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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-h

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
H {letter} :: letter: ache
hab {mf} :: clipping of habitant, habitante
hab {mf} :: clipping of habitude
Habacuc {prop} {m} :: Habakkuk (book)
Habacuc {prop} {m} :: Habakkuk (prophet)
Habaquq {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Habacuc
habile {adj} :: adroit, skillful
habile {adj} :: slick, nifty
habilement {adv} :: skilfully
habileté {f} :: capacity of doing something well with hands; dexterity
habileté {f} [figurative] :: skill, capacity to do a task well, not necessarily manual work
habilitation {f} :: habilitation
habiliter {v} :: to habilitate
habillage {m} :: dressing
habillage {m} :: lining
habillage {m} [cooking] :: preparing (various types of food to be cooked)
habillage {m} [computing, graphical user interface] :: skin (set of resources that modifies the appearance)
habillé {adj} :: smart; formal
habillé comme la chienne à Jacques {adj} [Quebec, simile] :: Dressed very poorly and with little fashion sense, especially if wearing old clothes
habillement {m} :: clothing
habillement {m} :: vestment
habiller {vt} :: to dress
habiller {vp} :: to get dressed
habiller {vp} :: to dress in a certain fashion
habilleur {m} :: dresser (person who helps actors put on their costume)
habilleuse {f} :: dresser (in the theatre)
habit {m} :: article of clothing, garment, dress-coat, evening dress, tails, full dress
habitabilité {f} :: habitability
habitabilité {f} :: seating capacity (of a car)
habitable {adj} :: habitable, inhabitable
habitacle {m} [literary] :: habitation, dwelling
habitacle {m} [nautical] :: binnacle
habitacle {m} [aviation] :: cockpit
habitacle {m} :: interior (of a car)
habitant {m} :: An inhabitant of some place
habitant {m} [Quebec, pejorative] :: Someone who has a poor understanding of social conventions, making them look backward
habitant {m} [Quebec, dated or pejorative] :: Anybody from a rural or recently colonized area
habitant {m} [Canada, historical] :: A member of the habitation colony at Stadacona founded by Samuel de Champlain, where Quebec City now lies
habitant {m} [Quebec, colloquial] :: Montreal Canadiens hockey club or supporter of Montreal Canadiens hockey club
habitant {m} [Louisiana French] :: A farmer
habitante {f} :: feminine noun of habitant
habitat {m} :: habitat
habitation {f} :: dwelling (a place or house in which a person lives)
habitation {f} :: inhabitation (act of inhabiting)
habitation {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: farm, plantation, ranch
habiter {vt} :: To live in, to occupy (to have as a home.)
habiter {vi} :: To live (in)
habitronique {adj} :: (of electronics) wearable
habitude {f} :: habit (action done on a regular basis)
habitué {m} :: a regular, a denizen (a frequent customer)
habituel {adj} :: customary, habitual
habituellement {adv} :: usually, habitually
habituer {vt} :: to get someone in the habit (of)
habituer {vr} [obsolete] :: to settle
habituer {vr} :: to get used to something
hâbler {vit} [archaic, rare] :: to speak, talk
hâblerie {f} :: exaggeration, boast
hâbleur {adj} :: boastful, bragging
hâbleur {m} :: braggart, boaster
habous {m} [Islam, legal] :: habous
Habs {prop} {m} [Canada] :: a member of the Montreal Canadiens
Habs {prop} {m} [Canada] :: the Montreal Canadiens hockey club
habsbourgeois {adj} :: Habsburg (attributive)
habundance {f} :: obsolete spelling of abondance
háček {m} :: háček
hache {f} :: axe
hacher {v} :: to chop up, mince
hacher {v} [dated] :: to split with an axe
hacher {v} [rare] :: to cut roughly and unequally
hacher {v} [formal] :: to cut or hit repeatedly with something sharp; to slash
hacher {v} [formal, rare] :: to speak or write with a very unequal or irregular style or rhythm
hachereau {f} :: A small axe
hachette {f} :: hatchet
hacheur {m} :: chopper (tool, electronic switch)
hachis {m} :: hash
hachisch {m} :: alternative form of haschich
hachis parmentier {m} :: shepherd's pie
hachoir {m} :: meatgrinder
hachoir {m} :: mezzaluna (crescent-shaped blade)
hachure {f} :: A crosshatching line
hachure {f} [cartography] :: A mapping hachure or the technique itself
hachure {f} [rare] :: Something minced
hachurer {v} :: to hachure
hacienda {f} :: hacienda
hackathon {m} :: hackathon
hacker {m} [computing] :: hacker
hacker {v} [computing] :: To hack
hackeur {m} :: hacker
hackeuse {f} :: feminine singular of hackeur
hacking {m} :: hacking
hacktiviste {mf} :: hacktivist
hadal {adj} :: hadal
Hadès {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Hades (deity)
hadidou {m} :: A traditional Berber dance
hadj {m} [Islam] :: hajj
hadji {m} :: hajji
hadopélagique {adj} :: hadopelagic
Hadopi {adj} :: HADOPI (attributive)
HADOPI {prop} {f} [Internet] :: acronym of Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des œuvres et la protection des droits sur Internet (a French organisation for protecting intellectual property on the Internet)
hadopisme {m} [legal, Internet] :: A defense based on the HADOPI laws
Hadrien {prop} :: Hadrian
hadronique {adj} [physics] :: hadronic
hæmaturie {f} :: obsolete form of hématurie
hæmoglobine {f} :: obsolete form of hémoglobine
hæmorragie {f} :: obsolete form of hémorragie
hæmorrhagie {f} :: obsolete form of hémorragie
hæresie {f} :: obsolete form of hérésie
hæretique {adj} :: obsolete form of hérétique
hæretique {mf} :: obsolete form of hérétique
hæsiter {v} :: obsolete form of hésiter
hafézien {adj} :: Hafezian
hafnium {m} :: hafnium
hagar {v} [slang] :: to hit, punch (not conjugated)
hagar {v} [slang] :: to humiliate
hagard {adj} :: haggard
hagardement {adv} :: haggardly
haggis {m} :: haggis
hagiographe {m} :: hagiographer
hagiographie {f} :: hagiography (study of saints)
hagiographie {f} :: biography of a saint or saints
hagiographique {adj} :: hagiographic
hagiologie {f} :: hagiology
hagiologique {adj} :: hagiological
haha {interj} :: ha-ha (imitative of laughter)
haha {m} :: ha-ha (ditch acting as a sunken fence)
haie {f} :: hedge
haie {f} [sports] :: obstacle
haie {f} [athletics] :: hurdle
haie {f} [horse racing] :: fence
haie {f} :: line, row (of spectators etc.)
haïe {interj} :: A wagoner's cry to make their horses move faster; giddyup
haïkiste {mf} :: a haikuist, a haiku writer
haiku {m} :: alternative spelling of haïku
haïku {m} :: haiku (Japanese poem)
haillon {m} :: rag
haillonneux {adj} :: ragged
Hainaut {prop} {m} :: Hainaut (province)
haine {f} :: hatred; hate
haineusement {adv} :: hatefully
haineux {adj} :: hateful (full of hate)
haïr {vt} :: to hate
haire {f} :: hairshirt
haïssable {adj} :: hatable, detestable; worthy of being hated
haïssable {adj} [chiefly Quebec] :: insufferable; unbearable
haïsseur {m} :: one who hates; a hater
haïsseuse {f} :: feminine noun of haïsseur
Haïti {prop} {m} :: Haïti (country)
haïtien {adj} :: Haitian (of or pertaining to Haiti or its people or culture)
haïtien {m} :: Haitian, the Haitian language
Haïtien {m} :: a Haitian
Haïtienne {f} :: feminine noun of Haïtien
haja {f} [slang] :: trouble, problems, difficulties
hajjam {m} [Morocco] :: (traditional) barber
hakapik {m} [weapons] :: Hakapik
halage {m} :: haulage
halbrené {adj} :: ragged, tattered
halde {f} :: spoil heap (of a mine)
hâle {m} :: suntan
hâlé {adj} :: sunburnt
hale-bas {m} [nautical] :: boom vang
haleine {f} :: breath
haleine {f} :: breathing, respiration
halener {vt} :: to scent (detect the scent of another)
halener {vt} :: to exhale
haler {v} :: to haul, tow
hâler {vt} :: to tan (cause skin to go brown)
hâler {vr} :: to catch a tan, to get a tan
hâler {vr} :: to sunbathe
hâler {vt} [dated, of plants] :: to dry out
haletant {adj} :: breathless
halètement {m} :: pant; puff
haleter {v} :: to pant (To breathe heavily)
haleur {m} :: hauler (one who tows a line, especially on a boat)
halieutique {adj} :: halieutic (of or relating to fishing or fisheries)
halieutique {mf} :: halieutics (fisheries science)
halieutiquement {adv} :: halieutically
halitose {f} [pathology] :: halitosis
hall {m} :: hall
hall {m} :: lobby
hallali {m} :: halloo (hunting cry)
halle {f} :: hall
halle {f} :: covered market or similar building
hallebarde {f} :: halberd
hallebardier {m} :: halberdier
hallebardière {f} :: feminine noun of hallebardier
hallier {m} :: shrubbery
Halloween {f} :: Halloween
halloysite {f} [mineral] :: halloysite
hallucinant {adj} :: hallucinatory
hallucinant {adj} :: mindblowing
hallucination {f} :: hallucination
hallucinatoire {adj} :: hallucinatory
halluciner {v} :: to hallucinate
halluciner {v} [colloquial] :: to be flabbergasted
hallucinogène {adj} :: hallucinogenic
hallucinogène {m} :: hallucinogenic
halo {m} :: Halo (atmospheric phenomenon)
halo {m} :: Similar visual effect resulting from undesirable, roughly circular spots on an imperfectly developed photograph
halocarbure {m} [organic chemistry] :: halocarbon (halogenated hydrocarbon)
haloforme {m} [organic chemistry] :: haloform
halogénant {adj} :: halogenating
halogénation {f} [organic chemistry] :: halogenation
halogéné {adj} [chemistry] :: halogenated
halogène {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: halogen
halogéner {vt} :: to halogenate
halogénoalcane {m} [organic chemistry] :: haloalkane
halogénohydrique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrohalic
halogénure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: halide
halogènure {m} :: alternative form of halogénure
halographie {f} :: halography
haloïde {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: halide (attributive)
hâloir {m} :: drying room (either for hemp or for some cheeses)
halophile {adj} :: halophilic
halophile {m} :: halophile
halorhodopsine {f} [protein] :: halorhodopsin
halouf {m} :: pork (bears a religious connotation, since pork bears a negative connotation in Islamic cultures)
halouf {m} [slang] :: pig, bacon (police)
halte {f} :: halt, pause, break
halte {f} :: (by extension) halting place
halte {f} :: (railroad) flag stop, way station
halte {interj} :: halt, stop!
halte-chaleur {f} :: A warming centre
halte-garderie {f} :: a part-time nursery or daycare centre for toddlers in France and Belgium as opposed to a crèche which is a more longterm establishment
haltère {m} :: dumbbell, barbell
haltère {m} :: weight
haltère {m} [entomology] :: halter, haltere
haltérophile {mf} :: weightlifter
haltérophilie {f} :: weightlifting
halva {m} :: halva
Hama {prop} :: Hama (city)
hamac {m} :: hammock
hamamélis {m} :: the witch hazel plant
hamamélis {m} :: witch hazel, an astringent compound derived from this shrub
Hambourg {prop} :: Hambourg (the second-largest <<city>> in <<c/Germany>>)
Hambourg {prop} :: Hambourg (a <<state>> of <<c/Germany>> containing the city of the same name)
hambourgeois {m} [Quebec, dated] :: hamburger
hambourgeois {adj} [attributive] :: Hamburg
Hambourgeois {m} :: Hamburger (someone from the German city Hamburg)
Hambourgeoise {f} :: feminine noun of Hambourgeois
hamburger {m} :: hamburger
hamdanide {adj} :: Hamdanid
hameau {m} :: hamlet
hameçon {m} :: fish-hook
hameçonnage {m} [Internet] :: Phishing; a phishing scam
hami {adj} :: hot
hamiltonien {adj} :: Hamiltonian
hammam {m} :: hammam (communal bathhouse in Islamic countries)
hammam {m} :: Turkish bath
hammudite {adj} :: Hammudid (attributive)
Hamon {prop} :: surname
hampe {f} :: pole (for flag etc.; shaft (of lance)
hampe {f} :: downstroke, upstroke (of letter)
hampe {f} [botany] :: scape
hampe {f} :: flank (of beef)
hampe {f} :: breast (of stag)
hamster {m} :: hamster
Hanako {prop} :: given name
hanap {m} [historical] :: (lidded) goblet, hanap
hanbalite {adj} [Islam] :: Hanbali
hanche {f} :: hip
hanche {f} :: coxa
hand {m} :: handball
handball {m} [sport] :: handball
handballeur {m} :: handball player
handballeuse {f} :: feminine noun of handballeur
handibasket {m} [sports] :: wheelchair basketball
handicap {m} :: handicap
handicap {m} :: disability
handicapant {adj} :: disabling
handicapé {adj} :: disabled, handicapped
handicapé {m} :: handicapped person
handicaper {v} :: to handicap (to encumber with a handicap)
handisport {m} [France, sport] :: parasport (disabled sport, disability sport)
handisport {m} [France, sport, by restriction] :: sport for physical disabilities
hand spinner {m} :: fidget spinner
hanéfisme {m} [Islam] :: Hanafism
hanéfite {adj} [Islam] :: Hanafist
hanéfite {mf} [Islam] :: Hanafist
hangar {m} :: shed, barn, warehouse
hangar {m} :: hangar (aircraft)
hangeul {m} :: Hangeul (Korean phonetic script)
hanneton {m} :: cockchafer, June bug [US]
hanneton {m} [figuratively] :: scatterbrain
Hanoï {prop} {f} :: Hanoï (capital city)
Hanoukka {prop} {f} :: Hanukkah (the Jewish festival)
hanout {m} [archaeology] :: sepulchral chamber in a rock mass, hypogeum
hanout {m} [slang] :: shop, store
Hanovre {prop} :: Hanover (city)
hanovrien {adj} :: relating to Hanover, Hanoverian
Hanovrien {m} :: person from Hanover, Germany
Hanovrienne {f} :: feminine noun of Hanovrien
hanséatique {adj} :: Hanseatic
hanter {v} :: to haunt
hanter {v} :: to frequent
hantise {f} :: haunting
hantise {f} :: Condition of being haunted, or made uneasy
hantologie {f} :: hauntology
haoussa {m} :: Hausa (language)
HAP {m} [organic chemistry] :: initialism of hydrocarbure aromatique polycyclique PAH
hapax {m} [linguistics, lexicography] :: hapax, hapax legomenon
hapchot {m} [regional] :: hatchet, small axe (as traditionally used in Landes of Gascony)
haplodiploïde {adj} [biology] :: haplodiploid
haplogroupe {m} [genetics] :: haplogroup
haploïde {adj} :: haploid
haploïde {m} :: haploid organism
haploïdie {f} [genetics] :: haploidy
haplologie {f} [linguistics] :: haplology
haplotype {m} [genetics] :: haplotype
happening {m} :: happening
happer {vt} :: to grab, snatch, snap up
happy end {m} :: happy ending
haptène {m} [immunology] :: hapten
hapticité {f} [chemistry] :: hapticity
haptique {adj} :: haptic
haptique {f} :: haptics
haptogène {adj} :: haptogenic
haptonème {m} [biology] :: haptonema
haptonomie {f} :: haptonomy
haquet {m} :: dray
hara-kiri {m} :: hara-kiri (suicide by ripping open the stomach)
harangue {f} :: harangue
haranguer {v} :: to harangue
haranguer {v} :: to excite, to rile up (especially a crowd)
harapéen {adj} :: Harappan
haras {m} :: stud farm (establishment for selectively breeding livestock)
harassant {adj} :: exhausting
harassement {m} :: exhaustion
harasser {v} :: to exhaust, to wear out
Haratin {m} :: Haratin
Haraucourt {prop} :: surname
harcelant {adj} :: harassing, nagging
harcèlement {m} :: harassment
harcèlement sexuel {m} :: sexual harassment
harceler {v} :: to hassle; to bother; to disrupt
harceleur {adj} :: harassing
harceleur {m} :: harasser
harceleuse {f} :: feminine noun of harceleur
hard {adj} [of pornography] :: hardcore
hard {m} :: hardcore pornography
hard {m} :: hard rock
harde {f} :: herd (of deer)
harde {f} :: pack (of dogs)
harde {f} [in the plural] :: rags
Hardenne {prop} [Belgian] :: Ardennes; alternative form of Ardennes
Hardenne {prop} :: surname
harder {v} :: To harness together (hunting dogs etc)
hardes {fp} [plurale tantum, pejorative, literary] :: old clothes, rags
hardeur {m} [slang] :: (hardcore) male porn star
hardeuse {f} [slang] :: (hardcore) female porn star
hardi {adj} :: bold; courageous; daring
hardiesse {f} :: boldness, daring
hardiesse {f} :: audacity
hardiment {adv} :: boldly; daringly
hardware {m} [computing] ::  hardware
Harel {prop} :: surname
hareng {m} :: herring
harengère {f} :: fishwife (all senses)
hareng saur {m} :: kipper (cured herring)
harfang {m} :: snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus)
harfang des neiges {m} :: snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus)
hargne {f} :: relentlessness; aggressiveness
hargneusement {adv} :: belligerently, aggressively
hargneux {adj} :: aggressive
haricot {m} [vegetable] :: bean, green bean
haricot {m} :: a stew of lamb and vegetables
haricot blanc {m} :: navy bean; white pea bean
haricot de mouton {m} :: a traditional French dish composed of diced lamb ragout
haricot rouge {m} :: kidney bean
haricot vert {m} :: green bean
haridelle {f} :: nag (pejorative term for horse)
harki {m} :: Harki
Harki {m} :: Harki
Harmaguédon {prop} :: Armageddon
harmolodie {f} [music] :: harmolodics
harmonica {m} :: harmonica
harmoniciste {mf} :: harmonicist
harmonie {f} [music or figuratively] :: harmony
harmonieusement {adv} :: harmoniously
harmonieux {adj} :: harmonious
harmonie vocalique {f} [phonology] :: vowel harmony
harmonique {adj} :: harmonic (pertaining to harmony)
harmoniquement {adv} :: harmonically
harmonisation {f} :: harmonization
harmoniser {v} :: to harmonize
harmonographe {m} :: harmonograph
harnachement {m} :: harness
harnachement {m} :: trappings
harnacher {vt} :: to harness
harnais {m} :: harness
harnois {m} :: alternative form of harnais
haro {interj} :: cry for help
haro {interj} :: cry of a huntsman to excite the hounds
haro {m} :: hue (cry)
haro {m} :: outcry
harpagon {m} :: A very miserly and selfish person
harpagonne {f} :: feminine singular of harpagon
harpaye {m} :: western marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus)
harpe {f} [musical instruments] :: harp (musical instrument)
harper {vit} :: to grasp forcefully
harpie {f} :: harpy (winged monster)
harpie {f} [pejorative] :: a shrew, a harridan, a harpy
harpie {f} :: harpy eagle, Harpia harpyja
harpiste {mf} :: harpist
harpon {m} :: harpoon (spearlike weapon)
harponner {v} :: to harpoon
harponneur {m} :: harpooner
hart {f} [archaic] :: cord, rope; halter (hangman's rope)
hartite {f} [mineral] :: hartite
Haruko {prop} :: given name
Harumi {prop} :: given name
hasard {m} [usually, in the singular] :: (random) chance
hasard {m} :: a coincidence
hasard {m} :: hazard
hasard {m} [golf] :: hazard
hasarder {v} :: to hazard (all senses)
hasardeusement {adv} :: riskily, hazardously
hasardeusement {adv} :: daringly
hasardeux {adj} :: risky, hazardous
hasardeux {adj} [of a person, animal] :: risk-taking; daring
hasch {m} :: hash, hashish
haschich {m} :: hashish
haschisch {m} :: alternative form of haschich
hase {f} :: a female rabbit or hare
Hasegawa {prop} :: surname
hashtag {m} [Internet] :: hashtag
Hasmonéens {prop} {mp} :: Hasmoneans
h aspiré {m} :: aspirated h
hass {f} :: embarrassment, an unpleasant socio-economic situation
hassidique {adj} :: Hassidic
hassidisme {m} :: Hassidism
hassium {m} :: hassium
hatchetine {f} :: hatchettite
hâte {f} :: haste, impatience
hâter {vt} :: to speed up, hasten
hâter {vr} :: to hurry
hâtif {adj} :: hasty
hâtif {adj} :: hurried
hâtivement {adv} :: hastily
hâtivement {adv} :: hurriedly
hauban {m} :: guy-wire
hauban {m} [nautical] :: shroud
haubert {m} :: hauberk (coat of chainmail)
Haudricourt {prop} :: surname
Hauschild {prop} :: surname
Hauschildt {prop} :: surname
hausse {f} :: rise, increase
hausse {f} [musical instruments, lutherie, bowmaking] :: frog [of a bow]
hausse-col {m} [historical] :: gorget, neckpiece
haussement {m} :: shrug
haussement {m} :: raising of the eyebrows
hausser {v} :: to raise
hausser {v} :: to shrug
hausser les épaules {v} :: to shrug
hausser le ton {v} :: to raise one's voice
haussier {adj} [finance] :: bullish
haussière {f} :: alternative form of aussière
haussmannien {adj} :: Haussmannian
haussmannisation {f} :: Haussmannization
haussmanniser {v} :: To Haussmannize
haut {adj} :: high
haut {adj} :: tall
haut {adv} :: high
haut {m} :: top
hautain {adj} :: haughty, supercilious
hautainement {adv} :: haughtily, superciliously
hautaineté {f} :: haughtiness
haut allemand {m} :: High German
hautbois {m} :: oboe
hautbois {m} :: oboist
hautbois d'amour {f} [musical instruments] :: oboe d'amore
hautboïste {mf} :: oboist
Haut-Canada {prop} {m} [historical] :: Upper Canada
haut comme trois pommes {adj} [simile] :: very short; knee high to a grasshopper
haut débit {adj} [telecommunications] :: broadband
haut débit {m} [telecommunications] :: broadband
haut-de-chausses {m} :: breeches
haut de gamme {adj} :: upscale, upmarket, high-end
haut du panier {m} :: the best of the bunch, the pick of the litter, the cream of the crop, the upper crust, the top of the barrel
Haute-Corse {prop} {f} :: The northernmost department of Corsica
haute couture {f} [fashion] :: haute couture, high fashion
haute école {f} [France] :: Very academic, high-level, equitation style school of higher education
haute école {f} [Belgium] :: A school of higher education, academic but not ranked as a university
Hautefort {prop} :: A town in Dordogne, France
Haute-Garonne {prop} {f} :: Haute-Garonne (department)
Haute-Loire {prop} {f} :: Haute-Loire
Haute-Marne {prop} {f} :: Haute-Marne (department)
hautement {adv} :: highly, very
haute mer {f} :: open sea, open water
haute mer {f} :: high sea
haute mer {f} :: international waters, high seas
haut en couleur {adj} [figuratively] :: interesting, colorful
Haute-Normandie {prop} {f} :: Upper Normandy
Hautes-Alpes {prop} {fp} :: Hautes-Alpes (department)
Haute-Saône {prop} {f} :: Haute-Saône (department)
Haute-Savoie {prop} {f} :: Haute-Savoie (department)
haute société {f} :: high society
Hautes-Pyrénées {prop} {fp} :: Hautes-Pyrénées (department)
hautes sphères {fp} :: higher spheres, higher circles, upper echelons
haut et fort {adv} :: loud and clear, loudly
haute trahison {f} :: high treason (criminal disloyalty to one's country)
hauteur {f} :: height, altitude
hauteur {f} :: arrogance
hauteur {f} [geometry] :: height
hauteur {f} [music] :: pitch
Haute-Vienne {prop} {f} :: Haute-Vienne (department)
Haute-Volta {prop} {f} :: Upper Volta
haut fait {m} :: feat, achievement, deed, prowess
haut fourneau {m} :: blast furnace (furnace where iron ore is smelted)
hautgoût {m} :: haut gout
haut la main {adv} :: hands down, with flying colours
haut-le-cœur {m} :: (bout of) retching, gagging
haut les cœurs {interj} :: chin up!
haut les mains {interj} :: hands up! stick 'em up! reach for the sky!
haut lieu {m} :: hotspot (for), centre (of), capital (of), special place
haut-parleur {m} :: loudspeaker
haut placé {adj} :: high-ranking, high-level
Haut-Rhin {prop} {m} :: Haut-Rhin (department)
Hauts-de-France {prop} {mp} :: Hauts-de-France, region of France
Hauts-de-Seine {prop} {mp} :: Hauts-de-Seine (department)
hauturier {adj} :: deep-sea
Haüy {prop} :: surname
haüynite {f} [mineral] :: haüynite
havanais {adj} :: Havanan
havane {m} :: Havana cigar
hâve {adj} :: gaunt; pale and thin
havir {v} :: to singe
havoir {v} :: rare spelling of avoir
havrais {adj} :: Of, or pertaining to, the town, people, or culture of Le Havre
Havrais {m} :: An inhabitant of Le Havre
Havraise {f} :: feminine noun of Havrais
havre {m} [archaic or dialectal] :: harbour (UK, Ireland, and the Commonwealth) / harbor (US)
havre {m} :: haven
havre de paix {m} :: haven of peace, oasis of calm, harbour of refuge
havresac {m} :: haversack
Hawaï {prop} {f} :: Hawaii (the island)
Hawaï {prop} {f} :: Hawaii (the arcipelago)
Hawaï {prop} {f} :: Hawaii (the US state)
hawaïanité {f} :: Hawaiianness
hawaïen {adj} :: Hawaiian
hawaïen {m} :: Hawaiian, the Hawaiian language
Hawaïen {m} :: a Hawaiian person
Hawaïenne {f} :: feminine noun of Hawaïen
hawaiien {m} :: alternative spelling of hawaïen
hawaiien {adj} :: alternative spelling of hawaïen
Hawaiien {m} :: alternative spelling of Hawaïen
Hawaiienne {f} :: feminine noun of Hawaiien
Hayashi {prop} :: surname
Haydée {prop} {f} :: given name
Haydn {prop} :: surname
hayon {m} :: hatchback
hazard {m} :: archaic spelling of hasard, chiefly used before 1800
Hb. {m} [music] :: Ob. (oboe)
HC {f} [cycling] :: HC; abbreviation of hors catégorie
{interj} [colloquial] :: Used to express surprise; eh
{interj} [Canada] :: Used as a tag question, to emphasise what goes before or to request that the listener confirm or agree with what has been said
{m} [Belgium] :: a wooded slope
Head-Smashed-In {prop} :: Head-Smashed-In; ellipsis of précipice à bisons Head-Smashed-In
heaume {m} [historical, heraldry] :: a mediaeval military helmet protecting the head and face
heaume {m} [obsolete] :: any helmet
hebdo {m} [colloquial] :: weekly newspaper, journal, or other publication
hebdomadaire {adj} :: weekly
hebdomadaire {m} :: weekly magazine
hebdomadairement {adv} :: weekly (once every week)
hebdomadier {m} :: hebdomadary
Hébé {prop} [Greek god] :: Hebe, the goddess of youth
hébéphrénie {f} [disease] :: hebephrenia
Heberden {prop} :: surname see Heberden
hébergement {m} :: housing; accommodation
héberger {v} :: to house, accommodate
hébergeur {m} :: A host (person who hosts)
hébergeur {m} [computing, Internet] :: A hoster (company who provides online hosting)
hébergeuse {f} :: feminine noun of hébergeur
Hébert {prop} :: surname
hébertisme {m} [historical] :: Hébertism
hébertiste {adj} :: following or supporting the ideas of Jacques Hébert, a radical newspaper editor during the French Revolution
hébété {adj} :: stupefied, dazed
hébéter {v} :: to stupefy
hébétude {f} :: stupor, stupefaction
hébraïque {adj} :: Hebraic
hébraïquement {adv} :: Hebraically
hébreu {m} :: Hebrew, the Hebrew language
hébreu {m} [familiar] :: Greek (something incomprehensible, gibberish)
hébreu {adj} :: Hebrew
Hébreu {m} :: Hebrew (member of the Hebrews)
Hébreux {prop} {m} :: Hebrews
Hébrides {prop} {mp} :: Hébrides (archipelago)
Hébron {prop} {m} :: Hébron (city)
hebs {f} {m} [slang] :: prison, can
hécatombe {f} [historical] :: hecatomb (sacrifice to the gods, originally of a hundred oxen)
hécatombe {f} [by extension] :: bloodbath
hécatombe {f} [by extension] :: mass destruction (destruction of a huge quantity of things)
hectare {m} :: hectare
hectarer {v} :: to measure an area in hectares
hectique {adj} [medicine] :: hectic
hectique {adj} [medicine] :: alternative form of étique
hecto- {prefix} :: hecto-
hecto {m} :: hectolitre
hectokatal {m} :: hectokatal
hectolitre {m} :: hectolitre
hectomètre {m} :: hectometre
hectopascal {m} :: hectopascal
Hector {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Hector
Hector {prop} :: given name of Ancient Greek origin
hectowatt {m} :: A unit of power equal to 100 watts
hédéragénine {f} [organic compound] :: hederagenin
hédérine {f} [organic compound] :: hederin
hédonisme {m} :: hedonism
hédoniste {adj} :: hedonistic
hédoniste {mf} :: hedonist
hédonistique {adj} :: hedonistic
hédonistiquement {adv} :: hedonistically
hégélianisme {m} :: Hegelianism
hégélien {adj} :: Hegelian
hégémonie {f} :: hegemony
hégémonique {adj} :: hegemonic
hégire {f} :: Hijra
hégirien {adj} [Islam] :: Hegirian; Hijri (attributive)
héhé {interj} :: hehe (giggling sound)
héhé {interj} [Internet] :: lol (or similar emoticon)
hein {interj} :: huh, hey, eh
hélas {interj} :: alas; exclamatory or declarative conjunction expressing affliction, regret, deception or dissatisfaction
hélas {m} [Louisiana French] :: noise
hélas non {interj} :: Hell no! Absolutely not! Definitely not!
Hélène {prop} {f} :: given name
héléoplancton {m} [biology] :: heleoplankton
hélépole {f} :: helepolis
héler {v} :: to hail (call out loudly)
héli- {prefix} :: of, or pertaining to helicopters
héliair {m} :: heliair
hélianthème {m} :: helianthemum
hélianthine {f} [organic compound] :: helianthin
héliaque {adj} [astronomy] :: heliacal
héliaquement {adv} :: heliacally
héliaste {m} [historical, Ancient Greece, law] :: heliast
hélice {f} :: helix (blade)
hélice {f} :: propeller
hélice {f} [geometry] :: helix
hélice {f} [chemistry] :: helix
hélicène {m} [organic compound] :: helicene
héliciculture {f} :: heliciculture (snail farming)
hélicien {adj} [anatomy] :: helical, spiral
hélicin {adj} [anatomy] :: helicine
hélico {m} [colloquial] :: chopper, helicopter
hélicoïdal {adj} :: helicoidal
hélicoïde {f} :: helicoid (minimal surface in form of flattened helix)
hélicon {m} :: helicon
hélicoptère {m} :: helicopter
hélicotrème {m} [anatomy] :: helicotrema
héliculture {m} :: The farming of edible snails
hélio- {prefix} :: helio-
héliocentrique {adj} [astronomy] :: heliocentric
héliocentriquement {adv} :: heliocentrically
héliocentrisme {m} [astronomy] :: heliocentrism
Héliodore {prop} {m} [historical] :: Heliodorus (an Ancient Greek male given name)
Héliogabale {prop} {m} :: Heliogabalus
héliogaine {f} [astronomy] :: heliosheath
héliographie {f} [astronomy] :: heliography
héliographie {f} [obsolete, photography] :: heliography
héliographique {adj} :: heliographic
héliogravure {f} :: heliogravure, rotogravure
héliomagnétisme {m} [physics] :: heliomagnetism
héliomarin {adj} [medicine, of therapy] :: sea and sun (attributive)
héliomètre {m} :: heliometer
hélion {m} [physics] :: helion
héliopause {f} [astronomy] :: heliopause
héliosismologie {f} [astronomy] :: helioseismology
héliosphère {f} [astronomy] :: heliosphere
héliostat {m} :: heliostat
héliothérapie {f} :: heliotherapy
héliotrope {m} :: heliotrope [all senses]
héliotropine {f} [organic compound] :: heliotropin
héliotropisme {m} [biology] :: heliotropism, phototropism
héliox {m} :: heliox
héliport {m} :: heliport (facility for helicopters)
héliporter {v} :: to helicopter (transport something by helicopter)
hélisurface {f} [air transport] :: helipad
hélitransporter {v} :: to transport by helicopter
hélitreuillage {m} :: helihoisting (winching up into a helicopter)
hélitreuiller {vt} :: to winch up into a helicopter
hélium {m} :: helium
hellébore {m} :: alternative form of ellébore
helléborine {f} :: helleborine
helléborine {f} [organic compound] :: helleborin
hellène {adj} :: Hellenic
Hellène {mf} :: Greek person, usually referring to Ancient Greek
hellénique {adj} :: Hellenic
hellénisant {m} :: Hellenist
helléniser {v} :: to Hellenize
hellénisme {m} :: Hellenism
helléniste {mf} :: Hellenist
Hellénistes {prop} :: Hellenists
hellénistique {adj} :: Hellenistic
helleno- {prefix} :: Helleno-
hellénophone {adj} :: hellenophone
hellénophone {mf} :: hellenophone
helminthe {m} :: helminth
helminthique {adj} :: helminthic
helmintique {adj} :: helminthic
héloderme {m} :: Gila monster (of genus Heloderma)
Héloïse {prop} :: given name
Helsinki {prop} :: Helsinki (capital city)
helvète {adj} :: Swiss
Helvète {mf} :: Helvetian (person from Helvetia)
Helvète {mf} :: Helvetian (a Swiss person)
Helvétie {prop} {f} :: Helvetia (ancient country)
helvétique {adj} :: Swiss
helvétisme {m} :: Helvetism (A word or phrase typically used in Switzerland)
hémagglutination {f} [biology] :: hemagglutination
hémagglutinine {f} [protein] :: hemagglutinin
hématéine {f} :: hematein
hématie {f} [cytology, hematology] :: red blood cell
hématine {f} :: hematin
hématite {f} [mineral] :: haematite / hematite
hémato- {prefix} :: haemato-
hématocrite {m} :: hematocrit
hématocyte {m} [biology] :: hematocyte
hématoïdine {f} :: hematoidin
hématologie {f} :: haematology / hematology
hématologique {adj} :: hematological
hématologue {mf} :: hematologist
hématome {m} [medicine] :: hematoma
hématome {m} :: bruise
hématophage {adj} :: hematophagous
hématopoïèse {f} :: hematopoiesis
hématopoïétique {adj} [biology] :: hematopoietic
hématosine {f} :: hematosin
hématoxyline {f} :: hematoxylin
hématurie {f} [pathology] :: hematuria
hème {m} [biochemistry] :: heme / haem
héméralopie {f} :: night blindness
hémérocalle {f} :: daylily (flower)
hémérochorie {f} [biology] :: hemerochory
hémérothèque {f} :: A place, such a section of a library, where periodicals (newspapers, magazines, and so on) are archived for consultation
hémérythrine {m} [protein] :: hemerythrin / haemerythrin
hémi- {prefix} :: hemi-
hémiacétal {m} [organic chemistry] :: hemiacetal
hémiacétalique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hemiacetalic
hémicellulose {m} [carbohydrate] :: hemicellulose
hémicycle {m} :: semicircle
hémicycle {m} [French politics] :: the benches of the French National Assembly
hémièdre {m} :: hemihedron
hémiédrique {adj} :: hemihedral
hémigame {adj} [biology] :: hemigamous
hémimandibule {f} :: hemimandible
hémimétabole {m} :: hemimetabole
hémimétabole {adj} :: hemimetabolous
hémimorphite {f} [mineral] :: hemimorphite
hemingwayen {adj} :: Hemingwayan
héminique {adj} :: heme haem (attributive)
hémiole {m} [music] :: hemiola
hémione {m} :: hemione, onager
hémiopie {f} :: hemiopia
hémioxyde {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: synonym of protoxyde
hémiplégie {f} :: hemiplegia
hémiplégique {adj} :: hemiplegic
hemiptère {m} :: hemipter
hemisphære {f} :: obsolete form of hémisphère
hémisphère {m} :: hemisphere
hémisphérique {adj} :: hemispherical
hémisphéroédrique {adj} :: hemispheroidal
hémisphéroïde {m} :: hemispheroid
hémistiche {m} :: hemistich
hémistiche {m} :: caesura
hémo- {prefix} :: haemo-
hémocyanine {f} :: hemocyanin
hémodialyse {f} :: haemodialysis
hémodialysé {adj} :: haemodialysed
hémodynamique {f} :: hemodynamics
hémoglobine {f} :: hemoglobin (the iron-containing substance in red blood cells that transports oxygen)
hémolymphe {f} :: hemolymph
hémolyse {f} [medicine, pathology] :: hemolysis
hémolysine {f} :: hemolysin
hémolytique {adj} :: hemolytic
hémophile {adj} :: haemophiliac
hémophile {mf} :: haemophiliac
hémophilie {f} :: haemophilia (any of several hereditary illnesses that impair the body's ability to control bleeding)
hémopoèse {f} [biology] :: hematopoiesis
hémoptysie {f} [pathology] :: hemoptysis
hémorragie {f} :: haemorrhage
hémorragie interne {f} :: internal bleeding
hémorragique {adj} :: haemorrhagic
hémorroïdaire {adj} :: hemorrhoidal
hémorroïdal {adj} :: hemorrhoidal
hémorroïde {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: hemorrhoid (perianal varicosity)
hémostase {f} :: hemostasis
hémostatique {adj} :: haemostatic
hémovigilance {f} :: hemovigilance
hénaurme {adj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of énorme
Hendaye {prop} :: Hendaye; Hendaye (town)
hendécagone {m} [geometry] :: hendecagon
hendek {mf} [slang] :: cop, policeman
hendiadyin {m} :: alternative form of hendiadys
hendiadys {m} [rhetoric] :: hendiadys
hénéicosanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: heneicosanoic
hénicosane {m} [organic compound] :: heneicosane
henné {m} :: henna (Lawsonia inermis)
hennin {m} :: hennin
hennir {vi} :: To neigh or whinny
hennissement {m} :: neigh (the cry of a horse)
hennuyer {adj} :: Of or from Hainaut
hénothéisme {m} :: henotheism
Henri {prop} {m} :: given name
Henriette {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Henri
henry {m} [science] :: henry
Henry {prop} {m} :: surname
Henry {prop} {m} :: given name, a less common spelling of Henri
hentai {m} :: hentai (a work of anime or manga — Japanese cartoon art, respectively animated and static — that contains pornography)
hentriacontanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hentriacontanoic
hentriacontylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: synonym of hentriacontanoïque
héparan {m} [carbohydrate] :: heparan
héparine {f} [carbohydrate] :: heparin
hépatique {adj} :: hepatic
hépatique {f} :: a hepatic person
hépatique {f} :: liverwort
hépatite {f} :: hepatitis
hépato- {prefix} :: hepato-
hépatocellulaire {adj} :: hepatocellular
hépatocyte {m} :: hepatocyte (liver cells)
hépatofuge {adj} :: hepatofugal
hépatologie {f} :: hepatology
hépatologue {mf} :: hepatologist
hépatopancréatique {adj} [anatomy] :: hepatopancreatic
hépatopathie {f} [pathology] :: hepatopathy
hépatopète {adj} :: hepatopetal
hépatoprotecteur {adj} :: hepatoprotective
hépatorénal {adj} :: hepatorenal
hépatotoxique {adj} :: hepatotoxic
hepcidine {f} [hormone] :: hepcidin
Héphaïstos {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Hephaestus
hepta- {prefix} :: hepta-
heptacène {m} [organic compound] :: heptacene
heptacosanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: heptacosanoic
heptadécane {m} [organic compound] :: heptadecane
heptadécanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: heptadecanoic
heptaèdre {m} :: heptahedron
heptaédrique {adj} :: heptahedral
heptafluorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: heptafluoride
heptagone {m} :: heptagon (a polygon with seven sides and seven angles)
heptagyne {adj} [botany] :: heptagynous
heptamère {m} [chemistry] :: heptamer
heptaméride {f} :: heptameride
heptamériser {v} [chemistry] :: To heptamerize
heptamètre {adj} :: heptametric
heptamètre {m} :: heptameter
heptamétrique {adj} :: heptametric
heptanedioïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: heptanedioic
heptanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: heptanoic
heptarchie {f} :: heptarchy
heptarchique {adj} :: heptarchic
heptatomicité {f} [chemistry] :: heptatomicity
heptatomique {adj} [chemistry] :: heptatomic
heptol {m} [organic chemistry] :: heptol
heptoxyde {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: heptoxide
Héraclès {prop} {m} :: Heracles (god)
Héraclite {prop} {m} :: Heraclitus (a pre-Socratic Ionian philosopher)
heraldicomane {adj} :: Having a mania for heraldry
héraldicomane {adj} :: alternative form of heraldicomane
héraldique {adj} :: heraldric
héraldique {f} :: heraldry (the profession of devising and blazoning arms)
Hérault {prop} {m} :: Hérault
héraut {m} [historical, literary] :: herald
herbacé {adj} :: herbaceous
herbage {m} :: pasture
herbe {f} :: grass (the plant)
herbe {f} [colloquial] :: weed; marijuana; ganja; cannabis
herbes de Provence {fp} [plurale tantum] :: herbes de Provence
herbeux {adj} :: grassy
herbicide {m} :: herbicide
herbier {m} [botany] :: herbarium; collection of dried plants
herbier {m} :: place where fresh plants are stored for domestic animal consumption
herbier {m} [archaic] :: name for the first stomach of a bovine or ruminant animal
herbivore {adj} :: herbivorous
herbivore {m} :: herbivore
herboriser {v} :: to herborize, to collect herbs for medicinal uses
herboriste {mf} :: herbalist
herboristerie {f} :: herbalist's shop
herboristerie {f} :: herb trade
herbretais {adj} :: Of or related to the town of Les Herbiers
Herbretais {m} :: Someone from the town of Les Herbiers
herbu {adj} :: grassy
Hercule {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Heracles
Hercule {prop} {m} [Roman mythology] :: Hercules
herculéen {adj} :: Herculean
hercynien {adj} [geology] :: Hercynian, Variscan
hercynien {m} [geology] :: Hercynian, Variscan (geological period)
hère {m} :: wretch
hère {m} :: a young stag older than 6 months but not yet a brocket
héréditaire {adj} :: hereditary
héréditairement {adv} :: hereditarily
hérédité {f} :: heredity (transmission of genetic features)
hérédité {f} :: succession (to a throne or office)
hérédosyphilis {f} [medicine, archaic] :: congenital syphilis
hérésiarque {m} :: heresiarch
hérésie {f} :: heresy
hérétique {adj} :: heretical
hérétique {mf} :: a heretic
hérisser {v} :: (of an animal) to bristle, ruffle (feathers, fur etc.)
hérisser {v} :: to spike; to form spikes in
hérisser {v} [colloquial] :: to get somebody's back up
hérisson {m} :: hedgehog
hérisson commun {m} :: European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)
hérisson de mer {m} :: sea urchin
hérisson d'Europe {m} :: European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)
hérissonne {f} :: feminine singular of hérisson
héritabilité {f} [genetics] :: heritability
héritable {adj} [genetics] :: heritable
héritage {m} :: heritage, inheritance, legacy
héritage {m} :: patrimony
héritage {m} [object-oriented] :: inheritance
héritage multiple {m} [object-oriented] :: multiple inheritance
hériter {v} :: to inherit (to receive property or a title by legal succession etc.)
héritier {m} :: heir (someone in line to inherit)
héritier apparent {m} [law, monarchy] :: heir apparent
héritière {f} :: heiress
héritière apparente {f} :: feminine noun of héritier apparent
héritier présomptif {m} [law, monarchy] :: heir presumptive
hermais {adj} :: of or relating to Herm
Hermais {m} :: person from Herm
Hermaise {f} :: feminine noun of Hermais
hermaphrodite {adj} :: hermaphrodite
hermaphrodite {mf} :: hermaphrodite
hermaphroditement {adv} :: hermaphroditically
Hermarque {prop} {m} :: Hermarchus
herméneutique {f} :: hermeneutics
herméneutique {adj} :: hermeneutical
herméneutiquement {adv} :: hermeneutically
Hermès {prop} {m} :: Hermes (god)
hermétique {adj} :: hermetic, airtight
hermétiquement {adv} :: hermetically
hermétisme {m} :: hermeticism
hermine {f} :: ermine (Mustela erminea)
hermine {f} :: ermine (material)
hermine {f} :: ermine (tincture)
herminette {f} :: female ermine when its fur is yellow in summer, as opposed to white in winter
herminette {f} :: its fur
herminette {f} :: adze
herminette {f} :: spokeshave
hermite {m} :: alternative form of ermite
hermitien {adj} [maths] :: Hermitian
Hermocrate {prop} {m} :: Hermocrates
Hermogène {prop} :: Hermogenes
herniaire {adj} :: hernial
hernie {f} :: hernia (part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part)
hernié {adj} :: herniated
hernie discale {f} :: slipped disc
hernieux {adj} :: hernial (affected by a hernia)
hernioplastie {f} :: hernioplasty
herniorraphie {f} :: herniorrhaphy
Hérode {prop} {m} :: Herod (Biblical character)
Hérodias {prop} :: Herodias
hérodien {m} :: Herodian
Hérodion {prop} :: Herodium
Hérodote {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] :: Herodotus (a fifth century BCE historian)
héroïne {f} :: heroine
héroïne {f} :: heroin
héroïnomane {mf} :: heroin addict
héroïnomanie {f} :: heroin addiction
héroïque {adj} :: heroic
héroïquement {adv} :: heroically
héroïser {v} :: To heroize
héroïsme {m} :: heroism (heroic behavior)
héron {m} :: heron
héron bihoreau {m} :: black-crowned night heron
Hérophile {prop} {m} :: Herophilus
héros {m} :: hero
Hérostrate {prop} {m} :: Herostratus
herpès {m} :: herpes
herpétarium {m} :: herpetarium
herpétique {adj} :: herpetic
herpétologie {f} :: herpetology
herpétologique {adj} :: herpetological
Herpin {prop} :: surname
herpolhodie {f} [maths] :: herpolhode
herse {f} :: harrow (device for breaking up soil)
herse {f} :: portcullis (gate in the form of a grating)
herse {f} :: spike strip, road spikes, traffic spikes
herse {f} :: grate, grill (especially to block large objects floating down a river)
herse {f} :: candlestick, candelabrum (with a triangular base and spikes to hold large candles)
herse {f} :: stage lighting instrument, luminaire that disperses light over a stage
herse {f} [heraldiccharge] :: portcullis
herser {vt} :: to harrow (drag a harrow over)
hertz {m} :: hertz
Hertz {prop} :: surname
hertzien {adj} :: Hertzian
Hervé {prop} :: given name
Hervé {prop} :: surname
hesbignon {adj} :: of or from Hesbaye
Hesbignon {m} :: someone of or from Hesbaye
Hesbignonne {f} :: feminine singular of Hesbignon
Hésiode {prop} {m} :: Hesiod (greek poet)
hésitant {adj} :: hesitant, shaky
hésitation {f} :: hesitation
hésiter {v} :: to hesitate
hespagnol {adj} :: obsolete form of espagnol
hespagnol {m} :: obsolete form of espagnol
hespéridine {f} [organic compound] :: hesperidin
hespérie des graminées {f} :: European skipper (Thymelicus lineola)
hespérie du dactyle {f} :: European skipper (Thymelicus lineola)
hespérie européenne {f} :: European skipper (Thymelicus lineola)
Hesse {prop} :: Hesse
hessien {adj} :: Hessian
hessois {adj} :: Hessian
Hessois {m} :: Hessian
Hessoise {f} :: feminine singular of Hessois
hêta {m} :: heta (Greek letter)
hétaïre {f} [historical] :: hetaera
hétéro- {prefix} :: hetero-
hétéro {adj} [colloquial] :: straight (heterosexual)
hétéroatome {m} [chemistry] :: heteroatom
hétéroazéotrope {m} :: heteroazeotrope
hétéroazéotropique {adj} :: heteroazeotropic
hétérocatalytique {adj} [chemistry] :: heterocatalytic
hétérocerque {adj} :: heterocercal
hétérochromatine {f} [cytology] :: heterochromatin
hétérochromatinique {adj} [cytology] :: heterochromatinic
hétérochromatique {adj} :: heterochromatic
hétérochrome {adj} :: heterochrome
hétérochrome {adj} :: heterochromatic
hétérochromie {f} :: heterochromia
hétéroclite {adj} :: heterogenous
hétéroclite {adj} :: miscellaneous, motley
hétéroclite {adj} [grammar] :: heteroclite
hétérocratie {f} :: heterocracy (all senses)
hétérocratique {adj} :: heterocratic
hétérocycle {m} [chemistry] :: heterocycle
hétérocyclique {adj} [chemistry] :: heterocyclic
hétérodiégétique {adj} :: heterodiegetic
hétérodoxe {adj} :: heterodox
hétérodoxement {adv} :: heterodoxly
hétérodoxement {adv} :: unorthodoxly
hétérodoxie {f} :: heterodoxy
hétérœcie {f} :: heteroecium
hétérofilm {f} :: heterolayer
hétérogame {adj} :: heterogamous
hétérogamétique {adj} [biology] :: heterogametic
hétérogamie {f} :: heterogamy
hétérogène {adj} :: heterogeneous
hétérogénéité {f} :: heterogeneity
hétérojonction {f} [physics] :: heterojunction
hétérolécithe {adj} :: heterolecithal
hétérologique {adj} :: heterological (of an adjective, not describing itself)
hétérologue {adj} :: heterologous (coming from another organism)
hétérolyse {f} [chemistry, biology] :: heterolysis
hétérolytique {adj} [chemistry, biology] :: heterolytic
hétéromécique {adj} [maths] :: heteromecic
hétérométabole {m} :: heterometabole
hétérométabole {adj} :: heterometabolous
hétéromorphe {adj} :: heteromorphic
hétéronome {adj} :: heteronomous (all senses)
hétéronyme {adj} :: heteronymous
hétéronyme {m} :: heteronym (all meanings)
hétérophile {adj} :: heterophile, heterophilic
hétérophilie {f} :: heterophily
hétérophilie {f} :: heterophilia
hétéropolyacide {m} [chemistry] :: heteropoly acid
hétéropolymère {m} [chemistry] :: heteropolymer
hétéropolyoside {m} [carbohydrate] :: heteropolysaccharide
hétéroscédasticité {f} [statistics] :: heteroscedasticity
hétéroscédastique {adj} [statistics] :: heteroscedastic
hétérosexualité {f} :: heterosexuality
hétérosexuel {adj} :: heterosexual
hétérosexuel {m} :: heterosexual
hétérosexuelle {f} :: feminine noun of hétérosexuel
hétéroside {m} [biochemistry] :: heteroside
hétérosocialité {f} :: heterosociality
hétérosome {m} :: heterosome
hétérosphère {f} :: heterosphere
hétérostructure {f} :: heterostructure
hétérotrophe {adj} [biology] :: heterotrophic
hétérotrophie {f} [biology] :: heterotrophy
hétérotrophique {adj} :: heterotrophic
hétérotropie {f} :: heterotropia
hétérozygote {adj} :: heterozygous
hétérozygote {m} :: heterozygote (a diploid individual that has different alleles at one or more genetic loci)
hêtraie {f} :: a beech woodland
hêtre {m} :: beech (tree, wood)
hêtre commun {m} :: common beech, European beech (Fagus sylvatica)
heur {m} [dated, literary, now rare] :: chance; fortune
heure {f} :: hour, time
heure {f} :: o'clock
heure d'affluence {f} :: rush hour
heure de gloire {f} [figuratively] :: moment in the sun, 15 minutes of fame, glory days
heure de pointe {f} :: peak hour
heure d'été {f} :: daylight saving time, summer time
heure de vérité {f} :: moment of truth, day of reckoning
heure d'hiver {f} :: daylight saving time, winter time
heure normale de l'est {prop} :: Eastern Standard Time, the Eastern Timezone in non-daylight savings time
heures perdues {fp} :: spare time, free time
heures supplémentaires {fp} :: overtime (worktime)
heureusement {adv} :: luckily, fortunately
heureusement {adv} :: happily
heureusement {interj} [colloquial] :: and a good job too! and a good thing too! well that's lucky! I'm glad to hear it! it's just as well! thank goodness!
heureux {adj} :: happy
heureux {adj} [de] :: glad
heureux {adj} :: lucky, fortunate
heureux {adj} :: good, excellent
heure verte {f} [historical] :: A "happy hour" when absinthe was drunk
heuristique {adj} :: heuristic
heuristique {f} :: heuristics
heuristiquement {adv} :: heuristically
heurt {m} :: collision
heurt {m} :: bump (action of bumping)
heurt {m} :: clash
heurté {adj} :: jerky
heurter {v} :: to strike, hit
heurter {v} :: to clash, conflict with
heurter {vr} :: to crash, collide (together)
heurter {vr} [of opinions] :: to clash
heurtoir {m} :: doorknocker, knocker
heurtoir {m} [rail] :: buffer, bumper
hévéa {m} :: rubber tree
hexa- {prefix} :: hexa-
hexa {m} :: clipping of hexadécimal
hexacanthe {adj} [biology] :: hexacanth
hexachlorocyclopentadiène {m} [organic compound] :: hexachlorocyclopentadiene
hexachlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hexachloride
hexacontane {m} [organic compound] :: hexacontane
hexacosane {m} [organic compound] :: hexacosane
hexacosanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hexacosanoic
hexadécane {m} [organic compound] :: hexadecane
hexadécanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hexadecanoic
hexadécimal {adj} :: hexadecimal (expressed in hexadecimal)
hexadécimal {m} :: hexadecimal
hexadenté {adj} :: hexadentate
hexaèdre {adj} :: hexahedral
hexaèdre {m} [geometry] :: hexahedron
hexaédrique {adj} :: hexahedral
hexaédrite {f} [mineral] :: hexahedrite
hexaeïcosanoïque {adj} :: synonym of hexacosanoïque
hexaénoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hexaenoic
hexafluorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hexafluoride
hexagonal {adj} :: hexagonal
hexagonal {adj} :: French
hexagone {adj} :: hexagonal
hexagone {m} :: hexagon
hexagone {m} [geography] :: alternative spelling of Hexagone
Hexagone {prop} {m} :: mainland of France
hexagramme {m} :: hexagram
hexahélicène {m} [organic compound] :: hexahelicene
hexamère {m} [chemistry] :: hexamer
hexamériser {v} [chemistry] :: To hexamerize
hexaméthylènetétramine {m} [organic compound] :: hexamethylenetetramine, hexamine, methenamine
hexamètre {adj} :: hexametric
hexamètre {m} :: hexameter
hexane {m} [organic compound] :: hexane
hexanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hexanoic
hexatique {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: hexatic
hexatomique {adj} [chemistry] :: hexatomic
hexatriacontanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hexatriacontanoic
hexazinone {m} :: hexazinone
hexol {m} [organic chemistry] :: hexol
hiatal {adj} [anatomy] :: hiatus (attributive)
hiatique {adj} :: hiatic
hiatus {m} :: hiatus, gap
hiatus {m} [phonetics] :: hiatus
hibernation {f} :: hibernation (all senses)
hiberner {v} :: to hibernate (have winter sleep)
hibiscus {m} :: hibiscus
hibou {m} :: owl (specifically, those species of owls with ear tufts; those without ear tufts are chouettes)
hibou des marais {m} :: short-eared owl (Asio flammeus)
hibou grand-duc {m} :: Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo)
hibou petit-duc {m} :: Eurasian scops owl (Otus scops)
hic {m} :: snag, hitch, catch, kink, problem
hic {interj} :: hic! (indicating a hiccup)
hidalgo {m} :: hidalgo
hideur {f} :: hideousness
hideusement {adv} :: hideously
hideux {adj} :: grotesque; vile; hideous
hidjab {m} :: hijab, the hajib headscarf
hie {f} :: stamping/ramming rod
hièble {f} :: danewort (Sambucus ebulus)
hiémal {adj} :: of or pertaining to winter
hier {adv} :: yesterday
hier {v} [obsolete] :: To stamp with a rod (hie)
Hiérapolis {prop} {f} :: Hierapolis
hiérarchie {f} :: hierarchy
hiérarchique {adj} :: hierarchical
hiérarchiquement {adv} :: hierarchically
hiérarchisation {f} :: hierarchization
hiérarchisation {f} :: prioritization
hiérarchiser {v} :: to hierarchize
hiérarchiser {v} :: to prioritize
hiérarque {m} :: hierarch
hiératique {adj} :: hieratic
hiératique {adj} :: solemn, ritual
hiératiquement {adv} :: hieratically
hiératiquement {adv} :: solemnly, ritually
hiératisme {m} :: hieraticism
hiéroglyphe {m} :: hieroglyph
hiéroglyphe {m} :: something undecipherable
hiéroglyphique {adj} :: hieroglyphic
hijab {m} :: alternative spelling of hidjab
Hikari {prop} :: given name
Hilaire {prop} {m} :: given name
Hilaire {prop} {m} :: surname
hilalien {adj} :: Relating to the Banu Hilal tribe
hilarant {adj} :: hilarious (very amusing; very funny)
hilarité {f} :: hilarity, mirth
hilbertien {adj} [maths] :: Hilbertian
hile {m} :: hilum
Himalaya {prop} {m} :: Himalaya (mountain range)
himalayen {adj} :: Himalayan
hin {interj} [onomatopeia, colloquial] :: heh, ooh, hehe!
hindi {m} :: Hindi; one of the official languages of India
hindî {m} :: The Hindi language of India
hindiphone {adj} :: Hindi-speaking
hindiphone {mf} :: An Hindi-speaking person
hindou {adj} :: Hindu
hindou {m} :: Hindu
hindouisme {m} :: Hinduism
hindouiste {adj} :: Hindu
hindouiste {mf} :: Hindu (person)
Hindoustan {prop} {m} :: Hindustan
hip hop {m} :: hip-hop (cultural genre)
hip hop {m} :: hip-hop (music genre)
hip-hop {m} :: alternative form of hip hop
Hipparque {prop} {m} :: Hipparchus
hippiatre {m} [archaic] :: one who specializes in the medical treatment of horses, a hippiater, veterinarian, or farrier
hippie {mf} :: hippie
hippie {adj} :: hippie
hippique {adj} :: relating to horses; hippic, equestrian
hippiquement {adv} :: equestrianly
hippisme {m} :: horse racing
hippo- {prefix} :: relating to horses
hippocampe {m} :: sea horse
hippocampe {m} [anatomy, mythology] :: hippocampus
Hippocrate {prop} :: Hippocrates (Greek physician)
hippodamien {adj} :: Hippodamian
Hippodamos {prop} {m} :: Hippodamus
hippodrome {m} :: a hippodrome, racecourse, a circuit for equestrian sport
hippogriffe {m} :: hippogriff
Hippolyte {prop} :: given name
hippomanie {f} :: hippomania
hippomobile {adj} :: horse-drawn, propelled by a horse
hippophagie {f} :: hippophagy
hippophagique {adj} :: horse meat (attributive)
hippopotame {m} :: hippopotamus
hippopotame amphibie {m} :: common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius)
hippopotame commun {m} :: common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius)
hippurie {f} [pathology] :: hippuria
hippurique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hippuric
hipster {mf} :: hipster
hircin {adj} :: hircine
hircique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hircic
Hiroko {prop} :: given name
hirondelle {f} :: swallow (bird)
hirondelle {f} [printing] :: alignment mark printed in the margin
hirondelle {f} [colloquial, dated] :: policeman on bicycle or motorcycle
hirondelle de rochers {f} :: The Eurasian crag martin
hirsute {adj} :: hairy, bristly, shaggy
Hisako {prop} :: given name
Hispanie {prop} {f} :: Hispania; the area of the Roman Empire now equivalent to modern Spain
Hispaniola {prop} {f} :: Hispaniola
hispanique {adj} :: Hispanic
hispaniser {v} :: To Hispanicize
hispaniste {adj} :: Hispanist
hispaniste {mf} :: Hispanist
hispano- {prefix} :: Hispano- (all meanings)
hispanophile {adj} :: Hispanophile
hispanophile {mf} :: Hispanophile
hispanophone {adj} :: Spanish-speaking
hispanophone {mf} :: Spanish speaker
hisser {v} :: to hoist, to raise
hisser {vr} :: to rise through the ranks (e.g. of an organisation)
hisser les voiles {v} [figuratively] :: to set sail, to depart, to sail away, to sail off into the sunset
histiocytaire {adj} [biology] :: histiocytic
histiocyte {m} [biology] :: histiocyte
histo- {prefix} :: histo-
histochimie {f} [chemistry, biology] :: histochemistry
histochimique {adj} [chemistry, biology] :: histochemical
histochimiste {mf} [chemistry, biology] :: histochemist
histocompatibilité {f} [immunology] :: histocompatibility
histogramme {m} :: histogram
histoire {f} :: story
histoire {f} :: history
histoire {f} [colloquial] :: lie, fantasy, invention
histoire {f} :: misadventure
histoire d'amour {f} :: love story
histoire de {conj} [colloquial, dated] :: resulting in
histoire de {conj} [colloquial] :: in order to
histoire de l'art {f} :: art history
histoire farce {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: joke
histoire que {conj} [colloquial] :: so that, in order to
histologie {f} :: histology (the study of the microscopic structure)
histologique {adj} :: histological
histologiquement {adv} :: histologically
histologiste {mf} :: histologist
histolyse {f} :: histolysis (breakdown of bodily tissues)
histone {f} [biochemistry] :: histone
histonomie {f} [biology] :: histonomy
historicisme {m} :: historicism
historiciste {adj} :: historicist
historicité {f} :: historicity
historié {adj} :: historiated
historien {m} :: historian
historienne {f} :: historian
historiette {f} :: anecdote
historiographe {m} :: historiographer
historiographie {f} :: historiography
historiographique {adj} :: historiographic
historique {adj} :: historical
historique {m} [computing] :: history
historique {m} :: chronological narration of past events, history
historiquement {adv} :: historically
histrion {m} [pejorative] :: a minstrel
histrionique {adj} :: histrionic, melodramatic, attention-seeking
histrionisme {m} :: histrionics
hitchcockien {adj} :: Hitchcockian
hitlérien {adj} :: Hitlerian (related to Adolf Hitler)
hitlérisme {m} :: Hitlerism
Hitomi {prop} :: given name
hit-parade {m} :: hit parade; chart
hiver {m} :: winter
hivernage {m} :: wintering
hivernal {adj} :: winter
hivernal {adj} :: wintery, similar to winter
hiverner {vi} [of a boat or animal] :: to winter, hivernate (to spend the winter in a certain place, especially for warmth)
hmm {interj} :: expressing skepticism
hmong {adj} :: Hmong
hmong {m} :: Hmong
h muet {m} [grammar, linguistics] :: mute h, silent h
HNE {n} :: initialism of []
ho {interj} :: Used by tamer to calm the animal they are taming, especially horses; whoa
ho {interj} :: Used to express surprise or shock
Ho {prop} :: surname
Hoang {prop} :: surname
hoazin {m} :: hoatzin
hobbesien {adj} :: Hobbesian
hobby {m} :: hobby (activity)
hobereau {m} :: hobby (falcon)
hobereau {m} :: country squire
hochement {m} :: nod, shake (of the head)
hochepot {m} :: hodgepodge
hochequeue {m} :: wagtail
hocher {v} :: to nod (move one's head)
hochet {m} :: rattle (a baby's toy)
Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville {prop} {mf} :: Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville (city)
hockey {m} :: hockey
hockey {m} [Canada] :: ice hockey
hockey balle {m} :: alternative form of hockey-balle
hockey-balle {m} :: ball hockey
hockey cosom {m} :: cosom hockey
hockey d'antan {m} [sports] :: pond hockey
hockeyeur {m} :: A hockey player
hockeyeuse {f} :: feminine noun of hockeyeur
hockey sur gazon {m} [sport] :: field hockey
hockey sur glace {m} [sport] :: ice hockey
hockey sur luge {m} :: sledge hockey
hockey sur table {m} :: table hockey, especially rod hockey
hoir {m} [archaic or law] :: heir
hoirie {f} [legal] :: inheritance
hola {f} :: Mexican wave (a phenomenon at sports events)
holà {interj} :: hey, oi
höldérien {adj} :: Holderian
holding {mf} :: holding company
holistique {adj} :: holistic
hollandais {adj} :: Dutch, from or pertaining to The Netherlands
hollandais {m} :: Dutch (the Dutch language)
Hollandais {m} :: Dutchman
Hollandaise {f} :: feminine noun of Hollandais
Hollande {prop} {f} :: Holland
Hollande {prop} {f} :: surname
hollando- {prefix} :: A combining form relating to Holland (Hollande)
hollando- {prefix} :: By extension, a combining form relating to the Netherlands (Pays-Bas)
hollywoodesque {adj} :: Hollywoodesque
hollywoodien {adj} [attributive] :: Hollywood
hollywoodien {adj} :: Hollywoodian
holmate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: holmate
holmesien {adj} [rare] :: Holmesian
holmium {m} :: holmium
holo- {prefix} :: holo-
holocauste {m} :: holocaust
Holocauste {prop} {m} :: Holocaust
holocène {adj} :: Holocene
Holocène {prop} {m} :: Holocene
holoèdre {m} :: holohedral crystal
holoédrie {f} :: holohedry
holoédrique {adj} :: holohedral
hologame {adj} [biology] :: hologamous
hologrammatique {adj} :: hologrammatic
hologramme {m} :: hologram
holographie {f} :: holography
holographique {adj} :: holographic
holométabole {m} :: holometabole
holométabole {adj} :: holometabolous
holomorphe {adj} [mathematics] :: holomorphic (of a complex function)
holomorphose {f} [biology] :: holomorphosis
holonomie {f} :: holonomy
holonyme {m} :: holonym
holoparasitisme {m} [biology] :: holoparasitism
holophylie {f} [biology] :: holophyly
holoside {m} [carbohydrate] :: saccharide
holothurie {f} [zoology] :: holothurian, sea cucumber
Holyokais {m} :: Holyokian
homard {m} :: lobster
homard américain {m} :: American lobster (Homarus americanus)
homard breton {m} :: European lobster (Homarus gammarus)
homard canadien {m} :: American lobster (Homarus americanus)
homard européen {m} :: European lobster (Homarus gammarus)
hombre {m} :: A kind of card game from Spain
homélie {f} [religion] :: homily
homéo- {prefix} :: alternative form of homo-
homéomorphe {adj} [maths] :: homeomorphic
homéomorphisme {m} [maths] :: homeomorphism
homéopathe {m} :: homeopath
homéopathie {f} :: homeopathy (system of treating diseases with very small amounts)
homéopathique {adj} :: homoeopathic, homœopathic, homeopathic
homéopathiquement {adv} :: homeopathically
homéose {f} [biology] :: homeosis, homoiosis
homéostasie {f} :: homeostasis (ability to stablize internal environment)
homéostat {m} :: homeostat
homéostatique {adj} :: homeostatic
homéotherme {adj} :: homeothermic, warm-blooded
homéothermie {f} :: homeothermy, warm-bloodedness
Homère {prop} {m} :: Homer (Greek author)
homérien {adj} :: Homerian (relating to Homer)
homérique {adj} :: Homeric (relating to Homer)
homériquement {adv} :: Homerically
homicide {m} :: homicide
homicide {mf} :: killer
homicide {adj} :: killer; that kills
homicide involontaire {m} [law] :: manslaughter
homicider {vt} :: to kill, commit homicide
homicide volontaire {m} [law] :: second-degree murder
hominidé {m} [zoology] :: hominid
hominivore {adj} :: maneating
hommage {m} :: homage
hommasse {adj} :: mannish
hommasse {adj} :: masculine
hommassement {adv} :: mannishly
homme {m} :: man (adult male human)
homme {m} :: man, Man (species)
homme {m} :: man (virile male)
homme {m} :: man (employee)
Homme {prop} {m} :: Man (genus Homo)
homme à femmes {m} :: lady's man
homme au foyer {m} :: househusband
homme d'affaires {m} :: a businessman
homme de Dieu {m} :: a man of God, a godly man
homme de Dieu {m} :: a minister
homme de Dieu {m} :: a priest
homme de guerre {m} :: a man of war, a military man
homme de lettres {m} :: homme de lettres
homme de main {m} :: henchman
homme de Néandertal {m} :: Neanderthal (A Homo neanderthalensis specimen)
homme de paille {m} :: straw man, figurehead, front man
homme des cavernes {m} :: caveman
homme des cavernes {m} [figuratively, derogatory] :: caveman (a brutish or savage person)
homme d'État {m} :: statesman
homme du monde {m} :: man of the world (worldly man)
hommelet {m} :: small, or insignificant man
homme-médecine {m} :: medicine man (shamanistic healer)
homme-mort {m} :: dead man's switch
homme politique {m} :: a (male) politician
hommet {m} :: casemate, bunker
homo- {prefix} :: homo- (same)
homo- {prefix} :: homo- (pertaining to homosexuality)
homo- {prefix} :: alternative form of homéo-
homo {mf} :: gay (homosexual person, especially male)
homo {adj} :: gay, homo
homocaryon {m} [biology] :: homokaryon
homocentrique {adj} [astronomy] :: homocentric
homocentriquement {adv} :: homocentrically
homocerque {adj} :: homocercal
homocystéine {f} [organic compound] :: homocysteine
homodiégétique {adj} :: homodiegetic
homœomorphe {adj} :: alternative form of homéomorphe
homœomorphisme {m} :: alternative form of homéomorphisme
homœopathe {m} :: alternative form of homéopathe
homœopathie {f} :: alternative spelling of homéopathie
homœopathique {adj} :: alternative form of homéopathique
homœopathiquement {adv} :: alternative form of homéopathiquement
homœostasie {f} :: alternative form of homéostasie
homœotherme {adj} :: alternative form of homéotherme
homoérotique {adj} :: homoerotic
homoérotiser {v} :: To homoeroticize
homogamie {f} :: homogamy
homogène {adj} :: homogeneous
homogénéisation {f} :: homogenization
homogénéisé {adj} :: homogenized
homogénéiser {v} :: to homogenize
homogénéité {f} :: homogeneity
homogènement {adv} :: homogeneously
homoglyphe {m} :: homoglyph
homographe {m} :: homograph
homolactique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: homolactic
homolécithe {adj} :: homolecithal
homologation {f} [legal] :: homologation
homologique {adj} :: homological
homologiquement {adv} :: homologically
homologue {adj} :: homologous
homologue {mf} :: counterpart
homologuer {v} :: to officially recognize, ratify
homomorphe {adj} :: homomorphic, homomorphous
homomorphique {adj} :: homomorphic
homomorphiquement {adv} :: homomorphically
homomorphisme {m} :: homomorphism
ho mon Dieu {interj} :: oh my God!
homonucléaire {adj} [chemistry] :: homonuclear
homonyme {adj} :: homonymous
homonyme {m} :: homonym (word with the same sound or spelling but different meaning)
homonyme {m} :: namesake
homonymement {adv} :: homonymously
homonymie {f} :: homonymy (property of being a homonym)
homoparentalité {f} :: LGBT parenting
homophobe {adj} :: homophobic
homophobe {mf} :: homophobe
homophobie {f} :: homophobia, antipathy towards homosexuals
homophone {adj} :: homophonous
homophone {m} :: homophone
homophonie {f} :: homophony
homophtalique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: homophthalic
homoplasie {f} [biology] :: homoplasy
homoplasique {adj} [biology] :: homoplasic
homopolymère {m} [chemistry] :: homopolymer
homopolymérisation {f} [organic chemistry] :: homopolymerization
homopolymériser {v} [organic chemistry] :: To homopolymerize
homopolyoside {m} [carbohydrate] :: homopolysaccharide
homoptère {m} :: homopter
homorgane {adj} [phonetics, phonology] :: homorganic
homoscédasticité {f} [statistics] :: homoscedasticity
homoscédastique {adj} [statistics] :: homoscedastic
homosexualité {f} :: homosexuality
homosexuel {adj} :: homosexual
homosexuel {m} :: homosexual
homosexuelle {f} :: feminine noun of homosexuel
homosexuellement {adv} :: homosexually
homosociabilité {f} :: homosociality (homosexual sociality)
homosocialité {f} :: homosociality
homotaxique {adj} :: homotaxic
homothermal {adj} :: homothermic
homothétie {f} [maths] :: homothety
homothétique {adj} :: homothetic
homothétiquement {adv} :: homothetically
homotopicité {f} [maths] :: homotopicity
homotopie {f} [maths] :: homotopy
homotopique {adj} [maths] :: homotopic
homotypique {adj} :: homotypic
homotypiquement {adv} :: homotypically
Homs {prop} :: Homs (city)
homsiote {adj} :: Homsi
Homsiote {mf} :: Homsi
hon. {adj} [legal] :: Hon. abbreviation of honorable
hon. {adj} [politics] :: Hon. abbreviation of honorable
Hon. {adj} :: Hon. alternative form of hon. (honorable)
Honduras {prop} {m} :: Honduras (country)
hondurien {adj} :: Honduran (of or pertaining to Honduras or its people or culture)
Hondurien {m} :: Honduran (a person from Honduras or of Honduran descent)
Hondurienne {f} :: feminine noun of Hondurien
Hongkong {prop} :: Hongkong (city/island/and/special administrative region)
Hong Kong {prop} :: Hong Kong (city/island/and/special administrative region)
Hong-Kong {prop} {m} :: Hong Kong
hongkongais {adj} :: of or relating to Hong-Kong
Hongkongais {m} :: person from Hong-Kong
Hongkongaise {f} :: feminine noun of Hongkongais
hongre {adj} :: gelded
hongre {m} :: gelding (gelded, castrated male horse)
Hongrie {prop} {f} :: Hungary
hongrois {m} :: Hungarian, the language of Hungary
hongrois {adj} :: Hungarian
Hongrois {m} :: A Hungarian, a male person from Hungary
Hongroise {f} :: feminine noun of Hongrois
honneste {adj} :: archaic spelling of honnête
honnête {adj} :: honest (scrupulous with regard to telling the truth)
honnête homme {m} :: gentleman, respectable man, decent man, good man
honnêtement {adv} :: honestly (in an honest way)
honnêteté {f} :: honesty
honneur {m} :: honor
honneur {m} [card games] :: face card
honnir {vt} :: to shame; to disgrace; to dishonor
honorabilité {f} :: honour, repute
honorable {adj} :: honorable
honorablement {adv} :: honorably
honoraire {adj} :: honorary
honoraires {mp} [plurale tantum] :: honorarium
Honoré {prop} :: given name
Honoré {prop} :: surname
honorer {v} :: to honor, to honour
honorifique {adj} :: honorific
honorifiquement {adv} :: honorifically
Honorine {prop} {f} :: given name
honte {f} :: shame (feeling)
honte à toi {interj} :: shame on you
honte à vous {interj} :: shame on you
honteusement {adv} :: shamefully
honteux {adj} :: ashamed (feeling shame)
honteux {adj} :: shameful (causing shame)
hooliganisme {m} :: hooliganism
hop {interj} :: Voila!, hey presto!
hopanoïde {m} [biochemistry] :: hopanoid
hopéine {f} [organic compound] :: hopein
hopi {m} :: Hopi language
hôpital {m} :: hospital
hoplite {m} :: hoplite
hoplostèthe orange {f} :: orange roughy
hoquet {m} [onomatopoeia] :: hiccup (spasm of the diaphragm)
hoqueter {v} :: to hiccup
hoqueton {m} [historical] :: acton, haqueton
horaire {m} :: schedule
horaire {adj} :: hourly
horaire {adj} :: clockwise
horairement {adv} :: hourly
horairement {adv} :: clockwise
horde {f} :: A horde
horeca {f} [Belgium, Luxembourg] :: the hotel and catering industry
horicycle {f} :: horocycle
horion {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: blow (especially to the head or shoulders)
horisontal {adj} :: alternative form of horizontal
horisontalement {adv} :: alternative form of horizontalement
horizon {m} :: horizon
horizon des événements {m} [astrophysics] :: event horizon
horizontal {adj} :: horizontal
horizontale {f} :: horizontal
horizontale {f} [archaic, slang] :: lady of the night
horizontalement {adv} :: horizontally (in a horizontal direction or position)
horizontaliser {vt} :: To horizontalize
horizontalité {f} :: horizontality
horloge {f} :: clock
horloge atomique {f} :: atomic clock
horloge biologique {f} :: circadian rhythm, body clock, biological clock
horloge biologique {f} :: biological clock (the progression from puberty to menopause during which a woman can bear children)
horloge circadienne {f} :: circadian rhythm, body clock, biological clock
horloge interne {f} :: circadian rhythm, body clock, biological clock
horloger {m} :: watchmaker
horloger {adj} :: horological
horlogerie {f} :: watchmaking, clockmaking
horlogerie {f} :: watch shop, watchmaker's
hormèse {m} :: hormesis
hormis {prep} [literary] :: save, except (for)
hormogonie {m} [biology] :: hormogonium
hormonal {adj} :: hormonal
hormone {m} :: hormone
hornblende {f} [mineral] :: hornblende
hornette {f} [Louisiana French] :: hornet
horodaté {adj} :: timestamped
horodaté {adj} [of car parking] :: pay-and-display
horodateur {m} :: parking ticket machine, pay and display machine
horologie {f} :: horology
horoptère {m} :: horopter
horoptérique {adj} :: horopteric
horoscope {m} :: horoscope (all senses)
horreur {f} :: horror (emotion)
horreur {f} :: horror (something horrible)
horreur {f} :: eyesore
horreur {f} [film] :: horror
horrible {adj} :: horrible; causing horror
horriblement {adv} :: horribly
horrifier {v} :: to horrify
horrifique {adj} :: terrifying (producing fear)
horripilant {adj} :: exasperating, infuriating, horripilating
horripiler {vt} :: to exasperate, infuriating
hors {adv} :: outside
hors {adv} [followed by de] :: out (of), beyond
horsain {m} [Normandy dialect] :: incomer, outsider
hors-bord {adj} :: outboard (motor)
hors catégorie {f} [cycling] :: hors categorie (the toughest category of climb)
hors d'affaire {adj} [rare] :: Eventually safe from peril
hors d'âge {adj} :: very old, ancient, ageless
hors d'âge {adj} :: outdated, behind the times
hors d'atteinte {adj} :: out of reach; unassailable, beyond reach, out of range
hors de {prep} :: out of, outside
hors de combat {adj} [law] :: hors de combat
hors de danger {adj} :: out of danger, in the clear, safe, out of harm's way
hors de portée {adj} :: out of reach
hors de prix {adj} :: outrageously expensive, prohibitively expensive, unaffordable
hors de propos {adj} :: beside the point, irrelevant, out of place
hors de question {interj} :: out of the question!
hors de soi {adj} :: furious, enraged
hors d'état de nuire {adj} [of criminals] :: harmless
hors d'haleine {adj} :: breathless, out of breath
hors d'oeuvre {m} :: nonstandard spelling of hors d'œuvre
hors-d'œuvre {m} [cuisine] :: appetizer, starter, hors d'oeuvre (small, light, and usually savory first course in a meal)
hors-d'œuvre {m} [architecture] :: extension, appurtenance (room of a building that is not part of the main structure)
hors-d'œuvre {m} [literature] :: digression (act of straying from the main subject that could be removed from the text without detriment to the main plot)
hors-d'œuvre {m} [figurative] :: addendum, extraneity, superfluity, accessory, hors-d'oeuvre (something additional or secondary to the main thing)
hors-d'œuvre {adj} [architecture] :: stand-alone (standing apart from the main body of a building)
hors-d'œuvre {adj} [literature] :: off-topic, digressive (not pertaining directly to the subject at hand)
hors du commun {adj} :: out of the ordinary, out of the common, exceptional
hors du coup {adj} [colloquial] :: out of the loop, old-fashioned
hors d'usage {adj} :: out of order, out of use
hors-jeu {adj} :: offside
hors-jeu {m} :: offside
hors-la-loi {mf} :: outlaw (a fugitive from the law)
hors ligne {adj} :: offline
hors norme {adj} :: abnormal, extraordinary
hors norme {adj} :: exceptional
hors pair {adj} :: peerless, unparalleled
hors-piste {m} :: off-piste
hors service {adj} :: out-of-order
hors sujet {adj} :: off-topic
Hortense {prop} {f} :: given name derived from Latin Hortensia
hortensia {m} :: hydrangea
horticole {adj} :: horticultural
horticulteur {m} :: horticulturist
horticultrice {f} :: feminine noun of horticulteur
horticulture {f} :: horticulture
Hosokawa {prop} :: surname
hospice {m} :: hospice
hospital {m} :: obsolete spelling of hôpital
hospitaliation {f} :: hospitalization
hospitalier {adj} :: hospital (attributively)
hospitalier {adj} :: hospitable
hospitalier {m} :: hospitaler
hospitalièrement {adv} :: hospitably
hospitalisation {f} :: hospitalization (period of time spent in hospital for treatment)
hospitaliser {v} :: to hospitalise
hospitalité {f} :: hospitality (all senses)
hoste {m} :: obsolete spelling of hôte
hostellerie {f} :: alternative form of hôtellerie
hostesse {f} :: obsolete spelling of hôtesse
hostie {f} :: The host used in church
hostie {f} [Quebec] :: alternative form of ostie
hostie de {adj} [Quebec, slang, vulgar] :: fucking (as an intensifier)
hostile {adj} :: hostile
hostile {adj} :: unfriendly
hostilement {adv} :: hostilely
hostilité {f} :: hostility
hosto {m} [colloquial] :: hospital
hot-dog {m} :: hot dog (frankfurter in a bun)
hôte {m} :: guest (one who is received)
hôte {m} :: host (one who receives)
hôte {m} :: host (being that carries a parasite)
hôte de marque {m} :: distinguished guest
hôtel {m} :: mansion, town house, hotel
hôtel {m} :: hotel
hôtel de ville {m} :: town hall, city hall
hôtel-Dieu {m} [historical] :: hôtel-Dieu
hôtelier {adj} [attributive] :: hotel
hôtelier {m} :: hotelier (hotel-owner)
hôtelière {f} :: female equivalent of hôtelier
hôtellerie {f} [archaic] :: inn
hôtellerie {f} :: hotel business
hôtesse {f} :: hostess
hôtesse de l'air {f} :: air hostess, (female) flight attendant
hotline {f} :: hotline
hotte {f} :: carrying basket, burden basket
hotte {f} [chemistry] :: fume hood
hotte {f} :: hood (metal covering that leads to a vent to suck away smoke or fumes)
hotte {f} :: la hotte du Père Noël = Santa Claus's sack
hottée {f} :: basketful
houblon {m} :: hop (plant), hops (plant)
Houde {prop} :: surname
houe {f} :: hoe (gardening tool)
houer {v} :: to hoe
houille {f} :: coal
houiller {adj} :: coal (attributive)
houiller {adj} :: coal-bearing
houillère {f} :: coal mine, colliery
houka {f} :: hookah (pipe)
Houlagou {prop} {m} :: Hulagu
houle {f} :: swell (of water)
Houle {prop} :: Houle; surname
houlette {f} :: crook, shepherd's staff
houlette {f} [figuratively] :: leadership, wing, guidance
houleusement {adv} :: roughly, stormily
houleux {adj} :: rough, stormy (of sea)
houlque {f} :: soft-grass (of genus Holcus)
houmach {m} [Judaism] :: Chumash
hoummous {m} :: alternative spelling of houmous
houmous {m} :: hummus
houppe {f} :: tuft
houppe {f} :: tassel
houppe {f} :: powder puff
houppe {f} [heraldry] :: tassel
houppelande {f} [historical] :: houppelande
houppette {f} :: small tuft, tassel etc
houppette {f} :: an absorbent feminine contraceptive device
houppier {m} :: A person who makes or sells tassels (etc)
houppier {m} [botany] :: The crown, branches, twigs and leaves of a tree
hourra {interj} :: hurrah
hourra {m} :: hurrah
hourrah {interj} :: alternative form of hurrah
hourrah {m} :: alternative form of hurrah
hourvari {m} [literary, rare] :: noise
house {f} :: house music, house (genre of music)
houseau {m} [historical] :: gaiter
house music {f} :: house music, house
housing {m} [computing] :: colocation; A service allowing multiple customers to locate network, server and storage gear, connect them to a variety of telecommunications and network service providers, with a minimum of cost and complexity
houspiller {v} :: to chide or scold someone harshly, usually accompanied by pulling and shaking, berate
houspiller {v} :: to criticise
houspiller {v} :: to rebuke, reprehend
houspiller {v} :: to mistreat, torment, mob; to cause worry or distress
housse {f} :: slipcover; dust cover
housse de couette {f} :: duvet cover
housse mortuaire {f} :: body bag
housser {v} [rare] :: To cover with a dustsheet
housser {v} [rare] :: To dust (with a duster)
houssoir {m} [dated] :: A feather duster
housson {m} :: butcher's broom
houthiste {adj} :: Houthist
houx {m} :: holly
houx commun {m} :: European holly (Ilex aquifolium)
houx verticillé {m} :: American winterberry, (Ilex verticillata)
hovercraft {m} :: hovercraft
hoxhaïsme {m} :: Hoxhaism
hoyau {m} :: mattock
Hpe. {f} [music] :: hp (harp)
HPGP {m} :: HPGP (hydrogen peroxide gas plasma) abbreviation of plasma de gaz de peroxyde d'​hydrogène
HS {adj} :: initialism of hors-service
HS {adj} :: initialism of hors sujet (off-topic, irrelevant)
HT {adv} :: initialism of hors taxe; without tax (specifically VAT)
Huang He {prop} {m} :: Huang He (river)
huard {m} [ornithology] :: great northern loon
huard {m} :: loonie (Canadian dollar as a unit of currency)
Huard {prop} :: surname
Hubert {prop} {m} :: given name
hublot {m} :: porthole
hublot {m} [of airplane, washing machine] :: window
hubnérite {f} :: alternative spelling of hübnérite
hübnérite {f} [mineral] :: hübnerite
huche {f} :: bin
huche {f} :: chest
huchée {f} :: shouting, crying out
hucher {v} :: To cry out
huchet {m} :: hunting horn
huchet {m} [heraldiccharge] :: hunting horn
hue {interj} :: yah!, cry to make (a) working animal(s) etc. advance or turn right
Hué {prop} :: Hue, in Vietnam (all senses)
huebnérite {f} :: alternative spelling of hübnérite
huée {f} [hunting] :: hallooing
huée {f} [in the plural] :: boos, booing
huer {v} :: to boo
Hughes {prop} :: surname
Hugo {prop} :: given name, a Latinized form of Hugues
Hugo {prop} :: surname
hugolien {adj} :: Hugolian
huguenot {adj} :: Huguenot
huguenot {m} :: Huguenot
huguenotisme {m} :: Huguenotism
Hugues {prop} :: given name
Huguette {prop} :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Hugues ( =Hugh)
hui {adv} [obsolete] :: today
huictante {num} :: obsolete spelling of huitante
huilage {m} :: oiling (action or process of adding oil)
huilage {m} :: olive-oil harvest
huile {f} :: oil (liquid fat)
huile {f} :: big gun, big cheese
huile de coude {f} [idiom] :: elbow grease (effort or hard work)
huile de foie de morue {f} :: cod liver oil
huile de palme {f} :: palm oil
huile d'eucalyptus citronné {f} :: oil of lemon eucalyptus (a natural extract that is an insect repellant)
huile d'olive {f} :: olive oil
huile essentielle {f} :: essential oil
huile essentielle d'eucalyptus citronné {f} :: oil of lemon eucalyptus (a natural extract that is an insect repellant)
huiler {v} :: to oil, oil up (cover or coat with oil)
huilerie {f} :: oil refinery
huileux {adj} :: oily (covered with oil)
huilier {m} :: oil producer
huilier {adj} :: oil (attributive; relating to oil)
huilière {f} :: feminine noun of huilier
huiptante {num} [Acadia] :: alternative form of huitante
huis {m} [obsolete except in the fixed expression below] :: door
huis clos {m} [literally, obsolete] :: closed door
huis clos {m} :: an enclosed space such as a room or cell
huis clos {m} [figuratively] :: a work of fiction (film, novel, etc.) in which the action is set in an enclosed space
huis clos {m} [by extension] :: a genre in fiction where dramatic tension is derived from the action being set in an enclosed space
huis-clos {m} :: alternative form of huis clos
huisserie {f} :: doorframe, window frame
huissier {m} :: An usher, particularly:
huissier {m} [archaic, ceremonial or literary] :: a doorman
huissier {m} [legal] :: clipping of huissier de justice, an officer of the court in various European countries roughly similar to a British bailiff
huissier de justice {m} [legal] :: huissier de justice
huit {num} :: eight
huitaine {f} :: About eight
huitante {num} :: [obsolete, outside, Vaud, Valais and Fribourg in Switzerland] eighty
huitante-et-un {num} :: [obsolete, outside, Switzerland and other dialects] eighty-one
huitante-neuf {num} :: [obsolete, outside, Switzerland and other dialects] eighty-nine
huitantième {adj} [Switzerland] :: eightieth
huitantième {mf} [Switzerland] :: eightieth
huit cents {m} :: eight hundred
huitième {adj} :: eighth
huitième {mf} :: eighth
huitième art {m} [idiomatic, singulare tantum] :: Television
huitièmement {adv} :: eighthly
huitre {f} :: oyster
huître {f} :: oyster
huitrier {adj} [attributive] :: oyster
huitrier {m} :: oystercatcher (bird)
huîtrier {adj} [attributive] :: oyster
huîtrier {m} :: oystercatcher (bird)
huîtrière {f} :: oyster farm
Hull {prop} :: A placename
Hull {prop} :: Various places in Canada, USA, UK
Hull {prop} :: Hull (Québec)
hullois {adj} :: Pertaining to Hull, Quebec, Canada
Hullois {m} :: A male resident of Hull, Quebec, Canada
Hulloise {f} :: feminine noun of Hullois; Female resident of Hull, Quebec, Canada
hulotte {f} :: tawny owl (Strix aluco)
hulotte {f} :: lesser yellow underwing (Noctua comes)
hululement {m} :: hoot (the cry of an owl)
hululer {vi} :: to hoot (to make the cry of an owl)
hululeur {adj} :: hooting
hululeur {m} :: hooter
hululeur {m} :: wobbler, wobbulator
huma {f} :: humanity
humain {m} :: human
humain {adj} :: human
humain {adj} :: humane
humainement {adv} :: humanly
humainement {adv} :: humanely
humanine {m} [protein] :: humanin
humaniser {vt} :: To humanise; to civilise
humanisme {m} :: humanism
humaniste {adj} :: humanistic
humaniste {mf} :: humanist
humanitaire {adj} :: humanitarian
humanitaire {mf} :: humanitarian
humanitarisme {m} :: humanitarianism (humanitarian philosophy)
humanité {f} :: humanity (human beings as a group)
humanité {f} :: humanity (state of quality of being human)
humanoïde {adj} :: humanoid
humanoïde {m} :: a humanoid
Humbert {prop} :: given name
Humbert {prop} :: surname
humble {adj} :: humble
humblement {adv} :: humbly
humecter {v} :: to moisten (make slightly wet)
humer {vt} :: to smell
huméral {adj} [anatomy] :: humeral
humérus {m} :: humerus
humeur {f} :: humour/humor (the liquid in the body)
humeur {f} :: mental state, either temperamental or as temporary mood
humeur vitrée {f} :: vitreous humour
humide {adj} :: moist, humid
humide {adj} :: wet
humidement {adv} :: humidly
humidificateur {m} :: humidifier (a device that is used to increase the humidity of the air)
humidification {f} :: humidification
humidifier {v} :: to humidify
humidité {f} :: humidity; moisture, wetness, dampness
humiliamment {adv} [rare, nonstandard] :: humiliatingly, humblingly
humiliant {adj} :: humiliating
humiliation {f} :: A humiliation, active or passive
humilier {v} :: to humiliate
humilité {f} :: humility
humine {f} :: humin
humique {adj} :: humic
hummus {m} :: alternative spelling of houmous
humoral {adj} :: humoral
humoresque {f} [music] :: humoresque
humoriste {mf} :: comedian (entertainer)
humoristique {adj} :: funny, humorous
humoristiquement {adv} :: funnily, humorously
humour {m} :: humor; comic effect in a communication or performance
humour noir {m} :: black humor
humulène {m} [organic compound] :: humulene
humuline {f} :: humulin
Hun {prop} :: Huns; alternative form of Huns; a nomadic people originating out of Central Asia that invaded the Roman Empire in the 5th century
Hun {m} :: Hun; a member of the Huns, a nomadic tribe originating out of Central Asia that invaded the Roman Empire in the 5th century
hune {f} [nautical] :: foretop
hunier {m} [nautical] :: topsail (sail above the course sail)
hunnique {adj} :: Hunnic
hunnu {adj} :: Xiongnu; synonym of xiongnu; Pertaining to the Hunnu (Xiongnu)
Hunnu {prop} {mp} :: Xiongnu; synonym of Xiongnu
Hunnu {m} :: Xiongnu; synonym of Xiongnu
Huns {prop} :: The Huns; a nomadic people from Central Asia that invaded the Roman Empire in the 5th century
huntingtine {f} [protein] :: huntingtin
huppe {f} :: crest (tuft growing on an animal's head)
huppe {f} [ornithology] :: hoopoe (bird of species Upupa epops)
huppé {adj} [ornithology] :: crested
huppé {adj} [figurative, colloquial] :: upper-crust, posh
hure {f} :: head (of an animal, especially a boar or pig)
hure {f} :: pork brawn; head cheese
hurlant {adj} :: howling
hurlant {adj} :: screaming
hurlement {m} :: howl
hurler {v} :: to shout, to yell
hurler {v} :: to howl
hurluberlu {m} :: weirdo (eccentric person)
hurluberlu {adj} :: weird, eccentric [of a person]
huron {adj} :: Huron (attributive)
Huron {prop} [obsolete] :: The Wendat, a Native American people of the Huron Confederacy. The Wyandot and the Huron-Wendat are their cultural descendants
Huron {m} :: A member of this people
huronien {adj} :: Huronian
Huronne {f} :: feminine singular of Huron
huron-wendat {adj} :: Concerning the Wendat, their language, and their culture
hussard {m} [military] :: hussar (light cavalry of European armies)
hussarder {v} :: to act, or treat someone, in a cavalier manner
husseinite {adj} [Islam] :: Relating to Hussein Ben Ali or to his branch of Islam
hussite {adj} :: Hussite
hussite {mf} :: Hussite
hussitisme {m} :: Hussitism
hutte {f} :: hut (shelter)
hutteau {m} :: (small) hut
hutter {v} [archaic, rare] :: to hut, to put in a hut
huttier {m} [regional] :: hutter (someone living in a hut)
huttière {f} :: feminine noun of huttier
hutu {adj} :: Hutu
huyer {v} :: obsolete form of huer
Huynh {prop} :: surname
hyacinthe {f} :: hyacinth
hyacinthe {f} :: hematoid quartz
hyacinthe {f} [obsolete] :: a medicinal preparation which includes hematoid quartz stones and a number of other ingredients
Hyacinthe {prop} {m} :: given name
Hyades {prop} {fp} [astronomy, Greek god] :: Hyades
hyæne {f} :: obsolete form of hyène
hyaloïde {adj} :: hyaloid, vitreous
hyaloïde {mf} [anatomy] :: synonym of humeur vitrée
hyaloïdien {adj} [anatomy] :: hyaloid
hyaloplasme {m} :: hyaloplasm, cytosol
hyaluronique {adj} :: hyaluronic
hybridation {f} :: hybridization
hybridation {f} :: cross-breeding
hybride {adj} [biology] :: hybrid
hybride {mf} :: a hybrid
hybridé {adj} :: hybridized
hybridé {adj} :: hybrid, crossbreed, mongrel
hybrider {vt} :: to hybridize
hybridome {m} :: hybridoma
hybris {f} :: hubris (excessive pride or arrogance)
hydnocarpique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hydnocarpic
hydr- {prefix} :: alternative form of hydro-, used before a vowel
hydracide {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydracid
hydrargyre {m} [obsolete] :: quicksilver, mercury
hydrargyrure {m} :: An amalgam (of mercury and another metal)
hydratant {adj} :: hydrating
hydratation {f} :: hydration
hydrate {m} [chemistry] :: hydrate
hydrater {vt} :: to hydrate
hydraulicien {m} :: hydraulics engineer
hydraulicienne {f} :: feminine noun of hydraulicien
hydraulique {adj} :: hydraulic
hydrauliquement {adv} :: hydraulically
hydravion {m} :: seaplane
hydrazoïque {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrazoic
hydre {f} [mythology] :: hydra
Hydre {prop} {f} :: Hydra (constellation)
Hydre {prop} {f} :: Hydra (Pluto's satellite)
hydriodique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydriodic
hydrique {adj} :: hydric
hydro- {prefix} :: hydro-
hydroaccumulation {f} :: hydroaccumulation
hydroaérodrome {m} :: marine aerodrome
hydroalcoolique {adj} :: hydroalcoholic
hydrocarboné {adj} :: bituminized
hydrocarbure {m} :: hydrocarbon
hydrocarbure aromatique polycyclique {m} [biochemistry] :: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
hydrocéphale {adj} :: hydrocephalic
hydrocéphalie {f} :: hydrocephalus (skull enlargement due to fluid)
hydrochimie {f} [chemistry] :: hydrochemistry
hydrochimique {adj} [chemistry] :: hydrochemical
hydrochlorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrochloric
hydrochorie {f} [biology] :: hydrochory
hydrocodone {f} :: hydrocodone
hydrocution {f} :: immersion syncope
hydrocyanique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrocyanic
hydrodynamicien {m} :: hydrodynamicist
hydrodynamicienne {f} :: feminine singular of hydrodynamicien
hydrodynamique {f} :: hydrodynamics
hydrodynamique {adj} :: hydrodynamic
hydroécologie {f} [ecology] :: hydroecology
hydroélectricité {f} :: hydroelectricity
hydroélectrique {adj} :: hydroelectric
hydroferrocyanique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydroferrocyanic
hydrofluoration {f} :: hydrofluorination
hydrofluorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrochloride
hydrofracturation {f} :: hydrofracturing, hydraulic fracturing
hydrogamie {f} [botany] :: hydrogamy
hydrogénase {f} [enzyme] :: hydrogenase
hydrogénation {f} [chemistry] :: hydrogenation
hydrogéné {adj} :: hydrogenated
hydrogène {m} :: hydrogen
hydrogéner {vt} [chemistry] :: to hydrogenate
hydrogène sulfuré {m} [chemistry] :: hydrogen sulphide (UK) / hydrogen sulfide (US)
hydrogénocarbonate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrogen carbonate, bicarbonate
hydrogénoïde {adj} [physics, inorganic chemistry] :: hydrogen-like
hydrogénoïde {m} [physics, inorganic chemistry] :: hydrogen-like atom or cation
hydrogénosulfate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bisulfate, hydrogen sulfate (anion or salt)
hydrogénosulfite {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bisulfite, hydrogen sulfite (anion or salt)
hydrogéographique {adj} :: hydrogeographic
hydrogéologie {f} :: hydrogeology (the geology of groundwater)
hydrogéologique {adj} :: hydrogeologic
hydrogéologue {mf} :: hydrogeologist
hydrogéophysique {f} :: hydrogeophysics
hydrogéophysique {adj} :: hydrogeophysical
hydroglisseur {m} :: hydroplane
hydrogramme {m} :: hydrograph
hydrographe {adj} :: hydrographer
hydrographie {f} :: hydrography
hydrographique {adj} :: hydrographic; hydrographical
hydrographiquement {adv} :: hydrographically
hydroïodide {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydroiodide
hydrokryptoacétylène {f} [organic compound] :: hydrokryptoacetylene
hydrolaccolithe {m} [geology] :: hydrolaccolith
hydrolien {adj} :: water-powered
hydrolite {f} [mineral] :: geyserite
hydrolithe {f} [mineral] :: synonym of hydrolite
hydrologie {f} :: hydrology
hydrologique {adj} :: hydrological
hydrologue {mf} :: hydrologist
hydrolysable {adj} :: hydrolyzable
hydrolyse {f} [chemistry] :: hydrolysis
hydrolysé {adj} :: hydrolyzed
hydrolyser {vt} [chemistry] :: to hydrolyze
hydrolytique {adj} [chemistry] :: hydrolytic
hydromancie {f} :: hydromancy
hydromel {m} :: mead
hydrométallurgie {f} [metallurgy] :: hydrometallurgy
hydrométallurgique {adj} [metallurgy] :: hydrometallurgical
hydrométéorologique {adj} :: hydrometeorological
hydromètre {m} :: hydrometer
hydromètre {m} :: water measurer
hydrométrique {adj} :: hydrometric
hydromorphie {f} :: waterlogging
hydronyme {m} :: hydronym
hydropathe {adj} :: hydropathic
hydropathe {mf} :: hydropath
hydroperoxyde {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydroperoxide
hydropéroxyle {m} [organic chemistry] :: hydroperoxyl
hydrophile {adj} :: absorbant
hydrophile {adj} [chemistry] :: hydrophilic
hydrophile {m} [zoology] :: hydrophilid
hydrophilie {f} :: hydrophilicity
hydrophobe {adj} :: hydrophobic (lacking an affinity for water)
hydrophobe {mf} :: hydrophobe
hydrophobie {f} :: hydrophobicity
hydrophobique {adj} :: rabid, hydrophobic
hydropique {adj} :: dropsical
hydropisie {f} :: edema, dropsy
hydroplanage {m} :: aquaplaning
hydroplastique {adj} :: hydroplastic
hydroplastique {m} :: hydroplastic
hydropneumatique {adj} :: hydropneumatic
hydroponie {f} :: hydroponics
hydroponique {adj} :: hydroponic
hydroptère {m} :: hydrofoil
hydrorécepteur {m} [biology] :: hydroreceptor
hydrorésistant {adj} :: water-resistant
hydrosilicate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrosilicate
hydrosoluble {adj} :: hydrosoluble
hydrosphère {f} :: hydrosphere
hydrostatique {adj} :: hydrostatic
hydrostatique {f} :: hydrostatics
hydrosulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrosulfide
hydrosulfureux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrosulfurous
hydrosulfurique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrosulfuric
hydrotachymètre {m} :: hydrotachymeter
hydrotellurique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydrotelluric
hydrothérapie {f} :: hydrotherapy
hydrothérapique {adj} :: hydrotherapeutic
hydrothermal {adj} :: hydrothermal
hydrothioneux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: synonym of hydrosulfureux
hydrotimétrique {adj} :: hydrotimetric
hydrotropisme {m} [biology] :: hydrotropism, hydrotaxis
hydroxocobalamine {f} [biochemistry] :: hydroxocobalamin
hydroxyacétone {f} [organic compound] :: hydroxyacetone
hydroxybenzoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: hydroxybenzoic
hydroxycarboxylique {adj} [oganic chemistry] :: hydroxycarboxylic
hydroxyde {m} [chemistry] :: hydroxide
hydroxyde de sodium {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium hydroxide
hydroxyle {m} [chemistry] :: hydroxyl
hydroxylé {adj} :: hydroxylated
hydroxyméthyl {m} [organic chemistry, especially in combination] :: hydroxymethyl
hydroxyphényl {m} [organic chemistry, especially in combination] :: hydroxyphenyl
hydroxytoluène {m} [organic compound] :: hydroxytoluene
hydrure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hydride
hyène {f} :: hyena (animal)
hyène rayée {f} :: striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena)
hyène tachetée {f} :: spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta)
Hyères {prop} :: A town in the Var department of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
hyérois {adj} :: Of or from Hyères
hygiaphone {m} :: grill, transparent, perforated two-way communication device - at a ticket counter etc
hygiène {f} :: hygiene
hygiénique {adj} :: hygienic
hygiéniquement {adv} :: hygienically
hygiéniste {mf} :: hygienist
hygro- {prefix} :: hygro- (all senses)
hygrobie {adj} [biology] :: hygrobial
hygroma {m} :: bursitis (inflammation of a bursa)
hygromètre {m} :: hygrometer
hygrométrie {f} :: hygrometry
hygrométrique {adj} :: hygrometric
hygrométriquement {adv} :: hygrometrically
hygrophane {adj} [biology] :: hygrophanous
hygrophile {adj} :: hydrophilic
hygrophile {adj} [chemistry] :: hygroscopic
hygroscopie {f} :: hygroscopy
hygroscopique {adj} :: hygroscopic
hygrothermique {adj} :: hygrothermal
hylémorphisme {m} [philosophy] :: hylomorphism (doctrine that every physical substance is the sum of its component matter and the form taken by that matter)
hymen {m} [anatomy] :: hymen
hymen {m} :: marriage
hyménée {m} :: hymen
Hyménée {prop} :: Hymenea
hyménéen {adj} [rare] :: hymeneal, matrimonial
hyménographie {f} [anatomy] :: hymenography
hyménoplastie {f} :: hymenoplasty
hyménoptère {m} :: hymenopteran
hymne {m} :: hymn
hyoglosse {adj} [anatomy] :: hyoglossal
hyoïde {adj} :: hyoid
hyoïde {m} [anatomy] :: hyoid (bone)
hyoïdien {adj} [anatomy] :: hyoid, hyoidal
hypæthre {adj} :: obsolete form of hypèthre
hypallage {f} {m} [figure of speech] :: chiasmus
hyper- {prefix} :: hyper-
hyper- {prefix} [colloquial] :: mega- (extremely, incredibly, totally)
hyper {adv} [colloquial] :: very, a lot
hyperaccumulateur {adj} :: hyperaccumulating
hyperaccumulateur {m} :: hyperaccumulator
hyperactif {adj} :: hyperactive (excessively active)
hyperactif {adj} [medicine] :: hyperactive
hyperactif {m} :: hyperactive
hyperactivité {f} :: hyperactivity
hyperæsthésie {f} :: obsolete spelling of hyperesthésie
hyperalgésie {f} [pathology] :: hyperalgesia
hyperandrogénie {f} [biology] :: hyperandrogeny
hyperandrogénique {adj} :: hyperandrogenic
hyperandrogénisme {m} [biology] :: hyperandrogenism
hyperarbre {m} :: hypertree
hyperaride {adj} :: hyperarid
hyperbare {adj} :: hyperbaric
hyperbate {f} [rhetoric] :: hyperbaton
hyperbole {f} [rhetoric] :: hyperbole
hyperbole {f} [geometry] :: hyperbola
hyperbolique {adj} [geometry] :: hyperbolic
hyperboliquement {adv} :: hyperbolically
hyperboloïde {adj} :: hyperboloid, hyperboloidal
hyperboloïde {m} [geometry] :: hyperboloid
hyperboréen {adj} :: hyperborean
hypercalcémie {f} [pathology] :: hypercalcemia
hypercapnie {f} :: hypercapnia
hypercatalectique {adj} :: hypercatalectic
hypercentre {m} :: The heart of an urban centre
hyperchlorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hyperchloric
hypercoagulabilité {f} [pathology] :: hypercoagulability
hypercomplexe {adj} [maths] :: hypercomplex
hypercomplexe {m} :: hypercomplex number
hypercomplexité {f} [maths] :: hypercomplexity
hyperconcentration {f} :: hyperconcentration
hyperconjugaison {f} [organic chemistry] :: hyperconjugation
hypercool {adj} [colloquial] :: megacool, supercool
hypercorde {f} :: hyperstring
hypercorrection {f} :: hypercorrection
hypercube {m} :: hypercube
hyperefficace {adj} :: really efficient
hyperelliptique {adj} [maths] :: hyperelliptic
hyperémie {f} [pathology] :: hyperemia
hyperespace {m} :: hyperspace
hyperesthésie {f} :: hyperesthesia
hypereutectique {adj} [physics] :: hypereutectic
hypereutectoïde {m} :: hypereutectoid
hyperexcitabilité {f} :: hyperexcitability, hyperactivity
hyperfin {adj} :: hyperfine
hyperfréquence {f} :: microwave / superhigh frequency
hypergéométrique {adj} [maths] :: hypergeometric
hyperglycémiant {adj} [pathology] :: hyperglycemic
hyperglycémie {f} [pathology] :: hyperglycaemia
hyperglycinémie {f} [pathology] :: hyperglycinemia
hypergolique {adj} :: hypergolic
hypergraphe {m} :: hypergraph
hypergroupe {m} [maths] :: hypergroup
hyperhidrose {f} :: hyperhidrosis (a medical condition)
Hypéride {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] :: Hyperides
hyperiodate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: periodate
hyperiodique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: periodic
hyperkaliémie {f} [pathology] :: hyperkalemia
hyperkératose {f} [pathology] :: hyperkeratosis
hyperlien {m} :: hyperlink
hyperlier {v} :: to hyperlink (to add a hyperlink to a document)
hyperlourd {adj} [physics] :: hyperheavy
hypermagnésémie {f} [pathology] :: hypermagnesemia
hypermarché {m} :: hypermarket
hypermédia {f} :: hypermedia
hypermétrope {mf} :: longsighted person
hypermétrope {adj} :: longsighted
hypermétropie {f} :: hypermetropia, longsightedness
hypermnésie {f} :: hypermnesia
hypernatrémie {f} :: hypernatremia
hypernerveux {adj} :: (very) high-strung
hypernoyau {m} [physics] :: hypernucleus
hypéron {m} [physics] :: hyperon
hypéronique {adj} [physics] :: hyperonic
hyperonyme {m} :: hypernym (superordinate grouping word)
hyperoxydant {adj} [chemistry] :: hyperoxidant
hyperoxyde {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hyperoxide
hyperparamètre {m} :: hyperparameter
hyperphénylalaninémie {f} [pathology] :: hyperphenylalaninemia
hyperphosphatémie {f} [pathology] :: hyperphosphatemia
hyperplan {m} [maths] :: hyperplane
hyperpolariser {vt} :: to hyperpolarize
hyperpuissance {f} :: hyperpower
hyperréalisme {m} [arts] :: hyperrealism
hyperréaliste {adj} [arts] :: hyperrealistic
hyperréaliste {m} [arts] :: hyperrealist
hyperreligieux {adj} :: fundamentalist, hyperreligious
hypersalé {adj} :: hypersaline
hypersécrétion {f} :: hypersecretion
hypersensibilité {f} :: hypersensitivity
hypersensible {adj} :: hypersensitive
hypersexuel {adj} :: hypersexual
hypersignal {m} :: hypersignal
hypersioniste {adj} :: Extreme zionist
hypersioniste {mf} :: Extreme zionist
hypersonique {adj} :: hypersonic (many times greater than the speed of sound)
hyperspécialisation {f} :: hyperspecialization
hypersphère {f} [geometry] :: hypersphere
hypersulfure {m} [inorganic compound] :: hypersulfide
hypertendre {adj} [motorsports] :: hypersoft; more tendre (soft) than ultratendre (ultrasoft)
hypertendre {adj} :: hypertender; more tendre (tender) than supertendre (supertender)
hypertendre {m} [motorsports] :: hypersoft; ellipsis of pneu hypertendre
hypertendu {adj} :: hypertensive
hypertenseur {adj} :: hypertensive
hypertension {f} :: hypertension
hypertexte {m} :: hypertext (text for the Web)
hypertextuel {adj} :: hypertextual
hyperthermie {f} [pathology] :: hyperthermia
hypertonie {f} [medicine] :: hypertonia
hypertonie {f} :: hypertonicity
hypertonique {adj} :: hypertonic
hypertrichose {f} :: hypertrichosis
hypertriglycéridémie {f} [pathology] :: hypertriglyceridemia
hypertrophie {f} :: hypertrophy
hypertrophié {adj} :: hypertrophic
hyperuricémie {f} [pathology] :: hyperuricemia
hypervalent {adj} [chemistry] :: hypervalent
hypervéloce {adj} :: hyperfast
hypervéloce {adj} [aviation] :: hypersonic
hypervitaminémie {f} [pathology] :: hypervitaminemia
hypervitaminose {f} [pathology] :: hypervitaminosis
hypervitesse {f} :: hypervelocity (extreme speed)
hyphe {f} [mycology] :: hypha
hyphen {m} :: Old symbol with the shape of a curved stroke, formerly used in French instead of the modern hyphen, with the same function
hypnagogique {adj} :: hypnagogic
hypnogène {adj} :: hypnogenic
hypnologie {f} :: hypnology (science of sleep)
Hypnos {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Hypnos
hypnose {f} :: hypnosis (a trancelike state)
hypnothérapeute {mf} :: hypnotherapist
hypnothérapie {f} :: hypnotherapy
hypnotique {adj} :: hypnotic
hypnotique {m} [pharmacology, rare] :: sleeping pill
hypnotiquement {adv} :: hypnotically
hypnotiser {v} :: to hypnotize
hypnotiser {v} [figuratively] :: to mesmerize
hypnotiseur {m} :: hypnotist
hypnotisme {m} :: hypnotism
hypo- {prefix} :: hypo-
hypoallergénique {adj} :: hypoallergenic
hypoandrogénie {f} [biology] :: hypoandrogenism
hypoandrogénique {adj} :: hypoandrogenic
hypoazoteux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hyponitrous
hypoazotique {adj} :: hyponitric, pernitrous
hypoazotite {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: hyponitrite
hypoblaste {m} :: hypoblast
hypocalcémie {f} [pathology] :: hypocalcemia
hypocalorique {adj} :: low-calorie
hypocapnie {f} :: hypocapnia
hypocauste {m} :: hypocaust
hypochloreux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypochlorous
hypochlorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypochloric
hypocholestérolémiant {adj} :: hypocholesterolemic
hypochondriaque {adj} :: obsolete spelling of hypocondriaque
hypochondrie {f} :: obsolete spelling of hypocondrie
hypocondriaque {adj} :: hypochondriac (affected by hypochondria)
hypocondriasie {f} :: synonym of hypocondrie (obsolete)
hypocondrie {f} [psychology] :: hypochondria
hypocoristique {adj} :: hypocoristic
hypocoristique {m} :: hypocorism
hypocras {m} :: hippocras
hypocrétine {f} [protein, hormone] :: hypocretin
hypocrisie {f} :: The fake quality hypocrisy
hypocrite {adj} :: hypocritical
hypocrite {mf} :: hypocrite
hypocritement {adv} :: hypocritically
hypoderme {m} :: hypodermis
hypoderme {m} :: warble fly (of genus Hypoderma)
hypodermique {adj} :: hypodermic
hypodermiquement {adv} :: hypodermically
hypodiégétique {adj} :: hypodiegetic
hypoeutectique {adj} [physics] :: hypoeutectic
hypoeutectoïde {m} :: hypoeutectoid
hypogastre {m} [anatomy] :: hypogastrium
hypogastrique {adj} [anatomy] :: hypogastric
hypogée {m} :: hypogeum
hypoglosse {adj} [anatomy] :: hypoglossal
hypoglosse {m} [anatomy] :: hypoglossal
hypoglycémie {f} :: hypoglycaemia
hypohamiltonien {adj} :: hypohamiltonian
hypoiodeux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypoiodous
hypokaliémie {f} [pathology] :: hypokalemia
hypokhâgne {f} [colloquial] :: The first year course, followed by khâgne, of the two-year academic cycle in France (called Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles, Humanities section) whose aim is to prepare students for the entrance competition of the École normale supérieure in Paris
hypolactasie {f} [pathology] :: hypolactasia
hypolimnion {m} [geography] :: hypolimnion
hypomagnésémie {f} [pathology] :: hypomagnesemia
hypomère {m} [biology] :: hypomere
hyponatrémie {f} [pathology] :: hyponatremia
hyponitreux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hyponitrous
hyponyme {m} :: hyponym (a word more specific than)
hypoparathyroïdie {f} [pathology] :: hypoparathyroidism
hypophosphatémie {f} [pathology] :: hypophosphatemia
hypophosphoreux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypophosphorous
hypophosphorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hypophosphoric
hypophysaire {adj} :: hypophysial (related to hypophysis)
hypophyse {f} [anatomy] :: pituitary gland, hypophysis
hyporéflexie {f} :: hyporeflexia
hyposensibilité {f} :: hyposensitivity
hyposensible {adj} :: hyposensitive
hypostase {f} [theology, philosophy] :: hypostasis
hypostatique {adj} :: hypostatic
hypostatiquement {adv} :: hypostatically
hyposulfureux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: hyposulfurous
hypotaupe {f} [education] :: A higher mathematics class that is one year below the taupe
hypotendu {adj} :: hypotensive
hypotensif {adj} :: hypotensive
hypoténuse {f} [mathematics] :: hypotenuse (the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle)
hypothalamus {m} [anatomy] :: hypothalamus
hypothécaire {adj} :: hypothecary
hypothécairement {adv} :: hypothecarily
hypothénar {m} [anatomy] :: hypothenar
hypothèque {f} :: mortgage
hypothèque {f} :: obstacle
hypothéquer {vt} :: to hypothecate
hypothéquer {vt} :: to mortgage
hypothermie {f} [pathology] :: hypothermia
hypothermique {adj} :: hypothermic (affected by hypothermia)
hypothèse {f} :: hypothesis
hypothétique {adj} :: hypothetical (based upon a hypothesis)
hypothétiquement {adv} :: hypothetically
hypotonie {f} :: hypotonia
hypotonique {adj} :: hypotonic
hypovitaminose {f} [pathology] :: avitaminosis
hypovolémique {adj} :: hypovolemic / hypovolaemic
hypoxie {f} :: hypoxia (condition in which tissues are deprived of oxygen)
hypoxique {adj} :: hypoxic
hyraceum {?} :: hyraceum
hysope {f} :: hyssop
hysopique {adj} :: hyssop (attributive)
hystérectomie {f} :: hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus or part thereof)
hystérèse {f} :: hysteresis (a property of a system)
hystérésis {m} :: hysteresis (a property of a system)
hystérétique {adj} [physics] :: hysteretic
hystérie {f} :: hysteria
hystérique {adj} :: hysterical
hystériquement {adv} :: hysterically
hystériser {v} :: To hystericize
hystérocystique {adj} [anatomy] :: hysterocystic
hystérographie {f} :: hysterography