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User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-c

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c' {adv} [sometimes before a vowel or an h] :: apocopic form of ci
c' {pron} [sometimes before a vowel or an h] :: apocopic form of ci
c {n} :: See under C
C. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of grancassa
C {letter} /tʃi/ :: letter: ci
ca' {f} :: apocopic form of casa
ca' {f} :: apocopic form of casata
ca {prep} :: abbreviation of circa
cab {m} :: Hansom cab
cabala {f} [Judaism] :: Kabballah (mystical Jewish teachings)
cabala {f} :: cabal
cabaletta {f} :: cabaletta
cabalista {mf} :: cabalist
cabalistico {adj} :: cabalistic, cabbalistic
cabarè {m} :: tray
cabarè {m} :: cabaret
cabaret {m} :: cabaret
cabaret {m} :: nightclub
cabarettista {mf} :: cabaret artist
cabarettisticamente {adv} :: In the manner of a cabaret
cabarettistico {adj} :: cabaret (attributive)
cabbalistico {adj} :: cabalistic
caberù {m} /ka.beˈru/ :: Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis)
cabestano {m} [nautical] :: capstan
Cabibbo {prop} :: surname
cabila {f} :: Kabyle (member of Berber people)
Cabilia {prop} :: Kabylia
cabilo {adj} :: Kabyle
cabilo {m} :: Kabyle (person, language)
cabina {f} :: cabin (in an aircraft or ship)
cabina {f} :: cab (of a train)
cabina {f} :: cage (of a lift)
cabina {f} :: car (of a cablecar)
cabina {f} :: beach hut
cabina {f} :: cubicle (at a swimming pool etc)
cabina {f} :: box
cabina di pilotaggio {f} :: cockpit (of an aircraft); flight deck
cabina telefonica {f} :: telephone booth, telephone box
cabinato {adj} [nautical] :: Having a cabin
cabinato {m} :: cabin cruiser
cabinista {mf} :: projectionist
cabinista {mf} :: electrical technician
cabinotto {m} :: A bourgeois fashionable youngster of Turin
cabinovia {f} :: cablecar (with a small cabin, typically for two people)
cablaggio {m} :: wiring
cablante {v} :: present participle of cablare
cablare {vt} :: To cable
cablare {vt} :: To wire, to connect
cablatura {f} :: cabling (provision of cables for TV etc)
cablo {m} /ˈka.blo/ :: abbreviation of cablogramma
cablografia {f} :: the sending of cables (telegraphy)
cablografico {adj} :: cable (attributive)
cablogramma {m} :: cablegram
cabotaggio {m} [nautical] :: coasting (coastal navigation, from port to port)
cabotante {v} :: present participle of cabotare
cabotare {vi} [nautical] :: to coast (ply along a coast)
cabotiero {adj} :: coastal, coasting
cabotiero {m} [nautical] :: coaster (vessel)
Caboto {n} :: Cabot
Caboto {n} :: surname
cabrante {v} :: present participle of cabrare
cabrare {vti} [aeronautics] :: To zoom
cabrata {f} [aeronautics] :: zooming
Cabrini {prop} :: surname
Cabrini {prop} :: Francesca Saverio Cabrini, Italian religious sister
cabrio {f} [automobiles] :: cabriolet
cabriolè {m} :: alternative form of cabriolet
cabriolet {f} [automobiles] :: cabriolet
cacadubbi {mf} :: An indecisive person
cacante {v} :: present participle of cacare
cacantesi {v} :: present participle of cacarsi
cacao {m} :: cocoa
cacapo {m} :: kakapo (Strigops habroptilus)
cacare {vi} [vulgar] :: to shit, crap
cacare {vt} [vulgar] :: to give a shit [about somebody]
cacarella {f} [vulgar] /ka.kaˈrɛl.la/ :: the shits, diarrhoea
cacarella {f} [vulgar, figurative] :: fear
cacarsi {vr} [vulgar] :: To give a shit about (somebody)
cacarsi {vr} [followed by addosso, vulgar] :: To shit oneself
cacasenno {mf} :: know-all, know-it-all
cacasotto {mf} [colloquial] :: A very nervous or cowardly person
cacastecchi {mf} :: miser
cacastecchi {mf} :: incompetent person
cacata {f} [vulgar] :: shit
cacata {f} [vulgar, by extension] :: crap, bullshit, shit
cacatoa {m} :: Variant of cacatua
cacatoio {m} :: shithouse (outdoor toilet)
cacatosi {v} :: past participle of cacarsi
cacatua {m} :: cockatoo
cacatura {f} :: shit, crap
cacatura {f} :: frass
cacca {f} [familiar] /ˈkak.ka/ :: poo
Caccamo {prop} /ka.ka.mo/ :: A town and comune in the metropolitan city of Palermo
cacchio {m} /ˈkak.kjo/ :: A non-fruit-bearing tendril (germoglio infruttifero)
cacchio {interj} [euphemistic] :: frick!; darn!
cacchione {m} :: flyblow
caccia {f} /ˈkat.tʃa/ :: hunting; shooting
caccia {f} :: look out
caccia {f} :: pursuit
caccia {m} :: fighter (aircraft)
caccia ai fantasmi {f} [figurative] :: wild-goose chase
cacciaballe {mf} :: bullshitter
cacciabile {adj} :: huntable
cacciabombardiere {m} :: fighter-bomber (aircraft)
cacciacarri {m} [military] :: tank destroyer
cacciafebbre {f} :: synonym of biondella
cacciagione {m} :: game (wild animals hunted for food)
cacciamine {m} [nautical] :: minehunter, minesweeper
Caccianemico {prop} [rare] :: surname but especially that of Venedico Caccianemico, portrayed in the Divine Comedy
cacciante {v} :: present participle of cacciare
cacciantesi {v} :: present participle of cacciarsi
cacciar {v} :: apocopic form of cacciare
cacciare {vt} [of animals] /katˈtʃare/ :: to hunt, to prey on
cacciare {vt} [of man] :: to hunt, to shoot, to snare
cacciare {vt} :: to chase
cacciare {vt} :: to drive out, to throw out, to kick out, to expel
cacciare {vt} :: to sack, to fire, to throw out
cacciare {vt} :: to take out
cacciarsi {v} :: reflexive of cacciare
cacciarsi {vr} :: to get to, get oneself into
cacciarsi {vr} :: to hide
cacciarsi {vr} :: to plunge
cacciasommergibile {m} :: submarine chaser
cacciasommergibili {m} [nautical] :: submarine chaser
cacciata {f} /katˈt͡ʃa.ta/ :: expulsion
cacciatora {f} :: hunting jacket
cacciatora {f} :: cacciatora
cacciatore {m} :: hunter, huntsman
cacciatore {m} [by extension] :: chaser, hunter
cacciatore di taglie {m} :: bounty hunter
cacciatorino {m} :: A type of small salami
cacciatorpediniere {m} :: destroyer (warship)
cacciatosi {v} :: past participle of cacciarsi
cacciatrice {f} :: female equivalent of cacciatore
cacciavite {m} /kattʃaˈvite/ :: screwdriver
Caccioppoli {prop} :: surname
Caccioppoli {prop} :: Renato Caccioppoli, Italian mathematician
cacciucco {m} :: a spiced fish stew; an Italian equivalent of bouillabaisse
caccola {f} :: booger
caccola {f} :: sleep (in the eyes)
caccola {f} :: lump of feces attached to the coat of a sheep
caccoloso {adj} :: snotty
caccoso {adj} :: covered in poo; crappy, shitty
cache {adj} [computing] :: cache (attributive)
cache {f} [computing] :: cache
cache-col {m} :: cravat
cachemire {m} :: cashmere
cacherello {m} :: droppings
cachessia {f} [pathology] :: cachexia
cachet {m} :: tablet, capsule (medical)
cachet {m} :: fee
cachet {m} :: rinse (coloured, for the hair)
cachettico {adj} :: cachectic
cachi {m} [botany] :: persimmon (tree & fruit)
cachi {m} [color] :: khaki
cachi {adj} [color] :: khaki
caciaia {f} [Tuscan] /kaˈt͡ʃa.ja/ :: A room where cheese is left to mature
caciaia {f} [Tuscan] :: A shelf where cheese is left to mature
caciaia {f} :: feminine noun of caciaio
caciaio {m} /kaˈt͡ʃa.jo/ :: cheesemaker
caciaio {m} :: cheesemonger
caciara {f} :: hubbub, din, free-for-all
caciaro {m} [Rome] /kaˈt͡ʃa.ro/ :: alternative form of caciaio
caciarona {f} :: female equivalent of caciarone
caciarone {m} :: troublemaker
cacicco {m} :: cacique
cacimperio {m} [Central Italy and Southern Italy] /ka.tʃimˈpɛ.rjo/ :: synonym of pinzimonio
cacio {m} /ˈka.t͡ʃo/ :: cheese
caciocavallo {m} /ka.t͡ʃo.kaˈval.lo/ :: caciocavallo
cacio e pepe {m} :: A pasta dish made from pici, spaghetti or other pasta with a sauce of finely grated pecorino with pepper and olive oil, butter or cream
caciotta {f} :: A soft, flat cheese from central Italy
caciucco {m} :: alternative form of cacciucco
caco- {prefix} :: caco-
caco {m} :: alternative form of cachi (fruit)
Caco {prop} :: Cacus
cacodemone {m} :: cacodemon
cacodile {m} [organic compound] :: cacodyl
cacofemismo {m} :: cacophemism
cacofonia {f} :: cacophony
cacofonicamente {adv} :: cacophonously
cacofonico {adj} :: cacophonous
cacografia {f} :: cacography
cacografico {adj} :: cacographic
cacologia {f} :: cacology
cacona {f} :: shitter
cacone {m} [vulgar] :: shit (person)
cacosmia {f} :: cacosmia
cactus {m} :: cactus
cacume {m} /kaˈkume/ :: top, summit
cacuminale {adj} /ka.ku.miˈna.le/ :: summital, culminal, cacuminal
cacuminale {adj} [linguistics, phonetics] :: retroflex
cadauno {adj} :: each
cadauno {pron} :: each, each one
cadavere {m} :: corpse, body, cadaver
cadavericamente {adv} :: cadaverously
cadaverico {adj} :: cadaverous, deadly
cadaverico {adj} :: wan
cadaverina {f} [chemistry] :: cadaverine
cadente {adj} :: falling
cadente {adj} :: decrepit
cadenza {f} :: cadence
cadenza {f} :: rhythm
cadenzale {adj} :: cadenza (attributive)
cadenzante {v} :: present participle of cadenzare
cadenzare {vt} :: to regulate according to a rhythm or pace; to pace
cadenzare {v} [music] :: [su] to accentuate a rhythmic cadence
cadenzatamente {adv} :: rhythmically
cadenzatamente {adv} :: with a specified cadence
cadenzato {adj} :: following a rhythm or cadence; rhythmic
cader {v} :: apocopic form of cadere
cadere {vi} :: to fall
cadere {vi} :: to fall over, tumble
cadere {vi} :: to die
cadere {vi} :: to drop, crash
cadere addormentato {v} :: to fall asleep
cadere dalla padella nella brace {v} [idiomatic] :: to go out of the frying pan, into the fire
cadere dalle nuvole {v} :: to be astonished
cadere dalle nuvole {v} :: to marvel
cadere in catalessi {v} :: to fall asleep, nod off
cadere in piedi {v} [idiom] :: to get out of a dangerous or difficult situation with minimal harm; to fall on one's feet
cadere nella propria trappola {v} :: hoist by one's own petard
cadere sempre in piedi {v} [idiomatic] :: to land on one's feet
cadere sempre in piedi {v} :: to be lucky, or successful
cadetto {adj} :: younger
cadetto {adj} :: junior
cadetto {m} [military ranks] :: cadet
cadetto {m} :: junior
cadetto {m} [military ranks] :: trainee officer
cadetto {m} [military ranks] :: ensign (us navy rank)
cadì {m} :: cadi, kadi, qadi
Cadice {prop} :: Cadice (city)
Cadice {prop} :: Cadice (province)
Càdice {prop} :: alternative form of Cadice
cadicona {f} :: cadicone
cadimento {m} :: fall, drop
caditoia {f} :: trap door
caditoia {f} :: embrasure
caditoia {f} :: gutter
cadmiante {v} :: present participle of cadmiare
cadmiare {vt} :: To plate with a thin layer of cadmium
cadmiatura {f} :: cadmium plating or coating
cadmio {m} [chemistry] /ˈkadmjo/ :: cadmium
cadmioso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: cadmium (attributive)
cadmiuria {f} [pathology] :: cadmiuria
Cadmo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Cadmus
Cadmo {prop} :: given name
Cadore {prop} :: Cadore (historic region) situated in the Dolomites near Belluno
cadorino {adj} :: Of or from Cadore
cadorino {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Cadore
cadorino {m} :: dialect spoken in the Cadore region (masculine singular only)
Cadorna {prop} :: surname
Cadorna {prop} :: Luigi Cadorna, Italian general
cadreghino {m} [northern Italy, colloquial, humorous] /ka.dreˈɡi.no/ :: A seat as a symbol of power
caducante {v} :: present participle of caducare
caducantesi {v} :: present participle of caducarsi
caducare {vt} [legal] :: To annul
caducarsi {vr} [legal] :: To lapse or expire
caducatosi {v} :: past participle of caducarsi
caducazione {f} [legal] :: lapse, expiring, expiration
caduceo {m} /ka.du.ˈtʃɛ.o/ :: caduceus
caducifoglio {adj} [botany] :: deciduous
caducità {f} :: caducity, transience
caduco {adj} [biology, anatomy] /kaˈdu.ko/ :: deciduous
caduco {adj} [figurative] :: transient, fleeting
caduta {f} :: fall (act of falling)
caduta {f} [figurative] :: drop (i.e. temperature drop)
caduto {adj} :: fallen
caduto {adj} :: dead
caduto {m} :: dead soldier
caendo {v} /kaˈɛn.do/ :: gerund of a defective verb that has no other form: seeking, looking for
Caetani {prop} :: surname
cafaggio {m} [archaic] :: An enclosed reserve in a woody area
Cafarchia {prop} :: surname
Cafarnao {prop} :: Capernaum, the biblical town in Galilee, archaeological site
café-chantant {m} :: café-chantant
caffa {f} :: feminine noun of caffo
Caffarelli {prop} :: surname
Caffarelli {prop} :: A noble family of Rome
caffè {m} :: coffee (plant and drink)
caffè {m} :: a café
caffè americano {m} :: an American-style black coffee (a normal espresso topped up with hot water)
caffeario {adj} :: coffee (attributive)
caffè corretto {m} :: an espresso coffee with a dash of grappa or other liqueur
caffè d'orzo {m} :: A drink, similar to coffee, made from roasted barley
caffè freddo {m} :: iced coffee as a long drink
caffeicolo {adj} :: coffee-growing (attributive)
caffeifero {adj} :: coffee-producing
caffeina {f} :: caffeine
caffeinico {adj} :: caffeinic
caffeinomane {m} [colloquial] :: coffee addict
caffeismo {m} :: coffee poisoning
caffè latte {m} :: alternative form of caffellatte
caffellatte {m} :: coffee and hot milk, served separately in two pots as a breakfast drink, or together in a glass when served at a bar etc
caffè lungo {n} :: a normal espresso coffee extracted for twice the period. Differentiated from an "americano" - which is with a little more hot water added
caffè macchiato {n} :: a normal espresso coffee with a very small amount of steamed milk
caffè solubile {m} :: instant coffee
caffè stretto {n} :: a normal espresso coffee but with less water
caffetano {m} :: Variant of caftano
caffettano {m} :: Variant of caftano
caffetteria {f} :: cafeteria, coffeehouse, café
caffettiera {f} :: coffee pot, coffee maker
caffettiere {m} :: Owner of a café or coffeehouse
caffo {adj} :: odd [of a number]
caffo {m} :: odd number
caffo {m} :: first one; most important one; foremost one
cafiso {m} [historical] /kaˈfi.zo/ :: A dry measure, equivalent to seven quarters of a bushel
cafiso {m} :: A liquid measure, equivalent to a mass of 11,026 kilograms, employed in Southern Italy
cafisso {m} /kaˈfis.so/ :: alternative form of cafiso
cafona {f} :: female equivalent of cafone
cafonaggine {f} :: boorishness
cafonata {f} :: boorish action
cafone {m} :: peasant
cafone {m} [pejorative] :: boor
cafoneria {f} :: boorishness
cafonescamente {adv} :: boorishly, ill-manneredly
cafonesco {adj} :: boorish, ill-mannered
cafro {adj} :: Kaffir, Bantu
cafro {m} :: Kaffir, Bantu
caftano {m} :: caftan
cagante {v} :: present participle of cagare
cagantesi {v} :: present participle of cagarsi
cagare {vit} :: alternative form of cacare
cagarella {f} [colloquial] :: The runs, the shits
cagarsi {vr} :: Variant of cacarsi
cagata {f} [regional, vulgar] :: shit
cagata {f} [regional, vulgar, by extension] :: crap, bullshit, shit
cagatosi {v} :: past participle of cagarsi
caggiante {v} :: present participle of caggiare
caggiare {v} [obsolete] :: To fall
cagionante {v} :: present participle of cagionare
cagionare {vt} :: To cause
cagione {f} :: cause
cagionetto {m} :: A type of pastry from Abruzzo eaten especially at Christmas; fillings vary according to locality
cagionevole {adj} :: weak, poor, delicate
cagionevolezza {f} :: weakness
cagliante {v} :: present participle of cagliare
cagliare {vit} /kaʎˈʎaːre/ :: to curdle
Cagliari {prop} /ˈkaʎ.ʎa.ri/ :: Cagliari (province)
Cagliari {prop} :: Cagliari (a city, the capital of that province)
cagliaritano {adj} :: of or pertaining to Cagliari
cagliaritano {m} :: native or inhabitant of Cagliari
cagliaritano {m} :: the dialect of Cagliari
cagliato {adj} :: curdled
cagliatura {f} :: curdling, clotting
caglio {m} :: rennet
caglio {m} :: bedstraw, plant of the genus Galium
cagna {f} :: female dog; bitch
cagna {f} [vulgar, slang, offensive] :: bitch
cagnaccio {m} :: An ugly and fierce dog
cagnaccio {m} :: smalltooth sand tiger (Odontaspis ferox)
cagnara {f} :: Loud barking (of dogs)
cagnara {f} :: uproar
cagnaro {m} [nautical] :: awning
cagnazzo {adj} [obsolete] :: pug-nosed, deformed
cagnazzo {adj} [obsolete] :: purple-coloured
Cagnazzo {prop} :: A fictional devil in the Divine Comedy
cagnescamente {adv} :: in a hostile manner, menacingly
cagnesco {adj} :: doglike
cagnesco {adj} :: hostile, menacing
cagnetta {f} /kaɲˈɲet.ta/ :: (female) little dog, doggy, doggie
cagnetta {f} :: (female) puppy
cagnetta {f} [fish] :: freshwater blenny (Salaria fluviatilis)
cagnetto {m} :: little dog, doggy, doggie
cagnetto {m} :: puppy
Cagnin {prop} :: surname
cagnola {f} :: cubbyhole (on a boat)
cagnola {f} [regional] :: nursehound (fish)
cagnolina {f} :: female equivalent of cagnolino
cagnolino {m} :: little dog, doggy, doggie
cagnolino {m} :: puppy
cagnolino {m} [swimming, masculine singular only] :: dog paddle, doggy paddle
cagnolone {m} :: Affectionate term for a dog
cagnone {m} :: a big and usually also harmless dog
cagnotto {m} :: Hired ruffian
Cagnotto {prop} :: surname
Cagnotto {prop} :: Tania Cagnotto, Italian diver
cagotto {m} [colloquial] :: The runs (diarrhea)
cagou {m} :: kagu
caiaco {m} :: kayak
caicco {m} [watercraft] :: caique
Caienna {prop} :: Caienna (capital city)
Caifa {prop} :: Caiaphas
Caifas {prop} :: medieval spelling of Caifa
caimano {m} :: caiman
Caina {prop} :: medieval spelling of Canaan
Cainero {prop} :: surname
Caino {prop} :: Cain (eldest son of Adam and Eve)
Caino {prop} :: given name
Caio {prop} :: given name
Caironi {prop} :: surname
cairota {adj} :: Cairo (attributive), Cairene
cairota {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Cairo
Čajkovskij {prop} /t͡ʃajˈkɔv.skji/ :: A transliteration of a Russian surname, usually applying to Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
cala {f} :: inlet, cove
cala {f} [nautical] :: hold
calabassa {f} :: calabash (Crescentia cujete or Lagenaria siceraria)
calabra {f} :: female equivalent of calabro
calabrese {adj} /ka.laˈbre.ze/ :: Calabrian
calabrese {mf} :: Calabrian
calabresella {f} :: A card game somewhat similar to tressette
calabresità {f} :: The quality, state or characteristic of being Calabrian
calabresità {f} :: The Calabrian spirit or essence
Calabria {prop} /kaˈla.brja/ :: Calabria (region)
calabro {adj} :: Calabrian
calabro {m} :: Calabrian
calabrone {m} /ka.laˈbro.ne/ :: European hornet (Vespa crabro)
calafataggio {m} [nautical] :: caulking
calafatante {v} :: present participle of calafatare
calafatare {vt} :: To caulk, pitch
calafato {m} [nautical] :: caulker
calamaio {m} :: inkwell
calamarata {f} :: A smooth-broad tubular form of pasta half way between mezzi paccheri and mezze maniche, similar to calamari rings specific of Naples Campania region Italy
calamarata {f} :: A first course of calamarata pasta with a sauce of cherry tomatoes, calamari or totani traditional Christmas, Easter, New Year lunch in Naples Campania region Italy
calamaretto {m} :: Small or young squid
calamaro {m} [mollusks] :: squid, calamari
calambucco {m} [obsolete] :: aloe
calamina {f} :: calamine (mineral)
calaminta {f} :: Variant of mentuccia
calamita {f} /ka.la.ˈmi.ta/ :: magnet; fridge magnet
calamita {f} :: lodestone, magnetite
calamita {f} :: compass needle
calamità {f} :: disaster, calamity
calamitante {v} :: present participle of calamitare
calamitare {vt} :: To magnetize
calamitazione {f} :: magnetization
calamitosamente {adv} :: calamitously
calamitoso {adj} :: disastrous, calamitous
calamo {m} :: quill
calanca {f} /kaˈlan.ka/ :: bay, cove, inlet
calanca {f} :: gully, ravine
Calanca {prop} :: A valley in the Swiss Alps
calanchifero {adj} :: Forming gulleys or furrows (by water action)
calanchismo {m} :: A series of furrows eroded by runoff water
calanco {m} :: gully, ravine
calanco {m} :: a furrow eroded by runoff water
calandra {f} :: calender (machine)
calandra {f} :: radiator grill (of a car)
calandra {f} :: fairing (on an outboard motor)
calandrante {v} :: present participle of calandrare
calandrare {vt} :: To calender
calandrato {adj} :: calendered
calandratore {m} :: calenderer
calandratura {f} :: calendering
calandrella {f} :: short-toed lark (of genus Calandrella)
calandro {m} :: tawny pipit
calante {adj} :: falling
calante {adj} :: setting (of the sun)
calante {adj} :: waning (of the moon)
calante {v} :: present participle of calare
calantesi {v} :: present participle of calarsi
calappio {m} :: slip knot
calappio {m} :: snare
calappio {m} :: ambush
calapranzi {m} :: dumbwaiter (small lift for moving food between floors)
calar {m} /kaˈlar/ :: setting (of a heavenly body)
Calarco {prop} :: surname
calare {vt} :: to lower something
calare {vt} :: to decrease something
calare {vt} :: to drop something
calare {vi} :: to drop, decrease, taper off
calare {vi} :: to set
calare {vi} :: to descend
calarsi {v} :: reflexive of calare
calarsi {vr} :: to lower oneself, let oneself down
calarsi {vr} :: to identify
calarsi {vr} :: to pull down
calascione {m} [musical instruments] :: alternative form of colascione
calata {f} :: invasion
calatide {f} [botany] :: capitulum, flower head (as of a daisy)
calatino {adj} :: Of or from Caltagirone
calatosi {v} :: past participle of calarsi
calaverite {f} [mineral] :: calaverite
calaverna {f} :: hoar frost, rime
calaza {f} :: chalaza
calazio {m} [medicine] :: chalazion
Calbo {prop} :: surname
calca {f} :: throng, press, scrum (of people)
calcabile {adj} :: That can be tread / treaded
Calcabrina {prop} :: A fictional devil in the Divine Comedy
calcagno {m} [anatomy] :: heel
calcagno {m} :: heel (of a shoe)
calcagnolo {m} [nautical] :: heel (tilt)
calcagnolo {m} :: chisel
Calcanta {prop} :: medieval spelling of Calcante
calcante {v} :: present participle of calcare
Calcante {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Calchas
calcantite {f} [mineral] :: chalcanthite
calcara {f} :: limekiln
calcare {m} :: limestone
calcare {vt} :: to press down on (something); to stomp
calcare {vt} :: to work (metal)
calcare {vt} :: to stress (something)
calcare {vt} :: to crowd, throng
calcare {vi} :: to push
calcare {vi} :: to lean
calcarenite {f} [geology] :: calcarenite
calcareo {adj} /kalˈka.re.o/ :: calcareous
calcatoio {m} :: ramrod
calcatreppola {f} :: The name of various thorny plants:
calcatreppola {f} :: The red starthistle (Centaurea calcitrapa)
calcatreppola {f} :: The yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis)
calcatreppola {f} :: The field eryngo (Eryngium campestre)
calce {f} :: lime (from limestone)
calce {f} :: at the foot of
calcedonio {m} [mineralogy] :: chalcedony
calcemia {f} [medicine] :: calcemia
calceolaria {f} :: slipperwort (of genus Calceolaria)
calcescisto {m} [geology] :: calcareous schist
calce spenta {f} :: slaked lime
calcestruzzo {m} /kal.t͡ʃesˈtrut.t͡so/ :: concrete
calcetto {m} :: table football
calcetto {m} :: five-a-side football
calce viva {f} :: quicklime
Calchi {prop} :: Halki
calciante {v} :: present participle of calciare
calciare {v} :: to kick something, especially a football
calciatore {m} [soccer] :: footballer, football player, striker
calciatrice {f} :: feminine noun of calciatore
calciatura {f} :: butt (part of a gun that includes the handle)
calcico {adj} [chemistry] :: calcic (of, relating to, or containing calcium or lime)
calcicolo {adj} :: calcicolous
calcidiolo {m} [organic compound] :: calcifediol, calcidiol
calciferolo {m} [organic compound] :: calciferol
calcificante {v} :: present participle of calcificare
calcificantesi {v} :: present participle of calcificarsi
calcificare {vt} :: to calcify
calcificarsi {v} :: reflexive of calcificare
calcificarsi {v} :: to become calcified
calcificatosi {v} :: past participle of calcificarsi
calcificazione {f} :: calcification
calcina {f} :: lime mortar
calcinaccio {m} :: a fragment of mortar or plaster detached from a wall
calcinaccio {m} :: debris
calcinaio {m} :: vessel in which quicklime is slaked with water
calcinante {v} :: present participle of calcinare
calcinare {vt} :: to calcine
calcinato {adj} :: calcined
calcinato {adj} [of a silkworm] :: affected with the muscardine fungus
calcinatura {f} :: liming (immersion of skins in a bath of lime as part of the tanning process)
calcinazione {f} :: calcination
calcinculo {m} :: chairoplane (fairground ride)
calcinosi {f} [diseases] :: calcinosis
calcinoso {adj} :: having the appearance of lime
calcio {m} /ˈkal.tʃo/ :: a kick [with the foot]
calcio {m} [sports] :: association football, soccer
calcio {m} :: butt [of a gun]
calcio {m} [chemistry] :: calcium
calcio a 5 {m} :: futsal
calcio a 5 {m} :: five-a-side football
calcio a cinque {m} :: alternative form of calcio a 5
calcioantagonista {adj} :: calcium antagonist (attributive)
calcio-balilla {m} :: table football
calciocianammide {f} :: calcium cyanamide
calcio d'angolo {m} [football] :: corner, corner kick
calcio d'inizio {m} [football] :: kick-off
calcio di punizione {m} [football, rugby] :: direct free kick
calcio di rigore {m} [soccer and other sports] :: penalty kick, penalty
calcio di rigore {m} [in the plural, soccer and other sports] :: penalty shootout, shootout
calciofilo {m} [colloquial] :: lover of football
calcio fiorentino {m} [football] :: An early form of football once played in Florence
calcio laterale {m} [football] :: side kick (kick with the side of the foot, rather than the toe)
calciomercato {m} :: The market in buying, selling and transferring professional football players
calcione {m} :: A hard kick
calcione {m} :: A strong recommendation
calcio piazzato {m} [football, rugby] :: place kick
calciopoli {f} :: alternative case form of Calciopoli
Calciopoli {prop} :: A football scandal that occurred in Italy in 2006, involving several major teams in Italy's top professional football leagues
calcioscommesse {mp} :: illegal football pools
calciosoma {m} :: calciosome
calcio storico {m} [football] :: synonym of calcio fiorentino
calciotto {m} :: eight-a-side football
calcisticamente {adv} :: with regard to football
calcistico {adj} :: of or relating to football (soccer)
calcite {f} :: calcite
calcitico {adj} :: calcitic
calcitonina {f} :: calcitonin
calcitriolo {m} [biochemistry] :: calcitriol
calciuria {f} [pathology] :: calciuria
-calco {suffix} :: used in the names of several alloys of copper
calco- {prefix} :: chalco-
calco- {prefix} :: alternative form of calcio-
calco {m} :: cast (of sculpture)
calco {m} :: tracing (of a design)
calco {m} :: literal loan translation, calque (calco semantico), loanword
calco {m} :: mold
calcocite {f} [mineralogy] :: chalcocite
calcofilo {adj} [chemistry] :: calcophilic
calcofilo {adj} [botany] :: calciphilous
calcogeno {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chalcogen
calcogenuro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chalcogenide
calcogenuro {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: chalcogen (attributive)
calcoglifia {f} :: synonym of calcografia
calcografia {f} :: chalcography; engraving on copper
calcograficamente {adv} :: chalcographically
calcografico {adj} :: chalcographic
calcografo {m} :: chalcographer ; engraver on copper
calcolabile {adj} :: calculable
calcolabile {adj} [logic] :: decidable
calcolabilità {f} :: The quality of being calculable
calcolante {v} :: present participle of calcolare
calcolantesi {v} :: present participle of calcolarsi
calcolare {vt} :: to calculate, work out
calcolare {vt} :: to reckon
calcolarsi {v} :: reflexive of calcolare
calcolarsi {v} :: to include oneself in a calculation
calcolatamente {adv} :: calculatedly, deliberately
calcolativo {adj} :: calculative
calcolato {adj} :: calculated
calcolatore {adj} :: calculating
calcolatore {adj} :: shrewd, scheming
calcolatore {m} :: computer
calcolatore {m} :: calculating person, schemer
calcolatosi {v} :: past participle of calcolarsi
calcolatrice {f} :: a (mechanical or electronic) device used for mathematical operations, calculator
calcolatrice {f} :: female equivalent of calcolatore
calcolatricetta {f} :: a calculating young woman (young schemer)
calcolazione {f} :: calculation
calcolista {mf} :: an engineer who designs structures in reinforced concrete
calcolitico {adj} :: chalcolithic
calcolitografia {f} :: lithography from a chalcograph
calcolo {m} [mathematics] :: calculus
calcolo {m} :: (calculation) computation, calculation, estimate, reckoning
calcolo {m} [medicine] :: calculus, stone, gravel
calcolo meccanico {m} :: adding machine
calcolo renale {m} [pathology] :: kidney stone
calcolosi {f} [diseases] :: lithiasis, calculosis, stones
calcoloso {adj} [pathology] :: calculous
calcomania {f} :: Variant of decalcomania
calcopirite {f} [mineralogy] :: chalcopyrite
calcotipia {f} :: copperplate printing
caldaia {f} :: boiler
caldaia {f} :: cauldron
caldaico {adj} :: Chaldean
caldaio {m} :: cauldron
caldaista {m} :: boiler engineer
caldallessa {f} :: boiled chestnut (streetfood)
caldamente {adv} :: warmly
caldamente {adv} :: heartily
caldana {f} :: hot flush
caldana {f} :: fit of rage
caldano {m} :: brazier
caldara {f} :: synonym of caldaia
caldareria {f} :: boilerplate factory
caldarone {m} :: alternative form of calderone
caldarrosta {f} [mainly, in the plural] /kal.darˈrɔs.ta/ :: A roasted chestnut
caldarrostaia {f} :: female equivalent of caldarrostaio
caldarrostaio {m} :: A roasted chestnut seller
caldarrostara {f} :: female equivalent of caldarrostaro
caldarrostaro {m} [dialectal] :: alternative form of caldarrostaio
caldarrosto {m} [uncommon] :: alternative form of caldarrosta
Caldea {prop} :: Chaldea
caldeggiante {v} :: present participle of caldeggiare
caldeggiare {vt} :: to support warmly or enthusiastically
caldeo {adj} :: Chaldean
caldeo {m} :: Chaldean
caldera {f} :: caldera
calderaio {m} :: coppersmith
calderaio {m} :: tinker
calderaio {m} :: brazier
calderante {m} :: tar / bitumen sprayer (in roadmaking)
calderino {m} [Tuscany] /kal.deˈri.no/ :: synonym of cardellino
calderone {m} :: cauldron
calderone {m} :: hotchpotch
Calderone {prop} :: A glacier in Abruzzo
calderugia {f} /kal.deˈru.d͡ʒa/ :: common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris)
calderugio {m} [Tuscany] /kal.deˈru.d͡ʒo/ :: synonym of cardellino
caldissimo {adj} :: superlative of caldo
caldo {adj} /ˈkaldo/ :: warm, hot
caldo {m} :: heat
caldo {m} :: fervour, ardour
calduccio {m} :: warmth
caldura {f} :: heat, warmth (summer weather)
calebassiforme {adj} /ka.le.bas.siˈfor.me/ :: gourd-shaped
caledoniano {adj} :: Caledonian
calefaciente {adj} :: calefacient
calefazione {f} :: calefaction
caleidoscopico {adj} :: kaleidoscopic
caleidoscopio {m} :: kaleidoscope
calendarietto {m} :: An illustrated, sometimes scented, card (typically of a pin-up) once given to their customers by barbers (in anticipation of a tip)
calendario {m} :: calendar
calendario dell'avvento {m} :: Advent calendar
calendario dell'Avvento {m} :: Advent calendar
calendario di lavoro {m} :: roster, rota
calendario di lavoro {m} :: duty roster
calendario gregoriano {m} :: Gregorian calendar
calendario lunare {m} :: lunar calendar
calendario solare {m} :: solar calendar
calendarista {mf} :: calendarist
calendarizzazione {f} :: scheduling
calende {f} {p} :: calends (first day of the month)
calendimaggio {m} /kaˈlɛn.di.mad.d͡ʒo/ :: May Day (the first day of May, or a spring festival held on that day)
calendola {f} :: calendula, marigold
calendula {f} :: alternative spelling of calendola
calenzuolo {m} :: greenfinch (Chloris chloris)
calepino {m} :: A large vocabulary (especially of Latin)
calepino {m} :: A weighty work of scholarship
calepino {m} :: A notebook
calere {v} [impersonal, literary] :: To matter or care
calessabile {adj} :: Suitable for gigs (of a road)
calesse {m} /kaˈlɛs.se/ :: gig (two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage)
calessino {m} :: A small four-seater buggy
caletta {f} :: dovetail (joint); mortice and tenon
caletta {f} :: diminutive of cala; small cove
calettamento {m} :: synonym of calettatura
calettante {v} :: present participle of calettare
calettare {vit} :: to fit together (closely)
calettato {adj} :: fitted
calettatura {f} :: fitment
calettatura {f} :: lap joint
Calgari {prop} :: surname
calia {f} :: split hairs
calibe {m} [obsolete] /ˈka.li.be/ :: steel
calibe {m} [pharmacology, obsolete] :: iron
calibeato {adj} [obsolete, pharmacology] /ka.li.beˈa.to/ :: Of a medicinal drink: containing iron salts
calibotipia {f} /ka.li.bo.tiˈpia̯/ :: The process of printing by embossing a steel plate
calibrante {v} :: present participle of calibrare
calibrare {vt} :: to calibrate
calibrare {vt} :: to tailor
calibrato {adj} :: calibrated
calibratore {m} :: calibrator
calibratura {f} :: calibration
calibrazione {f} :: calibration
calibro {m} :: caliber, bore
calibro {m} :: callipers
calibro {m} :: template
calicanto {m} :: calycanthus, sweet shrub
calice {m} /ˈka.li.t͡ʃe/ :: cup or goblet (for drinking); large glass (of wine)
calice {m} :: chalice
calice {m} :: flute
calice {m} [botany, anatomy] :: calyx
calice a tromba {m} /ˈka.li.t͡ʃe a ˈtrom.ba/ :: flute (type of glass)
caliciforme {adj} :: chalicine, calicinal, caliciform
calicino {adj} [botany] :: calyx (attributive)
calicò {m} :: calico
calicosi {f} [medicine] :: chalicosis, calcicosis
calidario {m} :: calidarium, caldarium
calidità {f} [literary] :: heat
calido {adj} [literary] :: hot
Calidone {prop} :: Calydon
calidonio {adj} :: Calydonian
califfale {adj} :: caliphate (attributive)
califfato {m} /kaliˈfːato/ :: caliphate
califfo {m} /kaˈlifːo/ :: caliph
California {prop} /ka.liˈfɔr.nja/ :: California (state)
californiana {f} :: feminine noun of californiano
californiano {adj} :: Californian
californiano {m} :: Californian
californidina {f} [organic compound] :: californidine
californio {m} [chemistry] :: californium
caligine {f} /kaˈli.d͡ʒi.ne/ :: soot, smog
caligine {f} :: fog
caliginoso {adj} :: sooty
caliginoso {adj} :: foggy
Caligola {prop} :: Caligula
Calimero {prop} :: given name
Calimno {prop} :: Kalymnos (Greek island)
calipso {m} :: calypso (dance)
Calipso {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Calypso
caliptra {f} :: calyptra
calla {f} :: calla (Calla palustris)
calle {f} /ˈkal.le/ :: (narrow) path
calle {f} :: route, way, road
calle {f} [Venice] :: alley [especially in Venice]
Callegari {prop} :: surname
Callegaro {prop} :: surname (variant of Callegari)
calli- {prefix} :: calli-
callicreina {f} [biochemistry] :: kallikrein
callidamente {adv} :: shrewdly, astutely
callidità {f} [literary] /kal.li.diˈta/ :: shrewdness, astuteness
callido {adj} [literary] /ˈkal.li.do/ :: shrewd, astute
callifugo {m} :: corn plaster
calligrafia {f} :: handwriting
calligrafia {f} :: calligraphy
calligraficamente {adv} :: calligraphically
calligrafico {adj} :: handwriting (attributive)
calligrafico {adj} :: calligraphic
calligrafismo {m} :: Tendency to use excessive, formal affectations
calligrafo {m} :: calligrapher, calligraphist
calligramma {m} :: calligram
calliope {f} /kalˈlio̯.pe/ :: The bird Calliope calliope: Siberian rubythroat
calliope {f} :: calliope (musical instrument)
Calliope {prop} [Greek god] /kalˈlio̯.pe/ :: Calliope, the Muse of eloquence and epic or heroic poetry
Calliope {prop} :: given name
callipige {adj} :: callipygian
Callipigia {prop} :: Appellation of Venus
callista {mf} :: chiropodist
callistenia {f} :: calisthenics
callistenico {adj} :: calisthenic
callo- {prefix} :: Variant of calli- (beautiful)
callo {m} :: callus
callo {m} :: corn (on the feet)
callo {m} :: blister (on the hands)
callone {m} :: A lock (on a weir, that lets boats pass)
callorino {m} :: synonym of otaria
callorino dell'Alaska {m} :: northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus)
callosio {m} [biochemistry] :: callose
callosità {f} :: corn, callus, callosity
calloso {adj} :: callous, horny
callotipia {f} :: calotyping, talbotyping
callotipo {m} :: calotype, talbotype
calma {f} :: calm, stillness, peacefulness
calma {f} :: tranquility, peace and quiet
calma interiore {f} :: inner peace, peace of mind
calmante {v} :: present participle of calmare
calmante {adj} :: relaxing
calmante {adj} :: soothing
calmante {m} :: painkiller
calmante {m} :: sedative
calmante {m} :: tranquillizer
calmantesi {v} :: present participle of calmarsi
calma piatta {adj} [nautical] :: dead calm
calmare {vt} :: to calm, calm down
calmare {vt} :: to relieve, lessen, ease, soothe
calmare i bollenti spiriti {v} :: to draw in one's horns
calmare i bollenti spiriti {v} :: to pull in one's horns
calmare i bollenti spiriti {v} :: to cool one's jets
calmare i bollenti spiriti {v} :: to hold one's horses
calmare i bollenti spiriti {v} :: to calm down, chill, chill out, cool off, settle down
calmarsi {v} :: reflexive of calmare
calmarsi {v} :: to calm down or simmer down
calmarsi {v} :: to ease
calmarsi {v} :: to subside
calmata {f} [nautical] :: calm after a storm
calmata {f} [fossil word] :: calming-down
calmatosi {v} :: past participle of calmarsi
calmeria {f} [nautical] :: synonym of bonaccia
calmieramento {m} :: price control
calmierante {v} :: present participle of calmierare
calmierare {vt} :: To control the price of something
calmiere {m} :: ceiling (highest permissible price)
calmissimo {adj} :: superlative of calmo
calmo {adj} :: calm, peaceful, quiet, still
calmucco {m} :: Kalmyk
calo- {prefix} :: Variant of callo-
calo {m} [archaic] :: fall
calo {m} [figurative] :: drop, loss, decrease
calocchia {f} :: A pole used to support vines
calocchia {f} :: The smaller stick of a flail
calocchia {f} :: A pruned branch
Calogero {prop} :: given name
calomelano {m} [inorganic compound] :: calomel
calore {m} /ka.ˈlo.re/ :: warmth
calore {m} :: heat
calore {m} :: fervour
calore {m} :: glow
Calore {prop} :: Calore (river)
calori- {prefix} :: Used to form words related to heat
caloria {f} :: calorie
caloricamente {adv} :: calorically
calorico {adj} :: caloric, calorific, calorie (attributive)
calorifero {m} :: radiator (household radiator)
calorifico {adj} /ka.loˈri.fi.ko/ :: calorific (heat producing)
calorigenesi {f} :: calorigenesis
calorigeno {adj} :: calorigenic
calorimetria {f} [physics] :: calorimetry
calorimetrico {adj} :: calorimetric
calorimetro {m} [physics] :: calorimeter
calorizzazione {f} :: calorization (heat treatment for steel)
calorosamente {adv} :: warmly
calorosamente {adv} :: fervently
calorosissimo {adj} :: superlative of caloroso
calorosità {f} :: warmth
caloroso {adj} /ka.loˈro.zo/ :: warming
caloroso {adj} :: warm, hearty
caloroso {adj} :: peppery, spicy (food)
caloscia {f} :: Variant of galoche
calotipia {f} :: calotype
calotta {f} :: cap, cover
calotta {f} :: crown (of a hat)
calotta cranica {f} [skeleton] :: calvaria, skullcap
calpaina {f} [enzyme] :: calpain
calpestabile {adj} :: usable
calpestabile {adj} :: walkable
calpestamento {m} :: trampling
calpestamento {m} :: humiliation, contempt
calpestante {v} :: present participle of calpestare
calpestare {vt} :: to trample or tread on something
calpestato {adj} :: trodden
calpestio {m} :: tread, treading
calpestio {m} :: stamping trample
calta {f} :: marsh marigold (of genus Caltha)
Caltagirone {prop} :: Caltagirone (town)
caltagironese {adj} :: Of or from Caltagirone
Caltanissetta {prop} /kal.ta.nisˈset.ta/ :: Caltanissetta (city/and/province)
caltavuturese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Caltavuturo
calugine {f} :: down
calumante {v} :: present participle of calumare
calumare {vt} [nautical] :: to pay out (rope)
calunnia {f} /kaˈlun.nja/ :: slander, calumny
calunnia {f} :: aspersion
calunniabile {adj} :: That can be slandered
calunniante {v} :: present participle of calunniare
calunniare {vt} :: to slander
calunniatore {m} :: slanderer
calunniatrice {f} :: female equivalent of calunniatore
calunniosamente {adv} :: slanderously
calunnioso {adj} :: slanderous
calura {f} [weather] :: intense sticky heat
calura {f} :: sultry passion
calutrone {m} [physics] :: calutron
calva {f} :: bald woman
calvario {m} /kalˈvar.jo/ :: calvary (all senses)
Calvario {prop} :: Calvary
calvinismo {m} :: Calvinism
calvinista {adj} :: Calvinist
calvinista {mf} :: Calvinist
calvinistico {adj} :: Calvinistic
Calvino {prop} :: Calvin
calvizie {f} [dermatology] /kalˈvit.t͡sje/ :: baldness, calvity
calvo {adj} :: bald
calvo {m} :: bald man
Calvo {prop} :: surname
calza {f} :: sock
calza {f} :: stocking
calzamaglia {f} :: tights
calzamaglia {f} :: leotard
calzante {v} :: present participle of calzare
calzante {adj} :: appropriate
calzante {adj} :: fitting
calzante {m} :: shoehorn
calzare {vt} /kalˈt͡sa.re/ :: to shoe
calzare {vt} :: To put on
calzare {vi} :: To fit (like a glove)
calzare {m} :: sandal
calzare {m} :: footwear
calzaretto {m} :: puttee
calzascarpe {m} :: shoehorn
calzatoia {f} :: chock, wedge
calzatoio {m} :: shoehorn
calzatura {f} :: footwear, shoe
calzaturiera {f} :: female equivalent of calzaturiero
calzaturiero {adj} :: footwear (attribute), shoe (attribute)
calzaturiero {m} :: worker in a shoe factory
calzaturificio {m} :: shoe factory, shoe manufacturer
calzerotto {m} :: ankle sock, short sock
calzetta {f} :: ankle sock
calzettaio {m} :: hosiery manufacturer
calzettaio {m} :: hosier
calzetteria {f} :: shoe shop
calzettone {m} :: knee-high sock
calzificio {m} :: hosiery factory
calzino {m} :: sock (covering for the foot)
calzolaia {f} :: female equivalent of calzolaio
calzolaio {m} :: shoemaker
calzolaio {m} :: shoe repairer, cobbler
calzoleria {f} :: shoe repair shop, cobbler's
calzoleria {f} :: shoemaker's
calzoleria {f} :: shoe shop
calzonciello {m} :: A light turnover of pastry filled with mozzarella (or similar cheese), anchovies and parsley
calzoncino {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: shorts, trunks
calzone {m} :: trousers (especially in plural)
calzone {m} :: calzone
calzoni alla zuava {m} {p} :: knickerbockers
calzonicco {m} :: (especially in plural) A type of pasta, in the form of a half-moon, stuffed with a meat filling of sweetbreads or brains etc
calzuolo {m} :: wedge
Cam {prop} [Biblical character] :: Ham
camaglio {m} :: aventail
camaldolese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Camaldoli
camaldolese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Benedictine order of Camaldoli
camaldolese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Camaldoli
camaldolese {mf} :: Monk or nun of that order
Camaldoli {prop} :: A small town near Arezzo in Tuscany; the home of a Benedictine order
camaleonte {m} :: chameleon
camaleonticamente {adv} :: In the manner of a chameleon
camaleontico {adj} :: chameleon-like
camaleontismo {m} :: Being fickle; changing one's opinion as others wish (being chameleon-like)
camallo {m} :: docker, longshoreman
Camanni {prop} :: surname
Camanni {prop} :: Enrico Camanni, Italian writer
camarilla {f} :: camarilla
camauro {m} :: camauro
cambiabile {adj} :: exchangeable
cambiadischi {m} :: autochanger (on a record player)
cambiale {f} :: bill of exchange
cambiale {f} :: promissory note
cambiamento {m} :: A change or shift
cambiamento {m} :: A turn
cambiamento climatico {m} :: A climate change
cambiamento di paradigma {m} [physics, philosophy] :: paradigm shift
cambiamonete {m} :: moneychanger
cambiante {v} :: present participle of cambiare
cambiantesi {v} :: present participle of cambiarsi
cambiar {v} :: apocopic form of cambiare
cambiare {vt} /kamˈbja.re/ :: to exchange
cambiare {vt} :: to change
cambiare casacca {v} :: to about-face
cambiare di mano {v} :: to change hands
cambiare idea {vi} :: to change one's mind
cambiario {adj} :: exchange (attributive)
cambiarsi {v} :: reflexive of cambiare
cambiarsi {v} :: to change (oneself)
cambiarsi {v} :: to get changed (change one's clothes)
cambiarsi {v} :: to change places, swap
cambiatensione {m} :: transformer (electrical)
cambiatosi {v} :: past participle of cambiarsi
cambiavalute {m} :: bureau de change
cambio {m} /ˈkam.bjo/ :: exchange
cambio {m} :: change
cambio {m} :: gear, stickshift (of a motor vehicle)
cambio della guardia {m} :: changing of the guard (also figuratively)
cambista {mf} :: foreign exchange dealer
Cambogia {prop} :: Cambodia
cambogiana {f} :: female equivalent of cambogiano
cambogiano {adj} :: Cambodian
cambogiano {m} :: Cambodian
cambogiano {m} [singular only] :: The Cambodian language
cambra {f} /ˈkam.bra/ :: cramp, clamp
cambratrice {f} :: A machine used for shaping the front part of the upper of a shoe
cambretta {f} :: staple
cambrì {m} :: cambric
cambriano {adj} :: Cambrian
cambriano {m} :: Cambrian
Cambriano {adj} :: Cambrian
Cambriano {m} :: Cambrian
Cambrici {prop} :: Cambrian mountains
cambusa {f} [nautical] :: galley, storeroom (storage for food on a ship)
cambusa {f} [Wiktionary and WMF jargon] :: archive (of a discussion page)
cambusada {f} [Wiktionary and WMF jargon] :: archival (of a discussion page)
cambusare {v} [Wiktionary and WMF jargon] :: To archive a discussion page
cambusiere {m} [nautical] :: storekeeper
cambusiere {m} [Wiktionary and WMF jargon] :: archiver (of a discussion page)
cameceraso {m} :: The Alpine honeysuckle (Lonicera alpigena)
camedrio {m} :: avens (Of genus Dryas)
camefita {f} :: chamaephyte
camelia {f} :: camellia
camelide {m} :: camel (any animal of the family Camelidae)
cameo {m} /kaˈmɛ.o/ :: cameo (short appearance)
camera {f} /ˈka.me.ra/ :: room; chamber (all senses)
camera {f} :: bedroom
camera {f} :: assembly, parliament
camera {f} :: camera (for taking moving pictures)
camera a gas {f} :: gas chamber
camera da letto {f} :: bedroom
camera d'aria {f} :: inner tube
camera degli ospiti {f} :: guest room
camera di commercio {f} :: chamber of commerce
camerale {adj} :: chamber (attributive)
camerale {adj} :: chamber of commerce (attributive)
camerale {adj} :: financial
cameralismo {m} :: cameralism
cameralista {mf} :: cameralist
cameraman {mf} /ˈka.me.ra.mɛn/ :: cameraman
camera matrimoniale {f} :: master bedroom
camera matrimoniale {f} :: double bedroom (in a hotel)
cameramento {m} :: The loading of a cartridge or bullet into the chamber of a firearm
camera mortuaria {f} :: mortuary, morgue
camera mortuaria {f} :: mortuary chapel
camerante {v} :: present participle of camerare
camera oscura {f} :: darkroom
camera ottica {f} :: darkroom
camerare {v} :: To load a cartridge or bullet into the chamber of a firearm
camerata {f} /ka.meˈra.ta/ :: dormitory
camerata {mf} [archaic] :: companion, mate
camerata {mf} [chiefly historical] :: A fellow fascist or otherwise politically rightist person
camerata {mf} :: A title, functionally similar to "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Miss", "Ms." etc, in right-wing circles
cameratescamente {adv} :: comradely
cameratesco {adj} :: comradely
cameratismo {m} :: comradeship, camaraderie, fellowship
cameretta {f} :: diminutive of camera
cameretta {f} :: small room, especially a small bedroom (for a child)
cameriera {f} /ka.merˈjɛ.ra/ :: waitress
cameriera {f} :: maid, housemaid
cameriera {f} :: chambermaid
cameriere {m} /ka.merˈjɛ.re/ :: waiter
cameriere {m} :: valet, manservant, footman, lackey
camerino {m} :: dressing room (in a theatre)
Camerino {prop} :: Camerino (small town)
camerista {mf} :: musician who plays chamber music
cameristico {adj} [music] :: chamber, chamber music (attributive)
camerlengo {m} :: chamberlain
camerone {m} :: hall (large room, especially one in an institution used as a dormitory or refectory)
camerto {adj} :: Of or from Camerino
Camerun {prop} :: Cameroon
camerunense {adj} :: Cameroonian
camerunense {mf} :: Cameroonian
camerunese {adj} :: Variant of camerunense
camerunese {mf} :: Variant of camerunense
camice {m} /ˈkamitʃe/ :: white coat (of a technician, doctor etc)
camice {m} :: gown (of a surgeon)
camice {m} :: alb (of a priest)
camiceria {f} :: shirt factory or shop
camicetta {f} :: blouse
camicia {f} /kaˈmi.tʃa/ :: shirt, dress shirt
camicia {f} :: jacket
camicia {f} [military] :: armour
camicia da notte {mf} :: nightgown
camicia di contenzione {f} :: straitjacket
camiciaia {f} :: female equivalent of camiciaio
camiciaio {m} :: shirtmaker
camiciaio {m} :: shirtseller
camicino {m} :: bodice
camicino {m} :: nightshirt (infant)
camiciola {f} :: vest
camicione {m} :: chemise
Camicione {prop} :: surname most notably that of Camicione de' Pazzi
camiciotto {m} :: Loose, casual shirt
camiciotto {m} :: smock
Camilla {prop} :: given name
Camilleri {prop} :: surname
camilliano {adj} :: Camillian
camilliano {m} :: Camillian
Camillo {prop} :: given name
caminetto {m} :: fireplace
caminiera {f} :: fireguard, firescreen
caminiera {f} :: mantlepiece (or a mirror over a mantlepiece)
camino {m} :: fireplace
camino {m} :: chimney
camion {m} :: lorry [British], truck [US]
camionabile {adj} :: Suitable for heavy vehicles
camionabile {f} :: Such a road
camionale {adj} :: lorry / truck (attributive)
camionata {f} :: lorryload / truckload
camioncino {m} :: van (small trade vehicle)
camionetta {f} :: jeep
camionista {mf} :: lorry driver, trucker
Camiro {prop} :: Kameiros, Camirus
camisaccio {m} [nautical] :: Sailor's blouse
camiscia {f} :: obsolete form of camicia
Camiscion {prop} :: apocopic form of Camiscione
Camiscione {prop} :: surname alternative form of Camicione
camita {mf} :: Hamite (north African people)
camitico {adj} :: Hamitic
camma {f} :: cam
Cammarata {prop} :: Cammarata (village)
Cammarata {prop} :: surname
cammellata {f} :: camel trek
cammellato {adj} :: camel-borne
cammelliere {m} :: camel driver
cammello {m} /kamˈmɛl.lo/ :: camel
cammellotto {m} :: camlet
cammeo {m} /kam.ˈmɛ.o/ :: cameo
cammeo {m} :: cameo brooch
Cammilla {prop} :: given name
cammin {m} [poetic] :: journey (abbreviated form of camminata)
camminamento {m} [military] :: communication trench
camminante {v} :: present participle of camminare
camminar {v} :: apocopic form of camminare
camminare {vi} /kammiˈnare/ :: to walk, to tread, to travel, to wander, to stroll, to saunter
camminare {vi} :: to proceed
camminare {vi} :: to progress
camminare {m} :: walking
camminare {m} :: walk, gait
camminare a fatica {v} :: to slog
camminare a fatica {v} :: To walk slowly, encountering resistance
camminata {f} /kam.mi.ˈna.ta/ :: walk, especially a long one
camminata {f} :: style of walking
camminatore {m} :: walker
camminatrice {f} :: female equivalent of camminatore
cammino {m} /kam.ˈmi.no/ :: walk, way, path (in idiomatic senses)
camo {m} [obsolete] /ˈka.mo/ :: muzzle
camo {m} [obsolete, figuratively] :: (moral) restraint
camola {f} [entomology] /ˈka.mo.la/ :: moth, clothes moth
camola {f} [entomology] :: woodworm
camomilla {f} :: camomile [both the plant and the tea]
camone {m} :: A variety of tomato, typical of Sardinia, that have a green upper part (near the petiole)
Camonica {prop} :: An alpine region of northern Lombardy
camorra {f} [singulare tantum] /kaˈmɔr.ra/ :: Camorra (crime organization from Naples)
camorra {f} [countable, by extension] :: any criminal organization
camorrismo {m} [usually uncountable] /ka.morˈri.zmo/ :: Camorrism (the organization and mode of action of the Camorra)
camorrista {mf} /ka.morˈri.sta/ :: Camorrista; Camorrist (member of the Camorra)
camorristicamente {adv} /ka.morˌri.sti.kaˈmen.te/ :: in the manner of the Camorra
camorristico {adj} /ka.morˈri.sti.ko/ :: relating to the Camorra
camorristico {adj} :: done in the manner of the Camorra
camoscio {m} :: chamois (mammal)
camoscio {m} :: suede, chamois
camoscio {m} :: goat antelope
camoscio {m} :: caprid
camozza {f} :: chamois (female)
campa cavallo {idiom} :: (dated) Something, that is eagerly, but hopelessly, anticipated
campagna {f} :: rural area: country, countryside
campagna {f} :: cultivated land: farmland, land
campagna {f} [figuratively] :: campaign
campagna {f} [heraldry] :: base; lower part of the field
campagna elettorale {f} :: election campaign
campagnola {f} :: female equivalent of campagnolo
campagnolo {adj} /kampaˈɲɔlo/ :: country (attributive), rural
campagnolo {m} :: countryman, peasant, yokel, bumpkin, rustic
campale {adj} :: field (attributive, military)
campana {f} :: bell
campanaccio {m} :: cowbell
campanaccio {m} :: goat bell
campanario {adj} :: bell (attributive)
campanaro {m} :: bell ringer (especially in a church or convent etc)
campana subacquea {f} :: diving bell
campanella {f} :: small bell (in a school or factory)
campanella {f} :: campanula
Campanella {prop} :: surname
Campanella {prop} :: Tommaso Campanella, Italian philosopher and writer
campanelliano {adj} [philosophy] :: Relating to, or characteristic of Italian philosopher Tommaso Campanella
campanellino {m} /kam.pa.nelˈli.no/ :: tintinnabulum (small bell)
campanellino {m} [botany] :: spring snowflake
Campanellino {prop} :: Tinkerbell (fictional fairy)
campanello {m} :: (doorbell) doorbell, bell
campanello {m} :: handbell
campanello {m} [of a bicycle] :: bell
campanello {m} :: (plural) glockenspiel
campanello d'allarme {m} [figuratively] :: alarm bell, warning signal (a sudden awareness of danger)
Campania {prop} /kamˈpa.nja/ :: Campania (region)
campaniforme {adj} :: campaniform
campanile {m} :: bell tower
campanile {m} :: belfry
Campanile di Giotto {prop} :: Giotto's Campanile (a belltower in Florence, Italy)
campanilismo {m} /kam.pa.niˈliz.mo/ :: parochialism
campanilista {adj} :: parochial
campanilisticamente {adv} :: parochially
campanilistico {adj} :: parochial
campano {adj} :: Of or from Campania
campano {m} :: Campanian (native or inhabitant of Campania)
Campano {prop} :: surname
campanone {m} :: Large bell
campanone {m} [military] :: bombard
campante {v} :: present participle of campare
campanula {f} :: bellflower
campanula {f} :: harebell
campanulare {adj} :: campanulate (bell-shaped)
campanulato {adj} :: bell-shaped (flower)
campare {vi} :: to live, manage or get by (on)
Campari e soda {n} :: an aperitif of Campari and soda water; sometime sold pre-mixed in a small conical bottle
campata {f} :: span (spread between supports)
campato {adj} :: only in campato in aria
campeggiamento {m} :: encampment
campeggiante {v} :: present participle of campeggiare
campeggiare {vi} :: to camp
campeggiare {vi} :: to stand out [of a picture]
campeggiatore {m} :: camper (person who camps)
campeggiatrice {f} :: female equivalent of campeggiatore
campeggio {m} :: camping
campeggio {m} :: campsite, campground
campeggista {mf} :: camper
campeggistico {adj} :: camping (attributive)
campente {v} :: present participle of campire
camper {m} :: campervan, camper
camperista {mf} :: campervan / recreational vehicle enthusiast
campestre {adj} :: country (attributive), cross-country, rural
campestremente {adv} :: In a country manner; rurally
campetto {m} [sports] :: Small field, especially a small sports field or training ground
campetto {m} :: croft, quillet
campicchiante {v} :: present participle of campicchiare
campicchiare {vi} :: To scrape along, scrape by, get along, get by
campicello {m} :: A small field
campicello {m} :: croft, quillet
campidanese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Campidano
campidanese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Campidano
Campidano {prop} :: A fertile plain in Sardinia
Campidano {m} :: A red wine produced in this area
Campidoglio {prop} /kam.piˈdɔ.ʎo/ :: Capitolium
Campidoglio {prop} :: The Capitoline Hill, one of the Seven hills of Rome
Campidoglio {prop} [narrowing] :: An ancient square located on top of the hill
Campidoglio {prop} [narrowing] :: The Senatorial Palace, representative of the municipality of Rome
Campidoglio {prop} [figurative, by extension] :: The ruling center of a country
Campidoglio {prop} [metonymy] :: The mayor of the Rome municipality
campiello {m} :: A typical little Venetian square
camping {m} :: campsite
campionamento {m} :: sampling (all senses)
campionamento {m} :: calibration
campionante {v} :: present participle of campionare
campionare {vt} :: to sample
campionario {adj} :: trade (attributive, of a fair)
campionario {adj} :: sampling (attributive)
campionario {adj} :: sample (attributive)
campionario {m} :: sample book
campionario {m} :: samples, collection
campionario {m} [figuratively] :: range, cross section
campionato {m} :: championship
campionatore {m} [music, chemistry] :: sampler (device)
campionatura {f} :: sampling
campioncina {f} :: female equivalent of campioncino
campioncino {m} :: a young champion
campioncino {m} :: sample (generally of beauty products)
campione {m} [sports] :: champion, ace, master
campione {m} :: sample, specimen
campione {m} :: freebie
campione {m} :: swag
campione {adj} [sports] :: champion
campione {adj} [attributive] :: sample, model
campionessa {f} :: female equivalent of campione
campionissimo {m} :: great or true champion (champion of champions)
campionista {mf} :: sampler
campire {vt} [arts] :: to paint in (an area of background)
Campise {prop} :: surname
campito {adj} :: painted in
campitura {f} :: painting in (of a background)
campitura {f} :: a painted background
campo {m} [sports, agriculture] :: field
campo {m} :: battlefield, airfield
campo {m} :: range
campo {m} :: signal (mobile network)
campo {m} [film] :: shot
campo {m} [arts] :: background (of a painting)
campo {m} [in Venice] :: square (smaller than a piazza)
campo {m} :: tether (the limit of one's abilities, resources etc)
Campobasso {prop} :: Campobasso (town/and/province)
campochiaro {adj} [chess] :: light-squared
campo da calcio {m} [football] :: football pitch
campo da gioco {m} [sports] :: playing field
campo da golf {m} [golf] :: golf course
campo da tennis {m} [tennis] :: tennis court
campo d'aviazione {m} :: airfield, aerodrome
Campo de' Fiori {prop} :: A square in Rome having at its centre the bronze statue of Giordano Bruno burned alive in this square for heresy by the Roman Inquisition
campo di aviazione {m} :: airfield
campo di battaglia {m} :: battlefield
campo di concentramento {m} :: concentration camp
campo di cricket {m} [cricket] :: cricket field, cricket ground
campo di gioco {m} [sports] :: playing field
campo di grano {m} :: cornfield, wheatfield
campo di prigionìa {m} :: compound (enclosure within which workers, prisoners, or soldiers are confined)
campo di prigionìa {m} :: prison camp
campo di visibilità {m} :: field of vision
campo elettrico {m} [electricity] :: electric field
campofioritane {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Campofiorito
campo giochi {m} :: playground
campo gravitazionale {m} [physics] :: gravitational field
campo lungo {m} [photography, cinema] :: long shot
campo magnetico {m} [physics] :: magnetic field
Campo Marzio {n} :: Campus Martius (literally Field of Mars and the most populous area of ancient Rome)
campo minato {m} :: minefield
campo petrolifero {m} :: oilfield
camporealese {adj} :: Of or from Camporeale
camporealese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Camporeale
camporella {f} :: only in andare in camporella
campo santo {m} :: alternative spelling of camposanto
camposanto {m} :: burial place or cemetery
camposcuro {adj} [chess] :: dark-squared
campo sportivo {m} [sports] :: sports field
campo vettoriale {m} [maths] :: vector field
camptodattilia {f} [pathology] :: camptodactyly
Camuccini {prop} :: surname
Camuccini {prop} :: Vincenzo Camuccini, Italian painter
camuffamento {m} :: disguise, camouflage
camuffante {v} :: present participle of camuffare
camuffantesi {v} :: present participle of camuffarsi
camuffare {vt} :: To disguise
camuffare {vt} :: To hide
camuffarsi {vr} :: To disguise oneself
camuffatosi {v} :: past participle of camuffarsi
camuna {f} :: female equivalent of camuno
camuno {m} :: Camun, Camunian
camuno {adj} :: Camun, Camunian
camuso {adj} :: snub
camuso {adj} :: snub-nosed
can {m} /kan/ :: obsolete spelling of khan
can {m} [poetic, literary] :: apocopic form of cane; dog
cana {f} [rare] /ˈka.na/ :: marijuana cigarette, joint
Canada {prop} :: Canada (country)
canadair {m} :: firefighting aircraft
canadese {adj} :: Canadian
canadese {mf} :: Canadian
canaglia {f} /kaˈnaʎa/ :: scoundrel, rogue
canagliata {f} :: dirty trick, mischief
canagliesco {adj} :: roguish
canagliume {m} :: rabble, motley crew
canaio {m} :: dog breeder
canaio {m} [regional] :: row, din, racket
canaiolo {m} :: A red wine made from Canaiolo grapes
Canaiolo {m} :: Cabaiolo
canale {m} :: channel
canale {m} :: canal
canale {m} :: conduit
canale {m} [anatomy] :: duct, canal
canale deferente {m} [anatomy] :: vas deferens
canale di drenaggio {m} :: gutter
canale di scolo {m} :: gutter
canaletta {f} :: raceway (conduit for organizing power cabling)
canaletto {m} :: A small canal
Canal Grande {prop} :: Grand Canal (canal in Venice, Italy)
Canali {prop} :: surname
canalicolo {m} [anatomy, botany] :: canaliculus
canalina {f} :: conduit (rectangular trunking for electrical cables)
canalino {m} :: A small channel
canalino {m} :: furrow, groove
canalizzante {v} :: present participle of canalizzare
canalizzare {vt} :: to canalize
canalizzare {vt} :: to channel
canalizzazione {f} :: canalization
canalone {m} [geology] :: gorge
cananaico {adj} :: Canaanitic
cananea {f} :: feminine noun of cananeo
cananeo {adj} :: Canaanite
cananeo {m} :: Canaanite
canapa {f} [uncountable] /ˈka.na.pa/ :: hemp (Cannabis sativa)
canapa {f} :: A hemp plant
canapa {f} [collective] :: The fibers of the hemp plant
canapa {f} :: A fabric made from the hemp fibers
canapa acquatica {f} [uncountable] :: hemp-agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum)
canapa acquatica {f} :: A hemp-agrimony plant
canapacciaia {f} /ka.na.patˈt͡ʃa.ja/ :: A hemp field with chiefly female plants
canapacciara {f} /ka.na.patˈt͡ʃa.ra/ :: alternative form of canapacciaia
canapaccio {m} /ka.naˈpat.t͡ʃo/ :: A female hemp plant
canapa del Canada {f} [uncountable] :: hemp dogbane, [US] Indian hemp (Apocynum cannabinum)
canapa del Canada {f} :: One such plant
canapa di Manila {f} :: synonym of abacà
canapaia {f} :: hempland
canapa indiana {f} [uncountable] :: Indian hemp (Cannabis indica)
canapa indiana {f} :: An Indian hemp plant
canapaio {m} :: hemp worker or seller
canape {f} /ˈka.na.pe/ :: alternative form of canapa
canape {m} :: uncommon form of canapo
canapè {m} [furniture] :: settee, couch
canapè {m} [furniture] :: canapé
canapicolo {adj} :: Relating to the cultivation of hemp
canapicoltore {m} :: hemp grower
canapicoltura {f} :: hemp growing
canapiendola {f} :: swing
canapiendola {f} :: seesaw
canapiero {adj} :: hemp (attributive)
canapificio {m} :: hemp mill
canapiglia {f} /ka.naˈpiʎ.ʎa/ :: gadwall (Mareca strepera, syn. Anas strepera)
canapina {f} :: hemp cloth
canapino {adj} :: hempen
canapo {m} /ˈka.na.po/ :: A thick rope made out of hemp fibers
canapone {m} /ka.naˈpo.ne/ :: synonym of canapaccio
canapone {m} :: An old man with long unkempt hair
canapuccia {f} [botany] /ka.naˈput.t͡ʃa/ :: hempseed
canapule {m} :: hemp stalk (used as fuel)
canapulo {m} :: alternative form of canapule
canard {m} :: canard, hoax
canarese {adj} :: Kannada (attributive)
canarese {m} :: Kannada (language)
canaria {f} :: alternative form of canarino
Canarie {prop} :: short for Isole Canarie
canarino {m} :: canary (Serinus canaria)
canarino {m} [colloquial] :: squealer, ear
canarino del Mozambico {m} :: yellow-fronted canary or green singing finch
canarino frontegialla {m} :: yellow-fronted canary or green singing finch
canarino petto giallo {m} :: lemon-breasted seedeater
canarino solferino {m} :: brimstone canary
canarino solforato {m} :: brimstone canary
canato {m} :: obsolete spelling of khanato
canavaccio {m} :: alternative form of canovaccio
canavesano {adj} :: Of or from Canavese
Canavese {prop} :: A region of north-west Italy mostly in present-day Piedmont
Canberra {prop} :: Canberra (capital city)
cancellabile {adj} :: erasable, deletable
cancellabilità {f} :: Property of being erasable or cancellable
cancellamento {m} :: cancellation
cancellamento {m} :: erasure, deletion
cancellante {v} :: present participle of cancellare
cancellantesi {v} :: present participle of cancellarsi
Cancellara {prop} :: Cancellara (small town)
cancellare {vt} :: to delete, to rub out
cancellare {vt} :: to cross out
cancellare {vt} :: to cancel, to scrub
cancellarsi {v} :: reflexive of cancellare
cancellarsi {vr} :: to be erased, deleted
cancellarsi {vr} :: to fade
cancellata {f} :: (especially in plural) railings
cancellato {adj} :: erased
cancellato {adj} :: removed
cancellato {adj} :: crossed out
cancellatosi {v} :: past participle of cancellarsi
cancellatura {f} :: erasure, deletion
cancellatura {f} :: crossing out
cancellatura {f} :: annulment
cancellatura {f} :: cancellation
cancellazione {f} :: cancellation
cancellazione {f} :: erasure, deletion
cancelleresco {adj} :: chancellery, chancery (attributive)
cancelleria {f} :: chancery
cancelleria {f} :: stationery (writing paper)
cancelletto {m} :: A small gate (door-like structure)
cancelletto {m} :: hash, hash sign, number sign, octothorpe, pound sign, square (the # symbol)
cancelliera {f} :: female equivalent of cancelliere
cancellierato {m} :: chancellorship
cancelliere {m} :: chancellor
cancelliere {m} :: clerk of the court
cancellino {m} :: rubber, eraser, duster (especially for a blackboard)
cancello {m} /kanˈtʃello/ :: gate, fence
cancerizzante {v} :: present participle of cancerizzarsi
cancerizzantesi {v} :: present participle of cancerizzarsi
cancerizzarsi {vr} :: To become cancerous
cancerizzatosi {v} :: past participle of cancerizzarsi
cancerizzazione {f} [oncology] :: cancerization
cancerofobia {f} :: cancerophobia (fear of developing a malignant growth)
cancerogenesi {f} :: cancerogenesis, carcinogenesis
cancerogenicità {f} :: carcinogenicity
cancerogeno {adj} :: carcinogenic
cancerogeno {m} :: carcinogen
cancerologia {f} :: oncology
cancerologo {m} :: oncologist
canceroso {adj} [oncology] :: cancerous
can che abbaia non morde {proverb} :: barking dogs never bite; barking dogs seldom bite
canchero {m} :: alternative form of cancro
cancrena {f} [pathology] :: A more common alternative form of gangrena; gangrene
cancrena {f} [figuratively] :: A damaging or corrupting influence
cancrenoso {adj} :: gangrenous
cancrizzante {adj} [music] :: crabwise, retrograde (in counterpoint)
cancro {m} [oncology] :: cancer
Cancro {prop} [zodiac constellations, astrology, astronomy] /ˈkaŋkro/ :: Cancer
candarere {m} :: alternative form of candeliere
candaria {f} /kan.daˈri.a/ :: An instrument of witchcraft; pentacle
candeggiante {v} :: present participle of candeggiare
candeggiante {m} :: bleach
candeggiante {adj} :: bleaching
candeggiare {vt} /kan.dedˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: To bleach
candeggina {f} :: bleach, disinfectant (domestic)
candeggio {m} :: bleaching
candela {f} /kanˈde.la/ :: candle
candela {f} :: ellipsis of candela di accensione
candela {f} :: candela (SI unit of luminous intensity)
candela {f} [slang] :: snot
candela {f} :: chandelle (aerobatic maneuver)
candelabro {m} :: candelabrum, branched candlestick
candela di accensione {f} /kanˈde.la di at.t͡ʃenˈsio.ne/ :: spark plug (part of an internal combustion engine)
candelaggio {m} :: candlepower
candelaio {m} :: chandler (candle maker)
Candelaro {prop} :: Candelaro (river)
candeletta {f} :: suppository
candeliere {m} :: candlestick
candeliere {m} [nautical] :: stanchion
candelina {f} :: birthday candle
candelina {f} :: small candle
Candelora {f} :: Candlemas
candelotto {m} :: a short candle, or candle-shaped object
candelotto di zolfo {m} :: sulfur candle
candente {v} :: present participle of candire
candi {adj} [archaic] /ˈkan.di/ :: candied, only used in zucchero candi
candida {f} :: candida (fungus)
candidabile {adj} :: that can be nominated
candidabilità {f} /kan.di.da.bi.liˈta/ :: eligibility, ability to be presented as a candidate
candidamente {adv} :: innocently
candidamente {adv} :: candidly
candidante {v} :: present participle of candidare
candidantesi {v} :: present participle of candidarsi
candidare {vt} :: to nominate [someone] as a candidate, especially for a public post
candidare {vt} [transferred sense] :: to nominate
candidarsi {v} :: reflexive of candidare
candidarsi {v} :: to nominate oneself as a candidate, especially for a public post
candidarsi {v} :: (with a) to be likely to achieve a goal
candidata {f} :: female equivalent of candidato
candidato {m} :: candidate
candidato {m} :: applicant
candidato {m} :: pretender
candidatosi {v} :: past participle of candidarsi
candidatura {f} :: candidature, candidacy
candidatura {f} :: application
candidezza {f} :: whiteness
candidezza {f} :: purity, innocence
candidiasi {f} :: Variant of candidosi
candidissimo {adj} :: superlative of candido
candidissimo {adj} :: very white
candidissimo {adj} :: very pure
candidissimo {adj} :: very candid
candido {adj} /ˈkan.di.do/ :: white (pure)
candido {adj} :: ingenuous, naive
candido {adj} :: candid, frank
candido {adj} :: pure, innocent
Candido {prop} :: given name
candidosi {f} [medicine] :: candidiasis
candire {vt} /kanˈdi.re/ :: to candy (preserve fruit by boiling in syrup)
candire {v} :: to blanch, whiten
candito {adj} /kanˈdi.to/ :: candied
candito {m} [countable] :: A single piece of candied fruit
candito {m} [in the plural] :: candied fruit
canditura {f} :: candying; The process, or the result of preserving fruit by boiling with syrup
canditura {f} [countable, rare] :: A single piece of candied fruit
canditura {f} [uncountable, rare, collective] :: candied fruit
candore {m} :: white (an immaculate or bright white colour)
candore {m} :: candor [US], candour [British]
candore {m} :: naivety, ingenuousness
cane {m} /ˈka.ne/ :: dog, male dog
cane {m} [firearms] :: hammer
cane {adj} :: [of cold] freezing, biting
cane {adj} :: [of pain] terrible, dreadful, awful
canea {f} :: Loud barking (of dogs)
canea {f} :: (by extension) uproar, row, racket
cane che abbaia non morde {proverb} :: rare form of can che abbaia non morde
cane da caccia {m} :: hound, hunter, hunting dog
cane d'acqua {m} :: water dog
cane da ferma {m} :: pointer (dog)
cane da penna {m} :: bird dog, gun dog
cane da riporto {m} :: retriever (dog)
canederlo {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: Big round poached or boiled potato or bread dumplings, made without yeast, often filled
canefora {f} :: canephora
cane lupo {m} :: German shepherd, Alsatian
cane lupo {m} :: wolfdog
Cane maggiore {prop} [astronomy] :: Canis Major (constellation)
Cane minore {prop} [astronomy] :: Canis Minor (constellation)
Canepina {prop} :: Canepina (small town)
canepinese {adj} :: Of or from Canepina
cane poliziotto {m} :: police dog
canesca {f} :: school shark (Galeorhinus galeus)
cane sciolto {m} :: maverick person
canestra {f} :: (large) wicker basket
canestraia {f} :: female equivalent of canestraio
canestraio {m} :: basket maker
canestraio {m} :: basket seller
canestrato {m} :: A semi-hard Sicilian cheese
canestrello {m} :: grommet
canestrello {m} :: queen scallop (Aequipecten opercularis)
canestrello {m} :: a type of biscuit/cookie from Piedmont and Liguria
canestrino {m} :: A small basket
canestro {m} :: basket (normal, and in basketball)
canestro {m} :: hamper
Canetta {prop} :: surname
canettiere {m} :: huntsman (with dogs)
canevaccio {m} :: alternative form of canovaccio
Canevascini {prop} :: surname
canevazza {f} :: rag
canevazza {f} :: duster
canfora {f} :: camphor
canforaceo {adj} :: camphoraceous
canforante {v} :: present participle of canforare
canforare {vt} :: To treat with camphor, to camphorate
canforato {adj} :: camphorated
cangia {f} /ˈkan.d͡ʒa/ :: A kind of sailing boat of up to two masts used for housing and for pleasure-trips
cangiabile {adj} :: changeable
cangiamento {m} [literary] :: alternative form of cambiamento
cangiante {v} /kanˈd͡ʒan.te/ :: present participle of cangiare
cangiante {adj} :: shot, iridescent
cangiar {v} :: apocopic form of cangiare
cangiare {v} :: to change
cangiare {v} :: to exchange
cangiare {n} [rare] :: change
cangiarro {m} :: A type of Turkish dagger with a curved blade
canguro {m} /kanˈɡu.ro/ :: kangaroo
canguro gigante {m} :: eastern gray kangaroo (Macropus giganteus)
canguro robusto {m} :: common wallaroo (Macropus robustus)
canguro rosso {m} :: red kangaroo (Macropus rufus)
canicola {f} /kaˈni.ko.la/ :: dog days
canicolare {adj} :: scorching
canide {m} :: canid (dog, wolf etc.)
caniforme {m} /ka.niˈfor.me/ :: Any member of the Caniformia taxonomic suborder
Caniformi {m} /ka.niˈfor.mi/ :: The Caniformia taxonomic suborder
Canil {prop} :: surname
canile {m} :: kennel
caninamente {adv} :: in a canine manner
canino {adj} :: canine
canino {adj} [anatomy] :: caninus
canino {m} :: canine (tooth)
canino {m} [muscle] :: caninus
canizie {f} /kaˈnit.t͡sje/ :: Whitening or greying of the hair
canizie {f} :: A white head of hair
canizie {f} [figurative] :: old age
canna {f} /ˈkan.na/ :: cane
canna {f} :: barrel (of a gun)
canna {f} [fishing] :: rod
canna {f} :: tube, pipe (on a pump organ or a trachea)
canna {f} :: chute
canna {f} [slang] :: joint
canna {f} [historical] :: traditional unit of measure
cannabinoide {m} [organic chemistry] :: cannabinoid
cannabinoido {m} :: cannabinoid
cannabismo {m} [pathology] :: cannabism
canna da pesca {f} :: fishing rod, fishing pole
canna da zucchero {f} :: sugarcane
canna fumaria {f} :: flue
cannaiola {f} :: reed warbler
canna metrica {f} :: measuring rod
cannante {v} :: present participle of cannare
cannare {vt} :: to bungle, screw up
cannare {vt} :: to fail, flunk [an exam]
cannareccione {m} :: great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
Cannaregio {prop} :: Cannaregio
Canne {prop} :: Cannae
canneggiante {v} :: present participle of canneggiare
canneggiare {vt} [uncommon] :: to survey using a measuring rod and theodolite
canneggiatore {m} :: surveyor's assistant (who holds the measuring rod)
canneggio {m} [music] :: The tube that constitutes the horn or bell of a brass instrument
cannella {f} :: cinnamon (spice)
cannella {f} :: cinnamon (colour)
cannella {f} [Tuscany] :: faucet, household water tap, spigot
cannellato {adj} :: scalloped
cannellato {adj} [heraldry] :: invected
cannellino {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: cannellini bean
cannello {m} :: tube
cannello {m} :: stick
cannello {m} :: pipette
cannello {m} :: blowpipe
cannello ferruminatorio {m} :: blowpipe
cannellone {m} [chiefly in the plural] /kan.nelˈlo.ne/ :: A large tube of pasta with a savoury filling baked in the oven
canneté {m} :: grosgrain
canneto {m} :: reed bed, canebrake
cannetta {f} :: diminutive of canna
cannetta {f} :: small or thin reed, small or thin cane
cannetta {f} :: penholder
cannibale {mf} /kanˈni.ba.le/ :: cannibal
cannibalescamente {adv} :: cannibalistically
cannibalesco {adj} /kan.ni.baˈles.ko/ :: cannibalistic
cannibalismo {m} :: cannibalism
cannibalistico {adj} :: cannibalistic
cannibalizzante {v} :: present participle of cannibalizzare
cannibalizzare {vt} /kan.ni.ba.lidˈd͡za.re/ :: to cannibalize
cannibalizzazione {f} /kan.ni.ba.lid.d͡zaˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: cannibalization
cannicciata {f} :: cane or slat fencing
cannicciata {f} :: lattice
canniccio {m} :: reed matting
cannista {mf} :: angler
Cannizzaro {prop} [feminine only] /kan.nitˈtsa.ro/ :: Cannizzaro (small town)
Cannizzaro {prop} :: surname
Cannizzaro {prop} [masculine only] :: Stanislao Cannizzaro (1826–1910), Italian chemist noted for the Cannizzaro reaction
cannocchiale {m} :: telescope
cannocchiale {m} :: spyglass
cannolicchio {m} /kan.noˈlik.kjo/ :: grooved razor shell (Solen marginatus)
cannolo {m} [rare] /kanˈnɔ.lo/ :: little tube
cannolo {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: cannoli (tube of fried pastry filled with ricotta)
cannonare {v} [rare] /kan.noˈna.re/ :: To cannon (to bombard with cannons)
cannonata {f} /kan.noˈna.ta/ :: The firing of a cannon
cannoncino {m} :: light artillery gun
cannoncino {m} :: box pleat
cannoncino {m} :: cream horn (pastry)
cannone {m} [weaponry] /kanˈno.ne/ :: cannon (all senses)
cannone {m} [rare] :: ace (person who excels)
cannone {m} [rare] :: large tube or pipe
cannone {m} [rare] :: box pleat
cannone {m} [smoking, slang] :: large joint
cannoneggiamento {m} /kan.no.ned.d͡ʒaˈmen.to/ :: cannonade
cannoneggiante {v} :: present participle of cannoneggiare
cannoneggiare {vt} /kan.no.nedˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: to cannon; to shell (with artillery)
cannone sparaneve {m} :: snowgun
cannoniera {f} /kan.noˈnjɛ.ra/ :: embrasure
cannoniera {f} :: gunboat
cannoniere {m} /kan.noˈnjɛ.re/ :: gunner
cannoniere {m} [soccer] :: striker
cannoniero {adj} [rare] /kan.noˈnjɛ.ro/ :: cannoned (furnished with cannon(s))
cannonissimo {m} :: Any of several very large artillery cannons (especially as used by the Germans in the Second World War)
cannoso {adj} :: reedy
cannuccia {f} /kanˈnut.t͡ʃa/ :: drinking straw
cannula {f} :: cannula
cano {adj} [obsolete, literary] /ˈka.no/ :: hoary-haired, white-haired
canoa {f} [nautical] /kaˈnɔ.a/ :: canoe
canoa {f} [sports] :: canoeing
canocchia {f} :: squill (Squilla mantis)
canocchiale {m} [colloquial] :: telescope
canoismo {m} :: canoeing
canoista {mf} [sports] :: canoeist, canoer
canoistico {adj} :: canoe (attributive)
canoncino {m} [printing, dated] :: 28-cicero type
canone {m} /ˈkanone/ :: rent, fee
canone {m} [music] :: canon, round
canone {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: canon, rule, norm
canone {m} [printing, dated] :: 40- and 44-cicero type, the later taken as equivalent to the English canon
canone cancrizzante {m} [music] :: crab canon
canonica {f} :: presbytery, manse
canonicale {adj} :: canon (person, attributive)
canonicamente {adv} :: canonically
canonicità {f} :: canonicity
canonico {adj} /kaˈnɔ.ni.ko/ :: canonical
canonico {m} :: canon
canonista {mf} :: canonist
canonizzabile {adj} :: canonizable
canonizzante {v} :: present participle of canonizzare
canonizzare {vt} :: to canonize
canonizzazione {f} :: canonization
canopia {f} :: canopy
canopico {adj} :: canopic (all senses)
canopo {m} :: canopic jar
Canopo {prop} [star] :: Canopus (star)
canorità {f} :: melodiousness
canoro {adj} :: that sings well
Canosa di Puglia {prop} :: Canosa di Puglia (town)
canoscenza {f} :: Variant of conoscenza
canotta {f} :: vest [British], singlet
canottaggio {m} [sports, rowing, nautical] :: rowing
canottiera {f} :: vest [British], singlet
canottiera {f} :: chemise
canottiera {f} [rowing] :: rower {f}
canottiere {m} [sports, rowing, nautical] :: rower, oarsman
canotto {m} [nautical] :: dinghy
canova {f} /ˈka.no.va/ :: wineshop
Canova {prop} :: surname
Canova {prop} :: Antonio Canova, Italian sculptor and painter
canovaccio {m} :: canvas (cloth)
canovaccio {m} :: dishcloth
canovaccio {m} :: cloth (for cleaning)
canovaccio {m} :: plot
canovaccio {m} :: draft
canrenoato {m} [organic chemistry] :: canrenoate
cant {m} :: apocopic form of canto
cantabile {m} :: cantabile
cantabile {adj} :: cantabile
cantabile {adj} :: singable
cantabile {adv} :: cantabile
cantabilità {f} :: Property of being singable
cantabilità {f} :: Property of being cantabile
Cantabria {prop} :: Cantabria (autonomous community/and/province)
Cantabrici {prop} :: Cantabrian mountains
cantabrico {adj} :: Cantabrian
cantabrico {m} :: Cantabrian
cantabrico {m} :: the Cantabrian language
cantafavola {f} :: rigmarole
cantambanco {m} :: balladeer, storyteller
cantambanco {m} :: charlatan
cantante {mf} :: singer
cantante {v} :: present participle of cantare
cantantessa {f} :: synonym of cantautrice
cantare {v} /kanˈtaːre/ :: to sing
cantarello giallo {m} [mushrooms] :: chanterelle, golden chanterelle, girolle (Cantharellus cibarius)
cantaride {f} :: Spanish fly (fly of genus Cantharis, and medicinal product)
cantaride {f} :: cantharides
cantaridina {f} [organic compound] :: cantharidin
cantaro {m} :: sea bream
cantaro {m} :: drinking vessel
cantaro {m} :: synonym of cantero, i.e., chamberpot
cantastorie {mf} /kan.tasˈtɔr.je/ :: storyteller
cantata {f} :: song
cantata {f} :: singalong
cantatore {adj} :: singing
cantatore {m} [rare] :: singer
cantatrice {f} :: female equivalent of cantatore
cantautorale {adj} :: singer-songwriter (attributive)
cantautore {m} [musician] /kan.tauˈto.re/ :: singer-songwriter
cantautrice {f} /kan.tauˈtri.tʃe/ :: female equivalent of cantautore
Cantello {prop} :: Cantello (small town)
cantera {f} :: drawer (of a chest)
cantera {f} :: A piece of furniture usually multiple parallel, horizontal drawers stacked one above each other, used mainly for the storage of clean clothes
canterano {m} [furniture] :: chest of drawers, commode
canterano {m} :: bureau [US]
canterano {m} :: dresser
canterano {m} [furniture] :: A piece of furniture which has multiple parallel, horizontal drawers stacked one above each other, used mainly for the storage of clean clothes
Canterbury {prop} /kanˈtɛr.bu.ri/ :: Canterbury (cathedral city)
canterellante {v} :: present participle of canterellare
canterellare {v} :: to hum or sing to oneself
canterino {adj} :: singing
cantero {m} [regional] :: chamber pot
cantica {f} :: A religious or narrative poem, for example The Inferno, the first book of Dante's epic poem The Divine Comedy. The epic is made up of three cantiche (cantica), The Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, each cantica being made up of multiple cantos
canticchiabile {adj} :: singable
canticchiante {v} :: present participle of canticchiare
canticchiare {vt} :: to hum, or sing to oneself
cantico {m} [music] :: canticle
Cantico dei Cantici {prop} [biblical] :: Song of Songs
cantierabile {adj} :: feasible; capable of implementation (of a building site)
cantiere {m} :: shipyard
cantiere {m} :: building site
cantiere navale {m} :: shipyard
cantieristica {f} :: shipbuilding (industry)
cantieristico {adj} :: shipbuilding (attributive)
cantierizzazione {f} :: construction site
cantilena {f} /kan.tiˈlɛ.na/ :: lullaby
cantilena {f} :: singsong
cantilena {f} :: whining, cant
cantilenante {v} :: present participle of cantilenare
cantilenare {vti} :: To singsong or chant
cantillazione {f} :: cantillation
cantimbanco {m} :: Variant of cantambanco
Cantimori {prop} :: surname
Cantimori {prop} :: Delio Cantimori, Italian historian
cantina {f} :: cellar, basement, winery
cantina {f} :: wine shop, wine cellar
cantinaro {m} :: A manufacturer of poor-quality products
cantiniere {m} :: cellarman
cantiniere {m} :: tavern or wine bar keeper
canto {m} /ˈkän̪ːt̪o/ :: song
canto {m} :: singing
canto {m} :: corner
canto {m} :: side
canto del cigno {m} :: swan song
Canton {prop} /kanˈtɔn/ :: Canton (caplc)
Canton {prop} :: Canton (province)
cantonale {adj} :: cantonal
cantonata {f} :: corner (of a building)
cantonata {f} :: blunder
cantone {m} :: canton
cantone {m} :: corner
cantone {m} [heraldiccharge] :: canton
cantonese {adj} :: Cantonese
cantonese {mf} :: Cantonese
cantonese {ms} :: Cantonese (language)
cantoniera {f} [furniture] :: corner cupboard, encoignure, commode
cantoniere {m} :: road or railway track inspector
cantore {m} :: cantor, precentor
cantore {m} :: singer, chorister
cantore d'africa {m} :: white-rumped seedeater (Crithagra leucopygius)
cantoria {f} :: choir (all senses)
cantorino {m} [music] :: choir book
cantucci e vin santo {m} {p} :: A dessert consisting of a glass of Vin Santo and a selection of almond biscotti to be dunked in the wine and eaten
cantuccino {m} [chiefly in the plural] /kan.tutˈtʃi.no/ :: crunchy biscuit made with almonds and/or hazelnuts, typical of Tuscany
cantuccio {m} :: small corner, nook
cantuccio {m} [by extension] :: a small piece of bread etc
cantuccio {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: crunchy biscuit made with almonds and/or hazelnuts, typical of Tuscany
canturino {adj} :: Of or relating to Cantù, an Italian town
canturino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Cantù
canusino {adj} :: Of or from Canosa di Puglia
canutezza {f} :: hoariness
canutiglia {f} :: silver or gold border (to a uniform etc)
canutiglia {f} :: leads (for a window)
canuto {adj} [of hair] /kaˈnu.to/ :: grey, hoary, white
canuto {adj} [by extension] :: hoary-haired
canuto {adj} [figurative, poetic] :: old, serious, staid
canuto {adj} [by extension, literary] :: covered in white, specifically:
canuto {adj} [of mountains] :: besnowed, snow-covered, snowy
canuto {adj} [of seawater] :: foamy, spumescent
Canuto {prop} :: Canute, Knut
canutola {f} /kaˈnu.to.la/ :: synonym of polio
canzese {adj} :: Of or from Canzo
Canziano {prop} :: given name
Canzio {prop} /ˈkan.t͡sjo/ :: A region in Britain (now Kent)
Canzio {prop} :: given name
Canzo {prop} :: Canzo (small town)
canzon {n} :: apocopic form of canzone
canzonaccia {f} :: bawdy song
canzonante {v} :: present participle of canzonare
canzonare {vt} :: To tease, to make fun of, to laugh at, to ridicule
canzonatore {adj} :: teasing
canzonatore {m} :: tease, teaser
canzonatoriamente {adv} :: teasingly, mockingly
canzonatorio {adj} :: teasing, mocking
canzonatura {f} :: mockery, teasing
canzoncina {f} :: Little song, jingle, ditty
canzone {f} :: song
canzonetta {f} :: a simple or popular song
canzonettista {mf} :: singer (cabaret etc)
canzoniere {m} :: songbook
canzoniere {m} :: Collection of poetry or lyrics
cao {m} /ˈka.o/ :: obsolete form of caos
caociuc {n} [obsolete, rare] :: rubber
caodaisto {adj} :: Caodaiist (attributive)
caolinite {f} [mineralogy] :: kaolinite
caolinizzante {v} :: present participle of caolinizzare
caolinizzare {vt} :: to kaolinize
caolinizzazione {f} :: kaolinization
caolino {m} [mineralogy] :: kaolin
Caorle {prop} :: Caorle (town)
caorlina {f} [nautical] :: A type of rowing boat from Caorle
caorlotto {adj} :: Of or from Caorle
Caorsa {prop} :: Cahors
caos {m} /ˈka.os/ :: chaos
caosse {m} /kaˈɔs.se/ :: obsolete form of caos
caoticamente {adv} :: chaotically
caotico {adj} /kaˈɔ.ti.ko/ :: chaotic
Caotina {f} [Switzerland] :: hot chocolate
capa {f} :: head
capa {f} [often jocular] :: boss
capa {f} :: alternative form of kappa
capaccia {f} :: synonym of soprassata
capace {adj} /kaˈpaː.tʃe/ :: large, capacious
capace {adj} :: able, capable, clever
capacense {adj} :: Of or from Capaci
capacense {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Capaci
capacissimo {adj} :: superlative of capace
capacità {f} :: capacity (to do something), ability, skill
capacità {f} :: capacity (amount something will hold)
capacitante {v} :: present participle of capacitare
capacitantesi {v} :: present participle of capacitarsi
capacitanza {f} [physics] :: capacitance
capacitare {vt} :: To persuade
capacitarsi {v} :: reflexive of capacitare
capacitarsi {v} :: to understand; to wrap one's head around; to convince oneself
capacitatosi {v} :: past participle of capacitarsi
capacitività {f} [physics] :: capacitivity, dielectric constant
capacitivo {adj} :: capacitive
capacitore {m} :: capacitor (electrical)
Capaneo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Capaneus
capanna {f} :: hut
capannella {f} :: A pyramid of four walnuts in the game of nocino
Capannelle {prop} :: Capannelle (district)
capannello {m} :: knot, crowd, throng (of people) in a public place, especially as of on-lookers
capannello {m} [Tuscan] :: a small, often movable straw hut, as for housing chickens or for similar uses
capannicolo {adj} :: hut (attributive)
capanno {m} :: hide (for hunting etc)
capanno {m} :: bathing hut
capannone {m} :: shed
capannone {m} :: barn
capannone {m} :: hangar
capannone {m} :: shack
capannuccia {f} :: diminutive of capanna
capannuccia {f} :: a little hut [especially the one where Jesus was born]
caparbiamente {adv} :: stubbornly
caparbieria {f} :: stubbornness, obstinacy, doggedness
caparbietà {f} :: stubbornness, obstinacy
caparbio {adj} /kaˈpar.bjo/ :: stubborn, obstinate, dogged
caparra {f} [legal] :: down payment, deposit, earnest
capasanta {f} :: scallop (mollusc)
capata {f} :: head butt
capata {f} :: call (brief visit)
capatina {f} :: diminutive of capata; flying visit
Capecchi {prop} :: surname
capecchio {m} :: tow (bundle of fibres)
capeggiante {v} :: present participle of capeggiare
capeggiare {vt} :: To lead, to head
capeggiatore {m} :: ringleader
capegno {m} /kaˈpeɲ.ɲo/ :: A layer of half shells sometimes found at the bottom of lagoon basins
capella {f} :: synonym of capretta
Capella {prop} :: Capella
capelli a spazzola {m} :: alternative form of taglio a spazzola
capellini {n} :: A type of thin pasta like angel hair
capellino {m} :: diminutive of capello
capellino {m} [in the plural] :: synonym of capello d'angelo
capello {m} /kaˈpello/ :: a single hair (on the head)
capello {m} [in the plural] :: head hair
capello d'angelo {m} [in the plural] :: angel hair (very thin type of pasta)
capellone {mf} :: hippie
capellone {mf} :: longhair
capelloso {adj} :: hairlike, hairy
capelluto {adj} :: hairy
capelomme {m} :: A type of salami from Abruzzo
capelvenere {m} /ka.pelˈvɛ.ne.re/ :: Adiantum capillus-veneris; maidenhair fern
capentesi {v} :: present participle of capirsi
capestro {m} :: noose
capestro {m} :: halter (for animals)
capestro {adj} :: one-sided
capetingio {adj} :: Capetian
Capeto {prop} :: Capetus (Latin king)
capetoniano {adj} :: Capetonian
capetto {m} :: junior manager or boss
capezza {f} :: alternative form of cavezza
capezzagna {f} :: headland (strip of uncultivated land, at the edge of a field, where the plough turns)
capezzale {m} :: bolster (long pillow)
capezzale {m} :: bedside
capezzale {m} :: sickbed
capezzata {f} [architecture] :: coping
capezziera {f} :: A form of embroidered canvas used on the back of chairs etc
capezziera {f} [nautical] :: The bundle of ropes that support each end of a hammock
capezzo {m} /kaˈpet.t͡so/ :: halter (animal's headgear)
capezzolo {m} :: nipple (of the breast)
capezzone {m} :: longeing cavesson [US], lungeing cavesson [UK]
Caph {prop} :: Caph, the third brightest star in the constellation of Cassiopeia
capibara {m} /kapiˈbara/ :: capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
capibile {adj} :: understandable
capicollo {n} :: altenative spelling of capocollo
capidoglio {m} :: alternative spelling of capodoglio
capiente {adj} /kapˈjɛn.te/ :: capacious, roomy, ample, large
capienza {f} /kapˈjɛn.t͡sa/ :: capacity (the maximum amount that can be held)
capifosso {m} :: A large ditch or drain that others feed into
capigliatura {f} :: hair, head of hair
capillare {adj} :: capillary
capillare {adj} :: detailed, extensive
capillare {adj} :: vast, widespread
capillare {m} [anatomy] :: capillary
capillarità {f} [chemistry, physics] :: capillarity, capillary action
capillarizzante {v} :: present participle of capillarizzare
capillarizzare {v} :: To extend widely
capillarizzazione {f} :: capillarization
capillarmente {adv} :: extensively
capillarmente {adv} :: vastly
capillaroscopia {f} [medicine] :: capillaroscopy
capinera {f} :: blackcap
capintesta {mf} :: head, leader
capir {v} :: apocopic form of capire
capire {vit} /kaˈpi.re/ :: to understand, fathom, get the point, take the point
capire {vi} [rare] :: to fit (in something)
capire che è vicina una fine infausta {v} :: to see the writing on the wall
capirossa {f} /ka.piˈros.sa/ :: synonym of averla capirossa
capirsi {v} :: reflexive of capire
capirsi {vr} :: to know about something
capirsi {vr} :: to understand oneself or one another
capirsi {vr} :: to reach an understanding
capisteo {m} :: Any of various agricultural containers
capitagna {f} :: headland (of a field)
capitale {adj} /ka.piˈta.le/ :: Of or pertaining to the head
capitale {adj} [legal] :: capital
capitale {adj} [by extension] :: bitter
capitale {adj} [by extension] :: fierce
capitale {adj} :: primary, prime, chief, main, capital
capitale {f} :: capital city, capital
capitale {m} [economics] :: capital
capitalismo {m} :: capitalism
capitalista {adj} :: capitalist
capitalista {mf} :: capitalist
capitalisticamente {adv} :: capitalistically, in a capitalist manner
capitalistico {adj} :: capitalistic
capitalistico {adj} :: capitalist
capitalizzante {v} :: present participle of capitalizzare
capitalizzare {vt} :: to capitalize
capitalizzazione {f} :: capitalization
capitalmente {adv} [archaic, literary] /ka.pi.talˈmen.te/ :: capitally (by capital punishment)
capitalmente {adv} [rare] :: primarily, chiefly, mainly, capitally
capitan {m} :: apocopic form of capitano
capitana {f} :: female equivalent of capitano
capitana {f} :: flagship of a fleet under a capitano generale (pre-18th c.)
capitanante {v} :: present participle of capitanare
capitanare {vt} :: To head, to captain
capitaneggiante {v} :: present participle of capitaneggiare
capitaneggiare {vt} [rare] :: to captain, to lead
capitaneria {f} :: captaincy
capitano {m} [military ranks] /ka.piˈta.no/ :: captain
capitano d'industria {n} :: captain of industry, tycoon, boss
capitante {v} :: present participle of capitare
capitare {vi} :: to happen
capitare {vi} :: to turn up, to arise, to occur
capitare {vi} :: to come, to get to, to chance, to end up
capitato {adj} [botany, skeleton] :: capitate
capitato {m} [skeleton] :: capitate, capitate bone
capitazione {f} :: capitation tax
capitellato {adj} [architecture] :: Having capitals
capitellato {adj} [botany] :: capitellate
capitello {m} [architecture] :: capital
capitergio {m} /ka.piˈtɛr.d͡ʒo/ :: A cloth for drying the head
capitolante {v} :: present participle of capitolare
capitolare {vi} :: to capitulate, surrender
capitolare {m} :: capitular
capitolato {m} :: (especially in plural) terms, specifications
capitolazione {f} :: capitulation
capitoletto {m} :: A short chapter
capitolino {adj} /ka.pi.toˈli.no/ :: Of or pertaining to the Capitol; Capitoline
capitolino {adj} [by extension] :: Of or pertaining to the municipality of Rome
capitolo {m} :: chapter
capitombolante {v} :: present participle of capitombolare
capitombolare {vi} :: To tumble; to fall headlong, to roll head over heels
capitombolo {m} :: tumble; headlong fall
capitombolo {m} :: head over heels
capitomboloni {adv} :: head over heels
capitone {m} :: A large eel, traditionally eaten at Christmas
capitosi {v} :: past participle of capirsi
capitozzante {v} :: present participle of capitozzare
capitozzare {vt} :: To pollard
capivolgente {v} :: present participle of capivolgere
capivolgere {vt} :: Variant of capovolgere
capivoltare {v} /ka.pi.volˈta.re/ :: alternative form of capovoltare
capo- {prefix} :: head, boss, leader
capo {m} /ˈkapo/ :: head
capo {m} :: boss, chief, leader, master
capo {m} :: end (of a rope etc)
capo {m} :: cape (especially when capitalised in placenames)
capo {m} :: ply
capo {m} :: buddy
capo {m} [heraldiccharge] :: chief
capoarea {mf} :: area manager (of an organization)
capoarma {m} [military] :: soldier responsible for the care of a machine gun or mortar
capobanda {f} [music] :: bandmaster
capobanda {f} :: ringleader, gang leader
capobarca {f} :: skipper (especially of a large boat)
capobastone {mf} :: Local 'Ndrangheta boss
capobranco {f} :: The leader (dominant animal) of a pack (especially a male one); alpha male
capoc {m} :: kapok
capocaccia {m} :: leader of the hunt
capocameriere {m} :: head waiter
capocannoniere {m} [nautical] :: Head of a gun crew
capocannoniere {m} [football] :: Top goal-scorer
capocantiere {f} :: construction foreman; yard foreman; site foreman
capocarceriere {m} :: head warder
capocarico {m} :: bookkeeper
capocarico {m} :: accountant
capocchia {f} :: head (of a pin, match, garlic etc)
capocchietta {f} :: pinhead (head of a pin etc)
capocchina {f} :: pinhead (head of a pin etc)
capocchio {m} :: sucker, chump
Capocchio {prop} :: An alchemist in the Divine Comedy
capocchiona {f} :: A large head (of a pin etc)
capocchione {m} :: sucker, chump
capocchiuto {adj} :: Having a large head
capoccia {m} :: head of the family, especially a farmhouse family
capoccia {m} :: overseer of agricultural labourers
capoccia {m} :: ringleader
capocciata {f} :: headbutt
capoccio {m} :: alternative spelling of capoccia
capoccione {m} :: brainbox
capoccione {m} :: bigwig
capocellula {f} :: Leader of a cell (political)
capocentro {f} :: leader of a (technology, IT etc) centre
capocielo {m} :: canopy over a high altar
capociurma {f} [nautical] :: skipper
capoclan {m} :: leader of a clan (Mafia-type or Scottish)
capoclaque {f} :: ringleader of a claque
capoclasse {m} :: prefect
capoclasse {f} :: prefects
capoclasse {f} :: form captain [British], class president [US]
capoclassifica {adj} :: leading (first in a classification)
capoclassifica {f} :: leader (first in a classification)
capocollo {m} :: neck (pork cut)
capocollo {m} :: A type of salami made from neck and shoulder meat
capocomicato {m} :: theatre management
capocomico {m} :: leader of a theatre company
capocomitiva {f} :: group leader
capocommessa {f} :: prime contractor (company or person)
capocommesso {m} :: head of sales (in a large shop etc)
capocontabile {mf} :: chief accountant
capoconvoglio {m} [nautical] :: commander of a convoy
capocorda {m} :: terminal (electrical)
capocorda {m} :: Variant of capocordata
capocordata {f} :: leader of a party of mountain climbers roped together
capocorrente {f} :: leader of a political faction
capocorso {m} :: The student who gains the highest marks for a particular course
capocronaca {m} :: leader (leading article in a newspaper)
capocronista {mf} :: Chief news editor
capocuoco {m} :: head cook
capo d'abbigliamento {m} :: item of clothing
capo d'anno {m} :: alternative form of capodanno
capodanno {m} /kapoˈdanno/ :: New Year's Day
capodanno {m} :: New Year's Eve
capodecina {m} :: head of a decina (branch within a Mafia family)
capodelegazione {f} :: head of a delegation
capo del governo {m} [politics] :: head of government
capo dello stato {m} :: The head of state of a republic, a representative democracy and sometimes a dictatorship
capo dello stato {m} :: president
capo di abbigliamento {m} :: item of clothing
Capo di Buona Speranza {prop} :: Cape of Good Hope
Capodimonte {prop} :: An area of Naples famous for a Bourbon royal palace, the National Museum of Capodimonte, housed in the former Palace of Capodimonte, the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte and Capodimonte porcelain manufactory
Capodimonte {prop} :: A comune in Viterbo
capodipartimento {f} :: head of a department
capo di stato {m} :: head of state
capo di stato {m} :: the chief public representative of a nation having duties, privileges and responsibilities varying greatly depending on the constitutional rules; a monarch in a monarchy, and often styled president in a republic, but variations such as collegiality exist
capodistretto {adj} :: head of district
Capodistria {prop} :: Capodistria (city)
capo di vestiario {m} :: item of clothing
capodivisione {f} :: head of an administrative department
capodoglio {m} :: sperm whale (mammal)
capodopera {m} :: masterpiece
capofabbrica {f} :: manager or a factory or plant
capofabbricato {m} :: air-raid warden
capofacchino {m} :: head porter
capofamiglia {f} :: head of the family
capofficina {f} :: head of a workshop
capofila {f} :: Person at the head of a queue
capofila {f} :: leader (principle representative)
capofitto {adj} :: only in a capofitto
capofreddo {m} :: synonym of soprassata
capogabbiere {m} [nautical] :: foretopman
capogabinetto {f} :: cabinet secretary (or secretary to a minister)
capogatto {m} :: staggers (animal disease)
capogiro {m} :: dizziness
capogiro {m} [zoology] :: a disease afflicting young bees in which undigested pollen creates a swollen abdomen, e.g. chronic bee paralysis virus
capogruppo {f} :: group leader
capogruppo {f} :: parent company
capoguardia {f} :: leader of a guard
capoguardia {f} :: chief warder
capoinfermiera {f} :: head nurse
capok {m} :: alternative spelling of capoc
capolaboratorio {f} :: director of a laboratory
capolavoro {m} :: masterpiece
capolega {f} :: head of a league (local or regional association)
capolepre {m} :: oceanic pufferfish (Lagocephalus lagocephalus)
capolettera {m} :: Large capital letter at the beginning of a page or paragraph
capolinea {m} :: terminus (of a bus, tram or train route)
capolino {m} :: diminutive of capo
capolino {m} [botany] :: flower head, capitulum
capolista {m} :: head of a list
capolista {f} :: leader (team at the head of a division or league)
capoluogo {m} {m} :: Chief town or city of a region; capital, administrative centre
capomacchinista {f} :: chief engineer
capomafia {m} :: Mafia boss
capomandamento {m} [military] :: warrant officer
capomandamento {m} :: Mafia boss
capomanipolo {m} :: head of a small group of soldiers (especially in Fascist times)
capomanovra {m} [nautical] :: foretopman
capomastro {m} :: master builder
capomissione {m} :: head of a diplomatic mission
capomorto {m} [obsolete, chemistry] :: residue after distillation or calcining
capomovimento {f} :: director of train movements in a large station
capomusica {f} [music] :: musical director (especially of a military band)
caponaggine {f} :: obstinacy, stubbornness
caponante {v} :: present participle of caponare
caponare {vt} :: alternative form of capponare
caponare {vt} [nautical] :: to cat (raise the anchor onto the cathead)
caponata {f} :: caponata (Sicilian dish)
capone {m} :: augmentative of capo
capone {m} :: a large hat
capone {m} :: alternative form of cappone
capone {m} [nautical] :: a hoist for raising the anchor
Capone {prop} :: Capone; surname
caponeria {f} :: stubbornness, obstinacy
caponiera {f} :: stubbornness, obstinacy (Variant of: caponeria)
capoofficina {f} :: (chief) foreman
capooperaio {m} :: foreman
capopagina {m} :: headpiece (typographic)
capopartito {m} :: (political) party leader
capoparto {m} :: The first menstruation after childbirth
capopattuglia {f} :: patrol leader
Capo Peloro {prop} :: A promontory on the north-east of Sicily in the province of Messina
capopesca {f} :: lead fisherman (in a group of fishing boats)
capopezzo {m} :: chief gunner
capopopolo {f} :: rabble rouser
capopopolo {f} :: demagogue
capoposto {m} :: The head of a diplomatic mission
capoquarto {adj} :: head of a quarter (division of a town)
caporal {m} :: apocopic form of caporale
caporalato {m} :: office of a corporal
caporalato {m} :: illegal employment of agricultural workers for very little pay
caporale {mf} :: corporal, lance corporal
caporale {mf} :: bossy person
caporale {mf} :: illegal employer of agricultural workers for little pay
caporalesco {adj} :: bossy
caporalismo {m} :: bossiness
caporalmaggiore {m} :: corporal
caporchestra {f} :: conductor (of an orchestra)
caporedattore {m} :: editor in chief
caporedattrice {f} :: female equivalent of caporedattore
caporeparto {f} :: foreman, manager
caporeparto {f} :: head (of a department)
caporeparto {f} :: shopwalker, floorwalker
caporetto {f} [figuratively] /ka.poˈret.to/ :: A heavy defeat
Caporetto {prop} /ka.poˈret.to/ :: Caporetto (town)
caporione {m} [archaic] :: leader of a city district
caporione {m} :: ringleader, gang leader (local)
caporione {m} [jocular] :: head of a party of people
caporiverso {adv} :: With the head down
caporonda {m} :: patrol leader
caporovescio {adv} :: With the head down
caposala {m} :: charge nurse (male nurse in charge of a ward) (Note: This is very rare in Italy)
caposala {f} :: ward sister, charge nurse (female)
caposaldo {m} :: stronghold
caposaldo {m} :: datum point, trig point
caposaldo {m} [figuratively] :: cornerstone
caposardina {f} [neologism, politics] :: A leader of the Sardines movement
caposcala {m} /ka.po.ˈska.la/ :: landing (at the top of a staircase)
caposcala {m} :: caretaker (in condos with many staircases a guardian to each staircase)
capo scalo {m} :: air terminal manager
caposcalo {m} :: alternative form of capo scalo
caposcarico {m} :: jolly person
caposcorta {f} :: chief escort
caposcuola {f} :: founder (of an artistic movement etc)
caposervizio {m} :: head of a department or section
caposervizio {m} :: senior editor
caposezione {mf} :: head of a department or section
caposquadra {m} :: foreman, supervisor, team leader
caposquadra {m} [military] :: squad leader
caposquadra {f} :: forewoman; (female) supervisor, team leader
caposquadra {f} [military] :: squad leader (female)
caposquadriglia {f} :: flight lieutenant
capostalla {m} :: The person in charge of a cowshed
capostazione {m} :: stationmaster (The person in charge of a railroad station)
capostazione {f} :: station mistress
capostipite {m} /ka.posˈti.pi.te/ :: progenitor (any of a person's direct ancestors)
capostipite {m} [figurative] :: archetype
capostorno {m} :: staggers (animal disease)
capotante {v} :: present participle of capotare
capotare {v} :: alternative form of cappottare
capotasto {m} [music] :: capotasto
capotavola {mf} :: The person who sits at the head of the table
capote {f} :: bonnet [British], hood [US] (of a car)
capote {f} :: soft top
capotecnico {m} {m} :: technical director
capotesta {m} [nautical] :: head link (first or last link of an anchor chain)
capotimoniere {m} [nautical] :: coxswain
capotreno {m} :: (railways) guard, conductor
capotreno {f} :: (railways) guard, conductor (female)
capotribù {mf} :: chief, chieftain (of a tribe)
capotronco {m} :: terminus of a branch line
capottante {v} :: present participle of capottare
capottare {v} :: Variant of cappottare
capoturno {f} :: shift supervisor (in a factory etc)
capoufficio {f} :: head clerk (in an office)
capovaccaio {m} :: Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus)
Capo Verde {prop} :: Capo Verde (archipelago/and/country)
capoverdiana {f} :: female equivalent of capoverdiano
capoverdiano {adj} :: Cape Verdean
capoverdiano {m} :: Cape Verdean
capoverdiano {m} :: The Cape Verdean language
capoverso {m} :: incipit (the first line of a text, or first verse of a poem)
capoverso {m} :: indent
capoverso {m} :: paragraph
capoverso {m} [law] :: section (of a legal statute)
capo villaggio {m} :: head man (leader of a village)
capovoga {f} :: stroke (person, in a rowing boat)
capovolgente {v} :: present participle of capovolgere
capovolgentesi {v} :: present participle of capovolgersi
capovolgere {vt} /ka.poˈvɔl.d͡ʒe.re/ :: to turn upside down
capovolgere {vt} :: to capsize, overturn
capovolgere {vt} :: to reverse [a situation, etc.]
capovolgersi {v} :: reflexive of capovolgere
capovolgersi {v} :: to capsize, overturn
capovolgersi {v} :: to be reversed
capovolgimento {m} :: reversal
capovolgimento {m} :: upset
capovolgimento {m} [nautical] :: capsizing
capovolgimento {m} :: overthrow
capovolta {f} :: turnover, upturn
capovolta {f} :: somersault
capovoltare {v} [rare] /ka.po.volˈta.re/ :: to turn upside down
capovoltarsi {v} [rare] /ka.po.volˈtar.si/ :: reflexive of capovoltare
capovolto {adj} :: upside down
capovolto {adj} :: capsized
capovoltosi {v} :: past participle of capovolgersi
capozona {mf} :: The head person in a zone, but especially a local leader of an organized crime gang
capozzo {m} [Naples] /kaˈpɔt.t͡so/ :: Name of several species of fish in the Mugilidae family
capozzo {m} :: synonym of muggine
cappa {f} /ˈkap.pa/ :: sleeveless coat; cloak
cappa {f} :: cowl, hood
cappa {f} :: tarpaulin
cappa {f} :: alternative form of kappa
cappa {f} :: cape
Cappadocia {prop} /kap.paˈdɔ.t͡ʃa/ :: Cappadocia (region in Asia Minor, first a country and then a Roman province)
cappalunga {f} :: razor shell
cappare {v} [obsolete] /kapˈpa.re/ :: to pick, to choose
cappasanta {f} :: alternative form of capasanta
cappella {f} :: A chapel (in all senses)
cappella {f} :: A choir and accompanying musicians assigned to a church
cappella {f} :: A cap (of a mushroom)
cappella {f} [slang, the apex of the penis] :: A head, a glans
cappellaccia {f} :: crested lark
cappellaccio {m} [mushrooms] :: parasol mushroom (Macrolepiota procera)
cappellaccio {m} :: A form of ravioli, typical of Ferrara, filled with pumpkin or similar gourd
cappellaccio {m} :: A grey volcanic tuff from Rome
cappellaccio {m} :: An overburden
cappellaia {f} :: female equivalent of cappellaio
cappellaio {m} [fashion] :: hatter
Cappellaio Matto {prop} [Alice in Wonderland] :: the Mad Hatter
cappellania {f} :: chaplaincy
cappellano {m} :: chaplain
cappellata {f} [colloquial] :: blunder, blooper, boo-boo
cappellata {f} :: blow with a hat
cappellata {f} :: hatful
cappelleria {f} :: hat shop
cappelletta {f} :: A small chapel
cappelletto {m} :: diminutive of cappello; small hat
cappelletto {m} :: helmet
cappelletto {m} :: the ferrule of an umbrella
cappelletto {m} :: the reinforcement on the tip of a sock or stocking
cappelletto {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: wide tube of pasta with a savoury filling baked in the oven
Cappelli {prop} :: surname
Cappelli {prop} [agriculture] :: ellipsis of Senatore Cappelli
cappelliera {f} :: hatbox
cappelliera {f} [automotive] :: parcel shelf
cappellificio {m} :: hat factory
cappellina {n} [mushrooms] :: Scotch bonnet, fairy ring mushroom (Marasmius oreades)
cappellino {m} :: Small hat; bonnet
cappello {m} /kapˈpɛllo/ :: hat
cappello a cencio {m} :: slouch hat
cappello a cencio {m} :: Australian bush hat
cappello a cencio {m} :: Kossuth hat
cappello di feltro {m} :: trilby
cappellone {m} :: Large hat
cappellone {m} [colloquial] :: cowboy (on film)
cappelluto {adj} :: hooded, crested, shaggy
cappereto {m} :: caper field
cappereto {m} :: caper bed
capperi {interj} :: a mild expression of surprise (such as gosh!)
cappero {m} :: caper (plant Capparis spinosa, and its edible flower bud)
cappia {f} :: alternative form of cappio
cappia {f} :: horseshoe
cappino {m} :: A stole placed around the neck of the dalmatic in the Ambrosian Rite
cappio {m} :: slip knot
cappio {m} :: noose
capponaia {f} :: coop (for fattening chickens)
capponaia {f} [colloquial] :: prison
capponante {v} :: present participle of capponare
capponare {vt} :: to castrate an animal; to caponize
cappone {m} :: capon
cappono {m} [nautical] :: caulker
cappotta {f} :: hood / bonnet (of a car)
cappottamento {m} :: overturning
cappottamento {m} [nautical] :: capsizing
cappottante {v} :: present participle of cappottare
cappottare {vt} :: to overturn
cappottatura {f} :: overturning
cappottatura {f} [nautical] :: capsizing
cappottino {m} /kap.potˈti.no/ :: overcoat (child clothing)
cappottino {m} :: Italian navy officer uniform (knee-length double-breasted gallooned uniform with stripes and golden buttons)
cappotto {m} [fashion] /kapˈpɔt.to/ :: coat, overcoat
cappotto {m} [fashion] :: greatcoat
cappotto {m} [sports] :: whitewash (complete victory or series of victories without suffering any losses; a clean sweep)
Cappuccetto Rosso {prop} :: Little Red Riding Hood
cappuccina {f} :: nasturtium (the flower is shaped like a Capuchin's hood)
cappuccino {m} :: Capuchin (member of an order of Roman Catholic friars)
cappuccino {m} :: cappuccino
cappuccino {m} [slang] :: French letter, rubber johnny (condom)
cappuccino {adj} :: Capuchin
cappuccio {m} :: hood
cappuccio {m} :: cowl (of a monk)
cappuccio {m} :: top (of a pen or biro)
cappuccio {m} [colloquial] :: cappuccino
capra {f} :: goat (mammal)
capra {f} :: nanny goat
capra {f} :: trestle
capraia {f} :: female equivalent of capraio
Capraia {prop} :: Capraia (island)
capraio {m} :: goatherd
caprareccia {f} :: A shed used to keep goats indoors during the winter
Caprarola {prop} :: Caprarola (small town)
capreolino {m} :: A type of North-American deer (of the subfamily Capreolinae)
caprese {mf} :: native or inhabitant of Capri
caprese {adj} :: of or relating to Capri, its people or its culture
capretta {f} :: diminutive of capra
capretta {f} :: kid (young female goat)
capretta {f} :: small goat
capretto {m} :: diminutive of capro
capretto {m} :: kid (young goat)
Capri {prop} /ˈkapri/ :: Capri (island and town)
Capriasca {prop} :: Capriasca (small town)
capriata {f} [architecture] :: truss (triangular bracket)
capriccio {m} :: whim, fancy, caprice, quirk
capriccio {m} :: tantrum
capriccio {m} [music, painting] :: capriccio
capricciosa {f} :: A pizza garnished with mushrooms, artichokes, ham and olives
capricciosa {f} :: A rich salad of mixed vegetables, often dressed with mayonnaise
capricciosamente {adv} :: capriciously, whimsically
capricciosamente {adv} :: naughtily
capricciosità {f} :: capriciousness, whimsicality
capriccioso {adj} :: capricious, whimsical, finicky, naughty, unpredictable
capriccioso {adj} [music] :: capriccioso
caprico {adj} :: capric
capricorno {m} :: serow
Capricorno {prop} [zodiac constellations, astrology, astronomy] /kapriˈkɔrno/ :: Capricornus (sea-goat constellation)
Capricorno {prop} [astrology] :: Capricorn (constellation star sign)
caprificazione {f} :: caprification
caprifico {m} :: wild fig (Ficus carica)
caprifoglio {m} /kap.riˈfɔʎ.ʎo/ :: honeysuckle
caprigno {adj} /kaˈpriɲ.ɲo/ :: caprine, goat [attributive]
caprile {m} :: An enclosure for goats
caprilico {adj} :: caprylic
caprimulgo {m} :: nightjar, nighthawk, bullbat, goatsucker
caprinico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: capric
caprino {adj} :: caprine, cloven
caprino {m} [cheese] :: caprino (type of goat cheese)
caprino {m} :: Smell of goat
caprino {m} :: Member of the goat family
capriola {f} :: somersault, caper, capriole
capriola {f} :: female roe deer
capriolo {m} :: Any of several small European deer (but especially the roe deer)
capriolo {m} :: The flesh of these animals as meat
capripede {adj} :: Having goat's feet (describing several mythological characters)
capro {m} :: male goat. See capra
capro espiatorio {m} :: scapegoat, patsy
caproico {adj} :: caproic
caprolattame {m} [organic compound] :: caprolactam
caprolatto {adj} :: Of or from Caprarola
Caprona {prop} :: Caprona (village), near Vicopisano
caprone {m} :: billy goat, billy
caprugginatoio {m} :: croze iron
capruggine {f} :: croze
capsa {f} [historical, Ancient Rome] /ˈkap.sa/ :: A cylindrical container used chiefly to store books
capsa {f} :: A drawer where archived documents are stored
capsico {m} :: capsicum, bell pepper (pepper of genus Capsicum))
capside {m} [virology] :: capsid
capsomero {m} :: capsomere
capsula {f} [botany, anatomy] /ˈkap.su.la/ :: capsule (all senses)
capsula {f} :: crown (in a tooth)
capsula {f} :: pod, boll
capsulare {adj} :: capsular
capsulatrice {f} :: shrink-capsule application machine
capsulatura {f} :: capsule application (to bottles etc)
captabile {adj} :: That can be picked up (of a signal)
captante {v} :: present participle of captare
captante {adj} :: enhancing
captante {adj} :: concentrating
captare {vt} :: to skillfully obtain or capture
captare {vt} :: to pick up, receive [a radio, TV, telegraphic, etc. transmission]
captare {vt} :: to read [someone's mind or intentions]; to intuit
captatio benevolentiae {phrase} /kapˈtat.t͡sjo be.ne.voˈlɛn.t͡sje/ :: Used rhetorically to seek to win someone's sympathy or support by showing respect
captatività {f} [psychology] :: possessiveness
captativo {adj} [psychology] :: possessive
captazione {f} :: captation
captazione {f} :: reception (of radio etc)
captazione {f} :: purification (of polluted water etc)
Capua {prop} :: Capua (town)
Capuana {prop} :: surname
Capuana {prop} :: Luigi Capuana, Italian writer
capuano {adj} :: Capuan
capubastuni {m} :: alternative form of capobastone
capufficio {m} :: head clerk
Capuleti {prop} :: Capulet (literary surname)
capziosamente {adv} :: captiously
capziosità {f} :: captiousness
capzioso {adj} :: captious
cara {f} :: feminine noun of caro
carabattola {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: odds and ends
carabina {f} [firearms] :: carbine, rifle
carabiniere {m} :: (member of the Carabinieri force) carabiniere
carabiniere {m} [figuratively] :: martinet, dragon
carabiniere {m} :: carabinier
carabiniere {m} :: policeman
Carabinieri {prop} :: the Italian military police
carabo {m} :: carabid, ground beetle (of family Carabidae)
carabottino {m} [nautical] :: grating
caracal {m} :: caracal
Caracalla {prop} /ka.raˈkal.la/ :: Caracalla (Roman emperor)
caracca {f} [nautical] /kaˈrak.ka/ :: carrack
Caracciolo {prop} :: surname
carachegno {adj} :: Of or from Caracas
carachiri {m} :: hara-kiri
caracollante {v} :: present participle of caracollare
caracollare {vi} :: to caracole
caracollare {vi} :: to trot
caracollo {m} :: caracole
caradriforme {m} :: charadriiform
caradriforme {adj} :: charadriiform
caradrio {m} :: caladrius
caradrio {m} :: plover
caraffa {f} :: carafe
caraffa {f} :: decanter (for wine etc)
caraffa {f} :: pitcher
caraffa {f} :: ewer
Caraibi {prop} :: The Caribbean
caraibico {adj} :: Caribbean
caraibico {m} :: Carib (language)
carambola {f} /kaˈram.bo.la/ :: cannon, carom (in snooker etc)
carambola {f} :: star fruit
carambolante {v} :: present participle of carambolare
carambolare {vi} :: To cannon or carom
caramella {f} :: sweet (UK), candy (US)
caramella {f} :: monocle
caramellaia {f} :: female equivalent of caramellaio
caramellaio {m} :: confectioner
caramella mou {f} :: toffee
caramellante {v} :: present participle of caramellare
caramellare {vt} :: to caramelize
caramellaro {m} [regional] /karamelˈlaro/ :: confectioner
caramellatura {f} :: caramelization (of heated food)
caramellizzante {v} :: present participle of caramellizzare
caramellizzare {vt} :: to caramelize
caramellizzazione {f} :: caramelization
caramello {m} :: caramel (heated sugar)
caramello {m} :: The colour of caramel
caramellometro {m} :: sugar thermometer
caramelloso {adj} :: (sickly) sweet
caramelloso {adj} :: cloying
caramente {adv} :: dearly
caramente {adv} :: affectionately
carampana {f} :: bag, old bag (ugly woman)
carampana {f} :: bitch, slut
carapace {m} :: carapace
Carapelle {prop} :: Carapelle (river)
carasau {adj} /ka.raˈzau/ :: only used in pane carasau
carasau {m} :: ellipsis of pane carasau
Carassai {prop} :: Carassai (small town)
carassanese {adj} :: Of or from Carassai
carassio {m} :: crucian carp (Of genus Carassius)
caratante {v} :: present participle of caratare
caratare {vt} :: To weigh in carats
caratello {m} :: keg
caratista {m} [nautical] /ka.raˈtis.ta/ :: part-owner (of a vessel)
caratista {m} :: shareholder
carato {m} :: carat
carato {m} :: share
caratteraccio {m} :: An irascible or temperamental person (or such a character)
carattere {m} /kaˈrat.te.re/ :: (symbol for a word or a sound) character, letter
carattere {m} [typography] :: type, typeface, font, print
carattere {m} :: (distinctive psychological attitudes, qualities and features of a person or animal) character, nature, disposition, temper
carattere {m} :: (characteristic) characteristic, trait, character
caratteriale {adj} :: character (attributive)
caratteriale {adj} :: emotional
caratterialmente {adv} :: temperamentally
caratterino {m} :: A difficult or capricious nature or character (of a person)
caratteri somatici {n} :: features
caratterista {mf} :: character actor, character actress
caratteristica {f} :: characteristic, feature, trait, peculiarity
caratteristica {f} [in the plural, mechanics] :: specifications
caratteristica {f} [mathematics] :: characteristic
caratteristicamente {adv} :: characteristically, distinctively
caratteristico {adj} :: characteristic, distinctive, individual
caratteristico {adj} :: characteristic, local
caratteristico {adj} :: picturesque
caratterizzabile {adj} :: characterizable
caratterizzabile {adj} :: distinctive, particular
caratterizzante {v} :: present participle of caratterizzare
caratterizzante {adj} :: characterizing
caratterizzantesi {v} :: present participle of caratterizzarsi
caratterizzare {vt} :: to characterize
caratterizzare {vt} :: to be characteristic of
caratterizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of caratterizzare
caratterizzarsi {v} :: to be distinguished [by]
caratterizzatosi {v} :: past participle of caratterizzarsi
caratterizzazione {f} :: characterization
caratterologia {f} :: characterology
caratterologicamente {adv} :: characterologically
caratterologico {adj} :: characterological
caratteropatia {f} :: character disorder
caratura {f} :: carat weight
caratura {f} :: importance, status, standing, caliber
caravaggesco {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Caravaggio or his works, or reminiscent of his style; Caravaggesque
Caravaggio {prop} [feminine] :: Caravaggio (small town)
Caravaggio {prop} [masculine] :: Caravaggio (Italian painter)
caravaggismo {m} [art] :: The style of painting associated with Caravaggio and his followers
caravaggista {mf} [art] :: A painter who painted in the style of Caravaggio
Caravanche {prop} :: Karawanks
caravanista {mf} :: caravan or recreational vehicle enthusiast
caravanserraglio {m} :: caravanserai
caravella {f} :: caravel
carbamazepina {f} [medicine] :: carbamazepine
carbammato {m} [organic chemistry] :: carbamate
carbammide {f} [organic compound] :: carbamide, urea
carbanione {m} [organic chemistry] :: carbanion
carbinolo {m} [organic chemistry] :: carbinol
carbo- {prefix} :: carbo-
carbocatione {m} [organic chemistry] :: carbocation
carbocementazione {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: carburizing
carbochimica {f} [chemistry] :: carbon chemistry (industry of generating chemicals from coal etc)
carbodotto {m} :: A conduit through which a mixture of crushed coal and water is transported at a coalmine
carboidrato {m} [organic chemistry] :: carbohydrate
carbolico {adj} :: carbolic
carbonado {m} :: carbonado (black diamond)
carbonaia {f} :: charcoal pit
carbonaia {f} :: coal cellar
carbonaio {m} :: charcoal burner
carbonaio {m} :: coalman
carbonaio {m} :: coal merchant
carbonamento {m} [nautical] :: coaling, bunkering
carbonante {v} :: present participle of carbonare
carbonara {f} /kar.boˈna.ra/ :: feminine noun of carbonaro
carbonara {f} [by ellipsis] :: carbonara sauce
carbonara {f} [by ellipsis and by extension] :: carbonara pasta or, more specifically, spaghetti
carbonare {vi} [nautical] :: to coal, bunker
carbonarismo {m} :: Carbonarism
carbonaro {m} :: A charcoal burner
carbonaro {m} :: A member of the carboneria secret society
carbonaro {adj} :: of, or relating to the carboneria secret society
carbonata {f} :: coal pile
carbonata {f} :: a stew of beef in red wine
carbonatazione {f} [chemistry] :: carbonation
carbonatico {adj} [geology] :: carbonatic
carbonatite {f} [geology] :: carbonatite
carbonato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: carbonate
carbonatoapatite {f} [mineral] :: carbonated apatite (mineral found in bone)
carbonato di calcio {m} [inorganic compound] :: calcium carbonate
carbonato di magnesio {m} [inorganic compound] :: magnesium carbonate
carbonato di sodio {m} :: sodium carbonate
carboncello {m} :: A small piece of coal
carboncello {m} :: carbuncle (gem)
carbonchio {m} :: anthrax
carbonchio {m} :: smut (on plants)
carbonchioso {adj} :: carbuncular
carbonchioso {adj} :: smutty
carboncino {m} :: (stick of) charcoal
carboncino {m} :: charcoal drawing
carbone {m} /karˈbone/ :: coal
carbone {m} :: charcoal
carbonella {f} :: charcoal (in small pieces)
Carbonera {prop} :: Carbonera (small town)
carbonerese {adj} :: Of or from Carbonera
carboneria {f} :: a Neapolitan secret society instrumental in organizing revolution in the 19th century
Carbonia-Iglesias {prop} :: Province of Marche, Italy
carbonica {adj} :: carbonic
carbonicazione {f} :: carbonation (treatment of wine with charcoal)
carbonico {adj} :: carbonic
carboniera {f} [nautical] :: collier (ship)
carboniere {m} :: coal merchant or miner
carboniero {adj} :: coal (industry) (attributive)
carbonifero {adj} :: carboniferous
carbonifero {adj} :: of, or relating to coal
carbonificazione {f} [geology] :: coalification
carbonilazione {f} [chemistry] :: carbonylation
carbonilcianuro {m} [organic compound] :: carbonyl cyanide
carbonile {m} [organic chemistry] :: carbonyl
carbonilico {adj} :: carbonyl (attributive)
carbonio {m} [chemistry] /karˈbɔ.njo/ :: carbon
carbonioso {adj} :: carbon (attributive)
carbonioso {adj} :: carbonaceous
carbonitrurico {adj} :: carbonitride (attributive)
carbonitrurico {adj} :: cyanide (attributive)
carbonizzante {v} :: present participle of carbonizzare
carbonizzantesi {v} :: present participle of carbonizzarsi
carbonizzare {vt} :: to carbonize
carbonizzarsi {vr} :: to be carbonized
carbonizzato {adj} :: carbonized
carbonizzatosi {v} :: past participle of carbonizzarsi
carbonizzazione {f} :: carbonization
carborano {m} [organic chemistry] :: carborane
carborundo {m} :: carborundum
carborundum {m} :: Carborundum
carbosiderurgico {adj} :: coal and steel (attributive)
carbossammide {f} [organic chemistry] :: carboxamide
carbossi {adj} [organic chemistry, in combination] :: carboxy (attributive)
carbossichinasi {f} [enzyme] :: carboxykinase
carbossiemoglobina {f} [biochemistry] :: carboxyhemoglobin
carbossilante {v} :: present participle of carbossilare
carbossilare {vt} [chemistry] :: to carboxylate
carbossilasi {f} [enzyme] :: carboxylase
carbossilato {adj} [organic chemistry] :: carboxylated
carbossilato {m} [organic chemistry] :: carboxylate
carbossilazione {f} [chemistry] :: carboxylation
carbossile {m} [organic chemistry] :: carboxyl
carbossilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: carboxylic
carbossilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: carboxyl
carbossiterminale {m} [biochemistry] :: C-terminus
carbuncolo {m} /karˈbun.ko.lo/ :: synonym of rubino (ruby)
carburante {v} :: present participle of carburare
carburante {adj} :: combustible
carburante {m} :: fuel
carburare {vt} :: To carburize
carburare {vi} :: To fire on all cylinders (also figurative)
carburatore {m} :: carburettor
carburazione {f} :: carburation
carburo {m} :: carbide
carburo di calcio {m} :: calcium carbide
carburo di tungsteno {m} [inorganic compound] :: tungsten carbide
carcadè {m} :: roselle (of genus Hibiscus)
carcadè {m} :: An infusion of its calyx used as a drink
carcame {m} :: carcass
carcante {v} :: present participle of carcare
carcare {v} :: obsolete form of caricare
carcassa {f} :: carcass
carcassa {f} :: hulk, shell
carcassa {f} :: framework, skeleton
carceramento {m} :: imprisonment
carcerante {v} :: present participle of carcerare
carcerare {vt} :: to imprison, jail
carcerario {adj} :: prison (attribute)
carcerata {f} :: prisoner (female)
carcerato {m} :: prisoner
carcerato {m} :: convict, con
carcerazione {f} :: detention
carcerazione {f} :: imprisonment
carcere {mf} [also figuratively] /ˈkar.tʃe.re/ :: jail, prison
carcere {mf} :: imprisonment
carcere mamertino {m} :: Mamertine prison
carceriera {f} :: female equivalent of carceriere
carceriere {m} [law enforcement] :: jailer, prison warder
carcino- {prefix} :: cancer, tumour
carcino- {prefix} :: crab, crustacean
carcino {m} [zoology, uncountable] /ˈkar.t͡ʃi.no/ :: The Carcinus taxonomic genus
carcino {m} :: A member of the Carcinus taxonomic genus
carcinogenesi {f} :: carcinogenesis
carcinogenicità {f} :: carcinogenicity
carcinogenico {adj} :: carcinogenic
carcinogeno {adj} :: carcinogenic
carcinoide {m} [medicine] :: carcinoid
carcinologia {f} :: oncology
carcinologia {f} :: arthropodology
carcinoma {m} [oncology] :: carcinoma
carcinomatoso {adj} [oncology] :: carcinomatous
carcinosi {f} :: carcinosis, carcinomatosis
carciofaia {f} :: artichoke bed
carciofaia {f} :: artichoke field
carciofeto {m} :: artichoke field
carciofeto {m} :: artichoke bed
carciofino {m} :: baby artichoke, small artichoke
carciofo {m} /karˈt͡ʃɔfo/ :: artichoke
carciofo di Gerusalemme {m} :: synonym of topinambur
carciofo romanesco {m} :: synonym of cimarolo
card {m} /kard̪/ :: card (identification, financial, SIM etc (but not playing card))
cardamomo {m} :: cardamom
cardanico {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Girolamo Cardano (Italian mathematician, inventor etc)
Cardano {prop} :: surname
cardante {v} :: present participle of cardare
cardare {vt} :: to card [wool]
cardare {vt} :: to tease (separate the fibres)
cardarella {f} :: A metal container in the shape of a truncated cone with two handles at the ends used by construction workers to mix materials
cardarello {m} [mushrooms] :: king trumpet mushroom, French horn mushroom, king oyster mushroom, king brown mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii)
cardatore {m} :: carder (person who cards wool etc)
cardatrice {f} :: carder (carding machine)
cardatrice {f} :: female equivalent of cardatore
cardatura {f} :: carding [of wool, etc.]
cardellino {m} :: goldfinch
cardellino d'America {m} :: American goldfinch
cardellino dell'Himalaya {m} :: European goldfinch
cardeto {m} :: thistle field
cardeto {m} :: thistle bed
-cardia {suffix} [medicine] :: -cardia
cardiaco {adj} [anatomy] :: cardiac, heart (attributive)
cardiale {adj} [anatomy] :: cardiac (relating to the cardia)
cardialgia {f} :: cardialgy, heartburn
cardias {m} [anatomy] :: cardia
cardinal {m} :: apocopic form of cardinale
cardinalato {m} :: cardinalate
cardinale {adj} /kardiˈnale/ :: cardinal
cardinale {m} :: cardinal (bird)
cardinale {m} [religion] :: cardinal
cardinale ciuffo rosso {m} :: red-crested cardinal
cardinale rosso {m} :: northern cardinal
cardinalino {m} :: alternative spelling of cardellino
cardinalino del Venezuela {m} :: red siskin
cardinalità {f} [set theory] :: cardinality
cardinalizio {adj} /kar.di.naˈlit.tsjo/ :: cardinal's; of or pertaining to a cardinal
cardine {m} /ˈkar.di.ne/ :: hinge, pivot
cardine {m} :: pintle
cardine {m} [figuratively] :: support, cornerstone
-cardio {suffix} :: -cardium (anatomy of the heart)
cardio- {prefix} [anatomy] :: cardio-
cardioangiografia {f} [medicine] :: cardioangiography, angiocardiography
cardioattivo {adj} [medicine] :: cardioactive
cardiocentesi {f} [surgery] :: cardiocentesis
cardiochirurgia {f} [surgery] :: cardiac surgery
cardiochirurgico {adj} [surgery] :: cardiac surgery (attributive), heart surgery (attributive)
cardiochirurgo {m} :: heart surgeon
cardiocinetico {adj} /kar.djo.t͡ʃiˈnɛ.ti.ko/ :: cardiokinetic
cardiocinetico {m} [medicine] :: cardiac stimulant
cardiocircolatorio {adj} :: cardiovascular, cardiocirculatory
cardiocita {m} :: cardiocyte
cardiodilatazione {f} [medicine] :: cardiodilation
cardiofrequenzimetro {m} :: heart rate monitor
cardiogenico {adj} :: cardiogenic
cardiogeno {adj} :: cardiogenic
cardiografia {f} [medicine] :: cardiography
cardiografico {adj} [medicine] :: cardiographic
cardiografo {m} [medicine] :: cardiograph
cardiogramma {m} [medicine] :: cardiogram
cardioide {adj} :: cardioid
cardioide {f} [geometry] :: cardioid
cardioipertrofia {f} [medicine] :: cardiohypertrophy
cardiolipina {f} [biochemistry] :: cardiolipin
cardiologa {f} :: female equivalent of cardiologo
cardiologia {f} [medicine] :: cardiology
cardiologico {adj} :: cardiological
cardiologo {m} :: cardiologist
cardiomegalia {f} [pathology] :: cardiomegaly, megalocardia
cardiomiocita {m} [cytology] :: cardiomyocyte
cardiomiopatia {f} [disease] :: cardiomyopathy
cardionevrosi {f} [medicine] :: cardioneurosis
cardiopalma {m} :: Variant of cardiopalmo
cardiopalmo {m} [pathology] :: palpitation (of the heart)
cardiopatia {f} [pathology] :: heart condition, heart disease, cardiomyopathy
cardiopatico {adj} :: cardiopathic
cardiopatico {m} :: person suffering from a heart problem
cardioplegia {f} [surgery] :: cardioplegia
cardiopolmonare {adj} [anatomy] :: cardiopulmonary
cardioradiologia {f} [medicine] :: cardioradiology
cardiorespiratorio {adj} :: cardiorespiratory
cardioreumatico {adj} :: cardiorheumatic
cardiosclerosi {f} [pathology] :: cardiosclerosis
cardioselettivo {adj} [medicine] :: cardioselective
cardiospasmo {m} [pathology] :: cardiospasm
cardiostenosi {f} :: cardiostenosis
cardiostimolante {adj} :: cardiokinetic, cardiostimulant
cardiostimolatore {m} [medicine] :: pacemaker
cardiotocografia {f} [medicine] :: cardiotocography
cardiotonico {adj} :: cardiotonic
cardiotonico {m} [pharmacology] :: cardiotonic agent, cardiotonic drug
cardiotoracico {adj} [anatomy] :: cardiothoracic
cardiotossico {adj} :: cardiotoxic
cardiovascolare {adj} [anatomy] :: cardiovascular
cardioversione {f} [medicine] :: cardioversion
cardite {f} [medicine] :: carditis
cardo {m} :: thistle
cardo {m} :: teasel
cardo {m} :: implement for carding wool with thistle-like bristles, card
cardo {m} :: The principal north-south street in Roman cities or encampments
cardoncello {m} [mushrooms] :: king trumpet mushroom, French horn mushroom, king oyster mushroom, king brown mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii)
cardone {f} :: cardoon
Carducci {prop} /karˈdut.tʃi/ :: surname
Carducci {prop} :: Giosuè Carducci (1835–1907), Italian poet
carducciano {adj} /kar.dutˈtʃa.no/ :: Of or pertating to Italian poet Giosuè Carducci (1835–1907) or his writings
Carelia {prop} :: Karelia
careliano {adj} :: Karelian
careliano {m} :: Karelian
carello {m} :: A padded cushion, typically placed on a toilet seat
carena {f} [nautical] :: keel (of a ship)
carenaggio {m} :: careening
carenaggio {m} :: streamlining
carenante {v} :: present participle of carenare
carenare {vt} :: to careen
carenare {vt} :: to streamline
carenatura {f} :: fairing, housing
carente {adj} /kaˈrɛn.te/ :: [with di to mean “in”] lacking
carenza {f} /kaˈrɛn.t͡sa/ :: shortage
carenza {f} :: deficiency
carenziale {adj} :: deficiency (attributive)
carestia {f} :: famine, dearth
carestia {f} :: scarcity, lack
caretta {f} :: loggerhead turtle
carezza {f} :: caress
carezza {f} :: pat, pet (on an animal)
carezzante {v} :: present participle of carezzare
carezzantesi {v} :: present participle of carezzarsi
carezzare {vt} :: Variant of accarezzare
carezzarsi {vr} :: Variant of accarezzarsi
carezzatosi {v} :: past participle of carezzarsi
carezzevole {adj} :: sweet, endearing
carezzevole {adj} :: affectionate, amorous
carezzevolmente {adv} :: sweetly, endearingly
Carfagna {prop} :: surname
carfologia {f} :: carphology
cargo {m} :: cargo boat
cargo {m} :: freighter (boat or plane)
cariaco {m} [zoology] /kaˈrja.ko/ :: A member of the Odocoileus taxonomic genus
cariaco {m} :: synonym of cervo virginiano
cariaco {m} :: synonym of cervo mulo
cariante {v} :: present participle of cariare
cariantesi {v} :: present participle of cariarsi
cariare {vt} [dentistry] :: to decay teeth
cariare {vt} :: to corrode
cariarsi {v} :: reflexive of cariare
cariarsi {v} :: to decay [of teeth]
cariatide {f} [architecture] :: caryatid
cariatide {f} [figuratively] :: fogey
cariato {adj} :: decayed
cariato {adj} :: carious
cariatosi {v} :: past participle of cariarsi
caribico {adj} :: Caribbean, Carib (attributive)
caribù {m} /ka.riˈbu/ :: caribou
carica {f} /ˈkarika/ :: position
carica {f} :: load
carica {f} [military] :: charge
caricabatterie {m} [electricity] :: battery charger, charger
caricabile {adj} :: loadable, chargeable
caricamento {m} :: loading (all senses)
caricamento {m} :: charging (a battery etc)
caricante {v} :: present participle of caricare
caricantesi {v} :: present participle of caricarsi
caricare {vt} /ka.ri.ˈka.re/ :: to load, to stow
caricare {vt} :: to take aboard, hoist, pick up
caricare {vt} :: to emphasize, overdo
caricare {vt} [figuratively] :: to rouse, fire, pep up
caricare {vt} :: to charge, attack
caricare {vt} [electricity] :: to charge
caricare {vt} :: to wind, wind up [of a watch, game, etc.]
caricare {vt} [computing] :: to upload
caricare {vt} [computing] :: to load (up) (of a program)
caricare con ipoteca {v} :: to encumber (to add a legal claim or other obligation)
caricarsi {v} :: reflexive of caricare
caricarsi {v} :: to burden oneself
caricarsi {v} :: to gear oneself up, psych oneself up
caricato {adj} :: loaded
caricato {adj} :: charged
caricato {adj} :: concentrated
caricatore {m} :: magazine (of a weapon)
caricatore {m} :: cartridge (photographic)
caricatore {m} :: loader (person or device)
caricatore {m} :: charger (for a battery)
caricatore {adj} :: loading (attributive)
caricatosi {v} :: past participle of caricarsi
caricatrice {adj} :: charging (electrical)
caricatrice {adj} :: charger (attributive)
caricatura {f} /ka.ri.kaˈtu.ra/ :: caricature, antic
caricaturale {adj} :: ridiculous
caricaturale {adj} :: grotesque
caricaturante {v} :: present participle of caricaturare
caricaturare {v} :: to caricature
caricaturato {adj} :: caricatured
caricaturato {adj} :: ridiculed
caricaturista {mf} :: caricaturist
caricaturizzante {v} :: present participle of caricaturizzare
caricaturizzare {v} :: to caricature
caricazione {f} [nautical] :: loading
carice {m} :: sedge (of genus Carex)
carico {adj} /ˈka.ri.ko/ :: loaded, laden
carico {adj} :: loaded (of a gun, etc.)
carico {adj} :: charged (of a battery, etc.)
carico {adj} :: wound up (of a clock, etc.)
carico {adj} :: intense (of a colour)
carico {adj} :: strong (of coffee, tea, etc.)
carico {m} :: load, loading, cargo
carico {m} :: shipment
carico {m} :: charge (of a battery etc.)
Cariddi {prop} :: Charybdis
carie {f} :: decay, caries, cavity (of the teeth)
carie {f} [botany] :: rot
carie {f} [pathology] :: caries (of bones)
carillon {m} :: musical box
carillon {m} :: carillon
carineria {f} :: sweet nothing (kind or caring word)
carini {f} :: A native or inhabitant of Carini
Carini {prop} /kariːniː/ :: A town and comune in the metropolitan city of Palermo
carinissimo {adj} :: superlative of carino
carinissimo {adj} :: very nice
carinissimo {adj} :: very pretty
carino {adj} :: nice
carino {adj} :: pretty
carino {adj} :: good-looking
Carinzia {prop} :: Carinzia (state)
carinziano {adj} :: Carinthian
cario- {prefix} :: karyo-
carioca {adj} :: of or relating to the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
carioca {mf} :: an inhabitant of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
carioca {mf} :: carioca (dance)
cariocinesi {f} [biology] :: karyokinesis
cariocinetico {adj} [biology] :: karyokinetic, mitotic
carioclasi {f} :: karyoclasis
cariofillaceo {m} :: carnation, pink or any other plant of the family Caryophyllaceae
cariofillata {f} :: herb bennet (Geum urbanum)
cariofillene {m} [organic compound] :: caryophyllene
cariogamia {f} [biology] :: karyogamy
cariogenesi {n} :: cariogenesis
cariogenetico {adj} :: karyogenetic
cariogeno {adj} :: cariogenic
cariogramma {m} [genetics] :: karyogram
cariolana {f} :: A traditional wheelbarrow race held at festivals in Como
cariologia {f} :: karyology
carioplasma {m} [cytology] :: karyoplasm, nucleoplasm
carioressi {f} :: karyorrhexis
carioso {adj} :: carious
cariosside {f} [botany] :: caryopsis (cereal grain)
cariotipico {adj} :: karyotypic
cariotipo {m} [genetics] :: karyotype
carisma {m} :: charisma
carismaticamente {adv} :: charismatically
carismatico {adj} :: charismatic
carissimo {adj} :: superlative of caro
carità {f} :: charity
caritatevole {adj} :: charitable, softhearted
caritatevolmente {adv} :: charitably
caritatevolmente {adv} :: kindly, lovingly
caritativo {adj} :: charitable
Carla {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Carlo
Carli {prop} :: surname
Carli {prop} :: Gian Rinaldo Carli, Italian writer and historian
carlina {f} :: carline (thistle of genus Carlina)
carlinga {f} :: fuselage
carlino {m} :: Any of several small coins minted until the 19th century
carlino {m} :: pug (dog)
Carlino {prop} :: Carlino (small town)
carlismo {m} :: Carlism
carlista {adj} :: Carlist
carlista {mf} :: Carlist
Carlo {prop} :: given name
Carlomagno {prop} :: alternative form of Carlo Magno
Carlo Magno {prop} :: Charlemagne (king of the Franks)
carlona {f} :: only in alla carlona
Carlopago {prop} :: Carlopago (town)
Carlotta {prop} :: Charlotte
Carluccio {prop} :: given name
carme {f} :: a solemn song (especially those of the Roman poet Horace)
Carmela {prop} :: given name
Carmelina {prop} [colloquial] :: synonym of Carmela
carmelitano {adj} :: Carmelite
carmelitano {m} :: Carmelite
Carmelo {prop} :: given name of biblical origin, the masculine form of Carmela
carminativo {adj} :: carminative
carminativo {m} :: carminative
carminazione {f} :: flatulence
Carmine {prop} :: given name
carminico {adj} :: carminic
carminio {adj} :: carmine, crimson
carminio {m} :: carmine
carnaggio {m} [obsolete] /karˈnad.d͡ʒo/ :: butchered meat; animals which are to be slaughtered
carnaggio {m} [obsolete, by extension] :: massacre, carnage, slaughter
carnaggio {m} [obsolete] :: A compensation for the right of having animals graze on someone else's land
carnagione {f} :: complexion (appearance of the skin on the face)
carnaio {m} :: charnel house
carnaio {m} :: carnage, slaughter
carnaio {m} :: shambles
carnale {adj} :: carnal
carnale {adj} :: consanguineous
carnalità {f} :: carnality
carnalmente {adv} :: carnally
carnalmente {adv} :: sexually
carname {m} :: Mass of rotten flesh
Carnaro {prop} :: alternative form of Quarnaro
carnaroli {m} /kar.naˈrɔ.li/ :: carnaroli (medium-grain variety of rice)
carnascialesco {adj} :: carnival (attributive)
carnato {m} [regional] :: complexion (appearance of the skin)
carne {f} /ˈkar.ne/ :: meat, flesh
carneade {m} :: unknown (person)
carne di cervo {f} :: venison, deer meat, deerflesh
carnefice {m} /karˈne.fi.t͡ʃe/ :: executioner
carnefice {m} :: torturer, tormentor, persecutor
carnefice {m} :: victimizer, brutal murderer
carnefice {m} [games] :: hangman
carneficina {f} :: A massacre, a carnage, a slaughter
carneficina {f} :: Torment, torture
carneo {adj} :: meaty
carnera {m} :: An exceptionally strong and physically imposing man
Carnera {prop} :: surname
Carnera {prop} :: Primo Carnera, Italian boxer
carne secca {f} :: alternative form of carnesecca
carnesecca {f} [Tuscany] :: smoked and salted pork belly; jerky
carnesecca {f} [jocular] :: old and wrinkly wife
carnettista {mf} [neologism] :: person who keeps a travel diary
carnevalata {f} :: fun
carnevalata {f} :: tomfoolery, clowning
carnevale {m} :: carnival; festival in the week before Lent
carnevalesco {adj} :: carnival (attributive)
carnezzeria {f} :: butchershop
carnicino {adj} :: flesh-coloured
carnico {adj} :: Of or relating to the Carnia (which is part of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia) or the Carnia people; Carnic
carnico {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Carnia
carniere {m} :: game bag
carnificazione {f} [pathology] /kar.ni.fi.katˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: carnification
carnitina {f} [organic compound] :: carnitine
carnivora {f} :: feminine noun of carnivoro
carnivoro {m} :: carnivore
carnivoro {m} :: man-eater
carnivoro {adj} :: carnivorous
carnivoro {adj} :: man-eating
carnosauro {m} :: carnosaur
carnosità {f} :: fleshiness
carnosità {f} :: fullness (of the lips)
carnoso {adj} /karˈno.zo/ :: fleshy, carnose
carnoso {adj} :: full (of the lips)
carnoso {adj} :: meaty
carnoso {adj} :: pulpy, pulpous
caro {adj} :: dear [beloved, or in the salutation of a letter], sweetheart
caro {adj} :: dear, precious, expensive
caro {m} :: dear (darling)
Carocci {prop} :: surname
carogna {f} :: carrion (dead animal flesh)
carogna {f} [by extension] :: swine (vile person)
carognata {f} :: dirty trick
carola {f} :: carol
Carola {prop} :: given name
Carolina {prop} :: given name
Carolina del Nord {prop} :: Carolina del Nord (state)
Carolina del Sud {prop} :: Carolina del Sud (state)
carolingio {adj} :: Carolingian
carolingio {m} :: Carolingian
carolino {adj} :: Carolingian
Caron {prop} :: medieval spelling of Caronte
caroncola {f} /kaˈron.ko.la/ :: alternative form of caruncola
caronte {m} :: alternative case form of Caronte
Caronte {prop} :: Charon
Caronte {m} :: ferryman
caropane {m} :: A steep rise in the price of bread following the Second World War
carosello {m} :: merry-go-round [British], carousel [US]
Carosone {prop} :: surname
carota {f} /kaˈɾɔːt̪a/ :: carrot
carota {f} :: core, core sample
carotaggio {m} :: coring, core boring
carotamento {m} :: coring
carotante {v} :: present participle of carotare
carotare {vt} /kaɾoˈt̪aːɾe/ :: To core (extract a sample with a drill)
carotatura {f} :: carroting
carotenale {m} [organic chemistry] :: carotenal
carotene {m} [organic chemistry] :: carotene
carotenico {adj} :: carotenic
carotenoide {m} [organic chemistry] :: carotenoid
carotide {f} [anatomy] :: carotid
carotideo {adj} :: carotid
carotina {f} :: alternative form of carotene
carovana {f} :: caravan (in the desert)
carovana {f} :: convoy
carovaniere {m} :: caravaner
carovaniero {adj} :: caravan, convoy (attributive)
carovita {m} :: cost of living
carovita {m} :: allowance (for the cost of living) (properly indennità di carovita)
carpa {f} :: carp (fish)
carpaccio {m} :: carpaccio
Carpaccio {prop} :: surname
Carpaccio {prop} :: Vittore Carpaccio, Italian painter
carpale {adj} [skeleton] :: carpal
carpatico {adj} :: Carpathian
Carpazi {prop} :: Carpathians
carpello {m} [botany] :: carpel
carpente {v} :: present participle of carpire
carpenteria {f} :: carpentry
carpentiere {m} :: carpenter
carpetta {f} :: folder
Carpi {prop} :: Carpi (town)
carpiato {adj} :: piked (bent at the hips, but with the knees straight)
carpigiano {adj} :: Of or from Carpi
carpine {m} :: alternative form of carpino
carpinella {f} :: European hop-hornbeam (tree, Ostrya carpinifolia)
carpinella {f} :: Oriental hornbeam (tree, Carpinus orientalis)
carpineta {f} :: common hornbeam wood, European hornbeam wood (forest)
carpineta {f} :: hornbeam wood (forest)
carpineto {m} :: Variant of carpineta
carpino {m} :: common hornbeam, European hornbeam (tree, Carpinus betulus)
carpino {m} :: hornbeam (tree, genus Carpinus)
carpino bianco {m} :: common hornbeam, European hornbeam (tree, Carpinus betulus)
carpino nero {m} :: European hop-hornbeam (tree, Ostrya carpinifolia)
carpino orientale {m} :: Oriental hornbeam (tree, Carpinus orientalis)
carpionante {v} :: present participle of carpionare
carpionare {vt} :: To souse
carpionato {adj} :: soused
carpione {m} :: carp (freshwater fish)
carpione {m} :: escabeche
carpire {vt} [literary] :: to strip off or away, often by deceit
carpire {vt} [figurative, by extension] :: to obtain with cunning or deceit; to do out of
carpire {vt} [archaic or central Italy] :: to catch; to grab
carpire {vt} :: to steal [a kiss]
-carpo {suffix} :: forms botanical terms concerning fruit
carpo- {prefix} [botany] :: forms terms concerning fruit
carpo- {prefix} [anatomy] :: forms terms concerning the bones of the wrist
carpo {m} [skeleton] :: carpus
carpocapsa {f} :: codling moth
carpodaco messicano {m} :: house finch
carpoforo {m} [biology] :: The fruiting body of a fungus
carpologia {f} [botany] :: carpology
carpon {adv} :: apocopic form of carponi
carpone {adv} :: rare form of carponi
carponi {adv} :: on all fours, on one's hands and knees
carrabile {adj} :: suitable for motor vehicles
carradore {m} :: cartwright, wheelwright
carraia {f} [archaic] :: a street, road, or path for carts, wagons, carriages, etc
carraio {adj} :: carriage, vehicle (attributive)
carrambata {f} [neologism, usually, humorous, from television] /kar.ramˈba.ta/ :: an unexpected reunion between people who have not seen each other, or have not kept in touch, for a long time
Carrara {prop} :: Carrara (town), famous for its marble quarries
carrareccia {f} :: cart track
carrareccia {f} :: rut
carrarese {adj} :: Relating to Carrara
Carrarese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Carrara
Carrarese {mf} :: (singular only) The dialect of Italian spoken in the Carrara region
carrarmato {m} :: Variant of carro armato
carrarmato {m} :: A rubber sole (of a shoe) with indentations that help it grip
carrata {f} :: cartload, cartful
carratora {f} :: A frame with stretched wires, used to make spaghetti alla chitarra
carré {m} :: loin (of meat)
carré {m} :: a type of hairstyle in which the hair is all cut to the same length
carré {m} :: yoke (of a shirt)
carreggiabile {adj} [of a road] :: Open to traffic
carreggiabile {m} :: lane (of a road)
carreggiante {v} :: present participle of carreggiare
carreggiare {vt} :: to cart
carreggiata {f} :: carriageway (section of road)
carreggio {m} :: carting
carreggio {m} :: haulage
carrellabile {adj} :: trailerable
carrellante {v} :: present participle of carrellare
carrellare {vi} :: To track (cinematic technique)
carrellata {f} :: tracking (cinematic technique)
carrellata {f} :: tracking shot
carrellista {mf} :: platform vendor (at a railway station)
carrellista {mf} :: dollyman (cinema or TV)
carrello {m} :: trolley
carrello {m} :: hopper
carrello {m} :: shopping cart [supermarket]
carrello {m} :: serving cart [restaurant]
carrello {m} :: hand truck
carrello {m} [rail, aviation] :: undercarriage, landing gear
carrello {m} :: carriage (of a a machine, e.g. typewriter)
carrello {m} [film] :: dolly
carrello {m} [mining] :: hutch
carrello elevatore {m} :: forklift
carretta {f} :: cart
carretta {f} :: banger (old car)
carretta del mare {f} :: floating wreck
carrettaio {m} :: carter
carrettaio {m} :: cartwright, wheelwright
carrettata {f} :: cartload, cartful
carrettiere {m} :: carter
carrettiere {m} :: carrier (tradesman)
carretto {m} :: cart (small)
carretto {m} :: buggy
carretto siciliano {m} :: A decorated cart, normally drawn by a donkey, used in Sicily for carrying produce etc
carriaggio {m} [military] :: baggage wagon (or its contents)
carriera {f} /käˈrːjɛː.rä/ :: career
carriera {f} :: the fastest gait (both senses)
Carriera {prop} :: surname
Carriera {prop} :: Rosalba Carriera, Italian paintress
carrierismo {m} :: careerism
carrierista {mf} :: careerist
carrieristico {adj} :: careerist
carriola {f} :: wheelbarrow
carriola {f} :: ellipsis of letto a carriola
carrista {m} :: tank driver or soldier
carrista {m} :: tanker
carro {m} :: a means of transport used to carry goods; a wagon, cart, van, lorry, wain or truck
Carro {prop} :: Carro (small town)
carro armato {m} :: tank (military vehicle)
carro attrezzi {n} :: tow truck, breakdown lorry, breakdown truck, recovery truck, wrecker
carro attrezzi {n} :: A motor vehicle typically equipped with winches, chains, and related equipment, and used to tow disabled vehicles
carroccio {m} [historical] /karˈrɔt.tʃo/ :: A large war chariot drawn by oxen
carroccio {m} [politics, in the singular, capitalized] :: synonym of Lega (symbol of the rightist Italian political party, formerly Lega Nord)
carro dispensa {m} [rail transport] :: chuck wagon
carro funebre {m} :: hearse (funeral vehicle)
carro merci {m} :: freight car, goods wagon, van
carronata {f} :: carronade
carroponte {m} :: overhead crane, bridge crane
carrozza {f} :: carriage [horse-drawn, or railway]
carrozza {f} :: railroad car, railcar
carrozzabile {adj} [of a road] :: Open to vehicles (especially to goods vehicles)
carrozzabile {f} :: Such a road
carrozza ferroviaria {f} :: coach, carriage (railroad car drawn by a locomotive)
carrozza funeraria {f} :: hearse
carrozzaio {m} :: coachbuilder
carrozzante {v} :: present participle of carrozzare
carrozzare {vt} [automobiles] :: To build the body for
carrozza ristorante {n} :: wagon-restaurant
carrozzato {adj} [automobiles] :: coach-built
carrozzato {adj} [colloquial] :: stacked, buxom, curvy
carrozzella {f} :: hackney cab, cab, karozzin
carrozzella {f} :: wheelchair
carrozzeria {f} :: body, bodywork (of a car)
carrozzeria {f} :: body shop (bodywork repair workshop)
carrozzetta {f} :: pram
carrozzetta {f} :: sidecar (of motorcycle)
carrozziere {m} :: coachbuilder
carrozziere {m} :: car designer
carrozzina {f} :: pram; perambulator; baby carriage; baby buggy
carrozzina {f} :: wheelchair
carrozzino {m} :: sidecar (of a motorcycle)
carrozzone {m} :: caravan (wheeled transport)
carruba {f} :: carob, locust bean
carrubeto {m} :: carob plantation
carrubeto {m} :: carob wood (forest)
carrubina {f} :: locust bean gum
carrubo {m} :: carob (tree)
carruca {f} /karˈru.ka/ :: coach, carriage
carrucola {f} /karˈru.ko.la/ :: pulley
carruga {f} :: wine moth (of genus Oinophila)
carruggio {m} [Northern Italy, specifically Liguria] /karˈrud.dʒo/ :: An alley, especially one in Genoa
carseolano {adj} :: Of or from Carsoli
carsico {adj} :: karsic; karst (attributive)
carsismo {m} [geology] :: karst topography
Carso {prop} :: Karst
Carsoli {prop} :: Carsoli (small town)
carsolino {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Carso (in Italy or Slovenia)
carsolino {adj} [geology] :: carst, karst (attributive)
carsolino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Carso
carta {f} :: paper (the material)
carta {f} :: map
carta {f} :: menu
carta {f} :: card
carta abrasiva {f} :: sandpaper
carta assorbente {f} :: blotting paper
carta autocopiante {f} :: carbonless copy paper
carta carbone {f} :: carbon paper
cartacarbone {f} :: Variant of carta carbone
cartaccia {f} :: wastepaper
cartaceo {adj} /karˈta.t͡ʃe.o/ :: paper (attributive)
cartaceo {adj} :: papery
carta da filtro {f} :: filter paper
carta da gioco {f} [card games] :: A playing card
carta da lettere {f} :: writing paper, notepaper
carta da musica {f} [literally] :: music paper
carta da musica {f} :: alternative form of carta musica
carta da parati {f} :: wallpaper (decorative material)
carta dei vini {f} :: A wine list
carta di credito {f} :: A credit card
carta di debito {f} [finance] :: debit card
carta d'identità {f} :: An ID card, an identity card
carta di riso {f} :: rice paper
carta geografica {f} :: map
carta geografica {f} :: chart
Cartagine {prop} /karˈta.dʒi.ne/ :: Carthage
cartaginese {adj} /kar.ta.dʒiˈne.ze/ :: Carthaginian
cartaginese {mf} :: Carthaginian
cartagloria {f} :: altar card (used in the Tridentine mass)
carta igienica {f} :: toilet paper, bathroom tissue
cartaio {m} :: paper worker, manufacturer or dealer
carta millimetrata {f} :: graph paper, millimeter paper
cartamo {m} :: safflower
cartamodello {m} :: paper pattern (for a dress etc)
cartamoneta {f} :: paper money, bill, banknote
carta musica {f} :: A type of very thin, crisp flatbread from Sardinia
cartamusica {f} :: alternative spelling of carta musica
carta nautica {f} [nautical] :: navigational chart
carta pecora {f} :: alternative form of cartapecora
cartapecora {f} :: parchment, vellum
cartapesta {f} [usually uncountable] /ˌkar.taˈpe.sta/ :: papier-mâché (paper mixed with glue used to create sculptures)
cartario {m} :: collection of documents
cartario {adj} :: paper (attributive)
carta SIM {f} :: A SIM card
cartastraccia {f} :: waste paper
cartastraccia {f} :: scrap paper
cartasuga {f} :: blotting paper
cartata {f} :: As much as a cone or paper will hold
carta velina {f} :: tissue paper
carta velina {f} :: carbon paper
cartavetrante {v} :: present participle of cartavetrare
cartavetrare {vt} :: To sandpaper
carta vetrata {f} :: sandpaper
carteggiante {v} :: present participle of carteggiare
carteggiare {vt} :: to sandpaper
carteggiare {vi} [aeronautics, nautical] :: to plot
carteggiare {vt} :: to correspond
carteggio {m} :: correspondence, letters
cartella {f} :: folder, file
cartella {f} :: briefcase, schoolbag, satchel
cartella {f} [computing] :: folder
cartella {f} :: typewritten page
cartella {f} :: scorecard (bingo)
cartellata {f} [usually, in the plural] /kar.telˈla.ta/ :: A Christmas pastry, typical of Apulia, made from deep-fried curly ribbons of dough
cartelletta {f} :: binder (holder for papers)
cartelliera {f} :: filing cabinet
cartellina {f} :: folder, binder
cartellinante {v} :: present participle of cartellinare
cartellinare {vt} :: To label, to tag
cartellino {m} :: label, tag
cartellino {m} :: timesheet, timecard
cartellino {m} :: card
cartellino {m} [sports] :: contract
cartellino giallo {m} [sports] :: yellow card
cartellino rosso {m} [sports] :: red card
cartellista {m} :: Member of a cartel
cartellistico {adj} :: cartel (attributive)
cartello {m} :: sign, notice, placard, signboard
cartello {m} :: signpost, road sign
cartello {m} :: shop sign
cartello {m} [economics] :: cartel, syndicate
cartellone {m} :: poster, bill, billboard, placard
cartellone {m} [theatre] :: playbill, programme, bill
cartellonista {mf} [arts] :: poster artist
cartellonistica {f} :: poster designing
cartellonistica {f} :: signage
carter {m} :: chain guard (on a bicycle or motorcycle)
carter {m} :: oil sump (in a car)
cartesianamente {adv} :: In a Cartesian manner
cartesianesimo {m} [philosophy] :: Cartesianism
cartesianismo {m} :: Cartesianism
cartesiano {adj} :: Cartesian
Cartesio {prop} :: Descartes
cartevalori {fp} [finance] :: Securities (tradeable financial assets).W
carthusiano {adj} :: Carthusian
carticino {m} :: A sheet of printed paper folded to form four pages
cartiera {f} :: A paper mill, a paper factory
cartificio {m} :: paper mill, paper factory
cartiglia {f} :: low card (in a card game)
cartiglio {m} :: scroll, title block
cartiglio {m} :: cartouche
cartilagine {f} [anatomy] /kar.tiˈla.dʒi.ne/ :: cartilage, gristle
cartilagineo {adj} :: cartilaginous, gristly
cartilaginoso {adj} :: cartilaginous, gristly
cartina {f} :: A map or a small map
cartina {f} :: A cigarette paper, rolling paper
cartina tornasole {f} [chemestry] :: litmus paper
cartismo {m} :: Chartism
cartista {adj} :: Chartist
cartista {f} :: Chartist
carto- {prefix} :: Forms terms relating to paper or card/cards
cartocciata {f} :: bagful, bag (quantity)
cartoccio {m} :: paper bag
cartoccio {m} :: cornet (cone shaped container)
cartoccio {m} :: powder charge
cartografante {v} :: present participle of cartografare
cartografare {v} :: To map
cartografato {adj} :: mapped
cartografia {f} :: cartography
cartograficamente {adv} :: cartographically
cartografico {adj} :: cartographic
cartografo {m} :: cartographer
cartogramma {m} :: cartogram
cartolaia {f} :: female equivalent of cartolaio
cartolaio {m} :: stationer
cartolare {adj} :: securitized
cartolario {m} :: alternative spelling of cartulario
cartolarizzante {v} :: present participle of cartolarizzare
cartolarizzare {vt} :: to securitize
cartolarizzazione {f} :: securitization (of financial instruments)
cartoleria {f} :: stationer's (shop)
cartolibreria {f} :: stationer's shop that also sells books
cartolina {f} :: postcard
cartolina {f} :: attendance card; punchcard
cartomante {mf} :: fortuneteller
cartomantico {adj} :: fortune telling, cartomancy (attributive)
cartomanzia {f} :: cartomancy, fortune-telling
cartonaggio {m} :: cardboard packaging
cartonante {v} :: present participle of cartonare
cartonare {vt} :: To bind in paperboard
cartonato {adj} :: stiffened
cartonato {adj} :: hardback (book)
cartoncino {m} :: Thin cardboard
cartoncino {m} :: paperboard
cartoncino {m} :: card or ticket
cartone {m} :: cardboard, paperboard
cartone {m} :: carton, box
cartone {m} :: cartoon (an artist's preliminary sketch or an animated cartoon)
cartone animato {m} :: An animated cartoon, a cartoon
cartone ondulato {m} :: corrugated cardboard
cartonfeltro {m} :: bituminized felt
cartongessista {mf} /kar.ton.dʒesˈsi.sta/ :: one who makes works from plasterboard; plasterboarder
cartongesso {m} [usually uncountable] /kar.tonˈdʒɛs.so/ :: plasterboard (material)
cartonificio {m} :: cardboard factory
cartonista {mf} :: cartoonist
cartoteca {f} :: map collection
cartotecnica {f} :: paper industry
cartotecnica {f} :: female equivalent of cartotecnico
cartotecnico {adj} :: paper industry (attributive)
cartotecnico {m} :: worker in the paper industry
cartuccia {f} /karˈtut.t͡ʃa/ :: cartridge
cartuccia a salve {f} :: blank cartridge
cartucciera {f} /kar.tutˈt͡ʃɛ.ra/ :: cartridge box
cartulario {m} :: cartulary (all senses)
Carullo {prop} :: surname
caruncola {f} [anatomy, botany] /kaˈrun.ko.la/ :: caruncle
caruso {m} [Sicily] :: baby
Caruso {prop} :: surname
Caruso {prop} :: Enrico Caruso, Italian tenor
carvacrolo {m} [organic compound] :: carvacrol
carvi {m} :: caraway (Carum carvi)
casa {f} /ˈka.za/ :: house
casa {f} :: home
casa {f} :: family, dynasty, descent, stock, lineage, birth, origin
casa {f} :: homeland, fatherland
casa {f} [board games] :: square
casa {f} :: structure for public use
casa {f} :: structure for a collective or plurality or people
casa {f} :: place of religious gathering
casa {f} :: institution for punishment or corrections
casa {f} :: company, firm, shop
casa {f} [colloquial, euphemistic] :: brothel, whorehouse
casa a schiera {f} :: terraced house, rowhouse
casa barca {f} [nautical] :: houseboat
casa-barca {f} :: alternative spelling of casa barca
casa base {f} [baseball] :: home plate, home base
Casa Bianca {prop} :: the White House
casacca {f} :: coat, jacket
casaccio {m} :: chance (especially an unfortunate chance happening)
casa chiusa {f} [euphemistic] :: brothel
casa colonica {f} :: farmhouse - a square of buildings surrounding a courtyard (the aia)
casa costruttrice {f} :: manufacturer
casa da gioco {f} :: gambling house, gambling den
casa d'appuntamenti {f} :: brothel
Casadei {prop} :: surname
casa dello studente {f} :: hall of residence
casa di bambole {f} :: dollhouse
casa di correzione {f} :: house of correction
casa di cura {f} :: nursing home
casa di malaffare {n} :: brothel
casa di malaffare {n} :: house of ill fame
casa di moda {f} :: fashion house
casa di pena {f} :: prison
casa di piacere {f} :: brothel
casa di riposo {f} :: retirement home, rest home, nursing home
casa discografica {f} :: record company
casa discografica {f} :: record label (brand of a company that produces records)
casa di tolleranza {f} [euphemistic] :: (licensed) brothel, maison de tolérance
casa editrice {f} :: publishing house, publisher
casa farmaceutica {f} :: pharmaceutical company
casaforte {f} :: fortified house
casa generalizia {f} :: motherhouse
Casagrande {prop} :: surname
Casagrande {prop} :: An Italian publishing house
casa isolata {f} :: detached house
casa isolata {f} :: homestead
casalasco {adj} :: Of or from Casalmaggiore
casale {m} :: hamlet
casale {m} :: farmhouse
Casale {prop} :: surname
Casale {prop} :: (especially in combination) Any of several small Italian towns
Casaleggio {prop} :: surname
Casale Monferrato {prop} :: Casale Monferrato (town)
casalese {adj} /ka.zaˈle.se/ :: Of or pertaining to Casale Monferrato
casalese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Casalmaggiore
casalese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Casal di Principe
casalese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Casale Monferrato
casalese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Casalmaggiore
casalese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Casal di Principe
casalese {mf} [often in the plural] :: A member of a Camorra clan originally from Casal di Principe
casalinga {f} :: housewife
casalingo {adj} :: home, homely, house
casalingo {adj} :: homemade
casalingo {m} [humorous] :: househusband, house husband
casalingo {m} :: family man, family guy
Casalmaggiore {prop} :: Casalmaggiore (town)
Casalodi {prop} :: surname
casa madre {f} :: motherhouse
casamatta {f} [military] :: casemate
casamento {m} :: apartment building, tenement
casamicciola {f} :: disarray, confusion
casamobile {f} :: caravan, mobile home
casamobile {f} :: trailer (prefabricated home that could be towed to a new destination)
casanova {m} :: A great seducer
casarecce {f} :: A type of pasta in the form of short, narrow, twisted tubes
casareccio {adj} :: alternative spelling of casereccio
Casarin {prop} :: surname
casaro {m} :: dairyman
casata {f} /kaˈsa.ta/ :: noble family, house
casata {f} :: lineage
casato {m} :: family name
casba {f} :: casbah
cascame {m} :: waste (textile)
cascamorto {m} /kaskaˈmɔrto/ :: womanizer
cascamorto {m} :: lounge lizard
cascante {v} :: present participle of cascare
cascante {adj} :: drooping, droopy
cascare {vi} [familiar] :: to fall
cascare in piedi {v} :: alternative form of cadere in piedi
cascasse il mondo {v} :: no matter what
cascata {f} :: cascade, waterfall
cascata {f} [familiar, rare] :: fall
cascata {f} :: cascade (hairpiece for women)
cascatella {f} :: A small waterfall
cascatore {m} :: stand-in (film double for action shots)
cascherino {m} :: baker's delivery boy
caschetto {m} :: A form of protective headgear used in alpinism
caschetto {m} :: bob haircut, shingled hair
caschi il mondo {v} :: no matter what
cascina {f} [agriculture, Northern Italy] :: farmstead
cascinaia {f} :: female equivalent of cascinaio
cascinaio {m} :: farmer
cascinaio {m} :: dairyman
cascinale {m} [agriculture] :: farmhouse
cascinale {m} [agriculture] :: farmstead
cascinetta {f} :: Small farmstead
cascino {m} :: wooden cheese mould
cascinotto {m} :: small farmhouse
cascinotto {m} :: hut, shed
casciolongo {m} [mineral] /kaʃ.ʃoˈlɔn.ɡo/ :: cacholong (variety of opal)
casciotta {f} :: A form of caciotta from the province of Pesaro e Urbino
casciubico {m} :: Kashubian (language)
casciubo {adj} :: Kashubian
casco {m} :: helmet
casco {m} :: crash helmet
casco {m} :: hair dryer
casco {m} [collective] :: bunch (of bananas)
casco blu {m} :: blue beret, blue helmet (UN peacekeeper)
cascola {f} :: Premature dropping of fruit due to disease or other factors
cascolante {v} :: present participle of cascolare
cascolare {v} [of chestnuts] :: To ripen, open and fall from the tree
caseario {adj} :: dairy (attributive)
case a riscatto {m} :: cheap housing leased to assignees with a future sales agreement
caseggiato {m} :: block of flats [British], apartment block [US]
caseggiato {m} :: block (group of buildings)
caseificazione {f} :: cheese making
caseificio {m} :: dairy, cheese company
caseiforme {adj} :: cheeselike
caseina {f} [protein] :: casein
caseinato {m} :: caseinate
casella {f} :: box
casella {f} :: square (of a chess board)
casella {f} :: pigeonhole
Casella {prop} :: Casella (small town)
casella di spunta {f} :: tickbox, checkbox
casellante {m} :: signalman (railway)
casellante {m} :: level crossing keeper
casellante {m} :: toll collector (motorway)
casella postale {f} :: post office box
casellario {m} [office, furniture] :: filing cabinet [British], file cabinet [US], pigeonhole
casellario {m} :: records, indexes
Casellati {prop} :: surname
casellista {mf} :: Holder of a safe-deposit box or similar
casello {m} :: toll booth, tollgate, tollbar
casello {m} :: signal box
casentinese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Casentino
casentinese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Casentino
caseoso {adj} :: cheesy
casereccio {adj} :: homemade, home baked
casereccio {adj} [by extension] :: plain, simple
caserma {f} /kaˈzɛrma/ :: barracks
casermaggio {m} :: barracks furniture and fittings
casermesco {adj} :: barrack-like
casermetta {f} :: A subsection of a barracks
casermone {m} :: A large apartment building, a large tenement
Caserta {prop} :: Caserta (province)
Caserta {prop} :: Caserta (capital)
casertano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Caserta
casertano {adj} :: Of or relating to Caserta or the Caserta people
casetta {f} :: diminutive of casa
Casilino {prop} :: Casilino (district)
Casimiro {prop} :: Casimir
casina {f} :: diminutive of casa; little house
Casini {prop} :: surname
Casini {prop} :: Pier Ferdinando Casini, Italian politician
casinista {mf} :: hellraiser
casinista {mf} :: trouble maker
casino {m} /kaˈziː.no/ :: brothel
casino {m} :: mess
casino {m} :: hunting lodge
casino {m} :: casino
casino {m} :: a particular card game
casinò {m} /ka.ziˈnɔ/ :: alternative form of casino
Casio {prop} :: Casium (titular see in Lower Egypt in north Africa)
casista {m} :: casuist
casistica {f} :: survey
casistica {f} :: case report, case study, case mix
casistica {f} :: casuistry
casistico {adj} [legal] :: Based on case law
casistico {adj} :: casuistic
caso {m} :: chance, fate
caso {m} :: chance, coincidence, accident
caso {m} :: case, circumstance, matter, affair
caso {m} :: possibility, opportunity, alternative
caso {m} [grammar] :: case
casolare {m} :: cottage, farmhouse, homestead
caso mai {conj} :: alternative spelling of casomai
casomai {conj} :: in case, perhaps, maybe, possibly
casoncello {m} /ka.zonˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ :: a raviolo
casoncello {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: a dish of ravioli
Casoncello {prop} :: A place on the Bologna Apennines Loiano province Emilia-Romagna
casone {m} :: A type of peasant's house in the Veneto
casonseo {m} :: synonym of casoncello
caso obliquo {m} [grammar] :: oblique case
caso retto {m} [grammar] :: direct case
Casoria {prop} :: Casoria (town)
casotto {m} :: hut, cabin, shed
casotto {m} [obsolete] :: brothel
casotto {m} [figuratively] :: racket, fuss
casotto {m} [figuratively] :: mess
caspa {f} /ˈkas.pa/ :: stump (of a tree)
caspasi {f} [enzyme] :: caspase
caspio {adj} /ˈkas.pjo/ :: Caspian
caspio {interj} :: euphemistic form of cazzo
Caspio {adj} :: Caspian
caspita {interj} :: good heavens!
caspita {interj} :: for goodness' sake!
caspo {adj} /ˈkas.po/ :: alternative form of caspio
cassa {f} /ˈkas.sa/ :: case, crate, trunk
cassa {f} :: box
cassa {f} :: cash register, cash desk
cassa {f} :: fund (of money)
cassa {f} :: drum (music)
cassa acustica {f} :: loudspeaker (hi fi)
cassa armonica {f} [music] :: sound box, soundboard
cassa continua {f} :: night safe, night depository
cassa da morto {f} :: coffin
Cassa del Mezzogiorno {prop} :: A fund, set up in 1950, to stimulate the economy of southern Italy
cassa di risonanza {f} :: echo chamber
cassa di risonanza {f} [music] :: sound box, soundboard
cassa di risparmio {m} [finance] :: savings bank
cassaforma {f} :: mould (for a moulding)
cassaforte {f} :: safe
cassaforte notturna {f} :: night safe
cassaintegrato {adj} :: Variant of cassintegrato
cassaintegrato {m} :: Variant of cassintegrato
cassaintegrazione {f} :: redundancy (from work)
cassandra {f} :: storm petrel
Cassandra {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Cassandra
Cassandra {prop} :: given name
cassante {v} :: present participle of cassare
cassapanca {f} [furniture] /kas.saˈpan.ka/ :: settle (linen chest / seat)
Cassarà {prop} :: surname
cassare {vt} :: to delete; to cross out
cassare {vt} [by extension] :: to extinguish; to stamp out
cassare {vt} [law] :: to reverse; to overturn
cassare {vt} [rare] :: to remove [someone] from a role, job position, etc
cassata {f} /kasˈsa.ta/ :: cassata
cassata siciliana {f} :: cassata siciliana
cassatella {f} :: A deep-fried sweet type of ravioli from Trapani in Sicily
cassa toracica {f} [anatomy] :: rib cage
cassatorio {adj} [legal] :: cassation (attributive)
cassazione {f} [legal] :: cassation
cassazione {f} [music] :: cassation
cassazionista {adj} :: cassationist
cassazionista {adj} :: cassation (attributive)
casseretto {m} [nautical] :: poop deck
cassero {m} [nautical] /ˈkas.se.ro/ :: quarterdeck
cassero {m} [architecture, archaic] :: keep, donjon
casseruola {f} :: casserole [utensil], saucepan
casseruola del latte {f} :: A milk saucepan
cassetta {f} :: box, (small) case, crate
cassetta {f} :: cassette
cassetta di sicurezza {f} :: safe
cassetta di sicurezza {f} :: safe-deposit box, safety-deposit box
cassettiera {f} :: chest of drawers
cassettiera {f} :: dresser (furniture)
cassettino {m} :: A small drawer
cassettista {mf} :: Holder of a safe-deposit box
cassetto {m} :: drawer
cassettone {m} [furniture] :: chest of drawers, bureau, buro
cassettone {m} [architecture] :: coffer, caisson
cassida {f} [entomology] /ˈkas.si.da/ :: Any member of the Cassida taxonomic genus
cassida {f} [uncommon] :: alternative form of casside
cassida {f} /kasˈsi.da/ :: qasida (poem of Arabic origin)
cassida delle barbabietole {f} :: tortoise beetle (Cassida nebulosa)
cassida verde {f} :: green tortoise beetle (Cassida viridis)
casside {f} [historical, Ancient Rome] /ˈkas.si.de/ :: A metal helmet
casside {f} [zoology] :: synonym of cassidide
cassidico {adj} :: Chassidic, Hassidic
cassidide {m} /kasˈsi.di.de/ :: Any member of the Cassididae taxonomic genus
cassidismo {m} :: Chassidism, Hassidism
cassiera {f} /kasˈsjɛ.ra/ :: feminine equivalent of cassiere
cassiere {m} :: cashier
cassiere {m} :: teller
cassiere {m} :: check-out assistant (supermarket)
cassinato {adj} :: Of or from Cassino
cassinese {adj} :: Cassino / Monte Cassino (attributive)
cassino {m} :: A type of two-wheeled cart
Cassino {prop} :: Cassino (town)
cassintegrato {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or receiving monies from the cassa integrazione
cassintegrato {m} :: A person who receives monies from this fund
cassio {m} :: purple of Cassius
Cassio {prop} :: Cassius
Cassio {prop} :: given name
Cassiopea {prop} :: Cassiopeia
cassiopeio {m} [obsolete] :: cassiopeium
cassiterite {f} [mineral] :: cassiterite
casso {adj} [literary, obsolete] /ˈkas.so/ :: useless; fruitless
casso {adj} [literary, obsolete] :: deprived; devoid
casso {adj} [literary, obsolete] :: expelled or fired
casso {adj} [literary, obsolete] :: dejected; disheartened
casso {m} [obsolete] :: ribcage
casso {m} [obsolete, by extension] :: thorax
cassoeula {f} /ka(s)ˈsø.la/ :: A Lombard dish made from pork and cabbage
cassoeura {f} :: rare form of cassoeula
cassola {f} :: A delicate cheesecake, traditionally served in Rome at Christmas
cassone {m} :: augmentative of cassa; large chest or case
cassone {m} :: cofferdam, caisson, pontoon
cassone {m} :: skip (for waste), dumpster
cassone {m} :: truck dumping / tipping body
cassonetto {m} :: rubbish bin, wheelie bin [British], trash can [US]
cassonetto {m} :: skip [British], dumpster [US]
cassula {f} :: alternative form of capsula
cast {m} /kast/ :: cast (group of actors performing together)
casta {f} :: caste
casta {f} :: establishment; the exclusive class of powerful people thought to really rule Italy
castagna {f} /kasˈtaɲ.ɲa/ :: chestnut
castagnaccio {m} :: A typical Italian chestnut flour cake
castagna d'acqua {f} :: synonym of terranoce
castagnaio {m} :: chestnut grower, picker or seller
castagne del prete {m} :: roasted chestnuts
castagneto {m} :: chestnut wood (forest)
castagnetta {f} :: firecracker
castagnetta {f} :: snap of the fingers
castagnetta {f} [in the plural] :: castanets
castagno {m} :: chestnut tree
castagno {m} :: chestnut wood
castagnola {f} :: firecracker
castagnola {f} [zoology, ichthyology] :: damselfish, Mediterranean chromis
Castagnola {prop} :: Any of several villages throughout Italy
castalderia {f} :: stewardship
castaldo {m} :: steward
castaldo {m} :: land agent
castale {adj} :: caste (attributive)
castalio {adj} :: Castalian (inspired by the Muses)
castalio {adj} :: poetic
castamente {adv} :: chastely
castanese {adj} :: Of or from Castano Primo
castanicolo {adj} :: chestnut-growing (attribututive)
castanile {adj} :: Of or from Castanea
castano {adj} :: chestnut (colour)
castano {adj} :: said of hair, brown in colour
Castano Primo {prop} :: Castano Primo (town)
Casteggio {prop} :: Casteggio (town)
castel {m} :: apocopic form of castello
castelbuonese {adj} :: Of or from Castelbuono
castelbuonese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Catselbuono
casteldaccese {adj} :: Of or from Casteldaccia
casteldaccese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Casteldaccia
castellana {f} :: feminine noun of castellano
Castellana {prop} :: Any of several small towns in Italy
castellanese {adj} :: Of or from Castelsardo or Castellana
castellano {adj} /kastelˈlano/ :: castle (attributive)
castellano {m} :: lord of a castle; castellan
Castellanza {prop} :: Castellanza (town)
castellanzese {adj} :: Of or from Castellanza
castelletto {m} /kas.telˈlet.to/ :: diminutive of castello; a small castle
castelletto {m} [typography] :: A part of a composing stick used to adjust text justification
castelletto {m} :: scaffold, scaffolding
castelletto {m} [finance] :: line of credit
castelletto {m} [lotto] :: A registry where the amounts of money both gambled and won are noted
castelletto {m} [northern Italy] :: A small heap of walnuts or hazelnuts
Castelli {prop} :: surname
Castelli {prop} :: (often in combination) Any of several small Italian towns
castelliere {m} :: A Bronze Age fortified habitation on a hill, typically found in Istria
Castellitto {prop} :: surname
Castellitto {prop} :: Sergio Castellitto, Italian writer
castello {m} /kaˈst̪ɛl.lo/ :: castle
Castello {prop} :: Castello
castello di carte {m} :: house of cards
castellologia {f} [architecture] :: The study of castles and similar fortifications
Castelnuovo Berardenga {prop} :: Castelnuovo Berardenga (small town)
Castelrosso {prop} /kasˌtɛlˈros.so/ :: Castelrosso (island)
Castelrosso {prop} :: Castelrosso (village/and/frazione)
Castel Sant'Elmo {prop} :: A medieval fortress located on a hilltop near the Certosa di San Martino, overlooking Naples, Italy
Castelsardo {prop} :: Castelsardo (small town)
castigabile {adj} :: punishable
castigamatti {m} :: cudgel
castigamatti {m} :: martinet
castigante {v} :: present participle of castigare
castigare {vt} :: to punish, castigate, chasten, trounce
castigatamente {adv} :: chastely, soberly
castigatezza {f} :: faultlessness, sobriety, chasteness
castigato {adj} :: chasten, sober, pure
castigatore {m} :: chastiser, castigator, censurer, spanker
castigatrice {f} :: female equivalent of castigatore
castigazione {f} :: punishment
Castiglia {prop} :: Castile
castigliano {adj} :: Castilian
castigliano {m} :: Castilian (person)
castigliano {m} [masculine singular only] :: Castilian (language)
castiglion {m} :: apocopic form of castiglione
castiglione {m} [obsolete] /ka.stiʎˈʎo.ne/ :: castle, fortress; walled/fortified town
Castiglione {prop} /ka.stiʎˈʎo.ne/ :: The name of many towns in Italy
Castiglione {prop} :: surname
Castiglione {prop} :: Baldassare Castiglione, Italian diplomat and author
Castiglione della Pescaia {prop} :: Castiglione della Pescaia (small town)
castigo {m} :: punishment
casting {m} :: casting (selection of actors)
Castione {prop} :: Any of several villages throughout Italy
Castioni {prop} :: surname
castità {f} :: chastity
casto {adj} /ˈkas.to/ :: chaste
casto {adj} [by extension] :: pure, innocent, virtuous
castone {m} /kasˈto.ne/ :: collet, beazle (on a jewel)
castorchia {f} [regional] /kasˈtɔr.kja/ :: synonym of averla capirossa
castorchia bigiarella {f} :: synonym of averla piccola
castorchia tramontana {f} :: synonym of averla cenerina
Castore {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Castor
Castore {prop} [star] :: Castor
castoreo {m} :: castoreum
castorino {m} :: coypu
castorio {m} :: alternative spelling of castoreo
castoro {m} /kasˈtɔ.ro/ :: beaver (mammal)
castoro americano {m} :: American beaver
castoro di montagna {m} :: mountain beaver
castoro di montagna {m} :: boomer, Chehalis, mountain rat, sewellel, whistler
castoro europeo {m} :: European beaver, Eurasian beaver
castradina {f} :: A type of soup made from mutton and cabbage traditionally eaten in Venice on the feast of the Madonna della Salute
castrametazione {f} :: castrametation
castrante {v} :: present participle of castrare
castrare {vt} :: to castrate, geld, neuter
castrare {vt} :: to frustrate
castrato {adj} :: castrated, gelded, neutered
castrato {m} :: wether
castrato {m} :: mutton
castratoio {m} :: gelding or castrating knife or tool
castratore {m} :: castrator
castratura {f} :: castrating
castratura {f} :: gelding, spaying, neutering
castrazione {f} :: castration
castrense {adj} :: castrensian
castrica {f} [regional] /ˈkas.tri.ka/ :: synonym of culbianco
castrica {f} [regional] :: Vernacular name of various passerine birds of the family Laniidae:
castrica {f} :: synonym of averla capirossa
castrica {f} :: synonym of averla cenerina
castrica {f} :: synonym of averla piccola
castrice {f} /ˈkas.tri.t͡ʃe/ :: alternative form of castrica:
castrice {f} :: synonym of averla capirossa
castrice {f} :: synonym of averla cenerina
castrice {f} :: synonym of averla piccola
castrismo {m} :: Castrism
castrista {mf} :: Castroist
castrocchia {f} [regional] /kasˈtrɔk.kja/ :: synonym of averla cenerina
castrocchia {f} [regional] :: synonym of averla capirossa
castrocchia {f} [regional] :: synonym of averla piccola
castronaggine {f} :: foolishness, stupidity
castrone {m} :: gelding
castrone {m} :: wether
castrone {m} :: fool, blockhead
castroneria {f} :: rubbish, tosh
casuale {adj} :: accidental, chance [attributive], fortuitous, casual
casuale {adj} :: random
casualismo {m} :: casualism, fortuitism
casualità {f} :: chance
casualità {f} :: A chance happening
casualizzante {v} :: present participle of casualizzare
casualizzare {v} [computing] :: to randomize
casualmente {adv} :: by chance, casually, accidentally, by the way
casuario {m} :: cassowary
casuario australiano {m} :: southern cassowary or double-wattled cassowary
casuario di Bennett {m} :: dwarf cassowary or Bennett's cassowary
casuario uniappendicolato {m} :: northern cassowary or single-wattled cassowary
casuccia {f} :: diminutive of casa
casuccia {f} :: a small cosy house
casuccia {f} :: home
casuistica {f} :: casuistry
casula {f} :: chasuble
casupola {f} :: hovel, hut
casus belli {m} :: casus belli
cata- {prefix} :: cata- (all senses)
catabasi {f} :: katabasis (descent into the Underworld)
catabasi {f} :: retreat (military)
catabatico {adj} [meteorology] :: katabatic
catabolico {adj} [biochemistry] :: catabolic
catabolismo {m} [biochemistry] :: catabolism
catabolita {m} [biochemistry] :: catabolite
catabolito {m} [biochemistry] :: catabolite
catabolizzante {v} :: present participle of catabolizzare
catabolizzare {vt} [biochemistry] :: to catabolize
cataclasi {f} [geology] :: cataclasis
cataclastico {adj} [geology] :: cataclastic
cataclisma {m} :: cataclysm
cataclismo {adj} :: cataclysmic
catacomba {f} :: catacomb
catacombale {adj} :: catacomb (attributive)
catacresi {f} :: catachresis
catadiottrica {f} :: catadioptrics
catadiottrico {adj} :: catadioptric
catadiottro {m} :: A catadioptric lens or such an optical system
catadiottro {m} :: cat's eye (reflector)
catadromo {adj} [zoology, of a migratory fish] :: catadromous (going downstream)
catadromo {adj} [botany] :: catadromous (inflorescence starting from the bottom)
catafalco {m} :: catafalque (platform used to display or convey a coffin)
catafalco {m} :: hearse, bier
catafalco {m} [figurative, jocular] :: Something excessively voluminous or cumbersome
catafalco {m} :: stage (elevated platform for performances)
catafascio {m} :: wreck, ruin
catafora {f} :: cataphora
cataforesi {f} [physics, chemistry] :: cataphoresis (form of electrophoresis)
catafratta {f} [historical] /ka.taˈfrat.ta/ :: cataphract (defensive armor)
catafratto {adj} /ka.taˈfrat.to/ :: covered in armor
catafratto {m} [historical, military] :: cataphract
Catai {prop} /kaˈtai/ :: Cathay (historical name of northern China)
catalana {f} :: female equivalent of catalano
catalanità {f} :: Catalanness (identification with Catalan values and customs)
catalano {adj} :: Catalan
catalano {m} :: Catalan
Catalano {prop} :: surname
catalasi {f} [enzyme] :: catalase
Cataldo {prop} :: given name
catalessi {f} [pathology] :: catalepsy
catalessi {f} :: catalexis
catalessia {f} :: alternative spelling of catalessi
catalettico {adj} :: cataleptic
cataletto {m} :: coffin
cataletto {m} :: stretcher
cataletto {m} :: bier
cataletto {adj} :: catalectic
catalisi {f} [chemistry] :: catalysis
cataliticamente {adv} :: catalytically
catalitico {adj} /ka.taˈli.ti.ko/ :: catalytic
catalizzante {v} :: present participle of catalizzare
catalizzare {vt} :: to catalyse
catalizzato {adj} :: catalyzed
catalizzatore {m} :: catalyst
catalizzatore {adj} :: catalytic
catalizzazione {f} :: catalysis
catalogabile {adj} :: listable
catalogabilità {f} :: listability
catalogante {v} :: present participle of catalogare
catalogare {vt} :: to catalogue
catalogare {vt} :: to list
catalogatore {m} :: cataloguer / cataloger
catalogazione {f} :: cataloging / cataloguing
cataloghista {mf} :: cataloguer / cataloger
catalogico {adj} :: catalogue (attributive)
catalogna {f} :: A variety of chicory used in some regional dishes
Catalogna {prop} :: Catalogna (autonomous community)
catalogo {m} /kaˈta.lo.ɡo/ :: catalogue, catalog
catalogo {m} :: list
catalografico {adj} :: cataloguing (attributive)
catalpa {f} :: catalpa
catamarano {m} :: catamaran
catana {f} /kaˈta.na/ :: A type of short-barreled pistol used in Corsica
catana {f} [regional] :: A hunting jacket
catana {f} [regional] :: The large pocket in the back of such a jacket
catana {f} [regional] :: game bag
catana {f} :: alternative spelling of katana
catanese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Catania
catanese {adj} :: Of or relating to Catania or the Catania people
Catania {prop} :: Catania (metropolitan city)
Catania {prop} :: Catania (capital city)
catanzarese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Catanzaro (town in southern Italy)
catanzarese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Catanzaro
catanzarese {m} :: the local dialect of Catanzaro
Catanzaro {prop} :: Catanzaro (town/and/province)
catapano {m} :: catepan
catapecchia {f} :: hovel, shanty
cataplasma {m} :: poultice
cataplessia {f} :: cataplexy
cataplettico {adj} :: cataplectic
cataptosi {f} [biology] :: cataptosis (cell death)
catapulta {f} :: catapult
catapulta {f} :: staff sling
catapultabile {adj} :: ejection (attributive)
catapultamento {m} :: catapulting
catapultamento {m} :: A shot from a catapult
catapultante {v} :: present participle of catapultare
catapultantesi {v} :: present participle of catapultarsi
catapultare {vt} :: To catapult
catapultarsi {vr} :: To throw oneself
catapultatosi {v} :: past participle of catapultarsi
cataratta {f} [pathology, waterfall] :: cataract
cataratta {f} :: sluice
cataratta {f} :: waterfall
catarifrangente {adj} /ka.ta.ri.franˈd͡ʒɛn.te/ :: reflecting
catarifrangente {m} :: reflector, cat's-eye
catarismo {m} :: Catharism
cataro {adj} :: Cathar (attributive)
cataro {m} :: Cathar
catarometro {m} :: katharometer
catarrale {adj} :: catarrhal
catarratto {m} :: A white grape variety from Sicily
catarrina {f} :: Catarrhine monkey (of taxon Catarrhini)
catarro {m} [pathology] :: catarrh, phlegm
catarro {m} :: mucus
catarroso {adj} :: catarrhal
catarsi {f} :: catharsis
catarsi {f} :: purification, redemption
catarticamente {adv} :: cathartically
catartico {adj} :: cathartic
catasta {f} :: pile, stack
catastale {adj} :: cadastral, land registry (attributive)
catastalmente {adv} :: in the land registry, at the land registry
catastazione {f} :: land registration
catastematico {adj} /ka.tas.teˈma.ti.ko/ :: katastematic
catasterismo {m} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology] /ka.tas.teˈris.mo/ :: catasterism
catasto {m} :: cadastre, land register, land registry
catastrofale {adj} :: catastrophic
catastrofe {f} :: catastrophe, disaster
catastrofe imminente {f} :: the writing is on the wall
catastroficamente {adv} :: catastrophically
catastrofico {adj} :: catastrophic, disastrous
catastrofico {adj} :: pessimistic (forecast or person)
catastrofismo {m} :: catastrophe theory
catastrofismo {m} :: Excessive pessimism
catastrofismo {m} :: disaster movie
catastrofista {adj} :: very pessimistic
catastrofista {mf} :: pessimist, doomsayer, catastrophist
catastrofistico {adj} :: catastrophistic
catatonia {f} :: catatonia
catatonico {adj} :: catatonic
catechesi {f} :: catechesis
catechina {f} [organic compound] :: catechin
catechismo {m} :: catechism
catechista {mf} :: catechist
catechizzante {v} :: present participle of catechizzare
catechizzare {vt} :: to catechize
catechizzare {vt} :: to try to persuade
catechizzare {vt} :: to lecture, preach (at)
catechizzatore {m} :: catechizer
catechizzazione {f} :: catechization, indoctrination
catecolamina {f} [organic chemistry] :: catecholamine
catecolammina {f} [organic compound] :: alternative form of catecolamina
catecolo {m} [organic compound] :: catechol
catecù {m} :: catechu
catecù {m} :: cachou
catecù {m} :: cutch
catecumenale {adj} :: catechumenal
catecumenato {m} :: catechumen
catecumeno {m} :: catechumen
categoria {f} /ka.te.ɡoˈria̯/ :: category, topic
categoria {f} :: class
categoriale {adj} :: categorial
categoricamente {adv} :: categorically, flatly
categoricità {f} :: categoricalness
categorico {adj} :: categorical, flat, absolute
categorizzante {v} :: present participle of categorizzare
categorizzare {v} :: to categorize
categorizzato {adj} :: categorized
categorizzazione {f} :: categorization
catello {m} [literary] /kaˈtɛl.lo/ :: little dog
catello {m} [literary] :: the baby of other animals
catena {f} :: chain
catena {f} :: bond, fetter; subordination, repression
catena {f} :: tie, cord, bond
catena {f} :: tether (a rope, cable etc. that holds something in place whilst allowing some movement)
catena alimentare {f} [ecology] :: food chain
catenaccio {m} /ka.teˈnat.̚tʃo/ :: a bolt (for a door)
catenaccio {m} [football] :: a system of play in which defence is strengthened so much that little attacking play is possible
catena da neve {f} :: snow chain
catena montuosa {f} :: mountain range, mountain chain
catenaria {f} [mathematics] :: catenary
catenaria {f} :: caterpillar track
Catenazzi {prop} :: surname
catenella {f} :: Small or thin chain
catenella {f} :: watch chain
catenina {f} :: diminutive of catena
catenina {f} :: A small, fine chain; especially a decorative one
catenoide {f} [mathematics] :: catenoid
catepsina {f} [protein] :: cathepsin
cateratta {f} :: Variant of cataratta
Caterina {prop} :: given name
caterva {f} :: multitude
catetere {m} [medicine] :: catheter
cateterismo {m} [medicine] :: catheterization
cateterizzante {v} :: present participle of cateterizzare
cateterizzare {vt} :: to catheterize
cateto {m} [geometry] :: cathetus
Catilina {prop} /ka.tiˈli.na/ :: Catiline (Lucius Sergius Catilina)
catilinaria {f} /ka.ti.liˈna.rja/ :: Any one of Cicero's four orations against Catilina
catilinaria {f} [literary] :: bitter invective
catilinario {adj} /ka.ti.liˈna.rjo/ :: Catilinarian
catilinario {adj} [figurative] :: violent, grim, cruel
catilinario {m} [rare] :: conspirator, plotter
catinella {f} :: basin
catino {m} :: basin
catino {m} :: dome, cupola
catione {m} [chemistry, physics] :: cation
cationico {adj} :: cationic
catiuscia {f} :: alternative spelling of katiuscia
catodico {adj} [physics] :: cathodic
catodo {m} :: cathode
catodofono {m} :: kathodophone
Caton {prop} :: medieval spelling of Catone
catone {m} [often ironic] /kaˈto.ne/ :: One who is austere and of strict conduct; martinet
Catone {prop} /kaˈto.ne/ :: Cato, chiefly referring to:
Catone {prop} :: Cato the Elder (234 ca. BC–149 BC)
Catone {prop} :: Cato the Younger (95 BC–46 BC)
Catone {prop} :: given name
catoneggiare {v} /ka.to.nedˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: To show austerity and moral strictness
catorcio {m} :: banger (old, unreliable car)
catorcio {m} :: crock
catorcio {m} :: contraption
catottrico {adj} :: catoptric
catottromanzia {f} :: catoptromancy
catramante {v} :: present participle of catramare
catramare {vt} :: to tar
catramatrice {f} :: tar sprayer (road making)
catramatura {f} :: tarring (road making)
catrame {m} :: tar, coal tar
catramoso {adj} :: tarry
Cattaneo {prop} [chiefly Northern Italy, Central Italy] /katˈta.ne.o/ :: surname
cattarino {adj} :: Of or from Cattaro
Cattaro {prop} :: Cattaro (city)
cattedra {f} /ˈkat.ted.ra/ :: desk [of a teacher]
cattedra {f} :: throne [in a church, for use by a bishop or pope]
cattedra {f} :: chair, professorship [teaching post in a university]
cattedra {f} [archaic] :: chair
cattedrale {f} /katːeˈdrale/ :: cathedral
cattedrante {mf} :: pedantic professor
cattedraticamente {adv} :: pedantically
cattedratico {adj} :: university (attributive)
cattedratico {adj} [pejorative] :: pedantic
cattedratico {m} :: professor
cattedratico {m} [historical] :: tax paid annually to the bishop of a church
cattivamente {adv} :: wickedly, naughtily
cattivello {adj} :: mischievous, naughty
cattiveria {f} :: wickedness, nastiness, spite
cattiveria {f} :: naughtiness
cattivissimo {adj} :: superlative of cattivo
cattività {f} :: captivity (especially of an animal)
cattivo {adj} /katˈti.vo/ :: bad
cattivo {adj} :: wicked, naughty
cattivo {m} :: villain
cattocomunista {adj} :: Catholic Communist (attributive)
cattocomunista {mf} :: Catholic Communist
cattolica {f} :: female equivalent of cattolico
Cattolica {prop} :: Cattolica (small town)
cattolicamente {adv} :: Catholically
cattolicesimo {m} :: Catholicism
cattolicissimo {adj} :: superlative of cattolico
cattolicità {f} :: catholicity
cattolicità {f} :: Catholics (as a group)
cattolicizzante {v} :: present participle of cattolicizzare
cattolicizzare {vt} :: to catholicize
cattolico {adj} :: Catholic
cattolico {m} :: Catholic
cattura {f} :: capture
catturabile {adj} :: capturable
catturante {v} :: present participle of catturare
catturare {vt} :: to capture or catch
catturatore {adj} :: catching, capturing (attributive)
catturatore {m} :: catcher, capturer
catuba {f} [musical instrument] :: bass drum
Catullo {prop} :: Catullus
caucasico {adj} :: Caucasian
caucasico {m} :: Caucasian
Caucaso {prop} :: Caucasus
caucciù {m} :: natural rubber, latex, caoutchouc
caudale {adj} :: caudal (all senses)
caudalmente {adv} :: caudally
caudatario {m} :: train-bearer
caudato {adj} :: caudate
caudato {adj} :: caudal
caudillismo {m} :: caudillismo
caudillista {adj} :: caudillo, caudillismo (attributive)
caudino {adj} :: Caudine
Caudio {prop} /ˈkau̯.djo/ :: alternative form of Caudium
Caudium {prop} /ˈkau̯.djum/ :: An ancient town on the Appian Way between Benevento and Capua
caudotomia {f} :: caudectomy
caule {m} [botany] :: stem (of a herbaceous plant)
caulerpa {f} /kau̯ˈlɛr.pa/ :: A type of seaweed
caulinare {adj} [botany] :: cauline
causa {f} :: cause
causa {f} [law] :: lawsuit
causale {adj} /kau̯ˈza.le/ :: causal
causale {f} :: reason [for a payment]
causalismo {m} [philosophy] /kau̯.zaˈlis.mo/ :: causalism
causalista {mf} /kau̯.zaˈlis.ta/ :: causalist
causalista {adj} :: synonym of causalistico: pertaining to causalism
causalistico {adj} /kau̯.zaˈlis.ti.ko/ :: Of or pertaining to causalism
causalità {f} :: causality
causalmente {adv} :: causally
causante {v} :: present participle of causare
causare {vt} :: to cause
causa scatenante {f} :: root cause
causativo {adj} :: causative
causatore {m} [rare] /kau̯.zaˈto.re/ :: Someone or something that causes or produces an effect; causer [male]
causatrice {f} [rare] /kau̯.zaˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: female equivalent of causatore
causa ultima {f} :: root cause
causazione {f} [rare] /kau̯.zatˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: causation
causerie {f} :: A light and polite conversation
causeur {m} :: converser
causeur {m} :: One who can converse elegantly
causeuse {f} :: feminine noun of causeur
causeuse {f} :: love seat, tête-à-tête (sofa)
causidico {adj} :: causidical
causidico {m} :: causidic, attorney
caustica {f} [mathematics] :: caustic
causticamente {adv} :: caustically
causticazione {f} [medicine] :: cauterization
causticità {f} :: causticity
causticità {f} :: mordacity
caustico {adj} :: caustic
caustico {adj} :: [figuratively] scathing
caustificazione {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: caustification
cautamente {adv} /kau̯.taˈmen.te/ :: cautiously
cautela {f} :: caution, care
cautela {f} :: precaution
cautelante {v} :: present participle of cautelare
cautelantesi {v} :: present participle of cautelarsi
cautelare {adj} :: precautionary
cautelare {v} :: to protect
cautelarmente {adv} :: in a precautionary manner; as a precaution
cautelarsi {v} :: reflexive of cautelare
cautelarsi {vr} :: to arm or protect oneself
cautelarsi {vr} :: to insure oneself
cautelativamente {adv} :: in a precautionary manner; as a precaution
cautelativo {adj} [legal] :: precautionary
cautelatosi {v} :: past participle of cautelarsi
cauteloso {adj} :: cautious
cauterio {m} /kau̯ˈtɛ.rjo/ :: cautery
cauterio {m} :: cauterization
cauterizzante {v} :: present participle of cauterizzare
cauterizzare {vt} :: To cauterize
cauterizzazione {f} :: cauterization
cauto {adj} /ˈkau̯.to/ :: prudent, cautious, sly
cauzionale {adj} :: cautionary
cauzionale {adj} :: security (attributive)
cauzionante {v} :: present participle of cauzionare
cauzionare {v} [legal] :: To pay bail (or similar legal guarantee)
cauzione {f} [law] /kau̯tˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: security, guarantee
cauzione {f} :: bail, bail bond
cav. {n} :: abbreviation of cavaliere
cava {f} :: quarry, mine
cavachiodi {m} :: nail puller, crowbar
cavadenti {m} :: tooth drawer
cavagna {f} :: basket
cavagno {m} :: A kind of basket
cavalcabile {adj} :: rideable
cavalcaferrovia {m} :: A railway flyover
cavalcante {v} :: present participle of cavalcare
cavalcante {adj} :: ridden
cavalcante {m} :: postilion
Cavalcanti {prop} :: surname
Cavalcanti {prop} :: An ancient Florentine family
cavalcare {vit} :: to ride [a horse]
cavalcare {vt} [figurative, by extension] :: to sit astride on
cavalcare {vt} [archaic, by extension] :: to pass by [a place] with a horse
cavalcare {vt} :: to take advantage of [a situation created by someone else]; to be opportunistic; to ride the wave
cavalcare {vt} [figurative] :: to span (to traverse the distance between, of a bridge etc.)
cavalcare {vt} [vulgar, slang] :: to make, have (sexually)
cavalcata {f} :: ride
cavalcata {f} :: cavalcade
cavalcatore {m} :: rider
cavalcatrice {f} :: female equivalent of cavalcatore
cavalcatura {f} :: mount
cavalcavia {m} :: A flyover, an overpass
cavalcioni {p} :: only used in a cavalcioni
cavalierato {m} :: Sir (title of a knight)
cavaliere {m} :: rider or horseman
cavaliere {m} :: cavalryman or trooper
cavaliere {m} :: an escort or partner
cavaliere {m} :: a knight
cavaliere {m} :: a gentleman
cavaliere d'Italia {m} :: black-winged stilt
cavalierino {m} :: rider (on a balance)
cavalierino {m} :: tab (in a filing cabinet etc)
cavalier servente {m} :: synonym of cicisbeo
cavalla {f} :: mare (female horse)
cavallaio {m} :: groom (person who cares for horses), hostler
cavallaio {m} :: merchant of horses
cavallaro {m} [regional] :: alternative form of cavallaio
cavallaro {m} [obsolete] :: messenger
cavalleggero {m} :: light cavalryman
cavallerescamente {adv} :: chivalrously
cavalleresco {adj} :: knightly
cavalleresco {adj} [figurative, by extension] :: chivalrous, noble
cavalleria {f} :: cavalry
cavalleria {f} :: chivalry
cavalleria {f} :: gallantry
cavallerizza {f} :: riding school
cavallerizza {f} :: horse riding
cavallerizzo {m} :: circus rider
cavallerizzo {m} :: riding instructor
cavalletta {f} :: grasshopper
cavalletta {f} :: locust
cavalletto {m} :: tripod
cavalletto {m} :: easel
cavalletto {m} :: kickstand
cavalletto {m} :: trestle
cavallina {f} :: mare
cavallina {f} :: leapfrog
cavallina {f} :: vaulting horse
cavallino {adj} :: horsy
cavallino {adj} :: horse (attributive)
cavallino {m} :: colt, foal, young or small horse
cavallino {m} :: pony
cavallino {m} :: prancing horse (symbol of Ferrari)
cavallino {m} :: haircalf
cavallo {m} /kaˈvalːo/ :: horse
cavallo {m} :: horsepower [unit of measure]
cavallo {m} [chess] :: knight
cavallo {m} :: crotch, fork
cavallo {m} :: seat (of trousers)
cavallo a dondolo {m} :: rocking horse
cavallo da corsa {m} :: racehorse
cavallo da tiro {m} :: draught horse, draft horse
cavallo di battaglia {m} [idiomatic] :: forte, strong suit, strong point, flagship product/piece of art
cavallo di Troia {m} :: Trojan horse (wooden horse used by the Greeks; subversive thing or person)
cavallone {m} :: stallion
cavallone {m} [familiar, figurative, by extension] :: big or tall, but agile, person, typically a tall woman
cavallone {m} :: roller, breaker (type of wave)
cavallo vapore {m} :: horsepower
cavalluccio {m} :: small horse
cavalluccio {m} :: A traditional anise cookie from Siena typically consumed at Christmas
cavalluccio di legno {m} [toy] :: hobby horse
cavalluccio marino {m} :: seahorse
cavana {f} [nautical] :: A covered shelter for boats (typical of Venice and the Veneto)
Cavanna {prop} :: surname
cavante {v} :: present participle of cavare
cavantesela {v} :: present participle of cavarsela
cavantesi {v} :: present participle of cavarsi
cavare {vt} :: to take out, pull out, or extract forcefully
cavare {vt} :: to take off [an article of clothing]
cavare {vt} :: (with da) to get or obtain (from)
cavare {vt} :: to profit
cavare {vt} :: to deduce or come to a conclusion
cavare {vt} [familiar] :: to deduct or subtract
cavare le castagne dal fuoco {v} [idiomatic] :: to pull someone's bacon out of the fire, pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire
cavare sangue da una rapa {v} :: to get blood out of a stone
cavare un ragno dal buco {v} [idiomatic] :: to jump to conclusions
Cavargna {prop} :: Cavargna (village) in a mountain valley of the same name
cavargnone {adj} :: Of or from Cavargna
cavarsi {v} :: reflexive of cavare
cavarsi {vr} :: to satisfy a need or a want; to quench one's thirst (for something)
cavarsi {vr} :: to get out [of trouble, danger, etc.], to free oneself of, to get rid of
cavarsi gli occhi {vt} [hyperbolic, idiomatic] :: to kill (punish severely)
cavarsi gli occhi {vt} [idiomatic] :: to strain one's eyes from analyzing a text or doing precision work
cavarsi un dente {v} [idiomatic] :: to resolve a difficult or troublesome problem
cavastivali {m} :: bootjack
cavatappi {m} :: corkscrew
cavatappi {m} :: A type of pasta in the form of spiral macaroni
cavatasela {v} :: past participle of cavarsela
cavatore {m} :: quarryman
cavatosi {v} :: past participle of cavarsi
cavatrice {f} :: mortising machine
cavatura {f} :: extraction, excavation
cavatura {f} :: ditch, hollow
cavaturaccioli {m} :: corkscrew
cavazione {f} :: disengagement (in fencing)
cavea {f} /ˈka.ve.a/ :: The seats in ancient theatres and amphitheatres
caveau {m} /kaˈvo/ :: vault (secure, enclosed area used to store valuables)
cavedagna {f} :: headland (at the edge of a field)
cavedagna {f} :: greenway (rural path)
cavedano {m} /kaˈve.da.no/ :: European chub (Squalius cephalus)
cavedine {f} /kaˈve.di.ne/ :: alternative form of cavedano
cavedio {m} /kaˈvɛd.jo/ :: (inner) courtyard
cavedio {m} :: cavaedium
caveola {f} :: caveola
caverna {f} :: cave, cavern
cavernicola {f} :: female equivalent of cavernicolo
cavernicolo {adj} :: cavernicolous
cavernicolo {m} :: cave dweller, caveman
cavernosamente {adv} :: cavernously, deeply, hollowly
cavernosità {f} :: hollowness
cavernosità {f} :: cavern
cavernoso {adj} :: cavernous
cavernoso {adj} :: deep, hollow (voice, sound)
cavernoso {adj} :: cavernosum
cavetto {m} :: lead, cable (electrical)
cavezza {f} :: halter
cavia {f} /ˈkav.ja/ :: guinea pig
cavia brasiliana {f} [zoology] :: synonym of aperea
caviale {m} :: caviar
cavicchia {f} :: bolt
cavicchio {m} :: dowel (wooden pin)
cavicchio {m} :: dibble
cavicchio {m} :: toggle
caviciunetta {f} :: synonym of cagionetto
cavidotto {m} :: cable duct
caviglia {f} :: ankle
caviglia {f} :: pin, peg
cavigliatoio {m} :: spindle
cavigliera {f} :: anklet
cavigliera {f} [nautical] :: belaying rack (rack for belaying pins)
cavigliere {m} [music] :: pegbox (of a violin etc)
cavillante {v} :: present participle of cavillare
cavillare {vi} :: to quibble, or split hairs
cavillatore {m} :: quibbler
cavillazione {f} :: cavillation
cavillo {m} :: quibble
cavillo {m} :: loophole
cavillosamente {adv} :: captiously, quibblingly
cavillosità {f} :: captiousness
cavilloso {adj} :: quibbling, captious
cavità {f} :: hollow; cavity
cavità {f} [anatomy] :: cavity
cavitante {v} :: present participle of cavitare
cavità orbitale {f} [skeleton] :: eye socket
cavità orbitaria {f} [skeleton] :: eye socket
cavitare {vi} :: to cavitate
cavitazione {f} :: cavitation (all senses)
cavo {adj} :: hollow
cavo {m} :: hollow, cavity
cavo {m} :: cable
cavo {m} :: rope
cavo {m} :: wire
cavo {m} :: hawser
cavobuono {m} [nautical] /ka.voˈbwɔ.no/ :: hoist
cavo di fissaggio {m} :: tie rod
cavo di fissaggio {m} :: guy-wire, guy rope
cavo elettrico {n} :: wire
cavolaia {f} :: cabbage butterfly
cavolaia {f} :: cabbage bed, cabbage patch, cabbage field
cavolaia maggiore {f} :: large white (insect)
cavolaia minore {f} :: small white (insect)
cavolaio {m} :: cabbage bed, cabbage patch
cavolaio {m} :: cabbage field
cavolata {f} :: rubbish, foolishness, stupidity
cavolata {f} :: garbage
cavoletti di Bruxelles {m} :: Brussels sprouts
cavoletto {m} :: small cabbage
cavoletto di Bruxelles {m} :: Brussels sprout
cavolfiore {m} :: cauliflower
cavolino {m} :: small cabbage
cavolino di Bruxelles {m} :: Brussels sprout
cavolo {m} /ˈka.vo.lo/ :: cabbage
cavolo {m} [intensifier] :: euphemistic form of cazzo; the deuce, the dickens
cavolo cappuccio {m} :: white cabbage
cavolo cappuccio {m} :: spring greens
cavolo cinese {m} :: Chinese cabbage, bok choy
cavolo di Bruxelles {m} :: Brussels sprout
cavolo di Pechino {m} :: napa cabbage
cavolo nero {m} :: kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala, edible plant similar to cabbage)
cavolo nero {m} [specifically] :: cavolo nero (Tuscan cultivar of kale)
cavolo rapa {m} :: kohlrabi
cavolo riccio {m} :: curly kale
cavolo riscaldato {m} [figurative] /ˈka.vo.lo ris.kalˈda.to/ :: something old, outdated or obsolete displayed as if it were new
cavolo riscaldato {m} :: See: it cavolo riscaldato
cavolo rosso {m} :: red cabbage
cavolo verzetto {m} :: Savoy cabbage
Cavone {prop} :: Cavone (river)
Cavour {prop} :: Cavour (small town)
Cavour {prop} :: Camillo Benso, conte di Cavour, Italian statesman in the movement towards Italian unification
cavouriano {adj} :: Of or relating to Cavour
cazaro {adj} :: Khazarian
cazzabubbolo {m} :: blockhead (stupid person)
cazzante {v} :: present participle of cazzare
cazzare {vt} [nautical] :: to frap
cazzarola {f} :: Variant of casseruola
cazzarola {interj} :: An indication of annoyance
cazzata {f} [vulgar] :: crap, bullshit, shit, rubbish, gibberish, garbage, nonsense, malarkey
cazzata {f} [vulgar] :: stupid fucking thing; fuckup, brain fart
cazzeggiante {v} :: present participle of cazzeggiare
cazzeggiare {vi} [slang, vulgar] :: to fuck around, mess around, piss about or waste time
cazzeggiare {vi} [slang, vulgar] :: to bullshit, to talk bullshit
cazzeggio {m} [slang, vulgar] :: the act of fucking around
cazziante {v} :: present participle of cazziare
cazziare {vt} :: To give someone a mouthful (tirade of abusive language)
cazziata {f} [vulgar] :: row, quarrel, shouting match, slanging match
cazziata {f} :: earful, reprimand, castigation, telling off
cazziatone {m} :: mouthful (severe talking to)
cazziatone {m} :: earful, reprimand, castigation or telling off
cazzimma {f} :: opportunistic and cynical use of stratagems
cazzimma {f} :: malice, wickedness done for the sake of it
cazzimma {f} :: determined or even aggressive behavior, favorably interpreted as an expression of strength and personality
cazzimperio {m} /kat.tsimˈpɛ.rjo/ :: alternative form of cacimperio
cazzo {m} [vulgar] /ˈkat.t͡so/ :: dick, cock, prick
cazzo {m} :: [un cazzo] shit [US], jackshit [US], sod all [UK], bugger all [UK]
cazzo {m} [in the plural, followed by a possessive pronoun] :: business, affair
cazzo {interj} :: fuck!, shit! (expressing frustration, surprise, or anger)
cazzo {interj} :: Used as an intensifier, often replacing cosa or che, similar to "what the fuck"
cazzo {interj} :: good grief
cazzo {interj} :: my ass!
cazzo di {adj} [vulgar] :: fucking (used an an intensifier)
cazzola {f} :: alternative form of cazzuola
cazzone {m} :: A stupid person
cazzottante {v} :: present participle of cazzottare
cazzottantesi {v} :: present participle of cazzottarsi
cazzottare {v} :: synonym of scazzottare
cazzottarsi {v} :: Variant of scazzottarsi
cazzottatosi {v} :: past participle of cazzottarsi
cazzotto {m} /katˈt͡sɔt.to/ :: punch (in boxing etc)
cazzuola {f} /katˈtswɔ.la/ :: trowel (mason's tool)
cazzuola {f} :: float (plasterer's tool)
cazzuto {adj} [vulgar] :: ballsy, tough, fly, witty, sly
Cb. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of contrabasso
c/c {n} :: abbreviation of conto corrente
CdA {n} :: abbreviation of Consiglio di amministrazione
ce {pron} :: alternative form of ci
ce {adv} :: here
cebano {adj} :: Of or from Ceva
cebo {m} :: capuchin (monkey)
cecale {adj} :: caecal
cecamente {adv} /ˈt͡ʃe.kaˈmɛn.te/ :: alternative form of ciecamente
cecare {vt} [archaic, regional] :: to blind
cecare {vt} [archaic, regional] :: to darken, to obscure
cecare {vt} [archaic, regional] :: to block, to wall up
cecare {vt} [archaic, regional] :: to countersink
cecato {adj} :: blind
Cecchina {prop} :: Cecchina (small town)
cecchinaggio {m} /t͡ʃek.kiˈnad.d͡ʒo/ :: sniping (act of shooting from a concealed place)
cecchino {m} /t͡ʃekˈki.no/ :: sniper
Cecco {prop} /ˈt͡ʃek.ko/ :: given name
cece {m} :: chickpea [British], garbanzo [US]
cecena {f} :: feminine noun of ceceno
Cecenia {prop} :: Cecenia (republic)
ceceno {adj} :: Chechen
ceceno {m} :: Chechen
ceceno {m} :: the Chechen language
Cechia {prop} [rare] :: Czechia
cechità {f} :: Variant of cecità
Ceci {prop} :: surname
cecidio {m} :: gall (of a plant); cecidium
cecidiologia {f} [botany] :: the study of galls
Cecilia {prop} :: given name
Cecilio {prop} :: Cecil
Cecina {prop} :: Cecina (town)
Cecina {prop} :: Cecina (river)
cecinese {adj} :: Of or from Cecina
cecio {m} :: chickpea
cecità {f} /t͡ʃe.t͡ʃiˈta/ :: blindness
ceco {adj} /ˈt͡ʃɛ.ko/ :: Czech
ceco {m} :: Czech
ceco {m} :: clipping of cecoslovacco - Czechoslovak
ceco {m} [singular only] :: The Czech language
cecoslovacca {f} :: feminine noun of cecoslovacco
Cecoslovacchia {prop} :: Czechoslovakia
cecoslovacco {adj} :: Czechoslovak
cecoslovacco {m} :: Czechoslovak
cecropio {adj} :: Athenian
cecubo {m} :: A red wine from Lazio
cecuziente {adj} :: almost blind, or having a significant eyesight disability
c'è del marcio in Danimarca {phrase} [aphorism] /ˈtʃɛ ddel ˈmar.tʃo in da.niˈmar.ka/ :: something is rotten in the state of Denmark (something is not right)
cedente {adj} :: transfer, handover (attributive)
cedere {vi} [but takes avere] /ˈt͡ʃɛdere/ :: to retreat
cedere {vi} [but takes avere] :: to yield, surrender or give in, give way
cedere {vi} [but takes avere] :: to subside or cave in
cedere {v} :: to cede, give up or transfer something to someone
cedere il passo {v} [a, .idiom] :: to give way or step aside
cedere posto {v} :: to give way
cedevole {adj} :: supple, pliant, yielding
cedevole {adj} :: soft (ground etc)
cedevolezza {f} :: ductility, pliability
cedevolezza {f} :: docility, submissiveness
cedevolmente {adv} :: supply, pliantly, yieldingly
cedibile {adj} :: transferable, assignable
cedibilità {f} :: transferability
cediglia {f} [typography] /t͡ʃeˈdi.ʎa/ :: cedilla (¸)
cedimento {m} :: sinking, subsiding
cedimento {m} :: collapse, breakdown
ceditore {m} :: deliverer (of a financial instrument etc)
cedola {f} :: counterfoil
cedola {f} :: coupon, voucher
cedolare {adj} :: coupon, dividend (attributive)
cedracca {f} :: ceterach (Asplenium ceterach)
cedrangolo {m} /t͡ʃeˈdran.ɡo.lo/ :: bitter orange
cedrante {v} :: present participle of cedrare
cedrare {vt} :: To flavour with citron juice
cedrata {m} :: A drink (long, sometimes alcoholic) made from citron
cedrata {m} :: A Sicilian dessert made with citron peel
cedrato {adj} :: citron-flavoured, citron (attributive)
cedreto {m} :: citron-tree grove
cedreto {m} :: cedar wood (forest)
cedriera {f} :: citron-tree grove
cedriera {f} :: cedar wood (forest)
cedrina {f} :: lemon verbena
Cedrino {prop} :: Cedrino (river)
cedro {m} :: cedar
cedro {m} :: citron (fruit and tree)
cedrone {m} :: capercaillie or wood grouse
cedrone {m} [botany] :: cedron member of the quassia family (Simaba cedron)
cedrone {m} :: family Simaroubaceae
cedronella {f} :: lemon balm (plant)
cedronella {f} :: brimstone butterfly (insect)
ceduazione {f} :: coppicing
ceduo {adj} :: coppiced
CEE {n} :: EEC (European Economic Community)
cefalalgia {f} [pathology] :: cephalalgia
cefalea {f} [pathology] /t͡ʃe.faˈlɛ.a/ :: cephalalgia, headache
cefalgia {f} [pathology] :: cephalalgia, headache
-cefalia {suffix} :: -cephaly
cefalico {adj} :: cephalic
cefalizzazione {f} [zoology] :: cephalization
-cefalo {suffix} :: -cephalic (adjectives and nouns)
-cefalo {suffix} :: -cephaly
cefalo- {prefix} :: cephalo-
cefalo {m} /ˈt͡ʃɛ.fa.lo/ :: synonym of muggine
cefalo {m} :: grey mullet (Mugil cephalus)
cefalocordato {m} :: cephalochordate
cefalofo {m} :: duiker (of genus Cephalophinae) (duiker is an afrikaans word for diver)
cefalofo {m} :: duykerbok Sylvicapra grimmia
cefalofo {m} :: having tufts
cefalofo {m} :: guevi
cefalofo {m} :: impoon
cefalofo azzurro {m} :: blue duiker, kleenebok (Philantomba monticola)
cefalofo delle foreste {m} :: forest duiker, guevi
cefalofo delle foreste {m} :: pygmy antelope
cefaloforia {f} :: cephalophory
cefaloforo {m} :: cephalophore
cefalologia {f} [anatomy] :: cephalology
cefalometria {f} :: cephalometry
cefalopode {m} :: cephalopod
cefalorachidiano {adj} :: cephalorachidian
cefalosporina {f} :: cephalosporin
Cefalù {prop} :: Cefalù (city)
cefaludese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Cefalù
cefaludese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Cefalù
cefalutana {f} :: female equivalent of cefalutano
cefalutano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Cefalù
cefalutano {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Cefalù
ceffata {f} :: alternative form of ceffone
ceffatina {f} :: slap, smack
ceffatone {m} :: slap, smack (especially a hard one)
ceffo {m} [pejorative] :: an ugly face
ceffone {m} :: slap, smack
CEI {prop} [Christianity] :: initialism of Conferenza Episcopale Italiana
CEI {prop} [electrical engineering] :: initialism of Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano
ceko {adj} :: alternative form of ceco
cela {m} /ˈt͡ʃɛ.la/ :: chela (pupil)
celacanto {m} /t͡ʃe.laˈkan.to/ :: coelacanth
celadon {m} :: celadon (color, ceramic glaze, and ceramic ware)
celante {v} :: present participle of celare
celantesi {v} :: present participle of celarsi
celare {vt} :: to conceal
celarsi {vr} :: to hide oneself
celarsi {vr} :: to lurk
celatamente {adv} :: hiddenly
celatamente {adv} :: secretly
celato {adj} :: concealed, hidden
celatosi {v} :: past participle of celarsi
celeberrimo {adj} /t͡ʃe.leˈbɛr.ri.mo/ :: superlative of celebre; very famous
celebrabile {adj} :: That deserves celebration
celebrante {v} :: present participle of celebrare
celebrante {m} :: celebrant (religious)
celebrare {v} :: to celebrate, observe, perform, commemorate
celebrare {v} :: to vaunt, glorify, worship
celebratissimo {adj} :: superlative of celebrato
celebrativo {adj} :: celebratory, commemorative
celebrato {adj} :: honoured, celebrated
celebratore {m} :: celebrator
celebrazione {f} /t͡ʃelebraˈt͡sjone/ :: celebration
celebre {adj} /ˈt͡ʃɛ.leb.re/ :: celebrated, famous, renowned
celebrità {f} :: fame
celebrità {f} :: celebrity (famous person)
Celentano {prop} :: surname
celenterato {m} :: cnidarian
celere {adj} /ˈt͡ʃɛlere/ :: quick, fast
celere {f} :: riot police
Celere {prop} [colloquial] :: flying squad, riot police (properly, the Reparti Mobili della Polizia di Stato)
celerina {f} [colloquial] :: flying squad policewoman
celerino {m} [colloquial] :: flying squad policeman
celerità {f} :: quickness, promptness, celerity
celermente {adv} /t͡ʃe.lerˈmen.te/ :: quickly, speedily
celesta {f} [musical instrument] :: celesta
celeste {adj} /t͡ʃeˈlɛste/ :: celestial
celeste {adj} :: heavenly
celeste {adj} :: pale blue, sky blue
celeste {m} :: pale blue, sky blue
celestiale {adj} :: celestial
celestiale {adj} :: heavenly
celestialità {f} :: heavenliness
celestialmente {adv} :: celestially
Celestina {prop} :: Celestine
celestino {adj} :: Pale sky blue (colour)
celestino {m} :: Pale sky blue (colour)
Celestino {prop} :: Celestine
celestite {f} :: alternative form of celestina
celia {f} :: joke
celiaca {f} :: feminine noun of celiaco
celiachia {f} [diseases] /tʃeliaˈkia/ :: coeliac disease
celiaco {adj} :: coeliac
celiaco {m} :: coeliac
celiante {v} :: present participle of celiare
celiare {vi} :: To jest
celibatario {adj} :: celibacy (attributive)
celibato {m} :: celibacy, bachelorhood
celibe {adj} :: single, unmarried
celibe {adj} :: celibate
celibe {m} :: a bachelor
celidonia {f} :: celandine
Celina {prop} :: given name
Celio {prop} :: One of the seven hills of Rome
celioscopia {f} [medicine] :: coelioscopy
-cella {suffix} :: Used with female nouns to form diminutives, feminine noun of -cello
cella {f} :: cell
cella Bunsen {n} :: Bunsen cell
cella Bunsen {n} [chemistry] :: An early electrical battery using zinc and graphite in dilute chromic acid
cella di detenzione {f} [law enforcement] :: holding cell, detention cell, jail cell, lockup, hole
cella di isolamento {f} [law enforcement] :: solitary confinement, hole, isolation cell
cella elementare {f} [mineralogy, mathematics] :: unit cell, conventional cell
cellaio {m} :: wine shop
cellario {m} :: A monk who is responsible for the upkeep of the monastery's provisions
cella solare {f} :: solar cell
celletta {f} :: Small cell
Cellina {prop} :: Cellina (river)
-cello {suffix} /ˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ :: Variation of -ello for terms ending in -n, -ne or -na
cellobiosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: cellobiose
cellofan {m} :: cellophane
cellofan {m} :: cling film
cellofanante {v} :: present participle of cellofanare
cellofanare {v} :: Variant of incellofanare
cellofanato {adj} :: Variant of incellofanato
cellofanatura {f} :: shrink-wrapping
cellophane {m} :: cellophane
cellula {f} /ˈt͡ʃɛl.lu.la/ :: cell
cellula dendritica {f} :: dendritic cell
cellula germinale {f} [cytology] :: germ cell
cellulare {adj} [biology, phone] :: cellular
cellulare {m} :: cellular phone, cell phone, cellular
cellulare {m} :: police van, paddy wagon, patrol wagon
cellularità {f} :: cellularity
cellulasi {f} [enzyme] :: cellulase
cellula staminale {f} [cytology] :: stem cell
cellulazione {f} :: cellulation
cellulite {f} :: cellulite
cellulite {f} :: cellulitis
celluloide {f} :: celluloid
cellulosa {f} [biochemistry] :: cellulose
cellulosico {adj} :: cellulose (attributive)
celluloso {adj} :: cellular
celluloterapia {f} :: cell therapy; cytotherapy
celoce {m} [Ancient Rome] /t͡ʃeˈlɔ.t͡ʃe/ :: A kind of light boat
celofisoide {m} :: coelophysoid
celoma {m} [anatomy] :: celoma, coelom
celomatico {adj} :: celomatic
celomato {m} :: Any animal that has a celoma
celsitudine {f} [obsolete] /t͡ʃel.siˈtu.di.ne/ :: highness, excellency
celsitudine {f} [obsolete] :: A style of kings, princes or high ranking officials; Highness, Excellency
Celso {prop} :: given name
celta {m} :: Celt
celtico {adj} /ˈt͡ʃɛl.ti.ko/ :: Celtic
celtico {m} :: Celtic (languages)
celtismo {m} :: Celticism
celtista {mf} :: Celtist
celtizzato {adj} :: Influenced by Celtic culture or language (especially by French)
celurosauro {m} :: coelurosaur
cembalo {m} /ˈtʃembalo/ :: harpsichord
cembro {m} :: stone pine, umbrella pine, cembrum pine (Pinus pinea)
cementante {v} :: present participle of cementare
cementantesi {v} :: present participle of cementarsi
cementare {vt} :: to cement
cementarsi {vr} :: to cement
cementarsi {vr} :: to reinforce, to strengthen
cementatosi {v} :: past participle of cementarsi
cementazione {f} :: cementation
cementificante {v} :: present participle of cementificare
cementificare {vt} :: to concrete over (change the natural environment by building roads and houses, etc.)
cementificare {vt} :: to overbuild
cementificazione {f} :: overbuilding
cementificio {m} :: cement plant; cement factory
cementista {m} :: cementer (person)
cementite {f} [inorganic compound] :: cementite
cementizio {adj} :: cement (attributive)
cemento {m} :: cement
cemento {m} :: link, bond
cemento armato {m} :: reinforced concrete, ferroconcrete
cementopoli {f} [colloquial] :: Any scandal concerning illegality in the construction industry
cempenna {mf} [Tuscany] /t͡ʃemˈpen.na/ :: An ineffectual person
cempennare {vi} [Tuscany] /t͡ʃem.penˈna.re/ :: To trip repeatedly
cempennare {vi} [Tuscany, figurative] :: To act slowly and inconclusively
cena {f} :: dinner (evening meal)
cenacolo {m} :: coterie, circle
cenacolo {m} :: The Last Supper (painting of)
cenacolo {m} [archaic] :: dining room, usually in an upper floor
cenante {v} :: present participle of cenare
cenare {vi} [but takes avere as its auxiliary verb] :: to dine, to have dinner (evening meal)
cenciaia {f} :: female equivalent of cenciaio
cenciaio {m} :: ragman, ragpicker
cenciaio {m} :: rag sorter
cenciaiola {f} /tʃen.tʃa.ˈjɔ.la/ :: female equivalent of cenciaiolo
cenciaiolo {m} /tʃen.tʃa.ˈjɔ.lo/ :: ragman, ragpicker
cenciaiolo {m} :: rag sorter
cencio {m} /ˈtʃen.tʃo/ :: rag, cloth
cencio {m} [chiefly in the plural, Tuscany] :: type of dessert in the form of fritters dusted with sugar, eaten during Carnival time; similar to angel wings
cenciosa {f} :: female equivalent of cencioso
cenciosamente {adv} :: raggedly, tatteredly
cencioso {adj} :: Dressed in rags
cencioso {adj} :: tattered
cencioso {m} :: A ragged person
cencro {m} :: A legendary serpent with speckled belly
cencro {m} :: A precious gem (compare cenchros)
Cendron {prop} :: surname
ceneraccio {m} :: lye-ashes (wood ashes used to make soap)
ceneraio {m} :: ash bin, ashcan
cenerata {f} :: lye
cenere {f} :: ash, cinder
cenerentola {f} /t͡ʃe.neˈrɛn.to.la/ :: a girl who is mistreated and made to perform humble tasks; a Cinderella
cenerentola {f} [by extension, feminine only] :: the last or most neglected member of a group
cenerentola {f} [feminine only] :: a ballet shoe
Cenerentola {prop} /tʃe.neˈrɛn.to.la/ :: Cinderella
Ceneri {fp} :: Ash Wednesday
cenericcio {adj} :: dust-coloured
ceneriera {f} :: ashtray
cenerino {adj} :: light ash-grey (colour)
cenestesi {f} :: cenesthesia
cenestesico {adj} :: cenestheic
cenetta {f} :: a special dinner (supper), especially one in an intimate or romantic setting
cengia {f} :: ledge (of rocks)
cennamella {f} [musical instruments] :: shawm
cennante {v} :: present participle of cennare
cennato {adj} :: mentioned, cited
cenno {m} /ˈtʃenno/ :: sign; nod
cenno {m} :: wave (with the hand)
ceno- {prefix} [geology] :: recent
ceno- {prefix} [science] :: empty
ceno- {prefix} [science] :: common, ordinary
ceno {m} [obsolete] :: mud
Ceno {prop} :: Ceno (river)
cenobiarca {m} :: abbot
cenobio {m} :: monastery, cenoby
cenobio {m} :: coenobium, colony (of microorganisms)
cenobita {m} :: cenobite (monk who lives in a religious community)
cenobiticamente {adv} :: cenobitically, coenobitically
cenobitico {adj} :: cenobitic
cenobitismo {m} :: monastic life
cenocita {m} [cytology] :: coenocyte
cenone {m} :: a large or celebratory dinner (supper)
cenosi {f} [biology] :: cenosphere
cenosi {f} [medicine] :: cenosis
cenotafio {m} :: cenotaph
cenote {m} :: cenote
cenozoico {adj} :: Cenozoic
cenozoico {m} :: Cenozoic (period)
censente {v} :: present participle of censire
censibile {adj} :: Able to be counted (in order to be made into a census or inventory)
censimento {m} :: census
censire {vt} :: to take a census of
censire {vt} :: to register a property in the land registry
censire {vt} :: to make an inventory
censitario {adj} :: census (attributive)
censo {m} :: census
censo {m} :: wealth
censorato {m} :: censorship (office of a censor)
censore {m} :: censor (all senses)
censore {m} :: critic
censoriale {adj} :: censorial
censorio {adj} :: censorial
censorio {adj} :: censorious
censuario {adj} :: census (attributive)
censura {f} /t͡ʃenˈsura/ :: censorship
censura {f} :: censure
censurabile {adj} :: censurable
censurabilità {f} :: Property of being censurable
censurante {v} :: present participle of censurare
censurare {vt} :: To censor or screen
censurare {vt} :: To censure
censuratore {m} :: censurer, critic
censuratrice {f} :: female equivalent of censuratore
cent- {prefix} :: Variant of centi-
cent {m} :: cent (US coin)
cent {m} :: euro cent (European coin)
cent'anni {contraction} :: A hundred years
centaurea {f} :: centaury, star thistle (Centaurea)
centaurella {f} :: centauress
centauressa {f} :: centauress
centaurico {adj} :: centaur (attributive)
centauro {mf} [mythology] :: centaur
centauro {mf} [figurative] :: motorcyclist
Centauro {prop} [astronomy] :: Centaurus (constellation)
centavo {m} :: centavo
centellante {v} :: present participle of centellare
centellare {vt} :: alternative form of centellinare
centellinante {v} :: present participle of centellinare
centellinare {vt} :: to sip
centellinare {vt} :: to savour/savor
centellinare {vt} :: to ration
centellino {m} :: sip
centenario {adj} :: one hundred years old
centenario {adj} :: centennial
centenario {m} :: centenarian
centenario {m} :: centenary
centennale {adj} :: That lasts a hundred years
centennale {adj} :: That takes place every hundred years
centenne {adj} :: hundred-year-old
centenne {mf} :: hundred-year-old
centennio {m} :: A period of a hundred years
centerba {f} :: An aromatic liqueur, from Abruzzo, made by infusing medicinal herbs
centerbe {m} :: A digestive liqueur from the Abruzzo region made by infusing a variety of medicinal herbs
-centesi {suffix} :: -centesis
centesi {f} :: centesis
centesima {f} :: A tax of 1% levied on auctions in Ancient Rome
centesimale {adj} :: centesimal
centesimo {adj} :: hundredth
centesimo {m} [ordinal numbers] :: hundredth
centesimo {m} [numismatics] :: cent
centesimo {m} [numismatics] :: penny
centi- {prefix} :: centi-
centiara {f} :: A measure of land (1/100 of an ara) equivalent to a square metre
centigrado {adj} :: centigrade
centigrammo {m} :: centigram
centilitro {m} :: centilitre / centiliter
centiloquio {m} :: A literary work divided into a hundred parts
centimano {m} :: A mythological giant that had a hundred hands
centimetrante {v} :: present participle of centimetrare
centimetrare {vt} :: To subdivide or measure with precision (literally, into centimetres)
centimetrico {adj} :: subdivided or measured in centimetres
centimetro {m} /tʃen.ˈti.me.tro/ :: centimetre
centina {f} :: centering (Temporary wooden structure built to support an arch during construction)
centina {f} :: rib (of an aircraft)
centinaio {m} /tʃen.tiˈna.jo/ :: hundred, about a hundred, about one hundred
centinaio {m} [in the plural] :: hundreds, dozens (a great number)
centinamento {m} :: arching (of part of a building)
centinante {v} :: present participle of centinare
centinare {vt} :: To provide centering (when building an arch)
centinatura {f} :: centering (temporary support to an arch)
centinatura {f} :: camber (of a road)
centinervia {f} /t͡ʃen.tiˈnɛr.vja/ :: alternative form of centonervia
centinodia {f} :: knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare)
centinone {m} :: Any of the main ribs of an aircraft
centista {mf} :: hundred metre / meter sprinter or swimmer
cento {adj} /ˈtʃɛnto/ :: hundred
cento {num} :: hundred
centocchio {m} :: chickweed
centocchio comune {m} :: common chickweed
Centocelle {prop} :: Centocelle (district)
centocinquanta {adj} :: one hundred and fifty
centocinquanta {num} :: one hundred and fifty
centocinquantacinque {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-five
centocinquantacinque {num} :: one hundred and fifty-five
centocinquantacinquesimo {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-fifth
centocinquantacinquesimo {m} :: one hundred and fifty-fifth
centocinquantadue {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-two
centocinquantadue {num} :: one hundred and fifty-two
centocinquantaduesimo {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-second
centocinquantaduesimo {m} :: one hundred and fifty-second
centocinquantanove {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-nine
centocinquantanove {num} :: one hundred and fifty-nine
centocinquantanovesimo {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-ninth
centocinquantanovesimo {m} :: one hundred and fifty-ninth
centocinquantaquattresimo {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-fourth
centocinquantaquattresimo {m} :: one hundred and fifty-fourth
centocinquantaquattro {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-four
centocinquantaquattro {num} :: one hundred and fifty-four
centocinquantasei {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-six
centocinquantasei {num} :: one hundred and fifty-six
centocinquantaseiesimo {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-sixth
centocinquantaseiesimo {m} :: one hundred and fifty-sixth
centocinquantasette {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-seven
centocinquantasette {num} :: one hundred and fifty-seven
centocinquantasettesimo {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-seventh
centocinquantasettesimo {m} :: one hundred and fifty-seventh
centocinquantatré {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-three
centocinquantatré {num} :: one hundred and fifty-three
centocinquantatreesimo {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-third
centocinquantatreesimo {m} :: one hundred and fifty-third
centocinquantenario {adj} :: That lasts for a hundred and fifty years
centocinquantenario {adj} :: That happens every hundred and fifty years
centocinquantenario {m} :: A hundred and fiftieth anniversary
centocinquantesimo {adj} :: one hundred and fiftieth
centocinquantesimo {m} :: one hundred and fiftieth
centocinquantottesimo {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-eighth
centocinquantottesimo {m} :: one hundred and fifty-eighth
centocinquantotto {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-eight
centocinquantotto {num} :: one hundred and fifty-eight
centocinquantunesimo {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-first
centocinquantunesimo {m} :: one hundred and fifty-first
centocinquantuno {adj} :: one hundred and fifty-one
centocinquantuno {num} :: one hundred and fifty-one
centocinque {adj} :: one hundred and five
centocinque {num} :: one hundred and five
centocinquesimo {adj} :: one hundred and fifth
centocinquesimo {m} :: one hundred and fifth
centodecimo {adj} :: hundred and tenth
centodecimo {m} :: hundred and tenth
centodiciannove {adj} :: one hundred and nineteen
centodiciannove {num} :: one hundred and nineteen
centodicianovesimo {adj} :: one hundred and nineteenth
centodicianovesimo {m} :: one hundred and nineteenth
centodiciasettesimo {adj} :: one hundred and seventeenth
centodiciasettesimo {m} :: one hundred and seventeenth
centodiciassette {adj} :: one hundred and seventeen
centodiciassette {num} :: one hundred and seventeen
centodiciottesimo {adj} :: one hundred and eighteenth
centodiciottesimo {m} :: one hundred and eighteenth
centodiciotto {adj} :: one hundred and eighteen
centodiciotto {num} :: one hundred and eighteen
centodieci {adj} :: One hundred and ten
centodieci {num} :: one hundred and ten
centodieci {m} :: The maximum mark obtainable in an Italian University degree examination
centodieci {m} :: An athletics race of 110 metres
centododicesimo {adj} :: one-hundred and twelfth
centododicesimo {m} :: one-hundred and twelfth
centododici {adj} :: one hundred and twelve
centododici {num} :: one hundred and twelve
centodue {adj} :: one hundred and second
centodue {num} :: one hundred and two
centoduesimo {adj} :: one hundred and second
centoduesimo {m} :: one hundred and second
centofoglie {f} :: yarrow (plants of the genus Achillea)
centogambe {m} :: centipede
centometrista {mf} [athletics, swimming] :: An athlete who specializes in the 100 metres
centomila {adj} :: hundred thousand
centomila {num} :: hundred thousand
centomila {m} :: a 100,000 lire banknote
centomiliardi {num} :: one hundred billion
centomilioni {num} :: one hundred million
centomillesimo {adj} :: hundred-thousandth
centomillesimo {m} [ordinal numbers] :: hundred-thousandth
centonchio {m} :: chickweed
centone {m} :: cento (Literary work of various authors)
centone {m} :: rehash
centone {m} [dated] :: A 100,000 lira banknote
centonervi {m} /t͡ʃen.toˈnɛr.vi/ :: alternative form of centonervia
centonervia {f} /t͡ʃen.toˈnɛr.vja/ :: synonym of piantaggine maggiore
centonovanta {adj} :: one hundred and ninety
centonovanta {num} :: one hundred and ninety
centonovantacinque {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-five
centonovantacinque {num} :: one hundred and ninety-five
centonovantacinquesimo {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-fifth
centonovantacinquesimo {m} :: one hundred and ninety-fifth
centonovantadue {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-two
centonovantadue {num} :: one hundred and ninety-two
centonovantaduesimo {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-second
centonovantaduesimo {m} :: one hundred and ninety-second
centonovantanove {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-nine
centonovantanove {num} :: one hundred and ninety-nine
centonovantanovesimo {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-ninth
centonovantanovesimo {m} :: one hundred and ninety-ninth
centonovantaquattresimo {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-fourth
centonovantaquattresimo {m} :: one hundred and ninety-fourth
centonovantaquattro {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-four
centonovantaquattro {num} :: one hundred and ninety-four
centonovantasei {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-six
centonovantasei {num} :: one hundred and ninety-six
centonovantaseiesimo {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-sixth
centonovantaseiesimo {m} :: one hundred and ninety-sixth
centonovantasette {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-seven
centonovantasette {num} :: one hundred and ninety-seven
centonovantasettesimo {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-seventh
centonovantasettesimo {m} :: one hundred and ninety-seventh
centonovantatré {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-three
centonovantatré {num} :: one hundred and ninety-three
centonovantatreesimo {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-third
centonovantatreesimo {m} :: one hundred and ninety-third
centonovantesimo {adj} :: one hundred and ninetieth
centonovantesimo {m} :: one hundred and ninetieth
centonovantottesimo {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-eighth
centonovantottesimo {m} :: one hundred and ninety-eighth
centonovantotto {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-eight
centonovantotto {num} :: one hundred and ninety-eight
centonovantunesimo {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-first
centonovantunesimo {m} :: one hundred and ninety-first
centonovantuno {adj} :: one hundred and ninety-one
centonovantuno {num} :: one hundred and ninety-one
centonove {adj} :: one hundred and nine
centonove {num} :: one hundred and nine
centonovesimo {adj} :: one hundred and ninth
centonovesimo {m} :: one hundred and ninth
centoottesimo {adj} :: one hundred and eighth
centoottesimo {m} :: one hundred and eighth
centootto {adj} :: one hundred and eight
centootto {num} :: one hundred and eight
centopelle {m} :: tripe (from the stomachs of a ruminant)
centopelle {m} :: omasum
centopiedi {m} :: centipede
centoquaranta {adj} :: one hundred and forty
centoquaranta {num} :: one hundred and forty
centoquarantacinque {adj} :: one hundred and forty-five
centoquarantacinque {num} :: one hundred and forty-five
centoquarantacinquesimo {adj} :: one hundred and forty-fifth
centoquarantacinquesimo {m} :: one hundred and forty-fifth
centoquarantadue {adj} :: one hundred and forty-two
centoquarantadue {num} :: one hundred and forty-two
centoquarantaduesimo {adj} :: one hundred and forty-second
centoquarantaduesimo {m} :: one hundred and forty-second
centoquarantanove {adj} :: one hundred and forty-nine
centoquarantanove {num} :: one hundred and forty-nine
centoquarantanovesimo {adj} :: one hundred and forty-ninth
centoquarantanovesimo {m} :: one hundred and forty-ninth
centoquarantaquattresimo {adj} :: one hundred and forty-fourth
centoquarantaquattresimo {m} :: one hundred and forty-fourth
centoquarantaquattro {adj} :: one hundred and forty-four
centoquarantaquattro {num} :: one hundred and forty-four
centoquarantaquattromila {adj} :: a hundred and forty-four thousand
centoquarantaquattromila {num} :: a hundred and fortyfour thousand
centoquarantasei {adj} :: one hundred and forty-six
centoquarantasei {num} :: one hundred and forty-six
centoquarantaseiesimo {adj} :: one hundred and forty-sixth
centoquarantaseiesimo {m} :: one hundred and forty-sixth
centoquarantasette {adj} :: one hundred and forty-seven
centoquarantasette {num} :: one hundred and forty-seven
centoquarantasettesimo {adj} :: one hundred and forty-seventh
centoquarantasettesimo {m} :: one hundred and forty-seventh
centoquarantatré {adj} :: one hundred and forty-three
centoquarantatré {num} :: one hundred and forty-three
centoquarantatreesimo {adj} :: one hundred and forty-third
centoquarantatreesimo {m} :: one hundred and forty-third
centoquarantesimo {adj} :: one hundred and fortieth
centoquarantesimo {m} :: one hundred and fortieth
centoquarantottesimo {adj} :: one hundred and forty-eighth
centoquarantottesimo {m} :: one hundred and forty-eighth
centoquarantotto {adj} :: one hundred and forty-eight
centoquarantotto {num} :: one hundred and forty-eight
centoquarantunesimo {adj} :: one hundred and forty-first
centoquarantunesimo {m} :: one hundred and forty-first
centoquarantuno {adj} :: one hundred and forty-one
centoquarantuno {num} :: one hundred and forty-one
centoquattordicesimo {adj} :: one hundred and fourteenth
centoquattordicesimo {m} :: one hundred and fourteenth
centoquattordici {adj} :: one hundred and fourteen
centoquattordici {num} :: one hundred and fourteen
centoquattresimo {adj} :: one hundred and fourth
centoquattresimo {m} :: one hundred and fourth
centoquattro {adj} :: one hundred and four
centoquattro {num} :: one hundred and four
centoquindicesimo {adj} :: one hundred and fifteenth
centoquindicesimo {m} :: one hundred and fifteenth
centoquindici {adj} :: one hundred and fifteen
centoquindici {num} :: one hundred and fifteen
centosedicesimo {adj} :: one hundred and sixteenth
centosedicesimo {m} :: one hundred and sixteenth
centosedici {adj} :: one hundred and sixteen
centosedici {num} :: one hundred and sixteen
centosei {adj} /t͡ʃɛn.toˈsɛi/ :: one hundred and six
centosei {num} :: one hundred and six
centoseiesimo {adj} :: one hundred and sixth
centoseiesimo {m} :: one hundred and sixth
centosessanta {adj} :: one hundred and sixty
centosessanta {num} :: one hundred and sixty
centosessantacinque {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-five
centosessantacinque {num} :: one hundred and sixty-five
centosessantacinquesimo {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-fifth
centosessantacinquesimo {m} :: one hundred and sixty-fifth
centosessantadue {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-two
centosessantadue {num} :: one hundred and sixty-two
centosessantaduesimo {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-second
centosessantaduesimo {m} :: one hundred and sixty-second
centosessantanove {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-nine
centosessantanove {num} :: one hundred and sixty-nine
centosessantanovesimo {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-ninth
centosessantanovesimo {m} :: one hundred and sixty-ninth
centosessantaquattresimo {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-fourth
centosessantaquattresimo {m} :: one hundred and sixty-fourth
centosessantaquattro {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-four
centosessantaquattro {num} :: one hundred and sixty-four
centosessantasei {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-six
centosessantasei {num} :: one hundred and sixty-six
centosessantaseiesimo {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-sixth
centosessantaseiesimo {m} :: one hundred and sixty-sixth
centosessantasette {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-seven
centosessantasette {num} :: one hundred and sixty-seven
centosessantasettesimo {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-seventh
centosessantasettesimo {m} :: one hundred and sixty-seventh
centosessantatré {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-three
centosessantatré {num} :: one hundred and sixty-three
centosessantatreesimo {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-third
centosessantatreesimo {m} :: one hundred and sixty-third
centosessantesimo {adj} :: one hundred and sixtieth
centosessantesimo {m} :: one hundred and sixtieth
centosessantottesimo {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-eighth
centosessantottesimo {m} :: one hundred and sixty-eighth
centosessantotto {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-eight
centosessantotto {num} :: one hundred and sixty-eight
centosessantunesimo {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-first
centosessantunesimo {m} :: one hundred and sixty-first
centosessantuno {adj} :: one hundred and sixty-one
centosessantuno {num} :: one hundred and sixty-one
centosettanta {adj} :: one hundred and seventy
centosettanta {num} :: one hundred and seventy
centosettantacinque {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-five
centosettantacinque {num} :: one hundred and seventy-five
centosettantacinquesimo {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-fifth
centosettantacinquesimo {m} :: one hundred and seventy-fifth
centosettantadue {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-two
centosettantadue {num} :: one hundred and seventy-two
centosettantaduesimo {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-second
centosettantaduesimo {m} :: one hundred and seventy-second
centosettantanove {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-nine
centosettantanove {num} :: one hundred and seventy-nine
centosettantanovesimo {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-ninth
centosettantanovesimo {m} :: one hundred and seventy-ninth
centosettantaquattresimo {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-fourth
centosettantaquattresimo {m} :: one hundred and seventy-fourth
centosettantaquattro {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-four
centosettantaquattro {num} :: one hundred and seventy-four
centosettantasei {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-six
centosettantasei {num} :: one hundred and seventy-six
centosettantaseiesimo {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-sixth
centosettantaseiesimo {m} :: one hundred and seventy-sixth
centosettantasette {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-seven
centosettantasette {num} :: one hundred and seventy-seven
centosettantasettesimo {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-seventh
centosettantasettesimo {m} :: one hundred and seventy-seventh
centosettantatré {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-three
centosettantatré {num} :: one hundred and seventy-three
centosettantatreesimo {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-third
centosettantatreesimo {m} :: one hundred and seventy-third
centosettantesimo {adj} :: one hundred and seventieth
centosettantesimo {m} :: one hundred and seventieth
centosettantottesimo {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-eighth
centosettantottesimo {m} :: one hundred and seventy-eighth
centosettantotto {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-eight
centosettantotto {num} :: one hundred and seventy-eight
centosettantunesimo {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-first
centosettantunesimo {m} :: one hundred and seventy-first
centosettantuno {adj} :: one hundred and seventy-one
centosettantuno {num} :: one hundred and seventy-one
centosette {adj} :: one hundred and seven
centosette {num} :: one hundred and seven
centosettesimo {adj} :: one hundred and seventh
centosettesimo {m} :: one hundred and seventh
centotre {adj} :: one hundred and three
centotre {num} :: one hundred and three
centotré {adj} :: one hundred and three
centotré {num} :: one hundred and three
centotredicesimo {adj} :: hundred and thirteenth
centotredicesimo {m} :: hundred and thirteenth
centotredici {adj} :: one hundred and thirteen
centotredici {num} :: one hundred and thirteen
centotredici {num} :: 113, the telephone number used to contact emergency services in Italy
centotreesimo {adj} :: one hundred and third
centotreesimo {m} :: one hundred and third
centotrenta {adj} :: one hundred and thirty
centotrenta {num} :: one hundred and thirty
centotrentacinque {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-five
centotrentacinque {num} :: one hundred and thirty-five
centotrentacinquesimo {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-fifth
centotrentacinquesimo {m} :: one hundred and thirty-fifth
centotrentadue {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-two
centotrentadue {num} :: one hundred and thirty-two
centotrentaduesimo {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-second
centotrentaduesimo {m} :: one hundred and thirty-second
centotrentanove {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-nine
centotrentanove {num} :: one hundred and thirty-nine
centotrentanovesimo {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-ninth
centotrentanovesimo {m} :: one hundred and thirty-ninth
centotrentaquattresimo {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-fourth
centotrentaquattresimo {m} :: one hundred and thirty-fourth
centotrentaquattro {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-four
centotrentaquattro {num} :: one hundred and thirty-four
centotrentasei {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-six
centotrentasei {num} :: one hundred and thirty-six
centotrentaseiesimo {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-sixth
centotrentaseiesimo {m} :: one hundred and thirty-sixth
centotrentasette {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-seven
centotrentasette {num} :: one hundred and thirty-seven
centotrentasettenne {adj} :: one hundred-and-thirty-seven-year-old
centotrentasettenne {mf} :: one hundred-and-thirty-seven-year-old
centotrentasettesimo {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-seventh
centotrentasettesimo {m} :: one hundred and thirty-seventh
centotrentatré {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-three
centotrentatré {num} :: one hundred and thirty-three
centotrentatreesimo {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-third
centotrentatreesimo {m} :: one hundred and thirty-third
centotrentesimo {adj} :: one hundred and thirtieth
centotrentesimo {m} :: one hundred and thirtieth
centotrentottesimo {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-eighth
centotrentottesimo {m} :: one hundred and thirty-eighth
centotrentotto {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-eight
centotrentotto {num} :: one hundred and thirty-eight
centotrentunesimo {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-first
centotrentunesimo {m} :: one hundred and thirty-first
centotrentuno {adj} :: one hundred and thirty-one
centotrentuno {num} :: one hundred and thirty-one
centottanta {adj} :: one hundred and eighty
centottanta {num} :: one hundred and eighty
centottantacinque {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-five
centottantacinque {num} :: one hundred and eighty-five
centottantacinquesimo {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-fifth
centottantacinquesimo {m} :: one hundred and eighty-fifth
centottantadue {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-two
centottantadue {num} :: one hundred and eighty-two
centottantaduesimo {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-second
centottantaduesimo {m} :: one hundred and eighty-second
centottantamila {adj} :: one hundred and eighty thousand
centottantamila {num} :: one hundred and eighty thousand
centottantanove {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-nine
centottantanove {num} :: one hundred and eighty-nine
centottantanovesimo {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-ninth
centottantanovesimo {m} :: one hundred and eighty-ninth
centottantaquattresimo {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-fourth
centottantaquattresimo {m} :: one hundred and eighty-fourth
centottantaquattro {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-four
centottantaquattro {num} :: one hundred and eighty-four
centottantasei {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-six
centottantasei {num} :: one hundred and eighty-six
centottantaseiesimo {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-sixth
centottantaseiesimo {m} :: one hundred and eighty-sixth
centottantasette {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-seven
centottantasette {num} :: one hundred and eighty-seven
centottantasettesimo {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-seventh
centottantasettesimo {m} :: one hundred and eighty-seventh
centottantatré {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-three
centottantatré {num} :: one hundred and eighty-three
centottantatreesimo {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-third
centottantatreesimo {m} :: one hundred and eighty-third
centottantesimo {adj} :: one hundred and eightieth
centottantesimo {m} :: one hundred and eightieth
centottantottesimo {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-eighth
centottantottesimo {m} :: one hundred and eighty-eighth
centottantotto {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-eight
centottantotto {num} :: one hundred and eighty-eight
centottantunesimo {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-first
centottantunesimo {m} :: one hundred and eighty-first
centottantuno {adj} :: one hundred and eighty-one
centottantuno {num} :: one hundred and eighty-one
centottesimo {adj} :: one hundred and eighth
centottesimo {m} :: one hundred and eighth
centotto {adj} :: alternative form of centootto
centotto {num} :: alternative form of centootto
centoundicesimo {adj} :: hundred and eleventh
centoundicesimo {m} :: hundred and eleventh
centoundici {adj} :: one hundred and eleven
centoundici {num} :: one hundred and eleven
centounesimo {adj} :: hundred-and-first
centounesimo {m} :: hundred-and-first
centouno {adj} :: one hundred and one
centouno {num} :: one hundred and one
Centovallina {prop} [Switzerland] :: the railway from Domodossola in Italy to Locarno in Switzerland
centoventesimo {adj} :: one hundred and twentieth
centoventesimo {m} :: one hundred and twentieth
centoventi {adj} :: one hundred and twenty
centoventi {num} :: one hundred and twenty
centoventicinque {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-five
centoventicinque {num} :: one hundred and twenty-five
centoventicinquesimo {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-fifth
centoventicinquesimo {m} :: one hundred and twenty-fifth
centoventidue {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-two
centoventidue {num} :: one hundred and twenty-two
centoventiduesimo {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-second
centoventiduesimo {m} :: one hundred and twenty-second
centoventinove {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-nine
centoventinove {num} :: one hundred and twenty-nine
centoventinovesimo {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-ninth
centoventinovesimo {m} :: one hundred and twenty-ninth
centoventiquattresimo {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-fourth
centoventiquattresimo {m} :: one hundred and twenty-fourth
centoventiquattro {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-four
centoventiquattro {num} :: one hundred and twenty-four
centoventisei {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-six
centoventisei {num} :: one hundred and twenty-six
centoventiseiesimo {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-sixth
centoventiseiesimo {m} :: one hundred and twenty-sixth
centoventisette {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-seven
centoventisette {num} :: one hundred and twenty-seven
centoventisettesimo {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-seventh
centoventisettesimo {m} :: one hundred and twenty-seventh
centoventitré {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-three
centoventitré {num} :: one hundred and twenty-three
centoventitreesimo {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-third
centoventitreesimo {m} :: one hundred and twenty-third
centoventottesimo {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-eighth
centoventottesimo {m} :: one hundred and twenty-eighth
centoventotto {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-eight
centoventotto {num} :: one hundred and twenty-eight
centoventunesimo {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-first
centoventunesimo {m} :: one hundred and twenty-first
centoventuno {adj} :: one hundred and twenty-one
centoventuno {num} :: one hundred and twenty-one
centrafricana {f} :: Woman from Central African Republic or of Central African Republic descent
centrafricana {f} :: Woman from Central Africa or of Central Africa descent
centrafricano {adj} :: Central African Republic (attributive)
centrafricano {adj} :: Central Africa (attributive)
centrafricano {m} :: Person from Central African Republic or of Central African Republic descent
centrafricano {m} :: Person from Central Africa or of Central Africa descent
centraggio {m} :: centring
centraggio {m} :: true
centrale {adj} /tʃenˈtrale/ :: central
centrale {adj} :: main
centrale {f} :: head office
centrale elettrica {f} [electricity] :: power station, power plant
centrale nucleare {f} [electricity] :: nuclear power station, nuclear power plant
centralina {f} :: telephone exchange
centralina {f} :: switchboard
centralinista {mf} :: telephone operator, operator, telephonist
centralino {m} :: telephone exchange
centralino {m} :: switchboard
centralismo {m} :: centralism
centralissimo {adj} :: superlative of centrale
centralista {adj} :: centralist
centralisticamente {adv} :: In a centralist manner
centralistico {adj} :: centralist (politically)
centralità {f} :: centrality
centralizzante {v} :: present participle of centralizzare
centralizzare {vt} :: to centralize
centralizzatore {adj} :: centralizing
centralizzazione {f} :: centralization
centralmente {adv} :: centrally
centramento {m} :: centring
centramento {m} :: balance of forces (thrust, drag, lift, weight) on an aircraft
centramericano {adj} :: Central American
centrante {v} :: present participle of centrare
centrare {vt} :: to hit, hit the centre
centrare {vt} :: to pinpoint
centrare {vt} :: to centre, center, balance
centrasiatico {adj} :: Central Asian
centrattacco {m} :: centre forward (football)
centratura {f} :: centring
centratura {f} :: true
centravanti {mf} :: centre forward
centreuropeo {adj} :: Variant of centroeuropeo
-centrico {suffix} :: -centric
centrico {adj} :: centrosymmetric
centrifuga {f} :: centrifuge
centrifuga {f} :: spin dryer
centrifugante {v} :: present participle of centrifugare
centrifugare {vt} :: to centrifuge
centrifugare {vt} [laundry] :: to spin-dry
centrifugato {m} :: fruit smoothie
centrifugazione {f} :: centrifugation, centrifuging
centrifugo {adj} :: centrifugal
centrina {f} :: angular roughshark (Oxynotus centrina)
centrino {m} :: doily
centriolo {m} [biology] :: centriole
centripeto {adj} [physics] :: centripetal
-centrismo {suffix} :: -centrism
centrismo {m} [politics] :: centrism
centrista {adj} :: centre (attributive)
centrista {adj} :: centrist
centrista {adj} :: middle-of-the-road
centrista {m} :: centrist
centritaliano {adj} :: Variant of centroitaliano
-centro {suffix} :: centre
centro- {prefix} :: central
centro {m} /ˈtʃɛntro/ :: centre, center
centro {m} :: middle, midpoint
centro {m} :: core, heart
centro {m} :: city centre, city center, downtown
centroafricano {adj} :: Central African
Centroamerica {prop} :: Central America
centroamericano {adj} :: Central American
centroasiatico {adj} :: Central Asian
centroattacco {m} [football] :: centre forward, striker
centroavanti {mf} [football] :: centre forward, striker
centrobarico {adj} :: centrobaric
centrocampista {mf} [soccer] :: midfielder, midfield player (football)
centrocampo {m} :: midfield (football)
centroccidentale {adj} :: Central Western
centroclassifica {f} :: mid-standing (middling position in a league)
centro commerciale {m} :: A shopping mall, a mall, a shopping centre, a plaza
centrodestra {m} :: centre right (in politics)
centrodestro {m} [football] :: inside right
centro di accoglienza {m} :: reception center / reception centre
centroeuropeo {adj} :: Central European
centroitaliano {adj} :: Central Italian
centromediano {m} :: centre half (football player)
centromerico {adj} :: centromeric
centromeridionale {adj} :: Central Southern
centromero {m} [genetics] :: centromere
centronord {m} :: central north (of a region)
centro-occidentale {adj} :: central western
centro-orientale {adj} :: central eastern
centrosettentrionale {adj} :: central northern
centrosfera {f} :: centrosphere
centrosfera {f} :: barysphere
centrosinistra {m} :: centre left (in politics)
centrosinistro {m} :: inside left (football)
centrosoma {m} [biology] :: centrosome
centrosostegno {m} :: centre half (football player)
centro storico {m} :: old town (the original, historic centre of a town)
centrosud {m} :: central south (of a region)
centrotavola {m} :: centrepiece (table decoration)
centroterzino {m} :: central defender (football player)
centum {adj} :: only in lingua centum
centumvirale {adj} :: centumviral
centumvirato {m} :: centumviral court
centumviro {m} :: A member of the centumviri in ancient Rome
centunesimo {adj} :: one hundred and first
centunesimo {m} :: one hundred and first
centuno {adj} :: alternative form of centouno
centuno {num} :: alternative form of centouno
centuplicante {v} :: present participle of centuplicare
centuplicantesi {v} :: present participle of centuplicarsi
centuplicare {vt} /t͡ʃen.tu.pliˈka.re/ :: to multiply by a hundred
centuplicare {vt} :: to increase greatly
centuplicarsi {v} :: reflexive of centuplicare
centuplicarsi {v} :: to increase greatly
centuplicatosi {v} :: past participle of centuplicarsi
centuplice {adj} :: Composed of a hundred parts
centuplice {adj} :: many-faceted
centuplo {adj} :: centuple
centuplo {m} :: centuple
centuria {f} :: century (Roman army unit)
centuriazione {f} :: centuriation
centurione {m} /t͡ʃen.tuˈrjo.ne/ :: centurion
cenuro {m} :: tapeworm
cepola {f} :: bandfish (of genus Rhamphichthys)
ceppa {f} :: (especially in plural) A form of bucatini from Abruzzo
ceppaia {f} :: stump (of a tree)
ceppaia {f} :: coppice
ceppata {f} :: stump, stub
ceppata {f} :: coppice
ceppatello {m} :: A form of cep mushroom (Boletus reticulatus)
ceppita {f} :: yellow fleabane (Dittrichia viscosa)
ceppo {m} /ˈt͡ʃep.po/ :: stump (of a tree)
ceppo {m} :: log (to burn)
ceppo {m} :: root
ceppo {m} :: bulky handcuffs (pillory-like)
ceppo {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: habitually late person
ceppo {m} [pluralonly] :: blocks of wood used to immobilize prisoners' feet
ceppo {m} [nautical] :: cathead
ceppo {m} [biology] :: strain
ceppo {m} [linguistics] :: phylum; stock
ceppo {m} [automotive] :: boot
ceppo {m} [geology] :: sedimentary rock
ceppo {m} [literary] :: lineage; descent
ceppo {m} [archaic] :: box for the collection of duties
Ceprano {prop} :: Ceprano (small town)
cepstrale {adj} :: cepstral
cera {f} /ˈtʃera/ :: wax
cera {f} :: complexion
cera bianca {f} :: (white) furniture polish
cera candelilla {f} :: candelilla wax
cera d'api {f} :: beeswax
cera da scarpe {f} :: shoe polish
cera di carnauba {f} :: carnauba wax
cera di lignite {f} :: lignite wax, montan wax
cera giapponese {f} :: Japan wax
ceraia {f} :: female equivalent of ceraio
ceraio {m} :: candle maker
ceraio {m} :: candle seller
ceraiolo {m} :: chandler (candle maker)
ceraiolo {m} :: waxworks modeller
ceralacca {f} :: sealing wax
cerambice {m} :: cerambycid (beetle of the family Cerambycidae)
cerambicide {m} :: longhorn beetle (of family Cerambycidae)
ceramica {f} :: ceramic, ceramics
ceramico {adj} :: ceramic
ceramista {mf} :: ceramist, potter
ceramografo {m} :: painter of Ancient Greek vases
cera molle {f} :: synonym of vernice molle
ceramologia {f} :: ceramology
cerante {v} :: present participle of cerare
cera perduta {f} :: lost wax
cera per pavimenti {f} :: floor polish
cera persa {f} [art] :: lost wax
cerare {vt} :: to wax
cerare {vt} :: to polish
cerasa {f} [regional] :: cherry
cerasella {f} :: cherry brandy
ceraseto {m} [regional] :: cherry orchard
ceraso {m} :: cherry (tree)
ceraste {f} :: horned viper (of genus Cerastes)
cerasuolo {adj} :: cherry coloured
cerasuolo {m} :: A cherry-coloured red wine from Sicily, Cerasuolo di Vittoria, or a pink rosé wine from Abruzzo, Cerasuolo d'Abruzzo
cerasuolo {m} :: The red Mediterranean coral Corallium rubrum, used since antiquity for jewellery
cerato- {prefix} :: wax
cerato {adj} :: waxed
cerato {m} :: oilcloth
ceratosauro {m} :: ceratosaur
c'era una volta {phrase} [used at the beginnings of fairytales] :: once upon a time
ceraunico {adj} :: keraunic
ceraunofobia {f} :: keraunophobia (abnormal fear of thunder and lightning)
ceraunoscopia {f} :: ceraunoscopy
cera vegetale {f} :: plant wax
cera vergine {f} :: High-quality beeswax
Ceravolo {prop} :: surname
cerbero {m} :: watchdog, guard dog
Cerbero {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Cerberus
cerbia {f} /ˈt͡ʃɛr.bja/ :: obsolete form of cervia
cerbiatta {f} :: female equivalent of cerbiatto
cerbiatta {f} [slang] :: lesbian
cerbiatto {m} :: fawn, spike, brocket (young deer)
cerbiattolo {m} :: baby fawn
cerbio {m} /ˈt͡ʃɛr.bjo/ :: obsolete form of cervio
cerbottana {f} :: blowpipe (weapon)
cerbottana {f} :: peashooter
cerca {f} :: search
cercabile {adj} :: searchable
cercabilità {f} :: searchability
cercafase {m} :: phase detector (electronic)
cercafughe {m} :: leak detector
cercametalli {m} :: metal detector
cercamine {m} :: mine detector
cercante {v} :: present participle of cercare
cercantesi {v} :: present participle of cercarsi
cercapersone {m} :: pager, beeper
cercapoli {m} :: pole finder
cercar {v} :: apocopic form of cercare
cercare {vt} /tʃerˈkare/ :: to look for
cercare {vt} :: to try
cercare il pelo nell'uovo {v} [idiomatic] :: to split hairs
cercare per mare e per terra {v} :: To look everywhere for ..
cercare rogne {v} :: to cruise for a bruising, to look for trouble, to ask for it, cruising for a bruising
cercare un ago in un pagliaio {v} :: To look for a needle in a haystack
cercarsela {v} :: to behave so as to attract something unpleasant or harmful; to look for (trouble etc)
cercarsi {v} :: reflexive of cercare
cercarsi {v} :: to look for each other
cercarsi {v} :: to make an effort to do something
cercatore {m} :: searcher, seeker, prospector, hunter
cercatore d'oro {m} :: gold digger
cercatosi {v} :: past participle of cercarsi
cercatrice {f} :: female equivalent of cercatore
cercatrice d'oro {f} :: female equivalent of cercatore d'oro
cerchia {f} :: circle
cerchiaggio {m} [medicine] :: cerclage
cerchiante {v} :: present participle of cerchiare
cerchiare {vt} :: to hoop (put hoops around a barrel, etc.)
cerchiare {vt} :: to circumscribe
cerchiello {m} :: circlet
cerchietto {m} :: hair band
cerchietto {m} :: bracelet, bangle
cerchietto {m} :: Various other small ring-shaped objects
cerchio {m} /ˈt͡ʃer.kjo/ :: circle
cerchiobottismo {m} :: fence-sitting (maintaining a neutral position between alternatives)
cerchiobottista {mf} :: Someone who doesn't take sides. One who holds with the hare and runs with the hounds.
cerchiobottista {mf} :: An equivocator
cerchio magico {m} :: magic circle
cerchio magico {m} :: lobby, camarilla
cerchione {m} :: rim [of a wheel]
cerchio nel grano {m} :: crop circle
cerchio unitario {m} [geometry, trigonometry] :: unit circle
cercine {m} :: tightly-coiled cloth pad placed on the head to support loads
cercine {m} [heraldry] :: wreath
cerco {adj} [obsolete, Tuscany, very rare] /ˈt͡ʃer.ko/ :: looked for
cerco {adj} [obsolete, Tuscany, participial] :: past participle of cercare
cercocebo {m} :: mangabey
cercoletto {m} :: kinkajou (Potos flavus)
cercopiteco {m} :: Any of several monkeys of the tribe Cercopithecini
Cerda {prop} /t͡ʃeːrda/ :: A comune in the metropolitan city of Palermo
cerdese {adj} :: Of or from Cerda
cerdese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Cerda
cereale {m} :: cereal
cereale {adj} :: cereal (attributive)
cereale da mola {m} :: grist
cerealicolo {adj} :: cereal, grain (attributive)
cerealicoltore {m} :: cereal grower or farmer
cerealicoltura {f} :: cereal growing / farming
cerealicultura {f} :: alternative form of cerealicoltura
cerebellare {adj} [anatomy] :: cerebellar
cerebrale {adj} :: cerebral, brain [attributive]
cerebralismo {m} :: cerebralism
cerebralità {f} :: cerebralism
cerebralmente {adv} :: cerebrally
cerebrazione {f} [medicine] :: cerebration
cerebro {m} :: cerebrum
cerebro {m} :: brain
cerebrocorticale {adj} [anatomy] :: cerebrocortical
cerebrolesione {f} [pathology] :: brain injury
cerebroleso {adj} :: brain-damaged
cerebropatia {f} :: encephalopathy, cerebropathy
cerebroside {m} :: cerebroside
cerebrospinale {adj} [anatomy] :: cerebrospinal
cerebrovascolare {adj} [anatomy] :: cerebrovascular
cereo {adj} :: wan, waxen
cerere {f} /ˈt͡ʃɛ.re.re/ :: ovate goatgrass (Aegilops geniculata)
Cerere {prop} [astronomy] :: Ceres
Cerere {prop} [mythology, Roman god] :: Ceres
Cerere {prop} [botanic] :: common name of some species of the genus Aegilpos
cereria {f} :: chandlery (candle shop, not nautical)
Ceresio {prop} :: Lake Lugano
ceretta {f} :: depilatory wax
cerfoglio {m} :: chervil
Ceri {prop} :: surname
Ceri {prop} :: Ceri (village), near Cerveteri
cerico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: ceric
cerificato di stato di famiglia {m} :: certificate of family status - a certificate that records information on the entire family, rather than just an individual. It usually contains the name, relationship, and date and place of birth for each family member, often including family members who moved away or died
Cerignola {prop} :: Cerignola (town)
cerignolano {adj} :: Of or from Cerignola
Cerigo {prop} :: Kythira (also Cythera, Kythera or Kithira)
cerimetria {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: cerimetry
cerimonia {f} :: ceremony, ritual
cerimonia {f} [ecclesiastical] :: service
cerimonia {f} [in the plural] :: fuss, ceremony
cerimonia di apertura {f} :: opening ceremony
cerimonia di chiusura {f} :: closing ceremony
cerimoniale {adj} :: ceremonial
cerimoniale {m} :: ceremonial, ceremony, ritual, rites
cerimonialmente {adv} :: ceremonially
cerimoniere {m} :: master of ceremonies
cerimoniosamente {adv} :: ceremoniously
cerimoniosità {f} :: ceremoniousness
cerimonioso {adj} :: ceremonious
cerino {m} :: a wax match
cerio {m} [chemistry] /ˈtʃɛrjo/ :: cerium
ceriometria {f} :: alternative form of cerimetria
cernecchio {m} :: lock of ruffled hair
cernente {v} :: present participle of cernere
cernere {v} :: To separate, distinguish
cernere {v} :: To choose
cernere {v} :: To sift, screen out
cernia {f} [zoology, ichthyology] :: grouper (fish)
cerniera {f} :: hinge, pivot
cerniera {f} :: clasp
cerniera {f} :: zip
cernierato {adj} :: hinged
cernierato {adj} :: folded (especially having flaps folded together)
cernita {f} :: sorting, selection, choice
cernitore {m} :: sorter, sizer, grader (person)
cernitrice {f} :: female equivalent of cernitore
cernitrice {f} :: grading machine
cero {m} :: long church candle
ceroforo {m} :: cerofer, ceroferary
cerone {m} :: greasepaint
ceroplasta {mf} [art] :: A sculptor who makes sculptures in wax
ceroplaste {m} [entomology] /t͡ʃe.roˈplas.te/ :: Any member of the Ceroplastes taxonomic genus
ceroplastica {f} /t͡ʃe.roˈplas.ti.ka/ :: ceroplastics
ceroplastico {adj} /t͡ʃe.roˈplas.ti.ko/ :: only used in acido ceroplastico
ceroso {adj} :: waxy (like, or containing wax)
ceroso {adj} :: cerous (of trivalent cerium)
cerotico {adj} :: cerotic
cerottino {m} :: A small sticking plaster; a small band-aid
cerotto {m} :: sticking plaster, plaster, band-aid
Cerquiglini {prop} :: surname
cerreta {f} :: Variant of cerreto
cerretano {adj} :: Of or from Cerreto
cerretano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Cerreto
cerreto {m} :: Turkey oak wood, (forest)
Cerreto {prop} :: Any of several small towns and villages in Italy
Cerreto di Spoleto {prop} :: Cerreto di Spoleto (village), whose inhabitants gained a reputation in the Middle Ages for being charlatans
cerro {m} :: Turkey oak (tree, Quercus cerris)
certame {m} :: contest
certamente {adv} :: certainly, definitely, surely, of course
certanità {f} [obsolete] :: certainty
certezza {f} :: certainty, certitude
certezza {f} :: conviction, confidence, assurance
certificabile {adj} :: certifiable
certificante {v} :: present participle of certificare
certificare {vt} :: to certify, attest
certificativo {adj} :: certification (attributive)
certificato {m} :: certificate
certificatore {m} :: certifier
certificazione {f} :: certification
certissimo {adj} :: superlative of certo
certo {adj} /ˈt͡ʃɛr.to/ :: certain, sure
certo {adj} :: reliable
certo {adj} :: real, true
certo {adj} [preposition] :: some, certain
certo {adv} :: certainly, of course, surely, definitely
certosa {f} :: Carthusian monastery; charterhouse
Certosa di San Martino {prop} :: Charterhouse of St. Martin is a former monastery complex, now a museum, in Naples Italy
certosino {adj} :: Carthusian
certosino {m} :: Carthusian monk
certosino {m} :: chartreuse
certosino {m} :: Chartreux (domestic cat) (feminine: certosina)
certuni {pron} :: some (people)
certuno {pron} :: someone, somebody
certuno {pron} [in the plural] :: some
certuno {adj} :: some (people etc)
ceruleo {adj} :: cerulean
cerulo {adj} :: alternative form of ceruleo
ceruloplasmina {f} [protein] :: ceruloplasmin
cerume {m} :: earwax
ceruminoso {adj} :: ceruminous
cerusico {m} [obsolete] :: barber surgeon, surgeon
cerusico {m} :: (by extension) incompetent surgeon, butcher
cerussite {f} [mineral] :: cerussite
Cerutti {prop} :: surname
cerva {f} :: hind
Cervaro {prop} :: A river that flows in Campania and Apulia
cervelletto {m} [anatomy] :: cerebellum
cervellino {m} :: Low intelligence
cervellino {m} :: scatterbrain (hare-brained person)
cervello {m} [anatomy] /t͡ʃerˈvɛl.lo/ :: brain
cervello {m} [figuratively] :: intellect, reason
cervello {m} [by extension] :: The tendencies or inclinations of an individual
cervello {m} [by extension] :: An individual or person [referring to their tendencies and inclinations]
cervello {m} [management] :: The main manager of an activity or business
cervellona {f} :: female equivalent of cervellone
cervellone {m} [colloquial] :: brain (meaning an intelligent person, or a computer)
cervellone {m} :: brainiac, brainbox, genius
cervelloticamente {adv} :: oddly, bizarrely
cervellotico {adj} /t͡ʃer.velˈlɔ.ti.ko/ :: unreasonably complicated or illogical
cervellotico {adj} :: bizarre
Cerveteri {prop} :: Cerveteri (town)
cervia {f} /ˈt͡ʃɛr.vja/ :: hind (female deer)
Cervia {prop} :: Cervia (town)
cervicale {adj} [anatomy] :: cervical
cervicale {f} :: neck pain
cervice {f} :: cervix
cervicite {f} [pathology] :: cervicitis
cervicovaginale {adj} [anatomy] :: cervicovaginal
cervide {m} /ˈt͡ʃɛr.vi.de/ :: cervid (animal of the family Cervidae)
cervide {m} [in the plural] :: alternative case form of Cervidi
cervidi {m} {p} :: alternative case form of Cervidi
Cervidi {m} /ˈt͡ʃɛr.vi.di/ :: The Cervidae taxonomic family
cervino {adj} :: cervine
cervino {adj} :: deer [attributive]
Cervino {prop} :: Matterhorn
cervio {m} /ˈt͡ʃɛr.vjo/ :: alternative form of cervo
cervo {m} /ˈt͡ʃɛr.vo/ :: deer
cervo {m} :: stag
Cervo {prop} :: Cervo (river)
cervo della Virginia {m} :: synonym of cervo virginiano
cervogia {f} /t͡ʃerˈvɔ.d͡ʒa/ :: beer, especially when made from fermented barley or oats
cervo mulo {m} :: mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus)
cervone {m} :: Bulgarian ratsnake (snake of the species Elaphe quatuorlineata)
cervo virginiano {m} :: whitetail (Odocoileus virginianus)
Cesano {prop} :: Cesano (river)
Cesare {prop} :: Caesar
Cesarea {prop} :: Caesarea
cesareo {adj} [rare] /tʃeˈza.re.o/ :: of or pertaining to Julius Caesar or the Julia (gens); Caesarean
cesareo {adj} :: of or pertaining to an emperor; imperial
cesareo {adj} [medicine, of a section] :: Caesarean
cesareo {m} [medicine, ellipsis] :: Caesarean section
cesareo {m} [historical] /tʃe.zaˈrɛ.o/ :: A temple dedicated to Augustus or another emperor
cesariano {adj} :: Caesarean (relating to Julius Caesar)
cesaricidio {m} :: The assassination of Julius Caesar
cesarismo {m} :: Caesarism
cesarista {adj} :: Caesarist
cesarista {mf} :: Caesarist
Cesaroni {prop} :: surname
cesaropapismo {m} :: caesaropapism
cesaropapista {mf} :: Caesaropapist
Cesarotti {prop} :: surname
Cesarotti {prop} :: Melchiorre Cesarotti, Italian writer
Ceschi {prop} :: surname
Cesco {prop} /ˈt͡ʃes.ko/ :: given name
cesellamento {m} :: chiselling
cesellante {v} :: present participle of cesellare
cesellare {vt} :: to chisel
cesellare {vt} [figuratively] :: to craft, to polish
cesellatore {m} :: engraver
cesellatura {f} :: chiselling
cesellatura {f} :: engraving
cesello {m} :: chisel
cesena {f} /t͡ʃeˈsɛ.na/ :: fieldfare (Turdus pilaris)
cesena {f} :: synonym of colombella
Cesena {prop} :: Cesena (town)
cesenate {adj} :: Of or from Cesena
cesio {m} [chemistry] /ˈtʃɛzjo/ :: caesium
cesoia {f} [especially in plural] :: shears
cesoia {f} :: shearing machine
cesoiamento {m} :: shearing
cesoiata {f} :: snip
cesoie {fp} :: shears
cespite {m} :: A source of income or earnings
cespitoso {adj} [botany] :: tufted, cespitose
cespo {m} :: tuft
cespo {m} :: ellipsis of cespo di lattuga; head of lettuce
cespuglieto {m} :: brushwood
cespuglieto {m} :: thicket
cespuglio {m} /t͡ʃesˈpuʎ.ʎo/ :: bush, shrub
cespuglioso {adj} :: bushy, shrubby
cespuglioso {adj} :: tufted
cespuglista {mf} [jocular or pejorative] :: member of a minority political party or group
cessante {v} :: present participle of cessare
cessar {v} :: apocopic form of cessare
cessare {vi} :: to stop, to leave off, to cease
cessare {vi} :: to abate, to die down, to subside
cessare {vt} :: to stop, to cease
cessate il fuoco {m} :: ceasefire
cessazione {f} :: cessation, ceasing, end
cessionaria {f} :: female equivalent of cessionario
cessionario {m} :: transferee, assignee
cessione {f} :: transfer (of funds etc)
cesso {m} [colloquial] /ˈt͡ʃɛs.so/ :: toilet, bog [UK], john [US]
cesso {m} [vulgar] :: shithole
cesso {m} [military slang] :: latrine
cesso {m} [colloquial] :: a fugly person
cesso {adj} [colloquial] :: fugly
cesso alla turca {m} :: latrine (a very simple toilet facility, usually just a pit or trench)
cesso alla turca {m} :: outhouse
cesta {f} /ˈt͡ʃes.ta/ :: basket
cestaia {f} :: female equivalent of cestaio
cestaio {m} :: basket maker
cestaio {m} :: basket seller
ceste {interj} [Vicentine slang] /ˈt͡ʃeste/ :: that’s life!
cestello {m} :: A small basket
cestello {m} :: drum (in a washing machine), rack (in a dishwasher)
cesteria {f} :: basket (and wickerwork) shop
cestinante {v} :: present participle of cestinare
cestinare {vt} :: to throw away
cestinare {vt} :: to turn down [a proposal]
cestinare {vt} :: to reject, discard
cestinare {vt} :: to bin
cestino {m} :: basket
cestino dei rifiuti {m} :: trash can, rubbish bin
cestino della carta straccia {n} :: wastepaper basket
cestino della carta straccia {n} :: A small open container for discarded paper etc; a wastebasket
cestismo {m} :: basketball
cestista {mf} [sports] /tʃeˈstista/ :: basketball player, basketballer
cestistico {adj} :: basketball (attributive)
cesto {m} :: basket
cestode {m} :: cestode
cestone {m} :: large basket
cestone {m} :: hamper
cetaceo {m} :: cetacean
cetano {m} [organic compound] :: cetane
cetnico {adj} :: chetnik
cetnico {m} :: chetnik
ceto {m} [sociology, economy] :: class (in society)
Ceto {prop} [Greek god] :: Ceto
cetologia {f} [zoology] :: whalelore, cetology
cetologo {m} :: cetologist
cetonia {f} :: chafer (beetle of genus Cetonia)
cetorino {m} :: basking shark
cetra {f} :: zither
cetra {f} :: lyre
cetrangolo {m} :: alternative form of cedrangolo
cetriolino {m} :: gherkin
cetriolo {m} /tʃe.tri.ˈɔ.lo/ :: cucumber
cetriolo {m} [figuratively] :: fool
cetriolo di mare {m} :: An echinoderm of the class Holothuroidea; sea cucumber
cetriolo sottaceto {m} :: pickle, pickled gherkin
Cettina {prop} :: The river Cetina that flows in Croatia
Ceva {prop} :: Ceva (small town)
Cevio {prop} :: Cevio (small town)
C.Fag. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of contrafagotto
CGIL {prop} :: initialism of Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro
ch' {pron} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of che
CH {prop} :: abbreviation of Chieti (Italian town in Abruzzo)
cha cha cha {m} :: cha-cha
chador {m} :: chador (clothing)
chaise longue {f} /ˌʃɛz ˈlɔŋɡ/ :: chaise longue (reclining chair with a long seat)
chalet {m} :: chalet
champagne {m} :: champagne (wine)
champagne {m} :: champagne (color)
champagne {adj} :: champagne (color)
champignon {m} [mushrooms] :: champignon, button mushroom, crimini (Agaricus bisporus)
chance {f} :: chance (possibility of a certain outcome)
chaperonina {f} [protein] :: chaperonin
charango {m} [musical instruments] :: charango
Charkiv {prop} :: Charkiv (city)
charme {m} :: A charm (quality)
charmonio {m} [physics] /t͡ʃarˈmɔ.njo/ :: charmonium
charter {m} :: Charter plane or flight
charter {adj} :: charter (attributive)
chassidico {adj} :: Variant of cassidico
chassidismo {n} :: Hassidism
châssis {m} :: chassis
chat {f} /t͡ʃat/ :: chat (informal conversation via computer)
chat {m} /kat/ :: chat (leaf chewed by people in North Africa and the Middle East)
chattante {v} :: present participle of chattare
chattare {vi} [Internet] :: To chat
chattata {f} [neologism] :: the act of chatting
che {pron} [interrogative] /ˈke/ :: what; which
che {pron} [relative] :: who; whom; which; nominative and accusative case
che {conj} :: that
che {conj} :: than
che {conj} :: when
che {determiner} :: some (a remarkable); what (intensifier to begin a sentence)
ché {conj} [dated or literary] :: clipping of perché, comparable to 'cause in English
ché {conj} [familiar] :: given that; seeing that
chè {conj} :: archaic spelling of ché
che barba {interj} :: how boring!; what a bore!
che cazzo {adv} [mildly, vulgar] :: Used to indicate emphatic rejection of an assertion
che cazzo {adv} :: the hell
checca {f} [pejorative] /ˈkek.ka/ :: fairy, poof, faggot (homosexual who thinks or behaves effeminately)
checca {f} [Northern Italy] :: synonym of gazza
checca {f} [obsolete] :: ice block to cool an icebox
checché {pron} :: whatever
checché {pron} :: no matter what
checchessia {pron} /kek.kesˈsi.a/ :: anything; whatever
checchessia {pron} [in a negative context] :: nothing
Checco {prop} /ˈkek.ko/ :: given name
Chechi {prop} :: surname
Chechi {prop} :: Jury Chechi, Italian gymnast
check-in {m} /t͡ʃɛˈkin/ :: check-in
che cosa {pron} :: what (interrogative pronoun)
che culo {interj} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: Lucky bastard!
Cheda {prop} :: surname
che diavolo {interj} :: what the hell
che Dio mi aiuti {phrase} :: so help me God
cheesecake {f} /tʃisˈkeik/ :: cheesecake (type of pie)
chef {m} :: A chef; head cook
che figata {phrase} :: that's cool!
che figata {phrase} :: that's awesome!
che fine ha fatto {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: what happened to... (when talking about people you lost touch with)
che fine ha fatto {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: where's...? (when looking for lost objects)
cheilofagia {f} :: cheilophagia
cheiloschisi {n} :: cheiloschisis
chela {f} :: pincer [of a crustacean]
chelante {adj} [chemistry] :: chelating
chelato {adj} [chemistry] :: chelated
chelazione {f} [chemistry] :: chelation
chelicerato {m} :: chelicerate
chelicero {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: chelicera
chelifero {adj} :: cheliferous
chelleano {adj} [geology] :: Abbevillian, Chellean
chelleano {m} [geology] :: Abbevillian, Chellean
chellerina {f} :: barmaid
cheloide {m} [pathology] :: keloid
chemiluminescenza {f} [chemistry, physics] :: chemiluminescence
chemio- {prefix} :: chemo- (related to chemical substances or reactions)
chemio {f} :: chemotherapy
chemioautotrofia {f} :: chemoautotrophy
chemioautotrofo {m} :: chemoautotroph
chemiocettore {m} :: chemoreceptor, chemosensor
chemioclino {m} :: chemocline
chemioelettricità {f} [physics, chemistry] :: electricity produced by a chemical reaction
chemiogenesi {f} [biology, chemistry] :: chemogenesis
chemioinformatica {f} [chemistry, computing] :: cheminformatics / chemoinformatics
chemiometria {f} [chemistry] :: chemometrics
chemionastia {f} [botany] /kɛ.mjo.nasˈti.a/ :: chemonasty
chemionastico {adj} [botany] /kɛ.mjoˈnas.ti.ko/ :: chemonastic
chemioosmotico {adj} :: alternative form of chemiosmotico
chemiorecettore {m} [anatomy] :: chemoreceptor
chemiosintesi {f} [biology, chemistry] :: chemosynthesis
chemiosmotico {adj} :: chemiosmotic
chemiotassi {f} [biology, chemistry] :: chemotaxis
chemiotattico {adj} :: chemotactic
chemioterapia {f} [medicine] :: chemotherapy
chemioterapico {adj} :: chemotherapeutic
chemioterapico {m} [pharmacology] :: chemotherapeutic drug, chemotherapeutic agent
chemiotropismo {m} [chemistry, biology] :: chemotropism
chemisier {m} :: chemise
chemisier {m} :: shirtwaister, shirt-dress
chemisorbimento {m} [chemistry] :: chemisorption
chemochina {f} [protein] :: chemokine
chemoselettività {f} [chemistry] :: chemoselectivity
chemosfera {f} [meteorology] :: chemosphere
chemosi {f} [pathology] :: chemosis
chemotassi {f} [biochemistry, biology] :: chemotaxis
che noia {interj} :: synonym of che barba
chenopodio {m} :: goosefoot (of genus Chenopodium)
chente {adj} /ˈkɛn.te/ :: of what kind or sort, what-like
Cheope {prop} /ˈkɛ.o.pe/ :: Cheops
che ora è {phrase} /k̟e ˈoːrä ˈɛ/ :: What time is it?
che ore sono {phrase} /ke ˈoː.re ˈsoː.no/ :: What time is it?
che palle {interj} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: What a drag!
che peccato {interj} :: what a shame, what a pity
chepì {m} :: kepi
cheppia {f} :: twaite shad (Alosa fallax)
cheratina {f} [proteins] :: keratin
cheratinizzante {v} :: present participle of cheratinizzare
cheratinizzare {vt} :: to keratinize
cheratinizzazione {f} :: keratinization
cheratinocita {m} [biology] :: keratinocyte
cheratite {f} [medicine] /ke.raˈti.te/ :: keratitis
cherato- {prefix} :: kerato-
cheratocongiuntivite {f} [pathology] :: keratoconjunctivitis
cheratocono {m} [pathology] /ke.ra.toˈkɔ.no/ :: keratoconus
cheratodermia {f} [medicine] :: keratoderma
cheratogeno {adj} :: keratogenous
cheratoglobo {m} [pathology] /ke.ra.toˈɡlɔ.bo/ :: keratoglobus
cheratolisi {f} [pathology] :: keratolysis
cheratolitico {adj} :: keratolytic
cheratoma {f} :: keratosis, keratoma
cheratopatia {f} [disease] :: keratopathy
cheratoplastica {f} [surgery] /ke.ra.toˈplas.ti.ka/ :: keratoplasty
cheratoplastico {adj} [medicine] /ke.ra.toˈplas.ti.ko/ :: Promoting keratinization
cheratoplastico {m} [medicine] :: A drug that promotes keratinization
cheratoprotesi {f} [surgery] :: keratoprosthesis
cheratosi {f} [medicine] :: keratosis
cheratotomia {f} [surgery] :: keratotomy
Cherca {prop} :: The river Krka that flows in Croatia
cherco {m} :: obsolete form of chierico
chercuto {adj} :: obsolete form of chiercuto
cherema {m} :: chereme
cherere {v} /ˈkɛ.re.re/ :: obsolete form of chiedere
cherimola {f} :: custard apple
chermes {m} :: kermes (dye)
chermisi {adj} :: crimson
chermisi {m} :: crimson
Chero {prop} :: Chero (small river)
che roba {interj} :: I can't believe it
cherosene {m} :: kerosene
Cherso {prop} :: Cherso (island)
cherubico {adj} :: cherubic
Cherubini {prop} :: surname
cherubino {m} :: cherub
Cherubino {prop} :: given name
cherubo {m} :: cherub
che sarà, sarà {phrase} /ˈke‿ssa.ra‿ssaˈra/ :: che sara sara; whatever happens, happens
che schifo {interj} :: good grief
che schifo {interj} :: ugh
che schifo {interj} :: how rude
che schifo {interj} :: how disgusting
che solfa {interj} :: synonym of che barba
che succede {interj} :: synonym of cosa bolle in pentola?
chetamente {adv} :: quietly
chetante {v} :: present participle of chetare
chetantesi {v} :: present participle of chetarsi
chetare {vt} :: to hush, silence or quieten
chetarsi {vr} :: to quieten down
chetatosi {v} :: past participle of chetarsi
chetichella {f} :: only in alla chetichella
chetide {m} [organic chemistry] :: ketide
chetidico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: ketidic
che ti è preso {interj} :: what happened (to you)?, what's wrong with you?
che ti è successo {interj} :: synonym of che ti è preso
che ti passa per la testa {interj} :: what's the matter with you?
cheto- {prefix} :: keto-
cheto {adj} :: quiet
chetoacido {m} [organic chemistry] :: keto acid
chetoesoso {m} [carbohydrate] :: ketohexose
chetogenetico {adj} [biochemistry] /ke.to.d͡ʒeˈnɛ.ti.ko/ :: ketogenetic
chetogeno {adj} :: ketogenic
chetone {m} [organic chemistry] :: ketone
chetonemia {f} [pathology] :: ketosis, acetonemia
chetonico {adj} :: ketonic
chetopentoso {m} [carbohydrate] :: ketopentose
chetoplastico {adj} [biochemistry, dated] /ke.toˈplas.ti.ko/ :: synonym of chetogenetico
chetoso {m} [carbohydrate] :: ketose
chetotetroso {m} [carbohydrate] :: ketotetrose
chetotico {adj} :: ketotic
chetotrioso {m} [carbohydrate] :: ketotriose
chi {pron} [interrogative pronoun] /k̟i/ :: who, whom
chi {pron} [interrogative pronoun] :: whoever
chi {pron} [relative pronoun] :: who, whom
chi {pron} [relative pronoun] :: whoever
chi {mf} :: chi (Greek letter)
chi accetta elemosine non può scegliere {proverb} /ki. atˈt͡ʃɛt.ta. e.leˈmɔ.zi.ne .nonˈ pwɔ ˈʃeʎ.ʎe.re/ :: synonym of a caval donato non si guarda in bocca
chi accetta elemosine non può scegliere {proverb} :: synonym of prendere o lasciare
chiacchera {f} [colloquial] :: alternative form of chiacchiera
chiaccherata {f} :: alternative form of chiacchierata
chiacchiera {f} [in the plural, sometimes pejorative] /ˈkjak.kje.ra/ :: chat, gossip, talk
chiacchiera {f} [chiefly in the plural, Northern Italy, chiefly Lombardy] :: type of dessert in the form of fritters dusted with sugar, eaten during Carnival time; similar to angel wings
chiacchierante {v} :: present participle of chiacchierare
chiacchierare {vi} /kjak.kjeˈra.re/ :: to chat
chiacchierare {vi} :: to chatter
chiacchierare {vi} :: to gossip
chiacchierata {f} :: chat, talk, chinwag
chiacchiericcio {m} :: alternative form of chiacchierio
chiacchierino {m} :: tatting
chiacchierino {adj} :: talkative, chatty
chiacchierio {m} :: chatter, chattering
chiacchierona {f} /kjakkieˈrona/ :: (female) chatterbox, windbag, prattler; one who talks excessively or incessantly (especially, but not necessarily, about trivial, vapid, superficial, insipid, or inane subjects)
chiacchierona {f} :: (female) a gossip (person)
chiacchierona {f} :: (female) loudmouth, bigmouth
chiacchierone {m} :: chatterbox, windbag, prattler; one who talks excessively or incessantly (especially, but not necessarily, about trivial, vapid, superficial, insipid, or inane subjects)
chiacchierone {m} :: a gossip (person)
chiacchierone {m} :: loudmouth, bigmouth
chiacchierone {adj} :: talkative, loquacious
Chiaffredo {prop} :: given name
chiama {f} :: roll call
chiamante {v} :: present participle of chiamare
chiamante {m} :: caller (person on a telephone)
chiamantesi {v} :: present participle of chiamarsi
chiamare {vt} :: to call
chiamare {vt} :: to telephone
chiamare {vt} :: to name
chiamare {vt} :: to dub
chiamare a raccolta {v} [idiom] :: to unite; to bring together
chiamarsi {v} :: reflexive of chiamare
chiamarsi {vr} :: to be called or named
chiamata {f} :: call
chiamata {f} :: summons
chiamatosi {v} :: past participle of chiamarsi
Chiampo {prop} :: Chiampo (river)
chiana {f} :: swamp, marsh
Chiang Mai {prop} :: Chiang Mai (city/and/province)
chianti {m} /ˈkjan.ti/ :: Chianti (Tuscan red wine)
Chianti {prop} /ˈkjan.ti/ :: The hilly region of Tuscany where Chianti is made
Chianti {m} :: alternative case form of chianti
chiantigiana {f} :: feminine noun of chiantigiano
chiantigiano {adj} /kjan.tiˈdʒa.no/ :: Of or pertaining to the region of Chianti
chiantigiano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Chianti
chiappa {f} [colloquial] /ˈkjap.pa/ :: butt cheek
chiappa {f} :: stone
chiappante {v} :: present participle of chiappare
chiappanuvoli {m} :: blowhard
chiappare {vt} :: to catch
chiappetta {f} :: diminutive of chiappa
Chiappetta {prop} :: surname
chiara {f} :: egg white
Chiara {prop} :: given name
chiaramente {adv} /kja.raˈmen.te/ :: clearly, plainly, distinctly, accurately, tersely
chiaramente {adv} :: obviously, evidently
Chiaramonte {prop} :: surname
chiarazione {f} :: declaration
chiarello {m} :: watered-down wine
Chiarentana {prop} :: medieval spelling of Carinzia
chiarente {v} :: present participle of chiarire
chiarentesi {v} :: present participle of chiarirsi
chiaretto {m} :: A light red wine having a low alcohol content
chiaretto {adj} :: Describing such a wine
chiarezza {f} :: clearness
chiarezza {f} :: clarity
chiarificamento {m} [dated, chiefly before 1930] :: clarification
chiarificamento {m} [dated, chiefly before 1930] :: explanation
chiarificante {v} :: present participle of chiarificare
chiarificare {vt} :: to clarify
chiarificatore {adj} :: clarifying, explanatory
chiarificatore {m} :: clarifier (device)
chiarificazione {f} /kjarifikaˈt͡sjone/ :: clarification (all senses)
chiarificazione {f} :: explanation
chiarimento {m} :: explanation, elucidation, clarification
chiarina {f} [musical instrument] :: clarion
chiarire {vt} /kjaˈriː.re/ :: to clarify or explain
chiarirsi {vr} :: To become clear
chiarirsi {vr} :: To clarify, to clear up
chiarissimo {adj} :: superlative of chiaro
chiarissimo {adj} :: very clear
chiarissimo {adj} :: very bright
chiarissimo {adj} :: illustrious
chiarità {f} :: clearness, clarity
chiaritosi {v} :: past participle of chiarirsi
chiaro {adj} /ˈkjaro/ :: bright, shiny
chiaro {adj} :: clear
chiaro {adj} :: clear-cut, vivid
chiaro {adj} :: evident, plain, obvious
chiaro {adj} :: famous, eminent
chiaro {adv} :: plainly, frankly, candidly, openly
chiaro {m} :: luminosity, brightness
chiaro {m} :: light colour
chiaro come il sole {adj} :: clear as daylight, plain as day
chiaro di luna {m} :: moonshine, moonlight
chiaro di luna {m} :: money shortage, to be hard up
chiarore {m} :: diffuse light, especially that of moonlight; glow
chiaroscurale {adj} [arts] :: shaded using chiaroscuro
chiaroscurante {v} :: present participle of chiaroscurare
chiaroscurare {vt} [arts] :: to shade (using chiaroscuro)
chiaroscuro {m} [painting, arts] /ˌkja.roˈsku.ro/ :: chiaroscuro (artistic technique using exaggerated light contrasts)
chiaroscuro {m} [figuratively] :: contrasts, ups and downs
chiaroveggente {adj} :: clairvoyant
chiaroveggente {mf} :: clairvoyant
chiaroveggenza {f} :: clairvoyance
Chiascio {prop} :: Chiascio (river)
chiasma {m} :: Variant of chiasmo
chiasmo {m} [rhetoric] /kiˈas.mo/ :: chiasmus
chiasmo {m} [sculpture] :: chiasmus (compositive formula to keep statue standing)
chiasmo ottico {m} [neuroanatomy] :: optic chiasm
chiassata {f} :: uproar, din
chiassata {f} :: quarrel, row
chiassetto {m} :: A short or narrow alley
chiassile {m} :: window frame
chiasso {m} /ˈkjasso/ :: din, uproar, shout
chiasso {m} :: fuss, stir
chiasso {m} :: alley
chiasso {m} :: brothel
Chiasso {prop} :: Chiasso (small town)
chiassone {adj} :: rowdy, noisy
chiassosamente {adv} :: noisily
chiassosamente {adv} :: gaudily
chiassosità {f} :: noisiness
chiassosità {f} :: gaudiness
chiassoso {adj} :: loud, noisy
chiassoso {adj} :: gaudy, loud
chiastico {adj} :: chiastic
chiatta {f} [nautical] /ˈkjat.ta/ :: barge, lighter
chiatto {adj} [nautical] /ˈkjat.to/ :: flat-bottomed
chiatto {adj} [Southern Italy, of a person] :: chubby
chiavabile {adj} [vulgar] :: fuckable (worthy of being fucked)
chiavaccio {m} :: Large bolt (on a door)
chiavante {v} :: present participle of chiavare
chiavar {v} :: apocopic form of chiavare
chiavarda {f} /kjaˈvar.da/ :: bolt (metal fastener)
chiavare {vt} [obsolete] /kjaˈva.re/ :: to lock (with a key)
chiavare {vt} [obsolete] :: to nail (fix with a nail)
chiavare {vt} [obsolete, figurative] :: to affix, attach
chiavare {vitt} [vulgar] :: to fuck
chiavata {f} [vulgar] :: fuck
chiave {f} :: key
chiave {f} :: spanner
chiave {adj} :: key (attributive)
chiave a rullino {f} :: monkey wrench
chiave di lettura {f} :: interpretation
chiave di lettura {f} :: point of view
chiave di volta {f} :: keystone (of an arch)
chiave inglese {f} :: wrench, monkey wrench
chiavella {f} :: cotter
Chiavenna {prop} :: Chiavenna (small town)
Chiavenna {prop} :: Chiavenna (river)
chiavennasco {adj} :: Of or from Chiavenna
chiavetta {f} :: a key; a small key
chiavetta USB {f} :: USB flash drive
chiavica {f} :: sewer
chiavica {f} :: sluice gate
chiavi in mano {adj} :: turnkey, all-inclusive
chiavi in mano {adj} :: on-the-road (of the price of a car)
chiavistello {m} :: bolt, latch
chiavo {m} [obsolete] /ˈkja.vo/ :: nail
chiazza {f} /ˈkjattsa/ :: spot, stain
chiazza {f} :: (oil) slick
chiazzante {v} :: present participle of chiazzare
chiazzare {vt} :: to stain
chiazzare {vt} :: to splash
chiazzato {adj} :: spotted, dappled, stained
chiazzatura {f} :: staining, blotch
chiazzatura {f} :: stains
chi ben comincia è a metà dell'opera {phrase} :: well begun is half done
chi ben comincia è a metà dell'opera {phrase} :: a good start is half the battle
Chicago {prop} /ʃiˈka.ɡo/ :: Chicago (large city)
chicca {f} :: sweet [British], candy [US]
chicca {f} :: something precious and rare
chicca {f} :: find
chicca {f} :: titbit
chicca {f} :: gem
Chicca {prop} :: given name
Chicca {prop} :: given name
chicchera {f} /ˈkik.ke.ra/ :: cup
chicchessia {pron} /kik.kesˈsi.a/ :: anyone, anybody; whoever, whomsoever
chicchessia {pron} [in a negative context] :: nobody, no one
chicchiriante {v} :: present participle of chicchiriare
chicchiriare {vi} :: to crow
chicchirichí {interj} :: spelling of alternative typographic
chicchirichí {m} :: spelling of alternative typographic
chicchirichì {interj} /kik.ki.riˈki/ :: cock-a-doodle-doo!
chicchirichì {m} :: cock-a-doodle-doo
chicco {m} /ˈkik.ko/ :: grain (of cereal)
chicco {m} :: coffee bean
chicco {m} :: bead (of the Rosary)
Chicco {prop} /ˈkik.ko/ :: given name, Federico or Enrico
chicco d'uva {m} :: grape
chi cerca trova {proverb} :: He who seeks shall find
chickasaw {m} :: Chickasaw (the tribe)
chi di spada ferisce, di spada perisce {proverb} :: live by the sword, die by the sword (one who uses violence can expect a violent response)
chi dorme non piglia pesci {proverb} :: (literally: “he who sleeps doesn't catch any fish”) the early bird catches the worm
chiedente {v} :: present participle of chiedere
chiedentesi {v} :: present participle of chiedersi
chieder {v} :: apocopic form of chiedere
chiedere {vt} /ˈkjɛ.de.re/ :: to ask (for)
chiedere {vt} :: to ask, request
chiedersi {v} /ˈkjɛ.der.si/ :: reflexive of chiedere
chiedersi {v} :: to wonder [if or whether]
chiedibile {adj} /kjeˈdi.bi.le/ :: demandable
Chienti {prop} :: Chienti (river)
chieppa {f} :: alternative form of cheppia
chiercuto {adj} :: tonsured (shaven-headed)
chierere {v} /ˈkjɛ.re.re/ :: alternative form of cherere, obsolete form of chiedere
chierica {f} /ˈkjɛrika/ :: feminine noun of chierico: female cleric
chierica {f} :: clerical tonsure
chiericato {m} :: priesthood
chierichetta {f} :: altar girl
chierichetto {m} [ecclesiastical] :: altar boy
chierico {m} [ecclesiastical] /ˈkjɛriko/ :: cleric
chierico {m} [ecclesiastical] :: seminarian
chiesa {f} /ˈkjɛ.za/ :: church
Chiesa {prop} :: surname
chiesa funerante {f} :: The church where a deceased is moved for the funeral
chiesa parrocchiale {f} :: parish church
chiesastico {adj} :: ecclesiastical
chiesastico {adj} :: church (attributive)
Chiese {prop} :: Chiese (river)
chiesetta {f} :: chapel (small, separate church, often rural)
chiestosi {v} :: past participle of chiedersi
chiesucola {f} [pejorative] /kjeˈzu.ko.la/ :: diminutive of chiesa: small church
chiesuola {f} :: diminutive of chiesa
chiesuola {f} [nautical] :: binnacle
Chieti {prop} :: Chieti (province)
Chieti {prop} :: Chieti (capital city)
chietino {adj} /kjeˈti.no/ :: Of or relating to Chieti or the Chieti people
chietino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Chieti
chifel {m} /ˈki.fel/ :: kipfel (crescent-shaped biscuit or bread roll from Trentino)
chifer {m} [Switzerland] /ˈki.fer/ :: croissant
Chigi {prop} :: surname
Chigi {prop} :: A noble family from Siena
chiglia {f} [nautical] /ˈkiʎ.ʎa/ :: keel
chi ha denti non ha pane e chi ha pane non ha denti {proverb} /ki a‿dˌdɛn.ti non a‿pˈpa.ne | e‿k.ki a‿pˌpa.ne non a‿dˈdɛn.ti/ :: Those who need something usually lack it, while those who have it are unable to enjoy it
chiletto {m} [literal] :: diminutive of chilo
chiletto {m} [colloquial] :: kilo or so
chiliagono {m} [geometry] /kiˈlja.ɡo.no/ :: chiliagon
chiliarca {m} :: chiliarch
chiliasmo {m} :: chiliasm
chiliasta {adj} :: chiliast, chiliastic
chiliastico {adj} :: chiliastic
chilifero {adj} :: chyliferous
chilificante {v} :: present participle of chilificare
chilificare {vit} :: to chylify
chilificazione {f} [physiology] :: chylification
chiliogono {m} /kiˈljɔ.ɡo.no/ :: uncommon form of chiliagono
chilo- {prefix} :: kilo-
chilo {m} [colloquial] :: kilo
chilo {m} :: chyle
chilobase {f} [biochemistry] :: kilobase
chilocaloria {f} :: kilocalorie
chilociclo {m} :: kilocycle
chilogrammetro {m} [physics] :: kilogram-meter / kilogram-metre (unit of work)
chilogrammo {m} :: kilogram / kilogramme
chilohertz {m} :: kilohertz
chilojoule {m} :: kilojoule
chilolitro {m} :: kilolitre
chilometraggio {m} :: kilometrage
chilometrante {v} :: present participle of chilometrare
chilometrare {vt} :: To measure in kilometres
chilometrico {adj} :: kilometric (measured in kilometres)
chilometrico {adj} :: endless, interminable
chilometro {m} :: kilometre, kilometer
chilomicrone {m} [protein] :: chylomicron
Chilone {prop} :: given name
chilopode {m} :: centipede
chiloton {m} :: kiloton
chilotone {m} :: kiloton
chilovattora {m} :: alternative spelling of chilowattora
chilovolt {m} :: kilovolt
chilowatt {m} :: kilowatt
chilowattora {m} :: kilowatt-hour
chimango {m} /t͡ʃiˈman.ɡo/ :: chimango (Milvago chimango)
chimera {f} :: chimera
chimera {f} :: chimera, a kind of shark of the genus Chimaera
chimerico {adj} :: chimeric, chimerical
chimerismo {m} :: chimerism
chimica {f} /ˈkimika/ :: chemistry (the branch of natural science that deals with the composition and constitution of substances)
chimica {f} :: female equivalent of chimico
chimica ambientale {f} [chemistry] :: environmental chemistry
chimica analitica {f} [chemistry] :: analytical chemistry
chimica atmosferica {f} [chemistry] :: atmospheric chemistry
chimica biologica {f} [chemistry] :: biological chemistry
chimica clinica {f} [chemistry] :: clinical chemistry
chimica combinatoriale {f} [chemistry] :: combinatorial chemistry
chimica fisica {f} [chemistry] :: physical chemistry
chimica industriale {f} [chemistry] :: industrial chemistry
chimica inorganica {f} [chemistry] :: inorganic chemistry
chimicamente {adv} :: chemically
chimica nucleare {f} :: nuclear chemistry
chimica organica {f} :: organic chemistry
chimica organometallica {f} [chemistry] :: organometallic chemistry
chimica teorica {f} [chemistry] :: theoretical chemistry
chimichiera {f} :: chemical tanker
chimico {adj} /ˈki.mi.ko/ :: chemical
chimico {m} :: chemist
chimificante {v} :: present participle of chimificare
chimificare {vt} :: To chymify
chimificazione {f} [physiology] :: chymification
chimismo {m} :: chemism
chimo {m} [physiology] /ˈki.mo/ :: chyme
chimono {m} :: kimono
chimosina {f} [enzyme] :: chymosin, rennin
chimotripsina {f} [enzyme] :: chymotrypsin
chimotripsinogeno {m} [biochemistry] :: chymotrypsinogen
china {f} :: slope, decline, descent
china {f} :: cinchona (tree)
china {f} :: Indian ink
chinante {v} :: present participle of chinare
chinantesi {v} :: present participle of chinarsi
chinare {vt} :: to bend, bow, lower, lean
chinarsi {v} :: reflexive of chinare
chinarsi {vr} :: to stoop (down), to bend (down), to bow
chinarsi {vr} :: to submit
chinasi {m} :: kinase
chinasico {adj} :: kinase (attributive)
chinatosi {v} :: past participle of chinarsi
chincaglia {f} :: knick-knack, bauble, trinket
chincaglia {f} :: junk
chincagliere {m} :: A seller of trinkets etc
chincaglieria {f} :: bauble, knick-knack
chincaglieria {f} :: shop selling such material
Chindamo {prop} :: surname
chinea {f} :: hack, hackney; an ordinary horse
chineseria {f} :: alternative form of cineseria
chinesina {f} [protein] :: kinesin
chinesiterapia {f} :: kinesitherapy, kinesiatrics
chinesiterapista {mf} :: kinesitherapist
chinetosi {f} :: motion sickness
chinetosico {adj} :: motion sickness (attributive)
chinetosoma {f} :: kinetosome
chinidina {f} [organic compound] :: quinidine
chinino {m} :: quinine
chinizzante {v} :: present participle of chinizzare
chinizzare {v} [medicine] :: to treat with quinine in order to prevent or treat malaria
chinizzazione {f} [medicine] :: Treatment with quinine in order to prevent or cure malaria
Chinnici {prop} :: surname
Chinnici {prop} :: Rocco Chinnici, Italian Antimafia magistrate
chino {adj} /ˈkino/ :: lowered, bent, bowed
chinofobia {f} :: chionofobia (fear of walking on snow and ice)
chinoide {adj} [organic chemistry] :: quinoid
chinolina {f} [organic compound] :: quinoline
chinolone {m} [organic chemistry, medicine] :: quinolone
chinone {m} [organic chemistry] :: quinone
chi non fa non falla {proverb} :: to err is human
chi non muore si rivede {interj} :: look who's here!
chi non risica non rosica {proverb} /ˌki nnon ˈri.zi.ka non ˈro.si.ka/ :: nothing ventured, nothing gained; no pain, no gain (to achieve a goal, you have to take risks)
chi non risica non rosica {proverb} :: faint heart never won fair lady
chinoproteina {f} [protein] :: quinoprotein
chinotto {m} :: A plant, Citrus myrtifolia, grown throughout Italy
chinotto {m} :: A bitter drink made from the citrus fruit of this plant
Chio {prop} :: Chio (island)
chiò {m} /ˈkjɔ/ :: synonym of assiolo
chiocca {f} :: alternative form of ciocca
chiocca {f} :: blow (violent)
chioccia {f} :: A broody hen (also figurative); a sitter
chiocciante {v} :: present participle of chiocciare
chiocciare {vi} [of a hen] /kjotˈt͡ʃa.re/ :: to cluck
chioccio {adj} :: clucking
chiocciola {f} [zoology] /ˈkjɔt.t͡ʃo.la/ :: snail
chiocciola {f} [typography, computing] :: the “@” symbol, commercial at, at sign
chiocciola {f} [culinary, in plural] :: pasta shells
chiocciolare {vi} [of a hen] /kjot.t͡ʃoˈla.re/ :: to cluck
chioccolante {v} :: present participle of chioccolare
chioccolare {vi} :: to trill
chioccolare {vi} :: to warble
chioccolatore {m} :: bird-call imitator
chioccolio {m} :: trilling, warbling
chiodaia {f} /kjoˈda.ja/ :: A holed cast used to forge nails
chiodaia {f} :: female equivalent of chiodaio
chiodaio {m} /kjoˈda.jo/ :: nailer (nail maker)
chiodaio {m} :: nail seller
chiodante {v} :: present participle of chiodare
chiodare {vt} :: to rivet
chiodare {vt} :: to nail, hobnail [shoes]
chiodato {adj} :: Equipped with nails or spikes, studded
chiodato {adj} :: rivetted
chiodato {adj} :: hobnailed
chiodatrice {f} :: riveting machine
chiodatura {f} :: riveting, nailing
chiodatura {f} :: hobnails
chioderia {f} :: nail or rivet factory
chiodino {m} /kjoˈdi.no/ :: diminutive of chiodo: tack (small nail)
chiodino {m} [mushrooms] :: honey fungus (Armillaria mellea)
chiodo {m} /ˈkjɔdo/ :: nail (hit with a hammer)
chiodo {m} :: rivet
chiodo {m} :: hobnail
chiodo {m} :: stud
chiodo {m} :: spike
chiodo di garofano {m} :: (spice) clove
chiodo fisso {m} :: synonym of fissazione
chiodo fisso {m} :: synonym of assillo
chiodo fisso {m} :: synonym of pallino fisso
chiodo fisso {m} :: synonym of smania
chiodo fisso {m} :: synonym of mania
Chioggia {prop} :: Chioggia (town) in the Venice lagoon
chioggiotto {adj} :: Of or from Chioggia
chioggiotto {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Chioggia
chioma {f} [poetic or humorous] /ˈkjɔ.ma/ :: head of hair
chioma {f} [poetic] :: mane (of a horse)
chioma {f} [botany] :: foliage
chioma {f} [astronomy] :: tail (of a comet)
chiomato {adj} :: leafy
chiomato {adj} :: shaggy
chiomoso {adj} [literary] :: long-haired
chiorba {f} :: head
chiorbone {m} :: blockhead (stupid person)
chiosa {f} :: gloss, note or annotation
chiosante {v} :: present participle of chiosare
chiosar {v} :: apocopic form of chiosare
chiosare {vt} :: to annotate, explain, illustrate
chiosatore {m} :: glossator
chiosatore {m} :: annotator
chiosco {m} /ˈkjɔs.ko/ :: kiosk
chiosco {m} :: stall
chiosco {m} :: outhouse
chiostra {f} :: circle, ring
chiostra {f} :: enclosure
chiostrina {f} :: An inner courtyard, that provides light and air, jointly owned by members of a condominium
chiostro {m} :: cloister
chiotto {adj} :: quiet
chiotto {adj} :: still
chip {m} :: chip (small electronic component)
Chipangu {prop} :: alternative form of Cipango
chi più strilla più ottiene {proverb} :: the squeaky wheel gets the grease
chippa {f} :: kippah
chi prima arriva meglio alloggia {phrase} :: first come, first served
chirale {adj} :: chiral
chiralità {f} [chemistry, physics] :: chirality
chirghiso {adj} :: Kyrgyz
chiro- {prefix} :: chiro-
chirognomia {f} :: chiromancy
chirografario {adj} :: chirographary
chirografario {m} :: chirographer
chirografo {m} /kiˈrɔ.ɡra.fo/ :: chirograph (legal document)
chirologia {f} :: chiromancy
chirologo {m} :: chiromancer
chiromante {mf} :: chiromancer, palmist, fortune teller
chiromantico {adj} :: chiromantic
chiromanzia {f} :: chiromancy, palmistry, fortune-telling
chiromegalia {f} [medicine] :: chiromegaly
Chirón {prop} :: medieval spelling of Chirone
Chirone {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Chiron
chironomia {f} :: chironomy (theatrical hand waving)
chiroprassi {f} :: chiropractic
chiropratica {f} :: chiropractic
chiropratico {m} :: chiropractor
chiroscopia {f} :: chiromancy
chirospasmo {m} [pathology] :: cheirospasm
chiroteca {f} [especially, in plural] :: Episcopal glove(s)
chiroterapeuta {mf} :: chiropractor
chiroterapia {f} :: chiropractic
chiroterapico {adj} :: chiropractical
chiroterapista {mf} :: chiropractor
chirottero {m} [zoology] :: bat (member of order Chiroptera)
chiru {m} :: Tibetan antelope, Pantholops hodgsonii
chirurgia {f} :: surgery
chirurgia plastica {f} [surgery] :: plastic surgery
chirurgicamente {adv} :: surgically
chirurgico {adj} :: surgical
chirurgo {m} :: surgeon
chi semina vento raccoglie tempesta {phrase} :: sow the wind, reap the whirlwind
chi s'è visto s'è visto {interj} :: anyone for himself, end of the story
chi s'è visto s'è visto {interj} :: that's that, it is what it is, there you are
chi si accontenta gode {proverb} :: a contented mind is a perpetual feast
chi si assomiglia si piglia {proverb} :: synonym of dio li fa e poi li accoppia
chi si ferma è perduto {proverb} :: one who hesitates is lost
Chisone {prop} :: Chisone (river)
chissà {adv} [rhetorical question] :: who knows?
chissà {adv} :: maybe, perhaps
chitarra {f} [musical instrument] /kiˈt̪ar.ra/ :: guitar
chitarra {f} [cooking] :: A tool used in making pasta: a frame with a series of parallel wires crossing it
chitarra acustica {f} :: acoustic guitar
chitarra battente {f} :: A large guitar-like stringed instrument with metal frets, a curved back and four or five pairs of strings in double courses, which pass over or through the bridge, originating in rural Italian folk music
chitarra decacorde {f} [musical instruments] :: ten-string guitar
chitarra elettrica {f} :: electric guitar
chitarrata {f} [music] :: guitar music
chitarrata {f} :: strumming
chitarrista {mf} :: guitarist
chitarristico {adj} :: guitar (attributive)
chitarrone {m} [musical instruments] :: theorbo
chi ti credi di essere {interj} :: who do you think you are?
chitidriomicosi {f} :: chytridiomycosis
chitina {f} [carbohydrate] :: chitin
chitinoso {adj} :: chitinous
chitone {m} :: chiton
chitosano {m} [carbohydrate] :: chitosan
chitridio {m} :: chytrid
chi trova un amico trova un tesoro {proverb} :: a good friend is worth his weight in gold
Chittolini {prop} :: surname
chiù {m} /ˈkju/ :: synonym of assiolo
chiudenda {f} :: hedge (that encloses)
chiudenda {f} :: shutter, blind
chiudente {v} :: present participle of chiudere
chiudentesi {v} :: present participle of chiudersi
chiuder {v} :: apocopic form of chiudere
chiudere {vt} /ˈkju.de.re/ :: to close, shut
chiudere a chiave {v} :: to lock
chiudere alle corde {v} [idiom] :: alternative form of mettere alle corde
chiudere gli occhi alla realtà {v} :: synonym of nascondere la testa sotto la sabbia
chiudere la stalla / il cancello quando i buoi sono scappati {v} :: close the stable door after the horse has bolted
chiudere la stalla / il cancello quando i buoi sono scappati {v} [idiomatic] :: To attempt to prevent a problem only to find it has already happened
chiudere un occhio {v} :: turn a blind eye
chiudersi {v} :: reflexive of chiudere
chiudersi {v} :: to close, shut
chiudersi {v} :: to close up
chiudersi {v} :: to shut oneself away
chiudetta {f} :: sluice
chiudibile {adj} :: closeable
chiudilettera {m} :: A gummed stamp, often commemorative, put on envelopes to seal them
chiudiporta {m} :: door closer
Chiugiana {prop} :: Chiugiana (small town), situated adjacent to Ellera
chiuino {m} [regional] /kjuˈi.no/ :: synonym of luì piccolo
chiunque {pron} [relative] /kiˈun.kwe/ :: whoever
chiunque {pron} [indefinite] :: anyone, anybody
chiurlante {v} :: present participle of chiurlare
chiurlare {vi} :: To hoot
chiurlettino {m} /kjur.letˈti.no/ :: synonym of piovanello pancianera
chiurletto {m} /kjurˈlet.to/ :: synonym of chiurlo piccolo
chiurlo {m} /ˈkjur.lo/ :: Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata)
chiurlo {m} :: synonym of piovanello maggiore
chiurlo {m} :: synonym of mignattaio
chiurlo {m} :: synonym of assiolo
chiurlo {m} [figurative, vernacular, Tuscan] :: fool, idiot
chiurlo maggiore {m} :: synonym of chiurlo
chiurlo piccolo {m} :: whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)
chiurlotto {m} /kjurˈlɔt.to/ :: diminutive of chiurlo
chiurlotto mezzano {m} :: synonym of chiurlo piccolo
chiusa {f} /ˈkjuːza/ :: enclosure (in a field etc)
chiusa {f} :: sluice
chiusa {f} :: lock (on a canal)
chiusa {f} :: conclusion, closing
Chiusi {prop} :: Chiusi (town)
chiusino {m} :: manhole cover
chiusino {adj} :: Of, or from, Chiusi
chiusino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Chiusi
chiuso {adj} /ˈkju.zo/ :: closed
chiuso ermeticamente {adj} :: hermetically sealed
chiusosi {v} :: past participle of chiudersi
chiusura {f} :: closure, closing
chi va la {interj} :: who goes there?
chi va piano va sano e va lontano {proverb} :: slow and steady wins the race
chi va piano, va sano e va lontano {proverb} :: synonym of la gatta frettolosa fece i gattini ciechi
chi va piano, va sano e va lontano {proverb} :: synonym of la fretta è una cattiva consigliera
chi va piano, va sano e va lontano {proverb} :: synonym of presto e bene non vanno insieme
chivassese {adj} :: Of, or from, Chivasso
chivassese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Chivasso
Chivasso {prop} :: Chivasso (town)
choc {m} :: alternative spelling of shock
choccante {v} :: present participle of choccare
choccare {v} :: alternative spelling of scioccare
chopiniano {adj} [music] :: Chopin (attributive)
chruscioviano {adj} :: Khrushchevian
chuchotage {m} :: chuchotage
chutney {m} :: chutney
ci {f} /t͡ʃi/ :: letter: c; cee
ci {pron} :: us
ci {pron} [reflexive pronoun] :: ourselves; each other
ci {pron} :: to us
ci {pron} :: Replaces the indefinite personal pronoun si (one) before reflexive si (oneself); one
ci {pron} :: it, to it
ci {adv} :: to there, here, there
ci {adv} :: Forms part of many verbs:
ci {m} :: The Twi language family
ciabatta {f} /tʃaˈbatta/ :: slipper, thong, mule
ciabatta {f} [cooking] :: ciabatta (flat bread)
ciabatta {f} :: power strip (block of electrical sockets)
ciabattante {v} :: present participle of ciabattare
ciabattare {vi} :: To shuffle about (in one's slippers)
ciabattino {m} :: shoe repairer, cobbler
ciabattone {m} :: slovenly or down-at-heel person
ciabattone {m} :: bungler
ciabuscolo {m} /t͡ʃaˈbus.ko.lo/ :: alternative form of ciauscolo
ciac {m} :: clapperboard
ciac {interj} :: action! (on a film set)
ciacchista {mf} :: clapper boy
Ciacco {prop} [rare] :: given name, thought to be a form of Jacopo
ciaccona {f} [music] :: chaconne
Ciad {prop} :: Chad
ciadiana {f} :: female equivalent of ciadiano
ciadiano {adj} :: Chadian
ciadiano {m} :: Chadian
ciagataico {m} :: Chagatai (language)
ciak {interj} :: Variant of ciac
cialda {f} /ˈtʃal.da/ :: wafer (for ice-cream)
cialda {f} :: waffle
cialda {f} :: coffee pod or capsule (properly - una cialda di caffè)
cialdone {m} :: wafer (as part of a dessert)
cialtrona {f} :: good-for-nothing, wastrel (feminine)
cialtronata {f} :: bungled job
cialtronata {f} :: nasty trick
cialtrone {m} /t͡ʃalˈtro.ne/ :: good-for-nothing, wastrel, slob
cialtrone {m} :: scoundrel; a dishonest, dishonorable, untrustworthy, contemptible, and often arrogant person
cialtrone {m} :: lout, boor, clown, buffoon, yob
cialtroneria {f} :: uselessness
cialtronescamente {adv} :: in the manner of a good-for-nothing
cialtronesco {adj} :: good-for-nothing (attributive)
ciambella {f} [culinary] /t͡ʃamˈbɛl.la/ :: ring-shaped cake or bread
ciambella {f} [culinary] :: doughnut
ciambella {f} :: any of several other ring-shaped cushions, rubber rings etc
ciambella {f} :: teething ring (object designed for a baby or toddler to chew)
ciambella {f} [mathematics] :: torus
ciambella di salvataggio {f} :: life belt, life preserver, life-buoy
ciambellano {m} :: chamberlain
ciambellare {adj} :: toroidal
ciambellare {adj} :: ring (attributive)
ciambellone {m} :: cake (ring-shaped)
ciammotta {f} :: slug, snail
ciammotta {f} :: slowcoach
Ciampi {prop} :: surname
Ciampi {prop} :: Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Italian politician and tenth President of Italy
ciampicante {v} :: present participle of ciampicare
ciampicare {vi} :: To stumble, stagger or shuffle (along)
ciampicone {m} :: staggerer, stumbler
ciampicone {m} :: shuffler
Ciampino {prop} :: Ciampino (town), the site of one of Rome's airports
cianamide {f} [organic compound] :: cyanamide
cianammide {f} [chemistry] :: cyanamide
cianammiduro {m} [organic chemistry] :: cyanimide
cianato {m} [chemistry] :: cyanate
cianca {f} [regional, jocular] /ˈt͡ʃan.ka/ :: alternative form of zanca
cianca {f} :: leg [especially if unhealthy]
ciancia {f} :: gossip, tittle-tattle
cianciante {v} :: present participle of cianciare
cianciare {vi} :: to gossip, to tittle-tattle
ciancicante {v} :: present participle of ciancicare
ciancicare {vt} :: to mumble
ciancicare {vt} :: to crumple
ciancicare {vt} :: to chew slowly and with difficulty
Cianciolo {prop} :: surname
cianciona {f} :: female equivalent of ciancione
ciancione {m} :: chatterbox, windbag
ciancione {m} :: gossip (person)
Ciane {prop} :: Ciane (river)
Cianfa {prop} [rare] :: given name, most notably that of Cianfa Donati
cianfero {adj} :: Very untidy or messy
cianfrinante {v} :: present participle of cianfrinare
cianfrinare {v} :: to caulk
cianfrinatura {f} :: caulking
cianfrugliante {v} :: present participle of cianfrugliare
cianfrugliare {vt} :: To bungle or botch
cianfruglione {m} :: bungler, botcher
cianfrusaglia {f} /t͡ʃan.fruˈzaʎ.ʎa/ :: knick-knack, bauble
cianfrusaglia {f} [pluralonly] :: junk
cianfrusaglia {f} :: bric-a-brac
ciangottante {v} :: present participle of ciangottare
ciangottare {vit} :: To stammer or stutter
ciangottare {vi} :: To prattle (especially of a baby)
ciangottare {vi} :: To twitter or chirp
ciangottio {m} :: stuttering, stammering
ciangottio {m} :: prattling (of a baby)
ciangottio {m} :: twittering, chirping
Ciani {prop} :: surname
cianico {adj} [chemistry] :: cyanic
cianidrico {adj} :: hydrocyanic
cianina {f} [organic chemistry] :: cyanin
cianite {f} [mineral] :: kyanite
ciano- {prefix} [chemistry] :: cyano-
ciano {m} /ˈtʃi.a.no/ :: cornflower (plant)
ciano {m} :: cyan (colour)
ciano {m} :: cyanogen
ciano {f} :: blueprint, cyanotype
cianoacrilato {m} [organic chemistry] :: cyanoacrylate
cianobatterio {m} :: cyanobacterium, blue-green alga
cianobatterio {m} :: sea sawdust
cianocobalamina {f} [biochemistry] :: cyanocobalmin
cianoficea {f} :: cyanobacterium
cianogeno {m} [organic compound] :: cyanogen
cianogeno {m} [organic chemistry] :: nitrile (radical)
cianogeno {adj} :: cyanogenetic
cianografia {f} :: blueprinting (process)
cianografia {f} :: heliography
cianografica {f} :: blueprint, cyanotype
cianografico {adj} :: blueprint (attributive)
cianografo {m} :: blueprinter (device)
cianopatia {f} :: cyanosis
cianosi {f} [pathology] :: cyanosis
cianotico {adj} :: cyanotic, cyanose, cyanosed
cianotipia {f} :: blueprinting (process)
cianotipico {adj} :: blueprint (attributive)
cianotipo {m} :: blueprint, cyanotype
cianurazione {f} :: cyanidation
cianuro {m} :: cyanide
cianuro di calcio {m} [inorganic compound] :: calcium cyanide
cianuro di idrogeno {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydrogen cyanide
cianuro di metile {m} [organic compound] :: methyl cyanide, cyanomethane
cianuro di potassio {m} [inorganic compound] :: potassium cyanide
cianuro di sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium cyanide
cianuro di vinile {m} [organic compound] :: vinyl cyanide
ciao {interj} /ˈt͡ʃao/ :: hello!
ciao {interj} :: goodbye!
ciao ciao {interj} :: bye-bye
ciaone {interj} [neologism, colloquial, jocular] :: hello; used as a greater and more affectionate greeting
ciaone {m} [neologism, colloquial, often, jocular] :: very warm and affectionate hello
ciaramella {f} [musical instruments] :: shawm
ciaramella {f} [musical instruments] :: bagpipe
Ciaramella {prop} :: surname
ciarda {f} :: czardas
ciarla {f} :: false rumour
ciarla {f} :: gossip, buzz, chit-chat, claver
ciarla {f} :: gift of the gab
ciarlante {v} :: present participle of ciarlare
ciarlare {vi} :: to chatter, gossip
ciarlatana {f} :: female equivalent of ciarlatano
ciarlatanata {f} :: snake oil (quack remedy)
ciarlataneria {f} :: charlatanism, quackery
ciarlatanesco {adj} :: charlatan, quack (attributive)
ciarlatano {m} :: charlatan, quack
ciarliero {adj} :: talkative, chatty
ciarlona {f} :: female equivalent of ciarlone
ciarlone {m} :: big mouth, windbag
ciarmato {adj} :: spellbound, bewitched
ciarmatore {m} :: alternative form of ciurmatore
ciarpame {m} :: rubbish, junk
ciarpame {m} :: bric-a-brac
ciarpume {m} :: Variant of ciarpame
ciascheduno {adj} :: alternative form of ciascuno
ciascheduno {pron} :: alternative form of ciascuno
ciascheduno {adv} :: alternative form of ciascuno
ciascun {adj} :: apocopic form of ciascuno
ciascuno {adj} [singular only] :: each, every
ciascuno {pron} :: each one
ciascuno {pron} :: everyone, everybody
ciascuno {adv} :: each, apiece
ciaspola {f} [especially in plural] :: snowshoe
ciaspolata {f} [neologism, sports] :: snowshoeing
ciato {m} /ˈt͡ʃi.a.to/ :: A glass or metal pot, fitted with a ling handle, used for drawing off wine
ciato {m} :: An ancient unit of measure equivalent to approximately 50 ml
ciato {m} [botany] :: cyathium
ciato {m} :: A mushroom of the genus Ciato
ciattante {v} :: present participle of ciattare
ciattare {v} :: alternative form of chattare
ciauscolo {m} /t͡ʃa.ˈus.ko.lo/ :: A finely ground pork meat sausage from Marche with garlic and pepper, to be eaten raw
ciavardello {m} :: wild service tree (tree of the species Sorbus torminalis)
ciazio {m} [botany] /t͡ʃiˈat.t͡sjo/ :: synonym of ciato
cibante {v} :: present participle of cibare
cibantesi {v} :: present participle of cibarsi
cibare {v} :: to feed
cibare {v} :: to nourish
cibare {v} :: to fertilize
cibare {v} :: to eat (literary usage)
cibaria {f} /t͡ʃiˈba.rja/ :: foodstuff, provisions
cibaria {f} :: scoff
cibarsi {vr} :: to feed on
cibarsi {vr} :: to eat
cibatosi {v} :: past participle of cibarsi
cibazione {f} :: eating, feeding
cibazione {f} :: food
ciber- {prefix} :: cyber-
cibernauta {mf} :: cybernaut
cibernetica {f} [science] :: cybernetics
ciberneticamente {adv} :: cybernetically
cibernetico {adj} /ˌt͡ʃibeɾˈnɛtiko/ :: cybernetic
ciberspazio {m} /ˌt͡ʃibeɾˈspat͡sjo/ :: cyberspace
Cibin {prop} :: surname
cibo {m} /ˈt͡ʃiː.bo̞/ :: food
ciborio {m} [architecture] :: ciborium
ciborio {m} :: A fixed vaulted canopy over a Christian altar, supported on four columns
ciborio {m} :: A covered receptacle for holding the consecrated wafers of the Eucharist
cica {f} :: nothing
cica {adv} :: not at all
cicala {f} :: cicada
cicala {f} [vulgar, regional] :: cunt, pussy
cicala {f} [nautical] :: The ring at the top of an anchor to which the chain is attached
Cicala {prop} :: surname
cicalante {v} :: present participle of cicalare
cicalare {vi} :: To chatter or jabber (away or on)
cicaleccio {m} :: chatter, chattering
cicaleccio {m} :: chirping (of birds)
cicaleggio {m} :: Variant of cicaleccio
cicalino {m} :: buzzer
cicalio {m} :: chatter, chattering
cicalona {f} :: female equivalent of cicalone
cicalone {m} :: big mouth, windbag
cicatrice {f} :: scar
cicatricola {f} [botany] :: hilum
cicatricola {f} [biology] :: cicatricle
cicatriziale {adj} :: cicatricial
cicatrizzante {adj} :: cicatrizing
cicatrizzante {m} [pharmacology] :: cicatrizant
cicatrizzante {v} :: present participle of cicatrizzare
cicatrizzantesi {v} :: present participle of cicatrizzarsi
cicatrizzare {vt} :: to cicatrize, to heal
cicatrizzarsi {vr} :: To cicatrize, to heal
cicatrizzatosi {v} :: past participle of cicatrizzarsi
cicatrizzazione {f} :: scaring (formation of a scar on a wound)
cicca {f} :: cigarette end, stub, cigar butt
cicca {f} [slang] :: fag (cigarette)
cicca {f} [familiar] :: worthless thing; trifle
cicca {f} :: breath mint
cicca {f} [familiar] :: (piece of) chewing gum
ciccaiolo {m} :: bum, tramp (specifically, a person who picks up cigarette ends)
ciccante {v} :: present participle of ciccare
ciccare {vi} :: to chew [tobacco]
ciccare {vi} :: to chew [chewing gum]
ciccare {vi} [regional] :: to get angry
ciccare {vt} :: to make a big mistake; to fail completely
cicchettante {v} :: present participle of cicchettare
cicchettare {vi} :: To tipple (to enjoy small amounts of alcohol)
cicchettare {vt} :: To prime (a motor)
cicchetto {m} :: shot glass
cicchetto {m} [by extension] :: drop, nip, shot (small amount to drink)
cicchetto {m} [especially, in plural] :: snack
cicchetto {m} [figurative] :: telling-off, ticking-off
ciccia {f} :: fat (on a person)
ciccia {f} :: flab
ciccia {f} :: (term of endearment) cutie, sweetie, babe, darling
ciccio {m} :: honey, sugar (affectionate name)
Ciccio {prop} /ˈt͡ʃit.t͡ʃo/ :: given name
cicciolo {m} :: pork rind (in plural, pork scratchings)
cicciona {f} :: female equivalent of ciccione
ciccione {m} :: fatty (informal term for a fat person)
ciccioso {adj} :: plump, fleshy
cicciottello {adj} :: plump, podgy
cicciotto {adj} :: plump
cicciotto {adj} :: podgy
cicciuto {adj} :: chubby
cicerbita {f} /t͡ʃiˈt͡ʃer.bi.ta/ :: sow thistle (of the genus Sonchus)
cicerchia {f} :: chickling vetch (plant with edible seeds similar to peas)
cicerchiata {f} :: A type of sweetmeat from Abruzzo and surrounding regions
cicerchione {m} :: peavine, vetchling
cicerone {m} :: A guide who shows people around tourist sights
cicerone {m} [colloquial] :: A know-it-all or smart ass
Cicerone {prop} :: Cicero
ciceroniano {adj} :: of Cicero
cicheto {m} :: alternative form of cicchetto
Cicilia {prop} :: medieval spelling of Sicilia
Cicilia {prop} :: surname
ciciones {n} :: synonym of malloreddus
cicisbeare {v} /t͡ʃi.t͡ʃis.beˈa.re/ :: To act like a wooer or seducer
cicisbeatura {f} /t͡ʃi.t͡ʃis.be.aˈtu.ra/ :: An act typical of a wooer or seducer
cicisbeismo {m} /t͡ʃi.t͡ʃis.be.isˈmo/ :: The custom of the cicisbeos in the 18th century
cicisbeo {m} [historical, 18th century] /t͡ʃi.t͡ʃisˈbɛ.o/ :: cicisbeo (knightly servant of a high-born lady)
cicisbeo {m} [by extension] :: A dandy, a vain young man who is concerned about his appearance, especially in order to attract women
cicisbeo {m} [historical, 18th century, figurative] :: A kind of ribbon
ciclabile {adj} /t͡ʃiˈkla.bi.le/ :: cycle [attributive], bicycle [attributive]
Cicladi {prop} :: Cyclades
cicladico {adj} :: Cycladic
ciclaggio {m} /t͡ʃiˈklad.d͡ʒo/ :: A series of cycles (e.g., in the functioning of a machine)
ciclamico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: cyclamic
ciclamino {adj} :: color between pink and purple, typical of this flower
ciclamino {m} :: cyclamen
ciclammato {m} [organic chemistry] :: cyclamate
ciclamoro {m} [heraldry] :: A large, single circle or ring
ciclasi {f} [enzyme] :: cyclase
ciclicamente {adv} :: cyclically
ciclicità {f} /t͡ʃi.kli.t͡ʃiˈta/ :: cyclicity
ciclico {adj} /ˈt͡ʃi.kli.ko/ :: cyclic, cyclical
ciclina {f} [protein] :: cyclin
ciclismo {m} :: cycling, cycle racing
ciclismo su pista {m} [cycle racing] :: track cycling
ciclista {mf} :: cyclist, biker
ciclistico {adj} :: bicycle (attributive), cycle (attributive)
ciclizzante {v} :: present participle of ciclizzare
ciclizzare {vt} [chemistry] :: to cyclize
ciclizzazione {f} [chemistry] :: cyclization
-ciclo {suffix} :: -cycle
ciclo- {prefix} :: cyclo-
ciclo {m} /ˈt͡ʃi.klo/ :: cycle (all senses), bike (bicycle)
ciclo {m} :: series, round
ciclo {m} :: period, menses
ciclo {m} [computing] :: loop
ciclo {m} :: rotation
cicloaddizione {f} [chemistry] :: cycloaddition
cicloalcano {m} [organic chemistry] :: cycloalkane
cicloalchene {m} [organic chemistry] :: cycloalkene
cicloalchino {m} [organic chemistry] :: cycloalkyne
cicloamatore {m} :: amateur cyclist (sporting)
ciclobutadiene {m} [organic compound] :: cyclobutadiene
ciclobutano {m} [organic compound] :: cyclobutane
ciclocampestre {f} :: cross-country cycle race
ciclocampestre {adj} :: cross-country cycling (attributive)
ciclocomputer {m} :: cyclocomputer
cicloconio {m} /t͡ʃi.kloˈkɔ.njo/ :: Any member of the Cycloconium taxonomic genus
ciclocross {m} :: cyclo-cross (cross-country cycle race)
ciclocrossista {mf} :: cyclo-cross cyclist
ciclocrossistico {adj} :: cyclo-cross (attributive)
ciclo degli acidi tricarbossilici {m} [biochemistry] :: tricarboxylic acid cycle
ciclo del carbonio {m} :: carbon cycle
ciclo del carbonio-azoto {m} [physics] :: carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle, CNO cycle
ciclo dell'acido citrico {m} [biochemistry] :: citric acid cycle
ciclo dell'acqua {m} :: water cycle
ciclodestrina {f} [carbohydrate] :: cyclodextrin
ciclo di Krebs {m} [biochemistry] :: Krebs cycle
ciclo di vita {m} :: life cycle / lifecycle
ciclododecatriene {m} [organic compound] :: cyclododecatriene
cicloeptano {m} [organic compound] :: cycloheptane
cicloergometro {m} :: bicycle ergometer
cicloesanico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: cyclohexyl
cicloesano {m} [organic compound] :: cyclohexane
cicloesanolo {m} [organic compound] :: cyclohexanol
cicloesanone {m} [organic compound] :: cyclohexanone
cicloesene {m} [organic compound] :: cyclohexene
cicloesimide {f} :: cycloheximide
ciclofano {m} [organic chemistry] :: cyclophane
ciclofattorino {m} [neologism] :: deliveryman who commutes on a bicycle
ciclofurgone {m} :: A bicycle or tricycle used for delivering goods
ciclogenesi {f} :: cyclogenesis
cicloidale {adj} :: cycloid, cycloidal
cicloide {f} [geometry] :: cycloid
ciclo idrologico {m} :: water cycle
ciclomeria {f} [biology] :: cyclomery (regular repetition of body parts about an axis)
ciclo mestruale {m} :: menstrual cycle
ciclometria {f} :: cyclometry
ciclomotore {m} :: moped
ciclomotorista {mf} :: moped rider
ciclone {m} :: cyclone
ciclone {m} :: whirlwind
ciclonico {adj} :: cyclonic
ciclonite {f} :: cyclonite
cicloottatetraene {m} [organic compound] :: cyclooctatetraene
cicloottazolfo {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: cyclo-octasulfur
cicloparaffina {f} [organic chemistry] :: cycloparaffin, cycloalkane
ciclope {m} :: cyclops
ciclopedonale {adj} :: cyclist and pedestrian (attributive); of or related to the transit of cyclists and pedestrians, or the lanes reserved for them
ciclopentadiene {m} [organic compound] :: cyclopentadiene
ciclopentano {m} [organic compound] :: cyclopentane
ciclopentene {m} [organic compound] :: cyclopentene
ciclopia {f} [medicine] :: cyclopia
ciclopico {adj} :: cyclopean
ciclopico {adj} :: huge, gigantic
ciclopismo {m} :: cyclopia
ciclopista {f} :: cycle track, cycle path
cicloplegia {f} [medicine] :: cycloplegia
ciclopropano {m} [organic compound] /t͡ʃi.klo.proˈpa.no/ :: cyclopropane
cicloraduno {m} :: cycle rally
cicloserina {f} [organic compound] :: cycloserine
ciclosilicato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: cyclosilicate
ciclosoma {f} [enzyme] :: cyclosome
ciclosporina {f} [biochemistry] :: cyclosporine, ciclosporin
ciclossigenasi {f} [enzyme] :: cyclooxegenase
ciclostilante {v} :: present participle of ciclostilare
ciclostilare {vt} :: To cyclostyle or duplicate
ciclostilato {adj} :: cyclostyled, duplicated
ciclostile {m} :: cyclostyle, duplicate
ciclostomo {m} :: cyclostome
ciclostomo {m} :: lamprey
ciclotema {m} [geology] :: cyclothem
ciclotimia {f} [medicine] :: cyclothymia
ciclotimico {adj} :: cyclothymic, cyclothyme
ciclotomia {f} :: cyclotomy (all senses)
ciclotomico {adj} [mathematics] :: cyclotomic
ciclotomo {m} :: cyclotome
ciclotrimetilentrinitroammina {f} [organic compound] :: cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine
ciclotrone {m} :: cyclotron
ciclottero {m} [zoology, ichthyology] :: lumpsucker
cicloturismo {m} :: bicycle touring
cicloturista {mf} :: bicycle tourist
cicloturistico {adj} :: bicycle touring (attributive)
Cicno {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Cycnus
cicogna {f} :: stork
cicogna bianca {f} :: white stork
cicogna gozzuta {f} :: marabou or adjutant stork
cicoria {f} :: chicory
cicoriaceo {adj} :: chicory (attributive)
ci corre quanto dal cielo alla terra {phrase} [idiom] :: There is a very great difference (between)
cicuta {f} [uncountable] :: alternative case form of Cicuta: the Cicuta taxonomic genus
cicuta {f} :: water hemlock, cowbane (any poisonous plant of the genus Cicuta)
cicuta {f} :: hemlock (poison)
cicuta acquatica {f} [uncountable] /t͡ʃiˈku.ta akˈkwa.ti.ka/ :: cowbane, northern water hemlock (Cicuta virosa)
cicuta acquatica {f} :: A cowbane plant
cicuta aglina {f} :: synonym of cicuta minore
cicuta di Socrate {f} :: synonym of cicuta maggiore
cicuta maggiore {f} [uncountable] :: poison hemlock (Conium maculatum)
cicuta maggiore {f} :: A poison hemlock plant
cicuta minore {f} [uncountable] :: fool's parsley (Aethusa cynapium)
cicuta minore {f} :: A fool's parsley plant
cicuta rossa {f} [uncountable] :: herb Robert (Geranium robertianum)
-cida {suffix} :: -cide (denoting a person or substance that kills)
-cida {suffix} :: -cidal
-cidio {suffix} /ˈt͡ʃi.djo/ :: -cide (an act of killing)
Cidno {prop} :: The Tarsus çay, that flows in Turkey
cidonio {adj} /t͡ʃiˈdɔ.njo/ :: Cydonian (of or pertaining to Cydonia)
cieca {f} :: blind woman
ciecale {adj} [anatomy] :: caecal
ciecamente {adv} /ˈt͡ʃe.kaˈmɛn.te/ :: blindly
ciecamente {adv} :: [figuratively] implicitly
ciecare {vt} [archaic, regional] /t͡ʃeˈka.re/ :: to blind
ciecare {vt} [archaic, regional] :: to darken, to obscure
ciecare {vt} [archaic, regional] :: to block, to wall up
ciecare {vt} [archaic, regional] :: to countersink
cieco {adj} /ˈt͡ʃe.ko/ :: blind
cieco {m} :: blind person
ciel {m} :: apocopic form of cielo
ciellenista {mf} :: Member or supporter of the CLN
ciellino {adj} :: Of or relating to Comunione e Liberazione, an Italian lay ecclesial movement
ciellino {m} :: A member of Comunione e Liberazione
cielo {m} /ˈt͡ʃɛlo/ :: sky
cielo {m} :: heaven
cifoplastica {f} [surgery] :: kyphoplasty
cifoscoliosi {f} [medicine] :: kyphoscoliosis
cifosi {f} [pathology] :: kyphosis
cifotico {adj} :: kyphotic
cifra {f} :: figure, numeral
cifra {f} :: sum
cifra {f} :: code, cipher
cifra {f} [in the plural] :: initials, monogram
cifrante {v} :: present participle of cifrare
cifrare {vt} :: to encode; to cipher
cifrare {vt} :: to embroider a monogram
cifrario {m} :: codebook
cifrato {adj} :: coded, ciphered
cifrato {adj} :: initialed, monogrammed
cifratura {f} :: cipher
cifratura {f} :: encryption
cifrista {mf} :: coder, cipherer
cigiellino {m} :: Member or supporter of the CGIL
cigiellista {mf} :: member or supporter of the CGIL
cigiones {n} :: synonym of malloreddus
cigliare {adj} :: Variant of ciliare
cigliato {adj} :: ciliate, ciliated
ciglio {m} [in the plural] :: eyelashes
ciglio {m} :: eyebrow
ciglio {m} [in the plural, literary] :: eyes
ciglio {m} [in the plural, biology] :: cilia
ciglio {m} :: border, edge, side, gutter (of a street)
ciglio {m} :: brow
ciglione {m} :: bank, embankment
ciglione {m} :: edge, brink, verge
cignale {m} :: wild boar (Variant of: cinghiale)
Cignaroli {prop} :: surname
Cignaroli {prop} :: Giambettino Cignaroli, Italian painter
cigno {m} /ˈt͡ʃiɲ.ɲo/ :: Any member of the Cygnus taxonomic genusswan
cigno {m} [figurative] :: An epithet of musicians and poets
Cigno {prop} [astronomy] /ˈt͡ʃiɲ.ɲo/ :: The Cygnus constellation
cigno canoro {m} :: synonym of cigno selvatico
cigno coscoroba {m} :: Coscoroba swan (Coscoroba coscoroba)
cigno dal collo nero {m} :: black-necked swan (Cygnus melancoryphus)
cigno musico {m} :: synonym of cigno selvatico
cigno muto {m} :: synonym of cigno reale
cigno nero {m} :: black swan (Cygnus atratus)
cigno reale {m} :: mute swan (Cygnus olor)
cigno selvatico {m} :: whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus)
cigno trombettiere {m} :: trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator)
cigolante {v} :: present participle of cigolare
cigolar {v} :: apocopic form of cigolare
cigolare {vi} :: to creak, to squeak
cigolio {m} :: creaking, squeaking
cigolio {m} :: chatter
Cile {prop} :: Cile (country)
Cilea {prop} :: surname
cilecca {f} [colloquial] /t͡ʃiˈlekka/ :: trick, prank
cilecca {f} :: failure
cilena {f} :: female equivalent of cileno
cileno {adj} :: Chilean
cileno {m} :: Chilean
cilentano {adj} :: Of or from Cilento
Cilento {prop} :: Cilento (historic region)
Cilestino {prop} :: given name
cilestrino {adj} :: pale blue
ciliare {adj} [anatomy] :: ciliary, eyelashes (attributive)
ciliato {adj} :: ciliate, ciliated
ciliato {m} [zoology] :: ciliate
Cilibrasi {prop} :: surname
cilicio {m} :: hair shirt
ciliegeto {m} :: cherry orchard
ciliegia {f} /tʃiˈljɛdʒa/ :: cherry (fruit)
ciliegia {f} [color] :: cherry
ciliegia {adj} :: cherry (in colour)
ciliegina {f} :: A cherry or properly a small cherry
ciliegino {m} :: cherry tomato
ciliegio {m} :: cherry tree
ciliegiolo {m} :: cherry liqueur
ciliegiolo {m} :: A variety of red wine grape from Italy
ciliegiolo {adj} :: cherry, cerise (in colour)
cilindrante {v} :: present participle of cilindrare
cilindrare {vt} :: to roll (put through rollers)
cilindrare {vt} :: to calender
cilindrata {f} :: cubic capacity (of an engine etc)
cilindratura {f} :: rolling
cilindratura {f} :: calendering
cilindratura {f} :: pressing
cilindretto {m} :: Little cylinder
cilindrico {adj} :: cylindrical
cilindrite {f} [mineral] :: cylindrite
cilindro {m} [geometry] /t͡ʃi.lin.ˈdrɔ/ :: cylinder
cilindro {m} :: roller
cilindro {m} :: top hat
cilindro {m} :: tumbler (movable obstruction in a lock)
cima {f} :: top
cima {f} :: peak, spur
cima {f} :: summit
cima {f} :: hawser, line, rope, cable (nautical)
Cimabue {prop} :: Pseudonym of "Cenni di Pepo", Italian painter
cimale {m} :: lop (part cut off the top of a tree)
cimanalisi {f} :: Variant of cimoanalisi
ci mancherebbe altro {v} :: don't mention it
ci mancherebbe altro {v} :: God forbid
cimante {v} :: present participle of cimare
cimare {vt} :: to trim, clip, poll or lop
cimare {vt} :: to shear
cimarolo {m} :: type of artichoke
Cimarosa {prop} :: surname
Cimarosa {prop} :: Domenico Cimarosa, Italian composer
cimarrone {mf} :: maroon
cimasa {f} /t͡ʃiˈma.za/ :: moulding
cimasa {f} :: coping
cimata {f} :: trimming, clipping, lopping, polling
cimata {f} :: shearing
cimatore {m} :: lopper, poller
cimatore {m} :: shearer, clipper
cimatrice {f} :: shearing machine (textiles)
cimatura {f} :: shearing, clipping
cimatura {f} [in the plural] :: clippings
cimatura {f} :: polling
cimbaletto {m} [musical instruments] :: A type of Spanish tambourine that incorporated rattles
cimballina {f} :: synonym of imbutino (mushroom)
cimbalo {m} [musical instruments] :: cymbal
cimbalo {m} [musical instruments] :: A type of harpsichord; an organ register having a similar sound
cimbasso {m} [musical instruments] :: cimbasso
cimbrico {adj} :: Cimbrian
cimbro {adj} :: Cimbrian
cimbro {m} :: Cimbrian (person)
cimbro {m} :: Cimbrian (language)
cime di rapa {fp} :: turnip greens, rapini
cime di rape {fp} :: alternative form of cime di rapa
cimelio {m} :: relic
cimentante {v} :: present participle of cimentare
cimentantesi {v} :: present participle of cimentarsi
cimentare {vt} [rare] :: to put to the test; to test
cimentare {vt} [rare] :: to risk; to jeopardize
cimentare {vt} [rare] :: to provoke; to challenge
cimentarsi {v} :: reflexive of cimentare
cimentarsi {v} [in] :: to expose oneself to risk; to risk; to venture
cimentarsi {v} [in, con] :: to challenge oneself; to put oneself to the test
cimentarsi {v} [con] :: to face [someone] in a battle, showdown, etc.; to square off (against)
cimentarsi {v} [con] :: to grapple (with)
cimentarsi {v} [figurative] :: [in, con] to take a run at; to dabble
cimentatosi {v} :: past participle of cimentarsi
cimento {m} :: mixture or concoction used by goldsmiths to purify or assay precious metals
cimento {m} [figuratively] :: trial (risky undertaking)
cimentoso {adj} :: risky
cimero {m} :: alternative form of cimiero
cimice {f} :: bedbug
cimice {f} :: bug (electronic intercept device)
cimiciaio {m} :: pigsty, flea pit (filthy place)
cimicino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to stinkbugs
cimicioso {adj} :: bug-ridden
cimiciotto {m} :: black horehound (Ballota nigra)
cimiero {m} :: crest
cimiero {m} :: helmet
Cimini {prop} :: A mountain chain in Lazio
Cimini {prop} :: surname
ciminiera {f} :: chimney, smokestack, funnel
ciminnese {adj} :: Of or from Ciminna
ciminnese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Ciminna
cimino {m} :: Variant of cumino
cimino {m} :: The flexible tip of a fishing rod
cimiteriale {adj} :: cemetery (attributive)
cimitero {m} :: cemetery, graveyard
Cimmero {m} :: Cimmerian (all senses)
cimoanalisi {f} [analysis] :: harmonic analysis
cimofenolo {m} [organic compound] :: cymophenol
cimolo {m} :: head (of lettuce or similar vegetable)
cimometro {m} :: cymometer (wave meter)
cimosa {f} [textiles, clothing] :: selvage (in sewing)
cimoso {adj} [botany] :: cymose
cimurro {m} :: distemper (illness)
Cina {prop} /ˈtʃina/ :: China. Official name: Repubblica Popolare Cinese
cinabro {m} :: cinnabar
cinasi {f} :: alternative form of chinasi
cincia {f} /ˈt͡ʃin.t͡ʃa/ :: tit, titmouse, tomtit
cincia bigia {f} :: marsh tit
cincia bigia alpestre {f} :: willow tit
cincia dal ciuffo {f} :: crested tit
cinciallegra {f} /tʃin.tʃalˈle.ɡra/ :: great tit
cincia mora {f} :: coal tit
cinciarella {f} :: blue tit
cincillà {m} [rodent, fur] :: chinchilla
cin cin {interj} :: alternative spelling of cincin
cin cin {m} :: alternative spelling of cincin
cincin {interj} /tʃinˈtʃin/ :: cheers! (when toasting)
cincin {m} :: toast
cincinnare {v} [regional] /t͡ʃin.t͡ʃinˈna.re/ :: To skillfully style hair
cincinnarsi {v} [regional] /t͡ʃin.t͡ʃinˈnar.si/ :: reflexive of cincinnare
cincinnarsi {v} [regional] :: to dress oneself up, deck oneself out, primp
cincinnato {m} /t͡ʃin.t͡ʃinˈna.to/ :: One who relinquishes power and retires to a modest life after politically serving his country
cincinno {m} [literary] /t͡ʃinˈt͡ʃin.no/ :: A lock of curly hair
cincischiamento {m} :: crumpling, crushing, creasing
cincischiamento {m} :: mumbling
cincischiante {v} :: present participle of cincischiare
cincischiare {v} :: to crumple, crush or crease
cincischiare {v} :: to fiddle or mess about
cincischiare {v} :: to waste time
cincischiare {v} :: to mumble
cincona {f} :: cinchona
cine- {prefix} :: cine-; forms words relating to the cinema or cinematography
cine {m} :: cinema
cine {m} :: cinematography
cineamatore {m} :: amateur filmmaker
cineamatoriale {adj} :: amateur filmmaking (attributive)
cineamatorialità {f} :: amateur filmmaking
cineasta {mf} :: cineast
cineasta {mf} :: filmmaker
cinebox {m} [dated] :: A jukebox with a screen that showed a film of the record selected
cinecamera {f} :: cine camera, movie camera
cinecassetta {f} :: can (containing a reel of film)
Cinecittà {prop} /ˌt͡ʃi.ne.t͡ʃit.ˈta/ :: An Italian film studio
cineclub {m} :: film society
cinedilettante {mf} :: amateur filmmaker
cinedilettantismo {m} :: amateur filmmaking
cinedo {m} :: catamite
cinedramma {m} :: A film adaptation of a play
cinefila {f} :: feminine noun of cinefilo
cinefilia {f} :: cinephilia
cinefilo {m} :: cinephile, cineast
cineforum {m} :: debate or discussion accompanying the release of a film
cineforum {m} :: film club (that shows and discusses films)
cinegetico {adj} /t͡ʃi.neˈd͡ʒɛ.ti.ko/ :: Of or pertaining to hunting, especially with the use of dogs; hunting [attributive]
cinegiornale {m} :: newsreel (cinema)
cinelandia {f} :: The film world
cinema {m} [art and industry] /ˈt͡ʃi.ne.ma/ :: cinema
cinema {m} [movie theatre] :: cinema, movie theater, film theatre
cinema muto {m} :: silent cinema, silent movies
cinemateatro {m} :: cinema (place), movie theater
cinematica {f} [physics] :: kinematics
cinematico {adj} :: cinematic
cinematico {adj} :: film (attributive)
cinematismo {m} :: kinematic mechanism
cinematografante {v} :: present participle of cinematografare
cinematografare {vt} :: To film
cinematografaro {m} :: A filmmaker, especially a second-rate one
cinematografia {f} :: cinematography, filmmaking
cinematografia {f} :: film
cinematograficamente {adv} :: cinematographically
cinematografico {adj} :: cinematographic, film, movie, motion-picture, cinema
cinematografo {m} :: (movie theatre) cinema, movie theater, film theatre
cinemitragliatrice {f} :: A form of movie camera, operated automatically when a military aircraft's guns were fired, that recorded combats
cineografo {m} :: kineograph, flip book
cineoperatore {m} :: film cameraman (especially in the TV industry)
cine-panettone {m} :: alternative form of cinepanettone
cinepanettone {m} :: A light-hearted Italian comedy film released at Christmas time
cineparcheggio {m} :: Variant of cineparco
cineparco {m} :: drive-in (cinema)
cinepresa {f} :: cine camera
cineproiettore {m} :: film projector
cinerario {adj} :: funeral, cremation (attributive); cinerary
cinerastro {adj} :: ash-gray (colour)
cinereo {adj} :: pale, ashen
cinereo {adj} :: ash-grey
cinericcio {adj} :: dust-coloured
cinerino {adj} :: alternative form of cenerino
cinerite {f} [geology] :: cinerite
cineromanzo {m} :: film adaptation of a novel
cineromanzo {m} :: Variant of fotoromanzo
cinescopio {m} :: cathode-ray tube (originally kinescope)
cinese {adj} /tʃiˈne.ze/ :: Chinese
cinese {ms} :: The Chinese (language)
cinese {ms} :: A Chinese (male or of unspecified sex), Chinaman
cinese {ms} [in the plural] :: The Chinese, the Chinese people
cinese {fs} :: A Chinese woman, Chinawoman
cinese mandarino {m} :: Mandarin Chinese
cineseria {f} :: chinoiserie
cinese semplificato {m} :: Simplified Chinese (writing system)
cinese tradizionale {f} :: Traditional Chinese (language)
-cinesi {suffix} [science] :: -kinesis
cinesi- {prefix} [science] :: kinesi-
cinesi {mp} :: The Chinese people
cinesi {f} [biology] :: kinesis
Cinesi {n} :: The Chinese (as a group)
-cinesia {suffix} :: -kinesis
cinesia {f} [medicine] :: kinesis
cinesica {f} [medicine] :: kinesics
cinesina {f} :: female equivalent of cinesino
cinesino {m} :: a small Chinese person
cinesino {m} :: a young Chinese person
cinesino {m} :: a yellow cone or pole holding a light (on some roads, at night)
cinesio- {prefix} :: kinesio-
cinesiologia {f} :: kinesiology
cinesiterapia {f} [medicine] :: kinesitherapy, kinesiatrics
cinesiterapista {mf} :: kinesipathist
cinestesia {f} :: kinesthesia, proprioception
cinestetico {adj} :: kinesthetic
cineteatro {m} :: cinema (place), movie theater
cineteca {f} :: film library
cinetelevisivo {adj} :: Of or relating to cinema and television
cinetica {f} /t͡ʃiˈnɛtika/ :: kinetics
cineticamente {adv} :: kinetically
cinetico {adj} /t͡ʃiˈnɛtiko/ :: kinetic
cinetide {m} [biology] :: kinetid
cinetocore {m} [genetics] :: kinetochore
cinetoplastide {m} :: kinetoplastid
cinetosi {f} :: Variant of chinetosi
cinetosoma {f} :: alternative form of chinetosoma
cingalese {adj} :: Sri Lankan
cingalese {mf} :: Sri Lankan
cingallegra {f} :: great tit
cingente {v} :: present participle of cingere
cingere {v} :: to wind, twist, wear
cingere {v} :: to surround, encompass
cingere {v} :: to encircle, girdle, enclose, enfold
cingere d'assedio {vt} :: to besiege, to lay siege to
cinghia {f} :: belt
cinghia {f} :: strap
cinghia {f} :: thong
cinghiale {m} :: wild boar (mammal, meat)
cinghiale {m} :: pigskin
cinghialetto {m} :: marcassin (young wild boar)
cinghialone {m} :: Large wild boar
cinghialone {m} :: Nickname of Italian politician Bettino Craxi
cinghiata {f} :: lash (blow from a belt etc.)
cinghio {m} [obsolete] :: circle
cingolato {adj} :: caterpillar (having caterpillar tracks)
cingolato {m} :: tracked vehicle
cingoletta {f} [military] :: small tracked vehicle
Cingoli {prop} :: Cingoli (small town)
cingolo {m} [rail transportation] /ˈt͡ʃin.ɡo.lo/ :: caterpillar (of a tracked vehicle)
cinguettante {v} :: present participle of cinguettare
cinguettare {vi} :: to twitter; to chirrup; to chirp; to warble
cinguettare {vi} :: to stammer; to stutter
cinguettare {vi} :: to chat
cinguettare {vi} [Internet] :: to tweet
cinguettio {m} :: chirping, twittering
cinguettio {m} [figurative, by extension] :: chatting
cinguettio {m} [Internet, figurative, by extension] :: tweet
cinicamente {adv} :: cynically
cinico {m} :: cynic
cinico {adj} :: cynical, cynic
cinico {adj} [figuratively] :: callous
ciniglia {f} /t͡ʃiˈniʎ.ʎa/ :: chenille
cinigliato {adj} /t͡ʃi.niʎˈʎa.to/ :: chenille [attributive]
cinipe {f} :: gall wasp, cynipid
cinira {f} [musical instrument] /ˈt͡ʃi.ni.ra/ :: kinnor
cinisense {adj} :: Of or from Cinisi
cinisense {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Cinisi
Cinisi {prop} /ʃiːnisiː/ :: A comune in the metropolitan city of Palermo
cinismo {m} :: cynicism
cinnamico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: cinnamic
-cino {suffix} /ˈtʃi.no/ :: Variation of -ino for terms ending in -n, -ne or -na
cino- {prefix} :: Related to dogs
cino- {prefix} :: Related to China
Cino {prop} :: given name
cinocefali {m} {p} :: The collective members of the Cynocephalus (Boddaert) taxonomic genus
cinocefalide {m} [zoology] /t͡ʃi.no.t͡ʃeˈfa.li.de/ :: Any member of the Cynocephalidae taxonomic family
cinocefalidi {m} {p} :: The collective members of the Cynocephalidae taxonomic family
cinocefalo {adj} /t͡ʃi.noˈt͡ʃɛ.fa.lo/ :: cynocephalous (dog-headed)
cinocefalo {m} [zoology] :: Any member of the Cynocephalus (Boddaert) taxonomic genus
cinodonto {m} [zoology] :: cynodont
cinodromo {m} :: dog / greyhound race track
cinofilia {f} :: A passion (keen interest) for dogs
cinofilo {adj} :: dog-loving
cinofilo {m} :: dog lover
cinofobia {f} :: cynophobia (fear of dogs)
cinologia {f} :: cynology; the veterinary study of dogs
cinologo {m} :: cynologist (veterinarian who specialises in dogs)
cinorrodo {m} :: rosehip
Cinotti {prop} :: Cinotti (surname)
cinquale {m} :: The five fingers of the hand
cinquant' {n} :: apocopic form of cinquanta
cinquanta {adj} /t͡ʃinˈkwanta/ :: fifty
cinquanta {num} :: fifty
cinquantacinque {adj} :: fifty-five
cinquantacinque {num} :: fifty-five
cinquantacinquenne {adj} :: fifty-five-year-old
cinquantacinquenne {mf} :: fifty-five-year-old
cinquantacinquesimo {adj} :: fifty-fifth
cinquantacinquesimo {m} :: fifty-fifth
cinquantadue {adj} :: fifty-two
cinquantadue {num} :: fifty-two
cinquantaduenne {adj} :: fifty-two-year-old
cinquantaduenne {mf} :: fifty-two-year-old
cinquantaduesimo {adj} :: fifty-second
cinquantaduesimo {m} :: fifty-second
cinquantamila {adj} :: fifty thousand
cinquantamila {num} :: fifty thousand
cinquantanove {adj} :: fifty-nine
cinquantanove {num} :: fifty-nine
cinquantanovesimo {adj} :: fifty-ninth
cinquantanovesimo {m} :: fifty-ninth
cinquantaquattresimo {adj} :: fifty-fourth
cinquantaquattresimo {m} :: fifty-fourth
cinquantaquattro {adj} :: fifty-four
cinquantaquattro {num} :: fifty-four
cinquantasei {adj} :: fifty-six
cinquantasei {num} :: fifty-six
cinquantaseiesimo {adj} :: fifty-sixth
cinquantaseiesimo {m} :: fifty-sixth
cinquantasette {adj} :: fifty-seven
cinquantasette {num} :: fifty-seven
cinquantasettesimo {adj} :: fifty-seventh
cinquantasettesimo {m} :: fifty-seventh
cinquantatré {adj} :: fifty-three
cinquantatré {num} :: fifty-three
cinquantatreesimo {adj} :: fifty-third
cinquantatreesimo {m} :: fifty-third
cinquantenario {adj} :: That lasts for fifty years
cinquantenario {adj} :: That happens every fifty years
cinquantenario {m} :: A fiftieth anniversary
cinquantennale {adj} :: That lasts for fifty years
cinquantennale {adj} :: That happens every fifty years
cinquantennale {m} :: A fiftieth anniversary
cinquantenne {adj} :: fifty-year-old
cinquantenne {mf} :: fifty-year-old
cinquantennio {m} :: A period of fifty years
cinquantesimo {adj} :: fiftieth
cinquantesimo {adj} :: umpteenth; see also ennesimo
cinquantesimo {m} :: fiftieth
cinquantina {f} :: Approximately fifty; fifty-odd (number or age)
cinquantino {adj} :: Describing a plant that reaches maturity in about fifty days or years
cinquantino {m} :: A 50 cc motorcycle
cinquantone {m} :: A bank note for fifty Euros (originally one for 50,000 lire)
cinquantottesimo {adj} :: fifty-eighth
cinquantottesimo {m} :: fifty-eighth
cinquantotto {adj} :: fifty-eight
cinquantotto {num} :: fifty-eight
cinquantun {adj} :: apocopic form of cinquantuno
cinquantun {num} :: apocopic form of cinquantuno
cinquantunenne {adj} :: fifty-one-year-old
cinquantunenne {mf} :: fifty-one-year-old
cinquantunesimo {adj} :: fifty-first
cinquantunesimo {m} :: fifty-first
cinquantuno {adj} /ˌt͡ʃin.kwanˈtu.no/ :: fifty-one
cinquantuno {num} :: fifty-one
cinquantunomilasettecento {adj} :: fifty-one thousand seven hundred
cinquantunomilasettecento {num} :: fifty-one thousand seven hundred
cinque {num} /ˈt͡ʃin.kwe/ :: five
cinque {adj} :: five
cinque {m} :: five
cinquecentenario {m} :: Five-hundredth anniversary
cinquecentesco {adj} :: sixteenth-century
cinquecentesimo {adj} :: five hundredth
cinquecentesimo {m} :: five hundredth
cinquecentina {f} :: A book (etc) from the 1500s
cinquecentista {m} :: sixteenth-century poet, writer, historian etc
cinquecento {adj} :: five hundred
cinquecento {num} :: five hundred
Cinquecento {m} :: sixteenth century (1500s)
cinquecentocinquanta {adj} :: five hundred and fifty
cinquecentocinquanta {num} :: five hundred and fifty
cinquecentocinquantacinque {adj} :: five hundred and fifty-five
cinquecentocinquantacinque {num} :: five hundred and fifty-five
cinquecentocinquantadue {adj} :: five hundred and fifty-two
cinquecentocinquantadue {num} :: five hundred and fifty-two
cinquecentocinquantanove {adj} :: five hundred and fifty-nine
cinquecentocinquantanove {num} :: five hundred and fifty-nine
cinquecentocinquantaquattro {adj} :: five hundred and fifty-four
cinquecentocinquantaquattro {num} :: five hundred and fifty-four
cinquecentocinquantasei {adj} :: five hundred and fifty-six
cinquecentocinquantasei {num} :: five hundred and fifty-six
cinquecentocinquantasette {adj} :: five hundred and fifty-seven
cinquecentocinquantasette {num} :: five hundred and fifty-seven
cinquecentocinquantatré {adj} :: five hundred and fifty-three
cinquecentocinquantatré {num} :: five hundred and fifty-three
cinquecentocinquantotto {adj} :: five hundred and fifty-eight
cinquecentocinquantotto {num} :: five hundred and fifty-eight
cinquecentocinquantuno {adj} :: five hundred and fifty-one
cinquecentocinquantuno {num} :: five hundred and fifty-one
cinquecentocinque {adj} :: five hundred and five
cinquecentocinque {num} :: five hundred and five
cinquecentodicianove {adj} :: five hundred and nineteen
cinquecentodicianove {num} :: five hundred and nineteen
cinquecentodiciasette {adj} :: five hundred and seventeen
cinquecentodiciasette {num} :: five hundred and seventeen
cinquecentodiciotto {adj} :: five hundred and eighteen
cinquecentodiciotto {num} :: five hundred and eighteen
cinquecentodieci {adj} :: five hundred and ten
cinquecentodieci {num} :: five hundred and ten
cinquecentododici {adj} :: five hundred and twelve
cinquecentododici {num} :: five hundred and twelve
cinquecentodue {adj} :: five hundred and two
cinquecentodue {num} :: five hundred and two
cinquecentomila {adj} :: five hundred thousand
cinquecentomila {num} :: five hundred thousand
cinquecentonovanta {adj} :: five hundred and ninety
cinquecentonovanta {num} :: five hundred and ninety
cinquecentonovantacinque {adj} :: five hundred and ninety-five
cinquecentonovantacinque {num} :: five hundred and ninety-five
cinquecentonovantadue {adj} :: five hundred and ninety-two
cinquecentonovantadue {num} :: five hundred and ninety-two
cinquecentonovantanove {adj} :: five hundred and ninety-nine
cinquecentonovantanove {num} :: five hundred and ninety-nine
cinquecentonovantaquattro {adj} :: five hundred and ninety-four
cinquecentonovantaquattro {num} :: five hundred and ninety-four
cinquecentonovantasei {adj} :: five hundred and ninety-six
cinquecentonovantasei {num} :: five hundred and ninety-six
cinquecentonovantasette {adj} :: five hundred and ninety-seven
cinquecentonovantasette {num} :: five hundred and ninety-seven
cinquecentonovantatré {adj} :: five hundred and ninety-three
cinquecentonovantatré {num} :: five hundred and ninety-three
cinquecentonovantotto {adj} :: five hundred and ninety-eight
cinquecentonovantotto {num} :: five hundred and ninety-eight
cinquecentonovantuno {adj} :: five hundred and ninety-one
cinquecentonovantuno {num} :: five hundred and ninety-one
cinquecentonove {adj} :: five hundred and nine
cinquecentonove {num} :: five hundred and nine
cinquecentootto {adj} :: five hundred and eight
cinquecentootto {num} :: five hundred and eight
cinquecentoquaranta {adj} :: five hundred and forty
cinquecentoquaranta {num} :: five hundred and forty
cinquecentoquarantacinque {adj} :: five hundred and forty-five
cinquecentoquarantacinque {num} :: five hundred and forty-five
cinquecentoquarantadue {adj} :: five hundred and forty-two
cinquecentoquarantadue {num} :: five hundred and forty-two
cinquecentoquarantanove {adj} :: five hundred and forty-nine
cinquecentoquarantanove {num} :: five hundred and forty-nine
cinquecentoquarantaquattro {adj} :: five hundred and forty-four
cinquecentoquarantaquattro {num} :: five hundred and forty-four
cinquecentoquarantasei {adj} :: five hundred and forty-six
cinquecentoquarantasei {num} :: five hundred and forty-six
cinquecentoquarantasette {adj} :: five hundred and forty-seven
cinquecentoquarantasette {num} :: five hundred and forty-seven
cinquecentoquarantatré {adj} :: five hundred and forty-three
cinquecentoquarantatré {num} :: five hundred and forty-three
cinquecentoquarantotto {adj} :: five hundred and forty-eight
cinquecentoquarantotto {num} :: five hundred and forty-eight
cinquecentoquarantuno {adj} :: five hundred and forty-one
cinquecentoquarantuno {num} :: five hundred and forty-one
cinquecentoquattordici {adj} :: five hundred and fourteen
cinquecentoquattordici {num} :: five hundred and fourteen
cinquecentoquattro {adj} :: five hundred and four
cinquecentoquattro {num} :: five hundred and four
cinquecentoquindici {adj} :: five hundred and fifteen
cinquecentoquindici {num} :: five hundred and fifteen
cinquecentosedici {adj} :: five hundred and sixteen
cinquecentosedici {num} :: five hundred and sixteen
cinquecentosei {adj} :: five hundred and six
cinquecentosei {num} :: five hundred and six
cinquecentosessanta {adj} :: five hundred and sixty
cinquecentosessanta {num} :: five hundred and sixty
cinquecentosessantacinque {adj} :: five hundred and sixty-five
cinquecentosessantacinque {num} :: five hundred and sixty-five
cinquecentosessantadue {adj} :: five hundred and sixty-two
cinquecentosessantadue {num} :: five hundred and sixty-two
cinquecentosessantanove {adj} :: five hundred and sixty-nine
cinquecentosessantanove {num} :: five hundred and sixty-nine
cinquecentosessantaquattro {adj} :: five hundred and sixty-four
cinquecentosessantaquattro {num} :: five hundred and sixty-four
cinquecentosessantasei {adj} :: five hundred and sixty-six
cinquecentosessantasei {num} :: five hundred and sixty-six
cinquecentosessantasette {adj} :: five hundred and sixty-seven
cinquecentosessantasette {num} :: five hundred and sixty-seven
cinquecentosessantatré {adj} :: five hundred and sixty-three
cinquecentosessantatré {num} :: five hundred and sixty-three
cinquecentosessantotto {adj} :: five hundred and sixty-eight
cinquecentosessantotto {num} :: five hundred and sixty-eight
cinquecentosessantuno {adj} :: five hundred and sixty-one
cinquecentosessantuno {num} :: five hundred and sixty-one
cinquecentosettanta {adj} :: five hundred and seventy
cinquecentosettanta {num} :: five hundred and seventy
cinquecentosettantacinque {adj} :: five hundred and seventy-five
cinquecentosettantacinque {num} :: five hundred and seventy-five
cinquecentosettantadue {adj} :: five hundred and seventy-two
cinquecentosettantadue {num} :: five hundred and seventy-two
cinquecentosettantanove {adj} :: five hundred and seventy-nine
cinquecentosettantanove {num} :: five hundred and seventy-nine
cinquecentosettantaquattro {adj} :: five hundred and seventy-four
cinquecentosettantaquattro {num} :: five hundred and seventy-four
cinquecentosettantasei {adj} :: five hundred and seventy-six
cinquecentosettantasei {num} :: five hundred and seventy-six
cinquecentosettantasette {adj} :: five hundred and seventy-seven
cinquecentosettantasette {num} :: five hundred and seventy-seven
cinquecentosettantatré {adj} :: five hundred and seventy-three
cinquecentosettantatré {num} :: five hundred and seventy-three
cinquecentosettantotto {adj} :: five hundred and seventy-eight
cinquecentosettantotto {num} :: five hundred and seventy-eight
cinquecentosettantuno {adj} :: five hundred and seventy-one
cinquecentosettantuno {num} :: five hundred and seventy-one
cinquecentosette {adj} :: five hundred and seven
cinquecentosette {num} :: five hundred and seven
cinquecentotre {adj} :: five hundred and three
cinquecentotre {num} :: five hundred and three
cinquecentotré {adj} :: five hundred and three
cinquecentotré {num} :: five hundred and three
cinquecentotredici {adj} :: one hundred and thirteen
cinquecentotredici {num} :: one hundred and thirteen
cinquecentotrenta {adj} :: five hundred and thirty
cinquecentotrenta {num} :: five hundred and thirty
cinquecentotrentacinque {adj} :: five hundred and thirty-five
cinquecentotrentacinque {num} :: five hundred and thirty-five
cinquecentotrentadue {adj} :: five hundred and thirty-two
cinquecentotrentadue {num} :: five hundred and thirty-two
cinquecentotrentanove {adj} :: five hundred and thirty-nine
cinquecentotrentanove {num} :: five hundred and thirty-nine (number)
cinquecentotrentaquattro {adj} :: five hundred and thirty-four
cinquecentotrentaquattro {num} :: five hundred and thirty-four
cinquecentotrentasei {adj} :: five hundred and thirty-six
cinquecentotrentasei {num} :: five hundred and thirty-six
cinquecentotrentasette {adj} :: five hundred and thirty-seven
cinquecentotrentasette {num} :: five hundred and thirty-seven
cinquecentotrentatré {adj} :: five hundred and thirty-three
cinquecentotrentatré {num} :: five hundred and thirty-three
cinquecentotrentotto {adj} :: five hundred and thirty-eight
cinquecentotrentotto {num} :: five hundred and thirty-eight
cinquecentotrentuno {adj} :: five hundred and thirty-one
cinquecentotrentuno {num} :: five hundred and thirty-one
cinquecentottanta {adj} :: five hundred and eighty
cinquecentottanta {num} :: five hundred and eighty
cinquecentottantacinque {adj} :: five hundred and eighty-five
cinquecentottantacinque {num} :: five hundred and eighty-five
cinquecentottantadue {adj} :: five hundred and eighty-two
cinquecentottantadue {num} :: five hundred and eighty-two
cinquecentottantanove {adj} :: five hundred and eighty-nine
cinquecentottantanove {num} :: five hundred and eighty-nine
cinquecentottantaquattro {adj} :: five hundred and eighty-four
cinquecentottantaquattro {num} :: five hundred and eighty-four
cinquecentottantasei {adj} :: five hundred and eighty-six
cinquecentottantasei {num} :: five hundred and eighty-six
cinquecentottantasette {adj} :: five hundred and eighty-seven
cinquecentottantasette {num} :: five hundred and eighty-seven
cinquecentottantatré {adj} :: five hundred and eighty-three
cinquecentottantatré {num} :: five hundred and eighty-three
cinquecentottantotto {adj} :: five hundred and eighty-eight
cinquecentottantotto {num} :: five hundred and eighty-eight
cinquecentottantuno {adj} :: five hundred and eighty-one
cinquecentottantuno {num} :: five hundred and eighty-one
cinquecentotto {adj} :: five hundred and eight
cinquecentotto {num} :: five hundred and eight
cinquecentouno {adj} :: five hundred and one
cinquecentouno {num} :: five hundred and one
cinquecentoventi {adj} :: five hundred and twenty
cinquecentoventi {num} :: five hundred and twenty
cinquecentoventicinque {adj} :: five hundred and twenty-five
cinquecentoventicinque {num} :: five hundred and twenty-five
cinquecentoventidue {adj} :: five hundred and twenty-two
cinquecentoventidue {num} :: five hundred and twenty-two
cinquecentoventinove {adj} :: five hundred and twenty-nine
cinquecentoventinove {num} :: five hundred and twenty-nine
cinquecentoventiquattro {adj} :: five hundred and twenty-four
cinquecentoventiquattro {num} :: five hundred and twenty-four
cinquecentoventisei {adj} :: five hundred and twenty-six
cinquecentoventisei {num} :: five hundred and twenty-six
cinquecentoventisette {adj} :: five hundred and twenty-seven
cinquecentoventisette {num} :: five hundred and twenty-seven
cinquecentoventitré {adj} :: five hundred and twenty-three
cinquecentoventitré {num} :: five hundred and twenty-three
cinquecentoventotto {adj} :: five hundred and twenty-eight
cinquecentoventotto {num} :: five hundred and twenty-eight
cinquecentoventuno {adj} :: five hundred and twenty-one
cinquecentoventuno {num} :: five hundred and twenty-one
cinquecentuno {adj} :: five hundred and one
cinquecentuno {num} :: five hundred and one
Cinquechiese {prop} :: obsolete form of Pécs
cinquedea {f} /ˌtʃin.kweˈdɛ.a/ :: anelace, cinquedea (Italian Renaissance sword)
cinquefoglie {m} :: cinquefoil (plant and heraldic device)
cinquemila {adj} :: five thousand
cinquemila {num} :: five thousand
cinque minuti {mp} :: A sudden, brief outburst of anger
cinquenervi {m} /t͡ʃin.kweˈnɛr.vi/ :: synonym of arnoglossa
cinquenervi {m} :: synonym of piantaggine maggiore
cinquenne {adj} /t͡ʃinˈkwɛn.ne/ :: five-year-old
cinquenne {mf} :: five-year-old
cinquereme {f} :: Variant of quinquereme
cinque sensi {prop} /ˌt͡ʃin.kweˈsɛn.si/ :: The five senses
Cinque Terre {prop} :: A group of five villages (Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore) on the rugged coastline of Liguria, south of Genoa
Cinque Terre {prop} :: A corresponding DOC wine region
cinquina {f} :: A group of five things
cinta {f} :: walls surrounding a city, castle etc
cinta {f} :: fence surrounding a garden etc
cinta {f} :: perimeter of grounds
cinta {f} :: belt
cinta {f} :: rampart
cintante {v} :: present participle of cintare
cintare {vt} :: to enclose, wrap up, wear, bear
cinto {m} :: truss
cinto {m} :: belt, girdle
cinto {m} :: wall
cinto di Venere {m} :: Venus girdle (ctenophore of species Cestum veneris)
cinto erniario {m} :: truss
cintola {f} :: belt
cintola {f} :: waist
cintura {f} :: waist
cintura {f} :: belt, girdle
cintura {f} [astronomy] :: belt (asteroid belt)
cintura {f} [geography] :: belt (copper belt or corn belt)
cintura asteroidale {f} [astronomy] :: asteroid belt
cintura di castità {f} :: chastity belt (garment)
cintura di sicurezza {f} :: A seatbelt or seat belt, a safety belt
cinturato {adj} :: radial-ply
cinturato {m} :: radial-ply tyre
cinturino {m} :: strap
cinturino {m} :: wristlet
cinturone {m} :: gun belt
cinz {m} :: chintz
Cinzano {prop} /tʃintsano/ :: a brand of Italian vermouth available in several versions
Cinzia {prop} :: given name
ciò {pron} /tʃɔ/ :: this
ciò {pron} :: that
ciocca {f} /ˈt͡ʃɔk.ka/ :: lock (of hair)
ciocca {f} :: tuft
ciocco {m} :: log (of wood)
cioccolata {f} /t͡ʃok.koˈla.ta/ :: alternative form of cioccolato
cioccolata {f} :: hot chocolate [drink]
cioccolataia {f} :: female equivalent of cioccolataio
cioccolataio {m} :: chocolate maker
cioccolataio {m} :: chocolate seller
cioccolaterie {m} :: chocolatier
cioccolatiera {f} :: hot chocolate pot
cioccolatiere {m} :: chocolatier
cioccolatino {m} :: chocolate (individual sweet/piece of candy)
cioccolato {m} /t͡ʃok.koˈla.to/ :: chocolate [food, confectionery, colour]
ciò che è giusto è giusto {phrase} :: fair's fair
ciò che sale deve ridiscendere {phrase} :: what goes up must come down
ciocia {f} /ˈt͡ʃɔ.t͡ʃa/ :: A type of traditional leather slipper once worn in Southern Italy
Ciociaria {prop} :: A region south-east of Rome
ciociaro {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Ciociaria
ciociaro {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Ciociaria
ciocorì {m} :: A sweet Tuscan snack made from chocolate and puffed rice
cioè {adv} :: that is to say
cioè {adv} :: namely
ciofa {f} [Tuscan] /ˈt͡ʃɔ.fa/ :: feminine noun of ciofo
ciofeca {f} [colloquial] :: crap (anything, especially a drink, of very poor quality)
ciofo {m} [Tuscan] /ˈt͡ʃɔ.fo/ :: A silly or foolish man
ciofo {m} [Tuscan] :: A slovenly or shabby man
ciolla {f} [vulgar] :: [regional] penis
cioncante {v} :: present participle of cioncare
cioncare {v} [obsolete] :: To gulp (drink greedily)
ciondolamento {m} :: dangling
ciondolamento {m} :: hanging around, idling
ciondolante {v} :: present participle of ciondolare
ciondolare {vi} :: to dangle, to swing
ciondolare {vi} [figuratively] :: to hang around , to loaf about
ciondolino {m} /t͡ʃon.doˈli.no/ :: diminutive of ciondolo: small pendant
ciondolino {m} :: synonym of maggiociondolo
ciondolino {m} /t͡ʃon.doˈli.no/ :: loafer, idler
ciondolino {m} :: A slovenly or untidy person
ciondolo {m} /ˈt͡ʃon.do.lo/ :: pendant
ciondolone {m} :: idler, loafer
ciondolone {adv} :: dangling, hanging
ciondolone {adv} :: loafing, idling
ciondoloni {adv} :: hanging about
ciondoloni {adv} :: dangling about
cionna {f} [colloquial] :: pussy (vulva)
cionondimeno {adv} :: nevertheless, nonetheless, despite this, however
ciononostante {adv} :: nevertheless, nonetheless, despite this, however
ciortone {m} :: mackerel
ciosoto {adj} :: Of or from Chioggia
ciotola {f} /ˈt͡ʃɔ.to.la/ :: bowl
ciottolata {f} :: A blow with a stone
ciottolato {m} :: cobble, cobblestone
ciottolo {m} :: pebble
ciottoloso {adj} :: pebbly
Cipango {prop} [archaic] /t͡ʃiˈpan.ɡo/ :: Japan
Cipangu {prop} :: alternative form of Cipango
CIPE {prop} :: Comitato Interministeriale per la Programmazione Economica
CIPE {prop} :: Confederazione Italiana della Proprietà Edilizia
ci penso io {phrase} :: I'll deal with it, I'll handle it
cipero {m} :: galingale (plant of the genus Cyperus)
cipiglio {m} /t͡ʃiˈpiʎ.ʎo/ :: frown, scowl
cipolla {f} /t͡ʃiˈpol.la/ :: onion
cipolla {f} :: pocket watch
Cipolla {prop} :: surname
cipollaccio {m} :: tassel hyacinth
cipolla d'inverno {f} :: spring onion, scallion
cipollaia {f} :: female equivalent of cipollaio
cipollaio {m} :: onion bed
cipollaio {m} :: onion field
cipollaio {m} :: onion seller
cipollata {f} :: onion soup, onion stew
cipollato {adj} :: shaky, cracked (of a wood)
cipollatura {f} :: ring shake (in wood)
Cipolletti {prop} :: surname
cipollina {f} :: chive
cipollina {f} :: small onion (diminuitve of onion, also name of certain species)
cipollino {m} :: cipolin (marble)
cipollone {m} :: large onion
cipollone {m} :: pocket watch
cipolloso {adj} :: shaky, cracked (of a wood)
cipollotto {m} :: spring onion, green onion
cippato {m} :: woodchips
cippatrice {f} :: woodchipper
cippatura {f} :: woodchipping
cippo {m} /ˈt͡ʃippo/ :: an engraved stone serving as a memorial or marking a boundary etc
cipressaia {f} :: cypress wood (forest)
cipressaia {f} :: cypress grove
cipresseto {m} :: cypress wood (forest)
cipresseto {m} :: cypress grove
cipressina {f} :: tamarisk
cipresso {m} :: cypress (tree)
Cipri {prop} :: medieval spelling of Cipro
cipria {f} /ˈt͡ʃi.prja/ :: face powder
ciprigno {adj} :: Cypris (epithet of Aphrodite)
ciprigno {adj} :: Cypriot
ciprinide {m} :: cyprinid (of the family Cyprinidae)
ciprino {m} :: carp
ciprio {adj} [chiefly in reference to Greek mythology] /ˈt͡ʃi.prjo/ :: Cyprian, Cypriot
cipriota {adj} :: Cypriot
cipriota {mf} :: Cypriot
Cipro {prop} :: Cyprus
cipsela {f} [botany] :: achene
circa {prep} /ˈtʃir.ka/ :: regarding, concerning
circa {adv} :: about, approximately
circadiano {adj} :: circadian
circasso {adj} :: Circassian
circasso {m} :: Circassian
circe {f} :: enchantress
Circe {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Circe
circense {adj} :: circus [attributive]
circo {m} :: circus
circo {m} :: corrie
circolante {v} :: present participle of circolare
circolante {adj} :: circulating
circolare {adj} :: circular
circolare {f} :: circular
circolare {f} :: circle line (bus, tram etc)
circolare {v} :: to circulate
circolarità {f} :: circularity
circolarmente {adv} :: circularly
circolatorio {adj} :: circulatory
circolazione {f} :: traffic
circolazione {f} :: circulation (all senses)
circolo {m} :: circle
circolo {m} :: club (social gathering)
circo mediatico {m} [pejorative] :: media circus
circon- {prefix} /t͡ʃir.kon-/ :: circum-
circoncentro {m} [mathematics] :: circumcentre / circumcenter
circoncidente {v} :: present participle of circoncidere
circoncidentesi {v} :: present participle of circoncidersi
circoncidere {vt} :: to circumcise
circoncidersi {vr} :: to be circumcised
circoncingente {v} :: present participle of circoncingere
circoncingere {vt} :: to surround or encircle entirely
circoncisione {f} :: circumcision
circoncisosi {v} :: past participle of circoncidersi
circondabile {adj} :: surroundable
circondante {v} :: present participle of circondare
circondante {adj} :: surrounding, enclosing, encircling
circondantesi {v} :: present participle of circondarsi
circondare {vt} :: to surround, encircle, enclose
circondare {vt} [figuratively] :: to hem in, encompass
circondariale {adj} :: district (attributive)
circondario {m} :: administrative district
circondario {m} :: neighbourhood
circondarsi {v} :: reflexive of circondare
circondarsi {v} :: to surround oneself (with)
circondatosi {v} :: past participle of circondarsi
circonducente {v} :: present participle of circondurre
circondurre {vt} :: to rotate a limb around its joint
circonduzione {f} :: circumduction
circonferenza {f} [geometry] :: circumference
circonferenza unitaria {f} [geometry, trigonometry] :: unit circle
circonferenziale {adj} :: circumferential
circonflessione {f} :: circumflexion
circonflesso {m} [orthography] /t͡ʃir.konˈflɛs.so/ :: circumflex
circonflettente {v} :: present participle of circonflettere
circonflettere {vt} :: to fold or bend into an arc
circonfluente {v} :: present participle of circonfluire
circonfluire {vt} :: to flow around
circonfondente {v} :: present participle of circonfondere
circonfondere {vt} :: to surround or wrap around
circonfulgente {v} :: present participle of circonfulgere
circonfulgere {vi} :: To illuminate (inside)
circonfuso {adj} :: surrounded (by or with)
circonfuso {adj} :: bathed (in) (especially in light)
Circonio {prop} :: Cerknica
circonlocuzione {f} [technical, formal] /tʃir.kon.lo.kuˈtsjo.ne/ :: circumlocution; periphrasis
circonscritto {adj} :: circumscribed
circonscritto {adj} :: contained, confined
circonscrivente {v} :: present participle of circonscrivere
circonvallazione {f} :: beltway, ring road, bypass
circonvallazione {f} :: circumvallation
circonveniente {v} :: present participle of circonvenire
circonvenire {vt} :: to pass off [stolen or fake products]
circonvenire {vt} :: to swindle
circonvenzione {f} [legal] :: circumvention
circonvicino {adj} :: surrounding
circonvicino {adj} :: neighbouring
circonvolgere {v} /t͡ʃir.konˈvɔl.d͡ʒe.re/ :: to wrap around
circonvoluto {adj} :: wrapped around
circonvoluto {adj} :: convoluted
circonvoluto {adj} :: contorted
circonvoluzione {f} :: convolution
circoscrittibile {adj} :: Variant of circoscrivibile
circoscritto {adj} :: circumscribed, limited, localized
circoscrivente {v} :: present participle of circoscrivere
circoscrivere {vt} :: to circumscribe, encompass
circoscrivere {vt} :: to mark out
circoscrivere {vt} :: to contain, confine
circoscrivibile {adj} :: circumscribable
circoscrivibile {adj} :: containable, confinable
circoscrizionale {adj} :: district (attributive), area (attributive)
circoscrizione {f} /t͡ʃir.kos.kritˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: circumscription
circoscrizione {f} :: district, area (administrative unit)
circoscrizione {f} [politics] :: constituency (district represented by one or more elected officials)
circoscrizione elettorale {f} :: electoral district
circospettamente {adv} :: circumspectly, cautiously
circospetto {adj} :: circumspect, cautious, wary
circospezione {f} :: circumspection, caution
circostante {adj} :: surrounding
circostante {adj} :: neighbouring
circostante {adj} :: nearby
circostanza {f} /t͡ʃir.konˈstan.t͡sa/ :: circumstance
circostanziabile {adj} :: That can be circumstantiated
circostanziale {adj} :: circumstantial
circostanziante {v} :: present participle of circostanziare
circostanziare {vt} :: To circumstantiate or detail
circostanziatamente {adv} :: circumstantially
circostanziato {adj} :: detailed, circumstantial
circuente {v} :: present participle of circuire
circuimento {m} :: deceit
circuire {v} :: to fool, trick, take in, deceive, ensnare
circuire {v} :: to orbit; to surround, encircle
circuitale {adj} :: circuit (attributive)
circuitazione {f} [mathematics] :: rotational field, circuital field, vortical field
circuitazione {f} [physics] :: circuitation
circuiteria {f} :: circuitry
circuito {m} :: circuit (all senses)
circuito {m} :: track
circuito integrato {m} [electronics] :: integrated circuit
circuitore {m} :: trickster, deceiver, cheat, conniver
circuizione {f} :: circumvention
circulante {v} :: present participle of circulare
circulare {vi} [obsolete] :: Variant of circolare
circulare {adj} :: circular
circulazione {f} [obsolete] :: Variant of circolazione
circum- {prefix} /t͡ʃir.kum-/ :: circum-
circumcingente {v} :: present participle of circumcingere
circumcingere {vt} [literary] :: alternative form of circoncingere
circumcirca {adv} [obsolete] /t͡ʃir.kumˈt͡ʃir.ka/ :: about, roughly, approximately
circumetneo {adj} /tʃir.ku.metˈnɛ.o/ :: Surrounding Mount Etna in Sicily
circuminsessione {f} :: circumsession, perichoresis
circumlacuale {adj} :: That surrounds a lake
circumlunare {adj} :: circumlunar
circumnavigante {v} :: present participle of circumnavigare
circumnavigare {vt} :: to circumnavigate, encompass
circumnavigato {adj} :: circumnavigated
circumnavigatore {m} :: circumnavigator
circumnavigazione {f} /tʃir.kum.na.vi.ɡatˈtsjo.ne/ :: circumnavigation
circumpadano {adj} :: Describing the plain surrounding the river Po
circumpolare {adj} :: circumpolar
circumsiciliano {adj} :: That surrounds Sicily
circumsolare {adj} :: circumsolar
circumterrestre {adj} :: circumterrestrial
circumvallazione {f} :: circumvallation
circumvesuviano {adj} :: Around Vesuvius
circumzenitale {adj} :: circumzenithal
Cirenaica {prop} /t͡ʃi.reˈna.i.ka/ :: Cyrenaica
cirenaico {adj} :: Cyrenian
cirenaico {m} :: Cyrenian
Cirene {prop} :: Cirene (ancient city)
cireneo {adj} :: Cyrenian
cireneo {m} :: Cyrenian
Ciriaco {prop} :: given name
Ciriatto {prop} :: A fictional devil in the Divine Comedy
Cirïatto {prop} :: medieval spelling of Ciriatto
cirillico {adj} :: Cyrillic
cirillico {m} :: Cyrillic
Cirillo {prop} :: given name
ci risiamo {interj} [idiomatic] :: here we go again
cirmolo {m} :: Swiss pine (of species Pinus cembra)
Ciro {prop} :: Cyrus
cirriforme {adj} :: cirriform
cirritide {m} :: hawkfish (of family Cirrhitidae)
cirro {m} [meteorology] :: cirrus (cloud)
cirro {m} :: tendril
cirrocumulo {m} [meteorology] :: cirrocumulus
cirrosi {f} [diseases] :: cirrhosis
cirroso {adj} :: cirrous
cirrostrato {m} [meteorology] :: cirrostratus
cirrotico {adj} :: cirrhotic
cis- {prefix} :: cis- (all senses)
cis {adj} :: cis
cisabduano {adj} :: On this side of the river Adda
Cisalpina {prop} :: cisalpine Gaul
cisalpino {adj} :: cisalpine
ci sei andato vicino ma non abbastanza {phrase} :: close, but no cigar
cisgenico {adj} :: cisgenic
Cisgiordania {prop} :: The West Bank
cisgiordano {adj} :: Of or relating to the West Bank or the West Bank people
cisgiordano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of the West Bank
cislunare {adj} :: cislunar
-cismo {suffix} [linguistics, forming nouns] /ˈt͡ʃis.mo/ :: Denotes a sound change related to the features of a corresponding Greek letter
cismontano {adj} :: cismontane
cisolfaut {m} [obsolete, music] :: synonym of do (in the solfège)
cispa {f} :: sleep (also called gound) (viscous substance found in the corner of the eye after sleeping)
cispadano {adj} :: On this (southern) side of the river Po
cisplatino {m} [inorganic compound] :: cisplatin
cisposità {f} :: bleariness
cisposità {f} :: sleep (eye rheum)
cisposo {adj} :: bleary-eyed, sleepy
cissoide {f} [mathematics] :: cissoid
cista {f} :: cist
-ciste {suffix} :: alternative form of -cisti
ciste {f} :: cyst
cisteamina {f} [organic compound] :: cysteamine
cistectomia {f} [surgery] :: cystectomy
cisteina {f} [amino acid] :: cysteine
cistercense {adj} :: Cistercian
cistercense {m} :: Cistercian
cistercenze {adj} :: Cistercian
cistercenze {m} :: Cistercian
cisterna {f} :: tank (for liquid)
cisterna {f} :: cistern
cisternese {adj} :: Of or from Cisterna d'Asti or Cisterna di Latina
cisternista {mf} :: tanker driver
-cisti {suffix} :: cyst
cisti- {prefix} :: cystic
cisti {f} [medicine] :: cyst or cysts
cisticerco {m} [zoology] /t͡ʃis.tiˈt͡ʃɛr.ko/ :: cysticercus
cisticercosi {f} [medicine] :: cysticercosis
cistico- {prefix} :: cystic
cistico {adj} [anatomy] :: cystic
cistide {f} :: cyst (Variant of: cisti)
cistifellea {f} [anatomy] :: gall bladder
cistifellico {adj} :: gall bladder (attributive)
cistifellico {adj} :: bilious
cistifellico {adj} :: spiteful
cistina {f} [amino acid] :: cystine
cistite {f} [diseases] :: cystitis
-cisto {suffix} :: Variant of -cisti
cisto- {prefix} :: Variant of cisti-
cisto {m} :: rockrose (of genus Cistus)
cistoadenoma {m} [pathology] :: cystadenoma
cistoforo {m} :: cistophor
cistografia {f} [medicine] :: cystography
cistogramma {m} [medicine] :: cystogram (image created by cystography)
cistoma {m} [pathology] :: cystoma
cistopielite {f} [medicine] :: cysto-pyelitis
cistoscopia {f} [medicine] :: cystoscopy
cistoscopio {m} :: cystoscope
cistostomia {f} [surgery] :: cystostomy
cistotomia {f} [surgery] :: cystotomy
cistrone {m} [genetics] :: cistron
-cita {suffix} :: cell (equivalent of the English: -cyte)
citabile {adj} :: citable, quotable
citabilità {f} :: citability
citante {v} :: present participle of citare
citantesi {v} :: present participle of citarsi
citare {v} :: to summon
citare {v} [legal] :: to sue; to summons or subpoena
citare {v} :: to cite or quote
citaredo {m} :: A musician who played the cetra, or a singer who accompanied himself on the cetra
citarista {mf} [music] :: citharist (cithara player)
citarsi {vr} :: To quote one's own words
citatissimo {adj} :: superlative of citato
citato {adj} :: quoted
citato {adj} :: cited
citato {adj} [legal] :: summoned
citatorio {adj} :: only in lettera citatoria
citazione {f} :: summons, subpoena
citazione {f} :: citation, quotation
citazionismo {m} [arts] :: A tendency to reproduce the mannerisms of other artists
citello {m} :: ground squirrel (of genus Citellus)
citeriore {adj} :: hither
citicinesi {f} [biology] :: cytokinesis
citidina {f} [biochemistry] :: cytidine
citiso {m} :: laburnum
-cito {suffix} :: alternative form of -cita
cito- {prefix} :: cyto-
cito {adv} :: soon
cito {adv} :: at once
citoaferesi {f} [medicine] :: cytapheresis
citobiologico {adj} :: cytobiological
citoblasto {m} :: cytoblast
citocheratina {f} [protein] :: cytokeratin
citochimica {f} [cytology, chemistry] :: cytochemistry
citochina {f} [protein, immunology] :: cytokine
citochinesi {f} :: Variant of citicinesi
citochinico {adj} :: cytokine (attributive)
citochinina {f} [biochemistry] :: cytokinin
citocinesi {f} :: cytokinesis
citocromo {m} [enzyme] :: cytochrome
citodieresi {f} [biology] :: cytokinesis
citofagia {f} :: cytophagy
citofaringe {f} :: cytopharynx
citofonante {v} :: present participle of citofonare
citofonare {vi} :: To call using an entryphone
citofoniera {f} :: entryphone panel
citofono {m} :: entryphone, speak-box
citofono {m} :: intercom
citogenesi {n} :: cytogenesis
citogenetica {f} [genetics] :: cytogenetics
citogenetico {adj} :: cytogenetic
citola {f} :: citole
citolisi {f} [biology] :: cytolysis
citolitico {adj} :: cytolytic
citologa {f} :: female equivalent of citologo
citologia {f} [cytology, biology] :: cytology
citologico {adj} :: cytological
citologo {m} :: cytologist
citomembrana {f} :: cytomembrane (cellular membrane)
citopatologia {f} [medicine] :: cytopathology
citopenia {f} [cytology] :: cytopenia
citoplasma {m} [cytology] :: cytoplasm
citoplasmatico {adj} :: cytoplasmic
citoriduttivo {adj} [oncology] :: cytoreductive
citoriduzione {f} [oncology] :: cytoreduction
citoscheletrico {adj} :: cytoskeletal
citoscheletro {m} [biology] :: cytoskeleton
citosina {f} [biochemistry] :: cytosine
citosol {m} [cytology] :: cytosol
citosolico {adj} :: cytosolic
citosoma {m} [biology] :: cytosome
citostasi {f} :: cytostasis
citostatico {adj} :: cytostatic
citostatico {m} [pharmacology] :: cytostatic
citostoma {f} :: cytostome
citotossicità {f} :: cytotoxicity
citotossico {adj} :: cytotoxic
citotrofoblasto {m} :: cytotrophoblast
citozoico {adj} :: cytozoic
citrato {m} :: citrate
citrico {adj} :: citric
citrino {m} :: citrine (variety of quartz)
citrino {adj} :: citrine (greenish-yellow colour)
citronella {f} :: citronella
citronella {f} :: lemongrass
citronette {f} :: citronette
citrulla {f} :: female equivalent of citrullo
citrullaggine {f} :: stupidity, foolishness, silliness
citrulleria {f} :: stupidity, silliness
citrulleria {f} :: nonsense, rubbish
citrullina {f} [amino acid] :: citrulline
citrullo {adj} :: stupid, fool
citrullo {m} :: idiot, fool, simpleton
città {f} /t͡ʃitˈta/ :: town, city
cittade {f} /t͡ʃitˈta.de/ :: obsolete form of città
Città del Capo {prop} :: Città del Capo (city/legislative capital)
cittadella {f} :: citadel
cittadella {f} :: stronghold
Cittadella {prop} :: Any of several locations throughout Italy
Città del Messico {prop} :: Città del Messico (capital city)
Città del Vaticano {prop} /t͡ʃitˈtad.del.va.tiˈka.no/ :: Città del Vaticano (city-state)
Città di Castello {prop} :: Città di Castello (town)
cittadin {n} :: apocopic form of cittadino
cittadina {f} :: small town
cittadina {f} :: female equivalent of cittadino
cittadinanza {f} :: All the citizens of a town, collectively; the town
cittadinanza {f} :: citizenship
cittadinesco {adj} :: town (attributive), of the town
cittadinesco {adj} [by extension] :: refined, polished
cittadino {adj} :: town (attribute), city (attr.), civic, urban
cittadino {m} :: citizen, subject
cittadino {m} :: townsman
cittadino {m} :: burgess
Città Eterna {prop} :: Eternal City (nickname for Rome)
città santa {f} :: holy city
città stato {f} :: alternative form of città-stato
città-stato {f} :: city state
città vecchia {f} :: old town
cittì {m} [colloquial, sports] :: coach, manager (of a national team)
citto {n} [archaic, regional] /ˈt͡ʃit.to/ :: (young) child
city {f} :: city (financial district of a city)
ciucaggine {f} :: pig-headedness
ciucata {f} :: asininity
ciucata {f} :: stupidity (obstinate)
ciucca {f} :: drunkness, binge drinking
ciuccia {f} [colloquial] /ˈt͡ʃut.t͡ʃa/ :: drunkard
ciuccia {f} [colloquial] :: breast
ciucciante {v} :: present participle of ciucciare
ciucciantesi {v} :: present participle of ciucciarsi
ciucciare {vt} /t͡ʃutˈt͡ʃa.re/ :: to suck
ciucciarsi {v} :: reflexive of ciucciare
ciucciarsi {vr} :: to suck
ciucciata {f} :: suck, sucking
ciucciatosi {v} :: past participle of ciucciarsi
ciuccio {m} :: dummy (for a baby) [British], pacifier [US]
ciuccio {m} [Southern Italy, Sicily] :: donkey
ciucciotto {m} :: dummy, pacifier
ciucco {adj} :: drunk
ciucco {adj} :: foolish
ciucheria {f} :: tomfoolery
ciuchino {m} :: ass (silly person)
ciuchino {adj} :: silly
ciuchino {adj} :: asinine
ciuchino {adj} :: donkey (attributive)
ciuco {m} :: ass (animal, or foolish person)
ciuco {m} :: fool
ciuffaia {f} [Tuscan] /t͡ʃufˈfa.ja/ :: tuft (of hair)
ciuffaia {f} [Tuscan] :: A densely treed area
Ciuffenna {prop} :: Ciuffenna (small river)
ciuffetto {m} :: little tuft (of hair)
ciuffo {m} :: tuft (of hair etc)
ciuffo {m} :: bunch (of leaves, herbs etc)
ciuffolotto {m} /t͡ʃuf.foˈlɔt.t̪o/ :: Eurasian bullfinch, bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
ciuffolotto delle pinete {m} :: pine grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator)
ciuffolotto scarlatto {m} :: common rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus)
ciulante {v} :: present participle of ciulare
ciulare {vi} [vulgar, Northern Italy] :: to fuck, to screw
ciulare {vi} [popular, Northern Italy] :: to pinch, to steal
ciurlante {v} :: present participle of ciurlare
ciurlare {vi} :: to sway
ciurlare {vi} :: to totter
ciurma {f} :: crew (of a ship)
ciurmadore {m} :: alternative form of ciurmatore
ciurmaglia {f} :: mob, rabble
ciurmante {v} :: present participle of ciurmare
ciurmare {vt} :: to deceive, to dupe
ciurmatore {m} :: swindler, charlatan
ciurmatorio {adj} :: deceptive, intending to deceive
ciurmeria {f} :: swindle
ciurmeria {f} :: deceit
ciuvascio {adj} :: Chuvash
ciuvascio {m} :: Chuvash (person; in plural, the people)
ciuvascio {m} :: the Chuvash language
civaia {f} :: pulse (beans etc)
Civaschi {prop} :: surname
civatiano {m} :: A supporter of Giuseppe Civati
civatiano {adj} :: Relating to Giuseppe Civati or his politics
cive {m} /ˈt͡ʃi.ve/ :: citizen
civè {n} :: synonym of civet di capriolo
civè {n} :: synonym of sivè
ci vediamo {interj} /ˈtʃi veˈd̪jaː.mo/ :: until we meet again, see you!
civet di capriolo {m} :: ragout of roe deer meat in red wine, mushrooms, onions, carrots
civetta {f} :: owl; owlet; the little owl
civetta {f} [figuratively] :: flirt, coquette
civetta {f} :: poster
civetta {f} :: headline
civettante {v} :: present participle of civettare
civettare {vt} :: To flirt
civetteria {f} :: coquetry, coquettishness, flirting
civettino {m} /t͡ʃi.vetˈti.no/ :: synonym of assiolo
civettone {m} :: fop
civettuolo {adj} :: flirtatious
civettuolo {adj} :: pert
civicamente {adv} :: municipally
civicamente {adv} :: civically
civico {adj} :: municipal
civico {adj} :: civic
civile {adj} :: civil
civile {adj} :: civilian
civile {adj} :: civilized, polite
civile {m} :: citizen
civile {m} :: civilian
civilissimo {adj} :: superlative of civile
civilissimo {adj} :: highly civilized
civilissimo {adj} :: very polite
civilista {mf} :: civil lawyer
civilista {mf} :: expert in civil law
civilistico {adj} [legal] :: civil law (attributive)
civilità {f} :: alternative form of civiltà
civilizzabile {adj} :: civilizable
civilizzante {v} :: present participle of civilizzare
civilizzare {vt} :: to civilize
civilizzato {adj} :: civilized
civilizzatore {adj} :: civilizing
civilizzatore {m} :: civilizer
civilizzazione {f} :: civilization
civilmente {adv} :: civilly
civilmente {adv} :: civically
civiltà {f} :: civilization
civiltà {f} :: civility, courtesy
civismo {m} :: public-spiritedness
civismo {m} :: good citizenship
Civita {prop} :: Any of several small Italian towns
Civita {prop} :: given name
Civitavecchia {prop} /t͡ʃi.vi.taˈvɛk.kja/ :: Civitavecchia (town)
civitavecchiese {adj} :: Of, or from, Civitavecchia
civitavecchiese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Civitavecchia
ci vuole ben altro {v} :: it takes much more than that
Cixerri {prop} :: Cixerri (river)
Cizico {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Cyzicus
Cl. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of clarinetto
CL {prop} :: abbreviation of Caltanissetta, Caltanisetta (Italian town in Sicilia)
clacchista {mf} :: A member of a claque
clacson {m} :: horn (of a car)
clacson {m} :: hooter
clacsonante {v} :: present participle of clacsonare
clacsonare {vi} [slang] :: to sound one's horn
clade {m} [taxonomy] :: clade
cladistica {f} [taxonomy] :: cladistics
clado- {prefix} [botany] :: clado-
cladocero {m} :: cladoceran, water flea
cladodio {m} [botany] :: cladophyll
cladofillo {m} [botany] :: cladophyll
cladofora {f} :: cladophore
cladogenesi {n} :: cladogenesis
cladogramma {m} :: cladogram
clamante {v} :: present participle of clamare
clamare {vit} [obsolete] :: To invoke or implore
clamazione {f} [obsolete] :: invocation
clamidato {adj} :: Having a chlamys
clamidato {adj} [botany] :: Having a perianth
clamide {f} :: chlamys
clamidia {f} :: chlamydia
clamidosauro {m} :: frilled lizard (of genus Chlamydosaurus)
clamore {m} :: din
clamore {m} :: clamour
clamorosamente {adv} :: clamorously, clamourously, conspicuously
clamorosamente {adv} :: miserably
clamoroso {adj} :: resounding, sensational
clan {m} :: clan
clan {m} :: team
clan {m} :: gang
clandestina {f} :: feminine noun of clandestino
clandestinamente {adv} :: illegally, clandestinely
clandestinamente {adv} :: surreptitiously
clandestinità {f} :: illegality
clandestinità {f} :: clandestineness
clandestinità {f} :: underground life
clandestino {adj} :: illicit
clandestino {adj} :: clandestine, secret, surreptitious
clandestino {adj} :: underground, undercover
clandestino {m} :: illegal immigrant
clandestino {m} :: stowaway
clangere {v} [literary, rare] /ˈklan.d͡ʒe.re/ :: to blare, to sound, especially referring to war trumpets
clangore {m} :: clangour
clanico {adj} :: clannish
claque {f} :: claque
claqueur {m} :: a member of a claque
Clara {prop} :: given name
Clarabella {prop} :: given name, comparable to English Claribel
Clarabella {prop} :: Clarabelle Cow (Disney character)
claretiano {adj} :: Claretian
clarinettista {mf} :: clarinet player, clarinettist
clarinetto {m} :: clarinet
clarinista {mf} :: clarinet player, clarinettist
clarino {m} :: straight trumpet; a kind of natural trumpet
clarissa {adj} :: Clarissan
Clarissa {prop} :: given name
clarità {f} [obsolete] :: clearness, clarity
classamento {m} :: land classification and registration
classante {v} :: present participle of classare
classare {vt} [Switzerland] :: to classify
classatore {m} [Switzerland] :: classifier
classazione {f} :: classification
classe {f} [computing, mathematics, semantics, taxonomy] :: class (all senses)
classe {f} :: classroom
classe {f} :: style
classe {f} :: grade
classe dirigente {f} [politics] :: ruling class
classe sociale {n} :: social class
classe sociale {n} [social sciences] :: A class of people, based on social power, wealth or another criterion
classica {f} [cycle racing] :: classic cycle race (such as Paris-Roubaix or Amstel Gold Race)
classica {f} [sports] :: classic
classica {f} [uncountable] :: clipping of musica classica
classicamente {adv} :: classically
classicheggiante {v} :: present participle of classicheggiare
classicheggiante {adj} :: classical (style)
classicheggiare {vi} :: to classicize
classicismo {m} :: classicism
classicissimo {adj} :: superlative of classico
classicista {mf} :: classicist
classicisticamente {adv} :: classicistically, classically
classicistico {adj} :: classicistic, classical
classicità {f} :: classical antiquity
classicizzante {v} :: present participle of classicizzare
classicizzare {vt} :: to classicize
classico {adj} :: classic, classical
classico {adj} :: typical, characteristic
classico {m} :: classic (book etc)
classico {m} :: A classic Greek or Roman author
classifica {f} [sport] :: placings
classifica {f} :: list [exam results, etc.]
classifica {f} :: charts, hit parade
classifica a punti {f} [cycle racing] :: points classification
classificabile {adj} :: classifiable
classificabilità {f} :: classifiability, the state or condiation of being classifiable
classifica generale {f} [cycle racing] :: general classification
classificante {v} :: present participle of classificare
classificantesi {v} :: present participle of classificarsi
classificare {vt} :: to classify
classificarsi {v} :: reflexive of classificare
classificarsi {v} [sport] :: to be placed [first, second etc.]
classificativo {adj} :: classification (attributive)
classificatore {m} [office, furniture] :: filing cabinet
classificatore {m} :: folder or binder (loose leaf)
classificatore {m} :: classifier
classificatorio {adj} :: classifying, classificatory
classificatosi {v} :: past participle of classificarsi
classificazione {f} :: classification, classing, grading, filing, ranking
classismo {m} :: classism
classista {adj} :: classist
classista {mf} :: classist
classistico {adj} :: class (attributive)
-clastia {suffix} :: breakage, fracture
clastico {adj} [geology] :: clastic
clasto {m} [geology] :: clast
clastogenetico {adj} [geology] :: clastogenic
clatrato {m} [chemistry] :: clathrate, clathrate compound
clatrina {f} [protein] :: clathrin
Claudia {prop} :: given name of Latin origin, feminine form of Claudio
claudicante {adj} /klau̯.diˈkan.te/ :: lame
claudicante {adj} [of speech] :: halting
claudicare {vi} /klau̯.diˈka.re/ :: To have a limp, to be lame
claudicazione {f} :: claudication
Claudio {prop} :: given name
claunesco {adj} :: Variant of clownesco
clausola {f} :: clause,codicil
clausola accessoria {f} :: covenant
clausola secondaria {f} :: covenant
claustrale {adj} :: cloistered
claustrazione {f} :: claustration
claustro {m} /ˈklau̯s.tro/ :: cloister
claustro {m} [figuratively] :: closure, closing
claustro {m} [neuroanatomy] :: claustrum
claustrofila {f} :: female equivalent of claustrofilo
claustrofilia {f} /klau̯s.tro.fiˈlia̯/ :: claustrophilia
claustrofilo {adj} /klau̯sˈtrɔ.fi.lo/ :: of or pertaining to claustrophilia
claustrofilo {adj} :: affected by claustrophilia
claustrofilo {m} :: One who is affected by claustrophilia; claustrophiliac [male]
claustrofobia {f} /klau̯s.tro.foˈbia̯/ :: claustrophobia
claustrofobica {f} :: female equivalent of claustrofobico
claustrofobicamente {adv} :: claustrophobically
claustrofobico {adj} [psychology] /klau̯s.troˈfɔ.bi.ko/ :: claustrophobic
claustrofobico {m} :: claustrophobe
claustrofobo {adj} :: claustrophobic
clausura {f} :: a cloistered life
clava {f} :: club
clava {f} [sport] :: Indian club
clavaria {f} :: A type of mushroom, of the genus Clavaria that is poisonous to cattle
clavetta {f} [sport] :: Indian club
clavicembalista {mf} :: harpsichordist
clavicembalistico {adj} :: harpsichord (attributive)
clavicembalo {m} [musical instruments] :: harpsichord
clavicola {f} [skeleton] :: collarbone, clavicle
clavicolare {adj} [skeleton] :: clavicular
clavicordo {m} [musical instruments] :: clavichord
clearance {f} [medicine] :: clearance
Clelia {prop} [Roman mythology] :: Cloelia
Clelia {prop} :: given name
clematide {f} :: clematis
clemente {adj} /kleˈmɛn.te/ :: mild, lenient, clement
clementina {f} :: clementine (fruit)
Clementina {prop} :: given name
clementissimo {adj} :: superlative of clemente
clemenza {f} :: mildness
clemenza {f} :: leniency, clemency
Clemenza {prop} :: Clemence
Cleone {prop} :: Cleon
Cleopatra {prop} :: Cleopatra
Cleopatràs {prop} :: medieval spelling of Cleopatra
clepto- {prefix} :: klepto-
cleptocratico {adj} :: kleptocratic
cleptocrato {m} :: kleptocrat
cleptocrazia {f} :: kleptocracy (regime founded on theft and corruption)
cleptomane {mf} :: kleptomaniac
cleptomania {f} :: kleptomania
cleptoparassitismo {m} [biology] :: kleptoparasitism
clergyman {m} :: A clergyman's suite of clothes
clericale {adj} :: clerical; clergy (attributive)
clericale {mf} :: clericalist
clericaleggiante {adj} :: Favouring clericalism
clericalismo {m} :: clericalism
clericalizzazione {f} :: clericalization
clericalmente {adv} :: clerically
cleristorio {m} [architecture] :: clerestory
clero {m} /ˈklɛ.ro/ :: clergy
clero {m} :: priesthood
cleruchia {f} :: cleruchy
Cles {prop} :: Cles (small town)
clesiano {adj} :: Of or from Cles
clessidra {f} :: hourglass
clessidra {f} :: water clock, clepsydra
Cleto {prop} :: given name
clic {interj} :: click
clic {m} :: click
cliccabile {adj} [computing] :: clickable
cliccante {v} :: present participle of cliccare
cliccare {vt} [computing, ] :: to click
cliccatissimo {adj} :: superlative of cliccato
cliccato {adj} [computing] :: clicked (link)
cliché {m} :: plate (printing)
cliché {m} :: cliché
click {m} :: alternative form of clic (especially of a computer mouse)
cliente {mf} :: customer
cliente {mf} :: guest (in a hotel)
cliente {mf} :: client
cliente {mf} :: regular (of a bar etc)
clientela {f} :: customer, client, clientele (most often in the plural)
clientelare {adj} :: nepotistic (political)
clientelismo {m} :: clientelism
clientelismo {m} :: nepotism
clientelisticamente {adv} :: by means of patronage
clientelistico {adj} :: clientelist
clima {m} :: climate
clima {m} [colloquial] :: air conditioner
climalterante {adj} :: climate-changing
climaterico {adj} :: climacteric
climaterico {adj} :: critical, dangerous
climaterio {m} [medical] :: climacteric
climaticamente {adv} :: climatically
climatico {adj} :: climatic, weather (attributive)
climatizzante {v} :: present participle of climatizzare
climatizzare {vt} :: to air-condition
climatizzato {adj} :: air-conditioned
climatizzatore {m} :: air conditioner
climatizzatore {m} :: air conditioning, air conditioning unit
climatizzazione {f} :: air conditioning
climatologa {f} :: female equivalent of climatologo
climatologia {f} :: climatology
climatologico {adj} :: climatological
climatologo {m} :: climatologist
climb {m} [aviation] /klai̯m(b)/ :: variometer, rate-of-climb indicator
clinica {f} [uncountable] /ˈklinika/ :: medicine (as a discipline)
clinica {f} :: clinic
clinica {f} :: nursing home
clinicamente {adv} :: clinically
clinicamente morto {adj} :: clinically dead
clinico {adj} :: clinical
clinico {m} :: clinician, physician
clinico {m} :: professor of medicine etc
-clino {suffix} :: -clinal (adjectives)
-clino {suffix} :: -cline (noun)
clino- {prefix} :: inclination
clino- {prefix} :: decline
clino {m} [especially in combination] :: cline
clinometro {m} :: clinometer, inclinometer
clinopirosseno {m} [mineral] :: clinopyroxene
clinoscopia {f} [medicine] :: An X-ray examination in a prone or supine position
clinoscopico {adj} :: clinoscopic
clinoscopio {m} :: An adjustable table on which patients may receive X-ray examinations in various orientations
clinostatismo {m} :: clinostatism, recumbancy
clinto {m} :: A red wine from Veneto
clinton {m} :: alternative form of clinto
clintonismo {m} :: Clintonism (political philosophy of Bill Clinton)
Clio {prop} [Greek god] :: Clio
Clio {prop} :: given name
cliometria {f} :: cliometrics
clip {m} :: clip
clip {m} :: paper clip
clipeato {adj} :: clypeate
clipeo {m} :: clipeus (all senses), clypeo
clisma {m} [medicine] :: enema
clistere {m} :: enema
Clitennestra {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Clytemnestra
clitico {adj} :: clitic
clitico {m} :: clitic
clitocibe {f} :: Any of several poisonous mushrooms of the genus Clytocibe
clitoride {mf} :: clitoris
clitoridectomia {f} [surgery] :: clitoridectomy
clitorideo {adj} [anatomy] :: clitoral
Clitunno {prop} :: Clitunno (small river), famous for its springs
clivaggio {m} :: cleavage (breaking apart)
clivante {v} :: present participle of clivare
clivare {v} :: To cleave (break apart)
clivo {m} :: slope
clivo {m} :: hillock
clivo {m} [anatomy] :: clivus
Clizia {prop} :: given name
CLN {prop} :: initialism of Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale
cloaca {f} :: sewer
cloaca {f} :: cesspit, cesspool
cloaca {f} [anatomy] :: cloaca
cloacale {adj} :: cloacal
cloasma {m} [pathology] :: chloasma, melasma
clochard {mf} :: tramp, vagrant
cloche {f} :: joystick
cloche {f} :: gear lever (in a car)
cloche {n} :: cloche hat
Clodoveo {prop} :: given name
clonaggio {m} :: cloning
clonale {adj} :: clonal
clonante {v} :: present participle of clonare
clonare {vt} /klo.ˈna.re/ :: to clone
clonato {adj} :: cloned
clonatore {m} :: cloner
clonazione {f} /klo.naˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: cloning
clone {m} /ˈklo.ne/ :: clone
clonico {adj} [physiology] :: clonic
cloracne {f} [medicine] :: chloracne
cloralio {m} [organic compound] :: chloral
cloramfenicolo {m} [medicine] :: chloramphenicol
clorammina {f} :: chloramine
clorammonio {m} [mineral] :: sal ammoniac
clorargirite {f} [mineral] :: chlorargyrite
clorato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chlorate
clorazione {f} [chemistry] :: chlorination
cloremia {f} [pathology] :: chloremia (presence of chloride in the bloodstream)
clorico {adj} :: chloric
Cloridano {prop} :: given name
cloridrato {m} :: hydrochloride
cloridrico {adj} [chemistry] :: hydrochloric
clorina {f} [biochemistry] :: chlorine
Clorinda {prop} :: given name
clorite {f} :: chlorite (mineral)
clorito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chlorite
cloro- {prefix} :: chloro- (chlorine, green)
cloro {m} [chemistry] /ˈklɔ.ro/ :: chlorine
cloroacetato {m} [organic chemistry] :: chloroacetate
cloroacetofenone {m} [organic compound] :: chloroacetophenone
cloroacetone {m} :: chloroacetone
cloroalcalino {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: chloralkaline
cloroalcano {m} [organic chemistry] :: chloroalkane
cloroamfenicolo {m} :: chloramphenicol
cloroaurico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: chloroauric
clorobenzene {m} [organic compound] :: chlorobenzene
cloroborato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chloroborate
clorocalcite {f} [mineralogy] :: chlorocalcite
clorochina {f} [medicine] :: chloroquine
clorocromato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chlorochromate
cloroetano {m} [organic compound] :: chloroethane, ethyl chloride
cloroetilene {m} [organic compound] :: chloroethylene, vinyl chloride
clorofenicite {f} [mineralogy] :: chlorophoenicite
clorofenolo {m} [organic compound] :: chlorophenol
clorofibra {f} :: chlorofibre
clorofilla {f} :: chlorophyll
clorofilliano {adj} :: chlorophyllic
clorofillina {f} [biochemistry] :: chlorophyllin
clorofita {f} :: chlorophyte
clorofluorocarburo {m} [organic chemistry] :: chlorofluorocarbon
clorofluorometano {m} [organic compound] :: chlorofluoromethane
cloroformiato {m} [organic chemistry] :: chloroformate
cloroformio {m} [organic compound] :: chloroform
cloroformizzante {v} :: present participle of cloroformizzare
cloroformizzare {vt} :: to chloroform
cloroformizzazione {f} :: chloroforming
cloroformizzazione {f} :: chloroformization
clorofosfato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chlorophosphate
cloromagnesite {f} [mineralogy] :: chloromagnesite
cloromenite {f} [mineralogy] :: chloromenite
clorometano {m} [organic compound] :: chloromethane, methyl chloride
cloropicrina {f} [organic compound] :: chloropicrin
cloroplasto {m} [biology] :: chloroplast
cloroplatinato {m} [chemistry] :: chloroplatinate
cloroplatinico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: chloroplatinic
cloroprene {m} [organic compound] :: chloroprene
cloropropano {m} [organic compound] :: chloropropane
clorosi {f} :: chlorosis
cloroso {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: chlorous
clorosoda {f} [inorganic chemistry] :: chloralkali
clorosolfolipide {m} [organic chemistry] :: chlorosulfolipid
clorotetraciclina {f} [medicine] :: chlorotetracycline
clorothionite {f} [mineralogy] :: chlorothionite
clorotiazide {m} [medicine] :: chlorothiazide
clorotico {adj} :: chlorotic
clorotrimetilsilano {m} [organic compound] :: chlorotrimethylsilane
cloroxifite {f} [mineralogy] :: chloroxiphite
cloroxilenolo {m} [organic compound] :: chloroxylenol
clorurante {v} :: present participle of clorurare
clorurare {vt} [chemistry] :: to chlorinate
clorurato {adj} :: chlorinated
clorurazione {f} :: chlorination
cloruro {m} [chemistry] :: chloride
cloruro di allile {m} [organic compound] :: allyl chloride
cloruro di alluminio {m} [inorganic compound] :: aluminium chloride
cloruro di ammonio {m} [inorganic compound] :: ammonium chloride
cloruro di bario {m} [inorganic compound] :: barium chloride
cloruro di benzile {m} [organic compound] :: benzyl chloride
cloruro di calcio {m} [inorganic compound] :: calcium chloride
cloruro di litio {m} [inorganic compound] :: lithium chloride
cloruro di magnesio {m} [inorganic compound] :: magnesium chloride
cloruro di metilene {m} [organic compound] :: methylene chloride, dichloromethane
cloruro di polivinile {m} [organic compound] :: polyvinyl chloride
cloruro di potassio {m} [inorganic compound] :: potassium chloride
cloruro di sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium chloride
cloruro di vinile {m} [organic compound] :: vinyl chloride
clostridio {m} :: clostridium
Clotilde {prop} :: given name
Cloto {prop} [Greek god] :: Clotho
clotoide {f} [math] /kloˈtɔi̯.de/ :: clothoid
clou {m} :: [also attributive] highlight (high point of an occasion)
clown {m} :: clown (artist)
clownesco {adj} :: clownish
club {m} /klab/ :: club (association)
club {m} :: club (golf implement)
Clugnì {prop} :: medieval spelling of Colonia
clune {f} [literary, anatomy, chiefly in the plural] /ˈklu.ne/ :: buttock
cluniacense {adj} :: Cluniac
clusterizzante {v} :: present participle of clusterizzare
clusterizzare {v} [computing] :: To cluster (form a cluster of computers)
clusterizzazione {f} [computing] :: clustering
c.m. {phrase} :: di corrente mese; inst.
cm {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging, slang] :: abbreviation of come
cmq {adv} [Internet slang] :: comunque: anyway
cmq {n} :: initialism of centimetro quadrato
CN {prop} :: abbreviation of Cuneo (province of Piedmont)
cnidario {m} :: cnidarian
cnidio {adj} :: Knidian / Cnidian
cnoidale {adj} [mathematics] :: cnoidal
CO {prop} :: abbreviation of Como (Italian town in Lombardia)
coabitante {v} :: present participle of coabitare
coabitare {vi} :: To cohabit (share a dwelling)
coabitare {v} :: to shack up
coabitazione {f} :: cohabitation
coacervante {v} :: present participle of coacervare
coacervare {vt} :: to coacervate, to amass
coacervato {m} :: coacervate
coacervazione {f} :: coacervation
coacervo {m} /ko.aˈt͡ʃɛr.vo/ :: medley, jumble, crop
coacervo {m} :: accrual, accumulation
coach {m} :: coach (sports instructor)
coadiutore {m} :: assistant
coadiutrice {f} :: female equivalent of coadiutore
coadiuvante {v} :: present participle of coadiuvare
coadiuvante {adj} :: coadjuvant
coadiuvare {vt} :: To assist, To cooperate (with) (on)
coaffittuario {m} :: joint tenant
coagulabile {adj} :: coagulable
coagulabilità {f} :: coagulability
coagulamento {m} :: coagulation
coagulante {v} :: present participle of coagulare
coagulante {adj} :: coagulative
coagulante {m} :: coagulant
coagulantesi {v} :: present participle of coagularsi
coagulare {vit} :: To clot, to coagulate
coagularsi {vr} :: To clot, to coagulate
coagulativo {adj} :: coagulative, coagulating
coagulatore {m} :: coagulator
coagulatosi {v} :: past participle of coagularsi
coagulazione {f} :: coagulation, clotting
coagulo {m} :: clot (of blood etc)
coagulo {m} :: curd (of milk etc)
coalescente {adj} :: coalescent
coalescenza {f} :: coalescence
coalizione {f} /ko̯a.litˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: coalition
coalizzante {v} :: present participle of coalizzare
coalizzantesi {v} :: present participle of coalizzarsi
coalizzare {vt} /ko̯a.lidˈd͡za.re/ :: To unite in a coalition
coalizzarsi {vr} :: To form a coalition
coalizzatosi {v} :: past participle of coalizzarsi
coana {f} [anatomy] :: choana
coanozoa {m} :: Any protist of the phylum Choanozoa
Coardi {prop} :: surname
coartante {v} :: present participle of coartare
coartare {vt} :: to coerce
coartatamente {adv} :: By means of coercion
coartazione {f} :: coercion
coartazione {f} [pathology] :: coarctation
coassiale {adj} :: coaxial
coassicuratore {m} :: coinsurer
coassicurazione {f} :: coinsurance
coattazione {f} [medicine] :: reduction
coattivamente {adv} :: compulsorily, restrictively
coattività {f} :: compulsoriness
coattivo {adj} :: compulsory, restrictive, coactive
coatto {adj} :: imposed by an authority or by law; compulsory, forced
coatto {adj} [psychology] :: compulsive
coaugulante {adj} :: coagulant
coaugulante {m} :: coagulant
coautore {m} :: coauthor
coautrice {f} :: female equivalent of coautore
coazione {f} :: compulsion
coazione {f} :: constraint
cobalamina {f} :: cobalamin
cobaltatura {f} [metallurgy] /ko.bal.taˈtu.ra/ :: The process of covering a metallic object in cobalt
cobaltatura {f} :: The cobalt layer obtained through the above process
cobaltico {adj} [chemistry] /koˈbal.ti.ko/ :: Containing trivalent cobalt
cobalto {m} [chemistry] /koˈbal.to/ :: cobalt
cobalto {m} :: cobalt blue
cobalto {adj} [following a noun] :: cobalt-coloured, cobalt [attributive]
cobaltoso {adj} [chemistry] /ko.balˈto.zo/ :: Containing bivalent cobalt
cobaltoterapia {f} :: cobalt therapy
cobbola {f} :: stanza (in old Provençal verse)
cobelletto {m} :: small Italian pie (like a Mince Pie) but filled with jam
cobelligerante {adj} :: allied (in a war)
cobelligeranza {f} :: alliance (in a war)
cobite {m} :: spined loach (Cobitis taenia)
Coblenza {prop} :: Koblenz
cobo {n} :: kob, sing-sing (Kobus kob)
cobola {f} :: alternative form of cobbola
coboldo {m} :: kobold
coboletta {f} :: Short stanza; couplet
cobra {m} /ˈkɔ.bra/ :: cobra
cobra dagli occhiali {m} :: Indian cobra (Naja naja)
cobra egiziano {m} :: Egyptian cobra (Naja haje)
cobra indiano {m} :: synonym of cobra dagli occhiali
cobralisina {f} [toxicology] /ko.bra.liˈzi.na/ :: A hemolysin found in the venom of cobras
cobraterapia {f} [medicine] /ko.bra.te.raˈpi.a/ :: The archaic practice of using cobra venom to treat neuralgia
cobratossina {f} [toxicology] /ko.bra.tosˈsi.na/ :: A colloidal suspension of purified cobra venom
Coburgo {prop} :: Coburg
cocaina {f} :: cocaine
cocainico {adj} :: cocaine (attributive)
cocainismo {m} :: cocaine addiction (or regular use)
cocainomane {mf} :: cocaine addict
cocainomania {f} :: addiction to cocaine
cocalina {f} /ko.kaˈli.na/ :: synonym of corriere grosso
cocalina {f} :: synonym of gabbianello
cocalina {f} :: synonym of beccapesci
cocalina {f} :: synonym of mignattino
cocca {f} :: notch (of an arrow)
cocca {f} :: corner (of an handkerchief etc)
cocca {f} :: (female) darling, dear, favourite woman or girl, pet, mollycoddle
cocca {f} [childish] :: hen
coccarda {f} :: rosette, cockade, badge
coccatrice {f} :: cockatrice
cocchia {f} :: trawl net
cocchiere {m} :: coachman
cocchio {m} :: coach
cocchio {m} :: chariot
cocchiume {m} :: bung-hole
cocchiume {m} :: bung, faucet
Cocci {prop} :: surname
coccia {f} /ˈkɔt.t͡ʃa/ :: sword guard, haft, hilt
coccia {f} :: shell
coccia {f} :: pate (the head)
cocciaio {m} :: potter
coccidiosi {f} [medicine] :: coccidiosis
coccige {m} [skeleton] :: coccyx, tailbone
coccigeo {adj} [skeleton] :: coccygeal
coccinella {f} :: ladybird, ladybug
cocciniglia {f} /kot.t͡ʃiˈniʎ.ʎa/ :: cochineal (dye and insect)
coccio {m} [uncountable] :: earthenware crock
coccio {m} [countable] :: shard (of broken pottery)
cocciopesto {m} :: fragments of earthenware or brick mixed with lime and sand, used in antiquity to make mortar or plaster for walls, pavements etc
cocciutaggine {f} :: stubbornness, obstinacy
cocciutamente {adv} :: stubbornly, pigheadedly
cocciuto {adj} :: stubborn, pig-headed
-cocco {suffix} [biology] :: -coccus
cocco {m} /ˈkɔk.ko/ :: coconut palm (Cocos nucifera)
cocco {m} [uncountable] :: coconut (edible flesh of the coconut fruit)
cocco {m} [mushrooms] :: synonym of ovolo
cocco {m} [uncountable, slang] :: cocaine
cocco {m} :: darling, favourite person, pet, mollycoddle
cocco {m} [childish] :: hen's egg
cocco {m} [biology] :: coccus
cocco {m} :: cochineal (red dye)
coccodè {interj} :: cackle
coccodè {m} :: cackle
coccodrillo {m} :: crocodile
coccodrillo {m} [journalism] :: pre-written obituary
coccodrillo {m} [electronics] :: alligator clip
coccola {f} /ˈkɔkkola/ :: The berry-like cone of the juniper
coccola {f} [colloquial] :: cuddle
coccolante {v} :: present participle of coccolare
coccolare {vt} :: To cuddle
coccolarsi {vr} :: To cuddle (each other)
coccolo {m} /ˈkɔk.ko.lo/ :: mollycoddle
coccolo {m} :: teacher's pet
coccolo {m} :: favorite
coccolo {adj} :: cuddly
coccolone {m} :: A cuddly person
coccolone {m} :: A heart attack
cocente {adj} :: burning
cocente {adj} :: painful
cocente {v} :: present participle of cuocere
cocheria {f} :: Variant of cokeria
Cociarelli {prop} :: surname
cocimento {m} [archaic] /ko.t͡ʃiˈmen.to/ :: cooking
cocimento {m} [figuratively] :: burning torment
Cocincina {prop} :: Cochin China
Cocito {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Cocytus
cocker {m} :: cocker spaniel
cocker spaniel americano {m} :: American cocker spaniel
cocker spaniel inglese {m} :: English cocker spaniel
cocktail {m} :: cocktail
cocktail {m} :: cocktail party
coclea {f} [anatomy] :: cochlea
coclea {f} :: Archimedes screw
cocleare {adj} :: cochlear
coclearia {f} :: scurvy grass (of genus Cochlearia)
cocolla {f} :: monk's scapular
cocolla {f} [by extension] :: monk
cocomeraia {f} :: female equivalent of cocomeraio
cocomeraia {f} :: watermelon field, watermelon patch
cocomeraio {m} :: watermelon seller
cocomeraio {m} :: watermelon grower
cocomeraio {m} :: watermelon field, watermelon patch
cocomerata {f} :: bellyful of watermelon
cocomero {m} /koˈko.me.ro/ :: watermelon, specifically:
cocomero {m} :: The plant Citrullus lanatus
cocomero {m} [by extension] :: The fruit of the plant
cocomero {m} [figuratively] :: A foolish or unreliable man
cocomero {m} [regional, Northern Italian] :: cucumber
cocomero asinino {m} :: Ecballium elaterium; squirting cucumber, exploding cucumber
cocomero di mare {m} :: alternative form of cetriolo di mare
cocorita {f} :: parakeet
cocorozzo {m} :: A type of a large ciambella (anise flavored) from Molise
cocuncio {m} :: caper-berry (fruit of Capparis spinosa)
cocuzza {f} :: marrow, gourd
cocuzza {f} [humorous] :: head
cocuzza {f} [figuratively, in the plural] :: money
cocuzza {interj} :: amazing!, marvelous!
cocuzzaro {m} [southern Italy] :: pumpkin seller
cocuzzo {m} :: top
cocuzzo {m} :: crown (Of the head or a hat)
cocuzzolo {m} :: top
cocuzzolo {m} :: summit
cocuzzolo {m} :: crown (of the head)
coda {f} /ˈkoda/ :: tail
coda {f} :: queue; line
coda {f} [music] :: coda
coda {f} [rail transport, only singular, uncountable] :: end [of a train], the last car(s)
coda alla vaccinara {f} [Rome] /ˈko.da al.la vat.tʃiˈna.ra/ :: A traditional Roman stew made from oxtail (or alternatively the veal equivalent)
coda di paglia {f} [idiomatic] :: guilty conscience, pangs of conscience
coda di rospo {f} :: monkfish
codardamente {adv} :: cowardly
codardia {f} :: cowardliness, cowardice
codardo {adj} :: cowardly, namby-pamby, spineless
codardo {adj} [heraldry] :: coward (of a lion)
codardo {m} :: coward, nithing, dastard, wretch, sneak
codarossa {adj} :: red-tailed
codato {adj} :: alternative form of caudato
codazzo {m} :: throng (of following people)
codecidere {v} [neologism] :: to decide with others
codecisione {f} [legal] :: co-decision
codeina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: codeine
codesto {pron} [dated, regional, literary] /koˈdesto/ :: this, that [referring to an object close to the addressee]
codeterminazione {f} :: codetermination
codetta {f} [music] :: codetta
codibianco {m} /ko.diˈbjan.ko/ :: Vernacular name of various species of bird
codibianco {m} :: synonym of culbianco
codibugnolo {m} :: long-tailed tit
codice {m} /ˈkɔditʃe/ :: code (all meanings)
codice {m} :: codex
codice a barre {m} :: barcode, bar code
codice di avviamento postale {m} :: postal code, postcode, zip code
codice genetico {m} [genetics] :: genetic code
codice Morse {m} :: Morse code
codice postale {m} :: postal code, postcode, zip code
codicillare {adj} [legal] :: codicillary
codicillo {m} [legal] :: codicil
codicistico {adj} [legal] :: code (legal, attributive)
codicologia {f} /ko.di.ko.loˈd͡ʒia̯/ :: codicology
codifica {f} :: codification, encoding
codificabile {adj} :: codifiable
codificabilità {f} :: Property of being codifiable
codificante {v} :: present participle of codificare
codificante {adj} :: coding (attributive)
codificare {vt} :: to codify [all senses]
codificare {vt} :: to encode
codificare {vt} [colloquial, computing] :: to program (write code)
codificatore {m} :: coder (device)
codificatore {m} :: coder (person)
codificazione {f} :: codification
codificazione {f} :: encoding
codimensione {f} [mathematics] :: codimension
codimozzo {adj} /ko.diˈmot.t͡so/ :: Having a docked tail
codinismo {m} :: reactionism
codino {m} :: scut
codino {m} :: pigtail (hairstyle); plait
codino {m} :: reactionary
codino {adj} :: reactionary
codione {f} :: rump
codipendente {adj} :: codependent
codipendenza {f} :: codependency
codirosso {m} :: redstart
codirossone {m} :: rock thrush, properly the rufous-tailed rock thrush
codirosso spazzacamino {m} :: black redstart
codocente {mf} :: instructor, auxiliary teacher (etc)
codolo {m} :: tang (of a knife etc)
codominante {adj} :: codominant
codominio {m} [mathematics] :: codomain
codone {m} [genetics] :: codon
codone {m} :: pintail (duck)
codrione {m} :: rump (of a bird)
coeditante {v} :: present participle of coeditare
coeditare {v} :: to coedit
coeditare {v} :: to copublish
coeditore {m} :: coeditor
coeditore {m} :: copublisher
coedizione {f} :: co-edition
coeducazione {f} :: coeducation
coefficiente {m} :: coefficient
coefficiente di Poisson {m} :: Poisson's ratio
coefficienza {f} :: cofactor (coefficient factor)
coenzima {m} [biochemistry] :: coenzyme
coercibile {adj} :: coercible
coercibile {adj} [physics] :: compressible
coercibilità {f} :: coercibleness
coercibilità {f} [physics] :: compressibility
coercitivamente {adv} :: coercively
coercitività {f} :: coercivity
coercitivo {adj} :: coercive
coercitore {m} :: coercer
coercizione {f} :: coercion
coerede {mf} :: coheir
coerente {adj} :: coherent (all senses)
coerente {adj} :: consistent
coerentemente {adv} :: coherently
coerentemente {adv} :: consistently
coerentismo {m} :: coherentism
coerentista {adj} :: coherentist
coerentista {mf} :: coherentist
coerenza {f} :: coherence
coerenza {f} :: consistency
coesecutore {m} [legal] :: coexecutor
coesina {f} [protein] :: cohesin
coesionale {adj} :: cohesional
coesione {f} :: cohesion
coesistente {v} :: present participle of coesistere
coesistente {adj} :: coexistent
coesistenza {f} :: coexistence
coesistere {v} :: to coexist
coesivo {adj} :: cohesive
coeso {adj} :: cohesive
coesore {m} [physics] :: coherer
coessenziale {adj} :: coessential
coestensivo {adj} :: coextensive
coetanea {f} :: A contemporary woman, a woman of the same age
coetaneo {adj} :: (of) the same age; as old as
coetaneo {m} :: A contemporary, a person of the same age
coetaneo {m} :: peer
coeterno {adj} :: coeternal
coevo {adj} :: contemporary
cofanatura {f} :: canopy (of an aircraft)
cofanetto {m} :: casket
cofano {m} /ˈkɔ.fa.no/ :: coffer, chest
cofano {m} [automotive] :: bonnet (UK, Australia), hood (US) (of a car)
cofattore {m} [biochemistry] :: cofactor
cofermento {m} [biochemistry] :: coferment, coenzyme
coffa {f} [nautical] :: top (framework at the top of a ship's mast)
cofia {f} :: cap
cofinanziamento {m} :: co-financing
cofinanziante {v} :: present participle of cofinanziare
cofinanziare {vt} :: to cofinance
cofirmante {v} :: present participle of cofirmare
cofirmare {vt} :: To cosign
cofirmatario {adj} :: cosignatory
cofirmatario {m} :: cosignatory
cofondante {v} :: present participle of cofondare
cofondare {vt} :: To cofound
cofondatore {m} :: cofounder
cofondatrice {f} :: feminine noun of cofondatore
cofto {adj} /ˈkɔf.to/ :: alternative form of copto
cofto {m} :: alternative form of copto
cogarante {mf} :: coguarantor
cogaranzia {f} :: joint guarantee
cogenerativo {adj} :: cogenerative
cogeneratore {m} :: cogenerator
cogenerazione {f} :: cogeneration
cogente {adj} [legal] :: compulsory, mandatory, binding
cogenza {f} :: compulsoriness
cogerente {mf} :: joint manager
cogestente {v} :: present participle of cogestire
cogestionale {adj} :: joint management (attributive)
cogestione {f} :: management communally with others
cogestire {vt} :: To jointly manage
Coghinas {prop} :: Coghinas (river)
cogia {m} [zoology] /ˈkɔ.d͡ʒa/ :: The Kogia taxonomic genus, of dwarf and pygmy sperm whales
cogia {m} :: A member of the Kogia taxonomic genus
cogitabondo {adj} :: thoughtful, cogitabund, deep in thought
cogitante {v} :: present participle of cogitare
cogitare {vti} [literary] :: to cogitate; to ponder; to think
cogitativo {adj} :: cogitative
cogitazione {f} :: cogitation
coglia {f} [literary, anatomy] /ˈkoʎ.ʎa/ :: scrotum
cogliente {v} :: present participle of cogliere
cogliere {vt} /ˈkɔʎʎere/ :: to pick, gather
cogliere {vt} :: to grasp, seize, take
cogliere al varco {v} :: synonym of prendere al varco
cogliere con il sorcio in bocca {v} :: synonym of cogliere in flagrante
cogliere con le mani nella marmellata {v} :: to catch someone with one's hand in the cookie jar
cogliere con le mani nel sacco {v} :: synonym of cogliere in flagrante
cogliere in flagrante {v} :: to catch red-handed
cogliere sul fatto {v} :: synonym of cogliere in flagrante
coglionante {v} :: present participle of coglionare
coglionare {vt} :: to frolic, make a fool of (someone)
coglionare {vt} :: to hoax, trick
coglionata {f} :: crap, bullshit, gibberish, nonsense, garbage
coglionata {f} :: cockup, balls-up
coglionata {f} :: bollocks
coglionatura {f} :: mockery
coglionatura {f} :: hoax, trick
coglione {m} [taboo slang, vulgar] /koˈʎo.ne/ :: testicle
coglione {m} [taboo slang, figuratively] :: sucker, fool
coglioneria {f} :: balls, crap, bullshit
coglioneria {f} :: balls up, cock up, fuck up
coglitore {m} :: gatherer, picker, plucker (agricultural worker)
coglitura {f} :: gathering, picking, plucking
cognata {f} :: sister-in-law
cognatico {adj} :: cognatic
cognatina {f} :: (young) sister in law
cognatino {m} :: (young) brother in law
cognato {m} :: brother-in-law
cognazione {f} [legal] :: cognation
cognitivamente {adv} :: cognitively
cognitivismo {m} [psychology] :: cognitivism
cognitivista {mf} :: cognitivist
cognitivista {adj} :: cognitivist (attributive)
cognitivo {adj} :: cognitive
cognito {adj} :: known
cognizione {f} :: knowledge
cognizione {f} :: cognition
cognizione {f} :: cognizance
cogno {m} :: congius
cognome {m} /koɲˈɲome/ :: surname, cognomen
cognominale {adj} :: cognominal
cognoscente {v} [obsolete] /koɲɲoʃˈʃɛnte/ :: present participle of cognoscere
cognoscere {v} :: obsolete spelling of conoscere
cogolo {m} :: a round pebble
cogolo {m} :: cabochon
cogolo {m} [Venice] :: a kind of net
coguaro {m} :: cougar
coibentante {v} :: present participle of coibentare
coibentare {vt} :: To insulate
coibentazione {f} :: insulation
coibente {adj} :: insulating (of heat, electricity or sound)
coibenza {f} :: insulation, nonconductivity (thermal, electrical etc)
coietto {m} :: alternative form of coretto
coi fiocchi {adj} :: excellent, champion (attributive), grand
coimputato {adj} [legal] :: accused or charged along with another
coimputato {m} [legal] :: codefendant
coincenerimento {m} :: co-incineration
coincidente {v} :: present participle of coincidere
coincidente {adj} :: coincident, coincidental
coincidente {adj} :: coinciding
coincidenza {f} :: concurrence, coincidence (simultaneous occurrence)
coincidenza {f} [of a train] :: connection
coincidenza {f} :: conformity, uniformity
coincidenza {f} [geometry] :: overlap (of points or lines)
coincidere {v} :: to coincide
coinquilina {f} :: feminine noun of coinquilino
coinquilino {m} :: A fellow tenant; a housemate or flatmate
cointeressante {v} :: present participle of cointeressare
cointeressare {vt} :: To give someone a joint interest or share (in)
cointeressato {adj} :: associated (as a joint partner)
cointeressato {adj} :: profit-sharing
cointeressato {m} :: partner, associate, shareholder
cointeressenza {f} :: The joint participation of several people in an economic activity
cointestante {v} :: present participle of cointestare
cointestare {vt} :: to register jointly
coinvolgente {v} :: present participle of coinvolgere
coinvolgente {adj} :: involving, absorbing, engrossing
coinvolgere {vt} :: to involve or implicate someone
coinvolgimento {m} :: involvement, implication
coinvolto {adj} :: involved or implicated
coiote {m} :: coyote
Coira {prop} :: Coira (town)
coitale {adj} :: coital
coitarca {m} :: coitarche
coitare {v} /koiˈta.re/ :: to think
coito {m} :: coitus
coke {m} :: coke (form of carbon)
cokefazione {f} :: coking
cokeria {f} :: coke works
cokificante {v} :: present participle of cokificare
cokificare {vt} :: to coke
cokificazione {f} :: coking
colà {adv} :: there
colabile {adj} :: castable
colabilità {f} :: castability
colabrodo {m} :: colander, strainer
colabrodo {m} [figuratively] :: wreck
colaggio {m} :: leakage, ullage (loss of material)
colaggiù {adv} /ko.ladˈd͡ʒu/ :: down there
colaggiuso {adv} /ko.ladˈd͡ʒu.zo/ :: obsolete form of colaggiù
colagogo {adj} [medicine] :: cholagogic
colagogo {m} [medicine] :: cholagogue
colangiocarcinoma {m} [pathology] :: cholangiocarcinoma
colangiografia {f} [medicine] :: cholangiography
colangite {f} [pathology] :: cholangitis
colante {v} :: present participle of colare
colapasta {m} :: colander (for pasta)
colare {vt} :: to strain (pasta etc)
colare {vt} :: to cast (metal etc)
colare {vi} :: to drip
colare {vi} :: to run (paint etc)
colare a picco {v} :: to sink
colascione {m} :: colascione
colassù {adv} /ko.lasˈsu/ :: up there
colassuso {adv} /ko.lasˈsu.zo/ :: obsolete form of colassù
colata {f} :: casting (of metal)
colata {f} :: flow (of lava)
colata piroclastica {f} :: pyroclastic flow
colaticcio {m} :: dross, dregs
colaticcio {m} :: slurry
colatitudine {f} :: colatitude
colatoio {m} :: sieve, strainer
colatore {m} :: drain, ditch
colatura {f} :: straining (of a liquid)
colatura {f} :: leaking or dripping
colazione {f} :: breakfast
colazione {f} :: lunch
colazione {f} :: light meal, collation
colbacco {m} :: busby
colbacco {m} :: fur hat
colbacco {m} :: bearskin hat
colbertismo {m} :: Colbertism
col cazzo {interj} [mildly, vulgar] :: Used to indicate emphatic rejection of an assertion
col cazzo {interj} :: the hell
colchicina {f} [organic compound] :: colchicine
colchico {m} :: autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale and similar)
Colchide {prop} :: Colchis
Colco {m} :: Colchian
colecalciferolo {m} [organic compound] :: cholecalciferol
colecistectomia {f} [surgery] :: cholecystectomy
colecisti {f} [anatomy] :: cholecyst, gall bladder
colecistite {f} [pathology] :: cholecystitis
colecistochinina {f} :: cholecystokinin
colectomia {f} [surgery] :: colectomy
coledocite {f} [medicine] :: choledochitis
coledoco {m} [anatomy] :: choledochus, bile duct
colei {pron} :: she
colei {pron} :: her
colelitiasi {f} [disease] :: cholelithiasis
coleo- {prefix} [science] :: having the shape of a sheath or case
coleoptile {m} :: coleoptile
coleoriza {f} :: coleorhyza
coleottero {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: Coleoptera
coleottile {m} :: coleoptile
colera {m} :: cholera
colere {v} /ˈkɔ.le.re/ :: to venerate, revere
coleretico {adj} :: choleretic
coleretico {m} [pharmacology] :: choleretic
colerico {adj} :: cholera (attributive)
colerina {f} :: cholerine
colerosa {f} :: Woman sick with cholera
coleroso {adj} [pathology] :: sick with cholera
coleroso {m} [pathology] :: person sick with cholera
colestasi {f} [pathology] :: cholestasis
colesterico {adj} [physics] :: cholesteric
colesterina {f} :: Variant of colesterolo
colesterolemia {f} [medicine] :: cholesterolemia
colesterolo {m} :: cholesterol
colestiramina {f} [biochemistry] :: cholestyramine
colettante {v} :: present participle of colettare
colettare {vt} :: To sift or riddle
colettino {adj} :: Colettine
coletto {m} :: sieve, riddle
colf {f} :: A home help
col fiato sospeso {prep} [idiom, also, literal] :: while holding one's breath, with bated breath
coliambico {adj} /kolˈjam.bi.ko/ :: choliambic
coliambo {m} :: choliamb
colibacillo {m} :: colibacillus (E. coli)
colibacillosi {f} [pathology] :: colibacillosis
colibatterio {m} :: colon bacterium
colibri {m} :: alternative form of colibrì
colibrì {m} :: hummingbird
colica {f} :: colic
colichina {f} :: colic (of a newborn baby)
colico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: cholic
colico {adj} [anatomy] :: colonic, colic
colico {adj} [physiology] :: cholic (of or pertaining to bile)
colico {adj} [pathology] :: colic (attributive), colicky
coliforme {adj} :: coliform
coliforme {m} :: mousebird, coly (of the genus Colius)
colina {f} [organic compound] :: choline
colinergico {adj} :: cholinergic
colino {m} :: strainer, colander
colino da tè {m} :: tea strainer
colite {f} [pathology] :: colitis
colla {f} /ˈkɔl.la/ :: glue or similar sticky material
colla {f} :: size (substance)
colla {f} [nautical] :: A rope used for lowering the sails
collaborante {v} :: present participle of collaborare
collaborare {vi} :: to collaborate, cooperate, contribute
collaborativamente {adv} :: collaboratively
collaborativo {adj} :: collaborative
collaboratore {m} :: collaborator, co-worker, colleague, partner, aide, employee
collaboratore {m} :: contributor (of a newspaper or magazine)
collaboratore esterno {m} :: freelance contributor (of newspapers or magazines)
collaboratrice {f} :: female equivalent of collaboratore
collaborazione {f} :: cooperation, collaboration, teamwork, contribution
collaborazionismo {m} :: traitorous cooperation with the enemy; collaborationism
collaborazionista {mf} :: collaborator
collaborazionista {mf} :: quisling
collacrimare {n} [archaic, rare, intransitive] /kol.la.kriˈma.re/ :: To weep or cry together
collacrimare {n} [archaic, rare, transitive] :: To feel sorry for someone
collacrimato {adj} /kol.la.kriˈma.to/ :: late lamented
colla di farina {f} :: flour paste, wheat paste
colla di pesce {f} :: isinglass
collagenasi {f} [enzyme] :: collagenase
collagene {m} [biology] :: collagen
collageno {m} :: Variant of collagene
collagenopatia {f} [disease] :: disease of the connective tissue; collagenopathy
collagrimare {n} /kol.la.ɡriˈma.re/ :: alternative form of collacrimare
collana {f} [countable] :: necklace
collana {f} [publishing, uncountable] :: collection, series
collanina {f} :: little necklace, necklace
collant {m} :: tights
collante {m} :: glue
collante {m} [by extension] :: bond, link
colla parte {adj} [music] :: "with the part", indicating to accompany the other part
collare {m} :: collar
collaretta {f} :: A type of sewing machine that uses multiple needles
collaretto {m} :: collarette, ruff
collarinato {adj} [heraldry] :: collared, gorged
collarino {m} :: dog collar (of a priest)
collassabile {adj} :: collapsable
collassante {v} :: present participle of collassare
collassare {v} [ergative, also, figurative] :: to collapse
collassare {vi} [slang] :: to experience the maximum effect of an illicit drug
collasso {m} [also, figurative] :: collapse
collaterale {adj} :: collateral
collaterale {adj} :: side (attributive)
collaterale {m} :: aisle
collateralismo {m} :: The sponsorship of a political party by a trade union or other organization
collateralmente {adv} :: collaterally, together
collaudante {v} :: present participle of collaudare
collaudare {vt} :: to test, trial
collaudatore {m} :: tester (of aircraft, cars etc)
collaudo {m} :: testing, trialing
collaudo {m} :: test, trial
collazionamento {m} :: collation
collazionante {v} :: present participle of collazionare
collazionare {vt} :: To collate
collazione {f} :: collation
collazione {f} [legal] :: hotchpot
colle {m} [geomorphology] /ˈkɔl.le/ :: hill
colle {m} :: pass (through hills)
Colle {prop} :: ellipsis of Quirinale
collega {mf} /kolˈlɛ.ɡa/ :: colleague
collegabile {adj} :: connectable (that which can be connected)
collegamento {m} :: connection, link, contact, relation, association
collegamento {m} [Internet] :: link, hyperlink
collegamento {m} [military] :: liaison
collegamento ipertestuale {m} [Internet] :: hyperlink, link
collegante {v} :: present participle of collegare
collegante {adj} :: connecting, linking
collegantesi {v} :: present participle of collegarsi
colleganza {f} :: colleagueship
colleganza {f} :: connection
colleganza {f} :: bond, tie
collegare {vt} :: to connect, link, link-up;[also figuratively] to associate, relate
collegare {vt} :: to colligate
collegarsi {v} :: reflexive of collegare
collegarsi {vr} :: to connect, to communicate, get in touch, to link up
collegarsi {vr} :: to refer
collegarsi {vr} :: to associate, to join, to incorporate
collegato {adj} :: connected, linked, (figuratively also) tied up, associated, related
collegato {adj} :: allied, united, associated
collegatosi {v} :: past participle of collegarsi
collegazione {f} :: link, union
collegiale {adj} :: collective
collegiale {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a boarding school
collegiale {adj} :: collegiate
collegiale {mf} :: boarder
collegiale {mf} :: schoolboy {m}, schoolgirl {f}
collegialità {f} :: collectiveness
collegialmente {adv} :: corporately (as a body or group)
collegiata {f} :: collegiate church
collegio {m} /kolˈlɛ.dʒo/ :: college (educational institution or division thereof)
collegio {m} :: boarding school
collegio {m} :: boarding house, dormitory
collegio {m} [politics] :: electoral college
collegio {m} [in proper nouns] :: college (group sharing common purpose or goals)
collegio {m} [obsolete] :: a group of people who live together, taken as a whole
collegio elettorale {m} :: electoral district
collegnese {adj} /kol.leɲˈɲe.se/ :: Of, or from, Collegno
collegnese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Collegno
col legno {adv} [music] /kol ˈleɲ.ɲo/ :: col legno (the strings must be struck with the wood of the bow)
Collegno {prop} /kolˈleɲ.ɲo/ :: Collegno (town)
collembolo {m} :: springtail
collenchima {m} [botany] :: collenchyma
collera {f} [obsolete] /ˈkɔl.le.ra/ :: bilious humour
collera {f} :: anger, chafe, rage
collericamente {adv} :: in a quick-tempered manner, irascibly, cholericly
collerico {adj} [humours or temperaments theory, obsolete] /kolˈlɛ.ri.ko/ :: bilious
collerico {adj} :: quick-tempered, irascible, choleric
collerico {m} :: A quick-tempered or irascible person
colleroso {adj} /kol.leˈro.zo/ :: angry, enraged, choleric
colletta {f} :: collection
collettame {m} :: package(s)
collettamento {m} :: collection (process)
Colletti {prop} :: surname
collettiva {f} :: collective exhibition, collective exhibit
collettivamente {adv} :: collectively
collettivismo {m} :: collectivism
collettivista {adj} :: collectivist
collettivista {mf} :: collectivist
collettivistico {adj} :: collectivist
collettività {f} :: collectivity
collettività {f} :: social community
collettivizzante {v} :: present participle of collettivizzare
collettivizzare {vt} :: to collectivize
collettivizzato {adj} :: collectivized
collettivizzazione {f} :: collectivization
collettivo {adj} :: collective, general, common, joint
collettivo {m} :: collective
colletto {m} :: collar
collettore {m} :: intake manifold
collettore {m} :: collector
collettore {m} :: cesspool, sewer, well, collection pit
collettore {m} :: canal
collettoria {f} :: (tax) collector's office
collezionabile {adj} :: collectible, collectable
collezionante {v} :: present participle of collezionare
collezionare {vt} :: to collect
collezione {f} :: collection
collezionismo {m} :: (hobby) collecting
collezionista {m} :: collector
collezionistico {adj} :: collector's, collectors', collecting
collidente {v} :: present participle of collidere
collidente {adj} :: colliding (particles etc)
collidere {vit} :: to collide
collier {m} :: A necklace, string-shaped jewel worn around the neck
colligativo {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: colligative
colligiano {adj} :: hill (attributive); hill-dwelling
colligiano {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Colle Val d'Elsa in Tuscany
collimante {v} :: present participle of collimare
collimare {vi} :: To agree, to coincide, to correspond
collimare {vt} :: To collimate
collimatore {m} :: collimator
collimazione {f} :: collimation
collimazione {f} :: correspondence
collina {f} [geomorphology] /kolˈli.na/ :: hill
Collina {prop} :: surname
Collina {prop} :: Pierluigi Collina, Italian football referee
collinare {adj} :: hilly, hill (attributive)
collineare {adj} :: colinear
collinearità {f} :: colinearity
collinetta {f} :: hillock
collinosità {f} [rare] :: hilliness
collinoso {adj} :: hilly, hill (attributive)
colliquante {v} :: present participle of colliquare
colliquare {vt} :: To colliquate, to melt
colliquativo {adj} :: colliquative, liquefactive
colliquazione {f} :: colliquation, melting
collirio {m} :: eyewash
collirio {m} :: eye drops
collisionale {adj} :: collisional
collisione {f} /kolliˈzjoːne/ :: collision
collisione {f} :: clash, conflict
collisore {m} [physics] :: collider (of subatomic particles etc)
collo {m} /ˈkɔl.lo/ :: neck (all senses)
collo {m} :: collar
collo {m} :: parcel, package; luggage (especially when bulky)
collo {m} [anatomy] :: neck, cervix
collo alto {m} :: turtleneck (covering all or most of the neck, on a sweater or similar garment)
collocabile {adj} :: placeable
collocamento {m} :: employment
collocamento {m} :: placing, arrangement
collocamento {m} :: sale, placement
collocante {v} :: present participle of collocare
collocantesi {v} :: present participle of collocarsi
collocare {vt} :: to place, sit, put, position, lay, arrange, seat
collocare {vt} :: to place (find a job/market for)
collocare {vt} [finance] :: to invest
collocarsi {v} :: reflexive of collocare
collocarsi {v} :: to place oneself, take one's place
collocarsi {v} :: to find a job
collocatore {m} :: clerk in an employment office
collocatosi {v} :: past participle of collocarsi
collocazione {f} :: placing, positioning, collocation
collocazione {f} :: classification (library)
Collodi {prop} :: surname
Collodi {prop} :: Carlo Collodi, Italian writer
collo di bottiglia {m} :: bottleneck (narrow portion that forms the pouring spout)
collo di bottiglia {m} [figurative, by extension] :: bottleneck (slow part of a process)
collodio {m} :: collodion
colloidale {adj} :: colloidal
colloide {m} :: colloid
colloquiale {adj} :: colloquial
colloquiale {adj} :: informal
colloquialismo {m} :: colloquialism
colloquialità {f} :: colloquial character or nature
colloquialmente {adv} :: colloquially
colloquiante {v} :: present participle of colloquiare
colloquiare {vi} :: to talk, to converse
colloquio {m} /kolˈlɔk.wjo/ :: talk, conversation
colloquio {m} :: interview, meeting
colloquio {m} :: talks, negotiations
collosità {f} :: stickiness
colloso {adj} :: sticky, gluey
collotipia {f} :: collotype
collotorto {m} :: hypocrite, bigot
collotorto {m} :: wryneck (of genus Jynx)
collottola {f} /kolˈlɔt.to.la/ :: scruff of the neck
collottola {f} [metonym] :: fat, weight
collottola {f} [fossil word] :: life
colludente {v} :: present participle of colludere
colludere {vi} :: to collude
collusione {f} :: collusion
collusivo {adj} :: collusive
collutorio {m} :: mouthwash
colluttante {v} :: present participle of colluttare
colluttantesi {v} :: present participle of colluttarsi
colluttare {vi} [literary] :: to fight, grapple, or scuffle hand-to-hand
colluttarsi {v} :: reflexive of colluttare
colluttarsi {vi} [literary] :: to fight, grapple, or scuffle hand-to-hand
colluttatosi {v} :: past participle of colluttarsi
colluttazione {f} :: fight, scuffle, brawl
colluttazione {f} [figurative, by extension] :: violent discussion, quarrel, clash
colluttorio {m} :: mouthwash
colmabile {adj} :: fillable
colmante {v} :: present participle of colmare
colmare {vt} :: to fill up [a glass, jar, etc.] to the brim
colmare {vt} :: to fill [a depression or fossa in the ground] with soil or other materials
colmare {vt} [figuratively, by extension] :: to give abundantly
colmare {vt} [figuratively, by extension] :: to fill [someone] (with an emotion)
colmatura {f} :: filling (to the brim)
colmatura {f} :: The replacement of evaporated wine in barrels
colmo {adj} :: full (of)
colmo {m} :: summit, top, acme
colmo {m} :: height
colmo {m} :: limit
colmo {m} :: ridge
-colo {suffix} :: -colous
colo {m} [rare] /ˈko.lo/ :: A kind of sieve or strainer
colo {m} /ˈkɔ.lo/ :: A member or part of a verse of a poem
colo {m} :: An ancient punctuation mark
colobo {m} :: colobus
colocasia {f} :: taro, elephant ears (plant of genus Colocasia)
colofano {m} :: colophony
colofone {m} :: colophon
colofonia {f} :: rosin, colophony
cologaritmo {m} [mathematics] :: cologarithm
colomba {f} :: dove
colomba {f} :: A traditional Italian Easter cake baked in the shape of a dove
colombaccio {m} /ko.lomˈbat.t͡ʃo/ :: wood pigeon, ringdove (Columba palumbus)
colombaia {f} :: dovecote, dovecot
colombaniano {adj} :: Relating to Colombano di Bobbio
colombario {m} :: columbarium
colombario {m} :: burial vault
colombella {f} :: stock dove (Columba oenas)
colombella {f} :: ingenuous girl
Colombia {prop} :: Colombia (country)
colombiana {f} :: feminine noun of colombiano
colombiano {adj} :: Colombian
colombiano {m} :: Colombian
colombicoltore {m} :: pigeon breeder
colombicoltura {f} :: pigeon breeding
colombiere {m} [nautical] :: masthead
colombiforme {m} :: columbiform (any bird of order Columbiformes)
colombina {f} /ko.lomˈbi.na/ :: diminutive of colomba: young or small dove
colombina {f} [figurative] :: A young woman who fakes naivety and ingenuousness
colombina {f} :: A dove-shaped skyrocket that runs along a rope setting off fireworks during the celebrations of Easter Sunday in Florence
colombina {f} :: A dove-shaped sort of sweet Easter focaccia bread, sometimes with a hard-boiled egg in the middle
colombina {f} :: A semolina-based preparation used as an appetizer
colombina {f} [historical, regional] :: Name of various coins with doves or other similar birds depicted on them
colombina {f} [uncountable] :: pigeon dung (used as fertilizer)
colombina {f} [uncountable] :: blue limestone
colombina {f} [botany, regional] :: synonym of coridale
colombina {f} :: Name of several varieties of apples
colombina {f} :: Name of several varieties of mushrooms
Colombina {prop} :: Columbine
colombina verde {f} :: green-cracking russula (Russula virescens)
colombino {adj} /ko.lomˈbi.no/ :: dovish, dove-like
colombino {adj} :: white
colombino {adj} [figurative] :: pure, clean
colombino {m} :: synonym of colombina
colombino {m} :: synonym of mignattino
colombo {m} :: pigeon
Colombo {prop} :: Columbus
Colombo {prop} :: Colombo (the commercial <<capital>> and largest <<city>> of <<c/Sri Lanka>>)
colombo torraiolo {m} :: rock dove
colombo viaggiatore {m} :: alternative form of piccione viaggiatore
colombre {m} :: A type of legendary leviathan
colon {m} [anatomy] :: colon
colon ascendente {m} [anatomy] :: ascending colon
colon discendente {m} [anatomy] :: descending colon
colonia {f} /koˈlɔn.ja/ :: colony
colonia {f} /koˈlɔn.ja/ :: cologne, eau de Cologne
colonia {f} /ko.loˈni.a/ :: holding (farm)
colonia {f} :: resort
Colonia {prop} /koˈlɔnja/ :: Colonia (largest city)
coloniale {adj} :: colonial
colonialismo {m} :: colonialism
colonialista {adj} :: colonialist
colonialista {mf} :: colonialist
colonialistico {adj} :: colonialist
colonico {adj} :: farm (attributive)
coloniese {adj} :: Of or from Cologne
colonizzabile {adj} :: colonizable
colonizzante {v} :: present participle of colonizzare
colonizzare {vt} :: to colonize, settle
colonizzatore {adj} :: colonizing
colonizzatore {m} :: colonizer
colonizzatrice {f} :: colonizer (female)
colonizzazione {f} :: colonization
colonna {f} [architecture] :: column, pillar
colonna {f} [typography] :: column
colonna {f} :: tailback (of traffic)
colonna {f} [chess] :: file
colonnale {adj} :: columnar
colonnare {adj} :: columnar
colonna sonora {f} :: soundtrack
colonnato {m} [architecture] :: colonnade
colonnato {adj} :: colonnaded
colonna vertebrale {f} [anatomy] :: vertebral column
colonnello {m} /kolonˈnɛllo/ :: colonel
colonnetta {f} :: petrol pump
colonnetta {f} :: memorial (in a graveyard)
colonnina {f} :: A small column
colonnina {f} :: petrol pump
colonnina {f} :: bollard
colonnina di mercurio {f} :: mercury column (in a thermometer)
colonnina di mercurio {f} [by extension] :: thermometer
colonnino {m} :: baluster, banister
colonnino {m} :: single column (in a newspaper)
colonnista {mf} :: columnist (in a newspaper)
colono {m} :: colonist, settler
colono {m} :: farmer
colonoscopia {f} :: alternative form of colonscopia
colonproctologia {f} [surgery] :: coloproctology
colonscopia {f} [medicine] :: colonoscopy
colon sigmoideo {m} [anatomy] :: sigmoid colon
colon trasverso {m} [anatomy] :: transverse colon
coloquintide {f} :: colocynth, bitter apple (Citrullus colocynthis)
color {m} :: apocopic form of colore
colorabile {adj} :: colorable/colourable, stainable
colorabilità {f} :: colourableness
Colorado {prop} :: Colorado (state)
coloramento {m} :: coloring / colouring (process, and its result)
colorante {v} :: present participle of colorare
colorante {adj} :: colouring
colorante {m} :: colorant
colorantesi {v} :: present participle of colorarsi
colorare {vt} :: to colour/color
colorarsi {vr} :: To color, to colour
colorarsi {vr} :: To turn (red, green, etc.)
coloratissimo {adj} :: superlative of colorato
colorato {adj} :: coloured, colored, tinted, stained
coloratosi {v} :: past participle of colorarsi
coloratura {f} :: colouration, colouring
coloratura {f} [music] :: Virtuosic ornamentation of a melody
colorazione {f} :: colouring
colorazione {f} :: colour
colorazione {f} :: hue
color cane che fugge {m} :: a nonspecific or nameless color
color cane che fugge {adj} :: having a nonspecific or nameless color
colore {m} :: color, colour
colore {m} :: hue
colore {m} [gaming] :: pip (playing cards)
colore {m} [card games, poker] :: flush
colorente {v} :: present participle of colorire
colorentesi {v} :: present participle of colorirsi
coloreria {f} :: paint (etc) shop
colorettale {adj} [anatomy] :: colorectal
colorificio {m} :: paint factory
colorificio {m} :: paint shop
colorimetria {f} :: colorimetry
colorimetricamente {adv} :: colourimetrically
colorimetrico {adj} :: colorimetric
colorimetro {m} :: colorimeter
colorire {v} :: to colour
colorire {v} :: to embellish or enliven
colorirsi {vr} :: To colour or color, to flush
colorismo {m} [arts] :: A tendency to use colour as the fundamental element of painting
colorista {mf} [arts] :: colourist / colorist
coloristico {adj} :: colour or color (attributive)
coloritamente {adv} :: colourfully
colorito {adj} :: colourful
colorito {adj} :: rosy
colorito {m} :: complexion
coloritosi {v} :: past participle of colorirsi
coloritura {f} :: colouring (process or result of adding colour)
coloritura {f} :: vivacity of expression
colorizzante {v} :: present participle of colorizzare
colorizzare {vt} :: to colorize [a film]
colorizzato {adj} :: colorized
colorizzazione {f} :: colorization
coloro {pron} :: they
coloro {pron} :: them
coloro {pron} :: those people
coloscopia {f} :: alternative form of colonscopia
colossale {adj} :: colossal, huge
colosseo {m} :: coliseum (amphitheatre)
Colosseo {prop} :: The Colosseum / Coliseum
Colossesi {prop} [biblical] :: Colossians
colosso {m} :: colossus
colosso {m} :: giant
colostomia {f} [surgery] :: colostomy
colostro {m} [physiology] :: colostrum, beestings
colpa {f} /ˈkol.pa/ :: fault
colpa {f} :: blame
colpa {f} :: guilt
colpa {f} :: sin
colpabile {adj} :: guilty
colpabilità {f} :: guilt
colpaccio {m} :: A severe blow or misfortune
colpaccio {m} :: An unexpectedly successful and beneficial outcome
col patto {prep} :: (with di) synonym of a patto
colpente {v} :: present participle of colpire
colpentesi {v} :: present participle of colpirsi
colpetto {m} :: tap (gentle strike)
colpetto {m} :: bump
colpetto {m} :: quickie (quick sexual relationship)
colpevole {adj} [legal] :: guilty
colpevole {mf} :: culprit
colpevolezza {f} :: guilt
colpevolismo {m} :: The assumption of the guilt of the accused, without evidence
colpevolissimo {adj} :: superlative of colpevole
colpevolista {mf} [legal] :: A person who holds that the accused is guilty, or who sides with the prosecution
colpevolizzante {v} :: present participle of colpevolizzare
colpevolizzantesi {v} :: present participle of colpevolizzarsi
colpevolizzare {vt} :: to make someone feel guilty; to blame
colpevolizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of colpevolizzare
colpevolizzarsi {v} :: to blame oneself
colpevolizzatosi {v} :: past participle of colpevolizzarsi
colpevolizzazione {f} :: guilt, guiltiness [sense of being guilty]
colpevolmente {adv} :: guiltily
colpibile {adj} :: That can be hit
colpir {v} :: apocopic form of colpire
colpire {vt} /kolˈpire/ :: to hit, strike, smite
colpire {vt} :: to affect
colpire alle spalle {v} :: to backstab
colpirsi {v} :: reflexive of colpire
colpirsi {vr} :: to beat oneself or one another
colpito {adj} :: struck
colpito {adj} :: stricken
colpito {adj} [figurative] :: impressed
colpitore {m} :: batsman, striker, hitter
colpitosi {v} :: past participle of colpirsi
colpo- {prefix} :: Forms terms related to the vagina
colpo {m} :: blow, knock, shock
colpo {m} :: punch, hit, pound
colpo {m} :: shot [of a gun]
colpo {m} [medicine, familiar] :: stroke, fit
colpo {m} :: raid
colpo d'aria {m} [idiomatic] :: A cold, specifically one caused by bad weather or cold air
colpo d'ascia {n} :: chop (A blow with an axe, cleaver, or similar utensil)
colpo di fortuna {n} :: lucky break, stroke of luck, fluke
colpo di fucile {m} [firearms] :: gunshot
colpo di grazia {m} :: coup de grâce
colpo di mano {m} :: surprise attack; ambush
colpo di scena {m} :: coup de théâtre, plot twist
colpo di scena {m} :: sensational upheaval; surprise
colpo di stato {m} :: coup d'etat
colpo di teatro {m} :: synonym of colpo di scena
colpo di vento {n} :: blast, gust (of wind)
colpo fatale {m} :: kill
colpo fatale {m} :: death blow
colporragia {f} [medicine] :: colporrhage (non-menstrual vaginal bleeding)
colposamente {adv} :: culpably
colposcopia {f} [medicine] :: colposcopy
colposcopio {m} [medicine] :: colposcope
colposo {adj} :: culpable
col rispitto col {prep} :: with respect to
coltel {m} :: apocopic form of coltello
coltella {f} :: broad-bladed kitchen knife
coltella {f} :: cleaver
coltellaccio {m} :: Large knife
coltellaccio {m} [nautical] :: studding sail
coltellaccio {m} [plants] :: bur-reed
coltellaccio {m} :: synonym of cannolicchio
coltellame {m} :: cutlery
coltellame {m} :: set of knives
coltellante {v} :: present participle of coltellare
coltellare {v} :: Form of accoltellare (to stab or to knife). Used mainly after a word, ending on vowel
coltellata {f} :: stab
coltelleria {f} :: cutlery shop
coltelleria {f} :: cutlery (collection)
coltelliera {f} :: knife block
coltellinaio {m} :: cutler
coltellino {m} :: small knife
coltellino {m} :: penknife, pocket knife
coltello {m} /kolˈtɛl.lo/ :: knife
coltello a scatto {m} :: flick knife
coltello a serramanico {m} :: flick knife
coltello da caccia {m} :: bowie knife, hunting knife
coltello da carne {m} :: steak knife
coltello da cucina {m} :: kitchen knife
coltello da formaggio {m} :: cheese knife
coltello da frutta {m} :: fruit knife
coltello da intaglio {m} :: carving knife
coltello da lancio {m} :: throwing knife
coltello da macellaio {m} :: butcher knife, butcher's knife
coltello da stucco {m} :: putty knife
coltello da tasca {m} :: penknife, pocket knife
coltello del pettine {m} :: reed knife
coltello per pane {m} :: bread knife
coltello per potare {m} :: pruning knife
col tempo {prep} :: synonym of negli anni
coltissimo {adj} :: superlative of colto
coltivabile {adj} :: cultivable
coltivabile {adj} :: arable
coltivabilità {f} :: cultivability, arability
coltivamento {m} :: cultivation
coltivante {v} :: present participle of coltivare
coltivare {vt} /kol.tiˈva.re/ :: to cultivate or grow (crops)
coltivato {m} :: synonym of coltivo
coltivatore {m} :: grower, cultivator, farmer
coltivatrice {f} :: female equivalent of coltivatore
coltivazione {f} :: growing, cultivation
coltivo {adj} /kolˈti.vo/ :: cultivated
coltivo {adj} :: under cultivation
coltivo {m} :: cultivated field
colto {adj} [of land] /ˈkol.to/ :: cultivated
colto {adj} [of people] :: cultured, well-educated, cultivated
colto {adj} :: cultured, refined [e.g. of speech, writing]
colto {adj} [obsolete, participial] :: venerated, revered
colto {m} [literary] :: cultivated field
colto con le mani nel sacco {phrase} [idiomatic] :: caught with one's hand in the cookie jar, caught in the cookie jar, caught raiding the cookie jar
-coltore {suffix} :: -breeder, -grower
coltra {f} /ˈkol.tra/ :: An ancient unit of area, equivalent to roughly 5070 m²
coltrante {v} :: present participle of coltrare
coltrare {vt} :: To plough (with a coulter)
coltratura {f} :: ploughing (with a coulter)
coltre {f} [literary] /ˈkol.tre/ :: (heavy) blanket or quilt
coltre {f} [figurative] :: coat, cover, layer
coltre {f} :: A funereal cloth that covers a coffin
coltrice {f} [literary] /ˈkol.tri.t͡ʃe/ :: mattress
coltrina {f} /kolˈtri.na/ :: A type of plough made entirely out of wood, except for the ploughshare
coltro {m} /ˈkol.tro/ :: coulter
coltrone {m} :: quilt
-coltura {suffix} :: -culture, -breeding, -growing
coltura {f} :: cultivation
coltura {f} :: culture (biology)
colturale {adj} :: cultivation (attributive), cropping (attributive)
colubrina {f} :: culverin
colubro {m} [literary] /ˈkɔ.lu.bro/ :: snake
colubro {m} [zoology] :: Any member of the Coluber taxonomic genus
colugo {m} /koˈlu.ɡo/ :: colugo, flying lemur
colui {pron} [literary, used to indicate a person far from both the speaker and the listener] /koˈlui/ :: he, him; that man
colui {pron} [literary, archaic, belonging to a person far from both the speaker and the listener] :: his
columbide {m} :: columbid
columbio {m} :: columbium (now niobium)
Columbo {prop} :: surname
columella {f} [biology, anatomy, zoology] :: columella, modiolus
columella {f} [skeleton] :: stapes, stirrup bone, stirrup
coluro {m} [astronomy] :: colure
colza {f} :: oilseed rape (plant Brassica napus)
colza {f} :: canola
com' {adv} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of come
com' {conj} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of come
coma {m} :: coma (sleep)
comacchiese {adj} :: Of or from Comacchio
Comacchio {prop} :: Comacchio (town)
comacino {adj} :: Of or from Como
comandabile {adj} :: controllable
comandamento {m} :: commandment
comandante {m} [military] :: commander, commandant
comandante {m} [of a boat or plane] :: captain
comandante {v} :: present participle of comandare
comandante in capo {m} :: commander in chief
comandare {vt} :: to rule
comandare {vi} [Switzerland] :: to command, give orders, be in charge
comandare {vt} :: to order, give orders, command
comandare {vt} :: to command, be in command of, be in charge of
comandare {vi} [mechanics] :: to control, operate
comando {m} :: order, command
comando {m} :: command, charge, leadership
comando {m} :: headquarters
comando {m} [sports] :: head, lead
comando {m} [mechanics, electronics, etc.] :: control, drive
comarca {f} :: comarca
comare {f} /koˈma.re/ :: A child's godmother in relation to their parents: a cummer, co-mother; or a child's mother in relation to their co-mother and her family
comare {f} [extensively] :: A female wedding witness or maid of honor in relation to the spouses, or a bride in relation to her wedding witness
comare {f} [extensively, jocular, sometimes derogatory] :: gossipmonger
comare {f} [extensively, colloquial] :: mistress (married man's female lover)
comasco {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Como
comasco {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Como
comastico {adj} :: komast ((attributive)
comatoso {adj} :: comatose
comba {f} :: coombe, combe (valley)
combaciamento {m} :: fitting (together), mating, tallying, matching
combaciamento {m} :: joint, contact
combaciante {v} :: present participle of combaciare
combaciare {vi} :: to fit or match
combaciare {vi} [figurative, by extension] :: to agree or coincide
comballo {m} [nautical] :: A large sailing vessel once used for freight transport on Lake Como
combattente {v} :: present participle of combattere
combattente {adj} :: fighting, combatant
combattente {mf} :: fighter, combatant
combattente {mf} :: ruff (Calidris pugnax)
combattentesi {v} :: present participle of combattersi
combattentismo {m} :: A nationalist movement founded by ex-servicemen after the First World War
combattentistico {adj} :: ex-servicemen, veterans (attributive)
combattere {vit} [also, figurative] /komˈbattere/ :: to fight; to combat
combattere {vt} [passive] :: to agitate or stir
combattere {v} :: to torment or distress
combattere {v} :: (with tra) to be in doubt (between) [two or more choices]
combattere ad armi pari {v} :: synonym of combattere alla pari
combattere alla pari {v} :: to fight fire with fire
combattere una battaglia persa {v} :: to fight a losing battle
combattersi {v} :: reflexive of combattere
combattersi {v} :: to fight each other
combattimento {m} :: battle, fight
combattimento {m} :: match (boxing)
combattivamente {adv} :: combatively, pugnaciously
combattività {f} :: combativeness, pugnacity
combattivo {adj} :: combative, pugnacious, bellicose
combattutissimo {adj} :: superlative of combattuto
combattutissimo {adj} :: very hard fought
combattutissimo {adj} :: very uncertain
combattuto {adj} :: embattled (troubled by battles or controversy)
combattuto {adj} :: uncertain, undecided
combattuto {adj} :: hard-fought
combattutosi {v} :: past participle of combattersi
Combi {prop} :: surname
Combi {prop} :: Carlo Combi, Italian patriot
combinabile {adj} :: That can be combined; combinable
combinabile {adj} :: combinational
combinabilità {f} :: combinableness, combinability
combinaguai {n} :: troublemaker
combinaguai {adj} :: problem
combinante {v} :: present participle of combinare
combinantesi {v} :: present participle of combinarsi
combinare {vt} :: to combine, match, mix, reconcile, mingle
combinare {vt} :: to arrange, organize, agree
combinare {vt} :: to conclude, clinch, make, achieve
combinare {vt} :: to concoct
combinare {vt} [familiar] :: to do, be up to
combinare {vi} :: to agree, fit, coincide
combinare {vt} :: to lace
combinarsi {v} :: reflexive of combinare
combinarsi {v} :: to rig oneself up, get oneself up
combinarsi {v} [chemistry] :: to combine
combinarsi {v} :: to go well together
combinarsi {v} :: to agree
combinata {f} :: combination
combinatamente {adv} :: jointly, concertedly
combinatista {mf} [sports] :: A skier who competes in Alpine skiing combined or Nordic combined
combinato {adj} :: combined
combinato {adj} :: joint, concerted
combinato {adj} :: arranged, rigged, fixed
combinatore {m} :: controller (especially of a railway system)
combinatoriale {adj} :: combinatorial
combinatorio {adj} :: combinatorial
combinatosi {v} :: past participle of combinarsi
combinazione {f} :: combination
combinazione {f} :: chance, coincidence
Comboni {prop} :: surname
Comboni {prop} :: Daniele Comboni, Italian missionary
comboniano {adj} :: Combonian
combriccola {f} /komˈbrik.ko.la/ :: group, party or gang (of people)
comburente {m} [chemistry] :: oxidizing agent
comburente {v} :: present participle of comburere
comburere {vt} :: to burn
comburivoro {adj} :: combustible
combustibile {adj} :: combustible, fuel (attributive)
combustibile {m} :: fuel, combustible, oil, power
combustibile fossile {m} :: A fossil fuel
combustibilità {f} :: combustibility, flammability
combustione {f} :: combustion
combusto {adj} :: burnt, burned
combustore {m} :: combustion chamber
combutta {f} :: group of people engaged in nefarious activities
combutta {f} :: cahoots
come {adv} /ˈkome/ :: how
come {adv} :: as, like
come {adv} :: such as
come {conj} :: as soon as
com'è {contraction} :: [in questions] how is...?
come al solito {adv} :: as usual
come bere un bicchier d'acqua {interj} :: piece of cake
come capita {adv} :: at random, randomly, haphazardly, every which way
come cercare un ago in un pagliaio {interj} :: like looking for a needle in a haystack
comedo {m} [literary] /koˈmɛ.do/ :: A writer of comedies
comedo {m} [literary] :: An actor of comedies
comedogeno {adj} :: comedogenic
comedone {m} [medicine] :: comedo or blackhead
comeliano {adj} :: Of or from Comelico
Comelico {prop} :: Comelico (mountainous region)
come mai {adv} [idiomatic] /ko.me ˈma.i/ :: why, how come, why on Earth
come mai da queste parti {interj} :: what brings you here?
Comencini {prop} :: surname
come no {adv} :: why not, certainly
come non detto {interj} :: don't mention it
come non detto {interj} :: forget it (as if I had not said)
come non detto {interj} :: as you were
comense {adj} :: Of or from Como
come osi {interj} :: how dare you?
come prima {adj} [music] :: like the first time
Comeriato {prop} :: surname
come se {conj} :: as if, as though
come si chiama {phrase} :: what's your name?
come sta {phrase} [formal] /ˈkome sta/ :: how are you
come sta {adj} [music] :: exactly as written
comestabilia {f} :: A military administrative district in the time of the Normans
come stai {phrase} [colloquial] /ˈkome staj/ :: how are you, how are you getting along
come stavo dicendo {phrase} :: as I was saying
cometa {f} :: comet
cometario {adj} :: cometary
come ti chiami {phrase} [colloquial] /ˈkoː.me t̪i ˈkjaː.mi/ :: What is your name? (Lit: What do you call yourself?)
come un fulmine a ciel sereno {phrase} :: out of the blue
come va {interj} :: how are you doing? (literally “how is it going?”)
comica {f} :: A silent film, especially a slapstick one
comicamente {adv} :: comically
comicamente {adv} :: funnily
comicissimo {adj} :: superlative of comico
comicità {f} /ko.mi.t͡ʃiˈta/ :: comedy (comic quality)
comicizzante {v} :: present participle of comicizzare
comicizzare {vt} :: To make something comic
comico {adj} /ˈkɔ.mi.ko/ :: comic, comical
comico {m} :: comedian
comignolo {m} :: chimney pot
cominciamento {m} :: commencement
cominciante {v} :: present participle of cominciare
cominciar {v} :: apocopic form of cominciare
cominciare {vit} :: to begin, to start, to commence, to set about
cominciare da zero {v} :: to start from scratch da capo, di sana pianta, dall'inizio, dal nulla,
Comino {prop} :: Comino
Comisso {prop} :: surname
comitale {adj} :: Of a count or earl
comitato {m} :: committee, board
comitato arruolamento {n} :: press-gang
comitato arruolamento {n} :: A body of men employed to force others into military or naval service
comitatologia {f} :: comitology
comitiva {f} :: group, party, company, covey
comito {m} [nautical] /ˈkɔ.mi.to/ :: a galley boatswain, in charge of handling sails
comito {m} [nautical] :: From the 13th century, a galley captain within the Republic of Venice
comito {m} [nautical] :: From the 13th century, a harbourmaster, especially in Kingdom of Naples
comiziante {mf} :: orator (political)
comiziante {mf} :: troublemaker, rabble-rouser
comizio {m} :: rally
comma {m} [legal] :: subsection, subparagraph
comma {m} [music] :: comma
commando {m} :: commando (troop)
commedia {f} :: comedy, play
commedia {f} [figuratively] :: act, sham, playacting
commedia {f} [figuratively] :: farce, joke, comedy
commedia dell'arte {f} :: commedia dell'arte
commediante {mf} :: comedian
commediante {mf} :: sham
commediare {vt} [archaic] /kom.meˈdja.re/ :: To turn into a comedy
commediare {vi} [archaic] :: To write a comedy; to write comedies
commediografa {f} :: female equivalent of commediografo
commediografo {m} :: comedy writer
commediola {f} :: playlet
commemorabile {adj} :: That deserves commemoration
commemorante {v} :: present participle of commemorare
commemorare {vt} :: to commemorate
commemorare {vt} :: to celebrate
commemorativo {adj} :: commemorative
commemorativo {adj} :: memorial
commemorazione {f} :: commemoration
commendabile {adj} [literary] /kom.menˈda.bi.le/ :: commendable, praiseworthy
commendante {v} :: present participle of commendare
commendare {vt} [literary] :: To commend
commendatario {m} :: commendator, commendatary
commendatizia {f} :: commendatory letter
commendatizio {adj} :: commendatory
commendatore {m} :: commander
commendazione {f} :: commendation
commendevole {adj} /kom.menˈde.vo.le/ :: commendable, praiseworthy
commendevolmente {adv} :: commendably
commensale {mf} :: table companion, fellow diner
commensale {mf} :: commensal
commensalismo {m} [biology] :: commensalism
commensalistico {adj} :: commensalistic
commensurabile {adj} :: commensurable
commensurabilità {f} :: commensurability
commensurante {v} :: present participle of commensurare
commensurare {vt} :: To make commensurate
commensurazione {f} :: commensuration
commentabile {adj} :: editable, commentable
commentante {v} :: present participle of commentare
commentare {vt} :: to annotate
commentare {vt} :: to comment on
commentare {vt} :: to point out
commentare {vt} :: to notice
commentario {m} :: commentary
commentativo {adj} :: commentative
commentatore {m} :: commentator
commentatore {m} :: annotator (of a text)
commentatrice {f} :: female equivalent of commentatore
commento {m} :: comment
commento {m} :: commentary
commerciabile {adj} :: marketable, saleable
commerciabilità {f} :: marketability
commerciabilità {f} :: negotiability
commerciale {adj} :: commercial, trade [attribute], trading, business [attribute]
commercialista {mf} :: graduate in business studies etc
commercialista {mf} :: business consultant
commercialista {mf} :: chartered accountant
commercialità {f} :: commerciality
commercializzabile {adj} :: marketable
commercializzante {v} :: present participle of commercializzare
commercializzare {vt} :: to market
commercializzare {vt} :: to commercialize
commercializzazione {f} :: commercialization
commercialmente {adv} :: commercially
commerciante {mf} :: dealer, trader, merchant, shopkeeper, tradesman
commerciare {vi} :: to trade, deal
commercio {m} :: commerce, trade, trading, market, business
commessa {f} :: female equivalent of commesso
commesso {m} :: shop assistant
commesso {m} :: messenger (in a bank etc)
commesso {adj} :: committed
commesso {adj} :: commissioned
commesso {adj} :: ordered
commessura {f} :: joint, junction
commessura {f} [anatomy] :: commissure
commessurale {adj} [anatomy] :: commissural
commessurotomia {f} :: Variant of commissurotomia
commestibile {adj} :: edible
commestibile {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: foodstuff
commestibilità {f} :: edibility
commettente {v} :: present participle of commettere
commettere {vt} :: to commit, do, make, perpetrate
commettere {vit} :: to join or fit together
commettitura {f} :: fitting or joining (process)
commettitura {f} :: seam, joint, junction
commiato {m} :: parting
commiato {m} :: leave-taking; permission to depart
commiato {m} :: valediction
commilitone {m} :: comrade in arms (fellow soldier)
commilitone {m} :: brother-in-arms
comminante {v} :: present participle of comminare
comminare {vt} :: To inflict, to impose
comminatoria {f} [legal] :: warning (of a penalty or punishment)
comminatorio {adj} [legal] :: threatening, comminatory
comminazione {f} :: infliction
comminuto {adj} :: comminuted
comminuzione {f} :: comminution
commiserabile {adj} :: pitiable
commiserabilmente {adv} :: pitiably
commiserante {v} :: present participle of commiserare
commiserare {vt} :: to commiserate (with)
commiserarsi {v} :: reflexive of commiserare
commiserarsi {v} :: to feel sorry for oneself
commiserazione {f} :: commiseration
commiserevole {adj} :: pitiable
commiserevolmente {adv} :: pitiably
commissariale {adj} :: commissarial
commissariamento {m} :: The management (of a company etc) by a commissioner when the normal administrative bodies are unable, or do not want to, function
commissariante {v} :: present participle of commissariare
commissariare {vt} :: to replace an elected body [of a political party, etc.] by an appointed one
commissariare {vt} :: to put a commissioner in charge of the administration [of a company, etc.] instead of the normal governing bodies
commissariato {m} :: The office of a commissioner (of police)
commissariato {m} :: A police station headed by a commissioner
commissario {m} :: commissioner
commissario {m} :: superintendent (of police)
commissario {m} :: steward (sports)
commissario tecnico {m} [sports] :: coach, manager (of a national team)
commissionante {v} :: present participle of commissionare
commissionare {vt} :: to order or commission something
commissionario {m} :: agent, broker
commissione {f} :: (body of officials) commission, committee, board
commissione {f} :: (fee) commission, fee, charge
commissione {f} [legal, of a crime etc.] :: commission
commissione {f} :: (thing to do, task) errand, commission
commissione {f} :: order
commissivo {adj} [legal] :: commissive
commissura {f} :: Variant of commessura
commissurale {adj} :: Variant of commessurale
commissurotomia {f} [surgery] :: commissurotomy
commistione {f} :: merging, mixture
commisto {adj} :: mixed (together); mingled
commisurante {v} :: present participle of commisurare
commisurare {vt} :: to adapt (fit circumstances)
commisurare {vt} :: to compare
commisurato {adj} :: in proportion (to), commensurate (with)
commisurazione {f} :: proportionality
committente {mf} :: purchaser
committente {mf} :: customer
committenza {f} :: market (customers for a product)
committenza {f} :: commissioning, sponsorship (commercial, of art etc)
commodoro {m} [military rank, nautical] :: commodore, rear admiral (lower half), commodore admiral
commonista {m} [colloquial, Internet] :: A person who advocates the use of the Internet for the common good of humanity (rather than for commercial gain)
commosso {adj} :: moved, touched, affected
commossosi {v} :: past participle of commuoversi
commotivo {adj} :: commotion (attributive)
commotivo {adj} :: concussion (attributive)
commovente {adj} :: touching, moving, affecting
commoventesi {v} :: present participle of commuoversi
commovibile {adj} :: emotional
commovibilità {f} :: emotionalism
commozione {f} :: emotion, feelings
commozione {f} :: stir, excitement
commune {adj} :: obsolete form of comune
commune {m} :: obsolete form of comune
communità {f} [obsolete] :: Variant of comunità
commuovente {v} :: present participle of commuovere
commuoventesi {v} :: present participle of commuoversi
commuovere {vt} :: to move, to affect, to touch
commuoversi {vr} :: to be moved, to be affected, to be touched
commuoversi {v} :: to get upset
commutabile {adj} :: commutable
commutabilità {f} :: commutability
commutante {v} :: present participle of commutare
commutare {vt} [legal] :: To commute, to change, swap
commutare {vt} [electricity] :: To switch
commutatività {f} :: commutativity
commutativo {adj} :: commutative
commutatore {m} [mathematics, electricity] :: commutator
commutatrice {f} :: commutator
commutazione {f} :: commutation (all senses)
Como {prop} /ˈkɔ.mo/ :: Como (province)
Como {prop} :: Como (city)
Como {prop} :: The letter C in the Italian phonetic alphabet
comò {m} [furniture] :: chest of drawers, bureau, buro
comodamente {adv} :: comfortably
comodamente {adv} :: easily
comodante {mf} [legal] :: bailer, bailor
comodatario {m} [legal] :: bailee
comodato {m} :: commodate, loan, bailment
comodino {m} [furniture] :: bedside table, nightstand
comodissimo {adj} :: superlative of comodo
comodissimo {adj} :: very comfortable
comodissimo {adj} :: very convenient, very handy
comodità {f} :: convenience, amenity
comodità {f} :: comfort, cosiness
comodo {adj} :: convenient, handy
comodo {adj} :: easy, cushy
comodo {adj} :: comfortable, snug
comodo {adj} [of clothes] :: loose
comodone {m} :: slowcoach
Comolli {prop} :: surname
comorbidità {f} :: comorbidity
comorbilità {f} :: comorbidity
Comore {prop} :: Comoros
comoriana {f} :: female equivalent of comoriano
comoriano {adj} :: Comorian
comoriano {m} :: Comorian
comoriano {m} :: the Comorian language
comorino {m} :: Comorian (language)
compaesana {f} :: female equivalent of compaesano
compaesano {m} :: fellow villager, fellow townsman
compaginante {v} :: present participle of compaginare
compaginare {vt} :: to paginate, page up
compagine {f} [sports] /komˈpa.dʒi.ne/ :: team, group, squad
compagine {f} :: whole, body
compagna {f} :: companion, friend, partner, live-in partner, fellow, mate
compagna {f} :: wife, spouse
compagna di squadra {f} :: female equivalent of compagno di squadra
compagnevolmente {adv} :: companionably
compagnia {f} /kom.paˈɲi.a/ :: company, companionship, fellowship, society, people
compagnia {f} :: (group of people) company, gathering, group, party
compagnia {f} :: (economy) company, corporation, insurance company
compagnia {f} [theater] :: company, troupe
compagnia {f} [nautical] :: line, shipping company
compagnia {f} [aviation] :: national airline
compagnia {f} [military] :: battalion
compagnia di assicurazioni {n} :: insurance company (Company that provides insurance policies)
compagnia di bandiera {n} :: flag carrier (A transportation company, such as a shipping or airline company, that is registered in a given state)
compagnia di bandiera {n} :: national airline
compagnia di navigazione {n} :: line, shipping company (The body of ships belonging to one nation, port or industry)
compagno {adj} [familiar] /komˈpa.ɲo/ :: alike, like, similar, the same
compagno {m} :: mate, companion, partner, live-in partner, fellow, comrade, friend, pal, pardner
compagno {m} :: husband, spouse
compagno d'armi {n} :: brother-in-arms, comrade, soldier
compagno di squadra {m} :: teammate
compagno di stanza {m} :: roommate
compagno di stanza {m} :: chum
compagnone {m} :: boon companion (good friend)
companatico {m} :: Any food eaten with bread
comparabile {adj} :: comparable
comparabilità {f} :: comparability
comparabilmente {adv} :: comparably
comparaggio {m} [legal] :: The offence committed by a doctor who accepts money to prescribe a particular medical product
comparaggio {m} :: alternative form of comparatico
comparante {v} :: present participle of comparare
comparare {vt} :: to compare
comparatamente {adv} :: comparatively
comparatico {m} :: the relationship between a godparent and the parents of the godchild; a close spiritual familial bond
comparatico {m} :: the condition of being a godparent
comparatista {mf} :: comparatist, comparativist (specialist in comparative linguistics or literature)
comparatistica {f} :: comparative studies
comparativamente {adv} :: comparatively
comparativo {adj} :: comparative
comparativo {m} [grammar] :: comparative (construct showing a relative degree)
comparato {adj} :: comparative
comparatore {m} :: dial indicator, dial gauge
comparazione {f} :: comparison
compare {m} /komˈpa.re/ :: A child's godfather in relation to their parents: a co-father; or a child's father in relation to their co-father and his family
compare {m} [extensively] :: A male wedding witness or best man in relation to the spouses, or a bridegroom in relation to his wedding witness
compare {m} [extensively] :: A way of addressing an old male friend
compare {m} [extensively, derogatory] :: accomplice
comparente {v} :: present participle of comparire
comparire {vi} :: to appear
comparire {v} [archaic] :: to appear before a tribunal
comparizione {f} [legal] :: appearance (at a trial)
comparsa {f} :: appearance, apparition, arrival, outbreak
comparsa {f} [drama] :: extra, walk-on, spear-carrier, supernumerary
comparsata {f} :: walk-on
compartecipante {v} :: present participle of compartecipare
compartecipare {vi} :: To have a share (in profits, etc.)
compartecipazione {f} :: sharing
compartecipazione {f} :: share
compartecipe {adj} :: sharing
compartente {v} :: present participle of compartire
compartimentale {adj} :: departmental
compartimentale {adj} :: district [attributive]
compartimentalizzante {v} :: present participle of compartimentalizzare
compartimentalizzare {vt} :: to compartmentalize
compartimentalizzazione {f} :: compartmentalization
compartimentante {v} :: present participle of compartimentare
compartimentare {v} :: To compartmentalize
compartimentato {adj} :: compartmented
compartimentazione {f} :: compartmentation
compartimento {m} :: district
compartire {vt} :: To divide or share
compartizione {f} :: division, sharing
comparto {m} :: division, sector
compassatamente {adv} :: In a composed or collected manner
compassato {adj} :: composed, collected (person)
compassionabile {adj} :: pitiful
compassionante {v} :: present participle of compassionare
compassionare {vt} :: To feel pity or compassion (for someone)
compassione {f} :: compassion, pity
compassionevole {adj} :: compassionate
compassionevole {adj} :: pitiful, pathetic
compassionevolmente {adv} :: compassionately, sympathetically
compasso {m} :: compass, pair of compasses
compasso {m} :: calipers, callipers
compatente {v} :: present participle of compatire
compatentesi {v} :: present participle of compatirsi
compatibile {adj} :: compatible, consistent
compatibile {adj} :: excusable
compatibilità {f} :: compatibility
compatibilizzante {v} :: present participle of compatibilizzare
compatibilizzare {v} :: to compatibilize (make compatible)
compatibilizzazione {f} :: compatibilization
compatibilmente {adv} :: permitting, compatibly
compatimento {m} :: compassion, commiseration
compatimento {m} :: indulgence, patience, tolerance
compatimento {m} :: condescension
compatire {vt} :: to have pity for; to feel sorry for
compatire {vt} :: to excuse; to forgive
compatire {vt} [humorous or pejorative] :: to consider with a feeling of pity mixed with contempt; to pity
compatirsi {vr} :: To have pity for oneself
compatirsi {vr} :: To feel sorry for oneself
compatitosi {v} :: past participle of compatirsi
compatriota {mf} :: compatriot
compatrono {m} :: One of several patron saints of the same church
compattabile {adj} :: compactible, compressible
compattabile {adj} :: flat-pack, self-assembly (attributive)
compattamente {adv} :: compactly, solidly
compattamente {adv} :: densely
compattamente {adv} :: unitedly
compattamento {m} :: compression, compaction
compattante {v} :: present participle of compattare
compattantesi {v} :: present participle of compattarsi
compattare {vt} :: to compact, to scrunch
compattarsi {vr} :: to become compact
compattatore {m} :: compactor
compattatosi {v} :: past participle of compattarsi
compattazione {f} :: compaction, compacting
compattezza {f} :: compactness
compattezza {f} :: solidarity (all senses)
compattificazione {f} [mathematics] /kompattifikaˈtsjone/ :: compactification
compattissimo {adj} :: superlative of compatto
compatto {adj} :: compact, solid
compatto {adj} :: dense
compatto {adj} :: united
compendiabile {adj} :: summarizable
compendiante {v} :: present participle of compendiare
compendiare {vt} :: To summarize, abstract or abridge
compendiare {vt} :: To sum up
compendiario {adj} :: brief, concise
compendiatore {m} :: summarizer
compendiatore {adj} :: summarizing
compendio {m} :: compendium
compendio {m} :: abstract
compendio {m} :: synthesis
compendio {m} :: epitome
compendiosamente {adv} :: concisely, briefly
compendiosità {f} :: conciseness
compendioso {adj} :: concise, brief
compenetrabile {adj} [mathematics, physics] :: interpenetrative
compenetrabilità {f} :: penetrability, permeability
compenetrante {v} :: present participle of compenetrare
compenetrantesi {v} :: present participle of compenetrarsi
compenetrare {vt} :: To penetrate or pervade
compenetrarsi {vr} :: To interpenetrate
compenetratosi {v} :: past participle of compenetrarsi
compenetrazione {f} :: interpenetration
compenetrazione {f} :: pervasion
compensabile {adj} :: compensatable
compensabile {adj} :: indemnifiable
compensabilità {f} :: compensability
compensante {v} :: present participle of compensare
compensantesi {v} :: present participle of compensarsi
compensare {v} :: to pay for
compensare {v} :: to offset, to compensate for
compensare {v} :: to make up for
compensare {v} [underwater diving] :: to clear the ears, to equalize
compensarsi {vr} :: to balance, to compensate
compensativo {adj} :: compensatory
compensato {adj} :: compensated
compensato {m} :: plywood
compensatore {adj} :: compensating, compensatory
compensatore {m} :: compensator
compensatorio {adj} :: compensatory
compensatosi {v} :: past participle of compensarsi
compensazione {f} :: compensation
compensazione {f} :: clearing
compensazione {f} [banking, finance] :: A process of exchanging transaction information and authorisation through a central institution or system to complete and settle those transactions
compenso {m} :: remuneration
compenso {m} :: fee
compenso {m} :: reward
compera {f} :: purchase
comperabile {adj} :: Variant of comprabile
comperante {v} :: present participle of comperare
comperare {v} /kompeˈrare/ :: alternative form of comprare
compermesso {n} :: synonym of permesso
competente {adj} :: competent
competente {adj} :: expert, qualified
competente {adj} [law] :: having jurisdiction
competente {adj} :: referring to a company doctor (medico competente), as required by legislation on occupational health and safety
competente {mf} :: expert
competentemente {adv} :: competently, expertly, proficiently
competentissimo {adj} :: superlative of competente
competenza {f} :: competence
competenza {f} :: jurisdiction
competenza {f} :: skill
competere {vi} :: to compete, vie, rival
competere {vi} :: to be due, be owing, have a right to
competere {vi} :: to be up to, lie with, be somebody's duty
competitivamente {adv} :: competitively
competitività {f} :: competitiveness
competitivo {adj} :: competitive
competitore {m} :: competitor
competitrice {f} :: female equivalent of competitore
competizione {f} :: competition
competizione {f} [sports] :: competition, contest, event, race
compiacente {v} :: present participle of compiacere
compiacente {adj} :: obliging
compiacente {adj} :: accommodating
compiacentemente {adv} :: obligingly
compiacentemente {adv} :: accommodatingly
compiacentesi {v} :: present participle of compiacersi
compiacenza {f} :: courtesy
compiacenza {f} :: deference
compiacere {vt} :: to please, or gratify (someone)
compiacere {vt} :: to pander (to someone or something)
compiacersi {vr} :: To be pleased, to be glad, to be delighted
compiacersi {vr} :: To congratulate
compiacimento {m} :: complacency, satisfaction
compiacutosi {v} :: past participle of compiacersi
compiangente {v} :: present participle of compiangere
compiangentesi {v} :: present participle of compiangersi
compiangere {vit} :: to feel sorry for someone
compiangersi {v} :: reflexive of compiangere
compiangersi {v} :: to feel sorry for oneself
compianto {adj} :: late lamented
compianto {m} :: mourning, grief
compiantosi {v} :: past participle of compiangersi
compientesi {v} :: present participle of compiersi
compiere {v} /ˈkompjere/ :: to finish, to complete
compiere {v} :: to turn
compiersi {v} :: reflexive of compiere
compiersi {vr} :: to end, terminate
compiersi {vr} :: to be fulfilled [of a hope, etc.]
compiersi {vr} :: to come true [of a prediction, etc.]
compieta {f} :: compline
compietamente {adv} :: alternative form of completamente
compilante {v} :: present participle of compilare
compilare {vt} :: to fill in, fill out, complete
compilare {vt} :: to compile, draw up, write
compilativo {adj} :: compilation (attributive)
compilatore {m} :: compiler (person and computer program)
compilatrice {f} :: female equivalent of compilatore
compilazione {f} [computing] :: compilation (the act or result of compiling)
compimento {m} :: completion, fulfilment
compir {v} :: apocopic form of compire
compire {v} :: alternative spelling of compiere
compitamente {adv} :: politely, courteously
compitante {v} :: present participle of compitare
compitare {vt} :: to spell or spell out by slowly pronouncing
compitare {vt} :: to read with difficulty
compitazione {f} :: spelling, hyphenation
compitezza {f} :: politeness, courtesy, good manners
compitissimo {adj} :: superlative of compito
compito {adj} /komˈpito/ :: poised
compito {adj} :: polite, well-mannered
compito {m} /ˈkompito/ :: job, task
compito {m} :: homework (school)
compito {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: housework
compiutamente {adv} :: completely
compiutezza {f} :: completeness
compiutezza {f} :: perfection
compiuto {adj} :: finished, completed or accomplished
compiutosi {v} :: past participle of compiersi
complanare {adj} [geometry] :: coplanar
complanare {adj} :: parallel (of a road that runs parallel to another)
complanarità {f} :: coplanarity
compleanno {m} :: birthday
complementare {adj} :: complementary (all senses)
complementare {adj} :: subsidiary
complementarietà {f} :: Variant of complementarità
complementarità {f} :: complementarity
complementarmente {adv} :: complementarily
complementazione {f} [mathematics] :: complementation
complemento {m} [grammar, mathematics, military] :: complement
complemento assoluto {m} [mathematics, set theory] :: absolute complement
complemento relativo {m} [mathematics, set theory] :: relative complement
complessante {v} :: present participle of complessare
complessare {vt} [chemistry] :: to complex (to form a complex with another substance)
complessato {adj} :: hung up (having hang-ups)
complessazione {f} [chemistry] :: complexation
complessificante {v} :: present participle of complessificare
complessificare {vt} :: to complexify
complessificazione {f} :: complexification
complessione {f} :: complexion
complessità {f} :: complexity
complessivamente {adv} :: comprehensively
complessivamente {adv} :: totally
complessivo {adj} :: comprehensive
complessivo {adj} :: total
complesso {adj} :: complex, intricate, subtle
complesso {m} :: complex (in all senses)
complesso {m} [music] :: band, group, ensemble
complesso {m} :: compound (group of buildings)
completabile {adj} :: completable
completamente {adv} /kom.ple.taˈmen.te/ :: completely, fully
completamento {m} :: completion
completamento {m} :: finishing
completamento {m} :: onboarding
completante {v} :: present participle of completare
completantesi {v} :: present participle of completarsi
completare {vt} :: to finish, complete, conclude
completare {vt} :: to see through
completare {vt} :: to wrap up
completarsi {v} :: reflexive of completare
completarsi {vr} :: to complete each other
completato {adj} :: completed, finished
completatosi {v} :: past participle of completarsi
completezza {f} :: completeness
completino {m} :: outfit, especially one for children or for athletes
completino {m} :: lingerie set
completista {mf} :: completist; completionist
completivo {adj} :: completive
completo {adj} :: complete, entire, full, whole
completo {adj} :: complete, absolute, total
completo {m} :: suit
completo {m} :: outfit
completo {m} :: set
completo {m} :: 2-piece set
complettente {v} :: present participle of complettere
complettere {vt} [obsolete] :: to understand
complettere {vt} [obsolete] :: to include
complicante {v} :: present participle of complicare
complicantesi {v} :: present participle of complicarsi
complicanza {f} :: A complication
complicare {vt} :: to complicate
complicarsi {v} :: reflexive of complicare
complicarsi {v} :: to get complicated, become complicated, get worse
complicatamente {adv} :: complicatedly, difficultly, elaborately
complicatezza {f} /kom.pli.kaˈtet.t͡sa/ :: complexity
complicatissimo {adj} :: superlative of complicato
complicato {adj} :: complicated, difficult, elaborate, tricky
complicatosi {v} :: past participle of complicarsi
complicazione {f} :: A complication
complice {mf} [also, figurative] :: accomplice
complice {adj} :: thanks to, aided by
complice {adj} :: of or relating to an accomplice; accomplice (attributive)
complicità {f} :: complicity
complimentante {v} :: present participle of complimentare
complimentantesi {v} :: present participle of complimentarsi
complimentare {vt} :: To compliment
complimentarsi {vr} :: To congratulate
complimentatosi {v} :: past participle of complimentarsi
complimenti {interj} :: congratulations!
complimento {m} :: [plural] congratulations
complimento {m} :: compliment
complimento {m} :: [plural] regards
complimento {m} :: [plural] fuss, ceremony, ceremoniousness
complimentosamente {adv} :: ceremoniously, obsequiously
complimentoso {adj} :: ceremonious, flattering, obsequious, proper (person)
complottante {v} :: present participle of complottare
complottardo {m} :: conspirator
complottardo {m} :: conspiracy theorist
complottare {vi} :: to plot, hatch or conspire
complottismo {m} :: conspiracy
complottismo {m} :: conspiracism
complottista {mf} :: plotter (person who plots)
complottista {adj} :: plotter (attributive)
complottistico {adj} :: Tending to see plots everywhere, especially where they do not exist
complotto {m} /komˈplɔt.to/ :: plot, conspiracy
compluvio {m} :: valley
compluvio {m} :: compluvium
componente {m} :: component
componente {f} [figurative] :: element
componente {adj} :: component
componentesi {v} :: present participle of comporsi
componentistica {f} :: componentistics
componentistica {f} :: the components industry
componenziale {adj} :: componential
componibile {adj} :: modular, sectional
componibile {adj} :: fitted (kitchen etc)
componibilità {f} :: modularity
componimento {m} [music] :: composition
componimento {m} :: work, writing (literary)
componimento {m} :: settlement (legal)
comporre {vt} :: to compose, compound
comporre {vt} :: to constitute, form
comporre {vt} :: to dial [a telephone]
comporre {vt} :: to arrange, adjust
comporre {vt} :: to settle, patch up [a disagreement]
comporre {vt} :: to typeset
comporre {m} [music] :: composition
comporsi {v} :: reflexive of comporre
comporsi {v} :: to consist (be composed of)
comporsi {v} :: to pull oneself together, compose oneself
comportabile {adj} :: tolerable, bearable
comportamentale {adj} :: behavioural
comportamentalista {mf} :: behaviouralist / behavioralist
comportamentismo {m} [psychology] :: behaviourism
comportamentista {mf} :: behaviourist
comportamentistico {adj} :: behaviouristic
comportamento {m} :: behaviour, behavior, conduct, ways, actions
comportante {v} :: present participle of comportare
comportante {adj} :: involving, implying
comportantesi {v} :: present participle of comportarsi
comportare {vt} :: (also with che + subj.) to entail; to imply; to spell; to require
comportare {vt} :: to permit or allow for
comportare {vt} [literary] :: to tolerate; to put up with
comportarsi {v} :: reflexive of comportare
comportarsi {vr} :: to behave, act
comportarsi al meglio {v} :: synonym of comportarsi bene
comportarsi bene {vr} :: to behave
comportarsi da adulto {vr} :: to grow up, cop on
comportatosi {v} :: past participle of comportarsi
comportevolmente {adv} :: conveniently
compositivo {adj} :: constituent, component, making up, constituting
compositivo {adj} :: compositional, composition (attributive), in composing
composito {adj} :: composite, compound
compositoio {m} :: setting or composing stick (used by a compositor)
compositore {mf} :: composer
compositore {m} :: compositor
compositrice {f} :: typesetting machine
composizionale {adj} :: compositional
composizionalità {f} :: compositionality
composizione {f} :: composition (all senses)
composizione {f} :: typesetting
composizione {f} :: arrangement
compossesso {m} :: joint possession (legal)
compossibile {adj} :: compossible
compost {m} /ˈkɔmpost/ :: compost
composta {f} :: compote (stewed fruit)
compostabile {adj} :: compostable
compostaggio {m} :: composting
compostamente {adv} :: tidily, neatly
compostamente {adv} :: politely, properly
compostante {v} :: present participle of compostare
compostare {vt} :: to compost
compostezza {f} :: composure, calmness
compostezza {f} :: tidiness
compostezza {f} :: moderation
compostiera {f} :: composter (container)
composto {adj} :: compound, composite
composto {adj} :: composed
composto {adj} :: tidy, neat
composto {adj} :: well-behaved, composed
composto {m} :: compound (chemical)
composto {m} :: mixture (especially in cooking)
composto chimico {m} :: chemical compound
composto organico {m} :: organic compound
compostosi {v} :: past participle of comporsi
compra {f} :: alternative spelling of compera
comprabile {adj} :: purchasable (reasonably priced)
comprabile {adj} :: bribable (of a person)
comprante {v} :: present participle of comprare
comprantesi {v} :: present participle of comprarsi
comprare {v} /komˈprare/ :: to buy
comprare alla cieca {v} :: to buy a pig in a poke
comprarsi {v} :: reflexive of comprare
comprarsi {v} :: to buy [for oneself]
compratore {m} :: buyer, purchaser
compratosi {v} :: past participle of comprarsi
compratrice {f} :: female equivalent of compratore
compravendente {v} :: present participle of compravendere
compravendere {v} :: To buy or sell according to a contract
compravendita {f} :: contract (or deed) of sale
comprendente {v} :: present participle of comprendere
comprendente {adj} :: including
comprendentesi {v} :: present participle of comprendersi
comprendere {vt} /komˈprɛn.de.re/ :: to comprise, to include, to encompass
comprendere {vt} :: to understand, comprehend, take the point, get the point
comprendersi {v} :: reflexive of comprendere
comprendersi {vr} :: to understand one another
comprendersi {vr} :: to have a mutual understanding
comprendibile {adj} :: Variant of comprensibile
comprendonio {m} :: brains, wits
comprensibile {adj} :: intelligible, understandable, comprehensible
comprensibile {adj} :: understandable, excusable
comprensibilissimo {adj} :: superlative of comprensibile
comprensibilità {f} :: comprehensibility, clarity, intelligibility, understandability
comprensibilità {f} :: justifiability
comprensibilmente {adv} :: understandably
comprensione {f} :: understanding, comprehension
comprensivamente {adv} :: understandingly
comprensivamente {adv} :: inclusively
comprensività {f} :: comprehensiveness, inclusiveness
comprensività {f} :: tolerance, sympathy
comprensivo {adj} :: inclusive (of), including, comprehensive
comprensivo {adj} :: understanding, sympathetic
comprensoriale {adj} :: district (attributive)
comprensorio {m} :: district, area
compresente {adj} :: copresent
compresenza {f} :: copresence
compreso {adj} :: inclusive
compreso {adj} :: included
compresosi {v} :: past participle of comprendersi
compressa {f} :: compress
compressa {f} :: tablet, pill
compressibile {adj} :: compressible
compressibilità {f} :: compressibility
compressionale {adj} :: compressional
compressione {f} :: compression
compressivo {adj} :: compressive
compresso {adj} :: compressed
compressore {adj} :: compressing
compressore {m} :: compressor
compressorista {mf} :: operator of a compressor or of a road roller
comprimaria {f} :: female equivalent of comprimario
comprimario {m} :: costar
comprimente {v} :: present participle of comprimere
comprimere {vt} :: to compress
comprimibile {adj} :: compressible
comprimibilità {f} [physics] :: compressibility
compromesso {adj} :: compromised
compromesso {m} :: A compromise, a settlement, an agreement
compromesso {m} :: A preliminary contract, an agreement to sell
compromesso {m} :: An arrangement
compromesso {m} :: A trade-off
compromessosi {v} :: past participle of compromettersi
compromettente {v} :: present participle of compromettere
compromettente {adj} :: compromising
compromettentesi {v} :: present participle of compromettersi
compromettere {vt} :: to compromise, to damage, to endanger, to jeopardise, to impair
compromettersi {v} :: reflexive of compromettere
compromettersi {v} :: to compromise oneself
compromissario {m} [legal] :: arbitrator, referee
compromissione {f} :: jeopardy, imperilment
compromissorio {adj} :: arbitration (attributive)
comproprietà {f} :: joint ownership (legal)
comproprietaria {f} :: female equivalent of comproprietario
comproprietario {m} :: coowner
comproprietario {m} :: part-owner
comprova {f} :: proof
comprovabile {adj} :: provable, demonstrable
comprovante {v} :: present participle of comprovare
comprovante {adj} :: proving (that supplies proof)
comprovare {vt} :: to prove, to confirm, to substantiate, to demonstrate
comprovato {adj} :: proven
comprovazione {f} :: confirmation
compulsante {v} :: present participle of compulsare
compulsare {vt} [legal] :: to summon
compulsare {vt} :: to consult
compulsazione {f} :: summoning
compulsazione {f} :: consultation
compulsione {f} :: compulsion
compulsivamente {adv} :: compulsively
compulsività {f} :: compulsiveness
compulsivo {adj} :: compulsive
compungente {v} :: present participle of compungere
compungere {vt} :: to disturb, trouble, afflict
compuntamente {adv} :: contritely
compuntamente {adv} :: solemnly
compunto {adj} :: contrite
compunto {adj} :: solemn
compunzione {f} :: compunction
computabile {adj} :: calculable, computable
computabilità {f} :: calculability
computante {v} :: present participle of computare
computare {vt} :: To compute, calculate or estimate
computato {adj} :: computed
computazionale {adj} :: computational
computazionalmente {adv} :: computationally
computazione {f} :: computation
computer {m} /komˈpju.ter/ :: computer (calculating device)
computergrafica {f} [computing] :: computer graphics
computeriale {adj} :: computerized (performed through the use of computers)
computerialità {f} :: computerization
computeristica {f} :: computer science
computeristico {adj} :: computer (attributive)
computerizzabile {adj} :: computerizable
computerizzante {v} :: present participle of computerizzare
computerizzare {vt} :: to computerize
computerizzato {adj} :: computerized
computerizzazione {f} :: computerization
computista {mf} :: bookkeeper, accountant
computisteria {f} :: bookkeeping, accountancy
computo {m} :: counting, calculation
comtiano {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of Auguste Comte
comunaglia {f} :: flood plain (or other land prone to flooding)
comunale {adj} :: town (used attributively)
comunale {adj} :: municipal
comunale {adj} :: communal
comunale {f} :: street in a town
comunalmente {adv} :: municipally
comunalmente {adv} :: communally
comunanza {f} :: community
comunardo {m} :: Communard
comunardo {m} :: revolutionary
comune {adj} /koˈmu.ne/ :: mutual, common
comune {adj} [by extension] :: usual, ordinary, common
comune {adj} [archaic] :: affable
comune {adj} [archaic] :: impartial, unbiased, fair
comune {m} [collective] :: majority, most
comune {m} :: ordinary (that which is ordinary)
comune {m} [historical] :: A form of city-based autonomous government
comune {m} :: comune, municipality
comune {m} [by extension] :: The administrative body of a municipality
comune {m} [obsolete] :: guild
comune {f} :: commune (community whose members share in the ownership of property, and in the division of labour)
comune {f} [historical, usually capitalized] :: Either of the French revolutionary governments (of 1792 or of 1871)
comune {f} [obsolete, historical] :: A form of city-based autonomous government
Comune {prop} :: Commune (of Paris, properly "Comune di Parigi")
comunella {f} :: league, arrangement
comunella {f} :: master key
comunello {m} :: common (state-owned land used by residents of a locality)
comunemente {adv} :: commonly
comunemente {adv} :: in common
comunemente {adv} :: communally
comunicabile {adj} :: communicable
comunicabilità {f} :: communicability
comunicanda {f} :: communicant
comunicando {m} :: communicant
comunicante {v} :: present participle of comunicare
comunicante {adj} :: communicating
comunicantesi {v} :: present participle of comunicarsi
comunicare {vt} :: to communicate, to transmit, to impart, to convey
comunicare {vt} :: to inform, to let someone know, to tell
comunicare {vi} :: to communicate
comunicarsi {v} :: reflexive of comunicare
comunicarsi {vr} :: to spread, propagate
comunicarsi {vr} :: to receive communion
comunicativa {f} :: communicativeness
comunicativamente {adv} :: communicatively
comunicativo {adj} :: communicative
comunicato {m} :: statement, announcement, bulletin, communication, notice
comunicato {adj} :: communicated
comunicato {adj} :: announced
comunicatore {m} :: communicator (person)
comunicatosi {v} :: past participle of comunicarsi
comunicato stampa {m} :: press release
comunicatrice {f} :: female equivalent of comunicatore
comunicazionale {adj} :: communications (attributive)
comunicazione {f} /ko.mu.ni.kaˈtsjoː.ne/ :: communication
comunione {f} :: communion
comunismo {m} [philosophy] /ko.muˈnis.mo/ :: communism
comunismo {m} [politics] :: Communism
comunissimo {adj} :: superlative of comune
comunista {adj} /ko.muˈnis.ta/ :: communist, Communist
comunista {mf} :: communist
comunisteggiante {v} /ko.mu.nis.tedˈd͡ʒan.te/ :: present participle of comunisteggiare
comunisteggiante {adj} [politics] :: Having Communist tendencies
comunisteggiante {mf} :: One who has Communist tendencies
comunisteggiare {vi} [politics] /ko.mu.nis.tedˈd͡ʒa.re/ :: To have Communist tendencies
comunisteggiato {v} :: past participle of comunisteggiare
comunistico {adj} :: communistic
comunistizzante {v} :: present participle of comunistizzare
comunistizzare {vt} /ko.mu.nis.tidˈd͡za.re/ :: to communize
comunistoide {mf} :: commie, red
comunità {f} :: community (all senses)
Comunità {prop} :: European Community
comunitario {adj} [attributive] :: community
comunitarismo {m} :: communitarianism
comunitarizzazione {f} :: communitization
comunque {adv} /koˈmunkwe/ :: anyhow, in any case, regardless
comunque {adv} :: anyway, but, though
comunque {conj} :: however, whatever
con {prep} /kon/ :: with, together
con {prep} [rowing] :: coxed
conativo {adj} [linguistics] :: conative
conato {m} :: impulse or tendency
conato di vomito {m} :: retch
conazione {f} :: conation
conca {f} /ˈkon.ka/ :: valley
conca {f} :: basin (geography)
conca {f} :: conch
Conca {prop} :: Conca (river)
concambio {m} :: Variant of contraccambio
concamerazione {f} :: concameration
conca nasale {f} [skeleton] :: nasal concha
concata {f} :: basinful
concatenamento {m} :: concatenation
concatenante {v} :: present participle of concatenare
concatenare {vt} :: to link up, connect
concatenare {vt} :: to concatenate
concatenazione {f} :: connection, link
concatenazione {f} :: concatenation
concattedrale {f} :: One of a pair of churches that are jointly the seat of a bishop
concausa {f} :: concomitant cause, concurrent cause
concavità {f} :: concavity
concavo {adj} :: concave
concedente {v} :: present participle of concedere
concedente {adj} :: concessionary
concedente {mf} :: A landowner whose land is subject to emphyteusis
concedentesi {v} :: present participle of concedersi
concedere {vt} :: to grant, allow
concedere {vt} :: to concede (that); to admit
concedere {vt} :: to award, bestow
concedersi {v} :: reflexive of concedere
concedersi {v} :: to allow oneself
concedersi {v} :: to treat oneself
concedibile {adj} :: allowable
concedutosi {v} :: past participle of concedersi
concelebrante {m} :: concelebrant
concelebrare {vt} :: to concelebrate
concelebrazione {f} :: concelebration
concento {m} [literary] :: harmony
concentrabile {adj} :: That can be concentrated
concentramento {m} :: concentration
concentrante {v} :: present participle of concentrare
concentrantesi {v} :: present participle of concentrarsi
concentrare {vt} :: to gather, assemble, bring together, merge
concentrare {vt} :: to concentrate, focus
concentrarsi {v} :: reflexive of concentrare
concentrarsi {v} :: to concentrate
concentrarsi {v} :: to gather, assemble, merge
concentratario {adj} [legal] :: Describing a society to which other companies have bestowed some of their activities, thus giving rise to a concentration
concentratissimo {adj} :: superlative of concentrato
concentrato {adj} :: concentrated, condensed, focussed
concentrato {adj} :: concentrated, absorbed, attentive
concentrato {m} :: concentrate
concentratore {m} :: concentrator
concentratore {m} [computing] :: hub
concentratosi {v} :: past participle of concentrarsi
concentrazionario {adj} :: concentration camp (attributive)
concentrazione {f} :: concentration
concentrazione {f} :: (economy) merger, combine, combination, trust
concentricamente {adv} :: concentrically
concentricità {f} :: concentricity
concentrico {adj} :: concentric
concepente {v} :: present participle of concepire
concepibile {adj} :: conceivable, imaginable
concepibilità {f} :: conceivability
concepimento {m} :: conception
concepire {vt} [also, , figuratively] :: to conceive
conceria {f} :: tannery
conceria {f} :: tanning (industry)
concernente {adj} :: relevant, pertinent
concernere {vt} :: To concern or regard
concertale {adj} [music] :: concert (attributive)
concertante {v} :: present participle of concertare
concertante {adj} [music] :: Characteristic of a concerto
concertantesi {v} :: present participle of concertarsi
concertare {vt} :: to devise [a plan]
concertare {vt} :: to harmonize
concertare {vt} :: to rehearse
concertarsi {v} :: reflexive of concertare
concertarsi {v} :: to come to an agreement
concertarsi {v} :: to agree
concertatore {adj} [music] :: conducting
concertatore {m} [music] :: conductor
concertatore {m} :: plotter
concertatosi {v} :: past participle of concertarsi
concertatrice {f} :: female equivalent of concertatore
concertazione {f} :: plotting, devising
concertazione {f} [music] :: tuning up (of a group of instruments)
concertino {m} [music] :: concertino
concertismo {m} :: concert-giving
concertista {mf} [music] :: concert performer
concertistico {adj} :: concert (attributive)
concerto {m} [music] :: concert, recital
concerto {m} [music] :: concerto
concerto {m} :: agreement, concert
concertone {m} [music] :: large concerto
concessale {adj} :: granted, awarded (to)
concessionaria {f} :: female equivalent of concessionario
concessionaria {f} :: dealer
concessionaria {f} :: car dealer
concessionaria {f} :: car dealership
concessionario {adj} :: concessionary
concessionario {m} :: agent
concessionario {m} :: dealer
concessionato {adj} :: granted as a concession / franchise
concessione {f} :: concession
concessivo {adj} :: concessive
concessore {m} :: granter
concessore {m} [legal] :: grantor
concessorio {adj} :: concession (attributive), granting
concessosi {v} :: past participle of concedersi
Concetta {prop} :: given name
concettante {v} :: present participle of concettare
concettare {v} [obsolete] :: To conceive (of ideas, concepts etc)
Concettina {prop} [colloquial] :: synonym of Concetta
concettismo {m} :: concettism, conceptismo
concettivo {adj} :: conceptive
concetto {m} /konˈt͡ʃɛt.to/ :: concept
concetto {m} :: opinion
concetto {m} :: idea
concetto {m} [theater, rhetoric] :: In Italian comedy (commedia dell'arte), stock punch line learned by the performers for use in this improvisational form of theater
concetto {m} :: conceit (work full of orotund phrases and pompous concetti, affected wit)
concettosamente {adv} :: abstrusely
concettosità {f} :: abstruseness
concettoso {adj} :: cerebral
concettoso {adj} :: conceitful, abstruse
concettuale {adj} /kon.t͡ʃetˈtwa.le/ :: conceptual
concettualismo {m} :: conceptualism
concettualista {mf} :: conceptualist
concettualizzante {v} :: present participle of concettualizzare
concettualizzare {vt} :: to conceptualize
concettualizzazione {f} :: conceptualization
concettualmente {adv} :: conceptually
concezionale {adj} :: conceptional
concezione {f} :: conception (of an idea)
concezione {f} :: view, idea
concezionista {m} :: conceptionist; A member of the Figli dell'Immacolata Concezione
conchectomia {f} [surgery] :: conchectomy
conchifero {adj} :: conchiferous
conchiglia {f} :: the shell of an animal, especially of a mollusc
conchiglia {f} :: architectural ornament in the shape of a shell
conchiglia {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: pasta shell
conchiglia {f} :: box hard prototector for the genitals
conchigliare {adj} :: shelly
conchigliette {n} :: A type of pasta shell shaped
conchiliaceo {adj} :: shelly
conchiliologia {f} :: conchology
conchiudente {v} :: present participle of conchiudere
conchiudere {vt} :: alternative form of concludere
concia {f} :: tanning
concia {f} :: curing
concia {f} :: tanning liquor, tanning ooze
conciante {v} :: present participle of conciare
conciaossa {m} :: bonesetter
conciapelli {mf} :: tanner (of leather)
conciare {v} :: to tan [leather]; to cure [tobacco]
conciare {v} :: to adjust
conciare {v} :: to ill-treat
conciare {v} :: to cut blocks from stone
conciare {v} :: to season food
conciare {v} :: to castrate calves or pigs
conciare per le feste {v} :: to cook someone's goose
conciare per le feste {v} :: goose is cooked
conciario {adj} :: tanning (attributive)
conciario {m} :: tanner (of leather)
conciato {adj} :: tanned
conciatore {m} :: tanner
conciatore {m} :: curer
conciatrice {f} :: female equivalent of conciatore
conciatura {f} :: tanning, curing
conciliabile {adj} :: compatible
conciliabilità {f} :: compatibility
conciliabilmente {adv} :: compatibly
conciliabolo {m} :: private or secret meeting; conflab
conciliante {v} :: present participle of conciliare
conciliante {adj} :: conciliatory
conciliantemente {adv} :: conciliatorily
conciliantesi {v} :: present participle of conciliarsi
conciliare {vt} :: to reconcile
conciliare {vt} :: to conciliate
conciliare {adj} :: council [attributive]
conciliarismo {m} :: conciliarism
conciliarista {mf} :: conciliarist
conciliarsi {v} :: reflexive of conciliare
conciliarsi {v} :: to be reconciled
conciliativo {adj} :: reconciliatory
conciliatore {m} :: conciliator
conciliatore {m} [legal] :: justice of the peace (or similar functionary)
conciliatosi {v} :: past participle of conciliarsi
conciliazione {f} :: reconciliation
conciliazione {f} :: settlement
conciliazione {f} :: conciliation
Conciliazione {prop} :: The Lateran Treaty of 1929
concilio {m} /konˈt͡ʃiljo/ :: council (especially religious)
concilio {m} :: conference, meeting
concimaia {f} :: dunghill
concimante {v} :: present participle of concimare
concimare {vt} :: to fertilize
concimare {vt} :: to manure
concimazione {f} :: fertilization, manuring
concime {m} :: fertilizer
concime {m} :: manure
concinnità {f} [literary] /kon.t͡ʃin.niˈta/ :: concinnity
concinno {adj} /konˈt͡ʃin.no/ :: elegant, harmonious
concionante {v} :: present participle of concionare
concionare {vi} :: to harangue
concione {f} :: A tedious speech, harangue, tirade, diatribe
concione {f} :: assembly
conciossiaché {conj} [literary, now jocular] /kon.t͡ʃɔs.sjaˈke/ :: as, for, since
conciossiaché {conj} [literary, now jocular] :: although, though
conciossiacosaché {conj} [literary] /kon.t͡ʃɔs.sja.kɔ.zaˈke/ :: synonym of conciossiaché
concisamente {adv} :: concisely, briefly
concisione {f} :: concision, conciseness
conciso {adj} :: concise, taut
concistoriale {adj} :: consistorial, consistory
concistoro {m} :: consistory
concitante {v} :: present participle of concitare
concitare {vt} :: to incite, provoke
concitatamente {adv} :: excitedly
concitato {adj} :: excited, agitated
concitato {adj} :: provoked
concitazione {f} :: excitement, agitation
concittadina {f} :: female equivalent of concittadino
concittadino {m} :: concitizen, citizen of the same town/city as another
concive {mf} :: fellow citizen
conclamante {v} :: present participle of conclamare
conclamare {vt} [literary] :: to acclaim, proclaim
conclamato {adj} :: self-evident, clear, obvious
conclamazione {f} :: acclamation, proclamation
conclave {m} /konˈklave/ :: conclave
conclavista {m} :: conclavist
concludente {adj} :: conclusive, convincing
concludentesi {v} :: present participle of concludersi
concludere {vt} :: to conclude, close, end, finish, covenant
concludere {vt} :: to conclude, reach, clinch, make, settle
concludere {vt} :: to conclude, infer, deduce
concludere {vt} :: to serve out
concludere {vt} :: to get done
concludere un accordo {v} :: to covenant
concludersi {v} :: reflexive of concludere
concludersi {v} :: to end, end up, conclude, close
conclusionale {adj} :: concluding
conclusionale {adj} :: conclusional
conclusionale {m} [legal] :: final statement
conclusione {f} :: conclusion
conclusione {f} :: completion
conclusivamente {adv} :: finally
conclusivamente {adv} :: decisively, definitively, conclusively
conclusivo {adj} :: concluding, final, closing
conclusivo {adj} :: decisive, definitive, conclusive
concluso {adj} :: concluded, closed, made, settled
concluso {adj} :: included, including
conclusosi {v} :: past participle of concludersi
concocente {v} :: present participle of concuocere
concoidale {adj} :: conchoidal
concoide {adj} :: conchoidal
concoide {m} :: conchoid
concola {f} /ˈkon.ko.la/ :: Name of various species of mollusks
concola {f} [archaic, regional] :: A small basin or bowl
concologia {f} :: conchology
concolore {adj} [botany, zoology] :: concolor / concolour
concomitante {adj} :: concomitant
concomitante {adj} :: contributory
concomitante {adj} :: attendant
concomitanza {f} :: combination
concomitanza {f} :: concomitance
con comodo {interj} :: take your time
concordabile {adj} :: negotiable
concordante {v} :: present participle of concordare
concordante {adj} :: concordant
concordanza {f} :: agreement, concordance, accordance
concordanza {f} [grammar] :: sequence, agreement, succession
concordare {vt} :: to arrange, fix, set, agree, get the point, take the point
concordare {vt} [grammar] :: to make agree
concordare {vi} :: to agree, concord, resonate
concordatamente {adv} :: In an agreed or prearranged manner
concordatario {adj} :: concordat (attributive); especially, in agreement with the concordat agreed between the Italian State and the Catholic Church
concordatario {adj} [legal] :: composition (attributive)
concordato {m} :: agreement, pact, arrangement
concordato {m} :: concordat
concordato {adj} :: agreed
concordato {adj} :: prearranged
concorde {adj} :: In agreement; concordant; agreeing; harmonious
concordemente {adv} :: with full agreement
concordemente {adv} :: harmoniously
concordemente {adv} :: while conforming to something
concordevolmente {adv} :: concordantly
concordia {f} :: concord
concorrente {v} :: present participle of concorrere
concorrente {adj} :: concurrent
concorrente {adj} :: competing
concorrente {mf} :: competitor
concorrente {mf} :: contestant
concorrenza {f} :: competition (commercial rivalry)
concorrenziale {adj} :: competitive
concorrenzialità {f} :: competitiveness
concorrere {vi} :: to contribute (to)
concorrere {vi} :: to participate (in)
concorrere {vi} :: to compete (for)
concorso {m} :: competition
concorso {m} :: exam, examination
concorso {m} :: contribution (to something)
concorso {m} :: gathering or combination
concorso di bellezza {m} :: beauty pageant, beauty contest
concorsuale {adj} :: competition, exam (attributive)
concrescente {v} :: present participle of concrescere
concrescere {vi} :: to grow together to form a concrescence
concrescere {vi} :: to coalesce
concretabile {adj} :: realizable, possible
concretamente {adv} :: concretely, positively
concretante {v} :: present participle of concretare
concretare {vt} :: to put into practice, realize something
concretarsi {v} :: To materialize
concretezza {f} :: concreteness
concretismo {m} [arts] :: concretism
concretissimo {adj} :: superlative of concreto
concretista {mf} [arts] :: concretist
concretizzabile {adj} :: realizable, possible
concretizzante {v} :: present participle of concretizzare
concretizzantesi {v} :: present participle of concretizzarsi
concretizzare {vt} :: to incarnate
concretizzare {vt} :: to realize, clarify or specify [make concrete or specific]
concretizzarsi {v} /konkretiˈd͡ːzarsi/ :: reflexive of concretizzare
concretizzarsi {vr} :: to materialize [become concrete or specific]
concretizzatosi {v} :: past participle of concretizzarsi
concretizzazione {f} :: objectification
concreto {adj} :: concrete
concreto {adj} :: positive
concreto {m} :: reality
concrezionale {adj} [geology] :: concretionary
concrezione {f} [geology] :: concretion
concubina {f} :: concubine
concubinaggio {m} :: concubinage
concubinario {adj} :: concubinary
concubinato {m} :: cohabitation
concubino {m} :: cohabitee
concubito {m} [rare] /konˈku.bi.to/ :: lying together
concubito {m} [rare] :: sexual intercourse
conculcabile {adj} :: violable
conculcamento {m} :: oppression, violation, trampling
conculcante {v} :: present participle of conculcare
conculcare {vt} [literary, rare] :: to trample on
conculcare {vt} [literary] :: to oppress
conculcare {vt} [literary] :: to violate [a law, right, etc.]
conculcazione {f} :: oppression, violation
concuocente {v} :: present participle of concuocere
concuocere {vt} :: To digest or assimilate
concuocere {vi} :: To be digested
concupente {v} :: present participle of concupire
concupire {vt} :: to lust after
concupire {vt} :: to covet
concupiscente {adj} /kon.ku.piˈʃɛn.te/ :: concupiscent, lustful
concupiscenza {f} :: lust, concupiscence
concupiscibile {adj} :: desirable
concussionario {m} :: extortioner
concussione {f} [legal] :: exaction, extortion, bribery, misappropriation
concusso {m} :: victim of extortion
concussore {m} :: extortioner, extortionist
condanna {f} :: sentence (at a trial)
condanna {f} :: condemnation
condanna a morte {f} :: death sentence
condanna a morte {f} :: death warrant
condannabile {adj} :: Open to censure; condemnable, censurable
condannabilità {f} :: Property of being open to censure, condemnable or censurable
condannante {v} :: present participle of condannare
condannantesi {v} :: present participle of condannarsi
condannare {vt} :: to convict, sentence, condemn
condannare {vt} :: to condemn, blame, damn, censure
condannarsi {vr} :: To consider oneself to be guilty, or morally at fault
condannata {f} :: female equivalent of condannato
condannato {adj} :: convicted
condannato {adj} :: condemned
condannato {m} :: prisoner, convict (male)
condannatosi {v} :: past participle of condannarsi
condannazione {f} :: condemnation
condebitore {m} :: joint debtor
condegnità {f} :: condignity
condegno {adj} :: condign
condensa {f} :: condensation
condensabile {adj} [physics] :: condensable
condensabile {adj} :: summarizable
condensabilità {f} [physics] :: condensability
condensamento {m} :: condensation
condensante {v} :: present participle of condensare
condensantesi {v} :: present participle of condensarsi
condensare {vt} :: to condense
condensarsi {v} :: reflexive of condensare
condensarsi {v} :: to condense
condensatamente {adv} :: in a condensed or summarized manner
condensato {adj} :: condensed
condensato {adj} :: summarized
condensato {m} :: condensate
condensatore {m} :: condenser
condensatore {m} :: capacitor
condensatosi {v} :: past participle of condensarsi
condensazione {f} :: condensation [all senses]
condensina {f} [protein] :: condensin
condente {v} :: present participle of condire
condescendente {v} :: present participle of condescendere
condescendere {vi} :: alternative form of condiscendere
condicio sine qua non {f} /konˈdi.tʃo ˌsi.ne kwa ˈnon/ :: sine qua non
condilare {adj} [anatomy] :: condylar, condyloid
condilectomia {f} [surgery] :: condylectomy
condilo {m} [skeleton] :: condyle
condiloide {adj} [skeleton] :: condyloid, condylar
condiloideo {adj} [skeleton] :: condyloid, condylar
condiloma {m} [disease] :: genital wart, condyloma
condimento {m} :: condiment, seasoning
condire {v} :: to flavour or season food
condire {v} :: to dress a salad
condirettore {m} :: joint manager
condirettore {m} :: co-editor
condirettrice {f} :: joint manageress
condirettrice {f} :: co-editress
condirezione {f} :: joint direction or management
condirezione {f} :: associate editing
condiscendente {v} :: present participle of condiscendere
condiscendente {adj} :: obliging
condiscendente {adj} :: compliant
condiscendentemente {adv} :: obligingly
condiscendentemente {adv} :: compliantly
condiscendenza {f} :: compliance
condiscendenza {f} :: indulgence
condiscendenza {f} :: condescension
condiscendere {vi} :: to agree, consent (to)
condiscendere {vi} :: to descend
condiscepolo {m} :: fellow disciple
conditio sine qua non {f} /konˈdit.tsjo ˌsi.ne kwa ˈnon/ :: sine qua non
condito {adj} :: seasoned, dressed (food)
condividente {v} :: present participle of condividere
condividente {adj} :: sharing
condividere {vt} /kon.diˈvi.de.re/ :: to share
condivisibile {adj} :: shareable
condivisibilità {m} :: shareability
condivisione {f} :: sharing
condiviso {adj} :: shared, common
condizion {n} :: apocopic form of condizione
condizionale {adj} :: conditional
condizionale {m} [grammar] :: conditional
condizionale {f} [grammar] :: conditional clause
condizionale {f} [legal] :: probation, suspended sentence, suspension of a jail sentence
condizionale passato {m} [grammar] :: The conditional perfect tense
condizionale presente {m} [grammar] :: conditional present tense
condizionalmente {adv} :: conditionally
condizionamento {m} :: conditioning
condizionante {v} :: present participle of condizionare
condizionare {vt} :: to package, wrap up, etc. for shipment
condizionare {vt} :: [of textiles] to provision the appropriate amount of humidity for the fabric to be subjected to further processing
condizionare {vt} [rare] :: [of a meal, especially meat-based] to season before cooking
condizionare {vt} :: to air-condition
condizionare {vt} :: to condition (subject to certain conditions or limitations)
condizionare {vt} :: to condition (shape the behavior of someone)
condizionare {vt} :: to influence the course or result of
condizionare {vt} [archaic] :: to make suitable or fitting
condizionatamente {adv} :: conditionally
condizionato {adj} :: conditional, qualified
condizionato {adj} :: conditioned
condizionatore {m} :: (air conditioner) air conditioner, conditioner
condizionatore d'aria {m} :: air conditioner
condizionatura {f} :: conditioning
condizione {f} :: condition
condizione sociale {f} :: rank (position of a person in relation to others based on a shared property such as physical location, population, or quality)
condoglianza {f} [chiefly in the plural] /kon.doˈʎan.t͡sa/ :: condolence
condolente {v} :: present participle of condolersi
condolentesi {v} :: present participle of condolersi
Condoleo {prop} :: surname
condolersi {vr} /kon.doˈler.si/ :: to complain, lament
condolersi {vr} :: to regret, condole
condolutosi {v} :: past participle of condolersi
condom {m} :: condom
condominiale {adj} :: common
condominiale {adj} :: tenants (attributive)
condominio {m} :: apartment building, condominium, condo
condominio {m} :: co-ownership
condomino {m} :: joint owner
condonabile {adj} :: pardonable, excusable, forgivable
condonabile {adj} :: remissible
condonabilità {f} :: remissibleness
condonante {v} :: present participle of condonare
condonare {v} :: to remit
condonazione {f} :: remission
condono {m} :: remission, amnesty
condor {m} :: condor (bird)
condor della California {m} :: California condor
condor delle Ande {m} :: Andean condor
condotta {f} :: conduct, behaviour
condotta {f} :: tubing, piping
condotta {f} :: flue
condottiere {m} :: condottiere
condottiero {m} :: leader (military)
condottiero {m} :: condottiere
condotto {adj} :: municipal
condotto {adj} [military] :: mercenary
condotto {m} :: duct
condotto {m} :: pipe, conduit
condotto dell'aria {m} :: airshaft, air duct
condottosi {v} :: past participle of condursi
condrale {adj} [anatomy] :: chondral
condrite {f} [geology] :: chondrite
condrite {f} [medicine] :: chondritis
condrito {m} :: chondrite
condritto {m} :: chondrichthyan
condro- {prefix} :: chondro- (cartilage)
condro {m} :: chondrule
condroblasto {m} :: chondroblast
condrocito {m} :: chondrocyte
condrodisplasia {f} [pathology] :: chondrodysplasia
condroglosso {m} [muscle] :: chondroglossus
condroitto {m} :: cartilaginous fish (of class Chondrichthyes)
condrologia {f} :: chondrology
condroma {m} [pathology] :: chondroma
condronectina {f} [pretein] :: chondronectin
condrosarcoma {m} [oncology] :: chondrosarcoma
condrotomo {m} [surgery] /konˈdrɔ.to.mo/ :: chondrotome (instrument for cutting cartilage)
conducente {v} :: present participle of condurre
conducente {mf} :: driver (of animals or a vehicle)
conducentesi {v} :: present participle of condursi
conducere {v} :: alternative form of condurre
conducibile {adj} :: That can be carried, conductible
conducibilità {f} [physics] :: conductivity
condurango {m} [medicine] /kon.duˈran.ɡo/ :: condurango
condurre {vt} :: to guide, escort or show someone
condurre {vt} :: to conduct, spearhead or lead something
condurre {vt} :: to drive a car, pilot an aircraft, steer a boat
condursi {vr} :: to conduct (oneself)
conduttanza {f} [physics] :: conductance
conduttibilità {f} :: Variant of conducibilità
conduttività {f} [physics] :: conductivity
conduttivo {adj} [physics] :: conductive
conduttometria {f} [physics, chemistry] :: conductometry
conduttometrico {adj} :: conductometric
conduttore {adj} [of a principle or theme etc] :: guiding
conduttore {adj} :: that can conduct electricity, heat, light or sound
conduttore {m} :: conductor (of heat, electricity etc)
conduttore {m} [automotive] :: driver (of a vehicle)
conduttore {m} [rail transport] :: conductor (on a train)
conduttore {m} [television, radio] :: host (of a TV program etc)
conduttura {f} :: pipe, conduit
conduttura {f} :: main (gas etc)
conduzione {f} [physics] :: conduction
conduzione {f} :: management
conduzione {f} :: lease (legal)
coneglianese {adj} :: Of or from Conegliano
coneglianese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Conegliano
Conegliano {prop} :: Conegliano (town)
conegrina {f} :: disinfectant, bleach (domestic sodium hypochlorite solution)
Conero {prop} :: an tourist area in the Marche, Italy around Monte Conero having a riviera and a nature reserve
conestabile {m} :: constable (officer of a court)
confabulante {v} :: present participle of confabulare
confabulare {vi} :: to confab, confabulate
confabulatorio {adj} :: confabulatory
confabulazione {f} :: confab, confabulation
confacente {v} :: present participle of confarsi
confacente {adj} :: suitable (for)
confacente {adj} :: fitting
confacentemente {adv} :: suitably (for)
confacentesi {v} :: present participle of confarsi
confacevolmente {adv} :: suitably
confantesi {v} :: present participle of confarsi
confarreazione {f} :: confarreation
confarsi {vr} :: To suit, to be suitable, to become
confatosi {v} :: past participle of confarsi
confattosi {v} :: past participle of confarsi
confederale {adj} /kon.fe.deˈra.le/ :: confederal
confederalismo {m} [politics] /kon.fe.de.raˈlis.mo/ :: confederalism
confederalista {adj} /kon.fe.de.raˈlis.ta/ :: of or pertaining to a confederation
confederalista {mf} :: confederalist
confederante {v} :: present participle of confederare
confederantesi {v} :: present participle of confederarsi
confederare {vt} /kon.fe.deˈra.re/ :: to confederate
confederarsi {vr} /kon.fe.deˈrar.si/ :: To confederate
confederata {f} :: feminine noun of confederato
confederativo {adj} /kon.fe.de.raˈti.vo/ :: federative, federal, confederal
confederato {adj} /kon.fe.deˈra.to/ :: confederate, confederated
confederato {m} :: confederate
confederatosi {v} :: past participle of confederarsi
confederazione {f} /kon.fe.de.ratˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: confederacy, confederation
conferente {v} :: present participle of conferire
conferenza {f} :: conference
conferenza {f} :: lecture
conferenza stampa {f} [journalism] :: press conference
conferenziere {m} :: lecturer, speaker
conferibile {adj} :: conferrable
conferimento {m} :: conferring, conferment, awarding
conferimento {m} :: grant
conferimento {m} :: contribution
conferire {vt} :: To confer, bestow, give, award
conferire {vt} :: To confer with
conferirsi {vr} :: To confer (with each other)
conferitario {m} :: transferee (person or company receiving a contribution)
conferito {adj} :: conferred on
conferito {adj} :: given to
conferma {f} :: confirmation
conferma {f} :: avowal
confermabile {adj} :: confirmable
confermante {v} :: present participle of confermare
confermantesi {v} :: present participle of confermarsi
confermare {vt} /kon.fer.ˈma.re/ :: to confirm
confermarsi {v} :: reflexive of confermare
confermarsi {vr} :: to convince oneself definitely
confermarsi {vr} :: to confirm [one's abilities, etc.]
confermativamente {adv} :: confirmatorily (as confirmation)
confermativo {adj} :: confirmatory
confermatore {adj} :: confirmatory
confermatosi {v} :: past participle of confermarsi
confermazione {f} :: confirmation (religious)
confessabile {adj} :: That can be confessed
confessante {v} :: present participle of confessare
confessantesi {v} :: present participle of confessarsi
confessare {vt} :: to confess, admit, own up
confessare {vt} :: to confide, disclose
confessarsi {v} :: reflexive of confessare
confessarsi {v} :: to confess, acknowledge
confessatosi {v} :: past participle of confessarsi
confessionale {adj} :: confessional
confessionale {m} :: confessional (booth)
confessionalismo {m} :: confessionalism, denominationalism
confessionalità {f} :: confessionalism
confessionalmente {adv} :: confessionally
confessionalmente {adv} :: in the confessional
confessione {f} :: confession
confessione {f} :: denomination, creed
confesso {adj} :: who has confessed or owned up
confessore {m} :: confessor (one who confesses (in any sense))
confettante {v} :: present participle of confettare
confettare {vt} :: to sugar (coat with sugar)
confetteria {f} :: confectioner's (shop), sweetshop
confetteria {f} :: confection, confectionery
confettiera {f} :: bonbonnière
confettiere {m} :: confectioner
confetto {m} :: sugar-coated almond
confetto {m} [by extension] :: a pellet of plaster, piece of paper, etc symbolizing such an almond, thrown during carnevale (Carnival) or other festivities
confetto {m} :: sugar-coated pill
confettura {f} :: jam, conserve, preserve
confettura {f} :: marmalade (when made from oranges)
confettureria {f} :: jam / preserves factory or shop
confezionamento {m} :: confection (creation)
confezionante {v} :: present participle of confezionare
confezionare {vt} :: to tailor, manufacture [clothes]
confezionare {vt} :: to package, pack, wrap up
confezionato {adj} :: packaged, packed, wrapped
confezionato {adj} :: commercial, industrialised
confezionato {adj} :: ready-to-wear, ready-made
confezionatore {m} :: packer, wrapper [person or machine]
confezionatrice {f} :: packaging machine
confezione {f} :: packaging, packing
confezione {f} :: pack, package, packet, box, kit
confezione {f} [fashion] :: clothing, making
confezione {f} [fashion] :: clothing manufacturer, clothing factory, clothing industry
confezione {f} :: [plural] clothes, wear
confezione da banco {f} :: Variant of medicina da banco
conficcante {v} :: present participle of conficcare
conficcare {vt} :: To stick or drive (into); to nail
confidamento {m} [rare] /kon.fi.daˈmen.to/ :: The act of confiding [something to someone]
confidante {v} :: present participle of confidare
confidantesi {v} :: present participle of confidarsi
confidare {vt} /kon.fiˈda.re/ :: To confide something to someone
confidare {vi} :: To have confidence (in)
confidarsi {vr} /kon.fiˈdar.si/ :: to confide to someone
confidatosi {v} :: past participle of confidarsi
confidente {adj} /kon.fiˈdɛn.te/ :: confiding, trusting
confidente {mf} :: confidant or confidante
confidenza {f} /kon.fiˈdɛn.t͡sa/ :: intimacy, familiarity
confidenza {f} :: confidence
confidenza toglie riverenza {proverb} :: familiarity breeds contempt
confidenziale {adj} /kon.fi.denˈt͡sja.le/ :: confidential
confidenziale {adj} :: friendly
confidenzialità {f} /kon.fi.den.t͡sja.liˈta/ :: confidentiality
confidenzialità {f} :: discretion
confidenzialmente {adv} /kon.fi.den.t͡sjalˈmen.te/ :: confidentially
configgente {v} :: present participle of configgere
configgente {adj} :: opposing
configgente {adj} :: conflicting
configgere {vt} :: Variant of conficcare
configurabile {adj} [computing] :: configurable
configurabilità {f} :: Property of being configurable
configurante {v} :: present participle of configurare
configurante {adj} :: configuring
configurantesi {v} :: present participle of configurarsi
configurare {vt} [computing, electronics] :: to set up, set
configurare {vt} :: to configure
configurarsi {v} :: reflexive of configurare
configurarsi {v} :: to take shape
configuratosi {v} :: past participle of configurarsi
configurazionale {adj} :: configurational
configurazione {f} :: configuration
configurazione {f} :: setting up, setting
configurazionismo {m} [psychology] :: configurationism, Gestalt psychology
confinamento {m} :: confinement (all senses)
confinante {v} :: present participle of confinare
confinante {adj} :: neighbouring
confinantesi {v} :: present participle of confinarsi
confinare {vt} :: to intern, to confine, (figuratively) to relegate
confinare {vi} :: to border, to be bounded, (figuratively) to border on
confinario {adj} :: boundary (attributive)
confinario {adj} :: border, frontier (attributive)
confinarsi {vr} :: to retire, to seclude oneself, to withdraw
confinato {adj} :: confined
confinato {adj} :: interned
confinato {m} :: internee
confinatosi {v} :: past participle of confinarsi
confinazione {f} :: determination of boundaries
Confindustria {prop} :: Confederazione Generale dell'Industria Italiana
confindustriale {adj} :: Of or relating to Confindustria
confine {m} :: border, frontier
confine {m} :: boundary
confingente {v} :: present participle of confingere
confingere {vt} [obsolete] :: to forge, counterfeit
confingere {vt} [obsolete] :: to invent
confino {m} [legal] :: (political) confinement, internment
confino {m} [law enforcement] :: solitary confinement
confino {m} :: place of internment
confisca {f} :: confiscation
confiscabile {adj} :: confiscable
confiscabilità {f} :: Property of being confiscable
confiscante {v} :: present participle of confiscare
confiscare {vt} :: to confiscate
confiscare {vt} :: [legal] To distrain, distress
confiscato {adj} :: confiscated
confisso {m} :: affix
confittura {f} [Switzerland] :: jams, preserves
conflagrazione {f} :: conflagration
confliggente {v} :: present participle of confliggere
confliggente {adj} :: conflicting, colliding
confliggere {vi} :: to be in conflict or collide (with)
conflitto {m} :: conflict
conflitto {m} :: clash
conflittuale {adj} :: conflicting, conflictual
conflittualità {f} :: conflict, unrest
conflittualmente {adv} :: conflictingly, conflictually
confluente {v} :: present participle of confluire
confluenza {f} :: confluence
confluire {vi} :: To flow
confluire {vi} :: To join, to merge, to come together, to converge, to meet
confocale {adj} :: confocal
confondente {v} :: present participle of confondere
confondentesi {v} :: present participle of confondersi
confondere {vt} /konˈfun.de.re/ :: to mix up
confondere {vt} :: to confuse, bewilder, befuddle, puzzle
confondere {vt} :: to embarrass
confondersi {v} :: reflexive of confondere
confondersi {vr} :: to merge [colours, etc.]
confondersi {vr} :: to become confused [memories, etc.]
confondersi {vr} :: to be mistaken or confused
confondibile {adj} :: mistakable
confondibilmente {adv} :: In a manner that may be confused or mistaken
conformabile {adj} :: conformable
conformabilità {f} :: conformableness
conformante {v} :: present participle of conformare
conformantesi {v} :: present participle of conformarsi
conformare {vt} :: to shape, to conform, to adapt
conformarsi {vr} :: to conform, to comply, to meet
conformativo {adj} :: conformative
conformatosi {v} :: past participle of conformarsi
conformazionale {adj} :: conformational
conformazione {f} :: shape, structure
conformazione {f} [rare] :: conformation
conforme {adj} :: consistent, in keeping with, conformable
conforme {adj} :: similar, like, analogous
conforme {adj} [mathematics, cartography] :: conformal
conforme {adv} :: in conformity, in accordance, accordingly
conformemente {adv} :: accordingly, pursuant to, in accordance with, in compliance with
conformismo {m} :: conformism, conformity
conformista {adj} :: conformist, conventional
conformista {mf} :: conformist, a conventional person
conformisticamente {adv} :: as a conformist; conventionally
conformistico {adj} :: conformist, conventional
conformità {f} :: conformity, compliance
confortabile {adj} [rare] :: comfortable
confortabilmente {adv} :: comfortably
confortante {adj} :: comforting
confortantesi {v} :: present participle of confortarsi
confortare {vt} :: To comfort, to console
confortarsi {vr} :: To console oneself
confortatore {m} :: comforter (person)
confortatore {adj} :: comforting
confortatosi {v} :: past participle of confortarsi
confortevole {adj} :: comfortable
confortevole {adj} :: comforting
confortevolezza {f} :: comfort
confortevolissimo {adj} :: superlative of confortevole
confortevolmente {adv} :: comfortably
conforto {m} :: comfort, consolation, solace
conforto {m} :: support
con franchezza {adv} :: synonym of a chiare note
confratello {m} :: brother (in a religious order)
confratello {m} :: frat
confraternita {f} :: brotherhood
confraternita {f} :: frat house
confraternita {f} :: Shortened form for fraternity, college organization. (Often used as a noun modifier.)
confricamento {m} :: heavy rubbing or friction
confricante {v} :: present participle of confricare
confricare {vt} :: To rub heavily
confricazione {f} :: heavy rubbing or friction
confrontabile {adj} :: comparable
confrontabilità {f} :: comparability
confrontante {v} :: present participle of confrontare
confrontantesi {v} :: present participle of confrontarsi
confrontare {vt} :: to compare
confrontare {vt} :: to collate
confrontare {vt} :: to confront
confrontare {vt} [mathematics] :: to equate
confrontarsi {v} :: reflexive of confrontare
confrontarsi {vr} :: to confront (oneself) (with)
confrontarsi {vr} :: to have a confrontation
confrontatosi {v} :: past participle of confrontarsi
confronto {m} :: comparison
confronto {m} :: confrontation
confronto {m} :: collation
confucianamente {adv} :: regarding Confucianism
confucianesimo {m} :: Confucianism
confuciano {adj} :: Confucian
Confucio {prop} :: Confucius
confusamente {adv} :: confusedly, vaguely
confusamente {adv} :: haphazardly
confusionale {adj} :: confusional
confusionario {adj} :: muddle-headed
confusionario {m} :: a muddle-headed person
confusione {f} :: confusion, chaos, mess, medley
confusione {f} :: bustle, confusion, stir, noise
confusione {f} :: confusion, mix up
confusione {f} :: mess
confusionismo {m} :: A tendency to cause confusion
confusionista {mf} :: muddler, bungler (incompetent person)
confuso {adj} :: confused
confuso {adj} :: muddled (of speech etc)
confuso {adj} :: embarrassed
confuso {adj} :: hazy (of memory etc)
confusosi {v} :: past participle of confondersi
confutabile {adj} :: confutable
confutabilità {f} :: confutability
confutante {v} :: present participle of confutare
confutare {vt} :: to confute
confutativo {adj} :: confutative
confutatore {m} :: confuter, refuter
confutatorio {adj} :: confutative
confutazione {f} :: confutation
congedando {adj} /kon.d͡ʒeˈdan.do/ :: That is to be demobilized
congedando {m} :: A serviceman who is to be demobilized
congedante {v} :: present participle of congedare
congedantesi {v} :: present participle of congedarsi
congedare {vt} :: to let [someone] depart
congedare {vt} :: to send someone packing; to dismiss; fire
congedarsi {v} :: reflexive of congedare
congedarsi {v} :: (typically with da) to take one's leave (of)
congedarsi {v} :: to be demobbed
congedatosi {v} :: past participle of congedarsi
congedo {m} :: leave; departure
congedo {m} [by extension, also, military] :: leave (from work), especially from the military
congedo {m} [performing arts] :: final bow or salute from the characters of a play; finale
congedo {m} :: conclusion of a sermon or other liturgical function
congedo {m} [music] :: coda
congegnante {v} :: present participle of congegnare
congegnare {vt} :: to construct, put together [a device]
congegnare {vt} :: to devise [a scheme]
congegnazione {f} :: construction (process)
congegno {m} :: device
congegno {m} :: gadget, widget
congegno {m} :: mechanism
congegno {m} :: contraption
congelabile {adj} :: freezable
congelamento {m} :: freezing
congelamento {m} :: frostbite
congelante {v} :: present participle of congelare
congelantesi {v} :: present participle of congelarsi
congelare {vt} :: to freeze, congeal
congelarsi {v} :: reflexive of congelare
congelarsi {v} :: to freeze
congelato {adj} :: frozen
congelatore {m} /kon.d͡ʒe.laˈto.re/ :: freezer
congelatore {m} :: deep-freeze
congelatore {adj} [rare] :: freezer [attributive]
congelatosi {v} :: past participle of congelarsi
congelazione {f} :: frostbite
congenere {adj} /konˈd͡ʒɛ.ne.re/ :: similar (like this, like that)
congenere {adj} [biology] :: congeneric
congenere {m} [biology] :: congener
congeniale {adj} :: congenial
congenialità {f} :: congeniality
congenitamente {adv} :: congenitally
congenito {adj} :: congenital
congerie {f} :: heap
congerie {f} :: muddle, jumble
congestionamento {m} :: congestion (traffic)
congestionante {v} :: present participle of congestionare
congestionare {vt} :: To congest
congestionato {adj} :: congested
congestione {f} :: congestion
congestizio {adj} :: congestive
congettura {f} :: a guess; conjecture
congetturabile {adj} :: conjecturable
congetturale {adj} :: conjectural
congetturalmente {adv} :: conjecturally
congetturante {v} :: present participle of congetturare
congetturare {vt} :: to conjecture
congetturazione {f} :: conjecture, conjecturing, supposition
congio {m} :: congius
congiungente {v} :: present participle of congiungere
congiungentesi {v} :: present participle of congiungersi
congiungere {vt} :: to conjoin, unite, splice
congiungere {vt} :: to connect, link
congiungersi {v} :: reflexive of congiungere
congiungersi {v} :: to join, meet, merge
congiungibile {adj} :: connectable, joinable
congiungimento {m} :: joining, connecting, linking
congiunta {f} :: female equivalent of congiunto
congiuntamente {adv} :: jointly
congiuntiva {f} [anatomy] :: conjunctiva
congiuntivale {adj} [anatomy] :: conjunctival
congiuntivite {f} [medicine] :: conjunctivitis
congiuntivo {adj} :: subjunctive
congiuntivo {m} [grammar] :: subjunctive
congiuntivo imperfetto {m} [grammar] :: subjunctive imperfect tense, subjunctive preterimperfect, subjunctive past tense
congiuntivo passato {m} [grammar] :: The subjunctive past tense
congiuntivo presente {m} [grammar] :: subjunctive present tense
congiuntivo trapassato {m} [grammar] :: The subjunctive perfect tense
congiunto {adj} :: joined, conjoined
congiunto {adj} :: joint
congiunto {adj} :: clasped (hands)
congiunto {m} :: relative
congiunto {m} [in the plural] :: family
congiunto {m} :: sibling
congiuntosi {v} :: past participle of congiungersi
congiuntura {f} [economy] :: trend, tendency
congiuntura {f} :: circumstance, juncture
congiuntura {f} :: joint, junction
congiunturale {adj} :: economic
congiunturale {adj} :: short-term
congiunturale {adj} :: pertaining to the economic situation
congiunzionale {adj} :: conjunctional
congiunzione {f} /kon.d͡ʒunˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: join
congiunzione {f} :: joint (anatomy)
congiunzione {f} :: junction (railway etc)
congiunzione {f} :: conjunction (all senses)
congiura {f} /konˈd͡ʒu.ra/ :: conspiracy, plot
congiurante {v} :: present participle of congiurare
congiurare {vi} /kon.d͡ʒuˈra.re/ :: To conspire or plot (against)
congiurata {f} :: female equivalent of congiurato
congiurato {m} /kon.d͡ʒuˈra.to/ :: conspirator, plotter
congiuratore {m} /kon.d͡ʒu.raˈto.re/ :: conspirator, plotter
congiurazione {f} /kon.d͡ʒu.ratˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: conspiracy, plot
con gli anni {prep} :: synonym of negli anni
con gli anni {prep} :: synonym of col tempo
conglobamento {m} :: combination, acquisition, merger (of companies etx)
conglobante {v} :: present participle of conglobare
conglobare {vt} :: To combine, to incorporate
conglobazione {f} :: combination
conglomerante {v} :: present participle of conglomerare
conglomerare {vt} :: to amass, conglomerate, lump together
conglomerato {m} :: conglomerate, conglomeration
conglomerato {m} :: concrete
conglomerazione {f} :: conglomeration
conglutinamento {m} :: conglutination
conglutinante {v} :: present participle of conglutinare
conglutinantesi {v} :: present participle of conglutinarsi
conglutinare {vt} :: to conglutinate
conglutinarsi {v} :: reflexive of conglutinare
conglutinarsi {v} :: to conglutinate, cohere (stick together)
conglutinatosi {v} :: past participle of conglutinarsi
conglutinazione {f} :: conglutination
Congo {n} /ˈkon.ɡo/ :: Congo (river)
Congo {n} :: Congo (region)
Congo {n} :: Congo (country)
Congo-Brazzaville {prop} :: Congo-Brazzaville
Congo-Kinshasa {prop} :: Congo-Kinshasa
congolese {adj} :: Congolese
congolese {mf} :: Congolese
congratulante {v} :: present participle of congratulare
congratulantesi {v} :: present participle of congratularsi
congratulare {vi} :: to express congratulations
congratularsi {v} :: reflexive of congratulare
congratularsi {vr} :: to congratulate
congratulatorio {adj} :: congratulatory
congratulatosi {v} :: past participle of congratularsi
congratulazione {f} :: congratulations
congratulazioni {interj} :: congratulations!
congrega {f} :: gang
congregabile {adj} :: sociable
congregante {v} :: present participle of congregare
congregantesi {v} :: present participle of congregarsi
congregare {vt} :: To congregate
congregarsi {vr} :: To congregate
congregatosi {v} :: past participle of congregarsi
congregazionalismo {m} :: Congregationalism
congregazionalista {mf} :: Congregationalist
congregazione {f} :: congregation
congregazionista {mf} :: member of a congregation
congressista {mf} :: participant at a congress
congresso {m} /konˈɡrɛs.so/ :: conference, meeting, congress
congressuale {adj} :: congressional
congruamente {adv} :: suitably, adequately, congruously
congruamente {adv} [mathematics] :: congruently
congruente {adj} :: congruent
congruentemente {adv} :: congruently
congruenza {f} :: coherence, consistency
congruenza {f} :: congruence
congruità {f} :: fairness
congruità {f} :: coherency
congruità {f} :: consistency
congruo {adj} :: adequate, fair
congruo {adj} :: coherent, consistent
conguagliante {v} :: present participle of conguagliare
conguagliare {v} :: to balance (accounts)
conguaglio {m} :: adjustment, balance
coniabile {adj} :: coinable
coniante {v} :: present participle of coniare
coniare {vt} :: to mint (coinage)
coniare {vt} :: to strike (medals)
coniare {vt} :: to coin (words)
coniatore {m} :: coiner
coniatura {f} :: coinage, mintage
coniazione {f} :: coinage, mintage
conicità {f} :: conicality
conico {adj} :: conical
conidiale {adj} [botany] :: conidial
conidio {m} [mycology] :: conidium
conidioforo {m} [botany] :: conidiophore
conidiospora {f} [botany] :: conidiospore
conifera {f} :: conifer
coniferilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: coniferyl
conifero {adj} :: coniferous
coniglia {f} /koˈniʎʎa/ :: doe, female rabbit
conigliaia {f} :: rabbit hutch
coniglicoltore {m} :: rabbit breeder
coniglicoltura {f} :: rabbit breeding
conigliera {f} :: rabbit hutch
coniglieria {f} :: timidity
coniglieria {f} :: cowardice
coniglietta {f} /koniʎˈʎetta/ :: bunny girl
coniglietto {m} /koniʎˈʎetto/ :: bunny, bunny rabbit
coniglio {m} /koˈniʎ.ʎo/ :: rabbit (animal, meat)
coniglio {m} :: buck (male rabbit)
coniglio di grondaia {m} :: gutter rabbit (cat flesh passed off as rabbit)
con il senno di poi {n} :: in / with hindsight
con il senno di poi {n} :: with the wisdom of hindsight
con intenzione {adv} :: intentionally, on purpose
conio {m} :: coining
conio {m} :: die or stamp (for minting etc)
coniugabile {adj} [grammar] :: conjugable
coniugale {adj} :: marriage (attribute), married, marital, conjugal
coniugalmente {adv} :: maritally, conjugally, as a married couple
coniugante {v} :: present participle of coniugare
coniugantesi {v} :: present participle of coniugarsi
coniugare {vt} [grammar] :: to conjugate, inflect
coniugare {vt} :: to marry, wed
coniugare {vt} :: to combine
coniugarsi {v} :: reflexive of coniugare
coniugarsi {v} [grammar] :: to conjugate
coniugarsi {v} [figuratively] :: to go together with, accompany
coniugarsi {v} :: to get married, marry
coniugata {f} :: married woman
coniugatione {f} :: obsolete spelling of coniugazione
coniugato {adj} :: married
coniugato {adj} [chemistry] :: conjugated
coniugato {adj} [physics, mathematics, botany] :: conjugate
coniugato {m} :: married man
coniugatosi {v} :: past participle of coniugarsi
coniugazione {f} [grammar] :: conjugation, inflection
coniuge {mf} :: spouse, consort, husband, wife
coniuge {mf} :: (plural) married couple, husband and wife
coniugio {m} :: matrimony
coniugio {m} [mathematics] :: conjugacy (relationship of a complex number with its complex conjugate)
coniza {f} :: synonym of baccherina
conizzazione {f} [surgery] :: cone biopsy, conization
conjugatione {f} :: obsolete spelling of coniugazione
con l'aiuto di {prep} :: thanks to
con l'aiuto di {prep} :: by way of
con l'andare del tempo {prep} :: as the years roll by, as time goes by, over time, with the passage of time
con le mani nel sacco {adv} :: red-handed
con le unghie e con i denti {adv} :: tooth and nail
connato {adj} :: connate (all senses)
connaturale {adj} :: connatural, innate
connaturalità {f} :: connaturality
connaturante {v} :: present participle of connaturare
connaturantesi {v} :: present participle of connaturarsi
connaturare {vt} :: To make something natural or second nature
connaturarsi {vr} :: To become natural or second nature
connaturatamente {adv} :: connaturally, innately
connaturato {adj} :: connatural, innate, inborn, second nature
connaturatosi {v} :: past participle of connaturarsi
connazionale {adj} :: compatriotic
connazionale {mf} :: compatriot, fellow countryman
Connecticut {prop} /konˈnɛk.ti.kat/ :: Connecticut (state)
connescione {f} :: alternative form of connessione
connessione {f} /kon.nesˈsjo.ne/ :: connection, connexion, association, link
connessione {f} :: joint, juncture, join, link
connessionista {adj} :: connectionist
connessionista {mf} :: connectionist
connesso {adj} :: connected, associated, linked, related
connesso {adj} :: jointed, joined, linked
connestabile {m} :: Variant of conestabile
connettente {v} :: present participle of connettere
connettentesi {v} :: present participle of connettersi
connettere {vt} :: to connect, to join, to link, (figuratively also) to associate
connettere {vt} :: to think straight
connettersi {v} :: reflexive of connettere
connettersi {vr} :: to connect, hook
connettersi {vr} :: to be connected, to be linked, to be related
connettivale {adj} :: connective, connectival
connettività {f} :: connectivity
connettivite {f} [pathology] :: inflammation of the connective tissue
connettivo {adj} :: connective
connettore {m} :: connector
connettore a coccodrillo {m} :: crocodile clip
connivente {adj} :: conniving
connivenza {f} :: connivance
conno {m} /ˈkon.no/ :: vulva
connotante {v} :: present participle of connotare
connotare {vt} :: To connote
connotativo {adj} [linguistics] :: connotative
connotato {m} :: distinguishing mark
connotazione {f} :: connotation
connubio {m} :: marriage
connubio {m} :: union
connumerante {v} :: present participle of connumerare
connumerare {vt} :: To connumerate
connumerazione {f} :: connumeration
cono {m} /ˈkɔ.no/ :: cone (all senses)
conocchia {f} :: distaff (for spinning yarn)
cono gelato {m} :: ice cream cone
conoidale {adj} [geometry] :: conoidal
conoide {m} [geometry] :: conoid
conoscente {mf} :: acquaintance
conoscentesi {v} :: present participle of conoscersi
conoscenza {f} :: knowledge, cognition
conoscenza {f} :: acquaintance
conoscenza {f} :: consciousness
conoscer {v} :: apocopic form of conoscere
conoscere {vtt} /koˈnoʃere/ :: to know [a person or place], to meet [a person], experience
conoscere {vt} :: to recognise
conoscere i propri polli {v} :: to know who one is dealing with or know how to judge people
conoscere i propri polli {v} :: to know people
conoscersi {v} :: reflexive of conoscere
conoscersi {vr} :: to know oneself
conoscersi {vr} :: to know each other, know one another
conoscersi {vr} :: to meet
conoscibile {adj} :: knowable, cognizable
conoscibilità {f} :: knowability
conoscitivo {adj} :: cognitive
conoscitivo {adj} :: fact-finding, investigative
conoscitor {m} :: apocopic form of conoscitore
conoscitore {m} :: connoisseur, expert
conoscitrice {f} :: female equivalent of conoscitore
conosciutissimo {adj} :: superlative of conosciuto
conosciuto {adj} :: known
conosciuto {adj} :: well-known
conosciuto {m} [singular only] :: the known, that which is known (in philosophy)
conosciutosi {v} :: past participle of conoscersi
conquibus {m} [humorous, colloquial] /konˈkwi.bus/ :: wherewithal, cash
conquista {f} :: conquest, seizure, capture
conquista {f} :: attainment, achievement, breakthrough, gain
conquista {f} :: catch (A find, in particular a boyfriend or girlfriend or prospective spouse)
conquistabile {adj} :: conquerable
conquistante {v} :: present participle of conquistare
conquistantesi {v} :: present participle of conquistarsi
conquistare {vt} /kon.kwisˈta.re/ :: to conquer, capture
conquistare {vt} :: to attain, get, win, achieve
conquistarsi {vr} :: To achieve or obtain something through hard work or sacrifice
conquistatore {adj} :: conquering
conquistatore {m} :: conqueror, vanquisher
conquistatore {m} :: lady-killer
conquistatosi {v} :: past participle of conquistarsi
conquistatrice {f} :: female equivalent of conquistatore
conquistatrice {f} :: man-eater, femme fatale
conradiano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to, characteristic of, associated with, or suggestive of Joseph Conrad, his works, or his authorship
con rispetto parlando {v} :: to pardon my French, excuse my French
consacrabile {adj} :: That can be consecrated
consacrando {m} [religion] /kon.saˈkran.do/ :: One who is to be ordained
consacrante {v} :: present participle of consacrare
consacrantesi {v} :: present participle of consacrarsi
consacrare {vt} :: to consecrate
consacrare {vt} :: to ordain
consacrare {vt} :: to anoint
consacrare {vt} :: to establish
consacrare {vt} :: to devote
consacrarsi {vr} :: To dedicate oneself (to)
consacratore {m} :: consecrator
consacratosi {v} :: past participle of consacrarsi
consacrazione {f} :: consecration
consacrazione {f} :: ordination
consacrazione {f} :: anointing
consanguinea {f} :: blood relative (female)
consanguineità {f} :: consanguinity, blood relation
consanguineo {adj} /kon.sanˈɡwi.ne.o/ :: consanguineous
consanguineo {m} :: blood relative
consanguineo {m} :: sibling
consapevole {adj} /ˌkon.saˈpe.vo.le/ :: aware, conscious, acquainted
consapevolezza {f} :: consciousness, awareness
consapevolizzante {v} :: present participle of consapevolizzare
consapevolizzantesi {v} :: present participle of consapevolizzarsi
consapevolizzare {vt} :: to make aware
consapevolizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of consapevolizzare
consapevolizzarsi {vr} :: to become aware
consapevolizzatosi {v} :: past participle of consapevolizzarsi
consapevolizzazione {f} :: The act of becoming aware
consapevolizzazione {f} :: The act of making aware
consapevolmente {adv} :: consciously
consciamente {adv} :: consciously, knowingly, deliberately
conscienza {f} :: alternative form of coscienza
conscio {adj} :: conscious, aware
conscio {m} :: the conscious
consecutio temporum {f} [grammar] /kon.seˌkut.tsjo ˈtɛm.po.rum/ :: consecutio temporum, sequence of tenses
consecutivamente {adv} :: consecutively
consecutivista {mf} :: consecutive translator
consecutivo {adj} :: consecutive
consecutivo {adj} :: following, next
consecutivo {adj} :: contiguous
consecuzione {f} :: consecution, succession
consegna {f} :: delivery, handover, consignment
consegna {f} [military] :: orders, confinement to barracks
consegna {f} [figuratively] :: confusion, mix up
consegna {f} :: request of an exercise
consegnabile {adj} :: deliverable
consegnante {v} :: present participle of consegnare
consegnantesi {v} :: present participle of consegnarsi
consegnare {vt} :: to give, hand, hand over, hand out
consegnare {vt} :: to deliver, consign, drop off
consegnare {vt} :: to commit, entrust
consegnarsi {v} :: reflexive of consegnare
consegnarsi {v} :: to surrender, give oneself up, hand oneself over
consegnataria {f} :: female equivalent of consegnatario
consegnatario {m} :: consignee
consegnatario {m} [legal] :: trustee, bailee, receiver
consegnato {adj} :: delivered
consegnato {adj} :: submitted
consegnato {adj} :: confined to barracks
consegnato {m} :: A soldier who is confined to barracks
consegnatorio {m} :: consignee
consegnatosi {v} :: past participle of consegnarsi
conseguente {v} :: present participle of conseguire
conseguente {adj} :: consequent
conseguentemente {adv} :: consequently
conseguentemente {adv} :: successively
conseguenza {f} /kon.seˈɡwɛn.t͡sa/ :: consequence
conseguenziale {adj} :: Variant of consequenziale
conseguenzialità {f} :: consequentiality (Variant of consequenziale)
conseguenzialmente {adv} :: consequently
conseguibile {adj} :: achievable, attainable, obtainable
conseguibilità {f} :: attainability, achievability
conseguimento {m} :: achievement, attainment
conseguire {vt} /kon.seˈɡwi.re/ :: to achieve, to attain, to get, to gain
conseguire {vi} :: to follow, to ensue
consenso {m} :: consent, assent, agreement, permission
consenso {m} :: approval, success
consensuale {adj} :: consensual (by mutual consent or consensus)
consensualità {f} :: consensual character
consensualmente {adv} :: consensually (by mutual consent)
consentaneità {f} :: consentaneity, consentaneousness
consentaneo {adj} :: consentaneous
consentente {v} :: present participle of consentire
consententesi {v} :: present participle of consentirsi
consentibile {adj} :: allowable, admissible, permissible
consentire {vi} :: to agree, to assent, to consent
consentire {vt} :: to allow, to let, to give, to enable
consentire {vt} :: to admit, to allow
consentirsi {v} :: reflexive of consentire
consentirsi {vr} :: to allow or permit oneself to do something
consentirsi {vr} :: to treat oneself to something
consentitosi {v} :: past participle of consentirsi
consenziente {adj} :: consenting, consentient
consenzientemente {adv} :: consentingly
consequenziale {adj} :: consequential
consequenzialità {f} :: consequentiality
consequenzialmente {adv} :: alternative form of conseguenzialmente
conserto {adj} :: intertwined
conserva {f} [foods] /konˈsɛr.va/ :: conserve
conserva {f} [foods] :: preserve
conservabile {adj} :: preservable
conservabilità {f} :: The capability of being preserved
conservante {v} :: present participle of conservare
conservante {adj} :: preservative
conservante {m} :: A preservative
conservantesi {v} :: present participle of conservarsi
conservare {v} :: to keep, preserve, retain, conserve, hold, save
conservare {v} :: to cherish, treasure, keep
conservare {v} :: [of food] to preserve, bottle, can, tin, pot
conservarsi {v} :: reflexive of conservare
conservarsi {vr} :: to keep [of food]
conservarsi {vr} :: to remain, stay [in the same state]
conservativamente {adv} :: conservatively
conservatività {f} :: conservativeness
conservativo {adj} :: conservative (all senses)
conservativo {m} :: conservative (all senses)
conservatore {adj} :: conservative
conservatore {m} :: curator (of a museum, archive etc)
conservatore {m} :: librarian
conservatore {m} :: Conservative
conservatoria {f} :: The office of a conservator
conservatoria {f} :: A conservation agency
conservatorio {m} :: conservatory, conservatoire (music academy)
conservatorismo {m} :: conservatism (in politics)
conservatosi {v} :: past participle of conservarsi
conservatrice {f} :: female equivalent of conservatore
conservazione {f} :: preservation
conservazione {f} :: conservation
conservazione {f} :: shelf life
conservazionismo {m} :: conservationism
conservazionista {adj} :: conservationist
conservazionista {mf} :: conservationist
conserviero {adj} :: conservation (of food, attributive (especially used of the canning industry))
conservificio {m} :: cannery, canning factory
consesso {m} :: assembly, meeting
considerabile {adj} :: Worthy of consideration
considerabilità {f} :: Worthiness of consideration
considerabilmente {adv} :: considerably
considerante {v} :: present participle of considerare
considerantesi {v} :: present participle of considerarsi
considerare {v} :: to consider, to examine, to weigh, to contemplate
considerare {v} :: to consider, to keep in mind, to bear in mind, to take into consideration the fact that
considerare {v} :: to consider, to look upon, to think of somebody as, to hold + adjective
considerare {v} :: to provide for
considerare {v} :: to take into account
considerarsi {v} :: reflexive of considerare
considerarsi {v} :: to consider oneself, regard oneself as, hold oneself
consideratamente {adv} :: prudently, cautiously, carefully
consideratezza {f} :: care, caution
consideratezza {f} :: circumspection, deliberation
considerato {adj} :: prudent, cautious, careful
considerato {adj} :: esteemed
consideratosi {v} :: past participle of considerarsi
considerazione {f} :: [reflection] consideration, reflection, thought
considerazione {f} :: [regard, esteem] consideration, notice, regard, esteem, reputation, account
considerazione {f} :: [comment, thought] remark, comment, thought
considerevole {adj} /kon.si.deˈre.vo.le/ :: considerable
considerevolmente {adv} :: considerably
consigliabile {adj} :: advisable
consigliante {v} :: present participle of consigliare
consigliantesi {v} :: present participle of consigliarsi
consigliare {vt} :: to advise, suggest, recommend, counsel
consigliare {adj} [rare] :: alternative form of consiliare
consigliarsi {v} :: reflexive of consigliare
consigliarsi {v} :: to ask for (somebody's) advice, consult, seek advice, advice with
consigliatissimo {adj} :: superlative of consigliato
consigliato {adj} :: recommended
consigliatosi {v} :: past participle of consigliarsi
consigliera {f} :: female equivalent of consigliere
consigliere {mf} /kon.siʎˈʎɛ.re/ :: adviser
consigliere {mf} :: councillor
consiglio {m} :: advice, counsel
consiglio {m} :: council (assembly)
consiglio di amministrazione {m} :: board of directors, board
Consiglio di sicurezza {prop} :: alternative spelling of Consiglio di Sicurezza
Consiglio di Sicurezza {prop} :: Security Council
Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite {prop} :: alternative spelling of Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite
Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite {prop} :: UN Security Council
consigliori {m} :: In the jargon of Italian-American mafia, a trusted advisor to the head of a family, especially as an expert in the legal system and in methods to circumvent it
consiliare {adj} /kon.siˈlia.re/ :: council [attributive]
consiliare {adj} :: board [attributive]
consiliatura {f} :: The term in effect of a council or similar assembly
consimile {adj} :: very similar
consimile {adj} :: analogous
consistente {adj} :: solid, substantial, firm, stiff, thick
consistente {adj} :: substantial, sizeable
consistente {adj} :: convincing, sound, valid
consistente {adj} :: consistent
consistentemente {adv} :: substantially
consistentemente {adv} :: thickly
consistentemente {adv} :: solidly
consistentemente {adv} :: soundly
consistenza {f} :: consistency
consistenza {f} :: texture
consistere {vi} :: to hold together, to last, to endure
consistere {v} [with di] :: to consist of
consistere {v} [with in] :: to entail
consobrino {m} /kon.soˈbri.no/ :: (male) cousin
consocia {f} :: female equivalent of consocio
consociabile {adj} :: associable
consociante {v} :: present participle of consociare
consociantesi {v} :: present participle of consociarsi
consociare {vt} :: To associate, to group
consociarsi {vr} :: To associate
consociata {f} :: subsidiary, subsidiary company
consociata {f} :: female equivalent of consociato
consociativismo {m} [politics] :: consociationalism
consociato {adj} :: associated
consociato {m} :: partner, associate
consociatosi {v} :: past participle of consociarsi
consociazione {f} :: association, consociation
consociazione {f} :: partnership
consociazione {f} [agriculture] :: intercropping
consociazionismo {m} [politics] :: consociationalism
consocio {m} :: partner, fellow member
consolabile {adj} :: consolable; able to be comforted
consolante {v} :: present participle of consolare
consolante {adj} :: consoling, comforting
consolantesi {v} :: present participle of consolarsi
consolare {adj} :: consular
consolare {vt} :: to console, comfort
consolarsi {v} :: reflexive of consolare
consolarsi {v} :: to console oneself
consolato {adj} :: consoled, comforted
consolato {m} :: consulate
consolatore {adj} :: consoling, comforting
consolatore {m} :: consoler, comforter
consolatorio {adj} :: consolatory, consoling
consolatosi {v} :: past participle of consolarsi
consolatrice {f} :: female equivalent of consolatore
consolazione {f} :: consolation
consolazione {f} :: comfort
console {m} /ˈkɔn.so.le/ :: consul
console {f} /konˈsɔl/ :: console, specifically:
console {f} :: A stand-alone cabinet designed to stand on the floor; especially, one that houses home entertainment equipment
console {f} [video games] :: A device dedicated to playing video games
consolida {f} :: comfrey
consolidamento {m} :: consolidation
consolidante {v} :: present participle of consolidare
consolidantesi {v} :: present participle of consolidarsi
consolidare {vt} :: to consolidate
consolidarsi {v} :: reflexive of consolidare
consolidarsi {v} :: to consolidate, strengthen
consolidatissimo {adj} :: superlative of consolidato
consolidato {adj} :: consolidated
consolidatore {m} :: consolidator
consolidatosi {v} :: past participle of consolidarsi
consolidazione {f} :: consolidation
consolista {mf} [computing] :: console or VDU operator
consolle {f} :: console (computer etc)
consolle {f} :: panel
consommé {m} :: consommé
consonante {adj} /konsoˈnante/ :: consonant, accordant
consonante {f} :: consonant
consonantico {adj} :: consonant (attributive)
consonantismo {m} :: consonantism
consonantizzazione {f} :: consonantization, consonantizing
consonanza {f} [music] :: consonance
consono {adj} :: consistent, consonant, fit, in keeping with
consorella {f} :: sister (in the same institution)
consorella {adj} :: sister (attributive)
consorte {mf} :: (male) husband, consort, spouse
consorte {mf} :: (female) wife, consort, spouse
consorteria {f} :: clique
consortile {adj} :: consortium, cooperative (attributive)
consorziale {adj} /kon.sorˈtsja.le/ :: consortial
consorzialmente {adv} :: consortially (as or by a consortium)
consorziante {v} :: present participle of consorziare
consorziantesi {v} :: present participle of consorziarsi
consorziare {vt} :: To organize into a group, or to form a consortium
consorziarsi {vr} :: To form a consortium
consorziatosi {v} :: past participle of consorziarsi
consorzio {m} /konˈsɔrtsjo/ :: consortium
consostanziale {adj} :: consubstantial (Variant of consustanziale)
consostanzialità {f} :: consubstantiality (Variant of consustanzialità)
consotante {f} :: consonant
consotante {v} :: present participle of consonare
consovranità {f} :: co-sovereignty
conspargente {v} :: present participle of conspargere
conspargere {v} :: Variant of cospargere
conspecifico {adj} :: conspecific
conspecifico {m} :: conspecific
conspergente {v} :: present participle of conspergere
conspergere {v} :: Variant of cospergere
conspetto {m} :: alternative form of cospetto
constante {v} :: present participle of constare
constare {vi} :: (with di) to consist (of), to be composed (of)
constare {vi} [impersonal] :: to know, to be known
constatabile {adj} :: certifiable
constatante {v} :: present participle of constatare
constatare {vt} :: to certify, ascertain
constatare {vt} :: to see, observe, notice, note
constatato {adj} :: certified
constatazione {f} :: observation (comment)
constringente {v} :: present participle of constringere
constringere {vt} :: Variant of costringere
construente {v} :: present participle of construire
construire {vt} [obsolete] :: Variant of costruire
construzione {f} [obsolete] :: Variant of costruzione
con successo {adv} :: successfully
consuetamente {adv} :: usually, habitually, ordinarily, customarily
consueto {adj} /kon.suˈɛto/ :: usual, habitual, ordinary, customary
consuetudinariamente {adv} :: usually, habitually
consuetudinariamente {adv} :: consuetudinarily
consuetudinario {adj} :: usual, habitual
consuetudinario {adj} :: consuetudinary
consuetudine {f} /kon.sueˈtu.di.ne/ :: custom, habit
consuetudine {f} :: custom, tradition, usage, rule
consulente {m} :: consultant, adviser
consulente {adj} :: consulting
consulenza {f} :: consultancy
consulenza {f} :: advice
consulta {f} :: conference, consultation
consulta {f} :: council
Consulta {prop} :: A building in Rome, Italy hosting the Constitutional Court
consultabile {adj} :: That can be consulted; consultable
consultabilità {f} :: Property of being consultable
consultante {v} :: present participle of consultare
consultantesi {v} :: present participle of consultarsi
consultare {vt} :: to consult, see, advise with
consultare {vt} :: to retrieve, look up in, consult, refer to
consultarsi {v} :: reflexive of consultare
consultarsi {v} :: to consult, advice with, seek the advice of, confer with
consultarsi {v} :: to consult together, confer
consultatosi {v} :: past participle of consultarsi
consultazione {f} :: consultation
consultazione {f} :: reference
consultazione {f} [in the plural, politics] :: talks, discussions
consultazione {f} :: conference, meeting
consultivo {adj} :: consultative, advisory
consulto {m} :: consultation
consultore {m} :: consultant
consultorio {m} :: clinic
consultorio {m} :: consulting room
consumabile {adj} :: consumable
consumante {v} :: present participle of consumare
consumantesi {v} :: present participle of consumarsi
consumare {vt} :: to consume, use, use up, wear out, burn
consumare {vt} :: to waste, dissipate, spend, get through
consumare {vt} :: to eat, drink, order
consumare {vt} :: to commit, consummate
consumarsi {v} :: reflexive of consumare
consumarsi {v} :: to wear out, burn
consumarsi {v} [of a person] :: to long, pine, be consumed
consumato {adj} :: spent
consumato {adj} :: worn (clothing)
consumato {adj} :: accomplished (at a skill)
consumatore {m} :: consumer
consumatore {m} :: customer
consumatosi {v} :: past participle of consumarsi
consumatrice {f} :: female equivalent of consumatore
consumazione {f} :: consummation (all senses)
consumazione {f} :: drink or food consumed at a bar
consumazione {f} :: Holy Communion
consumazione {f} :: completion, fulfilment
consumere {vt} :: to be exhausted
consumerismo {m} :: consumerism
consumismo {m} :: consumerism
consumista {adj} :: consumerist, consumeristic, consumer (attributive)
consumista {mf} :: consumerist
consumisticamente {adv} :: consumeristically
consumistico {adj} :: consumerist, consumeristic, consumer (attributive)
consumo {m} :: consumption, use, expenditure, wear
consuntamente {adv} :: shabbily
consuntivo {adj} :: final
consuntivo {adj} :: bottom line (attributive)
consuntivo {m} [accounting] :: balance sheet, final balance
consuntivo {m} [figuratively] :: survey, balance
consunto {adj} :: worn out
consunto {adj} :: shabby
consunto {adj} :: wasted
consunzione {f} :: consumption
consuocera {f} :: son's mother-in-law, daughter 's mother-in-law
consuocero {m} :: one's son's father-in-law, one's daughter 's father-in-law (co-father-in-law)
consuocero {m} [in the plural] :: one's son's in-laws, one's daughter's in-laws. The relationship of people whose children have married each other
consustanziale {adj} :: consubstantial
consustanzialità {f} :: consubstantiality
consustanziazione {f} :: consubstantiation
conta {f} :: count, counting
conta {f} :: counting-out game
contaballe {mf} :: bullshitter (person who tells stupid lies)
contabile {adj} :: book-keeping
contabile {mf} :: bookkeeper
contabile {mf} :: accountant
contabilità {f} :: accountancy
contabilità {f} :: accounting, bookkeeping
contabilità {f} [in the plural] :: books, accounts
contabilizzante {v} :: present participle of contabilizzare
contabilizzare {vt} :: to enter, record, calculate
contabilizzazione {f} :: accounting
contabilmente {adv} :: regarding bookkeeping
contachilometri {m} :: odometer, mileometer
contadina {f} :: (female) peasant, farmer, countrywoman
contadinella {f} :: young countrywoman
contadinesco {adj} :: country (attributive), rural
contadinesco {adj} :: oafish, boorish
contadino {m} :: peasant, farmer, bond
contadino {adj} :: rural, country
contadinotto {m} :: peasant
contado {m} [historical] /konˈta.do/ :: county (territory of a count)
contado {m} [historical, Middle Ages] :: Territory under the jurisdiction of a comune
contado {m} :: The countryside surrounding a city; the inhabitants of such countryside
contafili {m} :: counting glass
contafotogrammi {m} [photography] :: frame counter
contafrottole {mf} :: fibber
contagiante {v} :: present participle of contagiare
contagiare {vt} :: to infect
contagiato {adj} :: infected
contagio {m} :: contagion
contagio {m} :: disease, epidemic
contagiosamente {adv} :: infectiously
contagiosamente {adv} :: contagiously
contagiosità {f} :: infectiousness
contagiosità {f} :: contagiousness
contagioso {adj} :: infectious
contagioso {adj} :: contagious
contagiri {m} :: rev counter, tachometer
contagocce {m} :: dropper (utensil)
container {m} :: (cargo) container (a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods)
containerizzante {v} :: present participle of containerizzare
containerizzare {v} :: to containerize
containerizzato {adj} :: containerized
containerizzazione {f} :: containerization
contaminabile {adj} :: contaminable; pollutable
contaminante {adj} :: contaminative
contaminantesi {v} :: present participle of contaminarsi
contaminare {vt} :: to contaminate, pollute, infect, corrupt, taint, spike
contaminarsi {v} :: reflexive of contaminare
contaminarsi {vr} :: to become contaminated
contaminarsi {vr} :: to get dirty
contaminato {adj} :: contaminated, tainted
contaminato {adj} :: tarnished
contaminato {adj} :: corrupted
contaminatore {adj} :: contaminating
contaminatore {m} :: contaminator, polluter
contaminatosi {v} :: past participle of contaminarsi
contaminazione {f} :: contamination
contaminazione {f} :: infection
contaminazione {f} :: influence
contaminuti {m} :: timer
contanastro {m} :: tape counter
contante {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: cash, ready cash, money
contante {adj} [attributive] :: cash
contante {v} :: present participle of contare
contantesi {v} :: present participle of contarsi
contapassi {m} :: pedometer
contapose {m} [photography] :: exposure counter, frame counter
Contardo {prop} :: given name
contare {vt} /konˈtare/ :: to count
contare {vt} :: to include
contare {vt} :: to tell (a story)
contare {vi} :: to count, to matter
contare {vi} :: to count on someone
contare su {v} :: to rely
contare su {v} :: to depend
contarighe {m} :: line counter (on a typewriter)
Contarini {prop} :: surname
Contarini {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
contarsela {v} :: to chat at length; to have a chinwag
contarsi {v} :: reflexive of contare
contarsi {vr} :: to count up [e.g. to verify everyone is present]
contarsi {vr} :: to keep count
contascatti {m} :: telephone meter
contasecondi {m} :: stopwatch
contastorie {mf} :: liar, fibber
contatore {m} :: meter (metering device)
contatore {m} :: counter
contatore Geiger {m} :: Geiger counter
contatosi {v} :: past participle of contarsi
contattabile {adj} :: contactable
contattabilità {f} :: Quality of being contactable
contattante {v} :: present participle of contattare
contattantesi {v} :: present participle of contattarsi
contattare {vt} :: to contact, to get in touch with
contattarsi {vr} :: To get in contact
contattatosi {v} :: past participle of contattarsi
contatto {m} :: contact (all senses)
contattologia {f} :: The study of contact lenses
contattologo {m} :: contact lens optician or specialist
contattore {m} :: contactor (relay)
conte {m} :: count (rank)
conte {m} :: earl
Conte {prop} :: surname
Conte {prop} :: Antonio Conte, Italian football trainer
contea {f} [historical] /konˈtɛ.a/ :: county (territory of a count or countess)
contea {f} :: earldom
contea {f} :: county (administrative region)
conteggiante {v} :: present participle of conteggiare
conteggiare {vt} :: to work out, reckon
conteggiare {vt} :: to count, calculate
conteggio {m} :: reckoning, calculation, computation, count, counting
conteggio {m} :: count (boxing)
conteggio alla rovescia {m} :: countdown
contegno {m} :: behaviour
contegno {m} :: composure
contegnosamente {adv} :: composedly, reservedly
contegnoso {adj} :: composed, reserved, dignified
contemnendo {adj} /kon.temˈnɛn.do/ :: alternative form of contennendo
contemperamento {m} :: adaptation
contemperamento {m} :: moderation, mitigation
contemperante {v} :: present participle of contemperare
contemperanza {f} :: adaptation
contemperanza {f} :: moderation, mitigation
contemperare {vt} :: To adapt or make fit
contemperare {vt} :: To moderate or mitigate
contemplabile {adj} :: contemplatable
contemplante {v} :: present participle of contemplare
contemplante {adj} :: contemplative
contemplantesi {v} :: present participle of contemplarsi
contemplare {vt} :: to admire, contemplate
contemplare {vt} :: to contemplate, consider
contemplarsi {vr} :: To contemplate oneself, to admire oneself
contemplativamente {adv} :: contemplatively
contemplativo {adj} :: contemplative
contemplatore {m} :: contemplator
contemplatore {adj} :: contemplating
contemplatosi {v} :: past participle of contemplarsi
contemplatrice {f} :: feminine noun of contemplatore
contemplazione {f} :: contemplation
contempo {m} :: meantime, meanwhile
contemporanea {f} :: female equivalent of contemporaneo
contemporaneamente {adv} :: simultaneously, at the same time
contemporaneità {f} :: contemporaneity
contemporaneo {adj} :: contemporary
contemporaneo {adj} :: contemporaneous, concurrent (to)
contemporaneo {m} :: contemporary
contenato {m} :: concestor (most recent common ancestor)
contendente {adj} :: rival, contending
contendente {mf} :: rival, adversary
contendente {v} :: present participle of contendere
contendentesi {v} :: present participle of contendersi
contendere {vt} :: to contend, to dispute
contendersi {vr} :: To contend, to compete, to dispute
contendevole {adj} :: contentious
contendevolmente {adv} :: contentiously
contendutosi {v} :: past participle of contendersi
contenente {v} :: present participle of contenere
contenente {adj} :: containing
contenente {m} :: contents
contenentesi {v} :: present participle of contenersi
contenere {vt} :: to contain
contenersi {v} :: reflexive of contenere
contenersi {vr} :: to contain oneself, control oneself
contenibile {adj} :: containable
contenimento {m} :: content (something contained)
contenimento {m} :: limit (something limited)
contenitore {m} /kon.te.niˈto.re/ :: container, holder, receptacle
contenitore salvafreschezza {m} :: food storage container (e.g. Tupperware)
contennendo {adj} [literary] /kon.tenˈnɛn.do/ :: despicable, contemptible
contentabile {adj} :: Used in the expressions difficilmente contentabile (difficult to please) and facilmente contentabile (easy to please)
contentamente {adv} :: contentedly, happily
contentamento {m} :: contentment, satisfaction
contentante {v} :: present participle of contentare
contentantesi {v} :: present participle of contentarsi
contentare {vt} /kon.tenˈta.re/ :: To please or satisfy; alternative form of accontentare
contentarsi {vr} :: To content oneself (with) - alternative form of accontentarsi
contentatosi {v} :: past participle of contentarsi
contentatura {f} :: contentment
contentevolmente {adv} :: happily, contentably
contentezza {f} :: happiness, joy, contentment
contentino {m} :: sop
contentissimo {adj} :: superlative of contento
contentivo {m} [medicine] :: truss, support
contento {adj} /konˈtɛn.to/ :: satisfied, pleased
contento {adj} :: content, happy
contento {m} [obsolete] :: That which is contained; content
contento {m} [literary] :: satisfaction, happiness
contento {m} [obsolete] :: scorn, contempt
contenutismo {m} :: An emphasis on content rather than presentation
contenutista {mf} :: A writer or artist who places emphasis on content rather than presentation
contenutisticamente {adv} :: In terms of the content rather than the presentation
contenutistico {adj} :: emphasising content rather than presentation
contenuto {adj} :: restrained, suppressed
contenuto {adj} :: contained
contenuto {m} :: content
contenuto {m} [in the plural] :: contents
contenutosi {v} :: past participle of contenersi
contenzione {f} [medicine] :: immobilization
contenzione {f} [literary] :: contention, quarrel, contest, argument, dispute, debate
contenziosamente {adv} :: contentiously
contenziosità {f} :: contentiousness
contenzioso {adj} :: contentious
contenzioso {m} :: legal department
contenzioso {m} :: cases, causes
conteria {f} [especially, in plural] :: glass or enamel bead used to make necklaces etc
conterminazione {f} :: boundary
contermine {adj} :: bordering
contermine {adj} :: contiguous
conterraneo {m} :: fellow countryman
contesa {f} /konˈte.za/ :: quarrel, argument, dispute
contesa {f} [literary] :: opposition, resistance
conteso {adj} /konˈte.zo/ :: contested
conteso {adj} :: sought after
contessa {f} :: countess
contessere {vt} [literary] /konˈtɛs.se.re/ :: To interweave
contessere {vt} [literary, figurative] :: To put together
contessina {f} :: The daughter of a count
contestabile {adj} :: questionable, disputable
contestabilità {f} :: questionableness
contestante {v} :: present participle of contestare
contestare {vt} :: to contest, challenge, oppose, protest against
contestare {vt} [legal] :: to charge, notify
contestario {m} :: protester
contestataria {f} :: feminine noun of contestatario
contestatario {adj} :: protesting
contestatario {m} :: protester
contestatissimo {adj} :: superlative of contestato
contestato {adj} :: disputed
contestatore {m} :: protester, complainer
contestatore {adj} :: protester (attributive)
contestatore {adj} :: anti-establishment
contestazione {f} :: dispute (legal)
contestazione {f} :: charge (legal)
contesto {m} :: context, setting
contestuale {adj} :: contextual
contestuale {adj} [legal] :: contemporary
contestualità {f} :: simultaneity, contemporaneity
contestualizzante {v} :: present participle of contestualizzare
contestualizzare {vt} :: to contextualize
contestualizzazione {f} :: contextualization
contestualmente {adv} :: contextually
contestualmente {adv} :: contemporarily
contezza {f} :: cognition
contezza {f} :: knowledge
Conti {prop} /ˈkon.ti/ :: surname
contigibile {adj} :: possible, contingent
contiguamente {adv} :: contiguously
contiguità {f} :: proximity
contiguità {f} :: contiguity
contiguo {adj} :: adjoining, adjacent
contiguo {adj} :: contiguous
continentale {adj} :: continental
continentalità {f} :: continentality
continente {m} [geomorphology] /kon.tiˈnɛn.te/ :: continent
continente {m} [geomorphology] :: mainland
continente {adj} :: moderate
continentemente {adv} :: moderately (in a moderate manner)
continenza {f} :: continence
continenza {f} :: moderation
contingentamento {m} :: imposition of a quota system
contingentamento {m} :: rationing
contingentante {v} :: present participle of contingentare
contingentare {vt} :: To place a quota on a product
contingentazione {f} :: imposition of a quota system
contingentazione {f} :: rationing
contingente {v} :: present participle of contingere
contingente {adj} :: contingent
contingente {m} :: contingent
contingente {m} :: quota
contingentemente {adv} :: contingently
contingentismo {m} :: philosophy of contingency; contingentism
contingenza {f} :: contingency
contingenza {f} :: circumstance
contingere {vi} [obsolete] :: to happen, occur
contingibile {adj} :: contingent
contingibilità {f} :: contingency
continuabile {adj} :: That can be continued; continuable
continuamente {adv} /kon.tin.waˈmen.te/ :: continuously, nonstop
continuamente {adv} :: continually
continuante {v} :: present participle of continuare
continuare {v} :: to carry on, to continue
continuatamente {adv} :: continually, ceaselessly, perpetually
continuativamente {adv} :: continuously
continuativo {adj} :: continuative
continuativo {adj} :: permanent
continuativo {adj} :: continuous
continuatore {m} :: A person who continues an activity started by another
continuazione {f} :: continuation, sequel
continuità {f} :: continuity
continuo {adj} /konˈtinwo/ :: continuous
contitolare {mf} :: coowner
conto {m} :: calculation
conto {m} :: account (at a bank etc)
conto {m} :: bill (for a meal, hotel etc)
conto alla rovescia {m} :: countdown
conto bancario {m} :: bank account
conto corrente {m} :: A current account, a checking account
contofondo {m} :: fund account
conto in banca {m} :: bank account
contorcente {v} :: present participle of contorcere
contorcentesi {v} :: present participle of contorcersi
contorcere {vt} :: to twist, contort, wriggle
contorcersi {v} :: reflexive of contorcere
contorcersi {v} :: to writhe, twist, contort
contorcimento {m} :: contortion
contorcutosi {v} :: past participle of contorcersi
contornante {v} :: present participle of contornare
contornante {adj} :: surrounding; bordering
contornantesi {v} :: present participle of contornarsi
contornare {vt} :: To surround or encircle
contornare {vt} :: To skirt
contornarsi {vr} :: To surround oneself (with)
contornatosi {v} :: past participle of contornarsi
contorno {m} :: contour, outline
contorno {m} [side dish, chiefly in the plural] :: vegetables (when served with a meal)
contorsione {f} :: contortion, wriggle
contorsionismo {m} :: art of contortion
contorsionista {mf} :: contortionist
contorsionistico {adj} :: contortionistic, twisting
contortamente {adv} :: twistedly
contortamente {adv} :: tortuously
contorto {adj} :: twisted
contorto {adj} :: tortuous
contorto {adj} :: crooked
contoterzista {mf} :: outsourcer, outside contractor, subcontractor
contra- {prefix} :: contra-
contra {prep} /ˈkontra/ :: obsolete form of contro
contrabbandante {v} :: present participle of contrabbandare
contrabbandare {vt} :: To smuggle
contrabbandiere {m} :: smuggler
contrabbandiere {m} :: moonshiner (of alcoholic beverages)
contrabbando {m} :: smuggling
contrabbando {m} :: contraband
contrabbassista {mf} :: musician who plays the double bass
contrabbasso {m} [musical instruments] :: double bass
contraccambiante {v} :: present participle of contraccambiare
contraccambiare {vt} :: to return, repay, or reciprocate
contraccambiato {adj} :: returned, repaid, reciprocated
contraccambio {m} :: reward, return
contraccettivo {adj} :: contraceptive
contraccettivo {m} :: contraceptive
contraccezione {f} :: contraception, birth control
contraccolpo {m} :: counterblow, rebound
contraccolpo {m} :: kick, recoil
contraccolpo {m} [figuratively] :: repercussion, backlash, consequence
contraccusa {f} :: countercharge (legal)
contrada {f} :: A street of houses
contrada {f} :: (in Siena) A division of the city, approximating a parish or ward, for contention of the Palio
contrada {f} :: land (poetic)
contradale {adj} :: contrada (attributive)
contraddanza {f} :: contradance, contradanse
contraddetto {adj} :: contradicted
contraddettosi {v} :: past participle of contraddirsi
contraddicente {v} :: present participle of contraddire
contraddicentesi {v} :: present participle of contraddirsi
contraddire {vt} :: to contradict
contraddirsi {vr} :: To contradict one another or oneself
contraddistinguente {v} :: present participle of contraddistinguere
contraddistinguere {vt} :: to mark out
contraddistinguere {vt} :: to characterize
contraddistinguersi {v} :: reflexive of contraddistinguere
contraddistinguersi {v} :: (typically with per) to be characterized (by)
contradditore {m} :: contradicter
contradditore {m} :: opposer
contraddittore {m} :: alternative form of contradditore
contraddittoriamente {adv} :: contradictorily
contraddittorietà {f} :: contradiction
contraddittorietà {f} :: inconsistency
contraddittorietà {f} :: confliction
contraddittorio {adj} :: contradictory
contraddittorio {adj} :: inconsistent
contraddittorio {adj} :: conflicting
contraddittorio {m} :: cross-examination
contraddittorio {m} :: debate
contraddizione {f} :: contradiction
contraddizione {f} :: oxymoron
contradicente {v} :: present participle of contradire
contradire {vt} :: alternative form of contraddire
contradizione {f} :: alternative form of contraddizione
contraente {v} :: present participle of contrarre
contraente {adj} :: contracting (law)
contraente {mf} :: Person in a contract
contraerea {f} :: anti-aircraft artillery
contraereo {adj} :: anti-aircraft
contrafagotto {m} [musical instruments, rare] :: double bassoon
Contrafatto {prop} :: surname
contraffacente {v} :: present participle of contraffare
contraffare {vt} :: to forge, counterfeit
contraffare {vt} :: to disguise one's voice
contraffare {vt} :: to adulterate wine, etc
contraffarsi {v} :: reflexive of contraffare
contraffarsi {v} :: to disguise oneself, transform one's image
contraffatto {adj} :: forged, counterfeit
contraffatto {adj} :: disguised (voice etc)
contraffattore {m} :: forger, counterfeiter
contraffazione {f} :: forgery
contraffazione {f} :: forging, counterfeiting
contrafforte {m} :: spur (of rock)
contrafforte {m} :: buttress
contrafforte {m} :: counter (in footwear)
contrafiordalisato {adj} [heraldry] :: counterflory (especially with fleur-de-lys)
contrafiorito {adj} [heraldry] :: counterflory
contraibile {adj} :: contractable
contraibile {adj} :: contractible
contraltare {m} [architecture] :: opposing altar
contraltare {m} [by extension] :: opposing element, opposing view; counterattraction
contraltile {adj} [music] :: contralto (attributive)
contraltista {m} [music] :: countertenor
contralto {m} :: contralto (female)
contralto {m} :: counter-tenor (male)
contrametrico {adj} [music] :: syncopated
contrammiraglio {m} [military rank, nautical] :: rear admiral, rear admiral (upper half)
contrante {v} :: present participle of contrare
contrapasso {m} :: alternative form of contrappasso
contrappasso {m} :: retaliation
contrappasso {m} :: contrapasso
contrappello {m} :: Second roll call (to check the first one)
contrappesante {v} :: present participle of contrappesare
contrappesantesi {v} :: present participle of contrappesarsi
contrappesare {vt} :: To counterbalance
contrappesarsi {vr} :: To counterbalance (each other)
contrappesato {adj} :: counterbalanced
contrappesatosi {v} :: past participle of contrappesarsi
contrappeso {m} :: counterbalance
contrapponente {v} :: present participle of contrapporre
contrapponentesi {v} :: present participle of contrapporsi
contrapponibile {adj} :: opposable
contrapporre {vt} :: To counter, or set something against
contrapporsi {vr} :: To oppose, to contrast, to conflict, to clash
contrapposizione {f} :: contrast, contraposition
contrapposto {adj} :: contrasting
contrapposto {adj} :: opposing, opposed
contrappostosi {v} :: past participle of contrapporsi
contrappuntante {v} :: present participle of contrappuntare
contrappuntare {vt} [music] :: to counterpoint
contrappuntista {mf} [music] :: contrapuntist
contrappuntisticamente {adv} :: contrapuntally
contrappuntistico {adj} [music] :: contrapuntal
contrappunto {m} [music] :: counterpoint
contrare {vt} [bridge] /konˈtra.re/ :: to double
contrare {vt} [boxing] :: to counter
contrare {vt} [football] :: to counter-attack
contrare {vt} [football] :: to block
contrariamente {adv} :: contrary (to)
contrariante {v} :: present participle of contrariare
contrariantesi {v} :: present participle of contrariarsi
contrariare {vt} :: to oppose
contrariare {vt} :: to thwart [a plan]
contrariare {vt} :: to annoy, bother, irritate, disgruntle
contrariarsi {v} :: reflexive of contrariare
contrariarsi {vi} :: to be or get annoyed, bothered, irritated
contrariato {adj} :: annoyed, upset
contrariatosi {v} :: past participle of contrariarsi
contrariazione {f} :: opposition, contrariety
contrarietà {f} :: adversity, misfortune, trouble
contrario {adj} :: contrary, opposite, alien
contrario {adj} :: unfavourable, adverse
contrario {adj} :: unwilling, reluctant
contrario {adj} :: opposed, against
contrario {m} :: opposite, contrary
contrario {m} :: antonym
contrarissimo {adj} :: superlative of contrario
contrarissimo {adj} :: absolutely against; totally against; completely against
contrarissimo {adj} :: very contrary
contrarissimo {adj} :: very unfavourable
contrarmellino {m} [heraldry] :: counter-ermine
contrarre {vt} :: to tense
contrarre {vt} :: to contract, covenant
contrarre {vt} :: to pick up [a habit, etc.]
contrarre {vt} :: to enter into [a pact, etc.]
contrarre {vt} [idiomatic] :: to come down with, contract or get; to show symptoms of a minor illness
contrarsi {v} :: reflexive of contrarre
contrarsi {v} :: to contract
contrassalto {m} :: counterassault
contrassegnante {v} :: present participle of contrassegnare
contrassegnare {vt} :: To mark something, so as to distinguish it from others
contrassegnare {v} :: to monogram
contrassegnarne {v} :: to mark something so as to distinguish it from others; to characterize
contrassegno {m} :: distinguishing mark
contrassegno {adv} :: cash on delivery
contrastabile {adj} :: questionable, contestable
contrastante {v} :: present participle of contrastare
contrastante {adj} :: contrasting
contrastare {vt} :: to oppose, to resist
contrastare {vt} :: to dispute
contrastare {vi} :: to contradict, to contrast, to clash
contrastato {adj} :: opposed, thwarted
contrastato {adj} [photography] :: Having a high contrast
contrastivo {adj} [grammar] :: contrastive
contrasto {m} :: contrast, clash, conflict, disagreement, quarrel, dispute
contrattabile {adj} :: negotiable
contrattaccante {v} :: present participle of contrattaccare
contrattaccare {vt} :: To counter-attack
contrattacco {m} :: counter-attack
contrattamente {adv} :: with contraction
contrattante {v} :: present participle of contrattare
contrattare {vt} :: to negotiate
contrattare {vt} :: to bargain, haggle
contrattazione {f} :: negotiation
contrattazione {f} :: bargaining
contrattempo {m} :: hitch, setback, difficulty
contrattempo {m} [rare] :: interval (between two actions)
contrattempo {m} [music] :: backbeat
contrattile {adj} :: contractile, contractible
contrattilità {f} :: contractility, contractibility
contrattista {mf} :: contract worker
contrattivo {adj} :: contractive
contratto {adj} :: past participle of contrarre
contratto {adj} :: contracted, shrunk, tense
contratto {m} :: contract, agreement, deed
contratto di lavoro {m} :: employment contract
contrattuale {adj} :: contractual
contrattuale {adj} :: bargaining
contrattualismo {m} :: contractualism (politics and law based on a social contract)
contrattualista {adj} :: contractarian
contrattualista {mf} :: contractarian
contrattualistica {f} :: The study of contracts
contrattualistico {adj} :: contractualistic
contrattualizzato {adj} :: contractualized
contrattualizzazione {f} :: contractualization
contrattualmente {adv} :: contractually
contrattura {f} [medicine] :: contracture
contratturale {adj} :: contractural
contravaio {m} :: alternative form of controvaio
contravvalente {v} :: present participle of contravvalere
contravvalere {vit} [obsolete] :: to be equal or equivalent
contravvallazione {f} [military] :: contravallation (Variant of controvallazione)
contravveleno {m} :: antidote
contravveniente {v} :: present participle of contravvenire
contravvenire {vi} :: To contravene
contravvento {adv} :: alternative form of controvento
contravventore {m} :: offender
contravvenzionale {adj} :: contraventional
contravvenzione {f} :: contravention
contravvenzione {f} :: fine
contrazione {f} :: contraction (all senses)
contrazione {f} :: decrease
contribuente {v} :: present participle of contribuire
contribuente {mf} :: taxpayer
contribuire {vi} :: to contribute to, to help
contributivo {adj} :: contributory
contributo {m} :: contribution
contributo {m} :: charge
contributore {m} :: contributor
contributrice {f} :: female equivalent of contributore
contribuzione {f} :: contribution
contrindicazione {f} :: Variant of controindicazione
contristabile {adj} :: That can be saddened
contristamento {m} :: sadness, affliction
contristante {v} :: present participle of contristare
contristantesi {v} :: present participle of contristarsi
contristare {vt} :: to sadden
contristarsi {v} :: reflexive of contristare
contristarsi {v} :: to become sad
contristatosi {v} :: past participle of contristarsi
contristazione {f} :: sadness, affliction
contrito {adj} :: contrite, penitent
contrizione {f} :: contrition, contriteness
contro- {prefix} :: contro-; counter-
contro {prep} /ˈkon.tro/ :: against
contro {adv} :: against
contro {m} :: con
contro {adj} :: [in combination] counter
controaccusa {f} :: countercharge; Variant of contraccusa
controaliseo {m} /kon.tro.a.li.ˈzɛ.o/ :: antitrade (wind)
controanalisi {f} :: counter-analysis
controansa {f} :: loop or coil that turns counter to another
controassemblea {f} :: opposition meeting
controassicurazione {f} :: reinsurance
controazione {f} :: counteraction
controbalzo {m} :: half-volley
controbattente {v} :: present participle of controbattere
controbattere {vt} :: to counterattack or counterstrike
controbattere {vit} :: to answer back; to refute; to rebut
controbatteria {f} :: counterbattery
controbattibile {adj} :: confutable
controbiezione {f} :: counter-objection
controbilanciante {adj} :: countervailing
controbilanciante {v} :: present participle of controbilanciare
controbilanciare {vt} :: To balance or counterbalance
controbilanciare {vt} :: To offset
controbuffè {m} :: Small sideboard
controcampo {m} [physics] :: contrafield
controcampo {m} :: reverse shot, countershot (cinema technique)
controcandidato {m} :: opposition candidate
controcanto {m} [music] :: countermelody
controcarena {f} [nautical] :: A bulge attached to the hull of a ship as an anti-torpedo defense
controcarro {adj} :: antitank
controcassa {f} :: Outer casing, especially of a clock
controcatena {f} :: straining beam, straining piece
controchiave {f} :: duplicate or spare key
controchiave {f} :: skeleton key
controchiglia {f} [nautical] :: keelson
controconio {m} /kon.troˈkɔ.njo/ :: A die or stamp used for the verso of a coin or medal
controcoperta {f} [nautical] :: spar deck
controcorrente {adv} :: against the tide or current
controcredito {m} [legal] :: A subsidiary credit issued in favour of a second beneficiary
controcritica {f} :: countercriticism
controcultura {f} :: counterculture
controcurva {f} :: bend (in the opposite direction)
controdado {m} :: lock nut
controdata {f} :: New or changed date
controdata {f} :: Date on an article of registered post
controdatante {v} :: present participle of controdatare
controdatare {vt} :: to redate (put a new date on)
controdatare {vt} :: to register the date of
controdecreto {m} :: counterdecree
controdeduzione {f} :: counter-deduction
controdichiarazione {f} :: counter statement, counter declaration
controdote {f} :: dowry once given by the groom's to the bride's family
controelettromotrice {adj} [physics] :: counterelectromotive
controesame {m} [legal] :: cross examination
controesempio {m} [logic] :: counterexample
controesodo {m} :: Mass return at the end of summer holidays (usually in August)
controfacciata {f} [architecture] :: counterfacade
controfagottista {mf} :: double bassoon player
controfagotto {m} [musical instruments] :: double bassoon
controfase {f} :: counterphase (condition of being out-of-phase)
controfattuale {adj} :: counterfactual
controfesa {f} [regional] /kon.troˈfe.za/ :: synonym of sottofesa
controffensiva {f} :: counteroffensive
controffensivo {adj} :: counteroffensive (attributive)
controfferta {f} :: counteroffer
controfigura {f} :: double (in films)
controfigura {f} :: stuntman
controfiletto {m} :: sirloin
controfilo {m} :: cross-grain
controfinestra {f} :: double glazing
controfinta {f} :: counterattack (in sports)
controfiocco {m} [nautical] :: flying jib
controfirma {f} :: countersignature
controfirmante {v} :: present participle of controfirmare
controfirmare {vt} :: To countersign
controfirmato {adj} :: countersigned
controfodera {f} :: interlining, interfacing (clothing)
controfondo {m} :: false bottom
controfosso {m} [military] :: countertrench, auxiliary trench
controfuga {f} [music] :: counter-fugue
controfuoco {m} :: backfire
controgambetto {m} :: countergambit
controgaranzia {f} :: counter-security, counterbond
controgioco {m} [chess] :: counterplay
controgirello {m} [Rome] /kon.tro.d͡ʒiˈrɛl.lo/ :: synonym of sottofesa
controguerriglia {f} :: counterinsurgency
controimmagine {f} [mathematics] :: preimage
controimperialismo {m} :: counterimperialism
controimperialista {mf} :: counter-imperialist
controinchiesta {f} :: Second enquiry, investigation etc
controindicante {v} :: present participle of controindicare
controindicare {vt} :: To contraindicate
controindicato {adj} :: contraindicated, inadvisable
controindicazione {f} :: contraindication
controindicazione {f} :: marginal note
controindicazione {f} :: an indication that is different or contrary to a previously stated indication
controinformazione {f} :: disinformation
controinsurrezione {f} :: counterinsurgency
controinteressato {m} [legal] :: administrative defendant (puts forward the case for opposing change)
controinterpretazione {f} :: counterinterpretation
controinterrogatorio {m} :: cross examination
controintuitivo {adj} :: counterintuitive
controione {m} [chemistry] :: counterion
controlaterale {adj} [anatomy] :: controlateral
controllabile {adj} :: controllable, verifiable
controllabilità {f} :: controllability
controllante {v} :: present participle of controllare
controllante {adj} :: controlling
controllantesi {v} :: present participle of controllarsi
controllare {vt} :: to check, verify, inspect, examine
controllare {vt} :: to supervise, watch
controllare {vt} :: to control, dominate
controllare {vt} :: to audit
controllarsi {v} :: reflexive of controllare
controllarsi {vr} :: to control oneself, exercise self-control
controllato {adj} :: controlled
controllato {adj} :: self-controlled, restrained
controllatosi {v} :: past participle of controllarsi
controlleria {f} :: control and monitoring of the activities of a system or of people
controllo {m} :: check, control, verification, examination, inspection
controllo {m} [medicine] :: test, check, checkup, visit
controllo {m} :: surveillance, watch
controllo {m} :: command, control
controllore {m} :: inspector (on buses, trains etc)
controllore {m} :: customs officer
controluce {f} :: contrast or juxtaposition of light
controluce {f} [cinematography] :: back lighting
controluce {m} :: silhouette
controluce {m} [cinematography] :: A backlit shot
controluce {adv} :: Against, or into the light
contromanifestante {mf} :: counterdemonstrator
contromanifestazione {f} :: counterdemonstration
contromano {adv} :: on the wrong side of the street
contromano {adv} :: against the flow of traffic; in the wrong direction
contromanovra {f} :: countermanoeuvre, countermove
contromarca {f} :: pass-out (ticket)
contromarca {f} :: cloakroom ticket
contromarcia {f} :: reverse (gear, in a car)
contromarcia {f} :: countermarch
contromerlato {adj} [heraldry] :: counter-embattled
contromezzana {f} [nautical] :: mizzen topsail
contromina {f} :: countermine
controminante {v} :: present participle of controminare
controminare {vt} :: To countermine
contromisura {f} :: countermeasure
contromossa {f} :: countermove, counterattack
contronotante {v} :: present participle of contronotare
contronotare {v} :: to countermand
contro ogni previsione {prep} :: against all odds, highly improbably
contropagina {f} :: reverse (of a page); verso
contropalato {adj} [heraldry] :: counterchanged
contropalo {m} :: strut (brace)
controparte {f} :: The opposing party in a trial
controparte {f} :: The other party in a transaction or relationship characterized by mutual services
controparte {f} :: Silent scenic action performed separately by one or more actors, which acts as a background or commentary to the scene played out loud by other other actors; byplay
contropartita {f} :: compensation, return, reward
contropartita {f} :: offset
contropassante {adj} :: counterpassant
contropedale {m} :: backpedal brake (on a bicycle)
contropelo {adv} :: Against the nap (of cloth) (or against the lay of a cat's fur etc)
contropendenza {f} :: counterslope
controperizia {f} :: counter report
contropiede {m} :: counterattack (especially in sport)
contropiede {m} :: wrong-footing (in tennis)
controporta {f} :: Second or double door
contropotere {m} :: counterpower (opposing forces)
contropreparazione {f} [military] :: counter-preparation
contropressione {f} [physics] :: counterpressure
controprestazione {f} :: consideration (recompense for something done)
controproducente {adj} /kon.tro.pro.duˈt͡ʃɛn.te/ :: counterproductive, self-defeating
controprogetto {m} :: counter proposal, alternative plan, plan B
contropropaganda {f} :: counter-propaganda
controproponente {v} :: present participle of controproporre
controproporre {vt} :: To counter a proposal
controproposta {f} :: counterproposal
controprova {f} [legal] :: counterevidence
controprova {f} :: confirmation, countercheck, validation
controprova {f} :: second vote
controprovante {v} :: present participle of controprovare
controprovare {vt} :: to countercheck
controprovare {vt} :: to recount (votes)
contropunta {f} /kon.troˈpun.ta/ :: tailstock, footstock
controquerelante {v} :: present participle of controquerelare
controquerelare {vt} :: To counterclaim or countercharge
controra {f} :: early afternoon
controra {f} :: siesta
controrampante {adj} [heraldry] :: counter-rampant
contrordine {m} :: countermand (an order to the contrary)
controreazione {f} :: counter reaction
controreazione {f} :: negative feedback
controregolazione {f} :: counterregulation
controrelatore {m} :: A member of the graduation examining board who challenges the graduate's dissertation
controrelazione {f} :: minority report
controreplica {f} [legal] :: rejoinder
controreplicante {v} :: present participle of controreplicare
controreplicare {vi} :: To rejoin
controricorso {m} :: counterclaim
controriforma {f} :: Counter-Reformation
controriformista {adj} :: Counter-Reformation (attributive)
controriformistico {adj} :: Counter-Reformation (attributive)
controripa {f} :: counterscarp
controrispondente {v} :: present participle of controrispondere
controrispondere {vi} :: To riposte
controriva {f} :: opposite bank (of a river etc)
controrivolta {f} :: counterrevolution
controrivoluzionario {adj} :: counterrevolutionary
controrivoluzionario {m} :: counterrevolutionary
controrivoluzione {f} :: counterrevolution
controrotaia {f} :: guide rail
controrotante {adj} :: contrarotating
controrotazione {f} :: contrarotation
controscarpa {f} :: counterscarp
controscena {f} :: byplay
controsenso {m} :: nonsense
controsenso {m} :: contradiction in terms
controsenso {m} :: misinterpretation
controsenso {adv} :: in the wrong direction
controserratura {f} :: safety lock
controsfida {f} :: counter challenge
controsoffittante {v} :: present participle of controsoffittare
controsoffittare {vt} :: To construct a false ceiling
controsoffittato {adj} :: Having a false ceiling
controsoffittatura {f} :: dropped ceiling
controsoffitto {m} :: dropped ceiling
controsoggetto {m} [music] :: countersubject
controspalliera {f} :: A freestanding line of fruit trees or grapevines held on a series of wires
controspallina {f} :: epaulette
controspinta {f} [architecture] :: A reactive force in a structural element
controspinta {f} :: (aerodynamics) drag (on an aircraft)
controspionaggio {m} :: counterespionage
controstallia {f} [shipping] :: demurrage
controstampa {f} :: counterproof
controstampa {f} :: offset
controstampante {v} :: present participle of controstampare
controstampare {vt} :: to counterprove
controstampare {vt} :: to offset
controstampo {m} :: dolly
controsterzante {v} :: present participle of controsterzare
controsterzare {vi} :: To steer in the opposite direction
controstomaco {m} {m} :: nausea, sickness
controstomaco {m} {m} :: repugnance, disgust
controstrategia {f} :: counter-strategy
controtelaio {m} :: counterframe
controtempo {m} [music] :: syncopation (Variant of contrattempo)
controtendenza {f} :: opposing trend, countertrend, countertendency
controtenore {m} [music] :: countertenor
controtipo {m} :: duplicate (especially of a film)
controtirante {m} [nautical] :: backstay
controvaio {m} [heraldry] :: counter-vair
controvallazione {f} [military] :: contravallation
controvalore {m} :: equivalent (something having the same value)
controvapore {m} :: reverse steam
controvelaccino {m} [nautical] :: fore royal (sail)
controvelaccio {m} [nautical] :: skysail
controveleno {m} :: antivenin, antidote
controventamento {m} :: bracing
controventamento {m} :: protection from wind damage, especially a support for newly-planted trees
controventante {v} :: present participle of controventare
controventare {v} :: to brace
controventatura {f} :: bracing
controvento {adv} :: windward; against the wind
controvento {m} :: brace, strut, stay
controversia {f} /kon.tro.ˈvɛr.sja/ :: controversy
controversia {f} :: dispute (legal)
controversiale {adj} :: dispute (attributive)
controversista {mf} :: controversialist
controverso {adj} :: controversial
controvertente {v} :: present participle of controvertere
controvertere {vi} [legal] :: To argue
controvertibile {adj} :: controvertible
controvertibilità {f} :: questionableness
controvertibilmente {adv} :: disputably, questionably
controviale {m} :: roadway along each side of a boulevard
controviale {m} :: service road (especially a local road running parallel to a highway)
controvoglia {adv} :: unwillingly, petulantly, reluctantly
contumace {adj} [legal] :: in default
contumacia {f} [legal] :: default
contumacia {f} [medicine] :: quarantine
contumaciale {adj} [legal] :: Describing a judgement or sentence given to a defendant who is absent or in default
contumelia {f} :: contumely, insult
contumelioso {adj} :: insulting, offensive, abusive, injurious
contundente {adj} :: blunt
contundere {v} :: to contuse, to bruise
conturbante {v} :: present participle of conturbare
conturbante {adj} :: perturbing, exciting
conturbare {vt} :: to disturb
conturbatamente {adv} :: troubledly, worryingly
conturbato {adj} :: disturbed
conturbato {adj} :: troubled
conturbazione {f} :: perturbation
contusa {f} :: A contused or bruised woman
contusione {f} :: bruise, contusion
contusivo {adj} :: contusive
contuso {adj} :: contused, bruised
contuso {m} :: A contused or bruised person
con una sola mano {adv} :: one-handed
conurbato {adj} :: Located in a conurbation (part of a larger city)
conurbazione {f} :: conurbation
conuro {m} :: conure
conuro della Patagonia {m} :: Patagonian conure
convalescente {adj} :: convalescent
convalescente {mf} :: convalescent
convalescenza {f} :: convalescence
convalescenziario {m} :: convalescent home
convalida {f} :: validation
convalida {f} :: confirmation
convalida {f} :: stamping (of a train, bus, etc. ticket)
convalidabile {adj} :: confirmable, validatable
convalidante {v} :: present participle of convalidare
convalidare {vt} :: To validate
convalidare {vt} :: To confirm
convalidare {vt} :: To stamp (train, bus, etc. ticket)
convalidazione {f} :: confirmation, ratification, validation
convalidazione {f} :: punching, stamping (of a railway ticket etc.)
convallamarina {f} :: convallamarin
convallarina {f} :: convallarin
convalle {f} :: valley, dale (especially one of a series)
convalligiano {m} /kon.va.lːi.ˈd͡ʒa.no/ :: someone who lives in the same valley as another person
convegna {f} [obsolete] :: pact, agreement
convegnistica {f} :: All activities concerning the organization of conferences or congresses
convegno {m} :: meeting
convegno {m} :: meeting place
convegno {m} [archaic] :: agreement, pact
convenentesi {v} :: present participle of convenirsi
convenevole {adj} :: suitable
convenevole {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: pleasantry; courtesy
convenevolezza {f} :: convenience, suitability
convenevolmente {adv} :: suitably
conveniente {v} :: present participle of convenire
conveniente {adj} :: convenient
conveniente {adj} :: suitable, fitting
conveniente {adj} :: cheap, attractive (price)
conveniente {adj} :: profitable, advantageous
conveniente {adj} :: cost-effective
convenientemente {adv} :: conveniently
convenienza {f} :: convenience, expedience
convenienza {f} :: cheapness
convenienza {f} :: advantage, profit
convenienza {f} :: propriety, courtesy
convenienza {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: good manners
convenire {vi} :: auxiliary essere; To be worthwhile, to be convenient, to suit
convenire {vi} :: auxiliary essere; To gather, to meet
convenire {vi} :: auxiliary avere; To agree, to admit, to grant
convenire {vi} :: impersonal (third-person only), auxiliary essere; should, ought, had better
convenire {vt} :: To agree on/upon, to negotiate
convenire {vt} :: To summon
convenirsi {vr} :: To be fitting or proper (for)
convenitosi {v} :: past participle of convenirsi
conventicola {f} :: clique
convento {m} :: convent (for nuns)
convento {m} :: monastery (for monks)
conventuale {adj} :: conventual, convent (attributive)
convenuto {n} :: participant
convenzionale {adj} :: conventional
convenzionalismo {m} :: conventionalism
convenzionalista {mf} :: conventionalist
convenzionalità {f} :: conventionality
convenzionalmente {adv} :: conventionally
convenzionante {v} :: present participle of convenzionare
convenzionantesi {v} :: present participle of convenzionarsi
convenzionare {vt} :: To reach agreement on, to settle
convenzionarsi {vr} :: To reach an agreement, to covenant
convenzionato {adj} :: Covered by a convention or agreement
convenzionato {adj} [by extension] :: discounted, special price (attributive)
convenzionatosi {v} :: past participle of convenzionarsi
convenzione {f} :: agreement
convenzione {f} :: convention (all senses)
convenzione {f} :: understanding
convenzione {f} :: covenant
convergente {v} :: present participle of convergere
convergente {adj} :: convergent
convergenza {f} :: convergence
convergere {vit} :: to converge
conversa {f} :: lay sister
conversante {v} :: present participle of conversare
conversare {vi} :: to converse, to talk
conversatore {m} :: conversationalist
conversazionale {adj} :: conversational (all senses)
conversazione {f} :: conversation, talk, interview
conversevolmente {adv} :: conversationally
conversione {f} :: conversion (all senses)
convertente {v} :: present participle of convertire
convertentesi {v} :: present participle of convertirsi
convertibile {adj} :: convertible
convertibile {f} :: convertible (car)
convertibilità {f} :: convertibility
convertiplano {m} :: convertiplane
convertire {v} :: to convert (all senses)
convertirsi {vr} :: To be converted
convertita {f} :: convert (female)
convertito {adj} :: converted
convertito {m} :: convert
convertitore {adj} :: converting
convertitore {m} :: converter
convertitosi {v} :: past participle of convertirsi
convessità {f} :: convexity
convesso {adj} :: convex
convettivo {adj} :: convective
convettivo {adj} :: convection (attributive)
convettore {m} :: convector
convezione {f} [physics] :: convection (all senses)
convincente {v} :: present participle of convincere
convincente {adj} :: convincing, persuasive
convincentemente {adv} :: convincingly
convincentemente {adv} :: compellingly
convincentesi {v} :: present participle of convincersi
convincere {vt} :: to convince, persuade, argue, satisfy
convincersi {v} :: reflexive of convincere
convincersi {vr} :: to convince oneself, become convinced
convincibile {adj} :: That can be convinced; convincible
convincimento {m} :: conviction (all senses)
convincimento {m} :: belief
convintamente {adv} :: fervently
convinto {adj} :: fervent, keen, sure, true blue
convinto {adj} :: convinced, persuaded
convintosi {v} :: past participle of convincersi
convinzione {f} :: conviction
convitante {v} :: present participle of convitare
convitare {vt} :: To invite someone to a dinner etc
convitata {f} :: female equivalent of convitato
convitato {m} :: guest
convito {m} :: banquet (for invited guests)
convitto {m} :: boarding school
convittore {m} :: boarder (student in a boarding school)
convivente {v} :: present participle of convivere
convivente {mf} :: cohabitant, partner
convivenza {f} :: living together
convivenza {f} :: cohabitation
convivere {vi} :: to live together; to cohabit; to shack up
convivere {vi} :: to coexist
conviviale {adj} :: convivial
convivialità {f} :: conviviality
convivio {m} :: feast
convivio {m} :: banquet
convocabile {adj} :: convenable
convocante {v} :: present participle of convocare
convocare {vt} /kon.voˈka.re/ :: to convene
convocare {vt} :: to summon, send for
convocato {adj} :: convened, summoned
convocato {m} [sports] :: A player summoned to play for the national side
convocatore {m} :: convener, summoner
convocazione {f} /kon.vo.kaˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: convening, summoning (act of)
convocazione {f} :: notification to attend or appear
convocazione {f} :: meeting, convocation
convogliamento {m} :: conveying
convogliante {v} :: present participle of convogliare
convogliare {vt} :: to convey
convogliare {vt} :: to direct, channel
convogliare {vt} :: to carry, transport
convogliatore {m} :: conveyor (belt)
convoglio {m} :: convoy, rake
convoglio {m} :: funeral procession
convolante {v} :: present participle of convolare
convolare {vi} :: to fly together
convolare {vi} [colloquial] :: to marry
convolgente {v} :: present participle of convolgere
convolgere {vt} :: To wrap around (several times)
convoluzione {f} [mathematics] /konvoluˈtsjone/ :: convolution
convolvente {v} :: present participle of convolvere
convolvere {vt} [obsolete] :: alternative form of convolgere
convolvolo {m} :: convolvulus [plant]
convolvolo {m} [botany] :: Any of several plants, of the genus Convolvulus, found in temperate climates, having small trumpet-shaped flowers
convulsamente {adv} :: convulsively
convulsione {f} :: convulsion
convulsione {f} :: fit
convulsivamente {adv} :: convulsively
convulsivante {adj} :: convulsant
convulsivo {adj} :: convulsive
convulso {adj} :: convulsive, nervous
convulso {adj} :: frantic, feverish
Coo {prop} :: The island of Kos
coobante {v} :: present participle of coobare
coobare {vt} :: [chemistry] To cohobate
coobazione {f} [chemistry] :: cohobation
coobbligato {m} :: joint debtor
coobbligato {adj} :: jointly liable
cooccorrenza {f} :: co-occurrence
cookese {adj} :: Of or from the Cook Islands
coomologia {f} [mathematics] /koomoloˈdʒia/ :: cohomology
cooperante {v} :: present participle of cooperare
cooperare {vi} :: to cooperate, collaborate, contribute
cooperativa {f} :: cooperative, co-op
cooperativismo {m} :: The cooperative movement
cooperativistico {adj} :: cooperative
cooperativo {adj} :: cooperative
cooperatore {m} :: A cooperator, a collaborator
cooperatrice {f} :: female equivalent of cooperatore
cooperazione {f} :: cooperation, collaboration
cooptante {v} :: present participle of cooptare
cooptare {vt} :: To co-opt
cooptazione {f} :: co-optation
co-orbitale {adj} [astronomy] :: coorbital
coorbitale {adj} [astronomy] :: coorbital
coordinabile {adj} :: coordinable; able to be coordinated
coordinamento {m} :: coordination (all senses)
coordinante {v} :: present participle of coordinare
coordinantesi {v} :: present participle of coordinarsi
coordinare {v} :: to coordinate (all senses)
coordinarsi {vr} :: to coordinate (with other people)
coordinata {f} [mathematics, grammar, geography, figuratively] :: A coordinate
coordinatamente {adv} :: coordinately
coordinativo {adj} :: coordinating
coordinato {adj} :: coordinate
coordinato {m} :: coordinate
coordinatore {m} :: coordinator
coordinatosi {v} :: past participle of coordinarsi
coordinatrice {f} :: female equivalent of coordinatore
coordinazione {f} :: coordination (all senses)
coorganizzatore {m} :: joint organizer
coorte {f} /ko.ˈɔr.te/ :: cohort
copaive {f} :: copaiba
copale {mf} :: copal
copale {mf} :: patent leather
copale {mf} :: varnish
copatrono {m} :: co-patron
copatrono {m} :: co-patron saint
copeco {m} :: kopek
Copenaghen {prop} :: Copenaghen (capital city)
coperchiante {v} :: present participle of coperchiare
coperchiare {v} :: to cover with a lid
coperchiare {v} :: to overwhelm
coperchietto {m} :: small lid
coperchio {m} :: lid, cover
copernicano {adj} :: Copernican
copernicio {m} [chemistry] /ko.perˈni.t͡ʃo/ :: copernicium
Copernico {prop} :: Copernicus
coperta {f} :: blanket
coperta {f} :: rug
coperta {f} :: deck (of a ship)
copertamente {adv} :: covertly, secretly
copertificio {m} :: blanket factory
copertina {f} :: cover [of a book, etc.]
copertina {f} :: jacket
copertina {f} :: small blanket
copertina {f} :: coping (top layer of a brick wall)
copertina rigida {f} :: rigid binding, often of cardboard or leather, usually Englishized as a book
copertina rigida {f} :: hardcover
coperto {adj} :: covered; sheltered; indoor
coperto {adj} :: overcast
coperto {adj} :: smothered
coperto {adj} :: veiled; wrapped up
coperto {adj} [music] :: muffled
coperto {m} :: cover
coperto {m} :: cover charge
coperto {m} :: place [at dining table]
copertone {m} :: tarpaulin (or similar covering for goods)
copertone {m} :: tyre [British], tire [US]
copertosi {v} :: past participle of coprirsi
copertura {f} :: covering
copertura {f} :: roofing
copertura {f} :: cover (financial and military)
copia {f} /ˈkɔpja/ :: copy
copiabile {adj} :: copyable / copiable
copiafatture {m} :: invoice register or book
copialettere {m} :: (copy) letter book
copialettere {m} :: letterpress
copiante {v} :: present participle of copiare
copiantesi {v} :: present participle of copiarsi
copiare {vt} :: to copy
copiarsi {vr} :: To copy oneself
copiarsi {vr} :: To copy one another
copiatissimo {adj} :: superlative of copiato
copiativo {adj} :: copier, copying (attributive)
copiato {adj} :: copied
copiatore {adj} :: copying (attributive)
copiatore {m} [computing] :: Any type of software used to make copies by bypassing protection
copiatosi {v} :: past participle of copiarsi
copiatrice {f} :: copier
copiatura {f} :: copying
copiatura {f} :: cribbing
copiglia {f} :: cotter (pin)
copilota {f} :: co-pilot
copilota {f} :: co-driver
copincolla {m} [computing] :: copy and paste (operation)
copincollante {v} :: present participle of copincollare
copincollare {v} [computing] :: To copy and paste
copiona {f} :: female equivalent of copione
copione {m} [theatre] :: script
copione {m} :: trend, pattern
copione {m} [colloquial] :: copyist
copiosamente {adv} :: profusely, lavishly
copiosità {f} :: copiousness, abundance
copioso {adj} :: copious
copista {mf} :: copyist
copista {mf} :: typist
copisteria {f} :: copy shop (shop that does photocopying etc)
copolimerizzante {v} :: present participle of copolimerizzare
copolimerizzare {vt} :: to copolymerize
copolimerizzato {adj} :: copolymerized
copolimerizzazione {f} [chemistry] :: copolymerization
copolimero {m} :: copolymer
copoludo {adj} [literally] /ko.poˈlu.do/ :: dome-shaped
copoludo {m} [numismatics] :: Meanings related to numismatics:
copoludo {m} :: A coin minted in Venice during the 15th century
copoludo {m} :: Used to indicate several, similarly shaped coins
coppa {f} /ˈkɔp.pa/ :: goblet
coppa {f} [culinary] :: bowl
coppa {f} :: cup (especially as a sporting trophy, often capitalised)
coppa {f} :: bra cup
coppa {f} [in the plural] :: suit of some playing card
coppa {f} [regional, literally] :: nape (of the neck)
coppa {f} :: neck (pork cut)
coppa {f} :: capicola
coppa {f} [regional] :: large pork sausage
coppa {f} :: koppa (Greek letter)
Coppa {prop} :: (in combination) Any of several cups given as a sporting trophy
coppa della ruota {f} :: hub cap
coppa dell'olio {m} :: oil sump
Coppa del Mondo {prop} [football] :: the World Cup
coppapasta {m} :: cookie cutter
coppare {vt} :: to cut [biscuits] out of a dough with a stamp, to stamp [cookies]
coppa ruota {f} :: alternative form of coppa della ruota
coppella {f} :: cupel
coppellante {v} :: present participle of coppellare
coppellare {vt} :: to cupel
coppellazione {f} :: cupellation
coppetta {f} :: Small bowl (usually for, or of, icecream)
coppetta {f} :: Small cup
coppia {f} :: couple (people)
coppia {f} :: pair (animals)
coppia {f} [card games, poker] :: pair
coppia comica {f} :: double act (comical)
coppia di comici {f} :: double act (comical)
coppia di fatto {f} :: common-law couple
coppiera {f} :: female equivalent of coppiere
coppiere {m} :: cupbearer
coppietta {f} :: couple (loving or engaged)
coppiglia {f} :: cotter (pin)
coppiola {f} :: A shot from both barrels of a shotgun
coppo {m} /ˈkop.po/ :: jug, pitcher
coppo {m} [historical, unit of measure] :: An ancient unit of volume
coppo {m} :: A type of curved roof tile
coppo {m} [fishing] :: synonym of negossa
coppo {m} [archaic] :: cavity
coppo {m} :: The cavity of the eye
coppo {m} :: The concave part of a helm
coppola {f} :: tweed cap (flat hat)
Coppola {prop} :: surname
coprecipitazione {f} :: coprecipitation
coprente {v} :: present participle of coprire
coprente {adj} :: coating, covering, concealing, thick
coprente {adj} :: opaque [fabric, tights, etc.]
coprente {adj} [cosmetics] :: concealer (attributive)
coprente {m} [cosmetics] :: concealer
coprentesi {v} :: present participle of coprirsi
copresente {adj} :: copresent
copresidente {m} :: co-chairman, co-president
copresidenza {f} :: co-chairmanship, co-presidency
copribusto {m} :: bodice, camisole
copricalice {m} :: chalice covering or veil
copricalorifero {m} :: radiator cover
copricanna {m} :: handguard (on a gun)
copricapezzolo {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: pasties (nipple tassles)
copricapo {m} :: headgear
copricapo {m} :: hat (any sort)
copricatena {m} :: chain guard
copricostume {m} :: beach robe
copricostume {m} :: pareo
copricuscino {m} :: cushion cover
copridivano {m} :: sofa cover or throw
coprifasce {m} :: baby's smock
coprifuoco {m} :: curfew (regulation requiring people to be at home)
coprigambe {m} :: overtrousers (especially waterproof trousers worn over normal ones)
coprigiunto {m} :: fishplate
copriletto {m} :: bedspread, coverlet, counterpane
coprimaterasso {m} :: mattress cover
coprimento {m} :: covering
copripiumino {m} :: duvet cover
copripiumone {m} :: duvet cover
coprire {vt} :: to cover
coprire {v} :: to heap
coprirsi {v} :: reflexive of coprire
coprirsi {vr} :: to cover oneself (with)
coprirsi {vr} :: to wrap up oneself (in)
coprirsi {vr} :: to shield oneself (from)
coprirsi {vr} :: to insure oneself (against)
copriruota {m} :: hubcap
coprisedile {m} :: seat cover (especially in a car)
copritastiera {m} :: keyboard cover
copritavolo {m} :: table cover
copriteiera {m} :: tea cosy
copritermosifone {m} :: radiator cover
copritore {adj} :: covering
copritore {m} :: coverer
copritrice {f} :: female equivalent of copritore
coprivivande {m} :: dish cover
copro- {prefix} :: copro-
coprocessore {m} [computing] :: coprocessor
coprodotto {adj} :: co-produced
coproducente {v} :: present participle of coprodurre
coprodurre {vt} :: To coproduce (a film etc)
coproduttore {m} :: coproducer
coproduttore {adj} :: coproduction (attributive)
coproduttrice {f} :: female equivalent of coproduttore
coproduzione {f} :: coproduction
coprofagia {f} :: coprophagia, coprophagy
coprofago {m} :: coprophage
coprofago {adj} :: coprophagous
coprofilia {f} :: coprophilia
coprofilo {m} :: coprophile
coprolito {m} [paleontology] :: coprolite
coprologia {f} [medicine] :: coprology, scatology (study of faeces)
coproporfirinogeno {m} :: coproporphyrinogen
coproprassia {f} :: copropraxia
coprostasi {f} :: constipation
coprotagonista {mf} :: co-star
copto {adj} /ˈkɔp.to/ :: Coptic
copto {m} :: Copt (member of the Coptic church)
copto {m} :: Coptic (language)
copula {f} /ˈkɔ.pu.la/ :: copula
copula {f} :: conjunction
copulante {v} :: present participle of copulare
copulare {vi} :: to copulate
copulativo {adj} :: copulative
copulatore {adj} :: copulating, copulatory
copulazione {f} :: copulation
copyright {m} /ˈkopj.rid͡ʒ.t/ :: copyright
coque {f} /kɔk/ :: only in uovo alla coque
cor {m} :: apocopic form of cuore
Cor. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of corno
Corace {prop} :: Corace (river)
coraggio {m} :: courage, bravery, valour
coraggio {interj} :: cheer up!
coraggiosamente {adv} :: courageously
coraggioso {adj} :: brave, courageous, daring, doughty
corale {adj} :: choral
corale {adj} :: unanimous
corale {f} :: chorale
coralità {f} :: choral character
coralità {f} :: unanimity
coralità {f} :: concertedness, togetherness
corallaio {m} :: coral worker or dealer
corallaro {m} :: coraller
corallifero {adj} :: coralliferous
coralliforme {adj} :: coralliform
corallino {adj} :: coral (attributive)
corallo {m} :: coral
coralmente {adv} :: chorally
corame {m} :: leather (especially when stamped with a design)
coramella {f} :: razor strop, razor strap
corameria {f} :: leather goods workshop or shop
coramina {f} :: Coramine, Nikethamide
coranico {adj} :: qur'anic, koranic
corano {m} :: Qur'an
Corano {prop} :: Qur'an, Koran
corata {f} [archaic, literary] /koˈra.ta/ :: The complex of heart, lungs, liver, and spleen
corata {f} :: The complex of internal organs of slaughtered animals
corata {f} [archaic, regional] :: heart
corata {f} [figurative, archaic] :: intention
coratella {f} /ko.raˈtɛl.la/ :: The complex of the internal organs of slaughtered small animals (such as lambs, rabbits)
corazza {f} /koˈrat.t͡sa/ :: cuirass, breastplate
corazza {f} :: carapace
corazza {f} :: armour
corazzante {v} :: present participle of corazzare
corazzare {vt} :: To armour
corazzarsi {v} :: to empanoply
corazzata {f} :: battleship
corazzata {f} :: ironclad
corazzata {f} :: dreadnought
corazzato {adj} :: armoured
corazzato {adj} [figuratively, by extension] :: protected; well-defended
corazzatura {f} :: armament
corazziere {m} :: cuirassier
corazziere {m} :: carabiniere in the President's guard
corba {f} /ˈkɔr.ba/ :: A large wicker basket
corba {f} [nautical, regional] :: synonym of costa
corba {f} [historical] :: A unit of dry measure equivalent to 78.644 m³
corba {f} [veterinary medicine] /ˈkor.ba/ :: An exostosis of the rear margin of a horse's hock
corbellante {v} :: present participle of corbellare
corbellare {vt} :: To mock, tease
corbellatore {m} :: mocker, teaser
corbellatura {f} :: mockery
corbellatura {f} :: hoax
corbelleria {f} :: nonsense (remark)
corbelleria {f} :: rubbish
corbelleria {f} :: howler (stupid mistake)
corbello {m} [uncommon] :: basket, basketful
corbello {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: testicle
corbello {m} :: blockhead (stupid person)
Corbetta {prop} :: Corbetta (town)
corbettese {adj} :: Of or from Corbetta
corbezzola {f} [berries] :: arbutus berry
corbezzolo {m} :: strawberry tree, arbutus
corbo {m} /ˈkɔr.bo/ :: alternative form of corvo
Corbo {prop} :: surname
cor bovinum {m} [medicine] /ˌkɔr.boˈvi.no/ :: cor bovinum (massive heart hypertrophy)
corcante {v} :: present participle of corcare
corcare {v} :: alternative form of coricare
Corcira {prop} :: Corcyra (ancient name of Corfu)
corcirese {adj} :: Of or from Corcira
corcontento {m} :: easy-going or happy-go-lucky person
corcoro {m} :: corchorus
Corcos {prop} :: surname
Corcos {prop} :: Vittorio Matteo Corcos, Italian painter
corda {f} /ˈkɔrda/ :: rope
corda {f} [anatomy] :: chord, cord
corda {f} [music] :: string, cord (of a musical instrument)
corda {f} [geometry] :: chord
corda {f} [sports] :: string (of a tennis racquet, etc)
corda {f} [boxing] :: rope (of a ring)
cordaggio {m} :: hemp fibre
cordaggio {m} :: yarn
cordaia {f} :: female equivalent of cordaio
cordaio {m} :: ropemaker, rope-maker
cordaio {m} :: stringer
cordale {adj} :: chordal (all senses)
cordame {m} :: ropes
cordame {m} :: rigging (of a ship)
cordame {m} :: yarn
cordata {f} :: a party of climbers roped together
cordata {f} :: a collaborative pact between individuals or companies; the group so formed
cordato {m} [biology] :: chordate
cordato {adj} :: cordate
cordato {adj} :: corded, cordlike
cordatrice {f} :: rope making machine
cordatura {f} :: ropemaking
corda vocale {f} [anatomy] :: vocal cord
Cordelia {prop} :: given name
cordella {f} :: A narrow tape or ribbon, especially one used to tie clothing
cordelliera {f} [heraldry] :: cordeliere
cordellina {f} :: braid (military)
corderia {f} :: ropeworks
corderia {f} :: ropery
corderite {f} [mineral] :: corderoite
Cordevole {prop} :: Cordevole (river)
cordiale {adj} :: warm, cordial
cordiale {m} :: cordial (drink)
cordialissimo {adj} :: superlative of cordiale
cordialità {f} :: cordiality, warmth, friendliness
cordialità {f} [in the plural] :: regards
cordialmente {adv} :: cordially, warmly
cordialone {m} :: sociable person (good mixer)
cordicella {f} :: cord; thin rope
cordiera {f} [music] :: tailpiece (of a violin etc)
cordierite {f} :: cordierite
cordigliera {f} :: cordillera
cordigliere {m} :: Franciscan friar
cordigliero {m} :: alternative form of cordigliere
cordiglio {m} :: cord of a friar's or priest's girdle
cordino {m} :: A light but strong cord, especially as used by mountaineers; a sling
cordofono {m} [music] :: chordophone
cordoglio {m} :: condolences
cordoglio {m} :: grief, affliction, sorrow
cordolo {m} :: kerb, curb
cordonale {adj} :: cord (attributive) (especially of the umbilical cord)
cordonante {v} :: present participle of cordonare
cordonare {vt} :: To border with stones
cordonato {adj} :: ribbed, corded
cordonatura {f} :: creasing, crease
cordonatura {f} :: cable decoration
cordonatura {f} :: oversailing courses (Architecture)
cordonatura {f} :: cordlike decoration (on pottery)
cordonatura {f} :: taunt, mocking
cordoncino {m} :: string, twine, thread
cordoncino {m} :: drawstring
cordone {m} :: cord
cordone {m} :: flex
cordone {m} :: string (of a bag etc)
cordone {m} :: cordon
cordone ombelicale {m} [anatomy] :: umbilical cord
cordone spermatico {m} [anatomy] :: spermatic cord
cordonetto {m} :: twist (of thread)
Cordova {prop} :: Cordova (city)
Cordova {prop} :: Cordova (province)
cordovano {adj} :: Cordovan (from Cordova)
cordovano {m} :: cordovan (leather)
cordovano {m} :: Cordovan (person from Cordova)
corea {f} [pathology] /koˈrɛ.a/ :: chorea
Corea {prop} :: Korea
Corea del Nord {prop} :: North Korea
Corea del Sud {prop} :: South Korea
coreana {f} :: feminine noun of coreano
coreano {adj} :: Korean
coreano {m} :: Korean person
coreano {m} :: Korean language
Corebo {prop} [rare] :: given name
corectopia {f} :: corectopia
coreggente {adj} :: coregent (attributive)
coreggente {mf} :: coregent
coreggia {f} [archaic, vulgar] /koˈred͡ːʒa/ :: fart, flatus
coregnante {mf} :: coregent
coregolatore {m} :: coregulator
coregone {m} :: whitefish
coreico {adj} :: dance (attributive)
coreico {adj} :: choreic
coreografa {f} :: female equivalent of coreografo
coreografante {v} :: present participle of coreografare
coreografare {v} :: To choreograph
coreografato {adj} :: choreographed
coreografia {f} :: choreography
coreograficamente {adv} :: choreographically
coreografico {adj} :: choreographic
coreografico {adj} :: spectacular
coreografo {m} :: choreographer (male)
coretto {m} [architecture] :: tribune (normally with a grating)
coreuta {mf} /koˈrɛ.u.ta/ :: member of a Greek chorus
coreuta {mf} :: choralist
coreutica {f} :: choreutes (the art of choral song and dance)
coreutico {adj} :: Choral song and dance (attributive)
corfioto {m} :: Corfiot
corfioto {adj} :: Corfiot
Corfù {prop} :: Corfù (island)
Corfù {prop} :: Corfù (city)
corgi {m} :: Corgi dog
Cori {prop} :: Cori (small town)
coriaceo {adj} :: leathery, coriaceous
coriaceo {adj} [humorous] :: [of meat] hard and fibrous
coriaceo {adj} :: hard-tempered, insensitive
coriaceo {adj} :: [of an adversary] difficult to beat; resistant
coriambico {adj} :: choriambic
coriambo {m} :: choriamb, choriambus
coriandolo {m} :: coriander (both senses)
coriandolo {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: confetti
coribante {m} :: Korybant
coribantico {adj} :: corybantic
coricante {v} :: present participle of coricare
coricante {v} :: present participle of coricarsi
coricantesi {v} :: present participle of coricarsi
coricare {vt} :: to put to bed
coricare {vt} :: to lay down
coricarsi {v} :: reflexive of coricare
coricarsi {v} :: to go to bed
coricarsi {v} :: to lie down
coricatosi {v} :: past participle of coricarsi
coridale {mf} [botany] /ko.riˈda.le/ :: Any member of the Corydalis taxonomic genus
corifa {f} :: talipot
corifena {f} /ko.riˈfɛ.na/ :: common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus)
corifena cavallina {f} :: synonym of corifena
corifeo {m} /ko.ri.ˈfɛ.o/ :: coryphaeus
coriglianese {adj} :: Of or from Corigliano
corimbo {m} [botany] :: corymb, panicle
corimboso {adj} [botany] :: corymb, panicle (attributive)
corindone {m} :: corundum
Corinto {prop} :: Corinto (city)
Corinzi {prop} [biblical] :: Corinthians
corinzia {f} :: female equivalent of corinzio
corinzio {adj} :: Corinthian (all senses)
corinzio {m} :: Corinthian
Coriolano {prop} :: Coriolanus
Coriolano {prop} :: given name
corion {m} /ˈkɔ.rjon/ :: chorion
corion {m} :: derma, dermis
corionico {adj} :: chorionic
corioretinite {f} [medicine] :: chorioretinitis
corista {mf} :: chorister
corista {m} :: tuning fork
coriza {f} [pathology] :: coryza
Coriza {prop} :: Korçë, a town in Albania
Corleone {prop} :: Corleone (small town), home of an infamous Mafia family
corleonese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Corleone (in Sicily)
corleonese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Corleoni
cormo {m} [botany] :: corm
cormofita {f} :: cormophyte
cormorano {m} :: great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)
cormorano {m} :: any cormorant
cornacchia {f} :: crow (the bird)
cornacchia {f} :: carrion crow
cornalina {f} :: carnelian
cornamusa {f} [musical instruments] /kor.na.ˈmuː.za/ :: bagpipes
cornante {v} :: present participle of cornare
cornare {vi} /korˈna.re/ :: To blow (or make the sound of) a horn
cornare {vr} [figuratively, of the ears] :: To ring; to burn (as if someone were talking about you)
cornata {f} :: goring (a wound inflicted by a horn, usually the horn of a bull in the context of bullfighting)
cornea {f} [anatomy] :: cornea
corneale {adj} [anatomy] :: corneal
corneificazione {f} :: cornification
Cornelia {prop} :: given name
Cornelio {prop} :: Cornelius
Cornelio {prop} :: given name
corneo {adj} :: horny (made of, or resembling horn)
corner {m} [soccer] :: corner
corner {m} [figurative] :: difficult situation
corner {m} [economics] :: market niche in which a company has a monopoly
Corneto {prop} :: Corneto (village), near Acquasanta Terme
cornetta {f} [musical instruments] :: cornet (musical instrument)
cornetta {f} :: receiver (of a telephone)
cornettista {mf} :: cornet (player), cornetist
cornetto {m} [folklore] /korˈnet.to/ :: horn-shaped amulet resembling a hot pepper
cornetto {m} [skeleton] :: nasal concha, turbinate
cornetto {m} [musical instruments] :: cornett, cornetto
cornetto {m} :: croissant (pastry)
cornetto {m} [regional, mainly, northern Italy] :: string bean
Cornia {prop} :: Cornia (river)
cornice {f} :: frame
cornice {f} [architecture] :: cornice
cornice {f} :: ledge
cornice {f} [figuratively] :: background, setting
corniciaia {f} :: female equivalent of corniciaio
corniciaio {m} :: picture framer
corniciatura {f} :: picture framing
corniciatura {f} :: picture frames
cornicine {m} [Ancient Rome] /korˈni.t͡ʃi.ne/ :: bugler
cornicione {m} [architecture] /kornitʃone/ :: cornice, eaves
cornicione {m} [architecture] :: jetty
cornicione {m} [by extension, cooking, colloquial] :: pizza crust, especially the edges
cornico {m} :: Cornish (language)
cornico {adj} :: Cornish
cornicolato {adj} [anatomy] :: corniculate
cornicolato {adj} :: horned, corniculate
cornificante {v} :: present participle of cornificare
cornificare {vt} :: to cheat on someone; to cuckold
Corniglia {prop} :: Corniglia (small coastal town)
cornio {m} :: synonym of corniolo
corniola {f} :: carnelian
corniola {f} :: The fruit of the cornel, cornelian cherry
corniolo {m} :: cornel (Cornus mas), cornelian cherry
cornista {mf} :: horn player (musician)
corno {m} [zoology] /ˈkɔr.no/ :: horn, antler (of an animal)
corno {m} [musical instruments] :: horn
corno {m} [geography] :: horn (peninsula or crescent-shaped tract of land)
corno {m} :: horn (material, or object made of material)
corno {m} :: A horn-shaped amulet worn to ward off evil
Corno {prop} :: Corno (river)
corno da caccia {m} [heraldiccharge] :: hunting horn
Corno d'Africa {prop} :: Corno d'Africa (peninsula)
corno da scarpe {m} :: shoehorn
corno francese {m} [musical instruments] :: French horn
corno inglese {m} [musical instruments] :: cor anglais, English horn
Cornovaglia {prop} /kornoˈvaʎʎa/ :: Cornwall
cornucopia {f} :: cornucopia
cornuto {adj} :: horned
cornuto {m} :: cuckold
cornuto contento {m} :: A man who is content with being a cuckold; a wittol
coro {m} /ˈkɔro/ :: chorus
coro {m} :: choir
corografia {f} :: chorography
corografico {adj} :: chorographic
corografo {m} :: chorographer
coroide {f} [anatomy, ophthalmology] :: choroid
coroideo {adj} [anatomy] :: choroid
coroidite {f} :: choroiditis
corolla {f} [botany, ] :: corolla
corollario {m} :: corollary
corollino {adj} :: corolline
corologia {f} :: phytogeography
corologico {adj} :: phytogeographical
corona {f} /koˈro.na/ :: crown (of a king, pope etc) (also of a tooth)
corona {f} :: crown (various units of currency)
corona {f} :: coronet
corona {f} :: wreath, chaplet
corona {f} [astronomy] :: corona (of a star etc)
Corona australe {prop} [astronomy] :: Corona Australis (constellation)
Corona australe {prop} [astronomy] :: Southern Crown (constellation)
Corona boreale {prop} [astronomy] :: Corona Borealis (constellation)
Corona boreale {prop} [astronomy] :: Northern Crown (constellation)
coronale {adj} :: coronal
coronamento {m} :: completion
coronamento {m} :: fulfilment
coronamento {m} :: crowning achievement
coronamento {m} [nautical] :: taffrail
coronante {v} :: present participle of coronare
coronare {vt} :: To crown
coronare {vt} :: To realize, to achieve
coronaria {f} :: coronary artery
coronarico {adj} [anatomy] :: coronary
coronario {adj} :: coronary
coronarografia {f} :: coronary angiography
coronaropatia {f} [disease] :: coronary heart disease
coronaropatico {adj} [medicine] :: coronary heart disease (attributive)
corona solare {f} [astronomy] :: solar corona
coronato dal successo {adj} :: successful
coronavirus {m} [virology] /ko.ro.naˈvi.rus/ :: coronavirus
coronazione {f} :: Variant of incoronazione
coroncina {f} :: small crown, coronet
coronide {f} [grammar] :: coronis
coronimo {m} :: Placename for a region, choronym
coronografo {m} :: coronograph
coronoideo {adj} [anatomy] :: coronoid
coroplastica {f} [arts] :: coroplastic art
corotazionale {adj} :: corotational
corozo {m} :: corozo
corpacciata {f} [rare] :: synonym of scorpacciata
corpacciuto {adj} :: corpulent
corpetto {m} :: bodice
corpetto {m} :: waistcoat
corpino {m} :: bodice (upper part of a dress)
corpo {m} :: body, corpse
corpo {m} :: corpus
corpo {m} :: corps
corpo a corpo {adj} :: hand-to-hand
corpo albicante {m} [anatomy] :: corpus albicans
corpo celeste {m} [astronomy] :: celestial body, heavenly body
corpo d'acqua {m} :: body of water
corpo del reato {n} :: corpus delicti
corpo del reato {n} [legal] :: The evidence that a crime has occurred
corpo luteo {m} [anatomy] :: corpus luteum
corporale {adj} :: bodily
corporale {adj} :: corporal
corporalità {f} :: corporality
corporalmente {adv} :: bodily
corporativamente {adv} :: corporatively
corporativamente {adv} :: corporately
corporativismo {m} :: corporatism, corporativism
corporativista {mf} :: corporatist
corporativisticamente {adv} :: corporatively
corporativistico {adj} :: corporatist, corporative
corporativizzazione {f} :: corporatization
corporativo {adj} :: corporative
corporativo {adj} :: corporate
corporatura {f} :: build, physique, frame, constitution
corporazione {f} :: corporation
corporazione {f} :: guild or similar professional body
corporeamente {adv} :: corporeally, bodily
corporeità {f} :: corporeity
corporeo {adj} /korˈpɔ.re.o/ :: corporeal, bodily, body (attributive)
corposamente {adv} :: substantially, abundantly
corposità {f} :: full-bodiedness (especially the fullness and robustness of the flavour of a wine)
corposo {adj} [oenology] :: full-bodied (especially of wine)
corposo {adj} :: dense, compact, substantial
corposo {adj} :: weighty, ponderous
corposo {adj} [oenology] :: earthy
corpulento {adj} :: corpulent, stout
corpulenza {f} :: stoutness, corpulence
corpulenza {f} :: obesity
corpuscolare {adj} :: corpuscular
corpuscolato {adj} :: corpuscular
corpuscolo {m} :: corpuscle
Corpus Domini {n} :: Corpus Christi
corpuzzo {m} [rare] :: corpuscle
Corradi {prop} :: surname
corradicale {adj} [linguistics] :: Having the same root
Corrado {prop} :: given name
corrasione {f} [geology] :: corrasion, abrasion
correa {f} :: accomplice (female)
corredante {v} :: present participle of corredare
corredare {vt} :: to equip (with)
corredato {adj} :: equipped (with)
corredato {adj} :: fitted (with)
corredino {m} :: layette (for babies)
corredo {m} /korˈrɛ.do/ :: kit (equipment)
corredo {m} :: trousseau
corredo {m} [archaeology] :: grave goods (artefacts buried with a dead person in a grave or tomb)
correggente {v} :: present participle of correggere
correggentesi {v} :: present participle of correggersi
correggere {vt} /korˈrɛddʒere/ :: to correct
correggere {vt} :: to mark [an exam]
correggere {vt} :: to proofread
correggere {vt} :: to remedy
correggere {vt} :: to spike [a beverage]
correggersi {v} :: reflexive of correggere
correggersi {v} :: to correct oneself
correggersi {v} :: to improve oneself
correggia {f} /koˈrːe.d͡ːʒa/ :: leather strap or belt
correggia {f} :: thong
correggia {f} :: alternative form of coreggia
correggiato {m} :: flail
correggibile {adj} :: correctable, rectifiable
correggiola {f} :: thin leather strap
corregionale {adj} :: Coming from the same area
corregionale {mf} :: A person who comes from the same area as another
correità {f} [legal] :: complicity
correlabile {adj} :: That can be correlated; correlatable
correlante {v} :: present participle of correlare
correlare {vt} :: To correlate
correlatamente {adv} :: In a correlated manner
correlativamente {adv} :: correlatively
correlativo {adj} :: correlative
correlato {adj} :: correlated
correlatore {m} :: assistant supervisor (in a University)
correlazione {f} :: correlation
correlazione quantistica {f} [physics] :: quantum entanglement, spooky action at a distance
correligionario {adj} [attributive] :: co-religionist
correligionario {m} :: co-religionist
corrente {adj} :: running (of water)
corrente {adj} :: current, valid (in use)
corrente {adj} :: ordinary
corrente {f} :: current (water, electricity)
corrente {f} :: airstream, draught
corrente {f} :: trend
corrente {f} :: faction (political)
corrente {m} :: batten
corrente {m} :: stringer
corrente {m} :: bar (athletics)
corrente alternata {f} :: alternating current
corrente continua {f} :: direct current
corrente d'aria {f} :: blast, draught
Corrente del Golfo {prop} :: Gulf Stream
corrente di spostamento {f} :: displacement current
corrente elettrica {f} [physics] :: electric current
correntemente {adv} :: currently, validly
correntista {mf} :: holder of a current account
correntizio {adj} :: factional
correntocrazia {f} :: The influence of streams (factions) in party politics
correntone {m} :: mainstream (of a political party)
correo {m} [law] /korˈrɛ.o/ :: accomplice
Correr {prop} :: surname
Correr {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
corrercene {v} :: to be a significant difference (between)
correre {vt} /ˈkor.re.re/ :: to run [a race or a risk]
correre {vi} :: to run
correre {vi} :: to hurry, rush
correre dietro {v} :: to run after, chase
correre la cavallina {v} :: to sow one's wild oats
correrentesi {v} :: present participle of corrersi
corrersi {v} :: reflexive of correre
corrersi {v} :: to hurry, rush (oneself)
corresponsabile {adj} :: jointly responsible or liable
corresponsabile {mf} :: co-responsible, a jointly responsible or liable person
corresponsabile {mf} :: accomplice
corresponsabile {mf} :: corespondent (in a divorce)
corresponsabilità {f} :: co-responsibility, joint responsibility or liability
corresponsabilizzante {v} :: present participle of corresponsabilizzare
corresponsabilizzare {vt} :: To make jointly responsible
corresponsione {f} :: payment
correttamente {adv} :: correctly
correttezza {f} :: propriety, correctness
correttezza {f} :: good manners
correttezza {f} :: fair play (at sport)
correttismo {m} :: political correctness
correttivo {adj} :: corrective
correttivo {m} :: corrective
corretto {adj} /korˈrɛtto/ :: correct
corretto {adj} :: corrected
correttore {m} :: corrector
correttore {m} :: correcting fluid
correttore {m} :: control
correttore {m} :: concealer (cosmetic)
correttosi {v} :: past participle of correggersi
correttrice {f} :: female equivalent of correttore
correzionale {adj} :: correctional
correzione {f} :: correction
correzione {f} :: marking (of an exam)
correzione {f} :: improvement
corricchiante {v} :: present participle of corricchiare
corricchiare {vit} :: To jog
corrida {f} [bullfighting] :: a bullfight
corridoio {m} /korriˈdojo/ :: corridor, passage
corridoio {m} :: aisle (of a theatre, train or coach etc.)
corridoio aereo {n} :: corridor
corridoio aereo {n} :: Airspace restricted for the passage of aircraft
Corridoio Vasariano {prop} :: Vasari Corridor (an elevated enclosed passageway in Florence, Italy)
corridore {adj} :: running
corridore {adj} :: racing
corridore {m} :: runner
corridore {m} [sports, softball, baseball] :: baserunner
corridore {m} :: racer
corridore {m} [cycle racing] :: rider
corridore della strada {m} :: roadrunner, properly the greater roadrunner
corriera {f} :: coach, bus
corriere {m} :: messenger
corriere {m} :: courier
corriere {m} :: plover (bird of the genus Charadrius)
corriere grosso {m} :: ringed plover
corrigendo {adj} :: Which has to be corrected
corrigendo {m} :: (young) offender
corrimano {m} :: handrail
corrimano {m} :: banister
corrina {f} [organic compound] :: corrin
corrispettivamente {adv} :: correspondingly
corrispettività {f} :: correspondence, equivalence
corrispettivo {m} :: An amount of money due; compensation
corrispettivo {m} :: A fee
corrispettivo {adj} :: corresponding, equivalent
corrispondente {v} :: present participle of corrispondere
corrispondente {adj} :: corresponding
corrispondente {mf} :: correspondent (in the media)
corrispondentemente {adv} :: correspondingly
corrispondenza {f} :: correspondence (all senses)
corrispondenza {f} :: connection
corrispondenza {f} :: relation
corrispondenza {f} :: mail
corrispondere {vit} /korrisˈpondere/ :: to correspond
corrispondersi {v} :: reflexive of corrispondere
corrispondersi {v} :: to correspond with each other; to mate (fit together)
corrisposto {adj} :: reciprocated, mutual
corritrice {f} :: female equivalent of corridore
corrivazione {f} :: corrivation
corrività {f} :: recklessness, rashness
corrivo {adj} :: reckless
corroboramento {m} /kor.ro.bo.raˈmen.to/ :: corroboration (act of corroborating)
corroborante {v} :: present participle of corroborare
corroborante {adj} :: fortifying, stimulating
corroborante {adj} :: bracing, invigorating
corroborante {m} :: pick-me-up
corroborantemente {adv} :: stimulatingly, invigoratingly
corroborare {vt} /kor.ro.boˈra.re/ :: To strengthen, to fortify
corroborare {vt} :: To corroborate, to support, to confirm
corroboratore {m} [rare] /kor.ro.bo.raˈto.re/ :: One who corroborates; corroborator [male]
corroboratore {adj} [rare] :: invigorating, strengthening
corroboratore {adj} [rare] :: corroborative
corroboratrice {f} [rare] /kor.ro.bo.raˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: feminine noun of corroboratore: one who corroborates; corroborator [female]
corroborazione {f} :: strengthening
corroborazione {f} :: fortification
corroborazione {f} :: corroboration, confirmation
corrodente {v} :: present participle of corrodere
corrodentesi {v} :: present participle of corrodersi
corrodere {vt} :: to corrode
corrodersi {vr} :: To corrode
corrodibilità {f} :: corrodibility
corrompente {v} :: present participle of corrompere
corrompentesi {v} :: present participle of corrompersi
corrompere {vt} :: to corrupt
corrompere {vt} :: to bribe
corrompere {vt} :: to debase
corrompersi {v} :: reflexive of corrompere
corrompersi {v} :: to become corrupted, get corrupted
corrompersi {v} :: to rot, decay, spoil
corrompibile {adj} :: corruptible
corrompibilità {f} :: corruptibility
corrosione {f} :: corrosion
corrosionistico {adj} :: corrosion (attributive)
corrosivamente {adv} :: corrosively
corrosività {f} :: corrosiveness
corrosivo {adj} :: corrosive
corrosivo {m} :: corrosive
corroso {adj} :: corroded
corrososi {v} :: past participle of corrodersi
corrottissimo {adj} :: superlative of corrotto
corrotto {adj} /korˈrot.to/ :: corrupt
corrotto {adj} :: sinful
corrottosi {v} :: past participle of corrompersi
corrucciamento {m} :: frown
corrucciamento {m} :: A facial expression in which the eyebrows are brought together, and the forehead is wrinkled, usually indicating displeasure, sadness or worry, or less often confusion or concentration
corrucciante {v} :: present participle of corrucciare
corrucciantesi {v} :: present participle of corrucciarsi
corrucciare {vt} :: to upset (make someone angry)
corrucciare {v} :: to frown upon
corrucciarsi {vr} :: To become upset (angry)
corrucciarsi {v} :: to frown upon
corrucciarsi {v} :: to frown at
corrucciatamente {adv} :: worriedly; with a frown
corrucciato {adj} :: frowning, worried
corrucciatosi {v} :: past participle of corrucciarsi
corruccio {m} :: anger, wrath, vexation, frown
corruda {f} /korˈru.da/ :: synonym of asparago selvatico
corrugamento {m} :: wrinkling
corrugamento {m} :: knitting (of the brow)
corrugamento {m} [geology] :: folding
corrugante {v} :: present participle of corrugare
corrugantesi {v} :: present participle of corrugarsi
corrugare {vt} :: to wrinkle
corrugare {vt} :: to form into ridges
corrugarsi {v} :: reflexive of corrugare
corrugarsi {v} :: to wrinkle
corrugarsi {v} :: to form into ridges
corrugato {adj} :: wrinkled
corrugato {adj} :: ridged
corrugatore {adj} :: corrugating
corrugatore {m} [muscle] :: corrugator
corrugatore {m} :: corrugator (machine)
corrugatore del sopracciglio {m} [muscle] :: corrugator supercilii
corrugatosi {v} :: past participle of corrugarsi
corrugazione {f} :: wrinkling
corrugazione {f} :: knitting (of the brow)
corrugazione {f} [geology] :: folding
corruscante {v} :: present participle of corruscare
corruscare {vi} /kor.rusˈka.re/ :: To coruscate, sparkle or glitter
corruscazione {f} :: coruscation, sparkle, glitter
corruschio {m} [literary, rare] /kor.rusˈki.o/ :: flashing
corrusco {adj} [literary] /korˈrus.ko/ :: coruscating, sparkling, glittering
corruttela {f} :: corruption, depravity
corruttibile {adj} :: corruptible
corruttibilità {f} :: corruptibility
corruttivo {adj} :: corrupting
corruttore {m} :: briber
corruttore {m} :: corrupter, corruptor
corruttrice {f} :: female equivalent of corruttore
corruzione {f} /kor.rutˈt͡sjo.ne/ :: corruption
corsa {f} [athletics] /ˈkor.sa/ :: run, running
corsa {f} [sports] :: race, racing
corsa {f} :: trip, journey
corsa {f} :: movement (of a pendulum)
corsa {f} :: stroke (of a piston)
corsa {f} /ˈkɔr.sa/ :: feminine noun of corso
corsa all'oro {f} :: gold rush
corsa a tappe {f} [cycling] :: stage race
corsa ciclistica {f} [cycle racing] :: cycle race, cycling race
corsa di cavalli {f} :: derby
corsa di cavalli {f} :: horse racing
corsa in linea {f} [cycle racing] :: road race (event where competing riders start simultaneously)
corsaiolo {adj} :: racing
corsale {m} :: corsair
corsaletto {m} :: corselet
corsaletto {m} :: breastplate
corsaro {adj} :: privateering, pirate (attributive)
corsaro {m} :: a privateer, corsair (person)
corsa su strada {f} [sports] :: road race
corseggiante {v} :: present participle of corseggiare
corseggiare {vi} :: To privateer
corsello {m} :: A lane or pathway (between flowerbeds in a garden, desks in a classroom etc)
corsesca {f} [weaponry] /korˈses.ka/ :: corseque
corsetta {f} :: run (literally a little run)
corsetta {f} :: A quick pace, faster than a walk
corsetteria {f} :: corsetry
corsetto {m} :: corset
corsetto {m} :: girdle
corsia {f} /korˈsi.a/ :: gangway, passageway
corsia {f} :: lane [on a racetrack or motorway]
corsia {f} :: bus stop [numbered, in a bus station, etc.]
corsia {f} :: ward [in hospital]
corsia {f} :: aisle [in supermarket]
corsia di svolta {f} [road transport] :: filter lane
Corsica {prop} /ˈkɔr.si.ka/ :: Corsica
corsiere {m} :: alternative form of corsiero
corsiero {m} :: courser (racehorse)
corsista {mf} :: a person attending a course
corsiva {f} :: corsia
corsivista {mf} :: editorialist
corsivo {adj} /korˈsivo/ :: cursive, italic
corsivo {m} :: cursive script
corsivo {m} :: italics
corso {m} /ˈkor.so/ :: course [of a river, of a university, etc.]
corso {m} :: stream, waterway
corso {m} :: avenue [especially in the names of streets]
corso {m} :: strip [a street with multiple shopping or entertainment possibilities]
corso {m} :: circulation [of money]
corso {m} :: subject
corso {adj} /ˈkɔr.so/ :: Corsican
corso {m} :: Corsican (person)
corso {m} :: The Corsican language
corso {m} :: A kind of Corsican wine
corso d'acqua {f} :: watercourse, run
corso di recupero {m} :: remedial course
corso di sostegno {m} :: Variant of corso di recupero
corsoio {m} :: slide, slider (mechanical part)
corsosi {v} :: past participle of corrersi
cortamente {adv} :: In a courtly manner
corte {f} /ˈkorte/ :: courtyard
corte {f} :: court
corteante {v} :: present participle of corteare
corteare {vi} [obsolete] :: To follow a bride and groom in procession
corteare {vi} [obsolete] :: To pay homage
corteare {vt} [obsolete] :: To woo or court
corteccia {f} /korˈtettʃa/ :: cortex [all senses]
corteccia {f} :: bark [of a tree]
corteccia prefrontale {f} [anatomy] :: prefrontal cortex
corteggiamento {m} :: courtship, wooing
corteggiante {v} :: present participle of corteggiare
corteggiare {vt} :: to court, to woo
corteggiatore {m} :: suitor, wooer
corteggiatrice {f} :: female equivalent of corteggiatore
corteggio {m} :: entourage (group of people surrounding an important person)
cortel bianco {n} :: Literally "white knife"; a steel-bladed knife used in Renaissance-era ceremonial magic, having a white handle, and magical symbols engraved on the handle and written in ink on the blade, and which inspired the later boline of Wicca
cortel nero {n} :: Literally "black knife"; a steel-bladed knife used in Renaissance-era ceremonial magic, having a black handle, and magical symbols engraved on the handle and written in ink on the blade, and which inspired the later athame of Wicca
Cortemaggiore {prop} :: Cortemaggiore (small town)
corteo {m} :: procession
cortese {adj} :: courteous, polite, kind
cortese {adj} :: courtly (poetic)
Cortese {prop} :: surname
Cortese {prop} :: A grape variety used to make white wine in Piedmont
Cortese {prop} :: A white wine (such as Gavi) made from these grapes
cortesemente {adv} :: courteously
cortesia {f} :: courtesy, favour
cortesissimo {adj} :: superlative of cortese
cortezza {f} :: dullness (of mind)
corticale {adj} :: cortical
cortico- {prefix} :: cortico-
corticoide {m} :: corticosteroid (Variant of: corticosteroide)
corticonucleare {adj} [anatomy] :: corticonuclear
corticosteroide {m} :: corticosteroid
corticosterone {m} :: corticosterone
corticosurrenale {adj} :: adrenocortical
corticosurrene {m} :: adrenal gland
corticotropina {f} :: corticotropin
corticotropo {adj} :: corticotropic
cortigiana {f} :: courtier (female)
cortigiana {f} :: courtesan
cortigianamente {adv} :: courtly, in the manner of a courtier
cortigianeria {f} :: courtliness
cortigianeria {f} :: obsequiousness, flattery
cortigianescamente {adv} :: obsequiously, fawningly
cortigianesco {adj} :: obsequious, fawning
cortigiano {m} :: courtier
cortile {m} :: courtyard
cortile {m} :: forecourt
cortile {m} :: farmyard
cortiletto {m} :: A small yard (especially a back yard)
cortina {f} :: curtain
Cortina {prop} :: Cortina d'Ampezzo, small alpine town in the province of Belluno
cortina di ferro {f} :: iron curtain
cortina di ferro {f} :: Iron Curtain (singular only)
cortinaggio {m} :: curtains (drapes)
cortinese {adj} :: Of or from Cortino
Cortino {prop} :: Cortino (village)
cortisolo {m} :: cortisol
cortisone {m} :: cortisone
cortisonico {adj} :: cortisone (attributive)
cortissimo {adj} :: superlative of corto
corto {adj} /ˈkorto/ :: short
cortocircuitante {v} :: present participle of cortocircuitare
cortocircuitare {vt} :: To short-circuit (all senses)
cortocircuito {m} :: short circuit
cortocircuito {m} :: shunt, bypass (medical)
cortometraggio {m} :: short film, short subject, short
Cortona {prop} /korˈto.na/ :: Cortona (small town)
cortonese {adj} /kor.toˈne.ze/ :: Of or pertaining to the city of Cortona
cortonese {mf} :: A person from Cortona
Cortraco {prop} :: medieval spelling of Kortrijk
coruscante {v} :: present participle of coruscare
coruscare {vt} :: Variant of corruscare
coruscazione {f} :: Variant of corruscazione
corvé {m} :: fatigues (military duties)
corvè {f} :: fatigue (military tasks)
corvè {f} :: drudgery
corvè {f} :: corvée
corvetta {f} :: corvette, sloop
corvide {m} :: corvid
corvino {adj} :: raven (haired)
corvino {adj} :: jet black
corvo {m} /ˈkɔrvo/ :: raven, crow, rook
corvo comune {m} :: rook - bird
corvo imperiale {m} :: raven; properly the common raven
cos' {pron} [sometimes before a vowel or an h] :: apocopic form of cosa what
cosa {f} /ˈkɔːza/ :: thing, matter
cosa {pron} :: what?
cosa {pron} :: what!
Cosa {f} :: what's-her-name
cosà {adv} :: Used only in the phrases così e cosà, né così né cosà, o così o cosà and così cosà
cosa bolle in pentola {interj} :: what's cooking, what's new, what's up, what else is new, what's brewing
cosacco {m} /koˈzak.ko/ :: Cossack
cosacco {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a Cossack or Cossacks; Cossack [attributive]
cosa diavolo {interj} :: what the hell
cosa giudicata {f} [law] :: res judicata
cosante {v} :: present participle of cosare
cosare {vt} :: to do something with; used in place of a verb one does not know or remember at the moment
cosa sta succedendo {interj} :: what's cooking
cosa veloce {f} :: quickie
cosca {f} :: clan (of the Mafia)
cosca {f} :: coterie, ingroup, inner circle, camp
coscia {f} /ˈkɔʃ.ʃa/ :: thigh
coscia {f} :: leg (of chicken etc.)
coscia {f} :: either of the two ends of a bridge
cosciale {m} :: cuisse
cosciale {m} :: thigh guard
cosciente {adj} :: aware, conscious
cosciente {adj} :: responsible conscientious
coscientemente {adv} :: consciously
coscienza {f} :: conscience
coscienza {f} :: consciousness
coscienza {f} :: awareness
coscïenza {f} :: medieval spelling of coscienza
coscienziale {adj} :: consciousness (attributive)
coscienziale {adj} [psychology] :: conscious
coscienziosamente {adv} :: conscientiously
coscienziosità {f} :: conscientiousness
coscienzioso {adj} :: conscientious
Coscile {prop} :: Coscile (river)
coscio {m} :: leg, haunch (of meat)
cosciotto {m} :: leg (of meat)
coscritto {adj} :: conscripted, drafted
coscrivente {v} :: present participle of coscrivere
coscrivere {vt} :: To conscript or draft into the military
coscrivere {vt} :: to commandeer
coscrivibile {adj} :: That can be conscripted
coscrizione {f} :: conscription
cosecante {f} [trigonometry] :: cosecant
cose dell'altro mondo {interj} :: it is just out of this world
coseità {f} :: thingness
coseno {m} [trigonometry] :: cosine
cosentino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Cosenza
cosentino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Cosenza
Cosenza {prop} /koˈzɛntsa/ :: Cosenza (town/and/province)
coserella {f} /ko.zeˈrɛl.la/ :: diminutive of cosa: a small or minor thing
cosetta {f} :: trifle (little thing)
Cosetta {prop} :: given name
cosi' {adv} [nonstandard] :: alternative spelling of così
così {adv} /koˈzi/ :: so
così {adv} :: like this/that
così {adv} :: thus
cosicché {conj} :: so that
così che {conj} :: alternative form of cosicché
così cosà {adv} :: so-so (neither well nor poorly)
così così {adj} :: so-so (neither good nor bad)
così così {adv} :: so-so (neither well nor poorly)
cosiddetti {mp} [euphemistic] :: balls, testicles
cosiddetto {adj} :: so-called
cosidetto {adj} :: Variant of cosiddetto
così detto {adj} :: alternative spelling of cosiddetto
così e cosà {adv} :: In this precise manner; just so, thus and so
così e così {adv} :: just so, thus and so
così fatto {adj} :: alternative form of cosiffatto
cosiffattamente {adv} /ko.zif.fat.taˈmen.te/ :: in such a way
cosiffatto {adj} /ko.zifˈfat.to/ :: such, similar
cosiffatto {adj} :: like this or like that
Cosimo {prop} :: given name
cosina {f} :: trifle (small thing)
così sia {v} :: so be it
così vanno le cose {phrase} :: that's the way the cookie crumbles
cosmatesco {adj} :: Cosmatesque
cosmesi {f} [in the singular] :: cosmetics (the art or technology)
cosmesi {f} [in the plural] :: cosmetics (products)
cosmesi {f} [in the singular] :: beauty treatment
cosmetica {f} :: cosmetics (the science or technology)
cosmetico {adj} :: cosmetic
cosmetico {m} :: cosmetic (product)
cosmetista {mf} :: cosmetician, cosmetologist, beautician
cosmetologia {f} [medicine] :: cosmetology
cosmetologo {m} :: cosmetician, cosmetologist, beautician
cosmicamente {adv} :: cosmically
cosmicità {f} :: universality
cosmico {adj} :: cosmic
cosmide {m} :: cosmid
cosmo- {prefix} :: cosmo-
cosmo {m} :: cosmos, universe
cosmo {m} :: outer space
Cosmo {prop} :: given name
cosmobiologia {f} :: exobiology
cosmochimica {f} [chemistry] :: cosmochemistry
cosmodromo {m} :: cosmodrome
cosmogenico {adj} :: cosmogenic
cosmogonia {f} :: cosmogony
cosmogonico {adj} :: cosmogonic, cosmogonical
cosmografa {f} :: cosmogram
cosmografia {f} :: cosmography
cosmografico {adj} :: cosmographic, cosmographical
cosmografo {m} :: cosmographer
cosmolabio {m} :: astrolabe
cosmologia {f} :: cosmology
cosmologico {adj} :: cosmological
cosmologo {m} :: cosmologist
cosmonauta {mf} :: cosmonaut
cosmonautica {f} :: astronautics
cosmonautico {adj} :: astronautic, astronautical
cosmonave {f} :: spaceship
cosmonavigazione {f} :: astronavigation
cosmopoli {f} :: cosmopolis (cosmopolitan city)
cosmopolita {adj} :: cosmopolitan
cosmopolita {mf} :: cosmopolitan
cosmopolitico {adj} :: cosmopolitan
cosmopolitismo {m} :: cosmopolitanism
cosmorama {m} :: cosmorama
cosmotrone {m} [physics] :: cosmotron
coso {m} [colloquial] :: thingie, thingo, thingamabob (term used to refer to something or someone whose name one cannot recall)
coso {m} [colloquial] :: thing
coso {m} :: contraption
coso {m} [colloquial, slang] :: penis
Coso {m} :: what's-his-name
cospargente {v} :: present participle of cospargere
cospargentesi {v} :: present participle of cospargersi
cospargere {vt} :: to sprinkle (with)
cospargere {vt} :: to spread (with)
cospargersi {vr} :: To cover oneself (with)
cospargimento {m} :: sprinkling
cosparsosi {v} :: past participle of cospargersi
cospecifico {adj} :: alternative form of conspecifico
cospergente {v} :: present participle of cospergere
cospergere {vt} :: to bathe, to wash, to sprinkle
cospetto {m} :: presence
cospicuamente {adv} :: conspicuously
cospicuità {f} :: A very large quantity
cospicuo {adj} :: considerable, large
cospicuo {adj} :: conspicuous, striking
cospirante {v} :: present participle of cospirare
cospirare {vi} :: To conspire or plot
cospirativo {adj} :: conspiratorial
cospiratore {m} :: conspirator, plotter
cospiratorio {adj} :: conspiratorial
cospiratrice {f} :: female equivalent of cospiratore
cospirazione {f} :: plot, conspiracy
Cossiga {prop} :: surname
Cossiga {prop} :: Francesco Cossiga, Italian politician and eighth President of Italy
cossignanese {adj} :: Of or from Cossignano
Cossignano {prop} :: Cossignano (small town)
cosso {m} [regional] :: A small pimple or pustule on the face
cossovaro {adj} :: alternative form of kosovaro
Cossovo {prop} /ˈkɔsːovo/ :: Kosovo
costa {f} /ˈkɔs.ta/ :: Meanings related to the literal sense:
costa {f} [skeleton, uncommon] :: rib
costa {f} [anatomy, by extension, archaic] :: flank, side
costa {f} [by extension, archaic] :: side, part
costa {f} [Rome] :: A cut of meat
costa {f} :: synonym of costola:
costa {f} :: spine (of a book)
costa {f} :: The blunt edge of a blade
costa {f} [botany] :: rib, vein
costa {f} [architecture] :: rib
costa {f} [nautical] :: rib
costa {f} :: The side of a height
costa {f} :: slope (of a mountain)
costa {f} :: A road going up the side of a hill
costa {f} [in the plural] :: Pastures along the slope of a mountain
costa {f} :: coast, shoreline
costa {f} :: welt (of fabric)
Costa {prop} :: Costa; surname
costà {adv} [Tuscany] /kosˈta/ :: there
Costa d'Avorio {prop} :: Costa d'Avorio (country)
costaggiù {adv} :: down there
costale {adj} :: costal
Costalonga {prop} :: surname
costantana {f} :: constantan
costante {adj} :: constant, persistent, consistent
costante {adj} :: uniform, even
costante {adj} :: steadfast
costante {adj} :: continuous, steady
costante {f} [physics, mathematics] :: constant
costante {v} :: present participle of costare
costantemente {adv} :: constantly
costantemente {adv} :: steadfastly
Costantin {prop} :: apocopic form of Costantino
costantiniano {adj} :: Constantinian
Costantino {prop} :: given name
Costantinopoli {prop} :: Constantinople
costantinopolitano {adj} :: Constantinopolitan
costanza {f} /kosˈtan.t͡sa/ :: constancy
costanza {f} :: steadfastness
Costanza {prop} :: Constance (given name)
Costanza {prop} :: Costanza (city)
Costanza {prop} :: Costanza (city)
Costanzi {prop} :: surname
Costanzo {prop} :: A male given name, the male equivalent of Costanza
costardella {f} :: saury, skipper (fish)
costare {vi} /kosˈtare/ :: to cost
Costa Rica {prop} :: Costa Rica (country)
costaricana {f} :: female equivalent of costaricano
costaricano {adj} :: Costa Rican
costaricano {m} :: Costa Rican
costassù {adv} :: up there
costata {f} :: A large chop of meat, especially beef
costata {f} :: T-bone steak
costatante {v} :: present participle of costatare
costatare {v} :: alternative spelling of constatare
costatazione {f} :: Variant of constatazione
costato {m} [anatomy] :: chest, ribs
costeggiante {v} :: present participle of costeggiare
costeggiare {vt} [nautical] :: to hug or skirt a coast; to coast
costeggiare {vt} :: to walk alongside
costeggiare {vt} :: to be or run alongside; to line
costei {pron} :: she
costei {pron} :: her
costellante {v} :: present participle of costellare
costellare {vt} :: To scatter or adorn with stars; to stud with stars
costellazione {f} :: constellation
costernante {v} :: present participle of costernare
costernantesi {v} :: present participle of costernarsi
costernare {vt} :: to dismay or consternate
costernarsi {vr} :: To be dismayed or consternated
costernato {adj} :: dismayed or consternated
costernatosi {v} :: past participle of costernarsi
costernazione {f} :: consternation, dismay
costì {adv} :: there (formal office use)
costicchiante {v} :: present participle of costicchiare
costicchiare {vt} :: To be expensive
costiera {f} :: coast
costiera {f} :: coast road
costiero {adj} :: coastal
costimolatore {m} :: costimulator
costinci {adv} [obsolete] :: From this place
costipamento {m} :: compaction
costipamento {m} :: tamping (down)
costipante {v} :: present participle of costipare
costipare {vt} :: to gather, cram together
costipare {vt} [medicine] :: to constipate, cause constipation
costipare {vt} :: to compact the soil
costipato {adj} :: constipated
costipato {adj} :: bunged up (with a bad cold)
costipazione {f} :: constipation
costipazione {f} :: bad cold
costituendo {adj} :: newly-formed or in the process of formation
costituente {v} :: present participle of costituire
costituente {adj} :: constituent
costituente {m} :: constituent
costituentesi {v} :: present participle of costituirsi
costituire {vt} :: to constitute, establish, set up, form
costituire {vt} :: to constitute, compose, make up, consist
costituire {vt} :: to constitute, represent, be
costituire {vt} :: to constitute, appoint, make
costituirsi {v} :: reflexive of costituire
costituirsi {v} :: to be established, develop, spring up
costituirsi {v} :: to give oneself up (to the police)
costituirsi {v} :: to constitute oneself, become
costituito {adj} :: constituted
costituitosi {v} :: past participle of costituirsi
costitutivo {adj} :: constitutive, constituent
costituto {m} :: covenant, agreement
costitutore {adj} :: constituent; constituting
costituzionale {adj} :: constitutional
costituzionalismo {m} :: constitutionalism
costituzionalista {mf} [politics] :: constitutionalist
costituzionalistico {adj} :: constitutionalistic
costituzionalità {f} [law] :: constitutionality
costituzionalizzante {v} :: present participle of costituzionalizzare
costituzionalizzare {v} :: to constitutionalize
costituzionalizzazione {f} :: constitutionalization
costituzionalmente {adv} :: constitutionally
costituzione {f} :: constitution, structure, composition
costituzione {f} :: constitution, establishment, setting up
costituzione {f} [government, legal] :: constitution
costo {m} /ˈkɔs.to/ :: cost
costo {m} [archaic] :: expense
costo {m} [figurative] :: cost (negative consequence or loss)
costo {m} [archaic] :: usury
costo {m} :: costus (Saussurea costus)
costo {m} :: A costus plant
costo {m} :: The root of the costus plant
costo {m} [botany] :: Any of the plants of the genus Costus
costo imprevisto {m} :: incidental expense
costola {f} [skeleton, botany, architecture] :: rib
costolatura {f} :: All the ribs of a person or animal
costoletta {f} :: cutlet (of meat)
costoletta alla milanese {f} :: Milan-style veal cutlet (coated with breadcrumbs then fried)
costolone {m} :: Long mountain ridge
costolone {m} [architecture] :: ogive
costone {m} :: ridge, crag, rib, ridgeside
costor {pron} :: apocopic form of costoro
costoro {pron} :: they, them
costoro {pron} :: those people
costosamente {adv} :: expensively
costosissimo {adj} :: superlative of costoso
costoso {adj} :: costly, expensive
costrettosi {v} :: past participle of costringersi
costringente {v} :: present participle of costringere
costringentesi {v} :: present participle of costringersi
costringere {vt} :: to force, to compel, to constrain, to oblige (someone to do something)
costringersi {v} :: reflexive of costringere
costringersi {vr} :: to gather together
costringersi {vr} :: to be under an obligation
costrittivamente {adv} :: coercively
costrittivo {adj} :: coercive
costrittore {adj} :: constricting
costrittore faringeo inferiore {m} [muscle] :: inferior pharyngeal constrictor
costrittore faringeo medio {m} [muscle] :: middle pharyngeal constrictor
costrittore faringeo superiore {m} [muscle] :: superior pharyngeal constrictor
costrizione {f} :: compulsion
costrizione {f} :: coercion, duress
costrizione {f} :: constriction
costruente {v} :: present participle of costruire
costruentesi {v} :: present participle of costruirsi
costruibile {adj} :: constructible, buildable
costruibilità {f} :: Property of being constructible or buildable
costruire {v} :: to build, construct
costruire {v} :: to plan, frame
costruirsi {vr} :: To build or construct for oneself
costruitosi {v} :: past participle of costruirsi
costruttivamente {adv} :: constructively
costruttivismo {m} :: constructivism
costruttivista {adj} :: constructivist
costruttivista {mf} :: constructivist
costruttività {f} :: constructiveness
costruttivo {adj} :: constructive
costruttivo {adj} :: building (attributive)
costruttivo {adj} :: structural
costrutto {m} :: construction
costruttore {m} :: (male) builder
costruttore {m} :: (male) manufacturer
costruttore {m} [programming] :: constructor
costruttore {adj} :: building (attributive)
costruttrice {f} :: female equivalent of costruttore
costruzione {f} :: construction (all senses)
costruzione {f} :: building
costruzionismo {m} :: constructionism
costruzionista {adj} :: constructionist
costruzionista {mf} :: constructionist
costudente {v} :: present participle of costudire
costudire {vt} [colloquial] :: alternative form of custodire
costui {pron} [literary, used to indicate a person close to the speaker] /koˈstui/ :: he, him; this man
costumante {v} :: present participle of costumare
costumanza {f} :: custom, habit, tradition
costumare {vi} :: to be in the habit of
costumare {vi} :: to be used to
costumatezza {f} :: decency, propriety
costumatezza {f} :: politeness
costumato {adj} :: decent
costumato {adj} :: polite
costume {m} :: A custom, habit
costume {m} :: A costume
costume {m} :: A swimsuit
costume da bagno {m} :: swimsuit
costume nazionale {m} :: national costume
costumista {mf} :: costume designer or maker (film, theatre etc)
cosubstrato {m} [biochemistry] :: cosubstrate
cosuccia {f} :: little thing (something of little value or consequence)
cotal {adj} :: apocopic form of cotale
cotale {adj} :: such
cotangente {f} [trigonometry] :: cotangent
cotano {m} [regional] :: A stone, pebble
cotanto {adj} [dated, literary] /koˈtanto/ :: so much
cotanto {adj} [dated, literary, in the plural] :: so many
cotanto {adj} [dated, literary] :: such
cotanto {adv} [dated, literary] :: so much, to such an extent
cotanto {adv} [dated, literary] :: for so long, for such a long time
cotanto {pron} [archaic, literary] :: just this; only this
cote {f} :: sharpening stone
cote {f} :: hone
cotechino {m} :: A pork sausage from Emilia-Romagna
cotenna {f} /koˈten.na/ :: bacon rind, pork rind
cotenna {f} [by extension, dated, pejorative or jocular] :: The human skin
cotenna {f} [by extension] :: A tough outer layer; bark, rind
cotenna {f} :: scalp
cotennotto {m} /ko.tenˈnɔt.to/ :: A beef cut from the back of an ox
cotevesto {adj} /koˈte.ves.to/ :: obsolete form of codesto
cotevesto {pron} :: obsolete form of codesto
cotica {f} [regional] /ˈko.ti.ka/ :: bacon rind, pork rind
cotica {f} [agriculture] :: synonym of cotica erbosa
cotica erbosa {f} [agriculture] :: sod, turf, sward
cotico {m} /ˈko.ti.ko/ :: only used in cotico erboso
cotico erboso {m} [agriculture] :: alternative form of cotica erbosa; sod, turf
cotidale {adj} :: cotidal
cotile {m} [skeleton] :: acetabulum, cotyle
cotiledone {m} [botany] :: cotyledon
cotillon {m} :: small favour
cotiloide {adj} [anatomy] :: cotyloid
cotissa {f} [heraldry] :: bendlet
cotitolare {mf} :: co-owner
cotitolare {mf} :: co-holder etc
cotizzo {m} :: A personal tax, the amount paid depending on a person's trade
cotizzo {m} :: A type of glass used to make crystal
coto {m} /ˈkɔ.to/ :: thought, opinion
coto {m} :: The plant Aniba coto
cotogna {f} /koˈtoɲ.ɲa/ :: quince (fruit)
cotognata {f} :: quince preserve or jelly; quince cheese
cotogno {m} /koˈtoɲ.ɲo/ :: quince (tree)
cotoletta {f} [cuts of meat] /ko.toˈlet.ta/ :: cutlet or chop (of meat)
cotoletta {f} :: steak (of fish such as tuna)
cotoletta alla bolognese {f} :: Bologna-style veal cutlet (fried in lard then topped with prosciutto crudo and parmiggiano reggiano and cooked in oven finally topped with trifola)
cotoletta alla milanese {f} :: Milan-style veal cutlet (coated with breadcrumbs then fried)
cotoletta alla valdostana {f} :: Aosta Valley-style veal cutlet (coated with breadcrumbs, beaten eggs, flour, fried in oil and butter then topped with prosciutto cotto and fontina slices and cooked in oven)
cotonaceo {adj} :: cottony
cotonante {v} :: present participle of cotonare
cotonare {vt} :: To backcomb
cotonatura {f} :: backcombing
cotone {m} :: cotton
cotone {m} :: cotton wool
cotone idrofilo {m} :: cotton wool
cotoneria {f} :: cotton goods
cotonicoltore {m} :: cotton grower
cotonicoltura {f} :: cotton growing
cotoniere {m} :: cotton manufacturer, spinner or worker
cotoniero {adj} :: cotton (attributive)
cotonificio {m} :: cotton mill (factory)
cotonina {f} :: calico
cotonoso {adj} :: cottony
cotrasportatore {m} :: cotransporter
cotrasporto {m} :: cotransport
Cotroni {prop} :: surname
cotta {f} :: surplice, cassock, tabard
cotta {f} :: crush (infatuation)
cotta {f} :: batch (for a kiln or oven)
cottabo {m} :: kottabos
cotta d'arme {f} :: surcoat
cotta di maglia {f} :: chain mail, mail (armor)
cottimista {mf} :: pieceworker
cottimo {m} :: piece work
cottimo {m} :: taskwork
cottimo {m} :: timework
cotto {adj} :: cooked
cotto {adj} :: smitten
cotto {v} :: past participle of cuocere
cotto {m} :: brickwork
cotto a puntino {adj} :: (of food) medium rare
cottolengo {m} :: asylum (institution for mentally and physically handicapped)
cotton fioc {m} /ˌkɔt.ton ˈfjɔk/ :: Q-tip, cotton swab
cottora {f} :: alternative form of cottura
cottura {f} :: cooking, baking, burning, firing
coturnato {adj} :: buckskinned
coturnato {adj} :: (of latin tragedies and comedies) pertaining to Greek topics or myths
coturnice {f} :: rock partridge (Alectoris graeca)
coturno {m} :: buskin
coubicazione {f} :: co-location (sharing of buildings and facilities by multiple companies)
coufficiale {adj} :: co-official
coulomb {m} :: coulomb
coulombiano {adj} [physics] :: coulombic
coulombometria {f} [physics] :: coulometry
coulombometrico {adj} :: coulometric
coulombometro {m} :: coulometer
coulrofobia {f} :: coulrophobia
country {m} [music] :: country music
coupé {m} :: coupé
couscoussiera {f} :: couscoussier
couso {m} :: joint use
coutente {mf} :: joint user or subscriber
coutenza {f} :: joint use
cova {f} :: brooding
covacciolo {m} :: nest (of birds or small animals)
covacciolo {m} :: poor, dirty bedding
covalente {adj} [chemistry] :: covalent
covalentemente {adv} :: covalently
covalenza {f} [chemistry] :: covalence
covante {v} :: present participle of covare
covare {vt} /koˈva.re/ :: [of a bird] to brood (keep an egg warm)
covare {vt} [figurative, by extension] :: to brood (protect)
covare {vt} :: [of an emotion, desire, etc.] to well up or cultivate
covare {vi} :: to remain unexpressed; to be bottled up
covariante {adj} :: covariant
covarianza {f} [mathematics] :: covariance
covata {f} :: brood, clutch, hatch, covey
covaticcio {adj} :: brood (attributive)
covaticcio {adj} :: broody
covatura {f} :: brooding (sitting on eggs)
coventrizzante {v} :: present participle of coventrizzare
coventrizzare {vt} :: To coventrate
coventrizzazione {f} :: coventration
coverchiante {v} :: present participle of coverchiare
coverchiare {v} :: alternative form of coperchiare
coverto {adj} :: alternative form of coperto
covile {m} :: den, lair
covo {m} :: lair, den (of an animal)
covo {m} [figuratively] :: hideout, lair (for example, of a criminal or group of criminals)
covone {m} :: sheaf
covone {m} [heraldiccharge] :: garb
coxalgia {f} :: coxalgia
coxite {f} [pathology] :: coxitis
coxofemorale {adj} [anatomy] :: coxofemoral
coyote {m} :: coyote
cozione {f} :: cooking, baking
cozione {f} :: digestion
cozza {f} [Mollusks] :: mussel
cozzante {v} :: present participle of cozzare
cozzare {vi} :: to butt (of an animal)
cozzare {vi} :: to collide (of vehicles)
cozzare {vi} :: to clash
cozzo {m} :: butt (with the head)
cozzo {m} :: crash (of vehicles)
crac {m} :: crack (noise)
crac {m} :: crash
crac {m} :: breakdown
craccante {v} :: present participle of craccare
craccare {vt} [computing] :: To crack (to circumvent software restrictions)
craccatore {m} [computing] /krak.kaˈto.re/ :: cracker (person who cracks security systems)
Cracco {prop} :: surname
crace {m} :: Crax, curassow
Cracovia {prop} :: Cracovia (city)
crai {adv} [archaic, literary] :: tomorrow
crambe {f} [plant] /ˈkram.be/ :: Any member of the Crambe taxonomic genus
crampo {m} :: cramp
cramponato {adj} [heraldry] :: cramponned
crampone {f} [heraldry] :: crampon
crancelino {m} [heraldry] :: crancelin
craneoencefalico {adj} [anatomy] :: craneoencephalic
craniale {adj} :: cranial
craniata {f} :: headbutt
cranico {adj} :: cranial
craniectomia {f} [surgery] :: craniectomy
cranio {m} :: skull
cranio {m} :: cranium
cranioleso {adj} :: injured in the head
craniologia {f} :: craniology
craniologico {adj} :: craniological
craniologo {m} :: craniologist
craniometria {f} [anatomy] :: craniometry
craniometrico {adj} [anatomy] :: craniometric
cranioresezione {f} [surgery] :: craniectomy
cranioscopia {f} [medicine] :: cranioscopy
craniotomia {f} [surgery] :: craniotomy
craniotomo {m} [surgery] :: craniotome
crapula {f} /ˈkra.pu.la/ :: Excessive eating and drinking; gluttony
crapulare {vi} [literary] /kra.puˈla.re/ :: To eat and drink without moderation
crapulone {adj} :: greedy, gluttonous
crapuloso {adj} /kra.puˈlo.zo/ :: crapulous (characterized by excessive eating and drinking)
crashante {v} :: present participle of crashare
crashare {vi} [computing] :: To crash
crasi {f} :: crasis (all senses)
crasso {adj} :: crass
Crasso {prop} :: Crassus
-crate {suffix} :: -crat
cratere {m} :: crater
craterico {adj} :: cratered
craterizzazione {f} :: pitting
Crati {prop} :: Crati (river)
-cratico {suffix} :: -cratic
cratone {m} :: craton
crauto {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: sauerkraut
cravaos {n} :: synonym of malloreddus
cravatta {f} :: necktie
cravattaia {f} :: female equivalent of cravattaio
cravattaio {m} :: tie maker
cravattaio {m} :: tie seller
cravattaio {m} [regional] :: loan shark, usurer
cravattaro {m} :: loan shark, usurer
cravatteria {f} :: tie shop
cravattificio {m} :: tie factory
cravattino {m} :: bow tie
cravattone {m} :: A large, flamboyant cravat
crawl {m} :: crawl (swimming stroke)
crawlista {mf} :: crawl swimmer
Craxi {prop} /ˈkrak.si/ :: surname, most famously held by Italian prime minister Bettino Craxi.
craxiano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Bettino Craxi
craxismo {m} :: Craxism
-crazia {suffix} :: -cracy
crazia {f} [historical, numismatics] :: A former Tuscan coin
creabile {adj} :: creatable
creante {v} :: present participle of creare
creantesi {v} :: present participle of crearsi
creanza {f} :: manners
creare {v} /kreˈare/ :: to create
creare {v} :: to appoint
creare {v} :: to cause
creare {v} :: to set up
creare un ingorgo {v} :: to pile (of vehicles) To create a hold-up
creare un polverone {v} :: To make the fur fly
creare un polverone {v} :: To cause a stir or make a fuss
crearsi {vr} :: To create etc for oneself, or by oneself
creatina {f} [organic compound] :: creatine
creatinchinasi {f} [enzyme] :: creatine kinase, phosphokinase
creativamente {adv} :: creatively
creatività {f} :: creativity
creativo {adj} :: creative
creato {m} :: creation
creato {prop} [religion] :: the creation
creatore {adj} :: creative
creatore {m} :: creator
creatore {m} :: founder
Creatore {m} :: Creator, Maker (God)
creatrice {f} :: female equivalent of creatore
creatura {f} /krea̯ˈtu.ra/ :: creature
creatura {f} [regional] :: an infant or small child
creatura {f} [figuratively] :: protege
creaturale {adj} :: creatural
creazionale {adj} :: creational
creazione {f} :: creation
creazionismo {m} :: creationism
creazionista {adj} :: creationist, creationistic
creazionista {mf} :: creationist
crecchia {f} :: heather
credente {v} /kreˈdɛn.te/ :: present participle of credere
credente {adj} :: Having religious faith
credente {adj} [by extension] :: Having faith
credente {mf} :: (religious) believer
credente {mf} [by extension] :: believer
credentesi {v} :: present participle of credersi
credenza {f} /kreˈdɛn.t͡sa/ :: belief, credit
credenza {f} [furniture] :: sideboard, cupboard, hutch, abacus (church furniture)
credenza popolare {f} :: alternative form of usanza popolare
credenziale {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: credential
creder {v} :: apocopic form of credere
credere {v} /ˈkredere/ :: to believe
credere {v} :: to think
credersi {v} :: reflexive of credere
credersi {v} :: to consider oneself, believe oneself, think
credibile {adj} :: believable, credible
credibile {adj} :: reliable
credibilità {f} :: credibility, reliability
credibilmente {adv} :: believably
creditizio {adj} /kre.diˈtit.tsjo/ :: credit [attributive]
credito {m} :: credit (all senses)
creditore {m} :: creditor
creditorio {adj} :: credit, creditor (attributive)
creditrice {f} :: female equivalent of creditore
credo {m} :: creed
credo niceno {m} [Christianity, historical] :: Nicene Creed
credulità {f} :: credulity
credulo {adj} /ˈkrɛ.du.lo/ :: credulous, gullible, naive
credulo {adj} [archaic, rare] :: Having religious faith; believing
credulona {f} :: female equivalent of credulone
credulone {adj} :: credulous, gullible
credulone {m} :: dupe, simpleton, mug
credutosi {v} :: past participle of credersi
crema {f} :: cream
Crema {prop} :: Crema (town)
Crema {prop} :: surname
cremagliera {f} :: rack, ratchet, rack and pinion
cremante {v} :: present participle of cremare
crema pasticcera {f} :: custard, pastry cream
crema pasticciera {f} :: alternative form of crema pasticcera
cremare {vt} :: to cremate
cremasco {m} :: A native or inhabitant of the Italian town of Crema
cremasco {adj} :: Of or relating to Crema or the Crema people
crema solare {f} :: sunblock (strong), sunscreen (weak)
cremastere {m} [muscle] :: cremaster, cremaster muscle
cremastere {m} [zoology] :: cremaster
cremasterico {adj} [anatomy] :: cremasteric
crematistica {f} :: chrematistics
crematoio {m} :: crematorium
crematorio {m} :: crematorium
crematorio {adj} :: crematory
cremazione {f} :: cremation
cremeria {f} :: creamery (place where cream is made from milk)
cremeria {f} :: dairy (shop selling milk, cream and often ice-cream)
cremificato {adj} :: cream (attributive), creamed
cremino {m} :: a chocolate truffle (cioccolatino)
cremino {m} :: A creamy cheese
cremisi {adj} :: crimson
cremisi {n} :: crimson
cremlino {m} :: kremlin
Cremlino {prop} :: Kremlin (in Moscow)
cremlinologia {f} :: Kremlinology
cremlinologo {m} :: Kremlinologist
cremnofobia {f} :: cremnophobia (abnormal fear of precipices)
cremolato {m} :: soft ice-cream
cremometro {m} :: creamometer
Cremona {prop} :: Cremona (province/and/city)
cremonese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Cremona
cremonese {adj} :: Of or relating to Cremona or the Cremona people
Cremonesi {prop} :: surname
cremore {m} [medicine] :: cream
cremortartaro {m} :: cream of tartar
cremosamente {adv} :: creamily
cremosità {f} :: creaminess
cremoso {adj} :: creamy
cren {m} :: horseradish
cren {m} :: horseradish sauce
crenato {m} :: crenate
crenato {adj} :: crenate, crenated
crenatrice {f} :: A machine that uses rotating disks to cut grooves in brickwork etc
crenatura {f} [botany] :: crenation
crenatura {f} [typography] :: kerning
crenico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: crenic
crenologia {f} :: the study of mineral water springs
crenoterapia {f} [medicine] :: crenotherapy
creodonto {m} [zoology] :: creodont
creolina {f} /kre.oˈli.na/ :: creolin
creolo {adj} :: Creole
creolo {m} :: Creole
creolo {m} :: creole (language)
Creonte {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Creon
creosolo {m} [organic compound] :: creosol
creosoto {m} :: creosote
crepa {f} :: crack, crevice
crepa {f} :: leak
crepa {f} [figurative, by extension] :: rift in a social or political institution
crepaccio {m} :: crevasse, chasm
crepaccio {m} :: fissure, crack
crepacuore {m} :: heartbreak, broken heart
crepante {v} :: present participle of crepare
crepantesi {v} :: present participle of creparsi
crepapancia {n} :: only in mangiare a crepapancia, ridere a crepapancia
crepapelle {adv} :: Until one bursts (to eat, laugh etc)
crepare {vi} :: to crack
crepare {v} [di, da] :: [of an emotion, sensation, etc.] to no longer be able to contain or tolerate; to burst
crepare {vi} [vulgar, often, pejorative] :: [typically of animals] to die
creparsi {v} :: reflexive of crepare
creparsi {vi} :: to crack
crepatosi {v} :: past participle of creparsi
crepatura {f} :: crack, crevice
crepella {f} :: wool crepe
creperia {f} :: crêperie / creperie
crepi il lupo {phrase} :: Response to the phrase in bocca al lupo!
crepitante {v} :: present participle of crepitare
crepitare {vi} /kre.piˈta.re/ :: to crackle
crepitare {vi} :: to patter [of rain]
crepitare {vi} :: to rustle [of leaves]
crepitazione {f} :: crepitation
crepitio {m} :: crackling, pattering, rustling
crepito {m} :: crack
crépon {m} :: crepon
crepuscolare {adj} :: twilight (attributive)
crepuscolare {adj} :: crepuscular
crepuscolarismo {m} :: a literary movement that developed in Italy in the early twentieth century
crepuscolo {m} :: twilight
crepuscolo {m} :: dusk
crescendo {m} [music] :: crescendo
crescendo {m} [figuratively] :: crescendo
crescente {adj} :: increasing, growing, rising
crescente {adj} :: waxing (moon)
crescente {m} [heraldiccharge] :: crescent
crescente {m} :: sourdough
crescente {v} :: present participle of crescere
crescentina {f} :: A kind of fried bread from Emilia Romagna, usually served hot with salami and cheese
crescenza {f} :: A soft-ripened cow's milk cheese with no rind, produced in Lombardy, Piedmont, and Veneto
Crescenzo {prop} :: given name
crescere {vi} /ˈkreʃʃere/ :: to grow, increase, expand, cop on
crescere {vt} :: to grow something, to cultivate
crescione {m} :: cress (and sometimes watercress)
crescita {f} /ˈkre.ʃi.ta/ :: growth
crescita economica {f} :: economic growth
cresciutello {adj} :: somewhat grown-up
cresciuto {adj} :: grown-up, grown, developed
cresima {f} :: confirmation (religious ritual)
cresimanda {f} /kre.ziˈman.da/ :: feminine noun of cresimando
cresimando {adj} [Christianity] /kre.ziˈman.do/ :: that is to receive the sacrament of confirmation
cresimando {m} [Christianity] :: One who is to receive the sacrament of confirmation
cresimante {v} :: present participle of cresimare
cresimantesi {v} :: present participle of cresimarsi
cresimare {v} :: to confirm (in the religious sacrament)
cresimarsi {v} :: to be confirmed (in the religious sacrament)
cresimatosi {v} :: past participle of cresimarsi
creso {m} [dated] /ˈkre.zo/ :: A very rich person
Creso {prop} :: Croesus
cresolo {m} [organic compound] :: cresol
crespante {v} :: present participle of crespare
crespare {vt} :: To curl or wrinkle
crespato {adj} :: crêpe (attributive)
crespella {f} :: a small, folded pancake with a savoury or sweet filling, sometimes served with a sauce; a crepe
Crespi {prop} :: surname
crespigno {m} /kresˈpiɲ.ɲo/ :: Name of several species in the Sonchus taxonomic genus, especially the smooth sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus)
crespino {m} /kresˈpi.no/ :: common barberry, barberry (Berberis vulgaris)
crespo {m} :: crêpe
crespo {adj} :: frizzy (especially of hair)
cresta {f} :: crest
cresta {f} :: comb (of a chicken etc)
cresta {f} :: ridge (of a mountain)
crestato {adj} :: cristate
crestato {adj} :: crested
crestina {f} :: A maid's or waitress cap
crestomazia {f} :: chrestomathy
creta {f} :: chalk
creta {f} :: clay
Creta {prop} :: Crete
cretaceo {adj} :: cretaceous, chalky
cretaceo {adj} [geology] :: Cretaceous
cretaceo {m} [geology] :: Cretaceous (period)
Cretacico {m} :: Cretaceous
cretese {adj} :: Cretan
cretese {mf} :: Cretan
Creti {prop} :: medieval spelling of Creta
cretico {adj} :: Cretan (of Crete)
cretico {adj} :: cretic
cretico {m} :: cretic foot (in Greek poetry)
cretina {f} :: feminine noun of cretino
cretinamente {adv} :: cretinously
cretinata {f} :: stupidity, rubbish, tosh
cretineria {f} :: stupidity
cretinetti {mf} :: dimwit, twerp
cretino {adj} :: cretinous
cretino {m} :: cretin
cretino {m} :: moron
cretinoide {mf} :: idiot
cretinoide {mf} :: cretinoid (person with cretinism)
cretoso {adj} :: clayey
crettare {vi} [Tuscany, especially of walls] /kretˈta.re/ :: to crack, split
crettare {vi} [Tuscany, of skin] :: to chap, crack
crettarsi {v} /kretˈtar.si/ :: synonym of crettare
crettatura {f} [textiles] /kret.taˈtu.ra/ :: crimping
cretto {m} /ˈkrɛt.to/ :: crack (thin space opened in a previously solid material)
cretto {m} [rare] :: crack (of the skin)
Creusa {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Creusa
cribbio {interj} :: An expression of surprise or disappointment
cribbio {interj} :: crikey, damn, blast, gee, blimey
cribriforme {adj} :: cribriform
cribro {m} [obsolete] :: sieve
cribro {m} [anatomy, botany] :: cribrose tube
cribroso {adj} [anatomy, botany] :: cribrose, cribriform
cribrovascolare {adj} [anatomy, botany] :: cribrovascular
cric {m} :: creak
cric {m} :: jack (of a car)
cricca {f} /ˈkrik.ka/ :: clique (exclusive group of individuals)
cricca {f} [by extension, familiar] :: A group of friends
cricchetto {m} :: pawl
cricco {m} :: a jack (for lifting)
criceto {m} /kriˈt͡ʃɛto/ :: hamster, cricetid
cricket {m} :: cricket (sport)
crickettista {mf} [sports] :: cricketer
cricoaritenoideo {adj} [anatomy] :: cricoarytenoid
cricoaritenoideo {m} [muscle] :: cricoarytenoid, cricoarytenoid muscle
cricoaritenoideo laterale {m} [muscle] :: lateral cricoarytenoid
cricoaritenoideo posteriore {m} [muscle] :: posterior cricoarytenoid
cricoide {adj} :: cricoid
cricoide {f} [anatomy] :: cricoid cartilage
cricoideo {adj} :: cricoid
cricotiroideo {adj} [anatomy] :: cricothyroid
crime {m} /ˈkri.me/ :: crime
Crimea {prop} :: Crimea
Crimilde {prop} :: given name
criminale {adj} :: criminal
criminale {mf} :: criminal
criminale di guerra {mf} :: war criminal
criminalista {mf} :: criminalist
criminalistica {f} :: criminalistics
criminalistico {adj} :: criminalistic
criminalità {f} :: crime (practice or habit of committing crimes; criminal acts collectively)
criminalità {f} :: criminality, criminalness (state of being criminal)
criminalizzante {v} :: present participle of criminalizzare
criminalizzare {vt} :: to criminalize
criminalizzazione {f} :: criminalization
criminalmente {adv} :: criminally
Criminalpol {prop} :: crime squad (police division)
crimine {m} :: crime
crimine di guerra {m} :: war crime
criminodinamica {f} :: criminodynamics (study of the causes of criminal behaviour)
criminogeno {adj} :: Criminogenic: engendering crime, generating crime
criminologa {f} :: female equivalent of criminologo
criminologia {f} :: criminology
criminologico {adj} :: criminological
criminologo {m} :: criminologist
criminosamente {adv} :: criminally
criminosità {f} :: criminality
criminoso {adj} :: criminal
crina {f} :: ridge, crest
crinale {m} :: ridge
crine {m} :: horsehair
crine {m} :: mane, crest
criniera {f} :: mane (of a horse, lion etc)
criniera {f} :: crest
crinoide {m} [zoology] :: crinoid
crinolina {f} :: crinoline
crio- {prefix} :: cryo-
crioablazione {f} :: cryoablation
crioanestesia {f} :: cryoanesthesia
criobiologia {f} :: cryobiology
criocauterio {m} :: cryocautery
criochirurgia {f} [surgery] :: cryosurgery
criochirurgico {adj} :: cryosurgical
crioconcentrante {v} :: present participle of crioconcentrare
crioconcentrare {v} :: to cryoconcentrate
crioconcentrazione {f} :: cryoconcentration
crioconservazione {f} :: cryopreservation
crioelettronica {f} :: cryoelectronics
crioelettrotecnica {f} :: cryoelectronics technology
crioessiccazione {f} :: freeze-drying, lyophilization
criofilo {adj} :: cryophilic
criofilo {m} [biology] :: cryophile
criofisica {f} [physics] :: cryophysics
criofocalizzazione {f} :: cryofocusing, cryotrapping
criogenia {f} :: cryogenics
criogenico {adj} :: cryogenic
criogeno {adj} :: cryogenic
crioidrato {m} [chemistry] :: cryohydrate
criolite {f} :: cryolite
criologia {f} :: cryogenics
criomacerazione {f} :: cryomaceration
criopatia {f} :: cryopathy, frostbite
criopatologia {f} :: cryopathology
crioscopia {f} [chemistry, physics] :: cryoscopy
crioscopico {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: cryoscopic
crioscopio {m} [chemistry, physics] :: cryoscope
criosfera {f} :: cryosphere
criosonda {f} :: cryoprobe
criostatico {adj} :: cryostatic
criostato {m} :: cryostat
criotecnica {f} :: cryonics
crioterapia {f} [medicine] :: cryotherapy
criovulcano {m} :: cryovolcano
cripta {f} :: crypt
criptaggio {m} :: encryption
criptando {m} [organic chemistry] :: cryptand
criptante {v} :: present participle of criptare
criptare {vt} :: to encrypt
criptato {adj} :: encrypted
criptestesia {f} :: cryptaesthesia, cryptesthesia
cripticamente {adv} :: cryptically
cripticità {f} [rare] /krip.ti.t͡ʃiˈta/ :: crypticity, obscurity
criptico {adj} :: cryptic
cripto- {prefix} :: crypto-
cripto {m} [chemistry] /ˈkripto/ :: krypton
criptocomunista {mf} :: cryptocommunist
criptocomunista {adj} :: cryptocommunist
criptocristallino {adj} :: cryptocrystalline
criptodepressione {f} :: cryptodepression
criptofascista {mf} :: crypto-fascist
criptofascista {adj} :: crypto-fascist
criptofita {f} [biology] :: cryptophyte
criptogenetico {adj} :: cryptogenetic
criptografia {f} :: Variant of crittografia
criptografico {adj} :: alternative form of crittografico
criptografo {m} :: Variant of crittografo
criptogramma {m} :: Variant of crittogramma
criptolalia {f} :: cryptolalia
criptomenorrea {f} :: cryptomenorrhea / cryptomenorrhoea
cripton {m} :: alternative form of cripto
criptonimo {m} :: cryptonym
criptoportico {m} [architecture] :: cryptoporticus
criptorchide {m} :: cryptorchid
criptorchidia {f} :: cryptorchidism
criptorchidismo {m} [medicine] :: cryptorchidism
criptospecie {f} :: cryptospecies
criptozoologia {f} :: cryptozoology
cris- {prefix} :: alternative form of criso-
Crisafulli {prop} :: surname
crisalide {f} :: chrysalis
crisantemo {m} :: chrysanthemum
Crisaore {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Chrysaor
criselefantino {adj} /kri.ze.le.fanˈti.no/ :: chryselephantine (made of gold and ivory)
crisene {m} [organic compound] :: chrysene
crisi {f} :: crisis
crisi {f} :: fit (epileptic)
crisi {f} [economics] :: panic
crisi {f} [figuratively] :: slump
crisiasi {f} [pathology] :: chrysiasis
crisi energetica {f} :: energy crisis
crisi finanziaria {f} :: financial crisis
crisma {m} /ˈkris.ma/ :: chrism
criso- {prefix} /ˈkri.zo-/ :: chryso-
crisoberillo {m} [mineral] :: chrysoberyl
crisocalco {m} [jewelmaking] /kri.zoˈkal.ko/ :: Copper-rich brass with small quantities of tin and lead
crisocolla {f} [mineral] :: chrysocolla
crisoelefantino {adj} /kri.zo.e.le.fanˈti.no/ :: alternative form of criselefantino
crisofita {f} :: chrysophyte
crisografia {f} :: chrysography
crisolito {m} [mineralogy] :: chrysolite
crisopazio {m} [mineralogy] :: chrysoprase
crisopea {f} [alchemy] :: chrysopoeia, philosopher's stone
crisoprasio {m} [mineralogy] :: chrysoprase
Crisostomo {prop} :: given name
crisoterapia {f} [medicine] :: chrysotherapy
crisotilo {m} [mineralogy] :: chrysotile
Crispi {prop} :: surname
Crispi {prop} :: Francesco Crispi, Italian politician
Crispino {prop} :: given name
cristadelfiano {adj} :: Christadelphian
cristadelfiano {m} :: Christadelphian
Cristadelfiano {m} :: Christadelphian
cristallaio {m} :: glass blower; glass or crystal worker
cristallaio {m} :: glass or crystal dealer
cristalleria {f} :: crystal glassworks
cristalleria {f} :: crystal glassware
cristalliera {f} :: glass display cabinet
cristallifero {adj} :: crystalliferous
cristallinità {f} :: crystallinity
cristallino {adj} :: crystalline (all senses)
cristallino {m} :: crystalline lens (of the eye)
cristallite {m} :: crystallite
cristallizzabile {adj} :: crystallizable
cristallizzante {v} :: present participle of cristallizzare
cristallizzantesi {v} :: present participle of cristallizzarsi
cristallizzare {vti} :: to crystallize
cristallizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of cristallizzare
cristallizzarsi {vr} :: to recrystallize
cristallizzatore {m} [chemistry] :: crystallization vessel
cristallizzatosi {v} :: past participle of cristallizzarsi
cristallizzazione {f} :: crystallization
cristallo {m} /krisˈtal.lo/ :: crystal
cristallo {m} :: pane (of glass)
cristalloblastico {adj} [petrology] /kris.tal.loˈblas.ti.ko/ :: Characterized by metamorphic rocks showing recrystallization
cristallochimica {f} [chemistry, physics] :: chemical crystallography
cristalloclastico {adj} [petrology] /kris.tal.loˈklas.ti.ko/ :: Consisting primarily of crystalized minerals
cristallo di rocca {m} :: rock crystal
cristallogenesi {f} :: crystallogenesis
cristallografa {f} :: female equivalent of cristallografo
cristallografia {f} :: crystallography
cristallografico {adj} :: crystallographic
cristallografo {m} /kris.talˈlɔ.ɡra.fo/ :: crystallographer
cristalloide {adj} :: crystalloid (attributive)
cristalloide {m} :: crystalloid
cristalloterapia {f} :: crystal healing
cristalluria {f} [pathology] :: crystalluria
cristalvioletto {m} :: crystal violet
cristiana {f} :: female equivalent of cristiano
Cristiana {prop} :: given name
cristianamente {adv} :: Like a Christian
cristianesimo {m} :: Christianity
cristiania {m} :: christie (skiing)
cristianissimo {adj} :: superlative of cristiano
cristianità {f} :: Christianity
cristianità {f} :: Christendom
cristianizzante {v} :: present participle of cristianizzare
cristianizzare {vt} :: to Christianize, to convert to Christianity
cristianizzazione {f} :: Christianization
cristiano {adj} :: Christian
cristiano {m} :: a Christian
cristiano {m} [Neapolitan] :: a person
Cristiano {prop} :: given name
cristianodemocratico {adj} :: Christian-Democratic
cristianodemocratico {m} :: Christian-Democrat
cristico {adj} :: Christic
Cristina {prop} :: given name
cristo- {prefix} /kristo/ :: Pertaining to Christ or Christianity; Christo-
cristo {m} :: Christ (Jesus Christ)
Cristo {prop} /ˈkris.to/ :: Christ
Cristo {prop} :: a figure of Christ, crucifix
cristocentrico {adj} :: Christocentric
cristocentrismo {m} [Christianity] /kris.to.t͡ʃenˈtris.mo/ :: Christocentrism
Cristoforetti {prop} :: surname
Cristoforetti {prop} :: Samantha Cristoforetti, Italian astronaut
Cristoforo {prop} :: given name
cristologia {f} /kris.to.lo.d͡ʒi.a/ :: Christology
cristologico {adj} :: Christological
criterio {m} :: criterion, rule
criterio {m} :: (common) sense
criteriologia {f} :: criteriology
critica {f} :: criticism
critica {f} :: feminine noun of critico
criticabile {adj} :: objectionable, questionable
criticamente {adv} :: critically
criticante {v} :: present participle of criticare
criticantesi {v} :: present participle of criticarsi
criticare {vt} :: to criticize
criticarsi {v} :: reflexive of criticare
criticarsi {v} :: to blame oneself
criticatissimo {adj} :: superlative of criticato
criticatosi {v} :: past participle of criticarsi
criticismo {m} [philosophy] :: criticism
criticista {adj} [philosophy] :: criticist
criticista {mf} [philosophy] :: criticist
criticità {f} :: critical characteristic
criticità {f} :: critical moment or situation
criticità {f} [chemistry, physics] :: criticality
critico {adj} :: critical
critico {m} :: critic
critico {m} :: reviewer
criticona {f} :: female equivalent of criticone
criticone {m} :: fault-finder, nitpicker, critic
crittaggio {m} :: scrambling, encoding (especially of a TV signal)
crittaggio {m} :: encryption
crittanalisi {f} :: cryptanalysis
crittanalista {mf} :: cryptanalyst
crittante {v} :: present participle of crittare
crittare {vt} :: alternative form of criptare
critto- {prefix} :: crypto-
crittoanalisi {f} :: cryptanalysis
crittoanalista {mf} :: cryptanalyst
crittogama {f} [botany] :: cryptogam
crittogamia {f} [botany] :: cryptogamy
crittogamico {adj} :: cryptogamic, cryptogamous
crittografante {v} :: present participle of crittografare
crittografare {vt} :: To cryptograph or encrypt
crittografato {adj} :: cryptic
crittografia {f} :: cryptography
crittograficamente {adv} :: cryptographically
crittografico {adj} :: cryptographic
crittografo {m} :: cryptographer (person)
crittografo {m} :: cryptograph (device)
crittogramma {m} :: cryptogram
crittologa {f} :: female equivalent of crittologo
crittologia {f} :: cryptology
crittologico {adj} :: cryptological
crittologo {m} :: cryptologist
crivellante {v} :: present participle of crivellare
crivellare {vt} :: to riddle, to spray (to fill with holes)
crivellare {v} :: to drill
crivellatura {f} :: riddling, jigging
crivellazione {f} :: riddling, jigging
crivello {m} :: screen, sieve
crivello {m} :: sluicebox
Crnt. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of cornetto
croata {f} :: female equivalent of croato
croato {adj} :: Croatian
croato {m} :: Croat
croato {m} :: the Croatian language
Croazia {prop} /kroˈattsja/ :: Croatia
crobilo {m} [Ancient Greece] /ˈkrɔ.bi.lo/ :: A roll of hair knotted on the crown of the head
croccante {adj} :: crisp
croccante {adj} :: crunchy
croccante {m} :: almond crunch (and similar things)
croccantezza {f} :: crunchiness, crispness
croccantino {adj} :: crunchy
croccantino {m} :: (especially in plural) Small crunchy pieces added to processed food
crocchetta {f} :: croquette
crocchia {f} :: chignon, bun (hairstyle)
crocchiante {v} :: present participle of crocchiare
crocchiare {v} :: to cluck
crocchio {m} :: cluster (of people, talking)
Crocchio {prop} :: Crocchio (small river)
crocco {m} :: A hook, especially one used for fishing for tuna
croccolare {v} :: to gurgle
croccolone {m} :: great snipe (Gallinago media)
croce {f} /ˈkrotʃe/ :: cross
croce {f} [heraldiccharge] :: cross
Croce del Sud {prop} [astronomy] :: Crux (constellation)
Croce del Sud {prop} [astronomy] :: Southern Cross (constellation)
croce di Sant'Andrea {f} :: Saint Andrew's cross
crocefiggente {v} :: present participle of crocefiggere
crocefiggere {vt} :: alternative form of crocifiggere
crocefissione {f} :: crucifixion
crocefisso {m} :: crucifix
croce gammata {f} :: swastika, gammadion
croceo {adj} :: saffron-coloured
crocerista {mf} :: a person who goes on a cruise
croceristico {adj} :: cruise (attributive)
Croce Rossa {prop} :: the Red Cross organization
crocerossina {f} /kro.t͡ʃe.rosˈsi.na/ :: Red Cross nurse
crocesegnare {vt} /ˌkro.t͡ʃe.seɲˈɲa.re/ :: To sign or mark with an X
crocesignare {v} /ˌkro.t͡ʃe.siɲˈɲa.re/ :: alternative form of crocesegnare
crocetta {f} :: Little cross (or mark in the shape of a cross)
crocevia {m} :: crossroads
crociano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Benedetto Croce
crociata {f} :: crusade
crociato {m} :: crusader
crociato {adj} :: cross-shaped; cruciform
crocicchio {m} :: crossroads
crociera {f} :: a cruise
crocierista {mf} :: passenger on a cruise ship
crocieristico {adj} :: cruise (attributive)
crocifero {adj} :: processional (especially with the leader carrying a cross)
crocifiggente {v} :: present participle of crocifiggere
crocifiggere {vt} :: to crucify
crocifiggersi {vr} :: To torment oneself with anguish
crocifissione {f} :: crucifixion
crocifisso {adj} :: crucified
crocifisso {m} :: crucifix
crocifissore {m} :: crucifier
crociforme {adj} :: Variant of cruciforme
croco {m} :: crocus
crocoite {f} [mineral] :: crocoite
croda {f} [mineralogy] :: A rare sedimentary rock, typical of the Veneto region, consisting of a conglomerate of gravel and pebbles cemented by a limestone mixture
croda {f} [geology] :: A typical Dolomite morphology consisting of walls of rock having clean, sharp edges
crogiolante {v} :: present participle of crogiolare
crogiolantesi {v} :: present participle of crogiolarsi
crogiolare {vt} :: To cook slowly
crogiolarsi {vr} :: To bask, apricate
crogiolatosi {v} :: past participle of crogiolarsi
crogiolo {m} :: crucible
crogiolo {m} :: melting pot
crogiuolo {m} :: Variant of crogiolo
croio {adj} [obsolete] /ˈkrɔ.jo/ :: hard
croio {adj} [obsolete, figurative] :: boorish, loutish
croio {adj} [obsolete, figurative] :: cruel, evil
croissant {m} /krwasˈsan/ :: croissant
crollante {v} :: present participle of crollare
crollantesi {v} :: present participle of crollarsi
crollare {vi} :: to collapse, cave in or slump
crollarsi {vr} :: To be agitated or moved
crollatosi {v} :: past participle of crollarsi
crollo {m} /ˈkrɔl.lo/ :: collapse; slump
crollo {m} [finance] :: crash
croma {f} [music] :: quaver [British], eighth note [US]
cromaffine {adj} [cytology] :: chromaffin
cromante {v} :: present participle of cromare
cromare {vt} :: to chromium-plate
cromaticamente {adv} :: chromatically
cromaticità {f} :: chromaticity
cromatico {adj} :: chromatic (all senses)
cromatide {m} :: Variant of cromatidio
cromatidio {m} [genetics] :: chromatid
cromatina {f} [genetics] :: chromatin
cromatinico {adj} :: chromatinic
cromatismo {m} :: chromatism (all senses)
cromatismo {m} [music] :: colour (melodic embellishment)
cromato {adj} :: chromium plated
cromato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: chromate
cromatofilo {adj} :: chromatophilic
cromatoforo {m} [biology] :: chromatophore
cromatoforo {adj} :: chromatophoric
cromatografia {f} [chemistry] :: chromatography
cromatografico {adj} [chemistry] :: chromatographic
cromatografo {m} [chemistry] :: chromatograph
cromatogramma {m} [chemistry] :: chromatogram
cromatura {f} :: chromium plating
cromia {f} :: tone or shade of colour
cromico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: chromic
crominanza {f} :: chrominance
cromismo {m} :: chromium poisoning
cromite {f} [mineralogy] :: chromite
-cromo {suffix} :: -chrome
cromo- {prefix} :: chromo-
cromo {m} [chemistry] /ˈkrɔ.mo/ :: chromium
cromo {m} :: chrome
cromoargentico {adj} [cytology, of a stain] /kro.mo.arˈd͡ʒɛn.ti.ko/ :: Containing salts of chromium and silver (normally potassium dichromate and silver nitrate)
cromodinamica {f} [physics] :: chromodynamics
cromodinamica quantistica {f} [physics] :: quantum chromodynamics
cromoforo {m} [chemistry] :: chromophore
cromoforo {adj} :: chromophoric
cromofotografia {f} [photography] :: chromophotography
cromogeno {adj} :: chromogenic
cromogeno {m} :: chromogen
cromolitografia {f} :: chromolithography
cromolitografico {adj} :: chromolithographic
cromomero {m} :: chromomere
cromonema {m} [genetics] :: chromonema
cromoplasto {m} :: chromoplast
cromoproteina {f} [protein] :: chromoprotein
cromoprotide {m} :: chromoprotein
cromorno {m} [musical instruments] :: crumhorn
cromoscopia {f} [medicine] :: chromoscopy
cromoscopio {m} :: chromoscope
cromosfera {f} :: chromosphere
cromosferico {adj} :: chromospheric
cromosoma {m} [cytology, ] :: chromosome
cromosomico {adj} :: chromosome, chromosomal
cromoterapeuta {mf} :: colour therapist
cromoterapia {f} :: chromotherapy
cromotipia {f} :: chromotype
cronaca {f} /ˈkronaka/ :: chronicle
cronaca {f} :: news (in a newspaper); column
cronaca {f} [sports] :: commentary
cronaca {f} [familiar] :: account, record, description (of events)
cronaca bianca {f} [rare] :: local news covering unimportant or petty information
cronaca nera {f} :: crime news
cronaca rosa {f} :: gossip column; gossip news
Cronache {prop} [biblical] :: Chronicles
cronachista {mf} :: chronicler
cronachistica {f} :: chronicles (collectively)
cronema {m} :: chroneme
cronemica {f} :: chronemics
cronicamente {adv} :: chronically
cronicario {m} :: hospital for chronic diseases
cronicità {f} :: chronicity
cronicizzante {v} :: present participle of cronicizzare
cronicizzantesi {v} :: present participle of cronicizzarsi
cronicizzare {vt} :: to become chronic, make chronic
cronicizzarsi {vr} :: To become chronic
cronicizzatosi {v} :: past participle of cronicizzarsi
cronicizzazione {f} :: chronicization
cronico {adj} /ˈkrɔ.ni.ko/ :: chronic
cronico {m} :: A chronic invalid
cronista {mf} :: chronicler
cronista {mf} :: reporter (newspaper)
cronista {mf} :: commentator (radio, TV)
cronistoria {f} :: chronicle
cronistoria {f} :: blow-by-blow account
-crono {suffix} :: -chronous
crono- {prefix} :: chrono-
crono {f} [sports] :: time trial
Crono {prop} [Greek god] :: Cronos, Cronus
cronobiologia {f} :: chronobiology
cronobiologo {m} :: chronobiologist
cronofotografia {f} [photography] :: chronophotography
cronografia {f} :: chronography
cronografico {adj} :: chronographic
cronografo {m} :: chronograph
cronogramma {m} :: chronogram
cronologia {f} :: chronology
cronologicamente {adv} :: chronologically
cronologico {adj} :: chronological
cronologista {mf} :: chronologist (student of chronology)
cronologista {mf} :: chronicler
cronologo {m} :: chronologist
cronologo {m} :: chronicler
cronoman {m} [cycle racing] :: time trialist, time triallist
cronometraggio {m} :: chronometry
cronometrante {v} :: present participle of cronometrare
cronometrantesi {v} :: present participle of cronometrarsi
cronometrare {vt} :: to time (measure time intervals with a chronometer, or with great precision)
cronometrarsi {vr} :: To time oneself
cronometratosi {v} :: past participle of cronometrarsi
cronometria {f} :: chronometry
cronometricamente {adv} :: chronometrically
cronometrico {adj} :: chronometric, chronometrical
cronometrico {adj} :: time (attributive)
cronometrico {adj} :: absolute
cronometrista {mf} :: timekeeper
cronometro {m} :: chronometer
cronometro {f} :: time trial (in cycling and other sports)
cronometro a squadre {f} :: team time trial
cronometro individuale {f} :: individual time trial
cronopatologia {f} :: chronopathology
cronoprogramma {m} :: Gantt chart (time schedule)
cronoprologo {m} [cycle racing] :: prologue time trial
cronoscalata {f} :: mountain time trial
cronoscopio {m} :: chronoscope
cronosinclastico {adj} :: chronosynclastic
cronosquadre {f} [cycling] :: team time trial
cronostratigrafia {f} :: chronostratigraphy
cronotachigrafo {m} :: tachograph
cronotappa {f} :: stage of a time trial (cycling)
cronotassi {f} :: chronotaxis
cronotecnica {f} :: time and motion study
cronotecnico {m} :: time and motion study expert
cronoterapia {f} :: chronotherapy
cronotermostato {m} :: programmable thermostat
cronotopo {m} [physics] :: spacetime
cronotropo {adj} [physiology] :: chronotropic
cronovisore {m} :: chronovisor
crooksite {f} [mineral] :: crookesite
croscè {m} :: crochet
croscio {m} /ˈkrɔʃ.ʃo/ :: The sound of heavy rain or otherwise violently falling water: roar
cross {m} :: motocross
cross {m} :: cross (boxing punch, tennis shot)
cross {m} :: slice (golf shot)
crossante {v} :: present participle of crossare
crossare {vi} [soccer] :: To cross the ball
crossista {mf} :: motocross racer
crosta {f} /ˈkrɔs.ta/ :: crust [of cheese, bread, etc.]
crosta {f} :: scab [of a wound]
crosta {f} :: daub (bad picture)
crosta {f} :: rind
crostaceo {m} /kroˈst̪aː.tʃ͡e.o/ :: crustacean, shellfish
crosta lattea {f} [pathology] :: cradle cap
crostale {adj} [geology] :: crustal
crostante {v} :: present participle of crostare
crostare {v} :: to cook something so as to form a crust
crostata {f} :: tart (dessert)
crosta terrestre {f} [geology] :: The Earth's crust
crostatina {f} :: tart (small in size)
crosticina {f} :: crust
crostino {m} :: crouton
crostino {m} :: canapé
crostolo {m} [chiefly in the plural, Venice] /ˈkrɔ.sto.lo/ :: type of dessert in the form of fritters dusted with sugar, eaten during Carnival time; similar to angel wings
Crostolo {prop} :: Crostolo (river)
crostone {m} [geology] :: hardpan
crostone {m} :: large crostino
crostoso {adj} :: scabby
crostoso {adj} :: crusty
crostoso {adj} [botany] :: crustose
crotalo {m} [snake] :: rattlesnake
crotalo ceraste {m} :: sidewinder (snake)
Crotone {prop} :: Crotone (town/and/province)
crotonese {adj} :: Of or from Crotone
crotonico {adj} :: crotonic
crotta {f} :: crwth
cru {m} :: cru (vineyard known for its quality without official rankings)
crucciante {v} :: present participle of crucciare
crucciantesi {v} :: present participle of crucciarsi
crucciare {vt} :: To torment or worry
crucciarsi {vr} :: To worry
crucciatamente {adv} :: worriedly
crucciatamente {adv} :: tormentedly
crucciato {adj} :: worried
crucciato {adj} :: tormented
crucciatosi {v} :: past participle of crucciarsi
cruccio {m} :: torment
crucciosamente {adv} :: irritably, angrily
cruccioso {adj} :: irritable, angry
crucco {adj} [offensive, ethnic slur] :: Kraut (German)
crucco {m} [offensive, ethnic slur] :: Kraut, Fritz (a German person)
cruciale {adj} :: crucial, critical, momentous
crucialità {f} :: crucial character or nature
crucifera {f} :: crucifer
crucifiggente {v} :: present participle of crucifiggere
crucifiggere {vt} :: Variant of crocifiggere
crucifisso {adj} :: Variant of crocifisso
crucifisso {m} :: Variant of crocifisso
cruciforme {adj} :: cruciform, cross-shaped
crucigero {adj} :: crucigerous
cruciverba {m} :: crossword (puzzle)
cruciverbista {mf} :: crossword compiler or solver
crudamente {adv} :: crudely
crudamente {adv} :: harshly
crudel {adj} :: apocopic form of crudele
crudele {adj} /kru.ˈdɛ.le/ :: cruel
crudelissimo {adj} :: superlative of crudele
crudelmente {adv} :: cruelly
crudeltà {f} :: cruelty
crudeltade {f} [literary] :: cruelty (Variant of: crudeltà)
crudezza {f} :: severity, harshness
crudezza {f} :: bluntness, forthrightness
crudità {f} :: rawness, coarseness
crudità {f} :: crudités (raw vegetables with a dip)
crudivoro {adj} :: That eats food raw (especially meat or flesh); "crudivorous"
crudo {adj} [of food] :: raw, uncooked
crudo {adj} [of water] :: hard
crudo {adj} [of climate] :: severe, harsh
crudo {adj} [of language] :: blunt, forthright
cruentemente {adv} :: bloodily
cruentissimo {adj} :: superlative of cruento
cruentissimo {adj} :: very vicious or violent
cruentissimo {adj} :: very bloody
cruento {adj} :: bloody, gory
crumira {f} :: female equivalent of crumiro
crumiraggio {m} :: strikebreaking
crumiro {m} [pejorative] :: strikebreaker, blackleg, scab (male)
cruna {f} :: eye, scarf (of a needle)
crup {m} [medicine] :: croup
crupale {adj} [medicine] :: croupy
crurale {adj} [anatomy, dated] /kruˈra.le/ :: crural
crusca {f} /ˈkruska/ :: bran
cruscante {mf} :: A member of the Accademia della Crusca
cruschello {m} :: diminutive of crusca; fine bran
cruschevole {adj} [colloquial] :: According to the purist dictates of the Accademia della Crusca
cruschevolmente {adv} [colloquial] :: In a manner according to the purist dictates of the Accademia della Crusca
cruscoso {adj} :: branny
cruscotto {m} :: dashboard (of a motor car)
Csm {prop} :: alternative form of CSM
CSM {prop} :: initialism of Consiglio superiore della magistratura
ctenoforo {m} :: ctenophore
ctonio {adj} /ˈktɔ.njo/ :: underworldly, chthonian, chthonic
cu {mf} /ku/ :: letter: q; cue
cuba {f} :: cupola
Cuba {prop} :: Cuba (island/and/country)
cubana {f} :: female equivalent of cubano
cubano {adj} :: Cuban
cubano {m} :: Cuban (male)
cubare {v} /kuˈba.re/ :: to lie; to be lying down
cubatura {f} :: cubic capacity
cubetto {m} :: small cube
cubetto di ghiaccio {m} :: ice cube
cubia {f} [nautical] :: hawse, hawsehole
cubicità {f} :: cubicalness
cubico {adj} :: cubic
cubicolario {m} :: cubicularius, parakoimomenos
cubicolo {m} /ku.ˈbi.ko.lo/ :: cubiculum
cubicolo {m} :: cubicle
cubiforme {adj} :: cubiform
cubilotto {m} :: cupola
cubismo {m} :: cubism
cubista {adj} [arts] :: cubist, cubistic
cubista {mf} [arts] :: cubist
cubista {mf} :: go-go dancer
cubistico {adj} [arts] :: Cubist (attributive)
cubitale {adj} :: cubital
cubitale {adj} :: Very large (measured in cubits)
cubitale {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the ulna
cubitiera {f} :: cubitiere, couter
cubito {m} [literary] /ˈku.bi.to/ :: elbow
cubito {m} [skeleton] :: ulna
cubito {m} [historical] :: cubit (unit of measure)
cubo {adj} :: cubic
cubo {m} :: cube
cuboidale {adj} :: cuboidal
cuboide {adj} :: cuboid, cuboidal
cuboide {m} [skeleton] :: cuboid, cuboid bone
cuboide {m} [geometry] :: cuboid
cubottaedro {m} [mathematics] :: cuboctahedron
cubozoa {m} :: box jellyfish
cuccagna {f} :: abundance, plenty, feast
cuccagna {f} :: Cockaigne
cuccante {v} :: present participle of cuccare
cuccare {vt} :: to obtain something by deceit
cuccare {vt} :: to deceive
cuccare {v} [dated, slang] :: to pick up (a guy or a girl)
cuccetta {f} :: berth, bunk
cuccetta {f} :: couchette, sleeping berth
cucchiaia {f} /kukˈkja.ja/ :: tablespoon (large spoon)
cucchiaia {f} :: dipper, grab, scoop, bucket (of a mechanical excavator)
cucchiaia {f} :: trowel
cucchiaiata {f} :: spoonful
cucchiaino {m} :: teaspoon
cucchiaino {m} :: teaspoonful
cucchiaino {m} :: lump
cucchiaino {m} :: spinner (fishing)
cucchiaino da tè {m} :: teaspoon (small spoon)
cucchiaio {m} /kukˈkja.jo/ :: spoon; spoonful
cucchiaio {m} :: tablespoon; tablespoonful
cucchiaio {m} :: chip; in football
cucchiaio di legno {m} [idiomatic, sports] :: wooden spoon ["prize" for finishing last]
cucchiaione {m} :: tablespoon
cucchiaione {m} :: ladle
cucchiaione {m} :: scoop
cucchiaio richiamo {m} :: spoon lure
cucchiara {f} [regional] /kukˈkja.ra/ :: alternative form of cucchiaia
cucchiaro {m} :: alternative form of cucchiaio
cuccia {f} /ˈkut.t͡ʃa/ :: kennel
cuccia {f} :: a dog's basket or bed
cuccia {f} :: a house for dogs
cucciolata {f} :: litter (of newborn animals)
cuccioletto {m} :: Small puppy or kitten
cucciolo {m} /ˈkut.t͡ʃo.lo/ :: cub
cucciolo {m} :: pup, puppy
Cucciolo {prop} :: Dopey (Disney character)
cucco {m} /ˈkuk.ko/ :: darling, favorite, pet, mollycoddle
cucco {m} :: synonym of cuculo
cucco {m} :: fool, idiot, moron
cucco {m} [regional, chiefly Venetian] :: A sort of handcrafted ceramic whistle
cuccù {m} :: cuckoo (bird)
cuccù {interj} :: boo!
cuccù {interj} :: peekaboo!
cuccuma {f} :: coffee pot (receptacle or content)
cucente {v} :: present participle of cucire
cucina {f} /kuˈtʃina/ :: kitchen
cucina {f} :: cooking, cookery, food
cucinabile {adj} :: Suitable to be cooked
cucinante {v} :: present participle of cucinare
cucinare {vt} [cooking] /ku.t͡ʃiˈna.re/ :: To cook
cucinario {adj} :: synonym of culinario
cucinetta {f} :: kitchenette
cuciniere {m} :: cook
cucinino {m} :: kitchenette
cucinotto {m} :: kitchenette
cucire {vt} /kuˈtʃire/ :: to sew
cucire le pieghe {v} :: to tuck
cucire le pieghe {v} :: To sew folds; to make a tuck or tucks in
cucirino {m} :: thread (for sewing)
cucirsi {vr} :: To make or repair one's own clothing
cucirsi la bocca {v} :: synonym of fare attenzione a quello che si dice
cucito {v} :: past participle of cucire
cucito {adj} :: sewn, stitched
cucito {m} :: sewing, needlework
cucitore {m} :: sewer, stitcher
cucitore {adj} :: sewing (attributive)
cucitrice {f} :: stitching machine (printing)
cucitrice {f} :: stapler
cucitrice {f} :: needlewoman
cucitrice {f} :: seamstress
cucitrice {f} :: sewing machine
cucitura {f} :: seam, hem
cucitura {f} :: stitching
cucù {m} :: cuckoo (bird)
cucù {interj} :: peekaboo!
cuculo {m} /ˈku.ku.lo/ :: cuckoo; properly the common cuckoo
cuculo terragnolo beccorosso {m} :: red-billed ground cuckoo (Neomorphus pucheranii)
cucuma {f} :: kettle, cooking vessel
cucurbita {f} :: gourd
cucuzzaro {m} :: alternative spelling of cocuzzaro
cucuzzolo {m} :: Variant of cocuzzolo
Cuda {prop} :: surname
cudduredde {f} :: synonym of cuddura
cudera {f} :: ant
cudù {m} :: koodoo, kudu
cuffia {f} :: bonnet, cap
cuffia {f} [in the plural] :: headphones
cuffietta {f} :: Little bonnet
cufico {adj} :: Kufic, Cufic
cuggionese {adj} :: Of or from Cuggiono
Cuggiono {prop} :: Cuggiono (small town)
Cugia {prop} :: surname
cugina {f} :: female equivalent of cugino
cuginanza {f} /ku.dʒiˈnan.tsa/ :: The kinship that exists between cousins; cousinship, cousinhood
cuginetta {f} :: A smaller or younger cousin
cuginetto {m} :: A smaller or younger cousin
cugino {m} /kuˈdʒino/ :: A male cousin (son of one’s uncle or aunt)
cui {determiner} [with definite article] /ˈkuj/ :: whose
culaccino {m} /ku.laˈt͡ːʃi.no/ :: the end of a salami, loaf of bread etc
culaccino {m} :: the dregs in a glass, or the remaining part of a substance in a vessel
culaccino {m} :: a water ring, a mark left on a surface by the bottom of a wet glass or vessel (of tea, water, etc)
culaccio {m} /kuˈlat.t͡ʃo/ :: pejorative of culo
culaccio {m} :: rump [UK]; sirloin [US] (cut of meat)
culaco {m} /kuˈla.ko/ :: uncommon form of kulak
culatello {m} /kulaˈtɛllo/ :: culatello
culatta {f} /kuˈlatta/ :: cannon breech
culattone {m} [pejorative, vulgar] :: faggot, poof, queer
culbianco {m} /kulˈbjan.ko/ :: northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
culdoscopia {f} [medicine] :: culdoscopy
culetto {m} :: The rounded end of a salami
culetto {m} [familiar] :: Butt; buttocks
culinaria {f} :: cuisine
culinario {adj} /ku.liˈnar.jo/ :: culinary
culla {f} :: cradle, crib, cot
cullante {v} :: present participle of cullare
cullantesi {v} :: present participle of cullarsi
cullare {vt} :: to rock [a child]
cullare {vt} [transferred sense] :: to swing with light, gentle movements; to sway
cullare {vt} :: to caress
cullare {vt} :: to have in mind [an idea, hope, etc.]
cullare {vt} :: to deceive
cullarsi {v} :: reflexive of cullare
cullarsi {v} :: to rock oneself
cullarsi {v} :: (with in) to get too comfortable or confident with a sanguine expectation; to delude oneself
cullarsi {v} :: to let oneself go; to relax
cullatosi {v} :: past participle of cullarsi
culminale {adj} /kulmiˈnale/ :: summital, culminal, cacuminal
culminante {adj} :: culminating
culminante {adj} :: highest
culminante {adj} :: climax [attributive]
culminante {v} :: present participle of culminare
culminare {vi} :: to culminate (in)
culminazione {f} :: culmination
culmine {m} :: summit, top, peak
culmo {m} [botany] :: culm
culo {m} [vulgar slang] /ˈku.lo/ :: ass, bottom, buttocks, butt
culona {f} :: fat-ass (woman with a large bottom)
culone {m} :: large bottom; fat ass
culone {m} :: fat-ass (person with a large bottom)
culto {m} /ˈkul.to/ :: Meanings related to religion:
culto {m} :: religious devotion
culto {m} :: liturgy (set of rituals)
culto {m} [by extension] :: religion
culto {m} :: Meanings related to non-religious attachment:
culto {m} :: worship, adoration
culto {m} :: strong attachment
culto {m} :: obsession, admiration
culto {m} [obsolete] :: cultivation
culto {adj} [literary] :: cultured, well-educated, cultivated
culto {adj} [literary] :: elegant, embellished
culto {adj} [literary] :: Participial meanings:
culto {adj} [literary] :: cultivated
culto {adj} [literary] :: inhabited
-cultore {suffix} :: alternative form of -coltore
cultore {m} /kulˈto.re/ :: enthusiast, lover, connoisseur
cultore {m} [literary] :: worshipper, reverencer
cultore {m} [obsolete, literary] :: farmer, cultivator
cultore {m} [obsolete, literary] :: inhabitant
cultrice {f} :: female equivalent of cultore
cultuale {adj} :: cult (attributive)
-cultura {suffix} :: alternative form of -coltura
cultura {f} :: culture
cultura {f} :: learning, knowledge
cultura di massa {f} :: mass culture, popular culture
culturale {adj} :: cultural
culturalismo {m} :: display of culture
culturalistico {adj} :: displaying culture
culturalmente {adv} :: culturally
culturame {m} [pejorative] :: pop culture; mass culture, seen as being too schematic or mainstream
culturismo {m} :: bodybuilding
culturista {mf} :: bodybuilder
culturistico {adj} :: bodybuilding (attributive)
culurgiones {n} :: A typical dish of Sardinian cuisine ravioli filled with potatoes, sardinian pecorino, mint or basil, garlic or onion from Ogliastra Nuoro Sardinia Italy
culurgiones {n} :: synonym of ravioli sardi
culurgiones {n} :: synonym of culurgiones ogliastrini
culurgiones {n} :: alternative spelling of culurgionis
culurgiones ogliastrini {n} :: synonym of culurgiones
culurgionis {n} :: alternative spelling of culurgiones
Cuma {prop} :: Cumae
cumacino {adj} :: alternative form of comacino
cumano {adj} :: Cumaean
cumarina {f} [organic compound] :: coumarin
cumenda {m} [in Lombardy] :: commander
cumile {m} [organic chemistry] :: cumyl
cumino {m} :: cumin
cumino dei prati {m} :: caraway (Carum carvi)
cummingtonite {f} [mineral] :: cummingtonite
cumolo {m} :: heap, pile
cumolo {m} :: cumulus
cumulabile {adj} :: combinable, that can be summed, that can be accumulated
cumulabilità {f} :: combinability, combinableness
cumulante {v} :: present participle of cumulare
cumulare {vt} :: to accumulate
cumularsi {v} :: alternative form of accumularsi
cumulativamente {adv} :: cumulatively
cumulativo {adj} :: cumulative
cumulativo {adj} :: inclusive (price)
cumulativo {adj} :: group (ticket)
cumulazione {f} :: accumulation
cumulo {m} :: heap, pile
cumulo {m} [meteorology] :: cumulus (cloud)
cumulo {m} :: mound
cumulonembo {m} [meteorology] :: cumulonimbus
cumulostrato {m} :: stratocumulus
cuna {f} [literary and regional, literally and figuratively] /ˈku.na/ :: cradle
cuna {f} [literary and regional] :: A cavity in the ground
Cundari {prop} :: surname
cuneato {adj} :: wedge-shaped
cuneato {adj} [botany] :: cuneate
cuneense {adj} /ku.neˈɛn.se/ :: Of or relating to Cuneo or its people
cuneense {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Cuneo
cuneese {adj} /ku.neˈe.se/ :: Of or relating to Cuneo or its people
cuneese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Cuneo
cuneese {m} :: A chocolate filled with a rum-flavored cream, typical of Cuneo
cuneiforme {adj} /ku.nei̯ˈfor.me/ :: cuneiform
cuneiforme {m} [skeleton] :: cuneiform, cuneiform bone
cuneiforme {m} [writing] :: cuneiform
cuneo {m} :: wedge
Cuneo {prop} /ˈku.ne.o/ :: Cuneo (province)
Cuneo {prop} :: Cuneo (city)
cunetta {m} :: dip (in a road)
cunetta {m} :: gutter, ditch (at the side of a road)
Cuniberto {prop} :: given name
cunicolo {m} /kuˈni.ko.lo/ :: tunnel, underground passage
cunicolo {m} :: burrow
cunicolo {m} :: wormhole
cunicoltore {m} :: synonym of coniglicoltore
cunicoltura {f} :: synonym of coniglicoltura
cunnilingio {m} :: cunnilingus
cunnilinguo {m} :: cunnilingus
cunnilingus {m} :: cunnilingus
cunta {f} /ˈkun.ta/ :: delay, pause
cuntante {v} :: present participle of cuntare
cuntare {vt} :: [obsolete, literary] To narrate, tell or recount (a story)
cuoca {f} :: female equivalent of cuoco
cuocente {v} :: present participle of cuocere
cuocere {vit} :: to bake, cook
cuocere a fuoco lento {v} :: to simmer
cuocitore {m} :: cook
cuocitore {m} :: cooker (device)
cuocitrice {f} :: female equivalent of cuocitore
cuoco {m} /ˈkwɔko/ :: (male) cook, chef
cuoiaceo {adj} :: synonym of coriaceo
cuoiaia {f} :: female equivalent of cuoiaio
cuoiaio {m} /kwoˈja.jo/ :: tanner
cuoiaio {m} :: leatherwork seller
cuoiame {m} :: leather goods
cuoieria {f} :: leather goods shop
cuoietteria {f} :: the manufacture of leather goods
cuoio {m} /ˈkwɔ.jo/ :: leather
cuoioso {adj} :: leathery
Cuomo {prop} :: surname
cuonzo {m} :: A very long fishing line, with multiple hooks, used for catching tuna and swordfish
cuor {f} :: apocopic form of cuore
cuora {f} [literary] :: A soft and grassy layer that floats on the surface of ponds
cuora {f} [regional] :: The bottom of drained swamps
cuorcontento {m} /kwɔr.konˈtɛn.to/ :: easy-going or happy-go-lucky person
cuore {m} /ˈkwɔːre/ :: heart
cuore {m} [anatomy] :: muscular organ that pumps blood
cuore {m} [uncountable] :: emotion, kindness, moral effort, or spirit
cuore {m} [figurative] :: center, essence, or core
cuore {m} :: breast, bosom
cuore {m} [card games, in the plural] :: heart
cuore di coniglio {m} [idiom] :: cowardliness; cowardly heart
cuore di leone {m} [idiom] :: courage; courageous heart
cuore di Maria {f} :: The flowering plant bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis, now Lamprocapnos spectabilis)
cuore di Maria {f} :: The Roman Catholic devotion Cuore Immacolato di Maria
cuore di pecora {m} [idiom] :: synonym of cuore di coniglio
cuore di tigre {m} :: cruelty (in one's heart); cold-heartedness
cuore d'oro {m} [idiomatic, figuratively] :: heart of gold
cuore polmonare {m} [pathology] :: cor pulmonale
cuoretto {m} [obsolete] :: A small cuirass worn to protect the chest
cuoricino {m} :: A small heart
cuoriforme {adj} /ˌkwɔ.riˈfor.me/ :: heart-shaped
Cupaello {prop} :: A village near Rieti in Lazio
cupamente {adv} :: darkly, obscurely
cupamente {adv} :: hollowly, dull (sound)
cupamente {adv} :: gloomily, sullenly, dismally
cupè {mf} :: coupé
cupezza {f} :: darkness (especially that of the night)
cupezza {f} [figuratively] :: A closed, non-communicative character; a gloomy or melancholy character
cupidamente {adv} :: greedily, covetously
cupidigia {f} :: greed, covetousness, cupidity, avarice
cupidità {f} :: greed, covetousness, cupidity, avarice
cupo {adj} :: dark
cupo {adj} :: [of a sound, voice, etc.] deep
cupo {adj} :: [of a person] taciturn, uncommunicative
cupo {adj} :: [of a person] sullen, morose
cupo {adj} [rare] :: bushy, dense
cupo {adj} [regional] :: [of a container] deep
cupola {f} :: dome, vault
cupola {f} :: cupola
Cupola del Brunelleschi {prop} :: The cross dome-shaped cupola over the roof of the Duomo di Firenze, designed by Filippo Brunelleschi
cupoletta {f} :: Small dome
cupoliforme {adj} :: domed (having the form of a cupola)
cupolino {m} :: fairing (especially on a motorcycle)
cupolone {m} [colloquial] /ku.poˈlo.ne/ :: A large cupola or dome (especially on a large cathedral, etc.)
cupolone {m} [Rome, colloquial, often capitalized] :: The dome of St, Peter's Basilica in Rome
cupralluminio {m} :: aluminium bronze
cuprammoniacale {adj} :: cuprammonium (attributive)
cuprammonio {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: cuprammonium
cuprato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: cuprate
cupremia {f} :: cupremia
cuprico {adj} :: copper (attributive)
cuprico {adj} :: cupric, cuprous
cuprifero {adj} :: cupriferous
cuprismo {m} :: copper poisoning
cuproalluminio {m} :: aluminium bronze (variant of: cupralluminio)
cuproammonio {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: cuproammonium (variant of: cuprammonio)
cuprobismutite {f} [mineral] :: cuprobismutite
cuprolega {f} :: copper alloy
cupronichel {m} :: cupronickel
cupuliforme {adj} :: alternative form of cupoliforme
cura {f} :: care
cura {f} :: accuracy
cura {f} :: cure
cura {f} :: treatment (medical)
curabile {adj} :: curable
curabilità {f} :: curability, curableness
curandaio {m} [historical] /ku.ranˈda.jo/ :: A worker that whitens unrefined cloth
curandaio {m} :: synonym of lavandaio
curandaio {m} :: A worker that whitens yarn and fabrics
curante {v} :: present participle of curare
curante {adj} :: caring
curantesi {v} :: present participle of curarsi
curapipe {m} :: pipe cleaner
curare {vt} [medicine] :: to treat, cure [a patient, disease, etc.]
curare {vt} :: to look after
curare {vt} :: to value; to take care of
curare {vt} :: (with [ che + subj. ] or [ di + inf. ]) to do in such a way (that); to make it so (that)
curarina {f} :: curarine
curaro {m} :: curare
curarsi {v} :: reflexive of curare
curarsi {vi} :: to take care of one's health
curarsi {vi} :: to care for one's appearance
curarsi {v} [di] :: to preoccupy oneself (with); to pay attention (to); to care (about)
curarsi {v} [di] :: to take care (of); to look after
curarsi {vi} [chiefly in the negative] :: (with di + inf.) to bother (to/with)
curarsi {vt} [medicine] :: to treat [a patient, disease, etc.]
curatela {f} :: guardianship
curatissimo {adj} :: superlative of curato
curativo {adj} :: curative, healing
curato {adj} :: (especially in combination) tended, kept
curato {adj} :: neat, tidy, trim
curato {adj} :: cured
curato {adj} :: treated
curato {adj} :: edited
curato {m} :: priest
curato {m} :: vicar, parson, curate
Curatoli {prop} :: surname
curatore {m} :: guardian (legal, of a child)
curatore {m} :: editor (of an anthology etc)
curatore {m} :: curator (of an exhibition etc)
curatosi {v} :: past participle of curarsi
curatrice {f} :: female equivalent of curatore
curazia {f} [San Marino] :: village
curba {f} /ˈkur.ba/ :: alternative form of curva
curbasciata {f} /kur.baˈʃa.ta/ :: lash
curbascio {m} /kurˈba.ʃo/ :: whip
Curci {prop} :: surname
curculione {m} :: weevil, snout beetle, curculio (of family Curculionidae)
curcuma {f} /ˈkurkuma/ :: turmeric
curcumina {f} [organic compound] :: curcumin
curda {f} :: Kurd (female)
curdo {adj} :: Kurdish
curdo {m} :: Kurd (person; in plural, the people)
curdo {m} :: the Kurdish language
curettage {m} [surgery] :: curettage
curia {f} :: diocese
curia {f} :: The Curia
curia {f} :: a professional association
curiale {adj} :: curial
curiale {adj} :: courtly
curialescamente {adv} :: in a quibbling or cavilling manner
curialesco {adj} :: quibbling, cavilling
curialmente {adv} :: In a courtly manner
curie {m} :: curie (unit of measure)
Curiel {prop} :: surname
Curiel {prop} :: Eugenio Curiel, Italian patriot and physician
curio {m} [chemistry] /ˈkurjo/ :: curium
curiosa {f} :: female equivalent of curioso
curiosaggine {f} :: curiosity
curiosamente {adv} :: curiously
curiosante {v} :: present participle of curiosare
curiosare {vi} /ku.rjo.ˈzaː.re/ :: to look around
curiosare {vi} :: to poke about
curiosare {vi} :: to be nosey or inquisitive
curiosità {f} :: curiosity, inquisitiveness
curiosità {f} :: curio
curioso {adj} :: curious
curioso {adj} :: inquisitive
curioso {m} :: curious thing
curioso {m} :: busybody, nosy parker
curioso {m} :: rubbernecker
curiosone {m} :: snooper
curlandese {adj} :: Couronian
Curlandia {prop} :: Courland (Latvian region)
curricolare {adj} :: curricular
curricolarizzazione {f} :: curricularization
curricolo {m} :: curriculum
curriculare {adj} :: Variant of curricolare
curricularmente {adv} :: curricularly
curriculum {m} :: curriculum
curriculum {m} :: curriculum vitae, CV; resume: summary of education and employment experience
curriculum vitae {m} :: curriculum vitae (summary of education and employment experience)
curriculum vitae {m} :: resume
curro {m} [archaic, literal and figurative] /ˈkur.ro/ :: carriage, chariot
curro {m} :: a cylinder or roller used to move heavy objects
curry {m} :: curry; curry powder
cursore {m} /kurˈsore/ :: cursor [all senses]
cursore {m} :: pointer
cursore {m} :: contact [electrical, moveable]
cursore {m} :: cam, slider, slide (zip sliding cam)
curtense {adj} :: feudal
curtis {f} :: Variant of corte, used especially of the medieval court
curva {f} /ˈkur.va/ :: bend, curve, trajectory
curva {f} :: The bank of seats at the ends of a football pitch
curva {f} [obsolete, veterinary medicine] :: synonym of corba
curva a gomito {f} :: hairpin bend
curvabile {adj} :: bendable, flexible
curvamente {adv} :: twistily
curvamente {adv} :: stoopingly
curvante {v} :: present participle of curvare
curvante {adj} :: curving, bending
curvantesi {v} :: present participle of curvarsi
curvare {v} :: to bend or curve
curvarsi {v} :: reflexive of curvare
curvarsi {vr} :: to bend down
curvarsi {vr} :: to become bent
curvarsi {vr} :: to warp
curvato {adj} :: bent, curved
curvatosi {v} :: past participle of curvarsi
curvatrice {f} :: bending machine
curvatura {f} :: curvature (the shape of something curved)
curvatura {f} :: camber (of a road)
curvatura {f} :: warp
curvilineare {adj} :: curvilinear
curvilineo {adj} :: curvilinear
curvilineo {m} :: French curve
curvimetro {m} :: curvimeter
curvità {f} :: Property of being curved
curvo {adj} :: curved, bent, twisty
curvo {adj} :: bent, stooping (with rounded shoulders)
Curzio {prop} :: given name
Curzola {prop} :: Curzola (island)
Cusano {prop} :: surname
cuscinata {f} :: A blow with a cushion or pillow
cuscinatura {f} :: cushions
cuscinetto {m} :: pad
cuscinetto {m} :: pincushion
cuscinetto {m} :: bearing (ball or roller)
cuscino {m} /kuʃˈʃi.no/ :: cushion, pillow
cuscino berlinese {m} :: speed cushion
cuscitico {adj} :: Cushitic (attributive)
cuscito {adj} :: Cushite
cusco {m} :: cuscus
cuscuta {f} :: dodder (plant of genus Cuscuta)
Cusio {prop} :: Cusio (village)
cuspidale {adj} :: cuspid (attributive)
cuspidale {adj} :: cuspidal
cuspidato {adj} :: cuspidate
cuspide {f} :: cusp
cuspide {f} :: spire
custode {mf} :: keeper, custodian
custode {mf} :: warden
custode {mf} :: concierge
custode {mf} :: guard, jailer
custodente {v} :: present participle of custodire
custodentesi {v} :: present participle of custodirsi
custodia {f} :: care
custodia {f} :: custody
custodia {f} :: case (box)
custodire {vt} :: to guard; to look after
custodire {vt} :: to hold in custody, especially police custody
custodire {vt} :: to conserve
custodire {vt} [Tuscany] :: to nourish
custodirsi {v} :: reflexive of custodire
custodirsi {v} :: to look after or take care of oneself
custoditosi {v} :: past participle of custodirsi
customizzante {v} :: present participle of customizzare
customizzare {vt} :: To customize
customizzazione {f} :: customization
cutaneo {adj} [anatomy] :: cutaneous, skin [attributive]
cute {f} [anatomy] :: Cutis, skin (of a person)
cuticagna {f} /ku.tiˈkaɲ.ɲa/ :: nape, scruff (of the neck)
cuticagna {f} [by extension] :: head
cuticola {f} [anatomy, botany] :: cuticle
cuticolare {adj} :: cuticular
cuticugno {m} /ku.tiˈkuɲ.ɲo/ :: A type of men's jacket or overcoat
cutina {f} :: cutin
cutireazione {f} [medicine] :: cutireaction
cutrettola {f} :: wagtail (bird)
Cutrufo {prop} :: surname
Cutuli {prop} :: surname
Cuzzocrea {prop} :: surname
C.V. {m} :: abbreviation of cavallo vapore
CVD {phrase} :: initialism of come volevasi dimostrare
cyberbullismo {m} :: cyberbullying
cybercriminale {mf} :: cybercriminal
cyberfemminismo {m} :: cyberfeminism
cybernauta {mf} :: alternative form of cibernauta
cybersesso {m} :: cybersex
cyberspazio {m} /ˌsajbeɾˈspat͡sːjo/ :: alternative form of ciberspazio
cyberspione {m} :: cyberspy
cyborg {m} :: cyborg
cyclette {f} :: stationary bicycle
czarda {f} :: csardas
Czartoryski {prop} :: surname