p {n}
:: See under P
P {letter} /pi/
:: letter: pi
paba {m} /ˈpa.ba/
:: clipping of acido para-aminobenzoico
pabulo {m} /ˈpa.bu.lo/
:: pasture
pabulo {m}
:: food, nourishment
pabulo {m} [bacteriology]
:: pabulum (food)
paca {m} [zoology]
:: paca
pacante {v}
:: present participle of pacare
pacantesi {v}
:: present participle of pacarsi
pacare {vt} [literary]
:: to calm or calm down
pacarsi {vr} [literary]
:: To calm, calm down, or appease
pacatamente {adv}
:: calmly, placidly
pacatezza {f}
:: calm, calmness
pacato {adj}
:: placid
pacato {adj}
:: quiet, calm
pacatosi {v}
:: past participle of pacarsi
pacca {f}
:: slap
pacca {f}
:: clap
pacca {f}
:: chuck
paccata {f} [colloquial]
:: A large quantity or amount (of)
pacchebotto {m} [nautical] /pak.keˈbɔt.to/
:: packet (type of boat)
pacchero {m} [especially in plural]
:: A form of Neapolitan pasta in the form of very large macaroni
pacchetto {m}
:: package, packet, parcel, small parcel
pacchia {f} /ˈpak.kja/
:: A pleasant situation; a bed of roses
pacchia {f}
:: An easy task; a piece of cake
pacchiamento {m}
:: A feast
pacchiana {f}
:: female equivalent of pacchiano
pacchiana {f}
:: a female who wears outmoded or undistinguishing clothing
pacchianamente {adv}
:: garishly, tackily
pacchianata {f}
:: vulgarity (behaviour)
pacchianata {f}
:: tat (tacky or garish object)
pacchianeria {f}
:: garishness, gaudiness, tackiness
pacchiano {adj}
:: garish, tacky
pacchiano {m} [Southern Italy]
:: peasant
pacchiano {m} [Southern Italy, by extension]
:: a low, vulgar person; a commoner; a nobody
pacchiare {v}
:: To feast (eat and drink greedily)
pacchiarone {m}
:: A chubby young man
pacchiatore {m}
:: glutton
pacchierotto {adj}
:: plumpish
pacchione {m}
:: glutton
pacciamante {v}
:: present participle of pacciamare
pacciamare {vt}
:: To mulch (to apply mulch)
pacciamatura {f}
:: mulching
pacciame {m}
:: mulch
pacciugo {m} [northern Italy] /patˈt͡ʃu.ɡo/
:: mud
pacco {m} /ˈpak.ko/
:: parcel, package
pacco {m}
:: bundle, deck
pacco {m} [slang]
:: swindle, con
pacco {m} [slang]
:: bulge (visible protrusion of the penis through clothing)
paccottaglia {f}
:: junk, trash, rubbish
paccottaglia {f}
:: shoddy goods
paccottaglia {f}
:: bric-a-brac
paccottiglia {f}
:: trash, junk, rubbish, garbage
paccottiglia {f}
:: jumble
pace {f} /ˈpa.t͡ʃe/
:: peace
pace {adv} [colloquial]
:: peace be with you; that's it; end of the story
Pace {prop}
:: surname
pace della mente {f}
:: peace of mind, inner peace
paceficare {v}
:: alternative form of pacificare
pace interiore {f}
:: inner peace, peace of mind
Pacelli {prop}
:: surname
Pacetti {prop}
:: surname
pacfong {m}
:: alternative form of packfong
pachicaule {m}
:: A succulent plant of the genus Pachypodium
pachiderma {m} [zoology]
:: pachyderm
pachidermia {f}
:: pachydermia
pachidermico {adj}
:: pachydermatous
pachidermico {adj}
:: heavy (elephant-like)
pachidermico {adj}
:: rough, coarse (especially of skin)
pachidermo {m}
:: alternative form of pachiderma
pachimeninge {f} [anatomy]
:: pachymeninx, pachymeninges
pachistana {f}
:: alternative spelling of pakistana
pachistano {adj}
:: alternative spelling of pakistano
pachistano {m}
:: alternative spelling of pakistano
pachitene {f}
:: pachytene
pacienza {f}
:: alternative form of pazienza
paciere {m}
:: peacemaker
paciere {m}
:: pacifier
pacificabile {adj}
:: That can be pacified; pacifiable
pacificamente {adv}
:: peacefully
pacificamento {m}
:: pacification
pacificante {v}
:: present participle of pacificare
pacificare {vt}
:: to reconcile (people)
pacificare {vt}
:: to pacify
pacificatore {m}
:: pacifier
pacificatore {m}
:: peacemaker
pacificazione {f}
:: pacification
pacifico {adj}
:: peaceable, peaceful
Pacifico {prop}
:: The Pacific (ocean)
pacifismo {m}
:: pacifism
pacifista {mf}
:: pacifist
pacifistico {adj}
:: pacifistic
pacifondaia {f} /pa.t͡ʃi.fonˈda.ja/
:: feminine noun of pacifondaio
pacifondaio {adj} /pa.t͡ʃi.fonˈda.jo/
:: Acting like a peacemonger
pacifondaio {m}
:: peacemonger
Pacillo {prop}
:: surname
pacioccona {f}
:: easy-going woman
pacioccone {adj}
:: easy-going
pacioccone {m}
:: easy-going person
paciosamente {adv}
:: calmly, peaceably, quietly
pacioso {adj}
:: calm, easygoing, peaceable
paciugo {m}
:: A sticky mixture
packfong {m}
:: paktong
paco {m} /ˈpa.ko/
:: synonym of alpaca
Pacomio {prop}
:: given name
Pacomio {prop}
:: surname
pacotiglia {f}
:: alternative form of paccottiglia
Padania {prop}
:: Padania
padanità {f}
:: The property of being pertaining to or originating in the valley of the river Po
padano {n}
:: A type of rice
padano {adj}
:: Of, pertaining to or originating in the valley of the river Po
padda {m}
:: the Java sparrow (Lonchura oryzivora)
padeglione {f}
:: alternative form of padiglione
padella {f} /paˈdɛl.la/
:: frying pan, skillet
padella {f}
:: bedpan
padellaio {m}
:: peddler (person who makes / sells pots and pans)
padellare {v}
:: To sautee, stir fry
padellata {f}
:: panful
padellata {f}
:: A blow with a frying pan
padellina {f}
:: pan (of a flintlock mechanism)
padellino {m}
:: pannikin
padellone {m}
:: augmentative of padella; large frying pan
padiglione {f}
:: pavilion
padiglione {f}
:: a large tent
padiglione {f}
:: marquee
padiglione {f}
:: canopy
padiglione auricolare {m} [anatomy]
:: pinna (external ear)
padire {v} /paˈdi.re/
:: to digest
padiscià {m} [history] /pa.diˈʃa/
:: Padishah
Padova {prop} /ˈpa.do.va/
:: Padua
Padova {prop}
:: The letter P in the Italian phonetic alphabet
padovana {f}
:: A native or inhabitant of Padua (female)
padovano {adj}
:: Of, or from, Padua (Padova)
padovano {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Padua
Padovano {prop}
:: surname
padre {m} /ˈpa.dre/
:: father
padreggiante {v}
:: present participle of padreggiare
padreggiare {vi}
:: to take after one's father
padre nostro {n}
:: Lord's Prayer, Our Father
padrenostro {m}
:: alternative form of padre nostro
padreterno {prop}
:: God Almighty; God the Father
padreterno {m}
:: A very important, influential or expert person
padrigno {m}
:: alternative form of patrigno
padrino {m}
:: godfather
padrino {m}
:: sponsor (at a baptism)
padrino {m}
:: second (at a duel)
padron {m}
:: apocopic form of padrone
padrona {f}
:: mistress, lady
padrona {f}
:: owner
padrona {f}
:: hostess
padrona {f}
:: landlady
padrona {f}
:: employer, boss
padrona {f}
:: flagship of a naval squadron (pre-18th c.)
padrona di casa {f}
:: housewife
padrona di casa {f}
:: mistress
padrona di casa {f}
:: madam
padrona di casa {f}
:: lady of the house
padronale {adj}
:: master (bedroom etc)
padronale {adj}
:: main, principal (entrance etc)
padronanza {f}
:: ownership
padronanza {f}
:: mastery, command
padronato {m}
:: An agricultural enterprise that has a single owner
padronato {m}
:: The ruling classes
padroncino {m}
:: A young master or proprietor, or the son of one
padroncino {m}
:: A small company
padrone {m}
:: master
padrone {m}
:: owner
padrone {m}
:: host
padrone {m}
:: landlord
padrone {m}
:: employer, boss
padrone di casa {m}
:: landlord
padroneggiabile {adj}
:: controllable
padroneggiante {v}
:: present participle of padroneggiare
padroneggiare {vt}
:: to master
padroneggiare {vt}
:: to control [one's feelings, etc.]
padroneggiare {vt} [rare]
:: to lord over or boss around
padroneggiarsi {v}
:: reflexive of padroneggiare
padroneggiarsi {v}
:: to control oneself
padronesco {adj}
:: masterly, bossy (as a master, boss))
padronissimo {interj} /pad.roˈnis.si.mo/
:: you're the boss!
padule {m}
:: (Tuscany) a marsh or bog
paesaggio {m}
:: landscape
paesaggio {m}
:: view, panorama
paesaggismo {m} [arts]
:: landscape painting
paesaggista {mf} [arts]
:: landscape painter
paesaggistica {f} [arts]
:: landscape painting
paesaggisticamente {adv}
:: with regard to the landscape
paesaggistico {adj}
:: landscape (attributive)
paesaggisticoambientale {adj}
:: Relating to environmental aspects of landscape
paesanismo {m}
:: rusticity
paesano {adj}
:: country (attributive)
paesano {adj}
:: rustic
paesano {m}
:: fellow countryman
paesano {m}
:: fellow Italian
paesano {m}
:: comrade or friend (usually from the same neighborhood, city, or region)
paesano {m}
:: peasant, rustic villager
paese {m} /paˈeze/
:: country (nation)
paese {m}
:: village
paese {m}
:: town
Paese {m}
:: alternative case form of paese
paese che vai, usanza che trovi {proverb}
:: alternative form of paese che vai, usanze che trovi
paese che vai, usanze che trovi {proverb} /paˈe.se ke‿vˈvai | uˈzan.tse ke‿tˈtrɔ.vi/
:: One should not be surprised by how different someone else's culture and traditions might be, and should therefore accept them
paese della cuccagna {m}
:: Cockaigne
Paese del Sol Levante {prop} [periphrasis]
:: the Land of the Rising Sun (Japan)
paesello {m}
:: small village
paesetto {m}
:: Small village
Paesi Baschi {prop}
:: Paesi Baschi (autonomous community)
Paesi Bassi {prop}
:: Paesi Bassi (country)
paesino {m}
:: small village
paesista {mf} [arts]
:: landscape painter
paesistico {adj}
:: landscape (attributive)
paesone {m}
:: big village
Paestum {prop}
:: Paestum (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in <<r/Magna Graecia>>, in modern <<r/Campania>>, <<c/Italy>>)
paesucolo {m} [pejorative] /pae̯ˈzu.ko.lo/
:: diminutive of paese: small village
paffutello {adj}
:: plumpish
paffutezza {f}
:: plumpness, chubbiness
paffuto {adj}
:: plump, chubby
Pafo {prop}
:: Paphos
paga {f}
:: pay
paga {f}
:: wages
paga {f}
:: reward, recompense
paga {f} [nautical, historical]
:: bounty
pagabile {adj} /paˈɡa.bi.le/
:: payable
pagaia {f} [sports, nautical]
:: paddle
pagaiante {v}
:: present participle of pagaiare
pagaiare {vi}
:: To paddle
paga lorda {f}
:: gross pay
pagamento {m} /paɡaˈmento/
:: payment
pagamento {m}
:: pay (salary)
pagana {f}
:: feminine noun of pagano
paganamente {adv}
:: paganly
paganeggiante {adj}
:: paganism (attributive)
paganeggiare {vi}
:: to think or act according to pagan principles
paganesco {adj}
:: paganistic
paganesimo {m}
:: paganism
pagania {f}
:: pagandom
Paganica {prop}
:: Paganica (town)
Paganini {prop}
:: surname
Paganini {prop}
:: Niccolò Paganini, Italian composer and violinist
Paganini non replica {phrase}
:: rare form of Paganini non ripete
Paganini non ripete {phrase} [usually jocular, sometimes menacing]
:: Said when someone is unwilling to repeat what they have already said
paganità {f}
:: paganism
paganizzante {v}
:: present participle of paganizzare
paganizzare {vt}
:: to paganize
paganizzazione {f}
:: paganization
pagano {adj}
:: pagan, heathen
pagano {m}
:: pagan, heathen
pagante {v}
:: present participle of pagare
pagante {adj}
:: paying (describing the one who pays)
pagantesi {v}
:: present participle of pagarsi
pagare {vit}
:: to pay
pagare sottobanco {v}
:: synonym of ungere le ruote
pagare sottobanco {v}
:: synonym of distribuire mazzette
pagarsi {v}
:: reflexive of pagare
pagarsi {v}
:: to keep back a sum of money as recompense or tip, etc
pagarsi {v}
:: to be satisfied
pagato {adj}
:: paid
pagatore {adj}
:: paying, pay (attributive)
pagatore {m}
:: payer
pagatoria {f}
:: tax office (where payments are collected)
pagatosi {v}
:: past participle of pagarsi
pagatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of pagatore
pagella {f} [education]
:: school report, report card
pagello {m}
:: sea bream (of genus Pagellus)
paggeria {f}
:: A school for pages
paggetto {m}
:: pageboy, page
paggio {m}
:: page
paggio {m}
:: pageboy
pagglialore {m}
:: A rural Sicilian building housing donkeys on the ground floor, chickens and/or goats on the first floor and a farming family on the second floor
pagherò {m}
:: IOU
pagherò {m}
:: promissory note
paghetta {f}
:: pocket money
pagina {f} /ˈpa.d͡ʒi.na/
:: page (of a book, etc.)
pagina iniziale {f} [Internet]
:: The landing page of a website; the site's homepage
paginamento {m} [computing]
:: paging
paginante {v}
:: present participle of paginare
paginare {vt}
:: to paginate
paginare {vi} [computing]
:: to page
paginata {f}
:: entire page in a newspaper
paginata {f} [pluralonly]
:: a large number of pages; many pages
paginata {f}
:: screenshot
paginatura {f}
:: pagination
paginatura {f}
:: foliation
paginazione {f}
:: pagination
paginazione {f} [computing]
:: paging
paginetta {f}
:: short page
paginetta {f} [colloquial]
:: blog or similar publication
paginone {m}
:: spread (especially a double-page spread)
paglia {f} /ˈpaʎʎa/
:: straw (dry stalks)
paglia {m} [color, uncountable]
:: straw
Paglia {prop}
:: Paglia (river)
pagliaccesco {adj}
:: clownish, clownlike
pagliaccetto {m}
:: diminutive of pagliaccio
pagliaccetto {m} [clothing]
:: onesie, romper suit
pagliacciata {f}
:: buffoonery, clowning
pagliaccio {m} [also pejorative] /paʎˈʎat.tʃo/
:: clown, buffoon
paglia e fieno {n}
:: a type of tagliatelle
pagliaio {m}
:: haystack
pagliaiolo {m}
:: straw bedding
pagliardo {m}
:: palliard
pagliardo {m}
:: rogue, scoundrel
pagliaresco {adj}
:: straw (attributive)
pagliaro {m}
:: alternative form of pagliaio
Pagliaro {prop}
:: surname
pagliata {f}
:: Chopped straw used as forage
pagliata {f}
:: A dish of veal intestines
pagliativo {adj}
:: Variant of palliativo
pagliato {adj}
:: straw-coloured
pagliericcio {m}
:: straw mattress, pallet
paglierino {adj}
:: straw-coloured
paglietta {f}
:: boater (straw hat)
paglietta {f}
:: steel wool
paglietta {f}
:: scourer, scourer pad, scouring pad
pagliettato {adj}
:: That has straw-coloured highlights
paglietto {m} [nautical]
:: mat
paglino {adj}
:: straw (attributive)
paglino {m}
:: straw seat of a chair
pagliolaia {f}
:: dewlap
pagliolato {m} [nautical]
:: dunnage
pagliolo {m} [nautical]
:: dunnage
paglione {m}
:: pallet
paglione {m}
:: palliasse
pagliuca {f}
:: alternative form of pagliuzza
pagliume {m}
:: chopped straw
pagliuzza {f}
:: blade or wisp of straw
pagliuzza {f}
:: speck or tiny particle of metal
pagliuzza {f}
:: mote
pagnotta {f}
:: (round) loaf
pagnottista {mf}
:: A person (especially a politician) who works only for their own gain
Pagnotto {prop}
:: surname
pago {adj} /ˈpa.ɡo/
:: contented
pago {m} [historical, Ancient Rome]
:: pagus (country district)
pago {m} [archaic]
:: pay, fee
pago {m} [archaic]
:: price
Pago {prop}
:: Pago (island)
pagoda {f} [architecture]
:: pagoda
pagonazzo {adj}
:: alternative form of paonazzo
pagone {f}
:: alternative form of pavone
paidire {v} /pai̯ˈdi.re/
:: alternative form of padire
paidocentrismo {m}
:: Variant of pedocentrismo
paidologia {f}
:: Variant of pedologia
paillard {m}
:: paillard (grilled sirloin)
paillette {f}
:: sequin
paio {m} /ˈpa.jo/
:: pair
paiolata {f}
:: potful
paiolo {m} /pa.ˈjɔ.lo/
:: A copper cooking pot
paiolo {m}
:: A cauldron
paiuolo {m}
:: alternative form of paiolo
Pakistan {prop}
:: Pakistan
pakistana {f}
:: female equivalent of pakistano
pakistano {adj}
:: Pakistani
pakistano {m}
:: Pakistani
pala {f}
:: shovel, trowel
pala {f}
:: blade [of a propellor, fan, etc.]
pala {f}
:: paddle
pala {f}
:: retable
pala {f}
:: altarpiece
pala {f}
:: pall
pala {f}
:: vane
palabotto {m} [nautical]
:: A three-masted schooner
paladina {f}
:: female equivalent of paladino
paladinesco {adj}
:: paladin (attributive)
paladino {m} /pa.laˈdi.no/
:: paladin
paladino {m}
:: champion, defender
palafitta {f}
:: piles; piling (structural)
palafitta {f}
:: pile-dwelling
palafittante {v}
:: present participle of palafittare
palafittare {vt}
:: To support with piles
palafitticolo {adj}
:: pile-dwelling (often lake-dwelling)
palafitticolo {m}
:: pile-dweller (often on a lake)
palafreniere {m}
:: groom
palafreno {m}
:: palfrey
palaghiaccio {m}
:: ice rink
palagio {m} [literary, obsolete] /paˈla.d͡ʒo/
:: palace
palagio {m} [historical]
:: The mayoral palace
palagonitico {adj} [geology]
:: palagonitic
palaia {f}
:: A heap of poles
Palamede {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Palamedes
Palamede {prop}
:: given name
palamento {m}
:: shovelling
palamento {m}
:: rowing (a boat)
palamidone {m}
:: greatcoat (or similar long winter coat)
palamidone {m}
:: lanky person
palamita {f}
:: Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda)
palamitara {f} [nautical]
:: A fishing net for bonito (or swordfish)
palamito {m}
:: longline fishing, longlining
palanca {f}
:: board for use in construction, scaffolding or furniture-making
palanca {f}
:: money
palanca {f} [historical]
:: any of several small copper coins, used in Tuscany, Venice and Liguria during and after the Italian Renaissance Wars, equivalent to the Spanish blanca, having a value equivalent to one or two historical pence
palancata {f}
:: A temporary fence made from boards
palancato {m}
:: alternative form of palancata
palanchino {m}
:: palanquin
palanchino {m}
:: crowbar
palanco {m}
:: alternative form of paranco
palancola {f}
:: (plank) footbridge
palandra {f} [literary] /paˈlan.dra/
:: synonym of palandrana
palandra {f} [historical]
:: A long, wide clothing lined with fur
palandra {f} [watercraft, historical]
:: alternative form of balandra
palandrana {f} /pa.lanˈdra.na/
:: A long, wide domestic gaberdine-like clothing usually worn by males
palandrano {m} /pa.lanˈdra.no/
:: alternative form of palandrana
palangaro {m} [nautical]
:: longline (fishing gear)
palante {v}
:: present participle of palare
palare {vt}
:: to shovel
palare {vt}
:: to row [a boat]
palasport {m}
:: stadium, arena (indoor sports hall)
palata {f}
:: shovelful (large amount)
palatabile {adj}
:: palatable
palatabilità {f}
:: palatability
palatale {adj}
:: palatal
palatale {f}
:: palatal
palatalizzante {v}
:: present participle of palatalizzare
palatalizzare {vt}
:: To palatalize
palatalizzazione {f} [phonetics]
:: palatalization
palatinato {m}
:: palatinate
Palatinato {prop}
:: Palatinate, Electorate of the Palatinate
palatino {adj} [anatomy]
:: palatine, palatal
palatino {adj}
:: palatine, palatial, palace (attributive)
palatino {adj}
:: Palatine
palatino {m}
:: palatine
Palatino {prop}
:: Palatine (hill)
palatite {f}
:: stomatitis in foals
palatizzare {v}
:: alternative form of palatalizzare
palato- {prefix} [anatomy] /palato/
:: palato-; pertaining to the palate
palato- {prefix} [linguistics, phonetics]
:: palato-; articulated on the palate
palato {m} [anatomy, sense of taste]
:: palate
palato {adj} [heraldry]
:: paly
palatoalveolare {adj} [linguistics, phonetics] /pa.la.to.al.ve.oˈla.re/
:: palatoalveolar
palatofaringeo {adj} [anatomy]
:: palatopharyngeal
palatofaringeo {m} [muscle]
:: palatopharyngeus, palatopharyngeal muscle, pharyngopalatinus
palatoglosso {m} [muscle]
:: palatoglossus, glossopalatinus, palatoglossal muscle
palatogramma {m}
:: palatogram
palatoplastica {f} [surgery]
:: palatoplasty
palatoschisi {f} [pathology]
:: cleft palate
Palau {prop}
:: Palau
palauana {f}
:: Palauan
palauano {adj}
:: Palauan
palauano {m}
:: Palauan
palauano {m} [singular only]
:: The Palauan language
palaziale {adj}
:: palatial
Palazzaccio {prop} [Rome, colloquial]
:: The Palace of Justice, Rome, the supreme court in Rome
palazzetto {m}
:: A sports hall or similar building also used for concerts etc
palazzina {f}
:: Small building, small apartment building
palazzina {f}
:: house
palazzinaro {m}
:: building speculator
palazzo {m} /paˈlat.tso/
:: A royal palace
palazzo {m}
:: A palatial urban building, a palazzo
Palazzo {prop} /paˈlat.tso/
:: surname
Palazzo Barberini {prop}
:: A baroque palace in Rome that houses the National Gallery of Ancient Art and the Italian Institute of Numismatics
Palazzo Chigi {prop} /paˈlat.t͡so ˈki.d͡ʒi/
:: The official residence of the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic
Palazzo Chigi {prop} [metonym]
:: the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic
Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana {prop}
:: A monumental building in Rome EUR housing the headquarters of luxury fashion label Fendi
Palazzo della Consulta {prop} [colloquial, metonym]
:: A building in Rome that is the seat of the Italian Constitutional Court
Palazzo del Laterano {prop}
:: A building in Rome for thousand years Papal Seat and Roman Pontiff official residence nowadays hosting the Museo Storico dello Stato Pontificio
Palazzo del Quirinale {prop} [colloquial, metonym]
:: A building in Rome that is the residence of the Italian President of the Republic
Palazzo di Giustizia {prop}
:: A building hosting the Italian Supreme Court in Rome
Palazzo di Giustizia {prop}
:: Similar buildings in many other Italian cities
Palazzo di Spagna {prop}
:: A building in the Piazza di Spagna Rome hosting the Spanish Embassy to the Holy See
Palazzo di Westminster {prop}
:: Palace of Westminster (the British Houses of Parliament)
Palazzo Farnese {prop} [colloquial, metonym]
:: A building in Rome that is the residence of the French Embassy
Palazzo Koch {prop}
:: The headquarter of the Bank of Italy in Rome Italy
Palazzo Leoni Montanari {prop}
:: A late Baroque palace located in Vicenza in the Veneto region of Italy housing exhibition rooms with masterpieces of 18th century Veneto paintings and a collection of ancient Russian icons
Palazzo Madama {prop} [colloquial, metonym]
:: A building in Rome that is the home of the Senate of the Republic, located in the homonymous Piazza Madama
Palazzo Montecitorio {prop} [colloquial, metonym]
:: A building in Rome that is the seat of the Italian Chamber of Deputies
palazzone {m}
:: A big palace
palazzone {m}
:: A large apartment building, a large tenement
Palazzo Pitti {prop}
:: Palazzo Pitti (Renaissance palace and museum complex in Florence, Italy)
Palazzo Senatorio {prop} [colloquial, metonym]
:: The town hall of the city of Rome
palazzotto {m}
:: A small palace that has a foreboding appearance
Palazzo Vecchio {prop}
:: Palazzo Vecchio (the town hall of Florence, Italy)
Palazzo Venezia {prop}
:: The residence of what used to be the Republic of Venice Embassy in Rome. During Fascism it was Mussolini's headquarters and nowadays is the seat of the National Museum of Palazzo Venezia
palcato {adj}
:: alternative form of impalcato
palchettista {mf}
:: ticket holder for the gallery or an upper tier box (in a theatre)
palchetto {m}
:: shelf of a piece of furniture, especially a bookcase
palchetto {m}
:: gallery; upper-tier box (in a theatre)
palchista {mf}
:: alternative form of palchettista
palco {m}
:: stand, platform
palco {m} [theatre, music]
:: stage
palco {m} [theatre]
:: box
palco {m} [zoology]
:: antler
palco {m}
:: scaffold, scaffolding
palcoscenico {m}
:: stage (theatre)
paldiferro {m} /pal.diˈfɛr.ro/
:: An instrument used to remove rocks
Pale {prop}
:: a Roman god
paleantropo {m}
:: A paleoanthropic human
paleartico {adj}
:: Palearctic
paleggiamento {m}
:: shoveling
paleggiare {v}
:: To shovel
paleggio {m}
:: The excavation and removal of loose earth (typically using shovels and wheelbarrows)
paleino {m}
:: sweet vernal grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum)
palella {f}
:: splice joint
palellare {v}
:: To join two pieces of wood with a splice joint
paleo- {prefix}
:: paleo-
paleoalveo {m}
:: ancient riverbed
paleoambientale {adj}
:: paleoenvironmental
paleoambiente {m}
:: paleoenvironment
paleoamericano {m}
:: Paleo-Indian
paleoantropo {m}
:: alternative form of paleantropo
paleoantropologia {f}
:: paleoanthropology
paleoantropologico {adj}
:: paleoanthropological
paleoantropologo {m}
:: paleoanthropologist
paleoartico {adj}
:: alternative form of paleartico
paleoasiatico {adj}
:: paleoasiatic
paleobiologia {f}
:: paleobiology
paleobotanica {f}
:: paleobotany
paleobotanico {adj}
:: paleobotanical
paleocapitalismo {m}
:: The early phase in the development of capitalism in which work is progressively organised in factories and labour is unregulated
paleoclimatologia {f}
:: paleoclimatology
paleoclimatologo {m}
:: paleoclimatologist
paleocristiano {adj}
:: paleochristian
paleoecologia {f}
:: paleoecology
paleoecologico {adj}
:: paleoecological
paleoetnologia {f}
:: paleoethnology
paleofitologia {f}
:: paleophytology
paleogeografia {f}
:: paleogeography
paleogeografico {adj}
:: paleogeographic
paleogeografo {m}
:: paleogeographer
paleografia {f}
:: paleography
paleografico {adj}
:: paleographic
paleografo {m}
:: paleographer
paleoindio {adj}
:: Paleoindian
paleoindustrialismo {m}
:: The very first phase of industrialism, typically using water power
paleoispanico {adj}
:: Paleohispanic
paleolitico {adj}
:: Paleolithic
paleomagnetismo {m} /pa.le.o.maɲ.ɲeˈtis.mo/
:: paleomagnetism
paleomarxismo {m}
:: paleomarxism
paleomericido {m}
:: palaeomerycid
paleonimo {m}
:: paleonym
paleontologa {f}
:: female equivalent of paleontologo
paleontologia {f} [sciences]
:: paleontology
paleontologico {adj}
:: paleontological
paleontologo {m}
:: paleontologist
paleopatologia {f}
:: paleopathology
paleoslavo {prop}
:: Old Church Slavonic
paleotelevisione {f}
:: The early Italian television system in which Rai had a monopoly
paleotettonica {f}
:: paleotechtonics
Paleoveneti {prop}
:: the early inhabitants of the Veneto
paleoveneto {adj}
:: Relating to the Veneto in prehistoric times
paleozoico {adj}
:: Paleozoic
paleozoico {m}
:: Paleozoic
paleozoologia {f} [zoology]
:: paleozoology
paleozoologico {adj}
:: paleozoological
paleria {f}
:: stakes or poles (collectively)
palermitano {adj} /pa.ler.miˈta.no/
:: From or pertaining to Palermo, Sicily
palermitano {m}
:: A male inhabitant of Palermo
palermitano {m} [uncountable]
:: The dialect spoken in the area of Palermo
palermitano {m} [uncountable, usually capitalized as Palermitano]
:: The territory of the province of Palermo
Palermitano {prop}
:: The territory of the province of Palermo
Palermo {prop} /paˈlɛr.mo/
:: Palermo (city/and/province)
Palermo {prop}
:: The letter P in the Italian phonetic alphabet
palesamento {m}
:: manifestation, disclosure, revelation
palesante {v}
:: present participle of palesare
palesantesi {v}
:: present participle of palesarsi
palesare {vt}
:: to reveal or disclose, see through
palesarsi {vr}
:: To reveal oneself
palesato {adj}
:: revealed, disclosed
palesatore {adj}
:: see-through
palesatosi {v}
:: past participle of palesarsi
palese {adj}
:: clear, evident
palesemente {adv}
:: clearly, evidently, obviously, manifestly
Palestina {prop}
:: Palestine
Palestina {f}
:: A large size of type standardized as 24 points
palestinese {adj}
:: Palestinian
palestinese {mf}
:: a Palestinian
palestra {f}
:: gym, gymnasium
palestrato {adj}
:: muscular
palestrato {m}
:: A person who regularly works out (at a gym)
Palestrina {prop}
:: Palestrina (town)
palestrita {m}
:: palestrian
paletnologia {f}
:: paleoethnology, palaeoethnology
paletnologico {adj}
:: paleoethnological, palaeoethnological
paletnologo {m}
:: paleoethnologist, palaeoethnologist
paletò {m}
:: overcoat, greatcoat
paletta {f}
:: spade (toy)
paletta {f}
:: shovel (fireside)
paletta {f}
:: dustpan
paletta {f}
:: trowel
paletta {f}
:: fish slice, turner
palettante {v}
:: present participle of palettare
palettare {vt}
:: To stake
palettizzabile {adj}
:: alternative form of pallettizzabile
palettizzante {v}
:: present participle of palettizzare
palettizzare {v}
:: alternative form of pallettizzare
palettizzazione {f}
:: alternative form of pallettizzazione
paletto {m}
:: stake, peg, pile
paletto {m}
:: bolt (for a door)
pali {m} /ˈpa.li/
:: Pali (Indo-Aryan language)
pali {adj}
:: Pali [attributive]
palificante {v}
:: present participle of palificare
palificare {vi} [uncommon]
:: to pile drive; to drive piles into the ground
palificazione {f}
:: piling
palificazione {f}
:: pile driving
paligrafia {f}
:: paligraphia
palilalia {f}
:: palilalia
palilalico {adj}
:: palilalic
palilie {f}
:: Parilia
palilogia {f}
:: palilogy (repetition of a word for rhetorical effect)
palimbaccheo {m}
:: palimbacchius
palin- {prefix}
:: Forms terms, of Greek origin, related to repetition or recapitulation
palina {f}
:: ranging rod or pole (with red and white stripes)
palina {f}
:: signpost
palinare {v}
:: To use a (red and white striped) pole to identify a point on the ground when mapmaking
palindromico {adj}
:: palindromic
palindromo {m} /paˈlin.dro.mo/
:: palindrome
palindromo {adj}
:: palindromic
palingenesi {f}
:: palingenesis
palingenetico {adj}
:: palingenetic
palinodia {f}
:: palinode
palinologia {f}
:: palynology
palinsesto {m} /pa.linˈsɛs.to/
:: palimpsest
palinsesto {m} [by extension, broadcasting]
:: A listing of broadcast programs, e.g. a TV guide
palinuro {m}
:: spiny lobster (of genus Palinurus)
Palinuro {prop}
:: Palinurus
Palinuro {prop}
:: given name
palio {m} /ˈpa.ljo/
:: A banner given as a prize in certain competitions
palio {m} [by extension]
:: The competition itself (il Palio di Siena-Siena horse race)
palio {m} [archaic]
:: cloth
Palio {prop}
:: The Palio delle Contrade Palio di Siena
Palio delle Contrade {prop}
:: The Palio di Siena
paliotto {m}
:: antependium
palischermo {m} [nautical]
:: skiff, pinnace
palissandro {m}
:: rosewood
palizzata {f}
:: palisade, fence, stockade, paling
palla {f}
:: ball
palla {f}
:: bullet, shot
palla {f} [in the plural]
:: testicles
palla {f} [by extension]
:: an arduous and/or boring undertaking or event
palla a canestro {f}
:: alternative spelling of pallacanestro
palla a mano {f}
:: alternative spelling of pallamano
palla a nuoto {f}
:: alternative spelling of pallanuoto
palla a volo {f}
:: alternative spelling of pallavolo
pallabase {f}
:: baseball
pallacanestro {f}
:: basketball, basket
pallacorda {f}
:: real tennis, royal tennis
Pallade {prop}
:: Pallas
palladianesimo {m} [architecture]
:: Palladianism
palladiano {adj}
:: Palladian
palladiano {m}
:: Palladian (follower or imitator)
palladico {adj} [inorganic chemistry]
:: palladic
palla di cristallo {f}
:: crystal ball
palla di neve {f}
:: snowball (ball of compacted snow)
palladio {m} [chemistry]
:: palladium
Palladio {prop}
:: surname
Palladio {prop}
:: Andrea Palladio, Italian architect
pallaio {m}
:: The long, narrow field on which bowls is played
pallamaglio {mf}
:: pall mall (game)
pallamanista {mf} [sports]
:: handball player
pallamano {f} [sports]
:: handball
pallamuro {f}
:: fives (game)
pallanotista {mf}
:: water polo player
pallanuotista {mf} [sports]
:: water polo player
pallanuoto {f}
:: water polo
pallapugno {m}
:: A ballgame in which a rubber ball is hit with the fists
pallasfratto {f}
:: A game, somewhat like volleyball, that uses a ball having a long, flexible handle
palla smorzata {f} [sports, baseball]
:: bunt
pallata {f}
:: A blow from a ball
pallavolista {mf} [sports]
:: volleyball player, volleyballer
pallavolistico {adj}
:: volleyball (attributive)
pallavolo {f}
:: volleyball (a game played on a rectangular court between two teams of two to six players which involves striking a ball back and forth over a net)
palleggiamento {m} [sports]
:: dribbling, passing
palleggiamento {m} [tennis]
:: rally, knock-up
palleggiamento {m}
:: passing the buck
palleggiante {v}
:: present participle of palleggiare
palleggiantesi {v}
:: present participle of palleggiarsi
palleggiare {vt} [sports]
:: to practise with a ball, especially to repeatedly bounce it while retaining control
palleggiare {vt}
:: to knock up (in tennis)
palleggiarsi {vr} [sports]
:: to practise with a ball, especially to repeatedly bounce it while retaining control
palleggiatore {m} [volleyball]
:: setter
palleggiatore {m} [football]
:: dribbler
palleggiatosi {v}
:: past participle of palleggiarsi
palleggiatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of palleggiatore
palleggio {m}
:: practise with a ball
palleggio {m}
:: knock-up (at tennis)
pallet {m}
:: pallet
palletico {adj}
:: alternative form of parletico
pallettaro {m} [tennis]
:: A defensive player who mostly lobs from near the service line
pallettizzabile {adj}
:: palletizable
pallettizzante {v}
:: present participle of pallettizzare
pallettizzare {vt}
:: to palletize
pallettizzazione {f}
:: pelletization
pallettone {m} [chiefly in plural]
:: buckshot
palliamento {m}
:: cloaking
palliamento {m}
:: simulation
palliare {v}
:: To cloak (with a pallium)
palliativista {mf}
:: doctor specialized in palliative care
palliativo {adj}
:: palliative
palliativo {adj}
:: stopgap
palliativo {m}
:: palliative
palliativo {m}
:: Temporary or stopgap measure
pallidamente {adv}
:: palely, pallidly, faintly
pallidastro {adj}
:: wan and pallid
pallidezza {f}
:: paleness, pallor
pallidiccio {adj}
:: palish (rather pale)
pallidino {adj}
:: palish (rather pale)
pallidissimo {adj}
:: superlative of pallido
pallidità {f}
:: paleness, pallor
pallido {adj} /ˈpal.li.do/
:: pale
pallido {adj}
:: bleak
palliduccio {adj}
:: palish (rather pale)
pallidume {m}
:: livid pallor
pallina {f}
:: marble (glass ball)
pallinatura {f}
:: shot peening, shot blasting
pallino {m} [billiards, snooker]
:: cue ball
pallino {m}
:: jack (bowls)
pallino {m}
:: pellet (from a gun)
pallino {m}
:: dot (pattern)
pallino {m}
:: craze, obsession
pallino {m}
:: knack
pallino fisso {m}
:: synonym of fissazione
pallino fisso {m}
:: synonym of assillo
pallino fisso {m}
:: synonym of chiodo fisso
pallino fisso {m}
:: synonym of smania
pallino fisso {m}
:: synonym of mania
pallio {m} [historical] /ˈpal.ljo/
:: pallium (Greek cloak)
pallio {m} [by extension, literary]
:: cloak
pallio {m} [chiefly historical]
:: A piece of fine cloth, especially one used as a prize in certain competitions
pallio {m} [by extension, figurative]
:: cloak, guise (false appearance)
pallio {m}
:: pallium (Catholic liturgical vestment)
pallio {m} [zoology]
:: pallium (mantle of a mollusk)
pallio {m} [anatomy]
:: pallium (cerebral cortex)
pallista {mf}
:: bullshitter
pallonaio {m}
:: ball or balloon maker or seller
pallonaro {m}
:: liar, fibber
pallonata {f}
:: blow from a ball
palloncino {m}
:: balloon (toy)
palloncino-scultura {m}
:: balloon sculpture
pallone {m} /pal.ˈlo.ne/
:: ball, football
pallone {m}
:: balloon, aerostat
pallone gonfiato {m}
:: bighead, swellhead, egotist
pallone gonfiato {m}
:: stuffed shirt
pallone sonda {f}
:: weather balloon
pallonetto {m} [sports, tennis]
:: lob (with a ball)
pallonista {m}
:: ballplayer
pallore {m} /palˈlo.re/
:: paleness, pallor
pallosamente {adv} [colloquial]
:: boringly
pallosità {f} [colloquial]
:: tediousness, boringness
palloso {adj} [colloquial]
:: boring, square
pallottino {adj}
:: Pallottine
pallottola {f} /palˈlɔt.to.la/
:: diminutive of palla; small ball (of paper etc)
pallottola {f} [firearms]
:: bullet, lead
pallottolaio {m}
:: bowling alley, skittle alley
pallottoliera {f}
:: The part of a crossbow on which the quarrel rests
pallottoliere {m} /pal.lot.to.liˈɛ.re/
:: abacus
pallottoloso {adj} [literally]
:: Full of bullets
pallottoloso {adj}
:: lumpy
pallottoloso {adj}
:: overcomplicated
pallovale {m} [sports]
:: rugby
palma {f}
:: palm tree, palm
palma {f}
:: palm (of the hand)
palma {f}
:: palm (corresponding part of the forefoot of a lower mammal)
palma da cocco {f}
:: coconut palm
palma da datteri {f}
:: date palm
palma da dattero {f}
:: date palm (Phoenix dactylifera in the family Arecaceae)
palma da olio {f}
:: oil palm
palma delle Canarie {f}
:: Canary Island date palm, pineapple palm (Phoenix canariensis within the family Arecaceae)
palma di Betel {f}
:: betel palm (Areca catechu)
palma dum {f}
:: doum palm, gingerbread tree, doom palm) (Hyphaene thebaica)
Palmanova {prop}
:: Palmanova (town)
palmare {adj}
:: evident, obvious
palmare {adj}
:: handheld
palmare {m}
:: Any palm-held electronic device
palmares {m}
:: prize list
palmares {m}
:: record of achievements
palmarino {adj}
:: Of, or from, Palmanova
palmarino {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Palmanova
palmarmente {adv}
:: in the palm of the hand
Palmarola {prop}
:: An island of the Pontine Islands
palmatifido {adj} [botany]
:: palmatifid
palmato {adj}
:: webbed (feet)
palmato {adj} [botany]
:: palmate
palmatosetto {adj} [botany]
:: palmatisect
palmento {m}
:: millstone
palmeto {m}
:: palm grove
palmetta {f} [architecture]
:: palmette
palmetta {f}
:: fan training (of fruit trees etc)
Palmi {prop}
:: Palmi (small town)
palmiere {m}
:: A pilgrim to the Holy Land
palmifero {adj}
:: palmiferous
palminervio {adj} [botany]
:: palminerved
palmipede {adj}
:: web-footed
Palmira {prop}
:: Palmira (<<ancient>> Semitic <<city>> in modern <<c/Syria>>)
Palmirene {prop}
:: Palmyrena (ancient country)
palmireno {adj}
:: Palmyrene
palmireno {m}
:: Palmyrene (native or inhabitant of ancient Palmyra)
palmireno {m}
:: Palmyrene (language)
Palmiro {prop}
:: given name
Palmisano {prop}
:: surname
palmitico {adj}
:: palmitic
palmitina {f} [organic compound]
:: palmitin, tripalmitin
palmitoleico {adj}
:: palmitoleic
palmizio {adj}
:: palm (attributive)
palmizio {m}
:: palm tree
palmizio {m}
:: palm (used in religious ceremonies)
palmo {m}
:: span (of hand)
palmo {m} [regional]
:: palm (of the hand)
palmola {f}
:: A wooden pitchfork
palo {m}
:: stake, pole, pile, spar
palo {m} [football]
:: goalpost
palo {m} [heraldiccharge]
:: pale
palo della luce {m}
:: lamppost
palo del telefono {m}
:: telephone pole
palo del telegrafo {m}
:: telegraph pole
palomba {f}
:: stock dove, wood pigeon
palombaccio {m} /pa.lomˈbat.t͡ʃo/
:: pejorative of palombo
palombaccio {m}
:: synonym of colombaccio
palombaro {m}
:: deep-sea diver
palombaro {m}
:: hard hat diver
Palombi {prop}
:: surname
palombo {m} [ichthyology] /paˈlom.bo/
:: Any member of the Mustelus taxonomic genus
palombo {m}
:: common smooth-hound (Mustelus mustelus)
palombo {m}
:: synonym of colombaccio
palombo comune {m}
:: common smooth-hound (Mustelus mustelus)
palombo scuro {m}
:: dusky smooth-hound (Mustelus canis)
palombo stellato {m}
:: starry smooth-hound (Mustelus asterias)
palorcio {m}
:: A simple ropeway used to transport materials
paloscio {m} /paˈlɔʃ.ʃo/
:: A single-edged dagger with a narrow blade
palpabile {adj}
:: palpable, tangible
palpabilità {f}
:: tangibleness
palpabilmente {adv}
:: palpably, tangibly
palpante {v}
:: present participle of palpare
palpare {vt}
:: to feel, finger, grope, cop a feel
palpare {vt}
:: to palpate
palpata {f}
:: touch, feel
palpata {f}
:: grope
palpatina {f}
:: little touch, little feel
palpatina {f}
:: little grope
palpatorio {adj}
:: palpatory
palpazione {f} [medicine]
:: palpation
palpebra {f}
:: eyelid
palpebrale {adj} [anatomy]
:: palpebral
palpebrazione {f}
:: palpebration
palpeggiabile {adj}
:: gropable
palpeggiamento {m}
:: grope, groping, fondling
palpeggiante {v}
:: present participle of palpeggiare
palpeggiare {vt}
:: to grope, paw, fondle, cop a feel
palpeggiata {f}
:: grope, paw
palpitante {v}
:: present participle of palpitare
palpitante {adj}
:: trembling or quivering (with)
palpitare {vi}
:: to throb, pound
palpitare {vi}
:: to tremble, quiver
palpitazione {f}
:: palpitation
palpitio {m}
:: palpitation
palpito {m}
:: beat (of the heart)
palpito {m}
:: throb
palta {f}
:: swamp, bayou
paltò {m}
:: coat, overcoat
paltoncino {m}
:: overcoat (typically for children or women)
paltoniere {m}
:: beggar
Paltrinieri {prop}
:: surname
paludare {v}
:: To cover, wrap
paludare {v}
:: To cloak
palude {f}
:: marsh, fen, swamp, bog
paludicolo {adj}
:: palustrine, paludal
paludoso {adj}
:: swampy, marshy
Palumbo {prop}
:: surname
palustre {adj}
:: marsh, swamp (attributive)
Paluzza {prop}
:: Paluzza (small town)
palvesario {m}
:: A soldier armed with a palvese
palvesato {adj}
:: Armed with a palvese
palvese {m}
:: A large, rectangular shield, once used to protect bowmen
Pam {prop}
:: alternative form of PAM
PAM {prop}
:: A chain of Italian supermarkets
pamfete {interj}
:: slam!
pamiri {mf}
:: Pamir (native or inhabitant)
pamiri {adj}
:: Pamir (attributive)
pamiriano {adj}
:: Pamirid
pampa {f}
:: pampas
pampalugo {m} /pam.paˈlu.ɡo/
:: fool, airhead
pampana {f}
:: A type of vine leaf
pampepato {m}
:: alternative form of panpepato
pamphlet {m}
:: pamphlet (essay on a current topic)
pampinifero {adj}
:: Wearing vine leaves
pampino {m}
:: vine leaf
pampinoso {adj}
:: Covered, or decorated with vine leaves
pamporcino {m}
:: alternative form of panporcino
pampsichismo {m}
:: synonym of panpsichismo
pan- {prefix}
:: pan-
Pan {prop} [Greek god]
:: Pan
panaccia {f}
:: A tincture of frankincense and myrrh once used to conserve wine
panacea {f}
:: panacea, cure-all
panache {m}
:: panache
panafricanismo {m}
:: Pan-Africanism
panafricanista {mf}
:: supporter of Pan-Africanism
panafricano {adj}
:: Pan-African
panama {m}
:: Panama hat
panama {m}
:: basketweave
Panama {prop}
:: Panama (country)
panamegno {adj}
:: Panamanian
panamense {adj}
:: Panamanian
panamense {mf}
:: Panamanian
panamericanismo {m}
:: Pan-Americanism
panamericano {adj}
:: Pan-American
panante {v}
:: present participle of panare
panarabismo {m}
:: pan-Arabism
panarabo {adj}
:: pan-Arab, pan-Arabian
panare {vt}
:: To bread, to coat with breadcrumbs
Panarea {prop}
:: One of the Lipari Islands, in the Tyrrhenian Sea
panareccio {m}
:: synonym of patereccio
Panaro {prop}
:: Panaro (river)
panartrite {f}
:: panarthritis
panasiatico {adj}
:: Pan-Asian, Pan-Asiatic
panasiatismo {m}
:: Pan-Asiatism
panata {f}
:: panada (bread soup)
panatenaico {adj}
:: Panathenaic
Panatenee {prop} [historical] /panateˈnɛe/
:: Panathenaea
panatica {f}
:: board (money for provisions etc)
panato {adj}
:: breaded, covered with breadcrumbs
Panatta {prop}
:: surname
Panatta {prop}
:: Adriano Panatta, Italian tennist player
panattiere {m}
:: alternative form of panettiere
panatura {f}
:: breading (dipping a thin slice of meat in flour, egg and breadcrumbs prior to frying)
panbabilonismo {m}
:: panbabylonism
pan bagnato {m}
:: The Italian equivalent of the French pan bagnat
panbeozia {f}
:: Pamboeotia
panca {f} /ˈpan.ka/
:: bench
panca {f}
:: pew
panca {f}
:: the part of a stirrup on which a rider puts their foot
pancaccio {m}
:: A simple bunk bed (especially in a prison)
pancale {m}
:: pallet
pancarrè {m}
:: Square sliced bread
pancarrè {m}
:: A triangular slice of white bread with the crusts removed; used for making tramezzini
pancata {f}
:: A group of people sitting on a bench / pew
panceltico {adj}
:: pan-Celtic
pancera {f}
:: alternative form of panciera
pancetta {f}
:: paunch
pancetta {f}
:: pancetta (cured belly of pork)
Panchen Lama {n}
:: Panchen Lama
panchetta {f}
:: footstool, stool
panchettata {f} [rare]
:: A blow from a stool
panchetto {m}
:: stool, footstool
panchina {f}
:: small bench or seat (in a garden or park)
panchinaro {m} [sports]
:: bench warmer
pancia {f} /ˈpan.t͡ʃa/
:: belly, stomach, paunch
panciafichismo {m} [colloquial]
:: cowardly pacifism
panciafichista {mf} [colloquial]
:: A cowardly pacifist
pancianera {adj} /pan.t͡ʃaˈne.ra/
:: black-bellied, used in the name of several bird species
panciata {f}
:: belly flop
panciata {f} [familiar, somewhat, rare]
:: abundant consumption of food; binge
panciera {f}
:: corset, girdle
pancino {m} [colloquial]
:: tummy, tum tum
panciolle {adv}
:: With the belly uppermost
pancione {m}
:: big tummy, bump (of a pregnant woman)
pancione {m}
:: pot belly, paunch
pancione {m}
:: fatty, paunchy person
panciotto {m}
:: waistcoat
pancitopenia {f} [medicine]
:: pancytopenia
panciuto {adj} /panˈt͡ʃu.to/
:: bellied, paunchy, potbellied
pancone {m}
:: large or heavy plank or board
pancone {m}
:: bench, workbench
pancone {m} [music]
:: wrest block
pancotto {m}
:: panada (bread soup)
pancratico {adj}
:: pancratic
pancraziaste {m}
:: pancratiast
pancrazio {m} [sports]
:: pankration
Pancrazio {prop}
:: given name
pancreas {m}
:: pancreas
pancreatico {adj}
:: pancreatic, pancreas (attributive)
pancreatina {f}
:: pancreatin
pancreatite {f} [pathology]
:: pancreatitis
pancristiano {adj}
:: pan-Christian
pancromatico {adj}
:: panchromatic
pancronia {f}
:: panchrony
pancronico {adj}
:: panchronic
panda {m} /ˈpan.da/
:: panda, especially the giant panda
panda gigante {m}
:: giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
panda minore {m}
:: red panda (Ailurus fulgens)
panda rosso {m}
:: synonym of panda minore
pandeiro {m}
:: pandeiro
pandeismo {m}
:: pandeism
pandemia {f} [pathology]
:: pandemic
pandemico {adj} [pathology]
:: pandemic
pandemonio {m}
:: pandemonium, bedlam, chaos
pandetta {f}
:: pandect
pandettista {mf}
:: pandectist
pandicuculo {m}
:: green-winged orchid or green-veined orchid (Anacamptis morio, syn. Orchis morio)
pandiculazione {f}
:: pandiculation
pandispagna {m} /ˌpan.diˈspaɲ.ɲa/
:: sponge cake (as an ingredient in trifles or other desserts)
pan di Spagna {m}
:: alternative spelling of pandispagna
Pan di Zucchero {prop} /ˌpan di‿tˈtsuk.ke.ro/
:: Pan di Zucchero (rocky peak)
pandolce {m}
:: genoa, Genoa cake (A form of bread-like Christmas cake from Genoa)
Pandolfo {prop}
:: given name
pandolo {m} /ˈpan.do.lo/
:: synonym of lippa
Pandora {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Pandora
pandoro {m} /panˈdɔ.ro/
:: pandoro (Christmas sweet bread loaf in the shape of a star)
panduriforme {adj}
:: panduriform
pane {m} /ˈpa.ne/
:: bread
pane {m}
:: block (of butter etc)
pane arabo {m}
:: synonym of pita
pane carasau {m}
:: A type of very thin, crisp flatbread from Sardinia
panegirico {m}
:: panegyric, screed
panegirista {mf}
:: panegyrist
panegirista {mf}
:: eulogist
panel {m}
:: panel (various groups of people)
panellenico {adj}
:: Panhellenic
panellenismo {m}
:: panhellenism
panellenista {mf}
:: panhellenist
panello {m}
:: oil cake
panenteismo {m} [religion] /pa.nenˈtei̯s.mo/
:: panentheism
panenteistico {adj}
:: panentheistic
panereccio {m}
:: alternative form of patereccio
panettaio {m}
:: A person who divides and shapes butter into pats
panettatrice {f}
:: A machine that divides and shapes butter into pats
panetteria {f}
:: baker's, bakery
panettiera {f}
:: female equivalent of panettiere
panettiere {m} /pa.net.ˈtjɛ.re/
:: baker
panetto {m}
:: Small block (of butter etc)
panettone {m} /pa.netˈto.ne/
:: panettone (Christmas brioche with candied fruit)
panettone {m} [colloquial]
:: bollard (post preventing vehicles from entering pedestrian area)
paneuropeo {adj}
:: Pan-European
Panezio {prop}
:: Panaetius (stoic philosopher of Rhodes)
panfilo {m} [nautical]
:: yacht
panflettista {mf}
:: pamphleteer
panflettistica {f}
:: The production and dissemination of political pamphlets
panflettistico {adj}
:: pamphlet (attributive)
panforte {m}
:: panforte
pangasio {m}
:: pangasius
Pangea {prop}
:: Pangaea
pangermanesimo {m}
:: Pan-Germanism
pangermanista {mf}
:: Pan-Germanist
pangermanistico {adj}
:: Pan-German, Pan-Germanic
pangiallo {m}
:: A form of Christmas cake, from Rome, made using maize flour
pangolino {m}
:: pangolin
pan grattato {m}
:: alternative form of pangrattato
pangrattato {m}
:: breadcrumb
pania {f}
:: birdlime
pania {f}
:: lure, snare
panicastrella {f}
:: watergrass
panicato {adj}
:: measly (infected with measles or tapeworms)
panicatura {f}
:: measle (tapeworm larva)
paniccia {f}
:: soggy mass or ground
paniccia {f}
:: A type of polenta or focaccia made from chickpea flour
panicità {f}
:: Panic sentiment (an identification with the natural world)
panico {m} /ˈpa.ni.ko/
:: panic
panico {adj}
:: panic (attributive)
panico {adj}
:: Panic, Pandean (characteristic of Pan)
panico {m} /paˈni.ko/
:: foxtail millet, Italian millet (Setaria italica)
panicolato {adj} [botany]
:: paniculate
Panicucci {prop}
:: surname
paniera {f}
:: (large) basket
paniera {f}
:: hamper
paniera {f}
:: basketful
panieraia {f}
:: female equivalent of panieraio
panieraio {m}
:: Maker or seller of baskets
panierata {f}
:: basket, basketful
panierata {f}
:: hamper
paniere {m}
:: basket, barge
paniere {m}
:: pannier
paniere {m} [finance]
:: market basket
panierino {m}
:: Small basket
panierino {m}
:: lunch box
panificabile {adj}
:: breadmaking (attributive), bread (attributive)
panificante {v}
:: present participle of panificare
panificare {vi}
:: To make bread
panificatore {adj}
:: baking
panificatore {m}
:: baker
panificatrice {f}
:: baker (female)
panificazione {f}
:: bread production
panificio {m}
:: bakery
panificio {m}
:: baker's
paniforte {m}
:: blockboard
panigada {f}
:: elderflower
paninaro {m} [slang]
:: A member of an Italian youth movement in the 1980s associated with fast food such as burgers
panineria {f}
:: sandwich bar, sandwich shop
paninetto {m}
:: bagel
panino {m}
:: bread roll, roll, bun
panino {m}
:: sandwich
paninoteca {f}
:: sandwich bar, sandwich shop
panione {m}
:: A wooden rod coated with birdlime
panioso {adj}
:: Coated with birdlime
paniscia {f}
:: alternative form of panissa
panislamico {adj}
:: Pan-Islamic
panislamismo {m}
:: Pan-Islamism, panislamism
panislamista {mf}
:: panislamist
panismo {m}
:: Panic sentiment (an identification with the natural world)
panissa {f}
:: A form of risotto from Piedmont and Lombardy
panissa {f}
:: Ligurian fritter made from chickpea flour
paniuzza {f}
:: synonym of panione
panizza {f}
:: A type of polenta or focaccia made from chickpea flour
panlogico {adj}
:: panlogical
panlogismo {m}
:: panlogism
panlogista {mf}
:: panlogist
panlogistico {adj}
:: panlogistic
panna {f} /ˈpan.na/
:: cream
panna cotta {f} [usually uncountable] /ˌpan.na ˈkɔt.ta/
:: panna cotta (Italian dessert made from double cream)
pannaiolo {m}
:: A person who sells fabrics
panna montata {f}
:: whipped cream
pannare {vi}
:: To make cream (from milk)
pannarola {f}
:: skimmer (especially of milk, in dairies)
pannarone {m}
:: A fermented cheese from Lombardy
panne {f}
:: breakdown (of a car etc)
panneggiamento {m}
:: drapery, drapes
panneggiante {v}
:: present participle of panneggiare
panneggiare {vt}
:: to drape
panneggio {m}
:: drapery
pannelbagio {m} /pan.nelˈba.d͡ʒo/
:: synonym of mignattino
pannellatura {f}
:: panelling (collection of panels)
pannello {m}
:: panel (structural element)
pannerone {m}
:: alternative form of pannarone
pannicello {m}
:: crumb (small amount of something of little importance)
pannicolite {f} [disease]
:: panniculitis
pannicolo {m} [anatomy] /pan.ˈni.ko.lo/
:: panniculus
pannilano {m}
:: alternative form of pannolano
pannilino {m}
:: alternative form of pannolino
panno {m}
:: cloth
panno {m} [in the plural]
:: clothes, laundry, washing
pannocchia {f} /panˈnɔk.kja/
:: corncob, ear
pannocchia {f}
:: panicle
pannocchina {f}
:: cock's foot (Dactylis glomerata)
pannofix {m}
:: pannofix
pannografico {adj}
:: only in lavagna pannografica
pannolana {n}
:: woolen cloth/fabric
pannolano {m}
:: A soft woolen fabric
pannolenci {m} [usually uncountable] /ˌpan.noˈlɛn.tʃi/
:: A type of lightweight felt mostly used to manufacture dolls and puppets
pannolino {m}
:: nappy, diaper
pannolino {m}
:: sanitary towel, sanitary napkin, pad
pannolone {m}
:: incontinence pad
pannone {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Pannonia
Pannonia {prop}
:: Pannonia
pannonico {adj}
:: Pannonian
pannonio {m}
:: synonym of pannone
pannoso {adj} [literary, rare] /panˈno.zo/
:: Having the appearance or texture of cloth
pannoso {adj} [literary, rare]
:: patinate, patinated
pannoso {adj} [literary, rare, archaic]
:: ragged, tattered
pannoso {adj}
:: creamy
pannume {m}
:: A film that forms on the surface of wine
panoftalmite {f} [pathology]
:: panophthalmitis
panoplia {f} [historical] /paˈnɔ.plja/
:: panoply (complete set of armour)
panoplia {f} [historical, Ancient Greece]
:: A hoplite's armour
panoplia {f}
:: A collection of weapons, or of various parts of an armour, displayed as a trophy
panorama {m}
:: view, panorama
panorama {m}
:: outline
panoramica {f}
:: scenic route
panoramica {f}
:: pan (cinema shot)
panoramica {f}
:: panorama (photographic)
panoramicamente {adv}
:: panoramically
panoramicante {v}
:: present participle of panoramicare
panoramicare {vit}
:: to pan (turn horizontally)
panoramicità {f}
:: panoramic character
panoramico {adj}
:: panoramic
panormita {adj}
:: synonym of palermitano
panortodosso {adj}
:: panorthodox, pan-Orthodox
panottico {adj}
:: panoptic
panozzo {m}
:: alternative form of panuozzo
pan pepato {n}
:: Variant of panpepato
panpepato {m}
:: a baked dessert containing nuts, spice, cocoa etc; many regional variations
pan per focaccia {phrase}
:: tit for tat (idiomatic) equivalent retribution, an eye for an eye, returning exactly what you get
panperso {m}
:: French toast
panporcino {m}
:: cyclamen
panpsichismo {m}
:: panpsychism
panpsichista {mf}
:: panpsychist
panpsichistico {adj}
:: synonym of panpsichista
panromanzo {adj}
:: pan-Romance (languages)
pansé {f}
:: pensée
panserbismo {m}
:: pan-Serbism
pansessuale {adj}
:: pansexual
pansessualismo {m}
:: pansexuality
pansessualità {f}
:: pansexuality
panslavismo {m}
:: Pan-Slavism
panslavista {mf}
:: Pan-Slavist
panslavistico {adj}
:: panslavic / Panslavic
pansovietico {adj}
:: pan-soviet
pantacalze {fp}
:: leggings
pantacollant {m}
:: leggings (for female use)
pantagonna {f}
:: culottes (divided skirt)
Pantagruele {prop}
:: Pantagruel
pantagruelico {adj}
:: pantagruelian
pantagruelico {adj}
:: enormous (of an appetite)
pantalassico {adj}
:: panthalassic
pantalonaia {f}
:: female equivalent of pantalonaio
pantalonaio {m}
:: Maker of trousers
pantaloncino {m} [chiefly in the plural]
:: shorts
pantalone {m} [chiefly in the plural] /pan.taˈlo.ne/
:: trousers; trouser suit
Pantalone {prop} /pan.taˈlo.ne/
:: Pantaloon (Venetian theatrical character)
pantalone alla zuava {m}
:: knickerbockers
pantan {m}
:: apocopic form of pantano
pantana {f}
:: greenshank (Tringa nebularia)
pantano {m} /panˈta.no/
:: quagmire, marsh, swamp, bog
pantanoso {adj}
:: marshy, boggy
pantanoso {adj}
:: muddy
Pantasilea {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Pentesilea
pantavento {m}
:: overtrousers
pantedesco {adj}
:: pan-German
pantegana {f}
:: sewer rat
panteismo {m}
:: pantheism
panteista {mf}
:: pantheist
panteisticamente {adv}
:: pantheistically
panteistico {adj}
:: pantheistic
Pantelleria {prop}
:: An inhabitated volcanic island, in the province of Trapani, between Sicily and Tunisia
pantera {f}
:: panther
pantera {f}
:: Italian police car
pantesco {adj}
:: Of or from Pantelleria
pantoclastia {f} [psychiatry] /pan.to.klasˈti.a/
:: A pathological impulse to break any object in the vicinity
pantoclastico {adj} [psychiatry] /pan.toˈklas.ti.ko/
:: pantoclastic (characterized by an impulse towards breaking objects in the vicinity)
pantocratore {adj} /pantoˈkratore/
:: all-powerful, omnipotent
pantocratore {m}
:: Pantocrator
pantodonto {m}
:: pantodont
pantofago {adj}
:: pantophagous, omnivorous
pantofobia {f}
:: pantophobia
pantofola {f} [chiefly in the plural] /panˈtɔ.fo.la/
:: slipper
pantofolaia {f}
:: female equivalent of pantofolaio
pantofolaio {adj}
:: idle, stay-at-home
pantofolaio {m}
:: couch potato, lazybones, stay-at-home
pantofolaio {m}
:: slipper maker
pantofolaio {m}
:: slipper shop
pantofoleria {f}
:: slipper factory or shop
pantografico {adj}
:: pantographic
pantografista {mf}
:: pantographer
pantografo {m} /panˈtɔɡrafo/
:: pantograph (all senses)
pantografo {m}
:: bow collector
pantolesto {m}
:: pantolest
pantomima {f}
:: female equivalent of pantomimo
pantomimico {adj}
:: pantomimic; pantomime (attributive)
pantomimo {m}
:: mime (artist)
pantoscopico {adj} [optics]
:: pantoscopic
pantotenato {m} [biochemistry]
:: pantothenate
pantotenico {adj}
:: pantothenic
pantropicale {adj}
:: pantropical
panturchista {adj}
:: Pan-Turkist
panturchista {mf}
:: Pan-Turkist
panunto {m}
:: A slice of bread and dripping
panuozzo {m}
:: A form of street-food sandwich from Campania, served hot
panurgo {m}
:: cheat, swindler
panvocalismo {m} [linguistics]
:: the property of a word to contain all the vowels in a given language
panza {f}
:: stomach
panza {f}
:: paunch
panzana {f}
:: fib, tall story, cock and bull story
panzanella {f}
:: A summer bread salad including sliced bread and fresh tomatoes, flavored with basil, olive oil and vinegar
panzarotto {m}
:: alternative form of panzerotto
panzé {f}
:: alternative form of pansé
Panzera {prop}
:: surname
panzerotto {m} [often in the plural] /pan.t͡seˈrɔt.to/
:: panzerotto, panzerotti (fried ravioli of pizza dough)
panziera {f}
:: alternative form of panciera
Paola {prop}
:: given name, feminine form of Paolo ( =Paul), equivalent to English Paula
Paoletti {prop}
:: surname
Paolini {prop}
:: surname
paolinismo {m}
:: Paulinism
paolino {adj} [Christianity]
:: Pauline
Paolo {prop} /ˈpa.o.lo/
:: Paul [biblical character]
Paolo {prop}
:: given name
paolotto {m}
:: A friar of the "Order of San Vincenzo of Paoli"
Paolucci {prop}
:: surname
paonazzo {adj}
:: purple
paone {m}
:: alternative form of pavone
papa {m} /ˈpaː.pa/
:: pope
papà {m}
:: dad, papa
papabile {adj} /paˈpa.bi.le/
:: likely to be elected Pope
papabile {adj} [transferred sense]
:: (also with a or per) likely to be elected or nominated (for/as)
papabile {m}
:: cardinal thought likely to be elected Pope
papabile {m} [transferred sense]
:: person likely to be elected or nominated to an office, job position, etc
Papafava {prop}
:: surname
Papafava {prop}
:: A noble family of Venice
papaia {f}
:: papaya (fruit, tree)
papaina {f} [enzyme]
:: papain
papale {adj}
:: papal
papale papale {interj}
:: clearly, openly, directly, frankly
papale papale {interj}
:: as a matter of fact, forthcomingly, truth to tell
papalina {f}
:: skullcap
papalina {f}
:: nightcap, jellybag cap, liberty cap, Phrygian cap
papalina {f} [zoology, ichthyology]
:: sprat
papalino {adj} /pa.paˈli.no/
:: papal
papalino {adj}
:: papist, popish
papalino {m}
:: papist
papalino {m}
:: papal guard
papalino {m}
:: papal soldier
papamobile {f} /papaˈmɔːbile/
:: Popemobile
paparazza {f}
:: paparazza, mamarazzi (female paparazzo)
paparazzato {adj}
:: photographed (especially secretly) by a paparazzo; paparazzied
paparazzo {m} /pa.paˈrat.tso/
:: paparazzo
paparino {m}
:: daddy
papasso {m}
:: A Greek Orthodox priest
papato {m}
:: papacy
papaveracea {f} [botany]
:: poppy, papaveraceous plant
papaveraceo {adj} [botany]
:: papaveraceous
papaverina {f} [pharmaceutical drug]
:: papaverine
papavero {m} /paˈpa.ve.ro/
:: poppy
papello {m}
:: A document containing detailed, confidential notes
papera {f} /ˈpa.pe.ra/
:: feminine noun of papero
papera {f}
:: error
papera {f}
:: slip of the tongue
paperina {f}
:: A low-cut woman's shoe with a flat and flexible sole
Paperina {prop} /pa.peˈri.na/
:: Daisy Duck (Disney character)
paperino {m} /pa.peˈri.no/
:: diminutive of papero: gosling
Paperino {prop} /pa.peˈri.no/
:: Donald Duck (Disney character)
papero {m} /ˈpa.pe.ro/
:: gosling
papero {m} [colloquial]
:: duckling
papero {m}
:: gander or drake
paperone {m} [somewhat, rare]
:: large duck
paperone {m}
:: scrooge
Paperone {prop} /pa.peˈro.ne/
:: Scrooge McDuck, Uncle Scrooge (Disney character)
Paperone {m} [colloquial, figuratively]
:: moneybags, Uncle Scrooge (rich person)
paperopolese {adj} /pa.pe.ro.poˈle.se/
:: Duckburgian, relating to Duckburg (fictional town in the Disney universe) or its people
paperopolese {mf}
:: A native or inhabitant of Duckburg; a Duckburgian
Paperopoli {prop} /pa.peˈrɔ.po.li/
:: Duckburg (fictional city where Donald Duck lives)
papesco {adj}
:: popish
papessa {f}
:: A rich or powerful woman
papessa {f}
:: high priestess
Papetti {prop}
:: surname
papiglionaceo {adj} [botany]
:: papilionaceous
papiglione {m}
:: alternative form of papilione
papigliotto {m}
:: curler (for the hair)
papilionato {adj} [botany]
:: papilionate
papilione {m}
:: butterfly
papilla {f}
:: papilla
papillare {adj} [anatomy]
:: papillar, papillary
papilledema {m} [medicine]
:: papilledema
papillite {f} [pathology]
:: papillitis
papilloma {m} [medicine]
:: papilloma
papillon {m}
:: bow tie
papilloso {adj} [botany]
:: papillose
papinianeo {adj}
:: Papinianian
papino {m}
:: daddy
papiraceo {adj}
:: papyrus (attributive), papyraceous
papiriforme {adj} [architecture]
:: papyriform
papiro {m} [uncountable] /paˈpi.ro/
:: papyrus [plant] (Cyperus papyrus)
papiro {m} [uncountable]
:: papyrus (material made from the plant)
papiro {m}
:: papyrus (scroll or document written on the material)
papiro {m} [by extension, archaic]
:: paper
papiro {m} [by extension, jocular]
:: A usually boring text or document
papiro {m} [by extension, historical]
:: A document given as proof of admission into the student world
papirografia {f}
:: papyrography
papirologia {f}
:: papyrology
papirologico {adj}
:: papyrological
papirologista {mf}
:: synonym of papirologo
papirologo {m}
:: papyrologist
papismo {m}
:: papism
papismo {m}
:: popery
papista {mf}
:: papist
papistico {adj}
:: papist
papocchio {m}
:: mess
pappa {f}
:: baby food
pappa {f}
:: pap, mush
pappa {m}
:: hustler, pimp
pappacchione {m}
:: glutton
pappafico {m} [Veneto] /pap.paˈfi.ko/
:: synonym of rigogolo
pappafico {m} [archaic]
:: A kind of hood
pappafico {m} [nautical]
:: fore-topgallant (sail)
pappafico {m} [chiefly Rome]
:: goatee
pappagalleria {f}
:: parroting
pappagalleria {f}
:: A clumsy imitation of another's words or actions
pappagallescamente {adv}
:: parrot-like
pappagallescamente {adv}
:: parrot-fashion
pappagallesco {adj}
:: parrot-like, parrot-fashion
pappagallessa {f}
:: A female parrot
pappagallessa {f}
:: A female gossip
pappagallino {m}
:: parakeet
pappagallino {m}
:: budgerigar
pappagallismo {m}
:: parroting
pappagallismo {m}
:: catcalling
pappagallo {m}
:: parrot
pappagallo {m}
:: wolf (slang, amorous man)
pappagallo {m}
:: a person repeating others' words and phrases in a unpleasant way (colloquial - see ripetere tutto come un pappagallo)
pappagallo {m}
:: bedpan (for urination only)
pappagorgia {f} /pap.paˈɡɔr.d͡ʒa/
:: double chin
pappagorgia {f}
:: dewlap (skin under a bovine's neck)
pappalardo {m}
:: glutton
pappalardo {m}
:: hypocrite
pappamolla {mf}
:: alternative form of pappamolle
pappamolle {f}
:: namby-pamby, wuss, chickenshit, weakling, pushover, sissy, chicken, wimp, pansy
pappante {v}
:: present participle of pappare
pappardella {f} [chiefly in the plural]
:: a wide form of fettuccine, or a narrow form of lasagne, traditionally eaten with a meat sauce (especially one made with hare)
pappardella {f} [figuratively]
:: an argument
pappare {vt}
:: to gobble up or tuck into (food)
pappare {vt}
:: to appropriate or walk off with
pappa reale {f}
:: royal jelly
pappataci {m}
:: sandfly (Phlebotomus papatasi)
pappatacio {m}
:: sand fly (of the genus Phlebotomus)
pappatore {m}
:: trencherman
pappatoria {f}
:: trenchermanship
pappetta {f}
:: pap, mush
pappina {f}
:: diminutive of pappa
pappina {f}
:: poultice, plaster
pappina {f}
:: telling off
pappina {f}
:: slap
pappina {f} [Tuscany]
:: nurse
pappo {m} [botany]
:: pappus
pappolata {f}
:: hot air, bluster
pappolone {m}
:: glutton
pappolone {m}
:: chatterbox
pappone {m}
:: glutton
pappone {m} [colloquial]
:: pimp
pappone {m} [colloquial]
:: sleaze, sleazy man
papposo {adj}
:: pappy
papposo {adj} [botany]
:: pappose, pappous
pappuccia {f}
:: synonym of babbuccia
paprica {f}
:: paprika
papua {adj}
:: Papuan
papua {mf}
:: Papuan (all senses)
papuana {f}
:: female equivalent of papuano
papuano {adj}
:: Papuan
papuano {m}
:: Papuan
papuano {m}
:: Papuan language
Papua Nuova Guinea {prop}
:: Papua New Guinea
Papua-Nuova Guinea {prop}
:: Papua New Guinea
Papuasia {prop}
:: Papua New Guinea
papuaso {adj}
:: Papuan
papula {f} [pathology]
:: papule
papulare {adj}
:: papular
papuloide {adj}
:: pimply
papuloso {adj} [pathology]
:: papulose
para- {prefix}
:: para- (all senses)
para {f}
:: crepe rubber
para {f}
:: crepe (for shoes)
parà {m}
:: para (paratrooper)
parà {m}
:: paratrooper
parabancario {adj}
:: extended banking (attributive)
parabanico {adj} [chemistry] /pa.raˈba.ni.ko/
:: parabanic
parabasi {f}
:: parabasis
parabiaghese {adj}
:: Of or from Parabiago
Parabiago {prop}
:: Parabiago (town)
parabile {adj} [sports]
:: savable (that can be saved or parried)
parabiosi {f}
:: parabiosis
parabola {f} [mathematics] /paˈra.bo.la/
:: parabola
parabola {f} [by extension]
:: course
parabola {f}
:: parable
parabola {f}
:: satellite dish
parabolano {m}
:: chatterbox, windbag
parabolica {f}
:: satellite dish
parabolicamente {adv}
:: parabolically
parabolico {adj}
:: parabolic
paraboloide {m} [mathematics] /paraboˈlɔide/
:: paraboloid
paraboloidico {adj}
:: paraboloidic
parabolone {m}
:: synonym of parabolano
parabordo {m} [nautical]
:: fender
parabrace {m}
:: fender (in a fireplace)
parabrezza {m}
:: windscreen, windshield (of a car)
parabronco {m} [anatomy]
:: parabronchus
paracadutante {v}
:: present participle of paracadutare
paracadutantesi {v}
:: present participle of paracadutarsi
paracadutare {vt}
:: to parachute something
paracadutarsi {vr}
:: To parachute (to jump, wearing a parachute)
paracadutatosi {v}
:: past participle of paracadutarsi
paracadute {m}
:: parachute
paracadutismo {m}
:: parachuting
paracadutista {mf}
:: parachutist
paracadutista {mf} [military]
:: paratrooper
paracadutistico {adj}
:: parachute (attributive)
paracalli {m}
:: corn plaster
paracamino {m}
:: fireguard
paracarro {m}
:: guard stone (at the roadside corner of a building)
paracarro {m}
:: kerbstone
paracarro {m}
:: bollard
Paracelso {prop}
:: Paracelsus
paracenere {m}
:: fender (in a fireplace)
paracentesi {f} [surgery]
:: paracentesis
paracera {m}
:: A saucer in which a candle is placed (to collect liquid wax)
paracetamolo {m} [pharmaceutical drug]
:: paracetamol
paracielo {m}
:: canopy
paracinesi {f}
:: parakinesia
paracinesia {f}
:: parakinesia
paracistite {f}
:: paracystitis
paracletico {adj}
:: paracletic
Paracleto {m}
:: Paraclete / paraclete
Paracleto {m}
:: Holy Spirit
paracoda {f}
:: tail flap
paracolpi {m} [automobiles]
:: bumper
paracolpi {m}
:: bumper (for baby cribs)
paracomunista {adj}
:: procommunist
paraconsistente {adj} [logic] /parakonsiˈstɛnte/
:: paraconsistent
paracqua {m}
:: umbrella
paracrino {adj} [physiology]
:: paracrine
paracromatismo {m}
:: parachromatism
paracromatopsia {f}
:: parachromatopsia
paracromoforo {adj}
:: parachromophoric, parachromophorous
paraculata {f}
:: act of artifice
paraculata {f}
:: brownnosing
paraculo {m}
:: opportunist; a cunning individual who takes advantage of social mechanisms without showing it
paraculo {m} [by extension]
:: brown noser; sycophant; ass-kisser
paraculo {m} [offensive, vulgar]
:: faggot (effeminate homosexual man)
paraculo {m}
:: smartass
paraculo {adj}
:: mischievous, naughty
paracuore {m}
:: lungs (of an animal, as offal)
paracurarina {f}
:: tubocurarine
paracuraro {m}
:: tube curare, bamboo curare
paradenite {f} [pathology]
:: paradenitis
paradenti {m}
:: gumshield
paradentite {f} [pathology]
:: periodontitis
paradentosi {f}
:: paradentosis
paradenzio {m}
:: synonym of paradentite
paradigma {m}
:: paradigm
paradigmaticamente {adv}
:: paradigmatically
paradigmatico {adj}
:: paradigmatic
paradisea {f}
:: bird of paradise (of genus Paradisaea)
paradisiaco {adj}
:: heavenly
paradiso {m}
:: paradise, heaven (especially figuratively)
Paradiso {prop}
:: Paradise
paradiso fiscale {m}
:: tax haven
Paradiso terrestre {prop}
:: the Garden of Eden
paradontologia {f}
:: periodontology
paradontologo {m}
:: periodontist
paradontosi {f}
:: alternative form of paradentosi
paradorso {m} [military]
:: parados
paradossale {adj}
:: paradoxical
paradossalità {f}
:: paradoxicalness
paradossalmente {adv}
:: paradoxically
paradossastico {adj} /pa.ra.dosˈsas.ti.ko/
:: paradoxical
paradossista {mf}
:: paradoxist
paradosso {m}
:: paradox
paradosso {adj}
:: paradoxical
paradosso del gatto di Schrödinger {m}
:: Schrödinger's cat
paradosso francese {m}
:: French paradox
parafa {f}
:: paraph
parafa {f}
:: initials (as a signature)
parafango {m}
:: mudguard (on a vehicle)
parafango {m}
:: dashboard
parafante {v}
:: present participle of parafare
parafare {vt}
:: To initial (instead of signing)
parafarmaceutico {adj}
:: parapharmaceutical
parafarmacia {f}
:: parapharmacy (health and beauty industry or shop)
parafarmaco {m}
:: health or beauty product
parafascismo {m} [fascism]
:: para-fascism
parafasia {f}
:: paraphasia
parafatura {f}
:: initialing (adding ones initials to a document)
parafenelendamina {f} [organic compound]
:: paraphenylenediamine
parafernale {adj} [law] /pa.ra.ferˈna.le/
:: paraphernal
parafernale {m} [rare, in the plural]
:: tool, implement
parafernalia {mp} [legal]
:: paraphernalia
parafernalia {mp}
:: gear
paraferni {m}
:: paraphernalia
paraferni {m} [legal, historical, Ancient Rome]
:: parapherna
paraffa {f}
:: alternative form of parafa
paraffina {f}
:: paraffin, alkane
paraffinante {v}
:: present participle of paraffinare
paraffinare {vt}
:: To paraffin
paraffinatura {f}
:: embedding in paraffin wax
paraffinico {adj}
:: paraffinic
paraffo {f}
:: alternative form of parafa
parafiamma {m}
:: firewall (fireproof partition or bulkhead)
parafiamma {m}
:: Any of several devices used to prevent fire
parafiletico {adj}
:: paraphyletic
parafilia {f} [psychology]
:: paraphilia
parafimosi {f}
:: paraphimosis
parafiscale {adj}
:: parafiscal
parafiscalità {f}
:: parafiscal taxes
parafrasabile {adj}
:: paraphrasable
parafrasante {v}
:: present participle of parafrasare
parafrasare {vt}
:: to paraphrase
parafrasi {f}
:: paraphrase
parafrasia {f}
:: paraphrasia
parafraste {mf}
:: paraphraser
parafrasticamente {adv}
:: paraphrastically
parafrastico {adj}
:: paraphrastic
parafrenia {f}
:: paraphrenia
parafulmine {m} /pa.raˈful.mi.ne/
:: lightning conductor, lightning rod
parafumo {m}
:: A metal cap on an oil lamp that prevents the release of smoke
parafuoco {m}
:: fireguard, fire screen
paragarretto {m}
:: A protection of the hock of a racehorse
paragenesi {f}
:: paragenesis
paragenetico {adj}
:: paragenetic
paraggio {m} [chiefly in the plural]
:: neighbourhood, vicinity
paragnatide {m}
:: cheekpiece
paragocce {m}
:: A ring, on the neck of a bottle, that prevents the liquid from dripping
paragoge {f} [grammar, prosody] /pa.raˈɡɔ.d͡ʒe/
:: paragoge
paragogico {adj}
:: paragogic
paragonabile {adj}
:: comparable
paragonabilità {f}
:: comparability
paragonante {v}
:: present participle of paragonare
paragonantesi {v}
:: present participle of paragonarsi
paragonare {v} [a, con]
:: to compare [to, with]
paragonarsi {vr}
:: To compare oneself (to) or (with)
paragonatosi {v}
:: past participle of paragonarsi
paragone {m}
:: comparison
paragone {m} [uncountable, printing, dated]
:: A large size of type, standardized as 20 point
paragrafante {v}
:: present participle of paragrafare
paragrafare {vt}
:: To paragraph
paragrafematico {adj} [linguistics]
:: paragraphematic, paragraphemic
paragrafetto {m}
:: Short paragraph
paragrafia {f}
:: paragraphia
paragrafo {m}
:: paragraph
paragrammatismo {m}
:: paragrammatism
paragrilletto {m}
:: trigger guard
paraguagio {adj}
:: Paraguayan
paraguagio {m}
:: Paraguayan
paraguaiana {f}
:: female equivalent of paraguaiano
paraguaiano {adj}
:: Paraguayan
paraguaiano {m}
:: Paraguayan
paraguance {m}
:: cheekpiece
paraguanto {m} [colloquial]
:: synonym of mancia
Paraguay {prop}
:: Paraguay (country)
paraguayano {adj}
:: alternative spelling of paraguaiano
paraguayano {m}
:: alternative spelling of paraguaiano
paraidrogeno {m}
:: parahydrogen
parainfluenzale {adj}
:: parainfluenza
parainguine {m} [sports]
:: box (protector for the genitals)
paraipofisario {adj} [anatomy]
:: parahypophyseal, parapituitary
paraipotassi {f}
:: para-hypotaxis
paralessi {f}
:: paralipsis
paralessia {f}
:: paralexia
paraletteratura {f}
:: popular literature
paralimpiade {f}
:: alternative form of paraolimpiade
paralimpico {adj}
:: Paralympic
paralinguaggio {m}
:: paralanguage
paralinguistica {f}
:: paralinguistics
paralinguistico {adj}
:: paralinguistic
paralipomeni {mp}
:: paralipomena
paralisi {f} [pathology]
:: palsy, paralysis
paralisi {f} [figuratively]
:: paralysis
paralisi cerebrale {f} [pathology]
:: cerebral palsy
paralitico {adj} /pa.raˈli.ti.ko/
:: paralytic
paralizzante {v}
:: present participle of paralizzare
paralizzante {adj}
:: paralyzing
paralizzare {vt}
:: to paralyze
paralizzato {adj}
:: paralyzed
parallasse {f}
:: parallax
parallattico {adj}
:: parallactic
parallela {f}
:: parallel (line)
parallela {f} [in the plural]
:: parallel bars
parallelamente {adv}
:: parallel, parallelly
parallelepipedo {m} [geometry]
:: parallelepiped
parallelepipedo {adj}
:: Having this shape
parallelinervio {adj} [botany]
:: parallelinerved
parallelismo {m}
:: parallelism
parallelismo {m}
:: parallel (something identical or similar)
parallelizzabile {adj} [computing]
:: parallelizable
parallelizzante {v}
:: present participle of parallelizzare
parallelizzare {v} [computing]
:: to parallelize
parallelizzazione {f}
:: parallelization
parallelo {adj} [geometry]
:: parallel (all senses)
parallelo {m} [geometry, geography]
:: A parallel (all senses)
parallelogramma {m}
:: alternative form of parallelogrammo
parallelogrammo {m}
:: parallelogram
paralogismo {m}
:: paralogism
paralogistico {adj}
:: paralogistic
paralogizzare {v}
:: To paralogize
paralogo {adj}
:: paralogous
paraluce {m} [photography]
:: lens hood
paralume {m}
:: lampshade
paralume {m}
:: abatjour
paramagnetico {adj}
:: paramagnetic
paramagnetismo {m} [physics]
:: paramagnetism
paramano {m}
:: cuff (of a sleeve)
paramano {m}
:: facing brick
paramecio {m}
:: paramecium
paramedico {m}
:: paramedic
paramedico {adj}
:: paramedical
paramento {m}
:: vestment
paramento {m}
:: hanging, drapery
parametrante {v}
:: present participle of parametrare
parametrare {vt}
:: To parameterize
parametrico {adj}
:: parametric (all senses)
parametrio {m} [anatomy]
:: parametrium
parametrite {f} [pathology]
:: parametritis
parametrizzante {v}
:: present participle of parametrizzare
parametrizzare {vt}
:: to parametrize
parametrizzato {adj}
:: parameterized
parametrizzazione {f}
:: parameterization
parametro {m}
:: parameter
paramezzale {m} [nautical]
:: keelson
paramilitare {adj}
:: paramilitary
paramine {m}
:: paravane
paramnesia {f}
:: paramnesia
paramontura {f}
:: facing of a lapel
paramorfina {f}
:: paramorphine
paramorfismo {m} [medicine]
:: paramorphism
paramorfo {adj}
:: paramorphic
paramorfosi {f} [geology]
:: paramorphism
paramosche {m}
:: fly net
Paraná {prop}
:: Paraná (river)
Paraná {prop}
:: Paraná (state)
Paraná {prop}
:: Paraná (provincial capital)
Paraná {prop}
:: Paraná (municipality)
paranasale {adj} [anatomy]
:: paranasal
paranavetta {adj}
:: Describing any safety device that prevents the shuttle of a loom from leaving its normal track and causing damage
parancare {v}
:: To hoist
paranco {m}
:: hoist
paranefrio {m}
:: paranephric tissue
paranefrite {f} [pathology]
:: paranephritis
paraneoplastico {adj} [medicine]
:: paraneoplastic
paraneve {m}
:: snow fence
paranilotico {adj}
:: Paranilotic
paraninfo {m}
:: bridesman, groomsman
paraninfo {m}
:: procurer, pimp
paranoia {f} [psychology, figuratively]
:: paranoia
paranoicale {adj}
:: synonym of paranoico
paranoicamente {adv}
:: paranoidly
paranoico {adj}
:: paranoid
paranoico {m}
:: paranoid (person)
paranoide {adj}
:: paranoid
paranoide {mf}
:: paranoid
paranormale {adj}
:: paranormal, preternatural
paranormalità {f}
:: paranormality
parante {v}
:: present participle of parare
parantesi {v}
:: present participle of pararsi
paranucleare {adj}
:: paranuclear
paranza {f} [nautical]
:: trawler
paranza {f}
:: trawl (net)
paranzella {f} [nautical]
:: A small fishing boat with a lateen sail
paraocchi {m}
:: blinkers
paraocchio {m}
:: eyeshade
paraolimpiade {f}
:: Paralympiad
paraolimpiadi {fp}
:: Paralympics
paraolimpico {adj}
:: Paralympic
paraonde {m}
:: breakwater
paraorecchie {m}
:: earmuffs
paraorecchie {m}
:: earflap (of a hat)
paraormone {f} [biochemistry]
:: parahormone
parapalle {m}
:: butt (gunnery shelter)
parapendio {m}
:: paraglider
parapendio {m}
:: paragliding
parapendista {mf}
:: paraglider
parapettata {f}
:: A stage scene composed of three sides (and often a ceiling) that represents an interior
parapettato {adj}
:: parapetted
parapetto {m} /pa.raˈpɛt.to/
:: parapet
parapetto {m}
:: balustrade
parapetto {m}
:: ledger board
parapiglia {f}
:: uproar, commotion, turmoil, hurly burly
parapioggia {m}
:: umbrella, brolly, gamp
paraplegia {f} [pathology]
:: paraplegia
paraplegico {adj}
:: paraplegic
paraplegico {m}
:: paraplegic
parapsichico {adj}
:: parapsychic
parapsicologia {f}
:: parapsychology
parapsicologico {adj}
:: parapsychological
parapsicologo {m}
:: parapsychologist
parare {vt}
:: to adorn or deck (out)
parare {vt}
:: to protect or shield (from)
parare {vt}
:: to block
parare {vt}
:: to avoid; to dodge; to parry
parare {vt}
:: to face or fight back against [criticism, etc.]
parare {vt}
:: to block or obstruct by getting in the way
parare {vt} [sports]
:: to save [a goal]
parare {vt} [rare]
:: to show; to present
parare {vt} [literary]
:: to prepare
parare {vi}
:: to end up
pararigori {m} [football]
:: A goalkeeper who saves from a penalty kick
pararsi {v}
:: reflexive of parare
pararsi {vi} [also, figurative]
:: to protect or defend oneself
pararsi {vi}
:: (with [ davanti, dinanzi, or innanzi ] + [ a or dative pronoun ]) to appear in order to prevent someone's passage; to stand in the way
pararsi {vi}
:: to dress with sacred or solemn vestments
pararsi {vi} [often, jocular, by extension]
:: to dress in a richly decorated way
parasagittale {adj}
:: parasagittal
parasailing {m}
:: parasailing
parasanga {f}
:: parasang
parasartie {f} [nautical]
:: gunwale
parasassi {m}
:: A safety device that prevents rocks falling from overhead
parascenio {m}
:: parascenium
parasceve {f}
:: The Friday before the Jewish sabbath
paraschegge {m}
:: splinter guard
paraschiena {m}
:: back protector
paraschizzi {m}
:: splashguard
parascintille {m}
:: fireguard (to stop sparks flying)
parascolastico {adj}
:: extracurricular
paraselene {m}
:: paraselene
parasimpatico {adj}
:: parasympathetic
parasimpaticomimetico {adj}
:: parasympathomimetic
parasimpaticomimetico {m} [pharmacology]
:: parasympathomimetic
parasintesi {f} [linguistics]
:: parasynthesis
parasintetico {adj} [linguistics]
:: parasynthetic
parasinteto {m} [linguistics]
:: parasynthesis
parasociale {adj} [finance]
:: Between shareholders
parasole {m}
:: parasol
parasole {m}
:: sunshade
paraspalle {m} [sports]
:: shoulder pad(s)
paraspigolo {m}
:: edge or corner protector
paraspruzzi {m}
:: mudguard
paraspruzzi {m}
:: splashback
paraspruzzi {m}
:: dashboard
paraspruzzi {m} [nautical]
:: dodger (A frame-supported canvas over the companionway (entrance) of a sailboat)
parassita {adj}
:: parasitic
parassita {m}
:: parasite
parassitante {v}
:: present participle of parassitare
parassitare {vt}
:: To infest with parasites
parassitariamente {adv}
:: parasitically
parassitario {adj}
:: parasitic
parassiteria {f}
:: synonym of parassitismo
parassiticida {adj}
:: parasiticidal
parassiticida {m}
:: parasiticide
parassitico {adj}
:: parasitic
parassitismo {m}
:: parasitism
parassitistico {adj}
:: parasitic
parassitistico {adj}
:: parasite (attributive)
parassito {adj}
:: Variant of parassita
parassito {m}
:: Variant of parassita
parassitoide {m} [biology]
:: parasitoid
parassitologia {f} [biology]
:: parasitology
parassitologico {adj}
:: parasitological
parassitologo {m}
:: parasitologist
parassitosi {f} [pathology]
:: parasitic disease, parasitosis
parastatale {adj}
:: state- or government-controlled
parastatistica {f} [physics]
:: parastatistics
parastatistico {adj} [physics]
:: parastatistic
parastato {m}
:: quango (or one of its employees)
parastico {adj} [botany] /paˈras.ti.ko/
:: Pertaining to parastichy
parastinchi {m}
:: shinguard, shin pad
parastrappi {f}
:: A flexible coupling (that alleviates strain)
parasubordinato {adj}
:: consultant (attributive)
parasubordinato {m}
:: consultant
parata {f}
:: act of blocking [a hit, strike, etc.]
parata {f} [sports, by extension]
:: save, parry
parata {f} [fossil word]
:: situation, result
parata {f}
:: show-off, show
parata {f} [military]
:: review, parade
paratasca {m}
:: pocket reinforcement
paratassi {f}
:: parataxis
paratattico {adj}
:: paratactic
paratesto {m}
:: paratext
paratia {f} [nautical]
:: bulkhead
paratico {m}
:: guild (association of craftsmen)
paratifico {adj}
:: paratyphoid
paratifo {m}
:: paratyphoid fever
paratipo {m} [biology, taxonomy]
:: paratype
paratiroide {f} [anatomy]
:: parathyroid
paratiroidectomia {f} [surgery]
:: parathyroidectomy
paratiroideo {adj} [anatomy]
:: parathyroid
paratiroidismo {m} [medicine]
:: parathyroidism (disease of the parathyroid glands)
paratoia {f}
:: floodgate
paratoia {f}
:: sluice
paratopo {m} [immunology]
:: paratope
paratore {m}
:: decorator
paratormone {m}
:: parathormone (parathyroid hormone)
paratosi {v}
:: past participle of pararsi
paratrice {f}
:: decorator
paratungstato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: paratungstate
paratura {f} [uncommon]
:: decoration
paratura {f} [uncommon]
:: hangings
parauniversitario {adj}
:: university- or degree-level
paraurti {m}
:: bumper [British], fender [US] (of a car)
paravalanghe {m}
:: snow shed
paravenoso {adj} [anatomy]
:: paravenous
paravento {m} [furniture] /pa.raˈvɛn.to/
:: screen, folding screen, room divider
paravento {m}
:: barrier or shelter used to protect plants, animals, etc. from wind
paravento {m}
:: facade, figleaf, mask
paravento {m} [euphemism]
:: synonym of paraculo
paraventricolare {adj} [anatomy]
:: paraventricular
paraverbale {adj} [linguistics]
:: paraverbal
paravirtualizzazione {f} [computing]
:: paravirtualization
parcamente {adv}
:: frugally, moderately, sparingly
parcamento {m}
:: parking
parcamento {m}
:: parking place
parcante {v}
:: present participle of parcare
parcare {vt}
:: To park
parcella {f}
:: fee
parcella {f}
:: parcel
parcellare {adj}
:: divided into parcels or lots; parcelled
parcellare {adj} [pathology]
:: localized
parcellazione {f}
:: parcelling out
parcellizzante {v}
:: present participle of parcellizzare
parcellizzare {vt}
:: to fragment; to parcellize
parcellizzazione {f}
:: fragmentation
parcellizzazione {f}
:: parcelling out, apportionment
Parche {prop}
:: Parcae, Fates
parchè {m}
:: parquet (flooring)
parcheggiabile {adj}
:: That can be parked
parcheggiante {v}
:: present participle of parcheggiare
parcheggiare {vit} /parkedˈdʒare/
:: to park
parcheggiare {vt} [jocular]
:: (with in, a, or da) to provisionally take care of; to place in someone else's custody
parcheggiare contropista {v}
:: to backtrack (taxiing the opposite way down a runway)
parcheggiatore {m}
:: parking attendant
parcheggio {m} /parˈkeddʒo/
:: parking (act of parking)
parcheggio {m}
:: car park, parking lot, parking space
parcheggio {m}
:: condition of waiting for better times or more propitious occasions
parchettatura {f}
:: parqueting (laying of parquet flooring)
parchettista {mf}
:: Person who lays parquet flooring
parchetto {m} [Switzerland and the building trade]
:: parquet (flooring)
parchezza {f}
:: sobriety
parchimetro {m}
:: parking meter
parcità {f}
:: sobriety
parco {adj}
:: frugal, moderate, temperate, sparing
parco {m}
:: park, garden
parco divertimenti {m}
:: amusement park
parco giochi {m}
:: playground, play park
parcometro {m}
:: alternative form of parchimetro
par condicio {f}
:: An Italian broadcast law guaranteeing equal treatment to all political parties during elections
par condicio {f}
:: equal treatment; equal opportunity
pardessous {m}
:: A lightweight man's overcoat
pardo {m} [obsolete]
:: pard, leopard, panther
parecchio {adj}
:: quite a lot of, rather a lot of, a fair bit of, quite a long time, quite a while
parecchio {adj} [in the plural]
:: several, many, quite a few, quite a lot of
parecchio {adv}
:: really, rather, quite a lot, quite a bit
parecchio {pron}
:: quite a lot, rather a lot, a fair bit
parecchio {pron} [in the plural]
:: several, quite a lot, quite a few
pareggiabile {adj}
:: matchable, comparable
pareggiabile {adj}
:: balanceable
pareggiamento {m}
:: levelling
pareggiamento {m}
:: balancing
pareggiamento {m}
:: equalizing
pareggiamento {m}
:: evening up
pareggiante {v}
:: present participle of pareggiare
pareggiare {vt}
:: to make equal (in all senses)
pareggiare {vt} [accounting]
:: to level or to balance
pareggiare {vi}
:: to equalize
pareggiare {vi}
:: to draw (have equal scores in sport)
pareggiatore {m}
:: equalizer
pareggiatura {f}
:: synonym of pareggiamento
pareggio {m}
:: balance
pareggio {m}
:: draw (sport)
pareggio {m} [sports, cricket, baseball]
:: tie
paregorico {m} [medicine]
:: paregoric
pareidolia {f}
:: pareidolia
parelio {m} [astronomy]
:: perihelion
paremiografia {f}
:: paremiology
paremiografo {m}
:: paremiologist
paremiologia {f}
:: paremiology (study of proverbs)
paremiologo {m}
:: paremiologist
parenchima {m} [anatomy, botany]
:: parenchyma
parenchimale {adj}
:: parenchymal
parenchimatico {adj}
:: parenchymatous, parenchymal
parenchimatoso {adj}
:: parenchymatous
parenesi {f}
:: parenesis
parenetico {adj}
:: parenetic
parentado {m}
:: One's entire family of relatives or relations
parentale {adj}
:: parental
parentale {adj}
:: inherited from parents
parentale {adj}
:: pertaining to one's relatives
parente {mf}
:: a relative or relation
parente {mf}
:: sibling
parente acquisito {m}
:: in-law
parentela {f}
:: relationship
parentela {f} [chiefly in the plural]
:: kin, relations; relatives
parente prossima {f}
:: next of kin (female)
parente prossimo {m}
:: next of kin
parenterale {adj} [medicine]
:: parenteral
parenteralmente {adv}
:: parenterally
parentesi {f} [typography]
:: bracket, parenthesis
parentesi angolare {f} [typography]
:: angle bracket
parentesi angolata {f}
:: angle bracket
parentesi graffa {f} [typography]
:: curly bracket
parentesi quadra {f} [typography]
:: square bracket
parente stretto {m}
:: blood relative, close relative
parentetico {adj}
:: parenthetic, parenthetical
parentevolmente {adv}
:: affectionately, familiarly (as a parent)
parenzano {adj}
:: Of, or from, Parenzo
parenzano {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Parenzo
Parenzo {prop}
:: Parenzo (city)
pareo {m}
:: pareo (A wraparound garment, worn by men or women, similar to a Malaysian sarong)
parere {vi}
:: to look, seem, appear
parere {vi}
:: to think (of)
parere {vi}
:: to sound (like)
parere {m}
:: opinion, view, comment
parere {m}
:: estimate, judgment
parergo {m}
:: parergon
paresi {f} [pathology]
:: paresis, palsy
parestesia {f} [pathology]
:: paresthesia
paretaio {m}
:: A pair of nets that snap shut to trap wild birds
parete {f}
:: wall
parete {f}
:: (surface) side, surface, wall
parete {f} [anatomy]
:: paries, wall
parete {f}
:: (alpinism) face, wall
parete cellulare {f} [cytology, botany]
:: cell wall
paretiano {adj}
:: Paretian
paretico {adj}
:: paretic
paretimologia {f}
:: false etymology, folk etymology
paretimologico {adj}
:: folk etymology (attributive)
Pareto {prop}
:: surname
paretone {m} [archaeology] /pa.reˈto.ne/
:: The remains of ancient dry-stone walls found around Salento
paretone {m}
:: a large rock face
pargoleggiante {v}
:: present participle of pargoleggiare
pargoleggiare {vi}
:: to behave childishly
pargoletto {m}
:: child
pargoletto {adj}
:: infantile
pargolezza {f}
:: childhood
pargolo {m} /ˈparɡolo/
:: child
pargolo {adj}
:: young
pari {adj}
:: equal
pari {adj}
:: even (of a number)
pari {adj}
:: rival
paria {m}
:: pariah
paria {m}
:: outcast
Paride {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Paris (the person)
Paride {prop}
:: given name
pari e caffo {m}
:: A game between two players who bet on the odd or even number of the sum of the fingers they will show
parietale {adj} [anatomy]
:: parietal (Of or pertaining to the wall of a body part or to the parietal bone)
parietale {adj}
:: wall (attributive), parietal
parietale {m} [skeleton]
:: parietal, parietal bone
parietaria {f}
:: pellitory
parificamento {m}
:: synonym of parificazione
parificante {v}
:: present participle of parificare
parificare {vt}
:: To officially recognize (a school, etc)
parificare {vt}
:: To make equal
parificato {adj}
:: Officially recognized
parificazione {f}
:: recognition (official)
pariforme {adj}
:: Having the same form
Parigi {prop} /pa.ˈri.dʒi/
:: Parigi (caplc)
parigina {f} [printing, dated]
:: A small size of type, standardized as 5 point
parigino {adj}
:: Parisian
parigino {m}
:: Parisian
pariglia {f}
:: pair of horses pulling a coach
pariglia {f} [transferred sense]
:: pair of identical objects
pariglia {f}
:: tit for tat, eye for an eye (only in rendere la pariglia)
parigrado {adj}
:: Having the same grade (typically on a bureaucratic scale)
parimente {adv}
:: alternative form of parimenti
parimenti {adv}
:: equally
parimenti {adv}
:: evenly
parimenti {adv}
:: likewise
Parini {prop}
:: surname
pariniano {adj}
:: Parinian
Parioli {prop}
:: Parioli
pariolino {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the Parioli district of Rome, or to its inhabitants
pariolino {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Parioli
pariolino {m} [colloquial]
:: A person with a bourgeois standard of living and right-of-centre politics
pariolino {m}
:: (locally, slang) A bourgeois fashioned youngster of Rome
pariolino {m}
:: (spregiative, in the past) A bourgeois and snobby behaviour
paripennato {adj} [botany]
:: paripinnate, even-pinnate
Parìs {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Paride
Parisi {prop}
:: surname
Parisi {prop}
:: Heather Parisi, Italian showgirl
parisillabo {adj}
:: parisyllabic
parità {f}
:: parity (all senses)
parità {f}
:: equality
paritariamente {adv}
:: equally
paritariamente {adv}
:: according to parity
paritario {adj}
:: Based on parity; equal
pariteticamente {adv}
:: jointly
pariteticamente {adv}
:: equally
pariteticità {f}
:: joint character or quality
paritetico {adj}
:: joint
paritetico {adj}
:: equal
parkerizzante {v}
:: present participle of parkerizzare
parkerizzare {vt}
:: To Parkerize or rustproof
parkerizzazione {f}
:: Parkerization
parkinsoniano {adj}
:: parkinsonian
parkinsonismo {m} [pathology]
:: Parkinson's disease
parlabile {adj}
:: speakable
parla come mangi {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial, jocular]
:: Used to invite someone who uses an excessively cultivated language to speak in a simpler and clearer way
parlagio {m} [historical]
:: parliament, assembly
parla inglese {phrase} [formal]
:: do you speak English?
parlamentante {v}
:: present participle of parlamentare
parlamentare {adj}
:: parliamentary
parlamentare {mf}
:: Member of Parliament, MP
parlamentare {vi} [but takes avere as auxiliary]
:: to parley, negotiate
parlamentarismo {m}
:: parliamentarianism (parliamentary system)
parlamentarista {mf}
:: parliamentarian
parlamentaristico {adj}
:: parliamentarian
parlamentatore {m}
:: parliamentarian
parlamento {m} [obsolete] /par.laˈmen.to/
:: conversation, talk
parlamento {m}
:: public assembly or meeting
parlamento {m}
:: parliament
parlamento {m} [by extension]
:: The collective members of a parliament
parlamento {m} [metonym]
:: The meeting place of a parliament
Parlamento europeo {m}
:: European Parliament
parlante {v}
:: present participle of parlare
parlante {adj}
:: talking
parlante {adj}
:: lifelike (painting)
parlante {m}
:: sayer
parlante {m}
:: speaker (of a particular language)
parlantesi {v}
:: present participle of parlarsi
parlantina {f}
:: talkativeness
parlar {v}
:: apocopic form of parlare
parlare {v} /parˈla.re/
:: to talk
parlare {v}
:: to speak
parlare {v} [heraldry]
:: to cant
parlare a braccio {v} [idiomatic]
:: to improvise
parlare a braccio {v}
:: to extemporize
parlare alle spalle {v}
:: to backbite, denigrate
parlare a ruota libera {v}
:: to run off at the mouth
parlare a ruota libera {v}
:: to speak freely
parlare a sproposito {v}
:: synonym of anfanare
parlare con la erre moscia {v}
:: to burr (to pronounce with a rolled “r”)
parlare male {v}
:: to speak ill, knock, backbite, besmirch
parlare più forte {v}
:: to speak up
parlare tra il serio e il faceto {v}
:: to talk half seriously
parlarsi {v}
:: reflexive of parlare
parlarsi {v} [reciprocal]
:: to talk to each other
parlarsi {v}
:: to talk to oneself
parlascio {m}
:: alternative form of parlagio
parlasia {f}
:: synonym of paralisi
parlata {f}
:: parlance
parlato {adj}
:: spoken
parlato {adj} [film]
:: with sound or with a soundtrack
parlato {m}
:: spoken language
parlato {m}
:: dialogue
parlatore {m}
:: speaker, orator
parlatorio {m}
:: visiting room (of a prison)
parlatorio {m}
:: parlour
parlatosi {v}
:: past participle of parlarsi
parletico {adj}
:: paralytic
parletico {m}
:: tremor (of the hands)
parli del diavolo e spuntano le corna {proverb} [idiomatic]
:: speak of the devil and he appears, speak of the devil
parli inglese {phrase} [colloquial]
:: do you speak English?
parlottante {v}
:: present participle of parlottare
parlottare {vi}
:: To mutter
parlottio {m}
:: muttering
parlucchiante {v}
:: present participle of parlucchiare
parlucchiare {vt}
:: To have a smattering (of a language)
Parma {prop}
:: Parma (province)
Parma {prop}
:: Parma (city)
Parma {prop}
:: Parma (river that crosses the city)
Parmenide {prop}
:: Parmenides
parmenideo {adj}
:: Parmenidean
parmense {mf}
:: A native or inhabitant of the province of Parma
parmense {adj}
:: Of or relating to the province of Parma or its people
parmigiana {f} [now rare] /par.miˈdʒa.na/
:: feminine noun of parmigiano
parmigiana {f} [by ellipsis]
:: A southern Italian dish made from aubergines baked with tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese
parmigiana {f} [by extension]
:: Any food cooked with Parmesan and tomato sauce; a parmigiana
parmigiana di melanzane {f}
:: A southern Italian dish made from aubergines baked with tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese
parmigiano {adj}
:: Of, or relating to Parma, its inhabitants or culture
parmigiano {m}
:: Native or inhabitant of Parma
parmigiano {m} [culinary]
:: parmesan cheese
Parmitano {prop}
:: surname
Parmitano {prop}
:: Luca Parmitano, Italian astronaut
parnasio {adj}
:: Parnassian
Parnaso {prop}
:: Parnassus
parnassianesimo {m}
:: Parnassianism (school of poetry)
parnassianismo {m}
:: Parnassianism (school of poetry)
parnassiano {adj}
:: Parnassian
parnasso {m}
:: poetry
-paro {suffix}
:: -parous
Paro {prop}
:: Paro (island)
parocchi {m}
:: alternative form of paraocchi
parocismo {n}
:: alternative spelling of parossismo
parodia {f}
:: parody
parodiante {v}
:: present participle of parodiare
parodiare {vt}
:: to parody, mimic
parodicamente {adv}
:: parodically
parodico {adj}
:: parodic
parodista {mf}
:: parodist
parodisticamente {adv}
:: parodically
parodistico {adj}
:: parodic
parodo {m}
:: parodos
parodontale {adj} [anatomy]
:: periodontal
parodonto {m} [anatomy]
:: periodontium
parodontologia {f}
:: periodontology
parodontosi {f}
:: paradentosis
paroffia {f}
:: synonym of parrocchia
parola {f} /paˈrɔla/
:: word (distinct unit of language)
parola {f}
:: word (something promised)
parola {f}
:: speech (the ability to use vocalisations to communicate)
parola {f}
:: instruction or truth
parolaccia {f}
:: swear word
parola chiave {f}
:: keyword
parola composta {f}
:: compound (linguistics: word formed by combining other words)
parola d'ordine {f} [military]
:: password, watchword
parola d'ordine {f} [figurative, transferred sense]
:: codeword
parolaia {f}
:: female equivalent of parolaio
parolaio {m}
:: windbag (talkative person)
parole {fp} [music] /paˈrɔ.le/
:: lyrics, words
paroletta {f}
:: little word; chat (short, personal speech)
paroliera {f}
:: female equivalent of paroliere
paroliere {m}
:: lyricist
parolina {f}
:: A short talk; a few words
parolona {f}
:: A long, or difficult word
paronichia {f} [pathology]
:: paronychia
paronimia {f}
:: paronymy
paronimico {adj}
:: paronymic
paronomasia {f}
:: paronomasia
paronomastico {adj}
:: paronomastic
parorale {adj}
:: paroral
parosismo {m}
:: alternative form of parossismo
parossismo {m}
:: paroxysm
parossismo {m}
:: height (of anger etc)
parossisticamente {adv}
:: paroxysmally
parossisticamente {adv}
:: violently
parossistico {adj}
:: paroxysmal
parossistico {adj}
:: violent
parossitona {f}
:: paroxytone
parossitonesi {f}
:: paroxytonesis
parossitonia {f}
:: paroxytonesis
parossitonico {adj}
:: paroxytone
parossitono {adj}
:: paroxytone
parotide {f} [anatomy]
:: parotid
parotideo {adj} [anatomy]
:: parotid (attributive), parotidean
parotite {f} [disease]
:: parotitis
parotitico {adj}
:: parotitic
parovario {m} [anatomy]
:: parovarium, epoophoron
paroxetina {f} [medicine]
:: paroxetine
parpagliola {f}
:: A coinage once minted in Piedmont and Lombardy
parpaglione {m}
:: A large butterfly
parpaiola {f}
:: alternative form of parpagliola
Parpinel {prop}
:: surname
parquet {m}
:: parquet (wooden flooring)
parquet {m}
:: basketball court
parquet {m}
:: floor of the stock exchange
parrasio {adj}
:: Parrasian, Arcadian
Parri {prop}
:: surname
Parri {prop}
:: Ferruccio Parri, Italian politician
parricida {mf}
:: parricide (person)
parricidio {m} /par.riˈt͡ʃi.djo/
:: parricide (act)
parrocchetto {m}
:: parakeet
parrocchetto {m}
:: foretopsail
parrocchetto {m}
:: foretopmast
parrocchetto cenerino {m}
:: African grey parrot
parrocchetto dal collare {m}
:: rose-ringed parakeet or ring-necked parakeet
parrocchia {f}
:: parish
parrocchia {f}
:: parish church
parrocchiale {adj}
:: parish (attributive), parochial
parrocchiale {f}
:: parish church
parrocchialità {f}
:: The property of being parochial
parrocchiana {f}
:: female equivalent of parrocchiano
parrocchiano {m}
:: parishioner
parroco {m}
:: parish priest
parroffia {f}
:: alternative form of paroffia
parrucca {f} /paˈrːu.kːa/
:: wig
parruccaio {m} /par.rukˈka.jo/
:: wigmaker
parruccheria {f} [rare] /par.ruk.keˈria̯/
:: The art of hairdressing
parruccheria {f} [rare]
:: A hairdressing salon
parruccheria {f} [rare]
:: A place where wigs are stored
parrucchiera {f}
:: hairdresser
parrucchiere {m} /par.rukˈkjɛ.re/
:: barber
parrucchiere {m}
:: hairdresser [male]
parrucchino {m}
:: Small wig that only covers a bald patch
parruccone {m}
:: old fogey
parsec {m}
:: parsec
Parsifal {prop}
:: Percival (especially as protagonist of Wagner's synonymous musical drama)
parsimonia {f}
:: thrift, thriftiness, frugality, sparingness, parsimony
parsimoniosamente {adv}
:: thriftily, sparingly, frugally
parsimonioso {adj}
:: thrifty, frugal, parsimonious, sparing
parsismo {m}
:: Parsiism, Parseeism
partaccia {f}
:: A demanding or unrewarding part (theatrical or cinema)
partaccia {f}
:: Unfair or reprehensible misconduct
partaccia {f}
:: A telling-off
parte {f}
:: part
parte {f}
:: deal
partecipabile {adj}
:: communicable
partecipante {v}
:: present participle of partecipare
partecipante {adj}
:: participating (in)
partecipante {adj}
:: taking part (in)
partecipante {mf}
:: participant
partecipante {mf}
:: competitor (sport)
partecipante {mf}
:: entrant (competition)
partecipanza {f}
:: synonym of partecipazione
partecipare {vi}
:: to take part in, to participate in, to share
partecipare {vi}
:: to attend, to be present
partecipare {vt}
:: to inform, to acquaint
partecipare ad una bravata {v}
:: to goof
partecipativamente {adv}
:: participatorily
partecipativo {adj}
:: participatory
partecipatore {m}
:: participator
partecipazione {f}
:: participation
partecipazione {f}
:: appearance (in a show etc)
partecipazione {f}
:: involvement (in a conspiracy etc)
partecipe {adj}
:: participating
parte civile {m}
:: plaintiff
parte del discorso {f} [grammar]
:: part of speech
parteggiamento {m}
:: The taking of sides or position
parteggiante {v}
:: present participle of parteggiare
parteggiare {vi}
:: To side (with); to take the side (of)
parteggiatore {m}
:: advocate, supporter
partenariato {m}
:: partnership (especially in politics or economics)
partenere {vi}
:: To belong
partenio {m}
:: feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)
Partenio {prop}
:: Parthenius
parteno- {prefix}
:: parthen-
partenocarpia {f} [botany]
:: parthenocarpy
partenocarpico {adj} [botany]
:: parthenocarpic
partenogenesi {f}
:: parthenogenesis
partenogeneticamente {adv}
:: parthenogenetically
partenogenetico {adj}
:: parthenogenetic
partenolide {m} [organic compound]
:: parthenolide
Partenone {prop}
:: Parthenon
partenopea {f}
:: female equivalent of partenopeo
partenopeo {m}
:: Neapolitan
partenopeo {adj}
:: Neapolitan
partente {adj}
:: leaving, departing
partente {mf}
:: leaver, departing person
partente {mf} [sports]
:: starter
partente {v}
:: present participle of partire
partenza {f}
:: departure, leaving, starting
partenza {f} [sports]
:: start
partenza {f}
:: sailing (of a boat)
partenza {f}
:: take-off (of a plane)
partenza {f}
:: blast-off (of a missile or rocket)
partibile {adj}
:: divisible
particella {f} [grammar, physics] /par.ti.ˈtʃɛl.la/
:: particle
particella elementare {f} [physics]
:: elementary particle
particellare {adj}
:: particulate; particle (attributive)
particella subatomica {f} [physics]
:: subatomic particle
particella virtuale {f}
:: virtual particle
particina {f} [acting]
:: bit part, minor role
participio {m} [grammar]
:: participle
participio passato {m} [grammar]
:: past participle
participio presente {m} [grammar]
:: present participle
partico {adj}
:: Parthian
particola {f} [grammar]
:: particle
particola {f}
:: host (communion wafer)
particolar {adj}
:: apocopic form of particolare
particolare {adj}
:: (antonym of general) particular, private, personal
particolare {adj}
:: (unusual, special) singular, unusual, particular, special, distinctive
particolare {adj} [euphemistic, of a relationship]
:: homosexual
particolare {m}
:: detail, particular
particolareggiante {v}
:: present participle of particolareggiare
particolareggiare {vt}
:: to detail
particolareggiare {vi}
:: to go into details
particolareggiatamente {adv}
:: In a very detailed manner
particolareggiato {adj}
:: Very detailed
particolarismo {m}
:: particularism
particolarissimo {adj}
:: superlative of particolare
particolarista {adj}
:: particularist
particolarista {mf}
:: particularist
particolaristicamente {adv}
:: particularistically, with regard to particularism
particolaristico {adj}
:: particularistic
particolarità {f}
:: A particularity, peculiarity or feature
particolarizzante {v}
:: present participle of particolarizzare
particolarizzare {vt}
:: to specify in detail, particularize
particolarizzare {vt}
:: to make explicit
particolarizzazione {f}
:: particularization
particolarmente {adv}
:: particularly
particolato {m} [ecology]
:: particulate
partigianamente {adv}
:: passionately, ardently
partigianeria {f}
:: partisanship
partigianesco {adj}
:: partisan
partigianesco {adj}
:: tendentious
partigiano {m}
:: partisan
partigiano {m} [by antonomasia]
:: a member of the Italian resistance movement in World War II
partigiano {adj}
:: partisan
parti intime {fp} [plurale tantum]
:: privates, genitals, sex organs
partimento {m} [music]
:: A base line typically used for instruction in harmony and counterpoint
partir {v}
:: apocopic form of partire
partire {vi}
:: to depart; to leave; to set forth
partire {vi}
:: to get moving; to seize on [a task]; to go for
partire {vi}
:: to start (initiate a vehicle)
partire {vi}
:: to begin; to start
partire {vi}
:: to jump or fly away
partire {v} [da]
:: to originate or be derived (from)
partire {v} [da]
:: [of a voice, yell, etc.] to be emitted (from)
partire {v} [da]
:: to branch out (from)
partire {vi} [familiar]
:: to lose control of oneself, especially because of alcohol
partire {vi} [familiar, by extension]
:: to fall in love
partire {vi} [familiar]
:: [of a mechanism, etc.] to break
partire {vt} [archaic, literary]
:: to divide; to cut; to separate
partire {vt} [archaic, literary]
:: [of geographic entities] to run through
partire {vt} [archaic, literary]
:: to draw further away
partire {vt} [archaic, literary]
:: to share
partirsi {v}
:: reflexive of partire
partirsi {v} [archaic, literary]
:: [da] to separate oneself (from)
partita {f} [sports]
:: match, game
partita {f} [business]
:: lot, parcel, batch, stock
partita {f} [accounting]
:: entry, item
partita doppia {f} [bookkeeping]
:: double-entry (a method of bookkeeping in which each transaction is entered in two accounts, for debits and for credits)
partita IVA {f}
:: VAT registration number
partitamente {adv}
:: separately, distinctly
partitante {mf}
:: partisan
partitario {m}
:: ledger
partita semplice {f} [Accounting]
:: single-entry (bookkeeping in one account)
partita tra squadre locali {f}
:: local derby
partitella {f} [sports]
:: friendly match, exhibition match
partiticamente {adv}
:: according to (political) party; on a party basis
partiticità {f}
:: party-mindedness
partitico {adj} [politics]
:: party (attributive)
partitino {m}
:: A minor political party
partitismo {m}
:: party politics
partitissima {f} [football]
:: An important or decisive match
partitivo {adj} [grammar]
:: partitive
partito {adj} [heraldry] /parˈtito/
:: party; divided into two equal parts vertically, per pale
partito {m}
:: party, political party (political group)
partito {m}
:: resolution, decision (resolution)
partito {m}
:: match, catch (possible wife or husband)
Partito Comunista Italiano {prop} [politics]
:: Italian Communist Party, specifically:
Partito Comunista Italiano {prop} [historical]
:: A left-wing political party active in Italy from 1943 to 1991
Partito Comunista Italiano {prop}
:: A left-wing political party active in Italy since 2016
partitocratico {adj}
:: dominated by political parties
partitocrazia {f}
:: partocracy, partitocracy, partocracy; government by political parties
Partito Democratico {prop}
:: Any of several centre-left political parties
partitona {f} [sports]
:: alternative form of partitone
partitone {m}
:: A big match
partitone {m}
:: A big political party
partitore {m}
:: partition, divider
partitura {f} [music]
:: score
partitura {f} [rare]
:: partition, division
partizionamento {m} [computing]
:: partitioning, disk partitioning
partizionante {v}
:: present participle of partizionare
partizionare {vt}
:: [computing, ] To partition
partizionato {adj}
:: partitioned
partizione {f}
:: partition, division
partner {mf}
:: partner (all senses)
parto {m}
:: childbirth, labour, parturition
parto {m}
:: Parthian
parto {adj}
:: Parthian
parto podalico {m}
:: breech birth
partorente {v}
:: present participle of partorire
partoriente {f}
:: woman in labour
partorire {vt}
:: to give birth to
partorire {vt}
:: to produce
party {m}
:: party (social gathering)
parure {f}
:: A set of matching lingerie or jewellery
parusia {f}
:: parousia
paruta {f}
:: appearance, aspect
Paruta {prop}
:: surname
parvalbumina {f} [protein]
:: parvalbumin
parvente {v}
:: present participle of parere
parvenu {m}
:: parvenu
parvenza {f}
:: semblance
parvocellulare {adj}
:: parvocellular
parvolezza {f} /par.voˈlet.t͡sa/
:: childhood
parvolo {m} /ˈpar.vo.lo/
:: synonym of pargolo
parvolo {adj}
:: synonym of pargolo
parziale {adj}
:: partial, limited
parziale {adj}
:: biased
parzialità {f}
:: partiality
parzialità {f}
:: bias (towards or against)
parzializzabile {adj}
:: divisible into parts
parzializzante {v}
:: present participle of parzializzare
parzializzare {vt}
:: to divide into parts
parzializzatore {m}
:: shutter
parzializzazione {f}
:: partitioning (division into parts)
parzialmente {adv}
:: partially, partly, semi-
parzialmente scremato {adj}
:: semi-skimmed
parziarietà {f}
:: partition (state of being partitioned)
parziario {adj}
:: partitioned (divided into parts)
parzionaria {f} [historical]
:: A contract in which a person who cultivated land was allowed a share in its ownership
pascal {m}
:: pascal
pascale {adj} /pasˈka.le/
:: obsolete form of pasquale
pascaliano {adj}
:: Pascalian
Pascarella {prop}
:: surname
pascente {v}
:: present participle of pascere
pascentesi {v}
:: present participle of pascersi
pascer {v}
:: apocopic form of pascere
pascere {vi}
:: to graze
pascere {vt}
:: to graze on
pascersi {vr}
:: to feed (on)
pascià {m} [historical] /paˈʃa/
:: pasha
pascialato {m}
:: pashaship
pascialato {m}
:: pashadom
pascialico {m}
:: pashalik
pascimento {m}
:: pasture, grazing
pasciona {f}
:: A rich harvest
pasciuto {adj}
:: well-fed
pasciutosi {v}
:: past participle of pascersi
pasco {m}
:: pasture
pasco {m}
:: feeding
pasco {m}
:: food
pascolante {v}
:: present participle of pascolare
pascolare {vt}
:: to graze or pasture (put animals out to grass)
pascolare {vi}
:: to graze or crop (to eat grass or herbage in the fields)
pascolatico {m}
:: The right to graze animals (on common land)
pascolativo {adj}
:: pasture (attributive)
pascoliano {adj}
:: Pascolian
pascolismo {m}
:: Pascolism
pascolivo {adj}
:: alternative form of pascolativo
pascolo {m}
:: pasture
pascolo {m}
:: grazing
pascore {m} [poetic]
:: synonym of primavera
Pasifae {prop} [Greek mythology] /paˈsi.fa.e/
:: Pasiphae (mother of the Minotaur)
Pasife {prop} /paˈsi.fe/
:: alternative form of Pasifae
pasigrafia {f}
:: pasigraphy
pasilalia {f}
:: pasilalia
pasionaria {f}
:: A female fighter in a left-wing organization
Pasmano {prop}
:: Pasmano (island)
Pasolini {prop}
:: surname
Pasolini {prop}
:: Pier Paolo Pasolini - film director, journalist etc
paspalo {m}
:: paspalum (plant of the genus Paspalum)
pasqua {f}
:: Passover (Israelite / Jewish festival)
pasqua {f}
:: Passover (ancient and modern Gentile Christian / Jewish Christian / Messianic Jewish festival)
pasqua {f}
:: Easter
Pasqua {f}
:: Passover, passover, Pasch, pasch
Pasqua {f} [religion, Christianity]
:: Easter
pasquale {adj} /pasˈkwa.le/
:: Easter [attribute], paschal
Pasquale {prop}
:: given name
pasquare {vi}
:: To celebrate Easter
pasquarosa {f}
:: Whitsun, Whitsunday
pasquetta {f}
:: Easter Monday
Pasquetta {prop}
:: Easter Monday
pasquinata {f}
:: pasquinade
Pasquino {prop}
:: A talking statue in Rome
passabanda {adj}
:: band-pass
passabile {adj}
:: passable, acceptable, not bad, goodish
passabilmente {adv}
:: passably, quite well
passacaglia {f} [music genre] /ˌpas.saˈkaʎ.ʎa/
:: passacaglia (historical Spanish dance)
passacarte {mf}
:: paper-pusher
passacavo {m} [nautical]
:: fairlead
passadieci {m}
:: A dice game in which throwing three die added to more than ten
passafieno {m}
:: A trapdoor between a stable and the hayloft above
passafili {m}
:: thread carrier
passafina {f}
:: alternative form of passafino
passafino {m}
:: synonym of passamano
passafuori {m}
:: sprocket
passafuori {m}
:: rafter end
passagallo {m}
:: synonym of passacaglia
passaggiere {m}
:: tax collector, customs officer
passaggiere {m}
:: alternative form of passeggero
passaggio {m}
:: passage, passing, gap
passaggio {m}
:: transfer, transition
passaggio {m}
:: route
passaggio {m}
:: traffic
passaggio {m} [sports]
:: pass
passaggio {m}
:: aisle
passaggio {m}
:: transit
passaggio {m}
:: phase, stage, period, level, degree, step
passaggio a livello {m}
:: level crossing, grade crossing
Passalacqua {prop}
:: surname
passamaneria {f}
:: braid, trimming
passamaneria {f}
:: passementerie (factory and shop)
passamano {m}
:: ribbon, bow, braiding, etc. that is applied to ornament fabric products
passamano {m}
:: railing, handrail
passamano {m}
:: passage of something from one hand to another of several people arranged in a chain
passamanteria {f}
:: alternative form of passamaneria
passamezzo {m} /pas.saˈmɛt.t͡so/
:: passamezzo (dance)
passamontagna {m}
:: balaclava
passanastro {mf}
:: bodkin
passante {adj}
:: passing, through
passante {adj} [heraldry]
:: passant
passante {mf}
:: passerby
passante {m}
:: loop (of a belt)
passante {m}
:: road link, bypass road
passante {m}
:: railway link
passante {v}
:: present participle of passare
passantesi {v}
:: present participle of passarsi
passapalle {f}
:: A gauge used to check the size of cannonballs
passaparola {m} [military] /ˌpas.sa.paˈrɔ.la/
:: An order, repeated in a low voice, from one soldier to another in a series
passaparola {m} [by extension]
:: word of mouth, grapevine (spontaneous verbal communication among a group of people)
passapatate {mf}
:: potato masher
passapiede {m}
:: An ancient French dance
passaporto {m}
:: passport
passare {viti}
:: to pass (all senses)
passare {vii}
:: to exist; to there be; to take place
passare {vii}
:: to live experiencing difficulties; to go (through)
passare {viti}
:: to go too far; to exceed
passare {vi} [ergative]
:: to graduate or be promoted to a higher level
passare {vi} [a]
:: to move on (to) [another topic, activity, etc.]
passare {vti}
:: to go over or through
passare {vti}
:: to rub [a surface] with
passare {vti}
:: to transfer; to move
passare {vti}
:: to accept; to tolerate; to forgive
passare {m}
:: passing, duration, movement [of time]
passare il Rubicone {v}
:: to cross the Rubicon
passare le acque {v}
:: To take the waters
passarsela {v} [familiar]
:: to live at a certain condition of well-being; to fare; to be doing
passarsi {v}
:: reflexive of passare
passarsi {vr}
:: to exchange things between people
passarsi {vr}
:: to infect [members of one's family, etc.]
passaruota {m} [automobiles]
:: wheelhouse
passata {f}
:: glance, look
passata {f}
:: tomato purée, pureed tomatoes
passata {f}
:: puree
passatella {m}
:: drinking game in osteria
passatello {adj}
:: elderly
passatello {m}
:: (especially in plural) A form of pasta served in a broth
passatempo {m}
:: pastime, hobby
passatempo {m} [childish]
:: toy, plaything
passatismo {m}
:: traditionalism
passatista {mf}
:: traditionalist
passatistico {adj}
:: antiquated
passato {m}
:: past (time before the present)
passato {m} [grammar]
:: past tense
passato {m}
:: purée (especially of tomato)
passato {adj}
:: last
passato {adj}
:: past
passatoia {f}
:: runner (long, narrow carpet for stairs or hall)
passatoio {m}
:: stepping stone
passato progressivo {m} [grammar]
:: indicative past continuous tense
passato prossimo {m} [grammar]
:: The present perfect tense, the past tense
passatore {m} [sports]
:: passer
passatore {m}
:: ferryman
passatore {m}
:: guide
passato remoto {m} [grammar]
:: past historic tense, past historic
passatosi {v}
:: past participle of passarsi
passatrice {f}
:: pulper (typically for fruit)
passatura {f}
:: The mending of a hole in fabric by darning
passatutto {m}
:: Variant of passaverdura
passavedute {m} [photography] /pas.sa.veˈdu.te/
:: slide changer
passaverdura {n}
:: food mill, vegetable mill
passavia {m}
:: synonym of cavalcavia
Passavia {prop}
:: Passavia (city)
passavivande {m}
:: service hatch (in a restaurant etc)
passavivande {m}
:: hatch
passavogare {vi} [nautical]
:: To row very quickly
passavolante {m}
:: A cannon that threw projectiles a great distance
passeggero {adj}
:: passing
passeggero {adj}
:: transient
passeggero {m}
:: passenger
passeggiamento {m}
:: alternative form of passeggiata
passeggiante {v}
:: present participle of passeggiare
passeggiare {vi}
:: to walk, to take a walk, to promenade, to stroll
passeggiare {vt}
:: to walk
passeggiata {f}
:: walk, stroll, promenade (act)
passeggiata {f} [by extension]
:: public walk, promenade (place)
passeggiata {f} [colloquial, figurative]
:: piece of cake, cinch, doddle, picnic
passeggiatina {f}
:: Short stroll
passeggiatore {m}
:: walker
passeggiatrice {f}
:: streetwalker, prostitute
passeggiero {adj}
:: alternative form of passeggero
passeggino {m}
:: (baby stroller) stroller, pushchair
passeggio {m}
:: (the act of walking/strolling) walk, stroll, promenade
passeggio {m}
:: (place) public walk, promenade
passemezzo {m} /pas.seˈmɛt.t͡so/
:: alternative form of passamezzo
passente {v}
:: present participle of passire
passe-partout {m} /pasparˈtu/
:: skeleton key, master key
passe-partout {m} [art]
:: mat (thick paper or paperboard border used to inset and center the contents of a frame)
passepartout {m} /pasparˈtu/
:: alternative spelling of passe-partout
passera {f}
:: hedge sparrow, dunnock (Prunella modularis)
passera {f} [slang]
:: pussy (pubic hair)
passeraceo {adj} [ornithology]
:: passerine
passera d'Italia {f}
:: Italian sparrow
passeraio {m}
:: chattering (typically of sparrows))
passera lagia {f}
:: rock sparrow
passera mattugia {f}
:: tree sparrow (Passer montanus)
passera sarda {f}
:: Spanish sparrow (Passer hispaniolensis)
passera scopaiola {f}
:: dunnock
passera spagnola {f}
:: Spanish sparrow (Passer hispaniolensis)
passerella {f}
:: footbridge, walkway, boardwalk
passerella {f}
:: gangway (of a ship)
passerella {f}
:: catwalk
passerella {f}
:: runway (a narrow platform extending from a stage on which people walk, especially used by models in fashion shows)
passerella d'imbarco {f}
:: gangway
passeriforme {m} [ornithology]
:: passerine
passerino {m} [nautical]
:: A cable used to transship people or goods
passerio {m}
:: alternative form of passeraio
passero {m} /ˈpassero/
:: sparrow
passero domestico {m}
:: house sparrow
passero italiano {m}
:: Italian sparrow
passero lagio {m}
:: rock sparrow
passero mattugio {m}
:: tree sparrow (Passer montanus)
passero solitario {m}
:: blue rock thrush
passerotto {m}
:: A young sparrow
passetta {f}
:: needle threader
passettino {m}
:: A small step
passetto {m}
:: A premetric unit of length
passibile {adj}
:: liable, subject
passibilità {f}
:: liability
passiflora {f}
:: passionflower (of genus Passiflora)
passino {m}
:: sieve, strainer, colander
passionale {adj}
:: of passion
passionale {adj}
:: passionate, excitable
passionalità {f}
:: passionality (the essence of passion)
passionalmente {adv}
:: with passion
passionalmente {adv}
:: passionately, excitably
passionario {m}
:: passionary
passionatamente {adv}
:: passionately
passionato {adj}
:: passionate (in all senses)
passione {f}
:: passion, love, addiction
passione {f}
:: fervour, enthusiasm
passione {f}
:: suffering, grief, (religion) passion
passione {f}
:: bug
passionevole {adj}
:: compassionate
passionista {m}
:: Passionist
passire {vi} [rare]
:: to wither, shrivel
Passirio {prop}
:: Passirio (river)
passista {mf} [cycle racing]
:: all-rounder, rouleur
passito {m}
:: Any of several more alcoholic wines obtained by first drying the grapes on rush matting
passivamente {adv}
:: passively
passivante {adj} [grammar]
:: passive
passivante {v}
:: present participle of passivare
passivare {vt}
:: [chemistry] To passivate
passivazione {f} [chemistry]
:: passivation
passivismo {m}
:: passivism
passività {f}
:: passivity, passiveness
passività {f}
:: liabilities
passivo {adj}
:: passive
passivo {m} [grammar]
:: passive voice
passivo {m} [business]
:: liabilities
passo {m} /ˈpasso/
:: footstep (sound)
passo {m}
:: footprint
passo {m}
:: step
passo {m}
:: pace
passo {m}
:: passage (of text)
passo {m} [film]
:: gauge (film size)
passo {m}
:: pitch (distance between evenly spaced objects)
passo {m}
:: wheelbase
passo {m}
:: mountain pass
passo {m} [mechanics]
:: backlash
passo {adj}
:: dried
passo a passo {adv}
:: step by step, little by little, gradually
passo carrabile {m}
:: A section of pavement (sidewalk) between the entrance to a building and the roadway, often having a bevelled kerb, over which motor vehicles are allowed to travel
passo carrabile {m}
:: A sign, usually on the entrance, warning of this official designation, implying no parking
passo di lumaca {m}
:: snail's pace (idiomatic) A very slow pace
passo di montagna {m}
:: mountain pass
passo falso {m}
:: a faux pas
password {f} [computing] /ˈpasːword/
:: password
pasta {f}
:: paste
pasta {f}
:: pasta, noodles
pasta {f}
:: dough
pasta {f}
:: cake, tart
pasta {f}
:: texture
pasta abrasiva {f}
:: abrasive paste (for polishing or grinding)
pasta acida {f}
:: sourdough
pasta al forno {f}
:: A dish of pasta baked in the oven with a sauce
pasta al forno alla siciliana {f}
:: A ringlet form of pasta traditionally eaten with a sauce made with peas, fried melanzane-aubergines, basil, parmesan cheese)
pasta alimentare {f}
:: edible pasta (legal definition - often having to be made from specified flour and to have specified characteristics)
pasta alla gricia {n}
:: A dish of rigatoni with a sauce (similar to all'amatriciana but without the tomato) of guanciale, pepper, salt and pecorino cheese
pasta alla norma {n} [cooking]
:: Sicilian pasta dressed with fried eggplants, salt ricotta, a tomato sauce and olive oil
pasta alla Norma {n} [cooking]
:: Sicilian pasta dressed with fried eggplants, salt ricotta, a tomato sauce and olive oil
pasta all'uovo {f}
:: egg pasta
pasta asciutta {f}
:: Variant of pastasciutta
pasta brisée {f}
:: pâte brisée (shortcrust pastry made with butter)
pasta casereccia {n}
:: homemade pasta
pasta chimica {f}
:: wood paste (for making paper)
pasta con le sarde {n}
:: a Sicilian dish of pasta served with a sauce containing sardines, anchovies, fennel, raisins, pine nuts and saffron
pasta cresciuta {f}
:: A form of batter used to coat food before deep frying
pasta da carta {f}
:: wood paste (or paste from recycled paper; used to make paper and cardboard)
pasta di alluminio {f}
:: Finely triturated aluminium used for making metallic paint
pasta di fondo {f} [geology]
:: The matrix of fine particles the fills the space between mineral particles in rocks
pasta di Gragnano {n}
:: A high quality handmade pasta with bronze wire drawing of century tradition produced in Gragnano Campania region Italy
pasta di legno {f}
:: wood paste (for making paper)
pasta di mandorle {f} [usually, uncountable]
:: almond paste, marzipan made without egg white
pasta di paglia {f}
:: A paste obtained by the chemical treatment of straw - used to make cardboard etc
pasta di stracci {f}
:: A paste made from treating rags; used for making paper etc
pasta di vetro {f}
:: metal (molten glass, cooled enough to be formed into articles)
pasta d'uomo {f}
:: a good man
pasta e fagioli {f} /ˌpa.sta e‿f.faˈdʒɔ.li/
:: pasta e fagioli, pasta fazool (soup made with pasta and beans)
pasta fresca {f}
:: fresh pasta (that takes just a couple of minutes to boil)
pasta frolla {f}
:: shortcrust pastry
pastafrolla {f}
:: alternative form of pasta frolla
pasta glutinata {f}
:: Dietary pasta rich in gluten
pastaia {f}
:: female equivalent of pastaio
pastaio {m}
:: pasta maker
pastaio {m}
:: pasta seller
pastaio {m}
:: worker at a pasta factory
pasta madre {f}
:: sourdough
pasta 'ncasciata {f}
:: A Sicilian dish of baked pasta and aubergines
pastasciutta {f}
:: pasta
pastasciuttaia {f}
:: female equivalent of pastasciuttaio
pastasciuttaio {m}
:: big pasta eater
pasta sfoglia {f}
:: puff pastry, flaky pastry
pastasfoglia {f}
:: alternative form of pasta sfoglia
pasta verde agli spinaci {n}
:: long, flat ribbons of green-coloured pasta, originally from Emilia-Romagna, sliced from a rolled-out sheet where the main ingredient in the dough is spinach
pastecca {f} [nautical]
:: A type of pulley block that opens on hinges to allow quick access to the rope
pasteggiabile {adj}
:: table (attributive, of a wine)
pasteggiamento {m}
:: dining
pasteggiante {v}
:: present participle of pasteggiare
pasteggiare {vi}
:: to consume a meal (with); to dine
pastella {f}
:: batter
pastellista {mf} [arts]
:: pastellist
pastello {m} [arts]
:: pastel
pastello {adj}
:: pastel
pastellone {f}
:: A type of hard flooring similar to terrazzo
pastetta {f}
:: Variant of pastella
pastetta {f}
:: scam
pasteurellosi {f} [pathology]
:: pasteurellosis
pasteurizzare {v}
:: alternative form of pastorizzare
pasticca {f}
:: tablet, pill, lozenge
pasticcera {f}
:: Variant of pasticciera
pasticcere {m}
:: Variant of pasticciere
pasticceria {f}
:: cakes and pastries
pasticceria {f}
:: cake shop, confectioner's (shop)
pasticceria {f}
:: confectionery
pasticceria mignon {f}
:: cakes and pastries (small in size)
pasticciaccio {m} [colloquial]
:: awful mess
pasticciante {v}
:: present participle of pasticciare
pasticciare {vt}
:: To mess up or make a mess of
pasticciare {vi}
:: To make a mess, to muddle, to mess around
pasticciera {f}
:: female equivalent of pasticciere
pasticciere {m}
:: pastrymaker
pasticciere {m}
:: confectioner
pasticcino {m}
:: petit four (small cake generally eaten at the end of a meal)
pasticcio {m} [cooking] /pasˈtit.t͡ʃo/
:: pie, pasty
pasticcio {m} [figuratively, often, in plural]
:: mess, confusion
pasticcio {m} [architecture]
:: relief
pasticcio {m}
:: pastiche
pasticcio {m}
:: jam
pasticciona {f}
:: bungler
pasticciona {f}
:: butterfingers
pasticciona {f}
:: messy person
pasticcione {adj}
:: bungling
pasticcione {adj}
:: clumsy
pasticcione {m}
:: bungler
pasticcione {m}
:: butterfingers
pasticcione {m}
:: messy person
pasticciotto {m} /pa.stitˈtʃɔt.to/
:: pasticciotto (Italian pastry filled with custard or ricotta)
pastiera {f} /paˈstjɛ.ra/
:: pastiera (Neapolitan Easter tart)
pastificante {v}
:: present participle of pastificare
pastificare {vi}
:: To make pasta (especially as an industrial process)
pastificatore {m}
:: pasta maker (commercial)
pastificazione {f}
:: pasta making (commercial)
pastificazione {f}
:: pastification
pastificio {m}
:: pasta factory
pastiglia {f}
:: pastille, lozenge
pastiglia {f} [automotive, cycling]
:: ellipsis of pastiglia dei freni; brake pad
pastigliare {v}
:: To tablet
pastigliatrice {f}
:: tablet press
pastigliera {f}
:: A device in which scented tablets are burnt
pastiglietta {f}
:: a small pastille or lozenge
pastina {f}
:: Small piece of pasta used in soups etc
pastinaca {f}
:: parsnip (plant or vegetable)
pastinaca {f} [fish]
:: stingray
pastinaca comune {f}
:: stingray
Pastine {prop}
:: surname
pasto {m} /ˈpasto/
:: meal
pastocchia {f}
:: deception
pastocchia {f}
:: lie
pastocchione {m}
:: alternative form of pacioccone
pasto completo {m}
:: square meal
pastoia {f}
:: hobble
pastoia {f}
:: fetters, shackles
pastone {m}
:: mush, hogwash, pigwash, pigswill, swill
pastone {m}
:: chicken feed
pastone {m}
:: hodgepodge
pastone {m}
:: newspaper article formed from articles in other papers
pastonista {mf}
:: An editor of articles gleaned from other newspapers
pastora {f}
:: female equivalent of pastore
pastorale {adj}
:: pastoral
pastorale {adj}
:: bucolic
pastorale {adj}
:: rural
pastorale {f}
:: pastoral (letter)
pastorale {f} [music]
:: pastorale
pastorale {m}
:: crook, crosier
pastoralmente {adv}
:: pastorally
pastoralmente {adv}
:: bucolically
pastore {m}
:: shepherd
pastore {m}
:: minister, pastor, parson (a protestant minister)
pastorella {f}
:: Young shepherdess
pastorella {f} [music]
:: A type of song sung by troubadors about young shepherdesses
pastorella {f} [music]
:: Christmas music played on the bagpipes through the street, on on the organ in church
pastorelleria {f}
:: Arcadian poetry or song
pastorello {m}
:: shepherd boy
pastore tedesco {m}
:: German shepherd, Alsatian
pastorizia {f}
:: The rearing of sheep; shepherding
pastorizio {adj}
:: sheep-rearing (attributive)
pastorizzante {v}
:: present participle of pastorizzare
pastorizzare {vt}
:: to pasteurize
pastorizzato {adj}
:: pasteurized
pastorizzatore {m}
:: pasteurizer (machine or its operator)
pastorizzazione {f}
:: pasteurization
pastosità {f}
:: doughiness
pastoso {adj}
:: doughy, pasty
pastoso {adj}
:: mellow
pastoso {adj}
:: dense
pastranella {f}
:: A heavy coat once worn by coachmen
pastrano {m}
:: greatcoat
pastricciano {m}
:: carrot
pastrocchiare {v}
:: to muddle
pastrocchio {m} /pasˈtrɔk.kjo/
:: hotchpotch
pastrocchio {m}
:: muddle
pastrocchio {m}
:: botch
pastume {m}
:: chicken feed
pastume {m}
:: simple food based on pasta
pastura {f}
:: pasture, grazing
pastura {f}
:: bait (for fish)
pasturale {adj}
:: pastoral
pasturale {m}
:: pastern (bone)
pasturante {v}
:: present participle of pasturare
pasturare {vt}
:: to pasture or graze
pasturare {v}
:: To scatter bait on the water
pasturazione {f}
:: The scattering of bait on the surface of water in order to attract fish
-pata {suffix}
:: -path
patacca {f}
:: junk, piece of junk, fake
patacca {f}
:: medal, decoration
patacca {f}
:: grease spot or stain
patacca {f} [vulgar]
:: cunt, pussy
pataccaro {m}
:: duffer, swindler
pataccata {f}
:: swindle, fraud
pataccone {m}
:: junk (fake object)
pataccone {m}
:: slob
pataffio {m}
:: alternative form of epitaffio
pataffione {m}
:: big, fat, clumsy and bumptious guy
pataffione {m}
:: bighead, bigwig, swellhead, egotist
pataffione {m}
:: stuffed shirt
patafisica {f}
:: pataphysics
patagio {m}
:: patagium
patagone {adj}
:: Patagonian
patagone {mf}
:: Patagonian
patanfione {m}
:: alternative form of pataffione
patapum {m}
:: thud, bang
patapum {m}
:: boom (noise)
pataracchio {m}
:: alternative form of pateracchio
patarasso {m}
:: caulking iron
patarazzo {m}
:: alternative form of paterazzo
pataria {f}
:: An eleventh-century religious movement in Milan
patarinico {adj}
:: Patarine
patarino {adj}
:: Paterine
patarino {m}
:: Paterine
patassio {m}
:: hubbub, buzz
patata {f} /paˈta.ta/
:: potato
patata {f} [slang]
:: pussy (vagina)
patata americana {f}
:: sweet potato
patata del Canada {f}
:: synonym of topinambur
patata dolce {f}
:: sweet potato
patata fritta {f}
:: [colloquial] [chiefly in the plural] fry, chip, (US) french fry
patataia {f} /pa.taˈta.ja/
:: feminine noun of patataio
patataio {m} /pa.taˈta.jo/
:: One who sells potatoes, especially as a peddler
patataio {m} [by extension]
:: One who eats potatoes often; one who likes potatoes very much
pataticoltore {m}
:: potato grower
pataticoltura {f}
:: potato cultivation
patatina {f}
:: diminutive of patata
patatina {f}
:: crisp#Noun
patatina {f} [chiefly in the plural, colloquial]
:: chip (UK), french fry (US)
patatina fritta {f} [chiefly in the plural]
:: fry, chip, (US) french fry
patatrac {m}
:: crash (sound and event)
patatrac {m}
:: collapse, cave-in
patatucco {m}
:: simpleton, blockhead
patavinità {f}
:: Patavine character or quality
patavino {adj}
:: Patavine
patavino {adj}
:: Paduan
patchwork {m}
:: patchwork (all senses)
pate {m} /ˈpa.te/
:: father
paté {m}
:: pâté, pate
patefatto {adj}
:: manifest, clear
patella {f} [skeleton]
:: patella, kneecap, rotula
patella {f} [mollusk]
:: limpet
patellare {adj} [skeleton]
:: patellar
patema {m}
:: anxiety
patena {f}
:: paten
patentare {v}
:: to give a licence
patentato {adj}
:: licensed, certified
patentato {adj}
:: permitted
patentato {adj}
:: utter, thorough, patent (nonsense etc)
patente {f} /paˈtɛnte/
:: licence, permit
patente {adj}
:: obvious
patente di guida {f}
:: driver's license
patentemente {adv}
:: evidently, clearly, openly, patently
patentino {m}
:: temporary or provisional licence
pateracchio {m}
:: pact, covenant (especially a type of marriage contract)
pateracchio {m}
:: muddle
pateracchio {m}
:: Variant of pataracchio
paterazzo {m} [nautical]
:: backstay
patereccio {m}
:: whitlow, paronychia
paterino {adj}
:: alternative form of patarino
paterino {m}
:: alternative form of patarino
paternale {f}
:: rebuke, reprimand, scolding
paternale {f}
:: lecture (solemn rebuke)
paternalismo {m}
:: paternalism
paternalista {adj}
:: paternalistic, paternalist
paternalista {mf}
:: paternalist
paternalisticamente {adv}
:: paternalistically
paternalistico {adj}
:: paternalistic
paternamente {adv}
:: paternally, fatherly
paternità {f}
:: paternity, fatherhood, parenthood
paternità {f}
:: authorship
paterno {adj}
:: paternal, father's, fatherly
paternostro {m}
:: paternoster
paternostro {m}
:: rosary
pateticamente {adv}
:: pathetically
pateticità {f}
:: pathetic character
patetico {adj}
:: pathetic, pitiful
patetico {adj}
:: (of a play) moving
patetico {adj}
:: (rare) with pathos
patetico {m}
:: sentimentalism
pateticone {m}
:: A pathetic person
pateticume {m}
:: cloyingness (excessive sentimentality)
-patia {suffix}
:: (feeling or passion) -pathy
-patia {suffix} [pathology, abnormal state]
:: -pathy
patibile {adj}
:: tolerable
patibolare {adj}
:: sinister
patibolare {adj}
:: gallows (attributive)
patibolo {m} /paˈti.bo.lo/
:: scaffold, gallows
-patico {suffix}
:: -pathic
patico {adj}
:: alternative form of epatico
patimento {m}
:: suffering, plaguing
patina {f} /ˈpa.ti.na/
:: A patina (of age)
patina {f}
:: A coat, film, glaze, size, patina
patinante {v}
:: present participle of patinare
patinare {vt}
:: To coat, glaze, size or patinate
patinato {adj}
:: glossy, glazed, slick, patinated
patinato {adj} [figurative, by extension]
:: that only has an external or apparent perfection; superficial, fake
patinatore {m}
:: sizer (in paper making)
patinatrice {f}
:: sizer (machine)
patinatura {f}
:: patination
patinatura {f}
:: coating, glazing (of paper)
patinoso {adj}
:: patinated
patinoso {adj}
:: furred
patire {vt} [literary] /paˈti.re/
:: to undergo, to receive, to endure
patire {vt} [uncommon]
:: to allow; to tolerate
patire {vt}
:: to suffer, to endure
patire {v} [di]
:: to suffer from
patire {vi}
:: to suffer
patire {vi} [by extension]
:: to undergo discomfort or unpleasantness
patire {vi} [by extension]
:: to feel bad
patire {vi} [by extension, of things]
:: to be damaged; to waste away
patire {m}
:: suffering
patire {v}
:: to digest
patito {adj}
:: run down, wan
patito {m}
:: fan, lover [of a sport, etc.]
Patmo {prop}
:: Patmos
pato- {prefix}
:: patho-
patofisiologia {f} [pathology]
:: pathophysiology
patofisiologico {adj} [pathology]
:: pathophysiologic, pathophysiological
patofobia {f}
:: pathophobia
patogenesi {f}
:: pathogenesis
patogenetico {adj}
:: pathogenetic
patogenicità {f}
:: pathogenicity
patogenico {adj}
:: pathogenic
patogeno {adj}
:: pathogenic
patogeno {m} [immunology, pathology]
:: pathogen
patognomonico {adj}
:: pathognomonic
patois {m}
:: patois
patologa {f}
:: female equivalent of patologo
patologia {f} [branch of medicine]
:: pathology
patologia {f}
:: disease
patologia {f}
:: malfunction, especially the breakdown of society
patologicamente {adv}
:: pathologically
patologico {adj}
:: pathological, pathologic
patologo {m} [medicine]
:: pathologist
patos {m}
:: pathos
Patrasso {prop}
:: Patras
patre {m} /ˈpa.tre/
:: obsolete form of padre
patria {f}
:: one's native land or country
patria {f}
:: homeland, fatherland
patriarca {m}
:: patriarch
patriarcale {adj}
:: patriarchal
patriarcalmente {adv}
:: patriarchally
patriarcato {m}
:: patriarchy
patriarcato {m}
:: patriarchate
patriarchio {m}
:: patriarchate, patriarchy
patricidio {m}
:: alternative form of parricidio
patrigno {m}
:: stepfather
patrilignaggio {m}
:: patrilineage
patrilineare {adj}
:: patrilineal
patrilinearità {f}
:: patrilineality
patrilineo {adj}
:: alternative form of patrilineare
patrilocale {adj}
:: patrilocal
patrilocalità {f}
:: patrilocality
patrimo {adj} /ˈpa.tri.mo/
:: Having a living father
patrimoniale {adj}
:: patrimonial
patrimonialmente {adv}
:: patrimonially
patrimonio {m}
:: estate, property
patrimonio {m}
:: wealth
patrimonio {m}
:: fortune
patrimonio {m}
:: heritage
patrio {adj}
:: native
patrio {adj}
:: of one's country
patrio {adj}
:: paternal
patrionimico {adj}
:: patrionymic
patrionimico {m}
:: patrionym
patriota {mf}
:: patriot
patriotardo {adj}
:: alternative form of patriottardo
patriotico {adj}
:: alternative spelling of patriottico
patriotta {mf}
:: alternative form of patriota
patriottardo {adj}
:: jingoistic
patriotticamente {adv}
:: patriotically
patriottico {adj}
:: patriotic
patriottismo {m}
:: patriotism
patriotto {m}
:: alternative form of patriota
patristica {f}
:: patristics
patristico {adj}
:: patristic
Patrizia {prop}
:: given name
patriziale {adj}
:: patrician
patriziato {m}
:: patriciate
patriziato {m}
:: aristocracy
patrizio {adj}
:: patrician
patrizio {m}
:: patrician
Patrizio {prop}
:: given name
patrizzare {v}
:: synonym of padreggiare
patrocinante {v}
:: present participle of patrocinare
patrocinare {vt} [legal, business]
:: to defend, patronize
patrocinare {vt}
:: to support [a candidate, etc.]
patrocinatore {m} [legal]
:: defence counsel, defence attorney
patrocinatore {m}
:: sponsor, supporter, patron
patrocinio {m}
:: patronage
Patroclo {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Patroclus
patrollatore {m}
:: patroller
patrologia {f}
:: patrology
patrologico {adj}
:: patrological, patrologic
patrologo {m}
:: patrologist
patron {m}
:: patron (of a sports event etc)
patron {m}
:: pattern (paper, for knitting)
patrona {f}
:: patron saint
patronale {adj}
:: patron saint (attributive)
patronale {adj}
:: patron (attributive)
patronato {m}
:: patronage
patronessa {f}
:: female equivalent of patrono
patronimia {f}
:: patronymy
patronimicamente {adv}
:: patronymically
patronimico {adj}
:: patronymic
patronimico {m}
:: patronymic
patrono {m}
:: patron saint
patrono {m}
:: patron, supporter, protector
patrono {m}
:: benefactor, patron
patta {f}
:: flap (of a pocket)
patta {f}
:: fly (of trousers)
patta {f}
:: draw, tie (sports)
pattare {v}
:: synonym of impattare
patteggiabile {adj}
:: negotiable
patteggiamento {m} [legal]
:: plea bargaining
patteggiamento {m}
:: bargaining
patteggiante {v}
:: present participle of patteggiare
patteggiare {vti}
:: to negotiate (with)
patteggiare {vti}
:: to (come to a) compromise
patteggiatore {m}
:: negotiator
pattina {f} [especially, in plural]
:: A felt pad worn on the feet when walking on a polished floor
pattina {f}
:: potholder
pattinaggio {m}
:: skating
pattinamento {m}
:: wheelspin
pattinamento {m}
:: skid
pattinante {v}
:: present participle of pattinare
pattinare {vi}
:: to skate
pattinare {vi}
:: to skid
pattinatoio {m}
:: ice rink
pattinatoio {m}
:: roller skating rink
pattinatore {m}
:: skater (person who skates)
pattinatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of pattinatore
pattino {m} /ˈpat.ti.no/
:: [sports, footwear] skate
pattino {m} [aeronautics]
:: skid (ski-shaped runner under an aircraft for landing and taking off)
pattino {m} [obsolete, footwear]
:: A slipper or a similar piece of footwear
pattino {m} [watercraft] /patˈti.no/
:: A type of recreational watercraft consisting of two parallel floaters joined together, propelled by oars
pattinodromo {m}
:: skating rink
pattista {mf}
:: A supporter of the Segni Pact
pattiziamente {adv}
:: pactionally
pattizio {adj}
:: pactional
patto {m}
:: pact, agreement
patto di riscatto {m} [law]
:: an agreement in which a seller can regain a sold good by refunding the price
pattona {f}
:: polenta made from chestnut-flour
pattonaio {m}
:: A person who sells or eats pattona
pattonaio {m}
:: A clumsy person
pattovire {v}
:: synonym of pattuire
pattuente {v}
:: present participle of pattuire
pattuglia {f}
:: patrol
pattugliamento {m}
:: patrolling
pattugliante {v}
:: present participle of pattugliare
pattugliare {vt}
:: to patrol
pattugliatore {m}
:: patrolman
pattugliatore {m}
:: patrol boat
pattuire {vt}
:: To agree, settle, negotiate or stipulate
pattuito {adj}
:: agreed, settled, stipulated
pattuito {m}
:: terms, agreement, agreed sum
pattuizione {f}
:: agreement, pact
pattumaio {m}
:: tip (place full of rubbish)
pattume {m}
:: garbage, trash, rubbish
pattumiera {f}
:: garbage can, trash can, rubbish bin
patulina {f} [organic compound]
:: patulin
paturnia {f} [especially in plural]
:: The blues
paturnie {fp}
:: angst, blues, dumps
paucità {f}
:: paucity
paulista {adj}
:: Pauline
paulista {adj}
:: of or pertaining to São Paulo or its inhabitants
paulista {mf}
:: native or inhabitant of São Paulo
paulonia {f}
:: foxglove tree (of genus Paulownia)
pauperismo {m}
:: pauperism
pauperistico {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to pauperism; pauperistic
pauperizzazione {f}
:: pauperisation
paupero {m}
:: pauper
paupulante {v}
:: present participle of paupulare
paupulare {vi}
:: To call (especially of a peacock)
paura {f} /paˈu.ra/
:: fear
paura {f}
:: worry, anxiety
paura {f}
:: a (bad) feeling
paurometabolo {adj}
:: paurometabolous
paurosamente {adv}
:: frighteningly
paurosamente {adv}
:: fearfully
pauroso {adj}
:: fearful, scary
pauroso {adj}
:: frightful, shocking, incredible, terrible
pausa {f} /ˈpau.za/
:: pause, break, stop, interval
pausa {f} [music]
:: rest
Pausania {prop}
:: Pausanias
pausario {m}
:: The person on an Ancient Roman galley that beat time with a drum
Pausini {prop}
:: surname
Pausini {prop}
:: Laura Pausini, Italian singer
Pavanello {prop}
:: surname
Pavarotti {prop}
:: surname
Pavarotti {prop}
:: Luciano Pavarotti, Italian lyrical singer
pavé {m}
:: cobblestone
pavé {m}
:: cobblestone road
paventante {v}
:: present participle of paventare
paventare {vi} [literary] /pa.venˈta.re/
:: to dread
paventare {vi} [by extension, rare]
:: to have suspicion, suspect
paventare {vt}
:: to dread, fear
paventare {vi} [regional, of animals]
:: to shy
paventato {adj}
:: dreaded
pavento {m} /paˈvɛn.to/
:: fear, fright
paventosamente {adv}
:: timidly, fearfully
paventoso {adj} [literary]
:: timorous, timid, fearful
pavera {f} [Northern Italy] /paˈvɛ.ra/
:: Name of several kinds of water plants, such as sedges, reedmaces, rushes etc
pavera {f}
:: A floating lure used in duck hunting
pavesante {v}
:: present participle of pavesare
pavesare {vt}
:: to decorate, deck, adorn
pavesare {vt} [nautical]
:: to dress (with flags)
pavesario {m}
:: alternative form of palvesario
pavesata {f} [nautical]
:: bunting, flags
pavese {m}
:: Native or inhabitant of Pavia
pavese {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to Pavia or its inhabitants
pavese {m}
:: bunting (decoration)
Pavia {prop} /paˈviːa/
:: Pavia (province)
Pavia {prop}
:: Pavia (capital city)
pavidamente {adv}
:: fearfully, timidly, pavidly
pavidità {f}
:: fearfulness, timidity
pavido {adj}
:: fearful, timid, pavid
paviera {f} /paˈvjɛ.ra/
:: alternative form of pavera
paviglione {f}
:: alternative form of padiglione
pavimentale {adj}
:: floor (attributive)
pavimentante {v}
:: present participle of pavimentare
pavimentare {vt}
:: to pave
pavimentare {vt}
:: to floor
pavimentatore {m}
:: paver, paviour (person)
pavimentatrice {f}
:: paver (road paving machine)
pavimentazione {f}
:: paving
pavimentazione {f}
:: flooring
pavimentazione {f}
:: tessellation
pavimentazione stradale {f}
:: pavement (road surface)
pavimentista {m}
:: paver, paviour (person)
pavimento {m}
:: floor
pavimentoso {adj} [anatomy]
:: squamous
pavimentoso {adj}
:: scale or tile (attributive)
pavimento stradale {m}
:: pavement (road surface)
pavloviano {adj}
:: Pavlovian
pavona {f}
:: peahen
pavonazzo {adj}
:: alternative form of paonazzo
pavoncella {f}
:: lapwing or peewit
pavone {m} /paˈvo.ne/
:: peacock, peafowl
Pavone {prop}
:: surname
Pavone {prop}
:: Rita Pavone, Italian actress and singer
Pavone {prop} [astronomy]
:: Pavo (constellation)
pavone blu {m}
:: Indian peafowl or common peafowl
pavone comune {m}
:: Indian peafowl or common peafowl
pavoneggiante {v}
:: present participle of pavoneggiarsi
pavoneggiantesi {v}
:: present participle of pavoneggiarsi
pavoneggiarsi {vr} /pa.vo.nedˈd͡ʒar.si/
:: to show off; to swagger; to strut about
pavoneggiatosi {v}
:: past participle of pavoneggiarsi
pavonesco {adj} /pa.voˈnes.ko/
:: of or pertaining to a peacock
pavonesco {adj} [figuratively]
:: boastful, showoff [attributive], vainglorious
pavonessa {f}
:: peahen
pavonia {f}
:: emperor moth (of genus Saturnia)
pavonia {f}
:: peacock's tail (Padina pavonica)
pavore {m} /paˈvo.re/
:: fear, fright, terror
pavor nocturnus {m} [pathology]
:: night terror
pazientante {v}
:: present participle of pazientare
pazientare {vi}
:: To be patient
paziente {adj}
:: patient
paziente {mf}
:: patient
pazientemente {adv}
:: patiently, with patience
paziente zero {m} [epidemiology]
:: patient zero
pazientina {f}
:: A type of rich cake, from Padova, having layers flavoured with almonds, chocolate and zabaglione sauce
pazienza {f} /patˈt͡sjɛn.t͡sa/
:: patience, endurance, forbearance
pazienza {interj}
:: never mind!
pazzamente {adv}
:: madly, crazily
pazzarello {adj}
:: alternative form of pazzerello
pazzeggiare {vi}
:: to frolic
pazzerello {adj}
:: loony
pazzerello {adj}
:: capricious
pazzerellone {m}
:: madcap
pazzescamente {adv}
:: madly, wildly, foolishly
pazzesco {adj}
:: crazy, insane
pazzesco {adj}
:: nonsensical, preposterous
pazzesco {adj}
:: great, fantastic, terrific, fabulous
pazzia {f} /patˈt͡si.a/
:: madness, lunacy
pazziante {v}
:: present participle of pazziare
pazziare {v}
:: To play the fool
pazziccio {adj}
:: Somewhat crazy
pazzo {adj}
:: crazy, insane
pazzo {m}
:: madman
pazzoide {adj}
:: crazy, whacky, daft; madcap (attributive)
pazzoide {mf}
:: madcap, nutcase
PC {m} /pitʃi/
:: initialism of personal computer
P.C.I. {prop}
:: abbreviation of Partito Comunista Italiano
PCI {prop}
:: initialism of Partito Comunista Italiano (Italian Communist Party)
PCR {n}
:: CRP
PCUS {prop} [history, politics]
:: CPSU (initialism of Partito Comunista dell'Unione Sovietica)
Pd {prop}
:: alternative form of PD
PD {prop}
:: abbreviation of Partito Democratico
PE {prop}
:: abbreviation of Pescara (city in Abruzzo)
peana {m} /peˈa.na/
:: paean, specifically:
peana {m} [Ancient Greece, historical]
:: Hymn to Apollo
peana {m} [by extension]
:: Hymn or song of victory or praise
peana {m} [prosody]
:: alternative form of peone
Peano {prop}
:: surname
Peano {prop}
:: Giuseppe Peano (1858–1932), Italian mathematician
pebrina {f}
:: pébrine
pecari {m}
:: peccary
pecari dal collare {m}
:: collared peccary
pecari del Chaco {m}
:: Chacoan peccary
pecari gigante {m}
:: giant peccary
pecari labiato {m}
:: White-lipped peccary
pecari taiasso {m}
:: alternative form of pecari labiato
pecca {f}
:: flaw, fault, defect
peccabile {adj}
:: sinful
peccabile {adj} [literary]
:: fallible
peccabilità {f}
:: peccability, fallibility
peccaminosamente {adv}
:: sinfully
peccaminosità {f}
:: sinfulness
peccaminoso {adj}
:: sinful, wicked
peccante {v}
:: present participle of peccare
peccare {vi} /pekˈka.re/
:: to sin
peccato {m}
:: sin
peccato {m} [figurative, singular]
:: bummer, pity
peccato {interj}
:: What a shame!; what a pity!
peccato {v}
:: past participle of peccare
peccato capitale {m}
:: synonym of vizio capitale
peccato mortale {m}
:: mortal sin
peccato originale {m}
:: original sin
peccatore {m}
:: sinner
peccato veniale {m}
:: venial sin
peccatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of peccatore
peccatuccio {m}
:: peccadillo (small fault)
pecchero {m} [heraldry]
:: A covered cup
pecchia {f} [literary or regional, zoology] /ˈpek.kja/
:: bee
pecchiaiolo {m}
:: honey buzzard
pecchione {m}
:: drone (male bee)
peccia {f}
:: synonym of pancia
peccio {m}
:: spruce
pece {f} /ˈpetʃe/
:: pitch (resinous material)
pecetta {f}
:: A greasy stain on clothing
pecetta {f}
:: A patch
pecetta {f}
:: A small black rectangle used to cover offending parts of a newspaper photograph
pechblenda {f}
:: pitchblende
pechinese {adj}
:: Pekingese
pechinese {m}
:: Pekingese (person)
pechinese {m}
:: Pekingese
Pechino {prop}
:: Pechino (direct-administered municipality/capital city)
pecia {f}
:: pecia
peciaiolo {m}
:: A container of pitch
pecioso {adj}
:: pitchy
pecora {f} [mammals] /ˈpɛ.ko.ra/
:: sheep
pecora {f}
:: ewe
pecora {f} [figurative, by extension]
:: sheep, milksop
pecora {f} [slang]
:: prostitute
Pecora {prop}
:: Pecora (small river)
pecoraggine {f}
:: cowardice and stupidity
pecoraggine {f}
:: conventionality, conformity
pecoraia {f}
:: female equivalent of pecoraio
pecoraio {m}
:: shepherd
pecorame {f}
:: flock of sheep (in a pejorative sense)
pecorame {f}
:: Variant of pecorume
pecorara {f}
:: female equivalent of pecoraro
pecoraro {m}
:: alternative form of pecoraio
pecoreccio {adj}
:: sheep (attributive)
pecoreccio {adj} [figuratively]
:: coarse, vulgar
pecoreccio {m}
:: sheep droppings
pecoreccio {m} [figuratively]
:: troubled situation, quagmire
pecorella {f}
:: Diminutive of pecora, lamb (animal)
pecorescamente {adv}
:: sheepishly, docilely
pecoresco {adj}
:: sheeplike, sheepish
pecorile {adj}
:: sheep (attributive)
pecorile {adj} [figuratively]
:: sheeplike, sheepish
pecorile {m}
:: fold (enclosure for sheep)
pecorile {m}
:: sheep droppings
pecorina {f}
:: little sheep
pecorina {f}
:: lamb
pecorina {f}
:: sheep droppings
pecorina {f}
:: parchment, vellum
pecorina {f}
:: doggy style (sex position)
pecorina {f}
:: on all fours
pecorino {adj} [attributively]
:: sheep
pecorino {adj} [figuratively]
:: sheeplike, sheepish
pecorino {m}
:: pecorino (cheese made with sheep milk)
pecorino romano {m}
:: a form of pecorino cheese originally from Rome
pecorino sardo {m}
:: a form of pecorino cheese from Sardinia
pecorismo {m}
:: pusillanimity, shyness, servility
pecoro {m}
:: ram (male sheep)
pecoro {m}
:: servile and passive man; sheep
pecorone {m}
:: ram (male sheep)
pecorone {m}
:: A gullible person
pecoroso {adj}
:: rich in pastures and sheep
pecorume {f}
:: servile people
pecorume {f}
:: cowardice, servility
pectasi {f} [enzyme]
:: pectase
pectico {adj}
:: pectic (all senses)
pectide {f}
:: A small lyre
pectina {f} [carbohydrate]
:: pectin
pectinasi {f} [enzyme]
:: pectinase
pectineo {adj}
:: pectinate
peculato {m} [legal]
:: embezzlement
peculiare {adj}
:: peculiar (to)
peculiare {adj}
:: typical (of)
peculiare {adj}
:: whimsical
peculiarità {f}
:: peculiarity
peculiarmente {adv}
:: peculiarly, distinctively
peculio {m} [obsolete] /peˈkuljo/
:: livestock
peculio {m} [obsolete, figuratively]
:: herd
peculio {m} [Roman law]
:: A small fortune whose management (but not property) is conceded by the head of household to a son or servant
peculio {m} [dated]
:: savings
pecuniariamente {adv}
:: financially, monetarily, pecuniarily
pecuniario {adj}
:: financial, monetary, pecuniary
pedaggiamento {m}
:: toll collecting
pedaggiere {m}
:: toller, toll keeper (person who collects a toll)
pedaggio {m}
:: toll
pedaggio {m}
:: paywall (internet)
pedagna {f} [nautical]
:: (rowing) stretcher
pedagnolo {m}
:: stem
pedagogheria {f}
:: synonym of pedanteria
pedagogia {f} /pe.da.ɡoˈd͡ʒi.a/
:: pedagogy
pedagogia speciale {f}
:: special education (literally "special pedagogy")
pedagogicamente {adv}
:: pedagogically
pedagogico {adj}
:: pedagogic
pedagogico {adj}
:: pedantic
pedagogismo {m}
:: pedagogism
pedagogista {mf}
:: teacher, educator
pedagogista {mf}
:: pedagogue
pedagogizzare {v} [uncommon]
:: to teach (as a pedagogue)
pedagogo {m}
:: educator
pedagogo {m}
:: pedant
pedagogo {m}
:: pedagogue
pedalabile {adj}
:: rideable (of an ascent, with a bicycle)
pedalabilità {f}
:: Property of being rideable
pedalante {v}
:: present participle of pedalare
pedalare {vi}
:: to pedal
pedalare {vi} [by extension]
:: to bike
pedalata {f}
:: A push on the pedals
pedalatore {m}
:: cyclist, pedal pusher
pedalatore {m} [cycle racing]
:: hard-working rider
pedale {m}
:: pedal
pedale {m}
:: treadle
pedale {m}
:: foot (of a tall structure)
pedaleggiante {v}
:: present participle of pedaleggiare
pedaleggiare {vi} [music]
:: to use the pedals (of a piano, etc.)
pedaliera {f}
:: rudder bar
pedaliera {f}
:: rudder pedals
pedaliera {f}
:: pedal keyboard, pedalboard
pedalina {f}
:: platen
pedalino {m}
:: (man's) sock
pedalò {m} [watercraft] /pe.daˈlɔ/
:: pedalo
pedalone {m}
:: synonym of pedalò
pedana {f}
:: footrest
pedana {f}
:: springboard
pedana {f}
:: throwing circle (discus etc)
pedana {f} [fencing]
:: piste
pedana del lanciatore {f} [baseball]
:: batter's box
pedano {m}
:: A type of carpenter's chisel
pedantaggine {f}
:: synonym of pedanteria
pedante {adj}
:: pedantic
pedante {mf}
:: schoolmaster
pedante {mf}
:: teacher
pedante {mf}
:: pedant
pedanteggiante {v}
:: present participle of pedanteggiare
pedanteggiare {vi} [literary]
:: to be pedantic
pedantemente {adv}
:: pedantically, fussily
pedanteria {f}
:: pedantry, fastidiousness
pedantesco {adj}
:: Very pedantic
pedantessa {f}
:: A pedantic woman
pedata {f}
:: kick
pedata {f}
:: footprint, footmark
pedatorio {adj} [colloquial]
:: football (attributive)
pedecollina {f}
:: foothills (area at the foot of a hill/mountain)
pedecollinare {adj}
:: foothills (attributive)
Pedemontana {prop}
:: Any of several motorways, either in Piedmont or at the foot on mountains
pedemontano {adj}
:: piedmont
pederasta {m}
:: pederast
pederastico {adj}
:: pederastic
pedere {v} /ˈpɛ.de.re/
:: to pass wind, fart
Pederiva {prop}
:: surname
pederotico {adj}
:: pederastic (used especially to describe such poetry or literature)
Pedersoli {prop}
:: surname
pedestre {adj}
:: pedestrian
pedestremente {adv}
:: pedestrianly
pediatra {mf}
:: pediatrician, paediatrician
pediatria {f} [medicine]
:: pediatrics, paediatrics
pediatricamente {adv}
:: pediatrically
pediatrico {adj}
:: pediatric, children's
pedicazione {f}
:: pedophilia
pedicazione {f}
:: buggery
pedice {m}
:: subscript
pedicellato {adj} [botany]
:: pedicellate
pedicello {m} [botany]
:: pedicel, peduncle, footstalk
pedicello {m} [obsolete]
:: a small worm
pedicello {m} [regional]
:: a small boil
pedicolare {adj}
:: lousy (with lice)
pedicolare {adj}
:: pedicular
pediculosi {f} [pathology]
:: pediculosis
pedicure {f}
:: pedicure
pedidio {adj}
:: Relating to the feet
pediera {f}
:: footboard
pedignone {m}
:: chilblain (of the foot), pernio
pediluvio {m}
:: footbath
pedina {f}
:: pawn (chess)
pedina {f}
:: pawn (colloquial)(someone been manipulated)
pedina {f} [board games]
:: draughtsman (piece in draughts)(checkers)
pedina {f}
:: puppet
pedinamento {m}
:: shadowing, tailing, following, stalking
pedinante {v}
:: present participle of pedinare
pedinare {vt}
:: To shadow, to dog, to tail
pedinatore {m}
:: tail (one who surreptitiously follows another)
pedio {m} [crystallography] /ˈpɛ.djo/
:: pedion
pedipalpo {m} [zoology]
:: pedipalp
pedissequamente {adv}
:: servilely
pedissequamente {adv}
:: slavishly
pedissequamente {adv}
:: literally
pedissequo {adj} /peˈdis.se.kwo/
:: servile
pedissequo {adj}
:: slavish
pedissequo {adj}
:: literal (translation)
pedivella {f}
:: pedal crank (of a bicycle)
pedo- {prefix}
:: paedo-, pedo-, relating to children
pedo- {prefix}
:: relating to soil, pedo-
pedo- {prefix}
:: relating to feet, pedo-
pedo {m} [Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece] /ˈpɛ.do/
:: A shepherd's crook
pedocentrico {adj}
:: pedocentric, paedocentric
pedocentrismo {m}
:: pedocentrism, paedocentrism
pedocomio {m}
:: pediatric hospital
pedodonzia {f}
:: paedodontics / pedodontics (pediatric dentistry)
pedofilia {f}
:: pedophilia / paedophilia
pedofilo {adj} /peˈdɔ.fi.lo/
:: pedophilic / paedophilic
pedofilo {m}
:: pedophile / paedophile
pedofobo {adj}
:: pedophobic
pedogamia {f} [biology]
:: pedogamy
pedogenesi {f}
:: pedogenesis (all senses)
pedogenetico {adj}
:: pedogenetic
pedologia {f}
:: pedology (all senses)
pedologico {adj}
:: pedologic (all senses)
pedologo {m}
:: pedologist (soil scientist)
pedometro {m}
:: pedometer
pedonabile {adj}
:: walkable (by pedestrians)
pedonaglia {f} [colloquial]
:: pedestrians
pedonaglia {f} [military]
:: footsoldiers, infantry
pedonale {adj}
:: pedestrian (attributive)
pedonale {adj}
:: pawn (attributive)
pedonalità {f}
:: pedestrian areas, roads or paths
pedonalizzante {v}
:: present participle of pedonalizzare
pedonalizzare {vt}
:: to pedestrianize
pedonalizzazione {f}
:: pedestrianization
pedone {m} /peˈdone/
:: pedestrian
pedone {m} [chess]
:: pawn
pedopornografia {f}
:: child pornography
pedopornografico {adj}
:: child pornography (attributive)
pedosfera {f}
:: pedosphere
Pedrazzini {prop}
:: surname
Pedroni {prop}
:: surname
peduccio {m}
:: paw (of a hare); hoof (of a sheep or goat); trotter (of a pig)
peduccio {m} [architecture]
:: corbel
pedula {f} [chiefly in the plural]
:: hiking or climbing boot
peduncolare {adj}
:: peduncular
peduncolato {adj} [botany]
:: pedunculate, pedunculated
peduncolo {m} [botany]
:: peduncle
pegamoide {f}
:: pegamoid
pegaseo {adj}
:: Pegasian
pegaso {m} [heraldry]
:: A winged horse
Pegaso {prop}
:: Pegasus
peggio {adj}
:: worse
peggio {adj}
:: (the) worst
peggio {adv}
:: worse
peggio {m} [singular only]
:: the worst thing, the worst part
peggio {f} [singular only]
:: the worst
peggior {adj}
:: apocopic form of peggiore
peggioramento {m}
:: worsening, deterioration
peggiorante {v}
:: present participle of peggiorare
peggiorare {vt}
:: To worsen (make worse)
peggiorare {vi}
:: To worsen (become worse)
peggiorativamente {adv}
:: pejoratively
peggiorativo {adj}
:: pejorative
peggiorativo {m} [grammar]
:: pejorative
peggioratore {m}
:: aggravator
peggiore {adj}
:: worse
peggiore {adj}
:: the worst
peggiore {mf}
:: the worst
peggiorismo {m}
:: The tendency of things to worsen (with every improvement)
peggiormente {adv}
:: more badly; worse
pegmatite {f} [geology]
:: pegmatite
pegno {mf} /ˈpeɲ.ɲo/
:: pledge, security [in a pawnshop, etc.]
pegno {mf}
:: token
pegno {mf}
:: earnest
pegnorare {v}
:: synonym of pignorare
pegola {f}
:: synonym of pece
pel {contraction} /ˈpel/
:: contraction of per il
pelacani {m}
:: tanner (of leather
pelacani {m}
:: vulgar person
pelacchiare {v}
:: To skin
pelacchiare {v}
:: To cheat; to rob
pelagatti {n}
:: cheater
pelagianesimo {m}
:: Pelagianism
pelagiano {adj}
:: Pelagian
pelagiano {m}
:: Pelagian
pelagico {adj} /peˈla.d͡ʒi.ko/
:: pelagic
Pelagio {prop}
:: given name
pelagione {f}
:: synonym of pelatura
pelago {m} [literary] /ˈpɛ.la.ɡo/
:: sea, open sea
pelago {m} [literary]
:: Figurative senses:
pelago {m} [literary]
:: An overwhelming passion
pelago {m} [literary]
:: A complex matter
pelago {m} [literary]
:: A group of various annoyances
pelago {m} [literary]
:: A very large quantity (of something)
pelagrilli {mf}
:: cheapskate
pelamantelli {mf}
:: rogue, swindler, cheat
pelame {m}
:: hair, coat, fur
pelamento {m}
:: alternative form of pelatura
pelanda {f} [historical] /peˈlan.da/
:: houppelande
pelandra {f} /peˈlan.dra/
:: alternative form of palandra
pelandrone {m}
:: idler, loafer
pelante {v}
:: present participle of pelare
pelapatate {m}
:: potato peeler
pelare {vt}
:: to pluck [feathers]
pelare {vt}
:: to skin [an animal]
pelare {vt}
:: to peel [fruit, etc.]
pelargonio {m}
:: pelargonium
Pelasgi {p}
:: Pelasgians (inhabitans of Greece before Hellenics)
pelasgico {adj}
:: Pelasgic
pelata {f}
:: bald patch, baldpate
pelato {adj}
:: peeled
pelato {adj}
:: bald, baldpate
pelato {m}
:: bald person
pelatoio {m}
:: A tool used in slaughterhouses for skinning pigs
pelatore {m}
:: skinner
pelatrice {f}
:: peeler (device)
pelatura {f}
:: peeling
pelatura {f}
:: skinning, plucking
pel di carota {n}
:: ginger, red hair
peleggio {m} /peˈled.d͡ʒo/
:: alternative form of pileggio
Peleo {prop}
:: Peleus
peliaco {adj}
:: Pelionic
Pelide {prop}
:: son of Peleus; an epithet for Achilles
pelifero {adj}
:: alternative form of pilifero
Peligni {prop}
:: An Italic people from part of Abruzzo
peligno {adj}
:: relating to the Peligni
pelioma {m}
:: pelioma
peliosi {f}
:: peliosis
pelittone {m}
:: A base flugelhorn
pellaccia {f}
:: The tanned hide of an animal
pellaccia {f}
:: tough guy, tough cookie
pellaccia {f}
:: quarry
pellagra {f} [pathology]
:: pellagra
pellagrosa {f}
:: female equivalent of pellagroso
pellagroso {adj} [pathology]
:: pellagrous
pellagroso {m} [pathology]
:: pellagra sufferer, pellagrin
pellaio {m}
:: tanner (of hides)
pellame {m}
:: hides, leather
pellanda {f} /pelˈlan.da/
:: alternative form of pelanda
pellaro {m}
:: alternative form of pellaio
pelle {f} /ˈpɛlle/
:: skin
pelle {f}
:: hide (animal's skin)
pelle {f}
:: leather
pelle {f}
:: life, existence
pelle {contraction} [obsolete] /ˈpelle/
:: contraction of per le
pelle d'oca {f} [usually, in the singular]
:: goose bumps, goose flesh, goose pimples, goose skin
pelle e ossa {adj} [figuratively]
:: skin and bones
pelle e ossa {adj}
:: bony, gaunt, lanky, scrawny, skinny
pellegrina {f}
:: female equivalent of pellegrino
pellegrina {f}
:: a short cloak
pellegrinaggio {m}
:: pilgrimage
pellegrinaggio {m}
:: pilgrims
pellegrinamente {adv}
:: In the manner of a pilgrim
pellegrinamente {adv}
:: wanderingly
pellegrinante {v}
:: present participle of pellegrinare
pellegrinare {vi}
:: To make a pilgrimage
Pellegrini {prop}
:: surname
Pellegrini {prop}
:: Federica Pellegrini, Italian swimmer
pellegrinità {f}
:: alternative form of peregrinità
pellegrino {adj} [rare] /pel.leˈɡri.no/
:: pilgrim [attributive]
pellegrino {adj}
:: wandering
pellegrino {adj}
:: foreign, exotic
pellegrino {adj} [figurative]
:: strange, unusual, singular
pellegrino {m}
:: pilgrim
pellegrino {m}
:: traveller, wayfarer
pellerossa {mf}
:: redskin (Native American)
pelle scamosciata {f}
:: suede (sweden)
Pellestrina {prop}
:: A township on the Lido of Venice
pellestrinotto {adj}
:: Of or from Pellestrina
pelletica {f}
:: Sagging skin (typically of old age)
pelletteria {f}
:: The leather trade
pelletteria {f}
:: A shop selling leather goods
pellettiere {m}
:: leather goods manufacturer or dealer
pellettizzante {v}
:: present participle of pellettizzare
pellettizzare {vt}
:: To pelletize
pellettizzazione {f}
:: pelletization
Pelli {prop}
:: surname
pellicano {m}
:: pelican
pellicano australiano {m}
:: Australian pelican
pellicano comune {m}
:: white pelican
pellicano comune {m}
:: American white pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
pellicano comune {m}
:: great white pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus)
pellicceria {f}
:: furrier's
pellicceria {f}
:: fur processing
pellicceria {f}
:: furs
pelliccia {f}
:: fur (of an animal)
pelliccia {f}
:: fur coat
pelliccia {f} [heraldry]
:: fur
pellicciaia {f}
:: female equivalent of pellicciaio
pellicciaio {adj} [anatomy]
:: cutaneous (of a muscle)
pellicciaio {m}
:: furrier
pellicciame {m}
:: furs
pelliccione {m}
:: A cheap fur overcoat
pellicciotto {m}
:: fur jacket
Pellice {prop}
:: Pellice (river)
pellicina {f}
:: cuticle
pellicino {m}
:: handle (of a bag etc.)
Pellico {prop}
:: surname
Pellico {prop}
:: Silvio Pellico, Italian writer
pellicola {f} /pelˈli.ko.la/
:: film (all senses)
pellicola {f}
:: plastic wrap
pellicola {f}
:: layer
pellicolare {adj}
:: pellicular; skin (attributive)
pellicola trasparente {f}
:: clingfilm (or similar product)
pellirossa {mf}
:: redskin (Native American)
pellistore {m}
:: pellistor
pellucidità {f}
:: pellucidity
pellucido {adj}
:: translucent or transparent; pellucid
pelo {m}
:: hair [on the body]
pelo {m}
:: surface [of water]
pelobate {m}
:: spadefoot (toad)
pelobio {adj}
:: synonym of pelofilo
pelo dell'acqua {m}
:: the water's surface
pelofilo {adj}
:: pelophilous
peloncino {m}
:: cotton flannel (fabric}
pelone {m}
:: Thick, heavy woolen cloth
peloponnesiaco {adj}
:: Peloponnesian
peloponnesiaco {m}
:: Peloponnesian
Peloponneso {prop}
:: Peloponnese
pelo pubico {m}
:: pubic hair, pubes
pelo pubico {m}
:: netherhair
pelo pubico {m}
:: bush, short and curlies short hairs
peloritano {adj}
:: relating to Capo Peloro or, by extension, to Messina
Pelosi {prop}
:: Pelosi; surname, from peloso
Pelosini {prop}
:: surname
pelosità {f}
:: hairiness, shagginess
peloso {adj} /peˈloso/
:: hairy
Peloso {prop}
:: surname, from peloso
pelotaro {m}
:: pelota player
pelta {f} /ˈpɛl.ta/
:: pelta (shield)
peltasta {m}
:: peltast
peltaste {m}
:: peltast
peltato {adj} [historical] /pelˈta.to/
:: Equipped with a pelta shield
peltato {adj} [botany]
:: peltate
peltiforme {adj} /pel.tiˈfor.me/
:: peltiform (shield-like)
peltinervio {adj} [botany]
:: peltinerved
peltro {m}
:: pewter
pelucco {m}
:: down (soft feathers, hair etc)
pelucco {m}
:: pile
peluche {m}
:: soft toy, plush
peluche {m}
:: plush (fabric)
peluria {f}
:: down (soft feathers etc)
peluria {f}
:: pile
peluria {f}
:: choke (immature florets in the centre of the bud of an artichoke)
peluto {adj}
:: synonym of peloso
pelvi {f} [anatomy]
:: pelvis
pelvico {adj} [anatomy]
:: pelvic
pelvimetria {f}
:: pelvimetry
pemfigo {m} [disease]
:: pemphigus
pemfigoide {m} [disease]
:: pemphigoid
pena {f} /ˈpena/
:: sorrow
pena {f}
:: trouble
pena {f}
:: worry, anxiety
pena {f}
:: pity
pena {f}
:: sentence, penalty, punishment
pena {f}
:: pain
pena capitale {f}
:: death penalty
pena di morte {f}
:: death penalty
penale {adj}
:: penal, criminal
penale {f}
:: penalty (legal)
penalista {mf}
:: criminal lawyer
penalistico {adj} [legal]
:: Of criminal law
penalità {f}
:: penalty
penalizzante {v}
:: present participle of penalizzare
penalizzante {adj}
:: penalizing
penalizzare {vt}
:: to penalize, trounce
penalizzato {adj}
:: penalized
penalizzazione {f} [sports]
:: penalty
penalmente {adv}
:: penally
penante {v}
:: present participle of penare
penare {vi}
:: to suffer
pencolamento {m}
:: wobble, shake
pencolante {v}
:: present participle of pencolare
pencolante {adj}
:: swaying, wobbling
pencolante {adj}
:: hesitating, wavering
pencolare {vi}
:: To sway, wobble or shake
pencolio {m}
:: continuous swaying or wobbling
pencolone {m}
:: A person who sways as he moves (typically from drunkenness)
pendaglio {m} /penˈdaʎ.ʎo/
:: pendant
pendaglio da forca {m} [idiomatic]
:: gallows bird (someone deserving hanging)
pendant {m} /panˈdan/
:: match (matching item)
pendant {m}
:: pendant (dangling earing)
pendente {v}
:: present participle of pendere
pendente {adj}
:: pending (legal)
pendente {adj}
:: leaning, pendent
pendente {f}
:: pendant
pendente {f}
:: drop earring
pendentemente {adv}
:: pendently
pendenza {f}
:: slope, slant,gradient, tilt
pendenza {f} [legal]
:: pending suit
pendere {v} [da]
:: to droop (from)
pendere {v} [su]
:: to hang over one's head
pendere {v} [da, verso, a]
:: to lean, incline, slope, or tilt (from/towards/to)
pendere {v} [figurative, by extension]
:: [da, verso, a] to lean (incline in opinion or desire) (from/towards/to)
pendere {v} [a]
:: to approach or tend (towards) [a quality]
pendere {vi} [law]
:: [of a lawsuit, criminal case, etc.] to be ongoing or pending
pendere {v} [literary]
:: [da] to depend (on)
pendice {f}
:: slope (of a hillside or mountain)
pendio {m}
:: slope, slant
pendio {m}
:: pitched roof
pendolamento {m}
:: oscillation
pendolante {v}
:: present participle of pendolare
pendolare {adj}
:: commuter [attributive]
pendolare {adj}
:: pendular, pendulum [attributive]
pendolare {mf}
:: commuter
pendolare {vi}
:: to swing, oscillate
pendolarismo {m}
:: commuting
pendolarità {f}
:: commuting
pendolarmente {adv}
:: back and forth (like a pendulum or a commuter)
pendolinista {mf}
:: dowser
pendolino {m}
:: dowsing rod
pendolo {m}
:: pendulum
pendoloni {adv}
:: alternative form of penzoloni
pendone {m}
:: pendant (dangling ornament &c)
pendone {m}
:: festoon
pendulo {adj}
:: pendulous
pene {m} [anatomy] /ˈpɛ.ne/
:: penis
pene {m} [dialectal,Anghiari]
:: bread
peneio {adj}
:: Relating to Peneus (the river god)
penello {m}
:: alternative form of pennello
Penelope {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Penelope
Penelope {prop}
:: given name
Penelopè {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Penelope
Peneo {prop}
:: Pineios (Greek river)
penepiano {m}
:: peneplain
penerata {f}
:: A series of fringes
penero {m} /ˈpɛ.ne.ro/
:: fringe
Penestrino {prop}
:: medieval spelling of Palestrina
penetrabile {adj}
:: penetrable
penetrabilità {f}
:: penetrableness
penetramento {m}
:: synonym of penetrazione
penetrante {v}
:: present participle of penetrare
penetrante {adj}
:: penetrating, pervasive, piercing, sharp
penetrantemente {adv}
:: penetratingly, pervasively
penetranza {f} [genetics]
:: penetrance
penetrare {vt}
:: To penetrate, pound
penetrare {vt}
:: To seek through, to soak in, to pass through, to permeate
penetrare {vi}
:: To enter, to get in, to filter, to steal in
penetrativo {adj}
:: penetrative
penetratore {adj}
:: penetrating
penetratore {m}
:: penetrator
penetrazione {f} [sex, figuratively]
:: penetration
penetrevolmente {adv}
:: piercingly
penetrevolmente {adv}
:: insightfully
penfigo {m}
:: alternative form of pemfigo
Penfredo {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Pemphredo, one of the Graeae
-penia {suffix} [medicine] /peˈni.a/
:: -penia (deficiency, lack)
penice {f}
:: A large barge
penicillasi {f}
:: Variant of penicillinasi
penicillina {f} [medicine]
:: penicillin
penicillinasi {f} [enzyme]
:: penicillinase
penicillinico {adj}
:: penicillinic; penicillin (attributive)
penicillio {m}
:: penicillium
penicillo {m}
:: penicillus
penico {adj} /ˈpɛ.ni.ko/
:: penile (of or pertaining to the penis)
peninsola {f}
:: alternative form of penisola
peninsulare {adj}
:: peninsular
penisola {f}
:: peninsula
penisola appenninica {prop}
:: synonym of penisola italiana: Apennine Peninsula
Penisola di Crimea {prop}
:: Crimean Peninsula
penisola italiana {prop}
:: The Italian peninsula
penisola italica {prop}
:: synonym of penisola italiana
penitente {mf}
:: penitent
penitenza {f}
:: penitence, repentance
penitenziagite {interj}
:: repent!
penitenziale {adj}
:: penitential
penitenziario {m}
:: prison
penitenziario {m}
:: penitentiary [US]
penitenziario {adj}
:: penal
penitenziere {m}
:: penitentiary
penitenzieria {f}
:: penitentiary
penititi {mp}
:: repentant Mafiosi, especially those who give evidence at the trials of others
penna {f}
:: feather
penna {f}
:: pen
penna {f} [culinary, in plural]
:: penne (type of pasta)
penna a sfera {f}
:: ballpoint pen, biro
pennacchiera {f}
:: plume of feathers
pennacchio {m}
:: plume
pennacchiuto {adj}
:: plumed (having a plume, typically of feathers)
pennaccino {m} [nautical]
:: dolphin striker
pennaio {m}
:: A worker with feathers, typically as stuffing for pillows &c
pennaiolo {m}
:: scribbler
pennarello {m}
:: felt-tip pen, felt-tip
penna stilografica {f}
:: fountain pen
pennatifido {adj}
:: pinnatifid
pennato {adj}
:: feathery
pennato {adj} [botany]
:: pinnate
pennatopartito {adj}
:: pinnatipartite
pennatosetto {adj}
:: pinnatisect
pennatula {f}
:: sea pen (of order Pennatulacea)
penne all'arrabbiata {f} {p}
:: A dish of penne with a sauce of tomato, garlic and chili (that is with arrabbiata sauce)
pennecchio {m}
:: staple (short flax or wool fibres)
penne lisce {n}
:: A form of penne with a smooth surface
pennellante {v}
:: present participle of pennellare
pennellare {vt}
:: To paint (a wall etc)
pennellata {f}
:: brushstroke
pennellatura {f}
:: painting
pennelleggiare {v}
:: to brush
pennelleggiare {v}
:: to paint (with a brush)
pennelleggiatore {m}
:: brusher
pennelleggiatore {m}
:: painter
pennellessa {f}
:: flat paintbrush
pennellificio {m}
:: brush factory
pennello {m}
:: brush, paintbrush
pennello da barba {m}
:: shaving brush
penne rigate {n}
:: penne rigate
pennese {m} [nautical]
:: steward (on a ship)
pennetta {f} [especially in plural]
:: A smaller form of penne pasta
Pennetta {prop}
:: surname
Pennetta {prop}
:: Flavia Pennetta, Italian tennist player
pennichella {f}
:: nap, snooze, doze, forty winks
pennidico {adj}
:: Pennidic / Penninic
Pennine {prop}
:: Pennine Alps
penninervio {adj} [botany]
:: penninerved
pennino {m}
:: nib (of a pen)
pennivendolo {m}
:: hack (writer)
pennola {f} [nautical]
:: lanyard
pennoncello {m}
:: pennoncel
pennone {m}
:: banner, standard
pennone {m} [nautical]
:: yard (spar)
pennone {m}
:: flagstaff, flagpole
pennoniere {m}
:: standard-bearer
Pennsylvania {prop} /pen.sil.vaˈni.a/
:: Pennsylvania (state)
pennuto {adj}
:: feathered
pennuto {m}
:: bird
penombra {f}
:: half-light, semi-darkness
penombra {f}
:: penumbra
penosamente {adv}
:: pitifully, pathetically
penosamente {adv}
:: painfully
penosissimo {adj}
:: superlative of penoso
penosissimo {adj}
:: very pitiful, very pathetic
penosissimo {adj}
:: very painful, very distressing
penosità {f}
:: pitifulness
penosità {f}
:: painfulness
penoso {adj}
:: pathetic, pitiful
penoso {adj}
:: painful
penoso {adj}
:: anxious
penoso {adj}
:: difficult
pensabile {adj}
:: thinkable, imaginable, conceivable
pensabilità {f}
:: thinkability, thinkableness
pensaci tu {phrase}
:: You deal with it; do it yourself. (imperative)
pensante {v}
:: present participle of pensare
pensante {adj}
:: thinking
pensantemente {adv}
:: deliberately
pensantesi {v}
:: present participle of pensarsi
pensare {vti}
:: to think
pensare {vtti}
:: to think about someone
pensare {vti}
:: to realize
pensare {vti}
:: to expect
pensarsi {vr}
:: To think of oneself
pensata {f}
:: thought, idea
pensatamente {adv}
:: thoughtfully
pensato {adj}
:: well thought-out or considered
pensato {adj}
:: designed (for)
pensatoio {m} [colloquial]
:: somewhere to think
pensatoio {m}
:: thinking cap
pensatore {m}
:: thinker
pensatosi {v}
:: past participle of pensarsi
pensatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of pensatore
penseroso {adj}
:: alternative form of pensieroso
pensier {m}
:: apocopic form of pensiero
pensierino {m}
:: thought, reflection
pensierino {m} [familiar]
:: small gift, little present
pensierino {m}
:: short composition given to elementary school students
pensiero {m} /penˈsjɛro/
:: thought
pensiero {m}
:: worry
pensierosamente {adv}
:: pensively, thoughtfully
pensierosità {f}
:: pensiveness, thoughtfulness
pensieroso {adj}
:: pensive, thoughtful
pensile {adj}
:: hanging, suspended
pensile {m}
:: wall cabinet; wall cupboard
pensilina {f}
:: a projecting or suspended roof; any structure having such a roof
pensilina {f}
:: bus shelter
pensilina {f}
:: marquee
Pensilvania {prop}
:: alternative spelling of Pennsylvania
pensionabile {adj}
:: pensionable, of retirement
pensionabilità {f}
:: The condition of being pensionable
pensionamento {m}
:: retirement
pensionante {v}
:: present participle of pensionare
pensionante {mf}
:: lodger
pensionante {mf}
:: resident (in a hotel)
pensionare {v} /pen.sjoˈna.re/
:: to pension (make someone retire with a pension)
pensionariato {m}
:: The condition of having a pension or annuity, or the time that one has it
pensionata {f}
:: female equivalent of pensionato
pensionatico {m}
:: The right to graze animals on common land
pensionato {m}
:: hostel
pensionato {m}
:: pensioner
pensione {f} /penˈsjo.ne/
:: pension
pensione {f}
:: boarding house
pensione di anzianità {f}
:: old age pension
pensioneide {f} [jocular]
:: pension reform committees, procedures, etc., seen as unending or overly bureaucratic
pensionistico {adj}
:: pension (attributive)
pensionometro {m} [finance]
:: Any of several systems, typically part of a website, that people can use to calculate when they will be able to retire
penso di sì {phrase}
:: I think so
pensosamente {adv}
:: thoughtfully
pensosità {f}
:: thoughtfulness
pensoso {adj}
:: thoughtful, pensive
penta- {prefix}
:: penta-
pentabraco {m}
:: pentabrach
pentacarbonile {m}
:: pentacarbonyl
pentaciclo {adj}
:: pentacyclic
pentacisdodecaedro {m} [mathematics]
:: pentakis dodecahedron
pentaclorofenolo {m} [organic compound]
:: pentachlorophenol
pentacolare {adj}
:: pentacle (attributive)
pentacolo {m} /pen.ˈta.ko.lo/
:: amulet of metal or stone, hung around the neck
pentacolo {m}
:: pentacle
pentacontagono {m} [mathematics]
:: pentacontagon
pentacordo {m}
:: pentachord
pentacosiomedimno {m}
:: See pentacosiomedimni
pentacrinite {f}
:: pentacrinite
pentacrino {m}
:: Variant of pentacrinite
pentacubo {m} [mathematics]
:: pentacube
pentaculo {m}
:: alternative form of pentacolo
pentadattilo {adj}
:: pentadactyl
pentade {f}
:: pentad
pentadecagono {m}
:: pentadecagon
pentadico {adj}
:: pentadic
pentadiene {m} [organic compound]
:: pentadiene
pentadodecaedro {m} [mathematics]
:: pentadodecahedron
pentaedrico {adj}
:: pentahedral
pentaedro {m}
:: pentahedron
pentaeritrile {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: pentaerythrityl
pentaeritritolo {m} [organic compound]
:: pentaerythritol
pentafluoruro {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: pentafluoride
pentafluoruro di antimonio {m} [inorganic compound]
:: antimony pentafluoride
pentafluoruro di arsenico {m} [inorganic compound]
:: arsenic pentafluoride
pentafluoruro di azoto {m} [inorganic compound]
:: nitrogen pentafluoride
pentafluoruro di bromo {m} [inorganic compound]
:: bromine pentafluoride
pentafluoruro di cloro {m} [inorganic compound]
:: chlorine pentafluoride
pentafluoruro di fosforo {m} [inorganic compound]
:: phosphorus pentafluoride
pentafluoruro di iodio {m} [inorganic compound]
:: iodine pentafluoride
pentafluoruro di uranio {m} [inorganic compound]
:: uranium pentafluoride
pentagonale {adj}
:: pentagonal
pentagonite {f} [mineral]
:: pentagonite
pentagono {m} [geometry] /penˈta.ɡo.no/
:: pentagon
Pentagono {prop}
:: The Pentagon
pentagramma {m}
:: pentagram
pentagramma {m}
:: staff or stave (in music)
pentagrammato {adj} [music]
:: staff / stave (attributive)
pentaidrato {m} [chemistry]
:: pentahydrate, pentahydroxide
pentaidrite {m} [mineral]
:: pentahydrite
pentaidroborite {f} [mineral]
:: pentahydroborite
pentalfa {f}
:: pentalpha, pentangle
pentalineo {adj} [music]
:: Composed of five lines
pentamerico {adj} [chemistry]
:: pentameric
pentamero {adj}
:: pentamerous
pentamero {m} [chemistry]
:: pentamer
pentametro {m}
:: pentameter
pentamino {m}
:: pentomino
pentano {m}
:: pentane
pentanoico {adj}
:: pentanoic
pentanolo {m} [organic compound]
:: pentanol
pentapartitico {adj}
:: five-party (attributive)
pentapartito {adj}
:: Formed of five political parties
pentapodia {f}
:: pentapody
pentapoli {f}
:: pentapolis
pentaprisma {m}
:: pentaprism
pentaprismatico {adj}
:: pentaprismatic
pentaquark {m} [physics]
:: pentaquark
pentarca {m}
:: pentarch
pentarchia {f}
:: pentarchy
Pentarchia {prop}
:: the Pentarchy
pentarchico {adj}
:: pentarchic
pentasillabo {adj}
:: pentasyllabic
pentaspecchio {m}
:: pentamirror
pentastellata {f}
:: feminine noun of pentastellato
pentastellato {adj} [politics] /ˌpɛn.ta.stelˈla.to/
:: Of or relating to the Five Star Movement (Italian political party) and its ideology
pentastellato {m} [politics]
:: A member or supporter of the Five Star Movement
pentastico {adj} [poetry, uncommon] /penˈtas.ti.ko/
:: Consisting of five verses
pentastico {adj} [art, of a polyptych]
:: Consisting of five panels
pentastico {adj} [architecture, of a portico]
:: Having five orders of columns
pentastico {adj} [botany]
:: pentastichous
Pentateuco {prop} [Bible]
:: Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible)
pentathlon {m}
:: pentathlon
pentatleta {mf}
:: pentathlete
pentatomico {adj} [chemistry]
:: pentatomic
pentatonico {adj}
:: pentatonic
pentavalente {adj}
:: pentavalent
pentazocina {f} [medicine]
:: pentazocine
pentecontera {f} [nautical]
:: penteconter
pentecontero {m}
:: Variant of pentecontera
pentecontoro {m}
:: alternative form of pentecontera
pentecostale {adj}
:: Pentecostal
pentecostalismo {m}
:: Pentecostalism
Pentecoste {prop}
:: Pentecost, Whit Sunday
pentelico {adj}
:: Pentelic
pentemimero {adj}
:: penthemimeral
pentene {m} [organic compound]
:: pentene
pententesi {v}
:: present participle of pentirsi
penteratto {m} [mathematics]
:: penteract
Pentesilea {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Penthesilea
pentile {m} [organic chemistry]
:: pentyl
pentima {f}
:: A terrain situated near the shores of the lakes of Latium
pentimento {m}
:: penitence, penance, repentance
pentimento {m}
:: remorse
pentimento {m} [arts]
:: pentimento
pentirsi {vr}
:: to repent
pentirsi {vr}
:: to regret
pentitismo {m}
:: The so-called repentance of criminals who collaborate with the police
pentito {m}
:: One who repents
pentito {m} [crime]
:: A criminal who cooperates with police or government authorities and testifies against or provides harmful information on fellow criminals; a turncoat or informant. Used mostly in reference to ex-Mafiosi
pentitosi {v}
:: past participle of pentirsi
pentodo {m}
:: pentode
pentola {f} [cooking] /ˈpen.to.la/
:: pot, saucepan
pentola {f} [by extension]
:: potful
pentola a pressione {f}
:: pressure cooker (cooking vessel)
pentolaccia {f} /pen.toˈlat.t͡ʃa/
:: pejorative of pentola
pentolaccia {f} [Latin American culture]
:: pinata, piñata
pentolaccia {f} [Christianity, regional, Tuscany]
:: The first Sunday of the Lent
pentolaio {m}
:: A person who makes or sells pots and pans
pentolame {m}
:: pots and pans
pentolare {adj}
:: Having the form of a cooking pot
pentolata {f}
:: pot (quantity), potful
pentolino {m}
:: Small saucepan
pentolone {m}
:: A big pot
pentolone {m}
:: stockpot
pentosano {m} [carbohydrate]
:: pentosan
pentosio {m} [carbohydrate]
:: pentose
pentoso {m} [organic chemistry]
:: pentose
pentossido {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: pentoxide
pentossido di diazoto {n}
:: dinitrogen pentoxide
pentotal {m}
:: pentothal
pentuto {m}
:: alternative form of pentito
penula {f}
:: paenula, a kind of cloak or mantle used by Romans
penultimamente {adv}
:: penultimately
penultimo {adj}
:: penultimate
penuria {f}
:: shortage, lack, scarcity, scarceness
penzolante {adj}
:: sagging
penzolante {v}
:: present participle of penzolare
penzolare {vi}
:: to hang or dangle
penzolato {adj}
:: hanging, dangling
penzolo {m}
:: bunch, cluster
penzolo {m}
:: pendant
penzoloni {adv}
:: hanging, dangling
peocio {m} [Foods, ichthyology]
:: mussel
peone {m} [prosody, poetry] /peˈo.ne/
:: paeon
peone {m}
:: peon
peonia {f} [flowers]
:: peony
peonico {adj}
:: paeonic
peota {f} [nautical]
:: A decorated Venetian boat once used in regattas
pepaiola {f}
:: pepper pot
pepaiola {f}
:: pepper mill
pepante {v}
:: present participle of pepare
pepare {vt}
:: To pepper
peparola {f}
:: alternative form of pepaiola
pepatello {m}
:: (especially in plural) A type of cantuccini, from Abruzzo, flavoured with pepper
pepato {adj}
:: peppery, hot
pepato {adj}
:: sharp, pungent
pepe {m} [seasonings] /ˈpe.pe/
:: pepper
Pepe {prop}
:: given name, diminutive of Giuseppe
Pepe {prop}
:: surname
pepe della Giamaica {m}
:: Jamaica pepper
pepe della Giamaica {m}
:: pimento
pepe della Giamaica {m}
:: allspice
peperino {m} [geology]
:: peperino
peperino {m}
:: live wire (high-spirited person)
peperonata {f} [cooking]
:: an italian dish where the base ingredients are stewed peppers, onions and tomatoes to which other fresh vegetables may be added according to the region and the season of the year
peperoncino {m}
:: chili pepper
peperone {m}
:: bell pepper, sweet pepper
peperone {m}
:: capsicum
pepiera {f}
:: pepper pot, caster
pepita {f}
:: nugget, especially of gold or platinum
pepita {f}
:: alternative form of pipita
peplo {m}
:: peplos
pepolino {m}
:: synonym of timo
peponide {f} [biology]
:: pepo
peponio {m}
:: alternative form of peponide
peponocefalo {m}
:: melon-headed whale, electra dolphin (of genus Peponocephala)
Peppe {prop}
:: given name
Peppenuzzo {prop}
:: given name
Peppinello {prop}
:: given name
Peppinetto {prop}
:: given name
Peppino {prop}
:: given name
Peppo {prop}
:: given name
peppola {f}
:: brambling
Peppone {prop}
:: given name
Peppuccio {prop}
:: given name
pepsina {f} [enzyme]
:: pepsin
pepsinogeno {m} [biochemistry]
:: pepsinogen
peptico {adj}
:: peptic
peptidasi {f} [enzyme]
:: peptidase
peptide {m} [biochemistry]
:: peptide
peptidico {adj}
:: peptidic
peptidilico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: peptidyl
peptizzazione {f}
:: peptization
peptogeno {adj} [biochemistry]
:: peptogenic
peptogeno {m} [biochemistry]
:: peptogen
peptone {m}
:: peptone
peptonizzante {v}
:: present participle of peptonizzare
peptonizzare {vt} [biochemistry]
:: to peptonize
peptonizzazione {f} [biochemistry]
:: peptonization
per {prep}
:: for
per {prep}
:: to (indicates direction)
per {prep}
:: through
per {prep}
:: in or on
per {prep}
:: by
per {prep}
:: with
per {prep}
:: as
pera {f}
:: pear [the fruit]
pera {f} [slang]
:: fix (dose of drug)
peracetico {adj}
:: peracetic
peracido {m} [chemistry]
:: peracid
peracottaio {m}
:: alternative form of peracottaro
peracottaro {m} [originally]
:: A person who sold cooked pears (at local fairs)
peracottaro {m} [figurative]
:: An incompetent professional
peragrante {v}
:: present participle of peragrare
peragrare {vt}
:: To cover (distance); to follow (a road etc)
peragrare {vi}
:: To travel or voyage
peraltro {adv}
:: moreover
peraltro {adv}
:: however
peraltro {adv}
:: on the other hand
peramele {m}
:: bandicoot (of the family Peramelidae)
per amore o per forza {prep} [idiom]
:: by hook or by crook
peranco {adv}
:: synonym of ancora
peranco {adv}
:: synonym of finora
Peranda {prop}
:: surname
Peranda {prop}
:: Sante Peranda, Italian painter
per anni a venire {adv}
:: synonym of per anni e anni
per anni e anni {adv}
:: donkey's years
per apparire bisogna soffrire {proverb}
:: no pain, no gain
pera spadona {f} /ˈpe.ra spaˈdo.na/
:: Williams pear
perastatato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: perastatate
Perasto {prop}
:: Perasto (town)
perastro {m}
:: wild pear (tree)
perbacco {interj}
:: by Jove!, good heavens!
perbacco {interj}
:: gee, blast, blimey, crikey
per Bacco {interj}
:: alternative form of perbacco
per bene {adj}
:: alternative spelling of perbene
per bene {adv}
:: alternative spelling of perbene
perbene {adj} /perˈbɛ.ne/
:: respectable, decent
perbene {adv}
:: well, properly
perbenino {adv}
:: properly, well, nicely
perbenismo {m}
:: conformism, prissiness, respectability
perbenista {adj}
:: conformist, prissy, bourgeois
perbenista {mf}
:: Such a person
perbenisticamente {adv}
:: in a conformist or bourgeois manner
perbenisticamente {adv}
:: prissily
perbenistico {adj}
:: conformist, prissy, bourgeois
perborato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: perborate
perbromato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: perbromate
perbromico {adj}
:: perbromic
perca {f} [zoology, ichthyology]
:: perch, Perca fluviatilis
percalle {m}
:: percale
percallino {m}
:: A light form of percale used for linings
percallo {m}
:: alternative form of percalle
percarbonato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: percarbonate
per carità {interj}
:: please!
per carità {interj}
:: you've got to be joking!
per carità {interj}
:: for goodness' sake!
per caso {adv}
:: by chance, by the way
per causa di {prep}
:: alternative form of a causa di
percentile {m} [statistics] /per.t͡ʃenˈti.le/
:: percentile
per cento {m}
:: percent
per cento {adj}
:: percent
percento {m}
:: percent
percentuale {adj}
:: percentage (attributive)
percentuale {f}
:: percentage
percentualizzante {v}
:: present participle of percentualizzare
percentualizzare {vt}
:: To express an amount as a percentage
percentualizzazione {f}
:: The expression of an amount as a percentage
percentualmente {adv}
:: using percentages
percepente {v}
:: present participle of percepire
percepibile {adj}
:: perceptible
percepibilità {f}
:: Property of being perceptible
percepimento {m}
:: receipt (act of receiving)
percepire {vt}
:: to sense, perceive, notice or understand
percepire {vt}
:: to receive (a sum of money)
percettibile {adj}
:: perceptible
percettibile {adj}
:: audible
percettibilità {f}
:: perceptibility
percettibilmente {adv}
:: perceptibly
percettivamente {adv}
:: perceptively
percettività {f}
:: perceptiveness
percettivo {adj}
:: perceptive
percetto {m}
:: percept
percettologia {f}
:: The study of perception
percettore {f}
:: recipient (of a sum of money)
percettrone {m} [computing]
:: perceptron
percezione {f}
:: perception
percezione {f}
:: inkling
percezionismo {m}
:: perceptionism
perché {conj} /perˈke/
:: because, why
perché {conj}
:: (+ subj.) so, so that, in order that
perché {adv}
:: why
perché {m} [singular only]
:: the whys, the reason
perché mai {adv} [idiomatic]
:: why on Earth
perché no {adv} /perˌke nˈnɔ/
:: why not?
perchia {f}
:: comber (marine fish of the family Serranidae)
perciatello {m}
:: Type of pasta similar to bucatini
perciò {conj}
:: so, therefore, consequently, thus
perciocché {conj}
:: perché
perciocché {conj}
:: affinché
percipiente {adj}
:: percipient
perclorato {m}
:: perchlorate
perclorato di magnesio {n}
:: magnesium perchlorate
perclorico {adj} [inorganic chemistry]
:: perchloric
percloruro {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: perchloride
percoca {f}
:: Any of several local varieties of peach
percolamento {m}
:: synonym of percolazione
percolante {v}
:: present participle of percolare
percolare {vit}
:: to percolate, strain
percolato {adj}
:: percolated
percolato {m}
:: leachate
percolatore {m}
:: percolator
percolazione {f}
:: percolation
percome {mp}
:: wherefores
per conto di {prep}
:: on behalf of
per converso {adv}
:: conversely
percorrente {v}
:: present participle of percorrere
percorrenza {f}
:: haul (distance covered on a journey)
percorrere {vt}
:: to cover [distance, etc.]
percorrere {vt}
:: to follow [a road, etc.]
percorribile {adj}
:: drivable, passable, navigable
percorribile {adj}
:: practicable
percorribilità {f}
:: availability (of a road, for driving on)
percorso {m} /perˈkorso/
:: distance
percorso {m}
:: journey
percorso {m}
:: route, run
percorso {m} [sport]
:: course
percossa {f}
:: blow
percossione {f}
:: alternative form of percussione
percossosi {v}
:: past participle of percuotersi
percotente {v}
:: present participle of percuotere
percotere {v}
:: alternative form of percuotere
percotimento {m}
:: hit, blow
percotimento {m}
:: attack
percotitore {m}
:: attacker
per cui {conj}
:: so, therefore, consequently, thus
percuotente {v}
:: present participle of percuotere
percuotentesi {v}
:: present participle of percuotersi
percuotere {vt}
:: to hit, strike, beat, thrash
percuotere {vt}
:: to attack, fall
percuotersi {v}
:: reflexive of percuotere
percuotersi {vr}
:: to beat [one's breast, one's head, etc.]
percuotersi {vr}
:: to hit one another
percuotitore {m}
:: alternative form of percotitore
percussione {f}
:: percussion (all senses)
percussionista {mf}
:: percussionist
percussivo {adj}
:: percussive
percussore {m}
:: firing pin
percussore {m}
:: striker
percutaneo {adj} [medicine]
:: percutaneous
percuziente {adj}
:: striking, beating
percuziente {adj}
:: attacking
perdente {adj}
:: losing
perdente {mf}
:: loser
perdentesi {v}
:: present participle of perdersi
perdenza {f}
:: loss
perdenza {f}
:: waste
perder di vista {v}
:: to lose the plot
perder di vista {v}
:: to lose touch
perdere {vit} /ˈpɛr.de.re/
:: to lose
perdere {v}
:: to waste
perdere {v}
:: to destroy
perdere {v}
:: to miss, to be late for something
perdere colpi {v}
:: to misfire
perdere di vista {vt} [also, figurative]
:: to lose sight of
perdere di vista {vt}
:: to cease having contact with [someone]
perdere il lume della ragione {v}
:: to lose the plot
perdere la bussola {v}
:: to lose the plot
perdere la pazienza {v}
:: to lose patience, see red
perdere la speranza {v}
:: to give up
perdere la speranza {v}
:: ((transitive) surrender) surrender, yield
perdere la speranza {v}
:: ((transitive) stop or quit) blin, cease, discontinue
perdere la speranza {v}
:: ((transitive) relinquish) surrender, yield
perdere la speranza {v}
:: ((transitive) lose hope concerning)
perdere la speranza {v}
:: ((transitive) abandon) desert, forlet, forsake
perdere la speranza {v}
:: ((intransitive) admit defeat) capitulate, surrender, wave the white flag
perdere la testa {v}
:: to lose the plot
perdere la trebisonda {v}
:: to lose control
perdere le staffe {v} [idiomatic]
:: to lose one's temper, to lose it
perdere tempo {vi}
:: To waste time, to mess around
perdersi {v}
:: reflexive of perdere
perdersi {vt}
:: to lose
perdersi {vt}
:: to miss out on; to miss
perdersi {v} [in]
:: to fade away or disappear (in)
perdersi {v} [in, .figurative, .by extension]
:: to get mixed (in); to blend (in); to become part of the whole
perdersi {vi}
:: (with in or dietro a) to lose oneself in; to indulge in
perdersi {vi}
:: to lose one's way; to get lost
perdersi {vi}
:: to get confused
perdersi {vi}
:: to disappear due to time; to become extinct, defunct, or obsolete
perdiana {interj}
:: An expression of surprise or irritation
perdibile {adj}
:: losable
per dieci {adv}
:: much, a lot
perdifiato {m}
:: only in a perdifiato
perdigiorno {mf}
:: idler, loafer, time-waster
perdilegno {m} /per.diˈleɲ.ɲo/
:: synonym of rodilegno
perdimento {m}
:: destruction
perdimento {m}
:: loss
perdimento {m}
:: getting or being lost
perdina {interj}
:: alternative form of perdiana!
perdinci {interj}
:: an expression of disappointment or impatience; for goodness' sake
per dindirindina {interj}
:: my goodness!
perdindirindina {interj}
:: an expression of disappointment, impatience or surprize; for goodness' sake
perdio {interj} /perˈdi.o/
:: an expression of disappointment or impatience; for God's sake
per di più {adv}
:: what is more, moreover, furthermore, besides
per dire il vero {prep}
:: alternative form of a dire il vero
perdita {f} /ˈpɛr.di.ta/
:: loss, waste, deprivation
perdita {f}
:: leak, leakage
perditempo {mf}
:: time-waster
perditempo {m}
:: waste of time
perdizione {f}
:: perdition, damnation
perdonabile {adj}
:: forgivable, excusable
perdonabilità {f}
:: Property of being forgivable or excusable
perdonante {v}
:: present participle of perdonare
perdonantesi {v}
:: present participle of perdonarsi
perdonanza {f}
:: pardon, indulgence (remission of sins)
perdonare {vt}
:: to forgive, pardon, excuse
perdonare {vi}
:: to forgive, pardon
perdonarsi {v}
:: reflexive of perdonare
perdonarsi {v}
:: to forgive oneself or each other
perdonatore {m}
:: pardoner, forgiver
perdonatore {adj}
:: pardoning, forgiving
perdonatosi {v}
:: past participle of perdonarsi
perdonismo {m}
:: forgiveness (especially in politics)
perdonista {mf}
:: A person who forgives others mistakes (especially political)
perdono {m} /perˈdo.no/
:: forgiveness, pardon
perducente {v}
:: present participle of perdurre
perdurabile {adj}
:: perdurable
perdurabilemente {adv}
:: perdurably
perdurabilmente {adv}
:: perdurably
perdurante {v}
:: present participle of perdurare
perdurare {vi}
:: to persist
perdurevole {adj}
:: persistant
perdurevole {adj}
:: continuous
perdurre {v}
:: To lead
perdurre {v}
:: To guide
perdutamente {adv}
:: With great intensity or passion
perdutamente {adv}
:: desperately
perduto {adj}
:: lost
perdutosi {v}
:: past participle of perdersi
per eccellenza {adj}
:: par excellence, best of its kind, ultimate, quintessential
peregrinaggia {f}
:: synonym of pellegrinaggio
peregrinante {v}
:: present participle of peregrinare
peregrinare {vi}
:: to wander, roam
peregrinazione {f}
:: peregrination
peregrinazione {f}
:: wandering, roaming
peregrinità {f}
:: singularity, novelty, originality
peregrinità {f}
:: refinement, legance
peregrino {adj}
:: rare, strange, unusual, singular
perennante {adj}
:: perennial
perennare {vt} [literary, rare] /pe.renˈna.re/
:: To perpetuate
perennare {vi} [botany, of plants]
:: To be perennial
perenne {adj}
:: perennial, eternal, perpetual, never-ending, undying
perenne {f} [botany]
:: perennial
perennemente {adv}
:: perennially, always
perennibranchiato {adj} [zoology]
:: perennibranchiate
perennità {f}
:: perenniality, perpetuity
perente {v}
:: present participle of perire
perento {adj} [law] /peˈrɛn.to/
:: expired because of peremption
perento {adj} [literary]
:: disused, deprecated, obsolete
perentoriamente {adv}
:: peremptorily
perentorietà {f}
:: peremptoriness
perentorietà {f}
:: incontrovertibility
perentorio {adj}
:: peremptory
perenzione {f} [legal]
:: acquiescence, estoppel by acquiescence
perenzione {f}
:: expiration, lapse
perequante {v}
:: present participle of perequare
perequare {vt}
:: To equalize or equate
perequativo {adj} /pe.rek.waˈti.vo/
:: equalizing (in terms of taxation etc)
perequazione {f}
:: equalization (of taxes etc)
per errore {adv}
:: mistakenly, by mistake, in error, wrongly
per esempio {adv}
:: for example, for instance
perestrojka {f}
:: perestroika
pereto {m}
:: an orchard of pear trees
peretta {f} [rare]
:: small pear
peretta {f}
:: rubber syringe
peretta {f}
:: enema
perfacente {v}
:: present participle of perfare
perfare {vt} [obsolete]
:: to complete
perfare {vt} [obsolete]
:: to make good
per favore {adv}
:: please
per favore {interj}
:: please
perfettamente {adv}
:: perfectly
perfettibile {adj}
:: perfectible
perfettibilità {f}
:: perfectibility
perfettissimo {adj}
:: superlative of perfetto
perfettivo {adj}
:: perfective
perfetto {adj} /perˈfɛt.to/
:: perfect
perfetto {m} [grammar]
:: perfect tense
perfezion {f}
:: apocopic form of perfezione
perfezionabile {adj}
:: perfectible
perfezionabile {adj}
:: improvable
perfezionabilità {f}
:: perfectibility
perfezionabilità {f}
:: improvability
perfezionamento {m}
:: perfection (of)
perfezionamento {m}
:: improvement (in)
perfezionanda {f} /per.fet.t͡sjoˈnan.da/
:: feminine noun of perfezionando
perfezionando {m} /per.fet.t͡sjoˈnan.do/
:: One who's undertaking a course aimed at perfecting a skill
perfezionante {v}
:: present participle of perfezionare
perfezionantesi {v}
:: present participle of perfezionarsi
perfezionare {vt}
:: to perfect something (by modifying it); to fine tune
perfezionare {vt}
:: to finish or complete
perfezionarsi {vr}
:: To perfect (a skill etc)
perfezionativo {adj} [literary, rare]
:: perfectionist (attributive)
perfezionato {adj}
:: perfected
perfezionatore {m}
:: perfecter
perfezionatosi {v}
:: past participle of perfezionarsi
perfezione {f}
:: perfection
perfezionismo {m} /per.fet.tsjoˈni.zmo/
:: perfectionism
perfezionista {mf} /per.fet.tsjoˈni.sta/
:: perfectionist
perfezionista {adj}
:: perfectionistic (inclined to perfectionsim)
perfezionisticamente {adv}
:: perfectionistically
perfezionistico {adj}
:: perfectionistic (related to perfectionism)
perfezionistico {adj} [rare]
:: perfectionistic (inclined to perfectionism)
perfidamente {adv}
:: treacherously
perfidamente {adv}
:: perversely
perfidamente {adv}
:: fiercely
perfidia {f}
:: perfidy
perfidiare {v}
:: To be perfidious
perfidiosamente {adv}
:: perfidiously
perfidioso {adj} [literary]
:: perfidious
perfido {adj}
:: perfidious
per filo e per segno {adv} [idiomatic]
:: in minute detail, step by step, word for word
perfine {f}
:: only in alla perfine
perfino {adv}
:: synonym of persino; even, just
per finta {adv}
:: superficially, in appearance
per finta {adv}
:: as a joke, kiddingly, unseriously
perfoliato {adj} [botany]
:: perfoliate
perforabile {adj}
:: That can be perforated or pierced; penetrable
perforabilità {f}
:: penetrability
perforamento {m}
:: perforation, piercing
perforamento {m}
:: drilling, boring, punching (holes)
perforante {v}
:: present participle of perforare
perforare {vt}
:: to pierce
perforare {vt}
:: to perforate
perforare {vt}
:: to punch (a hole)
perforare {vt}
:: to drill
perforato {adj}
:: pierced
perforato {adj}
:: perforated
perforatore {m}
:: punch card operator (Feminine: perforatrice)
perforatore {m}
:: perforator (machine)
perforatore {m}
:: card punch
perforatrice {f} [computing]
:: punch card operator (Masculine: perforatore)
perforatrice {f} [computing]
:: card punch (machine)
perforatrice {f}
:: hole punch (device)
perforatrice {f} [mining]
:: hammer drill, jackhammer, drifter
perforatura {f}
:: perforation
perforazione {f}
:: perforation
perforazione {f}
:: drilling
perforina {f} [protein]
:: perforin
performance {f}
:: performance
performante {adj}
:: high-performance
performare {v}
:: To perform
performatività {f}
:: performativity
performativo {adj} [linguistics]
:: performative
per fortuna {adv}
:: luckily, fortunately
per forza {adv}
:: necessarily
per forza {adv}
:: against one's will, unwillingly
per forza {adv}
:: indeed, sure, definitely, of course
perfosfato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: superphosphate
perfrigerare {v}
:: To freeze rapidly
perfrigerare {v}
:: To deep-freeze
perfrigerazione {f}
:: rapid freezing (of foodstuffs); deep-freezing
perfusione {f} [medicine]
:: perfusion
pergamena {f} /per.ɡaˈmɛ.na/
:: parchment, membrane, vellum
pergamenaceo {adj}
:: parchment (attributive)
pergamenaceo {adj}
:: pergameneous
pergamenato {m}
:: parchment
pergamo {m}
:: pulpit
Pergamo {prop}
:: Pergamum, Pergamon
per giunta {adv}
:: in addition, what is more, moreover, furthermore, into the bargain
pergiura {f} /perˈd͡ʒu.ra/
:: synonym of spergiura: perjurer [female]
pergiurio {m} /perˈd͡ʒu.rjo/
:: alternative form of pergiuro
pergiuro {adj} /perˈd͡ʒu.ro/
:: synonym of spergiuro: faithless
pergiuro {m}
:: synonym of spergiuro: perjurer [male]
pergiuro {m}
:: synonym of spergiuro: perjury
pergola {f}
:: pergola
pergola {f} [heraldiccharge]
:: pall
pergolato {m}
:: pergola
pergolato {m}
:: trellis
Pergolesi {prop}
:: surname
Pergolesi {prop}
:: Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Italian composer
per gradi {prep}
:: synonym of a gradi
peri- {prefix}
:: peri-
periambo {m}
:: synonym of pirrichio
perianale {adj} [anatomy]
:: perianal
periantartico {adj}
:: periantarctic
perianzio {m} [botany]
:: perianth
periapside {f}
:: periapsis
periareolare {adj} [anatomy]
:: periareolar
periartico {adj}
:: periarctic
periarticolare {adj} [anatomy]
:: periarticular
periartrite {f} [pathology]
:: periarthritis
periastro {m} [astronomy]
:: periapsis
periblastico {adj} [biology] /pe.riˈblas.ti.ko/
:: periblastic
periblasto {m} [biology] /pe.riˈblas.to/
:: periblast
pericapside {m}
:: pericapsid, viral envelope
pericapsidico {adj}
:: pericapsidic
pericardico {adj}
:: pericardial
pericardio {m}
:: pericardium
pericardite {f} [pathology]
:: pericarditis
pericarpico {adj}
:: pericarpic
pericarpio {m} [botany]
:: pericarp
pericarpo {m} [botany]
:: pericarp
pericentriolare {adj}
:: pericentriolar
pericentromerico {adj}
:: pericentromeric
periclasio {m} [mineral]
:: periclase
Pericle {prop}
:: Pericles
pericleo {adj}
:: Periclean
periclinale {adj} [botany]
:: periclinal
periclitante {adj}
:: in harm's way
pericolante {adj}
:: precarious; shaky
pericolante {adj}
:: in crisis; experiencing grave difficulties
pericolante {v}
:: present participle of pericolare
pericolare {vi}
:: to be in danger
pericolare {vi}
:: to be unsafe
pericolo {m} /pe.ˈri.ko.lo/
:: peril, danger
pericolone {m}
:: A very cautious person (who sees danger everywhere)
pericolosamente {adv}
:: dangerously
pericolosissimo {adj}
:: superlative of pericoloso
pericolosità {f}
:: danger (all senses)
pericoloso {adj}
:: dangerous, risky, insecure, unsafe
pericondrio {m} [anatomy]
:: perichondrium
pericondrite {f} [diseases]
:: perichondritis
pericope {f}
:: pericope
pericranio {m} [anatomy]
:: pericranium
periderma {m} [botany]
:: periderm
perididimo {m} [anatomy]
:: perididymis
peridoto {m} [mineralogy]
:: peridot
periduodenite {f} [pathology]
:: periduodenitis
peridurale {adj} [anatomy]
:: peridural
periegesi {f}
:: periegesis
periegeta {m}
:: periegete
periegetico {adj}
:: periegetic
perieliaco {adj}
:: perihelic
perielio {m} [astronomy]
:: perihelion
periferia {f}
:: outskirts, suburbs
periferia {f}
:: fringe, periphery
periferica {f} [computing, ]
:: peripheral, device, peripheral device
perifericamente {adv}
:: in the suburbs, on the outskirts
perifericamente {adv}
:: peripherally
periferico {adj}
:: suburban, outlying, in the suburbs, on the outskirts
periferico {adj} [anatomy]
:: peripheral
perifrasare {v}
:: To periphrase
perifrasi {f} /peˈrif.ra.zi/
:: circumlocution, periphrase
perifrasticamente {adv}
:: periphrastically
perifrastico {adj}
:: periphrastic
perigastrico {adj} [anatomy]
:: perigastric
perigastrite {f} [pathology]
:: perigastritis
perigeo {m} [astronomy] /pe.ri.ˈdʒɛ.o/
:: perigee
periglaciale {adj}
:: periglacial
perigonio {m} [botany]
:: perigone
perigordino {adj}
:: Perigordian (of or from Périgord or Périgueux)
periidro {adj} [organic chemistry, especially in combination]
:: perihydro
perilacuale {adj}
:: synonym of circumlacuale
perilinfa {f} [anatomy]
:: perilymph
per il momento {adv} [idiomatic]
:: for the time being, for the nonce
per il resto {adv}
:: otherwise, apart from that, for the rest
perimediterraneo {adj}
:: peri-Mediterranean
perimento {m} [legal]
:: loss or destruction
perimetrale {adj}
:: perimetric
perimetrale {adj}
:: outer
perimetralmente {adv}
:: perimetrically
perimetrato {adj}
:: bounded
perimetrazione {f}
:: The determination of the perimeter of an area
perimetrazione {f}
:: A perimeter that forms the limits of a territory
perimetria {f}
:: perimetry
perimetrico {adj}
:: perimetric
perimetro {m}
:: perimeter
perinatale {adj}
:: perinatal
perinatalità {f}
:: perinatal period
perinatologia {f} [medicine]
:: perinatology
per inciso {adv}
:: incidentally, by the way
perineale {adj} [anatomy]
:: perineal
perineo {m} [anatomy]
:: perineum
perinervio {m}
:: perinervous tissue
perineuronale {adj} [anatomy]
:: perineuronal
perinevrite {f} [pathology]
:: perineuritis
Perini {prop}
:: surname
perinucleare {adj}
:: perinuclear
periocardiofrenico {adj}
:: pericardiacophrenic
perioculare {adj} [anatomy]
:: periocular
periodato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: periodate
periodeute {m}
:: circuit priest
periodicamente {adv}
:: periodically
periodicista {mf}
:: A journalist who works for a periodical
periodicità {f}
:: periodicity
periodicità {f}
:: interval
periodico {m}
:: periodical (publication issued regularly, but less frequently than daily)
periodico {m}
:: publication
periodico {m}
:: magazine
periodico {adj}
:: periodic (all senses)
periodico {adj}
:: periodic (iodine oxyacid)
periodinia {f}
:: periodynia
periodizzamento {m}
:: synonym of periodizzazione
periodizzare {vt} [uncommon]
:: to periodise
periodizzazione {f}
:: periodization
periodo {m}
:: period, time, span, run
periodo {m} [chemistry]
:: period (in the periodic table)
periodo {m} [physics]
:: The time between successive peaks or troughs in a sinusoidal phenomenon
periodo {m} [astronomy]
:: The time taken for a planet to orbit its star; year
periodo {m}
:: moment
periodo {m}
:: age, epoch (subdivision of an era)
periodo {m}
:: season
periodo {m} [grammar]
:: complex sentence
periodontite {f}
:: periodontitis
periodonto {m} [anatomy]
:: periodontium
perioftalmo {m}
:: mudskipper (fish of the genus Periophthalmus)
periombelicale {adj} [anatomy]
:: periumbilical
perioperatorio {adj} [surgery]
:: perioperative
periorale {adj} [anatomy]
:: perioral
periorbitale {adj} [anatomy]
:: periorbital
periorbitario {adj} [anatomy]
:: periorbital
periostale {adj} [anatomy]
:: periosteal
periosteo {adj} [anatomy]
:: periosteal
periosteo {m}
:: Variant of periostio
periostio {m} [anatomy]
:: periosteum
periostite {f}
:: periostitis
peripatetica {f}
:: streetwalker
peripatetica {f}
:: prostitute, trollop, strumpet, whore
peripateticamente {adv}
:: peripatetically
peripatetico {adj}
:: peripatetic
peripatetismo {m}
:: peripatetic philosophy
peripezia {f}
:: adventure (story)
peripezia {f}
:: peripeteia
periplasma {m}
:: periplasm (periplasmic space)
periplo {m}
:: circumnavigation (of an island or continent)
periptero {m}
:: peripteral temple
perire {v} [literary] /peˈri.re/
:: to die, perish
perire {v} [literary, of inanimate objects]
:: to waste away, perish
periscopico {adj}
:: periscopic
periscopio {m}
:: periscope
per iscritto {adv}
:: in writing
perisperma {m} [botany]
:: perisperm
perispomena {f} /pe.risˈpɔ.me.na/
:: perispomenon
perispomeno {adj}
:: perispomenon
perissodattilo {m}
:: perissodactyl
perissologia {f}
:: perissology (form of tautology)
peristalsi {f} [physiology]
:: peristalsis
peristaltico {adj} [physiology]
:: peristaltic
peristasi {f} [architecture]
:: peristasis, peristyle
peristilio {m} [architecture]
:: peristyle
perita {f} [rare] /peˈri.ta/
:: feminine noun of perito
peritale {adj}
:: expertly
peritanza {f}
:: hesitation
peritarsi {vi}
:: (with [ a or di ] + inf.) to hesitate
peritarsi {vi} [rare]
:: to be awed
peritarsi {v}
:: to be ashamed
peritecio {m} [botany]
:: perithecium
perito {adj} [literary] /peˈri.to/
:: expert, skillful
perito {m}
:: expert
perito {m}
:: surveyor
peritoneale {adj} [anatomy]
:: peritoneal
peritoneo {m} [anatomy] /pe.ri.to.ˈnɛ.o/
:: peritoneum
peritonite {f} [disease]
:: peritonitis
peritoso {adj}
:: hesitant
peritoso {adj}
:: shy
peritrico {adj}
:: peritrichous
perittero {adj} [architecture]
:: peripterous
perituro {adj} [literary] /pe.riˈtu.ro/
:: mortal
perituro {adj} [literary, figurative]
:: transient, passing
periungueale {adj} [anatomy]
:: periungueal
periurbano {adj}
:: periurban
periuretrale {adj} [anatomy]
:: periurethral
periuro {m} /peˈrju.ro/
:: alternative form of pergiuro: perjury
perivascolare {adj} [anatomy]
:: perivascular
periventricolare {adj} [anatomy]
:: periventricular
periviscerale {adj}
:: perivisceral
perizia {f}
:: skill, ability
perizia {f}
:: report or opinion (written by an expert)
periziale {adj}
:: expert (attributive)
periziante {v}
:: present participle of periziare
periziare {vt}
:: To survey or value
periziatore {m}
:: handicapper (in horse racing)
perizoma {m}
:: G-string, thong
perizoma {m}
:: loincloth
perizomata {f} [colloquial]
:: A woman who wears a thong (or G-string)
perla {f}
:: pearl (also figuratively)
perla {f}
:: pill
perla {f}
:: mistake
perla {adj}
:: pearl (attributive)
perla {f} [printing, dated]
:: A small size of type, standardized as 4 point
perlaceo {adj}
:: pearly
perlage {m}
:: effervescence (of sparkling wine)
perlagione {f}
:: nacre
perlaio {m}
:: A pearl worker or seller
per la miseria {interj}
:: wow (An indication of excitement or surprise)
per la miseria {interj}
:: good grief
perlaquale {adv}
:: smoothly, well
perlato {adj}
:: pearly
perlato {adj}
:: decorated with pearls
perlato {adj}
:: pearl (attributive)
perlé {adj}
:: pearl (attributive)
perlifero {adj}
:: pearl (attributive)
perlifico {adj}
:: pearl-bearing
perlina {f} [chiefly in the plural]
:: bead, jewel
perlina {f} [carpentry, civil engineering]
:: panelling, matchboarding
perlinato {m} [carpentry]
:: matchboarding
perlinato {adj}
:: beaded
perlinatura {f}
:: matchboarding
perlinguale {adj}
:: sublingual
perlite {f} [mineral]
:: perlite
perloché {conj}
:: for what
per lo meno {adv}
:: alternative spelling of perlomeno
perlomeno {adv} /per.loˈme.no/
:: at least, to say the least
per lo più {adv}
:: alternative spelling of perlopiù
perlopiù {adv} /per.loˈpju/
:: for the most part, mostly, usually
perlucente {adj} [rare]
:: very bright
perlustrante {v}
:: present participle of perlustrare
perlustrare {vt}
:: To scour, patrol, reconnoitre
perlustratore {m}
:: patroller, patrol man, raker
perlustrazione {f}
:: patrol, reconnaissance, scouring
permacultura {f}
:: permaculture
permaculturale {adj}
:: permacultural, permaculture [attributive]
permagelo {m}
:: permafrost
permale {m}
:: resentment
permalosa {f}
:: feminine noun of permaloso
permalosità {f} /per.ma.lo.siˈta/
:: touchiness
permaloso {adj} /per.maˈlo.zo/
:: thin-skinned, touchy
permaloso {m}
:: A touchy person
permanentato {adj}
:: permed (hair)
permanente {adj}
:: permanent
permanente {f}
:: permanent wave, perm
permanentemente {adv}
:: permanently
permanenza {f}
:: permanence, persistence, continuation
permanenza {f}
:: stay, sojourn
permanere {vi}
:: to remain
permanganato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: permanganate
permanganico {adj} [inorganic chemistry]
:: permanganic
per mano di {prep} [idiom]
:: at the hands of
permeabile {adj}
:: permeable
permeabilità {f}
:: permeability
permeabilizzazione {f}
:: permeabilization
permeante {v}
:: present participle of permeare
permeanza {f} [physics]
:: permeance
permeare {v}
:: to permeate (with)
permeatore {m}
:: permeator
permeazione {f}
:: permeation
permessione {f}
:: alternative form of permissione
permessivo {adj}
:: alternative form of permissivo
permesso {adj}
:: allowed, permitted
permesso {interj}
:: Said to ask for permission; may I?; may I come in?; knock knock
permesso {interj}
:: Said as a request to pass; excuse me
permesso {m}
:: permission, permit, consent, leave, licence
permesso {m}
:: clearance
permesso di soggiorno {m}
:: residence permit
permessosi {v}
:: past participle of permettersi
permettente {v}
:: present participle of permettere
permettentesi {v}
:: present participle of permettersi
permetter {v}
:: apocopic form of permettere
permettere {vt}
:: to allow, to let, to permit, to authorize, to entitle
permettersi {vr}
:: to afford, to allow oneself, to dare, to take the liberty of
permettività {f} [physics]
:: permittivity
per mezzo di {prep}
:: by, through, by means of, by way of
permiano {m}
:: Permian
permico {adj}
:: Permian
permissibile {adj}
:: permissible
permissione {f}
:: permission
permissivismo {m}
:: permissiveness
permissività {f}
:: permissiveness
permissivo {adj}
:: permissive
permittività {f} [physics]
:: permittivity
permuta {f}
:: transfer
permuta {f}
:: trade-in
permuta {f}
:: swap
permutabile {adj}
:: exchangeable
permutabile {adj}
:: permutable
permutabilità {f}
:: exchangeability
permutabilità {f}
:: permutability
permutamento {m}
:: synonym of permutazione
permutare {v}
:: to swap, shift, exchange
permutativo {adj}
:: permutative
permutatore {m}
:: converter
permutatore {m}
:: exchanger
permutazion {f}
:: apocopic form of permutazione
permutazione {f} [mathematics]
:: permutation
permutite {f}
:: permutite
pernacchia {f} /perˈnakːja/
:: raspberry (noise imitating flatulence)
pernambucana {f}
:: feminine noun of pernambucano
pernambucano {adj}
:: Pernambucan
pernambucano {m}
:: Pernambucan
pernice {f}
:: partridge
pernice bianca {f}
:: ptarmigan
pernice del bambù {f}
:: bamboo partridge (Bambusicola spp.)
pernice del bambù della Cina {f}
:: Chinese bamboo partridge (Bambusicola thoracicus)
pernice del bambù di Taiwan {f}
:: Taiwan bamboo partridge (Bambusicola sonorivox)
pernice del bambù montana {f}
:: mountain bamboo partridge (Bambusicola fytchii)
pernicie {f} /perˈni.t͡ʃe/
:: disaster, ruin
perniciosa {f} [disease]
:: pernicious malaria
perniciosamente {adv} /per.ni.t͡ʃo.zaˈmen.te/
:: perniciously
perniciosissimo {adj}
:: superlative of pernicioso
perniciosità {f} /per.ni.t͡ʃo.ziˈta/
:: perniciousness
pernicioso {adj} /per.niˈt͡ʃo.zo/
:: pernicious
per niente {adv}
:: by no means, in no way, not in the least, the least bit
per niente {adv} [after a negative]
:: in the least, by any means, in an way
pernione {m}
:: synonym of gelone
pernizioso {adj}
:: obsolete form of pernicioso
perno {m} /ˈpɛr.no/
:: pivot (all senses)
per non dimenticare {phrase}
:: "do not forget"
per non dimenticare {phrase}
:: "not to forget"
pernottamento {m}
:: overnight stay
pernottante {v}
:: present participle of pernottare
pernottare {vi}
:: To spend the night, to overnight
per nulla al mondo {adv}
:: at latter Lammas, never
pero {m} /ˈpe.ɾo/
:: pear tree
però {conj}
:: yet, but, however, nevertheless
perocché {conj}
:: Variant of però che used (in literature) in place of poiché or affinché
perone {m} [skeleton]
:: fibula, calf bone
peroneale {adj} [skeleton]
:: fibular
peroneo {adj} [skeleton]
:: fibular
peroniero {adj} [skeleton]
:: fibular
peronismo {m}
:: Peronism
peronista {adj}
:: Peronist
peronista {mf}
:: Peronist
peronospora {f}
:: downy mildew
per opera di {prep}
:: By means of; through the action of; due to; of
per ora {adv}
:: for now; for the time being
perorante {v}
:: present participle of perorare
perorare {vt} [legal]
:: to plead [a case]
perorare {vt}
:: to advocate [a cause, etc.]
perorazione {f}
:: peroration
perossiacido {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: peroxyacid
perossidasi {m} [enzyme]
:: peroxidase
perossidazione {f}
:: peroxidation
perossido {m} [chemistry]
:: peroxide
perossido di idrogeno {m} [inorganic compound]
:: hydrogen peroxide
perossimonosolfato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: peroxomonosulfate
perossisoma {m} [cytology]
:: peroxisome
perossisomale {adj}
:: peroxisomal
perovskite {f} [mineral]
:: perovskite
Perozzo {prop}
:: surname
per partito preso {adv}
:: deliberately, on principle
perpendicolare {adj} [geometry]
:: perpendicular
perpendicolare {m} [geometry]
:: perpendicular
perpendicolarità {f}
:: perpendicularity
perpendicolarmente {adv}
:: perpendicularly
perpendicolo {m}
:: perpendicular (line)
perpetrante {v}
:: present participle of perpetrare
perpetrare {vt}
:: to commit, perpetrate
perpetratore {m}
:: perpetrator
perpetrazione {f}
:: perpetration
perpetrazione {f}
:: committal
perpetua {f} /perˈpɛ.tu.a/
:: a priest's housekeeper
perpetua {f} [by extension, jocular]
:: an aged talkative housekeeper
perpetuabile {adj}
:: That can be perpetuated
perpetualmente {adv}
:: alternative form of perpetuamente
perpetuamente {adv}
:: perpetually
perpetuante {v}
:: present participle of perpetuare
perpetuantesi {v}
:: present participle of perpetuarsi
perpetuare {vt}
:: to perpetuate
perpetuarsi {v}
:: reflexive of perpetuare
perpetuarsi {v}
:: to be perpetuated, last
perpetuatore {m}
:: perpetuator
perpetuatosi {v}
:: past participle of perpetuarsi
perpetuazione {f}
:: perpetuation
perpetuità {f}
:: perpetuity
perpetuo {adj}
:: perpetual
per piacere {adv}
:: please
per piacere {interj}
:: please
Perpignano {prop} /per.piɲˈɲa.no/
:: Perpignano (city)
perplessità {f}
:: perplexity
perplesso {adj}
:: perplexed, puzzled
perplimente {v}
:: present participle of perplimere
perplimere {v} [colloquial, colloquial, humorous] /perˈpli.me.re/
:: to perplex
per poco {adv}
:: by a little, by a small margin, just
per poco {adv}
:: (followed by non) almost, nearly, just, narrowly
per poco {adv}
:: cheap
per quanto {conj}
:: as far as, much as, as much as, however much
per quanto concerne {prep}
:: as to, as for, regarding, concerning, with regard to, as regards
per quanto mi è dato sapere {adv}
:: to one's knowledge, to the best of my knowledge
per quanto riguarda {prep}
:: as to, as for, regarding, concerning, with regard to, as regards
per quanto si sa {adv}
:: as far as one knows
per questo {adv}
:: for this reason; for that reason; for this; this is why
perquisente {v}
:: present participle of perquisire
perquisire {vt} /perkwiˈzire/
:: To search (house, luggage, person, etc.)
perquisizione {f}
:: search, investigation
perrenato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: perrhenate
perrucca {f}
:: alternative form of parrucca
persa {mf} /ˈpɛr.sa/
:: Persian (someone from Persia)
persa {adj}
:: Persian
persa {f} [regional]
:: synonym of maggiorana
per sbaglio {adv} [idiom]
:: mistakenly, by mistake, in error, wrongly
per scaramanzia {adv}
:: for good luck
perscrutabile {adj} [literary]
:: That can be scrutinized
perscrutabilità {f}
:: scrutability
perscrutante {v}
:: present participle of perscrutare
perscrutare {vt} [literary]
:: To scrutinize
persecutore {m}
:: persecutor
persecutorio {adj}
:: persecutory
persecuzione {f}
:: persecution
Persefone {prop} [Greek god]
:: Persephone
perseguente {v}
:: present participle of perseguire
perseguibile {adj} [legal]
:: Able to be prosecuted
perseguibilità {f}
:: liability to prosecution
perseguimento {m}
:: pursuance
perseguimento {m}
:: prosecution
perseguire {vt} /per.seˈɡwi.re/
:: to pursue
perseguire {vt} [legal]
:: to prosecute
perseguitante {v}
:: present participle of perseguitare
perseguitare {vt}
:: To persecute (all senses)
perseguitata {f}
:: female equivalent of perseguitato
perseguitato {m}
:: victim of persecution (male)
perseidi {f}
:: Perseids
per sempre {adv}
:: forever, for ever, forevermore, for good
Perseo {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Perseus
Perseo {prop}
:: given name
Persepoli {prop}
:: Persepolis
persesco {adj} /perˈses.ko/
:: Persian
perseveramento {m}
:: perseverance, persevering
perseverante {v}
:: present participle of perseverare
perseverante {adj}
:: perseverant
perseverantemente {adv}
:: perseverantly
perseveranza {f}
:: perseverance
perseveranza {f}
:: persistance
perseverare {vi}
:: To persevere (in)
Persia {prop} /ˈpɛrsja/
:: Persia
persiana {f}
:: shutter
persiana {f}
:: Venetian blind
persiana {f}
:: sash (of window)
persianista {mf}
:: Persianist
persianistica {f}
:: Persian studies (as an academic discipline)
persianizzazione {f}
:: Persianization / Persianisation
persiano {adj}
:: Persian, Iranian
persiano {m}
:: Persian (both native of Persia and the domestic cat)
persiano {m}
:: The fur of the karakul (masculine only)
persiano {m}
:: Any of the languages of Persia (masculine only)
persico {m} [zoology, ichthyology]
:: perch, Perca fluviatilis (fish)
persico {m}
:: peach (tree)
persico {adj}
:: Persian Gulf (attributive)
Persico {prop}
:: surname
persino {adv}
:: even, just
Persio {prop}
:: given name
persistente {adj}
:: persistent
persistente {v}
:: present participle of persistere
persistentemente {adv}
:: persistently
persistenza {f}
:: persistence
persistere {vi}
:: to persist
persistere {m}
:: persistance
perso {v}
:: past participle of perdere
perso {adj}
:: lost, wasted
persolfato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: persulfate
persolforico {adj} [inorganic chemistry]
:: persulfuric
persona {f}
:: person, {p} people, persons
persona {f}
:: someone, somebody, anybody
persona {f}
:: body, figure
persona {f} [law]
:: person, body
persona {f} [psychology]
:: persona
persona alla deriva {n}
:: drifter
persona difficile da raggiungere {n}
:: hard man to reach
personaggio {m}
:: figure, personality, personage
personaggio {m}
:: (being in a story) character
personaggio {m}
:: character, fellow, guy
personale {adj}
:: personal, private
personale {m}
:: staff, personnel
personale {m}
:: personal sphere, personal affairs
personale {m}
:: figure
personale {f} [of painter, sculptor, photographer, etc]
:: solo exhibit
personalismo {m}
:: personalism
personalissimo {adj}
:: superlative of personale
personalista {mf}
:: personalist
personalistico {adj}
:: personalist
personalità {f} [psychology]
:: personality
personalità {f} [legal]
:: legal personality
personalità {f}
:: (celebrity) celebrity, personality
personalizzabile {adj}
:: That can be personalized; personalizable, customizable
personalizzabilità {f}
:: customizability
personalizzante {v}
:: present participle of personalizzare
personalizzare {vt}
:: to personalize, customise/customize
personalizzazione {f}
:: personalization
personalmente {adv}
:: personally, in person, oneself, directly
personeggiare {vt} [rare]
:: to impersonate
personificante {v}
:: present participle of personificare
personificare {vt}
:: to personify
personificare {vt}
:: to embody
personificazione {f}
:: personification
personificazione {f}
:: embodiment
personificazione {f}
:: epitome
per soprammercato {adv}
:: in addition, into the bargain, what's more, to cap it all
perspettiva {f}
:: alternative form of prospettiva
perspicace {adj}
:: discerning, shrewd, perceptive, perspicacious
perspicacemente {adv}
:: sharply, keenly, perceptively, shrewdly
perspicacia {f}
:: perspicacity, shrewdness
perspicacità {f} [rare]
:: perspicacity, shrewdness
perspicuamente {adv}
:: perspicuously
perspicuità {f}
:: perspicuity, perspicuousness
perspicuo {adj}
:: perspicuous
perspirazione {f} [physiology]
:: perspiration
persuadente {v}
:: present participle of persuadere
persuadentesi {v}
:: present participle of persuadersi
persuadere {vt}
:: to persuade, convince
persuadersi {v}
:: reflexive of persuadere
persuadersi {vr}
:: to convince oneself
persuadersi {vr}
:: to become convinced
persuadevole {adj}
:: persuasive
persuadibile {adj}
:: persuadable
persuaditore {m}
:: persuader
persuasibile {adj}
:: Variant of persuadibile
persuasibilità {f}
:: persuasibility
persuasione {f}
:: persuasion
persuasione {f}
:: belief, conviction
persuasivamente {adv}
:: persuasively
persuasivo {adj}
:: persuasive
persuasore {m}
:: persuader
persuasorio {adj}
:: persuasive
persuasosi {v}
:: past participle of persuadersi
persutto {m}
:: alternative form of prosciutto
pertanto {conj}
:: so, therefore, thus
pertecnetato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: pertechnetate
per tempo {adv}
:: early, beforehand, as soon as possible
per tempo {adv}
:: on time
pertenere {v}
:: to pertain (to)
pertica {f}
:: pole, rod
pertica {f}
:: beanpole
perticara {f} /per.tiˈka.ra/
:: A type of plough made entirely out of wood, except for the ploughshare
perticata {f}
:: A blow from a rod or pole
perticone {m}
:: beanpole (tall, thin person)
Pertile {prop}
:: surname
pertinace {adj}
:: pertinacious
pertinacemente {adv}
:: tenaciously, stubbornly
pertinacia {f}
:: pertinacity
pertinente {adj} /per.tiˈnɛn.te/
:: pertinent or relevant (to)
pertinentemente {adv}
:: pertinently, relevantly
pertinenza {f}
:: pertinence, relevance
pertinenza {f}
:: jurisdiction (of a court)
pertinenziale {adj} [legal]
:: jurisdictional
Pertini {prop}
:: surname
Pertini {prop}
:: Sandro Pertini, Italian politician and seventh President of Italy
pertosse {f} [diseases]
:: pertussis, whooping cough
pertrattare {v}
:: To treat or handle thoroughly
pertrattazione {f}
:: exhaustive, in-depth treatment
pertugio {m}
:: hole, opening
perturbamento {m}
:: perturbation
perturbamento {m}
:: anxiety, worry, upset
perturbante {v}
:: present participle of perturbare
perturbantesi {v}
:: present participle of perturbarsi
perturbare {vt}
:: to upset, disturb, perturb
perturbarsi {v}
:: reflexive of perturbare
perturbarsi {v}
:: to become upset, disturbed, perturbed
perturbatamente {adv}
:: perturbedly
perturbativo {adj}
:: perturbative
perturbato {adj}
:: upset, disturbed, perturbed
perturbatore {adj}
:: disruptive
perturbatosi {v}
:: past participle of perturbarsi
perturbazione {f}
:: perturbation (all senses)
per tutti i diavoli {interj}
:: wow (An indication of excitement or surprise)
Perù {prop}
:: Perù (country)
peruggine {m}
:: wild pear tree
Perugia {prop}
:: Perugia (city/and/province)
perugino {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to Perugia
perugino {m}
:: Native or inhabitant of Perugia
per ultima cosa {adv}
:: ultimately, eventually, at last
per ultimo {adj}
:: last, ultimately
per un pelo {adv}
:: closely, narrowly
perusto {adj}
:: burnt
perusto {adj}
:: dry, arid
perusto {adj}
:: torrid
peruviana {f}
:: feminine noun of peruviano
peruviano {adj}
:: Peruvian
peruviano {m}
:: Peruvian
Peruzzi {prop}
:: surname
pervadente {v}
:: present participle of pervadere
pervadere {vt}
:: to pervade, permeate
pervasivamente {adv}
:: pervasively
pervasività {f}
:: pervasiveness
pervasivo {adj}
:: pervasive
perveniente {v}
:: present participle of pervenire
pervenire {vi}
:: to reach
pervenire {vi}
:: to arrive (at)
pervenire {vi}
:: to come (to)
perversione {f}
:: perversion
perversità {f}
:: perversity
perverso {adj} /perˈvɛr.so/
:: perverted
perverso {adj}
:: perverse (of desires etc)
perverso {adj}
:: wicked
pervertente {v}
:: present participle of pervertire
pervertentesi {v}
:: present participle of pervertirsi
pervertimento {m}
:: corruption, depravity
pervertimento {m}
:: perversion
pervertire {vt}
:: to pervert, to corrupt
pervertirsi {vr}
:: To become perverted, corrupted or debased
pervertito {adj}
:: perverted
pervertito {m}
:: pervert
pervertitore {m}
:: perverter, corrupter
pervertitore {adj}
:: perverting, corrupting
pervertitosi {v}
:: past participle of pervertirsi
per via di {prep}
:: because of, due to, by way of
per via orale {adv}
:: orally
pervicace {adj}
:: stubborn, obstinate
pervicacemente {adv}
:: stubbornly, obstinately
pervicacia {f}
:: stubbornness, obstinacy
Pervicchio {prop}
:: Pervicchio (island)
pervietà {f}
:: patency
per vie traverse {adv}
:: unlawfully, dishonestly
per vie traverse {adv}
:: In a manner not conforming to the law
pervigile {adj}
:: Very alert, attentive, watchful
pervinca {f}
:: periwinkle (plant)
pervinca {m}
:: periwinkle (colour)
pervinca {adj}
:: periwinkle
per volta {adv}
:: at a time, at the same time
perxenato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: perxenate
perxenico {adj} [inorganic chemistry]
:: perxenic
Perzagno {prop}
:: Perzagno (town)
p.es. {adv}
:: initialism of per esempio
pesa {f}
:: weighing
pesa {f}
:: weighbridge
pesa {f}
:: weighing machine
Pesa {prop}
:: Pesa (river)
pesabambini {mf}
:: baby scales
pesabile {adj}
:: weighable
pesafiltro {m} [chemistry]
:: weighing bottle
pesalatte {m}
:: A milk densitometer
pesalettere {m}
:: letter-scales
pesante {v} /peˈsante/
:: present participle of pesare
pesante {adj}
:: heavy
pesante {adj}
:: oppressive, depressing
pesantemente {adv}
:: heavily, hard
pesantesi {v}
:: present participle of pesarsi
pesantezza {f}
:: heaviness, weight, weightiness
pesantissimo {adj}
:: superlative of pesante
pesapersone {m}
:: scales (bathroom etc)
pesare {vit}
:: to weigh
pesare le parole {v}
:: to mince words
pesarese {mf}
:: A native or inhabitant of the Italian town of Pesaro
pesarese {adj}
:: Of or relating to Pesaro or the Pesaro people
Pesaro {prop}
:: Pesaro (city)
Pesaro e Urbino {prop}
:: Pesaro e Urbino
pesarsi {vr}
:: To weigh oneself (e.g. on bathroom scales)
pesatamente {adv}
:: thoughtfully
pesatore {m}
:: A weights and measures inspector (or similar)
pesatosi {v}
:: past participle of pesarsi
pesatura {f}
:: weighing
pesca {f} /ˈpɛs.ka/
:: peach (fruit)
pesca {f}
:: peach (colour)
pesca {adj}
:: peach (in colour)
pesca {f} [also sport] /ˈpɛs.ka/
:: fishing
pesca {f} [nautical]
:: fishing boat
pesca {f}
:: dip, lucky dip
pesca con la lenza {f}
:: angling
pesca con la mosca {f}
:: fly fishing
pescaggio {m} [nautical]
:: draught (of a vessel)
pescaggio {m}
:: dredging
pescaggio {m}
:: fishing
pescagione {f}
:: fishing
pescagione {f} [nautical]
:: synonym of pescaggio
pescaia {f}
:: weir
pescaiolo {m}
:: A barrier in a river designed to catch fish
pescamartino {m}
:: synonym of martin pescatore
pesca nettarina {f}
:: synonym of pesca noce
pesca noce {f}
:: nectarine (fruit)
pescanoce {f} /pes.kaˈno.t͡ʃe/
:: alternative form of pesca noce
pescante {v}
:: present participle of pescare
Pescara {prop}
:: Pescara (province)
Pescara {prop}
:: Pescara (capital city)
pescare {v}
:: to fish
pescare {v}
:: to get (find)
pescare {v}
:: to draw (cards)
pescareccio {m}
:: alternative form of peschereccio
pescare con rete a strascico {v}
:: to trawl
pescare con rete a strascico {v}
:: To take fish, or other marine animals, with a trawl
pescare con rete a strascico {v}
:: To fish from a slow moving boat
pescarese {mf}
:: A native or inhabitant of Pescara
pescarese {adj}
:: Of or relating to Pescara or the Pescara people
pescasportivo {m}
:: angler
pesca subacquea {f}
:: underwater fishing
pescata {f} /pesˈka.ta/
:: fish (period of time spent fishing)
pescata {f}
:: The quantity of fish caught in one fishing session
pescatico {m}
:: A tribute paid to a feudal lord by those allowed to fish in his rivers
pescato {m} [chiefly in the singular] /pesˈka.to/
:: The quantity of fish caught in a given amount of time; catch
pescatora {f}
:: only in alla pescatora
pescatore {m}
:: fisherman
pescatorio {adj}
:: alternative form of piscatorio
pescatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of pescatore
pesce {m} /ˈpeʃːe/
:: fish
pesce abissale {m} [zoology, ichthyology]
:: abyssal fish
pesce angelo {m}
:: angelfish (marine fish of the family Pomacanthidae)
pesce azzurro {m}
:: a variety of small fishes with blueish green color such as: herrings, mackerels, anchovies, sardines
pesce balestra {m}
:: triggerfish (marine fish of the family Balistidae)
pescecane {m}
:: dogfish
pescecane {m}
:: shark
pesce cardinale {m}
:: cardinalfish (marine fish of the family Apogonidae)
pesce castagna {m}
:: Atlantic pomfret (Brama brama)
pesce chirurgo {m} [zoology, ichthyology]
:: surgeonfish, tang
pesce civetta {m}
:: flying gurnard (marine fish of the family Dactylopteridae)
pesce combattente {m}
:: fighting fish (freshwater fish of the family Osphronemidae)
pesce d'aprile {m}
:: April fool (literally: April fish)
pesceduovo {m}
:: A frittata in the shape of a fish
pesce farfalla {m}
:: butterflyfish
pesce gatto {m}
:: catfish
pescegatto {m}
:: alternative spelling of pesce gatto
pesce grosso {m}
:: fat cat
pesce istrice {m}
:: porcupinefish (marine fish of the family Diodontidae)
pesce lanterna {m}
:: lanternfish
pesce lima {m}
:: filefish (any fish of the family Monacanthidae)
pesce lucertola {f}
:: synonym of lacertola
pesce luna {m}
:: sunfish (marine fish of the family Molidae)
pesce lupo {m}
:: wolffish (marine fish of the family Anarhichadidae)
pesce mandibola {m} [fish]
:: loosejaw (Malacosteus niger)
pesce martello {m}
:: hammerhead
pesce pagliaccio {m} [zoology, ichthyology]
:: clownfish, anemonefish
pesce palla {m}
:: pufferfish, puffer, globefish (any fish of the family Tetraodontidae), particularly Arothron hispidus
pesce pappagallo {m}
:: parrotfish
pesce persico {m} [zoology, ichthyology]
:: perch, Perca fluviatilis
pesce pietra {m}
:: stonefish (marine fish of the family Synanceiidae)
pesce pilota {m}
:: pilot fish (Naucrates ductor)
pesce ragno {m} [dialectal]
:: weever
pesce ragno {m} [regional, chiefly Tuscan]
:: synonym of spigola
pesce remo {m}
:: oarfish (marine fish of the family Regalecidae)
pesce rondine {m}
:: synonym of pesce volante
pesce rosso {m}
:: goldfish
pesce sega {m}
:: sawfish (marine fish of the family Pristidae)
pesce spada {m}
:: swordfish
pescespada {m}
:: swordfish
pesce tarantola {f}
:: synonym of lacertola
pesce timone {m}
:: Bermuda chub (marine fish of the species Kyphosus saltarix)
pesce torcia {m}
:: flashlight fish
pesce trombetta {m}
:: trumpetfish
pescetto {m}
:: Small fish (such as whitebait)
pesce unicorno {m} [zoology, ichthyology]
:: unicornfish
pesce vela {m}
:: sailfish (marine fish of the family Istiophoridae)
pesce vipera {m}
:: viperfish (abyssal fish of the family Stomiidae)
pesce volante {m}
:: flying fish (Exocoetidae)
pesce volante maculato {m}
:: backspot flyingfish (Cheilopogon dorsomacula: family Exocoetidae)
peschereccio {adj}
:: fishing (attributive)
peschereccio {m} [nautical]
:: fishing boat, smack; trawler; fishing fleet, drifer
pescheria {f}
:: fishmonger's (shop)
pescheto {m}
:: peach orchard
peschicolo {adj}
:: peach-growing (attributive)
peschicoltura {f}
:: pisciculture, fish farming
peschiera {f}
:: fish farm
peschiera {f}
:: fish pond
Peschiera del Garda {prop}
:: Peschiera del Garda (town)
peschierano {adj}
:: Of or from Peschiera (especially Peschiera del Garda)
peschierotto {adj}
:: Of or from Peschiera (especially Peschiera del Garda)
Pesci {prop} [zodiac constellations, astrology, astronomy] /ˈpeʃʃi/
:: Pisces (constellation)
Pesci {prop} [astrology]
:: Pisces (star sign)
Pescia {prop}
:: Pescia (small town)
pesciaiola {f}
:: fish kettle
pesciaiola {f}
:: smew (Mergellus albellus)
pesciaiolo {m}
:: fishmonger
pesciatino {adj}
:: Of or from Pescia
pescicoltore {m}
:: fish farmer; pisciculturist
pescicoltura {f}
:: fish farming; pisciculture
pesciera {f}
:: fish kettle
pesciolino {m}
:: Any of several small, fast fish
pesciolino {m} [colloquial]
:: A lively child
pescivendolo {m}
:: fishmonger
pescivendolo {m}
:: fishmonger's (shop)
pesco {m}
:: peach (tree)
pesco noce {m}
:: nectarine (Prunus persica subsp. persica)
pesconoce {m} /pes.koˈno.t͡ʃe/
:: alternative form of pesco noce
pescosità {f} /pes.ko.ziˈta/
:: The quality of being fishful or piscose
pescoso {adj} [of a body of water] /pesˈko.zo/
:: fishful (abundant in fish)
peseta {f}
:: peseta
pesiera {f}
:: A set of weights
Pesio {prop}
:: Pesio (river)
pesista {mf}
:: weightlifter
pesista {mf}
:: shot putter
pesistica {f}
:: weightlifting
pesistico {adj}
:: weightlifting (attributive)
peso {m}
:: weight
peso equivalente {m} [chemistry]
:: equivalent weight, gram equivalent
pesolo {adj} [archaic]
:: hanging
peso lordo {m}
:: gross weight
peso molecolare {m}
:: alternative form of massa molecolare
peso specifico {m} [physics]
:: specific gravity
pessario {m} [medicine]
:: pessary
pessarizzare {v}
:: To apply a pessary
-pessi {suffix}
:: -pexy
-pessia {suffix} /-pesˈsi.a/
:: -pexy
pessimamente {adv}
:: terribly (very badly)
pessimismo {m}
:: pessimism
pessimista {adj}
:: pessimistic
pessimista {mf}
:: pessimist
pessimisticamente {adv}
:: pessimistically
pessimistico {adj}
:: pessimistic, pessimist (attribute)
pessimo {adj}
:: very bad, awful, foul, dreadful
pesta {f} [often, in the plural]
:: footprint
pesta {f} [figuratively, in plural]
:: mess, trouble
pestaggio {m}
:: beating up, beating, thrashing, going over
pestalozziano {adj}
:: Pestalozzian
pestamento {m}
:: crushing
pestamento {m}
:: trampling
pestamento {m}
:: beating
pestante {v}
:: present participle of pestare
pestar {v}
:: apocopic form of pestare
pestare {vt}
:: to crush, grind, pound
pestare {vt}
:: to trample, step on, tread on
pestare {vt}
:: to beat, beat up, bash, rough up
pestar l'acqua nel mortaio {v} [idiom]
:: To do something useless; to waste time
pestarola {f}
:: mea grinder
pestata {f}
:: trample
pestata {f}
:: pounding, beating
pestata {f} [culinary]
:: paste made by grinding ingredients
pestatoio {m}
:: pestle
pestatore {m}
:: grinder
pestatura {f}
:: crushing
pestatura {f}
:: grinding
pestatura {f}
:: beating
peste {f} [diseases] /ˈpɛs.te/
:: plague
peste {f} [figurative]
:: pest, nuisance (person)
peste {f} [figurative]
:: urchin (mischievous child)
pestellata {f}
:: a blow from a pestle
pestello {f}
:: pestle
peste suina {f} [veterinary medicine]
:: swine fever
pesticciare {v}
:: To trample
pesticcio {m}
:: trampling
pesticida {adj}
:: pesticidal
pesticida {m}
:: pesticide
pestifero {adj}
:: pestilential, pestiferous
pestifero {adj}
:: noxious (smell)
pestilenza {f}
:: plague, pestilence
pestilenza {f}
:: stench
pestilenziale {adj}
:: noxious (smell)
pestio {m}
:: trampling
pesto {adj} /ˈpes.to/
:: crushed, ground, beaten
pesto {adj}
:: livid, bluish, black
pesto {adj}
:: pitch-dark, pitch-black
pesto {m} [culinary]
:: pesto
pesto alla genovese {m}
:: pesto
pesto alla genovese {m}
:: A sauce, especially for pasta, originating from the Genoa region in Italy, made from basil, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil and cheese (usually pecorino)
pesto alla trapanese {m}
:: pesto
pesto alla trapanese {m}
:: A sauce, especially for pasta, originating from the Trapani Sicily in Italy, made from basil, garlic, almond nuts, olive oil and cheese (only pecorino) salt and pepper
pestone {m}
:: pounder (tool)
pestone {m}
:: treading, trampling
pestoso {adj} [pathology]
:: plague (attributive)
petacchio {m} /peˈtak.kjo/
:: alternative form of petaccio
petaccio {m} [nautical] /peˈtat.t͡ʃo/
:: patache
petacco {m} /peˈtak.ko/
:: alternative form of petaccio
petaliforme {adj}
:: petaliform
petalismo {n}
:: petalism (banishment order written on a olive leave in Syracuse Greece)
petalo {m} [botany]
:: A petal
petaloideo {adj} [botany]
:: petaloid
petaloso {adj} [neologism, colloquial, botany] /pe.taˈlo.so/
:: petalous, petalsome (full of petals)
petametro {m}
:: petametre
petardo {m}
:: cracker, firecracker, banger, petard
petaso {m}
:: petasus
petauro {m}
:: sugar glider (of genus Petaurus)
petauro dello zucchero {m}
:: sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps)
petecchia {f} [pathology]
:: petechia
petecchiale {adj}
:: petechial
petit-gris {m}
:: fur of the gray squirrel
petitorio {adj} [legal]
:: petitory
petizione {f}
:: petition
peto {m} /ˈpe.to/
:: fart, toot
petomane {mf}
:: flatulist
petomane {mf}
:: farter
petonciana {f}
:: rare form of petonciano
petonciano {m} [rare, Central Italy, chiefly Tuscan] /pe.tonˈtʃa.no/
:: aubergine [British]; eggplant [US]
petragnola {f} /pe.traɲˈɲɔ.la/
:: synonym of culbianco
petraia {f}
:: heap of stones
petraia {f}
:: quarry
petraiola {f} /pe.traˈjɔ.la/
:: alternative form of petragnola
petrale {m}
:: A Sardinian Nuragic temple
Petralli {prop}
:: surname
Petrarca {prop}
:: Petrarch
petrarcheggiante {v}
:: present participle of petrarcheggiare
petrarcheggiante {adj}
:: imitative of the style of Petrarch
petrarcheggiare {vi} [poetry]
:: to write according to the Petrarchan style; to imitate Petrarch's poetry
petrarchescamente {adv}
:: in the manner of Petrarch
petrarchesco {adj}
:: Petrarchan
petrarchismo {m}
:: Petrarchism
petrarchista {mf}
:: Petrarchist
petrarchistico {adj}
:: Petrarchan
Petrassi {prop}
:: surname
Petrassi {prop}
:: Goffredo Petrassi, Italian composer
petrello {m}
:: petrel of the genus Pterodroma
petrello {m}
:: gadfly petrel
petrello di Madera {m}
:: Zino's petrel, Madeira petrel
petriera {f} [military]
:: petrary
petrigno {adj}
:: alternative form of pietrigno
petrinale {m} [military]
:: petronel
petro- {prefix}
:: petro- (all senses)
Petrocelli {prop}
:: surname
petrochimica {f}
:: alternative form of petrolchimica
petrodollaro {m}
:: petrodollar
petrogenesi {f} [geology]
:: petrogenesis
petroglifo {m}
:: petroglyph
petrografia {f}
:: petrography
petrografico {adj}
:: petrographic
petrografo {m}
:: petrographer
petrolato {m}
:: petrolatum; petroleum jelly
petrolchimica {f}
:: petrochemical industry
petrolchimico {adj}
:: petrochemical
petrolchimico {m}
:: petrochemical
petroldollaro {m}
:: petrodollar (Variant of petrodollaro)
petroliera {f}
:: tanker, oil tanker
petroliere {m}
:: oilman (worker in the oil industry)
petroliero {adj}
:: oil (attributive)
petrolifero {adj}
:: oil, petroleum (attributive)
petrolio {m}
:: petroleum, (with the same meaning) oil
petrolio {m}
:: paraffin (oil), kerosene
petrologia {f} [geology]
:: petrology
petrologico {adj}
:: petrological
petronciana {f}
:: rare form of petonciano
petronciano {m}
:: rare form of petonciano
petroniano {adj}
:: Petronian
Petronio {prop}
:: given name
petrosello {m}
:: synonym of prezzemolo
petrosità {f}
:: stoniness
petroso {adj}
:: rocky, stony
petroso {adj}
:: hard [as stone]
Petrucci {prop}
:: surname
Petrucelli {prop}
:: surname
Petruzzi {prop}
:: surname
pe-tsai {m}
:: bok choy (Chinese cabbage)
pettabbotta {f}
:: A type of suit of armour
pettata {f}
:: A blow in the chest
pettata {f}
:: A steep climb
pettata {f}
:: effort
pettazzurro {m}
:: bluethroat
pettegola {f}
:: redshank, properly the common redshank
pettegola {f}
:: female equivalent of pettegolo
pettegolante {v}
:: present participle of pettegolare
pettegolare {vi}
:: to gossip
pettegoleggiare {vi} [uncommon]
:: synonym of pettegolare
pettegolezzo {m} /pet.te.ɡoˈlet.t͡so/
:: gossip (talk)
pettegolezzo {m}
:: buzz, chit-chat, claver
pettegolio {m}
:: gossiping, chatter (continuous talk)
pettegolo {adj}
:: gossipy
pettegolo {m}
:: gossip
pettegolume {m}
:: gossip
pettico {adj}
:: alternative form of pectico
pettide {f}
:: An Ancient Greek stringed instrument
pettiera {f}
:: pectoral (part of horse harness)
pettignone {m}
:: pubis
pettinaio {m}
:: A person who makes or sells combs
pettinante {v}
:: present participle of pettinare
pettinantesi {v}
:: present participle of pettinarsi
pettinare {vt}
:: to comb, dress [hair, fur, etc.]
pettinare {vt} [by extension]
:: to comb the hair or fur of
pettinare {vt} [manufacturing, by extension]
:: to comb; to card; to tease; to hackle [fabric]
pettinare {vt} [jocular]
:: to give a beating; to knock some sense into
pettinare {vt}
:: to criticize harshly; to reprimand; to tell off
pettinare {vt} [journalism, euphemism, figurative, by extension]
:: to fix up or polish a story, typically by distorting a fact or guiding a misleading narrative
pettinare {vt} [archaic, poetic]
:: to eat voraciously
pettinarsi {v}
:: reflexive of pettinare
pettinarsi {v}
:: to comb, arrange, or do one's hair
pettinata {f}
:: comb, combing
pettinato {adj}
:: combed
pettinato {adj}
:: carded
pettinato {m}
:: worsted
pettinatoio {m}
:: peignoir
pettinatore {m}
:: comber (person)
pettinatosi {v}
:: past participle of pettinarsi
pettinatrice {f}
:: comber (machine)
pettinatura {f}
:: hairstyle, hairdo
pettinatura {f}
:: combing or carding of yarn
pettine {m}
:: comb
pettine {m}
:: reed
pettinella {f}
:: A type of comb
pettinella {f}
:: A toothed harpoon
pettinessa {f} [neologism]
:: curved, wide-toothed comb, used to fix hair or as an ornament
pettinicchia {f}
:: A type of comb
pettinicchia {f}
:: A small saw
pettiniera {f}
:: A case for a comb
pettiniera {f}
:: dressing table
pettinina {f}
:: synonym of pettinella
pettino {m}
:: piece added to the apron of maids, nannies, etc., which rises to cover the chest
pettino {m} [fashion]
:: chest part of a button-down shirt, detached and starched
pettino {m} [fashion]
:: part of a women's dress, detached from the rest, covering the chest
pettirosso {m}
:: robin - bird
petto {m} /ˈpɛtto/
:: chest (anatomical)
petto {m}
:: breast (especially of chicken etc)
pettobianco {m} /pɛt.toˈbjan.ko/
:: synonym of mignattino
pettola {f} [especially, in plural] /ˈpɛt.to.la/
:: deep-fried, savoury doughnut(s)
pettolina {f}
:: A small pettola
pettorale {adj}
:: pectoral
pettorale {f}
:: pectoral
pettorina {f}
:: bib
pettorina {f}
:: harness for a dog or other similar animal
pettorina {f}
:: vest
pettorina {f}
:: synonym of pettino
pettoruto {adj}
:: broad-chested (man)
pettoruto {adj}
:: buxom (woman)
petulante {adj}
:: petulant
petulantemente {adv}
:: petulantly
petulanza {f}
:: petulance
petulco {adj}
:: goatlike
petunia {f}
:: petunia (flower)
pevera {f}
:: tundish
peverada {f}
:: pepper sauce
pevere {m}
:: synonym of pepe
peyotina {f}
:: synonym of mescalina
peziolo {m} [botany]
:: petiole
pezza {f} /ˈpɛt.tsa/
:: bolt (of cloth)
pezza {f}
:: patch (of fabric)
pezza {f}
:: rag
pezza {f} [heraldry]
:: ordinary
pezza da piedi {f} [figuratively, pejorative]
:: doormat (someone who is overly submissive to others' wishes)
Pezzali {prop}
:: surname
Pezzali {prop}
:: Max Pezzali, Italian singer
pezzame {m}
:: An assortment of patches
pezzato {adj}
:: piebald
pezzato {m}
:: piebald (horse)
pezzatura {f}
:: size or form
pezzatura {f}
:: spots, dapple on fur
pezzente {mf} /petˈt͡sɛn.te/
:: beggar
pezzente {mf}
:: wretch
pezzente {mf}
:: miser
pezzenteria {f}
:: beggary
pezzettino {m}
:: little piece, bit
pezzetto {m}
:: diminutive of pezzo; small piece, bit
pezzo {m} /ˈpɛt.t͡so/
:: piece, chunk
pezzo {m}
:: hunk
pezzo {m}
:: plot
pezzo {m} /ˈpet.t͡so/
:: synonym of abete rosso
pezzo da 90 {n}
:: A very important person
pezzo da novanta {m}
:: a big shot
pezzo grosso {m} [idiomatic]
:: big shot, big wheel, bigwig,
pezzo grosso {m}
:: boss, chief, leader, master, top banana, big cheese, big enchilada, big kahuna, grand poobah, head honcho, kingpin, muckety muck, top dog
pezzola {f}
:: alternative form of pezzuola
pezzolata {f}
:: The amount that can be carried in a folded cloth (typically, on a stick)
pezzone {m}
:: A trellis used in the breeding of silkworms
pezzonovante {m}
:: alternative form of pezzo da novanta
pezzotto {m}
:: patchwork carpet
pezzullo {m}
:: A short newspaper article
pezzuola {f}
:: large handkerchief
pezzuola {f}
:: rag
p·f {adj} [music]
:: piano the first time and forte the second time
P.G. {prop} {mf}
:: initialism of procuratore generale
P.G. {prop} {mf}
:: initialism of procura generale
PG {n}
:: initialism of procuratore generale
PG {n}
:: initialism of procura generale
PG {prop} [dated]
:: abbreviation of Perugia (on car number plates)
Phecda {prop}
:: Phecda, a star in the constellation of Ursa Major
phi {m}
:: phi (Greek letter)
philofobia {f}
:: philophobia
pH-metro {m}
:: pH meter
pHmetro {m}
:: alternative spelling of pH-metro
Phobos {prop} [astronomy] /ˈfɔ.bos/
:: alternative form of Fobos - Phobos (natural satellite)
Phobos {prop} [mythology, Greek god]
:: alternative form of Fobos - Phobos (god of fear, a son of the god Ares)
phon {m}
:: alternative form of fon
pi {f} /pi/
:: letter: p; pee
pi {m}
:: The name of the Greek-script letter Π/π; pi
pi {m} [mathematics]
:: synonym of pi greco
piaccametro {m}
:: alternative form of pH-metro
piaccianteo {adj}
:: late, slow
piaccichiccio {m}
:: sticky mud
piaccicone {m}
:: slowcoach
piaccicoso {adj}
:: messy, sticky
piaccicotto {m}
:: A dirty, sticky mess
piacente {adj}
:: attractive, pleasing
piacentemente {adv}
:: attractively, pleasingly
piacenteria {f}
:: adulation, flattery
piacentesi {v}
:: present participle of piacersi
piacentiere {m}
:: flatterer
Piacentini {prop}
:: surname
piacentiniano {adj}
:: Related to Piacenza
piacentino {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to Piacenza
piacentino {m}
:: Native or inhabitant of Piacenza
piacentino {m} [singular only]
:: Dialect of Piacenza
piacenza {f}
:: pleasantness, amiability
piacenza {f}
:: pleasure
piacenza {f}
:: complacency
Piacenza {prop} /pjaˈt͡ʃɛn.t͡sa/
:: Piacenza (province)
Piacenza {prop}
:: Piacenza (city)
piacer {n}
:: apocopic form of piacere
piacer {v}
:: apocopic form of piacere
piacere {vi} /pjaˈtʃere/
:: (followed by a or preceded by an indirect object) to be pleasing to (usually translated into English as like with exchange of the subject and object)
piacere {vi}
:: to be fond of
piacere {m}
:: pleasure, enjoyment
piacere {m}
:: delight
piacere {m}
:: favour, kindness
piacere {interj}
:: pleased to meet you
piacere di conoscerla {phrase}
:: how do you do
piacersi {v}
:: reflexive of piacere
piacersi {v}
:: to please oneself
piacersi {v}
:: to be interested in, attracted to, each other
piacevole {adj}
:: pleasing, pleasant, agreeable
piacevoleggiare {vi}
:: to make pleasantries
piacevolezza {f}
:: pleasantness
piacevolezza {f}
:: pleasure
piacevolissimo {adj}
:: superlative of piacevole
piacevolmente {adv}
:: pleasantly, agreeably
piacibile {adj}
:: pleasant, enjoyable
piacimento {m}
:: pleasure, satisfaction
piaciona {f}
:: Woman who is trying to please to everyone; likeable woman but also brown-noser
piacione {m}
:: Person who is trying to please to everyone; likeable person but also brown-noser or yes man
piaciucchiare {vi}
:: To please a little
piaciutosi {v}
:: past participle of piacersi
piacutosi {v}
:: past participle of piacersi
piada {f}
:: a thin flatbread, typically prepared in the Romagna region
piadina {f}
:: A thin flatbread, typically prepared in the Romagna region
piaga {f} /ˈpja.ɡa/
:: sore, scab
piaga {f} [figurative, by extension]
:: reason for inconsolable pain; wound
piaga {f}
:: curse
piaga {f} [hyperbole or jocular]
:: extremely annoying person; nuisance
piagante {v}
:: present participle of piagare
piagantesi {v}
:: present participle of piagarsi
piagare {vt}
:: to produce sores; to wound; to hurt
piagare {vt} [literary, figurative, by extension]
:: to wound or hurt emotionally; to afflict profoundly
piagare {vt} [literary]
:: to make [someone] fall madly in love
piagarsi {v}
:: reflexive of piagare
piagarsi {vi}
:: to develop or produce sores on oneself
piagato {adj}
:: Covered in sores
piagatosi {v}
:: past participle of piagarsi
piagere {v}
:: alternative form of piacere
piagere {m}
:: alternative form of piacere
piagetiano {adj}
:: Piagetian
piaggeria {f}
:: flattery, blarney, adulation
piaggia {f} [archaic] /ˈpjad͡ːʒa/
:: stretch of sloping terrain, slope
piaggia {f} [archaic]
:: stretch of flat terrain interrupting a slope
piaggiamento {m}
:: flattery, toadyism
piaggiante {v}
:: present participle of piaggiare
piaggiare {vt} [literary]
:: to fawn, flatter, adulate
piaggiare {v}
:: to beguile with flattery
piaggiatore {m}
:: flatterer, toady
piagnisteo {m} /pjaɲ.ɲi.ˈstɛ.o/
:: wailing
piagnisteo {m}
:: whining, whimpering
piagnisteo {m}
:: whine
piagnona {f}
:: A person who is constantly crying or lamenting
piagnona {f}
:: crybaby
piagnone {m}
:: A person who is constantly crying or lamenting
piagnone {m}
:: crybaby
piagnucolamento {m}
:: whimpering, whining
piagnucolante {v}
:: present participle of piagnucolare
piagnucolare {vi}
:: to whine, wail or whimper
piagnucolio {m}
:: whimpering, whining
piagnucolio {m}
:: whine
piagnucolone {m}
:: moaner, whiner
piagnucolosamente {adv}
:: querulously, with whining
piagnucoloso {adj}
:: whining, whimpering, moaning
piagoso {adj}
:: Covered in sores
pia illusione {n}
:: wishful thinking
pialla {f}
:: plane (tool)
pialla {f}
:: spokeshave
piallaccio {m}
:: veneer
piallante {v}
:: present participle of piallare
piallare {vt}
:: To plane (woodworking)
piallatore {m}
:: planer (person)
piallatrice {f}
:: planing machine
piallatura {f}
:: planing
piallettare {v}
:: To plane (wood)
piallettare {v}
:: To smooth (plaster)
pialletto {m}
:: jack plane (carpenter's tool)
pialletto {m}
:: float (plasterer's trowel)
piallone {m}
:: trying plane (carpenter's tool)
pia madre {f}
:: pia mater
piamadre {n}
:: alternative form of pia madre
piamente {adv}
:: piously, devoutly
piamente {adv}
:: charitably
pian {adv}
:: apocopic form of piano
piana {f}
:: plain
pianale {m}
:: shelf
pianale {m}
:: plain (flat countryside)
pianale {m}
:: flatbed (of a vehicle)
pianalto {m} [geology]
:: A plane, in the Alpine foothills formed by the meeting of glaciers
pianamente {adv}
:: simply, clearly
pianamente {adv}
:: humbly
pianamente {adv}
:: silently
pianamente {adv}
:: slowly
pianare {v}
:: To smooth
piana salina {f}
:: salt flat
pianatoio {m}
:: A type of plane used on stonework
pianatura {f}
:: The stretching of a hide prior to being made into leather
piancito {m}
:: flooring, floor
pianeggiante {v}
:: present participle of pianeggiare
pianeggiante {adj}
:: flat, level
pianeggiare {vi}
:: to be flat or level
pianeggiare {vt}
:: to level off, to smooth down
pianella {f}
:: mule (heelless slipper)
pianella {f}
:: tile (paving or roof)
pianellaio {m}
:: A person who makes or sells tiles
pianello {m}
:: An area of land bounded by rows of vines
pianerottolo {m} /pja.neˈrɔt.to.lo/
:: landing (platform in a staircase)
pianeta {m}
:: planet
pianeta nano {m} [astronomy]
:: dwarf planet
pianeta rosso {m}
:: The red planet
pianetino {m} [astronomy]
:: planetoid, asteroid, minor planet, dwarf planet
pianetto {adj}
:: flattish
pianezza {f}
:: flatness
piangente {v}
:: present participle of piangere
piangente {adj}
:: crying, weeping
piangente {adj}
:: plaintive
piangentesi {v}
:: present participle of piangersi
pianger {v}
:: apocopic form of piangere
piangere {vit} /ˈpjan.d͡ʒe.re/
:: to weep, cry
piangersi {v}
:: reflexive of piangere
piangersi {v}
:: to cry, weep
piangersi addosso {v}
:: to mope, sulk, pout
piangevole {adj}
:: tearful
piangevole {adj}
:: plaintive
piangitore {m}
:: crier
piangiucchiare {v}
:: To whimper
piangolare {v}
:: synonym of piagnucolare
piangoloso {adj}
:: alternative form of piagnucoloso
pianificabile {adj}
:: That can be planned
pianificabilità {f}
:: The condition of what can be planned
pianificante {v}
:: present participle of pianificare
pianificare {vt}
:: to plan, set, slate, programme
pianificato {adj}
:: planned
pianificatore {m}
:: planner
pianificatore {adj}
:: planning (attributive)
pianificazione {f}
:: planning
pianigiano {adj}
:: lowland, plain (attributive)
pianissimo {adv}
:: superlative of piano
pianista {mf}
:: pianist
pianistico {adj}
:: piano (attributive)
piano {adj} /ˈpja.no/
:: plane
piano {adj}
:: flat, level
piano {adj}
:: plain
piano {adj}
:: soft
piano {adj}
:: penultimate accented
piano {m}
:: plane
piano {m}
:: floor, storey [British], story [US] (of a building)
piano {m}
:: plan, tactic, stratagem, scheme, plot
piano {m} [musical instrument]
:: piano, as short for pianoforte
piano {adv}
:: slowly
piano {adv}
:: carefully
piano {adv} [music]
:: piano
pianoconcavo {adj} [optics]
:: planoconcave
pianoconvesso {adj} [optics]
:: planoconvex
piano cottura {m} [furniture]
:: cooktop, stovetop, range, hob, rings
pianoforte {m} [musical instrument] /pjanoˈfɔrte/
:: piano, pianoforte
pianola {f} [musical instruments]
:: player piano
piano-parallelo {adj} [maths]
:: plane-parallel
piano piano {adv}
:: little by little, slowly
pianoro {m}
:: plateau, tableland
Pianosa {prop}
:: Pianosa (island), situated near the Elba island
pianoterra {m}
:: Variant of pianterreno
pianparallelo {adj}
:: alternative form of piano-parallelo
pian piano {adv}
:: alternative form of piano piano
pianta {f} /ˈpjan.ta/
:: plant, tree
pianta {f}
:: map
pianta {f}
:: [in a shoe or foot] sole
pianta {f} [anatomy]
:: sole
piantabile {adj}
:: plantable
piantacarote {mf}
:: liar, fibber
pianta da appartamento {f}
:: houseplant
pianta d'appartamento {f}
:: houseplant
piantaggine {f} /pjanˈtad.d͡ʒi.ne/
:: plantain (plant of the genus Plantago)
piantaggine lanciuola {m}
:: synonym of arnoglossa
piantaggine maggiore {f}
:: common plantain, greater plantain (Plantago major)
piantaggine minore {f}
:: synonym of arnoglossa
piantagione {f}
:: plantation
piantagrane {mf}
:: troublemaker
piantagrane {mf}
:: hellion
piantagrane {mf}
:: whiner
piantamento {m}
:: planting
piantana {f}
:: upright
piantana {f}
:: pole (scaffolding)
piantana {f}
:: standard lamp
piantante {v}
:: present participle of piantare
piantantela {v}
:: present participle of piantarla
piantantesi {v}
:: present participle of piantarsi
pianta perenne {f} [botany]
:: perennial (plant)
piantare {vt}
:: to plant; to sow
piantare {vt}
:: to hammer; to drive; to stick into
piantare {vt}
:: to abandon; to maroon
piantare {vt} [by extension]
:: to jilt; to throw over
piantare in asso {v}
:: to leave someone in the lurch
piantare le tende {v}
:: to settle down
piantarsi {v}
:: reflexive of piantare
piantarsi {vi}
:: to penetrate and get stuck
piantarsi {vi}
:: to stay anchored to one place; to stay; to plant oneself
piantarsi {vi} [familiar]
:: to stop working
piantarsi {v} [colloquial, reciprocal]
:: to break up with each other
piantata {f} [agriculture]
:: planting
piantatala {v}
:: past participle of piantarla
piantato {adj}
:: planted
piantatoio {m}
:: dibber
piantatore {m}
:: planter (person)
piantatosi {v}
:: past participle of piantarsi
piantatrice {f}
:: planter (machine)
piantatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of piantatore
piantatura {f} [uncommon]
:: planting
pian terreno {m}
:: alternative spelling of pianterreno
pianterreno {m}
:: ground floor, first floor, main floor (floor at the level of the street)
pianticella {f}
:: seedling
piantime {m}
:: seedling (to be transplanted)
piantina {f}
:: A seedling or a young plant
piantina {f}
:: A map or a small map
piantito {m}
:: flooring, floor
pianto {m}
:: crying, weeping
piantonaia {f}
:: nursery (for plants)
piantonaio {m}
:: alternative form of piantonaia
piantonamento {m}
:: guarding (watching over)
piantonante {v}
:: present participle of piantonare
piantonare {vt}
:: to guard, to watch over
piantone {m}
:: guard
piantone {m} [agriculture]
:: shoot, scion, sucker
piantone {m} [automobiles]
:: steering column
piantone dello sterzo {m} [automobiles]
:: steering column
piantosi {v}
:: past participle of piangersi
piantumante {v}
:: present participle of piantumare
piantumare {vt}
:: To plant (a garden or orchard)
piantumato {adj}
:: planted
piantumazione {f}
:: planting (especially of trees)
piantume {m}
:: cultivated trees
pianura {f} [geomorphology]
:: plain
pianuzza {f}
:: plaice
piarda {f} [regional]
:: The floodplain areas of the river Po
piastra {f}
:: sheet, plate (of metal etc)
piastra {f}
:: slab
piastra {f}
:: hotplate
piastra {f} [historical, weaponry]
:: the firing mechanism in antique firearms
piastra {f} [military]
:: baseplate of a mortar
piastra {f} [numismatics]
:: piastre
piastrella {f}
:: tile
piastrellaio {m}
:: tile maker or layer
piastrellamento {m}
:: bouncing
piastrellante {v}
:: present participle of piastrellare
piastrellare {vt}
:: To tile
piastrellare {vi}
:: To bounce
piastrellatura {f}
:: tiling (action and result)
piastrellista {m}
:: tile maker or layer
piastretta {f}
:: frizzen
piastriccio {m}
:: A sticky mess
piastriccio {m}
:: imbroglio
piastrina {f}
:: platelet (in the blood)
piastrina {f}
:: tag (ID)
piastrina {f}
:: die
piastrinico {adj} [medicine]
:: platelet (attributive)
piastrino {m}
:: plate, plaque (on a wall)
piastrino {m}
:: platelet (in the blood)
piastrino {m}
:: tag (around the neck)
piastrinopatia {f} [pathology]
:: platelet disorder or disease
piastrinopenia {f} [pathology]
:: thrombocytopenia, thrombopenia
piastrinosi {f} [pathology]
:: thrombocytosis
piastrone {m}
:: plastron
piastrone {m}
:: slab
piatente {v}
:: present participle of piatire
piatire {vi}
:: To complain
piatire {vt}
:: To beg or nag
piatire {vt} [legal]
:: To sue
piattabanda {f} [architecture]
:: platband, lintel
piattaforma {f}
:: A platform (all senses)
piattaformismo {m} [philosophy]
:: platformism
piattaformista {mf} [philosophy]
:: platformist
piattaia {f}
:: dish rack, plate rack
piattaio {m}
:: A maker or seller of crockery
piattamente {adv}
:: insignificantly, expressionlessly, unimaginatively
piattello {m}
:: plate, disk
piattello {m} [sports]
:: clay pigeon
piattello {m}
:: A particular card game (possibly "beggar my neighbour")
piatteria {f}
:: A set of plates
piatteria {f}
:: dinner service (set of matching crockery)
piattezza {f}
:: flatness (all senses)
piattina {f} [electricity]
:: twin lead
piattina {f}
:: strap (of metal)
piattino {m}
:: saucer (small dish)
piattitudine {f}
:: platitude
piattitudine {f}
:: mediocrity
piatto {adj} /ˈpjatto/
:: flat
piatto {m}
:: plate
piatto {m}
:: dish (object or food item)
piatto {m} [musical instruments]
:: cymbal
piatto {m}
:: platter, turntable
piatto fondo {m}
:: soup plate
piatto forte {m}
:: the best of meal courses, main course
piatto forte {m}
:: the most interesting thing, highlight, foreground, highspot, high-performance
piattola {f}
:: crab louse, crab (insect)
piattola {f} [by extension]
:: pain in the neck
piattola {f} [regional]
:: cockroach
piattoloso {adj}
:: lousy
piattonare {v}
:: To strike with the flat part of a sword
piattonata {f}
:: A blow with the flat part of a sword
piattone {m}
:: crab louse, pubic louse
Piave {prop}
:: Piave (river) that was the scene of heavy fighting in World War I
piazza {f} /ˈpjat.t͡sa/
:: square, plaza
piazza {f}
:: market
piazza {f}
:: space, post
piazza {f} [Rome, figuratively]
:: A bald area on the scalp
Piazza Colonna {prop}
:: A square in Rome; It is named for the marble Column of Marcus Aurelius on the square center
Piazza del Campidoglio {prop}
:: A square in Rome sited on top of the Capitoline hill in front of Campidoglio having at its centre the Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius
Piazza del Duomo {prop}
:: The Cathedral Square located in the heart of the historic center of Florence, Italy
Piazza della Rotonda {prop}
:: A square in Rome facing the Pantheon
Piazza della Signoria {prop}
:: An L-shaped square in front of the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy
Piazza del Pantheon {prop}
:: synonym of Piazza della Rotonda
Piazza del Popolo {prop}
:: A famous Rome square at the foot of Pincio hill
Piazza di Spagna {n}
:: A square at the bottom of the Spanish Steps and at its center the famous Fontana della Barcaccia, sculpted by Pietro Bernini and his son, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, is one of the most famous squares in Rome (Italy)
piazzaforte {f}
:: fortified town
piazzaforte {f}
:: stronghold, fort
piazzaiolata {f}
:: vulgar or coarse behaviour
piazzaiolo {m}
:: vulgar or coarse person
piazzale {m}
:: A large, open square in a city (Capitalized if named e.g. Piazzale Roma in Venice)
piazzale {m}
:: service area on a motorway etc
piazzale {m} [aviation]
:: apron
piazzamento {m}
:: placing
piazzamento {m}
:: place
Piazza Navona {n}
:: A Rome square having at its center the Fountain of Four Rivers by Gian Lorenzo Bernini
piazzante {v}
:: present participle of piazzare
piazzantesi {v}
:: present participle of piazzarsi
piazzare {vt}
:: to place or put
piazzare {vt}
:: to land (a punch)
piazzare {vt}
:: to sell
piazzarsi {v}
:: reflexive of piazzare
piazzarsi {vr} [sports]
:: to come, be placed
piazzarsi {vr}
:: to settle oneself, place oneself, plonk oneself
Piazza San Pietro {prop}
:: St. Peter's Square in Vatican City in front of St. Peter's Cathedral
piazzatosi {v}
:: past participle of piazzarsi
piazzeggiare {vi} [obsolete]
:: to stroll
piazzetta {f} /pjatˈt͡set.ta/
:: A small square in a city, or a small extension to a piazza (Capitalized if named e.g. Piazzetta San Marco in Venice)
piazzetta {f} [Rome, figuratively]
:: A bald spot on the scalp
Piazzi {prop}
:: surname
piazzista {mf}
:: salesman, saleswoman
piazzista {mf}
:: sales representative
piazzola {f}
:: lay-by (at the side of a highway)
piazzola {f}
:: green (area around the hole in golf)
piazzola {f}
:: ramp, apron (parking places for aircraft at an airport)
piazzola {f}
:: loading bay
piazzola {f}
:: gun emplacement
piazzuola {f}
:: alternative form of piazzola
pica {f}
:: picacismo
pica {f}
:: magpie
picacismo {m}
:: The desire to eat inedible material, typically associated with pregnancy
picaresco {adj}
:: picaresque
picassesco {adj}
:: Picassoesque
picca {f}
:: pike
picca {f}
:: pique, obstinancy, stubbornness, animosity
picca {f} [in the plural]
:: spades (suit of playing cards)
piccamarra {f}
:: A type of hoe equipped with a pickaxe blade
piccante {adj}
:: piquant
piccante {adj} [of food]
:: spicy, hot
piccante {adj} [of cheese]
:: strong
piccante {adj}
:: risqué, titillating
piccantesi {v}
:: present participle of piccarsi
piccantissimo {adj}
:: superlative of piccante
Piccardia {prop}
:: Picardy
piccardo {adj}
:: Picardy (attributive)
piccardo {m}
:: Native or inhabitant of Picardy
piccardo {m}
:: dialect of Picardy (masculine singular only)
piccare {vi}
:: To peak
piccarsi {vr}
:: to take offense
piccarsi {vr}
:: to claim [to do something]
piccata {f}
:: prick (act of pricking)
piccata {f}
:: a dish of escalope of veal fried in butter with parsley and lemon
piccato {adj}
:: resentful
piccatosi {v}
:: past participle of piccarsi
picchè {m}
:: piqué
picchettaggio {m}
:: picketing (by strikers)
picchettamento {m}
:: staking out
picchettamento {m}
:: picketing
picchettante {v}
:: present participle of picchettare
picchettare {vt}
:: to stake out [plants]
picchettare {vt}
:: to picket
picchettatore {m}
:: staking out (of plants)
picchettatore {m}
:: picketing
picchettatura {f}
:: staking out
picchettazione {f}
:: staking out
picchetto {m}
:: stake, peg
picchetto {m}
:: picket
picchiaduro {m}
:: fighting game (genre of video game)
picchiamento {m}
:: beating, hammering
picchiante {v}
:: present participle of picchiare
picchiantesi {v}
:: present participle of picchiarsi
picchiapetto {m}
:: synonym of baciapile
picchiare {vt}
:: to beat, to hit, to thrash, to hammer
picchiare {vt}
:: to strike, to bang, to pat, to tap
picchiare {vi}
:: to beat, to knock, to thump, to tap, to bang
picchiare {vi}
:: to insist
picchiare {vi}
:: to pound, throb
picchiare in testa {v} [engine]
:: to hammer of engine's valves
picchiarsi {v}
:: reflexive of picchiare
picchiarsi {vr}
:: to fight, have a fight
picchiarsi {vr}
:: to beat oneself
picchiata {f}
:: nosedive
picchiatello {m}
:: crackpot
picchiatore {m}
:: thug, goon, beater
picchiatore {m} [boxing]
:: slugger
picchiatosi {v}
:: past participle of picchiarsi
picchiatura {f}
:: beating, thrashing, hammering
picchiere {m}
:: pikeman
picchierellante {v}
:: present participle of picchierellare
picchierellare {vit}
:: to tap, drum (on)
picchiettante {v}
:: present participle of picchiettare
picchiettare {vi}
:: to tap (make a tapping sound)
picchiettare {vi}
:: to patter
picchiettare {vt}
:: to spot, dab, dot or fleck
picchiettatura {f}
:: tapping
picchiettatura {f}
:: pattering
picchiettatura {f}
:: blotch
picchiettio {m}
:: patter, pattering, tapping, drumming
picchiettio {m}
:: crack
picchio {m} /ˈpik.kjo/
:: woodpecker
picchio {m}
:: rap, tap, knock
picchio {m}
:: rapping, tapping, knocking
picchio cenerino {m}
:: grey-headed woodpecker
picchio muraiolo {m}
:: wallcreeper
picchio muratore {m}
:: Eurasian nuthatch
picchio rosso maggiore {m}
:: great spotted woodpecker
picchio tridattilo {m}
:: three-toed woodpecker, properly the Eurasian three-toed woodpecker
picchiottare {v}
:: To knock on a door (using the knocker)
picchiottio {m}
:: A sustained knocking (on a door)
picchiotto {m}
:: knocker (on a door)
picchiotto {m}
:: nuthatch (of family Sittidae)
picchiottolo {m}
:: alternative form of picchiotto
picchio verde {m}
:: green woodpecker
piccia {f}
:: A pair, typically of a food item
piccina {f} [colloquial]
:: little one (young child)
piccineria {f}
:: pettiness, meanness, small-mindedness
piccinina {f}
:: dressmaker's apprentice
Piccinni {prop}
:: surname
Piccinni {prop}
:: Niccolò Piccinni, Italian composer
piccino {adj} /piˈt͡ʃːino/
:: little, small, tiny
piccino {m} [colloquial]
:: little one (young child)
Piccio {prop}
:: surname
picciolato {adj} [botany]
:: pedunculate, pedunculated, stalked
picciolo {m} [botany]
:: stalk
piccionaia {f}
:: pigeon loft, pigeonhole, pigeon coop, dovecote
piccionaia {f}
:: loft
piccionaia {f} [jocular]
:: gods (highest platform in an auditorium)
piccioncino {m}
:: lovebird (all senses)
piccione {m}
:: A pigeon; more accurately the rock pigeon, feral pigeon or domestic pigeon
piccione viaggiatore {m}
:: carrier pigeon
piccione viaggiatore {m}
:: homer
piccione viaggiatore {m}
:: homing pigeon
piccione viaggiatore {m}
:: racer
piccione viaggiatore {m}
:: racing pigeon
picciotto {m} /pitˈt͡ʃɔt.to/
:: [Sicily] A young man
picciotto {m}
:: The lowest rank of the mafia hierarchy
picciotto {m} [by extension]
:: A young mafioso
picciotto {m} [historical]
:: A member of Garibaldi's army that liberated Sicily
picciuolo {m}
:: alternative form of picciolo
picco {m} [geography]
:: peak, summit
picco {m} [of a graph]
:: spike, peak
picco {m} [figuratively]
:: peak, high
picco {m}
:: spur
picco {m}
:: a diagonal beam on which a sail is attached, called gaff in English, or see also nautical peak
picco del petrolio {m}
:: peak oil
piccola {f} [idiomatic] /ˈpik.ko.la/
:: A small glass of beer
piccoletto {m}
:: A short person
piccoletto {adj}
:: Short (in stature)
piccolezza {f}
:: smallness
piccolezza {f}
:: meanness
piccolezza {f}
:: trifle (small, unimportant thing)
piccolina {f}
:: little one (young child)
piccolino {adj}
:: small, tiny
piccolino {m}
:: little one (young child)
piccolissimo {adj}
:: superlative of piccolo
piccolo {adj} /ˈpik.ko.lo/
:: small
piccolo {adj}
:: little
piccolo {adj}
:: young
piccolo male {m} [pathology]
:: petit mal
piccolo trocantere {m} [skeleton]
:: lesser trochanter
piccolotto {adj}
:: Very small
picconante {v}
:: present participle of picconare
picconare {vti}
:: To pickax
picconare {vti}
:: To criticize severely
picconata {f}
:: blow with a pickaxe
picconata {f} [by extension]
:: harsh criticism
picconatrice {f}
:: pneumatic pick
piccone {m}
:: pickaxe / pickax, pick
picconiere {m}
:: labourer (who wields a pickaxe)
piccosaggine {f}
:: synonym of piccosità
piccosamente {adv}
:: peevishly
piccosità {f}
:: peevishness
piccosità {f}
:: stubbornness
piccoso {adj}
:: stubborn
piccoso {adj}
:: touchy, peevish
piccozza {f}
:: ice axe / ice ax
Piceni {prop}
:: Picentes
Picenti {prop}
:: Picentes
piceo {adj}
:: piceous
pici {mp}
:: pici
picnic {m}
:: picnic (outdoor meal)
picnidio {m}
:: pycnidium
picnoclino {m}
:: pycnocline
picnometro {m}
:: pycnometer, density bottle
picnosi {f}
:: pyknosis
picnostilo {adj} [architecture] /pikˈnɔs.ti.lo/
:: pycnostyle
picnotico {adj}
:: pyknotic
Pico {n} /ˈpi.ko/
:: given name
picogrammo {m}
:: picogram
picolinato {m} [organic chemistry]
:: picolinate
picometro {m}
:: picometer
picosecondo {m}
:: picosecond
picrato {m} [organic chemistry]
:: picrate
picrico {adj}
:: picric
picro- {prefix}
:: picro-
picrotossina {f}
:: picrotoxin
pidduista {mf}
:: alternative form of piduista
pidiessino {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the Partito Democratico della Sinistra (Democratic Party of the Left), an Italian dissolved political party
pidiessino {m}
:: A member of this party
pidocchiaia {f}
:: An infestation of lice
pidocchieria {f}
:: meanness, stinginess
pidocchietto {m}
:: flea pit (dilapidated cinema)
pidocchio {m} /pi.ˈdɔk̚.kjo/
:: louse
pidocchiosamente {adv}
:: lousily
pidocchioso {adj} /pi.ˌdɔk̚.ˈkjo.zo/
:: lousy (in all meanings)
piduismo {m}
:: The activities of the P2 masonic lodge
piduista {mf}
:: member of the Masonic lodge P2
piè {m}
:: apocopic form of piede
piè {m} [poetic]
:: foot
piè {m}
:: footer (in a printed document)
piedarm {interj} [military]
:: order arms
piedarm {m} [military]
:: order arms
piedatterra {m}
:: pied-à-terre
pied-de-poule {m} /pjed.pul/
:: houndstooth (check pattern)
piede {m} /ˈpjɛ.de/
:: foot
piede d'atleta {m} [disease]
:: athlete's foot
piede dell'atleta {m}
:: Variant of piede d'atleta
piede di corvo {m}
:: caltrop (metal object)
piede di porco {m}
:: crowbar
piedestallo {m}
:: Variant of piedistallo
piedino {m}
:: An insert placed at the foot of a column or page of a newspaper
piedino {m}
:: The part of a sewing machine that holds the fabric in place
piedino {m}
:: A small terminal in an electronic assembly
piedipiatti {mf} [slang]
:: cop, flatfoot
piedistallo {m}
:: pedestal
piedritto {m} [architecture]
:: pier (vertical support)
piega {f}
:: fold
piega {f}
:: pleat
piega {f}
:: crease
piega {f}
:: tuck
piega {f}
:: twist
piegabaffi {m}
:: snood
piegabile {adj}
:: folding
piegabile {adj}
:: pliable, foldable
piegaciglia {m}
:: eyelash curler
piegaferro {m}
:: Device that, or person who bends steel bars (for use in reinforced concrete)
piegamento {m}
:: bending
piegamento {m}
:: folding
piegante {v}
:: present participle of piegare
piegantesi {v}
:: present participle of piegarsi
piegare {vt}
:: to fold
piegare {vt}
:: to fold up
piegare {vt}
:: to bend
piegare {vt} [sports]
:: to defeat
piegarsi {v}
:: reflexive of piegare
piegarsi {v}
:: to bend, droop
piegarsi {vi}
:: with a) to submit or yield (to)
piegatondino {m}
:: A device that shapes the rods used in reinforced concrete
piegatore {m}
:: folder, bender (person)
piegatosi {v}
:: past participle of piegarsi
piegatrice {f}
:: folder, bender (machine)
piegatura {f}
:: folding, bending
piegatura {f}
:: fold
piegatura {f}
:: warp
pieghettante {v}
:: present participle of pieghettare
pieghettare {vt}
:: To pleat
pieghettatore {m}
:: pleater
pieghettatura {f}
:: pleating, crimping
pieghettatura {f}
:: pleats
pieghevole {adj}
:: pliable, bendable
pieghevole {adj}
:: yielding
pieghevole {adj}
:: folding
pieghevolezza {f}
:: pliability, flexibility
pieghevolmente {adv}
:: pliably
pieghevolmente {adv}
:: yieldingly
piegoso {adj}
:: folded
piegoso {adj}
:: pleated
piegoso {adj}
:: creased
pielego {m} [Venice]
:: A kind of boat similar to a bragozzo, used in the nothern part of the Adriatic Sea
pielico {adj}
:: pyelic
pielite {f} [pathology]
:: pyelitis
pielo- {prefix}
:: pyelo-
pielografia {f}
:: pyelography
pielogramma {m}
:: pyelogram
pielonefrite {f} [pathology]
:: pyelonephritis
pieloscopia {f}
:: pyeloscopy
piemia {f} [pathology]
:: pyaemia
piemico {adj}
:: pyaemic
Piemonte {prop} /pjeˈmon.te/
:: Piemonte (region)
piemontese {adj}
:: Piedmontese (relating to Piedmont)
piemontese {mf}
:: Piedmontese (an inhabitant of Piedmont)
piemontese {mf} [masculine singulare tantum]
:: Piedmontese (language)
piemontesismo {m} [linguistics]
:: An idiom or expression that is typical of the Piedmontese language
piemontesismo {m} [historical]
:: The cultural and political supremacy of Piedmont over the rest of Italy after he declaration of the Kingdom of Italy (1861)
piemontesità {f}
:: The quality or property of being Piedmontese, Piedmonteseness
piemontesizzazione {f} [historical] /pje.mon.te.zid.dzatˈtsjo.ne/
:: During the second half of the 19th century, the extension of the political and administrative system of the Kingdom of Sardinia to the rest of Italy following the unification of the country, also known in English as Piedmontization
piemontite {f} [mineral]
:: piemontite, piedmontite
piena {f}
:: flood, spate (condition of a river)
piena {f}
:: crowd, throng
pienamente {adv}
:: fully, completely, absolutely, quite
pienezza {f}
:: fullness
pienissimo {adj}
:: superlative of pieno
pieno {adj} /ˈpjɛno/
:: full
pieno {adj}
:: full (with food)
pieno come un uovo {adj}
:: full up
pieno di impegni {n}
:: busy as a beaver
pienone {m}
:: full house (crowd of people filling a place)
pienotto {adj}
:: plump, chubby
pieno zeppo {adj}
:: full up [after a large meal]
Piera {prop}
:: given name, feminine form of Piero
Pierangelo {prop}
:: given name
piercing {m} /ˈpir.sinɡ/
:: piercing (jewellery worn through a hole in the skin or tongue)
pieride {f}
:: andromeda, a genus of shrubs
pieride {f}
:: pierid, a genus of butterflies
pierino {m}
:: scamp (impertinent child)
Pierino {prop}
:: Dennis the Menace (character)
Pierino {prop}
:: Little Johnny (character)
pierio {adj}
:: Pierian
Pierluigi {prop}
:: given name
Piero {prop}
:: given name
Piero {prop}
:: Peter [biblical character]
Piero {prop}
:: the Epistle of Peter
pierre {mf} /piˈɛrre/
:: Person who works in public relations
pierrot {m}
:: A person dressed in a Pierrot costume
pieta {f} [rare, poetic] /ˈpjɛ.ta/
:: obsolete form of pietà
pietà {f} /pjeˈta/
:: pity, compassion, godliness
pietà {f}
:: piety
pietà {f} [art]
:: pietà
pietanza {f}
:: dish, course (of a meal)
pietanziera {f}
:: lunchbox (or similar container for food)
pietate {f} /pjeˈtate/
:: obsolete form of pietà
pietica {f}
:: A device used to hold tree trunks that are to be sawed
pietire {v}
:: Variant of piatire
pietismo {m}
:: pietism, Pietism
pietista {mf}
:: Pietist
pietista {mf}
:: bigot
pietisticamente {adv}
:: pietistically
pietistico {adj}
:: pietistic
pietosamente {adv}
:: mercifully
pietosamente {adv}
:: pitifully, pathetically
pietoso {adj}
:: merciful, compassionate
pietra {f} /ˈpjɛtra/
:: stone
pietra di luna {f} [mineralogy]
:: moonstone
pietra di paragone {f}
:: touchstone
pietra filosofale {f} [alchemy]
:: philosopher's stone
pietra focaia {f}
:: flint
pietraia {f}
:: pile of stones
pietraia {f}
:: stony ground
pietraia {f}
:: scree
pietraia {f}
:: stone quarry
pietraio {m}
:: synonym of scalpellino
pietrame {m}
:: (heap of) stones
pietra miliare {f}
:: milestone
Pietrangeli {prop}
:: surname
Pietrangeli {prop}
:: Nicola Pietrangeli, Italian tennist player
Pietrapana {prop}
:: An alpine mountain now called Pania della Croce
pietra preziosa {f}
:: precious stone
pietra preziosa {f}
:: gem
pietrata {f}
:: stoning
pietrata {f}
:: A blow from a stone
pietra tombale {f}
:: tombstone
pietra tombale {f}
:: ledger
pietrificante {v}
:: present participle of pietrificare
pietrificantesi {v}
:: present participle of pietrificarsi
pietrificare {vt}
:: to petrify (all senses)
pietrificarsi {vr}
:: To be petrified (all senses)
pietrificatosi {v}
:: past participle of pietrificarsi
pietrificazione {f}
:: petrification
pietrigno {adj}
:: stone (attributive)
pietrina {f}
:: flint (for a lighter)
pietrino {m}
:: doorstop
pietrino {m}
:: tile
pietrisco {m}
:: road metal, gravel, rubble
pietrista {mf}
:: A maker of artificial stones
Pietro {prop}
:: given name
Pietro {prop}
:: Peter [biblical character]
Pietro {prop}
:: the Epistle of Peter
Pietro Gambadilegno {prop}
:: Peg-Leg Pete (Disney character)
pietrosità {f}
:: stoniness
pietrosità {f}
:: stony ground
pietroso {adj}
:: stony, stone [attributive]
pievania {f}
:: parish
pievania {f}
:: parsonage
pievania {f}
:: rectory
pievano {m}
:: Variant of piovano
pieve {f} [southern and central Italy] /ˈpjɛ.ve/
:: A rural parish church
pieveloce {m}
:: A swift-footed person
pieviale {m}
:: alternative form of piviale
piezo- {prefix}
:: piezo-
piezoelettricità {f} [physics]
:: piezoelectricity
piezoelettrico {adj}
:: piezoelectric
piezomagnetico {adj}
:: piezomagnetic
piezometria {f}
:: piezometry
piezometrico {adj}
:: piezometric
piezometro {m}
:: piezometer
piezooscillatore {m}
:: piezoelectric oscillator
pifania {f}
:: alternative form of epifania
pifferaia {f}
:: female equivalent of pifferaio
pifferaio {m}
:: piper
pifferare {v}
:: to pipe (play the flute or fife)
pifferaro {m}
:: alternative form of pifferaio
pifferata {f} [music]
:: A piece of music played on a piffero
piffero {m}
:: piffero, a relatively short Italian double-reed wind instrument, often accompanied by the Apennine müsa or the accordian in northern Italy, or by the zampogna in southern Italy
piffero {m}
:: piffero or fife player
piffero {m}
:: fife
Pigafetta {prop}
:: surname
Pigafetta {prop}
:: Antonio Pigafetta, Italian scholar and explorer
piggiore {adj}
:: alternative form of peggiore
pigiabile {adj}
:: pressable, treadable (of grapes)
pigiadiraspare {vt} /pi.d͡ʒa.di.rasˈpa.re/
:: To press and destalk (grapes) using a specific machine
pigiadiraspatrice {f} /pi.d͡ʒa.di.ras.paˈtri.t͡ʃe/
:: A machine that presses grapes, sending the must one way and the rest elsewhere
pigiama {m} /piˈd͡ʒa.ma/
:: pyjamas
pigiamento {m}
:: pressing, treading (of grapes)
pigiamino {m}
:: sleepsuit
pigiante {v}
:: present participle of pigiare
pigiapigia {m}
:: crowd, throng
pigiare {vt} /piˈd͡ʒa.re/
:: to press
pigiare {vt}
:: to tread (grapes)
pigiata {f} /piˈd͡ʒa.ta/
:: The act of pressing
pigiata {f}
:: push, shove
pigiatoio {m}
:: pressing shed (where grapes are pressed)
pigiatore {m}
:: A person who treads grapes for making wine
pigiatrice {f}
:: wine press
pigiatura {f}
:: pressing, treading, of grapes
pigidio {m} [entomology]
:: pygidium
pigionale {mf}
:: tenant
pigionante {mf}
:: A lodger
pigionante {mf}
:: A person who lives in rented accommodation
pigione {f}
:: rent
pigliabile {adj}
:: grabbable
pigliamosche {m}
:: flycatcher, properly the spotted flycatcher
pigliamosche {m}
:: Venus flytrap
pigliante {v}
:: present participle of pigliare
pigliare {vt} [colloquial]
:: synonym of prendere
pigliasciami {m}
:: A baglike device used to capture a swarm of bees (to transport them to a different hive)
pigliatutto {adj}
:: catch-all
pigliatutto {adj}
:: all-conquering
piglio {m}
:: look, countenance
pigmalione {m} [figurative]
:: mentor, tutor
pigmalione {m}
:: talent scout
Pigmalione {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Pygmalion (king of Cyprus)
pigmea {f}
:: female equivalent of pigmeo
pigmentale {adj}
:: pigmentary; chromatophoric
pigmentante {v}
:: present participle of pigmentare
pigmentantesi {v}
:: present participle of pigmentarsi
pigmentare {vt}
:: To pigmentate
pigmentarsi {vr}
:: To pigment
pigmentatosi {v}
:: past participle of pigmentarsi
pigmentazione {f}
:: pigmentation
pigmentifero {adj}
:: pigmentiferous
pigmento {m}
:: pigment
pigmeo {adj} /piɡ.ˈmɛ.o/
:: pygmy
pigmeo {m}
:: pygmy
pigna {f}
:: pinecone
pignatta {f}
:: (often earthenware) cooking pot
pignatta {f}
:: hollow block (for building)
pignatta {f} [Latin American culture]
:: pinata (doll or other decorated container filled with candy)
pignattaio {m}
:: A person who makes, sells or repairs cooking pots
Pignatti {prop}
:: surname
pignatto {m}
:: alternative form of pignatta
pignere {v}
:: alternative form of pingere
pigneta {f}
:: alternative form of pineta
pignoccata {f}
:: A dessert made from pine nuts
pignolaggine {f}
:: meticulousness, quibbling, pedantry
pignolata {f}
:: Either of two Italian desserts
pignolato {m}
:: A linen fabric that had a pattern of pine nuts
pignoleggiante {v}
:: present participle of pignoleggiare
pignoleggiare {vi} [uncommon]
:: to nitpick, to quibble
pignoleria {f}
:: fastidiousness, fussiness
pignolesco {adj}
:: Very pedantic
pignolo {adj}
:: fussy, fastidious, pernickety
pignolo {m}
:: A fussy person
pignolo {m}
:: squeaky wheel
pignone {m}
:: embankment, dyke
pignone {m}
:: gable
pignone {m}
:: pinion
pignorabile {adj} [legal]
:: That can be distrained; distrainable
pignorabilità {f} [legal]
:: Property of being subject to distraint
pignoramento {m} [legal]
:: distraint
pignorante {v}
:: present participle of pignorare
pignorante {adj}
:: distraining
pignorare {vt}
:: [legal] To distrain, distress
pignoratario {m} [legal]
:: distrainor
pignoratizio {adj} [legal]
:: pledged
pignuolo {adj}
:: alternative form of pignolo
pignuolo {m}
:: alternative form of pignolo
pigo {m}
:: kind of freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae (Rutilus Pigus)
pigolamento {m}
:: cheeping, chirping
pigolante {v}
:: present participle of pigolare
pigolare {v}
:: to cheep
pigolare {v}
:: to chirp
pigolio {m}
:: cheeping, chirping, peeping, peep
pigolone {m}
:: A plaintive person
pigostilo {m}
:: pygostyle
pigramente {adv}
:: lazily
pi greco {m} [mathematics]
:: pi
pigrezza {f} [archaic] /piˈɡret.t͡sa/
:: indolence, laziness, idleness
pigrissimo {adj}
:: superlative of pigro
pigrizia {f}
:: laziness, idleness, sloth
pigro {adj}
:: lazy
pigrona {f}
:: female equivalent of pigrone
pigrone {m}
:: lazybones, slouch, shirker
pil {m}
:: alternative form of PIL
PIL {m}
:: initialism of prodotto interno lordo
pila {f} /ˈpi.la/
:: pile (all senses)
pila {f} [heraldiccharge]
:: pile (one of the standard geometric designs placed across the center of a coat of arms, such as a pale or fess)
pila {f}
:: battery (electrical)
pila {f}
:: torch / flashlight
pila {f}
:: basin
pila atomica {f} [physics]
:: atomic pile
pila Bunsen {n}
:: Bunsen pile
pila Bunsen {n} [chemistry]
:: An early electrical battery using multiple cells of zinc and graphite in dilute chromic acid
Pilade {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Pylades
Pilade {prop}
:: given name
pila di grafite {f}
:: graphite pile
pilastrata {f}
:: pilastrade
pilastrata {f}
:: pillars, pilasters
pilastrino {m}
:: A small column or pillar (especially one of a series)
pilastro {m} [architecture]
:: pillar, column
pilastro {m} [decorative architecture]
:: pilaster
pilastro {m}
:: obelisk
pilastro {m} [figuratively]
:: mainstay (a chief support)
pilatesco {adj}
:: harsh, cruel
pilatismo {m}
:: Pilatism
Pilato {prop}
:: Pilate
pilatoio {m}
:: A device used in the husking of rice
pilatro {m}
:: St John's wort
pilatura {f}
:: husking
pile {m}
:: fleece (all senses)
pileato {adj}
:: Wearing a pileo (pileus)
pileggio {m} /piˈled.d͡ʒo/
:: Term whose meaning is disputed, but is most likely navigation, course
pileo {m}
:: pileus
pileoriza {f} [botany]
:: pileorhiza, calyptra
pileria {f}
:: alternative form of pilatoio
pilidium {m} [zoology]
:: pelagic larva of certain nemertean worms
piliere {m}
:: pilaster
piliere {m}
:: curbstone
pilifero {adj}
:: piliferous, hair (attributive), hairy
pillacchera {f} [Tuscany] /pilˈlak.ke.ra/
:: A splatter or limp of mud
pillacchera {f} [Tuscany]
:: A clot of dirt stuck to an animal's wool
pillaccheroso {adj}
:: mud-splattered
pillato {adj}
:: tamped
pillato {adj}
:: granulated (of sugar)
pillo {m}
:: tamper (tool)
pillola {f}
:: pill
pillola {f}
:: contraceptive pill, the pill
pillola del giorno dopo {f}
:: morning-after pill
pilloliera {f}
:: pillbox (box for pills)
pillolina {f}
:: Little pill; contraceptive pill
pillotta {f}
:: A game similar to pelota; the leather ball used in this game
pillottare {v}
:: To baste (when spit-roasting)
pillotto {m}
:: A large spoon used to baste meat during spit-roasting
pilone {m}
:: pylon (electrical)
pilone {m}
:: pier (of a bridge)
pilone {m} [rugby]
:: prop
pilorectomia {f} [surgery]
:: pylorectomy
pilorico {adj} [anatomy]
:: pyloric
piloriza {f}
:: alternative form of pileoriza
piloro {m} [anatomy]
:: pylorus
piloroplastica {f} [surgery]
:: pyloroplasty
pilorospasmo {m}
:: pylorospasm
pilota {mf}
:: pilot (aircraft or ship)
pilota {mf}
:: driver (vehicle)
pilota {adj}
:: pilot (attributive)
pilotabile {adj}
:: steerable
pilotabile {adj}
:: that can be manipulated or influenced
pilotaggio {m}
:: piloting
pilotaggio {m}
:: navigation
pilotante {v}
:: present participle of pilotare
pilotare {vt}
:: to pilot [aircraft or ship]
pilotare {vt}
:: to drive [vehicle]
pilotina {f} [nautical]
:: pilot cutter
pilottare {v}
:: alternative form of pillottare
pilotto {m}
:: alternative form of pillotto
piluccare {vt}
:: To pick, pick at, peck or nibble
piluccatore {m}
:: nibbler
piluccatore {m}
:: A person who picks at his food
piluccone {m}
:: A person who picks at his food
pimelosi {f} [pathology]
:: pimelosis, obesity
pimentante {v}
:: present participle of pimentare
pimentare {v}
:: to spice up (To enhance the flavour of something by adding spice to it)
pimento {m}
:: pimento
pimento {m}
:: allspice
pimmeo {adj}
:: alternative form of pigmeo
pimmeo {m}
:: alternative form of pigmeo
pimpante {adj}
:: lively, exuberant
pimpinella {f}
:: pimpernel (of genus Lysimachia)
pina {f} [regional]
:: alternative form of pigna
Pina {prop}
:: given name
pinaccia {f} [nautical]
:: pinnace
pinacoide {adj}
:: pinacoid (attributive)
pinacoide {m}
:: pinacoid
pinacola {m}
:: A card game similar to pinochle
pinacolo {m} [organic compound]
:: pinacol
pinacoteca {f} /pi.na.koˈtɛ.ka/
:: art gallery, especially one devoted to paintings
pinacoteca {f}
:: pinacotheca
pinaggio {m}
:: A process in the refining of copper in which a pine trunk is inserted into the molten metal
Pinamonte {prop}
:: surname
pinastro {m}
:: maritime pine (tree of the species Pinus pinaster)
pinato {adj}
:: pinate
Pincherle {prop}
:: surname
Pincherle {prop}
:: Salvatore Pincherle, Italian mathematician
Pincio {prop}
:: A hill in Rome (Pincian hill)
pinconaggine {f}
:: foolishness
pincone {f}
:: fool
pincopallino {m}
:: Joe Bloggs, John Doe (unknown male person)
Pinco Pallino {prop}
:: Joe Bloggs; John Doe; Joe Average
pindaresco {adj}
:: Pindaresque
pindaricamente {adv}
:: Pindarically
pindarico {adj}
:: Pindaric (characteristic of Pindar or his works)
Pindaro {prop}
:: Pindar
Pindo {prop}
:: Pindo (mountain range)
pineale {adj}
:: pineal
pinella {f}
:: The two as a melding card in canasta
pinene {m} [organic compound]
:: pinene
pineta {f}
:: pinewood (pine forest)
pinetina {f}
:: A small pinewood
pineto {m}
:: alternative form of pineta
pingente {v}
:: present participle of pingere
pingere {vt}
:: Variant of spingere
ping pong {m}
:: ping pong
ping-pong {m}
:: alternative spelling of ping pong
pingue {adj}
:: fat, chubby, plump
pingue {adj}
:: rich
pingue {adj}
:: fertile
pinguedine {f}
:: fatness, chubbiness
pinguemente {adv}
:: chubbily, plumply
pinguemente {adv}
:: richly
pinguemente {adv}
:: fertilely
Pinguente {prop}
:: Pinguente (town)
pinguicola {f}
:: pinguicula
pinguino {m} /pinˈɡwi.no/
:: penguin
pinguino africano {m}
:: African penguin
pinguino crestato {m}
:: erect-crested penguin
pinguino dal becco grosso {m}
:: Fiordland penguin or Fiordland crested penguin
pinguino degli antipodi {m}
:: yellow-eyed penguin
pinguino del Capo {m}
:: African penguin
pinguino del Fiordland {m}
:: Fiordland penguin or Fiordland crested penguin
pinguino delle Galapagos {m}
:: Galápagos penguin
pinguino delle Snares {m}
:: Snares penguin, Snares crested penguin or Snares Islands penguin
pinguino di Humboldt {m}
:: Humboldt penguin
pinguino di Magellano {m}
:: Magellanic penguin
pinguino fronte dorata {m}
:: macaroni penguin
pinguino imperatore {m}
:: emperor penguin
pinguino macaroni {m}
:: macaroni penguin
pinguino minore {m}
:: little penguin
pinguino occhigialli {m}
:: yellow-eyed penguin
pinguino papua {n}
:: gentoo penguin
pinguino reale {m}
:: king penguin
pinguino reale {m}
:: royal penguin
pinguino saltarocce {m}
:: rockhopper penguin
pinguino saltatore {m}
:: rockhopper penguin
pinifero {adj}
:: pine-bearing
pinifero {adj}
:: with many pine trees
Pininfarina {prop}
:: Pininfarina; surname
pinite {f} [mineral]
:: pinite
pinna {f}
:: fin
pinna {f}
:: flipper
pinna caudale {f} [zoology]
:: caudal fin
pinnacola {m}
:: pinochle (or similar card game)
pinnacolo {m}
:: pinnacle, spur
pinnacolo {m}
:: pinochle
pinneggiare {v}
:: to swim with fins / flippers on the feet
pinnipede {m}
:: pinniped
pino {m}
:: pine, pine tree (tree of the genus Pinus)
pino {m}
:: pine, pinewood (wood of pine tree)
pinocchiata {f} /pi.nokˈkja.ta/
:: A type of Umbrian sweet made from pinenuts and caramel, usually in the shape of lozenges
pinocchiesco {adj}
:: Pinocchian
pinocchino {m}
:: gravel made of small fragments
pinocchio {m} [rare, Tuscan] /piˈnɔk.kjo/
:: pine nut, pine kernel
Pinocchio {prop} /piˈnɔk.kjo/
:: Pinocchio (character and fairy tale)
pinocitosi {f} [biology]
:: pinocytosis
pinolo {m}
:: pine nut
pino marittimo {m}
:: maritime pine (tree of the species Pinus pinaster)
pinoso {adj}
:: Having many pine trees
pinsapo {m}
:: Spanish fir (tree)
pinta {f}
:: pint
pintore {f}
:: alternative form of pittore
Pinturicchio {prop}
:: Nickname of the Italian painter "Bernardino di Betto Betti"
Pinuccio {prop}
:: given name
pinza {f} [chiefly in the plural]
:: pliers, pincers, tongs, forceps
pinza a coccodrillo {f}
:: synonym of connettore a coccodrillo
pinzante {v}
:: present participle of pinzare
pinzare {vt}
:: To staple (documents)
pinzare {vt}
:: to tong
pinzata {f}
:: staple
pinzatrice {f}
:: stapler, staple gun
pinzatura {f}
:: stapling
pinzatura {f}
:: sting, bite (of an insect)
pinzetta {f}
:: tweezers
pinzillacchera {f} [chiefly in the plural] /pin.t͡silˈlak.ke.ra/
:: trifle, bagatelle
pinzimonio {m} /pin.tsiˈmɔ.njo/
:: A mixture of olive oil, pepper and salt, into which small pieces of raw vegetables are dipped
pinzochero {m} [rare] /pinˈtsɔ.ke.ro/
:: bigot
pinzuto {adj}
:: pointed, sharp
pio- {prefix}
:: pyo-
pio {adj}
:: pious, devout, prayerful
pio {adj}
:: charitable
Pio {prop}
:: given name derived from the Latin Pius
piocele {m}
:: The presence of pus in the peritoneum
pioda {f}
:: A smooth rock face
pioderma {m} [disease]
:: pyoderma
piodermite {f} [pathology]
:: pyodermitis, pyodermatitis
pio desiderio {m}
:: synonym of pia illusione
pioemia {f}
:: alternative form of piemia
pioftalmia {f}
:: pyophthalmia
piogenico {adj}
:: pyogenic
piogeno {adj} [pathology]
:: pyogenic
pioggerella {f}
:: drizzle
pioggerellina {f}
:: mizzle
pioggia {f} /ˈpjɔd.d͡ʒa/
:: rain
pioggia {f} [figuratively]
:: shower (large quantity)
pioggia acida {f}
:: acid rain
pioggia gelata {f} [meteorology]
:: sleet, freezing rain
piolo {m} /piˈɔlo/
:: peg, stake
piolo {m}
:: rung (also of DNA), round (of a ladder)
piombabile {adj}
:: sealable (with lead)
piombagginare {v}
:: To treat with graphite
piombaggine {f}
:: plumbago, graphite
piombaggine {f}
:: leadwort
piombaggio {m}
:: plombage
piombante {v}
:: present participle of piombare
piombare {vi}
:: (+su, contro, or addosso a) to pounce (on); to swoop (down) (on)
piombare {vi}
:: to fall precipitously
piombare {vi}
:: to arrive unexpectedly; to turn up
piombare {vt}
:: to seal [originally with lead]
piombare {vt}
:: to fill [teeth]
piombare {vi} [fishing]
:: to weigh down [a boat]
piombare {vi}
:: to befall
piombatoia {f}
:: alternative form of piombatoio
piombatoio {m}
:: machicolation
piombatura {f}
:: sealing
piombatura {f}
:: filling (all senses)
piombatura {f}
:: seal
piombemia {f} [pathology]
:: The presence of lead salts in the blood, characteristic of lead poisoning
piombifero {adj}
:: plumbiferous, lead-bearing
piombinese {adj}
:: Of or relating to Piombino (a Tuscan town) or the Piombino people
piombinese {mf}
:: A native or inhabitant of Piombino
piombino {m}
:: seal (of lead)
piombino {m}
:: sinker (fishing weight)
piombino {m}
:: plumb line, plummet
Piombino {prop}
:: Piombino (town)
piombo {m} [chemistry] /ˈpjombo/
:: lead
piombo {m}
:: grey
piombo {m}
:: bullet
piombosità {f}
:: leadenness
piomboso {adj}
:: leaden, plumbeous
piometra {f} [pathology]
:: pyometra
pione {m} [physics]
:: pion
pionefrosi {f} [pathology]
:: pyonephrosis
pioniera {f}
:: pioneer (feminine)
pioniere {adj} /pjonˈjɛ.re/
:: pioneer (attributive), pioneering
pioniere {m}
:: pioneer, pathfinder
pioniere {m}
:: sapper
pionierismo {m}
:: pioneering attitude or action
pionieristicamente {adv}
:: pioneeringly
pionieristico {adj}
:: pioneer (attributive), pioneering
pioniero {adj}
:: pioneering
pionio {m} [physics]
:: pionium
piopneumotorace {m}
:: pyopneumothorax
pioppa {f}
:: Variant of pioppo
pioppaia {f} /pjopˈpa.ja/
:: poplar grove
piopparello {m} [mushroom] /pjop.paˈrɛl.lo/
:: poplar mushroom (Cylocybe aegerita)
pioppata {f}
:: poplar stake used to support vines
pioppella {f}
:: Young poplar tree ready to be transplanted
pioppeto {m} /pjopˈpe.to/
:: poplar grove
pioppicolo {adj}
:: poplar (attributive)
pioppicoltore {m}
:: poplar grower
pioppicoltura {f}
:: poplar growing
pioppino {m} [mushroom] /pjopˈpi.no/
:: synonym of piopparello
pioppino {m} [Tuscany]
:: A kind of hat
pioppo {m} /ˈpjɔp.po/
:: poplar (tree of the genus Populus)
pioppo {m}
:: the wood of such tree
piorrea {f} [pathology]
:: pyorrhea, pyorrhoea
piorroico {adj}
:: pyorrheal
piosalpinge {f}
:: pyosalpinx
piota {f}
:: sod, turf
piotare {v}
:: To turf
piotta {f}
:: A hundred lira coin (prior to the Euro)
piovanatico {m}
:: synonym of pievania
piovanato {m}
:: priesthood
piovanello {m} /pjo.vaˈnɛl.lo/
:: curlew sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea)
piovanello {m} [ornithology]
:: sandpiper (any of various birds of the family Scolopacidae)
piovanello comune {m}
:: synonym of piovanello
piovanello maggiore {m}
:: red knot (Calidris canutus)
piovanello pancianera {m}
:: dunlin (Calidris alpina)
Piovani {prop}
:: surname
piovania {f}
:: alternative form of pievania
piovano {adj}
:: rain (attributive)
piovano {m}
:: parish priest
piovasco {m}
:: shower (fall of light rain)
piovente {m} [rare]
:: synonym of spiovente
piovente {v}
:: present participle of piovere
piovere {vi} [impersonal] /ˈpjɔvere/
:: to rain
piovere {vi} [impersonal, by extension]
:: to drip
piovere {vt}
:: (takes essere as auxiliary) [of rain water] to fall (from the sky)
piovere {vt} [familiar, figurative, by extension]
:: (takes essere as auxiliary) to fall from above
piovere {vt} [familiar, figurative, by extension]
:: (takes essere as auxiliary) to come in large quantities
piovere a catinelle {v}
:: rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily)
piovere che Dio la manda {v}
:: alternative form of piovere come Dio la manda
piovere come Dio la manda {v} [simile]
:: to rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily)
Pioverna {prop}
:: Pioverna (small river)
pioviale {m}
:: alternative form of piviale
pioviccicare {vi} [impersonal]
:: synonym of piovigginare
pioviere {m}
:: alternative form of piviere
piovigginaia {f}
:: Light drizzle
piovigginante {v}
:: present participle of piovigginare
piovigginare {vi} [impersonal]
:: to drizzle or mizzle
pioviggine {f} [meteorology]
:: drizzle, mizzle
piovigginoso {adj}
:: drizzly
piovischio {m} /pjoˈvis.kjo/
:: drizzle, light rain
pioviscolare {vi} [impersonal]
:: synonym of piovigginare
piovorno {adj}
:: synonym of piovoso
piovosità {f}
:: rainfall
piovoso {adj} [weather] /pjoˈvo.so/
:: rainy, wet
piovoso {m} [historical]
:: Pluviôse (the fifth month of the French Republican Calendar)
piovra {f} /ˈpjɔv.ra/
:: octopus
pipa {f}
:: pipe
pipaio {m}
:: pipe-maker
pipante {v}
:: present participle of pipare
pipare {vit}
:: To smoke (a pipe)
pipata {f}
:: pipe smoke (instance of smoking a pipe)
pipatore {m}
:: pipe smoker
piperino {m}
:: alternative form of peperino
piperita {adj} [only used in menta piperita, peppermint]
:: pepper, peppery
piperno {m} [geology]
:: A type of igneous rock found in volcanic regions
pipetta {f}
:: pipette
pipì {f} [colloquial, jocular, euphemistic]
:: pee, wee
pipilare {v}
:: synonym of pigolare
Pipino {prop}
:: Pippin, Pepin
pipistrello {m} /pi.pisˈtrɛl.lo/
:: bat (flying mammal)
pipita {f}
:: pip (disease of poultry)
pipita {f}
:: hangnail
pippa {f}
:: wank, hand job
pippa {f}
:: pipsqueak, squirt (person)
pippaiolo {m}
:: wanker
pippante {v}
:: present participle of pippare
pippare {vt} [slang]
:: To snort or sniff (cocaine)
Pippi Calzelunghe {prop}
:: Pippi Longstocking (fictional character invented by Astrid Lindgren)
pippiolino {m}
:: picot
pippione {m}
:: A young pigeon
pippione {m}
:: A fool
Pippo {prop}
:: given name
Pippo {prop}
:: Goofy (Disney character)
pippolo {m}
:: pip, grain, seed
pippolo {m}
:: pimple
piqué {m}
:: piqué
pira {f}
:: pyre
piragna {m}
:: piranha
piralide {f} [entomology]
:: pyralid
piralide della farina {f} [entomology]
:: flour moth, Indian meal moth, meal moth (Pyralis farinalis)
piramidale {adj}
:: pyramidal
piramidale {m} [skeleton]
:: triquetral bone, triquetral, pyramidal bone
piramidale {m} [muscle]
:: pyramidalis, pyramidalis muscle
piramidalmente {adv}
:: pyramidally
piramidato {adj}
:: synonym of piramidale
piramide {f} /piˈra.mi.de/
:: pyramid
piramidione {m}
:: pyramidion
piramidologia {f}
:: pyramidology
piramidologo {m}
:: pyramidologist
piramidone {m}
:: pyramidon, aminophenazone
Piramo {prop}
:: Pyramus
Piramo {prop}
:: The ancient name of the Ceyhan river, that flows in Turkey
pirandellianamente {adv} /pi.ran.delˌlja.naˈmen.te/
:: In a Pirandellian manner, Pirandellianly
pirandelliano {adj}
:: Pirandellian (characteristic of the works of Luigi Pirandello)
pirandellismo {m}
:: Pirandellism
Pirandello {prop} /pi.ranˈdɛl.lo/
:: surname
Pirandello {prop} [masculine only]
:: Luigi Pirandello (1867–1936), Italian dramatist and poet
piranha {m}
:: piranha
Pirano {prop}
:: Pirano (small town)
piranosico {adj}
:: pyranose (attributive)
piranosio {m} [carbohydrate]
:: pyranose
pirargirite {f} [mineral]
:: pyrargyrite
pirata {adj} /piˈra.ta/
:: pirate [attributive]
pirata {adj} [intellectual property]
:: pirated, ripped
pirata {m}
:: pirate, filibuster, buccaneer, corsair
pirata {m} [figurative]
:: swindler, shark
pirata della strada {m}
:: hit-and-run driver, road hog
pirata informatico {m} [computing]
:: hacker, cracker
piratante {v}
:: present participle of piratare
piratare {vt} [computing]
:: To hack
pirateggiante {v}
:: present participle of pirateggiare
pirateggiare {vi}
:: to commit piracy
pirateria {f}
:: piracy (all senses)
piratescamente {adv}
:: piratically
piratesco {adj}
:: piratical
piraticamente {adv}
:: piratically
piratico {adj}
:: piratical
pirato {adj} /piˈra.to/
:: obsolete form of pirata
pirato {m}
:: obsolete form of pirata
pirausta {f}
:: pyrausta (moth)
pirazina {f} [organic compound] /pi.raˈd͡zi.na/
:: pyrazine
pirazinamide {f} [medicine]
:: pyrazinamide
pirazolo {m} [organic compound]
:: pyrazole
pirchio {adj}
:: mean, stingy
pireliografo {m}
:: pyrheliograph (recording pyrheliometer}
pireliometro {m}
:: pyrheliometer
Pirelli {prop}
:: surname
Pirelli {prop}
:: Pirelli Tyre company
Pirellone {prop}
:: The Pirelli company skyscraper in Milan
Pirellone {prop}
:: (by extension) The regional government of Lombardy
pirenaico {adj}
:: Pyrenean
pirene {m} [organic compound]
:: pyrene
Pirenei {prop}
:: Pyrenees
piressia {f} [medicine]
:: pyrexia
piretico {adj}
:: pyrexial, pyrexic, pyretic
piretogeno {adj} [pathology]
:: pyrogenic, pyrogenous
piretoterapia {f}
:: pyretotherapy, pyrotherapy
piretro {m}
:: pyrethrum (plant and insecticide)
pirex {m}
:: pyrex
pirico {adj} /ˈpi.ri.ko/
:: guns, burning (attributive)
piridina {f} [organic compound]
:: pyridine
piridinico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: pyridinic; pyridine (attributive)
piridinio {m} [organic chemistry]
:: pyridinium
piridossina {f} [organic compound]
:: pyridoxine
pirimidina {f} [organic compound]
:: pyrimidine
pirimidinico {adj}
:: pyrimidinic
pirite {f}
:: pyrite
piritico {adj}
:: pyritic, pyritous
piritoedro {m} [mathematics]
:: pyritohedron
Piritoo {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Pirithous
pirla {m} [regional, vulgar]
:: dick, cock, prick
pirla {mf}
:: fool, moron, idiot
pirlo {m}
:: An apéritif made from white wine, Campari and seltzer
piro- {prefix}
:: pyro-
pirocannoniera {f} /pi.ro.kan.noˈnjɛ.ra/
:: A type of steam-powered warship
pirocatechina {f} [organic compound]
:: synonym of pirocatecolo
pirocatechinico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: pyrocatechinic
pirocatecolo {m} [organic compound]
:: pyrocatechol
piroceramica {f}
:: heat-resistant ceramic (Pyrex)
piroclastico {adj}
:: pyroclastic
piroclasto {m} [geology]
:: pyroclast
pirocloro {m} [mineral]
:: pyrochlore
piroconducibilità {f}
:: pyroconductivity
pirocorvetta {f} [nautical]
:: steam corvette
pirodraga {f} [nautical]
:: steam dredger
piroelettricità {f} [physics]
:: pyroelectricity
piroelettrico {adj}
:: pyroelectric
piroeliografo {m}
:: alternative form of pireliografo
piroeliometro {m}
:: alternative form of pireliometro
piroetta {f} /pi.ro.ˈet.ta/
:: pirouette
piroettante {v}
:: present participle of piroettare
piroettare {vi}
:: to pirouette
pirofila {f}
:: heat-resistant or ovenproof dish
pirofilo {adj}
:: heat-resistant, ovenproof
pirofobia {f}
:: pyrophobia
pirofobo {adj}
:: pyrophobic
piroforico {adj}
:: pyrophoric
pirofosfatasi {f} [enzyme]
:: pyrophosphatase
pirofosfochinasi {f} [enzyme]
:: pyrophosphokinase, pyrophosphatase
pirofosforico {adj} [inorganic chemistry]
:: pyrophosphoric
pirofregata {f} [nautical]
:: A frigate that was powered by steam as well as sail
piroga {f} [nautical]
:: dugout canoe (or similar)
pirogallico {adj}
:: pyrogallic
pirogallolo {m} [organic compound]
:: pyrogallol
pirogassificazione {f}
:: pyrogasification
pirogenante {v}
:: present participle of pirogenare
pirogenare {vt}
:: [organic chemistry] To crack (hydrocarbons)
pirogenazione {f} [organic chemistry]
:: cracking (of hydrocarbons)
pirogeno {adj}
:: pyrogenic
pirografare {v}
:: To pyrograph
pirografia {f}
:: pyrography, pokerwork
pirografico {adj}
:: pyrographic
pirografista {mf}
:: pyrographer
pirografo {m}
:: poker (used in pyrography or pokerwork)
piroincisione {f}
:: synonym of pirografia
pirolegnoso {adj}
:: pyroligneous
piroletta {f}
:: alternative form of piroetta
pirolisi {f} [chemistry, physics]
:: pyrolysis
pirolitico {adj}
:: pyrolytic
pirolo {m}
:: pivot
pirolo {m}
:: button [to be pressed]
pirolo {m}
:: peg [on a musical instrument]
pirolusite {f} [mineral] /pi.ro.luˈsi.te/
:: pyrolusite
piromagnetismo {m}
:: pyromagnetism
piromane {mf}
:: pyromaniac
piromania {f}
:: pyromania
piromante {mf}
:: pyromancer
piromanzia {f}
:: pyromancy
pirometallurgia {f}
:: pyrometallurgy
pirometallurgico {adj}
:: pyrometallurgical
pirometria {f}
:: pyrometry
pirometrico {adj}
:: pyrometric
pirometrista {m}
:: pyrometrist
pirometro {m}
:: pyrometer
piromorfite {f} [mineral]
:: pyromorphite
pirone {m}
:: peg, pin
pirone {m}
:: endpin
piropeschereccio {m}
:: A steam-powered fishing boat
piro-piro {m}
:: sandpiper
piroplasmosi {f}
:: piroplasmosis, babesiosis
piropo {m} [mineral] /piˈrɔ.po/
:: pyrope (a type of garnet)
piroscafo {m}
:: steamer, steamship
piroscafo {m}
:: ship, vessel
piroscindere {v} [chemistry]
:: To crack, pyrolize
piroscissione {f} [chemistry]
:: pyrolysis, cracking
piroscissione a vapore {f} [organic chemistry]
:: steam cracking
pirosfera {f} [geology]
:: pyrosphere
pirosi {f} [pathology]
:: pyrosis
pirosolfato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: pyrosulfate
pirosolfito {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: pyrosulfite
pirosolforico {adj} [inorganic chemistry]
:: pyrosulfuric
pirosolforoso {adj} [inorganic chemistry]
:: pyrosulfurous
pirossenite {f} [geology]
:: pyroxenite
pirosseno {m} [mineralogy] /piˈrɔsseno/
:: pyroxene
pirotecnia {f}
:: alternative form of pirotecnica
pirotecnica {f}
:: pyrotechnics
pirotecnico {adj}
:: pyrotechnic
pirottino {m}
:: ramekin
pirottino {m}
:: muffin / fairy cake case (paper)
pirrichio {m}
:: pyrrhic
pirrico {adj}
:: Pyrrhic
Pirro {prop}
:: Pyrrhus
Pirro {prop}
:: given name
pirrolico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: pyrrolic
pirrolo {m} [organic compound]
:: pyrrole
Pirrone {prop}
:: Pyrrho
pirroniano {adj} [philosophy]
:: Pyrrhonian
pirronismo {m}
:: Pyrrhonism (form of scepticism)
pirronista {mf}
:: Pyrrhonist
pirronistico {adj}
:: Pyrrhonistic
pirrotina {f} [mineralogy]
:: pyrrhotite
piruetta {f}
:: alternative form of piroetta
piruvato {m} [organic chemistry]
:: pyruvate
piruvico {adj}
:: pyruvic
Pisa {prop} /ˈpi.za/
:: Pisa (city/and/province)
Pisacane {prop}
:: surname
Pisacane {prop}
:: Carlo Pisacane, Italian patriot
Pisani {prop}
:: surname
Pisani {prop}
:: A noble family of Venice
pisano {adj}
:: of Pisa (city of Italy); from Pisa; Pisan
pisano {m}
:: Pisan (native or inhabitant of Pisa)
Pisano {prop}
:: surname
Pisano {prop}
:: the region surrounding the city of Pisa, Tuscany
Pisano {prop}
:: Pisano (municipality)
Pisaroni {prop}
:: surname
piscatorio {adj}
:: piscatory, piscatorial
pischella {f} [Rome] /pisˈkɛl.la/
:: feminine noun of pischello: a young or otherwise inexperienced female, specifically:
pischella {f}
:: girl, lass
pischella {f} [by extension]
:: A young woman
pischella {f} [rare, figuratively]
:: greenhorn, novice [female]
pischelletta {f} [Rome] /pis.kelˈlet.ta/
:: diminutive of pischella
pischelletta {f}
:: girl, lass
pischelletta {f} [rare, figuratively]
:: greenhorn, novice [female]
pischelletto {f} [Rome] /pis.kelˈlet.to/
:: diminutive of pischello
pischelletto {f}
:: boy, lad
pischelletto {f} [figuratively]
:: greenhorn, novice [male]
pischello {m} [Rome] /pisˈkɛl.lo/
:: A young or otherwise inexperienced male, specifically:
pischello {m}
:: boy, lad
pischello {m} [by extension]
:: A young man
pischello {m} [figuratively]
:: greenhorn, novice [male]
piscia {f} /ˈpiʃ.ʃa/
:: piss
pisciacane {m}
:: dandelion
piscialetto {m}
:: brat (child)
piscialetto {m}
:: rookie, greenhorn
piscialetto {m}
:: piss-a-bed (dandelion)
piscialletto {m}
:: alternative form of piscialetto
piscialletto {m}
:: dandelion
pisciante {v}
:: present participle of pisciare
pisciare {v} [vulgar]
:: to urinate, to piss
pisciarella {f} [colloquial]
:: A need to urinate often
pisciasangue {m}
:: babesiosis
pisciasotto {m}
:: coward
pisciasotto {m}
:: wimp
pisciatoio {m}
:: urinal (public)
piscicolo {adj}
:: fish farming (attributive)
piscicoltore {m}
:: synonym of pescicoltore
piscicoltura {f}
:: synonym of pescicoltura
pisciforme {adj}
:: pisciform
piscina {f} /piʃˈʃina/
:: swimming pool
piscina {f}
:: plunge pool (plunge basin or waterfall lake or deep depression at the base of a waterfall)
piscio {m}
:: piss
piscione {m} [colloquial]
:: pisser
piscioso {adj} [vulgar]
:: pissy, covered in piss
piscivoro {adj}
:: piscivorous
pisellaia {f}
:: pea field, pea bed
pisellaio {m}
:: alternative form of pisellaia
pisellata {f}
:: pea puree
pisellino {m}
:: diminutive of pisello
pisellino {m} [childish]
:: willy, wee wee, peter (penis)
pisello {m} /piˈzɛl.lo/
:: pea (plant and vegetable)
pisello {m} [vulgar, slang]
:: cock, pickle (penis)
pisellone {m}
:: large pea
pisellone {m}
:: simpleton
pisello odoroso {m} [flowers]
:: sweet pea
pisiforme {adj}
:: pisiform
pisiforme {m} [skeleton]
:: pisiform, pisiform bone
Pisistrato {prop}
:: Pisistratus
pisolante {v}
:: present participle of pisolare
pisolare {vi} [familiar]
:: to nap or doze
pisolino {m}
:: snooze, nap, forty winks
pisolite {f}
:: pisolite
pisolite {f}
:: pisolith
pisolo {m}
:: nap (short period of sleep)
Pisolo {prop}
:: Sleepy (Disney character)
pispigliare {vi} [rare] /pis.piʎˈʎa.re/
:: to whisper
pispigliare {vi} [rare, of birds]
:: to chirp
pispiglio {m}
:: A continuous whispering
pispilloria {f} [archaic] /pis.pilˈlɔ.rja/
:: The sustained chirping of lots of birds
pispilloria {f} [archaic]
:: indistinct chatter
pispilloria {f} [archaic, by extension]
:: A long and boring speech
pispino {m}
:: A gushing jet of water
pispola {f} /ˈpis.po.la/
:: meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis)
pispolare {v}
:: To chirp (make sound of small birds)
pispolio {m}
:: chirping
pispolone {m}
:: pipit
pisquano {m} [northern Italy]
:: A silly or inept person
pissetta {f}
:: synonym of spruzzetto
pisside {f}
:: pyx
pista! {interj}
:: make way
pista {f}
:: track, trail, scent, clue
pista {f} [sports]
:: track, racetrack, racecourse, course, rink
pista {f} [skiing]
:: ski run, ski slope, piste, trail
pista {f}
:: track (sound stored on a record, cassette, etc)
pista {f} [aviation]
:: runway
pista {f} [slang]
:: line (of cocaine)
pistacchiata {f}
:: A dessert made from pistachio
pistacchieto {m}
:: A pistachio plantation
pistacchio {m}
:: nut (of a tree, generally)
pistacchio {m}
:: pistachio (tree and nut)
pista ciclabile {f}
:: cycle lane
pista da ballo {f}
:: dance floor
pista da circo {f}
:: circus ring
pista da sci {f} [skiing]
:: ski run
pista d'atterraggio {f} [aviation]
:: landing strip
pista di atterraggio {f} [aviation]
:: airstrip, landing strip
pista di atterraggio {f} [aviation]
:: runway
pista di collaudo {f}
:: test track
pista di decollo {f} [aviation]
:: airstrip for landing and take off
pista di decollo {f} [aviation]
:: runway for landing and take off
pista di rullaggio {f} [aviation]
:: taxiway
pistagna {f}
:: coat collar
pistaiolo {m}
:: synonym of pistard
pistard {mf} [cycle racing]
:: track cyclist, track rider
pisticcese {adj}
:: Of or from Pisticci
Pisticci {prop}
:: Pisticci (town)
pistillifero {adj} [botany]
:: pistilliferous, pistillate
pistillo {m} [botany]
:: pistil
pistino {m}
:: A racetrack (or similar course) for mountain bikes
pistocco {m}
:: A long staff, typically used in mountainous areas
Pistoia {prop}
:: Pistoia (province)
Pistoia {prop}
:: Pistoia (capital city)
pistoiese {adj}
:: Of or relating to Pistoia or the Pistoia people
pistoiese {mf}
:: A native or inhabitant of Pistoia
Pistoiese {mf}
:: Native or inhabitant of Pistoia
pistola {f} [weaponry] /pisˈtɔ.la/
:: pistol, gun
pistola {f}
:: pistole
pistola {f} [dated] /ˈpis.to.la/
:: alternative form of epistola
pistola ad acqua {f}
:: water pistol, squirt gun, water gun
pistola da segnalazione {f}
:: synonym of pistola lanciarazzi
pistola lanciarazzi {f}
:: flare gun
pistolenza {f}
:: alternative form of pestilenza
pistolero {m}
:: gunman
pistolese {m}
:: A short dagger
pistolese {m}
:: alternative form of pistoiese
pistolettata {f} /pis.to.letˈta.ta/
:: shot (from a pistol)
Pistoletto {prop}
:: surname
pistoliere {m} [historical] /pis.toˈljɛ.re/
:: A light cavalry soldier equipped with armour, sabre and pistol
pistolino {m} [childish]
:: willy, wee wee, peter
pistolotto {m}
:: peroration
pistolotto {m}
:: lecture, talking to, telling off
pistoncino {m}
:: small piston, plunger
pistone {m}
:: piston
pistone {m}
:: valve - of a musical instrument
pistore {m} /pisˈto.re/
:: baker
pistorese {m}
:: alternative form of pistoiese
pistrice {f}
:: sea serpent
pistrinaio {m}
:: miller
pistrinaio {m}
:: baker
pistrino {m} [obsolete] /pisˈtri.no/
:: mill
pistrino {m} [obsolete]
:: bakery
pistrino {m} [obsolete]
:: oil mill
pita {f}
:: pita (type of slightly leavened flatbread)
pitaffio {m}
:: alternative form of epitaffio
Pitagora {prop}
:: Pythagoras
pitagoreggiare {v}
:: To follow the teachings of Pythagoras
pitagoreismo {m}
:: Pythagoreanism
pitagoreo {adj}
:: alternative form of pitagorico
pitagorica {f}
:: feminine noun of pitagorico
pitagoricamente {adv}
:: in a Pythagorean manner
pitagoricamente {adv}
:: very frugally
pitagoricismo {m}
:: synonym of pitagorismo
pitagorico {adj}
:: Pythagorean
pitagorico {adj}
:: Very moderate or frugal
pitagorico {m}
:: Pythagorean
pitagorismo {m}
:: Pythagoreanism
pitaide {f}
:: pythiad
pitaista {mf}
:: Pythiast
pitale {m}
:: chamber pot
pitcairnese {adj}
:: Pitcairnese
pitcairnese {m}
:: Pitcairnese, Pitkern (language)
pitch {m} [cricket]
:: cricket pitch
pitecantropo {m}
:: pithecanthrope, Java man
pitecia {f}
:: saki
pitecoide {adj}
:: pithecoid
Pithiusa {prop} [obsolete] /pitˈju.za/
:: synonym of Chio
pitiambico {adj}
:: pythiambic
pitico {adj}
:: Pythian
pitiriasi {f} [disease]
:: pityriasis
pitiriasico {adj}
:: pityriatic
Pito {prop} [historical] /ˈpi.to/
:: The city of Pytho
pitoccante {v}
:: present participle of pitoccare
pitoccare {vit}
:: to beg
pitoccheria {f}
:: begging
pitoccheria {f}
:: meanness, stinginess
pitocchetto {m}
:: synonym of piattello
pitocco {m}
:: miser, skinflint
pitocco {adj}
:: mean, stingy
pitonato {adj}
:: python (attributive)
pitone {m}
:: python (snake)
pitonessa {f}
:: pythoness
pitonessa {f}
:: soothsayer
pitonico {adj}
:: Pythian
pitosforo {m}
:: synonym of pittosporo
pittanchiusa {f}
:: A type of cake, from the Catanzaro province of Calabria, containing walnuts, raisins and cinnamon, eaten at Christmas
pittante {v}
:: present participle of pittare
pittare {vt}
:: To paint
pittavino {m}
:: Any of a series of coins minted by the Counts of Poitiers
Pitti {prop}
:: Luca Pitti (1398–1472) was a Florentine banker during the period of the republic presided over by Cosimo de' Medici
pittiere {m}
:: robin
pittima {f}
:: black-tailed godwit
pittima {f}
:: nuisance (person)
pittima minore {f}
:: bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica)
pittima reale {f}
:: black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa)
pittografia {f}
:: pictography, picture writing
pittograficamente {adv}
:: pictographically
pittografico {adj}
:: pictographic
pittogramma {m}
:: pictogram
pittore {m}
:: (artist) painter
pittore {m}
:: (house) painter
pittorescamente {adv}
:: picturesquely
pittoresco {adj}
:: picturesque
pittoricamente {adv}
:: pictorially
pittoricismo {m} [arts]
:: The picturesque in art
pittoricità {f}
:: pictorial character
pittorico {adj}
:: pictorial
pittorico {adj}
:: painting (attributive)
pittoscultura {f} [art, painting, sculpture, neologism]
:: artistic technique that blends painting with sculpture, e.g. by incorporating physical objects into a painting
pittosporo {m}
:: pittosporum
pittrice {f}
:: female equivalent of pittore
pittura {f}
:: painting
pittura a olio {f}
:: oil painting
pitturante {v}
:: present participle of pitturare
pitturantesi {v}
:: present participle of pitturarsi
pitturare {vt}
:: To paint
pitturarsi {vr}
:: To paint (one's face, nails, etc)
pitturatosi {v}
:: past participle of pitturarsi
pitturazione {f}
:: painting (act of applying paint)
pituitario {adj}
:: pituitary
più {adv}
:: comparative of molto; more
più {adj}
:: more
più {prep}
:: plus
piuccheperfetto {m} [grammar, archaic]
:: past perfect tense, pluperfect (tense)
piucchepperfetto {m}
:: alternative form of piuccheperfetto
più che altro {adv}
:: mainly, above all, mostly
più di ogni altra cosa {adv}
:: above all else, most importantly
piue {prep}
:: alternative form of piùe
piùe {adv} [poetic] /ˈpju.e/
:: obsolete form of più
piùe {adj} [poetic]
:: obsolete form of più
piùe {prep} [poetic]
:: obsolete form of più
più facile a dirsi che a farsi {phrase}
:: easier said than done
piuma {f} /ˈpjuma/
:: feather, plume
piuma {f}
:: [in the plural] down
piuma {f}
:: plumage
piumaccio {m}
:: The volute of an Ionic column
piumaccio {m}
:: A pillow or cushion stuffed with feathers
piumaggio {m}
:: plumage, feathers
piumaio {m}
:: A person who uses feathers to stuff cushions, pillows etc
piumato {adj}
:: feathered, plumed
piumetta {f} [botany, zoology]
:: plumule
piumino {m}
:: down (soft, fluffy feathers)
piumino {m}
:: eiderdown (bed covering)
piumino {m}
:: duvet
piumino {m}
:: quilted jacket
piumino {m}
:: powder puff
piumino {m}
:: feather duster
piumone {m}
:: duvet, continental quilt
piumosità {f}
:: plumosity
piumoso {adj}
:: feathery, downy
piumoso {adj} [botany]
:: plumose, feathery
piuolo {m}
:: Variant of piolo
più o meno {adv} [idiom]
:: more or less, approximately, around
più recente {adj}
:: most recent, last, latest
piuria {n}
:: pyuria
più siamo meglio è {proverb}
:: the more the merrier
piuttosto {adv} /pjutˈtɔs.to/
:: (with che or di) rather (than), better (than), instead (of)
piuttosto {adv}
:: rather, somewhat, fairly
piuttosto {adv} [obsolete]
:: sooner
piuvico {adj}
:: synonym of pubblico
piva {f} [musical instruments]
:: A form of bagpipes from central Italy
piva {f}
:: A type of Renaissance dance accompanied by bagpipes
pivello {m}
:: greenhorn
piviale {m}
:: cope, pluvial
piviere {m}
:: plover
piviere {m}
:: parish (place and the people in it)
pivieressa {f}
:: grey plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
pizia {f}
:: pythoness
Pizia {prop} /ˈpit.tsja/
:: Pythia
pizio {adj} [Ancient Greece] /ˈpit.tsjo/
:: Epithet of the god Apollo; of (or pertaining to) Pythia
pizio {adj} [historical]
:: Pythian
pizio {m} [zoology]
:: A member of the Pythium taxonomic genus
pizza {f} [culinary]
:: pizza
pizza {f} [cinema]
:: reel
pizza {f} [idiomatic, colloquial, chiefly Southern Italy]
:: something very monotonous and boring; a bore
pizza {f} [idiomatic, slang, chiefly Central Italy]
:: a slap, a smack on the face
pizzaccherino {m}
:: A type of snipe
pizza fritta {f}
:: pizza fritta (the original Naples pizza)
pizzaiola {f}
:: woman who makes pizzas in a pizzeria
pizzaiola {f}
:: a pasta sauce made with tomato and oregano
pizzaiolo {m} /pit.t͡saˈjɔ.lo/
:: pizzamaker
pizzaiuolo {m}
:: A pizza maker
pizzaiuolo {m}
:: The art of making pizza by hand
Pizzamano {prop}
:: surname
pizza margherita {f}
:: alternative case form of pizza Margherita
pizza Margherita {f} [chiefly in Campania]
:: A traditional Neapolitan pizza topped with tomato, mozzarella (fior di latte) and basil
pizza Margherita {f} [in other regions]
:: A pizza topped with tomato and mozzarella (fior di latte)
pizzarda {f}
:: woodcock
pizzarda {f}
:: A type of cocked hat
pizzardone {m} [colloquial]
:: cop (especially a traffic cop)
pizzella {f}
:: pizzella
pizzeria {f}
:: pizzeria
pizzetta {f}
:: diminutive of pizza
Pizzetti {prop}
:: surname
pizzetto {m}
:: goatee
pizzica {f} [dance]
:: pizzica
pizzicagnola {f} /pit.t͡siˈka.ɲo.la/
:: feminine noun of pizzicagnolo
pizzicagnolo {m} [regional] /pit.t͡siˈka.ɲo.lo/
:: Specialist grocer [male]
pizzicaiolo {m}
:: alternative form of pizzicagnolo
pizzicamento {m}
:: pinching
pizzicamento {m}
:: plucking
pizzicante {v}
:: present participle of pizzicare
pizzicare {vt}
:: to pinch, nip
pizzicare {vt} [of an insect]
:: to bite, sting
pizzicare {vt} [familiar, slang]
:: to catch, seize
pizzicare {vt} [of spicy food]
:: to burn
pizzicare {vt}
:: to pluck
pizzicarolo {m} [Rome] /pit.t͡si.kaˈrɔ.lo/
:: synonym of pizzicagnolo
pizzicata {f}
:: pinch, nip
pizzicato {m} [music, ]
:: pizzicato
pizzicheria {f} /pit.t͡si.keˈria̯/
:: grocer's
pizzichino {adj}
:: sparkling, fizzy
pizzichino {adj}
:: spicy, hot
pizzichino {m}
:: pinch, dash (small amount)
pizzico {m} /ˈpittsiko/
:: pinch, nip
pizzico {m}
:: bite, sting (by an insect)
pizzico {m}
:: touch, bit, dash
pizzicor {n}
:: apocopic form of pizzicore
pizzicore {m}
:: itch (all senses)
pizzicorino {m}
:: itch, itching
pizzicorino {m}
:: whim
pizzicottante {v}
:: present participle of pizzicottare
pizzicottare {vt}
:: [colloquial] To pinch (give someone a pinch)
pizzicotto {m}
:: pinch, nip
pizzino {m}
:: Small slips of paper that the Sicilian Mafia uses for high-level communications
Pizziol {prop}
:: surname
pizzo {m}
:: lace, needle lace
pizzo {m}
:: goatee
pizzo {m}
:: peak, spur
pizzo {m} [slang]
:: protection money paid to the mafia
Pizzo {prop}
:: surname
pizzocchero {m} [usually, in the plural] /pitˈtsɔk.ke.ro/
:: A type of tagliatelle made with buckwheat flour, typical of Valtellina in Italy and Graubünden in Switzerland
pizzoso {adj} [regional]
:: boring, tedious, dull
pizzutello {m}
:: A type of tomato used for regional sauces specific of Sicily
pizzuto {adj}
:: alternative form of pinzuto
placabile {adj}
:: placable
placabilità {f}
:: placableness, placability
placabilmente {adv}
:: placably
placamento {m}
:: appeasement, calming, placation
placante {v}
:: present participle of placare
placantesi {v}
:: present participle of placarsi
placare {vt}
:: to appease, calm, calm down, pacify, placate
placarsi {vr}
:: To settle down, calm down or calm oneself
placarsi {vr}
:: To die down, calm down, ease or subside
placativo {adj}
:: placative, calming, sedative
placatore {m}
:: placater, pacifier
placatosi {v}
:: past participle of placarsi
placazione {f}
:: placation
placca {f}
:: plate
placca {f}
:: plaque [all senses]
placcaggio {m} [football, rugby]
:: tackle
placcante {v}
:: present participle of placcare
placcare {vt}
:: to plate (cover with thin layer of metal)
placcare {vt}
:: to veneer
placcare {vt} [sports]
:: to tackle
placcato {adj}
:: plated
placcato oro {adj}
:: gold-plated
placcatore {m} [sports]
:: tackler
placcatura {f}
:: plating
placcatura {f}
:: veneering
placchetta {f}
:: A small bas-relief
placchetta {f}
:: A plaquette
placchetta {f}
:: A nose pad (of spectacles)
placebo {m} [pharmacology, figuratively]
:: placebo
placenta {f} [anatomy, botany]
:: placenta
placentale {adj}
:: placental
placentare {adj}
:: placental
placentato {adj}
:: placental
placentazione {f}
:: placentation
placentiforme {adj}
:: placentiform
placentite {f} [pathology]
:: placentitis
placentografia {f}
:: placentography
placet {m}
:: consent, approval, pleasure
placidamente {adv}
:: placidly, quietly, calmly
placidezza {f}
:: placidity, tranquility
placidezza {f}
:: calm, quiet
placidità {f}
:: calm, placidity, peacefulness
placido {adj} /ˈpla.t͡ʃi.do/
:: placid, calm
placitare {v} [historical, legal]
:: To sentence
placitazione {f} [legal]
:: The granting of a placet by the civil authorities
placito {m} [historical, legal]
:: sentence (of a court)
placoglobina {f} [protein]
:: plakoglobin
placoide {adj}
:: placoid
plafonatura {f}
:: ceiling
plafoncino {m}
:: A large, flat paintbrush, especially one used for pasting up posters
plafond {m}
:: ceiling
plafond {m} [economics]
:: upper limit (typically of a credit or debit card)
plafone {m}
:: alternative form of plafond
plafoniera {f}
:: ceiling light (horizontal, hidden)
plaga {f}
:: region, district
plaga {f} [obsolete]
:: beach
plagale {adj} [music]
:: plagal
plagere {v}
:: alternative form of piacere
plagiante {v}
:: present participle of plagiare
plagiare {vt}
:: to plagiarize
plagiatore {m}
:: plagiarizer
plagio {m}
:: plagiarism
plagio {m}
:: plagiarized work
plagio {m}
:: subjugation
plagio {m}
:: conquest
plagiocefalia {f}
:: plagiocephaly
plagioclasio {m} [mineral]
:: plagioclase
plagiotropismo {m} [botany]
:: plagiotropism
plagiotropo {adj} [botany]
:: plagiotropic
plaid {m}
:: tartan rug (especially one used when travelling)
planamento {m}
:: gliding
planante {v}
:: present participle of planare
planante {adj}
:: gliding
planare {vi} [takes avere] /plaˈna.re/
:: to glide
planare {vi} [takes avere]
:: to soar
planare {vi} [takes avere]
:: to coast
planare {adj} [mathematics]
:: planar
planarità {f}
:: planarity
plancia {f}
:: bridge (of a ship)
plancia {f}
:: gangway
plancia {f}
:: dashboard
planctofago {adj} [biology]
:: planktonophagous
planctologia {f} [biology]
:: planktology
plancton {m} [biology]
:: plankton
planctonico {adj}
:: planktonic
planetaria {f}
:: a stand mixer with planetary action
planetario {adj}
:: worldwide, world
planetario {adj}
:: planetary, planet
planetario {m}
:: planetarium
planetoide {m} [astronomy]
:: planetoid, asteroid
planetoide {m}
:: artificial satellite
planetologia {f} [astronomy]
:: planetology
planetologico {adj}
:: planetological
planetologo {m}
:: planetologist
plangere {v}
:: alternative form of piangere
plani- {prefix}
:: Used to form terms relating to plane figures
planigrafia {f}
:: planigraphy
planigramma {f}
:: planigram
planimetria {f}
:: planimetry
planimetricamente {adv}
:: planimetrically
planimetrico {adj}
:: planimetric
planimetro {m}
:: planimeter
planirostro {adj} [biology]
:: Having a broad, flat beak
planisfero {m}
:: planisphere
planitudine {f} [maths, of a surface]
:: flatness
planivolumetrico {adj}
:: alternative form of planovolumetrico
planiziale {adj}
:: lowland (attributive)
planiziare {adj}
:: alternative form of planiziale
planografia {f}
:: planography
planografia {f}
:: stratigraphy
planografico {adj}
:: planographic
planografico {adj}
:: stratigraphic
planovolumetrico {adj}
:: planovolumetric
Plantageneti {prop}
:: Plantagenets (House of Plantagenet)
plantageneto {adj}
:: Plantagenet (attributive)
plantigrado {adj}
:: plantigrade
plantigrado {m}
:: plantigrade
plantula {f}
:: seedling
plaquette {f}
:: booklet, pamphlet
plaquette {f}
:: a small commemorative plaque
plasma {m} [physics, biology]
:: plasma
plasmabile {adj}
:: malleable, mouldable, pliable
plasmabilità {f}
:: malleability, pliability
plasmacellula {f} [cytology]
:: plasma cell, plasmocyte
plasmacellulare {adj}
:: plasmocytic
plasmaferesi {f}
:: plasmapheresis
plasmalogeno {m} [biochemistry]
:: plasmalogen
plasmante {v}
:: present participle of plasmare
plasmaproteina {f} [protein]
:: plasma protein
plasmare {vt}
:: to mould, mold, shape
plasma sanguigno {m} [cytology]
:: blood plasma
plasmatico {adj} [cytology]
:: plasma (attributive), plasmatic
plasmatore {m} [metallurgy]
:: caster, founder
plasmatore {m}
:: shaping, forming
plasmatore {m}
:: educative
plasmatore {m}
:: formative
plasmatrice {f} [metalworking]
:: (female) caster, founder
plasmazione {f}
:: moulding, casting (action)
plasmico {adj}
:: plasmic
plasmide {m}
:: plasmid
plasmidio {m}
:: plasmid
plasmina {f} [enzyme]
:: plasmin
plasminogeno {m} [enzyme]
:: plasminogen
plasmocita {m}
:: plasmocyte
plasmocito {m}
:: alternative form of plasmocita
plasmocitoma {m} [oncology]
:: plasmacytoma
plasmodesma {m} [biology]
:: plasmodesma
plasmodiale {adj}
:: plasmodial
plasmodio {m}
:: plasmodium
plasmorragia {f} [medicine] /plas.mor.raˈd͡ʒi.a/
:: synonym of plasmorrea
plasmorrea {f} [medicine] /plas.morˈrɛ.a/
:: Loss of plasma caused by damage to the outer tissues
-plastica {suffix}
:: -plasty
plastica {f} /ˈplas.ti.ka/
:: plastic
plastica {f}
:: plastic surgery
plasticamente {adv}
:: malleably
plasticamente {adv}
:: pliably
plasticamente {adv}
:: concretely, tangibly
plasticante {v}
:: present participle of plasticare
plasticare {vt}
:: to model with clay or similar
plasticare {vt}
:: to coat with plastic
plasticatore {m}
:: A sculptor who models objects in wax or similar material
plasticismo {m} [arts]
:: plasticism
plasticità {f}
:: plasticity
plastico {adj} /ˈplas.ti.ko/
:: plastic
plastico {m}
:: plastic explosive
plastidio {m}
:: plastid
plastificante {v}
:: present participle of plastificare
plastificante {adj}
:: plasticizing
plastificante {m}
:: plasticizer
plastificare {vt} [chemistry]
:: to plasticize
plastificare {vt}
:: to coat with plastic
plastificato {adj}
:: plastic-coated
plastificatore {m}
:: plasticizer
plastificazione {f}
:: plasticization, plastic coating
plastilina {f}
:: plasticine
plastinazione {f}
:: plastination
plastisfera {f} [neologism]
:: the excess of waste plastic floating in the world's oceans, contributing to environmental degradation of aquatic ecosystems
-plasto {suffix}
:: -plast
plataneto {m}
:: plane wood, planetree wood (forest)
Platani {prop}
:: Platani (river)
platano {m}
:: plane, planetree (tree of the genus Platanus)
platano {m}
:: the wood of such tree
platano {m}
:: plantain (Musa acuminata)
platea {f}
:: stall a seat in a theatre close to the stage [UK]; orchestra seat (of a theater) [US]
platea {f} [by extension]
:: audience
plateale {adj}
:: public
plateale {adj}
:: blatant
plateale {adj}
:: theatrical (gestures etc)
platealità {f}
:: showiness, blatancy
platealmente {adv}
:: blatantly, glaringly
plateatico {m}
:: stallage
platelminta {m}
:: flatworm (of phylum Platyhelminthes)
platessa {f}
:: plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
platicona {f}
:: platycone
platina {f} /ˈpla.ti.na/
:: platen
platina {f} [archaic]
:: alternative form of platino
platinaggio {m}
:: synonym of platinatura
platinante {v}
:: present participle of platinare
platinare {vt}
:: to platinize
platinare {vt}
:: to dye or bleach the hair platinum blond
platinato {adj}
:: platinized
platinato {adj}
:: platinum (attributive)
platinatura {f}
:: platinizing (platinum plating)
Platini {prop}
:: surname
Platini {prop}
:: The footballer Michel Platini
platinico {adj} [inorganic chemistry]
:: platinic
platinifero {adj}
:: platiniferous, platinum-bearing
platiniridio {m}
:: platiniridium
platino {m} [chemistry] /ˈpla.ti.no/
:: platinum
platirrina {f}
:: platyrrhine monkey
platirrino {adj}
:: platyrrhine
platisma {m} [muscle]
:: platysma, platysma muscle
Platone {prop}
:: Plato
platonicamente {adv}
:: platonically
platonico {adj}
:: Platonic
platonismo {m}
:: Platonism
plaudente {v}
:: present participle of plaudire
plaudire {v}
:: alternative form of applaudire
plaudire {vi}
:: to approve enthusiastically
Plauno {prop}
:: Plauno (island)
plausibile {adj} [literary] /plau̯ˈzi.bi.le/
:: praiseworthy
plausibile {adj} [by extension]
:: plausible
plausibilità {f}
:: plausibility
plausibilmente {adv}
:: plausibly
plauso {m}
:: approval
plauso {m}
:: Variant of applauso
plautino {adj}
:: Plautine
Plauto {prop}
:: Plautus
play {m}
:: play (theatrical performance; start key)
play {interj}
:: used to announce the start a game of tennis
playback {m} [music, singing] /ˈplɛi.bɛk/
:: lip-syncing
playlist {f}
:: playlist
playmaker {n} [basketball]
:: point guard
playoff {mp} [sports]
:: playoff
plebaglia {f} /pleˈba.ʎa/
:: rabble, riffraff
plebanato {m}
:: plebanate
plebano {adj}
:: parish (attributive)
plebe {f} /ˈplɛ.be/
:: Common people
plebe {f}
:: rabble, riffraff
plebeamente {adv}
:: plebeianly
plebeismo {m}
:: plebeianism
plebeo {adj} /ple.ˈbɛ.o/
:: plebeian
plebiscitariamente {adv}
:: plebiscitarily
plebiscitariamente {adv}
:: unanimously
plebiscitario {adj}
:: plebiscitary
plebiscitario {adj}
:: unanimous
plebiscitarismo {m}
:: plebeianism
plebiscito {m}
:: plebiscite
plecottero {m}
:: stonefly (of the order Plecoptera)
pleiade {f}
:: pleiad
Pleiadi {prop}
:: Pleiades
pleiocitosi {f} [cytology]
:: pleocytosis
pleiotropia {f} [genetics]
:: pleiotropy
pleiotropico {adj} [genetics]
:: pleiotropic
pleistocene {m} [geology]
:: Pleistocene
pleistocenico {adj}
:: Pleistocene
plenariamente {adv}
:: plenarily
plenario {adj}
:: plenary
plenicorno {adj}
:: plenicorn
plenilunare {adj}
:: plenilunar, plenilunary; full moon (attributive)
plenilunio {m} [astronomy]
:: full moon
plenipotenza {f}
:: plenipotency
plenipotenziario {adj}
:: plenipotentiary
plenipotenziario {m}
:: plenipotentiary
plenità {f} [rare]
:: synonym of plenitudine
pleocroico {adj}
:: pleochroic
pleocroismo {m}
:: pleochroism
pleofonia {f} [linguistics]
:: pleophony
pleomorfismo {m} [biology]
:: pleomorphism
pleomorfo {adj}
:: pleomorphic
pleonasmo {m} [figure of speech] /ple.oˈna.zmo/
:: pleonasm
pleonasticamente {adv}
:: pleonastically
pleonastico {adj}
:: pleonastic
pleroma {m} [gnosticism]
:: pleroma
plesiosauro {m}
:: plesiosaur
plessiforme {adj} [biology]
:: plexiform
plessimetria {f}
:: pleximetry
plessimetro {m}
:: pleximeter
plessimetro {m}
:: metronome
plesso {m} [anatomy]
:: plexus
plesso {m}
:: complex, unit, structure
plesso solare {m} [anatomy]
:: solar plexus
pletismografia {f}
:: plethysmography
pletora {f}
:: plethora (all senses)
pletoricamente {adv}
:: plethorically
pletoricamente {adv}
:: excessively, overabundantly
pletorico {adj}
:: plethoric
pletorico {adj}
:: excessive, overabundant
plettro {m} [music]
:: plectrum
pleura {f} [anatomy]
:: pleura
pleurale {adj} [anatomy]
:: pleural
pleura parietale {f} [anatomy]
:: parietal pleura
pleurico {adj} [anatomy]
:: pleural
pleurite {f} [pathology]
:: pleurisy
pleuritico {adj}
:: pleuritic
pleuro- {prefix}
:: pleuro- (of the pleura)
pleurocentesi {f}
:: pleurocentesis
pleurodinia {f}
:: pleurodynia
pleuroperitonite {f} [pathology]
:: pleuroperitonitis
pleuropolmonare {adj} [anatomy]
:: pleuropulmonary
pleuropolmonite {f} [medicine]
:: pleuropneumonia
pleurorragia {f} [medicine]
:: pleurorrhea
pleuroscopia {f} [medicine]
:: thoracoscopy, pleuroscopy
pleurotomia {f} [surgery]
:: pleurotomy
plexiglas {m}
:: plexiglass
plexiglass {m}
:: plexiglass
plica {f} [anatomy]
:: plica, fold
plicale {adj} [anatomy]
:: plical
plico {m} /ˈpli.ko/
:: parcel, packet
plico {m}
:: cover
plicometria {f}
:: plicometry
plié {m}
:: plié
plin {m} /plin/
:: A small, rectangular form of agnolotti
pliniano {adj}
:: Plinian
Plinio {prop}
:: Pliny
plinto {m}
:: die, plinth
plinto {m}
:: vaulting horse
pliocene {m} [geology]
:: Pliocene
Pliocene {n} [geology] /pli.oˈt͡ʃɛ.ne/
:: The Pliocene epoch
pliocenico {adj} /pli.oˈt͡ʃɛ.ni.ko/
:: Pliocene
plissettante {v}
:: present participle of plissettare
plissettare {vt}
:: To pleat
plissettato {adj}
:: pleated
plissettatrice {f}
:: pleating machine
plissettatura {f}
:: pleating
plissettatura {f}
:: pleats
plistocene {m}
:: alternative form of pleistocene
ploia {f}
:: synonym of pioggia
ploidia {f} [genetics]
:: ploidy
plotiniano {adj}
:: Plotinian
Plotino {prop}
:: Plotinus
plotone {m} [military]
:: platoon
plotone {m} [cycle racing]
:: peloton, group
plottare {v}
:: To plot (as a graph, or by means of a plotter)
plugo {m} [fishing] /ˈplu.ɡo/
:: plug
plumbeo {adj}
:: leaden, grey, heavy
plurale {adj}
:: plural
plurale {m}
:: plural
pluralismo {m}
:: pluralism
pluralista {adj}
:: pluralist (attributive), pluralistic
pluralista {mf}
:: pluralist
pluralisticamente {adv}
:: pluralistically
pluralistico {adj}
:: pluralistic, pluralist (attributive)
pluralità {f}
:: plurality
pluralizzante {v}
:: present participle of pluralizzare
pluralizzare {vt}
:: to pluralize
pluralizzazione {f}
:: pluralization
pluri- {prefix}
:: pluri-; multi-
pluriaggravato {adj} [legal]
:: having more than one aggravating circumstance
pluriannuale {adj}
:: Lasting many years
pluriannuale {adj}
:: pluriennial
pluriarticolato {adj}
:: pluriarticulate
pluriatomico {adj}
:: polyatomic
pluricampione {m}
:: multiple champion
pluricampionessa {f}
:: multiple champion (female)
pluricanale {adj}
:: multichannel (TV etc)
pluricanna {adj} [of a firearm]
:: multiple-barrelled
pluricellulare {adj}
:: multicellular
pluricentrico {adj}
:: pluricentric
pluriclasse {f}
:: A class having pupils of several ages
pluricolore {adj}
:: synonym of multicolore
pluricoltore {m}
:: diversified farmer
pluricoltura {f}
:: polyculture (diversified farming)
pluricomposto {m}
:: A product consisting of multiple substances or materials
pluriconco {adj} [architecture] /plu.riˈkon.ko/
:: Having an apse on each side
pluridecennale {adj}
:: decades-long
pluridecorato {adj}
:: much-decorated
pluridimensionale {adj}
:: multidimensional
pluridimensionalità {f}
:: multidimensionality
pluridirezionale {adj}
:: multidirectional
pluridirezionalità {f}
:: multidirectionality
pluridisciplinare {adj}
:: multidisciplinary
pluridisciplinare {adj}
:: interdisciplinary
pluridisciplinarità {f}
:: multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary system (at a college etc)
pluriennale {adj}
:: pluriennial
plurienne {adj} [botany]
:: pluriennial
plurietnico {adj}
:: multiethnic
plurifamiliare {adj}
:: multifamily
plurifase {adj}
:: multiphase
plurigemellare {adj}
:: multiple (describing a pregnancy or birth involving more than two babies)
plurigemino {adj}
:: synonym of plurigemellare
pluriglandolare {adj}
:: pluriglandular
plurilaterale {adj}
:: plurilateral
plurilateralità {f}
:: Property of being plurilateral
plurilineare {adj}
:: plurilinear
plurilinguismo {m}
:: multilingualism
pluriloculare {adj} [botany]
:: plurilocular
plurimandatario {adj}
:: Having multiple employers
plurimandato {m} [finance]
:: The dealing / offering of financial products from more than one company
plurimiliardaria {f}
:: multi-billionaire (female)
plurimiliardario {m}
:: multibillionaire
plurimilionario {adj}
:: multimillionaire (attributive)
plurimilionario {m}
:: multimillionaire
plurimillenario {adj}
:: millennia old
pluriminorato {adj}
:: multi-handicapped
plurimo {adj}
:: multiple, plural
plurimotore {adj}
:: multiengine
plurimotore {m}
:: multiengine aircraft
plurinazionale {adj}
:: plurinational
plurinominale {adj}
:: plurinomial
plurinucleato {adj}
:: plurinucleate, multinucleate
pluriomicida {mf}
:: multiple murderer (has killed more than once, but is not a serial killer)
pluripara {adj}
:: multiparous
pluripara {f}
:: multipara
pluripartitico {adj}
:: multiparty (politics)
pluripartitismo {m}
:: multiparty politics
pluripennato {adj} [botany]
:: multipinnate
pluripiano {adj}
:: multi-storey
pluriplano {adj} [of an aircraft]
:: multiwinged
pluriposto {adj}
:: multiseat (light aircraft)
pluripotente {adj}
:: pluripotent
pluripotenza {f} [biology]
:: pluripotency
pluripremiato {adj}
:: multi-awarded
plurireattore {adj} [of a jet aircraft]
:: multi-engined
plurireddito {adj}
:: multi-income
plurisecolare {adj}
:: centuries-old
plurisettimanale {adj}
:: Happening several times each week
plurisillabo {adj}
:: polysyllabic
pluristadio {adj}
:: multistage (rocket)
pluristrumentista {mf}
:: synonym of polistrumentista
plurititolato {adj} [sports]
:: many-titled (having won many titles / medals)
pluriuso {adj}
:: multipurpose, all-purpose
plurivalente {adj}
:: multivalent
plurivalente {adj}
:: polyvalent
plurivalente {adj}
:: plurivalent
plurivalenza {f}
:: multivalence, polyvalence
plurivincitore {m}
:: multiple winner
plurivincitrice {f}
:: female equivalent of plurivincitore
plurivoco {adj} [mathematics] /pluˈri.vo.ko/
:: Having more than one solution
plurivoco {adj} [linguistics]
:: Having multiple meanings or interpretations; polysemous
pluslavoro {m}
:: surplus labour
plusvalenza {f}
:: capital gain
plusvalore {m}
:: surplus value
Plutarco {prop}
:: Plutarch
plutino {m} [astronomy]
:: plutino
plutocrate {mf}
:: plutocrat
plutocratico {adj}
:: plutocratic
plutocrazia {f}
:: plutocracy
plutodemocrazia {f}
:: plutodemocracy
plutoide {m}
:: plutoid
plutone {m}
:: pluton (in geology)
Plutone {prop} /pluˈtone/
:: Pluto (Roman god)
Plutone {prop}
:: Pluto (dwarf planet)
plutoniano {adj}
:: Plutonian
plutoniano {adj}
:: plutonic
plutonico {adj} [geology]
:: plutonic
plutonio {m} [chemistry] /pluˈtɔnjo/
:: plutonium
plutonismo {m} [geology]
:: plutonism
pluviale {m}
:: synonym of grondaia
pluviale {adj}
:: rain (attributive), pluvial
pluviografia {f}
:: pluviography
pluviografico {adj}
:: pluviographic
pluviografo {m}
:: pluviograph (rainfall recorder)
pluviometria {f} [meteorology]
:: pluviometry
pluviometrico {adj} [meteorology]
:: pluviometric, rain (attributive)
pluviometro {m} [meteorology]
:: pluviometer
pluvioscopio {m}
:: pluvioscope
pm {m} [law]
:: abbreviation of pubblico ministerio
PMI {n}
:: SME, SMB initialism of piccola e media impresa
pneumatico {adj} /pne.uˈma.ti.ko/
:: pneumatic
pneumatico {adj}
:: inflatable
pneumatico {m}
:: tyre [UK], tire [US]
pneumatoforo {m}
:: pneumatophore
pneumatolitico {adj} [geology]
:: pneumatolytic
pneumatologia {f}
:: pneumatology
pneumatometro {m}
:: pneumatometer, spirometer
pneumectomia {f} [surgery]
:: pneumectomy
pneumo- {prefix}
:: pneumo-
pneumococcico {adj}
:: pneumococcal
pneumococco {m} [microbiology]
:: pneumococcus
pneumoconiosi {f}
:: pneumoconiosis
pneumoencefalografia {f}
:: pneumoencephalography
pneumofilia {f}
:: pneumophilia
pneumografia {f}
:: pneumography
pneumografo {m}
:: pneumograph
pneumologa {f}
:: female equivalent of pneumologo
pneumologia {f}
:: pneumology, pulmonology
pneumologico {adj}
:: pneumological, pulmonological
pneumologo {m}
:: pulmonologist
pneumometria {f}
:: synonym of spirometria
pneumometro {m}
:: synonym of spirometro
pneumonectomia {f} [surgery]
:: pneumonectomy
pneumonico {adj} [anatomy]
:: pneumonic
pneumonite {f}
:: synonym of polmonite
pneumopatia {f} [pathology]
:: pneumopathy
pneumopericardio {m}
:: pneumopericardium
pneumoperitoneo {m}
:: pneumoperitoneum
pneumorragia {f} [medicine]
:: pneumorrhagia
pneumotomia {f} [surgery]
:: pneumonotomy
pneumotorace {m} [pathology]
:: pneumothorax
PNL {n}
:: GNP; initialism of prodotto nazionale lordo
PNL {n}
:: NLP initialism of programmazione non lineare
po' {m} /ˈpɔ/
:: short for poco
Po {prop}
:: The river Po
poana {f}
:: alternative form of poiana
poc'anzi {adv}
:: a while ago, just a moment ago
pocanzi {adv}
:: Variant of poc'anzi
poccia {f}
:: synonym of poppa
pocciare {v}
:: synonym of poppare
pochade {f}
:: A light comedy or sketch (theatrical)
pochezza {f}
:: paucity
pochezza {f}
:: shortage
pochezza {f}
:: mediocrity
pochino {m}
:: A small amount; a bit; a pinch
pochissimo {adj}
:: superlative of poco
pochissimo {adj}
:: very little; not very much
pochissimo {adj}
:: very few; not very many
poco {adv} /ˈpɔ.ko/
:: little, not much
poco {adv} [followed by an adjective]
:: little, not very, poorly
poco {adv} [time]
:: a little, a while, a short time
poco {adj}
:: little, not much
poco {adj}
:: few, not many
poco {adj} [of time]
:: short, little
poco {m}
:: little
poco {pron}
:: little, not much
poco {pron} [in the plural]
:: few, not many
poco {pron}
:: nearly, not long, short, little [time]
poco alla volta {adv}
:: Variant of un poco alla volta
poco a poco {adv}
:: little by little, step by step, gradually, bit by bit
poco cotto {adj}
:: (of food) underdone, rare
poco di buono {m} [idiomatic]
:: bad lot
poco di buono {f} [idiomatic]
:: slut (sexually promiscuous woman)
poco fa {adv}
:: a while ago, just a moment ago, just, just now
poco raccomandabile {adj}
:: disreputable, unsavory
poculo {m} [Ancient Rome] /ˈpɔ.ku.lo/
:: container, vessel
poculo {m} [archaeology]
:: A cup-shaped drinking vessel
poculo {m} [literary, rare]
:: cup, chalice, goblet
poculo {m} [literary, rare]
:: drink, beverage
podagra {f} [pathology]
:: gout in the big toe
podagrico {adj} [pathology]
:: podagric, podagral
podagroso {adj} [pathology]
:: podagric, podagral
podalico {adj}
:: breech (attributive), related to the feet
podalirio {m}
:: scarce swallowtail (butterfly of species Iphiclides podalirius)
podaria {f} [mathematics]
:: pedal curve
podcast {m}
:: podcast
-pode {suffix}
:: -pod
poderale {adj} [agriculture]
:: farm (attributive)
podere {m} [agriculture]
:: farm
podere {m}
:: croft, quillet
poderosamente {adv}
:: powerfully, mightily
poderoso {adj}
:: powerful, mighty
podestà {mf} [historical]
:: podesta: a high office in various medieval and early modern Italian republics
podestà {mf}
:: mayor
podestaressa {f}
:: The wife of a mayor
podestariato {m}
:: mayoralty
podestarile {adj}
:: mayoral
podestate {f}
:: alternative form of potestà
podesteria {f}
:: mayoralty
-podia {suffix}
:: -pody
podio {m} /ˈpɔd.jo/
:: podium
podismo {m}
:: running, run
podismo {m}
:: running and racewalking altogether
podista {mf}
:: runner
podista {mf}
:: walker
podistico {adj}
:: running [attributive], foot [attributive]
podistico {adj}
:: track [attributive]
podistico {adj}
:: walking [attributive]
podofillina {f}
:: podophyllin
podofillo {m}
:: podophyllum
podoflemmatite {f}
:: podoflemmatitis
podoftalmo {adj}
:: podophthalmous
podolico {adj}
:: Of or from Podolia
podologia {f}
:: podiatry
podologico {adj}
:: podiatric
podologo {m}
:: podiatrist
podometro {m}
:: pedometer
podosomo {m}
:: podosome
poema {m}
:: poem (literary piece written in verse)
poemetto {m}
:: short poem
Poerio {prop}
:: surname
Poerio {prop}
:: Alessandro Poerio, Italian patriot and poet
poesia {f}
:: poetry, verse
poesia {f}
:: poem
poesia {f}
:: illusion, daydream (figurative)
poeta {m}
:: poet (male or unspecified sex)
poetabile {adj}
:: That can become the subject of poetry
poetante {v}
:: present participle of poetare
poetare {vti}
:: To compose poetry
poetastra {f}
:: female equivalent of poetastro
poetastro {m}
:: poetaster
poeteggiare {vi}
:: to poeticize
poetessa {f}
:: poetess
poeticamente {adv}
:: poetically
poeticheria {f}
:: doggerel
poeticismo {m}
:: poeticism
poeticità {f}
:: poetic nature, poeticalness
poeticizzante {v}
:: present participle of poeticizzare
poeticizzare {vt}
:: To poetize or poeticize
poetico {adj}
:: poetic, poetical
poetizzare {v}
:: To poeticize
poffarbacco {interj}
:: alternative form of perbacco
poffardio {interj}
:: synonym of perbacco
poffare {interj} /pofˈfa.re/
:: Used to express wonder or astonishment and vague irritation
pogante {v}
:: present participle of pogare
pogare {vi}
:: To pogo or mosh
poggiacapo {m}
:: headrest
poggiacapo {m}
:: antimacassar
poggiaiolo {adj}
:: That lives on a hill
poggiamano {m}
:: alternative form of appoggiamano
poggiante {v}
:: present participle of poggiare
poggiante {adj}
:: resting
poggiantesi {v}
:: present participle of poggiarsi
poggiapezzi {m}
:: A flat surface, on a grinder or similar machine tool, on which the piece being worked can be held securely
poggiapiedi {m} [furniture]
:: footstool, footrest
poggiare {vt}
:: to lean or rest
poggiare {vi}
:: to stand or rest
poggiare {vi}
:: to be based
poggiare {v} [nautical]
:: to sail close to the wind, bear up
poggiarsi {vr}
:: to be based
poggiarsi {vr}
:: to rest oneself, to stand oneself
poggiatesta {m}
:: headrest (in a car, sofa, etc)
poggiatosi {v}
:: past participle of poggiarsi
poggibonsese {adj}
:: Of or from Poggibonsi
Poggibonsi {prop}
:: Poggibonsi (town)
poggiero {adj} [nautical, of a ship]
:: That tends to sail downwind
poggio {m} /ˈpɔddʒo/
:: hill, hillock
poggiolo {m}
:: balcony
poh {interj}
:: pooh! (expression of dismissal or contempt)
poi {adv}
:: then
poi {adv}
:: later
poi {m}
:: the future
poiana {f}
:: buzzard
poiana calzata {f}
:: rough-legged buzzard (Buteo lagopus)
poiana codarossa {f}
:: red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
poiana comune {f}
:: common buzzard (Buteo buteo)
poiana della Giamaica {f}
:: synonym of poiana codarossa
poiana delle Galapagos {f}
:: Galápagos hawk (Buteo galapagoensis)
poiana delle Hawaii {f}
:: Hawaiian hawk or ʻio (Buteo solitarius)
poiana di Harris {f}
:: Harris's hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus)
poiana grigia {f}
:: gray hawk, Mexican goshawk (Buteo plagiatus)
poi che {conj}
:: alternative form of poiché
poiché {conj}
:: since, because, as
poichilocita {m}
:: poikilocyte
poichilocitosi {f} [pathology]
:: poikilocytosis
-poiesi {suffix}
:: -poiesis
poiesi {f}
:: poiesis
poietico {adj}
:: poietic
pois {m} /puˈa/
:: polka dot
poker {m} [card games, poker]
:: poker
poker {m} [card games, poker]
:: four of a kind
pokerino {m}
:: A friendly game of poker (with no large bets)
pokerista {mf}
:: poker player
Pola {prop}
:: Pula
polacca {f}
:: polonaise
polacchina {f}
:: alternative form of polacchino
polacchino {m}
:: ankle boot (tied just above the ankle)
polacco {adj}
:: Polish
polacco {m}
:: Pole
polacco {m}
:: Polish (language)
polaccone {m} [nautical]
:: A type of sail (possibly a spinnaker?)
Polandball {m}
:: Polandball
Polani {prop}
:: surname
Polani {prop}
:: A noble family of Venice
polare {adj}
:: polar (all senses)
polare {adj}
:: freezing (very cold)
polarimetria {f}
:: polarimetry
polarimetrico {adj}
:: polarimetric
polarimetro {m}
:: polarimeter
polariscopio {m}
:: polariscope
polarità {f}
:: polarity
polarizzabile {adj}
:: polarizable
polarizzabilità {f}
:: polarizability
polarizzante {v}
:: present participle of polarizzare
polarizzare {vt}
:: to polarize [all senses]
polarizzare {vt}
:: to attract [figurative]
polarizzarsi {v}
:: To become polarized (in all senses)
polarizzato {adj}
:: polarized
polarizzatore {m}
:: polarizer (polarizing filter)
polarizzazione {f}
:: polarization (all meanings)
polarmente {adv}
:: polarly
polarografia {f} [chemistry]
:: polarography
polarografo {m} [chemistry]
:: polarograph
polarogramma {m} [chemistry]
:: polarogram
polarone {m} [physics]
:: polaron
polca {f}
:: polka
Polcevera {prop}
:: A river that flows through Genua
polcinella {m} [archaic or regional]
:: alternative form of pulcinella
Poldo {prop}
:: given name
Poldo {prop}
:: Wimpy (cartoon character)
poledro {m}
:: alternative form of puledro
polemarco {m}
:: polemarch
polemica {f}
:: polemic, dispute, controversy
polemica {f}
:: argument, squabble
polemicamente {adv}
:: polemically
polemicità {f}
:: polemic character
polemico {adj}
:: polemic, polemical
polemista {mf}
:: polemicist
polemizzante {v}
:: present participle of polemizzare
polemizzare {vi} /po.le.mitˈt͡sa.re/
:: to criticize, argue, challenge
polemizzare {vi}
:: to enter into a debate (or controversy), make an issue
polemologia {f}
:: polemology
polemologico {adj}
:: polemological
polemologo {m}
:: polemologist
polena {f} [nautical]
:: figurehead
polenda {f}
:: alternative form of polenta
polenta {f}
:: polenta
polentaio {m}
:: A person who makes or sells polenta
polentata {f}
:: A surfeit (or a large amount} of polenta
polentina {f}
:: linseed poultice
polentona {f}
:: feminine noun of polentone
polentone {m} /po.lenˈto.ne/
:: slowcoach (slow person)
polentone {m} [derogatory, Central Italy and Southern Italy]
:: a Northern Italian
polesano {adj}
:: Of or from the Polesine
Polesel {prop}
:: surname
polesine {m}
:: An island in the delta of the river Po
Polesine {prop}
:: The region comprising the lower reaches of the river Po and its delta
-poli {suffix} /po.li/
:: Used with a stem to create city names; -polis
-poli {suffix}
:: Used with a stem to create names denoting a large conglomerate of people or things
poli- {prefix}
:: poly-
poliacetale {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyacetal
poliacetilene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyacetylene
poliachenio {m} [botany]
:: polyachene
poliacido {m} [chemistry]
:: polyacid
poliacrilammide {f} [organic chemistry]
:: polyacrylamide
poliacrilato {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyacrylate
poliacrilico {adj}
:: polyacrylic
poliacrilonitrile {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyacrylonitrile
poliaddizione {f} [chemistry]
:: polyaddition
poliade {adj}
:: polyadic
poliadenilato {adj}
:: polyadenylated
poliadenilazione {f} [biochemistry]
:: polyadenylation
poliadenilico {adj}
:: polyadenylic
poliadico {adj}
:: polyadic
polialite {f} [mineral]
:: polyhalite
poliallelia {f}
:: polyallelism
polialogenato {adj}
:: polyhalogenated
poliambulanza {f}
:: synonym of poliambulatorio
poliambulatoriale {adj} [medicine]
:: Describing a general clinic (that treats many diseases and conditions)
poliambulatorio {m} [medicine]
:: health centre, clinic (general)
poliaminossidasi {f} [enzyme]
:: polyamine oxidase
poliammide {f} [organic chemistry]
:: polyamide
poliammidico {adj}
:: polyamide (attributive)
poliammina {f} [organic chemistry]
:: polyamine
poliamminopolicarbossilico {adj} [chemistry]
:: polyaminopolycarboxylic
poliamore {m}
:: polyamory
poliamoroso {adj}
:: polyamorous
poliandria {f}
:: polyandry
poliandrico {adj}
:: polyandric
poliangioite {f} [medicine]
:: polyangiitis
polianilina {f} [organic chemistry]
:: polyaniline
polianione {m} [chemistry]
:: polyanion
polianionico {adj} [chemistry]
:: polyanionic
poliarammide {f}
:: aramid
poliarchia {f}
:: polyarchy
poliarchico {adj}
:: polyarchic
poliarterite {f} [medicine]
:: polyarteritis
poliartrite {f} [pathology]
:: polyarthritis
poliatomico {adj} [chemistry]
:: polyatomic
polibasite {f} [mineral]
:: polybasite
polibibita {f} [rare]
:: cocktail
Polibio {prop}
:: Polybius
polibutadiene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polybutadiene
polibutilentereftalato {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polybutylene terephthalate
policalibro {adj}
:: polycaliber
policarbonato {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polycarbonate
policardiografo {m}
:: polycardigraph
policarpico {adj}
:: polycarpic, polycarpous
policarpio {m} [botany]
:: A polycarpic fruit
Policarpo {prop}
:: given name
policatione {m} [chemistry]
:: polycation
policefalo {adj}
:: polycephalic
policentrico {adj}
:: polycentric
policentrismo {m}
:: polycentrism
polichetide {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyketide
polichetidico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: polyketidic
polichetone {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyketone
policiclico {adj}
:: polycyclic
policistico {adj} [anatomy]
:: polycystic
policistronico {adj} [genetics]
:: polycistronic
policitemia {f} [medicine]
:: polycythemia
policlinico {m}
:: polyclinic
policlinico {m}
:: general hospital
policlorobifenile {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polychlorobiphenyl
policlorofenolo {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polychlorophenol
policloruro {m} [chemistry]
:: polychloride
policoltura {f}
:: polyculture
policondensazione {f} [organic chemistry]
:: polycondensation
policondrite {f} [medicine]
:: polychondritis
policorale {adj} [music]
:: polychoral
policordo {m} [music]
:: polychord (musical instrument)
policordo {adj}
:: polychordal
policoro {m} [mathematics]
:: polychoron
policosanolo {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polycosanol
policrasio {m} [mineral]
:: polycrase
policristallino {adj}
:: polycrystalline
policromatico {adj}
:: polychromatic, polychromic
policromato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: polychromate
policromato {adj}
:: polychromate
policromatofilo {adj}
:: polychromatophilic
policromia {f}
:: polychromy
policromo {adj}
:: polychrome
policromo {adj}
:: varicoloured
policubo {m} [mathematics]
:: polycube
polidattilia {f}
:: polydactyly
polidattilismo {m}
:: synonym of polidattilia
polidattilo {adj}
:: polydactylous
polidemonismo {m} [religion]
:: polydemonism
polidentato {adj} [chemistry]
:: polydentate, multidentate
polidimetilsilossano {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polydimethylsiloxane
polidimite {f} [mineral]
:: polydymite
polidipsia {f} [medicine]
:: polydipsia
polidispersità {f}
:: polydispersity
Polidoro {prop}
:: Polydorus
polidromia {f} [maths]
:: A polydromic function
polidromico {adj}
:: polydromic
polidromo {adj} [maths]
:: polydromic
poliedrale {adj}
:: polyhedral
poliedricamente {adv}
:: polyhedrally
poliedricamente {adv}
:: in a multifaceted manner
poliedricità {f}
:: A polyhedral configuration
poliedricità {f}
:: versatility
poliedrico {adj} [mathematics]
:: polyhedral
poliedrico {adj}
:: multifaceted
poliedrico {adj} [by extension]
:: eclectic
poliedro {m} [mathematics]
:: polyhedron
poliedro duale {m} [mathematics]
:: dual polyhedron
poliedroide {m} [mathematics]
:: polyhedroid
polielettronico {adj} [physics]
:: polyelectronic
poliembrionia {f}
:: polyembryony
poliemia {f}
:: polyemia
poliene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyene
polienico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: polyenic
poliennale {adj}
:: many-year (attributive)
poliestere {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyester
poliestrale {adj}
:: polyestrous
polietene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyethylene
polietere {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyether
polietilene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyethylene
polietilenglicole {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyethylene glycol
polietilenico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: polyethylene (attrivutive)
polietilenimmina {f} [organic chemistry]
:: polyethyleneimine
polifagia {f} [medicine]
:: polyphagia
polifago {m}
:: polyphage
polifago {adj} [biology]
:: polyphagous
polifase {adj}
:: multiphase (electricity)
polifattoriale {adj} [mathematics]
:: polyfactorial
polifedeltà {f}
:: polyfidelity
Polifemo {prop}
:: Polypheme
polifenilenossido {n} [organic chemistry]
:: polyphenylene oxide
polifenismo {m} [genetics]
:: polyphenism
polifenolico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: polyphenolic
polifenolo {m}
:: polyphenol
polifiletico {adj}
:: polyphyletic
polifilia {f} [taxonomy]
:: polyphyly
polifillo {adj} [botany]
:: Having many leaves
polifiodonte {adj}
:: polyphyodont
polifiodontia {f}
:: polyphyodonty
polifito {adj} [botany]
:: mixed, polyphyte
polifonia {f}
:: polyphony
polifonicamente {adv}
:: polyphonically
polifonico {adj}
:: polyphonic
polifonismo {m} [music]
:: polyphonism
polifonista {mf}
:: composer of polyphonic music
polifora {f} [architecture]
:: A type of window divided with multiple columns or pilasters
polifosfato {m} [chemistry]
:: polyphosphate
polifruttosio {m} [carbohydrate]
:: fructan (polyfructose)
polifunzionale {adj}
:: polyfunctional
poligala {f}
:: senega (of genus Polygala)
poligalatturonico {adj}
:: polygalacturonic
poligamia {f}
:: polygamy
poligamicamente {adv}
:: polygamously
poligamico {adj}
:: polygamous
poligamo {adj}
:: polygamous
poligamo {m}
:: polygamist
poligene {m} [genetics]
:: polygene
poligenesi {f}
:: polygenesis
poligenetico {adj}
:: polygenetic
poligenico {adj} [genetics]
:: polygenic, polygenetic
poligenico {adj} [geology]
:: polygenetic
poligenismo {m}
:: polygenism
poligenista {mf}
:: polygenist
poligerarchia {f} [computing]
:: polyhierarchy
poliginia {f}
:: polygyny
poliginico {adj}
:: polygynous
poliginio {adj} [botany]
:: polygynous
poliglobulia {f}
:: synonym of policitemia
poliglottia {f} /po.li.ɡlotˈti.a/
:: synonym of poliglottismo
poliglottico {adj}
:: polyglottic
poliglottismo {m} /po.li.ɡlotˈtis.mo/
:: polyglotism
poliglotto {adj}
:: polyglot
poliglotto {m}
:: polyglot
poligonale {adj}
:: polygonal
poligonato {m}
:: Solomon's seal (of the genus Polygonatum)
poligonazione {f}
:: polygonation
poligono {m} [geometry]
:: polygon (plane figure bounded by straight edges)
poligono di tiro {m}
:: shooting range
poligonosomico {adj} /po.li.ɡo.noˈsɔ.mi.ko/
:: only used in orchidodistrofia poligonosomica
poligrafante {v}
:: present participle of poligrafare
poligrafare {vt}
:: To hectograph
poligrafia {f}
:: hectographing
poligrafia {f}
:: hectograph (copy)
poligrafico {adj} [typography]
:: polygraphic
poligrafo {m}
:: polygraph (lie detector)
poligrafo {m}
:: polycardiograph
poligrafo {m}
:: hectograph
polihalite {f} [mineral]
:: polyhalite
poliibrido {m}
:: polyhybrid
poliimmide {f} [organic chemistry]
:: polyimide
poliinsaturo {adj}
:: polyunsaturated
poliisoprene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyisoprene
polilattide {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polylactide
polilobato {adj}
:: polylobate
polilogaritmo {m} [mathematics]
:: polylogarithm
polimastia {f}
:: polymastia
polimaterico {adj} [art]
:: mixed media (attributive)
polimaterismo {m}
:: mixed media
polimelia {f}
:: polyphony
polimenorrea {f} [medicine]
:: polymenorrhea
polimerasi {f} [enzyme]
:: polymerase
polimerasico {adj}
:: polymerasic
polimeria {f} [genetics]
:: polygene
polimeria {f} [biology]
:: polymeria
polimeria {f} [chemistry]
:: polymerism
polimerico {adj} [chemistry]
:: polymeric
polimerismo {m}
:: polymerism
polimerizazione {f} [chemistry]
:: polymerization
polimerizzante {v}
:: present participle of polimerizzare
polimerizzare {vit} [chemistry]
:: to polymerize
polimerizzazione {f}
:: polymerization
polimero {adj} [botany]
:: polymerous
polimero {m} [chemistry]
:: polymer
polimetilene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polymethylene
polimetilmetacrilato {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polymethyl methacrylate
polimetria {f} [music]
:: polymeter
polimetrico {adj} [music]
:: polymetric
polimetro {adj} [poetry]
:: polymetric
polimialgia {f} [medicine]
:: polymyalgia
polimino {m}
:: polyomino
polimiosite {f} [medicine]
:: polymyositis
Polimnia {prop} [Greek god]
:: Polyhymnia
polimono {m} [mathematics]
:: polyomino
polimorfia {f}
:: polymorphism
polimorfico {adj}
:: polymorphic
polimorfismo {m}
:: polymorphism (all senses)
polimorfo {adj}
:: polymorphic
polimorfonucleato {adj}
:: polymorphonucleate
Polinesia {prop}
:: Polynesia
polinesiaco {adj}
:: Polynesian
polinesiano {adj}
:: Polynesian
polinesiano {m}
:: Polynesian
polinesiano {m}
:: the Polynesian language
polineurite {f} [pathology]
:: polyneuritis
polinevrite {f} [pathology]
:: polyneuritis
Polinnia {prop}
:: Polyhymnia
Polino {prop}
:: Polino (village)
polinomiale {adj} [maths] /ˌpo.liˈnɔm.ja.le/
:: polynomial
polinomio {m} [maths, algebra] /po.liˈnɔm.jo/
:: polynomial
polinsaturo {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: polyunsaturated
polinucleato {adj} [biology]
:: polynuclear
polinucleato {m} [cytology]
:: granulocyte
polinucleotide {m} [biochemistry]
:: polynucleotide
polinucleotidico {adj}
:: polynucleotidic
-polio {suffix}
:: -poly (types of market systems)
polio- {prefix}
:: grey
polio- {prefix}
:: grey matter (attributive)
polio {m} /ˈpɔ.ljo/
:: The plant Teucrium polium (felty germander)
polio {f}
:: poliomyelitis, polio
poliolefina {f} [organic chemistry]
:: polyolefin
poliolifenica {f}
:: polyolefin resin
poliolo {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyol
poliomielite {f} [diseases]
:: poliomyelitis
poliomielitico {adj}
:: poliomyelitic
poliopia {f}
:: polyopia
poliorcete {adj}
:: poliorcetic
poliorcetica {f}
:: poliorcetics
poliorcetico {adj}
:: alternative form of poliorcete
poliorchidismo {m} [medicine]
:: polyorchidism
poliossietilene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyoxyethylene
poliossimetilene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyoxymethylene
poliossoanione {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: polyoxoanion
poliossometallato {m} [inorganic compound]
:: polyoxometalate
polipaio {m}
:: A colony of marine polyps
polipeptide {f} [biochemistry]
:: polypeptide
polipeptidico {adj} [biochemistry]
:: polypeptidic
polipetalo {adj} [botany]
:: polypetalous
polipirrolo {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polypyrrole
poliploide {adj} [genetics]
:: polyploid
poliploidia {f} [genetics]
:: polyploidy
polipnea {f} [medicine]
:: polypnea
polipnoico {adj}
:: polypneic
polipo {m} [zoology]
:: polyp
polipodio {m}
:: polypodium
polipoide {adj}
:: polypoid
polipolio {m} [economics]
:: polypoly
poliposi {f} [medicine]
:: polyposis
poliposico {adj}
:: polyposic
poliposo {adj} [pathology]
:: polypous
polipropilene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polypropylene
polipropilenico {adj}
:: polypropylene (attributive)
poliprotico {adj} [chemistry]
:: polyprotic
polipsonio {m} [economics]
:: polypsony
poliptoto {m}
:: polyptoton
polirematica {f} [grammar]
:: phrase (group of words that has a unique meaning)
polirematico {adj} [grammar]
:: phrasal
polireme {f} /po.li.ˈrɛ.me/
:: polyreme
poliribosoma {m}
:: polyribosome
poliritmia {f}
:: polyrhythm
poliritmico {adj} [music]
:: polyrhythmic
poliritmo {adj}
:: synonym of poliritmico
polisaccaride {m} [biochemistry]
:: polysaccharide
polisaccaridico {adj}
:: polysaccharide (attributive)
polisemantico {adj}
:: polysemantic
polisemico {adj}
:: polysemous
polisenso {adj}
:: Having many meanings
polisenso {m}
:: pun
polisenso {m}
:: puzzle
polisilano {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polysilane
polisilicio {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: polysilicon
polisillabico {adj}
:: polysyllabic
polisillabo {adj}
:: polysyllabic
polisillabo {m}
:: polysyllable
polisillogismo {m}
:: polysyllogism
polisilossano {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polysiloxane, silicone
polisindetico {adj}
:: polysyndetic
polisindeto {m} [rhetoric]
:: polysyndeton
polisinodale {adj}
:: polysynodal
polisinodia {f}
:: polysynody
polisintesi {f}
:: polysynthesis
polisintetico {adj}
:: polysynthetic
polisolfone {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polysulfone
polisolfuro {m} [chemistry]
:: polysulfide
polisoma {m}
:: polysome, polyribosome
polisonnografia {f}
:: polysomnography
polispermia {f}
:: polyspermy
polisportiva {f}
:: sports club
polisportivo {adj}
:: multisport
Polissena {prop}
:: Polyxena
polista {mf}
:: polo player
polistadio {adj}
:: multistage (rocket)
poliste {m} [entomology] /poˈlis.te/
:: Any member of the Polistes taxonomic genus
polistico {adj}
:: polo (the ball game) (attributive)
polistilo {adj}
:: clustered
polistilo {adj}
:: polystyle
polistirene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polystyrene
polistirenico {adj}
:: polystyrene (attributive)
polistirolico {adj}
:: synonym of polistirenico
polistirolo {m}
:: polystyrene
polistrumentale {adj} [music]
:: multi-instrument (attributive)
polistrumentalista {mf} [music]
:: multi-instrumentalist
polistrumentista {mf}
:: multi-instrumentalist
politeama {m}
:: multi-purpose theatre
politecnico {adj}
:: polytechnic
politecnico {m}
:: polytechnic (educational institution)
politeia {f}
:: politeia
politeismo {m}
:: polytheism
politeista {adj}
:: polytheistical
politeista {mf}
:: polytheist
politeisticamente {adv}
:: polytheistically
politeistico {adj}
:: polytheistic
politematico {adj} [music]
:: polythematic
politene {m}
:: Variant of polietene
politerapia {f} [medicine]
:: polypharmacy, polytherapy
politerpene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyterpene
politestuale {adj} [music]
:: polytextual
politetrafluoroetilene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polytetrafluoroethylene
politetraidrofurano {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polytetrahydrofuran
politezza {f}
:: polish
politezza {f}
:: refinement
politica {f} [uncountable]
:: politics
politica {f}
:: policy
politica {f}
:: cleverness, shrewdness
politica {f}
:: female equivalent of politico
politica del bastone e della carota {phrase}
:: carrot and stick policy
politicamente {adv}
:: politically
politicamente corretto {adj}
:: politically correct
politicamente scorretto {adj}
:: politically incorrect
politicante {mf}
:: A minor politician of no importance
politicantismo {m}
:: politicking (typically for personal gain)
politicastra {f}
:: female equivalent of politicastro
politicastro {m}
:: A third-rate politician
politicheggiare {v}
:: To engage in, or talk about politics
politichese {m}
:: political jargon
politichino {m}
:: An incompetent or corrupt politician
politicismo {m}
:: Tendency to politicize issues
politicità {f}
:: The condition of being political
politicizzante {v}
:: present participle of politicizzare
politicizzantesi {v}
:: present participle of politicizzarsi
politicizzare {vt}
:: to politicize
politicizzarsi {v}
:: reflexive of politicizzare
politicizzarsi {vr}
:: to become politicized
politicizzato {adj}
:: politicized
politicizzatosi {v}
:: past participle of politicizzarsi
politicizzazione {f}
:: politicization [US], politicisation [UK]
politico {adj} /poˈli.ti.ko/
:: political
politico {m}
:: politician
politicoamministrativo {adj}
:: politico-administrative
politicone {m}
:: schemer, intriguer
politiofene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polythiophene
politionico {adj} [inorganic chemistry]
:: polythionic
politipismo {m} [mineralogy]
:: polymorphism, polytypism
politipo {m} [mineralogy]
:: polytype
polito {adj}
:: polished
polito {adj}
:: burnished
polito {adj}
:: refined
politologa {f}
:: female equivalent of politologo
politologia {f}
:: political sociology
politologico {adj}
:: political science (attributive)
politologo {m}
:: political scientist
politometro {m} [colloquial]
:: A supposed method of estimating the amount of ill-gotten gains of politicians
politonale {adj} [music]
:: polytonal
politonalità {f} [music]
:: polytonality
politonico {adj}
:: polytonic
politopico {adj}
:: polytopic (all senses)
politopo {m} [mathematics]
:: polytope
politrasfuso {m} [medicine]
:: A patient who has received multiple blood transfusions
politraumatizzato {adj}
:: polytraumatic
politrofo {adj} [biology]
:: polytrophic
politropico {adj} [physics]
:: polytropic
politropo {adj}
:: polytropic
polittico {m} [arts]
:: polyptych
polittoto {m}
:: polyptoton
politungstato {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: polytungstate
politura {f}
:: polishing
politura {f}
:: burnishing
politura {f}
:: buffing
politura {f}
:: refining
poli-ubiquitinazione {f} [biochemistry]
:: polyubiquitination
poliurea {f} [organic chemistry]
:: polyurea
poliureico {adj}
:: polyureic
poliuretanico {adj}
:: polyurethane (attributive)
poliuretano {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyurethane
poliuria {f} [pathology]
:: polyuria
poliurico {adj}
:: polyuric
polivaccino {m}
:: polyvaccine
polivalente {adj}
:: polyvalent
polivalente {adj}
:: multi-purpose, all-purpose
polivalenza {f}
:: polyvalence
polivalenza {f}
:: multivalence
polivinilacetato {m}
:: polyvinyl acetate
polivinilcloruro {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyvinyl chloride
polivinile {m} [organic chemistry]
:: polyvinyl
polivinilico {adj}
:: polyvinyl (attributive)
polivitaminico {adj}
:: multivitamin
polivocale {adj} [music]
:: polyvocal
polivoltino {adj}
:: polyvoltine
polivomere {adj} [of a plough]
:: Having multiple ploughshares
polizia {f} /po.litˈtsi.a/
:: police
poliziano {adj}
:: Of or from Montepulciano
poliziano {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Montepulciano
Poliziano {prop}
:: Politian
polizia postale {f}
:: postal and communications police (that handle cybercrime etc)
polizia stradale {f}
:: The Italian traffic police
poliziescamente {adv}
:: In the manner of a policeman or detective
poliziesco {adj}
:: police (attribute)
poliziesco {adj} [of novel, movie, etc]
:: detective (attribute)
poliziotta {f}
:: policewoman
poliziottesco {m}
:: police procedural
poliziotto {m} /po.liˈtsjɔt.to/
:: policeman, police officer
poliziotto {m}
:: cop, copper, rozzer, bobby
polizza {f} /ˈpɔlittsa/
:: policy (insurance)
polizza {f}
:: bill, voucher
Polizzi {prop}
:: surname
polizzino {m}
:: certificate of credit (for small sums of money)
polizzino {m}
:: postal order (UK)
polla {f} /ˈpol.la/
:: spring (source of water)
pollachiuria {f} [medicine]
:: pollakiuria
pollaio {m} /polˈla.jo/
:: henhouse, chicken coop, chicken run, roost
pollaiola {f} /pol.laˈjɔ.la/
:: feminine noun of pollaiolo; (female) poulterer
pollaiolo {m} [rare] /pol.laˈjɔ.lo/
:: (male) poulterer
pollaiuolo {m} [literary] /pol.laˈjwɔ.lo/
:: alternative form of pollaiolo
pollame {m}
:: poultry
pollanca {f}
:: pullet
pollare {v} [rare]
:: to sprout
pollare {v} [literary]
:: to gush; to spurt
pollario {m}
:: pullarius (keeper of the chickens used for augury)
pollastra {f} /polˈlas.tra/
:: pullet, a young hen
pollastra {f}
:: chick (attractive woman)
pollastro {m} /polˈlas.tro/
:: cockerel
polledro {m}
:: foal, colt (Variant of: puledro)
polleria {f}
:: poulterer (poultry butcher)
pollice {m} [anatomy] /ˈpɔl.li.tʃe/
:: thumb
pollice {m} [units of measure]
:: inch
pollice verde {m} [idiomatic]
:: green fingers, a green thumb
pollice verso {n} [fossil word]
:: thumbs down
Pollicino {prop} /pol.liˈtʃi.no/
:: Tom Thumb
pollicoltore {m}
:: chicken or poultry breeder or farmer
pollicoltura {f}
:: chicken or poultry rearing
pollicultura {f}
:: alternative form of pollicoltura
pollina {f} /polˈli.na/
:: chicken droppings used as manure
Pollina {prop}
:: Pollina (town/and/commune)
pollinazione {f}
:: alternative form of impollinazione
polline {m} /ˈpɔl.li.ne/
:: pollen
pollinico {adj} [botany]
:: pollen (attributive), pollinic
pollinifago {adj}
:: pollenophagous
pollinifero {adj} [biology]
:: polleniferous
pollino {adj} [attributive]
:: chicken, poultry
pollinosi {f}
:: pollinosis
pollivendolo {m}
:: poulterer
pollo {m} [meats]
:: chicken (especially chicken meat)
pollo {m} [slang]
:: sucker, chump, dupe or patsy
pollo {m} [slang]
:: pushover or weakling
pollone {m} [botany]
:: side sprout, tiller, sucker, scion
polloneto {m}
:: propagator (for cuttings)
pollo sultano {m}
:: purple swamphen, purple gallinule or sultana bird
Polluce {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Pollux
Polluce {prop} [star]
:: Pollux
polluzione {f} [medicine]
:: pollution (nocturnal emission)
polmon {m}
:: apocopic form of polmone
polmonare {adj} [anatomy]
:: pulmonary, of the lungs
polmonaria {f}
:: lungwort
polmonato {m}
:: pulmonate (slugs, snails)
polmone {m} [anatomy]
:: lung
polmone a libro {m} [arachnology]
:: book lung
polmonite {f} [diseases]
:: pneumonia
polmonitico {adj}
:: pneumonic
polo {m} [countable] /ˈpɔ.lo/
:: pole (geographic, electrical or magnetic)
polo {m} [uncountable]
:: polo (sport)
Polonia {prop}
:: Poland
polonio {m} [chemistry] /poˈlɔnjo/
:: polonium
Polonio {prop}
:: Polonius
poloviciano {adj}
:: Polovtsian
polpa {f} [of fruit]
:: pulp
polpa {f}
:: flesh
polpaccio {m} [anatomy]
:: calf
polpacciolo {m}
:: A small cut of meat (typically of veal)
polpacciolo {m}
:: fingertip
polpacciuto {adj}
:: fleshy, pulpy
polpacciuto {adj}
:: (of a person) having thick calves
polpara {f}
:: A weighted fishing line used to catch octopus
polpastrello {m}
:: finger pad (fleshy part of the fingertip)
polpessa {f}
:: white-spotted octopus (Octopus macropus)
polpetta {f}
:: meatball
polpetta {f}
:: rissole
polpettina {f}
:: little meatball
polpetto {m}
:: Small octopus
polpettone {m}
:: Large meatball
polpettone {m}
:: meat loaf
polpo {m}
:: octopus
polposo {adj}
:: fleshy, pulpy, pulpous
polputo {adj}
:: fleshy (fruit)
polputo {adj}
:: muscular (male body), shapely (female body)
polputo {adj}
:: full-bodied (wine)
polputo {adj}
:: fertile (ground)
polsino {m}
:: cuff (end of a shirt sleeve)
polso {m}
:: wrist
polso {m}
:: cuff (of a sleeve)
polso {m}
:: pulse (medical)
polsonetto {m}
:: A type of hemispherical copper saucepan, with a long wooden handle, used for making confectionery
polstrada {f} [sometimes capitalized]
:: polizia stradale
polta {f} [literary, Ancient Rome] /ˈpol.ta/
:: A sort of polenta made from white flour or fava flour, used as food before the discovery of bread
polta {f} [literary, by extension]
:: A confused mixture; muddle
poltaceo {adj}
:: pulpy, pultaceous
poltiglia {f}
:: semi-liquid, sticky mixture; mush, pulp, slime
poltiglia {f}
:: slush
poltiglia {f}
:: mire
poltiglia bordolese {f} [chemistry]
:: Bordeaux mixture
poltiglioso {adj}
:: mushy, pulpy
poltrente {v}
:: present participle of poltrire
poltrire {vi}
:: to sleep in
poltrire {vi}
:: to lie about; to loaf, lounge
poltro {adj} [archaic, of animals] /ˈpol.tro/
:: untamed
poltro {adj} [archaic]
:: indolent, lazy
poltro {m}
:: bed
poltrona {f}
:: feminine noun of poltrone
poltrona {f} [furniture]
:: armchair, easy chair
poltrona {f} [theater]
:: seat
poltrona {f}
:: [prestigious position] position
poltronaggine {f}
:: laziness, idleness, indolence, sluggishness, sloth
poltroncina {f}
:: Small armchair or easy chair
poltroncina {f}
:: Rear stalls (in a theatre)
poltrone {adj}
:: lazy, indolent, sluggish
poltrone {m}
:: lazy person, indolent person, sluggard
poltroneggiare {vi} [uncommon]
:: to be a couch potato
poltroneria {f}
:: laziness, indolence
poltroneria {f} [archaic]
:: old age
poltronescamente {adv}
:: lazily
poltronesco {adj}
:: lazybones (attributive)
poltronissima {f}
:: (seat in the) front stalls (in a theatre)
poltronite {f} [colloquial]
:: laziness, idleness
polve {f} [poetic] /ˈpol.ve/
:: dust
polve {f} [poetic]
:: Figurative meanings:
polve {f} [poetic]
:: ashes (remains after cremation)
polve {f} [poetic]
:: The body
polver {f}
:: apocopic form of polvere
polveraccio {m}
:: Dried dung used as a fertilizer
polveraia {f}
:: alternative form of polverio
polveraio {adj}
:: dry and dusty
polveraio {m}
:: A pile of dust
polvere {f} /ˈpol.ve.re/
:: dust, powder
polvere senza fumo {f}
:: smokeless powder
polveri di ferro {mp}
:: iron filings
polveriera {f}
:: gunpowder magazine, powderhorn
polveriera {f}
:: powder keg
polveriera {f}
:: [figuratively] tinderbox
polverificio {m}
:: explosives (originally gunpowder) factory
polveri fini {f} {p} [ecology]
:: particulates
polverina {f} [medicine]
:: powder
polverina {f} [slang]
:: snow (cocaine)
polverino {m}
:: priming powder
polverino {m}
:: sand (for drying ink)
polverio {m}
:: cloud of dust
polveri sottili {f} {p} [ecology]
:: particulates
polverizzabile {adj}
:: pulverizable
polverizzamento {m}
:: pulverization
polverizzante {v}
:: present participle of polverizzare
polverizzantesi {v}
:: present participle of polverizzarsi
polverizzare {vt}
:: to pulverize
polverizzare {vt}
:: to spray [liquid]
polverizzare {vt}
:: to smash [a sports record]
polverizzarsi {v}
:: reflexive of polverizzare
polverizzarsi {vr}
:: to turn to dust
polverizzato {adj}
:: pulverized
polverizzato {adj}
:: smashed
polverizzatore {m}
:: pulverizer
polverizzatore {m}
:: sprayer, atomizer, nebulizer
polverizzatosi {v}
:: past participle of polverizzarsi
polverizzatrice {f}
:: pulverizer
polverizzazione {f}
:: pulverization
polverone {m}
:: cloud of dust
polverosità {f}
:: dustiness
polveroso {adj}
:: dusty
polverulento {adj}
:: powdery, dusty, pulverulent
polverume {m}
:: (heap of) dust
polviglio {m}
:: A pad filled with dried lavender used to perfume linen
polviglio {m}
:: powder, dust
polviscolo {m}
:: alternative form of pulviscolo
pomacco {m}
:: Pomak
pomaceo {adj}
:: pomaceous (relating to apples)
pomaio {m}
:: alternative form of pomario
Pomarance {prop}
:: Pomarance (small town)
pomarancia {f}
:: synonym of melarancia
pomarancio {m}
:: synonym of melarancio
pomario {m}
:: orchard
pomata {f} /poˈma.ta/
:: ointment, salve
pomato {adj} [heraldry]
:: botonny
pomellato {adj}
:: dappled
pomellatura {f}
:: dappling
pomello {m}
:: knob
pomello {m}
:: cheek (of the face)
Pomerania {prop}
:: Pomerania
pomeridiano {adj}
:: afternoon (attributive)
pomeriggio {m} /pomeˈriddʒo/
:: afternoon
pomerio {m} [historical, Roman Empire]
:: The tract of land denoting the formal, sacral ambit of a Roman city
pometino {adj}
:: Of, or from, Pomezia
pometino {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Pomezia
pometo {m}
:: orchard
Pometta {prop}
:: surname
pomettato {adj} [heraldry]
:: botonny
Pomezia {prop}
:: Pomezia (town)
pomfo {m} [medicine]
:: wheal
pomice {f}
:: pumice
pomice {f} [in the plural]
:: A Volcanic eruption
pomiceo {adj}
:: pumice (attributive)
pomiciante {v}
:: present participle of pomiciare
pomiciare {v}
:: to snog or neck
pomiciatura {f}
:: pumicing
pomiciona {f}
:: flirt
pomicione {m}
:: flirt
pomicione {m}
:: spooner, snogger
pomicioso {adj}
:: pumiceous
pomicoltore {m}
:: A person who tends an apple orchard
pomicoltura {f}
:: The cultivation of apples (or similar fruit)
pomicoso {adj}
:: apple (attrbutive)
pomicultore {m}
:: alternative form of pomicoltore
pomicultura {f}
:: alternative form of pomicoltura
pomidoro {m} [popular]
:: alternative form of pomodoro
pomiere {m}
:: orchard
pomifero {adj}
:: fruitful (trees etc)
pomifero {adj}
:: fertile (ground)
pomifero {adj}
:: fruiting (attributive)
pomiglianese {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to Frattaminore (also called Pomigliano d'Atella)
pomiglianese {mf}
:: Native or inhabitant of Frattaminore
Pomigliano {prop}
:: Pomigliano d'Atella
Pomigliano {prop}
:: Pomigliano d'Arco
pommarola {f}
:: alternative form of pummarola
pomo {m}
:: knob, pommel
pomo {m} [rare]
:: apple
pomo {m} [by extension]
:: pome, fruit
pomo d'Adamo {m} [anatomy]
:: Adam's apple
pomo della discordia {m}
:: apple of discord
pomodorata {f}
:: tomato throwing
pomodorino {m}
:: cherry tomato
pomodoro {m} /po.moˈdɔ.ro/
:: tomato
pomodoro ciliegino {m}
:: cherry tomato
pomogranato {m}
:: pomegranate (tree)
pomolo {m}
:: pommel (of a sword)
pomologia {f}
:: pomology
pomologico {adj}
:: pomological
pomologo {m}
:: pomologist
pomoso {adj}
:: rich in fruit
pompa {f}
:: pump
pompa {f} [sex, vulgar]
:: blowjob
pompa {f}
:: pomp
pompa di calore {f}
:: heat pump
pompaggio {m}
:: pumping
pompante {v}
:: present participle of pompare
pompare {vt}
:: to pump
pompare {vt}
:: to pump up or pump out
pompare {vt}
:: to exaggerate
pompeano {adj}
:: alternative form of pompeiano
pompeano {m}
:: alternative form of pompeiano
pompe funebri {fp}
:: funeral service, funeral home, funeral parlor (business that provides funeral services)
pompeggiare {vi}
:: to show off
Pompei {prop} /pomˈpɛ.i/
:: Pompeii
pompeiano {adj}
:: Pompeian (all senses)
pompeiano {m}
:: Native or inhabitant of Pompei
pompeiano {m}
:: Follower of Pompey
pompelmo {m}
:: grapefruit (fruit & tree)
Pompeo {prop}
:: Pompey
pompetta {f}
:: small pump
pompetta {f}
:: dropper, sprayer
pompiere {m}
:: fireman, firefighter
pompiere {m}
:: (in plural) fire brigade, fire department, fire company
pompieristico {adj}
:: firefighting (attributive)
Pompilio {prop}
:: given name
pompinaro {m}
:: cocksucker
pompinaro {m}
:: Variant of succhiacazzi
pompino {m} [sex, vulgar] /pomˈpi.no/
:: blow job
pompista {mf}
:: pump attendant, petrol station / gas station attendant
pompon {m}
:: pompom, pompon
pomposamente {adv}
:: magnificently, grandly, stately
pomposamente {adv}
:: ostentatiously, showily, pompously
pomposità {f}
:: pomp, sumptuousness
pomposità {f}
:: pomposity, self-importance, bombast, ostentatiousness
pomposo {adj}
:: magnificent, grand, stately
pomposo {adj}
:: self-important, ostentatious, showy, pompous
ponce {m} /ˈpɔn.t͡ʃe/
:: punch (beverage)
poncio {m}
:: poncho
ponderabile {adj}
:: ponderable
ponderabilità {f}
:: ponderability
ponderale {adj}
:: weight (attributive)
ponderale {adj}
:: Relating to the pound (unit of weight)
ponderante {v}
:: present participle of ponderare
ponderare {vt}
:: to ponder, think over
ponderatamente {adv}
:: thoughtfully
ponderatezza {f}
:: synonym of posatezza
ponderatezza {f}
:: synonym of ponderazione
ponderato {adj}
:: well-considered, well thought-out, weighed, balanced
ponderatore {m}
:: ponderer, thinker
ponderazione {f}
:: reflection, meditation (careful thought)
ponderazione {f}
:: ponderation (balance of the body and limbs in a statue)
ponderazione {f} [mathematics]
:: weighting (assigning values to data items)
ponderosamente {adv}
:: ponderously, heavily
ponderosità {f}
:: ponderousness
ponderoso {adj}
:: heavy, ponderous
ponente {m} /poˈnɛn.te/
:: west
ponente {m}
:: west wind
Ponente {prop}
:: The western part of the Ligurian Riviera
ponentesi {v}
:: present participle of porsi
ponentino {m} [nautical]
:: westerly wind
ponfo {m}
:: wheal
ponghista {mf}
:: alternative form of pongista
pongista {mf}
:: table tennis player
pongistico {adj} [sports]
:: table tennis (attributive)
pongo {m} [zoology] /ˈpɔn.ɡo/
:: Any member of the Pongo taxonomic genus
pongo {m} [uncountable, usually capitalized as Pongo]
:: The Pongo taxonomic genus
pongo {m} /ˈpon.ɡo/
:: A kind of coloured plasticine
ponimento {m}
:: placement
ponimento {m}
:: sunset (going down of the sun)
ponsò {adj}
:: bright scarlet
ponsò {m}
:: bright scarlet
pontaggio {m}
:: synonym of pontatico
pontaio {m}
:: synonym of ponteggiatore
pontare {v}
:: alternative form of puntare
pontatico {m}
:: The toll once paid to cross a bridge
pontato {adj} [nautical, of a ship]
:: Having a deck
pontatore {m}
:: synonym of ponteggiatore
ponte {m}
:: bridge [structure]
ponte {m}
:: deck (nautical and aviation)
ponte {m}
:: long weekend; a day which falls between two work-free days (holidays or weekend days), on which leave is preferred
Ponte Adriano {prop}
:: synonym of Ponte Sant'Angelo
ponte a mensola {n}
:: cantilever bridge
ponte a mensola {n} [architecture]
:: A beam anchored at one end and projecting into space, such as a long bracket projecting from a wall to support a balcony
Ponte Castello {prop}
:: synonym of Ponte Sant'Angelo
Pontecorvo {prop}
:: surname
Pontecorvo {prop}
:: Bruno Pontecorvo, Italian physician
Ponte degli Scalzi {prop}
:: Literally, "bridge of the barefoot [monks]", is one of only four bridges in Venice, Italy, to span the Grand Canal
Ponte dell'Accademia {prop}
:: One of only four bridges to span the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy
Ponte della Costituzione {prop}
:: Literally "Constitution Bridge" is the fourth bridge over the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy
ponte di comando {m}
:: synonym of cabina di pilotaggio
ponte di decollo {m} [nautical]
:: flight deck (of an aircraft carrier)
Ponte di Rialto {prop}
:: Oldest of the four bridges spanning the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy (Ponte dell'Accademia, Ponte degli Scalzi and Ponte della Costituzione)
ponte disolfuro {m} [organic chemistry]
:: disulfide bond
Ponte Elio {prop}
:: synonym of Ponte Sant'Angelo
ponteficale {adj}
:: alternative form of pontificale
ponteficato {m}
:: alternative form of pontificato
pontefice {m}
:: pontiff
ponteggiatore {m}
:: scaffolder
ponteggio {m}
:: scaffold
ponteggio {m}
:: scaffolding
ponte levatoio {m}
:: drawbridge
Ponte Milvio {prop}
:: Milvian (or Mulvian) Bridge (Italian: Ponte Molle or Ponte Milvio, Latin: Pons Milvius or Pons Mulvius) is a bridge over the Tiber in northern Rome, Italy
Ponte Molle {prop}
:: synonym of Ponte Milvio
Ponte Sant'Angelo {prop}
:: A bridge in Rome, Italy, completed in 134 AD by Roman Emperor Hadrian, to span the Tiber, from the city center to his newly constructed mausoleum, now the Castel Sant'Angelo
Ponte Vecchio {prop}
:: A bridge over the Arno in Florence, Italy
Ponti {prop}
:: surname
ponticello {m} /pon.tiˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/
:: diminutive of ponte: small bridge
ponticello {m} [music]
:: bridge (of a violin etc)
ponticello {m}
:: trigger guard
ponticello {m}
:: jumper (electrical)
ponticino {m}
:: A small bridge
pontico {adj}
:: pontic / Pontic
pontico {adj}
:: dolichocephalic
pontiere {m}
:: bridge-builder (especially such a military engineer)
pontificale {adj}
:: pontifical, papal
pontificale {adj}
:: pontifical, pompous
pontificale {adj}
:: pontifical (pertaining to the pontifices of Ancient Rome)
pontificale {m}
:: pontifical mass
pontificale {m}
:: pontifical book
pontificante {v}
:: present participle of pontificare
pontificare {vi}
:: To pontificate
pontificato {m}
:: papacy
pontificato {m}
:: pontificate
pontificio {adj}
:: pontifical
pontificio {adj}
:: papal
pontile {m}
:: jetty
pontino {adj}
:: Of or relating to the Agro Pontino a former marsh area in the Lazio Region of Central Italy; Pontine
pontista {m}
:: scaffolder
ponto {m} [literary] /ˈpɔn.to/
:: sea
Ponto {prop} [Greek god]
:: Pontus
pontonaio {m} [nautical]
:: The person in charge of a pontoon
pontonaio {m}
:: tollkeeper at a bridge
pontone {m} [nautical]
:: pontoon (floating structure)
pontoniere {m} [nautical]
:: sailor of a pontoon (flat-bottomed boat)
Pontresina {prop}
:: Pontresina (small town)
pontuale {adj}
:: Relating to a bridge
pony {m} /ˈpɔny/
:: pony
pony {m}
:: pony express
Ponza {prop}
:: Ponza (small island)
ponzamento {m}
:: straining (muscular effort)
ponzamento {m}
:: laying (an egg)
ponzante {v}
:: present participle of ponzare
ponzare {vi}
:: To push forcefully; to strain
ponzare {vt}
:: To lay an egg
ponzatore {adj}
:: straining
ponzatura {f}
:: alternative form of ponzamento
Ponzio {prop}
:: Pontius
popelina {f}
:: alternative form of popeline
popeline {f}
:: poplin
poplite {m} [anatomy]
:: popliteal muscle or cavity
popliteo {adj} [anatomy]
:: popliteal
popò {m} [childish] /poˈpɔ/
:: fecis, poo, poopoo
popò {m} [colloquial, jocular, euphemistic]
:: butt; bum, botty, tush
popolaccio {m}
:: Riffraff, dregs of society, scum of the earth
popolaglia {f}
:: synonym of plebaglia
popolamento {m}
:: populace
popolamento {m}
:: populating (of a territory)
popolanamente {adv}
:: popularly
popolanamente {adv}
:: As a man of the people
popolano {adj} /po.poˈla.no/
:: of the people
popolano {m}
:: Man of the people
popolano {m} [archaic]
:: citizen
popolano {m} [archaic]
:: parishioner
popolano {m} [historical, numismatics, Milan]
:: A 20-centesimos coin minted in 1863
popolante {v}
:: present participle of popolare
popolare {adj}
:: of the people, people's, popular
popolare {adj}
:: folk, vernacular
popolare {adj}
:: popular, pop, widespread, hot
popolare {adj}
:: working-class
popolare {adj}
:: (plural; of prices) low, cheap
popolare {v}
:: to populate, to people
popolare {v}
:: to populate, to inhabit
popolareggiante {adj}
:: folksy, folkish, folk (attributive)
popolarescamente {adv}
:: popularly, commonly
popolaresco {adj}
:: Of the common people, popular, folk (attributive), common
popolarismo {m}
:: popularism
popolarissimo {adj}
:: superlative of popolare
popolarissimo {adj}
:: very popular, very famous
popolarissimo {adj}
:: very cheap, very low
popolarità {f}
:: popularity
popolarizzante {v}
:: present participle of popolarizzare
popolarizzare {vt}
:: To popularize
popolarmente {adv}
:: popularly
popolarsi {v}
:: To become populated (fill with people)
popolatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of popolato
popolato {adj}
:: populated, populous, crowded
popolatore {m}
:: populator
popolazione {f}
:: population
popolazione {f}
:: people, nation
popolazionismo {m}
:: Political policy aimed at increasing the population (or to stop it falling any further)
popolazzo {m} [obsolete]
:: riffraff
popolesco {adj}
:: popular
popolesco {adj}
:: plebeian, vulgar
popolino {m} /po.poˈli.no/
:: little people
popolino {m}
:: less wealthy and acculturated part of the people
popolo {m}
:: people
popolosità {f}
:: populousness
popoloso {adj}
:: populous
popoloso {adj}
:: (heavily) populated
poponaia {f}
:: melon field
poponaio {m}
:: alternative form of poponaia
popone {m} [regional]
:: melon, musk melon
poppa {f} [colloquial]
:: breast, boob
poppa {f} [nautical]
:: stern
poppaiola {f}
:: alternative form of poppatoio
poppante {adj}
:: suckling
poppante {mf}
:: suckling, baby
poppante {v}
:: present participle of poppare
poppare {vt}
:: To suck (of a baby)
poppata {f}
:: suck, feed, feeding
poppatoio {m}
:: feeding bottle, bottle, baby feeder
poppavia {adv} [nautical]
:: sternwards
Poppea {prop}
:: Poppaea
popperiano {adj}
:: Popperian
poppetta {f} [nautical]
:: cockpit (in a ship)
poppiere {m}
:: stroke (rower)
poppiero {adj} [nautical]
:: stern (attributive)
popputo {adj} [colloquial]
:: large-breasted
populazione {f}
:: alternative form of popolazione
populazionismo {m}
:: alternative form of popolazionismo
populismo {m}
:: populism
populista {adj}
:: populist
populista {mf}
:: populist
populisticamente {adv}
:: populistically
populistico {adj}
:: populistic, populist
porca {f} /ˈpɔr.ka/
:: the ridge between two furrows; balk
porca {f}
:: sow
porca {f} [figurative]
:: A lascivious or lewd woman
porcaccione {m} [colloquial]
:: slob
porcaia {f}
:: pigsty
porcaio {m} [chiefly figurative] /porˈka.jo/
:: pigsty
porcaio {m}
:: swineherd
porcamente {adv}
:: terribly, badly
porca miseria {interj}
:: holy cow, hell's bells
porca puttana {interj} [vulgar, taboo slang]
:: fucking hell!
porcareccia {f} /por.kaˈret.t͡ʃa/
:: pigsty
porcaro {m}
:: swineherd
porcastro {m}
:: A small wild boar
porcastro {m}
:: A cross between a wild boar and a domestic sow
porcata {f}
:: junk, rubbish
porcata {f} [in the plural]
:: junk food
porca troia {interj} [vulgar, taboo slang]
:: fucking hell!
porca vacca {interj}
:: good grief
porcella {f}
:: piglet (female)
porcella {f}
:: slut, bitch, goer
porcellana {f}
:: porcelain, china
porcellanante {v}
:: present participle of porcellanare
porcellanare {vt}
:: To glaze (ceramics)
porcellanato {adj}
:: porcelain (attributive)
porcellanato {adj}
:: glazed (ceramics)
Porcellato {prop}
:: surname
porcellino {m}
:: piglet
porcellino {m}
:: dirty child
porcellino d'India {m}
:: guinea pig, caviomorph
porcello {m}
:: piglet
porcellone {m} [slang, figuratively]
:: Pig, unkempt person
porchereccia {f} /por.keˈret.t͡ʃa/
:: alternative form of porcareccia
porchereccio {adj} /por.keˈret.t͡ʃo/
:: related to swines, especially pork or boar
porchereccio {m}
:: An equivocal, immoral, or dishonest situation
porcheria {f}
:: dirt, muck, filth
porcheria {f}
:: hogwash
porcheria {f}
:: smut (obscenity)
porcheria {f}
:: rubbish
porchetta {f}
:: Roast suckling pig or whole boned pig
porchettaio {m}
:: A person who sells porchetta (typically in a bread roll)
porchetto {m}
:: piglet
porciglione {m}
:: water rail
porcil {m}
:: apocopic form of porcile
porcilaia {f}
:: pigsty (all senses)
porcile {m} /porˈt͡ʃi.le/
:: pigsty, specifically:
porcile {m}
:: An enclosure where pigs are kept
porcile {m} [figuratively, colloquial]
:: A dirty or very untidy place
porcinello {m}
:: birch bolete (or a similar mushroom)
porcino {adj}
:: piglike
porcino {m} [mushrooms]
:: penny bun or cep Boletus edulis
porco {m} /ˈpɔr.ko/
:: pig, pork
porco {adj}
:: terrible, dirty, bad (used as a curse or swearword)
porcocervo {m} /por.koˈt͡ʃɛr.vo/
:: synonym of babirussa
porco Dio {interj} [idiomatic, taboo, slang] /ˌpɔr.koˈdi.o/
:: literally, “pig God” or “swine God”, sometimes translated as “God is a pig”, “God is a swine”, or “God damn” &c An expletive or oath, whose use is considered blasphemous by most Italian Catholics. Usually an expression of displeasure, anger, frustration, or surprise
porcospino {m}
:: porcupine, porpentine, hystricognath
porcospino {m}
:: hedgehog, spine pig
porcospino del Capo {m}
:: Cape porcupine
porco spinoso {m} [regional]
:: synonym of porcospino
porcospino sudafricano {m}
:: synonym of porcospino del Capo
porcume {m}
:: filth
Pordenone {prop}
:: Pordenone (province)
Pordenone {prop}
:: Pordenone (capital city)
pordenonese {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to Pordenone
pordenonese {mf}
:: Native or inhabitant of Pordenone
pordenonese {mf}
:: dialect of Pordenone (masculine singular only)
porfido {m} [geology] /ˈpɔr.fi.do/
:: porphyry
porfina {f} [organic compound]
:: porphin
porfireo {adj}
:: porphyry (attributive)
porfiria {f} [disease]
:: porphyria
porfirico {adj} [geology]
:: porphyritic
porfirina {f} [organic compound]
:: porphyrin
Porfirio {prop}
:: given name
porfirite {f}
:: porphyrite
porfirizzante {v}
:: present participle of porfirizzare
porfirizzare {vt}
:: to pulverize (typically in the preparation of a medicine powder)
porfirizzazione {f}
:: pulverisation
porfiro {m} /ˈpɔr.fi.ro/
:: obsolete form of porfido
porfiroblastico {adj} [petrology] /por.fi.roˈblas.ti.ko/
:: porphyroblastic
porfiroclastico {adj} [petrology] /por.fi.roˈklas.ti.ko/
:: synonym of cristalloclastico
porfobilinogeno {m} [organic compound]
:: porphobilinogen
porgente {v}
:: present participle of porgere
porgere {vt}
:: to hand, give
porgere {vt}
:: to hold out
porgimento {m}
:: handing out
porgimento {m}
:: donation
porgitore {m}
:: donor
porgitore {m}
:: orator
porifero {m} [zoology]
:: poriferan
pornazzo {m}
:: A porn film
porno- {prefix}
:: porn-
porno {adj} /ˈpɔr.no/
:: pornographic
porno {m}
:: porn, pornography (especially a pornographic film)
pornoattore {m}
:: actor in a pornographic film
pornocassetta {f}
:: pornographic videocassette
pornoconsumatore {m}
:: A person who regularly buys or views pornographic material
pornodiva {f}
:: porn star (female)
pornodivo {m}
:: porn star
pornofilm {m}
:: pornographic film, skin flick
pornografa {f}
:: female equivalent of pornografo
pornografia {f} /por.no.ɡraˈfi.a/
:: pornography
pornograficamente {adv}
:: pornographically
pornografico {adj} /ˌpor.noˈɡra.fi.ko/
:: pornographic
pornografo {m}
:: pornographer
pornorivista {f}
:: pornographic magazine
pornosala {f}
:: cinema that shows pornographic films
pornoshop {m}
:: porn shop
pornoshow {m}
:: porn show
pornostampa {f}
:: pornographic publications (collectively)
pornostar {mf}
:: porn star
pornovideo {m}
:: pornographic video
poro {m}
:: pore
poroadenite {f}
:: synonym of adenite
poroforo {adj} [chemistry]
:: porophorous (relating to a blowing agent)
porosimetria {f}
:: porosimetry
porosità {f} [physics]
:: porosity
poroso {adj}
:: porous
poroso {adj}
:: permeable
porpora {f}
:: Tyrian purple (dyestuff)
porpora {f} [disease]
:: purpura
porpora {f} [heraldry]
:: purpure
porpora {m}
:: purple, crimson
porpora {adj}
:: purple, crimson
porporate {adj}
:: purple-clad. A derivative of the word porpora
porporato {m}
:: cardinal
porporeggiare {v}
:: to become, or to dye purple
porporino {adj}
:: purple
porraccio {m} /porˈrat.t͡ʃo/
:: synonym of asfodelo
porraccio {m}
:: synonym of porrandello
porraceo {adj}
:: porraceous
porrandello {m} /por.ranˈdɛl.lo/
:: wild leek (Allium ampeloprasum, syn. Allium porrum)
porrata {f}
:: leek soup
porrazzo {m} /porˈrat.t͡so/
:: alternative form of porraccio
porre {vt} /ˈpo.rːe/
:: to put, to place
porre fine {v}
:: to finish off, kill
porro {m} /ˈpɔr.ro/
:: leek
porro {m}
:: wart
porroso {adj}
:: warty, verrucose
porsi {v}
:: reflexive of porre
porsi {vr}
:: to put oneself into a specified position
porta- {prefix}
:: Used to form nouns describing objects that carry, contain or secure something
porta {f}
:: gate
porta {f}
:: door
porta {f} [computing]
:: port
portaacqua {mf} /por.ta.ˈak.kwa/
:: synonym of acquaiolo
portaacqua {mf} [cycling]
:: A domestique tasked with refilling the leader's canteen
portaaghi {m}
:: needle case
portaaghi {m} [surgery]
:: needle holder
portaamalgama {m}
:: alternative form of portamalgama
porta aperta {f}
:: open house
porta a porta {adj}
:: door-to-door
porta a porta {adv}
:: door-to-door
porta a porta {m}
:: door-to-door activity
porta bacinella {m} [furniture]
:: commode
portabagagli {m}
:: porter
portabagagli {m}
:: any structure in or on a vehicle for carrying baggage or luggage
portabagagli {adj}
:: That carries baggage or luggage
portabandiera {mf}
:: flag-bearer
portabastoni {m}
:: golf caddy
portabastoni {m}
:: stick or cane rack
portabiancheria {f}
:: laundry basket
portabici {m}
:: cycle rack; cycle carrier
portabicicletta {m}
:: cycle rack; cycle carrier
portabiciclette {m}
:: bicycle stand, bicycle rack, bike rack
portabiglietti {m}
:: card or ticket holder or case
portabile {adj}
:: portable
portabile {adj}
:: wearable
portabilità {f}
:: portability
portabiti {m}
:: coat hanger
portabiti {m}
:: clothes peg
portabiti {m}
:: clothes stand, hall stand
portablocco {m}
:: clipboard
portabollo {m}
:: licence holder (in a car windscreen)
portabombe {m} /pɔrtaˈbombe/
:: bomb bay
portabombe {m}
:: bomb rack (in an aircraft)
portaborracce {mf}
:: The person who supplies water bottles in a cycle race
portaborse {mf}
:: flunkey, lackey
portabottiglie {m}
:: bottle carrier or rack
portabottiglie {m}
:: wine rack
portaburro {m}
:: butter dish
portacampione {adj} [sciences]
:: specimen (attributive)
portacandele {m}
:: candle holder
portacappelli {m}
:: synonym of cappelliera
portacaratteri {m}
:: type holder
portacarta {m}
:: tissue holder
portacarta {m}
:: toilet paper holder
portacarte {m}
:: paper carrier or rack
portacassette {m}
:: cassette case or rack (or similar storage system)
portacatino {m}
:: washstand (containing a washbasin)
porta-cd {m}
:: CD rack or similar storage system
portacenere {m}
:: ashtray
portaceste {mf}
:: A person who carries luggage (typically of actors)
portachiavi {m}
:: keychain
portachiavi {m}
:: keyring
portacipria {m}
:: powder compact
portacolori {m}
:: athlete, member (of a sport team)
portacoltelli {m}
:: knife block
portacontainer {adj} [nautical]
:: container ship (attributive)
portacontenitori {adj}
:: portacontainer (attributive)
portacorrente {adj} /ˈpɔr.ta.korˈrɛn.te/
:: current-carrying
portacovoni {m}
:: The part of a reaper (or combine harvester) that temporarily holds sheaves
portacqua {mf} /porˈtak.kwa/
:: alternative form of portaacqua
portacravatte {m}
:: tie rack
portacroce {m}
:: cross-carrier
porta di dietro {f}
:: back door
portadischi {m}
:: album (long-playing record)
portadischi {m}
:: record rack (or similar storage system)
porta di servizio {f}
:: back door
portadocumenti {m}
:: document case
portadocumenti {m}
:: briefcase
portadolci {m}
:: cake stand
portaelicotteri {m} [nautical]
:: helicopter carrier
portaerei {f} [aviation, warships] /portaˈɛrei/
:: aircraft carrier
portaerei {f}
:: flattop
portaeromobili {f} [nautical]
:: aircraft carrier
portafazzolettone {m}
:: woggle
portaferiti {m}
:: stretcher bearer
portafiaccole {m}
:: The metal support (on a wall) that holds flaming torches
portafiammiferi {m}
:: match holder; matchbook, matchbox
portafiaschi {m}
:: A basket that holds an open wine bottle (at an angle)
portafiaschi {m}
:: A container for carrying flasks or bottles
portafilo {m}
:: A device in a loom that holds the warp
portafinestra {f}
:: French window
portafinestra {f}
:: patio doors
portafiori {m}
:: flower stand
portafogli {m} /por.taˈfɔʎ.ʎi/
:: alternative form of portafoglio
portafoglio {m} /por.taˈfɔʎ.ʎo/
:: wallet, billfold
portafoglio {m}
:: portfolio (post of a cabinet minister; group of assets hold by an investor)
portafortuna {m}
:: lucky charm, amulet, lucky mascot
portafortuna {adj}
:: lucky
portafotografie {m}
:: picture frame
portafotografie {m}
:: photograph holder
portafrutta {m}
:: fruit bowl
portafusibili {m}
:: fuse box
portaghiaccio {m}
:: ice bucket
portagioie {m}
:: jewel box, jewel case
portagioielli {m}
:: jewel box, jewel case
portagiornali {m}
:: newspaper or magazine rack
portagomitoli {m}
:: A case that holds a ball of twine and from which it is dispensed
portaidrovolanti {f} [nautical]
:: seaplane tender / carrier
portaimmondizie {m}
:: dustbin, garbage can
portaimpronta {m} [dentistry]
:: The tray used to hold an impression of teeth from which a prosthesis is to be made
portaincenso {m}
:: incense holder
portainfante {m}
:: alternative form of portinfante
portainnesto {m} [agriculture]
:: rootstock
portainsegna {m}
:: standard bearer
portalame {m}
:: blade holder / carrier
portalampada {m}
:: lamp (or bulb) holder or socket
portalapis {m}
:: pencil holder
portalapis {m}
:: pencil box, pencil case
portale {f} [anatomy, architecture]
:: A portal
portale {f} [Internet]
:: A portal, a portal site, front door, home page
portalettere {mf}
:: postman / postwoman, mailman / mailwoman
portaliquori {m}
:: A tray used to hold bottles of liquor
portamalgama {m} [dentistry]
:: amalgam carrier
portamantelli {m}
:: clothes rack, clothes stand
portamantello {m}
:: A bag in which coats may be carried when travelling
portamatita {m}
:: pencil holder, pencil topper, pencil extender
portamatite {m}
:: pencil holder
portamatite {m}
:: pencil box, pencil case
portamento {m} /portaˈmento/
:: bearing, carriage, deportment
portamiccia {m}
:: A stick around which a fuse was rolled when firing a cannon etc
portamina {m}
:: mechanical pencil, propelling pencil
portamine {m}
:: alternative form of portamina
portamissili {m}
:: missile carrier
portamonete {m}
:: purse, porte-monnaie
portamorso {m}
:: The part of a horse's harness that holds the bit
portampolle {m}
:: cruet set (that holds small bottles of oil and vinegar)
portamunizioni {m} [military]
:: The officer responsible for transporting ammunition
portamusica {m}
:: A cabinet in which sheet music is held
portante {v}
:: present participle of portare
portante {adj}
:: load-bearing, supporting (of a wall)
portantesi {v}
:: present participle of portarsi
portantina {f}
:: sedan chair
portantina {f}
:: stretcher (medical)
portantina {f}
:: palanquin, litter
portantina {f}
:: female equivalent of portantino
portantino {m}
:: stretcher-bearer
portantino {m}
:: sedan bearer
portanza {f}
:: The maximum carrying capacity of a vehicle
portanza {f}
:: Lift (aeronautical)
portaobiettivi {m}
:: nose piece (of a microscope)
portaocchiali {m}
:: spectacle case
portaoggetti {m}
:: Any of various containers
portaolio {m}
:: cruet of oil
portaolio {m}
:: (small) oilcan
portaombrelli {m}
:: umbrella stand
portaordini {mf}
:: messenger, runner
portaorologio {m}
:: A support for a pocket watch when not being worn
portaovo {m}
:: alternative form of portauovo
portapacchi {m}
:: luggage rack, roof rack
portapagine {m}
:: A cardboard base on which newspapers are loaded to be sold on the streets
portapane {m}
:: bread bin
portaparola {mf}
:: synonym of portavoce
portapenne {m}
:: pencil holder
portapenne {m}
:: pencil case, pencil box
portapennoni {m}
:: A support on which lowered flagpoles are placed
portapezzo {m}
:: chuck (device to hold a workpiece)
portapiatti {m}
:: plate rack; drainer
portapiatti {m}
:: tray (to hold a plate etc)
portapillole {m}
:: pillbox (for pills)
portapipe {m}
:: pipe rack
portaposate {m}
:: cutlery box or basket
portaposta {m}
:: letter rack
portapranzi {m}
:: food hamper
porta pranzo {m}
:: lunch box (typically of plastic)
portapunta {m}
:: drill chuck
portar {v}
:: apocopic form of portare
portarazzi {m}
:: rocket launcher (or support for rockets when transported)
portare {vt}
:: to bring, fetch, take, carry
portare {vt} [figurative, by extension]
:: to transmit; to relay
portare {vt}
:: to propose
portare {vt}
:: to lead or drive
portare {vt}
:: to wear
portare {vt}
:: [of a feeling] to bear; to feel; to harbor
portare {vt}
:: to have; to bear
portare a compimento {v}
:: to see through
portare a compimento {v}
:: to go all the way
portare a compimento {v}
:: to complete
portare a termine {vt}
:: to wrap up, complete
portare a termine {vt}
:: to see through or see out
portare civette ad Atene {v}
:: alternative form of portare nottole ad Atene
portare il cervello all'ammasso {v}
:: to toe the line, submit
portare in palmo di mano {vt}
:: to repute, to consider, to judge, to think, to appreciate
portare in tavola {v}
:: to serve (food)
portare nottole ad Atene {v} [idiomatic]
:: To bring owls to Athens, to carry coals to Newcastle; to undertake a pointless, redundant, unnecessary, superfluous, or highly uneconomical venture
portare rancore {v}
:: to have a chip on one's shoulder
portare sulla cattiva strada {v}
:: to mislead
portare sulla cattiva strada {v}
:: (literally) To lead astray
portare sulla cattiva strada {v}
:: lead someone down the garden path
portare via {v}
:: to take away, carry out
portare via {v}
:: to clear away
portare via {v}
:: to abduct
portarifiuti {m}
:: refuse bin, rubbish bin, trash can
portarifiuti {m}
:: litter bin (in the street)
portarinfuse {m} [nautical]
:: bulk carrier
portaritratti {m}
:: picture frame
portaritratti {m}
:: photograph holder
portariviste {m}
:: magazine rack
portarocchetto {m}
:: The pin in a sewing machine on which the spool carrying the thread is wound
portarossetto {m}
:: lipstick holder or case
portarotoli {m}
:: toilet roll holder
portarotoli {m}
:: kitchen roll holder
portarsi {v}
:: reflexive of portare
portarsi {vt}
:: to bring along
portarsi {vi}
:: to go; to move; to bring oneself
portarsi {vi}
:: to behave
portarsi {vi}
:: [of one's health, mood, etc.] to feel
portarsi a letto {vr}
:: to cop off with
portasapone {m}
:: soap dish
portascalmiera {m} [nautical]
:: The metal plate that supports the rowlock of a rowing boat
portascalmo {m} [nautical]
:: A wooden tablet where the rowlock is fixed
portascì {m}
:: ski rack
portasciugamani {m}
:: towel rack, towel rail, towel ring
portasciugamano {m}
:: towel rail
porta secondaria {n}
:: postern
porta secondaria {n}
:: A back gate, back door, side entrance, or other gateway distinct from the main entrance
portasfortuna {m}
:: jinx
portasfortuna {adj}
:: unlucky
portasigarette {m}
:: cigarette case
portasigari {m}
:: cigar case or box
portaspada {m}
:: A lacing, hanging from the belt, that supports a sword
portaspazzolini {m}
:: A glass or similar container for toothbrushs (in a bathroom)
portaspazzolino {m}
:: toothbrush holder
portaspezie {m}
:: spice rack
portaspilli {m}
:: pincushion
portassegni {m}
:: chequebook holder
portastampo {m}
:: mould / mold holder
portastanghe {m}
:: backband
portastecchini {m}
:: toothpick holder
portastendardo {m}
:: standard bearer
portastuzzicadenti {m}
:: synonym of portastecchini
porta sul retro {f}
:: back door
portata {f}
:: course, plate [of a meal]
portata {f}
:: capacity
portata {f}
:: carrying capacity [of a vehicle]
portata {f} [by extension]
:: the amount of traffic that can develop on a specific railway line
portata {f} [by extension]
:: the maximum [weight, length, etc.] that can be measured with a given measuring instrument
portata {f}
:: range
portata {f} [nonstandard]
:: range [of a gun, missile, etc.]
portata {f}
:: scope [of a light source, radio signal, etc.]
portata {f}
:: scope [of the eye or an optical instrument]
portata {f} [fencing]
:: a fencer's ability to duck
portata {f}
:: economic or intellectual availability or accessibility
portata {f}
:: importance, significance
portata {f}
:: ability, stature, caliber, social rank, tether
portata {f}
:: flow [of a river, stream, etc.]
portata {f} [medicine, by extension]
:: bloodflow
portata principale {f}
:: main course
portatessera {m}
:: ticket or card holder
portatessere {m}
:: credit card holder (part of a wallet)
portaticcio {adj}
:: transported (from one place to another)
portatico {m}
:: A tribute that was once paid at a city gate or on entering a port
portatile {adj}
:: portable
portatile {m} [computing]
:: laptop, laptop computer, notebook
portato {adj}
:: second-hand, used
portato {adj}
:: (with per or a) prone, given, inclined, that has a bent (to)
portato {m}
:: result, outcome
portatore {m}
:: bearer
portatore {m}
:: carrier
portatosi {v}
:: past participle of portarsi
portatovagliolo {m}
:: napkin ring
portatrice {f}
:: feminine noun of portatore
portattrezzi {m}
:: toolbox, tool chest
portauova {m}
:: egg case, egg cup
portauovo {m}
:: eggcup
porta USB {f} [computing]
:: USB port
portautensili {m}
:: tool post
portavalori {m}
:: security guard
portavasi {m}
:: flowerpot stand, jardiniere
portavivande {m}
:: hamper (of food)
portavivande {m}
:: dumb waiter
portavoce {mf}
:: megaphone
portavoce {mf}
:: spokesperson; spokesman {m} or spokeswoman {f}
portavoce {mf}
:: lobbyist, spin doctor
porte-enfant {m}
:: carrycot
porte-enfant {m}
:: child carrier
portegno {adj}
:: Of or from Buenos Aires
portegno {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Buenos Aires
portego {m} [Venice]
:: porch; entrance hall
portella {f}
:: (small) door
portelleria {f} [nautical]
:: The hatches of a vessel collectively
portellino {m} [nautical]
:: scuttle (hatch)
portello {m} /porˈtɛl.lo/
:: door (at an entrance)
portello {m}
:: hatch (on a ship)
portellone {m}
:: Large door, especially on an aircraft
portellone {m}
:: hatchback (car)
portenaio {m}
:: alternative form of portinaio
portendente {v}
:: present participle of portendere
portendere {vt}
:: to prognosticate, presage, portend
portento {m}
:: wonder, marvel
portento {m}
:: miracle
portento {m}
:: genius, prodigy
portentoso {adj}
:: prodigious, wonderful, marvelous, portentous
porteria {f}
:: synonym of portineria
porticato {m}
:: portico
porticato {m}
:: porch
porticato {adj}
:: porticoed
porticciolo {m}
:: small harbour
porticciolo {m}
:: marina
porticciolo turistico {m}
:: marina
porticese {adj}
:: Of, or from, Portici
porticese {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Portici
Portici {prop}
:: Portici (town)
porticina {f}
:: little door
portico {m}
:: portico, arcade, porch
portiera {f}
:: door (in a car)
portiera {f}
:: female equivalent of portiere
portiera a forbice {f}
:: scissor door
portiera a vento {f}
:: suicide door
portierato {m}
:: The job of a caretaker
portiere {m} /porˈtjɛ.re/
:: doorman, janitor, concierge, caretaker, doorkeeper, porter
portiere {m} [sports]
:: goalkeeper, keeper, goaltender, goalie
portinaia {f}
:: female equivalent of portinaio
portinaio {m}
:: concierge (male)
portinaio {m}
:: caretaker
portineria {f}
:: lodge (for a concierge, caretaker, porter etc)
portinfante {m}
:: alternative form of porte-enfant
portinnesto {m}
:: alternative form of portainnesto
portinsegna {m}
:: alternative form of portainsegna
porto {m} /ˈpɔrto/
:: port, harbour
porto {m}
:: port (beverage)
porto {m}
:: carriage
porto d'armi {m}
:: gun license
porto di mare {m}
:: A place with a lot of coming and going or hustle and bustle
porto di mare {m}
:: hive of activity
portoelpidiense {adj}
:: Of or from Porto Sant'Elpidio
Porto Empedocle {prop}
:: Porto Empedocle (town)
Portoferraio {prop} /ˌpɔr.to.ferˈra.jo/
:: Portoferraio (city/and/harbour)
portogallo {m} [Southern Italy] /por.toˈɡal.lo/
:: orange [fruit]
Portogallo {prop} /por.toˈɡal.lo/
:: Portogallo (country)
portoghese {adj}
:: Portuguese
portoghese {mf}
:: Portuguese
portoghese {m}
:: The Portuguese language (singular only)
portoghese {m}
:: A Portuguese vine that produces red grapes
Portogruaro {prop}
:: Portogruaro (town)
portolano {m} [historical, nautical, geography] /poɾ.toˈla.no/
:: portolan (chart of European navigable waters based on descriptions of coasts)
portolato {m} [nautical]
:: A motorboat that ferries fish from fishing boats moored offshore
Portole {prop}
:: Oprtalj
portombrelli {m}
:: alternative form of portaombrelli
portonaio {m}
:: alternative form of portinaia
portoncino {m}
:: wicket gate (small door set in a larger one)
portoncino {m}
:: front door (entrance to a building)
portone {m}
:: entrance
portone {m}
:: front door
portorealista {mf}
:: Jansenist of the Port-Royal-des-Champs community
portoricana {f}
:: female equivalent of portoricano
portoricano {adj}
:: Puerto Rican
portoricano {m}
:: Puerto Rican
Portorico {prop}
:: Puerto Rico
Porto Rico {prop}
:: Puerto Rico
portoro {m}
:: A form of black marble, having gold-coloured veins
Portorose {prop}
:: Portorose (small town)
Porto Sant'Elpidio {prop}
:: Porto Sant'Elpidio (town)
Porto Vecchio {prop} /ˈpɔrto ˈvɛkkjo/
:: Porto Vecchio, a French commune in Corse-du-Sud department, Corsica
portovirese {adj}
:: Of or from Porto Viro
Porto Viro {prop}
:: Porto Viro (town)
portuale {adj} /por.tuˈa.le/
:: port, dock [attributive]
portuale {m}
:: docker (worker in a port or dock)
portualità {f}
:: ports
portuario {adj}
:: port, harbour (attributive)
portuense {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the ancient city of Porto (Portus) near Rome
portuense {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to the F.C. Porto football club
portulaca {f}
:: purslane (any plant of the family Portulacaceae)
portuoso {adj}
:: with many harbours; with many ports
Porzia {prop}
:: Portia
Porzio {prop}
:: surname
porzionamento {m}
:: portioning (out) - division into portions
porzionante {v}
:: present participle of porzionare
porzionare {v}
:: to portion (divide into portions)
porzionato {adj}
:: portioned (divided into portions)
porzionatore {m}
:: scoop
porzione {f}
:: portion, share
porzione {f}
:: helping (portion or serving, especially of food that one takes for oneself, or to which one helps oneself)
porzione {f}
:: serving (portion (especially, of a meal) served to someone)
pos- {prefix} /ˈpɔs/
:: alternative form of post-
posa {f}
:: pose
posa {f}
:: posing
posa {f}
:: exposure (photographic)
posa {f}
:: placing, laying
posacavi {f} [nautical]
:: cable ship
posacenere {m}
:: ashtray
posaferro {m}
:: iron (tool) stand
posamento {m}
:: pose, posing
posamine {mf} [nautical]
:: minelayer
posamolle {m}
:: fireside set, companion set
posante {v}
:: present participle of posare
posantesi {v}
:: present participle of posarsi
posapiano {mf} [colloquial]
:: slowcoach
posare {vt}
:: to put or lay down
posare {vt}
:: to direct; to turn
posare {vt} [literary]
:: to calm down; to placate
posare {v} [also, figurative]
:: [su] to lay or rest (on)
posare {vi}
:: to pose
posare {v}
:: to place in a fixed position
posare {v} [a]
:: to behave affectedly (like); to act (like)
posareti {n}
:: net-layer, net-drifter
posarsi {v}
:: reflexive of posare
posarsi {v}
:: to lay or rest (on)
posarsi {v}
:: to land or fall gently (on)
posarsi {v}
:: [of a glance, thought, etc.] to settle (on); to fix (on); to turn (to)
posata {f}
:: piece of cutlery
posata {f} [uncommon]
:: a place mat
posatamente {adv}
:: sensibly, steadily
posatamente {adv}
:: moderately
posateria {f}
:: cutlery
posatezza {f}
:: composure
posatezza {f}
:: steadiness
posatezza {f}
:: balance
posato {adj}
:: composed, poised, staid
posato {adj}
:: sensible, steady
posato {adj}
:: moderate, measured
posatoio {m}
:: perch, roost
posatore {m}
:: layer (person who lays things, such as tiles)
posatosi {v}
:: past participle of posarsi
posatrice {f}
:: layer (woman who lays things, such as tiles)
posatubi {adj}
:: pipelaying (attributive)
posatubi {mf}
:: pipelayer
posatura {f}
:: sediment, dregs, lees
posbellico {adj}
:: alternative form of postbellico
posca {f}
:: posca
poschiavino {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Poschiavo
Poschiavino {prop}
:: A river that flows from Switzerland into Lombardy
Poschiavo {prop}
:: Poschiavo (village)
poscia {adv} [archaic, literary] /ˈpɔ.ʃa/
:: after, afterwards
poscia {conj} [archaic, literary]
:: after [followed by che]
poscia {conj} [archaic, literary]
:: since, because [followed by che]
posciadesco {adj}
:: farcical
poscondola {f} /posˈkon.do.la/
:: A small clearing
posconsonantico {adj}
:: alternative form of postconsonantico
poscrai {adv} /poˈskrai/
:: overmorrow, the day after tomorrow
poscritto {m}
:: postscript
posdatante {v}
:: present participle of posdatare
posdatare {v}
:: alternative spelling of postdatare
posdatato {adj}
:: postdated
posdentale {adj}
:: alternative form of postdentale
posdiluviano {adj} /ˌpɔs.di.luˈvja.no/
:: rare form of postdiluviano
posdomani {adv} /ˌpɔs.doˈma.ni/
:: On the day after tomorrow; overmorrow
posdomani {m}
:: The day after tomorrow; overmorrow
posdomattina {adv}
:: In the morning of the day after tomorrow
Poseidone {prop} [Greek god]
:: Poseidon
Posidone {prop}
:: Poseidon
positio {f} [linguistics] /poˈzit.t͡sjo/
:: position (of a vowel)
positiva {f}
:: print (photographic)
positivamente {adv}
:: positively
positivismo {m}
:: positivism (all senses)
positivista {adj}
:: positivist
positivista {adj}
:: pragmatic
positivista {mf}
:: positivist
positivista {mf}
:: pragmatist
positivistico {adj}
:: positivist, positivistic
positività {f}
:: positiveness, positivity
positivizzante {v}
:: present participle of positivizzare
positivizzare {v}
:: To positivize
positivo {adj}
:: positive
positone {m}
:: alternative form of positrone
positonio {m}
:: alternative form of positronio
positrone {m} [physics]
:: positron
positronico {adj}
:: positronic
positronio {m} [physics]
:: positronium
posizionale {adj}
:: positional
posizionamento {m}
:: positioning (all senses)
posizionante {v}
:: present participle of posizionare
posizionantesi {v}
:: present participle of posizionarsi
posizionare {vt}
:: to place, to set, to position, to locate, to seat
posizionarsi {vr}
:: to place oneself
posizionatore {m}
:: positioner (device)
posizionatosi {v}
:: past participle of posizionarsi
posizione {f}
:: position
posizione {f}
:: whereabouts
posizione del missionario {f}
:: missionary position
posizione di vantaggio {f}
:: vantage point
posliminio {m}
:: alternative form of postliminio
posludio {m}
:: alternative form of postludio
posola {f}
:: The leather strap that holds the stirrup
posolino {m}
:: crupper (horse harness)
posologia {f} [medicine]
:: posology
posologico {adj}
:: posologic, posological
pospasto {m}
:: afters, dessert, pudding (dish that ends a meal)
posponente {v}
:: present participle of posporre
posponimento {m}
:: postposition
posponimento {m}
:: postponement
posporre {vt}
:: To postpone or put off
posporre {vt}
:: To subordinate
pospositivo {adj}
:: postpositive
posposizione {f}
:: postposition
posposizione {f}
:: postponement
possa {f} [literary] /ˈpɔs.sa/
:: power, strength, vigour
possanza {f}
:: power
possanza {f}
:: strength
possedente {v}
:: present participle of possedere
possedere {vt}
:: to possess, have, own
possedere {vt}
:: to master [a subject, a language, etc.]
possedimento {m}
:: property, estate
possedimento {m}
:: possession (of territory)
posseditore {m}
:: owner
possente {adj}
:: strong, powerful
possentemente {adv}
:: powerfully, mightily, with might and main
possessione {f}
:: possession
possessivamente {adv}
:: possessively
possessività {f}
:: possessivity, possessiveness
possessivo {adj}
:: possessive
possesso {m}
:: possession, ownership
possesso {m}
:: (plural) property, estate
possesso {m}
:: (of a subject, a language etc.) mastery
possessore {m}
:: possessor, owner
possessore {m}
:: holder (of a title etc)
possessorio {adj}
:: possessory
possibile {adj} /posˈsi.bi.le/
:: possible
possibile {ms}
:: (the) possible
possibile {ms}
:: everything possible
possibilismo {m}
:: possibilism
possibilissimo {adj}
:: superlative of possibile
possibilista {adj}
:: non-dogmatic, permissive, liberal, broad-minded
possibilista {adj}
:: possibilistic
possibilista {mf}
:: such a person
possibilistico {adj}
:: non-dogmatic, permissive, liberal, broad-minded
possibilistico {adj}
:: possibilistic
possibilità {f}
:: possibility
possibilità {f}
:: opportunity, chance, occasion
possibilmente {adv}
:: if possible
possidente {mf}
:: Person who owns property
possidenza {f}
:: property (possessed as a right)
possidenza {f}
:: landowners (as a group)
post- {prefix} /ˈpɔst/
:: post-
post- {prefix}
:: Forms terms relating to post / mail [especially in Swiss Italian]
post {m} [Internet]
:: post (message in a forum)
posta {f} /ˈpɔs.ta/
:: mail, post
posta {f}
:: post office
posta {f} [games]
:: stakes
postaccio {m}
:: dump
postacelere {f}
:: express delivery (of mail)
postadolescente {adj}
:: postadolescent
postadolescente {mf}
:: postadolescent
postadolescenziale {adj}
:: postadolescent
posta elettronica {f}
:: email, e-mail, electronic mail
postagiro {m}
:: postal giro (cheque)
postale {adj}
:: postal, post, mail, post office [attributive]
postale {m}
:: packet, mail boat
postale {m}
:: mail train
postalveolare {adj} [phonetics] /po.stal.ve.oˈla.re/
:: postalveolar (articulated with the tongue against the back of the alveolar ridge)
postalveolare {f}
:: A postalveolar speech sound
postante {v}
:: present participle of postare
postapocalittico {adj}
:: postapocalyptic
postappello {m}
:: A university examination session for those who appealed against their original grade
postare {vt} [Internet]
:: to post
postassiale {adj} [anatomy]
:: postaxial
postassorbitivo {adj}
:: postabsorptive
postatomico {adj}
:: postatomic, postnuclear
post-autoritario {adj}
:: post-authoritarian
postavanguardia {f}
:: post avant-guard
postazione {f} [military]
:: emplacement
postazione {f}
:: place, site, location
postbariatrico {adj} [surgery]
:: post-bariatric
postbellico {adj}
:: postwar
postbruciatore {m}
:: afterburner
postcapitalistico {adj}
:: post-capitalistic
postcoitale {adj}
:: postcoital
postcolombiano {adj}
:: post-Columbian
postcoloniale {adj}
:: postcolonial
postcombustione {f}
:: afterburning, reheat
postcommotivo {adj}
:: postconcussional
postcommunio {m}
:: postcommunion (final part of the mass)
postcomunismo {m}
:: post-communism
postcomunista {adj}
:: post-communist
postcomunista {mf}
:: post-communist
postconciliare {adj}
:: postconciliar
postcongressuale {adj}
:: postcongressional, postmeeting
postconsonantico {adj}
:: postconsonantal
postconsumistico {adj}
:: postconsumerist
postdatante {v}
:: present participle of postdatare
postdatare {vt}
:: To postdate
postdatato {adj}
:: postdated
postdatazione {f}
:: postdating
postdemocristiano {adj}
:: Following the decline of the Christian Democrat movement
postdentale {adj}
:: postdental
postdentale {f}
:: postdental consonant
postdiluviale {adj} /ˌpɔs.di.luˈvja.le/
:: synonym of olocenico
postdiluviale {m}
:: synonym of olocene
postdiluviano {adj} [biblical] /ˌpɔs.di.luˈvja.no/
:: postdiluvial
postdiluviano {adj} [geology, dated]
:: synonym of postdiluviale
postdottorato {m}
:: postdoctorate
posteggiante {v}
:: present participle of posteggiare
posteggiare {vt}
:: to park
posteggiarsi {v}
:: reflexive of posteggiare
posteggiarsi {v}
:: to settle or place oneself
posteggiatore {m}
:: parking attendant
posteggio {m}
:: synonym of parcheggio
postelegrafico {adj}
:: post and telegraph (attributive)
postelegrafonico {adj}
:: post, telephone and telegraph (attributive)
postelementare {adj}
:: post-elementary (school)
postelettorale {adj}
:: post-election (attributive)
postema {f} [pathology]
:: abscess; aposteme
postergale {m}
:: backrest
postergare {v}
:: to throw away (behind ones back)
postergare {v}
:: to neglect
postergare {v}
:: to annotate
posteri {mp}
:: posterity
posteri {mp}
:: descendants
posteria {f}
:: grocer's
posteriore {adj}
:: back, rear, posterior, hind in space
posteriore {adj}
:: later, following, subsequent in time
posteriore {m}
:: buttocks, bottom, behind, bum
posteriorità {f}
:: posteriority
posteriormente {adv}
:: in the back, at the back
posteriormente {adv}
:: later, afterwards
posterità {f}
:: posterity
posterla {f}
:: alternative form of postierla
postero {m} [chiefly in the plural]
:: future, posterity
postero {m} [in the plural]
:: descendants
posteroanteriore {adj} [anatomy]
:: posteroanterior
posterolaterale {adj} [anatomy]
:: posterolateral
posteromediale {adj} [anatomy]
:: posteromedial
post-fascismo {m}
:: post-fascism
postfascismo {m}
:: postfascism
postfascista {adj}
:: postfascist
postfazione {f}
:: postscript
postfemminismo {m}
:: postfeminism
postfemminista {adj}
:: postfeminist
postferiale {adj}
:: After the holiday
postfestivo {adj}
:: postfestive
postfordismo {m}
:: Post-Fordism (modern capitalism)
postformato {adj}
:: postformed
postglaciale {adj}
:: postglacial
posticciamente {adv}
:: artificially
posticciamente {adv}
:: falsely
posticciare {v}
:: To make wigs
posticciare {v}
:: To plant trees in a plantation
posticciata {f}
:: plantation
posticcio {adj}
:: added afterwards
posticcio {adj}
:: artificial
posticcio {adj}
:: false
posticcio {m}
:: hairpiece, wig, toupe
posticcio {m}
:: plantation (of trees, in rows)
posticino {m}
:: A small, confined but comfortable place
posticino {m}
:: A post having little responsibility; a sinecure
posticino {m} [colloquial]
:: A toilet
posticipante {v}
:: present participle of posticipare
posticipare {vt}
:: To postpone or defer
posticipatamente {adv}
:: later
posticipato {adj}
:: delayed, deferred
posticipazione {f}
:: postponement
posticipazione {f}
:: deferment
postiere {m}
:: postman
postiere {m}
:: postilion
postieri {adv}
:: On the day before yesterday
postierla {f}
:: postern
postiglione {m}
:: postillion
postilla {f}
:: marginal note
postilla {f} [in the plural]
:: marginalia
postillante {v}
:: present participle of postillare
postillare {vt}
:: to annotate
postillare {vt}
:: to gloss
postillatore {m}
:: annotator
postillatura {f}
:: annotation
postime {m}
:: seedlings
postime {m}
:: The place where a seedling is planted
postimpressionismo {m} [arts]
:: postimpressionism
postimpressionista {adj} [arts]
:: postimpressionist
postimpressionista {mf} [arts]
:: postimpressionist
postina {f}
:: postwoman
postindustriale {adj}
:: postindustrial
postino {m}
:: postman, mailman
postite {f} [pathology]
:: posthitis
postlaurea {adj}
:: postgraduate (attributive)
postliminio {m} [legal]
:: postliminium
postludio {m} [music]
:: postlude
postmarxista {adj}
:: pot-Marxist, post-marxist
postmarxista {mf}
:: post-Marxist, post-marxist
postmenopausale {adj}
:: postmenopausal
postmilitare {adj}
:: postmilitary
postmodernismo {m}
:: postmodernism
postmodernista {adj} [art]
:: postmodernist
postmodernità {f}
:: postmodernity
postmoderno {adj}
:: postmodern
post mortem {adj}
:: post mortem
postnatale {adj}
:: postnatal
postnormale {adj}
:: postnormal
postnucleare {adj}
:: postnuclear
posto {m} /ˈpos.to/
:: place, spot
posto {m}
:: place, position (in a list, classification etc); often not translated
posto {m}
:: seat
posto {m}
:: room, space
posto {m}
:: job, position, post
posto barca {m} [nautical]
:: berth, mooring
posto di blocco {m}
:: checkpoint
posto di guida {m}
:: driver's seat, driving seat
posto di lavoro {m}
:: workplace
posto di lavoro {m}
:: job
posto di polizia {m}
:: police station
posto letto {m}
:: sleeping accommodation
posto letto {m}
:: Number of people who can stay in an apartment, bedroom, etc
postonico {adj}
:: posttonic
postoperatorio {adj} [surgery]
:: postoperative
postosi {v}
:: past participle of porsi
postprandiale {adj}
:: postprandial
post produzione {f}
:: alternative spelling of post-produzione
post-produzione {f}
:: post-production
postproduzione {f}
:: alternative spelling of post-produzione
postpuberale {adj}
:: postpuberal, postpubertal
postraumatico {adj}
:: posttraumatic, post-traumatic
postribolare {adj}
:: brothel (attributive)
postribolare {adj} [by extension]
:: obscene
postribolo {m} [literary] /posˈtri.bo.lo/
:: brothel, bordello
postrisorgimentale {adj}
:: After the Risorgimento
post-rivoluzionario {adj}
:: postrevolutionary
postscriptum {m}
:: postscript, post scriptum
postsecondario {adj}
:: postsecondary
postsinaptico {adj} [cytology]
:: postsynaptic
postsincronizzante {v}
:: present participle of postsincronizzare
postsincronizzare {vt}
:: To postsynchronize (the soundtrack of a film)
postsincronizzazione {f}
:: postsynchronization [of the soundtrack of a film]
postsovietico {adj}
:: post-Soviet
postulante {mf}
:: suitor
postulante {mf}
:: wooer
postulante {mf}
:: postulant
postulante {v}
:: present participle of postulare
postulare {vt}
:: to seek admission to a monastery, etc. as a postulant
postulare {vt}
:: to postulate (put forward an axiom)
postulare {vt}
:: to implicate
postulato {m} [mathematics, philosophy]
:: postulate, axiom
postulatore {m}
:: postulator
postulatore {m}
:: postulant
postulatorio {adj}
:: postulatory
postulazione {f}
:: postulation
postumamente {adv}
:: posthumously
Postumia {prop}
:: Postumia (town)
postumo {adj}
:: posthumous
postumo {m} [chiefly in the plural]
:: consequence, after-effect, hangover
postunitario {adj}
:: post-unification (attributive)
postuniversitario {adj}
:: postgraduate
postura {f}
:: posture, carriage, stance
posturale {adj}
:: postural
posturologia {f}
:: posturology
posturologo {m}
:: posturologist
postutto {adv}
:: only in al postutto
postvendita {adj}
:: after-sales
postvocalico {adj}
:: postvocalic
postvulcanico {adj}
:: postvolcanic
potabile {adj} /poˈta.bi.le/
:: drinkable, potable
potabilità {f}
:: potability
potabilizzante {v}
:: present participle of potabilizzare
potabilizzare {vt}
:: to make something drinkable
potabilizzatore {m}
:: water purifier
potabilizzazione {f}
:: purification, treatment (of water)
potaggio {m}
:: stew
potaiolo {m}
:: alternative form of potatoio
potamologia {f}
:: potamology (study of rivers)
potamotoco {adj}
:: potamodromous
potante {v}
:: present participle of potare
potare {vt} /poˈta.re/
:: to prune, trim
potare {v}
:: to drink
potassa {f}
:: potash; potassium carbonate
potassico {adj} [inorganic chemistry]
:: Of or relating to potassium
potassiemia {f} [pathology]
:: kalemia
potassio {m} [chemistry] /poˈtas.sjo/
:: potassium
potatoio {m}
:: billhook (or similar pruning tool)
potatore {m}
:: pruner
potatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of potatore
potatura {f}
:: pruning
potentato {m}
:: power (powerful state, government, organization or group)
potentato {m}
:: potentate (powerful person)
potente {adj}
:: powerful, potent, mighty
potente {m}
:: powerful person
potentemente {adv}
:: powerfully
potentemente {adv}
:: potently
potentemente {adv}
:: forcefully
potentesi {v}
:: present participle of potersi
potentino {adj}
:: Of or relating to Potenza or the Potenza people
potentino {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Potenza
potentissimo {adj}
:: superlative of potente
potenza {f} /poˈtɛntsa/
:: power, strength, force, authority
potenza {f}
:: powerful or influential person, authority
potenza {f}
:: power (nation or state)
potenza {f} [mathematics]
:: power
potenza {f} [physics, electronics]
:: power, capacity
potenza {f} [pharmacology]
:: potency
potenza {f} [geology]
:: thickness
potenza {f} [philosophy]
:: potential
Potenza {prop} /poˈtɛn.t͡sa/
:: Potenza (city/and/province)
potenza nucleare {f}
:: nuclear power (nation that possesses nuclear weapons)
potenziale {adj}
:: potential
potenziale {m}
:: potential, power, capability, potentiality
potenzialità {f}
:: potential, potentiality, capability, ability
potenzialmente {adv}
:: potentially, virtually, almost
potenziamento {m}
:: development, expansion
potenziamento {m}
:: strengthening
potenziamento {m} [pharmacology]
:: potentiation, potentialization
potenziante {v}
:: present participle of potenziare
potenziante {adj}
:: empowering
potenziante {adj}
:: strengthening
potenziare {vt}
:: to strengthen, develop, improve, enhance, empower
potenziare {vt}
:: to potentiate
potenziato {adj}
:: enhanced, strengthened, developed, augmented
potenziometro {m}
:: potentiometer
poter {v}
:: apocopic form of potere
potere {vit} /poˈte.re/
:: can, could; be able to
potere {vit}
:: may, might; be possible to
potere {m}
:: power
potere risolvente {m}
:: resolving power
potersi {v}
:: reflexive of potere
potersi {vr}
:: to be able to do something
potersi {vr}
:: to have a specified ability
potestà {f} [legal]
:: power, authority
potestativo {adj}
:: potestative, authoritative
potesteria {f}
:: alternative form of podesteria
potissimamente {adv} /po.tis.si.maˈmen.te/
:: chiefly, mainly, especially
potissimo {adj} /poˈtis.si.mo/
:: chief, main, principal
poto {m} [literary, archaic] /ˈpɔ.to/
:: beverage, drink
poto {m} [literary, archaic, uncountable]
:: The act of drinking
potorio {adj} /poˈtɔ.rjo/
:: drinking [attributive]
pottaggio {m}
:: alternative form of potaggio
pottiniccio {m}
:: hodgepodge, concoction, mess
pottiniccio {m}
:: sticky mud
potto {n}
:: potto (Perodicticus potto)
potutosi {v}
:: past participle of potersi
pouponniere {f}
:: nursery, creche
poventa {f}
:: A place sheltered from the wind
pover {adj}
:: apocopic form of povere
povera {f}
:: female equivalent of povero
poveraccia {f}
:: poor thing
poveraccio {m}
:: poor thing
poveraglia {f}
:: A mass of poor people
poveramente {adv}
:: In poverty, poorly
poverazza {f} [mollusks]
:: mussel
poverello {m}
:: poor person
poveretta {f}
:: "Poor thing"
poveretto {m}
:: poor thing
poverina {f}
:: poor thing
poverino {m}
:: poor thing (poor little boy)
poverissimo {adj}
:: superlative of povero
povero {adj} /ˈpɔ.ve.ro/
:: poor (with little or no possessions or money)
povero {adj}
:: poor (to be pitied)
povero {m}
:: poor man, pauper
povero {m} [in the plural]
:: the poor, the needy, poor people
povertà {f}
:: poverty, indigence, want, penury, lack
povertà {f}
:: bareness
poveruomo {m}
:: poor fellow; poor wretch
pozione {f} /potˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: potion (dose of medicinal liquid)
pozione {f} [by extension, jocular]
:: drink, beverage
pozione {f} [literary]
:: potion (dose of magical or poisonous liquid)
poziore {adj} [legal]
:: preferred; preferential
poziorità {f}
:: precedence
poziorità {f}
:: preferment, advancement
pozza {f}
:: pothole full of water
pozza {f}
:: downpour
pozzanghera {f} /potˈt͡san.ɡe.ra/
:: puddle (small pool of water)
Pozzecco {prop}
:: surname
pozzella {f}
:: A type of ancient water cistern
pozzetta {f}
:: puddle, dimple
pozzetta {f}
:: small cavity
pozzetto {m}
:: diminutive of pozzo
pozzetto {m}
:: manhole (shaft to a sewer)
pozzetto {m} [nautical]
:: well deck, cockpit
pozzo {m} /ˈpot.t͡so/
:: well (from which water is drawn)
pozzo a gradini {m}
:: stepwell
pozzolana {f} [geology]
:: pozzolana
pozzolana {f}
:: pozzolan
pozzolanico {adj}
:: pozzolanic
pozzo nero {n}
:: cesspool
pozzo nero {n}
:: An underground pit where sewage is held
Pozzuoli {prop}
:: Pozzuoli (town)
pracritico {adj}
:: Prakritic
pracrito {adj}
:: Prakritic
pracrito {m}
:: Prakrit (language)
practica {f}
:: obsolete form of pratica
practico {adj} /ˈprak.ti.ko/
:: obsolete form of pratico
Prada {prop}
:: surname
Prada {prop}
:: Miuccia Prada, Italian designer
Praga {prop}
:: Praga (capital city)
Praga {prop}
:: surname
praghese {adj}
:: Of or relating to Prague or the Prague people
praghese {mf}
:: Praguer, Praguian
pragmalinguistica {f}
:: pragmalinguistics
pragmalinguistico {adj}
:: pragmalinguistic
pragmaticamente {adv}
:: pragmatically
pragmaticità {f}
:: pragmaticity (condition of being pragmatic)
pragmatico {adj}
:: pragmatic
pragmatismo {m} [philosophy, other senses]
:: pragmatism
pragmatista {adj}
:: pragmatist (attributive)
pragmatista {mf}
:: pragmatist
pragmatistico {adj}
:: pragmatist (attributive)
pralina {f} /praˈli.na/
:: praline
pralinante {v}
:: present participle of pralinare
pralinare {vt} [cooking] /pra.liˈna.re/
:: To coat with caramelized sugar or chocolate
pralinato {adj} [of a confection] /pra.liˈna.to/
:: Coated in caramelized sugar or chocolate
pralineria {f}
:: An assortment of pralines
prammatica {f} [historical] /pramˈma.ti.ka/
:: royal decree
prammatica {f} [by extension]
:: custom (normal usage)
prammatico {adj}
:: alternative form of pragmatico
prammatismo {m}
:: alternative form of pragmatismo
prana {m} /ˈpra.na/
:: prana
prandiale {adj} /pranˈdja.le/
:: prandial
prandio {m} [archaic or literary] /ˈpran.djo/
:: lunch
prandio {m} [archaic or literary]
:: banquet
prano- {prefix}
:: faith healing (by the laying on of hands)
pranoterapeuta {mf}
:: pranotherapist, faith healer
pranoterapeutico {adj}
:: pranotherapy, faith healing (attributive)
pranoterapia {f}
:: pranotherapy, faith healing
pranoterapico {adj}
:: pranotherapy, faith healing (attributive)
pranoterapista {mf}
:: pranotherapist, faith healer
pranso {adj} /ˈpran.so/
:: fed, sated
pranzante {v}
:: present participle of pranzare
pranzare {vi} [but takes avere as auxiliary verb]
:: to lunch, have lunch
pranzare {vi} [but takes avere as auxiliary verb]
:: to dine, have dinner
pranzare {vi} [but takes avere as auxiliary verb]
:: to eat
pranzetto {m}
:: A small meal, but especially a small delicious one
pranzo {m} /ˈpran.t͡so/
:: lunch or dinner (depending on context)
pranzo al sacco {m}
:: packed lunch
praseodimio {m} [chemistry] /pra.ze.oˈdi.mjo/
:: praseodymium
prasio {m} [mineral]
:: prasiolite
Prassede {prop}
:: given name
prassi {f}
:: All the normal practices of a trade, profession or art
prassi {f}
:: praxis
prassi {f}
:: The practical application of any branch of learning
prassi {f} [philosophy]
:: The synthesis of theory and practice, without presuming the primacy of either
prassi {f}
:: Custom or established practice
prassi {f}
:: An example or form of exercise, or a collection of such examples, for practice
prassinoscopio {m}
:: praxinoscope
Prassitele {prop}
:: Praxiteles
prassiterapia {f}
:: praxitherapy, praxis therapy
prataiolo {adj} [attributive]
:: field, meadow
prataiolo {m} [mushrooms]
:: field mushroom (Agaricus campestris)
pratellina {f}
:: meadow daisy, marguerite
prateria {f}
:: prairie
pratese {mf}
:: A native or inhabitant of Prato
pratese {adj}
:: Of or relating to Prato or the Prato people
Pratesi {prop}
:: surname
Prati {prop}
:: surname
pratica {f} /ˈpra.ti.ka/
:: practice
pratica {f}
:: paper, dossier, case, file
pratica {f}
:: activity, affair
pratica {f}
:: knowledge, familiarity
pratica {f}
:: training
pratica {f}
:: feminine noun of pratico: practical woman
praticabile {adj}
:: practicable
praticabile {adj}
:: workable
praticabile {adj}
:: passable (road)
praticabilità {f}
:: practicability
praticabilità {f}
:: playability
praticabilità {f}
:: passableness, negotiability
praticabilmente {adv}
:: practicably
praticaccia {f} [colloquial]
:: knack (empirical skill)
praticale {adj}
:: practical
praticamente {adv}
:: practically (all senses)
praticamente {adv}
:: almost
praticantato {m}
:: training, practice
praticante {v}
:: present participle of praticare
praticante {adj}
:: practising (medicine etc)
praticante {mf}
:: churchgoer
praticante {mf}
:: practitioner
praticare {vt}
:: to practise [medicine, etc.]
praticare {vt} [sports]
:: to play
praticare {vt}
:: to mix with, associate with [people]
praticare {vt}
:: to frequent [a place]
praticare {vt}
:: to make [an opening or incision]
praticare {vt}
:: to pierce, bore
praticare {vt}
:: to practise (to repeat an activity as a way of improving one's skill in that activity)
praticello {m} [Switzerland]
:: a small meadow
praticismo {m}
:: practicalism
praticità {f}
:: practicality, practicalness
pratico {adj} /ˈpra.ti.ko/
:: practical
pratico {adj}
:: experienced, skilled
pratico {m}
:: practical person
praticolo {adj}
:: That lives in grassland
praticolo {adj}
:: grassland-farming (attributive)
praticoltore {m}
:: grassland farmer
praticoltura {f}
:: grassland farming
praticona {f}
:: back street abortionist
praticone {m}
:: old hand
pratile {m} [historical] /praˈti.le/
:: Prairial (the ninth month of the French Republican Calendar)
pratio {adj}
:: alternative form of prativo
pratito {adj}
:: alternative form of prativo
prativo {adj}
:: meadow (attributive)
prato {m}
:: grass, lawn (ground covered with grass kept closely mown)
prato {m}
:: meadow
Prato {prop}
:: Prato (province)
Prato {prop}
:: Prato (capital city)
pratolane {adj}
:: Of or from Pratola Peligna or Pratola Serra
Pratola Peligna {prop}
:: Pratola Peligna (small town)
Pratola Serra {prop}
:: Pratola Serra (small town)
pratolina {f}
:: daisy (Bellis perennis)
pratolino {m}
:: alternative form of prataiolo
pratoso {adj}
:: meadow (attributive)
Pratovecchio {prop}
:: Pratovecchio (small town)
prattica {f}
:: obsolete form of pratica
prattico {adj} /ˈprat.ti.ko/
:: obsolete form of pratico
pravamente {adv} [literary, rare] /pra.vaˈmen.te/
:: evilly, wickedly
pravastatina {f} [medicine]
:: pravastatin
pravità {f} [literary] /pra.viˈta/
:: evilness, wickedness
pravità {f} [literary]
:: An evil or depraved deed
pravo {adj} [archaic, literary] /ˈpra.vo/
:: depraved, evil, wicked
pravo {adj} [archaic, literary, by extension]
:: cruel, merciless, ruthless
pravo {m}
:: A wicked or evil person [male]
pre- {prefix}
:: pre-
preacceleratore {m} [physics]
:: preaccelerator
preaccennante {v}
:: present participle of preaccennare
preaccennare {vt}
:: To mention before, or previously
preaccennato {adj}
:: aforementioned
preaccensione {f}
:: preignition
preaccordo {m}
:: preliminary agreement
preaccorpamento {m}
:: pre-incorporation
preadamita {mf}
:: preadamite
preadamitico {adj}
:: preadamite (attributive), preadamitic
preadattamento {m}
:: preadaptation
preadolescente {adj}
:: preadolescent
preadolescente {mf}
:: preadolescent (person)
preadolescenza {f}
:: preadolescence
preadolescenziale {adj}
:: preadolescent, preteen
preaffrancato {adj}
:: prepaid, stamped
preagonico {adj}
:: preagonic, preagonal
preagricolo {adj}
:: preagricultural
preallarme {m}
:: pre-alarm (warning of an impending alarm, or condition of heightened vigilance)
preallegare {v}
:: To preproduce
prealpeggio {m}
:: prepasture (period when alpine animals who have spent the winter in stables graze in lowland field)
Prealpi {prop}
:: Prealps (Alpine foothills)
prealpino {adj}
:: Of the Prealps
preambolo {m}
:: preamble
preammortamento {m} [finance]
:: A grace period during which only the interest of a loan needs to be repaid
preamplificatore {m}
:: preamplifier
preanestesia {f} [medicine]
:: preanaesthesia, preanesthesia
preannunciante {v}
:: present participle of preannunciare
preannunciare {vt}
:: alternative spelling of preannunziare
preannunciatore {m}
:: predictor
preannunziante {v}
:: present participle of preannunziare
preannunziare {vt}
:: to give advance notice or warning of
preannunzio {m}
:: advance notice or warning
preantrale {adj} [anatomy]
:: preantral
preappello {m}
:: early exam session (at a university)
Preappennini {prop}
:: foothills of the Apennines
preappenninico {adj}
:: preapennine
preario {adj}
:: pre-Aryan, pre-Indo-European
preassiale {adj} [anatomy]
:: preaxial
preatletico {adj} [sports]
:: preliminary, preparatory (exercises)
preavvertente {v}
:: present participle of preavvertire
preavvertimento {m}
:: forewarning
preavvertire {vt}
:: to forewarn
preavvertire {vt}
:: to have a premonition of
preavvisante {v}
:: present participle of preavvisare
preavvisare {vt}
:: to give advance notice
preavviso {m}
:: (advance) notice
prebarba {adj}
:: preshave (attributive)
prebarba {m}
:: preshave cream or lotion
prebarocco {adj}
:: pre-Baroque
prebellico {adj}
:: prewar [attributive], antebellum
prebelligeranza {f}
:: prewar conditions
prebenda {f}
:: prebend
prebendario {m}
:: prebendary
prebendato {adj}
:: prebendary
prebendato {m}
:: prebendaryship
prebiotico {adj} [biology]
:: prebiotic
precambriano {adj} /pre.kamˈbrja.no/
:: Precambrian
Precambriano {prop} [geology] /pre.kamˈbrja.no/
:: Precambrian (the geological supereon)
precambrico {adj}
:: synonym of precambriano
precamera {f}
:: prechamber, pre-combustion chamber
precampionato {adj}
:: Prior to a championship
precampionato {m}
:: prechampionship
precanceroso {adj} [oncology]
:: precancerous
precapitalistico {adj}
:: precapitalist
precariamente {adv}
:: precariously
precariato {m}
:: precarious work, precarious employment
precariato {m}
:: precarious employers
precaricante {v}
:: present participle of precaricare
precaricare {vt}
:: To preload
precarico {m}
:: preload
precarietà {f}
:: frailty
precarietà {f}
:: precariousness
precario {adj}
:: precarious
precario {adj}
:: shaky
precario {adj}
:: lacking tenure
precario {m}
:: temp
precarizzare {vt}
:: to make precarious
precarizzare {vt}
:: to casualize
precarizzazione {f}
:: casualization; the increase of precarious work in the labour market
precarizzazione {f}
:: precarization
precautelare {adj}
:: only in misura precautelare
precautelari {adj}
:: only in misure precautelari
precauzionale {adj}
:: precautionary
precauzionalmente {adv}
:: precautionarily
precauzione {f}
:: precaution
precauzione {f}
:: care, prudence, caution
prece {f}
:: prayer
prece {f}
:: request
prece {f}
:: entreaty
precedente {adj} /pre.t͡ʃeˈdɛn.te/
:: preceding, previous, foregoing, earlier
precedente {adj}
:: former
precedente {m}
:: precedent
precedentemente {adv}
:: previously, before, formerly
precedenza {f}
:: precedence, priority
precedenza {f}
:: right of way (of a driver)
precedere {vt}
:: to precede, to go before, to head
precedere {vt}
:: to have the precedence over
precedere {vt}
:: to anticipate
precedere {vt}
:: to preface
precelso {adj}
:: preeminent
preceltico {adj}
:: pre-Celtic
precentemente {adv}
:: alternative form of precedentemente
preceramico {adj} [archaeology]
:: preceramic
precessione {f}
:: anticipation
precessione {f} [physics]
:: precession
precessore {m}
:: precessor, predecessor, precursor
precettante {v}
:: present participle of precettare
precettare {vt}
:: To call up [British] or draft [US] into the armed forces
precettazione {f} [legal]
:: injunction
precettista {mf}
:: dogmatic or pedantic teacher
precettistica {f}
:: dogmatic teaching
precettistica {f}
:: precepts (as a group)
precettistico {adj}
:: pedantic, preceptive
precettivamente {adv}
:: preceptively, didactically
precettivo {adj} [law]
:: preceptive
precetto {m}
:: precept
precetto {m}
:: Notice of call up [British] or draft [US]
precettore {m}
:: tutor
precettore {m}
:: teacher
precettrice {f}
:: tutor, teacher
precidente {v}
:: present participle of precidere
precidere {v}
:: to interrupt (literary usage)
precingente {v}
:: present participle of precingere
precingere {vt}
:: [obsolete] To surround or encircle
precinzione {f}
:: A circular corridor in a Roman ampitheatre that allowed access to the seating
precinzione {f}
:: encirclement
precipitabile {adj} [chemistry]
:: precipitable
precipitabilità {f} [chemistry]
:: precipitability
precipitante {v}
:: present participle of precipitare
precipitante {adj}
:: precipitating
precipitantesi {v}
:: present participle of precipitarsi
precipitare {vt} /pre.t͡ʃi.piˈta.re/
:: to hurl down, to cast down, to tumble
precipitare {vt}
:: to precipitate, to rush, to hasten
precipitare {vt}
:: (chemistry) to precipitate
precipitare {vi}
:: to fall, (of a plane) to crash, to be plunged
precipitare {vi}
:: to come to a head
precipitare {vi}
:: (chemistry) to precipitate
precipitarsi {v}
:: reflexive of precipitare
precipitarsi {vr}
:: to throw oneself down
precipitarsi {vr}
:: to throw oneself
precipitarsi {vr}
:: to rush, dash
precipitatamente {adv}
:: (over) hastily
precipitatamente {adv}
:: rashly, impetuously
precipitativo {adj}
:: precipitative, precipitate
precipitato {adj}
:: precipitate, hurried, rash
precipitato {m} [chemistry]
:: precipitate
precipitatore {m} /pre.t͡ʃi.pi.taˈto.re/
:: ellipsis of precipitatore elettrostatico
precipitatore {m}
:: ellipsis of precipitatore termico
precipitatore {m} [chemistry, uncommon]
:: synonym of precipitante
precipitatore elettrostatico {m}
:: synonym of elettrofiltro
precipitatore termico {m}
:: An apparatus designed to measure the dustiness of the atmosphere
precipitatosi {v}
:: past participle of precipitarsi
precipitazione {f} [meteorology, chiefly in plural]
:: precipitation, rainfall, hailfall
precipitazione {f} [chemistry]
:: precipitation
precipitazione {f}
:: rashness, precipitation, haste
precipitevole {adj} /pre.t͡ʃi.piˈte.vo.le/
:: hasty
precipitevole {adj}
:: precipitous
precipitevolissimamente {adv}
:: alternative form of precipitevolissimevolmente
precipitevolissimevolmente {adv} /pre.t͡ʃi.pi.te.voˌlis.si.me.volˈmen.te/
:: very hastily or precipitously; as fast as possible
precipitevolmente {adv} /pre.t͡ʃi.pi.te.volˈmen.te/
:: hastily, precipitously
precipitosamente {adv}
:: hastily
precipitosamente {adv}
:: recklessly
precipitosamente {adv}
:: headlong
precipitosità {f}
:: hastiness, rashness
precipitosità {f}
:: headlongness, precipitateness
precipitoso {adj}
:: hasty, rash, hurried
precipitoso {adj}
:: headlong
precipitoso {adj}
:: precipitous
precipitoso {adj}
:: untimely
precipizio {m}
:: precipice
precipizio {m}
:: crag, overhanging
precipuamente {adv}
:: principally, above all
precipuamente {adv}
:: specifically, typically
precipuo {adj}
:: main
precisabile {adj}
:: determinable
precisamente {adv}
:: precisely, exactly
precisamente {adv}
:: exactly, just, definitely
precisante {v}
:: present participle of precisare
precisare {vt}
:: to state, fix, tell exactly, state exactly, specify
precisarsi {v}
:: reflexive of precisare
precisazione {f}
:: clarification, explanation, specification
precisione {f}
:: precision
precisissimo {adj}
:: superlative of preciso
preciso {adj}
:: precise, exact, thorough
preciso {adj}
:: precise, accurate, faithful, specific, detailed
preciso {adj}
:: identical
precitato {adj}
:: aforesaid, aforementioned
preclaramente {adv}
:: illustriously
preclaramente {adv}
:: luminously, brightly
preclarità {f} [literary]
:: illustriousness
preclaro {adj} [literary] /prekˈla.ro/
:: illustrious
preclaro {adj} [obsolete]
:: luminous, bright
preclassico {adj}
:: preclassical
preclimaterio {m}
:: preclimacteric
preclinico {adj} [pharmacology, pathology]
:: preclinical
precludente {v}
:: present participle of precludere
precludere {vt}
:: To preclude, prevent, debar
precludersi {vr}
:: To preclude (itself or oneself)
preclusione {f}
:: prevention, preclusion, bar
preclusivo {adj} [legal]
:: preclusive
precoce {adj} /preˈkɔ.t͡ʃe/
:: premature, untimely
precoce {adj}
:: hasty
precoce {adj}
:: precocious, early
precocemente {adv}
:: prematurely
precocemente {adv}
:: precociously
precocia {f} [literary, rare] /preˈkɔ.t͡ʃa/
:: precociousness, precocity
precocissimo {adj}
:: superlative of precoce
precocità {f}
:: precociousness, precocity
precocizzante {adj} [agriculture] /pre.ko.t͡ʃitˈt͡san.te/
:: Aimed at hastening the growth of plants
precocizzante {m} [agriculture]
:: A chemical aimed at hastening the growth of plants
precodificato {adj}
:: precoded
precognitivo {adj}
:: precognitive
precognito {adj}
:: known before
precognizione {f}
:: precognition, foreknowledge
precognoscere {v}
:: alternative form of preconoscere
precolombiano {adj}
:: pre-Columbian
precoloniale {adj}
:: precolonial
precommerciale {adj}
:: precommercial
precompetitivo {adj}
:: precompetitive
precompilante {v}
:: present participle of precompilare
precompilare {v} [computing]
:: To precompile
precomposto {adj}
:: veneered (with a thin layer of wood)
precomprensione {f}
:: precomprehension
precompressione {f}
:: precompression, pretensioning, prestressing
precomprimente {v}
:: present participle of precomprimere
precomprimere {vt}
:: to precompress
preconcentrazione {f}
:: preconcentration
preconcetto {adj}
:: preconceived
preconcetto {m}
:: prejudice, bias
preconciliare {adj}
:: pre-conciliar
preconcordatario {adj}
:: Prior to the concordat (between the Italian state and the Catholic Church)
precondizionamento {m}
:: preconditioning
precondizionate {adj}
:: preconditioned
precondizionate {adj}
:: preconditional
precondizione {f}
:: precondition
precone {m} [literary] /preˈko.ne/
:: auctioneer
preconfezionamento {m}
:: prepackaging
preconfezionante {v}
:: present participle of preconfezionare
preconfezionare {vt}
:: to prepackage
preconfezionato {adj}
:: prepackaged
precongressuale {adj}
:: precongressional
preconio {m} [literary] /preˈkɔ.njo/
:: (solemn) announcement
preconio {m} [literary]
:: (solemn) praise
preconizzante {v}
:: present participle of preconizzare
preconizzare {vt} /pre.ko.nidˈd͡za.re/
:: To solemnly announce
preconizzare {vt} [by extension, literary]
:: To predict or foretell
preconizzatore {m}
:: predictor
preconizzazione {f}
:: foretelling, prediction
preconizzazione {f}
:: preconization
preconoscente {v}
:: present participle of preconoscere
preconoscenza {f}
:: foreknowledge, precognition
preconoscere {vt}
:: To foresee or anticipate
preconoscimento {m}
:: anticipation
preconoscimento {m}
:: prediction
preconscio {adj}
:: preconscious
preconsonantico {adj} [linguistics]
:: preconsonantal
precontrattuale {adj}
:: precontractual (prior to a contract)
precordiale {adj} [anatomy]
:: prechordal
precordialgia {f} [pathology]
:: praecordial / precordial pain
precordio {m} [anatomy]
:: praecordium, precordium
precordio {m}
:: (in plural) heartstrings
precorrente {v}
:: present participle of precorrere
precorrere {vt}
:: To anticipate
precorrere i tempi {v}
:: (idiomatic) to blaze the trail
precorrimento {m}
:: preemption, preempting
precorritore {m}
:: precursor, forerunner
precorritrice {f}
:: forerunner, precursor (feminine)
precosmico {adj}
:: precosmic
precostituente {v}
:: present participle of precostituire
precostituire {vt}
:: to prepare
precostituirsi {v}
:: reflexive of precostituire
precostituirsi {vt}
:: to prepare for oneself
precostituito {adj}
:: prepared in advance
precostituito {adj} [by extension]
:: preconceived
precostituzione {f}
:: pre-preparation
precostituzione {f}
:: preconception
precotto {adj}
:: precooked
precotto {m}
:: precooked food
precottura {f}
:: precooking
precrisi {adj}
:: precrisis
precristiano {adj}
:: pre-Christian
precritico {adj}
:: precritical
precuoio {m}
:: alternative form of procuoio
precursione {f}
:: precursor
precursore {m}
:: precursor
precursore {m}
:: forerunner
preda {f} /ˈprɛ.da/
:: prey
predace {adj}
:: predaceous, predatory
predante {v}
:: present participle of predare
predare {vt}
:: To plunder
predatore {adj}
:: predatory
predatore {m}
:: predator
predatore {m}
:: plunderer
predatorio {adj}
:: predatory
predazione {f}
:: predation
predecessora {f}
:: female equivalent of predecessore
predecessore {mf}
:: predecessor
prededucibile {adj}
:: predeductible
prededuzione {f}
:: A financial deduction made before other debts etc are paid
predefinente {v}
:: present participle of predefinire
predefinire {vt}
:: to predefine
predefinito {adj}
:: predefined
predefinito {adj}
:: hardwired
predefinito {adj} [electronics]
:: Designed to perform a specific task
predefinito {adj} [electronic communications]
:: Of devices, closely or tightly coupled
predella {f} /preˈdɛl.la/
:: platform
predella {f}
:: predella
predella {f} [archaic, equestrian]
:: part of the bridle of a horse which attaches to the bit
predellino {m}
:: step (to get on a train etc)
predellino {m}
:: footboard
predellino {m}
:: kickstand
predestinante {v}
:: present participle of predestinare
predestinare {vt}
:: to predestine
predestinativo {adj}
:: predestinative
predestinato {adj}
:: predestined
predestinaziano {adj}
:: predestinational
predestinazione {f}
:: predestination
predestinazionismo {m}
:: predestinarianism
predeterminabile {adj}
:: That can be predetermined
predeterminante {v}
:: present participle of predeterminare
predeterminare {vt}
:: to predetermine
predeterminato {adj}
:: hardwired
predeterminato {adj}
:: Not changeable
predeterminato {adj}
:: In humans and animals, genetically determined, instinctive behavior, as opposed to learned behavior
predeterminazione {f}
:: predetermination, prearrangement
predetto {adj}
:: aforesaid, aforementioned
prediabete {m} [medicine]
:: prediabetes
prediabetico {adj} [pathology]
:: prediabetic
prediale {adj}
:: praedial, predial
prediale {f}
:: land tax
predibattimento {m} [law]
:: pretrial, pre-trial hearing
predica {f}
:: sermon
predica {f}
:: lecture, talking-to
predicabile {adj}
:: predicable
predicamento {m} [archaic] /pre.di.kaˈmen.to/
:: preaching; sermon
predicamento {m} [logic, philosophy]
:: predicament, category
predicamento {m} [archaic]
:: reputation
predicare {v}
:: to preach
predicativo {adj}
:: predicative
predicato {m}
:: predicate
predicatore {m}
:: preacher
predicatorio {adj}
:: sermonizing, predicatory
predicazione {f}
:: preaching
predicente {v}
:: present participle of predire
predicibile {adj}
:: predictable
predicibilità {f}
:: predictability
predicimento {m}
:: prediction, forecast
predicitore {m}
:: predictor, forecaster
predicitore {m}
:: prophet
predicozzo {m}
:: telling off (friendly)
predigerente {v}
:: present participle of predigerire
predigerire {vt}
:: to predigest
predigerito {adj}
:: predigested
predigestione {f}
:: predigestion
prediletto {adj}
:: favourite
prediletto {adj}
:: best, closest (friend)
prediletto {m}
:: favourite
prediletto {m}
:: mollycoddle
prediletto {m}
:: teacher's pet
predilezione {f}
:: partiality, predilection
predilezione {f}
:: taste
prediligente {v}
:: present participle of prediligere
prediligere {vt}
:: to prefer, have predilection for
predio {m}
:: alternative form of podere
predire {vt}
:: to predict
predire {vt}
:: to forecast
predisponente {v}
:: present participle of predisporre
predisponente {adj}
:: predisposed
predisponentesi {v}
:: present participle of predisporsi
predisporre {vt}
:: to prepare, get ready
predisporre {vt}
:: to arrange [beforehand]
predisporre {vt}
:: to predispose
predisporsi {v}
:: reflexive of predisporre
predisporsi {vr}
:: to prepare oneself
predisporsi {vr}
:: to get ready
predisposizione {f}
:: predisposition, disposition, tendency
predisposizione {f}
:: preparation
predisposizione {f}
:: strain
predisposizione {f}
:: drift
predisposto {adj}
:: set
predispostosi {v}
:: past participle of predisporsi
predittivo {adj}
:: predictive
predizione {f}
:: prediction, augury, omen
predominante {v}
:: present participle of predominare
predominante {adj}
:: predominant
predominanza {f}
:: predominance, preponderance
predominare {vi}
:: to predominate
predominare {vi}
:: to excel
predominazione {f}
:: predominance
predominio {m} /predoˈminjo/
:: predominance
predon {n}
:: apocopic form of predone
predone {m}
:: marauder
predosato {adj}
:: predosed
pre-eclampsia {f}
:: alternative form of preeclampsia
preeclampsia {f} [pathology]
:: preeclampsia
preeleggente {v}
:: present participle of preeleggere
preeleggere {vt}
:: to prefer
pre-elettorale {adj}
:: alternative form of preelettorale
preelettorale {adj}
:: pre-election
preellenico {adj}
:: prehellenic
preeminenza {f}
:: alternative form of preminenza
preesame {m}
:: prelim (preliminary exam)
preesistente {adj}
:: preexisting
preesistente {v}
:: present participle of preesistere
preesistenza {f}
:: preexistence
preesistere {vi}
:: To preexist
prefabbricante {v}
:: present participle of prefabbricare
prefabbricare {vt}
:: to prefabricate
prefabbricato {adj}
:: prefabricated
prefabbricato {m}
:: prefab
prefabbricazione {f}
:: prefabrication
prefacente {v}
:: present participle of prefare
prefare {vt}
:: To preface
prefascista {adj}
:: pre-fascist
prefato {adj}
:: aforesaid, aforementioned
prefatore {m}
:: prefacer
prefazio {m} /preˈfat.t͡sjo/
:: Preface (part of the Catholic mass)
prefazio {m} [literary, archaic]
:: preface, introduction
prefazionante {v}
:: present participle of prefazionare
prefazionare {vt}
:: To (provide with a) preface
prefazione {f}
:: preface, foreword
preferente {v}
:: present participle of preferire
preferenza {f}
:: preference, pleasure
preferenza {f}
:: partiality, favouritism
preferenza sessuale {f}
:: sexual preference
preferenziale {adj}
:: preferential
preferenzialmente {adv}
:: preferentially
preferibile {adj}
:: preferable, better, to be preferred
preferibilità {f}
:: preferability
preferibilmente {adv}
:: preferably, mostly, rather, sooner, more willingly
prefericolo {m}
:: praefericulum
preferire {vt}
:: to prefer
preferita {f}
:: feminine noun of preferito
preferito {adj}
:: favourite
preferito {m}
:: favourite, darling, pet
preferito {m} [usually, in the plural, computing]
:: bookmark
prefestivo {adj}
:: Before a holiday
prefestivo {m}
:: The day before a holiday
prefettessa {f}
:: The wife of a prefect
prefettizio {adj} /pre.fetˈtit.tsjo/
:: prefect's; of or pertaining to a prefect
prefetto {m}
:: prefect
prefettura {f}
:: prefecture
prefica {f} /ˈprɛ.fi.ka/
:: wailer (hired mourner)
prefica {f} [figurative, uncommon]
:: whiner, moaner
prefiggente {v}
:: present participle of prefiggere
prefiggentesi {v}
:: present participle of prefiggersi
prefiggere {vt}
:: to establish in advance; to secure
prefiggere {vt} [linguistics]
:: to prefix
prefiggere {vt} [rare, by extension]
:: to put before or beforehand
prefiggersi {v}
:: reflexive of prefiggere
prefiggersi {v}
:: to set oneself [an objective]; to aim for
prefiggimento {m}
:: prefixation
prefiguramento {m}
:: synonym of prefigurazione
prefigurante {v}
:: present participle of prefigurare
prefigurare {vt}
:: to prefigure
prefigurare {vt}
:: to foresee
prefigurativo {adj} [uncommon]
:: prefigurative
prefigurazione {f}
:: prefiguration
prefilatelia {f}
:: prephilately
prefilatelico {adj}
:: prephilatelic
prefinanziamento {m}
:: prefinancing
prefinanziante {v}
:: present participle of prefinanziare
prefinanziare {vt}
:: To prefinance
prefinire {v}
:: To preset
prefinire {v}
:: To fix
prefinire {v}
:: To predetermine
prefinizione {f}
:: alternative form of predeterminazione
prefiorire {v} [botany]
:: To preflower
prefioritura {f}
:: early flowering
prefissale {adj} [grammar]
:: prefixal
prefissante {v}
:: present participle of prefissare
prefissare {vt}
:: to prefix [all senses]
prefissato {adj}
:: prefixed
prefissazione {f} [grammar]
:: prefixation
prefisso {m}
:: prefix
prefisso {m}
:: dialling code (telephone etc)
prefissoide {m} [linguistics]
:: initial combining form
prefissosi {v}
:: past participle of prefiggersi
preflorazione {f}
:: prefloration, estivation / aestivation
prefogliazione {f} [botany]
:: praefoliation / prefoliation
preformante {v}
:: present participle of preformare
preformare {vt}
:: To preform
preformato {adj}
:: preformatted
preformazione {f}
:: preformation
prefrontale {adj}
:: prefrontal
pregadio {m}
:: hassock
pregadio {m}
:: praying mantis
pregante {v}
:: present participle of pregare
pregare {vi}
:: to pray
pregare {vt}
:: to pray to something
pregare {vt}
:: to beg
Pregassona {prop}
:: A district of Lugano in Ticino
pregatore {m}
:: prayer (person who prays)
pregelatinizzato {adj}
:: pregelatinized
pregevole {adj} /preˈd͡ʒe.vo.le/
:: praiseworthy
pregevole {adj}
:: valuable
pregevolezza {f}
:: value
pregevolezza {f}
:: worthiness
pregevolissimo {adj}
:: superlative of pregevole
pregevolmente {adv}
:: valuably
preghiera {f}
:: prayer
preghiera {f}
:: request
preghiera {f}
:: entreaty
pregiabile {adj} [literary]
:: valuable
pregiabilità {f}
:: valuableness
pregiante {v}
:: present participle of pregiare
pregiantesi {v}
:: present participle of pregiarsi
pregiare {vt}
:: To honour, respect; to commend, celebrate
pregiarsi {v}
:: reflexive of pregiare
pregiarsi {vr}
:: to be pleased, honoured [to do something]
pregiarsi {vr}
:: to pride oneself [on doing something]
pregiatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of pregiato
pregiato {adj}
:: valuable, precious
pregiato {adj}
:: sought-after
pregiato {adj}
:: fine (material)
pregiato {adj}
:: strong (currency)
pregiato {adj}
:: vintage (wine)
pregiatore {m}
:: commender
pregiatore {m}
:: celebrator
pregiatosi {v}
:: past participle of pregiarsi
pregio {m} [archaic] /ˈprɛ.d͡ʒo/
:: price
pregio {m}
:: regard, esteem
pregio {m} [literary]
:: praise, merit, virtue, glory
pregio {m}
:: worth, value
pregio {m} [archaic]
:: reputation, name
pregione {f}
:: alternative form of prigione
pregiudicabile {adj}
:: That can be compromised or prejudiced
pregiudicante {v}
:: present participle of pregiudicare
pregiudicantesi {v}
:: present participle of pregiudicarsi
pregiudicare {vt} [rare] /pre.d͡ʒu.diˈka.re/
:: to prejudge, to forejudge
pregiudicare {vt} [law]
:: to invalidate, to compromise
pregiudicare {vt} [by extension]
:: to jeopardize
pregiudicare {vt} [by extension]
:: to endanger
pregiudicare {v} [a, .literary]
:: to damage
pregiudicarsi {v}
:: reflexive of pregiudicare
pregiudicarsi {v}
:: to jeopardize or compromise the outcome of something
pregiudicativo {adj} [rare]
:: prejudicial
pregiudicativo {adj} [rare]
:: dangerous, harmful
pregiudicato {m}
:: previous offender
pregiudicatosi {v}
:: past participle of pregiudicarsi
pregiudicio {m}
:: prejudice (Variant of: pregiudizio)
pregiudiziale {adj} [legal]
:: prejudicial
pregiudiziale {adj}
:: That needs to be resolved or decided before something else can be considered
pregiudizialità {f} [legal]
:: prejudicial character
pregiudizialmente {adv}
:: prejudicially
pregiudizievole {adj}
:: prejudicial, detrimental, injurious
pregiudizievolmente {adv}
:: prejudicially, detrimentally, injuriously
pregiudizio {m}
:: prejudice, bias
pregiudizio {m}
:: prejudice, detriment
pregiudizioso {adj}
:: prejudiced
pregiudizioso {adj}
:: prejudicial, detrimental
pregnante {adj}
:: pregnant (with meaning etc, not normally with child)
pregnante {adj}
:: complete, exhaustive
pregnantemente {adv}
:: pregnantly
pregnanza {f}
:: meaningfulness, significance
pregnanza {f} [rare]
:: pregnancy
pregnezza {f} [obsolete]
:: pregnancy
pregno {adj}
:: pregnant (with)
pregno {adj}
:: full, filled (with)
prego {m} /ˈprɛ.ɡo/
:: prayer
prego {interj}
:: (after being thanked) you're welcome, don't mention it etc
prego {interj}
:: (in response to a request) yes, of course
pregrafismo {m}
:: The condition of someone who has not yet learnt to write
pregrammaticale {adj} [linguistics]
:: pregrammatical
pregreco {adj}
:: pre-Greek
pregresso {adj}
:: past, previous
pregustamento {m}
:: foretaste
pregustamento {m}
:: anticipation
pregustante {v}
:: present participle of pregustare
pregustare {vt}
:: To foretaste, to anticipate
pregustatore {adj}
:: anticipatory
pregustazione {f}
:: foretaste
pregustazione {f}
:: anticipation
preimpianto {adj}
:: preimplantation (attributive)
preimpianto {m}
:: preimplantation
preimpregnare {v}
:: to pre-impregnate
preimpregnato {m}
:: prepreg (An abbreviation of pre-impregnated)
preimpregnato {adj}
:: pre-impregnated
preincarico {m} [politics]
:: The mandate given by the president to a politician to try to put together a majority in parliament
preinciso {adj}
:: prerecorded
preindeuropeo {adj}
:: alternative form of preindoeuropeo
preindicato {adj}
:: predicted, presaged
preindicato {adj}
:: hereinabove
preindoeuropeo {adj}
:: pre-Indo-European
preindustriale {adj}
:: preindustrial
preinizio {m}
:: preinitiation
preinstallato {adj}
:: preinstalled
preintendere {v}
:: To have preknowledge of
preiscrizione {f}
:: preregistration (early enrolment)
preislamico {adj}
:: pre-Islamic
preispanico {adj}
:: prehispanic
preistoria {f}
:: prehistory
preistoricamente {adv}
:: prehistorically
preistorico {adj}
:: prehistoric
preistruttoria {f}
:: A preliminary investigation, evaluation, check
preistruttorio {adj}
:: Prior to a criminal investigation
prekeynesiano {adj} [economics]
:: pre-Keynesian
prelatesco {adj}
:: prelate (attributive)
prelatino {adj}
:: pre-Latin
prelatizio {adj} /pre.laˈtit.tsjo/
:: prelatic, prelatical
prelato {m} /preˈlato/
:: prelate
prelatura {f}
:: prelacy, prelature
prelavaggio {m}
:: prewash
prelazione {f}
:: preemption
prelegatario {m}
:: A heir who receives something from a will, rather than by his familial position
prelegato {m}
:: A legacy received something from a will, rather than by ones familial position
prelegge {f} [legal]
:: Any of the provisions of the civil code
preletterario {adj}
:: preliterate
prelevabile {adj}
:: That can be withdrawn, that can be drawn
prelevabile {adj}
:: That can be taken, that can be collected
prelevamento {m}
:: withdrawal (money)
prelevamento {m}
:: collection, pickup (goods)
prelevamento {m}
:: sample, sampling, taking
prelevante {v}
:: present participle of prelevare
prelevare {vt}
:: to withdraw
prelevare {vt}
:: to collect
prelevare {vt}
:: to pick up
prelevatore {m}
:: taker (of blood, samples, organs etc)
prelevatore {m}
:: sampler, sample taker (device)
prelevazione {f}
:: withdrawal
prelevazione {f}
:: collection
prelevazione {f}
:: curettage
prelibare {v}
:: To taste
prelibare {v}
:: To treat something superficially
prelibatamente {adv}
:: deliciously, daintily, tastily
prelibatezza {f}
:: delicacy, tidbit
prelibatezza {f}
:: deliciousness
prelibato {adj}
:: delicious, dainty, tasty
prelievo {m}
:: sample, sampling, drawing
prelievo {m}
:: withdrawal, withdrawing (of money)
preliminare {adj}
:: preliminary
preliminare {m} [chiefly in the plural]
:: preliminaries; foreplay
preliminarmente {adv}
:: preliminarily
prelio {m}
:: battle
prelodato {adj}
:: predicted
prelogico {adj}
:: prelogical
prelogismo {m}
:: prelogic
preludente {v}
:: present participle of preludere
preludere {vi}
:: (with a) to herald; to be a sign of; to foreshadow
preludere {vi} [rare]
:: to briefly talk about preliminary information
preludiante {v}
:: present participle of preludiare
preludiare {vi}
:: [music] To prelude
preludio {m} [music]
:: prelude
preludio {m}
:: introduction
premagnetizzazione {f}
:: premagnetization
premagnetizzazione {f}
:: bias
premaman {adj}
:: maternity (attributive)
premaman {m}
:: maternity dress
pré-maman {adj}
:: maternity (attributive)
pré-maman {m}
:: maternity dress
premammillare {adj}
:: premammillary
prematrimoniale {adj}
:: premarital, prenuptial
prematura {f}
:: a female preemie, a female premature baby
prematuramente {adv}
:: prematurely
prematurità {f}
:: prematurity
prematuro {adj}
:: premature, early, untimely
prematuro {m}
:: a preemie, a premature baby
premedicazione {f} [medicine]
:: premedication
premeditante {v}
:: present participle of premeditare
premeditare {vt}
:: to predetermine, plan, plot, premeditate
premeditatamente {adv}
:: premeditatedly, with premeditation, with malice aforethought
premeditato {adj}
:: premeditated, with malice aforethought, intentional
premeditazione {f}
:: premeditation, malice aforethought, intention
premente {v}
:: present participle of premere
prementovato {adj}
:: remembered
prementovato {adj}
:: predicted
premere {vt} /ˈprɛ.me.re/
:: to press
premere {vt}
:: to pull (a trigger)
premere il grilletto {v}
:: to trigger
premescolante {v}
:: present participle of premescolare
premescolare {v}
:: to premix
premescolato {v}
:: past participle of premescolare
premescolato {adj}
:: premixed
premessa {f}
:: introduction
premessa {f} [logic]
:: premise
premestruale {adj}
:: premenstrual
premetallizzato {adj}
:: premetallized
premettente {v}
:: present participle of premettere
premettere {vt}
:: to start by saying
premettere {vt}
:: to preface
premiabile {adj}
:: rewardable
premiale {adj}
:: reward, prize (attributive)
premiale {adj}
:: rewarding
premialità {f}
:: reward (condition of being rewarding)
premianda {f} /preˈmjan.da/
:: feminine noun of premiando
premiando {adj} [uncommon] /preˈmjan.do/
:: That is to be awarded a prize
premiando {m} [uncommon]
:: One who is to be awarded a prize
premiante {v}
:: present participle of premiare
premiare {vt}
:: to give or award a prize (to)
premiare {vt}
:: to reward
premiata {f}
:: prizewinner
premiatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of premiato
premiato {adj}
:: prizewinning
premiato {m}
:: prizewinner
premiatore {m}
:: rewarder
premiazione {f}
:: prize giving (ceremony)
premier {mf}
:: premier, prime minister [or similar title]
premierato {m}
:: premiership
premilitare {adj}
:: premilitary
premilitare {f}
:: A series of instructions given to young men in Fascist Italy prior to military service
preminente {adj}
:: prominent, preeminent
preminentemente {adv}
:: preeminently
preminentemente {adv}
:: prominently
preminenza {f}
:: preeminence, superiority
premio {m}
:: prize, award
premio {m}
:: reward
premio {m}
:: premium
premio {m}
:: bonus
premio {m} [nautical, historical]
:: bounty
premio di arruolamento {m} [nautical, historical]
:: bounty
Premiolino {prop}
:: An Italian journalism award
premio Nobel {m}
:: Nobel Prize
premiscelato {adj}
:: premixed
premistoffa {m}
:: foot, presser foot (on a sewing machine)
premistoppa {m} [nautical]
:: stuffing box
premitura {f}
:: pressing (typically of olives or grapes)
premodernità {f}
:: premodernity
premoderno {adj}
:: premodern
premolare {adj}
:: premolar (attributive)
premolare {m}
:: premolar
premonastico {adj} /pre.moˈnas.ti.ko/
:: Referring to a monk's life prior to taking the habit
premonda {f} [agriculture] /preˈmon.da/
:: The first removal of weeds in a paddy field
premonente {v}
:: present participle of premonire
premonire {v}
:: to forewarn
premonire {v}
:: to harbinger
premonire {v}
:: to omen
premonire {v}
:: to foretell
premonire {v}
:: to herald
premonitore {m} /pre.mo.niˈto.re/
:: a forewarner, premonitor
premonitore {adj}
:: premonitory
premonitorio {adj} /pre.mo.niˈtɔ.rjo/
:: premonitory, precursory
premonizione {f} /pre.mo.nitˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: premonition, clairvoyance
premorente {v}
:: present participle of premorire
premorienza {f} [legal]
:: predecease
premorire {vi}
:: to predecease
premostratense {adj}
:: Premonstratensian, Norbertine
Premuda {prop}
:: Premuda (island)
premunente {v}
:: present participle of premunire
premunentesi {v}
:: present participle of premunirsi
premunire {v}
:: to protect, fortify [against]
premunirsi {v}
:: reflexive of premunire
premunirsi {vr}
:: to protect oneself (from)
premunirsi {vr}
:: to guard oneself (against)
premunirsi {vr}
:: to arm oneself (with)
premunitosi {v}
:: past participle of premunirsi
premunizione {f} [medicine]
:: premunition
premura {f}
:: care, attention
premura {f}
:: urgency, hurry
premurante {v}
:: present participle of premurare
premurantesi {v}
:: present participle of premurarsi
premurare {vt}
:: to urge on
premurarsi {v}
:: reflexive of premurare
premurarsi {v}
:: (with di + inf.) to take care (to)
premuratosi {v}
:: past participle of premurarsi
premurosamente {adv}
:: kindly
premurosamente {adv}
:: carefully
premurosità {f}
:: attentiveness, care, thoughtfulness
premuroso {adj}
:: attentive, thoughtful, considerate, caring
premuroso {adj} [literary]
:: prompt, eager, interested
premuroso {adj} [literary]
:: urgent
prenarrato {adj}
:: aforementioned
prenarrato {adj}
:: predicted
prenarrato {adj}
:: prenarrated
prenasale {adj}
:: prenasal
prenascere {vi} [rare] /preˈnaʃ.ʃe.re/
:: To be born before someone or a certain deadline
prenatale {adj}
:: antenatal, prenatal
prenatalizio {adj}
:: pre-Christmas
prenato {adj} /preˈna.to/
:: born before someone or a certain deadline
prenazista {adj}
:: pre-Nazi
prence {m}
:: prince (variant of principe)
prencipe {m}
:: alternative form of principe
prenda {v}
:: third-person singular imperative of prendere
prendente {v}
:: present participle of prendere
prendentesela {v}
:: present participle of prendersela
prendentesi {v}
:: present participle of prendersi
prendere {vt} /ˈprɛn.de.re/
:: to take, hold, pick up, get
prendere {vt}
:: [of a political territory or entity] to conquer
prendere {vt}
:: to take [a means of transport]
prendere {vt} [by extension]
:: to choose [a certain route or path]
prendere {vt}
:: to catch [a criminal, animal, etc.]
prendere {vt} [by extension]
:: to catch [an illness]
prendere {vt} [familiar]
:: to be beat up or defeated
prendere {vt}
:: to get, buy
prendere {vt} [familiar]
:: to steal
prendere {vt}
:: to assume [a task, responsibility, etc.]
prendere {vt}
:: to hit or strike
prendere {vt}
:: [of food, drink, medicine, etc.] to eat, drink, ingest
prendere {vt} [familiar]
:: to romantically attract
prendere {vt}
:: to acquire [a characteristic]
prendere {vt}
:: to pursue [a vocation]
prendere {vt}
:: to measure
prendere {vt}
:: to pick up, receive [a radio, TV, telegraphic, etc. transmission]
prendere {vt}
:: to feel [an emotion]
prendere {vt}
:: [of a sensation, feeling, etc.] to take hold of, seize, or strike [someone]
prendere {vt} [familiar]
:: to occupy or take up [space or time]
prendere {vt} [familiar, by extension]
:: to occupy someone's mind
prendere {vt}
:: to require [energy, effort, etc.]
prendere {vt}
:: (sometimes with per) to take for or confuse
prendere {vt}
:: to interpret
prendere {vt}
:: to choose [someone] (for) [a role, job, etc.]; to hire
prendere {vt}
:: to treat [someone] (in a certain way)
prendere {vt}
:: to accept
prendere {vi}
:: (with a or per) to move (towards); to head (for)
prendere {vi}
:: (with a + inf.) to begin
prendere {vi}
:: [of a fire] to begin to burn
prendere {vi} [construction]
:: [of a binder] to adhere to the building materials by hardening; to take hold
prendere {vi}
:: [of a plant] to take root
prendere {vi} [auxiliary essere]
:: to happen unexpectedly
prendere a cinghiate {v}
:: to strap (beat or chastise with a strap)
prendere a cinghiate {v}
:: to whip, lash
prendere al varco {v}
:: to catch [an animal] by surprise when out in the open
prendere al varco {v} [figurative, by extension]
:: to catch [someone] by surprise in a difficult situation; to put on the spot
prendere atto {vi}
:: (with di or [ che + subj. ]) to realize; to notice
prendere atto {vi}
:: (with di or [ che + subj. ]) to come to grips (with)
prendere delle scorciatoie {v}
:: to cut corners
prendere dimestichezza {v}
:: to learn the ropes
prendere di mira {vt} [figurative, by extension]
:: to direct criticism or mistreatment at; to torment; to belittle; to take aim at
prendere di petto {v}
:: to face up
prendere di petto {v}
:: To confront an unpleasant situation
prendere due piccioni con una fava {v} [idiomatic]
:: to kill two birds with one stone
prendere il largo {v}
:: to put to sea
prendere il sole {v}
:: to sunbathe, to sun
prendere il sopravento {v}
:: to get the better of
prendere il sopravento {v}
:: to gain the upper hand
prendere il toro per le corna {v}
:: to grasp the nettle
prendere il volante {v}
:: to take the wheel
prendere il volante {v}
:: to get behind the wheel
prendere il volo {vt}
:: to flush
prendere il volo {v} [figuratively]
:: to disappear, vanish, run away,leave home, or other place of residence, usually unannounced
prendere in affitto {v}
:: to lease or rent
prendere in carico {v}
:: to take on
prendere in considerazione {v}
:: to take into account
prendere in giro {vt}
:: to make fun of, to tease, to poke fun at
prendere in giro {v}
:: to string along, take the piss
prendere la mira {v}
:: to take aim
prendere la mira {v}
:: (intransitive) To position oneself and/or one's weapon so as to be aimed specifically at a chosen mark or target (which is indicated after 'at')
prendere le armi {vi} [idiom]
:: to take up arms
prendere le distanze da {v} [idiom]
:: to distance or disassociate oneself from
prendere moglie {v} [idiomatic, dated]
:: To take a wife
prendere nota {v}
:: to annotate
prendere o lasciare {v}
:: synonym of a caval donato non si guarda in bocca
prendere per il culo {vt} [idiomatic, colloquial, vulgar]
:: to fool or deceive someone
prendere per il culo {vt} [idiomatic, colloquial, vulgar]
:: to make fun of someone, to tease
prendere per il culo {v}
:: take the piss
prendere per la gola {v} [idiomatic]
:: to coerce [someone] through threats or violence
prendere per oro colato {v}
:: to consider to be truthfull
prendere piede {vi} [idiom]
:: to catch on
prendere tempo {v}
:: to buy time
prendere un abbaglio {v}
:: [idiomatic] to mistake, to misunderstand
prendere una brutta piega {v}
:: to take a turn for the worse
prendere una cantonata {v}
:: [idiomatic] to mistake, to misunderstand
prendere un dirizzone {v}
:: to get a bee in one's bonnet
prendere un dirizzone {v}
:: to make a blunder
prendere un granchio {v}
:: [idiomatic] to mistake, to misunderstand
prendere un problema di petto {v}
:: synonym of prendere il toro per le corna
prendersela comoda {vr}
:: to take one's time
prendersi {v}
:: reflexive of prendere
prendersi {v}
:: (with a) to grab or take hold (of)
prendersi {v}
:: to grab (each other)
prendersi {v}
:: to begin to feel [an emotion] (for each other)
prendersi {v}
:: to hit (each other)
prendersi {v} [familiar]
:: (with con) to get along (with)
prendersi {v} [rare]
:: to fight or attack
prendersi {v} [archaic or literary]
:: (with di) to fall in love (with)
prendersi a cuore {v} [idiom]
:: to take care of or look after
prendersi la briga {n}
:: To bother
prendersi la rivincita {v}
:: to have the last laugh
prendersi pena {vi} [idiom]
:: synonym of darsi pena
prendersi un accidente {v}
:: to catch one's death
prendersi una cotta {v}
:: to have a crush (on)
prendibile {adj}
:: takeable, catchable
prendibile {adj}
:: stoppable
prendibilità {f}
:: Capability of being taken, caught or stopped
prendisole {m}
:: sundress
prenditore {m}
:: payee
prenditoria {f}
:: lottery office
prenegoziato {adj}
:: prenegotiated
prenegoziato {adj} [politics]
:: Describing preliminary negotiations between rival parties
prenestino {adj}
:: Of or from Preneste (present day Palestrina)
prenestino {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Preneste
prenilazione {f} [biochemistry]
:: prenylation
prenome {m}
:: given name, Christian name
prenome {m}
:: praenomen
prenotabile {adj}
:: bookable
prenotante {v}
:: present participle of prenotare
prenotantesi {v}
:: present participle of prenotarsi
prenotare {vt}
:: to book, to reserve
prenotarsi {vr}
:: to book (make a booking or reservation)
prenotato {adj}
:: booked, reserved
prenotatosi {v}
:: past participle of prenotarsi
prenotazione {f} /pre.no.tatˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: booking, reservation, placement, hold
prensile {adj}
:: prehensile
prensilità {f}
:: prehensility
prensione {f}
:: prehension
prenunciare {v}
:: alternative form of prenunziare
prenunziare {v}
:: To preannounce
prenunziare {v}
:: To bode
prenunzio {m}
:: announcement
prenunzio {m}
:: advance notice
prenuziale {adj}
:: prenuptial, premarital
prenze {m}
:: alternative form of prence
preoccupante {v}
:: present participle of preoccupare
preoccupante {adj}
:: worrying
preoccupantesi {v}
:: present participle of preoccuparsi
preoccupare {vt}
:: to worry, to trouble, to bother
preoccuparsi {v}
:: reflexive of preoccupare
preoccuparsi {vr}
:: to worry, be worried, get worried, get nervous
preoccuparsi {vr}
:: to take care, trouble, take the trouble to
preoccupatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of preoccupato
preoccupatissimo {adj}
:: very worried or anxious
preoccupatissimo {adj}
:: very preoccupied
preoccupato {adj}
:: worried, anxious
preoccupato {adj}
:: preoccupied
preoccupatosi {v}
:: past participle of preoccuparsi
preoccupazione {f}
:: preoccupation, worry, (plural) cares, concern
preolimpico {adj}
:: pre-Olympic
preolimpionico {adj}
:: pre-Olympic
preomerico {adj}
:: pre-Homeric
preominide {m}
:: prehominid
preoperatorio {adj} [surgery]
:: preoperative
preopinante {adj} /pre.o.piˈnan.te/
:: Having previously expressed their opinion
preopinante {mf}
:: One that previously expressed their opinion
preorale {adj}
:: preoral
preordinamento {m}
:: prearrangement
preordinamento {m}
:: preordination
preordinante {v}
:: present participle of preordinare
preordinare {vt}
:: to prearrange
preordinare {vt}
:: to preordain
preordinatamente {adv}
:: in a preordained manner
preordinato {adj}
:: preordained
preordinazione {f}
:: prearrangement
preordinazione {f}
:: preordination
preottico {adj} [anatomy]
:: preoptic
preovulatorio {adj}
:: preovulatory
prepagato {adj}
:: prepaid
prepalatale {adj} [phonetics]
:: prepalatal
preparante {v}
:: present participle of preparare
preparantesi {v}
:: present participle of prepararsi
preparare {vt}
:: to prepare, make ready, get ready, arrange
preparare {vt}
:: to coach, train, groom
preparare {vt}
:: to concoct
prepararsi {v}
:: reflexive of preparare
prepararsi {v}
:: to prepare oneself, get ready, make preparations
prepararsi {v}
:: to be about to
prepararsi {v}
:: to be in store, be brewing
preparatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of preparato
preparativo {adj}
:: preparative
preparativo {m} [chiefly in the plural]
:: preparation
preparato {adj}
:: prepared
preparato {adj}
:: ready, keen
preparato {m}
:: preparation (product)
preparatore {m}
:: preparer (person who prepares, or who makes preparations)
preparatorio {adj}
:: preparatory
preparatosi {v}
:: past participle of prepararsi
preparazione {f}
:: preparation
preparazione {f}
:: qualification, background, knowledge, grounding
preparazione {f} [sports]
:: training
preparazione {f} [pharmacology]
:: preparation
prepartita {f} [sports]
:: buildup to a game
prepatinato {adj}
:: precoated
prepensionabile {adj}
:: entitled to early retirement
prepensionamento {m}
:: early retirement
prepensionante {v}
:: present participle of prepensionare
prepensionantesi {v}
:: present participle of prepensionarsi
prepensionare {vt}
:: To pension early
prepensionarsi {vr}
:: To take early retirement
prepensionatosi {v}
:: past participle of prepensionarsi
prepigmentante {v}
:: present participle of prepigmentare
prepigmentare {vt}
:: To pre-pigmentate (the hair)
prepigmentazione {f}
:: pre-pigmentation (of the hair)
prepolitico {adj}
:: prepolitical
preponderante {adj}
:: predominant, preponderant
preponderanza {f}
:: preponderance, superiority
preponderare {v}
:: To preponderate
preponderazione {f}
:: alternative form of preponderanza
preponente {v}
:: present participle of preporre
preporre {vt}
:: to place something before
preporre {vt}
:: to give something or someone preference
preporre {vt}
:: to put someone in charge of someone or something
prepositale {adj}
:: provostal, provostorial
prepositivo {adj}
:: prepositive
prepositivo {adj}
:: prepositional
preposito {m} [obsolete] /preˈpɔ.zi.to/
:: provost
prepositura {f}
:: provostship, prepositure
prepositurale {adj}
:: provostal, provostorial
preposizionale {adj} [grammar]
:: prepositional
preposizione {f} /pre.po.ziˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: preposition
preposizione articolata {f} [grammar]
:: A contraction of a preposition and a definite article; a prepositional article
prepossente {adj}
:: all-powerful
prepostero {adj}
:: reverse, back-to-front
prepostero {adj}
:: inopportune
preposto {m}
:: provost
preposto {m}
:: parish priest
preposto {m}
:: prefect
prepotente {v} /pre.poˈtɛn.te/
:: present participle of prepotere
prepotente {adj} [literary, obsolete]
:: very strong or powerful
prepotente {adj}
:: overbearing, arrogant
prepotente {adj} [figuratively]
:: overwhelming
prepotente {mf}
:: bully
prepotentemente {adv}
:: overbearingly, arrogantly
prepotentemente {adv}
:: overwhelmingly
prepotenza {f}
:: arrogance
prepotere {vi}
:: to exercise excessive power or influence; to bully
preproduzione {f}
:: preproduction
preprofessionale {adj}
:: preprofessional
preprogrammante {v}
:: present participle of preprogrammare
preprogrammare {vt}
:: To preprogram
preprogrammato {adj}
:: preprogrammed
preprogrammazione {f}
:: preprogramming
prepubere {adj}
:: prepuberal, prepubescent
prepubertà {f}
:: prepuberty, prepubescence
prepuziale {adj} [anatomy]
:: preputial
prepuzio {m}
:: prepuce, foreskin
prequoio {m}
:: alternative form of proquoio
preraffaellismo {m}
:: preraphaelism
preraffaellita {adj} [arts]
:: preraphaelite
preraffaellita {mf} [arts]
:: preraphaelite
preraffreddamento {m}
:: precooling
preraffreddante {v}
:: present participle of preraffreddare
preraffreddare {vt}
:: To precool
prerefrigerante {v}
:: present participle of prerefrigerare
prerefrigerare {vt}
:: To precool
prerefrigerazione {f}
:: precooling
preregistrante {v}
:: present participle of preregistrare
preregistrare {vt}
:: To prerecord
preregistrato {adj}
:: prerecorded
preregistrazione {f}
:: prerecording
preregolante {v}
:: present participle of preregolare
preregolare {vt}
:: To preset
preregolazione {f}
:: presetting
prereplicativo {adj}
:: prereplicative
prerequisito {m}
:: prerequisite
prerinascimentale {adj}
:: pre-Renaissance (attributive)
preriscaldamento {m}
:: preheating
preriscaldante {v}
:: present participle of preriscaldare
preriscaldare {vt}
:: To preheat
preriscaldatore {m}
:: preheater
prerogativa {f}
:: prerogative, privilege
preromanico {adj} [arts]
:: pre-romanesque
preromano {adj}
:: pre-Roman
preromanticismo {m} [arts]
:: pre-Romanticism
preromantico {adj}
:: pre-Romantic
preromanzo {adj}
:: pre-Romance (before the formation of the Romance languages)
preromuleo {adj}
:: preRomulean
presa {f} [sports, wrestling]
:: grip, hold, grasp, grip
presa {f}
:: capture
presa {f}
:: pinch (small quantity)
presa {f}
:: socket (electrical socket)
presa d'acqua {f}
:: water outlet
presa di terra {f}
:: earth (system that connects electrical equipment to the ground)
presagente {v}
:: present participle of presagire
presagibile {adj}
:: predictable
presagimento {m}
:: prediction
presagimento {m}
:: premonition
presagio {m}
:: omen, sign
presagio {m}
:: premonition, presentiment
presagire {vt}
:: to predict, foresee, forebode, spell, presage
presagire {vt}
:: to have a premonition of
presago {adj}
:: boding, foreboding
presalario {m}
:: grant [especially for a University place]
presame {m}
:: rennet
presamico {adj}
:: rennet (attributive)
Presanella {prop}
:: An area of the southern Rhaetian Alps
presantificato {adj}
:: presanctified (typically of the host)
presapere {vt}
:: to know something in advance
presapiente {v}
:: present participle of presapere
presasela {v}
:: past participle of prendersela
presbiofrenia {f}
:: presbyophrenia
presbiopia {f}
:: presbyopia, long-sightedness
presbite {adj}
:: farsighted, presbyopic
presbite {mf}
:: farsighted person, presbyope
presbiterale {adj}
:: presbyteral; presbytery (attributive)
presbiterato {m}
:: presbyterate
presbiteriale {adj} [attributive]
:: presbyterial; presbytery
presbiterianesimo {m}
:: Presbyterianism
presbiteriano {m}
:: Presbyterian
presbiteriano {adj}
:: Presbyterian
presbiterio {m}
:: presbytery
presbiterio {m}
:: chancel
presbitero {m}
:: presbyter
presbitismo {m}
:: presbytism, presbyopia, longsightedness
prescegliente {v}
:: present participle of prescegliere
prescegliere {vt}
:: to select, choose
presceglimento {m}
:: selection, choice
prescelto {adj}
:: chosen as the best or favorite; chosen
prescelto {m}
:: person chosen in a field of many as best suited to a certain task or purpose
prescia {f}
:: hurry
presciente {adj}
:: prescient
prescientifico {adj}
:: prescientific
prescienza {f}
:: prescience
presciistico {adj}
:: pre-ski (preparatory to skiing)
prescindente {v}
:: present participle of prescindere
prescindere {v} [da]
:: to leave aside
prescindibile {adj}
:: avoidable, inessential
presciutto {m}
:: alternative form of prosciutto
prescolare {adj}
:: preschool
prescolastico {adj}
:: pre-school
prescrittibile {adj} [legal]
:: Subject to prescription, prescriptible
prescrittibilità {f} [legal]
:: State of being subject to prescription or prescriptible
prescrittivo {adj}
:: prescriptive, normative
prescritto {adj}
:: prescribed
prescrittore {m}
:: prescriber
prescrittosi {v}
:: past participle of prescriversi
prescrivente {v}
:: present participle of prescrivere
prescriventesi {v}
:: present participle of prescriversi
prescrivere {vt}
:: To prescribe
prescriversi {vr}
:: To be barred or prescribed
prescrivibile {adj}
:: prescription (attributive)
prescrizionale {adj}
:: prescriptionist, prescriptive
prescrizione {f}
:: prescription (all senses)
prescrizione {f}
:: rule, regulation
prescrizione {f}
:: scrip
prescrizione {f}
:: expiration of a rule, order or law. una sentenza di morte emessa dai boss - purtroppo - non va mai in prescrizione
presedente {v}
:: present participle of presedere
presedere {vt}
:: alternative spelling of presiedere
presegnalante {v}
:: present participle of presegnalare
presegnalare {vt}
:: To signal in advance (e.g. before changing lanes on a motorway)
presegnale {m}
:: warning signal
preselettivo {adj}
:: preselective
preselettore {m}
:: preselector
preselezionante {v}
:: present participle of preselezionare
preselezionare {vt}
:: to preselect
preselezionare {v}
:: to make a preliminary selection
preselezionato {adj}
:: preselected
preselezione {f}
:: shortlist, shortlisting
preselezione {f}
:: preselection
preselezione {f} [computing]
:: presort
presella {f}
:: reins
presella {f}
:: chamfer
presellare {v}
:: synonym of cianfrinare
presellatura {f}
:: synonym of cianfrinatura
presenile {adj}
:: presenile
presentabile {adj}
:: decent
presentabile {adj}
:: presentable (all senses)
presentabilità {f}
:: presentability
presentaneo {adj}
:: presentaneous, instant, quick, prompt
presentante {v}
:: present participle of presentare
presentante {adj}
:: presenting
presentantesi {v}
:: present participle of presentarsi
presentare {vt} /pre.zenˈta.re/
:: to present
presentare {vt}
:: to introduce
presentarsi {v}
:: reflexive of presentare
presentarsi {v}
:: to present oneself, show oneself, appear, face, arrive
presentarsi {v}
:: to introduce oneself
presentarsi {v}
:: to offer oneself, occur, arise
presentarsi {v}
:: to seem, look, appear
presentata {f}
:: presentation (dated)
presentatarm {interj} [military]
:: present arms!
presentatore {m} [of a show]
:: presenter, master of ceremonies, emcee, compere, host
presentatore {m}
:: presenter, bearer
presentatore {m}
:: representative
presentatosi {v}
:: past participle of presentarsi
presentatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of presentatore
presentazione {f}
:: presentation
presentazione {f}
:: introduction
presente {adj} /preˈzɛnte/
:: present
presente {adj} [formal]
:: this
presente {m}
:: present tense
presente {m}
:: present
presente {m}
:: gift
presente {m}
:: person present
presentemente {adv}
:: at present, at the moment
presentente {v}
:: present participle of presentire
presente progressivo {m} [grammar]
:: indicative present continuous tense
presente progressivo {m} [grammar]
:: subjunctive present continuous tense
presentimento {m} /pre.sen.tiˈmen.to/
:: premonition, presentiment
presentire {vt} /pre.senˈti.re/
:: To have a presentiment of
presentissimo {adj}
:: superlative of presente
presentosa {f}
:: An item of traditional jewellery worn by women in the Abruzzo on festive occasions
presenza {f}
:: presence
presenza {f}
:: attendance
presenzialismo {m}
:: attendance at many social events, just to be noticed
presenzialista {mf}
:: a person who attends many social events, just so as to be noticed
presenzialità {f} [philosophy]
:: presence, being
presenzialità {f}
:: omnipresence (of God)
presenzialmente {adv}
:: presentially
presenzialmente {adv}
:: personally
presenziante {v}
:: present participle of presenziare
presenziare {vi}
:: To be present, to assist, to participate
presepe {m} /preˈzɛpe/
:: crib, creche, nativity scene
presepiale {adj}
:: crib / nativity scene (attributive)
presepio {m} /preˈzɛ.pjo/
:: crib, creche, nativity scene
preserale {adj}
:: Early evening (attributive)
preserale {adj}
:: Describes TV programs broadcast between 6 and 8 pm
preservamento {m}
:: preservation
preservante {v}
:: present participle of preservare
preservantesi {v}
:: present participle of preservarsi
preservare {vt}
:: to preserve, protect, guard, defend
preservarsi {v}
:: reflexive of preservare
preservarsi {v}
:: to safeguard oneself
preservarsi {v}
:: to stay healthy
preservativo {adj}
:: preservative
preservativo {m}
:: prophylactic, condom
preservato {adj}
:: protected
preservato {adj}
:: preserved
preservatore {adj}
:: preservative
preservatosi {v}
:: past participle of preservarsi
preservazione {f}
:: preservation
preservazione {f}
:: protection
preside {mf} [education]
:: headmaster {m}, headmistress {f}, headteacher, schoolmaster
preside {mf} [education]
:: dean, principal
presidentato {m}
:: presidency
presidente {mf}
:: chairman, chairperson, chair, chief
presidente {mf}
:: president
presidente della repubblica {m}
:: The head of state of a republic, a representative democracy and sometimes a dictatorship
presidente della repubblica {m}
:: president
presidente eletto {m}
:: president-elect
presidentessa {f}
:: female equivalent of presidente
presidentessa {f}
:: wife of a president or chairman
presidenza {f}
:: presidency
presidenza {f}
:: chairmanship
presidenza {f}
:: headmastership
presidenziale {adj}
:: presidential
presidenziali {fp}
:: presidential election
presidenzialismo {m}
:: presidential system, presidential government
presidenzialista {adj}
:: Of or relating to a presidential system
presidenzialista {mf}
:: Advocate of such a system
presidiale {adj}
:: presidial
presidiante {v}
:: present participle of presidiare
presidiare {vt}
:: to garrison
presidiare {vt}
:: to guard
presidio {m}
:: garrison
presidio {m}
:: presidium
presiedente {v}
:: present participle of presiedere
presiedere {v}
:: to preside (over); to chair
presina {f}
:: potholder
presinaptico {adj} [cytology]
:: presynaptic
presistole {f}
:: presystole
presistolico {adj}
:: presystolic
preso {adj} [of person]
:: busy, taken up, preoccupied
preso {adj} [of thing]
:: taken, occupied
presocché {adv}
:: almost
presocratico {adj}
:: pre-Socratic
presofista {m} [philosophy]
:: presophist
presontuoso {adj}
:: alternative form of presuntuoso
presonzione {f}
:: alternative form of presunzione
presosi {v}
:: past participle of prendersi
pressa {f}
:: press
pressa {f}
:: crowd, press
pressacarte {m}
:: paperweight
pressacavo {m}
:: cable gland
pressafieno {m}
:: hay baler
pressaforaggi {m}
:: hay baler
pressaforaggio {m}
:: alternative form of pressaforaggi
pressante {v}
:: present participle of pressare
pressante {adj}
:: urgent, pressing
pressantemente {adv}
:: pressingly, urgently
pressantesi {v}
:: present participle of pressarsi
pressapaglia {m}
:: straw baler
pressapoco {adv}
:: alternative spelling of pressappoco
pressappochismo {m}
:: carelessness, sloppiness
pressappochista {mf}
:: careless person
pressappochistico {adj}
:: careless, sloppy
pressappoco {adv}
:: about, roughly, approximately
pressare {vt}
:: to press
pressare {vt}
:: to urge or solicit insistently; to beg
pressare {vt}
:: to be pressing
pressare {vt} [sports, especially soccer]
:: to use pressing
pressarsi {v}
:: reflexive of pressare
pressarsi {v}
:: to crowd
pressarsi {v}
:: to prepare, get ready [for something]
pressaschede {m}
:: A device in filing cabinets that keeps files pressed together
pressatore {m}
:: presser (person)
pressatosi {v}
:: past participle of pressarsi
pressatrecce {m} [nautical]
:: synonym of premistoppa
pressatrice {f}
:: presser (female)
pressatrice {f}
:: A device that plants a seed and then compacts the surrounding soil
pressatura {f}
:: pressing
pressazolle {f}
:: synonym of pressatrice
pressi {p}
:: neighbourhood, outskirts, surroundings
pressibile {adj}
:: compressible
pressibilità {f}
:: compressibility
pressing {m} [sports, especially soccer]
:: Continuous and pressing action that does not allow the opposing team to catch its breath, aiming to remove the ball from its possession
pressing {m} [figurative, transferred sense]
:: Pressing (application of pressure)
pressione {f} [sciences]
:: pressure
pressione {f} [figuratively]
:: pressure, leverage
pressione {f} [medicine]
:: blood pressure
pressione {f}
:: (in steam-powered devices) steam
pressione del sangue {f} [physiology]
:: blood pressure
pressione sanguigna {f} [physiology]
:: blood pressure
presso {adv} [rare] /ˈprɛsːo/
:: nearby, near, close
presso {prep}
:: near
presso {prep}
:: beside, next to, by
presso {prep}
:: at, with
presso {prep}
:: among, with
presso {prep} [mail]
:: care of (always followed by di)
presso {adj} [archaic]
:: near, close
pressocché {adv}
:: Variant of pressoché
pressocettore {m}
:: baroreceptor
pressoché {adv}
:: nearly, almost
pressofusione {f}
:: diecasting
pressoio {m}
:: press, clamp
pressopiegatrice {f}
:: folding / bending press (machine)
pressopiegatura {f}
:: folding / bending of sheet metal
pressorio {adj}
:: pressure (attributive)
pressostato {m}
:: manostat (pressure regulator)
pressoterapia {f} [medicine]
:: pressotherapy
pressurizzabile {adj}
:: pressurizable
pressurizzante {v}
:: present participle of pressurizzare
pressurizzare {vt}
:: To pressurize
pressurizzatore {m}
:: pressurizer
pressurizzazione {f}
:: pressurization
prestabile {adj}
:: That can be lent
prestabilente {v}
:: present participle of prestabilire
prestabilire {vt}
:: to prearrange
prestabilito {adj}
:: hardwired
prestabilito {adj} [electronics]
:: Designed to perform a specific task
prestabilito {adj} [electronic communications]
:: Of devices, closely or tightly coupled
prestamente {adv}
:: early
prestamente {adv}
:: quickly, rapidly
prestampa {f}
:: galley proof
prestampante {v}
:: present participle of prestampare
prestampare {vt}
:: To preprint
prestampato {adj}
:: preprinted
prestampato {m}
:: form
prestanome {mf}
:: nominee
prestanome {mf}
:: front man, figurehead
prestante {v}
:: present participle of prestare
prestante {adj}
:: handsome, well-built, good-looking
prestantemente {adv}
:: handsomely
prestantesi {v}
:: present participle of prestarsi
prestantino {m} [nautical]
:: The raised part of a keelson towards the bow and stern
prestanza {f}
:: presence, good looks
prestare {vt}
:: to lend
prestare {vt}
:: to pay, to give
prestare attenzione {v}
:: To pay attention (listen attentively)
prestare il fianco {v} [a, .idiom]
:: to lay oneself open or vulnerable (to) [an attack, criticism, etc.]
prestarsi {v}
:: reflexive of prestare
prestarsi {v}
:: to be fit, be suitable, lend oneself
prestarsi {v}
:: to agree, consent
prestarsi {v}
:: to offer [to do something], help, lend a hand
prestasoldi {mf}
:: moneylender
prestatore {m}
:: lender
prestatore {m}
:: employer, worker
prestatosi {v}
:: past participle of prestarsi
prestavoce {mf}
:: voice actor
prestazionale {adj}
:: performance (attributive)
prestazione {f}
:: a service
prestazione {f}
:: performance
prestazione {f}
:: showing [of a sportsman, etc.]
prestezza {f} [rare] /presˈtet.t͡sa/
:: quickness
prestidigitatore {m}
:: conjurer, magician
prestidigitazione {f}
:: sleight of hand, prestidigitation, legerdemain
prestigiante {v}
:: present participle of prestigiare
prestigiare {v}
:: To conjure
prestigiatore {m}
:: conjuror
prestigio {m}
:: prestige, status
prestigiosamente {adv}
:: prestigiously
prestigiosità {f}
:: prestigiousness
prestigioso {adj}
:: prestigious, famous, eminent
prestinaia {f} [obsolete, Northern Italy] /pre.stiˈna.ja/
:: baker
prestinaia {f} [obsolete, Northern Italy]
:: baker's (shop), bakery
prestinaio {m} [obsolete, Northern Italy] /pre.stiˈna.jo/
:: baker
prestinaio {m} [obsolete, Northern Italy]
:: baker's (shop), bakery
prestissimo {adj}
:: superlative of presto
prestito {m}
:: loan
prestito {m} [linguistics, by extension]
:: loanword
presto {adj} [literary] /ˈprɛs.to/
:: ready
presto {adj} [literary]
:: fast, quick, nimble
presto {adv}
:: soon
presto {adv}
:: early
presto {adv}
:: quickly
presto {adv} [music]
:: presto
presto {m} [archaic]
:: loan
presto {m} [archaic]
:: usury (practice of lending money at excessive interest rates)
presto {m} [archaic]
:: pawnshop
presto e bene non vanno insieme {proverb}
:: synonym of la gatta frettolosa fece i gattini ciechi
presto e bene non vanno insieme {proverb}
:: synonym of la fretta è una cattiva consigliera
presto e bene non vanno insieme {proverb}
:: synonym of chi va piano, va sano e va lontano
presto o tardi {adv}
:: sooner or later
presule {m}
:: prelate, bishop
presumente {v}
:: present participle of presumere
presumenza {f}
:: presumption, presumptuousness
presumenza {f}
:: hope
presumere {vt}
:: to guess, to presume, to suppose
presumibile {adj}
:: presumable, likely
presumibilità {f}
:: probability, likeliness
presumibilmente {adv}
:: presumably
presumitore {m}
:: presumer
presummere {v}
:: alternative form of presumere
presuntivamente {adv}
:: presumptively
presuntivo {adj}
:: presumptive
presunto {adj}
:: presumed, supposed
presunto {m}
:: A person who is assumed to have done something
presuntuosa {f}
:: female equivalent of presuntuoso
presuntuosaggine {f}
:: presumptuousness, self-importance, conceit
presuntuosamente {adv}
:: presumptuously, conceitedly
presuntuosità {f}
:: presumptuousness, self-importance, conceit
presuntuoso {adj}
:: presumptuous, conceited, self-important, bumptious
presuntuoso {adj}
:: cocksure
presuntuoso {m}
:: presumptuous, conceited or self-important person
presunzione {f}
:: presumption
presunzione {f}
:: presumptuousness
presuola {f}
:: synonym of caglio
presupponente {v}
:: present participle of presupporre
presupporre {vt}
:: (with che + subj.) to assume, suppose
presupporre {vt}
:: to presuppose
presuppositivo {adj}
:: presumptious
presupposizione {f}
:: assumption, supposition, presupposition
presupposto {m}
:: supposition
presupposto {m}
:: premise
pretaglia {f}
:: A group of priests
pretagliato {adj}
:: precut
pretattica {f} [sports]
:: false or misleading information given to the media before a match in order to conceal new tactics
prete {m} /ˈprɛ.te/
:: priest, clergyman, minister, pastor
pretendente {mf}
:: claimant
pretendente {mf}
:: pretender
pretendente {m}
:: suitor, wooer, admirer
pretendente {v}
:: present participle of pretendere
pretendere {vt}
:: (also with [ di + inf. ] or [ che + subj. ]) to claim on the basis of a right; to feel entitled (to); to expect; to demand
pretendere {vt}
:: to expect or demand [an excessive or unreasonable performance, price, etc.]
pretendere {vt}
:: (also with che + subj.) to assert mistakenly
pretendere {vt}
:: (with di + inf.) to claim reasoning or merits not recognized by others
pretendere {vt}
:: (with di + inf.) to claim a skill that one does not possess
pretendere {v} [a]
:: to aspire (to)
pretensionamento {m}
:: pre-stretching
pretensionatore {m}
:: pre-stretcher mechanism; belt stretcher
pretensione {f} [literary] /pre.tenˈsjo.ne/
:: pretension, claim
pretensione {f} [literary]
:: overconfidence
pretensione {f} [literary]
:: pretentiousness
pretensione {f} [literary]
:: An excessive request for pay or rewards
pretensione {f}
:: pretensioning, pre-stretch
pretensiosamente {adv}
:: alternative form of pretenzioso
pretensiosità {f}
:: alternative form of pretenziosità
pretensioso {adj}
:: alternative form of pretenzioso
pretenzione {f} /pre.tenˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: alternative form of pretensione
pretenzionoso {adj}
:: alternative form of pretenzioso
pretenziosamente {adv}
:: pretentiously
pretenziosità {f}
:: pretentiousness
pretenzioso {adj}
:: pretentious
preteribile {adj}
:: negligible, minor
preterintenzionale {adj} [legal] /pre.te.rin.ten.t͡sjoˈna.le/
:: Describing a criminal act whose consequences were more serious than intended
preterintenzionalità {f} [legal]
:: Property of being unintentional (of the consequences of a criminal act)
preterintenzionalmente {adv}
:: unintentionally (criminal)
preterire {v}
:: To neglect
preterire {v}
:: To omit
preterito {m}
:: past
preterito {m} [grammar]
:: preterite/preterit, past tense
preterizione {f} [rhetoric]
:: preterition
pretermettente {v}
:: present participle of pretermettere
pretermettere {vt}
:: To avoid or neglect to do something (literary use)
pretermine {adj}
:: preterm
pretermine {adj}
:: premature
pretermissione {f}
:: pretermission, omission
preternaturale {adj}
:: preternatural (all senses)
preternaturale {adj}
:: otherworldly, transcendental
pretesa {f}
:: claim
pretesa {f}
:: pretension
pretesco {adj}
:: priest-like
pretesco {adj}
:: sanctimonious
pretessere {v}
:: To use pretexts
pretesta {f}
:: praetexta
pretestare {v} [literary] /pre.tesˈta.re/
:: To employ (something) as a pretext
pretestare {v} [forensics]
:: To attribute a pathology to a false cause
pretestata {f}
:: synonym of pretesta
pretestato {adj}
:: Wearing a praetexta (white robe)
pretestazione {f} [forensics] /pre.tes.tatˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: The attribution of a pathology to a false cause
pretesto {m} /preˈtɛs.to/
:: excuse, pretext
pretestuosamente {adv}
:: speciously
pretestuosità {f}
:: speciousness
pretestuoso {adj}
:: specious, alleged
pretino {m}
:: priestling
pretonico {adj}
:: pretonic
pretonzolo {m}
:: priestling
pretore {m}
:: magistrate
pretoriano {m}
:: Praetorian
pretoriano {m} [by extension]
:: loyal subordinate; henchman
pretorile {adj}
:: magistrate (attributive)
pretorio {adj}
:: praetorian
pretrattamento {m}
:: pretreatment
pretrattante {v}
:: present participle of pretrattare
pretrattare {vt}
:: to pretreat
pretrattato {adj}
:: pretreated
prettamente {adv}
:: truly, genuinely
prettamente {adv}
:: principally, mainly
pretto {adj}
:: pure
pretto {adj}
:: truthful
pretura {f} [legal]
:: magistrate's court
pretura {f} [legal]
:: magistracy
preumanesimo {m}
:: prehumanism
preumanista {mf}
:: prehumanist
preumanistico {adj}
:: pre-humanistic
preunitario {adj}
:: preunification [attributive]
preutente {mf}
:: prior-user (of something before it was patented)
prevalente {v}
:: present participle of prevalere
prevalente {adj}
:: prevalent, prevailing
prevalentemente {adv}
:: prevalently, prevailingly
prevalenza {f}
:: predominance, prevalence
prevalere {vi}
:: To prevail
prevalicare {v}
:: alternative form of prevaricare
prevaricamento {m}
:: abuse
prevaricamento {m}
:: malfeasance, malpractice
prevaricante {v}
:: present participle of prevaricare
prevaricare {vit}
:: to abuse one's power
prevaricatore {adj}
:: abuse of power (attributive)
prevaricatore {m}
:: abuser of power
prevaricazione {f}
:: abuse of power
prevedente {v}
:: present participle of prevedere
prevedere {vt}
:: to foresee, anticipate
prevedere {vt}
:: to forecast
prevedere {vt}
:: to plan
prevedere {vt}
:: to include
prevedibile {adj}
:: predictable, foreseeable, to be expected
prevedibile {adj}
:: logical, obvious
prevedibilità {f}
:: predictability
prevedibilmente {adv}
:: In a manner that can be expected; predictably
prevedimento {m}
:: anticipation
prevedimento {m}
:: forecast
preveggente {v}
:: present participle of prevedere (literally "seeing before")
preveggente {adj}
:: predictive, like a veggente
preveggente {adj} [literary]
:: previdente, provident/wise
preveggenza {f}
:: presage, precognition, prescience
prevelare {adj} [phonetics] /pre.veˈla.re/
:: prevelar
prevendente {v}
:: present participle of prevendere
prevendere {v}
:: to presell
prevendita {f}
:: presale
prevenibile {adj}
:: preventable
preveniente {v}
:: present participle of prevenire
prevenimento {m}
:: anticipation
prevenimento {m}
:: prevention
prevenire {vt}
:: to anticipate
prevenire {vt}
:: to forestall
prevenire {vt}
:: to forewarn
prevenire {vt}
:: to prevent
preventivabile {adj}
:: predictable
preventivamente {adv}
:: preemptively, in advance, beforehand
preventivante {v}
:: present participle of preventivare
preventivare {vt}
:: to estimate, budget
preventivare {vt}
:: to plan, predict, foresee
preventivato {adj}
:: estimated, budgeted
preventivazione {f}
:: budgeting
preventivazione {f}
:: planning
preventivista {mf}
:: estimator
preventivista {mf}
:: planner, predictor
preventivo {adj}
:: preventive, preemptive
preventivo {adj}
:: prior
preventivo {m}
:: An estimate, a quotation, a budget or a sales quote
prevenuto {adj}
:: prejudiced (against)
prevenzionale {adj}
:: preventional
prevenzione {f}
:: prevention
prevenzione {f}
:: prejudice
prevenzionistico {adj}
:: relating to the prevention of industrial accidents and of occupational disease
preverbale {adj}
:: preverbal
preverbo {m}
:: preverb (verbal prefix)
prevertire {v}
:: To upset, subvert, disorder
previdente {adj}
:: prudent, provident
previdentemente {adv}
:: providently
previdenza {f}
:: prudence
previdenza {f}
:: foresight
previdenza {f}
:: security, welfare, social security
previdenza {f}
:: pension
previdenza sociale {f}
:: social security
previdenziale {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to social security
previgente {adj} [legal]
:: previously in force
previo {adj}
:: preliminary
previo {adj}
:: previous
previsibile {adj}
:: Variant of prevedibile
previsionale {adj}
:: forecast, projected, estimated (especially in commercial terms)
previsione {f}
:: prediction, forecast
previsione {f}
:: expectation
previsione {f}
:: foresight
previssuto {adj}
:: pre-experienced
previsto {adj}
:: expected
previsto {adj}
:: forecast
previsto {m}
:: something expected, forecast or supposed
prevocalico {adj} [phonetics, linguistics]
:: prevocalic
prevostale {adj}
:: provostal
prevosto {m} /preˈvɔs.to/
:: provost
prevosto {m}
:: parish priest
prevostura {f}
:: provostship
preziare {v}
:: alternative form of prezzare
preziario {adj}
:: price (attributive)
preziosamente {adv}
:: richly, preciously
preziosismo {m}
:: affectation
preziosismo {m}
:: preciosity
preziosissimo {adj}
:: superlative of prezioso
preziosità {f}
:: preciousness
preziosità {f} [in the plural]
:: valuables
prezioso {adj}
:: precious (also figurately), valuable (also fig.), costly, invaluable
prezioso {m}
:: jewel, valuable
prezo {m}
:: price
prezzabile {adj} [literary]
:: appreciable, noteworthy
prezzante {v}
:: present participle of prezzare
prezzare {vt}
:: To add price tags
prezzare {v} [archaic]
:: to appreciate, estimate, hold in consideration
prezzario {m}
:: price list
prezzatrice {f}
:: pricing machine
prezzatura {f}
:: pricing
prezzemolo {m} /pretˈt͡se.mo.lo/
:: parsley (plant and herb)
prezzi al dettaglio {n}
:: consumer price
prezzi al dettaglio {n}
:: retail price
prezziario {m}
:: Variant of prezzario
prezzo {m}
:: price
prezzo {m}
:: cost
prezzo {m}
:: value, worth
prezzo {m}
:: fare, fee, rate
prezzo {m}
:: (plural) terms, charges
prezzo battuto {m}
:: auction price (under the hammer)
prezzo di listino {m}
:: list price
prezzolante {v}
:: present participle of prezzolare
prezzolare {vt}
:: to hire
prezzolare {vt}
:: to bribe
prezzolato {adj}
:: hired, mercenary
pria {adv} /ˈpri.a/
:: before, previously
Priamo {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Priam
priapeo {adj}
:: priapic
priapico {adj}
:: priapic
priapismo {m} [medicine]
:: priapism
Priapo {prop} [Greek god]
:: Priapus
priego {m}
:: prayer (Variant of: prego)
Priene {prop}
:: Priene
prigione {f} [law enforcement, prison] /priˈd͡ʒo.ne/
:: jail, prison
prigione {f} [law enforcement, slang]
:: cooler
prigione {f} [by extension]
:: imprisonment, incarceration, detention
prigione {m} [obsolete]
:: prisoner, captive
prigione sotterranea {f}
:: dungeon
prigionia {f}
:: imprisonment, incarceration, detention
prigioniero {adj}
:: imprisoned, captive
prigioniero {m}
:: prisoner, captive
prillante {v}
:: present participle of prillare
prillare {vi}
:: To twirl, whirl or spin
prima {adv} /ˈpriː.ma/
:: before
prima {adv}
:: once, formerly
prima {adv}
:: beforehand, in advance
prima {adv}
:: earlier, sooner
prima {f}
:: the first
prima {f}
:: an opening night; a premier
prima {f}
:: the first year at school
prima ballerina {f}
:: coryphée
prima base {m} [sports, baseball]
:: first baseman
primaccio {m}
:: alternative form of piumaccio
prima colazione {f}
:: breakfast
prima del tempo {adv}
:: early, in advance
prima del tempo {adv}
:: prematurely
prima di tutto {adv}
:: first of all; in the first place
prima donna {f} [music]
:: prima donna
primadonna {f}
:: alternative form of prima donna
primaiola {m}
:: primipara
primaiola {adj}
:: primiparous
primale {adj}
:: primal
primale {adj}
:: principal
primalità {f}
:: primality
primamente {adv}
:: first, firstly, in the first place, first of all, first and foremost, primarily
primanota {f}
:: first draught / draft, rough draught / draft
prima o poi {adv}
:: sooner or later
prima persona {f} [grammar]
:: first person
primariamente {adv}
:: mainly, chiefly, primarily
primariato {m}
:: The office or position of a head physician
primario {adj} /priˈma.rjo/
:: primary, first, principal, main, chief
primario {m}
:: head of a hospital ward, consultant
primase {f} [enzyme]
:: primase
primate {m}
:: primate (ecclesiastical title)
primaticcio {m}
:: first fruits (plural in English)
primatista {mf} [sports]
:: record setter, record breaker
primatista {mf} [sports]
:: record holder
primato {m}
:: supremacy
primato {m} [sports]
:: record
primatologia {f} [zoology]
:: primatology
primato mondiale {m} [sports]
:: world record
primavera {f} /pri.maˈvɛ.ra/
:: spring (season)
primavera {f} [in the plural, familiar]
:: years, winters
primavera {f}
:: primrose
primavera-estate {adj}
:: spring-summer
primaverile {adj}
:: of spring (season), spring (attribute), springlike, vernal
primazia {f}
:: primacy
primaziale {adj}
:: primatial
primeggiante {v}
:: present participle of primeggiare
primeggiare {vi}
:: to excel, to lead
primeggiare {vi}
:: to stand out
primiceriale {adj}
:: Relating to a primicerio
primiceriato {m}
:: The rank / office of a primicerio
primicerio {m}
:: The head of a brotherhood
primieramente {adv}
:: at first
primieramente {adv}
:: first of all, primarily, firstly
primiero {adj}
:: first (time sense)
primiero {adj}
:: primitive, original
primiero {adj}
:: infantile
Primiero {prop}
:: A mountain valley near Trentino in Trentino-Alto Adige
primierotto {m}
:: A dialect of Venetian spoken in Primiero
primierotto {adj}
:: Of or from Primiero
primigenio {adj} /pri.miˈd͡ʒɛ.njo/
:: firstborn
primigenio {adj}
:: primitive, primigenial
primina {f} [botany]
:: primine
primina {f}
:: First year at a private elementary school
primino {m}
:: first-year student
primipara {f}
:: primipara, primigravid
primissimo {adj}
:: superlative of primo; very first
primitivamente {adv}
:: primitively
primitivismo {m}
:: primitivism
primitivista {mf}
:: primitivist
primitivista {adj}
:: primitivistic
primitività {f}
:: primitiveness
primitivo {adj}
:: primitive
primitivo {adj}
:: original (significance)
primitivo {m}
:: primitive man
primitivo {m}
:: a grape variety from Puglia, genetically identical to zinfandel; the red wine made from this grape
primizia {f} [chiefly in the plural]
:: first fruits
primiziale {adj}
:: first fruits (attributive)
primo {adj} /ˈpri.mo/
:: first
primo {adj}
:: initial
primo {adj}
:: main, principal
primo {adj} [mathematics]
:: prime
primo {m}
:: first, first one
primo {m}
:: former (first of aforementioned two items)
primo {m} [culinary]
:: clipping of primo piatto; first course, starter
Primo {prop}
:: given name, often given to firstborns
primo cittadino {m}
:: synonym of sindaco
primogenita {f}
:: Eldest or firstborn daughter
primogenito {adj}
:: firstborn
primogenito {m}
:: eldest or firstborn child
primogenito {m}
:: eldest or firstborn son
primogenitore {m}
:: primogenitor, progenitor
primogenitura {f}
:: primogeniture
primola {f}
:: alternative form of primula
primo ministro {m} [politics]
:: prime minister
primo piano {m}
:: foreground
primo piano {m} [figurative]
:: (typically preceded by in or di) position of relative importance; foreground
primo piatto {m}
:: The course of a meal, often consisting of a pasta dish, following the antipasto and before the secondo piatto
primo quarto {m} [astronomy]
:: first quarter
primordiale {adj}
:: primordial, primeval
primordialmente {adv}
:: primordially, primevally
primordine {n}
:: only in in primordine
primordio {m} [biology]
:: primordium
primordio {m} [chiefly in the plural]
:: The beginning(s)
primoriale {m} [maths]
:: primorial
primo soccorso {m} [medicine]
:: first aid
primula {f}
:: primrose (plant & flower)
primula {f}
:: Primula
principale {adj}
:: main, principal
principale {adj}
:: major, flagship
principale {m}
:: boss (person in charge)
principalità {f} [literary]
:: preeminence, superiority
principalmente {adv}
:: mainly
principalmente {adv}
:: principally
principato {m}
:: principality (region)
principato {m}
:: princedom
Principato di Monaco {prop}
:: Principato di Monaco (city-state)
principe {m} /ˈprin.t͡ʃi.pe/
:: prince
principe azzurro {m}
:: Prince Charming
principescamente {adv}
:: in a princely manner
principesco {adj}
:: princely
principescovile {adj}
:: prince bishop (attributive)
principessa {f}
:: princess
principessina {f}
:: little princess (typically used figuratively)
principiante {v}
:: present participle of principiare
principiante {adj}
:: inexpert
principiante {mf}
:: beginner, novice, amateur
principiare {vit}
:: to begin, to start, to commence
principiatore {m}
:: initiator, promoter, founder
principio {m} /prinˈt͡ʃip.jo/
:: beginning, start, inception
principio {m} [law, citing articles of law]
:: first part; first paragraph, first subsection
principio {m} [in adverbial phrases]
:: beginning
principio {m} [concrete, in the plural]
:: first; appetizers, antipastos, starters, hors d'oeuvre
principio {m}
:: beginning, cause, source, reason
principio {m}
:: principle
principio {m} [usually, in the plural]
:: principle
principio {m} [science, math, philosophy]
:: principle
principio {m}
:: principle, moral norm, ethic value
principio di località {n} [physics]
:: principle of locality
principio di non aggressione {m} [ethics, philosphy]
:: non-aggression principle
princisbecco {m}
:: pinchbeck
prione {m}
:: prion
prionico {adj}
:: prionic
priorale {adj}
:: Pertaining to a prior
priorato {m}
:: priory
priorato {m}
:: priorate
priore {m}
:: prior
prioria {f}
:: priorate
priorità {f}
:: priority
priorità {f}
:: triage
prioritariamente {adv}
:: In order of priority
prioritario {adj}
:: priority (attributive), prior
prioritario {adj}
:: (of mail) first class
Prisciano {prop}
:: given name
priscillianismo {m}
:: Priscillianism
priscillianista {mf}
:: Priscillianist
priscione {mf} /priˈʃo.ne/
:: obsolete form of prigione
prisco {adj} [poetic] /ˈpris.ko/
:: (very) ancient
prisma {m}
:: prism
prismatico {adj}
:: prismatic (all senses)
prismatoide {m} [mathematics]
:: prismatoid
prismoide {m} [geometry] /prisˈmɔi̯.de/
:: prismoid
pristinamente {adv}
:: pristinely
pristino {adj}
:: pristine, unspoiled, uncorrupted, unsullied
pristino {m}
:: pristine
pritaneo {m} [architecture]
:: prytaneum
pritania {f}
:: prytany
pritano {m}
:: prytanis
Priuli {prop}
:: surname
privacy {f} /ˈpraivasi/
:: privacy (especially online)
priva di vista {f}
:: blind woman
privante {v}
:: present participle of privare
privantesi {v}
:: present participle of privarsi
privare {vt}
:: to deprive, take, rob
privarsi {v}
:: reflexive of privare
privarsi {v}
:: to deprive oneself of, deny oneself
privata {f}
:: female equivalent of privato
privatamente {adv}
:: privately, (in) private
privatezza {f}
:: privacy
privatissimo {adj}
:: superlative of privato
privatista {mf}
:: private student
privatistico {adj}
:: private
privativa {f}
:: monopoly
privativo {adj} [grammar]
:: privative
privatizzabile {adj}
:: That can be privatized
privatizzabilità {f}
:: Property of what can be privatized
privatizzante {v}
:: present participle of privatizzare
privatizzare {v}
:: to privatize
privatizzazione {f} [economy]
:: privatization, privatisation, denationalisation
privato {adj}
:: private, personal
privato {m}
:: private person, private citizen
privato {m}
:: privacy
privatore {m}
:: depriver, robber
privatosi {v}
:: past participle of privarsi
privazione {f}
:: loss
privazione {f}
:: hardship, privation
privé {m}
:: privy
Priverno {prop}
:: Priverno (small town)
privilegiante {v}
:: present participle of privilegiare
privilegiare {vt}
:: to favour
privilegiato {adj}
:: privileged
privilegiato {adj}
:: preferential (treatment)
privilegiato {m}
:: Privileged person
privilegio {m} /pri.viˈlɛ.d͡ʒo/
:: privilege
privo {adj}
:: devoid
privo {adj}
:: bereft
privo {adj}
:: without, lacking, -less, un-, -free
privo di sensi {adj}
:: unconscious, senseless
privo di senso {adj}
:: meaningless
privo di vista {adj}
:: blind
privo di vista {m}
:: blind man, blind person; (in plural) the blind
privo di vita {adj}
:: dead, lifeless
pro- {prefix}
:: pro-
pro' {adj} /prɔ/
:: apocopic form of prode
pro {prep} [archaic] /prɔ/
:: for, in favour of
pro {m} [dated]
:: good, benefit, advantage, weal
pro {m}
:: pro [as in English “pros and cons”]
pro {m} [slang]
:: pro
proaccelerina {f} [protein]
:: proaccelerin
proapoptotico {adj}
:: proapoptotic
proattivo {adj}
:: proactive
probabile {adj}
:: probable, likely, prospective
probabiliorismo {m}
:: probabiliorism
probabiliorista {mf}
:: probabiliorist
probabilioristico {adj}
:: probabilioristic
probabilismo {m}
:: probabilism
probabilista {mf}
:: probabilist
probabilisticamente {adv}
:: probabilistically
probabilistico {adj}
:: probabilistic
probabilità {f}
:: probability, likelihood, odds, chance
probabilmente {adv}
:: probably, likely, possibly, easily
probamente {adv}
:: honestly, decently, virtuously
probandato {m} /pro.banˈda.to/
:: A period of time in which a young man prepares to become a novitiate in a religious order
probando {m} /proˈban.do/
:: A young man who aspires to be accepted into a religious order
probando {m} [genetics]
:: proband
probante {adj}
:: convincing
probativo {adj}
:: probative, probatory
probatorio {adj} [legal]
:: evidential, probative
probazione {f}
:: synonym of probandato
probiotico {adj}
:: probiotic
probità {f} /pro.biˈta/
:: probity
probità {f}
:: honesty
probitade {f} /pro.biˈta.de/
:: obsolete form of probità
probitate {f} /pro.biˈta.te/
:: obsolete form of probità
problema {m}
:: problem
problema {m}
:: glitch, bug
problematica {f}
:: problems, issues
problematicamente {adv}
:: problematically
problematicismo {m} [philosophy]
:: problematicism
problematicità {f}
:: problematic nature; problematicity
problematico {adj}
:: problematic, problematical
problematico {adj}
:: troublesome, difficult
problematizzante {v}
:: present participle of problematizzare
problematizzare {vt}
:: To problematize (make a problem of)
problematizzazione {f}
:: problematization
problemino {m} [colloquial]
:: A small problem
probo {adj}
:: Having strong moral principles; honest, decent, virtuous
Probo {prop}
:: Probus
proboscidato {m}
:: proboscidean
proboscide {f} /proˈbɔʃʃide/
:: proboscis, trunk
proboscide {f}
:: snout
proboviro {m} [legal]
:: arbitrator
procaccevole {adv}
:: industriously
Procacci {prop}
:: surname
procaccia {f}
:: courier
procacciamento {m}
:: procurement
procacciante {v}
:: present participle of procacciare
procacciantesi {v}
:: present participle of procacciarsi
procacciare {vt}
:: to obtain or procure
procacciarsi {vr}
:: To obtain or procure for oneself
procacciatore {m}
:: procurer, agent
procacciatosi {v}
:: past participle of procacciarsi
procacciatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of procacciatore
procaccino {m}
:: A selfish person
procace {adj} [archaic] /proˈkat͡ʃe/
:: impudent, shameless
procace {adj} [by extension]
:: sexually provocative or attractive
procacemente {adv} [archaic] /prokat͡ʃeˈmente/
:: shamelessly, insolently
procacemente {adv} [by extension]
:: in a sexually provocative way
procacia {f} [archaic, literary] /proˈkat͡ʃa/
:: impudence, insolence, shamelessness
procacia {f} [by extension, literary]
:: sexual provocativeness or attractiveness
procacità {f} [archaic] /prokat͡ʃiˈta/
:: impudence, insolence, shamelessness
procacità {f} [by extension]
:: sexual provocativeness or attractiveness
procaina {f}
:: procaine, novocaine
procambio {m} [botany] /proˈkam.bjo/
:: procambium
pro capite {adj}
:: per capita, per head, per person
pro capite {adv}
:: per capita, per head, per person
pro-capite {adj}
:: alternative spelling of pro capite
pro-capite {adv}
:: alternative spelling of pro capite
procapite {adj}
:: Variant of pro capite
procariota {m}
:: prokaryote
procariote {m} [biology]
:: prokaryote
procariotico {adj} [biology]
:: prokaryotic
procaspasi {f} [protein]
:: procaspase
procavia {f}
:: hyrax
procedenza {f}
:: prosecution
procedenza {f}
:: derivation
procedere {vi}
:: to proceed, move, go
procedere {vi}
:: to go on, carry on, continue
procedere {vi}
:: to start, proceed
procedere {vi}
:: to behave, act
procedere {vi} [legal]
:: to proceed, prosecute
procedere con cautela {v}
:: to be careful, pay attention
procedibile {adj} [legal]
:: Describing an action that can be advanced or undertaken; proceedable with, prosecutable
procedibilità {f} [legal]
:: The ability of an action to be undertaken; prosecutability
procedimentale {adj} [legal]
:: proceedings (attributive)
procedimento {m}
:: course (of a programme of work)
procedimento {m}
:: procedure
procedimento {m}
:: process
procedimento {m}
:: proceedings
procedura {f}
:: procedure
procedurale {adj}
:: procedural
proceduralmente {adv}
:: procedurally
procedurista {mf}
:: procedurist
procedurista {mf}
:: jurist
proceleusmatico {m}
:: proceleusmatic
procella {f}
:: storm, tempest
procellaria {f}
:: Any of several seabirds of the family Procellariidae, especially the petrels, fulmars, and shearwaters
procellariforme {m}
:: procellariform
procellosamente {adv}
:: stormily
procelloso {adj}
:: stormy (sea)
procelloso {adj} [literary]
:: noisy, deafening
procentriolo {m}
:: procentriole
procerità {f} [literary]
:: height
procero {adj} [literary]
:: tall, high
procero {m} [muscle]
:: procerus
processabile {adj} [legal]
:: triable, indictable
processabilità {f}
:: processability
processamento {m}
:: processing
processante {v}
:: present participle of processare
processare {vt} [legal] /pro.t͡ʃesˈsa.re/
:: to try, to put on trial
processare {vt}
:: to judge
processare {vt}
:: to process (e.g. data)
processato {adj}
:: processed
processionale {adj}
:: processional
processionalmente {adv}
:: processionally (in procession)
processionare {v}
:: To process (walk in a procession)
processionaria {f}
:: procession moth, processional moth, pine processionary (Thaumetopoea pityocampa)
processione {f}
:: procession
processivo {adj}
:: processive
processo {m} /proˈt͡ʃɛs.so/
:: trial, action, lawsuit, suit, proceedings
processo {m}
:: process, course, method
processo {m} [anatomy, pathology, botany]
:: process
processo alle intenzioni {m}
:: The act of speculating on someone's intentions and judging them, as if it were a trial for the crime of having said intentions
processo mastoideo {m} [skeleton]
:: mastoid process
processore {m} [computing]
:: processor, CPU
processo spinoso {m} [skeleton]
:: spinous process
processuale {adj} /pro.t͡ʃes.suˈa.le/
:: Of or pertaining to the legal process
processualista {mf}
:: processualist
processualista {mf}
:: proceduralist
processualmente {adv}
:: With regard to a trial
processualpenalistico {adj} [legal]
:: criminal proceedings (attributive)
prociclico {adj}
:: procyclic, procyclical
Procida {prop}
:: A small island in the gulf of Naples
procidenza {f}
:: procidentia
procinto {m}
:: only in in procinto di
procione {m} /proˈtʃone/
:: raccoon, racoon, coon (mammal)
Procione {prop}
:: Procyon
proclama {m}
:: proclamation, manifesto
proclamante {v}
:: present participle of proclamare
proclamantesi {v}
:: present participle of proclamarsi
proclamare {vt}
:: to proclaim, announce, declare, call
proclamarsi {v}
:: reflexive of proclamare
proclamarsi {v}
:: to proclaim oneself, declare oneself
proclamatore {m}
:: proclaimer
proclamatosi {v}
:: past participle of proclamarsi
proclamazione {f}
:: declaration, proclamation
proclamazione {f}
:: promulgation
proclisi {f} [grammar]
:: proclisis
proclitico {adj} [grammar]
:: proclitic
proclive {adj} [literary]
:: prone
proclività {f} [literary]
:: proclivity
procoio {m}
:: fence (typically around a sheep pen)
procombente {adj} [botany]
:: procumbent
procombere {v}
:: To fall forward
procombere {v}
:: To be killed in war
proconservatore {m}
:: proconservator
proconsolare {adj}
:: proconsular
proconsolato {m}
:: proconsulate, proconsulship
proconsole {m}
:: proconsul
proconsolo {m}
:: proconsul
Procopio {prop}
:: given name
procrastinabile {adj}
:: delayable
procrastinamento {m}
:: procrastination
procrastinante {v}
:: present participle of procrastinare
procrastinare {vt}
:: to postpone, defer, procrastinate
procrastinare {vt}
:: to stand shilly-shally
procrastinatore {adj}
:: procrastinatory
procrastinatore {m}
:: procrastinator
procrastinazione {f}
:: procrastination
procreabile {adj}
:: That can be procreated or begotten
procreamento {m}
:: synonym of procreazione
procreante {v}
:: present participle of procreare
procreare {vt}
:: to procreate, to beget, to generate, to engender
procreatica {f}
:: procreation
procreativo {adj}
:: procreative
procreatore {m}
:: procreator, begetter
procreatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of procreatore
procreazione {f}
:: procreation
procreazione {f}
:: reproduction
proctite {f} [pathology]
:: proctitis
proctocolectomia {f} [surgery]
:: proctocolectomy
proctologia {f}
:: proctology
proctologico {adj}
:: proctological
proctologo {m}
:: proctologist
proctorragia {f} [medicine]
:: proctorrhagia
proctoscopia {f} [medicine]
:: proctoscopy
proctosigmoidoscopia {f} [medicine]
:: proctosigmoidoscopy
procuoio {m}
:: sheep fold
procura {f}
:: power of attorney, proxy
procura {f}
:: letter of attorney, warrant of attorney
procura {f}
:: public prosecutor's office
procurabile {adj}
:: procurable, obtainable
procura generale {f}
:: attorney general's office
procurante {v}
:: present participle of procurare
procurantesi {v}
:: present participle of procurarsi
procurare {vt}
:: to get, obtain, procure, provide, earn
procurare {vt}
:: to cause
procurare {vt}
:: to try, endeavour
procurarsi {v}
:: reflexive of procurare
procurarsi {v}
:: to get [for oneself] - used in idiomatic constructions
procuratela {f}
:: procuratorate
procuratessa {f}
:: The wife of a procuratore, typically in Venice
procuratia {f}
:: synonym of procuratela
procuratorato {m}
:: synonym of procuratela
procuratore {m} [legal]
:: Someone who holds power of attorney
procuratore {m} [historical, Ancient Rome]
:: Procurator
procuratore della repubblica {m} [legal]
:: public prosecutor, district prosecutor, prosecuting attorney, state attorney
procuratore generale {m}
:: attorney general
procuratoressa {f}
:: alternative form of procuratessa
procuratorio {adj}
:: procuratorial
procuratosi {v}
:: past participle of procurarsi
Procuste {prop} [Greek mythology]
:: Procrustes
proda {f} [nautical]
:: margin (edge of the shore)
prodaia {f} /proˈda.ja/
:: edge (of a field or wood)
prode {adj} /ˈprɔ.de/
:: brave
prode {m}
:: a brave person
prodecano {m}
:: synonym of vicedecano
prodeggiare {v}
:: to border, to skirt
prodemente {adv}
:: marginally
prodese {m} [nautical]
:: hawser
prodezza {f}
:: prowess
prodezza {f}
:: valour, bravery
prodezza {f}
:: feat, exploit
Prodi {prop}
:: surname
Prodi {prop}
:: Romano Prodi, Italian economist and politician
prodiano {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to Romano Prodi
prodiera {adj} [nautical]
:: bow (attributive)
prodiere {m} [nautical]
:: bowman
prodigalità {f}
:: prodigality, bounty, munificence
prodigalità {f}
:: extravagance, wastefulness
prodigalmente {adv}
:: prodigally
prodigalmente {adv}
:: lavishly, extravagantly, wastefully
prodigamente {adv}
:: prodigally
prodigante {v}
:: present participle of prodigare
prodigantesi {v}
:: present participle of prodigarsi
prodigare {vt}
:: To lavish
prodigarsi {v}
:: reflexive of prodigare
prodigarsi {v}
:: to do one's best
prodigarsi {v}
:: (with per or in) to dedicate or apply oneself
prodigarsi {v}
:: (with in) to give in to effusion
prodigatosi {v}
:: past participle of prodigarsi
prodigio {m}
:: wonder, marvel
prodigio {m}
:: prodigy
prodigio {adj}
:: prodigy (attributive)
prodigiosamente {adv}
:: prodigiously
prodigiosità {f}
:: prodigiousness
prodigioso {adj}
:: prodigious
prodigo {adj}
:: lavish
prodigo {adj}
:: extravagant
prodigo {adj}
:: prodigal
proditore {m}
:: traitor
proditoriamente {adv}
:: treacherously, traitorously
proditorietà {f}
:: treachery, treason
proditorio {adj}
:: treacherous, treasonable, traitorous
prodittatore {m}
:: prodictator, vice-dictator
prodomo {m}
:: synonym of pronao
prodotto {m} /proˈdotto/
:: product
prodotto di base {m}
:: staple
prodotto interno lordo {m} [finance]
:: gross domestic product
prodotto in vimini {m}
:: alternative form of lavorazione in vimini
prodotto nazionale lordo {m} [finance]
:: gross national product (abbreviation PNL)
prodotto scalare {m} [maths]
:: scalar product
prodottosi {v}
:: past participle of prodursi
prodotto vettoriale {m} [maths]
:: vector product
prodromico {adj} [pathology]
:: prodromal
prodromo {m} [medicine]
:: prodrome
producentesi {v}
:: present participle of prodursi
producibile {adj}
:: producible
producibile {adj} [legal]
:: presentable (in court)
producibilità {f}
:: producibility
producibilità {f} [legal]
:: Property of being presentable (in court)
produrre {vt}
:: to produce, yield, bear, generate
produrre {vt}
:: to produce, manufacture, make
produrre {vt}
:: to cause, produce
prodursi {v}
:: reflexive of produrre
prodursi {v}
:: to play, act
prodursi {v}
:: to develop, happen
produttibile {adj}
:: Variant of producibile
produttibile {adj}
:: Capable of being elongated; prolongable
produttivamente {adv}
:: productively
produttivismo {m}
:: productivism
produttivistico {adj}
:: production (attributive)
produttivistico {adj}
:: aimed at increasing production
produttività {f}
:: productivity, productiveness
produttivo {adj}
:: productive
produttivo {adj}
:: Of or pertaining to production
produttore {adj}
:: producing
produttore {adj}
:: manufacturing
produttore {m}
:: producer
produttore {m}
:: manufacturer, maker
produttore {m}
:: grower
produttrice {f}
:: female equivalent of produttore
produzione {f}
:: production, making, generation (the act of producing)
produzione {f}
:: production, manufacturing, manufacture, output (in industry)
produzione {f}
:: production, yield, output (amount produced)
produzione {f}
:: production (in theatre, television etc)
produzione {f}
:: exhibition (of documents)
produzione di massa {f}
:: mass production
pro e contro {m} [pluralonly]
:: pros and cons, fors and againsts
proeggiare {v}
:: alternative form of prodeggiare
proemiale {adj}
:: introductory
proemialmente {adv}
:: introductorily
proemiare {v}
:: To introduce
proemiare {v}
:: To preface
proemio {m}
:: introduction, preface
proemizzare {v}
:: to write an introduction or preface
proenzima {m} [biochemistry]
:: proenzyme
proeritroblasto {m}
:: proerythroblast
prof. {n}
:: professore, professoressa
prof. {n}
:: profondità
prof {mf} [colloquial]
:: teacher
Prof. {n}
:: abbreviation of professore
profago {m}
:: prophage
profago {adj}
:: prophagous
profana {f}
:: laywoman
profanabile {adj}
:: That can be profaned, desecrated or defiled
profanamente {adv}
:: profanely
profanamento {m}
:: synonym of profanazione
profanante {v}
:: present participle of profanare
profanare {vt}
:: to profane, violate, desecrate
profanatore {adj}
:: profanatory, defiling
profanatore {m}
:: profaner, desecrater, desecrator, defiler
profanazione {f}
:: profanation, desecration
profanazione {f}
:: violation
profanazione {f}
:: defilement
profanità {f}
:: profanity
profano {adj}
:: profane
profano {adj}
:: ignorant, unskilled
profano {m}
:: the profane
profano {m}
:: layman
profase {f} [genetics]
:: prophase
profenda {f}
:: Daily ration of fodder (especially for a horse)
proferente {v}
:: present participle of proferire
proferibile {adj}
:: utterable
proferibilità {f}
:: utterability
proferimento {m}
:: utterance
proferire {vt}
:: to utter
proferire {vt}
:: to express
proferito {adj}
:: uttered, expressed
proferitore {m}
:: utterer
proferta {f}
:: alternative form of profferta
professante {v}
:: present participle of professare
professantesi {v}
:: present participle of professarsi
professare {vt}
:: to profess
professarsi {vr}
:: To profess oneself (to be)
professatosi {v}
:: past participle of professarsi
professionale {adj}
:: professional
professionale {adj}
:: occupational
professionale {adj}
:: vocational
professionalità {f}
:: professionalism, skill, expertise
professionalizzante {v}
:: present participle of professionalizzare
professionalizzante {adj}
:: professional
professionalizzare {vt}
:: To professionalize
professionalizzazione {f}
:: professionalization
professionalmente {adv}
:: professionally
professione {f}
:: profession, occupation
professione {f}
:: profession, declaration, acknowledgement
professione più antica del mondo {f} [euphemistic]
:: the world's oldest profession
professionismo {m}
:: professionalism
professionista {adj}
:: professional
professionista {mf}
:: professional, pro
professionistico {adj}
:: professional
professorame {m} [pejorative]
:: academia; professorship, seen as being too cookie-cutter or depersonalized
professorato {m}
:: professorship
professorato {m}
:: professorate
professore {m}
:: teacher, schoolteacher, schoolmaster, master, professor, lecturer (high school)
professore {m} [music]
:: player
professoressa {f}
:: female equivalent of professore
professorino {m}
:: A young or inexperienced teacher
professorone {m}
:: A renowned teacher
professorone {m}
:: A luminary
profeta {m} /proˈfɛ.ta/
:: prophet
profetante {v}
:: present participle of profetare
profetare {vt}
:: To prophesy
profeteggiare {v}
:: to prophesy
profetessa {f}
:: prophetess
profeticamente {adv}
:: prophetically
profetico {adj}
:: prophetic
profetizzante {v}
:: present participle of profetizzare
profetizzare {vt}
:: to prophesy
profettizio {adj} [Ancient Rome, law, of wealth] /pro.fetˈtit.t͡sjo/
:: Coming from a father or another ancestor
profezia {f}
:: prophecy
profezia che si autoavvera {f}
:: self-fulfilling prophecy
profferente {v}
:: present participle of profferire
profferire {v}
:: alternative spelling of proferire
profferitore {m}
:: alternative form of proferitore
profferta {f}
:: offer
profferta {f}
:: proffer, tender
proffilare {v}
:: alternative form of profilare
profibrinolisina {f} [enzyme]
:: profibrinolysin
profico {m}
:: caprifig
proficuamente {adv}
:: profitably
proficuamente {adv}
:: usefully, advantageously
proficuità {f}
:: profitability
proficuo {adj}
:: profitable
proficuo {adj}
:: advantageous
profilamento {m}
:: outlining, shaping
profilamento {m}
:: delineation
profilante {v}
:: present participle of profilare
profilantesi {v}
:: present participle of profilarsi
profilare {vt}
:: to outline
profilare {vt}
:: to edge
profilare {vt}
:: to shape
profilare {vt}
:: to delineate
profilarsi {v}
:: reflexive of profilare
profilarsi {v}
:: to stand out
profilarsi {v}
:: to be imminent, loom, impend
profilassi {f} [medicine]
:: prophylaxis
profilato {m}
:: section
profilatoio {m}
:: A round-edged chisel
profilatosi {v}
:: past participle of profilarsi
profilatrice {f}
:: forming machine
profilatticamente {adv}
:: prophylactically
profilattico {adj}
:: prophylactic
profilattico {m}
:: condom, prophylactic
profilatura {f}
:: trimming, edging, bordering, piping
profilatura {f}
:: profiling, forming
profillo {m}
:: synonym of bratteola
profilo {m}
:: profile (all senses)
profime {m}
:: An axle of a plough that supports the beam
profittabile {adj}
:: profitable, advantageous
profittabilità {f}
:: profitability
profittabilmente {adv}
:: profitably, advantageously
profittante {v}
:: present participle of profittare
profittare {vi}
:: to profit (by) or (from)
profittare {vi}
:: to take advantage (of)
profittatore {m} /pro.fit.taˈto.re/
:: profiteer, exploiter
profittatrice {f} /pro.fit.taˈtri.t͡ʃe/
:: female equivalent of profittatore
profittevole {adj}
:: profitable
profittevole {adj}
:: advantageous
profittevolmente {adv}
:: profitably
profittevolmente {adv}
:: advantageously
profitto {m}
:: profit
profluvio {m}
:: flood (of words, blood etc)
profondamente {adv}
:: deep, deeply
profondamente {adv} [figurately]
:: deeply, profoundly, intensely
profondamento {m}
:: immersion
profondamento {m}
:: deepening
profondante {v}
:: present participle of profondare
profondantesi {v}
:: present participle of profondarsi
profondare {vt}
:: to immerse
profondare {vt}
:: to deepen
profondarsi {v}
:: reflexive of profondare
profondarsi {v}
:: to immerse oneself
profondatosi {v}
:: past participle of profondarsi
profondente {v}
:: present participle of profondere
profondentesi {v}
:: present participle of profondersi
profondere {vt}
:: to spend profusely or with abandon
profondere {vt}
:: to give profusely
profondersi {v}
:: reflexive of profondere
profondersi {v}
:: to say in a roundabout, emphatic, and ceremonious way
profondimetro {m}
:: depth gauge
profondissimo {adj}
:: superlative of profondo
profondissimo {adj}
:: very deep
profondissimo {adj}
:: deepest (apologies, condolences etc)
profondità {f}
:: depth, depths
profondo {adj}
:: deep, profound
profondo {adv}
:: deep, deeply, profoundly
profondo {m}
:: depths
pro forma {adj}
:: pro forma
pro forma {adv}
:: pro forma
proforma {f}
:: formality
proforma {adj}
:: routine
proforma {adv}
:: As a formality
prof.ssa {f}
:: abbreviation of professoressa
profuga {f}
:: female equivalent of profugo
profugo {m} /ˈprɔfuɡo/
:: refugee
profumante {v}
:: present participle of profumare
profumantesi {v}
:: present participle of profumarsi
profumare {vt} /pro.fuˈma.re/
:: to perfume, to scent, to put scent on
profumarsi {vr}
:: to put on some perfume, to use perfume
profumatamente {adv}
:: through the nose, a high price, handsomely
profumato {adj}
:: perfumed, scented, sweet-smelling
profumato {adj}
:: expensive
profumatore {m}
:: perfumer
profumatosi {v}
:: past participle of profumarsi
profumazione {f}
:: perfume, essence, fragrance
profumazione {f}
:: perfuming
profumeria {f}
:: perfumery (all senses)
profumiera {f}
:: perfume or scent bottle
profumiere {m}
:: perfumer
profumiero {adj}
:: perfume, scent (attributive)
profumista {mf}
:: perfumer (person who makes perfume)
profumo {m}
:: perfume, scent, fragrance
profumoso {adj}
:: fragrant, scented, sweet-smelling
profusamente {adv}
:: profusely, copiously
profusamente {adv}
:: generously
profusamente {adv}
:: widely, amply
profusione {f}
:: profusion
profusione {f}
:: plenty
profusosi {v}
:: past participle of profondersi
progenerare {v}
:: To procreate, progenerate
progenie {f} /proˈd͡ʒɛn.je/
:: descent, lineage
progenie {f}
:: descendants
progenitore {m}
:: ancestor, progenitor, forefather
progenitrice {f}
:: female equivalent of progenitore
progeria {f} [pathology]
:: progeria
progesterone {m}
:: progesterone
progestina {f}
:: progestin
progestina {f}
:: progesterone
progestinico {adj}
:: progestinic; progestagen (attributive), progestogenic
progestinico {m} [steroid, pharmaceutical drug]
:: progestagen, gestagen
progettante {v}
:: present participle of progettare
progettare {vt}
:: to plan, make plans for
progettare {vt} [building, engineering]
:: to plan, design
progettazione {f}
:: planning, design
progettista {mf}
:: designer
progettista {mf}
:: engineer
progettistica {f}
:: design, planning (especially as a field of engineering)
progettistico {adj}
:: design, planning (attributive)
progetto {m} /proˈdʒɛtto/
:: plan, project, design, scheme, layout
progettuale {adj}
:: planning
progettualità {f}
:: forward-thinking ability, ability to plan
proginnasma {m}
:: A literary exercise
proglaciale {adj}
:: proglacial
proglottide {f}
:: proglottid
prognatismo {m}
:: prognathism
prognosi {f} [medicine]
:: prognosis
prognosi {f}
:: prognosis, prediction
prognosticabile {adj}
:: Variant of pronosticabile
prognosticante {v}
:: present participle of prognosticare
prognosticare {vt}
:: alternative form of pronosticare
prognostico {adj}
:: alternative form of pronostico
prognostico {adj}
:: prognostic
programma {m}
:: programme, program, schedule, agenda
programma {m}
:: plan
programma {m} [television, radio]
:: programme, program, show
programma {m} [computing]
:: software, application, program, routine
programma {m}
:: syllabus, schedule, curriculum
programma {m} [politics]
:: platform, manifesto, program
programma {m} [theater]
:: playbill, programme
programma {m}
:: washing machine cycle
programmabile {adj}
:: programmable
programmabilità {f}
:: programmability
programmante {v}
:: present participle of programmare
programmare {vt}
:: to program, plan, schedule, set, slate
programmare {vt} [computing]
:: to program, code
programmare {vt} [film]
:: to show, stage, put on
programma televisivo {m}
:: television program
programmaticamente {adv}
:: programmatically
programmatico {adj}
:: programmatic
programmato {adj}
:: planned, scheduled, set
programmato {adj}
:: premeditated
programmatore {m} [computing]
:: programmer, coder, software developer, developer
programmatore {m} [economics]
:: planner
programmatrice {f}
:: female equivalent of programmatore
programmazione {f} [programming, ]
:: programming, coding
programmazione {f}
:: planning, scheduling, programming
programmista {mf}
:: (radio/TV) programme planner
progredente {v}
:: present participle of progredire
progredimento {m}
:: progress, progression
progredire {vi}
:: to progress
progressione {f}
:: progression
progressismo {m}
:: progressivism
progressista {adj}
:: progressive
progressista {mf}
:: progressive
progressisticamente {adv}
:: progressively
progressistico {adj}
:: progressive
progressivamente {adv}
:: progressively
progressività {f}
:: progressivity
progressivo {adj}
:: progressive
progresso {m} /proɡˈrɛs.so/
:: progress, progression, development, growth, improvement, advancement
proibente {v}
:: present participle of proibire
proibire {vt}
:: to forbid, to prohibit, to interdict, to ban, to prevent
proibire {v}
:: To inhibit
proibitivamente {adv}
:: prohibitively
proibitivo {adj}
:: prohibitive
proibito {adj}
:: forbidden, prohibited, not allowed, interdicted
proibitore {m}
:: prohibitor
proibitore {m}
:: inhibitor
proibitorio {adj}
:: prohibitive
proibitorio {adj}
:: inhibitive
proibizione {f}
:: prohibition
proibizionismo {m}
:: Prohibition (in the USA)
proibizionismo {m}
:: protectionism
proibizionista {adj}
:: prohibitionist (attributive)
proibizionista {mf}
:: prohibitionist
proibizionistico {adj}
:: prohibitionist (attributive)
proiettabile {adj} [military]
:: fast-response (able to be deployed quickly)
proiettante {v}
:: present participle of proiettare
proiettantesi {v}
:: present participle of proiettarsi
proiettare {vt}
:: to project
proiettare {vt}
:: to cast, throw
proiettarsi {v}
:: reflexive of proiettare
proiettarsi {v}
:: to jump, throw oneself
proiettarsi {v}
:: to be cast, thrown
proiettatosi {v}
:: past participle of proiettarsi
Proietti {prop}
:: surname
Proietti {prop}
:: Luigi Proietti, Italian actor and comedian
proiettificio {m}
:: bullet factory
proiettile {m}
:: projectile
proiettile {m}
:: bullet
proiettività {f} [geometry]
:: projectivity
proiettivo {adj}
:: projecting
proiettivo {adj} [mathematics]
:: projective
proietto {m}
:: projectile
proiettore {m}
:: projector (cinema etc)
proiettore {m}
:: floodlight
proiettore {m}
:: headlight (of a car)
proiettura {f}
:: overhang, ledge, projection (of a building)
proiezione {f}
:: projection (all senses)
proiezionista {mf}
:: projectionist (cinema)
prolabio {m} [anatomy]
:: prolabium, philtrum
prolammina {f} [protein]
:: prolamine, prolamin
prolassante {v}
:: present participle of prolassare
prolassare {vi} [pathology]
:: to prolapse
prolasso {m} [pathology]
:: prolapse
prolattina {f}
:: prolactin
prolazione {f}
:: prolation
prole {f}
:: offspring, issue, children
prole {f}
:: progeny, race, stock
prolegato {m}
:: prolegate (deputy legate)
prolegomeno {m}
:: prolegomenon
prolessi {f}
:: prolepsis
prolessi {f}
:: anticipation
proletaria {f}
:: proletarian; feminine noun of proletario
proletariamente {adv}
:: proletarianly
proletariato {m}
:: proletariat
proletario {adj}
:: proletarian
proletario {m}
:: proletarian
proletarizzante {v}
:: present participle of proletarizzare
proletarizzantesi {v}
:: present participle of proletarizzarsi
proletarizzare {vt} [uncommon]
:: to proletarianize
proletarizzarsi {vr}
:: To become proletarianized
proletarizzazione {f}
:: proletarization
proletticamente {adv}
:: proleptically
prolettico {adj}
:: proleptic, proleptical
prolettico {adj}
:: anticipatory
proliferante {v}
:: present participle of proliferare
proliferare {vi}
:: To proliferate
proliferarsi {v}
:: reflexive of proliferare
proliferativo {adj}
:: proliferative
proliferativo {adj}
:: proliferating
proliferazione {f}
:: proliferation
prolifero {adj}
:: proliferous
prolificante {v}
:: present participle of prolificare
prolificare {vi}
:: to proliferate
prolificare {vi}
:: to be prolific
prolificazione {f}
:: prolification; proliferation
prolificità {f}
:: prolificacy, prolificness
prolifico {adj}
:: prolific
prolina {f} [amino acid]
:: proline
prolissamente {adv}
:: prolixly
prolissità {f}
:: prolixity, long-windedness, verbosity
prolisso {adj}
:: verbose, prolix
proloco {m}
:: An association that promotes local culture and tourism
prologo {m}
:: prologue
proloquio {m} [archaic] /proˈlɔkwjo/
:: An axiomatic or otherwise self-evident enunciation
proludente {v}
:: present participle of proludere
proludere {vi}
:: To begin an exposition
prolunga {f}
:: extension, extension cord
prolungabile {adj}
:: prolongable, extensible
prolungabilità {f}
:: extensibility
prolungamento {m}
:: prolonging
prolungamento {m}
:: extension
prolungamento {m}
:: continuation
prolungamento analitico {m} [maths]
:: analytic continuation
prolungante {v}
:: present participle of prolungare
prolungantesi {v}
:: present participle of prolungarsi
prolungare {vt}
:: to prolong
prolungare {vt}
:: to extend (all senses); to lengthen
prolungare {vt}
:: to defer; to delay; to put off
prolungarsi {v}
:: reflexive of prolungare
prolungarsi {v}
:: to continue, extend
prolungarsi {v}
:: to be extended, go on, lengthen
prolungarsi {v}
:: to speak to much
prolungatamente {adv}
:: protractedly
prolungato {adj}
:: prolonged, extended, protracted
prolungato {adj}
:: sustained
prolungato {adj}
:: lingering
prolungatore {m}
:: extender, lengthener
prolungatosi {v}
:: past participle of prolungarsi
prolungazione {f}
:: prolongation
prolusione {f}
:: The inaugural lecture of a university course
proluvie {f}
:: flood, inundation
promagistrato {m}
:: promagistrate (a magistrate with an extended period of office)
promanante {v}
:: present participle of promanare
promanare {vit}
:: to issue, spread, distribute
promemoria {m} /pro.meˈmɔ.rja/
:: reminder, prompt
promemoria {m}
:: memo, memorandum
promessa {f}
:: promise
promessa {f}
:: promising person
promessa di marinaio {f}
:: dicer 's oath
promessa di marinaio {f}
:: worthless promise
promessione {m}
:: alternative form of promissione
promessivo {adj}
:: alternative form of promissivo
promesso {adj}
:: promised
promesso {adj}
:: betrothed
promesso {m}
:: betrothed (person)
prometabolo {adj}
:: prometabolous
prometafase {f} [genetics]
:: prometaphase
prometeico {adj}
:: Promethean
prometeo {m}
:: promethium
Prometeo {prop}
:: Prometheus
promettente {v}
:: present participle of promettere
promettente {adj}
:: promising (that shows promise)
promettentesi {v}
:: present participle of promettersi
promettere {vt}
:: to promise, (figuratively) to threaten
promettere {vt}
:: to look like (e.g. rain)
promettere in sposa {v}
:: to betroth
promettersi {vr}
:: To become engaged or betrothed
promettitore {m}
:: promiser
promettutosi {v}
:: past participle of promettersi
promezio {m} [chemistry] /proˈmɛttsjo/
:: promethium
promielocitico {adj}
:: promyelocytic
prominente {adj}
:: prominent
prominenza {f}
:: protuberance
prominenza {f}
:: prominence
promiscuamente {adv}
:: promiscuously
promiscuamente {adv}
:: indiscriminately
promiscuità {f}
:: promiscuity
promiscuo {adj}
:: mixed (marriage etc)
promiscuo {adj}
:: common (to both sexes)
promiscuo {adj}
:: promiscuous, wanton
promissario {m} [legal]
:: promisee
promissione {m}
:: promise, edict
promissivo {adj}
:: promissory
promissorio {adj} [legal]
:: promissory
promittente {mf} [legal]
:: promisor
promontorio {m} /pro.monˈtɔr.jo/
:: promontory (both senses)
promontorio {m} [meteorology]
:: ridge
promoredazionale {adj}
:: synonym of pubbliredazionale
promotore {m}
:: promoter
promotore {m}
:: organizer
promotore {adj}
:: promoting
promotore {adj}
:: organizing
promovente {v}
:: present participle of promuovere
promovimento {m}
:: promotion (of an activity or product etc)
promozionale {adj}
:: promotional
promozionante {v}
:: present participle of promozionare
promozionare {vt}
:: to promote
promozionare {vt}
:: to enhance
promozionare {vt}
:: to encourage
promozione {f}
:: promotion, advancement
promozione {f}
:: pass (school)
promozione {f}
:: promotion, offer, discount
promulgamento {m}
:: alternative form of promulgazione
promulgante {v}
:: present participle of promulgare
promulgare {vt}
:: to promulgate, proclaim
promulgativo {adj}
:: promulgatory
promulgatore {m}
:: promulgator
promulgatore {adj}
:: promulgating
promulgazione {f}
:: promulgation, proclamation
promuovente {v}
:: present participle of promuovere
promuovere {vt}
:: to promote
promuovimento {m}
:: promotion
pronao {m} [architecture]
:: portico
pronatore {m} [anatomy]
:: pronator (muscle)
pronazione {f}
:: pronation
pronipote {mf}
:: grandnephew, grandniece
pronipote {mf} [in the plural]
:: descendants
pronità {f}
:: tendency, inclination
prono {adj} /ˈprɔ.no/
:: prone
pronome {m} /proˈno.me/
:: pronoun
pronome dimostrativo {m}
:: demonstrative pronoun
pronome indefinito {m}
:: indefinite pronoun
pronome personale {m}
:: personal pronoun
pronome possessivo {m} [grammar]
:: possessive pronoun
pronome relativo {m} [grammar]
:: relative pronoun
pronominale {adj}
:: pronominal
pronominalmente {adv}
:: pronominally
pronosticabile {adj}
:: predictable
pronosticamento {m}
:: prognostication, prediction
pronosticante {v}
:: present participle of pronosticare
pronosticare {vt}
:: to predict, forecast, foretell, prognosticate
pronosticatore {m}
:: prognosticator, predictor, forecaster
pronosticazione {f}
:: prognostication, prediction, forecast
pronostico {m}
:: forecast
pronostico {m}
:: prediction
pronostico {m}
:: prognostication
pronoto {m} [biology]
:: pronotum
prontamente {adv}
:: readily
prontare {v}
:: To solicit; to stimulate
prontare {v}
:: To prompt
prontare {v}
:: To take care (of someone)
prontezza {f}
:: readiness
prontezza {f}
:: quickness, promptness
prontissimo {adj}
:: superlative of pronto
pronto {adj} /ˈpron.to/
:: ready, prepared
pronto {adj}
:: willing, prompt, set
pronto {m}
:: ready-made
pronto {interj} [telephony]
:: hello [when answering the phone]
pronto soccorso {m}
:: (in a hospital) emergency department, emergency room, ER, emergency ward
pronto soccorso {m}
:: first aid
prontuario {m}
:: handbook, manual
pronuba {f}
:: matchmaker (female)
pronubo {adj}
:: pronubal, pronubial
pronubo {m}
:: matchmaker
pronuncia {f} /proˈnun.t͡ʃa/
:: pronunciation
pronuncia {f}
:: accent
pronuncia {f}
:: speech, delivery
pronuncia {f}
:: judgment
pronunciabile {adj}
:: pronounceable
pronunciabilità {f}
:: Property of being pronounceable
pronunciamento {m}
:: pronouncement
pronunciante {v}
:: present participle of pronunciare
pronunciantesi {v}
:: present participle of pronunciarsi
pronunciare {vt} /pronunˈtʃare/
:: to pronounce
pronunciare {vt} [transferred sense]
:: to say; to utter
pronunciare {vt}
:: to formulate publicly and solemnly; to deliver
pronunciare {vt} [law]
:: to announce or release [an opinion, sentence, etc.]
pronunciarsi {v}
:: reflexive of pronunciare
pronunciarsi {v}
:: to give one's opinion; to opine
pronunciarsi {v} [law]
:: to rule
pronunciato {adj}
:: pronounced (exaggerated)
pronunciato {m}
:: pronouncement (legal)
pronunciatore {m}
:: pronouncer
pronunciatosi {v}
:: past participle of pronunciarsi
pronunzia {f}
:: alternative form of pronuncia
pronunziabile {adj}
:: alternative form of pronunciabile
pronunziabilità {f}
:: alternative form of pronunciabilità
pronunziamento {m}
:: alternative form of pronunciamento
pronunziante {v}
:: present participle of pronunziare
pronunziantesi {v}
:: present participle of pronunziarsi
pronunziare {v}
:: alternative form of pronunciare
pronunziarsi {v}
:: alternative form of pronunciarsi
pronunziato {adj}
:: pronounced, marked
pronunziato {adj}
:: prominent
pronunziato {adj}
:: protruding
pronunziatosi {v}
:: past participle of pronunziarsi
propagabile {adj}
:: That can be propagated, propagable
propagabile {adj}
:: contagious
propagabilità {f}
:: propagability
propagabilità {f}
:: contagiousness
propagamento {m}
:: propagation
propagamento {m}
:: spread
propaganda {f}
:: propaganda
propagandabile {adj}
:: sellable
propagandante {v}
:: present participle of propagandare
propagandare {vt}
:: to propagandize
propagandare {vt}
:: to push, plug [a record, book, etc.]
propagandista {mf}
:: propagandist
propagandistico {adj}
:: propaganda (attributive)
propagante {v}
:: present participle of propagare
propagantesi {v}
:: present participle of propagarsi
propagare {vt}
:: to propagate
propagare {vt}
:: to spread
propagarsi {v}
:: reflexive of propagare
propagarsi {v}
:: to propagate, be propagated
propagarsi {v}
:: to spread
propagativo {adj}
:: propagative
propagatore {m}
:: propagator
propagatosi {v}
:: past participle of propagarsi
propagazione {f}
:: propagation (all senses)
propagginamento {m}
:: synonym of propagginazione
propagginante {v}
:: present participle of propagginare
propagginare {vt}
:: To layer (propagate plants by layering)
propagginatore {m}
:: layerer (propagator by layering)
propagginazione {f}
:: layering (of plants)
propagginazione {f}
:: A medieval method of execution by burying alive, head downwards
propaggine {f} [botany]
:: offshoot (of a plant)
propaggine {f} [figurative, by extension]
:: offshoot, extension
propaggine {f}
:: buttress (of a mountain)
propagolazione {f}
:: multiplication by propagation
propagolo {m}
:: propagule
propagulazione {f}
:: propagulation
propagulo {m}
:: alternative form of propagolo
propalante {v}
:: present participle of propalare
propalare {vt}
:: to divulge
propalare {vt}
:: to spread
propalatore {m}
:: propagator, communicator
propalazione {f}
:: divulging, divulgation
propano {m} [organic chemistry]
:: propane
propanoico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: propanoic
propanolo {m} [organic compound]
:: propanol
proparossitona {f} [grammar, phonetics]
:: proparoxytone
proparossitonico {adj}
:: proparoxytone
proparossitono {adj} [grammar, phonetics]
:: proparoxytone
propecettore {m}
:: proprioceptor
propedeuticamente {adv}
:: introductorily, preparatorily, propaedeutically
propedeutico {adj}
:: introductory, preparatory, propedeutic
propellente {v}
:: present participle of propellere
propellente {adj}
:: propellent
propellente {m}
:: propellent
propellere {vt}
:: to propel
propendente {v}
:: present participle of propendere
propendere {vi}
:: to be inclined, to lean or tend
propensione {f}
:: inclination, propensity, propension, bent
propensione {f}
:: liking
propensità {f}
:: propensity
propenso {adj}
:: inclined, willing
propeptide {m} [biochemistry]
:: pro-peptide, pro-protein
propergolo {m}
:: propellant; rocket fuel
properispomena {f} [grammar]
:: properispomenon
properispomeno {adj} [grammar]
:: properispome
Properzio {prop}
:: Propertius, the Roman poet
Properzio {prop}
:: given name
propile {m} [organic chemistry]
:: propyl
propilene {m} [organic chemistry]
:: propylene, propene
propilenglicole {m} [organic chemistry]
:: propylene glycol
propilenico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: propylenic
propileo {m}
:: (especially in plural) propylaeum
propilico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: propyl (attributive), propylic
propiltiouracile {m} [organic compound]
:: propylthiouracil
propina {f} [archaic]
:: recompensation, fee
propina {f}
:: synonym of diaria
propinante {v}
:: present participle of propinare
propinare {vt}
:: to administer
propinare {v} [archaic]
:: to serve, pour a drink
propinatore {m}
:: giver
propinquamente {adv}
:: nextly
propinquamente {adv}
:: similarly
propinquità {f} [literary]
:: propinquity
propinquo {adj}
:: next, near; neighbouring
propinquo {adj}
:: similar
propionato {m} [organic chemistry]
:: propionate
propionico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: propionic
propiziamente {adv}
:: propitiously, favourably
propiziante {v}
:: present participle of propiziare
propiziantesi {v}
:: present participle of propiziarsi
propiziare {vt}
:: to propitiate
propiziare {vt}
:: to favour
propiziare {vt}
:: to facilitate or result
propiziarsi {vr}
:: To endear oneself
propiziativo {adj}
:: propitious
propiziatore {m}
:: propitiator
propiziatore {adj}
:: propitiatory
propiziatorio {adj}
:: propitiatory
propiziatosi {v}
:: past participle of propiziarsi
propiziazione {f}
:: propitiation
propizio {adj}
:: favourable (to), propitious
propizio {adj}
:: opportune (for)
proplastidio {m}
:: proplastid
propoli {f}
:: propolis
proponente {adj}
:: proposing
proponente {mf}
:: proposer, proponent
proponente {v}
:: present participle of proporre
proponentesi {v}
:: present participle of proporsi
proponibile {adj}
:: suggestable, proposable
proponibile {adj} [legal]
:: admissible (evidence)
proponibilità {f}
:: admissibility
proponimento {m}
:: resolution
proponitore {m}
:: proposer, proponent
proporre {vt}
:: to propose, suggest, or put forward
proporre {vt}
:: to suggest [someone] [for a role, job position, etc.]
proporre {vt} [literary]
:: (with di + inf.) to decide
proporre {vt} [literary]
:: to destine
proporre {vt} [archaic]
:: to start by saying
proporsi {v}
:: reflexive of proporre
proporsi {v}
:: to aim for; to set [a goal]
proporsi {v}
:: (with a, per, or come) to nominate oneself (for) [a role, job position, etc.]
proporzionabile {adj}
:: proportionable
proporzionabilità {f}
:: proportionability
proporzionabilmente {adv}
:: proportionably
proporzionale {adj}
:: proportional
proporzionalità {f}
:: proportionality
proporzionalmente {adv}
:: proportionally
proporzionante {v}
:: present participle of proporzionare
proporzionare {vt}
:: To proportion (make proportional)
proporzionatamente {adv}
:: proportionately
proporzionato {adj}
:: proportionate, proportionated
proporzionato {adj}
:: suitable, fair
proporzionatore {m}
:: proportioner
proporzione {f}
:: proportion
proporzionevolmente {adv}
:: proportionately
propositivo {adj}
:: propositional
proposito {m} /proˈpɔ.zi.to/
:: purpose, intention, plan, design
proposito {m}
:: aim, object, purpose, purport
proposito {m}
:: subject, point
propositore {m}
:: proponent
proposizionale {adj} [mathematics]
:: propositional
proposizione {f}
:: sentence (grammar)
proposizione {f}
:: proposition (maths)
proposizione logica {f} [mathematics]
:: proposition
proposta {f}
:: proposal
proposto {adj}
:: proposed
proposto {m}
:: subject (of a story etc)
proposto {m}
:: provost
propostosi {v}
:: past participle of proporsi
propranololo {m} [medicine]
:: propranolol
propretore {m}
:: propraetor
propretura {f}
:: proprietorship
propriamente {adv}
:: properly, correctly
propriamente {adv}
:: specifically, strictly
proprietà {f}
:: [right] ownership, proprietorship, property
proprietà {f}
:: [something owned] property, estate, possessions
proprietà {f}
:: [quality] property, characteristic
proprietà {f} [mathematics]
:: property, law
proprietà associativa {n} [mathematics]
:: associativity
proprietà commutativa {f} [mathematics]
:: commutativity
proprietà distributiva {n} [mathematics]
:: distributivity
proprietaria {f}
:: feminine noun of proprietario
proprietaria {f}
:: owner, proprietress, landlady
proprietario {m}
:: owner, proprietary, proprietor, landlord
proprio {adj} [possessive] /ˈprɔp.rjo/
:: one's, one's own, her (own), its (own), their (own)
proprio {adj} [possessive, peculiar]
:: characteristic, peculiar, typical
proprio {adj} [possessive, grammar, mathematics]
:: proper
proprio {adv}
:: [really] really, quite, indeed
proprio {adv}
:: [exactly] just, quite, exactly
proprio {adv}
:: [intensifier] very, right, at all
proprio {m}
:: one's own, what belongs to one, one's due
proprio {pron} [possessive]
:: one's, one's own, her (own), its (own), their (own)
propriocettivo {adj}
:: proprioceptive
propriocettore {m}
:: proprioceptor
propriocezione {f}
:: proprioception
proptosi {f} [pathology]
:: proptosis
propugnacolo {m} [literary] /pro.puɲˈɲa.ko.lo/
:: bulwark, rampart, fortress
propugnacolo {m} [literary, figuratively]
:: defense
propugnante {v}
:: present participle of propugnare
propugnare {vt}
:: to support, advocate
propugnazione {f}
:: advocacy, support
propulsare {v}
:: To propel
propulsare {v}
:: To repulse
propulsatore {m}
:: propeller
propulsione {f}
:: propulsion
propulsivo {adj}
:: propulsive
propulsivo {adj}
:: push (attributive)
propulsore {m}
:: propeller
propulsorio {adj}
:: propulsive, propelling
proquestore {m}
:: proquaestor
proquestore {m}
:: assistant chief constable
proquestore {m}
:: assistant magistrate (in Ancient Rome)
proquestura {f}
:: The office of a proquestore
proquoio {m}
:: cattle fence
prora {f} /ˈprɔra/
:: bow, bows, prow (of a ship)
proravia {adv} [nautical]
:: in the direction of the bow; ahead
proravia {f} [nautical]
:: The part of a ship facing the bow
prorettore {m}
:: prorector
proroga {f}
:: extension (in time)
proroga {f}
:: deferment
proroga {f}
:: prorogation
prorogabile {adj}
:: Able to be extended or deferred; extendible
prorogabilità {f}
:: Property of being extendible; extendibility
prorogante {v}
:: present participle of prorogare
prorogare {vt}
:: to extend [in time]
prorogare {vt} [by extension]
:: to talk too much, especially as a way to buy time
prorogare {vt}
:: to defer, put back
prorogatio {f}
:: Variant of proroga
prorogato {adj}
:: extended
prorogato {adj}
:: deferred, put back
prorogazione {f}
:: prorogation
prorompente {v}
:: present participle of prorompere
prorompente {adj}
:: gushing
prorompere {vi}
:: to gush or erupt
prorompere {vi} [by extension]
:: [of people] to rush out; to pour out
prorompere {vi}
:: to break out (begin suddenly)
prorompere {vi}
:: to interrupt [a discussion, speech, etc.] by saying
prorompimento {m} [rare]
:: eruption, gush, burst
prorompimento {m} [rare]
:: breakout
prorompimento {m} [rare]
:: interruption
prosa {f} /ˈprɔ.za/
:: a prose
prosa {f}
:: a drama (theatre)
prosaicamente {adv}
:: prosaically, matter-of-factly
prosaicismo {m}
:: prosaicism
prosaicità {f}
:: prosaicness
prosaico {adj}
:: prosaic, mundane
prosapia {f} [literary] /proˈza.pja/
:: lineage, ancestry
prosare {vi} [rare] /proˈsa.re/
:: To write in prose
prosare {vi} [rare, archaic]
:: To converse with some sense of self-satisfaction
prosasticamente {adv}
:: prosaically
prosasticità {f}
:: prosaicness
prosastico {adj}
:: prosaic, prose [attributive]
prosatore {m}
:: prose writer
proscenio {m} [theater] /proʃˈʃɛ.njo/
:: proscenium
proscenio {m} [by extension]
:: stage
proscimmia {f} [zoology]
:: prosimian
proscinèma {m}
:: proskynesis
proscinèsi {m} [rare]
:: proskynesis
prosciogliente {v}
:: present participle of prosciogliere
prosciogliere {vt}
:: to acquit, absolve someone (of something)
prosciogliere {vt}
:: to release someone (from something)
proscioglimento {m}
:: acquittal
proscioglimento {m}
:: release (of an accused person)
proscioglitore {m}
:: acquitter, absolver
proscioglitore {m}
:: releaser
prosciugamento {m}
:: drying (up), draining, drainage
prosciugamento {m}
:: reclamation (of marshy land)
prosciugante {v}
:: present participle of prosciugare
prosciugantesi {v}
:: present participle of prosciugarsi
prosciugare {vt}
:: to dry up
prosciugare {vt} [by extension]
:: to overconsume [a resource]; to eat up
prosciugare {vt}
:: to make [a person] extremely skinny
prosciugare {vt}
:: to reclaim [wetlands, etc.]
prosciugare {vi}
:: to become dry
prosciugarsi {vi}
:: reflexive of prosciugare
prosciugarsi {vi}
:: to dry up
prosciugarsi {vi}
:: to become extremely skinny
prosciugarsi {vi}
:: [of cash registers, pockets, etc.] to empty out
prosciugarsi {vi}
:: [of a resource] to exhaust (itself)
prosciugarsi {vi}
:: to fade away; to become more tenuous
prosciugatosi {v}
:: past participle of prosciugarsi
prosciugatura {f}
:: synonym of prosciugamento
prosciutt {m}
:: apocopic form of prosciutto
prosciuttato {adj}
:: larded with prosciutto
prosciuttello {m}
:: A variety of prosciutto from Piedmont
prosciuttificio {m}
:: prosciutto manufacturer / seller
prosciuttino {m}
:: A variety of prosciutto from Lombardy typically using high quality pork shoulder
prosciutto {m} /proʃˈʃut.to/
:: ham
prosciutto cotto {m}
:: cooked/baked ham
prosciutto crudo {m}
:: dry-cured raw ham, prosciutto
proscritta {f}
:: outlaw
proscritta {f}
:: exile
proscritto {adj}
:: proscribed
proscritto {adj}
:: abolished
proscritto {adj}
:: exiled
proscritto {m}
:: outlaw
proscritto {m}
:: exile
proscrittore {m}
:: proscriber
proscrivente {v}
:: present participle of proscrivere
proscrivere {vt}
:: to proscribe
proscrivere {vt}
:: to exile, banish
proscrivere {vt}
:: to abolish, ban
proscrizione {f}
:: exile, banishment, proscription
prosecutivo {adj}
:: continuing, continual
prosecutore {m}
:: prosecutor
prosecuzione {f}
:: continuation (in time)
prosecuzione {f}
:: extension (in space)
proseggiare {v} [uncommon]
:: to prosify
proseggiatore {m}
:: prosifier, prose writer
prosegretario {m}
:: assistant secretary
proseguente {v}
:: present participle of proseguire
proseguibile {adj}
:: That can be continued; continuable
proseguimento {m}
:: continuation
proseguimento {m}
:: the remainder of a journey
proseguire {vt} /pro.zeˈɡwi.re/
:: to continue, carry on, go on, resume
proseguire {vi}
:: to go on, run on, keep going, continue, keep up
proselite {m}
:: proselyte, convert
proselitismo {m}
:: proselytism
proselito {m}
:: convert [to a religion, etc.]
prosenchima {m} [botany]
:: prosenchyma
prosenchimatico {adj}
:: prosenchymal
Proserpina {prop}
:: Proserpine
prosettore {m}
:: prosector
prosieguo {m} /proˈsjɛ.ɡwo/
:: continuation, succession
prosillogismo {m} [philosophy]
:: prosyllogism
prosindaco {m}
:: deputy mayor
prosinodale {adj}
:: prosynodal
prosodicamente {adv}
:: prosodically
prosodico {adj}
:: prosodic, prosodical
prosodio {m}
:: prosodion
prosodista {mf}
:: prosodist
prosontuoso {adj}
:: alternative form of presuntuoso
prosopoagnosia {f}
:: prosopagnosia
prosopografia {f}
:: prosopography
prosopografico {adj}
:: prosopographic
prosopopea {f}
:: prosopopoeia
prosopopea {f} [by extension]
:: pomposity
prosopopeico {adj}
:: prosopopoeic
prosperamente {adv}
:: prosperously
prosperamento {m}
:: prosperity
prosperante {v}
:: present participle of prosperare
prosperare {vi}
:: to prosper, thrive, flourish
prosperevolmente {adv}
:: propitiously
prosperità {f}
:: prosperity
prospero {adj}
:: flourishing, thriving
prospero {adj}
:: prosperous, affluent
Prospero {prop}
:: given name
Prospero {prop} [astronomy]
:: A moon of Uranus
prosperosamente {adv}
:: prosperously
prosperosità {f}
:: prosperousness
prosperosità {f}
:: buxomness
prosperoso {adj}
:: prosperous, affluent
prosperoso {adj}
:: flourishing, thriving
prosperoso {adj}
:: shapely (especially in the feminine)
prospettabile {adj}
:: prospective (likely to happen)
prospettante {v}
:: present participle of prospettare
prospettare {vt}
:: to present; to show; to advance
prospettare {v} [su]
:: to face
prospettarsi {v}
:: reflexive of prospettare
prospettarsi {v}
:: to present oneself (in a particular way)
prospettazione {f}
:: indicating (pointing out)
prospettazione {f}
:: advancing (a hypothesis etc.)
prospetticamente {adv}
:: in perspective
prospettico {adj}
:: perspective
prospettico {adj}
:: prospective
prospettiva {f}
:: perspective
prospettiva {f}
:: prospect (possibility)
prospettivista {mf} [art]
:: A painter of perspectives
prospettivo {adj}
:: perspective (attributive)
prospetto {m}
:: summary table
prospetto {m}
:: prospectus, brochure
prospetto {m}
:: elevation (of a building)
prospetto {m}
:: view, prospect
prospetto {m}
:: front, facade
prospettore {m}
:: prospector
prospezione {f}
:: prospecting
prospicente {adj}
:: alternative form of prospiciente
prospiciente {adj} /pros.piˈt͡ʃɛn.te/
:: overlooking
prospicuo {adj} [obsolete]
:: conspicuous
prossemica {f}
:: proxemics
prossemico {adj}
:: proxemic
prosseneta {m}
:: procurer, pimp
prossenetico {m}
:: brokerage
prossenetismo {m}
:: pimping, procuring
prosseno {m}
:: proxenos
prossimale {adj} [anatomy]
:: proximal
prossimale {adj} [botany]
:: basal
prossimalmente {adv}
:: proximally
prossimamente {adv}
:: soon, shortly, in the near future
prossimano {adj}
:: synonym of prossimo
prossimità {f}
:: proximity
prossimo {adj} /ˈprɔs.si.mo/
:: very near, near, close
prossimo {adj}
:: next (following in time or space)
prossimo {m}
:: neighbour, neighbor, the others
prostaferesi {f}
:: prosthaphaeresis
prostaglandina {f} [biochemistry]
:: prostaglandin
prostata {f} [anatomy]
:: prostate
prostatectomia {f} [surgery]
:: prostatectomy
prostatico {adj} [anatomy, medicine]
:: prostate (attributive)
prostatismo {m} [pathology]
:: prostatism
prostatite {f} [pathology]
:: prostatitis
prostendente {v}
:: present participle of prostendere
prostendere {vt}
:: To stretch out in front
prosternante {v}
:: present participle of prosternare
prosternantesi {v}
:: present participle of prosternarsi
prosternare {vt}
:: to throw down
prosternare {vt}
:: to prostrate
prosternarsi {v}
:: reflexive of prosternare
prosternarsi {v}
:: to prostrate oneself
prosternatosi {v}
:: past participle of prosternarsi
prosternazione {f}
:: prostration
prostesi {f} [linguistics]
:: prothesis
prostetico {adj}
:: prosthetic
prostilo {m} [architecture]
:: prostyle
prostituente {v}
:: present participle of prostituire
prostituente {v}
:: present participle of prostituirsi
prostituentesi {v}
:: present participle of prostituirsi
prostituire {vt}
:: to prostitute
prostituirsi {v}
:: reflexive of prostituire
prostituirsi {vr}
:: to prostitute oneself, hoe, hook
prostituitosi {v}
:: past participle of prostituirsi
prostituta {f}
:: prostitute, hooker
prostituto {m}
:: prostitute (male, homosexual)
prostituto {m}
:: gigolo
prostituto {m}
:: hustler
prostituzione {f}
:: prostitution
prostramento {f}
:: synonym of prostrazione
prostrante {v}
:: present participle of prostrare
prostrantesi {v}
:: present participle of prostrarsi
prostrare {vt}
:: to seriously debilitate
prostrare {vt}
:: to prostrate
prostrarsi {v}
:: reflexive of prostrare
prostrarsi {v}
:: to prostrate oneself
prostrato {adj}
:: prostrate (all senses)
prostratosi {v}
:: past participle of prostrarsi
prostrazione {f}
:: prostration
prosumente {v}
:: present participle of prosumere
prosumere {vt}
:: Variant of presumere
prosunzione {f}
:: alternative form of presunzione
prosuocero {m}
:: grandfather-in-law
protagonismo {m}
:: self-advertisement, desire to be the centre of attention
protagonista {mf} /pro.ta.ɡoˈnis.ta/
:: protagonist
protagonistico {adj}
:: protagonistic
Protagora {prop}
:: Protagoras
protallo {m} [botany]
:: prothallium, prothallus
protasi {f}
:: protasis (all senses)
protattinio {m}
:: alternative spelling of protoattinio
proteaginosa {f}
:: Any food-plant rich in protein
proteaginoso {adj}
:: proteaginous
proteasi {f} [enzyme]
:: protease
proteasoma {m} [biochemistry]
:: proteasome
proteggentesi {v}
:: present participle of proteggersi
proteggere {v} /proˈtɛddʒere/
:: to shield or protect
proteggersi {v}
:: reflexive of proteggere
proteggersi {v}
:: to protect oneself
proteggibile {adj}
:: protectable
proteggislip {m}
:: pantyliner
proteggitore {m}
:: shield
proteggitore {m}
:: protector
proteico {adj}
:: proteinic
proteico {adj}
:: protean
proteiforme {adj}
:: protean, proteiform
proteina {f}
:: protein
proteinasi {f} [enzyme]
:: protease
proteinchinasi {f} [enzyme]
:: protein kinase
proteinemia {f} [medicine]
:: proteinemia
proteinico {adj}
:: proteinic, proteinaceous
proteinogenesi {f} [biochemistry]
:: proteinogenesis
proteinogenico {adj}
:: proteinogenic
protele {m}
:: aardwolf
protendente {v}
:: present participle of protendere
protendentesi {v}
:: present participle of protendersi
protendere {vt}
:: (also with a or verso) to stretch out; to hold out (towards)
protendersi {v}
:: reflexive of protendere
protendersi {vi}
:: (also with da or verso) to lean or stretch forward or out; to reach out
protendersi {vi}
:: to stretch out; to jut out
protendersi {v} [verso, .figurative, .by extension]
:: hold out (for); to hope (for)
proteo- {prefix}
:: proteo-
proteo {m}
:: olm
Proteo {prop} [astronomy]
:: Proteus (moon of Neptune)
Proteo {prop} [Greek god]
:: Proteus
proteogenesi {f}
:: synonym of proteinogenesi
proteolisi {f} [biochemistry]
:: proteolysis
proteoliticamente {adv}
:: proteolytically
proteolitico {adj} [biochemistry]
:: proteolytic
proteomica {f}
:: proteomics
proteomico {adj}
:: proteomic
proteosintesi {f} [biochemistry]
:: protein synthesis
proterandria {f} [biology]
:: proterandry
proterandro {adj}
:: proterandrous
proteranto {adj}
:: proteranthous
proteranzia {f} [botany]
:: proteranthy
proteroginia {f}
:: proterogyny
proterogino {adj}
:: proterogynous
protervamente {adv}
:: arrogantly
protervia {f}
:: arrogance, obstinacy
protervità {f}
:: arrogance
protervo {adj}
:: arrogant, obstinate, pigheaded
protesi {f} [medicine]
:: prosthesis
protesico {adj} [medicine]
:: prosthetic
protesista {mf}
:: prosthodontist
protesizzazione {f}
:: The manufacture and fitting of a prosthesis
protesosi {v}
:: past participle of protendersi
protesta {f} /proˈtɛs.ta/
:: protest, remonstrance, complaint, stink
protestante {adj}
:: Protestant
protestante {mf}
:: Protestant
protestantesi {v}
:: present participle of protestarsi
protestantesimo {m}
:: Protestantism
protestantico {adj}
:: synonym of protestante
protestare {vt}
:: to protest, to declare, to assert
protestare {vi}
:: to protest
protestarsi {vr}
:: To protest, to declare
protestatario {adj}
:: protesting
protestatore {m}
:: protester, complainer
protestatorio {adj}
:: alternative form of protestatario
protestatosi {v}
:: past participle of protestarsi
protestatrice {f}
:: protester, complainer
protesto {m} [legal]
:: protest
protetico {adj}
:: prosthetic
protettivamente {adv}
:: protectively
protettivo {adj}
:: protective
protetto {adj}
:: protected, sheltered
protettorale {adj}
:: protecting, defending
protettorato {m}
:: protectorate
protettore {m}
:: protector, guardian
protettore {m}
:: patron
protettore {m}
:: pimp
protettore {adj}
:: patron (attributive)
protettore {adj}
:: protection (attributive)
protettosi {v}
:: past participle of proteggersi
protettrice {f}
:: female equivalent of protettore
protezione {f} /protetˈtsjone/
:: protection
protezionismo {m} [politics]
:: protectionism
protezionista {adj} [economics, politics]
:: protectionist
protezionista {mf}
:: protectionist
protezionistico {adj} [economics, politics]
:: protectionist
protico {adj} [chemistry]
:: protic
protide {m} [protein]
:: protein
protiro {m} [architecture]
:: prothyrum (porch portal)
protista {m} [microbiology]
:: protist
protistologia {f}
:: protistology
proto- {prefix}
:: proto-
proto {m} [archaic or regional] /ˈprɔ.to/
:: chief of a workforce
proto {m} [architecture, regional, Venice]
:: An architect in charge of maintenance and restoration of St Mark's Basilica
proto {m}
:: The chief worker in a print shop, in charge of composition and layout
proto {m} [by extension]
:: typographer, typographist
proto {m} [archaic]
:: know-it-all
protoantropo {m}
:: protoanthropoid
protoattinio {m} [chemistry] /ˌprɔtoatˈtinjo/
:: protactinium
protobranchio {m}
:: protobranch (bivalve of the order Protobranchia)
protocanonico {adj}
:: protocanonical
protocatecuico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: protocatechuic
protocellula {f}
:: protocell
protoceltico {adj}
:: Proto-Celtic (attributive)
protoceltico {m}
:: Proto-Celtic
protocetide {m}
:: protocetid (of family Protocetidae)
protoclasi {f} [geology] /prɔ.toˈkla.zi/
:: Deformation of a rock's component minerals prior to its solidification
protoclastico {adj} [geology, of a rock] /pro.toˈklas.ti.ko/
:: Characterized by a deformation of the component minerals having taken place prior to solidification
protocollante {v}
:: present participle of protocollare
protocollare {adj}
:: protocol [attributive]
protocollare {vt}
:: to register or log legal protocols
protocollarmente {adv}
:: with regard to protocol
protocollazione {f} [legal]
:: registration and logging of legal protocols
protocollista {mf}
:: filing clerk
protocollo {m}
:: register
protocollo {m}
:: protocol
protoctista {m} [zoology]
:: protoctist
protocuneiforme {adj} /ˌprɔ.to.ku.nei̯ˈfor.me/
:: protocuneiform
protofantascienza {f}
:: proto-science fiction
protofibrilla {f}
:: protofibril
protofilamento {m}
:: protofilament
protofillo {m} [botany]
:: cotyledon
protofisico {m} [obsolete]
:: A public-health official
protofrancese {adj}
:: Proto-French
protofrancese {m}
:: Proto-French (language)
protogeometrico {adj}
:: protogeometric
protogermanico {adj}
:: Proto-Germanic
protogermanico {m}
:: Proto-Germanic
protogino {m} [geology]
:: protogine
protogino {adj} [botany]
:: protogynous
protoindoeuropeo {adj}
:: Proto-Indo-European
protoindoeuropeo {m}
:: Proto-Indo-European
protoindustria {f}
:: proto-industry
protoindustriale {adj}
:: proto-industrial
protoindustrializzazione {f}
:: proto-industrialization
protolingua {f}
:: protolanguage
protolisi {f} [chemistry]
:: protolysis
protomartire {mf}
:: protomartyr
protomateria {f}
:: protomatter
protome {f}
:: protome
protomedico {m} [obsolete]
:: A public-health official
protomolecola {f}
:: protomolecule
protomorfo {adj}
:: protomorphic
protomorfo {m}
:: protomorph
protomoteca {f}
:: A museum of sculptural busts
protonato {adj} [chemistry]
:: protonated
protonazione {f} [chemistry]
:: protonation
protone {m} [physics]
:: proton
protonefridio {m}
:: protonephridium
protonema {m}
:: protonema
protonico {adj}
:: proton (attributive)
protonio {m} [physics]
:: protonium
protonmotore {adj}
:: protonmotive
proto-norreno {m}
:: Proto-Norse (Indo-European language)
protonotaio {m}
:: alternative form of protonotario
protonotariato {m}
:: protonotaryship, prothonotaryship
protonotario {m}
:: protonotary
protooncogene {m}
:: protooncogene
protopalaziale {adj}
:: protopalatial
protopectina {f}
:: protopectin
protopianeta {m}
:: protoplanet
protoplanetario {adj}
:: protoplanetary
protoplasma {m} [cytology]
:: protoplasm
protoplasmatico {adj}
:: protoplasmic, protoplasmatic, protoplasmal
protoplastido {m}
:: protoplastid
protoplasto {m} [cytology]
:: protoplast
protoporfirina {f} [biochemistry]
:: protoporphyrin
protoporfirinogeno {m} [biochemistry]
:: protoporphyrinogen
protoquamquam {mf}
:: A ridiculously pedantic person
protorace {m}
:: prothorax
protoromanticismo {m}
:: early Romanticism
protoromantico {adj}
:: Early Romantic
protoromanzo {m}
:: Vulgar Latin
protosemitico {adj}
:: Proto-Semitic
protosemitico {m}
:: Proto-Semitic
protosinaitico {adj}
:: Protosinaitic
protosincrotone {m} [physics]
:: proton synchrotron
protosincrotrone {m} [physics]
:: protosynchrotron; proton synchrotron
protoslavo {adj}
:: Proto-Slavic
protoslavo {m}
:: Proto-Slavic
protospatario {m}
:: protospatharios
protossido {m} [inorganic chemistry]
:: protoxide
protossido d'azoto {m} [chemistry, ]
:: nitrous oxide, dinitrogen oxide, dinitrogen monoxide, laughing gas
protostella {f} [astronomy]
:: protostar
protostellare {adj} [astronomy]
:: protostellar
protostoma {m} [zoology]
:: protostome
protostoria {f}
:: protohistory
protostorico {adj}
:: protohistoric
prototipale {adj}
:: prototypical
prototipico {adj}
:: prototypical
prototipo {m}
:: prototype (all senses)
protottero {m}
:: protopterid
protourbano {adj}
:: proto-urban
protovangelo {m}
:: protoevangelum
protovescovo {m}
:: protobishop (the first bishop of a particular bishopric)
protovillanoviano {adj}
:: proto-Villanovian
protozoa {m} [biology]
:: protozoan
protozoico {adj}
:: protozoic
protozoo {m} [biology]
:: protozoan
protraente {v}
:: present participle of protrarre
protraentesi {v}
:: present participle of protrarsi
protrarre {vt}
:: to prolong; to protract
protrarre {vt}
:: to defer; to delay; to put off
protrarsi {v}
:: reflexive of protrarre
protrarsi {v}
:: to drag on
protrattile {adj}
:: protractile
protratto {adj}
:: prolonged
protratto {adj}
:: protracted
protrattore {m}
:: protractor
protrattosi {v}
:: past participle of protrarsi
protrazione {f}
:: protraction
protrombina {f} [protein]
:: prothrombin
protrudente {v}
:: present participle of protrudere
protrudere {v}
:: To protrude
protrudibile {adj}
:: protrusile, protrusible
protrusione {f}
:: protrusion
protuberante {adj}
:: protuberant, bulging
protuberanza {f}
:: bulge, protuberance, swelling, lump
protuberanza solare {f} [astronomy]
:: solar prominence
protutela {f}
:: The office of a protutore
protutore {m}
:: acting or deputy guardian
proustiano {adj} /pruˈstja.no/
:: Proustian (reminiscent of Marcel Proust or his works)
prova {f} /ˈprɔ.va/
:: trial, test, experiment
prova {f}
:: examination, exam, test
prova {f}
:: proof, evidence
prova {f}
:: try, attempt, shot
prova {f} [sports]
:: trial, test, event, performance
prova {f} [theater]
:: rehearsal
provabile {adj}
:: provable, demonstrable
provabilità {f}
:: provability, demonstrability
provacircuiti {m}
:: circuit tester
provanatura {f}
:: An offshoot of a vine once used to start a new vineyard
provante {v}
:: present participle of provare
provantesi {v}
:: present participle of provarsi
provar {v}
:: apocopic form of provare
provare {vt}
:: to try, try out, test
provare {v} [a]
:: to try, attempt, take on
provare {vt}
:: to feel, experience
provare {vt}
:: to prove, demonstrate, show
provare {vt} [of clothes]
:: to try on
provare {vt} [theater]
:: to rehearse
provarsi {v}
:: reflexive of provare
provarsi {v}
:: to try
provatamente {adv}
:: certainly, surely, definitely
provato {adj}
:: proven, established
provatore {m}
:: trier, experimenter
provatosi {v}
:: past participle of provarsi
provatransistori {m} [electronics]
:: A device that checks transistors
provatubi {m}
:: synonym of provavalvole
provatura {f}
:: A cheese somewhat similar to mozzarella
provavalvole {m} [electronics]
:: A device that tests valves
provedente {v}
:: present participle of provedere
provedenza {f}
:: provenance
provedere {v}
:: obsolete form of provvedere
proveggente {v}
:: present participle of provedere
provenda {f}
:: alternative form of profenda
provenda {f}
:: An ancient measure of capacity equal to about 9 litres
proveniente {adj}
:: That comes (from) or originates (in) a specified place
provenienza {f}
:: origin, provenance
provenire {vi}
:: to come from
proventi {mp}
:: revenue {s}
proventi {mp}
:: proceeds {p}
provento {m} [chiefly in the plural]
:: revenue, proceeds
proventriglio {m}
:: proventriculus
Provenza {prop}
:: Provenza (region)
provenzale {adj}
:: Provençal
provenzale {m}
:: Provençal
provenzaleggiante {v}
:: present participle of provenzaleggiare
provenzaleggiante {adj}
:: In the Provençal manner
provenzaleggiare {vi}
:: to imitate the Provençal style
provenzalesco {adj}
:: synonym of provenzale
provenzalismo {m}
:: A word or construction from Provençal
provenzalista {mf}
:: A student of the Provençal language
provenzalmente {adv}
:: In the Provençal manner
Proverbi {prop} [biblical]
:: Proverbs
proverbiale {adj}
:: proverbial
proverbialmente {adv}
:: proverbially
proverbiare {v}
:: To scold
proverbiare {v}
:: To mock
proverbio {m} /proˈvɛr.bjo/
:: proverb
proverbioso {adj}
:: proverbial
proverbioso {adj}
:: rude, spiteful
proverbista {mf}
:: proverbialist
provese {m}
:: alternative form of prodese
provetta {f}
:: test tube
provetto {adj}
:: skilled, proficient
provianda {f}
:: cutlery and crockery (for use with eating)
provicariato {m}
:: The office of a provicario
provicario {m}
:: deputy vicar
providenza {f}
:: alternative form of provvidenza
provider {m} [Internet]
:: provider (Internet service provider)
provider {m} [rare]
:: provider
proviente {adj}
:: coming (from); that comes (from)
provigione {f}
:: alternative form of provissione
provincia {f} /pro.ˈvin.t͡ʃa/
:: province
provincia {f}
:: district
provincia {f}
:: country
provincialato {m}
:: provincialate
provinciale {adj}
:: provincial
provincialesco {adj}
:: provincialesque, provincial
provincialismo {m}
:: provincialism
provincialità {f}
:: provincialism
provincializzante {v}
:: present participle of provincializzare
provincializzare {vt}
:: to provincialize
provincializzazione {f}
:: provincialization
provincialmente {adv}
:: provincially
provino {m}
:: casting, audition, tryout, screen test
provino {m}
:: proof, test strip, contact print
provino {m}
:: sample, specimen
Provino {prop}
:: given name
provisione {f}
:: alternative form of provvisione
provissione {f}
:: provision
provissione {f}
:: provisions
provitamina {f} [biochemistry]
:: provitamin
provocabile {adj}
:: That can be provoked
provocabilità {f}
:: provocability
provocante {v}
:: present participle of provocare
provocante {adj}
:: provocative
provocantemente {adv}
:: provocatively
provocantesi {v}
:: present participle of provocarsi
provocare {vt} /pro.voˈka.re/
:: to cause [an incident, etc.]
provocare {vt}
:: to provoke
provocare {vt}
:: to arouse
provocarsi {v}
:: reflexive of provocare
provocarsi {v}
:: to become annoyed with one another
provocarsi {v}
:: to provoke each other
provocatore {m} /pro.vo.kaˈto.re/
:: agitator
provocatore {adj}
:: agitating, provoking
provocatoriamente {adv}
:: provocatively, confrontationally
provocatorio {adj} /pro.vo.kaˈtɔ.rjo/
:: provocative
provocatorio {adj}
:: confrontational
provocatosi {v}
:: past participle of provocarsi
provocazione {f} /pro.vo.kaˈt͡sjo.ne/
:: provocation
provola {f} [regional]
:: synonym of scamorza
provolone {m}
:: augmentative of provola
provolone {m}
:: provolone (semi-hard cheese made of whole milk from cows)
provosto {m}
:: alternative form of prevosto
provvedente {v}
:: present participle of provvedere
provvedenza {f}
:: alternative form of provvidenza
provvedere {vt}
:: to provide, to supply, to furnish
provvedere {vt}
:: to arrange, to prepare
provvedere {vi}
:: to provide
provvedere {vi}
:: to look after, to take care
provvedere {vi}
:: to take a decision, to act
provvedere {vi}
:: to arrange for
provvedere {m}
:: provision; the act of providing something
provvedersi {vr}
:: To obtain, provide or equip
provvedimentale {adj}
:: precautionary
provvedimento {m}
:: measure, act, step
provvedimento {m}
:: precaution
provveditorato {m} [education]
:: provincial education department (in Italy)
provveditorato {m}
:: superintendent's office
provveditore {m}
:: superintendent
provveditoria {f}
:: superintendentship
provvedutamente {adv}
:: As provided, as supplied
provveduto {adj}
:: provided, supplied
provveggente {v}
:: present participle of provvedere
provvidamente {adv}
:: providently
provvidamente {adv}
:: usefully
provvidente {adj}
:: providential
provvidentemente {adv}
:: providentially
provvidenza {f}
:: providence
provvidenziale {adj}
:: providential
provvidenzialismo {m}
:: providentialism
provvidenzialista {m}
:: providentialist
provvidenzialità {f}
:: Property of being providential
provvidenzialmente {adv}
:: providentially
provvido {adj}
:: provident, foreseeing
provvido {adj}
:: useful
provvigionale {adj}
:: commission (attributive)
provvigione {f} [uncommon]
:: honorarium, stipend
provvigione {f}
:: commission (fee charged)
provvisionale {adj}
:: provisional
provvisionale {f} [legal]
:: A provisional sum of money (from an estate etc), or a provisional ruling etc
provvisione {f} [uncommon]
:: provision; the act of providing something
provvisione {f} [uncommon]
:: provisions; material goods
provvisione {f} [rare]
:: legal or administrative measure
provvisore {m}
:: synonym of provveditore
provvisoriamente {adv}
:: provisionally, temporarily
provvisorietà {f}
:: provisional or temporary measure
provvisorio {adj}
:: provisional, temporary, makeshift, interim
provvista {f}
:: supply, stock
proxy {m} [computing]
:: proxy (interface program)
prozia {f}
:: great-aunt
prozio {m}
:: great-uncle
prua {f}
:: prow, bow (of a ship)
pruavia {f}
:: alternative form of proravia
prudente {adj}
:: prudent, careful, cautious
prudentemente {adv}
:: prudently, cautiously, carefully, cagily, slowly
prudenza {f}
:: prudence, caution, carefulness
prudenziale {adj}
:: cautionary
prudenziale {adj}
:: prudent
prudenzialmente {adv}
:: prudentially
prudere {vi} /ˈpru.de.re/
:: to itch
pruderie {f}
:: prudery
prudore {m}
:: itching, tingling
prueggiante {v}
:: present participle of prueggiare
prueggiare {vi} [nautical]
:: to haul to the wind
prugna {f}
:: plum (fruit)
prugna icaco {f} /ˌpruɲ.ɲa iˈka.ko/
:: cocoplum (fruit)
prugna secca {f}
:: prune (dried fruit of the plum)
prugno {m}
:: plum tree
prugno icaco {m} /ˌpruɲ.ɲo iˈka.ko/
:: cocoplum (Chrysobalanus icaco)
prugnola {f} /ˈpruɲ.ɲo.la/
:: sloe (fruit of the blackthorn)
prugnolo {m}
:: blackthorn, sloe
prugnolo {m} [mushrooms]
:: St. George 's mushroom (Calocybe gambosa)
pruinoso {adj} [botany]
:: pruinose
prulaurasina {f} [biochemistry] /pru.lau̯.raˈzi.na/
:: A stereoisomer of prunasin
prunaia {f}
:: thorny thicket
prunaio {m}
:: thorny thicket
prunalbo {m}
:: hawthorn
prunasina {f} [biochemistry] /pru.naˈsi.na/
:: prunasin
prunbianco {m}
:: hawthorn
pruneto {m}
:: thorny thicket
pruno {m}
:: blackthorn
pruno {m}
:: thorn, spine
pruova {f} /ˈprwɔ.va/
:: obsolete form of prova
prurigine {f}
:: itchiness
pruriginosamente {adv}
:: titillatingly, excitingly
pruriginosità {f}
:: itchiness
pruriginosità {f}
:: titillation
pruriginoso {adj}
:: itchy
pruriginoso {adj}
:: titillating, exciting
pruriginoso {adj} [pathology]
:: pruritic
prurito {m}
:: itch (all senses)
prurito {m} [pathology]
:: pruritus
prussianesimo {m}
:: Prussianism
prussiano {adj}
:: Prussian
prussiano {m}
:: Prussian
prussiato {m}
:: prussiate
prussico {adj}
:: prussic
prusso {adj} [especially, in combination]
:: Prussian
prytane {m}
:: prytane
PS {prop}
:: abbreviation of Pesaro (Italian town in Marche)
PS {n}
:: initialism of pubblica sicurezza
psalmo {m}
:: obsolete form of salmo
psammite {f} [mineral]
:: psammite
psammitico {adj} [mineralogy]
:: psammitic
psammofilo {adj}
:: psammophilous
psammofita {f} [botany]
:: psammophyte
psammografia {f}
:: psammography (study of sand)
psammografico {adj}
:: psammographic (relating to psammography)
psammomatoso {adj} [pathology]
:: psammomatous
psammoterapia {f}
:: psammotherapy (sand therapy)
psefite {f}
:: psephyte
psefitico {adj}
:: psephytic
psefologia {f}
:: psephology
psefologo {m}
:: psephologist
pselafobia {f}
:: selaphobia
psellismo {m}
:: psellism
pseud- {prefix}
:: Variant of pseudo-
pseudacacia {f}
:: alternative form of pseudoacacia
pseudepigrafo {adj}
:: pseudepigraphic
pseudepigrafo {m}
:: pseudepigrapha
pseudo- {prefix}
:: pseudo-
pseudoacacia {f}
:: pseudoacacia, robinia
pseudoanglicismo {m} /pse.u.do.an.ɡliˈt͡ʃiz.mo/
:: pseudo-anglicism
pseudoartrosi {f}
:: nearthrosis
pseudoartrosi {f}
:: pseudarthrosis
pseudobiologico {adj}
:: pseudobiological
pseudobulbo {m}
:: pseudobulb
pseudocarpio {m} [botany]
:: pseudocarp
pseudocarpo {m} [botany]
:: pseudocarp
pseudoceloma {m} [zoology]
:: pseudocoel, pseudocoelom
pseudocisti {f}
:: pseudocyst
pseudocodice {m} [computing]
:: pseudocode
pseudoconcetto {m}
:: pseudoconcept
pseudocratere {m}
:: pseudocrater
pseudocupola {f} [architecture] /ˌpsɛu̯.doˈku.po.la/
:: A corbelled dome
pseudodemocratico {adj}
:: pseudodemocratic
pseudodisciplina {f}
:: A field with only the outward appearance of an academic discipline
pseudoepigrafo {adj}
:: pseudepigraphic
pseudoepigrafo {m}
:: pseudepigrapha
pseudoermafroditismo {m}
:: pseudohermaphroditism
pseudoestesia {f}
:: pseudesthesia
pseudoetimologia {f}
:: pseudoetymology
pseudoetimologico {adj}
:: pseudoetymological
pseudofilosofo {m}
:: pseudophilosopher
pseudofisico {adj}
:: pseudophysical
pseudofrutto {m} [botany]
:: pseudofruit, accessory fruit, pseudocarp
pseudogene {m} [genetics]
:: pseudogene
pseudogotta {f} [medicine]
:: pseudogout
pseudogravidanza {f}
:: pseudopregnancy
pseudointellettuale {mf}
:: pseudointellectual, pseud
pseudoletterato {m}
:: A false writer (who gives himself literary airs)
pseudologia {f}
:: pseudology
pseudologo {m}
:: inveterate lier
pseudomembranoso {adj}
:: pseudomembranous
pseudomorfo {adj}
:: pseudomorphic, pseudomorphous
pseudomorfosi {f} [mineralogy]
:: pseudomorphism
pseudonimo {m}
:: pseudonym
pseudonimo {m}
:: pen name
pseudonimo {m}
:: stage name
pseudonimo {adj}
:: pseudonymous
pseudoparalisi {f}
:: pseudoparalysis
pseudoplastico {adj} [physics]
:: pseudoplastic
pseudopodio {m} [biology]
:: pseudopodium
pseudoprofeta {mf}
:: pseudoprophet, false prophet
pseudorca {f}
:: false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens)
pseudoriemanniano {adj} [maths]
:: pseudo-Riemannian
pseudoscalare {m} [physics]
:: pseudoscalar
pseudoscarlattina {f}
:: pseudoscarlatina
pseudoscientifico {adj}
:: pseudoscientific
pseudoscienza {f}
:: pseudoscience
pseudoscienziata {f}
:: female equivalent of pseudoscienziato
pseudoscienziato {m}
:: pseudoscientist
pseudosimmetria {f}
:: pseudosymmetry
pseudosoluzione {f}
:: pseudosolution
pseudotumore {m} [medicine]
:: pseudotumor / pseudotumour
pseudouridina {f} [organic compound]
:: pseudouridine
psi {mf}
:: psi (Greek letter)
psicagogia {f}
:: psychagogy
psicagogico {adj}
:: psychagogic
psicagogo {m}
:: psychagogue
psicanalese {n}
:: psychoanalysis jargon
psicanalisi {f}
:: Variant of psicoanalisi
psicanalista {m}
:: alternative spelling of psicoanalista
psicanaliticamente {adv}
:: alternative form of psicoanaliticamente
psicanalitico {adj}
:: alternative spelling of psicoanalitico
psicanalizzante {v}
:: present participle of psicanalizzare
psicanalizzare {vt}
:: To psychoanalyse
psicastenia {f}
:: psychasthenia
psicastenico {adj}
:: psychasthenic
psiche {f} [Ancient Greece] /ˈpsi.ke/
:: soul
psiche {f} [psychology]
:: psyche
psiche {f}
:: cheval glass
Psiche {prop}
:: Psyche
psichedelia {f} /psi.ke.deˈli.a/
:: psychedelia
psichedelico {adj} /psi.keˈdɛ.li.ko/
:: psychedelic
psichiatra {mf}
:: psychiatrist
psichiatrese {n}
:: psychiatry jargon
psichiatria {f}
:: psychiatry
psichiatricamente {adv}
:: psychiatrically
psichiatrico {adj}
:: psychiatric
psichiatrizzante {v}
:: present participle of psichiatrizzare
psichiatrizzare {vt}
:: to psychiatrize
psichiatrizzazione {f}
:: psychiatrization
psichicamente {adv}
:: psychically
psichico {adj} /ˈpsi.ki.ko/
:: psychic, mental
psichismo {m}
:: psychism
psico- {prefix}
:: psycho-
psicoacustica {f}
:: psychoacoustics
psicoaffettivo {adj}
:: psychological
psicoanalisi {f}
:: psychoanalysis
psicoanalista {m}
:: psychoanalyst
psicoanaliticamente {adv}
:: psychoanalytically
psicoanalitico {adj}
:: psychoanalytic, psychoanalytical
psicoanalizzante {v}
:: present participle of psicoanalizzare
psicoanalizzare {v}
:: alternative form of psicanalizzare
psicoastenia {f} [medicine]
:: psychoasthenia
psicoattitudinale {adj} [psychology]
:: psycho-attitudinal
psicoattivo {adj}
:: psychoactive
psicobiologia {f}
:: psychobiology
psicobiologico {adj}
:: psychobiological
psicobiologo {m}
:: psychobiologist
psicobolia {f}
:: synonym of malocchio
psicochirurgia {f}
:: psychosurgery
psicocinesi {f}
:: psychokinesis
psicocinetico {adj}
:: psychokinetic
psicodiagnosi {f}
:: psychodiagnosis
psicodiagnostica {f} [psychology]
:: psychodiagnosis
psicodiagnostico {adj}
:: psychodiagnostic
psicodidattica {f}
:: The psychology of teaching and learning
psicodinamica {f} [psychology]
:: psychodynamics
psicodinamico {adj}
:: psychodynamic
psicodramma {m}
:: psychodrama
psicoenergetica {f}
:: psychoenergetics
psicoenergetico {adj}
:: psychoenergetic
psicofarmaco {m}
:: psychopharmaceutical
psicofarmacologia {f}
:: psychopharmacology
psicofarmacologico {adj}
:: psychopharmacological
psicofarmacologo {m}
:: psychopharmacologist
psicofisica {f}
:: psychophysics
psicofisico {adj}
:: psychophysical
psicofisiologia {f}
:: psychophysiology
psicofisiologico {adj}
:: psychophysiological
psicogenesi {f}
:: psychogenesis
psicogenetico {adj}
:: psychogenetic
psicogeno {adj}
:: psychogenic
psicogeriatria {f}
:: psychogeriatrics
psicografia {f}
:: psychography
psicografo {m}
:: psychograph
psicogramma {m}
:: psychogram
psicoimmunologia {f}
:: psychoimmunology
psicolabile {adj}
:: psychologically unstable
psicolabile {mf}
:: Such a person
psicolettico {adj}
:: psycholeptic
psicolettico {m} [steroid, pharmaceutical drug]
:: psycholeptic
psicolinguista {mf}
:: psycholinguist
psicolinguistica {f}
:: psycholinguistics
psicolinguistico {adj}
:: psycholinguistic
psicologa {f}
:: female equivalent of psicologo
psicologia {f}
:: psychology
psicologia clinica {f}
:: clinical psychology
psicologicamente {adv}
:: psychologically
psicologico {adj}
:: psychological
psicologismo {m} [philosophy]
:: psychologism
psicologista {mf}
:: psychologue, psychologist
psicologistico {adj}
:: psychologistic
psicologizzante {v}
:: present participle of psicologizzare
psicologizzare {vt}
:: to psychologize
psicologo {m} /pəsiˈkɔloɡo/
:: psychologist
psicomante {mf}
:: A practitioner of psychomancy
psicomanzia {f}
:: psychomancy
psicometria {f} [psychology]
:: psychometrics
psicometrico {adj}
:: psychometric
psicomimetico {adj}
:: psychotomimetic
psicomotorio {adj}
:: psychomotor
psicomotricista {mf}
:: psychomotrist
psicomotricità {f}
:: psychomotricity
psiconcologia {f}
:: psychology applied to oncology
psiconeuroendocrinoimmunologia {f}
:: psychoneuroendocrinology
psiconevrosi {f}
:: psychoneurosis
psiconevrotico {adj}
:: psychoneurotic
psicopatia {f}
:: psychopathy
psicopatica {f}
:: female equivalent of psicopatico
psicopatico {adj}
:: psychopathic
psicopatico {m}
:: psychopath
psicopatologia {f} [psychology]
:: psychopathology
psicopatologicamente {adv}
:: in a psychopathological manner
psicopatologico {adj}
:: psychopathological
psicopatologo {m}
:: psychopathologist
psicopedagogia {f} [psychology]
:: psychopedagogy
psicopedagogico {adj}
:: psychopedagogic
psicopedagogista {mf} [psychology]
:: psychopedagogist
psicoplegia {f}
:: psychoplegia
psicopolitica {f}
:: psychopolitics
psicopolizia {f}
:: thought police
psicopompo {m} /psi.koˈpom.po/
:: psychopomp
psicoprofilassi {f}
:: psychoprophylaxis
psicoprofilattico {adj}
:: psychoprophylactic
psicopubblicismo {m}
:: psychological / psychiatric publicity / advertising
psicosensoriale {adj}
:: psychosensory
psicosessuale {adj}
:: psychosexual
psicosessuologia {f}
:: psychosexology
psicosessuologo {m}
:: psychosexologist
psicosi {f} [psychology]
:: psychosis
psicosico {adj}
:: alternative form of psicotico
psicosintesi {f}
:: psychosynthesis
psicosintetico {adj}
:: psychosynthetic
psicosociale {adj}
:: psychosocial
psicosociologia {f}
:: psychosociology
psicosomatica {f}
:: psychosomatics
psicosomatico {adj} [psychology]
:: psychosomatic
psicostoria {f}
:: psychohistory
psicotecnica {f}
:: psychotechnics
psicotecnico {adj}
:: psychotechnic
psicotecnologia {f}
:: psychotechnology
psicoterapeuta {mf}
:: psychotherapist
psicoterapeuticamente {adv}
:: psychotherapeutically
psicoterapeutico {adj}
:: psychotherapeutic
psicoterapia {f} [psychology]
:: psychotherapy, psychotherapeutics
psicoterapico {adj}
:: psychotherapeutic
psicoterapista {mf}
:: psychotherapist
psicotico {adj}
:: psychotic
psicotico {m}
:: psychotic (person with a psychosis)
psicotonico {adj}
:: psychotonic
psicotropo {adj}
:: psychotropic
psicotropo {m} [pharmacology]
:: psychotropic
psicrofilo {adj}
:: psychrophilic
psicrometrico {adj} [meteorology]
:: psychrometric
psicrometro {m} [meteorology]
:: psychrometer
psicrotrofico {adj}
:: psychrotrophic
psictere {m}
:: psykter
psilla {f}
:: psylla (of superfamily Psylloidea)
psilosi {f}
:: psilosis
psittaciforme {m}
:: psittaciform
psittacismo {m}
:: psittacism
psittacosi {f}
:: psittacosis
psofo {m} [entomology] /ˈpsɔ.fo/
:: Any member of the Psophus taxonomic genus
psoriasi {f} [disease]
:: psoriasis
psorico {adj}
:: psoric
pteridofita {f} [botany]
:: pteridophyte
pterigio {m}
:: pterygium
pterigoideo {m} [muscle]
:: pterygoid, pterygoid muscle
pterilosi {f}
:: pterylosis
pterina {f} [organic compound]
:: pterin
pterodattilo {m}
:: pterodactyl
pteropode {m}
:: pteropod
pterosauro {m}
:: pterosaur
ptialina {f} [enzyme]
:: ptyalin
ptialismo {m}
:: ptyalism
ptictodontide {m}
:: ptyctodontid
ptilosi {f}
:: ptilosis
ptomaina {f}
:: ptomaine
-ptosi {suffix} /ˈ-ptɔ.zi/
:: Used to derive words pertaining to lowering or falling
ptosi {f} [pathology]
:: ptosis
puah {interj}
:: ugh!; yuck!; pah!; eew!
pub {m}
:: pub
pubalgia {f} [pathology]
:: osteitis pubis, groin pain
pubblicabile {adj}
:: publishable
pubblicabilità {f}
:: publishability
pubblicamente {adv}
:: publicly
pubblicamento {m}
:: publishing
pubblicamento {m}
:: manifestation
pubblicano {m}
:: tax collector (in ancient Rome)
pubblicante {v}
:: present participle of pubblicare
pubblicare {v}
:: to publish
pubblicatore {m}
:: publisher
pubblicatore {m}
:: publicist
pubblicazione {f}
:: publication
pubblicismo {m}
:: (advertising) media
pubblicista {mf}
:: freelance journalist
pubblicista {mf}
:: publicist
pubblicista {mf}
:: public law expert
pubblicistica {f}
:: public law doctrine
pubblicistica {f}
:: current affairs journalism
pubblicistico {adj}
:: public affairs (attributive)
pubblicistico {adj}
:: public law (attributive)
pubblicità {f}
:: publicity
pubblicità {f}
:: advertising
pubblicità {f}
:: advertisement, advert, ad, commercial
pubblicitario {adj}
:: advertising, publicity (attributive)
pubblicitario {m}
:: advertising agent
pubblicizzante {v}
:: present participle of pubblicizzare
pubblicizzare {vt}
:: to advertise, publicize, tout
pubblicizzazione {f}
:: promotion, advertising
pubblicizzazione {f}
:: publication
pubblico {adj} /ˈpubbliko/
:: public
pubblico {m}
:: the public
pubblico {m}
:: audience
pubblico {m}
:: spectator
pubblico dominio {m}
:: public domain
pubblico generale {m}
:: general public
pubbliredazionale {m}
:: advertorial
pubblivoro {adj}
:: That takes an interest in advertising (especially TV commercials)
pube {m} [skeleton]
:: pubis, pubic bone
pube {m} [anatomy]
:: pubis (area)
puberale {adj}
:: pubertal, puberal
pubertà {f}
:: puberty
pubescente {adj}
:: pubescent
pubescenza {f} [botany]
:: pubescence, down
pubico {adj}
:: pubic
pubiletto {m}
:: slang as used by the young
publico {adj}
:: alternative form of pubblico
pubococcigeo {adj} [anatomy]
:: pubococcygeal, pubococcygeus
pubococcigeo {m} [muscle]
:: pubococcygeus
puborettale {adj} [anatomy]
:: puborectal, puborectalis
pucceria {f}
:: A shop or restaurant that sells puccie
Pucci {prop}
:: surname
Pucci {prop}
:: Emilio Pucci, Italian designer
puccia {f} /ˈput.t͡ʃa/
:: A type of bread, from the Salento and Taranto regions of Puglia, served with a variety of fillings
Puccini {prop}
:: surname
Puccini {prop}
:: Giacomo Puccini, Italian composer
pucciniano {adj}
:: Puccinian
Puccio {prop}
:: given name
puddellaggio {m}
:: puddling (metallurgical process)
puddellante {v}
:: present participle of puddellare
puddellare {vt}
:: To puddle (in metallurgy)
puddellatura {f}
:: puddling
puddellazione {f}
:: puddling
puddinga {f} /pudˈdin.ɡa/
:: puddling stone
pudellare {v}
:: alternative form of puddellare
pudenda {f} {p} /puˈdɛnda/
:: the intimate parts of the human body
pudibondo {adj}
:: modest, demure
pudibondo {adj}
:: prudish, priggish
pudicamente {adv}
:: modestly, chastely
pudicamente {adv}
:: prudishly
pudicizia {f}
:: modesty, demureness
pudico {adj}
:: modest
pudore {m}
:: modesty
pudore {m}
:: shame
pudore {m}
:: discretion
pudu {m}
:: pudú
puericoltore {m}
:: alternative form of puericultore
puericoltura {f}
:: alternative form of puericultura
puericultore {m}
:: childcare nurse
puericultore {m}
:: childcare assistant
puericultore {m}
:: pediatrician, baby doctor
puericultrice {f}
:: female equivalent of puericultore
puericultura {f}
:: paedology
puerile {adj} /pweˈri.le/
:: puerile, childish, juvenile, boyish
puerile {adj} [rare]
:: children's (attribute), baby (attribute)
puerilismo {m} [pathology]
:: puerilism
puerilità {f}
:: puerility, childishness
puerilmente {adv}
:: childishly
puerizia {f} [chiefly literary] /pweˈrit.t͡sja/
:: childhood
puerocentrismo {m}
:: Variant of pedocentrismo
puerpera {f}
:: A woman who has just given birth
puerperale {adj}
:: puerperal
puerperio {m} [obstetrics] /pwerˈpɛ.rjo/
:: puerperium
puertoricano {adj}
:: Puerto Rican
puf {m} [furniture]
:: beanbag
puf {m} [furniture]
:: pouf (low cushioned seat with no back;padded footstool)
puffino {m}
:: shearwater
puffo {m} [comics, fictional character] /ˈpuf.fo/
:: smurf
puffo {m} [colloquial, sometimes endearing]
:: A short person
puffo {m} [uncountable]
:: A variously made blue-colored ice cream flavor
puggiare {v}
:: alternative form of poggiare
pugilato {m} [sports]
:: boxing
pugilatore {m}
:: boxer, pugilist
pugile {m}
:: boxer, pugilist
pugilista {mf}
:: boxer, pugilist
pugilisticamente {adv}
:: pugilistically
pugilistico {adj}
:: pugilistic
pugilistico {adj}
:: boxer (attributive)
pugio {m} /ˈpu.d͡ʒo/
:: pugio
pugione {m} /puˈd͡ʒo.ne/
:: alternative form of pugio
puglia {f}
:: counter, token
Puglia {prop} /ˈpuʎʎa/
:: Puglia (region)
Puglie {prop}
:: alternative form of Puglia
pugliese {adj}
:: Apulian
pugliese {mf}
:: Apulian
pugliese {prop}
:: Apulian dialect
Pugliese {mf}
:: Native or inhabitant of Puglia
Pugliese {prop}
:: surname
Puglisi {prop}
:: surname
Puglisi {prop}
:: Pino Puglisi, Italian priest who challenged the Mafia
pugna {f} [obsolete, literary, poetic, literally and figuratively] /ˈpuɲa/
:: fight, battle, combat
pugna {f} [obsolete, literary, poetic]
:: dispute, quarrel
pugnace {adj} /puˈɲat͡ʃe/
:: pugnacious, combative, fond of fighting
pugnacemente {adv}
:: pugnaciously
pugnalante {v}
:: present participle of pugnalare
pugnalare {vt} /puɲɲaˈlare/
:: To stab
pugnalare alle spalle {v}
:: Variant of colpire alle spalle
pugnalata {f}
:: A stab (wound)
pugnalata {f} [by extension]
:: A severe blow
pugnalatore {m}
:: stabber
pugnale {m}
:: dagger
pugnante {v}
:: present participle of pugnare
pugnare {vi}
:: to fight (engage in combat)
pugnello {m}
:: handful, fistful
pugnetta {f}
:: An object used to hold a hot iron (old-fashioned type)
pugnetta {f} [colloquial]
:: (male) masturbation
pugnitopo {m}
:: butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus)
pugno {m} /ˈpuɲo/
:: fist
pugno {m}
:: punch
pugno {m}
:: fistful, handful
pugno contro pugno {m}
:: fist bump
pugno di ferro {m} [weaponry]
:: brass knuckles
pugno di ferro {m} [figurative, by extension]
:: iron fist (ruthless control)
puia {f}
:: alternative form of poiana
puku {n}
:: puku (Kobus vardonii)
pula {f}
:: chaff
pula {n} [slang]
:: the police, the fuzz, the cops
pulca {f}
:: reindeer sleigh
pulce {f}
:: flea
pulcella {f} /pulˈt͡ʃɛl.la/
:: alternative form of pulzella
pulcellaggio {m}
:: virginity
pulcesecca {f}
:: pinch that causes a small bruise
Pulci {prop}
:: surname
Pulci {prop}
:: Luigi Pulci, Italian poet
pulciaio {m}
:: flea pit
pulcinaio {m}
:: chicken coop
pulcinella {m} /pul.t͡ʃiˈnɛl.la/
:: A puppet of Pulcinella; Punchinello
pulcinella {m}
:: A person who cannot behave seriously; a buffoon, a fool
Pulcinella {prop} /pul.t͡ʃiˈnɛl.la/
:: A character from the commedia dell'arte known for his loud and cunningly playful behavior, native of Naples
pulcinella di mare {m}
:: Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica)
pulcinellata {f}
:: buffoonery, clownery
pulcinellesco {adj}
:: buffoonish, clownish
pulcino {m} /pulˈt͡ʃino/
:: chick
pulcino {m} [colloquial]
:: peeper
pulcioso {adj}
:: flea-ridden
pulcritudine {f}
:: pulchritude, beauty
pulcro {adj} [archaic, literary] /ˈpulkro/
:: beautiful, fair
puledra {f}
:: filly (young female horse)
puledraia {f}
:: foal / colt stable (or similar)
puledro {m}
:: foal, colt
puleggia {f}
:: pulley
puleggio {m} /puˈled.d͡ʒo/
:: alternative form of pileggio
puleggio {m}
:: European pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
pulegio {m} /puˈlɛ.d͡ʒo/
:: alternative form of puleggio
pulenda {f}
:: synonym of polenta
pulente {v}
:: present participle of pulire
pulentesi {v}
:: present participle of pulirsi
pulesco {m}
:: A type of soil used as a mulch or fertiliser
pulezzo {m} /puˈlet.t͡so/
:: alternative form of puleggio
pulibile {adj}
:: cleanable
pulica {f}
:: bubble of glass (in glassmaking)
puliga {f}
:: air bubble (in glass, gemstone etc)
puligoso {adj}
:: seedy (of glass)
pulimentare {v}
:: To polish or to sand
pulimentatore {m}
:: polisher, sander
pulimentatura {f}
:: synonym of pulimentazione
pulimentazione {f}
:: polishing (action), polish (result of action)
pulimentazione {f}
:: sanding
pulire {vt}
:: to clean, to wipe, to scrub, to wash, to brush, to clear, to dust
pulirsi {v}
:: reflexive of pulire
pulirsi {v}
:: to clean oneself
pulisciorecchi {m}
:: cotton bud (for cleaning the ears)
puliscipenne {m}
:: pen cleaner
puliscipiedi {m}
:: doormat
pulisciscarpe {m}
:: synonym of puliscipiedi
pulisciunghie {m}
:: nailbrush
pulita {f}
:: A quick clean
pulitamente {adv}
:: cleanly
pulitamente {adv}
:: neatly, properly, elegantly
pulitezza {f}
:: neatness, cleanliness
pulitezza {f}
:: smoothness, shininess
pulitezza {f}
:: purity
pulitezza {f}
:: urbanity, courtesy
pulitissimo {adj}
:: superlative of pulito
pulito {adj} [literally or figuratively]
:: clean, neat, tidy
pulito {adj} [colloquial]
:: broke (having no money)
pulito {m}
:: clean place
pulitore {m}
:: cleaner (person)
pulitore {m}
:: cleaner, cleaning machine
pulitosi {v}
:: past participle of pulirsi
pulitrice {f}
:: polishing machine; polisher
pulitrice {f}
:: cleaning machine; cleaner
pulitrice {f}
:: female equivalent of pulitore
pulitura {f}
:: cleaning
pulizia {f}
:: cleaning
pulizia {f}
:: cleanup
pulizia {f}
:: cleanliness, neatness
pulizia etnica {f}
:: ethnic cleansing
pulizie di primavera {fp}
:: spring cleaning
pullman {m}
:: coach, bus (travelling between towns)
pullmino {m}
:: alternative spelling of pulmino
pullover {m}
:: pullover, sweater
pullulamento {m}
:: teeming, swarming
pullulante {v}
:: present participle of pullulare
pullulante {adj}
:: teeming
pullular {v}
:: apocopic form of pullulare
pullulare {vi}
:: to teem [fish], swarm [insects]
pullulazione {f}
:: outbreak (of an insect etc)
pulmino {m}
:: minibus, small bus
pulmino {m}
:: school bus
pulo {m} [regional]
:: a sinkhole in the Apulia region, in Italy
pulone {m}
:: rice chaff
pulpite {f} [pathology]
:: pulpitis
pulpito {m}
:: pulpit
pulsante {m}
:: button (to be pushed)
pulsante {v}
:: present participle of pulsare
pulsantiera {f}
:: button panel (e.g. in a lift)
pulsare {vi}
:: to beat, pulsate
pulsare {vi}
:: to throb
pulsatilità {f}
:: pulsatility
pulsazione {f} [physiology]
:: beat, pulsation; heartbeat
pulsazione {f}
:: throbbing, throb
pulsazione {f} [music]
:: pulsation
pulsionale {adj} [psychology]
:: drive (attributive), motivational
pulsione {f}
:: pulsion
pulsione {f} [psychology]
:: drive or motivation
pulsiossimetro {m}
:: pulse oximeter
pulsogetto {m}
:: pulse jet (engine)
pulsometro {m}
:: pulsometer
pulsoreattore {m}
:: pulse jet (engine)
pultiglia {f}
:: alternative form of poltiglia
pulvinare {m} [anatomy]
:: pulvinar
pulvinare {m}
:: imperial couch or box
pulvino {m} [architecture]
:: dosseret
pulviscolare {adj}
:: dust (attributive)
pulviscolo {m}
:: (speck of) dust
pulzella {f} [literary] /pulˈt͡sɛl.la/
:: maiden, virgin
puma {m}
:: puma
pummarola {f} [Southern Italy, chiefly Naples] /pum.maˈrɔ.la/
:: tomato
pummarola {f} [Southern Italy, chiefly Naples]
:: tomato sauce, especially for pasta
puncio {m}
:: alternative form of poncio
punente {v}
:: present participle of punire
punentesi {v}
:: present participle of punirsi
pungente {v}
:: present participle of pungere
pungente {adj}
:: prickly
pungente {adj}
:: biting
pungente {adj}
:: pungent
pungentemente {adv}
:: pungently
pungentesi {v}
:: present participle of pungersi
punger {v}
:: apocopic form of pungere
pungere {vt} /ˈpun.d͡ʒe.re/
:: to prick
pungere {vt}
:: to sting, bite [of an insect, etc.]
pungere {vt}
:: to prickle, scratch
pungersi {v}
:: reflexive of pungere
pungersi {v}
:: to prick oneself
pungiglione {m}
:: sting
pungitoio {m}
:: A type of stiletto used to kill pigs
pungitoio {m}
:: A type of awl
pungitopo {m}
:: alternative form of pugnitopo
pungitore {m}
:: pricker, stinger
pungolante {v}
:: present participle of pungolare
pungolare {vt}
:: to goad, to spur on
pungolo {m}
:: goad
pungolo {m}
:: spur
punibile {adj} [legal]
:: punishable
punibilità {f} [legal]
:: punishability
punico {adj} /ˈpu.ni.ko/
:: Punic
punico {m}
:: Punic (language)
punire {vt}
:: to punish, trounce, send to the Tower
punirsi {vr}
:: To punish oneself
punitivo {adj}
:: punitive
punitore {m}
:: punisher, spanker
punitore {adj}
:: punishing
punitosi {v}
:: past participle of punirsi
punitrice {f}
:: female equivalent of punitore
punizione {f}
:: punishment
punjabi {adj}
:: Punjabi
punkabbestia {mf}
:: beast punk, gutter punk
punkettone {m}
:: punk rocker
punta {f}
:: point, head, tip, top, peak, end
punta {f}
:: pinch, touch, hint (small quantity)
punta {f}
:: bit (of a drill)
punta {f} [football]
:: forward, striker, attacker
punta {f}
:: pile (of arrow or spear)
punta {f}
:: scriber
punta a tracciare {f}
:: alternative form of graffietto
punta delle dita {f}
:: fingertip
punta dell'iceberg {f} [idiomatic]
:: tip of the iceberg
punta di diamante {f} [figuratively, attributive]
:: flagship, chief, primary, principal, showcase
punta di trapano {n}
:: bit, reamer
Puntadura {prop}
:: Puntadura (island)
puntaglia {f}
:: battle, struggle
puntale {m}
:: cap, ferrule, shoe, tip
puntale {m}
:: aiglet
puntale {m}
:: toe puff (in footwear)
puntalmente {adv}
:: in detail, circumstantially, thoroughly
puntamento {m}
:: pointing, orienting, aiming
puntante {v}
:: present participle of puntare
puntapiedi {m} [nautical]
:: footrest / stretcher (in a rowing boat)
puntare {vt}
:: to push, lean, rest, plant, brace
puntare {vt}
:: to point, direct, aim, sight, set
puntare {vt}
:: to bet, stake, gamble
puntare {vt}
:: to point [of a gun dog]
puntare {vi} [auxiliary verb avere]
:: to head
puntare {vi} [auxiliary verb avere]
:: to aim
puntare {vi} [auxiliary verb avere]
:: to count on
puntare gli occhi {v}
:: to gaze
puntare gli occhi {v}
:: to stare
puntare i piedi {v}
:: to put one's foot down
puntarella {f} [cooking]
:: A form of chicory (Cichorium intybus), specifically the sprouting stems
puntasecca {f} [arts]
:: drypoint
puntaspilli {m}
:: pincushion
puntata {f}
:: episode, installment, instalment, part
puntata {f}
:: bet, stake, betting, staking
puntata {f}
:: thrust
puntata {f}
:: flying visit
puntatina {f}
:: quick visit, short trip, flying visit
puntato {adj}
:: dotted, bulleted
puntatore {m}
:: aimer (military)
puntatore {m}
:: punter (person who bets)
puntatore {m} [computing]
:: pointer
puntatura {f}
:: synonym of puntamento
puntatura {f}
:: punctuation
puntazione {f}
:: punctation (dots &c in Hebrew and Arabic)
puntazza {f}
:: pile shoe
punteggiamento {m}
:: punctuation
punteggiante {v}
:: present participle of punteggiare
punteggiare {vt}
:: to punctuate
punteggiatore {m}
:: punctuator
punteggiatura {f} [linguistics]
:: punctuation
punteggiatura {f} [rare]
:: dotting, speckling, dots
punteggio {m}
:: score (in a game)
punteggio {m}
:: mark (in an exam)
puntellamento {m}
:: propping (up)
puntellante {v}
:: present participle of puntellare
puntellare {vt}
:: To prop up, shore up, back up or support
puntellarsi {vr}
:: to brace
puntellatura {f}
:: propping
puntellatura {f}
:: props, supports
puntello {m}
:: prop, support [for a wall, shelf, etc.]
puntello {m} [figuratively, by extension]
:: help, aid, support
punteria {f}
:: tappet (in a car engine)
punteria {f}
:: aiming, pointing
punteruolo {m}
:: awl, bradawl, punch
punteruolo {m}
:: weevil
punteruolo da ghiaccio {m}
:: icepick
puntiforme {adj}
:: pointlike
puntigliare {v}
:: To quibble; to be stubborn
puntigliarsi {vr} /pun.tiʎˈʎar.si/
:: to persist, insist
puntiglio {m} /punˈtiʎ.ʎo/
:: obstinacy
puntigliosamente {adv}
:: punctiliously, meticulously, accurately, carefully
puntigliosamente {adv}
:: stubbornly
puntigliosità {f}
:: punctiliousness, meticulousness
puntigliosità {f}
:: stubbornness
puntiglioso {adj}
:: punctilious, pernickety
puntiglioso {adj}
:: stubborn
puntillista {adj} [music]
:: pointillistic
puntillistico {adj} [music]
:: pointillistic
puntina {f}
:: drawing pin
puntina {f}
:: needle, stylus (on a record player)
puntina {f} [in the plural]
:: points (in an engine)
puntinato {adj}
:: speckled
puntinismo {m} [arts]
:: pointillism
puntinista {mf} [arts]
:: pointillist
puntinistico {adj} [art]
:: pointillist
puntino {m}
:: dot, tittle, jot, iota
puntiscritto {m}
:: laundry mark
puntizzatore {m}
:: pointed chisel
punto {m}
:: point [all senses], jot, iota
punto {m}
:: full stop, period
punto {m}
:: dot
punto {m}
:: instant (point in time)
punto {m}
:: [in the plural] points, score
punto {m} [Tuscany]
:: none
punto {m} [baseball]
:: run
punto cardinale {m}
:: cardinal point
punto cieco {m}
:: blind spot
punto croce {n}
:: cross-stitch
punto danno {m} [video games]
:: health point, hit point, hitpoint, HP, life point
punto di domanda {m}
:: synonym of punto interrogativo
punto di forza {m}
:: strength (positive attribute)
punto di partenza {m}
:: starting point
punto di snodo {m}
:: hub
punto di vista {phrase}
:: point of view, viewpoint
punto dolente {m}
:: sore point
punto erba {m}
:: stem stitch (embroidery stitch)
punto esclamativo {m}
:: exclamation mark, exclamation point
punto e virgola {n} [typography]
:: semicolon
punto G {m} [anatomy, sexuality]
:: G-spot
punto interrogativo {m}
:: question mark
punto luce {m}
:: light source (mainly used in architectural jargon)
punto luce {m}
:: highlight (bright part of a painting or image)
punto luce {m}
:: specular highlight (in 3D graphics)
punto morto {m}
:: dead centre
punto morto {m}
:: deadlock, standstill
puntone {m}
:: strut, rafter
puntone {m}
:: battering ram
puntosi {v}
:: past participle of pungersi
punto vendita {m}
:: A shop, a retail shop, a store, a retail outlet
punto vendita {m}
:: A point of sale
puntuale {adj}
:: punctual
puntuale {adj}
:: on time
puntuale {adj}
:: scrupulous; precise
puntualissimo {adj}
:: superlative of puntuale
puntualità {f}
:: punctuality
puntualizzante {v}
:: present participle of puntualizzare
puntualizzare {vt}
:: to define precisely, make clear, specify
puntualizzazione {f}
:: specification, qualification, clarification
puntualmente {adv}
:: punctually, on time
puntualmente {adv}
:: invariably, always, regularly
puntualmente {adv}
:: precisely, accurately, duly, tersely
puntuazione {f}
:: alternative form of interpunzione
puntura {f}
:: sting or bite (of an insect)
puntura {f}
:: prick
puntura {f}
:: injection
puntura {f}
:: puncture
puntuto {adj}
:: pointed
puntuto {adj}
:: sharp
punzecchiamento {m}
:: annoying insect bite; pricking
punzecchiamento {m}
:: teasing
punzecchiante {v}
:: present participle of punzecchiare
punzecchiantesi {v}
:: present participle of punzecchiarsi
punzecchiare {vt}
:: to prick or prickle
punzecchiare {vt}
:: to tease or needle
punzecchiarsi {v}
:: reflexive of punzecchiare
punzecchiarsi {v}
:: to tease or needle each other
punzecchiatosi {v}
:: past participle of punzecchiarsi
punzecchiatura {f}
:: annoying insect bite; pricking
punzecchiatura {f}
:: teasing
punzonante {v}
:: present participle of punzonare
punzonare {vt}
:: To punch or stamp (with a die)
punzonatore {m}
:: stamper, puncher (person)
punzonatrice {f}
:: punch (device), stamping machine
punzonatura {f}
:: stamping, punching
punzonatura {f}
:: hallmark
punzone {m}
:: stamp
punzone {m}
:: driftpin
punzonista {mf}
:: puncher (punch operator)
pupa {f}
:: doll [child's toy]
pupa {f}
:: pupa
pupale {adj} [entomology]
:: pupal
pupara {f}
:: female equivalent of puparo
pupario {m}
:: puparium
puparo {m}
:: puppet master (especially Sicilian)
puparo {m}
:: puppetman, puppeteer
pupattola {f}
:: doll (beautiful faceless woman)
pupattolo {m}
:: puppet
pupazza {f}
:: synonym of bambola
pupazzettare {v}
:: To caricature
pupazzettista {mf}
:: To caricaturist
pupazzetto {m}
:: figurine, especially of a child
pupazzo {m} /puˈpat.t͡so/
:: puppet
pupazzo di neve {m}
:: snowman
pupilla {f}
:: pupil (of the eye)
pupilla {f}
:: female equivalent of pupillo
pupillare {adj} [anatomy]
:: pupillary
pupillo {m}
:: ward (person)
pupillometria {f}
:: pupillometry
pupillometro {m}
:: pupillometer
pupinizzare {v}
:: To place amplifiers at intervals on a telephone cable
pupinizzazione {f}
:: The placing of amplifiers at intervals on a telephone cable
pupo {m} [regional] /ˈpupo/
:: a small child
pupo {m}
:: puppet
pupù {f} [colloquial, childish]
:: poo-poo, poo, doo-doo
pur {adv}
:: apocopic form of pure
pur {conj}
:: apocopic form of pure
puramente {adv}
:: frankly and sincerely, and without malice
puramente {adv}
:: only, purely
puranco {adv}
:: even, just
puranco {adv}
:: even though, even if, although
purché {conj}
:: provided (that), as long as, on condition that
purchessia {adj}
:: any whatever or whatsoever
pure {adv}
:: too, also, as well
pure {adv}
:: well, surely
pure {adv}
:: please, by all means
pure {adv}
:: if you like; if you want (etc.)
pure {conj}
:: even though, even if, although
pure {conj}
:: nevertheless
purè {m}
:: puree, purée
purè {m}
:: mashed potatoes
purea {f}
:: Variant of purè
purè di patate {m}
:: mashed potatoes
purezza {f}
:: purity
purezza {f}
:: clarity (of colour)
purga {f}
:: purgative, purge, laxative
purgabile {adj}
:: That can be purified or cleansed
purgagione {f}
:: alternative form of purgazione
purgante {adj}
:: purgative
purgante {v}
:: present participle of purgare
purgante {m}
:: purge, purgative
purgantesi {v}
:: present participle of purgarsi
purgare {vt}
:: to purge; to purify
purgarsi {v}
:: reflexive of purgare
purgarsi {v}
:: to purge oneself [of sins, etc.]
purgatamente {adv}
:: In a purified manner
purgatezza {f}
:: purity (typically of language)
purgativo {adj}
:: purgative
purgativo {m} [pharmacology]
:: purgative
purgato {adj}
:: purged, purified
purgato {adj}
:: expurgated
purgatore {m}
:: purger
purgatorio {m}
:: purgatory
purgatosi {v}
:: past participle of purgarsi
purgatura {f}
:: scouring (of textiles)
purgazione {f}
:: purgation
purificamento {m}
:: synonym of purificazione
purificante {v}
:: present participle of purificare
purificante {adj}
:: purifying
purificantesi {v}
:: present participle of purificarsi
purificare {vt}
:: to purify
purificarsi {v}
:: reflexive of purificare
purificarsi {v}
:: to purify oneself, be purified
purificativo {adj}
:: purificative, purifying
purificatoio {m}
:: purificator
purificatore {adj}
:: purifying
purificatore {m}
:: purifier
purificatorio {adj}
:: purificatory
purificatorio {m}
:: purificator
purificatosi {v}
:: past participle of purificarsi
purificazione {f}
:: purification
purillo {m}
:: The small stub on top of a Basque-style beret
purillo {m}
:: the beret itself
purina {f} [organic compound]
:: purine
purinico {adj}
:: purinic
purino {m}
:: slurry (agricultural)
purismo {m}
:: purism
purissimo {adj}
:: superlative of puro
purissimo {adj}
:: very pure
purissimo {adj}
:: purest
purista {mf}
:: purist
puristicamente {adv}
:: puristically; in a linguistically pure manner
puristico {adj}
:: puristic (pertaining to linguistic purity)
purità {f}
:: purity (spiritual and moral)
purità {f}
:: chasteness
puritana {f}
:: feminine noun of puritano
puritanamente {adv}
:: puritanically
puritanesimo {m}
:: puritanism
puritano {adj}
:: puritan, puritanical
puritano {m}
:: puritan
puritano {m}
:: Puritan
puro {adj}
:: pure
puro sangue {n}
:: thoroughbred (pure-bred animal)
purosangue {adj}
:: thoroughbred
purosangue {adj}
:: full-blooded
purosangue {mf}
:: thoroughbred
purpureggiare {v}
:: alternative form of porporeggiare
purpureo {adj}
:: purple
purpureo {m}
:: purple
purpurico {adj} [organic chemistry]
:: purpuric
purtroppo {adv}
:: unfortunately, regretfully, regrettably
purtuttavia {conj}
:: Variant of tuttavia
purulento {adj}
:: purulent, festering, pussy
purulenza {f} [pathology]
:: purulence, purulency
pus {m}
:: pus, matter
pusher {mf}
:: pusher (drug dealer)
pusignare {v}
:: To have supper
pusigno {m}
:: a meal after dinner
pusillanimamente {adv}
:: cowardly
pusillanime {adj}
:: pusillanimous, cowardly, wimpish
pusillanime {n}
:: coward, wimp
pusillanime {n}
:: weakling
pusillanimità {f}
:: pusillanimity, cowardliness
pusillanimo {adj}
:: alternative form of pusillanime
pusillità {f}
:: smallness
pusillità {f}
:: humility
pusillo {adj}
:: small, little
pusillo {adj}
:: humble
pussa via {interj}
:: scat!, shoo!, clear off!, go away!
pusta {f} /ˈpus.ta/
:: plain
pusterese {adj}
:: Of or from the Val Pusteria
pustierla {f}
:: alternative form of postierla
pustola {f}
:: pustule
pustola {f}
:: pimple
pustoletta {f}
:: little pimple
pustoloso {adj}
:: pustular
pustoloso {adj}
:: pimply
pustula {f} [pathology]
:: pustule
puta caso {adv}
:: alternative spelling of putacaso
putacaso {adv}
:: suppose, just supposing
puta madre {n} [vulgar]
:: motherfucker (literally "whore mother")
putativamente {adv}
:: putatively
putativo {adj}
:: putative
puteale {m} [architecture]
:: puteal, wellhead
putente {v}
:: present participle of putire
puteolano {adj}
:: Of, or from, Pozzuoli
puteolano {m}
:: A native or inhabitant of Pozzuoli
putidezza {f}
:: smelliness, fetidity
putido {adj}
:: smelly, fetid
Putifarre {prop} [Biblical character]
:: Potiphar
putiferio {m}
:: row, rumpus, ruckus
putipù {m}
:: A Neapolitan percussion instrument composed of a drum with a hole through which a stick is drawn
putire {vi} [literary] /puˈti.re/
:: to stink
putire {vi} [literary, figurative]
:: to be disgusting
putire {vi} [literary, figurative]
:: to arouse suspicion
putizza {f} [geology]
:: sulphureous exhalation
putore {m} /puˈto.re/
:: stench, stink
putredine {f}
:: putrefaction
putredinoso {adj}
:: putrescent, putrefying
putrefacente {v}
:: present participle of putrefare
putrefacentesi {v}
:: present participle of putrefarsi
putrefare {vt}
:: to cause putrefaction
putrefarsi {vr}
:: To putrefy or rot
putrefattibile {adj}
:: Subject to putrefaction; putrescible
putrefattivo {adj}
:: putrefactive
putrefatto {adj}
:: rotten, decayed, putrified
putrefattosi {v}
:: past participle of putrefarsi
putrefazione {f}
:: putrefaction
putrella {f} /puˈtrɛlla/
:: girder
putrente {v}
:: present participle of putrire
putresceina {f} /pu.treʃ.ʃeˈi.na/
:: alternative form of putrescina
putrescente {adj} [literal or figurative] /pu.treʃˈʃɛn.te/
:: putrescent, decaying
putrescenza {f}
:: putrescence, putrefaction
putrescibile {adj}
:: Subject to putrefaction; putrescible
putrescina {f} [organic compound] /pu.treʃˈʃi.na/
:: putrescine
putridità {f}
:: putridity
putrido {adj}
:: putrid
putrido {adj}
:: rotten (meat)
putridume {m}
:: putridness, rottenness
putridume {m}
:: corruption
putrilagine {f}
:: putrid or rotting material
putrire {v}
:: synonym of imputridire
puttana {f} [derogatory, vulgar slang] /putˈta.na/
:: whore, slut, hooker, harlot, tart [British]
puttana {f} [derogatory, offensive]
:: bitch
puttana {f}
:: trollop, strumpet, whore, streetwalker
puttanaio {m} [vulgar]
:: hole, dump
puttanata {f}
:: stupidity, foolishness
puttaneggiante {v}
:: present participle of puttaneggiare
puttaneggiare {vi}
:: to whore
puttanella {f}
:: A young woman who dresses provocatively
puttanesca {f}
:: puttanesca sauce
puttanesca {f} [by ellipsis]
:: spaghetti puttanesca
puttanesco {adj}
:: whorish, sluttish
puttanesimo {m}
:: whoredom
puttaniere {m}
:: whoremonger, whoremaster, john
puttaniere {m} [by extension]
:: lady-killer, philanderer
puttanone {m}
:: A more intense form (augmentative) of puttana
putto {m} [art]
:: putto, cherub, cupid
putto {m} [rare]
:: child
puzza {f}
:: alternative form of puzzo
puzzacchiare {v}
:: alternative form of puzzicchiare
puzzante {v}
:: present participle of puzzare
puzzare {vi} /putˈt͡sa.re/
:: To smell (bad) or stink
puzzare {vi} [figurative]
:: :
puzzare {v}
:: To cause worry or unease
puzzare {v}
:: To be annoying or irritating
puzzare {v}
:: To give an impression, to seem; constructed as puzzare di: to give an impression of, to seem like
puzzare {v}
:: To despise or disdain
puzzetta {f} [childish, euphemistic]
:: fart
puzzicchiare {v}
:: To stink
puzzle {m}
:: jigsaw puzzle
puzzle {m} [by extension]
:: A difficult problem
puzzo {m} /ˈput.t͡so/
:: (bad) smell, stink, stench
puzzo {m} [figurative]
:: hint, suspicion, inkling
puzzo {m} [figurative, rare]
:: An annoyingly excessive fuss (about something)
puzzola {f} [mammals]
:: fitchew, polecat
puzzolente {adj}
:: smelly, stinking, rank
puzzolentemente {adv}
:: smellily, stinkingly, rankly
puzzona {f}
:: female equivalent of puzzone
puzzonata {f}
:: reprehensible action
puzzone {m}
:: stinker
puzzore {m} /putˈt͡so.re/
:: stench, stink
puzzoso {adj}
:: stinking, smelly
Python {prop}
:: Python programming language