburg {prop} /ˈhæmbɝɡ/ (city and state of Germany) :: Hambourg {m}
hamburger {n} /ˈhæmˌbɝ.ɡɚ/ (sandwich) :: hamburger {m}, hambourgeois {m}
hamburger {n} (patty) :: hamburger {m}
Hamburger {n} /ˈhæmbɜːɡə/ (A person from Hamburg) :: Hambourgeois {m}, Hambourgeoise {f}
Hamdanid {adj} (relating to the Hamdanids) :: hamdanide
ham-fisted {adj} (lacking skill in physical movement) :: maladroit
Hamilcar {prop} (given name) :: Hamilcar
Hamitic {adj} (relative to the Hamites) :: chamitique {m} {f}
ham it up {v} (performing arts: exaggerate one's emotions or movements) :: cabotiner
hamlet {n} /ˈhæm.lət/ (small village) :: hameau {m}
hamlet {n} (village without its own church) :: hameau {m}
Hamlet {prop} /ˈhæm.lət/ (the main character of the play Hamlet) :: Hamlet {m}
hammam {n} (Turkish bath) SEE: Turkish bath ::
hammer {n} /ˈhæmɚ/ (tool) :: marteau
hammer {n} (part of a firearm) :: chien
hammer {n} (bone of the middle ear; see also malleus) :: malléus, marteau
hammer {v} (to strike repeatedly) :: marteler
hammer {v} (figuratively: to emphasize a point repeatedly) :: marteler
hammer and sickle {n} (symbol of communism) :: la faucille et le marteau, faucille et marteau
hammerhead shark {n} (shark of the genus Sphyrna) :: requin-marteau
hammock {n} /ˈhæmək/ (swinging couch or bed) :: hamac {m}
hammock {n} (piece of land) :: hammock {m}
hammy {adj} (amateurish; characterized by overacting) :: cabotin
hamper {v} /ˈhæmpɚ/ (to put a hamper or fetter on; to shackle; to ensnare; to inveigle) :: entraver
hamper {n} (anything which impedes) :: obstacle {m}
ham radio {n} (ham radio) SEE: amateur radio ::
hamster {n} /ˈhæm(p)stɚ/ (small, short-tailed European rodent) :: hamster {m}, rat de blé {m}
hamstring {n} /ˈhæmstɹɪŋ/ (great tendon) :: ischio-jambier {m}
hamstring {v} (to disable) :: paralyser
hamstring {n} (biceps femoris) SEE: biceps femoris ::
hamza {n} (Arabic hamza) :: hamza {m}
Han {prop} /hɑn/ (Chinese ethnicity) :: Han {m}
Hanakian {adj} (pertaining to Hanakia) :: hanaque
Hanakian {n} (person from Moravia) :: Hanaque {m} {f}
hanami {n} (Japanese custom) :: hanami {m}
hanap {n} (rich goblet) :: hanap {m}
Han character {n} (Chinese character) SEE: Chinese character ::
hand {v} /hæ̃nd/ (to give, pass or transmit with the hand) :: donner, passer
hand {n} (part of the fore limb) :: main {f}
hand {n} (pointer of an analogue/analog clock) :: aiguille {f}
hand {n} (servant, laborer, workman, trained for special duty; a performer) :: matelot {m}
hand {n} (that which is, or may be, held in a hand at once) :: poignée {f}
hand {n} (set of cards held by a player in a card game) :: main {f}
handbag {n} /ˈhændˌbæɡ/ (small bag carried in the hand) :: sac à main {m}, [Belgium, Canada] sacoche {f}
handball {n} (team sport) :: handball {m}
handball {n} (ball in team sport) :: ballon de handball {m}, ballon {m}, balle {f}
handball {n} (football offence) :: main {f}
handball {n} (American: sport) :: handball américain {m}
handball {n} (American: ball) :: balle de handball américain {f}, balle {f}
handball player {n} (person who plays handball) :: handballeur {m}
handbill {n} (loose printed sheet) :: prospectus {m}
handbook {n} (a book of reference) :: manuel {m}
handbrake {n} (hand-operated brake in a car) :: frein à main {m}
handbrake turn {n} (automobile driving manoeuvre) :: dérapage contrôlé {m}
handcar {n} (a light railroad car propelled by a hand-operated pumping mechanism) SEE: draisine ::
handcart {n} (a cart designed to be pulled or pushed by hand) :: charrette à bras {f}, voiture à bras {f}
handcraft {n} (handicraft) SEE: handicraft ::
handcrafted {adj} (made by hand) :: artisanal
handcuff {n} /ˈhændˌkʌf/ (ring of a locking fetter for the hand) :: menotte {f}
handcuff {v} (to apply handcuffs) :: menotter
handcuffs {n} (metal rings for fastening wrists) :: menottes {f-p}
hand down {v} (transmit in succession) :: transmettre
handed {adj} (with hands joined) SEE: hand in hand ::
handedness {n} (property) :: chiralité {f}
handedness {n} (preference for using the right or left hand) :: préférence manuelle {f}
hand fan {n} (hand-held device) :: éventail {m}
handfast {n} (contract) :: poignée de main
handful {n} /ˈhæn(d)fʊl/ (amount held in hand) :: poignée {f}
handful {n} (breadth of hand) :: manipule
handful {n} (small number) :: poignée {f}
hand grenade {n} /ˈhænd.ɡɹəˈneɪd/ (explosive device) :: grenade à main {f}
handgun {n} (small, hand-held gun) :: pistolet {m}, revolver {m}
handicap {n} /ˈhændɪkæp/ (disadvantage, in particular physical or mental disadvantages of people) :: handicap {m}
handicapped {adj} (having a handicap) :: handicapé {m}
handicraft {n} (trade requiring skill of hand) :: artisanat {m}
hand in {v} (to give to a responsible person) :: remettre, rendre
hand in hand {adv} /ˌhændɪnˈhænd/ (holding or clasping hands) :: main dans la main
hand job {n} (An act of masturbation performed by someone else's hand) :: branlette {f} [slang], handjob {m}
handkerchief {n} /ˈhæŋkɚtʃɪf/ (cloth for wiping the face, eyes, nose or hands) :: mouchoir {m}
handkerchief {n} (cloth to be worn about the neck) :: foulard {m}
handle {n} /ˈhæn.dl/ (part of an object held in the hand when used or moved) :: poignée {f}, manche {m}, [of a basket, of a jug] anse {f}, [of a cart] barre de manœuvre {f}, tirette {f}, levier {m}, manette {f}, [of a razor or lancet] châsse {f}, [of a plough] mancheron {m}
handle {n} (part of a door) :: poignée {f}
handle {n} (instrument for effecting a purpose) :: outil {m}, instrument {m}
handle {n} (gross amount of wagering) :: paris {m-p}
handle {n} (nickname) :: indicatif {m}, pseudonyme {m}
handle {n} (computing: reference to an object or structure) :: indicateur {m}
handle {n} (topological space) :: anse {f}
handle {v} (touch; feel or hold with the hand) :: tâter, manipuler, manipuler
handle {v} (take care of with the hands) :: traiter
handle {v} (manage with the hands) :: gérer
handle {v} (manage, control or direct) :: gérer, traiter
handle {v} (treat, deal with in a specified way) :: traiter
handle {v} (deal with (a subject, argument, topic, or theme) in speaking, in writing, or in art) :: se pencher sur, traiter de, aborder
handle {v} (receive and transfer; buy and sell) :: manipuler
handle {v} (be concerned with, make a business of) :: s'occuper de, traiter
handle {v} (to use the hands) :: manier, manœuvrer
handlebar {n} /ˈhændəlbɑːɹ/ (bar for steering) :: guidon
handle with kid gloves {v} (to treat something very delicately) :: manipuler avec des gants de soie, prendre des gants
handling {n} /ˈhændl̩ɪŋ/ (touching, controlling, managing with the hands) :: manipulation {f}, maniement {m}
hand log {n} (simple device for measuring the speed of a vessel) SEE: chip log ::
handmade {adj} (made by hand) :: manuel
handmill {n} (hand-operated grinding apparatus) :: moulin à bras {m}
hand out {v} (to distribute) :: distribuer
handout {n} (a worksheet, leaflet or pamphlet given out for a certain use) :: polycopié {m}
handout {n} (a gift to the poor or needy) :: aumône {f}
hand over {v} (to relinquish control or possession) :: remettre, donner, transmettre, passer
hand over {v} (to deliver to people) :: livrer
handover {n} (transference of authority) :: passation {f}, rétrocession {f}
handpicked {v} (picked by hand) :: récolté à la main, cueilli manuellement
handpicked {v} (selected with great care) :: ramassé à la main, trier sur le volet
hand puppet {n} (puppet operated by the hand) :: marionnette à gaine {f}
handrail {n} (rail which can be held) :: rambarde {f}, main courante {f}
hand rub {n} (hand sanitizer) SEE: hand sanitizer ::
hand sanitizer {n} /ˈhænd ˌsænətaɪzɚ/ (liquid) :: solution hydro-alcoolique {f}
handsaw {n} (saw small enough to be used by one hand) :: égoïne {f}, scie à main {f}, scie égoïne {f}
hands down {adv} (without much effort, easily) :: les doigts dans le nez, haut la main
handset {n} (the part of a telephone containing both receiver and transmitter, held in the hand) :: combiné téléphonique {m}, combiné {m}
handshake {n} (grasping of hands by two people) :: poignée de main {f}, shake-hand {m} [uncommon]
hands off {interj} (don't touch!) :: pas touche !, bas les pattes !
hands off {adj} (not interfering with others' decisions and actions) :: laissez-faire
handsome {adj} /ˈhæn.səm/ (of man: attractive) :: beau
handstand {n} /ˈhændˌstænd/ (a movement or position in which a person is upside down) :: équilibre {m}, appui tendu renversé {m}
hands up {interj} (surrender!) :: haut les mains !, mains en l'air !
hand-to-hand {adj} (fighting done within reach rather than at range) :: corps à corps
hand tool {n} (tool powered by human muscle) :: outil à main {m}
hand towel {n} (towel used for drying the hands or face) :: essuie-main {m}
hand truck {n} (box-moving handcart) :: diable {m}
handwriting {n} /ˈhændɹaɪtɪŋ/ (act or process of writing with the hand) :: écriture de main
handy {adj} /ˈhæn.di/ (easy to use) :: pratique, commode
handy {adj} (within reach) :: à portée de main
handy {adj} :: maniable
handy {n} (handgun) SEE: handgun ::
handy {n} (hand job) SEE: hand job ::
handyman {n} /ˈhændimæn/ (man who does odd tasks) :: homme à tout faire
hang {v} /hæŋ/ (to be or remain suspended) :: pendre, être suspendu
hang {v} (to float as if suspended) :: peser, planer
hang {v} (to hold or bear in a suspended or inclined manner or position) :: baisser
hang {v} (to cause to be suspended) :: pendre, suspendre, laisser pendre
hang {v} (to place on a hook) :: accrocher
hang {v} (to execute by suspension from the neck) :: pendre
hang {v} (informal: to loiter) :: traîner
hang {v} (to exhibit by hanging) :: exposer
hang {v} (to decorate (something) with hanging objects) :: orner
hang {v} (computing: to stop responding) :: se bloquer, se figer, ramer [slang]
hangar {n} /ˈhæŋɚ/ (a large garage-like structure where aircraft are kept) :: hangar {m}
hang around {v} (to stay, linger or loiter) :: traîner
hang around {v} (to spend time or be friends) :: traîner
hang by a thread {v} (to be in a precarious situation) :: ne tenir qu'à un fil
hanger {n} /hæŋə(ɹ)/ (clothes hanger) :: cintre {m}
hanger {n} (hangman) SEE: hangman ::
hanger-on {n} (Someone who hangs on, or sticks) :: crampon {m}
hanger steak {n} (cut of beef steak) :: onglet
Hangeul {n} /ˈhɑnˌɡul/ (Korean phonetic script) :: hangeul {m}
hang glider {n} (aircraft) :: deltaplane {m}, aile delta {f}
hang glider {n} (rider) :: deltiste {m} {f}
hanging {adj} /ˈhæŋɪŋ/ (suspended) :: suspendu {m}, suspendue {f}
hanging {n} (means of execution) :: pendaison {f}
hanging {n} (public event at which a person is hanged) :: pendaison {f}
hanging {n} (anything wide, high and thin that is hung) :: tenture {f}
hangman {n} (executioner) :: bourreau {m}
hangman {n} (game) :: pendu {m}
hangman's noose {n} (knot) :: nœud de pendu {m}
hangnail {n} /heɪŋneɪ̯ɫ/ (protruding piece of nail tissue or skin near base of fingernail or toenail) :: envie {f}
hang on every word {v} (To be completely attentive to what another person is saying) :: être pendu aux lèvres de
hang out {v} (to do nothing in particular) :: traîner
hang out to dry {v} (abandon someone in need) :: laisser en plan
hangover {n} /ˈhæŋoʊvɚ/ (illness caused by heavy drinking) :: gueule de bois {f}
hang tough {v} :: tenir bon
hang up {v} (put up to hang) :: suspendre
hang up {v} (terminate a phone call) :: raccrocher, raccrocher au nez
hanjie {n} (puzzle in which cells of a grid must be filled) SEE: nonogram ::
Hannah {prop} /ˈhænə/ (mother of Samuel) :: Anne
Hannibal {prop} /ˈhænɪbəl/ (name) :: Annibal, Hannibal
Hanoi {prop} /hɑːˈnɔɪ/ (capital of Vietnam) :: Hanoï {m}
Hanover {prop} /ˈhænˌoʊvɚ/ (German city) :: Hanovre {m}
Hansard {n} /ˈhænsəd/ (official report of debates and other proceedings in the British and some Commonwealth parliaments) :: Hansard {m}
hanse {n} (merchant guild) SEE: Hanse ::
hanse {n} (Hanseatic League) SEE: Hanseatic League ::
Hanse {n} /hæns/ (merchant guild) :: Hanse {f}
Hanse {n} (German commercial league) SEE: Hanseatic League ::
Hanseatic city {n} (member-city of the Hanseatic League) :: ville hanséatique {f}
Hanseatic League {prop} (former commercial and military alliance) :: Ligue hanséatique {f}, Hanse {f}
Hansel and Gretel {prop} (the fairy tale) :: Hansel et Gretel, Jeannot et Margot
Hansen's disease {n} (leprosy) :: maladie de Hansen, lèpre
Hanseong {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
Hanukkah {prop} /ˈhɑː.nə.kə/ (the Jewish festival) :: Hanoukka {f}
Hanyang {prop} (Seoul) SEE: Seoul ::
Hanzi {n} (Chinese character) SEE: Chinese character ::
hapax {n} (hapax legomenon) SEE: hapax legomenon ::
hapax legomenon {n} /ˌhæpæks ləˈɡɒmənɒn/ (word occurring only once) :: hapax legomenon {m}, hapax {m}
haphazard {adj} /ˌhæpˈhæz.ɚd/ (random, chaotic, incomplete) :: hasardeux, désordonné, aléatoire
haphazardly {adv} /hæpˈhæzɚdli/ (in a haphazard manner) :: n'importe comment
hapless {adj} /ˈhæplɪs/ (very unlucky; ill-fated) :: malheureux, infortuné, malchanceux
haplodiploid {adj} :: haplodiploïde
haplogroup {n} (group of haplotypes) :: haplogroupe {f}
haploid {adj} (having a single set of unpaired chromosomes) :: haploïde
haplolepidous {adj} (form of arthrodontous peristome) :: haplolépidé
haplology {n} /hæˈplɒlədʒi/ (deleting syllables) :: haplologie {f}
haplotype {n} (group of alleles) :: haplotype {m}
haply {adv} (perhaps) SEE: perhaps ::
happen {v} /ˈhæpən/ (to occur) :: arriver, se produire, se passer, advenir
happening {n} /ˈhæpɪnɪŋ/ (a spontaneous or improvised event, especially one that involves audience participation) :: happening
happen on {v} (happen on) SEE: chance upon ::
happenstance {n} /ˈhæpənˌstæns/ :: hasard {m}
happily {adv} /ˈhæ.pə.li/ (by good chance, fortunately) :: heureusement, par bonheur
happily {adv} (in a happy manner) :: joyeusement, gaiement
happily {adv} (willingly) :: volontiers
happily ever after {adv} (happily until one's death) :: ils vécurent heureux et eurent beaucoup d’enfants
happiness {n} /ˈhæpinɪs/ (emotion of being happy) :: bonheur {m}
happiness {n} :: bonheur {m}
happy {adj} /ˈhæpiː/ (contented, joyous) :: heureux {m}, heureuse {f}, content {m}, contente {f}, bienheureux {m}, bienheureuse {f}
happy {adj} (fortunate, lucky) :: heureux, chanceux
happy {adj} (content (to do something); having no objection (to something)) :: satisfait {m}, satisfaite {f}, content {m}, contente {f}, [willingly] prêt {m}, [willingly] prête {f}
happy {adj} (appropriate, apt, felicitous) :: heureux
happy as a lark {adj} (very happy) :: gai comme un pinson
happy as a sandboy {adj} (happy as a lark) SEE: happy as a lark ::
happy birthday {interj} /ˈhæpi ˈbɝθ.deɪ/ (good wishes for a birthday) :: bon anniversaire, joyeux anniversaire
happy Easter {phrase} (an expression used during Easter) :: joyeuses Pâques
happy ending {n} (happy end) :: fin heureuse {f}, happy end {m}
Happy Holidays {phrase} (holiday greeting) :: joyeuses fêtes, bonnes fêtes
happy hour {n} (pub discount drinking hours) :: 5 à 7 {m}
happy medium {n} (balanced position) :: juste milieu
happy New Year {phrase} (Happy New Year) :: bonne année
hapten {n} :: haptène {m}
haptic {adj} /ˈhæptɪk/ (of or relating to the sense of touch) :: tactile
haptic {adj} (of or relating to haptics) :: haptique
hapticity {n} (measure of the number of atoms of a ligand that are coordinated to a central atom) :: hapticité {f}
haptics {n} /ˈhæptɪks/ (medicine: study of the sense of touch) :: haptique {f}
haptics {n} (computing: study of user interfaces with sense of touch) :: haptique {f}
haptogenic membrane {n} :: membrane haptogène {m}
haptonema {n} :: haptonème {m}
haptonomy {n} :: haptonomie {f}
hara-kiri {n} (ceremonial suicide by ripping open the abdomen) :: hara-kiri {m}
harangue {n} /həˈɹæŋ/ (impassioned speech) :: harangue {f}
harangue {n} (tirade) :: sermon, remontrance {f}, harangue {f}
harangue {v} (to give a forceful lecture) :: sermonner
Harappan {adj} :: harapéen
Harare {prop} (capital of Zimbabwe) :: Hararé {m}
harass {v} /həˈɹæs/ (to fatigue or tire) :: fatiguer
harass {v} (to annoy; to molest) :: harceler
harass {v} (to put excessive burdens upon) :: harceler
harassment {n} /həˈɹæsmənt/ (persistent attacks and criticism causing worry and distress) :: harcèlement {m}
harassment {n} (deliberate pestering or annoying) :: harcèlement {m}
Haratin {n} (a member of a certain Berber people) :: Haratin
harbinger {n} /ˈhɑɹbɪndʒəɹ/ (that which foretells the coming of something) :: présage {m}
harbinger {v} (to announce) :: annoncer, présager
harbor {n} /ˈhɑɹbɚ/ (place of shelter) :: havre {m}, rade, refuge {m}
harbor {n} (for ships) :: port {m}, quai {m}
harbor {v} (to provide safe place) :: abriter, protéger, accoster
harbormaster {n} (official responsible for the enforcement of regulations in a port) :: officier de port, capitaine de port
harbor seal {n} (Phoca vitulina) :: phoque commun {m}, phoque vitulin {m}
harbour {n} (harbor) SEE: harbor ::
harbourmaster {n} (harbourmaster) SEE: harbormaster ::
hard {adj} /hɑɹd/ (resistant to pressure) :: dur {m}
hard {adj} (requiring a lot of effort to do or understand) :: dur {m}, difficile {m} {f}
hard {adj} (demanding a lot of effort to endure) :: dur
hard {adj} (severe) :: dur
hard {adj} (unquestionable) :: irréfutable
hard {adj} (of drink: strong) :: fort
hard {adj} (of water, high in dissolved calcium compounds) :: dure {f}
hard {adv} (with much force or effort (related to act of think)) :: dur, durement
hardback {n} (a book with a solid binding) :: livre relié {m}
hardback {adj} (having a solid binding) :: relié
hardboard {n} (high-density chipboard) :: aggloméré {m}
hard-boiled {adj} (of an egg) :: cuit dur
hard c {n} :: c dur
hard code {v} (to insert unchangeable code) :: renseigner en dur
hardcover {n} (a book with a rigid binding) :: livre relié {m}
hardcover {adj} (of a book: having a rigid binding) :: relié
hard disk {n} (recording disk in a drive unit) :: disque dur {m}
hard disk {n} (unit and all the disks within it) :: disque dur {m}
hard drive {n} (device used for storing large amounts of data) :: disque dur {m}
hard drug {n} :: drogue dure {f}
harden {v} /ˈhɑɹdn̩/ (become hard) :: durcir
harden {v} (make hard(er)) :: endurcir
Hardenne {prop} (surname) :: Ardenne
hard g {n} :: g dur
hard hat {n} (construction helmet) :: casque {m}, casque de chantier {m}
hardhead {n} (Aythya australis) :: fuligule austral {m}
hardheaded {adj} (stubborn) :: têtu
hard labor {n} (forced labor) SEE: forced labor ::
hardly {adv} /ˈhɑɹdli/ (harshly) :: dur, durement
hardly {adv} (barely, only just) :: guère, à peine
hardness {n} (quality of being hard) :: dureté {f}
hard-nosed {adj} (pragmatic) :: pragmatique
hard of hearing {adj} (having difficulty hearing) :: dur d'oreille, malentendant
hard-on {n} (rigid state of the penis) SEE: erection ::
hard-on {n} /ˈhɑɹdɑn/ (erection of the penis) :: gaule {f}, trique {f}
hard palate {n} (tissue) :: palais dur {m}, voûte palatine {f}
hardpan {n} (layer of soil) :: alios {m}
hard rock {n} (rock music genre) :: hard rock {m}
hard roe {n} (roe) SEE: roe ::
hardship {n} /ˈhɑɹdˌʃɪp/ (difficulty or trouble) :: difficultés {f-p}, misère {f}
hard shoulder {n} (verge to the side of a highway) :: bande d'arrêt d'urgence {f}, [Quebec] accotement stabilisé {m}
hard sign {n} (Cyrillic letter "Ъ/ъ") :: signe dur {m}
hardtack {n} (hard biscuit) :: biscuit de mer {m}, galette {f}
hardtail {n} (A two-wheeler without rear suspension.) :: semi-rigide {m}
hard time {n} (difficulties) :: problèmes {m-p}
hardware {n} /ˈhɑɹdˌwɛɹ/ (material part of a computer) :: matériel {m}
hardware {n} (metal implements) :: quincaillerie {f}
hardware {n} (slang: firearm) :: arme à feu {f}
hardware store {n} (merchant) :: quincaillerie {f}
hard water {n} (water with a high concentration of dissolved minerals) :: eau dure {f}
hard wheat {n} (variety of wheat with hard grains ) SEE: durum wheat ::
hardwood {n} /ˈhɑɹdˌwʊd/ (the wood from any dicotyledonous tree) :: bois dur {m}, bois de feuillu {m}
hardwood {n} :: bois de feuillu {m}
hard-working {adj} (tending to work with ardour) SEE: hardworking ::
hardworking {adj} (taking their work seriously and doing it well and rapidly) :: industrieux {m}, diligent {m}, travailleur {m}
hardy {adj} /ˈhɑɹdi/ (inured to fatigue or hardships) :: robuste, rustique [of a plant]
hare {n} /hɛɚ/ (animal) :: lièvre {m}, hase {f}
harelip {n} (congenital malformation of the upper lip) :: bec de lièvre {m}, bec-de-lièvre {m}
harem {n} /ˈhæɹəm/ (the private part of an Arab household) :: harem {m}
harem {n} (group of women in a polygamous household) :: harem {m}
Hargeisa {prop} (city) :: Hargeisa {f}
haricot {n} (common bean) SEE: common bean ::
harlequin {n} /ˈhɑɹlɪkwɪn/ (pantomime fool) :: arlequin {m}
harlequin duck {n} (Histrionicus histrionicus) :: canard arlequin, arlequin plongeur, garrot arlequin
harlot {n} /ˈhɑːlət/ (a female prostitute) :: prostituée {f}, putain {f}, catin {f}, pute {f}, fille de joie {f}
harlotry {n} (The trade of a harlot; prostitution.) :: prostitution {f},putasserie {f}
harm {n} /hɑɹm/ (injury; hurt; damage) :: mal {m}, tort {m}, dommage {m}
harm {v} (cause damage) :: nuire à, faire du mal à
harmful {adj} /ˈhɑɹmfl̩/ (likely to be damaging) :: dangereux, nuisible, nocif, préjudiciable
harmfulness {n} (the characteristic of being harmful) :: nocivité {f}
harmless {adj} /ˈhɑɹmləs/ (incapable of causing harm or danger) :: inoffensif
harmlessly {adv} /ˈhɑɹmləsli/ (in a harmless manner) :: inoffensivement
harmlessness {n} (the characteristic of being harmless) :: innocuité {f}
harmolodics {n} :: harmolodie {f}
harmonic {adj} /hɑː(ɹ)ˈmɒnɪk/ (pertaining to harmony) :: harmonique
harmonic {adj} (pleasant to hear) :: harmonieux, harmonique, mélodieux, mélodique
harmonic {adj} (mathematical attribute of mathematical entities) :: harmonique
harmonica {n} /ˌhɑɹ.ˈmɑ.nɪ.kə/ (wind instrument) :: harmonica {m}
harmonic mean {n} (type of average) :: moyenne harmonique
harmonious {adj} /hɑɹˈmoʊniəs/ (melodious) :: harmonieux
harmoniously {adv} (in a harmonious manner) :: harmonieusement
harmonium {n} (musical instrument) :: harmonium {m}
harmonize {v} /ˈhɑɹmənaɪz/ (to be in harmonious agreement) :: s'accorder
harmonize {v} (to bring things into harmony, or to make things compatible) :: harmoniser
harmony {n} /ˈhɑɹməni/ (agreement or accord) :: harmonie {f}
harmony {n} (pleasing combination of elements, or arrangement of sounds) :: harmonie {f}
harmony {n} (music: the academic study of chords) :: harmonie {f}
harness {n} /ˈhɑː(ɹ).nəs/ (restraint or support) :: harnais {m}
harness {v} (to place a harness on something) :: harnacher
harness {n} (set of wires) SEE: wiring harness ::
Harold {prop} (male given name) :: Hérault {m}
harp {n} /hɑɹp/ (musical instrument) :: harpe {f}
harpist {n} /ˈhɑɹpɪst/ (Person who plays the harp) :: harpiste {m} {f}
harpoon {n} /hɑːɹˈpuːn/ (spearlike weapon) :: harpon {m}
harpoon {v} (to hunt with a harpoon) :: harponner
harpooner {n} (someone who hunts with a harpoon) :: harponneur {m}
harp seal {n} /ˈhɑɹp.siːl/ (a species of seal) :: phoque du Groenland {m}
harpsichord {n} /ˈhɑɹp.sɪˌkɔɹd/ (musical instrument) :: clavecin {m}
harpsichordist {n} (one who plays the harpsichord) :: claveciniste {m} {f}
harpy {n} /ˈhɑɹpi/ (Fabulous winged monster with the face of a woman) :: harpie {f}
harpy {n} (Obnoxious, shrewish woman) :: harpie {f}, chipie {f}, rosse {f}
harpy eagle {n} (Harpia harpyja) :: harpie {f}
harquebus {n} /ˈhɑɹkɨbʌs/ (obsolete matchlock firearm) :: arquebuse {f}
harridan {n} /ˈhæɹ.ɪ.dən/ (vicious and scolding woman) :: harpie {f}, dragon {m}, virago {f}, haridelle {f}, mégère {f}, xanthippe {f}, casse-couilles {f}
harrier {n} /ˈhæɹi.ə(ɹ)/ (birds of prey) :: busard {m}
harrow {n} /ˈhæɹoʊ/ (device) :: herse {f}
harrow {v} (drag a harrow over) :: herser
harrowing {adj} /ˈhæɹəʊiŋ/ (causing pain or distress) :: navrant, éprouvant
harrowing of hell {n} (raid into the underworld) :: descente aux enfers {f}
Harry {prop} /ˈhæɹi/ (male given name) :: Harry {m}
harsh {adj} /hɑɹʃ/ (rough) :: sévère, rude
harsh {adj} (severe or cruel) :: sévère, cruel
harsh {adj} :: dur {m}, dure {f}
hart {n} /hɑɹt/ (male deer) :: cerf {m}
hartebeest {n} /ˈhɑːtəbiːst/ (Alcelaphus bucelaphus) :: bubale roux {m}, bubale {m}
Hartley County {prop} (county) :: comté de Hartley {m}
Hartley oscillator {n} :: oscillateur Hartley {m}
hartwort {n} (plant of Europe) :: tordyle {m}, séséli de Crète {m}
haruspex {n} (one who practices divination by inspecting entrails) :: haruspice {m}
Harvard {prop} /ˈhɑɹvəɹd/ (name) :: Harvard, Harvarde [rare]
Harvard {prop} (place name) :: Harvard, Harvard
Harvard {prop} (university) :: Harvard
harvest {n} (autumn, fall) SEE: autumn ::
harvest {n} /ˈhɑɹ.vəst/ (process of gathering the ripened crop) :: récolte {f}
harvest {n} (yield of harvesting) :: récolte {f}, moisson {f}
harvest {v} (to bring in a harvest; reap) :: récolter, moissonner, recueillir
harvester {n} (person who gathers the harvest) :: moissonneur {m}, moissonneuse {f}
harvester {n} (machine that harvests) :: moissonneuse {f}
harvestman {n} (arachnid) :: faucheur {m}, faucheux
harvest mite {n} (harvest mite) :: aoûtat, aoutat {m}
harvest mouse {n} (Micromys minutus) :: rat des moissons {m}, souris des moissons {m}
harvest mouse {n} (mouse of the genus Reithrodontomys) :: souris des moissons d'Amérique {m}
harvest time {n} (harvest time) :: moisson {f}
Harvey {prop} /hɑːvi/ (surname of Norman origin) :: Hervé
Harvey {prop} (male given name) :: Hervé
Haryana {prop} /hʌɹɪˈjɑːnə/ (state) :: Haryana
has-been {n} /ˈhæz.bɪn/ (person declining in popularity or effectiveness) :: has-been
Hasdrubal {prop} /ˈhæz.dɹʊ.bəl/ (given name) :: Hasdrubal
hash {n} /ˈhæʃ/ (chopped food, especially meat and potatoes) :: hachis {m}
hash {n} (the # symbol) :: croisillon {m}, dièse {m}
hash {n} (key generated by a hash function) :: condensat {m}, hash {m}
hash {v} :: hacher
hash {n} (clipped form of hashish) :: shit {m}, hash {m}, teuchi {m}, teuch {m}, haschich
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan {prop} (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan) :: Royaume hachémite de Jordanie {m}
hashish {n} (marijuana generally) SEE: cannabis ::
hashish {n} /həˈʃiːʃ/ (dried leaves of the Indian hemp plant) :: haschich {m}, haschisch {m}, hachisch {m}, hachich {m}
hash mark {n} (symbol #) SEE: hash ::
hashtag {n} /ˈhæʃˌtæɡ/ (a tag with a hash sign) :: mot-clic {m}, mot-dièse {m}, hashtag {m}
Hasidism {prop} (Jewish movement) :: hassidisme {m}
Haskell {prop} /ˈhæskəl/ (language) :: Haskell {m}
Haskell {prop} (of or relating to Haskell) :: de Haskell, Haskell
Haskell {prop} (The programming language) :: en Haskell
Hassidism {prop} (Hasidism) SEE: Hasidism ::
hassium {n} /ˈhæsiəm/ (chemical element with atomic number 108) :: hassium {m}
hassle {n} /ˈhæsl/ (trouble, bother, unwanted annoyances or problems) :: tracas, peine
hassle {n} (fight or argument) :: dispute, lutte
hassle {v} (To trouble, to bother, to annoy) :: harceler
hassle {v} (To pick a fight or start an argument) :: provoquer
Hassānīya {prop} (Language) :: hassaniya
hassock {n} /ˈhasək/ (kneeler) :: coussin d'agenouilloir {m}
hassock {n} (ottoman) :: pouf {m}
hasta la vista {phrase} (see you later) SEE: see you later ::
hastate {adj} /ˈhæsteɪt/ :: hasté
haste {n} /heɪst/ (speed, swiftness, dispatch) :: hâte {f}
haste makes waste {proverb} (being too hasty leads to wasteful mistakes) :: hâte rend déchets
hasten {v} /ˈheɪ.sən/ (to move in a quick fashion) :: se dépêcher, se hâter
hasten {v} (to make someone/something speed up) :: hâter, presser
hastily {adv} /ˈheɪstɪli/ (in a hasty manner) :: hâtivement, précipitamment, à la hâte
hasty {adj} /ˈheɪsti/ (acting in haste; being too hurried or quick) :: hâtif
hat {n} /hæt/ (a head covering) :: chapeau {m}
hatband {n} (band about a hat) :: tour de chapeau {m}
hatch {n} /hætʃ/ (horizontal door) :: trappe {f}
hatch {n} (opening for serving food) :: passe-plat {m}
hatch {n} (small door provided for access for maintenance) :: trappe {f}
hatch {n} (narrow passageway between the decks) :: écoutille {f}
hatch {v} (to emerge from an egg) :: éclore, naître, sortir de l'œuf
hatch {v} (of an egg, to break open) :: éclore
hatch {v} (to incubate eggs) :: faire éclore
hatch {n} (birds that emerged from eggs at a specified time) :: couvée {f}
hatch {n} (trapdoor) SEE: trapdoor ::
hatch {v} (to shade an area) SEE: crosshatch ::
hatchability {n} (Of an egg) :: éclosabilité {f}
hatchability {n} (Of a bird) :: éclosabilité {f}
hatchback {n} (a car with a sloping, hinged rear door that opens upwards) :: hayon {m}
hatchery {n} /ˈhætʃəɹi/ (a facility where eggs are hatched under artificial conditions) :: couvoir {m}, couveuse artificielle {f}, écloserie {f}
hatchet {n} /ˈhætʃɪt/ (small axe) :: hachette {f}
hatchment {n} /ˈhætʃmənt/ :: obiit {m}
hatchway {n} (doorway with hatch) :: écoutille {f}
hate {v} /heɪt/ (to dislike intensely) :: haïr, détester
hate {n} (hatred) SEE: hatred ::
hate crime {n} (a crime motivated by hate) :: crime haineux {m}
hateful {adj} /ˈheɪtfəl/ (evoking hatred) :: odieux
hateful {adj} (full of hate) :: haineux
hatefully {adv} (in a hateful manner) :: haineusement
hater {n} /ˈheɪtɚ/ (one who hates) :: haïsseur {m}, haïsseuse {f}
hater {n} (one who expresses hatred by envy) :: rageux {m}, rageuse {f}
haters gonna hate {proverb} (haters gonna hate) :: les rageux vont rager
hate speech {n} (offensive speech) :: discours de haine
hatless {adj} /ˈhætləs/ (not wearing a hat) :: tête nue
hatmaker {n} (someone who makes hats) SEE: hatter ::
hatred {n} /ˈheɪtɹɪd/ (strong aversion) :: haine {f}
hats off {interj} (Congratulations) :: chapeau bas, chapeau !
hatter {n} (person who makes, sells, or repairs hats) :: chapelier
hat trick {n} /ˈhætɹɪk/ (three achievements in a single game or similar) :: [Canada] tour du chapeau {m}, [France] coup du chapeau
haughtily {adv} (in a haughty manner) :: hautainement, avec dédain
haughtiness {n} (the property of being haughty) :: orgueil {m}, hautaineté {f}
haughty {adj} /ˈhɔːti/ (disdainful, supercilious; in demeanour conveying the assumption of superiority) :: hautain, suffisant
haul {v} /hɔːl/ (to draw or pull something heavy) :: haler
haul {v} (to carry or transport something heavy or difficult to move) :: trainer
haul ass {v} (to hurry) :: se magner le cul, se grouiller le cul
hauler {n} (A person or thing that hauls another person or thing.) :: porteur {m}
hauler {n} (A person or company engaged in the haulage of goods.) :: transporteur {m}, camionneur {m}, entrepreneur de transports {m}
haulm {n} /hɒm/ (an individual plant stem) :: fane {f}
Haumea {prop} /ˌhɑː.uːˈmeɪ.ə/ (celestial body) :: Hauméa
haunt {v} /hɔːnt/ (to inhabit, or visit frequently) :: hanter
haunt {v} (to make uneasy) :: hanter
haunt {v} (to live habitually) :: demeurer
haunt {n} (place at which one is regularly found) :: point de rencontre {m}
haunt {n} (ghost) SEE: ghost ::
haunted {adj} /ˈhɔːntɪd/ (frequented by a ghost) :: hanté
haunted {adj} (obsessed) :: obsédé
haunted house {n} (house believed to be a center for supernatural occurrences) :: maison hantée {f}
haunting {n} (an instance of haunting) :: hantise
Hausa {prop} /ˈhaʊsə/ (language) :: haoussa {m}
Hausdorff dimension {n} (type of fractal dimension) :: dimension de Hausdorff {f}
Haussmannization {n} (the creative destruction of something for the betterment of society) :: haussmannisation {f}
Haussmannize {v} :: haussmanniser
Haute-Corse {prop} (department of Corsica, France) :: Haute-Corse {f}
haute cuisine {n} /əʊt kwɪˈziːn/ (refined cookery) :: grande cuisine {f}
Haute-Garonne {prop} (department of France) :: Haute-Garonne {f}
Haute-Loire {prop} (département of France) :: Haute-Loire {f}
Haute-Marne {prop} (department of France) :: Haute-Marne {f}
Hautes-Alpes {prop} (department of France) :: Hautes-Alpes {f-p}
Haute-Saône {prop} (department of France) :: Haute-Saône {f}
Haute-Savoie {prop} (department of France) :: Haute-Savoie {f}
Hautes-Pyrénées {prop} (department of France) :: Hautes-Pyrénées {f-p}
Haute-Vienne {prop} (département of France) :: Haute-Vienne {f}
haut gout {n} (slight taint of decay in wild game meat) :: haut-goût {m}
Haut-Rhin {prop} (department of France) :: Haut-Rhin {m}
Hauts-de-France {prop} (region of France) :: Hauts-de-France {m-p}
Hauts-de-Seine {prop} (department of France) :: Hauts-de-Seine {m-p}
Havana {prop} /həˈvænə/ (capital of Cuba) :: La Havane {f}
Havanan {n} (inhabitant or a resident of Havana) :: Havanais {m}, Havanaise {f}
have {v} /hæv/ (to possess) :: avoir
have {v} (to partake of something) :: prendre
have {v} (to experience, go through) :: passer
have {v} (auxiliary used in forming the perfect and the past perfect tenses) :: avoir [for most verbs], être [for some intransitive verbs and all reflexive verbs]
have {v} (engage in sexual intercourse with) :: avoir
have {v} (to trick) :: avoir
have {v} (must) SEE: have to ::
have a bone to pick {v} (have a complaint or grievance) :: avoir une dent contre quelqu'un
have a bun in the oven {v} (To be pregnant; to be expecting a baby) :: avoir une brioche au four, avoir un polichinelle dans le tiroir
have a crack at {v} (to attempt (something); to try to do) :: s'essayer à
have a hard-on {v} (to have an erect penis) :: bander
have a look {v} (examine, observe) SEE: take a look ::
have an affair {v} (engage in a relationship while married) :: tromper
have a nice day {phrase} (goodbye) :: bonne journée
have another think coming {v} (be deluded) :: se faire des films, se mettre le doigt dans l'œil, se faire des idées
have a point {v} (to express a correct or valid idea) :: marquer un point
have a say {v} (to voice one's opinion) :: avoir son mot à dire
have a screw loose {v} (to be insane, irrational, or eccentric) :: avoir un grain, ne pas tourner rond, avoir une case de vide, avoir une case en moins
have a seat {v} (to sit down) :: prendre place, s'asseoir
have a seat {v} (polite directive) :: asseyez-vous (je vous en prie or s'il vous plaît)
have a wank {v} ((slang) masturbate) SEE: wank ::
have a way with {v} (be skilled) :: savoir y faire
have a whale of a time {v} (to enjoy oneself greatly) :: s'éclater, s'amuser comme un petit fou
have bats in one's belfry {v} (to be crazy or eccentric) :: avoir une araignée au plafond
have been around {v} :: ne pas être né de la dernière pluie
have blood on one's hands {v} (be responsible for a violent act) :: avoir du sang sur les mains
have butterflies in one's stomach {v} (be nervous) :: être nerveux
have designs on {v} :: avoir des vues sur
have eyes bigger than one's belly {v} (have eyes bigger than one's stomach) SEE: have eyes bigger than one's stomach ::
have eyes bigger than one's stomach {v} (take more food than one can eat) :: avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre
have eyes for {v} :: n'avoir d'yeux que pour
have eyes in the back of one's head {v} (perceived ability to see) :: avoir des yeux derrière la tête, avoir des yeux dans le dos
have eyes on {v} (observe) SEE: observe ::
have fun {v} (enjoy oneself) :: s'amuser, s'égayer
have fun {interj} (wish someone a good time) :: amuse-toi [informal], amusez-vous [formal]
have had it {v} (to have endured all that one can) :: n’en plus pouvoir
have had it up to here {v} (To have reached the limit of one's patience) :: en avoir jusque là
have in mind {v} (consider, intend) :: avoir en tête
have it in for {v} (to be angry at) :: avoir une dent contre, en avoir après
have it your way {interj} (do something the way you want to) :: fais comme tu veux, comme tu voudras, comme tu veux
have legs {v} (have endurance) :: avoir la peau dure, avoir la vie dure
haven {n} /ˈheɪvən/ (harbour) :: port {m}, havre {m}
haven {n} (refuge) :: asile {m}, refuge {m}, abri {m}, havre {m}
have-nots {n} (the poor or underprivileged) :: démunis {m-p}
have one foot in the grave {v} :: avoir un pied dans la tombe
have one's cake and eat it too {v} (to seek to have two things which are mutually incompatible) :: avoir le beurre et l'argent du beurre [to have the butter and the money from [selling] the butter]
have one's eye on {v} (watch) SEE: watch ::
have one's hand in the till {v} (to steal money that one has been trusted with) :: taper dans la caisse
have one's hands tied {v} (be powerless to act) :: avoir les mains liées
have one's head screwed on {v} :: avoir la tête sur les épaules, garder la tête sur les épaules
have one's heart in one's boots {v} (feel very sad) :: avoir le moral dans les chaussettes
have one's work cut out for one {v} :: avoir du pain sur la planche
have other fish to fry {v} (to have more important things to do) :: avoir d'autres chats à fouetter
haves {n} (the wealthy or privileged) :: nantis {m-p}
have sex {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse) SEE: copulate ::
have sex {v} (take part in a sexual act) :: avoir des relations sexuelles, baiser, faire l'amour
have the blues {v} (be depressed) :: avoir le cafard
have the floor {v} :: avoir la parole
have the foggiest {phrase} ("I haven't the foggiest": I don't know) :: je n'ai pas la moindre idée, je n'ai pas l'ombre d'une idée
have to {v} /ˈhæf.tu/ (obligation) :: devoir, falloir, avoir à
have to {v} (conclusion) :: devoir
have to {v} :: devoir
having said that {conj} (that said) SEE: that said ::
havoc {n} /ˈhæv.ək/ (devastation) :: chaos {m} {m-p}, dévastation {f}, bazar {m}
havoc {n} (mayhem) :: chaos {m} {m-p}
haw {n} /hɔː/ (fruit of hawthorn) :: cenelle {f}
haw {n} (hedge) :: haie {f}
haw {interj} (an instruction for a horse or other animal to turn towards the driver) :: dia
Hawaii {prop} /həˈwaɪ(j)i/ (state of the United States) :: Hawaï {f}, Hawaii {f}
Hawaii {prop} (chain of islands) :: Hawaï {f}, les îles Hawaï
Hawaii {prop} (largest of the Hawaiian Islands) :: Hawaï {f}
Hawaiian {adj} /hə.ˈwaɪ.ən/ :: hawaïen {m}, hawaiien {m}
Hawaiian {n} (Hawaiian language) :: hawaïen {m}, hawaiien {m}
Hawaiian {n} :: Hawaïen {m}, Hawaiien {m}
Hawaiian goose {n} (Branta sandvicensis) SEE: nene ::
Hawaiian hawk {n} (Buteo solitarius) :: buse d'Hawaï
Hawaiian pizza {n} (pizza topped with tomato sauce, cheese, pineapple, and back bacon or ham) :: pizza hawaïenne
hawfinch {n} (finch) :: gros-bec {m}
hawk {n} /hɔk/ (predatory bird of Accipitridae) :: buse {f}
hawk {n} (advocate of aggressive politics) :: faucon {m}
hawk {n} :: épervier, autour
hawk {v} (to sell) :: vendre
hawkbit {n} (flower of the genus Leontodon) :: liondent {m}
hawker {n} (peddler) SEE: peddler ::
hawker {n} (falconer) SEE: falconer ::
hawk-eyed {adj} (eagle-eyed) SEE: eagle-eyed ::
Hawking radiation {n} (black hole radiation) :: rayonnement de Hawking {m}
hawkish {adj} (supportive of warlike foreign policy) :: bagarreur {m}, batailleur {m}
hawknose {n} :: nez en bec d'aigle {m}, nez aquilin {m}
hawk owl {n} (Northern hawk owl) :: épervière boréale {f}, chouette épervière {f}
hawksbeard {n} (Crepis gen. et spp.) :: crépis {m}
hawksbill turtle {n} (turtle species) :: tortue imbriquée {f}
hawsehole {n} (nautical: hole for anchor rode) :: écubier
hawser {n} (cable) :: aussière {f}
hawthorn {n} /ˈhɔ.θɔɹn/ (type of shrub) :: aubépine {f}
hay {n} /heɪ/ (grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder) :: foin {m}
haya {n} (beech) SEE: beech ::
hay fever {n} (allergy to pollen) :: rhume des foins {m}
hayloft {n} (upper storey of a barn) :: grenier à foin {m}, fenil {m}
haymaking {n} (cutting and curing of grass) :: fenaison
hayrack {n} (vertical drying-rack) :: râtelier {m}
haystack {n} /ˈheɪˌstæk/ (a mound, pile, or stack of stored hay) :: meule de foin {f}
hazard {n} (chance) SEE: chance ::
hazard {n} /ˈhæzɚd/ (the chance of suffering harm) :: hasard {m}
hazard {n} (peril) :: danger {m}
hazard {n} (obstacle in golf) :: hasard
hazard {v} (to chance; to take a risk) :: tenter, hasarder
hazardous {adj} /ˈhæzəɹdəs/ (risky, dangerous, with the nature of a hazard) :: hasardeux
haze {n} /heɪz/ (very fine particles suspended in the air) :: brume {f}, poudroiement {m}
haze {n} (loss of transparency in a clear solid or liquid) :: trouble {m}
haze {n} (dullness of finish on a highly reflective surface) :: voile {m}
haze {n} (figurative haze, such as mental confusion) :: trouble {m}, brouillard {m}
haze {v} (to perform an initiation ritual) :: bizuter
hazel {n} /ˈheɪzəl/ (tree / shrub) :: noisetier {m}
hazel {n} (wood) :: noisetier {m}
hazel {n} (colour) :: noisette {f}
hazel {adj} (colour) :: noisette
hazel {n} (hazelnut) SEE: hazelnut ::
hazel grouse {n} (bird) :: gélinotte des bois {f}b
hazelnut {n} (shrub) SEE: hazel ::
hazelnut {n} /ˈheɪzəlnʌt/ (fruit) :: noisette {f}
hazing {n} /ˈheɪzɪŋ/ (humiliating initiation practices) :: bizutage {m}
hazy {adj} /ˈheɪzi/ (thick with haze) :: brumeux
hazy {adj} (not clear or transparent) :: flou, trouble, vague, brumeux
hazy {adj} (obscure, confused) :: brumeux, obscur
hazzan {n} (Jewish cantor in a synagogue) :: hazzan {m}
hübnerite {n} (a mineral, manganese tungsten oxide) :: hübnérite {f}
HC {n} (hockey club) :: CH (club de hockey)
HCR {prop} (refugees) :: HCR
HDI {prop} (initialism of Human Development Index) :: IDH {m}
HDPE {n} (high-density polyethylene) :: PEHD
he {pron} (personal pronoun "he") :: il
head {v} /hɛd/ (to be in command of) :: commander, diriger, chapeauter
head {v} (to strike with the head) :: faire une tête
head {v} (to move in a specified direction) :: se diriger , courir [for: vers]
head {n} (antler of a deer) SEE: antler ::
head {n} (bow of a vessel) SEE: bow ::
head {n} (cylinder head) SEE: cylinder head ::
head {n} (headache) SEE: headache ::
head {v} (to behead) SEE: behead ::
head {n} (headdress) SEE: headdress ::
head {n} (part of the body) :: tête {f}
head {n} (mental aptitude or skill) :: , dispositions {f-p}, aptitudes {f-p}
head {n} (topmost or leading part) :: bout {m}
head {n} (end of hammer, axe, golf club etc.) :: tête {f}
head {n} (blunt end of a nail, screw etc.) :: tête {f}
head {n} (foam on carbonated beverages) :: mousse {f}, chapeau de mousse {m}
head {n} (nautical: top edge of a sail) :: point de drisse {m}
head {n} (leader, chief, mastermind) :: chef {m}
head {n} (headmaster, headmistress) :: directeur {m}, directrice {f}
head {n} (clump of seeds, leaves or flowers) :: capitule {m}
head {n} (toilet of a ship) :: tinettes {f-p}, cabinet de toilettes {m}
head {n} (linguistics: morpheme that determines the category of a compound) :: noyau {m}
head {n} :: sang-froid {m}, calme {m} <-- Was under: mental or emotional control -->
headache {n} /ˈhɛdeɪk/ (pain or ache in the head) :: mal de tête {m}
headband {n} /ˈhɛdˌbænd/ (strip of fabric worn around the head) :: bandeau {m}, serre-tête {m}
headband {n} (strip of fabric attached to the top of the spine of a book) :: tranchefile
headband {n} :: bandeau
headboard {n} (vertical panel at the head of a bed) :: tête de lit {f}
headbutt {n} /ˈhɛdbʌt/ (sharp blow) :: coup de boule {m}, coup de tête {m}
headbutt {v} (to deliver a sharp blow) :: donner un coup de boule, donner un coup de tête
head cheese {n} (terrine) SEE: brawn ::
headcover {n} (head covering) SEE: head covering ::
head covering {n} (covering for the head) :: couvre-chef {m}
headdress {n} (hairdo) SEE: hairdo ::
headdress {n} (a decorative covering or ornament worn on the head) :: couvre-chef {m}
header {n} /ˈhɛdə/ (upper portion of a page layout) :: en-tête {m}
header {n} (text used to mark off a quantity of text) :: chapeau {m}
header {n} (brick that is laid sideways) :: boutisse {f}
header {n} (horizontal structural or finish piece over an opening) :: linteau {m}
header {n} (soccer: act of hitting the ball with the head) :: tête {f}
headfirst {adv} (headlong) SEE: headlong ::
headforemost {adv} (headlong) SEE: headlong ::
headgear {n} (anything worn on the head) :: couvre-chef {m}
head honcho {n} (Person in charge) :: , patron {m}, grand chef {m}, grand manitou {m}
headhouse {n} :: bâtiment des voyageurs {m}
headhunter {n} (savage) :: chasseur de têtes {m}
headhunter {n} (recruiter) :: chasseur de têtes {m}
headhunting {n} (cutting-off and preservation of the heads of one's enemies) :: chasse aux têtes {f}
heading {n} /ˈhɛɾ.ɪŋ/ (direction) :: orientation {f}, cap {m}
head in the clouds {n} (daydreaming) :: être dans la lune, avoir la tête dans les nuages, être dans les nuages
head in the clouds {n} :: avoir la tête dans les nuages
headlamp {n} (headlight) :: phare {f}
headless {adj} /ˈhɛdləs/ (without a head) :: sans tête {m} {f}, acéphale {m} {f}, décapité {m}
headlight {n} (bright light in front of vehicle) :: phare {m}
headline {n} /ˈhɛd.laɪn/ (heading or title of an article) :: titre {m}, manchette {f}
headlock {n} (wrestling move) :: cravate {f}
headlong {adv} /ˈhɛdlɒŋ/ (with the head first or down) :: la tête la première
headlongs {adv} (headlong) SEE: headlong ::
headmaster {n} /ˈhɛdˌmæstɚ/ (the most senior master in a school (male)) :: directeur {m}, principal {m} [collège], proviseur {m} [lycée]
headmistress {n} (female head teacher) :: directrice {f}, proviseure {f}, proviseuse {f} [lycée]
head office {n} (main admin centre) :: agence centrale {f}
head of government {n} (chief officer of the executive branch of a government) :: chef du gouvernement {m}
head of hair {n} (hair on the scalp) :: chevelure {f}
head of household {n} (household role) :: chef de famille {m}
head of state {n} (the chief public representative of a nation) :: chef d'État {m}
head-on {adj} (from the front) :: frontal
head-on {n} (collision from the front) SEE: head-on collision ::
head-on collision {n} (front end collision involving two vehicles) :: collision frontale {f}
head over heels {adv} (tumbling upside down) :: jambes par-dessus tête
head over heels {adv} (hopelessly, madly (as in head over heels in love)) :: follement, éperdument, à la folie, fou
head over heels {adj} (hopelessly smitten) :: fou amoureux
headphone {n} /ˈhedfoʊn/ (listening device) :: écouteur {m}
headphones {n} (pair of speakers worn over or in the ears so only the wearer can hear the sound) :: casque {m}, écouteurs {m}
headpiece {n} (helmet) SEE: helmet ::
headpiece {n} (something covering the head) SEE: headgear ::
headpiece {n} (headset) SEE: headset ::
headpiece {n} :: dessus de la tete {m}
headpiece {n} (headstall) SEE: headstall ::
headquarters {n} /ˈhɛd.ˌkwɔɹ.təz/ (the military installation) :: quartier général {m}
headquarters {n} (center of organisation's activity) :: siège social {m}
headrest {n} (part of a seat) :: appui-tête {m}, repose-tête {m}
heads {n} /hɛdz/ (side of coin) :: face {f}
headsail {n} /ˈhɛdˌsəl/ (sail set forward of the foremost mast) :: voile d'avant {f}
headscarf {n} (piece of material worn over the head) :: foulard {m}
headset {n} /ˈhɛdsɛt/ (pair of headphones or earphones) :: casque {m}, casque-micro {m}, micro-casque {m}, casque avec microphone {m}
head-shrinker {n} (slang: psychotherapist) SEE: shrink ::
heads or tails {n} (heads or tails) :: pile ou face
headstall {n} /ˈhɛdstɔːl/ (part of the bridle that fits over the horse's head) :: têtière {f}
headstand {n} (the act of standing on one's head) :: poirier {m}
headstand {n} (the position of standing on one's head) :: poirier {m}
head start {n} (an advantage in starting earlier to gain a favorable position) :: longueur d’avance {f}
headstone {n} (tombstone) SEE: tombstone ::
heads will roll {phrase} (some people will be fired for incompetence) :: des têtes vont tomber
head tax {n} (tax determined as uniform amount per individual) SEE: poll tax ::
head-to-head {adv} /hɛd.tu.hɛd/ (head-to-head) :: tête-à-tête
head to toe {adv} (entirely; completely; over one's full body) :: de la tête aux pieds, de pied en cap, des pieds à la tête, depuis les pieds jusqu’à la tête
head to toe {adv} (in reversed positions) :: tête-bêche
head voice {n} :: voix de tête {f}
headwaiter {n} (main supervisory waiter) :: maître d’hôtel {m}
headwaters {n} /ˈhɛdˌwɑtɝz/ (the set of streams that feed into the beginning of a river) :: source
headwear {n} (headgear) SEE: headgear ::
headwind {n} /ˈhɛdˌwɪnd/ (wind that blows directly against the course of a vessel) :: vent debout {m}
headword {n} /ˈhɛdwɝd/ (word used as the title of a section) :: mot vedette {m}, vedette {f}
heal {v} /hiːl/ (make better) :: guérir, assainir
heal {v} (become better) :: guérir
heal {v} :: guérir, traiter
healer {n} /ˈhilɚ/ (person who heals) :: guérisseur {m}, guérisseuse {f}
healing {n} /ˈhiːlɪŋ/ (process of regeneration, see also: recovery) :: guérison {f}
health {n} /hɛlθ/ (state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction) :: santé {f}
health {n} (physical condition) :: santé {f}
health care {n} (prevention, treatment, and management of illnesses) :: soins de santé {p}
healthcare {n} (health care) SEE: health care ::
health club {n} /ˈhɛlθ ˌkləb/ (facility with exercise equipment) :: centre de remise en form {m}, centre de fitness {m}
healthful {adj} (beneficial to health) :: sain
health fund {n} (A not-for-profit or a public health insurance company) :: caisse de maladie {f}, caisse maladie {f}
healthily {adv} (in a healthy manner) :: sainement
health insurance {n} (insurance against incurring medical expenses among individuals) :: assurance maladie {f}
healthy {adj} /ˈhɛl.θi/ (enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit: well) :: en bonne santé, sain
healthy {adj} (conducive to health) :: bon pour la santé
healthy {adj} (evincing health) :: sain, en bonne santé
heap {n} /hiːp/ (pile) :: tas {m}, pile {f}, monceau {m}
heap {n} (great number or large quantity of things) :: tas {m}
heap {n} (type of data structure) :: tas {m}, pile
heap {n} :: tas {m}
hear {v} /hɪə(ɹ)/ (to perceive sounds through the ear) :: entendre
hear {v} (to perceive with the ear) :: entendre
Heard Island and McDonald Islands {prop} (uninhabited islands of Australia) :: îles Heard-et-MacDonald {f-p}
hearing {n} /ˈhɪɹ.ɪŋ/ (sense) :: ouïe {f}
hearing {n} (legal procedure) :: audience {f}
hearing aid {n} (hearing assistance device) :: audioprothèse {f}, prothèse auditive {f}, appareil auditif {m}
hearing-impaired {adj} (hard of hearing) :: malentendant
hear of {v} (become aware of) :: entendre parler de
hear out {v} (to listen to someone until that person has finished) :: écouter jusqu'au bout
hearsay {n} (information that was heard by one person about another) :: ouï-dire {m}, on-dit {m}, rumeur {f}
hearsay {n} ((law) evidence based on the reports of others rather than on personal knowledge) :: ouï-dire {m}, on-dit {m}
hearse {n} /hɜɹs/ (vehicle for transporting dead) :: corbillard {m}
heart {n} (an organ) :: cœur
heart {n} (emotions or kindness) :: cœur
heart {n} (seat of affections, understanding or will) :: cœur
heart {n} (a shape or symbol) :: cœur {m}
heart {n} (a suit of cards) :: cœur
heart {n} (centre or core) :: cœur {m}
heartache {n} (very sincere and difficult emotional problems or stress) :: chagrin d'amour {m}, peine de cœur {f}
heart attack {n} (death) SEE: death ::
heart attack {n} (failure) SEE: failure ::
heart attack {n} (acute myocardial infarction) :: crise cardiaque, infarctus du myocarde
heartbeat {n} /ˈhɑɹtˌbit/ (one pulsation of the heart) :: pulsation {f}, battement {m}
heartbeat {n} (the rhythm at which a heart pulsates) :: rythme cardiaque {m}
heartbreak {n} /hɑɹt.bɹeɪk/ (anguish) :: crève-cœur
heartbreaker {n} /hɑɹt.bɹeɪ.kɚ/ (person who causes sorrow) :: casse-cœur {m} {f}
heart-breaking {adj} (that causes extreme sorrow or grief) :: déchirant
heartburn {n} (pain caused by stomach acid) :: brûlures d'estomac {f-p}
heart disease {n} (disease affecting the heart) :: maladie cardiaque {f}
hearten {v} /ˈhɑːtən/ (to give heart to, to encourage) :: encourager
heartening {adj} (cheerfully encouraging) :: encourageant
heart failure {n} (chronic inability of the heart) :: insuffisance cardiaque {f}
heartfelt {adj} /ˈhɑːɹt.fɛlt/ (felt or believed deeply and sincerely) :: sincère
hearth {n} /hɑːθ/ (floor of fireplace) :: âtre {m}, foyer {m}
hearth {n} (recess) :: âtre {m}
hearth {n} (home or family life) :: foyer {m}, foyers {m-p}
heartily {adv} /ˈhɑːtɪli/ (in a hearty manner) :: chaleureusement
heartland {n} (central part of a region) :: centre {m}
heartless {adj} /ˈhɑɹt.lɪs/ (without feeling) :: sans cœur
heartlessly {adv} (in a heartless manner) :: cruellement, sans cœur
heart murmur {n} (sound produced when blood is pumped across a heart valve, loud enough to be heard with a stethoscope) :: souffle cardiaque {m}
heart of gold {n} (kindheartedness) :: avoir le cœur sur la main (to have a heart of gold), cœur d'or {m}, cœur en or {m}
heart of hearts {n} :: for intérieur
heart of palm {n} (a vegetable harvested from the inner core and growing bud of certain palm trees) :: palmite {m}
heart rate monitor {n} (wearable device) :: cardiofréquencemètre {m}
hearts {n} /hɑː(ɹ)ts/ (the card suit (♥)) :: cœur
hearts {n} :: cœur {m}
hearts {n} (plural of "heart") SEE: heart ::
heart-shaped {adj} (having the supposed shape of a heart) :: en forme de cœur, en cœur, cordiforme
heart surgeon {n} (surgeon of the heart) :: chirurgien cardiaque {m}
heart valve {n} (valve in the heart) :: valve cardiaque {f}
heart-warming {adj} (eliciting tenderness and sympathy) :: attendrissant, touchant
heartwood {n} (wood) :: bois de cœur {m}, duramen {m}, bois parfait {m}
heartwrenchingly {adv} :: à pleurer
hearty {adj} /ˈhɑɹti/ (proceeding from the heart) :: cordial
hearty {adj} (rich, abundant) :: copieux
he-ass {n} (he-ass, male ass, male donkey) :: âne {m}, âne mâle {m}, mâle de l'âne {m}
heat {n} /çiːt/ (thermal energy) :: chaleur {f}
heat {n} (condition or quality of being hot) :: chaleur {f}
heat {n} (attribute of a spice that causes a burning sensation in the mouth) :: piquant {m}
heat {n} (period of intensity, particularly of emotion) :: excitation {f}
heat {n} (slang: the police) :: flicaille {f}
heat {n} (slang: one or more firearms) :: artillerie {f}
heat {n} (condition where a mammal is aroused sexually or where it is especially fertile) :: chaleur {f}, rut {m}
heat {n} (preliminary race, used to determine the participants in a final race) :: warm up {m}
heat {n} (one cycle of bringing metal to maximum temperature and working it until it is too cool to work further) :: chauffe {f}
heat {n} (hot spell) :: chaleur {f}
heat {v} (to cause an increase in temperature of an object or space) :: chauffer, échauffer, réchauffer
heat {v} (to arouse, to excite (sexually)) :: exciter
heat {n} (heating system) SEE: heating ::
heat capacity {n} (the capability of a substance to absorb heat energy) :: capacité thermique {f}
heater {n} /ˈhitɚ/ (device that produces and radiates heat) :: radiateur {m}
heater {n} (slang: a gun) :: calibre {m}, gun {m}, pétard {m}
heath {n} /hiːθ/ (type of land) :: lande {f}, bruyère {f}
heath {n} (shrub of the family Ericaceae) :: bruyère {f}
heath {n} :: bruyère {f}
heathen {adj} /ˈhiːðən/ (not adhering to an Abrahamic religion) :: païen
heathen {n} :: infidèle, païen {m}
heather {n} /ˈhɛðɚ/ (plant) :: bruyère {f}, callune {f}
heating {n} /ˈhiːtɪŋ/ (system) :: chauffage {m}
heating {n} (act) :: chauffage {m}
heating {adj} (causing heat) :: chauffant {m}
heating oil {n} (petroleum product used as a fuel in a heating system) :: fioul {m}, mazout {m}
heat of vaporization {n} :: énergie de vaporisation {f}
heat pump {n} (device to transfer heat) :: thermopompe, pompe à chaleur
heat sink {n} :: dissipateur thermique
heat stroke {n} (severe hyperthermia) :: coup de chaleur {m}
heat up {v} (cause to become hotter) :: chauffer
heat wave {n} (heat wave) SEE: heatwave ::
heatwave {n} (period of very hot weather) :: vague de chaleur {f}, canicule {f}
heave {n} /hiːv/ (An effort to raise something, as a weight, or oneself, or to move something heavy) :: hisser
heave-ho {interj} /ˌhiv ˈhoʊ/ :: oh hisse, ho hisse
heaven {n} /ˈhɛvən/ (sky) :: ciel {m}
heaven {n} (paradise and upper-world) :: ciel {m}, paradis {m}, au-delà, cieux {m-p}
heaven {n} (blissful place or experience) :: paradis {m}
Heaven {prop} (All meanings) SEE: heaven ::
heaven helps those who help themselves {proverb} (a maxim encouraging people to attempt to solve their own problems) :: aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera
heavenly {adj} /ˈhɛvənli/ (pertaining to heaven) :: céleste
heavenly body {n} (natural celestial body) :: corps céleste {m}
Heavenly Father {prop} (A formal name for the Judeo-Christian God) :: Père céleste {m}
heavenly stem {n} (set of ten terms in East Asian cultures) :: tige céleste {f}
heavens {n} /ˈhɛvənz/ (the sky) :: cieux {m-p}
heavens {n} (the abode of God) :: cieux {m-p}
heavens {interj} (expression of surprise) :: sapristi
heave to {v} (to point towards the wind) :: se mettre à la cape
heaviness {n} /ˈhɛvɪnəs/ (weightiness) :: lourdeur {f}
heavy {adj} /ˈhɛ.vi/ (having great weight) :: lourd, pesant
heavy {adj} (serious) :: lourd, grave, pesant
heavy {adj} (of weather:hot and humid) :: lourd
heavy {adj} (of a person: doing the specified activity more intensely than most other people) :: gros
heavy cruiser {n} :: croiseur lourd {m}
heavy goods vehicle {n} (a large vehicle used to transport cargo) :: poids lourd {m}
heavy-handed {adj} (excessive, overdone) :: excessif
heavy hydrogen {n} (deuterium, see also: deuterium) :: hydrogène lourd {m}
heavy industry {n} (heavy industry) :: industrie lourde {f}
heavy legs {n} (alleged medical condition) :: jambes lourdes {f-p}
heavy metal {n} (type of metal) :: métal lourd {m}
heavy metal {n} (type of music) :: heavy metal {m}
heavy water {n} (water containing deuterium instead of normal hydrogen) :: eau lourde {f}
hebdomad {n} (period of seven days) SEE: week ::
hebdomadal {adj} (occurring once a week) SEE: weekly ::
hebdomadary {n} (holder of a week-long duty in a convent) :: hebdomadier {m}
Hebe {prop} /ˈhiːbi/ (goddess of youth) :: Hébé {f}
hebetude {n} /ˈhɛb.ə.tuːd/ (mental lethargy or dullness) :: hébétude, abrutissement, abêtissement
Hebraic {adj} :: hébraïque
Hebraism {n} :: hébraïsme {m}
Hebraist {n} (a scholar who specializes in the study of the Hebrew language) :: hébraïsant {m}, hébraïsante {f}, hébraïste {m} {f}
Hebraize {v} (convert to a Hebrew/Hebraic form) :: hébraïser
Hebrew {adj} /ˈhiːbɹuː/ (pertaining to the people) :: hébreu, hébraïque
Hebrew {adj} (pertaining to the language) :: hébreu, hébraïque
Hebrew {n} (person) :: Hébreu {m}
Hebrew {n} (language, see also: Biblical Hebrew) :: hébreu {m}
Hebrews {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Hébreux {p}
Hebrides {prop} /ˈhɛbɹədiːz/ (group of islands) :: Hébrides {f-p}
Hebron {prop} (city in Palestine) :: Hébron {m}
he-cat {n} (male cat) :: matou {m}
hecatomb {n} /ˈhɛkətoʊm/ (great public sacrifice) :: hécatombe {f}
Hecatoncheires {n} (mythological giants with 100 arms) :: Hécatonchires {m-p}
hectare {n} /ˈhɛk.tɛɹ/ (unit of surface area) :: hectare {m}
hectic {adj} /ˈhɛktɪk/ (of a fever whose intensity fluctuates) :: hectique {m} {f}
hectic {adj} (very busy with activity and confusion) :: agité
hecto- {prefix} (hundred) :: hecto-
hectoampere {n} (102 amperes) :: hectoampère {m}
hectogram {n} (100 grams) :: hectogramme {m}
hectolitre {n} (100 litres) :: hectolitre {m}
hectometer {n} (hectometre) SEE: hectometre ::
hectometre {n} (the length of 100 metres) :: hectomètre {m}
hectopascal {n} (unit of pressure) :: hectopascal {m}
Hector {prop} /ˈhɛktə/ (Trojan hero) :: Hector {m}
Hector {prop} (male given name) :: Hector {m}
hectowatt {n} (unit of power equal to 100 watts) :: hectowatt {m}
Hecuba {prop} /ˈhɛkjʊbə/ (the wife of King Priam) :: Hécube
heddle {n} (part of a loom) :: lisse {f}
hederaceous {adj} (of or pertaining to ivy) :: hédéracé {m}
hederagenin {n} (compound) :: hédéragénine {f}
hedge {n} /hɛdʒ/ (thicket of bushes planted in a row) :: haie {f}
hedge {n} (finance: contract or arrangement reducing exposure to risk) :: couverture de risque {f}
hedge fund {n} (unregistered investment fund) :: fond spéculatif {m}
hedge garlic {n} (Alliaria petiolata) SEE: garlic mustard ::
hedgehog {n} /ˈhɛdʒhɒɡ/ (animal) :: hérisson {m}
hedgerow {n} (a row of closely planted bushes or trees forming a hedge) :: rangée de haie {f}
hedge sparrow {n} (Prunella modularis) SEE: dunnock ::
Hedone {prop} (Goddess of sensual pleasures) :: Hédoné {f}
hedonism {n} /ˈhiːdənɪzəm/ (philosophy) :: hédonisme {m}
hedonist {n} /ˈhiːdənɪst/ (someone devoted to hedonism) :: hédoniste {m} {f}
-hedron {suffix} (solid figure) :: -èdre {m}
Hedwig {prop} (female given name) :: Havoise, Edwige
heed {n} /hiːd/ (attention) :: attention {f}
heed {v} (to mind) :: observer
heed {v} (to pay attention) :: surveiller, prêter attention
heed {v} :: surveiller
heedless {adj} /ˈhiːdləs/ (unaware, without noticing) :: insouciant {m}, inattentif {m}, négligent {m}
hee-haw {n} (cry) :: hi-han {m}
hee-haw {interj} /ˈhiː.hɔ̰̃ː/ (cry) :: hi-han
heel {n} /hiːl/ (anatomy: part of the foot) :: talon {m}
heel {n} (part of shoe) :: talon {m}
heel {n} (end-piece of a loaf of bread) :: croûton {m}, quignon {m}
heel {n} :: talon {m}
heel {v} (To follow at somebody's heels) :: talonner
heels {n} (high heels) SEE: high heels ::
Heffalump {n} /ˈhɛfəlʌmp/ (fictional elephant-like creature) :: éfélant {m}
heft {n} /hɛft/ (weight) :: poids {m}
heft {v} (to lift) :: hisser
heft {v} :: hisser
hefty {adj} /ˈhɛfti/ (heavy) :: lourd
hefty {adj} (powerfully or heavily built) :: baraqué
Hegel {prop} /ˈheɪɡəl/ (surname) :: Hegel
Hegelian {adj} /həˈɡeɪli.ən/ (of or pertaining to Hegel's ideas) :: hégélien, hégelien, hegelien, hegélien
hegemony {n} /həˈdʒɛm.ə.ni/ (domination, influence, or authority over another) :: hégémonie {f}
he-goat {n} (billy goat) SEE: billy goat ::
hegumen {n} (head of a monastery) :: hégoumène, higoumène
hehe {interj} (sound of a giggle) :: héhé
heifer {n} /ˈhɛfɚ/ (young cow) :: génisse {f}
height {n} /haɪt/ (distance from bottom to top) :: hauteur {f}
height {n} (height of a standing person or animal) :: taille {f}
heighten {v} /ˈhaɪtən/ (to make higher) :: hausser
heighten {v} (to augment, aggravate, intensify) :: hausser
Heijō {prop} (Pyongyang) SEE: Pyongyang ::
Heilongjiang {prop} (Amur) SEE: Amur ::
heinous {adj} /ˈheɪnəs/ (totally reprehensible) :: atroce
heir {n} /ɛəɹ/ (one who inherits, or is designated to inherit, the property of another) :: héritier {m}, héritière {f}
heir {n} (one who inherits, or has been designated to inherit, a hereditary title or office) :: héritier {m}, héritière {f}
heir {n} (successor in a role) :: héritier {m}, héritière {f}, successeur
heir apparent {n} (someone who will definitely inherit) :: héritier apparent {m}, héritière apparente {f}
heiress {n} (a woman who stands to inherit) :: héritière {f}
heirloom {n} /ˈɛəɹ.lum/ (valued possession passed down through the generations) :: patrimoine {m}
heir presumptive {n} (one who inherits if no better choice is born) :: héritier présomptif {m}
Heisenberg uncertainty principle {prop} (physical principle) :: principe d'incertitude d'Heisenberg {m}
heist {n} /ˈhaɪst/ (a robbery or burglary) :: braquage {m} (robbery), casse {m} (burglary)
heist {v} (to steal, rob or hold up something) :: voler
Hejaz {prop} (area) :: Hedjaz
háček {n} /ˈhɑtʃɛk/ (háček diacritic) :: hatchek {m}, caron {m}, háček {m}, chevron {m}, accent hirondelle {m}
Hel {prop} (goddess of the realm of the dead) :: Hel {f}
Helen {prop} /ˈhɛlən/ ((Greek mythology) the daughter of Zeus and Leda) :: Hélène
Helen {prop} (female given name) :: Hélène
Helenus {prop} (the son of King Priam) :: Hélénos
heleoplankton {n} :: héléoplancton {m}
heliast {n} (judge) :: héliaste
helical {adj} /ˈhɛlɪkəl/ (in the shape of a helix) :: hélicoïdal
heliciculture {n} (snail farming) :: héliciculture {f}
helicoid {adj} (having the form of a flattened helix) :: hélicoïdal
helicoid {n} (minimal surface in form of flattened helix) :: hélicoïde {f}
helicopter {n} /ˈhɛlɨˌkɑptɚ/ (aircraft) :: hélicoptère {m}
helicopter {v} (to transport by helicopter) :: héliporter
helicopter mom {n} (protective woman) SEE: mama bear ::
helicotrema {n} :: hélicotrème {m}
helio- {prefix} (related to the sun) :: hélio-
heliocentric {adj} /ˌhiːlioʊˈsɛntɹɪk/ (having the sun at the center) :: héliocentrique
heliocentricism {n} (heliocentrism) SEE: heliocentrism ::
heliocentrism {n} (the theory that the sun is the center of the universe) :: héliocentrisme {m}
Heliogabalus {prop} /ˌhiː.li.əˈɡæb.ə.ləs/ (a Roman emperor) :: Héliogabale
heliographic {adj} (of or pertaining to heliography) :: héliographique
heliometer {n} (astronomical instrument for measuring the diameter of the sun) :: héliomètre {m}
helion {n} (nucleus of a helium-3 atom) :: hélion {m}
heliopause {n} (boundary) :: héliopause {f}
Helios {prop} /ˈhiːliɒs/ (god) :: Hélios {m}
helioscope {n} (apparatus for viewing the sun) :: hélioscope {m}
heliosheath {n} (zone between the termination shock and the heliopause) :: héliogaine {f}
heliosphere {n} (region of space) :: héliosphère {f}
heliostat {n} (device to continuously reflect sunlight toward a predetermined target, almost always in some fixed direction, despite the sun's motions in the sky) :: héliostat {m}
heliosynchronous {adj} (describing an orbit around the Earth) :: héliosynchrone
heliotherapy {n} (therapy) :: héliothérapie {f}
heliotrope {n} (rock) SEE: bloodstone ::
heliotropism {n} (the property of some plants of turning under the influence of light) :: héliotropisme {m}
heliox {n} (mixture of helium and oxygen used as a breathing gas) :: héliox {m}
helipad {n} (helicopter landing place) :: héliport {m}, hélistation {f}, hélisurface {f}
heliport {n} /ˈhɛlɪˌpoɹt/ (facility for helicopters) :: héliport {m}
helium {n} /ˈhiːli.əm/ (chemical element) :: hélium {m}
helix {n} /ˈhiːlɪks/ (curve) :: hélice {f}
hell {prop} /hɛl/ (abode for the condemned) :: enfer {m}
hell {n} (place of suffering in life) :: enfer {m}
Hellas {prop} (Greek name for Greece) :: Grèce {f}
hell-bent {adj} /ˈhɛlˌbɛnt/ (recklessly determined to do or achieve something) :: acharné
hellebore {n} /ˈhɛlɪbɔːɹ/ (Any species of genus Helleborus) :: hellébore {m}, ellébore {m}
helleborine {n} (orchid of the genus Cephalanthera) :: céphalanthère
Hellenic {adj} (of or relating to the ancient Greek culture and civilization) :: hellène
Hellenic {adj} (of or relating to Hellas or the Hellenes) :: hellénique
Hellenic {prop} (language) :: hellénique
Hellenic Republic {prop} (official name of Greece) :: République hellénique {f}
Hellenism {n} (belief in and worship of Greek gods) :: hellénisme {m}
Hellenistic {adj} /ˈhɛl.ən.ɪs.tɪk/ (of or relating to a period of Greek history) :: hellénistique
Hellenize {v} (to make Hellenistic) :: helléniser
Helleno- {prefix} (relating to Greece of Greek culture) :: helleno-
heller {n} (13th-century coin equivalent to half a pfennig) :: heller {m}, haller {m}
hellfire {n} /ˈhɛlˌfaɪəɹ/ (fire of hell) :: feu de l'enfer {m}
hell hath no fury like a woman scorned {proverb} /hɛl hæθ nəʊ ˈfjʊəɹi laɪk ə ˈwʊmən skɔːnd/ (a woman will make one suffer if rejected) :: L'enfer n'a pas de fureur comme une femme méprisée
hellish {adj} /ˈhɛlɪʃ/ (causing pain, discomfort or distress) :: infernal
hello {interj} /hɛˈloʊ/ (greeting) :: salut [informal], bonjour, coucou[informal]
hello {interj} (when answering the telephone) :: allô
hello {interj} (is anyone there?) :: eh oh, ?, oh eh, ?, allô, ?, ohé, !
hello {interj} (sarcastic: that was foolish) :: ho
hello {interj} (expression of puzzlement) :: ouah
hello there {interj} /hɛˈloʊ̯ ðɛɚ/ (hello) :: bonjour tout le monde
hellspawn {n} (monster) SEE: monster ::
hellspawn {n} (fiend) SEE: fiend ::
helm {n} /hɛlm/ (steering apparatus of a ship) :: barre {f}
helm {n} (maritime: member of the crew in charge of steering) :: barreur {m}, timonier {m}
helmet {n} /ˈhɛlmɪt/ (protective head covering) :: casque {m}
helmeted guineafowl {n} (Numida meleagris) :: pintade de Numidie {f}
helmsman {n} (person responsible for steering a ship) :: barreur {m}, timonier {m}
helophytic {adj} (relating to helophytes) :: hélophyte
helot {n} (serf, slave) SEE: slave ::
helot {n} (Spartan serf) :: ilote {m} {f}
help {n} /hɛlp/ (action given to provide assistance) :: aide {f}, secours {m}
help {n} (person or persons who provides assistance with some task) :: auxiliaire {m} {f}, aide
help {n} (person employed to help in the maintenance of a house) :: aide {m} {f}
help {n} (textual support of a software application) :: aide {f}
help {v} (transitive: provide assistance to (someone or something)) :: aider, secourir
help {v} (contribute in some way to) :: aider
help {v} (intransitive: provide assistance) :: aider
help {v} (transitive: avoid or prevent) :: éviter, prévenir, empêcher
help {interj} (cry of distress) :: au secours, à l’aide, à moi, à nous
help desk {n} (a section of an organization to help customers or users) :: centre d'assistance {m}
helper {n} /ˈhɛlpɚ/ (one who helps) :: assistant {m}, assistante {f}
helpful {adj} /ˈhɛlp.fəl/ (furnishing help; giving aid; useful) :: utile, serviable
helping {n} (serving) SEE: serving ::
helping hand {n} (any assistance, help or aid) :: coup de pouce {m}, coup de main {m}
helping verb {n} (auxiliary verb) SEE: auxiliary verb ::
help is on the way {phrase} (help is on the way) :: les secours sont en route
helpless {adj} /ˈhɛlplɪs/ (unable to act without help) :: désemparé
helpless {adj} (uncontrollable) SEE: uncontrollable ::
helpmate {n} (A person who supplies help or companionship.) :: compagnon
helpmate {n} (A wife or spouse.) :: compagne {f}
help oneself {v} (take something freely) :: se servir
help oneself {v} (to help oneself) SEE: make use ::
help out {v} (provide assistance) :: dépanner
Helsingfors {prop} (former name of Helsinki) :: Helsingfors
Helsinki {prop} /hɛlˈsɪŋ.ki/ (the capital city of Finland) :: Helsinki {m}
Helvetian {adj} (from the ancient country of Helvetia) :: helvète {m} {f}
Helvetian {n} (someone from ancient country of Helvetia) :: Helvète {m} {f}
Helvetii {prop} (Gallic tribe) :: Helvètes
Helvetism {n} (Swiss phrase) :: helvétisme {m}
Helvétius {prop} /hɛlˈviʃəs/ (surname) :: Helvétius
hem {n} /hɛm/ (border of an article of clothing doubled back and stitched together) :: ourlet {m}
hem {n} (rim or margin) :: marge {f}
hem {v} (to make a hem) :: ourler
hem {v} (to put hem on an article of clothing) :: ourler
hematite {n} (mineral) :: hématite {f}
hematocrit {n} /hɪˈmæt.ək.ɹɪt/ :: hématocrite {m}
hematocyte {n} (blood cell) :: hématocyte {m}
hematogenesis {n} (hematopoiesis) SEE: hematopoiesis ::
hematologic {adj} (of or relating to hematology) :: hématologique
hematologist {n} (haematologist) SEE: haematologist ::
hematology {n} (study of blood and related organs) SEE: haematology ::
hematoma {n} /ˌhiməˈtoʊmə/ (swelling of blood from broken vessel) :: hématome {m}
hematopoiesis {n} /ˌhimətoʊ.pojˈisɪs/ (process by which blood cells are produced) :: hématopoïèse {f}, hémopoèse {f}
heme {n} /hiːm/ (component of hemoglobin) :: hème {m}
Hemera {prop} /ˈhɛməɹə/ (personification of the day) :: Héméra {f}
hemerology {n} /hɛməˈɹɒləd͡ʒi/ (study of calendars) :: hémérologie {f}
hemi- {prefix} (half) :: hémi-
hemiaminal {n} (organic compound with an amino and a hydroxy group on the same carbon atom) :: hémiaminal {m}
hemicellulose {n} (mixture of polysaccharides) :: hémicellulose {m}
hemicryptophyte {n} /hɛmɪˈkɹɪptəʊfaɪt/ (hemicryptophyte) :: hémicryptophyte
hemicycle {n} (semicircle) :: hémicycle {m}
hemicycle {n} (semicircular architectural structure) :: hémicycle {m}
hemicylindrical {adj} (shaped like a half cylinder) :: hémicylindrique
hemidemisemiquaver {n} (music) :: quadruple-croche {f}
hemiola {n} (hemiola) :: hémiole {f}
hemiplegic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or afflicted with hemiplegia) :: hémiplégique
hemipter {n} (insect) :: hemiptère {m}
hemisphere {n} /ˈhɛmɪsfɪəɹ/ (half of the Earth) :: hémisphère {f}
hemisphere {n} (any half-sphere) :: hémisphère {m}
hemispherectomy {n} (surgical removal of a brain hemisphere) :: hémisphérectomie {f}
hemistich {n} (approximate half-line of verse) :: hémistiche {m}
hemline {n} (line) :: ourlet {m}
hemline {n} :: ourlet
hemlock {n} /ˈhɛmˌlɒk/ (tree) :: pruche {f}
hemlock {n} (poisonous plant of genus Conium) :: ciguë {f}
hemlock {n} (poisonous plant of genus Cicuta) SEE: cowbane ::
hemochromatosis {n} /ˌhiːmə(ʊ)ˌkɹəʊməˈtəʊsɪs/ (disorder) :: hématochromatose {f}
hemocyanin {n} (pigment) :: hémocyanine {f}
hemoderivative {n} (substance in blood) :: hémodérivé {m}
hemodialysis {n} (extracorporeal dialysis) :: hémodialyse {f}
hemodynamic {adj} /himoʊdaɪˈnæmɪk/ (Of or pertaining to the circulation of blood in the body) :: hémodynamique
hemodynamics {n} /ˌhimoʊdaɪˈnæmɪks/ (circulation of blood) :: hémodynamique
hemoglobin {n} (the iron-containing substance in red blood cells that transports oxygen) :: hémoglobine {f}
hemolymph {n} (a circulating fluid in the bodies of some invertebrates) :: hémolymphe {f}
hemolysis {n} (destruction of red blood cell) :: hémolyse {f}
hemorrhage {n} /ˈhɛməɹɪdʒ/ (release of blood; bleeding) :: hémorragie {f}
hemorrhoid {n} /ˈhɛməɹɔɪd/ (perianal varicosity) :: hémorroïde {f}
hemorrhoids {n} (haemorrhoids) SEE: haemorrhoids ::
hemostasis {n} /ˌhiːməˈsteɪsɪs/ (keeping blood inside a damaged vessel) :: hémostase {f}
hemp {n} /hɛmp/ (Cannabis sativa) :: chanvre {m}
hempseed {n} (seed of the hemp plant) :: chènevis {m}
hen {n} /hɛn/ (female chicken) :: poule {f}
hen {n} (hen-like woman) :: poule {f}
henbane {n} /ˈhɛnbeɪn/ (Hyoscyamus niger) :: jusquiame {f}
hence {adv} /ˈhɛns/ (from here) :: d'ici
hence {adv} (as a result, therefore) :: ainsi, donc, d'où
hence {adv} (from this time, from now) :: d'ici
henceforth {adv} /hɛnsˈfɔɹθ/ (from now on) :: dorénavant, désormais
henceforward {adv} (from now on) SEE: from now on ::
henchman {n} /ˈhɛntʃ.mən/ (a loyal and trusted follower or subordinate) :: sbire {m}, séide {m}, acolyte {m}, sous-fifre {m}
henchman {n} (an assistant member of a criminal gang) :: sbire {m}
Hendaye {prop} (town in France) :: Hendaye
hendecagon {n} (geometry) :: undécagone {m}
hendiadys {n} /hɛnˈdaɪ.ədɪs/ (figure of speech) :: hendiadys {m}, hendiadyin {m}
henhouse {n} (house for chickens to live in) :: poulailler {m}
henna {n} /hɛnə/ (shrub) :: henné {m}
henna {n} (dye) :: henné {m}
hen night {n} (party) SEE: bachelorette party ::
hennin {n} (medieval headgear) :: hennin {m}
henotheism {n} /ˈhɛnəʊˌθiːɪz(ə)m/ (belief or worship) :: hénothéisme {m}
hen party {n} (bachelorette party) SEE: bachelorette party ::
henpeck {v} /ˈhɛn.pɛk/ (to nag persistently) :: persécuter, barber, importuner, harceler, emmerder (gross), faire chier (very gross), casser les couilles (very gross)
henpecked {adj} /ˈhɛnpɛkt/ (plagued or overwhelmed by one's wife) :: jobard {m}, la femme porte la culotte, dominé par sa femme
hen pigeon {n} (female pigeon) :: [♂♀] pigeon {m} , pigeonne {f} , pigeon femelle {m} , femelle du pigeon {f}
Henrietta {prop} /hɛnˈɹiː.ɛt.ə/ (feminine form of Henry) :: Henriette
Henriette {prop} (female given name) SEE: Henrietta ::
henry {n} (SI unit for electrical inductance) :: henry {m}
Henry {prop} /ˈhɛn.ɹi/ (given name) :: Henri
hentai {n} (a work of anime that contains sexual art (esp. manga or anime)) :: hentai {m}
heparin {n} (a glycosaminoglycan) :: héparine {f}
hepatectomy {n} (surgical removal of the liver) :: hépatectomie {f}
hepatic {adj} /həˈpætɪk/ (relating to the liver) :: hépatique
hepatic {n} (liverwort) SEE: liverwort ::
hepatic portal vein {n} (portal vein) SEE: portal vein ::
hepatite {n} (barite) SEE: barite ::
hepatitis {n} /ˌhɛpəˈtaɪ̯tɪs/ (liver inflammation) :: hépatite {f}
hepatitis A {n} (acute form of hepatitis) :: hépatite A {f}
hepatitis B {n} (acute form of hepatitis) :: hépatite B {f}
hepatocyte {n} (liver cells) :: hépatocyte {m}
hepatologist {n} (person who works in hepatology) :: hépatologue {m} {f}
hepatopancreatic {adj} :: hépatopancréatique
hepatotoxicity {n} :: hepatotoxicité {f}
Hepburn {prop} (romanization system for Japanese) :: méthode Hepburn {f}
Hephaestus {prop} /hɪˈfiːstəs/ (Greek god) :: Héphaïstos {m}
heptagon {n} /ˈhɛp.tə.ɡɒn/ (polygon with seven sides and seven angles) :: heptagone {m}
heptagonal {adj} /hɛpˈtæɡ ə nl/ (Having seven angles and sides) :: heptagone, heptagonal
heptahedron {n} (polyhedron with seven faces) :: heptaèdre {m}
heptane {n} (saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon: C7H16) :: heptane {m}
heptarchy {n} (A group of seven states.) :: heptarchie {f}
heptasemic {adj} /hɛptəˈsiːmɪk/ (containing seven morae or units of time) :: heptasème
heptathlon {n} (athletic contest) :: heptathlon {m}
her {determiner} /ɚ/ (belonging to) :: son {m}, sa {f}, ses {p}
her {pron} (she) :: [after preposition] elle, [indirect object] lui, [direct object] la
Hera {prop} /ˈhɪəɹə/ (queen of the gods, wife of Zeus) :: Héra {f}
Heracles {prop} /ˈhɛɹəkliːz/ (the son of Zeus, see also: Hercules) :: Héraclès
Heraclitus {prop} /ˌhɛɹ.əˈklaɪ.təs/ (given name) :: Héraclite {m}
Heraclius {prop} /ˌhɛrəˈklaɪəs/ (given name) :: Héraclius
herald {n} /ˈhɛɹəld/ (a messenger, especially one bringing important news) :: héraut {m}
herald {n} (a harbinger giving signs of things to come) :: annonciateur {m}, signe avant-coureur {m}
herald {n} (an official whose speciality is heraldry) :: héraut
herald {n} (moth) :: découpure {f}
herald {v} (announce) :: annoncer
heraldic {adj} (relating to the profession of devising and blazoning arms) :: héraldique
heraldry {n} /ˈhɛɹ.əl.dɹi/ (the profession of devising and blazoning arms) :: héraldique {f}
herb {n} /(h)ɝb/ (plant used to flavour food) :: herbe {f}, herbes {f-p}
herb {n} (plant used in medicine) :: plante médicinale {f}
herb {n} (slang: marijuana) :: herbe {f}
herbaceous {adj} /hɝˈbeɪ.ʃəs/ (botany: not woody) :: herbacé
herbal {adj} /ˈɝbəl/ (made from or with herbs) :: aux herbes, d'herbes
herbalism {n} ((obsolete) botany) SEE: botany ::
herbalism {n} (practice or study of medicinal herbs) :: herboristerie {f}, herbalisme {m}
herbalist {n} (person who treats diseases by herbs) :: herboriste {m}, herbaliste {m}
herbal medicine {n} (herbalism) SEE: herbalism ::
herbal tea {n} (beverage made by infusion of herbs) :: tisane {f}
herbarium {n} (collection of dried plants) :: herbier {m}
herbicide {n} (substance used to kill plants) :: herbicide {m}
herbivore {n} /ˈhɜːɹbɪvɔːɹ/ (plant-eating organism) :: herbivore {m}
herbivorous {adj} /hɜːɹˈbɪvəɹəs/ (feeding only on plants) :: herbivore
herblore {n} (herbalism) SEE: herbalism ::
herborize {v} (to seek and classify plant species) :: herboriser
Herculaneum {prop} /ˌhɜɹkjəˈleɪni.əm/ (city in Italy) :: Herculanum
Herculean {adj} /hɜːɹˈkjuːliən/ (of extraordinary might, power, size, etc.) :: herculéen
Herculean {adj} (requiring a huge amount of work) :: herculéen
Hercules {prop} /ˈhɝːkjəliːz/ (The Roman name of Heracles, see also: Heracles) :: Hercule {m}
Hercules {prop} (constellation) :: Hercule {m}
herd {n} /hɜːd/ (a number of domestic animals assembled together under the watch or ownership of a keeper) :: troupeau {m}
herd {n} (any collection of animals gathered or travelling in a company) :: troupeau
herd {v} (to unite or associate in a herd) :: rassembler
herd immunity {n} /ˈhəːd ɪˈmjuːnɪti/ (form of indirect protection against a disease) :: immunité grégaire {f}
herding dog {n} (herding dog) :: chien de berger {m}
herdsman {n} (a person who tends livestock, especially cows and sheep) :: éleveur de bétail {m}, gardien {m}
here {adv} (in, on, or at this place) :: ici
here {adv} (to this place) :: par ici
here {n} :: ici
hereafter {n} (existence after death) SEE: afterlife ::
hereafter {adv} (from now on) SEE: from now on ::
here and there {adv} (from time to time) SEE: from time to time ::
here and there {adv} (in one place and another) :: par-ci, par-là, çà et là, ici et là
here below {adv} :: ici-bas, dans ce bas monde
hereby {adv} /hɪɹˈbaɪ/ (formal phrase) :: par la présente
hereditary {adj} /həˈɹɛdɪt(ə)ɹi/ (of a disease or trait: passed in the genes) :: héréditaire
hereditary {adj} :: héréditaire
herein {adv} (within this content or context) :: ci-dedans
hereinafter {adv} /ˈhɪɹɪnˈæftɚ/ (In the parts of this document, statement, or book that follow; after this) :: ci-après
hereinbefore {adv} (translation) :: ci-dessus
here lies {phrase} (epitaph) :: ici repose, ci-gît
hereof {adv} (translation) :: de celui-ci, de celle-ci
heresiarch {n} /hɛˈɹiːzɪɑːk/ (founder of a heresy) :: hérésiarque {m}
heresy {n} /ˈhɛɹəsi/ (dissension from religious dogma) :: hérésie {f}
heresy {n} (a controversial opinion) :: hérésie {f}
heretic {n} /ˈhɛɹɨtɪk/ (someone who believes contrary to fundamentals) :: hérétique {m} {f}
heretic {adj} (heretical) SEE: heretical ::
heretical {adj} /həˈɹɛtɪkəl/ (of or pertaining to heresy or heretics) :: hérétique
hereto {adv} (so far) SEE: so far ::
heretofore {adv} /ˌhɪətəˈfɔː/ (up to the present time) :: jusqu'alors, avant ceci, jusqu'ici
hereunder {adv} (translation) :: ci-dessous
hereupon {adv} (immediately afterward; at this.) :: par dessus quoi
herewith {adv} (with this (especially, with this letter or communication)) :: avec quoi, ci-joint
here you are {phrase} (said when handing something over) :: voilà, voici, tiens [informal], tenez [formal], je t'en prie [informal], je vous en prie [Belgium, formal], s'il te plaît [Belgium, informal], s'il vous plaît [formal]
heritability {n} (the ratio of the genetic variance of a population to its phenotypic variance) :: héritabilité {f}
heritable {adj} /ˈhɛɹɪtəbəl/ (able to be inherited) :: héritable
heritage {n} (property) :: héritage {m}
heritage {n} (tradition) :: héritage {m}
heritage interpretation {n} (discipline of explanation) :: médiation {f}, interprétation du patrimoine
heritage language {n} (one's former native language) :: langue d'héritage {f}
herm {n} (rectangular pillar) :: hermès {m}
Herm {prop} (one of the Channel Islands) :: Herm {f}
Herm {prop} (a commune in France) :: Herm {f}
Her Majesty {pron} (title of respect when referring to a queen) :: Sa Majesté {f}
Herman {prop} /ˈhɝmən/ (given name) :: Armand {m}
hermaphrodism {n} (congenital condition) :: hermaphrodisme {m}
hermaphrodite {n} /hɝˈmæfɹədaɪt/ (individual or organism having both male and female gonads) :: hermaphrodite {m} {f}
hermaphrodite {adj} (having both male and female gonads) :: hermaphrodite {m} {f}, bisexué {m}, bisexuée {f}
hermaphroditic {adj} (of or pertaining to hermaphrodism) :: hermaphrodite
hermaphroditic {adj} (biology: possessing the reproductive organs of both sexes) :: hermaphrodite, androgyne {m} {f} [not self-sufficient]
hermaphroditism {n} (state of having both male and female sexual organs) :: hermaphrodisme {m}
Hermaphroditus {prop} /hɚˌmæf.ɹəˈdaɪ.təs/ (Greek god) :: Hermaphrodite
hermeneutical {adj} /hɝməˈn(j)uːtɨkəl/ (concerning hermeneutics) :: herméneutique
hermeneutics {n} /hɜːɹməˈnjuːtɪks/ (art and science of text interpretation) :: herméneutique {f}
Hermes {prop} /ˈhɝmiːz/ (Greek god Hermes) :: Hermès {m}
hermetic {adj} /hə(ɹ)ˈmɛtɪk/ (pertaining to Hermes Trismegistus) :: hermétique
hermetic {adj} (pertaining to alchemy) :: hermétique
hermetic {adj} (isolated) :: hermétique
hermetic {adj} (hermetically sealed) :: hermétique
hermetically {adv} (hermetically) :: hermétiquement
hermetically sealed {adj} (airtight) :: hermétiquement fermé
Hermione {prop} /ˈhɝˈmaɪ.ə.ni/ (Daughter of Helen and Menelaus, wife of Orestes) :: Hermione
hermit {n} /ˈhɝmɪt/ (religious recluse; eremite) :: ermite {m} {f}, ermitane {f}
hermit {n} (recluse; someone who lives alone) :: ermite {m} {f}
hermit {n} (hermit crab) SEE: hermit crab ::
hermitage {n} (dwelling place of hermit) :: ermitage {m}
hermitage {n} (place of seclusion) :: ermitage {m}
hermit crab {n} (crustacean) :: bernard-l’ermite {m}
Hermitian {adj} /hɜː(ɹ)ˈmɪʃən/ (equal to its transpose conjugate) :: hermitien
hermitic {adj} (of or pertaining to hermits) SEE: eremitic ::
hermitical {adj} (of or pertaining to hermits) SEE: eremitic ::
hermitize {v} (isolate oneself) :: ermiter
hernia {n} (part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part) :: hernie {f}
hernioplasty {n} (operation) :: hernioplastie {f}
herniorrhaphy {n} (repair of a hernia by means of sutures) :: herniorraphie {f}
hero {n} /ˈhɪɹoʊ/ (person of great bravery) :: héros {m}
hero {n} (main protagonist) :: protagoniste {m}, héros {m}
Herod {prop} /ˈhɛɹəd/ (king) :: Hérode
Herodotus {prop} /həˈɹɑːdətəs/ (ancient historian) :: Hérodote
heroic {adj} /hɪˈɹoʊ.ɪk/ (of or relating to heroism) :: héroïque
heroin {n} /ˈhɛɹoʊ.ɪn/ (powerful and addictive drug) :: héroïne {f}
heroine {n} /ˈhɛɹoʊɪn/ (female hero) :: héroïne {f}
heroism {n} /ˈhɛɹəʊɪzəm/ (the qualities characteristic of a hero, the display of them) :: héroïsme {m}
heroization {n} (the act, or the result, of heroizing someone) :: héroïsation {f}
heroize {v} (to make someone into a hero) :: héroïser
heroize {v} (to treat someone as if they were a hero) :: héroïser
heron {n} /ˈhɛɹən/ (bird) :: héron {m}
Herostratus {prop} (ancient arsonist) :: Érostrate
herpes {n} /ˈhɝ.piz/ (viral disease) :: herpès {m}
herpes simplex {n} (viral disease) :: herpès {m}
herpes zoster {n} (acute viral inflammation) SEE: shingles ::
herpetarium {n} (zoological exhibition space for reptiles and amphibians) :: herpétarium {m}
herpetoculture {n} :: herpétoculture {f}
herpetofauna {n} /ˈhɜː(ɹ)pɪtəʊˌfɔːnə/ (amphibians and reptiles as a group) :: herpétofaune {f}
herpetological {adj} (of or relating to herpetology, the study of reptiles) :: herpétologique
herpetologist {n} (one who studies reptiles, a reptile specialist) :: herpétologiste {m} {f}
herpetology {n} /ˌhɜː.pɪ.ˈtɒ.lə.d͡ʒi/ (the branch of biology dealing with reptiles) :: herpétologie {f}
herring {n} /ˈhɛɹɪŋ/ (fish in Clupea) :: hareng {m}
herring gull {n} (large seagull) :: goéland {m}
hers {pron} /ɚz/ (that which belongs to her) :: le sien {m-s}, la sienne {f-s}, les siens {m-p}, les siennes {f-p}
herself {pron} /hɝˈsɛlf/ ((reflexive object) her) :: elle-même {f}
herself {pron} ((as intensifier) she) :: elle-même
hertz {n} /hɝts/ (the derived unit of frequency) :: hertz {m}
Hertz {n} (surname) :: Hertz
Hertzian {adj} (of or pertaining to Heinrich Hertz or his work) :: hertzien
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram {n} (plot of the absolute magnitude of stars) :: diagramme de Hertzsprung-Russell {m}
Hervey Bay {prop} /ˈhɑː(ɹ)vi ˈbeɪ/ (city in Queensland) :: Hervey Bay
Herzeg-Bosnia {prop} (country on the Balkan peninsula) :: Herzég-Bosnie {f}
Herzegovina {prop} /ˌhɛəɹtsəˈɡoʊvɪnə/ (Southern wedge of the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina) :: Herzégovine {f}
he shoots, he scores {phrase} (Score a goal) :: lance et compte, tire et le but
Hesiod {prop} /ˈhiːsi.əd/ (Greek poet) :: Hésiode
hesitant {adj} /ˈhɛzɪtənt/ (tending to hesitate) :: hésitant
hesitate {v} /ˈhɛzɪteɪt/ (to stop or pause respecting decision or action) :: hésiter
hesitation {n} /hɛzɪˈteɪʃən/ (act of hesitating) :: hésitation {f}
Hesperia {prop} /hɛˈspɪəɹi.ə/ (literally "western land") :: Hespérie
Hesperia {prop} (one of the Hesperides) :: Hespérie
Hesperides {n} /hɛˈspɛɹɪdiːz/ (a group of nymphs) :: Hespérides {p}
hesperidium {n} (any of several kinds of berries) :: hespéride {f}
Hesse {prop} (state) :: Hesse
hessian {n} (burlap) SEE: burlap ::
Hessian {adj} /ˈhɛsɪən/ (pertaining to Hesse) :: hessois
Hessian {n} (native or inhabitant of Hesse) :: Hessois {m}, Hessoise {f}
Hestia {prop} /ˈhɛsti.ə/ (Greek goddess) :: Hestia {f}
he's unconscious {phrase} (he's unconscious) :: il est inconscient
hetaera {n} /hɪˈtɪəɹə/ (hired female companion) :: hétaïre {f}
hetero- {prefix} (other) :: hétéro-
hetero {n} /ˈhɛtəɹoʊ/ (heterosexual person) :: hétéro
heterocarpy {n} (production of multiple kinds of fruit on the same plant) :: hétérocarpie
heterocentrism {n} (heterosexism) :: hétérocentrisme
heterochromatic {adj} (more than one colour) :: hétérochrome, vairon, hétérochromatique
heterochromia {n} (heterochromia) :: hétérochromie
heterochromia iridium {n} (condition of having two irises of different colors) :: hétérochromie
heteroclite {n} /ˈhɛtəɹəʊklaɪt/ (A person who is unconventional) :: hétéroclite
heteroclitic {adj} :: hétéroclite
heterocracy {n} (all senses) :: hétérocratie {f}
heterodox {adj} /ˈhɛtɛɹədɒks/ (of or pertaining to creeds, beliefs, or teachings that are different from the norm) :: hétérodoxe
heterodoxy {n} /ˈhɛtɛɹədɒksi/ (the quality of being heterodox) :: hétérodoxie
heterodoxy {n} (a heterodox belief, creed, or teaching) :: hétérodoxie
heteroduplex {n} :: hétéroduplex {m}
heterogeneity {n} (composition of diverse parts) :: hétérogénéité {f}
heterogeneity {n} (diversity) SEE: diversity ::
heterogeneous {adj} /hɛ.tə.ɹə.ˈdʒiː.niː.əs/ (diverse in kind) :: hétérogène
heterogeneous catalysis {n} (catalysis in which the catalyst is present in a separate phase) :: catalyse hétérogène {f}
heterogenous {adj} (heterogeneous) SEE: heterogeneous ::
heterographic {adj} /ˌhɛt.ə.ɹoʊˈɡɹæf.ik/ (linguistics: of a writing system in which a particular symbol represents more than one possible sound) :: hétérographique
heterolecithal {adj} :: hétérolécithe
heterological {adj} (of an adjective, not describing itself) :: hétérologique
heterologous {adj} (coming from another organism) :: hétérologue {m} {f}
heteronormativity {n} (heteronormativity) :: hétéronormativité {f}
heteronym {n} /ˈhɛt.ə.ɹoʊ.nɪm/ (word having the same spelling but different pronunciation) :: hétéronyme {m}
heteronym {n} (fictitious character writing in a different style) :: hétéronyme {m}
heteropatriarchy {n} (dominance of heterosexual males in society) :: hétéropatriarcat {m}
heterophobe {n} :: hétérophobe {m} {f}
heterophobia {n} (fear or resentment of heterosexuals or heterosexuality) :: hétérophobie {f}
heterophobic {adj} :: hétérophobe {m} {f}
heteroplasty {n} (the grafting of tissues between different individuals) :: hétéroplastie {f}
heteropolymer {n} (a polymer derived from two or more different (but often similar) types of monomer) :: hétéropolymère
heteroscedastic {adj} :: hétéroscédastique {m} {f}
heteroscedasticity {n} /ˌhɛtɹoʊˈskɪdæsˈtɪsɪti/ :: hétéroscédasticité {f}
heterosexism {n} (Discrimination in favor of heterosexuals) :: hétérosexisme {m}
heterosexual {adj} /ˌhɛtəɹəˈsɛkʃuəl/ (sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex) :: hétérosexuel
heterosexual {n} (a heterosexual organism) :: hétérosexuel, hétéro {m}
heterosexuality {n} (heterosexual orientation) :: hétérosexualité {f}
heterosociality {n} (sociality with members of the opposite sex) :: hétérosocialité {f}
heterosome {n} (sex chromosome) :: hétérosome {m}
heterosphere {n} (upper part of the atmosphere) :: hétérosphère {f}
heterotroph {n} /ˈhɛɾəɹəˌtɹoʊf/ (organism) :: hétérotrophe {m}
heterozygosity {n} (the condition of being heterozygous) :: hétérozygotie {f}
heterozygote {n} (a diploid individual that has different alleles at one or more genetic loci) :: hétérozygote {m}
heterozygous {adj} (Of an organism which has two different alleles of a given gene) :: hétérozygote
Hethumid {adj} (of or pertaining to the Hethumids) :: héthoumide
Hettangian {prop} (age/stage of the Jurassic period/system) :: Hettangien
hetty {n} /ˈhɛti/ (heterosexual) :: hétéro {m} {f}
hetty {adj} (heterosexual) :: hétéro {m} {f}
heuristic {adj} /hjuˈɹɪstɪk/ (relating to general strategies or methods for solving problems) :: heuristique
heuristic {n} (heuristic method, heuristics) :: heuristique {f}
hew {v} /hjuː/ (to chop away at; to whittle down; to mow down) :: tailler
hew {v} (to shape; to form) :: façonner, modeler
hew {v} (to act according to) :: se conformer, accommoder, assujettir
he who laughs last laughs best {proverb} /ˈhi hu ˈlæfs ˈlæst ˈlæfs ˈbɛst/ (success is better after you've endured ridicule) :: rira bien qui rira le dernier, tel qui rit vendredi, dimanche pleurera
he who laughs last laughs hardest {proverb} (he who laughs last laughs best) SEE: he who laughs last laughs best ::
he who smelt it dealt it {proverb} (a person calling attention to or complaining about a fart) :: premier senteur, premier péteur
hex {n} /hɛks/ (an evil spell or curse) :: sortilège {m}, sort {m}
hex {n} (a witch) :: sorcière {f}
hexa- {prefix} (prefix for 6) :: hexa-
hexadecimal {n} /ˌhɛksəˈdɛsɪməl/ (number system with base sixteen) :: hexadécimal {m}
hexadecimal {adj} (expressed in hexadecimal) :: hexadécimal
hexagon {n} /ˈhɛk.sə.ɡɑn/ (A polygon with six sides and six angles) :: hexagone {m}
hexagonal {adj} /hɛkˈsæɡənəl/ (geometry: having six edges, or having a cross-section in the form of a hexagon) :: hexagonal
hexagram {n} /ˈhɛksəɡɹæm/ (star shape) :: hexagramme {m}
hexahedron {n} /hɛksəˈhiːdɹən/ (polyhedron with six faces) :: hexaèdre {m}
hexamerize {v} :: hexamériser
hexameter {n} (line in a poem) :: hexamètre {m}
hexameter {n} (poetic metre) :: hexamètre {m}
hexane {n} /ˈhɛkseɪn/ (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C6H14) :: hexane {m}
hexapod {n} (insect) SEE: insect ::
hex head wrench {n} (Allen key) SEE: Allen key ::
hex key {n} (Allen key) SEE: Allen key ::
hexose {n} (a sugar containing six carbon atoms) :: hexose {m}
hey {interj} /heɪ/ (exclamation to get attention) ::
hey {interj} (protest or reprimand) ::
hey {interj} (expression of surprise) :: holà
hey {interj} (informal greeting) :: coucou
hey {interj} :: , eh, hep
heyday {n} /ˈheɪdeɪ/ (a period of success, popularity or power) :: âge d’or {m}
Hezbollah {prop} (Lebanese Shia islamic organisation) :: Hezbollah {m}
Hezekiah {prop} /ˌhɛzəˈkaɪə/ (biblical king) :: Ézéchias
hi {interj} /haɪ/ (friendly, informal greeting) :: salut
hiatus {n} /haɪˈeɪtəs/ (gap in a series) :: hiatus {m}, lacune {f}
hiatus {n} (gap in geological strata) :: hiatus {m}, discordance {f}
hiatus {n} (anatomy: opening in an organ) :: hiatus {m}
hiatus {n} (syllable break between two vowels) :: hiatus {m}
hibakusha {n} /ˌhibəˈkuʃə/ (survivor of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) :: hibakusha {m} {f}
hibernate {v} /ˈhaɪbəˌneɪt/ (winter sleep) :: hiberner
hibernation {n} /ˌhaɪ.bəːˈneɪ.ʃən/ (state of inactivity during winter) :: hibernation {f}
hibernation {n} (computing: a standby state which conserves power) :: hibernation {f}
hibiscus {n} /hɪˈbɪskəs/ (flower) :: hibiscus {m}
hiccough {n} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hiccough {v} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hiccup {n} /ˈhɪkəp/ (spasm of the diaphragm) :: hoquet {m}
hiccup {n} (minor setback) :: accroc {m}, cahot {m}, anicroche {f}, obstacle {m}
hiccup {v} (to hiccup) :: hoqueter, avoir le hoquet
hiccups {n} /ˈhɪkəps/ (the condition of having hiccup spasms) :: hoquet {m}
hic et nunc {adv} :: ici et maintenant
hick {v} (hiccup) SEE: hiccup ::
hick {n} /hɪk/ (country yokel or hillbilly) :: plouc {m} {f}
hickey {n} /ˈhɪk.i/ (bruise-like mark) :: suçon {m}, sucette {f} [Canadian]
hickey {n} (referring to an object whose name is unknown or cannot be recalled) :: truc {m}, machin {m}, bidule {f}
hickory {n} /ˈhɪkəɹiː/ (tree of genus Carya or Annamocarya) :: noyer blanc {m}, caryer {m}
hidden {adj} /ˈhɪd(ə)n/ (out of sight; not visually apparent) :: caché
hidden {adj} (that has been hidden) :: caché
hide {v} /haɪd/ ((transitive)) :: cacher, dissimuler, masquer
hide {v} ((intransitive)) :: se cacher
hide {n} (skin of an animal) :: cuir {m}, peau {f}
hide {n} (covered structure for observing animals) :: cache {f}, affût {m}
hide and go seek {n} (hide and seek) SEE: hide and seek ::
hide and seek {n} (game) :: cache-cache {m}
hideaway {n} /ˈhaɪdəˌweɪ/ (a hiding place) :: cachette {f}
hideous {adj} /ˈhɪd.i.əs/ (extremely ugly) :: hideux
hideous {adj} (distressing or offensive to the ear) :: strident
hideous {adj} (hateful; shocking) :: atroce, répugnant
hideout {n} /ˈhaɪdˌaʊt/ (A place to hide) :: cachette {f}
hiding place {n} /ˈhaɪdɪŋpleɪs/ (a place where something or someone may be hidden) :: cachette {f}
hie {v} /haɪ/ (to go in haste) :: se hâter, se dépêcher
hie {n} (haste) :: hâte, précipitation
hierarchical {adj} /ˌhaɪˈɹɑːɹkɪkəl/ (Pertaining to a hierarchy) :: hiérarchique {m} {f}
hierarchical {adj} (Classified or arranged into successive ranks or grades) :: hiérarchique {m} {f}
hierarchization {n} :: hiérarchisation {f}
hierarchize {v} :: hiérarchiser
hierarchy {n} /ˈhaɪ.ə.ɹɑː(ɹ).ki/ (body of authoritative officials organised by rank) :: hiérarchie {f}
hierarchy {n} :: hiérarchie {f}
hieratic {adj} /ˌhaɪ(ə)ˈɹætɪk/ (of or pertaining to the cursive writing system developed by ancient Egyptian priests) :: hiératique
hieratic {adj} (extremely stylized, restrained or formal) :: hiératique
hieraticism {n} :: hiératisme {m}
hieroglyph {n} /ˈhaɪɹəˌɡlɪf/ (element of ideographic writing system) :: hiéroglyphe {m}
hieroglyphic {adj} /ˌhaɪɹəˈɡlɪfɪk/ (of, relating to, or written with this system of symbols) :: hiéroglyphique
hierology {n} (comparative and historical study of religions) :: hiérologie {f}
hieromonk {n} (monk of the Eastern Church who is also a priest) :: hiéromoine {m}
Hieronymus {prop} (male given name) :: Jérôme {m}, Gérôme
hierophant {n} /ˈhaɪəɹəˌfænt/ (ancient Greek priest) :: hiérophante {m}
hierophant {n} (interpreter of sacred mysteries) :: hiérophante {m}
hierophant {n} (one who explains or makes a commentary) :: hiérophante {m}
hierophantic {adj} /hʌɪəɹəʊˈfantɪk/ (of or relating to a hierophant) :: hiérophantique
hierophany {n} /hɪ.əˈɹɒ.fə.ni/ (physical manifestation of the sacred) :: hiérophanie {f}
higgledy-piggledy {adj} /ˈhɪɡəldiˌpɪɡəldi/ (in disorder) :: pêle-mêle, en désordre
higgledy-piggledy {adv} (in a disordered way) :: pêle-mêle, en désordre
Higgs boson {n} (elementary particle) :: boson de Higgs {m}
Higgsino {n} (superpartner of the Higgs boson) :: higgsino {m}
Higgs particle {n} (Higgs boson) SEE: Higgs boson ::
high {adj} /haɪ/ (elevated; tall) :: haut
high {adj} (of great or large quantity) :: élevé
high {adj} (of meat: slightly tainted) :: vené
high {adj} (slang: stoned) :: défoncé, foncedé {m} [slang, verlan]
high {n} (anticyclone) SEE: anticyclone ::
high altar {n} (main altar in a church) :: maître-autel {m}
high bar {n} (horizontal bar) SEE: horizontal bar ::
high-beam {n} (automobile's headlights adjusted to brighten a longer distance) :: feux de route {m-p}
highborn {adj} (of, pertaining to or befitting people of high social standing) :: bien né
highbrow {adj} (highly cultured) :: intello
highbrow {n} :: intello {m} {f}
highchair {n} (elevated chair used for feeding babies) :: chaise haute {f}
high-class {adj} (recognized for quality) :: haut de gamme
High Commission {n} (embassy of a Commonwealth country) :: haut-commissariat {m}
high commissioner {n} (high-ranking official) :: haut-commissaire {m}
high court {n} (supreme court) SEE: supreme court ::
high crime {n} /ˌhaɪ ˈkɹaɪm/ (major crime) :: haut crime {m}
high definition {n} (enhanced picture quality) :: haute définition {f}
high-definition television {n} :: télévision haute définition {f}
high-end {adj} (most sophisticated or expensive) :: haut de gamme
higher education {n} (education at university level or beyond) :: études supérieures {f}, enseignement supérieur {m}
higher learning {n} (higher education) SEE: higher education ::
High Fens {prop} /ˈhaɪ̯ˈfɛnz/ (region in eastern Belgium and western Germany) :: Hautes Fagnes
high fidelity {n} (electronic system) :: haute-fidélité {f}
high five {v} /haɪ faɪv/ (to slap high five) :: en taper cinq, toper
High German {n} (any of a group of West Germanic languages) :: haut allemand {m}
High German {n} (standard German) :: haut allemand {m}
high-handed {adj} (using power or authority without proper consideration for the feelings or rights of others) :: cavalier
high-heeled {adj} (having tall heels) :: à talon haut
high heels {n} (pair of shoes) :: escarpins {m-p}, talons hauts {m-p}, talons {m-p}
High Holidays {prop} (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, collectively) :: grandes fêtes {f-p}
high island {n} :: île volcanique {f}
high jump {n} (athletics event) :: saut en hauteur {m}
high jumper {n} (athlete) :: sauteur en hauteur {m}
highland {n} /ˈhaɪlənd/ (mountainous land) :: hauts-plateaux {m-p}, hautes terres {f-p}
highlander {n} /ˈhaɪləndəɹ/ (inhabitant of the Scottish Highlands) :: highlander {m}
highlander {n} (inhabitant of highlands) :: montagnard {m}, montagnarde {f}
Highlander {n} (highlander) SEE: highlander ::
high-level {adj} (of or pertaining to a person of high rank) SEE: high-ranking ::
high-level language {n} (user-friendly programming language) :: langage de haut niveau {m}
high life {n} (extravagant lifestyle) :: mener grand train, mener la vie à grandes guides
highlight {n} /ˈhaɪ.ˌlaɪt/ (strongly illuminated area in a drawing, painting, or photograph) :: rehaut {m}, réhaut {m}
highlight {n} (especially significant or interesting detail or event) :: temps fort {m}, moment le plus marquant {m}, instant le plus marquant {m}, fait saillant {m}
highlight {v} (to make prominent) :: mettre en valeur, souligner
highlight {v} (to be a highlight of) :: être la star de
highlight {v} (to mark with a fluorescent marker) :: surligner
highlighter {n} (pen for highlighting) :: surligneur
highlights {n} (event summary, focussing on important/consequential aspects) :: résumé {m}, faits saillants {m-p}, les temps forts {m-p}
highly {adv} /ˈhaɪli/ (extremely, greatly, awfully) :: extrêmement
High Middle Ages {prop} (period of European history, between the Early Middle Ages and the Late Middle Ages, that saw great social and political change) :: Moyen Âge central
Highness {n} (form of address) :: altesse {f}
high-priced {adj} (expensive) SEE: expensive ::
high priest {n} (clergyman) :: grand prêtre {m}, grand-prêtre {m}
high priest {n} (male person who was responsible for making the annual sacrifice on the Day of Atonement) :: Grand Prêtre {m}, souverain sacrificateur {m}, Grand-prêtre {m}
high priestess {n} (high priestess) :: grande-prêtresse {f}, grande prêtresse {f}
high-ranking {adj} (at an important, elevated, or exalted level in a hierarchy or organization; high-level) :: de haut rang, haut placé
high relief {n} (sculpture in which forms extend from the background by at least half of their depth) :: haut-relief {m}
high-resolution {adj} (having a high resolution) :: haute résolution {f}
high-rise {n} (A tall building) :: tour d'habitation {f}
high road {n} (main road or highway) SEE: highway ::
high roller {n} /ˈhaɪ ˈɹəʊlə/ (gambler who wagers large amounts of money) :: flambeur {m}
high school {n} /ˈhaɪ.skul/ (secondary school) :: école secondaire {f} [secondary], lycée {m}, collège {m} [Switzerland]
high school student {n} :: lycéen {m}, lycéenne {f}
high seas {n} (regions of ocean far from shore) :: haute mer {f}, large {m}, grand large {m}, pleine mer {f}
high society {n} (the socially interacting wealthy fashionable elite of a society) :: haute société {f}
high-speed {adj} (operates at greater than normal speed) :: à grande vitesse
high-speed rail {n} (type of rail transport) :: grande vitesse ferroviaire
high-spirited {adj} (energetic) SEE: energetic ::
high street {n} (the main street of any town) :: rue principale {f}, grande rue {f}
hight {v} (call) SEE: call ::
hight {v} /haɪt/ (be called) :: s'appeler, se nommer
high tech {n} (high technology) SEE: high technology ::
high technology {n} (specialized technological application) :: hautes technologies {f-p}, technologies de pointe {f-p}, high-tech {m}
high tension {adj} (having a relatively high voltage) :: haut tension
high tide {n} (the natural tide at its highest level) :: marée haute {f}, mer haute {f}, pleine mer {f}
high tide {n} (the time of day when the sea has risen to its highest level) :: mer haute {f}
high time {n} :: il est grand temps
high treason {n} (Criminal disloyalty to one's country) :: haute trahison {f}
high vacuum {n} (physics) :: ultravide {m}
high-voltage transmission line {n} /ˈhaɪvoʊltɪdʒ tɹænsˈmɪʃən laɪn/ (power transmission line) :: ligne à haute tension {f}
highway {n} /ˈhaɪweɪ/ (main public road) :: grande route {f}, chaussée {f}
highwayman {n} /ˈhaɪˌweɪmən/ (a person who robbed travelers on roads) :: bandit de grand chemin, brigand {m}, malandrin {m}
highway robbery {n} (The act of robbing on a public road) :: vol de grand chemin {m}
highway robbery {n} (The asking of an excessive or exorbitant price) SEE: daylight robbery ::
highwire walker {n} (acrobat who practices highwire walking) SEE: tightrope walker ::
hi-hat {n} (drum kit part) :: charleston {f}, charley {m}
HIIT {n} (high-intensity interval training) :: entraînement fractionné de haute intensité {m}
hijab {n} /hɪˈdʒɑːb/ (headscarf) :: hidjab {m}
hijack {v} /ˈhaɪ.dʒæk/ (to seize control of a vehicle) :: détourner
hijack {n} (instance of hijacking of a vehicle) :: détournement {m}
hijacking {n} (instance of such an act) SEE: hijack ::
Hijra {n} /ˈhɪd͡ʒɹə/ (Muhammad's departure from Mecca) :: hégire {f}
Hijra {n} :: hégire
hike {n} /haɪk/ (a long walk) :: randonnée {f}
hike {n} (an abrupt increase) :: hausse {f}, augmentation {f}
hike {v} (to take a long walk for pleasure or exercise) :: partir en randonnée, randonner
hiking {n} /ˈhaɪkɪŋ/ (walking) :: randonnée pédestre {f}, randonnée {f}
hilarious {adj} /hɪˈleɹiəs/ (very funny; causing great merriment and laughter) :: hilarant
hilarity {n} /hɪˈlæɹɪ.ti/ :: hilarité {f}
Hilbert space {n} (a space in mathematics) :: espace de Hilbert {m}
Hilda {prop} /ˈhɪldə/ (female given name) :: Hilda
hill {n} /hɪl/ (elevated location) :: colline {f}
hill {n} (sloping road) :: côte {f}
hillbilly {n} /ˈhɪlbɪli/ (someone who is from the hills) :: péquenaud [derogatory]
hillock {n} /ˈhɪl.ək/ (small hill) :: monticule, tertre, mondrain, mamelon {m}
hillside {n} (side of a hill) :: flanc de coteau {m}, coteau {m}
hilly {adj} /ˈhɪli/ (abounding in hills) :: vallonné
hilt {n} /hɪlt/ (grip of a sword) :: poignée {f}
hilum {n} /ˈhaɪ.ləm/ ((botany) eye of a seed) :: hile {m}
Hilversum {prop} (city in North Holland) :: Hilversum
him {pron} /əm/ (dative / indirect object) :: lui
him {pron} (objective after preposition) :: lui
him {pron} (accusative / direct object) :: le
him {pron} (himself) SEE: himself ::
him {pron} (he) SEE: he ::
Himalayan {adj} (of or relating to the Himalayas) :: himalayen
Himalayas {prop} /ˌhɪməˈleɪəz/ (a mountain range of south-central Asia) :: Himalaya
himation {n} (ancient Greek clothing item: cloak) :: himation {m}
himself {pron} /hɪmˈsɛlf/ ((reflexive) male person as the previously mentioned object) :: lui-même, à lui-même, se
himself {pron} ((emphatic, exclusive) he) :: lui-même
hin {n} (Hebrew unit of measure) :: hin {m}
hind {adj} /haɪnd/ (located at the rear) :: arrière {m} {f}
hind {n} (female deer) :: biche {f}
hinder {v} /ˈhɪndɚ/ (to make difficult to accomplish) :: entraver
hinder {v} (to keep back; to delay or impede) :: entraver, délayer
Hindi {n} /ˈhɪndi/ (language) :: hindî
hind leg {n} /haɪnd.lɛɡ/ (either of two legs towards the rear) :: patte de derrière {f} , patte arrière {f} , patte postérieure {f}
hind limb {n} (posterior limb) :: membre postérieur {m}, membre caudal {m}, membre pelvien {m}
hindquarter {n} :: derrière
hindrance {n} (something which hinders) :: entrave {f}, obstacle
hindsight {n} /ˈhaɪndsaɪt/ (after-the-fact realisation or understanding) :: recul {m}
hindsight {n} (the phrase "in hindsight") :: avec le recul, rétrospectivement
Hindu {n} /ˈhɪnduː/ (religious adherent) :: hindou {m}, hindoue {f}, indou {m}, indoue {f}
Hinduism {prop} /ˈhɪnduɪzəm/ (religion) :: hindouisme {m}, indouisme {m}
hinduphobic {adj} (characteristic of homophobia) :: hinduphobe
Hindustan {prop} (northern region of India) :: Hindustan {m}
Hindustan {prop} (alternative name for India, see also: India) :: Hindustan {m}
hinge {n} /ˈhɪndʒ/ (device for the pivoting of a door) :: gond {m}, charnière {f}
hinge {v} (to depend on something) :: dépendre de, reposer sur
hinge {n} (statistics: median of upper or lower half of a batch) SEE: quartile ::
hinge {n} (philately: paper rectangle for affixing postage stamps) SEE: stamp hinge ::
hinny {n} /ˈhɪ.ni/ (hybrid offspring of a male horse and a female donkey) :: bardot {m}, bardeau {m}
hint {n} /hɪnt/ (clue) :: indication
hint {n} (tiny amount) :: soupçon {m}
hint {v} (express suggestively) :: faire allusion
hinterland {n} /ˈhɪntə(ɹ)ˌlænd/ (land immediately next to a coast) :: arrière-pays {n}
hinterland {n} (rural territory surrounding urban area) :: arrière-pays {n}
hinterland {n} (remote or undeveloped area) :: arrière-pays {n}
hip {n} /hɪp/ (joint) :: hanche {f}
hip {n} (the fruit of a rose) :: cynorrhodon {m}
hip {adj} (aware, informed, up-to-date, trendy) :: branché
hip bone {n} (bone) :: os de la hanche {m}, os coxal {m}
hip hip hooray {interj} (an exclamation of congratulations) :: hip hip hip hourra
hip hop {n} (popular urban culture) SEE: hip-hop ::
hip-hop {n} (urban youth culture) :: hip hop
hippiater {n} (veterinarian specialized in horses) :: hippiatre {m}
hippocamp {n} (mythological creature) SEE: hippocampus ::
hippocampus {n} (mythological creature) :: hippocampe {m}
hippocampus {n} (brain region) :: hippocampe {m}
hippocaust {n} (hypocaust) SEE: hypocaust ::
hippocras {n} /ˈhɪpəʊkɹas/ (a cordial) :: hypocras {m}
Hippocrates {prop} /hɪˈpɒkɹəˌtiːz/ (an Ancient Greek male given name) :: Hippocrate
Hippocratic {adj} (of Hippocrates) :: hippocratique
Hippocratic oath {n} (oath sworn by newly-qualified physicians) :: serment d'Hippocrate {m}
Hippodamian {adj} :: hippodamien
hippodrome {n} /ˈhɪpəˌdɹəʊm/ (horse racing course) :: hippodrome {m}
hippogriff {n} (creature) :: hippogriffe {m}
hippology {n} (study of horses) :: hippologie
hippophagy {n} :: hippophagie {f}
hippopotamus {n} /ˌhɪp.əˈpɒt.ə.məs/ (large African mammal) :: hippopotame {m}
hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia {n} /ˌhɪ.pəˌpɒ.tə(ʊ)ˈmɒn.stɹə(ʊ)ˌsɛs.kwɪ.pɪˌdɑːl.ɪ.ə(ʊ)ˈfəʊ.bɪ.ə/ (the fear of long words) :: hippopotomonstrosesquipédaliophobie {f}, [common misspelling] hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobie {f}
hire {v} /haɪə/ (to obtain the services of in return for fixed payment) :: louer
hire {v} (to employ) :: embaucher, employer, recruter, engager
Hirnantian {prop} :: Hirnantien
Hirschsprung's disease {n} (congenital aganglionic megacolon) :: maladie de Hirschsprung {f}
hirsute {adj} /hɚˈsut/ (hairy) :: hirsute
hirudin {n} (peptide obtained from the salivary glands of leeches) :: hirudine {f}
his {determiner} /ˈhɪz/ (attributive: belonging to him) :: son {m}, sa {f}, ses {p}
his {pron} (that which belongs to him) :: le sien {m}, la sienne {f}, les siens {p}, les siennes {f-p}
His Holiness {n} (honorific title) :: Votre Sainteté , Sa Sainteté
His Imperial Majesty {pron} (His Imperial Majesty) :: Sa Majesté impériale {f}
His Majesty {pron} (title of respect used when referring to a king) :: Sa Majesté {f}
Hispanic {adj} /hɪˈspænɪk/ (Of or relating to Spanish-speaking people or culture) :: hispanique
Hispanic America {prop} (parts of the Americas which speak Spanish) :: Amérique hispanique
Hispanicize {v} (Hispanize, hispanize) :: hispaniser
Hispaniola {prop} (island in the Caribbean) :: Hispaniola {f}
Hispanize {v} (Hispanicize) SEE: Hispanicize ::
Hispano- {prefix} (relating to Spain and Spanish culture) :: hispano-
Hispanophone {adj} (Spanish-speaking) :: hispanophone {m} {f}
His Royal Highness {pron} (royal title) :: Son Altesse royale
hiss {n} /hɪs/ (sound made by a snake, cat, escaping steam, etc.) :: sifflement {m}
hiss {n} (animal expression of disapproval) :: siffler
hiss {v} (to make a hissing sound) :: siffler
histamine {n} /ˈhɪstəmiːn/ (an amine) :: histamine {f}
histidine {n} (essential amino acid; C6H9N3O2) :: histidine {f}
histogenesis {n} (formation and development of the tissues of an organism from embryonic cells) :: histogenèse {f}
histogram {n} /ˈhɪstəˌɡɹæm/ (graphical display) :: histogramme {m}
histological {adj} (pertaining to histology) :: histologique
histologist {n} /hɪˈstɑlədʒɪst/ (one who studies histology) :: histologiste {m} {f}
histology {n} (study of microscopic structure) :: histologie {f}
histolysis {n} (breakdown of bodily tissues) :: histolyse {f}
histone {n} /ˈhɪstəʊn/ (water-soluble protein) :: histone
historian {n} /hɪˈstɔːɹɪən/ (writer of history) :: historien {m}, historienne {f}
historian {n} (person who studies history) :: historien {m}, historienne {f}
historic {adj} (historical) SEE: historical ::
historic {adj} /(h)ɪˈstɔːɹɪk/ (having significance in history) :: historique
historical {adj} /hɪˈstɔːɹɪkəl/ (pertaining to history) :: historique
historical linguistics {n} (the scientific study of language change) :: linguistique historique {f}, linguistique diachronique {f}
historically {adv} (in a historic manner) :: historiquement
historicism {n} (theory that relates events to historical context) :: historicisme
historicity {n} /ˌhɪstəˈɹɪsɪti/ (historical quality) :: historicité
historic site {n} (significant location in history) :: monument historique {m}, lieu historique {m}
historic site {n} (legally protected place) :: lieu historique {m}
historiographer {n} /hɪˌstɔɹiˈɑɡɹəfəɹ/ (historiography scholar) :: historiographe {m} {f}
historiography {n} /hɪˌstɔɹiˈɑɡɹəfi/ :: historiographie {f}
history {n} /ˈhɪst(ə)ɹi/ (aggregate of past events) :: histoire {f}
history {n} (branch of knowledge that studies the past) :: histoire {f}
history {n} (record or narrative description of past events) :: histoire {f}, passé {m}
history {n} (medicine: list of past and continuing medical conditions) :: historique {m}, anamnèse
history {n} (computing: record of previous user events) :: historique {m}
history repeats itself {proverb} (Translations) :: l'histoire se répète
histrionic {adj} /hɪstɹiːˈɒnɪk/ (of or relating to actors or acting) :: théâtral {m}
histrionic {adj} (excessively dramatic or emotional) :: histrionique {m} {f}
histrionics {n} /hɪstɹiˈɑnɪks/ (exaggerated, overemotional behaviour) :: histrionisme, théâtralisme
hit {v} /hɪt/ (to give a blow) :: frapper, battre
hit {v} (to come into contact with forcefully and suddenly) :: cogner
hit {v} (to manage to touch in the right place) :: toucher
hit {v} (to kill a person on the instructions of a third party) :: descendre
hit {v} (to encounter a difficulty) :: se taper
hit {v} (to affect negatively) :: frapper
hit {v} (to have sex with) :: se taper
hit {n} (blow, punch) :: coup {m}
hit {n} (success, especially in the entertainment industry) :: hit {m}, tube {m}
hit {n} (attack on a location) :: frappe {f}
hit {n} (collision of a projectile with the target) :: portée efficace {f}, bonne cible {f}
hit {n} (computing, Internet: positive result of a search) :: hit {m}, résultat
hit {n} (Internet: measured visit to a web site) :: hit {m}
hit {n} ((baseball) complete play, when the batter reaches base) :: coup sûr {m}
hit {n} (dose of an illegal or addictive drug) :: taffe {f}, bouffée {f}
hit {n} (murder for criminal or political purposes) :: contrat {m}, assassinat commandité {m}
hit {v} (to hit) SEE: strike ::
hit and run {n} (the crime of causing an accident and leaving) :: délit de fuite {m}
hitch {n} /hɪtʃ/ (knot) :: nœud {m} d'accroche
hitch {n} (connection point for trailer) :: dispositif {m} d'attelage
hitch {n} (problem, delay or source of difficulty) :: accroc {m}, hic {m}, anicroche {f}
hitch {n} (a hidden or unfavorable condition or element; a catch) :: hic {m}, défaut {m}
Hitchcockian {adj} (Of or pertaining to Alfred Hitchcock or his works) :: hitchcockien
hitchhike {v} /ˈhɪtʃhaɪk/ (to try to get a ride in a passing vehicle while standing at the side of a road) :: faire de l'autostop, faire du stop
hitchhiker {n} (a person who hitchhikes) :: autostoppeur, pouceux [Quebec, informal]
hither {adv} /ˈhɪðɚ/ (to here) :: ici, çà
hither and thither {adv} (In a disorderly manner) :: çà et là
hitherto {adv} /ˈhɪðɚˌtu/ (up to this time) :: jusqu'ici, jusqu'alors, jusqu'à maintenant, jusqu'à présent
hit home {v} (to be especially memorable) :: faire mouche
hit it off {v} (develop an amicable relationship) :: sympathiser
Hitler {prop} /ˈhɪtlɚ/ (Austrian surname held by Adolf Hitler) :: Hitler {m}
Hitlerian {adj} (related to Adolf Hitler) :: hitlérien {m}, hitlérienne {f}
Hitlerism {n} (political philosophy of Hitler) :: hitlérisme {m}
Hitler Youth {prop} :: Jeunesses hitlériennes {f}
hitman {n} (contract killer) :: tueur à gages {m}, sicaire {m}
hit on {v} (to approach somebody seeking love, sex, etc.) :: draguer
hit point {n} (A unit of damage) :: point de vie {m}
hitpoint {n} (hit point) SEE: hit point ::
hit the ground running {v} (begin an activity immediately and with full commitment) :: se mettre au travail tout de suite | se donner à fond sans attendre
hit the hay {v} (to go to bed) :: aller dormir, se coucher
hit the headlines {v} :: faire la une, faire les gros titres
hit the jackpot {v} (to receive a favorable outcome, by luck) :: gagner le gros lot, toucher le jackpot
hit the nail on the head {v} (identify something exactly) :: faire mouche
hit the road {v} (to begin traveling in an automobile or other road vehicle) :: prendre la route
hit the road {v} (to leave a place; to go away) :: mettre les voiles
hit the rocks {v} (to be at a low point) :: toucher le fond
hit the roof {v} (To be explosively angry) :: sortir de ses gonds
hit the spot {v} (be particularly pleasing or appropriate) :: mettre dans le mille, faire mouche
HIV {n} /ˌeɪtʃ.aɪˈviː/ (human immunodeficiency virus) :: VIH
hive {n} (structure for housing a swarm of honeybees) SEE: beehive ::
hives {n} (medical condition) SEE: urticaria ::
HIV negative {adj} (not having HIV) :: séronégatif
HIV positive {adj} (infected by the HIV virus) :: séropositif
HMCS {n} (Ship designation) :: NCSM
hmm {interj} /hm̩/ (indicating thinking or pondering) :: hum
Hmong {n} /h(ə)ˈmɑŋ/ (people) :: hmong {m}
hmph {interj} (sound of annoyance or indignation) SEE: humph ::
hnn {interj} (indicating thinking or pondering) SEE: hmm ::
ho {n} /hoʊ/ (whore) :: pute {f}
Hoabinhian {adj} (of or relating to the Hòa Bình culture) :: hoabianien
hoar {n} /hɔɹ/ (colour) :: blanc-gris
hoard {n} /hɔɹd/ (hidden supply) :: magot
hoard {n} (archeology: cache of valuable objects) :: trésor
hoard {v} (to amass) :: accumuler, amasser, thésauriser
hoarder {n} /ˈhɔɹdɚ/ (one who hoards) :: collectionneur
hoarding {n} /ˈhɔːdɪŋ/ (anxiety disorder) :: syllogomanie {f}
hoarfrost {n} (frozen dew drops) :: gelée blanche {f}, givre {m}
hoarse {adj} /hɔɹs/ (afflicted by a dry, quite harsh voice) :: enroué
hoarwithy {n} (Viburnum lantana) SEE: wayfaring-tree ::
hoary {adj} /hɔɹ.i/ (white or gray with age) :: chenu
hoatzin {n} /ˈwɑːtsɪn/ (bird, Opisthocomus hoazin) :: hoazin {m}, sassa {m}
hoax {v} /hoʊks/ (to deceive with a hoax) :: duper, berner
hoax {n} (anything deliberately intended to deceive or trick) :: canular {m}, mystification {f}, intox {f}
hob {n} /hɑb/ (a cutting tool) :: armure {f}
hob {n} (cooking surface) :: plan de cuisson {m}
Hobbesian {adj} (relating to Thomas Hobbes or his philosophical theories) :: hobbesien
Hobbist {adj} (Hobbesian) SEE: Hobbesian ::
hobbit {n} /ˈhɒbɪt/ (fictional small humanoid creature) :: hobbit {m}
hobble {n} /ˈhɒbəl/ (Short straps tied between the legs of unfenced horses) :: entrave {f}, abot {m}
hobby {n} /ˈhɑ.bi/ (activity done for enjoyment in spare time) :: passe-temps {m}, hobby {m}
hobby {n} (Falco subbuteo) :: hobereau {m}
hobby horse {n} (child's toy) :: dada {m}, cheval bâton {m}, cheval chaussette {m}
hobby horse {n} (topic about which someone loves to talk) :: dada {m}, violon d'Ingres {m}
hobby horse {n} (puppet-like costume) :: cheval-jupon {m}, masque-cheval {m}
hobby horse {n} (early bicycle) :: draisienne {f}
hobgoblin {n} (mischievous goblin) :: lutin {m}
hobo {n} /ˈhəʊ.bəʊ/ (homeless person) :: vagabond {m}, clochard {m}
hobo {n} (migratory worker) :: saisonnier {m}
hobo {n} :: clochard {m}, clodo, sans-abri {m}, vagabond {m}
hock {n} /hɑk/ (tarsal jount of a digitigrade quadruped) :: jarret {m}
hockey {n} /ˈhɒki/ (the sport) :: hockey sur gazon {m} [field hockey], hockey sur glace {m} [ice hockey], hockey {m}
hockey puck {n} (puck used in hockey) :: palet {m} [France], rondelle {f} [Québec]
hockey stick {n} (instrument used in ice hockey) :: [Quebec] bâton de hockey {m}, [France] crosse {f}
hockey stick {n} (instrument used in field hockey) :: bâton de hockey {m}
hocus-pocus {interj} /ˈhoʊkəs ˈpoʊkəs/ (a phrase used as a magical incantation) :: abracadabra, hocus-pocus {m}
hocus-pocus {n} (act of trickery or nonsense) :: abracadabra {m}
hod {n} /ˈhɑd/ (box) :: hotte {f}
hodgepodge {n} /ˈhɑdʒˌpɑdʒ/ (collection of miscellaneous things; a jumble) :: salmigondis {m}, fatras {m}
hodiernal {adj} /həʊdiˈɜːnl̩/ (of or pertaining to the present day or today) :: d'aujourd'hui
hodja {n} (a Muslim schoolmaster) :: hodja {m}
hodograph {n} :: hodographe {m}
hoe {n} /hoʊ/ (agricultural tool) :: binette {f}, houe {f}
hoe {v} (to use the gardening tool) :: houer
Hofstadter's law {prop} :: loi de Hofstadter {f}
hog {n} /hɑɡ/ (animal of the family Suidae) :: cochon {m}
hogan {n} /ˈhoʊ.ɡən/ (house) :: hogan-Navajo {m}
hogherd {n} (swineherd) SEE: swineherd ::
hoglet {n} (a baby hedgehog) :: hérissoneau
hog millet {n} (proso millet) SEE: proso millet ::
Hogwarts {prop} /ˈhɔɡ.wɔɹts/ (fictional school for learning magic) :: Poudlard {m}
hogwash {n} /ˈhɒɡwɒʃ/ (nonsense) :: baratin {m}, boniment {m}
hogweed {n} (umbelliferous plant) :: berce {f}
hoiho {n} (yellow-eyed penguin) SEE: yellow-eyed penguin ::
hoi polloi {n} (elite) SEE: elite ::
hoi polloi {n} /ˌhɔɪ pəˈlɔɪ/ (the common people) :: plèbe {f}, populace {f}, vulgum pecus {m}, commun des mortels {m}
Hoisanese {adj} (a dialect of Cantonese) :: hoisanais {m}, taishanais {m}, toisanais {m}
hoist {v} /hɔɪst/ (transitive: to raise; to lift; to elevate) :: hisser
hoity-toitily {adv} /ˌhɔɪ.tiˈtɔɪ.tɪ.li/ (in a pompous or snobbish manner) :: avec un air de duchesse, pompeusement, avec un air supérieur
hokey {adj} (phony, obviously of flimsy credibility) :: bidon
hokey {adj} (corny, overly sentimental) :: mélo
hokey {adj} :: bidon, cucul la praline
Hokkaido {prop} (a northern largest island of Japan, or a prefecture based in itself) :: Hokkaido, Hokkaïdo
Hokkien {prop} (Min Nan) SEE: Min Nan ::
hold {v} /hoʊld/ (to grasp) :: tenir
hold {v} (to contain) :: contenir
hold {v} (to keep possession) :: garder, tenir
hold {v} (to reserve) :: garder
hold {v} (to cause to wait) :: retenir
hold {v} (to detain) :: détenir
hold {v} (to maintain, to consider) :: soutenir
hold {v} (to organise an event or meeting) :: tenir
hold {n} (cargo area) :: soute {f}, cale {f}
hold a candle {v} (be even remotely of the same quality) :: faire le poids, arriver à la cheville
holdall {n} /ˈhoʊldɔːl/ (large bag) :: fourre-tout {m}, fourretout {m}
hold dear {v} :: tenir à quelque chose comme à la prunelle de ses yeux
hold down {v} (to restrain) :: baisser, maintenir à terre
holder {n} /ˈhəʊldə/ (a person who possesses something) :: porteur {m}, porteuse {f}, détenteur {m}, détentrice {f}, titulaire {m} {f}
holding {n} /ˈhoʊɫdɪŋ/ (something that one owns, especially stocks and bonds) :: possession
holding company {n} (company whose main purpose is to own shares of other companies) :: société faîtière {f}, société mère {f}, holding {m} {f}
hold on {v} (to hold, grasp, or grip) :: s'accrocher
hold on {v} (to keep; to store something for someone) :: garder
hold one's breath {v} (to hold one's breath) :: retenir son souffle
hold one's head high {v} (act with pride) :: garder la tête haute
hold one's horses {v} (idiomatic: to be patient) :: minute, papillon (just a minute, butterfly)
hold one's liquor {v} (to have a considerable tolerance to alcohol) :: tenir l'alcool, avoir une bonne descente
hold one's own {v} (demonstrate oneself to be capable) :: se montrer à la hauteur, se montrer capable, bien se défendre
hold one's tongue {v} (refrain from talking about something, see also: shut up) :: tenir sa langue
hold out {v} (endure) :: tenir
hold out {v} :: tendre
hold the cards {v} (To be in a strong position) :: avoir les cartes en main
hold the fort {v} (to assume or take responsibility) :: tenir la boutique, tenir le pot droit, garder la boutique
hold the reins {v} (to be in charge) :: tenir les rênes
hold the road {v} :: tenir la route
hold-up {n} (a robbery at gunpoint) :: hold-up
hold up one's end {v} (to fulfill one's promise or obligation) :: honorer sa part du contrat
hold-ups {n} (hold-up stockings) :: dim up {m-p}, bas autofixant {m-p}
hold water {v} (withstand scrutiny) :: tenir la route
hole {n} (pit) SEE: pit ::
hole {n} /hoʊl/ (hollow in some surface) :: creux {m}, trou {m}
hole {n} (opening in a solid) :: trou {m}
hole {n} (lack of an electron) :: trou {m}
hole {n} (security vulnerability) :: faille {f}
hole {n} (orifice (see anus etc. for specific body cavities)) :: trou {m}
hole {n} (place where a prisoner is kept) :: trou {m}, mitard {m}
hole {v} (to make holes) :: trouer
hole {v} (to destroy) SEE: destroy ::
hole in one {n} (in golf) :: trou d'un coup {m}, trou en un
hole punch {n} (tool) :: perforateur {m}, perforatrice {f}, trouilloteuse {f} [colloquial], trouilloteur {m} [colloquial]
holey {adj} /ˈhoʊli/ (containing holes) :: troué {m}
Holi {prop} (Hindu festival) :: Holî {f}
holiday {n} /ˈhɒlɪdeɪ/ (day on which a festival etc. is traditionally observed) :: fête {f}
holiday {n} (day declared free from work by the government) :: jour férié {m}
holiday {n} (period of one or more days taken off work for leisure and often travel) :: congé {m}, vacances {p}
holiday {n} (period during which pupils do not attend school) :: vacances {f-p}
holiday camp {n} (Enclosed resort providing accommodation and entertainment, generally aimed at families) :: camp de vacances {m}
holidayer {n} (one who is on holiday) SEE: holiday-maker ::
holiday-maker {n} (somebody on holiday) :: vacancier {m}, vacancière {f}
holiday pay {n} (basic wage paid while on holiday) :: pécule de vacances {m}
holier-than-thou {adj} /ˈhəʊ.li.ə ð(ə)n ˈðaʊ/ (hypocritically or self-righteously pious) :: benoît
holiness {n} /ˈhoʊlinəs/ (state or condition of being holy) :: sainteté {f}
Holiness {n} (used to address the pope) :: sainteté {f}
holism {n} (theory or belief that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts) :: holisme {m}
holism {n} (practice based on such a theory or belief) :: holisme {m}
holist {n} (believer in, or practitioner of, holism) :: holiste {m} {f}
holistic {adj} /hoʊˈlɪs.tɪk/ (related to holism) :: holistique, holiste {m} {f}
holistic {adj} (relating to an analysis of the whole instead of a separation into parts) :: holistique {m} {f}, holiste {m} {f}
holland {n} (linen cloth) :: hollande {f}
Holland {prop} /ˈhɒlənd/ (region of the Netherlands, see also: Netherlands) :: Hollande {f}
holler {n} /ˈhɑ.ləɹ/ (A yell, shout) :: cri {m}, hurlement {m}
holler {v} (to yell, shout) :: crier, hurler
hollow {n} (hollow in some surface) SEE: hole ::
hollow {adj} /ˈhɑ.loʊ/ (having an empty space inside) :: vide {m} {f}, creux
hollow {adj} (without substance) :: insignifiant {m}, creux {m}
hollow leg {n} /ˌhɑ.loʊ ˈlɛɡ/ (capacity to eat large quantities) :: avoir une faim de loup, avoir la fringale, avoir une dent creuse, être un gargantua
hollow leg {n} (ability or tendency to drink large quantities of alcohol) :: avoir la dalle en pente, avoir le bec salé, être un boit-sans-soif, être un poivrot, être une éponge, boire comme un trou, boire comme un polonais
hollow of the knee {n} (shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint) SEE: poplit ::
hollow rail {n} (type of curtain rail) :: rail creux
hollow victory {n} (Pyrrhic victory) SEE: Pyrrhic victory ::
holly {n} /ˈhɑli/ (any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Ilex) :: houx {m}
hollyhock {n} (plant) :: rose trémière {f}
Hollywood {prop} (area of Los Angeles) :: Hollywood {m}
Hollywood {prop} (the American motion picture industry) :: Hollywood {m}
Holmesian {adj} (Of or pertaining to the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes.) :: holmesien
Holmesian {n} (Of or pertaining to the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes.) :: holmesien
holmium {n} /ˈhoʊmiəm/ (chemical element) :: holmium {m}
holm oak {n} /ˈhoʊm oʊk/ (evergreen tree, Quercus ilex) :: chêne vert {m}, yeuse {f}
holocaust {n} /ˈhɑləkɔst/ (sacrifice to a god) :: holocauste {m}
Holocaust {prop} /ˈhɑləkɔst/ (the mass murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany) :: Shoah {f}
Holocaust {prop} :: Holocauste {m}
Holocene {adj} / ˈhɒl.əˌsiːn/ (relating to the epoch from about 11,000 years ago to the present) :: holocène
Holocene {prop} (The Holocene epoch) :: Holocène {m}
Holodomor {prop} /ˌhɒlədəˈmɔː(ɹ)/ (1932–33 famine in Ukraine) :: Holodomor {m}
Holofernes {prop} /hɑːləˈfɝːniːz/ (character in the Book of Judith) :: Holopherne
hologamous {adj} :: hologame
holograph {n} (handwritten document) :: holographe
holographic {adj} (handwritten) :: olographe, holographe
holographic {adj} :: holographique
holography {n} (a technique for recording, and then reconstructing, the amplitude and phase distributions of a coherent wave disturbance) :: holographie {f}
holomorphic {adj} (of a complex function) :: holomorphe
holomorphosis {n} :: holomorphose {f}
holon {n} (quasiparticle) :: chargeon {m}
holon {n} (connection of the part and the whole) :: holon {m}
holonomic {adj} (mathematics) :: holonome
holonym {n} (term that denotes a whole) :: holonyme {m}
holonymy {n} (system of holonyms) :: holonymie {mf}
holoparasitism {n} :: holoparasitisme {m}
holotropic {adj} /ˈhɒləˌtɹɒpɪk/ :: holotropique
holotype {n} (single physical example or illustration of an organism used to describe the taxon) :: holotype {m}
holster {n} (case for carrying a gun) :: holster {m}, étui {m}
holy {adj} /ˈhoʊli/ (dedicated to a religious purpose) :: saint, sacré
holy {adj} :: saint {m}, sainte {f}
Holy Book {prop} (Holy Writ) SEE: Holy Writ ::
Holy Communion {prop} (Christian sacrament) :: eucharistie {f}
holy cow {interj} (interjection) :: la vache
holy fool {n} (person who publicly acts as if mad or stupid for self-humilitation) :: fol-en-Christ {m}
holy fuck {interj} (expression of surprise or the like) :: sacré putain
Holy Ghost {prop} (aspect of the Holy Trinity) SEE: Holy Spirit ::
Holy Grail {prop} (artifact in Christian mythology) :: Graal {m}, Saint-Graal {m}
Holy Land {prop} (that part of Asia in which most Biblical events are set) :: Terre Sainte {f}
Holy of Holies {prop} (the most sacred place within a sacred building) :: saint des saints {m}
Holyokian {n} (person from Holyoke) :: Holyokais {m}
Holy Prepuce {n} (Holy Prepuce) :: saint Prépuce {m}
Holy Roman Empire {prop} (state) :: Saint-Empire romain germanique {m}, Saint-Empire romain de la nation germanique {m}
Holy See {prop} /ˌhəʊli ˈsiː/ (episcopal see of the Catholic Church) :: Saint-Siège {f}
holy shit {interj} /ˌhoʊli ˈʃɪt/ (expression of surprise or the like) :: bon Dieu de merde, bordel de merde, putain de merde, nom de Dieu
Holy Spirit {prop} (Christian: aspect of the Holy Trinity) :: Esprit-Saint {m}, Saint-Esprit {m}
Holy Thursday {prop} (Maundy Thursday) SEE: Maundy Thursday ::
Holy Thursday {prop} (Ascension Day) SEE: Ascension Day ::
holy war {n} (primarily religious war) :: guerre sainte {f}
holy water {n} (water, sanctified) :: eau bénite {f}
holy water sprinkler {n} (aspergillum) SEE: aspergillum ::
Holy Week {prop} (week preceding Easter) :: semaine sainte {f}
Holy Writ {n} (Bible) :: Saintes Écritures {f-p}, Bible {f}
Holy Writ {n} (writings of unchallenged authority) SEE: gospel truth ::
homage {n} /ˈhɒmɪdʒ/ (in feudalism, the formal oath of a vassal to his or her lord) :: hommage {m}
homage {n} (demonstration of respect) :: hommage {m}
home {n} /hoʊm/ (house or structure in which someone lives) :: foyer {m}
home {n} (someone’s native land) :: patrie {f}
home {adv} (at home) :: à la maison
home {adv} (homewards) :: à la maison
home appliance {n} (household appliance) SEE: household appliance ::
home base {n} (baseball) SEE: home plate ::
homebody {n} (person who likes to stay home) :: casanier {m}, pantouflard {m}
homebrewed {adj} (homemade) SEE: homemade ::
home cinema {n} (theatre-quality movie system at home) :: home cinema {m}, cinéma à domicile {m}, cinéma chez soi {m}, cinédom {m}, cinéma maison {m} [Canada]
homecoming {n} /ˈhoʊmˌkʌmɪŋ/ (the act of returning home) :: retour {m}
home country {n} (country where a person was born and raised) :: patrie {f}
home delivery {n} (service of delivering goods to the customer's home) :: livraison à domicile {f}
home economics {n} (the study of homemaking) :: économie domestique {f}
home fries {n} (home fry) SEE: home fry ::
home front {n} (civilian sphere) :: front intérieur {m}
home fry {n} (potato dish [plural] ) :: patates rissolées, pommes de terre rissolées
home fry {n} (potato piece [singular] ) :: patate rissolée, pomme de terre rissolée
homegrown {adj} (Grown at home) :: fait maison
Homel {prop} (Gomel) SEE: Gomel ::
homeland {n} (country which one regards as home) :: patrie {f}
homeland {n} (one's country of birth) :: terre natale {f}
homeless {adj} /ˈhoʊmlɪs/ (lacking a permanent residence) :: SDF (sans domicile fixe), itinérant {m} [Quebec], sans-abri
homelessness {n} (state of being homeless) :: itinérance {f} [Quebec], sans-abrisme {m}
home loan {n} (mortgage on a house) :: crédit immobilier {m}
homemade {adj} (made at home) :: fait maison, maison [familiar]
Home Office {prop} (ministry responsible for internal affairs) :: bureau de l'Intérieur {m}
homeopathic {adj} (of or pertaining to homeopathy) :: homéopathique
homeopathy {n} /ˌhomiˈɑpəθi/ (system of treating diseases with very small amounts) :: homéopathie {f}
homeostasis {n} /ˌhɒm.i.ə(ʊ)ˈsteɪ.sɪs/ (ability to stabilize internal environment) :: homéostasie {f}
homeostat {n} :: homéostat {m}
homeostatic {adj} /ˌhoʊmioʊˈstætɪk/ (of or pertaining to homeostasis) :: homéostatique
homeothermic {adj} (capable of maintaining constant body temperature) :: homéotherme
homeothermy {n} (the state or condition of being homeothermic) :: homéothermie {f}
home page {n} /ˈhoʊmpeɪdʒ/ (main or first page of a website) :: page d'accueil {f}, accueil {m}, index {m}, page de démarrage {f}
home page {n} (web page set to open in a web browser) :: page d'accueil {f}, page de démarrage {f}
home plate {n} (pentagonal rubber object) :: marbre {m}
homer {n} (four-base hit) SEE: home run ::
homer {n} (homing pigeon) SEE: homing pigeon ::
Homer {prop} /ˈhoʊməɹ/ (Ancient Greek poet) :: Homère {m}
Homer {prop} (A male given name) :: Omer
home remedy {n} (home remedy) :: remède de bonne femme {m}, remède de grand-mère {m}
Homerian {adj} (of or relating to Homer) :: homérique, homérien
Homeric {adj} /həʊˈmɛɹɪk/ (resembling or relating to the epic poetry of Homer) :: homérique {m} {f}
Homerically {adv} (in a Homeric manner) :: homériquement
Homeric laughter {n} (boisterous laughter) :: rire homérique {m}
home run {n} ((baseball) four-base hit) :: coup de circuit, circuit {m}
home school {n} (boarding school) SEE: boarding school ::
home school {v} (educate children at home) :: faire l'école à la maison
home school {v} (be educated at home) :: faire l'école à la maison
Home Secretary {n} (minister responsible for law and order) :: secrétaire d'État à l'Intérieur
homesickness {n} (missing one's home or family) :: mal du pays {m}, nostalgie {f}, dépaysement
homestead {n} /ˈhoʊmˌstɛd/ (place that is one's home) :: propriété {f}, foyer {m}, demeure {f}
home stretch {n} (final stretch of a race) :: dernière ligne droite {f}
home stretch {n} (idiomatic: final part of a distance or effort) :: dernière ligne droite {f}
homestretch {n} (final stretch of a race track) SEE: home stretch ::
home sweet home {n} /hoʊm swiːt hoʊm/ (Nice, comfortable home) :: on est bien à la maison, qu'on est bien chez soi
home team {n} (team playing in its home territory or field) :: équipe locale {f}
home theater {n} (home cinema) SEE: home cinema ::
hometown {n} (place of birth or residence) :: ville natale {f}
homeward {adv} /ˈhoʊmwɚd/ (towards home) :: à la maison
homewards {adj} (leading toward home) :: à la maison
homework {n} /ˈhəʊmˌwɜːk/ (work that is done at home) :: devoirs {m-p}
homicide {n} /ˈhɑməsaɪd/ (the killing of one person by another) :: homicide {m} (murder), meurtre {m} (murder), assassinat {m} (murder), [manslaughter] homicide involontaire {m}
homicide {n} (a person who kills another) :: [murderer] homicide {m}, [male murderer] meutrier {m}, [female murderer] meutrière {f}, [murderer] assassin
homie {n} /ˈhəʊmi/ (a friend; somebody one often hangs out with) :: pote {m} {f}, gros {m} [slang]
homiletics {n} (art of preaching) :: homilétique {f}
homily {n} /ˈhɒmɪli/ (sermon) :: homélie {f}
homily {n} (platitude) SEE: platitude ::
homing pigeon {n} (domesticated rock pigeon with strong homing instinct) :: pigeon voyageur {m}
hominy {n} /ˈhɒmɨni/ (a food made from hulled maize) :: maïs lessivé
homo- {prefix} (Same) :: homo-
homocapitalism {n} (capitalist appropriation and assimilation of sexual diversity) :: homocapitalisme {m}
Homocaust {prop} (mass murder or persecution of homosexuals) :: homocaust {m}
homocentric {adj} (having the same centre) :: homocentrique
homocentric {adj} (anthropocentric) SEE: anthropocentric ::
homoerotic {adj} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual ::
homogeneity {n} /ˌhoʊ.mə.dʒəˈniː.ə.ti/ (quality of being homogeneous) :: homogénéité {f}
homogeneous {adj} /ˌhoʊ.moʊˈdʒiː.njəs/ (of the same kind; alike, similar) :: homogène
homogeneous {adj} (having the same composition throughout) :: homogène
homogeneous catalysis {n} (catalysis in which the catalyst is present in the same phase as the reactants) :: catalyse homogène {f}
homogeneously {adv} (in a homogeneous manner) :: homogènement
homogenise {v} (homogenize) SEE: homogenize ::
homogenization {n} (homogenization) :: homogénéisation {f}
homogenize {v} /həˈmɑːdʒənaɪz/ (to make homogeneous) :: homogénéiser
homoglyph {n} /ˈhɒməʊɡlɪf/ (A character identical or nearly identical in appearance to another, but which differs in the meaning it represents) :: homoglyphe {m}
homograph {n} /ˈhɑːməɡɹæf/ (word with the same spelling but different meaning) :: homographe {m}
homolecithal {adj} :: homolécithe
homologate {v} /həˈmɑləɡeɪt/ (confirm) :: homologuer
homologation {n} (law) :: homologation
homological {adj} (grammar) :: autologique
homologous {adj} /həˈmɒləɡəs/ (showing a degree of correspondence) :: homologue {m} {f}
homologous {adj} ((biology) corresponding to a similar structure in another life form) :: homologue {m} {f}
homologous {adj} ((chemistry) belonging to a series of aliphatic organic compounds) :: homologue {m} {f}
homologous {adj} ((genetics) having the same morphology as another chromosome) :: homologue {m} {f}
homology {n} (chemistry: relationship between the elements in the same group of the periodic table) :: homologie
homology {n} (genetics: presence of the same series of bases in related genes) :: homologie
homology {n} :: homologie
homomorphically {adv} (notion in mathematics) :: homomorphiquement
homomorphism {n} (notion in mathematics) :: homomorphisme {m}
homomorphous {adj} (characterized by homomorphism) :: homomorphe
homonationalism {n} :: homonationalisme {m}
homonym {n} /ˈhä-mə-ˌnim/ (word with the same sound or spelling) :: homonyme {m} {n}
homonymous {adj} (having the same name) :: homonyme
homonymous {adj} (pertaining to a homonym) :: homonyme
homonymy {n} (property of being a homonym) :: homonymie {f}
homopatriarchy {n} (dominance of homosexual males over other LGBTI people.) :: homopatriarcat {m}
homophile {n} (one who has a sexual or romantic preference for persons of one's own gender, see also: homosexual) :: homophile {m} {f}
homophobe {n} /ˈhɒməˌfəʊb/ (person who is prejudiced against homosexuals and homosexuality) :: homophobe {m} {f}
homophobia {n} /ˌhɒ.məˈfəʊ.bi.ə/ (fear, dislike, or hate of homosexuals) :: homophobie {f}
homophobic {adj} (characteristic of homophobia) :: homophobe
homophone {n} /ˈhɑːməfoʊ̯n/ (words with the same pronunciation) :: homophone {m}
homophony {n} :: homophonie {f}
homopter {n} (insect) :: homoptère {m}
homorganic {adj} /ˌhɑmɔɹˈɡænɪk/ (having the same place of articulation) :: homorgane, homorganique
homoscedastic {adj} (having the same finite variance for all elements) :: homoscédastique {m} {f}
homoscedasticity {n} /hoʊmoʊsɪdæsˈtɪsɪti/ (property of a set of random variables) :: homoscédasticité {f}
homosexual {adj} /ˌhɒməʊˈsɛksjuːəl/ (sexually attracted solely or primarily to the same sex) :: homosexuel {m}, homosexuelle {f}
homosexual {n} (person who is attracted solely or primarily to others of the same sex) :: homosexuel {m}, homosexuelle {f}, lesbienne {f}
homosexuality {n} (sexual orientation) :: homosexualité {f}
homosexualization {n} :: homosexualisation {f}
homosexualize {v} :: homosexualiser
homosexually {adv} (in a homosexual way) :: homosexuellement
homosociality {n} (sociality with members of the same sex) :: homosocialité {f}, homosociabilité {f}
homotopic {adj} ((topology) such that there is an interval of maps joining one to the other) :: homotope {m} {f}
homotopy {n} ((topology) continuous deformation of one continuous function to another) :: homotopie {f}
homotopy {n} ((topology) theory associating a system of groups with each topological space) :: homotopie {f}
homotopy {n} ((topology) system of groups associated with a topological space) :: homotopie {f}
homozygosity {n} (condition of being homozygous) :: homozygotie {f}
homozygote {n} /ˌhəʊməʊˈzaɪɡəʊt/ (a diploid individual that has equal alleles at one or more genetic loci) :: homozygote {m} {f}
homozygous {adj} /ˌhəʊməʊˈzaɪɡəs/ (of an organism in which both copies of a given gene have the same allele) :: homozygote
Homs {prop} /hɒms/ (city in Syria) :: Homs
Homsi {adj} /ˈhɒmsi/ (of or pertaining to Homs) :: homsiote
Homsi {n} (a person from, or an inhabitant of, Homs) :: Homsiote {m} {f}
Hon. {adj} :: hon.
Honduran {n} (Person from Honduras) :: Hondurien {m}, Hondurienne {f}
Honduran {adj} (Pertaining to Honduras) :: hondurien
Honduras {prop} /hɑnˈdʊɹ.əs/ (a country in Central America) :: Honduras {m}
hone {n} /hoʊn/ (sharpening stone) :: pierre à aiguiser
hone {v} (to sharpen with a hone) :: aiguiser
hone {v} (to refine or master a skill) :: perfectionner, affiner, affuter
honest {adj} /ˈɑnɪst/ (scrupulous with regard to telling the truth) :: honnête
honestly {adv} /ˈɑnɪstli/ (in an honest manner) :: honnêtement, franchement
honesty {n} /ˈɑːnəsti/ (quality of being honest) :: honnêteté {f}
honey {n} /ˈhʌni/ (sweet substance produced by bees) :: miel {m}
honey {n} (term of affection) :: chéri {m}, chérie {f}
honey badger {n} (Mellivora capensis) :: ratel {m}, zorille du Cap {m}
honeybadger {n} (honey badger) SEE: honey badger ::
honey bear {n} (kinkajou) SEE: kinkajou ::
honey bear {n} (sloth bear) SEE: sloth bear ::
honey bear {n} (sun bear) SEE: sun bear ::
honey bee {n} (honey bee) :: abeille à miel {f}, abeille {f}
honeybee {n} (honey bee) SEE: honey bee ::
honey buzzard {n} (Pernis apivorus) :: bondrée {f}
honeycomb {n} /ˈhʌniːkəʊm/ (structure of cells made by bees) :: rayon de miel {m}, rayon de ruche {m}, alvéole d’abeille {f}, alvéole {f}
honeycombed {adj} (having a perforated structure, resembling a honeycomb) :: alvéolé
honeycomb stomach {n} (reticulum) SEE: reticulum ::
honeydew {n} (a sweet sticky substance deposited on leaves by insects) :: miellat {f}
honeydew {n} (a sweet sticky substance produced by the leaves of some plants) :: miellat {f}
honeydew {n} (a melon with sweet green flesh) :: melon miel
honey dipper {n} (kitchen tool) :: cuillère à miel {f}
honey drizzler {n} (kitchen tool) SEE: honey dipper ::
honeyed {adj} /ˈhʌnid/ (containing honey) :: miellé
honey house {n} :: miellerie {f}
honey locust {n} (tree) :: févier {m}
honeymoon {n} /ˈhʌn.iˌmun/ (period of time immediately following a marriage) :: lune de miel {f}
honeymoon {n} (trip taken by a newly wed married couple) :: voyage de noces {m}
honeypot {n} (a pot of honey) :: pot de miel
honeysuckle {n} /ˈhʌniːsʌkəl/ (plant) :: chèvrefeuille {m}
honey trap {n} (use of a romanitc and/or sexual relationship) :: piège de miel {f}
honey wine {n} (mead) SEE: mead ::
hong bao {n} (red envelope) SEE: red envelope ::
Hong Kong {prop} /ˌhɒŋˈkɒŋ/ (coastal administrative region in south-east China) :: Hong Kong {m}, Hongkong {m}, Xianggang {m}
Hong Konger {n} (Hongkongese) SEE: Hongkongese ::
Hongkongese {adj} (relating to Hong Kong) :: hongkongais
Honiara {prop} /ˌhəʊnɪˈɑːɹə/ (the capital of the Solomon Islands) :: Honiara
honk {v} /hɒŋk/ (to use a car horn) :: klaxonner
honk {n} (the sound produced by a typical car horn) :: klaxon {m}
Honolulu {prop} /ˌhɒn.əˈluː.luː/ (the capital of Hawaii) :: Honolulu
honor {n} /ˈɑn.ɚ/ (token of praise or respect) :: honneur {m}
honor {v} (think of, respect highly) :: honorer
honorable {adj} /ˈɒnəɹəbl̩/ (worthy of respect) :: honorable
honorable mention {n} (award or recognition) :: mention honorable {f}
honorarium {n} /ˈɒ.nəˈɹɛɹ.i.əm/ (compensation for services) :: honoraires {m-p} [plural only]
honorary {adj} (given as an honor) :: honoris causa
honorificabilitudinitatibus {n} /ˌɒn.əˌɹɪf.ɪ.kəˌbɪl.ɪˌt(j)uː.dɪ.nɪˈteɪ.tɪ.bəs/ (state of being able to receive honours) :: honorificabilitudinitatibe
Honorius {prop} (male given name) :: Honoré {m}, Honorius {m}
honour {n} (honour) SEE: honor ::
honour {v} (honour) SEE: honor ::
honourably {adv} /ˈɒnəɹəbli/ (in an honourable manner) :: honorablement
honoured {adj} /ˈɑnɚd/ (respected, having received honour) :: honoré
honour killing {n} (murder as a cultural practice) :: crime d'honneur {m}
Honshu {prop} /ˈhɑnʃu/ (the main island of the Japanese Archipelago) :: Honshū {m}
hoochie {n} (female who dresses scantily) :: pouffiasse {f}
hoochie {n} (promiscuous woman) :: pouffiasse {f}
hood {n} /hʊd/ (headwear) :: capuche {f}, capuchon {m}
hood {n} (university degree) :: licence {f}
hood {n} (soft top) :: capote {f}
hood {n} (car engine cover) :: capot {m}
hood {n} (covering of a vent to suck away smoke or fumes) :: hotte {f}
hood {n} (thug) SEE: thug ::
-hood {suffix} /hʊd/ (condition or state) :: -ité {f}
hooded crow {n} (Corvus cornix) :: corneille mantelée {f}
hooded seal {n} /ˈhʊdɪd siːl/ (a seal) :: phoque à capuchon {m}
hoodiecrow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
hoodlum {n} /ˈhuːdləm/ (a gangster; a hired thug) :: bandit {m}
hoodlum {n} (a rough or violent youth) :: voyou {m}
hoodoo {n} (spire of rock) :: cheminée de fée {f}
hood ornament {n} (decoration on car's hood) :: bouchon de radiateur {m}
hoodwink {v} /ˈhʊd.wɪŋk/ (to deceive) :: avoir
hooey {n} /ˈhu.i/ (silly talk or writing) :: connerie {f}, bêtise {f}
hoof {n} /hʊf/ (tip of a toe of ungulates) :: sabot {m}
hoo-ha {n} /ˈhuːˌhɑː/ (a fuss, commotion, uproar) :: brouhaha {m}, tumulte {m}, tapage, chahut, bordel
hook {n} /hʊk/ (rod bent into a curved shape) :: crochet {m}, agrafe {f}
hook {n} (software feature) :: hook {m} [anglicism]
hook {n} (type of boxing punch) :: crochet {m}
hook {v} (to attach a hook) :: accrocher
hook {v} (to catch with a hook) :: ferrer (un poisson) (“to iron a fish”)
hook {n} (typography: háček) SEE: háček ::
hook {v} (to steal) SEE: steal ::
hook {n} (fishhook) SEE: fishhook ::
hookah {n} /ˈhʊ.kə/ (pipe) :: houka {f}, narguilé {m}
hook and eye {n} (a matched hook and an eye, used for fastening) :: agrafe et porte
hooked {adj} /hʊkt/ (addicted; unable to resist or cease doing) :: accro
hooker {n} (prostitute) SEE: whore ::
hooker {n} /ˈhʊk.ɚ/ (rugby player) :: talonneur {m}, talonneuse {f}
Hooke's law {prop} (principle that stress applied to a solid is proportional to strain produced) :: loi de Hooke {f}
hooknose {n} (aquiline nose) SEE: aquiline nose ::
hook up {v} (to have a casual sexual experience with another person, usually without any future relationship intended) :: papillonner, choper
hookup {n} (brief sexual relationship) SEE: fling ::
hookworm {n} (parasitic worm) :: ankylostome {m}
hooligan {n} /ˈhuː.lɪ.ɡən/ (person that causes trouble or violence) :: hooligan {m}, casseur {m}, voyou {m}
hooliganism {n} (behavior) :: hooliganisme {m}
hoop {n} /huːp/ (circular band of metal used to bind a barrel) :: cercle {m}, cerceau {m}
hoop {n} (jockey) SEE: jockey ::
hoopoe {n} /ˈhupu/ (bird Upupa epops) :: huppe {f}
hoopster {n} (basketball player) SEE: basketball player ::
hooray {interj} /həˈɹeɪ/ (elated expression of approval) :: hourra !
hoot {n} /huːt/ (derisive cry or shout) :: huées {f-p}
hoot {n} (cry of an owl) :: hululement {m}, ululement {m}
hoot {v} (To cry out or shout in contempt) :: huer
hoot {v} (To make the cry of an owl) :: hululer, ululer
hoot {v} (To assail with contemptuous cries or shouts) :: huer, railler
hooter {n} (slang: penis) SEE: dick ::
hooter {n} (owl) SEE: owl ::
hooter {n} /ˈhu.tɚ/ (horn of a motor vehicle) :: klaxon {m}
hooter {n} (slang: breast) :: robert {m}, nichon {m}
hooter {n} (slang: nose) SEE: schnozzle ::
hoover {v} (vacuum) SEE: vacuum ::
hoover {n} (vacuum cleaner) SEE: vacuum cleaner ::
hop {v} /hɑp/ (jump a short distance) :: sauter à cloche-pied
hop {n} (the plant whose flowers are used in brewing) :: houblon {m}
hope {v} /hoʊp/ (to want something to happen, with expectation that it might) :: espérer
hope {n} (belief that something wished for can happen) :: espoir {m}, espérance {f}
hope {n} (person or thing that is a source of hope) :: espoir {m}
Hope {prop} /ˈhoʊp/ (female given name) :: Espérance {f}, Nadège {f} [from Slavic], Nadine {f} [from Nadège + -ine]
hopeful {adj} /ˈhoʊpfəl/ :: encourageant
hopefully {adv} /ˈhoʊpfəli/ (it is hoped that) :: avec un peu de chance, en espérant que ...
hopeless {adj} /ˈhoʊplɪs/ (destitute of hope; having no expectation of good; despairing) :: désespéré
hopeless {adj} (desperate) SEE: desperate ::
hopeless {adj} (incurable) SEE: incurable ::
hopelessness {n} (the lack of hope; despair) :: désespérance {f}
hophornbeam {n} (Any species of the genus Ostrya) :: charme-houblon {m}
Hopi {prop} /ˈhoʊpi/ (Hopi language) :: hopi {m}
hoplite {n} /ˈhɒplaɪt/ (A heavily-armed infantry soldier of Ancient Greece) :: hoplite {m}
hopscotch {n} /ˈhɑpˌskɑtʃ/ (child's game) :: marelle {f}
hop to it {v} (hurry up) SEE: hurry up ::
Horace {prop} /ˈhɒɹəs/ (poet) :: Horace {m}
Horace {prop} (male given name) :: Horace {m}
horde {n} /hɔɹd/ (wandering troop or gang) :: horde {f}
horde {n} (a large number of people) :: horde {f}
hordeolum {n} (infection) SEE: stye ::
horehound {n} (Marrubium vulgare) :: marrube {m}
horizon {n} /həˈɹaɪzən/ (line that appears to separate the Earth from the sky) :: horizon {m}
horizontal {adj} /ˌhɔːɹəˈzɑːntəl/ (parallel to the plane of the horizon) :: horizontal
horizontal bar {n} (horizontally-aligned bar used in gymnastics) :: barre fixe {f}
horizontal dancing {n} /ˌhɔː.ɹəˈzɑːn.təl ˈdɑːn.sɪŋ/ (euphemistically: sexual intercourse) :: partie de jambes en l’air {f}
horizontally {adv} (in a horizontal direction or position) :: horizontalement
hormogonium {n} :: hormogonie {f}
hormonal {adj} /hɔɹˈmoʊnəl/ (pertaining to hormones) :: hormonal
hormone {n} /ˈhɔːɹmoʊn/ (substance produced by the body that effects physiological activity) :: hormone {f}
horn {n} (antler) SEE: antler ::
horn {n} /hɔɹn/ (growth on the heads of certain animals) :: corne {f}
horn {n} (substance) :: corne {f}
horn {n} (any of several musical wind instruments) :: cor {m}
horn {n} (loud alarm, especially on a motor vehicle) :: klaxon {m}
horn {n} (informal: generally, any brass wind instrument) :: cuivres {m-p}
hornbeam {n} /ˈhɔɹnˌbim/ (tree of Carpinus) :: charme {m}
hornbill {n} /ˈhɔːɹn.bɪl/ (bird) :: calao {m}
hornblende {n} /ˈhɔɹnˌblɛnd/ (a green to black amphibole mineral) :: hornblende {f}
horndog {n} (man fixated on sex) :: queutard {m}, chaud lapin {m}
horned {adj} /ˈhɔː(ɹ)nd/ (having horns) :: cornu
horned {adj} (heraldry sense) :: accorné
Horned God {prop} (Wiccan god) :: dieu cornu
horned lark {n} (Eremophila alpestris) :: alouette hausse-col
horned lizard {n} (lizard of the genus Phrynosoma) :: lézard à cornes {m}, iguane à cornes {f}
horned melon {n} (plant) :: kiwano {m}
horned owl {n} (New World member of the genus Bubo) :: hibou {m}
horned puffin {n} (Fratercula corniculata) :: macareux cornu {m}
hornet {n} /ˈhɔɹ.nɪt/ (a large wasp, of the genus Vespa, with a brown-and-yellow-striped body) :: frelon {m}
hornless {adj} /hɔɹn.lɪs/ (without horns) :: écorné {m}, acère {m} {f}
Horn of Africa {prop} (peninsula in East Africa) :: Corne de l'Afrique {f}
horn of plenty {n} (the cornucopia) SEE: cornucopia ::
horn of plenty {n} (Craterellus cornucopioides) SEE: black chanterelle ::
horny {adj} /ˈhɔɹ.ni/ (hard or bony) :: corné
horny {adj} (having horns) :: cornu
horny {adj} (sexually aroused) :: excité
horologist {n} (a person who makes or repairs clocks) :: horloger {m}, horlogère {f}
Horologium {prop} (constellation) :: Horloge
horology {n} (art, science and technology of timekeeping) :: horologie {f}
horopter {n} (three-dimensional curve) :: horoptère {m}
horopteric {adj} :: horoptérique {m} {f}
horoscope {n} /ˈhɒ.ɹə.skəʊp/ (astrological forecast) :: horoscope {m}
horrendous {adj} /həˈɹɛndəs/ (extremely bad; awful; terrible) :: épouvantable
horribile dictu {adv} (horrible to say) :: horribile dictu
horrible {adj} /ˈhɔɹɪbəl/ (causing horror, terrible) :: horrible, affreux
horrible {adj} (tremendously bad) :: horrible, épouvantable
horribly {adv} (in a horrible way) :: horriblement
horribly {adv} (extremely) :: horriblement
horribly {adv} (with a bad effect) :: horriblement
horrid {adj} /ˈhɔɹɪd/ (causing horror or dread) :: affreux, horrible
horrid {adj} (offensive, disagreeable, abominable, execrable) :: exécrable, désagréable, abominable , ignominieux , abhorrable
horrific {adj} /həˈɹɪfɪk/ (causing horror) :: horrifique
horror {n} /ˈhɔɹɚ/ (intense distressing fear or repugnance) :: horreur {m}, effroi {m}
horror {n} (intense dislike or aversion) :: dégoût, aversion
horror movie {n} (motion picture which horrifies or frightens) :: film d’horreur {m}, film d'épouvante {m}
horror story {n} (fictional narrative of distressing events) :: histoire d'horreur {f}, histoire d'épouvante {f}
horror story {n} (disturbing rumour) :: horreurs {f-p}
horror story {n} (unpleasant experience) :: horreur {f}
hors categorie {n} :: hors catégorie {f} / HC
hors d'oeuvre {n} /ɔɹˈdɝv/ (appetizer) :: hors-d'œuvre {m}
hors d'oeuvre {n} (anything of secondary concern) :: rien, gnognotte {f}, broutille {f}, pipi de chat {m}
horse {n} /hɔːs/ (members of the species Equus ferus) :: [♂♀] cheval {m}, [♂] étalon {m}, [♀] jument {f}, [♂ offspring] poulain {m}, [♀ offspring] pouliche {f}
horse {n} (related or similar species) :: équidé {m}
horse {n} (cavalry soldiers) :: cavalerie
horse {n} (gymnastic equipment) :: cheval d'arçons {m}
horse {n} (knight in chess (see also knight)) :: cavalier
horseapple {n} (inedible fruit of the American tree Maclura pomifera) :: orange des Osages {f}
horseapple {n} (tree of the species Maclura pomifera) :: oranger des Osages {m}, bois d'arc {m}
horse archer {n} (a cavalryman armed with a bow) :: archer à cheval {m}
horseback {adv} /ˈhɔɹsˌbæk/ (on the back of a horse) :: à cheval
horsebox {n} (vehicle) :: van {m}
horse chestnut {n} /ˌhɔɹs ˈtʃɛsnʌt/ (tree) :: marronnier {m}, marronnier d’Inde {m}
horse chestnut {n} (seed) :: marron {m}, marron d’Inde {m}
horse-drawn {adj} (pulled along by horse) :: hippomobile
horsefly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae) :: taon {m}
horsehair {n} (hair of a horse, from its mane or tail) :: crin {m}
horseheal {n} (elecampane) SEE: elecampane ::
horse latitudes {n} (warm, dry subtropical bands encircling the globe) :: les latitudes des chevaux
horseling {n} (foal) SEE: foal ::
horseling {n} (pony) SEE: pony ::
horseling {n} (a little horse) :: poney {m}
horse mackerel {n} (jack mackerel) SEE: jack mackerel ::
horseman {n} /ˈhɔrsmən/ (man who rides a horse) :: cavalier {m}
horseman {n} (soldier on horseback) :: cavalier {m}
horsemanship {n} (equestrianism) SEE: equestrianism ::
horsemeat {n} (horse meat) :: viande de cheval {f}
horsemilk {n} (mare's milk) SEE: mare's milk ::
horse of a different color {n} (unrelated or incidentally related matter with different significance) :: c'est une autre paire de manches
horseplay {n} (rough or rowdy play) :: chahut {m}
horseplay {v} (to engage in horseplay) :: chahuter
horsepower {n} /ˈhɔɹsˌpaʊɚ/ (metric) :: cheval-vapeur {m}
horse race {n} /ˈhɔː(ɹ)sɹeɪs/ (a competitive race for horses carrying jockeys; often the subject of betting) :: course de chevaux {f}
horse racing {n} (a sport where horses and their jockeys compete to be fastest) :: courses de chevaux {f-p}, hippisme {m}
horseradish {n} /ˈhɔɹsɹædɪʃ/ (plant) :: raifort {m}
horseradish {n} (condiment) :: raifort {m}, cranson de Bretagne {m}, cran {m}
horseriding {n} (the practice of riding horses for sport or pleasure) :: équitation {f}
horseshit {n} (bullshit) SEE: bullshit ::
horseshoe {n} /ˈhɔːɹs.ʃuː/ (metallic shoe of a horse) :: fer à cheval {m}
horseshoe {n} (piece of metal used to play the game horseshoes) :: fer à cheval {m}
horseshoe {n} (shape of a horseshoe) :: fer à cheval {m}
horseshoe {v} (to apply horseshoes to a horse) :: ferrer
horseshoe crab {n} (arthropod) :: limule {f}
horse stance {n} (posture in Asian martial arts) :: kiba-dachi {m}
horsetail {n} (ponytail hairstyle) SEE: ponytail ::
horsetail {n} /ˈhɔː(ɹ)s.teɪl/ (plant of the order Equisetales) :: prêle {f}
horsewhip {n} (whip used on horses) :: cravache {f}
horsewoman {n} (a female equestrian) :: écuyère {f}
horsy {adj} /ˈhɔːsi/ (of or relating to horses) :: chevalin
horsy {n} (a child's term or name for a horse) :: dada {m}
hortative {adj} /ˈhɔːtətɪv/ (urging, exhorting, or encouraging) :: hortatif
hortative {adj} (of a mood or class of imperative subjunctive moods of a verb for giving strong encouragement) :: hortatif
hortensia {n} (hydrangea) SEE: hydrangea ::
horticulture {n} /ˈhɔː.tɪˌkʌl.tʃə(ɹ)/ (the science of caring for gardens) :: horticulture {f}
hosanna {interj} /hoʊˈzænə/ (liturgical word) :: hosanna
hose {n} /hoʊz/ (flexible tube) :: tuyau {m}
hose {n} (stocking-like garment) SEE: tights ::
Hosea {prop} /ˌhoʊˈziːə/ (book of the Bible) :: Osée
Hosea {prop} (prophet) :: Osée {m}
hose clamp {n} (device to clamp a hose to a fitting) :: collier {m}, collier de serrage {m}
hose down {v} (To put out or reduce a fire) :: éteindre un feu
hose down {v} (To calm down a person) :: calmer quelqu'un
hosepipe {n} (hose) :: tuyau d'arrosage {m}
hospice {n} /ˈhɑspɪs/ (provision of palliative care for the terminally ill) :: hospice {m}
hospice {n} (a facility or organization offering palliative care for the terminally ill) :: hospice {m}
hospitable {adj} /hɒsˈpɪtəbl̩/ (cordial and generous towards guests) :: hospitalier
hospital {n} /ˈhɑs.pɪ.tl̩/ (large medical facility) :: hôpital {m}
hospital gown {n} (gown worn by patients) :: chemise d'hôpital {f}, jaquette d'hôpital {f}, blouse d'hôpital {f}
hospitalise {v} (hospitalize) SEE: hospitalize ::
hospitality {n} /hɑs.pɪˈtæl.ɪ.ti/ (act or service of welcoming, receiving, hosting, or entertaining guests) :: hospitalité {f}
hospitality {n} (business of providing catering, lodging and entertainment service) :: [singular only] hôtellerie-restauration {f}
hospitality {n} :: hospitalité {f}
hospitalization {n} (hospitalizing of a patient) :: hospitalisation {f}
hospitalize {v} (to send to a hospital) :: hospitaliser
hospital ship {n} (hospital ship) :: navire-hôpital {m}, navire hôpital
host {n} /hoʊst/ (person who receives or entertains a guest) :: hôte, maître de maison {m}, maître de maison, amphitryon {m} (at a meal)
host {n} (person or organisation responsible for running an event) :: organisateur {m}, animateur {m}
host {n} (computing: computer attached to a network) :: hôte {m}
host {n} (biology: cell or organism which harbors another organism) :: hôte
host {v} (perform the role of a host) :: recevoir, animer [show]
host {v} (computing: run software for a remote user or process) :: héberger
host {n} (multitude of people arrayed as an army) :: ost, armée {f}
host {n} (consecrated bread) :: hostie {f}
hostage {n} /ˈhɒstɪdʒ/ (person given as a pledge or security) :: otage {m}
hostage-taker {n} :: preneur d'otage {m}
host desecration {n} (a form of sacrilege in Christian denominations) :: Accusation de profanation d'hosties contre les Juifs {m}
hostel {n} /ˈhɑstəl/ (an affordable overnight lodging place) :: auberge {f}, pension {f}
hostel {n} (short for youth hostel) SEE: youth hostel ::
hoster {n} (provider of online hosting) :: hébergeur {m}
hostess {n} /ˈhoʊstəs/ (female host) :: hôtesse {f}, maîtresse de maison
hostess {n} (stewardess) :: hôtesse de l'air {f}
host family {n} (a family which provides board and lodging to students) :: famille d'accueil {f}
hostile {adj} /ˈhɒstaɪl/ (belonging or appropriate to an enemy) :: hostile
hostility {n} /hɒˈstɪlɪti/ (state of being hostile) :: hostilité {f}
hosting {n} /ˈhoʊstɪŋ/ (running and maintaining a computer system) :: hébergement {m}
hostname {n} (name by which any device attached to a computer network is known) :: nom d'hôte {m}
hot {adj} /hɑt/ (having a high temperature) :: (très) chaud
hot {adj} (of the weather) :: faire chaud
hot {adj} (feeling the sensation of heat) :: to be hot: avoir chaud [the adjective cannot be translated alone in this sense]
hot {adj} (feverish) :: fiévreux
hot {adj} (spicy) :: épicé, piquant
hot {adj} (slang: stolen) :: chouré
hot {adj} (electrically charged) :: vif {m}
hot {adj} (radioactive) :: radioactif
hot {adj} (slang: physically very attractive) :: sexy, [coarse slang] bonne {f}
hot {adj} (very close to finding or guessing something to be found or guessed) :: brûlant {m}
hot air {n} (empty, confused or exaggerated talk) :: vent {m}
hot-air balloon {n} (balloon-shaped aircraft filled with hot air) :: montgolfière {f}
hotbed {n} (place ideal for the growth of something undesirable) :: nid {m}
hot chocolate {n} (beverage) :: chocolat chaud {m}
hotchpot {n} (blending together of property so as to achieve equal division in the case of inheritance; collation) :: rapport à succession {m}
hotchpotch {n} (hodgepodge) SEE: hodgepodge ::
hot dog {v} (to perform a dangerous act as display) SEE: show off ::
hot dog {n} /ˈhɑt.dɔɡ/ (frankfurter in a bun) :: hot-dog {m}, [Quebec] chien chaud {m}
hotel {n} /hoʊˈtɛl/ (establishment providing accommodation) :: hôtel {m}
hotelier {n} /oʊ.təl.ˈjeɪ/ (someone who runs a hotel) :: hôtelier {m}, hôtelière {f}
hot flash {n} (sudden sensation of heat, symptom of the menopause) SEE: hot flush ::
hot flush {n} (sudden sensation of heat, symptom of the menopause) :: bouffée de chaleur {f}
hothead {n} (one who reacts quickly and without thinking carefully first) :: tête brulée {f}
hothouse {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
hothouse {n} (environment that encourages development) :: vivier {m}
hotkey {n} (keyboard shortcut) SEE: keyboard shortcut ::
hotline {n} (telephone line that is able to give immediate assistance) :: téléphone rouge {m}
hotline {n} :: hotline {f}, aide en ligne {f}
hot on someone's heels {adj} (close behind) :: aux trousses de
hot pants {n} (small shorts) :: mini-short {m} micro-short {m}
hotplate {n} (semi-portable stove) :: plaque de cuisson {f}, plaque chauffante {f}
hot pot {n} (stew of beef or lamb and potatoes) :: fondue avec bouillon {f}
hot pot {n} (communal meal in China) :: fondue chinoise {f}
hot potato {n} (child's game) :: patate chaude {f}
hot potato {n} (awkward or delicate problem) :: patate chaude {f}
hot sauce {n} /ˈhɒtˌsɔs/ (condiment made from chile peppers) :: sauce piquante {f}, sauce Chili {f}
hotshot {n} (Someone with exceptional skills in a certain field) :: as {m}, champion {m}, bête {f}, machine {f}
hot spell {n} (heatwave) SEE: heatwave ::
hot spot {n} (the surface manifestation of a plume) :: point chaud {m}
hot spring {n} (natural spring producing water whose temperature is greater than about 20°C (68° F)) :: source chaude {f}
Hottentot teal {n} (Anas hottentota) :: sarcelle hottentote {f}
hottie {n} (informal: hot-water bottle) SEE: hot water bottle ::
hot water {n} (hot liquid) :: eau chaude {f}
hot water bottle {n} (a flexible bottle for heat therapy) :: bouillotte {f}
hot water heater {n} (apparatus in which water is heated for domestic hot water) :: chauffe-eau {m}
hot yoga {n} (yoga exercises performed under hot and humid conditions) :: yoga chaud {m}
houbara bustard {n} (Chlamydotis undulata) :: houbara {f} {m}
Houle {prop} :: Houle
hound {n} /haʊnd/ (dog, hunting dog) :: chien de chasse {m}, braque {m}, molosse, chien courant {m}
hound's tongue {n} (Cynoglossum officinale) :: cynoglosse
houndstooth {n} /ˈhaʊndstuːθ/ (fabric pattern) :: pied-de-poule {m}
hour {n} /ˈaʊɚ/ (time period of sixty minutes) :: heure {f}
hour {n} (unit to denote the hour, such as military usage in English) :: heures {f}
hourglass {n} /ˈaʊəɡlɑːs/ (clock) :: sablier {m}
hourglass figure {n} (a human body shape resembling an hourglass) :: taille de guêpe {f}
hour hand {n} (hand of clock) :: petite aiguille {f}
houri {n} /ˈhʊəɹi/ ((Islam) a nymph in the form of a beautiful virgin) :: houri {f}
house {v} /haʊz/ (keep within a structure or container) :: garer, loger
house {v} (admit to residence) :: héberger, abriter, loger
house {n} (bingo) SEE: bingo ::
house {n} (genre of music) SEE: house music ::
house {n} (human abode) :: maison {f}
house {n} (archetypal structure of a human abode) :: maison {f}
house {n} (debating chamber for government politicians) :: chambre {f}
house arrest {n} (confinement of a person, by authorities, to his or her residence) :: résidence surveillée {f}, assignation à résidence {f}
housebroken {adj} (house-trained) SEE: house-trained ::
house-broken {adj} (house-trained) SEE: house-trained ::
house cat {n} (domestic cat) SEE: domestic cat ::
housecloth {n} (old cloth used for cleaning) :: chiffon {f}
house cricket {n} (Acheta domestica) :: grillon domestique {m}
housefly {n} (fly) :: mouche domestique {f}
household {n} /ˈhaʊshoʊld/ (those living in the same residence) :: foyer {m}, ménage, maisonnée {f}
household {adj} (found in or having its origin in a home) :: domestique {m} {f}
household appliance {n} (machine) :: électroménager {m}
household deity {n} (patron saint) SEE: patron saint ::
household name {n} (genericized trademark) SEE: genericized trademark ::
house husband {n} (husband who remains in the homestead) SEE: househusband ::
househusband {n} (husband who remains in the homestead) :: homme au foyer {m}, ménager {m}
housekeeper {n} /ˈhaʊskipɚ/ (someone employed to manage or look after a home) :: gouvernante
housekeeper {n} (someone who manages the home, traditionally female head of household) :: ménagère
housekeeping {n} (chores of maintaining a house as a residence) :: ménage {m}
houseleek {n} /ˈhaʊsliːk/ (Sempervivum) :: joubarbe {f}
house mouse {n} (mouse of the species Mus musculus) :: souris {f}
house music {n} /ˈhaʊs ˌmjuːzɪk/ (type of electronic dance music with an uptempo beat and recurring kickdrum) :: house music {f} , house {f}
house number {n} (street address) :: numéro de maison {m}
house of cards {n} /ˈhaʊs.ʌvˌkɑɹdz/ (structure made by stacking playing cards) :: château de cartes {m}
house of cards {n} (structure or argument built on a shaky foundation) :: château de cartes {m}
House of Commons {prop} (lower house in UK or Canadian parliament) :: Chambre des communes {f}
house of ill fame {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel ::
House of Lords {prop} (upper chamber of UK parliament) :: Chambre des Lords {f}
House of Representatives {prop} (lower house of parliament) :: Chambre des représentants {f}
house of worship {n} (house of worship) SEE: place of worship ::
houseplant {n} (plant grown indoors) :: plante d'intérieur {f}
house points {n} (Points awarded to a member of a grammar school for some achievement) :: bon point {m}
house sparrow {n} (Passer domesticus) :: moineau domestique {m}, moineau franc {m}, piaf {m}
house-trained {adj} (trained not to excrete indoors) :: propre, dressé
housewarming {n} (party) :: pendaison de crémaillère {f}
housewife {n} /ˈhaʊs.waɪf/ (female head of household) :: maîtresse de maison {f}, femme au foyer {f}, mère au foyer {f}, garce {f} [familiar]
housewife {n} (case for materials used in sewing) :: trousse de couture {f}, boîte à ouvrage {f}
house wine {n} (a relatively inexpensive wine sold in restaurants) :: vin de maison, vin de pays
housework {n} (domestic household chores) :: ménage {m}
housing {n} /ˈhaʊzɪŋ/ (activity of enclosing or providing residence) :: logement {m}
housing {n} (residences) :: logement {m}, résidence {f}
housing estate {n} (group of buildings) :: lotissement {m}
Houstonian {adj} :: houstonien
Houstonian {n} :: Houstonien {m}, Houstonienne {f}
Houthist {adj} :: houthiste
hovel {n} /ˈhɒvəl/ (poor cottage) :: taudis {m}
hover {v} /ˈhʌ.vɚ/ (to float in the air) :: planer
hover {v} (to linger in one place) :: faire du sur-place
hover {v} (to waver, or be uncertain) :: hésiter
hover {v} (to place the cursor over a hyperlink) :: placer le curseur au-dessus d'un hyperlien
hovercraft {n} /ˈhʌvɚ.kɹæft/ (vehicle supported on a cushion of air) :: aéroglisseur {m}
hoverfly {n} (fly in the family Syrphidae) :: syrphe {m}
how {adv} /haʊ/ (to what degree) :: comment
how {adv} (in what manner) :: comment
how {adv} (in what state) :: comment
how {adv} (used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings) :: comme, que
how {conj} (in which way) :: comment
how are you {phrase} /haʊ ˈɑɹ ju/ (greeting) :: comment allez-vous ? (formal or plural), comment vas-tu ? (informal singular), ça va ? [informal], comment ça va ? [informal]
howbeit {adv} /haʊˈbiː.ɪt/ (be that as it may) :: quoi qu'il en soit, néanmoins
how come {adv} /haʊ kʌm/ (why) :: comment se fait-il que [formal], comment se fait-ce que [formal], comment ça se fait que [colloquial], pourquoi
how do I get to {phrase} (how do I get to...?) :: comment puis-je me rendre à... ?, comment aller à
how do I get to the airport {phrase} (how do I get to the airport?) :: comment aller à l'aéroport?, comment puis-je me rendre à l'aéroport?
how do I get to the bus station {phrase} (how do I get to the bus station?) :: comment aller à la gare routière ?
how do I get to the train station {phrase} (how do I get to the train station?) :: comment aller à la gare
how do you do {phrase} (Phrase: how do you do) :: enchanté {m}, enchantée {f}
how do you mean {phrase} (a request for clarification of what the listener just said) :: comment ça ?
how do you pronounce this word {phrase} /ˈhaʊ duː ˈjuː pɹəˈnaʊns ðɪs ˈwɝd/ (how do you pronounce this word?) :: comment prononce-t-on ce mot ?
how do you say …… in English {phrase} (request for translation into English) :: comment dit-on …… en anglais?
how do you spell this word {phrase} (how do you spell this word?) :: comment écrit-on ce mot ?
howdy {interj} (hi) SEE: hi ::
howdy doody {interj} (hi) SEE: hi ::
however {adv} /haʊˈɛvɚ/ (nevertheless) :: cependant, pourtant, néanmoins, toutefois, nonobstant
however {adv} (to whatever extent or degree) :: peu importe
however {adv} (in whatever way or manner) :: de quelque manière que ce soit, quelle que soit sa manière
how far {adv} :: jusqu'à quel point, jusqu'
howitzer {n} /ˈhaʊ.ɪts.əɹ/ (a cannon) :: obusier {m}
howitzer {n} :: obusier {m}
howl {n} /haʊl/ (protracted, mournful cry of a dog or a wolf) :: hurlement
howl {v} (To utter a loud, protracted, mournful sound or cry, as dogs and wolves often do) :: hurler
howler {n} /ˈhaʊlɚ/ (animal) :: hurleur {m}
howler {n} (mistake) :: bourde {f}, gaffe {f}
how long {adv} (how long (length of time)) :: pour combien de temps, depuis combien de temps, depuis quand, combien de temps
how many {determiner} (what number) :: combien
how many languages do you speak {phrase} (how many languages do you speak?) :: [formal] combien de langues parlez-vous ?, [informal] combien de langues parles-tu ?
how many siblings do you have {phrase} (how many siblings do you have?) :: [formal] combien de frères et soeurs avez-vous?
how manyth {adj} (standing for an unknown or queried ordinal number) :: combientième
how much {determiner} (what quantity) :: combien
how much {determiner} (what is the cost/price?) :: c'est combien?
how much does it cost {phrase} (how much is it?) :: combien ça coûte ?, c'est combien ?
how much do you charge {phrase} (how much do you charge?) :: combien ça coûte ?, c'est combien ?
how much is it {phrase} (how much does it cost) SEE: how much does it cost ::
how no {adv} (why not) SEE: why not ::
how old are you {phrase} /haʊ ˈoʊld ɑɹ ˌju/ (what is your age in years) :: quel âge as-tu? [informal], quel âge avez-vous? [formal]
how should I know {phrase} :: qu'est-ce que j'en sais ?
how's it going {phrase} (how's it going? - informal greetings) :: comment ça va?, ça va?
how's the weather {phrase} (how's the weather?) :: comment est le temps ?, quel temps fait-il ?
how's tricks {phrase} (informal greeting) :: ça gaze?
howzit {interj} (what's up) SEE: what's up ::
hp {n} (horsepower) :: ch
HP {n} (horse power) SEE: hp ::
HPGP {n} (hydrogen peroxide gas plasma) :: HPGP
HQ {n} (Headquarters) :: QG {m} (for "quartier général")
Hérault {prop} (département) :: Hérault {f}
HRM {n} (human resources management) :: DRH {f}
HRM {prop} (Halifax Regional Municipality) :: MRH {f}
Hrodna {prop} (Grodno) SEE: Grodno ::
hryvnia {n} /ˈhɹɪvnɪə/ (Ukrainian currency) :: hryvnia {f}
Hsia-men {prop} (Xiamen) SEE: Xiamen ::
Hsi-an {prop} (Xi'an) SEE: Xi'an ::
Hsin-chiang {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang ::
HSK {prop} (HSK) :: test d'évaluation de chinois {m}, Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi {m}, HSK {m}
HTML {prop} (initialism) :: HTML {m}
HTML5 {prop} (initialism) :: HTML5 {m}
HTTP cookie {n} (packet of information sent by a server to a World Wide Web browser and then returned by the browser each time it accesses that server) :: cookie {m}, cafteur {m}, [Canada] témoin {m}
Huang He {prop} (the Yellow River, a river in China) SEE: Yellow River ::
Huaqiao {n} (overseas Chinese) :: Huaqiao {m} {f}
Huard {prop} :: Huard
hub {n} /hʌb/ (central part of a wheel) :: moyeu {m}
hub {n} (point where many routes meet) :: carrefour {m}, pôle {m}
hub {n} (computer networking device) :: concentrateur {m}, commutateur
hub {n} (block for scotching a wheel) :: cale {f}
Hubble constant {prop} (number) :: loi de Hubble
Hubble law {prop} :: Loi de Hubble
hubbub {n} /ˈhʌbʌb/ (A confused uproar, commotion, tumult or racket.) :: brouhaha {m}, tohu-bohu
hubcap {n} (decorative disk for wheels) :: chapeau de roue {m}, enjoliveur {m}
Hubert {prop} /ˈhjubɚt/ (male given name) :: Hubert {m}
hubris {n} /ˈhjuːbɹɪs/ (excessive pride or arrogance) :: hybris, hubris
huchen {n} /ˈhuːkən/ (Hucho hucho) :: Huchon
huckster {n} (peddler) SEE: peddler ::
huckster {n} /ˈhʌkstɚ/ (somebody who sells things in an aggressive or showy manner) :: colporteur {m}, bonimenteur {m}
huckster {n} (one who deceptively sells fraudulent products) :: bonimenteur {m}
huddle {n} /ˈhʌdəl/ (dense and disorderly crowd) :: foule dense et désordonnée
huddle {adj} (crowd together) :: se blottir
huddle {adj} (curl one's legs up to the chest) :: se blottir
Hudson Bay {prop} (Canadian sea) :: baie d'Hudson
Hudsonian godwit {n} (Limosa haemastica) :: barge hudsonienne {f}
hue {n} /hju/ (color or shade of color; tint; dye) :: teinte {f}
hue {n} :: nuance {f}
Hue {prop} /ˈhweɪ/ (city, province of Vietnam) :: Hué
Huelva {prop} /ˈ(h)wɛlvɑ/ (city and province in Andalusia, Spain) :: Huelva {f}
Hufflepuff {n} (Harry Potter team) :: Poufsouffle
huffy {adj} /ˈhʌfi/ (Angry, annoyed) :: vexé
huffy {adj} (Easily offended) :: susceptible
hug {n} /hʌɡ/ (affectionate embrace) :: embrassade {f}, étreinte {f}, câlin {m}, accolade
hug {v} (embrace) :: étreindre, serrer, embrasser
hug {v} (sail close to a shoreline) :: aller terre à terre
huge {adj} /hjuːd͡ʒ/ (very large) :: énorme
hugely {adv} (hugely) :: colossalement
huggable {adj} /ˈhʌɡ.ə.bəl/ (capable of, or suitable for, being hugged) :: douillet, confortable
huggle {n} (a hug (Internet or childish use)) :: câlinou {m}
Hugh {prop} /hjuː/ (male given name) :: Hugues
Hugo {prop} (male given name) SEE: Hugh ::
Hugo {prop} /ˈhjuɡoʊ/ (a French surname) :: Hugo {m} {f}
Huguenot {n} /ˈhju.ɡə.nɒt/ (member of the Protestant Reformed Church of France during the 16th and 17th century) :: huguenot {m}, huguenote {f}
huh {interj} /hʌ/ (expressing doubt or confusion) :: hein
huh {interj} (to reinforce a question) :: hein
huh {interj} (to indicate that one didn't hear) :: hein
huh {interj} (tag question) :: hein
Hui {prop} (dialect) :: hui {m}
Hulagu {prop} (Mongol ruler who conquered much of Western Asia) :: Houlagou {m}
hula hoop {n} /ˈhuːlə ˌhuːp/ (toy in the form of a large hoop) :: hula hoop {m}
hulk {n} /hʌlk/ (non-functional, floating ship) :: épave {f}
hulk {n} (a big, (and possibly clumsy) person) :: lourdaud {m}, rustre {m}
hull {n} /hʌl/ (outer covering of a fruit or seed) :: coque {f}, cosse {f}
hull {v} (to remove the hull of a fruit or seed; to peel) :: écosser, décortiquer
hull {n} (frame of a ship or plane) :: coque {f}
Hull {prop} (city in Quebec) :: Hull
hullabaloo {n} /ˌhʌləbəˈluː/ (clamour, commotion, fuss or uproar) :: branle-bas {m}, branlebas {m}, buzz {m}, émeute {f}, excitation {f}, tintamarre {m}
hullabaloo {v} (to make a commotion or uproar) :: faire des chichis, chichiter
huller {n} (machine for removing hulls from grain) :: décortiqueuse {f}
hum {v} /ˈhʌm/ (to make sound with lips closed) :: fredonner
hum {v} (to drone like certain insects naturally do in motion) :: bourdonner
hum {v} (to be busily active like a beehive) :: fourmiller
human {adj} /ˈ(h)ju.mən/ (of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens) :: humain
human {adj} (having the nature or attributes of a human being) :: humain
human being {n} (a human being) SEE: human ::
human being {n} (person) :: être humain {m}, humain {m}, humaine {f}, homme
human condition {n} (characteristics, key events and situations which compose the essentials of human experience) :: condition humaine {f}
humane {adj} /hjuːˈmeɪn/ (with regard for the health and well-being of another) :: humain
humane {adj} (Pertaining to branches of learning concerned with human affairs or the humanities) :: humain
humanely {adv} (In a humane way) :: humainement
Human Genome Project {prop} (Human Genome Project) :: projet génome humain {m}
human immunodeficiency virus {n} (human immunodeficiency virus) :: virus de l'immunodéficience humaine {m}
humanin {n} :: humanine {m}
humanism {n} /ˈhjuːmənɪz(ə)m/ (historical revival of Classical culture) :: humanisme {m}
humanism {n} (ethical system) :: humanisme {m}
humanism {n} (humanitarianism) :: humanisme {m}
humanist {n} /ˈhjuːmənɪst/ (person who believes in the philosophy of humanism) :: humaniste {m} {f}
humanitarian {adj} /hjʊˌmæ.nɪˈtɛː.ɹɪ.ən/ (concerned with people's welfare) :: humanitaire, humanitariste
humanitarian {n} (person with humanitarian concerns) :: humanitariste {m} {f}, humaniste {m} {f}
humanitarianism {n} (humanitarian philosophy) :: humanitarisme {m}
humanities {n} /hjuˈmæn.ɪ.tiz/ (language, literature, etc.) :: sciences humaines {f-p}
humanity {n} /hjuˈmænɪti/ (human beings as a group) :: humanité {f}
humanity {n} (human condition) :: humanité {f}
humanity {n} (quality of being benevolent) :: humanité {f}
humanize {v} /ˈhjuː.mə.naɪz/ (to make human) :: humaniser
humankind {n} (human race) SEE: mankind ::
humankind {n} (the human race) :: humanité {f}, genre humain
humankind {n} (mankind; humanity) SEE: human race ::
humanly {adv} /ˈhjuːmənli/ (in a human manner) :: humainement
human milk {n} (breast milk) SEE: breast milk ::
human nature {n} (set of qualities shared by all humans) :: nature humaine {f}
humanoid {adj} /ˈhjuːmənɔɪd/ (having the appearance or characteristics of a human) :: humanoïde
humanoid {n} (a being having the appearance or characteristics of a human) :: humanoïde {m}
human pyramid {n} (tower made of people) :: pyramide humaine {f}
human race {n} (the human race) SEE: humankind ::
human race {n} (mankind; humanity) :: humanité {f}
human resource management {n} (process) :: gestion des ressources humaines {f}, gestion du personnel {f}
human resources {n} (the personnel department of an organization) :: ressources humaines
human right {n} (basic right that all humans should be guaranteed) :: droit humain {m}
human-rightism {n} (political philosophy) :: droits-de-l'hommisme
human-rightist {n} (proponent) :: droits-de-l'hommiste
human rights {n} (basic rights and freedoms that all humans should be guaranteed) :: droits de l'homme {m-p}, droits humains {m-p}, droits de la personne {m-p}
human shield {n} (civilians placed in or around targets) :: bouclier humain {m}
human trafficking {n} (criminal activity in which people are recruited, etc. to serve an exploitative purpose) :: traite {f}
humation {n} (burial, internment, inhumation) :: inhumation {f}
Humbert {prop} /ˈhʌm.bəɹt/ (male given name) :: Humbert
humble {adj} /ˈhʌmbəl/ (thinking lowly of oneself) :: humble
humbly {adv} /ˈhʌmbli/ (in a humble manner) :: humblement
Humboldt penguin {n} (Spheniscus humboldti) :: manchot de Humboldt {m}
humdrum {adj} (lacking variety or excitement; dull; boring) :: monotone, ennuyeux, embétant, soporifique
humdrum {n} (The quality of lacking variety or excitement; dullness) :: traintrain {m}
humeral {adj} (of the humerus) :: huméral
humerus {n} /ˈhjuːməɹɪs/ (bone of the upper arm) :: humérus {m}
humid {adj} /ˈhjuːmɪd/ (slightly wet) :: mouillé, humide
humidification {n} (process) :: humidification {f}
humidifier {n} (A device that is used to increase the humidity of the air) :: humidificateur {m} [machine], saturateur {m} [container]
humidify {v} /hjuːˈmɪdɪfaɪ/ ( To increase the humidity in the air.) :: humidifier
humidity {n} /hjuːˈmɪdɪti/ (dampness, especially that of the air) :: humidité {f}
humidity {n} (amount of water vapour in the air) :: humidité {f}
humiliate {v} /hjuːˈmɪliˌeɪt/ (to injure a person's dignity and self-respect) :: humilier
humiliating {adj} (liable to humiliate) :: humiliant
humiliation {n} /hjuːˌmɪliˈeɪʃən/ (the act of humiliating or humbling someone; abasement of pride; mortification) :: humiliation {f}
humiliation {n} (the state of being humiliated, humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission) :: humiliation {f}
humility {n} /hjuːˈmɪlɪti/ (characteristic of being humble) :: humilité {f}
hummingbird {n} /ˈhʌmɪŋˌbɝd/ (any of various small American birds in the family Trochilidae) :: colibri {m}, oiseau-mouche {m}, [Louisiana] oiseau de fleurs {m}, suce-fleur {m}
hummock {n} (small hill) SEE: hillock ::
hummus {n} /ˈhʊməs/ (dip made of chickpea paste) :: houmous {m}
humongous {adj} /ˌhjuːˈmʌŋɡəs/ (extremely large) :: gigantesque, énorme
humoresque {n} (playful composition) :: humoresque {f}
humorist {n} (writer of humor) :: humoriste {m} {f}
humorous {adj} /ˈhjuːməɹɪs/ (full of humor or arousing laughter; funny) :: humoristique, amusant
humour {n} /ˈhjuː.mə(ɹ)/ (something funny) :: humour {m}
humour {n} (mood) :: humeur {m}, disposition {f}
humour {n} (historical: any of the four cardinal humors) :: humeur {f}
humour {v} (to pacify by indulging) :: amadouer
hump {n} /hʌmp/ (mound of earth) :: bosse {f}
hump {n} (deformity of the human back) :: bosse {f}
hump {n} (rounded fleshy mass as in camel's back) :: bosse {f}
hump {n} (slang: act of sexual intercourse) :: sauterie {f}
hump {n} (bad mood) :: cafard {f}
hump {v} (to bend something into a hump) :: arrondir
hump {v} (to carry something, especially with some exertion) :: trimballer
hump {v} (to have sex with) :: sauter [tr.]; baiser [intr., slang]
humpback {n} (humped back) :: bosse {f}
humpback {n} (humpbacked person) :: bossu {m}, bossue {f}
humpbacked {adj} (having a hump on the back) :: bossu
humpback whale {n} (Megaptera novaeangliae) :: baleine à bosse
humph {interj} /hʌmf/ (used to express doubt or disapproval) :: hum
humuhumunukunukuapuaa {n} /ˌhumuˌhumuˌnukuˌnukuˌaːpuˈaʔa/ (either of two species of triggerfish) :: baliste écharpe {m}
humus {n} /ˈhjuːməs/ (group of compounds in soil) :: humus {m}
Hun {n} (German) SEE: German ::
Hun {n} /hʌn/ (member of nomadic tribe) :: Hun {m}
Hun {n} (derogatory: German) SEE: Fritz ::
hunch {n} /hʌntʃ/ (hump; protuberance) :: bosse {f}
hunch {n} (idea, theory) :: intuition, pressentiment
hunch {v} (to slouch, stoop) :: se voûter
hunchback {n} /ˈhʌntʃbæk/ (vulgar: person with kyphosis) :: bossu {m}, bossue {f}
hunchback {n} (one who is stooped or hunched over) SEE: humpback ::
hunchback {n} (deformed upper spinal column) SEE: humpback ::
hunchbacked {adj} (having hunched back) SEE: humpbacked ::
hundred {num} /ˈhʌndɹəd/ (cardinal number 100) :: cent {m}
hundred-first {adj} (ordinal number, see also: hundred-and-first) :: cent unième (abbreviation 101ème), cent-et-unième
hundred-first {n} (the person or thing in the hundred-first position) :: cent unième {m} {f}
hundred-first {n} (one of a hundred one equal parts of a whole) :: cent unième {m}
hundredth {adj} /ˈhʌndɹɛdθ/ (ordinal of 100, see also: 100th) :: centième
hundredth {n} (person or thing in the hundredth position) :: centième {m} {f}
hundredth {n} (one of a hundred equal parts of a whole) :: centième {m}
hundred thousand {num} (100,000) :: cent-mille {m}
hundred twenty-eighth note {n} (a note played for ​1⁄128 of the duration of a whole note) :: quintuple croche {f}
hundredweight {n} (measure of weight (some may be only approximately equivalent)) :: quintal {m}
Hundred Years' War {prop} (conflict between France and England) :: guerre de Cent Ans {f}
hung {adj} (suspended by hanging) :: pendu
hung {adj} (of a jury, unable to reach a verdict) :: divisé
hung {adj} (lacking a majority political party) :: divisé
hung {adj} (computing: not responding) :: mou, lent
hung {adj} (having a large penis) :: bien membré, bien monté, burné
Hungarian {adj} /hʌŋˈɡɛə.ɹi.ən/ (of, from, or pertaining to Hungary) :: hongrois
Hungarian {n} (person from Hungary) :: Hongrois {m}, Hongroise {f}
Hungarian {n} (the language) :: hongrois {m}
Hungarian hound {n} (hunting dog) :: chien courant hongrois {m}, chien courant de Transylvanie
Hungarian notation {n} /hʌŋˈɡɛɹi.ən noʊˈteɪʃən/ (Hungarian notation) :: notation hongroise {f}
Hungary {prop} /ˈhʌŋ.ɡəɹ.i/ (the country) :: Hongrie {f}
hunger {n} /ˈhʌŋɡə/ (need for food) :: faim {f}
hunger {n} (strong desire) :: soif {f}
hunger {v} (need food) :: avoir faim
hunger {v} (desire) :: avoir soif
hunger strike {n} (a fast undertaken as a means of protest) :: grève de faim {f}
hung like a donkey {adj} :: monté comme un âne
hungover {adj} /ˈhʌŋˌəʊ.və(ɹ)/ (suffering from a hangover) :: ayant la gueule de bois, ayant mal aux cheveux
hung parliament {n} /hʌŋ ˈpɑːləmənt/ (parliament in which no single political party has an outright majority) :: parlement minoritaire {m}
hungrily {adv} (in a hungry manner) :: voracement, avidement
hungry {adj} /ˈhʌŋ.ɡɹi/ (affected by hunger; desirous of food) :: affamé, avoir faim [to be hungry]
Huningue {prop} (commune in Alsace) :: Huningue
hunker {v} /ˈhʌŋkɚ/ (To crouch or squat close to the ground) :: s'accroupir
hunker down {v} (take shelter; prepare for an eventuality) :: se retrancher
Hunnic {adj} /ˈhʌnɪk/ (relating to the Huns) :: hunnique
Hunnic Empire {prop} :: Empire hunnique
Hunnish {prop} (Hunnic) SEE: Hunnic ::
Huns {n} /hʌnz/ (proper noun) :: Huns
hunt {v} /hʌnt/ (to chase down prey) :: chasser
hunt {v} (to search for something) :: chercher
hunt {n} (the act of hunting, shooting) :: chasse {f}
hunter {n} /ˈhʌntɚ/ (person who hunts game) :: chasseur {m}
hunter {n} (hunting dog) :: chien de chasse {m}
hunter {n} (hunting horse) :: cheval de chasse {m}
hunter {n} (person who searches for something) :: chercheur {m}, chercheuse {f}
hunter-gatherer {n} (person whose main food source is hunting and gathering) :: chasseur-cueilleur {m}
hunting {n} /ˈhʌntɪŋ/ (chasing and killing animals for sport or to use its parts) :: chasse {f}, vènerie {f}
hunting {n} (looking for something) :: chasse {f}
hunting dog {n} :: chien de chasse {m}
hunting ground {n} (area for hunting) :: terrain de chasse {m}
hunting horn {n} (bugle used during a hunt) :: trompe de chasse {f}, huchet {m}, cor de chasse {m}
hunting knife {n} (knife) :: couteau de chasse {m}
hunting whip {n} (whip with a hooked horn handle) :: le fouet de chasse
huntress {n} /ˈhʌntɹɪs/ (female who hunts) :: chasseresse {f}, chasseuse {f}
hural {n} (parliament or national congress in Mongolia) SEE: khural ::
hurdle {n} /ˈhɝdəl/ (artificial barrier over which people or horses jump in a race) :: haie {f}
hurdle {n} (perceived obstacle) :: obstacle {m}, barrière {f}
hurdle {n} (movable frame of wattled twigs) :: claie {f}
hurdy-gurdy {n} /ˈhɝː.diˌɡɝː.di/ (stringed instrument) :: vielle à roue {f}
hurdy-gurdy {n} (barrel organ) SEE: barrel organ ::
hurl {v} /hɝl/ (throw with force) :: projeter
hurl {v} (vomit) :: débecter, débecqueter
hurler {n} (pitcher) SEE: pitcher ::
hurler on the ditch {n} (opinionated person who offers advice) SEE: back-seat driver ::
Huron {n} :: Huron {m}
Huronian {adj} (all senses) :: huronien
hurrah {interj} /həˈɹɑː/ (expressing approval, appreciation, or happiness) :: hourra
hurrah {n} (a cheer; a cry of hurrah) :: hourra {m}
hurricane {n} /ˈhʌɹɪˌkeɪn/ (weather phenomenon) :: ouragan {m}
hurricane {n} (meteorology: a wind scale for quite strong wind) :: ouragan {m}
hurry {n} /ˈhʌ.ɹi/ (rushed action) :: précipitation {f}, hâte {f}
hurry {v} (to do things quickly) :: se dépêcher, se hâter
hurry up {v} (go faster) :: se dépêcher
hurt {v} /hɝt/ (to be painful) :: faire mal
hurt {v} (to cause physical pain and/or injury) :: blesser
hurt {v} (to cause emotional pain) :: faire mal, blesser
hurt {adj} (wounded, injured) :: blessé
hurtful {adj} (tending to hurt someone's feelings) :: blessant
hurtle {v} /hɝtl/ (To move rapidly, violently, or without control) :: s'élancer, foncer
hurt someone's feelings {v} (to offend someone) :: blesser, vexer
Hus {prop} (A Czech surname​) :: Hus
Husayn {prop} (Husayn) :: Hussein {m}
husband {n} /ˈhʌz.bənd/ (male partner in marriage) :: mari {m}, époux {m}
husband {v} (to conserve) :: ménager
husband and wife {n} (husband and wife, see also: married couple) :: mari et femme {m-p}
husbandry {n} /ˈhʌzb(ə)ndɹi/ (cultivation of crops and raising of livestock) :: agriculture {f}
husband stitch {n} :: point du mari
hush {n} /hʌʃ/ (silence) :: silence {f}
hush money {n} (bribe to maintain secrecy) :: pot-de-vin {m}, bakchich {m}
husk {n} /hʌsk/ (exterior of certain vegetables or fruits) :: écale {f}
husky {adj} /ˈhʌs.ki/ (hoarse and rough-sounding) :: rauque, enroué
husky {adj} :: enroué
husky {n} (Any of several breeds of dogs used as sled dogs) :: husky {m}
hussar {n} (light cavalry of any of several European armies) :: hussard {m}
Hussite {n} (follower) :: hussite {m} {f}
Hussitism {prop} (religious reform movement of the Bohemian Reformation) :: hussitisme {m}
hussy {n} ((obsolete) a housewife or housekeeper) SEE: housewife ::
hussy {n} /ˈhʌsi/ (a cheeky or disrespectful girl; a woman showing inappropriate or improper behaviour) :: pimbêche {f}, pécore {f}
hustle {v} /ˈhʌsəl/ (to rush or hurry) :: bousculer
hustle {n} (rush or hurry) :: bousculade
hustle and bustle {n} (activity) :: tourbillon d'activité, animation {m}, rumeur {f}, bruit {m}, vacarme {m}
hustler {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
hustler {n} /ˈhʌsləɹ/ (a pimp) :: mac
hustler {n} (a male prostitute who sells his services to men) :: giton {m}
hut {n} /hʌt/ (small wooden shed) :: hutte {f}
hut {n} (primitive dwelling) :: hutte {f}
hutch {n} /hʌtʃ/ (cage for rabbits) :: clapier {m}
hutong {n} (lane) SEE: lane ::
hutong {n} (alley) SEE: alley ::
hutong {n} /huːˈtʊŋ/ (a Chinese narrow lane/alley) :: hutong {m}
hutter {n} (someone who lives in a hut) :: huttier {m}
Hutterite {n} (a member of a communal branch of Anabaptists founded by Jakob Hutter) :: huttérite
hyacinth {n} /ˈhaɪəsɪnθ/ (plant of the genus Hyacinthus) :: jacinthe {f}
Hyacinth {prop} (Hyacinthus) SEE: Hyacinthus ::
Hyacinthus {prop} /ˌhaɪəˈsɪnθəs/ (a Spartan youth loved and accidentally killed by Apollo) :: Hyacinthe
hybrid {n} /ˈhaɪ.bɹɪd/ (biology: offspring resulting from crossbreeding) :: hybride {m} {f}
hybrid {n} (word derived from different languages) :: hybride {m} {f}
hybrid {adj} (consisting of diverse components) :: hybride {m} {f}
hybrid car {n} /ˈhaibɹidkɑː/ (hybrid electric vehicle) :: voiture hybride {f}
hybridization {n} /haɪ.bɹɪd.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (act of hybridizing) :: hybridation
hydathode {n} (tissue through which water is excreted) :: hydathode {m}
Hyderabad {prop} /ˈhaɪdəɹəbɑːd/ (capital of Telangana) :: Hyderābād
hydra {n} /ˈhaɪdɹə/ (any of several small freshwater polyps of the genus Hydra and related genera) :: hydre {f}
Hydra {prop} /ˈhaɪ̯dɹə/ (mythical serpent) :: Hydre de Lerne
Hydra {prop} (constellation) :: Hydre {f}
Hydra {prop} (one of Pluto's moons) :: Hydra, Hydre
hydrangea {n} /haɪˈdɹeɪnd͡ʒ(i)ə/ (shrub) :: hortensia {m}
hydrargyrum {n} /haɪˈdɹɑːd͡ʒɪɹəm/ (cognate translations of hydrargyrum — otherwise see mercury) :: hydrargyre {m}
hydrate {n} /ˈhaɪdɹeɪt/ (solid compound containing or linked to water molecules) :: hydrate {m}
hydration {n} /haɪˈdɹeɪʃən/ :: hydratation {f}
hydrator {n} (something that hydrates) :: hydrateur {m}
hydraulic {adj} /haɪˈdɹɔːlɪk/ (Having to do with water) :: hydraulique
hydraulic {adj} (Related to hydraulics) :: hydraulique
hydraulically {adv} (using hydraulics) :: hydrauliquement
hydraulic engineering {n} (sub-discipline of civil engineering concerned with water and sewage) :: génie hydraulique {m}
hydraulic fracturing {n} (technique in which a mixture of water and sand is forced down an oil well) :: fracturation hydraulique {f}, hydrofracturation {f}, fracking {m}
hydraulics {n} /haɪˈdɹɔːlɪks/ (engineering science that deals with liquid in motion) :: hydraulique {f}
hydrazide {n} (compound) :: hydrazide {m}
hydrazoic {adj} :: azothydrique
hydride {n} (compound of hydrogen) :: hydrure {m}
hydro- {prefix} /haɪdɹoʊ-/ (pertaining to water) :: hydro-
hydrobiology {n} (study of the biology of the organisms that inhabit bodies of water) :: hydrobiologie {f}
hydrocarbon {n} (compound of carbon and hydrogen) :: hydrocarbure {m}
hydrocephalus {n} (skull enlargement due to fluid) :: hydrocéphalie {f}
hydrochemistry {n} (part of hydrology) :: hydrochimie {f}
hydrochloric {adj} (relating to hydrochloric acid) :: chlorhydrique
hydrochloric acid {n} (strong acid made by dissolving the gas, hydrogen chloride) :: acide chlorhydrique, acide muriatique
hydrochloride {n} (hydrochloric acid with an organic base) :: chlorhydrate {m}
hydrocyanic acid {n} :: acide prussique {m}, acide cyanhydrique {m}
hydroelectric {adj} (that generates electricity by converting the energy of moving water) :: hydro-électrique
hydroelectric {adj} (relating to the electricity so produced) :: hydro-électrique
hydroelectric dam {n} (dam containing hydroelectric generators) :: barrage hydroélectrique
hydrofluoric {adj} (containing hydrogen and fluorine) :: fluorhydrique
hydrofoil {n} /ˈhaɪ.dɹoʊˌfɔɪl/ (wing) :: plan porteur {m}
hydrofoil {n} (vessel) :: hydroptère {m}
hydrofracking {n} (hydraulic fracturing) SEE: hydraulic fracturing ::
hydrogamy {n} (pollination by means of water) :: hydrogamie {f}
hydrogen {n} /ˈhaɪdɹədʒ(ə)n/ (chemical element) :: hydrogène {m}
hydrogen {n} (molecular hydrogen) :: hydrogène {m}
hydrogenate {v} /haɪˈdrɑdʒəneɪt/ (treat or react with hydrogen) :: hydrogéner
hydrogenated {adj} (that has been treated, or reacted with hydrogen) :: hydrogéné
hydrogenation {n} (the chemical reaction of hydrogen with another substance) :: hydrogénation {f}
hydrogen bomb {n} (thermonuclear bomb) :: bombe à hydrogène {f}
hydrogen chloride {n} (compound with the formula HCl) :: chlorure d'hydrogène {m}
hydrogen cyanide {n} :: cyanure d'hydrogène {m}
hydrogenous {adj} /haɪˈdɹɑdʒənəs/ (containing hydrogen) :: hydrogénique
hydrogen peroxide {n} (H2O2) :: peroxyde d'hydrogène {m}
hydrogen sulfide {n} /ˈhaɪdɹədʒən ˈsʌlfaɪd/ (H2S) :: sulfure d'hydrogène {m}, hydrogène sulfuré {m}
hydrogen vehicle {n} (any vehicle that uses hydrogen as its principal fuel) :: moteur à hydrogène
hydrogeochemistry {n} :: hydrogéochimie {f}
hydrogeology {n} (the geology of groundwater) :: hydrogéologie {f}
hydrographic {adj} (of or pertaining to hydrography) :: hydrographique
hydrography {n} (Measurement and description of navigable waters) :: hydrographie {f}
hydrological {adj} (pertaining to hydrology) :: hydrologique
hydrologist {n} /haɪˈdɹɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ (one who is skilled in or practises hydrology) :: hydrogiste {m} {f}
hydrology {n} (science related to water) :: hydrologie {f}
hydrolysis {n} (a chemical process of decomposition) :: hydrolyse {f}
hydrolyze {v} (subject to hydrolysis) :: hydrolyser
hydromancy {n} (divination by water or other liquid) :: hydromancie {f}
hydronym {n} /ˈhʌɪdɹənɪm/ (name of a body of water) :: hydronyme {m}
hydropathic {adj} (relating to hydropathy) :: hydropathe
hydrophilic {adj} (having an affinity for water) :: hydrophile
hydrophobic {adj} (of, or having, hydrophobia) :: hydrophobe
hydrophobic {adj} (lacking an affinity for water) :: hydrophobe
hydrophyte {n} /ˈhaɪdɹəfaɪt/ (plant that lives in or requires an abundance of water) :: hydrophyte {m}
hydroponics {n} /ˌhaɪdɹə(ʊ)ˈpɒnɪks/ (cultivation of plants in a nutrient solution) :: hydroponie {f}
hydroscience {n} :: hydroscience {f}
hydrosol {n} (sol in which the continuous phase is water) :: hydrosol {m}
hydrosphere {n} (waters of the Earth) :: hydrosphère {f}
hydrotaxis {n} (movement in response to water) :: hydrotropisme {m}, hydrotaxie {f}
hydrotherapy {n} (technique that uses water for the treatment of disease) :: hydrothérapie {f}
hydrotropism {n} (the movement of an organism either towards or away from water) :: hydrotropisme {m}, hydrotaxie {f}
hydroxide {n} /haɪ.ˈdɹɒks.aɪd/ (univalent anion) :: hydroxyde {m}
hydroxychloroquine {n} /haɪ̯ˌdɹɒksɪˈklɔɹəkwɪn/ :: hydroxychloroquine
hydroxyl {n} (-OH) :: hydroxyle {m}
Hydrus {prop} (constellation) :: Hydre mâle
hyena {n} /haɪˈiːnə/ (mammal) :: hyène {f}
Hygieia {prop} (Greek goddess of health, hygiene, cleanliness, and sanitation) :: Hygie
hygiene {n} /ˈhaɪˌdʒiːn/ (conditions and practices that promote and preserve health) :: hygiène {f}
hygienic {adj} /haɪˈdʒiːnɪk/ (pertaining to hygiene) :: hygiénique
hygienically {adv} (in a hygienic manner) :: hygiéniquement
hygro- {prefix} (moisture) :: hygro-
hygro- {prefix} (humidity) :: hygro-
hygrometer {n} (instrument that measures humidity) :: hygromètre {m}
hygrometric {adj} :: hygrométrique
hygrophanous {adj} :: hygrophane
hygroscope {n} (instrument that indicates changes in atmospheric humidity) :: hygroscope {m}
hygroscopic {adj} (readily taking up and retaining water) :: hygroscopique
hygroscopically {adv} (in a hygroscopic way) :: hygroscopiquement
hygroscopicity {n} (the state of being hygroscopic) :: hygroscopicité {f}
hygroscopicity {n} (the degree to which a substance is hygroscopic) :: hygroscopicité {f}
hygroscopy {n} (ability of a substance to attract and hold water) :: hygroscopie {f}
hylomorphism {n} (philosophical doctrine) :: hylémorphisme {m}
hylozoism {n} (belief) :: hylozoïsme {m}
hymen {n} /ˈhaɪmən/ (membrane which occludes the vagina) :: hymen {m}
hymeneal {adj} /hʌɪməˈniːəl/ (pertaining to marriage) :: hyménéen
hymeneal {adj} (pertaining to hymen) :: hyménal, hyménéal
hymenium {n} (spore bearing surface) :: hyménium {m}
hymenography {n} :: hyménographie {f}
hymenoplasty {n} :: hyménoplastie {f}
hymn {n} /hɪm/ (a song of praise or worship) :: hymne {m} {f}
hymnal {n} /ˈhɪmnəl/ (book or collection of hymns) :: cantionnaire {m}
hymnary {n} (book of hymns) SEE: hymnal ::
hymnbook {n} (book of hymns) SEE: hymnal ::
hyoid bone {n} (bone in the neck) :: os hyoïde {m}, os lingual {m}
hypallage {n} /hɪˈpælədʒi/ (literary device) :: hypallage {f}
hypanthium {n} (bottom part of a flower) :: hypanthe {m}
hype {n} /haɪp/ (promotion) :: matraquage publicitaire {m}, promotion {f}, propagande {f}
hype {v} (to promote) :: promouvoir
hyper- {prefix} /ˈhaɪpɚ/ :: hyper-
hyperactive {adj} /ˈhaɪp.ə(ɹ)ˌæk.tɪv/ (having an increased state of activity) :: hyperactif
hyperactivity {n} (Quality of being hyperactive) :: hyperactivité {f}
hyperacusis {n} (heightened sensitivity to some sounds) :: hyperacousie {f}
hyperandrogenism {n} /haɪpəɹanˈdɹɒdʒənɪzəm/ :: hyperandrogénisme {m}
hyperarid {adj} (extremely arid, with an w:aridity aridity index of less than 0.05) :: hyperaride
hyperbaric {adj} (of, relating to, or utilizing greater than normal pressure) :: hyperbare
hyperbaton {n} /haɪˈpɜːbətɒn/ (grammar) :: hyperbate {f}
hyperbola {n} /haɪˈpɝbələ/ (geometric curve) :: hyperbole {f}
hyperbole {n} /haɪˈpɝːbəli/ (rhetorical device) :: hyperbole {f}
hyperbolic {adj} /ˌhaɪpɚˈbɑlɪk/ (exaggerated) :: hyperbolique {m} {f}
hyperbolic {adj} (pertaining to a mathematical hyperbola) :: hyperbolique
hyperbolical {adj} (hyperbolic) SEE: hyperbolic ::
hyperbolic cosine {n} (hyperbolic function) :: cosinus hyperbolique {m}
hyperbolic sine {n} (hyperbolic function) :: sinus hyperbolique
hypercapnia {n} (condition of having an abnormally high concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood) :: hypercapnie {f}
hypercatalectic {adj} (having an extra syllable) :: hypercatalectique
hypercomplex {adj} :: hypercomplexe
hypercorrection {n} /ˌhaɪ.pɚ.kəˈɹɛk.ʃən/ (nonstandard language use that results from the over-application of a perceived prescriptive rule) :: hypercorrection {f}
hyperesthesia {n} (unusual sensitivity) :: hyperesthésie {f}
hypergamy {n} (hypergamy) :: hypergamie {f}
hypergeometric distribution {n} (probability distribution) :: loi hypergéométrique {f}
hyperglycemia {n} (unusually high concentration of sugar in the blood) :: hyperglycémie {f}
hyperglycemic {adj} :: hyperglycémiant
hyperhidrosis {n} /haɪpəɹhaɪˈdɹoʊsɪs/ (a medical condition) :: hyperhidrose
Hyperion {prop} /haɪˈpɪɹi.ən/ (a Titan, the son of Gaia and Uranus) :: Hypérion {m}
hyperkalemia {n} (the condition of having an abnormally high concentration of potassium ions in the blood) :: hyperkaliémie {f}
hyperkinesis {n} /ˌhaɪpə(ɹ)kɪˈniːsɪs/ (a condition characterized by hyperactivity) :: hyperkinésie {f}, trouble hyperkinétique {m}
hyperkinetic {adj} (of, relating to, or affected with hyperkinesis or hyperactivity) :: hyperkinétique
hyperkinetic disorder {n} (developmental disorder) :: hyperkinésie {f}, trouble hyperkinétique {m}
hyperlink {n} (link from one electronic document to another) :: hyperlien {m}
hyperlink {n} (area on a Web page) :: lien {m}, lien hypertexte, hyperlien {m}
hyperlink {v} (to point to another document by a hyperlink) :: être lié (à), pointer (sur), contenir un lien (vers) {m}, être hyperlié (à)
hyperlink {v} (to add a hyperlink to a document) :: lier (à), ajouter un lien (vers), hyperlier (à)
hypermarket {n} (combination of department store and supermarket) :: hypermarché
hypermedia {n} (use of text, data, graphics, audio and video) :: hypermédia {f}
hypermetric {adj} (having a redundant syllable) :: hypermètre
hypermetropia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: farsightedness ::
hypernatremia {n} /ˌhaɪ.pɚ.nəˈtɹi.mi.ə/ (abnormally high concentration of sodium in blood plasma) :: hypernatrémie {f}
hypernatremic {adj} /ˌhaɪ.pɚ.nəˈtɹi.mɪk/ (having an abnormally high concentration of sodium in blood plasma) :: hypernatrémique {m} {f}
hypernova {n} (the gravitational collapse of a massive star to form a black hole) :: hypernova {f}
hypernucleus {n} (nucleus with hyperon) :: hypernoyau {m}
hypernym {n} /ˈhaɪpɚnɪm/ (superordinate grouping word) :: hyperonyme {m}
hypernymic {adj} :: hyperonymique {m} {f}
hypernymous {adj} :: hyperonymique {m} or {f}
hypernymy {n} :: hyperonymie {f}
hyperon {n} (baryon with nonzero strangeness) :: hypéron {m}
hyperonym {n} (hypernym) SEE: hypernym ::
hyperopia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: farsightedness ::
hyperphenylalaninemia {n} (medical condition) :: hyperphénylalaninémie {f}
hyperplane {n} (an n-dimensional generalization of a plane) :: hyperplan {m}
hyperpower {n} (international hegemon) :: hyperpuissance
hypersecretion {n} (excessive secretion) :: hypersécrétion {f}
hypersensitivity {n} (heightened immune response to an antigen) :: hypersensibilité {f}
hypersexuality {n} (extreme libido) :: hypersexualité {f}
hypersoft {n} (motorsports) :: hypertendre
hypersomnia {n} (a state of drowsiness or sleepiness) :: hypersomnie {f}
hypersonic {adj} (five times the speed of sound) :: hypersonique
hyperspace {n} (notional space in science fiction) :: hyperespace {m}
hypersphere {n} (the points of a hyperspace at the same distance from a given point) :: hypersphère
hyperstatic {adj} (statically indeterminate) :: hyperstatique
hyperstaticity {n} (condition of being hyperstatic) :: hyperstatisme {m}
hypertension {n} (abnormally high blood pressure) :: hypertension {f}
hypertensive {adj} (of or pertaining to, or causing hypertension) :: hypertensif, hypertenseur
hypertensive {n} :: hypertendu {m}
hypertext {n} /ˈhaɪpəɹˌtɛkst/ (uncountable: text for the Web) :: hypertexte {m}
hypertext {n} (countable: hypertext document) :: document {m} hypertexte {m}
hypertextual {adj} (of or relating to hypertext) :: hypertextuel
hyperthermia {n} (medical condition) :: hyperthermie
hyperthermophile {n} :: hyperthermophile {m}
hyperthymesia {n} /ˌhaɪ.pə.θaɪˈmiː.zi.ə/ (rare condition in which an individual possesses a superior autobiographical memory) :: hyperthymésie {f}
hypertrophic {adj} /hʌɪpəˈtɹɒfɪk/ (pertaining to hypertrophy) :: hypertrophique
hypertrophy {n} /haɪˈpɝːtɹəfi/ (an increase in the size of an organ due to swelling of the individual cells) :: hypertrophie {f}
hypertrophy {v} (to increase in size) :: s'hypertrophier
hyperventilation {n} /ˌhaɪpɚˌvɛntəˈleɪʃən/ (the state of breathing faster) :: hyperventilation
hypervitaminemia {n} :: hypervitaminémie {f}
hypervolemic {adj} (of or pertaining to hypervolemia) :: hypervolémique
hypha {n} (filament that forms the mycelium of a fungus) :: hyphe {f}
hyphen {n} /ˈhaɪ.fən/ (symbol used to join words or to indicate a word has been split) :: trait d'union {m}, tiret {m}
hyphenate {v} /ˈhʌɪf(ə)neɪt/ (to break a word at the end of a line according to the hyphenation rules) :: mettre la césure
hyphenation {n} /ˌhaɪfəˈneɪʃən/ (inclusion and location of hyphens) :: césure {f}
hypnagogic {adj} /hɪpnəˈɡɒdʒɪk/ (that induces sleep) :: hypnagogique
hypnagogic {adj} (that accompanies falling asleep) :: hypnagogique
hypno- {prefix} /hɪpnoʊ-/ (sleep) :: hypno-
Hypnos {prop} /ˈhɪpnɒs/ (Hypnos, the Greek god of sleep) :: Hypnos
hypnosis {n} /hɪpˈnoʊsɪs/ (a trancelike state) :: hypnose {f}
hypnosis {n} (art or skill of hypnotism) SEE: hypnotism ::
hypnotic {adj} /hɪpˈnɒtɪk/ (of or relating to hypnosis or hypnotism) :: hypnotique
hypnotic {adj} (inducing sleep; soporific) :: hypnotique, narcotique
hypnotise {v} (hypnotise) SEE: hypnotize ::
hypnotism {n} (hypnotism) :: hypnotisme
hypnotist {n} /ˈhɪpnətɪst/ (person who uses hypnotism) :: hypnotiseur {m}, hypnotiseuse {f}
hypnotization {n} (act or process of producing hypnotism) :: hypnotisation {f}
hypnotize {v} /ˈhɪpnətaɪ̯z/ (To induce somebody into a state of hypnosis) :: hypnotiser
hypnotized {adj} (under hypnosis) :: hypnotisé
hypo- {prefix} /ˈhaɪpəʊ/ :: hypo-
hypoandrogenic {adj} :: hypoandrogénique
hypobromite {n} (any salt or ester of hypobromous acid) :: hypobromite {?}
hypocapnia {n} (state of reduced carbon dioxide in the blood) :: hypocapnie {f}
hypocaust {n} (underground heating system for a bath) :: hypocauste {m}
hypochondria {n} (psychological disorder) :: hypocondrie {f}
hypochondriac {adj} /ˌhaɪpoʊˈkɑːndɹiæk/ (affected by hypochondria) :: hypocondriaque, [dated] hypocondre {m} {f}
hypochondriac {adj} (related to the hypochondrium) :: hypocondriaque {m} {f}
hypochondriac {n} (person affected with hypochondria) :: hypocondriaque {m} {f}
hypochondriasis {n} (excessive fear of or preoccupation with a serious illness) :: hypocondrie
hypochondrium {n} (upper region of the abdomen) :: hypocondre {m}
hypocorism {n} /haɪˈpɒkəˌɹɪz(ə)m/ (term of endearment) :: hypocoristique
hypocorism {n} (baby talk) SEE: baby talk ::
hypocoristic {adj} /ˌhaɪpəkəˈɹɪstɪk/ (relating to a nickname, usually indicating intimacy) :: hypocoristique
hypocretin {n} /ˌhaɪ.poʊˈkɹiː.tən/ :: hypocrétine {f}
hypocrisy {n} /hɪˈpɑkɹəsi/ (claim, pretense, or false representation of holding beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not actually possess) :: hypocrisie {f}, faux-culterie {f} [pejorative, familiar], tartuferie {f}, tartufferie {f}
hypocrite {n} /ˈhɪ.pə.kɹɪt/ (person practising hypocrisy) :: hypocrite {m} {f}, pharisien {m}, pharisienne {f}, tartufe {m} {f}, tartuffe {m} {f}
hypocritical {adj} /hɪpəˈkɹɪtɪkəl/ (characterized by hypocrisy or being a hypocrite) :: hypocrite
hypocycloid {n} (locus) :: hypocycloïde {f}
hypodermic {adj} /ˌhaɪpəˈdɝmɪk/ (under the dermis) :: hypodermique {m} {f}
hypogamy {n} (hypogamy) :: hypogamie {f}
hypogastric {adj} (of or pertaining the hypogastrium) :: hypogastrique
hypogeum {n} /hʌɪpəˈd͡ʒiːəm/ (underground vault) :: hypogée {m}
hypoglycemia {n} (low level of blood glucose) :: hypoglycémie
hypohydration {n} (dehydration) SEE: dehydration ::
hypolactasia {n} :: hypolactasie {f}
hypomagnesemia {n} (the condition of having an abnormally low concentration of magnesium ions in the blood) :: hypomagnésémie {f}
hypomere {n} (a part that the walls of a pleuroperitoneal cavity grow) :: hypomère {m}
hyponatremia {n} /ˌhʌɪ.pəʊ.nəˈtɹiː.mi.ə/ (A low concentration of sodium) :: hyponatrémie
hyponym {n} /ˈhaɪ.poʊ.nɪm/ (more specific word) :: hyponyme {m}
hyponymic {adj} :: hyponymique {m} {f}
hyponymous {adj} :: hyponymique {m} {f}
hyponymy {n} :: hyponymie {f}
hypophosphatemia {n} (abnormally low blood phosphate level) :: hypophosphatémie {f}
hypophysial {adj} (related to hypophysis) :: hypophysaire {m} {f}
hypophysis {n} /haɪˈpɒfɪsɪs/ (gland) :: hypophyse {f}
hypophysitis {n} (inflammation of the lungs) :: hypophysite
hypopituitarism {n} /ˌhaɪpəʊpɪˈt(j)uːɪtəˌɹɪzəm/ (decrease in secretion of one or more of the eight hormones normally produced by the pituitary gland) :: hypopituitarisme
hypoplasia {n} (being hypoplastic) :: hypoplasie {f}
hypoptilum {n} (aftershaft) SEE: aftershaft ::
hyporachis {n} (downy lower barbs of a feather) SEE: afterfeather ::
hyporeflexia {n} (absence of normal reflexes) :: hyporéflexie {f}
hypostasis {n} /haɪˈpɑstəsɪs/ (sedimentary deposit) :: hypostase {f}
hypostasis {n} (essential person, the single person of Christ) :: hypostase {f}
hypostasis {n} (inherent reality or substance) :: hypostase {f}
hypostasis {n} (postmortem lividity; livor mortis; suggillation) SEE: livor mortis ::
hypostyle {adj} (architecture: having a roof supported on a row of columns) :: hypostyle
hypotension {n} (disease of abnormally low blood pressure) :: hypotension {f}
hypotensive {adj} :: hypotendu, hypotendu
hypotenuse {n} /haɪˈpɑt̬ənus/ (The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle) :: hypoténuse {f}
hypothalamic {adj} (pertaining to the hypothalamus) :: hypothalamique
hypothalamus {n} (a region of the brain, below the thalamus) :: hypothalamus {m}
hypothecarily {adv} :: hypothécairement
hypothecate {v} /hʌɪˈpɒθɪkeɪt/ (pledge as surety) :: hypothéquer
hypothenar {n} /haɪˈpɒθɪnə/ (ulnar side of the palm) :: hypothénar {m}
hypothermia {n} (medical condition) :: hypothermie {f}
hypothermic {adj} (affected by hypothermia) :: hypothermique
hypothesis {n} /haɪˈpɒθɪsɪs/ (tentative conjecture in science) :: hypothèse {f}
hypothesis {n} :: hypothèse {f}
hypothesize {v} (to believe or assert) :: émettre l'hypothèse, faire l'hypothèse, supposer
hypothetical {adj} /ˌhaɪpəˈθɛtɪkl/ (based upon a hypothesis) :: hypothétique
hypothetically {adv} (in a hypothetical way) :: hypothétiquement
hypothyroidism {n} /ˌhaɪpəˈθaɪɹɔɪˌdɪzəm/ (disease state) :: hypothyroïdisme {m}
hypotraceable {adj} (hypohamiltonian) :: hypohamiltonien
hypotrochoid {n} /ˌhaɪ.poʊˈtɹoʊ.kɔɪd/ (geometric curve) :: hypotrochoïde {f}
hypovolemic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characterized by low volume of blood in the circulatory system) :: hypovolémique
hypoxemia {n} (abnormal deficiency in the concentration of oxygen in the blood) :: hypoxémie {f}
hypoxia {n} (condition in which tissues are deprived of oxygen) :: hypoxie
hyraceum {n} /haɪˈreɪsiəm/ :: hyraceum, pierre d'Afrique
hyrax {n} /ˈhaɪ.ɹæks/ (mammal of the order Hyracoidea) :: daman {m}
hysterectomy {n} /hɪstəˈɹɛktəmi/ (surgical removal of the uterus or part thereof) :: hystérectomie {f}
hysteresis {n} (a property of a system) :: hystérèse {f}, hystérésis {m}
hysteria {n} /hɨˈstɛɹijə/ (behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion) :: hystérie {f}
hysteric {n} /hɪsˈtɛɹɪk/ :: hystérique {m} {f}
hysterical {adj} /hɪˈstɛɹɪkəl/ (provoking laughter) :: hystérique, tordant
hystericize {v} (to make hysterical) :: hystériser
hysterics {n} (hysteria) :: crise des nerfs {f}
hysterocystic {adj} :: hystérocystique