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User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-j

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Κ {letter} :: The upper case letter kappa (κάπα), the tenth letter of the modern Greek alphabet
Κ΄ {num} :: The Greek numeral representing the number twenty (20); typically romanized as the Roman numeral XX
κ. {m} :: Mr, Mr.
κ {letter} :: The lower case letter kappa (κάππα), the tenth letter of the modern Greek alphabet
κ {n} :: abbreviation of κύριος Mr
κ {n} :: abbreviation of κυρία Mrs, Ms
κ΄ {num} [non-standard] :: alternative form of Κ΄
κ.α. {phrase} :: and elsewhere
κα {n} :: abbreviation of κυρία Mrs, Ms
κ.ά. {phrase} :: et al.
κάβα {f} :: drinks section [in supermarket]
κάβα {f} :: cellar [wine collection]
κάβα {f} :: (British) off licence
κάβα {f} :: (Australia) bottle shop
κάβα {f} :: (USA) liquor store
Καβάλα {prop} {f} :: Καβάλα (city)
καβαλάρης {m} :: rider
καβαλάρης {m} [music instruments] :: saddle [bridge nut]
καβαλάω {v} :: straddle, sit astride
καβαλάω {v} :: mount, ride
καβαλάω το καλάμι {v} [colloquial, idiom] :: be too big for one's boots, to get above oneself (act with an undue opinion of one's own importance or abilities)
καβαλέτο {n} [painting] :: easel
καβαλέτο {n} [woodworking] :: sawhorse
καβαλώ {v} :: alternative form of καβαλάω
καβγάς {m} :: argument, quarrel, row
καβίλια {f} :: wooden dowel, peg, treenail [used in carpentry and shipbuilding]
καβίλια {f} [nautical] :: marlinspike
κάβος {m} [geography] :: cape, headland, promontory
κάβος {m} [nautical] :: cable, hawser
καβουράκι {n} :: diminutive of καβούρι (small crab)
κάβουρας {m} :: alternative form of καβούρι
κάβουρας {m} :: plumber's wrench
καβουρδίζω {v} :: alternative form of καβουρντίζω
καβούρι {n} :: crab [crustacean]
καβουρντίζω {v} :: roast [coffee beans, meat, etc]
καβουρντίζω {v} :: brown [food - while cooking]
καβουρντίζω {v} :: burn [while sun tanning]
καγκελάριος {m} :: chancellor
κάγκελο {n} :: rail, railing, banister (horizontal bar extending between supports and used for support or as a barrier)
κάγκουρας {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: petrolhead chav [UK] , motorhead trailer trash [US] (a boorish and unsophisticated man obsessed with cars, motorbikes and other vehicles; usually also implies a show-off)
καγκουρό {n} [marsupial] :: kangaroo
καδένα {f} :: chain at neck, wrist
καδένα {f} :: fob (short chain or ribbon)
κάδμιο {n} [chemistry] :: cadmium
κάδος {m} :: bin, bucket, pail, tub, cask
κάδος απορριμάτων {m} :: alternative form of κάδος απορριμμάτων
κάδος απορριμμάτων {m} :: dustbin [UK], trashcan [US], garbage can [US]
καδράρομαι {v} :: I am framed [of a picture]
καδράρω {v} :: Ι frame [of a picture]
κάδρο {n} :: frame, picture frame
Καζάκα {f} :: Kazakh (a person from Kazakhstan)
καζακικά {np} :: Kazakh (the language of Kazakhstan and its people)
καζάκικος {adj} :: alternative form of καζακικός
καζακικός {adj} :: Kazakh (relating to Kazakhstan or its people or language)
Καζάκος {m} :: Kazakh (a person from Kazakhstan)
Καζακστάν {prop} {n} :: Kazakhstan, Kazakstan
Καζάχα {f} :: alternative form of Καζάκα
καζαχικά {np} :: alternative form of καζακικά
καζάχικος {adj} :: alternative form of καζακικός
καζαχικός {adj} :: alternative form of καζακικός
Καζάχος {m} :: alternative form of Καζάκος
Καζαχστάν {prop} {n} :: alternative form of Καζακστάν
καζίνο {n} :: casino
καημένος {adj} [chiefly with an article before] :: poor [expressing sympathy etc]
καημός {m} :: longing, yearning, heartache
-καθ- {prefix} :: κατα- in middle position, occuring before vowels which used to receive the ancient rough breathing (δασεία)
καθ- {prefix} :: alternative form of κατα-
καθ' {prep} :: apocopic form of κατά
κάθ- {prefix} :: alternative form of καθ- of κατα-
Καθαρά Δευτέρα {f} :: Clean Monday, the first day of the Greek Orthodox Lent
Καθαρεύουσα {f} :: alternative case form of καθαρεύουσα
καθαρεύουσα {f} :: Katharevousa (purist variant of Modern Greek)
Καθαρή Δευτέρα {f} :: alternative form of Καθαρά Δευτέρα
καθαρίζω {v} :: clean, wash
καθαρίζω {v} :: peel, descale
καθαρίζω {v} :: [slang] kill
καθάριος {adj} :: clean, straight
καθαριότητα {f} :: cleanliness
καθάρισμα {n} :: cleaning, scouring, cleaning up
καθαρισμός {m} :: scouring, cleaning up
καθαριστής {m} :: cleaner [used for all cleaners or a male cleaner]
καθαρίστρια {f} :: female cleaner, charwoman [dated British]
κάθαρμα {n} [obsolete, literally] :: scrap, rubbish (anything to be cleaned or thrown away)
κάθαρμα {n} [offensive, derogatory, figuratively] :: scum, bastard, son of a bitch, asshole, prick (extremely unpleasant or objectionable person)
καθαρματάκι {n} [offensive, derogatory] :: diminutive of κάθαρμα
καθαρματάρα {n} [offensive, derogatory] :: augmentative of κάθαρμα
καθαρός {adj} :: clean, pure, clear
καθαρός {adj} [Judaism] :: kosher
καθαρός {adj} [music] :: perfect (as in perfect fourth)
κάθαρση {f} :: catharsis, purging, purification
καθαρτικό {n} :: laxative
καθαρτικός {adj} :: cleansing
καθαρτικός {adj} :: laxative
κάθε {determiner} :: (individual) every, each
κάθε {determiner} :: (whatever) any
κάθε {determiner} :: (repetition) every, each
κάθε {determiner} :: (derigatory) any
κάθειρξη {f} :: imprisonment
καθείς {pron} [formal] :: alternative form of καθένας
κάθε καρυδιάς καρύδι {phrase} :: Tom, Dick and Harry [literally: every walnut of the walnut tree]
καθέκλα {f} [formal] :: dated form of καρέκλα
καθέλκομαι {v} [shipping] :: I am launched
καθελκύομαι {v} [shipping] :: be launched
καθελκύω {v} [shipping] :: launch
καθεμίαν {pron} :: alternative form of καθεμία
καθεμιάν {pron} :: alternative form of καθεμιά
καθέναν {pron} :: alternative form of καθένα
καθένας {pron} :: each, each one [separately]
καθένας {pron} :: everyone, everybody
καθεστώς {n} :: regime
καθεστώς {n} :: status quo
κάθετα {adv} :: vertically
καθετήρας {m} [medical] :: catheter, probe
καθετί {pron} :: everything, all things
καθετί {pron} :: every thing, every single thing
κάθετο δοκάρι {n} [sports] :: goalpost
κάθετος {adj} :: vertical, steep, sharp
κάθετος {adj} [geometry] :: perpendicular, orthogonal, vertical (at or forming a right angle to)
κάθετος {adj} [typography] :: slash, virgule
κάθετος {adj} [typography] :: pipe
κάθετος {adj} [figuratively] :: unquestionable, straight
καθηγητής {m} [education] :: professor, university teacher, lecturer
καθηγητής {m} [education] :: secondary school/high school teacher, schoolmaster
καθηγητής {m} [education] :: language tutor
καθηγητής {m} [figuratively] :: expert
καθηγήτρια {f} [education] :: professor, university teacher, lecturer
καθηγήτρια {f} [education] :: secondary school/high school teacher, schoolmistress
καθηγήτρια {f} [education] :: language tutor
καθηγήτρια {f} [figuratively] :: expert
καθήκον {n} :: duty
καθημερινός {adj} :: daily, every day
καθημερινός {adj} :: everyday, ordinary, workaday, commonplace
καθημερινός {adj} :: working day
κάθιδρος {adj} :: extremely sweaty
καθιδρύομαι {v} [rare formal term] :: synonym of ιδρύομαι: "Ι am founded"
καθιδρύομεν {v} [Katharevousa] :: form of Modern: καθιδρύομε, καθιδρύουμε "we found, establish"
καθιδρύω {v} [rare formal term] :: synonym of ιδρύω: "Ι found"
καθιερώνω {v} :: establish
καθιερώνω {v} [Christianity] :: consecrate, canonise
καθιζάνω {v} [geoglogy, learned] :: [of earth] subside of ground
καθιζάνω {v} [chemistry, learned] :: [of particles in a solution] settle down, as in sedimentation
καθίζοντας {v} :: participle of καθίζω
καθίζω {v} [causal] :: to make to sit down, seat
καθίζω {v} [idiomatic] :: to make to sit down and listen to directions
καθίζω {vi} :: settle [sink gradually to a lower level]
καθίζω {v} :: and see Expressions at Related terms
καθίζω στο σκαμνί {v} [colloquial, idiom] :: take to court [of law]
καθικάκι {n} :: diminutive of καθίκι
καθίκι {n} [colloquial, dated, literally] :: chamber pot, potty (a container used for urination and defecation)
καθίκι {n} [colloquial, offensive, figuratively] :: bastard, son of a bitch, asshole, prick (extremely unpleasant or objectionable person)
καθισμένος {v} :: seated
καθίσταμαι {v} :: become, be
καθιστικό {n} :: sitting room, lounge
καθιστικό {n} [biology, marine] :: slow-moving, bottom dwelling sea organism
καθιστώ {v} :: make, appoint
κάθοδος {f} [physics, chemistry, electricty] :: cathode
κάθοδος {f} :: decrease
κάθοδος {f} :: descent, route downwards
κάθοδος {f} :: route southwards
κάθοδος {f} [politics] :: participation in an election
καθοίκι {n} :: alternative form of καθίκι
καθολικό {n} [architecture, orthodoxy] :: part of a church: space between narthex and sanctuary
καθολικό {n} [religion] :: monastery chapel
καθολικό {n} [administration] :: (universal) ledger
καθολικός {adj} :: universal
καθολικός {adj} :: catholic
καθόλου {adv} :: at all
καθόλου {adv} :: by no means
κάθομαι {v} :: [at space] sit, sit down
κάθομαι {v} :: remain standing
κάθομαι {v} :: stay, reside
κάθομαι {v} :: [of activity, state of mind]
κάθομαι {v} :: [+ να] to be occupied with
κάθομαι {v} :: remain idle, to be bored, doing nothing
κάθομαι {v} :: accept, be patient
κάθομαι {v} :: [of things] to retreat, to become sedimented
κάθομαι {v} [idiomatic] :: of less efficiency, worsened results
κάθομαι {v} [idiomatic] :: happened by fluke
κάθομαι με σταυρωμένα χέρια {v} [idiom] :: sit on one's hands (to be idle when action is needed)
καθομιλουμένη {f} [linguistics] :: the standard language spoken by the majority of speakers
καθομιλουμένη {f} :: the standard urban language of everyday life
καθορίζω {v} :: determine, stipulate
καθοριστικά {adv} :: definitively
καθρέπτης {m} :: alternative form of καθρέφτης
καθρέφτης {m} :: mirror
καθρέφτης {m} :: looking glass [old fashioned]
καθ' ύλην αρμόδιος {m} :: the person (especially the official) relevant or responsible in a matter
καθώς {conj} :: as, while
καθώς {conj} :: since, seeing as, because
και {conj} :: and
και {conj} :: also
και {conj} :: plus, and
και {conj} :: past [time]
και αν {phrase} :: even if, whatever
και ας {phrase} :: even if, even though
Καϊάφας {prop} {m} :: Caiaphas, Kaiaphas (English variants of the same name), the name of the Jewish high priest to whom Jesus was taken after his capture in Gethsemane
Καϊάφας {prop} {m} :: town at the Peloponnese
και βάλε {phrase} :: See: el και βάλε
και βάλε {phrase} [idiom] :: or more, if not more (that and even higher)
καίγομαι {v} [passive] :: burn, be set on fire, be set alight
καίγω {v} :: alternative form of καίω
καΐκι {n} :: caique (a small sea-going vessel used for trading or fishing, originally made of wood and powered by sail)
και λοιπά {phrase} :: alternative form of και τα λοιπά
και λοιπά πολλά {phrase} :: and many more
καϊμάκι {n} :: foam or crema on freshly prepared Greek coffee
καϊμάκι {n} :: clotted cream
καϊμάκι {n} :: mastic flavoured ice cream
καϊμάκι {n} [figuratively] :: elite
κάιμαν {n} :: caiman, cayman
Καινή Διαθήκη {prop} {f} [Christianity] :: New Testament
Καινοζωικός {m} [geology] :: Cenozoic
καινοζωικός {adj} [geology] :: Cenozoic
καινοτομία {f} :: innovation, novelty
καινούργιος {adj} :: new; recently acquired or made
καινοφανής {adj} [literally] :: newly-appearing, newly-visible
καινοφανής {adj} [figuratively] :: unheard of, unprecedented, novel, new-fangled
καινοφανής {m} [astronomy] :: nova (sudden brightening of a previously inconspicuous star.)
Κάιος {prop} {m} :: rare spelling of Γάιος
και ούτω καθεξής {phrase} :: and so forth
Κάιρο {prop} {n} :: Κάιρο (capital city)
καιρός {m} :: weather
καιρός {m} :: time, events
Καισαριανή {prop} :: Καισαριανή (city)
καΐσι {n} :: alternative form of καϊσί
καϊσί {n} :: type of apricot, with edible stone
καίσιο {n} [chemistry] :: caesium (alkali metal)
και τα λοιπά {phrase} :: et cetera, etcetera, etc
καίω {vti} :: burn, burn down, set on fire
καίω {v} :: cremate
καίω {v} :: singe
καίω {v} :: sterilise
κακά {adv} :: badly
κακά {n} [uncountable, colloquial, colloquial, childish, ] :: poo, poop, crap
κακάκια {np} :: diminutive of κάκα
κακάο {n} :: cocoa [raw material, powder and drink]
κακάσχημος {adj} [pejorative] :: butt-ugly, ugly as sin, hideous (exceptionally ugly)
κακατού {m} {n} :: alternative form of κακατούα
κακατούα {m} {n} :: cockatoo
Κάκια {prop} {f} :: given name
κακία {f} :: evil
κακία {f} :: malice, rancour
κακία {f} :: grudge
κακίστρα {f} [of a woman, familiar] :: spiteful, sinister, vicious
κακίστρω {f} [of a woman, familiar] :: synonym of κακίστρα
κακό {n} :: evil
κακό {n} [plural forms, colloquial, juvenile] :: poo, poop, poopies (excrement, faeces)
κακόβουλος {adj} :: malevolent, malicious
κακογαμημένος {v} [colloquial, vulgar] :: badly-fucked (fucked in an unsatisfying, inadequate way)
κακοκεφιά {f} :: low spirits, gloominess, misery
κακολογώ {v} :: defame, malign, blacken
κακομάζαλος {adj} :: ill-fated, miserable
κακό μάτι {n} :: evil eye
κακοποιός {adj} :: criminal
κακοποιός {mf} :: criminal
κακοποιός {mf} :: thug
κακοποιώ {v} :: assault
κακοποιώ {v} :: knock about, beat up, rough up
κακοποιώ {v} :: rape
κακοποιώ {v} :: manhandle
κακός {adj} :: bad, evil, ill, wicked
κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει {proverb} [derogatory] :: a creaking door hangs longest, a creaking door hangs long on its hinges, the good die young (about evil or bad persons who hang on to life and refuse to die)
Κακός Λύκος {prop} {m} :: Big Bad Wolf [fictional evil wolf appearing in folktales]
κακότροπος {adj} :: grumpy, stroppy, quarrelsome, gruff, grouchy, cantankerous, curmudgeonly
κακούργημα {n} [law] :: felony (most serious crime category, punishable by imprisonment of five years to life)
κακοφανισμός {m} :: resentment
κακοφανισμός {m} :: offence
κακόφωνος {adj} :: cacophonous
κάκτος {m} :: cactus
κάκωση {f} :: lesion
καλά {adv} :: well
καλάθι {n} :: basket
καλάθι {n} [basketball] :: goal
καλάθι {n} [basketball] :: a target area for the ball
καλαθοσφαίριση {f} [sports] :: basketball [the more formal, but much less common term]
καλαισθησία {f} :: good taste, aesthetic sense
καλαίσθητος {adj} :: tasteful, having good taste
καλαίσθητος {adj} :: well-mannered, elegant
καλά κρασιά {interj} [colloquial, sarcasm] :: yeah, right, as if, whatever, dream on (sarcastic reply to something unlikely or unrelated to discussion)
καλαμάκι {n} :: small rod
καλαμάκι {n} :: small wooden skewer
καλαμάκι {n} :: drinking straw
καλαμάρι {n} :: squid (marine cephalopod)
καλαμάρι {n} [archaic] :: inkwell
Καλαμάτα {prop} {f} :: Καλαμάτα (city/regional capital)
καλαματιανός {adj} :: related to Kalamata, a town in the Peloponnese
καλαματιανός {m} [Greece] :: Kalamatianos, a dance originating in the Peloponnese
καλάμι {n} :: reed, plant with hollow stem
καλάμι {n} [anatomy] :: shin
καλάμι {n} :: telescopic rod (for fishing, etc)
καλαμιά {f} :: reed [grass-like plant]
καλαμίδι {n} :: fishing tackle, fishing rod
κάλαμος {m} :: reed pen
κάλαμος {m} :: reed, cane
καλαμποκάλευρο {n} :: cornmeal
καλαμποκέλαιο {n} :: corn oil
καλαμπόκι {n} :: corn, maize [the plant, the cob or the grain]
καλαμποκίσιος {adj} :: corn, maize
καλαμποκόψωμο {n} :: cornbread
καλά να πάθεις {interj} :: serves you right (you deserve the bad consequences of your actions)
καλά να πάθετε {interj} :: serves you right (you deserve the bad consequences of your actions)
κάλαντα {np} :: carol or carols
κάλαντα {np} :: Christmas carol
καλαφατικό {n} [nautical] :: caulking iron, caulker
καλαφάτισμα {n} [nautical] :: caulking, caulk (the act of caulking or the material used when caulking)
καλαφάτισμα {n} [figuratively, colloquial] :: shag, bang, bonk, screw (an act of sexual intercourse)
καλά Χριστούγεννα {phrase} :: Merry Christmas!
καλά Χριστούγεννα και καλή χρονιά {phrase} :: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
καλδέρα {m} :: alternative form of καλντέρα
καλέ {interj} [colloquial] :: hey, oi (vocative interjection)
καλέ {interj} [colloquial] :: will you, won't you (request interjection)
καλέ {interj} [colloquial] :: wow, oh my, jeez, gosh (shock or surprise interjection)
καλέ {interj} [colloquial] :: well, well, well (irony or sarcasm interjection)
καλέμι {n} :: cold chisel
καλές γιορτές {phrase} :: Happy Christmas, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
καλεσμένος {adj} :: invited, asked to attend
καλές τέχνες {fp} :: fine arts (purely aesthetic arts)
Καλή Ανάσταση {interj} :: Happy Easter
Καλή Λαμπρή {interj} :: Happy Easter
καλημάνα {f} :: lapwing, peewit (the family of lapwings and plovers)
καλημάνα {f} :: northern lapwing [Vanellus vanellus: a species found in Greece: more correctly "ευρωπαϊκή καλημάνα" ]
καλημέρα {interj} :: good morning, hello, good day
καλημέρα {f} :: good morning, hello
καληνύκτα {interj} :: alternative form of καληνύχτα
καληνύχτα {interj} :: goodnight!
καλή όρεξη {interj} :: bon appétit, enjoy your meal
καλή Πρωτοχρονιά {phrase} :: Happy New Year
καλησπέρα {interj} :: good evening
καλή τύχη {interj} :: good luck!
καλή χρονιά {phrase} :: Happy New Year
καλιαρντά {np} :: Kaliarda (cant used by the homosexual community in Greece)
καλικαντζαράκι {n} :: diminutive of καλικάντζαρος
καλικάντζαρος {m} [mythology, folklore] :: gremlin, goblin (creature which according to Greek folklore lives underground and comes up on Christmas Day to cause minor mischief, like putting out fires, and disappearing back into the earth on the feast of the Epiphany)
καλικαντζαρούδι {n} :: diminutive of καλικάντζαρος
κάλιο {n} [chemistry] :: potassium
κάλιο {n} [chemistry] :: alkali
Καλιφόρνια {prop} {f} :: Καλιφόρνια (state)
καλιφόρνιο {n} :: californium
καλκάνι {n} :: turbot [fish]
καλκάνι {n} :: gable
καλλιγραφία {f} :: calligraphy, beautiful writing
καλλιγράφος {mf} :: calligrapher
καλλιγράφος {mf} :: a person with attractive handwriting
καλλιέργεια {f} [biology, microbiology] :: culture
καλλιέργεια {f} [figuratively] :: culture, cultivation
καλλιέργεια {f} [horticulture] :: culture, cultivation
καλλιεργώ {v} :: grow, cultivate
κάλλιο {adv} [chiefly literary or in proverbs and set phrases] :: better, preferable, sooner
κάλλιο αργά παρά ποτέ {proverb} :: better late than never
κάλλιο πέντε και στο χέρι παρά δέκα και καρτέρει {proverb} [figuratively] :: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (It is preferable to have a small but certain advantage than a mere potential of a greater one.)
Καλλιόπη {prop} {f} :: given name, Calliope [the Muse of eloquence and epic]
καλλίπυγος {adj} :: callipygian, callipygous (with beautifully shaped buttocks)
καλλιτέχνης {m} [arts] :: artist
καλλιτεχνικός {adj} :: artistic
καλλίφωνος {adj} :: melodious
κάλλος {n} :: beauty
καλλυντικό {n} :: cosmetic
κάλμα {f} [nautical] :: calm seas or weather
κάλμα {interj} :: calm down!
καλμάρω {vt} :: I make calm, softer
καλμάρω {vi} :: I am calm (mostly of the climate, the sea)
καλντέρα {f} [volcanology] :: caldera, crater
καλντερίμι {n} [colloquial] :: cobbled street [in towns or villages]
καλντερίμι {n} [colloquial] :: cobbled mule track [in countryside]
καλντεριμιτζού {f} :: prostitute, sex worker
καλό {n} :: good
καλό βράδυ {phrase} :: good evening
καλογεροπαίδι {n} :: young monk
καλογερόπουλο {n} :: young monk
καλόγερος {m} [religion] :: monk, friar
καλόγερος {m} [figuratively, humorous] :: a solitary, ascetic, monkish person
καλόγερος {m} :: coat rack, hatstand
καλόγερος {m} [medicine] :: boil
καλόγερος {m} :: great tit (bird)
καλόγερος {m} [nautical] :: exposed rock at sea
καλόγρια {f} [religion] :: nun, sister (member of a Christian religious community of women who live by certain vows and usually wear a habit)
καλόγρια {f} [colloquial, humorous, pejorative, figuratively] :: prude, prig, puritan (woman who is or tries to be excessively proper, especially one who is easily offended by matters of a sexual nature)
καλοήθης {adj} [medicine] :: benign
καλοήθης {adj} [rare, learned] :: good-natured, virtuous
καλοκαίρι {n} :: summertime, summer
καλοκαιριάτικα {adv} [colloquial, sometimes humorous or pejorative] :: in the summertime, in the summer [usually with reference to something not appropriate or usual for the season]
καλοκαιριάτικος {adj} :: resembling summer, summery
καλοκαιρινός {adj} :: summery, summer, summer- (occurring during, suitable for or typical of the season of summer)
καλοκαιρινός {adj} :: 'see vernacular expression: το κάνω καλοκαιρινό
καλομαθημένος {v} [negative sense] :: [used frequently] spoiled
καλομαθημένος {v} :: accustomed to an easy life, without deprivations
καλομαθημένος {v} :: [more rare] well-bred, well-mannered
καλομάνα {f} [demotic] :: the good mother, the most loved
καλομοίρα {adj} [demotic] :: a woman with good fortune
καλομοίρης {adj} [colloquial] :: favoured by good fortune
Καλό Πάσχα {interj} :: Happy Easter
καλοπέραση {f} :: well-being, good time
καλορίζικος {adj} [colloquial] :: fortunate, lucky (having good luck)
κάλος {m} :: callus, corn, bunion (area of hardened skin)
καλός {adj} :: good
καλός {adj} :: nice, likeable
καλός {m} :: the good man
καλός {m} :: goodie, goody
καλός {m} :: sweetheart
καλοσύνη {f} :: kindness, charity
καλό ταξίδι {interj} :: bon voyage (have a good journey)
καλού-κακού {adv} :: just in case
καλούπι {n} :: mould [UK], mold [US] [anything in/around which something is formed/shaped]
καλούπι {n} [construction] :: shuttering, formwork
καλουπώνω {v} [construction] :: construct formwork or shuttering
καλουπώνω {v} :: cast [concrete etc]
καλοφάγωτος {adj} [familiar, as a blessing] :: literally: well eaten, a sweet to be eaten with pleasure and satisfaction
καλοφάγωτος {adj} [figuratively] :: [of a newly acquired sum of money]
κάλπη {f} :: ballot box
καλσόν {n} :: tights [UK], pantyhose [US]
κάλτσα {f} :: sock
κάλτσα {f} :: stocking
καλύβα {f} :: hut, shack
καλύβα {f} :: hovel
καλύβη {f} :: alternative form of καλύβα
κάλυκας {m} [military] :: bullet case, shell case, shell
κάλυκας {m} [botany] :: calyx, bud
Κάλυμνος {prop} {f} :: Κάλυμνος (island)
Κάλυμνος {prop} {f} :: Kalymnos (largest town on the above island)
καλύπτομαι {v} :: I am covered
καλύπτρα {f} :: veil, cover
καλύπτρα {f} [botany] :: root cap
καλύπτω {v} :: cover, coat
καλύπτω {v} :: cover, provide covering fire
καλύτερα {adv} :: comparative of καλά
καλύτερος {adj} :: better, nicer, more likeable. comparative of καλός
καλώ {v} :: call, hail [someone by name]
καλώ {v} :: summon, invite
καλώ {v} :: dial, ring [by telephone]
καλώδιο {n} [electricity] :: cable, flex, cord
καλώδιο {n} [engineering] :: cable [used in construction of bridges, etc]
κάλως {m} [nautical] :: cable, thick rope
καλώς {adv} :: well, all right, alright
καλωσήρθατε {interj} :: alternative form of καλώς ήρθατε (welcome)
καλώς ήρθατε {interj} :: welcome [second person plural, formal ‡]
καλωσήρθες {interj} :: alternative form of καλώς ήρθες (welcome)
καλώς ήρθες {interj} :: welcome [second person singular, familiar]
καλωσορίζω {v} :: welcome [a person]
καλώς ορίσατε {interj} :: welcome [second-person plural or formal ]
καλώς όρισες {interj} :: welcome [second person singular or familiar ]
καλωσόρισμα {n} :: welcome
καλώς σας βρήκα {interj} :: pleased to have found you - response to καλώς ορίσατε [second-person plural, formal ]
καλώς σε βρήκα {interj} :: pleased to have found you - response to καλώς όρισες [second-person singular, informal ]
καμάκι {n} [fishing] :: harpoon, spear
καμάκι {n} [fishing] :: gaff
καμάκι {n} [figuratively] :: pickup, seduction
κάμαρα {f} :: room, bedroom, chamber
καμαρίνι {n} :: dressing room
κάμερα {f} [film, photography] :: camera [usually for film and video]
κάμερα-μαν {m} [film] :: cameraman, camera operator
καμεραμάν {m} :: alternative form of κάμερα-μαν
Καμερούν {prop} {n} :: Cameroon
Καμερουνέζα {f} :: Cameroonian (a person from Cameroon)
καμερουνέζικος {adj} :: Cameroonian (relating to Cameroon or its people)
Καμερουνέζος {m} :: Cameroonian (a person from Cameroon)
καμήλα {f} :: camel
καμήλα {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: old cow
καμηλοπάρδαλη {f} :: giraffe
Καμηλοπάρδαλις {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Camelopardalis [constellation]
καμικάζι {m} :: kamikaze (suicidal attacker)
καμινάδα {f} :: domestic chimney
κάμνω {v} :: alternative form of κάνω
καμουφλάζ {n} :: camouflage
καμουφλάρομαι {v} :: I am camouflaged
καμουφλάρω {v} :: Ι camouflage
καμπάνα {f} :: bell (church bell, etc)
καμπάνα {f} :: bungalow
καμπαναριό {n} :: bell tower, belfry, campanile
καμπανολογία {f} :: campanology
Καμπέρα {prop} {f} :: Καμπέρα (capital city)
Καμπερνέ Σοβινιόν {n} :: a pale blue grape variety commonly used in the making of wine; the Cabernet Sauvignon
Καμπερνέ Σοβινιόν {n} :: wine made of Cabernet Sauvignon
κάμπια {f} :: caterpillar [larva]
καμπίνα {f} :: ship's cabin
καμπίνα {f} :: phone box, telephone box, telephone booth, telephone kiosk
καμπίνα {f} :: bathing cabin, bathing hut
καμπίσια πέρδικα {f} :: Perdix perdix : grey partridge, English partridge, Hungarian partridge, hun
καμπίσιος {adj} :: (of the) plain, plains
κάμπος {m} [geography] :: plain (large, flat lands)
κάμποσος {adj} :: enough, sufficient
καμπόσος {adj} :: (spoken) alternative form of κάμποσος
Καμπότζη {prop} {f} :: Cambodia
καμπούρα {f} :: hump, hunch (deformity on back caused by kyphosis, scoliosis, etc)
καμπούρα {f} :: hump (on a camel)
καμπούρα {f} [colloquial] :: hunchback, humpback (female hunched over or suffering from kyphosis, scoliosis, etc)
καμπούρης {m} [colloquial] :: hunchback, humpback (person hunched over or suffering from kyphosis, scoliosis, etc)
κάμπτομαι {v} :: Ι become curved
κάμπτομαι {v} [figuratively] :: I yield, give in
κάμπτω {vt} :: bend, curve
κάμπτω {vt} [figuratively] :: cause to yield, to give in
καμπύλη {f} :: curve, circle
καν {conj} :: even (implying an extreme example in the case mentioned)
καν {conj} :: even, so much as
καν {conj} [rare] :: either ... or
Καναδάς {prop} {m} :: Καναδάς (country)
Καναδή {f} :: Canadian (a person from Canada)
καναδικός {adj} :: Canadian
Καναδός {m} :: Canadian (a person from Canada)
κανακεύω {v} :: mollycoddle, mother
κανακεύω {v} :: pamper, pet
κανάλι {n} :: canal
κανάλι {n} :: channel
καναπεδάκι {m} :: small sofa, couch or settee
καναπές {m} :: sofa, couch, settee
Κανάρια Νησιά {prop} {np} :: alternative form of Κανάριοι Νήσοι
Κανάριες Νήσοι {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Κανάριοι Νήσοι
καναρίνι {n} :: canary [bird]
Κανάριοι Νήσοι {np} :: Κανάριοι Νήσοι (archipelago/and/autonomous community)
κανάτα {f} :: jug, pitcher [wide-mouthed vessel with ear handle]
κανάτι {n} :: diminutive of κανάτα: small jug or pitcher
κανέλα {f} [cooking] :: cinnamon [spice]
κανελής {adj} [colour] :: cinnamon
κανελί {n} [colour] :: cinnamon
κανελλί {f} :: alternative form of κανελί
κανένας {pron} :: nobody, no one [not any person; the logical negation of somebody]
κανένας {pron} :: anyone, anybody
κανθαρίδα {f} :: Spanish fly [beetle]
κανιβαλίζω {v} [colloquial] :: cannibalise [UK], cannibalize [US], eat human meat
κανιβαλικός {adj} :: cannibalistic
κανιβαλισμός {m} :: cannibalism
κανίβαλος {mf} :: cannibal
κάνιστρο {n} :: trug, basket [shallow; made of reed, plastic, etc]
κάνιστρο {n} :: jerrycan [and similar liquid constainers]
κάνιστρο {n} :: bucket [on a hoist]
καννάτα {n} [literary] :: alternative form of κανάτα
καννάτι {n} [literary] :: alternative form of κανάτι
καννέλα {f} :: alternative form of κανέλα
καννελής {adj} :: alternative form of κανελής
Κάννες {prop} {fp} :: Κάννες (city)
κάννη {f} :: gun barrel
καννόνι {n} :: alternative form of κανόνι
κανό {n} :: canoe
κανονάκι {n} :: small cannon
κανονάκι {n} [musical instruments] :: qanun, kanun, kanoon
κανόνας {m} [religion] :: canon, books of the bible
κανόνας {m} [music] :: canon, round
κανόνας {m} :: canon, rule, regulations
κανόνι {n} :: cannon
κανονίζω {v} :: arrange, plan, set a date for
κανονίζω {v} :: sort out, determine
κανονικός {adj} :: regular, usual
κανονικός {adj} [grammar] :: regular (as in regular verb)
κανονισμός {m} :: regulation, bylaw
κάνοντας {v} :: participle of κάνω: making, doing
Κάνσας {prop} {n} :: Κάνσας (state)
καντάδα {f} [music] :: serenade (love song sung in streets with string accompaniment)
κανταδόρος {m} [music] :: serenader (musician who sings love song in streets with string accompaniment)
καντέλα {n} [physics] :: candela (the SI unit quantifying luminous intensity)
κάνω {v} :: do
κάνω {v} :: make
κάνω {v} :: cost
κάνω {v} :: start or found [e.g. a company]
κάνω {v} :: take [time]
κάνω {v} :: is [weather - cloudy, hot, etc]
κάνω {v} :: produce, give or yield (crop, produce)
κάνω {v} :: act, impersonate, play a role
κάνω {v} :: spend time
κάνω εμετό {v} :: vomit
κάνω κακά {v} [colloquial, childish, euphemism] :: poo, poop (to defecate)
κάνω καμάκι {v} :: pick up, flirt
κάνω ό,τι μου κατέβει {v} [idiom] :: do whatever one wants, do anything one wants [usually implies recklessness and lack of consideration]
κάνω τόπι στο ξύλο {v} [colloquial] :: beat up, beat to a pulp, beat the crap out of
κάνω του κεφαλιού μου {v} [idiom] :: do whatever one wants, do anything one wants [usually implies recklessness and lack of consideration]
καουμπόι {m} :: An American cowman, cowboy, cowhand; a buckaroo
καουμπόι {m} :: An Old West figure, a buckaroo or gunslinger, mainly from the literature of the Western genre
καουμπόικο {n} [colloquial] :: Western (movie genre)
καουμπόικο {n} :: A movie of the Western genre
καούρα {f} [medical] :: heartburn
κάπα {f} :: A shepherd's cape
κάπα {f} :: A woman's long sleeveless overcoat or cloak
κάπα {n} :: alternative form of κάππα
καπάκι {n} :: lid, top, cap, closure [of container]
κάπαρη {f} :: caper [plant]
κάπαρη {f} :: caper [flower bud]
κάπαρη {f} :: caper [pickled bud]
καπέλο {n} :: hat, cap
καπέλο {n} :: something hat shaped
καπέλο {n} [figuratively, economics] :: illegal surcharge
καπετάνιος {m} :: captain [person lawfully in command of a ship or other vessel]
καπετάνιος {m} :: (dated) chieftain
καπίστρι {n} [equestrianism] :: halter, headstall (headgear for animal)
καπιταλισμός {m} [economics] :: capitalism
καπιταλίστας {m} [economics] :: capitalist
καπιταλιστής {m} [economics] :: capitalist
καπιταλίστρια {f} [economics] :: capitalist
καπνίζομαι {v} :: I am smoked
καπνίζω {vt} :: smoke
καπνίζω {v} :: to smoke (food)
καπνίζω {vi} :: smoke (inhale and exhale smoke) [cigarette, etc]
καπνίζω σαν φουγάρο {phrase} [simile] :: to smoke like a chimney
κάπνισμα {n} :: smoking
καπνιστήρι {n} :: bee smoker, smoker
καπνιστήριο {n} :: smoking room (room for people to smoke)
καπνιστήριο {n} :: smoker (apparatus for smoking food)
καπνιστήριο {n} :: smokehouse, smokery
καπνιστής {m} :: smoker [person who smokes]
καπνιστός {adj} :: smoked
καπνίστρια {f} :: smoker [person who smokes]
κάπνιστρο {n} [rare] :: bee smoker
καπνοδοχοκαθαριστής {m} :: chimney sweep
καπνοδόχος {f} {m} [but usually feminine] :: chimney, smokestack, funnel
καπνοπωλείο {n} :: tobacconist [tobacconist's shop]
καπνοπώλης {m} :: tobacconist
καπνοπώλισσα {f} :: tobacconist
καπνός {m} :: smoke
καπνός {m} :: tobacco [plant and its products]
καποιανής {pron} :: alternative form of κάποιας
καποιανού {pron} :: alternative form of κάποιου
καποιανών {pron} [rare] :: alternative form of κάποιων
κάποιος {pron} :: someone, somebody [substantivally; as a "pronoun"]
κάποιος {pron} :: some [adjectivally; as a "determiner"]
κάποτε {adv} :: sometime; formerly, once [of past situations]; at some point [of future situations] (an unstated or indefinite time)
κάποτε {adv} [alternatingly] :: sometimes ..., other times ...; sometimes ..., sometimes ..
κάπου {adv} :: somewhere
κάπου {adv} :: about
κάπου-κάπου {adv} :: now and then
Καπουτσίνος {m} [Christianity] :: Capuchin [member of that order of Friars]
καπουτσίνος {m} :: cappuccino [coffee drink]
καπουτσίνος {m} :: capuchin [monkey]
κάππα {n} :: kappa the tenth letter of the Greek alphabet
κάππαρη {f} :: alternative form of κάπαρη
κάπρος {m} :: wild boar
κάπρος {m} :: boar, male pig
κάπως {adv} :: somewhat, kinda, a bit
κάπως {adv} :: somehow, in some way
καρα- {prefix} :: indicating and reinforcing negative or abusive attributes
καρα- {prefix} :: black
καρά- {prefix} :: alternative form of καρα-
καραβάνι {n} :: caravan (convoy or procession of travelers, their vehicles and cargo and any pack animals)
καραβάνι {n} [figuratively] :: throng, multitude, crowd (group of people crowded or gathered closely together)
καράβι {n} :: ship, boat, sailing ship
καράβια {n} :: inflected form of καράβι (ship)
καράβλαχος {m} :: yokel, hick, bumpkin, hillbilly
καραβοφάναρο {n} [nautical] :: lightship, lightvessel
Καραγκιόζης {prop} {m} :: Karagiozis (a Greek shadow theatre character, a puppet of Turkish origin)
Καραγκιόζης {prop} {m} [figuratevely, derogatory] :: [of a hilarious, silly person] → καραγκιόζης
καραγκιοζιλίκι {n} [colloquial] :: ridiculous act or performance bringing shame on the performer
καραγκιοζλίκι {n} :: alternative form of καραγκιοζιλίκι
καράγυφτος {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: augmentative of γύφτος
καραμέλα {f} :: sweet [UK confectionary: toffee, boiled sweet, etc], candy [US]
καραμέλα {f} :: caramel
καραμπίνα {f} :: carbine, rifle
καραμπίνα {f} :: shotgun
καραμπογιά {f} :: black paint
καραμπόλα {f} [billiards] :: carom, cannon (shot in which the cue ball strikes two other balls)
καραμπόλα {f} [figuratively] :: pile-up (traffic accident or collision involving multiple vehicles)
καραπουτάνα {f} [colloquial, vulgar] :: augmentative of πουτάνα
καράτε {n} :: karate
καράτι {n} [jewelry] :: carat (weight)
καρατόμηση {f} :: beheading
καρατόμηση {f} [figuratively] :: removal of a leadership
καρατομώ {v} :: behead, decapitate, decollate
καράφα {f} :: carafe, decanter
καραφάκι {n} :: diminutive of καράφα, a small carafe
καράφλα {f} :: alternative form of φαλάκρα
καραφλός {adj} :: alternative form of φαλακρός
καρβέλι {n} :: round loaf
καρβέλι {n} [figuratively] :: the financial means to sustain tolerable standard of living
καρβέλι {n} [figuratively] :: in expressions for duration of life: years
καρβονικό οξύ {n} [organic chemistry] :: carboxylic acid
καρβονικός {adj} [chemistry] :: carboxylic
καρβοξυλικό οξύ {n} [chemistry] :: carboxylic acid
καρβοξυλικός {adj} [chemistry] :: carboxylic
καρβουνιάζω {v} :: char, burn to a cinder
καρβουνιάζω {v} :: carbonise [UK], carbonize [US]
καρβουνιασμένος {adj} :: charred
κάρβουνο {n} :: coal
κάρβουνο {n} :: charcoal
κάργα {adv} :: fully, entirely, to the tonsils
κάργα {adj} :: fully, entirely, to the tonsils
κάρδαμο {n} :: [spice] cardamom, cardamon
κάρδαμο {n} :: [salad leaf] cress
καρδερίνα {n} :: goldfinch, European goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis
καρδιά {f} [anatomy] :: heart
καρδιακή προσβολή {f} [disease] :: heart attack
καρδιές {n} :: (suit of playing cards) hearts
καρδινάλιος {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: cardinal (official)
καρδιολόγος {mf} [medicine] :: cardiologist
καρδιοπάθεια {f} [medicine] :: cardiopathy (cardiovascular disease, heart disease)
καρδιόσχημος {adj} :: heart-shaped, cordate (having the traditional shape of a heart)
καρδιοχειρουργός {mf} [medicine] :: cardiac surgeon
καρέκλα {f} [furniture] :: chair
καρέκλα {f} [figuratively] :: seat (membership in an organization, particularly a representative body and/or the power associated therewith)
καρεκλάκι {n} :: diminutive of καρέκλα
καρεκλίτσα {f} :: diminutive of καρέκλα
καρεκλοκένταυρος {m} [colloquial, derogatory, humorous] :: ensconced bureaucrat, ensconced politician (public servant or politician who is metaphorically joined to his seat and will never give it up)
καρεκλοκένταυρος {m} [colloquial, derogatory, humorous] :: obstructive bureaucrat (public servant who inconveniences members of the public rather than assisting them)
καρεκλοπόδαρο {n} :: chair leg
καρενάγιο {n} :: rare form of καρνάγιο
κάρι {n} :: alternative form of κάρυ
καριέρα {f} :: career
καριόλα {f} [obsolete, literally] :: old-fashioned wooden bed
καριόλα {f} [colloquial, offensive] :: bitch, whore, trollop, slut, harlot (general term of abuse for a promiscuous woman)
καριόλης {m} [colloquial, offensive] :: asshole, bastard, fucker, douche, wanker (general term of abuse for a man)
Καρκίνος {prop} {m} [astronomy, astrology] :: Cancer [constellation]
καρκίνος {m} [medicine] :: cancer (disease of uncontrolled cellular proliferation)
καρκίνος {m} :: crab
καρκίνος {m} [astronomy, astrology] :: Cancer
καρμανιόλα {f} :: guillotine [for capital punishment or cutting stationery]
καρμανιόλα {f} [figuratively] :: accident blackspot or a warning sign for one
καρμπόν {n} :: carbon paper
καρμπόν {n} :: carbon copy, a copy made using carbon paper
καρνάγιο {n} [colloquial] :: boatyard [especially a small repair yard]
καρντάσης {m} :: brother
καρντάσης {m} :: close friend, comrade
καρντάσι {m} :: alternative form of καρντάσης
Κάρντιφ {prop} {n} :: Κάρντιφ (city/and/county/caplc)
Κάρολος {prop} {m} :: given name: Charles
καρότο {n} :: carrot (root vegetable)
καρότσα {f} :: trailer [of motor vehicle]
καρότσα {f} :: rear part of pickup truck
καρότσα {f} :: four-wheeled carriage
καροτσάκι {n} [more commonly] :: baby buggy, pushchair, stroller
καροτσάκι {n} :: shopping trolley
καροτσάκι {n} :: wheelchair
καροτσάκι {n} :: sack truck, sack barrow
καροτσάκι {n} [less commonly] :: wheelbarrow
καρότσι {n} :: wheelbarrow
καρότσι {n} [less commonly] :: baby buggy, pushchair, stroller
Κάρπαθος {prop} {f} :: Karpathos, the island in the Dodecanese
Κάρπαθος {prop} {f} :: Karpathos, a village in the Dodecanese prefecture
καρπός {m} :: fruit, grain
καρπός {m} [anatomy] :: wrist
καρπούζι {n} :: watermelon
κάρρυ {n} :: alternative form of κάρυ
κάρτα {f} :: card
κάρτα {f} :: credit card, debit card
κάρτα {f} :: postcard
κάρτα {f} :: business card
κάρτα {f} :: birthday card, greeting card
κάρτα γενεθλίων {f} :: birthday card
καρτεζίνι {n} [historical, obsolete] :: kartezini [36 δράμια or ~115g.] during Enetocracy in Ionian Islands
Κάρτερ {prop} :: A transliteration of an English surname
καρτεράω {v} :: alternative form of καρτερώ
καρτέρι {n} :: ambush
καρτερώ {vt} :: synonym of περιμένω: wait for [colloquial, in literature]
καρτερώ {vi} [less frequent] :: synonym of καρτερεύω: suffer patiently [colloquial, in literature]
καρτ-ποστάλ {n} :: postcard
κάρυ {n} :: curry [the spice and the dish prepared from it]
καρύδα {f} :: coconut
καρύδι {n} :: walnut, the fruit of walnut tree
καρύδι {n} [anatomy] :: Adam's apple, laryngeal prominence
καρυδιά {f} :: walnut tree
καρυδιά {f} :: walnut [timber, wood]
καρυδότσουφλο {n} :: nutshell
καρυδότσουφλο {n} [figuratively] :: unseaworthy boat or ship
καρύκευμα {n} :: herb, spice, seasoning
καρύκευμα {n} :: condiment
καρύκευμα {n} [figuratively] :: sweetening words
καρυοθραύστης {m} :: nutcracker [implement for cracking nuts]
καρυοθραύστης {m} :: nutcracker ["Nucifraga caryocatactes" the eurasian bird]
καρυοθραύστης {m} [capitalised] :: the Nutcracker [opera]
καρφάκι {n} :: diminutive of καρφί: small nail
καρφάκι {n} :: tack, brad
καρφί {n} :: nail (metal fastener used for joining wood, etc)
καρφί {n} [in abbreviated form] :: rivet
καρφί {n} :: informer, snitch, grass [UK], ratfink [US]
καρφί {n} [volleyball] :: spike
καρφί {adv} :: straight, directly
καρφί {adv} :: directly, straight away
καρφίτσα {f} :: pin [small nail, etc]
καρφίτσα {f} :: pin [part of brooch, etc]
καρφώνομαι {v} :: I am nailed
καρφώνω {v} :: nail, stab
καρφώνω {v} [figuratively] :: denounce, inform against
καρφώνω {v} [basketball] :: dunk
καρχαρίας {m} :: shark
Καρχηδόνα {prop} {f} :: Καρχηδόνα (ancient city)
Καρχηδόνα {prop} {f} :: Καρχηδόνα (ancient civilisation)
καρωτίδα {f} :: carotid
καρωτίδα {f} :: carotid artery
κάσα {f} :: coffin, casket (oblong closed box for burying the dead)
κάσα {f} :: strongbox, coffer, chest
κάσκα {f} :: helmet [for cycling, motorcycling, police, etc]
κασκαντέρ {mf} :: stuntman, stuntwoman
Κασμίρ {prop} {n} :: Kashmir
Κασσάνδρα {f} [mythology] :: Cassandra (the daughter of King Priam of Troy)
Κασσάνδρα {f} [figuratively] :: Cassandra (a foreteller of doom)
Κασσάνδρα {f} :: given name
Κασσιόπη {prop} {f} [astronomy, astrology] :: Cassiopeia [the constellation]
Κασσιόπη {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Cassiopeia [mythical wife of Cepheus]
Κασσιόπη {prop} {f} :: given name
κασσίτερος {m} [chemistry, metallurgy] :: tin
καστανάς {n} :: hot chestnut man, hot chestnut seller
καστανέρυθρο {n} [colour] :: maroon
καστανέρυθρος {adj} :: maroon, brownish-red
καστάνια {f} :: pawl
καστανιά {n} :: chestnut tree
κάστανο {n} :: chestnut [fruit of the tree]
καστανό {f} [colour] :: brown, chestnut
καστανοκίτρινο {n} [colour] :: fawn
καστανοκίτρινος {adj} [color] :: yellow-brown, fawn
καστανοκόκκινο {n} [colour] :: puce
καστανοκόκκινος {adj} [color] :: sorrel, puce
καστανομάλλης {adj} :: brown haired
καστανομάτης {adj} :: browneyed brown eyed
καστανός {adj} :: brown, chestnut [colour]
κάστορας {m} :: beaver (aquatic mammal)
Καστοριά {prop} {f} :: Kastoria (large town in Kastoria in Greece)
Καστοριά {prop} {f} :: Καστοριά (lake)
κάστρο {n} :: castle, stronghold
κάστρο {n} :: city walls
κατ- {prefix} :: alternative form of κατα-
κατ' {prep} :: alternative form of κατά
κάτ- {prefix} :: alternative form of κατ- of κατα-
κατα- {prefix} :: added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicates something that is down in a downward direction:
κατα- {prefix} :: added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicates something to a great degree or intensity:
κατα- {prefix} :: added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicates something is against a person to a great degree:
κατα- {prefix} [geology] :: added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicates something that is under or before:
κατά- {prefix} :: alternative form of κατα-
κατά {prep} [with genitive] :: versus, against
κατά {prep} [with accusative] :: towards
κατά {prep} [with accusative] :: during
κατά {prep} [with accusative] :: around, about, close to
κατά {prep} [with accusative] :: according
καταβάλλω {vt} :: overcome, defeat, humiliate
καταβάλλω {vt} :: exhaust, make an effort
καταβάλλω {vt} [formal] :: pay an amount [money]
καταβροχθίζω {v} :: devour, eat greedily
καταγάλανος {adj} :: all blue
καταγάλανος {adj} :: intensely blue
κάταγμα {n} [medicine] :: fracture, break [bone injury]
καταγραφή {f} :: writing down, transcription, recording, registering [facts, sounds, values etc.]
καταγράφομαι {v} :: I am recorded, registered
καταγράφω {v} :: register, list
καταγράφω {v} :: minute (to write minutes)
καταδίδω {vt} :: inform against, denounce
καταδίκη {f} [law] :: sentence, conviction
κατάδικος {mf} [legal] :: convict, prisoner
καταδίνω {v} :: alternative form of καταδίδω
καταδιώκομαι {v} :: I am prosecuted, persecuted
καταδιώκω {v} :: pursue, chase
κατάδοση {f} :: informing, denunciation
καταδότης {m} :: informer
καταδότης {m} :: stool pigeon
καταδότρια {m} :: informer
καταδότρια {m} :: stool pigeon
καταδρομέας {m} [military] :: commando
καταδρομή {f} :: surprise raid [by elite force - commandos, SAS, etc]
καταδύομαι {v} :: dive
κατάδυση {f} :: dive, diving (underwater swimming, with or without apparatus)
κατάδυση {f} [sport] :: diving, dive
καταδυτικός {adj} :: diving
καταδυτικός κώδων {m} :: diving bell
κατάθεση {f} :: submission, presentation, registration
κατάθεση {f} :: deposit [in bank]
κατάθεση {f} :: testimony [in court of law]
καταθέτω {v} :: register, submit, lodge, file, hand in
καταθέτω {v} [finance] :: deposit
καταθέτω {v} [legal] :: testify, give evidence
κατάθλιψη {f} [psychiatry] :: depression
καταιγίδα {f} [meteorology] :: thunderstorm, storm
κατακάθι {n} :: sediment, dregs
κατακάθι {n} [specifically for Greek coffee] :: dregs, the coffee grounds in Greek coffee
κατακάθι {n} :: a worthless or vulgar person, scum
κατακάθι {n} :: remnants of usually bitter experiences and memories
κατάκλειστος {adj} :: completely closed or shut up [house, shop, etc]
κατακόκκινος {adj} :: all red
κατακόκκινος {adj} :: intensely red
κατακόμβη {f} :: catacomb
κατακουράζω {v} :: overtire, excessively wear out
κατακριτέος {adj} :: reprehensible, blameworthy
κατάλ {n} [chemistry] :: katal (the derived SI unit of catalytic activity)
καταλαβαίνω {v} :: understand, realise
καταλαμβάνω {v} :: seize, capture, acquire sovereignty
καταλαμβάνω {v} [crime] :: detect
καταλαμβάνω {v} :: understand, grasp [possibly incorrectly]
Καταλανή {f} :: Catalan (a person from Catalonia)
Καταλανικά {np} :: alternative form of καταλανικά
καταλανικά {np} :: Catalan (the language of Catalonia and its people)
καταλανικός {adj} :: Catalan, Catalonian (relating to Catalonia or its people or language)
Καταλανός {m} :: Catalan (a person from Catalonia)
κατάλευκος {adj} :: all white, pure, white, completely white
κατάλευκος {adj} :: snow-white, lily-white
καταλήγω {v} :: end up
καταλήγω {v} [euphemistic] :: die
κατάληξη {f} :: ending, termination
κατάληξη {f} :: result or outcome
κατάληξη {f} [grammar] :: ending
κατάληψη {f} :: occupation, capture, takeover
κατάλληλος {adj} :: appropriate, suitable, fit, right
κατάλογος {m} :: catalogue [UK], catalog [US]
κατάλογος {m} :: list
κατάλογος {m} :: menu (a list of available dishes in restaurant)
κατάλογος {m} [computing] :: directory, folder
Καταλονία {prop} {f} :: Καταλονία (autonomous community)
καταλύομαι {v} :: I am abolished
καταλύτης {m} [chemistry] :: catalyst
καταλύτης {m} [automotive] :: catalytic converter
καταλύτης {m} :: [metaphorical] enabler [person who makes things happen]
καταλυτικός {adj} [general] :: catalytic [indicating something which accelerates a process or action]
καταλυτικός {adj} [chemistry] :: catalytic
καταλυτικός {adj} [automotive] :: catalytic
καταλύω {v} :: abolish, break down
καταλύω {v} :: stay [usually for one night]
καταλύω {v} [chemistry] :: catalyse
καταλύω {v} [religion] :: break one's fast [resume normal diet after fasting]
Καταλωνία {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Καταλονία
καταμαράν {n} :: catamaran [twin-hulled vessel]
κατάματα {adv} :: (looking) right at the eyes
κατάμαυρος {adj} :: jet-black, pitch-black, completely black
καταναγκάζομαι {v} :: be forced, compelled
καταναγκάζω {v} :: I force
καταναλώνω {v} :: consume
Κατάνια {prop} {f} :: Catania [Sicilian city and province]
κατανόηση {f} :: comprehension, understanding
κατανοητός {adj} :: understandable, comprehensible
κατανοώ {v} :: understand
καταντάω {vi} :: end up, be reduced to, lower oneself to (to degenerate into an undesired state or condition)
καταντάω {vt} :: make, reduce to, drive (to cause someone or something to degenerate into an undesired state or condition)
κατ' αντιδιαστολή προς {prep} :: as opposed to, in contrast to, in contradistinction
κατ' αντιδιαστολή προς {prep} :: in opposition to
καταξοδεύομαι {v} :: I spend excessive amounts of money
καταξοδεύω {vt} :: overspend
καταξοδεύω {v} :: (in the passive) καταξοδεύομαι: overspend
καταξοδιάζω {v} [vernacular] :: alternative form of καταξοδεύω
καταπακτή {f} :: trapdoor
καταπάνω {adv} :: straight at, towards, upon, against
κατά πάσα πιθανότητα {adv} :: in all likelihood, probably
καταπίνω {v} :: swallow [food, drink, etc]
κατάπλασμα {n} [medicine] :: poultice [the treatment or the materials used], fomentation, cataplasm [rare]
καταπλέω {v} :: [of ship] arrive at port
καταπλέω {v} [ironic] :: unwanted person arrives
καταπλέω {v} :: sail downstream, downriver
καταπληκτικά {adv} :: fantastic!
καταπληκτικός {adj} :: amazing, fantastic, astounding
κατάπληκτος {adj} :: amazed, surprised, astounded
καταπολεμάω {v} :: alternative form of καταπολεμώ
καταπολεμιέμαι {v} :: alternative form of καταπολεμώ
καταπολεμώ {v} :: fight, combat (against a habit, a situation) to eradicate it
κατά πολύ {adv} :: by far, significantly
καταπόρφυρος {adj} :: all purple
καταπόρφυρος {adj} :: intensely purple
καταπράσινος {adj} :: verdant, lush green, intense green
καταπραϋντικό {n} :: sedative, palliative
καταπραϋντικός {adj} :: sedative, soothing, palliative
καταπραΰνω {v} :: soothe
κατά προσέγγιση {phrase} :: approximately
Κατάρ {prop} {n} :: Qatar
κατάρα {f} :: curse (the wishing of calamity on someone)
κατάρα {f} :: calamity, disaster
κατάρα {interj} :: damn!
καταραμένος {v} :: damned, confounded, accursed, cursed
κατάργηση {f} :: abolition, abrogation
καταργώ {v} :: abolish, quash, repeal, nullify, negate, annul
καταριέμαι {v} :: curse [at/about someone/something], rail against
καταρράκτης {m} [medicine] :: cataract [eye disease]
καταρράκτης {m} :: flood, inundation
καταρράκτης {m} [geography] :: waterfall, cataract, rapids
καταρρακτώδης {adj} :: torrential
καταρρακτωδώς {adv} :: torrentially
καταρράχτης {m} :: alternative form of καταρράκτης
καταρρέω {v} :: collapse
καταρρέω {v} [psychology] :: break down, collapse
καταρρέω {v} [business] :: collapse, go under, fold
κατάρτι {n} :: mast
Καταρχαιοζωικός {m} [geology] :: Hadean
καταρχαιοζωικός {adj} [geology] :: Hadean
κατ' αρχήν {prep} :: in principle
κατ' αρχήν {prep} [misuse] :: initially, at first
κατασκευάζω {v} :: make (create; construct)
κατασκευάζω {v} :: coin (make up or invent, and establish)
κατασκευή {f} :: construction, constructing
κατασκευή {f} :: structure, design
κατασκηνώνω {v} :: camp
κατασκοπεία {f} [learned] :: alternative form of κατασκοπία
κατασκοπεύω {v} :: spy
κατασκοπία {f} :: espionage, spying
κατάσκοπος {m} [military] :: spy (person who secretly watches)
κάτασπρος {adj} :: snow-white, lily-white (completely white)
κατάσταση {f} :: state, condition
κατάσταση {f} :: situation
κατάστημα {n} :: (formal) shop, store
κατάστημα {n} :: office [for contact with business etc]
καταστηματάρχης {m} :: shopkeeper
καταστρεπτικός {adj} :: destructive, catastrophic
καταστρέφομαι {v} :: be ruined
καταστρέφω {v} :: destroy, ruin, wreck
καταστρέφω {v} :: deface
καταστρέφω {v} [figuratively] :: destroy [reputation, etc]
καταστροφή {f} :: disaster, catastrophe
καταστροφή {f} :: destruction
κατάστρωμα {n} [nautical] :: deck
κατάστρωμα {n} :: deck [class of ship's passenger]
κατάσχεση {f} :: confiscation, forfeiture, seizure
κατάσχω {v} :: confiscate, seize, sequester, sequestrate
καταυλισμός {m} :: camp, bivouac [tents, bivouacs or their location]
καταυλισμός {m} [military] :: camp [area of temporary structures for military occupation]
κατάφαση {f} :: affirmation, confirmation
καταφέρνομαι {v} [rare sense] :: I inflict (a blow)
καταφέρνω {v} :: [sense: accomplish]
καταφέρνω {v} :: accomplish, succeed
καταφέρνω {v} :: persuade, win over, convince
καταφέρνω {v} [colloquial] :: synonym of καταφέρω "inflict a blow"
καταφέρομαι {v} [as deponent verb, without active voice] :: I strongly accuse, attack verbally someone
καταφέρω {v} [formal] :: land [a blow]
καταφέρω {v} [formal, figuratively] :: inflict, attack
καταφέρω {v} [formal] :: and see καταφέρομαι I accuse
καταφεύγω {v} [followed by the preposition σε] :: resort to something, have recourse to something
καταφεύγω {v} :: take refuge
καταφθάνω {v} :: arrive in time
καταφθάνω {v} :: arrive unexpectedly (also ironic, or for unpleasant arrivals)
κατάφρακτος {adj} [history, military] :: related to a cataphract
κατάφρακτος {m} [history, military] :: cataphract (a heavily armoured Byzantine military unit; a soldier thus armed; the armour worn)
καταφρονημένος {v} :: scorned, sneered at
καταφρονώ {v} :: scorn, be contemptuous of, sneer at
καταφρονώ {v} :: spurn, reject
καταφτάνω {v} [colloquial] :: alternative form of καταφθάνω arrive in time; arrive unexpectedly
καταφύγιο {n} :: shelter, refuge
κατάφυτος {adj} :: lush, verdant, green (lush)
κατά φωνή κι ο γάιδαρος {proverb} :: speak of the devil, talk of the devil (said when a person mentioned in the current conversation happens to arrive on the scene)
κατάχαμα {adv} :: on the ground
κατάχρηση {f} :: abuse of power, alcohol, drugs, etc
καταχώρηση {f} :: alternative form of καταχώριση
καταχωρητής {m} [computing] :: processor register
καταχώριση {f} :: registration [the action of making a record]
καταχώριση {f} :: register, entry [a physical record of information]
καταχώριση {f} :: publication [of information in a printed form]
κατεβαίνω {v} :: descend, go down
κατεβαίνω {v} :: disembark, alight, get off, deplane, deboard
κατ' εξοχήν {adj} :: preeminent, eminent
κατεργάζομαι {vt} :: process, treat, work, fashion (make, build or construct)
κατεργάρης {adj} :: dishonest, roguish
Κατερίνη {prop} {f} :: Κατερίνη (city/regional capital)
κατεστημένος {v} :: established
κατευνάζομαι {v} :: become tranquil, simmer down, quieten
κατευνάζω {v} :: placate, pacify
κατευνάζω {v} :: quieten, make tranquil
κατεψυγμένα {np} :: frozen goods
κατεψυγμένος {adj} :: frozen
κατηγόρημα {n} [linguistics, grammar, logic] :: predicate
κατηγορηματικά {adj} :: emphatically, categorically
κατηγορηματικός {adj} :: emphatic, categorical
κατηγορημένος {v} :: who has been accused
κατηγορία {f} :: category
κατηγορία {f} :: accusation, charge
κατηγορούμαι {v} :: I am accused
κατηγορουμένη {f} :: accused, defendant, charged
κατηγορούμενο {n} [grammar, linguistics] :: predicative
κατηγορούμενος {m} :: accused, defendant, charged
κατηγορώ {v} :: blame, accuse
κατηγορώ {v} [law] :: accuse, charge
κατήφορος {m} :: decline, descent, downhill
κάτι {pron} :: something
κατιόν {n} [physical chemistry] :: cation
κατιόντες {mp} :: descendants, line of descent
κατισχύω {v} [learned] :: +genitive: prevail over my opponents, triumph over, overpower
κατιτί {pron} :: alternative form of κάτι [used for stylistic purposes]
κάτι τρέχει στα γύφτικα {phrase} :: so what?
κατοικημένος {v} :: inhabited, residential
κατοικία {f} :: habitation
κατοικία {f} :: residence, home
κατοικία {f} :: house, dwelling
κατοικία {f} :: domicile
κάτοικος {mf} :: inhabitant
κατοικώ {vi} :: inhabit, reside permanently
κατονομάζω {v} :: name, identify, mention
κατόπιν {adv} :: at
κατόπιν {adv} :: after
κατόπιν {adv} :: following
κάτοπτρο {m} [physics] :: reflector
κάτοπτρο {m} :: mirror
κατόρθωμα {n} :: feat, accomplishment, deed, achievement
κατόρθωμα {n} :: tour de force
κατορθωτός {adj} :: achievable, accomplishable
κατοστάρι {n} :: 100 metre race
κατοστάρι {n} :: 100 dirhams, 1/4 oka
κατοστάρι {n} :: 100 dirham wine vessel
κατοστάρι {n} :: 100 grams
κατοστάρι {n} :: 100 denomination banknote [100 euros, 100 drachmae, etc]
κατοστάρικο {n} :: a one hundred denomination banknote [100 euros, 100 drachmae, etc]
κατουράω {vi} [colloquial, familiar] :: pee, wee, piddle, piss (expel urine)
κατουράω {vt} [colloquial, familiar] :: pee on, wee on, piss on (soil something or someone with urine)
κατουράω {vt} [figuratively] :: disregard, scorn, forget (show complete and utter contempt for)
κατουράω {vt} [figuratively, imperative only] :: leave alone, leave in peace (stop bothering)
κατούρημα {n} [colloquial] :: peeing, pissing (the act of urinating)
κατούρημα {n} [colloquial, by extension] :: urge to pee, urge to piss
κατουρημένος {v} :: pissed
κατουρημένος {v} [figuratively] :: extremely scared
κατούρησα στο πηγάδι {phrase} :: alternative form of στο πηγάδι κατούρησα
κατουριέμαι {v} [colloquial, familiar, both literally and figuratively] :: wet oneself, piss oneself
κατουριέμαι {v} [colloquial, familiar, figuratively] :: be on the verge of wetting oneself, badly need the toilet
κατουρλιό {n} [colloquial, usually in the plural] :: pee, piss (urine)
κατουρλιό {n} [colloquial, by extension] :: urge to pee, urge to piss
κάτουρο {n} :: urine
κατοχή {f} :: possession
κατοχή {f} :: occupation [control of a country by a hostile army]
κατράμι {n} :: tar
κατρουλιό {f} [colloquial] :: alternative form of κατουρλιό
κατσαβίδι {n} :: screwdriver
κατσαπλιάς {m} :: thief, plunderer
κατσαπλιάς {m} [pejorative] :: an insurgent of the ELAS, the Greek People's Liberation Army
κατσαρίδα {f} :: cockroach [insect]
κατσαρόλα {f} :: casserole
κατσαρόλα {f} :: saucepan
κατσαρόλα {f} :: stewpot
κατσαρός {adj} :: curly
κατσίκα {f} :: nanny goat, female goat
κατσικάκι {n} :: diminutive of κατσίκα (kid, young goat)
κατσικάκι {n} :: goat meat
κατσίκι {n} :: kid, young goat
κατσικόδρομος {m} :: desire path, goat track
κάτω {adv} :: down
κάτω {adv} :: below
κάτω {adv} :: beneath
Κάτω Αντικέρι {prop} {n} :: Lower Antikeros [One of two islands in the municipality of Amorgos in the Greek Cyclades]
κάτω γνάθος {f} [anatomy] :: mandible, lower jawbone
κατωιταλιώτικα {np} :: Italiot Greek
κάτω σε {prep} :: down [expressing direction towards a lower level]
κάτω σε {prep} :: along, down [expressing movement]
κατώφλι {n} :: threshold (doorstep)
κατώφλι {n} [figuratively] :: threshold (start, point at which something is initiated)
Κάτω Χώρες {prop} {fp} :: the Low Countries (the Netherlands and Belgium)
καυγάς {m} :: alternative form of καβγάς
καυκασιανός {adj} :: Caucasian, of the Caucasus
καυκασιανός {adj} [figuratively] :: white [of Caucasian race]
Καύκασος {prop} :: Caucasus
καύλα {f} [colloquial, vulgar] :: boner, hard-on, stiffy (erection of the penis)
καύλα {f} [colloquial, vulgar, by extension] :: horniness, hots (sexual excitement)
καύλα {f} [colloquial, vulgar, figuratively] :: Sexually arousing person, person viewed as a sex object
καυλί {n} [colloquial, vulgar] :: cock, dick, prick (the penis)
καυλί {n} [more specifically] :: dickhead, knobhead, bell-end (the glans penis)
καυλιάρα {f} [colloquial, vulgar] :: horny woman
καυλιάρης {adj} :: very horny, very randy
καυλιάρης {m} [colloquial, vulgar] :: horndog (man fixated on sex)
καυλώνω {vi} [colloquial, vulgar] :: get it up, get a boner, get a hard-on (to get an erection of the penis)
καυλώνω {vi} [colloquial, vulgar, by extension] :: be horny, be randy (to be sexually stimulated)
καυλώνω {vt} [colloquial, vulgar] :: make horny, make randy, turn someone on (sexually stimulate)
καύση {f} :: combustion, the process of burning
καύση {f} [chemistry] :: chemical reaction with the production of energy
καύσιμο {n} :: fuel [energy provider to combustion engine, fire or chemical reaction]
καυστήρας {m} :: furnace, combustion chamber
καυστήρας {m} [medical] :: cauterising iron
καυστική σόδα {f} :: caustic soda (sodium hydroxide)
καύσωνας {m} :: heatwave, hot spell
καυτερός {adj} :: hot, spicy [applied to taste]
καυτός {adj} :: red hot, boiling, scorching
καυτός {adj} :: boiling, scalding [of water]
καυτός {adj} :: very hot
καφέ {adj} :: brown
καφέ {n} [colour] :: brown, coffee
καφεδάκι {n} :: diminutive of καφές: a small cup of coffee
καφεδάκος {m} :: diminutive of καφές: a small cup of coffee
καφεδής {adj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of καφετής
καφεμαντεία {f} :: coffee tasseography, coffee tasseomancy, coffee reading (the supposed prediction of the future with the grounds left in a cup of coffee after drinking it)
καφέ μπαρ {n} :: coffee bar
καφενεδάκι {n} :: diminutive of καφενείο: cafe
καφενείο {n} :: kafenio, cafe
καφενείο {n} [colloquial] :: madhouse
καφενές {m} [colloquial] :: kafenio, cafe
καφενόβιος {adj} :: describes a frequent customer to the kafenio
καφενόβιος {adj} [as a noun] :: a kafenio habitué
καφεόδεντρο {n} :: shrub of the tropical genus Coffea, the source of coffee beans
καφές {m} :: cup of coffee
καφές {m} :: beverage extracted from ground coffee
καφές {m} :: [singular only] ground coffee, roast coffee, coffee bean
καφές {m} :: [singular only] coffee plant
καφές της παρηγοριάς {m} :: The cup of coffee traditionally served and drunk after Greek funerals
καφές της παρηγοριάς {m} [figuratively] :: A cup of coffee drunk after bad news or unfortunate events
καφετέρια {f} :: cafeteria
καφετερία {f} :: alternative form of καφετέρια
καφετζής {m} :: καφενείο owner [male]
καφετζής {m} :: waiter [male]
καφετζού {f} :: kafenio owner [female] or owner's wife
καφετζού {f} :: waiter [female], waitress
καφετζού {f} :: coffee tasseographer (fortune teller from coffee grounds left in cup)
καφετζού {f} [pejorative] :: amateur or unqualified fortune teller
καφετής {adj} :: coffee coloured
καφετί {n} [color] :: coffee
καφετί {n} :: 1,000 drachma note [of that colour]
καφετιέρα {f} :: coffeemaker, coffee pot, cafetière
κάψα {f} :: excessive heat
κάψα {f} [figuratively] :: intense desire
κάψα {f} [figuratively, mostly plural] :: intense sexual desire
κάψα {f} :: capsule
κάψα {f} [physiology] :: membranous envelope
κάψα {f} [botany] :: type of simple, dehiscent, dry fruit
κάψα {f} [microbiology] :: sporangium
κάψα {f} [pharmacy] :: small case of gelatine containing a dose of medicine
κάψα {f} :: button microphone
κάψα {f} [laboratory] :: fire resistant container
κάψουλα {f} [medicine, pharmacology] :: capsule, small case of gelatine containing a dose of medicine
καψούλα {f} :: alternative form of κάψουλα
καψώνι {n} [military] :: hazing (initiation pranks that involve humiliation, harassment or abuse)
καψώνι {n} [more generally, figuratively] :: hardship (difficulty or trouble; hard times)
κβάζαρ {n} [astronomy] :: quasar
κβαντική ηλεκτροδυναμική {f} [physics] :: quantum electrodynamics, QED
κβαντικός {adj} :: quantum [relating to]
κβάντο {n} [physics] :: quantum
κβάντουμ {n} :: alternative form of κβάντο
ΚΓ΄ {num} :: The Greek number representing the number twentythree or 23
κγ΄ {num} :: The Greek number representing the number twentythree or 23
κεδρότσιχλα {f} :: fieldfare, Turdus pilaris
Κέηπ Τάουν {prop} {n} :: Κέηπ Τάουν (legislative capital)
κει {adv} :: alternative form of εκεί
κέικ {n} :: baked cake of various flavours, but not layers of fillings
Κέιμαν Νήσοι {prop} {np} :: alternative form of Νησιά Κέυμαν
κείμενο {n} :: text [written passage]
κειμήλιο {n} :: heirloom
κειμήλιο {n} [Christianity] :: sacred relic, holy relic
κεκ {n} :: alternative form of κέικ
κεκλεισμένος {v} [formal, dated] :: shut, closed
κεκλεισμένων των θυρών {phrase} [archaic, Katharevousa, learned] :: behind closed doors, in camera, privately, without audience (mainly for juries)
κελαηδάω {v} :: alternative form of κελαηδώ
κελαηδότσιχλα {f} :: Turdus philomelos: song thrush
κελαηδώ {vi} [of birds] :: sing, chirp. cheep, chirrup, tweet
κελαηδώ {vi} [figuratively, of a person] :: babble, prattle (talk at length happily)
κελαηδώ {vi} [figuratively] :: sing like a bird, sing like a canary (reveal secrets under pressure)
κελαϊδάω {v} :: alternative form of κελαϊδώ
κελαϊδώ {v} :: alternative form of κελαηδώ
Κέλβιν {prop} {mf} {n} :: river Kelvin
κέλβιν {n} [SI base unit, science, engineering] :: kelvin [measuring absolute or thermodynamic temperature]
κελί {n} :: cell [in monastery or prison]
κέλτικος {adj} :: Celtic, Gaelic (relating to the Celtic people of Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man and their languages and customs)
κελτικός {adj} :: alternative form of κέλτικος
κέλυφος {n} :: shell [of mollusks, crustaceans, etc]
κέλυφος {n} :: eggshell
κέλυφος {n} :: nutshell
κέλυφος {n} :: shell, casing [around instrument or mechanism]
κεμέρι {n} [colloquial, archaic] :: money belt [of traditional type]
κεμέρι {n} [colloquial, archaic, by extension] :: purse
κεμπάπ {n} :: kebab (oblong minced meat patties, often cooked on skewers)
Κεμπέκ {prop} {n} :: Κεμπέκ (province)
Κεμπέκ {prop} {n} :: Κεμπέκ (capital city)
κενό {n} :: vacuum, void, emptiness
κενό {n} :: interstellar space
κενό {n} :: gap (an opening in anything made by breaking or parting; an opening allowing passage or entrance; an opening that implies a breach or defect; a vacant space or time)
κενό {n} :: blank (free from writing, printing, or marks; having an empty space to be filled in)
κενός {adj} :: empty, free, vacant
κενοτάφιο {n} :: cenotaph
Κεντάκι {prop} {n} :: Κεντάκι (state)
Κεντάκι {prop} {n} :: Kentucky (river the United States)
Κένταυρος {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Centaurus (constellation)
κένταυρος {m} [mythology, folklore] :: centaur (mythical beast that is half man, half horse.)
κεντάω {v} :: alternative form of κεντώ
κέντημα {n} :: embroidery
κέντημα {n} :: sting, prick
κέντημα {n} [figuratively] :: work which must be done very precisely or accurately
κέντημα {n} [figuratively] :: excellent work, work done in a very delicately way
κεντρίζω {v} :: sting
Κεντρική Αμερική {prop} {f} :: Central America
Κεντρική Ευρώπη {prop} {f} :: Central Europe
κεντρική μονάδα επεξεργασίας {f} :: central processing unit
κεντρικός {adj} :: central, pivotal, focal, main
κέντρισμα {n} :: sting
κέντρισμα {n} :: stab, prick
κέντρισμα {n} [horticulture] :: graft
κέντρο {n} :: centre [UK], center [US]: the middle of something or somewhere
κέντρο {n} :: centre [building, institution, club, etc]
κέντρο {n} [geometry] :: centre
κέντρο {n} [figuratively] :: centre (the focus or concentrated point)
Κεντροαφρικανική Δημοκρατία {prop} {f} :: Central African Republic
κεντροαφρικανικός {adj} :: central African
κεντρομόλος {adj} :: centripetal
κεντώ {v} [sewing] :: embroider
κεντώ {v} :: sting, prick, spur on
Κένυα {prop} {f} :: Kenya
Κενυάτης {m} :: Kenyan (a person from Kenya)
κενυατικός {adj} :: Kenyan (relating to Kenya or its people)
Κενυάτισσα {f} :: Kenyan (a person from Kenya)
κεραία {f} [technology] :: aerial, antenna [for radio, etc]
κεραία {f} [entomology, zoology] :: horn, antenna, feeler [on insects]
κεραία {f} [nautical] :: spar, yard [on sailing ships]
κεράκι {n} :: diminutive of κερί: small candle
κεραμιδής {adj} [colour] :: terracotta, tile red, brick red
κεραμίδι {n} :: tile (on roofs)
κεραμίδι {n} [figuratively] :: roof
κεραμίδι {n} [figuratively] :: house, roof over one's head
κεραμιδί {n} [color] :: terracotta
κεραμική {f} :: ceramic (material)
κεραμική {f} :: pottery, ceramics (the craft of making pots)
κέρας {n} [anatomy] :: horn
κέρας {n} [musical instruments] :: horn (wind instrument)
κερασένιος {adj} [colour] :: cherry red
κερασένιος {adj} :: made of cherry wood
κεράσι {n} :: cherry [fruit]
κερασιά {n} :: cherry tree
κέρας της Αμάλθειας {n} :: cornucopia, horn of plenty
κερατάς {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: cuckold, cuck (man married to an unfaithful wife)
κερατάς {m} [colloquial, mildly offensive] :: bugger, dope, jerk, schmuck [general purpose disparaging term for someone]
κέρατο {n} :: horn
κέρατο {n} [colloquial] :: adultery
κέρατο {n} [colloquial] :: protuberance
κερατοειδής χιτώνας {m} :: cornea
κεράτωμα {n} [colloquial, pejorative] :: cuckolding, cheating (adultery)
κερατώνω {vt} [colloquial, pejorative] :: cuckold, cuck, horn, put horns on (make a cuckold of someone by being unfaithful)
κεραυνοβόλος {adj} :: lightning
κεραυνοβόλος {adj} :: fast
κεραυνοβόλος {adj} :: unexpected
κεραυνοβόλος έρωτας {m} :: love at first sight
κεραυνός {m} :: thunderbolt, lightning
κερδίζω {v} :: profit, gain, earn [money]
κερδίζω {v} :: gain
κερδίζω {v} :: win [gamble, lottery]
κερδίζω {v} :: win [sport, etc.]
κέρδος {n} :: profit, gain [material or financial]
κερδοφόρος {adj} :: lucrative, profitable
κερδοφόρος {adj} :: winning
κερήθρα {f} :: alternative form of κηρήθρα
κερί {n} :: wax, beeswax
κερί {n} :: candle, taper
κερί {n} :: earwax
κέρινος {adj} :: wax (made of wax)
κερκίδα {f} [anatomy] :: radius [bone of the forearm]
κερκίδα {f} :: row of seats in stadium, theatre etc
κερκίδα {f} [weaving] :: shuttle
κερκίδα {f} [fishing] :: net needle [for nets]
κερκολήπτης {m} :: genus Cercoleptes, kinkajou
Κέρκυρα {prop} :: Κέρκυρα (island)
Κέρκυρα {prop} :: Κέρκυρα (city)
κέρμα {n} :: coin
κεσέμι {n} [vernacular, demotic] :: alternative form of γκεσέμι: ram or billy goat leading the herd
κέτσαπ {n} :: [UK] ketchup, [especially] tomato ketchup
κέτσαπ {n} :: [UK] tomato sauce
κέτσαπ {n} :: [US] catsup
κετσές {m} :: harsh textile made of matted fibres wool, felt
κετσές {m} :: especially used as a hammam scrub, for pealing
Κεϋλάνη {prop} {f} :: Ceylon
Κέυμαν Νησιά {prop} {np} :: alternative form of Νησιά Κέυμαν
κεφ. {n} :: abbreviation of κεφάλαιο (chapter)
κεφάλα {f} [colloquial] :: bighead
κεφάλαιο {n} :: chapter, a section of a book
κεφάλαιο {n} [economics, finance] :: capital
κεφάλαιο {n} [economics, finance] :: fund
κεφαλαίο {n} [finance] :: capital
κεφαλαίο {n} [figuratively] :: capital [cultural, spiritual, etc]
κεφαλαίο {n} [typography] :: majuscule, capital letter, uppercase letter
κεφαλαίο {n} [typography] :: numbered paragraph, section or chapter
κεφαλαίο γράμμα {n} [typography] :: [usually plural] capital letter, block letter, uppercase letter
κεφαλαιοκράτης {m} [economics] :: capitalist
κεφαλαιοκρατία {f} :: capitalism
κεφαλαιοκράτισσα {f} [economics] :: capitalist
κεφαλάρι {n} :: headboard, the pillow end of a bed
κεφαλάρι {n} [architecture] :: capital of column, cornerstone
κεφαλάρι {n} [geography] :: spring, fountainhead, headspring (source of water)
κεφαλάρι {n} [typography] :: A repeated header or heading
κεφαλάρι {n} :: [bookbinding] headband (the woven patch at the top and bottom of the spine of a hardback book)
κεφαλή {f} :: synonym of κεφάλι
κεφάλι {n} [anatomy] :: head
κεφαλομάντηλο {n} :: a handkerchief worn around the head, especially a Cretan headband
-κέφαλος {suffix} :: added to an adjective to form a compound adjective related to quality or number of heads
κέφαλος {m} :: mullet, grey mullet, flathead mullet
κεφάτος {adj} :: joyful, merry
κέφι {n} :: high spirits, good humour, gaiety, merriness, merriment
κέφι {n} :: good mood, disposition
κέφι {n} :: good condition (of health), in form
κεφτεδάκι {n} :: diminutive of κεφτές
κεφτές {m} :: meatball, kofta
κεφτές {m} [less frequently] :: meat patty
κεχρί {n} :: millet
κεχριμπαρένιος {adj} :: amber
κεχριμπάρι {n} :: amber
κεχριμπάρι {n} :: nectar
κηδεία {f} :: funeral [civic or religious ceremony]
κηδεμόνας {mf} [legal] :: guardian
κήλη {f} [pathology] :: hernia, rupture
κηλίδα {f} :: stain, blemish, blot
κηλίδα {f} [anatomy] :: blemish
κηλίδα {f} [figuratively] :: moral fault, misdeed
κηλιδοβούτι {n} :: Gavia stellata : red-throated diver [UK], red-throated loon [US]
κηλιδώνω {v} :: tarnish, besmirch
κηλιδώνω {v} :: blacken, stain
κηπάκι {n} :: diminutive of κήπος: small garden
κηπάριο {n} :: diminutive of κήπος: small garden
κηπευτικά {np} :: garden produce, horticultural produce
κηπευτική {f} :: gardening, horticulture
κηπευτικός {adj} :: horticultural
κήπος {m} :: garden [especially one around a house]
κηπουρική {f} :: gardening
κηπουρικός {adj} :: gardening, garden
κηπουρός {mf} :: gardener
κηρήθρα {f} :: honeycomb
κηρίο {n} [physics, ] :: candela (the SI unit quantifying luminous intensity)
κηροπήγιο {n} :: candlestick, candle holder
κηρύθρα {f} :: alternative form of κηρήθρα
κήρυλος {m} :: pied kingfisher, Ceryle rudis
κηρύσσω {v} :: preach
κηρύσσω {v} :: declare, announce, call [war, a strike]
κηρύττω {v} :: alternative form of κηρύσσω
κήτος {n} [zoology] :: cetacean: whale, dolphin
κήτος {n} :: sea monster
κήτος {n} [astronomy] :: Cetus [constellation]
κητώδη {np} [zoology] :: cetacea
κητώδης {adj} [zoology] :: cetacean
κητώδης {adj} :: relating to sea monsters
Κηφέας {prop} {m} :: alternative to the learned Κηφεύς
Κηφεύς {prop} {m} [learned form, Greek mythology] :: Cepheus (mythical husband of Cassiopeia)
Κηφεύς {prop} {m} [learned form, astronomy] :: Cepheus [constellation]
κηφήνας {m} [biology] :: drone (male bee)
κηφήνας {m} [figuratively] :: parasite, freeloader
Κηφισιά {prop} {f} :: Kifissia (northeastern suburb of Athens)
κι {conj} :: contraction of και
κιάλι {n} :: scope, telescope, spyglass, field glass; a portable optical instrument containing a lens used for magnification to see distant objects
κιάλι {n} [plural] :: binoculars, spyglasses, opera glasses
κιάλια {np} :: binoculars, spyglasses, opera glasses
κι αν {phrase} :: even if, whatever
Κιάτο {prop} :: Kiato
κίβδηλος {adj} :: false, fake, counterfeit
κιβώτιο {n} :: box, crate, case, container
κιβώτιο {n} :: trunk
κιβώτιο ταχυτήτων {n} [engineering, automotive] :: gearbox
κιβωτός {f} :: preserver
Κιβωτός της Διαθήκης {f} :: the Ark of the Covenant
Κιβωτός του Νώε {f} :: Noah's Ark
Κίεβο {prop} {n} :: Κίεβο (capital city)
κι έζησαν αυτοί καλά κι εμείς καλύτερα {phrase} :: they lived happily ever after (used at the end of fairy tales)
κι η κουτσή Μαρία {pron} [idiomatic] :: everyone and their mother, the whole world and his dog (everyone)
κιθάρα {f} :: guitar
κιθαρίστας {m} [music] :: guitarist, guitar player
κιθαριστής {m} [music] :: guitarist, guitar player
κικ μπόξερ {n} [sport] :: kickboxer
κικ μπόξινγκ {n} [sport] :: kickboxing
Κιλικία {prop} {f} :: Κιλικία (area)
Κιλκίς {prop} {n} :: Κιλκίς (large town)
κιλο- {prefix} :: kilo- (SI unit prefix, 106)
κιλό {n} :: kilo [kilogram]
κιλοβάτ {n} [electricity] :: kilowatt
κιλοβατώρα {n} [electricity] :: kilowatt-hour
κιλομπάιτ {n} [computing] :: kilobyte
κιλότα {f} :: knickers [female; UK], panties [female; US]
κιλοτζάουλ {n} [physics] :: kilojoule [Unit of work, energy and heat]
κιμάς {m} :: [UK] mince, minced meat [usually beef]
κιμάς {m} :: [US] ground beef
κίμινο {n} :: alternative form of κύμινο
κιμονό {n} :: kimono [item of Japanese clothing]
κιμπούτς {n} :: kibbutz [Israeli a community]
κιμωλία {f} :: chalk (soft, white, powdery limestone)
κιμωλία {f} [by extension] :: chalk (piece of the above used for writing on blackboard)
Κίμωλος {prop} {f} :: Kimolos (Cycladian island)
Κίμωλος {prop} {f} :: Kimolos (main town and capital of the island)
Κίνα {prop} {f} [geography] :: China
κίνα {f} :: cinchona [South American tree]
κίνα {f} :: cinchona bark
κίνα {n} :: henna [plant (Lawsonia inermis) and dye]
κίναιδος {m} [derogatory] :: homosexual, gay
κιναισθησία {f} :: kinesthesia, kinaesthesia
κινάω {v} :: [chiefly in the active] I am ready to go
κινάω {v} :: alternative form of κινώ
Κίνγκστον {prop} :: Κίνγκστον (capital city)
κινδυνεύω {vi} :: I am in danger
κινδυνεύω {vt} :: + να I run the risk to, endanger
κίνδυνος {m} :: danger
Κινέζα {f} [female] :: Chinese [a female person from China or of Chinese ethnicity]
κινέζικα {np} :: Chinese (the language of China its people)
κινέζικα {np} [figuratively] :: incomprehensible speech
κινεζικά {np} :: Chinese (the language of China its people)
κινέζικος {adj} :: alternative form of κινεζικός
κινεζικός {adj} :: Chinese [related to the country, people or language]
Κινέζοι {n} :: the Chinese (people)
κινεζοποίηση {f} [neologism] :: reduction of wages to a similar level of chinese workers, sinicization
Κινέζος {m} [male] :: Chinese [a person, usually male, from China or of Chinese ethnicity]
κίνημα {n} :: movement (grouping working towards a common aim)
κίνημα {n} :: mutiny, conspiracy, coup (group intent on radical social change)
κινηματογραφία {f} [film] :: cinematography, film
κινηματογραφικός {adj} [film] :: cinematographic, cinema
κινηματόγραφος {m} [colloquial] :: alternative form of κινηματογράφος
κινηματογράφος {m} :: cinema
κινηματογράφος {m} :: film theatre
κινηματογράφος {m} :: film making
κινηματογράφος {m} :: film art
κινηματογράφος {m} :: film, movie
κινηματογραφώ {v} [media] :: film
κίνηση {f} [physics] :: movement (physical motion)
κίνηση {f} :: movement
κίνηση {f} :: traffic
κίνηση {f} :: blink (of eye)
κίνηση {f} :: flow
κίνηση {f} :: activity
κινητήρας {m} :: engine, motor
κινητό {n} [communication] :: mobile, mobile phone [UK], cell phone [US]
κινητός {adj} :: movable, mobile, moving
κινητό τηλέφωνο {n} [communication] :: mobile, mobile phone [UK], cell phone [US]
κίνητρο {n} [psychology] :: motivation
κινιέμαι {v} [colloquial] :: alternative form of κινούμαι of κινώ
κινούμαι {v} :: fidget, be restless
κινούμενη άμμος {f} :: quicksand
κινούμενος {v} :: moving, in motion
κινώ {v} :: move, start, arouse
κινώ {v} :: I am ready to go
κιόλας {adv} :: already (in the context of 'so soon')
κιόλας {adv} :: right now, immediately
κιόλας {adv} :: as well, on top of that, even
κιονόκρανο {n} [architecture] :: capital (top part of column)
Κιότο {prop} {n} :: Κιότο (capital city)
κιούριο {n} [chemistry] :: curium
κιοφτές {m} [colloquial] :: alternative form of κεφτές
Κιργιζία {prop} {f} :: Kyrgyzstan
Κιργιζιστάν {prop} {n} :: Kyrgyzstan
Κιριμπάτι {prop} :: Kiribati
κιρκινέζι {n} :: lesser kestrel [specifically]
κιρκινέζι {n} :: small bird of prey [more generally]
κιρσός {m} :: varicose vein, varicocele
κις {n} :: quiche
κίσσα {f} :: jay, Eurasian jay
κιτριά {f} :: citron tree
κιτρικό οξύ {n} [organic compound] :: citric acid
κίτρινη κάρτα {f} [sports] :: yellow card
κίτρινο {n} [colour] :: yellow
κιτρινόριζα {m} :: turmeric
κίτρινος {adj} [color] :: yellow
κίτρινος {adj} :: pale, pallid
κίτρο {n} :: citron [fruit]
Κίτρος {f} [botany] :: citrus (shrubs and trees of the genus Citrus)
κιτς {adj} :: kitsch (of questionable aesthetic value; excessively sentimental, overdone or vulgar)
κιτς {n} :: kitsch (art, decorative objects and other forms of representation of questionable artistic or aesthetic value)
κιτσαρία {f} :: kitsch (art, decorative objects and other forms of representation of questionable artistic or aesthetic value)
κιτσαρία {f} [by extension] :: kitsch people, kitsch company
κίχλη {f} :: Turdus philomelos: song thrush
ΚΚΕ {prop} {n} [politics] :: initialism of Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ελλάδας the Greek Communist Party
κκσ {n} :: level tbsp (level tablespoon, as unit of measure)
κλαγγή {f} :: clash, clang (loud sound of metal being hit)
κλάδα {n} [horticulture] :: large branch
κλάδεμα {n} :: pruning (the action)
κλάδεμα {n} [figuratively, football] :: aggressive tackle
κλαδεύομαι {v} :: I am pruned
κλαδεύω {v} :: prune, lop
κλαδεύω {v} :: cut back
κλαδί {n} [horticulture] :: branch
κλαδί ελιάς {n} :: branch of an olive tree
κλαδί ελιάς {n} [figuratively] :: olive branch [symbol of peace]
κλάδος {m} [horticulture, formal] :: branch, bough
κλάδος {m} [figuratively] :: branch of organisation
κλάδος {m} [biology] :: clade
κλαίγομαι {v} [figuratively] :: bemoan oneself, complain, grumble, whine
κλαίγω {v} :: alternative form of κλαίω
κλαίω {v} [most senses] :: cry, weep (shed tears)
κλαίω {vi} [of eyes] :: water, run [as when cutting onions etc]
κλαίω {vt} [figuratively] :: mourn, grieve for [a person or thing]
κλαίω {vt} [figuratively] :: feel sorry for [a person or thing]
κλάμα {n} :: cry, weep [act of crying]
κλαμπ {n} :: club [association of members]
κλαμπ {n} :: nightclub
κλαμπάκι {n} :: diminutive of κλαμπ
κλανιά {f} [colloquial, vulgar] :: fart (intestinal gasses emitted from the anus)
κλανιάρα {f} :: farter [flatulent person]
κλανιάρης {m} :: farter [flatulent person]
κλάνοντας {v} [colloquial, vulgar] :: participle of κλάνω: farting
κλάνω {vi} [colloquial, slightly vulgar] :: fart, break wind, blow off
κλάνω {vt} [figuratively, slang] :: ignore, disregard, stand up, bail (in an uncaring manner)
κλάνω μαλλί {v} [colloquial, vulgar, idiom] :: shit oneself, shit bricks, piss oneself (to be terrified)
κλάνω μέντες {v} [colloquial, vulgar, idiom] :: shit oneself, shit bricks, piss oneself (to be terrified)
κλάνω πατάτες {v} [colloquial, vulgar, idiom] :: shit oneself, shit bricks, piss oneself (to be terrified)
κλαρί {n} :: stick, twig, small stick
κλαρινέτο {n} [musical instruments] :: clarinet
κλαρίνο {n} [musical instruments] :: clarinet [especially in Greek folk music contexts]
κλαρίνο {n} [by extension] :: clarinettist (player of the above instrument, especially in Greek folk music contexts)
κλαρίνο {n} [figuratively, in the plural only] :: folk music venue (a venue that plays folk songs in which clarinets are a prominent instrument)
κλαρινογαμπρός {m} [colloquial, derogatory, humorous] :: metrosexual womanizer, metrosexual fuckboy (man, excessively concerned with his appearance, who sleeps with women without any intention of having a relationship with them)
κλασική ελληνική {f} :: Classical Greek
κλασική κιθάρα {f} :: classical guitar
κλασική μουσική {f} :: classical music
κλασικός {adj} :: classical
κλάσιμο {n} [colloquial, vulgar] :: farting (the act of farting)
κλάσιμο {n} [colloquial, slang] :: bailing, bail
κλάσμα {n} [mathematics] :: fraction
κλάσμα {n} :: a small part of
κλασμένος {v} [literally] :: farted
κλασμένος {v} [colloquial, slang] :: stoned, baked, high (under the influence of drugs)
κλασσικός {adj} :: alternative form of κλασικός
κλαψομούνα {f} [colloquial, vulgar, derogatory] :: crybaby, whinger, whiner, sniveler (someone who takes offense or excessively complains when things aren't going well)
κλαψομούνης {adj} [colloquial, vulgar, derogatory] :: moaning, whining, whinging, snivelling (complaining or crying excessively)
κλαψομούνης {m} [colloquial, vulgar, derogatory] :: crybaby, whinger, whiner, sniveler (someone who takes offense or excessively complains when things aren't going well)
κλέβομαι {v} :: I am stolen
κλέβομαι {v} :: I elope
κλέβω {vt} :: steal
κλέβω {v} [in the passive form] :: κλέβομαι
κλειδαριά {f} :: lock
κλειδί {n} :: key [to a locked door]
κλειδί {n} [cryptography] :: key
κλειδί {n} [music] :: key
κλειδί {n} [engineering] :: spanner
κλειδώνω {v} [door, etc] :: lock
κλείδωση {f} [anatomy] :: joint
κλείνομαι {v} :: barricade yourself in
κλείνομαι {v} :: be hemmed in
κλείνομαι {v} :: play defensively
κλεινόν άστυ {n} :: Athens
κλείνω {vt} :: close, shut, close off
κλείνω {vi} :: close, shut
κλείνω {vt} :: turn off, shut down
κλείνω {vt} :: block, trap
κλείνω {vt} :: book, reserve
κλείνω {v} :: (referring to time or age) become, have a sum of
κλείνω {v} :: (passive): see κλείνομαι
κλείομαι {v} :: Ancient synonym of the modern κλείνομαι ("I am closed, shut"), found only in compounds
κλεισμένος {v} :: closed, which has been closed
κλειστός {adj} :: closed, shut
κλειστός {adj} [phonetics, phonology] :: occlusive
κλειστοφοβία {f} :: claustrophobia
κλειτορίδα {f} [anatomy] :: clitoris
κλείω {v} :: Ancient synonym of the modern κλείνω ("close, shut"), found only in compounds
κλεμμένος {v} :: stolen
κλεμμένος {v} :: who has eloped
Κλεοπάτρα {prop} {f} :: Cleopatra
κλέος {n} :: renown, fame
κλέος {n} :: honour [UK], honor [US]
κλεπταποδόχος {mf} :: fence, receiver [of stolen goods]
κλέφτης {m} :: thief, stealer
κλέφτης {m} [history] :: klepht (member of an armed group of men who took refuge in the mountains, lived by stealing and fought against the Ottomans)
κλέφτικα {adv} :: in the klepht fashion
κλέφτικο {n} [food] :: kleftiko, the meat of the klephts, or 'kleftiko' style of cooking meat: marinated, cooked nowadays in parchment paper
κλεφτρόνι {n} :: young thief
κλεφτρόνι {n} :: petty thief
κλέψας {m} :: thief, robber [used chiefly in:]
κλέψας του κλέψαντος {adj} [idiom] :: dog eat dog (regarding cases of widespread lawlessness and impunity, or in which everyone is out to get everyone else)
κλεψύδρα {f} :: hourglass
κλήμα {n} :: vine, especially grapevine
κληρικός {m} :: a cleric
κληρονομημένος {v} :: inherited
κληρονομιέμαι {v} [colloquial] :: alternative form of κληρονομούμαι
κληρονόμος {mf} [legal] :: heir
κληρονόμος {mf} [legal] :: legatee
κληρονομούμαι {v} :: I am inherited
κληρονομώ {v} :: I inherit
κλήση {f} [telephone] :: call
κλήση {f} [legal] :: summons, subpoena
κλήση {f} [legal] :: ticket, parking ticket [for a traffic violation, etc]
κλήση {f} [computing, programing] :: call [to procedure, etc]
κλητική {f} [grammar] :: vocative
Κλίγκον {adj} :: Klingon
κλίκα {f} :: clique (small exclusive group)
κλίμα {n} [meteorology] :: climate
κλίμα {n} [figuratively] :: atmosphere, mood
κλίμα {n} [religion] :: see, the district or area covered by a Greek Orthodox patriarchate
κλίμακα {f} [music] :: scale, mode
κλίμακα {f} [cartography] :: scale
κλίμακα {f} [science] :: scale
κλίμακα {f} :: ladder
κλίμακα {f} :: stairs
κλίμακα Κελσίου {n} [science] :: Celsius scale [temperature]
κλίμακα Κελσίου {n} [UK informal] :: centigrade scale [temperature]
κλίμακα Μποφόρ {prop} {f} [meteorology, ] :: Beaufort scale
κλιμακοστάσιο {n} [architecture] :: staircase, stairs, stairway, stairtower
κλιμακώνω {v} :: increase, escalate
κλιματισμός {m} :: air conditioning
κλιματισμός {m} :: air conditioner
κλιματιστικό {n} :: air conditioner (air conditioner)
Κλίνγκον {adj} :: alternative form of Κλίγκον
κλίνη {f} [formal] :: bed
κλινική {f} [medicine] :: clinic (hospital department; a private hospital)
κλίνω {vt} [with no passive] :: bend, slant
κλίνω {vt} [figuratively, with no passive] :: tend
κλίνω {vi} [grammar, active and passive] :: inflect, decline, conjugate
κλίση {f} :: inclination, tilt, steepness, slope
κλίση {f} :: inclination, disposition, tendency
κλίση {f} [grammar] :: inflection; declension; conjugation
κλισιόμετρο {n} :: clinometer, inclinometer
κλισιόμετρο {n} :: alidade
κλομπ {n} :: alternative form of γκλομπ
κλόουν {m} :: clown (performance artist associated with circus)
κλόουν {m} [figuratively] :: clown, buffoon (person who acts in a silly fashion)
κλοπή {f} [crime] :: theft
κλοπή {f} :: plagiarism
κλουβί {n} :: cage
κλούβιος {adj} :: addled (inviable)
κλούβιος {adj} :: (figuratively, for mind) having a mental retardation
κ.λ.π. {phrase} :: initialism of και λοιπά πολλά
κ.λπ. {adv} :: initialism of και λοιπά etc (an abbreviation of etcetera)
κλπ. {adv} :: initialism of και λοιπά etc (an abbreviation of etcetera)
κλύδων {m} [nautical] :: rough sea, swell, storm
κλύδων {m} [by extension] :: unrest on the political or social level
κλυδωνίζομαι {v} :: rock, sway [as of a ship at sea]
κλώθω {v} :: spin [wool, cotton, etc]
κλώσσα {f} :: sitter, broody hen (a hen which is sitting on and warming her eggs in order for them to hatch)
κλώσσα {f} [colloquial, derogatory, figuratively] :: windbag, chatterbox (a loud and talkative woman)
κλωστή {f} :: thread, cotton, strand, filament
κλωστή {f} [archaic] :: cotton twist
ΚΜΕ {n} [computing] :: initialism of κεντρική μονάδα επεξεργασίας
κνήμη {f} [anatomy] :: shin, tibia
κοάλα {n} :: koala
κοβάλτιο {n} [chemistry, metallurgy] :: cobalt
κόβω {v} :: cut, chop, divide, carve, slice [into parts]
κόβω {v} :: cut, trim, prune [reduce by cutting]
κόβω {v} :: take a shortcut, cut
κόβω {v} :: cut [pack of playing cards]
κόβω {v} :: cut, quit [cigarettes, gambling]
κόβω {v} :: drop-out, quit [school, course]
κόβω {v} :: strike, mint [coins and medals]
κόβω {v} :: interrupt, cut short, cut off [conversation]
κόβω {v} :: separate, [for sauces etc.]
Κογγό {n} :: alternative form of Κονγκό
κογιότ {n} :: coyote
Κοζάνη {prop} {f} :: Κοζάνη (city)
κοιλάδα {f} [geography] :: valley
κοιλία {f} [anatomy] :: stomach, belly, tummy
κοιλία {f} [anatomy] :: ventricle (heart)
κοιλία {f} [anatomy] :: ventricle (brain)
κοιλιά {f} :: abdomen, stomach, belly
κοιλιακή μαρμαρυγή {f} [cardiology] :: ventricular fibrillation
κοίλος {adj} :: concave, hollow
κοίλωμα {n} :: hollow, cavity, concavity, dent
κοιμάμαι {v} :: sleep (to rest in a state of reduced consciousness)
κοιμάμαι {v} [Christianity, euphemism, figuratively] :: die [usually of saints and other holy persons but also of lay people]
κοιμάμαι {v} [figuratively] :: idle, laze, lounge, loaf (to do nothing or to be lazy and unwilling to move)
κοιμάμαι {v} [figuratively] :: sleep with (to have sexual intercourse)
κοιμάμαι με τις κότες {v} :: See: el κοιμάμαι με τις κότες
κοιμάμαι με τις κότες {v} [humorous, idiom] :: sleep early, go to bed early (literally: to sleep with the chickens)
κοιμητήρι {n} [colloquial] :: cemetery, graveyard
κοιμητήριο {n} :: cemetery, graveyard
κοιμίζω {v} :: put to bed, put to sleep
κοιμίζω {v} :: anaesthetise [UK], anesthetize [US]
κοιμίζω {v} :: tranquilise [UK], tranquilize [US]
κοιμίζω {v} [figuratively] :: quieten, lull
κοιμούμαι {v} :: alternative form of κοιμάμαι
Κοινή {f} [linguistics] :: → see κοινή [language]
κοινή {f} [language] :: common, standard (with ellipsis of noun γλώσσα)
κοινή λογική {f} :: common sense
κοινή τσίχλα {f} :: Turdus philomelos: song thrush
κοινό {n} :: public (people in general)
κοινό {n} :: audience
κοινό αηδόνι {n} :: Luscinia megarhynchos: common nightingale
κοινοβιάτης {m} [Byzantine, ecclesiastical] :: cenobite
κοινοβίτης {m} :: cenobite, member of a commune
κοινοβίτης {m} [zoology, taxonomy] :: genus Coenobita of the family Coenobitidae
κοινοβουλευτικός {adj} :: parliamentary
κοινοβούλιο {n} :: parliament
κοινόλεκτος {f} [linguistics] :: the common body of a standard language which is spoken by all, including the dialectal speakers of regional or other varieties
κοινολεξία {f} :: saying common, trivial things
κοινόν {n} [politics] :: confederation [of city-states with central government]
κοινό ορτύκι {n} :: common quail, Coturnix coturnix
κοινός {adj} :: common, mutual, shared, joint
κοινός {adj} :: common, commonplace, ordinary
κοινός {adj} :: public
κοινός κότσυφας {m} :: common blackbird, Turdus merula
κοινός κύκνος {m} :: mute swan, Cygnus olor
κοινός κύκνος {m} [more generally] :: common swan
κοινός νους {m} :: common sense
κοινός τόπος {m} :: commonplace
κοινός φασιανός {m} :: common pheasant
κοινό ταμείο {n} :: common purse, people's purse, shared or community fund
κοινό ταμείο {n} :: kitty, pot
κοινώνησα {v} :: Ι received communion
κοινώνησα {v} :: I gave communion
κοινωνία {f} :: community
κοινωνία {f} :: society, communion [a group of people with a shared culture]
κοινωνία {f} [Christianity] :: communion
κοινωνικοποίηση {f} [psychology] :: socialisation, socialization
κοινωνικοποίηση {f} :: nationalisation, taking into social ownership
κοινωνικοποιώ {v} [psychology] :: socialise
κοινωνικοποιώ {v} :: nationalise, take into social ownership
κοινωνικός {adj} :: social
κοινωνικός {adj} :: sociable, gregarious
κοινωνιολογία {f} :: sociology (study of society, human social interactions, etc.)
κοινωνώ {vt} [Christianity] :: receive communion, communicate, take communion
κοινωνώ {vi} [Christianity] :: give communion
κοιτάζομαι {v} :: look at yourself
κοιτάζομαι {v} :: be looked at, have a checkup
κοιτάζω {v} :: look at
κοιτάζω {v} :: examine, look over
κοιτάζω {v} :: look after an elderly person
κοιτάζω {v} :: mind, take care
κοιτάζω {v} [idiomatic] :: be interested
κοιτάω {v} :: look at
κοιτάω {v} :: look after
κοιτάω {v} :: examine, look over
κοίτη {f} :: river bed
κοίτη {f} [archaic, very rare, law] :: bed [used only in legal expression:]
κοιτίδα {f} :: cradle
κοιτιέμαι {v} :: look at yourself
κοιτιέμαι {v} :: be looked at, have a checkup
κοιτώ {v} :: alternative form of κοιτάω
κοκ. {phrase} :: abbreviation of και ούτω καθεξής
κοκαΐνη {f} :: cocaine (the drug)
κόκαλο {n} :: bone
κόκαλο {n} :: shoehorn
κοκκινέλι {n} :: red wine
κόκκινη {f} :: quaffle
κόκκινη κάρτα {f} [sports] :: red card
κόκκινη παλίρροια {f} :: red tide
κοκκινίζω {v} :: blush, redden, colour [UK], color [US]
κοκκίνισμα {n} :: reddening
κοκκίνισμα {n} :: reddening, blush [redden in the face]
κοκκινιστό {n} [cooking] :: meat (usually beef or pork) braised in tomato sauce
κοκκινιστός {adj} [cooking] :: braised in tomato sauce [sauce made from tomatoes, not ketchup]
κόκκινο {n} [colour] :: red
κόκκινο {n} [colloquial] :: red, red light
κοκκινολαίμης {m} :: European robin, robin, redbreast (Erithacus rubecula)
κοκκινολάχανο {n} :: red cabbage
κοκκινομάλλα {f} [female] :: redhead
κοκκινομάλλης {adj} :: redhead
κόκκινο πανί {n} [idiom] :: red rag (something that will enrage another particular person)
κοκκινοπέρδικα {f} :: Alectoris rufa : red-legged partridge, French partridge
κόκκινος {adj} :: red (colour)
κόκκινος {adj} :: red (Communist)
Κοκκινοσκουφίτσα {prop} {f} :: Little Red Riding Hood [the character and her tale]
Κόκκινος Στρατός {prop} {m} [history] :: Red Army (Soviet army in the period 1917-1946)
κοκκινότσιχλα {f} :: redwing, Turdus iliacus
κοκκινοχρυσό {n} :: bright auburn, titian color
κοκκινοχρυσός {adj} :: of a reddish-golden color; titian, bright auburn
κόκκος {m} :: speck, grain, particle
κοκοράκι {m} :: diminutive of κόκορας: cockerel, young male chicken
κόκορας {m} :: cock (male chicken)
κόκορας {m} :: cock (the hammer of a firearm trigger mechanism)
κόκορας {m} [figuratively] :: a man with vigorous sex life
κοκορέτσι {n} :: kokoretsi (a Greek savory Easter dish)
κοκότα {f} [colloquial, slightly offensive] :: tart, slut, trollop (woman of loose morals)
κοκότα {f} [archaic] :: courtesan (high-class prostitute)
κοκότα {f} [colloquial, humorous] :: A woman excessively concerned with her beauty and appearance
κοκοφοίνικας {m} :: coconut palm ("cocos nucifera")
κοκτέιλ {n} :: cocktail [mixed drink, usually with alcohol content]
κοκτέιλ {n} :: cocktail party [event where such drinks are drunk]
κοκτέιλ {n} :: mixture of different components
κοκτέιλ μολότοφ {n} :: Molotov cocktail
κοκτέιλ μολότωφ {n} :: alternative form of κοκτέιλ μολότοφ
Κόλαση {prop} {f} [religion, biblical] :: Hell, Hades, The place where the souls of the dead are said to reside
κόλαση {f} :: hell, inferno, a place of anguish and suffering
κολαστήριο {n} :: hell, a place of suffering and torture
κολατσιό {n} :: snack, collation
κολατσό {n} :: alternative form of κολατσιό
κόλαφος {m} :: slap [to the face]
κολεός {m} [anatomy] :: vagina
κολεός {m} [botany] :: sheath
κολεός {m} :: sheath, scabbard
κολεόσπασμος {m} [medicine] :: vaginismus
κολητσίδα {f} :: alternative form of κολλητσίδα
κολίανδρο {n} :: [neuter] alternative form of κόλιανδρος
κόλιανδρος {m} :: coriander [the spice or the plant]
κολίανδρος {m} :: alternative form of κόλιανδρος
κόλιαντρος {m} :: alternative form of κόλιανδρος
κολιέ {n} :: necklace
κολιμπρί {n} :: hummingbird
κόλλα {f} :: glue, gum
κόλλα {f} :: sizing, size
κόλλα {f} :: flour paste, starch paste, starch glue
κολλαριστός {adj} :: starched, ironed [of clothing]
κολλαριστός {adj} :: crisp, trim, smart [of personal appearance]
κολλαριστός {adj} :: crisp, fresh [of banknotes, etc]
κολλάω {vt} :: glue, attach, affix, stick
κολλάω {vt} [figuratively] :: infect
κολλάω {vt} [figuratively] :: pester
κολλάω {vi} :: be glued, be attached, be affixed, be stuck
κολλάω {vi} [figuratively] :: be infected
κολλέγιο {n} :: college
κόλλημα {n} :: action or result of fixing, bonding two things together with some third material:
κόλλημα {n} :: soldering
κόλλημα {n} :: glueing
κόλλημα {n} :: fixation [state of mind]
κόλλημα {n} [colloquial] :: sexual harassment
κολλημένος {v} :: glued, stuck
κολλημένος {v} [figuratively] :: with an idée fixe stuck in the mind
κολλητά {adv} :: close together, adjoined
Κολλητήρι {prop} {n} :: Kollitiri (son of Karagiozis)
Κολλητήρι {prop} {n} :: (by extension, usually in plural) noun of assemblage for the sons of Karagiozis
κολλητήρι {n} :: soldering iron [tool]
κολλητήρι {n} :: burdock
κολλητικός {adj} [medicine] :: contagious, infectious, catching [of a disease]
κολλητός {adj} :: sticked, glued
κολλητός {adj} :: close together, adjoined
κολλητός {adj} [garment] :: firm, tight, tight-fitting
κολλητός {m} :: a best friend, bosom buddy
κολλητσίδα {f} :: burdock
κολλητσίδα {f} [figuratively] :: an unwelcome person who attaches themselves to someone else
κολλώ {v} :: alternative form of κολλάω
κολοβός {adj} :: docked, curtailed
κολοβός {adj} [figuratively] :: of which a part is missing (usually the last)
κολόβωμα {n} :: the act or result of shortening, mutilating
κολόβωμα {n} [medicine] :: the part taken away in mutilation [sense, as in ancient κολόβωμα]
κολοκάσι {n} :: taro (edible tuber)
κολοκάσι {n} :: Colocasia esculenta (the taro plant)
κολοκύθα {f} :: pumpkin [vegetable squash]
κολοκυθάκι {n} :: courgette, zucchini
κολοκύθι {n} :: squash [vegetable family]
κολοκύθι {n} :: marrow, courgette
κολοκυθιά {f} :: squash plant (yielding: marrow, courgette, pumpkin, etc)
κολοκυθιά {f} :: a children's game
κολοκυθόπιτα {f} :: pumpkin pie
Κολομβία {prop} {f} :: Κολομβία (country)
Κολομβιανή {f} :: Colombian (a person from Colombia)
Κολομβιανός {m} :: Colombian (a person from Colombia)
κολομβιανός {adj} :: Colombian (relating to Colombia or its people)
κόλον {n} [anatomy] :: colon [part of large intestine]
κολόνα {f} [architecture] :: column, pillar
κολόνα {f} :: post
κολόνια {f} :: cologne
κολονοσκόπηση {f} [medicine] :: colonoscopy
Κολοράντο {prop} {n} :: Κολοράντο (state)
Κολοράντο {prop} {n} :: Κολοράντο (river)
Κολοσσαείς {prop} :: Colossians a book of the New Testament in the Bible
κολοτούμπα {f} :: alternative form of κωλοτούμπα
κολπική μαρμαρυγή {f} [cardiology] :: atrial fibrillation
κολπίτιδα {f} [disease] :: vaginitis
κόλποι {n} [anatomy] :: heart [= atria]
κόλπος {m} :: bosom
κόλπος {m} :: bay, gulf
κόλπος {m} [anatomy] :: vagina
κόλπος {m} [anatomy] :: atrium [of the heart]
κολπόσπασμος {m} [medicine] :: vaginismus
Κόλτσεστερ {prop} :: Κόλτσεστερ (town)
κολύμβηση {f} [sport] :: swimming
κολυμβητήριο {n} :: natatorium, swimming pool, facility designed for swimming games or training
κολυμπάω {v} [sport] :: swim
κολυμπάω {v} :: (figuratively)
κολυμπάω {v} :: (use of passive forms, rare) be swum
κολυμπώ {v} :: alternative form of κολυμπάω swim
κολχόζ {n} :: kolkhoz (Soviet farming collective)
κολώνα {f} :: alternative form of κολόνα
κολώνια {f} :: alternative form of κολόνια
Κολωνία {prop} {f} :: Κολωνία (largest city)
κομάντο {m} [military] :: commando
κόμβος {m} [traffic] :: interchange, hub, circus
κόμβος {m} [nautical] :: knot [speed of one nautical mile per hour]
κόμβος {m} :: node
-κομείο {suffix} :: added to a noun, to create words for buildings and locations where care is provided to that noun:
-κομείο {suffix} :: added to certain food-related nouns, to create words for buildings and locations where that food is produced:
κομεντί {f} :: A comedy, specifically a romantic comedy or dramedy (genre of theatre, film, television etc.)
κόμης {m} :: count, earl [rank in the nobility]
κόμησσα {f} :: alternative form of κόμισσα
κομητεία {f} :: county [land ruled by a count or countess]
-κομία {suffix} :: added to a noun, to create words describing the care of that noun:
-κομία {suffix} :: added to certain food-related nouns, to create words for food production:
κομίζω {v} :: bring, carry
κομίζω γλαύκα εις Αθήνας {phrase} :: carry coals to Newcastle
κόμισσα {f} :: countess [rank in the nobility]
κόμμα {n} [grammar, typography] :: comma, the “,
κόμμα {n} [mathematics] :: a decimal point
κόμμα {n} [politics] :: a political party
κομμάτι {n} :: potsherd, shard
κομμάτι {n} :: piece, item, unit
κομμάτι {n} [music] :: part
κομμάτι {n} [chess] :: piece [mostly used for one of: Knight, bishop or rook]
κομμένος {v} :: cut
κομμένος {v} :: sliced, shredded
κομμένος {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: tired, exhausted [of appearance, especially of the face]
κόμμι {n} :: rubber latex
κομμουνισμός {m} [philosophy, politics] :: communism
κομμουνιστής {m} [politics, philosophy] :: communist
κομμουνιστικός {adj} :: communist
κομμουνίστρια {f} [politics, philosophy] :: communist
κόμμωση {f} :: hairstyle, hairdo, coiffure
κομμωτήριο {n} :: hairdresser's, hairdressing salon
κομμωτής {m} :: hairdresser, hair stylist [for women]
κομμώτρια {f} :: hairdresser, hair stylist [for women]
Κομόρες {prop} {fp} :: Comoros [island nation]
Κομορικά {np} :: alternative form of κομορικά
κομορικά {np} :: Comorian (the language of Comoros and its people)
κομορικός {adj} :: Comoran (relating to Comoros or its people or language)
Κομόρος {prop} {fp} :: alternative form of Κομόρες
-κόμος {suffix} :: added to a noun, to create words for a (male or female) person who provides care for that noun:
-κόμος {suffix} :: added to certain food-related nouns, to create words for a (male or female) person who produces that food:
κομουνισμός {m} [politics] :: alternative spelling of κομμουνισμός
κομουνιστής {m} :: alternative form of κομμουνιστής
κομουνίστρια {f} :: alternative form of κομμουνίστρια
κομπέρ {m} [theatre, television, radio] :: presenter, compere
κομπίνα {f} [colloquial, pejorative, crime] :: scam, racket, racketeering, jobbery, wrangle, (illegal moneymaking scheme)
κομπιναδόρος {m} [colloquial, pejorative, crime] :: fraudster, scammer, racketeer, jobber, swindler (someone who uses illegal schemes to make money)
κομπινεζόν {f} :: slip [woman's undergarment, usually "full slip"]
κομπιούτερ {n} :: computer
κομπιουτεράκι {n} [mathematics, electronics, colloquial] :: calculator
κόμπος {m} :: knot, looping of a piece of string
κόμπος {m} :: node of plant stem
κόμπρα {f} :: cobra [venomous snake]
κομπρέσα {f} [medical] :: compress
κομπρεσέρ {n} [construction] :: pneumatic drill [UK], jackhammer [US]
κομψός {adj} :: chic, smart, elegant, stylish
Κονγκό {n} :: Congo
Κονγκολέζα {f} :: Congolese (a person from Congo)
κονγκολέζικος {adj} :: Congolese [relating to the country or its people]
Κονγκολέζος {m} :: Congolese (a person from Congo)
κόνδυλος {m} [botany] :: tuber
κόνδυλος {m} [anatomy] :: condyle
κονδυλώδης {adj} :: nodular, noduled
κονδυλώδης {adj} [botany] :: tuberous
κονδυλώδης {adj} [anatomy] :: condylar
Κονέκτικατ {prop} {n} :: Κονέκτικατ (state)
κονιάκ {n} :: cognac, brandy [distilled beverage]
κονίαμα {n} [construction] :: mortar
κονικλοτροφείο {n} :: rabbit farm
Κόνλεϋ {prop} :: A transliteration of an English surname
κονσέρβα {f} :: tin [UK], can [US] - [preserved food container]
κονσέρβα {f} :: canning, tinning [the process]
κονσέρβα {f} [figuratively] :: prerecorded television programme
κονσόλα {f} [technology] :: console
κοντά {adv} :: near, nearby
κοντά {adv} :: nearly
κονταίνω {v} :: shorten
κονταίνω {v} :: reduce in height
κοντάρι {n} :: pole, spar
κοντάρι {n} :: flagpole
κοντάρι {n} [regarding the Middle Ages] :: spear, javelin, pikestaff
κοντέινερ {n} :: container, cargo container, shipping container
κοντείνερ {n} :: alternative form of κοντέινερ
κοντινός {adj} :: nearby (adjacent)
κοντινός {adj} :: close (for people)
κοντομάνικος {adj} :: having short sleeves
κοντός {adj} :: short [in height]
κοντός {m} [formal] :: pole
κοντούρα {f} :: [graphic design] the finish of a design; outline
κοντρολάρομαι {v} :: I am controlled
κοντρολάρω {v} :: control
κοπάδι {n} :: herd [of cows, etc]
κοπάδι {n} :: school [of fish]
κοπάδι {n} :: cattle
κοπανίζω {v} :: beat, thrash, whack, thwack
κόπανος {m} :: dolly, washing beetle, bat
κόπανος {m} [agriculture] :: flail
κόπανος {m} :: pestle
κόπανος {m} :: [UK] numbskull, [US] jerk
Κοπεγχάγη {prop} {f} :: Κοπεγχάγη (capital city)
κοπέλα {f} :: young adult woman
κοπέλα {f} :: girlfriend
κοπερνίκιο {n} [chemistry] :: copernicium
κοπή {f} :: cutting, felling, chopping
κόπιτσα {f} :: hook and eye [fastener]
κόπος {m} :: toil, hard work
κόπος {m} :: suffering
κόπος {m} :: fatigue
κόπος {m} :: pay, wages [for such work]
κόπρανα {np} :: excrement, feces, faeces
κοπριά {f} :: dung, manure, muck
κοπριά {f} :: fertilizer
κοπρίτης {m} :: stray dog, cur
κοπρίτης {m} [figuratively] :: layabout, scum, cur
κόπρος {f} :: faeces, shit, manure
κόπρος {f} :: dirt
κόπρος {m} :: stray dog
κοπτήρας {m} :: incisor
κόπτης {m} :: cutter [occupation of craftsman who cuts out leather, textiles etc]
κόπτης {m} :: cutter [tool or machine for cutting leather, textiles etc]
κόπτης {m} :: wire cutters [hand tool]
κόπτης {m} [colloquial] :: university teacher who selects students for rejection
κόπτομαι {v} :: I show too much, pretentious interest
κόπτρια {m} :: cutter [occupation of craftswoman who cuts out leather, textiles etc]
κόπτω {v} :: (in the passive) → κόπτομαι
κόρα {f} :: crust [of bread, etc]
κόρα {f} :: scab [of sound]
κόρακας {m} [ornithology] :: raven, Corvus corax
κοράκι {n} [ornithology] :: crow (a member of the corvid family)
κοράκι {n} [figuratively] :: undertaker
κορακίστικα {np} [childish] :: A form of wordplay used by children to disguise their sentences, similar to pig Latin, either by inserting nonsense syllables (such as κα) between each syllable of the original phrase or by reversing the order of the syllables
κορακίστικα {np} [colloquial, by extension] :: gibberish, gobbledygook, mumbo jumbo (any confusing or meaningless speech)
κορακίστικα {np} [colloquial, humorous, pejorative, figuratively] :: Katharevousa (the form of Greek more similar to the Ancient language, replaced in 1982)
κοράλλι {n} [biology] :: coral [the organism and the structures it creates]
κοραλλί {adj} :: coral [the colour]
κορ ανγκλέ {n} [musical instruments] :: cor anglais, English horn (a woodwind instrument)
κορασίδα {f} [colloquial, dated] :: girl, miss, maiden (young unwed woman, approximately aged 15 to marriage)
κορβανάς {m} :: fund, coffers
κορβανάς {m} :: safe, strongbox, coffer
κορβανάς {m} [gambling] :: kitty, pot
κορέος {m} :: alternative form of κοριός
κόρη {f} :: daughter
κόρη {f} :: maiden, girl
κόρη {f} :: kore; statue of a young woman
κόρη {f} :: pupil (of the eye)
κορίανδρος {m} :: alternative form of κόλιανδρος
Κόρινθος {prop} {f} :: Κόρινθος (city)
κοριός {m} :: bug, bedbug
κοριός {m} [colloquial] :: insect
κοριός {m} :: bug (electronic listening device)
κοριτσάκι {n} :: diminutive of κορίτσι
κοριτσάρα {n} [colloquial] :: augmentative of κορίτσι: great girl, tall, brave
κορίτσαρος {m} [colloquial, emphatic] :: augmentative of κορίτσι: impressive girl
κορίτσι {n} :: diminutive of κόρη
Κορκ {prop} :: Κορκ (city)
Κορκ {prop} :: Κορκ (county)
κορμάκι {n} [gymnastics] :: leotard
κορμάκι {n} :: diminutive of κορμί
κορμί {n} :: body
κορμοράνος {m} :: cormorant [Phalacrocorax carbo including subspecies]
κορμός {m} :: trunk of tree
κορμός {m} :: torso
κορμός {m} :: trunk (main part of body) of animal
κορμός {m} :: main body of something
κορμός {m} :: dessert in a log shape
κόρνα {f} [vehicles] :: horn, hooter (loud alarm on a motor vehicle)
κόρνα {f} [by extension] :: beeping, honking, tooting (the act of blowing a vehicle's horn)
κορνάρισμα {n} :: beeping, honking, tooting (the act of blowing a vehicle's horn)
κορνάρω {vi} [vehicles] :: beep, honk, toot, blow (use the horn)
κόρνο {n} [musical instruments] :: horn [type of instrument]
κορνφλάουρ {n} :: cornflour (UK), cornstarch (US)
κορν φλέικς {np} :: corn flakes
κορνφλέικς {n} :: corn flakes
κοροϊδεύω {v} [most senses] :: mock, ridicule, tease, make fun of
κοροϊδεύω {v} [most senses] :: dupe, fool, deceive
κορόιδο {n} :: dupe, sucker
κορόιδο {n} :: fall guy
κορομηλιά {n} :: cherry plum tree
κορόμηλο {n} :: cherry plum [fruit]
κορόνα {f} :: alternative form of κορώνα
κορόνα ή γράμματα {f} {n} :: alternative form of κορώνα ή γράμματα
κοροναϊός {m} :: alternative form of κορωνοϊός
κορονοϊός {m} :: alternative form of κορωνοϊός
κορσές {m} :: corset, girdle [woman's garment]
κορσές {m} :: (obsolete) stays [woman's garment]
κορτάκιας {m} :: a man who likes to flirt and make amorous advances on many women; a wolf
κορυφή {f} :: peak, summit, top, crest
κορυφή {f} :: apex
κορυφή {f} :: ridge
κορυφή {f} [figuratively] :: top person
κορώνα {f} :: crown
κορώνα {f} :: krona (currency of Sweden)
κορώνα {f} :: krone (currency of Denmark)
κορώνα ή γράμματα {f} {n} :: heads or tails
κορωναϊός {m} :: alternative form of κορωνοϊός
κορωνοϊός {m} [disease] :: coronavirus
κορώνω {v} :: burn
κορώνω {v} [figuratively] :: excite, enflame
κος {m} :: Mr, Mr.
κοσμάκης {m} [collective] :: [pejorative] poor, simple people
κόσμημα {n} :: jewel
κοσμητολόγος {mf} :: beautician, cosmetologist
κοσμοδρόμιο {n} :: cosmodrome [space launch site]
κοσμοθεωρία {f} :: worldview, world view
κοσμοκράτωρ {m} :: cosmocrat
κοσμολογία {f} :: cosmology
κοσμοναύτης {m} :: cosmonaut, astronaut
κοσμοπολίτης {m} :: a cosmopolite; one who has traveled to many countries or is familiar with many cultures
κοσμοπολίτης {m} [dated] :: a cosmopolitan who rejects loyalty to any particular nation; an internationalist or antinationalist
κόσμος {m} [astronomy] :: Universe, cosmos
κόσμος {m} :: world; planet Earth
κόσμος {m} [figurative] :: an imaginary world
κόσμος {m} [figurative] :: one's own, inner world
κόσμος {m} [collective, in the singular] :: society, people, the masses
κόσμος {m} :: a group of people [geographically, historically, socially]
Κοσοβάρα {f} :: Kosovan (a person from Kosovo)
Κοσοβάρος {m} :: Kosovan (a person from Kosovo)
Κόσοβο {prop} {n} :: Kosovo
Κοσσυφοπέδιο {prop} {n} :: Kosovo
Κόστα Ρίκα {prop} {f} :: Κόστα Ρίκα (country)
Κοσταρικανή {f} :: Costa Rican (a person from Costa Rica)
Κοσταρικανός {m} :: Costa Rican (a person from Costa Rica)
κοσταρικανός {adj} :: Costa Rican
κοστίζω {v} :: cost [involve expenditure]
κοστίζω {v} [figuratively] :: cost, come as a blow
κόστος {n} [finance] :: cost
κόστος {n} :: money or effort expended in achieving something
κόστος {n} [finance] :: cost price
κόστος {n} :: rate
κόστος {n} :: consequences
κοστούμι {n} :: suit, costume
κότα {f} [bird] :: hen, chicken (female adult Gallus gallus)
κότα {f} [colloquial] :: chicken, coward (person who lacks courage)
κότα {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: ditz, airhead, bimbo (feather-brained or pretentious woman)
κοτάρα {f} :: augmentative of κότα
κότερο {n} :: cutter, yacht
κοτέτσι {n} :: henhouse, chicken coop
κοτέτσι {n} [colloquial, pejorative] :: hovel (a small and meager house or cottage)
κοτίτσα {f} :: diminutive of κότα
κοτομπουκιά {n} :: chicken nugget (piece of chicken breast covered with breadcrumbs or batter)
κοτόπουλο {n} :: chicken, pullet
κοτόπουλο {n} :: chicken meat
κοτούλα {f} :: diminutive of κότα
κοτσαδόρος {m} [automotive] :: tow bar, tow hitch (ball or hook attached to rear of vehicle for towing another vehicle)
κοτσάνι {n} [botany] :: stalk, peduncle, stem [of leaf, flower, etc]
κοτσάρω {vt} [idiomatic, familiar] :: impose, put, add something which is regarded excessive or unfair
κοτσάρω {vt} [automotive] :: hitch (connect a trailer to another vehicle)
κότσυφας {m} :: blackbird, Turdus merula
κοτσύφι {m} :: blackbird
κοτσυφίνα {m} :: hen blackbird, female blackbird, Turdus merula
κόττα {f} :: alternative form of κότα
κοτυληδόνα {f} [botany] :: cotyledon
κοτυληδώνας {m} :: alternative form of κοτυληδόνα
Κουάλα Λουμπούρ {prop} :: Κουάλα Λουμπούρ (capital)
Κουάλα Λουμπούρ {prop} :: Κουάλα Λουμπούρ (federal territory)
κουάρκ {n} [physics] :: quark [subatomic particle]
κουαφέζ {f} [Egyptiot Dialect] :: alternative form of κουαφέζα
κουαφέζα {f} [Egyptiot Dialect] :: hairdresser
Κούβα {prop} {f} :: Κούβα (island/and/country)
κουβαδάκι {n} :: small bucket, seaside pail
κουβαδάκι {n} :: diminutive of κουβάς
κουβαλάω {v} [colloquial] :: carry
κουβαλάω {v} [in the passive] :: → κουβαλιέμαι
κουβαλημένος {v} :: carried [informal]
κουβαλιέμαι {v} :: I am carried
κουβαλιέμαι {v} :: I visit where I am not wanted, I gatecrash
Κουβανή {f} :: Cuban (a person from Cuba)
κουβανικός {adj} :: Cuban
Κουβανός {m} :: Cuban (a person from Cuba)
Κουβέιτ {prop} {n} :: Kuwait
κουβέντα {f} :: chat, conversation, talk
κουβέντα {f} :: word, phrase
κουβεντούλα {f} :: chat (informal conversation)
κουβέρτα {f} :: blanket
κουβέρτα {f} [nautical] :: deck
κουβέρτα {f} :: pretext
κούγκαρ {m} :: puma, cougar, mountain lion
κουδούνι {n} :: bell
κουδούνι {n} :: doorbell
κουδουνίζω {v} :: ring, jingle, jangle
κουδουνίστρα {f} :: rattle [baby's toy designed to make sound]
Κουένυα {f} :: Quenya
κουζίνα {f} :: kitchen
κουζίνα {f} :: cooker
κουζίνα {f} :: cuisine, cookery
Κουίνσλαντ {prop} {f} :: Queensland (Australian state)
Κουΐνσλαντ {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Κουίνσλαντ
κουκαμπούρα {f} :: kookaburra
κουκί {n} :: broad bean [UK], fava bean [US]
κουκιά {f} :: broad bean [UK], fava bean [US] [plant]
κούκκος {m} :: alternative form of κούκος
κούκλα {f} :: doll, puppet, marionette (toy in the form of a human, usually of a baby or girl)
κούκλα {f} :: mannequin, dummy (life-size model of the human body, used for the fitting or displaying of clothes)
κούκλα {f} [figuratively] :: doll, dish, peach, beauty, babe, bombshell (very attractive woman)
κούκλα {f} [colloquial, affectionate] :: darling, sweetheart, babycakes (term of affection for young woman)
κούκλα {f} :: skein (length of cotton yarn put up together)
κουκλάκι {n} :: diminutive of κούκλα, dolly
κουκλάρα {f} :: augmentative of κούκλα, babe, peach, bombshell
κουκλί {n} :: diminutive of κούκλα, small doll
κουκλίτσα {f} :: diminutive of κούκλα, dolly
κουκλοθέατρο {n} :: puppet theatre, puppet theater
κούκλος {m} [literally, rare] :: male doll
κούκλος {m} [figuratively] :: stud, hunk, Adonis (very handsome man)
κουκλόσπιτο {n} :: dollhouse
κούκος {m} :: cuckoo [Cuculus canorus]
κουκουβάγια {f} :: owl
κουκούλα {f} :: hood, cowl
κουκουλοφόρος {mf} :: A person (often a criminal) who wears a mask or has a hood covering their face in order to conceal their identity
κουκούτσι {n} :: stone, pit [of plum, olive, etc]
κουκούτσι {n} :: pip [of orange, lemon, etc]
κουκούτσι {n} :: kernel
κουλάκος {m} :: kulak [prosperous peasant]
κουλάρω {vi} [colloquial] :: cool it, become calm, cool down
κουλάρω {vt} [colloquial] :: make calm
κουλλούρα {f} :: alternative form of κουλούρα
κουλόμπ {n} [physics] :: coulomb [units of electricity]
κουλός {adj} :: handless, having one or no hands at all
κουλούρα {f} :: general term for ring like objects
κουλούρα {f} :: coil [of rope, wire, etc]
κουλούρα {f} :: life jacket
κουλούρα {f} :: bread roll in shape of a ring, bagel like roll
κουλούρα {f} :: zero mark at school
κουλούρα {f} :: (figuratively) marriage, marriage wreath
κουλουράκι {n} :: small koulouri (diminutive of κουλούρι)
κουλουράκι {n} :: cookie
Κούλουρη {prop} {f} [colloquial] :: Salamis (island in the Saronic Gulf where a famous battle in the Persian Wars took place)
κουλούρι {n} :: koulouri, simit (ring shaped bread roll covered with sesame seeds)
κουλουριάζομαι {v} [passive] :: curl up
κουλουριάζω {v} :: coil
κουλουριάζω {v} :: curl up
κουλτούρα {f} :: culture
κουμαριά {f} :: strawberry tree, Arbutus unedo
κουμ κουάτ {n} :: alternative form of κουμκουάτ
κουμ-κουάτ {n} :: alternative form of κουμκουάτ
κουμκουάτ {n} :: kumquat
κουμπάρος {m} :: one's best man, koumbaros; the primary attendant to the couple in a wedding ceremony
κουμπάρος {m} :: the same person may become the godfather of one's child, forming strong relationship with the family
κουμπάρος {m} [folksy] :: manner of addressing unknown person
κουμπί {n} :: button [fastener for clothing]
κουμπί {n} :: button [instrument control]
κουμπότρυπα {f} :: buttonhole
κουμπώνω {v} :: buckle [belt, shoe, etc]
κουμπώνω {v} :: button, button-up
κουνάβι {n} :: ferret
κουνάβι {n} [loosely] :: one of the mustelids
κουνάω {v} :: alternative form of κουνώ
κουνέλα {f} :: female rabbit, doe
κουνέλα {f} [figuratively, pejorative] :: woman who had many births
κουνελάκι {n} :: diminutive of κουνέλι, baby rabbit, bunny
κουνέλι {n} :: rabbit
κούνια {f} :: swing [usually children's playground apparatus]
κούνια {f} :: cradle
κουνιάδος {m} :: brother-in-law, specifically spouse's brother
κουνιέμαι {v} :: get a move on, stir oneself
κουνιέμαι {v} :: swing, wobble
κουνούπι {n} :: mosquito
κουνουπίδι {n} :: cauliflower
κουνουπιέρα {f} :: mosquito net
κουντεπιέ {n} [informal anatomy term] :: instep
κουνώ {v} :: shake, swing, nod
κουπ {f} :: hairstyle
κούπα {f} :: mug, large cup (drinking vessel)
κούπα {f} :: trophy cup
κούπα {f} :: hearts (suit of playing cards)
κούπα {f} :: liquid measure used in cookery
κούπα {f} :: cup (part of a brassiere)
κουπάκι {n} :: diminutive of κούπα, small mug, cup (for drinking), slightly larger than demitasse, usually without handle, or cup for serving ice cream
κουπί {n} :: oar, paddle, scull
κούρα {f} :: treatment [of the sick]
κουρά {f} :: (scholarly) haircutting [work done by barber or shearer]
κουράγιο {n} :: courage, valour
κουράδα {f} [colloquial, slightly vulgar] :: turd (lump of faeces)
κουραδάκι {n} :: diminutive of κουράδα
κουράδας {m} [offensive, derogatory] :: turd, prick, jerk, asshole (a bad-natured or contemptible man)
κουράδι {n} :: alternative form of κουράδα
κουράδι {n} [Crete] :: herd
κουραδόμαγκας {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: fake tough guy (man who pretends to be tough but isn't)
κουραδομηχανή {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: lazybones, lazy ass, loafer, lazy shit (lazy person)
κουράδω {f} [offensive, derogatory, female] :: turd, prick, jerk, asshole (a bad-natured or contemptible woman)
κουράζομαι {v} :: be tired, be worn out
κουράζομαι {v} :: wear out yourself
κουράζω {v} :: tire, wear out
κουράζω {v} :: annoy
κουραμπιές {m} :: qurabiya, an almond flavoured, crisp bun similar to a macaroon
Κουρασάο {prop} {n} :: Curaçao
κούραση {f} :: tiredness
κουρασμένος {v} :: tired, worn out
κουρασμένος {v} [figuratively] :: having run out of ideas
κουραστικά {adv} :: tiringly
κουραστικός {adj} :: tiring
κουραστικός {adj} :: trying
κουραστικός {adj} :: heavy going
κουραφέξαλα {np} [colloquial] :: hogwash, bullshit (nonsense)
κουρέας {m} :: barber, men's hairdresser
κουρείο {n} :: barbershop, barber's shop, hairdresser's
κουρέλι {n} :: rag, piece of cloth
κουρέλι {n} [figuratively] :: person wrecked by illness or suffering
κουρελιάζω {v} :: rip apart, tear to pieces
κουρελιάζω {v} [figuratively] :: humble
κούρεμα {n} :: haircut
κούρεμα {n} :: shearing
κούρεμα {n} :: mowing
κουρεματάκι {n} :: diminutive of κούρεμα
κουρεύω {v} :: cut hair
κουρεύω {v} :: shear
κούριερ {n} :: courier [company that delivers goods or messages usually by collecting them from sender]
κούριερ {mf} {n} :: courier [person working in collection or delivery on the above company]
κουρκουμάς {m} :: turmeric
κουρκούμη {f} :: alternative form of κουρκουμάς
κουρκουρίζω {v} :: alternative form of γουργουρίζω
κουρκούτι {n} :: batter [mixture of flour with water and/or milk]
κούρνια {f} :: perch, roost [for bird]
κουρούνα {f} :: crow, especially carrion crow
κουρτίνα {f} :: curtain [window covering]
κουσούρι {n} :: shortcoming (usually for a person)
κουστούμι {n} :: alternative form of κοστούμι
κουστούμι {n} [Egyptiot Dialect] :: swimsuit
κουστουμιά {f} [colloquial] :: suit, costume
κουτάβι {n} :: puppy
κουτάλα {f} :: ladle, large spoon, scoop [wood or metal]
κουτάλα {f} [anatomy] :: scapula
κουτάλα {f} [figuratively, colloquial] :: gaining illegal benefit when in a position of power
κουταλάκι {n} [generally] :: small spoon
κουταλάκι {n} [especially] :: teaspoon
κουτάλι {n} [cutlery] :: spoon
κουτάλι {n} [figuratively] :: spoon [metal lure for fishing]
κουταλιά {f} :: spoonful
κουταμάρα {f} :: stupidity, idiocy (the quality of being stupid)
κουταμάρα {f} :: nonsense, stupidity, idiocy, rubbish (stupid behaviour or talk)
κουτεντές {m} :: idiot, a stupid or gullible person
κουτί {n} :: packet, carton
κουτί {n} :: can, canister
κουτί {n} :: box, caddy
κουτορνίθι {n} :: simpleton
κουτορνίθι {n} :: ninny, nincompoop, goose
κουτός {adj} :: stupid, dumb, idiotic, silly
κουτουράδα {f} :: stupidity, foolishness
κουτόφραγκος {m} [colloquial, derogatory, humorous] :: stupid European (a gullible or naive person from Europe who is seen as easily being tricked or made a fool of by a Greek)
κουτσαίνω {v} :: limp, hobble
κουτσαίνω {v} :: be lame
κούτσα-κούτσα {adv} [colloquial] :: with a limp, limpingly
κούτσα-κούτσα {adv} [colloquial, figuratively] :: slowly, haltingly, bit by bit, little by little
κουτσή {f} :: lame/crippled woman/girl, cripple
κουτσό {n} :: hopscotch (child's game, in which a player, hopping on one foot, drives a stone from one compartment to another of a figure traced or scotched on the ground)
κουτσομπόλα {f} [female] :: gossip, gossiper (one who talks about third parties, often negatively)
κουτσομπολεύω {v} :: gossip, tittle-tattle, (to talk about third parties, often negatively)
κουτσομπόλης {m} [male] :: gossip, gossiper (one who talks about third parties, often negatively)
κουτσομπολιό {n} :: gossip, tittle-tattle, idle talk (the act of talking about third parties, often negatively)
κουτσομπολιό {n} :: gossip, tale, rumour, story (stories and comments made while gossiping, often telling lies or stretching the truth)
κουτσός {adj} [of people and animals] :: lame, crippled (unable to walk properly because of a problem with the feet or legs)
κουτσός {adj} [of objects with legs] :: broken
κουτσός {adj} [figuratively] :: crooked
κουτσός {m} :: lame/crippled man/boy, cripple
κουτσουλιά {f} [colloquial] :: birdshit, bird crap (bird droppings)
κουτσουλιά {f} [colloquial, figuratively] :: any small item or person
κουφάρι {n} [usually referring to animals, derogatory when used of humans] :: corpse, carcass, carrion
κουφάρι {n} [nautical] :: hull
κουφιοκέφαλος {adj} :: empty-headed
κούφιος {adj} :: hollow
κούφιος {adj} :: rotten, decayed
κουφοξυλιά {f} :: elder, elderberry [tree]
κούφος {adj} :: frivolous, foolish, impractical
κουφός {adj} :: deaf
κοφτερός {adj} :: sharp, cutting
κόφτης {m} :: alternative form of κόπτης
κοφτό μακαρονάκι {n} :: macaroni
κοφτός {adj} [food] :: cut up [especially with μακαρόνια (spaghetti)]
κοφτός {adj} [cookery] :: level
κοφτός {adj} :: abrupt, swift
κόφτρια {m} :: alternative form of κόπτρια
κόχλι {n} [Egyptiot Dialect] :: eyeliner
κοχλίας {m} :: screw [threaded fastener]
κοχλίας {m} :: worm gear
κοχλίας {m} [anatomy] :: cochlea
κοχλίας {m} :: Archimedes' screw
κοχλίας {m} :: snail
κοχλίας {m} :: helix
κοψιδάκι {n} :: diminutive of κοψίδι
κοψίδι {n} :: chop
κραγιόν {n} :: lipstick
κραγιόν {n} :: crayon
κραγιόνι {n} :: rare spelling of κραγιόν
κραγμένος {v} [colloquial, pejorative, of a gay man] :: flaming, extremely camp (exhibiting typical assumed homosexual behaviour)
κραδασμός {m} :: vibration [act of vibrating]
κράζω {vi} :: without passive forms:
κράζω {vi} [of birds] :: caw, croak, crow (make shrill or harsh sound, especially as of a crow, raven or rook)
κράζω {vi} [figuratively, of humans] :: roar, bellow, holler, yell, screech [shout out in a loud and/or annoying voice]
κράζω {vt} [figuratively] :: call over, cry out for
κράζω {vt} [colloquial] :: with passive forms and participle:
κράζω {vt} [figuratively, colloquial] :: rip to shreds, shout down, boo (criticize severely)
κράμα {n} :: mixture
κράμα {n} [metallurgy] :: alloy
κράμβη {f} :: turnip
κράμβη {f} [botany, horticulture] :: brassica, the cabbage family
κραμβολάχανο {n} :: alternative form of κραμπολάχανο
κραμπολάχανο {n} :: Savoy cabbage
κρανίο {n} [anatomy] :: cranium, skull
κρανιοθήρας {m} :: headhunter [rare]
κράνος {n} :: helmet [for cycling, motorcycling, police, etc]
κράση {f} [medicine] :: constitution or health of a person's body
κράση {f} :: constitution, make up or analysis of a mixture or alloy.,
κράση {f} :: [linguistics] crasis [contraction of a vowel at the end of a word with the start of the next word]
κρασί {n} :: wine
κρασοπότηρο {n} :: wine glass
κρατάω {v} :: [with passive voice] κρατιέμαι
κρατάω {vt} :: hold, hold back
κρατάω {v} :: [with passive voice] κρατούμαι
κρατάω {v} :: imprison, retain
Κρατήρ {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Crater [constellation]
κρατήρας {m} [astronomy, geology] :: crater
κρατήρας {m} [archaeology] :: krater
-κράτης {suffix} :: -crat [indicating someone characterised by]
κράτηση {f} :: booking (reservation)
κράτηση {f} :: confinement, custody, imprisonment
κρατητήριο {n} :: cells area in police station
-κρατία {suffix} :: -cracy [indicating "domination by"]
-κρατία {suffix} :: -ism [indicating "dominating system"]
κρατιέμαι {v} :: hold on
κρατικοποίηση {f} :: nationalisation [UK], nationalization [US]
κρατικοποιούμαι {v} :: be nationalised [UK], be nationalized [US]
κρατικοποιώ {v} :: nationalise [UK], nationalize [US] (take into public ownership)
κρατικός {adj} :: state, government
κρατιστής {m} :: statist [a supporter of statism]
κράτος {n} :: state, sovereign country
κρατούμενη {f} :: prisoner, detainee
κρατουμένη {f} :: alternative form of κρατούμενη
κρατούμενος {m} :: prisoner, detainee
κραυγάζω {v} :: shout loudly, yell, yell out
κραυγή {f} :: scream, shout, yell
κρέας {n} :: meat
κρεατοελιά {f} :: wart
κρεατομηχανή {f} :: meatgrinder [literally or figuratively]
κρεατόμυγα {f} :: bluebottle, greenbottle, blowfly (flies of the family Calliphoridae that lay their eggs in rotting meat, dung, or open wounds)
κρεατοσφαιρίδια {np} [colloquial] :: meatballs
κρεατοφάγος {mf} :: carnivore, meat eater
κρεβάτι {n} :: bed
κρεβάτι {n} :: A marriage custom, usually some days before the marriage, during which friends and relatives throw money on the marriage bed
κρεβατομουρμούρα {f} [colloquial] :: curtain lecture (scolding or grumbling by a wife to her husband in bed)
κρεμ {adj} [colour] :: cream
κρεμ {n} [colour] :: cream
κρέμα {f} :: cream (the fatty dairy product from milk)
κρέμα {f} :: cream [cosmetic or medical product for the skin]
κρέμα {f} :: cream dessert
κρέμα γάλακτος {f} :: cream, dairy cream
κρεμάλα {f} :: gallows, gallows tree
κρεμάλα {f} :: hangman [word guessing game]
κρεμασμένος {v} :: hanged, suspended
κρεμασμένος {v} :: hanged [executed by suspension by neck]
κρεμασμένος {v} [figuratively] :: dependent
κρεμαστάρι {n} :: something hanging
κρεμαστάρι {n} :: [often plural] hanging fruit
κρεμαστάρι {n} [figuratively] :: something tempting but unreachable
κρεμαστάρι {n} [figuratively, derogatory] :: sagging breasts
κρεμαστές γέφυρες {np} :: plural of κρεμαστή γέφυρα
κρεμαστή γέφυρα {f} :: suspension bridge
κρεμαστός {adj} :: hanging, suspended
κρεμάω {v} :: hang, hang upon, suspend
κρεμάω {v} :: hang (execute)
κρεμάω {v} [the passive] :: see κρεμιέμαι
κρεμιέμαι {v} :: I am hung, I hung
κρεμιέμαι {v} [figuratively] :: be dependent upon
κρεμμυδάκι {n} :: diminutive of κρεμμύδι: small onion
κρεμμυδάκι {n} :: spring onion, scallion (fresh onion plant with an undeveloped bulb)
κρεμμυδάκι {n} :: shallot
κρεμμύδι {n} :: onion [plant, bulb and vegetable]
κρεμμύδι {n} [rare] :: shallot
κρεμμύδι χλωρό {n} :: spring onion, scallion
κρεμώ {v} :: alternative form of κρεμάω
κρεολός {m} [historical] :: Creole (white descendants, usually male, of Spanish settlers in South America)
κρεολός {m} [dated] :: Creole (people, usually male, of mixed parentage born in the Caribbean and South America)
κρεοπωλείο {n} [formal] :: butcher's, butcher's shop
κρεοπώλης {m} [formal] :: butcher (a person who prepares and sells meat)
κρεοπώλισσα {f} :: butcher (a person who prepares and sells meat)
κρεπερί {f} :: creperie
κρετίνος {mf} [medicine] :: cretin
κρετίνος {mf} [abusive] :: idiot, cretin
κρημνός {m} :: (scholarly) alternative form of γκρεμός
κρημνός {m} [surgery] :: flap [attached tissue used during plastic surgery]
Κρήτη {prop} {f} :: Crete (biggest island in Greece)
κριάρι {n} :: ram
κριθαράκι {n} :: orzo pasta
κριθαράκι {n} :: stye
κριθάρι {n} :: barley
κριθαρόψωμο {n} :: barley bread
κρίκετ {n} [sports] :: cricket
κρικετόμυς {m} :: hamster (a small Euroasian rodent of the subfamily Cricetinae)
κρικητός {m} :: hamster (a small Euroasian rodent of the subfamily Cricetinae)
κρίκος {m} :: link, ring [attached to or part of a chain]
κρίκος {m} :: earring
κρίκος {m} [figuratively] :: link (connection between two people, subjects, etc)
κρι-κρι {n} :: kri-kri, Cretan ibex, feral Cretan goat
κρίμα {n} :: Indicates a wrong or unjustified action or a misfortune:a misdeed
κρίμα {adv} :: Indicates pity or shame
κρίνο {n} :: lily
κρίνω {v} :: judge, assess, decide
Κριός {prop} {m} :: Aries [constellation & sign of the zodiac]
κριός {m} :: ram, male sheep
κριός {m} :: battering ram
κρίση {f} [legal] :: judgment, opinion, verdict
κρίση {f} :: judgement, discretion
κρίση {f} :: crisis
κρίσιμος {adj} :: critical, crucial
Κριτές {prop} {mp} :: Judges (seventh book in the New Testament of the Bible)
κριτικός {adj} :: critical [expressing comment or judgement]
κριτικός {mf} :: critic
κριτσίνι {n} :: breadstick, grissino
Κροάτης {m} :: Croatian (a person from Croatia)
Κροατία {prop} {f} :: Croatia
Κροατικά {np} :: alternative case form of κροατικά
κροατικά {np} :: Croatian (the language of Croatia and its people)
κροατικός {adj} :: Croatian [related to the country, people or language]
Κροάτισσα {f} :: Croatian (a person from Croatia)
Κροίσος {prop} {m} :: Croesus (king of ancient Lydia)
Κροίσος {prop} {m} [figuratively] :: someone extremely rich or wealthy
κροκόδειλος {m} :: crocodile (amphibious reptile)
κροκόδιλος {m} :: rare form of κροκόδειλος
κρόκος {m} :: yolk, egg yolk
κρόκος {m} [botany] :: crocus
κρόκος {m} [herb] :: saffron
κροκός {m} :: alternative form of κρόκος
κρομμύδι {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of κρεμμύδι
Κρόνος {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Cronus, Cronos
Κρόνος {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: The planet Saturn
κροταλίας {m} :: rattlesnake, rattler
κροταλίας {m} [figuratively] :: untrustworthy and violent man
κρόταφος {m} [anatomy] :: temple
κρότος {m} :: sudden and strong rattling sound, crack
κροτώ {v} :: make sudden and strong rattling sound, crack
κρουαζιέρα {f} [nautical] :: cruise, leisure voyage
κρουαζιερόπλοιο {n} :: cruise liner, cruise ship
κρουασάν {n} :: croissant
κρούομαι {v} :: I am struck
κρούσταλλο {n} :: alternative form of κρύσταλλο
κρουστός {adj} [music] :: of or related to percussion instruments
κρουστός {adj} :: tightly woven
κρουστός {adj} :: full
κρούω {v} :: strike
κρύβω {v} :: hide, cover
κρυμμένος {v} :: hidden, latent
κρύο {n} :: cold, cold weather, etc
κρύος {adj} :: cold, chilled, chilly, cool
κρύπτη {f} :: hidden secret place
κρύπτη {f} [architecture] :: crypt
κρύπτη {f} [anatomy] :: crypt
κρυπτό {n} [chemistry] :: krypton
κρυπτογραφία {f} :: cryptography
κρυπτογραφώ {v} :: encode, encipher, encrypt
κρυσταλλικός {adj} :: crystalline, crystallised [UK], crystallized [US]
κρύσταλλο {-} :: [neuter] mineral crystal, crystal glass, ice
κρύσταλλος {m} [chemistry] :: crystal
κρυστάλλωση {f} [chemistry] :: crystallisation [UK], crystallization [US]
κρυφά {adv} :: in secret
κρυφός {adj} :: hidden, secret
κρυφτό {n} [games] :: hide and seek [UK], hide and go seek [US]
κρυφτούλι {n} :: diminutive of κρυφτό
κρυψορχία {f} [pathology] :: cryptorchidism
κρύωμα {n} [medical] :: cold
κσ {n} :: tbsp (tablespoon, as unit of measure)
κταπόδι {n} :: alternative spelling of χταπόδι
ΚΤΕΛ {prop} {n} :: acronym of Κοινό Ταμείο Εισπράξεων Λεωφορείων, the Greek intercity bus company
ΚΤΕΛ {prop} {n} :: a long distance bus terminal
κτένι {n} :: alternative form of χτένι
κτήμα {n} :: property, real estate, plot [of land]
κτήμα {n} :: farm
κτήμα {n} [plural] :: land, farmland
κτήματα {n} :: land, farmland
κτηνάνθρωπος {m} :: brute, pig (abusive, brutish man)
κτηνοβασία {f} :: beastiality (sexual activity between a human and another animal species)
κτηνοβάτης {m} :: bestialist (person that has sexual relations with non-human animals)
κτήνος {n} :: domestic animal, farm animal, beast
κτήνος {n} [figuratively] :: wild person, brute, beast
κτήνος {n} :: animal, beast
κτηνοτροφία {f} :: husbandry, animal husbandry, livestock rearing
κτηνοτρόφος {mf} :: stock farmer, stockman, stock breeder
κτηνώδης {adj} :: like an animal in form and behaviour
κτηνώδης {adj} :: brutal, brutish, animal, beastly
κτήριο {n} :: alternative form of κτίριο
κτητική αντωνυμία {f} [part of speech] :: possessive pronoun
κτητικός {adj} :: possessive
κτητικός {adj} [grammar] :: possessive
κτίζω {v} :: alternative form of χτίζω
κτίριο {n} :: building
κτίσμα {n} :: building, construction
κτίσμα {n} :: creation
κτίστης {m} :: alternative form of χτίστης (builder)
κτίστης {m} [Christianity] :: God
κ.τ.λ. {adv} :: initialism of και τα λοιπά etc (an abbreviation of etcetera)
κτλ {adv} :: initialism of και τα λοιπά etc (an abbreviation of etcetera)
-κτονία {suffix} :: added to nouns to form a term indicating the killing of the first nouns; equivalent to English -cide:
-κτονία {suffix} :: added to nouns to form a term indicating dying from the first noun:
-κτόνος {suffix} :: added to nouns to form a term indicating the killer of the first nouns:
-κτόνος {suffix} :: added to nouns to form an adjective indicating a killing agent for the first noun; the neuter form serves as the noun in most cases:
κτυπάω {v} :: alternative form of χτυπάω
κτύπημα {n} :: alternative form of χτύπημα
κτύπος {m} :: alternative form of χτύπος
κτυπώ {v} :: alternative form of χτυπάω
κυανός {adj} [formal, contemporary] :: cyan or sky blue
κυανός {adj} :: (as noun) the colour cyan
κυβερνημένος {v} :: governed
κυβέρνηση {f} :: government
κυβερνήτης {m} :: governor (leader of a region or state)
κυβερνήτης {m} [nautical] :: captain, skipper
κυβερνήτης {m} :: pilot (of an aircraft)
κυβερνητικός {adj} :: governmental
κυβερνώ {v} :: rule, govern
κυβερνώ {v} :: captain
κυβερνώ {v} :: navigate
κυβισμός {m} [art] :: cubism
κυβισμός {m} [maths, engineering] :: cubic capacity
κυβίστηση {f} [literary, gymnastics] :: somersault
κύβος {m} [geometry] :: cube
κυδώνι {n} [fruit] :: quince
κυδώνι {n} [mollusc] :: warty venus (Venus verrucosa)
κυδωνιά {f} :: quince tree
κύημα {n} [medicine] :: the foetus, embryon
κύηση {f} :: gestation, pregnancy, gravidity
Κύθηρα {np} :: Kythira (also Cythera, Kythera or Kithira)
κυκεώνας {m} :: kykeon
κυκεώνας {m} :: mess, jumble
κυκεώνας {m} :: bewilderment
κυκλικός {adj} :: circular, round
κυκλικός {adj} :: cyclical, cyclic
κυκλοπροπάνιο {n} [organic compound] :: cyclopropane
κύκλος {m} [geometry] :: circle
κύκλος {m} :: period, cycle
κύκλος {m} :: series, cycle
κύκλος {m} :: clique, coterie, circle, set [of people]
κύκλος {m} [sport] :: circuit, course, track
κύκλος {m} [education] :: course
κύκλος {m} [business] :: turnover
κυκλοφορημένος {v} :: circulated
κυκλοφορία {f} :: circulation
κυκλοφορία {f} :: traffic
κυκλοφορούμαι {v} [rare form] :: [equivalent of the intransitive active voice] κυκλοφορώ
κυκλοφορούμαι {v} :: be published
κυκλοφορούμαι {v} :: be in circulation
κυκλοφορώ {v} [media] :: publish, issue, circulate, release[book, newspaper, etc]
κυκλοφορώ {v} :: circulate, go around
κυκλοφορώ {v} :: be around, be available
κυκλοφορώ {v} :: drive around [in a car, etc]
κύκλωμα {n} [electricity, electronics] :: circuit
κύκλωμα {n} :: network
κύκλωμα {n} :: circle, ring
κυκλώνας {m} [weather] :: cyclone
κυκλώνω {v} :: surround, encircle, encompass
κύκνειο άσμα {n} :: swan song [a final performance]
κύκνος {m} [ornithology] :: swan, Cygnus
κυλινδρόμυλος {m} :: roller mill
κυλινδροπίστονο {n} [automotive] :: cylinder and piston [together]
κύλινδρος {m} [geometry] :: cylinder
κύμα {n} :: wave
κύμα {n} [figuratively] :: surge, influx
κύματα {n} :: vocative and nominative plural form of κύμα
κυματίζω {v} :: wave, flutter, flap [handkerchief, skirt, flag, etc]
κυματοθραύστης {m} :: A breakwater which protects a harbour or coastline
κύμβαλο {n} [music instruments] :: cymbal, cymbals
κύμινο {n} :: cumin [spice]
κυναίλουρος {m} :: cheetah
κυνηγάω {v} :: chase, hunt, pursue, follow
κυνηγάω {v} :: stalk, track [an animal]
κυνηγάω {v} :: stalk, harass [a person]
κυνηγημένος {v} :: hunted, chased
κυνηγητό {n} :: hunt, chase, pursuit
κυνηγητό {n} [games] :: tag
κυνηγητό {n} :: manhunt
κυνήγι {n} :: hunting, shooting, the chase (the search for prey and its killing, for food or pleasure)
κυνήγι {n} :: prey (the animal hunted)
κυνηγιέμαι {v} :: to be hunted
κυνηγός {m} :: hunter
κυνηγός κεφαλών {m} :: headhunter
κυνηγώ {v} :: alternative form of κυνηγάω
Κυνθία {prop} {f} :: given name
κυνικός {adj} :: cynical
κυνικός {m} :: cynic
κυνικός {m} :: dog
κυνισμός {m} :: cynicism
κυνισμός {m} [philosophy] :: Cynicism
κυνόδοντας {m} :: canine tooth, cuspid
κυοφορώ {v} :: gestate
κυπαρίσσι {n} :: cypress tree
Κυπαρισσία {prop} {f} :: Kyparissia
κυπαρισσόμηλο {n} :: cypress cone
κύπελλο {n} :: goblet (drinking vessel)
κύπελλο {n} :: trophy cup
Κυπραία {f} :: Cypriot dialect form of Κύπρια
κυπραίικα {np} :: Cypriot dialect form of κυπριακά
κυπραίικος {adj} :: alternative form of κυπριακός [Cypriot, relating to the country of Cyprus]
Κυπραίος {m} :: Cypriot dialect form of Κύπριος
Κύπρια {f} :: Cypriot (a person from Cyprus)
Κυπριακά {np} :: alternative case form of κυπριακά
κυπριακά {np} :: Cypriot (the dialect of Cyprus and its people)
κυπριακός {adj} :: Cypriot (relating to the country of Cyprus, its people or its language)
κυπρίνος {m} :: carp
Κύπριος {m} :: Cypriot (a person from Cyprus)
Κυπριώτης {m} :: Cypriot (a person from Cyprus)
κυπριώτικα {np} :: Cypriot (the dialect of Cyprus and its people)
Κυπριώτισσα {f} :: Cypriot (a person from Cyprus)
Κύπρος {prop} {f} :: Cyprus
κυράτσα {f} [colloquial, humorous, derogatory] :: snob, social climber (woman who tries to mimic the behaviours and manners of those on a higher social standing than her)
κυράτσα {f} [colloquial, humorous, derogatory, by extension] :: gossip (woman who gossips, usually negatively, about others)
κυρήθρα {f} :: alternative form of κηρήθρα
κυρία {f} :: madam
κυρία {f} :: lady
κυριακάτικα {adv} [colloquial, sometimes humorous or pejorative] :: on a Sunday, of a Sunday [usually with reference to something not appropriate or usual for the day]
κυριακάτικα {np} :: Sunday best (person's finest clothing, especially the clothes one reserves to wear to church on Sunday)
κυριακάτικος {adj} :: of Sunday
κυριακάτικος {adj} [neuter plural, adverb] :: see κυριακάτικα
Κυριακή {f} :: Sunday
Κυριακή {prop} :: given name
Κυριακή προσευχή {prop} {f} :: Lord's Prayer
κύρια σελίδα {f} [computing, web] :: home page [literally: initial page]
Κύριε ελέησον {phrase} :: O Lord, have mercy! (upon us)
κυριλέ {adj} :: posh, affected, chic
Κύριλλος {prop} {m} :: given name
κύριο άρθρο {n} [media] :: leader, lead story, leading article
κυριολεκτικά {adv} :: literally (word for word, not figuratively)
κύριο πιάτο {n} :: main course
Κύριος {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Lord (Jesus Christ, God)
κύριος {m} :: mister (title conferred on an adult male)
κύριος {m} :: master (someone who has control over something or someone)
κύριος {m} :: sir (an address to any male)
κύριος {adj} :: main, principal, most important
κυρίως {adv} :: mainly, chiefly
κυρογενιά {f} [Maniot] :: the grandmother's family
κυρούλα {f} [colloquial, very rare] :: diminutive of κυρά
κυρούλα {f} [Maniot] :: grandmother
κυρτός {adj} :: convex
κυστεΐνη {f} [biochemistry] :: cysteine
κύστη {f} :: cavity, pouch, bag
κύστη {f} [anatomy] :: cyst (sac which develops in the natural cavities of an organ)
κυστική ίνωση {f} [medical] :: cystic fibrosis
κυστικός {adj} [medicine] :: cystic (relating to a cyst)
κυστικός {adj} [anatomy] :: cystic relating to the bladder or gall bladder
κύτος {n} :: vessel (vase, jug, ewer, urn)
κύτος {n} :: hold [of ship or aeroplane]
κυτταρικός {adj} [biology, cytology] :: cellular [relating to cells]
κυτταρίνη {f} [biology, chemistry] :: cellulose [carbohydrate plant material]
κύτταρο {n} [biology, cytology] :: cell (basic unit of a living organism)
κυψέλη {f} :: beehive, hive
κωδεΐνη {f} [pharmacology] :: codeine
κώδικας {m} [countable] :: code
κώδικας {m} [countable] :: codex [an early manuscript book]
κώδικας {m} [uncountable, computing, programming] :: source code
κώδικας QR {m} :: QR code
κώδικας Μορς {m} :: Morse code
κώδικας Μπράιγ {f} :: braille
κωδικοποιώ {v} [law] :: codify
κωδικοποιώ {v} [taxonomy] :: codify
κωδικοποιώ {v} :: codify, organise [data]
κωδικοποιώ {v} :: encode, encipher, encrypt
κωδικός {adj} :: of or relating to code; secret
κωδικός {m} :: access code, password
κωδικός πρόσβασης {m} [computing] :: password, access code
κωδωνοκρούστης {mf} :: bell ringer
κωδωνοστάσιο {n} :: bell tower, belfry, campanile
κωλ- {prefix} [colloquial, chiefly vulgar] :: alternative form of κωλο-
κωλάρα {f} [vulgar, colloquial] :: augmentative of κώλος
κωλαράκι {n} [vulgar, colloquial] :: diminutive of κώλος
κωλαράκος {m} [vulgar, colloquial] :: diminutive of κώλος
κωλο- {prefix} [colloquial, chiefly vulgar] :: added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicate something related to the anus or buttocks:
κωλο- {prefix} [colloquial] :: added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicate something is of low quality or badly built:
κωλο- {prefix} [colloquial] :: added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicate something which causes great anger or discomfort on someone:
κωλο- {prefix} [colloquial, offensive] :: added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicate someone who is very contemptible or hated:
κωλό- {prefix} [colloquial, chiefly vulgar] :: alternative form of κωλο-
κωλόγερος {m} [colloquial, derogatory, offensive] :: old bastard, old asshole, old fart (abusive term for elderly man)
κωλόγρια {f} [colloquial, derogatory, offensive] :: old bitch, old cunt, old fart (abusive term for elderly woman)
κωλοδάχτυλο {n} [colloquial, offensive] :: middle finger, one-finger salute, the finger (obscene gesture made by holding only the middle finger of a hand erect while the rest of the fingers are in a fist)
κωλοδάχτυλο {n} [colloquial, vulgar] :: rectal fingerbang (insertion of one or more digits into another person's anus for sexual pleasure)
κωλομέρι {n} [colloquial, vulgar] :: arsecheek, asscheek, butt cheek, nether cheek (a buttock)
κωλοπαιδαράς {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: augmentative of κωλόπαιδο
κωλοπαίδι {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: alternative form of κωλόπαιδο
κωλόπαιδο {n} [colloquial, offensive] :: little shit, little brat, little asshole (badly behaved child or young person)
κωλοπηλάλα {f} [colloquial, humorous] :: The type of running or sprinting someone does when they need to defecate urgently (for example, with diarrhoea)
κωλοπηλάλα {f} [figuratively] :: A great rush or desire for quick action
κώλος {m} [colloquial, mildly vulgar] :: bumhole, butthole, arsehole, asshole (the anus)
κώλος {m} [colloquial, colloquial] :: arse, ass, bum, bottom (the buttocks)
κώλος {m} [colloquial, figuratively] :: seat [of clothes]
κώλος {m} [colloquial, figuratively] :: rear [of a vehicle]
κώλος {m} [colloquial, figuratively] :: hole [in anything]
κώλος και βρακί {adj} [colloquial, familiar, idiom] :: hand in glove (very close, very intimate)
κωλοτούμπα {f} [gymnastics] :: somersault
κωλοτούμπα {f} [, figuratively] :: U-turn, sudden turnabout, volte-face, backflip
κωλοτρυπίδα {f} [colloquial, vulgar] :: arsehole, asshole (the anus)
κωλότσεπη {f} :: hip-pocket
κωλοφυλλάδα {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: rag (low-quality newspaper or magazine)
κωλοφωτιά {f} [colloquial] :: firefly
κωλόχαρτο {f} [colloquial, vulgar] :: bumfodder, asswipe (toilet paper)
κωλόχαρτο {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: Any paper deemed to be worthless and without value such as university degrees or any other official documents
κωλύομαι {v} :: I am hindered
κωλύω {v} :: prevent by putting an obstacle, hinder, preclude
κωλύω {v} :: (perfective tenses: for legal expressions)
κώμα {n} [medical] :: coma
κωμειδύλλιο {n} :: comic opera, play usually including songs, musical theatre
κωμωδία {f} :: comedy (play or film)
κωνάριο {n} [anatomy] :: pineal gland
κωνίο {n} [anatomy] :: cone [part of the retina]
Κωνσταντής {prop} {m} :: A shortened, everyday form of Κωνσταντίνος
Κωνσταντία {prop} {f} :: given name
Κωνσταντίνα {prop} {f} :: given name, Constantina
Κωνσταντινάκης {prop} {m} :: A shortened, everyday form of Κωνσταντίνος
Κωνσταντίνος {prop} {m} :: given name, Constantine
Κωνσταντινούπολη {prop} {f} :: Κωνσταντινούπολη (largest city)
Κωνσταντινούπολις {prop} {f} [Katharevousa] :: Constantinople, medieval capital of Ῥωμανία, known as Byzantine Empire; contemporary İstanbul, Turkey
Κωνσταντινουπολίτης {m} :: Constantinopolitan (a native of Constantinople)
κωνσταντινουπολίτικος {adj} :: Constantinopolitan
Κωνσταντινουπολίτισσα {f} :: Constantinopolitan (a native of Constantinople)
Κωνσταντῖνος {prop} {m} [Katharevousa, polytonic script] :: given name, Constantine
κωπηλάτης {m} :: oarsman, rower
Κως {prop} {f} :: Κως (island)
Κως {prop} {f} :: Kos (largest town on the above island)
Κώσταινα {prop} {f} :: the wife of Κώστας (Kostas)
Κωστάκης {prop} {m} :: given name
Κωσταντής {prop} {m} :: A shortened, everyday form of Κωνσταντίνος
Κωσταντίνα {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Κωνσταντίνα, Constantina pronounced without nu (ν)
Κωσταντίνος {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Κωνσταντίνος, Constantine pronounced without nu (ν)
Κώστας {prop} {m} :: A shortened, everyday form of Κωνσταντίνος
Κωστής {prop} {m} :: A shortened, everyday form of Κώστας, of Κωνσταντίνος, Constantine
Κωστούλης {prop} {m} :: A shortened, everyday form of Κωνσταντίνος
κωφός {adj} :: alternative form of κουφός
κώφωση {f} [medicine] :: deafness