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User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-g

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G20 {prop} (group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 economies) :: G20
gab {n} /ɡæb/ (Idle chatter) :: pulina, pälpätys, löpinä
gab {v} (to talk or chatter a lot, usually on trivial subjects) :: pulista, pälpättää
gabardine {n} /ˈɡæbɚˌdin/ (type of woolen cloth) :: gabardiini
gabble {v} /ˈɡæbəl/ (talk fast, idly, foolishly, or without meaning) :: lörpötellä
gabbro {n} /ˈɡabɹəʊ/ (igneous rock) :: gabro
gable {n} /ˈɡeɪ.bəl/ (triangular area of wall) :: päätykolmio
Gabon {prop} /ɡəˈbɒn/ (Gabonese Republic) :: Gabon
Gabonese {n} /ɡæ.bəˈniːz/ (A person from Gabon or of Gabonese descent) :: gabonilainen
Gabonese {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Gabon or the Gabonese people) :: gabonilainen
Gaborone {prop} /ˌɡæbəˈɹəʊni/ (capital of Botswana) :: Gaborone
Gabriel {prop} /ˈɡeɪbɹi.əl/ (male given name) :: Kaapo
Gabriel {prop} (archangel) :: Gabriel
gack {v} (to make a 'gack' noise) :: kakoa, kakistella
gack {v} (to make expectorate a hairball) :: kakoa
gadfly {n} (fly of the family Oestridae) SEE: botfly ::
gadfly {n} (one who upsets the status quo) :: häirikkö
gadfly {n} (one who merely irritates) :: piikittelijä
gadfly {n} (slang: bloodsucker) :: verenimijä
gadfly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae) SEE: horsefly ::
gadfly petrel {n} (petrel of the genus Pterodroma) :: viistäjä
gadget {n} /ɡædʒɪt/ (any device or machine) :: laite, härpätin, vekotin, vehje, värkki, härveli, hilavitkutin
gadiform {adj} (belonging to Gadiformes) :: turskansukuinen
gadoid {adj} /ˈɡeɪdɔɪd/ (of or pertaining to the Gadidae family) :: turska-, turskakalojen
gadolinium {n} /ˌɡædəˈlɪniəm/ (chemical element) :: gadolinium
gadwall {n} (a common and widespread dabbling duck) :: harmaasorsa
Gaea {prop} /dʒiːə/ (earth goddess) :: Gaia
Gaelic {prop} (Scottish Gaelic) SEE: Scottish Gaelic ::
Gaelic football {n} (form of football) :: kelttiläinen jalkapallo
gaff {n} (minor error or faux pas) SEE: gaffe ::
gaffe {n} /ɡæf/ (a foolish error, especially one made in public) :: möhläys, munaus, moka
gaffer {n} (baby) SEE: baby ::
gaffer {n} /ɡæfɚ/ (chief lighting technician) :: valaistusmestari
gaffer {n} (old man) :: ukko, äijä, taata
gaffer {n} (foreman) :: pomo, kymppi
gaffer {n} (sailor) :: pikipöksy
gaffer {n} (glassblower) SEE: glassblower ::
gaffer tape {n} (sturdy adhesive tape) :: roudarinteippi
gaff rig {n} (type of sailing rig) :: kahveliriki
gaff sail {n} (sail) :: kahvelipurje
gaffsail {n} /ˈɡæf.seɪl/ (topsail) :: kahvelipurje, haarukkapurje
gag {n} /ɡæɡ/ (device to restrain speech) :: suukapula
gag {n} (order or rule forbidding discussion) :: suukapulamääräys
gag {n} (joke or prank) :: vitsi, pila, kepponen
gag {n} (convulsion) :: yökkäys
gag {v} (To experience the vomiting reflex) :: yökätä, kakistella
gag {v} (To restrain someone's speech) :: suukapuloida
gaga {adj} /ˈɡɑːɡɑː/ (senile) :: pöpi, vanhuudenhöperö, hullu
gaga {adj} (crazy) :: pöpi, hullu
gaga {adj} (infatuated) :: hullu
Gagauz {prop} /ˌɡæɡɑːˈuːz/ (language) :: gagauzi
Gagauzia {prop} (Autonomous region) :: Gagauzia
gage {n} /ɡeɪd͡ʒ/ (challenge to combat) :: haaste, taisteluhansikas
gage {v} (gauge) SEE: gauge ::
gaggle {v} (cackle) SEE: cackle ::
gag order {n} (an order issued by a court) :: suukapulamääräys
gag order {n} (any directive from a person in authority prohibiting another person from speaking about a certain thing) :: suukapulamääräys
gahnite {n} (mineral) :: gahniitti
gaiety {n} /ˈɡeɪ.ə.ti/ (state of being happy) :: iloisuus, ilo
gailan {n} (kailan) SEE: kailan ::
gai-lan {n} (kailan) SEE: kailan ::
gaillardia {n} /ɡeɪˈlɑː(ɹ)dɪə/ (plant of Gaillardia) :: gaillardia
gaily {adv} /ˈɡeɪli/ (merrily) :: hilpeästi, iloisesti
gain {v} /ɡeɪn/ (acquire) :: saavuttaa, päästä päämäärään
gain {n} (act of gaining) :: voittaminen, voitto
gain {n} (what one gains (profit)) :: voitto, hyöty
gain {n} (factor by which signal is multiplied) :: vahvistus
gain ground {v} (to make progress or obtain advantage) :: saada jalansijaa, vallata alaa, menestyä
gain weight {v} (put on weight) SEE: put on weight ::
gainword {n} (a word a language has borrowed from another language) SEE: loanword ::
gait {n} /ɡeɪt/ (manner of walking) :: käynti, astunta
gait {n} (horse's way of moving) :: askellaji
gaiter {n} /ˈɡeɪ.tə/ (covering for the ankle and instep) :: nilkkain [ankle-high], säärys, säärystin [knee-high]
gaiwan {n} /ɡaɪˈwɑːn/ (lidded cup or bowl) :: gaiwan
gala {adj} /ˈɡælə/ (festive) :: juhlallinen
gala {n} (pomp, show or festivity) :: gaala
galactan {n} (polysaccharide consisting of many galactose residues) :: galaktaani
galactic {adj} /ɡəˈlæktɪk/ ((medicine) pertaining to milk or the secretion of milk) :: maito-
galactic {adj} (relating to a/the galaxy) :: linnunrata-
galactic {adj} ((figuratively) enormous) :: tähtitieteellinen
galactose {n} (the monosaccharide) :: galaktoosi
galago {n} /ɡəˈleɪɡəʊ/ (primate) :: galago
galah {n} (cockatoo) :: ruusukakadu
galah {n} (fool) SEE: fool ::
galangal {n} /ɡəˈlæŋɡəl/ (any of several plants of the ginger family) :: galanga
Galapagos Islands {prop} (the archipelago) :: Galápagossaaret {p}
Galapagos sea lion {n} (Zalophus wollebaeki) :: galapagosinmerileijona
Galatia {prop} (region of Asia Minor) :: Galatia
Galatian {adj} (pertaining to Galatia) :: galatialainen
Galatian {n} (person from Galatia) :: galatialainen
Galatians {prop} /ɡəˈleɪʃənz/ (book of the Bible) :: Galatalaiskirje {m}
Galatic {adj} (Galatian) SEE: Galatian ::
galaxy {n} /ˈɡæləksi/ (collection of billions of stars, galactic dust, black holes, etc) :: galaksi, tähtikunta
galaxy {n} (the Milky Way) SEE: Milky Way ::
galaxy filament {n} (formation of galaxies) :: galaksimuuri
gale {n} /ɡeɪl/ (meteorology: a very strong wind) :: myrskyinen tuuli, puhuri
gale {n} (outburst of laughter) :: naurunpuuska, pyrskähdys
gale {n} (Myrica gale) :: suomyrtti
galena {n} (mineral) :: lyijyhohde
galeophobia {n} (fear of cats and felines) SEE: ailurophobia ::
Galicia {prop} /ɡəˈlɪs.i.ə/ (Iberian kingdom, region of Spain) :: Galicia
Galicia {prop} (historical kingdom in Central Europe) :: Galitsia
Galician {adj} /ɡəˈlɪs.i.ən/ (pertaining to Galicia in Iberia) :: galicialainen
Galician {adj} (pertaining to the people of Galicia in Iberia) :: galicialainen
Galician {adj} (pertaining to the Galician language) :: galegonkielinen, galiciankielinen
Galician {n} (person(s) from Galicia, Spain) :: galicialainen
Galician {n} (Romance language spoken in Galicia) :: galego, galicia
Galician {adj} (pertaining to Galicia in Central Europe) :: galitsialainen
Galician {n} (inhabitant of Galicia in Central Europe) :: galitsialainen
Galilean {adj} (of or pertaining to the region of Galilee) :: galilealainen
Galilean {adj} (of or pertaining to a Galilean, Galileans) :: galilealainen
Galilean {n} (person from Galilee) :: galilealainen
Galilean {n} (zealous follower of Judas of Galilee) :: selootti
Galilean {adj} (of or pertaining to Galileo Galilei) :: galileilainen
Galilee {prop} (region of northern Israel) :: Galilea
gall {n} /ɡɔːl/ (great misery or physical suffering) :: piina
gall {n} (feeling of exasperation) :: suuttumus, katkeruus
gall {n} (impudence or brazenness) :: röyhkeys, otsa
gall {n} (sore or open wound caused by chafing) :: hankauma
gall {n} (sore on a horse) :: lyöttymä
gall {n} (pit caused on a surface caused by friction between the surfaces) :: hankauma
gall {v} (to trouble or bother) :: vaivata, sapettaa
gall {v} (to harass, harry) :: häiritä
gall {v} (to chafe) :: hiertää
gall {v} (to exasperate) :: ärsyttää, suututtaa
gall {n} (blister or tumor-like growth found on the surface of plants) :: äkämä
gall {n} (bump-like imperfection) :: äkämä, patti, möykky, takku
gall {n} (bile) SEE: bile ::
gall {n} (gall bladder) SEE: gall bladder ::
gallant {adj} /ˈɡælənt/ (brave, valiant) :: urhea, uljas
gallant {adj} (honourable) :: kunniallinen, kunniakas
gallantry {n} (courage) :: urheus
gallantry {n} (chivalrous courtliness, especially towards women) :: ritarillisuus
gallate {n} (oxoanion of gallium) :: gallaatti
gallate {n} (salt or ester of gallic acid) :: gallaatti
gall bladder {n} (pear-shaped organ that stores bile) :: sappirakko, sappi
galleass {n} (vessel) :: galeassi
Gallegan {prop} (the Galician language) SEE: Galician ::
galleon {n} /ˈɡæ.li.ən/ (large sailing ship) :: kaljuuna, galeoni
gallerist {n} (the owner or operator of an art gallery) :: galleristi
gallery {n} /ˈɡæləɹi/ (institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art) :: galleria
gallery {n} (establishment that buys, sells, and displays works of art) :: galleria
gallery {n} (area of a theater, concert hall, or auditorium) :: lehteri, parvi
gallery {n} (roofed promenade along the wall of a building) :: galleria
galley {n} /ˈɡæli/ (ship propelled primarily by oars) :: kaleeri
galley {n} (light, open boat used on the Thames) :: kaleeri
galley {n} (nautical: small boat carried by a man-of-war) :: kaleeri
galley {n} (cooking room or kitchen and cooking apparatus of a vessel or aircraft) :: kapyysi, pentteri, tarjoomo
galley slave {n} (slave in a galley) :: kaleeriorja
gallfly {n} (gall wasp) SEE: gall wasp ::
galliard {n} (9-point type) SEE: bourgeois ::
Gallic {adj} /ˈɡælɪk/ (of or relating to Gaul or France) :: gallialainen
gallic acid {n} (acid found in galls, etc) :: galliinihappo
Gallicanism {prop} (principles or actions to restrict the papal authority) :: gallikanismi
galliform {n} (galliform bird) :: kanalintu
galligaskins {n} (shalwar) SEE: shalwar ::
gallinaceous {adj} (related to galina) :: kana-
galliot {n} (light galley) :: kaljuutti
gallium {n} /ˈɡæliəm/ (chemical element) :: gallium
gallium arsenide {n} (binary compound of gallium and arsenic, GaAs) :: galliumarsenidi
gall midge {n} (gall midge) :: äkämäsääski
gall mite {n} (mite of Eriophyidae family) :: äkämäpunkki
Gallomaniac {n} (enthusiast of things French) :: gallomaani
gallon {n} /ˈɡælən/ (a unit of volume used for liquids) :: gallona
gallon {n} (a Gallon in the U.S. Customary System) :: gallona
gallop {n} /ˈɡæləp/ (fastest gait of a horse) :: neli, kiitolaukka
gallop {v} (to ride at a galloping pace) :: nelistää, laukata
gallows {n} /ˈɡæloʊz/ (wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging) :: hirsipuu
gallows humor {n} (comedy that still manages to be funny in the face of a perfectly hopeless situation) :: hirtehishuumori
gallstone {n} (small, hard object, that sometimes forms in the gall bladder) :: sappikivi
gall wasp {n} (insect of the family Cynipidae) :: äkämäpistiäinen
galoot {n} /ɡəˈluːt/ (clumsy or uncouth person) :: köntys
galore {adj} /ɡəˈlɔɹ/ (in abundance) :: runsaasti
galosh {n} /ɡəˈlɒʃ/ (waterproof overshoe used to provide protection from rain or snow) :: kalossi
galpal {n} (close female friend) SEE: girlfriend ::
galvanic {adj} /ɡælˈvænɪk/ (of or pertaining to galvanism; electric) :: galvaaninen
galvanically {adv} (in galvanic manner) :: galvaanisesti
galvanism {n} /ˈɡælvəˌnɪzəm/ (chemical generation of electricity) :: galvanismi
galvanism {n} (therapeutic use of electricity) :: galvanismi
galvanization {n} (the process of galvanizing) :: galvanisaatio
galvanize {v} /ˈɡælvənaɪ̯z/ (to coat with rust-resistant zinc) :: galvanoida
galvanize {v} (to coat with a thin layer of metal by electrochemical means) :: galvanoida
galvanize {v} (to shock or stimulate into sudden activity) :: sähköistää
galvanometer {n} /ˌɡæl.vəˈnɒm.ɪt.ə/ (device to detect electric current) :: galvanometri, kiertokäämimittari
Galway {prop} /ˈɡɔːlweɪ/ (county in Ireland) :: Galway
Galway {prop} (city in Ireland) :: Galway
Galway Bay {prop} (bay off the west coast of Ireland) :: Galwaynlahti
gam {n} (group of whales) :: parvi
Gambia {prop} /ˈɡæmbi.ə/ (The Republic of The Gambia) :: Gambia
Gambian {adj} (of Gambia) :: gambialainen
Gambian {n} (person from Gambia) :: gambialainen
gamble {n} /ˈɡæm.bəl/ (a risk undertaken with a potential gain) :: uhkapeli
gamble {n} (a risky venture) :: uhkapeli
gamble {v} (to play risky games for monetary gain) :: uhkapelata
gamble {v} ((transitive) to risk something for potential gain) :: vaarantaa
gambler {n} (one who plays at a game of chance) :: uhkapeluri
gambler {n} (one who takes significant risks) :: uhkapeluri
gambling {n} /ˈɡæm.bl̩.ɪŋ/ (activity characterised by a balance between winning and losing that is governed by a mixture of skill and chance) :: uhkapeli
gambol {v} /ˈɡæm.bəl/ (to move about playfully) :: kirmata, kirmailla
gambol {v} (to do a forward roll) :: tehdä kuperkeikka
gambol {n} (instance) :: kirmailu
gambrel {n} (roof) :: taitekatto
gambrel roof {n} (roof design) :: mansardikatto
game {n} /ɡeɪm/ (playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime) :: leikki
game {n} (activity described by a set of rules, especially for the purpose of entertainment) :: peli
game {n} (particular instance of playing a game; match) :: peli, ottelu
game {n} (that which is gained, such as the stake in a game) :: peli
game {n} (number of points necessary to win a game) :: peli [mainly with "peli on (~ illative)"]
game {n} (card games: point awarded to the player whose cards add up to the largest sum) :: kortti
game {n} (equipment that enables such activity, particularly as packaged under a title) :: peli
game {n} (one's manner, style, or performance in playing a game) :: peli
game {n} (amorous dalliance) :: peli
game {n} (video game, see also: video game) :: peli
game {n} (field of an industry or profession) :: ala
game {n} (something that resembles a game with rules) :: peli
game {n} (exercise simulating warfare) :: sotaharjoitus
game {n} (wild animals hunted for food) :: riista
game {n} (ability to successfully seduce someone) :: taito, kyky
game {n} (mastery; the ability to excel at something) :: taito
game {n} (questionable, unethical, or illegal practice) :: peli
game {v} (To play games and be a gamer) :: pelata, pelailla
game {v} (to defeat the rules in order to obtain a result) :: huijata
game {v} (to gamble) SEE: gamble ::
gamebird {n} (bird hunted for food or sport) :: riistalintu
gameboard {n} /ˈɡeɪm.bɔɹd/ (portable surface on which a game is played) :: pelilauta
game clock {n} (clock used to time a ball game) :: pelikello
gamecock {n} (fighting cock) :: taistelukukko
game console {n} (video game console) SEE: video game console ::
gamekeeper {n} (person employed to maintain the game) :: riistanhoitaja
gamekeeping {n} (keeping of game) :: riistanhoito
game master {n} :: pelinjohtaja
gameness {n} (courage) SEE: courage ::
game of chance {n} (game in which the outcome is at least partly determined by random variables) :: onnenpeli
game of skill {n} (a game in which the outcome depends mainly on the physical and mental skills of the players) :: taitopeli
game over {phrase} /ˌɡeɪm ˈoʊ.vɚ/ (message) :: peli ohi
game over {phrase} (end of some ongoing situation) :: peli ohi
gamepad {n} /ˈɡeɪm.pæd/ (a type of game controller) :: peliohjain, pad-ohjain, padi
gameplay {n} /ˈɡeɪmˌpleɪ/ (a player's gaming experience) :: pelattavuus
gamer {n} /ˈɡeɪmɚ/ (player of any game) :: pelaaja
gamer {n} (person who plays video games) :: pelaaja, videopelaaja
gamer {n} (person who games the system) :: peluri
games console {n} (video game console) SEE: video game console ::
game, set, match {phrase} (tennis) :: peli, erä ja ottelu
game show {n} (a radio or television programme) :: visa, visailu
games room {n} (recreation room) SEE: recreation room ::
gamester {n} (gambler) SEE: gambler ::
gamester {n} (person who plays games) :: pelaaja
gamester {n} (one who plays video games) :: videopelaaja
gametangium {n} (gamete-producing organ) :: sukusolupesäke
gamete {n} /ˈɡæmiːt/ (reproductive cell) :: sukusolu, gameetti, sukupuolisolu
game-theoretical {adj} (of, relating to or defined in terms of game theory) :: peliteoreettinen
game theory {n} (mathematical study of strategic situations) :: peliteoria
game the system {v} (beat the system) SEE: beat the system ::
gametocyte {n} (cell that divides into a gamete) :: gametosyytti
gamification {n} (use of gameplay) :: pelillistäminen
gamify {v} (to convert into the form of a game) :: pelillistää
gaming console {n} (video game console) SEE: video game console ::
gamma {n} /ˈɡæmə/ (third letter of the Greek alphabet) :: gamma
gamma {n} (math: gamma function, see also: gamma function) :: gammafunktio
gamma {n} (math: Euler–Mascheroni constant) :: gamma
gamma {n} (physics: unit of magnetic flux density) :: gamma
gamma globulin {n} :: gammaglobuliini
gamma-hydroxybutyrate {n} (chemstry: salt or ester of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) :: gammahydroksibutyraatti
gamma-hydroxybutyric acid {n} (chemical) :: gammahydroksivoihappo
gamma radiation {n} (type of radiation) :: gammasäteily
gamma ray {n} (very high frequency electromagnetic radiation) :: gammasäde
gamma-ray burst {n} (flash of gamma rays) :: gammapurkaus
gammon {v} /ˈɡæmən/ (backgammon: type of victory) :: gammon
gammon {v} (nautical: rope fastening bowsprit to stem) :: vesiharus
-gamous {suffix} /-ɡəməs/ (having the specified number or form of marriage) :: -avioinen
gamut {n} /ˈɡæm.ət/ (complete range) :: kirjo, skaala, asteikko
gamut {n} (all the notes in the musical scale) :: sävelasteikko, asteikko
gamut {n} (all the colours available to a device) :: väriala, värintoistoalue, värintoistoala
-gamy {suffix} /-ɡəmi/ (describing forms of marriage) :: -avioisuus
ganache {n} /ɡəˈnæʃ/ :: ganache
Ganda {prop} (Luganda) SEE: Luganda ::
gander {n} /ɡæn.də(ɹ)/ (a male goose) :: uroshanhi
gander {n} ((slang) a look) :: vilkaisu
Gandhi {prop} /ˈɡandi/ (surname Gandhi) :: Gandhi
Ganesha {prop} /ɡəˈne(ɪ)ʃ(ə)/ (Hindu god) :: Ganesha
gang {n} /ɡæŋ/ (a company of persons) :: jengi, joukko, joukkio, porukka, kööri
gang {n} (criminal group with a common background) :: jengi
gang {n} (group of criminals who band together for mutual protection) :: jengi
gang bang {n} (orgy) SEE: orgy ::
gang bang {n} (gang fight) :: jengitappelu
gang bang {n} (gang rape) SEE: gang rape ::
gangbang {n} (sexual intercourse involving more than two persons) :: ryhmäseksi
gangbang {v} (to participate in a gangbang) :: harrastaa ryhmäseksiä
gangboard {n} (board used as a temporary footbridge between a ship and a dockside) :: lankonki
Ganges {prop} /ˈɡændʒiːz/ (the river) :: Ganges
ganglion {n} /ˈɡæŋɡli.ən/ (cluster of interconnecting nerve cells outside the brain) :: ganglio, hermosolmu
ganglion {n} (centre of power or authority) :: hermokeskus
ganglion {n} (ganglion cyst) SEE: ganglion cyst ::
ganglion cyst {n} (swelling) :: hyytelörakko
ganglioside {n} (any of several galactocerebrosides found in the surface membranes of nerve cells) :: gangliosidi
gangly {adj} /ˈɡæŋ.ɡli/ (tall and thin, especially so as to cause physical awkwardness) :: romuluinen
Gang of Four {prop} (leftist political faction) :: neljän kopla
gangplank {n} (board used as a temporary footbridge between a ship and a dockside) :: lankonki
gang rape {n} (rape by a number of people) :: joukkoraiskaus
gang-rape {v} (perpetrate a gang rape) :: joukkoraiskaus
gangrene {n} /ˈɡæŋˌɡɹin/ (the necrosis or rotting of flesh) :: kuolio, gangreeni
gangsta {n} (A member of an urban street gang) :: jengiläinen
gangster {n} /ˈɡæŋstə/ (street gang member) :: jengiläinen
Gangtok {prop} /ˈɡæŋ.tɒk/ (capital of Sikkim) :: Gangtok
gangue {n} /ɡæŋ/ (earthy waste substances occurring in metallic ore) :: sivukivi
gangway {n} (passageway) :: käytävä, kulkutie
gangway {n} (temporary bridge) :: lankonki
gangway {n} (temporary plank bridge, path, or passageway) :: lankonki
gangway {n} (clear path through a crowd) :: kulkutie [path]
gangway {n} (nautical: passage on upper deck) :: kävelykansi
gangway {n} (nautical: passage through the side of a ship) :: maihinnousuportti
gangway {interj} (make way) :: tietä, tehkää tietä
gangway {n} (aisle) SEE: aisle ::
gannet {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton ::
gannet {n} /ˈɡænɪt/ (sea bird) :: suula
Gansu {prop} (province of China) :: Gansu
gantlope {n} (gauntlet) SEE: gauntlet ::
gantry {n} (framework of steel bars bridging over something) :: ristikkopalkki [general]; portaali [supporting traffic signs]
gantry {n} (supporting framework for a barrel) :: kehikko
gantry {n} (gantry scaffold) SEE: gantry scaffold ::
gantry scaffold {n} :: laukaisuteline
Gantt chart {n} (graphical representation of tasks and resources) :: Ganttin kaavio
Ganymede {prop} /ˈɡænɪmiːd/ (in Greek mythology) :: Ganymedes
Ganymede {prop} (satellite of Jupiter) :: Ganymedes
gaol {v} (jail) SEE: jail ::
Gaosyong {prop} (Kaohsiung) SEE: Kaohsiung ::
Gaoxiong {prop} (Kaohsiung) SEE: Kaohsiung ::
gap {n} (hiatus) SEE: hiatus ::
gap {n} /ɡæp/ (opening made by breaking or parting) :: aukko
gap {n} (opening allowing passage or entrance) :: aukko
gap {n} (opening that implies a breach or defect) :: aukko
gap {n} (vacant space or time) :: aukko
gap {n} (mountain pass) :: sola
gap {n} (in baseball) :: aukkopaikka
gap {v} (to notch) :: tehdä merkki
gap {v} (to breach) :: tehdä aukko
gap {v} (to check the size of a gap) :: tarkistaa aukko
gape {v} /ˈɡeɪp/ (to open the mouth wide) :: avata ammolleen
gape {v} (to stare in wonderment) :: toljottaa
gape {v} (to open wide) :: ammottaa
gape {n} (a yawn) :: haukotus
gaping {adj} /ˈɡeɪpɪŋ/ (Wide open) :: ammottava
gap year {n} (yearlong break from study) :: välivuosi
gar {n} /ɡɑː/ (garfish) :: luuhauki
garage {n} (aviation: shed for housing an aircraft) SEE: hangar ::
garage {n} (petrol filling station) SEE: gas station ::
garage {n} /ɡəˈɹɑː(d)ʒ/ (building or section of building to store a car, tools etc.) :: autotalli
garage {n} (place where cars are serviced and repaired) :: autokorjaamo, korjaamo
garage {n} (independent automobile repair shop) :: autokorjaamo, korjaamo
garage {n} (space in a canal to enable vessels to pass each other) SEE: siding ::
garage door {n} (door on a garage) :: autotallin ovi
garage sale {n} (a sale of used household goods in the driveway or garage) :: kotikirppis
garam masala {n} (culinary ingredient) :: garam masala
garbage {n} /ˈɡɑɹbɪd͡ʒ/ (waste material) :: roskat {p}, jätteet, jäte
garbage bag {n} (plastic bag for the disposal of household waste) :: roskapussi [small], roskasäkki [large]
garbage can {n} (waste receptacle) :: jäteastia, roskakori, roskapönttö, roskis, roskatynnyri, roskalaatikko, roskasäiliö
garbage collect {v} (to reclaim resources no longer in use) :: siivota muisti
garbage collection {n} (service for transporting household garbage) :: jätteiden keräily
garbage collection {n} (programming) :: roskankeruu, roskienkeräys, automaattinen roskienkeräys
garbage collector {n} (worker) :: roskakuski
garbage collector {n} (program) :: roskienkeräin, roskienkerääjä
garbage disposal {n} (device in kitchen sink to wash away waste) :: jätemylly
garbage in, garbage out {proverb} (proverb: output is dependent on input) :: roskaa sisään, roskaa ulos
garbage man {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector ::
garbage truck {n} (waste collection vehicle) :: roska-auto
garble {v} /ˈɡɑː(ɹ)bəl/ (to mutilate; to pervert) :: vääristellä
garboard {n} (the board on a boat which attaches to the keel running fore and aft along the bottom) :: kölisarja
garbologist {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector ::
garbology {n} (anthropological study of society through refuse) :: garbologia
garden {n} /ˈɡɑːdn̩/ (piece of land outside with flowers and plants) :: puutarha
garden {n} (a vegetable garden) :: kasvimaa
garden {n} (gardens with public access) :: puutarha, puisto
garden {n} (grounds at the front or back of a house) :: puutarha
garden {v} (grow plants) :: hoitaa puutarhaa
garden balsam {n} (Impatiens balsamina) :: mummonpalsami
gardenburger {n} (vegetarian imitation hamburger) :: kasvishampurilainen
garden chervil {n} (Anthriscus cerefolium) :: maustekirveli
garden city {n} (planned city with gardens) :: puutarhakaupunki
garden cress {n} /ˈɡɑːdn̩ kɹɛs/ (the leafy plant) :: vihanneskrassi
garden cress {n} (the leaves, used in salads) :: vihanneskrassi
garden dormouse {n} (rodent) :: tammihiiri
gardener {n} /ˈɡɑɹdn̩ɚ/ (one who gardens) :: puutarhuri
garden gnome {n} (a small statue of a gnome used as a garden ornament) :: puutarhatonttu
garden hose {n} (type of hose) :: puutarhaletku
garden hose {n} (length of hose) :: puutarhaletku
gardenia {n} /ɡɑɹˈdinjə/ (tree or shrub of the genus Gardenia) :: gardenia
gardening {n} (the care of a garden) :: puutarhanhoito
Garden of Eden {prop} (place where Adam and Eve first lived) :: Eedenin puutarha
garden party {n} (garden party) :: puutarhajuhla
garden warbler {n} (Sylvia borin) :: lehtokerttu
garfish {n} (fish of family Belonidae) :: nokkakala
garfish {n} (fish of family Lepisosteidae) :: luuhauki
garganey {n} (duck) :: heinätavi
gargantuan {adj} /ɡɑɹˈɡæn.tʃu.ən/ (huge) :: valtava, jättiläismäinen, jättimäinen, suunnaton
gargle {v} /ˈɡɑɹɡəl/ (to clean one's mouth) :: kurlata
gargle {v} (to make such a sound) :: kurluttaa
gargle {v} (to clean a specific part of the body by gargling) :: kurlata
gargle {v} (to use a liquid for purposes of gargling) :: kurlata [+ adessive]
gargle {n} (liquid) :: kurlausneste
gargle {n} (sound) :: kurlaus
gargoyle {n} /ˈɡɑɹ.ɡɔɪl/ (carved grotesque figure on a spout) :: gargouille, gargoili
gargoyle {n} (fictional winged creature) :: gargoili
gargoyle {n} (pejorative slang: an ugly woman) :: noita
garish {adj} /ˈɡɛəɹɪʃ/ (overly ostentatious; so colourful as to be in bad taste) :: räikeä
garland {n} /ˈɡɑɹlənd/ (wreath of flowers) :: seppele [worn], köynnös [decoration]
garland {n} (accolade, mark of honour) :: kunnianosoitus
garland chrysanthemum {n} (Glebionis coronaria) :: kruunusuvikakkara
garlic {n} /ˈɡɑɹlɪk/ (plant) :: kynsilaukka [plant]; valkosipuli [plant or bulb]
garlic {v} (to flavour with garlic) :: maustaa valkosipulilla
garlic bread {n} (bread topped with garlic) :: valkosipulileipä
garlic chive {n} (plant) :: kiinansipuli
garlic chive {n} (used in cooking) :: kiinansipuli
garlicky {adj} /ˈɡɑːlɪki/ (tasting or smelling of garlic) :: valkosipulinen
garlic mustard {n} (Alliaria petiolata) :: litulaukka
garlic powder {n} (ground dehydrated garlic) :: valkosipulijauhe
garment {n} /ˈɡɑɹ.mənt/ (single item of clothing) :: vaate, vaatekappale, pukine
garment bag {n} (bag for transporting garments) :: pukupussi
garmon {n} (a small Russian button accordion) :: taljanka
garnet {n} /ˈɡɑː(ɹ).nət/ (mineral) :: granaatti
garnet {n} (colour) :: granaatinpunainen, tummanpunainen
garnierite {n} :: garnieriitti
garnish {v} /ˈɡɑɹnɪʃ/ (to decorate with ornamental appendages) :: koristella
garnish {v} (to ornament) :: koristella
garnish {v} (fetter) SEE: fetter ::
garçonnière {n} (bachelor pad) SEE: bachelor pad ::
garret {n} /ˈɡɛɹɪt/ (an attic or semi-finished room just beneath the roof of a house) :: ullakkohuone, ullakko
garret window {n} (skylight that lies along the slope of the roof) :: kattoikkuna
garrison {n} /ˈɡæɹɪsən/ (post) :: varuskunta
garrison {n} (troops) :: varuskunta
garter {n} /ˈɡɑːtə/ (band around leg) :: sukkanauha
garter snake {n} (snake of the genus Thamnophis) :: sukkanauhakäärme
garum {n} (sauce) :: garum
gas {n} /ɡæs/ ((uncountable, chemistry) state of matter) :: kaasu
gas {n} (fuel) :: bensiini, bensa
gasbag {n} (gasbag) SEE: windbag ::
gasbag {n} /ˈɡæsbæɡ/ (bag or bladder to hold a reservoir of gas) :: kaasupallo
gas bladder {n} (internal organ) SEE: swim bladder ::
gas chamber {n} (a sealed chamber in which people are executed with gas) :: kaasukammio
gas constant {n} (universal constant R) :: kaasuvakio, moolinen kaasuvakio
gas cylinder {n} (cylindrical vessel) :: kaasupullo
gas dynamics {n} :: kaasudynamiikka
gaseous {adj} /ˈɡæʃəs/ (relating to, or existing as, gas) :: kaasumainen
gaseous {adj} (of a liquid containing bubbles: gassy) :: kupliva, kaasupitoinen
gaseous phase {n} (phase of matter in which the thermal mobility of molecules permits their free motion) :: kaasufaasi
gas field {n} (natural gas field) :: kaasukenttä
gas giant {n} (large planet of gas) :: kaasujättiläinen
gas guzzler {n} (vehicle that consumes a large amount of fuel) :: bensasyöppö
gas-guzzler {n} (gas guzzler) SEE: gas guzzler ::
gash {n} /ɡæʃ/ (deep cut) :: syvä viiltohaava
gash {v} (to slash) :: viiltää
gash {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
gasholder {n} :: kaasukello
gasify {v} (to convert into gas) :: kaasuttaa, kaasuunnuttaa
gasket {n} /ˈɡæs.kɪt/ (mechanical seal) :: tiiviste
gaskin {n} /ˈɡæskɪn/ (part of hind leg of a horse) :: potka
gaslight {n} /ˈɡæslaɪt/ (lamp which burns piped illuminating gas) :: kaasulamppu
gaslight {n} (light produced by burning gas) :: kaasuvalo
gaslight {v} (to manipulate (someone) psychologically such that they question their own memory, perception, and sanity) :: manipuloida luulemaan olevansa sekaisin, manipuloida luulemaan tulevansa hulluksi
gas mask {n} (a covering for the face with a filter to protect the user from poisonous gas) :: kaasunaamari
gasoduct {n} (gas pipeline) SEE: gas pipeline ::
gasoline {n} /ɡæsl̩ˈin/ (motor fuel) :: bensiini
gasoline {n} (countable: a particular kind of gasoline) :: bensiinilaatu
gasometer {n} (gasholder) SEE: gasholder ::
gasp {v} /ɡæsp/ (to draw in the breath suddenly) :: haukkoa henkeään
gasp {v} (to breathe laboriously or convulsively) :: huohottaa, haukkoa
gasp {n} (A short, sudden intake of breath) :: henkäisy, nopea hengenveto
gasp {n} (A draw or drag on a cigarette (or gasper)) :: savut
gas pedal {n} (accelerator) SEE: accelerator ::
gas pipeline {n} (a gas pipeline) :: kaasuputki
gas plant {n} (Dictamnus albus) :: mooseksenpalavapensas
gas pump {n} (device at a gas station that dispenses gasoline) :: bensiinimittari
gas station {n} (an establishment which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car) :: huoltamo, huoltoasema, bensa-asema, bensiiniasema
gassy {adj} (tending to release flatus) SEE: flatulent ::
gassy {adj} /ˈɡæsi/ (containing gas) :: kaasupitoinen
gassy {adj} (of a beverage: containing dissolved gas) :: kupliva, kaasupitoinen
gas tank {n} (fuel tank) :: bensiinisäiliö, bensatankki, bensiinitankki, tankki
gastight {adj} (impermeable to gases) :: kaasutiivis
gastralgia {n} (stomachache) SEE: stomachache ::
gastrectomy {n} (surgical removal of the stomach) :: gastrektomia, mahalaukun poistoleikkaus
gastric {adj} /ˈɡæstɹɪk/ (Of or relating to the stomach) :: maha-, vatsa-
gastric acid {n} (acidic secretion of the stomach) :: mahaneste, vatsahappo
gastric cancer {n} (cancer of the stomach) SEE: stomach cancer ::
gastric juice {n} (secretion of the stomach) SEE: gastric acid ::
gastric ulcer {n} (ulcer) :: mahalaukun haavauma, mahahaava
gastritis {n} (inflammation of the lining of the stomach) :: mahakatarri, gastriitti
gastrocnemius {n} /ˌɡæstɹəkˈniːmiəs/ (muscle at the back of the calf) :: kaksoiskantalihas
gastroenteritis {n} (inflammation) :: suolistotulehdus
gastroenterology {n} (the study of the digestive system) :: gastroenterologia
gastroesophageal reflux {n} (pain from influx of gastric juices into the esophagus) SEE: heartburn ::
gastroesophageal reflux {n} (reflux of gastric juices into the esophagus) :: refluksi
gastroesophageal reflux {n} (pathology: chronic medical condition) :: refluksitauti
gastrointestinal {adj} /ˌɡæstɹoʊɪnˈtɛstɪnəl/ (of or pertaining to the stomach and intestines) :: gastrointestinaalinen, maha-suoli-
gastrointestinal tract {n} (digestive tract) SEE: digestive tract ::
gastronome {n} (gourmet) SEE: gourmet ::
gastronomic {adj} (of or pertaining to gastronomy) :: gastronominen
gastronomically {adv} (from the perspective of gastronomy) :: gastronomisesti
gastronomy {n} /ɡæˈstɹɒnəmi/ (study of the relationship between food and culture) :: gastronomia
gastropod {n} /ˈɡæstɹəˌpɑd/ (member of a class of molluscs) :: kotilo
gastropub {n} (pub that serves high-quality food) :: gastropub
gastroscope {n} (form of endoscope) :: mahantähystin, gastroskooppi
gastroscopy {n} (examination of esophagus, stomach and dodenum) :: gastroskopia, mahalaukun tähystys
gas turbine {n} (gas turbine) :: kaasuturbiini
gas up {v} ((US slang) To fill a gas tank with fuel) :: tankata, täyttää polttoaineella
gasworks {n} (factory) :: kaasulaitos
gat {n} /ɡæt/ (A Gatling gun) :: gatling
gat {n} (Any type of gun) :: ampuma-ase, pyssy
gate {n} /ɡeɪt/ (door-like structure outside) :: portti
gate {n} (doorway, opening, or passage in a fence or wall) :: portti
gate {n} (movable barrier) :: puomi
gate {n} (computing: logical pathway) :: portti
gate {n} (in an air terminal) :: portti
gate {n} ((electronics) name of one terminal of a transistor) :: hila
gateau {n} (rich, iced cake) :: kakku, täytekakku
gatecrash {v} / ˈɡeɪtkɹaʃ/ (to go to a social event without being invited, or without having paid) :: kuokkia
gatecrasher {n} (a person who gatecrashes) :: kuokkavieras
gatepost {n} :: pieli
gateway {n} /ˈɡeɪtˌweɪ/ (entrance) :: portti
gateway {n} (point that represents the beginning of a transition) :: portti
gateway {n} (point at which freight is interchanged between transportation lines) :: terminaali
gateway {n} (computer network access point) :: yhdyskäytävä
gateway drug {n} (substance that is believed to encourage the user to experiment with more harmful substances) :: porttihuume
gather {v} /ˈɡæðə/ (to bring together; to collect) :: kerätä
gather {v} (—to harvest) :: kerätä
gather {v} (—to accumulate over time) :: kerätä
gather {v} (—to congregate) :: kerääntyä, kokoontua
gather {v} (to bring parts of a whole closer) :: kerätä, koota
gather {v} (—sewing: to add pleats or folds to a piece of cloth) :: vekittää
gather {v} (—knitting: to bring stitches closer together) :: tihentää
gather {v} (to infer or conclude) :: päätellä, ymmärtää
gather {v} (medicine: to be filled with pus) :: täyttyä
gather dust {v} :: pölyttyä, pölyyntyä
gatherer {n} (person who gathers things) :: keräilijä
gatherer {n} (person who collects rent or taxes) :: vuokrankerääjä, veronkantaja
gathering {n} /ˈɡæ.ðə.ɹɪŋ/ (get-together, social function) :: kokous, kokoontuminen, tapaaminen
gathering {n} (group of people or things) :: kokous, [people] ryhmä, valikoima, [things] kokoelma, joukko, [anything] määrä
gathering {n} (bookbinding: group of sheets) :: arkkivihko
Gatling gun {n} /ˈɡætlɪŋ ˌɡʌn/ (a type of machine gun) :: gatling
gauche {adj} /ɡoʊʃ/ (awkward, bumbling) :: kömpelö, moukkamainen, tahditon
gaudiness {n} (pretention in appearance) :: komeilu, prameilu, pöyhkeily
gaudy {adj} /ˈɡɔ.di/ (very showy or ornamented) :: pramea, kruusattu
gauge {n} /ˈɡeɪdʒ/ (a measure; a standard of measure; an instrument to determine dimensions, distance, or capacity; a standard) :: mitta
gauge {n} (any instrument for ascertaining or regulating the level, state, dimensions or forms of things; as, a rain gauge; a steam gauge) :: mittari
gauge {n} (distance between the rails of a railway) :: raideleveys
gauge {n} (a semi-norm; a function that assigns a non-negative size to all vectors in a vector space) :: puolinormi
gauge {v} (measure) :: mitata
gauge boson {n} (particle) :: mittabosoni
Gaul {prop} /ɡɔːl/ (region) :: Gallia
Gaul {n} (person) :: gallialainen
Gaulish {adj} (of or pertaining to Gaul) :: gallialainen
Gaulish {prop} (Celtic language of Gaul) :: galli
Gaullist {n} (one who believes in or follows the ideals of Gaullism) :: gaullistinen, gaullelainen, gaullisti
gaunt {adj} /ɡɔːnt/ (lean, angular and bony) :: luiseva
gaunt {adj} (bleak, barren and desolate) :: karu, jylhä
gauntlet {n} /ˈɡɔːnt.lət/ (protective armor for the hands) :: taisteluhansikas
gauntlet {n} (two parallel rows of attackers who strike at a criminal) :: kujanjuoksu
gauntlet {n} (simultaneous attack from two or more sides) :: kujanjuoksu
gauntlet {n} (any challenging, difficult, or painful ordeal) :: kujanjuoksu
gaur {n} /ɡaʊəɹ/ (Bos gaurus) :: gauri
gauze {n} /ɡɔːz/ (thin fabric with open weave) :: harso, lintuniisikangas
gauze {n} (cotton fabric used as surgical dressing) :: sideharso
gauze {n} (woven metal or plastic mesh) :: kudottu metalliverkko, metallikangas
gauze {n} (wire gauze used as fence) :: aitaverkko
gavel {n} /ˈɡæ.vəl/ (wooden mallet) :: nuija, puheenjohtajan nuija
gavel {v} (To use a gavel) :: nuijia
gavial {n} (crocodilian of genus Gavialis) :: gaviaali, gangesingaviaali
gawk {n} /ɡɔːk/ (stupid or clumsy person) :: tumpelo, toljake
gawk {v} (to stare or gape stupidly) :: töllistellä
gawk {v} (to stare conspicuously) :: töllöttää, toljottaa
gawky {adj} /ˈɡɔːki/ (awkward, ungainly) :: kömpelö, jäykkä
gawp {v} (gawk) SEE: gawk ::
gay {adj} (sexually promiscuous) SEE: promiscuous ::
gay {adj} /ɡeɪ/ (happy, joyful and lively) :: iloinen, eläväinen, hilpeä
gay {adj} (festive, bright, colorful) :: iloinen, korea
gay {adj} (homosexual, see also: homosexual; lesbian) :: homo-, homoseksuaalinen, homo
gay {adj} (typical of homosexual appearance) :: homo-, homojen
gay {adj} (behaving in a way associated with females) :: naismainen
gay {adj} (lame, uncool (used to express dislike)) :: tyhmä
gay {n} (homosexual person, especially male, see also: lesbian; homosexual; fairy; fag; poof; bender; bugger) :: homo, homoseksuaali [gender-neutral], gay, gei [urban colloquial], homppeli
gay bar {n} (nightclub whose primary clientele are LGBT people) :: homobaari
gay bash {v} (physically assault someone believed to be homosexual) :: hakata homouden takia
gayboy {n} :: homopoika
gaydar {n} /ˈɡeɪdɑɹ/ (ability to detect if a person is gay) :: homotutka
gay-friendly {adj} (welcoming of gay people) :: homomyönteinen
gay icon {n} (celebrity) :: homoikoni
gaylussite {n} (mineral) :: gaylussiitti
gay marriage {n} (marriage between two people of the same sex) :: homoavioliitto, homoliitto
gayness {n} /ˈɡeɪ.nəs/ (homosexuality, see also: homosexuality) :: homous, lesbous
gay pride {n} (a feeling of pride in one's homosexuality) :: pride
gay-straight alliance {n} (school or community based organization that provides an environment for LGBTQ youth) :: homo-hetero allianssi
Gaza {prop} (city) :: Gaza
Gaza {prop} (Gaza Strip) SEE: Gaza Strip ::
Gazaean {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Gaza or its people.) SEE: Gazan ::
Gazaean {n} (An inhabitant of Gaza or native to it.) SEE: Gazan ::
Gazan {n} :: gazalainen
Gazan {adj} :: gazalainen
Gaza Strip {prop} (Gaza Strip) :: Gazan kaista
gaze {v} /ɡeɪz/ (to stare intently or earnestly) :: tuijottaa
gaze {v} (to stare at) :: tuijottaa jotakin
gaze {n} (fixed look) :: tuijotus
gazebo {n} /ɡəˈziːboʊ/ (roofed structure) :: huvimaja
gazehound {n} (sighthound) SEE: sighthound ::
gazelle {n} /ɡəˈzɛl/ (antelope) :: gaselli
gazette {n} /ɡəˈzɛt/ (newspaper, see also: newspaper) :: sanomalehti
gazpacho {n} /ɡəsˈpɑːtʃəʊ/ (cold soup of Spanish origin) :: gazpacho
gcd {n} (initialism for greatest common divisor) :: syt
G clef {n} (treble clef) :: diskanttiavain, G-avain, G-nuottiavain
Gdańsk {prop} /ɡəˈdænsk/ (city of Poland) :: Gdansk
Gödel's incompleteness theorem {prop} (theorem) :: Gödelin epätäydellisyyslause
GDP {n} (abbreviation of gross domestic product, see also: gross domestic product) :: BKT
GDR {prop} (German Democratic Republic) :: DDR
gear {n} /ɡɪɚ/ (equipment or paraphernalia) :: varusteet {p}
gear {n} (a wheel with grooves) :: hammasratas, ratas, hammaspyörä
gear {n} (a particular combination or choice of interlocking gears) :: vaihde, vaihteisto
gear {n} (motor car transmission) :: vaihteisto
gearbox {n} (train of gears) :: vaihdelaatikko, vaihteisto
gear change {n} (mechanism which changes gears in a car) :: vaihteenvalitsin
gear ratio {n} (ratio of the speeds of rotation) :: välityssuhde, vaihdesuhde
gearset {n} (set of gears) :: vaihteisto, rattaisto
gear wheel {n} (wheel with a toothed rim) :: hammaspyörä, hammasratas
gecko {n} /ˈɡɛ.kəʊ/ (lizard of the family Gekkonidae) :: gekko
gedankenexperiment {n} (thought experiment) SEE: thought experiment ::
gee {interj} /dʒiː/ (exclamation of surprise or pleasure) :: jukra, hitsi, voi hurja
gee {n} /dʒiː/ (name of the letter G, g) :: gee
gee {n} (slang: a thousand dollars) :: tonni
gee {n} (the unit of acceleration equal to that exerted by gravity) :: G
geek {n} (Australian: look) SEE: look ::
geek {n} /ɡiːk/ (expert in a technical field, particularly to do with computers) :: nörtti, friikki
geek {n} (person intensely interested in a particular field or hobby) :: friikki, -hullu
geek {n} (subculture) :: friikkiys, -hulluus
geek {n} (unfashionable or socially undesirable person) :: friikki
geek {n} (carnival performer) :: ilveilijä
geeky {adj} /ˈɡiːki/ (like a geek) :: nörttimäinen, nörtähtävä
gee up {interj} (direction to a horse) SEE: giddyup ::
geez {interj} /dʒiːz/ (An exclamation denoting surprise or frustration) :: jessus, jösses, kiesus
geez {interj} (Exclamation of fright) :: jestas sentään, voi kiesus
geez {interj} (Exclamation of incredulity) :: jestas sentään, voi kiesus, jessus
Ge'ez {prop} /ˈɡiːɛz/ (Ethiopian language) :: muinaisetiopia, ge’ez, ge'ez
Ge'ez {prop} (writing system) :: etiopialainen tavukirjoitus
geezer {n} (device for boiling water) SEE: geyser ::
geezer {n} /ˈɡizɚ/ (male person) :: kaveri, ukko, äijä
geezer {n} (informal address to a male) :: kaveri
geezer {n} (informal: old person, especially male) :: äijä, ukko, taata [male]; kääkkä, käppänä, horisko [person]
gegenschein {n} /ˈɡeɪ.ɡən.ˌʃaɪn/ :: gegenschein
Gehenna {prop} /ɡəˈhɛ.nə/ (hell, in Abrahamic religions) :: Gehenna
Gehinnom {prop} (Jewish realm of the afterlife) SEE: Gehenna ::
Geiger counter {n} /ˈɡaɪɡɚ ˈkaʊntɚ/ (device) :: geigermittari
geisha {n} (a Japanese entertainer) :: geisha, geiša
geisha ball {n} (Ben Wa ball) SEE: Ben Wa ball ::
gel {n} /dʒɛl/ (suspension of solid in liquid) :: geeli, hyty, hyytelö
gel {n} (any gel for a particular cosmetic use) :: geeli
gel {v} (apply cosmetic gel) :: levittää geeliä
gel {v} (become gel) :: geeliytyä, hyytelöityä
gelada {n} /dʒəˈlɑːdə/ (primate) :: tselada
gelatin {n} /ˈdʒɛlətɪn/ (protein derived through partial hydrolysis of the collagen) :: liivate, gelatiini
gelatin {n} (edible jelly) :: liivate
gelatin {n} (translucent membrane) :: gelatiini
gelatinous {adj} (jelly-like) :: hyytelömäinen
gelatinous {adj} (of or referring to gelatin) :: gelatiininen
gelato {n} /dʒəˈlɑtoʊ/ (Italian-style ice cream) :: gelato, jäätelö, italialainen jäätelö
geld {n} (money) SEE: money ::
geld {v} (castrate) SEE: castrate ::
gelding {n} (eunuch) SEE: eunuch ::
gelding {n} /ˈɡɛldɪŋ/ (castrated male horse) :: ruuna, valakka
gelee {n} (any gelled suspension made for culinary purposes) :: hyytelö, hyydyke
gelid {adj} /ˈdʒɛl.ɪd/ (very cold; icy) :: jäätävä, jääkylmä
gelisol {n} (soil type) :: routamaannos
gellan gum {n} (gum) :: gellaanikumi
gel pen {n} (pen) :: geelikynä
gem {n} /d͡ʒɛm/ (precious stone) :: jalokivi
geminate {v} /ˈdʒɛmɪnət/ (to arrange in pairs) :: parittaa, yhdistää, järjestää pareiksi
geminate {v} (to occur in pairs) :: esiintyä pareittain
gemination {n} /ˌdʒɛm.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ (phonetical phenomenon) :: geminaatio
Gemini {prop} /ˈdʒɛmɪnaɪ/ (constellation) :: Kaksoset {p}
Gemini {prop} (astrological sign) :: Kaksoset {p}
gemmology {n} (study of gems) SEE: gemology ::
gemologically {adv} (from gemological perspective) :: gemmologisesti
gemology {n} (art and science of gems) :: gemmologia, jalokivioppi
gemsbok {n} (a large African antelope of the Oryx genus) :: keihäsantilooppi
gemstone {n} /ˈdʒɛmˌstoʊn/ (a gem) :: jalokivi
-gen {suffix} (producer of something) :: -geeni
gendarme {n} /ʒɑn.ˈdɑɹm/ (member of the gendarmerie) :: santarmi
gendarme {n} (any policeman) :: poliisi
gendarme {n} (rock pinnacle) :: kalliopaasi
gendarmerie {n} /ˈʒɑn.dɑɹ.mə.ɹi/ (military body charged with police duties) :: santarmi
gender {v} (engender) SEE: engender ::
gender {n} /ˈdʒɛndɚ/ (grammar: division of nouns and pronouns) :: suku
gender {n} (division, class, kind) :: suku
gender {n} (biological sex) :: sukupuoli
gender {n} (identification as a man, a woman, or something else) :: sosiaalinen sukupuoli
gender {n} (grammar: voice (of verbs)) SEE: voice ::
gender dysphoria {n} (profound unhappiness related to characteristics associated with one's birth-assigned sex, experienced by some transgender people) :: sukupuoli-identiteetin häiriö
genderfluid {adj} (not conforming to fixed gender) :: sukupuolijoustava
gender identity {n} (person's sense of self as a member of a particular gender) :: sukupuoli-identiteetti
gender identity disorder {n} (gender dysphoria condition) :: sukupuoli-identiteetin häiriö
genderize {v} (to bestow gender upon) :: sukupuolittaa
gender-neutral {adj} (applicable to all genders) :: sukupuolineutraali
gender-neutral {adj} (grammar: lacking gender assignment) :: suvuton
gender reassignment {n} (process) :: sukupuolenkorjaus, sukupuolenvaihdos
gender role {n} :: sukupuolirooli
gender studies {n} (academic field) :: sukupuolitutkimus, gender-tutkimus
gene {n} /dʒiːn/ (unit of heredity) :: geeni, perintötekijä
genealogical {adj} (of or relating to genealogy) :: genealoginen
genealogist {n} /ˈdʒiː.niːˌæl.ə.dʒɪst/ (person who studies or practises genealogy, expert in genealogy) :: sukututkija
genealogy {n} /ˌdʒiniˈɑlədʒi/ (descent of a person, family or group from ancestors) :: sukupuu
genealogy {n} (record or table of such descent) :: sukupuu
genealogy {n} (study and recording of descents) :: sukututkimus
gene bank {n} (repository of genetic material) :: geenipankki
gene cassette {n} (type of DNA sequence) :: geenikasetti
gene expression {n} (transcription and translation of a gene into messenger RNA) :: geeniekspressio
gene family {n} (group of related genes) :: geeniperhe
gene flow {n} (transfer of alleles or genes) :: geenivirta
gene pool {n} (complete set of alleles) :: geenivarasto, geenipooli
gene product {n} (product of a gene) :: geenituote
general {adj} /ˈd͡ʒɛnəɹəl/ (involving every part or member, not specific or particular) :: yleinen
general {adj} (not limited in application; applicable to a whole class or category) :: yleis-
general {n} (military rank) :: kenraali
general anaesthesia {n} (general anesthesia) SEE: general anesthesia ::
general anesthesia {n} (a type of anesthesia that causes loss of sensation to the whole body, usually to the point of unconsciousness) :: nukutus, yleisanestesia
general anesthetic {n} (substance) :: yleispuudutusaine
General Assembly {prop} (United Nations General Assembly) SEE: United Nations General Assembly ::
general contractor {n} (contractor hired to manage a project) :: pääurakoitsija
general education {n} (education in a number of important subjects) :: yleissivistävä opetus
general election {n} (election held at regular intervals) :: parlamenttivaalit {p}, eduskuntavaalit
general formula {n} (molecular formula of a class of compounds) :: yleinen kaava
generalisation {n} (formulation of general concepts) :: yleistäminen
generalisation {n} (inductive reasoning) :: yleistys, yleistäminen
generalissimo {n} (supreme commander) :: generalissimo, generalissimus
generalist {n} (person with a broad general knowledge) :: yleismies
generalist {n} (general practitioner) :: yleislääkäri
generalist {n} (biological species) :: generalisti
generality {n} (quality) :: ylimalkaisuus, epämääräisyys
generality {n} (generalization) :: yleistys
generalization {n} (formulation of general concepts) :: yleistäminen
generalization {n} (inductive reasoning) :: yleistys, yleistäminen
generalize {v} (to speak in generalities, or in vague terms) :: yleistää
generalize {v} (to infer or induce from specific cases to more general cases or principles) :: yleistää
generalize {v} (to spread throughout the body and become systemic) :: levitä
generalized {adj} (made more general, less specialized) :: yleisluonteinen, yleinen
generalized anxiety disorder {n} (type of anxiety disorder) :: ahdistusneuroosi
general knowledge {n} /ˈdʒɛnəɹəl ˈnɑlɪdʒ/ (wide body of information that a person acquires from education and from life) :: yleistieto
general ledger {n} (central accounting record) :: pääkirja
generally {adv} /d͡ʒɛnɹəliː/ (popularly or widely) :: yleensä, tavallisesti
generally {adv} (as a rule; usually) :: yleensä, tavallisesti
generally {adv} (without reference to specific details) :: yleisesti
general partnership {n} (type of partnership) :: avoin yhtiö
general population {n} (general public) SEE: general public ::
general population {n} (main body of inmates in a prison) :: tavalliset vangit
general practitioner {n} (physician who provides primary care; family doctor) :: yleislääkäri
general public {n} (members of the public who have no special role) :: suuri yleisö
general public {n} (laypeople) :: suuri yleisö
general-purpose {adj} (all-purpose) :: yleis-, yleiskäyttöinen
general relativity {n} (theory in physics) :: yleinen suhteellisuusteoria
General Secretary {n} (chief administrator of political parties or organizations) :: pääsihteeri
general store {n} (a store which sells a large variety of useful things) :: sekatavarakauppa
general strike {n} (work stoppage) :: yleislakko
general surgery {n} (surgical specialty) :: yleiskirurgia
General Tao chicken {n} (General Tso's chicken) SEE: General Tso's chicken ::
General Tso's chicken {n} (sweet and spicy dish) :: kenraali Tson kana
generate {v} /ˈdʒɛn.ə.ɹeɪt/ (to bring into being) :: synnyttää, herättää
generate {v} (to produce as a result of a chemical or physical process) :: tuottaa, kehittää, synnyttää
generate {v} (to procreate, beget) :: tehdä
generation {n} /ˌd͡ʒɛnəˈɹeɪʃən/ (origination by some process; formation) :: kehittäminen, tuottaminen
generation {n} (act of generating or begetting; procreation) :: lisääntyminen
generation {n} (that which is generated or brought forth) :: jälkeläiset {p}, jälkikasvu
generation {n} (period of around thirty years) :: sukupolvi
generation {n} (single step in the succession of natural descent) :: sukupolvi
generation {n} (race, kind, family) :: suku
generational {adj} (of, pertaining to, or changing over generations) :: sukupolvien välinen, sukupolvittainen
generation gap {n} (disconnect between generations) :: sukupolvien välinen kuilu, sukupolvikuilu
Generation X {prop} (generation of people born after baby boom that followed World War II) :: X-sukupolvi
Generation Y {prop} (generation of people born in the 1980s and 1990s) :: Y-sukupolvi
Generation Z {prop} (generation of people) :: Z-sukupolvi
generative {adj} /ˈdʒɛnəɹətɪv/ (having the power of generating) :: generatiivinen
generator {n} (mathematics: an element of a group that is used in the presentation of the group) :: virittäjä
generator {n} (apparatus: electrical generator) :: generaattori
generic {adj} /dʒɪˈnɛɹɪk/ (very comprehensive) :: yleinen, yleis-, geneerinen
generic {adj} (of, or relating to a genus) :: suku-
generic {n} (a product sold under a generic name) :: geneerinen tuote
generic class {n} (class defined with at least one generic type) :: geneerinen luokka
generic function {n} (entity) :: geneerinen funktio
genericize {v} /ˈdʒə.nɛ.ɹɪ.saɪz/ (make generic) :: geneeristää, yleistää
genericized trademark {n} (brand name that has come into general use) :: yleisnimistynyt tavaramerkki
generic programming {n} (style of computer programming) :: geneerinen ohjelmointi
generic type {n} (type which can be instantiated with any other type) :: geneerinen tyyppi
generosity {n} /ˌd͡ʒɛnəˈɹɑsəti/ (the trait of being willing to donate) :: anteliaisuus, avokätisyys
generosity {n} (acting generously) :: anteliaisuus
generosity {n} (the trait of being more than adequate) :: yltäkylläisyys
generosity {n} (good breeding; nobility of stock) :: aatelisuus
generosity {n} (a generous act) :: anteliaisuus
generous {adj} /ˈdʒɛn(ə)ɹəs/ (noble in behaviour, magnanimous) :: ylevä, suurenmoinen
generous {adj} (willing to give and share unsparingly) :: antelias
generous {adj} (large, ample) :: runsas
generous {adj} (of noble birth) :: jalosukuinen
generously {adv} (in a generous manner) :: anteliaasti
gene silencing {n} (prevention of the expression of a gene) :: geenin hiljentäminen
genesis {n} /ˈd͡ʒɛn.ə.sɪs/ (the origin, start, or point at which something comes into being) :: alku
-genesis {suffix} (origin) :: -geneesi
-genesis {suffix} (production) :: -geneesi
Genesis {prop} (the book of the Bible) :: 1. Mooseksen kirja
gene splicing {n} (genetic technique) :: silmikointi
genet {n} /ˈdʒɛn.ɪt/ (mammal of the genus Genetta) :: genetti
genet {n} ((biology) group of genetically identical individuals) :: klooniyhdyskunta
gene therapy {n} (therapy involving the insertion of genes into a patient's cells) :: geeniterapia
genetic {adj} /d͡ʒəˈnɛtɪk/ (relating to genetics or genes) :: geneettinen
genetically {adv} (relating to genes) :: geneettisesti
genetically modified {adj} (produced by genetic modification) :: muuntogeeninen, geenimuunneltu
genetic code {n} (rules by which the sequence of bases in DNA are translated into the amino acid sequence of proteins) :: geneettinen koodi
genetic engineer {n} (scientist or engineer) :: geeni-insinööri, geenitutkija
genetic engineering {n} (practice or science of genetic modification) :: geenitekniikka
genetic engineering {n} (genetic modification) SEE: genetic modification ::
geneticist {n} (scientist who studies genes) :: perinnöllisyystieteilijä, geneetikko
genetic modification {n} (deliberate modification of genetic structure) :: geenimuuntelu
genetics {n} /dʒɛˈnɛ.tɪks/ (branch of biology) :: perinnöllisyystiede, genetiikka
genetics {n} (genetic makeup of a specific individual or species) :: genetiikka
gene transfer {n} (transfer of genes between organisms) :: geeninsiirto
Geneva {prop} /dʒəˈniːvə/ (city) :: Geneve
Geneva {prop} (canton) :: Geneve
Geneva {prop} (lake) :: Genevejärvi
Geneva Convention {prop} (international treaty) :: Geneven sopimus
Genevan {adj} (pertaining to Geneva) :: geneveläinen
Genevan {n} (someone from Geneva) :: geneveläinen
Geneva wheel {n} (mechanism that translates a continuous rotation) :: maltan risti
Genevieve {prop} (female given name) :: Geneviève [of Frenchwomen]
Genghis Khan {prop} /ˈdʒɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ (Genghis Khan) :: Tšingis-kaani
genial {adj} /ˈdʒiːnɪəl/ (friendly and cheerful) :: ystävällinen, lempeä
genial {adj} (pleasantly mild and warm) :: leuto, leppeä
genial {adj} (marked by genius) :: nerokas
genie {n} /ˈdʒiː.ni/ (a fictional magical being) :: henki
genital {adj} /ˈdʒɛnətəl/ (of, or relating to the genitalia) :: genitaalinen, sukuelin-
genital herpes {n} (infection) :: sukuelinherpes
genitalia {n} /ˈdʒɛnɪˈteɪli.ə/ (genitals or sex organs) :: sukuelimet, genitaalit, sukupuolielimet
genitals {n} (genitalia) SEE: genitalia ::
genital wart {n} (sexually transmitted infection) :: kondylooma, visvasyylä
genitival {adj} (of or pertaining to genitive case) :: genetiivinen
genitive {adj} (of or pertaining to the case of possession) :: genetiivi-, genetiivinen
genitive {n} (inflection pattern) :: genetiivi, omanto
genitive {n} (word in the genitive inflection) :: genetiivi, omanto
genitive absolute {n} (independent genitive phrase) :: absoluuttinen genetiivi
genitive-accusative {n} :: objektiivinen genetiivi, genetiiviakkusatiivi
genitive case {n} (genitive) SEE: genitive ::
genius {n} /ˈdʒin.jəs/ (someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill) :: nero
genius {n} (extraordinary mental capacity) :: nerokkuus
genius {n} (inspiration, mental leap, extraordinary creative process) :: neronleimaus
genius {n} (tutelary deity) SEE: tutelary deity ::
gennaker {n} /ˈdʒɛnəkə(ɹ)/ (type of sail) :: genaakkeri
genoa {n} /ˈdʒenouə/ (a staysail) :: genua, genoa
genoa {n} (Genoa cake) SEE: Genoa cake ::
Genoa {prop} /ˈdʒɛn.ou.ə/ (province) :: Genova
Genoa {prop} (Italian city) :: Genova
Genoa {prop} (placename) :: Genoa
Genoa cake {n} (type of fruitcake) :: englantilainen hedelmäkakku
Genoan {adj} (of or pertaining to Genoa) :: genovalainen
Genoan {n} (one of Genoa) :: genovalainen
genocide {n} /ˈd͡ʒɛnəsaɪd/ (systematic killing of substantial numbers of people) :: kansanmurha, [law] joukkotuhonta
Genoese {n} /ˌd͡ʒɛnəʊˈiːz/ (an inhabitant or resident of Genoa) :: genovalainen
Genoese {adj} (of, from or relating to Genoa) :: genovalainen
genome {n} /ˈdʒiː.noʊm/ (complete genetic information of an organism) :: genomi, perimä, geeniperimä
genomic {adj} (of or pertaining to a genome) :: genominen, genomi-
genomics {n} (study of the complete genome of an organism) :: genomiikka
genotype {n} /ˈdʒiːn.oʊ.taɪp/ (DNA sequence which determines a specific characteristic) :: perimätyyppi, genotyyppi
genotype {n} (group of organisms) :: genotyyppi
genotype {v} (to determine the genotype of) :: määrittää genotyyppi
genotypic {adj} (pertaining to a genotype) :: genotyyppinen
genotypical {adj} (of or relating to genotype) :: genotyyppinen
Genovese {adj} (Genoese) SEE: Genoese ::
genre {n} /(d)ʒɑn.ɹə/ (kind; type; sort) :: lajityyppi, genre, tyylilaji, laji
gens {n} /d͡ʒɛnz/ (legally defined unit of Roman society) :: suku, gens
Genseric {prop} (male given name) :: Geiserik [king]
gentian {n} /ˈdʒɛn(t)ʃən/ (Any of various herbs of the family Gentianaceae) :: katkero
gentian {n} (The dried roots and rhizome of a European gentian) :: keltakatkeron juuri
genticide {n} (killing of a race or nation of people) SEE: genocide ::
gentile {adj} /ˈd͡ʒɛntaɪl/ (non-Jewish) :: ei-juutalainen
gentle {adj} /ˈdʒɛntl̩/ (tender and amiable) :: herttainen, kiltti
gentle {adj} (soft and mild rather than hard or severe) :: hellävarainen, leuto
gentle {adj} (docile and easily managed) :: leppoisa
gentle {adj} (gradual rather than steep or sudden) :: vähittäinen, loiva
gentle {adj} (polite and respectful rather than rude) :: ystävällinen
gentlefolk {n} /ˈd͡ʒɛntl̩fəʊk/ (people of superior social position) :: herrasväki
gentleman {n} /ˈdʒɛɾ̃.ɫ̩.mən/ (man of breeding) :: herrasmies
gentleman {n} (polite term for a man) :: herrasmies
gentleman {n} (polite form of address to men) :: herrasmies
gentleman {n} (toilets intended for use by men) :: miesten
gentlemanly {adv} (in the manner of a gentleman) :: herrasmiesmäisesti
gentleman's agreement {n} (agreement) :: herrasmiessopimus
gentleness {n} /ˈd͡ʒɛntl̩nəs/ (being gentle) :: hellävaraisuus
gently {adv} /ˈdʒɛntli/ (in a gentle manner) :: hellävaraisesti, lempeästi, vienosti, hellävaroen
gentrification {n} /dʒɛntɹɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (process of renewal accompanying an influx of relatively affluent people) :: keskiluokkaistuminen
gentry {n} /ˈdʒɛntɹi/ (rank by birth) :: syntyperä
gentry {n} (courtesy, civility) :: sivistyneisyys
gentry {n} (people of education and good breeding) :: herrasväki
genual {adj} (pertaining to the knee) :: polvi-
genuflect {v} /ˈdʒɛn.jʊ.flɛkt/ (to bend the knee, as in servitude or worship) :: polvistua
genuflect {v} (to behave in a servile manner) :: kyyristellä
genuine {adj} /ˈdʒɛnjuːˌɪn/ (real, authentic) :: aito, todellinen
genus {n} /ˈdʒiːnəs/ (rank in a taxonomic classification between family and species) :: suku
genus {n} (taxon at this rank) :: suku
genus {n} (group with common attributes) :: suku, ryhmä
genus {n} (topological invariant) :: genus
genu valgum {n} (medical condition) :: pihtipolvi
genu varum {n} (bowleg) SEE: bowleg ::
geo- {prefix} (Earth) :: geo-
geobotany {n} (the branch of biogeography that is concerned with the geographic distribution of plant species) :: kasvimaantiede
geocache {n} (hidden item in geocaching) :: kätkö, geokätkö
geocache {v} (to participate in geocaching) :: geokätköillä
geocache {v} (to hide or seek a geocache) :: kätkeä (hide); etsiä (seek)
geocacher {n} (person who hides or seeks objects as part of the sport of geocaching) :: geokätköilijä
geocaching {n} (pastime) :: geokätköily
geocentric {adj} /ˌdʒioʊˈsɛntɹɪk/ (having Earth at center) :: maakeskinen, geosentrinen
geocentrism {n} (belief that Earth is the center of the universe) :: maakeskisyys
geochemistry {n} (branch of chemistry) :: geokemia
geochronology {n} (any one of the methods by which the age of different samples of rock can be determined) :: geokronologia
geode {n} /ˈdʒiːəʊd/ (hollow stone with crystals on the inside wall) :: geodi
geodesic {n} /ˌd͡ʒiːəˈdiːsɪk/ (mathematics: the shortest line between two points on a specific surface) :: geodeesi
geodesic {adj} (of or relating to geodesy) :: geodeettinen
geodesic {adj} (of or relating to a geodesic dome) :: geodeettinen
geodesic dome {n} (a domed structure) :: geodeettinen kupoli
geodesist {n} (person who works with or studies geodetics) :: geodeetti
geodesy {n} /dʒiˈɑdəsi/ (scientific discipline) :: geodesia, maanmittaus
geodetic {adj} (geodesic) SEE: geodesic ::
geodetically {adv} (in a geodetic manner) :: geodeettisesti
geodetically {adv} (with regard to geodesy) :: geodeettisesti
geodetics {n} /ˌd͡ʒiːəʊˈdɛtɪks/ (science) :: maanmittausoppi, geodesia
geoduck {n} /ˈɡuiˌdək/ (P. abrupta) :: geoduck
geodynamics {n} (a branch of geophysics) :: geodynamiikka
geoelectricity {n} (the natural electric fields and electric currents of the Earth) :: Maan sähkökenttä
geofence {n} /ˈdʒiːəʊfɛns/ (virtual perimeter around a geographic area) :: geoaita
Geoffroy's cat {n} (Leopardus geoffroyi) :: vuorikissa
geoglyph {n} /ˈd͡ʒiːə(ʊ)ɡlɪf/ (large-scale drawing on the ground) :: geoglyfi
geographer {n} /d͡ʒiːˈɒɡɹəfə(ɹ)/ (a specialist in geography) :: maantieteilijä
geographic {adj} /d͡ʒiəˈɡɹæfɪk/ (pertaining to geography) :: maantieteellinen
geographic {adj} (determined by geography) :: maantieteellinen
geographical {adj} (geographic) SEE: geographic ::
geographically {adv} (in a geographical manner) :: maantieteellisesti
geographic information system {n} (an electronic system) :: paikkatietojärjestelmä
geography {n} /dʒiˈɑɡɹəfi/ (study of physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth) :: maantiede, maantieto, geografia
geoheliocentrism {n} (early model of solar system) :: Tyko Brahen järjestelmä
geoid {n} /ˈdʒiːɔɪd/ (surface of constant gravitational potential at zero elevation) :: geoidi, geoidipinta
geoinformatics {n} (science and technology) :: geoinformatiikka
geologic {adj} /ˌdʒi.əˈlɑdʒ.ɪk/ (relating to geology) :: maantieteellinen, geologinen
geological {adj} (geologic) SEE: geologic ::
geologically {adv} (as part of a geologic process) :: geologisesti
geological matrix {n} (background material) :: matriksi, välimassa
geologic joint {n} (a fracture in rock) :: rako
geologic time scale {n} (chronological scale of the earth's history) :: geologinen aika-asteikko
geologist {n} /dʒiˈɑːlədʒɪst/ (person skilled at geology) :: geologi
geology {n} /dʒiˈɑlədʒi/ (the study of the earth) :: geologia
geomagnetic {adj} (of or pertaining to geomagnetism) :: geomagneetinen
geomagnetism {n} (magnetism of the Earth) :: Maan magneettikenttä, geomagnetismi
geomagnetism {n} (science) :: geomagnetismi
geomancy {n} (type of divination) :: geomantia
geomatics {n} (discipline) :: geomatiikka
geomedicine {n} (branch of medicine) :: geolääketiede
geometer moth {n} (geometer moth) SEE: geometrid moth ::
geometric {adj} /ˌdʒi.oʊˈmɛt.ɹɪk/ (of or relating to geometry) :: geometrinen
geometric {adj} (increasing or decreasing in a geometric progression) :: geometrinen
geometric {adj} (using simple shapes) :: geometrinen
geometrical {adj} (geometric) SEE: geometric ::
geometrically {adv} (in a geometric manner) :: geometrisesti
geometric distribution {n} (type of probability distribution) :: geometrinen jakauma
geometricity {n} (condition) :: geometrisuus
geometric mean {n} (measure of central tendency) :: geometrinen keskiarvo, keskiverto
geometric series {n} (infinite series of terms in geometric progression) :: geometrinen sarja
geometrid {n} (larva) :: mittarimato
geometrid {n} (geometrid moth) SEE: geometrid moth ::
geometrid moth {n} (moth) :: mittari, mittarimato
geometry {n} /dʒiˈɑmətɹi/ (branch of mathematics) :: geometria, jomma, mittausoppi
geometry {n} (type of geometry) :: -geometria
geomorphological {adj} (pertaining to geomorphology) :: geomorfologinen
geomorphology {n} (the study of landforms) :: geomorfologia
geophysical {adj} /ˌdʒiː.əʊˈfɪz.ɪk.əl/ (of or pertaining to geophysics) :: geofyysinen, geofysikaalinen
geophysicist {n} (one who studies geophysics) :: geofyysikko
geophysics {n} /ˌdʒiː.əʊˈfɪz.ɪks/ (branch of earth science) :: geofysiikka
geopolitical {adj} (of, or relating to geopolitics) :: geopoliittinen
geopolitically {adv} (according to geopolitics) :: geopoliittisesti
geopolitics {n} (the study of the effects of geography on international politics) :: geopolitiikka
George {prop} /dʒɔː(ɹ)dʒ/ (male given name) :: Yrjö
Georgetown {prop} /ˈd͡ʒɔː(ɹ)d͡ʒtaʊn/ (capital of Guyana) :: Georgetown
Georgia {prop} /ˈdʒɔɹ.dʒə/ (country) :: Georgia
Georgia {prop} (state of the USA) :: Georgia
Georgian {n} /ˈdʒɔːdʒən/ (language of the country Georgia) :: georgia
Georgian {n} (person from the country of Georgia) :: georgialainen; gruusialainen [dated]
Georgian {n} (person from the U.S. State of Georgia) :: georgialainen
Georgian {adj} (pertaining to the country, people or language of Georgia) :: georgialainen, gruusialainen
Georgian {adj} (pertaining to the U.S. State of Georgia) :: georgialainen
Georgian SSR {prop} (Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic) :: Gruusian SNT
geoscience {n} (earth science) SEE: earth science ::
geoscientist {n} /ˌdʒioʊˈsaɪəntɪst/ (scholar in geoscience) :: geotieteilijä
geostationary {adj} (fixed distance orbit) :: geostationaarinen
geosynchronous {adj} (orbit whose rate of revolution is matched with Earth) :: geosynkroninen
geotextile {n} (fabric used in earthworks) :: geotekstiili
geothermal {adj} (pertaining to heat energy) :: geoterminen
geothermally {adv} (by geothermal means) :: geotermisesti
ger {n} (yurt) SEE: yurt ::
geranium {n} (cranesbill) :: kurjenpolvi
geranium {n} (common name for Pelargoniums) :: pelargoni
geranium {n} (colour) :: oranssinpunainen
geranium {adj} (color) :: oranssinpunainen
gerbera {n} (A daisy of the genus Gerbera) :: gerbera
gerbil {n} /ˈdʒɝbl̩/ (small rodent) :: gerbilli
gerenuk {n} /ˈɡɛɹɛnuːk/ (Litocranius walleri) :: gerenukki, kirahviantilooppi
geriatric {adj} ((relating to the) elderly) :: vanhus-, vanhusten
geriatric {adj} (relating to geriatrics) :: geriatrinen
geriatric {n} (slang: old person) :: kalkkis, geriatrikko
geriatrician {n} (doctor specialising in elderly people) :: geriatri
geriatrics {n} (branch of medicine dealing with the elderly) :: geriatria
germ {n} /d͡ʒɜːm/ (mass of cells) :: itiö
germ {n} (pathogenic microorganism) :: mikrobi
germ {n} (idea) :: siemen
germ {n} (embryo of a seed) :: itu
German {n} /ˈd͡ʒɜː.mən/ (native or inhabitant of Germany; person of German citizenship or nationality) :: saksalainen, saksatar [female]
German {n} (member of the Germanic ethnic group which is the most populous ethnic group in Germany) :: saksalainen, saksatar [female]
German {n} (member of a Germanic tribe) :: germaani
German {prop} (the German language) :: saksa
German {adj} (of or relating to the country of Germany) :: saksalainen
German {adj} (of or relating to the German people) :: saksalainen
German {adj} (of or relating to the German language) :: saksankielinen
German chamomile {n} (annual plant used for tea) :: kamomillasaunio
German cockroach {n} (Blattella germanica) :: russakka
German Democratic Republic {prop} (East Germany from 1949-1990) :: Saksan demokraattinen tasavalta
germane {adj} /dʒɝˈmeɪn/ (related to the topic being discussed) :: asiaankuuluva, relevantti, olennainen
germane {n} (germanium tetrahydride) :: germaniumtetrahydridi
German Empire {prop} (Germany between 1871 and 1918) :: Saksan valtakunta, Saksan keisarikunta
Germanic {prop} /d͡ʒɜː(ɹ)ˈmæn.ɪk/ (early language, see also: Ur-Germanic) :: germaaninen kantakieli
Germanic {prop} (group of Indo-European languages) :: germaaninen
Germanic {adj} (relating to the Germanic peoples) :: germaaninen
Germanic {adj} (relating to the language or group of languages known as Germanic) :: germaaninen
Germanic {adj} (having German characteristics) :: saksalainen
Germanism {n} (a word or idiom of the German language) :: saksalaisuus, germanismi
Germanism {n} (culture, and customs of Germanic peoples, see also: Teutonism) :: saksalaisuus, germanismi
Germanist {n} (person who studies Germanic languages and cultures) :: germanisti
germanium {n} /dʒɚˈmeɪni.əm/ (chemical element) :: germanium
germanium tetrahydride {n} (germane) SEE: germane ::
Germanize {v} /ˈdʒɝmənaɪz/ (make more German) :: saksalaistaa
German measles {n} (the disease rubella) SEE: rubella ::
Germanness {n} (being German) :: saksalaisuus
Germano- {prefix} (relating to Germany and German culture) :: saksalais-
germanomethane {n} (germane) SEE: germane ::
German Shepherd {n} (breed of dog) :: saksanpaimenkoira, sakemanni
German silver {n} (nickel silver) SEE: nickel silver ::
German Spaniel {n} (dog breed) :: viiriäiskoira
German sparrow {n} (tree sparrow) SEE: tree sparrow ::
Germany {prop} /ˈd͡ʒɝ.mə.ni/ (country in Central Europe) :: Saksa
germ cell {n} (a cell that is part of the germ line) :: itusolu
Germinal {prop} /ˈdʒɝmənəl/ (the seventh month of the French Republican Calendar) :: germinal
germinate {v} (sprout or produce buds) :: itää
germinate {v} (cause to grow) :: idättää
germination {n} (process of germinating) :: itäminen
germophobia {n} (pathological fear of germs) SEE: bacillophobia ::
germ plasm {n} (cytoplasm of germ cells) :: ituplasma
germ warfare {n} (the use of harmful organisms as a weapon) SEE: biological warfare ::
gerontechnology {n} (academic and professional field) :: geronteknologia
gerontocracy {n} (government by elders) :: gerontokratia
gerontologist {n} (physician who specializes in gerontology) :: gerontologi
gerontology {n} (branch of science) :: gerontologia
gerontophilia {n} (sexual attraction) :: gerontofilia
geropsychology {n} (branch of psychology) :: geropsykologia
Gertrude {prop} /ˈɡɝtɹud/ (female given name) :: Kerttu
gerund {n} /ˈdʒɛɹənd/ (verb form functioning as a verbal noun) :: gerundi
gerund {n} (verb form functioning as an adverb) :: gerundi
gerundive {n} /dʒəˈɹʌndɪv/ (Latin verbal adjective that describes obligation or necessity) :: gerundiivi
gerundive {n} (verbal adjective, see also: present participle) :: gerundi
Gesamtkunstwerk {n} (operatic performance) :: kokonaistaideteos
gesso {n} /ˈdʒɛsəʊ/ (mixture) :: gesso
gestalt {n} /ɡəˈʃtɔlt/ (collection of entities that creates a unified concept) :: olemus
gestaltism {n} (branch of psychology) :: hahmopsykologia
gestalt therapy {n} (branch of psychotherapy) :: hahmoterapia
Gestapo {prop} (the secret police of Nazi Germany) :: Gestapo
gestation {n} /dʒesˈteɪʃən/ (period of time a fetus develops inside mother's body) :: raskausaika
gestation {n} (process of development of a plan or idea) :: kehittely
gestational sac {n} (intrauterine structure) :: sikiöpussi
gestation period {n} (the average interval between fertilization and birth of a mammal) :: kantoaika
gestation sac {n} (gestational sac) SEE: gestational sac ::
gesticulate {v} /dʒɛsˈtɪkjəleɪt/ (to make gestures) :: elehtiä, viittoilla
gesticulate {v} (to express through gestures) :: elehtiä, viittoilla
gesticulation {n} (act of gesticulating) :: elehtiminen
Gestuno {prop} (International Sign) :: gestuno
gesture {n} /ˈdʒɛs.tʃɚ/ (motion of the limbs or body) :: ele, liike
gesture {n} (act or remark) :: ele, ilmaus
gesture {v} ((intransitive) to make a gesture) :: elehtiä
gesture {v} ((transitive) to express something by a gesture) :: elehtiä
gesundheit {interj} (said to someone who has just sneezed) SEE: bless you ::
get {v} /ɡɛt/ (to obtain) :: saada
get {v} (to receive) :: saada, vastaanottaa
get {v} (to become) :: tulla
get {v} (to cause to become) :: saada
get {v} (to fetch) :: hakea, noutaa
get {v} (to don) :: pukea, pukeutua
get {v} (to doff) :: riisua, riisuuntua
get {v} (to cause to do) :: saada
get {v} (to betake) :: lähteä
get {v} (to arrive at) :: saapua
get {v} (to adopt, assume (a position)) :: asettua
get {v} (to begin) :: ryhtyä + infinitive III illative
get {v} (to take, catch (transportation)) :: ottaa
get {v} (to respond to (a telephone call, a doorbell, etc)) :: vastata puhelimeen [to answer the phone]; ottaa puhelu [lit. to take the call]; avata ovi [to open the door]
get {v} (to be able to, be permitted, have opportunity) :: saada
get {v} (colloquial: to understand) :: ymmärtää, tajuta
get {v} (colloquial: to be) :: not used
get {v} (to become ill with) :: saada
get {v} (to catch out) :: höynäyttää
get {v} (to perplex) :: askarruttaa, vaivata
get {v} (to find as an answer) :: saada
get {v} (to bring to reckoning) :: napata
get {v} (to physically assault) :: käydä kimppuun
get {v} (to hear completely) :: kuulla hyvin
get {v} (to beget) SEE: beget ::
get a grip {v} (to return to a rational handling of reality) :: ryhdistäytyä, koota itsensä
get ahead {v} :: edetä, edistyä
get ahead of oneself {v} (to focus excessively on prospective future events) :: miettiä liikaa tulevaa
get ahead of oneself {v} (to develop an opinion or take action based on insufficient information) :: hätäillä, mennä asioiden edelle
get ahead of oneself {v} (to make points out of logical or chronological sequence) :: mennä asioiden edelle
get a life {v} (to have a more interesting, eventful, or worthwhile existence) :: hankkia elämä
get along {v} (interact or coexist well, without argument or trouble) :: tulla toimeen
get along {v} (survive; to do well enough) :: tulla toimeen, pärjätä, selviytyä
get a move on {v} (hurry up) SEE: hurry up ::
get a room {phrase} (used to instruct a couple to stop displaying physical affection in public) :: hankkikaa huone
get at {v} (to manage to gain access to) SEE: access ::
get at {v} (to attack verbally or physically) SEE: attack ::
get at {v} (to annoy, bother) SEE: annoy ::
get at {v} ((slang) to contact someone) SEE: contact ::
get away {v} (to avoid capture; to escape (from)) SEE: escape ::
get away {v} (To start moving; to depart) SEE: depart ::
get away {v} (to move away (from)) :: liikkua [(poispäin) ~sta], loitota, häipyä
get away {v} (to take a break from one's present circumstances) :: poistua, lähteä
get away {v} (to journey (to), especially on holiday) :: matkustaa
get away {v} (to slip from one's control) :: lähteä lapasesta
get a word in edgewise {v} /ˌɡɛt ə ˈwɜːd ɪn ˈɛdʒwaɪz/ (to break into or participate in a conversation) :: saada sanomansa läpi
get back at {v} (to retaliate) :: kostaa
get by {v} (subsist) :: selviytyä, tulla toimeen, pysyä leivän syrjässä kiinni
get carried away {v} (to take something too far) :: viedä liian pitkälle, mennä liian pitkälle
get cold feet {v} /ˌɡɛt ˈkəʊld fiːt/ (to become nervous or anxious and reconsider a decision about an upcoming event) :: jänistää
get down {v} (go down (intransitive)) SEE: go down ::
get down {v} (bring down (transitive)) SEE: let down ::
get down {v} (come down (intransitive)) SEE: come down ::
get dressed {v} (to beclothe oneself, to put on clothes) :: pukeutua, laittautua
get drunk {v} (to intoxicate oneself with alcohol) :: juopua, humaltua, tulla juovuksiin, tulla humalaan
get drunk {v} (transitive; to make drunk) :: juottaa, juovuttaa
get even {v} (get revenge) :: päästä tasoihin, tasoittaa
get fucked {interj} (term used to express contempt) :: painu helvettiin
get fucked {interj} (go away, get lost) :: painu vittuun, painu helvettiin
get fucked {interj} (curse meaning "go to hell") :: painu helvettiin
Gethsemane {prop} (garden in ancient Jerusalem) :: Getsemane
get in {v} (to board) :: astua [+ illative], nousta [+ illative]
get in {v} (to enter) :: päästä sisään
get in {v} (to secure membership) :: päästä sisään
get in {v} (to be elected) :: valita [passive forms], tulla valituksi
get into someone's pants {v} (to have sex with someone) :: päästä jonkun pöksyihin
get into the wrong hands {v} (fall into the wrong hands) SEE: fall into the wrong hands ::
get it over with {v} :: saada alta pois
get laid {v} (take part in a sexual act) SEE: have sex ::
get laid {v} (to have sex) :: saada
get lost {interj} (Go away!) :: häivy!, ala mennä!
get lost {v} (become lost) :: eksyä
get lost {v} (to appear to be absent) :: hukkua, hävitä
get married {v} (become married to someone) :: mennä naimisiin, avioitua
get married {v} (become married to each other) :: mennä naimisiin, avioitua
get off {v} (to move from being on top of (something)) :: ottaa pois, poistaa, nostaa
get off {v} (to move (something) from being on (something else)) :: ottaa pois (+ ablative), nostaa (+ ablative)
get off {v} (to stop touching or interfering with something or someone) :: lakata koskemasta, päästää irti
get off {v} (to disembark from) :: nousta (+ elative), jäädä pois (+ ablative or elative)
get off {v} (to incur only mild consequences) :: selvitä, päästä
get off {v} (to fall asleep) :: nukahtaa
get off {v} (to excite, arouse) :: kiihottaa
get off {v} (to experience sexual pleasure) :: laueta, kiihottua
get off one's chest {v} (to relieve oneself by talking to someone) :: purkaa sydäntään
get on {v} (to board or mount) :: nousta
get on {v} (to enter (a vehicle)) :: nousta
get on {v} (to be successful) :: menestyä
get on {v} (to progress (with)) :: jatkaa, edistyä, edetä
get on {v} (to become late) :: tulla myöhä
get on {v} (to become old) :: tulla vanhaksi, ikääntyä, vanheta
get on {v} (to have a good relationship) :: tulla toimeen
get on {v} (to commence an action) :: aloittaa, ruveta
get one's act together {v} (become serious and organized) :: panna toimeksi
get one's ass in gear {v} (to exert effective effort) :: panna liikettä niveliin
get one's butt somewhere {v} :: raahata ahterinsa, raahata perseensä [vulgar]
get one's claws into {v} :: iskeä kyntensä
get one's hands dirty {v} :: liata kätensä
get one's hands on {v} (to get, to obtain, to secure) :: saada käsiinsä
get one's hopes up {v} (to become enthusiastic) :: odottaa kuuta taivaalta
get one's knickers in a twist {v} /ˈɡɛt wʌnz ˈnɪkɚz ɪn ə ˈtwɪst/ (To become overwrought or unnecessarily upset over a trivial matter.) :: vetää herne nenään
get one's way {v} (obtain the circumstances one wishes for) :: saada tahtonsa läpi, saada haluamansa
get one's wires crossed {v} (to misunderstand one another) :: käydä väärinkäsitys [subject in adessive]
get on someone's bad side {v} :: saada joku näyttämään huonoa puoltaan (to make someone show their bad side)
get on someone's case {v} (lecture, berate or complain to somebody) :: saarnata, morkata, kitistä, narista, marmattaa, valittaa, moittia, urputtaa
get onto {v} (move onto an object) :: mennä kyytiin
get onto {v} (contact a person or organisation) :: ottaa yhteys
get onto {v} (connect to the Internet or a network) :: yhdistää
get onto {v} (scold someone) :: läksyttää
get onto {v} (introduce someone to something) :: saada aloittamaan
get on with {v} (proceed with) :: aloittaa, käydä käsiksi
get out of bed on the wrong side {v} (to start the day in a bad mood) SEE: get up on the wrong side of the bed ::
get out of here {interj} (command to leave) :: häivy!, ala mennä!
get outta here {interj} (get out of here) SEE: get out of here ::
get over {v} (recover) SEE: recover ::
get over {v} (to overcome) :: voittaa, ylittää
get over {v} (to forget, and move on) :: päästä yli
get ready {v} (to make ready or prepare) :: valmistella, laittaa valmiiksi
get rid of {v} (remove) :: päästä eroon, hankkiutua eroon
get some air {v} (invigorate oneself by breathing refreshing outdoor air) :: haukata raikasta ilmaa, haukata happea
get started {v} (cause someone to start talking in length) :: aloittaa
gettable {adj} (obtainable) SEE: obtainable ::
get the boot {v} (to be dismissed) :: saada kenkää
get the boot {v} (to be voted off) :: saada lähteä
get the hang of {v} (to learn to handle with some skill) :: päästä jyvälle
get through {v} (to overcome) :: selviytyä, suoriutua
get through to {v} (to succeed in communicating with) :: päästä läpi
getting any {v} (habitually having sex) :: saada
getting enough {v} (habitually having sex) :: saada
get-together {n} (informal: meeting or gathering) :: tapaaminen, kokous
get-together {n} (party or social function) :: istujaiset, sitsi, illanistujaiset
get to know {v} (to become acquainted with someone) :: tutustua
get to the bottom of {v} (understand the truth about) :: ottaa selvää, selvittää
get to the point {v} (State directly) :: mennä asiaan, mennä asian ytimeen, sanoa suoraan
get up {v} (to move in an upwards direction) :: nousta
get up {v} (to rise from one's bed) :: nousta ylös
get up {v} (to move to standing position) :: nousta, nousta ylös
get up {v} (to grow stronger) :: yltyä, nousta
get up {v} (to bring together) :: koota
get up {v} (to grow larger by accretion) :: kerätä
get up {v} (sport: to go towards attacking goal) :: nousta
get up {v} (informal: to criticize) :: haukkua
get up on the wrong side of the bed {v} (to feel irritable without a particular reason) :: nousta sängystä väärällä jalalla
get up to {v} (to do something, especially something that you should not do) :: ryhtyä, touhuta
get used {v} (to get accustomed (to)) :: tottua
get well soon {phrase} (expressing hope that someone recovers soon) :: parane pian
get wet {v} (come into contact with water) :: kastua
get wet {v} (of a woman, to become sexually aroused) :: kostua
get wind of {v} (To hear about; to learn of, especially especially with respect to facts intended to have been confidential) :: saada vihiä, päästä jyvälle; ei olla hajuakaan (only of not getting wind of)
gewgaw {n} /ˈɡjuːɡɔː/ (a showy trifle, a toy) :: koriste; prenikka
geyser {n} /ˈɡaɪzɚ/ (boiling spring) :: geysir
G-flat major {n} (major key) :: Ges-duuri
g-force {n} (acceleration of a body) :: G-voima, kiihtyvyysvoima
Ghana {prop} /ˈɡɑnə/ (The Republic of Ghana) :: Ghana
Ghanaian {adj} /ɡɑː.ˈneɪ.ən/ (of, from, or pertaining to Ghana or the Ghanaian people) :: ghanalainen
Ghanaian {n} (person from Ghana or of Ghanaian descent) :: ghanalainen
Ghanan {adj} (Ghanaian) SEE: Ghanaian ::
Ghanan {n} (Ghanaian) SEE: Ghanaian ::
gharial {n} (gavial) SEE: gavial ::
ghastly {adj} /ˈɡæs(t).li/ (Like a ghost in appearance; death-like; pale; pallid) :: kalpea
ghastly {adj} (horrifyingly shocking) :: kauhistuttava, kauhea, kamala, kaamea
ghastly {adj} (extremely bad) :: kauhea, kamala, kaamea
ghazal {n} /ˈɡæzæl/ (a poetic form) :: gaseeli
ghee {n} /ɡiː/ (South Asian style clarified butter) :: ghi
Ghent {prop} /ˈɡɛnt/ (capital city of the province of East Flanders, Belgium) :: Gent
gherkin {n} /ˈɡɝkɪn/ (small cucumber) :: cocktailkurkku, pikkelsikurkku
ghetto {n} /ˈɡɛtoʊ/ (area of a city in which Jews were concentrated) :: getto, ghetto
ghetto {n} (area of a city where people of another ethnicity concentrate or are concentrated) :: getto
ghetto blaster {n} (powerful portable stereo system) SEE: boom box ::
Ghibelline {n} /ˈɡɪbəlin/ (member of a medieval Italian faction that supported the German emperors) :: ghibelliini
ghost {n} /ɡoʊst/ (spirit appearing after death) :: aave, kummitus, haamu, henki, sielu
ghost {n} (faint shadowy semblance) :: kangastus, haamu
ghost {n} (false image in an optical device) :: haamukuva
ghost {n} (false image on a television screen) :: haamukuva
ghost {n} (soul) SEE: soul ::
ghost {n} (ghostwriter) SEE: ghostwriter ::
ghost image {n} (undesired image) :: haamukuva
ghostliness {n} (quality) :: aavemaisuus
ghostly {adj} /ˈɡoʊstli/ (pertaining to ghosts) :: aavemainen
ghost moth {n} (Hepialus humuli) :: humalaperhonen
ghost ship {n} (abandoned, possibly adrift ship that is haunted) :: aavelaiva
ghost story {n} (story about ghosts) :: kummitusjuttu
ghost town {n} /ˈɡəʊst taʊn/ (town which has become deserted) :: aavekaupunki, autiokaupunki, haamukaupunki
ghost train {n} (fairground attraction) :: kummitusjuna
ghost train {n} (theatrical performance beside a train) :: kummitusjuna
ghost train {n} (supernatural manifestatiopn of a train) :: aavejuna
ghost train {n} (unmanned train) :: miehittämätön juna
ghostwrite {v} (write under the name of another) :: haamukirjoittaa
ghostwrite {v} (author a literary work) :: kirjoittaa
ghostwriter {n} (professional writer for another person) :: haamukirjoittaja
ghoul {n} /ɡuːl/ (a spirit said to feed on corpses) :: ghouli
ghrelin {n} /ˈɡɹɛlɪn/ (peptide hormone that increases appetite) :: greliini
ghusl {n} (full-body taken to restore the body to purity) :: upotuskaste
giant {n} /ˈdʒaɪ.ənt/ (mythical human) :: jättiläinen, jätti
giant {n} (Greek mythological creature) :: gigantti
giant {n} (very tall person) :: jättiläinen
giant {n} (luminous star) :: jättiläinen, jättiläistähti
giant {adj} (giant) :: jättiläismäinen, jättiläis-
giant anteater {n} (species) :: isomuurahaiskarhu
giant armadillo {n} (species) :: isovyötiäinen
giant clam {n} (bivalve) :: Tridacna gigas, jättiläissimpukka [colloquial]
giant fennel {n} (Ferula communis) :: välimerenkeltaputki
giant forest hog {n} (large pig) :: jättiläismetsäkarju
giant house spider {n} :: varastohämähäkki
giant kettle {n} (pothole) :: hiidenkirnu
giant otter {n} (Pteronura brasiliensis) :: jättiläissaukko
giant panda {n} (mammal) :: isopanda, jättiläispanda, panda, pandakarhu
giant pangolin {n} (species) :: jättiläismuurahaiskäpy
giant roundworm {n} (Ascaris lumbricoides) :: suolinkainen
giant slalom {n} (skiing discipline) :: suurpujottelu
giant squid {n} (any of the very large squid of genus Architeuthis) :: jättiläiskalmari
giant star {n} (star that has stopped fusing hydrogen) :: jättiläistähti
Giardia {n} (giardiasis) SEE: giardiasis ::
Giardia {n} /dʒiˈɑɹdiə/ (human intestinal parasite) :: giardia
giardiasis {n} /d͡ʒɑː(ɹ)ˈdaɪəsɪs/ (disease) :: giardiaasi
gibberish {n} /ˈdʒɪb.ə.ɹɪʃ/ (unintelligible speech or writing) :: siansaksa
gibberish {n} (needlessly obscure or overly technical language) :: heprea, munkkilatina
gibbon {n} /ˈɡɪbən/ (small ape) :: gibboni
gibbous {adj} /ˈɡɪbəs/ (characterized by convexity; protuberant) :: kupera
gibbous {adj} (phase of moon or planet) :: kupera
gibbous {adj} (humpbacked) SEE: humpbacked ::
gibbous moon {n} (lunar phase) :: kupera kuu
Gibbs free energy {n} (difference between the enthalpy of a system and the product of its entropy etc.) :: Gibbsin energia
gibibyte {n} (230 bytes) :: gibitavu
giblet {n} (edible bird entrails) :: linnun sisäelimet {p}
gibnut {n} (paca) SEE: paca ::
Gibraltar {prop} /d͡ʒɪˈbɹɔːltə(ɹ)/ (British overseas territory) :: Gibraltar
Gibraltar {prop} (Strait of Gibraltar) SEE: Strait of Gibraltar ::
Gibraltarian {adj} /dʒɪ.bɹɔːlˈtɛəɹ.i.ən/ (of or pertaining to Gibraltar) :: gibraltarilainen
Gibraltarian {n} (native or inhabitant of Gibraltar) :: gibraltarilainen
giddiness {n} (dizziness) SEE: dizziness ::
giddyup {interj} /ˈɡɪdɪˌʌp/ (used to make a horse go faster) :: hopoti-hop
Gideon {prop} /ˈɡɪd.i.ən/ (biblical character) :: Gideon
gift {n} /ɡɪft/ (something given to another voluntarily, without charge) :: lahja
gift {n} (a talent or natural ability) :: lahja, kyky
gift {v} ((transitive) to give as a gift) :: lahjoittaa
gift card {n} (a card issued by retailers) :: lahjakortti
gift certificate {n} (voucher entitling the bearer to free products or services) :: lahjakortti
gift economy {n} (type of economy) :: lahjatalous
gifted {adj} /ˈɡɪftɪd/ :: lahjakas
gift horse {n} (apparent gift, that has substantial associated costs) :: lahjahevonen
gift of the gab {n} (ability to talk readily) :: hyvät puhelahjat
gift shop {n} (a store selling souvenirs) :: matkamuistomyymälä
gift voucher {n} (voucher given as a present) SEE: gift certificate ::
gig {n} /ɡɪɡ/ (performing engagement by a musical group) :: keikka
gig {n} (any job, esp. temporary or desirable) :: keikka
gig {n} (forked spear) :: atrain
gig {n} (two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage) :: kiesit {p}
gig {v} (to catch with a gig) :: tuulastaa, pyytää atraimella
gig {v} (to engage in musical performances) :: keikkailla
gig {v} (to make fun of) :: kiusata
gig {n} (shortening of gigabyte) :: giga
giga- {prefix} /ˈɡɪɡə/ (SI prefix) :: giga-
gigabit {n} /ˈɡɪɡəbɪt/ (109 bits) :: gigabitti
gigabit {n} (2030 bits) :: gigabitti
gigabyte {n} /ˈɡɪɡəbaɪt/ (one billion bytes) :: gigatavu
gigafactory {n} (very large factory) :: gigatehdas, jättitehdas
gigahertz {n} (thousand of million of hertz) :: gigahertsi
gigalitre {n} (one billion (109; 1,000,000,000) litres) :: gigalitra
gigantic {adj} /dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk/ (very large) :: jättiläismäinen, jättimäinen
gigantism {n} (quality or state of being gigantic) :: giganttisuus
giga-ohm {n} (unit of electrical resistance) :: gigaohmi
giga-watt {n} (gigawatt) SEE: gigawatt ::
gigawatt {n} (109 watts) :: gigawatti
gigayear {n} (109 years) :: gigavuosi
gig economy {n} (economy) :: pätkätyötalous
giggle {v} /ˈɡɪɡl/ (laugh) :: kikattaa, tirskua
giggle {n} (laugh) :: kikatus
gigolo {n} /ˈdʒɪɡ.ə.loʊ/ (male having sexual relationships for money) :: rattopoika, miesprostituoitu, gigolo
gigolo {n} (hired escort or dancing partner) :: seuralainen
Gilaki {prop} (Gilaki language) :: gilaki
Gilaki {n} (Gilaki person) :: gilaki
Gila monster {n} /ˈhilə ˈmɑnstɚ/ (Heloderma suspectum) :: gilalisko
Gilbertese {prop} (language) :: kiribati
gild {v} /ɡɪld/ (to cover with a thin layer of gold) :: kullata
gilded {adj} /ˈɡɪldɪd/ (having the color or quality of gold) :: kullanvärinen
gilded {adj} (made of gold or covered by a thin layer of gold) :: kullattu
gilded cage {n} (place or situation which is attractive but constraining) :: kultainen häkki
gilding {n} /ˈɡɪldɪŋ/ (art) :: kultaaminen
gilding {n} (leaf) :: lehtikulta
gilding {n} (coating) :: kultaus
gild the lily {v} /ˈɡɪld ðə ˈlɪli/ (to improve unnecessarily) :: kruusata
gild the lily {v} (to add superfluous attributes) :: maalailla
gild the pill {v} (to make something unappealing look more attractive, see also: sugarcoat) :: kaunistella
Gilgamesh {prop} /ˈɡɪl.ɡə.mɛʃ/ (legendary king of Uruk) :: Gilgames, Gilgameš
gill {n} /ɡɪl/ (breathing organ of fish) :: kidus, kidukset {p}
gill {n} (gill cover; gill slit) :: kiduskansi [cover], kidusrako [slit], kidukset {p}
gill {n} (mushroom organ) :: heltta
gill {n} (fleshy flap that hangs below the beak of a fowl) SEE: wattle ::
gill {n} (flesh under or about the chin) SEE: wattle ::
gill cover {n} (operculum) SEE: operculum ::
gillnet {n} (a vertical net, often resting on the sea floor, which entangles fish in the netting, frequently by the gills) :: kidusverkko
gill slit {n} (uncovered opening to gills) :: kidusrako
gilo {n} (fruit of a species of fruiting plant) :: etiopianmunakoiso
gimbal {n} /ˈdʒɪmbəl/ (device for suspending something) :: kardaani, gimbaali
gimbal lock {n} :: lukittuminen
gimel {n} (Semitic letter) :: gimel
gimlet {n} /ˈɡɪm.lət/ (tool) :: näveri
gimme a five {v} (request for high five) :: ylävitonen!
gimmick {n} /ˈɡɪm.ɪk/ (trick or a device) :: temppu, konsti, kikka [trick]; viritys [device]
gimmick {n} (clever ploy or strategy) :: temppu, konsti, kikka
gimmick {v} (to rig or set up with a trick or device) :: virittää, viritellä
gin {n} /dʒɪn/ (alcoholic beverage) :: gini
gin and tonic {n} (cocktail made from gin and tonic) :: gin tonic
ginger {n} /ˈdʒɪndʒɚ/ (plant) :: inkivääri
ginger {n} (spice) :: inkivääri
ginger ale {n} (ginger beer) SEE: ginger beer ::
ginger beer {n} (queer) SEE: queer ::
ginger beer {adj} (queer) SEE: queer ::
ginger beer {n} (drink flavoured with ginger) :: inkivääriolut
ginger beer {n} (glass of this drink) :: inkivääriolut
gingerbread {n} /ˈd͡ʒɪn(d͡)ʒəbɹɛd/ (type of cake) :: piparkakku, pipari
gingerbread man {n} (cookie in the shape of a person, flavoured with ginger) :: piparkakku-ukko
gingerly {adv} /ˈdʒɪn.dʒəɹ.li/ (gently) :: varovasti
gingersnap {n} (type of biscuit seasoned with ginger) :: pipari, piparkakku
gingiva {n} (gum) SEE: gum ::
gingival {adj} (alveolar) SEE: alveolar ::
gingival {adj} /ˈd͡ʒɪnd͡ʒɨvəl/ (relating to the gums) :: ien-, gingivaalinen
gingivitis {n} /ˌdʒɪndʒɪˈvaɪtəs/ (inflammation of the gums) :: ientulehdus
ginglymus {n} (hinge joint) SEE: hinge joint ::
ginkgo {n} /ˈɡɪŋ.kəʊ/ (tree) :: neidonhiuspuu
ginkgo {n} (seed) :: neidonhiuspuun siemen
ginkgo nut {n} (seed) :: neidonhiuspuun siemen
ginnel {n} /ˈɡɪnəl/ (narrow passageway) :: sola, kuja
gin rummy {n} (card game) :: ginirommi
ginseng {n} /ˈdʒɪnsɛŋ/ (any of several plants, of the genus Panax) :: ginseng
ginseng {n} (root of such a plant, or the extract) :: ginseng, ginsengjuuri
gippo {n} (Egyptian) SEE: Egyptian ::
gippo {n} (Gypsy) SEE: Gypsy ::
giraffe {n} /d͡ʒəˈɹæf/ (mammal) :: kirahvi
girasol {n} (fire opal) SEE: fire opal ::
girasole {n} (Jerusalem artichoke) SEE: Jerusalem artichoke ::
girasole {n} (fire opal) SEE: fire opal ::
gird {v} /ɡɝd/ (to bind with a flexible rope or cord) :: sitoa
gird {v} (to encircle with, or as if with a belt) :: vyöttää ((as if) with a belt); ympäröidä (surround)
gird {n} (sarcastic remark) :: vinoilu
girder {n} /ɡɜː(ɹ)də(ɹ)/ (main horizontal support in a building) :: kannatinpalkki, niskapalkki, palkki
girdle {n} (zodiac) SEE: zodiac ::
girdle {n} /ˈɡɝdl̩/ (circumference) :: kehä
girdle {n} (belt) :: vyö; sukkanauhavyö [belt to support hosiery]
girdle {n} (line of greatest circumference of a diamond) :: reunus, uuma
girdle {v} (to gird, encircle, or constrain by such means) :: ympäröidä, reunustaa, piirittää
girdle {v} (to kill or stunt a tree by removing or inverting a ring of bark) :: kaulata
girdle {n} (clitellum of an earthworm) SEE: clitellum ::
girl {n} /ɡɜːl/ (young female person) :: tyttö
girl {n} (woman) :: tyttö
girl {n} (female servant) :: piika
girlfriend {n} /ˈɡɝlfɹɛnd/ (a female partner in a romantic relationship) :: tyttöystävä, naisystävä, tyttökaveri
girlfriend {n} (a female friend) :: ystävätär, tyttökaveri
girl group {n} (pop group made up of young women) :: tyttöbändi
girlish {adj} (like a girl) :: tyttömäinen
girl next door {n} (regular girl) :: naapurintyttö
girl's name {n} (given name for a girl) :: tytön nimi
girly {adj} /ˈɡɝli/ (characteristic of a stereotypical girl) :: tyttömäinen
girly girl {n} (feminine woman) :: naisellinen nainen
giro {n} /ˈdʒaɪɹəʊ/ (type of transfer of funds) :: pankkisiirto
Giro d'Italia {prop} /ˌdʒiɹoʊ d‿ɪˈtæljə/ (annual cycling race in Italy) :: Italian ympäriajo
girth {n} /ɡɝθ/ (the distance measured around an object) :: ympärysmitta
girth {n} (equipment) :: satulavyö
girya {n} (kettlebell) SEE: kettlebell ::
gist {n} /dʒɪst/ (the most essential part) :: ydin, pääsisältö, olennainen
gist {n} (resting place) :: sija
GI tract {n} (digestive tract) SEE: digestive tract ::
give {v} /ɡɪv/ (transfer the possession of something to someone else) :: antaa
give {v} (bend slightly when a force is applied) :: antaa periksi
give {n} (give (noun)) :: joustavuus
give a damn {v} (to be concerned about) SEE: give a shit ::
give a fig {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a fuck {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a hoot {v} (to care about) SEE: give a shit ::
give a light {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime {proverb} (more worthwhile to teach someone than do it for them) :: anna miehelle kala ja ruokit hänet päiväksi; opeta hänet kalastamaan ja ruokit hänet loppuelämäksi.
give a monkey's {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a shit {v} (to (not) care) :: piitata, välittää
give a tinker's cuss {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a tinker's damn {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a toss {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give away {v} (to make a gift of something) :: antaa, antaa pois, lahjoittaa
give away {v} (to relinquish control over) :: luopua, luovuttaa
give away {v} (to formally hand over a bride to the bridegroom) :: luovuttaa
give away {v} (to unintentionally reveal a secret, or expose someone) :: paljastaa
give away {v} (to concede an advantage) :: antaa tasoitusta
give away {v} (sports: to concede) :: antaa, luovuttaa
give back {v} (return) :: palauttaa, antaa takaisin
give battle {v} :: käydä taistoon
give birth {v} (produce new life) :: synnyttää
give birth {v} (to become the source of) :: keksiä, luoda
give head {v} (slang: to perform oral sex on another person) :: ottaa suihin
give in {v} (to collapse or fall) :: antaa periksi
give in {v} (to relent or yield) :: antaa periksi, taipua, myöntyä
give me {v} (expression of preference) :: olkaa hyvä ja antakaa minulle [polite]; anna minulle [informal, singular]; antakaa minulle [informal, plural]
give me {v} (request to be connected) :: saisinko ..-lle
given name {n} (name chosen for a child by its parents) :: etunimi
given that {conj} (in consideration of the fact that) :: ottaen huomioon
give off {v} (to emit) :: päästää
give of oneself {v} :: omistautua, uhrautua
give one's all {v} (make the utmost effort) :: antaa kaikkensa
give oneself airs {v} (to act pretentiously) :: hienostella, herrastella
give one's word {v} (to promise, see also: promise) :: antaa sanansa
give or take {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately ::
give out {v} (to utter, publish, announce) :: julistaa
give out {v} (to issue) :: jakaa
giver {n} (one who gives) :: antaja, luovuttaja
give rise to {v} (to be the origin of; to produce) :: aiheuttaa
give someone a break {v} (rest) SEE: rest ::
give someone a hard time {v} (cause difficulty or make trouble for someone) :: pitää jotakin kovilla
give someone a hard time {v} (tease, kid or rib someone) :: kiusoitella
give someone a piece of one's mind {v} (To express one's opinion strongly; to voice one's disagreement or dissatisfaction; to rebuke) :: [to voice one's dissatisfaction with sth] haukkua pystyyn, haukkua pataluhaksi, sanoa suorat sanat [+ allative]
give someone five {v} (to slap someone's hand) :: tehdä ylävitonen
give someone the cold shoulder {v} (snub) :: olla ynseä jotakin kohtaan, kohdella jotakin ynseästi, kohdella jotakuta kylmäkiskoisesti, kohdella jotakuta yliolkaisesti
give someone the creeps {v} (give someone a feeling of uneasiness or mild fright) :: värisyttää, aiheuttaa väristyksiä
give someone the eye {v} (show flirtatious signs) :: pitää silmäpeliä
give someone the shits {v} (vulgar: to annoy someone intensely) :: vituttaa
give someone the shits {v} (vulgar: to frighten someone) :: säikäyttää paskat jonkun housuihin
give someone the slip {v} (to evade, escape, or get away from somebody) :: livahtaa, livistää
give something a miss {v} (to forego something) :: jättää väliin
give the elbow {v} (to fire) :: antaa potkut
give the finger {v} (make an obscene gesture) :: näyttää keskisormea
give the floor {v} :: antaa puheenvuoro
give the lie to {v} (to prove (something) to be false) :: kiistää, osoittaa vääräksi
give the time of day {v} (to acknowledge somebody) :: sanoa päivää, tervehtiä
give two hoots {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give up {v} (surrender) :: antautua, luovuttaa
give up {v} (stop, quit, desist) :: lopettaa, luopua
give up {v} (relinquish) :: luovuttaa
give up {v} (lose hope) :: menettää toivonsa
give up {v} (abandon) :: hylätä, luopua
give up {v} (admit defeat) :: luovuttaa, antaa periksi
give up the ghost {v} (to die) :: heittää henkensä
give way {v} (to yield to persistent persuasion) :: antaa periksi
give way {v} (to collapse or break under physical stress) :: sortua
give way {v} (to be followed by) :: antaa periksi, tehdä tilaa
give way {v} (to give precedence to other road users) :: väistää
give way sign {n} (give way sign) :: väistämisvelvollisuus, väistämismerkki, väistämisvelvollisuusmerkki
give what for {v} (scold) SEE: scold ::
giving {adj} /ˈɡɪvɪŋ/ (generous) :: antelias
gizmo {n} /ˈɡɪzmoʊ/ (thingy) :: vempain, mokkula, vehje, vekotin, kilke, hilavitkutin [for more technical and sopshisticated gadgets]
gizzard {n} /ˈɡɪzəɹd/ (portion of the esophagus with ingested grit) :: kivipiira, lihasmaha
glabella {n} (anatomy: space) :: otsakolmio
glacial {adj} /ˈɡleɪ.ʃ(ɪ)əl/ (cold and icy) :: hyinen, jäinen, jäätävä, jääkylmä
glacial acetic acid {n} :: jääetikka
glacial erratic {n} (rock) :: siirtolohkare
glacier {n} /ˈɡleɪ.ʃɚ/ (a large body of ice which flows under its own mass, usually downhill) :: jäätikkö
glacier buttercup {n} (Ranunculus glacialis) :: jääleinikki
glaciered {adj} (having glaciers) :: jäätikköinen
glaciofluvial {adj} (pertaining to water flowing on, in, or against glaciers or ice sheets) :: glasifluviaalinen
glaciologic {adj} (of or pertaining to glaciology) :: glasiologinen
glaciology {n} /ˌɡleɪsɪˈɒlədʒi/ (study of ice and its effect on the landscape) :: glasiologia
glacis {n} /ˈɡleɪsɪs/ (angled armour plate) :: etulevy
glad {adj} /ɡlæd/ (pleased, happy, satisfied) :: iloinen
gladden {v} /ˈɡlædən/ (to cause to become more glad) :: ilahduttaa
glade {n} /ɡleɪd/ (open space in the woods) :: aukea
glade {n} (open space in ice) :: avanto, sula
glade {n} (bright surface of snow or ice) :: kenttä, lumikenttä, jääkenttä
gladiator {n} (a professional boxer) SEE: boxer ::
gladiator {n} /ˈɡlædiˌeɪtɚ/ ((in ancient Rome) a person (professional or slave) who entertained the public by engaging in mortal combat with another, or with a wild animal) :: gladiaattori
gladiolus {n} /ɡlædɪˈoʊləs/ (center part of the sternum) :: rintalastan runko
gladiolus {n} (plant) :: miekkalilja
gladius {n} (Roman sword) :: gladius
gladius {n} (zoology: internal skeleton of squid) :: selkäkilpi
gladly {adv} /ˈɡlædli/ (in a glad manner) :: iloisesti
gladly {adv} (willingly, certainly) :: mielellään
gladness {n} /ˈɡlædnəs/ (the state of being glad) :: iloisuus
glad wrap {n} (thin plastic food wrap) :: muovikelmu, pakkausmuovi
Glagolitic {adj} /ˌɡlæɡəˈlɪtɪk/ (of or pertaining to the Glagolitic alphabet) :: glagoliittinen
Glagolitic {n} (the oldest known Slavonic alphabet) :: glagoliittinen kirjaimisto, glagolitsa
Glagolitic alphabet {n} (writing system) SEE: Glagolitic ::
glamorous {adj} /ˈɡlaməɹəs/ (Having glamour; stylish) :: hohdokas, tyylikäs, loistokas
glamour {n} /ˈɡlæmɚ/ (beauty or charm) :: glamour
glance {v} /ɡlæns/ (to look briefly at something) :: vilkaista, silmätä [once]; vilkuilla, silmäillä, pälyillä [repeatedly]
glance {v} (to graze a surface) :: naarmuttaa
glance {v} (to sparkle) :: välkehtiä
glance {v} (to move quickly, appearing and disappearing rapidly) :: vilahtaa; vilahdella
glance {v} (to strike and fly off in an oblique direction) :: pompata
glance {v} (to make an incidental or passing reflection) :: vihjata; vihjaista; vihjailla
glance {n} (a brief or cursory look) :: silmäys, vilkaisu
glance {n} (a deflection) :: kiilto
glance {n} (mineral) :: kiille
gland {n} /ɡlænd/ (organ that synthesizes and secretes substance) :: rauhanen
glandiform {adj} (resembling glands) :: rauhasmainen, adenoidinen
glans {n} (acorn or mast of the oak) :: terho
glans {n} (pessary) SEE: pessary ::
glans {n} (goiter) SEE: goitre ::
glans {n} (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis) SEE: glans penis ::
glans {n} (clitoral glans) SEE: clitoral glans ::
glans clitoridis {n} (clitoral glans) SEE: clitoral glans ::
glans penis {n} /ˌɡlænz ˈpiːnɪs/ (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis) :: terska
glare {n} /ɡlɛəɹ/ (light) :: häikäisevä valo
glare {n} (brilliance) :: komeilu, prameilu, pöyhkeily
glare {n} (angry or fierce stare) :: vihainen tuijotus, vihainen katse, mulkoilu
glare {v} (to stare angrily) :: tuijottaa vihaisesti, mulkoilla, mulkaista
glare {v} (to shine brightly) :: paahtaa [of sun esp.]; loistaa
glare {v} (to be bright and intense, or ostentatiously splendid) :: säteillä, loistaa
glare {v} (to shoot out, or emit, as a dazzling light) :: loistaa, leiskua
glaring {adj} /ˈɡlɛəɹɪŋ/ (reflecting with glare) :: häikäisevä
glaring {adj} (blatant, obvious) :: silmiinpistävä, räikeä
Glasgow {prop} /ˈɡlɑːz.ɡəʊ/ (the city Glasgow) :: Glasgow
Glasgow kiss {n} (headbutt) SEE: headbutt ::
glasnost {n} (a policy of the Soviet Union) :: glasnost
glass {n} (hourglass) SEE: hourglass ::
glass {n} /ɡlæs/ (substance) :: lasi
glass {n} (drinking vessel) :: lasi, juomalasi
glass {n} (quantity) :: lasillinen, lasi
glass {n} (magnifying glass or telescope) :: linssi
glass {n} (sport: barrier made of solid, transparent material) :: pleksi
glass {n} (attributive: transparent or translucent) :: lasi-
glass {v} (to furnish with glass) :: lasittaa
glass {n} (mirror) SEE: mirror ::
glass {n} (glassware) SEE: glassware ::
glass {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer ::
glassblower {n} (person skilled in the art of glassblowing) :: lasinpuhaltaja
glassblowing {n} (art of making objects from molten glass) :: lasinpuhallus
glass ceiling {n} (unwritten, uncodified barrier) :: lasikatto
glass cutter {n} (tool) :: lasiveitsi
glasscutter {n} (glass-cutting device) SEE: glass cutter ::
glass eel {n} (transparent larva of an eel) :: lasiankerias
glasses {n} (plural of "glass") SEE: glass ::
glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
glass eye {n} (artificial eye) :: lasisilmä
glassful {n} (amount that a glass will hold) :: lasillinen, juomalasillinen
glasshouse {n} /ˈɡlæshaʊs/ (building made of glass in which plants are grown) :: kasvihuone
glass jaw {n} (sensitive chin or jaw) :: lasileuka
glass silk {n} (fine threads of glass) :: lasisilkki
glassware {n} (tableware made of glass) :: lasitavara, lasiesine
glass wool {n} (insulating material) :: lasivilla
glasswort {n} (any plant of the genus Salicornia) :: suolayrtti
glasswort {n} (plant of the genus Sarcocornia) :: suolasormikki
glasswort {n} (plant of the genus Tecticornia) :: nivelsarvi
glasswort {n} (Arthrocnemum subterminale) :: suolasormio
glasswort {n} (Kali turgida) :: meriotakilokki
glasswort {n} (Crithmum maritimum) SEE: rock samphire ::
glassy {adj} /ɡlæsi/ (of or like glass) :: lasinen
glassy {adj} (dull, expressionless) :: lasittunut
glauberite {n} (mineral) :: glauberiitti
glaucoma {n} /ɡlɔːˈkoʊmə/ (eye disease) :: glaukooma, viherkaihi
glaucophane {n} (a blue amphibole mineral) :: glaukofaani
glaucous gull {n} (Larus hyperboreus) :: isolokki
glaucous sedge {n} (Carex flacca) :: vahasara
glaze {n} /ɡleɪz/ (coating on pottery) :: lasite, lasitus
glaze {n} (layer of paint) :: lasuuri
glaze {n} (edible coating) :: lasite
glaze {n} (meteorology: smooth coating of ice caused by freezing rain) :: iljanne, kaljama
glaze {n} (reduced broth) :: lihahyytelö
glaze {n} (glazing oven) :: lasitusuuni
glaze {v} (to become glazed) :: lasittua, glaseerata
glaze {v} (to apply a thin layer of coating) :: lasittaa
glazed {adj} /ɡleɪzd/ (showing no liveliness) :: lasittunut
glazing bar {n} (muntin) SEE: muntin ::
gleam {n} /ɡliːm/ (small shaft or stream of light) :: säde, pilkahdus
gleam {n} (glimpse or indistinct sign) :: pilkahdus, kipinä
gleam {n} (brightness or splendor) :: loisto, välke, hohto
gleam {v} (to shine, glitter, or glisten) :: kiiltää, välkkyä, välkehtiä, hohtaa
gleam {v} (to be briefly but strongly apparent) :: vilahtaa, vilkahtaa, pilkahtaa
gleaming {adj} /ˈɡliːmɪŋ/ (having a bright sheen) :: hohtava
glee {n} /ɡliː/ (Joy; merriment; mirth; gayety; particularly, the mirth enjoyed at a feast) :: ilo, riemu
gleeful {adj} /ˈɡliːfəl/ (joyful) :: riemuitseva
gleek {n} /ɡliːk/ (three of the same card in a hand) :: kolmoset
gleek {n} (jest or scoff) :: pila, jekku
gleek {n} (enticing glance or look) :: silmäys
gleek {n} (good fortune) :: säkä
gleek {n} (informal: stream of saliva) :: kuola
gleek {v} (to jest, ridicule, or mock) :: jekuttaa, naruttaa
gleek {v} (to discharge a long thin stream of liquid through the teeth or from under the tongue) :: kuolata
glen {n} /ɡlɛn/ (secluded and narrow valley) :: notko
glenohumeral joint {n} (shoulder joint) :: olkanivel
gleysol {n} (soil type) :: pohjavesimaannos
glide {n} (semivowel) SEE: semivowel ::
glide {v} /ˈɡlaɪd/ (To move softly, smoothly, or effortlessly) :: liitää, lipua, liukua
glide {v} (To fly unpowered, as of an aircraft) :: liitää
glide {v} (To cause to glide) :: liu’uttaa
glide {n} (The act of gliding) :: liitäminen, liito
glider {n} /ˈɡlaɪdɚ/ (one who glides) :: liitäjä
glider {n} (aircraft) :: purjelentokone, liitokone
glider {n} (pilot) :: purjelentäjä, riippuliitäjä
glider {n} (math: particular configuration) :: kulkuri
glide ratio {n} (minimum rate of fall) :: liitoluku
gliding {n} /ˈɡlɑɪdɪŋ/ (hobby, sport or act of flying a glider) :: purjelentäminen
glimmer {n} /ˈɡlɪmɚ/ (faint light) :: pilkahdus, pilke, tuike
glimmer {n} (flash of light) :: valonpilkahdus
glimmer {n} (faint or remote possibility) :: valonpilkahdus, väre, kipinä
glimmer {v} (to shine with faint unsteady light) :: tuikkia, kajastaa
glimpse {n} /ɡlɪmps/ (brief look) :: vilahdus, pilkahdus
glimpse {n} (sudden flash) :: välähdys
glimpse {v} (see briefly) :: silmäillä, vilkaista
glint {n} /ɡlɪnt/ (short flash of light) :: välähdys, välkähdys
glint {v} (to flash briefly) :: välähtää, välkähtää
glioma {n} /ɡlaɪˈəʊmə/ (type of tumour) :: gliooma
glisten {v} (to reflect light with a glittering luster) :: kimmeltää, kimaltaa, kimallella
glisten {n} (glistening shine) :: kimmellys, kimallus
glitazone {n} (diabetes drug) :: glitatsoni
glitch {n} /ɡlɪtʃ/ (problem, bug, imperfection, quirk) :: puute; bugi, kämmi, häikkä
glitch {n} (video games: bug or exploit) :: temppu, jippo
glitch {n} (music: genre of electronic music) :: glitch
glitter {n} /ˈɡlɪtɚ/ (bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy) :: välke, kimallus, säihke, kimmellys
glitter {n} (shiny, decoractive adornment) :: koristehile, kimalle
glitter {v} (to sparkle with light) :: säihkyä, välkehtiä, kiiltää, kimmeltää, kimaltaa
glitter {v} (to be showy, specious, or striking, and hence attractive) :: säihkyä
glittering {adj} /ˈɡlɪtəɹɪŋ/ (brightly sparkling) :: kimalteleva, kimaltava
gloaming {n} /ˈɡloʊ.mɪŋ/ (twilight) :: hämärä, iltahämärä
gloat {v} /ɡloʊt/ (to exhibit a conspicuous sense of self-satisfaction) :: hekumoida, tuntea vahingoniloa
global {adj} /ˈɡloʊbəl/ (spherical) :: pallomainen, pyöreä
global {adj} (of or relating to a globe or sphere) :: pallo-
global {adj} (concerning all parts of the world) :: maailmanlaajuinen, globaali, maailman-, globaali-
global {adj} (of a variable, in computing) :: globaali
global distribution system {n} (multi-access reservation system) :: GDS-järjestelmä
global governance {n} (supranational integration) :: globaalihallinta
globalisation {n} /ˌɡloʊbəlɪˈzeɪʃən/ (process of becoming a more interconnected world) :: globalisaatio
globalisation {n} (process of world economy becoming dominated by capitalist models) :: globalisaatio
globalize {v} (To make something global in scope) :: globaalistaa
global literature {n} (comparative literature) SEE: comparative literature ::
globally {adv} /ˈɡloʊbəli/ (in all places) :: joka paikassa, kaikkialla
globally {adv} (over the entire planet) :: globaalisti, maailmanlaajuisesti
global order {n} (world order) SEE: world order ::
global positioning system {n} (system determining precise location based on signals received from satellites) :: satelliittipaikannusjärjestelmä
Global Positioning System {prop} (system which enables a mobile receiver to determine its precise location) :: Global Positioning System
global village {n} (world as single community) :: maailmankylä
global warming {n} (increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere to cause climate change) :: ilmaston lämpeneminen
globe {n} /ɡloʊb/ (spherical object) :: pallo
globe {n} (planet Earth) :: maapallo
globe {n} (model of Earth) :: karttapallo
globe artichoke {n} (edible variety of artichoke) :: latva-artisokka
globefish {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish ::
globeflower {n} (Trollius europaeus) :: kullero, niittykullero
globeflower {n} (Trollius laxus) :: amerikankullero
globeflower {n} (plant of the genus Trollius) :: kullero
globe thistle {n} (any of the flowering plants in the genus Echinops, with spiny foliage and blue or white spherical flower heads) :: pallo-ohdake
globetrotter {n} (person who travels often to faraway places) :: maailmanmatkaaja
Globish {prop} /ˈɡloʊbɪʃ/ (simplified versison of English) :: globaalienglanti
globular cluster {n} (large spherical star cluster) :: pallomainen tähtijoukko
globulin {n} /ˈɡlɒbljʊlɪn/ (protein) :: globuliini
globus cruciger {n} (royal symbol of power) :: valtakunnanomena
glockenspiel {n} /ˈɡlɑ.kn̩.ˌspil/ (musical instrument) :: kellopeli
glogg {n} /ɡlɒɡ/ (Scandinavian version of mulled wine) :: glögi
glomerulus {n} (small intertwined group of capillaries) :: hiussuonikeränen
gloom {n} /ɡlum/ (darkness, dimness or obscurity) :: hämy
gloom {n} (a melancholy, depressing or despondent atmosphere) :: ankeus
gloom {n} (cloudiness or heaviness of mind; melancholy; aspect of sorrow; low spirits; dullness) :: ankeus
gloomily {adv} (in a gloomy manner) :: hämyisesti, hämärästi, synkästi, synkeästi
gloomy {adj} /ˈɡlumi/ (imperfectly illuminated) :: hämyinen, hämärä, synkkä, pimeä
gloomy {adj} (affected with, or expressing, gloom; melancholy) :: synkeä, synkkä, raskasmielinen, surumielinen, kolkko, ankea, iloton
glorify {v} /ˈɡlɔɹɪfaɪ/ (to exalt, or give glory or praise to something or someone) :: ylistää
glorify {v} (to make something appear to be more glorious than it is) :: kaunistella
glorify {v} (to worship or extol) :: palvoa
glorious {adj} /ˈɡlɔɹ.i.əs/ (exhibiting attributes, qualities, or acts that are worthy of or receive glory) :: upea, mahtava, kunniakas
glorious {adj} (splendid; resplendent; bright; shining) :: loistava
glory {n} /ˈɡlɔːɹi/ (great beauty or splendour) :: loisto
glory {n} (honour and valour) :: kunnia
glory {n} (worship or praise) :: ylistys
glory {n} (optical phenomenon) :: glooria, sumuvarjo
glory hole {n} (sex) :: glory hole
glory hole {n} (trench) :: potero
glory hole {n} (naval: untidy place) :: läävä
gloss {n} (glossary) SEE: glossary ::
gloss {n} /ɡlɒs/ (surface shine) :: kiilto
gloss {n} (superficially or deceptively attractive appearance) :: pintakiilto
gloss {v} (give a gloss or sheen to) :: kiillottaa
gloss {n} (brief explanatory note or translation of a difficult or complex expression) :: selitys
gloss {n} (extensive commentary on some text) :: selitys
gloss {v} (to add a gloss to (a text)) :: selittää
glossal {adj} (of or relating to the tongue) :: kieli-, glossaalinen
glossary {n} /ˈɡlɒsəɹi/ (list of words with their definitions) :: sanasto; asiasanasto
glossitis {n} /ɡlɒˈsaɪtɪs/ (inflammatory condition of the tongue) :: kielitulehdus
glossolalia {n} /ˌɡlɒsəˈleɪliə/ (speaking in tongues) :: kielilläpuhuminen [common], glossolalia [psychology]
glossopharyngeal nerve {n} (the ninth cranial nerve) :: kieli-kitahermo
glossy {adj} (having a reflective surface) :: kiiltävä, kiilto-
glossy antshrike {n} (a passerine bird of the antbird family) :: hohtomuura
glossy ibis {n} (Plegadis falcinellus) :: pronssi-iibis
glottal {adj} /ˈɡlɒt.l̩/ (of or relating to the glottis) :: äänirako-
glottal {adj} (articulated with the glottis) :: glottaalinen
glottis {n} (organ of speech) :: äänirako
glove {n} /ɡlʌv/ (item of clothing) :: hansikas, hanska, sormikas
glove {n} (baseball: ability to catch a hit ball) :: hanskakäsi
glove {n} (idiomatic term for a condom) :: huppu
glove box {n} (plastic box with rubber gloves fastened around holes) :: hansikaskaappi
glove box {n} (glove compartment) SEE: glove compartment ::
glove compartment {n} (compartment recessed in an automobile’s dashboard) :: hansikaslokero
glover {n} /ˈɡlʌvɚ/ (person who makes gloves) :: hanskantekijä
glow {v} /ɡləʊ/ (to give off light from heat or to emit light as if heated) :: hehkua
glow {v} (to radiate some emotional quality like light) :: hehkua
glow {v} (to gaze, especially passionately at something) :: tuijottaa [to gaze]
glow {v} (to radiate thermal heat) :: hohkata
glow {v} (to shine brightly and steadily) :: hohtaa
glow {v} (to make hot) :: hehkuttaa, saada hehkumaan
glow {v} (to feel hot; to have a burning sensation) :: kuumoittaa; olla kuuma
glow {n} (the state of a glowing object) :: hehku
glow {n} (the condition of being passionate or having warm feelings) :: hehku
glow {n} (the brilliance or warmth of color in an environment or on a person) :: hehku
glower {v} /ˈɡlaʊə(ɹ)/ (to look or stare with anger) :: mulkoilla, tuijottaa vihaisesti
glower {n} (angry glare or stare) :: vihainen tuijotus, mulkoilu
glowing {adj} /ˈɡloʊɪŋ/ (that which glows) :: hohtava , hehkuva
glow plug {n} (plug that heats the combustion chamber) :: hehkutulppa
glowworm {n} (beetle larva or female) :: kiiltomato
glucagonoma {n} (tumour of the pancreas) :: glukagonooma
gluck {v} (to flow or cause to flow in noisy spurts) :: pulputa [intransitive]; pulputtaa [transitive]
glucogenic {adj} (glucose producing) :: glukogeeninen
glucometer {n} (glucose meter) :: verensokerimittari
gluconic acid {n} (organic compound C6H12O7) :: glukonihappo
glucosamine {n} (an amino derivative of glucose) :: glukosamiini
glucose {n} /ˈɡlukoʊs/ (simple monosaccharide sugar) :: glukoosi, rypälesokeri
glue {n} /ɡluː/ (sticky adhesive substance) :: liima
glue {v} (join with glue) :: liimata
glue {n} (birdlime) SEE: birdlime ::
glue-boiler {n} (who produces glue) :: liimankeittäjä
glue gun {n} (gun-shaped glue applicator in general) :: liimapistooli
glue gun {n} (hot glue gun) SEE: hot glue gun ::
glue stick {n} (solid adhesive tube) :: liimapuikko
gluey {adj} (viscous and adhesive, as glue) :: tahmainen, tahmea
gluhwein {n} /ˈɡluːvʌɪn/ (type of mulled wine) :: glögi
gluino {n} (superpartner of the gluon) :: gluiino
glum {adj} /ɡlʌm/ (despondent) :: synkkä, vakava, juro
gluon {n} /ˈɡluːɒn/ (massless gauge boson) :: gluoni
glut {n} /ɡlʌt/ (excess) :: ylimääräinen, liika, ylijäämä
glutamate {n} (salt or ester of glutamic acid) :: glutamaatti
glutamic acid {n} (the nonessential amino acid (α-amino-glutaric acid)) :: glutamiinihappo
glutamine {n} /ˈɡlutəmin/ (nonessential amino acid; C5H10N2O3) :: glutamiini
glutaminyl {n} /ɡlu.ˈtæm.ə.nɪl/ (univalent radical) :: glutaminyyli
gluteal cleft {n} (cleft between buttocks) :: pakaravako
gluten {n} /ˈɡluːtən/ (cereal protein) :: gluteeni
gluten-free {adj} (containing no gluten) :: gluteeniton
glutenin {n} (gluten protein of wheat) :: gluteniini
gluteus maximus {n} (the largest of the muscles of each buttock) :: iso pakaralihas
gluteus medius {n} (broad, thick, radiating muscle) :: keskimmäinen pakaralihas
gluteus minimus {n} (smallest of the three gluteal muscles) :: pieni pakaralihas
glutinous {adj} /ˈɡluːtɪnəs/ (glue-like) :: tahmea, tarrautuva, puuroutuva [of rice]
glutinous rice {n} (rice variety) :: tahmariisi, puuroutuva riisi
glutton {n} (wolverine) SEE: wolverine ::
glutton {n} /ˈɡlʌt(ə)n/ (one who eats voraciously) :: ahmatti
glutton {n} (one who gluts himself) :: mässäilijä
gluttonize {v} (to eat an excessive amount) :: mässäillä
gluttonous {adj} /ˈɡlʌt(ə)nəs/ (given to excessive eating; prone to overeating) :: ahnas
gluttonousness {n} (quality) :: ahmattimaisuus
gluttony {n} /ɡlʌ.tən.i/ (the vice of eating to excess) :: ylensyönti, mässäily, vatsanpalvonta
glycan {n} :: glykaani
glycemic {adj} (glycemic) :: glykeeminen
glycemic index {n} (measure) :: glykeeminen indeksi, glykemiaindeksi, sokeristumisindeksi
glycerine {n} /ˈɡlɪsəɹɪn/ (the compound glycerol) :: glyseriini
glycine {n} (amino acid) :: glysiini
glycogen {n} (polysaccharide that is the main form of carbohydrate storage in animals) :: glykogeeni
glycogenolysis {n} (production of glucose-1-phosphate) :: glykogenolyysi
glycolysis {n} (cellular degradation of glucose) :: glykolyysi
glycoprotein {n} (protein with covalently bonded carbohydrates) :: glykoproteiini
glycoside {n} (chemical compound) :: glykosidi
glycosyl {n} (functional group derived from a sugar) :: glykosyyli
glycyrrhizin {n} (compound) :: glykyrritsiini, lakritsihappo
glyoxylate {n} (salt or ester of glyoxylic acid) :: glyoksylaatti
glyph {n} /ɡlɪf/ (carved relief representing a sound, word or idea) :: glyyfi, kirjoitusmerkki, symboli
glyph {n} (graphic representation of a character) :: glyyfi
glyph {n} (non-verbal symbol imparting information) :: symboli
glyphosate {n} (chemical) :: glyfosaatti
glyptotheca {n} (room or building devoted to sculpture) :: glyptoteekki
G major {n} (the major key with G as its tonic) :: G-duuri
GMDSS {prop} (international maritime safety system) :: GMDSS, GMDSS-järjestelmä
G minor {n} (the minor key with G as its tonic) :: g-molli
gnarl {n} /nɑː(r)l/ (knot in wood) :: pahka
gnarl {n} (something resembling a knot in wood) :: pahkura, kyhmy
gnarl {v} (to knot or twist) :: väännellä, murjoa
gnarl {v} (to snarl) :: murista, äristä
gnarled {adj} (knotty and misshapen) :: pahkainen, ryhmyinen
gnarly {adj} (gnarled) SEE: gnarled ::
gnat {n} /næt/ (any small insect of the order Diptera) :: sääski
Gnat {n} (fighter type) :: Gnat; Nutikka [nickname]
gnateater {n} (any of the South American passerine bird in the family Conopophagidae) :: töpökkä
gnaw {v} /nɔː/ (to bite something persistently) :: jyrsiä, jäytää, kalvaa
gneiss {n} /ˈnaɪs/ (common and widely-distributed metamorphic rock) :: gneissi
gnocchi {n} /ˈnjoʊ.ki/ (pasta-like dumplings) :: gnocchi
gnome {n} /nəʊm/ (legendary being) :: maahinen, peikko, gnoomi
gnome {n} (elemental being of earth) :: gnoomi
gnome {n} (dwarf, goblin) :: kääpiö, maahinen
gnome {n} (small owl, Glaucidium gnoma) :: lännenvarpuspöllö
gnomon {n} /ˈnəʊmɒn/ (object used to tell time by the shadow it casts when the sun shines on it) :: gnomon
gnomonic {adj} (showing all great circles as straight lines) :: gnomoninen
gnosis {n} /ˈnəʊ.sɪs/ (gnosis) :: gnosis
Gnostic {adj} /ˈnɑstɪk/ (relating to spiritual knowledge) :: gnostinen
Gnostic {adj} (relating to Gnosticism) :: gnostilainen
Gnostic {n} (a believer in Gnosticism) :: gnostilainen
Gnosticism {n} /ˈnɑstəsɪzəm/ (Gnosticism) :: gnostilaisuus
gnotobiont {n} /ˈnəʊtəbaɪˌɒnt/ (laboratory animal) :: gnotobiootti
GNP {n} (gross national product) :: BKT
gnu {n} /nuː/ (large antelope of the genus Connochaetes) :: gnu, gnuu
gnu goat {n} (Budorcas taxicolor) SEE: takin ::
go {v} /ɡəʊ/ (to move through space (especially from one place to another)) :: mennä
go {v} (of a machine, to work) :: toimia
go {v} (to take a turn) :: pelata vuoro , käyttää vuoro
go {v} (to become) :: tulla
go {v} (to habitually be in a state) :: olla
go {v} (to disappear) :: kadota , mennä pois
go {v} (to be destroyed) :: tuhoutua
go {v} (to be given; to be assigned or allotted) :: mennä
go {v} (to have final authority; to be authoritative) :: päteä
go {v} (to say) :: sanoa
go {v} (to make (a specified sound)) :: päästää (ääni) , äännellä , sanoa , [dialectal] panna
go {v} (to fit) :: sopia
go {v} (to belong; to have as its/their proper place) :: kuulua
go {v} (to date) :: seurustella
go {v} (to be in general) :: olla , toimia
go {n} (turn at something) :: vuoro , siirto
go {n} (attempt) :: yritys
go {n} (approval) :: lupa
go {n} (board game) :: go , go-peli
go {v} (leave) SEE: leave ::
go {v} (attack) SEE: attack ::
go {v} (attend) SEE: attend ::
go {v} (change) SEE: change ::
go {v} (turn out) SEE: turn out ::
go {v} (walk) SEE: walk ::
go {v} (urinate, defecate) SEE: urinate ::
go {v} (survive) SEE: survive ::
go {v} (extend) SEE: extend ::
go {v} (of time: elapse, pass) SEE: elapse ::
go {v} (lead (tend or reach in a certain direction)) SEE: lead ::
go {v} (die) SEE: die ::
Goa {prop} (state in western India) :: Goa
go abroad {v} :: mennä ulkomaille
goad {n} (stimulus) SEE: stimulus ::
goad {n} /ɡəʊd/ (pointed stick used to prod animals) :: tutkain
goad {v} (to encourage or stimulate) :: kannustaa
goad {v} (to incite or provoke) :: yllyttää
goaf {n} (waste) :: sivukivi
go after {v} (to pursue in attempt to catch) :: ajaa takaa
go after {v} (to pursue an object or goal) :: tavoitella, seurata
go against {v} (to violate; breach) :: rikkoa
go against {v} (to be unfavourable to someone) :: olla vastaan
go against {v} (to be contrary to a trend, feeling) :: olla vastoin
go against {v} (to oppose; resist) :: vastustaa
go against the grain {v} (to defy convention) :: olla epätavallinen
go ahead {v} (proceed) :: aloittaa
goal {n} /ɡəʊl/ (result one is attempting to achieve) :: maali, päämäärä, tavoite
goal {n} (in many sports, an area into which the players attempt to put an object) :: maali
goal {n} ((sport) act of placing the object into the goal) :: maali
goal {n} (point(s) scored) :: maali
goal area {n} (soccer: area of the pitch closest to goal) :: maalialue
goal area {n} (ice hockey: semicircle in front of the goal) :: maalialue
goalball {n} (ball game) :: maalipallo
goalie {n} /ˈɡəʊl.i/ (colloquial form of goalkeeper or goaltender) :: veska, veskari, molari, veräjänvartija
goalkeeper {n} (player that protects a goal) :: maalivahti
goal kick {n} (a set piece taken from the goal area after the ball has gone out of play) :: maalipotku
goalless {adj} (without ambition) :: päämäärätön
goalless {adj} (without scored goals) :: maaliton
goallessly {adv} (in a goalless manner) :: päämäärättömästi
goal line {n} (in soccer) :: maaliraja
goal line {n} (in ice hockey) :: maaliviiva, maalilinja
go all out {v} (put forth all possible effort) :: satsata täysillä
goalmouth {n} (area in front of the goal) :: maalialue, maalinsuu
go a long way {v} (be helpful for a significant amount of time) :: auttaa paljon
go a long way {v} (achieve considerable succeess) :: päästä pitkälle, mennä pitkälle
goal post {n} (vertical support limiting a goal) :: tolppa, maalitolppa
goalpost {n} /ˈɡəʊlpəʊst/ (vertical side pole of a goal) :: maalitolppa, tolppa
goalsetting {n} (creation and adoption of goals) :: tavoitteenasetanta
goaltender {n} (player that protects a goal) SEE: goalkeeper ::
go astray {v} (develop bad habits; behave improperly or illegally) :: hairahtua, poiketa, eksyä
go astray {v} (come to believe an untruth) :: mennä harhaan
goat {n} /ɡəʊt/ (animal) :: vuohi
goat {n} (lecherous man) :: pukki
goat cheese {n} (cheese produced by goat milk) :: vuohenjuusto
goatee {n} /ˌɡoʊˈtiː/ (beard at the center of the chin) :: pukinparta
goatfish {n} (Mullus barbatus) :: mullo
goatfucker {n} (derogatory term for a person of North African or Asian descent) :: ählämi
goatgrass {n} (Aegilops) :: pukinvehnä
goatherd {n} (person who herds, tends goats) :: vuohipaimen
goatish {adj} (goaty; goatlike) :: eläimellinen
goatling {n} (A young goat) :: kili
goatmeat {n} (goat eaten as meat) :: vuohi, vuohenliha
goat's-beard {n} /ˈɡəʊtsbɪəd/ (Aruncus dioicus) :: isotöyhtöangervo
goat's-beard {n} (any plant of the genus Tragopogon) :: pukinparta
goatskin {n} (a liquid container) :: leili
goat's rue {n} /ˈɡoʊts ɹuː/ (Galega officinalis) :: rohtovuohenherne
goat willow {n} (Salix caprea) SEE: sallow ::
go away {interj} :: mene pois!, poistu!, häivy!
go away {v} (to depart or leave a place) :: poistua, mennä pois
go away {v} (to travel somewhere, especially on holiday or vacation) :: mennä jonnekin
go away {v} (to become invisible, vanish or disappear) :: kadota, poistua
go-away bird {n} (bird of the genus Corythaixoides) :: töyhtöturako
go-away bird {n} (Corythaixoides concolor) :: töyhtöturako
gob {n} /ɡɒb/ (lump of soft or sticky material) :: möykky, paakku, klöntti, klimppi
gob {n} (slang: mouth) :: turpa, kita, leipäläpi
gob {n} (slang: saliva or phlegm) :: räkä, sylki
gob {n} (military slang: sailor) :: silakka
gob {n} (mining: waste) :: sivukivi
gob {v} (to spit) :: sylkäistä, räkäistä, räkiä
go back {v} (to return to a place) :: palata, mennä takaisin
go back on {v} (fail to keep, renege on) :: perua
go bankrupt {v} (to become bankrupt) :: mennä konkurssiin
gobble {v} /ˈɡɒbl̩/ (to eat hastily or greedily) :: ahmia, hotkia, ahmaista
gobble {v} (to make the sound of a turkey) :: kaakattaa
gobble {n} (the sound of a turkey) :: kaakatus
gobbledygook {n} (Nonsense; meaningless or encrypted language.) :: liirumlaarum, diibadaaba, hölynpöly
gobbledygook {n} (Something written or said in an overly complex, incoherent, or incomprehensible manner.) :: kapulakieli
gobbler {n} /ˈɡɑblɚ/ (one who eats quickly) :: ahmija
go belly-up {v} (go bankrupt) SEE: go bankrupt ::
goblet {n} /ˈɡɒblət/ (drinking vessel with a foot and stem) :: pikari
goblet drum {n} (drum from the Middle-East and North Africa) :: darbuka
goblin {n} /ˈɡɑb.lɪn/ (hostile diminutive humanoid in fantasy literature) :: haltija, peikko, hiisi
go by {v} (to pass by without paying attention to) :: mennä ohi
go by {v} (to be called, to use as a name) :: kutsua
go by {v} (to follow; to assume as true for the purposes of making a decision, taking an action, etc.) :: noudattaa
goby {n} /ˈɡəubɪ/ (certain Godiidae) :: tokko
goby {n} (gudgeon) SEE: gudgeon ::
go-cart {n} (a racing vehicle) :: mikroauto
go crazy {v} (go nuts) SEE: go nuts ::
god {n} :: jumala
god {n} (idol) :: jumalankuva, epäjumala
god {n} (person in high position of authority) :: epäjumala
God {prop} /ɡɑd/ :: Jumala, jumala
God {prop} (single male deity of duotheism) :: jumala
God {n} (an omnipotent being) :: jumala, Jumala
God bless you {interj} (said as a short prayer for the recipient) :: Jumala siunatkoon sinua
God bless you {interj} (said to somebody who has sneezed) :: terveydeksi
godchild {n} (a child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent) :: kummilapsi
God complex {n} (narcissistic personality disorder) :: jumaluuskompleksi
goddamn {interj} /ˌɡɒdˈdæm/ (an expression of anger, surprise, or frustration) :: perkele!, saatana!, jumalauta!
goddamn {adj} (intensifier) :: perkeleen, saatanan, helvetin
goddaughter {n} (A female child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent.) :: kummitytär
goddess {n} /ˈɡɑd.ɪs/ (female deity) :: jumalatar
goddess {n} (adored or idealized woman) :: jumalatar
go deep {v} (to be a remarkable characteristic of a person or thing) :: olla syvällä
godfather {n} /ˈɡɑdfɑðɚ/ (man present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner) :: kummisetä
godfather {n} (mafia leader) :: kummisetä
God-fearing {adj} (following the precepts of a religious practice and respects and reveres god and his authority) :: jumalaapelkäävä
God forbid {interj} (Don't let it be) :: Herra varjele
godforsaken {adj} /ˌɡɒd.fə(ɹ)ˈseɪ.kɪn/ (particularly awful; very bad; miserable; terrible) :: jumalan hylkäämä, jumalanhylkäämä
godhead {n} (deity) SEE: deity ::
godhead {n} (God) SEE: God ::
godhead {n} /ˈɡɒd.hɛd/ (admired or influential person or entity) :: auktoriteetti, asiantuntija
godhead {n} (divinity, godhood) SEE: divinity ::
God helps those who help themselves {proverb} (good fortune comes to those who make an effort to accomplish things) :: Jumala auttaa niitä, jotka auttavat itse itseään
godhood {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity ::
God knows {phrase} (Only known to God; only known to the gods) :: Luoja tietää, ties
godless {adj} /ˈɡɒdləs/ (not acknowledging any deity or god; without belief in any deity or god) :: jumalaton
godlessness {n} (state of being godless) :: jumalattomuus
godlike {adj} /ˈɡɑdlaɪk/ (having characteristics of a god) :: jumalainen
godliness {n} (the condition and quality of being godly) :: jumalallisuus, jumalisuus, jumalaisuus
godly {adj} /ˈɡɑdli/ (of or pertaining to a god) :: jumalallinen
godly {adj} (devoted to a god or God) :: jumalinen
godly {adj} (gloriously good) :: jumalainen
godmother {n} /ˈɡɒdmʌðə/ (woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner) :: kummitäti
Godoberi {prop} (language) :: godoberi
God object {n} :: jumalolio
go down {v} (descend) :: laskeutua, mennä alas
go down {v} (disappear below the horizon) :: laskea
go down {v} (decrease) :: laskea
go down {v} (fall) :: kaatua
go down {v} (be received) :: suhtautua [receiving person or party as subject, received thing in illative], vedota, upota
go down {v} (be remembered) :: jäädä historiaan, painua historiaan
go down {v} (happen) :: tapahtua, olla
go down {v} (stop functioning) :: kaatua, mennä alas
go down in history {v} :: jäädä historiaan
godparent {n} (person who stood for a child during a naming ceremony or baptism) :: kummi
godparent {n} (godfather or godmother) :: kummisetä, kummitäti
godparent {n} (one who cares for a child if untimely demise is met by the parents) :: kummi
godship {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity ::
God's house {n} (church) SEE: church ::
God's house {n} (place of worship) SEE: place of worship ::
godson {n} (Male child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent.) :: kummipoika
Godspeed {n} /ɡɑdˈspid/ (wish that the outcome of someone's actions is positive for them) :: onnea matkaan
God's work {n} (work in accordance with the will of God) :: Jumalan työ
God's work {n} (work that accomplishes good) :: hyvä työ, Jumalan työ
God's work {n} (work that is very important) :: tärkeä tehtävä
God the Father {prop} (aspect of the Trinity) :: Isä, Isä Jumala
God the Holy Ghost {prop} (aspect of the Trinity) :: Pyhä Henki, Jumalan Henki
God the Holy Spirit {prop} (God the Holy Ghost) SEE: God the Holy Ghost ::
God the Son {prop} (the aspect of the Trinity corresponding to Jesus Christ) :: Poika, Poika Jumala
go Dutch {v} (split the cost) :: maksaa omansa, jakaa lasku
God willing {interj} (God willing) :: jos Luoja suo
godwit {n} /ˈɡɒdwɪt/ (Bird) :: kuiri
God works in mysterious ways {proverb} (a situation may be beneficial later) :: tutkimattomat ovat Herran tiet
Godzilla {prop} /ɡɑdˈzɪlə/ (Japanese science-fiction monster) :: Godzilla
goer {n} (foot) SEE: foot ::
goer {n} /ˈɡoʊɚ/ (one who goes) :: kävijä; menijä
goer {n} (anything that performs well) :: menopeli [vehicle]; hyvä peli
goer {n} (slang: person who enjoys sexual activity) :: pakkaus
goethite {n} (an iron oxyhydroxide that is the main constituent of rust) :: götiitti
go far {v} (to attain success) :: päästä pitkälle
gofer {n} /ˈɡoʊfɚ/ (worker) :: juoksupoika, lähetti, tsuppari
go figure {phrase} /ɡoʊ ˈfɪɡjɚ/ (expression of perplexity or surprise) :: ota siitä sitten selvää, ota siitä nyt selvää, otapa siitä sitten selvää, otapa siitä nyt selvää
go for {v} (to go somewhere in order to get something) :: hakea, käydä hakemassa, noutaa
go for {v} (to try for something) :: yrittää, tavoitella
go for {v} (to undertake (an action)) :: tehdä
go for {v} (to attack something) :: yrittää iskeä, hyökätä
go for {v} (to develop a strong interest in) :: innostua
go for {v} (to favor, accept) :: lähteä mukaan
go for {v} (to apply equally to) :: koskea
go from bad to worse {v} :: mennä entistä pahemmaksi, mennä ojasta allikkoon
go from strength to strength {v} (continue to get stronger) :: vahvistua vahvistumistaan
go fuck oneself {v} (a variant of fuck you) :: vedä käteen, haista vittu
goggle {n} (a pair of protective eyeglasses) SEE: goggles ::
goggle {v} /ˈɡɒ.ɡəl/ (stare with wide eyes) :: toljottaa, töllistellä
goggle {n} (a wide-eyed stare) :: toljotus, töllistely
goggles {n} /ˈɡɑ.ɡəlz/ (protective eyewear) :: suojalasit {p}, silmäsuojat {p}
go halfsies {v} (to share by splitting in half) SEE: go halves ::
go halves {v} (divide equally) :: panna puoliksi
go hand in hand {v} (to be closely related or go together well) :: kulkea käsi kädessä
go hand in hand {v} (to walk while holding somebody's hand) :: kulkea käsi kädessä
go home {v} (return to one's house) :: mennä kotiin
go home {v} (euphemism: to die) :: nukkua pois
go hungry {v} (miss a meal) :: olla nälissään
going forward {adv} (in the immediate future) :: lähitulevaisuudessa
going to {phrase} (will (future tense)) :: present tense of the main verb
going to {phrase} (past progressive) :: past tense of aikoa (+ infinitive)
go in one ear and out the other {v} (to be heard but not attended to) :: mennä yhdestä korvasta sisään ja toisesta ulos
go it alone {v} /ˈɡəʊ ɪt əˈləʊn/ (do something alone or independently) :: selviytyä omin päin, toimia omin päin
goitre {n} /ˈɡɔɪ.tɚ/ (enlargement of the neck) :: struuma
goji berry {n} (wolfberry) SEE: wolfberry ::
Golaghat {prop} /ˌɡoːlɑːˈɡʱɑːt/ (city) :: Golaghat
Golconda {prop} /ɡɑlˈkɑndə/ (ruined city in Andhra Pradesh, India) :: Golkonda
gold {adj} /ɡoʊld/ (made of gold, golden) :: kultainen
gold {adj} (having the colour of gold) :: kullanvärinen, kultainen, kullankeltainen
gold {n} (element) :: kulta
gold {n} (coin) :: kultakolikko
gold {n} (colour) :: kullankeltainen
gold {n} (bullseye) :: häränsilmä
gold {n} (gold medal) :: kultamitali
gold {n} (anything or anyone considered to be very valuable) :: kulta
gold-bearing {adj} (containing or producing gold) :: kultapitoinen
Gold Coast {prop} (in Australia) :: Gold Coast
Gold Coast {prop} (in Africa) :: Kultarannikko
gold coin {n} (coin made of gold) :: kultaraha
goldcrest {n} (bird) :: hippiäinen
gold digger {n} /ɡəʊld ˈdɪɡə(ɹ)/ (someone who digs or mines for gold) :: kullankaivaja
gold digger {n} (person who cultivates a personal relationship in order to attain money and/or material goods, power) :: onnenonkija
golden {adj} /ˈɡoʊl.dən/ (made of, or relating to, gold) :: kultainen
golden {adj} (having a colour or other richness suggestive of gold) :: kultainen, kullankeltainen
golden {adj} (marked by prosperity, creativity, etc.) :: kulta-
golden {adj} (advantageous or very favourable) :: tuhannen taalan
golden {adj} (relating to a fiftieth anniversary) :: kulta-
golden age {n} (time of progress and achievement) :: kulta-aika
goldenberry {n} (cape gooseberry) SEE: cape gooseberry ::
golden calf {n} (A golden image of a calf) :: kultainen vasikka
golden calf {n} (Money) :: mammona
golden-crested wren {n} (goldcrest) SEE: goldcrest ::
golden eagle {n} /ˈɡəʊl.dən ˈiː.ɡəl/ (large bird of prey) :: maakotka
goldeneye {n} /ˈɡəʊldn̩.ɑɪ/ (duck) :: telkkä
goldeneye {n} (fly of the family Chrysopidae) :: harsokorento
Golden Gate {prop} (Golden Gate Bridge) SEE: Golden Gate Bridge ::
Golden Gate Bridge {prop} (suspension bridge in California) :: Golden Gaten silta
golden goal {n} (first goal scored during extra time) :: kultainen maali
golden goose {n} (something that generates much profit) :: rahasampo, kultainen hanhi, runsaudensarvi
golden handshake {n} (generous severance payment) :: kultainen kädenpuristus
golden hello {n} :: tervetulopalkkio
Golden Horde {prop} (the Mongol invaders) :: Kultainen orda
Golden Horn {prop} (inlet) :: Kultainen sarvi
golden jackal {n} (Canis aureus) :: sakaali, kultasakaali
golden mean {n} /ˈɡoʊl.dən ˈmiːn/ (balance between excess and deficiency) :: kultainen keskitie
golden mole {n} (mole of the family Chrysochloridae) :: kultamyyrä
golden oriole {n} (bird) :: kuhankeittäjä
golden parachute {n} (agreement on benefits) :: kultainen kädenpuristus
golden pheasant {n} (golden pheasant) :: kultafasaani
golden plover {n} (Pluvialis dominic) SEE: American golden plover ::
golden plover {n} (Pluvialis apricaria) :: kapustarinta
golden plover {n} (Pluvialis fulva) :: siperiankurmitsa
golden ratio {n} (irrational number) :: kultainen leikkaus
Golden Retriever {n} (breed of dog) :: kultainennoutaja
goldenrod {n} /ˈɡoʊldənˌɹɑd/ (plant) :: piisku
golden spiral {n} (logarithmic spiral) :: kultainen spiraali
golden staph {n} (bacterium often found on skin and nose) :: stafylokokki
Golden Triangle {prop} (region of prosperity bounded by three points) :: kultainen kolmio
golden wedding {n} (anniversary celebration) :: kultahäät {p}
Golden Week {prop} (holiday) :: kultainen viikko
goldfinch {n} (any of several passerine birds) :: tikli [European], amerikantikli [American]
goldfish {n} (fish) :: kultakala
goldilocks {n} (girl with golden hair) :: kultakutri
goldilocks {n} (Aster linosyris) :: kultakutriasteri
Goldilocks {prop} (fairy tale character) :: Kultakutri
Goldilocks {prop} (in a happy medium) :: juuri sopiva
Goldilocks economy {n} (economy sustaining moderate growth and low inflation) :: kultakutritalous
Goldilocks planet {n} (planet with possible existence of liquid water and of life) :: kultakutriplaneetta
Goldilocks zone {n} (the planetary zone that could sustain life) :: elinkelpoinen vyöhyke
gold leaf {n} (gold beaten into a thin sheet) :: lehtikulta
gold medal {n} (medal made of, or having the colour of, gold) :: kultamitali, kulta
gold medalist {n} (gold medal winner) :: kultamitalisti
gold mine {n} (mine for gold) :: kultakaivos
gold mine {n} (very profitable economic venture) :: kultakaivos
gold mine {n} (reserve of something sought after) :: kultakaivos
gold rush {n} /ˈɡoʊldˌɹʌʃ/ (period of feverish migration into an area in which gold has been discovered) :: kultakuume, kultaryntäys
goldsmith {n} (person who makes things out of gold) :: kultaseppä
gold standard {n} (monetary system) :: kultakanta
goldware {n} (anything made from gold) :: kultaesine, kultatyö; kultaesineet {p} [as mass noun]
golem {n} /ˈɡoʊləm/ (creature) :: golem
golf {n} /ɡɒlf/ (ball game) :: golf
golf {n} (the letter “G”) :: Gideon
golf {v} (play golf) :: golfata
golf ball {n} (small ball used in golf) :: golfpallo
golf buggy {n} (golf cart) SEE: golf cart ::
golf car {n} (golf cart) SEE: golf cart ::
golf cart {n} (four-wheeled motorized vehicle) :: golfauto
golf club {n} (the implement) :: golfmaila
golf club {n} (a club or organization) :: golfkerho, golfklubi
golf course {n} (the land where one plays golf) :: golfkenttä
golfer {n} (someone who plays golf) :: golfaaja, golfinpelaaja, golfari
Golgi apparatus {n} (organelle) :: Golgin laite
Golgotha {prop} /ˈɡɒlɡəθə/ (the crucifixion hill, see also: Calvary) :: Golgata
Goliath {prop} /ɡəˈlaɪəθ/ (biblical giant) :: Goljat
Goliath beetle {n} (beetle of the genus Goliathus) :: goljatkuoriainen
go like a dream {v} (go very well) :: mennä kuin unelma
Gollum {n} /ˈɡɑləm/ (fictional character) :: Klonkku
Golodomor {prop} (Holodomor) SEE: Holodomor ::
go mad {v} (to become insane) SEE: go nuts ::
Gomel {prop} (city) :: Homel
Gomorrah {prop} /ɡəˈmɔɹə/ (city in the Middle East) :: Gomorra
gompa {n} (Buddhist fortification of learning) :: luostari
gon {n} (gradian) :: gooni
gonad {n} /ˈɡəʊ.næd/ (sex gland) :: sukupuolirauhanen
gonad {n} (slang, testicles) :: pallit {p}
gonadotrophin {n} /ɡəʊnadə(ʊ)ˈtɹəʊfɪn/ (hormone secreted by gonadotrope cells) :: gonadotropiini
gonadotropin {n} (gonadotrophin) SEE: gonadotrophin ::
Gondi {prop} (language) :: gondi
gondola {n} /ˈɡɒn.də.lə/ (narrow boat, especially in Venice) :: gondoli
gondola {n} (car or basket of an airship) :: gondoli
gondola {n} (part of a transporter bridge that carries) :: gondoli
gondola {n} (hanging cart in which a worker performs maintenance to an exterior wall of a building) :: vaunu
gondolier {n} /ˌɡɑndəˈlɪɹ/ (Venetian boatman who propels a gondola) :: gondolieeri
Gondwana {prop} /ɡɑndˈwɑnə/ (southern supercontinent) :: Gondwana, Gondwanamanner, Gondwanamaa
Gondwanaland {prop} (Gondwana) SEE: Gondwana ::
gone {adj} /ɡɑn/ (away, having left) :: poissa
gong {n} (percussion instrument) :: gongi
gongfu {n} (kung fu) SEE: kung fu ::
goniometer {n} (device to measure crystals) :: goniometri
goniometer {n} (radio direction finder) :: radiopeilauslaite
goniometer {n} (arthrometer) SEE: arthrometer ::
gonococcus {n} /ˈɡɒnəˌkɒkəs/ (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) :: gonokokki
gonorrhea {n} /ˌɡɒn.əˈɹi.ə/ (STD) :: tippuri
go nuts {v} (to become mad) :: tulla hulluksi
go nuts {v} (in the imperative) :: antaa mennä
goo {n} /ɡuː/ (sticky or gummy semi-solid or liquid substance) :: tahma, tökötti, mönjä
good {adj} /ɡʊd/ (acting in the interest of good; ethical good intentions) :: hyvä
good {adj} (useful for a particular purpose) :: hyvä
good {adj} (of food, edible; not stale or rotten) :: hyvä
good {adj} (of food, having a particularly pleasant taste) :: hyvä
good {adj} (healthful) :: hyvä, terveellinen
good {adj} (pleasant; enjoyable) :: mukava, hauska, kiva
good {adj} (of people, competent or talented) :: hyvä
good {adj} (effective) :: hyvä
good {adj} (favourable) :: hyvä
good {adj} (beneficial; worthwhile) :: hyvä
good {interj} (exclamation of satisfaction) :: hyvä
good {n} (the forces of good) :: hyvä
good {n} (good result) :: hyvä
good {n} (item of merchandise) :: tavara, kauppatavara
good afternoon {phrase} (greeting said in the afternoon) :: hyvää päivää, hyvää iltapäivää
good as gold {adj} (well-behaved) :: kiltti kuin lammas
good as one's word {adj} (faithful to a promise) :: sanansa mittainen
goodbye {interj} /ɡʊdˈbaɪ/ (farewell, see also: bye) :: näkemiin; hyvästi; kuulemiin [in telephone]
goodbye {n} (an utterance of goodbye) :: hyvästit {p}, jäähyväiset {p}
goodbye, cruel world {phrase} /ɡʊdˈbaɪ | ˌkɹuːəl ˈwɜːld/ (exclamation prior to suicide) :: hyvästi julma maailma, hyvästi, julma maailma
goodbye, cruel world {phrase} (said before taking a stiff drink) :: hyvästi julma maailma, hyvästi, julma maailma
good day {phrase} (greeting between sunrise and sunset) :: hyvää päivää, päivää
good-den {interj} (good evening) SEE: good evening ::
good enough to eat {adj} (supremely beautiful) :: syötävän kaunis
good evening {n} (greeting said in the evening) :: hyvää iltaa, iltaa
good faith {n} /ˌɡʊd ˈfeɪθ/ (good, honest intentions) :: hyvä usko
good for nothing {adj} (good-for-nothing) SEE: good-for-nothing ::
good-for-nothing {adj} (useless, worthless) :: kelvoton
good-for-nothing {n} (person of little worth or usefulness) :: nolla, hulttio, hanttapuli, vätys, tyhjäntoimittaja
good fortune {n} (good luck) SEE: good luck ::
Good Friday {prop} (The Friday before Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the day on which Christ was crucified) :: pitkäperjantai
good gravy {interj} (non-profane expression of anger or surprise) :: herranjestas, mitä ihmettä, mitä kummaa
good grief {interj} (expression of surprise or shock) :: herranjestas, mitä ihmettä, mitä kummaa, hyvänen aika
good grief {interj} (expression of dismay and disgust) :: mitä ihmettä, mitä kummaa
good head on one's shoulders {n} :: terävä pää
goodhearted {adj} /ɡʊd.hɑɹ.təd/ (kind, generous and altruistic) :: hyväsydäminen
goodheartedness {n} (quality of being goodhearted) :: hyväsydämisyys
good heavens {interj} /ɡʊd ˈhɛvənz/ (exclamation of surprise or shock) :: hyvänen aika, herra paratkoon, taivaan vallat
goodie {interj} (expression of pleasure; yippee) :: kiva
goodie {n} (a good character in a story) :: sankari
goodish {adj} (rather good than the contrary) :: melko hyvä
good job {interj} (a phrase used to praise for a good job or efforts) :: hyvin tehty
good job {n} (a good thing) :: hyvä juttu
Good King Henry {n} (species of goosefoot) :: hyvänheikinsavikka
good life {n} (the life that one dreams of living) :: hyvä elämä
good-looking {adj} (attractive) :: hyvännäköinen
good Lord {interj} (exclamation of amazement) :: herranjestas, jestas sentään
good luck {interj} /ˌɡʊd ˈlʌk/ (wish of fortune or encouragement) :: onnea!, tsemppiä, lykkyä tykö
good luck {n} (positive fortune) :: hyvä onni
good manners {n} (treatment of other people with courtesy and politeness) :: hyvät tavat {p}, hyvät käytöstavat {p}, hyvä käytös
good morning {interj} /ˌɡʊd ˈmɔːɹ.nɪŋ/ (when seeing someone for the first time in the morning) :: hyvää huomenta, huomenta
good-natured {adj} /ɡʊdˈneɪtʃəd/ (of or pertaining to an amicable, kindly disposition) :: hyväntahtoinen
goodness {n} /ˈɡʊdnəs/ (state or characteristic of being good) :: hyvyys
goodness {n} (good part or content of something) :: hyvä
goodness {n} (Christianity: moral virtue) :: hyvyys
good news {n} (something positive) :: hyvät uutiset
good night {phrase} (a farewell) :: hyvää yötä, öitä [informal]
good offices {n} (good offices) :: apu, avunanto
good old {adj} (reliable) :: vanha kunnon
good old days {n} (the past, seen as a time when things were better) :: vanhat hyvät ajat {p}
good press {n} :: hyvä julkisuus
good riddance {interj} (used to indicate that a departure or loss is welcome) :: tervemenoa
goods {n} /ɡʊdz/ (that which is produced, traded, bought or sold) :: tavara
Good Samaritan {n} (subject of the parable) :: laupias samarialainen
Good Samaritan {n} (kind person) :: laupias samarialainen
goods and services tax {n} (tax very similar to the value added tax) :: arvonlisävero
good sense {n} (common sense) SEE: common sense ::
goods train {n} (train used for transportation of goods) :: tavarajuna
goods wagon {n} (railway wagon) :: tavaravaunu
good things come to those who wait {proverb} (patience is a virtue) :: kärsivällisyys on hyve
good to go {adj} (ready for use (thing)) :: käyttökunnossa, käyttövalmis, kunnossa
good to go {adj} (ready for some specific task (person)) :: kunnossa
good turn {n} (good deed) :: palvelus, hyvä teko
goodwill {n} /ɡʊdˈwɪl/ (favorably disposed attitude) :: hyväntahtoisuus, hyvä tahto
goodwill {n} (value) :: liikearvo, goodwill
goodwill {n} (ability to exert influence) :: vaikutusvalta
good wine needs no bush {proverb} (aomething good does not need to be advertised) :: hyvää ei tarvitse mainostaa
gooey {adj} /ˈɡu.i/ (of or relating to goo) :: tahmainen
gooey {adj} (soft, sticky and viscous) :: tahmea
goof {n} /ɡuːf/ (a mistake or error) :: moka, virhe, munaus
goof {n} (a foolish person) :: tollo, hölmö
goof {v} (to make a mistake) :: mokata, möhliä
go off {v} (explode) :: räjähtää
go off {v} (become very angry) :: räjähtää, raivostua
go off {v} (begin making noise) :: käynnistyä, alkaa kuulua, soida [of alarm clocks]
go off {v} (depart; leave) :: lähteä, poistua, häipyä, mennä pois
go off {v} (putrefy; become inedible) :: pilaantua, pahentua, mennä pilalle
goof off {v} /ˌɡuf ˈɔf/ (engage in idle activity) :: lorvailla
goofy {adj} /ɡuːfi/ (silly) :: hölmö, höpsö, hassu
Goofy {prop} (Disney character) :: Hessu, Hessu Hopo
google {n} /ˈɡuːɡəl/ (search using Google) :: googlaus
google {n} (search using any comprehensive search engine) :: haku
google {n} (match obtained by a search using Google) :: Google-osuma
google {v} (to search for on the Internet) :: googlata
Google {v} (to search the internet using the Google search engine) SEE: google ::
Google {prop} /ˈɡuːɡəl/ (Google (in other scripts, the trademark may also be written in Roman letters)) :: Google
googol {num} /ˈɡuː.ɡəl/ (1 followed by 100 zeros) :: googol
googolplex {num} /ˈɡuːɡəlplɛks/ (ten to the power of a googol) :: googolplex
goo-goo eyes {n} (a romantic look at something or someone) :: romanttinen katse
gook {n} /ɡʊk/ (derogatory slur for an Asian person) :: vinosilmä
goombah {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
go on {v} (travel by) :: matkustaa, mennä
go on {v} (continue) :: jatkua [to continue] , jatkaa [to expand upon]
go on {v} (happen) :: tapahtua, olla meneillään
goon {n} /ɡuːn/ (a thug) :: korsto
goon {n} (a fool) :: hölmö, typerys
goosander {n} (diving duck) :: isokoskelo
goose {n} /ˈɡuːs/ (a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae) :: hanhi
gooseberry {n} /ˈɡusˌbɛɹi/ (fruit) :: karviaismarja, karviainen
gooseberry {n} (additional person) :: kolmas pyörä
goose bump {n} (raised skin caused by cold, excitement, or fear) :: kananliha
goosefish {n} (anglerfish of the family Lophiidae) :: merikrotti
goose flesh {n} (goose bump) SEE: goose bump ::
goosefoot {n} /ˈɡuːsfʊt/ (flowering plant of the subfamily Chenopodioideae) :: savikka
gooseneck {n} (anything shaped like a goose's neck) :: joutsenkaula
gooseneck {n} (swivel connection on a sailboat for the boom to attach to the mast) :: puominivel
gooseneck barnacle {n} (Pollicipes pollicipes) :: hanhenkaula
goose pimple {n} (goose bump) SEE: goose bump ::
goose skin {n} (goose bump) SEE: goose bump ::
goose-step {n} (a style of marching) :: hanhenmarssi
goose-step {v} (to march with a goose-step) :: marssia hanhenmarssia
goose wing {n} (sail positioning) :: virsikirja, virsari
go out {v} (to leave, especially a building) :: mennä ulos
go out {v} (to leave one's abode to go to public places) :: lähteä ulos
go out {v} (to be turned off or extinguished) :: sammua
go out {v} (to become extinct, to expire) :: loppua, päättyä
go over {v} (to scrutinise) :: käydä läpi
go over {v} (to create an impression) :: mennä läpi, vaikuttaa
go overboard {v} (fall out of a vessel) :: tippua mereen
go overboard {v} (go too far) :: mennä liian pitkälle, liioitella
gopher {n} /ˈɡoʊfɚ/ (a small burrowing rodent) :: taskurotta
Gopher {prop} (an Internet protocol for document search/retrieval) :: gopher-protokolla
gopher wood {n} (the wood used in the construction of Noah's Ark - not yet identified) :: honkapuu, sypressipuu (depending on version)
go places {v} (make progress) :: päästä pitkälle
go potty {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet ::
go public {v} (make something public) :: julkistaa
go public {v} (launch an initial public offering) :: mennä pörssiin
Gorbachev {prop} (Russian surname) :: Gorbatšov, Gorbatshov
Gordian knot {n} /ˈɡoʊɹdɪən ˈnɑt/ (mythical knot) :: Gordionin solmu
Gordian knot {n} (intricate problem) :: Gordionin solmu
gore {n} /ɡɔɹ/ (thick blood) :: hurme, veri
gore {v} (to pierce with a horn) :: seivästää, lävistää sarvillaan
gore {n} (triangular piece of land where roads meet) :: tienhaara
gore {n} (triangular patch of fabric) :: kaistale
gorge {n} /ɡɔːdʒ/ (inside of the throat, see also: gullet) :: kurkku
gorge {n} (food taken into the gullet or stomach) :: suupala, pala
gorge {n} (choking or filling of a channel or passage) :: pato [in a river]; tulppa, tukos [in a pipe]
gorge {n} (entrance to an outwork) :: selkä
gorge {n} (deep, narrow passage with steep, rocky sides) :: rotko, kuru
gorge {n} (groove of a pulley) :: ura
gorge {v} (to stuff the gorge or gullet with food; to eat greedily) :: hotkia, ahmia
gorgeous {adj} /ˈɡɔɹdʒəs/ (very beautiful) :: upea, hulppea
gorgon {n} /ˈɡɔːrɡən/ (monster in Greek mythology) :: gorgo
gorgonzola {n} (Italian cheese) :: gorgonzola, gorgonzolajuusto
gorilla {n} /ɡəˈɹɪl.ə/ (ape) :: gorilla
gorilla {n} (thug) :: gorilla
Gorizia {prop} (town & province) :: Gorizia
Gorky {prop} (former name of Nizhny Novgorod) :: Gorki
Gorky {prop} (Russian surname) :: Gorki
gorodki {n} (an ancient Russian folk sport) :: gorodki
go round in circles {v} (To repeatedly do the same thing) :: kiertää ympyrää, kiertää kehää
gorse {n} /ɡɔɹs/ (evergreen shrub) :: piikkiherne
gory {adj} /ˈɡɔːɹ.i/ (covered with blood, very bloody) :: verinen, hurmeinen
gory {adj} (unpleasant) SEE: unpleasant ::
gosh {interj} /ɡɑːʃ/ (mild expression of surprise or enthusiasm) :: jukra, jumpe, juku, samperi, peijakas
goshawk {n} /ˈɡɒshɔːk/ (bird of prey principally in the genus Accipiter) :: kanahaukka
goshenite {n} (mineral) :: gosheniitti
gosh freaking darnit {interj} (euphemism) :: hitto, helkkari
gosling {n} /ɡɑzlɪŋ/ (young goose) :: hanhenpoikanen, hanhenpoika
go so far as {v} (reach an unexpected extent in doing something) :: mennä niin pitkälle, että
go sour {v} ((figuratively) to become unpleasant) :: mennä pieleen
go spare {v} (to be available) :: olla tarjolla
go spare {v} (to become mad (crazy, frustrated or distressed)) :: turhautua, kyllästyä
gospel {n} /ˈɡɑspəl/ (first section of New Testament) :: evankeliumi
gospel {n} (account of the life, death, and teachings of Jesus) :: evankeliumi
gospel {n} (message expected to have positive reception or effect) :: ilosanoma
gospel {n} (gospel music) SEE: gospel music ::
gospel music {n} (type of music) :: gospel, gospel-musiikki, gospelmusiikki
gospel truth {n} :: evankeliumin totuus
gossamer {n} /ˈɡɒ.sə.mə/ (cobwebs floating in the air) :: harso, seitti
gossamer {n} (a soft, sheer fabric) :: harso, seitti
gossamer {adj} (tenuous, light, filmy or delicate) :: seitinohut, harsomainen
gossip {n} /ˈɡɒs.ɪp/ (person) :: juoruilija, juorukello
gossip {n} (idle talk) :: juoru
gossip {v} (to talk about someone else's private or personal business) :: juoruta
gossip {v} (to talk idly) :: jutella, juoruilla
gossiper {n} (one who gossips) :: juoruilija
go steady {v} (date one person) :: seurustella vakituisesti
gotcha {contraction} (gotcha) :: kiinni jäit!, jäädä kiinni
goth {n} /ɡɑθ/ (punk-derived subculture of people who predominantly dress in black) :: gootit {p}
goth {n} (style of bleak rock music; gothic rock) :: goottimusiikki
goth {n} (person who is part of the goth subculture) :: gootti
goth {adj} (relating to this music or these people) :: gootti, gootti-
Goth {n} /ɡɑθ/ (member of the East Germanic people) :: gootti
Gothenburg {prop} /ˈɡɑθn̩bɝɡ/ (city on the west coast of Sweden) :: Göteborg, [archaic] Göötepori
Gothenburger {n} (person from, or an inhabitant of, Gothenburg) :: göteborgilainen
Gothic {prop} /ˈɡɑ.θɪk/ (extinct Germanic language) :: gootti
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the Goths) :: goottilainen
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the architectural style) :: goottilainen
Gothic {adj} (of the type formerly used for printing German) :: goottilainen
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the goth subculture or lifestyle) :: goottilainen
gothness {n} (traits) :: goottilaisuus
go through {v} (to execute; carry out) SEE: execute ::
go through {v} (to travel from one end to the other) :: mennä läpi
go through {v} (to examine or scrutinize) :: tarkastaa, käydä läpi
go through {v} (enact or recite) :: mennä läpi, käydä läpi
go through {v} (undergo, suffer, experience) :: mennä läpi
go through {v} (wear out (of clothing)) :: kuluttaa loppuun
go through {v} (progress to the next stage) :: edetä, mennä läpi
go through {v} (reach an intended destination) :: mennä läpi
go through hell {v} :: mennä läpi helvetin
go through the motions {v} (do something in a mechanical manner) :: suorittaa mekaanisesti
go through with {v} (carry out something planned or promised) :: viedä läpi, käydä läpi
got it {v} (Do you understand?) :: ymmärrätkö
got it {v} (I understand) :: ymmärrän, tajusin [past, informal]
Gotland {prop} (island of Sweden) :: Gotlanti
Gotlander {n} (person from Gotland) :: gotlantilainen
go to {v} (to move towards) :: mennä
go to {v} (to attend an event or a sight) :: käydä
go to {v} (to attend classes at a school) :: käydä
go to bed {v} (to lie down to sleep) :: mennä nukkumaan
go to bed with {v} ((euphemistic) to have sex) :: päästä sänkyyn jonkun kanssa, mennä sänkyyn jonkun kanssa
go together {v} (to be in a relationship) :: seurustella
go together {v} (to accompany) :: mennä yhdessä
go together {v} (to correspond or fit well) :: sopia yhteen
go together {v} (to be inseparable) :: kuulua yhteen
go to great lengths {v} (make a major effort) :: nähdä paljon vaivaa
go to hell {v} (to be ruined, become useless) :: mennä päin helvettiä
go to hell {v} (interjection) :: painu helvettiin
go too far {v} :: mennä liian pitkälle
go to pot {v} (grow worse) :: rapistua
go to seed {v} (plant: to pass to the formation of seeds) :: lakastua
go to seed {v} (to deteriorate) :: rappeutua
go to sleep {v} (fall asleep) SEE: fall asleep ::
go to someone's head {v} :: nousta päähän
go to the bathroom {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet ::
go to the dogs {v} (idiomatic: to decline or deteriorate) :: ränsistyä, rapistua
go to the ends of the earth {v} (bend over backwards) SEE: bend over backwards ::
go to the restroom {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet ::
go to the toilet {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet ::
go to the washroom {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet ::
go to waste {v} :: mennä hukkaan
go to work {v} (work) SEE: work ::
go to work {v} (commute) SEE: commute ::
go to work {v} (go to work) :: mennä töihin
gouache {n} (paint) :: guassiväri
gouache {n} (painting) :: guassi, guassimaalaus
gouda {n} /ˈɡaʊdə/ (semi-hard cheese) :: gouda, goudajuusto
Gouda {n} (cheese) :: goudajuusto
gouge {v} (to cheat or impose upon) SEE: cheat ::
gouge {n} /ɡaʊdʒ/ (chisel with a curved blade) :: koverrin
gouge {n} (cut or groove) :: uurros, uurre, ura
gouge {v} (to make a groove, hole, or mark in by scooping) :: kaivaa ulos, kovertaa
gouge {v} (to charge an unfairly or unreasonably high price) :: kiskoa
goulash {n} /ˈɡuː.lɑːʃ/ (A stew of beef or veal and vegetables, flavoured with paprika and sour cream) :: gulassi
gound {n} (mucus produced by the eyes during sleep) SEE: sleep ::
go under {v} (to fail by going bankrupt) SEE: go bankrupt ::
go under {v} (to descend into a body of water) :: upota
go under {v} (to be call oneself) :: kutsua itseään
go under {v} (to enter a state of hypnosis) :: hypnotisoitua, mennä hypnoosiin
go up {v} (to move upwards) :: nousta, mennä ylös
go up {v} (to be built) :: nousta
go up {v} (to rise or increase) :: nousta
go up {v} (to be consumed by fire) :: hävitä, kadota, palaa
go up {v} (to forget lines during public performance) :: unohtaa vuorosanansa
go up {v} (to attend university) :: käydä
gourd {n} /ɡʊɹd/ (vine) :: kurpitsa [Cucurbita]; pallokurpitsa [Lagenaria]
gourd {n} (fruit) :: kurpitsa
gourd {n} (dried and hardened shell of a gourd fruit) :: kalebassi
gourd {n} (climbing or trailing plants from the family Cucurbitaceae) :: kurkkukasvi
gourd {n} (slang: head) :: kaali
gourmand {n} /ɡɔɹˈmɑnd/ (person given to excess in the consumption of food and drink) :: syömäri, mässäilijä, ahmatti
gourmand {n} (person who appreciates good food) :: herkuttelija, herkkusuu, gurmandi
gourmandise {v} /ˈɡʊɹməndaɪz/ (eat food in a gluttonous manner) :: mässäillä
gourmandism {n} (passion for good food) :: herkuttelu, gourmandismi
gourmet {adj} /ɡʊɹˈmeɪ/ :: gourmet, gurmee
gourmet {n} (gourmet; a person who appreciates good food) :: herkuttelija, herkkusuu, gurmandi
gout {n} /ɡaʊt/ (arthritic disease) :: kihti
goutweed {n} (ground elder) SEE: ground elder ::
goutwort {n} (ground elder) SEE: ground elder ::
govern {v} /ˈɡʌvɚn/ (to exercise sovereign authority in) :: hallita
govern {v} (to control the actions of) :: hallita
govern {v} (to exercise a determining influence on) :: määrätä
govern {v} (to control the speed or magnitude of) :: säätää
govern {v} ((intr.) to exercise political authority) :: hallita
govern {v} ((intr.) to have a determining influence) :: määrätä
govern {v} (grammar: to require that a certain preposition, grammatical case, etc. be used with a word) :: vaatia
governance {n} /ˈɡʌvəɹnəns/ (the process, or the power, of governing; government or administration; control and monitoring) :: hallinto, hallitseminen, johto, johtaminen
governance {n} (the group of people who make up an administrative body) :: hallinto, johto
governess {n} /ˈɡʌvɚnəs/ (woman paid to educate children in their own home) :: kotiopettajatar
government {n} /ˈɡʌvɚ(n)mənt/ (body with the power to make and/or enforce laws) :: hallitus
government {n} (grammar: relationship between a word and its dependents) :: rektio
government {n} (state and its administration) :: hallitus
government {n} (management or control of a system) :: hallinta
government {n} (tenure of a chief of state) :: hallitus; toimikausi
governmental {adj} (relating to a government) :: hallituksellinen, valtiollinen
government bond {n} (bond issued by a national government) :: obligaatio; valtion joukkovelkakirja
government expenditure {n} (government spending) SEE: government spending ::
government spending {n} (government consumption and investment) :: valtion menot
governor {n} /ˈɡʌvəɹnəɹ/ (leader of a region or state) :: kuvernööri, maaherra
governor {n} (device which regulates or controls) :: säädin, säätölaite
governorate {n} /ˈɡʌvə(ɹ)nəɹət/ (territory ruled by a governor) :: kuvernoraatti
governor general {n} /ˈɡʌvənɚ ˌdʒɛn(ə)ɹəl/ (governor or viceroy possessing some military authority) :: kenraalikuvernööri
governor general {n} (representative of the monarch) :: kenraalikuvernööri
governor-general {n} (commonwealth official) :: kenraalikuvernööri
governor-general {n} (similar official in other countries) :: kenraalikuvernööri
go wild {v} (to become noisy and excited) :: villiintyä
go wild {v} (to go ahead, do as one pleases) SEE: go nuts ::
go without saying {v} (to be obvious, apparent or clear) :: olla sanomattakin selvää
go with the flow {v} (to act as others are acting) :: mennä virran mukana
gown {n} /ɡaʊn/ (loose, flowing upper garment) :: kaapu
gown {n} (dressing gown) SEE: dressing gown ::
go wrong {v} (to fail) :: mennä pieleen, epäonnistua
go wrong {v} (to malfunction) :: hajota, mennä rikki
go wrong {v} (to become depraved) :: turmeltua, mennä rappiolle
GPS {n} (Global Positioning System) :: GPS
grab {v} /ɡɹæb/ (to seize) :: napata, siepata
grab {v} (to make a sudden grasping or clutching motion (at something)) :: tarttua, tarrata
grab {v} (to restrain someone; to arrest) :: pidättää, vangita
grab {v} (to grip the attention; to enthrall) :: vangita
grab {n} (the act of grabbing something or someone) :: tarttuminen
grab {n} (a mechanical device that grabs) :: koura
graben {n} (elongated block of the Earth's crust that has dropped relative to the surrounding blocks) :: vajoama
grace {n} /ɡɹeɪs/ (short prayer of thanks before or after a meal) :: ruokarukous
grace {n} (elegant movement, poise or balance) :: ylväys, sulous
grace {n} (allowance of time granted to a debtor) :: vapaajakso
grace {n} (free and undeserved favour, especially of God) :: armo
grace {n} (divine assistance in resisting sin) :: armo
grace {v} (to adorn; to decorate; to embellish and dignify) :: komistaa, juhlistaa
graceful {adj} /ˈɡɹeɪsfʊl/ (showing grace) :: sulava, sulavaliikkeinen, viehättävä, viehkeä, komea, kaunis, upea, uljas
gracefully {adv} /ˈɡɹeɪsfəli/ (in a graceful manner) :: sulavasti, viehkeästi, viehättävästi, komeasti, kauniisti, upeasti, uljaasti
gracefulness {n} (the state of being graceful) :: sulavuus, viehätys, viehkeys, komeus, uljaus
grace note {n} /ˈɡɹeɪs nəʊt/ (musical note played to ornament the melody) :: korunuotti, helenuotti
grace note {n} (something that decorates, embellishes, or ornaments, see also: decoration; embellishment; ornament; finishing touch) :: sivujuonne
grace period {n} (A length of time during which rules or penalties do not take effect or are withheld) :: vapaajakso, armonaika
Graces {prop} /ˈɡɹeɪsɪz/ (trio of Greek goddesses) :: Sulottaret, Khariitit
gracilis {n} /ˈɡras.ɪ.lɪs/ (Inner thigh most superficial muscle) :: hoikkalihas
gracious {adj} /ˈɡɹeɪʃəs/ (kind and warmly courteous) :: ystävällinen, kohtelias
gracious {adj} (indulgent) :: suopea
grackle {n} /ˈɡɹækəl/ (genus Quiscalus) :: mölyturpiaali
gradation {n} /ɡɹəˈdeɪʃən/ (a sequence of gradual, successive stages; a systematic progression) :: porrastus
gradation {n} (a passing by small degrees from one tone or shade, as of color, to another) :: liukuväri
gradation {n} (the act of gradating or arranging in grades) :: porrastaminen
gradation {n} (a calibration marking) :: mittaviiva
grade {n} (mathematics: gradian) SEE: gradian ::
grade {n} /ɡɹeɪd/ (rating) :: arvio; arvosana [at school]
grade {n} (performance expressed by a number, letter, or other symbol) :: arvosana
grade {n} (degree or level of something) :: taso, laatu
grade {n} (slope of a roadway or other passage) :: jyrkkyys
grade {n} (level of pre-collegiate education) :: luokka
grade {n} (student of a particular grade) :: -luokkalainen
grade {n} (graded area) :: luiska
grade {n} (level of the ground) :: maanpinta
grade {n} (geometry: number of free intersection points of n generic divisors) :: aste
grade {n} (harsh scraping or cutting; grating) :: raastaminen
grade {n} (taxon that is not a clade) :: parafyleettinen ryhmä
grade {n} (degree of malignity of a tumor) :: aste
grade {v} (to assign scores to a test) :: arvostella
grade {v} (to assign score to performance) :: arvostella
grade {v} (to sort according to some criterion) :: lajitella, luokitella
grade {v} (to flatten a large surface) :: tasoittaa
grade {v} (to trim seam allowance) :: huolitella
grade crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing ::
grade point {n} (numerical value assigned to a grade) :: painotettu arvosana
grade point average {n} (overall average) :: arvosanojen keskiarvo
grader {n} /ˈɡɹeɪdɚ/ (machine) :: tiehöylä, tiekarhu, maantiekarhu
grader {n} (one who grades or that by means of which grading is done or facilitated) :: arvostelija, arvioija, lajittelija, luokittelija, tasoittaja, huolittelija [person, depending on which sense of "grade" is concerned]; tasoitin [leveling tool]
grader {n} (one who belongs to a certain grade at school) :: -luokkalainen
grade school {n} (elementary or primary school) SEE: primary school ::
gradian {n} (unit of angle) :: uusaste
gradient {n} (slope or incline) :: rinne, pengerrys
gradient {n} (rate of inclination or declination of a slope) :: kaltevuus
gradient {n} (in calculus) :: gradientti
gradient {n} (in physics) :: gradientti
gradient {n} (in vector algebra) :: gradientti
gradient {n} (change in color) :: liukuväri
gradual {adj} /ˈɡɹædʒuəl/ (proceeding by steps or small degrees) :: asteittainen, vähittäinen
gradual {n} (antiphone or responsory) :: graduaali
gradual {n} (service book) :: graduaali, messulaulukirja
gradually {adv} /ˈɡɹædʒuəli/ (in gradual manner) :: asteittain, vähitellen
gradualness {n} (being gradual) :: asteittaisuus
graduate {n} /ˈɡɹædʒuɪt/ (from a university) :: yliopistosta valmistunut; kandidaatti, maisteri
graduate {n} (US: from a high school) :: ylioppilas
graduate {v} (to be recognized by a university as having completed the requirements of a degree) :: valmistua, suorittaa tutkinto, saada oppiarvo
graduate {v} (US: to be recognized by a high school as having completed the requirements of a course of study) :: suorittaa ylioppilastutkinto
graduate {v} (to become a graduate at a ceremony) :: valmistua, saada oppiarvo, saada todistus
graduate {v} (transitive: to certify (a student) as having earned a degree) :: antaa todistus, myöntää oppiarvo
graduate {v} (to mark a scale on (something) so it can be used for measuring) :: asteittaa
graduated cylinder {n} (laboratory equipment) :: mittalasi
graduate school {n} (a school that awards advanced degrees) :: tohtorikoulu
graduate student {n} (university student working on a master's or Ph.D.) SEE: postgraduate ::
graduation {n} /ˌɡɹædʒuˈeɪʃən/ (the action or process of graduating) :: valmistuminen
graduation {n} (a commencement ceremony) :: valmistujaiset
graduation {n} (a marking (i.e. on a container) indicating a measurement) :: asteikko
graffiti {n} /ɡɹəˈfiti/ (drawings on a surface) :: graffiti, töhrintä
graffiti {v} (create graffiti) :: tehdä graffiti; töhriä
graft {n} /ɡɹæft/ (small shoot or scion) :: varte
graft {n} (branch or portion of a tree growing from such a shoot) :: varte
graft {n} (portion of living tissue used in the operation of autoplasty) :: siirre, siirrännäinen
graft {v} (to insert a graft in another tree) :: varttaa
graft {v} (to implant to form an organic union) :: tehdä elinsiirto
graft {v} (to join as if by grafting) :: liittää
graft {v} (to insert scions) :: varttaa
graft {v} (to form a graft polymer) :: oksastaa
graft {n} (corruption in official life) :: mädännäisyys
graft {n} (illicit profit by corrupt means, especially in public life) :: voiteluraha
graft {n} (con job) :: huijaus
graft {n} (slang: cut of the take) :: siivu
graft {n} (bribe) :: voiteluraha
graft {n} (hard work) :: raataminen
grafter {n} (one who inserts scions on other stocks, or propagates fruit by ingrafting) :: oksastaja, varttaja
grafting {n} (act, art, or process of inserting grafts) :: varttaminen
graft polymer {n} :: oksaspolymeeri
Graham biscuit {n} (bread made of unbolted wheat flour) SEE: Graham bread ::
Graham bread {n} (bread baked of graham flour) :: grahamleipä
grain {n} /ɡɹeɪn/ (harvested seeds of various grass-related food crops) :: vilja, jyvät {p}
grain {n} (single seed of grain) :: jyvä
grain {n} (the crops from which grain is harvested) :: vilja
grain {n} (linear texture of material or surface) :: syyt {p}
grain {n} (single particle of a substance) :: jyvä, jyvänen
grain {n} (unit of weight) :: graani
grain {n} (materials: region within a material having a single crystal structure or direction) :: kide
grain {v} (to feed grain to) :: ruokkia viljalla
grain {v} (to make granular) :: rakeistaa
grain {v} (to imitate the grain of wood) :: ootrata
grain {v} (tanning: to remove the hair or fat from a skin) :: poistaa karva
grain {v} (tanning: to soften leather) :: pehmittää
graining {n} (practice of imitating woodgrain) :: ootraus
grains of paradise {n} (spice) :: meleguettapippuri, amomum
gram {n} /ɡɹæm/ (unit of mass) :: gramma
-gram {suffix} (something written) :: -grammi
gramarye {n} (mystical learning) SEE: magic ::
grammage {n} (mass per area of paper measured in grams per square meter) :: grammapaino, neliömassa
grammar {n} /ˈɡɹæm.ə(ɹ)/ (rules for speaking and writing a language) :: kielioppi
grammar {n} (study of internal structure and use of words) :: kielioppi
grammar {n} (book describing grammar) :: kielioppikirja
grammar {n} (in computing: formal system specifying the syntax of a language) :: kielioppi
grammarian {n} /ɡɹəˈmɛəɹɪən/ (person who studies grammar) :: kieliopin tutkija
grammar Nazi {n} /ˈɡɹæmə(ɹ) ˈnɑːtsi/ (person who habitually corrects or criticizes the language usage of others) :: pilkunnussija, kielipoliisi
grammar school {n} (school that teaches the grammar system of Latin or Greek) :: klassinen lukio
grammar school {n} (secondary school that stresses academic education) :: lukio
grammary {n} (grammar) SEE: grammar ::
grammatical {adj} /ɡɹəˈmætɪkəl/ (acceptable as determined by the rules of the grammar) :: kieliopillinen
grammatical {adj} (of or pertaining to grammar) :: kieliopillinen, kielioppi-
grammatical case {n} (mode of inflection of a word) :: sijamuoto
grammaticality {n} /ˈɡɹə.mæt.ɪˌkæl.ɪ.ti/ (state of obeying the rules of grammar) :: kieliopillisuus
grammatically {adv} (in a grammatical manner) :: kieliopillisesti
grammatically {adv} (concerning grammar) :: kieliopillisesti
grammatical mood {n} (in grammar, type of the relationship) :: tapaluokka, modus
grammatical person {n} (linguistic category) :: kieliopillinen persoona
grammatician {n} (grammarian) SEE: grammarian ::
grammaticist {n} (grammarian) SEE: grammarian ::
gram molecule {n} (mole) SEE: mole ::
gramophone {n} (record player) :: gramofoni
gramophonic {adj} (of or pertaining to gramophone) :: gramofoninen
grampus {n} (killer whale) SEE: orca ::
gran {n} (informal, a grandmother) :: mummo, mummi, isoäiti
granary {n} /ˈɡɹænəɹi/ (storage facility) :: aitta
granary {n} (fertile, grain-growing region) :: vilja-aitta
grand {adj} /ɡɹænd/ (of large size or extent) :: mahtava, suuri
grand {adj} (great in size, and fine or imposing in appearance or impression) :: suuri [size]; mahtava [impression]
grand {adj} (having higher rank or more dignity, size, or importance than other similar things) :: suur-
grand {adj} (standing in the second or more remote degree of parentage or descent) :: iso- [parentage only]
grand {adj} (fine, lovely) :: mahtavaa, mainiota, loistavaa
grand {n} (one thousand of some currency) :: tuhatlappunen; tonni [colloquial]; tonttu [slang]
grand {n} (grand piano) SEE: grand piano ::
grandaunt {n} (great-aunt) SEE: great-aunt ::
Grand Canyon {prop} (large national park and gorge) :: Grand Canyon
grandchild {n} (child of someone’s child) :: lapsenlapsi
granddaughter {n} (daughter of someone’s child) :: pojantytär [son's daughter], tyttärentytär [daughter's daughter]
grand duchess {n} (grand duke’s consort) :: suuriruhtinatar
grand duchess {n} ((grand)daughter of a Russian czar or emperor) :: suuriruhtinatar
grand duchy {n} (a dominion or region ruled by a grand duke or grand duchess) :: suuriruhtinaskunta, suurherttuakunta
Grand Duchy of Lithuania {prop} (former European state) :: Liettuan suuriruhtinaskunta
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg {prop} (official name of Luxembourg) :: Luxemburgin suurherttuakunta
grand duke {n} (ruler or monarch of a grand duchy) :: suurherttua
grand duke {n} (son or grandson of a czar) :: suurherttua
grand dukedom {n} (title of grand duke or grand duchess) :: suuriruhtinas, suuriruhtinatar, suurherttua, suurherttuatar
grandeur {n} /ˈɡɹæn.dʒɚ/ (state of being grand or splendid; magnificence) :: upeus
grandeur {n} (nobility) :: aateluus
grandeur {n} (greatness; largeness; tallness; loftiness) :: suuruus
Grand Exchange {prop} (Columbian Exchange) SEE: Columbian Exchange ::
grandfather {n} /ˈɡɹæn(d)ˌfɑːðə(r)/ (grandfather (from either side)) :: isoisä, vaari, ukki, pappa, isänisä [paternal], äidinisä [maternal]
grandfather clock {n} (pendulum clock) :: kaappikello
grandfather paradox {n} (type of paradox) :: isoisäparadoksi
grandiloquence {n} (lofty, pompous or bombastic speech or writing) :: sanahelinä
grandiloquent {adj} /ɡɹænˈdɪl.ə.kwənt/ (overly wordy or elaborate) :: mahtipontinen, suurieleinen
grandiose {adj} (large and impressive, in size, scope or extent) :: mahtava
grandiose {adj} (pompous or pretentious) :: mahtaileva
grand jury {n} :: valamiehistö, suuri valamiehistö
grandma {n} /ˈɡɹænmɑː/ (grandmother (informal)) :: mummi, mummo
grand mal {n} /ˌɡɹɒnˈmæl/ (form of epilepsy) :: iso kohtaus
grandmaster {n} (Grandmaster) SEE: Grandmaster ::
Grandmaster {n} (highest title for chess player) :: suurmestari
Grand Master {n} (title) :: suurmestari
grandmother {n} /ˈɡɹæn(d)ˌmʌðə(r)/ (mother of someone's parent) :: isoäiti, mummi, mummo, äidinäiti [maternal], isänäiti [paternal]
grandpa {n} /ˈɡɹæmpɑː/ (grandfather (informal)) :: pappa, ukki, vaari
grandparent {n} /ˈɡɹæn(d)pɛəɹənt/ (parent of one's parent) :: isovanhempi
grand piano {n} (type of piano) :: flyygeli
grandson {n} /ˈɡɹæn(d)sʌn/ (son of one's child) :: pojanpoika, tyttärenpoika, lapsenlapsi
grandstand {n} (seating area) :: katsomo
grandstand {n} (audience) :: katsomo
grand theft auto {n} (criminal act of stealing a motor vehicle) :: ajoneuvon luvaton käyttöönotto (legal); autovarkaus (common)
grand total {n} (entire or final sum) :: loppusumma
granduncle {n} (great-uncle) SEE: great-uncle ::
grand unification theory {n} (theory that unifies fundamental forces) :: suuri yhtenäisteoria
grand vizier {n} (greatest minister of a sultan) :: suurvisiiri
granite {n} /ˈɡɹæ.nɪt/ (type of rock) :: graniitti
granitic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or containing granite) :: graniittinen
granny {n} /ˈɡɹæni/ (colloquial, derogatory: an elderly woman) :: mummo, mummeli
granny flat {n} (dwelling detached from a main residence) :: sivuasunto
granny knot {n} (knot) :: ämmänsolmu
granodiorite {n} (intrusive igneous rock) :: granodioriitti
granola {n} /ɡɹəˈnoʊlə/ (breakfast and snack food) :: mysli
grant {v} /ɡɹænt/ (To give over) :: myöntää, suoda
grant {v} (To bestow or confer, with or without compensation, particularly in answer to prayer or request) :: myöntää, suoda
grant {v} (To admit as true what is not yet satisfactorily proved; to yield belief to; to allow; to yield; to concede) :: myöntää, suoda
grant {v} (To assent; to consent) :: suostua, myöntyä
grant {n} (The act of granting; a bestowing or conferring; concession; allowance; permission) :: myöntyminen, suostuminen
grant {n} (The yielding or admission of something in dispute) :: myöntyminen
grant {n} (A transfer of property by deed or writing) :: apuraha, avustus
grant-in-aid {n} (giving of national funds) :: valtionapu
grant-in-aid {n} (providing funds to an institution) :: koulutusavustus
granular {adj} /ˈɡɹæn.jə.lə(ɹ)/ (consisting of, or resembling, grains) :: rakeinen
granularity {n} (condition of being granular) :: rakeisuus
granularity {n} (extent to which something is granular) :: rakeisuus
granulate {v} (to segment) :: rakeistaa
granulated sugar {n} (granulated sugar) :: kidesokeri
granulation {n} (formation of granules) :: rakeistaminen, rakeistuminen
granulation {n} (condition of being granulated) :: rakeisuus
granulation {n} (tissue) :: rupi
granulation {n} (astronomy: marking on the Sun) :: granula
granulation tissue {n} (new connective tissue) :: jyväiskudos
granule {n} /ˈɡɹænjul/ (small particle) :: rae, jyvänen
granule {n} (geology: fragment of rock) :: soranjyvä
granule {n} (mark on the sun) :: granula
granuloma inguinale {n} (disease) :: granuloma inguinale, viides sukupuolitauti
granulosa {n} (layer of small cells) :: jyväissolut {p}
granulovirus {n} (form of baculovirus) :: granulovirus
grape {n} /ɡɹeɪp/ (fruit) :: viinirypäle
grape {n} (vine) :: viiniköynnös
grape {n} (grapeshot) SEE: grapeshot ::
grapefruit {n} /ˈɡɹeɪp.fɹuːt/ (tree) :: greippipuu, greippi
grapefruit {n} (fruit) :: greippi
grape juice {n} (grape juice) :: rypälemehu
grapeseed {n} (seed of the grape) :: viinirypäleen siemen
grapeseed oil {n} (vegetable oil) :: viinirypäleensiemenöljy
grapeshot {n} (type of shot) :: kartessi
grapevine {n} (the plant on which grapes grow) :: viiniköynnös
grapevine {n} (informal means of circulating gossip) :: puskaradio, hevosmiesten uutistoimisto, juoru
graph {n} /ɡɹæf/ (mathematical diagram) :: diagrammi, kaaviokuva
graph {n} (ordered pair in graph theory) :: verkko, graafi
graph {n} (chart) SEE: chart ::
-graph {suffix} (something related to writing etc.) :: -grafi
grapheme {n} /ˈɡɹæf.iːm/ (fundamental unit of a writing system) :: grafeemi
graphemics {n} (study of graphemes) :: grafemiikka
graphene {n} /ˈɡɹæf.iːn/ (large-scale, one-atom thick layer of graphite) :: grafeeni
graphic {adj} /ˈɡɹæfɪk/ (drawn, pictorial) :: graafinen, kuvallinen
graphic {adj} (vivid, descriptive) :: kursailematon
graphic {n} (a drawing or picture) :: kuva
graphic {n} ((in the plural) computer generated images as viewed on a screen forming part of a game or a film etc.) :: grafiikka
graphical {adj} /ˈɡɹæfɪkəl/ (of, related to, or shown on a graph) :: kuvallinen
graphical {adj} (of, related to, or using graphics) :: graafinen
graphically {adv} (in a graphic manner) :: graafisesti
graphical user interface {n} (type of user interface) :: graafinen käyttöliittymä
graphic artist {n} (graphic designer) SEE: graphic designer ::
graphic design {n} :: graafinen suunnittelu
graphic designer {n} (artist) :: graafinen suunnittelija
graphic novel {n} (comic book) :: sarjakuvalehti, sarjakuvakirja
graphics {n} /ˈɡɹæfɪks/ (the making of architectural or engineering drawings) :: piirtäminen
graphics {n} (the graphic arts) :: grafiikka
graphics {n} (pictorial representation and manipulation of data) :: grafiikka
graphics card {n} (display adapter) :: grafiikkakortti, näytönohjain
graphics tablet {n} (input device) :: piirtopöytä
graphing calculator {n} (type of calculator) :: graafinen laskin
graphing paper {n} (graph paper) SEE: graph paper ::
graphite {n} /ˈɡɹæfaɪt/ (form of carbon) :: grafiitti
graphite {n} (composite plastic) :: hiilikuitu, hiilikuitukomposiitti
graphite {n} (colour) :: grafiitinharmaa
grapholect {n} (a written variant of a language) :: kirjakieli
graphological {adj} (relating to graphology) :: grafologinen
graphologically {adv} (in terms of graphology) :: grafologisesti
graphologist {n} (graphologist) :: grafologi
graphology {n} (study of handwriting) :: grafologia, käsialantutkimus
graph paper {n} (ruled paper) :: ruutupaperi
graph theory {n} (study of networks of nodes and vertices) :: verkkoteoria, graafiteoria
-graphy {suffix} /-ɡɹəfi/ (Suffix denoting a written or represented in the specified manner, or about a specified subject) :: -grafia
grapnel {n} /ˈɡɹæpnəl/ (small anchor) :: naara-ankkuri
grapnel {n} (a device consisting essentially of one or more hooks or clamps, for grasping or holding something) :: heittokoukku, entraushaka
grapnel {n} (grappling iron) SEE: grappling iron ::
grappa {n} (Italian grape-based spirit) :: grappa
grapple {v} /ˈɡɹæpəl/ (to seize and hold firmly) :: tarttua, tarrata
grapple {v} (to ponder and intensely evaluate a problem) :: pohtia, painiskella, painia
grapple {v} (to wrestle or struggle) :: painia, painiskella
grapple {n} (tool with claws or hooks) :: koura, entraushaka, heittokoukku
grapple {n} (a close hand-to-hand struggle) :: paini, käsirysy
grapple {n} (act of grappling) :: tarttuminen
grappling {n} (grappling hook or grappling iron) SEE: grappling hook ::
grappling {n} (grapnel) SEE: grapnel ::
grappling hook {n} /ˈɡɹæp(ə)lɪŋ ˌhʊk/ (a type of hook) :: heittokoukku, entraushaka
grappling iron {n} /ˈɡɹæp(ə)lɪŋ ˌaɪɚn/ (metal hook used to hold two ships together) :: entraushaka
grasp {v} (to grasp) SEE: hold ::
grasp {v} /ɡɹæsp/ (to grip) :: tarttua, puristaa
grasp {v} (to understand) :: tajuta, käsittää
grasp {n} (grip) :: ote
grasp {n} (understanding) :: käsitys, ymmärrys, taju
grasp {n} (that which is accessible) :: käsillä, käsissä [idiomatic]
grass {n} /ɡɹ̠æs/ (ground cover plant) :: heinä, ruoho
grass {n} (lawn) :: nurmi, nurmikko, ruoho
grass {n} (marijuana) :: ruoho, pilvi
grass {n} (informer) :: vasikka
grass {v} (to inform on) :: vasikoida
grasshopper {n} /ˈɡɹæsˌhɑpəɹ/ (an insect of the order Orthoptera) :: heinäsirkka
grasshopper warbler {n} (Locustella naevia) :: pensassirkkalintu
grass jelly {n} (jellylike dessert) :: ruohohyytelö
grassland {n} (an area dominated by grass or grasslike vegetation) :: ruohomaa, ruohotasanko
grass of Parnassus {n} (plant of the genus Parnassia) :: vilukko
grassroots {adj} (of the grass roots) :: ruohonjuuritason
grassroots democracy {n} (processes) :: ruohonjuuridemokratia
grass script {n} (style of cursive script used in Chinese calligraphy) :: kursiivikirjoitus
grass skirt {n} (skirt made of dried grass) :: kaislahame
grass snake {n} (Natrix natrix) :: rantakäärme
grass widow {n} /ˈɡɹɑːs ˌwɪdəʊ/ (woman whose husband is away) :: vihreä leski
grassy {adj} /ˈɡɹæsi/ (covered with grass) :: ruohoinen
grassy {adj} (resembling grass) :: ruohomainen
grate {n} /ɡɹeɪt/ (horizontal metal grill) :: ritilä; arina [under fire]
grate {v} (cooking: to shred by rubbing) :: raastaa
grate {v} (to make an unpleasant rasping sound) :: narskua, narista, kitistä
grate {v} (to grate on one's nerves, irritate) :: raastaa, ärsyttää
grated {adj} /ˈɡɹeɪtɪd/ (produced by grating) :: raastettu
grateful {adj} /ˈɡɹeɪtfəl/ (showing gratitude) :: kiitollinen
grateful {adj} (recognizing the importance of a source of pleasure) :: kiitollinen
gratefulness {n} (the state of being grateful) :: kiitollisuus
grater {n} /ˈɡɹeɪtɚ/ (a tool with which one grates) :: riivinrauta, raastinrauta, raastin
graticule {n} (reticle) SEE: reticle ::
graticule {n} (grid of horizontal and vertical lines) :: ruudukko
graticule {n} (geography: network of lines) :: koordinaattiviivasto, koordinaatisto
graticule {n} (region created by a graticule) :: ruutu
gratification {n} /ˌɡɹætɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act of gratifying, or pleasing) :: tyydytys, tyydyttäminen [gratifying]; miellyttäminen [pleasing]
gratification {n} (feeling of pleasure; satisfaction) :: tyytyväisyys, mielihyvä
gratification {n} (reward; gratuity, see also: reward; gratuity) :: palkinto; hyvitys; lahja
gratify {v} /ˈɡrætɪfaɪ/ (to please) :: ilahduttaa, miellyttää
gratify {v} (to make content, satisfy) :: tyydyttää
gratin {n} /ɡɹəˈtæn/ (top crust) :: kuorrute
gratin {n} (dish) :: gratiini
gratinate {v} (to bake so as to form a gratin) :: gratinoida
grating {n} /ˈɡɹeɪtɪŋ/ (barrier) :: [crossed or parallel bars] ritilä, [crossed bars only] ristikko
grating {n} (frame to hold a fire) :: arina, ritilä
gratis {adv} (free, without charge) SEE: for free ::
gratis {adj} (free of charge) SEE: free of charge ::
gratitude {n} /ˈɡɹætɪt(j)ud/ (state of being grateful) :: kiitollisuus
gratuitous {adj} /ɡɹəˈtu.ɪt.əs/ (given freely) :: ilmainen, vastikkeeton
gratuitous {adj} (not called for by the circumstances) :: tarpeeton, perusteeton, aiheeton
gratuitously {adv} /ɡɹəˈtu.ə.təs.li/ (freely; in the manner of a gift) :: ilmaiseksi
gratuitously {adv} (in a manner not demanded by the circumstances) :: turhaan, tarpeettomasti
gratuity {n} /ɡɹəˈtuːətɪ/ (reward provided freely, without obligation) :: juomaraha
gratuity {n} (service charge) :: juomaraha
graupel {n} /ˈɡɹaʊpəl/ (supercooled droplets of water condense on a snowflake) :: lumirae
grave {n} /ɡɹeɪv/ (excavation for burial) :: hauta
grave {v} (to carve letters or similar) :: kaivertaa
grave {v} (to carve to give a shape) :: kaivertaa
grave {adj} (having a sense of seriousness) :: vakava
grave {adj} (low in pitch, tone) :: matala
grave {adj} (serious in a negative sense) :: vakava
grave {n} (grave accent) SEE: grave accent ::
grave accent {n} (grave accent) :: gravis, gravisaksentti, graavi
graveclothes {n} (The clothes in which a corpse is buried) :: paratiisipuku, hautausvaatteet {p}
gravedigger {n} /ˈɡɹeɪv.ˌdɪɡ.ə(ɹ)/ (a person employed to dig graves) :: haudankaivaja
gravel {n} /ˈɡɹævəl/ (small fragments of rock) :: sora
gravel {n} (particle from 2 to 64 mm in diameter) :: sora
gravel {v} (To apply a layer of gravel to the surface of a road, etc) :: sorata
gravelike {adj} (resembling a grave) :: hautamainen
gravel road {n} (road with gravel surface) :: soratie
gravely {adv} /ˈɡɹeɪvli/ (grave or serious manner) :: vakavasti
graveness {n} (state of being grave) :: vakavuus
graver {n} /ˈɡɹeɪvə(ɹ)/ (burin) :: kaiverrin
graver {n} (carver or engraver) :: kaiverrin
graverobber {n} /ˈɡɹeɪvˌɹɑbɚ/ (one who robs graves or tombs) :: haudanryöstäjä
Graves' disease {n} (hyperthyroidism accompanied by protrusion of the eyeballs) :: Gravesin tauti
gravestone {n} (stone slab set at the head of a grave) SEE: tombstone ::
graveyard {n} /ˈɡɹeɪvˌjɑɹd/ (tract of land in which the dead are buried) :: hautausmaa, hautuumaa, kalmisto
graveyard {n} (final storage place for collections of things no longer used) :: hautausmaa
graveyard shift {n} (a night shift, such as especially one from midnight to 8AM on a three-shift schedule) :: yövuoro
graveyard shift {n} (night shift) SEE: night shift ::
gravid {adj} /ˈɡɹævɪd/ (pregnant; now used chiefly of egg-laying animals, or metaphorically) :: gravidi
gravitate {v} /ˈɡɹævɪteit/ (to tend or drift towards someone or something, as though being pulled by gravity) :: hakeutua, suuntautua
gravitation {n} /ˌɡɹævɪˈteɪʃən/ (fundamental force of attraction) :: painovoima, gravitaatio
gravitational constant {n} (physical constant) :: gravitaatiovakio
gravitational field {n} (the field produced by the gravitational force of mass) :: gravitaatiokenttä, painovoimakenttä
gravitational force {n} (fundamental force) :: gravitaatiovoima
gravitational interaction {n} (gravitational interaction in physics) :: painovoimavuorovaikutus
gravitational lens {n} (astronomy: body big enough to bend light rays) :: painovoimalinssi
gravitational radiation {n} (hypothetical wave) :: gravitaatiosäteily
gravitational wave {n} /ˌɡɹæ.vəˈteɪ.ʃə.nəl weɪv/ (fluctuation in spacetime that propagates as a wave at the speed of light) :: gravitaatioaalto, painovoima-aalto, gravitaatiosäteily
gravitino {n} (subatomic particle, related to the graviton) :: gravitiino
graviton {n} /ˈɡɹavɪtɒn/ (a hypothetical gauge boson) :: gravitoni
gravity {n} /ˈɡɹævɪti/ (graveness, the condition or state of being grave) :: vakavuus
gravity {n} (resultant force on Earth's surface) :: painovoima, gravitaatio
gravity {n} (gravitation, gravity force on two mass bodies) :: painovoima, gravitaatio
gravity assist {n} /ˈɡɹævɪti əˈsɪst/ :: painovoimalinko
gravity bong {n} (gravity bong) :: älyämpäri
gravity well {n} :: painovoimakaivo
gravlax {n} /ˈɡɹɑvˌlɑks/ (appetizer of dry-cured salmon) :: graavilohi
gravure {n} (printing method) :: kaiverre
gravy {n} /ˈɡɹeɪvi/ (sauce) :: paistinkastike, kastike
gravy {n} (unexpected good fortune) :: onnenpotku
gravy boat {n} (dish for gravy) :: kastikekannu
gravy train {n} (occupation that generates considerable income with little or less effort) :: hyvä rahanlähde, helppo ja tuottoisa homma, suojatyöpaikka, palkkiovirka
gray {adj} /ɡɹeɪ/ (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember) :: harmaa
gray {adj} (dreary, gloomy) :: ankea, harmaa, synkkä
gray {v} (to become gray) :: harmaantua, harmentua
gray {v} (to cause to become gray) :: harmaannuttaa, harmentaa
gray {n} (colour) :: harmaa
graybody {n} (body that radiates energy having a blackbody distribution reduced by a constant factor) :: harmaa kappale
grayish {adj} /ˈɡɹeɪ.ɪʃ/ (somewhat gray) :: harmahtava
gray jay {n} (Perisoreus canadensis) :: harmaakuukkeli
gray jay {n} (bird of the genus Perisoreus) :: kuukkeli
gray langur {n} (Semnopithecus entellus) :: hanumaani
grayling {n} (Thymallus thymallus) :: harjus
grayling {n} (Hipparchia semele) :: hietaheinäperhonen
gray out {v} :: harmauttaa
gray tape {n} (duct tape) SEE: duct tape ::
gray water {n} (non-potable, but non-toxic water) :: harmaa vesi, harmaavesi, pesuvesi
graze {n} /ɡɹeɪz/ (act of grazing or scratching lightly) :: naarmuttaminen, raapaisu
graze {n} (light scratch) :: naarmu
graze {v} (to feed or supply with grass) :: ruokkia
graze {v} (to eat grass from a pasture) :: laiduntaa
graze {v} (to tend cattle while grazing) :: paimentaa
graze {v} (to rub or touch lightly the surface of in passing) :: raapaista
graze {v} (to cause a slight wound to) :: raapaista, naarmuttaa
grazier {n} /ˈɡɹeɪziə(ɹ)/ (one who grazes cattle or sheep) :: paimen
grazier {n} (owner of a property) :: karjatilallinen
grease {n} /ɡɹis/ (animal fat) :: eläinrasva
grease {n} (oily or fatty matter) :: rasva, öljy
grease {v} (put grease or fat on something) :: rasvata, öljytä, voidella
grease {v} (to bribe) :: voidella, lahjoa
grease {v} (to kill) :: voidella
greaseball {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
greased lightning {n} (Something incredibly fast) :: rasvattu salama
grease gun {n} (device for forcing grease into machinery) :: rasvaprässi
grease monkey {n} (a mechanic) :: rasva-apina, rasvari
grease nipple {n} (fitting fixed to a piece of machinery) :: rasvanippa
grease payment {n} (bribe) :: voiteluraha
grease pit {n} (trench over which a vehicle can be driven) :: rasvamonttu
greaser {n} (someone or something that greases) :: rasvaaja, voitelija, rasvari
greaser {n} (slang: mechanic) :: monttööri, rasvari
greaser {n} (slang: rocker or metalhead) :: rasvaletti, rasvis
grease someone's palm {v} (to bribe) :: voidella
greasily {adv} (in a greasy manner) :: rasvaisesti
greasy {adj} /ˈɡɹi.si/ (having a slippery surface) :: rasvainen, öljyinen, öljymäinen
greasy {adj} (Containing a lot of grease or fat) :: rasvainen
great {adj} (important) SEE: important ::
great {adj} /ɡɹeɪt/ (very big, large scale) :: jättimäinen, mahtava, valtava
great {adj} (very good) :: erinomainen
great {adj} (important title) :: suuri
great {interj} (great!) :: mahtavaa
great antshrike {n} (Taraba major) :: lepinkäismuura
great ape {n} (ape of the taxonomic family Hominidae) :: iso ihmisapina
great auk {n} (Pinguinus impennis) :: isoruokki, siivetönruokki, jättiläisruokki
great-aunt {n} (aunt of one’s parent) :: isotäti
Great Barrier Reef {prop} (Great Barrier Reef) :: Iso valliriutta
Great Bear {prop} (a bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky) :: Otava
great black-backed gull {n} (Larus marinus) :: merilokki
great blue heron {n} (Ardea herodias) :: amerikanharmaahaikara
Great Britain {prop} (island) :: Iso-Britannia
Great Britain {prop} (United Kingdom, see also: United Kingdom; Kingdom of Great Britain) :: Iso-Britannia
Great Britain and Northern Ireland {prop} (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) :: Iso-Britannia ja Pohjois-Irlanti
great bustard {n} (Otis tarda) :: isotrappi
great circle {n} (circle) :: isoympyrä
great circle {n} (shortest distance) :: isoympyräreitti
great circle route {n} (arc of a great circle) :: isoympyräreitti
greatcoat {n} (heavy overcoat) :: päällystakki, pitkä takki, ulsteri, mantteli
great cormorant {n} (Phalacrocorax carbo) :: merimetso
great crested grebe {n} (freshwater bird) :: silkkiuikku
Great Dane {n} (mastiff) :: tanskandoggi
Great Depression {prop} (economic collapse) :: suuri lama
great egret {n} (bird, Ardea alba) :: jalohaikara
greater {adj} (greater) SEE: bigger ::
greater argentine {n} (Argentina silus) :: kultakuore
greater argonaut {n} (Argonauta argo) :: paperivene
greater bamboo lemur {n} (Prolemur simus) :: leveäkuonobokombali
greater bilby {n} (Macrotis lagotis) :: isopussikaniini
greater galago {n} (primate of the genus Otolemur) SEE: thick-tailed bushbaby ::
Greater London {prop} (administrative area) :: Suur-Lontoo
Greater Middle East {prop} (countries of the Muslim world centred on the Middle East and excluding those in Oceania) :: laaja Lähi-Itä
greater prairie chicken {n} (Tympanuchus cupido) :: preeriakana
greater rhea {n} (Rhea americana) :: nandu
greater roadrunner {n} (bird of genus Geococcyx) SEE: roadrunner ::
greater scaup {n} (Aythya marila) :: lapasotka
greater short-toed lark {n} (Calandrella brachydactyla) :: lyhytvarvaskiuru
greater spotted eagle {n} (Clanga clanga) :: kiljukotka
greater than {n} (the '>' character) :: suurempi kuin -merkki
greater yellowlegs {n} (Tringa melanoleuca) :: amerikanviklo
greatest common divisor {n} (largest positive integer or polynomial) :: suurin yhteinen tekijä
Great Game {prop} (the strategic rivalry and conflict) :: suuri peli
great-grandchild {n} (The child (son or daughter) of one's grandchild) :: lapsenlapsenlapsi
great-granddaughter {n} (the daughter of someone's grandchild) :: lapsenlapsenlapsi
great-grandfather {n} (father of grandparent) :: isoisoisä, isoisän isä
great grandmaster {n} (a grandmaster in a field, whose skills or accomplishments exceed those of other grandmasters) :: suurmestari
great-grandmother {n} (mother of one's grandparent) :: isoisoäiti
great-grandparent {n} (parent of a grandparent) :: isoisovanhempi
great-grandson {n} (son of a grandchild) :: lapsenlapsenlapsi
great-great-grandchild {n} (the child of one's great-grandchild) :: lapsenlapsenlapsenlapsi
great-great-granddaughter {n} (the daughter of one's great-grandchild) :: lapsenlapsen tytär, tyttärentyttärentytär, tyttärenpojantytär, pojantyttärentytär, pojanpojantytär
great-great-grandfather {n} (The father of someone's great-grandparent) :: isoisoisoisä
great-great-grandmother {n} (The mother of someone’s great-grandparent) :: isoisoisoäiti
great-great-grandson {n} (the son of one's great-grandchild) :: pojanpojanpoika, pojantyttärenpoika, tyttärentyttärenpoika, tyttärenpojanpoika, lapsenlapsen poika
great grey owl {n} (Strix nebulosa) :: lapinpöllö
great grey shrike {n} (Lanius excubitor) :: isolepinkäinen, lapinharakka [dated]
great hall {n} (main room) :: suuri sali
great hall {n} (principal building) :: päärakennus
great haste makes great waste {proverb} (haste makes waste) SEE: haste makes waste ::
greathearted {adj} (bighearted) SEE: bighearted ::
great horned owl {n} (Bubo virginianus) :: amerikanhuuhkaja
great horsetail {n} (plant) :: jättikorte
Great Lakes {prop} (a group of five lakes on the United States-Canada border) :: Pohjois-Amerikan suuret järvet
Great Leap Forward {prop} (Great Leap Forward (in China)) :: suuri harppaus
greatly {adv} /ˈɡɹeɪtli/ (to a great extent) :: suuresti
great martyr {n} (a saint who was martyred after suffering great torture) :: suurmarttyyri
great minds think alike {proverb} (used to emphasize two people reaching the same conclusion) :: sitä minäkin juuri ajattelin
greatness {n} /ˈɡɹeɪtnəs/ (The state, condition, or quality of being great; as, greatness of size, greatness of mind, power, etc) :: suuruus
great northern diver {n} (large member of the diver family, Gavia immer) :: amerikanjääkuikka
great northern loon {n} (great northern diver) SEE: great northern diver ::
Great Plains {prop} (region) :: Suuret tasangot {p}
great power {n} (powerful state) :: suurvalta
Great Pyramid at Giza {prop} (Great Pyramid of Giza) SEE: Great Pyramid of Giza ::
Great Pyramid of Giza {prop} (the largest and most famous of the Egyptian pyramids) :: Kheopsin pyramidi
Great Pyrenees {n} (dog breed) :: pyreneittenkoira
great reed warbler {n} (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) :: rastaskerttunen
great Scott {interj} /ɡɹeɪt skɒt/ (exclamation of surprise or amazement) :: herranjestas
great skua {n} (Great Skua) :: isokihu
great snipe {n} (Gallinago media) :: heinäkurppa
great spotted woodpecker {n} /ˈɡɹeɪt ˈspɒtəd ˈwʊdpɛkeɹ/ (species of woodpecker) :: käpytikka
Great Successor {prop} (Kim Jong-un) :: Suuri seuraaja
great tit {n} /ˈɡɹeɪt tɪt/ (bird) :: talitiainen
great-uncle {n} (uncle of one's parent) :: isosetä [brother of a grandfather], isoeno [brother of a grandfather]
Great Vowel Shift {prop} (major change in the pronunciation of the English language) :: suuri vokaalisiirros
Great Wall of China {prop} (Chinese fortification) :: Kiinan muuri
Great War {prop} (epithet for World War I) :: suuri sota
great white shark {n} (Carcharodon carcharias) :: valkohai
grebe {n} /ɡɹiːb/ (any of several waterbirds in the family Podicipedidae) :: uikku
Greco- {prefix} /ˈɡɹɛkoʊ-/ (relating to Greece or Greek) :: kreikkalais-
Greco-Roman {adj} /ˌɡɹɛkoʊˈɹoʊmən/ (of or pertaining to Greek or Roman culture) :: kreikkalais-roomalainen
Greco-Roman {adj} (referring to a wrestling style) :: kreikkalais-roomalainen
Greece {prop} /ɡɹiːs/ (country in Southeastern Europe) :: Kreikka
greed {n} /ɡɹid/ (selfish desire for more than is needed) :: ahneus
greedily {adv} (in a greedy manner) :: ahneesti
greedy {adj} /ˈɡɹiːdi/ (having greed; consumed by selfish desires) :: ahne
greedy {adj} (prone to overeat) :: ahnas
Greek {prop} /ɡɹiːk/ (language of the Greek people) :: kreikka, kreikan kieli
Greek {n} (inhabitant, etc., of Greece) :: kreikkalainen
Greek {n} (nonsense talk or writing; gibberish) :: heprea
Greek {adj} (of the Greek language, people or country) :: kreikkalainen, kreikankielinen [of the Greek language]
Greek {adj} (unintelligible, especially regarding foreign speech) :: siansaksa, heprea
Greek fire {n} (flammable substance) :: kreikkalainen tuli
Greekness {n} (state or condition) :: kreikkalaisuus
Greek Orthodox Church {prop} (Greek Orthodox Church) :: Kreikkalainen ortodoksinen kirkko
green {n} (putting green) SEE: putting green ::
green {adj} (having green as its colour) :: vihreä
green {adj} (sickly) :: kalpea, sairas, vihreä
green {adj} (inexperienced) :: kokematon
green {adj} (environmentally friendly) :: vihreä
green {adj} (envious) :: vihreä kateudesta
green {adj} (of bacon, etc.: unprocessed, raw) :: raaka
green {adj} (of fruit: unripe) :: raaka
green {adj} (of wine: acidic or too acidic) :: hapan, hapokas
green {adj} (of vegetables: freshly harvested) :: tuore
green {adj} (lumber) :: tuore
green {n} (colour) :: vihreä
green {n} (member of a green party) :: vihreä
green {n} (snooker: green ball with value 3) :: vihreä
green {v} (make (something) green) :: värjätä, muuttaa, maalata vihreäksi
green {v} (add green spaces to) :: rakentaa, lisätä viheralueita
green alder {n} (Alnus viridis) :: pensasleppä
green alga {n} (organism of Chlorophyta) :: viherlevä
green bean {n} (immature pods of any kind of bean) :: vihreä papu
green bean {n} (immature pods of common bean) :: vihreä papu
green-blind {adj} (unable to see the color green) :: vihersokea
green card {n} (US work permit) :: green card, vihreä kortti
green-collar {adj} (pertaining to employment in the environment) :: viherkaulus-
green-collar {adj} (pertaining to rural employment) :: maatalous-
greenery {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
greenery {n} /ˈɡɹiːnəɹi/ (green foliage) :: viherkasvi
greenery {n} (foliage used as decoration) :: viherkasvit {p}
greeneye {n} (Chlorophthalmidae) :: vihersilmä
green-eyed {adj} (having green eyes) :: vihreäsilmäinen
green-eyed {adj} (jealous) :: kateellinen; mustasukkainen [esp. in love]
green fallow {n} (fallow planted with a different crop) :: viherkesanto
greenfinch {n} (European greenfinch, Carduelis chloris) :: viherpeippo
greengage {n} /ˈɡɹiːnɡeɪdʒ/ (a plum with greenish-yellow flesh and skin) :: viherluumu
green gram {n} (Bean from the seed of Vigna radiata) SEE: mung bean ::
greengrocer {n} /ˈɡɹinˌɡɹəʊs.ə(ɹ)/ (person who sells fresh vegetables and fruit) :: vihanneskauppias
Green Hmong {prop} (language) :: vihreä hmong, vihreä miao
greenhorn {n} (inexperienced person) :: märkäkorva
greenhouse {n} /ˈɡɹiːnˌhaʊs/ (building in which plants are grown more quickly than outside) :: kasvihuone
greenhouse effect {n} (process by which a planet is warmed by its atmosphere) :: kasvihuoneilmiö
greenhouse-friendly {adj} (not contributing to greenhouse effect) :: ilmastoystävällinen
greenhouse gas {n} (any gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect) :: kasvihuonekaasu
greenish {adj} /ˈɡɹiːnɪʃ/ (somewhat green) :: vihertävä
greenish warbler {n} (Phylloscopus trochiloides) :: idänuunilintu
greenkeeper {n} (employee responsible for the maintenance of a golf course) :: golfkentänhoitaja
Greenland {prop} /ˈɡɹiːn.lənd/ (a large self-governing island in North America) :: Grönlanti
Greenlander {n} (a person from Greenland or of Greenlandic descent) :: grönlantilainen
Greenlandic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Greenland, its people or language) SEE: Greenlandish ::
Greenlandic {n} (language) SEE: Greenlandish ::
Greenlandish {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Greenland, its people or language) :: grönlantilainen
Greenlandish {n} (language) :: grönlanti, grönlannin kieli
Greenland Sea {prop} (Greenland Sea) :: Grölanninmeri
Greenland shark {n} (Somniosus microcephalus) :: holkeri, jäähai, grönlanninhai
green light {n} (green traffic light) :: vihreä valo
green light {n} (permission) :: vihreä valo
greenlight {v} (to approve) :: näyttää vihreää valoa
green line {n} (demarcation line) :: vihreä linja
green manure {n} (a crop that is ploughed into the soil to improve its fertility) :: viherlannoitus
greenness {n} /ˈɡɹiːnnəs/ (state of being green (green in color)) :: vihreys
greenness {n} (state of being green (environmentally conscious)) :: vihreys
green olive {n} (olive picked before it has ripened) :: vihreä oliivi
green party {n} (party) :: vihreä puolue
Green Party {prop} (particular green party of a country or region) :: vihreät {p}, vihreä puolue
Greenpeace {prop} (environmental organization) :: Greenpeace
green pepper {n} (green sweet bell pepper) :: paprika
green pepper {n} (green peppercorn) :: viherpippuri
green room {n} (room for the performers) :: lämpiö
greens {n} /ɡɹiːnz/ (leaves of certain edible green plants) :: vihannekset {p}
green sandpiper {n} (Tringa ochropus) :: metsäviklo
greenschist {n} (metamorphic rock) :: vihreäkivi
green sea turtle {n} (species) :: liemikilpikonna
greenshank {n} (wading bird) :: viklo
greenspace {n} (area of undeveloped landscape within a city) :: viheralue
greenstick fracture {n} (a partial fracture of a long bone) :: pajunvitsamurtuma
green tax {n} (fiscal policy) :: vihreä vero
green tea {n} (leaves) :: vihreä tee
green tea {n} (drink) :: vihreä tee
green thumb {n} (person) :: viherpeukalo
green turtle {n} (green sea turtle) SEE: green sea turtle ::
green-veined white {n} (butterfly) :: lanttuperhonen
green warbler {n} (Phylloscopus nitidus) :: kaukasianuunilintu
greenware {n} (unfired pottery) :: aihio
greenwash {n} /ˈɡɹiːnwɒʃ/ (misleading picture of environmental friendliness) :: viherpesu
greenwash {v} (to disseminate such information) :: viherpestä
green wave {n} (way of timing traffic lights) :: vihreä aalto
Greenwich Mean Time {prop} (mean solar time) :: Greenwichin aika
green with envy {adj} (consumed by envy) :: vihreä kateudesta
green woodpecker {n} /ɡɹinˈwʊdpɛkə(ɹ)/ (Picus viridis) :: vihertikka
greet {v} /ɡɹiːt/ (to address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes) :: tervehtiä
greet {v} (to come upon, or meet, as with something that makes the heart glad) :: tervehtiä
greet {v} (to accost; to address) :: tervehtiä
greet {v} (intransitive: to meet and give salutations) :: tervehtiä
greeting {n} /ˈɡɹiːtɪŋ/ (acknowledgement of a persons presence or arrival) :: tervehdys
greeting card {n} (card sent as a greeting) :: onnittelukortti
gregarious {adj} /ɡɹɨˈɡɛɹ.i.əs/ (of a person who enjoys being in crowds) :: seurallinen
gregarious {adj} (of animals that travel in herds) :: lauma-, laumassa elävä
Gregorian {adj} (of, or relating to a person named Gregory) :: gregoriaaninen
Gregorian calendar {prop} (calendar) :: gregoriaaninen kalenteri
Gregorian chant {n} (unaccompanied monotonic singing style) :: gregoriaaninen kirkkolaulu
Gregory {prop} /ˈɡɹɛɡəɹi/ (male given name) :: Reijo
gremlin {n} /ˈɡɹɛm.lɪn/ (mythical creature) :: riiviö
Grenada {prop} /ɡɹəˈneɪdə/ (Caribbean country) :: Grenada
grenade {n} (pomegranate) SEE: pomegranate ::
grenade {n} /ɡɹəˈneɪd/ (small explosive device) :: kranaatti, heite
grenade launcher {n} (weapon that shoots grenades) :: kranaattikivääri [standalone weapon]; kranaattiampumalaite [device attached to a rifle]
Grenadian {n} (A person from Grenada) :: grenadalainen
Grenadian {adj} (pertaining to Grenada) :: grenadalainen
grenadier {n} /ɡɹɛnəˈdɪə/ (soldier) :: krenatööri
grenadier {n} (bird) :: piispa [bishop], sinipeippo [grenadier]
grenadier {n} (fish) :: lestikala
grenadine {n} /ˈɡɹɛnədiːn/ (syrup) :: grenadiini
grenadine {n} (dilute drink) :: granaattiomenamehu
grenadine {n} (fabric) :: grenadiini
Gretel {prop} (character in the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel) :: Kerttu
grevillea {n} (any of many Australian shrubs and trees of the genus Grevillea) :: grevillea
grey {adj} /ɡɹeɪ/ (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember) :: harmaa
grey {adj} (dreary, gloomy) :: ankea, harmaa, synkkä
grey {v} (to become grey) :: harmaantua, harmentua
grey {v} (to cause to become grey) :: harmaannuttaa, harmentaa
grey {n} (colour) :: harmaa
grey alder {n} (Alnus incana) :: harmaaleppä
grey area {n} (area intermediate between two fuzzily-distinguished categories) :: harmaa alue
grey-backed fiscal {n} (Lanius excubitoroides) :: parvilepinkäinen
grey crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
grey-haired {adj} (having grey hair) :: harmaatukkainen, harmaahapsinen
grey-headed chickadee {n} (Poecile cinctus) :: lapintiainen
grey-headed woodpecker {n} (Picus canus) :: harmaapäätikka
grey heron {n} /ɡɹeɪ ˈhɛɹ.ən/ (the Old World wading bird Ardea cinerea of the heron family) :: harmaahaikara
greyhound {n} /ˈɡɹeɪhaʊnd/ (lean breed of dog used in hunting and racing) :: englanninvinttikoira, greyhound
greylag {n} (large European goose) SEE: greylag goose ::
greylag goose {n} /ˌɡɹeɪlæɡ ˈɡuːs/ (Anser anser) :: merihanhi
grey matter {n} (person's ability to think) :: aivot {p}
grey matter {n} (collection of cell bodies) :: harmaa aine
greyness {n} (The state or quality of being grey) :: harmaus
grey partridge {n} (Perdix perdix) :: peltopyy
grey red-backed vole {n} (grey red-backed vole) :: harmaakuvemyyrä
grey seal {n} (Halichoerus grypus) :: harmaahylje
grey-tailed tattler {n} (Tringa brevipes) :: taigaviklo
greywacke {n} /ˈɡɹeɪwakə/ (hard dark sandstone) :: grauvakka
grey wagtail {n} (Motacilla cinerea) :: virtavästäräkki
grey wolf {n} (a large grey wolf) :: susi
Gräfenberg spot {n} (G-spot) SEE: G-spot ::
grid {n} /ɡɹɪd/ (rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size) :: ruudukko, ristikko
grid {n} (electricity delivery system) :: sähköverkko, verkko
grid {n} (in computing) :: verkko
grid {n} (method of marking off maps) :: ruudukko, koordinaatisto
grid {n} (electrode of a vacuum tube) :: hila
grid {v} (to mark with) :: ruuduttaa
grid electricity {n} (electricity from the grid) :: verkkosähkö
gridiron {n} /ˈɡɹɪdaɪən/ (rack or grate for broiling) :: ritilä
gridiron {n} (any object resembling rack or grate) :: ritilä, ristikko
gridlock {n} /ˈɡɹɪdˌlɑk/ (traffic congestion) :: liikennesuma
gridlock {n} (on a smaller scale) :: tukos
gridlock {n} (deadlock) :: suma
grid north {n} (north as shown on a particular map) :: karttapohjoinen
grid paper {n} (Sheets of paper with an outline grid of lines used for plotting graphs) :: ruutupaperi
grid plan {n} (type of city plan) :: ruutukaava
grief {n} /ɡɹiːf/ (sadness) :: suru, murhe
grievance {n} /ˈɡɹi.vəns/ (complaint) :: valitus
grievance {n} (formal complaint) :: valitus
grieve {v} /ɡɹiːv/ (to cause sorrow to) :: tehdä murheelliseksi
grieve {v} (to feel very sad about) :: murehtia, surra
griffin {n} /ɡɹɪfɪn/ (mythical beast having the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle) :: aarnikotka, griippi
griffon {n} (legendary creature) SEE: griffin ::
griffon {n} (breed of dog) :: griffoni
griffon vulture {n} /ˈɡɹɪfɒn ˈvʌlt͡ʃəɹ/ (Gyps fulvus) :: hanhikorppikotka
grift {n} (con game) SEE: con game ::
Grignard reagent {n} (alkyl or aryl magnesium halide) :: Grignardin reagenssi
grill {n} /ɡɹɪl/ (grating, grid) :: ristikko, ritilä; arina [floor of an oven]
grill {n} (vehicle front cover) :: etusäleikkö, jäähdyttimen säleikkö
grill {n} (cooking device comprising a source of radiative heat and a means of holding food under it) :: grilli
grill {n} (barbecue) :: grilli
grill {n} (food designed to be cooked on a grill) :: grillipala
grill {n} (type of jewelry (slang term)) :: grillz
grill {n} (front teeth collectively (slang term)) :: leegot {p}
grill {v} (to cook food on a grill) :: grillata
grill {v} (to cook food under a heat element) :: grillata
grill {v} (to interrogate) :: kuulustella, hiillostaa, tentata, grillata
grill {v} (to feel very hot) :: paahtua
grill {n} (grill room) SEE: grill room ::
grilled {adj} /ɡɹɪld/ :: pariloitu
grilled cheese {n} (toasted cheese sandwich) :: grillattu juustovoileipä
grill room {n} (restaurant specializing in grilled food) :: grilliravintola
grillroom {n} (grill room) SEE: grill room ::
grilse {n} /ɡɹɪls/ (salmon) :: lohi
grilt {n} (grilse) SEE: grilse ::
grim {adj} /ɡɹɪm/ (dismal and gloomy, cold and forbidding) :: synkeä
grim {adj} (rigid and unrelenting) :: synkeä
grim {adj} (ghastly or sinister) :: synkeä
grimace {n} /ˈɡɹɪm.əs/ (a distortion of the face) :: irvistys
grimace {v} (to make grimaces) :: irvistää, irvistellä, virnistellä
grime {n} /ɡɹaɪm/ (Dirt that is ingrained and difficult to remove) :: pinttynyt lika
grimly {adv} /ˈɡɹɪmli/ (in a grim manner) :: synkästi
grimoire {n} /ˈɡɹɪmwɑː/ (book of instructions in the use of alchemy or magic) :: loitsukirja, taikakirja
Grim Reaper {prop} /ˈɡɹɪm ˈɹipɚ/ (personification of Death) :: viikatemies
grimy {adj} /ˈɡɹaɪmi/ (covered with grime) :: pinttynyt
grin {n} /ɡɹɪn/ (A smile revealing the teeth) :: virnistys, virne
grin {v} (To smile showing the teeth) :: virnistää, virnistellä, virnuilla
grin and bear it {v} (endure a difficult or disagreeable situation) :: kestää hymyillen
grind {v} /ˈɡɹaɪnd/ (to reduce to smaller pieces) :: jauhaa
grind {v} (to shape with the force of friction) :: hioa
grind {v} (to remove material by rubbing with an abrasive surface) :: hioa
grind {v} (to become ground, pulverized, or polished by friction) :: jauhautua
grind {v} (to move with much difficulty or friction) :: raahautua
grind {v} (to slide a skateboard or snowboard across an obstacle) :: grindata
grind {v} (to oppress, hold down or weaken) :: sortaa
grind {v} (slang: to rotate the hips erotically) :: grindata
grind {v} (slang: to dance in a sexually suggestive way) :: grindata
grind {v} (to repeat a task in video games) :: grindata
grind {v} (to operate by turning a crank) :: veivata
grind {v} (to produce mechanically and repetitively as if by turning a crank) :: jauhaa; hinkata, grindata [slang]
grind {v} (to instill through repetitive teaching) :: jauhaa
grind {v} (slang: to eat) :: skruudata
grind {v} (to work or study hard) :: puurtaa, ahkeroida, raataa; paahtaa, grindata [chiefly of studying]
grind {n} (a specific degree of pulverization of coffee beans) :: jauhatus, karkeus
grinder {n} (sandwich) SEE: sub ::
grinder {n} /ɡɹaɪndəɹ/ (tool) :: hiomakone
grinding {n} /ˈɡɹaɪndɪŋ/ (The action of grinding or crushing into small particles) :: jauhaminen, murskaaminen
grindstone {n} (wheel for grinding) :: tahko
grind to a halt {v} (to bring to a stop or halt) :: pysähtyä
Gringolandia {prop} :: Jenkkilä
grin like a Cheshire cat {v} (to smile broadly) :: hymyillä kuin Hangon keksi (smile like a Hanko biscuit), hymyillä korvasta korvaan (smile from ear to ear)
grip {v} (to grip) SEE: grasp ::
grip {n} (grip) SEE: grasp ::
grip {n} /ɡɹɪp/ (A hold or way of holding, particularly with the hand) :: ote
grip {n} (A handle or other place to grip) :: kahva, ote [climbing]
gripe {n} /ɡɹaɪp/ (complaint; petty concern) :: narina, marina [complaint]; huoli [concern]
gripe {n} (nautical: wire rope) :: vaijeri
gripe {n} (grasp, clutch, grip) :: ote
gripe {n} (that which is grasped) :: kahva, kädensija
gripe {n} (engineering: device for grasping or holding anything) :: kahva
gripe {n} (pinching distress) :: puristus
gripe {n} (pinching and spasmodic pain in the intestines) :: pistävä mahakipu
gripe {n} (Gyps fulvus) SEE: griffin ::
gripe {n} (nautical: piece of timber that terminates the keel) SEE: forefoot ::
grippe {n} (flu) SEE: flu ::
grip wax {n} (type of ski wax) :: pitovoide
grisly {adj} /ˈɡɹɪzli/ (horrifyingly repellent; terrifying, gruesome) :: kammottava
grison {n} (weasel like mammal (Galictis)) :: grisoni
grist {n} /ɡɹɪst/ (grain that is to be ground in a mill) :: syömävilja
gristle {n} /ˈɡɹɪsəl/ (cartilage) :: rusto
grit {n} /ˈɡɹɪt/ (collection of hard materials) :: puru, pöly, kivipöly, metallipuru
grit {n} (inedible particles in food) :: puru
grit {n} (measure of coarseness) :: karkeus
grit {n} (strength of mind) :: sisukkuus, sisu
grit {v} (to clench) :: purra hammasta [figuratively]; narskuttaa [physically]
grit {v} (to cover with grit) :: peittää purulla
grit {v} (to give a grating sound) :: narskua
grit {n} (husked but unground oats) :: kauraryyni
grit one's teeth {v} (clench one's teeth together) :: kiristellä hampaitaan, kiristellä hampaita, purra hammasta
grit one's teeth {v} (face up to a difficult or disagreeable situation, and deal with it) :: purra hammasta
grits {n} /ɡɹɪts/ (hulled oats) :: ryynit
gritty {adj} /ˈɡɹɪti/ (containing sand or grit) :: hiekkainen
gritty {adj} (spirited; resolute; unyielding) :: sisukas, peräänantamaton
gritty {adj} (intense and starkly realistic, especially if violent) :: inhorealistinen
grizzle {v} /ˈɡɹɪzəl/ (to cry continuously but not very loudly - especially of a young child) :: kitistä
grizzly {n} (grizzly bear) SEE: grizzly bear ::
grizzly bear {n} (Ursus arctos horribilis) :: harmaakarhu
groan {n} /ɡɹoʊn/ (low mournful uttered sound) :: urina
groan {n} (low guttural sound uttered in frustration or disapproval) :: urina
groan {v} (to make a groan) :: urista
groaning {adj} /ˈɡɹoʊnɪŋ/ :: valittava
groaning {n} :: urina, voihkaisu, ähkinä, ähke, ähkintä, ähkyntä
groat {n} /ɡɹoʊt/ (hulled grain) :: suurimo, ryyni
grocer {n} /ˈɡɹoʊ.səɹ/ (person selling foodstuffs and household items) :: elintarvikekauppias, ruokakauppias
groceries {n} /ˈɡɹoʊsəɹiz/ (commodities sold by a grocer or in a grocery) :: päivittäistavarat {p}, elintarvikkeet {p} [foods]
groceries {n} (plural of grocery (store)) :: päivittäistavarakaupat {p}, ruokakaupat
grocer's {n} (shop selling groceries) :: ruokakauppa
grocery {n} (retail foodstuffs and other household supplies) SEE: groceries ::
grocery {n} /ˈɡɹoʊs(ə)ɹi/ (shop or store that sells groceries) :: ruokakauppa, elintarvikekauppa
grocery list {n} (list of grocery items to be bought) :: ostoslista
grocery store {n} (grocery) SEE: grocery ::
Grodno {prop} (city) :: Hrodna
grog {n} /ɡɹɒɡ/ (alcoholic beverage made with rum and water) :: grogi
grog {n} (any alcoholic beverage) :: naukku, ryyppy
grog {n} (alcoholic drink based on hot water and rum) :: toti
groggy {adj} /ˈɡɹɒ.ɡi/ (Slowed or weakened, as by drink, sleepiness, etc.) :: tokkurainen, sekava
groin {n} /ɡɹɔɪn/ (long narrow depression of the human body that separates the trunk from the legs) :: nivuset
groined vault {n} (structure created by intersection of vaults) SEE: groin vault ::
groin vault {n} (structure created by intersection of vaults) :: ristiholvi
grommet {n} /ˈɡɹɑ.mɪt/ (reinforced eyelet, or a small metal or plastic ring) :: holkki
Groningen {prop} (city) :: Groningen
Groningen {prop} (province) :: Groningen
groom {n} (bridegroom) SEE: bridegroom ::
groom {n} /ɡɹuːm/ (person who cares for horses) :: tallirenki
groom {v} (to attend to one's appearance) :: siistiytyä
groom {v} (to care for animals) :: sukia
groom {v} (to prepare a ski slope) :: tampata
groomsman {n} (attendant to a bridegroom) :: sulhaspoika
groove {n} /ɡɹuv/ (long, narrow channel) :: ura, uurre
groove {n} (fixed routine) :: ura
groove {n} (pronounced, enjoyable rhythm) :: svengi
groove {v} (to cut a furrow into a surface) :: urittaa
groove {v} (to enjoy rhythmic music) :: svengata
groove fricative {n} (phonetics: hissing sound) SEE: sibilant ::
groovy {adj} /ˈɡɹuvi/ (cool, neat, interesting) :: jännä, mielenkiintoinen
grope {v} /ɡɹoʊp/ (obsolete: to feel with or use the hands) :: tunnustella, käsitellä
grope {v} (to search by feeling) :: tunnustella, kopeloida
grope {v} (to touch closely and sexually) :: hyväillä, kosketella; kopeloida, kouria, puristella, kähmiä, hipelöidä
gross {adj} /ɡɹoʊs/ (serious, flagrant, shameful) :: vakava, törkeä
gross {adj} (whole amount, total) :: brutto-, kokonais-, nimellis-
gross {adj} (disgusting) :: inhottava, iljettävä, ällöttävä, vastenmielinen
gross {adj} (coarse, rude, obscene) :: karkea, rahvaanomainen
gross {adj} (bulky, fat) :: valtava, suunnaton, lihava
gross {adj} (dull) :: tympeä, inha
gross {n} (twelve dozen) :: krossi
gross {n} (total earnings or amount) :: bruttotulo, bruttoansio, bruttomyynti, bruttomäärä
gross {n} (bulk) :: suurin osa, enemmistö
gross domestic product {n} (economic production of a particular territory) :: bruttokansantuote (abbreviation BKT)
gross income {n} (income prior to expenses) :: bruttotulo
gross income {n} (income that is subjected to taxation) :: bruttotulo
grossly {adv} /ˈɡɹoʊsli/ (in a gross manner) :: karkeasti, törkeästi, härskisti
gross national product {n} (economics) :: bruttokansantuote
gross negligence {n} (negligence of total disregard for rights of others) :: törkeä huolimattomuus
gross pay {n} (amount of pay before any deductions) :: bruttopalkka
gross pay {n} (payment for the entire year's income) :: vuosipalkka
gross profit {n} (the difference between net sales and the cost of goods sold) :: myyntikate
gross register ton {n} (measure) :: bruttorekisteritonni
gross sales {n} (total sales before deducting discounts etc.) :: bruttomyynti
grossular {n} (a type of garnet) :: grossulaari
gross weight {n} (total weight of vehicle) :: kokonaispaino
gross weight {n} (total weight of product and its package) :: bruttopaino
grotesque {adj} /ɡɹoʊˈtɛsk/ (distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous) :: groteski, irvokas
grotesquely {adv} (in a grotesque manner) :: groteskisti, irvokkaasti
grotesqueness {n} (being grotesque) :: groteskius, irvokkuus
grotto {n} /ˈɡɹɑ.toʊ/ (small cave) :: luola
grotto {n} (artificial cavern-like retreat) :: luola
grouch {n} /ɡɹaʊtʃ/ (one who is grumpy or irritable) :: yrmy
grouchy {adj} /ˈɡɹaʊtʃi/ (irritable; easily upset; angry; tending to complain) :: ärtyisä
ground {n} /ɡɹaʊnd/ (surface of the Earth) :: maanpinta, maa
ground {n} (soil, earth) :: maaperä, maa
ground {n} (bottom of a body of water) :: pohja; kari [as navigational hazard]
ground {n} (basis, foundation, groundwork) :: peruste, syy, perusta
ground {n} (background, context, framework, surroundings) :: puitteet {p}, kehys {s}, runko {s}, ympäristö
ground {n} (football field) :: kenttä
ground {n} (electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential) :: maajohdin, maa
ground {n} (electrical point of zero potential) :: maa
ground {v} (to connect an electrical conductor) :: maattaa, maadoittaa
ground {v} (to require a child to remain at home) :: pistää kotiarestiin, pistää arestiin
ground {v} (to forbid an aircraft or pilot to fly) :: määrätä lentokieltoon
ground {v} (to gain a basic education of a particular subject) :: oppia perusteet
ground {adj} (crushed, or reduced to small particles.) :: jauhettu
ground {n} (terrain) SEE: terrain ::
ground {v} (to run aground) SEE: run aground ::
groundbait {n} :: mäski
ground beef {n} (meat) :: naudan jauheliha
ground beetle {n} (any carabid beetle) :: maakiitäjäinen
groundbreaking {adj} /ˈɡɹaʊndbɹeɪkɪŋ/ (innovative) :: uraauurtava
groundbreaking {n} (a ceremony to mark the beginning of construction) :: peruskiven muuraus
ground clearance {n} (distance) :: maavara
ground cover {n} (something that overlays land) :: maanpeitekasvi, maanpeittokasvi, nurmenvastike
grounded {adj} /ˈɡɹaʊndɪd/ (of a conductor connected to earth) :: maadoitettu
grounded {adj} (not allowed to fly) :: lentokiellossa
grounded {adj} (confined to one's room for some misdemeanor) :: kotiarestissa
ground effect {n} (aerodynamic effect) :: maavaikutus
ground-effect machine {n} (hovercraft) SEE: hovercraft ::
ground-effect vehicle {n} (aircraft) :: maavaikutusalus
ground elder {n} (Aegopodium podagraria) :: vuohenputki
ground floor {n} (floor of a building closest to ground level) :: pohjakerros, ensimmäinen kerros, katutaso
ground forces {n} (all military units operating on the ground) :: maavoimat {p}
ground frost {n} (condition) :: halla
ground frost {n} (ice on grass etc.) :: kuura
ground frost {n} (frozen upper level of soil) :: routa
groundhog {n} (woodchuck) SEE: woodchuck ::
grounding {n} /ˈɡɹaʊndɪŋ/ (fundamental knowledge or background in a field or discipline) :: perustiedot {p}, perusteet {p}
grounding {n} (return to a fully conscious state after a psychedelic experience) :: herääminen
grounding {n} (collision of a ship with ground beneath the surface of the water) :: karilleajo
grounding {n} (prevention of aircraft takeoff because of government action) :: lentokielto
grounding {n} (electrical engineering: interconnection of metal chassis of a device to earth) :: maadoitus
grounding {n} (background of embroidery, etc.) :: nurja puoli
ground ivy {n} (Glechoma hederacea) :: maahumala
groundless {adj} (baseless) :: perusteeton, katteeton, perätön
ground meat {n} (ground meat) :: jauheliha
ground out {v} (to provide grounding) :: maadoittaa
ground pangolin {n} (species of pangolin) :: temminckinmuurahaiskäpy, kapinmuurahaiskäpy, aromuurahaiskäpy
groundpecker {n} (bird) :: maatiainen
ground pine {n} (Ajuga, Ajuga chamaepitys) SEE: bugle ::
ground pine {n} (Lycopodium complanatum) :: keltalieko
ground power {n} (ground forces) SEE: ground forces ::
ground power {n} (electric power supplied to an aircraft) :: maavoima, maasähkö
ground power {n} (electric power supplied to a ship) :: maavoima, maasähkö
ground rule {n} (the basic rules or standards; whatever someone must know before proceeding) :: perussääntö
grounds {n} /ɡɹaʊndz/ (area of land) :: tilus
groundsel {n} /ˈɡɹaʊnd.səl/ (Senecio) :: villakko
ground shark {n} (member of Carcharhiniformes) :: luomihaikala
ground shark {n} (Greenland shark) SEE: Greenland shark ::
groundskeeper {n} (someone who handles upkeep of grounds) :: puutarhanhoitaja, puutarhuri
ground swell {n} (waves generated by far away winds) :: perusmaininki; groundswell (surfers' slang)
ground truth {n} (information acquired by direct observation) :: havainnot {p}
ground water {n} (underground water) SEE: groundwater ::
groundwater {n} (Water existing beneath the earth's surface in underground streams and aquifers) :: pohjavesi
groundwork {n} (foundation) :: perustus, perusta
ground zero {n} (location on the surface marking the detonation of a bomb) :: nollapiste
group {n} /ɡɹuːp/ (number of things or persons being in some relation to each other) :: joukko, ryhmä
group {n} (in group theory) :: ryhmä
group {n} (people who perform music together) :: yhtye
group {n} (small number of galaxies) :: ryhmä
group {n} (column in the periodic table) :: ryhmä
group {n} (subset of a culture or of a society) :: ryhmä
group {n} (air force formation) :: ryhmä
group {n} (in Unix) :: ryhmä
group {n} (A set of teams playing against each other in a division, while at the same not playing against other sets of teams of the same division.) :: lohko
group {v} (put together to form a group) :: ryhmitellä, luokitella, ryhmittää
group {v} (come together to form a group) :: ryhmittyä
group {n} (functional entity consisting of certain atoms whose presence provides a certain property to a molecule) SEE: functional group ::
group action {n} (a mapping of a mathematical group) :: ryhän toiminta
group buying {n} (purchasing products and services at reduced prices) :: ryhmäostaminen
grouper {n} /ˈɡɹuːpə(ɹ)/ (fish) :: meriahven
groupie {n} /ˈɡɹuːpi/ (type of fan) :: bändäri
group marriage {n} (type of marriage) :: ryhmäavioliitto
group sex {n} (sexual practice) :: ryhmäseksi
group theory {n} (mathematical theory of groups) :: ryhmäteoria
group therapy {n} /ˌɡɹupˈθɛɹəpi/ (a form of psychotherapy where patients are treated as a group) :: ryhmäterapia
groupthink {n} /ˈɡɹuːpθɪŋk/ (tendency of a group to conform to the majority view) :: laumasieluisuus
groupwork {n} (work done in groups) :: ryhmätyö
grouse {n} /ɡɹaʊs/ (any of various game birds of the subfamily Tetraoninae) :: metsäkana
grout {n} /ɡɹaʊt/ (mortar used between tiles) :: saumalaasti
grove {n} /ɡɹoʊv/ (small forest) :: metsikkö
grove {n} (orchard) SEE: orchard ::
grovel {v} (to be prone on the ground) :: olla rähmällään
grovel {v} (to crawl) :: ryömiä, madella, kontata
grovel {v} (to abase oneself) :: nöyristellä, madella, olla rähmällään
grovel {v} (to be slavishly nice in the hope of securing something) :: mielistellä
grovel {v} (to take pleasure in mundane things) :: rypeä
grow {v} /ɡɹoʊ/ ((intransitive) to become bigger) :: kasvaa
grow {v} ((intransitive) to appear or sprout) :: kasvaa
grow {v} ((transitive) to cause something to become bigger) :: kasvattaa
grow apart {v} (gradually become estranged) :: kasvaa erilleen
grower {n} /ˈɡɹoʊɚ/ (A farmer who grows things) :: kasvattaja
grow house {n} (house for farming of marijuana) :: kasvatustalo
growing {n} /ˈɡɹoʊɪŋ/ (growth; increase) :: kasvu
growing {n} (connected with growing) :: kasvu-, kasvava
growing {adj} (that grows) :: kasvava, vahvistuva
growing pains {n} (generalized pains) :: kasvukipu
growing season {n} (time of year when plants grow) :: kasvukausi
growl {n} /ɡɹaʊl/ (deep, rumbling, threatening sound) :: murina , mörinä
growl {n} (sound made by the stomach when hungry) :: kurina
growl {v} (to utter a deep guttural sound) :: murista
growl {v} (to express (something) by growling) :: murista
grown-up {n} (adult) SEE: adult ::
grown-up {adj} (adult, fully grown) :: aikuinen
growth {n} /ɡɹoʊθ/ (increase in size) :: kasvu
growth {n} (act of growing) :: kasvu
growth {n} (something that grows or has grown) :: kasvu
growth {n} (pathology: abnormal mass such as a tumor) :: kasvain, kasvannainen, pesäke
growth hormone {n} (hormone) :: kasvuhormoni
growth hormone {n} (synthetic substance) :: synteettinen kasvuhormoni
growth medium {n} (culture medium) SEE: culture medium ::
growth ring {n} (tree ring) SEE: tree ring ::
growth spurt {n} (sudden growth in one's body) :: kasvupyrähdys
grow up {v} (to mature and become an adult) :: kasvaa aikuiseksi
grow up {v} (to flourish) :: kehittyä
grow up {v} (idiomatic: to stop acting as a child) :: kasvaa aikuiseksi, aikuistua
groyne {n} /ɡɹɔɪn/ (structure to prevent erosion) :: aallonmurtaja
Grozny {prop} (city in Russia) :: Groznyi
grub {n} /ɡɹʌb/ (immature insect) :: toukka
grub {n} (slang: food) :: sapuska, safka, sörsseli
grubby {adj} /ɡɹʌbi/ (dirty) :: likainen
grudge {n} /ɡɹʌdʒ/ (deep seated animosity) :: kauna, närä
grudging {adj} /ˈɡɹʌ.dʒiŋ/ (unwilling or with reluctance) :: vastahakoinen
grudgingly {adv} (in a manner expressing resentment or lack of desire) :: vastahakoisesti
grue {v} (shudder) SEE: shudder ::
grue {n} (shudder) SEE: shudder ::
gruel {n} /ɡɹuː(ə)l/ (thin watery porridge) :: velli
gruelling {adj} /ˈɡɹu.lɪŋ/ (so difficult or taxing as to make one exhausted) :: uuvuttava
gruesome {adj} (repellently frightful and shocking; horrific or ghastly) :: kaamea, kauhea
grumble {n} /ˈɡɹʌmbl̩/ (a low thundering, rumbling or growling sound) :: karjunta, ärjyntä, mylvintä
grumble {n} (the sound made by a hungry stomach) :: kurninta, kurnaus
grumble {v} (to make a low growling or rumbling animal noise) :: karjua, ärjyä, mylviä
grumble {v} (to make a low growling or rumbling stomach noise) :: kurnia, kurnata
grumble {v} (to murmur or mutter with discontent) :: purnata, valittaa
grumbler {n} (a person who persistently grumbles) :: valittaja
grumbling {n} (complaining) :: nurina
grumbling {n} (rumbling) :: nurina
grumpy {adj} /ˈɡɹʌmpi/ (unhappy and/or irritable) :: äreä, hapan, ärtyisä, yrmeä
grunge {n} /ɡɹʌndʒ/ (dirt, filth) :: lika
grunge {n} (subgenre of alternative music) :: grunge
grunt {n} /ɡɹʌnt/ (short, snorting sound) :: murahdus
grunt {n} (cry of a pig) :: röhkäisy
grunt {n} (fish of the family Haemulidae) :: murisija
grunt {n} ((United States Army and Marine Corps slang) an infantry soldier) :: nurmipora
grunt {v} (of a person: to make a grunt or grunts) :: murahtaa [single grunt], murista [multiple grunts]
grunt {v} (of a pig: to make a grunt or grunts) :: röhkäistä [single grunt], röhkiä [multiple grunts]
gruntle {v} (grunt) SEE: grunt ::
grunt work {n} /ɡɹʌ̃nʔwɝk/ (unrewarding work) :: hanttihomma
Grus {prop} (spring constellation of the southern sky) :: Kurki
gruyere {n} /ˈɡruːjɛː/ (type of cheese) :: gruyère, gruyèrejuusto
Gruyère {n} (cheese) SEE: gruyere ::
Grévy's zebra {n} (Equus grevyi) :: grevynseepra
G-sharp minor {n} (minor key) :: gis-molli
G-spot {n} /ˈdʒiː.spɒt/ (sensitive, erogenous zone on the anterior wall of the vagina) :: g-piste
GST {n} (Goods and Services Tax) :: ALV
G-string {n} (a scanty piece of underwear or lingerie) :: stringit {p}, tanga
guacamole {n} /ˌɡwɑkəˈmoʊli/ (avocado-based greenish dip) :: guacamole
Guadalajara {prop} /ˌɡwɑdələˈhɑɹə/ (city in Spain) :: Guadalajara
Guadalajara {prop} (city in Jalisco, Mexico) :: Guadalajara
Guadalcanal {prop} /ˌɡwɑːdəlkəˈnɑːl/ (Pacific island) :: Guadalcanal
Guadalquivir {prop} /ˌɡwɑdəlkiˈvɪɹ/ (river in southern Spain) :: Guadalquivir
Guadalupian {adj} (of epoch from about 270 to 260 million years ago) :: keskipermikautinen
Guadalupian {prop} (Guadalupian epoch) :: keskipermikausi, Guadalupe-epookki
Guadeloupe {prop} /ɡwɑː.də.ˈluːp/ (overseas department of France) :: Guadeloupe
Guadeloupean {n} (person from Guadeloupe) :: guadeloupelainen
Guadeloupean {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Guadeloupe) :: guadeloupelainen
Guadiana {prop} /ˌɡwɑdiˈɑnə/ (river in Spain and Portugal) :: Guadiana
guaiacum {n} /ˈɡwaɪəkəm/ (tree) :: guajakkipuu
guaiacum {n} (wood) :: guajakkipuu
Guam {prop} /ɡwɑm/ (Territory of Guam) :: Guam
Guamanian {n} (person from Guam) :: guamilainen
Guamanian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Guam) :: guamilainen
guan {n} /ɡwɑn/ (several birds within the family Cracidae) :: saku
guanaco {n} /ɡwəˈnɑːkəʊ/ (Lama guanicoe) :: guanako
Guangzhou {prop} /ˈɡwɑŋˈdʒoʊ/ (Chinese city) :: Kanton, Guangzhou
guanine {n} /ˈɡwɑː.niːn/ (substance obtained from guano) :: guaniini
guano {n} /ˈɡwɑːnəʊ/ (dung from a sea bird or from a bat) :: guano
guanosine {n} (nucleoside) :: guanosiini
guanxi {n} /ˈkwanʃi/ (connections; relationships; one's social or business network (China)) :: suhteet {p}, verkosto; guanxi
Guanyin {prop} (the bodhisattva of compassion) :: Kuan Yin
Guaraní {prop} /ˌɡwɑːɹəˈniː/ (South-American language) :: guarani
guarana {n} /ɡwəˈɹɑːnə/ (tree) :: guarana
guarana {n} (fruit) :: guarana
guarana {n} (paste) :: guaranamassa
guaranine {n} /ˈɡwɑːɹəniːn/ (caffeine extracted from guarana) :: guaraniini
guarantee {n} /ˌɡɛəɹənˈtiː/ (anything that assures a certain outcome) :: takuu, lupaus
guarantee {n} (written declaration) :: takuu
guarantee {n} (person who gives such a guarantee) :: takuunantaja, takaaja
guarantee {v} (to give an assurance that something will be done right) :: taata, luvata
guarantee {v} (to assume responsibility for a debt) :: taata
guarantee {v} (to make something certain) :: taata, varmistaa
guaranteed {adj} (made certain; promised) :: taattu
guarantor {n} /ˈɡæɹəntə(ɹ)/ (person or company that provides a guarantee) :: takaaja
guaranty {n} /ˈɡæɹənti/ (undertaking to answer for payment, performance of contract, etc.) :: takaus
guaranty {n} (something serving as a security for such an undertaking) :: vakuus
guaranty {n} (assurance or guarantee) :: vakuutus, tae
guard {n} /ɡɑːd/ (person who or thing that protects something) :: vartija (person), suojus (thing)
guard {n} (part of machine blocking dangerous parts) :: suojus
guard {n} (player in sports in general) :: puolustaja
guard {v} (to protect from some offence) :: vartioida, suojata, turvata, puolustaa
guard {v} (to keep watch over) :: vartioida, vahtia
guard {v} (to watch by way of caution or defense) :: varoa, olla varuillaan
guard {v} (to protect the edge of) :: reunustaa
guard {v} (to fasten by binding; to gird) :: sitoa
guardant {adj} (heraldry: with head toward viewer) :: kohtikatsova
guard dog {n} (dog used to protect a property or its owner) :: vahtikoira
guardian {n} /ˈɡɑɹdi.ən/ (guard or watcher) :: vartija, vahti, suojelija, edunvalvoja
guardian {n} (law: person legally responsible for a minor in loco parentis) :: huoltaja, edunvalvoja
guardian {n} (law: person responsible for incompetent person) :: edunvalvoja
guardian {n} (superior in a Franciscan monastery) :: apotti
guardian {n} (final video game enemy) :: päävihollinen
guardian angel {n} (spirit) :: suojelusenkeli
guardian angel {n} (person) :: suojelija
guardianship {n} (position) :: huoltajuus
guardrail {n} (rail set alongside a dangerous place) :: suojakaide, turvakaide
guardsman {n} (a soldier on guard) :: kaartilainen
guardsman {n} (a member of the National Guard) :: kaartilainen
guardsman {n} (a member of a Guards regiment) :: kaartilainen
guar gum {n} (heteropolysaccharide gum) :: guarkumi
gua sha {n} (treatment) :: gua sha -hieronta
Guatemala {prop} /ˌɡwɑː.təˈmɑː.lə/ (country in Central America) :: Guatemala
Guatemala City {prop} (capital of Guatemala) :: Guatemala
Guatemalan {n} (person) :: guatemalalainen
Guatemalan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Guatemala or its people) :: guatemalalainen
guava {n} /ˈɡwɑvə/ (tree or shrub) :: guava
guava {n} (fruit) :: guava
gubernatorial {adj} /ˌɡu.bɚ.neˈtɔɹ.i.əl/ (of or pertaining to a governor) :: kuvernöörin [genitive of noun]
guberniya {n} (an administrative subdivision in the Russian empire) :: kuvernementti
gudgeon {n} /ˈɡʌdʒən/ (Fish, Gobio gobio) :: törö
gudgeon {n} (fish of the family Eleotridae) :: torkkuja
gudgeon {n} (idiot) :: törttö
guelder rose {n} (guelder rose, snowball tree) :: koiranheisi
Guelph {n} /ɡwɛlf/ (member of a medieval Italian faction that supported the Pope) :: guelfi
guenon {n} /ɡəˈnoʊn/ (monkey of the genus Cercopithecus) :: marakatti
Guernsey {prop} /ˈɡɝnzi/ (island) :: Guernsey
Guernseyman {n} (someone from Guernsey) :: guernseyläinen
guerrilla {n} /ɡəˈɹɪlə/ (irregular soldier) :: sissi, partisaani
guerrilla {n} (guerrilla war) :: sissisota
guerrilla warfare {n} (fighting using groups of irregular troops) :: sissisota, sissisodankäynti
guess {v} /ɡɛs/ (to reach an unqualified conclusion) :: arvata, veikata
guess {v} (to solve by a correct conjecture) :: ratkaista
guess {v} (to suppose) :: luulla
guess {v} (to think, conclude, or decide without a connotation of uncertainty) :: luulla
guess {v} (to hit upon or reproduce by memory) :: muistaa
guess {n} (prediction about the outcome of something) :: arvaus,veikkaus
guessing game {n} (game the object of which is for a player or players to guess a word, etc) :: arvausleikki
guesstimate {n} /ˈɡɛstəmət/ (estimate based on insufficient or unreliable data) :: arvaus, karkea arvaus
guess what {phrase} (used to dramatize the unsurprising) :: arvaa mitä
guesswork {n} (estimate, judgment or opinion) :: arvailu
guest {v} (to receive or entertain hospitably as a guest) SEE: host ::
guest {n} /ɡɛst/ (recipient of hospitality) :: vieras
guest {n} (patron, customer) :: asiakas, vieras
guest {n} (invited performer) :: vieras
guest {v} (to appear as a guest) :: esiintyä vieraana
guest book {n} (ledger for visitors to leave comments about an establishment) :: vieraskirja
guest book {n} (website feature functioning like a physical guest book) :: vieraskirja
guesthouse {n} (small house for visitors) :: vierasmaja, vierastalo
guesthouse {n} (boarding house) SEE: boarding house ::
guest room {n} (room in a home or hotel set aside for the use of visiting guests) :: vierashuone
guest worker {n} (guest worker) :: vierastyöläinen
guffaw {n} /ɡəˈfɔ/ (a boisterous laugh) :: hohotus, röhönauru, hörönauru
guffaw {v} (To laugh boisterously) :: hohottaa, hekottaa
Guianan slaty antshrike {n} (bird) :: liuskepuumuura
guidance {n} /ˈɡaɪdəns/ (the act or process of guiding) :: ohjaus
guide {n} /ɡaɪd/ (someone who guides) :: opas
guide {n} (document, book) :: opas, opaskirja
guide {n} (sign) :: opaste
guide {n} (any marking or object that provides quick reference) :: merkki, merkintä
guide {n} (device) :: johdatin, johde
guide {v} (to serve as a guide person) :: opastaa
guide {v} (to steer or navigate a ship) :: ohjata, kuljettaa, navigoida
guide {v} (to exert control or influence) :: hoitaa
guide {v} (to supervise education) :: opastaa, ohjata
guide book {n} (book that provides guidance) :: opaskirja, opas
guided {adj} /ˈɡaɪdɪd/ (subject to guidance) :: opastettu, ohjattu
guided missile {n} (unmanned, self-propelled vehicle that travels through the air) :: ohjus
guide dog {n} (dog that is trained to be of assistance to a blind person) :: opaskoira
guided tour {n} :: opastettu kierros
guideline {n} (non-specific rule or principle) :: ohjenuora, ohje, suositus, suuntaviiva
guideline {n} (plan or explanation) :: ohjenuora, ohje, suositus, suuntaviiva
guideline {n} (light line to help align the text) :: apuviiva
guidepost {n} ( a signpost) :: opaste
guideword {n} (watchword) :: ohje
guideword {n} (word to help reader in finding specific entry) :: otsikkohakusana
guideword {n} (metadata provider) :: hakusana
guiding light {n} (person who has a profound influence on others) :: esikuva
guiding light {n} (that which provides guidance in times of uncertainty) :: johtotähti
guido {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
guild {n} /ɡɪld/ (association of tradespeople) :: kilta
guile {n} /ɡaɪl/ (astuteness, cunning) :: juonikkuus, kavaluus, oveluus
guile {v} (to deceive, to beguile) :: juonia, juonitella, viekastella
guileful {adj} (full of guile) :: kavala
Guillain-Barré syndrome {n} /ɡiːˈæn bəˈɹeɪ ˈsɪndɹoʊm/ (rapid-onset muscle weakness resulting from impaired peripheral nervous system function) :: Guillain-Barrén oireyhtymä, polyradikuliitti
guillemet {n} /ˈɡɪl.ə.ˌmɛt/ (either of the punctuation marks « or ») :: kulmalainausmerkki
guillemot {n} /ˈɡɪlɪmɒt/ (seabird) :: kiisla (Uria), riskilä (Cepphus)
guillotine {n} /ˈɡɪl.ə.tiːn/ (machine used for capital punishment) :: giljotiini
guillotine {n} (device that cuts paper) :: paperileikkuri, giljotiini
guillotine {v} (execute by use of a guillotine) :: teloittaa giljotiinilla
guilt {n} /ɡɪlt/ (responsibility for wrongdoing) :: syyllisyys
guilt {n} (legal) :: syyllisyys
guilt {n} (the regret of having done wrong) :: syyllisyydentunne, syyllisyys
guilty {adj} /ˈɡɪl.ti/ (responsible for a dishonest act) :: syyllinen
guilty {adj} (judged to have committed a crime) :: syyllinen
guilty {adj} (having a sense of guilt) :: syyllinen
guilty {adj} (blameworthy) :: likainen, ruma
guilty pleasure {n} (something that brings pleasure but is considered taboo) :: salainen pahe
guinea {n} /ˈɡɪni/ (coin worth 21 shillings) :: guinea
guinea {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
Guinea {prop} /ˈɡɪniː/ (short form of the Republic of Guinea) :: Guinea
Guinea-Bissau {prop} (Republic of Guinea-Bissau) :: Guinea-Bissau
guinea fowl {n} /ˈɡɪni ˌfaʊl/ (bird) :: helmikana
Guinean {adj} (from Guinea) :: guinealainen
Guinean {adj} (from Guinea-Bissau) :: guineabissaulainen
Guinean {n} (someone from Guinea or of Guinean descent) :: guinealainen
guinea pig {n} /ˈɡɪni pɪɡ/ (rodent) :: marsu
guinea pig {n} (experimental subject) :: koekaniini
Guinevere {prop} /ˈɡwɪ.nɪ.vɪə/ (wife of King Arthur) :: Guinevere
guitar {n} /ɡɪˈtɑɹ/ (musical instrument) :: kitara
guitarist {n} (person playing or performing on the guitar) :: kitaristi, kitaransoittaja
Gujarat {prop} /ˌɡʊdʒəˈɹɑːt/ (state in India) :: Gujarat
Gujarati {n} /ˌɡʊdʒəˈrɑːti/ (language) :: gudžarati
gulag {v} /ˈɡu.lɑɡ/ (Soviet labour camp) :: vankileiri
gulch {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton ::
gulch {n} (act of gulping) SEE: gulp ::
gulch {n} /ɡʌltʃ/ (a narrow v-shaped valley) :: kuru
gules {n} /ˈɡjulz/ (blazoning term for red) :: punainen
gules {adj} (heraldry, of the colour red) :: punainen
gulf {n} /ɡʌlf/ (geography) :: lahti
Gulf Arabic {prop} (variety of the Arabic language) :: persianlahdenarabia
Gulf of Bothnia {prop} (arm of the Baltic) :: Pohjanlahti
Gulf of California {prop} (body of water) :: Kalifornianlahti
Gulf of Finland {prop} (arm of the Baltic Sea) :: Suomenlahti
Gulf of Guinea {prop} (part of the Atlantic Ocean) :: Guineanlahti
Gulf of Mexico {prop} (gulf between USA and Mexico) :: Meksikonlahti
Gulf of Naples {prop} (Mediterranean gulf along the coast of Campania) :: Napolinlahti
Gulf of Riga {prop} (inland body of water that is part of the Baltic Sea in eastern Europe and is near Latvia and Estonia) :: Riianlahti
Gulf Stream {prop} (warm ocean current) :: Golfvirta
gull {n} /ˈɡʌl/ (seabird) :: lokki
gull-billed tern {n} (Gelochelidon nilotica) :: hietatiira
gullet {n} /ˈɡʌl.ɪt/ (the throat or esophagus) :: kurkku, nielu, ruokatorvi
gullet {n} (cytopharynx) SEE: cytopharynx ::
gullibility {n} (quality of being easily deceived) :: herkkäuskoisuus
gullible {adj} /ˈɡʌlɪbl̩/ (easily deceived or duped, naive) :: herkkäuskoinen, sinisilmäinen, hyväuskoinen
gullwing {n} (sail position) SEE: goose wing ::
gullwing {adj} (resembling gull's wings) :: lokinsiipi-
gullwing {n} (door) :: lokinsiipiovi
gulose {n} (3-epimer of galactose) :: guloosi
gulp {n} /ɡʌlp/ (usual amount swallowed) :: nielaus; kulaus, huikka [of a drink]
gulp {n} (sound of swallowing) :: nielaus
gulp {n} (sound of swallowing indicating fear) :: nielaus
gulp {v} (to swallow eagerly, or in large draughts) :: kulautella [in large draughts], kulauttaa [with one gulp], nielaista [figuratively]
gulp {v} (to react nervously) :: nielaista
gulper eel {n} (fish) :: ahmattiankerias
gum {n} (chewing gum) SEE: chewing gum ::
gum {n} /ɡʌm/ (flesh around teeth) :: ikenet {p}
gum arabic {n} (substance from acacia trees) :: arabikumi
gumboot {n} (gumboot) :: kumisaapas
gummite {n} (mineral) :: gummiitti
gummy bear {n} (candy) :: nallekarkki
Gummy Bears {prop} (candy) :: nallekarkki
gumshoe {n} /ˈɡʌm.ʃuː/ (sneaker or rubber overshoe) :: kumitossu (sneaker), kalossi (rubber overshoe)
gumshoe {n} (slang: a detective) :: kyttä, dekkari
gun {n} /ɡʌn/ (a very portable, short weapon, for hand use) :: pyssy, pistooli
gun {n} (a less portable, long weapon) :: kivääri
gun {n} ((military) A cannon with relatively long barrel, operating with relatively low angle of fire, and having a high muzzle velocity) :: tykki
gun {n} ((military) a cannon with tube length 30 calibers or more) :: tykki, haupitsi
gun {v} (shoot someone or something) :: ampua
gun {v} (speed something up) :: kiihdyttää
gunboat {n} (small armed vessel) :: tykkivene
gunboat diplomacy {n} (the pursuit of foreign policy objectives by display of military power) :: tykkivenediplomatia
gun carriage {n} (metal frame on which a piece of ordnance is mounted for firing or transportation) :: lavetti
gun control {n} (law or policy restricting or limiting the possession of firearms by private citizens) :: asevalvonta
gun cotton {n} (nitrocellulose) SEE: nitrocellulose ::
gun deck {n} (deck on which the guns are placed) :: tykkikansi
gundi {n} (rodent of the family Ctenodactylidae) :: gundi
gun dog {n} (dog used by hunter) :: lintukoira (birds), metsästyskoira (game)
gunk {n} /ɡʌŋk/ (dirt or grime; any vague or unknown substance) :: töhnä
gunman {n} (criminal armed with a gun) :: pyssymies, asemies
gunmetal {n} /ˈɡʌnmɛt(ə)l/ (alloy of copper, tin and zinc) :: asemetalli, punametalli
gunnel {n} (gunwale) SEE: gunwale ::
gunnery {n} (science) :: ampumaoppi
gunnery {n} (design and manufacture of guns) :: asesuunnittelu [design]
gunnery {n} (firing of guns) :: ammunta
gunny sack {n} (sack made from burlap) :: säkki
gunport {n} (a hatch in the hull of a ship through which a cannon is fired) :: tykkiportti
gunpowder {n} /ˈɡʌnˌpaʊdəɹ/ (explosive mixture) :: ruuti
Gunpowder Plot {prop} (failed plot to kill the king of England) :: ruutisalaliitto
gunship {n} /ˈɡʌnʃɪp/ (armed helicopter) :: taisteluhelikopteri
gunshot {n} (act of discharging a firearm) :: laukaus
gunshot {n} (the sound made) :: laukaus
gunsmith {n} (person skilled in the repair and servicing of firearms) :: aseseppä
gunstick {n} (stick to ram down the charge) SEE: ramrod ::
gunstock {n} (The rear part of a rifle or shotgun which is pressed into the shoulder) SEE: stock ::
gunwale {n} /ˈɡʌnəl/ (top edge of the side of a boat) :: reelinki, parras
gun worm {n} (corkscre-like device to remove charges) SEE: wad hook ::
guoxue {n} (sinology; Chinese studies) SEE: Chinese studies ::
Guoyu {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin ::
guppy {n} /ˈɡʌpi/ (Poecilia reticulata) :: miljoonakala
guppy {n} (any tiny fish) :: pikkukala
gurbir {n} (Potentilla indica) SEE: mock strawberry ::
gurgle {v} /ˈɡɝ.ɡəl/ (to flow with a bubbling sound) :: kurluttaa
gurgle {v} (to make such a sound) :: kurluttaa
gurgle {n} (gurgling sound) :: kurlutus
Gurkha {n} (member of ethnic group) :: gurkha
Gurkha {n} (military) :: gurkha, gurkha-sotilas
Gurmukhi {prop} (abugida script for writing Punjabi) :: gurmukhi
gurn {n} (distorted facial expression) :: irvistys
gurney {n} (a stretcher having wheeled legs) :: pyörälliset paarit
gurrier {n} (street urchin) SEE: street urchin ::
guru {n} /ˈɡʊɹ(ˌ)u/ (spiritual teacher) :: guru
guru {n} (advisor or mentor) :: guru
gush {n} /ˈɡʌʃ/ (sudden rapid outflow) :: purskahdus, ryöpsähdys
gush {v} (to flow forth suddenly) :: purskahtaa, pursuta, hulahtaa, ryöpsähtää
gush {v} (to make an excessive display of enthusiasm) :: puuskahtaa
gusli {n} (an ancient Russian musical instrument) :: gusli
gusset {n} /ˈɡʌsɪt/ (small piece of cloth inserted in a garment) :: kiila
gusset {n} (machinery: a kind of bracket, or angular piece of iron) :: kiilalevy, kiila
gussy up {v} :: pynttääntyä
gust {n} /ɡʌst/ (strong, abrupt rush of wind) :: puuska
gust {n} (any rush or outburst) :: ryöppy
gust {v} (to blow in gusts) :: tuulla puuskittaisesti
gustatory {adj} (relating to taste) :: maku-, makuaisti-
Gustav {prop} (given name) :: Kustaa
Gustave {prop} (Gustav) SEE: Gustav ::
Gustavus {prop} (male given name) SEE: Gustav ::
gusto {n} /ˈɡʌstoʊ/ (enthusiasm) :: into
gusty {adj} /ˈɡʌs.ti/ (of wind: blowing in gusts) :: puuskainen
gut {v} /ɡʌt/ (To eviscerate) :: ottaa (+ elative) sisälmykset (pois); (~ a fish) perata
gut {n} (intestine) SEE: intestine ::
Gutenbergian {adj} (of or pertaining to Gutenberg) :: gutenbergiläinen
gut feeling {n} (an instinct or intuition) :: näppituntuma, tunne, aavistus, mututuntuma
gut reaction {n} (instantaneous reaction) :: selkäydinreaktio
guts {n} /ɡʌts/ (entrails) :: sisäelimet, sisälmykset
guts {n} ((slang) courage) :: pokka, kantti
guts {n} ((slang) content; substance) :: sisältö, substanssi
gutsy {adj} /ˈɡʌt.si/ (marked by courage) :: sisukas, topakka
gutta-percha {n} /ɡʌɾəˈpɹ̩tʃə/ (a latex) :: guttaperkka
guttate {adj} (shaped like a drop) :: pisaranmuotoinen
guttate {adj} (spotted) :: laikullinen
gutter {v} (to cut or form into small longitudinal hollows) SEE: channel ::
gutter {n} /ˈɡʌt.ɚ/ (prepared channel in a surface) :: kouru
gutter {n} (ditch along the side of road) :: oja, katuoja
gutter {n} (duct or channel beneath the eaves) :: sadevesikouru, ränni
gutter {n} (groove beside a bowling lane) :: kouru, ränni
gutter {n} (groove for collection and removal of animal excrement) :: lantakouru
gutter {n} (any narrow channel or groove) :: kouru, ura
gutter {n} (space between columns in text) :: palstaväli
gutter {n} (philately: unprinted space between rows of stamps) :: marginaali
gutter {n} (drainage channel) :: oja
gutter {n} (locus of something distasteful or morally questionable) :: viemäri
gutter {n} (low, vulgar state) :: katuoja, deekis
gutter {v} (to flow or stream; to form gutters) :: valua, virrata
gutter {v} (of a candle: to melt away) :: valua
gutter {v} (to send a bowling ball into a gutter) :: heittää ränniin
gutter {v} (to flicker as if about to be extinguished) :: lepattaa
gutter {v} (to supply with a gutter or gutters) :: ojittaa; asentaa ränni
guttle {v} /ˈɡʌ.t(ə)l/ (eat voraciously) :: ahmia
guttural {adj} /ˈɡʌɾɚɫ̩/ (sounding harsh and throaty) :: käheä
guttural {adj} (phonetics: articulated at the back of the mouth) :: gutturaalinen
guttural {adj} (medicine, anatomy: of, relating to, or connected to the throat) :: kurkku-, gutturaalinen
guttural {n} (harsh and throaty spoken sound) :: kähinä
guy {n} /ɡaɪ/ (male, man) :: kundi
guy {n} (in plural: people) :: kaverit {p}, tyypit {p}
guy {n} (nautical: support rope or cable for something hoisted or lowered) :: gaija
guy {n} (nautical: support for something prone to shift) :: harus
guy {v} (to equip with a support cable) :: gaijata; harustaa
Guyana {prop} /ɡaɪˈɑː.nə/ (country) :: Guyana
Guyanan {adj} (Guyanese) SEE: Guyanese ::
Guyanan {n} (Guyanese) SEE: Guyanese ::
Guyanese {n} /ˌɡaɪəˈniːz/ (person from Guyana) :: guyanalainen
Guyanese {adj} (pertaining to Guyana) :: guyanalainen
guyed {adj} /ˈɡaɪd/ (fitted with or attached to a guy) :: harustettu
guyline {n} (guy) SEE: guy ::
guy rope {n} (rope or cable used to steady a tall structure or thing being hoisted) :: harus; tukiköysi [rope], tukivaijeri [cable]
guy-wire {n} (metal guy rope for stabilising a tall structure) :: tukiköysi, tukivaijeri
guzzler {n} (Somebody or something which guzzles) :: syöppö
gybe {v} /dʒaɪb/ (to shift a fore-and-aft sail from one side of a sailing vessel to the other) :: jiipata
gybe {v} (of a fore-and-aft sail or its boom: to shift from one side of a sailing vessel to the other) :: jiipata
gybe {v} (to change tack with the wind behind) :: jiipata
gybe {n} (sudden shift of a sail's angle) :: jiippi
gybe {n} (sailing manoeuvre) :: myötäkäännös, lehmänkäännös
gybe {n} (sudden change in approach or direction) :: äkkikäännös
gym {n} /dʒɪm/ (sporting facility specialized for lifting weights and exercise) :: sali [colloquial], kuntosali, punttisali
gym {n} (physical education class) :: liikunta
gym {n} (short form of gymnasium) SEE: gymnasium ::
gymnasium {n} /dʒɪmˈneɪ.zi.əm/ (place for indoor sports) :: liikuntasali, kuntosali
gymnasium {n} (type of school) :: lukio
gymnast {n} /ˈdʒɪm.næst/ (one who performs gymnastics) :: voimistelija
gymnastic {adj} /dʒɪmˈnæstɪk/ (pertaining to gymnastics) :: voimistelu-
gymnastic {n} (gymnast) SEE: gymnast ::
gymnastics {n} /dʒɪmˈnæs.tɪks/ (a sport) :: voimistelu
gymnastics {n} (complex intellectual or artistic exercise) :: harjoitus
gymnosperm {n} (plant whose seeds are not in an ovary) :: paljassiemeninen
gymnure {n} (carnivorous mammal) :: rottasiili
gynaecologist {n} (specialist in diseases of the female reproductive system) :: gynekologi
gynandromorph {n} (a person having certain physical characteristics of both sexes) SEE: hermaphrodite ::
gynecological {adj} (pertaining to gynecology) :: gynekologinen
gynecologically {adv} (in a gynecological context) :: gynekologisesti
gynecologist {n} (gynaecologist) SEE: gynaecologist ::
gynecology {n} /ˌɡaɪnəˈkɑlədʒi/ (branch of medicine specializing in the problems of women) :: naistentautioppi
gynecomastia {n} /ˌɡaɪnɪkə(ʊ)ˈmæstɪə/ (development of breasts in males) :: naisnisäisyys
gynoecium {n} (pistils of a flower) :: emiö
gynoid {n} /ˈɡaɪˌnɔɪd/ (robot in female form) :: gynoidi
gyprocker {n} /ˈd͡ʒɪpɹɒkə(ɹ)/ (laborer) :: kipsilevyasentaja
gypsisol {n} (soil type) :: kipsimaannos
gypsum {n} /ˈdʒɪpsəm/ (mineral) :: kipsi
gypsum board {n} (drywall panels) :: kipsilevy
gypsumlike {adj} (resembling or characteristic of gypsum) :: kipsimäinen
gypsy {n} (member of the Rom people) SEE: Rom ::
gypsy {n} /ˈd͡ʒɪp.si/ (any itinerant person, or any person suspected of making a living from dishonest practices or theft) :: mustalainen
gypsy {n} (member of the Rom people) SEE: Gypsy ::
Gypsy {n} (a member of the Romani people) SEE: Rom ::
Gypsy {n} /ˈd͡ʒɪp.si/ (a member of the Romani people or another nomadic group) :: mustalainen
Gypsy {prop} (the language of the Romani people) SEE: Romani ::
Gypsy {adj} (of or belonging to the Roma people) SEE: Romani ::
gypsy mushroom {n} (Cortinarius caperatus) :: kehnäsieni
gyre {n} /dʒaɪ.ɚ/ (a swirling vortex) :: pyörre
gyre {n} (a circular current, especially a large-scale ocean current) :: pyörre
gyrfalcon {n} (falcon) SEE: falcon ::
gyrfalcon {n} /ˈdʒɝˌfælkən/ (Falco rusticolus) :: tunturihaukka
gyro {n} (gyroscope) SEE: gyroscope ::
gyrocompass {n} (north-seeking gyroscope) :: hyrräkompassi
gyron {n} (heraldic charge) :: viiri
gyronny {adj} (heraldic term) :: viirijakoinen [divided into gyrons]
gyroscope {n} (apparatus) :: gyroskooppi
gyrus {n} /ˈdʒaɪɹəs/ (anatomy) :: aivopoimu
Gzhelian {prop} :: Gžel-kausi