User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-n
-о- {interfix} | :: Interfix used to form compound nouns and adjectives |
-о {suffix} | :: Suffix added to adjectives to produce adverbs; highly productive |
о- {prefix} | :: prefix added to adjectives or nouns to produce factitive verbs in conjunction with -ить, i.e. verbs with the meaning of making (someone or something) the mentioned characteristic or property |
о- {prefix} | :: prefix added to adjectives or nouns to produce fientive verbs in conjunction with -ить + -ся or with -еть, i.e. verbs with the meaning of becoming or receiving the mentioned characteristic or property |
о- {prefix} | :: prefix added to verbs of motion: about, around |
о- {prefix} | :: prefix added to nouns: close by, around |
о- {prefix} | :: prefix added to verbs: completely, to the full extent |
о- {prefix} | :: prefix added to verbs, with the suffix -ся: to fail at (some action) |
о- {prefix} | :: prefix added to verbs, with the suffix -ся: to recover from (some action) |
о. {m inan} | :: order |
о {letter} | :: The sixteenth letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet |
о {n inan} | :: The Cyrillic letter О, о |
о {n inan} | :: The Roman letter O, o |
о {interj} | :: oh |
о {prep} | :: (+ prepositional case) about, of, on |
о {prep} [literary] | :: (+ accusative case) against, upon |
оазис {noun} | :: oasis |
ОАЭ {prop} {m inanp} | :: initialism of Объединённые Арабские Эмираты: ОАЭ (country) |
об- {prefix} | :: alternative form of о- [before certain letters] |
об {prep} | :: [+ prepositional case] about, of, on |
об {prep} | :: [+ accusative case] against, upon |
оба {num} | :: both |
обаим {noun} [dialectal] | :: A sweet-talking, crafty or deceptive person |
обакша {noun} [dialectal, Northern] | :: layabout; inactive person |
обалдеть {v pf} | :: to stop thinking clearly, to take leave of one's senses |
обалдеть {v pf} | :: to grow dumb with astonishment, to be dumb-founded, to drop one's jaw |
Обама {prop} {m anim} | :: Obama |
оба-на {interj} [colloquial] | :: used to express surprise, typically also implying content or irony |
обанкротить {v pf} [finance] | :: to bankrupt (to force into bankruptcy) |
обанкротиться {v pf} [finance] | :: to go bankrupt (to become bankrupt) |
обатур {noun} [dialectal] | :: A stubborn, disobedient person |
обатур {noun} [dialectal] | :: idiot, fool |
обаче {adv} [archaic] | :: but |
обаяние {noun} | :: attraction, charm, fascination, spell (quality of inspiring delight or admiration) |
обаятельный {adj} | :: charming, fascinating |
обвал {noun} | :: collapse (of building, stock price, exchange rate, economy, etc.) |
обвал {noun} | :: landslide, rockfall (fall of earth, rocks, etc.) |
обваливать {v impf} | :: to cause to fall, to crumble |
обваливать {v impf} | :: to heap round |
обваливать {v impf} | :: to roll (in) (flour, crumbs etc) |
обваливаться {v impf} | :: to fall, to collapse, to cave in, to crumble |
обваливаться {v impf} [economics] | :: to collapse, to fall, to dive |
обвалить {v pf} | :: to cause to fall, to crumble |
обвалить {v pf} | :: to heap round |
обвалиться {v pf} | :: to fall, to collapse, to cave in, to crumble |
обвалиться {v pf} [economics] | :: to collapse, to fall, to dive |
обвалять {v pf} | :: to roll (something) [в + prepositional, in flour, bread crumbs, etc.] |
обваривать {v impf} | :: to pour boiling water (on) |
обваривать {v impf} | :: to burn, to steam, to scald (with boiling water) |
обварить {v pf} | :: to pour boiling water [on] |
обварить {v pf} | :: to burn, to steam, to scald [with boiling water] |
обвенчать {v pf} | :: to marry (in church), to wed |
обвенчаться {v pf} | :: to be married (in church), to get married (in church) |
обвести {v pf} | :: to lead [someone around] |
обвести {v pf} | :: to encircle, to surround |
обвести {v pf} | :: to outline, to contour |
обвести {v pf} [sport] | :: to dodge, to outplay |
обвести взглядом {v pf} | :: to scan, to cast one's eyes over |
обвести вокруг пальца {v pf} | :: to hoodwink, to cheat, to dupe, to swindle |
обвести глазами {v pf} | :: to scan, to cast one's eyes over |
обветрить {v pf} | :: to chap |
обветшать {v pf} | :: to decay; to dilapidate; to become decrepit |
обвивать {v impf} | :: to wind around; to coil around |
обвинение {noun} | :: accusation, charge (act of accusing or charging with a crime) |
обвинитель {noun} | :: accuser |
обвинитель {noun} [law] | :: prosecutor |
обвинительный {adj} | :: accusative (producing accusations; accusatory) |
обвинить {v pf} | :: to accuse, to charge, to blame |
обвиниться {v pf} | :: to be charged (with), to be accused (of), to be prosecuted (for) |
обвиняемый {noun} | :: accused (defendant) |
обвиняемый {adj} | :: accused, charged |
обвинять {v impf} | :: to accuse |
обвиняться {v impf} | :: to be charged (with), to be accused (of), to be prosecuted (for) |
обвисать {v impf} | :: to hang, to droop, to sag |
обвисать {v impf} | :: to become/grow flabby |
обвиснуть {v pf} | :: to hang, to droop, to sag |
обвиснуть {v pf} | :: to become/grow flabby |
обвить {v pf} | :: to wind around; to coil around |
обводить {v impf} | :: to lead [someone around] |
обводить {v impf} | :: to encircle, to surround |
обводить {v impf} | :: to outline, to contour |
обводить {v impf} [sport] | :: to dodge, to outplay |
обводить взглядом {v impf} | :: to scan, to cast one's eyes over |
обводить вокруг пальца {v impf} | :: to hoodwink, to cheat, to dupe, to swindle |
обводить глазами {v impf} | :: to scan, to cast one's eyes over |
обволакивать {v impf} | :: to envelop |
обволакивать {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to ensnare and subjugate to one's will |
обволочь {v pf} | :: to envelop |
обволочь {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to ensnare and subjugate to one's will |
обвораживать {v impf} | :: to fascinate, to charm, to enchant, to captivate |
обворовать {v pf} | :: to rob; to plunder |
обворожительный {adj} | :: fascinating, enchanting, bewitching |
обворожить {v pf} | :: to fascinate, to charm, to enchant, to captivate |
обвязать {v pf} | :: to encircle by tying, to tie around [+ accusative of object encircled and instrumental of object tied] |
обвязывать {v impf} | :: to encircle by tying, to tie around [+ accusative of object encircled and instrumental of object tied] |
обгладывать {v impf} | :: to gnaw around |
обгладывать {v impf} | :: to pick (a bone) |
обглодать {v pf} | :: to gnaw around |
обглодать {v pf} | :: to pick (a bone) |
обговаривать {v impf} | :: to discuss |
обговаривать {v impf} | :: to provide (for), to make a provision (for) |
обговорить {v pf} | :: to discuss |
обговорить {v pf} | :: to provide (for), to make a provision (for) |
обгон {noun} | :: overtaking (e.g. by a vehicle) |
обгонять {v impf} | :: to overtake |
обгонять {v impf} | :: to excel, to surpass |
обгорать {v impf} | :: to be scorched, to be burnt on the edges |
обгорать {v impf} | :: to get burned |
обгорать {v impf} | :: to sunburn, to get sunburnt |
обгорелый {adj} | :: burned, charred |
обгорелый {adj} [colloquial] | :: sunburned |
обгорелый {adj} [colloquial] | :: scorched [of earth, vegetation, etc.] |
обгореть {v pf} | :: to be scorched, to be burnt on the edges |
обгореть {v pf} | :: to get burned |
обгореть {v pf} | :: to sunburn, to get sunburnt |
обгрызать {v impf} | :: to gnaw round |
обгрызть {v pf} | :: to gnaw round |
обдавать {v impf} | :: to pour over, to douse |
обдавать {v impf} [impersonal] | :: to seize (with a feeling) |
обдать {v pf} | :: to pour over, to douse |
обдать {v pf} [impersonal] | :: to seize (with a feeling) |
обделить {v pf} | :: to do out of one's share, to not let have one's fair share, to share unfairly |
обделить {v pf} | :: to deprive |
обделять {v impf} | :: to do out of one's share, to not let have one's fair share, to share unfairly |
обделять {v impf} | :: to deprive |
обдешень {noun} [dialectal, Pskov] | :: a south-easterly wind |
обдирать {v impf} | :: to strip, to peel, to skin, to flay, to flense |
обдирать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to scratch (on), to scrape (on) |
обдирать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to fleece, to rook |
обдирать как липку {v impf} [simile] | :: to rob blind |
обдумать {v pf} | :: to consider, to think over, to weigh |
обдумывание {noun} | :: reflection, pondering, deliberation |
обдумывать {v impf} | :: to consider, to think over, to weigh |
обдуривать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to cheat |
обдурить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to cheat |
обегать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to run (everywhere or many places) |
обегать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to drop by (everywhere or many places) |
обегать {v impf} | :: to run around [+ accusative or вокруг] |
обегать {v impf} | :: to run past [+ мимо] (to bypass while running) |
обегать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to run (everywhere or many places) |
обегать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to drop by (everywhere or many places) |
обед {noun} | :: dinner, lunch (The main meal of the day, which is served around 1 or 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. It may be called either "lunch" or "dinner" in English.) |
обед {noun} [colloquial] | :: noon |
обедать {vi impf} | :: to eat lunch |
обеденный {adj} [relational] | :: lunch/dinner (referring to the main meal of the day, which is eaten from about 1 or 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.) |
обеденный стол {noun} | :: dining table |
обеднеть {v pf} | :: to become poor, to become difficult |
обеднить {v pf} [also figurative] | :: to make poor or poorer, to impoverish |
обедня {noun} [religion] | :: mass, liturgy |
обеднять {v impf} [also figurative] | :: to make poor or poorer, to impoverish |
обеднять {v pf} [low colloquial, also figurative] | :: to become poor or poorer, to become impoverished |
обежать {v pf} | :: to run around [+ accusative or вокруг] |
обежать {v pf} | :: to run past [+ мимо] |
обежать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to run (everywhere or many places) |
обежать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to drop by (everywhere or many places) |
обезболивание {noun} | :: anesthetization, anesthesia |
обезболивать {v impf} | :: to anesthetize |
обезболивающее {noun} | :: anaesthetic, painkiller |
обезболивающий {adj} | :: analgesic, anaesthetic, pain-relieving |
обезболить {v pf} | :: to anesthetize |
обезвоживаемость {noun} [rare] | :: dewaterability |
обезвоживание {noun} | :: dehydration |
обезвредить {v pf} | :: to render harmless |
обезвреживать {v impf} | :: to render harmless |
обезглавить {v pf} | :: to decapitate, to behead |
обезглавливать {v impf} | :: to decapitate, to behead |
обездоливать {v impf} | :: to make destitute, to leave penniless |
обездолить {v pf} | :: to make destitute, to leave penniless |
обезжиренный {adj} | :: fat-free, fatless |
обеззараживание {noun} | :: disinfection, sterilization, decontamination |
обеззараживать {v impf} | :: to disinfect |
обезлесивать {v impf} | :: to deforest |
обезлесить {v pf} | :: to deforest |
обезлюдить {v pf} | :: to depopulate |
обезлюживать {v impf} | :: to depopulate |
обезножеть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to lose the ability to walk from fatigue, to "lose legs" |
обезножить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to leave somebody without legs, to usually figuratively, to as in making someone extremely tired |
обезображивать {v impf} | :: to disfigure, to make ugly |
обезобразить {v pf} | :: to disfigure, to make ugly |
обезопасить {v pf} | :: to secure (against) |
обезоруживать {v impf} [also figurative] | :: to disarm |
обезоруживать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to calm (an angry person) |
обезоружить {v pf} [also figurative] | :: to disarm |
обезоружить {v pf} [figurative] | :: to calm (an angry person) |
обезручеть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to lose the ability to use hands, to "lose hands" |
обезручить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to leave somebody without hands, to usually figuratively, to as in making someone extremely tired |
обезуметь {v pf} [also figuratively] | :: to become insane, to go crazy, to go mad |
обезьяна {noun} | :: monkey, ape |
обезьяний {adj} [relational] | :: monkey |
обезьянка {noun} | :: diminutive of обезьяна |
обезьянник {noun} | :: monkey-house |
обезьянник {noun} [slang] | :: jail in a Russian police station for pre-charge detention |
обезьянничать {v impf} | :: to ape, to monkey (imitate) |
обезьянничать {v impf} | :: to act the ape/monkey |
обезьяночеловек {noun} | :: apeman |
обелиск {noun} | :: obelisk |
оберегать {v impf} | :: to guard (against), to protect (from) |
оберечь {v pf} | :: to guard (against), to protect (from) |
обернуть {v pf} | :: to wrap up |
обернуть {v pf} | :: to wind (around), to wrap (around) |
обернуть {v pf} | :: to turn |
обернуть {v pf} | :: to turn over |
обернуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to arrange, to get done |
обернуть {v pf} [folklore] | :: to turn (into) |
обернуться {v pf} | :: to wrap oneself (with, in) |
обернуться {v pf} | :: to turn head; to turn head backward; to twist round head |
обернуться {v pf} | :: to turn (into something) [folklore] (+ в + accusative case; or + instrumental case without preposition) |
обернуться {v pf} | :: to manage, to get by; to wangle |
обернуться {v pf} | :: to (go and) come back; (finance) to make a full circle |
обертон {noun} [music, physics] | :: overtone |
обескураживать {v impf} | :: to confuse, to perplex, to baffle |
обескураживать {v impf} | :: to discourage, to dishearten, to dispirit |
обескуражить {v pf} | :: to confuse, to perplex, to baffle |
обескуражить {v pf} | :: to discourage, to dishearten, to dispirit |
обеспечение {noun} | :: securing, guaranteeing, ensuring |
обеспечение {noun} | :: security, guarantee |
обеспечение {noun} | :: provision, supply |
обеспеченность {noun} | :: provision |
обеспеченность {noun} | :: means, wealth, material well-being/security, prosperity |
обеспеченный {adj} | :: well-off, affluent |
обеспечивать {v impf} | :: to provide, to supply |
обеспечивать {v impf} | :: to assure, to secure, to guarantee, to ensure (to make sure and secure) |
обеспечиваться {v impf} | :: to provide oneself (with) |
обеспечить {v pf} | :: to provide, to supply |
обеспечить {v pf} | :: to assure, to secure, to guarantee, to ensure (to make sure and secure) |
обеспечиться {v pf} | :: to provide oneself (with) |
обеспокоенность {noun} | :: concern, worry, anxiety |
обеспокоенный {adj} | :: worried, concerned, alarmed (experiencing concern, e.g. of a person) |
обеспокоенный {adj} | :: worried, concerned, alarmed (expressing concern, e.g. of a look) |
обеспокоить {v pf} | :: to worry, to trouble, to make anxious |
обеспокоить {v pf} | :: to disturb, to perturb |
обеспокоиться {v pf} | :: to become anxious/uneasy |
обеспокоиться {v pf} | :: to become concerned (over, about) |
обессилеть {vi pf} | :: to weaken, to get weak [of a person] |
обессиливать {v impf} | :: to enervate, to weaken, to deprive of strength (someone) |
обессилить {v pf} | :: to enervate, to weaken, to deprive of strength (someone) |
обессмертить {v pf} [literary] | :: to immortalize |
обесчестить {v pf} | :: to disgrace, to defame |
обесчестить {v pf} | :: to abuse (a woman) |
обесчещивать {v impf} | :: to disgrace, to defame |
обесчещивать {v impf} | :: to abuse (a woman) |
обет {noun} | :: vow, promise |
обет {noun} | :: pledge |
обетованный {adj} [literary] | :: promised |
обечать {v impf} [dialectal, rare] | :: to promise |
обещание {noun} | :: promise (vow) |
обещанный {adj} | :: promised |
обещать {v impf} | :: to promise, to pledge |
обёртка {noun} | :: wrapper, wrapping |
обёртывать {v impf} | :: to wrap up |
обёртывать {v impf} | :: to wind (around), to wrap (around) |
ОБЖ {m inan} [education] | :: Health and Safety (a subject taught in Russian schools that should provide knowledge of healthy life skills and personal safety) |
обжа {noun} | :: plough shaft |
обжалование {noun} | :: appeal (application for the removal of a cause to a superior judge for reexamination) |
обжаловать {v both} [law] | :: to make/bear/lodge a complaint (against), to appeal (against) |
обжаривать {v impf} | :: to fry or roast on all sides |
обжарить {v pf} | :: to fry or roast on all sides |
обжать {v pf} | :: to wring out, to press out [from all sides] |
обжать {v pf} | :: to hug closely [from all sides], to surround closely |
обжать {v pf} [folk poetic] | :: to reap (the whole of) |
обжечь {v pf} | :: to burn, to scorch |
обжечь {v pf} | :: to fire, to burn, to calcine |
обжечься {v pf} | :: to burn oneself |
обживать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to settle (a place), to adapt (a place) for habitation |
обжигать {v impf} | :: to burn, to scorch |
обжигать {v impf} | :: to fire, to burn, to calcine |
обжимать {v impf} | :: to wring out, to press out [from all sides] |
обжимать {v impf} | :: to hug closely [from all sides], to surround closely |
обжинать {v impf} [folk poetic] | :: to reap (the whole of) |
обжитой {adj} | :: settled, adapted for habitation [of an area] |
обжить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to settle (a place), to adapt (a place) for habitation |
обжора {m anim} {f anim} | :: glutton |
обжорство {noun} [colloquial] | :: gluttony |
обзавестись {v pf} | :: to acquire, to provide oneself (with) |
обзаводиться {v impf} | :: to acquire, to provide oneself (with) |
обзатыливать {v impf} [historical] | :: to cut the back of the hair of someone as a part of an old military custom for being unfit for battles |
обзатыливать {v impf} [archaic] | :: to condemn, to reject, to discard (someone) (by recognizing someone as generally unfit) |
обзатылить {v pf} [historical] | :: to cut the back of the hair of someone as a part of an old military custom for being unfit for battles |
обзатылить {v pf} [archaic] | :: to condemn, to reject, to discard (someone) (by recognizing someone as generally unfit) |
обзванивать {v impf} | :: to consecutively ring everybody or many on the phone |
обзвонить {v pf} | :: to consecutively ring everybody or many on the phone |
обзол {noun} [woodworks] | :: rough edge, wane |
обзор {noun} | :: survey, roundup |
обзор {noun} | :: review |
обзор {noun} | :: field of view/vision |
обзывание {noun} | :: name-calling |
обзывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to call |
оби {m inan} | :: obi (a kimono sash) |
обивать {v impf} | :: to upholster, to pad |
обивать {v impf} | :: to strike off, to beat off, to knock off, to shake off |
обивка {noun} | :: upholstering |
обивка {noun} | :: upholstery |
обида {noun} | :: resentment (feeling); grudges |
обида {noun} | :: hurt, grievance |
обидеть {v pf} | :: to offend, to hurt somebody's feelings, to abuse, to insult |
обидеться {v pf} | :: to take offence (at), to be offended (by), to feel hurt (by), to resent |
обидно {adv} | :: offensively (in an offensive manner) |
обидно {pred} | :: it is offensive |
обидный {adj} | :: offensive, slighting |
обидный {adj} | :: vexing, annoying |
обидчиво {adv} | :: touchily, sensitively, quickly taking offence |
обидчивый {adj} | :: touchy, susceptible, quick to take offence |
обидчик {noun} | :: offender |
обижать {v impf} | :: to offend, to hurt somebody's feelings, to abuse, to insult |
обижаться {v impf} | :: to take offence (at), to be offended (by), to feel hurt (by), to resent |
обиженно {adv} | :: resentfully |
обиженный {adj} | :: offended, having a grudge, resentful [experiencing offense or resentment; of a person] |
обиженный {adj} | :: offended, resentful [expressing offense or resentment; of a look, tone, face, etc.] |
обилие {noun} | :: abundance |
обильно {adv} | :: abundantly |
обильный {adj} | :: abundant, plentiful, rich |
обиняк {noun} [chiefly in the plural] | :: ambages, circumlocutions |
обирать {v impf} | :: to pick, to collect [from a tree or garden] |
обирать {v impf} | :: to clean out (to cheat someone out of their possessions) |
обирать {v impf} [low colloquial] | :: to gather in folds or ruffles |
обирать {v impf} [low colloquial] | :: to rob |
обитаемый {adj} | :: inhabited |
обиталище {noun} | :: abode (slightly dated: residence) |
обитание {noun} | :: habitation |
обитатель {noun} | :: inhabitant, dweller |
обитать {v impf} | :: to dwell in, to live in, to inhabit |
обитающий {adj} | :: living, dwelling, inhabiting |
обитель {noun} [archaic] | :: abode, dwelling place |
обитель {noun} [Christianity] | :: cloister, monastery |
обить {v pf} | :: to upholster, to pad |
обить {v pf} | :: to strike off, to beat off, to knock off, to shake off |
Обихиро {prop} {m inan} | :: Обихиро (city) |
обиход {noun} | :: custom, use |
обиход {noun} [religion] | :: rules of church singing |
обкатать {v pf} | :: to roll smooth, to smoothen by rolling |
обкатать {v pf} | :: to wear smooth |
обкатать {v pf} | :: to make round by rolling |
обкатать {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to make hackneyed, to make common, to deprive of one's particular nature |
обкатать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to repeat until perfected |
обкатать {v pf} | :: to test out, to break in [e.g. a car] |
обкатать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to cover in (e.g. breadcrumbs) by rolling |
обкатить {v pf} | :: to roll (something) around (something else) |
обкатить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to douse |
обкатить {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to travel around (an area) |
обкатка {noun} | :: testing out, breaking in |
обкатка {noun} | :: repeating until perfection |
обкатка {noun} | :: trial run |
обкатывать {v impf} | :: to roll smooth, to smoothen by rolling |
обкатывать {v impf} | :: to wear smooth |
обкатывать {v impf} | :: to make round by rolling |
обкатывать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to make hackneyed, to make common, to deprive of one's particular nature |
обкатывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to repeat until perfected |
обкатывать {v impf} | :: to test out, to break in [e.g. a car] |
обкатывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to cover in (e.g. breadcrumbs) by rolling |
обкатывать {v impf} | :: to roll (something) around (something else) |
обкатывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to douse |
обкатывать {v impf} [low colloquial] | :: to travel around (an area) |
обкачивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to douse |
обкладывать {v impf} | :: to put (round), to edge, to cover |
обкладывать {v impf} [hunting] | :: to close (round) |
обкладываться {v impf} | :: to lay/put round oneself |
обком {noun} | :: regional/oblast committee (esp. of a party or trade union) |
обкрадывать {v impf} | :: to rob |
обл. {f inan} | :: region (Russian administrative unit) |
облава {noun} [hunting] | :: battue |
облава {noun} | :: roundup |
облагать {v impf} | :: to assess, to impose (tax, fine), to tax |
облагаться {v impf} | :: to be liable |
облагораживать {v impf} | :: to ennoble, to refine |
облагораживать {v impf} | :: to improve (e.g. animal breeds or quality of plants) |
облагородить {v pf} | :: to ennoble, to refine |
облагородить {v pf} | :: to improve (e.g. animal breeds or quality of plants) |
обладание {noun} | :: possession, possessing, having; enjoyment (e.g. of rights) |
обладатель {noun} | :: possessor, owner, holder |
обладательница {noun} | :: female possessor, owner, holder |
обладать {v impf} | :: to possess, to have, to own |
обладминистрация {noun} | :: oblast administration |
облажаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to blunder, to make a mistake, to screw up |
облако {noun} [meteorology] | :: cloud |
обламывать {v impf} | :: to break off |
обламывать {v impf} | :: to cajole, to persuade |
обласкать {v pf} | :: to treat kindly |
обласкать {v pf} | :: to commend |
обласкать {v pf} [dated] | :: to give protection to |
обласкивать {v impf} | :: to treat kindly |
обласкивать {v impf} | :: to commend |
обласкивать {v impf} [dated] | :: to give protection to |
областной {adj} [relational] | :: oblast; regional |
область {noun} | :: region, oblast, province |
область {noun} | :: sphere, field (area of knowledge) |
облачать {v impf} | :: to array, to vest, to robe in (to clothe/ornament) |
облачать {v impf} | :: to dress up, to deck out |
облачаться {v impf} | :: to put on, to wear (vestments, robes or other attire of a formal and symbolic nature) |
облачаться {v impf} [dated] | :: to put on, to wear (any clothing) |
облачение {noun} | :: attire, vestments (one's dress or clothes) |
облачить {v pf} | :: to array, to vest, to robe in (to clothe/ornament) |
облачить {v pf} | :: to dress up, to deck out |
облачиться {v pf} | :: to put on, to wear (vestments, robes or other attire of a formal and symbolic nature) |
облачиться {v pf} [dated] | :: to put on, to wear (any clothing) |
облачко {noun} | :: diminutive of облако: (small) cloud |
облачность {noun} | :: cloudiness, clouds, cloud cover |
облачный {adj} | :: cloudy (covered with or characterised by clouds) |
облевать {v pf} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: to vomit (on someone or something) |
облегать {v impf} | :: to cover |
облегать {v impf} | :: (cloth) to fit tightly, to cling (to) |
облегчать {v impf} | :: to alleviate, to lighten, to facilitate, to ease, to relieve (pain) |
облегчение {noun} | :: relief, alleviation, easement |
облегчённо {adv} | :: with relief, with a sense of relief |
облегчённый {adj} | :: light [in weight], lightweight |
облегчённый {adj} | :: simplified |
облегчённый {adj} | :: lightened, relieved |
облегчить {v pf} | :: to alleviate, to lighten, to facilitate, to ease, to relieve (pain) |
обледеневать {v impf} | :: to become covered with ice, to ice over |
обледеневать {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to freeze solid |
обледеневать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to stiffen from cold |
обледенелый {adj} | :: icy |
обледенеть {v pf} | :: to become covered with ice, to ice over |
обледенеть {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to freeze solid |
обледенеть {v pf} [figurative] | :: to stiffen from cold |
облезать {v impf} | :: (fur etc) to grow bare, to come out/off |
облезать {v impf} | :: (paint etc) to peel off |
облезлый {adj} [colloquial] | :: shabby, bare |
облезть {v pf} | :: (fur etc) to grow bare, to come out/off |
облезть {v pf} | :: (paint etc) to peel off |
облекать {v impf} | :: to clothe (in) |
облекать {v impf} | :: to invest (with), to vest (with), to envelop (in) |
облекать {v impf} | :: to shape (as), to present (as) |
облекаться {v impf} [literary or poetic] | :: to put on clothes, to don garment |
облекаться {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to take the form of |
облепить {v pf} | :: to stick all over (with), to paste all over (with); to cover (with), to plaster (with) |
облепить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to besiege, to cling (to); to swarm all over (of flies) |
облепиха {noun} | :: sea buckthorn |
облеплять {v impf} | :: to stick all over (with), to paste all over (with); to cover (with), to plaster (with) |
облеплять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to besiege, to cling (to); to swarm all over (of flies) |
облетать {v impf} | :: to fly (round) |
облетать {v impf} | :: (rumor, news etc) to spread (all over) |
облетать {v impf} | :: (leaves) to fall, (plant) to lose/shed its leaves |
облетать {v pf} | :: to fly (all over) |
облетать {v pf} | :: to test, to test-fly |
облететь {v pf} | :: to fly (round) |
облететь {v pf} | :: (rumor, news etc) to spread (all over) |
облететь {v pf} | :: (leaves) to fall, (plant) to lose/shed its leaves |
облечь {v pf} | :: to cover |
облечь {v pf} | :: (cloth) to fit tightly, to cling (to) |
облечь {v pf} | :: to clothe (in) |
облечь {v pf} | :: to invest (with), to vest (with), to envelop (in) |
облечь {v pf} | :: to shape (as), to present (as) |
облечься {v pf} [literary or poetic] | :: to put on clothes, to don garment |
облечься {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to take the form of |
облёванный {adj} [vulgar] | :: covered in vomit |
облёвывать {v impf} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: to vomit (on someone or something) |
облётывать {v impf} | :: to test, to test-fly |
обливание {noun} | :: spilling (over), pouring (over), dousing (with water), affusion (pouring of liquid) |
обливать {v impf} | :: to pour (over); to spill (over), to sluice (over) |
обливаться {v impf} | :: to have a shower bath, to sponge down |
обливаться {v impf} | :: to pour/spill over oneself |
облигация {noun} | :: bond, debenture |
облизать {v pf} | :: to lick, to lick all over, to lick clean |
облизаться {v pf} | :: to lick oneself |
облизывать {v impf} | :: to lick, to lick all over, to lick clean |
облизываться {v impf} | :: to lick oneself |
облик {noun} | :: face, look, aspect, appearance, figure, image |
облик {noun} | :: mindset, temper, character, make-up |
облить {v pf} | :: to pour (over); to spill (over), to sluice (over) |
облиться {v pf} | :: to have a shower bath, to sponge down |
облиться {v pf} | :: to pour/spill over oneself |
облицевать {v pf} | :: to face [with stone, etc.] |
облицовка {noun} | :: facing, lining, cladding, revetment [of stone, etc.] |
облицовывать {v impf} | :: to face [with stone, etc.] |
обличать {v impf} | :: to condemn, to blame, to denounce |
обличать {v impf} | :: to unmask, to expose |
обличать {v impf} | :: to reveal, to display, to manifest, to point |
обличение {noun} | :: accusation |
обличение {noun} | :: exposure |
обличие {noun} | :: alternative form of обличье |
обличить {v pf} | :: to condemn, to blame, to denounce |
обличить {v pf} | :: to unmask, to expose |
обличить {v pf} | :: to reveal, to display, to manifest, to point |
обличье {noun} | :: appearance, look |
обличье {noun} | :: face; guise |
обложение {noun} | :: taxation |
обложение {noun} | :: tax, levy |
обложить {v pf} | :: to assess, to impose (tax, fine), to tax |
обложить {v pf} | :: to put (round), to edge, to cover |
обложить {v pf} [hunting] | :: to close (round) |
обложиться {v pf} | :: to lay/put round oneself |
обложка {noun} | :: cover (front and back of a book or a magazine) |
обложной {adj} [of rain] | :: completely covering the sky with rain clouds |
облокачиваться {v impf} | :: to lean one's elbows [on, на or о + accusative] |
облокотиться {v pf} | :: to lean one's elbows [on, на or о + accusative] |
облом {noun} | :: breaking off (breaking a piece off of something) |
облом {noun} | :: something broken off, fragment |
облом {noun} | :: place of fracture |
облом {noun} | :: crack or bump at a place of fracture |
облом {noun} [architecture] | :: molding |
облом {noun} [military] | :: breastwork |
облом {noun} [slang] | :: failure |
облом {noun} [colloquial] | :: frustration |
обломать {v pf} | :: to break off |
обломать {v pf} | :: to cajole, to persuade |
обломить {v pf} | :: to break off |
обломовщина {noun} | :: Oblomovism (indolent apathy) |
обломок {noun} | :: fragment |
обломок {noun} | :: (plural) debris, wreckage, flotsam |
облупить {v pf} | :: to peel, to shell |
облупиться {vi pf} | :: to peel [of skin, etc.], to peel off [of paint, etc.] |
облупливать {v impf} | :: to peel, to shell |
облупливаться {vi impf} | :: to peel [of skin, etc.], to peel off [of paint, etc.] |
облучение {noun} | :: irradiation, exposure to radiation |
облучение {noun} | :: exposure |
облый {adj} [rare] | :: round, roundish, rounded |
облый {adj} [figuratively] | :: plump, fat |
облыселый {adj} | :: bald |
облысение {noun} | :: alopecia, loss of hair |
облысеть {v impf} | :: to become bald |
облюбовать {v pf} | :: to choose, to select |
облюбовывать {v impf} | :: to choose, to select |
обмазать {v pf} | :: to daub all over |
обман {noun} | :: deception |
обман {noun} | :: deceit, fraud |
обман {noun} | :: trick |
обманка {noun} [mineralogy] | :: blende [from the fact that they are compounds of metals but are not metallic in appearance] |
обманка {noun} [colloquial] | :: deception, deceit, lie |
обманка {noun} [art] | :: trompe l'oeil |
обманный {adj} | :: dishonest, fraudulent, deceptive, deceitful, false (dishonest; based on fraud or deception) |
обмануть {v pf} | :: to deceive, to cheat, to trick, to swindle |
обмануть {v pf} | :: to disappoint, to let down |
обмануться {v pf} | :: to make a mistake by making false expectations; to overreach oneself |
обманчивый {adj} | :: deceptive, delusive |
обманщик {noun} | :: cheat, deceiver, fraud, faker, trickster |
обманывать {v impf} | :: to deceive, to cheat, to trick, to swindle |
обманывать {v impf} | :: to disappoint, to let down |
обманываться {v impf} | :: to make a mistake by making false expectations; to overreach oneself |
обматерить {v pf} | :: to dirty mouth, to badmouth, to abuse, to cuss out (to insult, to swear dirtily (at)) |
обматывать {v impf} | :: to wind around, to wrap around |
обмен {noun} | :: exchange |
обменивать {v impf} | :: to exchange, to swap |
обмениваться {v impf} | :: to exchange, to swap |
обменный {adj} [relational] | :: exchange |
обменять {v pf} | :: to exchange, to swap |
обменяться {v pf} | :: to exchange, to swap |
обмер {noun} | :: measurement (act of measuring) |
обмер {noun} [colloquial] | :: false measuring |
обмереть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to faint, to lose consciousness |
обмереть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to go numb, to freeze [from fright, shock, etc.] |
обмереть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to skip a beat [of one's heart] |
обмерить {v pf} | :: to measure (all dimensions) |
обмерить {v pf} | :: to cheat in measure, to give short measure |
обмерять {v pf} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of обмерить |
обмерять {v impf} | :: to measure (ascertain the quantity of a unit) |
обмерять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to cheat in measuring, to give short measure |
обмирать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to faint, to lose consciousness |
обмирать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to go numb, to freeze [from fright, shock, etc.] |
обмирать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to skip a beat [of one's heart] |
обмирщаться {v impf} [dated] | :: to secularize [oneself] |
обмирщиться {v pf} [dated] | :: to secularize [oneself] |
обмолвиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to make a slip in speaking |
обмолвиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to utter casually |
обмолвиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to mention, to let slip |
обмолотить {v pf} [farming] | :: to thresh |
обмораживать {v impf} | :: to frostbite, to cause frostbite in (a body part) |
обморозить {v pf} | :: to frostbite, to cause frostbite in (a body part) |
обморок {noun} | :: faint, swoon, syncope (the act of fainting) |
обморочить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to fool, to trick, to dupe, to pull the wool over someone's eyes |
обморочить голову {v pf} | :: to pull someone's leg |
обмотать {v pf} | :: to wind around, to wrap around |
обмотка {noun} | :: winding |
обмотка {noun} | :: puttee |
обмундирование {noun} | :: outfit, uniform (a set of clothing) |
обмундирование {noun} | :: fitting out (with uniform) |
обмывать {v impf} | :: to wash, to bathe |
обмывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to celebrate, to drink (to a purchase or deal) |
обмыть {v pf} | :: to wash, to bathe |
обмыть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to celebrate, to drink (to a purchase or deal) |
обмякать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to become soft, to soften |
обмякать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to become flabby, to go limp |
обмякнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to become soft, to soften |
обмякнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to become flabby, to go limp |
обнаглеть {v pf} | :: to become impudent/brazen/insolent |
обнадёживать {v impf} | :: to assure, to reassure, to encourage |
обнадёживать {v impf} | :: to raise hopes (of), to give hope |
обнадёжить {v pf} | :: to assure, to reassure, to encourage |
обнадёжить {v pf} | :: to raise hopes (of), to give hope |
обнажать {v impf} | :: to undress, to bare |
обнажать {v impf} | :: to uncover, to expose |
обнажать {v impf} | :: to unsheathe, to draw |
обнажать {v impf} | :: to bare, to unleaf |
обнажать {v impf} | :: to reveal |
обнажаться {v impf} | :: to take off one's clothes, to become naked |
обнажаться {v impf} | :: to wear overly revealing clothes |
обнажаться {v impf} | :: to become exposed [of body parts] |
обнажаться {v impf} | :: to become exposed [by removing the top layer] [от + genitive, by some cause] |
обнажаться {v impf} | :: to lose vegetation, to become bare [e.g. of trees] |
обнажаться {v impf} | :: to become clear, to be revealed |
обнажаться {v impf} | :: to become defenseless, to be exposed to the enemy |
обнажённый {adj} | :: naked, bare [of a person] |
обнажённый {adj} [of plants] | :: not having leaves |
обнажённый {adj} [figurative] | :: sincere, candid |
обнажённый {adj} | :: naked [vice etc.; inanimate] |
обнажить {v pf} | :: to undress, to bare |
обнажить {v pf} | :: to uncover, to expose |
обнажить {v pf} | :: to unsheathe, to draw |
обнажить {v pf} | :: to bare, to unleaf |
обнажить {v pf} | :: to reveal |
обнажиться {v pf} | :: to take off one's clothes, to become naked |
обнажиться {v pf} | :: to wear overly revealing clothes |
обнажиться {v pf} | :: to become exposed [of body parts] |
обнажиться {v pf} | :: to become exposed [by removing the top layer] [от + genitive, by some cause] |
обнажиться {v pf} | :: to lose vegetation, to become bare [e.g. of trees] |
обнажиться {v pf} | :: to become clear, to be revealed |
обнажиться {v pf} | :: to become defenseless, to become exposed to the enemy |
обнародование {noun} | :: promulgation, announcement, publication |
обнародовать {v pf} | :: to promulgate, to publish |
обнаружение {noun} | :: finding, discovery, detecting |
обнаруживать {v impf} | :: to disclose, to show, to reveal, to display |
обнаруживать {v impf} | :: to discover, to find out, to detect, to reveal, to spot |
обнаруживаться {v impf} | :: to be revealed, to be discovered, to be found, to show |
обнаружить {v pf} | :: to disclose, to show, to reveal, to display |
обнаружить {v pf} | :: to discover, to find out, to detect, to reveal, to spot |
обнаружиться {v pf} | :: to be revealed, to be discovered, to be found, to show |
обнашивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to wear out (clothing) |
обнашивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to break in (clothing) (to wear to the point of feeling comfortable), to feel more comfortable (in an item of clothes, etc) |
обнести {v pf} | :: to enclose (with) |
обнести {v pf} | :: to serve (round) |
обнести {v pf} | :: to miss [pass over] while serving, to fail to serve (to) |
обнимать {v impf} | :: to hug, to embrace |
обнимать {v impf} | :: to engulf, to envelop |
обниматься {vi impf} | :: to hug, to embrace one another |
обнимка {noun} | :: (in expressions only) |
обнищание {noun} | :: impoverishment, destitution |
обнищать {v pf} | :: to become impoverished, to become destitute |
обнова {noun} | :: new thing, novelty, new acquisition, new dress |
обновить {v pf} | :: to renovate, to refresh, to repair, to make as good as new |
обновить {v pf} | :: to renew, to update |
обновить {v pf} | :: to use/try out for the first time, to give a first trial, (clothes) to wear for the first time |
обновиться {v pf} | :: to be/get renewed |
обновка {noun} [colloquial] | :: new thing, recently acquired thing [usually clothing] |
обновление {noun} | :: renewal |
обновление {noun} | :: renovation |
обновление {noun} | :: update |
обновление {noun} | :: aggiornamento (reform of some teachings of Roman Catholic Church in 1962–65) |
обновлять {v impf} | :: to renovate, to refresh, to repair, to make as good as new |
обновлять {v impf} | :: to renew, to update |
обновлять {v impf} | :: to use/try out for the first time, to give a first trial, (clothes) to wear for the first time, to christen |
обновляться {v impf} | :: to be/get renewed |
обносить {v impf} | :: to enclose (with) |
обносить {v impf} | :: to serve (round) |
обносить {v impf} | :: to miss [pass over] while serving, to fail to serve (to) |
обносить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to wear out (clothing) |
обносить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to break in (clothing) (to wear to the point of feeling comfortable), to feel more comfortable (in an item of clothes, etc) |
обнюхать {v pf} | :: to sniff around, to sniff on all sides |
обнюхивать {v impf} | :: to sniff around, to sniff on all sides |
обнять {v pf} | :: to hug, to embrace |
обнять {v pf} | :: to engulf, to envelop |
обняться {v pf} | :: to hug, to embrace one another |
обо- {prefix} | :: alternative form of об- [used before certain consonant clusters] |
обо {prep} | :: (+ prepositional case): about, of, on |
обо {prep} | :: (+ accusative case): against, upon |
обобрать {v pf} | :: to pick, to collect [from a tree or garden] |
обобрать {v pf} | :: to clean out (to cheat someone out of their possessions) |
обобрать {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to gather in folds or ruffles |
обобрать {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to rob |
обобщать {v impf} | :: to generalize, to summarize |
обобщение {noun} | :: generalization |
обобщение {noun} | :: summarizing |
обобщённый {adj} | :: generalized, abstract |
обобщить {v pf} | :: to generalize, to summarize |
обогатить {v pf} | :: to enrich, to make rich |
обогатить {v pf} | :: to enrich, to make worthy |
обогатить {v pf} [mining] | :: to concentrate |
обогатиться {v pf} | :: to enrich oneself |
обогащать {v impf} | :: to enrich, to make rich |
обогащать {v impf} | :: to enrich, to make worthy |
обогащать {v impf} [mining] | :: to concentrate |
обогащаться {v impf} | :: to enrich oneself |
обогащение {noun} | :: enrichment |
обогащение {noun} | :: improvement, enrichment |
обогащение {noun} [mining] | :: concentration |
обогнать {v pf} | :: to overtake |
обогнать {v pf} | :: to excel, to surpass |
обогнуть {v pf} | :: to round, to skirt, to double |
обогрев {noun} | :: warming, heating |
обогреватель {noun} | :: heater |
обогревать {v impf} | :: to heat, to warm |
обогревать {v impf} | :: to give one's warmth/affection, to comfort |
обогреть {v pf} | :: to heat, to warm |
обогреть {v pf} | :: to give one's warmth/affection, to comfort |
обод {noun} | :: rim, felloe |
ободок {noun} | :: diminutive of обод |
ободок {noun} | :: bezel |
ободочная кишка {noun} [anatomy] | :: colon (digestive system) |
ободочный {adj} [relational] | :: rim |
ободочный {adj} [relational, medical] | :: colon; colonic |
ободрать {v pf} | :: to strip, to peel, to skin, to flay, to flense |
ободрать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to scratch (on), to scrape (on) |
ободрать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to fleece, to rook |
ободрать как липку {v pf} | :: to rob blind |
ободрение {noun} | :: encouragement; cheering up |
ободрить {v pf} | :: to encourage, to hearten, to cheer up, to reassure |
ободрять {v impf} | :: to encourage, to hearten, to cheer up, to reassure |
обожаемый {adj} | :: adorable, adored |
обожание {noun} | :: adoration (the act of adoring) |
обожатель {noun} | :: adorer, admirer |
обожательница {noun} | :: female admirer, adorer |
обожать {v impf} | :: to adore, to love, to worship |
обождать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to wait (for a while), to wait (for) |
о боже {interj} | :: oh my God! |
о боже мой {interj} | :: oh my God!, oh God! |
обожествление {noun} | :: apotheosis, deification |
обожествление {noun} | :: deification, idolization, worshipping |
обожествлять {v impf} | :: to deify, to divinize |
обоз {noun} | :: string of carts, wagon train, string of sledges |
обоз {noun} [military] | :: transport, train |
обозвать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to call |
обозлить {v pf} | :: to embitter (smb), to rouse the spite (of smb) |
обозлиться {v pf} | :: to grow/get angry |
обознаться {vi pf} | :: to confuse one thing or person with another, to mistake, to not recognize |
обозначать {v impf} | :: to denote, to designate, to indicate |
обозначать {v impf} | :: to mark, to label |
обозначаться {v impf} | :: to show, to appear |
обозначение {noun} | :: designation |
обозначить {v pf} | :: to denote, to designate, to indicate |
обозначить {v pf} | :: to mark, to label |
обозначиться {v pf} | :: to show, to appear |
обозреватель {noun} [animate] | :: observer; reviewer; editor (newspaper, television, etc) |
обозреватель {noun} [inanimate] | :: [computing] (web) browser |
обозревать {v impf} | :: to survey, to view, to look round |
обозревать {v impf} | :: to review, to overview |
обозрение {noun} | :: review, commentary, survey |
обозрение {noun} | :: revue |
обозрение {noun} | :: viewing, surveying |
обозреть {v pf} | :: to survey, to view, to look round |
обозреть {v pf} | :: to review, to overview |
обозримый {adj} | :: foreseeable (able to be foreseen or anticipated) |
обои {noun} | :: wallpaper |
обойки {noun} | :: diminutive of обои: wallpaper |
обойма {noun} [military] | :: charger, cartridge clip |
обойма {noun} [colloquial] | :: range, string |
обойма {noun} [engineering] | :: iron ring |
обойти {v pf} | :: to go around |
обойти {v pf} | :: to go all around |
обойти {v pf} | :: to evade |
обойтись {v pf} | :: to cost; to come to |
обойтись {v pf} | :: to treat, to manage (with), to do (with), to make (with); to get by with (с + instrumental case) |
обойтись {v pf} [usually in the negative] | :: to be able to do without |
обойтись {v pf} | :: to turn out, to work out |
обокрасть {v pf} | :: to rob |
оболживить {v pf} [rare] | :: to refute, to confute |
оболонь {noun} | :: alburnum, sapwood |
оболочка {noun} | :: cover, envelope, shell |
оболочка {noun} [biology] | :: capsule, outward form |
оболочка {noun} [anatomy] | :: membrane |
оболочка {noun} [technology] | :: jacket, casing |
оболочка {noun} [computing] | :: shell (environment) |
обольстительный {adj} | :: seductive, beguiling, alluring |
обольстить {v pf} [dated] | :: to seduce [sexually] |
обольстить {v pf} [figurative] | :: to seduce, to deceive |
обольститься {v pf} | :: to be seduced by, to be beguiled by, to succumb or give in to [as a result of seduction or deception] [+ instrumental] |
обольщать {v impf} [dated] | :: to seduce [sexually] |
обольщать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to seduce, to deceive |
обольщаться {v impf} | :: to be seduced by, to be beguiled by, to succumb or give in to [as a result of seduction or deception] [+ instrumental] |
обольщение {noun} | :: seduction |
обольщение {noun} | :: self-deception, illusion |
обольщение {noun} | :: temptation |
обомлеть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be stupefied |
обоняние {noun} | :: sense of smell, olfaction |
обонять {v impf} | :: to smell, to nose, to olfact |
обора {noun} | :: cords with which bast shoes are fastened to the foot |
оборачивать {v impf} | :: to turn |
оборачивать {v impf} | :: to turn over |
оборачивать {v impf} [colloquial, usually, imperfective] | :: to arrange, to get done |
оборачивать {v impf} [folklore] | :: to turn (into) |
оборачиваться {v impf} | :: to turn around |
оборванец {noun} [colloquial] | :: person dressed in rags |
оборванец {noun} [colloquial] | :: vagabond, hobo |
оборванный {adj} | :: ragged, tattered, torn |
оборвать {v pf} | :: to tear/pluck off/round |
оборвать {v pf} | :: to break, to tear |
оборвать {v pf} | :: to break off (ties) |
оборваться {vi pf} | :: to break, to rip |
оборзеть {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to become impudent/brazen/insolent |
оборона {noun} | :: defense |
оборонительный {adj} | :: defensive |
оборонить {v pf} | :: to defend |
оборониться {v pf} | :: to defend oneself (against) |
оборониться {v pf} [military] | :: to hold the line |
оборонка {noun} [colloquial] | :: defense industry, military-industrial complex |
оборонный {adj} [relational] | :: defense |
обороноспособность {noun} | :: readiness for defense |
обороноспособный {adj} | :: ready for defense, prepared for defense; defensible |
оборонять {v impf} | :: to defend |
обороняться {v impf} | :: to defend oneself (against) |
обороняться {v impf} [military] | :: to hold the line |
оборот {noun} | :: turn, revolution (movement about an axis) |
оборот {noun} | :: rotation, turnover |
оборот {noun} | :: circulation |
оборот {noun} | :: turnover |
оборот {noun} | :: turn of events |
оборотень {noun} | :: werewolf (also werefox and any other werebeast) |
оборотень {noun} | :: shapeshifter, turnskin |
оборотень {noun} [neologism] | :: оборотни в погонах — corrupt officers of law enforcement agencies. |
оборотить {v pf} | :: to turn |
оборотить {v pf} | :: to turn over |
оборотить {v pf} [folklore] | :: to turn (into) |
оборотный {adj} | :: reverse, back (side) |
оборотный {adj} [commerce] | :: circulating, working |
оборудование {noun} | :: equipment (hardware) |
оборудование {noun} | :: process of providing or installing of an equipment |
оборудовать {v both} | :: to equip, to fit out, to rig |
обоснование {noun} | :: substantiation, basing, argument, grounds (fact or statement used to support a proposition; a reason) |
обоснованно {adv} | :: in a valid, well-founded, well-motivated, justified manner |
обоснованность {noun} | :: validity, good reasons |
обоснованный {adj} | :: well-founded, grounded, valid, sound, justified |
обосновать {v pf} | :: to substantiate, to justify, to validate (e.g. an argument) |
обосноваться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to settle down (in) |
обосновывать {v impf} | :: to substantiate, to justify, to validate (e.g. an argument) |
обосновываться {v impf} | :: to settle somewhere |
обособить {v pf} | :: to isolate |
обособленный {adj} | :: detached, separate, isolated, solitary (apart from; not connected to) |
обособлять {v impf} | :: to isolate |
обосрать {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to shit on something |
обосрать {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to badmouth |
обосраться {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to shit one's pants, to shit oneself |
обосраться {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to get frightened, to chicken out |
обосраться {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to disgrace oneself |
обоссаться {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to piss one's pants, to piss oneself |
обоссаться {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to become afraid, to chicken out |
обострение {noun} | :: intensification, worsening, aggravation, exacerbation, sharpening |
обострённый {adj} | :: keen, acute [senses] |
обострённый {adj} | :: strained [relationships] |
обострённый {adj} | :: sharp [facial features] |
обострить {v pf} | :: to escalate, to intensify |
обострить {v pf} | :: to aggravate, to strain, to exacerbate |
обострить {v pf} | :: to whet |
обостриться {v pf} | :: to become sharp(er) |
обостриться {v pf} | :: to become more sensitive/acute |
обостриться {v pf} | :: to worsen, to become aggravated/strained |
обострять {v impf} | :: to escalate, to intensify |
обострять {v impf} | :: to aggravate, to strain, to exacerbate |
обострять {v impf} | :: to whet |
обостряться {v impf} | :: to become sharp(er) |
обостряться {v impf} | :: to become more sensitive/acute |
обостряться {v impf} | :: to worsen, to become aggravated/strained |
обочина {noun} | :: roadside, shoulder |
обоюдно {adv} | :: mutually |
обоюдный {adj} | :: mutual, reciprocal |
обрабатывать {v impf} | :: to process, to treat, to work on |
обрабатывать {v impf} | :: to cultivate (soil) |
обрабатывать {v impf} | :: to finish, to polish |
обрабатывать {v impf} | :: to cleanse (a wound), to apply antiseptic |
обрабатывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to indoctrinate, to influence |
обрабатываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to be processed (to acquire the necessary properties in the process of use or work) |
обработать {v pf} | :: to process, to treat, to work on |
обработать {v pf} | :: to cultivate (soil) |
обработать {v pf} | :: to finish, to polish |
обработать {v pf} | :: to cleanse (a wound), to apply antiseptic |
обработать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to indoctrinate, to influence |
обработаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be processed (to acquire the necessary properties in the process of use or work) |
обработка {noun} | :: processing (act of taking something through a set of prescribed procedures) |
обработка {noun} | :: adaptation (something which has been adapted, variation) |
обрадованно {adv} | :: happily |
обрадовать {v pf} | :: to gladden, to please, to bring joy to |
обрадоваться {v pf} | :: to rejoice, to be glad, to be happy |
образ {noun} | :: shape, form |
образ {noun} | :: appearance, look, style, image |
образ {noun} | :: type |
образ {noun} | :: figure |
образ {noun} | :: mode, manner, way |
образ {noun} | :: icon |
образ {noun} | :: icon, sacred image |
образец {noun} | :: specimen |
образец {noun} | :: example |
образец {noun} | :: sample |
образно {adv} | :: figuratively (in a figurative manner) |
образность {noun} [literary] | :: imagery |
образность {noun} [literary] | :: graphic nature |
образный {adj} | :: graphic, picturesque, vivid (image-bearing) |
образование {noun} | :: formation |
образование {noun} | :: constitution |
образование {noun} | :: education |
образованность {noun} | :: scholarship |
образованность {noun} | :: education |
образованность {noun} | :: educational attainment |
образованный {adj} | :: educated (having attained a level of higher education) |
образованщина {noun} | :: obrazovanshchina |
образовательный {adj} | :: educational, informative |
образовательный {adj} | :: formative |
образовать {v pf} | :: to form, to make, to make up, to produce |
образовывать {v impf} | :: to form, to make, to make up, to produce |
образцовый {adj} | :: exemplary (deserving honour, respect and admiration) |
образцовый {adj} [relational] | :: model |
образчик {noun} [often, pejorative] | :: sample, specimen |
обрамить {v pf} | :: to frame (a painting), to put inside a frame |
обрамить {v pf} [figurative, literary] | :: to encircle, to frame [e.g. of light around a face, trees around an alley, etc.] |
обрамление {noun} | :: frame, framing, setting |
обрамлять {v impf} | :: to frame (a painting), to put inside a frame |
обрамлять {v impf} [figurative, literary] | :: to encircle, to frame [e.g. of light around a face, trees around an alley, etc.] |
обрастать {v impf} | :: to become/be overgrown (with), to become/be covered (with) |
обрастать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to acquire, to accumulate |
обрасти {v pf} | :: to become/be overgrown (with), to become/be covered (with) |
обрасти {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to acquire, to accumulate |
обрат {noun} | :: skim milk |
обратимый {adj} | :: reversible |
обратимый {adj} | :: convertible |
обратить {v pf} | :: to turn; to direct |
обратить {v pf} | :: to turn into |
обратить {v pf} | :: to convert |
обратиться {v pf} | :: to turn (to) |
обратиться {v pf} | :: to speak (to); to address oneself (to) |
обратиться {v pf} | :: to apply (to) |
обратиться {v pf} | :: to appeal |
обратиться {v pf} | :: to take to, to take (flight) |
обратно {adv} | :: back, backwards |
обратно {adv} | :: conversely, inversely |
обратно {adv} [regional] | :: again |
обратный {adj} | :: back, return, reverse |
обратный {adj} | :: inverse |
обратный {adj} [legal] | :: retroactive |
обратный {adj} | :: reciprocal |
обращать {v impf} | :: to turn; to direct |
обращать {v impf} | :: to turn into |
обращать {v impf} | :: to convert |
обращаться {v impf} | :: to turn to, to turn into |
обращаться {v impf} | :: to address, to apply, to appeal |
обращаться {v impf} | :: to advert (to) |
обращаться {v impf} | :: to treat, to handle, to manage |
обращаться {v impf} | :: to circulate |
обращение {noun} | :: conversion, transformation |
обращение {noun} | :: circulation |
обращение {noun} | :: treatment, management, handling |
обращение {noun} [in the plural] | :: manners |
обращение {noun} | :: address, salutation |
обращение {noun} | :: appeal |
обращённый {adj} | :: inverted, directed towards, turned into |
обрез {noun} | :: edge [of book pages, a roof, etc.] |
обрез {noun} | :: sawn-off rifle, sawn-off shotgun |
обрезание {noun} [обрезание] | :: cutting, paring, trimming, edging |
обрезание {noun} [обрезание or обрезание] | :: circumcision |
обрезать {v pf} | :: to cut off, to clip, to pare, to trim, to prune, to square |
обрезать {v pf} | :: to cut |
обрезать {v pf} | :: to circumcise |
обрезать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to snub, to cut short |
обрезать {v impf} | :: to cut off, to clip, to pare, to trim, to prune, to square |
обрезать {v impf} | :: to cut |
обрезать {v impf} | :: to circumcise |
обрезать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to snub, to cut short |
обрезок {noun} [usually, , plural] | :: scrap, snippet, clipping |
обрекать {v impf} | :: to condemn, to doom |
обременительный {adj} | :: burdensome, onerous |
обременительный {adj} | :: troublesome |
обременить {v pf} | :: to burden |
обременить {v pf} | :: to encumber (with) |
обременять {v impf} | :: to burden |
обременять {v impf} | :: to encumber (with) |
обрести {v pf} [literary] | :: to gain, to acquire, to be blessed with |
обретать {v impf} [literary] | :: to gain, to acquire, to be blessed with |
обретаться {v impf} | :: to abide, to pass one's time |
обретение {noun} | :: acquisition; appropriation; discovery, finding |
обречённо {adv} | :: in a doomed manner |
обречённость {noun} | :: doom |
обречённый {adj} | :: doomed [of a person] |
обречённый {adj} | :: doomed [appearance, etc.; inanimate] |
обречь {v pf} | :: to condemn, to doom |
обрешетить {v pf} [technical] | :: to make a lattice on, to provide with a lattice |
обрешетить {v pf} [technical] | :: to strengthen by nailing laths to |
обрешечивать {v impf} [technical] | :: to make a lattice on, to provide with a lattice |
обрешечивать {v impf} [technical] | :: to strengthen by nailing laths to |
обрисовать {v pf} | :: to outline |
обрисовать {v pf} | :: to outline, to depict, to delineate |
обрисовывать {v impf} | :: to outline |
обрисовывать {v impf} | :: to outline, to depict, to delineate |
обрить {v pf} | :: to shave, shave off |
оброк {noun} [historical] | :: rent, tribute |
обронить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to drop |
обронить {v pf} | :: (remark etc) to let drop/fall |
обрубать {v impf} | :: to trim by cutting off a part |
обрубать {v impf} [also impersonal] | :: to chop off, to cut off |
обрубать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to cut off, to cut short, to interrupt abruptly (a person, one's sleep, etc.) |
обрубать {v impf} | :: to hem |
обрубить {v pf} | :: to trim by cutting off a part |
обрубить {v pf} [also impersonal] | :: to chop off, to cut off |
обрубить {v pf} [figurative] | :: to cut off, to cut short, to interrupt abruptly (a person, one's sleep, etc.) |
обрубить {v pf} | :: to hem |
обрубок {noun} | :: stump |
обругать {v pf} | :: to call names, to curse, to scold, to swear |
обругать {v pf} | :: to tear to pieces, to criticize, to attack, to pan |
обрусеть {v pf} | :: to Russify, to assimilate and become like a Russian |
обруч {noun} | :: hoop |
обручальное кольцо {noun} | :: wedding ring, engagement ring (a ring symbolizing marriage) |
обручальный {adj} | :: engagement, wedding (ring) |
обручать {v impf} | :: to betroth |
обручаться {v impf} | :: to be/to become/to get engaged/betrothed to, to affiance |
обручение {noun} | :: engagement, betrothal (period of time when marriage is planned or promised) |
обручить {v pf} | :: to betroth |
обручиться {v pf} | :: to be/to become/to get engaged/betrothed to, to affiance |
обрушение {noun} | :: fall, collapse |
обрушение {noun} [geology] | :: failure |
обрушивать {v impf} | :: to bring down, to cause to fall [something на on someone] |
обрушивать {v impf} | :: to rain down (blows, bombs, etc.) [на on someone] |
обрушивать {v impf} | :: to hurl (epithets) [на at someone] |
обрушиваться {v impf} | :: to fall in, to collapse |
обрушиваться {v impf} | :: to batter, to pound [на someone] [of the weather] |
обрушиваться {v impf} | :: to befall [на someone] |
обрушиваться {v impf} | :: to attack [на someone] |
обрушиваться {v impf} | :: to assail [на someone] verbally |
обрушить {v pf} | :: to bring down, to cause to fall [something на on someone] |
обрушить {v pf} | :: to rain down, to unleash (blows, bombs, etc.) [на on someone] |
обрушить {v pf} | :: to hurl (epithets) [на at someone] |
обрушиться {v pf} | :: to fall in, to collapse |
обрушиться {v pf} | :: to batter, to pound [на someone] [of the weather] |
обрушиться {v pf} | :: to befall [на someone] |
обрушиться {v pf} | :: to attack [на someone] |
обрушиться {v pf} | :: to assail [на someone] verbally |
обрыв {noun} | :: break, rupture |
обрыв {noun} | :: precipice, steep; bluff, cliff |
обрывать {v impf} | :: to tear/pluck off/round |
обрывать {v impf} | :: to break, to tear |
обрывать {v impf} | :: to break off (ties) |
обрываться {vi impf} | :: to break, to rip |
обрываться {v impf} | :: to retrench |
обрывистый {adj} | :: steep, precipitous, abrupt |
обрывок {noun} | :: scrap |
обрывок {noun} | :: (plural) fragments, scraps, snatches |
обрюзгнуть {v pf} | :: to get abnormally loose skin |
обряд {noun} | :: ceremony, rite |
обрядность {noun} | :: rites |
обрядный {adj} | :: ritual, ceremonial |
обрядовый {adj} | :: ritual, ceremonial |
обсадить {v pf} | :: to surround, to line (a house, a pond, a path, etc.) with plants or trees |
обсаживать {v impf} | :: to surround, to line (a house, a pond, a path, etc.) with plants or trees |
обсдача {noun} [slang, cards] | :: mistake in dealing cards |
обсдача {noun} [slang] | :: mistake, error of judgement |
обсдача {noun} [slang] | :: bug, error in a computer program |
ОБСЕ {prop} {f inan} | :: initialism of Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе: OSCE, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe |
обсерватория {noun} | :: observatory (place where celestial bodies are observed) |
обсессия {noun} | :: obsession |
обскурант {noun} | :: obscurant |
обскурантизм {noun} | :: obscurantism |
обследование {noun} | :: examination, inspection, survey |
обследовать {v both} | :: to inspect, to examine |
обследовать {v both} | :: to study, to investigate, to inquire (into), to survey |
обследовать {v both} | :: to explore |
обслуга {noun} [colloquial] | :: staff, service personnel |
обслуживание {noun} | :: service (customers), maintenance (machinery), hospitality (business) |
обслуживать {v impf} | :: to serve, to attend to, to wait on |
обслуживать {v impf} | :: to maintain, to service (e.g. equipment) |
обслуживать {v impf} | :: to cater for, to supply (for) |
обслуживающий {adj} [relational] | :: service |
обслужить {v pf} | :: to serve, to attend to, to wait on |
обслужить {v pf} | :: to maintain, to service (e.g. equipment) |
обслужить {v pf} | :: to cater for, to supply (for) |
обсохлый {adj} | :: (very) dry |
обставить {v pf} | :: to surround (with), to encircle (with) |
обставить {v pf} | :: to furnish |
обставить {v pf} | :: to arrange |
обставить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to trick, to cheat |
обставить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to get ahead (of) |
обставить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to beat, to defeat |
обставлять {v impf} | :: to surround (with), to encircle (with) |
обставлять {v impf} | :: to furnish |
обставлять {v impf} | :: to arrange |
обставлять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to trick, to cheat |
обставлять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to get ahead (of) |
обставлять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to beat, to defeat |
обстановка {noun} | :: furniture, decor |
обстановка {noun} | :: (theatre) scenery, set, decor |
обстановка {noun} | :: situation, conditions, environment, set-up |
обстановка {noun} | :: atmosphere, setting |
обстоятельно {adv} | :: in detail (with all particulars) |
обстоятельный {adj} | :: detailed, circumstantial, thorough |
обстоятельный {adj} [colloquial] | :: thorough, reliable (of a person) |
обстоятельство {noun} | :: circumstance (that which attends, or relates to, or in some way affects, a fact or event) |
обстоятельство {noun} [grammar, linguistics] | :: adverbial modifier, adverb, adjunct |
обстоять {v impf} | :: to be, to stand, to get on |
обстраивать {v impf} | :: to build up |
обстраиваться {v impf} | :: to build a house for oneself |
обстрел {noun} | :: firing, fire |
обстреливать {v impf} [military] | :: to shell, to fire at |
обстрелять {v pf} [military] | :: to shell, to fire at |
обстригать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of остригать |
обстригаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of остригаться |
обстричь {v pf} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of остричь |
обстричься {v pf} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of остричься |
обстроить {v pf} | :: to build up |
обстроиться {v pf} | :: to build a house for oneself |
обструкция {noun} | :: obstruction |
обступать {v impf} | :: to beset, to crowd, to encompass, to surround |
обступить {v pf} | :: to beset, to crowd, to encompass, to surround |
обсудить {v pf} | :: to discuss, to consider, to talk over |
обсуждать {v impf} | :: to discuss, to consider |
обсуждать {v impf} | :: to talk over |
обсуждение {noun} | :: discussion |
обсчитать {v pf} | :: to short-change |
обсчитать {v pf} | :: to do the calculation(s) (for), to count |
обсчитывать {v impf} | :: to short-change |
обсчитывать {v impf} | :: to do the calculation(s) (for), to count |
обсыпать {v pf} [also impersonal] | :: to cover by sprinkling, to sprinkle over [+ accusative, someone/something, + instrumental, with something] |
обсыпать {v pf} | :: to cover densely, to dot |
обсыпать {v pf} | :: to cause (something loose) to fall |
обсыпать {v pf} [colloquial, impersonal] | :: to cover with a rash |
обсыпать {v impf} [also impersonal] | :: to cover by sprinkling, to sprinkle over [+ accusative + instrumental, with] |
обсыпать {v impf} | :: to cover densely, to dot |
обсыпать {v impf} | :: to cause (something loose) to fall |
обсыпать {v impf} [colloquial, impersonal] | :: to cover with a rash |
обтекаемый {adj} [engineering] | :: streamlined |
обтекаемый {adj} [colloquial] | :: evasive, roundabout |
обтекатель {noun} [aviation] | :: fairing |
обтекатель {noun} [aviation, space] | :: nose cone |
обтекать {v impf} | :: to flow around, to circumvent |
обтекать {v impf} [aviation] | :: to streamline |
обтекать {v impf} [mathematics] | :: to circulate |
обтекать {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to bypass, to dodge, to ignore (something like obstacles or burdens) |
обтекать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to feel strongly ashamed and try not to show it |
обтереть {v pf} | :: to wipe off, to dry off |
обтесать {v pf} | :: to trim, to square, to hew, to sharpen |
обтесать {v pf} | :: to teach manners |
обтесать {v pf} | :: to lick into a shape |
обтечь {v pf} | :: to flow around, to circumvent |
обтечь {v pf} [aviation] | :: to streamline |
обтечь {v pf} [mathematics] | :: to circulate |
обтечь {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to bypass, to dodge, to ignore (something like obstacles or burdens) |
обтечь {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to start something in advance |
обтечь {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to hire supporters for someone |
обтёсывать {v impf} | :: to trim, to square, to hew, to sharpen |
обтёсывать {v impf} | :: to teach manners |
обтёсывать {v impf} | :: to lick into a shape |
обтирать {v impf} | :: to wipe off, to dry off |
обтягивать {v impf} | :: to cover (furniture) |
обтягивать {v impf} | :: to fit close (to) |
обтягивать {v impf} [nautical] | :: to bowse taut, to bowse down |
обтянуть {v pf} | :: to cover (furniture) |
обтянуть {v pf} | :: to fit close (to) |
обтянуть {v pf} [nautical] | :: to bowse taut, to bowse down |
обувать {v impf} | :: to put shoes on somebody's feet, to help somebody put on his/her shoes |
обувать {v impf} | :: to provide with shoes |
обувать {v impf} [slang] | :: to trick, to take in, to snooker |
обуваться {v impf} | :: to put one's shoes on |
обувка {noun} | :: diminutive of обувь |
обувной {adj} [relational] | :: shoe |
обувь {noun} | :: footwear, shoes |
обугливать {v impf} | :: to char |
обуглить {v pf} | :: to char |
обуевать {v impf} | :: to seize, to grip, to overcome [especially of feelings] |
обуза {noun} | :: burden, load |
обуздать {v pf} | :: to curb, to bridle |
обуздать {v pf} | :: to restrain, to control, to keep in check |
обуздывать {v impf} | :: to curb, to bridle |
обуздывать {v impf} | :: to restrain, to control, to keep in check |
обуревать {v impf} [literary] | :: to seize, to grip, to overcome, to overwhelm [especially of feelings] |
обуславливать {v impf} | :: to condition, to stipulate, to determine, to govern, to dictate |
обусловить {v pf} | :: to condition, to stipulate, to determine, to govern, to dictate |
обусловленный {adj} | :: caused by; depending on |
обусловливать {v impf} | :: to cause, to call forth |
обусловливать {v impf} | :: to stipulate, to determine |
обустраивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to make comfortable, to equip with the necessary facilities/amenities |
обустраивать {v impf} [mining] | :: to develop |
обустраиваться {v impf} | :: to settle down, to provide oneself with the necessary conveniences/amenities, to make one's home more comfortable |
обустроить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to make comfortable, to equip with the necessary facilities/amenities |
обустроить {v pf} [mining] | :: to develop |
обустроиться {v pf} | :: to settle down, to provide oneself with the necessary conveniences/amenities, to make one's home more comfortable |
обустройство {noun} | :: provision of the necessary facilities/amenities |
обустройство {noun} [military] | :: development |
обуть {v pf} | :: to put shoes on somebody's feet, to help somebody put on his/her shoes |
обуть {v pf} | :: to provide with shoes |
обуть {v pf} [slang] | :: to trick, to take in, to snooker |
обуться {v pf} | :: to put one's shoes on |
обух {noun} | :: butt (the thicker end of a tool or a weapon, especially an axe) |
обучаемость {noun} | :: learning ability |
обучать {v impf} | :: to teach, to instruct, to train |
обучаться {v impf} | :: to get trained (in), to receive training (in), to learn, to study |
обучение {noun} | :: learning (action of the verb) |
обучить {v pf} | :: to teach, to instruct, to train |
обучиться {v pf} | :: to get trained (in), to receive training (in), to learn, to study |
обушок {noun} | :: diminutive of обух |
обушок {noun} [mining] | :: tubber |
обуять {v pf} | :: to seize, to grip, to overcome (especially of feelings) |
обхват {noun} | :: girth [e.g. of a tree] |
обхват {noun} | :: (action of) embracing |
обхват {noun} | :: embrace |
обхват {noun} [figurative] | :: comprehensive knowledge |
обхват {noun} [military] | :: envelopment |
обхватить {v pf} | :: to clasp |
обхватить {v pf} | :: to embrace, to enfold |
обхватить {v pf} | :: to grapple |
обхватить {v pf} | :: to encompass |
обхватывать {v impf} | :: to clasp |
обхватывать {v impf} | :: to embrace, to enfold |
обхватывать {v impf} | :: to grapple |
обхватывать {v impf} | :: to encompass |
обход {noun} | :: round |
обход {noun} | :: roundabout way, detour |
обход {noun} | :: turning movement |
обход {noun} | :: evasion, circumvention |
обходительный {adj} | :: polite, courteous |
обходить {v impf} | :: to go around |
обходить {v impf} | :: to go all around |
обходить {v impf} | :: to evade |
обходиться {v impf} | :: to cost; to come to |
обходиться {v impf} | :: to treat, to manage (with), to do (with), to make (with); to get by with (с + instrumental case) |
обходиться {v impf} [usually in the negative] | :: to be able to do without |
обходиться {v impf} | :: to turn out, to work out |
обчий {adj} [archaic or dialectal] | :: common |
обшаривать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to ransack |
обшаривать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to rummage through |
обшарить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to ransack |
обшарить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to rummage through |
обшарпанный {adj} | :: shabby, ragged, frayed, worn out, worn away |
обшивать {v impf} | :: to edge, to border, to trim |
обшивать {v impf} | :: (parcel, package etc) to cover up |
обшивать {v impf} | :: to plank, to revet |
обшивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to make clothes (for) |
обшивка {noun} | :: edging, bordering |
обшивка {noun} | :: trimming |
обшивка {noun} [construction] | :: boarding, panelling |
обшивка {noun} [engineering] | :: sheathing |
обшивка {noun} [shipbuilding] | :: planking, plating |
обшивка {noun} [aviation] | :: covering |
обшикать {v pf} | :: alternative form of ошикать |
обширно {adv} | :: extensively |
обширный {adj} | :: vast, ample, extensive |
обшитый {adj} | :: trimmed, edged |
обшитый {adj} | :: cased, encased |
обшить {v pf} | :: to edge, to border, to trim |
обшить {v pf} | :: (parcel, package etc) to cover up |
обшить {v pf} | :: to plank, to revet |
обшить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to make clothes (for) |
обшлаг {noun} | :: lapel (at the end of a sleeve), cuff |
общага {noun} [colloquial, slang] | :: dorm, dormitory |
общак {noun} [slang] | :: common fund of a criminal group; mob money |
общаться {v impf} | :: to communicate (with), to converse, to mix (with) |
общевойсковой {adj} [relational] | :: combined arms; all-military (uniting all branches of the armed forces) |
общегосударственный {adj} | :: national, state |
общедоступный {adj} | :: available to everybody |
общеевропейский {adj} | :: Pan-European |
общежитие {noun} | :: dormitory |
общежитие {noun} | :: hostel |
общежитие {noun} | :: bunkhouse |
общежитие {noun} [rare] | :: social life, common life, community |
общеизвестный {adj} | :: generally known, well-known |
общемировой {adj} | :: worldwide |
общенародный {adj} | :: nationwide, national [literally, "of all the people"] |
общенациональный {adj} | :: national, nationwide |
общение {noun} | :: communication, intercourse (concept of information exchange) |
общеобразовательный {adj} | :: general, nonspecialized [education] |
общепит {noun} | :: foodservice |
общепризнанный {adj} | :: universally recognized, admitted, generally acknowledged |
общепринятый {adj} | :: generally accepted, conventional |
общероссийский {adj} | :: all-Russian, nationwide (in Russia) |
общеславянский {adj} | :: Common Slavonic, Common Slavic (spoken from 5th–9th centuries C.E.) |
общественно {adv} | :: socially |
общественно-политический {adj} [relational] | :: sociopolitical, public policy |
общественность {noun} | :: (general) public, community |
общественный {adj} | :: social |
общественный {adj} | :: public |
общественный {adj} | :: common |
общество {noun} | :: society |
общество {noun} | :: company |
общество {noun} | :: association |
общество {noun} | :: community |
общечеловеческий {adj} | :: common to all mankind, universal |
общий {adj} | :: common |
общий {adj} | :: public |
общий {adj} | :: total, whole |
общий {adj} | :: general |
общий {adj} [grammar] | :: common |
общий род {noun} [grammar] | :: common gender (refers to nouns that are both masculine and feminine) |
община {noun} | :: commune, collective society (primitive, often clan-based, society with collective ownership of the means of production) |
община {noun} [religion] | :: community of believers |
община {noun} | :: community |
общинный {adj} [relational] | :: commune, collective society |
общинный {adj} | :: communal, collective |
общинный {adj} | :: collectivist |
общительность {noun} | :: sociability, communicativeness, outgoingness |
общительный {adj} | :: sociable (tending to socialize or be social; friendly; inviting; congenial) |
общительный {adj} | :: associative |
-общить {affix} | :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meanings "to communicate" or "to generalize" |
общность {noun} | :: generality |
общность {noun} | :: community |
объебос {noun} [vulgar, rare] | :: raver, someone who goes out on rave parties |
объебос {noun} [vulgar, rare] | :: junkie |
объегорить pf [colloquial] | :: to cheat, to swindle |
объедать {v impf} | :: to eat away, to gnaw away (from sides, edges, etc.) |
объедать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to eat out of house and home (to be a burden to someone by eating too much, not leaving enough for the host) |
объедаться {v impf} | :: to eat too much, to overeat [+ instrumental or genitive] |
объединение {noun} | :: association, union |
объединение {noun} | :: unification |
объединение {noun} [military] | :: refers to a major combined field force such as a front or an army group (literally, unification, amalgamation, integration) |
Объединённые Арабские Эмираты {prop} | :: Объединённые Арабские Эмираты (country) |
Объединённые Нации {prop} | :: United Nations |
объединённый {adj} | :: united |
объединённый {adj} | :: amalgamated |
объединить {v pf} | :: to unite, to combine, to join, to amalgamate, to consolidate |
объединиться {v pf} | :: to join hands, to unite, to combine, to amalgamate |
объединять {v impf} | :: to unite, to combine, to join, to amalgamate, to consolidate |
объединяться {v impf} | :: to join hands, to unite, to combine, to amalgamate |
объедок {noun} [usually plural] | :: leftover scrap of food, leaving |
объедья {noun} | :: uneaten remains of hay, straw or other animal feed |
объедья {noun} [regional, colloquial] | :: leftovers |
объезд {noun} | :: detour, diversion, deviation, circuit |
объездить {v pf} | :: to travel (all over) |
объездить {v pf} | :: (horses) to break in, to train |
объездить {v pf} | :: (a car) to run in |
объезжать {v impf} | :: to travel (all over) |
объезжать {v impf} | :: to go round, to make a detour, to take the bypass |
объезжать {v impf} | :: (horses) to break in, to train |
объезжать {v impf} | :: (a car) to run in |
объект {noun} | :: object |
объектив {noun} | :: lens, objective, object glass (object focusing or defocusing the light passing through it) |
объективно {adv} | :: objectively (in an impartial, objective manner) |
объективность {noun} [philosophy] | :: objective character |
объективность {noun} | :: objectivity, impartiality, impartialness |
объективный {adj} | :: objective |
объективный {adj} | :: unbiased, impartial |
объектный {adj} [relational, philosophy, linguistics] | :: object; objective (referring to something with material existence, or to the noun which a verb performs its action on) |
объектный падеж {noun} [linguistics] | :: objective case |
объесть {v pf} | :: to eat away, to gnaw away (from sides, edges, etc.) |
объесть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to eat out of house and home (to be a burden to someone by eating too much, not leaving enough for the host) |
объесться {v pf} | :: to eat too much, to overeat [+ instrumental or genitive] |
объехать {v pf} | :: to travel (all over) |
объехать {v pf} | :: to go round, to make a detour, to take the bypass |
объём {noun} | :: volume, capacity, bulk |
объём {noun} [figurative] | :: extent, range, scope |
объёмистый {adj} [colloquial] | :: voluminous, capacious, bulky |
объёмность {noun} | :: voluminosity, capacity |
объёмность {noun} | :: fullness |
объёмный {adj} [relational] | :: volume |
объёмный {adj} | :: voluminous, roomy |
объёмный {adj} | :: by volume |
объёмный {adj} | :: volumetric |
объёмный {adj} | :: three-dimensional |
объёмчик {noun} | :: diminutive of объём |
объявить {v pf} | :: to declare, to tell, to advertise, to express |
объявить {v pf} | :: to announce, to proclaim, to declare |
объявиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to turn up, to show up, to appear |
объявление {noun} | :: declaration, announcement, proclamation |
объявление {noun} | :: announcement, notice |
объявлять {v impf} | :: to declare, to tell, to advertise, to express |
объявлять {v impf} | :: to announce, to proclaim, to declare |
объявляться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to turn up, to show up, to appear |
объяснение {noun} | :: explanation (the act or process of explaining) |
объяснимый {adj} | :: explicable, explainable |
объяснительный {adj} | :: explanatory |
объяснить {v pf} | :: to explain |
объясниться {v pf} | :: to explain oneself |
объясниться {v pf} | :: to be accounted for |
объясниться {v pf} | :: to make oneself understood |
объясниться {v pf} | :: to have a talk (with), to have it out (with) |
объяснять {v impf} | :: to explain, to illustrate, to clarify, to illuminate |
объяснять {v impf} | :: to account for |
объясняться {v impf} | :: to explain oneself |
объясняться {v impf} | :: to be accounted for |
объясняться {v impf} | :: to make oneself understood |
объятие {noun} | :: embrace (hug) |
объять {v pf} [bookish] | :: to come (over), to envelop, to fill |
объять {v pf} | :: to comprehend, to grasp, to embrace |
объятье {noun} | :: alternative form of объятие |
обыватель {noun} | :: the average man/citizen, the man in the street |
обыватель {noun} | :: philistine |
обыватель {noun} [obsolete] | :: resident, inhabitant |
обывательский {adj} [relational, dated] | :: resident, inhabitant |
обывательский {adj} | :: philistine |
обыграть {v pf} | :: to beat |
обыграть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to use with (good) effect, to play up, to make (great) play (with) |
обыграть {v pf} | :: (musical instrument) to mellow |
обыгрывать {v impf} | :: to beat |
обыгрывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to use with (good) effect, to play up, to make (great) play (with) |
обыгрывать {v impf} | :: (musical instrument) to mellow |
обыденность {noun} | :: commonness, ordinariness |
обыденный {adj} | :: ordinary, commonplace, everyday |
обызвествлённый {adj} | :: calcified, limed |
обыкновение {noun} | :: practice, habit, wont, custom |
обыкновеннее {adv} | :: comparative of обыкновенный |
обыкновеннее {adv} | :: comparative of обыкновенно |
обыкновенно {adv} | :: usually, ordinarily, habitually |
обыкновенный {adj} | :: usual, ordinary, habitual |
обымать {v impf} [nonstandard] | :: alternative form of обнимать |
обыск {noun} | :: (house or body) search |
обыскать {v pf} | :: to search, to conduct a search (for houses) |
обыскать {v pf} | :: to frisk, to pat down |
обыскать {v pf} | :: to rummage |
обыскать {v pf} | :: to scour |
обыскивать {v impf} | :: to search, to conduct a search (for houses) |
обыскивать {v impf} | :: to frisk, to pat down |
обыскивать {v impf} | :: to rummage |
обыскивать {v impf} | :: to scour |
обычай {noun} | :: custom, usage (habit or accepted practice) |
обычно {adv} [hedge] | :: usually, habitually, customarily |
обычный {adj} | :: usual, habitual, customary |
Обь {prop} | :: Обь (major river) |
обязанность {noun} | :: duty |
обязанность {noun} [military] | :: service |
обязанный {adj} | :: obliged, obligated |
обязанный {adj} | :: must, be (to) |
обязательно {adv} | :: necessarily, without fail |
обязательность {noun} | :: obligatoriness, obligation; compulsion |
обязательный {adj} | :: obligatory, mandatory, compulsory |
обязательный {adj} | :: obliging |
обязательный {adj} | :: invariable, everpresent |
обязательство {noun} | :: obligation |
обязательство {noun} | :: liability |
обязательство {noun} | :: engagement |
обязать {v pf} | :: to oblige, to bind |
обязаться {v pf} | :: to engage, to undertake (to), to commit oneself, to pledge oneself, to bind oneself |
обязывать {v impf} | :: to oblige, to bind |
обязываться {v impf} | :: to engage, to undertake (to), to commit oneself, to pledge oneself, to bind oneself |
обязываться {v impf} | :: to be under an obligation |
-ов {suffix} | :: Forms possessive adjectives |
-ов {suffix} | :: Forms patronymic surnames |
-ов {suffix} | :: Genitive plural desinence of most hard-stem masculine nouns |
овал {noun} | :: oval |
овальность {noun} | :: ellipticity, ovality |
овальный {adj} | :: oval |
-овать {suffix} | :: Used to form verbs from nouns, adjectives, or foreign verbs |
овация {noun} | :: ovation |
овдоветь {v pf} | :: to become a widower or a widow |
овен {noun} [dated] | :: ram (male sheep) |
овен {noun} [astrology] | :: an Aries (a person born with the Aries star sign) |
Овен {prop} [constellation] | :: Aries (a constellation of the zodiac in the shape of a ram) |
Овен {prop} [astrology] | :: Aries (the zodiac sign for the ram, covering March 21–April 19) |
Овернь {prop} | :: Овернь (former region/and/historic province) |
овечий {adj} | :: sheep’s, ovine |
овечка {noun} | :: diminutive of овца: sheep, lamb (various senses) |
овёс {noun} | :: oat |
-овик {suffix} | :: suffix appended to nouns to form related nouns of various sorts, both animate and inanimate, generally referring to more specific objects than the base lemma |
овин {noun} | :: barn (for storing crops), drying barn |
-овина {suffix} | :: suffix appended to nouns, adjectives, etc. to form nouns of various sorts, generally referring to more specific objects than the base lemma |
-ович {suffix} | :: A masculine patronymic suffix added to a given name ending in a hard (unpalatalized) consonant: son of |
-овка {suffix} | :: suffix appended to nouns to form related nouns of various sorts, both animate and inanimate, generally referring to more specific objects than the base lemma |
-овка {suffix} | :: suffix appended to nouns referring to males, to form the corresponding noun referring to females |
о вкусах не спорят {proverb} | :: there's no accounting for taste |
овладевать {v impf} | :: to seize, to capture, to become the owner |
овладевать {v impf} | :: to overcome (of feelings) |
овладевать {v impf} | :: to get control over, to dominate |
овладевать {v impf} | :: to master, to become proficient |
овладение {noun} | :: capture |
овладение {noun} | :: mastery, mastering |
овладеть {v pf} | :: to seize, to capture, to become the owner |
овладеть {v pf} | :: to overcome (of feelings) |
овладеть {v pf} | :: to get control over, to dominate |
овладеть {v pf} | :: to master, to become proficient |
-овна {suffix} | :: A feminine patronymic suffix added to a given name ending in a hard (unpalatalized) consonant: daughter of |
-овня {suffix} | :: alternative form of -ня [in all senses, but especially referring to places] |
овод {noun} [zoology] | :: gadfly, botfly (an insect of genus Oestrus) |
-овой {suffix} | :: used to form adjectives from nouns, often relational |
овощ {noun} | :: vegetable |
овощеводство {noun} | :: olericulture, vegetable growing |
овощной {adj} [relational] | :: vegetable |
овраг {noun} | :: ravine (a deep narrow valley) |
-овский {suffix} | :: -'s, -ian, -ic, -ish [adjectival suffix forming relational or possessive adjectives, i.e. meaning "related to X"] |
-овской {suffix} | :: -'s, -ian, -ic, -ish [adjectival suffix forming relational or possessive adjectives, i.e. meaning "related to X"] |
овсюг {noun} | :: wild oats |
овсянка {noun} [inanimate] | :: oatmeal (cereal) |
овсянка {noun} [inanimate] | :: oatmeal porridge, gruel |
овсянка {noun} [animate] | :: bunting, yellow bunting, yellowhammer |
овсяный {adj} [relational] | :: oats, oat |
овсяный {adj} [relational] | :: oatmeal |
овторник {noun} [dialectal] | :: Tuesday |
овуляция {noun} | :: ovulation |
овца {noun} | :: sheep |
овца {noun} | :: ewe |
овца {noun} [derogatory, colloquial] | :: cow (a stupid woman) |
овцебык {noun} | :: musk ox |
овцеёб {noun} [slang, derogatory, vulgar, offensive, ethnic slur] | :: a "sheep fucker", a person from North Caucasus (Chechen, Avar etc.) |
овчар {noun} | :: shepherd |
овчарка {noun} | :: sheepdog, herding dog |
овчарка {noun} | :: German Shepherd |
овчарня {noun} | :: sheepfold |
овчина {noun} | :: (dressed) sheepskin |
-овый {suffix} | :: Used to form adjectives from nouns, often relational |
Огайо {prop} {m inan} {f inan} | :: Огайо (state) {m-in} |
Огайо {prop} {m inan} {f inan} | :: Огайо (river) {f-in} |
оганесон {noun} | :: oganesson |
огарок {noun} | :: stub, remnant, cinder [of a mostly-burned candle, electrode, etc.] |
огарок {noun} [low colloquial, animate] | :: weakling, wimp [especially of a teenager] |
огарок {noun} [low colloquial, pejorative, animate] | :: rowdy, hooligan, rascal [especially of a teenager] |
Огасавара {prop} | :: Огасавара (one of 4 <<subprefectures>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>) |
огибать {v impf} | :: to round, to skirt, to double |
огласить {v pf} | :: to announce, to proclaim, to read out |
огласить {v pf} | :: to divulge, to make public |
огласить {v pf} | :: to fill with sound, to resound |
огласка {noun} | :: publicity |
огласовка {noun} [linguistics, philology] | :: vocalisation (presence or supplying the vowels (diacritics), e.g. in Arabic or Hebrew) |
оглашать {v impf} | :: to announce, to proclaim, to read out |
оглашать {v impf} | :: to divulge, to make public |
оглашать {v impf} | :: to fill with sound, to resound |
оглашение {noun} | :: announcement, publication, proclaiming |
оглобля {noun} | :: shaft (pole) |
оглохнуть {v pf} | :: to grow/become deaf |
оглушать {v impf} | :: to deafen |
оглушать {v impf} | :: to stun [especially with a heavy blow] |
оглушительно {adv} | :: deafeningly |
оглушительно {adv} [figurative] | :: resoundingly, stunningly |
оглушительный {adj} | :: deafening |
оглушительный {adj} [figurative] | :: resounding, stunning |
оглушить {v pf} | :: to deafen |
оглушить {v pf} | :: to stun [especially with a heavy blow] |
оглядеть {v pf} | :: to examine, to inspect, to look over |
оглядеться {v pf} | :: to look round; to have a look around |
оглядка {noun} [colloquial] | :: looking back |
оглядка {noun} [colloquial] | :: care, caution |
оглядывать {v impf} | :: to examine, to inspect, to look over |
оглядываться {v impf} | :: to look / glance back (at); to turn (back) to look at something |
оглядываться {v impf} | :: to look round / around; to have a look around |
оглянуть {v pf} | :: to examine, to inspect, to look over [once] |
оглянуться {v pf} | :: to look / glance back (at); to turn (back) to look at |
огневица {noun} [obsolete] | :: fever |
огневой {adj} [relational] | :: fire |
огневой {adj} | :: fiery, passionate |
огневой {adj} | :: fervent, ardent, boisterous, perky, full of life/pep |
огнедышащий {adj} | :: fire-breathing |
огнедышащий вулкан {noun} | :: active volcano |
огнемёт {noun} | :: flamethrower |
огненный {adj} [relational] | :: fire |
огненный {adj} | :: fiery |
огнеопасный {adj} | :: flammable |
огнепоклонник {noun} | :: fire-worshipper |
огнепоклонничество {noun} | :: fire worship |
огнестрельное оружие {noun} | :: firearm |
огнестрельный {adj} | :: firing (of weapons) |
огнетушитель {noun} | :: fire extinguisher |
огниво {noun} | :: tinderbox |
огнищанин {noun} [historical] | :: In Kievan Rus', this was a member of the elite class. The word is mentioned in 12th century and later manuscripts |
огнище {noun} | :: place where there was a fire (with ashes and charcoals) |
огнище {noun} | :: augmentative of огонь: large fire |
огнь {noun} [dated or poetic] | :: alternative form of огонь |
ого {interj} | :: whoa; oh, ho!; wow!; oh, my goodness!; oh, oh! (expresses surprise, admiration, approval, etc.) |
оговаривать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to slander |
оговаривать {v impf} | :: to stipulate |
оговаривать {v impf} | :: to mention, to specify |
оговариваться {v impf} | :: to make a slip of the tongue |
оговариваться {v impf} | :: to make a reservation |
оговор {noun} | :: defamation, slander |
оговорить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to slander |
оговорить {v pf} | :: to stipulate |
оговорить {v pf} | :: to mention, to specify |
оговориться {v pf} | :: to make a slip of the tongue |
оговориться {v pf} | :: to make a reservation or stipulation |
оговорка {noun} | :: reservation, proviso, stipulation, ifs |
оговорка {noun} | :: slip of the tongue |
оговорка {noun} [colloquial] | :: ifs, ands, or buts |
оговорка {noun} | :: caveat, clause, reservation, disclaimer |
о-го-го {interj} | :: oh, ho, ho!; wow!; oh, my goodness!; oh, oh, oh! (expresses surprise, admiration, approval, etc.) |
оголённый {adj} | :: nude, naked |
оголённый {adj} | :: bare |
оголить {v pf} | :: to bare, to strip |
оголить {v pf} [military] | :: to expose |
оголтелый {adj} | :: unbridled, rampant, frenzied, wild, extreme |
оголять {v impf} | :: to bare, to strip |
оголять {v impf} [military] | :: to expose |
огонёк {noun} | :: diminutive of огонь: light, spark |
огонь {noun} | :: fire (also figurative) |
огонь {noun} | :: light |
огонь {noun} | :: weapons fire |
огонэк {noun} | :: ogonek (diacritical mark as in Ąą, Ęę, Įį, Ǫǫ or Ųų.) |
огораживать {v impf} | :: to fence in, to enclose |
огород {noun} | :: vegetable garden, kitchen garden |
огород городить {idiom} [colloquial] | :: to make a fuss |
огородить {v pf} | :: to fence in, to enclose |
огородник {noun} | :: market gardener, truck farmer (one who grows produce for sale at a market) |
огородный {adj} [relational] | :: vegetable garden, kitchen garden |
огорошить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to take aback, to disconcert |
огорчать {v impf} | :: to upset, to distress |
огорчаться {v impf} | :: to be upset, to be distressed |
огорчение {noun} | :: affliction, grief, chagrin, disappointment |
огорчённый {adj} | :: upset, distressed [experiencing upset or distress; of a person] |
огорчённый {adj} | :: upset, distressed [expressing upset or distress; of a face, look, tone, etc.; inanimate] |
огорчить {v pf} | :: to upset, to distress |
огорчиться {v pf} | :: to be upset, to be distressed |
ограбить {v pf} | :: to rob, to sack, to loot, to plunder |
ограбление {noun} | :: robbery (act or practice of robbing) |
ограда {noun} | :: fence (barrier), fencing, hedge |
оградить {v pf} | :: to guard |
оградить {v pf} | :: to protect (with fences), to fence in |
оградка {noun} | :: diminutive of ограда |
ограждать {v impf} | :: to guard |
ограждать {v impf} | :: to protect (with fences), to fence in |
ограждение {noun} | :: enclosure; barrier, fence; railings |
ограждение {noun} | :: protection, prevention |
ограничение {noun} | :: limitation, restriction, constraint |
ограниченность {noun} | :: limitedness, scantiness |
ограниченность {noun} | :: narrow-mindedness |
ограниченный {adj} | :: bordered, confined, limited |
ограничивать {v impf} | :: to confine, to limit, to restrict, to cut down |
ограничивать {v impf} | :: to constrain, to bound |
ограничиваться {v impf} | :: to limit oneself |
ограничиваться {v impf} | :: to content oneself with |
ограничиваться {v impf} | :: to not go beyond |
ограничитель {noun} | :: limiter (type of device) |
ограничительный {adj} | :: restrictive, restraining, limiting, binding, limitary |
ограничить {v pf} | :: to confine, to limit, to restrict, to cut down |
ограничить {v pf} | :: to constrain, to bound |
ограничиться {v pf} | :: to limit oneself |
ограничиться {v pf} | :: to content oneself with |
ограничиться {v pf} | :: to not go beyond |
огревать {v impf} [low colloquial] | :: to hit strongly, to punch strongly, to sock, to club |
огреть {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to hit strongly, to punch strongly, to sock, to club |
огрех {noun} [agriculture] | :: missed or poorly processed spot in a field after plowing, sowing, harvesting, etc |
огрех {noun} [colloquial] | :: flaw, blemish |
огромность {noun} | :: vastness, hugeness |
огромный {adj} | :: huge, vast, enormous |
огрызать {v impf} | :: alternative form of обгрызать |
огрызаться {v impf} | :: to snarl (at) |
огрызаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to snarl, to talk back |
огрызнуться {v pf} | :: to snarl (at) |
огрызнуться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to snarl, to talk back |
огрызок {noun} | :: bit, end |
огрызок {noun} | :: stub, stump |
огрызть {v pf} | :: alternative form of обгрызть |
огузский {adj} [relational] | :: Oghuz (a group of southwestern Turkic people, including the Turks and Turkmens) |
огульность {noun} | :: the quality of being indiscriminate, groundless, unfounded (e.g. accusation) |
огульный {adj} [dated] | :: wholesale, universal |
огульный {adj} | :: indiscriminate, groundless, unfounded (e.g. accusation) |
огурец {noun} | :: cucumber |
огурчик {noun} | :: diminutive of огурец: (small) cucumber, gherkin |
ода {noun} | :: ode |
одалживать {v impf} | :: to lend (to allow to be used temporarily) |
одалживать {v impf} | :: to borrow (to receive (something) temporarily) |
одарённость {noun} | :: talent, aptitude, genius |
одарённость {noun} | :: cleverness |
одарённость {noun} | :: capability |
одарённый {adj} | :: endowed [with] |
одарённый {adj} | :: gifted, talented |
одаривать {v impf} | :: to give presents |
одаривать {v impf} | :: to endow (with) |
одарить {v pf} | :: to give presents |
одарить {v pf} | :: to endow (with) |
одарять {v impf} | :: to give presents |
одарять {v impf} | :: to endow (with) |
одевать {v impf} | :: to dress, to clothe |
одевать {v impf} | :: to provide clothes |
одевать {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to cover |
одеваться {v impf} | :: to dress (oneself) |
одежда {noun} | :: clothes, clothing, garments |
одежда {noun} | :: surfacing, top dressing |
одежонка {noun} [colloquial] | :: pejorative of одёжа, pejorative of одежда: nasty clothing |
одеколон {noun} | :: cologne, eau-de-cologne |
Оденат {prop} | :: Odaenathus |
одеревенеть {v pf} | :: to stiffen |
одеревенеть {v pf} | :: to get numb |
одеревенеть {v pf} | :: to lignify, to become wood |
одержать {v pf} | :: to win, to gain |
одержать верх {v pf} | :: to defeat, to prevail over |
одержать верх {v pf} | :: to overcome |
одерживать {v impf} | :: to win, to gain |
одерживать верх {v impf} | :: to defeat, to prevail over |
одерживать верх {v impf} | :: to overcome |
одержимость {noun} | :: obsession, diabolism, possession |
одержимый {adj} | :: possessed (by), obsessed (by) |
одержимый {noun} | :: the possessed |
О-де-Сен {prop} {m inan} | :: О-де-Сен (department) |
Одесса {prop} | :: Одесса (city/administrative center) |
Одесса {prop} | :: Одесса (oblast) |
одессит {noun} | :: Odessite |
одесский {adj} [relational] | :: Odessa; Odessan |
одетый {adj} | :: dressed, clothed |
одеть {v pf} | :: to dress, to clothe |
одеть {v pf} | :: to provide clothes |
одеть {v pf} [figurative] | :: to cover |
одеть {v pf} [colloquial, proscribed] | :: to put on (clothing, equipment) |
одеться {v pf} | :: to dress (oneself) |
одеяло {noun} | :: blanket, counterpane |
одеяло {noun} | :: quilt |
одеяние {noun} [literary, archaic] | :: raiment, attire, garb, habiliments [usually festive, solemn] |
одёжа {noun} [colloquial, dated] | :: clothes, clothing, garments |
одёжка {noun} [colloquial] | :: clothes |
одёргивание {noun} | :: straightening out, pulling down [esp. of clothing] |
одёргивать {v impf} | :: (clothes etc) to straighten out, to pull down (into shape) |
одёргивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to pull up, to call to order |
одёрнуть {v pf} | :: (clothes etc) to straighten out, to pull down (into shape) |
одёрнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to pull up, to call to order |
оджибва {m inan} | :: Ojibwe (language) |
оджибва {m inan} | :: Ojibwe (people) |
оджибве {m inan} | :: Ojibwe (language) |
оджибве {m inan} | :: Ojibwe (people) |
один {num} | :: one (1) |
один {num} | :: alone |
один {num} | :: only (especially with negative connotation) |
один {num} | :: a, a certain, some |
один {num} | :: [contrast] some (do something or have some quality), while others (do not do it; do something else; do not have this quality; or have another or the opposite quality) |
одинаково {adv} | :: equally, evenly (in an equal manner) |
одинаковый {adj} | :: equal, identical, the same |
одинарный {adj} | :: single [not double], unary |
один-единственный {adj} [colloquial] | :: one and only, sole |
один за другим {adv} | :: one by one (individually) |
один и тот же {determiner} | :: the very same, one and the same |
один как перст {adj} [simile] | :: completely alone/lonely (with no family, friends or partners) |
одиннадцатилетие {noun} | :: eleven-year period |
одиннадцатилетие {noun} | :: eleventh anniversary, eleventh birthday |
одиннадцатилетний {adj} [relational] | :: eleven-year |
одиннадцатилетний {adj} | :: eleven-year-old |
одиннадцатиугольник {noun} | :: hendecagon |
одиннадцатый {adj} | :: eleventh |
одиннадцать {num} | :: eleven (11) |
одиннадцатью {adv} | :: 11x, eleven times as much |
одинокий {adj} | :: solitary, single, lone |
одинокий {adj} | :: lonely, lonesome |
одинокий {noun} | :: single person, lone person [by oneself] |
одинокий {noun} | :: lonely person |
одиноко {adv} | :: alone |
одиноко {adv} | :: in a lonely manner |
одиночество {noun} | :: loneliness, solitude |
одиночка {m anim} {f anim} | :: loner, singleton (one who lacks or avoids company) |
одиночка {f anim} [colloquial] | :: solitary (confinement) cell, one-man cell |
одиночка {f anim} | :: (boat) single-oar |
одиночный {adj} | :: single |
одиозный {adj} | :: odious, extremely unpleasant |
одиссея {noun} | :: odyssey (extended adventurous voyage) |
одичать {v pf} | :: to run wild |
одичать {v pf} | :: to become wild, to grow wild |
одичать {v pf} | :: to become shy or unsociable |
однажды {adv} | :: once, one day, once upon a time |
однажды {adv} | :: once (only one time) |
однако {adv} | :: however, yet, still |
однако {adv} [regional, Siberia] | :: probably |
однако {interj} | :: you don't say!, not really! |
одно- {prefix} | :: uni- (one) |
одновременно {adv} | :: simultaneously |
одновременный {adj} | :: simultaneous, synchronous (at the same time) |
одноглазый {adj} | :: one-eyed, single-eyed, monocular |
одногорбый {adj} | :: one-humped |
одногорбый верблюд {noun} | :: dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) |
одноеровый {adj} | :: having only one type of yer |
однозначно {adv} | :: unambiguously |
однозначно {adv} | :: unequivocally |
однозначный {adv} | :: synonymous |
однозначный {adv} | :: having only one meaning |
однозначный {adv} | :: single-digit |
однозначный {adv} | :: unambiguous, unequivocal, explicit |
однозначный {adv} | :: straightforward |
одноимённый {adj} | :: having the same name (as something already mentioned) |
одно и то же {pron} | :: the same thing, the same, one and the same |
однокашник {noun} [colloquial] | :: schoolmate, college mate, fellow student |
одноклассник {noun} | :: classmate, schoolmate (someone who is in the same class in school) |
одноклассница {noun} | :: female classmate, schoolmate (someone who is in the same class in school) |
однокомнатный {adj} | :: one-room (consisting of only a living room) |
однократный {adj} | :: occurring once, single (as opposed to multiple) |
однократный {adj} | :: unitary, one-fold, single |
однократный {adj} [grammar] | :: semelfactive, momentary (referring to a verb form that indicates a momentary or punctiliar action) |
однократный вид {noun} [grammar] | :: semelfactive aspect |
однокурсник {noun} | :: student of the same year |
одномандатный {adj} [relational] | :: single-member (referring to an electoral district represented by a single candidate) |
одноместный {adj} | :: single, for one |
однонаправленный {adj} | :: unidirectional |
однонаправленный глагол {noun} | :: concrete verb |
одноногий {adj} | :: one-legged |
однообразие {noun} | :: monotony, uniformity, sameness, lack of diversity |
однообразный {adj} | :: monotonous, uniform, unvarying |
однополчанин {noun} | :: brother soldier |
однополый {adj} | :: unisexual |
однополый {adj} | :: same-sex |
однополый {adj} | :: homosexual |
однополый брак {noun} | :: same-sex marriage, gay marriage (marriage between two people of the same sex) |
одноразовый {adj} | :: disposable |
одноразовый {adj} | :: single, one-time |
одноранговый {adj} | :: peer-to-peer |
однородность {noun} | :: homogeneity |
однородный {adj} | :: homogeneous, uniform |
однорукий {adj} | :: one-armed, one-handed |
одноручный {adj} | :: single-handled (for one hand) |
однорядный {adj} | :: single-row; inline [of skates] |
однорядный роликовый конёк {noun} | :: in-line skate |
односельчанин {noun} | :: fellow-villager |
односемянный {adj} | :: monospermic; monospermous; one-seeded |
односложный {adj} [linguistics] | :: monosyllabic |
односложный {adj} | :: curt, terse, abrupt |
одностворчатый {adj} | :: univalve [mollusk] |
одностворчатый {adj} [relational] | :: single-door, single-flap |
односторонний {adj} | :: unilateral, one-sided |
однотипный {adj} | :: of the same type |
однофамилец {noun} | :: an (unrelated) person with the same surname, a namesake |
одночасье {noun} | :: a short period of time, (just) one hour (in expressions) |
одноэтажный {adj} | :: one-storeyed, single-storey |
одну минуточку {interj} | :: wait a moment |
одну минуточку {interj} [now rare] | :: right [especially as first words in the sentence] |
одобрение {noun} | :: acceptance, approval (an agreeing to the action of another) |
одобрительно {adv} | :: approvingly (in an approving manner) |
одобрительный {adj} | :: approving, approbative |
одобрить {v pf} | :: to approbate, to approve, to pass, to sanction, to authorize |
одобрять {v impf} | :: to approbate, to approve, to pass, to sanction, to authorize |
одобряющий {adj} | :: acclaiming, friendly |
одобряющий {adj} | :: approbative (expressing approval) |
одолевать {v impf} | :: to overpower, to subdue |
одолевать {v impf} | :: to seize, to overcome |
одолевать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to cope, to manage |
одолей {noun} | :: alternative form of одолень |
одолень {noun} | :: valerian (Valeriana officinalis) |
одолень {noun} | :: water lily (Nymphaea spp.) |
одолеть {v pf} | :: to overcome, to overpower, to conquer |
одолеть {v pf} | :: to seize, to overcome |
одолеть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to cope, to manage |
одолжение {noun} | :: favor, service |
одолжить {v pf} | :: to lend (to allow to be used temporarily) |
одолжить {v pf} | :: to borrow (to receive (something) temporarily) |
одометр {noun} | :: odometer |
одр {noun} [dated] | :: bed |
одр {noun} | :: stretcher |
одуванчик {noun} | :: dandelion |
одуматься {v pf} | :: to think better of it, to change one's mind |
одуматься {v pf} | :: to come to one's senses |
одурелый {adj} [colloquial] | :: stupefied, crazed, woozy, zonked |
одуреть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to go crazy |
одурь {noun} [colloquial] | :: stupor, torpor |
одушевлённость {noun} [linguistics] | :: animacy |
одушевлённый {adj} | :: animated |
одушевлённый {adj} [grammar] | :: animate |
одышка {noun} | :: short breath, short wind, breathlessness |
ожерелье {noun} | :: necklace (jewelry) |
ожесточать {v impf} | :: to harden, to embitter |
ожесточение {noun} | :: bitterness, obduracy, anger, cruelty |
ожесточённый {adj} | :: hardhearted, bitter, embittered, hardened |
ожесточённый {adj} | :: desperate |
ожесточить {v pf} | :: to harden, to embitter |
оживать {v impf} | :: to return to life, to revive |
оживать {v impf} | :: to perk up, to come alive |
оживитель {noun} | :: animator (one who animates something) |
оживительница {noun} | :: animator (one who animates something) |
оживить {v pf} | :: to bring back to life |
оживить {v pf} [figurative] | :: to revive, to bring back (something that has been lost or forgotten) |
оживить {v pf} [figurative] | :: to imbue physical or emotional energy into (e.g. into a person or street) |
оживить {v pf} [figurative] | :: to improve the appearance of (e.g. a building) |
оживиться {v pf} | :: to become animated, to liven up |
оживиться {v pf} | :: to be bucked up |
оживление {noun} | :: revival, reanimation |
оживление {noun} | :: liveliness |
оживлённо {adv} | :: in a lively manner, vibrantly, vividly |
оживлённый {adj} | :: excited, animated |
оживлённый {adj} | :: boisterous |
оживлённый {adj} | :: lively |
оживлять {v impf} | :: to bring back to life |
оживлять {v impf} [figurative] | :: to revive, to bring back (of something that has been lost or forgotten) |
оживлять {v impf} [figurative] | :: to imbue physical or emotional energy (ex. into a person, a street) |
оживлять {v impf} [figurative] | :: to improve the appearance (ex. of a building) |
оживляться {v impf} | :: to become animated, to liven up |
оживляться {v impf} | :: to be bucked up |
ожидальня {noun} [colloquial] | :: waiting room |
ожидание {noun} | :: expectation, waiting, pending |
ожиданье {noun} | :: alternative form of ожидание |
ожидать {v impf} | :: to expect, to anticipate |
ожидаться {v impf} | :: to be expected |
ожиревать {v impf} [rare, low colloquial] | :: to become fat |
ожиревший {adj} [colloquial] | :: porcine, morbidly obese |
ожирелый {adj} [colloquial] | :: porcine, morbidly obese |
ожирение {noun} | :: obesity, corpulence |
ожиреть {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to become fat |
ожить {v pf} | :: to return to life, to revive |
ожить {v pf} | :: to perk up, to come alive |
ожог {noun} | :: burn (a physical injury caused by heat or caustic chemicals), scorch |
ожог {noun} | :: scald |
ожог {noun} [botany] | :: blight |
озаботить {v pf} | :: to cause anxiety, to disquiet, to worry |
озаботить {v pf} | :: to add someone (more trouble, work, responsibilities, etc.) |
озаботиться {v pf} | :: to be concerned (with) |
озаботиться {v pf} | :: to attend (to), to see (to) |
озабоченно {adv} | :: anxiously, apprehensively |
озабоченность {noun} | :: preoccupation, concern, anxiety |
озабоченный {adj} | :: preoccupied |
озабоченный {adj} | :: anxious, worried |
озабочивать {v impf} | :: to cause anxiety, to disquiet, to worry |
озабочивать {v impf} | :: to add someone (more trouble, work, responsibilities, etc.) |
озабочиваться {v impf} | :: to be concerned (with) |
озабочиваться {v impf} | :: to attend (to), to see (to) |
озаглавить {v pf} | :: to entitle, to head |
озаглавливать {v impf} | :: to entitle, to head |
озадаченно {adv} | :: wonderingly, quizzically, in a perplexed manner |
озадаченный {adj} | :: puzzled, perplexed [look, etc.; inanimate] |
озадачивать {v impf} | :: to puzzle, to perplex |
озадачивать {v impf} [colloquial, humorous] | :: to give a task/job |
озадачить {v pf} | :: to puzzle, to perplex |
озадачить {v pf} [colloquial, humorous] | :: to give a task/job |
озарение {noun} | :: irradiation |
озарение {noun} | :: strikening, aha moment, aha/bingo factor |
озарение {noun} | :: inspiration |
озарить {vt pf} | :: to light up; to illuminate |
озарить {v pf} | :: to brighten, to lighten |
озарить {v pf} | :: thought or idea to strike, to dawn up |
озарять {vt impf} | :: to light up; to illuminate |
озарять {v impf} | :: to brighten, to lighten |
озарять {v impf} | :: thought or idea to strike, to dawn up |
озвереть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to fly into a rage |
озвереть {v pf} | :: to become a beast, to become brutalized |
озвереть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to run wild, to run riot, to go crazy, to go nuts |
озверин {noun} [pharmaceutical drug, jocular] | :: a fictional drug that helps one become brutal |
озвучивать {v impf} | :: to dub, to post-synch |
озвучивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to voice, to give utterance (to), to read |
озвучить {v pf} | :: to dub, to post-synch |
озвучить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to voice, to give utterance (to), to read |
озвучка {noun} | :: dubbing, post-synching, voice recording |
оздоровительный {adj} | :: health-improving |
оздоровить {v pf} | :: to make healthier |
оздоровить {v pf} | :: to improve |
оздоровление {noun} | :: invigoration, recovery, improvement (of health, economy, sanitary conditions, etc.), making oneself or someone healthier |
оздоровлять {v impf} | :: to make healthier |
оздоровлять {v impf} | :: to improve |
озеленение {noun} | :: planting of greenery, trees and gardens, landscaping |
оземь {adv} [poetic] | :: against the ground |
озеро {noun} | :: lake |
озерцо {noun} | :: diminutive of озеро: small lake, pond |
озёрный {adj} [relational] | :: lake; lacustrine |
оззи {m anim} {f anim} [slang] | :: Aussie (an Australian) |
ози {m anim} {f anim} [slang] | :: Aussie (an Australian) |
озимый {adj} [relational] | :: autumn, (before) winter [of crops] |
озираться {v impf} | :: to look around (oneself) |
озлиться {v pf} | :: alternative form of обозлиться |
озлобить {v pf} | :: to embitter |
озлобление {noun} | :: exasperation, bitterness, animosity |
озлобленный {adj} | :: embittered, spiteful, resentful |
озлоблять {v impf} | :: to embitter |
ознакомить {v pf} | :: to acquaint, to familiarize |
ознакомиться {v pf} | :: to become acquainted with, to get to know |
ознакомление {noun} | :: familiarization, acquaintance |
ознакомлять {v impf} | :: to acquaint, to familiarize |
ознакомляться {v impf} | :: to become acquainted with, to get to know |
ознаменовать {v pf} | :: to mark, to celebrate |
означать {v impf} | :: to mean, to signify |
означать {v impf} | :: to stand for, to represent, to betoken, to denote |
означенный {adj} [dated or colloquial] | :: specified, previously-named, above-mentioned |
означить {v pf} [dated] | :: to mean, to signify |
означить {v pf} [dated] | :: to stand for, to represent, to betoken, to denote |
озноб {noun} | :: chill, fever, shivering |
озолотить {v pf} | :: to gild |
озолотить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to make (someone) rich, to generously endow |
озон {noun} | :: ozone |
озорник {noun} [colloquial] | :: mischief; hellion; prankster; naughty or mischievous person, especially a child |
озорничать {v impf} | :: to get naughty; to make a mischief |
озорной {adj} | :: mischievous, naughty |
озорство {noun} [colloquial] | :: mischief, naughtiness (vexatious or annoying conduct) |
озябнуть {v pf} | :: to be cold, to freeze, to feel cold |
-ой {suffix} | :: Masculine nominative singular adjective ending |
ой {interj} | :: oh! (surprise tinged with fright) |
ой {interj} | :: oops! |
ой {interj} | :: ouch! |
ойкнуть {v pf} | :: to make a sound ой |
ойкумена {noun} [historical] | :: the ecumene, the inhabited world, particularly from the point of view of the Ancient Greeks |
Оймякон {prop} | :: A town in the Sakha Republic in Russia |
-ок {suffix} [highly productive] | :: takes male nouns, produces diminutive male nouns, sometimes with further sense development |
-ок {suffix} [highly productive, takes given name, produces given name, diminutive] | :: paired with -ик, -ук, -юк |
-ок {suffix} [productive, colloquial, unstressed, takes verbs, produces nouns] | :: an object that remains after process is done |
-ок {suffix} [animate, takes verbs, produces nouns] | :: agent |
-ок {suffix} [takes verbs, produces nouns] | :: a tool or mean of an action |
-ок {suffix} [inanimate, takes verbs, produces nouns] | :: subject of an action |
-ок {suffix} [takes verbs, produces nouns] | :: place of an action |
-ок {suffix} [productive, colloquial, stressed, takes verbs, produces nouns] | :: one occurrence of an action; separate act |
-ок {suffix} [takes adjective, produces nouns] | :: |
-ок {suffix} [with недо-, productive, colloquial, takes nouns, produces nouns] | :: undeveloped or transitional object |
-ок {suffix} [takes nouns, produces nouns] | :: paired with -иц, -ица, -ак, -ака, -як, -яка; a piece of, one of them |
-ок {suffix} [takes numeral, produces nouns] | :: |
-ок {suffix} [takes prepositions, produces nouns] | :: |
-ок {suffix} [unproductive, takes nouns, produces nouns] | :: |
-ок {suffix} [with за-, unproductive, takes nouns, produces nouns] | :: an object behind something or in the background |
-ок {suffix} [with за-, unproductive, takes nouns, produces nouns] | :: located behind and look alike |
-ок {suffix} [with о-, unproductive, takes nouns, produces nouns] | :: adjacent |
-ок {suffix} [with от-, unproductive, takes nouns, produces nouns] | :: separated from, produced by |
-ок {suffix} [with па-, unproductive, produces nouns] | :: alike, but not equal |
-ок {suffix} [with пере-, slightly productive, produces nouns] | :: paired with -и; in between, during break (about location or time) |
-ок {suffix} [with пере-, unproductive, produces nouns] | :: paired with -и, -ица; crossing, intersection |
-ок {suffix} [with по-, unproductive, produces nouns] | :: |
-ок {suffix} [with под-, unproductive, produces nouns] | :: beneath |
-ок {suffix} [with под-, unproductive, produces nouns] | :: paired with -ик, -ник; undeveloped animal or object |
-ок {suffix} [with пред-, unproductive, produces nouns] | :: |
-ок {suffix} [with при-, unproductive, produces nouns] | :: paired with -ник, -ень; adjacent |
-ок {suffix} [with при-, unproductive, produces nouns] | :: paired with -ка; adjacent |
-ок {suffix} [with про-, unproductive, produces nouns] | :: in between |
-ок {suffix} [with су-, unproductive, produces nouns] | :: |
-ок {suffix} [with о- и об-, unproductive, produces nouns] | :: paired with -ки (plurale tantum), -j, -ина |
-ок {suffix} [unproductive, produces nouns] | :: overdone, with a negative outcome |
-ок {suffix} [unproductive, animate or inanimate, produces nouns] | :: subject with a qualifier in the first stem |
ок. {prep} | :: near, about |
ок {interj} | :: Same as Окей but used as a slang, especially by younger generation |
Ока {noun} | :: Ока (the largest <<right tributary>> of the <<riv/Volga>>, in central <<c/Russia>>) |
Ока {noun} | :: Ока (left tributary) |
Окадзаки {prop} {m inan} | :: Окадзаки (city) |
оказание {noun} | :: rendering |
оказать {v pf} | :: to show, to render, to do, to provide (help, service, support, etc.) |
оказать {v pf} | :: to exert (influence) |
оказать {v pf} | :: to put, to exert (pressure) |
оказать {v pf} | :: to accord (respect) |
оказать {v pf} | :: to offer (resistance) |
оказать {v pf} | :: to give (somebody a reception) |
оказаться {v pf} | :: to turn out, to be found, to prove (to be) |
оказаться {v pf} | :: to find oneself |
оказаться {v pf} | :: to be found |
оказаться {v pf} | :: in expressions |
оказия {noun} [dated] | :: opportunity |
оказия {noun} [colloquial] | :: unexpected event |
оказывать {v impf} | :: to show, to render, to do, to provide (help, service, support, etc.) |
оказывать {v impf} | :: to exert (influence) |
оказывать {v impf} | :: to put, to exert (pressure) |
оказывать {v impf} | :: to accord (respect) |
оказывать {v impf} | :: to offer (resistance) |
оказывать {v impf} | :: to give (somebody a reception) |
оказываться {v impf} | :: to turn out, to be found, to prove (to be) |
оказываться {v impf} | :: to find oneself |
оказываться {v impf} | :: to be found |
оказываться {v impf} | :: in expressions |
оказывающий {adj} | :: showing, rendering |
оказывающий {adj} | :: exerting (influence) |
окаймить {v pf} | :: to edge, to hem (to provide with a hem, edge, border, etc.) |
окаймлять {v impf} | :: to edge, to hem (to provide with a hem, edge, border, etc.) |
окалина {noun} | :: calx, cinder, dross, slag |
окаменелость {noun} | :: fossil, petrifaction |
окаменелый {adj} | :: petrified, turned to stone |
окаменелый {adj} [figurative] | :: petrified [with fear, shock, etc.] |
окаменелый {adj} | :: hardened, embittered, unfeeling |
окаменеть {v pf} | :: to turn to stone, to petrify |
окаменеть {v pf} | :: (with fear, shock etc) to petrify, to be petrified |
окаменеть {v pf} | :: to harden, to become embittered |
оканчивать {v impf} | :: to finish, to end, to complete |
оканчивать {v impf} | :: to graduate |
оканчиваться {vi impf} | :: to finish, to end, to be over |
оканье {noun} [linguistics] | :: the dialectal unreduced pronunciation of unstressed о as [o] (as heard in Northern Russian and standard Ukrainian) |
окапывать {v impf} | :: to dig up the ground around (something) |
окапывать {v impf} | :: to surround with a ditch, to dig a ditch around, to entrench |
окапывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to stain (in various places or with many drops) |
окапываться {v impf} [military] | :: to dig in (to dig trenches for protection against attack) |
окапываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to stain oneself (in various places or with many drops) |
окарина {noun} | :: ocarina |
окатить {v pf} | :: to douse [with, + instrumental] |
окатывать {v impf} | :: alternative form of окачивать |
окатыш {noun} | :: rock pellet, rolled briquette |
окатышевоз {noun} | :: hopper car |
окать {v impf} [linguistics] | :: to pronounce an unstressed о like an о (without the vowel reduction, as in some parts of Northern Russia, considered non-standard) |
окачивать {v impf} | :: to douse [with, + instrumental] |
окаянный {adj} [colloquial] | :: damned, cursed |
ОКБ {noun} | :: OKB; initialism of опытно-конструкторское бюро or опытное конструкторское бюро |
океан {noun} | :: ocean |
океанарий {noun} | :: oceanarium |
Океания {prop} | :: Океания (continent) |
океанограф {noun} | :: oceanographer |
океанский {adj} [relational] | :: ocean, oceanic |
окей {interj} | :: OK, okay |
окидывать {v impf} | :: to scan (with one's eyes) |
Окинава {prop} | :: Окинава (island/and/prefecture) |
Окинава {prop} | :: Окинава (city) |
окинуть {v pf} | :: to scan (with one's eyes) |
окисление {noun} | :: oxidation |
окись {noun} [chemistry, dated] | :: oxide |
оккультизм {noun} | :: occultism |
оккультист {noun} | :: occultist |
оккупант {noun} | :: occupier, occupant, invader |
оккупационный {adj} [military] | :: occupying |
оккупационный {adj} [relational, military] | :: occupation |
оккупация {noun} | :: occupation (control of a country or region by a hostile army) |
оккупировать {v both} | :: to occupy, to invade |
оклад {noun} | :: gross pay |
Оклахома {prop} | :: Оклахома (state) |
оклеветать {v pf} | :: to slander, to defame, to malign |
оклеивать {v impf} | :: to cover by glueing (e.g. a wall with wallpaper) |
оклеить {v pf} | :: to cover by glueing (e.g. a wall with wallpaper) |
оклематься {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to recuperate, to recover |
оклематься {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to come to, to wake up |
оклематься {v pf} [low colloquial, figurative] | :: to get out of a difficult situation |
Окленд {prop} | :: Окленд (city) |
Окленд {prop} | :: Окленд (city) |
окликать {v impf} | :: to hail, to call (to) |
окликнуть {v pf} | :: to hail, to call (to) |
окно {noun} | :: window |
око {noun} [dated or poetic or literary] | :: eye (used in proverbs and expressions) |
оковы {noun} | :: shackles, manacles, gyves, fetters, irons (paired wrist or ankle restraints) |
оковы {noun} [figuratively] | :: bondage |
око за око {adv} | :: eye for an eye, tit for tat |
око за око, зуб за зуб {phrase} | :: eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth |
околачиваться {v impf} | :: to kick one's heels, to lounge about |
околесица {noun} [colloquial] | :: nonsense, drivel, rubbish |
околёсица {noun} | :: alternative form of околесица |
околица {noun} [obsolete] | :: village fence, village gate |
околица {noun} | :: outskirts |
около {prep} | :: near, around, about, by |
околоземный {adj} | :: near-Earth |
околоматочный {adj} [medical] | :: parauterine, periuterine |
оконечность {noun} | :: extremity (furthest point) |
оконный {adj} [relational] | :: window |
окономияки {n inan} | :: okonomiyaki |
оконфузить {v pf} | :: to disconcert, to discomfit, to embarrass, to put in an awkward or embarrassing position |
оконфузиться {v pf} | :: to be disconcerted, to be embarrassed, to get into an embarrassing situation |
оконце {noun} | :: diminutive of окно: (small) window |
окончание {noun} | :: end, close, termination, completion, conclusion |
окончание {noun} | :: graduation |
окончание {noun} [grammar] | :: ending, inflection |
окончательно {adv} | :: finally, definitively |
окончательный {adj} | :: final, ultimate; definitive |
окончательный {adj} [grammar] | :: inflectional |
окончать {v impf} [dated] | :: alternative form of оканчивать |
окончить {v pf} | :: to finish, to end, to complete |
окончить {v pf} | :: to graduate |
окончиться {vi pf} | :: to finish, to end, to be over |
окоп {noun} [military] | :: foxhole, dugout, trench |
окопать {v pf} | :: to dig up the ground around (something) |
окопать {v pf} | :: to surround with a ditch, to dig a ditch around |
окопаться {v pf} [military] | :: to dig in (to dig trenches for protection against attack) |
окорок {noun} | :: ham, gammon |
окот {noun} | :: lambing |
окот {noun} | :: having kittens |
окот {noun} | :: lambing time |
окот {noun} | :: time of having kittens |
окоченеть {v pf} | :: to become numb from the cold |
окошечко {noun} | :: diminutive of окошко, diminutive of окно (small) window; counter (in a ticket office, bank, etc.) |
окошко {noun} | :: diminutive of окно |
окраина {noun} | :: outskirts (the edges or areas around a city or town) |
окраина {noun} | :: fringe, margin |
окраина {noun} | :: periphery |
окраинный {adj} [relational] | :: outskirts; marginal, peripheral (relating to or located at the outskirts or margins) |
окрас {noun} | :: coloring, hue [of an animal] |
окрасить {v pf} | :: to tincture, to paint, to dye |
окрасить {v pf} | :: to tinge (with) |
окраска {noun} | :: colouring, painting, dyeing |
окраска {noun} | :: colouring, coloration, colour |
окраска {noun} | :: tinge, tint |
окрашивать {v impf} | :: to tincture, to paint, to dye |
окрашивать {v impf} | :: to tinge (with) |
окрепнуть {v pf} | :: to grow stronger |
окрепнуть {v pf} | :: to get firmly established |
окрест {adv} | :: around, nearby, in the neighborhood |
окрест {prep} | :: around, near |
окрестить {v pf} | :: to baptize, to christen |
окрестить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to nickname |
окрестности {noun} | :: surroundings (area surrounding someone or something) |
окрестность {noun} | :: environs, vicinity, neighbourhood |
окрестность {noun} [mathematics] | :: neighbourhood |
окрестный {adj} | :: surrounding, local, neighboring |
окрик {noun} | :: peremptory shout/cry |
окрик {noun} | :: hail, hallo |
окровавить {v pf} | :: to stain with blood |
окровавленный {adj} | :: bloodstained, bloody |
окропление {noun} | :: aspersion, affusion (a sprinkling of holy water) |
окрошечный {adj} [relational] | :: okroshka |
окрошить {v pf} [obsolete, rare] | :: to crumble |
окрошка {noun} | :: okroshka |
округ {p} | :: district, okrug |
округ {p} | :: subprefecture (of Japan) |
округ {p} [legal] | :: circuit |
округ {p} | :: county |
округа {noun} | :: neighbourhood, area |
округление {noun} | :: rounding |
округление {noun} [mathematics] | :: rounding, rounding off |
округлённый {adj} | :: rounded, rounded off |
округлить {v pf} | :: to round (off), to make round |
округлить {v pf} | :: (numbers) to round (off) (to) |
округлить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: (esp. wealth) to increase, to add (to) |
округлиться {v pf} | :: to become round |
округлость {noun} | :: roundness, circularity |
округлый {adj} | :: rounded |
округлый {adj} | :: smooth, measured |
округлый {adj} | :: complete (sentences, etc.) |
округлять {v impf} | :: to round (off), to make round |
округлять {v impf} | :: (numbers) to round (off) (to) |
округлять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: (esp. wealth) to increase, to add (to) |
округляться {v impf} | :: to become round |
окружать {v impf} | :: to gather round |
окружать {v impf} | :: to encircle, to ring in |
окружать {v impf} | :: to surround, to lavish |
окружать {v impf} | :: to encircle, to round up |
окружающая среда {noun} | :: environment, ambient (something that surrounds) |
окружающее {noun} | :: milieu, social surroundings |
окружающие {noun} | :: others, surrounding people |
окружающий {adj} | :: surrounding |
окружение {noun} | :: entourage, environment, surroundings, milieu |
окружение {noun} [military] | :: encirclement |
окружить {v pf} | :: to gather round |
окружить {v pf} | :: to encircle, to ring in |
окружить {v pf} | :: to surround, to lavish |
окружить {v pf} | :: to encircle, to round up |
окружной {adj} [relational] | :: district |
окружной {adj} | :: circular |
окружность {noun} | :: circumference, circle |
окрылить {v pf} | :: to inspire, to uplift spiritually |
окрылять {v impf} | :: to inspire, to uplift spiritually |
оксамит {noun} | :: alternative spelling of аксамит |
Оксана {prop} | :: given name |
оксид {noun} | :: oxide |
оксиморон {noun} [linguistics] | :: oxymoron (figure of speech) |
оксия {noun} | :: acute accent (acute accent) |
оксюморон {noun} [linguistics] | :: oxymoron (figure of speech) |
октава {noun} | :: octave |
октан {noun} | :: octane |
октаэдр {noun} | :: octahedron |
октет {noun} | :: octet |
октиллион {num} | :: octillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 1027) |
октоторп {noun} | :: hash (the # symbol) |
октябрёнок {noun} | :: "Little Octobrist" (any child of 6 to 9 years old, grades 1 to 3, in the Former Soviet Union. This is the earliest of three stages before becoming a full member of the Communist Party) |
октябрь {noun} | :: October |
Октябрьская революция {prop} [history] | :: October Revolution, traditionally dated to October 25, 1917 (Julian calendar), which is November 7, 1917 according to the new Gregorian calendar |
октябрьский {adj} [relational] | :: October |
окуляр {noun} | :: eyepiece |
окуляр {noun} [colloquial, plural] | :: glasses, spectacles |
окунать {v impf} | :: to dip, to plunge |
окунаться {v impf} | :: to plunge (into, in), to dip (into) |
окунаться {v impf} | :: to plunge (into, in), to become (utterly) absorbed/engrossed (in) |
окунуть {vt pf} | :: to dip, to plunge (something into something) |
окунуться {v pf} | :: to plunge (into, in), to dip (into) |
окунуться {v pf} | :: to plunge (into, in), to become (utterly) absorbed/engrossed (in) |
окунь {noun} | :: perch |
окунь {noun} | :: bass |
окупаемость {noun} | :: cover of expenditure, recoupment |
окупать {v impf} | :: to reimburse, to pay back, to compensate (expenses) |
окупать {v impf} [figurative, low colloquial] | :: to make amends for, to atone for, to redeem |
окупаться {v impf} | :: to be reimbursed |
окупаться {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to pay off, to be worth it in the end [of difficulties, hardships, etc.] |
окупить {v pf} | :: to reimburse, to pay back, to compensate (expenses) |
окупить {v pf} [figurative, low colloquial] | :: to make amends for, to atone for, to redeem |
окупиться {v pf} | :: to be reimbursed |
окупиться {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to pay off, to be worth it in the end [of difficulties, hardships, etc.] |
окурок {noun} | :: cigarette butt, cigar butt |
окутать {v pf} | :: to wrap (round) |
окутать {v pf} | :: to cloak (in), to shroud (in) |
окутывать {v impf} | :: to wrap (round) |
окутывать {v impf} | :: to cloak (in), to shroud (in) |
ол {noun} [ecclesiastical] | :: any alcoholic beverage except wine |
оладик {noun} | :: diminutive of оладья |
оладья {noun} | :: thick pancake |
Олбани {prop} {m inan} | :: Олбани (capital city) |
олеат {noun} | :: oleate |
Олег {prop} | :: given name |
оленёнок {noun} | :: fawn, young deer, deer yearling |
олений {adj} | :: deer, reindeer |
оленина {noun} | :: venison |
олень {noun} | :: deer |
олень {noun} | :: buck, stag (male deer) |
олень {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: dimwit, fool, narrow-minded individual |
оливка {noun} | :: olive |
оливковое масло {noun} | :: olive oil |
оливковый {adj} [relational] | :: olive |
оливковый {adj} | :: olive green [color] |
оливье {m inan} {n inan} | :: Olivier salad, Russian salad (traditional Russian salad of boiled vegetables with mayonnaise) |
олигарх {noun} | :: oligarch |
олигархический {adj} | :: oligarchic |
олигархия {noun} | :: oligarchy |
олимпиада {noun} | :: olympiad |
олимпиец {noun} [Greek mythology] | :: Olympian (Ancient Greek god living on Mount Olympus) |
олимпиец {noun} [figurative] | :: serene, solemn, stately person |
олимпиец {noun} [figurative, pejorative] | :: arrogant, inaccessible person |
олимпиец {noun} [sports] | :: Olympian (participant in the modern Olympic Games) |
олимпийка {noun} [inanimate] | :: a sports sweatshirt with a zip fastener |
олимпийка {noun} [animate, rare] | :: a female Olympian |
Олимпийские игры {prop} | :: Olympic Games |
олимпийский {adj} | :: Olympic, of Olympus, Olympian |
Олимпия {prop} | :: Олимпия (small town) |
Олимпия {prop} | :: Олимпия (capital city) |
Олимпия {prop} | :: Олимпия (municipality) |
олицетворение {noun} | :: embodiment, personification (entity typifying an abstraction) |
олицетворять {v impf} | :: to embody, to personify |
олово {noun} | :: tin |
оловоносный {adj} | :: stanniferous |
оловянный {adj} | :: tin (made of tin) |
Олонец {prop} | :: Олонец (city/administrative center) |
олончанин {noun} | :: citizen of Olonets |
олух {noun} | :: blockhead, dimwit (stupid person) |
Ольборг {prop} | :: Ольборг (city) |
Ольга {prop} | :: given name |
Ольга {prop} | :: Oscar (O in the ICAO spelling alphabet) |
ольха {noun} | :: alder (tree or wood) |
ольшаник {noun} | :: alder forest |
Оля {prop} | :: given name |
ом {noun} | :: ohm (Ω) |
оман {noun} | :: inula, elecampane (Inula spp., especially Inula helenium) |
Оман {prop} | :: Оман (country) |
оманский {adj} | :: Omani |
омар {noun} | :: lobster |
омбудсмен {noun} | :: ombudsman (official who investigates complaints) |
омег {noun} | :: conium |
омега {noun} | :: omega (letter of the Greek alphabet) |
омела {noun} | :: mistletoe |
омерзение {noun} | :: abomination (the feeling of extreme disgust) |
омерзительный {adj} | :: disgusting, loathsome, sickening, revolting |
о-миаи {n inan} [Japan, Korea, etc.] | :: miai, omiai (formal marriage interview) |
омлет {noun} | :: omelette |
омовение {noun} | :: ablution (the act of washing or cleansing) |
омоглиф {noun} | :: homoglyph |
омограф {noun} | :: homograph |
омолаживать {v impf} | :: to rejuvenate |
омолодить {v pf} | :: to rejuvenate |
омоложение {noun} | :: rejuvenation |
ОМОН {m inan} | :: OMON, special police units |
омоним {noun} | :: homonym |
омоновец {noun} | :: riot policeman |
омофон {noun} [linguistics] | :: homophone (words with the same pronunciation) |
омофор {noun} | :: omophorion |
омрачать {v impf} [dated] | :: to darken, to cloud |
омрачать {v impf} | :: to darken, to cloud, to overshadow |
омрачить {v pf} [dated] | :: to darken, to cloud |
омрачить {v pf} | :: to darken, to cloud, to overshadow |
Омск {prop} | :: Омск (oblast) |
Омск {prop} | :: Омск (city/administrative center) |
омский {adj} [relational] | :: Omsk (city and oblast in Russia) |
омский {adj} [relational] | :: Om (river in Russia) |
омтжад {noun} | :: A guss or thread of wind, especially in medium summer |
омтжад {noun} | :: The global analytic direction where most diseases go |
омтжад {noun} | :: The partnership between a color and its parasites |
омтжад {noun} | :: The manner mainly used by climbers when the rain is to heavy |
омуль {noun} | :: Coregonus autumnalis, whitefish [species] (prized for its high fat content) |
омут {noun} | :: (underwater) pool, slough |
омут {noun} | :: whirlpool |
омут {noun} | :: slough |
омывать {v impf} [literary, also impersonal] | :: to wash |
омывать {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to pour over from all sides, to lap [of water] |
омывать {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to surround with its water [of the sea or ocean] |
омыть {v pf} [literary, also impersonal] | :: to wash |
Омь {prop} | :: Om River |
он {pron} | :: third-person masculine singular pronoun: he, it |
она {pron} | :: she, it [third-person feminine singular pronoun] |
онанизм {noun} | :: onanism |
ондатра {noun} | :: muskrat |
оне {pron} [archaic] | :: they [feminine only] |
онеметь {v pf} | :: to become dumb, to mute |
онеметь {v pf} | :: to become numb |
они {pron} | :: they [third-person plural pronoun] |
оникс {noun} | :: onyx |
-онка {suffix} | :: alternative form of -ёнка [particularly after hushing consonants, including those caused by the Slavic first palatalization] |
онколог {noun} | :: oncologist |
онкологический {adj} | :: oncological |
онкология {noun} | :: oncology |
онлайн {adv} | :: online, connected to the Internet or a computer network |
-онный {suffix} | :: -ional, etc. (forms adjectives, especially relational adjectives, from nouns ending in -ия (-ion), especially -ция (-tion)) |
оно {pron} | :: it [third-person neuter singular pronoun] |
-онок {suffix} | :: alternative form of -ёнок [used after the hushing consonants ч ж ш щ] |
ономастика {noun} | :: onomastics |
ономатопея {noun} | :: onomatopoeia |
онсэн {noun} | :: onsen |
онтологический {adj} | :: ontological |
онтология {noun} [philosophy] | :: ontology |
онтология {noun} [Internet] | :: ontology |
оный {determiner} [high register] | :: that, that very, the aforementioned |
оный {determiner} [obsolete] | :: that other (as opposed to this) |
оный {determiner} [obsolete] | :: otherworldly, unearthly |
-онька {suffix} | :: suffix forming diminutive, often endearing, nouns from other nouns and adjectives |
-онький {suffix} | :: Suffix used to form diminutive adjectives from other adjectives. Often the diminutive meaning is lost, or an intensifying meaning is imparted |
о-о {interj} [colloquial] | :: ow |
о-о {interj} | :: uh-oh (expressing fear) |
о-о {interj} | :: golly (expressing surprise) |
ООН {f inan} | :: acronym of Организация Объединённых Наций: UNO, United Nations Organization |
ООО {n inan} | :: initialism of общество с ограниченной ответственностью: LLC, a limited liability company |
оп {interj} | :: oops |
опадать {v impf} | :: [of leaves, fruits etc.] to fall (off) |
опадать {v impf} | :: to subside, to lessen, to diminish, to sink in |
опаздывать {v impf} | :: to be late |
опак {adv} [dialectal] | :: back, backwards, the other way round |
опак {noun} | :: opaque (sort of faience) |
опала {noun} | :: disgrace |
опаливать {v impf} | :: to singe (animal, feathers, etc.) |
опаливать {v impf} | :: to sear, to burn, to scorch |
опалить {v pf} | :: to singe (animal, feathers, etc.) |
опалить {v pf} | :: to sear, to burn, to scorch |
опаловый {adj} [relational] | :: opal |
опаловый {adj} | :: opal-colored (milky-white with yellow or blue) |
опалубка {noun} | :: formwork |
опальный {adj} | :: disgraced, fallen into disfavour, fallen into disgrace |
опалять {v impf} | :: to sear, to burn, to scorch |
опара {noun} | :: leavened dough |
опара {noun} | :: leaven, sourdough |
опарыш {noun} | :: maggot (dipterous insect's larva that eats decomposing flesh) |
опасаться {v impf} | :: to be afraid of, to fear [+ genitive or за + accusative] |
опасаться {v impf} | :: to avoid, to beware of, to refrain from [+ genitive or infinitive] |
опасение {noun} | :: fear, anxiety, apprehension, alarm |
опаска {noun} | :: dread, fear |
опасливо {adv} | :: cautiously, fearfully |
опасливый {adj} | :: cautious, wary |
опасливый {adj} | :: fearful |
опасливый {adj} | :: anxious |
опасно {adv} | :: dangerously, perilously |
опасность {noun} | :: danger, peril |
опасный {adj} | :: dangerous, perilous |
опасть {v pf} | :: [of leaves, fruits etc.] to fall (off) |
опасть {v pf} | :: to subside, to lessen, to diminish, to sink in |
опека {noun} | :: guardianship, wardship, tutelage |
опека {noun} | :: trusteeship |
опека {noun} | :: guardians, board of guardians |
опека {noun} | :: care, surveillance |
опекать {v impf} | :: to be guardian to, to be trustee to, to have the wardship (of); to be warden to |
опекать {v impf} | :: to patronize; to watch over, to take care of |
опекун {noun} | :: guardian, trustee, patron |
опекунский {adj} [relational] | :: tutelary, custodian |
опекунство {noun} | :: guardianship; tutelage |
опекунство {noun} | :: custodianship |
о-пер {m anim} {f anim} | :: alternative form of о-пэр |
опер {noun} [slang] | :: police operative/agent, member of a police task force |
опера {noun} [music] | :: opera |
опера {noun} | :: opera house |
операнд {noun} [computing] | :: operand |
оперативник {noun} | :: field investigator |
оперативно {adv} | :: efficiently, promptly, quickly |
оперативно-разыскной {adj} [relational] | :: operational-search (referring to pre-trial investigative activities when a crime may have been committed) |
оперативность {noun} | :: efficiency |
оперативный {adj} | :: efficient, prompt, quick |
оперативный {adj} [medicine] | :: operative, surgical |
оперативный {adj} [military] | :: strategical, operation(s), operational |
оперативный {adj} | :: operation(s) |
оперативный {adj} [economy, finance] | :: operational |
оператор {noun} | :: operator, operative |
оператор {noun} | :: machine-man, mechanic |
оператор {noun} | :: cameraman |
оператор {noun} [obsolete] | :: surgeon |
оператор {noun} [mathematics] | :: functional, operator |
операционная {noun} | :: operating room (in a hospital) |
операционная система {noun} [computing] | :: operating system |
операционный {adj} [medical] | :: operating |
операционный {adj} [relational, military] | :: operations |
операция {noun} | :: operation |
опередить {v pf} | :: to pass ahead, to take a lead, to outstrip, to leave behind |
опередить {v pf} | :: to do something ahead of someone; to beat somebody to the punch |
опередить {v pf} | :: to outdo, to surpass |
опережать {v impf} | :: to pass ahead, to take a lead, to outstrip, to leave behind |
опережать {v impf} | :: to do something ahead of someone |
опережать {v impf} | :: to outdo, to surpass |
опережающий {adj} | :: anticipatory, advanced, leading |
опережение {noun} | :: advance, lead, outrunning |
оперение {noun} | :: feathering, plumage |
оперение {noun} [aviation] | :: empennage |
оперетта {noun} | :: operetta |
опереть {v pf} | :: to lean (something) (on, against) |
опереться {v pf} | :: to lean, to rest (on, against) |
опереться {v pf} | :: to rely (on), to depend on, to be guided (by) |
оперировать {vt impf} [medicine] | :: to operate on |
оперировать {vi impf} | :: to operate [+ instrumental, with] |
оперный {adj} [relational] | :: opera |
оперный {adj} | :: operatic |
оперуполномоченный {noun} | :: security officer, detective |
опечалить {v pf} | :: to sadden, to grieve |
опечалить {v pf} | :: to upset, to disappoint |
опечалиться {vi pf} | :: to become sad, to grieve |
опечатать {v pf} | :: to seal, to seal up |
опечатка {noun} | :: typo, misprint (a spelling or typographical error) |
опечатывать {v impf} | :: to seal, to seal up |
опешить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be taken aback |
опёнок {noun} | :: honey fungus (Armillaria), a genus of edible parasitic mushroom with a yellow cap and thin stalk that live on trees and woody shrubs, especially Armillaria mellea, that usually grow in groups on tree roots, stumps, and felled trees |
опивать {v impf} [low colloquial] | :: to drink out of house and home (to drink at someone's expense, causing them material damage) |
опий {noun} | :: alternative form of опиум |
опиливать {v impf} | :: to file or saw all sides of |
опилить {v pf} | :: to file or saw all sides of |
опилка {noun} [usually plural] | :: shaving, filing, sawdust |
опилки {noun} | :: sawdust, filings |
опирать {v impf} | :: to lean (something) (on, against) |
опираться {v impf} | :: to lean, to rest (on, against) |
опираться {v impf} | :: to rely (on), to depend on, to be guided (by) |
описание {noun} | :: description |
описанный {adj} [mathematics] | :: circumscribed |
описательный {adj} | :: descriptive |
описать {v pf} | :: to describe, to depict, to portray (to represent in words) |
описать {v pf} | :: to make / take an inventory (of), to inventory |
описать {v pf} [maths] | :: to describe, to circumscribe |
описать {v pf} | :: to urinate (on something) |
описаться {v pf} | :: to make a slip (of a pen) |
описаться {v pf} | :: to wet oneself |
описка {noun} | :: slip of the pen, lapsus plumæ, miswriting |
описывать {v impf} | :: to describe, to depict, to portray (to represent in words) |
описывать {v impf} | :: to make / take an inventory (of), to inventory |
описывать {v impf} [maths] | :: to describe, to circumscribe |
описывать {v impf} | :: to urinate (on something) |
описываться {v impf} | :: to make a slip (of a pen) |
описываться {v impf} | :: to wet oneself |
опись {noun} | :: inventory, making of an inventory |
опись {noun} | :: list, inventory |
опить {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to drink out of house and home (to drink at someone's expense, causing them material damage) |
опиум {noun} | :: opium |
ОПК {f inan} | :: military-industrial complex |
оплакать {v pf} | :: to bewail, to bemoan |
оплакать {v pf} | :: to deplore, to mourn (over someone or something), to mourn the loss of |
оплакивать {v impf} | :: to bewail, to bemoan |
оплакивать {v impf} | :: to deplore, to mourn (over someone or something), to mourn the loss of |
оплата {noun} | :: payment (the act of paying) |
оплатить {v pf} | :: to pay, to repay, to pay off |
оплатить {v pf} | :: to remunerate |
оплачивать {v impf} | :: to pay, to repay, to pay off |
оплачивать {v impf} | :: to remunerate |
оплевать {v pf} | :: to spit all over |
оплевать {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to humiliate |
оплести {v pf} | :: to braid (with), to twine (round) |
оплести {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to get round, to trick |
оплетать {v impf} | :: to braid (with), to twine (round) |
оплетать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to get round, to trick |
оплеуха {noun} [colloquial] | :: slap in the face, box on the ear |
оплёвывать {v impf} | :: to spit all over |
оплёвывать {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to humiliate |
оплодотворение {noun} | :: insemination, fertilization (act of making pregnant) |
оплодотворить {v pf} | :: to inseminate, to fertilize, to impregnate |
оплодотворять {v impf} | :: to inseminate, to fertilize, to impregnate |
оплот {noun} | :: stronghold, bulwark |
оплошать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to make a mistake, to blunder |
оплошность {noun} | :: inadvertence, negligence |
оплошный {adj} [colloquial] | :: wrong, erroneous |
оплыть {vt pf} | :: to swim around |
оплыть {vi pf} | :: to swell up; to become bloated; to gutter (of a candle) |
оповестить {v pf} | :: to inform, to notify (to communicate knowledge to (an)other(s)) |
оповещать {v impf} | :: to inform, to notify (to communicate knowledge to (an)other(s)) |
оповещение {noun} | :: notification, notice, alert |
оподельдок {noun} | :: opodeldoc |
опоздание {noun} | :: delay |
опоздание {noun} | :: being late, lateness, tardiness |
опоздать {v pf} | :: to be late |
опознавать {v impf} | :: to recognize, to identify |
опознание {noun} | :: identification |
опознать {v pf} | :: to recognize, to identify |
опозорить {v pf} | :: to disgrace, to defame |
оползень {noun} | :: landslide |
ополчение {noun} | :: militia, home guard, territorial army |
ополчение {noun} [dated, law] | :: levy |
ополчить {v pf} | :: to arm someone to fight in a war or conflict |
ополчить {v pf} [figurative] | :: to encourage or cause someone to fight somebody or against something; to cause hostility or animosity against someone or something |
опомниться {v pf} | :: to come to one's senses, to collect oneself |
опомниться {v pf} | :: to regain consciousness |
опор {m inan} | :: only in an expression во весь опор (at full tilt, at full speed) |
опора {noun} | :: support, prop, rest |
опора {noun} | :: buttress, pier (anything that serves to support something) |
опоражнивать {v impf} | :: alternative form of опорожнять |
опорные катки {noun} [tanks] | :: road wheels |
опорный {adj} | :: supporting, bearing |
опорожнение {noun} | :: evacuation, emptying |
опорожнить {vt pf} | :: to empty |
опорожнять {vt impf} | :: to empty |
опорочить {v pf} | :: to defame, to discredit, to smear |
опосредовать {v both} | :: to mediate |
опоссум {noun} | :: opossum |
опостылеть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to bother, to annoy, to disgust [+ dative] |
опохмелиться {v pf} | :: to take the hair of the dog that bit you, to freshen the nip (to take a shot in the morning to help make one's hangover go away) |
опочанин {noun} | :: A male from, or citizen of, the Russian city of Opochka |
опочивальня {noun} [archaic] | :: bedchamber |
опочивать {v impf} [dated, literary, poetic] | :: to rest, to repose |
опочить {v pf} [dated, literary, poetic] | :: to rest, to repose |
опочить {v pf} [dated, literary, poetic] | :: to die, to pass away (perfective only) |
опоясать {v pf} | :: to gird, to engirdle |
опоясать {v pf} | :: to surround, to encircle, to girdle |
опоясывать {v impf} | :: to gird, to engirdle |
опоясывать {v impf} | :: to surround, to encircle, to girdle |
оп-пля {interj} | :: whoops!; oops! (as when stumbling and almost tripping or almost stepping on something to be avoided) |
оп-пля {interj} | :: alley-oop (also used as an exclamation when dogs do tricks) |
оппозиционер {noun} | :: oppositionist (a person who opposes; especially a member of an official opposition) |
оппозиционный {adj} [relational] | :: opposition, oppositional |
оппозиция {noun} [political] | :: opposition |
оппонент {noun} | :: opponent |
оппортунизм {noun} | :: opportunism |
оппортунист {noun} | :: opportunist (someone who takes advantage of any opportunity) |
оправа {noun} | :: setting, mounting, casing, rim, frame, holder |
оправдание {noun} | :: justification, explanation |
оправдание {noun} | :: excuse, reason |
оправдание {noun} | :: acquittal, vindication (legal decision) |
оправданный {adj} | :: justified, reasonable, sound, understandable |
оправдательный {adj} | :: exculpatory, exonerative |
оправдательный {adj} | :: justificatory |
оправдать {v pf} | :: to justify, to warrant, to authorize, to vindicate |
оправдать {v pf} | :: to acquit, to discharge; to exonerate |
оправдать {v pf} | :: to excuse |
оправдаться {v pf} | :: to justify/vindicate oneself, to justify one's actions |
оправдаться {v pf} | :: to try to prove one's innocence, to justify oneself, to give excuses |
оправдаться {v pf} | :: to prove/come true, to be justified; to prove to be correct |
оправдывать {v impf} | :: to justify, to warrant, to authorize, to vindicate |
оправдывать {v impf} | :: to acquit, to discharge; to exonerate |
оправдывать {v impf} | :: to excuse |
оправдываться {v impf} | :: to justify/vindicate oneself, to justify one's actions |
оправдываться {v impf} | :: to try to prove one's innocence, to justify oneself, to give excuses |
оправдываться {v impf} | :: to prove/come true, to be justified; to prove to be correct |
оправить {v pf} | :: to adjust, to put in order, to set right |
оправить {v pf} | :: to set (by mounting), to mount |
оправиться {v pf} | :: to recover, to pick up |
оправиться {v pf} | :: (clothes) to put in order |
оправиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to ease oneself, to do the deed |
оправка {noun} | :: mandrel (object used as an aid for shaping a material) |
оправка {noun} | :: arbor (bar for supporting cutting tools) |
оправка {noun} | :: dolly (a camera cart) |
оправлять {v impf} | :: to adjust, to put in order, to set right |
оправлять {v impf} | :: to set (by mounting), to mount |
оправляться {v impf} | :: to recover, to pick up |
оправляться {v impf} | :: (clothes) to put in order |
оправляться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to ease oneself, to do the deed |
опрашивать {v impf} | :: to question, to interrogate, to examine |
опрашивать {v impf} | :: to poll, to interrogate |
определение {noun} | :: definition |
определение {noun} [linguistics] | :: attribute, modifier |
определённее {adv} | :: comparative of определённый |
определённее {adv} | :: comparative of определённо |
определённо {adv} | :: definitely |
определённость {noun} | :: distinctness, determinacy |
определённый {adj} | :: definite, certain, fixed |
определённый {adj} [grammar] | :: definite |
определённый артикль {noun} [linguistics] | :: definite article |
определитель {noun} | :: determinant |
определитель {noun} | :: qualifier |
определительный {adj} | :: attributive |
определительный {adj} | :: adherent |
определить {v pf} | :: to determine (to set the limits of) |
определить {v pf} | :: to define |
определить {v pf} | :: to detect, to identify |
определить {v pf} | :: to assess |
определить {v pf} | :: to appoint, to assign |
определиться {v pf} | :: to take shape, to be / become formed [of one's character]; to clarify itself |
определиться {v pf} | :: to find / determine one's position |
определиться {v pf} | :: to enter, to enlist (in); to find a place, to get employment |
определять {v impf} | :: to determine (to set the limits of) |
определять {v impf} | :: to define |
определять {v impf} | :: to detect, to identify |
определять {v impf} | :: to assess |
определять {v impf} | :: to appoint, to assign |
определяться {v impf} | :: to take shape, to be / become formed [of one's character]; to clarify itself |
определяться {v impf} | :: to find / determine one's position |
определяться {v impf} | :: to enter, to enlist (in); to find a place, to get employment |
определяющее слово {noun} | :: determiner (class of words) |
определяющий {adj} [literary] | :: defining, decisive (the most significant) |
опрелость {noun} | :: intertrigo |
опреснитель {noun} | :: water distiller |
опреснить {v pf} | :: to desalinate, to desalinize, to distil |
опреснять {v impf} | :: to desalinate, to desalinize, to distil |
опричник {noun} [historical] | :: oprichnik (a bodyguard of Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible) |
опричнина {noun} [historical] | :: oprichnina |
опробовать {v both} | :: to test, to sample |
опровергать {v impf} | :: to refute, to disprove |
опровергать {v impf} | :: to deny, to disclaim |
опровергнуть {v pf} | :: to refute, to disprove |
опровергнуть {v pf} | :: to deny, to disclaim |
опровержение {noun} | :: refutation; disproof |
опрокидывать {v impf} | :: to overturn, to topple |
опрокидывать {v impf} [military] | :: to overthrow |
опрокидывать {v impf} | :: to frustrate, to upset |
опрокидываться {v impf} | :: to overturn, to tip over, to capsize |
опрокинуть {v pf} | :: to overturn, to topple |
опрокинуть {v pf} [military] | :: to overthrow |
опрокинуть {v pf} | :: to frustrate, to upset |
опрокинуться {v pf} | :: to overturn, to tip over, to capsize |
о пролитом молоке не плачут {proverb} | :: don't cry over spilt milk |
опрометчиво {adv} | :: recklessly (in a reckless manner) |
опрос {noun} | :: questioning, interrogation |
опрос {noun} | :: oral test |
опрос {noun} | :: survey, poll, inquiry |
опрос {noun} [informatics] | :: interrogation, inquiry, poll |
опросить {v pf} | :: to question, to interrogate, to examine |
опросить {v pf} | :: to poll, to interrogate |
опросить {v pf} | :: to survey |
опросник {noun} | :: questionnaire |
опротестовывать {v impf} | :: to protest (of a bill) |
опротестовывать {v impf} [laws] | :: to appeal |
опрятный {adj} | :: tidy, neat |
Опсков {noun} [folk poetry] | :: Pskov |
опт {noun} [economics] | :: wholesale |
оптика {noun} | :: optics |
оптимальный {adj} | :: optimal (the best) |
оптимизация {noun} | :: optimization |
оптимизировать {v both} | :: to optimize |
оптимизм {noun} | :: optimism, hopefulness |
оптимист {noun} | :: optimist (a person who expects a favorable outcome) |
оптимистический {adj} | :: optimistic |
оптимистичный {adj} | :: optimistic |
оптический {adj} | :: optical |
оптовик {noun} | :: wholesaler |
оптовый {adj} | :: wholesale |
оптом {adv} | :: wholesale (in bulk or large quantity) |
опубликование {noun} | :: publication (act of publishing), issuance |
опубликовать {v pf} | :: to publish, to issue |
опубликовать {v pf} | :: to make public |
опубликовать {v pf} | :: to promulgate |
опубликовывать {v impf} | :: to publish, to issue |
опубликовывать {v impf} | :: to make public |
опубликовывать {v impf} | :: to promulgate |
опус {noun} [music] | :: opus |
опус {noun} [ironically] | :: opus, piece of writing |
опускание {noun} | :: lowering, sinking, descent |
опускание {noun} | :: omission |
опускать {v impf} | :: to let down, to lower, to sink (to allow to descend) |
опускать {v impf} | :: to omit, to leave out |
опускаться {v impf} | :: to go down, to descend |
опустеть {v pf} | :: to become empty |
опустеть {v pf} | :: to become deserted |
опустить {v pf} | :: to let down, to lower, to sink (to allow to descend) |
опустить {v pf} | :: to omit, to leave out |
опуститься {v pf} | :: to go down, to descend |
опустошать {v impf} | :: to devastate, to ravage, to lay waste |
опустошать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to empty |
опустошать {v impf} | :: to drain someone's spirit, to have a devastating effect (on) |
опустошение {noun} | :: emptying |
опустошение {noun} | :: desolation, devastation, ruin, destruction |
опустошённый {adj} | :: depressed, spiritually empty |
опустошить {v pf} | :: to devastate, to ravage, to lay waste |
опустошить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to empty |
опустошить {v pf} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to guzzle |
опустошить {v pf} | :: to drain someone's spirit, to have a devastating effect (on) |
опутать {v pf} | :: to enmesh (in), to entangle (in), to wind (round) |
опутать {v pf} | :: to ensnare, to rope in |
опутывать {v impf} | :: to enmesh (in), to entangle (in), to wind (round) |
опутывать {v impf} | :: to ensnare, to rope in |
опухать {v impf} | :: to swell |
опухать {v impf} [slang] | :: to get crazy |
опухнуть {v pf} | :: to swell |
опухнуть {v pf} [slang] | :: to get crazy |
опухоль {noun} [pathology] | :: tumour, tumor |
опушить {v pf} | :: to trim with fur, to fur |
опушить {v pf} | :: to cover [of snow, hoarfrost or rime] |
опушка {noun} | :: forest border, forest edge |
опушка {noun} | :: fur trimming, edging |
опущенный {adj} [colloquial] | :: downcast, depressed [look, etc.] |
опция {noun} [neologism] | :: option |
опыление {noun} | :: pollination |
опыт {noun} | :: experience |
опыт {noun} | :: experiment |
опытно-конструкторский {adj} [relational] | :: experimental design; developmental |
опытный {adj} | :: experienced |
опытный {adj} | :: experimental |
опьянение {noun} | :: inebriation, (alcoholic) intoxication, drunkenness |
опьянеть {v pf} | :: to get intoxicated/tipsy/inebriated |
опьянеть {v pf} | :: to get intoxicated (with joy, success etc) |
опьянить {v pf} | :: to make drunk |
опьянять {v impf} | :: to make drunk |
о-пэр {m anim} {f anim} [neologism, rare] | :: au pair (a single girl or boy staying as a guest with a host family) |
опять {adv} | :: again |
опять-таки {adv} [colloquial] | :: (but) again, and what's more |
опять-таки {adv} [colloquial] | :: on the other hand |
ор {noun} [colloquial] | :: yelling, shouting |
орава {noun} [colloquial] | :: gang, horde, mob, crowd, caboodle |
оракул {noun} [animate, inanimate] | :: oracle |
орало {noun} [archaic] | :: plough |
оральный {adj} [relational] | :: mouth; oral |
оральный секс {noun} | :: oral sex |
орангутан {noun} | :: orangutan |
Оранжевое графство {prop} | :: Оранжевое графство (<<counties>> in < |
оранжевый {adj} | :: orange, a secondary color made by mixing red and yellow |
оранжерея {noun} | :: hothouse, greenhouse, conservatory |
оратор {noun} | :: orator, speaker |
ораторша {noun} | :: (female) orator, speaker |
орать {v impf} | :: to yell, to bawl, to scream |
орать {v impf} | :: to shout |
орать {v impf} [archaic] | :: to plow/plough |
орбита {noun} | :: orbit |
орбита {noun} | :: sphere of influence |
орбита {noun} | :: eye-socket |
орбитальный {adj} | :: orbital, orbiting |
ОРВИ {f inan} [medicine] | :: initialism of острая респираторная вирусная инфекция: URTI (viral) |
оргазм {noun} | :: orgasm |
оргазмический {adj} | :: orgasmic, orgastic |
орган {noun} [anatomy] | :: organ |
орган {noun} | :: body, agency, authority |
орган {noun} | :: organ, publication |
орган {noun} [musical instruments] | :: organ [large musical instrument with pipes] |
организатор {noun} | :: organizer |
организаторский {adj} [relational] | :: organizer; organizational |
организаторский {adj} | :: organizing |
организационно-правовой {adj} | :: organizational and legal |
организационный {adj} | :: organizational |
организация {noun} | :: organization, arrangement |
организация {noun} | :: organization |
организация {noun} | :: setup, structure |
Организация Объединённых Наций {prop} | :: United Nations |
Организация Североатлантического договора {prop} | :: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) |
организм {noun} | :: system of organs making up the body of a living thing |
организм {noun} | :: organism (living thing, usually a small and simplistic one) |
организм {noun} [figurative] | :: a complex structure or mechanism |
организованность {noun} | :: organization (state of being well-organized) |
организованный {adj} | :: organized |
организовать {v pf} | :: to organise, to arrange (to set up, organise) |
организоваться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be/become organized |
организовывать {v impf} | :: to organise, to arrange (to set up, organise) |
организовываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to be/become organized |
органика {noun} [colloquial] | :: organic chemistry |
органика {noun} | :: organic matter |
органика {noun} [colloquial] | :: organic fertilizer |
органика {noun} [colloquial] | :: organic residue |
органика {noun} [colloquial] | :: fossil |
органика {noun} [colloquial] | :: living organism |
органика {noun} [colloquial] | :: naturalness, organicity |
органически {adv} | :: organically |
органический {adj} | :: organic |
органично {adv} | :: organically |
органичный {adj} | :: organic |
оргиастический {adj} | :: orgiastic |
оргия {noun} | :: orgy |
оргкомитет {noun} | :: organizing committee |
орграф {noun} [mathematics] | :: digraph (an oriented graph, directed graph) |
оргтехника {noun} | :: office equipment |
орда {noun} | :: horde |
орден {noun} | :: [honors] decoration, order ({p}: ордена) |
орден {noun} | :: [organizations] order ({p}: ордены) |
орден {noun} [architecture] | :: order ({p}: ордены) |
ордер {noun} | :: (document) warrant (plural: ордера) |
ордер {noun} | :: (commerce) order (plural: ордера) |
ордер {noun} [legal] | :: writ (plural: ордера) |
ордер {noun} [advertising] | :: coupon (plural: ордера) |
ордер {noun} [architecture] | :: order (plural: ордеры, ордера) |
ордер на арест {noun} | :: arrest warrant (an official document that authorizes law-enforcement officials to arrest) |
ординарец {noun} [military, historical] | :: orderly |
ординарный {adj} | :: ordinary |
ордината {noun} [mathematics] | :: ordinate |
Орегон {prop} | :: Орегон (state) |
Оренбург {prop} | :: Оренбург (city/administrative center) |
оренбургский {adj} [relational] | :: Orenburg (city in Russia) |
ореол {noun} | :: halo, aureole |
ореол {noun} | :: aura |
орех {noun} | :: nut (tree; seed) |
орех {noun} | :: walnut wood |
орех {noun} | :: nut coal; chestnut coal |
орех {noun} [slang] | :: cocaine |
орех {noun} [slang, vulgar] | :: ass, booty (buttocks, typically female) |
ореховка {noun} | :: nutcracker, nuthatch [bird] |
ореховый {adj} [relational] | :: nut |
ореховый {adj} [relational] | :: walnut |
ореховый {adj} | :: walnut, nut-brown [color] |
орешек {noun} | :: endearing diminutive of орех: (small) nut |
орешник {noun} [botany] | :: hazel |
орешник {noun} | :: hazel grove |
орешник {noun} | :: commercial grade of anthracite |
орёл {noun} | :: eagle |
орёл {noun} | :: [colloquial] heads (the side of a coin bearing a coat of arms, e.g. Russia's double-headed eagle) |
орёл {noun} | :: [figuratively] a brave man |
Орёл {prop} | :: Орёл (city/administrative center) |
Орёл {prop} | :: Aquila (constellation) |
оригами {n inan} | :: origami (the Japanese art of paper folding) |
оригинал {noun} | :: original (object from which all later copies and variations are derived) |
оригинал {noun} | :: eccentric |
оригинальность {noun} | :: singularity, originality |
оригинальный {adj} | :: original (first in a series; fresh, different) |
ориентация {noun} | :: orientation |
ориентация {noun} | :: understanding |
ориентация {noun} | :: direction of attention |
ориентир {noun} | :: reference point |
ориентир {noun} | :: guideline |
ориентир {noun} | :: orientator |
ориентированный {adj} | :: oriented |
ориентированный {adj} [colloquial] | :: competent, knowledgeable |
ориентированный {adj} [physics, mathematics] | :: directional, oriented |
ориентировать {v both} | :: to orient, to orientate, to direct |
ориентироваться {v impf} | :: to orient, to orientate (oneself), to get one's bearings (to familiarize with a situation or circumstance) |
ориентировка {noun} | :: orientation |
ориентировочный {adj} | :: orienting, orientative |
ориентировочный {adj} | :: approximate |
Орисса {prop} | :: Odisha |
ория {m inan} | :: Oriya (language) |
оркестр {noun} [music] | :: orchestra (large group of musicians who play together on various instruments) |
оркестрант {noun} | :: orchestra musician |
оркестровая яма {noun} [music] | :: orchestra pit |
оркестровый {adj} [relational] | :: orchestra; orchestral |
орлан {noun} | :: sea eagle, erne (any member of the Haliaeetus genus) |
Орлеан {prop} | :: Орлеан (city) |
орлёнок {noun} | :: eaglet (an eagle chick) |
орлиный {adj} [relational] | :: eagle |
орлиный {adj} | :: aquiline |
орлица {noun} | :: female eagle |
орловский {adj} [relational] | :: Oryol (city in Russia) |
Ормузд {prop} | :: Ahura Mazda |
орнамент {noun} | :: ornament (element of decoration) |
орнитолог {noun} | :: ornithologist |
орнитология {noun} | :: ornithology (scientific study of birds) |
оробеть {v pf} | :: to be/become frightened, to grow timid |
орография {noun} | :: orography (all senses) |
Оронт {prop} | :: the Orontes |
оронтский {adj} | :: Orontian |
оросительный {adj} [relational] | :: irrigation |
оросить {v pf} | :: to sprinkle, to wash |
оросить {v pf} | :: to irrigate, to water |
орошать {v impf} | :: to sprinkle, to wash |
орошать {v impf} | :: to irrigate, to water |
орошение {noun} | :: irrigation |
орт {noun} [mathematics] | :: unit of vector length |
орт {noun} [mining] | :: crosscut, cross drift (horizontal underground excavation with no direct exit to the surface) |
орт {noun} [slang] | :: cocaine |
ортодокс {noun} | :: person with orthodox views |
ортодокс {noun} | :: Orthodox Jew |
ортодоксальный {adj} | :: orthodox |
ортодоксия {noun} | :: orthodoxy |
орудие {noun} | :: tool, instrument, implement |
орудие {noun} [military] | :: gun, cannon, artillery piece |
орудийный {adj} [relational] | :: gun |
орудовать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to work (with), to handle, to manipulate |
орудовать {v impf} [colloquial, deprecative] | :: to be active |
оружейная палата {noun} | :: armory, armoury (place where arms are kept, an arsenal) |
оружейный {adj} [relational] | :: weapon |
оружейный {adj} [relational] | :: gun |
оруженосец {noun} | :: armiger, armor-bearer (squire carrying the armour of a knight.) |
оружие {noun} | :: weapon(s), arm(s) |
оружие {noun} | :: cold steel |
оружие массового поражения {noun} | :: weapon of mass destruction |
оружие массового уничтожения {noun} | :: weapon of mass destruction |
оруэлловский {adj} | :: Orwellian |
орфограмма {noun} | :: A spelling that is in accordance with orthographic rules, usually etymological or historical rather than phonetic |
орфограмма {noun} | :: A consistently reproducible way to represent phonomorphological features of a given language in writing, such as -ого for the Russian masculine genitive singular of adjectives, instead of the phonetic spelling -ава: нового (nóvəvə) |
орфографический {adj} | :: orthographic |
орфография {noun} | :: spelling, orthography |
орфоэпия {noun} | :: orthoepy (the correct pronunciation of words) |
орхидея {noun} | :: orchid |
Орхус {prop} | :: Орхус (city) |
оса {noun} | :: wasp |
осада {noun} | :: siege |
осадить {v pf} | :: to check, to rein in, to rein back |
осадить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to take down a peg |
осадить {v pf} | :: to lay siege (to), to besiege, to beset, to beleaguer |
осадить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to pester (with) |
осадить {v pf} [chemistry] | :: to precipitate |
осадка {noun} | :: draft, depth [of a ship] |
осадки {noun} | :: precipitation |
осадки {noun} | :: fallout |
осадок {noun} | :: sediment, deposition, deposit |
осадок {noun} [figurative] | :: after-taste, feeling of resentment |
осадочный {adj} [relational] | :: sediment, deposit; sedimentary |
осадочный {adj} [relational] | :: precipitation |
осадочный {adj} [relational] | :: fallout |
осадочный {adj} [relational] | :: draft, depth [of a ship] |
осаждать {v impf} | :: to lay siege (to), to besiege, to beset, to beleaguer |
осаждать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to pester (with) |
осаждать {v impf} [chemistry] | :: to precipitate |
осаживать {v impf} | :: to check, to rein in, to back |
осаживать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to take down a peg |
Осака {prop} | :: Осака (prefecture) |
Осака {prop} | :: Осака (capital city) |
осанка {noun} | :: posture, bearing |
осанна {noun} | :: hosanna |
осатанеть {v pf} | :: to run wild, to go crazy |
осваивать {v impf} | :: to master, to cope with (making knowledge or method into one's "own") |
осваивать {v impf} | :: to settle, to open up, to develop (new territories) |
осваивать {v impf} | :: to develop; to become familiar with the use (of lands or machines) |
осваивать {v impf} | :: to acclimate (in terms of plants) |
осваиваться {v impf} | :: to make oneself familiar (with), to get the feel (of) |
осваиваться {v impf} | :: to feel comfortable (with), to adapt (to) |
осведомитель {noun} | :: informant, informer |
осведомитель {noun} | :: whistleblower |
осведомить {v pf} | :: to inform |
осведомиться {v pf} | :: to inquire (after, for; about); to want to know (about) |
осведомлённость {noun} | :: awareness (the state or quality of being aware of something) |
осведомлённый {adj} | :: aware [of] |
осведомлённый {adj} | :: knowledgeable |
осведомлять {v impf} | :: to inform |
осведомляться {v impf} | :: to inquire (after, for; about); to want to know (about) |
освежать {v impf} | :: to refresh [also one's memory, knowledge, etc.] |
освежать {v impf} | :: to touch up (colors in a painting) |
освежитель {noun} | :: freshener (something that freshens) |
освежитель воздуха {noun} | :: air freshener (device containing substances that neutralize unpleasant odours) |
освежительный {adj} | :: refreshing |
освежить {v pf} | :: to refresh [also one's memory, knowledge, etc.] |
освежить {v pf} | :: to touch up (colors in a painting) |
Освенцим {prop} | :: Освенцим (city) |
Освенцим {prop} | :: Auschwitz (concentration camp) |
осветитель {noun} [animate] | :: illuminator, lighting technician |
осветитель {noun} [intransitive] | :: illuminator (device) |
осветить {v pf} | :: to light, to light up, to illuminate |
осветить {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to elucidate, to illustrate, to throw light (upon), to shed light on |
осветиться {v pf} | :: to light up, to brighten |
осветление {noun} [of an image] | :: dodge, dodging |
осветление {noun} [of colour] | :: lightening |
осветление {noun} [of a liquid] | :: clarification |
осветление {noun} [of waste water] | :: defecation |
освещать {v impf} | :: to light, to light up, to illuminate |
освещать {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to elucidate, to illustrate, to throw light (upon), to shed light on |
освещаться {v impf} | :: to light up, to brighten |
освещение {noun} | :: lighting; illumination |
освещение {noun} | :: elucidation; coverage (e.g. in the press) |
освещённость {noun} | :: illumination (state of being illuminated) |
освещённость {noun} [physics] | :: luminosity |
освещённость {noun} [figurative] | :: availability of information |
освещённый {adj} | :: illuminated, lit |
освидетельствование {noun} | :: (medical) examination, inspection, muster |
освободитель {noun} | :: liberator, emancipator |
освободительный {adj} [relational] | :: liberation |
освободить {v pf} | :: to free, to liberate, to emancipate, to set free |
освободить {v pf} | :: to free (from); to exempt (from) |
освободить {v pf} | :: to dismiss |
освободить {v pf} | :: to clear, to empty |
освободиться {v pf} | :: to get free, to break free, to free oneself (from), to get loose |
освободиться {v pf} | :: to become empty; to become vacant |
освободиться {v pf} | :: to become free, to get free time (e.g. after work) |
освобождать {v impf} | :: to free, to liberate, to emancipate, to set free |
освобождать {v impf} | :: to free (from); to exempt (from) |
освобождать {v impf} | :: to dismiss |
освобождать {v impf} | :: to clear, to empty |
освобождаться {v impf} | :: to get free, to break free, to free oneself (from), to get loose |
освобождаться {v impf} | :: to become empty; to become vacant |
освобождаться {v impf} | :: to become free, to get free time (e.g. after work) |
освобождение {noun} | :: liberation, emancipation, freeing |
освобождение {noun} | :: liberation, deliverance |
освобождение {noun} | :: freeing, vacating (the act of vacating something; moving out of something) |
освобождение {noun} | :: exemption |
освобождённый {noun} [law] | :: releasee, released prisoner |
освоение {noun} | :: mastering |
освоение {noun} [finances] | :: disbursement |
освоить {v pf} | :: to master, to cope with (making knowledge or method into one's "own") |
освоить {v pf} | :: to settle, to open up, to develop (new territories) |
освоить {v pf} | :: to develop; to become familiar with the use (of lands or machines) |
освоить {v pf} | :: to acclimate (in terms of plants) |
освоиться {v pf} | :: to make oneself familiar (with), to get the feel (of) |
освоиться {v pf} | :: to feel comfortable (with), to adapt (to) |
освятить {v pf} | :: to sanctify, to hallow, to consecrate |
освящать {v impf} | :: to sanctify, to hallow, to consecrate |
освящение {noun} | :: consecration, sanctification |
осе {noun} | :: here, now, there |
осе {noun} | :: lo#Etymology_1 (look, see, behold) |
осевой {adj} [relational] | :: axle |
осевой {adj} [relational] | :: axis; axial |
оседать {v impf} | :: to settle, to sink |
оседать {v impf} | :: to gravitate |
оседлать {v pf} | :: to saddle, to put on a halter |
оседлать {v pf} | :: to straddle |
оседлать {v pf} | :: to override |
оседлость {noun} | :: sedentary lifestyle (as opposed to nomadism) |
оседлый {adj} | :: sedentary, settled (as opposed to nomadic or migratory) |
осекаться {v impf} | :: to misfire |
осекаться {v impf} | :: to stop short |
оселок {noun} | :: whetstone, hone (sharpening stone) |
осеменение {noun} | :: insemination (act of making pregnant) |
осенить {v pf} [dated, poetic] | :: to overhang, to spread (above), to spread as a canopy (over) |
осенить {v pf} | :: to dawn (upon) |
осеннее равноденствие {noun} | :: autumnal equinox |
осенний {adj} [relational] | :: autumn |
осенний {adj} | :: autumnal |
осень {noun} [also figuratively] | :: autumn, fall |
осенять {v impf} [dated, poetic] | :: to overhang, to spread (above), to spread as a canopy (over) |
осенять {v impf} | :: to dawn (upon) |
осесть {v pf} | :: to settle, to sink |
осесть {v pf} | :: to gravitate |
осетин {noun} | :: Ossete, Ossetian |
осетинка {noun} | :: female Ossete, Ossetian |
осетинский {adj} | :: Ossetian |
Осетия {prop} | :: Осетия (region) |
осетрина {noun} | :: sturgeon [as prepared meat] |
осечка {noun} | :: misfire |
осечься {v pf} | :: to misfire |
осечься {v pf} | :: to stop short |
осёл {noun} | :: donkey, ass (animal) |
осёл {noun} [colloquial] | :: idiot, fool, stupid or naive person |
осётр {noun} | :: sturgeon |
осётр {noun} [colloquial] | :: VIP, big cheese |
осиливать {v impf} | :: to overpower |
осиливать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to manage, to cope, to master |
осилить {v pf} | :: to overpower |
осилить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to manage, to cope, to master |
Осима {prop} | :: Осима (the biggest <<island>> in the <<arch/Amami Islands>>) |
Осима {prop} | :: Осима (one of 4 <<subprefectures>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>) |
Осима {prop} | :: Осима (subprefecture) |
осина {noun} | :: aspen |
осиновый {adj} [relational] | :: aspen |
осипнуть {v pf} | :: to become husky/hoarse |
осиротеть {v pf} | :: to become an orphan |
осиротеть {v pf} | :: to be deserted |
осиявать {v impf} [archaic] | :: to illuminate |
осиять {v pf} [dated] | :: to illuminate |
оскал {noun} | :: grin, bared teeth |
оскаливать {v impf} | :: to show (one's teeth) |
оскаливаться {v impf} | :: to be bared [of teeth] |
оскаливаться {v impf} | :: to bare one's teeth [of animals] |
оскаливаться {v impf} [low colloquial] | :: to grin, to smile |
оскалить {v pf} | :: to show (one's teeth) |
оскалиться {v pf} | :: to be bared [of teeth] |
оскалиться {v pf} | :: to bare one's teeth [of animals] |
оскалиться {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to grin, to smile |
осквернение {noun} | :: desecration, defilement |
осквернение {noun} | :: defacement, vandalism |
осквернить {v pf} | :: to defile, to profane |
осквернять {v impf} | :: to defile, to profane |
осклабить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to open (the mouth or face) in a grin |
осклабить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to bare (the teeth) in a grin |
осклабиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to grin, to smile broadly [showing the teeth] |
осклаблять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to open (the mouth or face) in a grin |
осклаблять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to bare (the teeth) in a grin |
осклабляться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to grin, to smile broadly [showing the teeth] |
осколок {noun} | :: splinter, fragment, sliver, shard |
оскомина {noun} | :: drawing/soreness of the mouth |
оскорбительный {adj} | :: offensive, abusive |
оскорбить {v pf} | :: to insult, to offend, to outrage |
оскорбиться {v pf} | :: to feel insulted, to get offended [+ instrumental or на + accusative, by something] |
оскорбление {noun} | :: insult, offence, affront, outrage, abuse (speech) |
оскорблять {v impf} | :: to insult, to offend, to outrage |
оскорбляться {v impf} | :: to feel insulted, to get offended [+ instrumental or на + accusative, by something] |
ослабевать {v impf} | :: to weaken, to become weaker, to become/grow weak |
ослабевать {v impf} | :: to slacken, to relax, to ease, to abate, to subside |
ослабевать {v impf} | :: to loosen, to become looser |
ослабеть {v pf} | :: to weaken, to become weaker, to become/grow weak |
ослабеть {v pf} | :: to slacken, to relax, to ease, to abate, to subside |
ослабеть {v pf} | :: to loosen, to become looser |
ослабить {v pf} | :: to enfeeble, to weaken |
ослабить {v pf} | :: to relax, to slacken, to loosen |
ослабление {noun} | :: weakening, slackening, relaxation |
ослаблять {v impf} | :: to enfeeble, to weaken |
ослаблять {v impf} | :: to relax, to slacken, to loosen |
ослабнуть {v pf} | :: to weaken, to become weaker, to become/grow weak |
ослабнуть {v pf} | :: to slacken, to relax, to ease, to abate, to subside |
ослабнуть {v pf} | :: to loosen, to become looser |
ослепительно {adv} | :: dazzlingly, radiantly, shiningly |
ослепительный {adj} | :: blinding |
ослепительный {adj} [figuratively] | :: dazzling |
ослепить {v pf} | :: to blind |
ослепить {v pf} | :: to dazzle |
ослеплять {v impf} | :: to blind |
ослеплять {v impf} | :: to dazzle |
ослепнуть {v pf} | :: to become/go blind, to lose one's sight |
ослёнок {noun} | :: donkey foal |
ослёнок {noun} [slang] | :: stupid, stubborn person (usually young) |
ослик {noun} | :: diminutive of осёл |
ослиный {adj} [relational] | :: donkey, ass |
ослиный {adj} | :: asinine |
ослиха {noun} | :: a female donkey, ass |
ослица {noun} | :: a female donkey, ass |
Осло {prop} {m inan} | :: Осло (capital city) |
осложнение {noun} | :: complication (the act or process of complicating; the state of being complicated; intricate or confused relation of parts; entanglement) |
осложнение {noun} [medicine] | :: complication (a disease or diseases, or adventitious circumstances or conditions, coexistent with and modifying a primary disease, but not necessarily connected with it) |
осложнить {v pf} | :: to complicate |
осложниться {v pf} | :: to become complicated |
осложниться {v pf} | :: (disease) to cause complications |
осложнять {v impf} | :: to complicate |
осложняться {v impf} | :: to become complicated |
осложняться {v impf} | :: (disease) to cause complications |
Османская империя {prop} | :: Ottoman Empire |
османский {adj} | :: Ottoman (of the Islamic empire of Turkey) |
осматривать {v impf} | :: to examine, to survey, to inspect |
осматривать {v impf} | :: to see, to see round, to look round |
осматриваться {v impf} | :: to look about, to look around |
осматриваться {v impf} | :: to look round, to get one's bearings, to see how the land lies |
осмелеть {v pf} | :: to grow bolder |
осмеливаться {v impf} | :: to dare |
осмелиться {v pf} | :: to dare |
осмий {noun} | :: osmium |
осмос {noun} | :: osmosis |
осмотический {adj} | :: osmotic |
осмотр {noun} | :: examination, inspection, (sightseeing) tour |
осмотреть {v pf} | :: to examine, to survey, to inspect |
осмотреть {v pf} | :: to see, to see round, to look round |
осмотреться {v pf} | :: to look about, to look around |
осмотреться {v pf} | :: to look round, to get one's bearings, to see how the land lies |
осмотрительность {noun} | :: prudence, circumspection |
осмотрительный {adj} | :: prudent, circumspect |
осмотрительный {adj} | :: wary |
осмысление {noun} | :: apprehension, comprehension, understanding (act of grasping with the intellect) |
осмысленный {adj} | :: intelligent, reasonable, sensible [expressing intelligence, making sense; of a face, look, tone, etc.; inanimate] |
осмысливать {v impf} | :: to comprehend, to grasp |
осмысливать {v impf} [philosophy] | :: to analyze, to interpret |
осмыслить {v pf} | :: to comprehend, to grasp |
осмыслить {v pf} [philosophy] | :: to analyze, to interpret |
осмыслять {v impf} | :: to comprehend, to grasp |
осмыслять {v impf} [philosophy] | :: to analyze, to interpret |
оснастить {v pf} [nautical] | :: to rig |
оснастить {v pf} | :: to fit out, to equip, to outfit |
оснастка {noun} | :: act of rigging (a ship, etc.) |
оснастка {noun} | :: rigging [on a ship] |
оснастка {noun} | :: fishing tackle |
оснастка {noun} | :: technological equipment for building machine tools, etc |
оснащать {v impf} [nautical] | :: to rig |
оснащать {v impf} | :: to fit out, to equip, to outfit |
оснащение {noun} | :: rigging, fitting out |
оснащение {noun} | :: equipment, accessories, fixtures |
оснащённость {noun} | :: being equipped, equipment |
основа {noun} | :: basis, foundation, base |
основа {noun} [in the plural] | :: fundamentals, essential principles, ABC, basics, foundation |
основа {noun} [linguistics] | :: stem |
основа {noun} [textile] | :: warp |
основание {noun} | :: foundation, basis |
основание {noun} | :: base |
основание {noun} | :: fundamental |
основание {noun} | :: grounds, reason |
основание {noun} | :: argument |
основатель {noun} | :: founder |
основательно {adv} | :: thoroughly, well |
основательность {noun} | :: thoroughness |
основательность {noun} | :: soundness, well-foundedness |
основательный {adj} | :: well-grounded, well-founded |
основательный {adj} | :: solid, sound, thorough, substantial |
основательный {adj} | :: stout, solid |
основательный {adj} [colloquial] | :: bulky |
основать {v pf} | :: to found, to establish |
основать {v pf} | :: to base upon, to build upon |
основаться {v pf} | :: to settle, to settle down, to stay |
основаться {vi pf} [literary] | :: to arise, to form |
основное {noun} | :: core, essential, fundamental |
основное {noun} | :: the main part |
основной {adj} | :: basic, fundamental, main, primary, principal, cardinal |
основной {adj} [chemistry] | :: basic |
основополагающий {adj} | :: basic, fundamental |
основоположник {noun} | :: founder, initiator |
основывать {v impf} | :: to found, to establish |
основывать {v impf} | :: to base upon, to build upon |
основываться {v impf} | :: to be based [imperfect only] |
основываться {v impf} | :: to settle, to settle down, to stay |
основываться {vi impf} [literary] | :: to arise, to form |
особа {noun} | :: person, personage, individual |
особенно {adv} | :: especially |
особенность {noun} | :: peculiarity, feature, characteristic (important or main item) |
особенный {adj} | :: special, particular |
особенный {adj} | :: peculiar |
особливо {adv} [dated or colloquial] | :: especially; particularly |
особливый {adj} | :: particular, special |
особняк {noun} | :: mansion, detached house |
особняком {adv} [colloquial] | :: separately, by oneself |
особнячок {noun} | :: diminutive of особняк: small mansion |
особо {adv} | :: separately |
особо {adv} | :: differently |
особо {adv} | :: especially, particularly |
особый {adj} | :: particular, peculiar, special |
особый {adj} | :: separate, special, detached, distinct |
особь {noun} | :: [biology] individual, person |
осовременивание {noun} | :: aggiornamento (reform of some teachings of Roman Catholic Church in 1962–65) |
осознавать {v impf} | :: to recognize, to fathom, to realize, to be aware |
осознание {noun} | :: awareness (the state of consciousness) |
осознанно {adv} | :: consciously (in a conscious manner; knowingly, volitionally) |
осознанный {adj} | :: conscious, deliberate |
осознать {v pf} | :: to recognize, to fathom, to realize, to be aware |
осока {noun} | :: sedge |
осот {noun} | :: Sonchus, sow thistle |
оспа {noun} | :: smallpox, variola |
оспа {noun} | :: chickenpox |
оспа {noun} | :: cowpox |
оспаривание {noun} | :: attack, challenge, contestation, impugnment, appeal (against), litigation |
оспаривать {v impf} | :: to contest, to dispute, to call into question |
оспаривать {v impf} | :: to contend (for) |
оспоримый {adj} | :: contestable, deniable, challengeable |
оспорить {v pf} | :: to contest, to dispute, to call into question |
оспорить {v pf} | :: to contend (for) |
осрамить {v pf} | :: to shame, to disgrace, to dishonor |
оссуарий {noun} | :: ossuary (a place where the dead are buried) |
ост {noun} [nautical, meteorology] | :: east |
ост {noun} | :: east wind |
оставаться {v impf} | :: to remain, to stay |
оставаться {v impf} | :: to be left |
оставаться верным {v impf} [with dative] | :: to abide by (to remain faithful to something or someone; to stand to; to adhere) |
оставить {v pf} | :: to leave, to leave alone |
оставить {v pf} | :: to abandon |
оставить {v pf} | :: to give up |
оставить {v pf} | :: to drop, to stop |
оставить {v pf} | :: to keep, to reserve |
оставление {noun} | :: abandonment, reservation, dereliction |
оставлять {v impf} | :: to leave, to leave alone |
оставлять {v impf} | :: to abandon |
оставлять {v impf} | :: to give up |
оставлять {v impf} | :: to drop, to stop |
оставлять {v impf} | :: to keep, to reserve |
оставшийся {adj} | :: remaining, residual |
остальное {noun} | :: the rest |
остальной {adj} | :: remaining, the rest of |
остальной {adj} | :: otherwise |
остальной {adj} [plural] | :: the other |
останавливать {v impf} | :: to stop, to bring to stop |
останавливать {v impf} | :: to stop short, to restrain |
останавливать {v impf} | :: to fix, to direct, to concentrate |
останавливаться {v impf} | :: to stop, to come to a stop, to pause, to pull up |
останавливаться {v impf} | :: to put up, to stop, to stay |
останавливаться {v impf} | :: to dwell on |
останавливаться {v impf} | :: to decide in favor, to decide on, to settle on |
останки {noun} | :: remains, remnants |
Останкино {prop} {n inan} | :: Останкино (district) |
останкинский {adj} [relational] | :: останкинский (district) |
остановить {v pf} | :: to stop, to bring to stop |
остановить {v pf} | :: to stop short, to restrain |
остановить {v pf} | :: to fix, to direct, to concentrate |
остановиться {v pf} | :: to stop |
остановиться {v pf} | :: to put up (at) |
остановиться {v pf} | :: to dwell (on) |
остановка {noun} | :: stop, pause |
остановка {noun} | :: break, pause |
остановка {noun} | :: bus stop, stopping place |
остаток {noun} | :: remainder, rest, residue, remnant |
остаток {noun} | :: residuum |
остаточный {adj} | :: permanent, residual, vestigial |
остаться {v pf} | :: to remain, to stay |
остаться {v pf} | :: to be left |
остаться верным {v pf} [with dative] | :: to abide by (to remain faithful to something or someone; to stand to; to adhere) |
остгот {noun} | :: Ostrogoth |
остекление {noun} | :: glazing (covering with glass, or installation of glass) |
остеклить {v pf} | :: to glaze (to cover with glass, to install glass in) |
остеклять {v impf} | :: to glaze (to cover with glass, to install glass in) |
остервенение {noun} | :: frenzy |
остервенеть {v pf} | :: to get extremely angry, to aggressive or vicious |
остервениться {v pf} | :: to get extremely angry, to aggressive or vicious |
остерегать {v impf} | :: to warn |
остерегаться {v impf} | :: to beware (of), to be on one's guard (against) |
остеречь {v pf} | :: to warn |
остеречься {v pf} | :: to beware (of), to be on one's guard (against) |
Остин {prop} | :: Austin (capital of Texas; male given name; surname; make of car) |
остистый {adj} [particularly in botany] | :: spinose |
остистый {adj} [particularly in anatomy] | :: spinal |
остов {noun} | :: skeleton |
остов {noun} | :: frame, framework |
остолбенеть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be dumbfounded |
остолоп {noun} | :: blockhead, dimwit (stupid person) |
осторожно {adv} | :: carefully, cautiously, with caution, with care |
осторожно {adv} | :: guardedly, warily |
осторожно {adv} | :: prudently |
осторожно {interj} | :: look out!, look sharp!, watch out!, be careful! |
осторожно {interj} | :: beware, danger! |
осторожность {noun} | :: care, caution, prudence |
осторожный {adj} | :: cautious, careful, wary, prudent |
осточертеть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to make fed up, to make sick and tired [+ dative] |
остракизм {noun} [historical] | :: ostracism (under the Athenian democracy) |
остракизм {noun} [literary, figuratively] | :: exile, banishment (punishment) |
острастка {noun} [colloquial] | :: reprimand |
острастка {noun} [colloquial] | :: warning |
острая респираторная вирусная инфекция {noun} [disease] | :: common cold; upper respiratory tract infection |
острейший {adj} | :: superlative of острый: sharpest; keenest; most acute |
остригать {v impf} | :: to cut, to crop, to bob, to shingle |
остригаться {v impf} | :: to cut one's hair, to get a haircut |
остриё {noun} | :: point, spike, tip |
остриё {noun} | :: edge, cutting edge |
острить {v impf} | :: to sharpen, to whet |
острить {v impf} | :: to be witty, to make witticisms, to crack jokes |
острица {noun} | :: pinworm |
остричь {v pf} | :: to cut, to crop, to bob, to shingle |
остричься {v pf} | :: to cut one's hair, to get a haircut |
остро {adv} | :: acutely (in an acute manner) |
остров {noun} | :: island |
остров {noun} | :: isle |
острова Питкэрн {prop} | :: острова Питкэрн (small archipelago/overseas territory) |
острова Уоллис и Футуна {prop} | :: острова Уоллис и Футуна (archipelago/overseas collectivity) |
остров Вознесения {prop} | :: Ascension Island (an island in the South Atlantic) |
остров Врангеля {prop} | :: остров Врангеля (island) |
островитянин {noun} | :: islander |
остров Колгуев {prop} | :: остров Колгуев (marshy <<island>> in <<aokr/Nenets Autonomous Okrug>>, <<c/Russia>> in the <<sea/Barents Sea>>, about 400 miles northeast of <<city/Arkhangelsk>>) |
островной {adj} [relational] | :: island; insular |
островок {noun} | :: islet |
остров Принца Эдуарда {prop} | :: остров Принца Эдуарда (island/and/province) |
острог {noun} [historical] | :: stockaded town |
острог {noun} [dated] | :: jail, gaol |
острога {noun} | :: fishing spear, harpoon |
острогон {noun} | :: alternative form of эстрагон |
острое ударение {noun} | :: acute accent (acute accent) |
остролист {noun} | :: holly |
острослов {noun} | :: witty person, wit |
острослов {noun} | :: joke teller |
острота {noun} | :: acuity (acuteness) |
острота {noun} | :: sharpness (quality of being sharp (as a knife)) |
острота {noun} | :: joke, witticism, one-liner |
остроугольный {adj} | :: acute-angled (geometry) |
остроугольный треугольник {noun} | :: acute triangle (triangle all of the angles of which are acute) |
остроумие {noun} | :: wit, wittiness |
остроумно {adv} | :: wittily, cleverly |
остроумный {adj} | :: witty |
остроумный {adj} | :: clever |
острый {adj} | :: sharp, pointed |
острый {adj} | :: acute |
острый {adj} | :: keen |
острый {adj} | :: critical |
острый {adj} | :: hot, piquant (of food, as pepper) |
остряк {noun} | :: witty person, wit |
остудить {v pf} | :: to cool |
остужать {v impf} | :: to cool |
оступаться {v impf} | :: to stumble |
оступаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to make a mistake, to do wrong, to go wrong, to go astray, to leave the straight and narrow |
оступиться {v pf} | :: to stumble |
оступиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to make a mistake, to do wrong, to go wrong, to go astray, to leave the straight and narrow |
остывание {noun} | :: cooling-down |
остывать {v impf} | :: to cool down (to become cooler in temperature) |
остынуть {v pf} | :: alternative form of остыть |
остыть {v pf} | :: to cool down (to become cooler in temperature) |
-ость {suffix} | :: -ness, -ity [used to form abstract nouns from adjectives] |
осудить {v pf} | :: to condemn, to blame |
осудить {v pf} | :: to convict |
осуждать {v impf} | :: to condemn, to blame |
осуждать {v impf} | :: to convict |
осуждение {noun} | :: conviction (judgement of guilt) |
осуждение {noun} | :: animadversion, condemnation (criticism, a critical remark) |
осуждённый {noun} | :: condemned man |
осуждённый {noun} | :: convicted man |
осунуться {v pf} | :: to get/grow/look pinched, to become thin and hollow-cheeked, to look drawn/haggard, to become peaky |
осушать {v impf} | :: to dry, to drain |
осушать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to drain, to drink up |
осушить {v pf} | :: to dry, to drain |
осушить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to drain, to drink up |
осушка {noun} | :: drainage, draining |
осуществимый {adj} | :: practicable, realizable, feasible, achievable |
осуществить {v pf} | :: to realize, to accomplish, to fulfill, to put into practice |
осуществить {v pf} | :: to carry out, to implement |
осуществить {v pf} | :: to exercise (in terms of rights or control) |
осуществиться {v pf} | :: to be carried out; to be realized; to come true; to come to be; to be put into effect |
осуществление {noun} | :: realization, implementation (the act of making real) |
осуществление {noun} | :: enforcement |
осуществлять {v impf} | :: to realize, to accomplish, to fulfill, to put into practice |
осуществлять {v impf} | :: to carry out, to implement |
осуществлять {v impf} | :: to exercise (in terms of rights or control) |
осуществляться {v impf} | :: to be carried out; to be realized; to come true; to come to be; to be put into effect |
осчастливить {v pf} | :: to make happy |
осыпать {v pf} | :: to strew (with), to shower (on) |
осыпать {v pf} | :: to shower (with), to heap (on) |
осыпать {v pf} | :: (leaves, petals) to shed |
осыпать {v impf} | :: to strew (with), to shower (on) |
осыпать {v impf} | :: to shower (with), to heap (on) |
осыпать {v impf} | :: (leaves, petals) to shed |
осыпаться {v pf} | :: to crumble |
осыпаться {v pf} | :: [flowers, leaves] to fall (off), (crops) to shed its grain |
осыпаться {v impf} | :: to crumble |
осыпаться {v impf} | :: [flowers, leaves] to fall (off), (crops) to shed its grain |
осыпь {noun} | :: scree, talus |
ось {noun} | :: axis |
ось {noun} | :: axle |
ось {noun} [computer slang] | :: operating system |
ось зла {noun} | :: axis of evil (countries disliked by American neoconservatives) |
осьминог {noun} | :: octopus |
осязаемый {adj} | :: tangible, perceptible |
осязаемый {adj} [figurative] | :: noticeable, visible |
осязание {noun} | :: sense of touch |
осязать {v impf} | :: to feel [by touching] |
осязать {v impf} | :: to perceive, to be palpably aware [of] |
от- {prefix} [used with verbs] | :: away from |
от {prep} | :: from |
от {prep} | :: since |
-ота {suffix} | :: Suffix appended to adjectives to create a feminine noun, usually an abstract noun denoting a quality |
-ота {suffix} | :: Suffix appended to verbs to create a feminine noun, usually an abstract noun denoting a quality |
Ота {prop} {m inan} | :: Ота (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>) |
Ота {prop} {m inan} | :: Ота (city) |
отава {noun} | :: aftergrass, aftermath, eddish, fog grass, regrowth |
отаку {m anim} {f anim} | :: otaku |
отапливать {v impf} | :: to heat (e.g. a building) |
отара {noun} | :: flock (of sheep) |
Отару {prop} {m inan} | :: Отару (city) |
отбавить {v pf} | :: to pour out, to discard [+ accusative, all of something, or + genitive, part of something] |
отбавлять {v impf} | :: to pour out, to discard [+ accusative, all of something, or + genitive, part of something] |
отбегать {v impf} | :: to run back |
отбегать {v impf} | :: to run away |
отбегать {v pf} | :: to finish running |
отбежать {v pf} | :: to run back |
отбежать {v pf} | :: to run away |
отбеливатель {noun} | :: bleach (chemical) |
отбивать {v impf} | :: to beat off (an attack; enemies), to repulse |
отбивать {v impf} | :: to knock off, to break off |
отбивать {v impf} | :: to parry, to return (a ball) |
отбивать {v impf} | :: to take, to snatch away (by force) |
отбивать {v impf} | :: to liberate (by force) |
отбивать {v impf} | :: to beat, to drum, to strike (a rhythm) |
отбиваться {v impf} | :: to fight off, to ward off, to beat off, to repulse, to defend oneself |
отбиваться {v impf} | :: to come off, to fall off |
отбиваться {v impf} | :: to fall behind from a group, to get lost |
отбивная {noun} | :: cutlet, chop |
отбивной {adj} | :: intended for beating back (a blow) [of a weapon] |
отбивной {adj} | :: beaten (made by beating, softened by beating, e.g. meat) |
отбирать {v impf} | :: to choose, to select, to single out |
отбирать {v impf} | :: to take away |
отбить {v pf} | :: to beat off (an attack; enemies), to repulse |
отбить {v pf} | :: to knock off, to break off |
отбить {v pf} | :: to parry, to return (a ball) |
отбить {v pf} | :: to take, to snatch away (by force) |
отбить {v pf} | :: to liberate (by force) |
отбить {v pf} | :: to beat, to drum, to strike (a rhythm) |
отбиться {v pf} | :: to fight off, to ward off, to beat off, to repulse, to defend oneself |
отбиться {v pf} | :: to come off, to fall off |
отбиться {v pf} | :: to fall behind from a group, to get lost |
отблагодарить {v pf} | :: to show one's gratitude, to show one's appreciation (of) |
отблагодарить {v pf} | :: to return/repay someone's kindness/favour |
отблеск {noun} | :: reflection, gleam, sheen |
отблеск {noun} | :: reflection, imprint |
отбой {noun} | :: (military or police) over |
отбой {noun} | :: all clear signal, ceasefire signal |
отбой {noun} [military] | :: retreat |
отбой {noun} [telephony] | :: ring off |
отбойный {adj} | :: intended for chipping or breaking |
отбойный молоток {noun} | :: jackhammer, pneumatic drill, road breaker, demolition hammer |
отбор {noun} | :: selection, choice (process or act of selecting) |
отбор {noun} | :: picking, sampling |
отборный {adj} | :: select, choice, picked |
отборочный {adj} [relational] | :: selection, choice |
отборочный {adj} [sports] | :: qualifying |
отбрасывать {v impf} | :: to throw away, to throw aside |
отбрасывать {v impf} | :: to make retreat (army) |
отбрасывать {v impf} | :: to move back, to move to the previous position |
отбрасывать {v impf} | :: to cast (a shadow) |
отброс {noun} [usually, in the plural] | :: garbage |
отбросить {v pf} | :: to throw away, to throw aside |
отбросить {v pf} | :: to make retreat (army) |
отбросить {v pf} | :: to move back, to move to the previous position |
отбросить {v pf} | :: to cast (a shadow) |
отбросы {noun} | :: waste, refuse (useless products, garbage) |
отбросы {noun} | :: dregs, scum |
отбывать {v impf} | :: to leave |
отбывать {v impf} | :: to serve (in prison) |
отбытие {noun} | :: departure |
отбытие {noun} | :: completion, serving out [of a term in office, prison sentence, etc.] |
отбыть {v pf} | :: to depart (from or for) |
отбыть {v pf} | :: to complete (a prison sentence, military duty, etc.) |
отвага {noun} | :: bravery, valour, courage |
отвадить {v pf} | :: to break of the habit (of), to teach not (to) |
отвадить {v pf} | :: to scare away, to drive off |
отвадиться {v pf} | :: to get out of the habit [от of something] |
отваживать {v impf} | :: to break of the habit (of), to teach not (to) |
отваживать {v impf} | :: to scare away, to drive off |
отваживаться {v impf} | :: to get out of the habit [от of something] |
отваживаться {v impf} | :: to dare, to venture, to have the courage |
отважиться {v pf} | :: to dare, to venture, to have the courage |
отважно {adv} | :: boldly, bravely, doughtily |
отважный {adj} | :: valiant, brave, courageous, gallant |
отвал {noun} | :: in expressions only |
отвал {noun} | :: mouldboard, earthboard |
отвал {noun} [minery] | :: dump, slag-heap |
отвал {noun} | :: sailing off |
отваливать {vi impf} | :: to pull off, to heave off; to cast off |
отваливать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to lavish (money), to pay out a large sum of money (generously) |
отваливать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to go away, to piss off; to leave somebody alone |
отваливаться {v impf} | :: to fall off, to peel off |
отваливаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to lean back |
отвалить {vi pf} | :: to pull off, to heave off; to cast off |
отвалить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to lavish (money), to pay out a large sum of money (generously) |
отвалить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to go away, to piss off; to leave somebody alone |
отвалиться {v pf} | :: to fall off, to peel off |
отвалиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to lean back |
отвар {noun} | :: broth |
отвар {noun} | :: decoction |
отведать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to try, to taste |
отведывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to try, to taste |
отвезти {v pf} | :: to take away (by vehicle), to drive away, to take (somebody or something by vehicle) |
отвергать {v impf} | :: to reject, to repel, to repudiate, to scout (reject with contempt), to waive, to disallow |
отвергнуть {v pf} | :: to reject, to repel, to repudiate, to scout (reject with contempt), to waive, to disallow |
отвердевать {v impf} | :: to harden, to become firm |
отвердение {noun} | :: hardening; induration |
отвердение {noun} | :: callosity |
отвердеть {vi pf} | :: to harden, to become firm |
отвержение {noun} [literary] | :: rejection |
отверженный {adj} | :: rejected, outcast |
отвернуть {v pf} | :: to turn aside, to turn away |
отвернуть {v pf} | :: to fold down, to turn down (e.g. a blanket) |
отвернуть {vi pf} [colloquial] | :: to turn |
отвернуть {v pf} | :: to unscrew, to loosen |
отвернуть {v pf} | :: to turn on (a faucet, a tap) |
отвернуться {v pf} | :: to turn away, to turn one's back (on) |
отвернуться {v pf} | :: to come unscrewed |
отверстие {noun} | :: opening, aperture, hole, perforation |
отверстие {noun} | :: mesh [of a screen] |
отверстие {noun} | :: orifice, mouth, vent, passage, inlet, outlet, port |
отверстие {noun} | :: break, gap |
отверстие {noun} | :: bore |
отверстие {noun} | :: span [of a bridge] |
отвертеться {v pf} | :: to come unscrewed |
отвертеться {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to wriggle out; to get out; to get off; to escape |
отвес {noun} | :: plummet, plumb, plumb-line |
отвес {noun} | :: vertical slope, vertical face; sheer cliff |
отвесить {v pf} | :: to weigh out |
отвесить {v pf} | :: to make, to take (a bow) |
отвесить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to give, to deal (a blow) |
отвесный {adj} | :: steep, plumb, sheer, precipitous, vertical |
отвести {v pf} | :: to lead away; to take / draw aside; to take away |
отвести {v pf} | :: to divert |
отвести {v pf} | :: to avert, to parry; to deflect; to draw off; to ward off |
отвести {v pf} | :: to allocate, to assign |
ответ {noun} | :: answer, reply, response |
ответ {noun} | :: responsibility |
ответвление {noun} | :: branch, branching, embranchment, offshoot, outshoot |
ответить {v pf} | :: to answer, to reply |
ответить {v pf} | :: to be responsible for, to be accountable for, to be liable for |
ответить {v pf} | :: to account for, to answer for |
ответить {v pf} | :: to be held to account for, to be called to account for |
ответный {adj} | :: reciprocal, in return, in answer |
ответственно {adv} | :: responsibly |
ответственно {adv} | :: crucially |
ответственность {noun} | :: responsibility |
ответственный {adj} | :: responsible (various senses) |
ответственный {adj} | :: in charge |
ответствие {noun} [obsolete] | :: answer |
ответство {noun} [obsolete] | :: answer |
ответствовать {v both} [poetic or dated] | :: to reply, to answer |
ответчик {noun} | :: defendant, the accused, respondent |
отвечать {v impf} | :: to answer, to reply |
отвечать {v impf} | :: to be responsible for, to be accountable for, to be liable for |
отвечать {v impf} | :: to account for, to answer for |
отвечать {v impf} | :: to be held to account for, to be called to account for |
отвешивать {v impf} | :: to weigh out |
отвешивать {v impf} | :: to make, to take (a bow) |
отвешивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to give, to deal (a blow) |
отвёртка {noun} | :: screwdriver, turnscrew (tool) |
отвёртка {noun} | :: screwdriver (a cocktail made with orange juice and vodka) |
отвёртка {noun} | :: screwing off (action) |
отвёртывать {v impf} | :: to turn aside, to turn away |
отвёртывать {v impf} | :: to fold down, to turn down (e.g. a blanket) |
отвёртывать {vi impf} [colloquial] | :: to turn |
отвёртывать {v impf} | :: to unscrew, to loosen |
отвёртывать {v impf} | :: to turn on (a faucet, a tap) |
отвинтить {v pf} | :: to unscrew |
отвинчивать {v impf} | :: to unscrew |
отвисать {v impf} | :: to droop, to sag |
отвиснуть {v pf} | :: to droop, to sag |
отвлекать {v impf} | :: to distract, to divert |
отвлекаться {v impf} | :: to be distracted, to deflect/divert one's attention away |
отвлекаться {v impf} | :: to digress |
отвлекаться {v impf} | :: to abstract oneself |
отвлечение {noun} | :: distraction |
отвлечение {noun} | :: abstraction |
отвлечённый {adj} | :: abstract |
отвлечь {v pf} | :: to distract, to divert |
отвлечься {v pf} | :: to be distracted, to deflect/divert one's attention away |
отвлечься {v pf} | :: to digress |
отвлечься {v pf} | :: to abstract oneself |
отвод {noun} | :: withdrawal |
отвод {noun} | :: rejection, objection, challenge |
отвод {noun} | :: allotment |
отвод {noun} [engineering] | :: pipe bend |
отвод {noun} [electricity] | :: tap, tapping, bend |
отвод {noun} [naval] | :: spreader |
отводить {v impf} | :: to lead away; to take / draw aside; to take away |
отводить {v impf} | :: to divert |
отводить {v impf} | :: to avert, to parry; to deflect; to draw off; to ward off |
отводить {v impf} | :: to allocate, to assign |
отводить {v impf} | :: to withdraw |
отводить {v impf} | :: to recuse |
отводящая мышца {noun} | :: abductor (muscle) |
отводящий {adj} | :: abductive (anatomy) |
отводящий {adj} | :: deviating, diverting |
отвоевать {v pf} | :: to win (from), to win over, to win back (from) |
отвоевать {v pf} | :: to fight (for some time) |
отвоевать {v pf} | :: to finish [be through with] fighting |
отвоёвывать {v impf} | :: to win (from), to win over, to win back (from) |
отвозить {v impf} | :: to take away (by vehicle), to drive away, to take (somebody or something by vehicle) |
отворачивать {v impf} | :: to turn aside, to turn away |
отворачивать {v impf} | :: to fold down, to turn down (e.g. a blanket) |
отворачивать {v impf} | :: to loosen, to remove (e.g. a stone from a fence) |
отворачивать {vi impf} [colloquial] | :: to turn |
отворачиваться {v impf} | :: to turn aside, to turn away, to avert one's face/eyes |
отворачиваться {v impf} | :: to break [with someone], to turn away [from someone], to turn one's back |
отворачиваться {v impf} | :: to come unscrewed |
отворачиваться {v impf} | :: to bend back |
отворить {v pf} | :: to open (a door, a gate, or a window) |
отвориться {v pf} | :: to open |
отворот {noun} | :: lapel, flap (each of the two triangular pieces of cloth on a suit) |
отворот {noun} | :: (boot) top |
отворот {noun} | :: cuff |
отворотить {v pf} [nonstandard] | :: to turn aside, to turn away |
отворотить {v pf} [nonstandard] | :: to fold down, to turn down (e.g. a blanket) |
отворотить {v pf} [nonstandard] | :: to loosen, to remove (e.g. a stone from a fence) |
отворотить {vi pf} [nonstandard] | :: to turn |
отворять {v impf} | :: to open (a door, a gate, or a window) |
отворяться {v impf} | :: to open |
отвратительно {adv} | :: disgustingly, nauseatingly, abominably |
отвратительно {adv} [colloquial, figurative] | :: horribly, very badly |
отвратительно {pred} | :: it is disgusting, it is repugnant |
отвратительный {adj} | :: disgusting (repulsive, distasteful) |
отвратить {v pf} | :: to avert, to ward off, to prevent |
отвратить {v pf} [obsolete] | :: to avert, to turn aside, to turn away |
отвратить {v pf} | :: to keep (from), to prevent (from) |
отвратить {v pf} | :: to turn (off), to put (off), to cause aversion (in) |
отвращать {v impf} | :: to avert, to ward off, to prevent |
отвращать {v impf} [obsolete] | :: to avert, to turn aside, to turn away |
отвращать {v impf} | :: to keep (from), to prevent (from) |
отвращать {v impf} | :: to turn (off), to put (off), to cause aversion (in) |
отвращение {noun} | :: aversion, disgust, repugnance |
отвыкать {v impf} | :: to get out of the habit (of), to break oneself of the habit (of) |
отвыкать {v impf} | :: to become estranged (from) |
отвыкнуть {v pf} | :: to get out of the habit (of), to break oneself of the habit (of) |
отвыкнуть {v pf} | :: to become estranged (from) |
отвязать {v pf} | :: to untie |
отвязать {v pf} | :: to disconnect (account, profile) |
отвязаться {v pf} | :: to get loose |
отвязаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to get rid of |
отвязывать {v impf} | :: to untie |
отвязываться {v impf} | :: to get loose |
отвязываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to get rid of |
отгадать {v pf} | :: to guess, to solve a riddle |
отгадывать {v impf} | :: to guess, to solve a riddle |
отгибать {v impf} | :: to unbend, to straighten |
отгибать {v impf} | :: to roll up or down (the edge of something, e.g. one's sleeves) |
отглагольная форма {noun} [grammar] | :: verb form |
отглагольное существительное {noun} [grammar] | :: verbal noun |
отглагольный {adj} [linguistics] | :: deverbal, verbal (derived from a verb) |
отговаривать {v impf} | :: to dissuade (someone from), to put someone off, to talk/reason (someone out of) |
отговор {noun} | :: an action of dissuading (someone from), to put someone off, to talk/reason (someone out of) |
отговор {noun} [dated] | :: incantation, spell from something evil |
отговорить {v pf} | :: to dissuade (someone from), to put someone off, to talk/reason (someone out of) |
отговорка {noun} | :: excuse, pretext |
отговоры {noun} [colloquial] | :: dissuasion |
отголосок {noun} | :: echo |
отгонять {v impf} | :: to drive away |
отгонять {v impf} | :: to try to get rid of, to suppress (a mental or physical state) |
отгораживать {v impf} | :: to fence off, to partition off, to screen off |
отгораживаться {v impf} | :: to fence oneself off |
отгораживаться {v impf} [figurative] | :: to isolate oneself |
отгородить {v pf} | :: to fence off, to partition off, to screen off |
отгородиться {v pf} | :: to fence oneself off |
отгородиться {v pf} [figurative] | :: to isolate oneself |
отгружать {v impf} | :: to dispatch, to ship |
отгрузить {v pf} | :: to dispatch, to ship |
отгрузка {noun} | :: dispatch, shipping, shipment |
отгул {noun} | :: paid time off in compensation for overtime work |
отгуливать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to take compensatory leave [a compensatory holiday], to take (a certain number of) days off |
отгуливать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to finish taking time off |
отгуливать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to celebrate (an occasion) |
отгуливать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to finish celebrating (an occasion) |
отгулять {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to take time off |
отдавать {v impf} | :: to give back, to return |
отдавать {v impf} | :: to give (away), to hand over, to give up, to give over |
отдавать {v impf} | :: to send |
отдавать {v impf} | :: to devote |
отдавать {v impf} | :: to cast (anchor) |
отдавать {v impf} | :: to recoil (of a gun) |
отдавать на откуп {v impf} [obsolete] | :: to give exclusive rights to something in exchange for money |
отдавать на откуп {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to give exclusive control over (a project, etc., to someone) |
отдавать себе отчёт {v impf} | :: to realize, to be or become aware, to understand |
отдаваться {v impf} | :: to give oneself up (to) |
отдаваться {v impf} | :: to surrender oneself (to), to give oneself up (to) |
отдаваться {v impf} | :: to yield (to), to put out (to) (have sex) |
отдаваться {v impf} | :: to resound, to reverberate, to ring |
отдаваться {v impf} | :: to make |
отдаление {noun} | :: distance |
отдаление {noun} [figuratively] | :: removal; estrangement |
отдалённо {adv} | :: distantly, remotely |
отдалённость {noun} | :: remoteness |
отдалённость {noun} | :: distance |
отдалённый {adj} | :: remote, distant, outlying, far |
отдалить {v pf} | :: to hold away, to move away |
отдалить {v pf} | :: to postpone, to put off |
отдалить {v pf} | :: to estrange, to alienate |
отдалиться {v pf} | :: to move away (from) |
отдалиться {v pf} | :: to drift apart, to become estranged |
отдалять {v impf} | :: to hold away, to move away |
отдалять {v impf} | :: to postpone, to put off |
отдалять {v impf} | :: to estrange, to alienate |
отдаляться {v impf} | :: to move away (from) |
отдаляться {v impf} | :: to drift apart, to become estranged |
отдать {v pf} | :: to give back, to return |
отдать {v pf} | :: to give (away), to hand over, to give up, to give over |
отдать {v pf} | :: to send |
отдать {v pf} | :: to devote |
отдать {v pf} | :: to cast (anchor) |
отдать {v pf} | :: to recoil (of a gun) |
отдать на откуп {v pf} [obsolete] | :: to give exclusive rights to something in exchange for money |
отдать на откуп {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to give exclusive control over (a project, etc., to someone) |
отдаться {v pf} | :: to give oneself up (to) |
отдаться {v pf} | :: to surrender oneself (to), to give oneself up (to) |
отдаться {v pf} | :: to yield (to), to put out (to) (have sex) |
отдаться {v pf} | :: to resound, to reverberate, to ring |
отдаться {v pf} | :: to make |
отдача {noun} | :: return |
отдача {noun} [military, engineering] | :: recoil, kick |
отдача {noun} | :: efficiency, output |
отдача {noun} [naval] | :: dropping, casting |
отдел {noun} | :: department, division, bureau, office, section |
отделать {v pf} | :: to finish, to trim (up) |
отделать {v pf} | :: to trim (with) |
отделать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to spoil, to ruin |
отделать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to beat, to wallop, to lick, to give the works, to give the business, to tan someone's hide |
отделаться {v pf} | :: to get rid (of), to get away (from), to throw off, to shake off, to be through (with), to finish (with) |
отделаться {v pf} | :: to escape (with), to get away (with), to get off (with) |
отделаться {v pf} | :: to get away (with), to get off (with) |
отделение {noun} | :: department, division, branch |
отделение {noun} | :: separation |
отделение {noun} | :: secretion |
отделение {noun} | :: compartment |
отделение {noun} [military] | :: squad, section |
отделение {noun} | :: police station |
отделение {noun} | :: secession |
отделимый {adj} | :: separable |
отделить {v pf} | :: to separate, to detach, to part |
отделить {v pf} | :: to disjoint, to divorce, to separate off |
отделить {v pf} | :: to divide, to serve as boundary |
отделить {v pf} | :: to secrete |
отделиться {v pf} | :: to separate, to get detached, to come off |
отделиться {v pf} | :: to set up on one's own |
отделка {noun} | :: finishing, trimming, decoration work/finish |
отделка {noun} | :: finish, decoration, trimmings |
отделочный {adj} [relational] | :: finishing |
отделочный {adj} [relational] | :: decoration |
отделывать {v impf} | :: to finish, to trim (up) |
отделывать {v impf} | :: to trim (with) |
отделывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to spoil, to ruin |
отделывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to beat, to wallop, to lick, to give the works, to give the business, to tan someone's hide |
отделываться {v impf} | :: to get rid (of), to get away (from), to throw off, to shake off, to be through (with), to finish (with) |
отделываться {v impf} | :: to escape (with), to get away (with), to get off (with) |
отделываться {v impf} | :: to get away (with), to get off (with) |
отдельно {adv} | :: separately (in a separate manner) |
отдельность {noun} | :: separateness |
отдельный {adj} | :: separate, independent, detached |
отдельный {adj} | :: individual, single |
отделять {v impf} | :: to separate, to detach, to part |
отделять {v impf} | :: to disjoint, to divorce, to separate off |
отделять {v impf} | :: to divide, to serve as boundary |
отделять {v impf} | :: to secrete |
отделяться {v impf} | :: to separate, to get detached, to come off |
отделяться {v impf} | :: to set up on one's own |
отдёргивать {v impf} | :: to jerk away, to pull away, to yank away, to take away, to withdraw |
отдёргивать {v impf} | :: to draw aside, to pull aside |
отдёрнуть {v pf} | :: to jerk away, to pull away, to yank away, to take away, to withdraw |
отдёрнуть {v pf} | :: to draw aside, to pull aside |
отдирать {v impf} | :: to tear off |
отдохнуть {v pf} | :: to rest, to relax, to have a rest |
отдохнуть {v pf} | :: to be resting, to be on holiday, to take a vacation |
отдувать {v impf} | :: to blow away (dust, steam, etc.) |
отдуваться {v impf} | :: to become puffed up |
отдуваться {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to puff, to pant |
отдуваться {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to bulge [of pockets] |
отдуваться {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to take the fall for, to take the blame for |
отдуть {v pf} | :: to blow away (dust, steam, etc.) |
отдуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to thrash |
отдуться {v pf} | :: to become puffed up |
отдушина {noun} | :: vent; outlet; airhole; air valve |
отдушина {noun} [figuratively] | :: vent, something that gives relieve to frustrations |
отдых {noun} | :: rest |
отдых {noun} | :: relaxation, respite |
отдых {noun} | :: holiday (in the sense of vacation) |
отдыхать {v impf} | :: to relax, to have a rest, to take a rest |
отдыхающий {noun} | :: vacationer |
отдышаться {v pf} | :: to recover one's breath |
отекать {v impf} | :: to swell, to be swollen, to become dropsical |
отекать {v impf} | :: (a candle) to drip |
отель {noun} | :: hotel |
отереть {v pf} | :: to wipe clean, to wipe dry |
отец {noun} | :: father |
отец {noun} | :: ancestor |
отец {noun} [figurative] | :: senior, superior, first of, chief, sensei |
отец {noun} | :: familiar term of address for an elderly man |
отец {noun} [figurative, colloquial] | :: referring to a man who cares about sоmеbody or something like a father |
отец {noun} [figurative, colloquial] | :: founder, initiator of something |
отец {noun} [figurative] | :: root, basis, source |
отеческий {adj} | :: paternal, fatherly |
отечественный {adj} | :: native, home |
отечественный {adj} | :: patriotic |
отечество {noun} | :: fatherland, motherland, native land, native country, country |
отечество {noun} | :: mother country, home country, homeland |
отечь {v pf} | :: to swell, to be swollen, to become dropsical |
отечь {v pf} | :: (a candle) to drip |
отёк {noun} | :: edema, dropsy, hydrops, hypostasis |
отёчный {adj} | :: hydropic, edematous |
отжать {v pf} | :: to squeeze dry |
отжать {v pf} | :: to squeeze out (liquid) |
отжать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to push back, to drive back, to force to retreat |
отжать {v pf} [technical] | :: to force to separate under pressure (e.g. a valve, a layer of rock) |
отжать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to extort, to expropriate, to seize or take the possession of something by physical force, menace or other illegal and ingenuine means |
отжать {v pf} | :: to finish harvesting, to finish reaping |
отжечь {v pf} | :: to anneal |
отжиг {noun} | :: annealing (act of heating solid metal or glass) |
отжигать {v impf} | :: to anneal |
отжимание {noun} | :: push-up |
отжимать {v impf} | :: to squeeze dry |
отжимать {v impf} | :: to squeeze out (liquid) |
отжимать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to push back, to drive back, to force to retreat |
отжимать {v impf} [technical] | :: to force to separate under pressure (e.g. a valve, a layer of rock) |
отжимать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to extort, to expropriate, to seize or take the possession of something by physical force, menace or other illegal and ingenuine means |
отжинать {v impf} | :: to finish harvesting, to finish reaping |
отзвук {noun} | :: echo |
отзвук {noun} | :: repercussion, echo |
отзвук {noun} | :: response, echo |
отзовист {noun} | :: otzovist, recallist |
отзыв {noun} | :: opinion, review, response, comment |
отзыв {noun} | :: reference, testimonial |
отзыв {noun} | :: response, echo |
отзыв {noun} | :: (to the password) reply |
отзыв {noun} | :: recall (of an ambassador, delegate, etc.) |
отзывать {v impf} | :: to recall (product), to summon (political or diplomatic personnel) |
отзывать {v impf} | :: to take aside |
отзываться {v impf} | :: to answer, to echo, to answer |
отзываться {v impf} | :: to speak (of) |
отзываться {v impf} | :: to tell (upon, on) |
отзываться {v impf} | :: (pain) to extend (to) |
отзываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to have a taste (of), to smack (of) |
отзывчивость {noun} | :: kindheartedness, sympathy |
отзывчивость {noun} | :: empathy |
отзывчивый {adj} | :: forthcoming, responsive, sympathetic |
отирать {v impf} | :: to wipe clean, to wipe dry |
отказ {noun} | :: refusal, denial, repudiation, rejection, nonsuit |
отказ {noun} | :: renunciation, disavowal |
отказ {noun} | :: breakdown, failure |
отказать {v pf} | :: to deny, to refuse, to decline |
отказать {v pf} | :: to break, to fail, to stop working |
отказаться {v pf} | :: to abandon |
отказаться {v pf} | :: to abdicate |
отказаться {v pf} | :: to refuse |
отказаться {v pf} | :: to forgo |
отказаться {v pf} | :: to renounce |
отказник {noun} | :: otkaznik; refusenik |
отказывать {v impf} | :: to deny, to refuse, to decline |
отказывать {v impf} | :: to break, to fail, to stop working |
отказываться {v impf} | :: to abandon |
отказываться {v impf} | :: to abdicate |
отказываться {v impf} | :: to refuse |
отказываться {v impf} | :: to forgo |
отказываться {v impf} | :: to renounce |
откапывать {v impf} | :: to dig out |
откапывать {v impf} | :: to exhume, to disinter, to disentomb |
откапывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to dig up, to unearth, to find |
откат {noun} | :: recoil |
откат {noun} [computing] | :: undo, rollback |
откат {noun} [colloquial] | :: kickback (clandestine payment in return for a favor) |
откатить {vi pf} | :: to roll away |
откатиться {vi pf} | :: to roll away |
откашливать {v impf} | :: to cough up |
откашливаться {v impf} | :: to clear one's throat |
откашлять {v pf} | :: to cough up |
откашляться {v pf} | :: to clear one's throat |
откидной {adj} | :: folding |
откидной {adj} | :: strained [using a colander] |
откидывать {v impf} | :: to throw away, to cast away |
откидывать {v impf} | :: to turn down (e.g. a seat) |
откидываться {v impf} | :: to lean back, to settle back |
откинуть {v pf} | :: to throw away, to cast away |
откинуть {v pf} | :: to turn down (e.g. a seat) |
откинуться {v pf} | :: to lean back, to settle back |
откинуться {v pf} [slang] | :: to come out of prison after having served time |
откинуться {v pf} [slang] | :: to die, kick the bucket |
откладывать {v impf} | :: to set aside |
откладывать {v impf} | :: to lay by, to save (money for some purchase) |
откладывать {v impf} | :: to put off, to delay, to adjourn, to postpone |
откланиваться {v impf} | :: to bid adieu |
откланяться {v pf} | :: to bid adieu |
отклик {noun} | :: echo, repercussion |
отклик {noun} | :: response |
отклик {noun} | :: (to the password) reply |
отклик {noun} | :: (usually plural) comments; reaction |
откликаться {v impf} | :: to respond, to answer (to a call, challenge, appeal, etc.) |
откликаться {v impf} | :: to respond (with a letter), to comment (in the press) |
откликаться {v impf} [impersonal] | :: to sound as an answer, to like an echo |
откликнуться {v pf} | :: to respond, to answer (to a call, challenge, appeal, etc.) |
откликнуться {v pf} | :: to respond (with a letter), to comment (in the press) |
откликнуться {v pf} [impersonal] | :: to sound as an answer, to like an echo |
отклонение {noun} | :: deviation (act of deviating) |
отклонить {v pf} | :: to deflect |
отклонить {v pf} | :: to decline, to turn down |
отклониться {vi pf} | :: to move to the side, to tilt, to be deflected |
отклониться {vi pf} | :: to swerve, to deviate |
отклониться {v pf} | :: to dodge, to evade |
отклониться {v pf} | :: to change the subject |
отклонять {v impf} | :: to deflect |
отклонять {v impf} | :: to decline, to turn down |
отклоняться {vi impf} | :: to move to the side, to tilt, to be deflected |
отклоняться {vi impf} | :: to swerve, to deviate |
отклоняться {v impf} | :: to dodge, to evade |
отклоняться {v impf} | :: to change the subject |
отклоняющийся {adj} | :: deviating |
отклоняющийся {adj} | :: deflecting |
отклоняющийся {adj} | :: digressive, excursive |
отклоняющийся {adj} | :: aberrant |
отклоняющийся {adj} | :: divergent |
отклоняющийся {adj} | :: tangential |
отклоняющийся {adj} | :: declinatory |
отключать {v impf} | :: to cut off, to disconnect, to turn off, to switch off, to shut down |
отключаться {v impf} | :: to become disconnected, to switch off, to shut down |
отключаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to go out (of it), to conk out, to flake out, to crash out |
отключение {noun} | :: shutdown (action of closing a computer) |
отключение {noun} | :: cutoff, disconnection |
отключение {noun} | :: deactivating |
отключить {v pf} | :: to cut off, to disconnect, to turn off, to switch off, to shut down |
отключиться {v pf} | :: to become disconnected, to switch off, to shut down |
отключиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to go out (of it), to conk out, to flake out, to crash out |
отколе {adv} [dated] | :: since when; since |
отколе {adv} [dated] | :: from where |
откопать {v pf} | :: to dig out |
откопать {v pf} | :: to exhume, to disinter, to disentomb |
откопать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to dig up, to unearth, to find |
откормить {v pf} | :: to fatten (an animal etc) |
откос {noun} | :: slope, slant, scarp |
откраивать {v impf} | :: to finish cutting |
откраивать {v impf} | :: to cut off a portion of? |
откреститься {v pf} [religion] | :: to cross oneself in protection of evil spirits |
откреститься {v pf} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to disown (to refuse to own or to refuse to acknowledge one’s own) |
откровение {noun} | :: revelation (the act of revealing or disclosing) |
откровение {noun} | :: afflatus |
откровенно {adv} | :: frankly, candidly, openly |
откровенность {noun} | :: candour, sincerity, openness |
откровенный {adj} | :: sincere |
откровенный {adj} | :: frank, candid, straightforward |
откровенный {adj} | :: revealing [of clothing] |
откроить {v pf} | :: to finish cutting |
откроить {v pf} | :: to cut off a portion of? |
открывалка {noun} | :: alternative form of открывашка |
открывание {noun} | :: opening (action of opening) |
открывать {v impf} | :: to open |
открывать {v impf} | :: to turn on |
открывать {v impf} | :: to discover |
открывать {v impf} | :: to disclose |
открывать {v impf} | :: to reveal |
открывать {v impf} | :: to unveil |
открывать {v impf} | :: to inaugurate |
открываться {v impf} | :: to open |
открываться {v impf} | :: to come to light |
открываться {v impf} | :: to confide, to open up, to declare oneself |
открывашка {noun} [colloquial] | :: opener; can opener; bottle opener |
открытая {noun} | :: only used in в открытую |
открытие {noun} | :: opening |
открытие {noun} | :: discovery |
открытие {noun} | :: revelation |
открытие {noun} | :: inauguration |
открытие {noun} | :: unveiling |
открытка {noun} | :: post card |
открытка {noun} | :: greeting card, birthday card, etc |
открыто {adv} | :: avowedly, openly, frankly, publicly (in a frank, open, honest, or too honest manner) |
открыто {pred} | :: it is open |
открытое море {noun} | :: open sea, high seas |
открытость {noun} | :: openness |
открытый {adj} | :: open (not closed) |
открытый {adj} | :: public |
открыть {v pf} | :: to open |
открыть {v pf} | :: to turn on |
открыть {v pf} | :: to discover |
открыть {v pf} | :: to disclose |
открыть {v pf} | :: to reveal |
открыть {v pf} | :: to unveil |
открыть {v pf} | :: to inaugurate |
открыться {v pf} | :: to open |
открыться {v pf} | :: to come to light |
открыться {v pf} | :: to confide, to open up, to declare oneself |
откуда {adv} | :: from where |
откуда {adv} | :: from which |
откуда {adv} | :: whence |
откуда вы родом {phrase} | :: where are you from? (formal) |
откуда-либо {adv} | :: from somewhere or other, from some place or another |
откуда-нибудь {adv} | :: from anywhere, from somewhere |
откуда-нибудь {adv} [interrogative] | :: from anywhere |
откуда-то {adv} | :: from somewhere, somewhence |
откуда ты родом {phrase} | :: where are you from? (familiar) |
откуп {noun} [historical, economics] | :: tax farming |
откуп {noun} | :: lease |
откуп {noun} | :: payoff |
откупать {v impf} [dated] | :: to buy up |
откупаться {v impf} [historical] | :: to ransom oneself |
откупаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to free oneself by bribing or paying off, to buy one's freedom, to bribe one's way out [от + genitive, from someone/something] |
откупаться {v pf} | :: to finish bathing or swimming |
откупить {v pf} [dated] | :: to buy up |
откупиться {v pf} [historical] | :: to ransom oneself |
откупиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to free oneself by bribing or paying off, to buy one's freedom, to bribe one's way out [от + genitive, from someone/something] |
откупоривать {v impf} | :: to uncork |
откупорить {v pf} | :: to uncork |
откусить {v pf} | :: to bite off, to take a bite (of) |
откусить {v pf} | :: to snap off, to nip off |
откусывать {v impf} | :: to bite off, to take a bite (of) |
откусывать {v impf} | :: to snap off, to nip off |
отлавливать {v impf} | :: to catch (an animal, bird, etc.) |
отлагательство {noun} [dated] | :: postponement, deferment, procrastination |
отлагать {v impf} [literary] | :: to set aside |
отлагать {v impf} [literary] | :: to put off, to delay, to adjourn, to postpone |
отладить {v pf} | :: to adjust, to fine-tune |
отладить {v pf} [informatics] | :: to debug |
отладка {noun} [computing] | :: debugging |
отлаживать {v impf} | :: to adjust, to fine-tune |
отлаживать {v impf} [informatics] | :: to debug |
отлакировать {v pf} | :: to varnish, to lacquer |
отлежать {v pf} | :: to cause (a body part) to fall asleep or go numb |
отлежать {v pf} [colloquial, perfective only] | :: to lie [for a specified amount of time, due to sickness] |
отлежаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to lie (in a horizontal position) for some time |
отлежаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to convalesce, to recover one's strength by lying |
отлежаться {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to ripen [as a result of lying for some time] |
отлепить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to take off, to unstick |
отлеплять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to take off, to unstick |
отлетать {v impf} | :: to fly away, to fly off |
отлетать {v impf} | :: to rebound, to bounce back |
отлетать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to come off, to break off |
отлетать {v pf} | :: to complete a flight |
отлетать {v pf} | :: to fly (for a certain period) |
отлететь {v pf} | :: to fly away, to fly off |
отлететь {v pf} | :: to rebound, to bounce back |
отлететь {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to come off, to break off |
отлёживать {v impf} | :: to cause (a body part) to fall asleep or go numb |
отлёживаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to lie (in a horizontal position) for some time |
отлёживаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to convalesce, to recover one's strength by lying |
отлёживаться {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to ripen [as a result of lying for some time] |
отлёживаться {v impf} [colloquial, imperfective only] | :: to lie in wait |
отлёт {noun} | :: flying away, take-off, departure (e.g. of an airplane) |
отлив {noun} | :: ebb, low tide |
отлив {noun} | :: tinge, tint |
отливать {v impf} | :: to pour off, to pump out |
отливать {v impf} | :: to found, to cast |
отливать {v impf} | :: to flow back, to ebb |
отливать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to take a leak, to make water |
отливать {v impf} | :: to be shot (with a colour) |
отлить {v pf} | :: to pour off, to pump out |
отлить {v pf} | :: to found, to cast |
отлить {v pf} | :: to flow back, to ebb |
отлить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to take a leak, to make water |
от лица {prep} | :: on behalf of |
отличать {v impf} | :: to distinguish, to tell (from) (to see someone or something clearly or distinctly) |
отличаться {v impf} | :: to differ (от - from) (not to have the same characteristics) |
отличаться {v impf} | :: to be notable (for) |
отличаться {v impf} | :: to distinguish oneself, to excel |
отличаться {v impf} [disapprovable] | :: to make an exhibition of oneself |
отличие {noun} | :: difference (quality of being different) |
отличие {noun} | :: distinction |
отличительный {adj} | :: characteristic, distinctive, distinguishing |
отличить {v pf} | :: to distinguish, to tell (from) (to see someone or something clearly or distinctly) |
отличиться {v pf} | :: to differ [от, from] (not to have the same characteristics) |
отличиться {v pf} | :: to be notable [for] |
отличиться {v pf} | :: to distinguish oneself, to excel |
отличиться {v pf} [pejorative] | :: to make an exhibition of oneself |
отличник {noun} | :: high achiever |
отличница {noun} | :: feminine noun of отличник |
отлично {adv} | :: very good, very well, excellently, perfectly |
отлично {adv} | :: differently, in a different way |
отличный {adj} | :: different |
отличный {adj} | :: excellent, perfect, first-class, first-rate, prime |
отлов {noun} | :: catching (of animals or birds) |
отлов {noun} | :: catch (animal or bird caught) |
отловить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to finish catching |
отловить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to spend some time catching |
отловить {v pf} | :: to catch (an animal, bird, etc.) |
отложение {noun} | :: deposit; sediment, sedimentation, precipitation, deposition |
отложительный {adj} [grammar] | :: ablative |
отложительный падеж {noun} [grammar] | :: ablative case |
отложить {v pf} | :: to set aside |
отложить {v pf} | :: to lay by, to save (money for some purchase) |
отложить {v pf} | :: to put off, to delay, to adjourn, to postpone |
отложить {v pf} [biology] | :: to lay (eggs, spawn etc.) |
отложить {v pf} | :: to fold/turn back |
отлупить {v pf} | :: to thrash, to flog, to spank, to beat, to batter |
отлупить {v pf} | :: to beat, to drub, to clobber |
отлучать {v impf} [dated] | :: to separate, to remove |
отлучать {v impf} | :: to exclude, to excommunicate, to ostracize, to shun |
отлучаться {v impf} | :: to leave, to go away |
отлучение {noun} | :: excommunication, exclusion, ostracization |
отлучить {v pf} [dated] | :: to separate, to remove |
отлучить {v pf} | :: to exclude, to excommunicate, to ostracize, to shun |
отлучиться {v pf} | :: to leave, to go away |
отлучка {noun} | :: absence (state of being absent) |
от любопытства кошка сдохла {proverb} | :: curiosity killed the cat |
отмалчиваться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to intentionally not answer, to keep silent in response |
отмахать {v pf} | :: to signal with a flag |
отмахать {v pf} | :: to finish waving |
отмахать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to cover, to travel (a distance) |
отмахать {v pf} | :: to wave away |
отмахивать {v impf} | :: to drive away, to wave away, to chase away |
отмахивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to cover, to travel (a distance) |
отмахиваться {v impf} | :: to wave/fan off/away |
отмахиваться {v impf} | :: to wave away, to wave aside, to brush aside |
отмахнуть {v pf} | :: to drive away, to wave away, to chase away |
отмахнуться {v pf} | :: to wave/fan off/away |
отмахнуться {v pf} | :: to wave away, to wave aside, to brush aside |
отмашка {noun} | :: wave [of the hand] |
отмашка {noun} [figurative] | :: go-ahead signal |
отмежеваться {v impf} | :: to dissociate oneself, to isolate oneself (from) |
отмежеваться {v impf} | :: to refuse to acknowledge |
отмель {noun} | :: sand bar, sand bank |
отмена {noun} | :: cancellation (act of cancelling) |
отмена {noun} | :: abolishment |
отменить {v pf} | :: to abolish |
отменить {v pf} | :: to cancel, to countermand, to disaffirm, to reverse |
отменить {v pf} | :: law to repeal, to rescind, to abrogate, to revoke, to call off |
отменный {adj} | :: excellent, superb |
отменять {v impf} | :: to abolish |
отменять {v impf} | :: to cancel, to countermand, to disaffirm, to reverse |
отменять {v impf} | :: law to repeal, to rescind, to abrogate, to revoke, to call off |
отмереть {v pf} | :: to die [of part of an organism or plant] |
отмереть {v pf} | :: to die out, to disappear |
отмеривать {v impf} | :: to measure off, to mete out |
отмеривать {v impf} | :: to cover (a distance) |
отмерить {v pf} | :: to measure, to measure off, to mete out |
отмерить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to cover (walk, drive, etc.) a distance |
отмерить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to dole out, to give out (in small portions) |
отмерять {v pf} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of отмерить |
отмерять {v impf} | :: to measure off, to mete out |
отмерять {v impf} | :: to cover (a distance) |
отмести {v pf} | :: to sweep aside |
отмести {v pf} | :: to brush aside, to reject, to give up |
отместка {noun} [colloquial] | :: revenge |
отместка {noun} [dated] | :: repositioning |
отметать {v impf} | :: to sweep aside |
отметать {v impf} | :: to brush aside, to reject, to give up |
отметать {v pf} | :: to finish piling up (haystack, etc.) |
отметина {noun} | :: mark, sign |
отметина {noun} | :: trace, imprint |
отметина {noun} | :: different-colored spot on an animal |
отметина {noun} [figurative] | :: distinctive trace of someone's influence |
отметить {v pf} | :: to mark |
отметить {v pf} | :: to note |
отметить {v pf} | :: to mark off, to make a note (of) |
отметить {v pf} | :: to mention, to point to, to record |
отметить {v pf} | :: to celebrate, to mark by celebration, to commemorate, to observe [anniversary, ceremony] |
отметить {v pf} | :: to register (out), to sign out |
отметиться {v pf} | :: to register (e.g. one's arrival or departure) |
отметиться {v pf} | :: to become perceptible / evident |
отметка {noun} | :: mark, tick |
отметка {noun} | :: note, record |
отметка {noun} [academic] | :: mark, grade |
отметка {noun} | :: mark, level |
отмечать {v impf} | :: to mark |
отмечать {v impf} | :: to note |
отмечать {v impf} | :: to mark off, to make a note (of) |
отмечать {v impf} | :: to mention, to point to, to record |
отмечать {v impf} | :: to celebrate, to mark by celebration, to commemorate, to observe [anniversary, ceremony] |
отмечать {v impf} | :: to register (out), to sign out |
отмечаться {v impf} | :: to register (e.g. one's arrival or departure) |
отмечаться {v impf} | :: to become perceptible / evident |
отмирать {v impf} | :: to die [of part of an organism or plant] |
отмирать {v impf} | :: to die out, to disappear |
отмолчаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to intentionally not answer, to keep silent in response |
отмораживать {v impf} | :: to get frostbite on (a body part) |
отморозить {v pf} | :: to get frostbite on (a body part) |
отморозок {noun} [pejorative] | :: thug, scumbag, monster (a person utterly lacking moral scruples) |
отмывание {noun} | :: laundering [of money etc.] |
отмывать {v impf} | :: to wash clean |
отмывать {v impf} | :: to wash off, to wash away |
отмывать {v impf} | :: to launder |
отмываться {v impf} | :: to become clean due to washing |
отмываться {vi impf} | :: to wash off [of paint, dirt, stains, etc.] |
отмываться {v impf} [technical] | :: to be purified by washing |
отмыть {v pf} | :: to wash clean |
отмыть {v pf} | :: to wash off, to wash away |
отмыть {v pf} | :: to launder |
отмыться {v pf} | :: to become clean due to washing |
отмыться {vi pf} | :: to wash off [of paint, dirt, stains, etc.] |
отмыться {v pf} [technical] | :: to be purified by washing |
отмычка {noun} | :: lock pick (tool) |
отмычка {noun} [figurative] | :: key [to understand something] |
отмычка {noun} [low colloquial] | :: unlocking, unlatching |
отмычка {noun} [low colloquial] | :: unfastening |
от начала {adv} | :: from the beginning |
от начала {adv} | :: ab initio (referring to the time from when a legal document comes into force) |
отнекиваться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to refuse |
отнесение {noun} | :: ascription, attribution, appropriation, reference |
отнесение {noun} | :: assignment, classification, categorization |
отнести {v pf} | :: to carry, to deliver |
отнести {v pf} | :: (of wind) to carry (off, away), to sweep (away) |
отнести {v pf} | :: to relate |
отнестись {v pf} | :: to treat (к + dative case) |
отнестись {v pf} | :: to concern, to have to do |
отнимать {v impf} | :: to take (from) |
отнимать {v impf} | :: to subtract; to take away; to abstract |
отнимать {v impf} | :: to deduct, to take away, to take from, to take off |
отнимать {v impf} [also, figuratively] | :: to take away (from); to bereave (of) |
отнимать {v impf} | :: to withdraw; to remove (hands) |
отнимать {v impf} | :: to rob (of), to deprive (of) |
отнимать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to amputate |
относительно {adv} | :: relatively (proportionally) |
относительно {adv} | :: rather |
относительно {adv} | :: concerning, regarding, with respect to, as regards |
относительное местоимение {noun} [linguistics] | :: relative pronoun (pronoun that introduces a relative clause) |
относительность {noun} | :: relativity |
относительный {adj} | :: relative |
относительный {adj} [grammar] | :: relative (as in relative clause) |
относительный {adj} | :: comparative |
относить {v impf} | :: to refer |
относить {v impf} | :: to attribute, to ascribe (to associate ownership or authorship with) |
относить {v impf} | :: to relegate |
относить {v impf} | :: to take |
относить {v impf} | :: to charge |
относить {v impf} | :: to appropriate |
относить {v impf} | :: to take to |
относить {v impf} | :: to take back |
относить {v pf} | :: to wear until worn off or until stopping to wear, to wear for a while |
относить {v pf} | :: to carry, to bear for a while |
относиться {v impf} | :: to treat (к + dative case) |
относиться {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to date from |
относиться {v impf} [imperfective only] | :: to apply, to appertain (to belong to or be a part of, whether by right, nature, appointment, or custom; to relate to) |
относиться {v impf} | :: to concern, to have to do |
отношение {noun} | :: attitude |
отношение {noun} | :: treatment |
отношение {noun} | :: relation, regard, consideration |
отношение {noun} | :: ratio |
отношение {noun} | :: official letter |
отныне {adv} | :: henceforth, henceforward, from now on |
отнюдь {adv} | :: not at all, by no means |
-отня {suffix} | :: alternative form of -ня [in all senses, but especially forming abstract nouns; often with a colloquial flavor] |
отнять {v pf} | :: to take (from) |
отнять {v pf} | :: to subtract; to take away; to abstract |
отнять {v pf} | :: to deduct, to take away, to take from, to take off |
отнять {v pf} [also, figuratively] | :: to take away (from); to bereave (of) |
отнять {v pf} | :: to withdraw; to remove (hands) |
отнять {v pf} | :: to rob (of), to deprive (of) |
отнять {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to amputate |
ото- {prefix} | :: alternative form of от- [used before certain consonant clusters] |
ото {prep} | :: from |
ото {prep} | :: since |
отображать {v impf} [also figurative] | :: to reflect |
отображать {v impf} | :: to depict, to represent, to reproduce |
отображать {v impf} | :: to display |
отображать {v impf} [geometry] | :: to project |
отображение {noun} | :: reflection; representation |
отображение {noun} | :: imaging, display, echoing (of entered characters on a display) |
отобразить {v pf} [also figurative] | :: to reflect |
отобразить {v pf} | :: to depict, to represent, to reproduce |
отобразить {v pf} | :: to display |
отобразить {v pf} [geometry] | :: to project |
отобрать {v pf} | :: to choose, to select, to single out |
отобрать {v pf} | :: to take away |
отовсюду {adv} [colloquial] | :: from all sides |
отогнать {v pf} | :: to drive away |
отогнать {v pf} | :: to try to get rid of, to suppress (a mental or physical state) |
отогнуть {v pf} | :: to unbend, to straighten |
отогнуть {v pf} | :: to roll up or down (the edge of something, e.g. one's sleeves) |
отодвигать {v impf} | :: to move aside, to shift away |
отодвигать {v impf} | :: to postpone |
отодвигаться {v impf} | :: to move aside, to draw/move back |
отодвигаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to be postponed |
отодвинуть {v pf} | :: to move aside, to shift away |
отодвинуть {v pf} | :: to postpone |
отодвинуться {v pf} | :: to move aside, to draw/move back |
отодвинуться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be postponed |
отодрать {v pf} | :: to tear off |
отодрать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to give a sound flogging |
отодрать {v pf} [vulgar] | :: (use sexually) to bang, to screw |
отождествить {v pf} | :: to identify |
отождествление {noun} | :: identification |
отождествление {noun} [philosophy, psychology] | :: identification |
отождествлять {v impf} | :: to identify |
отожествить {v pf} | :: alternative form of отождествить |
отожествлять {v impf} | :: alternative form of отождествлять |
отозвать {v pf} | :: to take aside |
отозвать {v pf} | :: to recall, to withdraw, to call back |
отозваться {v pf} | :: to respond (to), to answer; to echo |
отозваться {v pf} | :: to resound |
отозваться {v pf} | :: to speak (of someone or something positively or negatively), to give feedback about someone or something |
отойти {v pf} | :: to go away, to go aside, to move away, to move aside |
отойти {v pf} [military] | :: to withdraw, to fall back |
отойти {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be out for a while, to go away temporarily (with the attention to come back soon) |
отойти {v pf} | :: (отойти от темы) to digress |
отойти {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to come around, to recover, to come back to normal (e.g. after a shock or disease) |
отойти {v pf} | :: (to change the owner) to pass to |
отомстить {v pf} | :: to revenge oneself, to avenge (to take vengeance for) |
отопительный {adj} [relational] | :: heating |
отопить {v pf} | :: to heat (e.g. a building) |
отопление {noun} | :: heating (a system that raises the temperature of a room or building) |
оторванность {noun} [literary] | :: isolation, alienation, loneliness, lack of communication with others |
оторванный {adj} | :: isolated, separated, alienated [from other people] |
оторвать {v pf} | :: to tear/pull away |
оторвать {v pf} | :: to tear from |
оторвать {v pf} | :: to divert, to interrupt, to disturb |
оторвать {v pf} | :: to separate |
оторваться {v pf} | :: to come off; to tear off; to be torn off |
оторваться {v pf} | :: (of an aircraft) to take off |
оторваться {v pf} | :: to turn away, to tear oneself away (from work, a book. etc.) |
оторваться {v pf} | :: to separate, to disengage (from pursuit) |
оторваться {v pf} | :: to lose contact (with someone) |
оторваться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to have a break, to rest from daily routine |
оториноларинголог {noun} | :: otorhinolaryngologist |
оторопеть {v pf} | :: to be perplexed/nonplussed, to be struck dumb |
оторопь {noun} | :: shock, startle, confusion |
отослать {v pf} | :: to send away, to send off, to dispatch |
отослать {v pf} | :: to send back |
отослать {v pf} | :: to refer (to) |
отоспать {v pf} | :: to stop sleeping |
отоспать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to sleep for awhile |
отоспаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to rest a lot after not having enough of sleep for awhile |
отпадать {v impf} | :: to fall off, to fall away |
отпадать {v impf} | :: to break away (from) |
отпадать {v impf} | :: to be dismissed, to fall away |
отпадать {v impf} | :: (wish, desire) to pass |
отпадать {v pf} | :: to stop falling |
отпасть {v pf} | :: to fall off, to fall away |
отпасть {v pf} | :: to break away (from) |
отпасть {v pf} | :: to be dismissed, to fall away |
отпасть {v pf} | :: (wish, desire) to pass |
отпасть {v pf} | :: to become redundant, to fall out of use |
отпевание {noun} | :: burial/funeral service (in church), dirge |
отпевать {v impf} | :: to perform a funeral ritual for (someone) |
отпереть {v pf} | :: to unlock |
отпереться {vi pf} | :: to unlock, to become unlocked |
отпереться {v pf} | :: to disavow, to deny [+ от] |
отпеть {v pf} [perfective only] | :: to finish singing |
отпеть {v pf} | :: to perform a funeral ritual for (someone) |
отпечатать {v pf} | :: to print, to type |
отпечатать {v pf} | :: to imprint |
отпечатать {v pf} | :: to unseal, to open up |
отпечатать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to say brusquely/resolutely/emphatically |
отпечататься {v pf} | :: to be imprinted, to leave tracks [e.g. of one's feet in the snow] |
отпечататься {v pf} [figurative] | :: to be imprinted, to remain indelibly [in the mind, soul, etc.] |
отпечататься {v pf} | :: to manifest outwardly, to become evident, to be visible |
отпечаток {noun} | :: imprint, impress |
отпечатывать {v impf} | :: to print, to type |
отпечатывать {v impf} | :: to imprint |
отпечатывать {v impf} | :: to unseal, to open up |
отпечатывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to say brusquely/resolutely/emphatically |
отпечатываться {v impf} | :: to be imprinted, to leave tracks [e.g. of one's feet in the snow] |
отпечатываться {v impf} [figurative] | :: to be imprinted, to remain indelibly [in the mind, soul, etc.] |
отпечатываться {v impf} | :: to manifest outwardly, to become evident, to be visible |
отпивать {v impf} | :: to take a sip (of) |
отпирать {v impf} | :: to unlock |
отпираться {vi impf} | :: to unlock, to become unlocked |
отпираться {v impf} | :: to disavow, to deny [+ от] |
отписаться {v pf} | :: to give the runaround, to reply beside the point (to) |
отписаться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to unsubscribe |
отпить {v pf} | :: to take a sip (of) |
отпихивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to shove away, to shove off (e.g. a boat from the shore) |
отпихивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to shove aside |
отпихивать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to get rid of |
отпихнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to shove away, to shove off (e.g. a boat from the shore) |
отпихнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to shove aside |
отпихнуть {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to get rid of |
отплатить {v pf} | :: to pay back, to recompense (with money) |
отплатить {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to pay back, to exact revenge |
отплывать {v impf} | :: to swim away |
отплывать {v impf} | :: to sail off |
отплытие {noun} | :: sailing off, departure from shore |
отплыть {v pf} | :: to swim away |
отплыть {v pf} | :: to sail off |
отплясывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to dance with a lot of enthusiasm |
отповедь {noun} [archaic] | :: answer, reply |
отповедь {noun} | :: retort, reproof, rebuff, rebuke |
отползать {v impf} | :: to crawl away |
отползать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to finish crawling |
отползти {v pf} | :: to crawl away |
отполировать {v pf} | :: to polish, to shine, to buff |
отпор {noun} | :: repulse, rebuff |
отпочковаться {v pf} | :: to bud, to gemmate, to propagate by gemmation |
отпочковываться {v impf} | :: to bud, to gemmate, to propagate by gemmation |
отправитель {noun} | :: sender (someone who sends) |
отправить {v pf} | :: to send, to dispatch, to forward |
отправиться {v pf} | :: to depart, to set off (to leave) |
отправка {noun} | :: sending off, forwarding, dispatch, shipping |
отправление {noun} | :: departure (the act of departing) |
отправлять {v impf} | :: to send, to dispatch, to forward |
отправлять {v impf} | :: to exercise, to perform, to discharge |
отправляться {v impf} | :: to depart, to set off (to leave) |
отправной {adj} | :: initial |
отпраздновать {v pf} | :: to celebrate |
отпрашиваться {v impf} | :: to ask permission for an absence |
отпроситься {v pf} | :: to get permission for an absence |
отпрыск {noun} [inanimate, botany] | :: offshoot |
отпрыск {noun} [animate, archaic, now, ironic] | :: offspring |
отпрянуть {v pf} | :: to recoil, to spring back, to start back |
отпугивать {v impf} | :: to frighten off, to scare away |
отпугнуть {v pf} | :: to frighten off, to scare away |
отпуск {noun} | :: leave, vacation, holiday, furlough |
отпуск {noun} | :: issue, delivery, distribution |
отпуск {noun} | :: metal tempering |
отпуск {noun} | :: supply, allotment |
отпуск {noun} | :: sale |
отпускать {v impf} | :: to let go, to let off |
отпускать {v impf} | :: to release, to set free |
отпускать {v impf} | :: to dismiss, to give leave |
отпускать {v impf} | :: to supply, to serve, to issue, to give out, to sell |
отпускать {v impf} | :: to allot, to assign, to allow, to provide |
отпускать {v impf} | :: to slacken, to relax, to turn loose, to loosen |
отпускать {v impf} | :: [obsolete] to remit, to forgive |
отпускать {v impf} | :: (hair or beard) to grow, to let grow |
отпускать {v impf} | :: (metal) to temper, to draw |
отпускать {v impf} | :: (pain) to lessen, to ease |
отпускной {adj} [relational] | :: vacation |
отпускной {adj} | :: selling [price] |
отпустить {v pf} | :: to let go, to let off |
отпустить {v pf} | :: to release, to set free |
отпустить {v pf} | :: to dismiss, to give leave |
отпустить {v pf} | :: to supply, to serve, to issue, to give out, to sell |
отпустить {v pf} | :: to allot, to assign, to allow, to provide |
отпустить {v pf} | :: to slacken, to relax, to turn loose, to loosen |
отпустить {v pf} | :: [obsolete] to remit, to forgive |
отпустить {v pf} | :: (hair or beard) to grow, to let grow |
отпустить {v pf} | :: (metal) to temper, to draw |
отпустить {v pf} | :: (pain) to lessen, to ease |
отпущение {noun} | :: remission |
отрабатывать {v impf} | :: to work off (usually a debt) |
отрабатывать {v impf} | :: to work (for a certain period of time) |
отрабатывать {v impf} | :: to improve, to polish up (through testing by identifying and eliminating flaws) |
отрабатывать {v impf} | :: to complete, to perfect (a certain task) |
отрабатываться {vi impf} | :: to wear out [of tools or machine parts] |
отработанный {adj} [relational] | :: exhaust |
отработанный {adj} [relational] | :: waste |
отработать {v pf} | :: to work off (usually a debt) |
отработать {v pf} | :: to work (for a certain period of time) |
отработать {v pf} | :: to improve, to polish up (through testing by identifying and eliminating flaws) |
отработать {v pf} | :: to complete, to perfect (a certain task) |
отработаться {vi pf} | :: to wear out [of tools or machine parts] |
отработка {noun} | :: working off, paying by work |
отработка {noun} | :: development, fine-tuning |
отработка {noun} | :: training, practicing |
отрава {noun} | :: poison |
отрава {noun} | :: bane |
отрава {noun} | :: execrable/abominable/repulsive food |
отравить {v pf} | :: to poison, to envenom |
отравить {v pf} | :: to spoil |
отравиться {v pf} | :: to poison oneself |
отравиться {v pf} | :: to get poisoned |
отравиться {v pf} | :: to have a food poisoning |
отравление {noun} | :: poisoning (administration of a poison, the state of being poisoned) |
отравлять {v impf} | :: to poison, to envenom |
отравлять {v impf} | :: to spoil |
отравляться {v impf} | :: to poison oneself |
отравляться {v impf} | :: to get poisoned |
отравляться {v impf} | :: to have a food poisoning |
отрада {noun} | :: delight, joy, comfort |
отрадный {adj} | :: pleasing, pleasant, comforting |
отражать {v impf} | :: to repel, to ward off, to refute, to parry |
отражать {v impf} | :: to reflect, to mirror |
отражаться {v impf} | :: to be reflected, to reverberate |
отражаться {v impf} | :: to affect, to have an impact [на on] |
отражение {noun} | :: reflection, reverberation |
отражение {noun} | :: repulse, parry, warding off |
отражённый {adj} | :: reflected |
отразить {v pf} | :: to repel, to ward off, to refute, to parry |
отразить {v pf} | :: to reflect, to mirror |
отразиться {v pf} | :: to be reflected, to reverberate |
отразиться {v pf} | :: to affect, to have an impact [на on] |
отрапортовать {v pf} | :: to report |
отраслевой {adj} [relational] | :: branch, sector; sectoral |
отраслевой {adj} [relational] | :: industry |
отрасль {noun} | :: branch, field (area in business or of knowledge, research) |
отрастать {v impf} | :: to grow to some amount [of hair or nails] |
отрасти {v pf} | :: to grow to some amount [of hair or nails] |
отрастить {vt pf} | :: to grow out, to cause to grow (hair, nails, etc.) |
отращивать {vt impf} | :: to grow out, to cause to grow (hair, nails, etc.) |
отреагировать {v pf} | :: to react |
отребье {noun} [also plural, dated] | :: scum, worthless remnants, waste, rabble, refuse |
отребье {noun} [also plural, pejorative] | :: the dregs of society, morally debased or criminal elements |
отрегулировать {v pf} | :: to adjust, to regulate, to tune up |
отредактировать {v pf} | :: to edit |
отредактировать {v pf} | :: to edit, to lead the publication of [as an editor] |
отредактировать {v pf} [computing] | :: to edit |
отрез {noun} | :: cut |
отрез {noun} | :: perforated line [for tearing] |
отрез {noun} | :: length of material |
отрезать {v pf} | :: to cut off |
отрезать {v pf} | :: to snip off |
отрезать {v pf} | :: to divide, to apportion |
отрезать {v pf} | :: (speech) to cut short, to snap out |
отрезать {v impf} | :: to cut off |
отрезать {v impf} | :: to snip off |
отрезать {v impf} | :: to divide, to apportion |
отрезать {v impf} | :: (speech) to cut short, to snap out |
отрезветь {v pf} | :: to sober (up), to become/grow sober |
отрезок {noun} | :: piece, section, segment |
отрезок {noun} [mathematics] | :: segment |
отрекаться {v impf} | :: to disown, to disavow, to renounce, to give up, to repudiate |
отрекаться {v impf} | :: to abdicate |
отремонтировать {v pf} | :: to repair, to refit, to recondition |
отрепетировать {v pf} | :: to rehearse |
отрепье {noun} [also plural] | :: old clothes, rags, tatters |
отреставрировать {v pf} | :: to restore, to refurbish |
отрецензировать {v pf} | :: to review, to give feedback on |
отречение {noun} | :: renunciation |
отречение {noun} | :: abdication |
отречься {v pf} | :: to disown, to disavow, to renounce, to give up, to repudiate |
отречься {v pf} | :: to abdicate |
отрешать {v impf} | :: to remove from office |
отрешать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to disconnect, to isolate |
отрешать {v impf} [dated] | :: to untie |
отрешать {v impf} [dated] | :: to liberate [from] |
отрешаться {vi impf} [literary] | :: to abandon, to renounce, to keep away from [от + genitive] |
отрешённость {noun} | :: detachment (indifference) |
отрешённый {adj} | :: detached, alienated, indifferent [in general, when referring to a person; not in the sense "cut off (from something)", which is the participial usage] |
отрешённый {adj} | :: indifferent [look, face, etc.; expressing indifference] |
отрешить {v pf} | :: to remove from office |
отрешить {v pf} [figurative] | :: to disconnect, to isolate |
отрешить {v pf} [dated] | :: to untie |
отрешить {v pf} [dated] | :: to liberate [from] |
отрешиться {vi pf} [literary] | :: to abandon, to renounce, to keep away from [от + genitive] |
отринуть {v pf} | :: [obsolete] to reject, to turn down |
отрисовка {noun} [computing] | :: rendering, enveloping |
отрицание {noun} | :: negation, denial |
отрицательно {adv} | :: negatively |
отрицательно {adv} | :: adversely |
отрицательный {adj} | :: negative (various senses) |
отрицать {v impf} | :: to deny, to declaim |
отрицать {v impf} | :: to refute, to repudiate, to negate |
отрог {noun} | :: spur [of a mountain chain] |
отрок {noun} [archaic, poetic or ironic] | :: boy, adolescent [aged between 7-12] |
отроковица {noun} [archaic] | :: young girl |
отросток {noun} | :: process, outgrowth |
отросток {noun} | :: appendage (an external body part that projects from the body) |
отросток {noun} | :: sprout, sucker |
отросток {noun} | :: slip |
отросток {noun} | :: rame |
отросток {noun} | :: ramification |
отросток {noun} | :: spur |
отрочество {noun} | :: boyhood, adolescence |
отруб {noun} [historical] | :: privately owned peasant land, located inside the village, a category which came into existence after the Stolypin reforms of 1906 |
отруб {noun} | :: a place where a tree/branch is cut |
отрубать {v impf} | :: to chop off, to cut off |
отруби {noun} | :: bran |
отрубить {v pf} | :: to chop off, to cut off |
отрыв {noun} | :: tearing off, breaking |
отрыв {noun} | :: breakaway |
отрыв {noun} | :: alienation; isolation |
отрывать {v impf} | :: to tear/pull away |
отрывать {v impf} | :: to tear from |
отрывать {v impf} | :: to divert, to interrupt, to disturb |
отрывать {v impf} | :: to separate |
отрывать {v impf} | :: to unearth, to dig out |
отрывать {v impf} | :: to disinter |
отрываться {v impf} | :: to come off; to tear off; to be torn off |
отрываться {v impf} | :: (of an aircraft) to take off |
отрываться {v impf} | :: to turn away, to tear oneself away (from work, a book. etc.) |
отрываться {v impf} | :: to separate, to disengage (from pursuit) |
отрываться {v impf} | :: to lose contact (with someone) |
отрываться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to have a break, to rest from daily routine |
отрывисто {adv} | :: brokenly, disconnectedly, shortly |
отрывистый {adj} | :: abrupt, jerky |
отрывистый {adj} | :: disconnected [e.g. thoughts] |
отрывок {noun} | :: fragment, extract, passage |
отрыгивать {v impf} | :: to regurgitate, to throw up |
отрыгивать {v impf} | :: to burp, to belch out |
отрыгнуть {v pf} | :: to regurgitate, to throw up |
отрыгнуть {v pf} | :: to burp, to belch out |
отрыгнуть {v pf} | :: to burp once, to belch out once |
отрыжка {noun} | :: burp, belch |
отрыжка {noun} [colloquial] | :: burping sound |
отрыжка {noun} [colloquial] | :: burping smell |
отрыжка {noun} [figurative, pejorative] | :: remnant [of something obsolete] |
отрыть {v pf} | :: to unearth, to dig out, to excavate |
отрыть {v pf} | :: to disinter |
отряд {noun} | :: detachment, squadron, troop |
отряд {noun} | :: group |
отряд {noun} | :: order |
отряд {noun} [zoology] | :: order |
отрядить {v pf} | :: to depute, to dispatch |
Отряд Милиции Особого Назначения {noun} | :: riot squad, riot police, special police squad |
отряжать {v impf} | :: to depute, to despatch |
отряхивать {v impf} | :: to shake off, to shake down |
отряхиваться {v impf} | :: to shake off [от] |
отряхиваться {v impf} [figurative, literary] | :: to shake off, to get rid of, to eliminate (e.g. a negative feeling) [от] |
отряхиваться {v impf} | :: to spread one's feathers or fur by shaking the body [of an animal] |
отряхнуть {v pf} | :: to shake off, to shake down |
отряхнуться {v pf} | :: to shake off [от] |
отряхнуться {v pf} [figurative, literary] | :: to shake off, to get rid of, to eliminate (e.g. a negative feeling) [от] |
отряхнуться {v pf} | :: to spread one's feathers or fur by shaking the body [of an animal] |
отсасывать {v impf} | :: to aspirate (to remove a liquid or gas by suction) |
отсасывать {v impf} [slang] | :: to suck off (to fellate a man until he ejaculates) |
отсвет {noun} | :: reflection, reflected light, glow, gleam |
отсвечивать {v impf} | :: to shine (with), to gleam (with) |
отсвечивать {v impf} | :: to be reflected |
отсвечивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to stand/be in the light |
отсеивать {v impf} | :: to sift out |
отсеивать {v impf} | :: (students) to eliminate, to screen |
отсек {noun} | :: compartment, module |
отсекать {v impf} | :: to cut off, to chop off, to sever |
отсек шасси {noun} | :: wheel well (airframe) |
отсечение {noun} | :: cutting off, severance |
отсечь {v pf} | :: to cut off, to chop off, to sever |
отсеять {v pf} | :: to sift out |
отсеять {v pf} | :: (students) to eliminate, to screen |
отсидеть {v pf} | :: to stay (for) |
отсидеть {v pf} | :: to get numb (by sitting) |
отсидеться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to hide for awhile, to take cover |
отсидеться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to sit it out, to not participate |
отсидка {noun} [low colloquial] | :: stint [especially in jail or of inactivity] |
отсиживать {v impf} | :: to stay (for) |
отсиживать {v impf} | :: to get numb (by sitting) |
отсиживаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to hide for awhile, to take cover |
отсиживаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to sit it out, to not participate |
отскакать {v pf} | :: to gallop, to cover by galloping |
отскакивать {v impf} | :: to jump aside/away, to jump/leap back |
отскакивать {v impf} | :: to rebound, to recoil, to bounce off |
отскакивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to break off, to come off, to be torn off |
отскочить {v pf} | :: to jump aside/away, to jump/leap back |
отскочить {v pf} | :: to rebound, to recoil, to bounce off |
отскочить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to break off, to come off, to be torn off |
отследить {v pf} | :: to monitor, to trace |
отслеживание {noun} | :: tracking, tracing, monitoring |
отслеживать {v impf} | :: to monitor, to trace |
отслуживать {v impf} | :: to serve out; to finish serving; to serve one's time (e.g. in the army) |
отслуживать {v impf} [figuratively] | :: to be worn out (of clothes, shoes, vehicles, etc.) |
отслуживать {v impf} | :: to finish a service (church) |
отслужить {v pf} | :: to serve out; to finish serving; to serve one's time (e.g. in the army) |
отслужить {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to be worn out (of clothes, shoes, vehicles, etc.) |
отслужить {v pf} | :: to finish a service (church) |
отснять {v pf} | :: to shoot, to take a picture (of) |
отсос {noun} | :: suction, suctioning, sucking |
отсос {noun} | :: vacuum plunger, sucker |
отсос {noun} [vulgar] | :: blowjob |
отсосать {v pf} | :: to aspirate (to remove a liquid or gas by suction) |
отсосать {v pf} [slang] | :: to suck off (to fellate a man until he ejaculates) |
отсос пограничного слоя {noun} | :: boundary layer bleed |
отсрочивать {v impf} | :: to postpone, to delay, to defer, to adjourn, to respite |
отсрочивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to extend |
отсрочить {v pf} | :: to postpone, to delay, to defer, to adjourn, to respite |
отсрочить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to extend |
отсрочка {noun} | :: postponement, deferment, adjournment |
отсрочка {noun} | :: prolongation, extension |
отставание {noun} | :: lagging, lag |
отставать {v impf} | :: to fall behind, to lag (to be below average in performance) |
отставать {v impf} | :: to be slow (of a clock) |
отставать {v impf} | :: to be backward / behind; to be retarded |
отставать {v impf} | :: to come / fall off, to peel off |
отставать {v impf} | :: to let alone, to leave alone, to stop annoying |
отставить {v pf} | :: to set/put aside |
отставить {v pf} | :: to thrust out |
отставить {v pf} | :: to dismiss, to discharge |
отставить {interj} [military] | :: as you were! |
отставка {noun} | :: resignation, retirement |
отставлять {v impf} | :: to set/put aside |
отставлять {v impf} | :: to thrust out |
отставлять {v impf} | :: to dismiss, to discharge |
отставной {adj} | :: retired |
отстаивание {noun} | :: assertion |
отстаивать {v impf} | :: to defend, to protect, to hold against enemy attacks |
отстаивать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to maintain, to assert |
отстаивать {v impf} | :: to desilt |
отстаивать {v impf} | :: to stand [on one's feet] (somewhere) from beginning to end |
отстаивать {v impf} | :: to tire out (one's legs) from standing too long |
отсталость {noun} | :: backwardness (state of being backward) |
отсталый {adj} | :: outdated, retrograde |
отсталый {adj} | :: backward, retarded (in terms of development of a person) |
отстать {v pf} | :: to fall behind, to lag (to be below average in performance) |
отстать {v pf} | :: to be slow (of a clock) |
отстать {v pf} | :: to be backward / behind; to be retarded |
отстать {v pf} | :: to come / fall off, to peel off |
отстать {v pf} | :: to let alone, to leave alone, to stop annoying |
отстегнуть {v pf} | :: to unbuckle, to unzip, to unbutton, to unfasten |
отстегнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to give a kickback |
отстёгивать {v impf} | :: to unbuckle, to unzip, to unbutton, to unfasten |
отстёгивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to give a kickback |
отстой {noun} | :: sedimentation |
отстой {noun} | :: sediment, sludge |
отстой {noun} [figurative, slang] | :: shlock, junk |
отстой {noun} [transportation] | :: vehicular storage, long-term parking |
отстойник {noun} | :: sump |
отстойник {noun} [colloquial] | :: long-term car park |
отстоять {v pf} | :: to defend, to protect, to hold against enemy attacks |
отстоять {v pf} [figurative] | :: to maintain, to assert |
отстоять {v pf} | :: to desilt |
отстоять {v pf} | :: to stand [on one's feet] (somewhere) from beginning to end |
отстоять {v pf} | :: to tire out (one's legs) from standing too long |
отстоять {v impf} | :: to be away [from], to be distant [from], to be apart, to be located (a certain distance from) |
отстраивать {v impf} | :: to build, to complete the construction |
отстраиваться {v impf} | :: to finish the building/construction of one's house |
отстраиваться {v impf} | :: to rebuild |
отстраиваться {v impf} | :: (city, buildings) to be rebuilt |
отстранение {noun} | :: removal, discharge, suspending, ban |
отстранённо {adv} | :: aloof, distantly (without sympathy) |
отстранённость {noun} | :: detachment, estrangement, alienation |
отстранить {v pf} | :: to push aside, to remove |
отстранить {v pf} | :: to discharge, to dismiss |
отстраниться {v pf} | :: to move away (from), to dodge |
отстраниться {v pf} | :: to keep away (from), to keep aloof (from) |
отстранять {v impf} | :: to push aside, to remove |
отстранять {v impf} | :: to discharge, to dismiss |
отстраняться {v impf} | :: to move away (from), to dodge |
отстраняться {v impf} | :: to keep away (from), to keep aloof (from) |
отстрел {noun} [hunting] | :: killing by shooting |
отстрел {noun} | :: forcible separation, ejection, jettisoning |
отстреливать {v impf} | :: to shoot off (a body part) |
отстреливать {v impf} | :: to cause to forcibly separate, to eject, to jettison |
отстреливать {v impf} [hunting] | :: to kill by shooting |
отстреливать {v impf} | :: to shoot (a predetermined amount of ammunition) |
отстреливаться {v impf} | :: to shoot back [от at] |
отстрелить {v pf} | :: to shoot off (a body part) |
отстрелить {v pf} | :: to selectively shoot (some members of a group) |
отстрелить {v pf} | :: to cause to forcibly separate, to eject, to jettison |
отстрелять {v pf} [hunting] | :: to kill by shooting |
отстрелять {v pf} | :: to finish shooting |
отстреляться {v pf} | :: to shoot back [от at] |
отстроить {v pf} | :: to build, to complete the construction |
отстроиться {v pf} | :: to finish the building/construction of one's house |
отстроиться {v pf} | :: to rebuild |
отстроиться {v pf} | :: (city, buildings) to be rebuilt |
отступ {noun} | :: indent, indentation, paragraph |
отступать {v impf} | :: to retreat, to fall back |
отступать {v impf} | :: to digress, to back off |
отступаться {v impf} | :: to give up, to renounce |
отступить {v pf} | :: to retreat, to fall back |
отступить {v pf} | :: to digress, to back off |
отступиться {v pf} | :: to give up, to renounce |
отступление {noun} [military] | :: retreat; backoff |
отступление {noun} | :: deviation, departure, digression |
отступник {noun} | :: apostate, recreant (person who renounces a faith) |
отступничество {noun} | :: apostasy, tergiversation (renunciation of set of beliefs) |
отступничество {noun} | :: defection |
отступничество {noun} | :: backsliding |
отступничество {noun} | :: recreancy |
отступничество {noun} | :: abjuration |
отступное {noun} [monetary] | :: compensation |
отступной {adj} [relational, dated or colloquial] | :: compensation |
отсутствие {noun} | :: lack, absence |
отсутствовать {v impf} | :: to be absent, to be lacking |
отсутствующий {adj} | :: absent (being away from a place) |
отсчёт {noun} | :: count, counting |
отсчитать {v pf} | :: to count off, to count out |
отсчитывать {v impf} | :: to count off, to count out |
отсылать {v impf} | :: to send away, to send off, to dispatch |
отсылать {v impf} | :: to send back |
отсылать {v impf} | :: to refer (to) |
отсылка {noun} | :: sending, dispatch |
отсылка {noun} | :: reference [e.g. in a text] |
отсыпать {v pf} | :: to pour off, to separate by pouring out (bulk material, objects or pieces, not liquid) |
отсыпать {v pf} | :: to pour out [thereby reducing the quantity; bulk material, objects or pieces, not liquid] |
отсыпать {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to give generously |
отсыпать {v impf} | :: to pour off, to separate by pouring out (bulk material, objects or pieces, not liquid) |
отсыпать {v impf} | :: to pour out [thereby reducing the quantity; bulk material, objects or pieces, not liquid] |
отсыпать {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to give generously |
отсыпать {v impf} | :: to stop sleeping |
отсыпать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to sleep for awhile |
отсыпаться {vi pf} [colloquial] | :: to pour out, to spill out [of a small quantity of a bulk material, objects, or pieces, not liquid] |
отсыпаться {vi impf} [colloquial] | :: to pour out, to spill out [of a small quantity of a bulk material, objects, or pieces, not liquid] |
отсыпаться {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to rest after not sleeping for awhile |
отсыпь {noun} | :: scree, rock fragments |
отсыревать {v impf} | :: to become damp, to become wet |
отсыреть {v pf} | :: to become damp, to become wet |
отсюда {adv} | :: from here, hence |
Оттава {prop} | :: Оттава (capital city) |
Оттава {prop} | :: Оттава (river) |
Оттава {prop} | :: Оттава (city) |
оттаивать {v impf} | :: to thaw out, to let thaw out (transitive) |
оттаивать {v impf} | :: to thaw out (intransitive) |
оттаивать {v impf} | :: to thaw (out), to melt, to mellow, to relax |
отталкивание {noun} | :: pushing back |
отталкивание {noun} | :: repulsion |
отталкивание {noun} | :: antagonization |
отталкивать {v impf} | :: to push back, to push away |
отталкивать {v impf} | :: to alienate, to antagonize |
отталкиваться {vi impf} | :: to push off [от from] |
отталкиваться {v impf} | :: to proceed (from something as a starting point) |
отталкивающий {adj} | :: repulsive |
оттаскать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to pull (by) |
оттаскивать {v impf} | :: to drag away/aside, to pull away/aside, to drag/pull back |
оттачивание {noun} | :: sharpening, whetting |
оттачивание {noun} | :: honing (e.g. skills) |
оттачивать {v impf} | :: to sharpen, to whet |
оттачивать {v impf} | :: to perfect |
оттащить {v pf} | :: to drag away/aside, to pull away/aside, to drag/pull back |
оттаять {v pf} | :: to thaw out, to let thaw out (transitive) |
оттаять {v pf} | :: to thaw out (intransitive) |
оттаять {v pf} | :: to thaw (out), to melt, to mellow, to relax |
оттекать {v impf} | :: to flow outwards |
оттекать {v impf} | :: to flow sideways |
оттенить {v pf} | :: to shade (an artwork) [creating a three-dimensional effect] |
оттенить {v pf} | :: to enhance, to set off [by means of contrasting colors; usually of clothing or cosmetics] |
оттенить {v pf} [figurative] | :: to highlight |
оттенок {noun} | :: tinge, nuance, shade, tint, hue (color or shade of color; tint; dye) |
оттенок {noun} | :: inflection, nuance |
оттенять {v impf} | :: to shade (an artwork) [creating a three-dimensional effect] |
оттенять {v impf} | :: to enhance, to set off [by means of contrasting colors; usually of clothing or cosmetics] |
оттенять {v impf} [figurative] | :: to highlight |
оттепель {noun} | :: thaw (a warmth of weather, also figurative) |
оттеснить {v pf} | :: to drive back/off/away, to press back, to push aside, to shove back |
оттеснять {v impf} | :: to drive back/off/away, to press back, to push aside, to shove back |
оттечь {v pf} | :: to flow outwards |
оттечь {v pf} | :: to flow sideways |
оттиск {noun} | :: impression, press, type |
оттиск {noun} | :: reprint |
оттискать {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to push forcefully, to shove |
оттискать {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to crush, to squeeze |
оттискивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to push forcefully once, to shove once |
оттискивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to push forcefully, to shove |
оттискивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to crush once, to squeeze once |
оттискивать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to crush, to squeeze |
оттискивать {v impf} | :: to imprint once, to stamp once |
оттискивать {v impf} | :: to imprint, to stamp |
оттиснуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to push forcefully once, to shove once |
оттиснуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to push forcefully, to shove |
оттиснуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to crush once, to squeeze once |
оттиснуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to crush, to squeeze |
оттиснуть {v pf} | :: to imprint once, to stamp once |
оттиснуть {v pf} | :: to imprint, to stamp |
оттого {adv} | :: therefore, that's why (also оттого и) |
отток {noun} | :: outflow |
оттолкнуть {v pf} | :: to push back, to push away |
оттолкнуть {v pf} | :: to alienate, to antagonize |
оттолкнуться {vi pf} | :: to push off [от from] |
оттолкнуться {v pf} | :: to proceed (from something as a starting point) |
оттопыривать {v impf} | :: to stick out (to cause to protrude) |
оттопырить {v pf} | :: to stick out (to cause to protrude) |
отторгать {v impf} | :: to tear away forcefully |
отторгать {v impf} | :: to not accept; to reject |
отторгнуть {v pf} | :: to tear away forcefully |
отторгнуть {v pf} | :: to not accept; to reject |
отторжение {noun} | :: abruption |
отторжение {noun} | :: rejection |
отточить {v pf} | :: to sharpen, to whet |
отточить {v pf} | :: to perfect |
оттуда {adv} | :: from there, thence |
оттягивать {v impf} | :: to draw off, to draw back, to pull aside |
оттягивать {v impf} | :: to weigh down |
оттягивать {v impf} | :: to delay, to procrastinate, to put off |
оттяжка {noun} | :: delay, procrastination |
оттяжка {noun} [nautical] | :: guy, strut, brace, stay |
оттянуть {v pf} | :: to draw off, to draw back, to pull aside |
оттянуть {v pf} | :: to weigh down |
оттянуть {v pf} | :: to delay, to procrastinate, to put off |
отупеть {v pf} | :: to become blunt (of instruments) |
отупеть {v pf} | :: to grow stupid; to become mentally insensitive |
отучать {v impf} | :: to force to break a habit |
отучивать {v impf} | :: alternative form of отучать |
отучить {v pf} | :: to force to break a habit |
отучить {v pf} [perfective only] | :: to finish teaching, to finish learning |
отфильтровать {v pf} | :: to filter, to filter out |
отфильтровывать {v impf} | :: to filter, to filter out |
отхаркать {v pf} | :: to expectorate, to cough up |
отхаркивать {v impf} | :: to expectorate, to cough up |
отхаркнуть {v pf} | :: to expectorate, to cough up |
отхватать {v pf} [low colloquial] | :: to cut off in several snips |
отхватить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to chop off, to cut off |
отхватить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to perform (a dance) dashingly |
отхватить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to get in trouble, to get beaten up |
отхватывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to chop off, to cut off |
отхватывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to perform (a dance) dashingly |
отхлебать {v pf} | :: to sup |
отхлебнуть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to take a mouthful (of), to take a sip |
отхлёбывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to take a mouthful (of), to take a sip |
отход {noun} | :: departure, sailing (of a ship) |
отход {noun} | :: withdrawal, retirement, falling back |
отход {noun} | :: deviation, departure, break |
отходить {v impf} | :: to go away, to go aside, to move away, to move aside |
отходить {v impf} [military] | :: to withdraw, to fall back |
отходить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to go away temporarily (with the intention to come back soon) |
отходить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to come around, to come back to normal (e.g. after a shock or disease) |
отходить {v impf} | :: to go out of fashion |
отходная {noun} | :: requiescat (a prayer recited over the dying) |
отходный {adj} [relational] | :: waste |
отходы {noun} | :: waste products, waste, scrap, refuse |
отцвести {v pf} | :: to finish blooming |
отцвести {v pf} [figurative] | :: to lose freshness or youth, to wither |
отцвести {v pf} [figurative, dated] | :: to lose color, to fade |
отцветать {v impf} | :: to finish blooming |
отцветать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to lose freshness or youth, to wither |
отцветать {v impf} [figurative, dated] | :: to lose color, to fade |
отцепить {v pf} | :: to unhitch, to unhook |
отцепить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to unfasten |
отцепить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to take off (an article of clothing) |
отцепить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to untangle, to disentangle |
отцеплять {v impf} | :: to unhitch, to unhook |
отцеплять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to unfasten |
отцеплять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to take off (an article of clothing) |
отцеплять {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to untangle, to disentangle |
отцов {adj} [possessive] | :: father’s |
отцовский {adj} | :: father's, fatherly, paternal |
отцовство {noun} | :: fatherhood |
отчаиваться {v impf} | :: to despair, to be in despair |
отчаиваться {v impf} | :: to not to hope, to lose hope (of) |
отчаливать {v impf} [nautical] | :: to cast away; to unmoor; to sail away |
отчаливать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to leave; to depart |
отчалить {v pf} [nautical] | :: to cast away; to unmoor; to sail away |
отчалить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to leave; to depart |
отчасти {adv} | :: partially (to a partial degree) |
отчаяние {noun} | :: despair |
отчаянно {adv} | :: desperately (in a desperate manner) |
отчаянный {adj} | :: desperate |
отчаянный {adj} | :: foolhardy, reckless |
отчаянный {adj} [colloquial] | :: rotten, frightful, awful |
отчаянье {noun} | :: alternative form of отчаяние |
отчаяться {v pf} | :: to despair, to be in despair |
отчаяться {v pf} | :: to not to hope, to lose hope (of) |
отчего {adv} [interrogative adverb] | :: why? (from what cause) |
отчего-то {adv} | :: for some reason |
отчеканить {v pf} | :: to mint, to coin |
отчеканить {v pf} [engineering] | :: to chase, to caulk |
отчеканить {v pf} | :: to utter distinctly, to punctuate |
отчество {noun} | :: patronymic |
отчёт {noun} | :: account, report |
отчёт {noun} | :: return |
отчётливо {adv} | :: distinctly, clearly, audibly, legibly |
отчётливость {noun} | :: distinctness, clarity |
отчётливый {adj} | :: distinct, clear |
отчётливый {adj} | :: intelligible |
отчётность {noun} | :: accountability (state of being accountable) |
отчётный {adj} [relational] | :: report, reported |
отчизна {noun} | :: fatherland, motherland, homeland, home country |
отчий {adj} [poetic] | :: fatherly, paternal |
отчий {adj} [poetic] | :: native |
отчим {noun} | :: stepfather |
отчисление {noun} | :: deduction, money deducted |
отчисление {noun} | :: dismissal (of students from a school or a college) |
отчислить {v pf} | :: to deduct |
отчислить {v pf} | :: to assign, to allot |
отчислить {v pf} | :: to remit, to transfer |
отчислить {v pf} | :: to dismiss, to expel, to send down |
отчислять {v impf} | :: to deduct |
отчислять {v impf} | :: to assign, to allot |
отчислять {v impf} | :: to remit, to transfer |
отчислять {v impf} | :: to dismiss, to expel, to send down |
отчитать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to chew out, to bawl out, to reprimand |
отчитать {v pf} [colloquial, perfective only] | :: to finish reading (something) |
отчитаться {v pf} | :: to report, to give a report |
отчитаться {v pf} | :: to give an account |
отчитывать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to chew out, to bawl out, to reprimand |
отчитываться {v impf} | :: to report, to give a report |
отчитываться {v impf} | :: to give an account |
отчудить {v pf} | :: to alienate, to expropriate |
отчудить {v pf} | :: to estrange |
отчудить {v pf} [colloquial, perfective only] | :: to do something very strange |
отчуждать {v impf} | :: to alienate, to expropriate |
отчуждать {v impf} | :: to estrange |
отчуждение {noun} | :: alienation, exclusion зона отчуждения - "exclusion zone" |
отчуждённость {noun} | :: estrangement, alienation, estrangement, detachment (the state) |
отчуждённый {adj} | :: detached, aloof |
отчуждённый {adj} | :: alienated, estranged |
отчуждённый {adj} [law] | :: expropriated |
отшатнуться {v pf} | :: to start back (from), to shrink back (from), to recoil (from) |
отшатнуться {v pf} | :: to forsake, to renounce |
отшатываться {v impf} | :: to start back (from), to shrink back (from), to recoil (from) |
отшатываться {v impf} | :: to forsake, to renounce |
отшвыривать {v impf} | :: to fling away, to throw off, to kick aside |
отшвырнуть {v pf} | :: to fling away, to throw off, to kick aside |
отшельник {noun} | :: hermit, anchorite |
отшельник {noun} | :: recluse |
отшиб {noun} [colloquial] | :: remoteness, apartness, usually in combination with на: |
отшлифовать {v pf} | :: to grind, to polish, to file |
отшутиться {v pf} | :: to laugh off (to respond to a negative situation lightheartedly, as though it were a joke) |
отшучиваться {v impf} | :: to laugh off (to respond to a negative situation lightheartedly, as though it were a joke) |
отщепенец {noun} | :: renegade, misfit |
отщепить {v pf} | :: to split off (a chip of wood) |
отщепиться {vi pf} | :: to chip off |
отщеплять {v impf} | :: to split off (a chip of wood) |
отщепляться {vi impf} | :: to chip off |
отъебаться {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to fuck off; to leave alone; to stop annoying or pestering |
отъедать {v impf} | :: to eat off, to bite off |
отъезд {noun} | :: departure |
отъезжать {v impf} | :: to drive away, to ride off, to depart (by vehicle) |
отъезжать {v impf} | :: only used in отъезжать назад |
отъесть {v pf} | :: to eat off, to bite off |
отъехать {v pf} | :: to drive away, to ride off, to depart (by vehicle) |
отъехать {v pf} | :: only used in отъехать назад |
отъёбываться {v impf} [vulgar] | :: to fuck off; to leave alone; to stop annoying or pestering |
отъявленный {adj} | :: thorough, out-and-out, rank |
отъявленный {adj} | :: inveterate |
отыграть {v pf} | :: to win back |
отыграться {v pf} | :: to win back money |
отыграться {v pf} | :: to win again after a loss |
отыграться {v pf} | :: to compensate [за + accusative, for losses] |
отыграться {v pf} | :: to take out one's anger [на + instrumental, on] |
отыгрывать {v impf} | :: to win back |
отыгрываться {v impf} | :: to win back money |
отыгрываться {v impf} | :: to win again after a loss |
отыгрываться {v impf} | :: to compensate [за + accusative, for losses] |
отыгрываться {v impf} | :: to take out one's anger [на + instrumental, on] |
отылить {v pf} [archaic] | :: to support, to protect (as a backup/from behind) |
отыметь {v pf} | :: [vulgar] to fuck |
отымённый {adj} [grammar] | :: denominal |
отыскать {v pf} | :: to find, to track down |
отыскать {v pf} | :: to look up, to search |
отыскаться {v pf} | :: to be found, to appear, to turn up |
отыскивать {v impf} | :: to find, to track down |
отыскивать {v impf} | :: to look up, to search |
отыскиваться {v impf} | :: to be found, to appear, to turn up |
отяготить {v pf} | :: to burden, to weigh down |
отягощать {v impf} | :: to burden, to weigh down |
отягчать {v impf} | :: to aggravate |
отяжелеть {v pf} | :: to grow heavy |
оу {n inan} | :: (English letter) O, o |
офеня {noun} [historical] | :: peddler in villages and small fairs, selling sewing goods, textiles, books, prints, etc |
офигенность {noun} [slang, vulgar] | :: fucking awesomeness |
офигеть {v pf} [slang] | :: to become impudent/brazen/insolent |
офигеть {v pf} [slang] | :: to be shocked, to be very surprised |
офигеть {v pf} [slang] | :: to feel very miserable for some reason, to freeze, (nearly) to die of hunger, to cold, etc |
офигеть {interj} [mildly vulgar] | :: frick!, holy shit! |
офигеть {interj} [mildly vulgar, used as an adverb] | :: freaking, fricking |
офис {noun} | :: office |
офисный {adj} [relational] | :: office |
офицер {noun} | :: officer |
офицер {noun} [chess, colloquial] | :: bishop (Russian abbreviation: С) |
офицерня {noun} [collective, colloquial, derogatory] | :: officers (in military) |
офицерский {adj} [relational, military] | :: officer; officer's, officers' |
официально {adv} | :: officially |
официальный {adj} | :: official |
официальный {adj} | :: formal |
официант {noun} | :: waiter |
официантка {noun} | :: waitress |
официоз {noun} | :: unofficial publication expressing the government's point of view |
официоз {noun} | :: official government information concerning protocol |
официоз {noun} [colloquial] | :: deference, politeness |
официоз {noun} [collective] | :: authorities, people close to power |
офонареть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to lose one's mind, to go nuts |
офонареть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to get very surprised |
оформить {v pf} | :: to put into shape, to form |
оформить {v pf} | :: to decorate, to arrange |
оформить {v pf} | :: to register, to legalize, to formalize, to put (documents, such as visas, passports, etc.) in order, to file |
оформить {v pf} | :: to hire, to register, to include into payroll or staff |
оформиться {v pf} | :: to take shape |
оформиться {v pf} | :: to legalize one's status, to do the formalities, to go through the formal procedure |
оформление {noun} | :: filing (of documents) |
оформление {noun} | :: formatting |
оформление {noun} | :: decoration (e.g., of showcases) |
оформлять {v impf} | :: to put into shape, to form |
оформлять {v impf} | :: to decorate, to arrange |
оформлять {v impf} | :: to register, to legalize, to formalize, to put (documents, such as visas, passports, etc.) in order, to file |
оформлять {v impf} | :: to hire, to register, to include into payroll or staff |
оформляться {v impf} | :: to take shape |
оформляться {v impf} | :: to legalize one's status, to do the formalities, to go through the formal procedure |
офтальмология {noun} | :: ophthalmology |
офшор {noun} | :: offshore territory |
офшор {noun} | :: offshore company |
офшорный {adj} | :: offshore (referring to offshore enterprises) |
ох {interj} | :: oh, ah |
охапка {noun} | :: armful |
охарактеризовать {v pf} | :: to describe, to characterize |
охать {v impf} | :: to sigh, to moan |
охаять {v pf} | :: to slander, to backbite, to slag off, to find fault (with), to run down |
охват {noun} | :: coverage, scope |
охват {noun} | :: inclusion |
охват {noun} [military] | :: outflanking, envelopment |
охватить {v pf} | :: to embrace |
охватить {v pf} | :: to include, to take in |
охватывать {v impf} | :: to embrace, to include |
охладевать {v impf} | :: to cool down |
охладевать {v impf} [figurative] | :: to lose interest (in something) |
охладеть {v pf} | :: to cool down |
охладеть {v pf} [figurative] | :: to lose interest (in something) |
охладить {v pf} | :: to chill |
охладить {v pf} | :: to damp down |
охлаждать {v impf} | :: to cool, to cool off, to chill, to quench |
охлаждать {v impf} | :: to damp down |
охлаждение {noun} | :: cooling |
охлопать {v pf} [archaic] | :: to reward; to welcome with applause |
охлопье {noun} [also plural] | :: residues from treatment of fibrous materials, in the form of flakes |
охмелеть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to become intoxicated, to drunk, to tipsy or high |
охмелеть {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to become exhilarated |
охнуть {v pf} | :: to sigh, to moan |
охота {noun} | :: wish, inclination, desire |
охота {pred} | :: what something; what do/does...see in something; what do/does...get out of something |
охота {noun} | :: hunt, hunting |
охота {noun} | :: shooting, game shooting, fowling |
охота {noun} | :: chase |
охотиться {v impf} | :: to hunt |
охотиться {v impf} | :: to chase |
охотник {noun} | :: hunter |
охотник {noun} | :: volunteer |
охотник {noun} | :: lover (of), enthusiast (for) |
охотничий {adj} | :: hunting |
охотничий {adj} | :: hunter's |
охотно {adv} | :: with pleasure, willingly, readily, gladly |
охотнорядец {noun} | :: an extremist, obscurantist, black hundredist. Initially denoted a salesman at a market for game animals (охотный ряд), who were often called upon to quell student demonstrations and organize pogroms |
охотный {adj} | :: willing |
охотный {adj} | :: hunting |
Охотск {prop} | :: Okhotsk (a settlement in Khabarovsk krai) |
Охотское море {prop} | :: Sea of Okhotsk |
Охоцуку {prop} {m inan} | :: Охоцуку (subprefecture) |
охра {noun} | :: ochre |
охрана {noun} | :: guarding, protection |
охрана {noun} | :: guards |
охранение {noun} | :: safeguarding, protecting |
охранить {v pf} | :: to guard, to safeguard, to defend, to preserve (e.g. the environment) |
охранка {noun} [colloquial, historical] | :: okhrana ("Department for Protecting the Public Security and Order", the secret police force of the Russian Empire operational in 1866 - 1917) |
охранник {noun} | :: security guard, watchman (guard) |
охранник {noun} | :: bodyguard |
охранный {adj} [relational] | :: guarding, protection |
охраняемый {adj} | :: guarded, protected, secured |
охранять {v impf} | :: to guard, to safeguard, to defend, to preserve (e.g. the environment) |
охренеть {v pf} [slang] | :: to become impudent, brazen, insolent |
охренеть {v pf} [slang] | :: to be shocked, to be very surprised |
охренеть {v pf} [slang] | :: to feel very miserable for some reason, to freeze, (nearly) to die of hunger, cold, etc |
охренеть {interj} [vulgar] | :: what the hell!, holy shit! |
охрипнуть {v pf} | :: to become hoarse |
охуеть {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to become impudent, to brazen, to insolent |
охуеть {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to be shocked, to be very surprised |
охуеть {v pf} [vulgar] | :: to feel very miserable for some reason, to freeze, (nearly) to die of hunger, to cold, etc |
охуеть {interj} [vulgar] | :: fucking hell!, holy shit!, what the fuck! |
охуительный {adj} [vulgar, slang] | :: marvellous, wonderful, outstanding, splendid |
оцелот {noun} | :: ocelot |
оценивание {noun} | :: evaluation, assessment (appraisal) |
оценивать {v impf} | :: to appraise, to price |
оценивать {v impf} | :: to evaluate, to estimate |
оценить {v pf} | :: to appraise, to price |
оценить {v pf} | :: to evaluate, to estimate |
оценка {noun} | :: valuation, appraisal, feedback |
оценка {noun} | :: estimation, appreciation |
оценка {noun} [school] | :: mark, grade (where 5 = A, 1 = F) |
оценочный {adj} | :: estimated, evaluative, ratable |
оценщик {noun} | :: appraiser |
оценщик {noun} [dated] | :: connoisseur |
оцепенение {noun} | :: numbness; stupor; torpor |
оцепенение {noun} | :: rigour |
оцепенеть {v pf} | :: to grow torpid, to become rigid, to freeze |
оцепить {v pf} | :: to surround, to encircle, to cordon off |
оцепление {noun} | :: surrounding, cordoning off |
оцеплять {v impf} | :: to surround, to encircle, to cordon off |
оцет {noun} [archaic, Biblical expression] | :: vinegar |
оцинковать {v pf} | :: to zinc, to galvanize with zinc, to electroplate with zinc |
оцинковывать {v impf} | :: to zinc, to galvanize with zinc, to electroplate with zinc |
очаг {noun} | :: hearth |
очаг {noun} | :: pocket (an isolated group or area) |
очаг {noun} [figuratively] | :: breeding ground, hotbed |
очарование {noun} | :: enchantment, charm, charisma |
очарование {noun} | :: magic |
очарованный {adj} | :: charmed, taken |
очарованный кварк {noun} | :: charm quark |
очаровательный {adj} | :: charming, fascinating |
очаровать {v pf} | :: to charm, to fascinate |
очаровывать {v impf} | :: to charm, to fascinate |
очевидец {noun} | :: eyewitness |
очевидно {adv} | :: apparently, obviously |
очевидность {noun} | :: evidence, obviousness, openness |
очевидный {adj} | :: apparent, obvious (easily discovered or understood; self-explanatory) |
очень {adv} | :: very, much, very much |
очень приятно {interj} | :: pleased to meet you (literally: very pleasant) |
очеп {noun} [dialectal] | :: pole with hook attached used for catching things, crooked staff for fetching things; crane |
очередной {adj} | :: next (in turn), another |
очередной {adj} | :: regular |
очередной {adj} | :: foremost |
очередной {adj} | :: latest |
очередь {noun} | :: queue, line |
очередь {noun} | :: turn, order, succession |
очередь {noun} | :: phase (of a project) |
очередь {noun} | :: salvo, volley, burst of fire |
очерёдность {noun} | :: sequence, order of priority |
очерк {noun} | :: sketch, essay, feature story |
очернить {v pf} | :: to denigrate |
очернять {v impf} | :: to denigrate |
очертание {noun} | :: outline (line marking the boundary of an object figure) |
очертенеть {v pf} [derogatory] | :: to become an idiot or a madman |
очертенеть {v pf} [derogatory] | :: to hate, to feel aversion |
очертить {v pf} | :: to outline, to draw a line around |
очерчивать {v impf} | :: to outline, to draw a line around |
очечник {noun} | :: spectacle case |
очёчник {noun} [proscribed] | :: alternative form of очечник |
очистить {v pf} | :: to clean, to cleanse, to purify, to purge |
очиститься {v pf} | :: to clear oneself |
очиститься {v pf} | :: to clear |
очиститься {v pf} | :: to become purer |
очистка {noun} | :: cleaning, purification, clearing, refinement |
очистка {noun} | :: peeling |
очистка {noun} [military] | :: mopping-up |
очистка {noun} [economics] | :: clearance |
очистной {adj} [relational] | :: cleaning, treatment |
очищать {v impf} | :: to clean, to cleanse, to purify, to purge |
очищаться {v impf} | :: to clear oneself |
очищаться {v impf} | :: to clear |
очищаться {v impf} | :: to become purer |
очищение {noun} | :: refinement, purification, rectification |
очищение {noun} | :: (spiritual) purification, cleansing, catharsis |
-очка {suffix} | :: (added to (normally feminine) nouns, forms diminutives, sometimes with a further change in meaning) |
-очка {suffix} | :: (added to nouns and adjectives, forms colloquial nouns referring to women with endearing qualities) |
очкарик {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: four-eyes (person wearing glasses) |
очкарь {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: four-eyes (person wearning glasses) |
очкастый {adj} [pejorative] | :: four-eyed (wearing glasses) |
очки {noun} | :: glasses, spectacles |
очко {noun} | :: point |
очко {noun} | :: spot, pip [on cards or dice] |
очко {noun} | :: hole, peephole |
очко {noun} [botany] | :: eye |
очко {noun} [vulgar] | :: asshole, anus |
очко {noun} [vulgar] | :: ability to stay calm and adequate while under pressure in a stressful situation |
очко {noun} [vulgar] | :: toilet (bowl) |
очко {noun} [card games] | :: blackjack |
очнуться {v pf} | :: to awaken |
очнуться {v pf} | :: to come to, to gain consciousness |
очнуться {v pf} | :: to come to one's senses |
очный {adj} | :: face to face |
очный {adj} | :: classroom (of education) |
очумелый {adj} | :: crazy, insane |
очуметь {v pf} [slang] | :: to act crazy |
очутиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to find oneself (suddenly) in a place |
очутиться {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to be found (in a place) |
очухаться {v pf} [vernacular] | :: to come to oneself, to come to one's senses |
ошалелый {adj} [colloquial] | :: crazy, crazed, woozy, zonked |
ошалеть {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to go crazy |
ошарашивать {v impf} | :: to dumbfound, to strike dumb, to flabbergast, to bowl out |
ошарашивать {v impf} | :: to beat, to bang |
ошарашить {v pf} | :: to dumbfound, to strike dumb, to flabbergast, to bowl out |
ошарашить {v pf} | :: to beat, to bang |
ошейник {noun} | :: collar (e.g. on a dog or a cat) |
ошеломить {v pf} | :: to stun, to stupefy |
ошеломление {noun} | :: stun, daze (the condition of being stunned or dazed) |
ошеломлённо {adv} | :: agape, stunned (with astonishment) |
ошеломлять {v impf} | :: to stun, to stupefy |
ошеломляющий {adj} | :: amazing, stunning |
ошибаться {v impf} | :: to make a mistake, to err |
ошибиться {v pf} | :: to make a mistake, to err |
ошибка {noun} | :: mistake, error, fault |
ошибка {noun} | :: bias |
ошибочно {adv} | :: erroneously, mistakenly (by mistake) |
ошибочность {noun} | :: erroneousness, incorrectness, fallaciousness, mistakenness |
ошибочный {adj} | :: erroneous, mistaken, fallacious |
ошикать {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to express disapproval by hissing or noise |
ошмёток {noun} [colloquial] | :: piece, lump, shred |
ошмёток {noun} [dated, colloquial] | :: torn, worn bast shoe |
ошмёток {noun} [figurative, colloquial] | :: pitiful, insignificant remnant |
ошпаривать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to scald (one's hands, etc.) (to burn with boiling liquid or steam) |
ошпаривать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to pour boiling water over [often specifically in order to kill something, e.g. an insect] |
ошпарить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to scald (one's hands, etc.) (to burn with boiling liquid or steam) |
ошпарить {v pf} [colloquial] | :: to pour boiling water over [often specifically in order to kill something, e.g. an insect] |
оштрафовать {v pf} | :: to fine, to penalize, to cite (issue citation) |
ощетинивать {v impf} | :: to bristle, to tousle (hair or fur) |
ощетинить {v pf} | :: to bristle, to tousle (hair or fur) |
ощетиниться {v pf} | :: to bristle up |
ощетиниться {v pf} [figuratively] | :: to get angry |
ощупать {v pf} | :: to feel (with fingers) |
ощупывать {v impf} | :: to feel (with fingers) |
ощупь {noun} | :: the use of the sense of touch, the act of groping |
ощупью {adv} | :: with one's sense of touch, by groping |
ощутимо {adv} | :: tangibly, perceptibly |
ощутимый {adj} | :: tangible, perceptible, palpable |
ощутительный {adj} | :: palpable, perceptible, tangible |
ощутительный {adj} | :: appreciable, noticeable, notable |
ощутить {v pf} | :: to feel, to sense, to perceive, to appreciate (to be aware of) |
ощутиться {v pf} | :: to be felt, to be perceived |
ощущать {v impf} | :: to feel, to sense, to perceive, to appreciate (to be aware of) |
ощущаться {v impf} | :: to be felt, to be perceived |
ощущение {noun} | :: sensation |
ощущение {noun} | :: feeling, perception, sense |
ОЭЗ {f inan} | :: Special Economic Zone |