User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-z
э {letter} | :: The thirty-first letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is э or э оборотное and it has the broad sound of /e/. Unlike е, it is not pronounced with a preceding /j/ sound or a palatalized consonant. It is preceded by Ь and followed by Ю |
э {interj} [colloquial] | :: hey; an exclamation to get attention |
э {interj} [colloquial] | :: to indicate doubt, disgust |
э {interj} [colloquial] | :: to clearly indicate a protest or reprimand |
э {interj} [colloquial] | :: well, uh; space filler or pause during conversation |
Э {letter} | :: The thirty-first letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. It is preceded by the letter Ъ and is followed by the letter Ю |
Эбецу {prop} {m inan} | :: Эбецу (city) |
Эбола {prop} | :: Ebola |
эвакуация {noun} | :: evacuation (leaving a place for protection) |
эвакуировать {v both} | :: to evacuate |
эвакуировать {v both} | :: to tow away (a car) |
эвакуироваться {vi both} | :: to evacuate |
Эвбея {prop} | :: Euboea, the second-largest Greek island |
эвенкийский {adj} | :: Evenki |
Эверест {prop} | :: Mount Everest |
Эверест {prop} [figuratively, also lowercase, эверест] | :: Everest; summit |
ЭВМ {f inan} [formal] | :: computer |
эволюционирование {noun} | :: evolving, evolution |
эволюционировать {v both} | :: to evolve |
эволюционный {adj} | :: evolutionary |
эволюция {noun} | :: evolution |
эврика {interj} | :: eureka! |
эвтаназия {noun} | :: euthanasia, mercy killing |
эвфемизм {noun} | :: euphemism |
Эгалео {prop} {m inan} | :: Эгалео (city/and/municipality) |
Эгейское море {noun} | :: Aegean Sea |
эгида {noun} | :: aegis, mythological shield |
эгида {noun} | :: auspices (patronage or protection) |
Эгина {prop} | :: Aegina (island) |
эго {n inan} | :: ego |
эгоизм {noun} | :: egoism, selfishness |
эгоист {noun} | :: egotist |
эгоистический {adj} | :: egoistical |
эгоистичный {adj} | :: egoistic |
эгоцентризм {noun} [literary] | :: egocentrism |
эдак {adv} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of этак |
эдакий {adj} [colloquial] | :: such, like this |
эдакий {adj} [colloquial] | :: what (a) |
эдельвейс {noun} | :: edelweiss (a European perennial alpine plant) |
эдил {noun} | :: aedile (elected official in Ancient Rome) |
Эдинбург {prop} | :: Эдинбург (capital city) |
Эдмонтон {prop} | :: Эдмонтон (capital city) |
Эдо {prop} {m inan} [history] | :: Эдо (capital city) |
Эдогава {prop} | :: Эдогава (one of 23 <<special wards>> of <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>) |
Эдуард {prop} | :: given name |
Эзоп {prop} | :: Aesop (ancient Greek author) |
эзотерический {adj} | :: esoteric (understood only by a chosen few or an enlightened inner circle) |
эй {interj} | :: hey! (you, there!) |
эй {n inan} | :: (English letter) A, a |
Эйбел {prop} | :: given name |
Эйбрахам {prop} | :: given name |
Эйнштейн {prop} | :: Einstein (Albert Einstein) |
эйнштейний {noun} | :: einsteinium |
Эйрбас {prop} | :: Airbus (a European aircraft manufacturer) |
эйс {noun} | :: ace (tennis: point scored without the opponent hitting the ball) |
эйфелев {adj} [relational] | :: Eiffel (referring to Gustave Eiffel, French engineer, builder of the Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty) |
Эйфелева башня {prop} | :: Eiffel Tower |
эйфория {noun} | :: euphoria |
эйч {n inan} | :: (English letter) H, h |
Эквадор {prop} | :: Эквадор (country) |
эквадорский {adj} | :: Ecuadorian |
экватор {noun} | :: equator (circle around the earth) |
экватор {noun} | :: [college slang] in 5-year college education program, the time after the 3-rd year winter term exams which is considered to be the middle of the entire college education period |
Экваториальная Гвинея {prop} | :: Экваториальная Гвинея (country) |
экваториальный {adj} | :: equatorial |
эквивалент {noun} | :: equivalent |
эквивалентный {adj} | :: equivalent |
эквидистантный {adj} | :: equidistant |
эквит {noun} [Ancient Rome] | :: eques [a member of the equites] |
эквит {noun} [historical, plural] | :: mounted gladiators |
ЭКГ {f inan} | :: abbreviation of электрокардиограмма: [cardiology] electrocardiogram |
экзамен {noun} | :: examination, exam, test |
экзаменатор {noun} | :: examiner (someone who administers an exam) |
экзаменационный {adj} [relational] | :: exam, test |
экзаменация {noun} [colloquial] | :: testing [through an exam] |
экзаменация {noun} [colloquial] | :: testing, checking |
экзаменовать {v impf} | :: to test (to subject to an exam) |
экзаменовать {v impf} [colloquial, imperfective only] | :: to test, to check |
экзекуция {noun} | :: execution (the act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty) |
экзекуция {noun} [dated] | :: flogging, corporal punishment |
экзекуция {noun} [dated] | :: execution of a judicial sentence |
экзема {noun} [pathology] | :: eczema (acute or chronic inflammation of the skin) |
экземпляр {noun} | :: specimen, sample, instance, copy |
экзистенциальный {adj} | :: existential |
экзопланета {noun} | :: exoplanet |
экзотика {noun} | :: exotics |
экзотический {adj} | :: exotic |
экзотичный {adj} | :: exotic |
экий {adj} | :: what a .. |
экипаж {noun} [aviation, nautical, sports] | :: crew |
экипаж {noun} [historical] | :: carriage (a horse-drawn vehicle) |
экипировка {noun} | :: equipping |
экипировка {noun} | :: outfit (a set of clothing) |
экипировка {noun} | :: outfit, fitting out |
эклектика {noun} [literary, art, architecture, music, philosophy] | :: eclecticism (a combination of disparate styles or techniques) |
эклектика {noun} | :: instance of eclecticism |
эклер {noun} | :: éclair |
эколог {noun} | :: ecologist (a scientist who studies ecology, male or female) |
экологически {adv} | :: ecologically, environmentally |
экологический {adj} | :: ecological (relating to ecology) |
экология {noun} | :: ecology |
эконометрика {noun} | :: econometrics |
эконометрический {adj} | :: econometric |
эконометрия {noun} | :: econometrics |
экономика {noun} | :: economy (production and distribution and consumption) |
экономика {noun} | :: economics |
экономист {noun} | :: economist |
экономить {v impf} | :: to save |
экономить {v impf} | :: to economize [imperfective only] |
экономически {adv} | :: economically |
экономический {adj} | :: economic (relating to the economy) |
экономический {adj} [obsolete] | :: economical, thrifty |
экономичность {noun} | :: economicalness |
экономичный {adj} | :: economical in terms of efficiency, efficient |
экономия {noun} | :: economy, saving (frugal use of resources) |
экономка {noun} | :: (female) housekeeper |
экономно {adv} | :: thriftily, economically |
экономный {adj} | :: economical in terms of using less, thrifty |
экосистема {noun} | :: ecosystem |
экран {noun} | :: screen (a physical divider) |
экран {noun} | :: screen (theater screen, TV screen) |
экран {noun} [colloquial] | :: cinematography |
экранизация {noun} | :: film adaptation |
экранка {noun} | :: camrip |
экранный {adj} [relational] | :: screen (physical divider or display device) |
экранный {adj} | :: on-screen |
экраноплан {noun} | :: ekranoplan |
экс- {prefix} [productive, in journalistic style, occasional or colloquial, takes nouns, produces nouns] | :: ex- (former) |
экс- {prefix} [unproductive, takes adjective, produces adjective] | :: extra- (out of; outside) |
экс {n inan} | :: (English letter) X, x |
эксабайт {noun} [computing] | :: exabyte |
эксгибиционизм {noun} | :: exhibitionism (practice of drawing attention to oneself or displaying one's private bodily parts in public) |
эксгибиционист {noun} | :: exhibitionist |
эксгумировать {v both} | :: to disinter, to exhume |
экскаватор {noun} | :: excavator (vehicle, often on tracks, used to dig ditches, etc.; a backhoe) |
эксклав {noun} | :: exclave |
эксклюзивный {adj} | :: exclusive |
экскремент {noun} [usually, in the plural] | :: excrement, feces (animal solid waste) |
экскурс {noun} | :: excursus, digression |
экскурсант {noun} | :: person on an excursion, outing or tour; sightseer, tripper, excursionist |
экскурсия {noun} | :: excursion, outing, hiking (brief recreational trip) |
экскурсовод {noun} | :: guide (someone who guides, especially someone hired to show people around a place) |
экспансия {noun} | :: (of a state, a tribe, etc) expansion of territory or influence |
экспедитор {noun} | :: forwarding agent, shipping agent, dispatcher, freight forwarder |
экспедиционный {adj} [relational] | :: dispatch, forwarding |
экспедиционный {adj} | :: expeditionary |
экспедиция {noun} | :: dispatch, expedition |
эксперимент {noun} | :: experiment |
экспериментально {adv} | :: experimentally |
экспериментальный {adj} | :: experimental |
экспериментатор {noun} | :: experimenter, experimentalist |
экспериментировать {v impf} | :: to experiment (on, with) |
эксперт {noun} | :: expert |
экспертиза {noun} | :: expert examination |
экспертиза {noun} | :: expert advice, expertise |
экспертный {adj} [relational] | :: expert |
эксплуататор {noun} | :: exploiter |
эксплуатационный {adj} [relational] | :: operation |
эксплуатационный {adj} | :: operational, working |
эксплуатационный {adj} | :: exploitative |
эксплуатация {noun} | :: exploitation |
эксплуатировать {v impf} | :: to exploit |
экспозиция {noun} | :: exposition, display |
экспозиция {noun} [photography] | :: exposure |
экспонат {noun} | :: exhibit (something exhibited) |
экспонент {noun} [animate] | :: exhibitor |
экспонент {noun} [inanimate, mathematics, linguistics, semiotics] | :: exponent |
экспорт {noun} | :: export |
экспортёр {noun} | :: exporter |
экспортировать {v both} | :: to export (to sell (goods) to a foreign country) |
экспортный {adj} [relational] | :: export |
экспресс {noun} | :: express (train, bus, etc.) |
экспресс-диагностика {noun} | :: near-patient testing |
экспрессионизм {noun} | :: expressionism (movement in the arts) |
экспрессия {noun} | :: expression |
экспромт {noun} | :: impromptu |
экспромт {noun} | :: improvisation |
экспромт {noun} | :: extemporization |
экспромт {noun} | :: ad lib |
экспромтом {adv} [hedge] | :: off the top of one's head, Thesaurus:impromptu |
экспроприация {noun} [law, politics] | :: expropriation |
экспроприировать {v both} | :: to expropriate |
экстаз {noun} | :: ecstasy |
экстатический {adj} | :: ecstatic (feeling or characterized by ecstasy) |
экстра- {prefix} | :: extra- |
экстравагантный {adj} | :: eccentric, extravagant |
экстрадировать {v both} | :: to extradite |
экстрадиция {noun} | :: extradition |
экстракт {noun} | :: extract (something extracted) |
экстраординарный {adj} [literary] | :: extraordinary |
экстраполяция {noun} | :: extrapolation |
экстрасенс {noun} | :: psychic, paranormalist, person with ESP, esper |
экстремальный {adj} | :: extreme |
экстремизм {noun} [politics] | :: extremism |
экстремист {noun} | :: extremist |
экстремистский {adj} | :: extremist |
экстренный {adj} | :: special, extra, extraordinary |
экстренный {adj} | :: urgent, emergency |
эксцентрик {noun} [animate] | :: eccentric (person who does not behave like others) |
эксцентрик {noun} [animate] | :: comic (actor) |
эксцентрик {noun} [inanimate] | :: cam (part of engine) |
эксцентрик {noun} [inanimate] | :: eccentric (off-centre wheel) |
эксцесс {noun} | :: extreme manifestation of something, incident or abnormality |
эксцесс {noun} | :: excess |
экшн {noun} [colloquial] | :: action movie (a type of motion picture) |
эл {n inan} | :: The Cyrillic letter Л, л |
эл {n inan} | :: The Roman letter L, l |
эластичность {noun} | :: elasticity |
эластичный {adj} | :: elastic |
эластичный {adj} | :: flexible |
элеватор {noun} [agriculture] | :: grain elevator |
элеватор {noun} [engineering] | :: elevator |
элегантно {adv} | :: elegantly |
элегантность {noun} | :: elegance |
элегантный {adj} | :: elegant (exhibiting elegance) |
элегия {noun} | :: elegy |
элегия {noun} [figurative, poetic] | :: sadness, melancholy |
электоральный {adj} | :: electoral |
электорат {noun} | :: electorate |
электрик {noun} | :: electrician |
электрификация {noun} | :: electrification (providing of electricity) |
электрифицировать {v both} | :: to electrify |
электрический {adj} | :: electric |
электричество {noun} [physics] | :: electricity (form of energy) |
электричество {noun} [colloquial] | :: (electric) light, lighting |
электричка {noun} [colloquial] | :: (suburban) electric train |
электро- {prefix} | :: electro- (meaning electricity or electrical) |
электробритва {noun} | :: electric razor; shaver |
электровоз {noun} | :: electric locomotive |
электрод {noun} [physics] | :: electrode |
электродвигатель {noun} | :: electric engine, electric motor |
электродиагностика {noun} [medicine] | :: electrodiagnosis, electrodiagnostics |
электролиз {noun} [chemistry] | :: electrolysis |
электромагнит {noun} | :: electromagnet |
электромагнитное взаимодействие {noun} [physics] | :: electromagnetic interaction |
электромагнитный {adj} | :: electromagnetic |
электромеханический {adj} | :: electromechanical |
электромобиль {noun} | :: electric car |
электрон {noun} | :: electron |
электроника {noun} | :: electronics |
электронная почта {noun} [computing] | :: e-mail (system) |
электронное сообщение {noun} [computing] | :: e-mail message |
электронный {adj} [physics] | :: electron, electronic |
электронный словарь {noun} | :: e-dictionary, electronic dictionary |
электрооборудование {noun} | :: electrical equipment |
электропередача {noun} | :: electricity transmission |
электропоезд {noun} | :: (suburban) electric train |
электроприбор {noun} | :: electric device; electric appliance; power tool |
электропривод {noun} | :: motor controller |
электропроводка {noun} | :: electric wiring |
электросеть {noun} | :: power grid, electricity network |
электроснабжение {noun} | :: electric power supply |
электростанция {noun} | :: power station |
электротехника {noun} | :: electrical engineering |
электрофон {noun} | :: record player |
электрофорез {noun} [physics, medicine] | :: electrophoresis |
электрохемилюминесценция {noun} | :: electrochemiluminescence |
электрохимический {adj} | :: electrochemical |
электроэнергетика {noun} | :: power industry |
электроэнергия {noun} | :: electric power |
элемент {noun} | :: element, component |
элемент {noun} [chemistry, physics] | :: element |
элемент {noun} [colloquial, also, collective] | :: person [of a specified type]; [plural] element |
элемент {noun} [colloquial, animate, pejorative] | :: bad person, harmful person |
элемент {noun} [electricity] | :: electrochemical cell |
элементарная частица {noun} [physics] | :: elementary particle |
элементарно {adv} | :: in an elementary manner |
элементарный {adj} | :: elementary, basic |
элементный {adj} [relational] | :: element (component or indivisible matter); elemental |
элементный {adj} [relational] | :: electrochemical cell |
Элеонора {prop} | :: given name |
элерон {noun} | :: aileron |
эликсир {noun} | :: elixir |
элиминирование {noun} | :: elimination |
Элис {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Элиста {prop} | :: Элиста (capital city) |
элита {noun} | :: the elite |
элитаризм {noun} | :: elitism |
элитарный {adj} [relational] | :: elite |
элитарный {adj} | :: elitist |
элитизм {noun} | :: elitism |
элитный {adj} | :: elite |
элитный {adj} | :: best, choice |
элитный {adj} [colloquial] | :: luxury, luxurious |
Элла {prop} | :: given name |
Эллада {prop} [poetic or endonym] | :: Hellas; ancient or modern Greece |
эллипс {noun} [geometry] | :: ellipse (curve) |
эллипс {noun} [linguistics] | :: ellipse |
Элохим {prop} | :: Elohim (the name used for God in Hebrew scriptures) |
эль {noun} | :: ale (English beer) |
эль {n inan} | :: The Cyrillic letter Л, л |
эль {n inan} | :: The Roman letter L, l |
Эль-Аюн {prop} | :: Эль-Аюн (capital city) |
Эльба {prop} | :: Эльба (river) |
Эльба {prop} | :: Эльба (island) |
Эльбрус {prop} | :: Elbrus |
Эльдар {prop} | :: given name |
Эльзас {prop} | :: Эльзас (former region/and/historic province) |
Эль-Ниньо {prop} {n inan} | :: El Niño (a global coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon) |
Эль-Сальвадор {prop} | :: Эль-Сальвадор (country) |
эльф {noun} | :: elf |
эм {n inan} | :: The Cyrillic letter М, м |
эм {n inan} | :: The Roman letter M, m |
эмалированный {adj} | :: enameled |
эмалировать {v both} | :: to enamel |
эмаль {noun} | :: enamel |
эмансипация {noun} | :: emancipation |
эмансипация {noun} | :: granting of equal rights |
эмансипировать {v both} | :: to emancipate |
эмансипировать {v both} | :: to grant equal rights to |
эмбарго {n inan} | :: embargo (an order by the government prohibiting ships from leaving port) |
эмбиент {noun} | :: ambient (type of modern music) |
эмблема {noun} | :: emblem (representative symbol) |
эмбрион {noun} | :: embryo (an unborn baby that is less developed than a foetus) |
Эмеса {prop} | :: Emesa |
эмесский {adj} | :: Emesene |
эмигрант {noun} | :: emigrant |
эмигрантский {adj} [relational] | :: emigrant, emigre |
эмиграция {noun} | :: emigration |
эмигрировать {v both} | :: to emigrate (to leave one's country in order to reside elsewhere) |
Эмилия {prop} | :: given name |
эмир {noun} | :: emir |
эмират {noun} | :: emirate (country ruled by an emir) |
эмиратский {adj} [relational] | :: UAE, Emirati |
эмиссар {noun} | :: emissary |
эмиссионный {adj} [relational, finance] | :: issue |
эмиссионный {adj} [relational, physics] | :: emission |
эмиссия {noun} [physics, electronics, finance] | :: emission |
эмитент {noun} [finance] | :: issuer, issuing bank, bank of issue |
Эмма {prop} | :: given name |
эмодзи {n inan} | :: emoji |
эмоционально {adv} | :: emotionally, with emotion |
эмоциональность {noun} | :: emotionality |
эмоциональный {adj} | :: emotional |
эмоция {noun} | :: emotion, feeling |
эмпирический {adj} | :: empiric, empirical |
эму {m anim} | :: emu (a large flightless bird) |
эмульсия {noun} | :: emulsion |
эмфизема {noun} [medicine] | :: emphysema |
эн {n inan} | :: The Cyrillic letter Н, н |
эн {n inan} | :: The Roman letter N, n |
эндемик {noun} [biology] | :: endemic (individual or species that is endemic) |
эндемический {adj} [biology] | :: endemic (native to a particular area) |
эндоскоп {noun} | :: endoscope |
Эндрю {prop} {m anim} | :: given name |
эндрюсарх {noun} | :: andrewsarchus (prehistoric mammal) |
эндшпиль {noun} [chess] | :: endgame |
энергетик {noun} [animate] | :: power engineering specialist; energeticist |
энергетик {noun} [inanimate] | :: energy drink |
энергетика {noun} | :: power engineering, energetics |
энергетика {noun} [parapsychology] | :: energy |
энергетический {adj} [relational] | :: energy; energetic |
энергично {adv} | :: energetically, vigorously (in an energetic manner) |
энергичность {noun} | :: energy, vim |
энергичность {noun} | :: avidity (eagerness; intenseness of desire) |
энергичность {noun} | :: boldness |
энергичность {noun} | :: moxie |
энергичный {adj} | :: energetic |
энергичный {adj} | :: vigorous, forceful |
энергичный {adj} | :: drastic |
энергия {noun} | :: energy, power |
энергия {noun} | :: vitality |
энергия {noun} | :: vigor |
Энергия {prop} | :: Energia carrier rocket |
Энергия {prop} | :: S. P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia |
энергоноситель {noun} | :: energy resource/carrier, fuel |
энергоресурс {noun} | :: energy resource, (plural) energy supply |
энергоресурсы {noun} | :: energy supply |
энергосбережение {noun} | :: power saving, energy saving, economical power consumption |
энергосистема {noun} | :: power grid |
энергоснабжение {noun} | :: electric power supply |
энкаведешник {noun} [derogatory] | :: An employee of the NKVD |
Энн {prop} {f} | :: given name |
энтомология {noun} | :: entomology |
Энтони {prop} {m anim} | :: given name |
энтропия {noun} [physics] | :: entropy (term in thermodynamics) |
энтузиазм {noun} | :: enthusiasm |
энтузиаст {noun} | :: enthusiast |
энцефалит {noun} | :: encephalitis |
энциклопедический {adj} | :: encyclopedic |
энциклопедия {noun} | :: encyclopedia |
э оборотное {noun} | :: Name of the letter Э, э, also called э |
Эол {prop} | :: Aeolus (character in Greek mythology) |
эоловый {adj} | :: aeolian, eolian (relating to the wind) |
эпатаж {noun} | :: shocking behavior, outrageousness |
эпиграмма {noun} | :: epigram |
эпиграф {noun} | :: epigraph |
эпидемиологический {adj} | :: epidemiologic |
эпидемиология {noun} | :: epidemiology |
эпидемический {adj} | :: epidemic |
эпидемия {noun} | :: epidemic (widespread disease) |
эпидерма {noun} [botany] | :: epidermis |
эпидермис {noun} [anatomy, botany] | :: epidermis |
эпидермофития стопы {noun} | :: athlete's foot (fungal infection) |
эпизод {noun} | :: episode |
эпизодический {adj} | :: episodic |
эпизодический {adj} | :: insignificant |
эпика {noun} | :: epic |
Эпикур {prop} | :: Epicurus |
эпилепсия {noun} | :: epilepsy |
эпилог {noun} | :: epilogue |
эпистемология {noun} | :: epistemology |
эпитафия {noun} | :: epitaph (inscription on a gravestone) |
эпитет {noun} [literature] | :: epithet |
эпитрохоида {noun} | :: epitrochoid (geometric curve) |
эпифиз {noun} | :: epiphysis |
эпифиз {noun} | :: pineal gland |
эпицентр {noun} | :: epicentre/epicenter |
эпический {adj} | :: epic |
Эпл {prop} {f} | :: Apple (Apple Inc.) |
эполет {noun} [dated] | :: alternative form of эполета |
эполета {noun} | :: epaulet (shoulder decoration) |
эпопея {noun} | :: epic, epopee |
эпос {noun} | :: epos, epic literature, epic |
эпоха {noun} | :: epoch, age, era |
эпохальный {adj} | :: epochal, important, significant |
эпоха просвещения {noun} | :: Age of Enlightenment (period of history) |
эр {n inan} | :: The Cyrillic letter Р, р |
эр {n inan} | :: The Roman letter R, r |
эра {noun} | :: era, epoch |
эрбий {noun} | :: erbium |
эрг {noun} | :: erg |
эрдельтерьер {noun} | :: Airedale Terrier |
Эребуни {prop} {m inan} | :: Erebuni |
эрекция {noun} [physiology] | :: erection (rigid penis) |
эрзянин {noun} | :: Erzyan |
эрзянский {adj} | :: Erzya |
Эривань {prop} [obsolete] | :: the name of the city Yerevan in Russian transcription till 1936 |
эритрейский {adj} | :: Eritrean |
Эритрея {prop} | :: Эритрея (country) |
эритроцит {noun} | :: erythrocyte |
эрлифт {noun} | :: airlift (a pipe that is used to suck up objects from the sea bed.) |
Эрмитаж {prop} | :: Hermitage (museum) |
эрогенная зона {noun} | :: erogenous zone |
эрогенный {adj} | :: erogenous |
эрозия {noun} | :: erosion |
эрос {noun} [literary, philosophy, psychiatry] | :: eros |
эротика {noun} | :: eroticism (state of being erotic) |
эротика {noun} | :: erotica |
эротический {adj} | :: erotic [art, etc.] |
эротичный {adj} | :: erotic (sexually arousing, sensual) |
Эр-Рияд {prop} | :: Эр-Рияд (capital city) |
эрстед {noun} [physics] | :: oersted (CGS unit of auxiliary magnetic field) |
эрудит {noun} | :: erudite, learned person |
эрудиция {noun} | :: erudition, knowledge |
эрху {n inan} | :: erhu |
эрцгерцог {noun} | :: archduke (rank) |
эрцгерцогиня {noun} | :: archduchess |
эс {n inan} | :: The Cyrillic letter С, с |
эс {n inan} | :: The Roman letter S, s |
Эсватини {prop} {f inan} | :: Эсватини (country) |
эсер {noun} [politics] | :: Socialist Revolutionary, eser |
эскадра {noun} [military, usually navy, rarely air force] | :: squadron |
эскадренный {adj} [military, navy] | :: related to a squadron, intended to operate in a squadron |
эскадренный броненосец {noun} [historical, nautical] | :: late 19th or early 20th century pre-dreadnought battleship designed to operate as part of a squadron |
эскадренный миноносец {noun} [military, nautical] | :: destroyer |
эскадрилья {noun} | :: squadron (Air Force) |
эскадрон {noun} | :: squadron, (cavalry) troop |
эскалатор {noun} | :: escalator (mechanical device) |
эскалация {noun} | :: escalation |
эскарго {n inan} | :: escargot |
эскарго де Бургонь {n inan} | :: escargot |
эскиз {noun} | :: sketch, draft |
эскимос {noun} | :: Eskimo |
эскорт {noun} | :: escort (accompanying group of soldiers, guards, etc.) |
Эскулап {prop} | :: Aesculapius (Roman god) |
эсминец {noun} [military] | :: destroyer |
Эсон {prop} {m inan} | :: Эсон (department) |
Эсон {prop} {m inan} | :: Эсон (tributary) |
эсперанто {n inan} | :: Esperanto (auxiliary language) |
эссе {n inan} | :: essay |
эстакада {noun} | :: overpass, trestle, viaduct |
эстакада {noun} | :: pier [of a bridge] |
эстафета {noun} [historical, uncountable] | :: mounted courier; mail sent by courier |
эстафета {noun} [sports] | :: relay race |
эстафета {noun} [sports or figuratively] | :: baton [passed from one runner to another in a relay race] |
эстафетный {adj} [relational, historical] | :: courier |
эстафетный {adj} [relational, sports] | :: relay, relay race |
эстет {noun} | :: aesthete/esthete |
эстетика {noun} [philosophy] | :: aesthetics/esthetics (study or philosophy of beauty) |
эстетический {adj} | :: aesthetic (concerned with beauty) |
эстетствовать {v impf} | :: to act like an aesthete |
эстивация {noun} | :: aestivation/estivation (state of inactivity and metabolic depression during summer) |
эстонец {noun} | :: Estonian |
Эстония {prop} | :: Эстония (country) |
эстонка {noun} | :: Estonian woman or girl |
Эстонская ССР {prop} | :: Эстонская ССР (former republic) |
эстонский {adj} | :: Estonian (relating to Estonia, its people or their language) |
эстонский {noun} | :: Estonian language |
эстрагон {noun} [plant] | :: tarragon |
эстрада {noun} | :: platform, stage (for perfomers) |
эстрада {noun} | :: variety (art) |
эстрадный {adj} [relational] | :: variety, vaudeville |
эстроген {noun} | :: estrogen |
Эсфирь {prop} | :: Esther (biblical figure) |
Эсфирь {prop} | :: given name |
эсхатология {noun} | :: eschatology |
Эсхил {prop} | :: Aeschylus |
эсэмэска {noun} | :: text message, text (brief electronic message sent using the SMS service for cell phones) |
эсэсовец {noun} | :: SS-man, SS-person |
этаж {noun} | :: floor, storey |
этажерка {noun} | :: bookcase, bookshelf (furniture displaying books) |
этажерка {noun} | :: whatnot, a piece of furniture with open shelves for displaying ornaments |
этажный {adj} [relational] | :: floor, level |
этак {adv} [colloquial] | :: so, in this manner, thus |
этак {adv} [colloquial] | :: some, about |
этакий {pron} [colloquial] | :: such, like this |
этакий {pron} [colloquial] | :: what (a) |
эталон {noun} | :: model, standard (praiseworthy example) |
эталон {noun} | :: role model |
эталонный {adj} [relational] | :: model, standard, reference, benchmark |
этанол {noun} | :: ethanol, ethyl alcohol (simple aliphatic alcohol: C2H5OH or CH3-CH2-OH) |
этап {noun} | :: step, stage |
этап {noun} | :: base |
этап {noun} | :: transport |
этапирование {noun} | :: escorting |
этика {noun} | :: ethics (study of principles governing right and wrong conduct) |
этикет {noun} | :: etiquette |
этикетка {noun} | :: label, tag, tally |
этимологический {adj} | :: etymological |
этимология {noun} | :: etymology |
этиология {noun} | :: aetiology/etiology (study of causes or origins) |
этический {adj} | :: ethical (various senses) |
этнический {adj} | :: ethnic |
этнограф {noun} | :: ethnographer |
этнографический {adj} | :: ethnographic |
этнографический {adj} [relational] | :: ethnography |
этнография {noun} | :: ethnography |
этнокультура {noun} | :: ethnoculture, ethnic culture |
этнокультурный {adj} | :: ethnocultural |
этнолект {noun} | :: ethnolect (language variety) |
этнолог {noun} | :: ethnologist (male or female) |
этноним {noun} | :: ethnonym |
этнонимика {noun} | :: ethnonymics |
этнонимия {noun} | :: ethnonymics |
этнос {noun} | :: ethnicity, ethnic group, tribe, ethnos |
это {interj} | :: uh, er, erm, umm; used in hesitant speech |
Этолия {prop} | :: Этолия (region) |
это самое {interj} | :: A space filler in conversation |
этот {determiner} | :: proximal demonstrative adjective and pronoun, this |
этруск {noun} | :: Etruscan (an inhabitant of ancient Etruria) |
этюд {noun} | :: study, sketch (artwork made in order to practise or demonstrate) |
этюд {noun} | :: study, etude, exercise |
этюд {noun} | :: problem |
эф {n inan} | :: The Cyrillic letter Ф, ф |
эф {n inan} | :: The Roman letter F, f |
эфемерный {adj} | :: ephemeral, transitory |
эфемерный {adj} | :: illusory, phantom |
эфенди {m anim} | :: effendi (title of respect) |
эфес {noun} | :: hilt (grip of a sword) |
Эфиопия {prop} | :: Эфиопия (country) |
эфиопский {adj} | :: Ethiopian |
эфир {noun} | :: ether (organic chemistry: a compound containing an oxygen atom bonded to two hydrocarbon groups) |
эфир {noun} [physics] | :: ether |
эфир {noun} [alchemy] | :: ether |
эфир {noun} [broadcasting] | :: air |
эфирный {adj} | :: ethereal, aerial |
эффект {noun} | :: effect |
эффект {noun} | :: impression, psychological impact |
эффективно {adv} | :: efficiently, effectively (in an efficient manner) |
эффективность {noun} | :: effectiveness, efficiency (extent to which time is well used) |
эффективность {noun} | :: efficacy, efficacity |
эффективный {adj} | :: efficient |
эффектно {adv} | :: splendidly, impressively, dramatically, spectacularly |
эффектно {adv} | :: strikingly, impactfully |
эффектно {pred} | :: it is impressive, it is splendid, it is spectacular |
эффектность {noun} | :: impressiveness, showiness, flamboyancy; showmanship |
эффектный {adj} | :: impressive, showy, spectacular |
эффектный {adj} | :: striking, impactful |
эффект Стрейзанд {noun} | :: Streisand effect (phenomenon) |
эффенди {m anim} | :: alternative form of эфенди |
эфэсбэшник {noun} [colloquial] | :: an employee of the FSB |
эх {interj} | :: alas!, oh!, uh |
эх {interj} | :: eh? |
эх {interj} | :: oh, what a.. |
эх {interj} | :: tut tut, tsk, shame on you!, you of all people! |
эх {interj} | :: ouch, what a shame (self-reproach) |
Эхиме {prop} {f inan} | :: Эхиме (prefecture) |
эхо {noun} | :: echo |
Эхо {prop} {f} [mythology] | :: Echo |
эхолалия {noun} | :: echolalia |
эхолокация {noun} | :: echolocation |
эшафот {noun} [historical] | :: scaffold (elevated platform on which a criminal is executed) |
эшелон {noun} | :: echelon |
эшелон {noun} | :: special train, troop train |
э-э {interj} | :: alternative spelling of э |
э-э-э {interj} | :: alternative spelling of э |
эякулировать {v both} | :: to ejaculate (semen) |
эякулят {noun} | :: ejaculate |
эякуляция {noun} [physiology] | :: ejaculation |
-ю- {interfix} | :: Used to form adjectives of the form "N times removed", referring to types of cousins. Originally the genitive dual ending of дъва |
ю {letter} | :: The thirty-second letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is ю and it is pronounced like the English word you. It is preceded by Э and followed by Я |
ю {letter} | :: English letter U, u |
ю {n inan} | :: The Cyrillic letter Ю, ю |
Ю {m inan} | :: south |
юань {noun} | :: yuan |
ЮАР {prop} {f inan} | :: acronym of Южно-Африканская Республика: ЮАР (country) |
юбилей {noun} | :: jubilee, anniversary |
юбилейный {adj} [relational] | :: anniversary, jubilee |
юбиляр {noun} | :: person whose anniversary/jubilee is celebrated |
юбка {noun} | :: skirt (part of clothing, especially woman's) |
юбка {noun} [disparagingly, animate] | :: woman (as an object of a man's interest) |
юбка клёш {noun} | :: flared skirt, bell-bottomed skirt |
юбочка {noun} | :: diminutive of юбка |
ЮВА {f inan} | :: Southeast Asia |
ювелир {noun} | :: jeweler, jeweller (a person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry) |
ювелирный {adj} [relational] | :: jewelry |
ювелирный {adj} | :: jeweler's |
ювелирный {adj} [figuratively] | :: fine, minute, well-made, intricate |
юг {noun} | :: south |
юг {noun} | :: South — southern part of any region |
юг {noun} [obsolete] | :: southerly wind |
юго-восток {noun} | :: southeast |
юго-восточный {adj} | :: southeast, southeastern, southeasterly |
юго-запад {noun} | :: southwest |
юго-западный {adj} | :: southwest |
юго-западный {adj} | :: southwesterly |
югослав {noun} | :: Yugoslav |
Югославия {prop} [historical] | :: Югославия (former country) |
югославский {adj} | :: Yugoslavian, Yugoslav |
юдоль {noun} [archaic] | :: valley |
юдоль {noun} [archaic] | :: vale of tears |
юдоль {noun} [archaic] | :: destiny, lot |
юдофоб {noun} | :: anti-Semite |
юдофобия {noun} [dated] | :: anti-Semitism (prejudice or hostility against Jews) |
южанин {noun} | :: southerner |
Южная Америка {prop} | :: South America |
Южная Африка {prop} | :: Южная Африка (country) |
Южная Дакота {prop} | :: Южная Дакота (state) |
Южная Каролина {prop} | :: Южная Каролина (state) |
Южная Корея {prop} | :: Южная Корея (country) |
Южная Осетия {prop} | :: Южная Осетия (a de-facto independent <<country>> internationally recognized as part of the <<c:pref/Georgia>>) |
южноалтайский {adj} | :: Southern Altai |
южноамериканский {adj} | :: South American |
Южно-Африканская Республика {prop} | :: Южно-Африканская Республика (country) |
южноафриканский {adj} | :: South African |
Южно-Китайское море {prop} | :: South China Sea |
южнокореец {noun} | :: South Korean |
южнокорейский {adj} | :: South Korean |
южноосетинский {adj} | :: South Ossetian |
Южно-Сахалинск {prop} | :: Южно-Сахалинск (city/administrative centre) |
южнославянский {adj} [linguistics] | :: South Slavic (relating to the South Slavs) |
южносуданец {noun} | :: South Sudanese |
южносуданский {adj} | :: South Sudanese |
южный {adj} | :: south, southern |
южный {adj} | :: southerly |
Южный океан {prop} | :: Southern Ocean, Antarctic Ocean |
Южный Судан {prop} | :: South Sudan or Southern Sudan |
юз {noun} | :: skid, skidding, scuffing |
юзверь {noun} [computing, humorous, pejorative] | :: luser (a user, especially an incompetent one) |
юзер {noun} | :: user (person who uses a computer) |
юката {f inan} | :: yukata |
юкхве {n inan} | :: yukhoe (a Korean dish) |
юла {noun} | :: spinning top (toy) |
юла {noun} | :: woodlark |
Юлиан {prop} | :: given name |
Юлиана {prop} | :: given name |
юлианский {adj} [relational] | :: Julian |
юлить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to bustle, to fuss (about) |
юлить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to play up (to) |
юлить {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to wriggle |
Юлия {prop} | :: given name |
юмор {noun} | :: humour (something funny) |
юмореска {noun} | :: humoresque |
юморист {noun} | :: humorist |
юмористический {adj} | :: humorous, comic |
юнга {m anim} | :: cabin boy, ship's boy (a boy serving on a ship) |
юнец {noun} [colloquial] | :: youth, young boy, lad |
Юникод {prop} | :: Unicode |
юниор {noun} [sports] | :: youth sports participant |
юнкер {noun} [historical] | :: junker (landed aristocracy in Prussia) |
юнкер {noun} [historical, military] | :: cadet |
юность {noun} | :: youth (age) |
юноша {m anim} | :: youngster, male youth |
юноша {m anim} | :: young man |
юношеский {adj} | :: youthful, young |
юношеский {adj} | :: teenage, teen |
юношеский {adj} | :: adolescent (characteristic of adolescence) |
юношеский {adj} | :: junior |
юношеский {adj} | :: juvenile |
юношество {noun} [collective] | :: youths, young adults |
юношество {noun} | :: youth, adolescence |
юный {adj} | :: young, youthful (in the early part of life or growth) |
юный {adj} | :: juvenile |
Юньнань {prop} | :: Юньнань (province) |
юпитер {noun} [cinematography] | :: projector, a powerful electric arc lamp used in motion-picture filming |
Юпитер {prop} [astronomy] | :: Jupiter |
Юпитер {prop} [mythology] | :: Jupiter |
Юра {prop} {m anim} | :: given name |
Юра {prop} | :: river in Russia |
Юра {prop} | :: Юра (major mountain range), the Jura Mountains |
юри {n inan} [anime, pornography] | :: yuri |
юридически {adv} | :: legally, juridically, de jure |
юридический {adj} [relational] | :: law; legal |
юридическое лицо {noun} [law] | :: legal person, legal entity |
Юрий {prop} | :: given name |
юрисдикция {noun} | :: judicial cognizance, competence, jurisdiction |
юриспруденция {noun} | :: jurisprudence |
юрист {noun} | :: lawyer |
юрист {noun} | :: advocate |
юркий {adj} | :: agile, nimble |
юркий {adj} | :: quick, brisk [of a vehicle] |
юркнуть {v pf} | :: to whisk, to flit |
юродивый {adj} | :: eccentric, mad, whacky, nutty, mental; crazy, deranged, lunatic |
юродивый {noun} | :: holy fool, fool for Christ, yurodivy |
юрта {noun} | :: yurt |
юс {noun} | :: yus, either of two letters, little yus (Ѧ) and big yus (Ѫ), representing nasal vowel sounds in the old Cyrillic alphabet |
Юстас {prop} | :: given name |
юстировка {noun} | :: adjustment (small change) |
юстиция {noun} [law] | :: justice |
ют {noun} | :: Jute |
ют {noun} | :: quarter-deck |
Юта {prop} | :: Юта (state) |
ютиться {v impf} | :: to huddle, to huddle together, to take shelter |
юфть {noun} | :: yuft, Russia leather |
-юшка {suffix} | :: alternative form of -ушка |
юшка {noun} | :: broth (the liquid part of soup in which ingredients have been boiled) |
юшка {noun} [low colloquial] | :: blood |
-я {suffix} | :: Noun-forming diminutive suffix used after a soft (palatalized) consonant |
я {letter} | :: The thirty-third and final letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is я and it has the sound of English ya in yard. It is preceded by the letter Ю |
я {n inan} | :: The Cyrillic letter Я, я |
я {pron} | :: I (first-person singular subject pronoun) |
Я {letter} | :: The thirty-third and final letter of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet. Its name is Я (ja) and it has the sound of English ya in yard. It is preceded by the letter Ю |
я атеист {phrase} | :: I'm an atheist |
я атеистка {phrase} | :: I'm an atheist |
ябеда {m anim} {f anim} {f inan} [masculine or feminine, animate] | :: tattletale |
ябеда {m anim} {f anim} {f inan} [feminine, inanimate, obsolete] | :: slander, snitching |
ябедничать {v impf} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: to snitch, to inform [на + accusative, on someone; especially of children] |
яблоко {noun} | :: apple |
яблоко {noun} | :: eyeball [usually глазное яблоко] |
яблоко от яблони недалеко падает {proverb} [idiomatic] | :: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree (an apple falls close to the apple tree) |
яблоко раздора {noun} | :: apple of discord (object which sows dissention and anger) |
яблоку негде упасть {phrase} [figuratively] | :: it's heaving, it's packed, it's overcrowded, there's not enough room to swing a cat |
яблоня {noun} | :: apple tree |
яблоня {noun} | :: apple wood |
яблочко {noun} | :: diminutive of яблоко: (small) apple |
яблочко {noun} | :: bullseye |
яблочко {noun} [dance] | :: yablochko [a Russian folk-dance] |
яблочник {noun} [animate] | :: apple grower or seller |
яблочник {noun} [animate] | :: member of an organization or political party using an apple as a symbol |
яблочник {noun} [animate] | :: insect that feeds exclusively on apples |
яблочник {noun} [neologism, computers, slang, animate] | :: avid user of Apple computers |
яблочник {noun} [culinary, inanimate] | :: casserole or cake containing apples |
яблочно-зелёный {adj} | :: apple-green |
яблочный {adj} [relational] | :: apple; made of apples |
яблочный сок {noun} | :: apple juice |
Ява {prop} | :: Ява (island) |
Ява {prop} [programming] | :: Java (programming language) |
я вас люблю {phrase} | :: I love you |
явить {v pf} [literary, poetic] | :: to show (to have somebody see something) |
явиться {v pf} | :: to report (in person), to appear |
явиться {v pf} | :: to turn up |
явка {noun} | :: presence, attendance |
явка {noun} | :: secret address |
явка {noun} | :: turnout |
явление {noun} | :: phenomenon |
явление {noun} | :: event, occurrence |
явление {noun} | :: apparition |
явление {noun} | :: scene (in terms of theaters) |
явление {noun} | :: effect |
являть {v impf} [rare] | :: to show; to display; to present |
являться {v impf} | :: to report (in person), to appear |
являться {v impf} | :: to turn up |
являться {v impf} | :: to be (+ instrumental case, only imperfective) |
явно {adv} | :: explicitly |
явный {adj} | :: open, obvious, evident |
явный {adj} | :: avowed |
явный {adj} [mathematics] | :: explicit |
явор {noun} | :: sycamore maple (tree or wood) |
явственно {adv} | :: clearly, distinctly, perceptibly |
явственный {adj} | :: clear |
явственный {adj} | :: distinct, perceptible |
явствовать {v impf} [literary] | :: to be obvious, to be clear |
-явый {suffix} | :: Suffix used to form adjectives from nouns or other adjectives, usually describing characteristics; approximately equivalent to -y |
явь {noun} | :: reality |
-яга {suffix} | :: Suffix forming nouns denoting a possessor of a certain quality, often intensifying, and usually colloquial or informal |
-яга {suffix} | :: Suffix forming augmentatives or low colloquial forms of a noun |
я гей {phrase} | :: I'm gay |
ягель {noun} | :: Cladonia rangiferina, reindeer moss, reindeer lichen, caribou moss |
ягнёнок {noun} | :: lamb |
я гностик {phrase} | :: I'm a Gnostic |
ягнятина {noun} | :: lamb (flesh of a lamb used as food) |
я говорю по-английски {phrase} | :: I speak English |
ягода {noun} | :: berry |
ягодица {noun} [anatomy] | :: buttock |
ягодица {noun} [dialectal] | :: cheekbone |
ягодица {noun} [dialectal] | :: nipple |
ягодичная борозда {noun} | :: anal cleft (groove between buttocks) |
ягодичный {adj} | :: anal |
ягодка {noun} | :: diminutive of ягода; berry |
ягуар {noun} | :: jaguar (Panthera onca) |
яд {noun} | :: poison, venom |
яд {noun} [figuratively] | :: something or someone that has a harmful effect on someone |
Ядвига {prop} | :: given name |
ядерная зима {noun} | :: nuclear winter |
ядерный {adj} | :: nuclear |
ядовитость {noun} | :: poisonousness, toxicity, venomousness |
ядовитый {adj} | :: poisonous, venomous, noxious |
ядрёный {adj} | :: having a large kernel (e.g. of nuts) |
ядрёный {adj} [colloquial] | :: vigorous; healthy; stalwart |
ядрёный {adj} [figuratively] | :: fresh; bracing |
ядро {noun} [botany] | :: seed, stone |
ядро {noun} [historical] | :: cannonball, round shot |
ядро {noun} [linguistics] | :: nucleus (a vowel or syllabic consonant in a syllable) |
ядро {noun} [cytology] | :: nucleus (an organelle which contains genetic material) |
ядро {noun} [physics] | :: nucleus (cluster of nucleons) |
ядро {noun} [biology] | :: nucleus (cluster of neurons) |
ядро {noun} [astronomy, geology] | :: core [of a planet, star, or galaxy] |
ядро {noun} [astronomy] | :: nucleus [of a comet] |
ядро {noun} [computers] | :: core [of a processor] |
ядро {noun} [computers] | :: kernel [of an operating system] |
ядро {noun} [physics] | :: cone [of a flame] |
ядро {noun} [athletics] | :: shot (heavy iron ball) |
ядро {noun} [sociology] | :: core members, activists [in a group] |
ядро {noun} [mathematics] | :: core (set of allocations that cannot be improved) |
ядро {noun} [mathematics] | :: kernel (set of all elements mapped to the zero element by a transformation) |
ядрышко {noun} | :: diminutive of ядро; a (small) seed, stone, cannonball, shot, nucleus, core, or kernel |
ядрышко {noun} [cytology] | :: nucleolus |
язва {noun} | :: ulcer, sore |
язва {noun} | :: sore, evil |
язва {noun} [colloquial] | :: pest, viper (malicious person) |
язвительно {adv} | :: sarcastically, caustically |
язвительный {adj} | :: caustic, biting, mordant, sarcastic, acrimonious |
язвить {v impf} | :: to bite, to sting, to wound |
язвить {v impf} | :: to taunt, to mock |
Язон {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Ясон |
язык {noun} [inanimate] | :: tongue |
язык {noun} [inanimate] | :: language |
язык {noun} [animate, military, slang] | :: prisoner for interrogation, canary, informer |
язык {noun} [inanimate] | :: clapper (of a bell) |
язык ассемблера {noun} | :: assembly language (programming language) |
языкатый {adj} [colloquial] | :: sharp-tongued |
языковая семья {noun} | :: language family (set of languages) |
языковед {noun} | :: linguist (one who studies linguistics) |
языковедение {noun} | :: linguistics |
языковедческий {adj} | :: linguistic |
языковой {adj} [relational] | :: tongue |
языковой {adj} [relational] | :: language; linguistic |
языковой барьер {noun} | :: language barrier (barrier to communication) |
языковой код {noun} | :: language code (a standard identifier of a language) |
языковой обмен {noun} | :: language exchange |
языкознание {noun} | :: linguistics |
язык проглотил {phrase} | :: cat got your tongue? (literally, "did you swallow your tongue?") |
язык программирования {noun} | :: programming language |
языческий {adj} | :: pagan, heathen |
язычество {noun} | :: paganism (local religions practiced before the introduction of Christianity) |
язычник {noun} | :: pagan, heathen (not adhering to an Abrahamic religion) |
язычник {noun} | :: polytheist |
язычный {adj} [relational] | :: tongue; lingual |
язычный {adj} [linguistics, phonetics] | :: lingual (articulated with the tongue) |
язычный {adj} [relational, dated] | :: language; linguistic |
язычок {noun} | :: diminutive of язык: tongue |
язычок {noun} | :: uvula |
язычок {noun} | :: reed musical |
язычок {noun} | :: catch, lug technical |
язь {noun} | :: ide (fish) |
яичко {noun} | :: small egg [diminutive for яйцо] |
яичко {noun} [anatomy] | :: testicle, testis, didymus |
яичник {noun} [anatomy] | :: ovary (animal) |
яичница {noun} | :: omelette or otherwise fried egg |
яичный {adj} [relational] | :: egg |
яйца задницу не учат {proverb} [vulgar] | :: synonym of яйца курицу не учат |
яйца курицу не учат {proverb} | :: don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs |
яйцевод {noun} [anatomy] | :: oviduct |
яйцекладущий {adj} | :: oviparous, monotreme |
яйцеклетка {noun} [cytology] | :: ovum, egg |
яйцеклетка {noun} | :: ovule |
яйценосный {adj} | :: oviparous, monotreme |
яйцо {noun} | :: egg |
яйцо {noun} | :: ovum |
яйцо {noun} [colloquial] | :: testicle, ball, nut, nad, gonad |
яйцо вкрутую {noun} | :: hard-boiled egg |
яйцо всмятку {noun} | :: soft-boiled egg |
-як {suffix} [added to adjectives] | :: a being/thing with a given characteristic; often of a colloquial nature: -er |
-як {suffix} | :: suffix forming nouns of various meanings |
-як {suffix} [added to nouns] | :: inhabitant or native |
як {noun} | :: yak |
яканье {noun} [linguistics] | :: the pronunciation of unstressed /e/ or /a/ after a palatalised consonant before the stressed syllable as /a/ rather than /i/, e.g. несли is pronounced [nʲas⁽ʲ⁾ˈlʲi], not [nʲɪs⁽ʲ⁾ˈlʲi]. This occurs in some Russian dialects (only where аканье is also present) and in standard Belarusian |
якать {v impf} [linguistics] | :: to pronounce an unstressed /e/ or /a/ after a palatalised consonant before the stressed syllable as /a/ rather than /i/ |
якать {v impf} [colloquial] | :: to use too much the pronoun я (I, me); to talk too much about oneself |
яко {conj} [dated] | :: like, as |
яко {conj} [dated] | :: for, because |
якобы {adv} | :: allegedly, supposedly |
Яков {prop} | :: given name |
Яков {prop} | :: Я (ya in the Russian phonetic spelling alphabet) |
якорный {adj} [relational] | :: anchor |
якорь {noun} | :: anchor |
якорь {noun} | :: (electrical) armature core, armature |
якорь {noun} | :: (acoustic) reed |
якудза {m anim} | :: yakuza (Japanese organized-crime gang) |
якут {noun} | :: Yakut (person) |
Якутия {prop} | :: Якутия (republic) |
Якутск {prop} | :: Якутск (capital city) |
якутский {adj} | :: Yakut |
якутский {noun} | :: Yakut (language) |
ялик {noun} | :: dinghy, yawl, skiff (small boat) |
яловец {noun} | :: juniper |
яловый {adj} | :: barren (of animals) |
яловый {adj} | :: made of the hide of a young calf |
Ялта {prop} | :: Ялта (a <<resort city>> in <<pen/Crimea>>, internationally recognized as part of <<c/Ukraine>> but de facto in <<c/Russia>>) |
ям {noun} [historical] | :: mail staging post |
яма {noun} | :: pit, hole (in the ground) |
яма {noun} | :: dungeon |
яма {f inan} | :: yama |
Яма {prop} | :: Яма (river) |
Яма {prop} | :: Яма (river) |
Яма {prop} | :: Яма (the previous name of the <<city>> of Siversk, <<obl/Donetsk>>, <<c/Ukraine>>) |
Яма {prop} {m anim} [Buddhism] | :: Yama (deity in Hinduism, Buddhism) |
Ямайка {prop} | :: Ямайка (country/and/island) |
ямайский {adj} | :: Jamaican |
Ямал {prop} | :: Yamal (a large peninsula and a region in the Russian North) |
Ямато {prop} {f inan} [historical] | :: Yamato (ancient name for Japan) |
ямб {noun} [poetry] | :: iamb |
ямб {noun} [regional] | :: sycee (gold or silver ingot used as currency in imperial China) |
Ямвлих {prop} | :: Iamblichus |
ямка {noun} | :: diminutive of яма: (small) hole, pit, socket; fossa |
ямочка {noun} | :: diminutive of ямка, diminutive of яма: (small) hole, pit, socket; dimple |
ямской {adj} [relational, historical] | :: postal horses, carriage |
Ямусукро {prop} {m inan} | :: Ямусукро (capital city) |
я мусульманин {phrase} | :: I'm a Muslim |
я мусульманка {phrase} | :: I'm a Muslim |
ямча {noun} | :: yum cha (yamcha) |
ямщик {noun} | :: driver, coachman, charioteer, cabman, postilion engaged in transporting people and cargo by horse and carriage |
ямщик {noun} | :: Eurasian nuthatch (Sitta europaea) |
ямщик {noun} [criminal jargon] | :: fence; brothel keeper |
ян {f inan} {n inan} | :: yang |
Ян {prop} | :: given name: [perceived as a West Slavic name] |
Яна {prop} | :: given name |
Яна {prop} | :: Яна (river) |
январский {adj} [relational] | :: January |
январь {noun} | :: January |
Янгон {prop} | :: Янгон (the <<capital>> of <<r:Suf/Yangon>> and the largest <<city>> in <<c/Burma>>) |
я не говорю по-английски {phrase} | :: I don't speak English |
я не говорю по-русски {phrase} | :: I don't speak Russian |
я не знаю {phrase} | :: I don’t know |
я не понимаю {phrase} | :: I don't understand |
я не разговариваю по-английски {phrase} | :: I don't speak English |
я не разговариваю по-русски {phrase} | :: I don't speak Russian |
я не религиозный человек {phrase} | :: I'm not religious [lit. I'm not a religious person] |
-яние {suffix} | :: -tion, -ence, -ance, -ity, etc. (suffix used to form abstract nouns from verbs; added especially to verbs ending in -ять; variant of -ание) |
-янин {suffix} | :: Suffix used to form nouns from other nouns, usually referring to inhabitants of a given place or occupations |
-янка {suffix} | :: suffix appended to nouns to form related nouns of various sorts, both animate and inanimate, generally referring to more specific objects than the base lemma; often referring to plants or animals |
янки {m anim} {f anim} | :: Yankee |
-яной {suffix} | :: adjective-forming suffix, added to materials, indicating being composed of or related to that material; normally forms relational adjectives |
янтарный {adj} [relational] | :: amber |
янтарный {adj} | :: amber (colour) |
янтарь {noun} | :: amber (fossil resin) |
Янус {prop} | :: Janus |
Янцзы {prop} {f} | :: Yangtze or Chang Jiang |
-яный {suffix} | :: adjective-forming suffix, added to materials, indicating being composed of or related to that material; normally forms relational adjectives |
янычар {noun} | :: janissary (former Turkish soldier) |
яой {noun} | :: yaoi |
я полюбила тебя {phrase} | :: I'm in love with you [female speaker] |
я полюбил тебя {phrase} | :: I'm in love with you [male speaker] |
японец {noun} | :: male Japanese person |
Япония {prop} | :: Япония (country/and/archipelago) |
японка {noun} | :: female Japanese person |
японоведение {noun} | :: Japanese studies |
японский {adj} | :: Japanese |
японский {noun} | :: Japanese language |
японский тис {noun} [botany] | :: Taxus cuspidata, Japanese yew |
Японское море {prop} | :: Sea of Japan |
японцы {noun} [collective] | :: the Japanese people |
япошка {m anim} {f anim} {f inan} [pejorative, animate] | :: a Japanese person, a Jap, a Nip |
япошка {m anim} {f anim} {f inan} [colloquial, pejorative, inanimate] | :: anything from Japan, especially Japanese cars, or Japanese fast food restaurants |
-яр {suffix} | :: Usually denoting occupation or agent. Compare to -арь |
яр {noun} | :: steep bank, ravine |
яранга {noun} | :: yaranga (a rounded or conical tent of reindeer hide, the traditional mobile home of some nomadic indigenous peoples of Russia.) |
ярд {noun} | :: yard (three feet) |
Ярдена {prop} | :: River Jordan |
ярить {v impf} | :: to enrage |
ярка {noun} | :: young ewe (female sheep) |
яркий {adj} | :: bright |
ярко {adv} | :: brightly |
ярко-красный {adj} | :: bright red, ruddy, vermilion |
яркость {noun} | :: brightness |
ярл {noun} | :: jarl |
ярлык {noun} [historical] | :: yarligh (a written decree in the Mongol Empire and its Division of the Mongol Empire) |
ярлык {noun} | :: label, tag |
ярлык {noun} [figuratively] | :: label, pigeonhole (superficial, stereotypical classification of something or someone) |
ярлык {noun} [computing] | :: shortcut, quick-access button |
ярмарка {noun} | :: fair (market), funfair, county fair, state fair |
ярмо {noun} | :: yoke (wooden bar) |
ярмо {noun} [figuratively] | :: burden |
яровой {adj} [relational] | :: spring [of crops] |
я родилась в ... году {phrase} | :: I was born in ... [female speaker, the year is in the prepositional case] |
я родился в ... году {phrase} | :: I was born in ... [male speaker, the year is in the prepositional case] |
Ярополк {prop} | :: given name |
Ярослав {prop} | :: given name |
Ярослава {prop} | :: given name |
Ярославль {prop} | :: Ярославль (city/administrative center) |
ярославский {adj} [relational] | :: Yaroslavl |
яростно {adv} | :: furiously |
яростно {adv} | :: violently |
яростный {adj} | :: furious, fierce, violent, frantic |
ярость {noun} | :: fury, rage, frenzy |
ярус {noun} | :: tier (horizontal row) |
ярус {noun} [theater] | :: circle (a curved upper tier of seats in a theater) |
ярус {noun} [geology] | :: geologic stage |
я русская {phrase} | :: I am Russian (female, of ethnicity) |
я русский {phrase} | :: I am Russian (male, of ethnicity) |
ярчайший {adj} | :: superlative of яркий: brightest |
ярый {adj} | :: ardent |
ярый {adj} | :: violent, furious, vehement |
ярый {adj} [relational, obsolete] | :: spring, summer |
ярый {adj} [obsolete] | :: this year's |
ясак {noun} [historical] | :: yasak |
ясак {noun} [archaic] | :: conventional sign, signal |
ясенелистный {adj} | :: used in one of the common names of Acer negundo (boxelder) |
ясень {noun} | :: ash (tree or wood) |
ясколка {noun} | :: mouse-ear chickweed (Cerastium gen. et spp.) |
ясли {noun} | :: nursery, crèche |
ясли {noun} | :: crib |
ясли {noun} | :: manger |
яснеть {v impf} | :: to become clear |
-яснить {affix} | :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to clarify, to explain" |
-яснить {affix} | :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to become clear" |
ясно {adv} | :: clearly |
ясно {adv} | :: brightly |
ясно {adv} | :: finely |
ясно {adv} | :: limpidly |
ясно {adv} | :: distinctly, evidently |
ясно {pred} | :: one understands, one sees, it's clear |
ясновидящий {adj} | :: clairvoyant |
ясность {noun} | :: clarity, lucidity |
ясный {adj} | :: clear |
ясный {adj} | :: bright |
ясный {adj} | :: fine |
ясный {adj} | :: limpid |
ясный {adj} | :: discrete |
ясный {adj} | :: evident |
Ясон {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Jason |
яства {noun} [archaic] | :: viands, victuals |
яство {noun} [dated or ironic] | :: viand (a choice dish) |
ястреб {noun} | :: hawk (a predatory bird) |
ястреб {noun} [politics] | :: hawk, warmonger |
ясырь {noun} [archaic] | :: a prisoner taken by Turks or Crimean Tatars after a raid (from the fifteenth up to the eighteenth century) |
ятаган {noun} | :: yataghan (type of sword) |
я так думаю {phrase} | :: I think so |
я так не думаю {phrase} | :: I don't think so |
я тебя люблю {phrase} [very, intimate] | :: I love you |
я тебя ненавижу {phrase} [colloquial] | :: I hate you |
-ятор {suffix} | :: Suffix used to form agent nouns (both animate and inanimate) from verbs in -ировать, -ировать and -овать whose stem ends in -л: -ator, -er |
ятровь {noun} [regional, dated] | :: sister-in-law (husband's brother's wife) |
-ять {suffix} | :: The infinitive suffix for many verbs. Usually indicates an imperfective verb. Often used to derive imperfective verbs from prefixed perfective verbs in -ить, and triggers iotation |
ять {noun} | :: The archaic letter yat (Cyrillic capital Ѣ, Cyrillic small ѣ, Glagolitic ⱑ) |
ять {v pf} [obsolete] | :: to take |
ять {v pf} [obsolete] | :: to acquire, to receive |
Яунде {prop} {m inan} | :: Яунде (capital city) |
яхонт {noun} [dated] | :: ruby; sapphire |
я хочу знать {phrase} | :: I want to know |
я христианин {phrase} | :: I'm a Christian |
я христианка {phrase} | :: I'm a Christian |
яхта {noun} | :: yacht (slick and light ship) |
яхтсмен {noun} | :: yachter, yachtsman (one who sails a yacht) |
ячейка {noun} | :: cell, spot, mesh, nucleus; compartment, cubicle |
-ячий {suffix} | :: Adjective-forming suffix, added to intransitive verbs, particularly class 4 verbs (in -ить) and class 5 verbs (in -еть or -ять), indicating being in the state of that verb |
ячмень {noun} | :: stye (bacterial infection of the eyelash or eyelid) |
ячмень {noun} | :: barley (annual temperate grasses of the species Hordeum vulgare) |
ячмень {noun} | :: barley (the grain of annual temperate grasses of the species Hordeum vulgare, used in making beer and whisky and for soups, puddings, etc.) |
яшма {noun} | :: jasper (a precious stone) |
ящер {noun} | :: (a large) lizard (reptile) |
ящер {noun} | :: pangolin (mammal) |
ящерица {noun} | :: lizard |
Ящерица {prop} [constellation] | :: Lacerta |
ящерка {noun} [colloquial or regional] | :: lizard (reptile) |
ящик {noun} | :: box, case, chest |
ящик {noun} | :: drawer (in a table) |
ящик {noun} [colloquial, disparaging] | :: idiot box, boob tube (TV set) |
ящик Пандоры {noun} [idiom] | :: Pandora's box |
ящичек {noun} | :: diminutive of ящик: (small) box, crate, drawer, hussy |
ящур {noun} | :: foot-and-mouth disease |
-яющий {suffix} | :: -ing, -ent, -ive (present participle active: “which is ...-ing”) |