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User:Ivan Štambuk/MW/7500

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  1. साधकतम (sādhakatama) (sādhakatama)
    mfn. most effective (%{-tva} n.), Kap. S3am2k.
  2. साधन (sādhana) (sādhana)
    mf(%{I} or %{A}) jn. leading straight to a goal, guiding well, furthering RV.
    effective, efficient, productive of (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    procuring Ka1v.
    conjuring up (a spirit) Katha1s.
    denoting, designating, expressive of (comp.) Pa1n2. Sch.
    m. N. of the author of RV. x, 157 (having the patr. %{bhauvana}) Anukr.
    (%{A}) f. accomplishment, performance (see %{mantra-s-})
    propitiation, worship, adoration
    (%{am}) n. (ifc. f. %{A}), the act of mastering, overpowering, subduing Kir. Pan5cat.
    subdueing by charms, conjuring up, summoning (spirits &c.) MBh. Katha1s.
    subduing a disease, healing, cure Sus3r. MBh. &c.
    enforcing payment or recovery (of a debt) Das3.
    bringing about, carrying out, accomplishment, fullilment, completion, perfection Nir. MBh. &c.
    establishment of a truth, proof. argument, demonstration Ya1jn5. Sa1h. Sarvad.
    reason or premiss (in a syllogism, leading to a conclusion) Mudr. v, 10
    any means of effecting or accomplishing, any agent or instrument or implement or utensil or apparatus, an expedient, requisite for (gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c.
    a means of summoning or conjuring up a spirit (or deity) Ka1lac.
    means or materials of warfare, military forces, army or portion of an army (sg. and pl.) Hariv. Uttar. Ra1jat.
    conflict, battle S3is3.
    means of correcting or punishing (as `" a stick "', `" rod "' &c.) TBr. Sch.
    means of enjoyment, goods, commodities &c. R.
    efficient cause or source (in general)
    organ of generation (male or female), Sah.
    (in gram.) the sense of the instrumental or agent (as expressed by the case of a noun, opp. to the action itself) Pat.
    preparing, making ready, preparation (of food, poison &c.) Katha1s. Ma1rkP.
    obtaining, procuring, gain, acquisition Ka1v. BhP.
    finding out by calculation, computation Gan2it.
    fruit, result Pan5cat.
    the conjugational affix or suffix which is placed between the root and terminations (= %{vIharaNa} q.v.) Pa1n2. 8-4, 30 Va1rtt. 1
    (only`" matter, material, substance, ingredient, drug, medicine
    good works, penance, self-mortification, attainment of beatitude
    conciliation, propitiation, worship
    killing, destroying
    killing metals, depriving them by oxydation &c. of their metallic properties [esp. said of mercury]
    burning on a funeral pile, obsequies
    setting out, proceeding, going
    going quickly
    going after, following.).
  3. साधर्म्य (sādharmya) (sādharmya)
    n. community or equality of duty or office or properties, sameness or identity of nature, likeness or homogeneousness with (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the being of the same religion MW.
    %{-sama} m. (in Nya1ya) a pretended or sham objection Nya1yas.
  4. साधु (sādhu) (sādhu)
    mf(%{vI4})n. straight, rightBhP.
    leading straight to a goal, hitting the mark, unerring (as an arrow or thunderbolt) RV. S3Br.
    straightened, not entangled (as threads) Kaus3.
    well-disposed, kind, willing, obedient RV. R.
    successful, effective, efficient (as a hymn or prayer) RV. Ka1m.
    ready, prepared (as Soma) RV. AitBr.
    peaceful, secure RV.
    powerful, excellent, good for (loc.) or towards (loc. gen., dat. acc., with %{prati}, %{anu}, %{abhi}, %{pari}, or comp.) S3Br. &c. &c.
    fit, proper, right VarBr2S.
    good, virtuous, honourable, righteous S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c.
    well-born, noble, of honourable or respectable descent W.
    correct, pure
    classical (as language) ib.
    m. a good or virtuous or honest man S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c.
    a holyman, saint, sage, seer Ka1lid.
    (with Jainas) a Jina or deified saint W.
    a jeweller Hit.
    a merchant, money-lender, usurer
    (in gram. accord. to some) a derivative or inflected noun
    (%{vI}) f. a chaste or virtuous woman, faithful wife Mn. MBh. &c.
    a saintly woman W.
    a kind of root (= %{medA})
    n. the good or right or honest, a good &c. thing or act (%{sAdhv@asti} with dat., `" it is well with- "'
    %{sAdhu-man} with acc., to consider a thing good, approve "') RV. &c. &c.
    gentleness, kindness, benevolence S3Br. MBh. &c.
    (%{u4}) ind. straight, aright, regularly
    well, rightly, skilfully, properly, agreeably (with %{vRt} and loc., `" to behave well towards "' [once %{sA4dhu} "', in RV. viii, 32, 10]
    with %{kR}, `" to set eight "'
    with %{As}, `" to be well or at ease "') RV. &c. &c.
    good! well done! bravo! S3Br. MBh. &c.
    well, greatly, in a high degree R. Ka1m. BhP.
    well, enough of. away with (instr.)! MBh. Pan5cat.
    well come on! (with Impv. or 1. pr.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    assuredly, indeed R. Ka1m. [1201,3]
  5. साधार (sādhāra) (sādhāra)
    mfn. having a support or basis or foundation Nr2isUp. Pan5car. (cf. %{niH-} and %{bahu-s-}).
  6. साधारण (sādhāraṇa) (sādhāraṇa)
    mf(%{I} or %{A})n. `" having or resting on the same support or basis "', belonging or applicable to many or all, general, common to all, universal, common to (gen. dat. instr. with and without %{saha}, or comp.) RV. &c. &c.
    like, equal or similar to (instr. or comp.) Hariv. Ka1lid.
    behaving alike Dhu1rtas.
    having something of two opposite properties, occupying a middle position, mean (between two extremes e.g. `" neither too dry nor too wet "', `" neither too cool nor too hot "') Sus3r. Ka1m. VarBr2S.
    (in logic) belonging to more than the one instance alleged (one of the three divisions of the fallacy called %{anaikAntika} q.v.)
    generic W.
    m. N. of the 44th (or 18th) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.
    (%{I}) f. a key
    a twig of bamboo (perhaps used as a bolt) MW.
    m. or n. (?) N. of a Nya1ya wk. by Ga1da-dhara
    (%{am}) n. something in common, a league or alliance with (comp.) Subh.
    a common rule or one generally applicable W.
    a generic property, a character common to all the individuals of a species or to all the species of a genus &c. ib.
    (%{am}) ind. commonly, generally L.
  7. साध्य (sādhya) (sādhya)
    mfn. to be subdued or mastered or won or managed, conquerable, amenable MBh. R. &c.
    to be summoned or conjured up
    to be set to rights, to be treated or healed or cured Sus3r. MBh. Katha1s.
    to be formed (grammatically) Vop.
    to be cultivated or perfected Ka1v.
    to be accomplished or fulfilled or brought about or effected or attained, practicable, feasible, attainable Mn. MBh. &c.
    being effected or brought about, taking place Ka1s3.
    to be prepared or cooked Car.
    to be inferred or concluded Sarvad. Bha1sha1p. Kpr.
    to be proved or demonstrated Ragh. Sa1h.
    to be found out by calculation VarBr2S. Gan2it.
    to be killed or destroyed MW.
    relating to the Sa1dhyas (see below) MBh. BhP.
    m. (pl.) `" they that are to be propitiated "'N. of a class of celestial beings (belonging to the %{gaNa-devatA} q.v., sometimes mentioned in the Veda [see RV. x, 90, 16]
    in the S3Br. their world is said to be above the sphere of the gods
    according to Ya1ska [Nir. xii, 41] their locality is the Bhuvarloka or middle region between the earth and sun
    in Mn. i, 22, the Sa1dhyas are described as created after the gods with natures exquisitely refined, and in iii, 195, as children of the Soma-sads, sons of Vira1j
    in the Pura1n2as they are sons of Sa1dhya1, and their number is variously twelve or seventeen
    in the later mythology they seem to be superseded by the Siddhas see %{siddha}
    and their names are Manas, Mantr2i, Pra7n2a, Nara, Pa1na, Vinirbhaya, Naya, Dan6sa, Na1ra1yan2a, Vr2isha, Prabhu) RV. &c. &c.
    the god of love
    N. of a Vedic R2ishi, IndSt.
    of the 21st astronomical Yoga
    (%{A}) f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma or Manu (regarded as the mother of the Sa1dhyas) Hariv. Pur.
    (%{am}) n. accomplishment, perfection W.
    an object to be accomplished, thing to be proved or established, matter in debate ib.
    (in logic) the major term in a syllogism ib.
    N. of a Sa1man ArshBr.
  8. सान्तर (sāntara) (sāntara)
    mf(%{A})n. having an interval or interstices MBh.
    different (opp. to %{eka-rUpa}) VarBr2S.
    having an intervening clause or appendix MBh.
    not close or compact, open in texture
    mixed or mingled with others L.
  9. सान्त्व (sāntva) (sāntva)
    n. (sg. and pl.) consolation, conciliation, mild or gentle language or words MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    mfn. mild, gentle R.
    sweet (as sound)
    (%{ayA}) ind. with mild or kind words, in a gentle manner BhP.
  10. सान्द्र (sāndra) (sāndra)
    mf(%{A})n. (of unknown derivation) viscid, unctuous, oily Sus3r.
    thick, solid, compact, dense Ka1v. Ka1tha1s. Pur.
    strong, vehement intense Ka1lid. Das3. Prab.
    studded or crowded with, full of (instr. or comp.) Naish. Prab. [1203,3]
    smooth, soft, bland, tender Ka1lid. Va1s.
    n. a wood, thicket
    a heap, cluster W.
  11. सापत्न (sāpatna) (sāpatna)
    mfn. (fr, %{sa-patna}, or %{sapatnI}) coming or derived from a rival AV.
    based on rivalry (as enmity) MBh.
    born of a rival or cowife
    m. (with or without %{bhrAtR}, `" a half-brother on the mother's side "') R.
    (pl.) the children of different wives of the same husband MBh.
  12. सापिण्ड्य (sāpiṇḍya) (sāpiṇḍya)
    n. (fr. %{sa-piNDa}) connection or relationship by presenting offerings to the same deceased ancestors, consanguinity or relationship of a Sapin2d2a Sam2ska1rak. Dattakac.
  13. सामन् (sāman) (sāman)
    1 n. (fr. 1. %{sA} = 1. %{san}) acquisition, possession, property, wealth, abundance RV. VS. 2 n. (m. only in TBr.
    prob. connected with %{sAntv}
    accord. to some fr. 1. %{sA}
    cf. 3. %{sAman}) calming, tranquillizing, (esp.) kind or gentle words for winning an adversary, conciliation, negotiation (one of the 4 Upa7yas or means of success against an enemy, the other 3 being %{dAna}, %{bheda}, and %{daNDa}, qq. vv.
    ibc. or instr. sg. and pl., `" by friendly means or in a friendly way, willingly, voluntarily "') TBr. &c. &c. 3 n. (of doubtful derivation
    accord. to Un2. iv, 152 fr. %{so} = 2. %{sA}, as `" destroying sin "'
    in Nir. vii, 12 apparently connected with %{sammita}
    by others derived fr. 1. %{san}, %{sA}, %{sAntv}, and perhaps not to be separated fr. 1. and 2. %{sAman}) a metrical hymn or song of praise, (esp.) a partic. kind of sacred text or verse called a Sa1man (intended to be chanted, and forming, with %{Rc}, %{yajus}, %{chandas}, one of the 4 kinds of Vedic composition mentioned first in RV. x, 90, 9) RV. &c. &c.
    any song or tune (sacred or profane, also the hum of bees) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the faculty of uttering sounds (?) TBr. (Sch.)
  14. सामन् (sāman) (sāman)
    1 n. (fr. 1. %{sA} = 1. %{san}) acquisition, possession, property, wealth, abundance RV. VS. 2 n. (m. only in TBr.
    prob. connected with %{sAntv}
    accord. to some fr. 1. %{sA}
    cf. 3. %{sAman}) calming, tranquillizing, (esp.) kind or gentle words for winning an adversary, conciliation, negotiation (one of the 4 Upa7yas or means of success against an enemy, the other 3 being %{dAna}, %{bheda}, and %{daNDa}, qq. vv.
    ibc. or instr. sg. and pl., `" by friendly means or in a friendly way, willingly, voluntarily "') TBr. &c. &c. 3 n. (of doubtful derivation
    accord. to Un2. iv, 152 fr. %{so} = 2. %{sA}, as `" destroying sin "'
    in Nir. vii, 12 apparently connected with %{sammita}
    by others derived fr. 1. %{san}, %{sA}, %{sAntv}, and perhaps not to be separated fr. 1. and 2. %{sAman}) a metrical hymn or song of praise, (esp.) a partic. kind of sacred text or verse called a Sa1man (intended to be chanted, and forming, with %{Rc}, %{yajus}, %{chandas}, one of the 4 kinds of Vedic composition mentioned first in RV. x, 90, 9) RV. &c. &c.
    any song or tune (sacred or profane, also the hum of bees) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the faculty of uttering sounds (?) TBr. (Sch.)
  15. सामन्त (sāmanta) (sāmanta)
    mfn. (fr. %{sam-anta}) being on all sides Ka1tyS3r.
    bordering, limiting W.
    m. a neighbour Ka1t2h. Mn. Ya1jn5.
    a vassal, feudatory prince, the chief of a district (paying tribute to a lord paramount) Mn. MBh. &c.
    a minister(?) Ca1n2. (v.l.)
    a leader, general, captain, champion W.
    N. of the author of the Ta1jika-sa1ra-t2ika1 (1620 A.D.) Cat.
    n. a neighbourhood Mn. S3ukas.
  16. सामयिक (sāmayika) (sāmayika)
    mfn. (ft. %{sam-aya}) based on agreement, conventional, customary Kan2. Ya1jn5. Nya1yam. Sch.
    of the same opinion, like-mined Ra1jat.
    seasonable, timely, precise, exact Ma1lav. (v.l.) Kir. (in %{a-s-})
    periodical MW.
    temporary Sa1m2khyapr.
  17. सामर्थ्य (sāmarthya) (sāmarthya)
    n. (fr. %{sam-artha}) sameness of aim or object or meaning or signification, belonging or agreeing together (in aim, object &c.), adequacy, accordance, fitness, suitableness Pat. Hariv. Sus3r. &c.
    the being entitled to, justification for (loc. or comp.) MBh. R. &c.
    ability to or capacity for (inf. dat. loc., or comp.
    acc. with %{kR}, `" to do one's utmost "'
    with %{bhaj}, to take pains "', `" exert one's self "') ib.
    efficacy, power, strength, force (%{At}, or %{-tas} or %{-yogAt}, `" through the force of circumstances "', `" by reason of. "', in consequence of "', `" on account of. "' `" as a matter of course "') ib.
    the force or function or sense of a word, Kusum.
  18. सामर्थ्यवत् (sāmarthyavat) (sāmarthyavat)
    mfn. having power or strength, capable MBh.
  19. सामानाधिकरण्य (sāmānādhikaraṇya) (sāmānādhikaraṇya)
    n. (fr. %{samAnA7dhikaraNa}) common office or function Hit.
    the condition of relating to the same object or residing in the same subject Sarvad.
    grammatical agreement, identity of case. relation, correlation (opp. to %{vaiyAdh-}) Pa1n2. Sch.
  20. सामान्य (sāmānya) (sāmānya)
    mf(%{A})n. equal, alike, similar MBh. S3ak.
    shared by others, joint, common to (instr with and without %{saha}, or comp.) Ya1jn5. MBh. Sus3r. &c.
    whole, entire, universal, general, generic, not specific (opp. to %{vaizeSika}) Sus3r. VarBr2S.
    common, common-place, vulgar, ordinary, insignificant, low MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (%{am}) n. equality, similarity, identity MBh. Sus3r. &c.
    equilibrium, normal state or condition Ni1lak.
    universality, totality, generality, general or fundamental notion, common or generic property (ibc. instr., or abl., `" in general "', as opp. to %{vizeSa-tas}, `" in particular "') Kan2. Jaim. Sarvad.
    public affairs or business W.
    (in rhet.) the connection of different objects by common properties Kpr. Kuval.
    (%{A}) f. a common female, prostitute
    (%{am}) ind. after the same manner as, like (comp.) Ka1lid.
    jointly, in general, in common Mn. vii, 56.
  21. सामायिक (sāmāyika) (sāmāyika)
    n. (fr. %{samAya} = %{sasmaya}) equanimity HParis3.
  22. सामीप्य (sāmīpya) (sāmīpya)
    mfn. (fr. %{samIpa}) neighbouring, a neighbour MBh.
    n. neighbourhood, nearness, proximity (in space and time) Sa1m2khyak. Sa1h. BhP.
    nearness to the deity (as one of the four states of beatitude
    cf. %{sAlokya}) MW.
  23. सामुद्र (sāmudra) (sāmudra)
    1 mfn. (fr. %{sam-udra}) relating to the sei, oceanic, marine Kaus3. Sus3r. MBh. &c. Va1gbh.
    declared or related by Samudra MW.
    m. a mariner, voyager, sailor Ya1jn5.
    the son of a Karan2a and a Vais3ya1 (who lives from the produce of the sea)[1206,3]
    a kind of gnat Sus3r.
    patr. of Citra-sena MBh.
    (pl.) N. of a people R.
    (%{I}) f. N. of the daughter of Samudra and wife of Pra1ci1nabarhis Hariv. Pur.
    n. sea-salt Car.
    a cuttle-fish bone
    du. (with %{agneH}) N. of two Sa1mans A1rshBr.
    (m. or n. ?) N. of a peculiar kind of rainwater (which falls in the month A1s3vayuja or A1s3vina) Sus3r.2 n. (fr. %{sa-mudra}) an impression or mark on the body L.
  24. साम्प्रत (sāmprata) (sāmprata)
    mfn. (fr. %{sam-prati}) seasonable, fit, proper, correct (cf. %{a-s-}) La1t2y. Sarvad. [1207,1]
    belonging to the present time, present (not past or future) comp.
    (%{am}) ind. fitly, properly MBh.
    presently, now ib. &c. &c.
  25. साम्ब (sāmba) (sāmba)
    1 m. (also written %{zAmba}) N. of a son of Kr2ishn2a and Ja1mbavati1 (in consequence of the curse of some holy sages who had been deceived by a female disguise which he had assumed, he was condemned to produce offspring in the shape of a terrific iron club for the destruction of the race of Vr2ishn2i and Andhaka
    he is said to have been instructed by Na1rada in the worship of the sun, and by Vya1sa in the ritual of the Magi) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    (also with %{zAstrin}) N. of various authors and teachers Cat.
    n. = %{-purANa} ib.
  26. साम्य (sāmya) (sāmya)
    n. (fr. 2. %{sama}) equality, evenness, equilibrium, equipoise, equal or normal state (acc. with %{nI}, `" to bring to that ststate "', `" calm "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    likeness, sameness, identity with (instr. with and without %{saha}, or gen., or loc., or comp.) Mun2d2Up. MBh. &c.
    equality of rank or position Mn. Ya1jn5. VarBr2S.
    homogeneousness (of sounds) Vop.
    measure, time MBh.
    equability towards (loc. or %{prati}), impartiality, indifference Bhag. Kum. BhP.
    justice (%{sAmyam-kR}, `" to act justly towards [loc.] "') MBh.
    v.l. for %{zalyA} Ka1vya7d. i, 39.
  27. साम्यता (sāmyatā) (sāmyatā)
  28. साम्यत्व (sāmyatva) (sāmyatva)
    n. equality, sameness Mn. MBh. &c.
  29. साम्राज्य (sāmrājya) (sāmrājya)
    n. (fr. %{sam-rAj}) complete or universal sovereignty, empire, dominion over (gen. loc., or comp.) RV. &c. &c.
    mfn. relating to sovereignty TS.
    (%{-jya4}, m.) a universal sovereign RV. viii, 25, 17 (accord. to g. %{kurv-Adi}, `" the son of a ununiversal ssovereign. "').
  30. साय (sāya) (sāya)
    1 n. (prob. fr. %{so} see %{avasAya}, %{avasAna}
    but cf. 2. %{sAya}, col. 3) the close of day, evening (%{sAyaM-kR}, to spend the evening, make a stay "') RV. &c. &c.
    Evening personified (as a son of Pushpa4rn2a and Dosha1 or as a son of Dha1tr2i and Kuhu1) BhP.
    (%{a4m}) ind. in the evening, at eventide (%{sAyaM@sAyam}, `" every evening "'
    see also below) RV. &c. &c. [Cf. accord. to some, Lat. {se1rus}.]
  31. सायण (sāyaṇa) (sāyaṇa)
    m. (said to be a Dra7vid2a word) N. of a learned Bra1hman (also called Sa1yan2ama1dhava and Sa1yan2a7ca1rya
    he was son of Ma1yan2a, pupil of Vishn2u Sarva-jn5a and of Sam2kara7nanda
    and flourished under Bukka I of Vijaya-nagara or Vidya1-nagara [A.D. 1350-1379] and his successor Harihara, and died in 1387
    of more than a hundred works attributed to him, among which are commentaries on nearly all parts of the Veda, some were carried out by his pupils, and some were written in conjunction with his brother Ma1dhava7ca1rya or Vidya7ran2ya-sva1min).
  32. सायन (sāyana) (sāyana)
    mfn. proceeding in the way of an Ayana (q.v.) S3a1n3khS3r.
    connected with the word %{ayana} ib.
    n. (in astron.) with the precession or the longitude of a planet reckoned from the vernal equinoctial point W.
  33. सायाहन् (sāyāhan) (sāyāhan)
    n. or eventide TBr. Mn. MBh. &c.
  34. सायुज्य (sāyujya) (sāyujya)
    n. (fr. %{sa-yuj}) intimate union, communion with (gen. loc. instr., or comp.)
    identification, absorption (into the divine Essence
    this is one of the four grades or states of Mukti cf. %{sAlokya} RTL.41) Ka1t2h. Br. MBh. &c.
    likeness, similarity W.
  35. सार (sāra) (sāra)
    m. or n. (?) salts of iron L.1 (fr. %{sR}) m. course, motion (see %{pUrva-s-})
    stretching out, extension Ka1lac.
    mfn. driving away, destroying Ba1lar. ii, 60/61
  36. सारङ्ग (sāraṅga) (sāraṅga)
    or %{sAraGga4} mf(%{I})n. (sometimes written %{zAr-}
    either fr. %{sa-raGga}, `" having colour &c. "', or for %{zarA7Gga} or %{sAr-}, `" having a dappled body "'), of a variegated colour, dappled, spotted (cf. %{kRSNa-s-}, %{lohita-s-}) AV. Br. MBh.
    derived from the antelope called Slrariga
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a kind of spotted antelope Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    N. of various birds (esp. a kind of Vishkira "' or Pratuda [qq. vv.]
    a peacock
    the Indian cuckoo
    the Ra1ja-han6sa
    the Ca1taka &c.) Ka1v. Sus3r. Car. &c.
    a bee BhP.
    a kind of metre Col.
    (in music) a partic. Ra1ga Sam2gi1t.
    (only L., `" an elephant
    sort of musical instrument
    a bow
    the earth
    night "')
    N. of S3iva MBh.
    of Ka1ma-deva
    of the father of Bhai7t2a Ra1ghava Cat.
    (with %{kavi}) of a poet ib.
    (%{I}) f. see below.
  37. सारता (sāratā) (sāratā)
    f. firmness, solidity R.
    strong confidence in (loc.) ib.
    worth, value Hit. S3a1rn3gP.
    highest degree R. Ra1jat.
    the being a chief ingredient (in the body
    see %{sAra}) Car.
  38. सारथि (sārathi) (sārathi)
    m. (fr. %{sa-ratha}) a charioteer, driver of a car, coachman (forming a mixed caste, commonly called Sa1rthi1, and supposed to have sprung from a Kshatriya father and Bra1hman mother) RV. &c. &c.
    any leader or guide (see %{nau-}, %{vAkya-s-})
    a helper, assistant (see %{karma-s-})
    the son of a Saratha (q.v.) MW.
    the ocean ib.
    N. of a town Lalit.
  39. सारथ्य (sārathya) (sārathya)
    n. the office of a charioteer or coachman, charioteering &c. MBh. Ragh. BhP.
  40. सारस (sārasa) (sārasa)
    1 mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{saras}) relating or belonging to or coming from a pond or lake Ka1v. VarBr2S. Sus3r.
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) the Indian or Siberian crane, Aedea Sibirica Mn. MBh. &c.
    a swan = %{haMsa} S3is3. xii, 44 (Sch.)
    a bird in general (cf. %{rAja-s-})
    the moon
    (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
    N. of a son of Garud2a MBh.
    of a son of Yadu Hariv.
    of a hunchback (B. %{-saka}) Ma1lav.
    (%{I}) f. a female Indian crane MBh. Mr2icch.
    (%{am}) n. a lotus Caurap.
    a woman's zone or girdle (= %{sArasana}) L.
  41. सारस्वत (sārasvata) (sārasvata)
    mf(%{I})n. relating or belonging to Sarasvat (q.v.) or to Sarasvati1 (the river or the goddess derived or coming from them RV. &c. &c.
    relating to the R2ishi Sa1rasvata MBh.
    belonging to the Sarasvata country MBh.
    eloquent, learned W.
    m. a Bilva stick
    N. of a R2ishi (fabled to have sprung from the personified Sarasvatil river MBh. (also %{-tA@gaNAH}) Hariv.
    of a Vya1sa VP.
    (pl.) N. of a people dwelling on the SSarasvatil river (i.e. in the north-west part of the province of Delhi including part of the Panja1b) AV.Paris3. MBh. VarBr2S. Pur.
    (pl.) N. of a partic. tribe of Bra1hmans (so called as coming from the above country or as supposed to be descended from the above R2ishi) BhP.
    (sg.) the twelfth Kalpa or day of Brahma1 Hcat.
    a staff of the Bilva tree
    a partic. ceremonial in the worship of Sarasvati1 MW.
    (%{I}) f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum
    (with or scil. %{prakriyA}) N. of a grammar by Anubhu1ti-svaru1pa7ca1rya
    (%{am}) n. a partic. Sattra Jaim.
    eloquence Prasannar.
    N. of a grammar (= f.)
  42. सारिक (sārika) (sārika)
    m. (= %{zArika}) the bird Turdus Salica MBh.
    N. of a Muni ib.
    (%{A}) f. see next.
  43. सारूप्य (sārūpya) (sārūpya)
    n. (fr. %{sa-rUpa}) sameness or similarity of form, identity of appearance, resemblance, likeness, conformity with (gen.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    assimilation to or conformity with the deity (one of the grades of Mukti or beatitude = %{sarUpa-tA}, %{sAlokya}) BhP.
    (in dram.) a mistake caused by the mutual resemblance of two persons (as in Ven2is. vs Yudhi-sht2hira takes Bhi1ma for Duryodhana and injures him) Bhar. Sa1h.
    mf(%{A})n. seasonable, fit, proper, suitable Lalit.
  44. सार्थ (sārtha) (sārtha)
    mf(%{A})n. having an object or business, Sa1n3khBr.
    anything that has attained its object, successful (as a request) S3ak. Sch.
    having property, opulent, wealthy Ra1jat.
    having meaning or purport, significant, important, Kusum.
    of like meaning or Purport W.
    serving a purpose, useful, serviceable MW.
    m. a travelling company of traders or pilgrims, caravan MBh. R. &c.
    a troop, collection of men MBh.
    a multitude of similar animals, herd, flock &c. Pan5cat.
    any company (%{ena}, with gen. = `" in the company of. "' Campak.), collection, multitude MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a member of any company W.
    a wealthy man W.
  45. सार्थक (sārthaka) (sārthaka)
    mfn. having meaning, significant, important RPra1t. Sa1h.
    serviceable, useful, advantageous BhP. Pan5car.
  46. सार्ध (sārdha) (sārdha)
    mf(%{A})n. joined wilh a half, plus one half. increased by one half. having a half over (e.g. %{dve@zate@sA7rdhe}, `" two hundred together with a half "' i.e. 250) Mn. MBh. &c. [1210,1]
    (%{a4m}) ind. jointly, together, along with, with (instr. or comp.
    with %{A-dA}, to take with one "') S3Br. &c. &c.
  47. सार्व (sārva) (sārva)
    mfn. (fr. %{sarva}, of which it is also the Vr2iddhi form in comp.) relating to all, fit or good for all S3is3. xiv, 4 (cf. Pa1n2. 5-1, 10)
    general, universal (see comp.)
    m. a Buddha or a Jina L.
  48. सार्वधातुक (sārvadhātuka) (sārvadhātuka)
    mfn. (fr. %{sarva-dhAtu}) applicable to the whole of a radical term or to the complete form of the verbal base (after the conjugational characteristics or Vikaran2as are affixed in the four conj. or special tenses
    in Veda often confounded with the A1rdhadha1tuhas q.v.)
    n. N. of the verbal terminations of the four conj. tenses (Pr., Impf. Pot., and Impv.), and of all the root afixes (such as %{zAnac} and %{zatri}) which have an indicatory J Pa1n2. 1-2, 4
    iii, 4, 113 &c.
  49. सार्ष्टि (sārṣṭi) (sārṣṭi)
    mfn. (prob. connected with %{ArSa} and %{riSi} and %{RSva}
    cf. %{RSi}) = prec. Pravar.
    m. pl. N. of a Gotra A1s3vS3r.
    = next BhP.
  50. सार्ष्टिता (sārṣṭitā) (sārṣṭitā)
    f. equality in rank or condition or power (sometimes regarded as one of the grades of Mukti or beatitude
    cf. %{sAlokya}, col. 3) TBr. Up. &c.
  51. सार्ष्ट्य (sārṣṭya) (sārṣṭya)
    n. a partic. state of Mukti (see above).
  52. सालोक्य (sālokya) (sālokya)
    n. (fr. %{sa-loka}) the being in the same sphere or world, residence in the same heaven with (instr. with %{saha}, or gen., or comp.
    this is one of the four stages of beatitude) MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c.
  53. सालोक्यादिचतुष्टय (sālokyādicatuṣṭaya) (sālokyādicatuṣṭaya)
    n. the four (stages of beatitude), viz. Salokya &c. (the others beings %{sAmIpya}, %{sArUpya}, and %{sAyujya}
    see also %{sA7rSTi}) RTL. 41.
  54. सावधान (sāvadhāna) (sāvadhāna)
    mf(%{A})n. having attention, attentive, heedful, careful Bhartr2. HParis3.
    intent upon doing anything (inf.) Uttamac.
    (%{am}) ind. attentively, cautiously S3ak.
  55. सावधानता (sāvadhānatā) (sāvadhānatā)
    f. attention, carefulness Pan5cat.
  56. सावयव (sāvayava) (sāvayava)
    mfn. having parts, composed of parts (in the Vais3eshika phil. said of all things except the eternal substances).
  57. सावर्ण (sāvarṇa) (sāvarṇa)
    mfn. (fr. %{sa-varNa}) relating or belonging to one of the same colour or tribe or caste MW.
    m.N. of a R2ishi VS. MBh.
    of the eighth Manu (cf. %{sAvarNi}) Hariv. Ma1rkP.
    of the Sam2hita1 traced back to Sa1varn2i (cf. under %{sAvarNaka}).
  58. सावर्ण्य (sāvarṇya) (sāvarṇya)
    mfn. relating to Manu Sa1varn2a or Sa1varn2i Cat.
    m. Patr. fr. %{sa-varNa} RV.
    the eighth Manu (= %{sAvarNi}) MW.
    n. identity of colour Sus3r.
    identity of caste or class W.
    homogeneousness (of sounds) Pa1n2. 1-1, 69 Sch.
    the Manv-antara presided over by the eighth Manu MW.
  59. सावित्री (sāvitrī) (sāvitrī)
    f. a verse or prayer addressed to Savitr2i or the Sun (esp. the celebrated verse RV. iii, 62, 10
    also called %{gAyatrI} q.v.) AitBr. &c. &c.
    initiation as a member of the three twice-born classes by reciting the above verse and investing with the sacred thread (cf. under %{sAvitra4}, and %{upa-nayana}) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c.
    a partic. form of the Ga1yatri1 metre Ked.
    N. of Su1rya1 or a daughter of Savitr2i AV. Br. MBh. &c.
    N. of the wife of Brahma1 (sometimes regarded as the above verse deified or as the mystical mother of the three twice-born classes, or as the daughter of Savitr2i by his wife Pr2is3ni) MBh. Katha1s. &c.
    of a wife of S3iva
    of a manifestation of Prakr2iti Cat.
    of the wife of Satya-vat (king of S3a1lva
    she was daughter of As3va-pati, king of Madra, and is regarded as a type of conjugal love
    her story is the subject of a fine episode of the Maha1-bha1rata
    see %{sAvitryupA7khyAna}) MBh. R. BhP.
    of the wife of Dharma (daughter of Daksha) VP.
    of the wife of Kas3yapa Cat.
    of the wife of Bhoja (king of Dha1ra1) ib. [1211,3]
    of a daughter of Asht2a1vakra Katha1s.
    of the Yamuna1 river Ba1lar.
    of the Sarasvati1 R.
    of another river BhP.
    a ray of light, solar ray W.
    the ring-finger L.
  60. साहस (sāhasa) (sāhasa)
    mfn. (fr. %{sahas}) over-hasty, precipitate, rash, inconsiderate, foolhardy Hariv.
    m. N. of Agni at the Pa1ka-yajn5a Gr2ihya1s.
    m. n. punishment, fine (regarded as of three kinds, the highest being called Uttama
    half of that, Madhyama
    and half of that, Adhama) Mn. Ya1jn5. &c.
    (%{am}) n. (ifc. f. %{A}) boldness, daring, rashness, temerity, any precipitate or reckless act MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    overstraining Car.
    violence, force, rapine, rape, robbery, felony, aggression, cruelty Gaut. A1past. Na1r.
    adultery Na1r.
    hatred, enmity L.
  61. साहस्र (sāhasra) (sāhasra)
    mf(%{I4}, or %{A}) n. (fr. %{sahasra}) relating or belonging to a thousand, consisting of or bought with or paid for a ththousand, thousand fold, exceedingly numerous, infinite VS. &c. &c.
    m. an army or detachment consisting of a ththousand men W.
    (pl.) N. of four Eka7has at which a ththousand (cows) are given as a fee S3rS.
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) an aggregate of a ththousand or of many ththousand TBr. MBh. &c.
  62. साहायक (sāhāyaka) (sāhāyaka)
    n. (fr. %{sahAya}) assistance, aid, help Ka1v. Katha1s.
    a number of associates or companions MW.
    auxliary troops ib.
  63. साहाय्य (sāhāyya) (sāhāyya)
    n. help, succour (%{-yyaM-kR} and %{sthA}, `" to give assistance "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    friendship, fellowship, alliance W.
    (in dram.) helping another in danger Sa1h.
  64. साहित्य (sāhitya) (sāhitya)
    n. (fr. %{sahita}) association, connection, society, combination, union with (instr. or comp.
    %{ena} ind. `" in combination with, together with "') Ka1m. Kap. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
    agreement, harmony Prab.
    literary or rhetorical composition, rhetoric, poetry Sa1h. Cat.
  65. सिंह (siṃha) (siṃha)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}
    prob. fr. %{sah}) `" the powerful one "', a lion (also identified with %{Atman}) RV. &c. &c.
    the zodiacal sign Leo or its Lagna VarBr2S. Ma1rkP.
    a hero or eminent person (ifc. = `" chief or lord of "', to express excellence of any kind
    cf. %{puruSa-s-}, %{rAja-s-}, and the similar use of %{RSabha}, %{vyAghra} &c.
    sometimes also = `" prince, king "' e.g. %{nAga-pura-s-}, the king of NNa1ga-pura
    cf. %{siMhadvAr} and %{siMhA7sana}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a partic. form of temple VarBr2S.
    a partic. place prepared for the building of a house Jyot.
    a Moringa with red flowers (= %{rakta-zigru})
    (in music) a kind of tune Sam2gi1t.
    the symbol or emblem of the 24th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1 MW.
    N. of a son of Kr2ishn2a BhP.
    of a king of the Vidya1-dharas Katha1s.
    of a king (the father of Sa1hi-deva) Cat.
    of the Ven3kata mountain
    (with %{AcArya}) of an astronomer VarBr2S. Sch.
    of various other persons Buddh. Ra1jat.
    a partic. mythical bird R.
    (%{A}) f. a partic. grass or plant (= %{nADI})
    (%{I}) f. see below.
  66. सिंहल (siṃhala) (siṃhala)
    m. the island of Ceylon (perhaps so called as once abounding in lions) BhP. Ra1jat. &c.
    N. of a man Buddh.
    pl. the people of CCeylon AV. Paris3. MBh. VarBr2S. &c.
    (%{A}) f. the island of CCeylon (see %{sthAna})
    n. id. W.
    brass (more correctly %{siMhalaka})
    bark, rind MW.
    Cassia bark (more correctly %{saiMhala}) L.
  67. सिंहिका (siṃhikā) (siṃhikā)
    f. N. of the mother of Ra1hu (she was a daughter of Daksha [or Kas3yapa] and wife of Kas3yapa [or Vipra-citti]) MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    N. of a form of Da1ksha1yan2i1 Cat.
    of a Ra1kshasi R.
    a knock-kneed girl unfit for marriage
    Gendarussa Vulgaris L.
  68. सिकता (sikatā) (sikatā)
    f. (said to be fr. the above, but prob fr. %{sic}, p. 1214) sand, gravel (mostly pl. sg. also `" a grain of sand "') VS. &c. &c. [1214,1]
    sandy soil Pa1n2. 5-2, 105
    gravel or stone (as a disease) Sus3r.
    pl. N. of a race of R2ishis MBh. (part of RV. ix, 86 is attributed to %{sikatA@nivAvarI}).
  69. सिकतिल (sikatila) (sikatila)
    mfn. consisting of sand, sandy, Bhart. Prab.
  70. सिक्त (sikta) (sikta)
    %{sikti}, %{siktha} see below.
  71. सित (sita) (sita)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see below
    for 3. p. 1214, col. 2) bound, tied, fettered RV. &c. &c.
    joined with, accompanied by (instr.) Prab. Ra1jat. BhP.
  72. सित (sita) (sita)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see below
    for 3. p. 1214, col. 2) bound, tied, fettered RV. &c. &c.
    joined with, accompanied by (instr.) Prab. Ra1jat. BhP.
  73. सिद्ध (siddha) (siddha)
    1 mfn. driven off, scared away Pan5cavBr. 2 mfn. accomplished, fulfilled, effected, gained, acquired MBh. Ragh.
    one who has attained his object, successful BhP.
    one who has attained the highest object, thoroughly skilled or versed in (dat. or comp.) MBh. R. &c.
    perfected, become perfect, beatified, endowed with supernatural faculties (see 2. %{siddhi}) ib.
    sacred, holy, divine, illustrious W.
    hit (as a mark) Katha1s.
    prepared, cooked, dressed (as food) Mn. MBh. &c.
    healed, cured Pan5cat.
    valid (as a rule in grammar see %{as-})
    admitted to be true or right, established, settled, proved Pat. Mn. Sa1m2khyak. Sarvad.
    resulting from W.
    adjudicated, decided, terminated (as a lawsuit) W.
    paid, liquidated, settled (as a debt) ib.
    ready for payment(as money) Hit.
    well-known, notorious, celebrated (= %{prasiddha}) A1s3vS3r. R. &c.
    effective, powerful, miraculous, supernatural Ca1n2. Ra1jat.
    subdued, brought into subjection (by magical powers), subject or obedient to (gen.) Pan5cat. Katha1s.
    peculiar, singular Ma1lati1m.
    invariable, unalterable Pat.
    m. a Siddha or semidivine being of great purity and perfection and said to possess the eight supernatural faculties (see 2. %{siddhi}
    accord. to some, the Siddhas inhabit, together with the Munis &c., the Bhuvar-loka or atmosphere between the earth and heaven
    accord. to VP. eighty-eight thousand of them occupy the regions of the sky north of the sun and south of the seven R2ishis
    they are regarded as immortal, but only as living to the end of a Kalpa [q.v.]
    in the later mythology the are some times confused with the
    Sa1dhyas [q.v.] or take their place) A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c.
    any inspired sage or prophet or seer (e.g. Vya1sa, Kapila &c.) ib.
    any holy personage or great saint (esp. one who has attained to one of the states of beatitude cf. %{sAlokya}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    any great adept in magic or one who has acquired supernatural powers ib. [1215,2]
    (with Jainas) a Jina or Arhat
    N. of the number 24 (ci. %{jina}
    the 21st of the astron. Yogas.
    a lawsuit, judicial trial (= %{vyavahAra})
    N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh.
    of a Ra1jarshi ib.
    of a king Ra1jat.
    of a brother of Jajja ib.
    of a Bra1hman Buddh.
    of an author Cat.
    a kind of thorn-apple
    another plant or a sort of hard sugar (= %{guDa})
    (pl.) N. of a people MBh. VP.
    (%{A}) f. a Siddha1 or semi-divine female R. (cf. comp.)
    N. of one of the Yoginis (q.v.)(accord. to Sa1h. %{siddhA} is also used at the end of names of courtezans)
    a kind of medicinal plant or root (= %{Rddhi})
    (%{am}) n. magic, supernatural power Pan5car.
    sea-salt L.
  74. सिद्ध (siddha) (siddha)
    1 mfn. driven off, scared away Pan5cavBr. 2 mfn. accomplished, fulfilled, effected, gained, acquired MBh. Ragh.
    one who has attained his object, successful BhP.
    one who has attained the highest object, thoroughly skilled or versed in (dat. or comp.) MBh. R. &c.
    perfected, become perfect, beatified, endowed with supernatural faculties (see 2. %{siddhi}) ib.
    sacred, holy, divine, illustrious W.
    hit (as a mark) Katha1s.
    prepared, cooked, dressed (as food) Mn. MBh. &c.
    healed, cured Pan5cat.
    valid (as a rule in grammar see %{as-})
    admitted to be true or right, established, settled, proved Pat. Mn. Sa1m2khyak. Sarvad.
    resulting from W.
    adjudicated, decided, terminated (as a lawsuit) W.
    paid, liquidated, settled (as a debt) ib.
    ready for payment(as money) Hit.
    well-known, notorious, celebrated (= %{prasiddha}) A1s3vS3r. R. &c.
    effective, powerful, miraculous, supernatural Ca1n2. Ra1jat.
    subdued, brought into subjection (by magical powers), subject or obedient to (gen.) Pan5cat. Katha1s.
    peculiar, singular Ma1lati1m.
    invariable, unalterable Pat.
    m. a Siddha or semidivine being of great purity and perfection and said to possess the eight supernatural faculties (see 2. %{siddhi}
    accord. to some, the Siddhas inhabit, together with the Munis &c., the Bhuvar-loka or atmosphere between the earth and heaven
    accord. to VP. eighty-eight thousand of them occupy the regions of the sky north of the sun and south of the seven R2ishis
    they are regarded as immortal, but only as living to the end of a Kalpa [q.v.]
    in the later mythology the are some times confused with the
    Sa1dhyas [q.v.] or take their place) A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c.
    any inspired sage or prophet or seer (e.g. Vya1sa, Kapila &c.) ib.
    any holy personage or great saint (esp. one who has attained to one of the states of beatitude cf. %{sAlokya}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    any great adept in magic or one who has acquired supernatural powers ib. [1215,2]
    (with Jainas) a Jina or Arhat
    N. of the number 24 (ci. %{jina}
    the 21st of the astron. Yogas.
    a lawsuit, judicial trial (= %{vyavahAra})
    N. of a Deva-gandharva MBh.
    of a Ra1jarshi ib.
    of a king Ra1jat.
    of a brother of Jajja ib.
    of a Bra1hman Buddh.
    of an author Cat.
    a kind of thorn-apple
    another plant or a sort of hard sugar (= %{guDa})
    (pl.) N. of a people MBh. VP.
    (%{A}) f. a Siddha1 or semi-divine female R. (cf. comp.)
    N. of one of the Yoginis (q.v.)(accord. to Sa1h. %{siddhA} is also used at the end of names of courtezans)
    a kind of medicinal plant or root (= %{Rddhi})
    (%{am}) n. magic, supernatural power Pan5car.
    sea-salt L.
  75. सिद्धि (siddhi) (siddhi)
    1 f. driving off, putting aside Ya1jn5. 2 f. (for 1. see p. 1215, col. 1) accomplishment, performance, fulfilment, complete attainment (of any object), success MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the hitting of a mark (loc.) Ka1m.
    healing (of a disease), cure by (comp.) Ya1jn5.
    coming into force, validity ib.
    settlement, payment, liquidation (of a debt) Mn. viii, 47
    establishment, substantiation, settlement, demonstration, proof. indisputable conclusion, result, issue RPra1t. Up. Sarvad.
    decision, adjudication, determination (of a lawsuit) W.
    solution of a problem ib.
    preparation, cooking, maturing, maturity ib.
    readiness W.
    prosperity, personal success, fortune, good luck, advantage Mn. MBh. &c.
    supreme felicity, bliss, beatitude, complete sanctification (by penance &c.), final emancipation, perfection
    vanishing, making one's self invisible W.
    a magical shoe (supposed to convey the wearer wherever he likes) ib.
    the acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means or the supsupposed faculty so acquired (the eight usually enumerated are given in the following S3loka, %{aNimA} %{laghimA@prA7ptiH@prAkAmyam@mahimA@tathA@IzitvaM@ca@vazitvaM@ca@tathA@kAmA7vasAyitA} [1216,3]
    sometimes 26 are added e.g. %{dUra-zravaNa}, %{sarvajJa-tva}, %{agni-stambha} &c.) Sa1m2khyak. Tattvas. Sarvad.
    any unusual skill or faculty or capability (often in comp.) Pan5cat. Katha1s.
    skill in general, dexterity, art Car.
    efficacy, efficiency Ka1v. Pan5cat.
    understanding, intellect W.
    becoming clear or intelligible (as sounds or words) BhP.
    (in rhet.) the pointing out in the same person of various good qualities (not usually united) Sa1h.
    (prob.) a work of art Ra1jat. iii, 381
    a kind of medicinal root (= %{Rddhi} or %{vRddhi})
    (in music) a partic. S3ruti Sam2gi1t.
    a partic. Yoga (either the 16th or 19th) Col.
    Success or Perfection personified MBh. VarBr2S.
    N. of Durga1 Katha1s.
    of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma Pur.
    of the wife of Bhaga and mother of Mahiman BhP.
    of a friend of Danu Katha1s.
    of one of the wives of Gan2e7s3a RTL. 215, 2
    N. of S3iva (in this sense m.) MBh.
  76. सिद्धान्तकउमुदी (siddhāntakaümudī) (siddhāntakaumudī)
    f. N. of a celebrated grammar by Bhat2t2oji-dikshita (giving a particular arrangement of Pa1n2ini's Su1tras with Comm.)
    %{-koTi-pattra} n. %{-gUDha-phakkikA-prakAza} m. %{-vilAsa} m. %{-sAra} m. N. of wks.
  77. सिद्धार्थ (siddhārtha) (siddhārtha)
    mf(%{A})n. one who has accomplished an aim or object, successful, prosperous MBh. Ka1v. &c. [1216,1]
    leading to the goal, efficient, efficacious Hariv. R.
    one whose aim or intention is known
    m. `" he who has fulfilled the object (of his coming) "'N. of the great Buddha (Gautama or S3a1kya-muni, founder of Buddhism) MWB. 43
    of a Ma1ra-putra Lalit.
    of a Da1nava Katha1s.
    of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.
    of a king ib.
    of a councillor of Das3a-ratha R.
    of the father of Maha1-vi1ra (the 24th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1) Katha1s.
    of a poet Subh.
    (%{A}) f. N. of the mother of the 4th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1
    white mustard Sus3r. VarBr2S. &c.
    the Indian fig-tree
    the 53rd year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.
    n. (scil. %{vAstu}) a building with two halls (one to the west, and one to the south) VarBr2S.
    %{-kArin} m. N. of S3iva MBh.
    %{-carita} n. N. of a poem
    %{-pRcchA} f. N. of wk. on symbols belonging to deities Hcat.
    %{-mati} m. N. of a Bodhisattva Lalit.
    %{-mAnin} mfn. one who thinks he has attained his object Katha1s.
    %{-saMhitA} f. N. of wk. Hcat.
  78. सिद्धिमत् (siddhimat) (siddhimat)
    mfn. successful Ragh.
    accomplished, perfect R. S3ak.
    possessing magical power Katha1s.
  79. सिध्य (sidhya) (sidhya)
    m. `" auspicious "'N. of the asterism Pushya[1217,1]
  80. सिन्दूर (sindūra) (sindūra)
    m. (accord. to Un2. i, 69, fr. %{syand}) a sort of tree
    a proper N. Cat.
    (%{I}) f. red cloth or clothes
    Grislea Tomentosa
    another plant (= %{-puSpI})
    = %{rocanI}
    n. red lead, minium, vermilion Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    (= %{rakta-zAsana}, %{rAja-lekha}, and %{rAja-lekhitadakSiNa} L.)
  81. सिन्दूरित (sindūrita) (sindūrita)
    mfn. reddened, made red S3is3.
  82. सिन्धु (sindhu) (sindhu)
    m. and f. (prob. fr. 1 . %{sidh} "', to go "') a river, stream (esp. the Indus, and in this sense said to be the only river regarded as m. see %{-nada}, col. 2) RV. &c. &c.
    m. flood, waters (also in the sky)
    ocean, sea RV. &c. &c.
    a symbolical term for the number 4 (cf. 1. %{samudra}) Gan2it.
    N. of Varun2a (as god of the ocean) MW.
    the moisture of the lips Kum.
    water ejected from an elephant's trunk (= %{vamathu})
    the exudation from an elephant's temples
    the country around the Indus (commonly called Sindh
    pl. `" the inhabitants of Sindh "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a king of Sindh (?) Cat.
    N. of Vishn2u RV. MBh.
    white or refined borax (= %{zveta-TaGkaNa})
    = %{sindhuka}
    (in music) a partic. Ra1ga, Sam2gi1tas.
    N. of a king of the Gandharvas R. [1217,2]
    of a serpent-demon Buddh.
    of various men Ra1jat.
  83. सिसृक्षु (sisṛkṣu) (sisṛkṣu)
    mfn. wishing to let flow or emit MBh.
    wishing or purposing to create Mn. MBh. &c. [1218,2]
  84. सीता (sītā) (sītā)
    f. (less correctly written %{zItA}
    cf. %{sIma4n}, %{sIra}) a furrow, the track or line of a ploughshare (also personified, and apparently once worshipped as a kind of goddess resembling Pomona
    in RV. iv, 57, 6, Sita1 is invoked as presiding over agriculture or the fruits of the earth
    in VS. xii, 69-72, Sita1, the Furrow "' is again personified and addressed, four furrows being required to be drawn at the ceremony when the above stanzas are recited
    in TBr. she is called %{sAvitrI}, and in Pa1rGr2. %{indra-patnI}, `" the wife of Indra "'
    in epic poetry SSita1 is the wife of Ra1macandra and daughter of Janaka, king of Mithila1, capital of Videha, who was otherwise called Si1radhvaja
    she was named Sita1 because fabled to have sprung from a furrow made by Janaka while ploughing the ground to prepare it for a sacrifice instituted by him to obtain progeny, whence her epithet Ayoni-ja1, `" not womb-born "'
    her other common names, Maithili1 and Vaidehi1, are from the place of her birth
    according to one legend she was Vedavati1 q.v., in the Kr2ita age
    accord. to others she was an incarnation of Lakshmi and of Uma1
    the story of Ra1ma's bending the bow, which was to be the condition of the gift of Sita1, is told in R. i, 67
    Si1ta1's younger sister Urmila1 was at the same time given to Lakshman2a, and two nieces of Janaka, daughters of his brother king Kusa-dhvaja, to Bharata and S3atrughna) RV. &c. &c. IW. 335 n. 1
    337 &c.
    N. of a form of Da1ksha1yan2i1 Cat.
    of a poetess Cat.
    of a river MBh. R. &c.
    of the eastern branch of the four mythical branches of the heavenly Ganges (into which it is supposed to divide after falling on mount Meru
    this branch is fabled to flow into the Varsha or Dvi1pa called Bhadra7va)
    of an Upanishad Cat.
    spirituous liquor W.
  85. सीमन् (sīman) (sīman)
    m. (see 2. %{sI} and %{sItA}) a separation or parting of the hair so as to leave a line AV. Br. AitUp.
    a suture of the skull
    f. or n. a boundary, border, bounds, limit, margin, frontier (lit. and fig.) Ya1jn5. Ka1v. Pur.
    f. a ridge serving to mark the boundary of a field or village A1past. VarBr2S.
    a bank, shore
    the horizon
    the utmost limit of anything, furthest extent, summit, acme, ne plus ultra Ka1v. Inscr.
    the scrotum Pat. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 36
    a partic. high number Buddh.
    the nape of the neck
  86. सीमन्त (sīmanta) (sīmanta)
    m. (ifc. %{A}
    cf. %{sImA7nta}) parting of the hair AV. Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c.
    = %{sImanto7n-nayana} below Ya1jn5. i, 11
    a line of separation on the human body (14 are enumerated, corresponding to the joints of the bones or Asthi-sam2gha1tas) Sus3r.
    a boundary, limit MBh.
    N. of a son of king Bhadra-sena Cat.
    of a poet ib.
  87. सीमा (sīmā) (sīmā)
    1 f. (ifc. f. %{A}) parting of the hair (see %{susIma})
    a boundary, landmark Mn. MBh. &c.
    rule of moraliy (see comp.).2 f. pl. = %{simA} S3Br. Sch.
  88. सीर (sīra) (sīra)
    m. n. (for derivation see %{sItA}) a plough RV. &c. &c.
    m. an ox for ploughing, draught-ox Kaus3.
    the sun Nir. ix, 40
    Calotropis Gigantea L.
  89. सीरिन् (sīrin) (sīrin)
    m. `" having or holding a plough "'N. of Bala-ra1ma Hariv.
  90. सीवन (sīvana) (sīvana)
    n. sewing, stitching Sus3r.
    a seam, suture MW.
    (%{I}) f. a needle ib.
    the frenum of the prepuce
    the part of the body of a horse below the anus
  91. सुकन्या (sukanyā) (sukanyā)
    f. a beautiful girl MW.
    N. of a daughter of S3arya1ta (or %{-ti}) and wife of the R2ishi Cyavana S3Br. MBh. Hariv. &c. (also %{-yakA}).
  92. सुकुमार (sukumāra) (sukumāra)
    mf(%{I})n. very tender or delicate MBh. R. &c.
    m. a delicate youth ib.
    sugar-cane and various other plants (Jonesia Asoka
    the wild Campaka
    Panicum Frumentaceum &c.)
    N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
    of a Daitya
    of various kings MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    of a poet Cat.
    of a Varsha MBh. Ma1rkP.
    (%{A}) f. Jasminum Sambac or Grandiflorum
    Musa Sapientum
    Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis
    Trigonella Corniculata
    N. of a river MW.
    (%{I}) f. Jasminum Sambac or Grandiflorum ib.
    N. of a river MBh. VP.
    %{-tanu-tvac} mfn. having very soft and delicate skin MW.
    %{-tara} mfn. more deldelicate Sa1m2khyak. Va1s.
    %{-tA} f. (Ka1vya7d. &c.) or %{-tva} n. (Katha1s.) delicacy, tenderness
    %{-nakha-tvac} mfn. having very deldelicate nails and skin MW.
    %{-vana} n. N. of a forest BhP.
    %{-rA7Gga} mf(%{I}) n. having very deldelicate limbs MW.
  93. सुकृत (sukṛta) (sukṛta)
    n. a good or righteous deed, meritorious act, virtue, moral merit (%{-tas} ind.) RV. &c. &c.
    a benefit, bounty, friendly aid, favour R. Pan5cat. &c.
    the world of virtue, heaven AV. TS. TBr.
    fortune, auspiciousness W.
    reward, recompense ib.
    (%{su4kRta}) mfn. well done or made or formed or executed RV.
    well arranged, adorned, made good (with %{mati} f. `" a well-taken resolution "'
    with %{anartha} m. `" an evil turned to good "'
    %{kim@atra@sukRtam@bhavet}, `" what would be best done here? "') RV. &c. &c.
    treated with kindness, befriended MW.
    well-conducted, virtuous, fortunate ib.
    (said to be) = %{svak-} TUp.
    m. N. of a Praja1-pati VP.
    of a son of Pr2ithu Hariv.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a river VP.
    %{-karman} n. a good or meritorious act (%{-ma-kArin} mfn. `" performing good acts "') Ka1m. Ka1v. &c.
    mfn. doing ggood deeds, virtuous MBh. R.
    %{-kRt} mfn. id. Mn. iii, 37
    %{-dvAdazI} f. N. of a partic. 12th day (%{-vrata} n. N. of a relig. observance) Cat.
    %{-bhAj} mfn. connected with merit, meritorious Va1s.
    %{-rasa} m. the essence of merits or good deeds, JaimtBr.
    %{-vrata} n. N. of a religious observance Cat.
    %{-tA7tman} mfn. one who has a well cultivated or refined mind R.
    %{-tA7rtha} mfn. one who has fully attained his object Katha1s. (v.l. %{sva-k-})
    %{-tA7vAsa} mfn. having a well-made or well-arranged residence MW.
    %{-tA7zA} f. the hope of a reward for good acts A1past.
    %{-to7cchraya} mfn. made very high, very lofty MBh.
    %{-to7dIraNa} n. the proclaiming or blazoning abroad of good actions MW.
  94. सुकेतु (suketu) (suketu)
    mf(%{u4})n. very bright RV.
    m. N. of a king of the Yakshas Ka1v.
    of various kings MBh. Hariv. R. Pur.
    %{-sutA} f. patr. of Ta1d2aka1 Ba1lar.
  95. सुकेश (sukeśa) (sukeśa)
    mf(%{I} or %{A})n. having beautiful hair MBh. R.
    (prob.) thickly overgrown with a species of the Andropogon Siddh.
    m. N. of a Ra1kshasa R.
    (%{I}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.
    of a Sura7n3gana1 Sin6ha7s.
    of a daughter of Ketu-vi1rya Ma1rkP.
    %{-zA7nta} mf(%{A})n. having beautbeautiful locks of hair MBh.
    %{-zI-bhArya} mfn. one who has a beautbeautiful-haired wife Vop.
  96. सुख (sukha) (sukha)
    &c. see %{sukha4} s.v.
  97. सुखकर (sukhakara) (sukhakara)
    mf(%{I}) n. causing pleasure or happiness Nir.
    easy to be done or performed by (gen.) R.
    m. N. of Ra1ma
    (%{I}) f. N. of a Sura7n3gana1 Sin6ha7s.
  98. सुखतर (sukhatara) (sukhatara)
    see above under %{sukha}.
  99. सुखावत् (sukhāvat) (sukhāvat)
    mfn. = 2. %{sukhavat}
    (with %{varti} f.) a kind of pill Car.
    (%{vatI}) f. N. of the paradise or heaven of Amita7bha (situated in the western sky) Buddh. SaddhP. Ka1ran2d2. MWB. 183, 204
    of the wife of Su1rya-prabha Katha1s.
    %{-deva} m. (with S3a1ktas) N. of a partic. class of authors of mystical prayers Cat.
    %{-vyUha} m. N. of a Buddhist wk.
    %{-tI7zvara} m. `" lord of Sukha1-vati "'N. of Amita7bha see above L.
  100. सुखित (sukhita) (sukhita)
    mfn. pleased, delighted, comforted (%{am} ind.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    n. happiness MW.
  101. सुखिन् (sukhin) (sukhin)
    mfn. possessing or causing happiness or pleasure, happy, joyful, pleasant, comfortable, easy MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. a religious ascetic W.
  102. सुगन्ध (sugandha) (sugandha)
    m. a fragrant smell, fragrance R.
    a perfume Ya1jn5. VarBr2. &c.
    mf(%{A})n. fragrant MBh. &c. &c.
    m. sulphur
    the chick-pea ib.
    Andropogon Schoenanthus ib.
    marjoram ib.
    a red-blossomed Moringa ib.
    = %{tumburu} ib.
    a fragrant ointment (made of various substances)
    N. of a mountain Gol.
    a trader, dealer MW.
    (%{A}) f. the ichneumon plant
    Curcuma Zedoaria ib.
    a fragrant grass MW.
    a sort of lime ib.
    sacred basil Sus3r. Car.
    N. of various other plants and trees (= %{vandhyA}, %{karkoTakI}, %{rudra-jaTA} &c.)
    a form of Da1ksha1yan2i Cat.
    N. of ais Apsaras MBh. Hariv.
    of a Tirtha Vishn2. MBh.
    of a woman Ra1jat.
    (%{I}) f. the small Banana
    N. of a female servant of Vasu-deva VP.
    n. small cumin seed
    the blue lotus ib.
    sandal ib.
    the Granthi-parn2a plant ib.
    = %{kat-tRNa} ib.
    = %{pattrA7Gga} ib.
    = %{gandha-tRNa} ib.
    civet ib.
    N. of a Tirtha MBh.
    %{-tA} f. fragrance, perfume MW.
    %{-taila-niryAsa} n. (?) civet
    a partic. perfume made from roses &c. MW.
    %{-pattrA} f. a kind of plant (= %{jaTA})
    = %{rudra-jaTA} ib.
    %{-bhUtRNa} n. a kind of fragrant grass ib.
    %{-mukha} m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva, Ka1ran2d.
    %{-mUlA} f. Averrhoa Acida
    Hibiscus Mutabilis ib.
    = %{rAsnA} ib.
    %{-yukti} f. preparation of perfumes (one of the 64 arts) BhP. Sch.
    %{-vat} mfn. fragrant MBh.
    %{-vanamAhAtmya} n. N. of wk.
    %{-dhA7Dhya} mfn. rich in fragrance R.
    (%{A}) f. Jasminum Sambac
    %{-dhA7ditya} m. N. of a man Ra1jat.
    %{-dhA7malaka} m. a kind of mixture of various herbs
    %{-dhe7za} m. N. of a temple erected by Su-gandha1 Ra1jat.
    an image of the tutelary deity of Su-ggandha1 MW.
  103. सुगन्धि (sugandhi) (sugandhi)
    (or %{-gandhi}) mfn. sweet-smelling, fragrant RV. MBh. Hariv. &c.
    virtuous, pious MW.
    m. a perfume, fragrance MW.
    the supreme Being (= %{paramA7tman}) ib.
    a lion
    a sort of Mango
    a sort of Cyperus
    Ocimum Pilosum
    the root of Scirpus Kysoor
    n. sandal
    N. of various perfumes or fragrant plants (accord. to= %{elavAluka}
    = %{kazeru}
    = %{gandha-tRNa} &c.) Bhpr.
    %{-kusuma} n. a fragrant flower MW.
    m. yellow oleander
    %{-kusumA} f. Trigonella Corniculata ib. [1222,3]
    %{-tA} f. fragrance VarBr2S. S3is3.
    %{-tejana} m. or n. a kind of fragrant grass TS. Ka1t2h. Br. &c.
    %{-triphalA} f. nutmeg, areca nut, and cloves
    %{mustaka} n. a sort of Cyperus Bhpr.
    %{-mUtra-patana} m. a civet cat
    %{-mUla} n. a radish
    the root of Us3i1ra MW.
    %{-mUlA} f. Curcuma Zedoaria
    = %{rAsnA} ib.
    %{-mUSikA} f. the musk rat ib.
    %{-sIha} m. N. of a man Ra1jat.
  104. सुगन्धिन् (sugandhin) (sugandhin)
    mfn. fragrant, sweet-smelling MBh. R.
    (%{inI}) f. Pandanus Odoratissimus
    a kind of plant with fragrant leaves (= %{ArAma-zItalA}) ib.
  105. सुगम (sugama) (sugama)
    mf(%{A})n. easy to be traversed BhP. Katha1s.
    easy of access Katha1s. Kuval.
    easy to be ascertained or understood, obvious MBh. BhP. &c.
    easy, practicable MW.
    m. N. of a Da1nava Katha1s.
    %{-mA7nvayA} f. N. of Comm.
  106. सुगात्र (sugātra) (sugātra)
    mf(%{I})n. fair-limbed, graceful Katha1s.
    (%{I}) f. a beautiful woman Vcar.
    (%{am}) n. a fine or graceful figure MW.
  107. सुगुणिन् (suguṇin) (suguṇin)
    mfn. id. Bhartr2.
  108. सुग्रीव (sugrīva) (sugrīva)
    mfn. handsome-necked, having a beautiful neck
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) N. of a monkey-king (who, with his army of monkeys headed by Hanumat, assisted Ra1macandra in conquering Ra1van2a
    he was believed to be the son of the Sun, and was re-established by Ra1ma in the throne of Kishkindha [q. v.], usurped by his brother Va1lin) MBh. R. &c.
    of one of the four horses of Kr2ishn2a or Vishn2u (the other three being Bala1haka, Megha-pushpa, and S3aivya) MBh. Hariv. BhP.
    of a divine being VarBr2S.
    of the father of the ninth Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1
    a kind of pavilion Va1stuv.
    (only L.) a conch
    N. of S3iva or Indra
    a goose
    a hero
    a piece of water
    N. of a mountain
    a sort of weapon
    the countenance of a friend
    a serpent of Pa1ta1la W.
    (%{A} or %{I}) f. N. of an Apsaras Hariv.
    (%{I}) f. N. of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Kas3yapa (regarded as the mother of horses, camels, and asses) Hariv. Pur.
    %{-vA7graja} m. `" elder brother of Su-griva "'N. of Va1lin
    %{-ve7za} m. `" lord of SSu-griva "'N. of Ra1ma L.
  109. सुचक्षुस् (sucakṣus) (sucakṣus)
    N. of a river R. mfn. having beautiful eyes (said of S3iva) S3ivag.
    seeing well MW.
    m. Ficus Glomerata
    a wise or learned man W.
  110. सुचरित (sucarita) (sucarita)
    mfn. well performed (see comp.)
    n. (%{su4-}
    sg. and pl.) good conduct or behaviour, virtuous actions VS. &c.&c.
    %{-carita} mfn. one who leads a virtuous life Mr2icch.
    %{-vrata} mfn. well performing religious observances Mn. xi, 116
    %{-tA7rtha-pada} mfn. (speech) containing well selected sense and words Kum. -2. mf(%{A})n. well-conducted, moral, virtuous Mn. ix, 261
    m. (with %{mizra})N. of an author Cat.
    (%{A}) f. a virtuous or faithful wife L.
  111. सुजन (sujana) (sujana)
    m. a good or virtuous or kind or benevolent person (man or woman
    often confounded with %{sva-jana}) R. Katha1s. &c.
    N. of the author of the S3a1n3khS3r.
    %{-tA} f. goodness, kindness, benevolence Ka1v. Sa1h.
    a number of good men or respectable persons W.
    %{-tva} n. goodness, kindness S3ak. (v.l.)
    %{-parivArA} f. N. of a Gandharva maiden Ka1ran2d2.
    %{-parisevitA} f. N. of a Kim2-nari1 ib.
    %{-nA7kara} m. N. of a man Ra1jat.
    %{-ne7tara-maitrI} f. the friendship of a bad man MW.
  112. सुजात (sujāta) (sujāta)
    (or %{su4-}) mfn. well born or produced or made, of an excellent kind or nature, fine, beautiful RV. &c. &c.
    well grown, tall MW.
    nobly born, noble RV. S3a1n3khGr2.
    genuine, sincere (as piety) BhP.
    really born (i.e. not born in vain) Bhartr2. (v.l. %{sajAtaH})
    m. N. of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1shtr2a MBh.
    of a son of Bharata VP.
    of a bull Lalit.
    (pl.) of a people Hariv.
    (%{A}) f. aluminous slate
    a kind of plant (= %{tuvarI}) MW. [1223,3]
    N. of various women (esp. of a daughter of Udda1laka and wife of Kahod2a) MBh. Pur. Lalit.
    (%{am}) n. good birth, bbirth under an auspicious constellation MBh.
    %{-tA} (%{sujAta4-}) f. the being well born, nobility (ai1so of mind) RV.
    %{-vaktra} m. N. of a preceptor A1s3vGr2.
    %{-tA7Gga} mf(%{I}) n. having wellformed limbs MW.
  113. सुजाति (sujāti) (sujāti)
    mfn. of good tribe or species MW.
    of a good race or caste ib.
    m. N. of a son of Viti-hotra ib.
  114. सुजित (sujita) (sujita)
    (%{su4-}) n. an easy conquest MaitrS.
    %{-zrama} mfn. easily overcoming all fatigue, indefatigable Ka1m.
  115. सुज्योतिस् (sujyotis) (sujyotis)
    (or %{-jyoti4s}) mfn. shining very brightly, radiant RV. VS.
  116. सुत (suta) (suta)
    1 mfn. impelled, urged S3Br.
    allowed, authorized ib. 2 mfn. pressed out, extracted
    m. (sg. and pl., once n. in ChUp. 12, 1) the expressed Soma. Juice, a Soma libationS3Br. ChUp. BhP.
  117. सुत (suta) (suta)
    1 mfn. impelled, urged S3Br.
    allowed, authorized ib. 2 mfn. pressed out, extracted
    m. (sg. and pl., once n. in ChUp. 12, 1) the expressed Soma. Juice, a Soma libationS3Br. ChUp. BhP.
  118. सुतल (sutala) (sutala)
    n. (L. also m.), great depth "', the second of the seven divisions of the regions under the earth (cf. %{loka}, %{pAtAla}) Pur.
    m. the base or foundation of a large building (= %{aTTAlikA-bandha}) L.
  119. सुत्य (sutya) (sutya)
    n. (with or scil. %{ahan}) the day of Soma extraction (also %{sutyA7ha}, m.) S3rS. MBh.
    (%{A}) f. see next.
  120. सुत्रामन् (sutrāman) (sutrāman)
    mfn. guarding or protecting wellS3Br. S3rS.
    m. N. of Indra
    a protector, ruler (see %{dharitrI-s-})
    pl. a partic. class of gods under the 13th Manu Pur.
    (%{-mA}) f. N. of Pr2ithivi1 MW.
  121. सुदत् (sudat) (sudat)
    m. a handsome tooth BhP.
    mf(%{atI})n. having handsome teeth MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (%{I}) f. N. of a Suran3gana1 Sin6ha7s.
  122. सुदर्शन (sudarśana) (sudarśana)
    mf(%{A})n. easily seen by (instr.) Vop.
    good-looking, beautiful, handsome, lovely MBh. R. &c.
    m. `" keen-sighted "', a vulture
    a fish Bhpr.
    (in music) a kind of composition Sam2gi1t.
    N. of S3iva MBh.
    of a son of Agni and Sudars3ana1 ib.
    of a Vidya1-dhara BhP.
    of a Muni ib.
    of a Buddha Lalit.
    of a patriarch Buddh.
    of a serpent-demon ib.
    of a Cakravartin ib.
    of one of the 9 Jaina S3ukla-balas or Bala-devas
    of the father of the 18th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1
    of a king of Ma1lava MBh.
    of a king of Ujjayini1 Cat.
    of a king of Pa1t2ali-putra Hit.
    of a son of S3an3khana R.
    of a son of Artha-siddhi Hariv.
    of a son of Dhruva-sam2dhi Ragh.
    of a son of Dadhici Cat.
    of a son of Aja-mid2ha Hariv.
    of a son of Bharata BhP.
    of a son-in-law of Pratika ib.
    of a gambler Katha1s.
    of various authors &c. (also with %{AcArya}, %{kavi}, %{bhaTTa}, %{sUri} &c.) Cat.
    of a Jambu1 tree MBh.
    of a mountain TA1r. MBh. Ka1ran2d2.
    of a Dvipa MBh.
    m. n. N. of the %{cakra} or circular weapon of Vishn2u-Kr2ishn2a (or `" the disc of the sun "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    of a mystical staff (carried by Sam2nya1sins as a defence against evil spirits, and consisting of a bamboo with six knots) RTL. xxi
    (%{A4}) f. a handsome woman, a woman W.
    a night in the light half of a month TBr.
    an order, command
    Coculus Tomentosus
    a sort of spirituous liquor
    N. of a daughter of Duryodhana and Narmada1 MBh.
    of a princess Pan5cat.
    of a Gandharva maiden Ka1ran2d2.
    of a lotus pond R.
    of a Jambu1 tree MBh.
    of Indra's city Amara1vati1 Cat.
    of a Comm. on the Tantra-ra1ja
    (%{I}) f. N. of Indra's city (also %{-nI-nagara}) DivyA7v.
    (%{am}) n. (cf. m.) a partic. powder composed of various substances Bhpr.
    N. of Indra's city
    of a Tirtha BhP.
    %{-kavaca} n. %{-kAla-prabhA} f. N. of wks.
    %{-cakra} n. Vishnu's discus Cat.
    %{-cUrNa} n. `" beautiful powder "', a medicinal compound used in fevers S3a1rn3gS.
    %{-jvAla-mantra} m. N. of a Mantra
    %{-dvIpa} n. Jambu-dvi1pa MW.
    %{-nRsiMhA7rAdhana} n. %{-paJjaro7paniSad} f. %{-pAJcajanya-pratiSThA} f. N. of wks.
    %{prIti-kara} m. N. of a Kim2-nara prince Buddh.
    %{-bhASya} n. %{-mantra} m. %{-mahA-mantra} m. %{-mAhAtmya} n. %{-mImAMsA} f. %{-vijaya} m. %{-zataka} n. %{-SaD-akSara} n. %{-saMhitA} f. %{-sampAta} m. %{-sahasra-nAman} n. %{-sukarNaka-carita} f. %{-stava} m. %{-stotra} n.
    %{-nA7di-yantra-vidhi} m. %{-nA7rAdhana} n. %{-nA7rAdhana-krama}, m. %{-nA7STaka} m. N. of wks.
    %{-no7paniSad} f. N. of an Upani. shad. [1224,3]
  123. सुदाम (sudāma) (sudāma)
    m. `" giving well "'N. of a cowherd attendant on Kr2ishn2a Pan5car.
    pl. N. of a people (v.l. for %{su-dAsa}) R.
    (%{A}) f. N. of one of the Ma1tr2is attendant on Skanda MBh.
    of a river (in the north of India) R.
  124. सुदिन (sudina) (sudina)
    mf(%{A})n. clear, bright (as a day or morning) RV.
    n. a clear or fine or auspicious day RV. &c. &c.
    happy time, happiness (= %{sukha}) Naigh. iii, 6
    N. of a Tirtha MBh.
    %{-tA} f. clear weather Bhartr2.
    %{-tva4} n. state of fine weather, an auspicious time RV.
    %{-nA7ha} n. a bright fine day Pat. on Pa1n2. 2-4, 30.
  125. सुदेव (sudeva) (sudeva)
    m. a good or real god. RV. S3Br.
    (accord. to some) `" sporting well "', a potent or highly erotic lover (in this meaning fr. %{div}, `" to play "', and opp. to %{vi-deva}, `" impotent, unerotic "') RV. x, 95, 14 AV. xx, 136, 12 [1225,2]
    mfn. having the right gods, protected by them RV. TS.
    destined for the rright gods VS. TBr.
    m. N. of a Ka1s3yapa TA1r.
    of a Bra1hman MBh.
    of a general of Ambari1sha ib.
    of a son of Hary-as3va and king of Ka1s3i ib.
    of a king of Vidarbha R.
    of a son of Akru1ra Hariv.
    of a son of Paun2d2ra Va1sudeva ib.
    of a son of Can5cu ib.
    of a son of Campa BhP.
    of a son of Devaka VP.
    of a son of Vishn2u BhP.
    of a poet Cat.
    (%{A}) f. N. of the wife of Ari-ha (also called A1n3geyi1) MBh.
    of the wife of Vikun2t2hana (also called Da1s3a7rhi1) ib.
  126. सुदेश (sudeśa) (sudeśa)
    m. a fit place, Kr2ishn2aj,
  127. सुदेष्ण (sudeṣṇa) (sudeṣṇa)
    m. N. of a son of Kr2ishn2a Hariv.
    of an adopted son of Asaman5jas (v.l. %{-daMSTra}) ib.
    (pl.) N. of a people (v.l. %{sudella}) MBh.
    (%{A}) f. N. of the wife of Bali MBh.
    of the wife of Vira1t2a ib.
  128. सुद्ध्युपास्य (suddhyupāsya) (suddhyupāsya)
    mfn. (euphonically for %{sudhy-up-} see %{su-dhI}), to be worshipped by the intelligent "' (said of the Supreme Being) Pa1n2. 1-1, 58 Sch.
  129. सुधन (sudhana) (sudhana)
    mfn. very rich RV.
    N. of various men Buddh. S3ukas.
  130. सुधन्वन् (sudhanvan) (sudhanvan)
    mfn. having an excellent bow RV. &c. &c.
    m. the son of an outcaste Vais3ya by a woman of the same class Mn. x, 23 (some read %{sudhanvA7cArya} in one word)
    N. of Vishn2u
    of Tvasht2r2i or Vis3va-karman
    of an A1n3girasa S3Br. MBh.
    of a son of Vaira1ja and guardian of the east Hariv.
    of a king vanquished by Ma1ndha1tr2i MBh.
    of a son of Sambhu1ta Hariv.
    of a son of Ahi1na-gu ib.
    of a son of Abhaya-da ib.
    of a son of Kuru ib.
    of a king of Sa1m2ka1S3ya R.
    of a son of S3a1s3vata VP.
    of a son of Satya-dhr2ita ib.
    %{-vamAhAtmya} n. N. of wk.
    %{-vA7cArya} m. a partic. mixed caste (= %{sudhanvan})(cf. Mn. x, 23)
    a worshipper of Is3a1na i.e. S3iva L.
  131. सुधा (sudhā) (sudhā)
    f. (1. %{dhA}
    for 2. %{su-dhA} &c. see s.v.) welfare, ease, comfort AV. AitBr.2 f. (fr. 5. %{su+dhe}
    for 1. %{su-dhA}, `" welfare "' see col. 2) `" good drink "', the beverage of the gods, nectar (cf. 2. %{dhAtu}, p. 514) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the nectar or honey of flowers
    juice, water
    milk (also pl.) VarBr2S. Pan5car.
    white wash, plaster, mortar, cement MBh. R. &c.
    a brick
    the earth Gal.
    Euphorbia Antiquorum or another species Car.
    Sanseviera Roxburghiana
    Glycine Debilis
    Emblica or yellow Myrobalan
    a kind of metre Ked.
    N. of the, wife of a Rudra BhP.
    of the Ganges
    of various wks.
  132. सुधी (sudhī) (sudhī)
    f. good sense or understanding, intelligence Subh.
    (%{-dhI4}) mfn. (nom. %{Is}, %{i}) having a good understanding, wise, clever, sensible R. Katha1s. &c.
    religious, pious RV.
    m. a wise or learned man, Pandit, teacher
    %{-candrikA} f. N. of wk.
    %{--ndra-yati} (%{-dhI7ndr-}) m. N. of an author
    %{-mayUkha} m. %{-vAda} m. %{-vilocana} n. %{-vilocana-sAra} m. %{-zRGgAra} m. N. of wks.
    %{-dhy-upA7sya} see %{suddhyup-} (s.v.) -1. &c. see p. 1225, col. 3.
  133. सुनन्द (sunanda) (sunanda)
    mfn. pleasing well, delighting W.
    m. a palace of a partic. form (v.l. %{sundara})
    N. of a Deva-putra Lalit.
    of a Sa1tvata attending on Kr2ishn2a BhP.
    of a Buddhist S3ra1vaka SaddhP.
    (%{A}) f. a partic. Tithi VarBr2S. Sch.
    Aristolochia Indica
    a white cow
    a partic. yellow pigment (= %{go-rocanA})
    a woman
    N. of Uma1 or a friend of Uma1 (%{-dA-sahita}, `" attended by SSaddhP "')
    of a wife of Kr2ishn2a (v.l. %{su-vArttA}) Hariv.
    of the mother of Ba1hu and Va1lin
    of Muda1vati (q.v.)
    of a sister of Su-ba1hu (king of the Cedis) MBh.
    of the wife of Sa1rvabhauma (also called Kaikeyi) ib.
    of the wife of Bharata (also called Ka1s3eyi1 Sa1rvaseni1) ib.
    of the wife of Prati1pa (also called S3aibya1) ib.
    of a female door-keeper Ragh.
    of a river BhP.
    n. N. of a club made by Tvasht2r2i Ma1rkP. %{su-nandana} see col. 2.
  134. सुनिश्चित (suniścita) (suniścita)
    mfn. firmly resolved R.
    well ascertained or determined or fixed or settled (%{am} ind. `" most assuredly "') Ka1v. Hit.
    m. a Buddha
    %{-pura} n. N. of a town Ra1jat.
  135. सुनीत (sunīta) (sunīta)
    mfn. well led or guided MBh.
    well managed or executed ib.
    well prepared (as a path) ib.
    well-conducted MBh.
    m. N. of a king (son of Su-bala) VP.
    n. good or wise conduct, wisdom, prudence MBh. R. &c.
  136. सुनीति (sunīti) (sunīti)
    (or %{su4-}) mfn. guiding well RV. Kaus3.
    well-conducted MW.
    m. N. of S3iva S3ivag.
    of a son of Vidu1ratha Ma1rkP.
    f. good conduct or behaviour, good policy, wisdom, discretion RV. &c. &c.
    N. of the mother of Dhruva (wife of Utta1napa1da) BhP.
  137. सुनीथ (sunītha) (sunītha)
    mfn. giving or enjoying good guidance RV.
    well-conducted, righteous, moral, good Un2. ii, 2 Sch.
    m. a partic. verse MBh.
    a Bra1hman
    N. of a man RV. v, 79, 2
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a Hariv.
    of a son of Sam2nati or Sam2tati ib.
    of a son of Su-shen2a BhP.
    of a son of Su-bala ib.
    of S3is3u-pa1la MBh.
    of a Da1nava Katha1s.
    (%{A}) f. (also %{-tha-kanyA}) N. of the first-born daughter of Mr2ityu or death (wife of An3ga) MBh. Hariv. BhP.
  138. सुन्द (sunda) (sunda)
    m. N. of Vishn2u MBh.
    of a Daitya (son of Ni-sunda and brother of Upa-sunda
    the two brothers killed each other while quarrelling for a beautiful Apsaras named Tilo7ttama1) MBh. R. &c.
    N. of a monkey R.
  139. सुन्दर (sundara) (sundara)
    mf(%{I})n. (perhaps for %{su-nara} = %{sUnara}
    %{d} being inserted as in Gk. $ fr. $) &370580[1227,1] beautiful, handsome, lovely, charming, agreeable MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    noble Subh.
    (%{am}) ind. well, right Pan5cat.
    m. Clerodendron Phlomoides
    a palace of a partic. form
    N. of Ka1ma-deva
    of a serpent-demon Buddh.
    of a son of Pravilasena VP.
    of various authors (also with %{AcArya}, %{kavi}, %{bhaTTa} &c.) Cat.
    (%{I}) f. see below
    (%{am}) n. = %{-kANDa} below.
  140. सुपक्व (supakva) (supakva)
    mf(%{A})n. (i.e. 5. %{su+p-}
    2. %{pac}) well-cooked or matured, thoroughly ripe (lit. and fig.) AV. Sus3r. Pan5car.
    a sort of fragrant Mango
  141. सुपर्ण (suparṇa) (suparṇa)
    n. a beautiful leaf R.
    (%{-Na4}) mf(%{I4})n. having beautbeautiful leaves
    having beautbeautiful wings RV.
    m. any large bird of prey (as a vulture, eagle
    also applicable to the sun or moon as "' having beautbeautiful rays "', and to %{soma} and clouds
    du. `" sun and moon "') ib.
    any mythical or supernatural bird (often identified with Garud2a, and sometimes personified as a R2ishi, a Deva-gandharva, and an Asura) RV. TS. Ka1t2h. MBh.
    a ray Naigh.
    a horse ib. Nir.
    a cock MW.
    a partic. array (as of an army) MBh.
    Cassia Fistula
    N. of a son of Antariksha (v.l. %{-varNa}) VP.
    of a mountain BhP.
    m. n. a partic. section of 103 Vedic verses MBh.
    (%{A}) f. a lotus plant, a pool abounding with lotuses
    N. of the mother of Garud2a or of the Pra1ja1patya A1run2i Suparn2eya BhP. Na1rUp.
    of a river VP.
    (%{I}) f. a partic. personification (mentioned together with Kadru1, sometimes identified with Va1c and regarded as the mother of metres) TS. Ka1t2h. S3Br.
    = %{garuDI} MBh.
    the mother of Su-parn2a Suparn2.
    N. of one of the seven tongues of fire Gr2ihya1s.
    night Nir.
    a species of creeper (= %{palAzI})
    a partic. drug (= %{reNukA}) ib.
    %{-ketu} m. `" having Garud2a for a symbol "'N. of Vishn2u-Kr2ishn2a MBh. BhP. S3is3.
    %{-ci4t} mfn. heaped up or moulded into the form of the bird Su-parn2a VS. S3Br.
    %{-citi} f. %{-citi-dIpikA} f. %{-citi-paddhati} f. N. of wks.
    %{-citya} mfn. = %{-ci4t} Cat.
    %{-yAtu} (%{-Na4-}) m. a partic. demon RV.
    %{-rAja} m. N. of Garud2a R.
    %{-vAta} m. the wind agitated by the wings of Garud2a MW.
    %{-sa4d} mfn. sitting on the bird Su-parn2a TS.
    %{-su4vana} mfn. serving as the breeding-place of eagles AV.
    %{-NA7khya} m. Mesua Roxburghii
    %{-NA7khyAna4} n. the story of Su-parn2a Suparn2.
    %{-NA7NDa} m. the son of a S3u1dra and a Su1ta
    %{-NA7dhyAya} m. N. of wk.
    %{-NI-tanaya} m. `" son of Su-parn2i1 "', Garud2a L.
  142. सुपार्श्व (supārśva) (supārśva)
    mf(%{A})n. having beautiful sides MBh.
    m. a beautbeautiful side ib.
    Ficus Infectoria
    Hibiscus Pupulneoides
    N. of a Ra1kshasa R.
    of a fabulous bird (son of Sampa1ti) ib.
    of a son of Rukma-ratha Hariv.
    of a son of S3ruta7yu VP.
    of a son of Dr2id2ha-nemi BhP.
    of the 7th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i
    of a mountain MBh. Pur. &c.
    %{-vo7ru} mfn. having beautiful ribs and thighs MW.
  143. सुप्त (supta) (supta)
    (fr. %{su} + %{ptA}
    for %{supta} see p. 1230) mfn. having beautbeautiful braids of hair Ka1d.
    m. a wagtail with a black breast L.
  144. सुप्ति (supti) (supti)
    f. sleep, (esp.) deep sleep S3am2k. BhP. sleepiness, drowsiness Prata1p.
    numbness, insensibility, paralysis Sus3r.
    carelessness, confidence (= %{vizrambha}) see p. 1230, cols. 1, 2.
  145. सुप्रतीक (supratīka) (supratīka)
    mf(%{A})n. having a beautiful shape or form, handsome, lovelyVS. &c.
    having a beautiful face MW.
    having a beautbeautiful trunk, strong as an elephant's trtrunk ib.
    honest BhP.
    m. N. of S3iva S3ivag.
    of Ka1ma-deva
    of a Yaksha Katha1s.
    of various men MBh. Pur. Katha1s.
    of a mythical elephant (%{-kA7nvaya} mfn. L.) MBh. Ragh. Va1s.
    n. N. of a pool Ka1s3i1Kh.
    %{-ke7zvara} n. N. of a Lin3ga ib.
  146. सुप्रभात (suprabhāta) (suprabhāta)
    mf(%{A})n. beautifully illuminated by dawn R.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a river BhP.
    n. a beautiful dawn or day break Ka1v.
    the earliest dawn MW.
    a morning prayer Va1mP.
    (%{e}) ind. at earliest break of day MW.
    %{-stotra} n. N. of wk.
  147. सुप्रवृद्ध (supravṛddha) (supravṛddha)
    mfn. full-grown ib.
    m. N. of a Sauviraka MBh.
  148. सुबल (subala) (subala)
    m. `" very powerful "'N. of S3iva MBh.
    of a mythical bird (son of Vainateya) ib.
    of a son of Manu Bhautya Ma1rkP.
    of a son of Sumati VP.
    of a king of the Ga1ndha1ras (father of S3akuni and the wife of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra) MBh. Hariv. BhP.
    %{-candra} m. (with %{AcArya}) N. of an author Cat.
    %{-putra} m. `" son of Subala "'N. of S3akuni (cf. %{saubala}) MBh.
    %{-vat} mfn. very strong or powerful, Pracan2d2.
  149. सुबाहु (subāhu) (subāhu)
    mfn. having strong or handsome arms RV. VS.
    m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
    of one of Skanda's attendants ib.
    of a Da1nava Hariv.
    of a Ra1kshasa ib. R. (cf. %{-zatru})
    of a Yaksha VP.
    of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra and king of Cedi MBh.
    of a king of Videha1 Buddh.
    of a son of Mati-na1ra Hariv.
    of a son of Citraka ib.
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a BhP.
    of a son of S3atru-ghna R.
    of a son of Pratiba1hu BhP.
    of a son of Kuvalaya7s3va Ma1rkP.
    of a brother of Alarka ib.
    of a Bodhi-sattva and a Bhikshu Buddh.
    of a monkey R.
    (%{u4s}) f. N. of an Apsaras MBh.
    %{-paripRcchA} f. N. of wk.
    %{-yukta} m. N. of a king of the Gandharvas Ka1ran2d2.
    %{-zatru} m. N. of Ra1ma Uttarar.
  150. सुबोध (subodha) (subodha)
    m. right intelligence, good information or knowledge BhP.
    N. of an astron. wk.
    (%{A}) f. N. of various Comms.
    mf(%{A})n. easy to be understood, easily taught, easy (%{am} ind.) Ka1v. Pan5cat. BhP.
    %{-kAra} m. N. of an author Cat.
    %{-jAtaka} n. %{-paJcikA} f. %{-maJjarI} f. N. of wks.
  151. सुबोधिनी (subodhinī) (subodhinī)
    f. N. of various Comms. (esp. on the Bhagavad-gi1ta1, the Mita7kshara1, the Brahma-su1tras &c.)
    %{-kAra} m. the author of the Subodhini1 (a gram. wk.) Cat.
  152. सुब्रह्मण्य (subrahmaṇya) (subrahmaṇya)
    mfn. very kind or dear to Bra1hmans (said of Vishn2u) Pan5car.
    m. N. of one of the three assistants of the Udga1tr2i priest Br. S3rS. MBh.
    N. of S3iva S3ivag.
    of Skanda or Ka1rttikeya RTL. 211-218
    of various authors &c. (also with %{AcArya}, %{paNDita}, %{yajvan}, and %{zAstrin}) Cat.
    (%{A}) f. a partic. recitation of certain Mantras by the Udga1tr2i priests (sometimes also the priest himself) Br. S3rS.
    (%{am}) n. (= f.) a partic.recitation Hariv.
    N. of a district in the south of India Cat.
    %{(-Nya)@kSetra-mAhAtmya} n. %{-paJca-ratna} n. %{-paddhati} f. %{-pUjA-vidhi} m. %{-prayoga} m. %{-mAhAtmya} n. %{-sahasra-nAman}, n. %{-stotra} n.
    %{-NyA7STaka} n. N. of wks.
  153. सुभग (subhaga) (subhaga)
    mf(%{A}) n. possessing good fortune, very fortunate or prosperous, lucky, happy, blessed, highly favoured RV. &c. &c.
    beautiful, lovely, charming, pleasing, pretty (voc. %{subhaga} and %{subhage}, often in friendly address) ib.
    nice (ironical) Va1s. (= %{zobhana-pazu} Sch.)
    liked, beloved, dear (as a wife) AV. MBh. R.
    delicate, slender, thin Car.
    (ifc.) suitable for S3ak. (v.l.)
    (%{am}) ind. beautifully, charmingly Megh.
    greatly, in a high degree (v.l. for %{sutarAm}) S3ak.
    m. N. of S3iva S3ivag.
    Michelia Champaka
    Jonesia Asoka
    red Amaranth
    N. of a son of Subala MBh.
    (%{A}) f. good fortune (in this sense the loc. %{Asu} seems to be used) Pan5cavBr.
    a beloved or favourite wife R. (cf. comp.)
    a five-year-old girl representing Durga1 at festivals
    N. of various plants (a species of Musa
    Glycine Debilis
    Cyperus Rotundus &c.)
    (in music) a partic. Ra1gin2i1 Sam2gi1t.
    N. of a daughter of Pra1dha1 MBh.
    of one of the Ma1tr2is attending on Skanda ib.
    of a kind of fairy Buddh.
    (%{am}) n. good fortune
    %{-M-karaNa} (%{-ga4M-}) mf(%{I})n. making happy AV.
    charming, enchanting Ra1jat.
    n. fascinating, winning (a woman) Cat.
    %{-tA} f. love, conjugal felicity VarBr2S.
    %{-tva4} n. welfare, prosperity RV. Pa1rGr2.
    favour, dearness (esp. of a wife) VarBr2S. Va1s. [1229,3]
    %{-mAnin} mfn. thinking one's self fortunate or pleasing R. Das3.
    %{m-bhavinSNu} mfn. becoming fortunate or pleasing Pa1n2. 3-2, 57
    %{-m-bhAvuka} mfn. id. ib. Dhu1rtas.
    %{-m-manya} mfn. (= %{-mAnin}) Das3. (%{-bhAva} m. `" self-conceit, vanity "' Megh.)
    %{-saMdeza} m. N. of a poem by Na1ra1yan2a
    %{-gA7kheTa-bhUmi} mfn. having fine hunting-grounds (%{-tva} n.) Katha1s.
    %{-gA-tanaya} m. the son of a beloved wife or of an honoured mother R.
    %{-gA7nanda} m. N. of a Prahasana (%{-nAtha} m. N. of an author Cat.)
    %{-gA7rcana-candrikA} f. %{-gA7rcA-ratna} n. N. of wks.
    %{-gA-suta} m. (= %{-gA-tanaya})
    %{-go7daya} m. `" rise of prosperity "'N. of wk. (also %{-ya-darpaNa}, m.)
  154. सुभद्र (subhadra) (subhadra)
    (%{su4-}) mf(%{A})n. very glorious or splendid or auspicious or fortunate RV. MBh. BhP.
    m. Azadirachta Indica
    N. of Vishn2u
    (prob.) of Sanat-kuma1ra Pan5car.
    of a son of Vasu-deva BhP.
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a ib.
    of a son of Idhmajihva ib.
    of the last man converted by Gautama Buddha SaddhP.
    of a scholar, Jain
    of a mountain Pan5car.
    (%{A}) f. N. of various well-known plants (e.g. Ichnocarpus Frutescens
    Curcuma Zedoaria
    Prosopis Spicigera &c.)
    (in music) a partic. S3ruti Sam2gi1t.
    a form of Durga1 Hcat.
    N. of a younger sister of Kr2ishn2a and wife of Arjuna (she was forcibly carried off by Arjuna from Dva1raka1 wish Kr2ishn2a's permission, as described in MBh. i, ch. 219
    her image is borne in procession with those of Jaganna1tha and Bala-ra1ma) MBh. Hariv. &c.
    of a wife of Durgama Ma1rkP.
    of a daughter of Balin and wife of Avi7kshita ib.
    of a grand daughter of Rukmin and wife of Aniruddha VP.
    of a daughter of the Asura Su-ma1ya Katha1s.
    of a mythical cow MBh.
    of a poetess Cat.
    n. fortune, welfare BhP.
    N. of a Catvara (q.v.) MBh.
    of a Varsha in Plakshadvipa ruled by Su-bhadra BhP.
    (%{-drA}) %{-dhanaMjaya} and %{-pariNaya}N. of two Na1t2akas
    %{-pUrvaja} m. `" elder brother of Subhadra1 "'N. of Kr2ishn2a Pan5car.
    %{-vijaya}N. of a Na1t2aka
    %{-haraNa} n. `" the carrying off of Subhadra1 "'N. of a section in the MBh. (cf. above) and of other poems
    %{-dre7za} m. `" lord of SSubhadra1 "'N. of Arjuna L.
  155. सुभव (subhava) (subhava)
    mfn. = %{uttama-janman} VS. (Mahi1dh.)
    m. N. of a king of the Ikshva1kus MBh.
  156. सुभाषित (subhāṣita) (subhāṣita)
    mf(%{A})n. spoken well or eloquently MBh.
    speaking or discoursing well, eloquent ib.
    m. a partic. Buddha
    (%{am}) n. good or eloquent speech, witty saying, ggood counsel MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    %{-kAvya} n. %{-kaustubha} m. N. of wks.
    %{-gaveSin} m. N. of a king Buddh.
    %{-candrikA} f. %{-nIvI} f. %{-prabandha} m. %{-maJjarI} f. N. of wks.
    %{-maya} mf(%{I})n. consisting of good sayings Pan5cat.
    %{-muktA7vali} f. %{-ratna-koza} m. %{-ratna-saMdoha} m. %{-ratnA7kara}, m.N. of wks.
    %{-rasA7svAda-jAta-romA7Jca-kaJcuka} mfn. having (as it were) armour consisting of bristling (or thrilling) hairs produced by tasting the flavour of delightful words MW. [1230,1]
    %{-zloka} m. pl., %{-saMgraha} m. %{-samuccaya} m. %{-sudhA}, f. %{-sudhA7nanda-laharI} f. %{-sura-druma} m. %{-hArA7vali}, f.
    %{-tA7rNava} m. %{-tA7vali} f. N. of wks.
  157. सुभोज (subhoja) (subhoja)
    mfn. eating well MBh.
  158. सुभ्रु (subhru) (subhru)
    or f. a beautiful brow Amar. BhP.
  159. सुमति (sumati) (sumati)
    f. good mind or disposition, benevolence, kindness, favour (acc. with %{kR} "', to make any one the object of one's favour "')
    devotion, prayer ib.
    the right taste for, pleasure or delight in (loc.) R.
    mfn. very wise or intelligent Ka1v. Pan5cat.
    well versed in (gen.) Katha1s.
    m. N. of a Daitya MBh. Hariv.
    of a R2ishi under Manu Sa1varn2a ib.
    of a Bha1rgava Ma1rkP.
    of an A1treya Cat.
    of a son or disciple of Su1ta and teacher of the Pura1n2as VP.
    of a son of Bharata BhP.
    of a son of Soma-datta ib.
    of son of Su-pa1rs3va Hariv. [1230,3]
    of a son of Janamejaya, Vp.
    of a son of Dr2id2ha-sena BhP.
    of a son of Nr2iga ib.
    of a son of R2iteyu ib.
    of a son of Vidu1ratha Ma1rkP.
    of the 5th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i or the 13th Arhat of the past Utsarpin2i1
    of various other men Ka1v. Katha1s.
    (also %{I}) f. N. of the wife of Sagara (mother of 60,000 sons) R. Pur.
    of a daughter of Kratu VP.
    of the wife of Vishn2u-yas3as and mother of Kalkin KalkiP.
    %{-bodha} m. N. of wk. on music
    %{-bhadra} m. N. of a man, Tantr.
    %{-meru-gaNi}. m. %{-ratnA7rya} m. N. of two preceptors Cat.
    %{-reNu} m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh.
    %{-vijaya} m. N. of an author Cat.
    %{-zIla} m. N. of a preceptor Buddh.
    %{-svAmin} m. N. of a man Inscr.
    %{-harSa} m. N. of an author Cat.
    %{-ti4ndrajaya-ghoSaNa} n. N. of a poem
    %{-tI7ndra-yati} m. N. of an author Cat.
    %{-tI-vR4dh} mfn. delighting in prayer or devotion VS.
  160. सुमनस् (sumanas) (sumanas)
    mfn. good-minded, well-disposed, benevolent, gracious, favourable, pleasant, agreeableGobh. Kat2hUp.
    well pleased, satisfied, cheerful, easy, comfortable RV. &c. &c.
    wise, intelligent Ka1v. Katha1s. m. a god S3is3. S3a1rn3gP. (cf. %{-manokasa} below)
    a good or wise man
    N. of various plants (accord. to`" wheat, a kind of Karan5ja, Azadirachta Indica, Guilandina Bonduc "') Sus3r.
    N. of a Da1nava Hariv.
    of a son of Uru and A1gneyi1 ib.
    of a son of Ulmuka BhP.
    of a son of Hary-as3va VP.
    of various other men MBh. Hariv. Katha1s.
    (pl.) N. of a partic. class of gods under the 12th Manu Pur.
    f. (pl. or in comp.) flowers Mn. MBh. &c.
    great-flowering jasmine
    N. of the wife of Madhu and mother of Vira-vrata BhP.
    of various other women Katha1s.
    n. a flower S3atr.
  161. सुमन्त्र (sumantra) (sumantra)
    mfn. following good advice Katha1s.
    m. N. of a preceptor (having the patr. Ba1bhrava Gautama), IndSt.
    of a minister and charioteer of Das3a-ratha R.
    of a counsellor of Hari-vara Katha1s.
    of a son of Antari1ksha VP.
    = %{su-mantraka} KalkiP.
    %{-jJa} mfn. well versed in sacred texts MW.
  162. सुमालि (sumāli) (sumāli)
    or m. `" well-garlanded "'N. of a Ra1kshasa R.
  163. सुमित्र (sumitra) (sumitra)
    mf(%{A4})n. having good friends RV. TS. BhP. [1231,2]
    m. a good friend RV.
    N. of a demon MBh.
    of the author of RV. x, 69, 70 (with patr. Va1dhryas3va) Anukr.
    of the author of RV. x, 105 (with patr. Kautsa) ib.
    of a king of the Sauvi1ras MBh.
    of a king of Mithila1 Buddh.
    of a king of Magadha (father of the Arhat Su-vrata) S3atr.
    of the charioteer of Abhimanyu MBh.
    of a son of Gada Hariv.
    of a son of S3ya1ma ib.
    of a son of S3ami1ka (v.l. Sami1ka) BhP.
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a ib.
    of a son of Vr2ishn2i ib.
    of a son of Agni-mitra Va1s., Introd.
    of a son of Su-ratha (the last of the race of the Ikshva1kus), Bhp.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a Yakshin2i1 Katha1s.
    of one of the wives of Das3a-ratha (mother of Lakshman2a and S3atru-ghna) R. Ragh.
    of the mother of Ma1rkan2d2eya Cat.
    of the mother of Jaya-deva ib.
    (%{-tra}) %{-dhas} mfn. one who makes good friends MaitrS. VS. (%{zobhanAni@mitrANi@puSyati} Mahi1dh.)
    %{-bhU} m. N. of Sagara (as a Cakravartin) Jain.
    of the 20th Arhat of the present era ib.
    (%{-trA}) %{-bhU} or %{-tanaya} m. `" son of Sumitra1 "'N. of Lakshman2a W.
  164. सुमुख (sumukha) (sumukha)
    n. a good or beautiful mouth Pan5cat.
    a bright face (instr. = `" cheerfully "') Ka1m.
    mf(%{I} or %{A})n. having a good or beautiful mouth, fair-faced, handsome Ka1v. Katha1s.
    bright-faced, cheerful, glad MBh. R. &c.
    inclined or disposed to (comp.
    %{-tA} f.) Hariv. Ka1v. Par.
    gracious, favourable, kind to (gen.) R. Car.
    well pointed (as an arrow) MBh. Hariv.
    having a good entrance (in this and other fig. senses the fem. is only %{A}) Siddh. Vop.
    m. a learned man or teacher W.
    N. of various plants (accord. to`" a kind of herb, Ocimum Basilicum Pilosum and another species "' &c.) Sus3r. Car.
    a partic. gregarious bird (v.l. %{sumukhA}) Car.
    N. of S3iva MBh.
    of Gan2e7s3a
    of a son of Garud2a (a mythical bird) MBh.
    of a son of Dron2a Ma1rkP.
    of a serpent-demon MBh.
    of an Asura Hariv.
    of a king of the Kim2-naras Ka1ran2d2.
    of a R2ishi MBh.
    of a king (who perished through want of humility) Mn. vii, 41
    of a monkey R.
    of a Han6sa Ja1takam.
    pl. N. of a class of gods Buddh.
    (%{A}) f. see m. above
    (%{A} or %{I}) f. a handsome woman W.
    (%{I}) f. a mirror
    a kind of metre Ked.
    (in music) a partic. Mu1rchana1 Sam2gi1t.
    Clitoria Ternatea
    Evolvulus Asinioides
    N. of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv.
    (%{am}) n. the mark or scratch of a finger-nail
    a kind of building Gal.
    %{-sU} m. `" father of Su-mukha "'N. of Garud2a
    (%{-khI}) %{-paJcA7Gga} n. N. of a Tantra wk.
  165. सुमेरु (sumeru) (sumeru)
    m. N. of a mountain (= %{meru} q.v.) R. Ka1lid. Buddh. (cf. MWB. 120)
    N. of a Vidya1-dhara Katha1s.
    of S3iva W.
    mfn. very exalted, excellent ib. [1231,3]
    %{-jA} f. `" sprung from Sumeru "'N. of a river Ma1rkP.
    %{-vatsa} m. N. of a serpent-demon Buddh.
  166. सुम्न (sumna) (sumna)
    mfn. (prob. fr. 5. %{su} and %{mnA} = %{man}) benevolent, kind, gracious, favourable RV. x, 5, 3
    (%{am}) n. benevolence, favour, grace RV. TS.
    devotion, prayer, hymn (cf. Gk. $) RV.
    &371866[1231,3] satisfaction, peace, joy, happiness ib.
    N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr.
  167. सुयोधन (suyodhana) (suyodhana)
    m. `" fighting well "', euphemistic N. of Dur-yodhana (q.v.) MBh.
  168. सुर (sura) (sura)
    m. (prob. fr. %{asura} as if fr. %{a-sura} and as %{sita} fr. %{a-sita}
    thought by some to be connected with 2. %{svar}) a god, divinity, deity (%{surANAM@hantR} m. `" slayer of the gods "'N. of a partic. form of fire, son of Tapas) MaitrUp. MBh. &c.
    the image of a god, an idol Vishn2.
    a symbolical N. for the number `" thirty-three "' (from the 33 gods
    see %{deva}) Gan2it.
    a sage, learned man
    the sun
    (said to be) = %{kSura} MBh.
    w.r. for %{svara} ib.
    (%{A}) f. see s.v.
    (%{I}) f. a goddess Naish. HParis3.
    (%{am}) n. see %{surA}.
  169. सुरत (surata) (surata)
    mfn. sporting, playful Un2. v, 14 Sch.
    compassionate, tender
    m. N. of a mendicant Buddh.
    (%{A}) f. a wife Hariv. (Sch.)
    N. of an Apsaras MBh.
    (%{am}) n. great joy or delight ib.
    (ifc. f. %{A}) amorous or sexual pleasure or intercourse, coition Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    %{-keli} f. amorous sport or dalliance Cat.
    %{-krIDA} f. id. Katha1s.
    %{-gahvarA} f. N. of a Sura7n3gana1 Sin6ha7s.
    %{-glAni} f. exhaustion from sexual intercourse Megh.
    %{-janita} mfn. produced by sexual intintercourse ib.
    %{-tAlI} f. a female messenger, go-between
    a chaplet, garland for the head
    %{-nivRtti} f. cessation of sexsexual intintercourse Cat.
    %{-pradIpa} m. a lamp burning during sexsexual intintercourse Kum.
    %{-prabhA} f. N. of a woman Katha1s.
    %{-prasaGga} m. addiction to sexsexual intintercourse MW.
    %{-prasaGgin} mfn. addicted to sexsexual intintercourse R2itus.
    %{-priya} mfn. id. VarBr2S.
    N. of a woman Dhu1rtas.
    %{-bandha} m. a kind of coition
    %{-bheda} m. a kind of ccoition Cat.
    %{-maJjarI} f. N. of a daughter of the Vidya1-dhara Matam2ga-deva and of the 16th Lambaka of the Katha1-sarit-sa1gara (called after her)
    %{-mRdita} mfn. worn out by sexual intintercourse Bhartr2.
    %{-raGgin} mfn. (for %{sura-t-} see p. 1234, col. 2), delighting in or addicted to sexual intercourse Subh.
    %{-varNana} n. description of sexsexual intercourse Cat.
    %{-vArarAtri} f. a night fit for sexsexual intintercourse Ragh.
    %{-vidhi} m. performance or rule or mode of sex intintercourse VarBr2S.
    %{-vizeSa} m. a partic. kind of sexsexual intintercourse Kir.
    %{-vyApArajAta-zrama} mfn. wearied by addiction to sexsexual intintercourse Subh.
    %{-sambhoga} m. enjoyment of sexsexual intintercourse Vet.
    %{-saukhya} n. the pleasure of sexsexual intintercourse ib.
    %{-stha} mfn. engaged in sexsexual intintercourse Katha1s.
    %{-to7tsava} m. the joy of sexual intintercourse Subh.
    %{-to7tsuka} mfn. desirous of sexsexual intintercourse VarBr2S.
    %{-to7pacAra-kuzala} mfn. skilled in sexsexual intintercourse ib. &c. see p. 1232, col. 1.
  170. सुरथ (suratha) (suratha)
    mfn. having a good chariot, a ggood charioteer RV.
    yoked to a ggood chariot (as horses) ib.
    consisting in ggood chchariot (as wealth) ib.
    m. a good chariot MBh.
    `" having a good chariot "'N. of various kings, (e.g.) of the father of Kot2ika7sya MBh.
    of a son of Dru-pada ib.
    of a son of Jayadratha ib.
    of a son of Su-deva R.
    of a son of Janam-ejaya Hariv.
    a son of Adhiratha Cat.
    of a son of Jahnu VP.
    of a son of Kurn2d2aka ib.
    of a son of Ran2aka BhP.
    of a son of Caitra BrahmaP.
    (%{A}) f. N. of an Apsaras Hariv.
    of a river Ma1rkP.
    (%{am}) n. N. of a Varsha in Kus3a-dvipa Ma1rkP.
    %{-deva} m. N. of a messenger Katha1s.
    %{-vijaya} m. N. of a ch. of the PadmaP.
    %{-thA7kAra} n. N. of a Varsha MBh.
    %{-tho7tsava} m. N. of a poem.
  171. सुरद्विष् (suradviṣ) (suradviṣ)
    m. `" enemy of the gods "', a demon, Asura, Daitya or Ra1kshasa MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    N. of Ra1hu Ragh. VarBr2S.
  172. सुरभि (surabhi) (surabhi)
  173. सुरा (surā) (surā)
    f. (ifc. also %{sura} n.
    prob. fr. 3 %{su}, `" to distil "', and not connected with %{sura}, `" a god "') spirituous liquor, wine (in ancient times `" a kind of beer "')
    spirituous liquor (personified as a daughter of Varun2a produced at the churning of the ocean) RV. &c. &c.
    water Naigh. i, 12
    a drinking vessel
    a snake L.
  174. सुरस (surasa) (surasa)
    mf(%{A})n. rich in water Bha1m.
    well-flavoured, juicy, sapid, savoury R. VarBr2S. Va1s.
    sweet, lovely, charming Katha1s. Bha1m.
    elegant (as composition) W.
    m. Vitex Negundo
    Andropogon Schonanthus
    the resin of Gossampinus Rumphii
    N. of a serpentdemon MBh.
    of a mountain Ma1rkP.
    m. n. and (%{A}) f. holy basil Hcar.
    (%{A}) f. N. of various plants (Anethum Panmori
    Vitex Negundo
    a kind of jasmine
    = %{rAsnA} &c.)
    a kind of metre Col.
    (in music) a partic. Ra1gin2i1 Sam2gi1t.
    N. of Durga1
    of a daughter of Daksha (wife of Kas3yapa and mother of the Na1gas) MBh. R. &c.
    of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv.
    of a daughter of Raudra1s3va Hariv.
    of a river Pur.
    (%{I}) f. a partic. plant Va1gbh.
    n. (only L.) resin
    fragrant grass
    Cassia bark
    %{-saMgraha} m. N. of wk.
    %{-sA7graja} n. (prob.) = next Sus3r.
    %{-sA7graNI} m. white basil
    %{-sA7cchada} m. (prob.) the leaf of the white bbasil Sus3r.
    %{-sA7STa} n. a collective N. of 8 plants (viz. Nirgun2t2i1, Tulasi1, Bra1hmi1 &c.)&c. see p. 1232, col. 2.
  175. सुरात्रि (surātri) (surātri)
    f. a fine night W.
  176. सुराप (surāpa) (surāpa)
    mf(%{A} or %{I})n. (fr. 1. %{pA}) drinking spspirituous liqliquor, a spiritdrinker S3a1n3khS3r. Kaus3. Mn. &c.
    wise, sage W.
    pleasant, agreeable ib. - 2. m. (fr. 3. %{pA}) a preserver of spspirituous liqliquor ib.
  177. सुरुच् (suruc) (suruc)
    f. bright light RV.
    mfn. shining brightly ib. BhP.
    m. N. of a man MBh.
  178. सुरुचि (suruci) (suruci)
    f. great delight in (loc.) S3a1rn3gP. (v.l.)
    m. N. of a Gandharva king Hariv.
    of a Yaksha BhP. (Sch.)
    f. N. of a wife of Dhruva and mother of Uttama Pur.
  179. सुरूप (surūpa) (surūpa)
    mf(%{A})n. well-formed, handsome, beautiful RV. &c. &c.
    wise, learned
    m. N. of S3iva MBh.
    of an Asura Hariv.
    (pl.) a class of deities under Manu Ta1masa Pur.
    (%{A}) f. N. of various plants (Glycine Debilis
    Jasminum Sambac &c.)
    of an Apsaras Hariv.
    of the daughter of a serpentdemon Katha1s.
    of a mythical cow MBh.
    (%{am}) n. the mulberry tree
    N. of two Sa1mans A1rshBr.
    %{-kRtnu4} mfn. forming beautiful things RV.
    %{-tA} f. beauty, splendour Hariv. Ka1v. Pur.
    %{-varSa-varNa} mfn. beautifully coloured like a rainbow TS.
  180. सुलभ (sulabha) (sulabha)
    mf(%{A})n. easy to be obtained or effected, easily accessible or attainable, feasible, easy, common, trivial MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    fit or suitable for, answering to (mostly comp.), useful, advantageous Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    w.r. for %{su-bhaga} Vikr. ii, 6
    m. the fire at a domestic sacrifice
    N. of a man Buddh.
    (%{A}) f. sacred basil
    Glycine Debilis
    Jasminum Sambac
    = %{dhUmra-pattrA}
    N. of a female teacher Gr2S.
    of a female mendicant MBh.
    (%{-bha}) %{-kopa} mfn. easily irascible S3ak.
    %{-tva} n. the state of being easily attained &c., frequency, triviality, cheapness VarBr2S. Ma1lav. (in %{a-sul-})
    %{-bhA7vakAza} mfn. easily gaining room or admission S3ak.
    %{-bhI-bhAva} m. = %{-bhatva} (acc. with %{bhaj}, `" to be common or trivial "') Ka1v.
    %{-bhe7tara} mfn. other than easy to be attained &c., difficult, rare, dear Ma1lav.
  181. सुलोचन (sulocana) (sulocana)
    mf(%{A})n. fine-eyed, having beautiful eyes MBh. Ra1jat.
    m. a deer
    N. of a Daitya Hariv.
    of a son of Dhr2itara1sht2ra (accord. to some of Dur-yodhana) MBh.
    of a Buddha Lalit.
    of the father of Rukmin2i1 Cat.
    (%{A}) f. N. of an Apsaras Hariv.
    of a Yakshin2i1 Katha1s.
    of the wife of king Ma1dhava PadmaP.
    of various other women Das3. Katha1s.
  182. सुवर्चस् (suvarcas) (suvarcas)
    mfn. full of life or vigour, fiery, splendid, glorious RV. &c. &c.
    m. N. of a son of Garud2a MBh.
    of one of Skanda's attendants ib.
    of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra ib.
    of a son of the tenth Manu Hariv.
    of a son of Khani1-netra MBh.
    of a Bra1hman ib.
    of a brother of Bhu1ti Ma1rkP.
  183. सुवर्ण (suvarṇa) (suvarṇa)
    &c. see s.v.
  184. सुवास्तु (suvāstu) (suvāstu)
    f. N. of a river (Gk. $
    the &372341[1233,2] modern Suwad) RV. MBh. Pur.
    m. pl. the inhabitants of the country near the river Suva1stu VarBr2S.
  185. सुविचार (suvicāra) (suvicāra)
    m. good or deliberate consideration W.
    N. of a man Cat.
  186. सुविध (suvidha) (suvidha)
    mfn. of a good kind or nature Subh.
    (%{am}) ind. in an easy way, easily W.
  187. सुविधि (suvidhi) (suvidhi)
    m. a good rule or ordinance (instr. `" in the right manner, properly "') Katha1s.
    (with Jainas) N. of the 9th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1 L.
  188. सुवीर (suvīra) (suvīra)
    mf(%{A})n. very manly, heroic, warlikeVS.
    rich in men or heroes, having or containing or consisting in excellent offspring or heroes or retainers ib. TS. S3a1n3khGr2.
    m. a hero, warrior RV.
    m. the jujube tree
    another tree (= %{eka-vIra})
    N. of Skanda MBh.
    of S3iva S3ivag.
    of a son of S3iva MW.
    of various kings, (esp.) of a son of Dyutimat MBh.
    of a son of Kshemya Hariv.
    of a son of S3ibi (ancestor of the Suvi1ras) ib.
    of a son of Deva-s3ravas BhP.
    n. = next
    %{-ja} n. sulphuret of antimony
    %{-tA} (%{-ra4-}) f. abundance of heroes or warriors AV. TS.
    %{-rA7mla} n. sour rice gruel L.
  189. सुव्रत (suvrata) (suvrata)
    mf(%{A})n. ruling well RV. VS.
    strict in observing religious vows, very religious or virtuous (often in voc.) MBh. R. &c.
    tractable (as a horse or cow) MBh.
    m. a religious student W.
    N. of one of Skanda's attendants MBh.
    of a Praja1-pati R.
    of a son of Manu Raucya Ma1rkP. [1234,2]
    of a son of Na1bha1ga R.
    of a son of Us3i1nara Hariv.
    of a son of Kshemya VP.
    of a son of Priya-vrata W.
    of a scholar Col.
    of a historian Ra1jat.
    of a poet Cat.
    (with Jainas) of the 20th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1 (also called Munisuvrata) and of the 11th Arhat of the future Utsarpin2i1
    (%{A}) f. a partic. fragrant plant Bhpr.
    a cow that is easily milked
    a virtuous wife W.
    N. of an Apsaras
    of a daughter of Daksha VP.
    of the mother of the 15th Arhat of the present age
    of a princess Dharmas3.
    (%{-ta}) %{-datta} m. N. of a poet Cat.
    %{-svara} m. N. of an Asura Buddh.
  190. सुशीतल (suśītala) (suśītala)
    mfn. very cold or cooling, frigid, freezing MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (%{am}) n. coldness Subh.
    white sandal
    a kind of fragrant grass (= %{gandha-tRNa}) L.
  191. सुश्रुत (suśruta) (suśruta)
    (%{su4-}) mfn. very famous RV.
    well or correctly heard Naish.
    gladly heard Mn. iii, 254
    N. of the author of a system of medicine (reputed son of Vis3va1-mitra and descendant of Dhanvantari
    his work with that of Caraka, another older medical authority, is held in great esteem
    it consists of six books)
    of a son of Su-bha1sa VP.
    of a son of Padmo7bhava Das3.
    (%{am}) n. N. of the above medical work
    also of the work of Caraka Naish. iv, 116
    `" well heard "', an exclamation at a Sra1ddha (cf. %{zrauSat}) Mn. iii, 254
    %{-pATha-zuddhi} f. N. of wk.
    %{-saMhitA} f. Sus3ruta's medical work
    %{-sAra} m. N. of wk.
  192. सुषुप्त (suṣupta) (suṣupta)
    (%{su4-}) mfn. fast asleep S3Br. Ka1m. &c.
    n. = next Up. S3am2k. BhP.
  193. सुषुप्ति (suṣupti) (suṣupti)
    f. deep sleep (in phil. `" complete unconsciousness "') Veda7ntas.
    %{-vat} ind. as in deep sleep ib.
  194. सुषुम्न (suṣumna) (suṣumna)
    mf(%{A})n. very gracious or kind RV. VS.
    m. N. of one of the 7 principal rays of the sun (supposed to supply heat to the moon) VP.
    (%{A}) f. a partic. artery (prob. `" the carotid "') or vein of the body (lying between those called %{iDA} and %{piGgalA}, and supposed to be one of the passages for the breath or spirit
    cf. %{brahma-randhra}) Up. BhP. Ra1jat. - 1.
  195. सुसमाहित (susamāhita) (susamāhita)
    (%{su4-}) mfn. well laden (as a waggon) S3Br.
    well arrayed or repaired, beautifully adorned R.
    very intent or attentive, having the mind intently fixed or absorbed on a subject or object MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    perfectly fit or suitable Ma1lati1m.
  196. सुस्थ (sustha) (sustha)
    mf(%{A})n. well situated, faring well, healthy, comfortable, prosperous, happy (compar. %{-tara}) Mn. MBh. &c.
    %{-kalpa} mfn. almost well or at ease S3ak.
    %{-citta} mfn. easy at heart, feeling happy or comfortable MBh.
    %{-tA} f. health, welfare, happiness R.
    %{-tva} n. id. MW.
    %{-mAnasa} mfn. (= %{-citta}) R.
  197. सुस्निग्ध (susnigdha) (susnigdha)
    mf(%{A})n. very smooth or soft or gentle VarBr2S. Pan5car.
    very loving or tender Ka1v.
    (%{A}) f. a kind of creeper
    (%{-dha}) %{-gambhIra} mfn. very soft and deep-toned MW.
  198. सुस्मित (susmita) (susmita)
    mf(%{A})n. smiling sweetly L.
  199. सुस्वर (susvara) (susvara)
    m. the right tone or accent S3iksh.
    mf(%{A})n. having a beautiful voice MBh.
    well-sounding, harmonious, melodious (%{am} ind.) Ka1v. Katha1s. [1239,2]
    loud (%{am} ind.) MBh. R. &c.
    m. a conch
    N. of a son of Garud2a MBh.
  200. सुहृद् (suhṛd) (suhṛd)
    &c. see s.v. m. `" good-hearted "', kindhearted "', `" well-disposed "', a friend, ally (also said of planets
    %{suhRdo@janAH}, `" friends "') S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c.
    N. of the fourth astrol. mansion VarBr2S.
    f. a female friend Gobh. Kaus3.
    mfn. (only ifc.) fond of, liking or devoted to Ba1lar.
    very similar to, closely resembling ib.
  201. सुहोत्र (suhotra) (suhotra)
    m. N. of the author of RV. vi, 31, 32 (having the patr. Bha1radva1ja) Anukr.
    of a Ba1rhaspatya, IndSt.
    of an A1treya Ma1rkP.
    of a preceptor W.
    of a Kaurava MBh.
    of a son of Saha-deva ib.
    of a son of Bhumanyu ib.
    of a son of Br2ihat-kshatra Hariv.
    of a son of Br2ihad-ishu ib.
    of a son of Ka1n5canaprabha ib.
    of a son of Vitatha ib.
    of a son of Sudhanvan ib.
    of a son of Su-dhanus BhP.
    of a son of Kshatra-vr2iddha ib.
    of a Daitya MBh.
    of a monkey R.
    pl. N. of a seat of fire-worshippers Cat.
  202. सूकर (sūkara) (sūkara)
    m. (prob. fr. %{sU} + %{kara}, making the sound %{sU}
    cf. %{zU-kara} &c.
    accord. to others fr. 3. %{sU} and connected with Lat. {su1-culus}, %{sU-cula}) a boar, hog, pig, swine (ifc. f. %{A}
    %{daMSTrA@sUkarasya}, prob. `" a partic. plant "' Sus3r.) RV. &c. &c.
    a kind of deer (the hog-deer)
    a partic. fish
    white rice
    a potter
    N. of a partic. hell VP.
    (%{I}) f. a sow Ya1jn5. R. &c.
    a kind of bird VarBr2S.
    a small pillar above a wooden beam
    Batatas Edulis
    Mimosa Pudica
    Lycopodium Imbricatum
    N. of a goddess Ka1lac.
  203. सूक्त (sūkta) (sūkta)
    mfn. (5. %{su} + %{ukta}) well or properly said or recited RV. &c. &c.
    speaking well, eloquent MatsyaP.
    (%{A}) f. a kind of bird, the Sa1rika1
    (%{a4m}) n. good recitation or speech, wise saying, song of praise RV. &c. &c.
    a Vedic hymn (as distinguished from a R2ic or single verse of a hymn) Br. S3rS Mn. BhP.
  204. सूक्ष्म (sūkṣma) (sūkṣma)
    mf(%{A})n. (prob. connected with %{sUci}, p. 1241, col. 1) minute, small, fine, thin, narrow, short, feeble, trifling, insignificant, unimportant (with %{artha} m. `" a trifling matter "' ) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    acute, subtle, keen (understanding or mental operation
    %{am} ind.) Kat2hUp. R. &c.
    nice, exact, precise Col.
    subtle, atomic, intangible Up. Sa1m2khyak. MBh. &c.
    m. a partic. figure of rhetoric (`" the subtle expression of an intended act "') Cat.
    (with S3aivas) one who has attained a certain grade of emancipation Hcat.
    a mystical N. of the sound %{I} Up.
    N. of S3iva MBh.
    of a Da1nava ib. Hariv.
    m. or n. an atom, intangible matter Sa1m2khyak. Sarvad. MBh. &c.
    the subtle all-pervading spirit, Supreme Soul
    the Kataka or clearing-nut plant
    = %{kRtaka}, or %{kaitava}
    (%{A}) f. sand
    small cardamoms
    N. of two plants (= %{yUthikA} or %{karuNI})
    of one of the 9 S3aktis of Vishn2u
    (%{am}) n. the cavity or socket of a tooth Vishn2.
    woven silk
    the Veda7nta philosophy L.
  205. सूचक (sūcaka) (sūcaka)
    mf(%{ikA})n. pointing out, indicating, showing, designating MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    pointing to (acc.) Hariv.
    informing, betraying, treacherous Car.
    m. a denouncer, informer Mn. MBh. &c.
    (the following only in L.) the manager or chief actor of a company
    a narrator, teacher
    the son of an A1yogava and a Kshatriya1
    a Buddha
    a Siddha
    demon, imp
    villain, dog
    balustrade, parapet
    kind of rice.
  206. सूचन (sūcana) (sūcana)
    mf(%{I})n. pointing out, indicating (see %{zubha-sUcanI})
    (%{A}) f. (= %{sUcA}) pointing out, indication, communication Sus3r. Sa1h.
    piercing &c.
    (%{I}) f. a short index or table of contents
    (%{am}) n. indication Ja1takam.
    bodily exertion Car.
  207. सूचि (sūci) (sūci)
    or f. (prob. to be connected with %{sUtra}, %{syUta} &c. fr. %{siv}, `" to sew "' cf. %{sUkSma}
  208. सूचीवानकर्मन् (sūcīvānakarman) (sūcīvānakarman)
    n. pl. the arts of sewing and weaving Cat.
  209. सूत (sūta) (sūta)
    1 mfn. urged, impelled &c. (cf. 3. %{sUta}, p. 1241, col. 2, 1. %{suta}, and %{nR-SUta}). 2 mfn. (for 3. see p. 1241, col. 2) born, engendered (see %{su-SUta})
    one that has, brought forth (young) Mn. VarBr2S.
    m. quicksilver S3a1rn3gS. Sarvad.
    the sun W.
    (%{A}) f. a woman who has given birth to a child MW.
    a young quadruped
    w.r. for %{sutA} Pan5cat. iii, 192/193.
  210. सूत (sūta) (sūta)
    1 mfn. urged, impelled &c. (cf. 3. %{sUta}, p. 1241, col. 2, 1. %{suta}, and %{nR-SUta}). 2 mfn. (for 3. see p. 1241, col. 2) born, engendered (see %{su-SUta})
    one that has, brought forth (young) Mn. VarBr2S.
    m. quicksilver S3a1rn3gS. Sarvad.
    the sun W.
    (%{A}) f. a woman who has given birth to a child MW.
    a young quadruped
    w.r. for %{sutA} Pan5cat. iii, 192/193.
  211. सूतक (sūtaka) (sūtaka)
    n. birth (also `" the calving of a cow &c.) Gr2S. Mn. MBh. &c.
    impurity (of parents) caused by child-birth or miscarriage Ya1jn5. Dhu1rtas.
    impurity (in general) Subh.
    an obstacle Tithya1d.
    (%{akA} and %{ikA}) f. see below
    (%{am}) m. n. quick silver, mercury Sarvad.
  212. सूति (sūti) (sūti)
    (%{pra4-}) f. (for 2. see below) instigation, order, permission TS. TBr. Ka1t2h. 1 see 1. %{pra-sUti}. 3 f. (fr. 3. %{su}
    for 1. 2. %{sUti} see pp. 1239 and 1240) pressing out the Soma-juice, or the place where it is pressed out VP. 4 f. (fr. %{siv}) = %{syUti}
  213. सूत्र (sūtra) (sūtra)
    n. (accord. to g. %{ardhacA7di} also m.
    fr. %{siv}, `" to sew "', and connected with %{sUci} and %{sUnA}) a thread, yarn, string, line, cord, wire AV. &c. &c.
    a measuring line (cf. %{-pAta}) Hariv. VarBr2S. &c.
    the sacred thread or cord worn by the first three classes (cf. %{yajJo7pavIta}) BhP.
    a girdle ib.
    a fibre Ka1lid.
    a line, stroke MBh. VarBr2S. Gol.
    a sketch, plan Ra1jat.
    that which like a thread runs through or holds together everything, rule, direction BhP.
    a short sentence or aphoristic rule, and any work or manual consisting of strings of such rules hanging together like threads (these Su1tra works form manuals of teaching in ritual, philosophy, grammar &c.: e.g. in ritual there are first the S3rauta-su7tras, and among them the Kalpa-su7tras, founded directly on S3ruti q.v.
    they form a kind of rubric to Vedic ceremonial, giving concise rules for the performance of every kind of sacrifice [IW. 146 &c.]
    other kinds of SS3ruti works are the Gr2ihya-su1tras and Sa1maya1ca1rika or Dharma-su1tras i.e. `" rules for domestic ceremonies and conventional customs "', sometimes called collectively Sma1rta-su1tras [as founded on %{smRti} or `" tradition "' see %{smArta}]
    these led to the later Dharmas3a1stras or `" law-books "' [IW. 145]
    in philosophy each system has its regular text-book of aphorisms written in Su1tras by its supposed founder [IW. 60 &c.]
    in Vya1karan2a or grammar there are the celebrated Su1tras of Pa1n2ini in eight books, which are the groundwork of a vast grammatical literature
    with Buddhists, Pa1s3upatas &c. the term Su1tra is applied to original text books as opp. to explanatory works
    with Jainas they form part of the Dr2isht2iva1da) IW. 162 &c.
    a kind of tree DivyA7v.
  214. सूद (sūda) (sūda)
    m. a well RV. (Naigh. iii, 25)
    the mud of a dried-up pool (others, `" sweetness, sweet drink "', esp. `" milk "') ib. Br. Ka1t2h.
    (prob.) a hot spring Ra1jat.
    a kind of sauce or broth (cf. %{sUpa}) Ka1m. Ra1jat.
    a cook MBh. R. &c.
    N. of a country in Kas3mi1ra (?) Ra1jat.
    (%{I}) f. g. %{gaurA7di}.
  215. सूदन (sūdana) (sūdana)
    mf(%{A} or %{I})n. putting in order, guiding arightPaipp.
    (generally ifc.) killing, destroying MBh. R. &c.
    n. the act of killing or slaying, destruction Hariv.
    the act of assenting or promising (= %{aGgI-karaNa})
    the act of ejecting or throwing away (= %{nikSepaNa})
  216. सूना (sūnā) (sūnā)
    f. (prob. fr. %{siv}, `" to sew "', and connected with %{sUci} and %{sUtra}
    cf. %{sUna}, p. 1240, col. 1) a woven wicker-work basket or vessel of anykindGr2S3rS.
    a place for slaughtering animals, slaughter-house, butchery (wrongly %{zUnA}
    cf. %{sUdanA}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    the sale of flesh or meat MW.
    any place or utensil in a house where animals are liable to be accidentally destroyed (see %{paJca-sUnA})
    a stick fixed to an elephant's hook
    killing, hurting, injuring, Bhp.
    imminent death, danger of life (%{sUnAyAm@api}, `" even in the last extremity "') ib.
    the uvula or soft palate (in this and the next sense perhaps connected with %{zUna})
    inflammation of the glands of the neck (commonly called `" mumps "') W. (accord. to some also, `" a zone, girdle "'
    `" a ray "'
    `" a river "').
  217. सूनु (sūnu) (sūnu)
    1 m. one who urges or incites, an inciter Sa1y. on RV. i, 103, 4
    the sun (= %{savitR})1. 2. 3 see under 1. 2. %{sU}, and p. 1241, col. 3.
  218. सूप (sūpa) (sūpa)
    m. (of doubtful derivation cf. %{sUda}
    in Un2. iii, 26 said to be fr 3. %{su}, `" to distil "') sauce, soup, broth (esp. prepared from split or ground pease &c. with roots and salt) MBh. R. Sus3r. &c.
    a cook(%{I} f. g. %{gaurA7di})
    a vessel, pot, pan
    an arrow L.
  219. सूर (sūra) (sūra)
    1 m. the sun
    Calotropis Gigantea (= %{arka}) MW.
    a wise or learned man, teacher (= %{sUri})
    N. of the father of Kunthu (the 17th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1)
    of various authors (also with %{bhaTTa} and %{mizra}) Cat.
    (%{I}) f. N. of Kunti1 (as married to the Sun before her marriage with Pa1n2d2u) Pa1n2. 4-1, 48 Va1rtt. 9 Pat.2 m. (fr. 1. %{sU}) an inciter, propeller RV. i, 121, 7 (Sa1y.) 3 m. (fr. 3. %{su}) the Soma-juice flowing from the Soma press
  220. सूरि (sūri) (sūri)
    1 m. a learned man, sage (often ifc. after names, esp. as a title given to Jaina teachers) Ka1lid. VarBr2S. &c.
    N. of Br2ihas-pati (the sage among the gods) or the planet Jupiter VarBr2S.
    of Kr2ishn2a W.
    of a poet Cat.
    = %{yAdava} and %{sUrya}
    (%{I}) f. Un2. iv, 64 Sch.
  221. सूर्य (sūrya) (sūrya)
    m. the sun or its deity (in the Veda the name Su1rya is generally distinguished from Savitr2i [q.v.], and denotes the most concrete of the solar gods, whose connection with the luminary is always present to the poet's mind [1243,2]
    in Nir. vii, 5 he is regarded as one of the original Vedic triad, his place being in the sky, while that of Agni is on the earth, and that of Indra is in the atmosphere
    ten hymns in the RV. are entirely in praise of Su1rya, e. g. i, 50, i, 115 &c., also AV. xiii, 2
    he moves through the sky in a chariot drawn by seven ruddy horses or mares [see %{saptA7zva}, %{harit}, %{harid-azva}]
    in the later mythology Su1rya is identified with Savitr2i as one of the 12 A1dityas or emblems of the Sun in the 12 months of the year, and his seven-horsed chariot is said to be driven by Arun2a or the Dawn as its charioteer, who is represented without legs
    the Sun, whether named Su1rya or Vivasvat, has several wives see %{sUryA} below) RV. &c. &c. (cf. IW. 11
    16 &c. RTL. 341)
    a symbolical expression for the number `" twelve "' (in allusion to the sun in the 12 signs of the zodiac) Jyot. Hcat.
    the swallow-wort (either Calotropis or Asclepias Gigantea, = %{arka})
    N. of the son of Bali
    of a Da1nava VahniP.
    of an astronomer (= %{sUrya-dAsa}) Cat.
    epithet of S3iva MBh.
    (%{A4}) f. the wife of Su1rya or the Sun (also called Sam2jn5a1, q.v.)
    the daughter of Su1rya or the Sun (see RV. i, 116, 17
    also described as daughter of Praja1pati or of Savitr2i and wife of the As3vins, and in other places as married to Soma
    in RV. i, 119, 2 she is called U1rja1ni1, and in vi, 55, 4, vi, 58, 4 the sister of Pu1shan [q.v.], who is described as loving her, and receiving her as a gift from the gods
    accord. to some she represents a weak manifestation of the Sun
    Su1rya1 Sa1vitri1 is regarded as the authoress of the Su1rya1-su7kta RV. x, 85)AitBr. Kaus3.
    = %{vAc} Naigh. i, 11
    = %{sUryA-sU7ktA} (q.v.) S3a1n3khGr2.
    a new bride
    a drug
    the colocynth or bitter gourd
    mfn. solar (perhaps w.r. for %{saurya}) Jyot. [For cognate words see under 2. %{sva4r}.]
  222. सृक्व (sṛkva) (sṛkva)
    n. the corner of the mouth
    m. N. of a man, IndSt.
  223. सृज् (sṛj) (sṛj)
    1 (cf. 1. 2. %{sarj}) cl. 6. P. (Dha1tup. xxviii, 121) %{sRja4ti} (Ved. and ep. also %{-te}, and once in AV. %{sa4rjati}
    pf. %{sasarja}, %{sasRje4} [2. sg. accord. to Pa1n2. 7-2, 65, %{sasarjitha} and %{sasraSTha}, in BhP. once %{sasarktha}]
    Vedic forms are %{sasRjma4he}, %{-jrire}, %{sasRjyAt}, %{asasRgram}
    p. %{sasRjAna4} q.v.
    aor. %{asrAkSIt}
    %{a4sRkSi}, %{a4sRSTa} [Ved. also %{a4sRgram} or %{-ran}
    %{asrAk}, %{asrAT}
    p. %{sRjAna4} q.v.] ib. [1245,2]
    fut. %{sraSTA} Pan5cavBr.
    %{srakSyati}, %{-te} Br. &c.
    inf. %{sraSTum} MBh. &c.
    ind. p. %{sRSTvA} Br.
    %{-sR4jya} ib. &c.
    %{-sa4rgam} or %{-sa4rjam} Br.), to let go or fly, discharge, throw, cast, hurl at (acc. or dat.) RV. &c. &c.
    to cast or let go (a measuring line) RV.
    to emit, pour forth, shed, cause to flow (rain, streams &c.) ib. &c. &c.
    to utter (a sound) Katha1s.
    to turn or direct (glances) Kum.
    to let loose, cause (horses) to go quickly
    A1. `" to speed, run, hasten "' RV.
    to release, set free ib. AV. Kaus3.
    to open (a door) Kaus3.
    to publish, proclaim AitBr.
    to draw out and twist (a thread), twist, wind, spin (lit. and fig.
    A1. %{sRjyate}, `" for one's self "'
    cf. Pat. on Pa1n2. 3-1, 87 Va1rtt. 15, and Dha1tup. xxvi, 69) TS. AV. S3Br. S3rS.
    (in older language only A1.) to emit from one's self i.e. create, procreate, produce, beget RV. &c. &c.
    to procure, grant, bestow MBh. R. &c.
    to use, employ Ra1jat.
    to get, acquire, obtain, take (interest on money lent) Mn. viii, 140
    to hang on, fasten to (loc.) MBh. iii, 2218 (perhaps %{asRjat}, w.r. for %{asajat}
    see %{saJj}): Pass. %{sRjyate} (aor. %{a4sarji}), to be let loose or emitted or created RV. &c. &c.: Caus. %{sarjayati}, %{-te} (aor. %{asasarjat} or %{asIsRjat}), to cause to let loose, let go, create &c. Br. &c.: Desid. %{sisRkSati}, %{-te}, to wish to send forth or hurl or throw Hariv.
    (A1.) to wish to produce or create Ka1t2h. BhP.: Intens. %{sarIsRjyate}, %{sarIsRSTi} &c. Gr. 2 (ifc.) letting loose, emitting, discharging MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    producing, creating, begetting (also with gen.) Inscr. MBh. Ra1jat.
  224. सृञ्जय (sṛñjaya) (sṛñjaya)
    m. N. of a son of Devava1ta RV.
    of various other men MBh. Hariv. &c.
    pl. N. of a family AV. Ka1t2h. &c.
    of a people (said to have been the allies of the Pan5ca1las) MBh.
    (%{I}) f. N. of two wives of Bhajama1na (v.l. %{sRJjarI}) Hariv.
  225. सृप्त (sṛpta) (sṛpta)
    mfn. crept, crawled &c.
    slipped out of (abl.) or into (loc.) S3Br. ChUp.
    n. a place crawled to Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3, 68.
  226. सृष्ट (sṛṣṭa) (sṛṣṭa)
    mfn. let go, discharged, thrown &c.
    given up, abandoned (in %{a-sR-}) Das3.
    brought forth produced, created AV. &c. &c.
    provided or filled or covered with (instr. or comp.) MBh. R.
    engrossed by, intent upon (instr.) MBh.
    firmly reasolved upon (loc. or dat.) Gaut.
    ornamented, adorned
    abundant, much, many
    ascertained W.
    (%{A}) f. a kind of medicinal plant
    a musical instrument like a stick which produces a soft sound L.
  227. सृष्टि (sṛṣṭi) (sṛṣṭi)
    f. (once in S3Br. %{sRSTi4}) letting go, letting loose, emission R.
    production, procreation, creation, the creation of the world (%{A@sRSTeH}, `" from the beginning of the world "'
    %{sRSTiM@kuru}, `" produce offspring "'
    cf. %{manoratha-sR-}) TS. &c. &c.
    nature, natural property or disposition R.
    the absence or existence of properties (?) W.
    distribution of gifts, liberality Mn. iii, 255
    a kind of brick TS. A1pS3r.
    Gmelina Arborea
    m. N. of a son of Ugra-sena BhP.
  228. सेक (seka) (seka)
    &c. see s.v.
  229. सेचन (secana) (secana)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the bowl of a spoon or ladle A1pS3r. Sch.
    %{-vat} mfn. having a bowl or spout (for pouring out fluids) A1pS3r. mfn. sprinkling, pouring out, emitting (see %{viSa-s-})
    (%{I}) f. g. %{gaurA7di}
    (%{am}) n. emission, effusion S3am2k.
    sprinkling or watering with (comp.) MBh. Mr2icch. Sus3r.
    a shower-bath Sus3r.
    casting (of metals) Cat.
    a bucket, balingvessel L.
  230. सेतु (setu) (setu)
    mfn. (fr. 1. %{si}) binding, who or what binds or fetters RV.
    m. a bond, fetter ib.
    a ridge of earth, mound, bank, causeway, dike, dam, bridge, any raised piece of ground separating fields (serving as a boundary or as a passage during inundations) RV. &c. &c.
    Ra1ma's bridge (see %{setubandha}) BhP.
    a landmark, boundary, limit (also fig. = `" barrier, bounds "') Mn. MBh. &c.
    a help to the understanding of a text, an explanatory commentary (also N. of various commentaries) Cat.
    an established institution, fixed rule MW.
    the Pran2ava or sacred syllable Om (which is said to be %{mantrANAM@setuH}) Ka1lP.
    Crataeva Roxburghii or Tapia Crataeva (= %{varaNa}, %{varuNa})
    N. of a son of Druhyu and brother of Babhru Hariv.
    of a son of Babhru Pur.
    of a place MW.
  231. सेना (senā) (senā)
    f. (fr. 2. %{si}) a missile, dart, spear
    N. of Indra's wife (or his thunderbolt so personified) TS. AitBr. Vait.
    an army, armament, battle-array, armed force (also personified as wife of Ka1rttikeya
    ifc. also %{sena} n.) RV. &c. &c.
    a small army (consisting of 3 elephants, 3 chariots, 9 horse, and 15 foot)
    any drilled troop or band or body of men Ba1lar.
    a kind of title or addition to the names of persons (also names of courtezans) Sa1h. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-1, 152 &c.)
    N. of a courtezan (abridged fr. %{kubera-senA}) HParis3.
    of the mother of S3ambhava (the third Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1 L.
  232. सेन्द्र (sendra) (sendra)
    mfn. accompanied by or together with Indra TS. &c. &c.
  233. सेवक (sevaka) (sevaka)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see col. 2) dwelling in, inhabiting (comp.) MBh.
    practising, using, employing (comp.) Ka1v. Katha1s.
    revering, worshipping (mostly comp.) Ya1jn5. BhP.
    m. a servant, attendant, follower R. VarBr2S. Ra1jat.
    a votary, worshipper Hariv. Pan5car.2 m. (fr. %{siv}
    for 1. %{sevaka} see col. 1) one that sews, a sewer
    a sack
  234. सेवन (sevana) (sevana)
    see 2. %{sev-} s.v. 1 n. (for 2. see col. 2) the act of frequenting or visiting or dwelling in or resorting to (comp.) Ka1v. Pan5cat. BhP.
    waiting upon, attendance, service Mn. MBh. &c.
    honouring, reverence, worship, adoration (also %{A} f.) Ka1v. VarBr2S. &c.
    sexual enjoyment, intercourse with (comp.) Mn. xi, 178
    devotion or addiction to, fondness for, indulgence in, practise or employment of (gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c.2 n. (for 1. see col. 1) the act of sewing, darning, stitching Sus3r. Vop. A1pS3r. Sch.
    a sack
    (%{I}) f. a needle
    a seam
    a suture or peculiar, seam-like union of parts of the body (seven in number, viz. five of the cranium, one of the tongue, and one of the glans penis) Br. Sus3r.
    (%{I}) f. a kind of small jasmine
  235. सेवनीय (sevanīya) (sevanīya)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see col. 2) to be followed or practised Bhartr2.
    to be served or waited upon or honoured Hariv. BhP. 1 mfn. (for 1. see col. 1) to be sewn or stitched together MW.
  236. सेवा (sevā) (sevā)
    f. going or resorting to, visiting, frequenting Ca1n2. Subh.
    service, attendance on (loc. gen., or comp.
    %{sevAM-kR}, with gen., `" to be in the service of "') Mn. MBh. &c.
    worship, homage, reverence, devotion to (gen. or comp.) ib.
    sexual intercourse with (comp.) Hit. Subh.
    addiction to, indulgence in, practice or employment or frequent enjoyment of (comp.) Nir. Mn. MBh. &c.
  237. सेवित (sevita) (sevita)
    mfn. dwelt in, visited, frequented, followed, served &c. (see %{sev})
    furnished or endowed with, abounding in (comp.) R.
    n. = 1. %{sevi} L.
  238. सेविन् (sevin) (sevin)
    mfn. (only ifc.) going or resorting to, frequenting, inhabiting MBh. R. &c.
    attending on, serving, a servant Ka1lid. Kir. VarBr2S.
    honouring, revering, deferential to Mn. MBh. &c.
    having sexual intercourse with Subh.
    addicted to, fond of, enjoying, practising, employing MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  239. सेश्वर (seśvara) (seśvara)
    mfn. (7. %{sa} + %{Izvara}) having a god, theistical (see next).
  240. सइनिक (saïnika) (sainika)
    mfn. relating or belonging to an army, military, martial, drawn up in martial array MBh. R. &c.
    m. an army-man, soldier, guard, sentinel, a body of forces in array ib.
    N. of a son of S3ambara Hariv.
  241. सइन्धव (saïndhava) (saindhava)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{sindhu}) relating to the sea, oceanic, marine, aquatic Buddh.
    belonging to or produced in or coming from the Indus or Sindh TS. &c. &c.
    m. a king of Sindh MBh. Mudr. BhP.
    a horse (partic. one bred in SSindh)
    N. of a teacher Cat.
    (pl.) the inhabitants of SSindh AV. Paris3. MBh. &c.
    N. of a partic. school founded by Saindhava1yana VP.
    m. n. a kind of rock-salt (found in Sindh), any salt S3Br. VarBr2S. Sus3r.
    (%{I}) f. a partic. Ra1gin2i1 Sam2gi1t.
    (%{am}) n. (in dram.) a song in Pra1kr2it (accompanied with music expressive of a lover's disgust on being deserted by a loved woman) Sa1h.
  242. सइन्धवक (saïndhavaka) (saindhavaka)
    mfn. belonging or relating to the Saindhavas (with %{nRpa} or %{rAjan} m. `" a king of the Saindhavas "') MBh.
    m. a miserable inhabitant of Sindhu MW.
  243. सइन्य (saïnya) (sainya)
    mfn. belonging to or proceeding from an army MBh. Hariv.
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a soldier (pl. `" troops "') R.
    an army MBh. Ra1jat.
    a sentinel, guard
    n. a body of troops, army MBh. R. &c.
    a camp VarBr2S.
  244. सोढ (soḍha) (soḍha)
    overcome, conquered (cf. %{a-SADha}, %{aSATha})&c.
  245. सोपान (sopāna) (sopāna)
    n. (perhaps contracted fr. %{sa} + %{upA7yana}) stairs, steps, a staircase, ladder to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  246. सोभरि (sobhari) (sobhari)
    (or %{-rI}) m. N. of the author of the hymns RV. viii, 19-22 &c. (having the patr. %{kANva}, or %{AGgirasa})
  247. सोम (soma) (soma)
    1 m. (fr. 3. %{su}) juice, extract, (esp.) the juice of the Soma plant, (also) the Soma plant itself (said to be the climbing plant Sarcostema Viminalis or Asclepias Acida, the stalks [%{aMzu}] of which were pressed between stones [%{adri}] by the priests, then sprinkled with water, and purified in a strainer [%{pavitra}]
    whence the acid juice trinkled into jars [%{kalaza}] or larger vessels [%{droNa}]
    after which it was mixed with clarified butter, flour &c., made to ferment, and then offered in libations to the gods [in this respect corresponding with the ritual of the Iranian Avesta] or was drunk by the Bra1hmans, by both of whom its exhilarating effect was supposed to be prized
    it was collected by moonlight on certain mountains [in RV. x, 34, 1, the mountain Mu1ja-vat is mentioned]
    it is sometimes described as having been brought from the sky by a falcon [%{zyena}] and guarded by the Gandharvas
    it is personified as one of the most important of Vedic gods, to whose praise all the 114 hymns of the 9th book of the RV. besides 6 in other books and the whole SV. are dedicated
    in post-Vedic mythology and even in a few of the latest hymns of the RV. [although not in the whole of the 9th book] as well as sometimes in the AV. and in the Br., Soma is identified with the moon [as the receptacle of the other beverage of the gods called Amr2ita, or as the lord of plants cf. %{indu}, %{oSadi-pati}] and with the god of the moon, as well as with Vishn2u, S3iva, Yama, and Kubera
    he is called %{rAjan}, and appears among the 8 Vasus and the 8 Loka-pa1las [Mn. v, 96], and is the reputed author of RV. x, 124, 1, 5-9, of a lawbook &c.
    cf. below) RV. &c. &c.
    the moon or moon-god (see above)
    a Soma sacrifice AitA1r.
    a day destined for extracting the Soma-juice A1s3vS3r.
    Monday (= %{soma-vAra}) Inscr.
    air, wind
    a drug of supposed magical properties W.
    a partic. mountain or mountainous range (accord. to some the mountains of the moon) ib.
    a partic. class of Pitr2is (prob. for %{soma-pA}) ib.
    N. of various authors (also with %{paNDita}, %{bhaTTa}, %{zarman} &c.
    cf. above) Cat.
    = %{somacandra}, or %{some7ndu} HParis3.
    N. of a monkey-chief
    (%{A}) f. the Soma plant
    N. of an Apsaras MBh.
    of a river Ma1rkP.
    of a queen Inscr.
    (%{I}) f. g. %{gaurA7di}
    (%{am}) n. rice-water, rice-gruel
    heaven, sky, ether
    mfn. relating to Soma (prob. w.r. for %{sauma}) Ka1t2h.
  248. सोमनाथ (somanātha) (somanātha)
    m. N. of various scholars Cat. Col.
    n. N. of a celebrated Lin3ga of S3iva and of the place where it was set up by the god Soma (in the town described below
    it was one of the 12 great Lin3ga temples of India held in especial veneration [cf. IW. 322 n. 1], and was so famed for its splendour and wealth that it attracted the celebrated Mahmu1d of Ghazni1, A.D. 1024, who, under pretext of destroying its idols, carried off its treasures along with its renowned gates) Vcar. Vop. Cat. Col. &c.
    %{-tIrtha} n. N. of a Ti1rtha Cat.
    %{-dIkSita} m. N. of an author ib.
    %{-dIkSitIya} n. N. of wk.
    %{-paTTana} n. (= %{-pattana}) Cat.
    %{-paNDita} m. N. of an author ib.
    %{-pattana} n. N. of a town on the western coast of India (commonly called Somnath Pattan in Ka1thia1wa1r, celebrated for the S3iva temple above described) MW.
    %{-prazasti} f. N. of wk.
    %{-bhaTTa} m. N. of various authors Cat.
    %{-bhASya} n. N. of wk.
    %{-mahA-pAtra} n. N. of an author Cat.
    %{-rasa} m. a partic. preparation of iron L.
  249. सोमश्रवस् (somaśravas) (somaśravas)
    m. N. of various men MBh. Cat.
  250. सोम्य (somya) (somya)
    mfn. offering SSomya4, a SSomya4-offerer RV. A1s3vS3r.
    consisting of or containing or connected with or belonging to SomaVS. Gobh.
    Soma-loving, inspired by SSomya4 RV.
    incorrect for %{saumya} q.v. (also %{-tA} f.) Up. MBh. Ma1rkP.
  251. सोलङ्क (solaṅka) (solaṅka)
    m. N. of a family Cat.
  252. सोष्णीष (soṣṇīṣa) (soṣṇīṣa)
    mfn. having a turban MBh.
    n. (scil. %{vAstu}) a house with a verandah in front VarBr2S.
  253. सउख्य (saükhya) (saukhya)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) welfare, comfort, health, happiness, felicity, enjoyment Mn. MBh. &c.
  254. सउगन्ध (saügandha) (saugandha)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{su-gandha}) possessing a fragrant odour, sweet-scented, fragrant MW.
    m. a dealer in perfumes MBh.
    n. fragrance W.
    a partic. fragrant grass (= %{kat-tRNa})
  255. सउगन्धिक (saügandhika) (saugandhika)
    mfn. sweet-scented, fragrant MBh. R.
    m. a dealer in perfumes
    a sexually weak man (who is stimulated by the smell of the female organs) Sus3r.
    a kind of worm infesting the bowels Car.
    (also n.) sulphur
    N. of a mountain Cat.
    (%{A}) f. see below
    (%{am}) n. a white or blue water-lily Va1s. Ja1takam.
    a kind of fragrant grass (= %{kat-tRNa})
    a kind of Ocimum Sus3r.
    a kind of unguent Ta1n2d2Br.
    a ruby VarBr2S. Hcat.
    N. of a mountain BhP.
  256. सउजन्य (saüjanya) (saujanya)
    n. (fr. %{su-jana}) goodness, kindness, benevolence, friendliness Mr2icch. S3is3. Ra1jat. [1252,2]
  257. सउति (saüti) (sauti)
    m. patr. of Karn2a (so called from having been brought up by the Su1ta Adhi-ratha
    see %{karNa}) MBh.
  258. सउत्रामण (saütrāmaṇa) (sautrāmaṇa)
    mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{su-trAman}) relating or belonging to Indra (with %{diz} f. `" Indra's quarter "' i.e. the east) Viddh.
    m. a partic. Eka7ha S3a1n3khS3r.
    (%{I}) f. see below.
  259. सउदास (saüdāsa) (saudāsa)
    m. (fr. %{su-dAs} and %{su-dAsa}) N. of various kings (esp. of a son of king Su-da1sa, of the solar race, descendant of Ikshva1ku and Sagara in the thirteenth generation, and also called Mitra-saha and Kalma1sha-pa1da) TS. MBh. &c.
  260. सउध (saüdha) (saudha)
    mfn. (fr. %{sudhA}) having plaster or cement, plastered, stuccoed R.
    made of or coming from Euphoebia Antiquorum Sus3r. Pan5car.
    m. calcareous spar (= %{dugdha-paSANA})
    n. (and m. g. %{ardharcA7di}) a stuccoed mansion, any fine house, palace &c. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    n. silver
    opal (accord. to some).
  261. सउन्दर्य (saündarya) (saundarya)
    n. (fr. %{sundara}) beauty, loveliness, gracefulness, elegance Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    noble conduct, generosity R.
  262. सउन्दर्यलहरी (saündaryalaharī) (saundaryalaharī)
  263. सउप्तिक (saüptika) (sauptika)
    mfn. (fr. %{supta}) connected with or relating to sleep, nocturnal Mr2icch.
    n. an attack on sleeping men, nocturnal combat MBh. R. Ka1m.
  264. सउबल (saübala) (saubala)
    m. (fr. %{su-bala}) patr. of S3akuni MBh.
    (%{I}) f. patr. of Ga1ndha1ri1 (the wife of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra) ib.
    mfn. relating or belonging to Saubala i.e. S3akuni ib.
  265. सउभ (saübha) (saubha)
    m. (also written %{zaubha}) N. of the aerial city of Hari-s3candra (q.v.) MBh. BhP.
    of a town of the S3alvas MBh.
    a king of the Saubhas ib.
    pl. N. of a people ib.
  266. सउभग (saübhaga) (saubhaga)
    mfn. (fr. %{subhaga}) `" auspicious "', coming from or made of the tree Su-bhaga Car.
    m. N. of a son of Br2ihac-chloka BhP.
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) welfare, happiness, wealth, riches, enjoyment RV.
    loveliness, grace, beauty BhP.
  267. सउभगत्व (saübhagatva) (saubhagatva)
    n. welfare, happiness RV.
  268. सउभरि (saübhari) (saubhari)
    m. (fr. %{sobhari}) N. of a Muni (married to the 50 daughters of Ma1ndha1tr2i and father of 150 sons) Pur.
    of an author, Cat
  269. सउभाग्य (saübhāgya) (saubhāgya)
    n. (fr. %{su-bhaga}) welfare, good luck, good fortune, success, prosperity, happiness (esp. conjugal felicity) RV. &c. &c.
    beauty, charm, grace, loveliness MBh. R. &c.
    affection, favour MW.
    congratulation, good wishes ib.
    red lead
    a kind of plant
    the fourth of the astronomical Yogas. L.
  270. सउभाग्यवत् (saübhāgyavat) (saubhāgyavat)
    mfn. endowed with beauty Sa1y.
    possessing good fortune, auspicious, fortunate W.
    (%{atI}) f. a married and unwidowed woman MW.
    %{-tA} f. or %{-tva} n. auspiciousness, prosperity W.
  271. सउमित्र (saümitra) (saumitra)
    m. (fr. %{su-mitrA}) metron. of Lakshman2a
    n. (fr. %{su-mitra}) friendship Ka1t2h.
    N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr.
  272. सउम्य (saümya) (saumya)
    (once in AV. %{sau4mya}) mf(%{I4} later %{A}
    once in RV. %{sau4myA})n. relating or belonging to Soma (the juice or the sacrifice or the moon-god), connected or dealing with Soma, having his nature or qualities &c. RV. &c. &c.
    cool and moist (opp. to %{agneya}, `" hot and dry "') Br. Hariv. Sus3r.
    northern (%{ena}, `" to the north "') Hariv. VarBr2S.
    `" resembling the moon "', placid, gentle, mild (%{saumya} voc. = `" O gentle Sir! "' `" O good Sir! "' `" O excellent man! "' as the proper mode of addressing a Bra1hman Mn. ii, 125) S3Br. &c.&c.
    auspicious (said of birds, planets &c.
    esp. of the Nakshatras Mr2iga-s3iras, Citra1, Anura1dha1, and Revati1) R. VarBr2S. Hariv. S3a1rn3gS.
    happy, pleasant, cheerful MW.
    m. a Soma sacrifice
    an adherent, worshipper BhP.
    a Bra1hman
    patr. of Budha or the planet Mercury VarBr2S.
    of the Vedic R2ishi Budha (author of RV. x, 1) RAnukr.
    the left hand Hcat.
    Ficus Glomerata
    the fifteenth cubit (%{aratni}) from the bottom or the third from the top of the sacrificial post
    (in anat.) the blood before it becomes red, serum W.
    the gastric juice MW.
    the month Ma1rgas3i1rsha Hcat.
    N. of the 43rd (or 17th) year in the 60 years "' cycle of Jupiter VarBr2S.
    (pl.) the people of Soma S3a1n3khGr2.
    a partic. class of deceased ancestors Mn. iii, 199
    m. n. a partic. penance (see %{-kRcchra}) Ya1jn5. Ga1rud2aP.
    N. of a Dvi1pa of the earth or of Bharatavarsha Pur.
    of the 7th astrol. Yuga Jyot.
    (%{yA}) f. N. of various plants (Abrus Precatorius
    Glycine Debilis
    Ruta Graveolens &c.)
    a pearl
    the Nakshatra Mr2iga-s3iras Hariv.
    N. of the five stars in Orion's head (also called %{ilvala} q.v.) W.
    a species of the A1rya1 metre Col.
    N. of Durga1 Cat.
    (%{I}) f. moonshine MBh.
    (%{am}) n. the nature or condition of Soma AV.
    gentleness MBh. Pan5cat. the Nakshatra Mr2iga-s3iras (presided over by the Moon) MaitrUp. Hariv. (accord. to Ni1lak. `" Wednesday "')
    the left eye
    the middle of the hand
    N. of the fifth Muhu1rta Cat.
    (scil. %{adbhuta}) a partic. kind of omen or prodigy (occurring in the Diva or sky) MW.
  273. सउर (saüra) (saura)
    1 mfn. (fr. %{surA}) consisting of spirituous liquor, S3rS. 2 mf(%{I})n. (fr. 1. %{sUra} and %{sUrya}
    in some meanings perhaps fr. %{sura}) relating or belonging or sacred to or coming from &c. the sun or the god Su1rya, solar MaitrUp. MBh. &c. [1254,3]
    celestial, divine W.
    m. a worshipper of the sun MBh. Prab. (RTL. 342)
    `" son of the Sun "'N. of the planet Saturn VarBr2S.
    N. of the 20th Kalpa (q.v.)
    a solar day (while the sun is in one degree of the ecliptic) W. a solar month (consisting of 30 risings and setting of the sun or the period during which the sun is in one sign of the zodiac) W.
    a representation of a solar zodiacal sign used at marriage ceremonies MW.
    Zanthoxylon Alatum
    N. of a Guru MW.
    (%{I}) f. the wife of the Sun W.
    patr. of Tapati1 (the mother of Kuru
    also called %{vaivasvatI}) MBh.
    a cow Hcat.
    Polanisia Icosandra
    (%{am}) n. a collection of hymns addressed to Su1rya (extracted from the R2ig-veda) Cat.
    the right eye Gal.
    N. of a Sa1man (= %{bRhat-saura}) A1rshBr.
    N. of wk. (prob. = %{saura-purANa}) Kap. Sch.
  274. सउरभ (saürabha) (saurabha)
    mfn. (fr. %{su-rabhi}) fragrant BhP.
    descended from (the cow) Su-rabhi Hariv. (v.l. %{saurasa})
    m. coriander Sus3r.
    a kind of Vesava1ra (q.v.)
    (%{I}) f. `" daughter of Su-rabhi "', a cow MBh. Hariv. R.
    (%{am}) n. (ifc. f. %{A}) fragrance, perfume Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    myrrh (v.l. %{staubhaka})
    N. of a Sa1man La1t2y.
    N. of various Comms.
  275. सउवस्तिक (saüvastika) (sauvastika)
    mfn. (fr. %{sv-asti}) benedictive, salutatory W.
    m. a family Bra1hman or priest
    n. = %{svasty-ayana}
  276. सउवीर (saüvīra) (sauvīra)
    m. pl. (fr. %{su-vIra}) N. of a people inhabiting a district in the neighbourhood of the Indus MBh. Hariv. &c.
    (sg.) a king of the Sauvi1ras ib. [1255,3]
    (%{A}, or %{I}) f. (in music) a partic. Mu1rchana1 Sam2gi1t.
    (%{I}) f. a princess of the Sauvi1ras MBh. Ma1rkP.
    (%{am}) n. the fruit of the jujube Sus3r.
    sour gruel ib.
    antimony ib.
  277. सउवीरक (saüvīraka) (sauvīraka)
    m. = %{sauvIra} MBh. VarBr2S.
    a contemptible Sauvi1ra MW.
    N. of Jayad-ratha ib.
    the jujube tree
    (%{ikA}) f. id.
    (%{am}) n. sour gruel MBh. Sus3r.
  278. सउष्ठव (saüṣṭhava) (sauṣṭhava)
    n. (fr. %{su-SThu}) excellence, superior goodness or beauty, extreme skilfulness, cleverness MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a partic. position of the body (also in dancing
    often with %{lAghava}) ib. Sam2gi1t.
    a partic. division of dramatic composition W. [1256,1]
  279. सउहृद्य (saühṛdya) (sauhṛdya)
    n. id. MBh. Hit.
  280. स्कन्द (skanda) (skanda)
    m. anything which jumps or hops (in %{tRNa-skanda4}, `" grasshopper "'N. of a man) RV.
    spurting, effusing, effusion, spilling, shedding (cf. %{a4} and %{ghraNa-sk-})
    perishing, destruction Gi1t.
    `" Attacker "'N. of Ka1rttikeya (q.v., son of S3iva or of Agni
    he is called god of war as leader of S3iva's hosts against the enemies of the gods [1256,2]
    he is also leader of the demons of illness that attack children [cf. %{-graha}], also god of burglars and thieves
    cf. %{-putra} and IW. 427 n. 1) MaitrS. MBh. &c.
    N. of S3iva MBh.
    a king prince
    a clever or learned man (cf. %{skandha})
    the body
    the %{jA7di} (pl. Sam2ska1rak.)
  281. स्कन्ध (skandha) (skandha)
    m. (accord. to Un2. iv, 206, from %{skand} in the sense of `" rising "' ?) the shoulder, upper part of the back or region from the neck to the shoulder-joint (in men and animals) AV. &c. &c. [1256,3]
    the stem or trunk of a tree (esp. that part of the stem where the branches begin) S3a1n3khGr2. MBh. &c.
    a large branch or bough
    a troop, multitude, quantity, aggregate (cf. %{kari-}, %{nara-sk-}) MBh. BhP.
    a part, division (esp. a division of an army or a form of military array) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    a chapter, section (of a book, system &c.) VarBr2S. Car.
    a tract, path, region (esp. of the winds, said to be seven) MBh. Hariv.
    (in phil.) the five objects of sense (see %{viSaya}) W.
    (with Buddhists) the five constituent elements of being (viz. %{rUpa}, `" bodily form "'
    %{vedanA}, `" sensation "'
    %{saMjJA}, `" perception "'
    %{saMskAra}, `" aggregate of formations "'
    %{vijJAna}, `" consciousness or thought-faculty "') MWB. 109
    (with Jainas) the body (in the widest sense = %{piNDa}) Sarvad.
    a partic. form of the A1rya1 metre Col.
    a king, prince
    any article used at the coronation of a king (as a jar filled with consecrated water, an umbrella &c.) W.
    a sage, teacher ib.
    war, battle ib.
    an engagement, agreement ib.
    a heron ib.
    equality of height in the humps of a pair of draught oxen ib.
    = %{samparA7ya} and %{bhadrA7di}
    N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
    of a poet Cat.
    often w.r. for %{skanda}
    (%{A}) f. a branch
    a creeper L.
  282. स्तन (stana) (stana)
    m. (or n. g. %{ardharcA7di} ifc. %{A} or %{I}
    derivation doubtful, but prob. connected with %{stan}, from the hollow resonance of the human breast), the female breast (either human or animal), teat, dug, udder RV. &c. &e.
    the nipple (of the female or the male breast) Sus3r.
    a kind of pin or peg on a vessel shaped like a teat S3Br.
  283. स्तनयित्नु (stanayitnu) (stanayitnu)
    m. (sg. or pl.) thunder (pl. personified as children of Vidyota, `" Lightning "')VS. &c.
    a ththunder-cloud Ka1v. BhP.
    sickness ib.
    death ib.
    a kind of grass (= %{mustaka}) MW.
  284. स्तनित (stanita) (stanita)
    mfn. thundering, sounding MBh.
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) thunder Kaus3. Mn. MBh. &c.
    loud groaning Hariv.
    the sound of a vibrating bowstring BhP.
    the noise of clapping the hands L.
  285. स्तबक (stabaka) (stabaka)
    m. (accord. toalso n.
    ifc. f. %{A}
    also written %{stavaka}
    prob. connected with %{stamba}, %{stambaka}) a cluster of blossoms, bunch of flowers, nosegay, tuft MBh. R. &c.
    a feather of a peacock's tail BhP.
    a tassel Hariv.
    a quantity, multitude
    a chapter or section (in such books as contain in their titles the words, %{latA}, %{latikA}, %{maJjarI} &c.)
  286. स्तब्ध (stabdha) (stabdha)
    &c. see p. 1258, col. 1. mfn. firmly fixed, supported, propped &c.
    reaching up to (loe.) S3vetUp. MBh.
    stiff, rigid, immovable, paralyzed, senseless, dull (%{am} ind.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    solidified (as water) Hariv.
    puffed up, proud, arrogant ChUp. Bhag. &c.
    tardy, slack, slow (?) VarBr2S.
    obstinate, stubborn, hard-hearted MW.
    coarse ib.
  287. स्तब्धदृष्टि (stabdhadṛṣṭi) (stabdhadṛṣṭi)
    mfn. having motionless (i.e. unwinking) eyes Pan5cat.
  288. स्तम्ब (stamba) (stamba)
    m. (prob. phonetic variation of %{stambha}) a clump or tuft of grass, any clump or bunch or cluster AV. &c. &c.
    a sheaf of corna bush, thicket[1258,1]
    a shrub or plant having no decided stem (such as the Jhin2t2i1 or Barleria)
    the post to which an elephant is tied (wrongly inferred from %{stambe-rama} q.v.)
    a mountain
    N. of various men Hariv. Pur.
    n. (in these senses prob. w.r. for %{stambha}, m.) a post, pillar in general W.
    stupidity, insensibility W.
  289. स्तम्भ (stambha) (stambha)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) a post, pillar, column, stem (as of a tree
    also improperly applied to an arm) Ka1t2h. Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c.
    support, propping, strengthening Bhartr2.
    inflation, pretentiousness, arrogance MBh. R. &c.
    fixedness, stiffness, rigidity, torpor, paralysis, stupefaction MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    becoming hard or solid Ra1jat.
    stoppage, obstruction, suppression (also the magical arresting of any feeling or force, as of hunger, thirst, or of the forces of water, fire &c. as taught in the Tantras) Ka1v. Sus3r. Pan5car.
    filling up, stuffing R.
    N. of a partic. Adhya1ya Pat. on Pa1n2. 5-2, 60 Va1rtt. 1
    of a R2ishi &c. VP. (cf. g. %{kuJjA7di} and %{zaunakA7di}).
  290. स्तम्भन (stambhana) (stambhana)
    mf(%{I})n. stiffening, making rigid or immovable, paralyzing Ka1v. HParis3.
    stopping, arresting, checking, restraining MBh. R.
    styptic, astringent Sus3r.
    m. `" paralyzer "'N. of one of the five arrows of Ka1ma-deva Cat.
    (%{I}) f. a kind of magic DivyA7v.
    n. the act of turning into a pillar (see %{rambhA-st-})
    strengthening, supporting Ka1v. Pan5car.
    becoming stiff or rigid Sus3r.
    making stiff or rigid, paralysing Va1s. Ba1lar.
    a means of making stiff or rigid Hcat.
    stopping, arresting (also by magical means) MBh. VP.
    stopping flow of blood &c.
    a styptic or astringent Car.
    a partic. magical art or faculty (see under %{stambha} and cf. %{jala-stambhana}).
  291. स्तम्भित (stambhita) (stambhita)
    mfn. (fr. Caus.) fixed, established, supported Hariv.
    stiffened, benumbed, paralyzed Katha1s.
    stopped, brought to a standstill, suppressed, restrained MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (ifc.) stuffed or filled with Lalit.
  292. स्तव (stava) (stava)
    1 m. or n. a partic. substance DivyA7v.2 %{stavaka} &c. see p. 1259, col. 1.
  293. स्तवन (stavana) (stavana)
    n. praising, praise La1t2y. BhP.
    pl. songs of praise BhP.
  294. स्तीर्ण (stīrṇa) (stīrṇa)
    &c. see p. 1260, col. 2.
  295. स्तुत (stuta) (stuta)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see col. 3) praised, eulogized, hymned, glorified, celebrated RV. &c. &c.
    recited with praise (as a hymn) S3a1n3khS3r.
    m. N. of S3iva MBh.
    n. praise, eulogy RV. Br. ChUp.
    (in ritual) = %{stotra} TS.
  296. स्तुति (stuti) (stuti)
    f. (instr. once in Hariv. %{stutinA}, with v.l. %{stutibhiH}) praise, eulogy, panegyric, commendation, adulation RV. &c. &c.
    N. of Durga1 Devi1P.
    of Vishn2u MBh. [1259,2]
    of the wife of Pratihartr2i BhP.
  297. स्तूप (stūpa) (stūpa)
    &c. see p. 1260, col. 1.
  298. स्तेन (stena) (stena)
    m. (prob. fr. %{stA}) a thief, robber RV. &c. &c.
    a kind of perfume VarBr2S. Sch.
    thieving, stealing MW.
  299. स्तेय (steya) (steya)
    n. theft, robbery, larceny RV. &c. &c.
    anything stolen or liable to be stolen BhP.
    anything clandestine or private MW.
  300. स्तेयिन् (steyin) (steyin)
    m. a thief, robber Mn. MBh. &c.
    a mouse
    a goldsmith
  301. स्तोक (stoka) (stoka)
    m. (accord. to some for %{skota} fr. %{zcut}
    cf. Nir. ii, 1) a drop (of water &c.)Br. S3rS. BhP.
    a spark (see %{agni-st-})
    the Ca1taka bird
    mf(%{A})n. little, small, short (ibc. and %{am} ind. `" a little, slightly, gradually "'
    %{bahutaram-stokam}, `" more-than "'
    %{stokena@na}, `" not in the least "'
    %{stokena} and %{stokAt} in comp. with a p.p. = `" hardly "', `" with some difficulty "', `" only just "', `" a little while ago "' [cf. Pa1n2. 2-1, 39
    3, 33]) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  302. स्रोत (srota) (srota)
    1 m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) = %{srotas} (cf. %{prati-} and %{sahasra-sr-}).2 in comp. for %{srotas}.
  303. स्तोत्र (stotra) (stotra)
    n. praise, eulogium, a hymn of praise, ode RV. &c. &c.
    (in ritual) N. of the texts or verses which are sung (in contradistinction to the S3astras [q.v.] which are recited) TS. Br. S3rS.
  304. स्तोत्रिय (stotriya) (stotriya)
    and mfn. relating or belonging or peculiar to a Stotra, Sam2hitUp.
  305. स्तोभ (stobha) (stobha)
    m. a chanted interjection in a Sa1man (such as %{hum}, %{ho}, %{oha} &c.), hum, hurrah, hymn Br. S3rS. MBh. BhP.
    a partic. division of the Sa1ma-veda (q.v.)
    torpor, paralysis = %{ceSTA-vighAta} Nalac.
    disrespect, contumely (= %{helana}) L.
  306. स्तोम (stoma) (stoma)
    m. praise, eulogium, a hymnGr2S. Up. BhP.
    (in ritual) a typical form of chant (7 such forms are usually enumerated
    but accord. to La1t2y. Sch. the Stoma consists of 5 parts, viz. %{prastAva}, %{udgItha}, %{pratihAra}, %{upadrava}, and %{nidhana}) TS. Br. S3rS. ChUp.
    a Stoma day TS. Pan5cavBr.
    a sacrificer
    N. of partic. bricks S3Br.
    a heap, collection, number, multitude, quantity, mass Ka1v. Ra1jat.
    the letting of a dwelling A1past. Sch.
    a measure of 10 Dhanv-antaras or of 96 inches
    n. (only L.) the head
    riches, wealth
    grain, corn
    an iron-pointed stick or staff
    mfn. crooked, bent L.
  307. स्त्यान (styāna) (styāna)
    mfn. grown dense, coagulated Sus3r. Sa1h.
    stiffened, become rigid Car.
    soft, bland, unctuous, smooth (= %{snigdha})
    thick, bulky, gross W.
    sounding MW.
    n. (only L.) density, thickness, grossness, massiveness
    idleness, sloth, apathy
    echo, sound.
  308. स्त्री (strī) (strī)
    f. (perhaps for %{sUtrI}, or %{sotrI}, `" bearer of children "', fr. 2. %{sU}
    accord. to some connected with Lat. {sator}
    nom. %{strI4}
    acc. in later language also %{strIm} and %{strIs} pl.) a woman, female, wife RV. &c. &c.
    the female of any animal (e.g. %{zAkhA-mRga-strI}, `" a female monkey "') S3Br. MBh.
    a white ant
    the Priyan3gu plant
    (in gram.) the feminine gender Nir. S3Br. &c.
    a kind of metre Col.
  309. स्त्रीक (strīka) (strīka)
    (ifc.) = %{strI} (see %{sa-strIka}).
  310. स्त्रीता (strītā) (strītā)
    f. = %{-tva} W.
  311. स्त्रीत्व (strītva) (strītva)
    n. womanhood, wifehood MBh. R. &c.
    (in gram.) feminineness Cat.
  312. स्थग (sthaga) (sthaga)
    mfn. cunning, sly, fraudulent, dishonest
    (%{I}) f. a box (for holding betel and areca-nut)
  313. स्थगित (sthagita) (sthagita)
    mfn. covered, concealed, hidden (%{sthagitA@sarasvatI}, `" S has hidden herself "' = `" I cannot express myself "') Ka1v. VarBr2S. Ra1jat.
    closed, shut (as a door) Ma1rkP.
    stopped, interrupted BhP.
  314. स्थपति (sthapati) (sthapati)
    see p. 1262, col. 3.
  315. स्थल (sthala) (sthala)
    m. a chapter, section (of a book) Cat.
    N. of a son of Bala BhP.
    (%{stha4lA}), a heap of artificially raised earth, mound TS.
    (%{I}) f. an eminence, tableland (also applied to prominent parts of the body) La1t2y. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    soil, ground Ka1lid. BhP.
    place, spot Ragh. Prab.
    (%{am}) n. = %{sthalI} above
    dry land (opp. to damp low-land, firm earth (opp. to water) TS. &c. &c.
    ground, soil, place, spot Mn. MBh. R. &c. [1262,1]
    a flat surface, roof (of a palace) Megh.
    situation, circumstance, case (%{tathAvidha-sthale}, `" in such a case "') Sa1h. Sarvad.
    a topic, subject W.
    a text ib.
  316. स्थलपद्मिनी (sthalapadminī) (sthalapadminī)
    f. Hibiscus MutMutabilis L.
  317. स्थविर (sthavira) (sthavira)
    %{-viSTha} see p. 1265. see p. 1265, col. 2.
  318. स्थाणु (sthāṇu) (sthāṇu)
    mfn. (accord. to some for %{sthalnu}) standing firmly, stationary, firm, fixed, immovable, motionless Mn. MBh. &c.
    m. (or n. g. %{ardharcA7di}) a stump, stem, trunk, stake, post, pile, pillar (also as symbol of motionlessness) RV. &c. &c.
    a kind of spear or dart
    m. a partic. part of a plough Kr2ishis.
    the gnomon of a dial MW.
    a partic. perfume (= %{jIvaka})
    a nest of white ants W.
    N. of S3iva (who is supposed to remain as motionless as the trunk of a tree during his austerities) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (RTL. 63)
    of one of the 11 Rudras MBh. Hariv.
    of a Praja1-pati R.
    of a serpentdemon Ra1matUp.
    of a Ra1kshasa Ta1n2d2Br.
    n. anything stationary or fixed MBh. &c.
    a partic. posture in sitting Cat.
  319. स्थान (sthāna) (sthāna)
    n. (also said to be m. Siddh.) the act of standing, standing firmly, being fixed or stationary AV. &c. &c.
    position or posture of the body (in shooting &c.) R.
    staying, abiding, being in or on (loc. or comp.) Das3. Ka1m. Hariv. Sa1h.
    storingplace or storage (of goods) Mn. viii, 401
    firm bearing (of troops), sustaining a charge (as opp. to %{yuddha}, `" charging "') ib. vii, 190
    state, condition (ifc. = `" being in the state of "') Up. BhP.
    continued existence, continuance in the same state (i.e. in a kind of neutral state unmarked by loss or gain), continuing as or as long as (with instr.) MBh. R. BhP.
    a state of perfect tranquillity Sarvad.
    station, rank, office, appointment, dignity, degree MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c.
    place of standing or staying, any place, spot, locality, abode, dwelling, house, site (%{sthAne@sthAne} or %{sthAne@sthAneSu}, `" in different places "', `" here and there "') RV. &c. &c.
    place or room, stead (%{sthAne} with gen. or ifc. `" in place of "', `" instead of "', `" in lieu of "'
    %{ripu-sthAne-vRt}, `" to act in the place of an enemy "'
    %{vilocana-sthAna-gata}, `" acting the part of eyes "'
    also %{sthAna} ifc. = `" taking the place of "', `" acting as "', `" representing "' or `" represented by "' e.g. %{pitR-sth-}, `" acting as a father "' or `" represented by a ffather "'
    %{iyaG-uvaG-sthAna}, `" reprrepresented by %{iy} or %{uv} "' [as %{I} and %{U} Pa1n2. 1-4, 4]
    in Pa1n2ini's grammar the gen. case is often used alone, when the word %{sthAne} has to be supplied e.g. %{hanter@jaH}, `" %{ja} is to be substituted in place of %{han} "', i, 1, 49) AitBr. Gr2S3rS. &c.
    place for, receptacle of (gen.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    proper or right place (%{sthAne}, `" in the right place or at the right time, seasonably, justly "') Pan5cavBr. &c. &c. (cf. g. %{svar-Adi})
    province, region, domain, sphere (of gods or virtuous men
    said to be in one of three places, viz. `" earth "' or `" atmosphere "' or `" heaven "'
    accord. to some that of virtuous Bra1hmans is called Pra1ja1patya
    of Kshatriyas, Aindra
    of Vais3yas, Ma1ruta
    of S3u1dras, Ga1ndharva) Nir. VarBr2S.
    the main support or strength or chief constituent of a kingdom (said to be four, viz. `" army "', `" treasury "', `" city "', `" territory "') Mn. vii, 56
    a stronghold, fortress Pan5cat.
    the place or organ of utterance of any sound (said to be 8 in number, viz. %{kaNTha}, `" throat "'
    %{tAlu}, `" palate "'
    %{mUrdhan}, `" top of palate "'
    %{danta}, `" teeth "'
    %{oSTha}, `" lips "'
    %{kaNTha-tAlu}, `" throat and palate "'
    %{kaNTh'-oSTha}, `" throat and lips "'
    %{dant'-oSTha}, `" teeth and lips "'
    to which are added %{nAsikA}, `" nose "', said to be the place of utterance of true Anusva1ra, and %{uras}, `" chest "', of Visarga) Pa1n2. 1-9 Sch. Pra1t. Sarvad.
    any organ of sense (e.g. the eye) BhP.
    the pitch or key of the voice, note, tone (of which accord. to RPra1t., there are three [see %{mandra}], or accord. to TPra1t., seven
    %{vInA@cyutA@sthAnAt}, `" a lute out of tune "') S3rS. Pra1t. MBh. &c.
    shape, form, appearance (as of the moon) VarBr2S.
    the part or character of an actor MW.
    case, occurrence (%{ne7daM@sthAnaM@vidyate}, `" this case does not occur "') Ya1jn5. Pan5cat. Vajracch.
    occasion, opportunity (or (gen. or comp.
    %{sthAne} ind. `" occasionally "') S3rS. MBh. &c.
    cause or object of (gen. or comp. e.g. %{zulka-sthAna}, `" an object of toll "'
    %{pUjA-} or %{mAnya-sth-}, `" an object of honour "'
    also applied to persons
    %{sthAne} ind. `" because of "', `" on account of "') MBh. Pan5cat. Katha1s.
    a section or division (e.g. of medicine) Car. Sus3r. &c.
    an astrol. mansion or its subdivision VarBr2S.
    = %{kAryo7tsarga}, S3i1l.
    an open place in a town, plain, square W.
    a holy place MW.
    an altar ib.
    N. of a Gandharva king R.
  320. स्थानपति (sthānapati) (sthānapati)
    m. lord of a plplace, (esp.) head of a monastery Inscr.
  321. स्थानिन् (sthānin) (sthānin)
    mfn. having a place, occupying a (high) position Cat.
    having fixedness, abiding, permanent W.
    being in the right place, appropriate A1s3vS3r.
    (in gram.) that which should be in the place or is to be supplied Pa1n2. 1-4, 105
    m. the original form or primitive element (for which anything is substituted, as opp. to %{Adeza}, `" the substitute "') Pa1n2. Sch. [1263,3]
  322. स्थापत्य (sthāpatya) (sthāpatya)
    m. (fr. %{sthapati}) a guard of the women's apartments
    n. the office of the governor of a district Pan5cavBr.
    architecture, building, erecting R. BhP.
  323. स्थापन (sthāpana) (sthāpana)
    mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to stand &c.
    maintaining, preserving (see %{vayaH-sth-})
    fixing, determining Sa1h.
    (%{A}) f. the act of causing to stand firmly or fixing, supporting (as an attribute of the earth) MBh. Hcat.
    storing, keeping, preserving Campak.
    fixed order or regulation ib.
    establishing, establishment, dialectical proof (of a proposition ib. Car. Sarvad.
    arranging, regulating or directing (as a drama &c.), stage-management (cf. %{sthA-paka}) W.
    (%{I}) f. Clypea Hernandifolia
    (%{am}) n. causing to stand, fixing, establishing, founding, instituting, raising, erecting (an image &c.) VarBr2S. Inscr.
    putting or placing or laying upon (comp.) Sus3r. Naish. Sch.
    fastening, fixing, rendering immovable BhP.
    hanging, suspending Cat.
    strengthening (of the limbs), preservation or prolongation (of life) or a means of strengthening &c. Sus3r. Car.
    a means of stopping (the flow of blood), styptic ib.
    storage (of grain) Kr2ishis.
    establishment or dialectical proof of a proposition Madhus.
    statement, definition Sa1h.
    a partic. process to which quicksilver is subjected Sarvad.
    = %{puM-savana}
    fixing the thoughts, abstraction W.
    a dwelling, habitation ib.
  324. स्थापित (sthāpita) (sthāpita)
    mfn. caused or made to stand, fixed, established, founded &c.
    handed over, deposited Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    lodged Katha1s.
    put aside, kept, stored ib.
    wedded Ma1lati1m.
    ordered, regulated, enjoyed, ordained, enacted W.
    settled, ascertained, certain ib.
    firm, steady ib.
  325. स्थाप्य (sthāpya) (sthāpya)
    mfn. to be set up or erected (as an image) VarBr2S.
    to be placed in or on (loc.) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    to be installed in or appointed to (an office) R.
    to be shut up or confined in (loc.) Katha1s.
    to be kept (%{vezmani}, `" in the house "' i.e. `" as a domestic animal "') VarBr2S.
    to be kept to (one's duty loc.) Ma1rkP.
    to be plunged in (grief &c. acc.) Katha1s.
    to be kept in order or curbed or checked or restrained MBh.
    m. (prob.) the image of a god Pan5car.
    m. or n. a deposit, pledge (= %{nikSepa}) L.
  326. स्थामन् (sthāman) (sthāman)
    n. station, seat, place AV.
    strength, power Ba1lar. Lalit. SaddhP.
    the neighing of a horse MBh. i, 5116.
  327. स्थायिन् (sthāyin) (sthāyin)
    mfn. standing, staying, being or situated in or on (comp.) Nir. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    being in a partic. place, resident, present Ka1v. Katha1s.
    being in a partic. state or condition Ka1v. Ma1rkP.
    permanent, constant, enduring, lasting (as a feeling or state
    cf. %{sthAyi-bhAva} above) A1s3vS3r. MBh. &c.
    persevering, steadfast S3is3.
    faithful, trustworthy Bhar.
    having the form of (comp.) VarBr2S.
  328. स्थाली (sthālī) (sthālī)
    f. an earthen dish or pan, cooking-vessel, caldron AV. Br. S3rS.
    a partic. vessel used in preparing Soma MW.
    the substitution of a cooked offering of rice &c. for a meat offering at the Ma1n6sa7sht2aki (q.v.) ib.
    Bignonia Suaveolens L.
  329. स्थावर (sthāvara) (sthāvara)
    mf(%{A4})n. standing still, not moving, fixed, stationary, stable, immovable (opp. to %{jaGgama} q.v.) TS. &c. &c.
    firm, constant, permanent, invariable A1past. R. Hariv.
    regular, established W.
    vegetable, belonging to the vegvegetable world Sus3r.
    relating to immovable property Ya1jn5. Sch.
    m. a mountain (cf. %{-rAja}) Bhag. Kum.
    (%{A}) f. N. of a Buddhist goddess Lalit.
    (%{am}) n. any stationary or inanimate object (as a plant, mineral &c.
    these form the seventh creation of Brahma1 see under %{sarga}) Up. Mn. MBh. &c.
    stability, permanence (v.l. %{sthira-tva}) Subh.
    immovable property, real estate (such as land or houses) Ya1jn5.
    a heir-loom, family-possession (such as jewels &c., which have been long preserved in a family and ought not to be sold) W.
    a bow-string L.
  330. स्थाविर (sthāvira) (sthāvira)
    see p. 1265, col. 3. &c. see col. 3. n. (fr. %{sthavira}) old age (described as commencing at seventy in men and fifty in women, and ending at ninety, after which period a man is called %{varSIyas}) La1t2y. MBh. &c.
    mfn. (v.l. for %{sthavira}) old, senile MBh. Hit.
  331. स्थित (sthita) (sthita)
    mfn. standing (as opp. to `" going "', `" sitting "', or `" lying "'
    %{parasparaM@sthitam}, `" standing opposed to each other "'
    %{sthitaM@tena}, `" it was stood by him "' = `" he waited "') Mn. MBh. &c.
    standing firm (%{yuddhe}, `" in battle "') Hariv.
    standing, staying, situated, resting or abiding or remaining in (loc. or comp.
    with %{uccA7vaceSu}, `" abiding in things high and low "'
    with %{anityam}, `" not remaining permanently "', `" staying only a short time "' Ka1tyS3r. Mn. MBh. &c.
    being or remaining or keeping in any state or condition (loc., instr. abl. comp., or a noun in the same case, also ind. p. or adv.
    %{vyApya@sthitaH}, `" he keeps continually pervading "' S3ak. Vikr.
    %{upavizya@sthitaH}, `" he remains sitting "' Vikr.
    %{kathaM@sthitA7si}, `" how did you fare? "' Vikr. [1264,2]
    %{evaM@sthite}, `" it being so "' Pan5c.
    %{puraH@sthite}, `" it being imminent "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    engaged in, occupied with, intent upon, engrossed by, devoted or addicted to (loc. or comp.), performing, protecting Mn. MBh. &c.
    abiding by, conforming to, following (loc.) ib.
    being in office or charge Pan5cat. Ra1jat.
    adhering to or keeping with (loc.) Hariv.
    lasting RPra1t.
    firm, constant, invariable Katha1s.
    settled, ascertained, decreed, established, generally accepted S3Br. &c. &c.
    fixed upon, determined S3ak.
    firmly convinced or persuaded MBh. Subh.
    firmly resolved to (inf. or loc.) MBh. R. &c.
    faithful to a promise or agreement L.: upright, virtuous
    prepared for or to (dat.) Ya1jn5. Kum.
    being there, existing, present, close at hand, ready (%{sthito@hy@eSaH}, `" I myself am ready "'
    %{agraje@sthite}, `" when the elder brother is there "') Mn. MBh. &c.
    belonging to (gen.) R.
    turned or directed to, fixed upon (loc. or comp.) VarBr2S. Sarvad.
    resting or depending on (loc.) MBh. R. &c.
    leading or conducive to (dat.) Pan5cat.
    one who has desisted or ceased Pan5cad.
    left over
    (in Vedic gram.) not accompanied by %{iti} (in the Pada-pa1t2ha), standing alone (%{pade@sthite}, `" in the Pada text "') Pra1t.
    (%{am}) n. standing still, stopping Bhartr2.
    staying, remaining, abiding R.
    manner of standing ib.
    perseverance on the right path ib.
  332. स्थिति (sthiti) (sthiti)
    f. standing upright or firmly, not falling Ka1vya7d.
    standing, staying, remaining, abiding, stay, residence, sojourn in or on or at (loc. or comp.
    %{sthitiM-kR} or %{vi-} 1. %{dhA} or %{grah} or %{bhaj}, `" to make a stay "', `" take up one's abode "') Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    staying or remaining or being in any state or condition (see %{rAjya-sth-})
    continuance in being, maintenance of life, continued existence (the 2nd of the three states of all created things, the 1st being %{utpatti}, `" coming into existence "', and the 3rd %{laya}, `" dissolution "'), permanence, duration S3vetUp. R. Ka1lid. BhP. Sarvad.
    duration of life Ma1rkP.
    (in astron.) duration of an eclipse Su1ryas.
    continued existence in any place MBh. Sa1h.
    that which continually exists, the world, earth BhP.
    any situation or state or position or abode Ka1v. Pan5cat. Katha1s.
    station, high position, rank Mn. Ya1jn5. Bhag. &c.
    maintenance, sustenance Ma1lati1m.
    settled rule, fixed decision, ordinance, decree, axiom, maxim S3Br. &c. &c.
    maintenance of discipline, establishment of good order (in a state &c.) Ragh.
    continuance or steadfastness in the path of duty, virtuous conduct, steadiness, rectitude, propriety MBh. R. Ragh.
    constancy, perseverance Bhag. Sarvad.
    devotion or addiction to, intentness on (loc.) MBh. R.
    firm persuasion or opinion, conviction Ya1jn5. Ka1m.
    settled practice, institution, custom, usage Katha1s. Ra1jat.
    settled bountary or bounds (esp. of morality e.g. %{sthitim-bhid}, `" to transgress the bounds of mmorality "'), term, limit R. Ka1lid. Bhat2t2.
    standing still, stopping, halting (%{sthitim@A-car}, `" to remain standing "') Ragh. Ra1jat. Sus3r.
    standing-place, halting-place, stand or place or fixed abode S3Br. Mn. Ra1jat.
    resistance to motion, inertia (in phil.)
    fixedness, immobility, stability Ragh. BhP.
    depositing, laying down Ra1jat. Katha1s.
    form, shape Ma1rkP.
    manner of acting, procedure, behaviour, conduct Mn. S3is3. Hit.
    occurrence MBh.
    regard or consideration for (loc.) Pan5cat. v.l.
    (in Vedic gram.) the standing of a word by itself (i.e. without the particle %{iti}
    see %{sthita}).
  333. स्थिर (sthira) (sthira)
    mf(%{A4}) n. firm, hard, solid, compact, strong RV. &c. &c.
    fixed, immovable, motionless, still, calm S3Br. MBh. &c.
    firm, not wavering or tottering, steady R. VarBr2S.
    unfluctuating, durable, lasting, permanent, changeless RV. &c. &c.
    stern, relentless, hard-hearted Kum.
    constant, steadfast, resolute, persevering (%{manas} or %{hRdayaM@sthiraM-kR}, `" to steel one's heart, take courage "' R. Katha1s.)
    kept secret Vet.
    faithful, trustworthy Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    firmly resolved to (inf.) MBh.
    settled, ascertained, undoubted, sure, certain Mn. MBh. &c.
    m. a partic. spell recited over weapons R.
    a kind of metre VarBr2S.
    N. of S3iva MBh.
    of one of Skanda's attendants ib.
    N. of a partic. astrol. Yoga MW.
    of certain zodiacal signs (viz. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
    so called because any work done under these signs is supposed to be lasting) ib. (L. also `" a tree
    Grislea Tomentosa
    a mountain
    a bull
    a god
    the planet Saturn
    final emancipation "')
    (%{A}) f. a strong-minded woman MW.
    the earth
    Desmodium Gangeticiim
    Salmalia Malabarica
    = %{-kAkolI}
    N. of the sound %{j} Up.
    (%{am}) n. steadfastness, stubbornness, resistance (acc. with %{ava-tan} P. `" to loosen the resistance of [gen.] "'
    A1. `" to relax one's own resistance, yield "'
    with %{A-tan} A1. `" to offer resistance "') RV.
  334. स्थिरमति (sthiramati) (sthiramati)
    f. a firm mind, steadfastness
    mfn. firm-minded, steady Bhag.
    m. N. of a Bhikshu Buddh.
  335. स्थूणा (sthūṇā) (sthūṇā)
    f. the post or pillar or beam of a house, any post or stake or pillar or column RV. &c. &c.
    the trunk or stump of a tree Ka1m.
    an iron statue
    an anvil = %{zUrmi} or %{sUrmi}
    (prob.) = %{rajju}, a rope, cord Hcat.
    a kind of disease[Cf. Gk. $] &382041[1265,3]
  336. स्थूणाकर्ण (sthūṇākarṇa) (sthūṇākarṇa)
    mf(%{I})n. (said of cows whose ears are marked in a partic. manner) MaitrS.
    m. a kind of military array Ka1m.
    N. of a Yaksha MBh.: of a partic. demon of illness Hariv.
    m. (scil. %{bANa}) or n. (scil. %{astra}) a kind of missile MBh.
  337. स्थूणाराज (sthūṇārāja) (sthūṇārāja)
    m. a principal post ib.
  338. स्थूर (sthūra) (sthūra)
    mfn. (cf. %{sthUla} below) thick, dense, heavy, big, bulky, stout, broad, strong, solid RV.
    m. du. the ankles or she buttocks
    sg. the lower part of the thigh
    a child of Sthu1ra1. Pat. on Pa1n2. 6-1, 103 Va1rtt. 1
    a man
    a bull
    (%{A}) f. N. of a woman g. %{gargA7di}.
  339. स्थूल (sthūla) (sthūla)
    mf(%{A4})n. (fr. %{sthU} = %{sthA} and originally identical with %{sthUra}) large, thick, stout, massive, bulky, big, huge AV. &c. &c.
    coarse, gross, rough (also fig. = `" not detailed or precisely defined "'
    cf. %{yathA-sth-}) Mn. MBh. &c.
    dense, dull, stolid, doltish, stupid, ignorant (cf. comp.) MBh. Pan5cat.
    (in phil.) gross, tangible, material (opp. to %{sUkSma}, `" subtle "'
    cf. %{sthUla-zarIra})
    m. Artocarpus Integrifolia
    N. of one of S3iva's attendants
    m. n. g. %{ardharcA7di}
    (%{A}) f. Scindapsus Officinalis
    Cucumis Utilissimus
    large cardamoms
    n. `" the gross body "' (= %{sthUla-z-}) Up. MBh. &c.
    sour milk, curds
    = %{kUTa}
    a heap, quantity W.
    a tent (prob. for 1. %{sthula}) ib.
  340. स्थइर्य (sthaïrya) (sthairya)
    n. firmness, hardness, solidity Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    fixedness, stability, immobility Prab. BhP. Sarvad.
    calmness, tranquillity Pan5cad.
    continuance, permanence Ka1v. Katha1s.
    steadfastness, constancy, perseverance, patience MBh. R. &c.
    firm attachment to, constant delight in (loc.) Ka1v. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c.
  341. स्नात (snāta) (snāta)
    mfn. bathed, washed, cleansed or purified from (abl. or comp.) AV. &c. &c. (n. also impers.)
    immersed or versed in (loc. or comp.) Gaut. R. BhP.
    m. one who has finished his religion, an initiated householder Gr2S3rS.
  342. स्नातक (snātaka) (snātaka)
    m. one who has bathed or performed ablutions (i.e. a Bra1hman who, after performing the ceremonial lustrations required on his finishing his studentship as a Brahma-ca1rin under a religious teacher, returns home and begins the second period of his life as a Gr2iha-stha see %{samAvartana}
    three kinds of Sna1takas are named, 1. a %{vidyA-sn-} q.v., 2. a %{vrata-sn-} [who has completed the vows, such as fasting, continence &c., without the Vedas], 3. a %{vidyA-vrata-sn-} or %{ubhaya-sn-} [who has completed both Vedas and vows], the last is the highest
    in a wider sense there may be 9 Sna1takas see Mn. xi, 1) S3Br. Gr2S. Gaut. Mn. iii, 4 &c. (IW. 296).
  343. स्नान (snāna) (snāna)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}) bathing, washing, ablution, religious or ceremonial lustration (as of an idol &c.), bathing in sacred waters (considered as one of the six daily duties [cf. %{SaT-karman}] or as an essential part of some ceremonial, esp. the ablutions performed by a Brahma-ca1rin on becoming a householder cf. %{snAtaka}) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. (IW. 242 RTL. 394 n. 1 &c.)
    washing off, removal by washing, cleansing BhP.
    anything used in ablution (e.g. water, perfumed powder &c.) Ka1v. VarBr2S. Vet. BhP.
  344. स्नानद्रोणी (snānadroṇī) (snānadroṇī)
    f. a bbathing-tub Ra1jat.
  345. स्नायु (snāyu) (snāyu)
    fn. (accord. to some fr. a %{snA} contracted from %{sinA} pres. base of %{si}, `" to bind "'
    cf. also %{snai}) any sinew or ligament in the human and animal body, tendon, muscle, nerve, vein TBr. Sus3r. Mn. MBh. &c.
    the string of a bow Pan5cat.
    m. an eruption on the skin of she extremities Bhpr. [?Cf. Germ. {se0nawa}, {Sehne}
    Eng. {sinew}.]
  346. स्निह् (snih) (snih)
    1 cl. 4. P. (Dha1tup. xxvi, 91) %{snihyati} (m. c. also %{-te}
    occurring only in pres. base
    Gr. also pf. %{sisneha}
    fut. %{snehitA}, %{snegdhA}, %{sneDhA}
    %{snehiSyati}, %{snekSyati} &c.), to be adhesive or sticky or glutinous or viscid or moist Car. Bhpr.
    to be fixed upon (loc.) Katha1s.
    to be attached to or fond of, feel affection for (loc. or gen.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    cl. 1. P. %{snehati} see Caus.: Pass. %{snihyate} (aor. %{asnehi}) Gr.: Caus. (or cl. 10. P. Dha1tup. xxxii, 36) %{sneha4yati} (aor. %{asiSNihat}), to make unctuous or greasy or moist Car. Ka1tyS3r. Sch. [1267,2]
    to render pliant or subject, subdue RV.
    to kill, slay Naigh. ii, 19 (v.l. %{snehati}): Desid. %{sisnehiSati}, %{sisnihiSati}, %{sisnikSati} Gr.: Intens. %{seSNihyate}, %{seSNegdhi}, %{seSNeDhi}.
  347. स्निग्ध (snigdha) (snigdha)
    &c. see col. 2. mfn. sticky, viscous or viscid, glutinous, unctuous, slippery, smooth MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c.
    glossy, resplendent Ka1lid.
    oily, greasy, fat Sus3r. Subh.
    treated or cured with oily substances Car.
    adhesive, attached, affectionate, tender, friendly, attached to or fond of (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    soft, mild, bland, gentle (%{am} ind.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    lovely, agreeable, charming Ka1lid. Uttarar.
    thick, dense (as shade) Megh.
    m. a friend
    Pinus Longifolia
    the red castor-oil plant
    (scil. %{gaNDUSa}) a partic. mode of rinsing the mouth MW.
    (%{A}) f. marrow (= %{medA})
    a partic. root similar to ginger
    (%{am}) n. viscidity, thickness, coarseness W.
    light, lustre W.
  348. स्नुषा (snuṣā) (snuṣā)
    f. (accord. to some connected with %{sUnu}) the son's wife, a daughter-in-law AV. &c. &c.
    the spurge plant (= %{snuhI})[Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. &382749[1268,1] {nurus}
    Slav. {snu8cha}
    Angl. Sax. {snoru}
    Germ. {snura}, {snur}, {Schnur}.]
  349. स्नेह (sneha) (sneha)
    m. (or n. g. %{ardharcA7di}
    ifc. f. %{A}) oiliness, unctuousness, fattiness, greasiness, lubricity, viscidity (also as one of the 24 Gun2as of the Vais3eshika branch of the Nya1ya phil.) Sus3r. Ya1jn5. Tarkas. Sarvad. (IW. 69)
    oil, grease, fat, any oleaginous substance, an unguent S3a1n3khBr. &c. &c.
    smoothness, glossiness VarBr2S.
    blandness, tenderness, love, attachment to, fondness or affection for (loc. gen., or comp.), friendship with (%{saha}) MaitrUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    moisture MW.
    a fluid of the body ib.
    (pl.) N. of the Vais3yas in Kus3a-dvi1pa VP. &c. see p. 1267, col. 2.
  350. स्पश् (spaś) (spaś)
    1 (cf. 1. %{paz}
    only occurring in pf. %{paspaze}, p. %{paspazAna4}
    aor. %{a4spaSTa}), to see, behold, perceive, espy RV.: Caus. %{spAzayati} (A1pS3r.) and %{spAza4yate} (RV.), to make clear, show
    to perceive, observe. [Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. {spicio}
    &382918[1268,2] Germ. {spe0ho7n}, {spa0hen}
    Eng. {spy}.] 3 (cf. 3. %{paz}) cl. 1. P. A1. %{spazati}, %{-te} (p. %{paspAza}, %{paspaze}
    fut. %{spazitA} &c.), to bind, fetter, stop, hinder Dha1tup. xxi, 22: Caus. %{spAzayati} (aor. %{apaspazat}) Gr.: Desid. %{pispaziSati}, %{-te} ib.: Intens. %{pAspazyate}, %{pAspaSti} ib. 4 (v.l. %{sparz}
    connected with 1. %{spRz}) cl. 10. P. %{spAzayati}, to take or take hold of Dha1tup. xxxiii, 7
    to unite, join, embrace ib.
  351. स्पन्द (spanda) (spanda)
    m. throbbing, throb, quiver, pulse, tremor, vibration, motion, activity Ka1v. Ra1jat. BhP.
    N. of a S3aiva wk. by Abhinava-gupta.
  352. स्पर्धा (spardhā) (spardhā)
    f. emulation, rivalry, envy, competition for or with (instr. with and without %{saha} gen. loc., or comp.
    %{-dhayA}, `" in rivalry or emulation "') MBh. R. &c.
    desire for (comp.) Bhartr2. (v.l.)
  353. स्पर्श (sparśa) (sparśa)
    %{-zana} &c. see p. 1269.
  354. स्पष्ट (spaṣṭa) (spaṣṭa)
    1 mfn. clearly perceived or discerned, distinctly visible, distinct, clear, evident, plain, intelligible TS. &c. &c.
    straight (opp. to `" crooked "') VarBr2S. Katha1s.
    real, true, correct Gan2it. Gol.
    one who sees clearly MW.
    (%{am}) ind. clearly, distinctly Ka1v. Ra1jat.
    straight out, openly, boldly Amar. S3ukas.
  355. स्पृश् (spṛś) (spṛś)
    1 cl. 6. P. (Dha1tup. xxviii, 128) %{spRza4ti} (m. c. also %{-te}
    pr. p. %{spRzAna} MBh.
    impf. %{asparzat} BhP.
    pf. %{pasparza}, %{paspRzuH}, %{paspRze} ib. &c.
    Subj. %{paspa4rzat} RV.
    aor. %{aspRkSat} AV. Br.
    %{asprAkSIt} Br. MBh.
    %{aspArkSIt} Gr.
    Prec. %{spRzyAt} MBh.
    fut. %{spraSTA} or %{sparSTA} Gr.
    %{sparkSyati} ib.
    %{sprakSyati} MBh.
    inf. %{spraSTum} ib. &c.
    %{-spR4ze} RV.
    %{-spR4zas} Br.
    ind. p. %{spRSTvA}, %{-spR4zya} ib. &c.), to touch, feel with the hand, lay the hand on (acc. or loc.), graze, stroke RV. &c. &c.
    to handle, take hold of (%{anyo@'nyaM@hastau@spRzataH}, `" they mutually touch or shake hands "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (with %{apa4H}, %{udakam}, %{jalam}
    or %{adbhis} &c.) to touch or sip water, wash or sprinkle certain parts of the body with water Gr2S3rS. Mn. ii, 60 MBh. &c.
    to touch so as to hurt, injure, harm Katha1s. [1269,1]
    to perceive or feel by touch Up. Mn. VarBr2S.
    to touch, come into contact (lit.
    and fig. in astron. sense) VarBr2S.
    to reach or penetrate to (loc. or acc.
    with %{karNam}, `" to come to the ears "'
    with %{kriyAm}, `" to set about any action "') MBh. R. &c.
    to come up to, equal (acc.
    with %{girA}, `" to equal with words "' i.e. `" to be able to describe "') Ka1v.
    to act upon, affect Sarvad. BhP.
    to touch i.e. endow or fill with (instr.) RV. iv, 3, 15
    to touch i.e. befall, fall to the lot of, come upon, visit, afflict (acc.) ChUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    to touch, take hold of, make one's own, appropriate MBh. iv, 135
    to attain to, obtain, experience, undergo MBh. Ka1m. &c.
    to grant, bestow (cf. Caus.) BhP.: Pass. %{spRzyate} (aor. %{asparzi}), to be touched or seized or affected by MBh. &c.: Caus. %{sparzayati}, %{-te} (aor. %{apasparzat} or %{apispRzat}
    Subj. %{pispRzaH}, %{-zati} RV.), to cause to touch (two acc.), bring into immediate contact with (loc. or instr.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    to convey to (loc.) RV.
    to fill or cover with (instr.) &c.
    to perceive by touch, feel MaitrUp.
    to offer, present, give Mn. MBh. &c.: Desid. %{pispRkSati} (cf. %{pispRkSu}) Gr.: Intens. %{parIspRzyate}, %{parIspraSTi}, %{parIsparSTi} ib. 2 mfn. (generally ifc.
    nom. %{spRk}) touching, coming into contact with (see %{kSiti-}, %{zava-spRz} &c.)
    reaching to (see %{gagana-}, %{bhUspRz} &c.)
    experiencing, betraying Ka1v.
    f. = %{spRkkA} VarBr2S. Sch.
  356. स्पृश्य (spṛśya) (spṛśya)
    mfn. to be touched or felt, tangible, sensible MBh. Hariv. &c.
    to be taken in possession or appropriated Ra1jat.
    (%{A}) f. N. of one of the Samidhs (q.v.) Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
  357. स्पृष्ट (spṛṣṭa) (spṛṣṭa)
    mfn. touched, felt with the hand handled AV. &c. &c.
    affected or afflicted or possessed by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    defiled (cf. comp.)
    (in gram.) formed by complete contact of the organs of utterance (applied to all consonants except semivowels [called %{ISat-spRSTa}, `" formed by slight contact "'] and except sibilants and %{h}, which are called %{ardha-spRSTa}, `" formed by half-contact "') Pra1t. Siksh.
  358. स्पृष्टमइथुन (spṛṣṭamaïthuna) (spṛṣṭamaithuna)
    mfn. defiled by sexual intercourse Mn. viii, 205.
  359. स्पृहणीय (spṛhaṇīya) (spṛhaṇīya)
    mfn. to be wished or longed for, desirable, attractive to (gen. or instr.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    enviable, to be envied by (gen.) R. Katha1s.
  360. स्पृहा (spṛhā) (spṛhā)
    f. (ifc. f. %{A}) eager desire, desire, covetousness, envy, longing for, pleasure or delight in (dat., gen. loc., or comp.
    acc. with %{kR} or %{bandh}, `" to long for, be desirous of [loc. or comp.] "'
    with %{kR}, `" to envy any one [loc.] "') MBh. R. &c.
    a kind of plant (v.l. %{spRzA}) L.
  361. स्फटिक (sphaṭika) (sphaṭika)
    m. crystal, quartz S3vetUp. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    (%{A}) f. alum (accord. to some also %{-kI})
    camphor L.
  362. स्फाटिक (sphāṭika) (sphāṭika)
    mf(%{A} or %{I})n. made of crystal, crystal-line MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    n. crystal MBh. R. .
    a kind of sandal A1s3vGr2. Paris3.
  363. स्फायत् (sphāyat) (sphāyat)
    mfn. (pr. p.) expanding &c.
  364. स्फालन (sphālana) (sphālana)
    n. (fr. Caus.) shaking, quivering W.
    flapping or flopping or striking against, slapping Kull.
    rubbing, friction ib.
  365. स्फीत (sphīta) (sphīta)
    mfn. swollen, enlarged Bhpr.
    thriving, flourishing, successful, prosperous, rich, well off, abounding in, full of (instr. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    heavy (with rain, as a cloud) Mr2icch.
    dense (as smoke) Ma1lati1m.
    much, abundant, many, numerous MBh. R. &c.
    affected by hereditary disease W. %{sphIti} see col. 1.
  366. स्फुट (sphuṭa) (sphuṭa)
    mfn. open, opened Sus3r. BhP.
    expanded, blossomed, blown MBh. Uttarar.
    plain, distinct, manifest, evident, clear MBh. VarBr2S. &c.
    (in astron.) apparent, real, true, correct Su1ryas.
    spread, diffused, extensive, wide, broad Kum. Bhartr2. S3is3.
    extraordinary, strange Kpr.
    full of, filled with, possessed by (instr. or comp.) DivyA7v. Lalit.
    m. the expanded hood of a serpent(also %{A} f. Pan5cat.)
    N. of a man g. %{azvA7di}
    (%{am}) ind. distinctly, evidently, certainly Ka1v. Katha1s.
  367. स्फुटिका (sphuṭikā) (sphuṭikā)
    f. a small bit or fragment Das3. [1270,3]
  368. स्फोट (sphoṭa) (sphoṭa)
    m. bursting, opening, expansion, disclosure (cf. %{narma-sph-}) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    extension (see %{kara-sph-})
    a swelling, boil, tumour Car. Sus3r.
    a little bit or fragment, chip
    crackling, crash, roar MBh. VarBr2S.
    (in phil.) sound (conceived as eternal, indivisible, and creative) Sarvad.
    the eternal and imperceptible element of sounds and words and the real vehicle of the idea which bursts or flashes on the mind when a sound is uttered Pat.
    (%{A}) f. shaking or waving the arms Ma1rkP.
    the expanded hood of a snake (= or w.r. for %{sphaTA})%{-Taka} &c. see p. 1270, col. 3.
  369. स्मय (smaya) (smaya)
    &c. see col. 3. m. (ifc. f. %{A}) smiling at anything, wonder, surprise, astonishment MBh. Bhartr2. (v.l.)
    arrogance, conceit, pride in or at (comp.) Ragh. Das3. BhP.
    Pride (personified as the son of Dharma and Pusht2i), Bhp.
  370. स्मर (smara) (smara)
    &c. see p. 1272, col, 1. mf(%{A}) n. remembering, recollecting (see %{jAti-smara})
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) memory, remembrance, recollection ChUp. Uttarar.
    loving recollection love, (esp.) sexual love AV. &c. &c.
    Ka1ma-deva (god of love) Ka1lid. Katha1s. &c.
    an interpreter or explainer of the Veda (and `" the god of love "') Naish.
    the 7th astrol. mansion VarBr2S.
  371. स्मरण (smaraṇa) (smaraṇa)
    n. the act of remembering or calling to mind, remembrance, reminiscence, recollection of (gen. or comp.) MBh. R. &c.
    memory BhP.
    a kind of rhet. figure (cf. %{smRti}) Kpr.
    handing down by memory, tradition, traditional teaching or record or precept (%{iti@smaraNAt}, `" from its being so mentioned in the Smr2iti "' q.v.) Kull.: Ya1jn5. Sch. [1272,2]
    mental recitation (of the name of a deity), calling upon the name of a god MW.
    (%{I}) f. a rosary of beads (held in the hand, not worn as a necklace) ib.
  372. स्मर्तव्य (smartavya) (smartavya)
    mfn. to be remembered, memorable MBh. R. &c.
    living only in the memory (of men) Ja1takam.
  373. स्मार (smāra) (smāra)
    m. remembrance, recollection of (comp.) TA1r.
    (fr. %{smara}) relating or belonging to the god of love Naish.
  374. स्मारित (smārita) (smārita)
    mfn. (fr. Caus.) reminded, called to mind, recalled to recollection W.
  375. स्मार्त (smārta) (smārta)
    &c. see p. 1272, col. 2. [1271,3] mfn. (fr. %{smRti}) relating to memory, memorial MBh.
    recorded in or based on the Smr2iti (q.v.), based on tradition, prescribed or sanctioned by traditional law or usage, legal A1s3vGr2. Ya1jn5. Sarvad.
    versed in tradition Pan5cat.
    m. an orthodox Bra1hman versed in or guided by traditional law and usage (esp. a follower of S3am2kara7ca1rva and of the Veda7nta doctrine) RTL. 55
    = %{smArta-bhaTTA7cArya} Cat.
    (%{am}) n. any act or rite enjoined by Smr2iti, legal act MW.
  376. स्मित (smita) (smita)
    mfn. smiled, smiling MBh. R. &c.
    expanded, blown, blossomed S3is3. Pan5cat.
    n. a smile, gentle laugh (%{-taM-kR}, `" to smile "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  377. स्मृत (smṛta) (smṛta)
    mfn. remembered, recollected, called to mind, thought of Nr2isUp. R. Katha1s.
    mentioned Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
    handed down, taught, prescribed, (esp.) enjoined by Smr2iti or traditional law, declared or propounded in the law-books (%{na@smRtam} = `" not allowed "', `" forbidden "') A1s3vS3r. Mn. Ya1jn5. &c.
    declared as, passing for (nom. loc., or dat.) ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c.
    termed, styled, named (nom. with or without %{iti}) MaitrUp. Mn. &c.
    m. N. of a Praja1-pati VP.
    (%{am}) n. remembrance, recollection A1s3vGr2.
  378. स्मृति (smṛti) (smṛti)
    f. remembrance, reminiscence, thinking of or upon (loc. or comp.), calling to mind (%{smRtim@api@te@na@yAnti}, `" they are not even thought of "'), memory TA1r. ChUp. MBh. &c. [1272,3]
    memory as one of the Vyabhica1ri-bha1vas (q.v.) Das3ar.
    Memory (personified either as the daughter of Dsksha and wife of An3giras or as the daughter of Dharma and Medha1) Hariv. Pur.
    the whole body of sacred tradition or what is remembered by human teachers (in contradistinction to %{zruti} or what is directly heard or revealed to the R2ishis
    in its widest acceptation this use of the term Smr2iti includes the 6 Veda7n3gas, the Su1tras both %{zrauta} and %{gRhya}, the law-books of Manu &c. [see next]
    the Itiha1sas [e.g. the Maha1bha1rata and Ra1ma7yan2a], the Pura1n2as and the Ni1tis3a1stras
    %{iti@smRteH}, `" accord. to such and such a traditional precept or legal text "') IW. 144, 145
    the whole body of codes of law as handed down memoriter or by tradition (esp. the codes of Manu Ya1jn5avalkya and the 16 succeeding inspired lawgivers, viz. Atri, Vishn2u, Ha1ri1ta, Us3anas or S3ukra, An3giras, Yama, A1pastamba, Sam2varta, Ka1tya1yana, Br2ihas-pati, Para1s3ara, Vya1sa, S3an3kha, Likhi7ta, Daksha and Gautama
    all these lawgivers being held to be inspired and to have based their precepts on the Veda
    cf. IW. 203) Gr2S3rS. Mn. Ya1jn5. &c.
    symbolical N. for the number 18 (fr. the 18 lawgivers above)
    a kind of metre
    N. of the letter %{g} Up.
    desire, wish Pan5cat. iii, 258 (v.l. for %{spRhA}).
  379. स्यन्द (syanda) (syanda)
    m. flowing, running, streaming, trickling, oozing Ka1v. Ra1jat.
    fluxion Sus3r.
    a partic. disease of the eyes ib.
    trickling perspiration BhP.
    the moon
  380. स्यन्दन (syandana) (syandana)
    mf(%{A})n. moving on swiftly, running (as a chariot) Kir.
    dripping, sprinkling (ifc.) Katha1s.
    liquefying, dissolving Sus3r.
    a war-chariot, chariot, car (said also to be n.) RV. &c. &c.
    Dalbergia Ougeinensis Kaus3. MBh. &c.
    a partic. spell recited over weapons R.
    air, wind
    N. of the 23rd Arhat of the past Utsarpin2i1
    (%{I}) f. saliva
    the urinary passage
    (%{am}) n. flowing, rushing, going or moving swiftly Nir. S3am2k. Bha1sha1p.
    circulation, S3a1mkhyak. Sch.
    dropping, oozing, trickling W.
    water L.
  381. स्यमन्तक (syamantaka) (syamantaka)
    m. N. of a celebrated jewel (worn by Kr2ishn2a on his wrist [cf. %{kaustubha}], described as yielding daily eight loads of gold and preserving from all dangers
    it is said to have been given to Satra1-jit [q.v.] by the Sun and transferred by him to his brother Prasena, from whom it was taken by Ja1mbavat, and after much contention appropriated by Kr2ishn2a see Vishn2uP. iv, 13) Hariv. Pur. Pan5car.
  382. स्यूत (syūta) (syūta)
    mfn. sewn, stitched, woven RV. &c. &c.
    sewn on HParis3.
    sewn or woven together, joined, fabricated MW.
    pierced, penetrated ib.
    m. a sack, coarse canvas bag
  383. स्रज् (sraj) (sraj)
    mfn. (fr. 1. %{sRj}) turning, twisting, winding (ifc. nom. %{-sraT}
    cf. %{rajju-sarja}) Pa1n2. 8-2, 36 Sch.
    f. (nom. %{srak}) a wreath of flowers, garland, chaplet worn on the head, any wrwreath or ggarland, circle, series, chain (%{audakI@srak}, `" a watery ggarland "' i.e. `" one woven with water-flowers "'
    %{loka-sraji}, `" in the circle of the worlds "') RV. &c. &c.
    a kind of tree Kaus3.
    a kind of metre Pin3g.
    N. of a partic. constellation (when the Kendras are occupied by three auspicious planets except the moon) VarBr2S.
  384. स्रग्धर (sragdhara) (sragdhara)
    mf(%{A})n. wearing a ggarland, crowned with (comp.
    %{surabhi-dh-}, `" wearing a fragrant ggarland "') MBh. VarBr2S. &c.
    (%{A}) f. a kind of metre (consisting of four times, $) Pin3g.
    N. of a goddess Buddh.
  385. स्रग्वत् (sragvat) (sragvat)
    mfn. possessed of garlands, wearing a wreath L.
  386. स्रग्विन् (sragvin) (sragvin)
    mfn. id. Mn. MBh. &c.
    (%{iNI}) f. N. of two metres Pin3g.
    of a goddess Cat.
  387. स्रव (srava) (srava)
    &c. see col. 2. m. flowing, streaming, a flow of (comp.) MBh. R. &c.
    a waterfall
    (%{A}) f. N. of various plants (= %{sruvA}, %{madhu-sravA}, %{madhu} &c.)
    mf(%{A})n. streaming or flowing with (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  388. स्रवण (sravaṇa) (sravaṇa)
    n. streaming, flowing, flowing off (also pl.
    cf. %{azva-sr-}) R.
    premature abortion VarBr2S.
    sweat, perspiration
  389. स्रवन्ती (sravantī) (sravantī)
    f. (of %{sravat} q.v.) flowing water, a river RV. &c. &c. (cf. Naigh. i, 13)
    a kind of herb
  390. स्रवस् (sravas) (sravas)
    n. (ifc.) = %{srava}, flow of (see %{madhusravas}).
  391. स्रष्टृ (sraṣṭṛ) (sraṣṭṛ)
    m. one who emits or discharges (water &c.) MBh.
    a maker, author Nir. Ra1jat.
    a creator, the creator of the universe (applied to Brahma1, S3iva &c.) S3vetUp. R. &c.
  392. स्राव (srāva) (srāva)
    %{srAvaka} &c. see col. 2. [1274,2] m. flow, (esp.) morbid flow or issue of (comp.) MBh. Hariv. Sus3r.
    (with or scil. %{garbhasya}) miscarriage Ya1jn5. Sch. AgP.
  393. स्रुत (sruta) (sruta)
    mfn. streaming, flowing, having flowed from (comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    flowed out, become empty (as a jar) VarBr2S.
    flowed asunder, dissolved ib. Sus3r.
    (%{A}) f. a kind of medicinal plant (= %{hingu-pattrI})
    (%{a4m}) n. flowing, a flow AV.
  394. स्रुति (sruti) (sruti)
    f. a stream, flow or effusion of (comp.) Ka1v. VarBr2S. BhP.
    fall of (snow &c. ) Ragh. Kum.
    a course, road, path RV. Br. S3a1n3khS3r.
    a line drawn round the Vedi S3a1n3khS3r.
  395. स्रुव (sruva) (sruva)
    m. (cf. %{sru4c}) a small wooden ladle (with a double extremity, or two oval collateral excavations, used for pouring clarified melted butter into the large ladle or Sruk [see %{sru4c}]
    sometimes also employed instead of the latter in libations) RV. &c. &c.
    a sacrifice, oblation
    (%{A}) f. see below.
  396. स्रोतस् (srotas) (srotas)
    n. the current or bed of a river, a river, stream, torrent RV. &c. &c.
    water Naigh. i, 12
    rush, violent motion or onset of (comp.) Ka1v. Pur. Sarvad.
    the course or current of nutriment in the body, channel or course for conveying food (see %{Urdhva-} and %{tiryak-sr-})
    an aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women "') Sus3r.
    the spout of a jar Sus3r.
    an organ of sense S3vetUp. R. &c.
    lineage, pedigree (?) MBh.
  397. स्वक (svaka) (svaka)
    mf(%{akA} or %{ikA})n. = 1. %{sva}, one's own, my own &c. Mn. MBh. &c.
    m. one of one's own people, a relation, kinsman, friend
    pl. one's own people, friends Mr2icch. BhP.
    n. one's own goods property, wealth, riches MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  398. स्वकस्वक (svakasvaka) (svakasvaka)
    mfn. = %{svaka} Ka1ran2d2.
  399. स्वकीय (svakīya) (svakīya)
    mfn. = 1. %{sva}, one's own, own, proper, belonging to one's self or family or people MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. (pl.) one's own people, followers, friends MBh.
    (%{A}) f. one's own wife MW.
  400. स्वच्छ (svaccha) (svaccha)
    mf(%{A})n. very transparent or clear, pellucid, crystalline R. Pan5cat. &c.
    bright-coloured Katha1s.
    clear, distinct (as speech) ib.
    pure (as the mind or heart) ib.
    healthy, sound, convalescent (in this sense perhaps Pra1kr2it for %{svastha})
    m. rock-crystal
    the jujube tree
    (%{A}) f. white Du1rva1 grass
    (%{am}) n. a pearl
    an alloy or amalgam of silver and gold
    pure chalk &c. (= %{vimalo7parasa}) L.
  401. स्वजाति (svajāti) (svajāti)
    f. oone's own kind Sus3r.
    oone's own family or caste Mn. Pan5cat.
    mfn. of oone's own kind Pan5cat.
    %{-dviS} m. a dog L.
  402. स्वजातीय (svajātīya) (svajātīya)
    (Mn. Hariv. &c.) or (MBh. Pan5cat.). mfn. relating or belonging to oone's own kind.
  403. स्वतन्त्र (svatantra) (svatantra)
    n. self-dependence, independence, self-will, freedom Pan5cat. Hit.
    oone's own system or school Sus3r.
    oone's own army ib.
    (with Buddh.) a partic. doctrine of free-will or independence Buddh.
    N. of wk. (also called %{-tra-tantra})
    mf(%{A}) n. self-dependent, self-willed, independent, free, uncontrolled (with %{pada} n. `" an indindependent word "') La1t2y. Up. Mn. &c.
    of age, full grown W.
    m. N. of a Cakra-va1ka Hariv.
    %{-tantra} n. see above
    %{-tA} f. self-dependence, independence, freedom Mn. MBh. Katha1s. Ma1rkP.
    originality Cat.
    wilfulness W.
    %{-mukha@mardana} n. %{-lekhana} n. N. of wks.
    %{-vRtti} f. acting self-reliantly, independent action
    %{-sAra}N. of wk.
  404. स्वदेश (svadeśa) (svadeśa)
    m. oone's own place or country or home Mn. Katha1s. Ra1jat. &c.
    pl. the inhabitants of oone's own country, oone's own subjects BhP.
    %{-ja} m. `" born in oone's own country "', a countryman
    %{-paridhi} m. circumference of a circle of longitude in any place that has latitude W.
    %{-bandhu} m. (= %{-ja}) A.
    %{-madhya-paridhi} m. circumfcircumference of the terrestrial equator W.
    %{-smArin} mfn. yearning for oone's own country, home-sick Ra1jat.
  405. स्वधा (svadhā) (svadhā)
    see p. 1278, col. 1, and s.v.
  406. स्वन (svana) (svana)
    m. (ifc. f. %{U}) sound, noise (in the older language applied to the roar of wind, thunder, water &c.
    in later llanguage to the song of birds, speech, and sound of any kind cf. Naigh. i, 11) RV. &c. &c.
    a partic. Agni MBh.
    (%{sva4na}), roaring water VS. TBr.
    mfn. ill-sounding L.
  407. स्वप्न (svapna) (svapna)
    m. (once in R. n. ifc. f. %{A}
    for %{sv-apna} see p. 1281, col. 1) sleep, sleeping RV. &c. &c.
    sleepiness, drowsiness Caurap.
    sleeping too much, sloth, indolence Mn. ix, 13
    xii, 33
    dreaming, a dream (acc. with %{dRz}, `" to see a vision, dream "' RV. &c. &c.
  408. स्व (sva) (sva)
    1 mf(%{A4})n. own, one's own, my own, thy own, his own, her own, our own, their own &c. (referring to all three persons accord. to context, often ibc., but generally declinable like the pronominal %{sarva} e.g. %{svasmai} dat. %{svasmAt} abl. [optionally in abl. loc. sing. nom. pl. e.g. %{taM@svAd@AsyAd@asRjat}, `" he created him from his own mouth "' Mn. i, 94]
    and always like s3iva when used substantively [see below]
    sometimes used loosely for `" my "', `" thy "', `" his "', `" our "' [e.g. %{rAjA@bhrAtaraM@sva-grIham@pre7SayAm-Asa}, `" the king sent his brother to his (i.e. the brother's) house "']
    in the oblique cases it is used as a reflexive pronoun = %{Atman}, e.g. %{svaM@dUSayati}, `" he defiles himself "'
    %{svaM@nindanti}, `" they blame themselves "') RV. &c. &c.
    m. one's self, the Ego, the human soul W.
    N. of Vishn2u MBh.
    a man of one's own people or tribe, a kinsman, relative, relation, friend (%{svAH}, `" one's own relations "', `" one's own people "') AV. &c. &c.
    (%{A}) f. a woman of one's own caste MBh.
    (%{am}) n. (ifc. f. %{A}), one's self, the Ego (e.g. %{svaM@ca@brahma@ca}, `" the Ego and Brahman "')
    one's own goods, property, wealth, riches (in this sense said to be also m.) RV. &c. &c.
    the second astrological mansion VarBr2S.
    (in alg.) plus or the affirmative quantity W. [Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. {se}, {sovos}, {suus}
    &385055[1275,1] Goth. {sik}
    Germ. {sich} &c.] (N. B. in the following comp. {o} own stands for one's own).
  409. स्वयम्भु (svayambhu) (svayambhu)
    m. `" self-existent "'N. of Brahman MBh. R.
    of S3iva Pan5car.
    (%{-bhu4}) n. of %{-bhU} (q.v.)
    %{-caitanya} n. N. of a temple of A1di-buddha, IndAnt.
  410. स्वर (svara) (svara)
    %{svaraNa} &c. see p. 1285.
  411. स्वराज् (svarāj) (svarāj)
    mfn. (nom. %{-rAT}) self-ruling m. a self-ruler RV. TS. AV. &c.
    mfn. self-resplendent, self-luminous MW.
    m. N. of Brahma1 Pur.
    of Vishn2u-Kr2ishn2a MBh. BhP. Pan5car.
    of a Manu BhP.
    of an Eka7ha S3a1n3khS3r. Vait.
    of one of the 7 principal rays of the sun VP.
    f. various kinds of metre AV. Br. &c.
  412. स्वरित (svarita) (svarita)
    mfn. caused to sound BhP.
    sounded, having an accent, accentuated La1t2y.
    having Svarita accent Vait. Pra1t. Pa1n2.
    added, admixe (%{-tva} n.) Naish.
    m. n. the Svarita accent (a kind of mixed tone, produced by a combination of high and low tone, and therefore named in Pa1n2. 1-2, 31 %{sam-AhAra}, the high and low tones being called %{ud-Atta}, `" raised "' or `" acute "', and %{an-udAtta}, `" low "' or `" grave "'
    the SvSvarita corresponds to the Greek circumflex and is of four kinds, viz. %{kSaipra} [as in %{vy-A4pta} for %{vi4-Apta}], %{jAtya} [as in %{kva4} for %{ku4a}], %{prazliSTa} [as in %{divI4va} for %{divi4@iva}], or %{abhinihita} [as in %{te4@'bruvan} for %{te4@abruvan}]
    it is marked in RV. by a small upright stroke above a syllable
    and when produced by an %{udAtta} immediately preceding is sometimes called `" a dependent Svarita "', and, when it properly belongs to a word, an `" independent Svarita "') A1s3vS3r. Pra1t. Pa1n2.
  413. स्वरोचिस् (svarocis) (svarocis)
    n. own light BhP.
    (%{sva4-}) mfn. self-shining RV. BhP.
    m. N. of a son of the Gandharva Kali by the Apsaras Varu1thini1 Ma1rkP.
  414. स्वर्ग (svarga) (svarga)
    see below.
  415. स्वर्ण (svarṇa) (svarṇa)
    m. (contracted from %{su-varNa}) a partic. Agni Hariv.
    n. gold (as a weight= one Karsha of gold) Ya1jn5. Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
    a kind of red chalk R.
    a kind of plant (accord. to L., `" a kind of herb = %{gaura-suvarNa} "', `" the thorn-apple "', `" a kind of cocoa palm "', and `" the flower of Mesua Roxburghii "') BhP.
  416. स्वर्णमय (svarṇamaya) (svarṇamaya)
    mf(%{I})n. consisting or made of ggold Sin6ha7s.
  417. स्वल्प (svalpa) (svalpa)
    mf(%{A})n. very small or little, minute, very few, short (%{ena}, `" in a short time "') Mn. MBh. &c. [1282,3]
  418. स्वसृ (svasṛ) (svasṛ)
    f. (of doubtful derivation) a sister (also applied to closely connected things of the fem. gender, as to the fingers, the waters &c.) RV. &c. &c. [Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. {soror}
    Lith. {sesu4}
    Goth. &387312[1282,3] {swistar}
    Germ. {Schwester}
    Eng. {sister}.)
  419. स्वस्ति (svasti) (svasti)
    n. f. (nom. %{svasti4}, %{-ti4s}
    acc. %{svasti4}, %{-ti4m}
    instr. %{svasti4}, %{-tyA4}
    dat. %{svasta4ye}
    loc. %{svastau4}
    instr. %{svasti4bhis}
    also personified as a goddess, and sometimes as Kala1 cf. %{svasti-devI}), well-being, fortune, luck, success, prosperity RV. VS. S3Br. MBh. R. BhP.
    (%{i4}) ind. well, happily, successfully (also = `" may it be well with thee! hail! health! adieu! be it! "' a term of salutation [esp. in the beginning of letters] or of sanction or approbation) RV. &c. &c.
  420. स्वस्तिक (svastika) (svastika)
    m. a kind of bard (who utters words of welcome or eulogy) R.
    any lucky or auspicious object, (esp.) a kind of mystical cross or mark made on persons and things to denote good luck (it is shaped like a Greek cross with the extremities of the four arms bent round in the same direction
    the majority of scholars regard it as a solar symbol
    that is, as representing a curtailed form of the wheel of the Solar Vishn2u, consisting of four spokes crossing each other at right angles with short fragments of the periphery of the circle at the end of each spoke turning round in one direction to denote the course of the Sun
    accord. to the late Sir A. Cunningham it has no connexion with sun-worship, but its shape represents a monogram or interlacing of the letters of the auspicious words %{su@asti4} [%{svasti}] in the As3oka characters
    amongst Jainas it is one of the 24 auspicious marks and is the emblem of the seventh Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1) Hariv. Ka1v. Pur.
    the crossing of the arms or hands on the breast MBh. Ma1lati1m. Katha1s.
    a bandage in the form of a cross Sus3r.
    a dish of a partic. form MBh. R. Pan5car.
    a kind of cake ib.
    a triangular crest-jewel
    the meeting of four roads W.
    a partic. symbol made of ground rice and formed like a triangle (it is used in fumigating the image of Durga1, and is said to symbolize the Lin3ga) MW.
    a species of garlic
    a cock
    a libertine
    N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
    of one of Skanda's attendants ib.
    of a Da1nava Hariv. [1283,2]
    of a poet Cat.
    of another man Buddh.
    m. n. a mansion or temple of a partic. form VarBr2S.
    Marsilea Quadrifolia
    a partic. mode of sitting practised by Yogins (in which the toes are placed in the inner hollow of the knees) Ma1rkP. Pan5car.
  421. स्वस्रीय (svasrīya) (svasrīya)
    m. a sister's son, nephew TS. &c. &c.
    (%{A}) f. a sister's daughter, niece Mn. xi, 171.
  422. स्वस्थ (svastha) (svastha)
    mf(%{A})n. self-abiding, being in oone's self (or `" in the self "' Sarvad.), being in one's natural state, being oone's self uninjured, unmolested, contented, doing well, sound well, healthy (in body and mind
    often v.l. for %{su-stha}), comfortable, at ease (compar. %{-tara}) MaitrUp. &c. &c.
    relying upon one's self, confident, resolute, composed W.
    self-sufficient, independent ib.
    (%{am}) ind. composedly MW.
    %{-citta} mfn. sound in mind Ja1takam.
    %{-tA} f. well-being, health, ease Pan5cat. HYog.
    %{-vRtta} n. medical treatment of a healthy person Car.
    %{-thA7riSTa} n. a death-token in a healthy person, As3vav.
  423. स्वस्वामिभाव (svasvāmibhāva) (svasvāmibhāva)
    m. the relation of possession and possessor KapS.
  424. स्वागत (svāgata) (svāgata)
    mfn. (for %{sv-Ag-} see p. 1283) come of oone's self MW.
  425. स्वागम (svāgama) (svāgama)
    m. welcome, salutation MBh.
  426. स्वातन्त्र्य (svātantrya) (svātantrya)
    n. (fr. %{sva-tantra}) the following one's own will, freedom of the will, independence (%{At} and %{ena}, `" by one's own will, of one's own free choice, voluntarily, freely "') La1t2y. MaitrUp. MBh. &c.
  427. स्वाति (svāti) (svāti)
    f. (of unknown derivation) N. of the star Arcturus (as forming the 13th and 15th lunar asterism
    also %{svAtI4} pl. %{svAtyaH}) AV. &c. &c.
    N. of one of the wives of the Sun
    a sword
    m. N. of a son of Uru and A1gneyi1 (v.l. %{khyAti}) Hariv. VP.
    of Megha-sva1ti VP.
    mfn. born under the star Arcturus Pa1n2. 4-3, 34.
  428. स्वात्मन् (svātman) (svātman)
    m. oone's own self, oone's self (= reflexive pron.), oone's own nature (%{-ma-tA} f.) Nr2isUp. R. Katha1s. &c.
    (%{-ma}) %{-nirUpaNa} n. %{-nirUpaNa-prakaraNa} n. %{-pUjA} f. %{-prakAzikA} f. %{-prabodha} m. %{-prayoga-pradIpikA} f. %{-yoga-pradIpa} m. N. of wks.
    %{-vadha} m. suicide Katha1s.
    %{-saMvitty-upadeza} m. %{-saMvid-upadeza} m. %{-mA7nanda-prakaraNa} n. %{-mA7nanda-prakAza} m. %{-mA7nanda-vivardhinI} f. %{-mA7nanda-stotra} n. %{-mA7nando7padeza} m. %{-mA7nubodha} m. %{-mA7nubhava} m. %{-mA7nurUpaNa} n. N. of wks.
    %{-mA7rAma} mfn. taking pleasure in or contented with oone's self Pan5car.
    m. (also %{-yogin} or %{-yogI7ndra}) N. of an author Cat.
    %{-mA7vabodha}, %{-mA7padeza} m. N. of wks. &c. see p. 1277, col. 2.
  429. स्वाद (svāda) (svāda)
    m. taste, flavour, savour Hariv. Ka1v. Katha1s.
    the beauty or charm (of a poem) Sa1h.  %{svAdu} &c. see p. 1279, col. 3.
  430. स्वादु (svādu) (svādu)
    mf(%{vI4})n. sweet, savoury, palatable, dainty, delicate, pleasant to the taste, agreeable, chirming (also as compar. `" sweeter than &c. "', with abl.) RV. &c. &c.
    m. sweet flavour, sweetness
    sugar, molasses
    N. of various plants (= %{jIvaka}, %{gandha-dhUma-ja} &c.)
    (%{us} or %{vI}) f. = %{drAkSA}, a grape
    (%{u}) n. sweet taste, sweetness Megh.
    pleasantness, charm, beauty Subh. [Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. {suavis}
    Old Sax. {swo7ti}
    Angl. &386374[1279,3] Sax. {swe7ete}
    Eng. {sweet}
    Germ. {su10ss}.]
  431. स्वादुरस (svādurasa) (svādurasa)
    mf(%{A})n. having a sweet or agreeable taste Sus3r.
    (%{A}) f. (only L.) spirituous liquor
    Asparagus Racemosus
    a grape
    the root of Spondias Mangifera [1280,1]
    = %{kAkolI}.
  432. स्वाधिष्ठान (svādhiṣṭhāna) (svādhiṣṭhāna)
    n. oone's own place VP. Sch.
    one of the 6 mystical circles of the body (see %{cakra}) Pan5car. A1nand.
  433. स्वाध्याय (svādhyāya) (svādhyāya)
    m. reciting or repeating or rehearsing to oone's self, repetition or recitation of the Veda in a low voice to oone's self S3Br. &c. &c.
    repeating the VVeda aloud (acc. with caus. of 1. %{zru}, `" to cause the VVeda to be repeated aloud "') Mn. iii, 232
    recitation or perusal of any sacred texts W.
    the Veda
    a day on which sacred recitation is resumed after its suspension MW.
    N. of wk.
    mfn. studying the VVeda (%{-tama}, perhaps w.r. for %{svA7dhyAyi-t-}) DivyA7v.
    %{-dhRk} mfn. one who repeats or recites the VVeda A1past.
    %{-brAhmaNa} n. N. of ch. in the Taittiriya7ran2yaka
    %{-vat} mfn. (= %{-dhRk}) Ya1jn5. MBh. Hariv.
    m. a repeater or student of the VVeda W.
    %{-yAyA7rthin} m. one who seeks a maintenance for himself during his studentship Mn.xi, 1. 2.
  434. स्वाप (svāpa) (svāpa)
    m. sleeping, sleep Sus3r. Katha1s. BhP.
    dreaming, a dream Prab. BhP.
    sleepiness, sloth W.
    the sleep of a limb, numbness Sus3r.
    loss of sensation, ignorance&c. see p. 1280, col. 3.
  435. स्वामिन् (svāmin) (svāmin)
    (Hit.) m. lion or lord among bbird "'N. of Garud2a. [574,2] see p. 1284, col. 1. m. (fr. 1. %{sva} + %{min}) an owner, proprietor, master, lord or owner of (gen. loc., or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    a chief, commander (of an army) Vikr. Subh.
    a husband, lover (du. `" husband and wife "') A1past. Mn. MBh. &c.
    a king, prince (in dram. used as a form of address = %{deva})
    a spiritual preceptor, learned Bra1hman or Pandit (used as a title at the end of names, esp. of natives of the Carnatic)
    the image or temple of a god (often ifc.
    see %{zrIdhara-}, %{viSNu-sv-} &c.)
    N. of Skanda Ya1jn5. i, 293
    of Vishn2u
    of S3iva
    of Garud2a
    of the Muni Va1tsya1yana
    of the 11th Arhat of the past Utsarpin2i1
    of various authors (also with %{mizra} and %{zAstrin}
    sometimes abridged from names ending in %{svAmin} e.g. for %{kSIra-} and %{zabara-svAmin}) Cat.
    (%{inI}) f. see next.
  436. स्वायम्भुव (svāyambhuva) (svāyambhuva)
    mfn. (fr. %{svayambhU}) relating to Svayam-bhu1 or the Self-existent, derived from the Self-existent (i.e. Brahman) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    relating to or derived from Manu Sva1yambhuva MBh. Hariv. Pur.
    m. `" son of Svayam-bhu1 "'N. of various sages (esp. of the first Manu, of Mari1ci, Atri, Na1rada &c.) ib.
    (%{I}) f. Ruta Graveolens
    (%{am}) n. N. of a S3aiva Tantra.
  437. स्वारोचिष (svārociṣa) (svārociṣa)
    m. (fr. %{sva-rocis}) patr. of the second Manu Mn. MBh. &c.
    mfn. relating or belonging to Manu Sva1rocisha Hariv. Pur.
  438. स्वार्थ (svārtha) (svārtha)
    m. oone's own affair or cause, personal matter or advantage, self-interest, oone's own aim or object (also pl.) MaitrUp. MBh. R. &c.
    oone's own property or substance MW.
    own or original meaning Sa1h. Veda7ntas. TPra1t. Sch.
    similar meaning (prob. for %{sA7rtha}), a pleonasm MW.
    = %{liGgA7rtha-vizeSa}
    mf(%{A})n. directed to oone's self egoistical (%{-tA} f.) Kum. Tarkas. &c.
    adapted to (its) purpose Car.
    having one's object, expressing (its) own inherent or true meaning, havhaving a natural or literal meaning, havhaving a similar mmerits (= %{sA7rtha}), pleonastic MW.
    (%{am} or %{e}) ind. on oone's own account, for oone's self Ka1v. Katha1s. KapS. &c.
    %{-paNDita} mfn. clever in oone's own affairs MBh.
    %{-para} mfn. intent on oone's own advantage, self-interested S3is3. (%{-tA} f. `" selfishness "' MW.)
    %{-parA7yaNa} mfn. id. MW.
    %{-prayatna} m. a self-interested project Ratna7v.
    %{-bhAj} mfn. managing one's own affairs HParis3.
    %{-bhraMzin} mfn. ruinous to oone's own interests Pan5cat.
    %{-lipsu} mfn. wishing to gain oone's own object, self-seeking MW.
    %{-vighAta} m. frustration of one's object ib.
    %{-sAdhaka} mfn. effective of or promoting one's own object Ca1n2. BhP. Nir.
    %{-sAdhana} n. accomplishment of one's own object or desire Mn. Ra1jat.
    (%{-na}) %{-tatpara} mfn. intent upon it Mn. iv, 196
    %{-siddhi} f. (= %{sAdhana}) Ra1jat.
    %{-thA7numAna} n. `" inference for oone's self "', (in log.) a partic. process of induction MW.
    %{-the74t} mfn. attending to one's own affairs TS.
    %{-tho7papatti} f. the gaining oone's own object Ragh.
  439. स्वास्थ्य (svāsthya) (svāsthya)
    n. (fr. %{sva-stha}) self-dependence, sound state (of body or soul), health, ease, comfort, contentment, satisfaction MBh. Ka1v. &c.
  440. स्वाहार (svāhāra) (svāhāra)
    mfn. easy to be obtained or procured R.
    m. good food MW.
  441. स्वीय (svīya) (svīya)
    mf(%{A})n. relating or belonging to one's self, own, proper, peculiar, characteristic Ka1v. Pur. &c.
    m. (pl.) one's own people or kindred ib.
    (%{A}) f. `" one's own wife "', a wife solely attached to her husband Sa1h.
  442. स्वेच्छम् (sveccham) (sveccham)
    ind. (Katha1s. Chandom.) accord. to oone's own wish, at will or pleasure, of oone's own accord, voluntarily.
  443. स्वेद (sveda) (sveda)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}) sweating, perspiring, sweat, perspiration (pl. `" drops of pperspiration "') RV. &c. &c.
    a sudorific Car. Sus3r.
    warmth, heat
    warm vapour, steam (see comp.)
    mfn. sweating, perspiring, toiling W.
  444. स्वेदज (svedaja) (svedaja)
    mfn. sweat-produced, envapour or steam (said of insects and vermin) AitUp. Mn. MBh. &c.
    %{-dUSita} mfn. defiled by vermin BhP.
  445. हंस (haṃsa) (haṃsa)
    1 m. (ifc. f. %{A}
    accord. to Un2. iii, 62 fr. 1. %{han}, `" to go? "') a goose, gander, swan, flamingo (or other aquatic bird, considered as a bird of passage
    sometimes a mere poetical or mythical bird, said in RV. to be able to separate Soma from water, when these two fluids are mixed, and in later literature, milk from water when these two are mixed
    also forming in RV. the vehicle of the As3vins, and in later litliterature that of Brahma1
    ifc. also = `" best or chief among "') RV. &c. &c.
    the soul or spirit (typified by the pure white colour of a goose or swan, and migratory like a goose
    sometimes `" the Universal Soul or Supreme Spirit "', identified with Vira1j, Na1ra1yan2a, Vishn2u, S3iva, Ka1ma, and the Sun
    du. `" the universal and the individual Spirit "'
    accord. to Sa1y. resolvable into %{ahaM@sa}, `" I am that "') Up. MBh. Hariv. &c.
    one of the vital airs
    a kind of ascetic MBh. Hariv. BhP.
    a man of supernatural qualities born under a partic. constellation VarBr2S.
    an unambitious monarch
    a horse Naigh. i, 14
    an excellent draught-ox (accord. to some, `" a buffalo "') VarBr2S.
    a mountain
    a temple of a partic. form VarBr2S.
    a kind of Mantra or mystical text Cat.
    envy, malice
    N. of two metres Col.
    (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
    a mystical N. of the letter %{h} Cat.
    a spiritual preceptor W.
    N. of a Deva-gandharva Hariv.
    of a Da1nava ib.
    of a son of Brahma1 BhP.
    of a son of Vasu-deva ib.
    of a son of A-risht2a1 MBh.
    of a son of Brahma-datta and general of Jara1-sam2dha ib.
    of various authors &c. Cat.
    of one of the Moon's horses VP. [1286,2]
    of a mountain Pur.
    pl. N. of the Bra1hmans in Plaksha-dvi1pa BhP.
    (%{I}) f. a female goose Mr2icch. Katha1s.
    N. of various metres S3rutab. Chandom. Col.
    of a daughter of Bhagi1ratha and wife of Kautsa MBh.
    of a courtezan Ra1jat. [Cf. Gk. $
    Lat. {anser} for &388321[1286,2] {hanser}
    Lit. {z3asi4s}
    Germ. {Gans}
    Angl. Sax. {go7s}
    Eng. {goose}.]
  446. हंसगामिनी (haṃsagāminī) (haṃsagāminī)
    f. `" walking like a swan "', a graceful woman Mn. iii, 10.
  447. हकार (hakāra) (hakāra)
    m. the letter or sound %{ha} MW.
  448. हठ (haṭha) (haṭha)
    m. violence, force (ibc., %{ena}, and %{At}, `" by force, forcibly "') R. Ra1jat. Katha1s. &c.
    obstinacy, pertinacity (ibc. and %{At}, `" obstinately, persistently "') Pan5cat. Katha1s.
    absolute or inevitable necessity (as the cause of all existence and activity
    ibc., %{At}, and %{ena}, `" necessarily, inevitably, by all means "') MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    = %{haTha-yoga} Cat.
    oppression W.
    rapine ib.
    going in the rear of an enemy
    Pistia Stratiotes L.
  449. हत (hata) (hata)
    mfn. struck by lightning Ka1t2h. [113,1] &c. see col. 2.
  450. हतप्रभ (hataprabha) (hataprabha)
    mfn. = %{-cchAya} MBh. [1287,3]
  451. हति (hati) (hati)
    f. striking, a stroke or blow with (comp.) Gi1t. Sarasv.
    killing, destroying, destruction, removal MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    disappearance, loss, absence Kap.
    (in arithm.) multiplication A1ryabh. Sch.
  452. हत्य (hatya) (hatya)
    n. (ifc.) and f. killing, slaying, slaughter Mn. MBh. &c.
  453. हनु (hanu) (hanu)
    1 f. (only L.) `" anything which destroys or injures life "', a weapon
    various kinds of drugs
    a wanton woman, prostitute
    m. N. of a partic. mixed tribe
  454. हनुमत् (hanumat) (hanumat)
    &c. see below.
  455. हन्तृ (hantṛ) (hantṛ)
    mfn. striking (nr `" he will strike "') down, killing, slaying RV. MBh. [700,3] or mf(%{trI})n. (the former with gen., the latter wish acc.) slaying, killing, a slayer, killer, murderer, robber, disturber, destroyer (%{-tva} n.) RV. &c. &c.
  456. हन्तु (hantu) (hantu)
    m. killing, slaying (cf. %{su-h-} and root) BhP.
    m. a bull L.
  457. हन्तव्य (hantavya) (hantavya)
    mfn. to be slain or killed, to be punished with death Mn. MBh. &c.
    to be violated (as justice) Mn. viii, 15
    to be refuted Hcat.
  458. हय (haya) (haya)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}
    fr. 1. %{hi}) a horse RV. &c. &c.
    a symbolical expression for the number `" seven "' (on account of the 7 horses of the Sun) S3rutab.
    the zodiacal sign Sagittarius VarBr2S.
    (in prosody) a foot of four short syllables, proceleusmaticus Col.
    a man of a partic. class
    the Yak or Bos Grunniens[1288,3]
    N. of Indra
    of one of the horses of the Moon
    of a son of Sahasra-da Hariv.
    of a son of S3ata1-jit VP.
    pl. the family of Haya MBh.
    (%{A}, or %{I}) f. a female horse, mare Hariv. Katha1s.
    Physalis Flexuosa
    mfn. urging on, driving (see %{azva-haya4}).
  459. हयग्रीव (hayagrīva) (hayagrīva)
    m. `" horsenecked "'N. of a form of Vishn2u (manifested accord. to one legend, in order to recover the Veda carried off by two Daityas called Madhu and Kait2abha) Pan5car.
    of a Daitya (also called %{brahma-veda-prahartR}, as having carried off the Vedas at the dissolution of the universe caused by Brahma's sleep at the end of the past Kalpa
    in order to recover them, Vishn2u became incarnate as a Matsya or fish, and slew Haya-gri1va) Hariv. Katha1s. &c.
    of a Ra1kshasa R.
    of a Tantra deity Buddh.
    of a Ra1jarshi MBh.
    of a wicked king of the Videhas MBh.
    of a Muni Cat.
    of the supposed author of the Cha1ndogya Upanishad and various other writers &c. ib.
    (%{A}) f. N. of Durga1
    (%{-va}) %{-gadya} and %{-daNDaka} n. N. of Stotras
    %{-paJca-rAtra} n. %{-paJjara} n. N. of wks.
    %{-pro7kta} mfn. proclaimed or taught by HHaya Cat.
    %{-ripu} m. `" enemy of HHaya "'N. of Vishn2u
    %{-vadha} m. N. of a poem by Bhartr2i-men2t2ha Ra1jat.
    %{-saMhitA} f. %{-sahasra-nAma-srotra} n. %{-stotra} n. N. of wks.
    %{-han} m. `" slayer of HHaya "'N. of Vishn2u
    %{-vopaniSad} f. N. of an UpUpanishad.
  460. हर (hara) (hara)
    mf(%{A}, rarely %{I})n. (only ifc.
    fr. 1. %{hR}) bearing, wearing, taking, conveying, bringing (see %{kavaca-}, %{vArttA-h-}), taking away, carrying off, removing, destroying (see %{bala-}, %{zakti-h-})
    receiving, obtaining (see %{aMza-h-})
    ravishing, captivating (see %{mano-h-})
    m. `" Seizer "', `" Destroyer "'N. of S3iva A1s3vGr2. Mn. MBh. &c.
    of a Da1nava MBh. Hariv.
    of a monkey R.
    of various authors &c. Cat.
    (in arithm.) a divisor Col.
    the denominator of a fraction, division ib.
    a stallion (?)
    an ass
    fire L.
  461. हरण (haraṇa) (haraṇa)
    mf(%{A} or %{I})n. (only ifc.) carrying, holding, containing (e.g. %{bali-haraNI}, %{darvI}, `" a ladle containing an oblation "') A1s3vGr2.
    taking away. removing (e.g. %{rajo-h-} `" removing dust "') Kaus3.
    m. `" taker "', a hand
    an arm
    Michelia Champaca
    n. the act of carrying or bringing or fetching. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c.
    offering Ka1tyS3r. Gaut.
    carrying off, robbing, abduction Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c.
    removing, destroying Sus3r. VarBr2S.
    dividing, division Col.
    a nuptial present (= %{-yautaka}) MBh. [1289,2]
    a gift to a student at his initiation W.
    fodder given to a stallion (= %{vADaba-h-}) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 6-2, 65
    (L. also `" a partic. gesture "' [esp. of an archer in shooting]
    `" boiling water "'
    `" semen virile "'
    `" gold "'). &c. see p. 1289.
  462. हरि (hari) (hari)
    1 mfn. (for 2. see col. 3) bearing, carrying (see %{dRti} and %{nAtha-h-}). 3 ind. (for 1. see p. 1289, col. 2
    for 2. ib., col. 3) an exclamation (`" alas! "') MW.
  463. हरिकेश (harikeśa) (harikeśa)
    (%{ha4ri-}) mfn. fair-headed RV. VS. MBh.
    m. N. of one of the 7 principal rays of the sun VP.
    of Savitr2i RV.
    of S3iva MBh.
    of a Yaksha (who propitiated S3iva and was made by him a leader of his Gan2as and a guardian of fields, and fruits
    see %{daNDa-pANi}) Cat.
    of a son of S3ya1maka BhP.
  464. हरिण (hariṇa) (hariṇa)
    mf(%{I4})n. (the fem. %{ha4riNI} belongs to %{harita}) fawn-coloured, yellowish, tawny (also said of unhealthy complexion), greenish, green MaitrUp. MBh.
    m. yellowish (&c.) the colour
    a deer, antelope, fawn, stag (one of 5 kinds, others being called %{RSya}, %{ruru}, %{pRSata}, %{mRga}) RV. &c. &c.
    an ichneumon MaitrS.
    a goose
    the sun
    a minor division of the world W.
    N. of Vishn2u or S3iva
    of a Gan2a of S3iva
    of a serpent. demon MBh.
    of an ichneumon (v.l. %{harita}) ib.
    (%{I4}) f. see below.
  465. हरिणेक्षणा (hariṇekṣaṇā) (hariṇekṣaṇā)
    f. a deer-eyed woman Naish. Prasannar.
  466. हरित (harita) (harita)
    mf(%{A} or %{ha4riNI}) n. yellowish, pale yellow, fallow, pale red, pale (also, `" pale with fright "'), greenish, green (also
    `" verdant "' as opp. to %{zuSka} `" dry "') RV. &c. &c.
    m. yellowish (the colour)
    Phaseolus Mungo qr Lobatus
    a lion
    N. of a son of Kais3yapa S3Br.
    of a son of Yadu Hariv.
    of a son of Rohita BhP.
    of a son of Rohita7s3va ib.
    of a son of Yuvana1s3va ib.
    of a son of Para1vr2it ib.
    of a son of Vapushmat Ma1rkP.
    of an ichneumon (v.l. %{hariNa}) MBh.
    pl. the descendants of Harita (also called %{harItAH}), A1s31vS3r. (cf. Pa1n2. 2-4, 67 Va1rtt. i Pat.)
    N. of partic. verses of the AV. (also %{haretA@mantrAH}) Cat.
    of a class of gods in the 12th Manvantara Pur.
    (%{A}) f. Du1rva1 grass S3is3. (= %{nIla-dUrva} L.)
    a brown-coloured grape
    Sesbana Aegyptiaca
    a kind of Svara-bhakti TPra1t. Sch.
    (%{am}) n. a yellowish or greenish substance S3Br.
    gold AV. Ka1t2h.
    greens, vegetables Vishn2. (`" unripe grain "' Sch.)
    a kind of fragrant plant (= %{sthauNcyaka}) L.
  467. हरिताल (haritāla) (haritāla)
    m. a kind of pigeon of a yellowish green colour, Columba Hurriyals
    (%{I}) f. Panicum Dactylon
    the blade of a sword
    the fourth (or third).day in the light half of the month Bha1dra
    a streak or line in the sky
    the atmosphere
    (%{am}) n. yellow orpiment or sulphuret of arsenic (described as the seed or seminal energy of Vishn2u = %{harer@vIryam}) MBh. Hariv. &c.
  468. हरिद्रा (haridrā) (haridrā)
    f. Curcunia Longa, turmeric or its root ground to powder (46 synonyms of this plant are given) Kaus3. MBh. Sus3r. &c.
    N. of a river Col.
  469. हरिद्वार (haridvāra) (haridvāra)
    n. `" Vishn2u's gate "'N. of a celebrated town and sacred bathing-place (commonly called Hardva1r, where the Ganges finally leaves the mountains for the plains of Hindu1sta1n, whence it is sometimes called Gan3gadva1ra
    it is called `" Hari's gate "', as leading to Vaikun2t2ha or Vishn2u's heaven) Rudray. Buddh.
    %{-mAhAtmya} n. N. of wk.
  470. हरिश्चन्द्र (hariścandra) (hariścandra)
    (%{ha4ri-}) mfn. (see %{candra}) having golden splendour RV.
    m. N. of the 28th king of the solar dynasty in the Treta1 age (he was son of Tri-s3an3ku, and was celebrated for his piety
    accord. to the Ma1rkan2d2eya-Pura1n2a he gave up his country, his wife and his son, and finally himself, to satisfy the demands of Vis3va1mitra
    after enduring incredible sufferings, he won the pity of the gods and was raised with his subjects to heaven: accord. to MBh. ii, 489 &c., his performance of the Ra1ja-su1ya sacrifice was the cause of his elevation, and in the Aitareya-Bra1hman2a quite another legend is told about him see under %{zunaHzepa}, p. 1082, col. 3: in later legends Hari-s3candra is represented as insidiously induced by Na1rada to relate his actions with unbecoming pride, whereupon he was degraded from Svarga, one stage at each sentence, till stopping in time and doing homage to the gods he was fixed with his capital in mid-air [1291,1]
    his aerial city is popularly believed to be still visible in the skies at particular times
    cf. %{saubha}) Br. MaitrUp. MBh. &c.
    N. of various authors &c. Inscr. Cat.: m. or n. (?) N. of a place Cat.
    n. N. of a Lin3ga MW.
    %{-caritra} n. N. of wk.
    %{-tIrtha} n. N. of a Ti1rtha MW.
    %{-pura} n. the city of Harikandra (= %{saubha})
    a mirage VarBr2S.
    %{-purANa} n. %{-yazaz-caudra-candrikA} f. %{-zcandrA7khyAyikA}, f. %{-zcandro7pA7khyAna} n. N. of wks.
  471. हरीतकी (harītakī) (harītakī)
    f. (rarely %{-ka} m. n.) the yellow Myrobalan tree, Terminalia Chebula (28 synonyms and seven varieties are enumerated
    the fruit is used for dyeing yellow and as a laxative) Sus3r. Hariv. VarBr2S.
  472. हर्तृ (hartṛ) (hartṛ)
    m. one who brings or conveys, a bearer, bringer A1past. Kaus3. MBh. &c.
    one who seizes or takes away, a robber, thief Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    one who severs or cuts off (only %{-tA} as fut., `" he will cut off "') BhP.
    one who imposes taxes (a king) ib.
    a remover, dispeller, destroyer MBh. Hariv. Katha1s.
    the sun MW.
  473. हर्मिका (harmikā) (harmikā)
    f. a summer-house on a Stu1pa DivyA7v.
  474. हर्म्य (harmya) (harmya)
    n. (ifc. f. %{A}
    said to be fr. %{hR}, `" to captivate or charm the mind "'
    but rather connected with 2. %{ghR} and %{gharma}, and perhaps originally signifying `" the domestic fire-hearth "'), a large house, palace, mansion, any house or large building or residence of a wealthy person RV. &c. &c.
    a stronghold, prison RV. v, 32, 5
    viii, 5, 23
    a fiery pit, place of torment, region of darkness, the nether world MW.
    mfn. living in houses ib.
  475. हर्यश्व (haryaśva) (haryaśva)
    m. a bay horse (of Indra) MBh. R.
    (%{hA7ry}.) mfn. possessing bay horses RV.
    m. N. of Indra BhP.
    of S3iva MBh.
    of various men ib. Hariv. R. Pur. Pa1n2. N. of the sons of Daksha Hariv. Pur.
    %{-cApa} `" Indra's bow "', the rainbow Hariv.
    %{-prasUta} (%{hA4ryazva-}) mf(%{A})n. impelled or instigated by him who possesses bay horses RV.
  476. हर्ष (harṣa) (harṣa)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}
    fr. %{hRS}) bristling, erection (esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    joy, pleasure, happiness (also personified as a son of Dharma) Kat2hUp. MBh. &c. [1292,3]
    erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement, lustfulness Sus3r.
    ardent desire MBh.
    N. of an Asura Katha1s.
    of a son of Kr2ishn2a BhP.
    of various authors &c. (also with %{dIkSita}, %{mizra}, %{sUri} &c.
    cf. %{zrI-harSa})
    mfn. happy, delighted W.
  477. हर्षण (harṣaṇa) (harṣaṇa)
    mfn. causing the hair of the body to stand erect, thrilling with joy or desire, gladdening, delightful, pleasant MBh. Hariv. &c.
    m. `" gladdener "'N. of one of the five arrows of Ka1ma-deva Bcar.
    of a man VP. (L. also, `" a partic. disease of the eyes "'
    `" a partic. S3ra1ddha "'
    `" a deity presiding over S3ra1ddhas "'
    `" the 14th of the astron Yogas.)
    n. bristling, erection Sus3r.
    erection of the sexual organ, sexual excitement ib.
    the act of delighting, delight, joy, happiness MBh. R.
  478. हल (hala) (hala)
    m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a plough (also as a weapon, and as a land measure) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    m. N. of an author Cat.
    pl. N. of a country and people in the north VarBr2S.
    (%{A}) f. the earth
    spirituous liquor, wine
    (%{I}) f. Methonica Superba
    (%{am}) n. a plough
    a partic. constellation (reckoned among the A1kr2iti-yogas), YarBr2S.
    ugliness, deformity (= %{vairAgya}), hindrance, obstruction (= %{prati-Sedha})
    quarrel (= %{vivAda})
  479. हलन्त (halanta) (halanta)
    mfn. ending in a consonant
    m. or n. N. of wk.
  480. हलायुध (halāyudha) (halāyudha)
    m. `" plough-weaponed "'N. of Bala-ra1ma (see above
    also transferred to Vishn2u-Kr2ishn2a) MBh. Hariv.
    (also with %{bhatTa}, %{mizra} &c.) N. of various writers (esp. of a poet, of the author of the Abhidha1na-ratnama1ls, of the author of the Pura1n2a-sarvasva &c.) Cat.
    %{-cchAndogya} (?) and %{-stava} m. N. of wks.
  481. हलाहल (halāhala) (halāhala)
    m. n. a kind of deadly poison (prodoced at the churning of the ocean by gods and demons) Ka1v. Pan5cat.
    m. (only L.) a kind of lizard
    a kind of snake
    a Jaina or Bauddha sage.
  482. हल्य (halya) (halya)
    mfn. ploughed, tilled (see %{tri-} and %{dvih-})
    m. ploughing, agriculture Pa1n2. 5-l, 4, 97
    (%{A}) f. a multitude of ploughs g. %{pAzA7di}
    (%{am}) n. a ploughed field, arable land MW.
    deformity R.
  483. हव (hava) (hava)
    1 m. (fr. %{hu}) an oblation, burnt offering, sacrifice, S3is.
    fire or the god of fire12
  484. हवन (havana) (havana)
    1 m. (for 2. see p. 1294, col. 1) fire or Agni the god of fire
    a fire-receptacle (= f.)[1293,3]
    (%{I}) f. the sacrificial ladle S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
    a hole made in the ground for the sacrificial fire which is to receive a burnt-oblation
    (%{am}) n. the act of offering an oblation with fire, sacrifice MBh. Hariv.
    a sacrificial ladle Vait. &c. see p. 1293, col. 2.
  485. हविस् (havis) (havis)
    n. an oblation or burnt offering, anything offered as an oblation with fire (as clarifled butter, milk, Some, grain
    %{haviS} %{kR}, `" to prepare an oblation "', `" make into an oblation "') RV. &c. &c.
    water Naigh. i, 12
    fire Ka1lac.
    N. of a Marutvat (?) Ka1lac.
  486. हव्य (havya) (havya)
    1 n. (for 2. see col. 2) anything to be offered as an oblation, sacrificial gift or food (in later language often opp., to %{kaivya} q.v.) RV. &c. &c.
  487. हव्यवह् (havyavah) (havyavah)
    m. (nom. %{vA4T}) bearing the oblation (to the gods) RV. MBh. R.
    fire or the god of fire ib.
  488. हस (hasa) (hasa)
    (or %{hasa4}) m. (ifc. f. %{A}) mirth, laughter R. V. &c. &c.
  489. हसत् (hasat) (hasat)
    mfn. (pr. p. of %{has}) laughing, smiling &c.
    mocking, scorning, excelling S3is3. v, 63
    (%{anti}) f. a portable fire-vessel, small furnace, chafing-dish
    Arabian jasmine
    a partic. female demon
    N. of a river (= %{hasanI}) DivyA7v.
  490. हस्त (hasta) (hasta)
    m. (ifc. f. %{A}, of unknown derivation) the hand (ifc. = `" holding in or by the hand "'
    %{haste} %{kR} [as two words], `" to take into the hand "', `" get possession of "'
    haste- %{kR} [as a comp.], `" to take by the hand, marry "'
    %{zatru-hastaM} %{gam}, `" to fall into the hand of the enemy "') RV. &c. &c.
    an elephant's trunk (ifc. = `" holding with the trunk "') AitBr. MBh. &c.
    the fore-arm (a measure of length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, = 24 An3gulas or about 18 inches) VarBr2S. Ra1jat. &c.
    the position of the hand (= %{hasta-vinyAsa}) VPra1t.
    hand-writing Ya1jn5. Vikr.
    the 11th (13th) lunar asterism (represented by a hand and containing five stars, identified by some with part of the constellation Corvus) AV. &c. &c.
    a species of tree
    (in prosody) an anapest Col.
    quantity, abundance, mass (ifc. after words signifying `" hair "'
    cf. %{keza-h-})
    N. of a guardian of the Soma Sa1y.
    of a son of Vasudeva BhP.
    of another man Ra1jat.
    (%{ha4stA}) f. the hand AV. xi, 124
    the Nakshatra Hasta Pur.
    (%{am}) n. a pair of leather bellows
    mfn. born under the Nakshatra Hasta, Psn2. iv, 3, 34. [Cf., accord. to some Gk. $]
  491. हस्तिन् (hastin) (hastin)
    mfn. having hands, clever or dexterous with the hhands
    (with %{mRga}, `" the animal with a hhands i.e. with a trunk "', an elephant
    cf. %{dantah-}) ib.
    having (or sitting on) an elelephant Ma1rkP.
    m. an elephant (four kinds of elelephant are enumerated
    see %{bhadra}, %{mandra}, %{mRga}, %{miztra}
    some give %{kiliJja-h-} "', a straw elelephant "', `" effigy of an elelephant made of grass "') AV. &c. &c.
    (ifc.) the chief or best of its kind g. %{vyAghrA7di}
    a kind of plant (= %{aja-modA})
    N. of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra MBh.
    of a son of Suhotri, (a prince of the Lunar race, described as founder of Hastina-pura) ib. VP.
    of a son of Br2ihat-kshatra BhP.
    of a son of Kuru S3atr.
    (%{i4nI}) f. a female elephant AV. &c. &c.
    a kind of drug and perfume (= %{haTTa-vilAsinI})
    a woman of a partic. class (one of the 4 classes into which women are divided, described as having thick lips, thick hips, thick fingers, large breasts, dark complexion, and strong sexual passion) Sin6ha7s.
    N. of Hastina1-pura
  492. हात (hāta) (hāta)
    mfn. given up, abandoned BhP. %{hAtavya}, %{hAtu} see p. 1296, col. 2.
  493. हातवत् (hātavat) (hātavat)
    mfn. abandoned by, deprived of (acc.) Ka1m. (v.l.)
  494. हान (hāna) (hāna)
    1 mfn. gone or departed &c. (in %{sa4MhAna}, `" risen "') VS. 2 n. the act of abandoning, relinquishing, giving up, escaping, getting rid of Gaut. S3am2k. Sarvad.
    want, lack Kap.
    cessation ib. Bhartr2. (v.l.)  %{hAni} &c. see p. 1296, col. 2.
  495. हान (hāna) (hāna)
    1 mfn. gone or departed &c. (in %{sa4MhAna}, `" risen "') VS. 2 n. the act of abandoning, relinquishing, giving up, escaping, getting rid of Gaut. S3am2k. Sarvad.
    want, lack Kap.
    cessation ib. Bhartr2. (v.l.)  %{hAni} &c. see p. 1296, col. 2.
  496. हानि (hāni) (hāni)
    f. (accord. to some fr. %{han}) abandonment, relinquishment Kuval.
    taking off, laying aside (ornaments) Subh.
    decrease, diminution MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    deprivation of (abl.) Gaut.
    damage, loss, failure (also in a lawsuit), ruin Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    insufficiency, deficit, a minus A1s3vGr2. MBh. cessation, disappearance, non-existence Ka1v. Katha1s. &c.
  497. हायन (hāyana) (hāyana)
    1 mf(%{A} or %{I})n. (for 2. see p. 1297, col. 1) quitting, leaving MW.
    passing away ib.
  498. हार (hāra) (hāra)
    1 mf(%{I})n. bearing, carrying, carrying away, stealing (e.g. %{kSIra-h-}, `" stealing milk "') Ma1rkP.
    levying, raising (e.g. %{kara-h-}, `" raising taxes "') BhP.
    ravishing, charming, delightful (or `" relating to Hari i.e. Vishnu "') ib.
    relating to Hara or S3iva Nalac.
    m. taking away, removal ib.
    confiscation, forfeiture (of land, money &c.) Mn. MBh. Katha1s.
    waste, loss (see %{kAla-h-})
    war, battle W.
    a carrier, porter ib.
    (in arithm.) a divisor or division Col.
    (in prosody) a long syllable ib.
    a garland of pearls, necklace (accord. to some, one of 108 or 64 strings) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (%{A}) f. Pa1n2. 3-3, 104
    (%{I}) f. a pearl
    a girl of bad reputation (unfit for marriage)
    a kind of metre Col.2 (for 3. see p. 1292, col. 1) Nom. P. %{-rati} to be like a string of pearls Dhu1rtas. 3 mfn. (for 1. and 2. see p. 1289, col. 2) relating to Hari or Vishn2n BhP.  %{hAraka}, %{hArin} &c. see p. 1289, cols. 2 and 3.
  499. हार (hāra) (hāra)
    1 mf(%{I})n. bearing, carrying, carrying away, stealing (e.g. %{kSIra-h-}, `" stealing milk "') Ma1rkP.
    levying, raising (e.g. %{kara-h-}, `" raising taxes "') BhP.
    ravishing, charming, delightful (or `" relating to Hari i.e. Vishnu "') ib.
    relating to Hara or S3iva Nalac.
    m. taking away, removal ib.
    confiscation, forfeiture (of land, money &c.) Mn. MBh. Katha1s.
    waste, loss (see %{kAla-h-})
    war, battle W.
    a carrier, porter ib.
    (in arithm.) a divisor or division Col.
    (in prosody) a long syllable ib.
    a garland of pearls, necklace (accord. to some, one of 108 or 64 strings) MBh. Ka1v. &c.
    (%{A}) f. Pa1n2. 3-3, 104
    (%{I}) f. a pearl
    a girl of bad reputation (unfit for marriage)
    a kind of metre Col.2 (for 3. see p. 1292, col. 1) Nom. P. %{-rati} to be like a string of pearls Dhu1rtas. 3 mfn. (for 1. and 2. see p. 1289, col. 2) relating to Hari or Vishn2n BhP.  %{hAraka}, %{hArin} &c. see p. 1289, cols. 2 and 3.
  500. हारिन् (hārin) (hārin)
    mfn. taking, carrying, carrying away, stealing, robbing (gen. or comp.) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c.
    removing, dispelling, destroying Ka1v. Katha1s.
    taking to one's self, appropriating, levying or raising (taxes) Bhartr2. Ra1jat.
    surpassing, exceeding VarBr2S.
    ravishing, captivating, attracting, charming (%{-ri-tva} n.) Mn. MBh. &c.
    (fr. 1. %{hAra}) having or wearing a garland of pearls Bhartr2. BhP.