For, Sir, though Ireland is always combustible, Ireland is not always on fire. We must distinguish between the chronic complaints which are to be attributed to remote causes, and the acute attack which is brought on by recent imprudence. For though there is always a predisposition to disease in that unhappy society, the violent paroxysms come only at intervals.
His malady proved to be a softening of the spinal marrow: it was incurable; it made rapid progress. […] [A]ll this, and suffering, besides this, at short intervals, paroxysms of nervous agony.
The slightest effort made the patient cough. He would stand leaning on a stick and holding a hand to his side, and when the paroxysm had passed it left him shaking.
1650, Thomas Fuller, “The Description of Egypt”, in A Pisgah-sight of Palestine and the Confines thereof, with the History of the Old and New Testament Acted thereon, London: […] J. F. for John Williams[…], →OCLC, book II, paragraph 19, page 84:
[H]ere vve may take occaſion, to mention the miſerable condition of the Iſraelites in Egypt, during vvhich time, vvoefull their ſlavery, if vve conſider, the […] Long continuance thereof, tvvo hundred and odde years in the latitude, and fourſcore (from the birth of Moſes) in the Paroxyſme of their bondage.
Her doubts and terrors reached their paroxysm; and the poor girl, who for many hours had been plunged into stupor, raved and ran hither and thither in hysteric insanity—a piteous sight.
These chants are taken up, more or less, by the audience; sometimes they flag and die away for want of support, sometimes they are continued till they reach a paroxysm, and then abruptly stop.
There, on the soft sand, a few feet away from our elders, we would sprawl all morning, in a petrified paroxysm of desire, and take advantage of every blessed quirk in space and time to touch each other: […]
He was capable of mighty paroxysms of righteous indignation, and he was indignant as could be when he learned that a C.I.D. man was in the area looking for him.
Indeed in his excitement at this breakthrough he inadvertently dug his nails into the nurse's bottom, a gesture she misinterpreted, so that he had to suffer a paroxysm of breasts and loins in response.
1650, Thomas Fuller, “[The Generall Description of Judea] The Description of Mount Libanus and the Adjacent Countreys”, in A Pisgah-sight of Palestine and the Confines thereof, with the History of the Old and New Testament Acted thereon, London: […] J. F. for John Williams[…], →OCLC, book I, paragraph 29, page 13:
But the greateſt contention happening here, vvas that Paroxyſme betvvixt Paul and Barnabas, the one as earneſtly refuſing, as the other deſiring the company of John Mark to goe along vvith them.
1655, Thomas Fuller, “Section VII. To Mr. Hamond Ward, and Mr. Richard Fuller of London Merchants.”, in The Church-history of Britain;[…], London: […] Iohn Williams[…], →OCLC, book IX, page 217:
By the vvay, it muſt not be forgotten, that in the very midſt of the Paroxiſme betvvixt [Richard]Hooker and [Walter]Travers, the latter ſtil bare (and none can challenge the other to the contrary) a reverend eſteem of his adverſary.
[T]he Storm had ſeven Paroxyſms or Exacerbations, vvhich the Seamen call Frights of VVeather, […]
1702, Joseph Beaumont, “Canto VI. The Humiliation. Stanza 192.”, in Charles Beaumont, editor, Psyche, or Love’s Mystery,[…], 2nd edition, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: […]University-Press, for Tho[mas] Bennet,[…], →OCLC, page 86, column 1:
[W]ith paroxiſms of ſtrange diſmay / Th' amazed Heav'ns ſtood ſtill, Earth's baſis ſhook, / The troubled Ocean roard, the ſtartled Air / In hollovv grones profoundly breath'd its fear.
1893, Alfred Williams Momerie, “The Philosophic and Moral Evidence for the Existence of God”, in John Henry Barrows, editor, The World’s Parliament of Religions: An Illustrated and Popular Story of the World’s First Parliament of Religions, Held in Chicago in Connection with the Columbian Exposition of 1893, volume I, Chicago, Ill.: The Parliament Publishing Company, →OCLC, page 271:
It is manifest that the species themselves are but transmutations of one or a few primordial types, and that they have been created not by paroxysm, but by evolution.
Catastrophists argued that most geological change occurred in rare episodes of truly global paroxysm, marked by the "usual suspects" of volcanism, mountain building, earthquakes, and flooding.