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From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Ra {prop} (Egyptian god of the Sun) :: Re {m}
rabbi {n} (Jewish scholar or teacher) :: rabín {m}
rabbinate {n} (office or function of a rabbi) :: rabinát {m}
rabbit {n} (mammal) :: králík {m}
rabbit {n} (fur) :: králík {m}
rabbit {v} (to talk incessantly and childishly) :: žvanit
rabid {adj} (affected with rabies) :: vzteklý
rabies {n} (viral disease) :: vzteklina {f}
raccoon {n} (nocturnal omnivore living in North America, Procyon lotor) :: mýval {m}
race {n} (contest) :: závod {m}
race {n} (a large group of people set apart from others on the basis of a common heritage) :: rasa {f}
racehorse {n} (horse that competes in races) :: závodní kůň {m}
racer {n} (racehorse) SEE: racehorse ::
racer {n} (someone who takes part in a race) :: závodník {m}
rachitis {n} (rickets) :: rachitida {f}
racial {adj} (of or relating to a race (or a people)) :: rasový
racialism {n} (racism) SEE: racism ::
racially {adv} (relating to race) :: rasově
Racibórz {prop} (city in Poland) :: Ratiboř {f}
racism {n} (racial prejudice or discrimination) :: rasismus {m}, rasizmus {m}
racist {n} (person who believes a particular race is superior to others.) :: rasista {m}
racist {adj} (relating to racism) :: rasistický
rack {n} (torture device) :: skřipec {m}
racket {n} (implement) :: raketa {f}
racket {n} (loud noise) :: rámus {m}
rack one's brain {v} (struggle to think of something) :: lámat si hlavu
rack railway {n} (railway that uses a rack and pinion mechanism) :: zubačka, ozubená dráha, ozubnicová dráha
raconteur {n} (storyteller) :: vypravěč {m}
racoon {n} (raccoon) SEE: raccoon ::
racquet {n} (an implement with a handle used to hit a ball) :: raketa {f}
rada {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet ::
rada {n} (a parliamentary body in a number of Slavic countries) :: rada {f}
Rada {prop} (rada) SEE: rada ::
radar {n} (method of detecting distant objects) :: radar {m}
radiation {n} (process of radiating waves or particles) :: záření {n}
radiation {n} (transfer of energy via radiation) :: sálání {n}
radiation {n} (radioactive energy) :: záření {n}, radiace
radiator {n} (device that lowers engine coolant temperature by conducting heat to the air) :: chladič {m}
radiator {n} (finned metal fixture that carries hot water or steam in order to heat a room) :: radiátor {m}
radical {adj} (thoroughgoing) :: radikální
radical {n} (person with radical opinions) :: radikál {m}
radical {n} (organic chemistry: free radical) :: radikál {m}
radicalism {n} (social or political movements that aim at fundamental change in the structure of society) :: radikalismus {m}
radicalization {n} (the process or result of radicalizing) :: radikalizace {f}
radicalize {v} ((transitive) to make radical) :: radikalizovat
radicalness {n} (state or the quality of being radical) :: radikálnost {f}
radio {n} (technology) :: rádio {n}, rozhlas {m}
radio {n} (receiver) :: rádio {n}
radio {n} (transmitter) :: rádio {n}
radioactive {adj} (exhibiting radioactivity) :: radioaktivní
radioactive decay {n} (physical process) :: radioaktivní rozpad {m}
radioactive fallout {n} (material from a radioactive plume) :: radioaktivní spad {m}
radioactive waste {n} (type of waste) :: radioaktivní odpad {n}
radioactivity {n} (emission of ionizing radiation) :: radioaktivita {f}
radioactivity {n} (radiation emitted) :: radioaktivita {f}
radio button {n} (selction button in graphical user interface) :: výběrové tlačítko {n}
radio-controlled car {n} (radio-controlled car) :: auto na dálkové ovládání {n}
radio frequency {n} (part of the electromagnetic spectrum within which radio waves are transmitted) :: radiofrekvence {f}
radiographic {adj} (of or pertaining to radiography) :: radiografický
radiography {n} (the process of making radiographs, and the science of analyzing them) :: radiografie {f}
radioisotope {n} (a radioactive isotope of an element) :: radioizotop {m}
radiologist {n} (practitioner of radiology) :: radiolog {m}
radiology {n} (the use of radiation in diagnosis) :: radiologie {f}
radiometer {n} (device that measures radiant energy) :: radiometr {m}
radio telescope {n} (astronomical device) :: radioteleskop {m}
radiotherapy {n} (therapeutic use of radiation) :: radioterapie {f}
radish {n} (plant Raphanus sativus var. sativus) :: ředkvička, ředkev, ředkev setá
radish {n} (edible root) :: ředkvička {f}
radish {n} (plant of the Raphanus genus) :: ředkev
radium {n} (chemical element with an atomic number of 88) :: radium {n}, rádium {n}
radius {n} (bone (human)) :: vřetenní kost {f}
radius {n} (line segment) :: poloměr {m}
radius {n} (length of this line segment) :: poloměr {m}
radix {n} (biology: root) SEE: root ::
radon {n} (chemical element) :: radon {m}
raft {n} (flat, floating structure) :: vor {m}
raft {n} (inflatable floating craft) :: raft {m}
rafter {n} (one of a series of sloped beams) :: krokev {f}
raftsman {n} (person who transports a raft of floating logs downstream to a sawmill) :: raftař {m}, vorař {m}
rag {n} (piece of cloth) :: hadr {m}
rag {n} (mean or tattered attire) :: hadry {m}
rag {n} (shabby, beggarly fellow) :: otrhanec {m}
ragbag {n} (collection of miscellaneous things) SEE: hodgepodge ::
rag doll {n} (a doll made from cloth and rags) :: hadrová panenka {f}
rage {n} (a violent anger) :: zuřivost {f}, běs {m}, běsnění {n}
rage {n} (a current fashion or fad) :: hit {m}, móda {f}, výkřik {m} (módy)
ragged {adj} (rent or worn into tatters, or till the texture is broken) :: potrhaný
ragged {adj} (broken with rough edges) :: členitý
ragged {adj} (wearing tattered clothes) :: otrhaný
ragout {n} (stew of meat and vegetables mixed together) :: ragú {n}
rags and tatters {n} (very old, torn clothes) :: hadry {m-p}
Ragusa {prop} (Dubrovnik) SEE: Dubrovnik ::
ragweed {n} (plant of the genus Ambrosia) :: ambrózie {f}
raider {n} (one who engages in a raid) :: nájezdník {m}
rail {n} (means of transportation) SEE: railway ::
rail {n} (horizontal bar; railing) :: zábradlí {n}
rail {n} (metal bar) :: kolejnice {f}, kolej {f}, koleje {f-p}
railing {n} (fence or barrier) :: zábradlí {n}
railroad {n} (permanent road consisting of fixed metal rails) SEE: railway ::
railroad {n} (transportation system) SEE: railway ::
railroad crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing ::
railroad station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station ::
railroad switch {n} (points) SEE: points ::
railroad tie {n} (piece supporting the rails of a railroad) :: pražec {m}, železniční pražec {m}
rail transport {n} (transport) :: železnice {f}
railway {n} (track, consisting of parallel rails) :: kolej {f}, železnice {f}, trať {f}
railway {n} (transport system using these rails) :: železnice {f}
railway station {n} (place where trains stop) :: železniční stanice {f}, stanice {f}
railway station {n} (an urban terminal for a number of trains) :: nádraží {n}
rain {n} (condensed water from a cloud) :: déšť {m}
rain {n} (any matter falling) :: déšť {m}
rain {n} (an instance of particles falling) :: déšť
rain {v} (of rain: to fall from the sky) :: pršet, dštít
rain {v} (to fall in large quantities) :: pršet
rain {v} (to issue in large quantities) :: sypat
rainbow {n} (multicoloured arch in the sky) :: duha {f}
rainbow trout {n} (Oncorhynchus mykiss (countable)) :: pstruh duhový {m}
rain buckets {v} (to rain heavily) SEE: rain cats and dogs ::
rain cats and dogs {v} (to rain very heavily) :: lít jako z konve, padat trakaře
raincoat {n} (waterproof coat) :: pláštěnka {f}
rain fire and brimstone {v} (to send horror and destruction) :: dštít oheň a síru, chrlit oheň a síru
rainforest {n} (type of forest) :: deštný prales {m}, deštný les {m}
rain pitchforks {v} (rain cats and dogs) SEE: rain cats and dogs ::
rainstick {n} (rainstick) :: dešťová hůl {f}
rainwater {n} (water sourced from rain) :: dešťovka {f}, dešťová voda {f}
rainy {adj} (abounding with rain) :: deštivý
rainy season {n} (portion of the year when rainfall amounts are greatest) :: období dešťů {n}
raion {n} (administrative unit) :: rajón {m}
raise {v} (to cause to rise) :: zvednout, zdvihnout {pf}, zvedat {impf}, zdvihat {impf}, povznést {pf}
raise {v} (to resurrect, to cause to live again) :: vzkřísit {pf}
raise {v} (to bring up, to grow) :: vychovat
raise {v} (to exponentiate) :: umocnit
raisin {n} (dried grape) :: rozinka {f}, hrozinka {f}
raison d'être {n} (Reason for existence) :: smysl existence, příčina bytí, raison d'être, smysl bytí
rajah {n} (Hindu prince) :: rádža {m}
rake {n} (garden tool) :: hrábě {p}
rake {v} (to act upon with a rake, or as if with a rake) :: hrabat
rake {n} (a lot, plenty) SEE: plenty ::
rally {n} (demonstration) SEE: demonstration ::
rally {n} (tennis: sequence of strokes) :: výměna
rally {n} (motor racing: event) :: rallye {f}, rally {f}
ram {n} (male sheep) :: beran {m}
ram {n} (battering ram) SEE: battering ram ::
Rama {prop} (avatar of Lakshmi) :: Ráma
ramble {n} (stroll) SEE: stroll ::
ramble {v} (wander) SEE: wander ::
ramen {n} (soup noodles of wheat, with various ingredients (Japanese style)) :: ramen
ramification {n} (branching process) :: rozvětvení {n}
rampart {n} (defensive ridge of earth) :: val {m}
rampion {n} (Phyteuma) :: zvonečník {m}
ramson {n} (ramsons) SEE: ramsons ::
ramsons {n} (Allium ursinum) :: česnek medvědí {m}
ranch {n} (small farm that cultivates vegetables or livestock) :: ranč {m}
rancid {adj} (rancid) SEE: offensive ::
rancid {adj} (being rank in taste or smell) :: žluklý, ztuchlý
rancidity {n} (state of being rancid) :: žluklost {f}
random {adj} (all outcomes being unpredictable) :: náhodný {m}
random {adj} (computing: pseudorandom) :: pseudonáhodný {m}
random {adj} (undistinguished, average) :: průměrný {m}, náhodný {m}, neodlišitelný {m}
random {adj} (apropos of nothing) :: nesouvisející {m}
random access memory {n} (computer memory that dynamically stores program and data values during operation and in which each byte of memory may be directly accessed) :: paměť s náhodným přístupem
randomness {n} (property of all possible outcomes being equally likely) :: náhodnost {f}
randomness {n} (measure of the lack of purpose, logic, or objectivity of an event) :: nahodilost {f}, libovolnost {f}
random number {n} (number allotted randomly using a suitable generator) :: náhodné číslo {n}
random sample {n} (sample) :: náhodný výběr {m}
random variable {n} (measurable function from a sample space) :: náhodná veličina {f}
range {n} (step of a ladder) SEE: rung ::
range {n} (area for practicing shooting) :: střelnice
range {n} (math: set of values of a function) :: obor hodnot {m}
range {v} (to classify) SEE: classify ::
ranger {n} :: hraničář {m}
Rangoon {prop} (Yangon) SEE: Yangon ::
rank {n} (hierarchical level in an organization) :: hodnost {f}
rank {n} (chess: one of the horizontal lines of squares) :: řada {f}
ransom {n} (money paid for the freeing of a hostage) :: výkupné {n}
ransom {v} (to pay a price to set someone free) :: vykoupit
ransomware {n} (malware) :: ransomware {m}, vyděračský program {m}
ranunculus {n} (buttercup) SEE: buttercup ::
rape {n} (act of forcing sexual activity) :: znásilnění {n}
rape {v} (force sexual intercourse) :: znásilňovat {impf}, znásilnit {pf}
rape oil {n} (rapeseed oil) SEE: rapeseed oil ::
rapeseed {n} (rapeseed plant) :: řepka {f}
rapeseed oil {n} (vegetable oil) :: řepkový olej {m}
rapid {adj} (Very swift or quick) :: rychlý
rapid {n} (section of river) :: peřej {m}
rapier {n} (slender straight sharply pointed sword) :: rapír {m}
raping {n} (rape) SEE: rape ::
rapist {n} (someone who rapes someone else) :: násilník {m}
rapt {adj} (very interested; fascinated) :: uchvácen {m}, pohroužen
raptor {n} (bird of prey) SEE: bird of prey ::
rapunzel {n} (corn salad) SEE: corn salad ::
rapunzel {n} (rampion) SEE: rampion ::
Rapunzel {prop} (a German fairy tale) :: Locika {f}
Rapunzel {prop} (the main character of that tale) :: Locika {f}
rare {adj} (very uncommon) :: vzácný {m}, řídký
rare {adj} (cooked very lightly) :: krvavý
rarefied {adj} (less dense than usual) :: ředěný, zředěný
rarely {adv} (not occurring at a regular interval) :: zřídka
rareness {n} (property of being rare) :: vzácnost {f}
rarity {n} (measure of the scarcity of an object) :: vzácnost {f}
rarity {n} (rare object) :: vzácnost {f}
rascal {n} (cheeky person) :: rošťák {m}, uličník {m}, drzoun {m}, parchant {m}
rash {adj} (hasty) :: zbrklý {m}
rash {n} (of skin) :: vyrážka {f}
rashness {n} (quality of being rash) :: unáhlenost {f}, zbrklost {f}
rasp {n} (coarse file) :: rašple {f}
rasp {v} (to use a rasp) :: rašplovat
raspberry {n} (plant) :: malina {f}
raspberry {n} (fruit) :: malina {f}
raster graphics {n} (structure representing grid of pixels) :: rastrová grafika {f}
rat {n} (rodent) :: krysa {f}, potkan {m}
ratchet {n} (ratchet wrench) :: ráčna {f}
rate {n} (speed) SEE: speed ::
rate {n} (the proportional relationship between one amount, value etc. and another) :: poměr
rate {n} (a set price or fee determined in relation to a particular scale or standard) :: sazba {f}
ratel {n} (Mellivora capensis) SEE: honey badger ::
rather {adv} (preferably) :: raději, spíš, spíše
rather than {conj} (to indicate that the following alternative is less preferred) :: raději než
rather than {prep} (instead of, in preference to) :: raději než, namísto
ratification {n} (formal declaration of agreement to a treaty etc) :: ratifikace {f}
ratify {v} (give formal consent to) :: ratifikovat
rating {n} (mark that refers to the ability of something) :: hodnocení {n}, ohodnocení {n}
ratio {n} (number representing comparison) :: poměr {m}
ration {n} (portion allocated) :: příděl {m}
rational {adj} (capable of reasoning) :: racionální
rational {adj} (reasonable; not absurd) :: racionální
rational {adj} (arithmetic: of a number) :: racionální
rational {n} (rational number) SEE: rational number ::
rationalism {n} (philosophical theory) :: racionalismus {m}
rationalist {n} (person) :: racionalista {m}
rationalization {n} (reorganization of a company) :: racionalizace {f}
rationalization {n} (concealment of true motivation) :: racionalizace {f}
rational number {n} (quotient of integers) :: racionální číslo {n}
rationing {n} (ration) SEE: ration ::
ratio variable {n} (ratio variable) :: poměrová veličina {f}, poměrová proměnná {f}
rat out {v} (to inform authorities (about someone)) :: prásknout
rattler {n} (rattlesnake) SEE: rattlesnake ::
rattlesnake {n} (venomous snake) :: chřestýš {m}
raven {n} (bird) :: krkavec {m}
ravenous {adj} (very hungry) :: vyhladovělý {m}
ravine {n} (a deep narrow valley) :: rokle {f}, strž {f}
ravish {v} (rape) SEE: rape ::
raw {adj} (uncooked) :: syrový
raw {adj} (untreated) :: surový
raw material {n} (material in its unprocessed, natural state) :: surovina {f}
ray {n} (beam of light or radiation) :: paprsek {m}
ray {n} (mathematics: line extending indefinitely in one direction from a point) :: polopřímka {f}
ray {n} (marine fish with a flat body, large wing-like fins, and a whip-like tail) :: rejnok {m}
Raynaud's disease {n} (Raynaud's disease) :: Raynaudova choroba {f}
razor {n} (shaving knife) :: břitva {f}
razor blade {n} (razor blade) :: žiletka {f}
razor strop {n} (birch bracket) SEE: birch bracket ::
razor strop {n} (leather strop for whetting a razor) :: obtahovací řemen {m}
re- {prefix} (again) :: pře-, znovu-
reach {v} (to extend, to thrust out) :: sáhnout
reach {v} (to arrive at by effort) :: dorazit, dojet
reach for the sky {interj} (surrender) SEE: hands up ::
reaction {n} (action in response to an event) :: reakce {f}
reaction {n} (chemical transformation) :: reakce {f}
reactor {n} (a device which uses atomic energy to produce heat) :: reaktor {m}
read {v} (look at and interpret letters or other information) :: číst {impf}
read {v} (speak aloud words or other information that is written) :: číst, předčítat
read {v} (have the ability to read text or other information) :: číst, být gramotný
read {v} (of text, etc., to be interpreted or read in a particular way) :: číst se
readability {n} (property of being capable of being read; legibility) :: čitelnost {f}
readability {n} (property of being easy or engaging to read) :: čtivost {f}
readable {adj} (legible) SEE: legible ::
readable {adj} (enjoyable to read) :: čtivý
readableness {n} (readability) SEE: readability ::
read between the lines {v} (infer a meaning that is not stated explicitly) :: číst mezi řádky
reader {n} (person who reads a publication) :: čtenář {m}
reader {n} (person who recites literary works, usually to an audience) :: předčítač {m}
reader {n} (person employed by a publisher to read works and determine their merits) :: korektor {m}, lektor {m}
reader {n} (any device that reads something) :: čtečka {f}
reader {n} (lecturer) SEE: lecturer ::
readiness {n} (state or degree of being ready) :: připravenost {f}
reading {n} (process of interpreting written language) :: čtení {n}
reading {n} (process of interpreting a symbol) :: čtení {n}
reading room {n} (space set aside for reading) :: čítárna {f}
ready {n} (cash) SEE: cash ::
ready {adj} (prepared for immediate action or use) :: připravený {m}, hotový
ready {adj} :: hotový
ready, set, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go ::
ready, steady, go {phrase} (on your mark, get set, go) SEE: on your mark, get set, go ::
reagent {n} (substance used in chemical reactions) :: činidlo {n}
real {adj} (true, genuine, not merely nominal) :: skutečný, reálný
real {adj} (that has physical existence) :: skutečný, reálný
real {adj} (mathematics: relating to numbers with a one-to-one correspondence to the points on a line) :: reálný
real {n} (former unit of currency of Spain and Spain's colonies) :: reál {m}
real {n} (mathematics: a real number) SEE: real number ::
real {adv} (really) SEE: really ::
real estate {n} (property that cannot easily be moved) :: nemovitost {f}
realism {n} (concern for fact or reality) :: realismus {m}
realist {n} (one who sees things as they are) :: realista {m}
realist {n} (advocate of artistic realism) :: realista {m}
realistic {adj} (expressed or represented as being accurate) :: realistický
realistic {adj} (relating to the representation of objects, actions or conditions as they actually are or were) :: realistický {m}
reality {n} (state of being actual or real) :: skutečnost {f}
reality {n} (entirety of all that is real) :: skutečnost {f}
realizable {adj} (capable of being realized or achieved) :: uskutečnitelný {m}
realize {v} (to make real) :: uskutečnit
realize {v} (to become aware of) :: uvědomit si
really {adv} (actually) :: skutečně
really {adv} (informally, as an intensifier; very, very much) :: skutečně
really {interj} (indicating surprise at, or requesting confirmation of, some new information) :: opravdu, skutečně
realm {n} (territory or state) :: říše {f}
real number {n} (limit of a convergent sequence of rational numbers) :: reálné číslo {n}
real property {n} (real estate) SEE: real estate ::
ream {n} (bundle of paper) :: rys {m}
reap {v} (to cut with a sickle) :: žnout {impf}, žít {impf}, kosit {impf} [scythe]
reaper {n} (one who reaps) :: sekáč {m}
reaper {n} (the Grim Reaper) SEE: Grim Reaper ::
reap hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle ::
reaping hook {n} (sickle) SEE: sickle ::
rear {v} (to bring up to maturity) :: vychovat
rear {adj} (being behind, or in the hindmost part) :: zadní
rear admiral {n} (naval officer below the rank of vice admiral) :: kontradmirál {m}
rearm {v} (to replace or restore the weapons or arms) :: přezbrojit
rear-view mirror {n} (mirror inside a vehicle giving view of the traffic behind) :: zpětné zrcátko {n}
reason {n} (that which causes: a cause) :: příčina {f}
reason {n} ((the capacity of the human mind for) rational thinking) :: rozum {m}
reason {n} :: důvod {m}
reason {v} (to arrange and present the reasons for or against; to examine, debate, discuss) SEE: debate ::
reason {n} (math: ratio, proportion) SEE: ratio ::
reasonable {adj} (just; fair; agreeable to reason) :: rozumný
reasonable {adj} (inexpensive) :: rozumný
reasonable {adj} (satisfactory) :: rozumný
reasonableness {n} (state or characteristic of being reasonable) :: rozumnost {f}
reasonably {adv} (in accordance with reason) :: rozumně
reasoning {n} (deduction of inferences or interpretations) :: uvažování {n}
reassess {v} (assess again) SEE: re-evaluate ::
reata {n} (lasso) SEE: lasso ::
rebar {n} (steel reinforcing bar for concrete) :: roxor {m} [informal]
rebarbative {adj} (repellent) :: odpudivý, odporný
rebel {n} (person who resists an established authority) :: povstalec {m}, rebel {m}, buřič {m}, vzbouřenec {m}
rebel {v} (to resist or become defiant towards) :: bouřit se
rebellion {n} (armed resistance) :: povstání {n}, vzpoura {f}, rebelie {f}
rebellion {n} (defiance) :: vzpoura {f}, povstání {n}, rebelie {f}
rebirth {n} (revival, reinvigoration) :: znovuzrození {n}
rebuke {n} (harsh criticism) :: výčitka {f}
rebuke {v} (to criticise harshly; to reprove) :: vyčítat
rebus {n} (puzzle) :: rébus {m}
rebut {v} (deny the truth of something) :: odporovat
recall {v} (to recall) SEE: reproduce ::
recant {v} (to withdraw or repudiate formally and publicly) :: odvolat
recapitulation {n} (subsequent enumeration of the major points) :: rekapitulace {f}
recede {v} (move back, move away) :: ustoupit
receipt {n} (written acknowledgement) :: stvrzenka {f}, účtenka {f}
receive {v} (take what is offered, accept from another) :: obdržet {pf}, dostat {pf}
receive {v} (take possession of) :: přijmout, obdržet, dostat
receiver {n} (person who receives) :: příjemce {m}
receiver {n} (electronic device) :: přijímač {m}
recension {n} (critical revision of a text) :: recenze {f}
recent {adj} (having happened a short while ago) :: nedávný {m}
recently {adv} (in the recent past) :: nedávno
receptacle {n} (container) :: nádoba {f}, schránka {f}
receptacle {n} (botany: part of flower) :: lůžko {n}
receptacle {n} (electrical: contact device) :: zásuvka {f}
reception {n} (act of receiving) :: obdržení {n}, přijetí {n}
reception {n} (electronics: act or ability to receive signals) :: příjem {m}
reception {n} (social engagement) :: recepce {f}
reception {n} (reaction) :: přijetí {n}
reception {n} (front desk) :: recepce {f}
reception desk {n} (place in public and company buildings) :: recepce {f}
receptionist {n} (employee who receives visitors and/or calls, typically in an office setting) :: recepční {m}
receptor {n} (a protein on a cell wall that responds to sensory stimuli) :: čidlo {n}
recession {n} (period of reduced economic activity) :: recese {f}
recessive {adj} (in genetics) :: recesivní
recidivist {n} (one who falls back into prior habits, especially criminal habits) :: recidivista {m}
recidivous {adj} (prone to relapse into immoral or antisocial behavior) :: náchylný k recidivě {f}
recidivous {adj} (recurring) :: recidivní
recipe {n} (instructions for making or preparing food dishes) :: recept {m}
recipient {n} (one who receives) :: příjemce {m}
reciprocal {adj} (done by each of two people towards the other) :: vzájemný
recital {n} (a formal explanation of the reasons on which the transaction is founded) :: bod odůvodnění {m}
recitation {n} (act of reciting) :: recitace {f}
recite {v} (to recite) SEE: say ::
recite {v} (to repeat aloud some passage, poem or other text) :: recitovat
reciter {n} (one who recites) :: recitátor {m}
reckless {adj} (careless or heedless; headstrong or rash) :: bezohledný, bezstarostný
reckless {adj} (indifferent to danger or the consequences) :: bezstarostný, lehkomyslný
reclaim {v} (to recycle) SEE: recycle ::
reclaim {v} (to tame or domesticate a wild animal) SEE: tame ::
recognition {n} (the act of recognizing or the condition of being recognized) :: rozpoznání {n}
recognition {n} (acceptance as valid or true) :: uznání {n}
recognition {n} (official acceptance of the status of a new government by that of another country) :: uznání {n}
recognition {n} (honour, favorable note, or attention) :: uznání {n}
recognizable {adj} (able to be recognized) :: rozeznatelný, rozpoznatelný
recognize {v} (to match in memory; to know from a previous encounter) :: poznat
recognize {v} (to acknowledge the existence or legality of) :: uznat
recoil {n} (pushback from a fired firearm) :: zpětný ráz {m}
recoil {v} (to pull back, especially in disgust, horror or astonishment) :: stáhnout se {pf}, odtáhnout se {pf}, ucuknout {pf}, zhrozit se {pf}
recoil {v} (to jerk back, to kick back as a firearm) :: kopnout {pf}
recollection {n} (act of recalling to the memory) :: vzpomínání {n}
recollection {n} (power of recalling ideas to the mind) :: paměť {f}
recollection {n} (that which is called to mind) :: vzpomínka {f}
recollection {n} (archaic: the act or practice of collecting or concentrating the mind) :: zklidnění mysli {n}
recommend {v} (to commend to the favorable notice of another) :: doporučit
recommendation {n} (commendation) SEE: commendation ::
recommendation {n} (act of recommending) :: doporučení {n}
recommendation {n} (that which is recommended) :: doporučení {n}
recompense {n} (that which compensates for a harm done) :: odškodnění {n}, náhrada {f}
reconcile {v} (to restore a friendly relationship) :: usmířit se, smířit se, smířit
reconcile {v} (to make things compatible or consistent) :: sladit, srovnat
reconcile {v} (to make the net difference in credits and debits of a financial account agree with the balance) :: vyrovnat, srovnat, urovnat
reconciliation {n} (reestablishment of friendly relations) :: usmíření {n}
reconciliation {n} (Roman Catholic sacrament) :: svátost smíření {f}, zpověď {f}
reconstruction {n} (act of restoring) :: přestavba {f}, rekonstrukce {f}
record {n} (information put into a lasting physical medium) :: záznam {m}
record {n} (phonograph record) :: deska {f}
record {n} (computing: set of data relating to a single individual or item) :: záznam {m}
record {n} (most extreme known value of some achievement) :: rekord {m}
record {v} (make a record of) :: zaznamenat
record {v} (make an audio or video recording of) :: nahrát
record {v} ((intransitive) make audio or video recording) :: nahrávat
recorder {n} (musical instrument) :: zobcová flétna {f}
recording {n} (reproduction stored in a permanent medium) :: záznam {m}, (of a sound) nahrávka {f}
recount {v} (to tell, narrate) :: vyprávět {impf}
recover {v} (intransitive: to get better, regain health) :: zotavit se
recovery {n} (return to normal health) :: zotavení {n}
recreate {v} (to produce again, to recreate) SEE: reproduce ::
recreation {n} (activity that diverts, amuses or stimulates) :: rekreace {f}
recreational drug {n} (drug taken for its effect on the mind) :: droga {f}
recruit {n} (newly enlisted soldier) :: branec {m}, rekrut {m}
recruit {v} (to supply with new men, as an army) :: rekrutovat
rectangle {n} (quadrilateral) :: obdélník {m}
rectangular {adj} (having a shape like a rectangle) :: obdélníkový, rektangulární
rectifier {n} (a device that converts alternating current into direct current) :: střídač {m}
rectify {v} (to heal) SEE: heal ::
recto {n} (The front side of a flat object) :: líc
rector {n} (headmaster) :: rektor {m}
rectorate {n} (office of a rector) :: rektorát {m}
rectum {n} (terminal part of the large intestine) :: konečník {m}
recumbent {adj} (lying down) :: ležící
recumbent {n} (special type of bicycle) :: lehokolo
recumbent bicycle {n} (recumbent) SEE: recumbent ::
recuperate {v} (recover, especially from an illness) SEE: recover ::
recursive {adj} (mathematics: of an expression, in which each term is determined by applying a formula to preceding terms) :: rekurzivní
recursive {adj} (computing: of a program or function that calls itself) :: rekurzivní
recursively {adv} ((computers) using recursion) :: rekurzivně
recursively enumerable {adj} ((computing theory) of a set, such that there exists a deterministic algorithm which will list all the items in the set and no others) :: rekurzivně spočetný
recyclability {n} (the quality of being recyclable) :: recyklovatelnost
recyclable {adj} (able to be recycled) :: recyklovatelný
recycle {v} (to break down and reuse component materials) :: recyklovat
recycling {n} (the practice of sorting and collecting waste materials for new use) :: recyklace {f}
red {n} (colour) :: červeň {f}, červená {f}, rudá {f}
red {n} (socialist, communist) :: rudý {m}
red {n} (red wine) :: červené {n}
red {adj} (having red as its colour) :: červený {m}, rudý {m}
red {adj} (of hair: orange-brown) :: rusý {m}, ryšavý {m}, zrzavý {m}
red {adj} (left-wing, socialist or communist) :: rudý {m}
red admiral {n} (butterfly) :: babočka admirál {f}
Red Army {prop} (name of the Soviet army) :: Rudá armáda {f}
Red Army man {n} (the lowest military rank of the Red Army) :: rudoarmějec
red beet {n} (beetroot) SEE: beetroot ::
red blood cell {n} (haemoglobin-carrying blood cell in vertebrates) :: červená krvinka {f}, erytrocyt {m}
redbreast {n} (American robin) SEE: American robin ::
red card {n} (sports: card) :: červená karta {f}
Red Crescent {prop} (branch of the Red Cross) :: Červený půlměsíc {m}
Red Cross {prop} (Red Cross) :: Červený kříž {m}
red currant {n} (plant) :: červený rybíz {m}
red currant {n} (fruit) :: červený rybíz {m}
red deer {n} (Cervus elaphus) :: jelen lesní {m}
redden {v} (to become red) :: červenat, rudnout
reddish {adj} (resembling the colour red) :: červenavý
red dwarf {n} (small star) :: červený trpaslík {m}
redeem {v} (to recover ownership of something by paying a sum) :: vykoupit, vyplatit
redeem {v} (to liberate by payment of ransom) :: vykoupit
redeem {v} (to save, rescue, recover) :: vykoupit
redeem {v} (to clear, release from debt or blame) :: vykoupit
redeem {v} (to expiate, atone for) :: vykoupit
redeem {v} (to convert into cash) :: proplatit
redeem {v} (to save from a state of sin) :: vykoupit
redeemer {n} (one who redeems) :: spasitel {m}
redefine {v} (to give a new or different definition to a word) :: předefinovat
redefinition {n} (act or event of redefining) :: redefinice {f}
redemption {n} (the act of redeeming or something redeemed) :: vykoupení {n}
redemption {n} (the recovery, for a fee, of a pawned article) :: vykoupení {n}
redemption {n} (salvation from sin) :: vykoupení {n}
redemption {n} (rescue upon payment of a ransom) :: vykoupení {n}
red-handed {adj} (in the act of wrongdoing) :: při činu
redhead {n} (red-haired person) :: zrzek {m}, zrzka {f}
redirect {v} (substitute an address or pointer to a new location) :: přesměrovat
redirect {n} (substition of an address for another one) :: přesměrování {n}
redistribution {n} (act of changing the distribution of resources) :: přerozdělění {n}
red kite {n} (Milvus milvus) :: luňák červený {m}
red knot {n} (the bird Calidris canutus) :: jespák rezavý {m}
red line {n} (a line dividing ice rink in half) :: červená čára {f}
red lynx {n} (bobcat) SEE: bobcat ::
red-necked grebe {n} (Podiceps grisegena) :: potápka rudokrká {f}
red-necked phalarope {n} (Phalaropus lobatus) :: lyskonoh úzkozobý
red-necked stint {n} (Calidris ruficollis) :: jespák rudokrký {m}
redo {v} (to do again) :: předělat
red oak {n} (Quercus rubra tree) :: dub červený {m}
redoubt {v} (to dread) SEE: dread ::
red panda {n} (Ailurus fulgens) :: panda červená {f}, panda malá {f}
red phalarope {n} (Phalaropus fulicarius) :: lyskonoh ploskozobý {m}
Red Planet {prop} (Mars) :: rudá planeta
redpoll {n} (finch) :: čečetka
red poppy {n} (Papaver rhoeas) SEE: corn poppy ::
Red Sea {prop} (sea between Africa and Arabia) :: Rudé moře {n}
redshank {n} (Old World wading bird) :: vodouš
redshift {n} (change in wavelength) :: rudý posuv {m}
Red Square {prop} (Moscow square) :: Rudé náměstí {n}
redstart {n} (ground-feeding bird) :: rehek {m-an}
red-throated diver {n} (loon) :: potáplice malá {f}
red-throated pipit {n} (Anthus cervinus) :: linduška rudokrká {f}
red-throated tit {n} (Melaniparus fringillinus) :: sýkora rezavokrká {f}
reductio ad absurdum {n} (proof by contradiction) SEE: proof by contradiction ::
reduction {n} (act, process, or result of reducing) :: snížení {n}, redukce {f}
reduction {n} (chemistry: reaction in which electrons are gained and valence is reduced) :: redukce {f}
reductionism {n} (approach of studying complex systems) :: redukcionismus {m}
redundant {adj} (superfluous) :: nadbytečný
redundantly {adv} (in a redundant manner) :: nadbytečně
red wine {n} (red coloured wine) :: červené víno {n}
redwing {n} (Turdus iliacus) :: cvrčala {f}
redwood {n} (the species Sequoia sempervirens) :: sekvoj {f}
reed {n} (grass-like plant) :: rákosí {n}, sítí {n}
reed {n} (weaving) :: paprsek {n}
reed warbler {n} (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) :: rákosník obecný {m}
reef {n} (rocks at or near surface of the water) :: útes {m}
reef {n} (reef knot) SEE: reef knot ::
reefer {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
reefer {n} (marijuana cigarette) :: špek {m}, joint {m}
reef knot {n} (type of knot) :: ambulanční uzel {m}, ambulanční spojka {f}, plochá spojka {f}, ambulák {m}
reek {n} (unpleasant smell) :: zápach {m}, smrad {m}
reek {v} (to have or give off a strong, unpleasant smell) :: páchnout
reel {v} (to walk shakily or unsteadily) :: vrávorat {impf}
reelection {n} (the act of being elected after already being elected once) :: znovuzvolení {n}
re-evaluate {v} (evaluate again) :: přehodnotit {pf}
re-examine {v} (to examine again) :: přezkoušet
refactor {v} ((computing) to rewrite existing source code in order to improve its readability, reusability or structure without affecting its meaning or behaviour) :: refaktorovat
refactoring {n} (process in which code is refactored) :: refaktorování {n}, refaktorizace {f}
refer {v} (to direct to a source for help or information) :: odkázat
referee {n} (sport: umpire, judge of a game) :: rozhodčí {m}
reference {n} (academic writing: source) :: zdroj {m}, pramen {m}, reference {f}
referendum {n} (direct popular vote) :: referendum {n}
referent {n} (that which a term denotes) :: referent {m}
refill {n} :: náplň {f}
refine {v} (to reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from impurities; to free from dross or alloy) :: čistit, vyčistit, pročistit, rafinovat
refine {v} (to purify from what is gross, coarse, vulgar, inelegant, low, and the like; to make elegant or excellent; to polish) :: kultivovat
refine {v} (to improve in accuracy, delicacy, or excellence) :: vylepšovat
refinement {n} (act, or the result of refining; the removal of impurities, or a purified material) :: rafinace {f}
refinery {n} (building used to produce refined products) :: rafinérie {f}
refining {n} (process) SEE: refinement ::
reflation {n} (the act of restoring deflated prices) :: reflace {f}
reflect {v} (to bend back from a surface) :: odrážet
reflect {v} (to mirror, or show the image of something) :: zrcadlit, odrazit, odrážet
reflection {n} (act of reflecting; the state of being reflected) :: odraz {m}
reflection {n} (something that is reflected) :: odraz {m}
reflection {n} (careful thought or consideration) :: úvaha {f}, reflexe {f}
reflex {n} (automatic response) :: reflex {m}
reflex arc {n} (neural pathway) :: reflexní oblouk {m}
reflexive {adj} (in grammar) :: zvratný
reflexive {adj} (in mathematics) :: reflexivní
reflexive {adj} (resulting from a reflex) :: reflexivní
reflexive {n} (reflexive pronoun) SEE: reflexive pronoun ::
reflexive {n} (reflexive verb) SEE: reflexive verb ::
reflexive pronoun {n} (a part of speech) :: zvratné zájmeno {n}, reflexivum {n}
reflexive verb {n} (verb with equivalent subject and direct object) :: zvratné sloveso {n}, reflexivum {n}
reform {n} (amendment) :: reforma {f}
Reformation {prop} (religious movement) :: reformace {f}
reformatory {n} (juvenile institution) SEE: reform school ::
reformer {n} (one who reforms, or who works for reform) :: reformátor {m}
reform school {n} (institution for juveniles) :: polepšovna {f}
reformulate {v} (to formulate again) :: přeformulovat
refract {v} (to refract) SEE: disperse ::
refraction {n} (bending of any wave) :: lom {m}, refrakce {f}
refractory {adj} (not affected by great heat) :: žáruvzdorný
refrain {v} (to abstain (from)) :: zdržet se
refrain {n} (burden of song) :: refrén {m}
refresh {v} (to renew or revitalize) :: občerstvit, osvěžit
refrigerate {v} (freeze) SEE: freeze ::
refrigerate {v} (cool down) SEE: cool down ::
refrigerator {n} (appliance) :: lednice {f}, chladnička {f}, lednička {f}
refuge {n} (state of safety, protection or shelter) :: útočiště {n}
refuge {n} (place providing safety, protection or shelter) :: útočiště {n}
refugee {n} (person seeking political asylum) :: uprchlík {m}, uprchlice {f}
refugee {n} (person seeking economic asylum) :: uprchlík {m}
refugee {n} (person seeking refuge from natural disaster) :: uprchlík {m}
refugee {n} (person granted formal asylum) :: uprchlík {m}
refusal {n} (the act of refusing) :: odmítnutí {n}
refuse {n} (items or material that have been discarded) :: odpad {m}
refuse {v} ((transitive) decline (request, demand)) :: odmítnout
refutability {n} (ability to be refuted) :: vyvratitelnost {f}
refutable {adj} (able to be refuted) :: vyvratitelný {m}
refutation {n} (an act of refuting) :: vyvrácení {n}
refute {v} (to prove (something) to be false or incorrect) :: vyvrátit
refute {v} (to deny the truth or correctness of (something)) :: zavrhnout
regard {n} (aspect; detail) :: ohled {m}
regarding {prep} (concerning) :: ohledně
regardless {adj} (having no regard) :: nedbající
regardless {prep} (paying no attention to) :: bez ohledu na
regardless of {prep} (without attention to) :: bez ohledu na
regatta {n} (boat race) :: regata {f}
regency {n} (system of government) :: vladařství {n}
Regensburg {prop} (city in Germany) :: Řezno {n}
regent {n} (one who rules in place of the monarch) :: regent {m}, vladař {m}
regicide {n} (the killing of a king) :: královražda {f}
regicide {n} (one who kills a king) :: královrah {m}
regidor {n} (alderman) SEE: alderman ::
regime {n} (mode of rule or management) :: režim {m}
regime {n} (form of government) :: režim {m}
regiment {n} (army unit) :: pluk {m}
Regina {prop} (female given name) :: Regina {f}, Regína {f}
region {n} (any considerable and connected part of a space or surface) :: kraj {m}, oblast {f}, rajón {m}, okres {m}
regional {adj} (pertaining to a specific region) :: regionální, oblastní
regionalism {n} (linguistic characteristic, see also: provincialism) :: regionalismus {m}, oblastní slovo {n}
register {n} (formal recording) :: registrace {f}
register {n} (book of such entries) :: rejstřík {m}
register {n} (entry in such a book) :: záznam {m}
register {n} (act of registering) :: registrace {f}
register {n} (device that automatically records a quantity) :: zapisovač {m}
register {n} (computing: part of the central processing unit used to store and manipulate numbers) :: registr {m}
register {n} (printing: exact alignment of lines, margins and colors) :: soutisk {m}, pasování {n}
register {n} (music: range of a voice or instrument) :: rejstřík {m}
register {n} (music: organ stop) :: rejstřík {m}
register {v} (printing: to adjust so as to be properly aligned) :: pasovat, napasovat
register {n} (cash register) SEE: cash register ::
registered trademark {n} (officially registered trademark) :: registrovaná ochranná známka {f}
register office {n} (the local office in which births, marriages and deaths are registered, and in which civil marriages are conducted) :: matrika {f}
registration {n} (the act of signing up or registering for something) :: registrace {f}
registration {n} ((printing) alignment) :: pasování {n}
regressive {adj} (whose rate decreases as the amount increases) :: regresivní
regret {v} (feel sorry about some past thing) :: litovat {impf}, želet {impf}
regret {n} (instance of such an emotion) :: lítost {f}
regrettable {adj} (of an event, action, or state, allowing or deserving regret) :: politováníhodný
regular {adj} (having a constant pattern) :: pravidelný {m}
regular {adj} (grammar) :: pravidelný {m}
regular {adj} (having expected characteristics) :: normální, obyčejný
regular {n} (frequent customer) :: štamgast {m}
regular expression {n} (computing: a concise description of a pattern to be matched) :: regulární výraz {m}
regularity {n} (condition or quality of being regular) :: pravidelnost {f}
regularly {adv} (with constant frequency) :: pravidelně
regular verb {n} (a verb which conjugates regularly) :: pravidelné sloveso {n}
regulate {v} (control) SEE: control ::
regulate {v} (adjust) :: regulovat
regulation {n} (law or administrative rule) :: nařízení {n}
regulation {n} (EU: self-effecting legislative act) :: nařízení {n}
regulator {n} (device that controls or limits something) :: regulátor {m}
regulator {n} (person or group that sets standards of practice) :: regulátor {m}
regurgitate {v} (to repeat verbatim) :: papouškovat {impf}
rehearsal {n} (practicing of performance to test or improve it) :: zkouška {f}
rehearse {v} (practice by repetition or recitation) :: zkoušet
Reichstag {prop} (the lower chamber of the federal parliament of Germany until 1945) :: říšský sněm {m}
reign {n} (The exercise of sovereign power) :: vláda
reign {n} (The period during which a monarch rules) :: panování {n}, vláda {f}
reign {v} (exercise sovereign power) :: vládnout
Reims {prop} (city) :: Remeš
rein {n} (strap or rope) :: otěž {f}, uzda {f}
reincarnation {n} (rebirth of a mental capacity in a physical life form) :: převtělení {n}
reindeer {n} (Rangifer tarandus) :: sob {m}
reindeer moss {n} (Cladonia rangiferina) :: dutohlávka sobí
reinforced concrete {n} (building material) :: železobeton {m}
reinvent the wheel {v} (do work unnecessarily) :: objevit Ameriku
reinvigorate {v} (to give new energy or strength) :: oživit
reinvigoration {n} (the act or action of reinvigorating) :: oživení {n}
reject {v} (to throw away, reject) SEE: discard ::
reject {v} (refuse to accept) :: odmítnout, zamítnout
rejection {n} (the act of rejecting) :: odmítnutí {n}
rejoice {v} (be happy) :: radovat se {impf}, těšit se {impf}
rejoice {v} (make happy) :: radovat {impf}, těšit {impf}
rejuvenate {v} (render young again) :: omladit
relapse {n} (the act or situation of relapsing) :: recidiva, ataka {f}, relaps {m}
relate {v} (to narrate) SEE: narrate ::
relate {v} (to interact) SEE: interact ::
related {adj} (standing in relation or connection) :: související
related {adj} (being a relative of) :: příbuzný
relation {n} (way in which two things may be associated) :: vztah {m}
relation {n} (mathematics: set of ordered tuples, a Boolean function of two or more arguments) :: relace {f}
relation {n} (member of one's family) :: příbuzný {m}
relational {adj} (relative) SEE: relative ::
relational {adj} (relating to, using, or being a method of organizing data in a database) :: relační
relational database {n} (relational database) :: relační databáze {f}
relationship {n} (connection or association) :: vztah
relationship {n} (kinship) :: příbuznost, příbuzenství
relationship {n} (romantic or sexual involvement) :: vztah
relative {adj} (conditional; depending on something else) :: relativní, vztažný {m} [of pronoun]
relative {n} (someone in the same family; someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption) :: příbuzný {m}
relative complement {n} (set of elements contained in one set but not another) :: množinový rozdíl {m}
relative frequency {n} (relative frequency) :: relativní četnost {f}, relativní frekvence {f}
relatively {adv} (proportionally) :: poměrně, relativně
relatively {adv} (somewhat) SEE: somewhat ::
relative pronoun {n} (pronoun that introduces a relative clause) :: vztažné zájmeno {n}
relativism {n} (theory that truth and moral values are relative) :: relativismus {m}
relativist {n} (follower of relativism) :: relativista {m}
relativistic {adj} (of, or relating to relativity) :: relativistický
relativistic {adj} (of, or relating to relativism) :: relativistický
relativity {n} (the state of being relative) :: relativnost {f}, relativita {f}
relativization {n} (the act or process of relativizing) :: relativizace {f}
relax {v} (to make something loose) :: uvolnit
relax {v} (to become loose) :: uvolnit se
relax {v} (to make something (such as codes and regulations) more lenient) :: uvolnit
relaxation {n} (act of relaxing or the state of being relaxed) :: uvolnění {n}
relaxed {adj} (having an easy-going mood) :: uvolněný {m}
relay {n} (electrical actuator) :: relé {n}
relay {n} (athletics discipline) :: štafeta {f}
relay {v} (to pass on or transfer (information)) :: předat
relay race {n} (sports contest) :: štafeta {f}
release {n} (software: distribution of a computer software product) :: vydání {n}
release {v} (to let go (of)) :: uvolnit
release notes {n} (notes on a product release) :: poznámky k vydání {f-p}
relent {v} (become less severe, soften in temper) :: smilovat se, obměkčit se, slitovat se
relent {v} (slacken, abate) :: ochabnout
relent {v} (become less rigid, yield) :: změknout, povolit
relentless {adj} (unrelenting or unyielding in severity) :: neúprosný {m}, nelítostný {m}, nemilosrdný {m}, nesmiřitelný {m}
relentless {adj} (unremitting, steady and persistent) :: nepolevující, trvalý {m}, vytrvalý {m}, neochabujicí, neustálý {m}, nepřetržitý {m}, nekonečný {m}
relevance {n} (property or state of being relevant, pertinency) :: význam {m}
relevancy {n} (relevance) SEE: relevance ::
relevant {adj} (directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic) :: relevantní
reliability {n} (quality of being reliable) :: spolehlivost {n}
reliable {adj} (fit to be relied on) :: spolehlivý
reliably {adv} (in a reliable manner) :: spolehlivě
relic {n} (part of a body or an object of religious significance) :: relikvie {f}
relief {n} (removal of stress or discomfort) :: úleva {f}
relief {n} (person who takes over a shift) :: zástup {m}
relief {n} (humanitarian aid or assistance) :: (humanitární) pomoc {f}
relief {n} (type of artwork) :: reliéf {m}
relief {n} (difference of elevations on a surface) :: reliéf {m}
relief printing {n} (printing method) :: tisk shora {m}
relieve {v} (to ease from mental distress) :: ulevit {pf}
relieve {v} (to give relief from physical pain) :: ulevit
relieve {v} (to defecate or urinate) :: vyprázdnit se {pf}
relieved {adj} (alleviated) :: uklidněný, ulevený
religion {n} (system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death) :: náboženství {n}
religious {adj} (concerning religion) :: náboženský
religious {adj} (committed to the practice of religion) :: religiózní
religious education {n} (religious studies) SEE: religious studies ::
religious order {n} (organized community of people following a specific religious devotion) :: náboženský řád {m}
religious studies {n} (study of religious beliefs, behaviours and institutions) :: religionistika {f}
reliquary {n} (container for religious relics) :: relikviář {m}
relish {n} (pleasing taste) :: požitek {m}, potěšení {n}, [2] příchuť {f}
relish {n} (savor; quality; characteristic tinge) :: [2] příchuť {f}
relish {v} (to taste or eat with pleasure; to like the flavor of) :: vychutnávat si
relocation {n} (moving to another place) :: přemístění {n}, stěhování {n}
reluctance {n} (hesitancy in taking some action) :: váhavost {f}
reluctant {adj} (not wanting to take some action) :: neochotný, zdráhající se
reluctantly {adv} (in a reluctant manner) :: váhavě
rely {v} (rest with confidence) :: spoléhat
remain {v} (to stay behind while others withdraw) :: zůstat {pf}, zbýt {pf}
remain {v} (to continue unchanged) :: zůstat
remain {n} (That which is left of a being after its life is gone) SEE: remains ::
remainder {n} (what remains after some has been removed) :: zbytek {m}
remainder {n} (mathematics: amount left over after repeatedly subtracting the divisor) :: zbytek {m}
remainder {n} (items left unsold and subject to reduction in price) :: zbytek {m}
remaining {adj} (which remains) :: zbývající
remains {n} (remains) SEE: wreck ::
remains {n} (what is left after a person (or any organism) dies; a corpse) :: ostatky {m-p}
remake {n} (new version of film) :: remake {m}
remark {n} (expression of something noticed) :: poznámka {f}
remark {v} (to express in words or writing, as observed or noticed) :: poznamenat
remarkable {adj} (worthy of being remarked) :: pozoruhodný
remedy {n} (something that corrects or counteracts) :: náprava {f}
remedy {n} (legal means) :: právní prostředky nápravy, korekce {f}
remedy {n} (medicine, application, or treatment) :: lék {m}, léčba {f}
remember {v} (to recall from one's memory) :: pamatovat {impf}
remember {v} (to memorize) :: zapamatovat
remember {v} ((obsolete) to remind) SEE: remind ::
remind {v} (Cause one to experience a memory; bring to a person's notice) :: připomenout
reminder {n} (something that reminds) :: [software] připomínač {m}, připomínka {f}, upomínka {f}, urgence {f}
reminder {n} ((finance) Writing that reminds of open payments) :: upomínka {f}
reminisce {v} (to recall the past in a private moment, often fondly or nostalgically) :: vzpomínat {impf}, vzpomenout {pf}
reminisce {v} (to talk or write about memories of the past, especially pleasant memories) :: vzpomínat {impf}, vzpomenout {pf}
remission {n} (abatement or lessening of the manifestations of a disease) :: remise {f}
remission {n} :: ústup {m}
remit {v} (to postpone) SEE: postpone ::
remnant {n} (small portion remaining of a larger thing or group) :: pozůstatek {m}
remorse {n} (feeling of regret or sadness for doing wrong or sinning) :: lítost {f}
remote {adj} (at a distance) :: daleký, vzdálený, nepřístupný
remote {n} (remote control) :: dálkový ovladač {m}
remote control {n} (device used to operate an appliance or mechanical toy from a short distance away) :: dálkový ovladač {m}
remotely {adv} (at a distance, far away) :: vzdáleně
remote procedure call {n} (software technology) :: vzdálené volání procedur {n}
removal {n} (The process of moving, or the fact of being removed) :: odstranění {n}
remove {v} (to remove) SEE: delete ::
remove {v} (to take away) :: odebrat, odstranit
remuneration {n} (a payment for work done; wages, salary, emolument) :: mzda {f}
ren {n} (a kidney) SEE: kidney ::
renaissance {n} (Renaissance) SEE: Renaissance ::
Renaissance {prop} (14th-century revival) :: renesance {f}
Renaissance {prop} (the period) :: renesance {f}
Renaissance {prop} (any similar revival) :: renesance {f}, obrození {n}
Renaissance {adj} (relating to the Renaissance) :: renesanční
Renaissance {adj} (relating to the style of the Renaissance) :: renesanční
renal {adj} (pertaining to the kidneys) :: ledvinový {m}, renální {m}
renal pelvis {n} (funnel-like dilated proximal part of the ureter in the kidney) :: pánvička {f}
rename {v} (to give a new name to) :: přejmenovat
Renata {prop} (female given name) :: Renáta {f}
render {v} (to cause to become) :: způsobit {pf}, způsobovat {impf}
render {v} (to interpret) :: interpretovat {impf}
render {v} (to translate) :: přeložit {pf}, překládat {impf}
render {v} (to pass down) :: vynést {pf}, vynášet {impf} (rozsudek)
render {v} (to give; to give back) :: poskytnout {pf}, poskytovat {impf}
render {v} (cover a wall with a layer of plaster) :: nahodit {pf}, nahazovat {impf} (omítku)
render {v} (to pass; to run; said of the passage of a rope through a block, eyelet, etc.) :: procházet {impf} (lano otvorem)
rendezvous {n} (meeting or date) :: rande {n}
rendezvous {n} (agreement to meet) :: dostaveníčko {n}
Renée {prop} (female given name) SEE: Renata ::
renegade {n} (disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion etc.) :: renegát {m}
renewable {adj} (Able to be renewed) :: obnovitelný {m}
renewable {adj} (Sustainable) :: obnovitelný {m}
renewable resource {n} (natural resource) :: obnovitelný zdroj {m}
renewal {n} (act of renewing) :: obnovení {n}, obnova {f}
rennet {n} (An enzyme) :: syřidlo {n}
rennet stomach {n} (abomasum) SEE: abomasum ::
renounce {v} (give up) :: vzdát se
renown {n} (Fame or wide recognition) :: renomé {n}
rent {n} (payment made by a tenant) :: nájemné {n}, nájem {m}
rent {n} (payment made for the use of equipment or a service) :: nájemné {n}, nájem {m}
rent {v} (to occupy premises in exchange for rent) :: pronajmout
rentier {n} (individual who receives capital income) :: rentiér {m}
reoffender {n} (repeat offender) SEE: repeat offender ::
reorganize {v} (to organize again) :: reorganizovat
rep {n} (reputation) SEE: reputation ::
rep {n} (representative) SEE: representative ::
rep {n} (repetition) SEE: repetition ::
repaint {v} (to paint again) :: přemalovat
repair {v} (to restore to good working order) :: spravit, opravit
repair {n} (act of repairing something) :: oprava {f}
repairman {n} (man whose job is to repair things) :: opravář {m}
reparation {n} (payment to undo transgressions) :: reparace {f}
repatriate {v} (to restore somebody to his or her own country) :: repatriovat
repatriation {n} (the process of returning of a person to their country of origin) :: repatriace {f}
repeat {v} (do or say again) :: opakovat {impf}, zopakovat {pf}
repeatedly {adv} (done several times) :: opakovaně
repeat offender {n} (repeat offender, see also: recidivist) :: recidivista {m}
repechage {n} (heat for competitors who have lost in a previous round) :: opravná jízda {f} (in rowing)
repel {v} (physics: to force away) :: odpuzovat
repellent {n} (substance used to repel animals) :: repelent {m}
repent {v} (to feel sorrow or regret for what one has done or omitted to do) :: kát
repentance {n} (condition of being penitent) :: pokání {n}
repentance {n} (feeling of regret or remorse) :: lítost {f}, pokání {n}
repentant {adj} (feeling sorrow for wrongdoing) :: kajícný
repertoire {n} (list of dramas, operas, pieces, parts, etc., which a company or a person has rehearsed) :: repertoár
repertoire {n} (set of skills possessed by a person; collection of items) :: repertoár {m}
repetition {n} (act or an instance of repeating or being repeated) :: opakování {n}
repetitious {adj} (characterized by excessive repetition) :: opakující se
replace {v} (to substitute) :: nahradit
replaceable {adj} (capable of being replaced) :: nahraditelný {m}
replacement {n} (a person or thing that takes the place of another; a substitute) :: náhrada {f}
replica {n} (exact copy) :: replika {f}
reply {v} (to give a written or spoken response) :: odpovědět, [in letter] odepsat
reply {n} (written or spoken response) :: odpověď {f}
report {v} (to be accountable) :: zodpovídat se
report {n} (information describing events) :: zpráva {f}, hlášení {n}
report {n} ((ballistics) the sharp, loud sound from a gun or explosion) :: výbuch {m}, výstřel {m}
report card {n} (grades) :: vysvědčení {n}, výzo {n} [colloquial], vízo [colloquial]
reporter {n} (journalist) :: [journalist] zpravodaj {m}
repose {n} (rest) :: odpočinek {m}, spánek {m}
repose {n} (quietness) :: klid {m}
repository {n} (a location for storage, often for safety or preservation) :: úložiště {n}
repository {n} (storage location for computer files) :: úložiště {n}
reprehensible {adj} (deserving of reprehension) :: zavrženíhodný {m}
represent {v} (to stand in the place of, act on behalf of) :: reprezentovat, zastupovat
representable {adj} (capable of being represented) :: reprezentovatelný
representation {n} (that which represents something else) :: reprezentace {f}
representation {n} (figure, image or idea that substitutes reality) :: vyobrazení {n}
representation {n} (theatrical performance) :: představení {n}
representative {n} (one who speaks for another) :: zástupce {m}, zástupkyně {f}
representative {n} (member of the House of Representatives) :: poslanec {m}
repression {n} (act of repressing) :: represe {f}, útisk {m}
reprimand {n} (a severe, formal or official reproof) :: ohrazení (se) {n}, výhrada {f}
reprisal {n} (retaliation) :: odplata {f}, represe {f}, represálie {f}, odveta {f}
reprise {n} (repetition) SEE: repetition ::
reproach {n} (mild rebuke, or an implied criticism) :: výtka {f}, výčitka {f}
reproach {n} (disgrace or shame) :: hanba {f}
reproach {v} (to criticize or rebuke someone) :: vyčítat, kárat
reproduce {v} (to produce an image or copy of something) :: rozmnožit
reproduce {v} (to generate offspring) :: rozmnožit se
reproducible {adj} (capable of being reproduced at a different time or place and by different people) :: reprodukovatelný
reproduction {n} (the act of reproducing new individuals biologically, see also: procreation) :: rozmnožování {n}
reproduction {n} (a duplicate) :: reprodukce {f}
reptile {n} (a cold-blooded vertebrate) :: plaz {m}
reptilelike {adj} (like a reptile) :: plazí
reptilian {adj} (reptilelike) SEE: reptilelike ::
republic {n} (a type of state) :: republika {f}
republic {n} (one of the kinds of parts constituting Russia) :: republika {?}
Republican {n} (supporter of the Republican Party of the U.S.) :: republikán {m}
republicanism {n} (republicanism as a form of government) :: republikanismus {m}, republikánství {n}
Republic of Albania {prop} (Official name of Albania) :: Albánská republika {f}
Republic of Armenia {prop} (official name of Armenia) :: Arménská republika {f}
Republic of Austria {prop} (official name of Austria) :: Rakouská republika {f}
Republic of Azerbaijan {prop} (official name of Azerbaijan) :: Ázerbájdžánská republika {f}
Republic of Belarus {prop} (official name of Belarus) :: Běloruská republika {f}
Republic of Bulgaria {prop} (official name of Bulgaria) :: Bulharská republika {f}
Republic of Croatia {prop} (official name of Croatia) :: Chorvatská republika {f}
Republic of Cyprus {prop} (official name of Cyprus) :: Kyperská republika {f}
Republic of Estonia {prop} (official name of Estonia) :: Estonská Republika {f}
Republic of Finland {prop} (official full name of Finland) :: Finská republika {f}
Republic of Hungary {prop} (former official name of Hungary) :: Maďarská republika {f}
Republic of Iceland {prop} (conventional descriptive name of Iceland) :: Islandská republika {f}
Republic of India {prop} (official name of India) :: Indická republika {f}
Republic of Indonesia {prop} (official name of Indonesia) :: Indonéská republika {f}
Republic of Iraq {prop} (official name of Iraq) :: Irácká republika {f}
Republic of Ireland {prop} (country) :: Irská republika
Republic of Korea {prop} (country) :: Korejská republika
Republic of Latvia {prop} (Official name of Latvia) :: Lotyšská republika {f}
Republic of Lithuania {prop} (Official name of Lithuania) :: Litevská republika {f}
Republic of Macedonia {prop} (Republic of Macedonia, see also: Macedonia) :: Republika Makedonie
Republic of Malta {prop} (official name of Malta) :: Maltská republika {f}
Republic of North Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: North Macedonia) :: Republika Severní Makedonie
Republic of Poland {prop} (official name of Poland) :: Polská republika {f}
Republic of Serbia {prop} (official name of Serbia) :: Srbská republika {f}
Republic of Singapore {prop} (official name of Singapore) :: Singapurská republika {f}
Republic of Slovenia {prop} (official name of Slovenia) :: Republika Slovinsko {f}
Republic of South Africa {prop} (official name of South Africa) :: Jihoafrická republika {f}
Republic of the Congo {prop} (country) :: Republika Kongo {f}
Republic of the Philippines {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: Filipínská republika {f}
Republic of Turkey {prop} (official name of the country of Turkey) :: Turecká republika
Republika Srpska {prop} (Entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina) :: Republika srbská {f}
repulsive {adj} (physics: having the capacity to repel) :: odpudivý
reputation {n} (what somebody is known for) :: pověst {f}
repute {n} (reputation, especially a good reputation) :: reputace {f}
request {v} (to express the need or desire for) :: žádat, požádat
request {v} (to ask somebody to do something) :: žádat, požádat
request {n} (act of requesting) :: prosba {f}, žádost {f}, požadavek {m}
request {n} (formal message requesting something) :: žádost {f}
require {v} (ask) SEE: ask ::
require {v} (to demand, call for authoritatively) :: žádat, požadovat, vyžadovat
require {v} (to need) :: žádat, vyžadovat
requirement {n} (necessity) :: podmínka {f}
requirement {n} (something asked) :: požadavek {m}
reread {v} (to read again) :: znovu přečíst
reredos {n} (screen or decoration behind the altar in a church) SEE: retable ::
rerun {n} (television program shown after its initial presentation) :: repríza {f}
rescue {v} (to save from any danger or violence) :: zachránit
rescue {n} (act of rescuing, saving) :: záchrana {f}
rescue {n} (liberation) SEE: liberation ::
rescuer {n} (person who rescues) :: záchranář {m}
research {n} (inquiry or examination) :: výzkum {m}
researcher {n} (one who researches) :: výzkumník {m}
resection {n} (surgical excision) :: resekce {f}, vyříznutí {n}
reseda {n} (plant of the genus Reseda) :: rýt
resemble {v} (compare) SEE: compare ::
resemble {v} (to be like or similar to something else) :: připomínat {impf}, podobat se {impf}
resent {v} (to feel resentment) :: nesnášet {impf}, zazlívat {impf}
resentful {adj} (full of resentment) :: rozhořčený {m}, naštvaný {m}, dopálený {m}, popuzený {m}
resentment {n} (anger or displeasure felt out of belief that others have engaged in wrongdoing or mistreatment; indignation.) :: vztek {m}, zlost {f}, dopal {m}
reservation {n} (limiting qualification) :: výhrada {f}
reserve {v} (to reserve) SEE: hold ::
reserve bank {n} (reserve bank as a central bank) SEE: central bank ::
reserved {adj} (slow to reveal emotion or opinions) :: odměřený, rezervovaný
reserved {adj} (set aside for a particular person or purpose) :: rezervovaný
reservist {n} (a soldier who is assigned as reserved; after training, no longer in full active duty) :: záložník {m}
reservoir {n} (place where anything is kept in store) :: nádrž {f}
reservoir {n} (large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply) :: nádrž
reset {v} (to set back to the initial state) :: resetovat
reside {v} (to dwell permanently or for a considerable time) :: bydlet {impf}
residence {n} (place where a corporation is established) :: sídlo {n}
resident {n} (person living at a location or an area) :: obyvatel {m}, obyvatelka {f}
residential {adj} (of or pertaining to a place of personal residence) :: obytný
residual-current device {n} (a device that breaks an electric circuit) :: proudový chránič {m}
resign {v} (quit a job or position) :: odstoupit, rezignovat
resile {v} (to spring back; rebound) :: vrátit se
resin {n} (secretion of plants) :: pryskyřice {f}
resist {v} (to withstand actions or effects of) :: odolat
resistance {n} (act of resisting) :: odpor {m}
resistance {n} (shortened form of electrical resistance) :: odpor {m}
resistance {n} (underground organization struggling for liberation) :: odpor {m}
resistant {adj} (that which is not overcome by a disease or drug) :: odolný {m}
resistible {adj} (able to be resisted) :: odolatelný
resistor {n} (an electric component that transmits current in direct proportion to the voltage across it) :: rezistor {m}, odpor {m}
resolute {adj} (firm, unyielding, determined) :: odhodlaný {m}
resoluteness {n} (state or characteristic of being resolute) :: odhodlanost {f}
resolution {n} (computing, photography: degree of fineness of image) :: rozlišení {n}
resolution {n} (computing: number of pixels in an image as stored or displayed) :: rozlišení {n}
resolution {n} (formal statement adopted by an assembly) :: rezoluce {f}
resolve {v} (to find a solution to) :: vyřešit
resorptive {adj} (of resorption) :: resorpční
resource {n} (something that one uses to achieve an objective) :: zdroj {m}
respect {n} (admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit) :: respekt {m}, úcta {f}
respect {n} (polite greetings) :: vyjádření úcty {n}
respect {n} (particular aspect of something) :: ohled {m}
respect {v} (to have respect for) :: respektovat {impf}, mít úctu {impf}
respect {v} (to have regard for the rights of others) :: brát ohled
respect {v} (to abide by an agreement) :: uznávat
respectable {adj} (deserving respect) :: vážený {m}, úctyhodný {m}
respectively {adv} (in a relative manner) :: v daném pořadí, po řadě
respiration {n} (breathing) :: dýchání {n}, respirace {f}
respirator {n} (device to allow breathing) :: respirátor {m}
respiratory system {n} (system of organs) :: dýchací soustava {f}
resplendence {n} (property of being replendent) :: zář, třpyt, jas
resplendent {adj} (shiny and colourful, and thus pleasing to the eye) :: zářivý, oslnivý, třpytivý, skvoucí
respond {v} (to say in reply, to respond) SEE: return ::
respondent {n} (person replying to a questionnaire) :: dotázaný
response {n} (an answer or reply) :: odpověď {f}, reakce {f}, odezva {f}
response {n} (the act of responding or replying) :: odpovídání {n}, reagování {n}
responsibility {n} (the state of being responsible) :: odpovědnost {f}
responsibility {n} (a duty, obligation or liability for which someone is responsible) :: odpovědnost, zodpovědnost
responsible {adj} (answerable for an act performed or for its consequences) :: odpovědný {m}
responsible {n} :: odpovědný {m}
ressentiment {n} (obsolete: resentment) SEE: resentment ::
rest {n} (relief afforded by sleeping; sleep) :: odpočinek {m}
rest {n} (relief from exertion; state of quiet and recreation) :: odpočinek {m}, oddech {m}
rest {n} (peace, freedom from trouble, tranquility) :: klid {m}
rest {n} (repose afforded by death) :: odpočinek {m}
rest {n} (pause of a specified length in a piece of music) :: pauza {f}
rest {n} (symbol indicating a pause in music) :: pauza {f}
rest {n} (physics: absence of motion) :: klid {m}
rest {n} (object designed to be used to support something else) :: podpěra {f}
rest {v} (intransitive: take repose) :: odpočívat
rest {v} (stop working, become inactive) :: odpočívat
rest {v} (stay, remain, be situated) :: zůstat
rest {v} (intransitive: lie or lean or be supported) :: spočívat
rest {n} (remainder) :: zbytek {m}
rest {v} (to remain) SEE: remain ::
restart {n} (act of restarting) :: restartování {n}
restart {v} (To start again) :: restartovat
restart {v} (In computing, to reboot) :: restartovat
restaurant {n} (an eating establishment in which diners are served food) :: restaurace {f}
restless {adj} (unable to be still or quiet) :: neklidný
restore {v} (To reestablish, or bring back into existence) :: opravit, obnovit
restrain {v} (to control or keep in check) :: mít pod kontrolou
restrain {v} (to deprive of liberty) :: zbavit svobody, omezit
restrain {v} (to restrict or limit) :: oklešťovat, restringovat, provést restrikci, omezit
restraining order {n} (An order issued by a court of law or other legal authority for a specified timeframe forbidding the restrained party from contacting and close proximity to the protected party and other restrictions) :: soudní zákaz {m}
restraint {n} (something that restrains, ties, fastens or secures) :: připoutání {n}, spoutání {n}, pouta {n-p}
restrict {v} (to restrain within bounds) :: omezit
restricted {adj} (limited within bounds) :: omezený, limitovaný
restriction {n} (act or state) :: omezení {n}
restriction {n} (regulation or limitation) :: omezení {n}
restrictive {adj} (confining; limiting) :: omezující, restriktivní
restructuration {n} (restructuring) SEE: restructuring ::
restructuring {n} (alteration of structure) :: restrukturalizace {f}
result {v} (to proceed, spring, or rise, as a consequence) :: vyplývat {impf}, vyplynout {pf}
result {n} (that which results) :: výsledek {m}, závěr {m}, důsledek {m}
resultant {adj} (following as a result or consequence of something) :: výsledný
resulting {adj} (of something that follows as the result of something else) :: výsledný
resume {n} (curriculum vitae) SEE: curriculum vitae ::
resurrection {n} (the act of arising from the dead) :: vzkříšení {n}
Resurrection {prop} (resurrection of Jesus) :: vzkříšení {n}
retable {n} (table or shelf behind an altar) :: retabulum {n}
retail {n} (sale of goods directly to the consumer) :: maloobchod {m}
retailer {n} (retail sales company or salesman) :: maloobchodník {m}
retain {v} (to keep in possession or use) :: ponechat
retaliate {v} (do something harmful to get revenge) :: oplatit {pf}, oplácet {impf}, odplatit {pf}, odplácet {impf}, pomstít {pf}, mstít se {impf}
retaliation {n} (act of responding violently to an act of harm or perceived injustice) :: odplata {f}
retaliatory {adj} (relating to or part of a retaliation) :: odvetný
reticulate {adj} (network-like) :: síťkovaný {m}
reticulocyte {n} (immature red blood cell, having a reticular network of RNA) :: retikulocyt {m}
reticulum {n} (the second stomach of a ruminant) :: čepec {m}
retina {n} (thin layer of cells at the back of the eyeball) :: sítnice {f}
retinoblastoma {n} (malignant tumour of the retina) :: retinoblastom {m}
retire {v} (to stop working on a permanent basis) :: jít do důchodu {impf}, odejít do důchodu {pf}
retirement {n} (act of retiring, or the state of being retired) :: výslužba
retirement home {n} (multi-residence housing facility intended for the elderly) :: domov důchodců {m}
retort {v} (to retort; to throw back) SEE: return ::
retort {n} (flask used for distillation) :: křivule {f}
retract {v} (to pull back inside) :: vtáhnout, zatáhnout
retract {v} (to take back or withdraw something one has said) :: vzít zpět, odvolat
retreat {n} (act of pulling back or withdrawing) :: ústup {m}
retreat {n} (quiet place affording privacy) :: útočiště {n}
retreat {v} (to withdraw military forces) :: ustoupit, stáhnout se {pf}
retreat {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
retreat {v} (retreat) SEE: withdraw ::
retreat {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse ::
retreat {n} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return ::
retrievable {adj} (capable of being retrieved or recovered) :: zapamatovatelný {m}
retriever {n} (a type of dog) :: retrívr {m}
retroactive {adj} (extending in scope, effect, application or influence to a prior time or to prior conditions) :: retroaktivní, zpětný
retrograde {adj} (Directed backwards...) :: upadající, zpátečnický
retrograde {adj} ((astronomy) In the opposite direction to the orbited body's spin) :: retrográdní, zpětný
retrograde {adj} ((geology) Describing a metamorphic change) :: retrográdní
retrogression {n} (decline) :: zánik {m}
retromingent {adj} (cowardly) SEE: cowardly ::
retro-orbital {adj} (situated behind the orbit or the eye) :: retroorbitální
retroorbital {adj} (behind the orbit of the eye) :: retroorbitální
return {n} (answer) SEE: answer ::
return {v} (to come or go back) :: vrátit se {pf}, vracet se {impf}
return {v} (to give something back to its original holder or owner) :: vrátit
return {n} (act of returning) :: návrat {m}
return {n} (finance: gain or loss from an investment) :: návratnost {f}
return {v} (to take something back to a retailer for a refund) SEE: take back ::
returns {n} (unsold merchandise returned to the supplier) :: remitenda {f}
return ticket {n} (a ticket granting permission to travel to a place and back again) :: zpáteční jízdenka {f}
reunification {n} (the unification of something that was previously divided; used especially of a country) :: znovusjednocení {n}
reunion {n} (reunification) SEE: reunification ::
reusability {n} (property or degree of being reusable) :: znovupoužitelnost {f}
revaluation {n} (process of altering the relative value of a currency) :: revalvace {f}
revaluation {n} (reassessment of the value of something) :: přecenění {n}
revanchism {n} (political policy of endeavouring to regain lost territory) :: revanšismus {m}
revanchist {n} (avenger) SEE: avenger ::
revanchist {n} (revanchist, vengeful person) :: revanšista {m}, revanšistka {f}
revanchist {adj} (advocating a policy of revanche) :: revanšistický
reveal {v} (to uncover) :: odhalit
revel {v} (make merry) :: oddávat se, vychutnávat si, hýřit
revelation {n} (the act of revealing or disclosing) :: odhalení {n}, zjevení {n}
revelation {n} (manifestation of divine truth) :: zjevení {n}
revenge {n} (retaliatory action) :: pomsta {f}, odplata {f}
revenge {v} (to take one's revenge on someone) :: pomstít se {pf}, mstít se {impf}, oplatit {pf}, oplácet {impf}
revenge {v} (to take revenge for an action) :: mstít se, pomstít se {pf}
revenge {v} (to take revenge on an actor) :: oplatit {pf}, oplácet {impf}
revenue {n} (turnover, total sales) :: výnos {m}
Reverend {n} (honorary title added to the names of Christian clergy) :: Důstojnost, Velebnost [often ironically]
reverent {adj} (showing respect or reverence; respectful) :: uctivý
reverse {n} (side of something facing away; opposite of front) :: rub {m}
reverse dowry {n} (bride price) SEE: bride price ::
reversible {adj} (able to be reversed) :: vratný
review {n} (account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work) :: recenze {f}
review {n} (judicial reassessment of a case or an event) :: přezkoumání {n}
review {n} (stage show made up of sketches) :: revue {f}
review {n} (survey of the available items or material) :: recenze {f}
review {n} (periodical which makes a survey of the arts or some other field) :: revue {f}
review {n} (military inspection or display for the benefit of superiors or VIPs) :: přehlídka {f}
review {n} (forensic inspection to assess compliance with regulations or some code) :: přezkoumání {n}
review {v} (to write a review) :: recenzovat
reviewer {n} (critic) :: recenzent {m}
revise {v} (to review, alter and amend, especially of written material) :: revidovat
revision {n} (act of revising) :: revize {f}
revision {n} (changed edition) :: revize {f}
revisionism {n} (advocacy of a revision of some view) :: revizionismus {m}
revival {n} :: obrození {n}
revoke {v} (to cancel or invalidate by withdrawing or reversing) :: revokovat {impf}
revolt {n} (act of revolting) :: vzpoura {f}
revolution {n} (political upheaval) :: revoluce {f}
revolutionary {adj} (of or pertaining to a revolution in government) :: revoluční {m}
revolutionary {n} (A revolutionist; a person who revolts) :: revolucionář {m}
revolver {n} (a handgun with revolving chambers) :: revolver {m}
reward {n} (something of value given in return for an act) :: odměna {f}
reward {n} (result of an action) :: odměna {f}
reward {v} (give a reward to) :: odměnit {pf}
reward {v} (recompense) SEE: recompense ::
rewind {v} (wind back) SEE: wind back ::
rewrite {v} (write again, differently) :: přepsat {pf}
Reye's syndrome {n} (the disease) :: Reyeův syndrom {m}
Reykjavik {prop} (capital of Iceland) :: Reykjavík {m}
reynard {n} (male fox) :: lišák {m}
Rügen {prop} (Germany’s largest island) :: Rujána
rhabdomyosarcoma {n} (tumor) :: rabdomyosarkom {m}
rheme {n} (part of a sentence) :: réma {n}
rhenium {n} (chemical element) :: rhenium
rheostat {n} (A resistor with adjustable resistance) :: reostat {m}, potenciometr {m}
rhetoric {n} (art of using language for persuasion) :: řečnictví {n}, rétorika {f}
rhetoric {n} (meaningless language) :: rétorika {f}, floskule {f}
rhetorical {adj} (part of or similar to rhetoric) :: řečnický {m}
rhetorically {adv} (in a rhetorical manner) :: rétoricky
rhetorical question {n} (question posed for dramatic or persuasive effect) :: řečnická otázka {f}
rheumatics {n} (rheumatism) SEE: rheumatism ::
rheumatism {n} (any painful disorder of muscles, tendons, joints, bones and nerves) :: revmatismus {m}
rheumatoid arthritis {n} (chronic and progressive disease) :: revmatoidní artritida {f}
rheumatology {n} (branch of medicine) :: revmatologie {f}
Rhine {prop} (river that flows through Europe) :: Rýn {m}
Rhineland {prop} (land on both sides of the river Rhine) :: Porýní {n}
Rhineland-Palatinate {prop} (state) :: Porýní-Falc
rhinitis {n} (inflammation) :: rinitida {f}
rhinoceros {n} (herbivorous pachyderm with horn(s)) :: nosorožec {m}
rhinorrhea {n} (medical symptom) :: rýma {f}
rhinosinusitis {n} (rhinitis combined with sinusitis) :: rinosinusitida {f}
rhizome {n} (horizontal underground stem of some plants) :: oddenek {m}
rhizosphere {n} (soil region influenced by plant roots) :: rhizosféra {f}
Rhode Island {prop} (a state of the United States of America) :: Rhode Island {m}
Rhodes {prop} (island) :: Rhodos {m}
Rhodian {adj} (of Rhodes) :: rhodský
Rhodian {n} (Someone from the island of Rhodes) :: Rhoďan {m}
rhodium {n} (chemical element) :: rhodium {n}
rhododendron {n} (flowering shrub in the genus Rhododendron) :: rododendron {m}
rhododendron {n} (oleander) SEE: oleander ::
rhombencephalon {n} (hindbrain) SEE: hindbrain ::
rhomboid {n} (parallelogram which is neither a rhombus nor a rectangle) :: kosodélník {m}
rhombus {n} (A parallelogram having all sides of equal length) :: kosočtverec {m}
rhotacism {n} (An exaggerated use of the sound of the letter R) :: rotacismus, ráčkování
rhotacism {n} (Inability to pronounce the letter R; derhotacization) :: ráčkování {n}
rhubarb {n} (any plant of the genus Rheum) :: rebarbora {f}
rhyme {n} (verse, poetry) :: (dětská) říkanka {f}, rýmovačka {f}
rhyme {n} (word that rhymes with another) :: rým {m}
rhyme {v} (transitive, to rhyme with) :: rýmovat se
rhyme {v} (reciprocal) :: rýmovat se
rhyme {v} (put words together) :: rýmovat
rhyme {n} (rime) SEE: rime ::
rhyolite {n} (igneous rock) :: ryolit {m}
rhythm {n} (variation of strong and weak elements of sounds over time) :: rytmus {m}, takt {m}
rhythm {n} (tempo or speed of a beat, song, or repeated event) :: rytmus {m}
rhythm {n} (flow, repetition or regularity) :: rytmus {m}, tempo {n}
rhythm {n} (rhythm section) SEE: rhythm section ::
rhythm section {n} (section of a band maintaining the rhythm) :: rytmika {f}
rib {n} (curved bone) :: žebro {n}
rib {n} (nautical: part of a ship’s framework) :: žebro {n}
ribbed vault {n} (structure created by intersection of vaults) :: křížová klenba {f}
ribbit {n} (the sound made by a frog or toad) SEE: croak ::
ribbit {v} (make the sound of a frog or toad) SEE: croak ::
ribbit {interj} (the sound made by a frog or toad) :: kva
ribbon {n} (long, narrow strip of material) :: stuha {f}
ribbon {n} (inked ribbon) :: páska {f}
rib cage {n} (part of skeleton) :: hrudní koš {m}
ribonucleic {adj} (of or pertaining to RNA or its derivatives) :: ribonukleový
ribonucleic acid {n} (derivative of DNA, used in the transcription of genetic material) :: ribonukleová kyselina {f}
ribosome {n} (organelle) :: ribozom {m}
ribwort {n} (Old World plantain) :: jitrocel
rice {n} (plants) :: rýže {f}
rice {n} (seeds used as food) :: rýže {f}
ricefield {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy ::
rice milk {n} (milky liquid from rice) :: rýžové mléko {n}
rice paddy {n} (field immersed in water dedicated for the cultivation of rice) SEE: paddy ::
rich {adj} (having wealth) :: bohatý {m}
Richard {prop} (male given name) :: Richard {m}
Richter scale {prop} (logarithmic scale) :: Richterova stupnice {f}, Richterova škála {f}
rickets {n} (disorder of infancy) :: křivice {f}
rickshaw {n} (two-wheeled carriage) :: rikša {f}
ricotta {n} (Italian whey cheese) :: ricotta {f}
riddle {n} (sieve) SEE: sieve ::
riddle {n} (verbal puzzle) :: hádanka {f}
riddle {v} (to put something through a riddle or sieve) :: prosít {pf}
riddle {v} (to fill with holes like a riddle) :: proděravět {pf}
ride {v} (to transport oneself by sitting on and directing a horse, bicycle etc.) :: jet
ride {v} (to be transported in a vehicle as a passenger) :: jet
ride {n} (instance of riding) :: jízda {f}
rider {n} (robber) SEE: robber ::
rider {n} (one who rides, see also: cyclist; driver) :: jezdec {m}
ridge {n} (chain of mountains) :: hřeben {m}
ridge {n} (chain of hills) :: hřeben {m}
ridge {n} (elevation on ocean bottom) :: oceánský hřbet {m}
ridicule {n} (derision) :: výsměch {m}
ridiculosity {n} (the quality of being ridiculous; absurdity) :: směšnost {f}, absurdita {f}, absurdnost {f}
ridiculous {adj} (foolish, absurd) :: směšný {m}
ridiculously {adv} (in a ridiculous manner) :: směšně, absurdně
Riesling {n} (a variety of grape) :: Ryzlink {m}
Riesling {n} (a white wine made from this grape) :: Ryzlink {m}
rifle {n} (firearm with a rifled barrel) :: puška {f}, ručnice {f}, kulovnice {f}
rift {n} (shallow place in a stream) SEE: ford ::
Riga {prop} (capital of Latvia) :: Riga {f}
rigging {n} (tackle of a sailing vessel) :: takeláž {f}
right {adj} (straight, not bent) :: přímý {m}
right {adj} (of an angle, 90 degrees) :: pravý, kolmý
right {adj} (geometry: incorporating a right angle between edges, faces, axes, etc.) :: správný
right {adj} (appropriate, fit for purpose) :: správný {m}
right {adj} (healthy, sane, competent, see also: healthy; sane; competent) :: zdravý {m}
right {adj} (of direction, opposite of left) :: pravý {m}
right {adj} (politics: conservative) :: pravicový {m}
right {adv} (on the right side) :: napravo
right {adv} (towards the right side) :: vpravo, do prava
right {adv} (exactly) :: přesně, dobře
right {adv} (very, extremely) :: velmi, úplně, zcela
right {adv} (according to fact or truth) :: správně
right {adv} (in a correct manner) :: správně
right {adv} (to a great extent) :: hodně
right {interj} (yes, that is correct; I agree) :: v pořádku, správně, souhlasím
right {interj} (changing the subject in a discussion) :: tak jo
right {interj} (checking agreement) :: že?, viďte?, [informal] viď?, (rather formal) že ano?
right {interj} (adding seriousness or decisiveness before a statement) :: dobrá
right {n} (which complies with justice, law or reason) :: právo {n}
right {n} (legal or moral entitlement) :: právo {n}
right {n} (right, not left, side) :: na pravo
right {n} (right-wing politicians and parties) :: pravice {f}
right {v} (to correct) :: napravit
right {v} (to set upright) :: napřímit {pf}
right angle {n} (angle of 90 degrees) :: pravý úhel {m}
right-angled triangle {n} (right-angled triangle) SEE: right triangle ::
right ascension {n} (angular distance) :: rektascenze {f}
right away {adv} (very soon; immediately) :: rovnou
righteous {adj} (free from sin or guilt) :: nevinný {m}, ctnostný {m}
righteous {adj} (moral and virtuous, to the point of sanctimonious) :: počestný {m}
righteous {adj} (justified morally) :: spravedlivý
rightful {adj} (by right, by law) :: právoplatný
right-hander {n} (one who is right-handed) :: pravák {m}, pravačka {f}
rightish {adj} (right-wing) SEE: right-wing ::
rightist {n} (supporter of the political right) :: pravičák {m}
right now {adv} (immediately) SEE: immediately ::
right triangle {n} (a triangle having a right angle as one of its interior angles) :: pravoúhlý trojúhelník {m}
right-wing {adj} (resisting political change) :: pravicový
righty {n} (a right-handed person) :: pravák {m}, pravačka {f}
rigid {adj} (stiff) :: tuhý, rigidní
Rimbaudian {adj} (of or relating to Arthur Rimbaud) :: rimbaudovský
rime {n} (hoar frost) :: námraza {f}
rind {n} (hard outer layer of fruit, cheese) :: kůra {f}
ring {n} (circumscribing object) :: kroužek {m}
ring {n} (round piece of (precious) metal worn around the finger) :: prsten {m}
ring {n} (place where some sports take place) :: ring {m}
ring {n} (astronomy: a formation of various pieces of material orbiting around a planet) :: prstenec {m}
ring {v} ((intr.) to produce a resonant sound) :: zvonit {impf}
ring {v} ((tr.) to make something produce a resonant sound) :: zvonit
ring {v} (to telephone (someone)) :: zavolat, brnknout
ring {n} (algebra: an algebraic structure) :: okruh {m}
ring {n} (typography: diacritical mark in the shape of a hollow circle) SEE: kroužek ::
ring a bell {v} (to seem vaguely familiar) :: to mi přijde povědomé, to mi něco připomíná, to mi něco říká
ring-billed gull {n} (Larus delawarensis) :: racek delawarský {m}
ring binder {n} (folder) :: kroužkový pořadač {m}
ring down the curtain {v} (stop) SEE: stop ::
ring finger {n} (finger between the middle finger and little finger) :: prsteník {m}, prsteníček {m}
ringtone {n} (sound made by a telephone when ringing) :: vyzváněcí melodie {f} [of a cell phone], vyzváněcí tón {m}
ring up the curtain {v} (start) SEE: start ::
rinse {v} (to wash something quickly using water and no soap) :: opláchnout, oprat
rinse {v} (to remove soap from something using water) :: opláchnout
rinse {n} (the action of rinsing) :: opláchnutí {n}
riot {n} (tumultuous disturbance of public peace) :: nepokoj {m}, neklid {m}, bitka {f}, vřava {f}
rip {v} (to fart) SEE: fart ::
rip {n} (tear) SEE: tear ::
rip {v} (to divide or separate the parts of) :: roztrhnout
rip {v} (to copy data to a device) :: kopírovat z disku
rip {v} (to steal, to rip off) :: okrást
ripe {adj} (ready for reaping or gathering, of fruits and seeds) :: zralý {m}
ripe {adj} (intoxicated) SEE: intoxicated ::
ripen {v} (to grow ripe) :: zrát {impf}, dozrát {pf}
ripeness {n} (characteristic of being ripe) :: zralost {f}
ripening {n} (process) :: zrání {n}
rip off {v} ((idiom) to charge an exorbitant or unfair rate) :: oškubat
ripple effect {n} (one event instigating a set of other events) :: řetězová reakce {f}
rise {v} (to move upwards) :: stoupat, zvedat se
rise {v} (of a celestial body: to appear to move from behind the horizon) :: vyjít
rise {n} (action of moving upwards) :: stoupání {n}
riser {n} (conduct) :: stoupačka {f}
rise up {v} (to rise to the surface) :: povstat {pf}, povstávat {impf}
risk {n} (possible, usually negative, outcome) :: riziko {n}
risk {n} (likelihood of a negative outcome) :: riziko {n}
risk-averse {adj} (unwilling to take risks) :: averzní k riziku
riskless {adj} (free of risk) :: bezrizikový
risk management {n} (process of dealing with risk) :: řízení rizik {n}
risky {adj} (dangerous, involving risks) :: nebezpečný, riskantní
risotto {n} (food) :: rizoto {n}
rite {n} (ritual) :: obřad {m}, rituál {m}
ritual {adj} (related to a rite) :: rituální
ritual {n} (rite) :: rituál {m}, obřad {m}
rival {n} (competitor with the same objective) :: soupeř {m}, sok {m}, rival {m}
rivalry {n} (competition) :: soupeření {n}, rivalita {f}
rive {v} (to rend asunder by force) :: rozštěpit
rive {v} ((reflexive) to be split or rent) :: rozštěpit se
river {n} (large stream which drains a landmass) :: řeka {f}
river {n} (any large flow of a liquid) :: potok {m}
riverboat {n} (watercraft) :: říční loď {f}
river horse {n} (hippopotamus) SEE: hippopotamus ::
riverine {adj} (of or pertaining to rivers) :: říční
rivet {n} (cylindrical mechanical fastener) :: nýt {m}
Rivne {prop} (city) :: Rovno {n}, Rivne {n}
Riyadh {prop} (capital of Saudi Arabia) :: Rijád {m}
roach {n} (US: cockroach) SEE: cockroach ::
roach {n} (Rutilus rutilus) :: plotice {f}
road {n} (a way for travel) :: cesta {f}, silnice {f}
road {n} (nautical: partially sheltered waters) SEE: roadstead ::
road apple {n} (road apple) :: koňská kobliha {f}
roadblock {n} (Something that blocks or obstructs a road) :: silniční zátaras {m}
road roller {n} (heavy engineering vehicle used to compact asphalt) :: vibrační válec {m}, válec {m}
roadrunner {n} (bird of the Geococcyx genus) :: kukačka kohoutí {f}
road sign {n} (sign for traffic control or driver information) :: dopravní značka {f}
roadstead {n} (partly-sheltered anchorage outside a harbour) :: rejda {f}
roadwork {n} (construction or maintenance done to roads) :: práce na silnici
roan {n} (animal) :: tisák {m} [horse]
roar {v} (to make loud, deep cry of emotion) :: řvát
roar {n} (long, loud, deep shout) :: řev {m}
roar {n} (cry of the lion) :: řev {m}
roast {v} (to cook food by heating in an oven or fire) :: péct
roast {v} (to process by drying through heat-exposure) :: pražit
roast pork {n} (Pork cooked by roasting) :: vepřová pečeně {f}
rob {v} (to steal from, using violence) :: loupit {impf}, vyloupit {pf}, oloupit {pf}
robber {n} (one who robs) :: zloděj {m}, lupič {m}
robbery {n} (act or practice of robbing) :: loupež {f}
Robert {prop} (given name) :: Robert
robin {n} (Erithacus rubecula) :: červenka {f}
robin {n} (Turdus migratorius) :: drozd stěhovavý {m}
robinsonade {n} (genre of adventure fiction) :: robinzonáda {f}
robot {n} (intelligent mechanical being) :: robot {m}
robot {n} (machine to perform complex tasks) :: robot {m}
robot {n} (traffic light) SEE: traffic light ::
robotic {adj} (of, relating to, or resembling a robot) :: robotický
robotics {n} (The science and technology of robots) :: robotika
rock {n} (natural mineral aggregate) :: skála {f}
rock {n} (mass of projecting rock) :: skála {f}
rock {n} (large stone or boulder) :: kámen {m}
rock {n} (hill or island without vegetation) :: útes {m}
rock {n} (something strong, stable, and dependable) :: skála {f}
rock {n} (precious stone or gem) :: drahokam {m}
rock {n} (confectionery made from sugar) :: cukrkandl {m}
rock {n} (unintelligent person) :: balvan {m}
rock {v} (move gently back and forth) :: kolébat {impf}
rock {v} (cause to shake or sway violently) :: rozkolébávat {impf}, rozkolébat {pf}
rock {v} (sway or tilt violently back and forth) :: naklánět {impf}, vyklánět {impf}
rock {v} (disturb the mental or emotional equilibrium) :: rozhodit {pf}, vyvést z míry {pf}
rock {n} (act of rocking) :: kolébání {n}
rock {n} (style of music) :: rock {m}
rock {v} (to play, perform, or enjoy rock music) :: hrát rock {impf}
rock {n} (flax or wool on a distaff) :: chomáč {m}
rock {n} (distaff) SEE: distaff ::
rock dove {n} (Columba livia) :: holub skalní
rocket {n} (rocket engine) :: raketa {f}
rocket {n} (military: non-guided missile) :: raketa {f}
rocket {n} (vehicle) :: raketa {f}
rocket {n} (arugula) SEE: arugula ::
rocket launcher {n} (device for launching a missile) :: raketomet {m}
rocket salad {n} (rocket, arugula) SEE: arugula ::
Rockies {prop} (Rocky Mountains) SEE: Rocky Mountains ::
rocking chair {n} (chair with a curved base which can be gently rocked) :: houpací křeslo {n}
rocking horse {n} (a child’s toy consisting of a (usually wooden) horse mounted on a rocker or swing) :: houpací kůň {m}
rock lobster {n} (spiny lobster) SEE: spiny lobster ::
rock paper scissors {n} (popular child's game) :: kámen, nůžky, papír {m}
rock pigeon {n} (rock dove, Columba livia) SEE: rock dove ::
rock pipit {n} (Anthus petrosus) :: linduška skalní {f}
rock the boat {v} (disturb the status quo) :: dělat vlny
rocky {adj} (full of rocks) :: skalnatý
Rocky Mountains {prop} (mountain range) :: Skalisté hory {f-p}
rococo {adj} (old-fashioned) SEE: old-fashioned ::
rococo {n} (style of baroque architecture etc.) :: rokoko {n}
rod {n} (straight round stick, shaft, or bar) :: tyč {f}
rod {n} (fishing rod or pole) :: prut {m}
rod {n} (stick or bundle used for punishment) :: metla {f}
rod {n} (unit of length) :: tyč {f}
rod {n} (part of the retina of the eye) :: tyčinka {f}
rod {n} (slang: pistol) SEE: pistol ::
rodent {n} (mammal of the order Rodentia) :: hlodavec {m}
rodeo {n} (sport) :: rodeo {n}
roe {n} (roe deer) SEE: roe deer ::
roe {n} (eggs of fish) :: jikra {f}, jikry {p}
roebuck {n} (male roe deer) :: srnec {m}
roe deer {n} (small deer species, Capreolus capreolus) :: srna {f}, srnec {m}
roentgenium {n} (chemical element) :: roentgenium
rogation {n} (deeply serious and somber prayer or entreaty) :: litanie {f}
roger {interj} (received) :: souhlas
roger that {interj} (received) SEE: roger ::
Roland {prop} (male given name) :: Roland {m}
role {n} (character or part) :: role {f}
roll {v} (to cause to revolve) :: válet
roll {n} (a scroll) :: svitek {m}
rolled oats {n} (oat groats rolled into flat flakes) :: ovesné vločky {f-p}
roller {n} (slang: police) SEE: cop ::
roller {n} (bird of the family Coraciidae) :: mandelík
rollerblade {n} (type of roller skate) :: inline brusle
rollercoaster {n} (amusement ride) :: horská dráha {f}
rollie {n} (cigarette rolled by hand) SEE: roll up ::
rolling pin {n} (food preparation utensil) :: váleček {m}, váleček na těsto {m}
rolling stock {n} (any railway vehicle) :: kolejové vozidlo {n}
rolling stone {n} (womanizer) SEE: womanizer ::
rollmop {n} (fillet of herring) :: zavináč {m}
roll up {v} (to make into a bundle) :: vyhrnout
roly-poly {n} (toy that rights itself when pushed over) :: panáček vstaváček {m}, vstaváček {m}, vaňka vstaňka {m}
Rom {n} (a member of the Romani people) :: Rom {m}; Cikán {m}, Cikánka {f}
Rom {prop} (language) SEE: Romani ::
Rom {adj} (Romani) SEE: Romani ::
Roma {prop} (the Romani macrolanguage) SEE: Romani ::
Roma {n} (member of the Roma/Romani people) SEE: Romani ::
Roma {adj} (Romani) SEE: Romani ::
Roma {prop} (the Romani people) :: Rom {m}, Romové
romaji {n} (romanization of Japanese) :: rómadži {n}
Roman {adj} (of or from Rome) :: římský
Roman {n} (a native or resident of Rome) :: Říman {m}, Římanka {f}
Roman {n} (the Roman script) :: Latinka {f}
Roman alphabet {n} (Latin alphabet) SEE: Latin alphabet ::
Roman candle {n} (a type of firework) :: římská svíce
Roman Catholic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Roman Catholic Church) :: římskokatolický
Romance {adj} (of or dealing with languages or cultures derived from Roman influence and Latin) :: románský
Roman Empire {prop} (ancient Latin empire) :: římská říše {f}
Romani {n} (member of the Roma people) SEE: Rom ::
Romani {prop} (language) :: romština {f}; cikánština {f}
Romani {adj} (of or belonging to the Roma people) :: romský; cikánský
Romani {n} (nomadic people) SEE: Roma ::
Romania {prop} (South-Eastern European country) :: Rumunsko {n}
Romanian {adj} (of or relating to Romania, its people, or language) :: rumunský {m}
Romanian {n} (native of Romania) :: Rumun {m}, Rumunka {f}
Romanian {n} (official language of Romania) :: rumunština {f}
Romanization {n} (putting text into the Latin (Roman) alphabet) :: romanizace {f}, latinizace {f}
Roman nose {n} (aquiline nose) SEE: aquiline nose ::
Romans {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Římanům
Romans {prop} (30th sura of the Qur'an) :: Římanům {m-p}
Romansch {n} (the Romance language) :: rétorománština {f}
romantic {adj} (concerned with, or conducive to, romance and love) :: romantický
romantic {n} (person who is behaving romantically) :: romantik {m}
romanticism {n} (romantic quality, spirit or action) :: romantismus {m}
Rome {prop} (city) :: Řím {m}
Rome {prop} (empire) :: Řím {m}
Romeo {n} (boyfriend) SEE: boyfriend ::
roof {n} (the cover at the top of a building) :: střecha {f}
roof {n} (the upper part of a cavity) :: střecha {f}
roofed {adj} (having a roof) :: zastřešený
roofer {n} (craftsman who lays or repairs roofs) :: pokrývač {m}
roof tile {n} (tile covering a roof) :: taška {f}
rook {n} (bird) :: havran {m}
rook {n} (chesspiece) :: věž {f}
rookie {adj} (amateur) SEE: amateur ::
rookie {n} (an inexperienced recruit) :: bažant
rookie {n} (a novice) :: zelenáč, nováček {m}
room {n} (space) :: prostor {m}, místo {n}
room {n} (division in a building) :: pokoj {m}, místnost {f}
roommate {n} (a person with whom one shares a room) :: spolubydlící {m}
roost {n} (place for sleeping birds) :: kurník {m}, hřad {m}
rooster {n} (flower) SEE: violet ::
rooster {n} (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird) :: kohout {m}
rooster {n} (informant) SEE: informant ::
rooster {n} (violent person) SEE: brawler ::
root {n} (part of a plant) :: kořen {m}
root {n} (of a tooth) :: kořen {m}
root {n} (part of a hair under the skin) :: kořen, kořínek
root {n} (primary source) :: kořen {m}
root {n} (arithmetic: number or expression which when raised to a power gives the specified number or expression) :: odmocnina {f}
root {n} (linguistic morphology: primary lexical unit of a word) :: kořen {m}
root {n} (person who manages accounts on a UNIX system) :: root
root {n} (arithmetic: square root) SEE: square root ::
root hair {n} :: kořenový vlásek
root mean square {n} (type of average) :: kvadratický průměr {m}
rope {n} (thick, strong string) :: lano {n}
rope ladder {n} (flexible ladder) :: provazový žebřík {m}
ropemaker {n} (maker of ropes) :: provazník {m}
rosary {n} (Catholic prayer beads) :: růženec {m}
rose {n} (shrub) :: růže {f}
rose {n} (flower) :: růže {f}
rose {n} (colour) :: růžový {m}, růžová {f}
roseate tern {n} (tern, Sterna dougallii) :: rybák rajský {m}
rose-colored glasses {n} (overly optimistic perception of something) :: růžové brýle {f-p}
rosehip {n} (the fruit of a rose plant) :: šípek {m}
rosella {n} (parrot of the genus Platycercus) :: rosela, rozela
rosemary {n} (shrub) :: rozmarýn {m}, rozmarýna lékařská {f}
rosette {n} (ornamental imitation of a rose) :: rozeta {f}, růžice {f}
rosette {n} (architectural ornament) :: rozeta {f}, růžice {f}
rosette {n} (botany: one or more whorls of leaves) :: růžice {f}
rosette {n} (botany: type of plant growth) :: růžice {f}
Rosicrucian {n} (member of Rosicrucian Order) :: rosenkrucián {m}
Rosicrucian {adj} (related to Rosicrucianism) :: rosenkruciánský
rosin {n} (liquid resin) SEE: resin ::
rosin {n} (solid form of resin) :: kalafuna {f}
Ross's gull {n} (Rhodostethia rosea) :: racek růžový {m}
roster {n} (schedule) SEE: schedule ::
Rostock {prop} (city) :: Roztoky {m}
Rostov {prop} (Rostov Veliky, Yaroslavl oblast, Russia) :: Rostov {m}
Rostov-na-Donu {prop} (a city in Russia) SEE: Rostov-on-Don ::
Rostov-on-Don {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Rostov na Donu {m}
rostrum {n} (zoology: beak) SEE: beak ::
rostrum {n} (dais, pulpit, or similar platform) :: stupínek {m}, pódium {n}, kazatelna {f}, řečniště {n}
rosé wine {n} (pink coloured wine) :: růžové víno {n}
rot {v} ((intransitive) to suffer decomposition) :: hnít {impf}
rotary {n} (traffic circle) SEE: traffic circle ::
rotary phone {n} (rotary dial telephone) :: rotační telefon
rotary printing press {n} (printing press using cylinders for carrying ink) :: rotačka {f}
rotate {v} (to spin, turn, or revolve) :: otočit
rote {n} (process of committing to memory) :: biflování {n}, memorování {n}
rote {n} (mechanical routine) :: rutina {f}
rote {n} (roar of the surf) :: hřmění příboje {n}
rotor {n} (a rotating part of a mechanical device) :: rotor {m}
rotten {adj} (decayed, gone bad) :: shnilý
Rottweiler {n} (breed of dog) :: rotvajler {m}
rotula {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap ::
rotunda {n} (roundabout) SEE: roundabout ::
rotunda {n} (architecture: round building, often with a dome) :: rotunda {f}
rouge {n} (blush) SEE: blush ::
rough {adj} (not smooth) :: hrubý {m}
rough {adj} (approximate) :: hrubý {m}
rough {adj} (turbulent) :: bouřlivý {m}
rough {adj} (difficult) :: nepříjemný {m}
rough {adj} (crude, unrefined) :: surový {m}, neomalený {m}
rough {n} (unmowed part of golf-course) :: raf (vyšší tráva kolem fairwaye)
roughage {n} (dietary fibre) SEE: dietary fibre ::
rough-legged buzzard {n} (Buteo lagopus) :: káně rousná {f}
roughly {adv} (in a rough manner) :: hrubě
roughly {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately ::
roughness {n} (property of being rough) :: hrubost {f}
roulette {n} (game of chance) :: ruleta {f}
round {adj} (circular or cylindrical) :: kulatý {m}
round {adj} (spherical) :: kulatý {m}
round {adj} (of corners that lack sharp angles) :: kulatý {m}
round {adj} (of a number that has been rounded off) :: kulatý {m}
round {n} (circular or repetitious route) :: obchůzka {f}
round {n} (song with each subset starting at a different time) :: kánon
round {n} (serving) :: runda {f}
round {n} (segment of a sport event) :: kolo {n}
round {v} (to shape into a curve) :: zaokrouhlit
round {v} (to complete, fill out) :: zakončit
round {v} (to approximate a number) :: zaokrouhlit
round {v} (to turn past a boundary) :: zahnout
round {v} (to turn and attack someone) :: vrhnout se
round {prep} (around) SEE: around ::
round {adv} (around) SEE: around ::
roundabout {adj} (circuitous) :: nepřímý
roundabout {n} (road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island) :: kruhový objezd {m}, okružní křižovatka
roundabout {n} (children's play apparatus which rotates around a central axis when pushed) :: kolotoč
roundabout {n} (fairground carousel) :: kolotoč
roundabout {n} (detour) :: objížďka
round bracket {n} (parenthesis, bracket) :: kulatá závorka {f}, závorka {f}
roundhouse {n} (a circular building in which locomotives are housed) :: rotunda {f}
rounding {n} (the act of rounding a mathematical value) :: zaokrouhlení {n}
round table {n} (conference) :: kulatý stůl {m}
roundworm {n} (invertebrate of the phylum Nematoda) SEE: nematode ::
rout {n} (disorderly crowd) :: lůza {f}, chátra {f}, dav {m}
rout {n} (act of defeating and breaking up an army or another opponent) :: drtivá porážka {f}, debakl {m}
rout {n} (large evening party) :: raut {m}
rout {v} (to defeat completely, forcing into disorderly retreat) :: porazit na hlavu {pf}, rozdrtit {pf}, rozprášit {pf}
route {n} (course or way traveled) :: trasa {f}
route {n} (passing, course, road) :: cesta {f}
route {n} (way to do something) :: cesta {f}
route {v} (to direct along a particular course) :: směrovat
route planner {n} (tool for finding optimal routes) :: plánovač tras {m}
router {n} (device that directs packets of information) :: směrovač {m}
router {n} (device that connects local area networks to form a larger internet) :: směrovač {m}, router {m}
routine {n} (course of action to be followed regularly; a standard procedure) :: běžná praxe {f}
routine {n} (set of normal procedures, often performed mechanically) :: rutina {f}
routine {adj} (according to established procedure) :: rutinní
routine {adj} (regular; habitual) :: běžný, všední
routine {adj} (ordinary with nothing to distinguish it from all the others) :: všední
roux {n} (mixture of fat (usually butter) and flour used to thicken sauces and stews) :: jíška {f}, zápražka {f}
roving {adj} (wandering) :: toulavý {m}, toulající se
Rovno {prop} (Rivne) SEE: Rivne ::
row {n} (line of objects) :: řada {f}
row {n} (in a table) :: řádek {m}
row {v} (transitive:to propel over water using oars) :: veslovat
row {v} (intransitive: to propel a boat or other craft over water using oars) :: veslovat
rowan {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) :: jeřáb ptačí {m}
rowan {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Sorbus) :: jeřáb {m}
rowboat {n} (small boat that is rowed) :: veslice {f}
rower {n} (person who rows a boat) :: veslař {m}
rowing {n} (action of the verb "to row") :: veslování {n}
rowing {n} (the sport) :: veslování {n}
rowing boat {n} (rowboat) SEE: rowboat ::
royal {adj} (of or relating to a monarch or their family) :: královský
royal {adj} (majestic) SEE: majestic ::
royal family {n} (family of the ruling sovereign of a country or state) :: královská rodina {f}
r rotunda {n} (curved form of the letter r) :: okrouhlé r
rösti {n} (traditional dish in Germanophone Switzerland made from fried potatoes) :: rösti {n}
rub {v} (to move one object while maintaining contact with another object over some area) :: třít, mnout
rubber {n} (pliable material derived from the sap of the rubber tree) :: guma {f}, pryž {f}
rubber {n} (synthetic materials with the same properties) :: guma {f}, pryž {f}
rubber {n} (eraser) SEE: eraser ::
rubber band {n} (elastic band) SEE: elastic band ::
rubber duck {n} (toy shaped like a duck) :: gumová kachnička
rubberneck {n} (tourist) SEE: tourist ::
rubber stamp {n} (piece of rubber to make an imprint) :: razítko {n}
rubber tree {n} (Hevea brasiliensis) :: kaučukovník {m}
rubbish {n} (garbage) SEE: garbage ::
rubbish {n} (nonsense) :: nesmysl {m}
rubble {n} (the broken remains of an object, usually rock or masonry) :: suť {f}
rubella {n} (disease caused by the Rubella virus infecting the respiratory tract) :: zarděnky {f-p}
rubeola {n} (measles) SEE: measles ::
rubidium {n} (element with atomic number 37) :: rubidium
Rubik's cube {n} (cubical mechanical puzzle) :: Rubikova kostka {f}
rub it in {v} (add insult to injury) :: rozmazávat to {n}
ruble {n} (Russian monetary unit) :: rubl {m}
rubric {n} (category or classification) :: rubrika {f}
ruby {n} (type of gem) :: rubín {m}
ruby {n} (5½-point type) SEE: agate ::
ruchnik {n} (traditional East Slavic towel/cloth) SEE: rushnyk ::
ruction {n} (noisy quarrel or fight) :: povyk {m}
rudd {n} (fish Scardinius erythrophthalmus) :: perlín {m}
rudder {n} (underwater vane used to steer a vessel) :: kormidlo {n}
rudder {n} (control surface of an aircraft) :: kormidlo {n}
ruddy {adj} (reddish) :: ruměný {m}, brunátný {m}, zrudlý, červený {m}, rudý {m}, narudlý {m}, červeňoučký {m}
ruddy turnstone {n} (Arenaria interpres) :: kamenáček pestrý {m}
rude {adj} (bad-mannered) :: sprostý {m}, drzý {m}, hrubý
rude {adj} (obscene, pornographic, offensive) :: sprostý
rudely {adv} (in a rude manner) :: hrubě
rudimentary {adj} (basic; minimal) :: základní {m}
Rudolphine {adj} (pertaining to Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor) :: rudolfínský
ruff {n} (circular frill or ruffle on a garment) :: okruží
ruff {n} (the bird Philomachus pugnax (syn. Calidris pugnax)) :: jespák bojovný
ruff {v} (play a trump card) SEE: trump ::
ruff {n} (fish of the genus Gymnocephalus) SEE: ruffe ::
ruffe {n} (fish of the genus Gymnocephalus) :: ježdík {m}
rufous-bellied kookaburra {n} (Dacelo gaudichaud) :: ledňák rezavobřichý {m}
rufous-bellied tit {n} (Melaniparus rufiventris) :: [[ sýkora rehkovitá]] {f}
rug {n} (wig) SEE: wig ::
rug {n} (partial floor covering) :: kobereček {m}
rugby {n} (a sport where players can hold or kick an ovoid ball) :: ragby {n}, rugby {n}
rugby player {n} (one who plays rugby) :: ragbista {m}, ragbistka {f}
Ruhnu {prop} (island in the middle of the Gulf of Riga) :: Ruhnu
ruin {n} (remains of destroyed construction) :: zřícenina {f}, ruina {f}
ruin {v} (to cause the economical ruin of) :: zruinovat
ruin {v} (to ruin) SEE: wreck ::
rule {n} (regulation) :: pravidlo {n}
rule {v} (to regulate, be in charge of, make decisions for, reign over) :: vládnout
rule {n} (straight-edge) SEE: ruler ::
rulemaking {adj} (having the power to make rules) :: normotvorný, zákonotvorný, zákonodárný
rulemaking {n} (the process of creating regulations) :: normotvorba {f}, právotvorba {f}, zákonodárství {n}
rule out {v} (to make something impossible) :: vyloučit
ruler {n} (measuring or drawing device) :: pravítko {n}
ruler {n} (person who rules or governs) :: vládce {m}
rules are made to be broken {proverb} (it is acceptable to break rules) :: pravidla jsou od toho, aby se porušovala
rules of the road {n} (rules and regulations) :: pravidla silničního provozu {n-p}
rum {n} (distilled spirit) :: rum {m}
rumba {n} (dance) :: rumba {f}
rumble {n} (low, heavy, continuous sound) :: rachot {m}, lomoz {m}, burácení {n}, dunění {n}
rumble {n} (street fight or brawl) :: pouliční rvačka {f}, pouliční bitka {f}
rumble {v} (to make a low pitched noise) :: rachotit, lomozit, burácet, dunět, hřmět
rumble {v} (to move while making a rumbling noise) :: rvát se, servat se
rumen {n} (first stomach of ruminants) :: bachor {m}
ruminant {n} (artiodactyl ungulate mammal which chews cud) :: přežvýkavec {m}
ruminate {v} (to chew cud) :: přežvykovat
ruminate {v} (to meditate) :: přemítat
rummy {n} (card game) :: žolíky {m-p}, remy {m}
rumor {n} (statement or claim from no known reliable source) :: zvěst {f}, drby
rumor {n} (uncountable: information) :: drby
run {v} (to move quickly on two feet) :: běhat {impf} [abstract], běžet {impf} [concrete]
run {v} (to cause to move quickly) :: prohánět, prohnat
run {v} (to be in charge of) :: řídit
run {v} (to flow) :: téct, téci
run {v} (to extend in time, to last, to continue) :: trvat, zabírat
run {v} (of a machine, to be operating normally) :: fungovat
run {v} (to be a candidate in an election) :: kandidovat
run {v} (of stitches, to unravel) :: párat se, utíkat
run {v} (to flee away from a danger or towards help) :: prchat
run {n} (the act of running) :: běh {m}
run {v} (to smuggle illegal goods) SEE: smuggle ::
run across {v} (to cross by running) :: přeběhnout přes
run across {v} (to find by chance) :: narazit na
run away {v} (to flee by running) :: utéct
run away with {v} (to overwhelm) SEE: overwhelm ::
rung {n} (ladder step) :: příčka {f}, šprušle {f}
runner {n} (long, narrow carpet for a high traffic area) :: běhoun {m}
runner-up {n} (the person who finishes second) :: druhý v pořadí
running {n} (the action of the verb to run) :: běh {m}
runny nose {n} (condition of discharge of mucus from the nose) :: rýma {f}
runoff {n} (portion of precipitation or irrigation which does not infiltrate) :: odtok
run over {v} (to drive over, causing injury or death) :: přejet
run someone ragged {v} (to exhaust) SEE: exhaust ::
runway {n} (walkway extending from a stage) :: molo {n}
runway {n} ((aviation) strip for airplanes to land on or take off from) :: vzletová a přistávací dráha {f}, ranvej {f}, runway {f}
rupee {n} (monetary currency) :: rupie {f}
rupture {n} (burst or split) :: prasklina {f}, prasknutí {n}
rupture {n} (social break) :: rozkol {m}, roztržka {f}
rupture {n} (break in tissue) :: ruptura {f}, kýla {f}
rupture {v} (to burst, break through, or split, as under pressure) :: prasknout
rural {adj} (pertaining to non-urban areas) :: venkovský, selský
Rus {prop} (people) :: Rus {f}
Rus {prop} (medieval East Slavic state) :: Rus {f}
Rus {prop} (any of the medieval East Slavic principalities) :: Rus {f}
rusalka {n} (female water spirit that leads handsome men to their deaths) :: rusalka {f}
ruse {n} (action intended to deceive, see also: trick) :: lest {f}, úskok {m}
ruse {n} (guile, trickery) :: úskočnost {f}
rush {n} (haste) :: spěch {m}
rush hour {n} (times of day when traffic jams are commonplace, principally due to commuting) :: dopravní špička {f}
rushnik {n} (traditional East Slavic towel/cloth) SEE: rushnyk ::
rushnyk {n} (traditional East Slavic towel/cloth) :: ručnik {m}
Rusian {adj} (related to the Rus (people)) :: ruský, staroruský
rusk {n} (light, soft bread, often toasted or crisped in an oven) :: suchar {m}
Russia {prop} (country in Asia and Europe) :: Rusko {n}
Russian {adj} (of or pertaining to Russia) :: ruský {m}
Russian {adj} (of or pertaining to Rus) :: ruský, staroruský
Russian {n} (person from Russia) :: Rus {m}, Ruska {f}
Russian {n} (ethnic Russian) :: Rus {m}, Ruska {f}
Russian {n} (Russian (language)) :: ruština {f}, ruský jazyk {m}
Russian doll {n} (wooden doll) :: matrjoška {f}
Russian Empire {prop} (state) :: Ruské impérium {n}
Russian Federation {prop} (alternative formal name of Russia) :: Ruská federace {f}
Russianism {n} (a word or other feature originating in the Russian language) :: rusismus {m}
Russianist {n} (a person who studies Russian language, culture or history) :: rusista {m}
Russianness {n} (quality of being Russian) :: ruskost {f}
Russian Orthodox Church {prop} (one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches) :: Ruská pravoslavná církev {f}
Russian roulette {prop} (deadly game with revolver and random spinning) :: ruská ruleta {f}
Russian SFSR {prop} (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) :: Ruská SFSR {f}
Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic {prop} (official name for modern day Russia before the collapse of the Soviet Union) :: Ruská sovětská federativní socialistická republika {f}
Russian studies {n} (academic discipline) :: rusistika {f}
Russicist {n} (a scholar who specializes in the study of the Russian language) SEE: Russianist ::
russification {n} (Russification) SEE: Russification ::
Russification {n} (process of making anything Russian) :: rusifikace {f}
Russki {n} (alternative term for Russian (derogatory)) :: Rusák {m}
Russo- {prefix} (relating to Russia or Russian) :: rusko-
russula {n} (any mushroom of the genus Russula) :: holubinka {f}
rust {n} (result of oxidation) :: rez {f}
rust {n} (plant disease) :: rez {f}
rust {v} (to oxidise) :: rezavět
rusticate {v} (suspend or expel from a college or university) :: vyloučit ze studií
rustle {n} (soft crackling sound) :: šustot {m}
rustle {v} (to move (something) with a soft crackling sound) :: šustit
rusty {adj} (affected by rust) :: rezavý
rusty {adj} (of the rust color, reddish or reddish-brown) :: rezavý
Rusyn {n} (member of a people) :: Rusín {m}
rut {n} (sexual desire or oestrus) :: říje {f}
rut {v} (To be in the annual rut) :: říjet
rutabaga {n} (plant) :: tuřín {m}
rutabaga {n} (edible root) :: tuřín {m}
Ruth {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Rút
Ruth {prop} (female given name) :: Rút {f}
Ruthenia {prop} (alternative name of Rus, see also: Rus) :: Rus {f}
ruthenium {n} (chemical element) :: ruthenium {n}
rutherfordium {n} (chemical element) :: rutherfordium {n}
ruthless {adj} (without pity or compassion) :: bezohledný
rutile {n} (the most frequent of the three polymorphs of titanium dioxide) :: rutil
Rwanda {prop} (country) :: Rwanda {f}
Rwandan {n} (a person from Rwanda or of Rwandan descent) :: Rwanďan {m}, Rwanďanka {f}
Rwandan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Rwanda, the Rwandan people or language) :: rwandský {m}
Ryazan {prop} (city in Russia) :: Rjazaň
rye {n} (the grass Secale cereale or its grains as food) :: žito {n}
rye {n} (ryegrass) SEE: ryegrass ::
ryegrass {n} :: jílek {m}
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Poland) SEE: Poland ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (republic) SEE: republic ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Republic of Poland) SEE: Republic of Poland ::
Rzeczpospolita {prop} (Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth) :: Řečpospolita {f}
Rzeszów {prop} (city in Poland) :: Řešov {m}