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User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-w

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
w- {prefix} :: Indicates motion inside or inward
w {prep} [+ locative] :: in, at, on
w {prep} [+ accusative] :: into, in
w {prep} [+ accusative] :: on (time/date)
w chuj {adv} [vulgar] :: shitload; a lot
w chuj {adv} [vulgar] :: fucking (as intensifier); totally; very
w domu {adv} :: at home, indoors
w dół {adv} :: down (from a high to a low position, downwards)
w dupę jeża {interj} [vulgar, idiom, humorous] :: fuck, whoa; expression of surprise, frustration or disappointment
w dupie byłeś, gówno widziałeś {phrase} [vulgar, slang, humorous] :: you don't know what you're talking about
w końcu {prep} :: after all
w kraju ślepców jednooki jest królem {proverb} :: in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
w lewo {adv} :: left (direction)
w mordę jeża {interj} [idiom, humorous] :: dammit, whoa; expression of surprise, frustration or disappointment
w nocy wszystkie koty są czarne {proverb} :: all cats are grey in the dark
w ogniu {adv} :: ablaze
w ogóle {adv} :: in general, generally
w ogóle {adv} :: at all
w pizdę jeża {interj} [vulgar, idiom, humorous] :: fuck, whoa; expression of surprise, frustration or disappointment
w porządku {adv} :: in order (orderly, in accordance with rules)
w porządku {interj} :: alright
w prawo {adv} :: right (direction)
w rzeczywistości {adv} :: in fact, actually
w środku {adv} :: inside
w środku {adv} :: in the midst, amidst
w takim razie {adv} :: in that case
w toku {prep} :: in progress, underway, pending
w winie prawda {proverb} :: in vino veritas
w zamian {adv} :: in exchange
wab {m inan} [hunting] :: The act of luring game
wab {m inan} :: allure (quality causing attraction)
wabić {vt impf} :: to lure
wabić {vt impf} :: to entice
wabić {vr impf} [of animals] :: to be called
wabienie {n} :: verbal noun of wabić
wabik {m inan} :: lure
wabik {m inan} :: decoy
wacha {f} [slang] :: fuel, petrol, gasoline
wacha {f} [prison slang] :: rain
wacha {f} [obsolete prison slang] :: water
wacha {f} [sailing] :: sea or seawater
wacha {f} [archaic, Lwów] :: watch, guard duty
wacha {f} :: wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri)
wachlarz {m inan} :: fan (hand-held device)
wachnia {f} :: saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis)
wachta {f} :: watch
wachta {f} :: guard
Wacław {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
waćpan {m pers} [archaic] :: polite term of address among the nobility
wada {f} :: defect, fault
wada {f} :: disadvantage
wademekum {n} :: vade mecum (referential book)
wadera {f} :: she-wolf, female wolf
Wadowice {prop} {p} :: City in southern Poland, in the eastern part of Silesian Foothills
waduski {adj} :: Vaduz (of, from or pertaining to Vaduz in Liechtenstein)
wadzenie {n} :: verbal noun of wadzić
wadzić {vi impf} [literary] :: to incommode, encumber, be in the way
wadzić {vt impf} [obsolete] :: to cause to quarrel
wafel {m inan} :: wafer (flat biscuit)
wafelek {m inan} :: filled layered wafer
Wag {prop} {m inan} :: Wag (river)
waga {f} :: scales
waga {f} :: weight
Waga {prop} {f} [zodiac constellations] :: Libra, a constellation
Waga {prop} {f} [astrology] :: Libra, an astrological sign
waga kogucia {f} [boxing] :: bantamweight
waga piórkowa {f} [boxing] :: featherweight
Wagadugu {prop} {n} :: Wagadugu (capital city)
wagarować {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to play truant, skip classes
wagarowicz {m pers} :: truant
wagary {fp} [colloquial] :: truancy
wagon {m inan} :: car (a railway carriage, a nonpowered unit in a railroad train)
wagon {m inan} [colloquial] :: truckload
wahać {vr impf} :: to hesitate, to waver (to feel or show indecision)
wahadło {n} :: pendulum
wahadłowiec {m inan} :: space shuttle, shuttle
wahadłowiec {m inan} :: commuter aircraft
wahanie {n} :: verbal noun of wahać
wajcha {f} [colloquial] :: lever
wakacje {p} :: summer school break in Poland, between late June and September 1
wakacje {p} :: any similar long period of summer holiday, especially in an educational setting
wal {m anim} :: whale (certain species)
walanie {n} :: verbal noun of walać
walc {m inan} :: waltz (ballroom dance)
walc {m inan} :: waltz (piece of music)
walczyć {v impf} :: to fight (to be involved in a physical confrontation)
walczyk {m inan} :: diminutive of walc
Waldek {m pers} :: given name
Waldemar {prop} {m} :: given name
walec {m inan} :: cylinder
walec {m inan} :: road roller, steamroller
Walencja {prop} {f} :: Walencja (capital city)
Walencja {prop} {f} :: Walencja (autonomous community)
Walencja {prop} {f} :: Walencja (province)
walenie {n} :: verbal noun of walić
walentynki {p} :: Saint Valentine's Day
waleń {m anim} :: right whale (any member of the genus Eubalaena)
waleń {m anim} :: cetacean
Waleria {prop} {pl} {f} :: given name
Waleriusz {prop} {m} :: given name
Walery {prop} {pl} {m pers} :: given name
walet {m anim} [card games] :: jack
Walia {prop} {f} :: Wales
walić {vi impf} :: to pound (strike hard, usually repeatedly)
walić {vi impf} [of heart] :: to pound, palpitate
walić {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to drink (an alcoholic beverage)
walić {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to stink (have a strong bad smell)
walić {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to fall heavily (e.g. snow)
walić {vt impf} [vulgar] :: to pound (penetrate sexually, with vigour)
walić konia {vi impf} [colloquial, idiom] :: to masturbate
Walijczyk {m pers} :: Welshman
Walijka {f} :: Welshwoman
walijski {adj} :: Welsh
walijski {m inan} :: Welsh (language)
walina {f} :: valine
waliza {f} :: trunk (a large suitcase)
walizka {f} :: diminutive of waliza
walizka {f} :: suitcase, valise
walka {f} :: combat, fight, struggle
walkower {m inan} [sports] :: walkover (bye or victory awarded to a competitor when a scheduled opponent fails to play a game)
Wallis i Futuna {prop} {f} :: Wallis i Futuna (overseas collectivity)
walnąć {vti pf} :: to bang, to pound
walnąć {vi pf} [of a heart] :: to pound, to palpitate
walnąć {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to drink (an alcoholic beverage)
walny {adj} :: general, common
walny {adj} :: conclusive, decisive, definitive
walny {adj} [archaic] :: brave, dashing
walny {adj} [archaic] :: excellent
walny {adj} [archaic] :: important
Walonia {prop} {f} :: Wallonia
waloński {adj} :: Walloon
waltornia {f} :: French horn
waluta {f} :: currency (money or other item used to facilitate transactions)
walutowy {adj} :: of or pertaining to currency
wał {m inan} :: levee (flood barrier)
wał {m inan} :: embankment
wał {m inan} :: shaft (a mechanical component used to transfer torque)
wał {m anim} [slang] :: shaft; cock (penis)
wał korbowy {m inan} :: crankshaft
wał przeciwpowodziowy {m inan} :: levee
wałach {m anim} :: gelding (castrated horse)
Wałbrzych {prop} {m inan} :: Wałbrzych
wałbrzyski {adj} :: Wałbrzych (of, from or pertaining to Wałbrzych in Poland)
wałek {m inan} :: diminutive of wał
wałek {m inan} :: roller (anything that rolls)
wałek {m inan} :: roller (agricultural machine)
wałek {m inan} :: roll (that which is rolled up)
wałek {m inan} [colloquial] :: longitudinal protrusion
wałek rozrządu {noun} :: camshaft
wałęsa {m pers} [archaic] :: vagabond (male who wanders from place to place)
wałęsa {f} [archaic] :: vagabond (female who wanders from place to place)
wałęsać {vr impf} [colloquial] :: to wander aimlessly from place to place
wałęsać {vr impf} [by extension, of a smell or cloud] :: to waft, to drift
wałkoń {m pers} [colloquial] :: Someone who is workshy; an idler; a loafer; a do-nothing
wałówka {f} [colloquial] :: a hefty supply of food, especially one taken on an excursion where obtaining and preparing food may be difficult or costly
wały {m inanp} [colloquial] :: beating, thrashing, whupping
wampir {m anim} :: vampire (mythological creature)
wanad {m inan} :: vanadium, a chemical element
Wanda {prop} {f} :: given name
Wandal {m pers} :: Vandal (member of an ancient east Germanic tribe)
wandalizm {m inan} :: vandalism
wanilia {f} :: vanilla (any orchid of the genus Vanilla)
wanilia {f} :: vanilla (natural extract)
waniliowy {adj} [relational] :: vanilla
wanna {f} :: bath, bathtub
wapiennik {m inan} :: limekiln (kiln used to produce quicklime)
wapienny {adj} :: Pertaining to or made of limestone; calcareous
wapienny {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or containing lime (inorganic material containing calcium)
wapienny {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or containing calcium
wapień {m inan} :: limestone
wapniowiec {m inan} :: alkaline earth metal
wapniowy {adj} :: Of or pertaining to calcium
wapnisty {adj} :: Containing calcium carbonate; calcareous
wapno {n} :: lime (inorganic material containing calcium)
wapń {m inan} :: calcium
war {m inan} [obsolete] :: boiling water or other liquid
war {m inan} [obsolete] :: extreme heat
war {m inan} :: var, volt-ampere reactive (unit of electrical power)
wara {f} :: attention, beware (used to dogs)
waran {m anim} :: monitor lizard, reptile of the family Varanidae
warcaby {p} [board games] :: draughts (UK), checkers (US)
warchlaczek {m anim} :: diminutive of warchlak
warchlak {m anim} :: wild boar piglet
warchoł {m pers} :: brawler, troubler, lout, troublemaker, firebrand
warchoł {m pers} :: barrator
warczeć {vi impf} :: to growl, to snarl, to whirr, to gnarl
wardęga {m pers} [obsolete] :: vagrant, vagabond
wardęga {f} [archaic] :: belongings
warga {f} :: lip
wargacz {m anim} :: sloth bear (Melursus ursinus)
wargacz {m anim} [usually in plural] :: wrasse, labrid
wargowy {adj} :: labial
wariant {m inan} :: variant
wariat {m pers} [colloquial] :: someone mentally ill
wariat {m pers} [colloquial] :: madman
wariatka {f} [colloquial] :: someone mentally ill
wariatka {f} [colloquial] :: madwoman
wariatkowo {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: psychiatric hospital, mental hospital
wariatkowo {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: madhouse (chaotic place)
wariograf {m inan} :: polygraph, lie detector
warka {f} :: brew; a batch of beer produced in a single production cycle
warkocz {m inan} :: braid
warkot {m inan} :: growl, burr, whirr (of a machine, engine)
Warmia {prop} {f} :: Warmia (region)
Warmiak {m pers} :: Warmian (a male person from Warmia)
warmuz {m inan} :: A type of soup
warmuz {m inan} [colloquial] :: white goosefoot (Chenopodium album)
warować {v impf} :: of a dog: to guard, to wait with belly on the ground
warownia {f} :: stronghold, fortress
warstwa {f} :: layer
warstwa {f} :: stratum
warstwa {f} [mathematics] :: coset
warszafka {f} [derogatory] :: alternative form of warszawka
warszawa {f} :: FSO Warszawa, a car manufactured in Warsaw between 1951 and 1973
Warszawa {prop} {f} :: Warszawa (capital city)
Warszawa {prop} {f} :: FSO Warszawa, a line of cars manufactured in Warsaw between 1951 and 1973
warszawiak {m pers} :: Varsovian (inhabitant of Warsaw)
warszawianin {m pers} [humorous] :: Varsovian (inhabitant of Warsaw)
warszawianka {f} :: Varsovian (female inhabitant of Warsaw)
warszawka {f} [derogatory] :: stereotypical inhabitants of Warsaw as a group
warszawski {adj} :: Varsovian (of, from or pertaining to Warsaw in Poland)
warsztat {m inan} :: workshop
warsztat {m inan} :: the methods or style of artistic creation, specific to an individual
wart {adj} :: worth
warta {f} :: watch, guard duty
warta {f} :: sentry, lookout
Warta {prop} {f} :: Warta, river in Poland
Warta {prop} {f} :: Warta, town in Central Poland, on the banks of the Warta river
wartki {adj} :: fast-flowing
wartki {adj} :: fast-rolling
warto {v} :: it is worth
wartogłowie {n} :: coenurosis
wartogłów {m pers} [archaic] :: A foolhardy person
wartościowy {adj} :: valuable
wartość {f} :: value (quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable)
wartownia {f} :: guardhouse, watch house, guard building, guard booth, guard shack, security booth, security building, sentry building
warunek {m inan} :: condition, term
warunkowy {adj} :: conditional
warunkowy {adj} :: provisory
warzecha {f} :: a wooden spoon
warzenie {n} :: verbal noun of warzyć; brewing
warzęcha {f} :: spoonbill; birds of the genus Platalea
warzucha {f} :: scurvy-grass, any of several plants of the genus Cochlearia
warzyć {v impf} :: to brew, to prepare beer
warzyć {v impf} :: to obtain salt by boiling brine
warzyć {v impf} [dated] :: to cook by boiling
warzyć {v impf} [dated, rare] :: to make cheese
warzywniak {m inan} :: greengrocer's
warzywniak {m inan} :: vegetable garden
warzywnik {m pers} :: vegetable grower; vegetable farmer
warzywnik {m inan} :: vegetable garden
warzywo {n} :: vegetable
warzywo {n} [figurative, colloquial, derogatory] :: vegetable; a person that is brain dead or suffers from extensive paralysis
wasabi {n} :: wasabi
wasal {m pers} :: vassal
wasz {pron} :: your (belonging to the group of people addressed, possessive pronoun)
waszmość {f} [archaic] :: polite term of address among the nobility
Waszyngton {prop} {m inan} :: Waszyngton (city)
Waszyngton {prop} {m inan} :: Waszyngton (state)
waść {f} [archaic] :: term of address among the nobility
waśń {f} [dated] :: feud, strife, discord, dissension
wat {m inan} :: watt
wata cukrowa {f} :: cotton candy, candy floss, fairy floss
wataha {f} :: pack (of wolves, wild boars)
wataha {f} :: large group of often armed people
watażka {m pers} :: warlord
waterpolista {m pers} :: water polo player
waterpolo {n} :: water polo
Watykan {prop} {m} :: Watykan (city-state)
watykański {adj} :: Vatican
wawer {m inan} [colloquial] :: cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)
Wawrów {prop} {m inan} :: Wawrów (village)
wawrzyn {m inan} :: laurel (Laurus nobilis)
wawrzyn {m inan} :: laurel (crown of laurel)
wawrzyn {m inan} :: laurel (honor, distinction)
wawrzynek {m inan} :: A plant of the genus Daphne
Wawrzyniec {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
waza {f} :: soup tureen
waza {f} :: vase
wazelina {f} :: vaseline
wazelina {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: flattery
wazka {f} :: diminutive of waza
wazon {m inan} :: vase
wazonik {m inan} :: diminutive of wazon; small vase
ważka {f} :: dragonfly
ważki {adj} [dated] :: important; crucial
ważniak {m pers} [pejorative] :: big wig; a self-important person
ważniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of ważny
ważny {adj} :: important, significant
ważny {adj} [of a document, not comparable] :: valid
ważyć {v impf} :: to weigh (to determine the weight of an object)
ważyć {v impf} :: to weigh (to have a certain weight)
wąchać {vt impf} :: to smell, to sniff
wąchanie {n} :: verbal noun of wąchać
wądolec {m inan} [archaic] :: gully (trench, ravine or narrow channel)
wądół {m inan} :: pit
wągier {m inan} :: comedo
wągier {m inan} :: cysticercus
wąglik {m inan} [diseases] :: anthrax
wągr {m inan} :: alternative form of wągier
wągrzyca {f} [diseases] :: cysticercosis
wąs {m inan} [chiefly in the plural] :: moustache
wąs {m inan} :: whisker, vibrissa
wąs {m inan} [botany] :: tendril
wąs {m inan} [botany] :: awn, arista
wąsacz {m pers} [colloquial] :: A man with a prominent moustache
wąsacz {m anim} :: A species of catfish
wąsacz {m anim} :: Barbu (bearded chicken)
wąsal {m pers} [colloquial] :: A man with a prominent moustache
wąsal {m anim} :: African barbet (a bird belonging to the family Lybiidae)
wąsatka {f} :: bearded reedling, bearded tit (Panurus biarmicus)
wąsatka {f} :: panurid
wąsaty {adj} :: mustachioed, moustached (having a moustache)
wąsaty {adj} :: whiskered, whiskery, bewhiskered (having whiskers)
wąsaty {adj} :: awned
wąsik {m inan} :: diminutive of wąs
wąsisko {n} [colloquial] :: augmentative of wąs
wąski {adj} :: narrow, tight
wąsonóg {m anim} :: barnacle (crustacean of the infraclass Cirripedia)
wątek {m inan} :: thread (theme, e.g., in an internet forum)
wątek {m inan} :: subplot (a separate chain of events within a plot of the story)
wątek {m inan} [weaving] :: weft
wątek {m inan} :: bond (pattern of bricklaying)
wątek {m inan} [computing] :: thread
wątlutki {adj} :: diminutive of wątły
wątłusz {m anim} :: Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
wątły {adj} :: puny
wątły {adj} :: frail
wątpia {np} [dialectal or archaic] :: innards, viscera (internal organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavities)
wątpić {v impf} :: to doubt (to disbelieve, question or suspect)
wątpliwość {f} :: doubt
wątpliwszy {adj} :: comparative of wątpliwy
wątpliwy {adj} :: questionable, dubious, doubtful (subject to, or causing doubt)
wątpliwy {adj} [obsolete] :: doubtful (experiencing or showing doubt; sceptical)
wątroba {f} [anatomy] :: liver
wątrobowiec {m pers} [colloquial] :: A man with liver disease
wątrobowiec {m inan} :: A land plant belonging to the division Marchantiophyta
wątrobowy {adj} [relational] :: liver; hepatic
wąwóz {m inan} :: ravine
wązki {adj} :: obsolete spelling of wąski
wąż {m anim} :: snake, serpent (reptile of the sub-order Serpentes)
wąż {m pers} [by extension] :: snake (person)
wąż {m pers} [humorous] :: husband
wąż {m inan} :: hose, garden hose
Wąż {prop} {m} {m pers} {f} [astronomy] :: Serpens constellation
wbicie {n} :: verbal noun of wbić
wbić {vt pf} :: to drive in, to beat in, to hammer in
wbijać {vt impf} :: to drive in, to beat in, to hammer in
wbijanie {n} :: verbal noun of wbijać
wbrew {prep} :: in spite of
WC {n} :: water closet (toilet)
wcale {adv} :: not at all
wcale {adv} [rare] :: completely, wholly
wchłaniać {v impf} :: to absorb
wchłonąć {v pf} :: to absorb
wchodzenie {n} :: verbal noun of wchodzić
wchodzić {vi impf} :: to enter (to go into (a room, etc.) on foot)
wchylenie {n} :: verbal noun of wchylić
wciągać {vt impf} :: to pull in, to pull inside
wciągać {vt impf} :: to hoist, to raise
wciągać {vt impf} :: to draw, to inhale, to breathe in
wciągnąć {vt pf} :: to pull in, to pull inside
wciągnąć {vt pf} :: to hoist, to raise
wciągnąć {vt pf} :: to draw, to inhale, to breathe in
wciąż {adv} :: still (up to a time, as in the preceding time)
wcięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wciąć
wcięcie {n} [typography] :: indent, indentation (blank space at the beginning of a line)
wcięcie {n} :: notch
wciornastek {m anim} :: thrips, thysanopteran
wciskanie {n} :: verbal noun of wciskać
wczasy {m inan} :: holiday (period of recreational travel)
wczep {m inan} [woodworking] :: finger joint
wczepiać {vt impf} :: to hook in, to cling (using claws, spikes, etc.)
wczepiać {vr impf} :: to cling, to hold on
wczepić {vt pf} :: to hook in, to cling (using claws, spikes, etc.)
wczepić {vr pf} :: to cling, to hold on
wczesny {adj} :: early
wcześniactwo {n} :: premature birth (childbirth occurring earlier than 37 completed weeks of gestation)
wcześniak {m pers} :: premature baby, preterm baby, preemie
wcześnie {adv} :: early
wcześniej {adv} :: comparative of wcześnie
wcześniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wczesny
wczoraj {adv} :: yesterday
wczoraj {n} :: yesterday
wczorajszy {adj} :: yesterday's
wdech {m inan} :: the act of breathing in, inhalation, inspiration
wdepnąć {v pf} [pejorative] :: to step into something
wdepnąć {v pf} [colloquial] :: to accidentally find oneself in a bad situation
wdowa {f} :: widow (woman whose spouse has died)
wdowa {f} :: Any spider of the genus Latrodectus; widow spider
wdowa {f} [typography] :: widow
wdowi {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a widow
wdowiec {m pers} :: widower
wdowieństwo {n} :: widowhood
wdowieństwo {n} :: widowerhood
wdowula {f} [archaic, jocular] :: widow
wdówka {f} :: diminutive of wdowa
wdówka {f} [humorous] :: widow
wdówka {f} :: Any indigobird or whydah belonging to the genus Vidua
wdrażać {vt impf} :: to implement, to introduce, to put into practice
wdrożenie {n} :: verbal noun of wdrożyć; implementation, deployment
wdrożyć {vt pf} :: to implement, to deploy, to introduce
wdychać {vt impf} :: to breathe in, to inhale
wdychanie {n} :: verbal noun of wdychać
wdzięczniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wdzięczny
wdzięczność {f} :: gratitude
wdzięczny {adj} :: grateful (showing gratitude)
wdzięczny {adj} :: charming, pleasant
wdzięk {m inan} :: charm, grace
we {prep} [+ locative] :: in
we {prep} [+ accusative] :: into, in
weber {m inan} :: weber
wed. {noun} :: abbreviation of wedyjski
wedle {prep} :: according to
wedle {prep} :: next to, near, beside
według {prep} :: according to
według {prep} :: by
wedyjski {adj} :: Vedic
weekend {m inan} :: weekend
weekendowo {adv} :: In a weekendy manner
weekendowy {adj} [relational] :: weekend
Wega {prop} {f} [star] :: Vega
weganin {m pers} :: vegan (person)
weganizm {m inan} :: veganism
weganka {f} :: female vegan (person)
wegański {adj} :: vegan
wegańsko {adv} :: in a vegan manner
wegetacja {f} :: vegetation
wegetacja {f} :: vegetating (living or spending a period of time in a dull, inactive, unchallenging way)
wegetarianin {m pers} :: vegetarian (person)
wegetarianizm {m inan} :: vegetarianism
wegetarianka {f} :: female vegetarian (person)
wegetariański {adj} :: vegetarian
wegetariańsko {adv} :: in a vegetarian manner
wehikuł {m inan} :: vehicle
wehikuł czasu {m} :: time machine
wejrzeć {vi pf} :: to look into, to inquire, to inspect [+ w (object) = accusative = into something]
wejście {n} :: verbal noun of wejść; entering
wejście {n} :: entrance, entry, way in
wejście {n} :: entrance (act of entering)
wejście {n} [computing] :: input
wejściowy {adj} [relational] :: entrance, entry
wejść {vi pf} :: to enter, to go into
weksel {m inan} [finance] :: bill of exchange
wekslowy {adj} :: of or pertaining to a bill of exchange
wektor {m inan} [mathematics, physics] :: vector
welocyped {m inan} :: velocipede
welon {m inan} :: veil (covering for a person or thing)
welon {m inan} :: veiltail
welon {m inan} [Catholicism] :: chalice veil
welon {m inan} :: plume (of smoke, mist etc., covering something)
welonik {m inan} :: diminutive of welon
wełna {f} :: wool
wełniaczek {m inan} :: diminutive of wełniak
wełniaczek {m anim} :: Any bat of the genus Kerivoula; woolly bat, vesper bat
wełniak {m inan} :: wool or flax textile, usually homespun
wełniak {m inan} :: article of clothing produced from such a textile
wełniak {m anim} :: woolly monkey (Lagothrix)
wełnianka {f} :: cottongrass, cottonsedge (any member of the genus Eriophorum)
wełniany {adj} :: wooly, woolly
wełnolot {m anim} :: woolly flying squirrel (Eupetaurus cinereus)
Wełtawa {prop} {f} :: Wełtawa (river)
wena {f} :: afflatus, inspiration
wendeta {f} :: vendetta
Wenecja {prop} {f} :: Wenecja (city)
wenecki {adj} :: Venetian
Wenezuela {prop} {f} :: Wenezuela (country)
Wenezuelczyk {m pers} :: Venezuelan (person)
Wenezuelka {f} :: Venezuelan (female person)
wenezuelski {adj} :: Venezuelan
wentylator {m inan} :: ventilator, fan
Wenus {prop} {f} :: Venus, a planet in the Solar System
Wenus {prop} {f} :: Venus, a Roman goddess
weń {contraction} :: contraction of w niego
weranda {f} [architecture] :: veranda
werandka {f} [architecture] :: diminutive of weranda; small veranda
werbel {m inan} :: snare drum
werbena {f} :: vervain, verbena, any plant of the genus Verbena
werbować {vt impf} :: to recruit
werbować {vt impf} :: to enroll, to enlist
werbować {vt impf} :: to levy
werbownik {m pers} [dated] :: recruiter
werbownik {m pers} [dated] :: canvasser
werbunek {m inan} :: recruitment, recruiting
werdykt {m inan} :: verdict
wernisaż {m inan} [art] :: vernissage
wernisażowy {adj} [relational] :: vernissage
Weronika {prop} {f} :: given name
wers {m inan} [poetry] :: line
Wersal {prop} {m inan} :: Versailles
wersalka {f} :: sofa-bed
werset {m inan} :: verse (small excerpt of the Bible or other holy scripture)
wersja {f} :: version
wertykalny {adj} :: vertical
werwa {f} :: verve, zest, vigour
wesele {n} :: wedding reception (festivities accompanying a marriage ceremony)
wesele {n} [archaic] :: mirth
weselej {adv} :: comparative of wesoło
weselszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wesoły
wesoło {adv} :: merrily, cheerfully
wesoły {adj} :: merry
wesoły {adj} :: happy, jolly
wesół {adj} :: dated form of wesoły
wespół {adv} [literary] :: communally, mutually, jointly
wesprzeć {v pf} :: to support (to keep from falling)
wesprzeć {v pf} :: to support (to help, particularly financially)
Westa {prop} {f} :: Vesta (Roman goddess)
Westa {prop} {f} :: Vesta (asteroid)
westchnąć {vi pf} :: to sigh
westchnienie {n} :: sigh
western {m inan} :: western
westybul {m inan} [architecture] :: vestibule
wesz {f} :: louse
weterynarz {m pers} :: veterinary, veterinary surgeon, vet (short form of veterinary / veterinary surgeon)
wetknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wetknąć
weto {n} :: veto
wewnątrz {adv} :: inside
wewnątrzczaszkowy {adj} :: intracranial
wewnętrzny {adj} :: internal, interior
wewnętrzny {adj} :: domestic
wewnętrzny {adj} :: inner
wewnętrzny {m inan} :: (telephone) extension
Wezera {prop} {f} :: Wezera (river)
wezgłowie {n} :: headboard
Wezuwiusz {prop} {m} :: Vesuvius
wezwać {vt pf} :: to call, to summon
wezwanie {n} :: verbal noun of wezwać
wezwanie {n} :: call, summoning
wezwanie {n} :: appeal, exhortation
wezyr {m pers} :: vizier
węch {m inan} :: smell (sense), olfaction
węchomózgowie {n} :: rhinencephalon, smell-brain
węchowy {adj} :: olfactory
wędka {f} :: rod, fishing rod
wędka muchowa {f} :: flyrod (fishing rod)
wędkarstwo {n} :: angling
wędkarz {m pers} :: angler
wędlina {f} :: cold cuts
wędół {m inan} [obsolete] :: alternative form of wądół
wędrować {vi impf} :: to wander, to roam
wędrowanie {n} :: verbal noun of wędrować
wędrowiec {m pers} [literary] :: wanderer, wayfarer, traveller on foot; person on a journey with no definite end
wędrowny {adj} :: peregrine, wandering
wędrowny {adj} [zoology] :: migratory
wędrówka {f} :: hike
wędzarnia {f} :: smokehouse
wędzić {vt impf} :: to smoke (to treat meat using smoke)
wędzidło {n} :: bit (a piece of metal placed in a horse's mouth and connected to reins to direct the animal)
wędzigrosz {m pers} [obsolete, derogatory] :: miser, penny pincher
wędzisko {n} [fishing] :: pole
wędzony {adj} :: smoked (of food, preserved by treatment with smoke)
węg. {adj} :: abbreviation of węgierski
węgar {m inan} [architectural elements] :: jamb
węgarek {m inan} [architectural elements] :: jamb
węgiel {m inan} :: [singular only] carbon
węgiel {m inan} :: coal
węgiel brunatny {m} :: lignite
węgielek {m inan} :: diminutive of węgiel
węgielny {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a corner or quoin
węgielny {adj} [archaic or dialectal] :: Of or pertaining to coal
węgieł {m inan} :: corner, quoin
węgier {m pers} [obsolete] :: peddler (itinerant vendor)
węgier {m inan} [obsolete] :: Hungarian wine
Węgier {m pers} :: Hungarian (person from Hungary)
węgierka {f} :: a cultivar of Prunus domestica subsp. italica
Węgierka {f} :: Hungarian (a woman from Hungary)
węgierski {adj} :: Hungarian
węgierski {m inan} :: Hungarian (language)
węglan {m inan} :: carbonate (salt or ester of carbonic acid)
węglarz {m pers} :: A coalman
węglarz {m pers} :: A charcoal burner
węglik {m inan} :: carbide (a compound composed of carbon and a less electronegative element)
węglonośny {adj} :: carboniferous
węglowiec {m inan} :: collier (ship)
węglowiec {m inan} [periodic table] :: carbon group element; group 14 element
węglowodan {m inan} [organic chemistry, nutrition] :: carbohydrate (organic compounds such as sugar, starch or cellulose)
węglowodanowy {adj} [relational] :: carbohydrate
węglowodór {m inan} :: hydrocarbon
węglowy {adj} :: Of or pertaining to coal
węglowy {adj} :: Of or pertaining to carbon
węgłowy {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a corner or quoin
węgornica {f} :: ammocoete (lamprey larva)
węgorz {m anim} :: Any eel belonging to the genus Anguilla
węgorzyca {f} :: viviparous eelpout, viviparous blenny (Zoarces viviparus)
Węgry {prop} {p} :: Hungary
węgrzyn {m pers} [archaic] :: peddler (itinerant vendor)
węgrzyn {m inan} [archaic] :: Hungarian wine
Węgrzyn {m pers} :: Hungarian
węszenie {n} :: verbal noun of węszyć
węszyć {vi impf} :: to sniff
węszyć {vi impf} :: to nose, to nuzzle
węszyć {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to spy
węzeł {m inan} :: knot (looping)
węzeł {m inan} :: substation, a connection point of infrastructure such as roads, electrical networks, etc
węzeł {m inan} [graph theory] :: vertex, node
węzeł gordyjski {m inan} :: Gordian knot (mythical knot)
węzełeczek {m inan} :: diminutive of węzełek
węzełek {m inan} :: diminutive of węzeł
wężojad {m anim} :: serpent eagle (any member of the genus Spilornis)
wężojad {m anim} :: secretarybird (Sagittarius serpentarius)
wężowidło {n} :: brittle star, ophiuroid (echinoderm of the class Ophiuroidea)
wężowy {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a snake or serpent; ophidian, snaky, snakish, or serpentine
węższy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wąski
węży {adj} [obsolete] :: Characteristic of a snake or serpent; ophidian, snaky, snakish, or serpentine
wężycha {f} [obsolete] :: baneberry (plant of the genus Actaea)
wężydło {n} :: Any plant of the genus Biarum
wężyk {m anim} :: diminutive of wąż; small or young snake, snakelet
wężyk {m inan} :: diminutive of wąż
wężyk {m inan} :: wavy line
wężyk {m inan} :: hose (flexible tube)
wężymord {m inan} :: Any plant of the genus Scorzonera
wg {prep} :: abbreviation of według
wgięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wgiąć
wgląd {m inan} :: insight, inspection, examination
wglądać {vi impf} :: to look into, to inquire, to inspect [+ w (object) = accusative = into something]
wglądanie {n} :: verbal noun of wglądać
wgłębianie {n} :: verbal noun of wgłębiać
wgłębienie {n} :: verbal noun of wgłębić
wgłębienie {n} :: hollow, depression
wgłębik {m inan} :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Ricciocarpos
wgłębka {f} :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Riccia
wgojenie {n} :: verbal noun of wgoić
wgrywać {v impf} [colloquial, computing] :: to install (set something up for use)
wgrywać {v impf} [colloquial, computing] :: to upload (to transfer data)
whisky {n} :: whisky, whiskey
wiać {vi impf} :: to blow (of wind)
wiać {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to run, to escape
wiaderko {n} :: diminutive of wiadro
wiadomości {p} :: news (reports of current events)
wiadomość {f} :: message, piece of information (a concept conveyed by symbology)
wiadomość {f} :: news item, piece of news (plural wiadomości: news)
wiadomość {f} :: information
wiadomy {adj} :: known
wiadro {n} :: bucket (container)
wiadukt {m inan} :: viaduct; overpass
wialnia {f} :: winnowing machine
wianek {m inan} :: garland
wianek {m inan} [obsolete] :: virginity
wianie {n} :: verbal noun of wiać
wiano {n} [archaic] :: bride-price, dower
wianuszek {m inan} :: diminutive of wianek
wiara {f} :: belief, faith, credence, creed
wiara {f} :: fidelity, trust, confidence
wiara {f} [colloquial] :: a group of trusted people
wiarogodny {adj} :: alternative form of wiarygodny
wiarołomca {m pers} :: traitor
wiarołomny {adj} :: perfidious, treacherous, traitorous
wiarołomstwo {n} :: unfaithfulness, betrayal of trust, perfidy
wiarygodność {f} [uncountable] :: credibility, plausibility
wiarygodność {f} [statistics, countable] :: likelihood
wiarygodny {adj} :: credible, reliable, trustworthy
wiata {f} [architecture] :: canopy (high cover)
wiater {m inan} [regional] :: alternative form of wiatr
wiater {m inan} [Lublin] :: A type of folk dance
wiaterek {m inan} :: diminutive of wiatr
wiatr {m inan} :: wind
wiatr gwiazdowy {m} [astronomy] :: stellar wind
wiatr słoneczny {m} [astronomy] :: solar wind
wiatrak {m inan} :: windmill
wiatrak {m inan} [colloquial] :: fan (electrical air blowing device)
wiatrołap {m inan} [architecture] :: vestibule
wiatroodporny {adj} :: windproof, windtight
wiatroszczelny {adj} :: windproof
wiatrowskaz {m inan} :: weather vane
wiatrowskaz {m inan} :: windsock
wiatrowy {adj} [relational] :: wind; aeolian
wiatrowy {adj} [color, Łowicz] :: greenish grey
wiatrówka {f} :: windbreaker (thin outer coat)
wiatrówka {f} [colloquial] :: air gun
wiatrówka {f} [colloquial] :: chickenpox, varicella
wiąz {m inan} :: elm, any tree of genus Ulmus
wiązać {v impf} :: to tie, to bind
wiązałka {f} :: binder (machine used in harvesting that ties cut stalks of grain into a bundle)
wiązka {f} :: bundle, bunch, cluster, faggot, sheaf
wiązka {f} :: beam
wiązówka {f} :: meadowsweet, dropwort, any plant of the genus Filipendula
wibrafon {m inan} [musical instruments] :: vibraphone
wibrator {m inan} :: vibrator
wibrować {v impf} :: vibrate, shake, quiver
wibudłak {m inan} :: cat's claw (Martynia annua)
wice- {prefix} :: vice-
wicedyrektor {m pers} :: vice director
wicedyrektorka {f} :: female vice director
wiceminister {m pers} :: deputy minister
wicepremier {m pers} :: deputy prime minister
wiceprezes {m pers} :: vice chairman
wiceprezeska {f} [colloquial] :: vice chairwoman
wiceprezydent {m pers} :: vice president (deputy to a president)
wiceprokurator {m pers} [law] :: vice prosecutor
wiceprzewodnicząca {f} :: vice chairwoman
wiceprzewodniczący {m pers} :: vice chairman
wicher {m inan} [literary] :: strong wind
wicher {m inan} [meteorology] :: gale, number 8 on the Beaufort scale
wicherek {m inan} :: diminutive of wicher
wichr {m inan} [archaic, literary] :: alternative form of wicher
wichrzyca {f} [archaic] :: gale (a very strong wind)
wichrzyciel {m pers} :: One who sows unrest or chaos; troublemaker
wichrzyciel {m pers} :: One who agitates against someone or something or incites a revolt; an instigator, agitator, or firebrand
wichrzysko {n} :: augmentative of wicher
wichura {f} :: gale (very strong wind)
wiciokrzew {m inan} :: honeysuckle (plant of the genus Lonicera)
-wicz {suffix} :: A surname suffix
wić {vt impf} :: to plait
wić {vr impf} :: to writhe, wriggle
wić {f} :: twig, osier
wić {f} [cytology] :: flagellum
widać {v} :: used to express visibility; can be seen, one can see
widelczyk {m inan} :: diminutive of widelec
widelec {m inan} :: fork (utensil)
widełki {fp} :: diminutive of widły
wideo {n} :: video
widlasty {adj} :: pitchfork-like
widlicz {m inan} :: A plant of the genus Diphasiastrum
widlik {m inan} :: red algae of the genus Furcellaria
widłak {m inan} :: any club moss of the genus Lycopodium; ground pine
widłak {m inan} [usually plural] :: lycopodiophyte
widłonóg {m anim} :: copepod
widłoróg {m anim} :: pronghorn
widłoząb {m inan} :: Any moss of the genus Dicranum
widły {fp} [plurale tantum] :: pitchfork (tool with spikes used for digging)
widmo {n} :: spectre, phantom, wraith, ghost
widmo {n} :: spectrum
widnokrąg {m inan} :: horizon
widoczność {f} :: visibility
widoczny {adj} :: visible
widok {m inan} :: view (something to look at)
widokówka {f} :: picture postcard
widomy {adj} :: visible
widomy {adj} :: outward
widomy {adj} :: evident
widowisko {n} [sometimes, pejorative] :: show, exhibition
widowiskowo {adv} :: showily, spectacularly
widowiskowy {adj} :: showy, spectacular
widownia {f} :: audience (group of people seeing a performance)
widywać {v if} :: to see once in a while
widz {m pers} :: spectator, onlooker, viewer (person)
widzenie {n} :: vision, sight
widzenie {n} :: visit
widziadło {n} :: specter, phantom
widziały gały, co brały {proverb} [colloquial] :: People should bear responsibility for their bad decisions
widzieć {vt impf} :: to see (perceive with the eyes)
widzimisię {n} [colloquial, pejorative] :: one's own opinion, viewpoint, subjective interpretation; whim
wiec {m inan} :: gathering, rally
wiech {m inan} [colloquial, archaic] :: northern water hemlock (Cicuta virosa)
wiech {m inan} [obsolete] :: A bundle of straw or hay
wiech {m inan} :: A Warsaw dialect of the Polish language based on the works of Stefan Wiechecki
wiecha {f} :: A bundle of straw, flowers, or branches
wiecha {f} :: A bundle of branches, a wreath, or a small tree suspended at the top of a scaffold or building during construction
wiecha {f} [botany] :: A panicle
wiecha {f} [hunting] :: The tail of a wolf
wiecheć {m inan} :: wisp
wiecheć {m inan} :: bunch
wiecheć {m anim} :: beetle of the genus Alosterna
wiechetek {m inan} :: diminutive of wiecheć
wiechlina {f} :: Any plant of the genus Poa
wieczerza {f} [archaic or regional] :: supper (any meal eaten in the evening)
wieczko {n} :: diminutive of wieko
wieczko {n} [brain anatomy] :: operculum
wieczko {n} [ichthyology] :: operculum
wieczko {n} [malacology] :: operculum
wieczne pióro {n} :: fountain pen
wiecznie {adv} :: eternally
wiecznie {adv} :: constantly
wieczność {f} :: eternity
wieczny {adj} :: eternal
wieczorek {m inan} :: diminutive of wieczór
wieczorek {m inan} [colloquial] :: A social gathering held in the evening
wieczorek {m inan} :: A cultural event organized for a small group of people
wieczorek {m anim} :: Any bat of the genus Nycticeius
Wieczorek {prop} {m} :: A Polish surname
Wieczorek {prop} {f} :: A Polish surname
wieczorem {adv} :: in the evening, this evening, tonight
wieczorny {adj} :: evening
wieczór {m inan} :: evening
wieczór {adv} [dated] :: in the evening
Wiedeń {prop} {m inan} :: Wiedeń (capital city)
wiedeński {adj} :: Viennese (of, from or pertaining to Vienna in Austria)
wiedza {f} :: knowledge (relevant information that one is able to recall from memory)
wiedzieć {vi impf} :: to know (be certain or sure about something)
wiedźma {f} :: witch, hag
wiejadło {n} :: winnowing fan, winnowing fork
wiejski {adj} :: rural
wiejski {adj} :: country
wiejski {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] :: unsophisticated
wiek {m inan} :: age
wiek {m inan} :: century
wieko {n} :: lid (of a container)
wiekopomny {adj} :: historic, memorable
wiekuisty {adj} [literary] :: eternal, everlasting
wielbiciel {m pers} :: admirer
wielbłąd {m anim} :: camel
wielbłąd {m anim} [humorous] :: a (big) mistake
wielbłądzi {adj} [relational] :: camel (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of members of the genus Camelus)
wielbłądzi {adj} [relational] :: camelhair, camel skin
wielbłądzi {adj} :: camel (color)
wielce {adv} [literary] :: very, greatly
wiele {adj} :: many, much, a lot
wielgachny {adj} :: augmentative of wielki
wielgaśny {adj} :: augmentative of wielki
Wielka Brytania {prop} {f} :: Great Britain
Wielka Niedźwiedzica {prop} {f} :: Ursa Major
Wielkanoc {f} [Christianity] :: Easter
wielkanocny {adj} :: Easter
wielki {adj} :: big, large; having large physical dimensions
wielki {adj} :: great, grand; having high status
Wielki Brat {prop} {m pers} :: Big Brother (character in Nineteen Eighty-Four)
Wielki Piątek {prop} {m} :: Good Friday
Wielki Post {prop} {m inan} :: Lent
Wielki Tydzień {m inan} :: Holy Week
Wielki Wybuch {prop} {m inan} :: Big Bang
wielko- {prefix} :: big
wielkoduszny {adj} :: magnanimous, big-hearted, large-hearted
wielkolud {m pers} [fairy tales] :: giant
wielkolud {m pers} [colloquial] :: giant (very tall person)
wielkomorszcz {m inan} :: giant kelp (Macrocystis)
Wielkopolska {prop} {f} :: Greater Poland
wielkopolski {adj} :: of or pertaining to Greater Poland, a historical region of Poland
wielkopostny {adj} :: Lenten (pertaining to Lent or taking place during Lent)
wielkorak {m anim} :: eurypterid
wielkość {f} :: size
wielkość {f} :: scale
wielo- {prefix} :: multi-, poly-
wieloboista {m pers} [athletics] :: A competitor in a combined track and field event
wieloboistka {f} [athletics] :: A female competitor in a combined track and field event
wielobojowy {adj} [athletics] :: of or pertaining to a combined track and field event
wielobok {m inan} :: polygon (plane figure bounded by straight edges)
wielobój {m inan} [athletics] :: combined track and field event
wielofunkcyjność {f} :: multipurposeness, multifunctionality
wielofunkcyjny {adj} :: all-purpose, multi-purpose, multifunctional, crossfunctional
wielogodzinny {adj} :: hourslong
wielojęzyczność {f} :: multilingualism
wielojęzyczny {adj} :: multilingual, plurilingual (able to communicate fluently in multiple languages)
wielojęzyczny {adj} :: multilingual, plurilingual (written in two languages)
wielokąt {m inan} :: polygon, plane figure bounded by straight edges
wieloklap {m inan} :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Barbilophozia
wielokolorowy {adj} :: multicolor
wielokomórkowiec {m anim} :: multicellular organism
wielokomórkowy {adj} :: multicellular
wielokropek {m inan} :: ellipsis (punctuation mark)
wielokrotnie {adv} :: repeatedly, frequently, often
wielokrotny {adj} :: multiple, repeated
wielokrotny {adj} :: iterative, frequentative
wielokulturowość {f} :: multiculturalism
wieloletni {adj} :: perennial
wielomian {m inan} :: polynomial (algebraic expression)
wieloryb {m anim} :: whale (large sea mammal)
wielorybnictwo {n} :: whaling
wielosilnikowy {adj} :: multiengine, multi-engine
wielosylabowy {adj} [of a word] :: polysyllabic (having more than one syllable)
wieloszczet {m anim} :: polychete (annelid of the class Polychaeta)
wielościan {m inan} [geometry] :: polyhedron
wieloświat {m inan} :: multiverse
wielowymiarowy {adj} :: multidimensional
wieloząb {m anim} :: American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula)
wieloznaczność {f} :: ambiguity
wieloznaczność {f} :: polysemy
wieloznaczny {adj} :: ambiguous; polysemous
wielu {num} :: many, much, a lot
wieniec {m inan} :: wreath (ornamental circular band)
wieniec {m inan} :: garland
wieniec {m inan} [hunting] :: antlers
wieniec {m inan} :: Corona (optical phenomenon) (optical phenomenon)
wieniec laurowy {m} :: laurel wreath
Wientian {prop} {m} :: Wientian (capital city)
wieprz {m anim} :: barrow, hog; a male, usually castrated, pig kept for its meat
Wieprz {prop} {m} :: A river in central-eastern Poland
wieprzak {m anim} :: young hog
wieprzek {m anim} :: young hog
wieprzowina {f} :: pork
wieprzowy {adj} :: pork, made from or containing pork
wieprzowy {adj} :: relating to a barrow or hog
wiercenie {n} :: verbal noun of wiercić
wierch {m inan} [regional or literary] :: peak (mountain top)
wierch {m inan} [obsolete or dialectal] :: synonym of wierzch
wierchuszka {f} [pejorative] :: the leadership of a group or organization
wiercić {vit impf} :: to drill
wiercić {vr impf} :: to wriggle
wiercipięta {m pers} [colloquial] :: fidget (male person who fidgets)
wiercipięta {f} [colloquial] :: fidget (female person who fidgets)
wierniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wierny
wierność {f} :: faithfulness, fidelity
wierny {adj} :: faithful
wierny {m pers} :: believer
wierny jak pies {adj} [simile] :: faithful as a dog; very faithful or loyal
wiersz {m inan} :: poem (literary piece written in verse)
wiersz {m inan} :: row (line of entries in a table, opposed to a column)
wiersz {m inan} :: line, verse (row of text)
wiersza {f} :: fishing basket
wiertarka {f} :: drill (a tool used to make holes)
wiertełko {n} :: diminutive of wiertło
wiertło {n} :: drill bit
wiertnia {f} :: drilling rig
wierzący {m pers} :: believer
wierzba {f} :: willow, any tree of the genus Salix
wierzbownica {f} :: willowherb, any plant of the genus Epilobium
wierzbowy {adj} [relational] :: willow
wierzch {m inan} :: top; surface; topmost or outermost part of something
wierzchołek {m inan} :: summit, peak
wierzchołek {m inan} :: tip, the highest part (e.g., of a tree)
wierzchołek {m inan} [geometry] :: vertex
wierzchołek góry lodowej {m inan} [idiom] :: tip of the iceberg
wierzchowiec {m anim} :: mount; steed
wierzchówka {f} :: female saddle horse, riding horse, mount
wierzchówka {f} :: sunbleak, belica, moderlieschen (Leucaspius delineatus)
wierzeje {fp} [archaic] :: double gate in an agricultural building
wierzgać {vi impf} :: to lash out, to buck, to kick (of a horse)
wierzganie {n} :: verbal noun of wierzgać
wierzgnąć {v pf} :: to lash out (horse)
wierzyciel {m pers} :: creditor, loan holder
wierzyć {v impf} :: rely, believe
wierzyć {v impf} :: trust
Wiesiek {prop} {m pers} :: given name
wiesiołek {m inan} :: evening primrose, any plant of the genus Oenothera
Wiesław {prop} {m} :: given name
Wiesława {prop} {f} :: given name
wieszać {vt impf} :: to hang, suspend
wieszać {vt impf} :: to hang, string up
wieszać {vr impf} :: to freeze (of computer program or system)
wieszak {m inan} :: clothes hanger, coat hanger
wieszcz {m pers} :: inspired poet
wieszcz {m pers} :: prophet
wieszczba {f} [obsolete] :: prediction, prophecy
wieszczek {m pers} [archaic] :: Someone who foretells the future; a seer; a soothsayer
wieszczek {m anim} :: alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus)
wieszczyk {m anim} :: alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus)
wieś {f} :: country (the country, rural area, as opposed to the town or city)
wieś {f} :: village
wieść {vt det} :: to lead, conduct
wieść {f} :: message, news
wieśniacki {adj} [colloquial, derogatory] :: trashy, redneckish
wieśniacki {adj} [obsolete] :: peasant, related to villagers
wieśniaczka {f} :: female villager
wieśniaczka {f} [derogatory] :: female yokel; rustic; uncultured person
wieśniak {m pers} :: villager
wieśniak {m pers} [derogatory] :: yokel; rustic; uncultured person, yob, ned, gopnik
wietlica {f} :: Any fern of the genus Athyrium
Wietnam {prop} {m} :: Vietnam (country)
Wietnamczyk {m pers} :: a male Vietnamese
wietnamiec {m pers} [ethnic slur] :: gook, a Vietnamese
Wietnamka {f} :: a female Vietnamese
wietnamski {adj} :: Vietnamese
wietnamski {m inan} :: Vietnamese (language)
wietrzenie {n} :: verbal noun of wietrzyć
wietrzenie {n} [geology] :: weathering
wietrzny {adj} :: windy
wietrzyć {v impf} :: to air, to ventilate (bring something into contact with the air)
wietrzyk {m inan} :: diminutive of wiatr; breeze
wietrzysko {n} :: augmentative of wiatr
wiewiór {m anim} [jocular or regional] :: A male squirrel
wiewiór {m anim} [colloquial, archaic] :: gonorrhea
wiewióra {f} :: augmentative of wiewiórka
wiewióra {f} :: Oriental giant squirrel (Ratufa)
wiewiórczę {n} [rare] :: A young squirrel
wiewióreczka {f} :: diminutive of wiewiórka
wiewiórka {f} :: squirrel
wiewiórka {f} [colloquial] :: redhead
wiezienie {n} :: verbal noun of wieźć
wieźć {vt det} :: to carry, to transport by vehicle; to drive; to bring; to take
wieża {f} :: tower
wieża {f} [chess] :: rook
wieżowiec {m inan} :: skyscraper
wieżyczka {f} [military] :: turret
więc {conj} :: therefore
więcej {adv} :: comparative of dużo; more
więcierz {m inan} :: fish-pot, fish-trap
więdnąć {vi impf} :: to wilt
więdnąć {vi impf} :: to wither
więdnąć {vi impf} :: to fade
więdnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of więdnąć
większość {f} :: majority
większy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wielki
większy {adj} :: comparative degree form of duży
więzadło {n} :: ligament
więzić {v impf} :: to jail, to confine, to hold in prison
więzienie {n} :: verbal noun of więzić
więzienie {n} :: prison, jail
więzień {m pers} :: prisoner
więznąć {vi impf} :: to get stuck
więzozrost {m inan} :: syndesmosis
więź {f} :: bond, togetherness
więź {f} :: link, tie
więźniarka {f} :: female prisoner
wi-fi {n} [networking] :: Wi-Fi (wireless data communication standard)
Wigilia {prop} {f} :: Christmas Eve (evening before Christmas Day)
wigor {m inan} :: verve, zest, vigour
wigwam {m inan} :: wigwam
wihajster {m inan} :: placeholder for a thing with an unknown name, whatsit, whatchamacallit (see usage note below)
wij {m anim} :: myriapod (arthropod belonging to the subphylum Myriapoda)
Wikipedia {prop} {f} [Internet] :: Wikipedia
wikipedysta {m pers} :: Wikipedian (person who uses, edits, or contributes to Wikipedia)
wikipedystka {f} :: Wikipedian (female person who uses, edits, or contributes to Wikipedia)
wikiprojekt {m inan} [Wiktionary and WMF jargon] :: wikiproject
Wikisłownik {prop} {m} :: Wiktionary
wikitekst {m inan} :: wikitext
wiklina {f} :: wicker (flexible branch or twig)
wiklina {f} :: wickerwork
wiklina {f} :: purple willow, purple osier (Salix purpurea)
wiklina {f} [singular only] :: thicket of willow shrubs
wikliniarz {m pers} :: wickerworker
wikłacz {m anim} :: Any weaverbird belonging to the subfamily Ploceinae
wikłanie {n} :: verbal noun of wikłać
wikt {m inan} [archaic, literary] :: food
wikt {m inan} [archaic, literary] :: support (financial help)
Wiktor {prop} {m} :: given name
wiktoria {f} [literary] :: victory
Wiktoria {prop} {f} :: given name, Victoria
Wiktoria {prop} {f} [singular only] :: Lake Victoria
Wiktoria {prop} {f} [singular only] :: Victoria (city)
Wiktoria {prop} {f} [singular only] :: Wiktoria (state)
wilamowski {adj} :: Vilamovian
wilczak {m anim} :: wolfdog (hybrid)
wilczak {m anim} :: Dusicyon
wilczak falklandzki {m anim} :: Falkland Islands wolf (Dusicyon australis)
wilczek {m anim} :: diminutive of wilk; young wolf
wilczomlecz {m inan} :: spurge; any plant of the genus Euphorbia
wilczur {m anim} :: wolf dog, any large dog breed that resembles a wolf
wilczur {m anim} [colloquial] :: German Shepherd
wilczur {m anim} :: augmentative of wilk; wolf
wilczura {f} [archaic] :: wolfskin
wilczura {f} [rare] :: female German Shepherd
wilczura {f} [dialectal] :: female wolf, she-wolf
wilczy {adj} :: lupine; of, pertaining to, or characteristic of wolves
wilczyca {f} :: she-wolf
wilczyca {f} [colloquial] :: female German Shepherd
wilczysko {n} :: augmentative of wilk
wilec {m inan} :: Any plant of the genus Ipomoea
wileński {adj} :: Vilnian (of, from or pertaining to Vilnius in Lithuania)
Wileńszczyzna {prop} {f} :: Vilnius Region
wilga {f} :: Any oriole of the genus Oriolus, especially the golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus)
wilgoć {f} :: humidity, moisture
wilgotniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wilgotny
wilgotność {f} :: humidity
wilgotny {adj} :: humid, damp
Wilia {prop} {f} :: Wilia (river)
wilk {m anim} :: wolf
wilk {m anim} [colloquial] :: male wolf, he-wolf
wilk {m anim} [colloquial] :: German Shepherd
wilk {m anim} [colloquial] :: wolfskin
wilk {m inan} :: meatgrinder
wilk {m inan} [disease, colloquial] :: lupus
wilk {m inan} [botany] :: water sprout, water shoot
Wilk {prop} {m} {m pers} {f} [astronomy] :: Lupus, a constellation
wilk falklandzki {m anim} :: Falkland Islands wolf (Dusicyon australis)
wilk syty i owca cała {phrase} :: Said of (usually successfully) accomplishing two seemingly mutually incompatible objectives; to have one's cake and eat it too
wilkołak {m anim} :: werewolf
wilkowór {m anim} :: Any thylacinid of the genus Thylacinus
willa {f} [architecture] :: villa
wilniuk {m pers} [Kresy] :: A Polish male resident or native of Vilnius
Wilno {prop} {n} :: Wilno (capital)
wilżyna {f} :: restharrow, any plant of the genus Ononis
wił {m pers} [archaic] :: jester, joker
wiła {f} :: fairy
Wimbledon {prop} {m} :: Wimbledon (all meanings)
wina {f} :: guilt
winąć {v impf} [archaic] :: synonym of wić
Wincenty {prop} {m} :: given name
winda {f} :: lift, elevator
Windhuk {prop} {m inan} :: Windhuk (capital city)
winiacz {m inan} [slang] :: bottle of wine
winiarnia {f} :: wine bar
winiarnia {f} :: winery
winić {v impf} :: to blame (someone for something)
winien {adj} :: indebted
winien {adj} :: obligated (having an obligation)
winien {v} :: it is desirable, necessary
winien {v} :: it is advisable
winnica {f} :: vineyard
winniczek {m anim} :: A species of land snail, Helix pomatia
winny {adj} :: guilty
winny {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of wine; vinous
wino {n} :: wine
winogrono {n} :: grape (fruit)
winogronowy {adj} :: grape
winorośl {f} :: grapevine (the plant on which grapes grow)
winowajca {m pers} :: culprit, wrongdoer, guilty party
winszować {v impf} :: to congratulate, felicitate
wio {interj} [to a horse] :: giddyup
wioch {m inan} [colloquial, archaic] :: northern water hemlock (Cicuta virosa)
wiocha {f} :: augmentative of wioska
wiocha {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: middle of nowhere
wiocha {f} [slang] :: embarassment
Wioleta {prop} {f} :: given name
wiolonczela {f} :: cello
wiolonczelista {m pers} :: cellist
wiolonczelistka {f} :: female cellist
WiOO {n} :: acronym of wolne i otwarte oprogramowanie FOSS
wiorsta {f} :: verst (obsolete Russian unit of length)
wiosenka {f} :: diminutive of wiosna
wiosenny {adj} [relational] :: spring; springtime; vernal; during, or relating to spring
wioska {f} :: small village
wiosło {n} :: oar
wiosło {n} [slang] :: electric guitar, axe
wiosłonos {m anim} :: paddlefish, polyodontid
wiosłować {v impf} :: to row (to propel a boat or other craft over water using oars)
wiosłowanie {n} :: verbal noun of wiosłować
wiosna {f} :: spring (season)
wiosną {adv} :: in the spring
wioślarstwo {n} :: rowing (sport)
wiotchy {adj} [obsolete] :: worn out, raddled, tattered
wiotchy {adj} [obsolete] :: frail, meager, soft
wiotki {adj} :: flabby
wiotki {adj} :: flaccid
wiotki {adj} :: limp
wiór {m inan} :: swarf
wir {m inan} :: vortex
wir {m inan} :: whirlpool
wir {m inan} :: whirl
wir {m inan} :: swirl
wir {m inan} :: eddy
wir {m inan} :: gyre
wir {m inan} :: whirlwind
wir piaskowy {m inan} :: dust devil
wir pyłowy {m inan} :: dust devil
Wirginia {prop} {f} :: Wirginia (state)
Wirginia {prop} {pl} {f} :: given name
Wirginia Zachodnia {prop} {f} :: Wirginia Zachodnia (state)
wirnik {m inan} :: rotor (rotating part of a mechanical device)
wirnik {m inan} :: rotor (a propeller on a rotorcraft that provides lift)
wirować {vit impf} :: to swirl
wirować {vi impf} :: to eddy
wirować {vt impf} :: to spin
wirować {vit impf} :: to whirl
wirować {vi impf} :: to gyrate
wirować {vi impf} :: to rotate
wirtualny {adj} :: virtual (in effect; not fact)
wirus {m anim} :: virus (infectious organism)
wirus {m anim} [computing] :: virus
wirusologia {f} :: virology
wirusowy {adj} [relational] :: viral
Wisconsin {prop} {n} :: Wisconsin (state)
Wisconsin {prop} {n} :: Wisconsin (river)
Wisełka {prop} {f} :: diminutive of Wisła
Wisełka {prop} {f} :: A village in Gmina Wolin, Kamień County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship
wisieć {vi impf} :: to hang; to be suspended
wisielec {m pers} :: The body of a person who died by hanging
wisienka {f} :: diminutive of wiśnia
wisienka na torcie {noun} :: the icing on the cake
wisior {m inan} :: pendant (piece of jewellery hung from a chain worn around the neck)
wisiorek {m inan} :: diminutive of wisior
Wisła {prop} {f} :: the Vistula, Poland's longest river
Wisła {prop} {f} :: a town in Silesia, near the source of the Vistula
wisus {m pers} [archaic] :: scamp, imp (mischievous youngster)
wiślany {adj} :: of or related to the Vistula river
wiśnia {f} :: (sour) cherry
wiśniowy {adj} :: cherry
Wit {prop} {m pers} :: given name
witać {v impf} :: to greet, to welcome (affirm the arrival of someone)
witaj {interj} :: welcome
witajcie {interj} :: plural of witaj!
witajcie {interj} :: welcome, hello said to more than one person
witam {interj} :: welcome
witamina {f} :: vitamin
witarianizm {m inan} :: raw foodism, rawism
Witek {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Witek {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Witek {prop} {m pers} :: given name
witka {f} :: diminutive of wić
witka {f} :: withe (flexible, slender twig)
Witold {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Witosław {prop} {m pers} :: given name
witraż {m inan} [architecture, art] :: stained glass
wiwisekcja {f} [medicine] :: vivisection
wiwisekcja {f} [figuratively] :: insightful analysis
wiza {f} :: visa
wizerunek {noun} :: likeness, image
wizerunek {noun} :: image, reputation of a company or individual
wizja {f} :: vision
wizualnie {adv} :: visually
wizualny {adj} :: visual (related to or affecting the vision)
wizyta {f} :: visit
wizytówka {f} :: business card
wjazd {m inan} :: entryway for vehicles
wjazd {m inan} :: an act of driving or riding inside
wjazd {m inan} [slang] :: entrance fee to a party, cultural event, etc
wjazd {m inan} [slang] :: crashing; the act of turning up uninvited
wjazd {m inan} [slang] :: raid; domestic invasion by police or criminals
wjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to throw in
wjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to push in, to hit in
wjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to beat someone
wjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to put someone in a difficult situation
wjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to eat
wjechać {vi pf} :: to enter (by vehicle), to drive in [+ do (genitive) = somewhere]
wjechać {vi pf} :: to go up (by vehicle)
wjechać {vi pf} :: to drive into, to crash into [+ w (accusative) = something]
wjeżdżać {vi impf} :: to enter (by vehicle), to drive in [+ do (genitive) = somewhere]
wjeżdżać {vi impf} :: to go up (by vehicle)
wjeżdżać {vi impf} :: to drive into, to crash into [+ w (accusative) = something]
wklęsły {adj} :: concave (curved inward)
wkluczać {v impf} :: to include
wkluczyć {v pf} :: to include
wkład własny {m anim} [idiom] :: down payment, especially on a mortgage
wkładać {v impf} :: to put in (to place inside something)
wkopanie {n} :: verbal noun of wkopać
Wkra {prop} {f} :: Wkra (river)
wkręt {m inan} :: screw (metal fastener)
wkręt {m inan} [slang] :: a prank that involves deception or misinformation
wkrętak {m inan} :: screwdriver
wkrętarka {f} :: screw gun
wkrojenie {n} :: verbal noun of wkroić
wkrótce {adv} :: soon
WKU {f} :: initialism of Wojskowa Komenda Uzupełnień
wkurw {m inan} [slang, vulgar] :: anger, rage
wkurwiać {v impf} [vulgar] :: to piss off, to enrage
wkurwiony {adj} [vulgar] :: pissed off
wkuwanie {n} :: verbal noun of wkuwać
wlanie {n} :: verbal noun of wlać
wlec {vt impf} :: to drag, to haul
wlec {vr impf} :: to drag on, to wear on, to continue for too long
wlec {vr impf} :: to trudge, to move very slowly
wlepianie {n} :: verbal noun of wlepiać
wlepka {f} :: sticker art
wlewać {v impf} :: to pour [+ acc something or someone] [+ gen something or someone, in negations]
wlewanie {n} :: verbal noun of wlewać
wlkp. {adj} :: abbreviation of wielkopolski
wlkpol. {adj} :: abbreviation of wielkopolski
władać {vi impf} :: to rule, to reign
władca {m pers} :: ruler (person who rules)
Władysław {prop} {m} :: given name
Władywostok {prop} {m} :: Władywostok (city)
władza {f} :: power (control, particularly legal or political)
władza {f} :: power (influence)
władza {f} [often, in the plural] :: government, authority
władze {f} :: authorities
włamanie {n} :: burglary
włamywacz {m pers} :: burglar
włanczać {v impf} :: nonstandard form of włączać
własność {f} :: property (something owned)
własność intelektualna {f} :: intellectual property
własny {adj} :: own
właśc. {adv} :: abbreviation of właściwie
właściciel {m pers} :: owner, proprietor
właściwie {adv} :: correctly
właściwie {adv} :: suitably
właściwie {adv} :: actually, in fact
właściwość {f} :: property (attribute or abstract quality associated with an object, individual or concept)
właściwszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of właściwy
właściwy {adj} :: proper, appropriate (following the established standards of behavior or manners)
właściwy {adj} [formal, especially, law] :: responsible
właśnie {particle} :: exactly
właśnie {particle} :: just
właśnie {particle} :: just now, just then
właśnie {interj} :: exactly!
właz {m inan} :: manhole
włączać {vt impf} :: to switch on, to power up, to enable (to put a mechanism, device or system into operation)
włączać {vt impf} :: to include (to bring into as a part or member)
włączanie {n} :: verbal noun of włączać
włączyć {vt pf} :: to switch on, to power up, to enable (to put a mechanism, device or system into operation)
włączyć {vt pf} :: to include (to bring into as a part or member)
Włoch {m pers} :: an Italian
włochatka {f} :: Any owl of the genus Aegolius, especially the boreal owl (Aegolius funereus)
włochatka {f} :: Any fungus of the genus Coriolopsis
włochatka {f} :: Any aphid of the subfamily Chaitophorinae
włochaty {adj} :: hairy, hirsute, shaggy
Włochy {prop} {p} :: Italy
Włochy {prop} {p} :: Włochy (borough)
Włocławek {prop} {m} :: Włocławek (town)
włocławski {adj} :: Włocławek (of, from or pertaining to Włocławek in Poland)
włodarz {m pers} :: master, ruler, overlord
włodarz {m pers} [historical] :: steward
Włodek {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
Włodzimierz {prop} {m pers} :: given name
włos. {adj} :: abbreviation of włoski
włos {m inan} :: hair (pigmented filament of keratin which grows from a follicle on the skin of humans and other mammals)
włosek {m inan} :: diminutive of włos
włosek {m inan} [botany] :: trichome
włosiak {m anim} :: Any bat of the genus Cistugo – wing-gland bat
włosie {n} :: bristle (hair or straw of a brush, broom etc.)
włosienica {f} :: hairshirt, cilice
włosień {m anim} :: trichinella
włoski {adj} :: Italian
włoski {m inan} :: Italian (language)
włoskojęzyczny {adj} :: Italian-speaking
włoskojęzyczny {adj} :: written, spoken or created in the Italian language
Włoszczowa {prop} {f} :: Włoszczowa (town)
włoszczyzna {f} [culinary] :: a mix of vegetables including carrots, root parsley, celery and leek, sometimes also savoy or white cabbage and leaf parsley, used to prepare soups; a mirepoix
włoszczyzna {f} [rare] :: Italian language
Włoszka {f} :: Italian (female person)
włościanin {m pers} [historical] :: peasant (farmer)
włościanka {f} [historical] :: peasant (female farmer)
włościański {adj} :: of or pertaining to a peasant (farmer)
włość {f} :: estate, manor (chiefly in plural)
włość {f} :: acres (chiefly in plural)
włośnica {f} [disease] :: trichinosis
włośnica {f} :: Any of various grasses belonging to the genus Setaria
włośnica {f} :: A type of saw (tool with a toothed blade)
włożyć {v pf} :: to put in (to place inside)
włożyć {v pf} [colloquial] :: to invest
włóczęga {m pers} :: vagrant, vagabond
włóczęga {f} :: roaming
włócznia {f} :: spear (weapon)
włócznik {m anim} :: swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
włócznik {m pers} [historical] :: spearcaster (soldier armed with a spear)
włóczyć {vt impf} :: to drag, to draggle
włóczyć {vr impf} :: to gallivant, to roam, to wander, to tramp, to traipse
włóczykij {m pers} [colloquial] :: vagabond, vagrant, wanderer, rover (one who roves)
włókienko {n} :: diminutive of włókno
włóknik {m inan} :: fibrin (fibrous, non-globular protein involved in the clotting of blood)
włókno {n} :: fibre (single elongated piece of material)
wmarznięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wmarznąć
wmawianie {n} :: verbal noun of wmawiać
wnęka {f} [architecture] :: niche, recess
wnęka {f} [anatomy] :: hilum
wnętrostwo {n} :: cryptorchidism
wnętrzarski {adj} [neologism] :: related to home decoration and furnishing
wnętrze {n} :: inside
wnętrze {n} :: interior (of a home)
wnętrzności {fp} :: internal organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavities; innards, viscera, entrails, guts
wniebogłosy {adv} :: very loudly, to high heaven
wniebowzięty {adj} :: rapt
wnikanie {n} :: verbal noun of wnikać
wniosek {m inan} :: conclusion (outcome)
wniosek {m inan} :: request (for change)
wnioskować {vt impf} :: to infer, to deduce, to conclude
wnioskować {vt impf} :: to put forward a motion [+ o (object) = accusative]
wnioskowanie {n} :: verbal noun of wnioskować
wnuczek {m pers} :: diminutive of wnuk; grandson
wnuczę {n} [dated, except, in plural] :: grandchild
wnuczka {f} :: granddaughter
wnuk {m pers} :: grandson
wnusia {f} :: diminutive of wnuczka
wnusio {m pers} :: diminutive of wnuk
wnuś {m pers} :: diminutive of wnuk
wnyki {m inanp} :: snare, animal trap, especially one used by poachers
wnyki {m inanp} [archaic] :: beating, flogging
wobec {prep} :: in front of
wobła {f} :: vobla, Caspian roach (Rutilus caspicus)
woda {f} :: water
woda królewska {f} :: aqua regia
woda utleniona {f} :: hydrogen peroxide; H2O2
wodewil {m inan} [theatre, music] :: vaudeville
wodniczek {m anim} :: Any tenrec belonging to the genus Micropotamogale (dwarf otter shrew)
wodniczek {m anim} :: diminutive of wodnik
wodniczek {m inan} [biology, cytology] :: A type of vesicle in protozoans
wodniczek {m inan} [botany, cytology] :: A type of vesicle in plant cells
wodniczka {f} :: aquatic warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola)
wodniczka {f} [cytology] :: vacuole
wodnik {m pers} [Slavic mythology] :: vodyanoy
wodnik {m anim} :: water rail (Rallus aquaticus)
wodnik {m anim} :: diving bell spider, water spider (Argyroneta aquatica)
Wodnik {prop} {m anim} [zodiac constellations] :: Aquarius, a constellation
Wodnik {prop} {m anim} [astrology] :: Aquarius, an astrological sign
Wodnik {m pers} {m anim} [colloquial] :: Aquarius (someone with an Aquarius star sign)
wodnisty {adj} :: watery, washy
wodnisty {adj} :: aqueous
wodnosamolot {m inan} :: seaplane
wodny {adj} :: aquatic, water
wodny {adj} :: aqueous
wodobrzusze {n} :: ascites (abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity)
wodociąg {m inan} :: water conduit, water pipe
wodociąg {m inan} :: aqueduct
wodociąg mózgu {m inan} :: cerebral aqueduct
wododział {m inan} [hydrology] :: drainage divide, water divide, watershed (boundary between two drainage basins)
wodogłowie {n} :: hydrocephalus
wodomózgowie {n} :: hydrocephalus
wodoodporny {adj} :: waterproof
wodopój {m inan} :: waterhole, watering hole (depression in which water collects and where animals come to drink)
wodorost {m inan} :: seaweed
wodorost {m inan} :: alga
wodospad {m inan} :: waterfall (permanent flow of water over the edge of a cliff)
wodospadzik {m inan} :: diminutive of wodospad
wodoszczelny {adj} :: waterproof, watertight
wodowanie {n} :: verbal noun of wodować
wodowanie {n} [nautical] :: ship launching
wodowanie {n} [aviation] :: water landing; water alighting; ditching; any landing on water
wodowanie {n} :: splashdown (water landing by a spacecraft)
wodowstręt {m inan} :: hydrophobia (symptom of rabies)
wodowstręt {m inan} :: rabies (disease)
wodór {m inan} :: hydrogen
wody {fp} :: water (spa water)
wodza {f} [usually plural] :: rein
wodze {p} :: reins
wodzian {m inan} [chemistry] :: hydrate
wodzić {vt indet} :: to lead
wodzidło {n} :: guide bar, slide bar, guide rod
wodzirej {m pers} :: A person who leads dances at a wedding, ball, or other event
wodzirej {m pers} :: A leader of a group of people
woj {m pers} [archaic] :: warrior
wojak {m pers} [somewhat, colloquial, literary] :: soldier
wojak {m anim} :: meadowlark (any bird of the genus Sturnella or Leistes)
wojaż {m inan} :: voyage
Wojciech {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Wojcik {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
wojenka {f} :: diminutive of wojna
wojenny {adj} :: martial, war (of, relating to, or suggestive of war)
wojeryzm {m inan} :: voyeurism
wojewoda {m pers} :: voivode (head of a voivodeship, of a province)
wojewodzianka {f} [archaic] :: The daughter of a voivode
wojewodzic {m pers} [archaic] :: The son of a voivode
wojewodzicowicz {m pers} [archaic] :: The grandson of a voivode
wojewodzicowiczowa {f} [archaic] :: wife of a voivode's grandson
wojewodzina {f} [archaic] :: The wife of a voivode
wojewódzki {adj} [relational] :: voivodeship
województwo {n} :: province; voivodeship; the third-level unit of local government in Poland
wojna {f} :: war
wojna domowa {f} :: civil war
wojna pozycyjna {f} :: trench warfare
wojna religijna {f} :: religious war, holy war
wojowniczy {adj} :: bellicose, combative
wojownik {m pers} :: warrior
wojsko {n} [military] :: army
wojskowiec {m pers} [obsolete] :: soldier
wojskowy {adj} :: military
wojskowy {m pers} :: soldier
Wojsław {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
Wojtas {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
Wojtasz {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
Wojtek {prop} {m} :: given name
Wojtuś {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
wok {m inan} :: wok
wokalista {m pers} :: singer, vocalist
wokalistka {f} :: female vocalist
wola {f} :: will
wolapik {m inan} :: alternative spelling of volapük
wole {n} :: crop, craw (part of bird's alimentary tract)
wole {n} :: goitre (enlargement of the thyroid gland)
woleć {v impf} :: to prefer
woleć {v impf} [auxiliary] :: prefer
wolfram {m inan} :: tungsten
woli {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an ox; oxen
wolniej {adv} :: comparative of wolno
wolniejszy {adj} :: (slow) comparative degree form of wolny
wolno {adv} :: slowly
wolno {adv} :: freely
wolno {v} :: it is allowed
wolnomularstwo {n} :: Freemasonry
wolnomyśliciel {m pers} :: freethinker
wolnomyśliciel {m pers} [colloquial, humorous] :: slow thinker; someone who is slow-witted
wolnomyślicielstwo {n} [philosophy] :: freethought
wolność {f} :: freedom, liberty
wolność {f} :: independence
wolność słowa {f} :: free speech
wolny {adj} :: slow
wolny {adj} :: free, at liberty
wolny {adj} :: free (without) [+ od (object) = gen = from something]
wolny {adj} :: free, vacant
wolny {adj} :: single, unmarried
wolt {m} :: volt
woltomierz {m inan} :: voltmeter
woltyżerka {f} :: vaulting, gymnastics on horseback
wołacz {m inan} [grammar] :: vocative
wołać {v impf} :: to call, to hail (to cry or shout)
wołanie {n} :: verbal noun of wołać
wołek {m anim} :: diminutive of wół; young ox
wołek {m anim} :: wheat weevil
Wołga {prop} {f} :: Volga
Wołoch {m pers} :: Vlach
wołowina {f} :: beef
wołowy {adj} :: beef, made from or containing beef
wołowy {adj} :: relating to a cow or ox
wombat {m anim} :: wombat
won {m inan} :: won (currency of Korea)
won {interj} [colloquial, dismissal] :: out!, get out!
wonieć {vi impf} [literary] :: to smell
wonienie {n} :: verbal noun of wonieć
wonniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wonny
wonny {adj} :: fragrant; having a pleasant scent
woń {f} :: smell
woń {f} :: scent
woń {f} :: odor
woń {f} :: fragrance
woreczek {m inan} :: diminutive of worek; small bag
worek {m inan} :: bag, sack
worek {m inan} [usually plural] :: under-eye bag
worek {m inan} [colloquial] :: baggy shirt or dress
worek {m inan} [cartography] :: panhandle
worek {m inan} [mycology] :: ascus
workowiec {m inan} :: ascomycete (any fungus of the phylum Ascomycota)
workowiec {m anim} :: marsupial
workowiec {m anim} :: ascothoracid
Wormacja {prop} {f} :: Wormacja (city)
Woroneż {prop} {m} :: Woroneż (oblast)
Woroneż {prop} {m} :: Woroneż (city/administrative center)
Woroneż {prop} {m} :: Woroneż (left tributary)
wosk {m inan} :: wax
woskowina {f} :: earwax
woskownica {f} :: candleberry (any member of the genus Myrica)
woskówka {f} [ornithology] :: cere
wow {interj} [colloquial] :: wow! (excitement)
wozić {vt indet} :: to carry, to transport by vehicle; to drive; to bring; to take
wozówka {f} [masonry] :: side; the second-largest face of a brick
woźna {f} :: janitress
Woźniak {prop} {mf} :: One of the most popular surnames in Poland
woźnica {m pers} :: carter, wagoner, coachman
woźny {m pers} :: janitor, caretaker
woźny {m pers} [historical] :: minor judicial official or clerk
wożenie {n} :: verbal noun of wozić
-wód {suffix} :: carrier, vessel
wóda {f} :: augmentative of wódka
wódka {f} :: vodka
wódz {m pers} :: chief, chieftain, headman
wójcik {m anim} :: greenish warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides)
wójt {m pers} :: government clerk; overlord of a rural commune
wójt {m pers} [historical] :: offical of a town invested under German town laws
wół {m anim} :: ox, steer
wór {m inan} :: augmentative of worek
wór {m inan} :: large bag, sack
wór {m inan} [usually plural, colloquial] :: under-eye bag
wór {m inan} [vulgar] :: ballsack, scrotum
wówczas {adv} :: then (at that time)
wówczas {adv} :: then (in that case)
wóz {m inan} :: wagon, cart
wóz {m inan} :: vehicle
wózek {m inan} :: diminutive of wóz
wózek {m inan} :: cart, trolley
wózek {m inan} :: pram
wózek {m inan} :: pushchair, stroller
wózek {m inan} :: wheelchair
wózek inwalidzki {m inan} :: wheelchair
wózek widłowy {m inan} :: forklift
wpadać {vi impf} :: to fall in
wpadać {vi impf} :: to drop in, to call on, to visit [+ do (object) = genitive = on somebody]
wpadać {vi impf} :: to run into, to come across [+ na (object) = accusative = into something/somebody]
wpadać {vi impf} :: to hit upon, to think of, to contrive [+ na (object) = accusative = something]
wpadać {vi impf} [of rivers] :: to empty [+ do (object) = genitive = into something]
wpadanie {n} :: verbal noun of wpadać
wpadka {f} [colloquial] :: gaffe, screwup, mishap
wpadka {f} [colloquial] :: unwanted, unplanned pregnancy
wparcie {n} :: verbal noun of weprzeć
wpaść {vi pf} :: to fall in
wpaść {vi pf} :: to drop in, to call on, to visit [+ do (object) = genitive = on somebody]
wpaść {vi pf} :: to run into, to come across [+ na (object) = accusative = into something/somebody]
wpaść {vi pf} :: to hit upon, to think of, to contrive [+ na (object) = accusative = something]
wpieranie {n} :: verbal noun of wpierać
wpierdalać {v impf} [vulgar] :: to eat
wpierdalać {v impf} [vulgar] :: to throw in, to put in, to place in
wpierdalać {v impf} [vulgar, rare] :: to annoy
wpierdalać {vr impf} [vulgar] :: (wpierdalać się) to intermeddle, to pry
wpierdalać {vr impf} [vulgar] :: (wpierdalać się) to fall into
wpierdalać {vr impf} [vulgar] :: (wpierdalać się) to run in, to drive in
wpierdol {m inan} [vulgar] :: beating
wpierdol {m inan} [vulgar] :: a thorough defeat in a game
wpis {m inan} :: entry (record in a diary, log, database, etc.)
wplątanie {n} :: verbal noun of wplątać
wpłacać {vt impf} :: to deposit, to pay in
wpłacić {vt pf} :: to deposit, to pay in
wpłata {f} :: deposit (of money)
wpław {adv} :: by swimming
wpływ {m inan} :: influence, effect (ability to affect, control or manipulate)
wpływać {vi impf} :: to influence, to affect
wpływać {vi impf} :: to sail in, to swim in, to dock
wpływanie {n} :: verbal noun of wpływać
wpływowy {adj} :: influential
wpół {adv} :: half
wpół {adv} :: in half
wprawa {f} :: flair, knack
wprawianie {n} :: verbal noun of wprawiać
wprawienie {n} :: verbal noun of wprawić
wprost {adv} :: directly, explicitly
wprowadzać {vt impf} :: to implement, to bring in, to introduce, to put into practice
wprowadzać {vt impf} :: to inaugurate, to initiate
wprowadzać {vt impf} [computing] :: to enter, to input (data)
wprowadzenie {n} :: verbal noun of wprowadzić
wprowadzenie {n} :: introduction, launch, implementation, release
wprowadzenie {n} :: initiation, inauguration
wprowadzić {vt pf} :: to implement, to bring in, to introduce, to put into practice
wprowadzić {vt pf} :: to inaugurate, to initiate
wprowadzić {vt pf} [computing] :: to enter, to input (data)
wprowadzić {vr pf} :: to move in (start living in a new place)
wpuszczać {vt impf} :: to let in (let someone or something come in)
wpuścić {vt pf} :: to let in (let someone or something come in)
wpychanie {n} :: verbal noun of wpychać
wrabianie {n} :: verbal noun of wrabiać
wracać {vi impf} :: to return, to come back
wracanie {n} :: verbal noun of wracać
wrastać {vi impf} :: to settle into, grow into, take root
wrastać {vi impf} :: to grow in, ingrow, become ingrown
wraz {adv} :: together
wraz {adv} [obsolete] :: immediately, at once
wraz {adv} [obsolete] :: simultaneously, at the same time
wrażenie {n} :: impression, feeling, sensation
wrażliwszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wrażliwy
wrażliwy {adj} :: sensitive, tender, susceptible
wrażliwy {adj} :: impressionable
wrąb {m inan} :: notch, groove
wrąbanie {n} :: verbal noun of wrąbać
wredniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wredny
wredny {adj} [colloquial] :: mean, spiteful
wrestling {m inan} :: wrestling
wreszcie {adv} :: eventually
wreszcie {adv} :: after all
wręg {m inan} [joinery] :: rabbet
wręg {m inan} [nautical] :: frame (nautical)
wręg {m inan} [aviation] :: frame (aircraft), former
wręga {f} :: alternative form of wręg
wrobienie {n} :: verbal noun of wrobić
Wrocław {prop} {m inan} :: Wrocław (city)
wrocławski {adj} :: Wroclavian (of, from or pertaining to Wroclaw in Poland)
wrodzony {adj} :: innate, inborn, natural
wrogi {adj} :: hostile
wrona {f} :: hooded crow
wroni {adj} [relational] :: crow (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of crows)
wroniec {m inan} :: A plant of the genus Huperzia
wroniec {m anim} :: carrion crow, Corvus corone
wronię {n} :: A young crow (corvid)
wrony {adj} [color, of animals] :: black
wrończyk {m anim} :: red-billed chough, Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
wrostek {m inan} [linguistic morphology] :: infix
wrostek {m inan} [mineralogy] :: inclusion
wrota {p} :: gate
wrotek {m anim} :: rotifer, wheel animal (animal of the phylum Rotifera)
wrotka {f} :: roller skate
wrotka {f} [internet] :: attribution line
wrotkarstwo {n} :: roller skating
wrotycz {m inan} :: tansy (any plant of the genus Tanacetum)
wróbel {m anim} :: sparrow (any member of Passer, Gymnoris, Carpospiza, or Petronia), especially the house sparrow (Passer domesticus)
wróbelek {m anim} :: diminutive of wróbel
wróbli {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a sparrow (bird)
wróblica {f} :: female sparrow (member of Passer, Gymnoris, Carpospiza, or Petronia)
wróbliczka {f} :: female sparrow (member of Passer, Gymnoris, Carpospiza, or Petronia)
wróbliczka {f} :: Any parrotlet of the genus Forpus
wróblik {m anim} [archaic] :: diminutive of wróbel
wrócenie {n} :: verbal noun of wrócić
wrócić {vi pf} :: to return, to get back, to come back
wrócić {vt pf} :: to restore, give back
wróg {m pers} :: enemy
wróg {m pers} :: foe
wróż {m pers} :: foreteller (one who foretells the future)
wróżba {f} :: divination
wróżba {f} :: omen, presage, augury, foretoken
wróżbiarz {m pers} :: foreteller (one who foretells the future)
wróżbita {m pers} :: foreteller, augur (one who foretells the future)
wróżbitka {f} :: female foreteller, augur (one who foretells the future)
wróżda {f} :: vendetta
wróżek {m pers} :: foreteller (one who foretells the future)
wróżka {f} :: fairy (mythical being)
wróżka {f} :: fortune teller
wróżyć {vi impf} :: to divine
wróżyć {vi impf} :: to bode, to betoken, to portend, to augur, to presage
wróżyć {vi impf} :: to prophesy
wrzask {m inan} :: scream, shout
wrzawa {f} :: uproar, hubbub, tumult, racket, din
wrzący {adj} :: boiling, boiling hot, piping hot
wrzątek {m inan} :: freshly boiled water
wrzeciądz {m inan} :: hasp
wrzeciono {n} :: spindle (rod for spinning and winding thread)
wrzeć {vi impf} :: to boil (begin to turn into a gas)
wrzemię {n} [obsolete] :: time
wrzenie {n} :: verbal noun of wrzeć
wrzesień {m inan} :: September (month)
wrześniowy {adj} [relational] :: September (month)
wrzodek {m inan} [dated] :: diminutive of wrzód
wrzodzik {m inan} :: diminutive of wrzód
wrzos {m inan} :: heather, calluna
wrzosowiec {m inan} :: Any plant of the genus Corispermum; bugseed
wrzosowiec {m inan} [only in plural] :: Ericales (order of plants)
wrzosowisko {n} :: heath, heathland
wrzód {m inan} :: ulcer
wrzód {m inan} :: abscess
wrzucać {vt impf} :: to throw in
wrzucać {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to upload
wrzucić {vt pf} :: to throw in
wrzucić {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to upload
wsad {m inan} :: batch, portion of feedstocks used in an industrial process
wsad {m inan} [basketball] :: dunk
wsadowy {adj} [computing] :: batch, running in batch mode
wsch. {adj} :: abbreviation of wschodni e.
wsch. {m inan} :: abbreviation of wschód e.
wschodni {adj} :: east, eastern (of or relating to the east)
wschodnioafrykański {adj} :: East African
wschodnioazjatycki {adj} [relational] :: East Asian (of, from, or pertaining to East Asia)
wschodnioeuropejski {adj} :: Eastern European
wschodnioflamandzki {adj} :: East Flemish (both meanings)
wschodnioniemiecki {adj} :: East German
wschodniosłowiański {adj} [relational] :: East Slavic (of or relating to the East Slavs)
wschodzić {v impf} :: to rise (to appear to move from behind the horizon)
wschód {m inan} :: rise (referring to a celestial body, such as sunrise)
wschód {m inan} :: east
wsiadać {vi impf} :: to board, to get on, to embark [+ do (object) = genitive = something]
wsiadać {vi impf} :: to mount, to bestride [+ na (object) = accusative = something]
wsiąkać {vi impf} :: to sink in [+ w (object) = accusative = into something]
wsiąknąć {vi pf} :: to sink in [+ w (object) = accusative = into something]
wsiąknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wsiąknąć
wsiąść {vi pf} :: to board, to get on, to embark [+ do (object) = genitive = something]
wsiąść {vi pf} :: to mount, to bestride [+ na (object) = accusative = something]
wskakiwać {vi impf} :: to jump in
wskakiwać {vi impf} :: to jump on [+ na (object) = accusative = onto something]
wskakiwać {vi impf} :: to slip into, to don [+ w (object) = accusative = something]
wskakiwać {vi impf} :: to catch, to engage, to click
wskakiwać {vi impf} :: to pop in, to visit
wskaz {m inan} :: graduation (a marking indicating a measurement)
wskaz {m inan} [electrical engineering] :: phasor
wskaz {m inan} [obsolete] :: sign, indication
wskazać {vt pf} :: to indicate, to point to, to show
wskazówka {f} :: instruction, direction
wskazówka {f} :: tip, hint, clue
wskazówka {f} :: pointer, needle, dial
wskazówka {f} :: hand (of a clock)
wskazywać {v impf} :: to indicate, to point to, to show
wskaźnik {m inan} :: indicator, pointer
wskaźnik {m inan} :: gauge (instrument)
wskaźnik {m inan} [chemistry] :: indicator
wskaźnik {m inan} [programming] :: pointer
wskaźnik {m inan} [economics] :: index
wskaźnikowy {adj} [relational] :: indicator
wskoczyć {vi pf} :: to jump in
wskoczyć {vi pf} :: to jump on [+ na (object) = accusative = onto something]
wskoczyć {vi pf} :: to slip into, to don [+ w (object) = accusative = something]
wskoczyć {vi pf} :: to catch, to engage, to click
wskoczyć {vi pf} :: to pop in, to visit
wskrzesić {v pf} :: to resurrect
wskrzeszać {v impf} :: to resurrect
wskutek {prep} :: because of, owing to, on account of
wsłuchać {vr pf} :: to listen intently, to listen carefully [+ w (object) = accusative = to something]
wsłuchiwać {vr impf} :: to listen intently, to listen carefully [+ w (object) = accusative = to something]
wspaniale {adv} :: great, wonderfully, magnificently
wspanialej {adv} :: comparative of wspaniale
wspanialszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wspaniały
wspaniałomyślny {adj} :: magnanimous, high-minded, generous
wspaniały {adj} :: magnificent, excellent
wsparcie {n} :: verbal noun of wesprzeć
wsparcie {n} :: support
wsparcie {n} :: assistance, aid
wspiąć {v pf} :: to climb, to mount
wspierać {v impf} :: to support (to keep from falling)
wspierać {v impf} :: to support (to help, particularly financially)
wspieranie {n} :: verbal noun of wspierać
wspięga {f} :: A plant of the genus Lablab
wspinaczka {f} :: climbing (activity or sport)
wspomagać {vt impf} :: to assist, to lend a hand, to help
wspominać {v impf} :: to reminisce, to look back
wspominać {v impf} :: to mention
wspominanie {n} :: verbal noun of wspominać
wspomnieć {vt pf} :: to reminisce, to look back
wspomnieć {vt pf} :: to mention
wspomnienie {n} :: memory, recollection
wspomóc {vt pf} :: to assist, to lend a hand, to help
wspornik {m inan} :: support, bracket, cantilever
wspólnie {adv} :: communally, mutually, jointly
wspólnota {f} :: community
Wspólnota Niepodległych Państw {prop} {f} :: Commonwealth of Independent States (successor to the Soviet Union)
wspólny {adj} :: common, communal, shared, mutual, joint
współ- {prefix} :: co- (together, mutually, jointly)
współ- {prefix} :: co- (partner in an activity)
współczesny {adj} :: contemporary (current, modern)
współczesny {adj} :: contemporary (from the same time period)
współczesny standardowy język arabski {prop} {m} :: Modern Standard Arabic
współczucie {n} :: compassion, sympathy
współczuć {vi impf} [with dative] :: to feel for, to sympathise with, to pity
współczulny {adj} [physiology] :: sympathetic
współczynnik {m inan} :: coefficient
współczynnik {m inan} :: factor
współczynnik {m inan} :: ratio
współczynnik {m inan} :: index
współczynnik załamania {m inan} :: refractive index
współdzielić {vt impf} :: to share (have or use in common)
współlokator {m pers} :: A male roommate
współlokatorka {f} :: A female roommate
współosiowy {adj} :: coaxial (having a common axis)
współpraca {f} :: cooperation
współpracownik {m pers} :: collaborator, associate
współrzędna {f} [math, cartography] :: coordinate
wstać {vi pf} :: to get up (to rise from bed)
wstać {vi pf} :: to stand up (to rise, e.g., from a chair)
wstawać {v impf} :: to get up (to rise from bed)
wstawać {v impf} :: to stand up (to rise, e.g., from a chair)
wstawiony {adj} [somewhat, euphemistic] :: intoxicated
wstążeczka {f} :: diminutive of wstążka
wstążka {f} :: ribbon
wstecz {adv} :: backwards, aback
wstecz {adv} :: ago
wstęga {f} :: ribbon
wstęga {f} :: streamer
wstęga {f} :: sash
wstęgor {m anim} :: ribbonfish (trachipterid)
wstęgor {m anim} :: Other lampriform fish sometimes referred to as ribbonfish
wstęp {m inan} :: entry, admission, admittance (permission to enter)
wstęp {m inan} :: introduction, prelude
wstęp {m inan} :: preface
wstępnica {f} :: ascending colon
wstępny {adj} :: preliminary
wstężnica {f} :: nemertean, ribbon worm, proboscis worm (any animal of the phylum Nemertea)
wstężnica {f} :: Any green algae of the genus Ulothrix
wstręt {m inan} :: disgust, aversion
wstrętnie {adv} :: disgustingly, repulsively, abhorrently, execrably
wstrętniej {adv} :: comparative of wstrętnie
wstrętny {adj} :: disgusting, repulsive
wstrząs {m inan} :: shock, impact
wstrząs {m inan} :: earth tremor
wstrząs mózgu {m inan} [colloquial] :: concussion
wstrzemięźliwość {f} :: restraint, moderation
wstrzemięźliwy {adj} :: abstemious
wstrzymać {vt pf} :: to arrest, to stop, to hold up, to rein back
wstrzymać {vr pf} :: to abstain
wstrzymywać {vt impf} :: to arrest, to stop, to hold up, to rein back
wstrzymywać {vr impf} :: to abstain
wstyd {m inan} :: shame
wstyd {m inan} :: embarrassment
wsunąć {vt pf} :: to slip, to pass discreetly
wsunąć {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to scoff, to inhale, to eat quickly
wsunąć {vr pf} :: to slip in, to sneak in
wsunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wsunąć
wsuwać {vt impf} :: to slip, to pass discreetly
wsuwać {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to scoff, to inhale, to eat quickly
wsuwać {vr impf} :: to slip in, to sneak in
wsuwanie {n} :: verbal noun of wsuwać
wsuwka {f} [colloquial] :: bobby pin, hairgrip (flat hairpin with two prongs)
wsuwka {f} [colloquial] :: penholder (of a notebook, calendar, etc.)
wsypać {vt pf} :: to pour in
wsypać {vt pf} :: to rat out, to snitch on, to betray
wsypywać {vt impf} :: to pour in
wsypywać {vt impf} :: to rat out, to snitch on, to betray
wszak {particle} :: after all; indicates a statement is true regardless of other considerations; used to reinforce or explain a point
wszakże {particle} :: after all; indicates a statement is true regardless of other considerations; used to reinforce or explain a point
wszcząć {vt pf} :: to commence, to instigate, to start
wszczep {m inan} [medicine] :: implant (anything surgically implanted in the body)
wszczynać {vt impf} :: to commence, to instigate, to start
wszech- {prefix} :: omni-, all-
wszechmoc {f} :: omnipotence
wszechmocny {adj} :: omnipotent, all-powerful
wszechmogący {adj} :: omnipotent, all-powerful
wszechnica {f} :: university
wszechobecność {f} :: omnipresence, ubiquity
wszechobecny {adj} :: omnipresent, ubiquitous
wszechocean {m inan} :: World Ocean
wszechstronny {adj} :: versatile
wszechstronny {adj} :: all-encompassing, comprehensive
wszechświat {m inan} :: universe, cosmos
wszechwiedza {f} :: omniscience
wszelki {adj} [formal] :: every, any
wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone {phrase} [legal] :: all rights reserved
Wszerad {prop} {m pers} {f} [archaic] :: given name
wszędobylski {adj} :: intrusive, nosy
wszędobylski {adj} :: ubiquitous
wszędołaz {m inan} :: quad bike
wszędołaz {m inan} :: A Polski Fiat 126p prototype
wszędzie {pron} :: everywhere
wszędzie dobrze, ale w domu najlepiej {proverb} :: there's no place like home
wszyscy {pron} :: all
wszyscy {pron} :: everybody, everyone
wszystek {adj} :: all, every
wszystek {adj} :: all, the whole of
wszystkie {pron} :: all
wszystkie {pron} :: everybody, everyone
wszystkie drogi prowadzą do Rzymu {proverb} :: all roads lead to Rome
wszystko {pron} :: everything
wszystko {pron} :: anything
wszystko dobre, co się dobrze kończy {proverb} :: all's well that ends well
wszystkożerny {adj} :: omnivorous
wszystkożerny {adj} [humorous] :: of a person: willing to eat any food, not picky about food
wszyściuchny {adj} :: diminutive of wszystek
wszyściuśki {adj} :: diminutive of wszystek
wszyściutki {adj} :: diminutive of wszystek
wścibski {adj} :: inquisitive, nosy
wściec {vr pf} :: to lose it, to flip out, to go ape
wściekać {vr impf} :: to lose it, to flip out, to go ape
wścieklica {f} [dialectal] :: A large, cylindrical men's hat
wścieklica {f} [colloquial] :: spitfire (woman or girl with a fiery temper)
wścieklica {f} :: myrmicine belonging to the tribe Myrmicini
wścieklizna {f} [disease] :: rabies
wściekłość {f} :: rage, fury
wściekły {adj} :: furious, livid (angry)
wściekły {adj} :: rabid (affected with rabies)
wściekły {adj} [colloquial] :: fierce, unrelenting
wściekły {adj} [color] :: very bright, garish
wślizgiwać {vr impf} :: to slip in
wślizgnąć {vr pf} :: to slip in
wśród {prep} :: among, amidst
wtajemniczać {vt impf} :: to initiate, to acquaint, to clue in, to let in on
wtajemniczony {m pers} :: initiate (one who has been initiated)
wtajemniczyć {vt pf} :: to initiate, to acquaint, to clue in, to let in on
wtapianie {n} :: verbal noun of wtapiać
wtarcie {n} :: verbal noun of wetrzeć
wtarganie {n} :: verbal noun of wtargać
wtedy {adv} :: then (at that time)
wtedy {adv} :: at the time
wtedy {adv} :: in those days
wtedy i tylko wtedy {conj} :: if and only if
wtem {adv} :: suddenly
wtopa {f} [colloquial] :: snag, snafu
wtopienie {n} :: verbal noun of wtopić
wtorek {m inan} :: Tuesday
wtórny {adj} :: derivative, secondary
wtóry {num} [obsolete] :: second
wtryskarka {f} :: injection molding machine
wtulenie {n} :: verbal noun of wtulić
wtw {conj} [mathematics, logic] :: abbreviation of wtedy i tylko wtedy iff (if and only if)
wtyczka {f} [electricity] :: plug (connecting device which fits into a socket)
wtyczka {f} [computing] :: plug-in (software component that adds a feature to an existing computer program)
wtyczka {f} [colloquial] :: mole, informant, double agent
wtyk {m inan} [electricity] :: plug (connecting device which fits into a socket)
wtyk {m anim} :: A member of certain species of coreid insects
wtykanie {n} :: verbal noun of wtykać
wu {n} :: letter: w
wudu {n} :: alternative spelling of voodoo
wuj {m pers} :: maternal uncle (brother of someone’s mother), vernacularly uncle
wujek {m pers} :: maternal uncle
wujek {m pers} :: paternal uncle
wujek {m pers} :: husband of an aunt
wujek {m anim} :: Any dance fly belonging to the genus Empis
wulgarnie {adv} :: vulgarly; in a vulgar manner
wulgarniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wulgarny
wulgarność {f} :: vulgarity
wulgarny {adj} :: crude, vulgar
wulgarny {adj} :: tasteless (lacking refinement)
wulgarny {adj} :: primitive
wulgaryzm {m inan} [linguistics] :: vulgarism, profanity
wulkan {m inan} :: volcano (mountain containing a magma chamber)
wulkaniczny {adj} :: volcanic
wulkanizacja {f} :: vulcanization
wulkanizacja {f} :: tyre repair
wulkanizacyjny {adj} [relational] :: vulcanization
wulkanizacyjny {adj} [relational] :: tyre repair
wulkanizm {m inan} :: volcanism
Wus {prop} {m pers} {f} :: A transliteration of the Ukrainian surname Вус
Wus {prop} {m pers} {f} :: A transliteration of the Belarusian surname Вус
w/w {adj} :: abbreviation of wyżej wymieniony: above-mentioned
ww. {adj} :: abbreviation of wyżej wymieniony: above-mentioned
wwiercanie {n} :: verbal noun of wwiercać
wwiercenie {n} :: verbal noun of wwiercić
wy- {prefix} :: Indicates movement outwards or away
wy {pron} :: you (second person plural, familiar or to younger people)
wybaczać {vt impf} :: to forgive, to excuse, to pardon
wybaczalny {adj} :: forgivable
wybaczenie {n} :: verbal noun of wybaczyć
wybaczyć {v pf} :: to forgive
wybawca {m pers} :: saviour
wybawczyni {f} :: female saviour
wybicie {n} :: verbal noun of wybić
wybieg {m inan} :: run; pen; enclosure (a fenced area for animals)
wybieg {m inan} :: runway (platform for fashion shows)
wybieg {m inan} :: ruse; trick
wybieganie {n} :: verbal noun of wybiegać
wybielacz {m inan} :: bleach
wybielać {vt impf} :: to whiten (e.g. teeth)
wybielać {vt impf} :: to bleach
wybielać {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to whitewash (cover over errors or bad actions)
wybierać {vt impf} :: to choose, select
wybierać {vt impf} :: (politics) to elect
wybierać {vr impf} :: to go
wybieranie {n} :: verbal noun of wybierać
wybijanie {n} :: verbal noun of wybijać
wybitniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wybitny
wybitny {adj} :: outstanding, exceptional, excellent
wyblakły {adj} :: faded
wyboisty {adj} :: tugged, bumpy, jarring, jolting, potholed (of a terrain)
wyborca {m pers} :: elector (person eligible to vote in an election), constituent
wyborczy {adj} :: electoral, related to elections
wyborny {adj} :: exquisite
wyborowy {adj} :: prolific
wybory {p} :: election
wybój {m inan} :: pothole (a hole in a road surface)
wybór {m inan} :: choice
wybrać {v pf} :: to choose
wybrać {v pf} :: to elect
wybrać {v pf} :: to scoop out
wybrać {v pf} :: to remove slack; to pull a rope until it's taut
wybranie {n} :: verbal noun of wybrać
wybraniec {m pers} :: the one (particularly special person)
wybredny {adj} :: choosy
wybroczyna {f} [symptom] :: petechia
wybryk {m inan} :: excess; misdeed; antic
wybrzeże {n} :: coast (shoreline)
Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej {prop} {n} :: Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej (country)
wybrzuszony {adj} :: bulging, protuberant
wybuch {m inan} :: explosion
wybuchać {vi impf} :: to explode
wybuchać {v impf} [geology] :: to erupt
wybuchanie {n} :: verbal noun of wybuchać
wybuchnąć {v pf} :: to explode
wybuchnąć {v pf} :: to flare up; to burst with anger
wybuchowość {f} :: explosiveness
wybuchowy {adj} :: explosive, pertaining to explosions
wybuchowy {adj} :: irascible
wybujanie {n} :: verbal noun of wybujać
wybulić {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to shell out (pay a great deal of money)
wychlapanie {n} :: verbal noun of wychlapać
wychłodzenie {n} :: verbal noun of wychłodzić
wychłodzenie {n} :: hypothermia
wychodek {m inan} :: outhouse (outbuilding containing a toilet)
wychodne {n} [dated] :: night out
wychodnia {f} :: outcrop
wychodzenie {n} :: verbal noun of wychodzić
wychodzić {vi impf} :: to go out, leave (on foot)
wychodzić {vi impf} :: to lead (begin a game of cards or dominoes)
wychodzić {vi impf} :: to look, to face (of a window, to present with a view)
wychować {vt pf} :: to raise, to rear, to bring up
wychować {vt pf} [literary] :: to educate
wychowanek {m pers} :: pupil
wychowanek {m pers} :: fosterling
wychowanie {n} :: verbal noun of wychować; upbringing
wychowanie {n} [only in compounds] :: education
wychowanka {f} :: feminine noun of wychowanek
wychowawca {m pers} :: educator, pedagogue, didact
wychowawczo {adv} :: educationally, pedagogically, didactically
wychowawczy {adj} :: educational, pedagogical, didactic
wychowawczyni {f} :: female educator, pedagogue, didact
wychowywać {vt impf} :: to rear [+ acc something or someone] [+ gen something or someone, in negations]
wychowywać {vt impf} [literary or rare] :: to educate [+ acc something or someone] [+ gen something or someone, in negations]
wychrypienie {n} :: verbal noun of wychrypieć
wychylać {vt impf} :: to lean, to tilt such that the outside of something is visible
wychylać {vt impf} :: to knock back, to down
wychylać {vr impf} :: to lean out (of a window, doorway, etc.)
wychylenie {n} :: verbal noun of wychylić
wychylić {vt pf} :: to lean, to tilt such that the outside of something is visible
wychylić {vt pf} :: to knock back, to down
wychylić {vr pf} :: to lean out (of a window, doorway, etc.)
wychynąć {vi pf} :: to emerge
wyciąg {m inan} :: lift
wyciąg {m inan} :: extract
wyciąg {m inan} :: statement
wyciąg {m inan} [medicine] :: traction
wyciąg {m inan} :: fume hood
wyciąg {m inan} :: extractor (part of a gun)
wyciąg krzesełkowy {m inan} :: chairlift
wyciągać {vt impf} :: to pull out, take out
wyciągać {vt impf} :: to stretch out, outstretch
wycie {n} :: verbal noun of wyć
wycie {n} :: howling, wailing
wycieczka {f} :: trip
wycieczka {f} :: excursion
wycieczka {f} :: tour
wycieczka {f} :: jibe, barb, dig
wycieczkowiec {m inan} :: cruise ship
wyciek {m inan} :: spillage, leak
wycieraczka {f} :: windscreen wiper
wycieraczka {f} :: doormat, mat
wycierać {vt impf} :: to wipe, to mop
wycięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wyciąć
wyciskać {v impf} :: to squeeze out (juice, etc.)
wyciskać {v impf} :: to bench press; to press
wyciskanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyciskać
wycofywać {vt impf} :: to withdraw
wyczerpać {vt pf} :: to draw out, to drain (completely extract a liquid)
wyczerpać {vt pf} :: to exhaust, to deplete, to drain
wyczerpać {vt pf} :: to wear out, to tire out
wyczerpać {vr pf} :: to run short, to run low, to dry up
wyczerpujący {adj} :: exhausting, tiring
wyczerpujący {adj} :: exhaustive, comprehensive
wyczerpywać {vt impf} :: to draw out, to drain (completely extract a liquid)
wyczerpywać {vt impf} :: to exhaust, to deplete, to drain
wyczerpywać {vt impf} :: to wear out, to tire out
wyczerpywać {vr impf} :: to run short, to run low, to dry up
wyczucie {n} :: verbal noun of wyczuć
wyczucie {n} :: sense, feeling, intuition
wyczucie {n} :: tact
wyczuć {vt pf} :: to sense, to intuit
wyczuwać {vt impf} :: to sense, to intuit
wyczyn {m inan} :: achievement, exploit (heroic or extraordinary deed)
wyczyniec {m inan} :: Any of various grasses belonging to the genus Alopecurus
wyć {vi impf} :: to howl
wyć {vi impf} :: to wail
wydać {v pf} :: to spend
wydać {v pf} :: to release, to publish
wydać {v pf} :: to hand over (fulfilling a request)
wydać {v pf} :: to betray
wydajnie {adv} :: efficiently, productively
wydajność {f} :: efficiency, productivity
wydajny {adj} :: efficient, productive
wydalać {vit impf} :: to excrete, egest
wydalać {vt impf} :: to expel, discharge
wydalanie {n} :: verbal noun of wydalać
wydalanie {n} :: excretion
wydanie {n} :: edition, release
wydanie {n} :: verbal noun of wydać
wydarcie {n} :: verbal noun of wydrzeć
wydarzenie {n} :: event, incident, occurrence
wydatek {m inan} :: expense
wydawać {vt impf} :: to spend
wydawać {vt impf} :: to hand out, to pass over
wydawać {vt impf} :: to produce, to emit
wydawać {vt impf} :: to convey
wydawać {vr impf} :: to seem, to appear
wydawanie {n} :: verbal noun of wydawać
wydawnictwo {n} :: publishing house
wydech {m inan} :: the act of breathing out, exhalation, expiration
wydech {m inan} [colloquial] :: exhaust; a system that removes combustion products from an internal combustion engine
wyderek {m inan} [historical, law] :: A sale with a buyback option
wyderka {f} :: clawless otter (Aonyx)
wyderka {f} [archaic] :: mink (mammal)
wyderka {f} [historical] :: alternative form of wyderek
wyderka błotna {f} :: European mink (Mustela lutreola)
wydma {f} :: dune (ridge or hill of sand piled up by the wind)
wydmowy {adj} :: pertaining to dunes
wydmuchanie {n} :: verbal noun of wydmuchać
wydmuszka {f} :: eggshell, empty egg
wydobyć {vt pf} :: to extract
wydobyć {vt pf} :: to extricate
wydostać {v pf} :: to take [sth.] out, to extract
wydostać {v pf} :: to squeeze, exact (promise, information, truth) [from someone]
wydostać {vr pf} :: to get out, get away
wydostać {vr pf} :: to escape
wydostawać {v impf} :: to take [sth.] out, extract
wydostawać {v impf} :: to squeeze, exact (promise, information, truth) [from someone]
wydostawać {vr impf} :: to get out, get away
wydostawać {vr impf} :: to escape
wydra {f} :: otter (mustelid)
wydrak {m anim} :: Any otter of the genus Lontra
wydrozwierz {m anim} :: sea otter (Enhydra lutris)
wydrówka {f} :: lutrine opossum (Lutreolina)
wydrzę {n} :: otter pup
wydrzy {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of otters; otterish, ottery, or lutrine
wydrzyk {m anim} :: skua (seabird of the family Stercorariidae)
wydumany {adj} [colloquial] :: imaginary
wydumany {adj} [colloquial] :: contrived, overthought, fancy
wydupczyć {v pf} [slang, vulgar] :: to fuck, to have sex
wydupczyć {v pf} [slang, vulgar] :: to fuck over, to put someone in a tough situation
wydychanie {n} :: verbal noun of wydychać
wydział {m inan} :: faculty (division of a university)
wydzielać {vt impf} :: to excrete
wydzielać {vt impf} :: to ooze, exude, secrete
wydzielać {vt impf} :: to emit
wydzielać {vt impf} :: to ration, dole out, allowance
wydzielić {vt pf} :: to excrete
wydzielić {vt pf} :: to ooze, to exude, to secrete
wydzielić {vt pf} :: to emit, to give off
wydzielić {vt pf} :: to ration, to dole out
wydzielina {f} [biology] :: secretion (substance secreted from a gland)
wydzielina {f} [medicine] :: discharge, exudation, rheum
wydzieranie {n} :: verbal noun of wydzierać
wydźwięk {m inan} :: overtone, message (underlying theme)
wyemancypować {v pf} :: to emancipate (set free)
wyfrunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wyfrunąć
wyfruwanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyfruwać
wyga {m pers} :: old hand; a man with a lot of experience related to a particular subject
wyga {f} :: old hand; a woman with a lot of experience related to a particular subject
wygadać {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to blab, to reveal (e.g. a secret)
wygadać {vr pf} [colloquial] :: to spill the beans, to let the cat out of the bag
wygadywać {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to blab, to reveal (e.g. a secret)
wygadywać {vr impf} [colloquial] :: to spill the beans, to let the cat out of the bag
wyganiać {vt impf} :: to chase away
wyganiać {vt impf} :: to banish, drive out, expel
wygarnąć {v pf} :: to scoop out
wygarnąć {v pf} [colloquial, with personal object in dative] :: to give a piece of one's mind
wygarnianie {n} :: verbal noun of wygarniać
wygiąć {vt pf} :: to bend, to bow, to curve
wygiąć {vr pf} :: to bow, to sag, to camber
wygibas {m inan} [colloquial] :: contortion, unusual body movement, such as those made by an unskilled but energetic dancer
wygibas {m inan} [colloquial, by extension] :: rhetorical contortion, a contrived explanation or argument
wygięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wygiąć
wyginać {vt impf} :: to bend, to bow, to curve
wyginać {vr impf} :: to bow, to sag, to camber
wyginąć {vi pf} :: to die out, to go extinct
wyginięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wyginąć
wygląd {m inan} :: look, appearance
wyglądać {vt impf} :: to be on the lookout for
wyglądać {vi impf} :: to look; to appear
wyglądać {vi impf} :: to seem
wygłaszać {vt impf} :: to declaim, to speak, to deliver (a speech, lecture, etc.)
wygłosić {vt pf} :: to declaim, to speak, to deliver (a speech, lecture, etc.)
wygłup {m inan} :: tomfoolery
wygłupiać {vr impf} :: to fool around, to act the goat
wygłupić {vr pf} :: to fool around, to act the goat
wygnać {vt pf} :: to chase away
wygnać {vt pf} :: to expel, to drive out
wygnać {vt pf} :: to exile
wygnanie {n} :: exile
wygnanie {n} :: verbal noun of wygnać
wygnaniec {m pers} :: exile, expatriate
wygniecenie {n} :: verbal noun of wygnieść
wygoda {f} :: comfort
wygoda {f} :: convenience
wygodnie {adv} :: comfortably
wygodniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wygodny
wygodny {adj} :: comfortable
wygojenie {n} :: verbal noun of wygoić
wygon {m inan} :: communal pasture
wygon {m inan} :: area on the edge of a community where livestock are gathered before being driven to pasture
wygon {m inan} :: drove (road or track along which cattle are habitually driven)
wygon {m inan} [rare] :: act of driving cattle to pasture
wygonić {vt pf} :: to chase away
wygonić {vt pf} :: to expel, to banish
wygrać {vt pf} :: to win
wygrywać {vt impf} :: to win (a prize)
wygrywać {vi impf} :: to lead (in a competition)
wygryzienie {n} :: verbal noun of wygryźć
wyhaftować {v pf} :: to embroider
wyj. {adj} :: abbreviation of wyjątkowy
wyj. {adv} :: abbreviation of wyjątkowo
wyj. {m inan} :: abbreviation of wyjątek
wyjaśniać {v impf} :: to explain, to clarify
wyjaśnianie {n} :: verbal noun of wyjaśniać
wyjaśnić {v pf} :: to explain, to clarify
wyjazd {m inan} :: departure (act of departing)
wyjazd {m inan} :: trip, excursion
wyjazd {m inan} :: exit, way out
wyjąć {v pf} :: to take (sth) out (of something)
wyjątek {m inan} :: exception (that which is excepted or taken out from others)
wyjątek {m inan} :: excerpt
wyjątkowo {adv} :: exceptionally
wyjątkowy {adj} :: special
wyjątkowy {adj} :: exceptional, extraordinary, unique
wyjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck, to do
wyjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to throw away, to throw out, to dispose of [+ acc = something]
wyjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to fire, to sack [+ acc = someone], to terminate employment
wyjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to grow out
wyjebać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to exterminate
wyjebać {vr pf} [vulgar] :: to fall on one's face
wyjec {m anim} :: howler monkey, of the genus Alouatta
wyjec {m pers} [colloquial] :: bad singer
wyjechać {vi pf} :: to exit by vehicle, to leave, to depart, to drive away [+ z (genitive) = somewhere]
wyjeżdżać {vi impf} :: to exit by vehicle, to leave, to depart, to drive away [+ z (genitive) = somewhere]
wyjęcie {n} :: verbal noun of wyjąć
wyjmować {v impf} :: to take (sth) out (of something)
wyjmowanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyjmować
wyjrzeć {vit pf} :: to peep out, look out
wyjrzeć {vi pf} :: to come out (of sun, moon)
wyjście {n} :: verbal noun of wyjść; exiting
wyjście {n} :: exit, way out
wyjście {n} [card games, dominoes] :: lead
wyjście {n} [computing] :: output
wyjście po angielsku {n} [colloquial] :: French leave (a sudden or unannounced departure, or one taken without permission)
wyjściowy {adj} [relational] :: exit (passage or gate from inside someplace to the outside)
wyjściowy {adj} [relational] :: exit (action of leaving)
wyjściowy {adj} [relational, computing] :: output
wyjściowy {adj} :: initial, starting
wyjściowy {adj} [relational] :: full dress
wyjść {vi pf} :: to exit, to go out, to leave (on foot)
wyjść po angielsku {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take French leave (to take a sudden or unannounced departure, or one taken without permission); to go AWOL
wyka {f} :: vetch, any plant of the genus Vicia
wykałaczka {f} :: toothpick
wykarmiać {vt impf} :: to suckle
wykarmiać {vt impf} :: to feed, to sustain
wykarmić {vt pf} :: to suckle
wykarmić {vt pf} :: to feed, to sustain
wykaz {m inan} :: list
wykazać {vt pf} :: to demonstrate, to prove, to evince, to show
wykazać {vt pf} :: to display, to exhibit
wykazać {vt pf} :: to declare, to disclose
wykazać {vr pf} :: to prove oneself
wykazywać {vt impf} :: to demonstrate, to prove, to evince, to show
wykazywać {vt impf} :: to display, to exhibit
wykazywać {vt impf} :: to declare, to disclose
wykazywać {vr impf} :: to prove oneself
wykidajło {m pers} :: bouncer (member of security personnel)
wykipienie {n} :: verbal noun of wykipieć
wykitować {v pf} [colloquial, humorous] :: to die
wyklarować {vt pf} :: to clarify
wyklina {f} :: Any plant of the genus Poa
wykluczać {vt impf} :: to exclude
wykluczyć {vt pf} :: to exclude, to debar, to except
wykluczyć {vt pf} :: to eliminate, to rule out
wykład {m inan} :: lecture
wykładnia {f} [legal] :: legal interpretation
wykładniczo {adv} :: exponentially
wykładniczy {adj} :: exponential
wykładnik {m inan} [mathematics] :: exponent
wykładowca {m pers} :: lecturer (person who gives lectures)
wykładowca {m pers} :: lecturer (member of university or college)
wykładowczyni {f} :: female lecturer (person who gives lectures)
wykładowczyni {f} :: female lecturer (member of university or college)
wykładzina {f} :: boiserie, panelling, underfelt
wykładzinowy {adj} [relational] :: boiserie, panelling, underfelt
wykoleić {vt pf} :: to derail (cause to come off the tracks)
wykoleić {vr pf} [with się] :: to derail (come off the tracks)
wykolejać {vt impf} :: to derail (cause to come off the tracks)
wykolejać {vr impf} [with się] :: to derail (come off the tracks)
wykonać {vt pf} :: to perform, to carry out, to do, to execute
wykonać {vt pf} :: to make, to produce
wykonać {vt pf} :: to perform, to play (a song or musical piece)
wykonalny {adj} :: feasible
wykonanie {n} :: verbal noun of wykonać
wykonawca {m pers} :: contractor
wykonawca {m pers} [law] :: executor
wykonawca {m pers} [acting, music, dance] :: performer
wykonywać {v impf} :: to perform, to execute
wykonywać {v impf} :: to produce, to make (especially goods for sale)
wykonywalny {adj} [computing] :: executable
wykop {m inan} :: excavation (cavity formed by cutting, digging, or scooping)
wykop {m inan} :: long kick (hit or strike with the leg or foot)
wykopać {vt pf} :: to dig (e.g., a hole)
wykopać {vt pf} :: to dig out (e.g., a flower)
wykopalisko {n} :: archeological investigation
wykopanie {n} :: verbal noun of wykopać
wykopywać {vt impf} :: to dig (e.g., a hole)
wykopywać {vt impf} :: to dig out (e.g., a flower)
wykorzeniać {vt impf} :: to eradicate (to pull up a plant by the roots)
wykorzeniać {vt impf} :: to extirpate (to put an end to something adverse)
wykorzeniać {vt impf} :: to unroot, to uproot, to disroot (to become estranged from a culture, tradition or environment)
wykorzenić {vt pf} :: to eradicate (to pull up a plant by the roots)
wykorzenić {vt pf} :: to extirpate (to put an end to something adverse)
wykorzenić {vt pf} :: to unroot, to uproot, to disroot (to become estranged from a culture, tradition or environment)
wykorzystać {vt pf} :: to use, to utilise
wykorzystać {vt pf} :: to exploit, to use, to abuse
wykorzystywać {v impf} :: to utilize / to utilise, to use
wykorzystywać {v impf} :: to exploit
wykres {m inan} :: graph (mathematical diagram)
wykręt {m inan} :: excuse (invented reason or explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgment)
wykroczenie {n} [law] :: contravention, misdemeanor
wykrojenie {n} :: verbal noun of wykroić
wykrot {m inan} :: An uprooted tree; windthrow
wykrot {m inan} :: A pit and root mass left by an uprooted tree
wykrój {m inan} [textiles] :: pattern
wykrój {m inan} :: shape (outline)
wykrój {m inan} :: cut-out (hole or space produced when something is removed by cutting)
wykrwawić {vr pf} :: to bleed to death
wykrwawienie {n} :: verbal noun of wykrwawić
wykrycie {n} :: verbal noun of wykryć
wykryć {vt pf} :: to detect
wykrywacz {m inan} :: detector (device capable of registering a specific substance or physical phenomenon)
wykrywacz kłamstw {f} :: polygraph, lie detector
wykrywać {vt impf} :: to detect
wykrzyknienie {n} :: ejaculating (act of saying something abruptly)
wykrzyknienie {n} [grammar] :: exclamation
wykrzyknik {m inan} :: exclamation mark, !
wykrzyknik {m inan} :: interjection, exclamation (part of speech)
wykształcenie {n} :: education (facts, skills and ideas that have been learned, either formally or informally)
wykształcenie {n} :: verbal noun of wykształcić
wykształcić {vt pf} :: to educate
wykształcić {vr pf} :: to educate oneself
wykuć {vt pf} :: to forge
wykuć {vt pf} :: to carve, to shape
wykuć {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to learn by heart, to learn by rote
wykusz {m inan} :: bay window
wykuwać {vt impf} :: to forge
wykuwać {vt impf} :: to carve, to shape
wykuwać {vt impf} :: to learn by heart, to learn by rote
wykwintny {adj} :: elegant, refined
wykwit {m inan} :: crowning achievement
wykwit {m inan} [pathology] :: efflorescence, lesion (cutaneous or mucosal)
wykwit {m inan} [chemistry, geology] :: efflorescence
wykwit {m inan} :: Any slime mold of the genus Fuligo
wylać {v pf} :: to pour out
wylać {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fire; to sack
wylanie {n} :: verbal noun of wylać
wylaszczyć {vr pf} [slang] :: to sex up, to doll up, to improve one's appearance; used mainly of women
wyląg {m inan} :: alternative form of wylęg
wylegnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wylec
wylegnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wylegnąć
wylesiać {vt impf} :: to deforest
wylesić {vt pf} :: to deforest
wylew {m inan} [medicine] :: stroke, apoplexy
wylew {m inan} [formal] :: spout (a lip on the edge of a vessel through which liquid can be poured)
wylewanie {n} :: verbal noun of wylewać
wylęg {m inan} :: The act of hatching or eclosion
wylęg {m inan} :: A brood (group of hatchlings from the same clutch of eggs)
wylęgarka {f} [aviculture] :: incubator
wylęgarnia {f} :: hatchery
wylęgnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wyląc
wylęgnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wylęgnąć
wylinka {f} [biology] :: exuvia (remains of an ecdysozoan's exoskeleton and related structures following moulting)
wylinkowiec {m anim} :: ecdysozoan (member of Ecdysozoa)
wylogować {vr pf} :: to log out
wylogowanie {n} :: verbal noun of wylogować
wylogowywać {vr impf} :: to log out
wylotówka {f} [colloquial] :: road out of town
wyludniać {vt impf} :: to depopulate
wyludnienie {n} :: depopulation
wyłanczać {v impf} :: nonstandard form of wyłączać
wyławianie {n} :: verbal noun of wyławiać
wyłączać {vt impf} :: to switch off, to turn off, to disable (to put a mechanism, device or system out of operation; to deactivate)
wyłączać {vt impf} :: to exclude (to omit from consideration)
wyłączanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyłączać
wyłącznie {adv} :: exclusively, only, solely
wyłącznik {m inan} :: switch (device to turn electric current on and off or direct its flow)
wyłączność {f} :: exclusiveness, exclusivity
wyłączny {adj} :: exclusive, sole
wyłączny {adj} :: unique
wyłączyć {vt pf} :: to switch off, to turn off, to disable (to put a mechanism, device or system out of operation; to deactivate)
wyłączyć {vt pf} :: to exclude (to omit from consideration)
wyłomek {m inan} :: diminutive of wyłom
wyłowienie {n} :: verbal noun of wyłowić
wyłudzać {v impf} :: to defraud, to obtain by means of fraud
wyłudzić {v pf} :: to defraud, to obtain by means of fraud
wyłysienie {n} :: verbal noun of wyłysieć
wymagać {vt impf} :: to need, to require, to demand [+ genitive]
wymagania {p} :: requirements, demands
wymaganie {n} :: verbal noun of wymagać
wymarcie {n} :: verbal noun of wymrzeć
wymarły {adj} :: extinct
wymarły {adj} [by extension] :: deserted
wymarznięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wymarznąć
wymawiać {v impf} :: to pronounce, to articulate, to say
wymawiać {v impf} :: to terminate, to cancel (e.g. a contract)
wymawiać {v impf} [uncommon] :: to reproach
wymęczenie {n} :: verbal noun of wymęczyć
wymiana {f} :: exchange
wymiar {m inan} :: dimension
wymiarowy {adj} :: dimensional (pertaining to dimensions)
wymiatać {vt impf} :: to sweep out, to remove by sweeping
wymiatać {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to rock, to rule
wymiennik {m inan} :: exchanger
wymiennik ciepła {m inan} :: heat exchanger
wymienny {adj} :: exchangeable, replaceable
wymienny {adj} [relational] :: exchange
wymierać {vi impf} :: to die out, to go extinct
wymierać {vi impf} :: to empty
wymieranie {n} :: verbal noun of wymierać
wymieranie {n} [biology] :: extinction
wymierny {adj} [mathematics] :: rational
wymierny {adj} :: tangible, quantifiable
wymierzać {v impf} :: to mete out, to dispense, to deal
wymierzyć {vt pf} :: to mete out, to dispense, to deal
wymieść {vt pf} :: to sweep out, to remove by sweeping
wymię {n} :: udder
wymiksować {vr pf} [colloquial] :: to avoid participating [+ z (object) = gen = in something], to disassociate oneself
wyminięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wyminąć
wymiociny {fp} :: vomit
wymiotnica {f} :: ipecacuanha (plant)
wymiotować {vi impf} :: to vomit
wymiotowanie {n} :: verbal noun of wymiotować
wymioty {p} :: vomiting, emesis
wymioty {p} :: vomit, vomitus
wymknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wymknąć
wymoknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wymoknąć
wymowa {f} :: pronunciation
wymowa {f} [figurative] :: meaning
wymowny {adj} :: meaningful, pregnant, revealing
wymowny {adj} :: eloquent, articulate
wymóc {vt pf} :: to force from (by demanding or by persuasion)
wymóg {m inan} :: requirement, prerequisite
wymówić {v pf} :: to pronounce, to articulate, to say
wymówić {v pf} :: to terminate, to cancel (e.g. a contract)
wymówka {f} [colloquial] :: excuse, pretext; an invented reason for not doing something
wymrzeć {vi pf} :: to die out, to go extinct
wymrzeć {vi pf} :: to empty
wymusić {v pf} :: to force
wymusić {v pf} :: to extort
wymuszać {v impf} :: to force
wymuszać {v impf} :: to extort
wymuszenie {n} :: extortion
wymuszenie {n} :: verbal noun of wymusić
wymycie {n} :: verbal noun of wymyć
wymyk {m inan} [gymnastics] :: back hip circle
wymyk szarawy {m anim} :: Arctosa cinerea, a wolf spider
wymysł {m inan} :: invention
wymysł {m inan} :: figment (of imagination), phantasm
wymyślać {v impf} :: to come up with (an idea)
wymyślać {v impf} :: to think up; to make up; to invent
wymyślać {v impf} :: to berate; to insult
wymyślić {v pf} :: to come up with (an idea)
wymyślić {v pf} :: to think up; to make up; to invent
wynagrodzenie {n} :: verbal noun of wynagrodzić
wynagrodzenie {n} :: remuneration, payment
wynająć {vt pf} :: to rent (to occupy premises in exchange for rent)
wynająć {vt pf} :: to let, to rent (to grant such occupation)
wynajem {m inan} :: rental, hire, lease
wynajęcie {n} :: verbal noun of wynająć
wynajmować {v impf} :: to rent (to occupy premises in exchange for rent)
wynajmować {v impf} :: to let, to rent (to grant such occupation)
wynajmowanie {n} :: verbal noun of wynajmować
wynalazca {m pers} :: inventor
wynalazek {m inan} :: invention
wynalazek {m inan} :: gadget, contrivance
wynalezienie {n} :: verbal noun of wynaleźć
wynaleźć {vt pf} :: to invent
wynieść {vt pf} :: to total, amount
wynieść {vt pf} :: to carry out, take out
wynieść {vr pf} :: to move out (vacate one's place of residence)
wynik {m inan} :: result (that which results)
wynikać {v impf} :: to ensue, to result, to follow
wyniknąć {v impf} :: to ensue, to result, to follow
wyniosłość {f} :: elevation (elevated place)
wyniosłość {f} :: haughtiness, superciliousness
wyniosły {adj} :: elevated, high
wyniosły {adj} :: supercilious, haughty, lofty, lordly
wyniośle {adv} :: highly
wyniośle {adv} :: superciliously, haughtily, loftily, lordly
wynioślejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wyniosły
wyniszczanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyniszczać
wyniszczenie {n} :: verbal noun of wyniszczyć
wyniszczenie {n} :: cachexia (wasting syndrome)
wynocha {interj} [colloquial, dismissal, sometimes, jocular] :: get out!, out!, beat it!, begone!
wynosić {vt impf} :: to total, amount
wynosić {vt impf} :: to carry out, take out
wynosić {vr impf} :: to move out (vacate one's place of residence)
wynurt {m anim} :: Ceruchus chrysomelinus, a species of stag beetle
wyoblanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyoblać
wyoblanie {n} [metalworking] :: metal spinning
wyobraźnia {f} :: imagination
wyodrębniać {vt impf} :: to isolate, cleave off, abstract
wyodrębniać {vr impf} [with się] :: to get isolated
wyodrębniać {vr impf} [with się] :: to stand out
wyodrębnić {vt pf} :: to isolate, cleave off, abstract
wyodrębnić {vr pf} [with się] :: to get isolated
wyodrębnić {vr pf} [with się] :: to stand out
Wyoming {prop} {m inan} :: Wyoming (state)
wypadać {vi impf} :: to fall out (exit by falling)
wypadać {vi impf} :: to fall, to occur (take place on a given date)
wypadanie {n} :: verbal noun of wypadać
wypadek {m inan} :: accident
wypadek {m inan} :: event, instance
wypalanie {n} :: verbal noun of wypalać
wypalenie {n} :: verbal noun of wypalić
wypalenie {n} [psychology] :: burnout
wypaplać {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to blab, to blurt out, to reveal
wyparcie {n} :: verbal noun of wyprzeć
wypas {m inan} :: grazing
wypas {m inan} [archaic] :: pasture
wypasać {vt impf} :: to pasture, to graze
wypasać {vr impf} :: to graze
wypaść {vi pf} :: to fall out (exit something by falling)
wypaść {vi pf} :: to fall, to occur (take place on a given date)
wypaść {vt pf} :: to graze, to pasture
wypaść {vr pf} :: to graze
wypchnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wypchnąć
wypędzać {v impf} :: to banish
wypędzanie {n} :: verbal noun of wypędzać
wypędzić {vt pf} :: to banish, to expel
wypiąć {vt pf} :: to stick out, to protrude (e.g. the breasts or buttocks)
wypiąć {vt pf} :: to unpin, to unfasten
wypichcenie {n} :: verbal noun of wypichcić
wypić {v pf} :: to drink a portion of fluid (e.g. a cup of coffee; a can of beer) wholly
wypiek {m inan} :: baking (process)
wypiek {m inan} [usually plural] :: pastry or piece of bread
wypiek {m inan} [plural only] :: blush; redness of cheeks due to excitement
wypieranie {n} :: verbal noun of wypierać
wypierdalać {vt impf} [vulgar] :: to fuck; to have sex [+ acc = with someone]
wypierdalać {vt impf} [vulgar] :: to throw away
wypierdalać {vi impf} [vulgar] :: to get out
wypierdalać {vir impf} [vulgar] :: (wypierdalać się) to stumble
wypierdalanie {n} :: verbal noun of wypierdalać
wypierdolenie {n} :: verbal noun of wypierdolić
wypierdolić {vt pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck; to have sex [+ acc = with someone]
wypierdolić {vt pf} [vulgar] :: to throw away
wypierdolić {vi pf} [vulgar] :: to get out
wypięknieć {vi pf} :: to become prettier, grow in beauty
wypinać {vt impf} :: to stick out, to protrude (e.g. the breasts or buttocks)
wypinać {vt impf} :: to unpin, to unfasten
wypiór {m anim} :: A bird covered only with down feathers
wypity {adj} [colloquial] :: drunk
wyplatanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyplatać
wyplątanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyplątać
wypłacać {vt impf} :: to withdraw (money)
wypłacić {vt pf} :: to withdraw (money)
wypłata {f} :: withdrawal (of money), payout
wypłata {f} :: pay packet
wypocenie {n} :: verbal noun of wypocić
wypociny {fp} [colloquial, derogatory] :: drivel, dreck; low quality writing
wypoczynek {m inan} :: rest, repose
wypoczynek {m inan} :: leisure
wypoczywać {vi impf} :: to repose, rest
wyporność {f} [nautical] :: displacement (measure of a ship's weight)
wyposażenie {n} :: verbal noun of wyposażyć
wyposażenie {n} :: equipment, furnishings, accoutrements, accessories
wyposzczony {adj} [colloquial, humorous] :: sexually deprived
wypotnik {m inan} [botany] :: hydathode
wypowiadać {vt impf} :: to declare, to utter, to express
wypowiadać {vt impf} :: to denounce, to terminate
wypowiadać {vr impf} :: to speak up, to speak out
wypowiedzenie {n} [legal] :: formal cessation of an agreement; termination, cancellation
wypowiedzenie {n} [grammar] :: a grammatically valid series of words not necessarily containing a predicate; utterance
wypowiedzieć {vt pf} :: to declare, to utter, to express
wypowiedzieć {vt pf} :: to denounce, to terminate
wypowiedzieć {vr pf} :: to speak up, to speak out
wypowiedź {f} :: statement, utterance, proclamation
wypożyczać {vt impf} :: to lend, to loan (allow use of something in return for a fixed payment)
wypożyczać {vt impf} :: to hire, to rent (obtain use of something in return for a fixed payment)
wypożyczalnia {f} :: hire company, rental company
wypożyczyć {vt pf} :: to lend, to loan (allow use of something in return for a fixed payment)
wypożyczyć {vt pf} :: to hire, to rent (obtain use of something in return for a fixed payment)
wypranie {n} :: verbal noun of wyprać
wyprasować {vt pf} :: to iron
wyprawa {f} :: expedition; a journey for military, scientific, or tourism purposes
wyprawa {f} [colloquial] :: trip, excursion
wyprawa {f} :: expedition (group of people)
wyprawa {f} :: bridal trousseau
wyprężony {adj} :: outstretched, not bent
wyprostować {v pf} :: to straighten, to right
wyprostować {vr pf} :: to straighten up
wyprowadzać {vt impf} :: to take someone out, to lead someone out
wyprowadzać {vt impf} [mathematics, logic] :: to derive
wyprowadzać {vr impf} :: to move out
wyprowadzanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyprowadzać
wyprowadzenie {n} [electronics] :: pin, connection, terminal; design feature of a device that facilitates access to a signal
wyprowadzenie {n} [mathematics] :: derivation, the process by which a given formula was obtained
wyprowadzenie {n} [singular only] :: verbal noun of wyprowadzić
wypróbować {vt pf} :: to try out, to try, to test
wypróbowywać {vt impf} :: to try out, to try, to test
wyprucie {n} :: verbal noun of wypruć
wyprysk {m inan} [dermatology] :: eczema
wypryskanie {n} :: verbal noun of wypryskać
wyprzedaż {f} :: clearance sale
wyprzedzać {vt impf} :: to overtake, to pass
wyprzedzić {vt pf} :: to overtake, to pass
wypukanie {n} :: verbal noun of wypukać
wypukły {adj} :: convex (curved outward)
wypychanie {n} :: verbal noun of wypychać
wyr. {m inan} :: abbreviation of wyraz
wyr. {n} :: abbreviation of wyrażenie
wyrabianie {n} :: verbal noun of wyrabiać
wyrafinowanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyrafinować
wyrafinowanie {n} :: sophistication, refinement
wyrafinowanie {adv} :: sophisticatedly, savvily
wyrafinowanie {adv} :: elegantly, classily
wyrafinowaniej {adv} :: comparative of wyrafinowanie
wyrafinowany {adj} :: sophisticated, savvy, cosmopolitan
wyrafinowany {adj} :: elegant, classy, sophisticated
wyrafinowany {adj} :: sophisticated, advanced, complicated
wyrafinowańszy {adj} :: comparative of wyrafinowany
wyrastanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyrastać
wyraz {m inan} :: term, word
wyraz {m inan} :: expression (way of expressing)
wyraz twarzy {m} :: facial expression
wyrazić {vt pf} :: to express, to articulate, to vocalise
wyraźnie {adv} :: clearly, expressly, audibly
wyraźniej {adv} :: comparative of wyraźnie
wyraźniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wyraźny
wyraźny {adj} :: distinct
wyraźny {adj} :: explicit
wyraźny {adj} :: clear
wyrażać {vt impf} :: to express, to articulate, to vocalise
wyrażenie {n} :: expression (particular way of phrasing an idea)
wyrażenie {n} [formal languages, mathematics, programming] :: expression
wyrąbanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyrąbać
wyremontować {vt pf} :: to renovate, to refurbish
wyremontować {vt pf} :: to repair
wyręba {f} :: man-made clearing (area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees)
wyrko {n} [slang] :: diminutive of wyro; bed, place for sleeping
wyro {n} [slang] :: bed, place for sleeping
wyrobienie {n} :: verbal noun of wyrobić
wyrobienie {n} :: sophistication (cultivated intellectual worldliness; savoir-faire)
wyrobisko {n} [mining] :: pit, goaf, excavation (cavity)
wyrocznia {f} :: oracle (priest)
wyrocznia {f} :: oracle (person considered to be a source of wisdom)
wyrocznia {f} :: oracle (shrine)
wyrocznia {f} :: oracle (prophetic response)
wyrodny {adj} :: unfilial, acting dishonourably towards one's family
wyrojenie {n} :: verbal noun of wyroić
wyrok {m inan} [legal] :: sentence (punishment imposed on a person convicted of a crime)
wyrostek {m pers} :: youngster, stripling, sapling (male adolescent)
wyrostek {m inan} [colloquial] :: appendix (vermiform appendix)
wyrostek {m inan} [anatomy] :: process (projection or outgrowth of tissue from a larger body)
wyrostek {m inan} [forestry] :: seedling, sapling (young tree)
wyrostek robaczkowy {m inan} :: vermiform appendix
wyrozub {m anim} :: A species of fish, Rutilus frisii
wyrozumiałość {f} :: understanding, tolerance, leniency, sympathy
wyrozumiały {adj} :: understanding
wyrób {m inan} [singular only] :: manufacture (the process of making goods)
wyrób {m inan} :: product (a manufactured object)
wyrównać {vt pf} :: to make even, to make level, to flatten
wyrównać {vt pf} [sports] :: to level, to equal
wyrównać {vt pf} [computing] :: to align, to justify
wyrównywać {vt impf} :: to make even, to make level, to flatten, to smooth
wyrównywać {vt impf} [sports] :: to level, to equal
wyrównywać {vt impf} [computing] :: to align, to justify
wyróżniać {vt impf} :: to distinguish, to discriminate, to single out, to mark as different
wyróżniać {vr impf} :: to stand out, to be distinguished
wyróżnić {vt pf} :: to distinguish, to discriminate, to single out, to mark as different
wyróżnić {vr pf} :: to stand out, to be distinguished
wyróżnienie {n} [uncountable] :: verbal noun of wyróżnić
wyróżnienie {n} :: distinction (academic grade indicating outstanding achievement)
wyróżnik {m inan} [mathematics] :: discriminant
wyruchać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck (have sex)
wyruchać {v pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck over; to exploit someone
wyruchać bez mydła {v pf} [vulgar, idiom] :: to severely fuck over; to ruthlessly exploit someone
wyrwa {f} :: crater
wyrwa {f} :: pothole
wyrwa {f} :: gap
wyrwać {v pf} :: to pull from, to wrest
wyrwać {v pf} :: to suddenly end, to terminate a state
wyrwanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyrwać
wyrwas {m inan} [colloquial] :: A short song performed during the wyrwany
wyrwas {m inan} [archaic] :: wyrwany (dance)
wyrwas {m inan} [obsolete] :: joke
wyrypanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyrypać
wyrywanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyrywać
wyrządzić {v pf} [pejorative] :: to inflict [+ acc = something] [+ dat = on someone]
wyrzeźbić {vt pf} :: to sculpt, to carve
wyrzucać {vt impf} :: to throw away, to bin, to discard
wyrzucać {vt impf} :: to eject, to expel
wyrzucać {vt impf} :: to fire, to sack, to dismiss
wyrzucić {vt pf} :: to throw away, to discard, to trash
wyrzucić {vt pf} :: to eject, to expel
wyrzucić {vt pf} :: to fire, to sack, to dismiss
wyrzucić na bruk {v pf} :: to evict a person that has no other dwelling; to make someone homeless
wyrzucić w błoto {v pf} [idiom] :: to pour down the drain
wyrzutek {m pers} :: outcast
wyrzutnia {f} :: launcher, catapult
wyrzutnia {f} [rhetoric] :: ellipsis
wyrzuty sumienia {m inanp} [idiom] :: remorse
wyrzynarka {f} :: jigsaw (power tool)
wysad {m inan} [geology] :: dome
wysadzanie {n} :: verbal noun of wysadzać
wysadzenie {n} :: verbal noun of wysadzić
wyschnąć {vi pf} :: to dry, to become dry
wyschnięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wyschnąć
wysepka {f} :: diminutive of wyspa
wysiąść {vi pf} :: to get out (to leave a vehicle such as a car)
wysiąść {vi pf} :: to get off (to leave a vehicle such as a bus), to disembark, to detrain, to deplane
wysiedlać {vt impf} :: to displace (force somebody to leave their homeland), to expel
wysiedlić {vt pf} :: to displace (force somebody to leave their homeland), to expel
wysiew {m inan} :: seeding
wysięgnik {m inan} :: boom, jib, extension arm (projecting arm of a crane)
wysięk {m inan} :: exudate
wysiłek {m inan} :: effort (the amount of work involved in achieving something)
wyskakiwać {vi impf} :: to jump out (exit by jumping)
wyskakiwać {vi impf} :: to erupt (e.g. of a pimple)
wyskalowanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyskalować
wysklepienie {n} :: verbal noun of wysklepić
wyskoczenie {n} :: verbal noun of wyskoczyć
wyskoczyć {vi pf} :: to jump out (exit by jumping)
wyskoczyć {vi pf} :: to erupt (e.g. of a pimple)
wyskoczyć jak filip z konopi {v pf} [idiom] :: to say something unexpected, inappropriate or untimely; to say something out of the blue
wyskok {m inan} :: jump; leap
wyskok {m inan} [by extension] :: excess; misdeed
wyskok {m inan} [by extension] :: short excursion; jaunt
wyskok {m inan} [obsolete] :: ethanol
wyskór złocisty {m anim} :: A species of mayfly, Potamanthus luteus
wyskrobanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyskrobać
wyskubanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyskubać
wysłać {vt pf} :: to send
wysłać {vt pf} :: to post, to mail
wysłanie {n} :: verbal noun of wysłać
wysłaniec {m pers} [archaic] :: messenger, envoy
wysłannica {f} [archaic] :: female messenger, envoy
wysłanniczka {f} :: female messenger, envoy
wysłannik {m pers} :: messenger, envoy
wysłuchać {vt pf} :: to listen thoroughly, to listen to the entirety of
wysłuchać {vt pf} :: to hear out (allow somebody to finish talking)
wysłuchiwać {vt impf} :: to listen thoroughly, to listen to the entirety of
wysłuchiwać {vt impf} :: to hear out (allow somebody to finish talking)
wysoki {adj} :: tall
wysoki {adj} :: high
wysoko {adv} :: high
wysoko {adv} :: highly
wysokościowiec {m inan} :: high-rise
wysokość {f} :: height
wysokość {f} :: altitude
wysokość {f} :: level
wysokość {f} [acoustics] :: pitch (perceived frequency of a sound)
wyspa {f} :: island (piece of land smaller than a continent and surrounded by water)
wyspa {f} :: insular cortex, insula
Wyspa Bożego Narodzenia {prop} {f} :: Christmas Island
Wyspa Man {prop} {f} :: the Isle of Man
wyspanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyspać
wyspiarz {m pers} :: islander
Wyspiarz {prop} {m pers} [chiefly in plural, football] :: Brit
Wyspy Brytyjskie {prop} {p} :: British Isles
Wyspy Cooka {prop} {p} :: Cook Islands
Wyspy Dziewicze Stanów Zjednoczonych {prop} {f} :: Wyspy Dziewicze Stanów Zjednoczonych (territory)
Wyspy Jońskie {prop} {p} :: the Ionian Islands
Wyspy Kanaryjskie {prop} {fp} :: Wyspy Kanaryjskie (archipelago/and/autonomous community)
Wyspy Marshalla {prop} {p} :: Marshall Islands
Wyspy Owcze {prop} {fp} :: Faroe Islands
Wyspy Salomona {prop} {p} :: Solomon Islands
Wyspy Świętego Tomasza i Książęca {prop} {p} :: São Tomé and Príncipe
wyssany z palca {adj} [idiom, pejorative] :: made up, completely invented, having no connection to reality
wystarczać {v impf} :: to suffice, to be enough
wystarczająco {adv} :: sufficiently
wystarczający {adj} :: sufficient
wystarczanie {n} :: verbal noun of wystarczać
wystarczyć {vi pf} :: to last, to suffice, to be enough
wystawa {f} :: shop window
wystawa {f} :: exhibit
wystawać {vi impf} :: to protrude, to stick out, to jut
wystawca {m pers} :: exhibitor
wystawiać {vt impf} :: to exhibit (display publicly)
wystawić {vt pf} :: to exhibit
wystawny {adj} :: lavish, gilded, opulent, sumptuous, showy, jet-setting, dashy, prodigal, slap-up
wystąpić {vi pf} [of species, diseases, phenomena, etc.] :: to appear, to occur, to be found
wystąpić {vi pf} :: to perform (in a play or show), to take part, to make an appearance
wystąpienie {n} :: verbal noun of wystąpić
wystąpienie {n} :: speech, address, appearance
występ {m inan} [art] :: performance
występ {m inan} :: protrusion
występek {m inan} [law] :: misdemeanor
występować {v impf} :: of species or diseases: to occur, to be present, to be found
występować {v impf} :: to perform, to play, to take part in a performance
wystrajać {vt impf} :: to deck out, to spruce up
wystrajać {vr impf} :: to dress up
wystroić {vt pf} :: to deck out, to bedeck, to spruce up
wystroić {vr pf} :: to dress up
wystrojenie {n} :: verbal noun of wystroić
wystrój {m inan} :: decor
wystrzał {m inan} :: shot, gunshot
wystrzał {m inan} [nautical] :: bumkin
wysunąć {vt pf} :: to protrude, to exsert, to stick out
wysunąć {vt pf} :: to propound, to propose
wysunąć {vr pf} :: to slip out, to slide out
wysunięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wysunąć
wysuszyć {vt pf} :: to dry
wysuwać {vt impf} :: to protrude, to exsert, to stick out
wysuwać {vt impf} :: to propound, to propose
wysuwać {vr impf} :: to slip out, to slide out
wysuwanie {n} :: verbal noun of wysuwać
wysychać {vt impf} :: to dry, to become dry
wysychanie {n} :: verbal noun of wysychać
wysyłać {vt impf} :: to send
wysyłanie {n} :: verbal noun of wysyłać
wysypać {vt pf} :: to pour out, to empty (distribute or spread something as if it were a liquid)
wysypać {vr pf} :: to pour out, to exit (to leave a place quickly and in large numbers)
wysypianie {n} :: verbal noun of wysypiać
wysypisko {n} :: An area or a place for dumping something, such as rubbish or refuse; dump; tip
wysypka {f} [symptom] :: rash, eruption
wysypywać {vt impf} :: to pour out, to empty (distribute or spread something as if it were a liquid)
wysypywać {vr impf} :: to pour out, to exit (to leave a place quickly and in large numbers)
wyszczerbiony {adj} :: jagged, chipped
wyszukać {vt pf} :: to search for, to look up, to track down, to trawl, to scour
wyszukanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyszukać
wyszukanie {adv} :: sophisticatedly, elaborately
wyszukaniej {adv} :: comparative of wyszukanie
wyszukany {adj} :: sophisticated, elaborate, complex
wyszukany {adj} :: fancy, refined
wyszukany {adj} :: fussy, overcomplicated
wyszukańszy {adj} :: comparative of wyszukany
wyszukiwać {vt impf} :: to search for, to look up, to track down
wyszukiwarka {f} [computing] :: search engine
wyszywać {vt impf} :: to embroider
wyszywanka {f} :: embroidery, fancywork
wyście {pron} [colloquial, sometimes, proscribed] :: Combined form of wy + -ście (second person plural pronoun + verb suffix)
wyścielenie {n} :: verbal noun of wyścielić
wyścig {m inan} :: race; contest where the goal is to be the first to complete some objective
wyścig szczurów {m inan} [idiom, pejorative] :: rat race
wyściółczak {m inan} [oncology] :: ependymoma
wyściółka {f} :: ependyma (thin neuroepithelial lining)
wyślizgiwać {vr impf} :: to slip out
wyślizgnąć {vr pf} :: to slip out
wyśmiać {vt pf} :: to laugh at, to ridicule
wyśmienity {adj} :: delicious, exquisite
wyśmiewać {vt impf} :: to ridicule, to laugh at
wyśmiewać {vr impf} :: to make fun of, to tease, to mock [+ z (genitive) = someone]
wyświetlacz {m inan} :: display (electronic screen)
wyświetlać {v impf} :: to display (to project or present on screen)
wyświetlać {v impf} :: to screen, to run (a movie)
wyświetlać {v impf} :: to elucidate, to explain (to make clear)
wyświetlić {v pf} :: to display (to project or present on screen)
wyświetlić {v pf} :: to screen, to run (a movie)
wyświetlić {v pf} :: to elucidate, to explain (to make clear)
wytarcie {n} :: verbal noun of wytrzeć
wytarganie {n} :: verbal noun of wytargać
wytarty {adj} :: worn, shabby, threadbare
wytarty {adj} [ichthyology] :: Having spawned
wytatuować {vt pf} :: to tattoo
wytchnienie {n} :: respite (brief interval of rest)
wytknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wytknąć
wytłoki {p} [plural only] :: pomace
wytłumaczyć {vt pf} :: to explain
wytok {m inan} :: martingale (horse tack)
wytopienie {n} :: verbal noun of wytopić
wytrawny {adj} :: consummate
wytrawny {adj} :: dry
wytresować {vt pf} :: to train an animal to understand commands
wytrwać {vi pf} :: to persevere
wytrwale {adv} :: persistently; in a persistent manner
wytrwałość {f} :: persistence
wytrwały {adj} :: persistent
wytrych {m inan} :: pick, picklock
wytrysk {m inan} :: jet (a collimated stream, spurt or flow of liquid or gas from a pressurized container)
wytrysk {m inan} :: ejaculation
wytryskiwać {v impf} :: to cum, to ejaculate
wytrzeć {vt pf} :: to wipe, to mop
wytrzeszcz {m inan} [pathology] :: exophthalmos
wytrzeźwiałka {f} [slang] :: drunk tank
wytrzymałość {f} :: toughness, hardiness, endurance
wytrzymały {adj} :: durable, hardy, heavy-duty, resilient, resistant, sturdy, tough
wytwarzać {vt impf} :: to manufacture
wytwarzać {vt impf} :: to bring about
wytwarzać {vr impf} [with się] :: to come into being
wytwarzanie {n} :: verbal noun of wytwarzać
wytwornie {adv} :: smartly, elegantly
wytworność {f} :: style, distinction
wytworny {adj} :: smart, elegant
wytworzenie {n} :: verbal noun of wytworzyć
wytworzyć {vt pf} :: to manufacture
wytworzyć {vt pf} :: to bring about
wytworzyć {vr pf} [with się] :: to come into being
wytwór {m inan} :: product, creation, work (something produced or created)
wytwórca {m pers} :: producer, manufacturer, maker (person who produces, manufactures, or makes something)
wytwórnia {f} :: factory, manufactory (plant where something is manufactured)
wytwórnia {f} :: manufacturer (company that manufactures something)
wytwórnia {f} [music] :: label (company that sells records)
wytwórnia {f} [film] :: studio
wytyk {m inan} [rare] :: criticism, rebuke
wytykanie {n} :: verbal noun of wytykać
wyuzdany {adj} :: lustful, lewd, sexually unrestrained
wyuzdany {adj} [rare, of a horse] :: unbridled, not equipped with a bridle
wywabienie {n} :: verbal noun of wywabić
wywalenie {n} :: verbal noun of wywalić
wywar {m inan} :: decoction
wywarcie {n} :: verbal noun of wywrzeć
wywąchanie {n} :: verbal noun of wywąchać
wywęszenie {n} :: verbal noun of wywęszyć
wywęszyć {v pf} :: to sniff out
wywiad {m inan} :: interview (a conversation in which facts or opinions are sought)
wywiad {m inan} :: intelligence (information, usually secret, about the enemy or about hostile activities)
wywiad {m inan} :: intelligence (a department, agency or unit designed to gather such information)
wywielga {f} [obsolete] :: golden oriole
wywieranie {n} :: verbal noun of wywierać
wywiercanie {n} :: verbal noun of wywiercać
wywiercenie {n} :: verbal noun of wywiercić
wywijas {m inan} :: zigzag (line)
wywijas {m inan} :: contortion (unusual body movement, such as that made by an unskilled but energetic dancer)
wywilga {f} [obsolete] :: alternative form of wywielga
wywinięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wywinąć
wywłaszczać {vt impf} :: to expropriate, dispossess
wywłaszczenie {n} :: expropriation
wywłaszczenie {n} :: eminent domain, compulsory purchase
wywłócznik {m inan} :: watermilfoil (any plant of the genus Myriophyllum)
wywnioskować {vt pf} :: to infer, to deduce, to conclude
wywnioskowanie {n} :: verbal noun of wywnioskować
wywodzenie {n} :: verbal noun of wywodzić
wywołać {v pf} :: to cause
wywołać {v pf} :: to call on (to select a student)
wywołać {v pf} [photography] :: to develop
wywołać {v pf} [computing] :: to call, to invoke
wywołanie {n} :: verbal noun of wywołać
wywoływać {v impf} :: to cause
wywoływać {v impf} :: to call on (to select a student)
wywoływać {v impf} [photography] :: to develop
wywoływać {v impf} [computing] :: to call, to invoke
wywoływanie {n} :: verbal noun of wywoływać
wywód {m inan} :: reasoning, deduction
wywód {m inan} :: monologue
wywracanie {n} :: verbal noun of wywracać
wywrotowiec {m pers} :: subversive
wywrotowy {adj} :: subversive, treasonous, treasonable
wywrócenie {n} :: verbal noun of wywrócić
wyz {m anim} :: beluga, European sturgeon (Huso huso)
wyzębienie {n} :: verbal noun of wyzębić
wyziębienie {n} :: verbal noun of wyziębić
wyzłacanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyzłacać
wyzłota {f} [archaic] :: gilt (a layer or coating of gold)
wyznaczać {vt impf} :: to assign, to nominate, to name (designate for a role)
wyznaczać {vt impf} :: to demarcate, to mark out
wyznaczać {vt impf} :: to schedule, to fix, to allot (assign time for a particular purpose)
wyznaczać {vt impf} :: to determine, to evaluate
wyznacznik {m inan} [mathematics] :: determinant
wyznaczyć {vt pf} :: to assign, to nominate, to name (designate for a role)
wyznaczyć {vt pf} :: to demarcate, to mark out
wyznaczyć {vt pf} :: to schedule, to fix, to allot (assign time for a particular purpose)
wyznaczyć {vt pf} :: to determine, to evaluate
wyznanie {n} :: confession (open admittance of having done something)
wyznanie {n} :: religion, creed
wyznanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyznać
wyznawca {m pers} :: believer, adherent; member of a religion
wyznawca {m pers} [colloquial, pejorative] :: fanatic, Kool-Aid drinker
wyznawczyni {f} :: female believer, adherent; female member of a religion
wyzwalać {vt impf} :: to liberate, free
wyzwanie {n} :: challenge (difficult task)
wyzwanie {n} :: verbal noun of wyzwać
wyzwisko {n} :: insult (abusive remark)
wyzwolenie {n} :: verbal noun of wyzwolić
wyzwolenie {n} :: liberation
wyzwoliciel {m pers} :: liberator
wyzysk {m inan} [pejorative] :: exploitation; denial of the fruits of labor from the laborers; wage slavery
wyzysk {m inan} [law] :: economic duress; exploitation of someone's poor financial situation to force them into a disadvantageous contract
wyzyskiwacz {m pers} :: A man who exploits others
wyż {m inan} :: upland, area of high elevation
wyż {m inan} [meteorology] :: high, high-pressure area
wyżąć {v pf} :: to wring (to squeeze or twist to force out liquid, e.g. from a wet cloth)
wyżej {adv} :: comparative of wysoko
wyżeł {m anim} :: pointer, a breed of dog used for finding game
wyżerka {f} [colloquial] :: feast, event with lots of food
wyżlin {m inan} :: snapdragon (any plant of the genus Antirrhinum)
wyżłob {m inan} :: Glyptostrobus (Chinese swamp cypress)
wyżłobienie {n} :: verbal noun of wyżłobić
wyżłobienie {n} :: groove, furrow
wyższy {adj} :: comparative degree form of wysoki: higher, taller
wyżymaczka {f} :: wringer
wyżymać {vt impf} :: to wring (to squeeze or twist to force out liquid, e.g. from a wet cloth)
wyżyna {f} :: highland
wyżynny {adj} [relational] :: highland
wyżywiać {vt impf} :: to feed, to sustain
wyżywiać {vr impf} :: to feed off, to board (to provide oneself with meals)
wyżywić {vt pf} :: to feed, to sustain
wyżywić {vr pf} :: to feed off, to board (to provide oneself with meals)
wyżywienie {n} :: verbal noun of wyżywić
wyżywienie {n} :: sustenance, alimentation, board
wzajemnie {adv} :: mutually
wzajemnie {interj} :: same to you
wzajemny {adj} :: mutual (having the same relationship, each to each other)
wzbogacać {vt impf} :: to enrich
wzbogacać {vr impf} :: to grow rich
wzbudzać {vt impf} :: to arouse, to evoke, to excite
wzbudzać {vt impf} :: to command, to compel
wzbudzać {vt impf} [physics] :: to induce
wzbudzić {vt pf} :: to arouse, to evoke, to cause
wzbudzić {vt pf} :: to command, to compel
wzbudzić {vt pf} [physics] :: to induce
wzburzyć {v pf} :: to ruffle, to dishevel
wzburzyć {v pf} :: to fluster, to agitate
wzburzyć {v pf} :: [reflexive] to ruffle, to become turbulent, to move disorderly
wzdęcie {n} :: verbal noun of wzdąć
wzdęcie {n} [medicine] :: tympanites
wzdłuż {prep} :: along (by the length, in a line with the length, lengthwise)
wzdychać {vi impf} :: to sigh
wzdychanie {n} :: verbal noun of wzdychać
wzejść {vi pf} :: to rise (appear from below the horizon)
wzejść {vi pf} [of plants] :: to sprout, to come forth
wzgarda {f} :: scorn, disdain, contempt
wzgardliwie {adv} :: scornfully, disdainfully
wzgardliwość {f} :: scornfulness, disdainfulness
wzgardliwy {adj} :: scornful, disdainful, contemptful
wzgardzać {v impf} :: to disdain, to despise
wzgardziciel {m pers} :: scorner, disdainer
wzgardzić {v pf} :: to disdain, to despise
wzgląd {m inan} :: consideration
wzgląd {m inan} :: reason
wzgląd {m inan} :: view, account
wzgórek {m inan} :: hillock, knoll, mound
wzgórek {m inan} [neuroanatomy] :: colliculus
wzgórek {m inan} [palmistry] :: mount
wzgórze {n} :: hill (elevated location)
wzgórze {n} :: thalamus (structure within forebrain)
wziąć {vt pf} :: to take
wziąć się w garść {v pf} [idiom] :: to get ahold of oneself, to get one's act together, to get a grip, to get it together, to suck it up
wziąć udział {v pf} [idiom] :: to participate, to take part
wziąść {v pf} :: nonstandard form of wziąć
wziątka {f} [colloquial] :: bribe
wziątka {f} [card games] :: trick
wzięcie {n} :: verbal noun of wziąć
wzloty i upadki {m inanp} [idiom] :: ups and downs
wzmacniacz {m inan} :: amplifier
wzmacniać {vt impf} :: to strengthen, to reinforce, to amplify, to toughen
wzmagać {vt impf} :: to intensify, to redouble
wzmagać {vr impf} :: to pick up, to increase, to intensify
wzmianka {f} :: mention (a speaking or notice of anything, usually in a brief or cursory manner)
wzmocnić {vt pf} :: to reinforce, to amplify, to strengthen, to bolster
wzmóc {vt pf} :: to intensify, to redouble
wzmóc {vr pf} :: to pick up, to increase, to intensify
wznawiać {vt impf} :: to resume, recommence, restart, reissue
wzniecać {vt impf} :: to kindle, to light
wzniecać {vt impf} :: to stir, to incite, to excite
wzniecić {vt pf} :: to kindle, to light
wzniecić {vt pf} :: to stir, to incite, to excite
wzniesienie {n} [topography] :: prominence (relative height)
wzniesienie {n} :: platform, podium
wzniesienie {n} :: verbal noun of wznieść
wznieść {vt pf} :: to erect, raise, build
wznieść {vt pf} :: to upraise, lift, elevate
wzniosłość {f} :: elevatedness, loftiness, sublimeness
wzniosły {adj} :: elevated, lofty, sublime
wzniośle {adv} :: loftily, sublimely
wznosić {vt impf} :: to erect, raise, build
wznosić {vt impf} :: to upraise, lift, elevate
wzorowy {adj} :: pertaining to patterns or motifs
wzorowy {adj} :: excellent, exceptional, exemplary
wzorzec {m inan} :: pattern
wzorzec {m inan} :: model
wzorzec {m inan} :: standard, norm
wzór {m inan} [mathematics, physics] :: formula
wzór {m inan} :: pattern, design, motif
wzrok {m inan} :: sight (ability to see)
wzrost {m inan} :: height (of a person)
wzrost {m inan} :: growth, increase
wzruszać {vt impf} :: to touch, move (emotionally)
wzruszać {vt impf} :: to loosen (to free from restraint; to set at liberty)
wzruszająco {adv} :: movingly, poignantly
wzruszający {adj} :: moving, poignant
wzruszony {adj} :: moved, touched (emotionally)
wzruszyć {vt pf} :: to touch, move (emotionally)
wzruszyć {vt pf} :: to loosen (to free from restraint; to set at liberty)
wzwód {m inan} [physiology] :: erection (stiffening of the penis)
wzwód {m inan} [obsolete] :: bascule bridge, drawbridge
wzywać {v impf} :: to call, to summon