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enameled (comparative more enameled, superlative most enameled)

  1. Covered or coated with enamel (any sense)
    • 1867, Louis Brandt, An Infallible Guide to Discover the Age of Horses, page 9:
      this must not be confounded with the mark of the tooth, which is entirely different; the mark being the outer, and the cavity the inner hole, and which is found in every young tooth not yet worn down to the kernel, which tooth consists merely of an enameled shell, filled during the life time of the animal with a thickish fluid , which by degrees becomes a grey matter.
    • 2014, Carol Grace, Wild Mustang Billionaire:
      In her bathhouse, in her old enameled bathtub, was a cowboy.
    • 2024, Karen L. Cohen, Barbara Barrans, Enamel Buttons: An Essential Resource for Collectors, page 40:
      In rare cases, an enameled plaquette can be mechanically attached to a button of a different base material. Because the base material is what determines material classification, that button is not classified as an enamel.
  2. Glossy, colorful and sleek.
    • 2014, Kylie Cardell, Dear World: Contemporary Uses of the Diary, page 25:
      In her essays on diary in The Novel of the Future (1968), Nin articulates her case directly, connecting diary and other subjective modes to articulation that moves beyond the "slicker, glossier, the more enameled surface”: “the surface does not contain a key to authentic experience, the truth lies in what we feel and not in what we see" .
    • 2016, Joao Silva, Entertaining Lisbon:
      The annual revista . . . deserves the most golden, the most enameled, the most complementary adjectives.
    • 2023, Avram B. Cross, In The Line of Fire:
      Everyone there was better dressed than in the bars he'd visited earlier—sleeker, more enameled.

Derived terms





  1. (US) simple past and past participle of enamel