User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-c
C++ {prop} (C++) | :: C++ {m} |
caatinga {n} (sparse, thorny wooded area of northeastern Brazil) | :: caatinga {f} |
cab {n} (compartment) | :: cabine {f} |
cab {n} (taxi) SEE: taxi | :: |
cabana {n} (a cabin or hut, shelter on a beach) | :: cabana {f}, choupana {f} |
cabaret {n} (live entertainment held in a restaurant or nightclub) | :: cabaré {m}, cabaret {m} |
cabbage {n} (plant) | :: repolho {m}, couve |
cabbage {n} (leaves of this plant eaten as a vegetable) | :: repolho {m} |
cabbage {n} (person with severely reduced mental capacities due to brain damage) | :: vegetal {m} |
Cabernet Sauvignon {n} (variety of red grape) | :: Cabernet Sauvignon {f} |
Cabernet Sauvignon {n} (wine) | :: Cabernet Sauvignon {m} |
cabin {n} (small dwelling, especially one made of logs) | :: cabana {f} |
cabin {n} (private room on a ship) | :: cabine {f} |
cabin {n} (interior of a boat) | :: cabina {f}, camarote {m} |
cabin {n} (section of passenger plane having same class of service) | :: cabine {f} |
cabin boy {n} (a boy serving on a ship) | :: grumete {m} |
cabinet {n} (storage closet) | :: armário {m} |
cabinet {n} (group of advisors) | :: gabinete {m} |
cabinet {n} (group of ministers) | :: gabinete {m} |
cabinetmaker {n} (skilled woodworker) | :: ebanista {m} {f} |
cable {n} (large wire, rope) | :: cabo {m} |
cable {n} (assembly of wires for electricity) | :: cabo {m}, fio {m} |
cable {n} (heavy rope or chain as used for mooring) | :: boça {f} |
cable {n} (communications system with coaxial or fiber optic) | :: cabo {m}, linha {f} |
cable {n} (telegram) | :: telegrama {m} |
cable car {n} (hanging carriage) | :: teleférico {m} |
cable internet {n} (internet connectivity received through coaxial cables) | :: internet a cabo {f} |
cable television {n} (television received through coaxial cables) | :: televisão a cabo {f} |
cableway {n} (system of cables) | :: teleférico {m} |
cabling {n} (a collection of cables) | :: cabeamento, cablagem |
Cabo Verde {prop} (Cape Verde) SEE: Cape Verde | :: |
cabriolet {n} (an automobile with a retractable top) | :: conversível {m} |
cabriolet {n} (a light carriage with a folding top, pulled by a single horse) | :: cabriolé {m} |
cacao {n} (cacao tree) | :: cacaueiro {m} |
cacao {n} (cocoa bean) | :: cacau {m} |
cachalot {n} (sperm whale) SEE: sperm whale | :: |
cache {n} (store) | :: esconderijo {m} |
cache {n} (computing: fast temporary storage for data) | :: cache {m} |
cache-sexe {n} (article of clothing) | :: tapa-sexo {m} |
cachexia {n} (systemic wasting of muscle tissue that accompanies a chronic disease) | :: caquexia {f} |
cackle {n} (cry of a hen or goose, especially when laying an egg) | :: cacarejo |
cackle {v} (to laugh with a sound similar to a hen's cry) | :: cacarejar |
cacodemon {n} (evil or malevolent spirit) | :: cacodemônio {m} [Brazil] |
cacomixl {n} (Bassariscus astutus) | :: bassarisco {m} |
cacophony {n} (mix of discordant sounds; dissonance) | :: cacofonia {f} |
cactus {n} (member of the Cactaceae) | :: cacto {m} [Brazil], cato {m} [Portugal], cáctus {m} |
cadastre {n} ((cartography) a public survey of land) | :: cadastro |
cadastre {n} (register) | :: cadastro |
cadaver {n} (a dead body) | :: cadáver {m} |
cadaverine {n} (foul-smelling diamine) | :: cadaverina {f} |
cadence {n} (cycling:№ of revolutions per minute) | :: pedalagem |
cadet {n} (a student at a military school who is training to be an officer) | :: cadete {m} |
Cadiz {prop} (port city in Andalusia, Spain) | :: Cádis {f} |
cadmium {n} (chemical element) | :: cádmio {m} |
cadre {n} (frame or framework) | :: armação {f} |
cadre {n} (core of managing group) | :: quadro {m} |
caecal {adj} (of or pertaining to caecum) | :: cecal |
caecum {n} (blind pouch connected to the large intestine) | :: ceco {m} |
Caesar {prop} (ancient Roman family name) | :: César {m} |
Caesar {n} (a title of Roman emperors) | :: césar {m} |
Caesarea {prop} (any of the places called Caesarea) | :: Cesareia {f} |
Caesarean section {n} (incision in the womb) | :: cesariana {f} |
Caesar salad {n} (Caesar salad) | :: salada Caesar {f}, Caesar salad {f}, salada César {f} |
caesium {n} (a metallic chemical element) | :: césio {m} |
caesura {n} (a pause or interruption) | :: cesura {f} |
caesura {n} (using two words to divide a metrical foot) | :: cesura {f} |
café {n} (coffee shop) | :: café {m} |
café au lait {n} (coffee with milk) | :: café com leite |
cafe {n} (café) SEE: café | :: |
cafestol {n} (diterpene molecule present in coffee) | :: cafestol {m} |
cafeteria {n} (restaurant) | :: cafeteria {f}, cantina {f} |
cafeteria {n} (dining area) | :: refeitório, cantina |
caffeine {n} (alkaloid found naturally in tea and coffee plants) | :: cafeína {f} |
cage {n} (enclosure) | :: gaiola {f}, jaula {f} |
cage {v} (to put into a cage) | :: engaiolar |
Cagliari {prop} (capital of Cagliari) | :: Cagliari |
cahoots {n} (collusion or collaboration to nefarious ends) | :: trama {f}, conluio {m} |
caiman {n} (alligator relative) | :: caimão {m} |
Cain {prop} (son of Adam and Eve) | :: Caim {m} |
caipirinha {n} (a traditional Brazilian drink) | :: caipirinha {f} |
Cairene {adj} (of or pertaining to Cairo) | :: cairota {m} {f} |
cairn {n} (monument) | :: moledro {m} |
cairn {n} (landmark) | :: moledro {m} |
Cairo {prop} (capital of Egypt) | :: Cairo {m} |
caisson {n} (architecture: coffer) SEE: coffer | :: |
Cajetan {prop} (male given name) | :: Caetano {m} |
cajón {n} (box-shaped percussion instrument) | :: cajón {m} |
cajole {v} (to encourage or persuade by effort) | :: lisonjear |
cake {n} (a sweet dessert) | :: bolo {m} |
cake {n} (a block of solid material) | :: [of soap] sabonete {m} |
cake {n} (a trivially easy task or responsibility) SEE: piece of cake | :: |
cake {v} (to cackle like a goose) SEE: cackle | :: |
cakery {n} (cake shop) SEE: patisserie | :: |
cake tin {n} (the tin in which a cake is baked) | :: forma {f} |
Caló {prop} (Spanish Romani) | :: caló {m}, calão {m} |
calabash {n} (Lagenaria siceraria) | :: cabaça {f}, cabaceiro {m}, cuieira {f}, porongo {m} |
calabash {n} (fruit of the Lagenaria siceraria) | :: cabaça {f}, cuia {f}, porongo {m} |
calabash {n} (container made from the shell of the fruit of one of the above plants) | :: cuia {f} |
calaboose {n} (prison) SEE: prison | :: |
Calabrese {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Calabria) SEE: Calabrian | :: |
Calabria {prop} (region of Italy) | :: Calábria {f} |
Calabrian {adj} (from Calabria) | :: calábrico {m}, calabrês {m} |
Calabrian {n} (inhabitant of Calabria) | :: calabrês |
Calabrian {prop} (language) | :: calabrês {m} |
caladium {n} (any of the genus Caladium of flowering plants) | :: caládio {m} |
Calais {prop} (a town in France) | :: Calais {f} |
calamari {n} (as mollusk) SEE: squid | :: |
calamitous {adj} (concerning or involving calamity, disastrous) | :: calamitoso |
calamity {n} (event resulting in great loss) | :: calamidade {f} |
calamity {n} (distress that results from some disaster) | :: calamidade {f} |
calamus {n} (fistula) SEE: fistula | :: |
calamus {n} (quill) SEE: quill | :: |
calamus {n} (sweet flag) SEE: sweet flag | :: |
calcaneus {n} (heel bone) SEE: heel bone | :: |
calced {adj} (wearing shoes) | :: calçado {m}, calçada {f} |
calcic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or derived from calcium or lime) | :: cálcico |
calcination {n} (the process of calcining) | :: calcinação {m} |
calcite {n} (calcium carbonate mineral) | :: calcita {f} |
calcium {n} (chemical element of atomic number 20) | :: cálcio {m} |
calcium carbonate {n} (CaCO3) | :: carbonato de cálcio {m} |
calcium hydroxide {n} (chemical compound) | :: hidróxido de cálcio {m} |
calcium oxide {n} (white powderous substance) | :: óxido de cálcio {m} |
calculable {adj} (able to be calculated) | :: calculável |
calculate {v} ((transitive) to determine the value or solution of sth.) | :: calcular |
calculate {v} ((intransitive) to determine values or solutions) | :: calcular |
calculating {adj} (serving one's own interests in an unemotional, analytical manner) | :: calculista, maquiavélico |
calculation {n} (act or process of calculating) | :: cálculo {m} |
calculation {n} (result of calculating) | :: cômputo {m} |
calculation {n} (reckoning, estimate) | :: cálculo {m}, cômputo {m}, apuração {f} |
calculator {n} (electronic device that performs mathematical calculations) | :: calculadora {f} |
calculator {n} (mechanical device that performs mathematical calculations) | :: calculadora {f} |
calculator {n} (dated: a person who performs mathematical calculations) | :: calculador {m}, calculista |
calculator {n} (person who calculates (in the sense of scheming)) | :: calculista {m} |
calculus {n} (formal mathematical system) | :: cálculo |
calculus {n} (differential calculus and integral calculus considered as a single subject) | :: cálculo {m} |
calculus {n} (stony concretion in an organ) | :: cálculo {m} |
calculus {n} (deposits on teeth) | :: tártaro {m} |
calculus of variations {n} (a form of calculus) | :: cálculo de variações {m} |
Calcutta {prop} (former name of Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal) | :: Calcutá {f} |
Calcutta {prop} (current name of the city) SEE: Kolkata | :: |
caldera {n} (geology: a large crater formed by a volcanic explosion) | :: caldeira {f} |
Caleb {prop} (biblical character) | :: Calebe {m} |
calendar {n} (system by which time is divided) | :: calendário {m} |
calendar {n} (means to determine the date) | :: calendário {m} |
calendar {n} (list of planned events) | :: agenda {f}, calendário {m} |
calender {n} (machine) | :: calandra {f} |
calender {v} (to press between rollers) | :: calandrar |
calender {n} (one of an order of dervishes) | :: calênder {m} |
calends {n} (first day of a month of the Roman calendar) | :: calendas {f-p} |
calendula {n} (plant of Calendula) | :: calêndula {f} |
calf {n} (young cow or bull) | :: bezerro {m}, terneiro {m}, novilho {m} |
calf {n} (young deer, elephant, seal or whale (also used of some other animals)) | :: filhote {m}, cria {f} |
calf {n} (anatomy: back of the leg below the knee) | :: panturrilha {f} |
calf {n} (muscle in the back of the leg below the knee) | :: tríceps sural {m} |
calf bone {n} (smaller lower-leg bone) | :: fíbula {f}, perónio {m} |
calflike {adj} (Resembling a calf (young cow) or some aspect of one) | :: abezerrado |
Calgary {prop} (city) | :: Calgary {f} |
Cali {prop} (California) SEE: California | :: |
calibrate {v} (to check or adjust by comparison with a standard) | :: calibrar |
calibration {n} (act of calibrating) | :: calibração {f} |
calibre {n} (Diameter of the bore of a firearm) | :: calibre {m} |
calibre {n} (Diameter of round or cylindrical body, as of a bullet, projectile or column) | :: calibre {m} |
calico {n} (kind of cloth) | :: calicó {m}, calicô {m} |
California {prop} (US state) | :: Califórnia {f} |
Californian {adj} (of or relating to California) | :: californiano {m} |
Californian {n} (an inhabitant of California) | :: californiano {m} |
californium {n} (chemical element) | :: califórnio {m} |
caliginous {adj} (dark, obscure) SEE: dark | :: |
caliper {n} (calipers) SEE: calipers | :: |
caliper {n} (part of a disc brake) | :: pinça {f} |
calipers {n} (device used to measure thickness between two surfaces) | :: paquímetro {m} |
caliph {n} (political leader of the Muslim world) | :: califa |
caliphate {n} (Islamic government) | :: califado {m} |
Calixtine {n} (Utraquist) SEE: Utraquist | :: |
call {n} (telephone conversation) | :: telefonema {m}, chamada, ligação |
call {n} (social visit) | :: visita {f} |
call {n} (cry or shout) | :: chamada {f}, grito {m} |
call {n} (characteristic cry of a bird or other animal) | :: canto {m} |
call {n} (beckoning or summoning) | :: chamada {f}, chamado {m} |
call {n} ((medicine) overnight duty in the hospital) | :: plantão médico |
call {n} ((computing) the act of jumping to a subprogram) | :: chamada {f} |
call {v} (to request, summon, or beckon) | :: chamar |
call {v} (to cry or shout) | :: gritar, chamar |
call {v} (to contact by telephone) | :: telefonar, ligar |
call {v} (to pay a social visit) | :: visitar |
call {v} (to name or refer to) | :: chamar |
call {v} (to require, demand) | :: requerer |
calla {n} (Calla palustris) | :: cala {f} |
call an ambulance {phrase} (request to call an ambulance) | :: chame uma ambulância |
call a spade a spade {v} (to speak the truth) | :: pão, pão, queijo, queijo (bread [is] bread, cheese [is] cheese) |
caller {n} (the person who makes a telephone call) | :: chamador {m} |
call for {v} (to summon) | :: chamar |
call for {v} (to necessitate, demand) | :: exigir |
calligrapher {n} (one who practices calligraphy) | :: calígrafo {m} |
calligraphic {adj} (of calligraphy) | :: caligráfico |
calligraphic {adj} (written as calligraphy) | :: caligráfico |
calligraphy {n} (art of writing with decorative strokes) | :: caligrafia {f} |
calling card {n} (printed card identifying the bearer) SEE: business card | :: |
calling name {n} (nickname) SEE: nickname | :: |
Calliope {prop} (the Muse of eloquence and epic) | :: Calíope {f} |
callipygian {adj} (having beautiful buttocks) | :: calipígio |
callipygous {adj} (callipygian) SEE: callipygian | :: |
Callirrhoë {prop} (a naiad) | :: Calírroe {f} |
call it a day {v} (to retire) | :: largar mão |
call it a day {v} (to cease activity for the day) | :: dar por encerrado |
call off {v} (to cancel) | :: cancelar |
callous {adj} (emotionally hardened) | :: insensível |
callow {adj} (bald) SEE: bald | :: |
call roll {v} | :: fazer a chamada |
call sign {n} (broadcasting) | :: indicativo {m} |
callsign {n} (call sign) SEE: call sign | :: |
call the police {phrase} (call the police) | :: chame a polícia, ligue para a polícia |
call to account {v} (hold answerable) SEE: hold to account | :: |
callus {n} (hardened part of the skin) | :: calo {m} |
callus {v} (form hardened tissue) | :: calo {m} |
calm {adj} (free from anger and anxiety) | :: tranquilo, calmo, sossegado |
calm {adj} (free of noise and disturbance) | :: tranquilo, calmo |
calm {adj} ((of water) with few or no waves on the surface) | :: tranquilo, calmo |
calm {n} (condition of being unworried and free from anger) | :: calma {f} |
calm {n} (the state with absence of noise and disturbance) | :: calma {f}, tranquilidade {f}, sossego {m} |
calm {n} (period without wind) | :: calmaria {f} |
calm {v} (to make calm) | :: acalmar |
calm {v} (to become calm) | :: acalmar-se, ficar calmo |
calm before the storm {n} (peace before a disturbance or crisis) | :: calmaria antes da tempestade {f} |
calm down {v} (To become less excited) | :: acalmar-se |
calm down {v} (To cause to become less excited) | :: acalmar |
calmly {adv} (in a calm manner) | :: tranquilamente |
calmness {n} (the state of being calm; tranquillity; silence) | :: calma {f} |
calorie {n} (amount of heat to raise 1 gram of water by 1 °C) | :: caloria {f} |
calorimeter {n} (apparatus for measuring amount of heat) | :: calorímetro {m} |
calque {n} (word formed by word-for-word translation of a word in another language) | :: decalque (linguístico) {m} |
Caltanissetta {prop} (city and province of Sicily) | :: Caltanissetta |
caltrop {n} (weaponry) | :: abrolho {m}, estrepe {m}, miguelito [modern] |
caltrop {n} (starthistle) | :: abrolho {m} |
caltrop {n} (Tribulus terrestris) | :: abrolho {m} |
calumniate {v} (to make hurtful untrue statements) | :: caluniar |
calumny {n} (falsifications or misrepresentations intended to disparage or discredit another) | :: calúnia {f} |
Calvados {prop} (département of France, in the Normandy region) | :: Calvados {m} |
Calvinism {n} (Christian religious tradition) | :: calvinismo {m} |
Calvinist {n} (follower) | :: calvinista {m} {f} |
Calvinist {adj} (of or pertaining to Calvinism, a Calvinist or Calvinists) | :: calvinista |
calvous {adj} (lacking most or all of one's hair) SEE: bald | :: |
Calypso {prop} (a sea nymph) | :: Calipso {f} |
Calypso {prop} (a moon of Saturn) | :: Calipso |
calyptra {n} (thin, hood-like tissue) | :: caliptra {f} |
calyx {n} (the sepals of a flower) | :: cálice {m} |
calyx {n} (anatomy: structure in kidney) | :: cálice {m} |
cam {n} (camera) SEE: camera | :: |
camaraderie {n} (close friendship in a group of friends) | :: camaradagem {f}, camaradaria {f} |
camaraderie {n} (a spirit of familiarity and closeness) | :: camaradagem {f}, camaradaria {f} |
cambarysu {n} (drum) | :: cambarysú |
cambium {n} (membrane that covers bones) SEE: periosteum | :: |
Cambodia {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) | :: Camboja {f} |
Cambodian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Cambodia, the Cambodian people, or the Khmer language) | :: cambojano |
Cambodian {n} (a person from Cambodia or of Cambodian descent) | :: cambojano {m} |
Cambodian {n} (the language of the Cambodian people) SEE: Khmer | :: |
Cambrian explosion {prop} (the rapid appearance, around 541 million years ago, of most major animal phyla) | :: explosão cambriana {f}, explosão do Cambriano {f} |
Cambrian symbol {n} (literary: vegetable emblematic of Wales) SEE: leek | :: |
Cambridge {prop} (city) | :: Cantabrígia {f}, Cambrígia {f} |
camcorder {n} (electronic device) | :: câmera filmadora |
camel {n} (beast of burden) | :: camelo {m} |
camellia {n} (plant) | :: camélia {f} |
camelopard {n} (giraffe) SEE: giraffe | :: |
Camelopardalis {prop} (constellation) | :: Girafa {f} |
camembert {n} (creamy cheese from France) | :: camembert {m} |
cameo {n} (relief work) | :: camafeu {m} |
camera {n} (still camera) | :: câmara fotográfica {f} [Portugal], câmera fotográfica {f} [Brazil], máquina fotográfica {f} |
camera {n} (movie camera) | :: videocâmara {f} [Portugal], videocâmera {f} [Brazil] |
camera angle {n} (viewpoint from which something is photographed) | :: [Brazil] ângulo da câmera {f}, [Portugal] ângulo da câmara {f} |
camera flash {n} (a device that produces a short flash of light) SEE: flash | :: |
cameraman {n} (somebody who operates a film or TV camera) | :: cameraman {m}, câmera {m} |
camerlengo {n} (chamberlain) | :: camerlengo {m} |
Cameroon {prop} (country in Central Africa) | :: Camarões |
Cameroonian {adj} (pertaining to Cameroon) | :: camaronês |
Cameroonian {n} (person from Cameroon) | :: camaronês {m} |
Camilla {prop} (female given name) | :: Camila |
camisole {n} (undergarment) | :: camisolão {m} |
camomile {n} | :: camomila {f} |
camomile {n} (camomile tea) SEE: camomile tea | :: |
camomile tea {n} (beverage) | :: chá de camomila {m} |
camouflage {n} (disguise) | :: camuflagem {f} |
camouflage {n} (act of disguising) | :: camuflagem {f} |
camouflage {n} (military) | :: camuflagem {f} |
camouflage {n} (biology) | :: camuflagem {f} |
camouflage {n} | :: camuflagem {f} |
camouflage {v} (hide, disguise) | :: camuflar |
camouflaged {adj} (disguised) | :: camuflado |
camp {n} (outdoor place) | :: acampamento {m}, camping {m} |
camp {n} (organized event) | :: acampamento {m} |
camp {n} (base) | :: acampamento {m} |
camp {n} (group) | :: acampados {m-p} |
camp {v} (to live in a tent) | :: acampar |
camp {n} (summer camp) SEE: summer camp | :: |
campaign {n} (series of operations undertaken to achieve a set goal) | :: campanha {f} |
campaign group {n} (advocacy group) SEE: advocacy group | :: |
Campania {prop} (region of Italy) | :: Campânia {f}, Campanha {f} |
camp bed {n} (a cot) | :: cama portátil {f} |
campfire {n} (fire at a campground) | :: fogueira {f} |
camp follower {n} (someone who follows an army for living) | :: seguidor de acampamento {m} |
campground {n} (area for tents) | :: camping {m} |
campground {n} (area where is a camp meeting is held) | :: camping {m}, acampamento {m} |
camphor {n} (white transparent waxy crystalline isoprenoid ketone) | :: cânfora {f} |
Campidanese Sardinian {prop} (the language) | :: sardo campidanês {m} |
camping {n} (recreational activity) | :: camping {m}, campismo {m} |
campsite {n} (a place where a tent may be or is pitched) | :: área de acampamento {f}, parque de campismo {m} |
campus {n} (grounds or property of a school, etc) | :: campus {m} |
camshaft {n} (a shaft fitted with cams) | :: eixo de comando {m}, árvore de cames {f} |
can {v} (to be able) | :: conseguir, saber, poder, ser capaz de |
can {v} (may) | :: poder |
can {n} (a more or less cylindrical vessel for liquids) | :: lata {f} |
can {n} (a container used to carry and dispense water for plants) | :: regador {m} |
can {n} (a tin-plate canister) | :: lata {f} |
can {n} (non-offensive slang for toilet, see also: toilet) | :: vaso {m} |
can {n} (buttocks) | :: bunda {f}, traseiro {m} |
can {v} (to preserve) | :: enlatar |
can {v} (to discard) | :: descartar, jogar fora |
can {v} (to shut up) | :: calar |
can {v} (to fire or dismiss an employee) | :: demitir, mandar embora |
can {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot | :: |
Canaan {prop} (historic region) | :: Canaã |
Canaan Dog {n} (Canaan Dog) | :: cão de Canaã {m} |
Canada {prop} (country in North America) | :: Canadá {m} |
Canada goose {n} (Branta canadensis) | :: ganso-do-canadá |
Canada lynx {n} (Lynx canadensis) | :: lince-do-canadá {m} |
Canadian {adj} (of or pertaining to Canada) | :: canadense [Brazil], canadiano [Portugal] |
Canadian {n} (person from Canada) | :: canadense {m} {f} [Brazil], canadiano {m} [Portugal], canadiana {f} [Portugal] |
Canadian {prop} (Canadian English) | :: inglês canadense {m}, inglês canadiano {m} |
Canadian dollar {n} (official currency of Canada) | :: dólar canadiano {m} [Portugal], dólar canadense {m} [Brazil] |
Canadian football {n} (sport) | :: futebol canadense {m} |
canal {n} (artificial waterway) | :: canal {m} |
canapé {n} (a bite size slice open-faced sandwich) | :: canapé {m} |
canapé {n} (elegant sofa) | :: canapé {m} |
canard {n} (false or misleading report or story) | :: atoarda {f} |
canard {n} (type of aircraft) | :: canard {m} |
canard {n} (winglike structure) | :: canard {m} |
canary {n} (bird from the Canary Islands) | :: canário {m} |
canary {n} (colour) | :: amarelo-canário {m} |
canary {n} (dance) | :: canário {m} |
canary {adj} (of a light yellow colour) | :: amarelo-canário |
canary grass {n} (Phalaris canariensis) | :: alpiste {m} |
Canary Islands {prop} (an archipelago off the coast of north-western Africa) | :: Ilhas Canárias {f-p} |
canasta {n} (card game) | :: canastra {f} |
Canberra {prop} (Capital of Australia) | :: Canberra {f} |
cancel {v} (cross out) | :: riscar |
cancel {v} (invalidate, annul) | :: anular, invalidar, cancelar |
cancel {v} (offset, equalize) | :: neutralizar |
cancel {v} (remove a common factor) | :: eliminar |
cancel {n} (cancellation) | :: anulação {f} |
cancellation {n} (act of cancelling) | :: cancelamento {m}, anulação {f}, invalidação {f}, resignação {f} |
cancel out {v} (to neutralize the effect of) | :: anular |
cancer {n} (disease of uncontrolled cellular proliferation) | :: câncer {m} |
Cancer {prop} (constellation) | :: câncer {m} |
Cancer {prop} (astrological sign) | :: câncer {m} |
Cancer {n} (Someone with a Cancer star sign) | :: canceriano {m} |
Cancerian {adj} (Attributive of Cancer) | :: canceriano {m} |
cancerogenic {adj} (carcinogenic) SEE: carcinogenic | :: |
cancerous {adj} (relating to or affected with cancer) | :: canceroso |
candela {n} (unit of luminous intensity) | :: candela {f} |
candelabrum {n} (candle holder) | :: candelabro {m} |
candid {adj} (impartial and free from prejudice) | :: imparcial |
candid {adj} (straightforward, open and sincere) | :: cândido |
candid {adj} (not posed or rehearsed) | :: sincero |
candida {n} (yeast of the genus Candida) | :: cândida {f} |
candidacy {n} (state or act of being a candidate) | :: candidatura {f} |
candidate {n} (person running in an election) | :: candidato {m}, candidata {f} |
candidate {n} (participant in an examination) | :: candidato {m}, candidata {f} |
candidateship {n} (candidacy) SEE: candidacy | :: |
candidly {adv} (frankly) SEE: frankly | :: |
candidly {adv} (in a candid manner) | :: candidamente |
candle {n} (a light source) | :: vela {f} |
candle holder {n} (candle holder) SEE: candlestick | :: |
Candlemas {n} (Christian feast) | :: Candelária {f} |
candle snuffer {n} (device made to extinguish a candle) | :: abafador {m} |
candlestick {n} (a holder with a socket or spike for a candle) | :: castiçal {m} |
candlewick {n} SEE: candle | :: |
Candomblé {prop} (religion) | :: candomblé {m} |
candor {n} (sincere and open in speech, honesty in expression) | :: franqueza {f} |
candy {n} (piece of candy) | :: rebuçado {m} [Portugal], bombom {m} [Portugal], bala {f} [Brazil], confeito |
candy {n} (unit of mass) | :: candil {m} |
candy {n} (confection) SEE: confectionery | :: |
candy cane {n} (candy in the shape of a cane) | :: bastão de doces {m} |
candy floss {n} (sweet) | :: algodão-doce |
candy store {n} (sweetshop) SEE: sweetshop | :: |
cane {n} (slender flexible stem of plants such as bamboo) | :: colmo {m} |
cane {n} (plant itself) | :: cana {f} |
cane {n} (a short wooden or bamboo rod or stick used for corporal punishment) | :: chibata {f}, vergasta {f} |
cane {n} (the cane: corporal punishment consisting of a beating with a cane) | :: chibateamento {m} |
cane {n} (long collapsible rod used by vision impaired people) | :: bengala |
cane {v} (to beat with a cane) | :: chibatar, chibatear, vergastar |
cane {n} (walking stick) SEE: walking stick | :: |
cane {n} (sugar cane) SEE: sugar cane | :: |
cane sugar {n} (sugar from the sugar cane plant) | :: açúcar de cana {m} |
Canes Venatici {prop} (constellation) | :: Canes Venatici {f} |
cane toad {n} (Bufo marinus) | :: cururu {m}, sapo-cururu {m} |
can I come in {phrase} (phrase) | :: posso entrar? |
canid {n} (member of Canidae) | :: canídeo {m} |
canine {adj} (pertaining to dogs) | :: canino {m} |
canine {n} (pointy tooth) SEE: canine tooth | :: |
canine tooth {n} (tooth) | :: dente canino {m} |
caning {n} (a beating with a cane) | :: vergastada {f} |
Canis Major {prop} (winter constellation of the northern sky) | :: Cão Maior {m} |
Canis Minor {prop} (small winter constellation of the northern sky) | :: Canis Minor {f}, Cão Menor {m} |
canistel {n} (fruit) | :: canistel {m} |
canister {n} (short range antipersonnel projectile) SEE: grapeshot | :: |
canister {n} (container) | :: lata {f} |
canister shot {n} (grapeshot) SEE: grapeshot | :: |
can I use your phone {phrase} (can I use your phone?) | :: posso usar seu telefone? |
canna {v} (cannot) SEE: cannot | :: |
cannabis {n} (plant) | :: cânabis {f}, pé-de-maconha {m} |
cannabis {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana | :: |
Cannae {prop} (village) | :: Canas {f-p} |
canned {adj} (preserved in cans) | :: enlatado |
canned {adj} (drunk) | :: bêbado |
canned {adj} (previously prepared) | :: conservado |
Cannes {prop} (a city in France) | :: Cannes {f} |
cannibal {n} (an organism which eats others of its own species) | :: canibal |
cannibalism {n} (act of eating another of one's own species) | :: antropofagia {f}, canibalismo {m} |
cannibalistic {adj} (tending toward cannibalism) | :: canibal, canibalesco, antropofágico, antropófago |
canning {n} (preserving process) | :: enlatamento {m} |
Cannizzaro reaction {n} (reaction) | :: reação de Cannizzaro {f} |
cannon {n} (artillery piece) | :: canhão {m} |
cannonball {n} (spherical projectile fired from a smoothbore cannon) | :: bala de canhão {f} |
cannoneer {n} (person who operates a piece of artillery, especially a cannon) | :: artilheiro {m} |
cannon fodder {n} (military forces considered to be expendable) | :: carne de canhão {f}, bucha de canhão {f} |
cannon shot {n} | :: canhonaço {m} |
cannot {v} (cannot, see also: can; not) | :: não pode |
cannula {n} (medicine: tube inserted in the body) | :: cânula {f} |
canny {adj} (pleasant, nice) SEE: pleasant | :: |
canny {adj} (frugal, thrifty) SEE: frugal | :: |
canoe {n} (small long and narrow boat) | :: canoa {f} |
canoeist {n} (person who travels by canoe) | :: canoísta {m} {f} |
canoer {n} (one who travels by canoe) SEE: canoeist | :: |
canola {n} (cultivar of rapeseed Brassica napus) SEE: colza | :: |
canola {n} (cultivar of field mustard Brassica rapa) | :: canola {f} |
canon {n} (group of literary works accepted as representative) | :: cânone {m} |
canon {n} (works of a writer that have been accepted as authentic) | :: cânone {m} |
canon {n} (eucharistic prayer) | :: cânone {m} |
canon {n} (religious law) | :: cânone {m} |
canon {n} (member of cathedral chapter) | :: cónego, cônego |
canon {n} (piece of music) | :: cânone {m} |
canon {n} (fandom: the works considered authoritative regarding a fictional universe) | :: cânone {m} |
canon {n} (a clergy member serving a cathedral) | :: cónego {m} |
canonic {adj} (canonical) SEE: canonical | :: |
canonical {adj} (present in a canon, religious or otherwise) | :: canónico [Portugal], canônico [Brazil] |
canonical {adj} (according to recognised or orthodox rules) | :: canónico [Portugal], canônico [Brazil] |
canonical {adj} ((religion) in conformity with canon law) | :: canónico [Portugal], canônico [Brazil] |
canonical {adj} (in canonical form) | :: canónico [Portugal], canônico [Brazil] |
canonical {adj} (Prototypical) SEE: prototypical | :: |
canonical form {n} ((linguistics) lemma or dictionary form) SEE: lemma | :: |
canonical form {n} (standard or normal presentation of a mathematical entity) | :: forma canônica {f} |
canonically {adv} (in a canonical manner) | :: canonicamente |
canonization {n} (the final process or decree) | :: canonização {f} |
canonization {n} (the state of being canonized or sainted) | :: canonização {f} |
canonize {v} (to define someone as a saint) | :: canonizar |
canonry {n} (The office of a canon) | :: canonicato |
can opener {n} (device used to open tin cans) | :: abridor de lata {m}; abre-latas {m} |
can-opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener | :: |
canopy {n} (high cover) | :: toldo {m} |
canopy {n} (overhanging or projecting roof structure) | :: marquise |
canopy {n} (highest foliage and branches of a forest) | :: copa {f} |
cant {n} (jargon of a particular class or subgroup) | :: jargão {m} |
cant {n} (secret language) | :: código {m} |
can't {v} (cannot) SEE: cannot | :: |
Cantabria {prop} (autonomous community) | :: Cantábria {f} |
cantaloupe {n} (melon) | :: meloa {f}, cantalupo {m} |
cantankerous {adj} (ill-tempered, cranky, surly, crabby) | :: irritadiço, mal-humorado |
cantata {n} (cantata) | :: cantata {f} |
can't be bothered {v} (not have enthusiasm) | :: não estar animado |
canteen {n} (small cafeteria or snack bar) | :: cantina {f} |
canteen {n} (box with compartments) | :: faqueiro {m} |
canteen {n} (water bottle) | :: cantil {m} |
Canterbury {prop} (cathedral city in England) | :: Cantuária {f} |
canticle {n} (a chant, hymn or song, especially a nonmetrical one, with words from a biblical text) | :: cântico {m} |
Canticle of Canticles {prop} (Song of Songs) SEE: Song of Songs | :: |
Canticles {prop} (Song of Songs) SEE: Song of Songs | :: |
canting arms {n} | :: armas falantes {f-p} |
canton {n} (state of Switzerland) | :: cantão {m} |
canton {n} (subdivision of an arrondissement) | :: cantão {m} |
canton {n} (subdivision of Luxembourg) | :: cantão {m} |
canton {n} (subdivision of Serbia) | :: cantão {m} |
canton {n} (subdivision of Bosnia and Herzegovina) | :: cantão {m} |
canton {n} (heraldry; one of the ordinaries) | :: cantão {m} |
Canton {prop} (former name of Guangzhou) | :: Cantão {f} |
Canton {prop} (former name of Guangdong) | :: Cantão {m} |
Cantonese {adj} (relating to Canton) | :: cantonês |
Cantonese {adj} (relating to the Cantonese people) | :: cantonês |
Cantonese {adj} (relating to the Cantonese language) | :: cantonês |
Cantonese {n} (person from Canton) | :: cantonês {m} |
Cantonese {n} (language) | :: cantonês {m} |
Cantopop {n} (Cantonese pop music) | :: pop cantonês {m} |
can't wait {v} (to eagerly anticipate) | :: não ver a hora |
Canute {prop} (Male given name) | :: Canuto |
canvas {n} (a type of coarse cloth) | :: lona {f} |
canvas {n} (a piece of canvas cloth on which one may paint) | :: tela {f} |
canvass {v} (to campaign) SEE: campaign | :: |
canyon {n} (a valley cut in rock by a river) | :: canhão {m}, desfiladeiro {m}, cânion |
can you help me {phrase} (can you help me?) | :: (você) pode me ajudar? |
can you tell us {phrase} (prefix indicating a polite request) | :: pode nos dizer |
Cao Dai {prop} (syncretic monotheistic religion) | :: caodaísmo {m} |
Caodaiist {n} (somebody who adheres to Caodaism) | :: caodaísta {m} {f} |
Caodaism {prop} (a syncretic monotheistic religion founded in the 20th century in Vietnam) | :: caodaísmo {m} |
caoutchouc {n} (natural rubber) | :: borracha {f}, cautchu {m} |
cap {n} (head covering) | :: boné {m}, barrete {m} , quepe {m} |
cap {n} (soccer: international appearance) | :: convocação {m} |
capability {n} (the power or ability to generate an outcome) | :: capacidade {f} |
capable {adj} (able and efficient) | :: capaz |
capacious {adj} (having a lot of space inside) | :: espaçoso |
capacitance {n} (property of an element of an electrical circuit) | :: capacitância {f} |
capacitive {adj} (electrostatics: of capacitance) | :: capacitivo |
capacitor {n} (electronic component) | :: condensador {m} [Portugal], capacitor {m} [Brazil] |
capacity {n} (the ability to hold, receive or absorb) | :: capacidade {f} |
capacity {n} (capability; the ability to perform some task) | :: capacidade {f} |
capacity {n} (the maximum that can be produced) | :: capacidade {f} |
capacity {n} (the position in which one functions) | :: capacidade {f} |
capacity {n} (electrical capacitance) | :: capacidade {f} |
cape {n} (headland) | :: cabo {m} |
cape {n} (garment) | :: capa {f} |
Cape Breton Island {prop} (an island on the Atlantic coast of Canada) | :: Cape Breton {f} |
Cape Canaveral {prop} (cape) | :: Cabo Canaveral {m} |
cape gooseberry {n} (plant) | :: camapu {m} |
cape gooseberry {n} (fruit) | :: camapu {m} |
Cape lion {n} (Panthera leo melanochaita) | :: leão do Cabo {m} |
Cape of Good Hope {prop} (a cape in southwestern South Africa) | :: Cabo da Boa Esperança {m} |
caper {n} (crime) SEE: crime | :: |
caper {n} (capercaillie) SEE: capercaillie | :: |
caper {n} (pickled bud of Capparis spinosa) | :: alcaparra {f} |
caper {n} (Dutch vessel) SEE: privateer | :: |
capercaillie {n} (Tetrao urogallus) | :: tetraz-grande-das-serras {m} |
Capernaum {prop} (The biblical town) | :: Cafarnaum {f} |
Cape Town {prop} (legislative capital of South Africa) | :: Cidade do Cabo |
Cape Verde {prop} (country in Western Africa) | :: Cabo Verde |
Cape Verdean {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Cape Verde, its people or their language) | :: cabo-verdiano |
Cape Verdean {n} (a person from Cape Verde or of Cape Verdean descent) | :: cabo-verdiano {m} |
Cape Verdean Creole {prop} (creole language of Cape Verde) | :: crioulo cabo-verdiano |
Capeverdean Crioulo {prop} (creole language spoken in Cape Verde) | :: crioulo cabo-verdiano |
capias {n} (arrest warrant) SEE: arrest warrant | :: |
capillary {n} (any of small blood vessels that connect arteries to veins) | :: capilar {m} |
capisce {interj} (“understood?”) | :: [to one person] entende?, entendes?, [to many people] entendem?, entendeis? |
capital {n} (money and wealth) | :: capital {m} |
capital {n} (uppermost part of a column) | :: capitel {m} |
capital {adj} (of prime importance) | :: capital, fundamental |
capital {adj} (excellent) | :: excelente |
capital {adj} (involving punishment by death) | :: capital |
capital {adj} (uppercase) | :: maiúsculo |
capital {n} (capital letter) SEE: capital letter | :: |
capital {n} (capital city) SEE: capital city | :: |
capital city {n} (city designated as seat of government) | :: capital {m} {f} |
capital-intensive {adj} (needing large capital expenditure) | :: de capital intensivo |
capitalisation {n} (act or process of capitalising) | :: maiusculação {f} |
capitalisation {n} (finance) | :: capitalização {f} |
capitalism {n} (socio-economic system based on private property rights) | :: capitalismo {m} |
capitalist {adj} (supporting or endorsing capitalism) | :: capitalista |
capitalist {n} (supporter of capitalism) | :: capitalista {mf}, capitalista {m} {f} |
capitalist {n} (owner of capital) | :: capitalista {m} {f} |
capitalize {v} (In writing or editing, to make use of capital letters) | :: maiusculizar, maiuscular |
capital letter {n} (letters A B C) | :: maiúscula {f}, letra maiúscula {f} |
capital market {n} (market) | :: mercado de capitais {m} |
capital punishment {n} (punishment by death) | :: pena de morte {f}, pena capital {f} |
capitate {n} (capitate bone) SEE: capitate bone | :: |
capitate bone {n} (os capitatum) | :: capitato {m}, grande osso {m} |
capitol {n} (Capitoline temple of Jupiter) SEE: Capitol | :: |
capitol {n} (particular capitol buildings) SEE: Capitol | :: |
Capitol {prop} (legislative building in Washington, D.C.) | :: Capitólio dos Estados Unidos {m} |
capitulate {v} (surrender; end all resistance; to give up; to go along with or comply) | :: capitular |
capitulation {n} (surrender to an enemy) | :: capitulação {f} |
capo {n} (Mafia leader) | :: capo {m} |
capo {n} (capotasto) SEE: capotasto | :: |
capoeira {n} (the martial art developed in Brazil) | :: capoeira {f} |
capon {n} (cockerel grown for food) | :: capão {m} |
caponata {n} (Sicilian dish) | :: caponata {f} |
capotasto {n} (device placed across the strings) | :: pestana {f}, capotraste {m} |
Cappadocia {prop} (ancient region) | :: Capadócia |
Cappadocian {adj} (of or pertaining to Cappadocia) | :: capadócio |
Cappadocian {n} (native or inhabitant of Cappadocia) | :: capadócio {m} |
cappuccino {n} (beverage) | :: cappuccino {m} |
cappuccino {n} (cup of this beverage) | :: cappuccino {m} |
caprice {n} (impulsive, seemingly unmotivated notion or action) | :: capricho {m} |
capricious {adj} (Impulsive and unpredictable; determined by chance, impulse, or whim) | :: impulsivo, imprevisível, caprichoso |
Capricorn {prop} (constellation) SEE: Capricornus | :: |
Capricorn {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Capricórnio {m} |
Capricorn {n} (Someone with a Capricorn star sign) | :: capricorniano |
Capricornus {prop} (constellation) | :: Capricórnio |
Capricornus {prop} (astrological sign) SEE: Capricorn | :: |
caprylic acid {n} (fatty acid) | :: ácido caprílico {m} |
capsaicin {n} (chemical compound) | :: capsaicina {f} |
capsicum {n} (plant of the genus Capsicum (only terms covering capsicum in general apply, NOT species-specific)) | :: cápsico {m} |
capsicum spray {n} (pepper spray) SEE: pepper spray | :: |
capsize {v} ((intransitive) to overturn) | :: soçobrar |
capsize {v} ((transitive) to cause to overturn) | :: soçobrar |
capslock {n} (a key on the keyboard that activates capslock) | :: caps lock, trava-maiúsculas, bloqueio de maiúsculas {m} |
Caps Lock {n} (capslock) SEE: capslock | :: |
capstan {n} (cylindrical machine) | :: cabrestante {m} |
capsule {n} (weasel) SEE: weasel | :: |
capsule {n} (physiology: membranous envelope) | :: cápsula {f} |
capsule {n} (botany: seed-case) | :: cápsula {f} |
capsule {n} (part of spacecraft containing crew's living space) | :: cápsula {f} |
capsule {n} (small container containing a dose of medicine) | :: cápsula {f} |
capsule hotel {n} (hotel with capsules) | :: hotel-cápsula {m}, hotel cápsula {m} |
captain {n} (an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and major) | :: capitão {m} |
captain {n} (a naval officer with a rank between commander and commodore or rear admiral) | :: capitão {m} |
captain {n} (the person lawfully in command of a sea-going vessel) | :: capitão {m}, capitã {f} |
captain {n} (the person lawfully in command of an airliner) | :: capitão {m} |
captain {n} (one of the athletes on a sports team designated to make decisions) | :: capitão {m} |
captain {v} (to exercise command) | :: pilotar [aircraft, ship] |
Captain Obvious {n} (someone who makes superfluous statements) | :: Capitão Óbvio {m} |
captee {n} (captive) SEE: captive | :: |
caption {n} (capture) SEE: capture | :: |
caption {n} (descriptive title or heading of (part of) a document) | :: cabeçalho {m} |
caption {n} (title or brief explanation attached to an illustration or cartoon) | :: legenda {f} |
caption {n} (piece of text appearing on screen as part of a film or broadcast) | :: legenda {f} |
caption {v} (to add captions to a film or broadcast) | :: legendar |
captious {adj} (that captures misleadingly) | :: capcioso, ardiloso, astucioso |
captious {adj} (having a disposition to find fault unreasonably or to raise petty objections) | :: implicante |
captivate {v} (to attract and hold interest and attention of) | :: cativar |
captivating {adj} (beautiful) | :: cativante, fascinante, envolvente, encantador {m} |
captive {n} (a person who has been captured) | :: cativo {m} |
captive {n} (a person held prisoner) | :: prisioneiro {m} |
captive {adj} (held prisoner) | :: cativo |
captivity {n} (captives) SEE: captive | :: |
captivity {n} (state of being captive) | :: catividade {f} |
captivity {n} (period of being captive) | :: cativeiro {m} |
captor {n} (one who is holding a captive) | :: captor {m} |
captor {n} (one who has captured something or someone) | :: captor {m} |
capture {n} (act of capturing) | :: captura {f} |
capture {n} (something that has been captured) | :: captura {f} |
capture {v} (take control of) | :: capturar |
capture {v} (store, record) | :: capturar |
capture {v} (reproduce convincingly) | :: capturar |
capture {v} (remove or take control of opponent’s piece) | :: capturar |
capuchin {n} (capuchin monkey) SEE: capuchin monkey | :: |
Capuchin {n} (a member of the Roman Catholic order) | :: capuchinho {m} |
capuchin monkey {n} (New World monkey of the genus Cebus) | :: macaco-prego {m} |
capybara {n} (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) | :: capivara {f} |
car {n} (automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver) | :: carro {m}, viatura {f}, automóvel {m} |
car {n} (passenger-carrying unit in a subway or elevated train, whether powered or not) | :: carruagem {f} |
car {n} (moving, load-carrying component of an elevator) | :: elevador {m} [passenger], monta-cargas {m} [cargo] |
car {n} (railway car, railroad carriage) SEE: carriage | :: |
carabao {n} (Bubalus bubalis carabanesis) | :: carabau |
caracal {n} (Caracal caracal) | :: caracal |
Caracalla {prop} (emperor) | :: Caracalla |
caracara {n} (bird of prey) | :: carcará {m}, caracará {m} |
Caracas {prop} (capital of Venezuela) | :: Caracas {f} |
carafe {n} (bottle for serving wine, water, or beverages) | :: jarro {m} |
carambola {n} (fruit) SEE: star fruit | :: |
caramel {n} (confection) | :: caramelo {m} |
carat {n} (weight) | :: quilate {m} |
carat {n} (measure of the purity of gold) | :: quilate {m} |
caravan {n} (convoy or procession) | :: caravana {f}, cáfila {f} |
caravan {n} (vehicle) | :: trailer {m} |
caravanserai {n} (an inn having a central courtyard where caravans can rest) | :: caravançarai {m}, caravançará, caravancerá |
caravel {n} (light, usually lateen-rigged sailing vessel) | :: caravela {f} |
caraway {n} (plant) | :: alcaravia {f}, cariz {m} |
caraway {n} (seed/fruit) | :: alcaravia {f}, cariz {m} |
carbamic acid {n} (NH2COOH) | :: ácido carbâmico {m} |
carbine {n} (weapon similar to a rifle but much shorter in length) | :: carabina {f} |
carbohydrate {n} (organic compounds such as sugar, starch or cellulose) | :: carboidrato {m} |
car bomb {n} (automobile made into a bomb) | :: carro-bomba {m} |
car bomb {n} (explosive device installed in an automobile) | :: carro-bomba {m} |
carbon {n} (chemical element) | :: carbono {m} |
carbon {n} (informal: a sheet of carbon paper) | :: papel-carbono {m} |
carbon {n} (informal: carbon copy) | :: carbono {m} |
carbon {n} (impure carbon (e.g., coal, charcoal)) | :: carvão {m} |
carbon {n} (ecology: carbon dioxide, in the context of global warming) | :: carbono {m} |
carbonado {v} (to cut or hack) SEE: cut | :: |
carbonado {n} (impure form of polycrystalline diamond) | :: carbonado {m} |
Carbonarism {n} (the principles, practices, or organization of the Carbonari) | :: carbonarismo {m}, carbonária {f} |
carbonate {n} (any salt or ester of carbonic acid) | :: carbonato |
carbonated {adj} (containing dissolved carbon dioxide gas (under pressure)) | :: gaseificado |
carbonated water {n} (water containing carbon dioxide) | :: água com gás {f}, água gaseificada {f} |
carbon black {n} (fine black powder of amorphous carbon) | :: negro de fumo {m} |
carbon copy {n} (a copy) | :: cópia carbono {f} |
carbon cycle {n} (cycle of carbon) | :: ciclo do carbono {m} |
carbon dioxide {n} (CO₂) | :: dióxido de carbono, gás carbônico {m} |
carbon emissions trading {n} (trading of permits to emit carbon dioxide) | :: comércio de emissões de carbono {m} |
carbon footprint {n} (measure of carbon dioxide produced by someone) | :: pegada de carbono {f} |
carbonic acid {n} (A weak unstable acid, H2CO3) | :: ácido carbónico {m} [Portugal], ácido carbônico {m} [Brazil] |
carbon monoxide {n} (chemical of the formula CO) | :: monóxido de carbono {m} |
carbon paper {n} (paper used to make carbon copies) | :: papel-carbono {m} |
carbon steel {n} (alloy of iron and carbon) | :: aço carbono |
carboxyl {n} (carboxyl) | :: carboxila {f} |
carboxylase {n} (any enzyme that catalyzes either a carboxylation or decarboxylation reaction) | :: carboxilase {f} |
carboxylic {adj} (of, or relating to the carboxyl functional group) | :: carboxílico |
carboxylic acid {n} (organic compound containing a carboxyl functional group) | :: ácido carboxílico |
carboy {n} (demijohn) SEE: demijohn | :: |
carburetor {n} (a device in an internal combustion engine) | :: carburador {m} |
carburettor {n} (motor car part) SEE: carburetor | :: |
carcass {n} (body of a dead animal) | :: carcaça |
carcass {n} (frame) | :: esqueleto {m} |
carcass {n} (body of a dead human) SEE: corpse | :: |
carcinization {n} (convergent evolution of decapod crustaceans from forms dissimilar to true crabs into similar forms) | :: carcinização {f} |
carcinogen {n} (substance or agent that can cause cancer) | :: carcinógeno {m} |
carcinogenic {adj} (causing or tending to cause cancer) | :: cancerígeno |
carcinogenicity {n} (the state or degree of being carcinogenic) | :: carcinogenicidade {f} |
carcinoma {n} (type of tumor) | :: carcinoma |
card {n} (flat, normally rectangular piece of stiff paper, plastic etc.) | :: cartão {m}, carta {f} |
card {n} (playing card) SEE: playing card | :: |
card {n} (card game) SEE: card game | :: |
cardamom {n} (E. cardamomum) | :: cardamomo {m} |
cardamom {n} (its seed or seed capsule) | :: cardamomo {m} |
cardboard {n} (material resembling heavy paper) | :: papelão {m} |
cardboard box {n} (container) | :: caixa de papelão {f} |
card game {n} (any of very many games played with playing cards) | :: jogo de cartas |
cardiac {adj} (pertaining to the heart) | :: cardíaco |
cardiac arrest {n} (cessation of the heartbeat resulting in the loss of effective circulation of the blood) | :: parada cardíaca {f}, paragem cardíaca {f} |
Cardiff {prop} (The capital city of Wales) | :: Cardiff {f} |
cardigan {n} (type of sweater) | :: cardigã {m}, cardigan {m} |
cardinal {adj} (of fundamental importance) | :: cardeal, fundamental, principal |
cardinal {adj} (of or relating to the cardinal directions) | :: cardeal |
cardinal {adj} (describing a number that indicates quantity) | :: cardeal, cardinal |
cardinal {adj} (having a bright red color) | :: vermelho-cardeal |
cardinal {n} (number indicating quantity) | :: cardinal {m}, número cardinal {m} |
cardinal {n} (official of the Catholic Church) | :: cardeal {m} |
cardinal {n} (bird of the genus Cardinalis) | :: cardeal {m} |
cardinal {n} (any bird in family Cardinalidae) | :: cardeal {m} |
cardinal {n} (colour) | :: vermelho-cardeal {m} |
cardinal {n} (mulled wine) SEE: mulled wine | :: |
cardinal {n} (cardinal numeral) SEE: cardinal numeral | :: |
cardinal direction {n} (principal compass direction) SEE: cardinal point | :: |
cardinality {n} ((set theory)) | :: cardinalidade {f} |
cardinal number {n} (number denoting quantity) | :: número cardinal {m} |
cardinal number {n} (number used to denote the size of a set) | :: número cardinal {m} |
cardinal number {n} (cardinal numeral) SEE: cardinal numeral | :: |
cardinal numeral {n} (grammar: word used to represent a cardinal number) | :: numeral cardinal |
cardinal point {n} (cardinal point) | :: ponto cardeal {m} |
cardio- {prefix} (pertaining to the heart) | :: cardio- |
cardiolipin {n} (any phospholipid having the structure of a bisphosphatidylglycerol present in the muscles of the heart) | :: cardiolipina {f} |
cardiological {adj} (of or pertaining to cardiology) | :: cardiológico |
cardiologist {n} (physician) | :: cardiólogo {m}, cardióloga {f} |
cardiology {n} (study of the structure of the heart) | :: cardiologia {f} |
cardiopulmonary {adj} (Of, or pertaining to the heart and the lungs) | :: cardiopulmonar |
cardiopulmonary resuscitation {n} (a first aid procedure for cardiac arrest) | :: ressuscitação cardiopulmonar {f}, reanimação cardiopulmonar {f}, ressuscitação cardiorrespiratória {f}, reanimação cardiorrespiratória {f} |
cardiothoracic {adj} (of or pertaining to both the heart and the chest) | :: cardiotorácico |
cardiovascular {adj} (relating to the circulatory system) | :: cardiovascular |
cardiovascular system {n} (circulatory system) SEE: circulatory system | :: |
cardoon {n} (perennial plant) | :: cardo de coalho {m}, cardo hortense {m} |
card reader {n} (device) | :: leitor de cartão {m} |
cards {n} (card game) SEE: card game | :: |
card stock {n} (thick but flexible paper) | :: cartolina {f} |
care {n} (close attention, concern or responsibility) | :: cuidado {m} |
care {n} (maintenance, upkeep) | :: manutenção {f} |
care {n} (treatment of those in need) | :: atendimento {m}, assistência {f}, tratamento |
care {v} (to be concerned about) | :: preocupar-se, importar-se |
care {v} (to look after) | :: cuidar |
Care Bear {n} (fictional animal) SEE: Care Bears | :: |
Care Bears {prop} (fictional group of multi-colored bear characters) | :: Ursinhos Carinhosos {m-p} |
career {n} (one's calling in life; a person's occupation) | :: carreira {f} |
career {n} (an individual’s work and life roles over their lifespan) | :: carreira {f} |
career {v} (to move rapidly straight ahead) | :: voar |
carefree {adj} (worry free, light hearted, etc.) | :: despreocupado |
careful {adj} (cautious) | :: cauteloso, cuidadoso, prudente |
careful {adj} (meticulous) | :: cuidadoso, meticuloso |
carefully {adv} (in a careful manner) | :: cuidadosamente, cautelosamente |
carefulness {n} (state of being careful) | :: atento {m} |
caregiver {n} (carer) SEE: carer | :: |
care home {n} (place of residence for people with significant deficiencies) SEE: nursing home | :: |
care killed the cat {proverb} (curiosity killed the cat) SEE: curiosity killed the cat | :: |
careless {adj} (not giving sufficient attention or thought) | :: descuidado, desatencioso, negligente |
careless {adj} (not concerned or worried) SEE: carefree | :: |
carelessly {adv} (in a careless manner) | :: descuidadamente |
carelessness {n} (lack of care) | :: descuido {m}, negligência {f} |
care of {prep} (for distribution by (the named intermediary)) | :: a/c, aos cuidados de |
carer {n} (someone who regularly looks after another person) | :: cuidador {m} |
caress {v} (touch or kiss lovingly) | :: acariciar |
caresser {n} (one who caresses) | :: acariciador {m} |
caret {n} (symbol) | :: acento circunflexo {m} |
careworn {adj} (haggard) SEE: haggard | :: |
cargo {n} (freight carried by a ship) | :: carga {f}, mercadoria {f} |
cargo cult {n} (Melanesian religion based upon Western manufactured goods) | :: cargo cult {m}, culto à carga {m}, culto de carga {m}, culto da carga {m} |
cargo hold {n} (ship's hold) | :: porão {m} |
cargo ship {n} (ship that carries cargo) | :: cargueiro {m} |
Caribbean {adj} (pertaining to the sea and region bounded by the American continent and the West Indies) | :: caribenho |
Caribbean {prop} | :: Mar do Caribe {m} |
Caribbean {prop} (countries) | :: Caribe {m} |
Caribbean Sea {prop} (a tropical sea in the Western Hemisphere) | :: Mar do Caribe {m} |
caribou {n} (North American reindeer) | :: caribu {m} |
caricature {n} (pictorial representation of someone for comic effect) | :: caricatura {f} |
caricature {n} (grotesque misrepresentation) | :: caricatura {f} |
caricaturist {n} (person who draws caricatures) | :: caricaturista {m} {f} |
caries {n} (progressive destruction of bone or tooth by decay) | :: cárie {f} |
carillon {n} (a set of bells, often in a bell tower, originating from the Low Countries) | :: carrilhão {m} |
Carina {prop} (female given name) | :: Carina {f} |
Carinthia {prop} (state of Austria) | :: Caríntia {f} |
Carinthian {adj} | :: caríntio {m}, carintiano |
carious {adj} (decayed, rotten) SEE: rotten | :: |
carious {adj} (having caries (bone or tooth decay)) | :: cariado |
caritive case {n} (case used to express the lack of something) | :: caso caritivo {m} |
Carl {prop} (male given names cognate to Carl) SEE: Charles | :: |
Carlism {n} (political movement) | :: carlismo {m} |
Carlist {n} (a partisan of Prince Carlos, Duke of Parma) | :: carlista {m} {f} |
carmaker {n} (company) | :: montadora (de automóveis) {f} |
Carmelite {n} (member of a certain Catholic religious order) | :: carmelita {m} {f} |
carmine {n} (purplish-red pigment) | :: carmim {m} |
carmine {n} (purplish-red colour) | :: carmim {m} |
carmine {adj} (of the purplish red colour shade carmine) | :: carmim |
carnage {n} (death and destruction) | :: massacre {m}, carnagem {f} |
carnal {adj} (relating to the physical and especially sexual appetites) | :: carnal |
carnal {adj} (worldly or earthly; temporal) | :: carnal |
carnal {adj} (of or relating to the body or flesh) | :: carnal |
carnation {n} (plant) | :: cravo {m} |
carnation {n} (flower) | :: cravo |
carnauba {n} (palm) | :: carnaúba {f} |
carnauba {n} (wax) | :: carnaúba {f} |
carnelian {n} (reddish brown chalcedony) | :: cornalina {f} |
carnival {n} (festive occasion marked by parades) | :: carnaval {m} |
carnivore {n} (meat-eating animal) | :: carnívoro {m} |
carnivorous {adj} (Of, or relating to carnivores, or the taxonomic order Carnivora) | :: carnívoro |
carnivorous {adj} (Predatory or flesh-eating) | :: carnívoro |
carnivorous {adj} (Insectivorous) | :: carnívoro |
carnivory {n} (the eating of meat) | :: carnivorismo {m} |
carnotite {n} (mineral) | :: carnotita {f} |
carob {n} (tree) | :: alfarrobeira {f} |
carob {n} (fruit) | :: alfarroba {f} |
Caroline {prop} (female given name) | :: Carolina |
Caroline Islands {prop} (an archipelago off the coast of New Guinea) | :: Ilhas Carolinas {f-p} |
Carolingian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Frankish dynasty) | :: carolíngio |
Carolingian {n} (member of a Frankish noble family) | :: carolíngio {m} |
Carolinian {adj} (Carolingian) SEE: Carolingian | :: |
caron {n} (háček diacritic) SEE: háček | :: |
carotene {n} (class of plant pigments) | :: caroteno {m} |
carotenoid {n} (class of organic compounds) | :: carotenoide {m} |
carousel {n} (merry-go-round) SEE: merry-go-round | :: |
carp {n} (Any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae) | :: carpa {f} |
carpal tunnel {n} (passageway on the palmar side of the wrist) | :: túnel do carpo, túnel carpal |
carpal tunnel syndrome {n} (repetitive stress injury) | :: síndrome do túnel carpal |
car park {n} (outdoor parking area) SEE: parking lot | :: |
Carpathians {prop} (mountainous system in Central Europe) | :: Cárpatos {m-p} |
carpe diem {proverb} (seize the day) | :: carpe diem |
carpel {n} (structural unit of a pistil) | :: carpelo {m} |
carpenter {n} (carpentry person) | :: marceneiro {m}, marceneira {f}, carpinteiro {m}, carpinteira {f} |
carpentry {n} (trade of cutting and joining timber) | :: carpintaria {f}, marcenaria {f} |
carpentry {n} (carpenter's workshop) | :: carpintaria {f} |
carpet {n} (a fabric used as a floor covering) | :: carpete {m}, tapete {m}, alcatifa |
Carpetanian {adj} (of, from, or related to Carpetania) | :: carpetano |
Carpetanian {n} (someone from Carpetania) | :: carpetano {m} |
carpetbeater {n} (a tool used in housecleaning) | :: batedor de tapete {m} |
carpet bugle {n} (plant of the genus Ajuga) SEE: bugle | :: |
carpet shark {n} (ferret) SEE: ferret | :: |
carpool {n} (arrangement) | :: carona |
carpus {n} (the group of bones that make up the wrist) | :: carpo {m} |
carrack {n} (ship) | :: carraca {f} |
car rental {n} (hiring of cars for short periods) | :: locação de veículos {f}, locação de carros {f} |
car rental {n} (business) | :: locadora de veículos/carros {f} |
carriage {n} (wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power) | :: carruagem {f} |
carriage {n} (railroad car) | :: carruagem {f} (passenger), vagão {m} (cargo) (both cargo and passenger car in Brazilian Portuguese) |
carriageway {n} (part of a road that carries traffic) | :: pista {f} |
carrier {n} (person or object that carries someone or something else) | :: carregador {m}, portador {m} |
carrier {n} (company in the business of shipping freight) | :: transportadora {f} |
carrier {n} (signal modulated to transmit information) | :: portadora {f} |
carrier {n} (person or organism that has inherited a trait or disease but displays no symptoms) | :: portador {m} |
carrier wave {n} (wave that can be modulated to transmit signals) | :: onda portadora {f} |
carrion {n} (dead flesh; carcasses) | :: carniça {f} |
carrion crow {n} (Corvus corone) | :: gralha-preta {f} |
carrot {n} (Daucus carota ssp. sativus) | :: cenoura {f} |
carry {v} (to carry) SEE: bear | :: |
carry {v} (to transport by lifting) | :: carregar, levar |
carry coals to Newcastle {v} (do something unneeded or redundant) | :: levar água ao mar (carry water to the sea), chover no molhado [literally "rain in the wet"] |
carrying capacity {n} (number of people or things that a vehicle can carry) | :: capacidade de carga {f} |
carrying capacity {n} (number of individuals that an environment can support) | :: capacidade de carga {f} |
carrying pole {n} (a yoke of wood or bamboo, used by people to carry a load) | :: calão {m}, canga {f} |
carry-on {n} (the luggage which is taken onto an airplane with a passenger) | :: bagagem de mão {f} |
carry out {v} (to carry out) SEE: fulfill | :: |
carry out {v} (To hold while moving something out.) | :: carregar |
carry out {v} (To fulfill) | :: levar a cabo, realizar, cumprir, executar |
carsickness {n} (motion sickness due to riding in a vehicle) | :: enjoo de viagem {m} |
cart {n} (small, open, wheeled vehicle, see also: wagon) | :: carroça {f}, carreta {f} |
cart {n} (small motor vehicle resembling a car; a go cart) | :: kart {m} |
Cartagena {prop} (city in Spain) | :: Cartagena {f} |
Cartagena {prop} (city in Colombia) | :: Cartagena {f} |
carte blanche {n} (unlimited discretionary power to act; unrestricted authority) | :: carta branca {f} |
carte de visite {n} (business card) SEE: business card | :: |
cartel {n} (group of businesses or nations that collude to fix prices) | :: cartel {m} |
carter {n} (person who transports a load on an animal-drawn cart) | :: carreteiro {m} |
Cartesianism {n} (The philosophy of René Descartes) | :: cartesianismo {m} |
Cartesian product {n} (set of possible pairs) | :: produto cartesiano {m} |
Carthage {prop} (ancient city in North Africa) | :: Cartago {m} |
Carthaginian {adj} (of or pertaining to Carthage) | :: cartaginês, púnico, cartaginense |
Carthaginian {n} (person from Carthage) | :: cartaginês |
cartilage {n} (dense connective tissue) | :: cartilagem {f} |
cartographer {n} (one who makes maps or charts) | :: cartógrafo {m} |
cartographic {adj} (of or pertaining to the making of maps) | :: cartográfico |
cartographical {adj} (cartographic) SEE: cartographic | :: |
cartography {n} (creation of charts and maps) | :: cartografia {f} |
cartomancy {n} (fortune-telling using cards) | :: cartomancia {f} |
carton {n} (box-like container) | :: caixa/embalagem de papel {f} |
carton-pierre {n} (papier-mâché made to resemble wood, stone, or metal) | :: cartão-pedra {m} |
cartoon {n} (humorous drawing or strip) | :: caricatura {f}, charge |
cartoon {n} (satire of public figures) | :: charge, cartum {m} |
cartoon {n} (artist's preliminary sketch) | :: desenho {m}, croquis {m} |
cartoon {n} (animated cartoon) | :: desenho animado {m} |
cartoonist {n} (creator of cartoons or strip cartoons) | :: desenhista {m} {f}, cartunista {m} {f}, chargista {m} {f} |
cartouche {n} (in architecture) | :: cartela {f}, cártula {f} |
cartridge {n} (firearms package) | :: cartucho {m}, pente |
cartridge {n} (vessel which contains the ink for a computer printer) | :: cartucho {m} |
cartulary {n} (document collection ) | :: cartulário {m} |
cartwheel {n} (gymnastic maneuver) | :: estrelinha, estrela |
carve {v} (to cut) | :: cortar, esculpir |
carve {v} (to cut meat) | :: trinchar |
carve {v} (to shape to sculptural effect) | :: esculpir, talhar |
carvel {n} (light, usually lateen-rigged sailing vessel) SEE: caravel | :: |
car wash {n} (place at which a car is washed, often mechanically) | :: lava-jato {m} |
caryatid {n} (a sculpted female figure serving as an architectural element) | :: cariátide |
Casablanca {prop} (city) | :: Casablanca {f} |
Casanova {n} (man considered romantic and gallant) | :: casanova {m} |
Casanova {n} (promiscuous, philandering man) | :: casanova {m} |
casbah {n} (the fortress in a city in North Africa or the Middle East) | :: casbá {f} |
cascade {n} (waterfall) | :: cascata {f}, cachoeira {f}, salto {m}, queda d'água {f} |
cascade {n} (sequence of events) | :: cascata {f} |
cascade {v} (To fall as a waterfall or series of small waterfalls) | :: cascatear |
cascade {v} (To arrange in a stepped series like a waterfall) | :: cascatear |
case {n} (actual event, situation, or fact) | :: caso {m} |
case {n} (piece of work) | :: caso {m} |
case {n} (instance or event as a topic of study) | :: caso {m} |
case {n} (legal proceeding) | :: caso {m}, causa {f} |
case {n} (grammar: set of grammatical cases or their meanings) | :: caso {m} |
case {n} (medicine: instance of a specific condition or set of symptoms) | :: caso {m} |
case {n} (box containing a number of identical items of manufacture) | :: caixa {f} |
case {n} (piece of luggage that can be used to transport an apparatus) | :: caixa {f} |
case {n} (suitcase) | :: maleta {f}, mala {f}, valise {f}, valisa {f} |
case {n} (piece of furniture, constructed partially of transparent glass or plastic) | :: vitrine {f}, mostruário {m} |
case {n} (outer covering or framework of a piece of apparatus) | :: caixa {f} |
case {n} (typography: the nature of a piece of alphabetic type) | :: caixa {f} |
case {v} (to place into a box) | :: encaixotar |
case {n} (grammatical case) SEE: grammatical case | :: |
case dependent {adj} (case sensitive) SEE: case sensitive | :: |
case sensitive {adj} (distinguishing upper- and lower-case letters) | :: sensível à caixa das letras, sensível a maiúsculas, sensível a minúsculas, sensível a maiúsculas e minúsculas |
case study {n} (research performed in detail on a single case) | :: estudo de caso {m} |
caseworker {n} (social worker) SEE: social worker | :: |
cash {n} (money in the form of notes/bills and coins) | :: dinheiro {m}, dinheiro vivo {m}, caixa {f}, numerário {m} |
cash desk {n} (place with a cash register) | :: caixa {f} |
cash dispenser {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
cashew {n} (tree) | :: caju {m}, cajueiro {m} |
cashew {n} (cashew nut) SEE: cashew nut | :: |
cashew nut {n} (the seed of the cashew tree) | :: castanha de caju {f} |
cashier {n} (one who works at a till or receives payments) | :: caixa {m} {f} |
cashier {n} (person in charge of the cash of a business or bank) | :: caixa {m} {f} |
cashier's desk {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk | :: |
cash in {v} (to die) SEE: die | :: |
cash machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
cashpoint {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
cash register {n} (machine) | :: caixa registradora {f} |
Casimir {prop} (male given name) | :: Casimiro {m} |
Casimir effect {n} (the effect of the Casimir force) | :: efeito Casimir {m} |
Casimir force {n} (a physical force of attraction between very closely separated objects) | :: força Casimir {f}, força de Casimir {f} |
casino {n} (public building or room for entertainment, especially gambling) | :: cassino {m}, casino {m} |
cask {n} (a large barrel for the storage of liquid) | :: barril {m}, casco {m} |
casket {n} (little box e.g. for jewelry) | :: porta-joias {m} |
casket {n} (urn) | :: urna {f} |
casket {n} (coffin) SEE: coffin | :: |
Caspar {prop} (one of the Magi) | :: Gaspar {m} |
Caspar {prop} (male given name) | :: Gaspar {m} |
Caspian gull {n} (Larus cachinnans) | :: gaivota-de-patas-amarelas {f} |
Caspian roach {n} (Rutilus caspicus) SEE: vobla | :: |
Caspian Sea {prop} (landlocked sea) | :: Mar Cáspio {m} |
Caspian tiger {n} (extinct tiger) | :: tigre do Cáspio {m} |
cassation {n} (the abrogation of a law by a higher authority; annulment) | :: cassação {f} |
cassava {n} (manioc, the source of tapioca) | :: mandioca {f}, aipim {m}, macaxeira {f} |
casserole {n} (glass or earthenware dish) | :: caçarola {f} |
cassette {n} (small flat case containing magnetic tape) | :: cassete {m} |
Cassiopeia {prop} (mythical wife of Cepheus) | :: Cassiopeia {f} |
Cassiopeia {prop} (constellation) | :: Cassiopeia {f} |
cassiterite {n} (mineral) | :: cassiterita {f} |
Cassius {prop} (male given name) | :: Cássio {m} |
cassock {n} (item of clerical clothing) | :: batina {f}, sotaina {f} |
cassowary {n} (a large flightless bird of the genus Casuarius) | :: casuar {m} |
cast {v} (to throw forcefully) | :: arremessar, tacar |
cast {v} (to throw a fishing line or net into the water) | :: lançar |
cast {v} (to make by pouring into a mould) | :: moldar |
cast {v} (to assign a role in a play or performance) | :: escalar |
cast {n} (group of actors performing together) | :: elenco {m} |
cast {n} (object made in a mould) | :: moldado {m} |
cast {n} (medicine: supportive and immobilising device) | :: gesso {m} |
cast {n} (mould used to make cast objects) | :: molde {m} |
castanet {n} (a single handheld percussion instrument) | :: castanhola {f} |
castanets {n} (a percussion instrument) SEE: castanet | :: |
cast aspersions {v} (make damaging or spiteful remarks) | :: sujar a imagem |
castaway {n} (nautical: shipwrecked sailor) | :: náufrago |
caste {n} (hereditary social class) | :: casta {f} |
casteism {n} (discrimination based on caste) | :: castismo {m} |
castella {n} (Japanese sponge cake) | :: castella {m}, kasutera {m} |
Castelnau's antshrike {n} (passerine bird of the antbird family) | :: [Brazil]: choca-selada |
caster {n} (wheeled assembly) | :: rodízio {m} |
castigate {v} (to punish or reprimand someone severely) | :: repreender, castigar |
castigate {v} (to criticize something severely) | :: criticar duramente, criticar severamente |
Castile {prop} (medieval Iberian kingdom) | :: Castela {f} |
Castile {prop} (central Spain) | :: Castela {f} |
Castile and León {prop} (autonomous community of Spain) | :: Castela e Leão |
Castile-La Mancha {prop} (autonomous community) | :: Castela-La Mancha {f}, Castilla-La Mancha {f} |
Castile soap {n} (type of soap) | :: sabão de Castela {m} |
Castilian {prop} (Spanish) SEE: Spanish | :: |
Castilian {prop} (standard variety of European Spanish) | :: castelhano {m} |
Castilian {n} (native of Castile) | :: castelhano {m} |
casting {n} (manufacturing process using a mold) | :: fundição {f} |
cast iron {n} (hard, brittle alloy of iron, carbon, silicon) | :: ferro fundido |
castle {n} (fortified building) | :: castelo {m} |
castle {v} (chess) | :: rocar |
castle {n} (chess piece) SEE: rook | :: |
castle in the air {n} (desire, idea, or plan unlikely to ever be realized) | :: castelo de vento {m}, castelo no ar {m} |
castling {n} (move in chess) | :: roque {m} |
cast off {v} (discard or reject) | :: rechaçar, descartar, eliminar |
castor {n} (a pivoting roller) SEE: caster | :: |
castor {n} (container for sprinkling) SEE: caster | :: |
castoreum {n} (castor sac exudate) | :: castóreo {m} |
castor oil {n} (pale yellow vegetable oil) | :: óleo de rícino {m} |
castor oil plant {n} (Ricinus communis) | :: mamona {f}, mamoneira {f}, rícino {m} |
cast out nines {v} (verification of an arithmetic operation) | :: fazer a prova dos nove |
cast pearls before swine {v} (cast pearls before swine) | :: dar pérolas a porcos, jogar pérolas aos porcos (other verbs used: atirar, lançar) |
castrate {v} (remove the testicles of) | :: castrar, capar |
castrated {adj} (having had the reproductive organs removed) | :: castrado {m} |
castration {n} (act of removing the testicles) | :: castração {f} |
Castries {prop} (capital of Saint Lucia) | :: Castries {f} |
cast the first stone {v} (act self-righteously) | :: atirar a primeira pedra |
casual {adj} (happening by chance) | :: casual, fortuito, ocasional |
casual {adj} (coming without regularity; occasional or incidental) | :: casual |
casual {adj} (informal, relaxed) | :: casual |
casual {adj} (designed for informal or everyday use) | :: casual |
casualisation {n} (the increase of precarious work in the labour market) | :: precarização {f} |
casualty {n} (person) | :: baixa {f} |
casuistics {n} (casuistry) SEE: casuistry | :: |
casuistry {n} (process) | :: casuística {f} |
casus belli {n} (act causing war) | :: casus belli {m} |
cat {v} (vomit) | :: vomitar |
cat {n} (spiteful woman) SEE: bitch | :: |
cat {n} (type of fish) SEE: catfish | :: |
cat {n} (cat-o'-nine-tails) SEE: cat-o'-nine-tails | :: |
cat {n} (domestic species) | :: gato {m}, gata {f}, gato-doméstico {m}, bichano {m} |
cat {n} (member of the family Felidae) | :: felino {m}, felina {f} |
cat {n} (guy, fellow) | :: cara {m}, rapaz {m} |
catabolism {n} (destructive metabolism) | :: catabolismo {m} |
catachresis {n} (misuse of a word) | :: catacrese {f} |
catachresis {n} ((rhetoric) bad metaphor or trope) | :: catacrese {f} |
cataclysm {n} (sudden, violent event) | :: cataclisma {m} |
catacomb {n} (underground system of tunnels and chambers with recesses for graves) | :: catacumba {f} |
catafalque {n} (platform to display or convey a coffin) | :: catafalco {m}, essa {f} |
Catalan {n} (person from Catalonia) | :: catalão {m} |
Catalan {prop} (language of Catalonia) | :: catalão {m} |
Catalan {adj} (Of or pertaining to Catalonia) | :: catalão |
Catalanness {n} (identification or conformity with Catalan values and customs) | :: catalanidade {f} |
catalepsy {n} (catalepsy) | :: catalepsia {f} |
catalogue {n} (a systematic list of names, books, pictures etc.) | :: catálogo {m} |
catalogue {n} (a complete list of items) | :: catálogo {m} |
catalogue {n} (a list of all the publications in a library) | :: catálogo {m} |
catalogue {n} (a university calendar) | :: programa {m} |
catalogue {v} (to put into a catalogue) | :: catalogar |
catalogue {v} (to make a catalogue of) | :: catalogar |
catalogue {v} (to add to an existing catalogue) | :: catalogar |
Catalonia {prop} (autonomous community in Spain) | :: Catalunha {f} |
Catalonian {adj} (Catalan) SEE: Catalan | :: |
Catalonian {n} (Catalan) SEE: Catalan | :: |
catalpa {n} (any tree of the genus Catalpa) | :: catalpa {f} |
catalysis {n} (chemistry: the increase of the rate of a chemical reaction induced by a catalyst) | :: catálise {f} |
catalyst {n} (substance which increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process) | :: catalisador {m} |
catalyst {n} (someone or something that helps or encourages progress or change) | :: catalisador |
catalyst {n} (catalytic converter) SEE: catalytic converter | :: |
catalytic {adj} (of, or relating to catalysts) | :: catalítico |
catalytic converter {n} (a chamber which oxidises carbon dioxide from exhaust gases) | :: catalisador {m}, conversor catalítico {m} |
catalyze {v} (to bring about the catalysis of a chemical reaction) | :: catalisar |
catalyze {v} (to accelerate a process) | :: catalisar |
catalyzer {n} (that which catalyzes) | :: catalisador {m} |
catamaran {n} (twin-hulled boat) | :: catamarã {m} |
catamite {n} (catamite) | :: catamita {m} |
cat and mouse {n} (two keeping check on one another) | :: jogo de gato e rato {m} |
Catania {prop} (province of Sicily) | :: Catânia {f} |
Catania {prop} (capital of Catania) | :: Catânia {f} |
Catanzaro {prop} (town and capital) | :: Catanzaro |
cataphract {n} (armor for the entire body and often for the horse) | :: catafracta {f} |
cataphyll {n} (a leaf that fulfils protective or storage functions) | :: catáfilo {m} |
cataplana {n} (a metal cooking dish originating from Portugal) | :: cataplana {f} |
cataplana {n} (any food cooked or served in such a dish) | :: cataplana {f} |
cataplasm {n} (poultice) SEE: poultice | :: |
catapult {n} (slingshot) SEE: slingshot | :: |
catapult {n} (device for launching large objects) | :: catapulta {f} |
cataract {n} (waterfall) | :: catarata {f} |
cataract {n} (opacity of the lens in the eye) | :: catarata {f} |
catarrh {n} (inflammation of the mucous membranes) | :: catarro {m} |
catastrophe {n} (any large and disastrous event of great significance) | :: catástrofe {f} |
catastrophe {n} (disaster beyond expectations) | :: catástrofe {f} |
catastrophic {adj} (of or pertaining to a catastrophe) | :: catastrófico |
catastrophic {adj} (disastrous; ruinous) | :: catastrófico |
catatonia {n} (severe psychiatric condition) | :: catatonia {f} |
catatonic {adj} (of, relating to, or suffering from catatonia) | :: catatónico [Portugal], catatônico [Brazil] |
catch {n} (the act of catching a ball) | :: pegar, apanhadura {f}, apanhada {f} |
catch {n} (a find, in particular a boyfriend/girlfriend) | :: conquista {f} |
catch {n} (a clasp which stops something from opening) | :: tranca {f}, tranqueta {f}, fecho {m} |
catch {n} (a hidden difficulty, especially in a deal or negotiation) | :: cilada {f} |
catch {n} (that which is captured or caught) | :: presa {f} |
catch {v} (to capture or snare) | :: pegar, capturar |
catch {v} (to intercept an object in the air etc.) | :: pegar, capturar |
catch {v} (to perceive and understand) | :: entender, compreender, captar, sacar [slang] |
catch {v} (to handle a computer error, especially an exception) | :: capturar |
catch a cold {v} (contract a cold) | :: resfriar-se |
catcher {n} (that which catches) | :: coletor {m} |
catcher {n} (baseball player who receives pitches) | :: receptor {m} |
catch fire {v} (become engulfed in flames) | :: pegar fogo |
catchment area {n} (area from which water drains) SEE: drainage basin | :: |
catchphrase {n} (a group of words) | :: bordão {m} |
catch sight of {v} (to glimpse) | :: aperceber |
catechesis {n} (religious instruction) | :: catequese {f} |
catechism {n} (book summarizing the principles of Christianity) | :: catecismo {m} |
catechist {n} | :: catequista {m} {f} |
catechize {v} (to question at length) | :: catequisar |
catechumen {n} (convert to Christianity prior to baptism) | :: catecúmeno |
categorical {adj} (absolute; having no exception) | :: categórico, taxativo |
categorical {adj} (of, pertaining to, or using categories) | :: categórico |
categorically {adv} (In a categorical manner) | :: categoricamente |
categorization {n} (the process of sorting or arranging things into categories or classes) | :: categorização {f} |
categorize {v} (to assign a category) | :: categorizar |
category {n} (group) | :: categoria {f} |
category {n} (collection in math) | :: categoria {f} |
catenin {n} (proteins that have a role in cell adhesion) | :: catenina |
cater-cousin {n} (bosom friend) SEE: bosom friend | :: |
caterpillar {n} (larva of a butterfly) | :: lagarta {f} |
caterpillar {n} (vehicle with a caterpillar track) | :: veículo com lagartas {m} |
caterpillar track {n} (continuous track in the form of steel or rubber belt) | :: lagarta {f}, esteira {f} |
catfish {n} (type of fish, see also: sheatfish) | :: peixe-gato, bagre {m} |
cat flap {n} (small hinged panel cut into a door where a cat can come in) | :: gateira {f} |
cat-flap {n} (cat flap) SEE: cat flap | :: |
cat food {n} (type of food formulated for the feeding of cats) | :: comida/ração de/para gato(s) {f} |
catgirl {n} (female character with feline characteristics) | :: catgirl {f} |
cat got someone's tongue {phrase} (why are you not saying anything?) | :: o gato comeu sua língua (did the cat eat your tongue?) |
Cathar {n} (a member of Christian sect) | :: cátaro {m} |
catharsis {n} (in drama, a release of emotional tension) | :: catarse {f} |
catharsis {n} (any release of emotional tension) | :: catarse {f} |
cathartic {adj} (purgative; inducing catharsis) | :: catártico |
Cathay {prop} (Medieval northern China) | :: Catai {m}, Cathay {m} |
cathead {n} (nautical: heavy piece of timber for holding an anchor in position) | :: serviola {f} |
cathedral {n} (principal church of a bishop's diocese) | :: catedral {m} |
Catherine {prop} (female given name) | :: Catarina {f} |
catheter {n} (small tube inserted into a body cavity) | :: cateter {m} |
cathetus {n} (either of the sides of a right triangle other than its hypotenuse) | :: cateto {m} |
cathexis {n} (the concentration of libido or emotional energy on a single object or idea) | :: catexia {f}, catexe {f} |
cathode {n} (electrode through which current flows outward) | :: cátodo {m}, catodo {m} [Brazil], catódio {m} |
Catholic {adj} (of the Western Christian church, as differentiated from the Orthodox church) | :: católico |
Catholic {adj} (of the Roman Catholic church) | :: católico |
Catholic {n} (member of a Catholic church) | :: católico {m} |
Catholic Church {n} (24 particular churches in full communion with the Pope as the Bishop of Rome) | :: Igreja Católica {f} |
Catholicism {n} (faiths, practices and doctrines of a Catholic Church) | :: catolicismo |
catholicity {n} (Catholicism) SEE: Catholicism | :: |
catholicity {n} (the quality of being catholic, universal or inclusive) | :: universalidade {f} |
catholicos {n} (high-ranking bishop or patriarch) | :: católico |
cation {n} (a positively charged ion) | :: [Europe] catião {m}, [Brazil] cátion {m} |
catkin {n} (botany: a type of inflorescence) | :: amento {m}, amentilho {m} |
catmint {n} (catnip) SEE: catnip | :: |
catnap {n} (a brief, light sleep) | :: soneca {f} |
catnip {n} (plant of the genus Nepeta) | :: erva-de-gato {f}, nêbeda {f} |
catnip {n} (specific species which causes intoxication among cats) | :: erva-de-gato {f} |
catoblepas {n} (mythological creature) | :: catóblepa {m} |
cat-o'-nine-tails {n} (whip) | :: chicote {m} |
cat's claw {n} (Acacia plumosa) | :: unha-de-gato {f} |
cat's claw {n} (Carpobrotus edulis) | :: chorão |
cat's claw {n} (Uncaria guianensis) | :: unha-de-gato {f} |
cat's claw {n} (Uncaria tomentosa) | :: unha-de-gato {f} |
cat's eye {n} (retroreflective device placed on a road surface) | :: olho de gato {m}, tachão {m}, tartaruga {f} |
cat's eye {n} (cymophane) SEE: cymophane | :: |
catshark {n} (catshark) | :: peixe-gato {m} |
cattail {n} (any of several perennial herbs of the genus Typha) | :: tifa {f} |
cattle {n} (domesticated bovine animals) | :: gado {m} (bovino) |
cattle {n} (certain other livestock) | :: gado {m} |
cattle {n} (pejorative: people who resemble cattle in behavior or destiny) | :: ralé {f} |
catty {adj} (spiteful) | :: calúnia |
catwalk {n} (narrow elevated stage on which models parade) | :: passarela {f} |
Caucasian {adj} (pertaining to the Caucasus region or people) | :: caucasiano |
Caucasian {adj} (pertaining to the anthropological race) | :: caucasiano |
Caucasian {n} (native of the Caucasus region) | :: caucasiano {m}, caucasiana {f} |
Caucasian {n} (member of Caucasian race) | :: caucasiano {m}, caucasiana {f} |
Caucasoid {n} (a person with Caucasoid characteristics) | :: europoide |
Caucasus {prop} (geographic region) | :: Cáucaso {m} |
caucus {n} (a meeting of party members) | :: reunião/convenção (de partido) {f} |
caucus {n} (a grouping of all members of a legislature representing the same party) | :: bancada {f} |
caudal {adj} (pertaining to the tail) | :: caudal |
caudal {n} (caudal vertebra) | :: caudal {f} |
caudal fin {n} (the tailfin of a fish and other aquatic vertebrates) | :: barbatana caudal {f} |
caudillo {n} (military dictator in South America) | :: caudilho {m} |
caudilloship {n} (a caudillo government) | :: caudilhismo {m} |
Caudine {adj} (of or pertaining to Caudium) | :: caudino |
caul {n} (part of the amniotic sac which sometimes shrouds a baby’s head at birth) | :: coifa {f} |
cauldron {n} (large bowl-shaped pot) | :: caldeirão {m} |
cauliflower {n} (vegetable) | :: couve-flor {f} |
cauliflower {n} (edible head of a cauliflower plant) | :: couve-flor {f} |
caulk {v} (to seal joints with caulk) | :: calafetar |
causal {adj} (of, relating to or being a cause of something) | :: causal |
causalism {n} (social system) | :: nacionalitismo {m} |
causality {n} (agency of cause) | :: causalidade {f} |
causate {v} (cause) SEE: cause | :: |
causation {n} (causality) SEE: causality | :: |
cause {n} (source or reason of an event or action) | :: causa {f} |
cause {n} (goal, aim, principle) | :: causa {f} |
cause {v} (to set off an event or action) | :: causar |
cause {v} (to produce as a result) | :: causar, fazer |
cause and effect {n} (causality) SEE: causality | :: |
cause a stir {v} (cause controversy) | :: gerar/causar (uma) comoção |
cause célèbre {n} (issue or incident arousing heated public debate) | :: acontecimento polémico {m} |
cause of action {n} (legal: condition that entitles suing) | :: causa de pedir |
caustic {adj} (capable of destroying organic tissue) | :: cáustico |
caustic {adj} (severe; satirical; sharp) | :: cáustico |
caustic {n} (substance which burns, corrodes or destroys organic tissue) | :: cáustico {m} |
caustic {n} (envelope of reflected or refracted rays of light for a given surface or object) | :: cáustica {f} |
caustic {n} (envelope of reflected or refracted rays for a given curve) | :: cáustica {f} |
causticity {n} (the quality of being caustic) | :: causticidade {f} |
cauterize {v} (burn tissue) | :: cauterizar |
caution {n} (precept or warning against evil or danger) | :: advertência {f} |
caution {n} (careful attention, prudence) | :: cuidado {m}, caução {f}, cautela {f} |
caution {n} (security; guaranty; bail) | :: garantia {f} |
caution {v} (to warn) | :: advertir |
cautionary {adj} (admonitory) SEE: admonitory | :: |
cautious {adj} (careful) | :: cuidadoso, cauteloso |
cautiously {adv} (in a cautious manner) | :: cuidadosamente |
cavalcade {n} (company of riders) | :: cavalgada {f} |
cavalier {n} (well mannered man; a gentleman) | :: cavalheiro {m} |
cavalry {n} (military service that fights with riding horses) | :: cavalaria {f} |
cavalry {n} (mechanized cavalry) SEE: mechanized cavalry | :: |
cavalryman {n} (a soldier in the cavalry) | :: cavaleiro {m}, cavalariano {m} |
cave {n} (large, naturally occurring cavity formed underground) | :: caverna {f} |
caveat {n} (warning) | :: advertência {f}, aviso {m}, reserva {f} |
caveat {n} (qualification or exemption) | :: ressalva {f} |
caveat {n} (notice requesting a postponement of a court proceedings) | :: notificação {f} |
cave in {n} (The act of something collapsing or caving in) | :: desmoronar |
caveman {n} (early humans or related species) | :: cavernícola {m} {f}, homem das cavernas {m} |
caveman {n} (a brutish or savage person) | :: homem das cavernas |
caveman {n} (a man with old fashioned or backward opinions, particularly with regard to women) | :: homem das cavernas |
cavern {n} (large cave) | :: caverna {f} |
cavern {n} (underground chamber) | :: caverna {f} |
cavernous {adj} (resembling a cavern) | :: cavernoso |
cavernous {adj} (having many caverns) | :: cavernoso |
caviar {n} (roe of the sturgeon or other large fish (black caviar)) | :: caviar {m} |
cavil {v} (to criticise for petty or frivolous reasons) | :: chicanar, sofismar |
cavil {n} (petty or trivial objection or criticism) | :: chicana {f}, sofisma {m} |
cavitation {n} (formation of vapor bubbles) | :: cavitação {f} |
cavity {n} (hole or hollow depression) | :: cavidade |
cavity {n} (hollow area within the body) | :: cavidade {f} |
cavity {n} (hole and soft area in tooth caused by caries) | :: cárie {f} |
cavort {v} (move/play boisterously) | :: curvetear |
cavy {n} (guinea pig) SEE: guinea pig | :: |
caw {n} (cry of a crow) | :: grasnido {m}, grasnado {m}, grasnada {f}, grasno {m} |
caw {v} (to make the cry of a crow, rook, or raven) | :: grasnir, grasnar |
Cayenne {prop} (capital of French Guiana) | :: Caiena |
cayenne pepper {n} (hot chilli pepper) | :: pimenta-caiena {f}, pimenta-de-caiena {f} |
cayenne pepper {n} (spice) | :: pimenta-caiena {f}, pimenta-de-caiena {f} |
Cayman Islands {prop} (British territory in the Caribbean) | :: Ilhas Cayman |
CD {n} (abbreviation of compact disc, see also: compact disc) | :: CD {m} |
cDNA {n} (complementary DNA) | :: ADNc |
CD player {n} (CD player) | :: CD player {m}, diskman {m} |
Ceará {prop} (state in north-eastern Brazil) | :: Ceará {m} |
cease {v} (intransitive) | :: cessar |
cease {v} (transitive) | :: parar |
cease and desist {v} (stop and not resume an action) | :: cessar |
cease-fire {n} (in warfare, an agreed end to hostilities for a specific purpose) | :: cessar-fogo {m}, armistício {m}, trégua {f} |
Cebu {prop} (island in central Philippines) | :: Cebu |
Cebuano {n} (language) | :: cebuano {m} |
Cebuano {adj} (pertaining to the language or its speakers) | :: cebuano {m}, cebuana {f} |
Cecil {prop} (male given name) | :: Cecílio {m} |
Cecilia {prop} (female given name) | :: Cecília {f} |
Cecina {prop} (town in the province of Livorno) | :: Cecina {f} |
cedar {n} (coniferous tree in genus Cedrus) | :: cedro {m} |
cedar {n} (aromatic wood) | :: cedro {m} |
cede {v} (give up) | :: ceder |
cedilla {n} (mark placed under the letter c) | :: cedilha {f} |
Cedric {prop} (male given name) | :: Cedrico {m} |
cee {n} (name of the letter C, c) | :: cê {m} |
ceil {n} (ceiling) SEE: ceiling | :: |
ceiling {n} (upper limit of room) | :: teto {m} |
ceiling {n} (altitude) | :: teto {m} |
ceiling fan {n} (fan fixture on a ceiling) | :: ventilador de teto {m} |
-cele {suffix} (tumour) | :: -cele {f} |
-cele {suffix} (hernia) | :: -cele {f} |
celebrate {v} (extol or honour in a solemn manner) | :: celebrar |
celebrate {v} (honour by rites, ceremonies, etc.) | :: celebrar |
celebrate {v} (to engage in joyful activity in appreciation of an event) | :: celebrar, festejar |
celebrate {v} (perform or participate in) | :: celebrar |
celebrated {adj} (famous or widely praised) | :: comemorado, célebre |
celebration {n} (formal performance of a solemn rite) | :: celebração {f} |
celebration {n} (social gathering for entertainment and fun) | :: celebração {f}, celebração {f} |
celebrity {n} (famous person) | :: celebridade, colunável {m} {f} |
celeriac {n} (form of celery) | :: aipo-rábano {m} |
celerity {n} (speed) | :: celeridade {f} |
celerity {n} (speed of individual waves) | :: celeridade {f} |
celery {n} (herb) | :: aipo {m} |
celery {n} (the stalks of this herb) | :: aipo {m} |
celesta {n} (musical instrument) | :: celesta {f} |
celestial {adj} (relating to heaven (religious)) | :: celestial {m} {f}, celeste |
celestial {adj} (relating to sky) | :: celeste |
celestial body {n} (natural object beyond Earth's atmosphere) | :: astro {m}, corpo celeste {m} |
celestial sphere {n} (abstract sphere of infinite radius) | :: esfera celeste {f} |
celestine {n} (mineral) | :: celestina {f}, celestita {f} |
Celia {prop} (female given name) | :: Célia |
celibacy {n} (state of being unmarried) | :: celibato {m} |
celibacy {n} (abstaining from sexual relations) | :: celibato {m} |
celibate {adj} (unmarried) | :: celibatário |
celibate {n} (person who is not married) | :: celibatário |
cell {n} (component of an electrical battery) | :: célula {f} |
cell {n} (room in a prison for containing inmates) | :: cela {f} |
cell {n} (room in a monastery for sleeping one person) | :: cela {f} |
cell {n} (small group of people forming part of a larger organization) | :: célula {f} |
cell {n} (basic unit of a living organism) | :: célula {f} |
cell {n} (biological cavity) | :: célula {f} |
cell {n} (informal: a cellular telephone, see also: mobile phone) | :: (telefone) celular {m} |
cellar {n} (underground space) | :: porão {m} |
cellar {n} (wine collection) | :: adega {f} |
cellar {n} (slang: last place in competition) | :: lanterna, lanterninha |
cellar door {n} (door leading to a cellar) | :: porta da adega {f} |
cellist {n} (person who plays the cello) | :: violoncelista {m} {f} |
cell membrane {n} (semipermeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of a cell) | :: membrana celular {f}, membrana plasmática {f}, membrana citoplasmática {f} |
cell nucleus {n} (cytology: large organelle found in cells) SEE: nucleus | :: |
cello {n} (musical instrument) | :: violoncelo {m} |
cellophane {n} (the transparent plastic film) | :: celofane {m} |
cell phone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone | :: |
cellular {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone | :: |
cellular {adj} (of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling a cell or cells) | :: celular {m}, celular |
cellular phone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone | :: |
cellulite {n} (dimpled appearance of skin) | :: celulite {f} |
celluloid {n} (variety of thermoplastics) | :: celuloide {m} |
cellulose {n} (the polysaccharide cellulose) | :: celulose {f} |
cell wall {n} (thick layer around cells of plants, fungi, and algae) | :: parede celular {f} |
Celsius {adj} (related to a metric scale of temperature) | :: célsius, centígrado |
Celt {prop} (ancient) | :: celta {m} {f} |
Celtiberian {n} (person) | :: celtibero {m} |
Celtic {prop} (branch of languages) | :: celta {m} {f}, céltico {m} |
Celtic {adj} (of the Celts; of the style of the Celts) | :: céltico, celta |
cembalo {n} (cembalo) SEE: harpsichord | :: |
cembra {n} (Pinus cembra) SEE: Swiss pine | :: |
cement {n} (a powdered substance) | :: cimento {m} |
cement {n} (the paste-like substance) | :: cimento {m} |
cement {n} (any material with strong adhesive and cohesive properties) | :: cimento {m} |
cement {v} (to affix with cement) | :: cimentar |
cement {v} (to make permanent) | :: cimentar, consolidar, firmar |
cement mixer {n} (device to make concrete) | :: betoneira {f} |
cement mixer {n} (a truck to make concrete) | :: [Portugal] camião betoneira {m}, [Brazil] caminhão betoneira {m} |
cemetery {n} (a place where the dead are buried) SEE: graveyard | :: |
cendrée {n} (grey colour (noun)) | :: cendrée |
cenotaph {n} (monument to honor the dead whose bodies lie elsewhere) | :: cenotáfio {m} |
cenote {n} (deep natural well or sinkhole) | :: cenote {m} |
Cenozoic {adj} (of a geological era from 65 million years ago to present) | :: cenozoico |
Cenozoic {prop} (geological epoch) | :: Cenozoico {m} |
censer {n} (religious ornamental container for burning incense) | :: turíbulo, incensário |
censor {n} (Ancient Roman magistrate) | :: censor {m} |
censor {n} (official responsible for removal of objectionable material or sensitive content) | :: censor {m}, censora {f}, censurador {m}, censuradora {f} |
censor {n} (one who condemns or censors) | :: censor {m}, censora {f}, censurador {m}, censuradora {f} |
censor {v} (to review for, and if necessary to remove or suppress, objectionable content) | :: censurar |
censorable {adj} (able to be censored) | :: censurável |
censorship {n} (use of state or group power to control freedom of expression) | :: censura {f} |
censurable {adj} (deserving of censure) | :: censurável |
censurer {n} (censor) SEE: censor | :: |
census {n} (official count of members of a population) | :: censo {m}, recenseamento {m} |
cent {n} (subunit of currency in US and elsewhere) | :: centavo {m} |
cent {n} (one-hundredth of a euro) | :: centavo {m}, cêntimo {m} |
centaur {n} (mythical half-man, half-horse) | :: centauro {m} |
centenary {adj} (of, or pertaining to, or completing a period of 100 years) | :: centenário |
centenier {n} (centurion) SEE: centurion | :: |
centennial {n} (100th anniversary) | :: centenário {m} |
center {n} (point equidistant from all points on the perimeter of a circle) | :: centro {m} |
center {n} (point equidistant from all points on the surface of a sphere) | :: centro {m} |
center {n} (point on a line midway between the ends) | :: centro {m} |
center {n} (point in the interior of figure with mean coordinates) | :: centro {m} |
center {n} (place where a function or activity occurs) | :: centro {m} |
center {n} (topic of particular importance) | :: centro {m} |
center {n} (in basketball) | :: pivô {m} |
center {v} (cause to occupy the center) | :: centrar |
center {v} (concentrate on) | :: concentrar, focar |
centering {n} (type of formwork) | :: cimbre {m} |
center of gravity {n} (point, near or within a body, at which the object's mass can be assumed to be concentrated) | :: baricentro {m}, centro de gravidade {m} |
centi- {prefix} (10-2) | :: centi- |
centilitre {n} (1/100 of a litre) | :: centilitro {m} |
Centimanes {n} (Hecatoncheires) SEE: Hecatoncheires | :: |
centimetre {n} (one-hundredth of a metre) | :: centímetro {m} |
centipede {n} (a segmented arthropod of class Chilopoda) | :: centípede {m}, centopeia {f}, quilópode |
centisecond {n} (unit of time equal to 0.01 seconds) | :: centisegundo {m} |
central {adj} (being in the centre) | :: central |
central {adj} (being very important) | :: central |
Central African {n} (A person from Central Africa or of Central African descent) | :: centro-africano {m} |
Central African {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Central Africa or the Central African people) | :: centro-africano |
Central African Republic {prop} (country in Central Africa) | :: República Centro-Africana |
Central America {prop} (part of North America) | :: América Central {f} |
Central Asia {prop} (smaller area of Central Asia) | :: Ásia Central {f} |
central bank {n} (the principal monetary authority of a polity) | :: banco central {m} |
central business district {n} (central area of a city) | :: centro {m} |
Central Europe {prop} (geographical region in the center of Europe) | :: Europa Central {f} |
central government {n} (highest level of government in a unitary state) | :: governo central {m} |
Central Greece {prop} (periphery) | :: Grécia Central {f} |
central heating {n} (heating system) | :: calefação {f} |
centralism {n} (system that centralizes) | :: centralismo {m} |
centrality {n} (the state of being central) | :: centralidade {f} |
central nervous system {n} (that part of the nervous system comprising the brain, brainstem and spinal cord) | :: sistema nervoso central |
central processing unit {n} (part of a computer) | :: unidade central de processamento {f} |
central simple algebra {n} (type of associative algebra over a field) | :: álgebra simple central {f}, ASC {f} |
centre {n} (center) SEE: center | :: |
centre {v} (center) SEE: center | :: |
Centre {prop} (region) | :: Centro {m} |
centre forward {n} (most central of the strikers) | :: centroavante {m} {f} |
-centric {suffix} (having a specified object at the centre) | :: -cêntrico |
centrifugal force {n} (force) | :: força centrífuga {f} |
centrifuge {n} (device for separation of substances) | :: centrifuga |
centripetal force {n} (the force on a rotating or orbiting body in the direction of the centre of rotation) | :: força centrípeta {f} |
centrism {n} (moderate political philosophy) | :: centrismo {m} |
centrist {adj} (of, pertaining to, or advocating centrism) | :: centrista |
centrist {n} (a person who advocates centrism) | :: centrista {m} {f} |
centroid {n} (point at the centre of any shape) | :: centroide {m} |
centromere {n} (region of a eukaryotic chromosome) | :: centrómero {m} [Portugal], centrômero {m} [Brazil] |
centurion {n} (commander of a century of soldiers) | :: centurião {m} |
century {n} (100 years) | :: século {m} |
century {n} (Roman army type unit) | :: centúria {f} |
century {n} (political division of Rome) | :: centúria {f} |
century egg {n} (Chinese delicacy) | :: ovo centenário {m} |
CEO {n} (chief executive officer) | :: CEO {m} {f} |
cep {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini | :: |
cepe {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini | :: |
cephalalgia {n} (headache) SEE: headache | :: |
cephalopod {n} (mollusc) | :: cefalópode {m} |
-cephaly {suffix} (head) | :: -cefalia {f} |
Cephas {prop} (male given name) | :: Cefas |
Cepheus {prop} (mythical husband of Cassiopeia) | :: Cefeu {m} |
cepstrum {n} (Fourier transform of the logarithm of a spectrum) | :: cepstro {m} |
ceramic {adj} (of or pertaining to ceramic as material) | :: cerâmico |
ceramic {n} (material) | :: cerâmica {f} |
ceramic {n} (object) | :: cerâmica {f} |
Cerberus {prop} (mythological three-headed dog) | :: Cérbero {m} |
cereal {n} (breakfast cereal) SEE: breakfast cereal | :: |
cereal {n} (type of grass) | :: cereal |
cereal {n} (grains of such a grass) | :: cereais {m-p} |
cerebellum {n} (part of the hindbrain in vertebrates) | :: cerebelo {m} |
cerebral {adj} (of, or relating to the brain) | :: cerebral |
cerebral {adj} (retroflex) SEE: retroflex | :: |
cerebral cortex {n} (layer of the brain) | :: córtex {m} |
cerebral hemisphere {n} (region of the brain) | :: hemisfério {m} |
cerebral palsy {n} (group of non-contagious conditions) | :: paralisia cerebral {f} |
cerebrospinal fluid {n} (clear bodily fluid) | :: líquido cefalorraquidiano {m}, fluido cérebro-espinhal {m} |
cerebrovascular accident {n} (loss of brain function, see also: CVA) | :: derrame {m}, acidente vascular cerebral {m} |
cerebrum {n} (upper part of the brain) | :: telencéfalo {m} |
ceremonial {adj} (of, relating to, or used in a ceremony) | :: cerimonial |
ceremonial {n} (a ceremony, or series of ceremonies) | :: cerimonial {m}, ritual {m} |
ceremony {n} (ritual with religious significance) | :: cerimónia {f} [Portugal], cerimônia {f} [Brazil] |
ceremony {n} (official gathering to celebrate) | :: cerimónia {f} [Portugal], cerimônia {f} [Brazil] |
ceremony {n} (formal socially-established behaviour) | :: cerimónia {f} [Portugal], cerimônia {f} [Brazil] |
Ceres {prop} (Roman goddess) | :: Ceres {f} |
Ceres {prop} (dwarf planet) | :: Ceres {m} |
ceriman {n} (Monstera deliciosa, a woody vine of Mexico grown for its fruit or as an ornamental) | :: costela-de-adão {f} |
cerium {n} (chemical element) | :: cério {m} |
certain {adj} (sure, positive, not doubting) | :: certo |
certain {determiner} (having been determined but not specified) | :: certo {m} |
certainly {adv} (with certainty) | :: certamente, garantidamente |
certainly {adv} (without doubt, surely) | :: certamente, sem dúvida |
certainly {adv} (emphatic affirmative answer) | :: certamente, sem dúvida |
certainty {n} (state of being certain) | :: certeza {f} |
certificate {n} (document containing a certified statement) | :: certificado {m} |
certificate authority {n} (computing: an organization that issues digital certificates for use by other parties) | :: autoridade de certificação {f} |
certification {n} (act of certifying) | :: certificação {f} |
certify {v} (to attest as to) | :: certificar |
cerulean {n} (sky blue) | :: cerúleo {m} |
cerumen {n} (earwax) SEE: earwax | :: |
cerussite {n} (mineral) | :: cerusita {f}, cerussita {f} |
cervical {adj} (of the neck) | :: cervical |
cervical {adj} (of the cervix) | :: cervical |
cervical cancer {n} (cancer of the cervix) | :: câncer cervical {m} [Brazil], cancro cervical {m} [Portugal] |
cervical cap {n} (contraceptive device) | :: capuz cervical {m} |
cervical vertebra {n} (any of the seven vertebrae of the neck) | :: vértebra cervical {f} |
cervicitis {n} (inflammation of the cervix) | :: cervicite {f} |
cervix {n} (neck) SEE: neck | :: |
cervix {n} (neck-like part) SEE: neck | :: |
cervix {n} (lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina) | :: cérvice {f}, cérvix {f} |
cesarean section {n} (Caesarean section) SEE: Caesarean section | :: |
cessionary {n} (one who receives a cession) SEE: assignee | :: |
cesspool {n} (place for sewage) | :: fossa {f} |
cesspool {n} (filthy place) | :: chiqueiro {m} |
c'est la vie {phrase} (such is life) SEE: such is life | :: |
cestode {n} (any of various parasitic tapeworms in the Cestoda) | :: cestódeo {m} |
cetacean {n} (an animal belonging to the order Cetacea) | :: cetáceo {m} |
cetology {n} (study of cetaceans) | :: cetologia |
Ceuta {prop} (Spanish enclave) | :: Ceuta |
Ceylon {prop} | :: Ceilão {m} |
cf. {v} (compare) | :: cf. |
cha-cha {n} (ballroom dance) | :: tcha-tcha-tchá |
cha-cha-cha {n} (cha-cha) SEE: cha-cha | :: |
Chad {prop} (country) | :: Chade |
Chad Basin {prop} (area surrounding Lake Chad) | :: bacia do Chade/Chad/Tchad {f} |
Chadian {adj} (pertaining to Chad) | :: chadiano, tchadiano |
Chadian {n} (person from Chad) | :: chadiano {m}, tchadiano {m} |
chador {n} (a loose robe worn by Muslim women) | :: xador |
chaetognath {n} (arrow worm) SEE: arrow worm | :: |
chafe {n} (injury or wear caused by friction) | :: esfolamento {m} |
chafe {n} (vexation; irritation of mind; rage) | :: raiva {f} |
chafe {v} (to excite passion or anger in) | :: enraivecer |
chafe {v} (to fret and wear by rubbing) | :: friccionar |
chafe {v} (to rub; to come together so as to wear by rubbing; to wear by friction) | :: atritar |
chafe {v} (to be worn by rubbing) | :: desgastar |
chafe {v} (to be vexed; to fret; to be irritated) | :: irritar-se |
chaff {n} (inedible parts of grain plant) | :: moinha {f}, palha {f} |
chaffinch {n} (bird) | :: tentilhão |
Chagas' disease {n} (form of trypanosomiasis prevalent in South America) | :: doença de Chagas {f} |
Chagatai {prop} (extinct Turkic language) | :: chagatai {m} |
chagrin {n} (distress from failure; vexation or mortification) | :: desgosto {m} |
chain {n} (series of interconnected rings or links) | :: cadeia {f}, corrente {f} |
chain {n} (series of interconnected things) | :: cadeia {f} |
chain {n} (series of stores or businesses with the same brand name) | :: cadeia {f} |
chain {n} (number of atoms in a series, which combine to form a molecule) | :: cadeia {f} |
chain drive {n} (transmission system) | :: correia |
chained {adj} (bound with chains) | :: acorrentado |
chain mail {n} (a flexible defensive armor) | :: cota de malha |
chain of command {n} (hierarchy in which one rank obeys the one above it) | :: cadeia de comando {f} |
chain of custody {n} (the documentation showing the full process of acquisition, transfer, handling and disposition of physical or electronic materials) | :: cadeia de custódia |
chain reaction {n} (type of nuclear reaction) | :: reação em cadeia {f} |
chain reaction {n} (series of events) | :: reação em cadeia {f} |
chainsaw {n} (saw with a power-driven chain) | :: motosserra {f}, motoserrote {m} |
chair {n} (furniture) | :: cadeira {f} |
chair {n} (distinguished professorship) | :: cátedra {f} |
chair {v} (to act as chairperson) | :: comandar, dirigir |
chair {n} (chairperson) SEE: chairperson | :: |
chairman {n} (person presiding over a meeting) | :: presidente (da assembleia) |
chairman {n} (head of a corporate or governmental board) | :: presidente {m} |
chairperson {n} (a person who presides over a meeting, a board) | :: presidente (da assembleia) |
chaise longue {n} (reclining chair with a long seat) | :: chaise longue {f} |
chakra {n} (spiritual energy nexuses) | :: chakra {m}, chacra {m} |
chalaza {n} (zoology: spiral band) | :: calaza {f} |
chalaza {n} (botany: location) | :: calaza {f} |
chalazion {n} (a cyst in the eyelid) | :: calázio {m} |
chalcanthite {n} (mineral) | :: calcantite {f}, calcantita {f} |
chalcedony {n} (form of fine-grained quartz) | :: calcedônia {f} |
chalcogen {n} (any element of group 16 of the periodic table) | :: calcogénio {m}, calcogênio {m} [Brazil] |
chalcopyrite {n} (mineral) | :: calcopirita {f} |
Chaldea {prop} (region in the southern portion of Babylonia) | :: Caldeia {f} |
Chaldean Catholic Church {prop} (an Eastern Catholic particular church) | :: Igreja Católica Caldeia {f} |
chalet {n} (wooden house) | :: chalé {m} |
chalice {n} (large drinking cup) | :: cálice {m}, cálix {m} |
chalk {n} (a soft, white, powdery limestone) | :: gesso {f} |
chalk {n} (a piece of chalk used for drawing and on a blackboard) | :: giz {m} |
chalkboard {n} (slate board for writing on with chalk) | :: lousa {f}, quadro {m}, quadro-negro {m}, quadro de giz {m} |
challenge {n} (that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not) | :: desafio {m}, incentivo |
challenge {n} (difficult task) | :: desafio {m} |
challenge {v} (to invite someone to take part in a competition) | :: desafiar |
challenge {v} (to dare someone) | :: desafiar |
challenged {adj} (lacking attribute or skill) | :: inábil |
challenging {adj} (difficult; hard to do) | :: desafiador |
chamber {n} (bedroom) | :: câmara {f}, quarto {m} |
chamber {n} (legislative body) | :: câmara {f} |
chamber {n} (enclosed space similar to a room) | :: câmara {f} |
chamber {n} (part of a firearm holding the round before firing) | :: câmara {f} |
chamber {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot | :: |
chamberlain {n} (an officer in charge of managing the household of a sovereign) | :: camareiro {m} |
chambermaid {n} (a maid who handles the chores in a bedroom) | :: camareira {f} |
chamber music {n} (chamber music) | :: música de câmara {f} |
chamber of commerce {n} (community business association) | :: câmara de comércio {f} |
chamber orchestra {n} (orchestra to play chamber music) | :: orquestra de câmara {f} |
chamber pot {n} (a container used for urination and defecation, see also: urinal; chemical toilet) | :: penico {m} |
chameleon {n} (reptile) | :: camaleão {m} |
chameleon {n} (person with inconstant behavior) | :: camaleão {m} |
chameleonic {adj} (readily changing color or other attributes) | :: camaleónico [Portugal], camaleônico [Brazil] |
chamfer {n} (an angled relief or cut at an edge) | :: chanfradura {f}, chanfra {f}, chanfro {m} |
chamfer {v} (to cut off the edge or corner of something; to bevel) | :: chanfrar |
chamois {n} (A goat-like antelope) | :: camurça |
chamois leather {n} (suede leather) SEE: suede | :: |
champagne {n} (sparkling white wine produced in Champagne) | :: champanhe {m} {f}, champanha {m} {f}, champagne {m} |
Champagne {n} (region of France) | :: Champanhe {f}, Champanha {f}, Champagne {f} |
Champagne {n} (champagne) SEE: champagne | :: |
Champagne-Ardenne {prop} (region) | :: Champanhe-Ardenas {f}, Champanha-Ardenas {f} |
champian {n} (field of inquiry or study) SEE: field | :: |
champian {n} (flat expanse of land) SEE: plain | :: |
champian {n} (species of landscape) SEE: plain | :: |
champian {n} (level open countryside) SEE: plain | :: |
champian {n} (battlefield) SEE: battlefield | :: |
champignon {n} (Agaricus bisporus) | :: champignon {m}, champinhom {m}, champinhão {m} |
champion {n} (someone who has been winner in a contest) | :: campeão {m}, campeã {f} |
championship {n} (competition to determine a champion) | :: campeonato {m} |
Champions League {prop} (the highest-level European club football tournament) | :: Liga dos Campeões {f} |
chance {n} (an opportunity or possibility) | :: chance {f} |
chance {n} (random occurrence) | :: acaso |
chance {n} (probability of something happening) | :: probabilidade |
chancel {n} (space around the altar in a church) | :: presbitério {m} |
chancellor {n} (senior secretary or official with administrative or legal duties, sometimes in charge of some area of government) | :: chanceler |
chancellor {n} (head of government in some German-speaking countries) | :: chanceler {m} {f} |
Ch'üan-chou {prop} (Quanzhou) SEE: Quanzhou | :: |
chandelier {n} (branched, often ornate, lighting fixture suspended from the ceiling) | :: lustre {m} |
Chandigarh {prop} (Chandigarh, India) | :: Chandigarh |
chandler {n} (person who makes or sells candles) | :: candeeiro {m} |
change {v} (to become something different) | :: mudar |
change {v} (to make something into something different) | :: alterar, mudar |
change {v} (to replace) | :: mudar, trocar |
change {v} (to replace one's own clothing) | :: trocar-se |
change {v} (to transfer to another vehicle) | :: baldear |
change {n} (the process of becoming different) | :: mudança {f}, modificação {f} |
change {n} (small denominations of money given in exchange for a larger denomination) | :: troco {m}, trocado {m} |
change {n} (a replacement) | :: troca {f}, mudança {f} |
change {n} (balance returned after a purchase) | :: troco {m} |
changeable {adj} (capable of being changed) | :: mudável, modificável, alterável |
changeable {adj} (subject to sudden or frequent changes) | :: variável |
changelog {n} (log that records changes between versions) | :: [Portugal] registo de alterações {m}, [Portugal] registro de alterações {m} |
change one's mind {v} (to decide differently than one had decided before) | :: mudar de ideia |
changing room {n} (room in gym etc.) | :: vestiário {m} |
changing room {n} (room in shop) | :: provador {m} |
Chang Jiang {prop} (Yangtze) SEE: Yangtze | :: |
channel {n} (natural or man-made deeper course through shallow body of water) | :: canal {m} |
channel {n} (narrow body of water between two land masses) | :: canal {m}, estreito {m} |
channel {n} (broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies) | :: canal {m} |
channel {n} (broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television) | :: canal {m} |
channel {v} (direct the flow) | :: canalizar |
channel {v} (assume personality of other person) | :: imitar |
channel hop {v} (zap) SEE: zap | :: |
Channel Islands {prop} (group of islands in the English Channel) | :: Ilhas do Canal {f-p} |
channel surf {v} (zap) SEE: zap | :: |
Channel Tunnel {prop} (man-made tunnel) | :: Eurotúnel {m} |
chanoyu {n} (tea ceremony) SEE: tea ceremony | :: |
chanson {n} (French song) | :: chanson {f} |
chansonnier {n} (book) | :: cancioneiro {m} |
chansonnier {n} (singer of chansons) | :: cancioneiro {m} |
chant {v} (sing monophonically without instruments) | :: cantar |
chanter {n} (one who chants or sings) | :: cantor {m} |
chanter {n} (a priest who sings in a chantry) | :: chantre {m} |
chanter {n} (the pipe of a bagpipe) | :: ponteiro {m} |
chanterelle {n} (Cantharellus cibarius) | :: cantarelo {m}, cantarela {f} |
chaos {n} (state of disorder) | :: caos {m} |
chaos theory {n} (chaos theory) | :: teoria do caos {f} |
chaotic {adj} (filled with chaos) | :: caótico |
chaotic {adj} (extremely disorganized or in disarray) | :: caótico |
chaotically {adv} (In a chaotic manner) | :: caoticamente |
chap {n} (man or fellow) | :: camarada {m} {f} |
chap {v} (of skin: to split or flake) | :: rachar |
chape {n} (metal cap of a scabbard) | :: ponteira {f} |
chapel {n} (place of worship) | :: capela |
chaperon {n} (an adult who accompanies unmarried men or women) SEE: chaperone | :: |
chaperone {n} (older person who accompanies younger people to ensure good behaviour) | :: aia {f}, aio {m} |
chaperone {v} (act as a chaperone) | :: acompanhar, assistir |
chaplain {n} (member of a religious body) | :: capelão {m} |
chaplet {n} (a string of beads, especially when making up five decades of the rosary) | :: terço {m} |
chapter {n} (section in a book) | :: capítulo {m} |
chapter {n} (an administrative division of an organization) | :: divisão {f}, capítulo {m} |
char {v} (to burn something to charcoal) | :: carbonizar |
char {v} (to burn slightly) | :: chamuscar |
character {n} (being in a story) | :: personagem {m} {f} |
character {n} (distinguishing feature) | :: caráter {m} [Brazil], carácter {m} [Portugal] |
character {n} (moral strength) | :: fortaleza moral {f}, caráter {m} [Brazil], carácter {m} [Portugal] |
character {n} (notable or eccentric person) | :: figura {f}, peça {f} |
character {n} (symbol for a sound or a word) | :: caractere {m} |
character {n} ((computing) basic element in a text string) | :: caractere {m}, caráter {m} |
characteristic {adj} (being a distinguishing feature of a person or thing) | :: característico |
characteristic {n} (distinguishing feature) | :: característica {f} |
characteristic {n} (integer part of a logarithm) | :: característica {f} |
characteristic polynomial {n} (linear algebra) | :: polinómio característico {m}, [Brazil] polinômio característico {m} |
characterization {n} (act or process of characterizing) | :: caracterização {f} |
characterize {v} (to depict someone or something a particular way) | :: caracterizar |
characterize {v} (to determine the characteristics of) | :: caracterizar |
character set {n} (set of characters in a character encoding) | :: conjunto de caracteres {m} |
character theory {n} (branch of abstract algebra) | :: teoria de caracteres {f} |
charade {n} (riddle) | :: charada {f} |
charade {n} (absurd deception) | :: charada {f}, farsa {f} |
charade {n} (party game) SEE: charades | :: |
charades {n} (game) | :: mímica {f} |
charcoal {n} (substance) | :: carvão {m} |
charcoal {n} (stick used for drawing) | :: carvão {m} |
charcoal drawing {n} (charcoal drawing) SEE: charcoal | :: |
charcuterie {n} (part of a shop specialising in cured meat) | :: charcutaria |
chard {n} (Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla) | :: acelga {f}, celga {f} |
Chardonnay {n} (grape) | :: Chardonnay {f} |
Chardonnay {n} (wine) | :: Chardonnay {m} |
chargé d'affaires {n} (diplomat) | :: encarregado de negócios {m} |
charge {n} (amount of money levied for a service) | :: encargo {m}, custo {m}, preço {m} |
charge {n} (military: ground attack) | :: carga {f} |
charge {n} (accusation) | :: acusação {f}, denúncia {f} |
charge {n} (electric charge) | :: carga (elétrica) {f} |
charge {n} (load or burden) | :: carga {f}, fardo {m} |
charge {n} (instruction) | :: encargo {m} |
charge {n} (measured amount of powder and/or shot) | :: carga {f} |
charge {v} (to place a burden upon, to assign a duty) | :: encarregar |
charge {v} (to assign a duty to) | :: encarregar |
charge {v} (to formally accuse of a crime) | :: acusar |
charge {v} (to demand payment) | :: cobrar |
charge {v} (to load equipment with material required for its use) | :: carregar |
charge {v} (to cause to take on an electric charge) | :: carregar |
charge {v} (to add energy to) | :: carregar |
charge {v} (of a battery or device: to gain energy) | :: carregar |
charge {v} (to move forward forcefully) | :: carregar |
charge {v} (military: to attack by moving forward quickly) | :: carregar, assaltar |
chargeback {n} | :: estorno {m} |
chargecard {n} (credit card) SEE: credit card | :: |
charger {n} (a device that charges or recharges) | :: carregador {m} |
charger {n} (a large platter) | :: salva {f} |
chariot {n} (vehicle used in warfare) | :: biga |
chariot {n} (carriage used for ceremonial or pleasure purposes) | :: charrete {f}, carruagem {f} |
charisma {n} (personal charm or magnetism) | :: carisma {m} |
charismatic {adj} (of, related to, or having charisma) | :: carismático {m} |
charismatic {adj} (of, related to, or being a member of a form of Christianity) | :: carismático {m} |
charitably {adv} (in a charitable manner) | :: caritativamente, caridosamente |
charity {n} (Christian love) | :: caridade {f} |
charity {n} (attitude) | :: caridade {f} |
charity {n} (providing of goods or money) | :: caridade, doação {f} |
charity {n} (goods or money given) | :: caridade {f} |
charity {n} (organization) | :: instituição de caridade {f} |
charity shop {n} (shop to where goods are donated) | :: loja de caridade {f} |
charivari {n} (cacaphonous noise, hubbub) SEE: cacophony | :: |
charlady {n} (woman who cleans houses and offices) SEE: charwoman | :: |
charlatan {n} (malicious trickster) | :: charlatão {m} |
charlatanic {adj} (charlatanical) | :: charlatânico {m} |
Charlemagne {prop} (king of the Franks) | :: Carlos Magno {m} |
Charles {prop} (given name) | :: Carlos {m} |
Charles's law {prop} (physical law stating the density of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its temperature at constant pressure) | :: lei de Charles {f} |
Charles' Wain {prop} (bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky) SEE: Big Dipper | :: |
Charlotte {prop} (female given name) | :: Carlota |
charm {n} (something with magic power) | :: fetiche, feitiço |
charm {n} (quality of inspiring delight or admiration) | :: charme {m}, encanto {m} |
charm {n} (a small trinket on a bracelet or chain) | :: amuleto {m} |
charm {v} (seduce, entrance or fascinate) | :: encantar, fascinar |
charm {v} (use a magical charm) | :: encantar, enfeitiçar |
charming {adj} (pleasant, charismatic) | :: encantador, simpático, charmoso |
charmingly {adv} (in a charming manner) | :: encantadoramente |
charm quark {n} (charm quark) | :: quark charm {m} |
Charon {prop} (a moon of Pluto) | :: Caronte |
Charon {prop} (the ferryman of Hades) | :: Caronte |
chart {n} (map) SEE: map | :: |
chart {n} (graph) SEE: graph | :: |
chart {n} (table) SEE: table | :: |
chart {n} (navigator's map) | :: carta náutica {f} |
chart {n} (non-narrative presentation of data) | :: diagrama {m}, gráfico {m} |
chart {n} (ranked listing of competitors, as of recorded music) | :: parada musical {f} |
chart {v} (draw a chart or map) | :: mapear |
chart {n} (diagram) SEE: diagram | :: |
charter {n} (document issued by some authority, creating a public or private institution, and defining its purposes and privileges) | :: procuração {f} |
charter {n} (document conferring rights and privileges on a person, corporation etc) | :: carta {f}, alvará {m} |
charter {v} (to lease or hire something by charter) | :: fretar |
charter member {n} (original member of an organization) SEE: founding member | :: |
Chartism {prop} (a movement for political and social reform in the United Kingdom during the mid-19th century) | :: cartismo {m} |
charwoman {n} (cleaning lady) | :: empregada {f}, arrumadeira {f} |
chary {adj} (not disposed to give freely) SEE: frugal | :: |
chary {adj} (excessively particular or fussy about details) SEE: fastidious | :: |
Charybdis {prop} (Greek mythological monster) | :: Caríbdis {f} |
chase {n} (hunt) SEE: hunt | :: |
chase {v} (to hunt) SEE: hunt | :: |
chase {n} (action of the verb "to chase") | :: perseguição |
chase {v} (to pursue, to follow at speed) | :: caçar, perseguir |
chaser {n} (a person or thing (ship, plane, car, etc.) who chases) | :: perseguidor {m} |
chasm {n} (gap) | :: abismo {m} |
chasm {n} (difference of opinion) | :: abismo {m}, cisma {m} |
chasma {n} (aurora) SEE: aurora | :: |
chasma {n} (long, narrow, steep-sided depression) | :: chasma |
chassis {n} (base frame of motor vehicle) | :: chassi {m} |
chaste {adj} (modest) SEE: modest | :: |
chaste {adj} (abstaining from sexual intercourse) | :: casto |
chaste {adj} | :: casto {m}, casta {f} |
chaste {adj} (celibate) SEE: celibate | :: |
chaste {adj} (innocent) SEE: innocent | :: |
chaste {adj} (austere) SEE: austere | :: |
chasten {v} (discipline) SEE: discipline | :: |
chasten {v} (purify) SEE: purify | :: |
chaste tree {n} (shrub) | :: agnocasto {m}, pimenteiro silvestre {m} |
chastise {v} (to punish or scold) | :: castigar |
chastity {n} (abstaining from sexual activity) | :: castidade {f} |
chastity belt {n} (belt-like garment) | :: cinto de castidade {m} |
chasuble {n} (liturgical vestment) | :: casula {f} |
chat {v} (be engaged in informal conversation) | :: papear, bater papo, conversar |
chat {v} (talk more than a few words) | :: conversar |
chat {v} (exchange messages in real time) | :: bater papo, conversar |
chat {n} (informal conversation) | :: papo {m}, conversa {f} |
chat {n} (conversation to stop an argument or settle situations) | :: conversa {f} |
chat {n} (exchange of text or voice messages in real time) | :: chat {m}, bate-papo {m} |
chateaubriand {n} (steak cut from a beef tenderloin) | :: chatobriã {m}, chateaubriand {m} |
chat room {n} (website) | :: sala de bate-papo {f} [Brazil], sala de conversação {f} |
chatter {n} (talk, especially meaningless or unimportant talk) | :: falatório |
chatter {n} (sound of talking) | :: burburinho |
chatter {n} (intermittent noise, as from vibration) | :: zumbido |
chatter {v} (talk idly) | :: papear, bater papo |
chatterbox {n} (one who chats or talks to excess) | :: tagarela {m} {f}, falador {m} |
chat up {v} (talk in a charming manner) | :: cantar [Brazil] |
chat up {v} (attempt to establish a sexual relationship) | :: dar em cima de [Brazil] |
Chaucerian {adj} (of or pertaining to Geoffrey Chaucer or his writings) | :: chauceriano |
chauffeur {n} (a person employed to drive a motor car) | :: motorista {m} {f}, chofer |
chauvinism {n} (excessive patriotism) | :: chauvinismo {m} |
chauvinism {n} (unwarranted bias) | :: chauvinismo {m} |
chauvinist {adj} (pertaining to chauvinism) | :: chauvinista |
chauvinist {n} (chauvinist person) | :: chauvinista {m} {f} |
chauvinist {adj} (chauvinistic) SEE: chauvinistic | :: |
chauvinistic {adj} (of or pertaining to chauvinism or chauvinists) | :: chauvinista |
Chavism {n} | :: chavismo {m} |
Chavista {n} (a follower of Hugo Chávez) | :: chavista {m} {f} |
chayote {n} (plant) | :: chuchuzeiro {m}, pé-de-chuchu {m} |
chayote {n} (fruit) | :: chuchu {m}, machucho {m}, caiota {f}, pimpinela {f} |
cheap {adj} (low and/or reduced in price) | :: barato [low]; barateado [reduced] |
cheap {adj} (of poor quality) | :: barato |
cheap {adj} (of little worth) | :: vil, reles |
cheapen {v} (to make cheaper) | :: baratear, depreciar, desvalorizar |
cheapen {v} (to make vulgar) | :: vulgarizar, rebaixar |
cheapen {v} (to become cheaper) | :: depreciar |
cheapskate {n} (someone who avoids spending money) | :: muquirana {m} {f} [Brazil, slang], avarento {m}, pão-duro {m} {f} [Brazil, slang] |
cheat {v} (violate rules to gain advantage) | :: trapacear, roubar, batotar |
cheat {v} (being unfaithful) | :: trair |
cheat {v} (manage to avoid something) | :: enganar, fraudar |
cheat {n} (someone who is dishonest or cheats) | :: trapaceiro, batoteiro {m} |
cheat {n} (unfair advantage in a computer game) | :: batota {f}, trapaça, macete |
cheater {n} (cheat) SEE: cheat | :: |
cheat on {v} (be unfaithful to) | :: trair |
cheat sheet {n} (sheet of paper used to assist on a test) | :: cola {f}, cábula {f} |
Cheboksary {prop} (city) | :: Cheboksary {f} |
Chechen {n} (A member of the Chechen people) | :: checheno {m}, tchetcheno {m} |
Chechen {prop} (language) | :: checheno {m}, tchetcheno {m} |
Chechen {adj} (of or relating to the Chechen people) | :: checheno, tchetcheno |
Chechens {prop} (ethnic group) | :: chechenos {m-p}, tchetchenos {m-p} |
Chechnya {prop} (republic of Russia) | :: Chechénia {f}, Chechênia {f} |
check {v} (to clash or interfere) SEE: clash | :: |
check {n} (chess: when the king is directly threatened by an enemy piece) | :: xeque {m} |
check {n} (inspection or examination) | :: inspeção {f}, exame {m} |
check {n} (control, limit or stop) | :: controle {m}, limite {m} |
check {n} (mark like a v or sometimes x used as an indicator) | :: marca, [Brazil] tique |
check {n} (bill, particularly at a restaurant) | :: conta {f}, comanda {f} |
check {v} (to inspect, examine) | :: checar, inspecionar, examinar |
check {v} (to mark with a checkmark) | :: ticar [Brazil] |
check {v} (to control, limit, or halt) | :: controlar, limitar |
check {v} (to verify or compare with a source of information) | :: checar, verificar |
check {n} (pattern) | :: xadrez |
check {n} (bank order) SEE: cheque | :: |
check {v} (to chide, rebuke, or reprove) SEE: chide | :: |
checkbook {n} (chequebook) SEE: chequebook | :: |
checkbox {n} ((graphical user interface): a feature on a webpage that can be marked or not) | :: caixa de verificação {f}, caixa de seleção {f}, caixa de visto {f} |
checkerboard {n} (game board) | :: tabuleiro {m} |
checkered {adj} (divided into squares) | :: quadriculado, axadrezado, xadrez |
checkers {n} (draughts) SEE: draughts | :: |
check in {v} (to record one's arrival) | :: fazer o check in |
checking account {n} (current account) SEE: current account | :: |
checklist {n} (list of things to be verified) | :: lista de verificação/controle {f} |
checkmate {interj} (said when making the conclusive move in chess) | :: xeque-mate {m} |
checkmate {n} (conclusive victory in a game of chess) | :: xeque-mate {m} |
checkmate {n} (losing situation with no escape) | :: xeque-mate {m} |
checkmate {v} (to put an opponent into checkmate) | :: dar (o) xeque-mate |
checkmate {v} (to lead to a situation of no escape) | :: dar (o) xeque-mate |
check out {v} (to pay when leaving) | :: pagar a conta, fazer o checkout [from a hotel] |
check out {v} (to withdraw (an item) from a library etc., and have the withdrawal recorded) | :: retirar |
check out {v} (to examine, inspect, look at closely) | :: verificar, sacar só [slang] |
check out {v} (to leave in a hurry) | :: vazar |
checkout {n} (supermarket checkout position) | :: caixa {f} |
checkout counter {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk | :: |
checkout desk {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk | :: |
checkpoint {n} (point along a road or on a frontier) | :: ponto de controle {m} [Brazil], ponto de controlo {m} [Portugal], posto de controle {m} [Brazil], posto de controlo {m} [Portugal] |
checkpoint {n} (computing) | :: ponto de verificação {m} |
checkpoint {n} (video games) | :: ponto de controle {m}, ponto de verificação {m}, ponto de checagem {m} [Brazil] |
checksum {n} (number serving to detect error) | :: checksum {m}, soma de verificação {f} |
check up {v} | :: checar |
checkup {n} (physical checkup) | :: check-up {m}, checkup {m}, checape {m} |
Cheddar {prop} (Cheddar cheese) SEE: Cheddar cheese | :: |
Cheddar cheese {n} (cheese) | :: cheddar {m} |
cheek {n} (part of face) | :: bochecha {f} |
cheek {n} (colloquial: buttock) | :: nádega {f}, bunda |
cheek {n} (nautical: a piece of wood cut out fork-shaped in which the brake is fastened) | :: picota {f} |
cheekbone {n} (bone) | :: zigoma {m}, zigomático |
cheeky {adj} (impudent; impertinent) | :: metido |
cheep {v} (make high-pitched sounds) | :: piar |
cheer {v} (To shout a cheer or cheers) | :: aclamar |
cheerful {adj} (happy) | :: alegre |
cheerful {adj} (bright) | :: animado |
Cheerios {prop} (cereal) | :: Cheerios |
cheerleader {n} (person (usually female) who encourages applause) | :: [Brazil] líder de torcida {f}, [Portugal] líder de claque {f}, cheerleader {f} |
cheer on {v} (to cheer and support) | :: torcer |
cheers {interj} (toast when drinking) | :: saúde, tim tim |
cheers {interj} (informal: goodbye) | :: tchau |
cheers {interj} (informal: thank you) | :: valeu |
cheer up {v} (to become happy) | :: animar-se |
cheer up {v} (to make someone happy) | :: animar |
cheer up {interj} (an encouragement) | :: anime-se |
cheese {n} (dairy product) | :: queijo {m} |
cheese {n} (countable: any particular variety of cheese) | :: queijo {m} |
cheese {n} (slang: money) | :: grana {f}, bufunfa {f} |
cheese {interj} (said while being photographed) | :: xis, giz |
cheeseburger {n} (hamburger with cheese) | :: cheeseburguer {m}, X burguer {m} |
cheesecake {n} (dessert food) | :: cheesecake {m}, bolo de queijo {m} |
cheesecloth {n} (loosely woven cotton gauze) | :: morim {m} |
cheese knife {n} (knife for cutting cheese) | :: faca de queijo {f} |
cheesemaker {n} (person skilled in making cheese) | :: queijeiro {m}, queijeira {f} |
cheese mite {n} (category of mite) | :: ácaro-do-queijo {m} |
cheesy {adj} (of cheese) | :: caseoso |
cheesy {adj} (overdramatic, clichéd) | :: cafona, piegas |
cheetah {n} (Acinonyx jubatus) | :: guepardo {m}, chita {f} |
chef {n} (head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant) | :: chef {m} {f} |
Chekist {n} (agent of the Cheka) | :: tchekista {m} {f} |
chelid {n} (member of the Chelidae) | :: cágado {m} |
Chelm {prop} (city in Poland) | :: Kulm {f}, Chelm {f} |
Chelyabinsk {prop} (city) | :: Cheliabinsk {f} |
chemical {adj} (relating to chemistry) | :: químico |
chemical {n} (any specific element or chemical compound) | :: substância química {f} |
chemical {n} (an artificial chemical compound) | :: produto químico {m}, química {f} |
chemical compound {n} (in chemistry: substance formed by the union of two or more chemical elements) | :: composto químico {m} |
chemical element {n} (any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot be decomposed in a chemical reaction) | :: elemento químico {m} |
chemical formula {n} (alternative name for molecular formula) | :: fórmula química {f} |
chemically {adv} (using a chemical reaction, process or operation) | :: quimicamente |
chemical reaction {n} (process in which chemical substances are changed into others) | :: reação química {f} |
chemical species {n} (chemical species) | :: espécie química {f} |
chemical weapon {n} (noxious substance in a delivery system) | :: arma química {f} |
chemist {n} (person working in chemistry) | :: químico {m}, química {f} |
chemist {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy | :: |
chemist {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist | :: |
chemistry {n} (branch of natural science) | :: química {f} |
chemistry {n} (application of chemical theory and method to a particular substance) | :: química {f} |
chemistry {n} (mutual attraction between two people) | :: química {f} |
chemist's {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy | :: |
Chemnitz {prop} (city in Saxony) | :: Chemnitz {f} |
chemo- {prefix} (relating to or using chemicals or chemistry) | :: quimio- |
chemokine {n} (cytokine produced during inflammation) | :: quimiocina |
chemoreception {n} (physiological response) | :: quimiorrecepção {f} |
chemosynthesis {n} (production of carbohydrates and other compounds from simple compounds) | :: quimiossíntese |
chemotherapy {n} (chemical treatment to kill or halt cancer) | :: quimioterapia |
Chengdu {prop} (capital of Sichuan province, China) | :: Chengdu {f} |
Ch'eng-tu {prop} (Chengdu) SEE: Chengdu | :: |
Chennai {prop} (state capital of Tamil Nadu, India) | :: Chennai {f}, Madras {f}, Madrasta {f} |
Cheops {prop} (pharaoh) | :: Queops {m}, Cheops {m} |
cheque {n} (a note promising to pay money to a named person or entity) | :: cheque {m} |
chequebook {n} (folder containing cheques) | :: talão de cheques {m} |
chequy {adj} (heraldry; chequered) | :: xadrezado {m} |
cherish {v} (to treat with affection, nurture with care) | :: adorar |
Cherkessk {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Tcherkesk {f}, Tcherkessk {f} |
Chernobyl {n} (city in Ukraine) | :: Chernobyl {m}, Chernobil {m}, Tchernóbil |
chernozem {n} (black-coloured soil containing a high percentage of humus) | :: chernozem {m} |
Cherokee {prop} (indigenous North American people) | :: cherokees {m-p}, cheroquis {m-p} |
Cherokee {prop} (language) | :: cherokee {m}, cheroqui {m} |
Cherokee {prop} (syllabary) | :: cherokee {m}, cheroqui {m} |
Cherokee {n} (individual member of this people) | :: cherokee {m} {f}, cheroqui {m} {f} |
cherry {n} (fruit) | :: cereja {f} |
cherry {n} (tree) | :: cerejeira {f} |
cherry {n} (wood) | :: cerejeira {f} |
cherry {n} (color) | :: cereja {m} |
cherry {n} (slang: virginity) | :: cabaço {m} |
cherry {adj} (colour) | :: cereja |
cherry blossom {n} (blossom of the cherry tree) | :: flor de cerejeira {f}, flor da cerejeira {f}, sakura {f} |
cherry pie {n} (flowering plant) SEE: heliotrope | :: |
cherry tomato {n} (type of tomato) | :: tomate-cereja {m} |
cherry tree {n} (tree of subgenus Cerasus) | :: cerejeira {f} |
chert {n} (mineral) | :: sílex córneo {m} |
cherub {n} ((biblical) winged creature attending on God) | :: querubim |
cherub {n} (artistic depiction of such a being) | :: querubim {m} |
cherub {n} (person seen as being particularly angelic or innocent) | :: anjo {m}, anjinho {m} |
cherubic {adj} (of, or relating to a cherub) | :: querúbico, querubínico |
chervil {n} (spice) | :: cerefolho {m}, cerefólio {m} |
Cheshire cat {prop} (fictional grinning cat) | :: Gato de Cheshire {m}, Gato Que Ri {m} |
chess {n} (two-player board game) | :: xadrez {m} |
chessboard {n} (square board used in the game of chess) | :: tabuleiro de xadrez {m} |
chessman {n} (chess piece) SEE: chess piece | :: |
chess piece {n} (any of the 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess) | :: peça de xadrez {f} |
chesspiece {n} (chessman) SEE: chess piece | :: |
chess player {n} (a person who plays chess) | :: [Brazil] enxadrista {mf}, [Portugal] xadrezista {mf} |
chest {n} (strong box) | :: baú {m} |
chest {n} (chest of drawers) | :: cômoda {f} |
chest {n} (thorax) | :: peito {m}, tórax {m} |
chest {n} (coffin) SEE: coffin | :: |
chestnut {n} (nut of the chestnut tree) | :: castanha {f} |
chestnut {n} (reddish-brown colour) | :: castanho {m} |
chestnut {adj} (of a deep reddish-brown colour) | :: castanho, marrom |
chestnut {n} (chestnut tree) SEE: chestnut tree | :: |
chestnut-backed antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus palliatus) | :: [Brazil]: choca-listrada |
chestnut tree {n} (tree that bears chestnuts) | :: castanheiro {m} |
chest of drawers {n} (furniture for the storage of clothes) | :: gaveteiro {m}, cômoda {f} |
chesty {adj} (having large breasts; busty) | :: peituda {f} |
chevron {n} (heraldry: wide inverted V) | :: cabria {f}, asna {f} |
chevron {n} (diacritical mark) SEE: háček | :: |
chevron {n} (guillemet) SEE: guillemet | :: |
chevrotain {n} (ruminant) | :: tragulídeo {m} |
chevy {v} (to chase or hunt) SEE: chase | :: |
chew {v} (to crush food with teeth prior to swallowing) | :: mastigar, mascar |
chewing gum {n} (flavoured preparation for chewing) | :: Angola and Mozambique: chuinga; [Brazil]: chiclete {m}, goma de mascar {f}; [Portugal]: chicla {f}, pastilha elástica {f}, chiclete {m} |
chew over {v} (to think deeply about) | :: ruminar [figuratively] |
Chhattisgarh {prop} (Chhattisgarh) | :: Chhattisgarh |
chi {n} (Greek letter) | :: qui {m} |
chi {n} (the fundamental life-force or energy) | :: qi {m}, chi {m} |
chia {n} (Salvia hispanica) | :: chia {f}, sálvia hispânica {f} |
Chiari malformation {n} (a malformation of the brain) | :: malformação de Arnold-Chiari {f}, malformação de Chiari {f} |
chiaroscuro {n} (artistic technique using exaggerated light contrasts) | :: chiaroscuro {m}, claro-escuro {m}, fuscalvo {m} |
chia seed {n} (seed) | :: semente de chia {f} |
chiasmus {n} ((rhetoric) an inversion of the relationship between the elements of phrases) | :: quiasmo {m}, quiasma {f} |
chic {adj} (elegant, stylish, see also: elegant; stylish) | :: chique |
Chicago {prop} (large US city) | :: Chicago {f} |
chicanery {n} (A slick performance by a lawyer) | :: chicana {f} |
Chichester {prop} (city in England) | :: Chichester {f} |
chick {n} (young bird) | :: filhote de ave {m} |
chick {n} (young chicken) | :: pintinho {m}, pintainho {m}, [Brazil] pinto {m} |
chick {n} (young woman) | :: franguinha {f}, garota |
chickadee {n} (songbird) | :: chapim {m} |
chicken {n} (bird) | :: frango {m}, galinha {f} |
chicken {n} (meat) | :: frango |
chicken {n} (coward) | :: covarde {m}, cobarde {m}, bundão {m}, cagão {m} |
chicken breast {n} (chicken body meat) | :: peito de galinha {m} |
chicken coop {n} (small building for poultry) SEE: henhouse | :: |
chicken feed {n} (small quantity of money) | :: mixaria {f} |
chicken feet {n} (feet of a chicken) | :: pata de galinha {f}, patas de galinha {f-p} |
chicken nugget {n} (piece of chicken in batter) | :: nugget {m} |
chicken-or-egg question {n} (a question to decide which of two interdependent things happened first) | :: paradoxo do ovo e da galinha {m} |
chicken out {v} (shy away from a daring task) | :: amarelar, acovardar-se |
chicken pox {n} (childhood disease) | :: varicela {f}, catapora {f} |
chickling vetch {n} (plant with edible seeds similar to peas) | :: chícharo {m} |
chickpea {n} (plant) | :: grão-de-bico {m} |
chickpea {n} (seed) | :: grão-de-bico {m} |
chickweed {n} (herb) | :: morrião-dos-passarinhos {m}, morugem {f} |
chick with a dick {n} (shemale) SEE: shemale | :: |
chicory {n} (common chicory (Cichorium intybus)) | :: chicória {f} |
chicory {n} (endive (Cichorium endivia)) SEE: endive | :: |
chide {v} (loudly admonish) | :: ralhar |
chief {n} (leader of group, etc.) | :: chefe {m}, líder {m} {f} |
chief {n} (head of an organization) | :: chefe {m}, manda-chuva {m} |
chief {n} (heraldic term) | :: chefe {m} |
chief {adj} (primary; principal) | :: chefe, principal |
chief executive officer {n} (highest-ranking corporate officer) | :: diretor executivo {m}, CEO {m} {f} |
chiefly {adv} (mainly or principally, almost entirely) | :: principalmente, especialmente |
chief of state {n} (the titular head of a nation) SEE: head of state | :: |
chieftain {n} (A leader of a clan or tribe) | :: cacique {m}, morubixaba {m}, tuxaua {m} [of Indigenous Brazilians], chefe {m} |
chieftain {n} (A leader of a group, e.g. a robbers' chieftain) | :: manda-chuva {m} {f}, chefe {m} |
chiffchaff {n} (Phylloscopus collybita) | :: felosa-comum {f} |
chiffon {n} (sheer silk or rayon fabric) | :: chiffon {m} |
Chihuahua {prop} (state) | :: Chihuahua |
Chihuahua {prop} (capital city) | :: Chihuahua {f} |
Chihuahua {n} (breed of dog) | :: chihuahua {m} {f} |
Chișinău {prop} (capital city and a municipality of Moldova) | :: Chisinau {f}, Quixinau {f} |
chikungunya {n} (a viral fever caused by an alphavirus spread by mosquito bites) | :: chicungunha {m}, febre chicungunha {f}, catolotolo {m} |
chilblain {n} (inflammation) | :: frieira {f} |
child {n} (a female or male child, a daughter or son) | :: filho {m}, filha {f}, criança {f} |
child {n} (a minor) | :: criança {f}, menino {m}, menina {f}, miúdo {m} [Portugal] |
child {n} ((computing) object which has a subservient or derivative role relative to another object) | :: filho {m} |
child {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth | :: |
child abuse {n} (mistreatment of a child) | :: abuso infantil {m} |
childbirth {n} (act of giving birth) | :: parto {m} |
child-fucker {n} (contemptible person) SEE: motherfucker | :: |
child-fucker {n} (one who engages in sex with a child) SEE: pedophile | :: |
childhood {n} (state of being a child) | :: infância {f} |
childhood {n} (time when one is a child) | :: infância {f} |
childhood {n} (early stages of development of something) | :: infância {f} |
childhood friend {n} (friend known since childhood) | :: amigo de infância {m} |
childish {adj} (suitable for a child) | :: infantil |
childish {adj} (behaving immaturely) | :: infantil, imaturo |
childishly {adv} (in a childish manner) | :: infantilmente |
childishness {n} (childishness) | :: criancice {f}, puerilidade {f}, infantilismo {m}, parvulez {f}, gurizada {f} |
child language {n} | :: linguagem infantil {f} |
childless {adj} (not having any children) | :: sem filhos |
child neglect {n} (form of child abuse) | :: negligência infantil {f}, negligência de crianças {f} |
child prodigy {n} (talented young person) | :: prodígio {m} |
children's home {n} (public institution for care of children, see also: orphanage) | :: orfanato {m} |
child's play {n} (something particularly simple or easy) | :: brincadeira de criança {f} |
child support {n} (ongoing obligation for periodic payment) | :: pensão alimentícia {f} [also means alimony] |
chile {n} (chili) SEE: chili | :: |
Chile {prop} (country in South America) | :: Chile |
Chilean {adj} (pertaining to Chile) | :: chileno {m}, chilena {f} |
Chilean {n} (person from Chile) | :: chileno {m}, chilena {f} |
Chileanism {n} (term or linguistic feature specific to Chilean Spanish) | :: chilenismo {m} |
chili {n} (spicy fresh or dried fruit of capsicum) | :: chili {m}, chile {m} |
chili {n} (spice) | :: chili {m}, chile {m} |
Chi-lin {prop} (Jilin) SEE: Jilin | :: |
chili oil {n} (condiment) | :: óleo de chili {m} |
chili pepper {n} (fruit) | :: chili {m}, malagueta |
chill {n} (sudden penetrating sense of cold) | :: gelo {m} |
chill {v} (to lower the temperature of something; to cool) | :: esfriar, resfriar |
chill {v} (to become cold) | :: esfriar |
chill {v} (to relax, lie back) | :: esfriar |
chilli {n} (chili) SEE: chili | :: |
chilling {adj} (causing mild fear) | :: aterrorizante |
chill out {v} (relax or take time out) | :: relaxar, sossegar |
chilly {adj} (cold enough to cause discomfort) | :: frio |
chilly {adj} (distant and cool; unfriendly) | :: frígido, gélido, frio |
chime {v} (to agree, correspond) | :: combinar |
chimera {n} (flame-spewing monster, see also: Chimera) | :: quimera {f} |
chimera {n} (foolish thought, product of the imagination) | :: quimera {f} |
chimera {n} (grotesque resembling a gargoyle) | :: gárgula {f} |
chimera {n} (organism with genetically distinct cells from two or more zygotes) | :: quimera {f} |
chimera {n} (fish in the subclass Holocephali) | :: quimera {f} |
Chimera {prop} (mythical monster) | :: Quimera {f} |
chimerical {adj} (resulting from the expression of two or more genes) | :: quimérico |
chimney {n} (vertical tube or hollow column; a flue) | :: chaminé {f} |
chimney {n} (glass flue surrounding the flame of an oil lamp) | :: manga {f} |
chimney {n} (UK: smokestack of a steam locomotive) | :: chaminé {f} |
chimney {n} (narrow cleft in a rock face) | :: chaminé {f} |
chimney sweep {n} (occupation) | :: limpador de chaminés {m}, limpa-chaminés {m} {f} |
chimpanzee {n} (ape) | :: chimpanzé {m} |
chin {n} (bottom of a face) | :: queixo {m}, mento {m} |
Ch'in {prop} (Qin) SEE: Qin | :: |
china {n} (porcelain tableware) | :: louça {f} |
China {prop} (country in east Asia) | :: China {f} |
China {prop} (region corresponding to the People's Republic of China and Taiwan) | :: China {f} |
China {prop} (civilization of the Chinese people) | :: China {f} |
chinaberry {n} (bead tree) SEE: bead tree | :: |
China syndrome {n} (meltdown of a nuclear reactor) | :: síndrome da China {f} |
Chinatown {n} (a Chinese district outside China) | :: Chinatown {f} |
chinchilla {n} (rodent) | :: chinchila {m} {f} |
Chinese {prop} (any language spoken in China, see also: Literary Chinese; Mandarin; Cantonese; Wu; Min Nan) | :: chinês {m} |
Chinese {prop} (writing system of Chinese) | :: chinês {m} |
Chinese {n} (the people of China) | :: os chineses {m-p} |
Chinese {n} (all people of Chinese descent or self-identity) | :: chineses {m-p} |
Chinese {n} (person born in China) | :: chinês {m}, chinesa {f} |
Chinese {n} (Chinese food or meal) | :: comida chinesa {f} |
Chinese {adj} (relating to China) | :: chinês, sino |
Chinese {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin | :: |
Chinese cabbage {n} (bok choy) SEE: bok choy | :: |
Chinese character {n} (CJKV character) | :: caractere chinês {m} |
Chinese Crested Dog {n} (Chinese Crested Dog) | :: cão de crista chinês {m} |
Chinese grapefruit {n} (pomelo) SEE: pomelo | :: |
Chinese hibiscus {n} (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) | :: graxa-de-estudante {f}, mimo-de-vênus {m}, rosa da China {f} |
Chinese lantern {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry | :: |
Chinese lantern {n} (paper lantern) | :: lanterna chinesa {f} |
Chinese New Year {n} (Chinese New Year) | :: ano novo chinês {m} |
Chinese parsley {n} (coriander) SEE: coriander | :: |
Chinese pidgin English {prop} (an English-lexifier pidgin formerly used along the Chinese coast) | :: pidgin inglês da China {m} |
Chinese red {adj} (vermilion) SEE: vermilion | :: |
Chinese river dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji | :: |
Chinese studies {n} (study of China) | :: sinologia {f} |
Chinese whispers {n} (game) | :: telefone sem fio {m} (wireless telephone) |
Chinese white dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji | :: |
Chinglish {adj} (resembling English influenced by Chinese) | :: chinglês |
Chinglish {prop} (English influenced by Chinese) | :: chinglês {m} |
chinless {adj} (without a chin) | :: desqueixado {m} |
chintz {n} (fabric) | :: chita |
chiolite {n} (a mineral of aluminum, fluorine and sodium) | :: quiolita {f} |
chip {n} (small piece broken off) | :: lasca, fragmento |
chip {n} (damaged area of a surface) | :: lasca |
chip {n} (token used in gambling) | :: ficha |
chip {n} (integrated circuit) | :: microchip, CI, circuito integrado |
chip {n} (fried strip of potato, french fry) | :: batata frita {f} |
chip {n} (thin, crisp, fried piece of potato or vegetable) | :: batata frita {f} |
chip {n} | :: chip |
chipmunk {n} (squirrel-like rodent) | :: tâmia {f} |
chipper {n} (machine that reduces organic matter to compost) | :: triturador {m} |
Chippewa {prop} (Ojibwe) SEE: Ojibwe | :: |
chiral {adj} (of an object that exhibits chirality) | :: quiral |
chirality {n} (handedness in chemistry, physic and mathematics) | :: quiralidade |
chirography {n} (calligraphy or penmanship) | :: quirografia {f} |
chiromancer {n} (one who practices chiromancy) | :: quiromante {m} {f} |
Chiron {prop} (mythology) | :: Quíron {m}, Quirão {m}, Quironte {m} |
Chiron {prop} (astronomy) | :: Quíron {m} |
chiropody {n} (podiatry) SEE: podiatry | :: |
chiropractor {n} (chiropractor) | :: quiroprático {m}, quiropraxista {m} {f} |
chirp {n} (birds) | :: gorjeio {m}, trinado {m}, chilro {m} |
chirp {n} (insects) | :: cricrilar {m} |
chirp {v} (birds) | :: gorjear, trinar, chilrear |
chirp {v} (insects) | :: cricrilar |
chisel {v} (to cheat) SEE: cheat | :: |
chisel {n} (tool consisting of a slim oblong block of metal) | :: cinzel |
chisel {v} (to use a chisel) | :: cinzelar |
chisel {v} (to work something with a chisel) | :: cinzelar |
chi-square distribution {n} (probability distribution) | :: distribuição qui-quadrado {f} |
Chita {prop} (city in Russia) | :: Tchita {f}, Chita {f} |
chitin {n} (polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, found in arthropod and fungi) | :: quitina {f} |
chitinous {adj} (made of, pertaining to, or resembling chitin) | :: quitinoso |
chiton {n} (Greek tunic) | :: quíton {m}, quitão {m} |
chiton {n} (mollusc) | :: quíton {m} |
Chitral {prop} (Chitral (all senses)) | :: Chitral |
Chiumba {prop} (a watercourse in Huíla Province, Angola) | :: Chiumba |
Chiumbi {prop} (a village in Huambo Province, Angola) | :: Chiumbi |
chivalrous {adj} (of a man: honourable) | :: cavalheiresco |
chivalrous {adj} (involving chivalry) | :: cavalheiresco |
chivalry {n} (ethical code) | :: cavalaria {f} |
chivalry {n} (Courteous behavior, especially that of men towards women) | :: cavalheirismo {m} |
chive {n} (plant) | :: cebolinha {f} |
chive {n} (chives: herb) | :: cebolinha {f} |
chivvy {v} (to coerce) SEE: coerce | :: |
chlamydia {n} (sexually transmitted disease) | :: clamídia {f} |
chloracne {n} (acne caused by exposure to halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons) | :: cloracne {f} |
chlorate {n} (any salt of chloric acid) | :: clorato {m} |
chloric {adj} (compounds) | :: clorídrico |
chloride {n} (any salt of hydrochloric acid) | :: cloreto {m} |
chlorine {n} (chemical element) | :: cloro {m} |
chloro- {prefix} (chemistry: containing chlorine) | :: cloro- |
chloroauric {adj} (of or pertaining to chloroauric acid) | :: cloroáurico |
chloroform {n} ((chemistry) an anesthetic) | :: clorofórmio {m} |
chlorogenic {adj} (Of or pertaining to chlorogenic acid) | :: clorogênico |
chlorophyll {n} (green pigment) | :: clorofila {f} |
chloroplast {n} (photosynthetic organelle) | :: cloroplasto {m} |
chloroquine {n} (4-aminoquinoline drug) | :: cloroquina {f} |
chlorosis {n} (yellow-green colouration of the skin) | :: clorose {f} |
chlorosis {n} (yellowing of the leaves) | :: clorose {f} |
choanoflagellate {n} (any of a group of flagellate protozoa) | :: coanoflagelado {m} |
chocoholic {n} (chocolate addict) | :: chocólatra |
chocolate {n} (food made from ground roasted cocoa beans) | :: chocolate {m} |
chocolate {n} (small piece of confectionery made from chocolate) | :: chocolate {m} |
chocolate {n} (colour) | :: chocolate {m} |
chocolate {adj} (made of or containing chocolate) | :: chocolate |
chocolate {adj} (colour) | :: chocolate |
chocolate bar {n} (of chocolate) | :: barra de chocolate {f} |
chocolate cake {n} (cake containing chocolate) | :: bolo de chocolate {m} |
chocolate chip {n} (small piece of chocolate) | :: gota de chocolate {f} |
chocolate egg {n} (Easter treat) SEE: Easter egg | :: |
chocolate milk {n} (milk drink flavored with chocolate) | :: leite achocolatado {m} |
chocolate truffle {n} (type of confection) | :: trufa {f} |
chocolatier {n} (producer of chocolate) | :: chocolateiro {m} |
choice {n} (option or decision) | :: escolha {f} |
choice {n} (selection or preference) | :: escolha {f} |
choice {n} (anything that can be chosen) | :: escolha {f} |
choice {adj} (especially good or preferred) | :: seleto {m} |
choir {n} (singing group) | :: coro {m}, coral {m} |
choir {n} (part of a church for choir assembly) | :: coro {m} |
choke {v} (be unable to breathe because of obstruction of the windpipe) | :: sufocar, afogar, engasgar |
choke {v} (prevent someone from breathing by strangling them) | :: estrangular, asfixiar, sufocar |
choke {n} (control on a carburetor) | :: afogador {m} |
choke {n} (type of hold in wrestling etc.) | :: mata-leão {m} |
choker {n} (one who chokes another) | :: estrangulador {m} |
cholangiocarcinoma {n} (pathology: cancer of the bile duct) | :: colangiocarcinoma {m} |
cholecyst {n} (gall bladder) SEE: gall bladder | :: |
cholecystectomy {n} (surgical procedure) | :: colecistectomia {f} |
cholecystitis {n} (inflammation of the gall bladder) | :: colecistite {f} |
cholera {n} (infectious disease) | :: cólera {f} |
cholesteatoma {n} (a destructive and expanding growth in the middle ear) | :: colesteatoma {m} |
cholesterol {n} (an essential component of mammalian cell membranes) | :: colesterol {m} |
choline {n} (organic chemistry: a compound) | :: colina {f} |
Chomsky hierarchy {n} (a containment hierarchy of classes of formal grammars) | :: hierarquia de Chomsky {f} |
chondrite {n} (meteorite) | :: condrito {m} |
chondritic {adj} (of or relating to a chondrite) | :: condrítico |
chondritic {adj} (having a ratio typical of chondrites) | :: condrítico |
chondritis {n} (inflammation of the cartilage) | :: condrite {f} |
chondrule {n} (granule) | :: côndrulo {m} |
Chongqing {prop} (a municipality in western China) | :: Chongqing {f} |
choose {v} (to choose) SEE: take | :: |
choose {v} (to pick) | :: escolher |
choose {v} (to elect) | :: escolher |
choose {v} (to decide to act in a certain way) | :: escolher, escolher {m} |
choosy {adj} (taking care when choosing that what is chosen best suits one's tastes, desires or requirements) | :: exigente, seletivo |
chop {n} (cut of meat) | :: corte {m}, posta {f} |
chop {n} (blow with an axe or similar utensil) | :: talhada {f} |
chop {v} (to cut into pieces) | :: picar, decepar |
chop {v} (to sever with an axe or similar) | :: talhar |
chop-chop {interj} (hurry up) | :: depressa |
chopper {n} (helicopter (formal translations)) SEE: helicopter | :: |
chopper {n} (axe/ax) SEE: axe | :: |
chopper {n} (Pomatomus saltatrix) SEE: bluefish | :: |
chopping board {n} (a sturdy board, upon which one chops and prepares food) | :: tábua de cortar {f} |
chopstick {n} (single eating utensil) | :: pauzinho {m}, hashi {m} |
Chopsticks {prop} (the music) | :: Bife {m} |
chop suey {n} (Cantonese dish) | :: chop suey {m} |
chorally {adv} (in a choral manner) | :: coralmente |
Chorasmia {prop} (large oasis region on the Amu Darya river delta in western Central Asia) | :: Corásmia {f} |
Chorasmian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Chorasmia) | :: corásmio, corasmiano |
Chorasmian {n} (person) | :: corásmio {m}, corasmiano {m} |
chord {n} (combination of three or more notes) | :: acorde {m} |
chord {n} (straight line) | :: corda {f} |
chordate {n} (a member of the phylum Chordata) | :: cordado {m} |
chore {n} (a difficult, unpleasant, or routine task) | :: tarefa |
chorea {n} (an Ancient Greek circular dance) | :: coreia {f} |
chorea {n} (disease of the nervous system) | :: coreia {f} |
choreograph {v} (to design and record a choreography) | :: coreografar |
choreograph {v} (to direct the development of a project) | :: dirigir, gerenciar, gerir, protagonizar |
choreographer {n} (person who choreographs) | :: coreógrafo |
choreographist {n} (choreographist) SEE: choreographer | :: |
choreography {n} (art) | :: coreografia {f} |
chorion {n} (one of the membranes surrounding a fetus) | :: córion {m}, cório {m} |
chorizo {n} (type of sausage) | :: chouriço {m}, chouriça {f} |
chorus {n} (group of singers and dancers in the religious festivals of ancient Greece) | :: coro {m} |
chorus {n} (group of people in a play or performance who recite together) | :: coro {m} |
chorus {n} (singing group who perform together) | :: coro {m} |
chorus {n} (repeated part of a song) | :: refrão {m} |
chotki {n} (prayer rope) | :: chotki {m}, corda de oração {f} |
chough {n} (bird of Pyrrhocorax) | :: gralha {f} |
chow mein {n} (Westernised Chinese dish of stir-fried noodles with vegetables and meat or seafood) | :: chow mein {m} |
chrism {n} (mixture of oil and balm) | :: crisma {m} |
Christ {prop} (messiah predicted in Jewish prophesy) | :: Cristo {m} |
Christ {prop} (title for Jesus of Nazareth) | :: Cristo {m} |
Christadelphian {n} (a member of a certain nontrinitarian Christian denomination) | :: cristadelfiano {m} |
Christadelphian {adj} (pertaining to the Christadelphians) | :: cristadelfiano |
Christ child {prop} (Child Jesus) | :: Menino Jesus {m} |
Christchurch {prop} (a city in New Zealand) | :: Christchurch {f} |
christen {v} (to perform the religious act of baptism) | :: batizar |
christen {v} (to name) | :: batizar |
Christendom {n} (the Christian world) | :: cristandade {f} |
Christian {n} (member of the Christian religion) | :: cristão {m}, cristã {f} |
Christian {prop} (male given name) | :: Cristiano {m} |
Christian {adj} (of, like or relating to Christianity or Christians) | :: cristão |
Christianities {n} (Christianities) | :: cristianismos {m-p} |
Christianity {prop} (monotheistic religion) | :: cristianismo {m} |
Christianity {prop} (Christendom) SEE: Christendom | :: |
Christianization {n} (converting to Christianity) | :: cristianização {f} |
Christianize {v} (to (cause to) convert to Christianity) | :: cristianizar |
Christianly {adv} (in a Christian fashion) | :: cristãmente |
Christian name {n} (first name at Christian baptism) | :: nome de batismo {f} |
Christian name {n} (any forename) SEE: forename | :: |
Christianophobe {n} | :: cristianófobo {m}, cristianófoba {f} |
Christianophobia {n} | :: cristianofobia {f} |
Christian Science {prop} (a Christian church that follows the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy) | :: Ciência Cristã {f} |
Christina {prop} (female given name) | :: Cristina {f} |
Christine {prop} (female name) SEE: Christina | :: |
Christmas {prop} (Christian holiday) | :: Natal {m} |
Christmas card {n} (greeting card that celebrates Christmas) | :: cartão de Natal {m} |
Christmas carol {n} (hymn whose lyrics are on the theme of Christmas) | :: canção de Natal {f}, cântico de Natal {m}, cantiga de Natal {f} |
Christmas Day {n} (the 25th of December) | :: dia de Natal {m} |
Christmas Eve {prop} (evening before Christmas Day) | :: vigília de Natal {f}, véspera de Natal {f} |
Christmas Eve {prop} (day before Christmas Day) | :: véspera de Natal {f} |
Christmas Island {prop} (non self-governing territory of Australia) | :: Ilha Christmas {f}, Ilha do Natal {f} |
Christmas season {n} (Advent) SEE: Advent | :: |
Christmas stocking {n} (stocking hung up on Christmas Eve to be filled with gifts) | :: meia de Natal {f} |
Christmassy {adj} (resembling or having feelings of Christmas) | :: natalício |
Christmas tree {n} (tree used during the Christmas holiday season) | :: árvore de Natal {f}, pinheiro de natal {m}, pinheirinho {m} |
Christological {adj} (of or pertaining to Christology) | :: cristológico |
Christopher {prop} (a male given name) | :: Cristóvão |
Christophobe {n} (Christianophobe) SEE: Christianophobe | :: |
Christ the Redeemer {prop} (the Brazilian statue) | :: Cristo Redentor {m} |
chromakey {n} (use of a color as key in a studio to allow an image to be partially replaced by other one) | :: cromaqui |
chromate {n} (any salt of chromic acid) | :: cromato {m} |
chromatic {adj} (characterised by hue) | :: cromático |
chromaticity {n} (specification of the quality of a colour, regardless of its luminance) | :: cromaticidade {f} |
chromatic scale {n} (a scale including all twelve semitones in an octave) | :: escala cromática {f} |
chromatin {n} (complex of DNA, RNA, and proteins) | :: cromatina |
chromatography {n} (analytical chemistry: technique for separation of components in a mixture) | :: cromatografia {f} |
chromatophore {n} (pigment-bearing cell or structure) | :: cromatóforo {m} |
chrome {v} (to plate with chrome) | :: cromar |
chrominance {n} (signal used in video systems) | :: crominância {f} |
chromite {n} (mineral) | :: cromita {f} |
chromium {n} (chemical element) | :: cromo {m}, crómio {m}, crômio {m} |
chromium-plate {v} (chrome) SEE: chrome | :: |
chromo- {prefix} (color) | :: cromo- |
chromosomal {adj} (of, or relating to chromosomes) | :: cromossomático, cromossómico |
chromosome {n} (structure in the cell nucleus) | :: cromossoma {m} [Portugal], cromossomo {m} [Brazil] |
chronic {adj} (that continues over an extended period of time) | :: crónico |
chronic {adj} (medical: prolonged or slow to heal) | :: crónico |
chronic {adj} (suffering from an affliction that is prolonged or slow to heal) | :: crónico |
chronic {adj} (inveterate or habitual) | :: crónico |
chronicity {n} (the condition of being chronic) | :: cronicidade {f} |
chronicle {n} (a written account) | :: crónica {f}, crônica {f} [Brazil] |
chronicler {n} (person who writes a chronicle) | :: cronista {m} {f} |
Chronicles {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Crónicas {f-p} [Portugal], Crônicas {f-p} [Brazil] |
chronique scandaleuse {n} (journalistic account of a sensational event) | :: crónica escandalosa {f} [Portugal], crônica escandalosa {f} [Brazil], chronique scandaleuse {f} |
chrono- {prefix} (relation to time) | :: crono- |
chronoamperometric {adj} (of, relating to, or produced using chronoamperometry) | :: cronoamperométrico |
chronoamperometry {n} (technique in which an electric current is measured during the course of a titration) | :: cronoamperometria {f} |
chronobiological {adj} (pertaining to chronobiology) | :: cronobiológico |
chronobiologist {n} (person involved in chronobiology) | :: cronobiólogo {m} |
chronobiology {n} (study of the effects of time on biological systems) | :: cronobiologia {f} |
chronograph {n} (device which marks or records time or time intervals) | :: cronógrafo {m} |
chronographic {adj} (relating to a chronograph) | :: cronográfico |
chronography {n} (description or record of past time) | :: cronografia {f} |
chronologic {adj} (chronological) SEE: chronological | :: |
chronological {adj} (in order of time from the earliest to the latest) | :: cronológico |
chronologically {adv} (in a chronological manner) | :: cronologicamente |
chronologist {n} (a person skilled in chronology) | :: cronologista {m} {f}, cronólogo {m} |
chronologize {v} (to establish an order of events based on the time of their occurrence) | :: cronologizar |
chronology {n} (determining the order of events (an auxiliary science of history)) | :: cronologia {f} |
chronology {n} (arrangement into chronological order) | :: cronologia {f} |
chronometer {n} (device for measuring time) | :: cronómetro {m} [Portugal], cronômetro {m} [Brazil], cronoscópio {m} |
chronometric {adj} (of or pertaining to a chronometer or to chronometry) | :: cronométrico |
chronometrist {n} (expert in chronometry) | :: cronometrista {m} {f} |
chrononym {n} (term for a period of time) | :: cronónimo {m} [Portugal], cronônimo {m} [Brazil] |
chronopharmacodynamics {n} (the study of how the effects of drugs change based on the time at which they are administered) | :: cronofarmacodinâmica {f} |
chronopharmacokinetics {n} (the study of how the absorption, metabolism and elimination of drugs relates to the time at which they are administered) | :: cronofarmacocinética {f} |
chronophobia {n} (fear of the passing of time) | :: cronofobia {f} |
chronophotography {n} (photographic technique which captures movement in several frames) | :: cronofotografia {f} |
chronopotentiometry {n} (form of electroanalysis in which the rate of change of potential at an electrode is measured at constant current) | :: cronopotenciometria {f} |
Chronos {prop} (personification of time) | :: Cronos {m}, Crono {m} |
chronoscope {n} (chronometer) SEE: chronometer | :: |
chronosequence {n} | :: cronossequência {f} |
chronospecies {n} (species derived from a sequential development pattern on an evolutionary scale) | :: cronoespécie {f} |
chronostratigraphic {adj} (pertaining to or derived using chronostratigraphy) | :: cronoestratigráfico, cronostratigráfico |
chronostratigraphically {adv} (in terms of, or by means of, chronostratigraphy) | :: cronoestratigraficamente |
chronostratigraphy {n} (the interpretation of geologic history by means of the determination of the ages and time sequence of rock strata) | :: cronoestratigrafia {f}, cronostratigrafia {f} |
chronotherapeutics {n} (therapy administered in phase with a person’s biological clock) | :: cronoterapêutica {f} |
chronotherapy {n} (therapy based on a cyclical schedule) | :: cronoterapia {f} |
chronotopic {adj} (pertaining to a specific time and place) | :: cronotópico |
chronotoxicology {n} (study of the interactions between toxic substances and biorhythms) | :: cronotoxicologia {f} |
chronotropic {adj} (that affects heart rate) | :: cronotrópico |
chronotype {n} (person's disposition to be alert in the morning or evening) | :: cronotipo {m} |
chronovisor {n} (machine able to see past and future events) | :: cronovisor {m} |
chronozone {n} (group of strata formed during the same chron) | :: cronozona {f} |
chrysalis {n} (the pupa of a butterfly or moth) | :: crisálida {f}, crisálide {f} |
chrysanthemum {n} (flower) | :: crisântemo {m} |
Chrysanthemum Throne {prop} (Japanese monarchy) | :: trono do Crisântemo {m} |
chryselephantine {adj} (made of gold and ivory) | :: criselefantino |
chrysoberyl {n} (mineral) | :: crisoberilo {m} |
chrysography {n} (use of gold lettering) | :: crisografia {f} |
chrysoidine {n} (yellow-orange crystalline dye) | :: crisoidina {f} |
chrysolaminarin {n} (storage polysaccharide typically found in photosynthetic heterokonts) | :: crisolaminarina {f} |
chrysology {n} (branch of political economy relating to the production of wealth) | :: crisologia {f} |
chrysophanic acid {n} (organic compound found in rhubarb) | :: ácido crisofânico {m} |
chrysophanol {n} (chemical compound found in rhubarb) | :: crisofanol {m} |
chrysophile {n} (person who loves gold) | :: crisófilo {m} |
chrysopoeia {n} (transmutation into gold) | :: crisopeia {f} |
chrysoprase {n} (variety of quartz) | :: crisoprásio {m}, crisopraso {m} |
chrysotherapy {n} (therapeutic use of gold) | :: crisoterapia {f}, auroterapia {f} |
chrysotile {n} (mineral) | :: crisotila {f} |
chthonic {adj} (dwelling within or under the earth) | :: ctónio [Portugal], ctônio [Brazil], ctónico [Portugal], ctônico [Brazil] |
chubby {n} (erection) SEE: boner | :: |
chubby {adj} (of a person, somewhat fat) | :: rechonchudo {m}, gorducho {m}, roliço {m} |
chuck {v} (mechanical device) | :: mandril {m} |
chuckle {v} (to laugh quietly or inwardly) | :: gracejar |
chuck steak {n} (meat) | :: acém {m} |
chug {n} (large gulp) | :: dragar |
chug {v} (to drink a large amount in a single action) | :: virar |
Chukchi {prop} (language) | :: chukchi {m} |
Chukotka {prop} (short for Chukchi Peninsula, see also: Chukchi Peninsula) | :: Chukotka {f} |
Chukotka {prop} (short for Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, see also: Chukotka Autonomous Okrug) | :: Chukotka {f} |
chunder {v} (to vomit) | :: chamar o hugo |
Ch'ung-ch'ing {prop} (Chongqing) SEE: Chongqing | :: |
chunk {n} (a part of something) | :: pedaço {m} |
Chunnel {prop} (Channel Tunnel) SEE: Channel Tunnel | :: |
chur {interj} (voicing of thanks) SEE: thanks | :: |
chur {interj} (parting salutation) SEE: bye | :: |
church {n} (house of worship) | :: igreja {f}, templo {m} |
church {n} (a religious organization) | :: igreja {f} |
church {n} (worship service) | :: culto {m}, missa {f} |
Church Father {n} (authoritative ancient male Christian author) | :: Padre da Igreja {m}, Pai da Igreja {m} |
churchical {adj} (pertaining to or characteristic of church) SEE: ecclesiastical | :: |
Churchill {prop} (placename or surname) | :: Churchill |
Church of England {prop} (established Christian church in England) | :: Igreja da Inglaterra {f}, Igreja Anglicana {f} |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints {prop} (major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement) | :: Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias |
Church of Scotland {prop} (national Presbyterian church of Scotland) | :: Igreja da Escócia {f} |
church service {n} (communal worship) | :: serviço {m} |
churl {n} (boorish person) | :: camponês {m} |
churlish {adj} (rude or surly) | :: rústico, grosseiro |
churn {v} (agitate rapidly) | :: agitar, bater |
churn {n} (vessel for churning) | :: batedeira {f} |
churro {n} (fried pastry) | :: churro {m} |
chute {n} (parachute) | :: paraquedas {m} |
chutney {n} (condiment) | :: chutney {m}, chetnim {m} |
chutzpah {n} (nearly arrogant courage) | :: atrevimento {m} |
Chuukese {n} (member of an ethnic group) | :: chuquês |
Chuvash {adj} (from, or pertaining to Chuvashia) | :: tchuvache, chuvache |
Chuvash {n} (person) | :: tchuvache, chuvache |
Chuvash {prop} (Chuvash language) | :: tchuvache {m}, chuvache {m} |
Chuvashia {prop} (federal subject of Russia) | :: Tchuváchia {f}, Chuváchia {f}, Chuvashia {f} |
chyle {n} (digestive fluid) | :: quilo {m} |
chyme {n} (partly digested food passed from the stomach to the duodenum) | :: quimo {m} |
chymotrypsin {n} (enzyme) | :: quimotripsina {f} |
chytridiomycosis {n} (disease of amphibians) | :: quitridiomicose {f} |
CIA {prop} (Central Intelligence Agency) | :: CIA {f} |
ciabatta {n} (a broad, flat, white Italian bread) | :: chapata {f} |
ciao {interj} (hello) SEE: hello | :: |
ciao {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
ciao {interj} (transliteration of the Italian greeting or farewell) | :: tchau |
ciborium {n} (A fixed vaulted canopy) | :: cibório {m} |
cicada {n} (any of several insects of the order Hemiptera) | :: cigarra {f} |
cicatrice {n} (scar) SEE: scar | :: |
cicatrise {v} (to heal a wound through scarring) | :: cicatrizar |
cicatrix {n} (scar that remains after the development of new tissue) SEE: scar | :: |
Cicero {prop} (Roman statesman and orator) | :: Cícero {m} |
cicerone {n} (guide) | :: cicerone |
-cide {suffix} (killing of) | :: -cídio {m} |
-cide {suffix} (killer of) | :: -cida {m} {f} |
cider {n} (alcoholic beverage) | :: sidra {f} |
cider {n} (soft drink) SEE: soft drink | :: |
cigar {n} (tobacco product) | :: charuto {m} |
cigarette {n} (cigarette) | :: cigarro {m} |
cigarette case {n} (small flat case) | :: porta-cigarros {m}, cigarreira {f} |
cigarette lighter {n} (lighter) SEE: lighter | :: |
cigarillo {n} (thin cigar) | :: cigarrilha {f} |
cilantro {n} (leaves of the coriander plant) | :: coentro {m} |
Cilicia {prop} (ancient region) | :: Cilícia |
cilium {n} (hairlike organelle projecting from eukaryotic cell) | :: cílio {m} |
Cimmerian {n} (any of the mythical people supposed to inhabit a land of perpetual darkness) | :: cimério {m} |
Cimmerian {n} (one of the Cimmerii, ancient equestrian nomads of Indo-European origin) | :: cimério {m} |
cinchona {n} (tree) | :: quina {f} |
cinchona {n} (bark) | :: quina {f} |
Cincinnati {prop} (city in Ohio) | :: Cincinnati {f}, Cincinati {f} |
cinder {n} (ember) SEE: ember | :: |
cinder {n} (partially or mostly burnt material) | :: borralho {m}, borralha {f} |
cinder {n} (slag from a metal furnace) | :: escória {f} |
cinder block {n} (lightweight building block) | :: bloco de concreto {m} |
cinder cone {n} (conical deposit of rock fragments) | :: cone de escória {m} |
Cinderella {prop} (fairy tale) | :: Cinderela {f} |
Cinderella {prop} (main character in this fairy tale) | :: Cinderela {f} |
cineast {n} (enthusiast of film and the cinema) SEE: cinephile | :: |
cinema {n} (movie) SEE: movie | :: |
cinema {n} (a film/movie theatre) | :: cinema {m} |
cinema {n} (film or movies as a group) | :: cinema {m} |
cinema {n} (the film and movie industry) | :: indústria cinematográfica {f} |
cinema {n} (the art of making films and movies) | :: cinematografia {f}, cinema {m} |
cinematheque {n} (film archive with small cinemas, screening classic and art-house films) | :: cinemateca {f} |
cinematic {adj} (relating to kinematics) SEE: kinematic | :: |
cinematographic {adj} (of or pertaining to cinematography) | :: cinematográfico |
cinematography {n} (the discipline of making and reproducing motion pictures) | :: cinematografia {f} |
cinephile {n} (enthusiast of films and cinema) | :: cinéfilo {m}, cinéfila {f} |
cinephilia {n} (enthusiasm for films and the cinema) | :: cinefilia {f} |
cineradiography {n} (cinematography of working internal organs) | :: cinerradiografia {f} |
cinereous {adj} (colour) | :: cinéreo |
cinereous {adj} (like ashes) | :: cinéreo |
cinereous vulture {n} (Eurasian black vulture) SEE: Eurasian black vulture | :: |
cingulate {adj} (pertaining to a cingulum) | :: cingulado |
cingulate cortex {n} (the medial part of the cortex) | :: córtex cingulado {m}, giro cingulado {m} |
cinéma vérité {n} (style of cinema) | :: cinema-verdade {m}, cinéma vérité {m} |
cinnabar {n} (mineral) | :: cinabre {m} |
cinnamic acid {n} (aromatic carboxylic acid obtained from cinnamon) | :: ácido cinâmico {m} |
cinnamon {n} (Cinnamomum verum) | :: caneleira {f} |
cinnamon {n} (spice) | :: canela {f} |
cinnamon {n} (colour) | :: canela {m} |
cinnamon {adj} (flavor) | :: de canela |
cinnamon {adj} (color) | :: canela |
cinnamon stick {n} (thin piece of cinnamon bark curled up into a tube) | :: pau de canela {m}, canela em pau {f} [especially as a mass noun] |
cinquefoil {n} (potentilla) SEE: potentilla | :: |
cipher {n} (obsolete: zero) SEE: zero | :: |
cipher {n} (numeric character) | :: algarismo {m}, cifra {f} |
cipher {n} (method for concealing the meaning of text) | :: cifra {f} |
cipher {n} (cryptographic system) | :: cifra {f} |
circa {prep} (approximately, about) | :: cerca de, aproximadamente |
circadian rhythm {n} (internal body clock) | :: ritmo circadiano {m} |
circle {n} (geometry: set of points that are equally distant from a center) | :: círculo {m} |
circle {n} (geometry: set of all points in a plane within a radius) | :: círculo {m} |
circle {n} (thin three-dimensional equivalent of these geometric figures) | :: disco {m}, círculo {m} |
circle {n} (curve approximating part or all of a circle) | :: círculo {m} |
circle {n} (specific group of persons) | :: círculo {m} |
circle {n} (bagginess of skin under eyes) | :: olheiras |
circle {v} (travel around along a curved path) | :: circular |
circle {v} (surround) | :: circundar, cercar |
circle {v} (place or mark a circle around) | :: circular |
circle {v} (travel in circles) | :: circular |
circle {n} (orbit) SEE: orbit | :: |
circle {n} (indirect form of words) SEE: circumlocution | :: |
circuit {n} (act of moving around) | :: circuito {m}, volta {f} |
circuit {n} (circumference of any space) | :: circuito {m}, perímetro {m} |
circuit {n} (that which encircles) | :: contorno {m} |
circuit {n} (enclosed path of electric current) | :: circuito {m} |
circuit {n} (regular or appointed journeying) | :: circuito {m} |
circuit {n} (circumlocution) SEE: circumlocution | :: |
circuit board {n} (board) | :: placa {f}, placa de circuito {f} |
circuit breaker {n} (electrical switch) | :: disjuntor {m} |
circular {adj} (of or relating to a circle) | :: circular |
circular {adj} (in the shape of, or moving in a circle) | :: circular, redondo, arredondado |
circular {adj} (circuitous or roundabout, see also: circuitous; roundabout) | :: circular |
circular definition {n} (definition) | :: definição circular {f} |
circular letter {n} (freely distributed letter or pamphlet on routine matters) | :: circular {f} |
circular saw {n} (a power saw with a circular cutting blade) | :: serra circular {f} |
circulate {v} (to move in circles) | :: circular |
circulating {adj} (moving about freely) | :: circulante |
circulation {n} (act of moving in a circle) | :: circulação {f}, circundação {f} |
circulation {n} (act of passing from place to place or person to person) | :: circulação {f} |
circulation {n} (currency; circulating coin; notes, bills, etc.) | :: circulação {f} |
circulation {n} (movement of the blood in the blood-vascular system) | :: circulação {f} |
circulatory {adj} (of or pertaining to a circulation) | :: circulatório |
circulatory system {n} (parts of an animal body) | :: sistema circulatório {m} |
circum- {prefix} (prefix meaning "around") | :: circum-, circun- |
circumboreal {adj} | :: circumboreal |
circumcise {v} (to remove the foreskin from the penis) | :: circuncidar |
circumcised {adj} (of a man) | :: circuncidado, circunciso |
circumcision {n} (removal of foreskin from penis) | :: circuncisão {f} |
circumference {n} (line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional object) | :: circunferência {f} |
circumference {n} (length of such line) | :: perímetro {m} |
circumfix {n} (affix with both a pre- and sufixing part) | :: circunfixo {m} |
circumflex {n} (circumflex accent) | :: circunflexo {m}, acento circunflexo {m} |
circumflex {adj} (with circumflex accent) | :: circunflexo |
circumflex {adj} (curving around) | :: circunflexo |
circumlocution {n} (roundabout or indirect way of speaking) | :: circunlocução {f}, circunlóquio {m} |
circumlocution {n} (roundabout expression) | :: circunlocução {f} |
circumpolar {adj} (located or found throughout a polar region) | :: circumpolar |
circumscribe {v} (to draw a line around; encircle) | :: circunscrever, circular |
circumscribe {v} (to limit narrowly; restrict) | :: circunscrever, restringir, delimitar |
circumscribe {v} (to draw a circle, sphere, or higher-dimensional ball) | :: circunscrever |
circumscription {n} (act of circumscribing; quality of being circumscribed) | :: circunscrição {f} |
circumscription {n} (anything that circumscribes or a circumscribed area) | :: circunscrição {f} |
circumscription {n} (taxonomy: definition of what belongs in a taxon) | :: circunscrição {f} |
circumscription {n} (electoral district) SEE: electoral district | :: |
circumspect {adj} (carefully aware of all circumstances) | :: prudente, cuidadoso, cauteloso, circunspecto, circunspeto |
circumspection {n} (attention to all the facts and circumstances) | :: circunspecção {f} |
circumstance {n} (that which attends, or relates to, or in some way affects, a fact or event) | :: circunstância {f} |
circumstance {n} (event; fact; particular incident) | :: circunstância {f} |
circumstance {n} (circumlocution; detail) | :: circunstância {f} |
circumstance {n} (condition in regard to worldly estate) | :: circunstância {f} |
circumstantiate {v} (to give out circumstantial evidence) | :: circunstanciar |
circumvent {v} (to avoid or get around something) | :: contornar |
circumvolute {v} (to roll, curl or twist around) | :: circunvolver |
circumvolution {n} (revolution, rotation or gyration around an axis) | :: circunvolução {f} |
circus {n} (company that travels) | :: circo {m} |
circus {n} (round open space) | :: cruzamento |
cirque {n} (something in the shape of a circle) SEE: circle | :: |
cirque {n} (curved depression in a mountainside) | :: circo {m} |
cirrhosis {n} (chronic disease of the liver) | :: cirrose {f} |
cirrhotic {adj} (pertaining to or suffering from cirrhosis) | :: cirrótico |
cirrus {n} (tendril) | :: cirro {m} |
cirrus {n} (cloud) | :: cirro {m} |
CIS {prop} (Commonwealth of Independent States) | :: CEI {f} |
cisgender {adj} (having a gender the same as one's sex) | :: cisgênero [Brazilian Portuguese], cisgénero [European Portuguese] |
Cisleithania {prop} (areas of Austria-Hungary to the west of the River Leitha) | :: Cisleitânia {f} |
cissexual {adj} (having a gender identity which matches one's birth sex) SEE: cisgender | :: |
Cistercian {n} (member of the Cistercian Order) | :: cisterciense {m} |
cistern {n} (reservoir for holding water) | :: cisterna {f} |
cistus {n} (any plant of the genus Cistus) | :: cisto {m} |
citadel {n} (a strong fortress that sits high above a city) | :: cidadela {f} |
citadel {n} (a stronghold or fortified place) | :: cidadela {f} |
citation {n} (the act of citing a passage from a book) | :: citação {f} |
citation {n} (the passage or words quoted; quotation) | :: citação {f} |
citation needed {phrase} (A portion of a wiki needs to be validated by a source.) | :: carece de fontes |
cite {v} (quote) SEE: quote | :: |
cite {n} (citation) SEE: citation | :: |
citerior {adj} (situated on the nearer side) | :: citerior {m} {f} |
citizen {n} (legal member of a state) | :: cidadão {m}, cidadã {f} |
citizen {n} (antonym to "subject") | :: cidadão {m} |
citizen {n} (legal resident of a city) | :: citadino {m}, citadina {f} |
citizen {n} (resident of any particular place) | :: morador {m}, moradora {f}, residente {m} {f}, habitante {m} {f} |
citizen {n} (civilian) | :: civil {m} {f} |
citizen journalism {n} (reporting by amateurs on the scene of an event) | :: jornalismo comunitário |
citizenry {n} (the group of all citizens) | :: cidadania {f} |
citizenship {n} (state of being a citizen) | :: cidadania {f} |
citric {adj} (of, pertaining to, or derived from, the citron or lemon) | :: cítrico |
citric acid {n} (2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, C6H8O7) | :: ácido cítrico {m} |
citrine {n} (brownish-yellow quartz) | :: citrino {m} |
citron {n} (greenish yellow colour) | :: amarelo-limão |
citron {n} (tree) | :: cidreira |
citron {n} (fruit) | :: cidra |
citrus {n} (shrub or tree) | :: citro {m} |
citrus {n} (fruit) SEE: citrus fruit | :: |
citrus black spot {n} (disease of citrus plants) | :: pinta preta {f} |
citrus fruit {n} (fruit of genus Citrus) | :: fruta cítrica {m} |
city {n} (large settlement) | :: cidade {f}, urbe {f} |
city {n} (downtown) SEE: downtown | :: |
city {n} (central business district) SEE: central business district | :: |
city block {n} (part of town enclosed by streets) | :: quarteirão {m} |
city center {n} (downtown) SEE: downtown | :: |
city hall {n} (building) | :: câmara municipal {f} [Portugal], prefeitura {f} [Brazil] |
city hall {n} (government) | :: câmara municipal {f} [Portugal], prefeitura {f} [Brazil] |
city state {n} (sovereign city) | :: cidade-estado {f} |
civet {n} (cat-like animal) | :: civeta {f}, gato-de-algália {m} |
civet {n} (perfume) | :: algália {f} |
civet coffee {n} (coffee made from eaten berries) SEE: kopi luwak | :: |
civic {adj} (Having to do with a city or the people who live there) | :: cívico |
civics {n} (study of good citizenship and proper membership in a community) | :: cidadania {f}, educação cívica {f} |
civil {adj} (related to people and government office as opposed to military or religion) | :: civil |
civil {adj} (behaving in a reasonable or polite manner) | :: civil, civilizado |
civil aviation {n} (non-military aviation) | :: aviação civil {f} |
civil disobedience {n} (active and non-violent refusal to obey) | :: desobediência civil {f} |
civilian {n} (non-military person) | :: civil {m} {f} |
civilian {adj} (not related to the military armed forces) | :: civil |
civility {n} (politeness; behavior which conforms to social conventions) | :: civilidade {f} |
civilization {n} (organized culture) | :: civilização {f} |
civilization {n} (human society) | :: civilização {f} |
civilization {n} (act or process of civilizing or becoming civilized) | :: civilização {f} |
civilization {n} (state or quality of being civilized) | :: civilização {f} |
civilization {prop} (people of the world considered to have a high standard of behavior) | :: civilização {f} |
civil law {n} (body of law dealing with private relations) | :: direito civil {m} |
civil law {n} (legal system contrasting with common law) | :: civil law {f}, direito romano-germânico {m} |
civilly {adv} (in a civil manner) | :: civilmente |
civil marriage {n} (marriage performed by a government official instead of by a member of the clergy) | :: casamento civil {m} |
civil partnership {n} (arrangement for same-sex couples) | :: parceria civil {f} |
civil rights {n} (rights deserved by all people under all circumstances) | :: direitos civis {m-p} |
civil servant {n} (government employee) | :: funcionário {m}, funcionário público {m} |
civil service {n} (body of civilian employees) | :: serviço público {m} |
civil union {n} (legal union similar to marriage) | :: união civil {f}, união de facto {f} [Portugal], união estável {f} [Brazil] |
civil war {n} (war between factions within a single country) | :: guerra civil {f} |
Civil War {prop} (civil war) SEE: civil war | :: |
civvies {n} (mufti (dress)) SEE: mufti | :: |
clabber {n} (curdled milk) | :: coalhada {f} |
clad {v} (to clothe) | :: cobrir |
cladode {n} (flattened organ) | :: cladódio {m} |
claim {n} (demand of ownership) | :: reivindicação {f}, reclamo {m} |
claim {n} (new statement of truth made about something) | :: afirmação {f}, alegação {f} |
claim {n} (demand of ownership for previously unowned land) | :: reivindicação {f} |
claim {n} ((law) demand for compensation) | :: reclamação {f} |
claim {v} (to demand ownership of something) | :: reivindicar, reclamar |
claim {v} (to state a new fact) | :: alegar, afirmar |
claim {v} (to demand ownership or right to use for land) | :: reivindicar |
claimant {n} (party who initiates a lawsuit) SEE: plaintiff | :: |
Claire {prop} (female given name) SEE: Clara | :: |
clairvoyance {n} (the power to perceive objects that are not accessible to the senses) | :: clarividência |
clairvoyant {adj} (of, or relating to clairvoyance) | :: clarividente |
clairvoyant {adj} (able to see things that cannot be perceived by the normal senses) | :: clarividente |
clairvoyant {adj} (able to foresee the future) | :: clarividente |
clairvoyant {n} (person able to see things that cannot be perceived by the normal senses) | :: clarividente {m} {f}, vidente {m} {f} |
clairvoyant {n} (person able to foresee the future) | :: clarividente {m} {f}, vidente {m} {f}, adivinho {m} |
clam {n} (mollusc, see also: mollusc; oyster; mussel) | :: amêijoa {f} |
clam {v} (to dig for clams) | :: mariscar |
clamdigger {n} (one who digs for clams) | :: marisqueiro {m} |
clammer {n} (clamdigger) SEE: clamdigger | :: |
clamorous {adj} (noisy and loud) | :: clamoroso |
clamoursome {adj} (noisy, loud) SEE: clamorous | :: |
clamp {n} (woodworking tool) | :: grampo {m}, braçadeira {f} |
clam up {v} (become silent) | :: fechar-se |
clan {n} (group having common ancestor) | :: clã {m} |
clandestine {adj} (done or kept in secret) | :: clandestino |
clank {v} (to make a clanking sound) | :: retinir |
clap {n} (The act of striking the palms of the hands, or any two surfaces, together) | :: palma {f} |
clap {n} (Any loud, sudden, explosive sound) | :: estouro {m} |
clap {v} (To strike the palms of the hands together) | :: bater palmas |
clap {v} (To applaud by clapping the hands) | :: aplaudir |
clapboard {n} (clapperboard) SEE: clapperboard | :: |
clapper {n} (the tongue of a bell) | :: badalo {m} |
clapper board {n} (clapperboard) SEE: clapperboard | :: |
clapperboard {n} (device used in film) | :: claquete |
Clara {prop} (cognates and transliterations of the name Clara) | :: Clara {f} |
Clare {n} (Clara) SEE: Clara | :: |
clarification {n} (clarification of ideas, meaning, etc) | :: clarificação {f} |
clarified butter {n} (cooking fat made from butter) | :: manteiga clarificada {f} |
clarify {v} (to make clear or bright by freeing from feculent matter) | :: clarificar |
clarify {v} (to make clear) | :: clarear, clarificar, aclarar |
clarify {v} (to become clear or transparent) | :: clarear |
clarinet {n} (woodwind musical instrument) | :: clarinete {m} |
clarity {n} (the state or measure of being clear) | :: clareza {f}, claridade {f} |
clash {n} (loud sound) | :: estrondo {m} |
clash {n} (skirmish) | :: conflito {m} |
clasp {n} (fastener or holder) | :: gancho {m} |
clasp {v} (take hold of; grab tightly) | :: agarrar, enganchar |
class {n} (group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes) | :: classe {f} |
class {n} (social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc.) | :: classe {f} |
class {n} (division of society into classes) | :: classe {f} |
class {n} (admirable behavior; elegance) | :: classe {f} |
class {n} (group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher) | :: classe {f}, aula |
class {n} (series of classes covering a single subject) | :: curso {m}, aula {f} |
class {n} (group of students who commenced or completed their education during a particular year) | :: turma {f} |
class {n} (category of seats in an airplane, train or other means of mass transportation) | :: classe {f} |
class {n} (taxonomy: classification below Phylum and above Order) | :: classe {f} |
class {n} (set theory: collection of sets definable by a shared property) | :: classe {f} |
class {n} (object-oriented programming: set of objects possibly differing in state but not behavior) | :: classe {f} |
class clown {n} (student who frequently makes jokes) | :: palhaço da turma {m} |
classic {adj} (exemplary of a particular style) | :: clássico |
classic {adj} (exhibiting timeless quality) | :: clássico |
classic {n} (example) | :: clássico {m} |
classic {n} (lasting work) | :: clássico {m} |
classic {n} (sports event) | :: clássico {m} |
classical {adj} (literature etc) | :: clássico |
classical {adj} (Greek and Roman) | :: clássico |
classical {adj} (art etc) | :: clássico |
Classical Arabic {prop} (Classical Arabic) | :: árabe clássico {m} |
Classical Chinese {prop} (language) | :: chinês clássico {m} |
Classical Latin {prop} (Latin language as spoken and written formally) | :: latim clássico {m} |
classical music {n} (music of the classical period) | :: música clássica {f} |
classical music {n} (the more serious forms of European and American music) | :: música clássica {f} |
Classical Nahuatl {prop} (variants of the Nahuatl language spoken in Mexico at the time of the Spanish conquest) | :: náhuatl clássico {m} |
Classical Tibetan {prop} (form of Tibetan) | :: tibetano clássico {m} |
Classical Tupi {prop} (extinct language of Brazil) SEE: Old Tupi | :: |
classicism {n} (classical traditions of the art and architecture of ancient Greece and Rome) | :: classicismo {m} |
classification {n} (act of forming into classes) | :: classificação {f} |
classifieds {n} (classified advertisements) | :: classificados {m-p} |
classifier {n} (someone who classifies) | :: classificador {m} |
classifier {n} ((linguistics) word or morpheme used to indicate a semantic class) | :: classificador {m} |
classify {v} (identify or divide into classes) | :: classificar |
classifying space {n} (topological space) | :: espaço classificante {m} |
classmate {n} (student who is in the same class at school) | :: colega de classe {m} {f} |
classroom {n} (room in a school) | :: sala de aula {f} |
class struggle {n} (struggle between classes) | :: luta de classes {f} |
class warfare {n} | :: luta de classes {f} |
classy {adj} (elegant and fashionable) | :: classudo, elegante |
classy {adj} (of a superior type) | :: classudo |
Claude {prop} (male given name) | :: Cláudio {m} |
Claudia {prop} (female given name) | :: Cláudia {f} |
clause {n} (grammar: group of words which include a subject and any necessary predicate) | :: oração {f} |
clause {n} (grammar: verb along with a subject and modifiers) | :: oração {f} |
clause {n} (legal: separate part of a contract) | :: cláusula {f}, artigo {m} |
claustrophobe {n} (one who suffers from claustrophobia) | :: claustrofóbico {m}, claustrofóbica {f}, claustrófobo {m}, claustrófoba {f} |
claustrophobia {n} (fear of closed, tight places) | :: claustrofobia {f} |
claustrophobic {adj} (Suffering from claustrophobia) | :: claustrofóbico {m}, claustrofóbica {f}, claustrófobo {m}, claustrófoba {f} |
clavichord {n} (early keyboard instrument) | :: clavicórdio {m} |
clavicle {n} (collar bone) | :: clavícula {f} |
claviharp {n} (A musical instrument combining a harp with a keyboard) | :: claviarpa {f} |
clavis {n} (glossary) SEE: glossary | :: |
claw {n} (curved horny nail) | :: garra {f} |
claw {n} (pincer of a crustacean) | :: puã {f}, tenaz {f} |
claw {n} (mechanical device for gripping) | :: garra {f} |
claw {v} (scratch or tear at) | :: unhar |
claw {v} (to use claws to seize, to grip) | :: agarrar |
clay {n} (mineral substance) | :: argila {f} |
clay {n} (tennis court surface) | :: saibro {m} |
clean {adj} (not dirty) | :: limpo, asseado |
clean {adj} (in an unmarked condition) | :: limpo {m} |
clean {adj} (pure, especially morally or religiously) | :: puro, imaculado |
clean {adj} (not having used mind-altering or mood-changing substances) | :: limpo |
clean {adj} (smooth, exact, and performed well) | :: limpo {m} |
clean {n} (removal of dirt) | :: limpeza {f}, limpada {f} |
clean {v} ((transitive) to remove dirt from a place or object) | :: limpar |
clean {v} ((transitive) to tidy up) | :: arrumar |
clean {v} ((intransitive) to make things clean) | :: limpar |
clean {adj} (empty) SEE: empty | :: |
clean and jerk {n} (in weightlifting) | :: arremesso {m} |
cleaner {n} (person who cleans) | :: limpador {m} |
cleaner {n} (device that cleans) | :: limpador {m} |
cleaner {n} (professional laundry) | :: lavanderia {f} |
cleanliness {n} (the property of being cleanly) | :: limpeza {f} |
cleanse {v} (to clean, purify) | :: limpar |
cleanse {v} (to spiritually purify) | :: purificar |
cleanser {n} (detergent) SEE: detergent | :: |
cleansing {adj} (that cleanses) | :: detergente |
cleanup {n} (the act of cleaning or tidying) | :: limpeza {f} |
clear {adj} (distinct) SEE: distinct | :: |
clear {adj} (transparent in colour) | :: translúcido, transluzente, claro [chiefly of water] |
clear {adj} (bright, not obscured) | :: claro |
clear {adj} (free of obstacles) | :: livre, limpo |
clear {adj} (without clouds) | :: limpo, claro, desnublado |
clear {adj} (free of ambiguity or doubt) | :: claro |
clear {adj} (free of guilt or suspicion) | :: limpo |
clear {adv} (all the way) | :: através |
clear {adv} (not near or touching something) | :: fora, longe, longe |
clear {v} | :: limpar, desobstruir |
clear {v} (to become clear or freed from obstructions) | :: clarear |
clear {v} (to eliminate ambiguity or doubt; to clarify) | :: clarear |
clear {v} (to remove from suspicion) | :: eximir |
clear {v} (to go through as payment) | :: franquear |
clear {v} (to earn a profit) | :: lucrar |
clear {v} (to fell all trees of a forest) | :: desmatar, desflorestar |
clearance {n} (medicine: removal of harmful substances from the blood) | :: clearance |
clear cut {adj} (straightforward) | :: claro, evidente |
clearing {n} (act or process of making or becoming clear) | :: clareamento {m}, clarificação {m}, esclarecimento |
clearing {n} (area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees) | :: clareira {f} |
clearly {adv} (in a clear manner) | :: claramente |
clearly {adv} ((modal) without a doubt, obviously) | :: claro |
clearly {adv} ((degree) to a degree clearly discernible) | :: claramente |
cleartext {n} (unencrypted text) | :: texto puro {m}, texto claro {m}, texto plano {m} |
cleat {n} (device to secure a rope) | :: grampo |
cleavage {n} (the act of cleaving or the state of being cleft) | :: rachamento {m}, rachadura {f} |
cleavage {n} (separation between breasts) | :: decote {m}, decotes {m-p} |
cleavage {n} (biology: cell division) | :: clivagem {f} |
cleavage {n} (chemistry: splitting of a large molecule) | :: clivagem {f} |
cleavage {n} (mineralogy: tendency of a crystal to split) | :: clivagem {f} |
cleave {v} (transitive to split or sever) | :: partir, talhar |
cleaver {n} (a squarish knife used for hacking) | :: cutelo {m} |
clef {n} (musical symbol) | :: clave {f} |
cleft {n} (opening made or as if made by splitting) | :: rachadura {f}, fissura {f}, partido {m} |
cleft lip {n} (harelip) SEE: harelip | :: |
clematis {n} (any plant of the genus Clematis) | :: clematite {f} |
clemency {n} (leniency, mercy) | :: clemência {f} |
clement {adj} | :: clemente |
Clement {prop} (male given name) | :: Clemente {m} |
clementine {n} (citrus fruit) | :: clementina {f} |
Cleopatra {prop} (a given name of women in the Ptolemy dynasty) | :: Cleópatra {f} |
clergy {n} (people trained to officiate at religious ceremonies and services) | :: clero {m} |
clergyman {n} (ordained (male) Christian minister, male member of the clergy) | :: clérigo |
clergyperson {n} (ordained (male or female) Christian minister, male or female member of the clergy) | :: clérigo {m}, clériga {f} |
clergywoman {n} (ordained (female) Christian minister, female member of the clergy) | :: clériga {f} |
cleric {n} (clergy member) | :: clérigo {m} |
clerical {adj} (of or relating to the clergy) | :: clerical |
clerk {n} (cleric or clergyman) | :: clérigo {m} |
clerk {n} (one working with records etc.) | :: escriturário {m}, escrevente {m} {f}, secretário {m}, empregado de escritório {m} |
Cleveland {prop} (city in Ohio) | :: Cleveland {f} |
clever {adj} (nimble with hands or body) | :: hábil |
clever {adj} (mentally quick or sharp) | :: esperto |
clever {adj} (showing inventiveness or originality) | :: engenhoso |
clew {n} (clue) SEE: clue | :: |
cliché {n} (overused phrase or expression) | :: clichê {m}, lugar-comum {m}, chavão {m}, platitude {f} |
cliché {n} (anything (other than a phrase) that is overused) | :: clichê {m} |
cliche {n} (cliché) SEE: cliché | :: |
click {n} (sharp sound) | :: estalido {m}, estalo {m} |
click {n} (in phonetics) | :: clique {m} |
click {n} (act of pressing a button on a computer mouse) | :: clique {m} |
click {v} (transitive: operate so as to make click) | :: estalar |
click {v} (transitive: press and release (button on a mouse)) | :: apertar [button], clicar [mouse] |
click {v} (intransitive: emit a click) | :: estalar |
click {v} (intransitive: click the left button of a mouse) | :: clicar |
click {v} (intransitive: make sense suddenly) | :: cair a ficha |
click {v} (intransitive: get on well at a first meeting) | :: encaixar |
click {interj} (sound of a click) | :: clique |
clickable {adj} (computing) | :: clicável |
clickbait {n} (content aimed at generating advertising revenue) | :: caça-clique |
clicktivism {n} (activism on the Internet) | :: cliquetivismo {m} |
client {n} (a customer or receiver of services) | :: cliente {m} {f}, freguês {m} |
client {n} (computing: the role of a computer application or system) | :: cliente {m} |
client {n} (person who receives help or advice from a professional person) | :: cliente {m} {f} |
clientele {n} (body of clients who frequent an establishment) | :: clientela {f}, freguesia {f} |
client service {n} (customer service) SEE: customer service | :: |
cliff {n} (a (near) vertical rock face) | :: penhasco {m}, falésia {f} |
cliffed {adj} (formed by cliffs) | :: acidentado, penhascoso |
cliffhanger {n} ((narratology) an ending or stopping point) | :: gancho |
climate {n} (long-term atmospheric conditions) | :: clima {m} |
climate {n} (context in general of a particular political, moral etc. situation) | :: clima {m} |
climate change {n} (changes in the Earth's climate) | :: mudança climática {f} |
climate control {n} | :: controle climático {m} |
climatological {adj} (of or pertaining to climatology) | :: climatológico |
climatologically {adv} (in climatological terms) | :: climatologicamente |
climatologist {n} (scholar of climatology) | :: climatologista {m} {f}, climatólogo {m} |
climatology {n} (science) | :: climatologia {f} |
climax {n} (the peak of sexual pleasure) SEE: orgasm | :: |
climax {n} (point of greatest intensity or force) | :: clímax {m} |
climax {n} (orgasm) | :: clímax {m}, orgasmo {m} |
climb {v} (to ascend, to go up) | :: subir |
climb {v} (to mount, to move upwards on) | :: escalar, subir |
climb {v} (to scale) | :: escalar |
climb {v} (to move by using the hands and feet) | :: trepar |
climb {v} (to practice the sport of climbing) | :: escalar |
climb {v} (to jump high) | :: subir |
climb {v} (of plants: to grow upwards by clinging to something) | :: trepar |
climb {n} (an act of climbing) | :: escalada {f}, subida {f}, ascensão {f} |
climber {n} (one who climbs) | :: alpinista {m} {f}, escalador {m} |
climber {n} (plant that climbs) | :: trepadeira {f} |
climbing frame {n} (playground equipment) SEE: jungle gym | :: |
climbing wall {n} (artificial wall) | :: rocódromo {m} |
clinch {n} (combat sports) | :: clinche {m}, clinch {m} |
cling {v} (hold tightly) | :: agarrar |
clinic {n} (medical facility) | :: clínica {f} |
clinical {adj} (of or pertaining to a medical clinic or facility) | :: clínico |
clinical psychology {n} (branch of psychology) | :: psicologia clínica {f} |
clinker {n} (fetters) SEE: fetter | :: |
clinker {n} (intermediate product) | :: clínquer {m}, clinker {m} |
Clio {prop} (the Muse of history and heroic poetry) | :: Clio {f} |
clip {v} (to grip tightly) | :: agarrar |
clip {v} (to fasten with a clip) | :: grampear |
clip {n} (something which clips or grasps; a device for attaching one object to another.) | :: clipe {m}, clips {m} [colloquial] |
clip {n} ((obsolete) an embrace) | :: abraço {m}, amplexo {m} |
clip {v} (to cut, especially with scissors or shears as opposed to a knife etc) | :: cortar, recortar |
clip {v} (to strike with the hand) | :: tapear, estapear, esbofetear |
clip {n} (something which has been clipped) | :: recorte {m}, trecho {m}, excerto {m}, fragmento {m} |
clip {n} (an act of clipping) | :: corte {m} |
clipboard {n} (physical object) | :: prancheta {f} |
clipboard {n} (in computing: buffer for temporary storage) | :: área de transferência {f} |
clipping {n} (action of the verb "to clip") | :: cortado, recortado |
clipping {n} (piece of something removed by clipping) | :: recorte {m} |
clipping {n} (article clipped from a newspaper) | :: recorte {m} |
clipping {n} (short form) | :: apócope {f} |
clique {n} (small, exclusive group) | :: panelinha {f} |
clit {n} (slang: clitoris) | :: grelo {m} |
clitic {n} (morpheme attached to another word) | :: clítico {m} |
clitoris {n} (elongated erectile organ) | :: clitóris {m} |
cloaca {n} (anatomical feature of birds etc) | :: cloaca {f} |
cloak {n} (cape) | :: capa {f}, manto {m} |
cloak {n} (blanket-like covering, often metaphorical) | :: véu {m} |
cloakroom {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
cloakroom {n} (room for coats) | :: bengaleiro {m} |
cloakroom {n} (room for luggage) | :: sala de bagagem {f} |
clobber {n} (to hit or bash severely) | :: arrebentar |
clock {n} (instrument to measure or keep track of time) | :: relógio {m} |
clock {n} (odometer) | :: velocímetro {m} |
clock {n} (electrical signal) | :: relógio {m} |
clock {v} (measure the duration of) | :: cronometrar |
clock {v} (measure the speed of) | :: medir a velocidade de |
clock {v} (slang: take notice of) | :: notar |
clock face {n} (the surface of a clock that contains the dial and hands) | :: mostrador {m} |
clock in {v} (to begin working time) | :: picar o ponto, bater o ponto |
clockmaker {n} (person who makes clocks) | :: relojoeiro, relojoeira {f} |
clock radio {n} (alarm clock that includes a radio) | :: rádio-relógio {m} |
clock vine {n} (Thunbergia grandiflora) | :: tumbérgia-azul {f} |
clockwise {adv} (in a circular fashion in the same direction as the hands of an analogue clock) | :: no sentido horário, no sentido dos ponteiros do relógio |
clockwisely {adv} (clockwise) SEE: clockwise | :: |
clockwork {n} (mechanism powered by coiled spring to drive mechanical device) | :: corda {f} |
clod {n} (lump of something, especially of earth or clay) | :: torrão {m} |
Cloelia {prop} (legendary woman) | :: Clélia |
clog {n} (a type of shoe with an inflexible, often wooden sole and an open heel) | :: tamanco {m} |
clog {n} (a blockage) | :: obstrução {m} |
clog {v} (to block or slow passage through) | :: entupir, obstruir |
cloister {n} (covered walk with an open colonnade) | :: claustro {m} |
cloister {n} (place devoted to religious seclusion) | :: claustro |
cloister {n} (monastic life) | :: claustro {m}, clausura {f} |
cloistral {adj} (sheltered from the world; monastic) | :: monástico |
clone {n} (living organism (originally a plant)) | :: clone {m} |
clone {n} (group of identical cells derived from a single cell) | :: clone {m} |
clone {n} (copy of something already existing) | :: clone {m} |
clone {v} (create a clone) | :: clonar |
cloning {n} (production of a cloned embryo) | :: clonagem {f} |
cloning {n} (production of an exact copy of an object) | :: clonagem {f} |
clonorchiasis {n} (infectious disease caused by the Chinese liver fluke) | :: clonorquíase {f} |
close {v} (obstruct (an opening)) | :: fechar |
close {v} (move (a door)) | :: fechar, cerrar |
close {v} (put an end to) | :: fechar, encerrar, concluir, terminar |
close {n} (end or conclusion) | :: conclusão {f}, fechamento {m} |
close {adj} (at a little distance) | :: próximo, vizinho, perto |
close {adj} (intimate) | :: próximo |
close, but no cigar {phrase} (that's almost correct, but not quite) | :: passou perto, só que não (got close, but no) [Brazil], bateu na trave (hit the goalpost) [Brazil] |
closed {adj} (not open) | :: fechado |
closed {adj} (not operating or conducting trade) | :: fechado |
closed {adj} (not public) | :: fechado |
closed caption {n} (text displayed on a screen with suitable equipment) | :: legenda oculta {f} [Brazil], legenda codificada {f} [Brazil], legendagem de áudio {f} [Portugal], legenda fechada {f} [Portugal], legenda de áudio {f} [Portugal] |
close encounter {n} (observation of extraterrestrials or their craft) | :: contato imediato |
close-fitting {adj} (tight) | :: justo {m} |
closely {adv} (in a close manner) | :: de perto, proximamente |
closemouthed {adj} (reticent, secretive or uncommunicative) | :: reticente, taciturno |
closeness {n} (proximity) SEE: proximity | :: |
close ranks {v} (to regroup forces) | :: cerrar fileiras |
closet {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
closet {n} (furniture) | :: guarda-roupas {m}, armário {m} |
close-up {n} (photographic (or other) image in which the subject is shown at a relatively large scale) | :: close-up {m}, close {m} |
closure {n} (event signifying an ending) | :: encerramento {m}, fecho {m}, término {m} |
closure {n} (feeling of completeness) | :: término {m}, final {m} |
closure {n} (computing) | :: clausura {f} |
closure {n} (mathematical set) | :: fechamento {m} |
clot {n} (blood clot) | :: trombo {m}, coágulo {m} |
clot {n} (a silly person) | :: bobo {m} |
clot {v} (to form into a clot) | :: coagular |
clot {v} (to cause to clot) | :: coagular |
cloth {n} (woven fabric) | :: pano {m}, tecido {m} |
cloth {n} (piece of cloth) | :: pano {m} |
clothe {v} (adorn with clothing) | :: vestir |
clothes {n} (apparel) | :: roupa {f}, vestuário {m} |
clothes don't make the man {proverb} (clothes don't make the man) | :: o hábito não faz o monge |
clothes dryer {n} (appliance) | :: secadora de roupas |
clothesline {n} (rope or cord for drying clothes) | :: varal {m}, estendal {m}, estendedouro {m}, tendal {m} |
clothes maketh the man {proverb} (a person's appearances count for a lot) | :: o hábito faz o monge |
clothes peg {n} (an object used to attach wet laundry to a clothesline) | :: grampo de roupa {m}, mola {f} [Portugal], pregador de roupa, prendedor de roupa |
clothespin {n} (a clip or fastener) SEE: clothes peg | :: |
clothing {n} (clothes) | :: roupa {f}, veste {f}, vestidura {f}, vestimenta {f}, indumento {m}, traje {m} |
Clotho {prop} (One of the Fates) | :: Cloto {f} |
Clotilda {prop} (female given name) | :: Clotilde |
cloud {v} (to become foggy or gloomy, to become obscured from sight) | :: enevoar |
cloud {v} (to make obscure (e.g. to cloud the issue)) | :: obscurecer |
cloud {n} (visible mass of water droplets suspended in the air) | :: nuvem {f} |
cloud {n} (mass of dust, steam or smoke) | :: nuvem {f} |
cloud {n} (anything which makes things foggy or gloomy) | :: nuvem {f} |
cloud {n} (group of objects suspended above the ground or flying) | :: nuvem {f} |
cloudberry {n} (fruit) | :: amora-branca-silvestre {f} |
cloudburst {n} (sudden heavy rainstorm) | :: aguaceiro {m} |
cloud computing {n} (computing services provided over the Internet) | :: computação em nuvem |
cloud-cuckoo-land {n} (imaginary place with unrealistic or silly people) | :: Cucolândia das Nuvens {f} |
clouded leopard {n} (medium sized arboreal cat) | :: leopardo-nebuloso {m}, pantera-nebulosa {f} |
cloud nine {n} (state of bliss) | :: sétimo céu {m} |
cloud nine {n} (state of fantastic or impractical dreaming) SEE: head in the clouds | :: |
cloudy {adj} (covered with or characterised by clouds) | :: nublado |
cloudy {adj} (not transparent; not clear) | :: turvo |
cloudy {adj} (uncertain; unclear) | :: nebuloso, confuso |
clove {n} (spice) | :: cravo {m}, cravo-da-índia, cravinho {m} |
clove {n} (constitutive bulb of garlic) | :: dente (tooth) |
clove pink {n} (carnation) SEE: carnation | :: |
clover {n} (plant in genus Trifolium) | :: trevo {m} |
cloverleaf {n} (cloverleaf interchange) SEE: cloverleaf interchange | :: |
cloverleaf interchange {n} (junction of two highways) | :: trevo {m} |
Clovis {prop} (male given name) | :: Clóvis {m} |
clown {n} (performance artist working in a circus) | :: palhaço {m}, palhaça {f} |
clown {n} (person acting in a silly fashion) | :: palhaço {m}, palhaça {f} |
clownery {n} (the behaviour of a clown; clownishness, tomfoolery) | :: palhaçaria {f}, palhaçada {f} |
clownfish {n} (fish of the genera Amphiprion or Premnas) | :: peixe-palhaço {m} |
club {n} (weapon) | :: clava {f} |
club {n} (association of members) | :: clube {m} |
club {n} (nightclub) | :: boate, balada |
club {n} (playing card symbol, ♣) | :: paus {m} |
club {n} (hitting implement) | :: taco |
clubfoot {n} (foot malformation) | :: pé torto {m} |
clubs {n} (plural of club) SEE: club | :: |
clubs {n} (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♣) | :: paus {m-p} |
club together {v} (contribute money jointly with others) | :: fazer vaquinha |
cluck {n} (sound made by hen) | :: cacarejo {m} |
cluck {v} (to produce cluck sound) | :: cacarejar |
clue {n} (information that may lead one to a certain point or conclusion) | :: indício {m}, sugestão {f}, pista {f} |
clue {n} (object or marking that may be used in evidence) | :: pista {f}, indício {m} |
clump {n} (cluster) | :: agrupamento |
clumsily {adv} (done without care or finesse, often hurriedly or awkwardly) | :: desajeitadamente, atrapalhadamente |
clumsiness {n} (the condition or quality of being clumsy) | :: desajeitamento {m} |
clumsy {adj} (awkward, lacking coordination, not graceful, not dextrous) | :: desajeitado, atrapalhado, desastrado, despassarado {m} [Portugal] |
clumsy {adj} (not elegant or well-planned) | :: desgracioso |
Cluniac {n} (Cluniac (monk)) | :: cluniacense {m} |
clunky {adj} (ungainly and awkward to use) | :: desajeitado |
cluster {n} (group or bunch of something) | :: agrupamento {m}, conjunto {m}, aglomeração {f}, aglomerado {m} |
cluster {n} (group of galaxies or stars) | :: aglomerado {m} |
cluster {n} (secundal chord of three or more notes) | :: cluster {m} |
cluster {n} (group of consonants) | :: encontro consonantal {m} |
cluster {n} (group of computers working together) | :: cluster {m} |
cluster {v} (Form into a cluster) | :: aglomerar |
clustering {adj} (a grouping of a number of similar things) | :: agrupamento |
clutch {v} (to grip or grasp tightly) | :: agarrar |
clutch {n} (A device to interrupt power transmission) | :: embraiagem, embreagem {f} |
clutch {n} (The pedal in a car that disengages power transmission) | :: embraiagem {f}, embreagem {f} |
clutch {n} (A small handbag or purse with no straps or handle) | :: bolsa carteira |
clutter {n} (a confused disordered jumble of things) | :: bagunça {m}, desordem |
cluttered {adj} (scattered with a disorderly mixture of objects) | :: desordenado {m}, bagunçado {m} |
cluttering {n} (a speech disorder characterized by fast, jerky, or irregular speech, which often sounds like stuttering) | :: linguagem precipitada, taquifemia |
Clymene {prop} (nymph of Greek mythology) | :: Clímene {f} |
clypeus {n} (front part of an insect's head or a spider's cephalothorax) | :: clípeo {m} |
c'mere {contraction} (come) SEE: come | :: |
c'mere {contraction} (here) SEE: here | :: |
c'mon {contraction} (come on) | :: vamos |
CNG {n} ((petrochemistry) compressed natural gas) | :: GNV {m} |
cnidarian {n} (any of various invertebrate animals that belong to the phylum Cnidaria) | :: cnidário {m} |
cnidoblast {n} (cnidocyte) SEE: cnidocyte | :: |
cnidocyte {n} (stinging capsule found in cnidarians) | :: cnidoblasto {m}, cnidócito {m} |
CNS {n} (central nervous system) | :: SNC {m} |
CN Tower {prop} (the tower in Toronto, Ontario, Canada) | :: Torre CN {f} |
co. {n} (abbreviation of company) | :: cia. |
co- {prefix} (together, mutually, jointly) | :: co- |
coach {n} (wheeled vehicle drawn by horse power) | :: coche {m} |
coach {n} (rail passenger car) | :: carruagem {f} |
coach {n} (trainer) | :: treinador {m}, treinadora {f}, técnico {m}, técnica {f} |
coach {n} (long-distance bus) | :: carreira {f}, autocarro {m}, ônibus {m} |
coach {v} (sports: train) | :: treinar |
coach driver {n} (driver of a horse-drawn coach) | :: carruageiro {m}, carruageira {f}, cocheiro {m}, cocheira {f} |
coach driver {n} (driver of a coach (bus)) | :: motorista de ônibus {m} {f} |
coachman {n} (male coach driver) SEE: coach driver | :: |
coachwoman {n} (female coach driver) SEE: coach driver | :: |
coadjutor {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant | :: |
coal {n} (uncountable: carbon rock) | :: carvão {m} |
coal {n} (countable: carbon rock) | :: carvão {m}, hulha {f} |
coal {n} (smouldering material) | :: brasa {f} |
coalesce {v} (to join into a single mass) | :: coalescer, aglutinar |
coalesce {v} (to form from different elements) | :: coalescer, aglutinar |
coalescer {n} (device used to perform coalescence) | :: coalescedor {m} |
coalition {n} (group of organizations) | :: coalizão, coligação {f} |
coal mine {n} (a mine from which coal is mined) | :: hulheira {f} |
coalmine {n} (coal mine) SEE: coal mine | :: |
coal tit {n} (coal tit) | :: chapim-preto {m}, chapim-carvoeiro {m} |
coarctation {n} (stenosis) SEE: stenosis | :: |
coarse {adj} (of inferior quality) | :: grosseiro |
coarse {adj} (not refined) | :: rude, grosseiro |
coarsely {adv} (in a coarse manner) | :: grosseiramente |
coast {n} (edge of land meeting ocean, sea, gulf, bay) | :: costa {f}, beira {f} |
coast {v} (to sail along a coast) | :: costear |
coastal {adj} (relating to the coast) | :: costeiro |
coaster {n} (piece of material used to protect the surface of a table) | :: portacopos, bolacha {f} |
coast guard {n} (enforcer of maritime law) | :: guarda costeira |
coastline {n} (the shape of a coast) | :: linha costeira {f} |
coat {n} (outer garment covering the upper torso and arms) | :: casaco {m}, agasalho |
coat {n} (covering of material, such as paint) | :: cobertura {f} |
coat {n} (fur or feathers) | :: pelagem {f}, pelo {m} |
coat {v} (to cover with a coat of some material) | :: revestir |
coat hanger {n} (device used to hang up coats, shirts, etc) | :: cabide {m}, cruzeta {f} |
coati {n} (any of several animals of the genus Nasua) | :: quati {m}, coati {m} |
coating {n} (a thin outer layer) | :: camada {f} |
coat of arms {n} (hereditary design depicted on an escutcheon) | :: brasão de armas {m}, brasão {m} |
coat of mail {n} (defensive garment) | :: cota de malha {f} |
coat stand {n} (pole with pegs) | :: mancebo {m} |
coatstand {n} (coat stand) SEE: coat stand | :: |
coat-stand {n} (coat stand) SEE: coat stand | :: |
coauthor {n} (author who collaborate with another to write something) | :: coautor {m}, coautora {f} |
coax {v} (persuade gradually) | :: aliciar |
coaxial cable {n} (a transmission line) | :: cabo coaxial {m} |
cob {n} (gull) SEE: gull | :: |
cob {n} (corncob) SEE: corncob | :: |
cobalt {n} (chemical element) | :: cobalto {m} |
cobble {v} (to make shoes) | :: fazer sapato |
cobble {v} (to assemble in an improvised manner) | :: improvisar |
cobble {n} (cobblestone) SEE: cobblestone | :: |
cobbler {n} (person who makes and repairs shoes) | :: sapateiro {m}, sapateira {f} |
cobblestone {n} (a rounded stone) | :: pedregulho {m}, pedras arredondadas {f-p}; (for paving) paralelepípedo {m}, calçamento {m} |
cobia {n} (Rachycentron canadum) | :: beijupirá {m}, bijupirá {m} |
cobra {n} (venomous snake) | :: naja {f} |
co-brother-in-law {n} (one's spouse's brother-in-law) | :: concunhado {m}, concunhada {f} |
cobweb {n} (a spider’s web) SEE: spiderweb | :: |
coca {n} (the dried leaf of a South American shrub (Erythroxylon coca)) | :: coca {f} |
Coca-Cola {n} (Coke) SEE: Coke | :: |
Coca-Cola {prop} (particular carbonated soft drink) | :: Coca-Cola {f} |
cocaine {n} (the narcotic) | :: cocaína {f} |
coccidian {n} (any protozoan of the subclass Coccidia) | :: coccídio {m} |
coccidiosis {n} (the disease caused by coccidian infection) | :: coccidiose {f} |
coccus {n} (type of bacterium) | :: coco {m} |
coccygeal {adj} (relating to the coccyx) | :: coccígeo |
coccyx {n} ((anatomy) final fused vertebrae) | :: cóccix {m}, mucumbu {m} [Northeast Brazil], curanchim {m} [Brazil] |
Cochin China {prop} (region) | :: Cochinchina |
cochineal {n} (insect) | :: cochinilha {f}, cochonilha {f} |
cochlea {n} (the complex, spirally coiled, tapered cavity of the inner ear) | :: caracol {m}, cóclea {f} |
cochlear {adj} (of or pertaining to the cochlea) | :: coclear |
cock {n} (slang: penis) SEE: dick | :: |
cock {n} (any male bird) | :: ave-macho {f} |
cock {n} (hammer of a firearm trigger mechanism) | :: cão |
cock {v} (to lift the cock of a firearm) | :: engatilhar |
cock {n} (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird) SEE: rooster | :: |
cockade {n} (a rosette worn in a hat as an office or party badge) | :: roseta {f}, cocarda {f} |
cock-a-doodle-doo {interj} (cry of the rooster) | :: cocorocó {m}, cocoricó {m} |
Cockaigne {prop} (mythical land) | :: Cucanha {f} |
cockatiel {n} (a small, rather atypical cockatoo with a distinctive pointed yellow crest) | :: caturra, calopsita |
cockatoo {n} (a bird) | :: cacatua {f} |
cockatrice {n} (legendary creature) | :: cocatrice {f} |
cockblock {n} (one who cockblocks) | :: empata-foda |
cockblocker {n} (one who cockblocks) | :: empata-foda |
cockchafer {n} (beetle of genus Melolontha) | :: melolonta {f} |
cockerel {n} (young male chicken) | :: frango {m} |
cocker spaniel {n} (American cocker spaniel) SEE: American cocker spaniel | :: |
cockeyed {adj} (absurd, silly, or stupid) SEE: absurd | :: |
cockeyed {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
cockeyed {adj} (crooked, askew) SEE: crooked | :: |
cockeyed {adj} (having both eyes oriented inward) SEE: cross-eyed | :: |
cockfight {n} (contest) | :: rinha de galo {f} |
cockfighting {n} (gambling blood sport) | :: rinha de galo {f} |
cockle {n} (wrinkle) SEE: wrinkle | :: |
cockle {n} (any of various edible European bivalve mollusks) | :: berbigão {m} |
cockle {n} (any of several weeds, such as the corn cockle) | :: joio {m} |
cockney {n} (a native or inhabitant of parts of the East End of London) | :: cockney {m} {f} |
cockpit {n} (space for pilot and crew in an aircraft) | :: cabine de pilotagem {f} |
cockroach {n} (type of insect) | :: barata {f}, carocha {f} |
cockscomb {n} (fleshy red crest of a rooster) | :: crista {f} |
cocksucker {n} (a fellator) | :: chupador {m} |
cocksucker {n} (an objectionable person) | :: cuzão {m} |
cocktail {n} (alcoholic beverage) | :: coquetel {m} |
cocoa {n} (partially fermented seeds of cacao tree) | :: semente de cacau {f} |
cocoa {n} (hot drink) | :: chocolate quente {m} |
cocoa {n} (colour) | :: chocolate {m} |
cocoa {n} (powder) SEE: cocoa powder | :: |
cocoa bean {n} (seed of the cocoa plant) | :: grão de cacau {m} |
cocoa butter {n} (fat from cocoa bean) | :: manteiga de cacau {f} |
cocoa powder {n} (powder from cocoa solids) | :: cacau em pó {m} |
coconut {n} (fruit of coco palm) | :: coco {m} |
coconut {n} (shelled seed) | :: coco {m} |
coconut {n} (edible flesh of coconut fruit) | :: coco {m} |
coconut {n} (coconut palm) SEE: coconut palm | :: |
coconut crab {n} (Birgus latro) | :: caranguejo-dos-coqueiros {m}, ladrão-de-coco {m} |
coconut milk {n} (the liquid from inside the seed of the coconut) | :: leite de coco {m} |
coconut palm {n} (Cocos nucifera) | :: coqueiro {m} |
coconut vinegar {n} (coconut vinegar) | :: vinagre de coco |
coconut water {n} (clear liquid found inside immature coconuts) | :: água de coco {f} |
cocoon {n} (protective case) | :: casulo {m} |
cocoon {v} (envelop in a protective case) | :: casulo |
cocoon {v} (withdraw into such a case) | :: casulo |
cocoyam {n} (new cocoyam, Xanthosoma) | :: taioba {f} |
cod {n} (marine fish of the family Gadidae) | :: bacalhau {m} |
coda {n} (linguistics) | :: coda {f} |
coddle {v} (to treat gently or with great care) | :: amimar |
code {n} (body of law) | :: código {m} |
code {n} (system of principles, rules or regulations) | :: código {m} |
code {n} (set of rules for converting information) | :: código {m} |
code {n} (cryptographic system) | :: código {m} |
code {v} (write software programs) | :: programar |
code {v} (cryptography: to encode) | :: encriptar, criptografar, codificar |
code {n} (source code) SEE: source code | :: |
codec {n} (A device or program capable of performing transformations on a data stream or signal) | :: codec {m} |
codeine {n} (addictive alkaloid narcotic) | :: codeína {f} |
code-mixing {n} (code-switching) SEE: code-switching | :: |
code name {n} (name used to clandestinely identify something) | :: [Brazil] codinome {m}, [Portugal] nome de código {m} |
code-switching {n} (phenomenon of alternating between two or more languages) | :: alternância de código {f} |
codex {n} (early book) | :: códice {m} |
codfish {n} (cod) SEE: cod | :: |
codicil {n} (addition made to a will) | :: codicilo {m} |
codify {v} (to reduce to a code) | :: codificar |
coding {n} (encoding) SEE: encoding | :: |
coding {n} (process of encoding or decoding) | :: codificação {f} |
coding {n} (process of writing computer software code) | :: programação {f} |
cod liver oil {n} (nutritional supplement) | :: óleo de fígado de bacalhau {m} |
codon {n} (sequence of three nucleotides) | :: códon |
codpiece {n} (part of male dress to cover genitals) | :: braguilha |
co-ed {adj} (that teaches both males and females) | :: misto |
co-ed {adj} (that mixes males and females) | :: misto |
coefficient {adj} (cooperating) | :: coeficiente |
coefficient {n} (algebraic constant) | :: coeficiente {m} |
coefficient {n} (measure of some property or characteristic) | :: coeficiente {m} |
coefficient of friction {n} (ratio) | :: coeficiente de atrito {m} |
coelacanth {n} (either of two species of deep-water fish) | :: celacanto {m} |
coelenterate {n} (member of the former phylum Coelenterata) | :: celenterado {m} |
coeliac disease {n} (auto-immune disease characterised by sensitivity of the lining of the small intestine to gluten) | :: doença celíaca {f} |
coerce {v} (to use force, threat, or intimidation in attempt to compel one to act against their will) | :: coagir, forçar |
coercion {n} (actual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person) | :: coação {f}, coerção {f} |
coercion {n} (use of force to compel) | :: coerção {f} |
coetaneous {adj} (contemporary) SEE: contemporary | :: |
Coeus {prop} (a Greek titan) | :: Ceos {m} |
coeval {adj} (of the same age) | :: coetâneo, contemporâneo, coevo |
coevolution {n} (evolution featuring mutual adaptation) | :: coevolução {f} |
coevolve {v} (to evolve, along with another organism, via coevolution) | :: coevoluir |
coexist {v} (Exist contemporaneously) | :: coexistir |
coexistence {n} (two or more things existing together) | :: coexistência {f}, convívio {m} |
co-father-in-law {n} (father of one's son- or daughter-in-law) | :: consogro |
coffee {n} (beverage) | :: café {m} |
coffee {n} (beans) | :: café {m} |
coffee {n} (plant) | :: árvore de café {f}, pé-de-café {m}, cafezeiro {m} |
coffee {n} (colour) | :: café {m} |
coffee {adj} (of a pale brown colour) | :: café |
coffee bar {n} (establishment that sells coffee) SEE: café | :: |
coffee bean {n} (The seed of a tropical plant of the genus Coffea) | :: grão de café {m} |
coffee cup {n} (cup for coffee) | :: xícara de café {f} |
coffee grinder {n} (a device for pulverizing or powdering coffee beans) | :: moedor de café {m} |
coffee grounds {n} (sediment) | :: borra de café {f} |
coffeehouse {n} (café) SEE: café | :: |
coffeemaker {n} (kitchen apparatus used to brew and filter coffee) | :: cafeteira {f} |
coffee pot {n} (pot for coffee) | :: cafeteira |
coffee shop {n} (café) SEE: café | :: |
coffee table {n} (type of table) | :: mesa de centro {f} |
coffer {n} (strongbox) | :: cofre {m} |
coffin {n} (box in which a dead person is buried) | :: caixão {m}, ataúde {m} |
cog {n} (tooth on a gear) | :: dente {m} |
cog {n} (gear; a cogwheel) | :: engrenagem {f} |
cogent {adj} (reasonable and convincing; based on evidence) | :: convincente |
cogent {adj} (appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning) | :: coerente |
cogent {adj} (forcefully persuasive) | :: cogente |
cogitable {adj} (conceivable) SEE: conceivable | :: |
cogitate {v} (to meditate, to ponder, to think deeply) | :: cogitar |
cognac {n} (type of brandy) | :: conhaque {m} |
cognate {adj} (descended from the same attested source lexeme of an ancestor language) | :: cognato |
cognate {n} (word derived from the same roots as a given word) | :: cognato {m} |
cognitariat {n} (sociological group) | :: cognitariado |
cognition {n} (process of knowing) | :: cognição |
cognitive {adj} (relating to mental functions) | :: cognitivo |
cognitive dissonance {n} (conflict or anxiety resulting from inconsistencies between one's beliefs and one's actions or other beliefs) | :: dissonância cognitiva {f} |
cognitively {adv} (relating to thinking) | :: cognitivamente |
cognitive parallax {n} (philosophical phenomenon) | :: paralaxe cognitiva {f} |
cognitive psychology {n} (branch of psychology) | :: psicologia cognitiva |
cognitive science {n} (multidisciplinary study of mind and behavior) | :: ciência cognitiva {f} |
cog wheel {n} (gear wheel) SEE: gear wheel | :: |
cogwheel {n} (gear wheel) SEE: gear wheel | :: |
coherent {adj} (sticking together) | :: coerente |
coherent {adj} (orderly, logical and consistent) | :: coerente |
coherent {adj} (of waves having the same direction, wavelength and phase) | :: coerente |
coherentism {n} (reasoning where the truth of a belief is defined by its coherence with the rest of the believer’s knowledge and experiences) | :: coerentismo {m} |
coherently {adv} (in a coherent manner) | :: coerentemente |
cohesion {n} (the state of cohering, or of sticking together) | :: coesão {f} |
cohesion {n} (the various intermolecular forces that hold solids and liquids together) | :: coesão {f} |
cohesion {n} (the degree to which functionally related elements belong together) | :: coesão {f} |
cohesive {adj} (having cohesion) | :: coeso |
cohomology {n} (theory) | :: cohomologia {f} |
cohort {n} (abettor) SEE: abettor | :: |
cohort {n} (accomplice) SEE: accomplice | :: |
cohort {n} (group of people supporting the same thing or person) | :: seguidores {m-p}, seguidoras {f-p} |
cohort {n} (demographic grouping of people) | :: coorte |
cohort {n} (division of Roman legion) | :: coorte {f} |
cohort {n} (associate) SEE: associate | :: |
cohort {n} (colleague) SEE: colleague | :: |
coif {n} (hood) | :: coifa {f}, capuz {m} |
coif {n} (chain mail headgear) | :: coifa {f} |
coiffure {n} (hairstyle) SEE: hairstyle | :: |
coil {n} (something wound) | :: espiral {f} |
coil {n} (electrical) | :: bobina {f} |
coil {v} (wind into regular rings) | :: enrolar |
coil {v} (wind into loops) | :: enrolar |
coil {n} (intra-uterine contraceptive device) SEE: intrauterine device | :: |
Coimbra {prop} (district in central Portugal) | :: Coimbra {f} |
Coimbra {prop} (city and municipality in Coimbra, Portugal) | :: Coimbra |
Coimbra {prop} (municipality in Minas Gerais, Brazil) | :: Coimbra {f} |
coin {n} ((currency) a piece of currency) | :: moeda {f}, prata {f} |
coin {n} (a token used in a special establishment like a casino) | :: ficha {f} |
coin {v} (to create coins) | :: cunhar |
coin {v} (to make up or invent, and establish) | :: cunhar |
coinage {n} (currency) SEE: currency | :: |
coinage {n} (neologism) SEE: neologism | :: |
coincide {v} (to occupy exactly the same space) | :: coincidir |
coincide {v} (to occur at the same time) | :: coincidir |
coincide {v} (to correspond) | :: coincidir |
coincidence {n} (state of events appearing to be connected when they are not) | :: coincidência {f} |
coir {n} (fibre obtained from the husk of a coconut) | :: cairo {m} |
coitus {n} (sexual interaction, see also: sexual intercourse) | :: coito {m} |
coitus interruptus {n} (sexual intercourse interrupted by withdrawal of the penis) | :: coito interrompido {m} |
cojones {n} ((slang) courage) | :: colhões {m-p} |
coke {n} (coal product) | :: coque {m} |
coke {n} (short for cocaine) | :: coca {f} |
coke {n} (Coke) SEE: Coke | :: |
Coke {n} (informal: any cola-flavored drink) | :: coca {f}, cola {f} |
Coke {n} (Coca-Cola) | :: coca {f} |
cola {n} (drink) | :: cola {f} |
colander {n} (a bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with holes in it used for draining food such as pasta) | :: escorredor {m}, passador {m}, coador {m} |
Colchis {prop} (ancient region and kingdom) | :: Cólquida {f} |
cold {adj} (having a low temperature) | :: frio, gelado |
cold {adj} (of the weather) | :: frio, gelado |
cold {adj} (of a person) | :: com frio |
cold {adj} (unfriendly) | :: frio, gélido |
cold {adj} (unprepared) | :: despreparado |
cold {n} (low temperature) | :: frio {m} |
cold {n} (illness) | :: resfriado {m}, gripe {f} |
cold-blooded {adj} (lacking emotion or compunction) | :: de sangue-frio |
cold-blooded {adj} (having an unregulated body temperature) SEE: ectothermic | :: |
cold cuts {n} (meat) | :: fiambre {m} |
cold front {n} (leading edge of an advancing mass of cold air) | :: frente fria {f} |
cold fusion {n} (hypothetical form of nuclear fusion) | :: fusão a frio {f} |
coldly {adv} (in a cold or uncaring manner) | :: friamente |
coldness {n} (the relative lack of heat) | :: frio {m} |
coldness {n} (the sensation) | :: frio {m} |
coldness {n} (limited enthusiasm or affection) | :: frieza {f}, frio {m} |
cold turkey {n} (symptoms of withdrawal) | :: crise de abstinência |
cold war {n} (a period of hostile relations) | :: guerra fria {f} |
Cold War {prop} (a period of history from 1945–1991) | :: Guerra Fria {f} |
cold weapon {n} (weapon that does not use fire) | :: arma branca {f} |
cole {n} (cabbage) SEE: cabbage | :: |
cole {n} (brassica) | :: brassicácea {f}, couve {f} |
colectomy {n} (surgical procedure) | :: colectomia {f} |
colemanite {n} (calcium borate mineral) | :: colemanita {f} |
coleopterology {n} (scientific study of beetles) | :: coleopterologia {f} |
colewort {n} (kale) | :: couve {f} |
colic {n} (abdominal pain) | :: cólica {f} |
colic {adj} (relating to the colon) | :: cólico |
colitis {n} (inflammation of the colon) | :: colite {f} |
collaborate {v} (to work together on a piece of work) | :: colaborar |
collaborate {v} (to cooperate treasonably) | :: colaborar |
collaboration {n} (act of collaborating) | :: colaboração {f} |
collaboration {n} (treasonous cooperation) | :: conspiração {f}, formação de quadrilha {f} |
collaborative {adj} (of, relating to, or done by collaboration) | :: colaborativo |
collage {n} (picture made by sticking other pictures onto a surface) | :: colagem {f} |
collage {n} (composite object or collection) | :: composição |
collagen {n} (glycoprotein that forms elongated fibers) | :: colágeno {m} |
collagenic {adj} (relating to or composed of collagen) | :: colagênico {m} |
collapse {v} (to fall down suddenly; to cave in) | :: desabar, ruir, desmoronar |
collapse {v} (to fold compactly) | :: contrair |
collapse {n} (act of collapsing) | :: desabamento {m}, desmoronamento {m}, colapso {m} |
collar {n} (fabric garment part fitting around throat) | :: colarinho {m}, gola {f} |
collar {n} (chain worn around the neck) | :: colar {m} |
collar {n} (device for restraining animal) | :: coleira {f} |
collar {n} (part of harness) | :: colar {m} |
collar {n} (any encircling device or structure) | :: anel {m} |
collar {v} (to seize, capture or detain) | :: deter |
collar {v} (to arrest) SEE: arrest | :: |
collarbone {n} (clavicle) SEE: clavicle | :: |
collard greens {n} (plant) | :: couve-galega {f} |
collared dove {n} (collared dove) | :: rola-turca {f} |
collared peccary {n} (mammal) | :: caititu {m} |
collared pratincole {n} (Glareola pratincola) | :: perdiz-do-mar {f} |
collate {v} (examine diverse documents etc.) | :: cotejar |
collateral {adj} (parallel, along the same vein) | :: colateral |
collateral {adj} (corresponding, accompanying) | :: colateral |
collateral {adj} (aside from the main subject, target) | :: colateral |
collateral {adj} (of an indirect family relationship) | :: colateral |
collateral {n} (security or guarantee) | :: garantia {f} |
collateral {n} (collateral relative) | :: colateral {m} |
collateral {n} (thinner blood vessel) | :: colateral |
collateral damage {n} (collateral damage) | :: dano colateral {m} |
colleague {n} (fellow member of a profession) | :: colega {m} {f} |
collect {v} (to gather together) | :: juntar, reunir, recolher |
collect {v} (to get from someone) | :: recolher |
collect {v} (to accumulate items for a hobby) | :: colecionar |
collect {adj} (paid for by the recipient) | :: a cobrar |
collect {n} (prayer said before reading of the epistle lesson) | :: coleta {f} |
collectanea {n} (anthology) | :: coletânea |
collection {n} (set of items) | :: coleção {f} |
collection {n} (multiple related objects) | :: coleção {f} |
collection {n} (activity of collecting) | :: coleta {f}, recolha, recolhimento |
collection {n} (debt collection) SEE: debt collection | :: |
collective noun {n} (noun referring to a group of similar things) | :: substantivo coletivo {m} |
Collective Security Treaty Organisation {prop} (intergovernmental military alliance) | :: Organização do Tratado de Segurança Coletiva {f}, OTSC |
collectivism {n} (An system in which the means are owned and controlled by people collectively) | :: coletivismo {m} |
collectivization {n} (the act of collectivizing) | :: coletivização {f} |
collectivize {v} | :: coletivizar, colectivizar |
collector {n} (person or thing that collects) | :: coletor {m} |
collector {n} (person who is employed to collect payments) | :: colector {m}, coletor {m} |
collector {n} (amplified terminal on a bipolar junction transistor) | :: colector {m}, coletor {m} |
college {n} (institution of higher education) | :: IES {f}, instituição de ensino superior {f} |
college {n} (institution of higher education teaching undergraduates) | :: faculdade {f} |
college {n} (non-specialized, semi-autonomous division of a university) | :: setor {m} |
college {n} (specialized division of a university) | :: faculdade {f} |
college {n} (in the formal names of private schools: secondary school) | :: colégio {m} |
college {n} (institution of further education at an intermediate level) | :: faculdade {f} |
college {n} (institution for adult education at a basic or intermediate level) | :: faculdade {f} |
collegiality {n} (power and authority that is shared among peers) | :: colegialidade {f} |
collegiate {adj} (of, or relating to a college, or college students) | :: universitário {m}, universitária {f}; acadêmico {m}, acadêmica {f} |
collide {v} (to impact directly, especially if violent) | :: colidir |
collide {v} (to come into conflict, or be incompatible) | :: colidir |
collinearity {n} (the condition of being collinear) | :: colinearidade {f} |
collision {n} (collision) SEE: wreck | :: |
collision {n} (instance of colliding) | :: colisão {f} |
collision course {n} (path leading to a collision) | :: rota de colisão |
colloblast {n} (a kind of cell found in the tentacles of ctenophores) | :: coloblasto {m} |
collocation {n} (grouping of words that commonly occur together) | :: colocação {f} |
colloid {n} (stable system of two phases) | :: coloide {m} |
colloidal {adj} (of or pertaining to a colloid) | :: coloidal, colóide |
colloquial {adj} (of oral communication language) | :: coloquial |
colloquialism {n} (colloquial expression) | :: coloquialismo {m} |
colloquium {n} (academic meeting) | :: colóquio {m} |
colloquy {n} (conversation, dialogue) | :: colóquio {m}, conversa {f} |
colloquy {n} (formal conference) | :: colóquio {m} |
collusion {n} (conspiracy) | :: colusão {f} |
colocolo {n} (Leopardus colocolo) | :: colocolo, gato-palheiro |
cologne {n} (eau de Cologne) | :: colónia {f} [Portugal], colônia {f} [Brazil], água-de-colônia {f} |
Cologne {prop} (city in Germany) | :: Colónia {f} [Portugal], Colônia {f} [Brazil], Köln {f} |
Colognian {adj} (of, from or relating to Cologne) | :: coloniano |
Colognian {n} (person from Cologne) | :: coloniano {m} |
Colombia {prop} (country in South America) | :: Colômbia {f} |
Colombian {n} (A person from Colombia) | :: colombiano {m} |
Colombian {adj} (pertaining to Colombia) | :: colombiano |
Colombo {prop} (capital of Sri Lanka) | :: Colombo {f} |
colon {n} (punctuation mark) | :: dois pontos {m-p} |
colon {n} (the last part of the digestive system) | :: cólon {m} |
colonel {n} (commissioned office in the armed services) | :: coronel {m} |
colonial {adj} (of or pertaining to a colony) | :: colonial |
colonial {adj} (of or pertaining to a period when a country or territory was a colony) | :: colonial |
colonial {adj} (US: of or relating to the original thirteen colonies of the USA) | :: colonial |
colonial {adj} (US: of or relating to the style of architecture) | :: colonial |
colonial {n} (person from a country that is or was controlled by another) | :: colono {m} |
colonialism {n} (colonial domination policy) | :: colonialismo {m} |
colonialist {adj} (or or pertaining to colonialism) | :: colonialista |
colonialist {n} (an advocate of colonialism) | :: colonialista {m} {f} |
colonialistic {adj} (colonialist) SEE: colonialist | :: |
colonist {n} (a founder of a colony) | :: colonizador {m}, colono {m}, colona {f} |
colonist {n} (a member of a colony) | :: colono {m} |
colonization {n} (process of establishing a colony) | :: colonização {f} |
colonize {v} (to begin a new colony) | :: colonizar |
colonizer {n} (colonist) SEE: colonist | :: |
colonnade {n} (a series of columns at regular intervals) | :: colunata {f} |
colony {n} (region or governmental unit) | :: colônia {f} |
colony {n} (group of organisms) | :: colônia |
colophon {n} (end note about author and manuscript) | :: colofão {m} |
colophony {n} (rosin) SEE: rosin | :: |
coloproctology {n} (branch of medicine) SEE: proctology | :: |
coloproctology {n} (colorectal surgery) SEE: proctology | :: |
color {n} (spectral composition of visible light) | :: cor {f} |
color {n} (particular set of the visible spectrum) | :: cor {f} |
color {n} (hue as opposed to achromatic colors) | :: cor {f} |
color {n} (human skin tone, especially as an indicator of race or ethnicity) | :: cor {f} |
color {n} (any of the standard dark tinctures used in a coat of arms) | :: cor {f} |
color {n} (standard or banner (colors)) | :: cores {m-p} |
color {adj} (conveying color) | :: de cor |
color {v} (give something color) | :: colorir |
color {v} (draw using crayons) | :: colorir |
color {v} (become red through increased blood flow) | :: enrubescer, corar, ruborizar |
Colorado {prop} (US state) | :: Colorado {m} |
Colorado beetle {n} (beetle) | :: besouro-da-batata {m}, besouro do Colorado {m} |
color blind {adj} (unable to distinguish between two or more primary colors) | :: daltónico [Portugal], daltônico [Brazil] |
color blindness {n} (condition in which the ability to see colors is impaired) | :: daltonismo {m} |
color depth {n} (computer graphics: the number of bits (binary digits) used to represent the colour of a single pixel) | :: profundidade de cor {f} |
colorectal {adj} (medicine: of or pertaining to the colorectum) | :: colorretal |
colored {adj} (having a color) | :: colorido |
colored {adj} (having a particular kind of color) | :: colorido/pintado de |
colored {adj} (colorful) | :: colorido |
colored {adj} (US: of skin color other than the white, particularly black) | :: de cor |
colored pencil {n} (pencil with coloured core) | :: lápis de cor {m} |
colorful {adj} (possessing prominent and varied colors) | :: colorido |
coloring {n} (act or process) | :: colorir |
coloring book {n} (a type of book) | :: livro de colorir {m} |
colossal {adj} (extremely large) | :: colossal |
colossal squid {n} (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni) | :: lula colossal {f} |
Colosseum {prop} (ancient stadium in Rome) | :: Coliseu {m} |
Colossians {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Colossenses |
colossus {n} (a statue of gigantic size) | :: colosso {m} |
colossus {n} (any creature or thing of gigantic size) | :: colosso {m} |
Colossus of Rhodes {prop} (the statue of Helios) | :: Colosso de Rodes {m} |
colostrum {n} (a form of milk) | :: colostro {m} |
colourant {n} (a pigment, dye etc added to something to change its colour or hue) | :: corante {m} |
colourless {adj} (having no colour) | :: incolor |
colour television {n} (television in colour) | :: televisão a/em cores {f} |
colour television {n} (a colour television set) | :: televisão a/em cores {f} |
colt {n} (young male horse) | :: potro {m}, poldro {m} |
colt {n} (novice) | :: novato {m}, noviço {m} |
coltsfoot {n} (Tussilago farfara) | :: tussilagem {f}, unha-de-cavalo {f}, unha-de-asno {f} |
colubrid {n} (snake in the family Colubridae) | :: colubrídeo {m} |
colugo {n} (arboreal gliding mammal) | :: lémur-voador {m} [Portugal], lêmure-voador {m} [Brazil] |
Columbian Exchange {prop} (widespread transfer of animals, plants between the American and Afro-Eurasian hemispheres) | :: Intercâmbio Colombiano {m}, Troca Colombiana {f} |
columbine {n} (any plant of the genus Aquilegia) | :: aquilégia |
Columbus {prop} (Christopher Columbus) | :: Colombo {m} |
column {n} (upright supporting member) | :: coluna |
column {n} (vertical line of entries in a table) | :: coluna {f} |
column {n} (a vertical body of text) | :: coluna {f} |
column {n} (column of troops) | :: coluna {f} |
column {n} (newspaper column) | :: coluna {f} |
column {n} (chemistry : object to separate components) | :: coluna |
columnist {n} (regular writer of a column) | :: colunista {m} {f} |
colza {n} (cabbage variety) | :: colza {f} |
coma {n} (Deep sleep) | :: coma {m} |
Comanche {n} (member of the Comanche people) | :: comanche {m} {f} |
Comanche {prop} (language) | :: comanche {m} |
comatose {adj} (asleep) SEE: asleep | :: |
comatose {adj} (resembling a coma) | :: comatoso |
comb {n} (toothed implement for grooming the hair) | :: pente {m} |
comb {n} (fleshy growth on the top of the head of some birds and reptiles) | :: crista {f} |
comb {v} (to groom the hair with a toothed implement) | :: pentear |
comb {v} (to separate choice cotton fibers from worsted cloth fibers) | :: pentear |
comb {v} (to search thoroughly as if raking over an area with a comb) | :: passar um pente-fino |
comb {n} (structure of cells made by bees) SEE: honeycomb | :: |
combat {n} (a battle; a fight) | :: batalha, combate, luta, peleja, pugna |
combat {v} (to fight; to struggle for victory) | :: combater |
combatant {n} (person engaged in combat, often armed) | :: combatente {m} {f} |
combe {n} (deep, narrow valley) | :: comba {f} |
combination {n} (act of combining) | :: combinação {f} |
combination {n} (combat sports) | :: combinação {f} |
combinatorics {n} (a branch of mathematics) | :: combinatória {f} |
combine {v} (bring two or more things or activities together) | :: combinar |
combine {v} (have two or more things or properties that function together) | :: combinar |
combine {n} (combination) SEE: combination | :: |
combine {n} (combine harvester) SEE: combine harvester | :: |
combined {adj} (resulting from adding together) | :: combinado |
combine harvester {n} (combine) | :: colheitadeira {f}, ceifeira-debulhadora {f}, colhedeira {f} (south-east Brazil) |
comb jelly {n} (ctenophore) SEE: ctenophore | :: |
combo box {n} (GUI widget) | :: caixa de combinação {f} |
combust {v} (be consumed by fire) SEE: burn | :: |
combustible {adj} (capable of burning) | :: combustível |
combustible {n} (material capable of burning) | :: combustível {m} |
combustion {n} (the act or process of burning) | :: combustão {f}, queima {f} |
combustion {n} (similar process where two chemicals are combined) | :: combustão {f} |
combustion {n} (process wherein a fuel is combined with oxygen) | :: combustão {f} |
come {v} (to move nearer) | :: vir |
come {v} (to arrive, to appear) | :: chegar |
come {v} (to orgasm) | :: gozar |
come across {v} (find, usually by accident) | :: topar |
come after {v} (to pursue) | :: seguir |
come after {v} (to succeed, to be the successor of) | :: suceder |
come again {v} (could you repeat that) | :: o quê?, como? |
come again {v} (polite farewell, inviting return visit) | :: volte sempre |
come at {v} (To attack) | :: atacar |
come back {v} ((intransitive) To return to a place) | :: voltar |
come by {v} (to get (trans.)) | :: encontrar, pilhar |
comedian {n} (entertainer) | :: comediante {m} {f}, humorista {m} {f} |
come down {v} (graduate) SEE: graduate | :: |
comedown {n} (after a drug) SEE: crash | :: |
comedy {n} (a choric song of celebration or revel) | :: comédia {f} |
comedy {n} (a light, amusing play with a happy ending) | :: comédia {f} |
comedy {n} ((medieval Europe) a narrative poem with an agreeable ending) | :: comédia {f} |
comedy {n} (dramatic work that is light and humorous or satirical in tone) | :: comédia {f} |
comedy {n} (the genre of such works) | :: comédia {f} |
come hell or high water {adv} | :: faça chuva ou faça sol |
come in {v} (to enter) SEE: enter | :: |
come in handy {v} (to prove to be useful or helpful) | :: vir a calhar |
come into being {v} (start to exist) | :: surgir |
come into effect {v} (come into force) SEE: come into force | :: |
come into force {v} (become valid or active) | :: entrar em vigor |
come into play {v} (become involved) | :: entrar em jogo |
comely {adj} (pleasing or attractive to the eye) | :: lindo, atraente |
come on {v} (to show sexual or relational interest) | :: [Brazil] dar em cima |
come on {interj} (expression of encouragement) | :: vai, vamos |
come on {interj} (expression of disbelief) | :: pelo amor de Deus |
come on {interj} (hurry up) | :: vamos, anda |
come on to {v} (make a romantic or sexual advance to) | :: dar em cima de |
come out {v} (to come out of the closet) SEE: come out of the closet | :: |
come out {v} (to exit) | :: sair, partir, deixar |
come out of the closet {v} (to tell others about a secret belief or preference) | :: sair do armário |
comestible {adj} (suitable to be eaten; edible) | :: comestível |
comestible {n} (anything that can be eaten; food) | :: comestível {m} |
comet {n} (a celestial body, generally with a tail) | :: cometa {m} |
Comet {prop} (reindeer of Santa Claus) | :: Cometa {f} |
come true {v} (to become real) | :: realizar |
come up with {v} (to invent, create) | :: pensar (em), alcançar |
come what may {adv} (idiomatic) | :: aconteça o que acontecer |
comfort {n} (contentment, ease) | :: conforto {m} |
comfort {n} (consolation) | :: conforto {m}, consolo {m} |
comfort {n} (cause of relief or satisfaction) | :: conforto {m}, consolo {m} |
comfort {v} (to provide comfort) | :: confortar, reconfortar |
comfort {v} (console) SEE: console | :: |
comfortable {adj} (providing physical comfort and ease) | :: confortável |
comfortable {adj} (in a state of comfort) | :: confortável |
comfortably {adv} (in a comfortable manner) | :: comodamente |
comforter {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier | :: |
comforter {n} (person who comforts) | :: consolador {m}, confortador {m}; colcha {f} |
comfort woman {n} (forced prostitute) | :: mulher de conforto {f} |
comfort zone {n} (circumstances in which a person feels relaxed) | :: zona de conforto {f} |
comfrey {n} (perennial herb) | :: consolda {f}, consólida {f}, confrei {m} |
comic {adj} (being funny) | :: cômico [Brazil], cómico [Portugal], engraçado, divertido |
comic {adj} (related to comedy) | :: cômico [Brazil], cómico [Portugal] |
comic {n} (comedian) | :: comediante {m} {f}, humorista {m} {f} |
comic {n} (cartoon story) | :: cartum {m}, história em quadrinhos {f}, história de quadrinhos {f}, banda desenhada {f}, historinha {f}, gibi {m} |
comical {adj} (relating to comedy) | :: cómico [Portugal], cômico [Brazil] |
comical {adj} (being funny, whimsically amusing) | :: cómico [Portugal], cômico [Brazil] |
comical {adj} (being laughable, ridiculous) | :: cómico [Portugal], cômico [Brazil] |
comic book {n} (book or magazine) | :: (livro de) história em quadrinhos {m}, gibi {m} [Brazil] |
comic relief {n} (inclusion of a humorous character or scene) | :: alívio cómico |
comics {n} (artistic medium) | :: quadrinhos {m-p}, HQ, história em quadrinhos, gibi {m}, banda desenhada {f}, BD {f} |
comic strip {n} (series of illustrations) | :: tirinhas {f-p}, tira {f} |
coming {n} (act of arriving; an arrival) | :: vinda {f} |
coming out of the closet {v} (self-disclosure of sexual orientation) | :: saída do armário {f} |
Comintern {prop} (international association of Communist parties) | :: Comintern |
comitative case {n} (case used to denote companionship) | :: comitativo {m}, caso comitativo {m} |
comitia {n} (a popular legislative assembly in ancient Rome) | :: comício {m} |
comitology {n} (art of resolving issues by committees) | :: comitologia {f} |
comma {n} (punctuation mark ',') | :: vírgula {f} |
Commagene {prop} (ancient mountainous region) | :: Comagene {f} |
command {n} (order) | :: comando {m}, ordem {f} |
command {n} (the right or authority to order, control or dispose of) | :: comando {m} |
command {n} (power of control, direction or disposal; mastery) | :: domínio {m} |
command {n} (unit of military personnel) | :: comando {m} |
command {n} (computing: directive to a computer program) | :: comando {m} |
command {v} (to order) | :: mandar |
command {v} (to hold, to control) | :: comandar |
commandant {n} (a commanding officer, usually of a specific force or division) | :: comandante {m} {f} |
commandeer {v} (to seize for military use) | :: requisição administrativa |
commander {n} (one who exercises control and direction of a military or naval organization) | :: comandante {m} {f} |
commander {n} (one who exercises control and direction over a group of persons) | :: comandante {m} {f} |
commander in chief {n} (Supreme commander of the armed forces of an entire country) | :: comandante-em-chefe {m} {f} |
command line {n} (text prompt) | :: linha de comando {f} |
commandment {n} (a command or edict) | :: mandamento {m} |
commemorate {v} (to honor the memory of someone or something) | :: comemorar |
commemoration {n} (act of commemorating) | :: comemoração {f} |
commence {v} (begin, start) | :: começar |
commencement {n} (an act of commencing or beginning) | :: começo {m}, início {m} |
commencement {n} (graduation ceremony) | :: formatura {f} |
commend {v} (to congratulate or reward) | :: parabenizar, recompensar |
commend {v} (to praise) | :: agradecer |
commend {v} (to entrust) | :: recomendar |
comment {v} (to comment) SEE: observe | :: |
comment {n} (spoken remark) | :: comentário {m} |
comment {n} (programming: remark not affecting behavior) | :: comentário {m} |
comment {v} (to remark) | :: comentar, mencionar |
comment {v} (programming: to insert comments) | :: comentar |
commentary {n} (A series of comments or annotations) | :: comentário {m} |
commentator {n} (person who comments) | :: comentarista {m} {f} |
commerce {n} (large scale trade) | :: comércio |
commercial {n} (advertisement in a common media format) | :: anúncio {m}, comercial {m}, propaganda {f} |
commercial {adj} (of or pertaining to commerce) | :: comercial |
commercial at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign | :: |
commercially {adv} (in a commercial manner) | :: comercialmente |
commie {n} (communist) SEE: communist | :: |
commie {n} (communist (pejorative)) | :: comuna {m} {f} |
commission {n} (mission) | :: missão {f} |
commission {n} (official authority) | :: comissão {f} |
commission {n} (the thing to be done as agent for another) | :: encargo |
commission {n} (body of officials) | :: comissão {f} |
commission {n} (fee charged) | :: comissão {f} |
commission {n} (the act of committing) | :: acometimento {m}, cometimento {m} |
commission {v} (send to do something) | :: encarregar |
commissioner {n} (member of a commission) | :: comissionário {m}, comissário {m} |
commissioner {n} (someone commissioned to perform certain duties, see also: assignee) | :: comissionário {m}, comissionado {m} |
commissioning {n} (process) | :: comissionamento {m} |
commit {v} (to have someone enter an institution as a patient) | :: internar |
commit {v} (to do (something bad); to perpetrate) | :: cometer |
commit {v} (to pledge or bind; to compromise, expose, or endanger) | :: comprometer |
commitment {n} (act or instance of committing, putting in charge, keeping, or trust) | :: compromisso {m} |
commitment {n} (promise or agreement to do something in the future) | :: compromisso {m}, promessa {f} |
commitment {n} (being bound emotionally/intellectually) | :: compromisso {m} |
commitment {n} (state of being pledged or engaged) | :: compromisso {m} |
commitment {n} (trait of sincerity and focused purpose) | :: engajamento |
commit suicide {v} (to kill oneself) | :: suicidar-se |
committed {adj} (showing commitment) | :: empenhado |
committee {n} (group of persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose) | :: comité {m}, comitê {m}, comissão {f} |
committee {n} (guardian) SEE: guardian | :: |
commit to memory {v} (to learn by heart) | :: memorizar |
commo {n} (communist) SEE: communist | :: |
commo {n} (communication) SEE: communication | :: |
commo {n} (commie) SEE: commie | :: |
commodify {v} (to make something a commodity) | :: comercializar |
commodity {n} (anything movable traded) | :: comodidade {f} |
commodity {n} (something useful) | :: comodidade {f} |
commodity {n} (primary product as object of trade) | :: commodity {f} |
commodore {n} (a naval officer) | :: comodoro {m} |
commodore {n} (a commander over a collection of ships who is not an admiral) | :: comodoro {m} |
commodore {n} (president of a yacht club) | :: comodoro {m} |
common {adj} (mutual) | :: comum {m} {f} |
common {adj} (usual) | :: comum {m} {f} |
common {adj} (found in large numbers or in a large quantity) | :: comum |
common {adj} (ordinary) | :: comum |
common alder {n} (black alder) SEE: black alder | :: |
common bean {n} (plant) | :: feijão-comum {m} |
common blackbird {n} (Turdus merula) SEE: blackbird | :: |
common chickweed {n} (herb) | :: morugem-branca {f}, morugem-verdadeira {f} |
common cold {n} (mild infection) | :: resfriado {m} |
commoner {n} (member of the common people) | :: plebeu {m} |
Common Era {prop} (secular equivalent of anno Domini and the Christian Era) | :: Era Comum {f} |
Common Germanic {prop} (Proto-Germanic) SEE: Proto-Germanic | :: |
common greenshank {n} (Tringa nebularia) | :: perna-verde-comum {m} |
common ground {n} (commonly held beliefs or interests) | :: etendimento comum {m} |
common gull {n} (Larus canus) | :: gaivota-parda, gaivota |
common house martin {n} (Delichon urbicum) | :: andorinha-dos-beirais {f} |
common kestrel {n} (Falco tinnunculus) | :: peneireiro-vulgar {m} |
common lavender {n} (Lavandula angustifolia) | :: lavanda {f}, alfazema {f} |
common law {n} (legal system of England and its former colonies) | :: common law {f} |
common loon {n} (great northern diver) SEE: great northern diver | :: |
commonly {adv} (as a rule; usually) | :: comumente |
common moorhen {n} (Gallinula chloropus) | :: frango-d'água {m} |
common murre {n} (Uria aalge) | :: arau-comum {m} |
common noun {n} (noun that denotes any member or all members of a class) | :: substantivo comum {m} |
commonplace {adj} (ordinary) | :: corriqueiro, banal, prosaico {m}, comum, rotineiro {m} |
commonplace {n} (platitude or cliché) | :: lugar-comum {m}, chavão {m} |
commonplace {n} (something that is ordinary) | :: lugar-comum {m} |
common purslane {n} (Portulaca oleracea) | :: portulaca {f}, beldroega {f} |
common quail {n} (bird in the pheasant family) | :: codorna-comum {f}, codorniz comum {f} |
common redshank {n} (Tringa totanus) | :: cacongo {m}, perna-vermelha-comum {m} |
common redstart {n} (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) | :: rabirruivo-de-testa-branca {m} |
common room {n} (a shared room or lounge) | :: sala comunal |
commons {n} (a central section of an older town) | :: rossio {m} |
common sandpiper {n} (Actitis hypoleucos) | :: maçarico-das-rochas {m} |
common sense {n} (ordinary understanding) | :: senso comum {m}, bom senso {m} |
common shrew {n} (Sorex araneus) | :: musaranho comum {m} |
Common Slavic {prop} (Proto-Slavic) SEE: Proto-Slavic | :: |
Common Slavic {prop} (the last phase of Proto-Slavic) | :: eslavo comum {m} |
common snipe {n} (the species Gallinago gallinago) | :: narceja-comum {f} |
common thread {n} (recurring characteristic or theme) | :: fio condutor {m} |
commonwealth {n} (form of government) | :: comunidade {f} |
Commonwealth {prop} (Commonwealth of Australia) SEE: Commonwealth of Australia | :: |
Commonwealth {prop} (Commonwealth of Nations) SEE: Commonwealth of Nations | :: |
Commonwealth of Australia {prop} (formal and full name of Australia) | :: Comunidade da Austrália {f} |
Commonwealth of Independent States {prop} (alliance of former Soviet republics) | :: Comunidade de Estados Independentes {f}, CEI {f} |
Commonwealth of Nations {prop} (association of independent states) | :: Comunidade das Nações |
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico {prop} | :: Estado Livre Associado de Porto Rico {m} |
commotion {n} (state of turbulent motion) | :: comoção {f} |
commotion {n} (agitated disturbance or a hubbub) | :: comoção {f} |
communal {adj} (pertaining to a community) | :: comunitário |
communal {adj} (shared by a community; public) | :: comum, público |
communicate {v} (to impart information or knowledge of; to make known, to tell) | :: comunicar |
communicate {v} (to impart or transmit (to another); to give a share of) | :: comunicar |
communicate {v} (to share (in); to have in common, to partake of) | :: comunicar |
communicate {v} (to receive or take part in Holy Communion) | :: comungar |
communicate {v} (to express or convey ideas, either through verbal or nonverbal means) | :: comunicar |
communication {n} (act or fact of communicating anything) | :: comunicação {f} |
communication {n} (concept of exchanging information) | :: comunicação {f} |
communication {n} (a message) | :: comunicação {f}, comunicado {m} |
communication {n} (passageway or opening) | :: comunicação {f} |
communication {n} (connection between tissues) | :: comunicação {f} , conexão |
communicative competence {n} (language user's knowledge) | :: competência comunicativa {f} |
communion {n} (a joining together of minds or spirits) | :: comunhão {f} |
communion {n} (Holy Communion) SEE: Holy Communion | :: |
communiqué {n} (official announcement) | :: comunicado {m} |
communism {n} (philosophy) | :: comunismo {m} |
communism {n} (society) | :: comunismo {m} |
communist {adj} (of or relating to communism) | :: comunista {m} {f} |
communist {n} (person who follows a communist philosophy) | :: comunista {mf}, marxista {mf} |
communist {n} (revolutionary or subversive radical) | :: comuna {m} {f}, vermelho {m} |
Communist {n} (communist) SEE: communist | :: |
Communist {adj} (communist) SEE: communist | :: |
communistic {adj} (characteristic of communism) | :: comunista {m} {f} |
Communist Party of China {prop} (ruling party of PRC) | :: Partido Comunista Chinês {m} |
community {n} (group sharing a common understanding) | :: comunidade {f} |
community {n} (residential or religious collective) | :: comunidade {f} |
community {n} ((ecology) group of interdependent organisms) | :: comunidade {f} |
community {n} (condition of having certain attitudes and interests in common) | :: comunidade {f} |
community college {n} (secondary school) SEE: secondary school | :: |
community language {n} (unofficial language spoken as a local lingua franca) SEE: lingua franca | :: |
Community of Madrid {prop} (autonomous community of Spain) | :: Comunidade de Madrid {f} [Portugal], Comunidade de Madri {f} [Brazil] |
commutation {n} (the reversal of an electric current) | :: comutação {f} |
commutative {adj} (mathematics: such that order of operands does not affect result) | :: comutativo |
commutative {adj} (algebra: having a commutative operation) | :: comutativo |
commutative algebra {n} (branch of mathematics) | :: álgebra comutativa {f} |
commutative algebra {n} (algebra in which multiplication is commutative) | :: álgebra comutativa {f} |
commutator {n} (binary function in a group) | :: comutador {m} |
commute {v} (math: to be commutative) | :: comutar |
commute {v} (to regularly travel to and from work, school etc.) | :: fazer a jornada (de trabalho) |
Como {prop} (City and capital of Como Province) | :: Como |
Comoran {adj} (Comorian) SEE: Comorian | :: |
Comoran {n} (Comorian) SEE: Comorian | :: |
Comorian {n} (person) | :: comorense {m} {f} |
Comorian {prop} (language) | :: comorense {m} |
Comorian {adj} (pertaining to the Comoros) | :: comorense |
Comoros {prop} (country in Eastern Africa) | :: Comores {f-p} |
co-mother-in-law {n} (mother of one's son- or daughter-in-law) | :: consogra {f} |
compact {n} (agreement or contract) | :: acordo {m}, contrato {m}, pacto {m} |
compact {adj} (closely packed) | :: compacto |
compact {adj} (having all necessary features fitting neatly into a small space) | :: compacto |
compact {adj} (topological sense) | :: compacto |
compact {v} (make more dense) | :: compactar |
compact disc {n} (optical disc used to store data) | :: cedê {m} |
compact disk {n} (CD) SEE: compact disc | :: |
companion {n} (someone with whom one spends time or keeps company) | :: acompanhante {m} {f}, companheiro {m} |
company {n} (in legal context, a corporation) | :: companhia {f} |
company {n} (in non-legal context, any business, without respect to incorporation) | :: companhia {f}, empresa {f} |
company {n} (group of individuals with a common purpose) | :: companhia {f} |
company {n} (social visitors) | :: visita {f} |
company {n} (companionship) | :: companhia {f} |
company {n} (military unit) | :: companhia {f} |
comparable {adj} (similar) SEE: similar | :: |
comparable {adj} (able to be compared) | :: comparável |
comparative {adj} (of or relating to comparison) | :: comparativo |
comparative {adj} (using comparison as a method of study) | :: comparativo |
comparative {n} (grammatical construction) | :: grau comparativo {m}, comparativo {m} |
comparative {n} (word in comparative form) | :: comparativo {m} |
comparative anatomy {n} (the study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of organisms) | :: anatomia comparada {f} |
comparative degree {n} ((grammar)) SEE: comparative | :: |
comparatively {adv} (in a comparative manner) | :: comparativamente |
comparatively {adv} (when compared to other entities) | :: comparativamente |
comparative method {n} (technique for studying the development of languages) | :: método comparativo {m} |
compare {v} (to assess the similarities between two things or between one thing and another) | :: comparar |
comparison {n} (act of comparing or the state of being compared) | :: comparação {f} |
comparison {n} (evaluation of the similarities and differences of two (or more) things) | :: comparação {f} |
comparison {n} (state of being similar or alike) | :: comparação {f} |
comparison {n} (ability of adjectives and adverbs to form three degrees) | :: comparação {f} |
compartment {n} (chamber) | :: compartimento {m} |
compass {n} (instrument to determine cardinal directions) | :: bússola {f} |
compass {n} (area) | :: área {f}, âmbito {m}, alcance {m} |
compass {n} (scope) | :: limite {m} |
compass {n} (pair of compasses) SEE: pair of compasses | :: |
compassion {n} (deep awareness of the suffering of another) | :: compaixão {f} |
compass point {n} (any of the horizontal directions indicated on a compass) | :: ponto cardeal {m} |
compass rose {n} (a circle indicating directions) | :: rosa dos ventos {f}, rosa-dos-ventos {f} |
compatibilism {n} (the doctrine of compatibility between determinism and free will) | :: compatibilismo {m} |
compatibility {n} (capability to exist without mutual interference) | :: compatibilidade {f} |
compatible {adj} (capable of easy interaction) | :: compatível |
compatriot {n} (somebody from one's own country) | :: compatriota {m} {f}, compatrício {m}, patrício {m} |
compel {v} (force, constrain or coerce) | :: forçar, obrigar |
compensate {v} (to pay someone in exchange for work done or some other consideration) | :: compensar, recompensar, pagar |
compensate {v} (to make up for; to do something in place of something else; to correct or fill) | :: compensar, recompensar |
compensation {n} (act or principle of compensating) | :: compensação {f} |
compersion {n} (antonym of jealousy) | :: compersão |
compete {v} (to contend) | :: competir, rivalizar |
competence {n} (the quality or state of being competent for a general role.) | :: competência {f} |
competence {n} (the quality or state of being competent for a particular task.) | :: competência {f} |
competency {n} (ability to perform some task) | :: competência {f}, aptidão {f} |
competency {n} (law: meeting specified qualifications to perform) | :: qualificação {f} |
competency {n} (linguistics: implicit knowledge of a language’s structure) | :: competência {f} |
competent {adj} (skilled) | :: competente |
competent {adj} (law: having jurisdiction or authority) | :: competente |
competently {adv} (in a competent manner) | :: competentemente |
competition {n} (action of competing) | :: competição {f} |
competition {n} (contest for a prize or award) | :: concurso {m}, competição {f} |
competitive {adj} (economics: capable of competing successfully) | :: competitivo |
competitive {adj} (of or pertaining to competition) | :: competitivo |
competitive {adj} (inclined to compete) | :: competitivo |
competitive {adj} (biochemistry: inhibiting an enzyme) | :: competitivo |
competitive {adj} (of price: cheap) | :: competitivo |
competitiveness {n} (state of being competitive) | :: competitividade {f} |
competitor {n} (person against whom one is competing) | :: competidor, adversário, concorrente |
competitor {n} (participant in a competition) | :: competidor {m}, concorrente {m} {f} |
compilate {v} (assemble from a collection) | :: compilar |
compilate {v} (produce executable) | :: compilar |
compilation {n} (act or process of compiling or gathering together from various sources) | :: compilação {f}, coletânea {f} |
compilation {n} (that which is compiled) | :: compilação {f} |
compilation {n} (translation of source code into object code by a compiler) | :: compilação {f} |
compilator {n} (compiler) SEE: compiler | :: |
compile {v} (assemble from a collection) | :: compilar |
compile {v} (produce executable) | :: compilar |
compiler {n} (computer program) | :: compilador {m} |
compiler {n} (a person who compiles) | :: compilador {m} |
complacency {n} (feeling) | :: desvanecimento {m} |
complacent {adj} (uncritically satisfied with oneself or one's achievements) | :: complacente |
complain {v} (to express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment) | :: reclamar, queixar-se |
complain {v} (to make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge) | :: queixar-se |
complaint {n} (grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern; the act of complaining) | :: queixa {f}, reclamação {f} |
complaint {n} (criminal law: preliminary charge or accusation made by one person against another) | :: queixa |
complaint {n} (bodily disorder or disease; the symptom of such a disorder) | :: distúrbio {m} |
complaisance {n} (quality of being complaisant) | :: complacência {f} |
complement {n} (something which complements) | :: complemento {m} |
complement {n} (angle which, together with a given angle, makes a right angle) | :: ângulo complementar {m} |
complement {v} (to complete) | :: completar |
complementary {adj} (acting as a complement) | :: complementar, complementário |
complete {v} (to finish) | :: terminar, acabar, concluir |
complete {v} (to make whole or entire) | :: completar, inteirar, concluir |
complete {adj} (with everything included) | :: completo, integral, totalizado, íntegro |
complete {adj} (finished; ended; concluded; completed) | :: completo, concluído, terminado |
complete {adj} (of metric space: such that every Cauchy sequence converges in it) | :: completo {m} |
complete angle {n} (round angle) SEE: round angle | :: |
completed {adj} (finished) | :: completo |
complete lattice {n} (partially ordered set) | :: reticulado completo {m} |
completely {adv} (in a complete manner) | :: completamente, totalmente |
completely {adv} (to the fullest extent or degree) | :: completamente, totalmente |
completeness {n} (state or condition of being complete) | :: completidão {f}, completude {f} |
completion {n} (making complete; conclusion) | :: making complete: completamento {m}, completação {f}, conclusão {f}; state of being complete: completude {f} |
complex {adj} (intricate) | :: complexo |
complex {adj} (not simple or straightforward) | :: complexo, complicado |
complex {adj} (in mathematics) | :: complexo |
complex {n} (collection of buildings) | :: complexo {m} |
complex {n} (psychologically based dislike or fear) | :: complexo {m} |
complex {n} (in chemistry) | :: composto {m}, complexo |
complex {n} (problem) SEE: problem | :: |
complexion {n} (appearance of the skin on the face) | :: tez {f} |
complexity {n} (The state of being complex; intricacy; entanglement) | :: complexidade {f} |
complexity {n} (That which is complex; intricacy; complication) | :: complexidade {f} |
complex number {n} (number of the form a + bi) | :: número complexo {m} |
compliance {n} (act of complying) | :: cumprimento {m} |
compliance {n} (state of being compliant) | :: aderência {f}, conformidade {f} |
compliance {n} (tendency of conforming with others) | :: conformismo {m}, complacência {f} |
compliance {n} (business: the department of a business that ensures all government regulations are complied with) | :: compliance {m} |
compliancy {n} (state of being compliant) SEE: compliance | :: |
compliant {adj} (willing to comply) | :: cooperante |
compliant {adj} (compatible with or following guidelines) | :: conforme |
complicate {v} (to combine intricately) | :: complicar |
complicated {adj} (difficult or convoluted) | :: complicado |
complication {n} (a disease) | :: complicação |
complicit {adj} (associated with or participating in an activity, especially one of a questionable nature) | :: cúmplice |
complicity {n} (The state of being complicit) | :: cumplicidade {f} |
compliment {n} (expression of praise, congratulation or respect) | :: elogio {m} |
compliment {v} (to pay a compliment; to express a favorable opinion) | :: elogiar |
complimentary {adj} (in the nature of a compliment) | :: lisonjeiro |
comply {v} (to yield assent; to accord; to acquiesce, agree) | :: concordar (com), assentir (a), aquiescer (a), cumprir (with a rule; no preposition) |
component {n} (smaller, self-contained part of larger entity) | :: componente {m} |
comport {v} (to behave (usually reflexive)) | :: comportar |
compose {v} (to make something by merging parts) | :: compor, montar |
compose {v} (to make up the whole; to constitute) | :: compor, constituir |
compose {v} (to comprise) | :: compor (usage: compor-se de) |
compose {v} (to construct by mental labor; to think up) | :: compor |
compose {v} (to calm oneself down) | :: recompor-se |
compose {v} (to arrange the elements of a picture) | :: compor |
composer {n} (one who composes; an author) | :: compositor {m}, criador {m} |
composer {n} (one who composes music) | :: compositor {m}, compositora {f} |
composer {n} (one who, or that which, quiets or calms) | :: acalmador {m} |
composite {adj} (made up of multiple components; compound or complex) | :: composto {m} |
composite bow {n} (bow made from horn, wood and sinew) | :: arco composto {m} |
composition {n} (synthesis as opposed to analysis) SEE: synthesis | :: |
composition {n} (essay) SEE: essay | :: |
composition {n} (proportion of different parts to make a whole) | :: composição {f} |
composition {n} (general makeup of something) | :: composição {f} |
composition {n} (mixture or compound) | :: composição {f} |
composition {n} (work of music, literature or art) | :: composição {f} |
compositor {n} (typesetter) SEE: typesetter | :: |
compost {n} (decayed remains of organic matter) | :: composto {m} |
compost {v} (to produce compost) | :: compostar |
compostable {adj} (suitable for compost) | :: compostável |
composure {n} (calmness of mind or matter, self-possession) | :: compostura {f}, comedimento {m} |
compote {n} (fruit dessert) | :: compota {f} |
compound {n} (enclosure within which workers, prisoners, or soldiers are confined) | :: cercado {m} |
compound {n} (group of buildings for the same purpose) | :: complexo {m} |
compound {adj} (composed of elements) | :: composto {m} |
compound {n} (anything made by combining several things) | :: composto {m} |
compound {n} (chemistry: substance made by chemical combination of elements) | :: composto {m} |
compound {v} (to put together) | :: compor |
compound {n} (linguistics: word formed by combining other words) SEE: compound word | :: |
compound bow {n} | :: arco composto {m} |
compound interest {n} (interest calculated on principal plus any unpaid interest) | :: juros compostos {m-p} |
compound word {n} (word composed of others) | :: palavra composta {f} |
comprador {n} (intermediary) SEE: intermediary | :: |
comprador bourgeoisie {n} (section of an indigenous middle class) | :: burguesia compradora {f} |
comprehend {v} (to cover) | :: compreender |
comprehend {v} (to understand) | :: compreender |
comprehender {n} (one who comprehends) | :: compreensor {m} |
comprehensible {adj} (able to be comprehended) | :: compreensível |
comprehension {n} (thorough understanding) | :: compreensão {f} |
comprehensive {adj} (broadly or completely covering) | :: abrangente |
compress {v} (to abridge) SEE: abridge | :: |
compress {v} (to press together into a smaller space) | :: comprimir |
compress {v} (to encode digital information into less bits) | :: comprimir |
compress {n} (cloth used to dress or apply pressure to wounds) | :: compressa {f} |
compressed air {n} (air increased in pressure) | :: ar comprimido {m} |
compression {n} (the act of compressing) | :: compressão {f}, compactação {f} |
compression {n} (the cycle of an internal combustion engine during which the fuel and air mixture is compressed) | :: compressão {f} |
compression {n} ((computing) the process by which data is compressed) | :: compressão {f}, compactação {f} |
compression {n} ((music) the electronic process by which any sound's gain is automatically controlled) | :: compressão {f} |
compression ratio {n} (the ratio of the size of compressed data to uncompressed data) | :: taxa de compressão {f} |
comprise {v} (be made up of) | :: consistir, resumir, compreender |
comprise {v} (include) | :: conter |
comprise {v} (compose) | :: compor |
compromise {n} (settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions) | :: meio-termo {m}, acordo {m}, compromisso {m} |
comptroller {n} (the chief accountant of a company or government) | :: auditor {m}, tesoureiro {m} |
compulsion {n} (irrational need to perform some action) | :: compulsão {f} |
compulsion {n} (use of power to force a person to act) | :: compulsão {f} |
compulsively {adv} (in a compulsive manner) | :: compulsivamente |
compulsorily {adv} (in a compulsory manner) | :: compulsivamente, obrigatoriamente |
compulsory {adj} (mandatory) | :: obrigatório |
compulsory {adj} (constraining) | :: compulsório |
compulsory purchase {n} (government's right to expropriate private land) | :: desapropriação {f} |
compunction {n} (pricking of conscience) | :: compunção {f} |
computation {n} (the act or process of computing) | :: cálculo |
computational {adj} (of or relating to computation) | :: computacional |
computational linguistics {n} (interdisciplinary field) | :: linguística computacional {f} |
compute {v} (to reckon or calculate) | :: computar, calcular |
compute {v} (to make sense) SEE: make sense | :: |
computer {n} (device) | :: computador {m} |
computer {n} (person) | :: computador {m}, calculista {m} {f} |
computer architecture {n} (conceptual structure) | :: arquitetura {f} |
computer architecture {n} (science) | :: arquitetura de computadores {f} |
computer game {n} (electronic game) | :: jogo de computador {m} |
computerization {n} (the act of computerizing) | :: computadorização {f} |
computer language {n} (language associated with computers) | :: linguagem de computador {f} |
computer program {n} (software) | :: programa de computador {m} |
computer programming {n} (process) | :: programação (de computadores) {f} |
computer science {n} (study of computers and their architecture) | :: ciência da computação {f}, informática {f} |
computer scientist {n} (one who studies or practises computer science) | :: cientista da computação {m} {f} |
computer virus {n} (computer virus, see also: virus) | :: vírus de computador {m} |
computing {n} (the study, field of computers and computer programming) | :: informática {f}, computação {f} |
computing {n} (calculation) SEE: calculation | :: |
comrade {n} (mate, companion, or associate) | :: camarada {m} {f}, parceiro {m}, companheiro {m} |
comrade {n} (companion in battle, fellow soldier) | :: camarada {m} |
comrade {n} (fellow socialist or communist) | :: camarada {m} |
comrade {n} (title used in leftist circles) | :: camarada {m} {f} |
Comtism {n} (the positivistic philosophy of Auguste Comte) | :: comtismo {m} |
con {n} (disadvantage of something) | :: contra {m} |
Conakry {prop} (capital of Guinea) | :: Conakry {f}, Conacri {f} |
concave {adj} (curved inward) | :: côncavo |
concavity {n} (the state of being concave) | :: concavidade {f} |
concavity {n} (a concave structure or surface) | :: concavidade {f} |
conceal {v} (to hide something) | :: esconder, omitir |
concealer {n} (that which conceals) | :: ocultador {m} |
concealer {n} (cosmetic) | :: corretor {m}, corretivo {m} |
concealment {n} (The practice of keeping secrets) | :: ocultação {f} |
concede {v} (to yield or suffer; to surrender) | :: ceder |
concede {v} (to grant, as a right or privilege) | :: conceder, outorgar, conferir |
concede {v} (to admit to be true) | :: conceder, reconhecer |
concede {v} (to yield or make concession) | :: conceder |
conceit {n} (overly high self-esteem) | :: presunção {f}, vaidade {f} |
conceited {adj} (vain and egotistic) | :: convencido |
conceivable {adj} (capable of being conceived or imagined; possible; credible; thinkable) | :: imaginável |
conceive {v} (to develop an idea) | :: conceber |
conceive {v} (to understand someone) | :: compreender |
conceive {v} (to become pregnant) | :: conceber |
concentrate {v} (bring to, or direct toward, a common center) | :: concentrar |
concentrate {v} (increase the strength and diminish the bulk of, as of a liquid or an ore) | :: concentrar |
concentrate {v} (approach or meet in a common center) | :: concentrar-se |
concentrate {v} (focus one's thought or attention) | :: concentrar-se |
concentrate {n} (A substance that is in a condensed form) | :: concentrado {m} |
concentration {n} (act or process of concentrating) | :: concentração {f} |
concentration {n} (act or process of reducing the volume of a liquid) | :: concentração {f} |
concentration {n} (proportion of substance in a mixture) | :: concentração {f} |
concentration {n} (chemistry: amount of solute present in a solution) | :: concentração {f} |
concentration camp {n} (camp where large numbers of persons are detained) | :: campo de concentração {m} |
concept {n} (something understood and retained in the mind) | :: conceito {m} |
conception {n} (initiation of an embryonic animal life) | :: concepção {f} |
conceptual {adj} (of, or relating to concepts or mental conception; existing in the imagination) | :: conceitual, conceptual |
conceptual {adj} (of, or relating to conceptualism) | :: conceitual, conceptual |
conceptualize {v} (to interpret by forming a concept) | :: conceitualizar, conceptualizar |
concern {n} (that which affects one’s welfare or happiness) | :: preocupação {f} |
concern {n} (the expression of solicitude, anxiety, or compassion toward a thing or person) | :: preocupação {f} |
concern {n} (business, firm or enterprise; a company) | :: negócio {m} |
concern {v} (to be of importance to) | :: concernir, ter a ver com |
concern {v} (to make somebody worried) | :: preocupar |
concerned {adj} (showing concern) | :: preocupado |
concerning {prep} (regarding) | :: quanto a |
concert {n} (a musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part) | :: concerto {m}, show {m} |
concert hall {n} (building) | :: sala de espetáculos {f}, sala de concertos {f} |
concertina {n} (the musical instrument) | :: concertina {f} |
concerto {n} (a piece of music for one or more solo instruments and orchestra) | :: concerto {m} |
concession {n} (grant of land for a specified purpose) | :: concessão {f} |
concession {n} (any admission of the validity of a point; instance of this) | :: concessão {f} |
concession {n} (admission of defeat) | :: concessão {f} |
concession {n} (business operated as a concession) SEE: franchise | :: |
conch {n} (marine mollusc) | :: búzio {m} |
conch {n} (shell of this sea animal) | :: búzio {m} |
concierge {n} (one who attends to the slightest desire of hotel guests) | :: concierge {m} {f} |
concierge {n} (one who attends to the maintenance of a building and provides services to its tenants and guests) | :: zelador {m} |
concise {adj} (brief and precise) | :: conciso, sucinto |
concisely {adv} (in a concise manner) | :: concisamente |
conclude {v} (to end) | :: concluir |
conclude {v} (to come to a final decision) | :: concluir |
conclusion {n} (end, final part) | :: conclusão {f} |
conclusion {n} (outcome) | :: conclusão {f} |
conclusion {n} (decision, judgment) | :: conclusão {f} |
conclusion {n} (of a syllogism) | :: conclusão {f} |
conclusive {adj} (pertaining to a conclusion) | :: conclusivo |
conclusive {adj} (decisive) | :: conclusivo, decisivo |
conclusively {adv} (in a conclusive manner) | :: conclusivamente |
conclusiveness {n} (the state of being conclusive) | :: conclusividade {f} |
concomitance {n} (occurrence or existence together) | :: concomitância {f}, simultaneidade {f} |
concord {n} ((grammar) Agreement of words with one another) SEE: agreement | :: |
concord {n} (A state of agreement; harmony; union) | :: concórdia {f} |
concordance {n} (agreement) SEE: agreement | :: |
concordant {adj} (agreeing, correspondent, harmonious) | :: conforme, concordante, concorde |
concordat {n} (agreement) | :: concordata {f} |
concourse {n} (a large open space in a building where people can gather) | :: átrio {m} |
concourse {n} (a large group of people; a crowd) | :: audiência {f}, multidão {f} |
concourse {n} (the running or flowing together of things; the meeting of things) | :: confluência {f} |
concrete {adj} (particular, perceivable, real) | :: concreto |
concrete {adj} (not abstract) | :: concreto |
concrete {adj} (made of concrete) | :: concreto |
concrete {n} (building material) | :: betão {m}, concreto {m} |
concrete {v} (cover with concrete) | :: concretar |
concrete {v} (solidify, become concrete (actual, real)) | :: concretizar |
concrete jungle {n} (unattractive urban area due to lack of greenery) | :: selva de concreto {f}, selva de pedra |
concrete mixer {n} (cement mixer) SEE: cement mixer | :: |
concrete noun {n} (noun that denotes a tangible thing) | :: substantivo concreto {m} |
concretism {n} (abstractionist movement) | :: concretismo {m} |
concretize {v} (to make substantial, real, or tangible) | :: concretizar |
concubine {n} (a woman who lives with a man, but who is not a wife) | :: concubina {f}, amásia {f}, barregã {f} |
concubine {n} (mistress) SEE: mistress | :: |
concubine {n} (slave-girl) SEE: slave-girl | :: |
concupiscence {n} (Ardent desire) | :: concupiscência {f} |
concurrence {n} (agreement) | :: concordância {f} |
concurrence {n} (instance of simultaneous occurrence) | :: concorrência {f} |
concurrent {adj} (happening at the same time; simultaneous) | :: concorrente, concomitante, simultâneo |
concurrent {adj} (belonging to the same period; contemporary) | :: corrente, contemporâneo |
concurrent {adj} (involving more than one thread of computation) | :: concorrente, paralelo |
concussion {n} (injury) | :: concussão {f} |
condemn {v} (to pronounce guilty) | :: condenar |
condemn {v} (to confer eternal divine punishment upon) | :: condenar |
condemn {v} (to adjudge as unfit for habitation) | :: condenar |
condensation {n} (the act or process) | :: condensação {f} |
condensation {n} (physics: conversion of a gas to a liquid) | :: condensação {f} |
condense {v} (to transform from a gaseous state into a liquid state) | :: condensar |
condense {v} (to be transformed from a gaseous state into a liquid state) | :: condensar-se |
condensed milk {n} (milk that has been reduced to syrup) | :: leite condensado {m} |
condenser {n} (capacitor) SEE: capacitor | :: |
condescendence {n} (condescension) SEE: condescension | :: |
condescending {adj} (assuming a tone of superiority or a patronizing attitude) | :: condescendente |
condescension {n} (act of condescending) | :: condescendência {f} |
condiment {n} (something used to enhance flavor) | :: condimento {m} |
condition {n} (logical clause or phrase) | :: condição {f} |
condition {n} (requirement or requisite) | :: condição |
condition {n} (health status of a patient) | :: condição {f} |
condition {n} (state of an object) | :: condição {f} |
condition {v} (to undergo the process of acclimation) | :: condicionar, acondicionar |
condition {v} (to subject to different conditions) | :: condicionar |
condition {v} (to shape the behaviour of someone to do something) | :: acondicionar |
conditional {n} (grammar: mode/mood) | :: condicional {m} |
conditional {adj} (limited by a condition) | :: condicional |
conditional {n} (limitation) SEE: limitation | :: |
conditionally {adv} (under specified conditions) | :: condicionalmente |
conditional mood {n} (conditional) SEE: conditional | :: |
conditional sentence {n} (probation) SEE: probation | :: |
conditioner {n} (hair conditioner) SEE: hair conditioner | :: |
conditioner {n} (fabric softener) SEE: fabric softener | :: |
condition precedent {n} | :: condição suspensiva {f} |
condition subsequent {n} (condition) | :: condição resolutiva {f} |
condolence {n} (sympathy when someone has died) | :: condolência {f}, pêsame {m} |
condom {n} (flexible sleeve worn on the penis) | :: preservativo {m}, camisa-de-vênus {f}, camisinha {f} |
condominium {n} (building in which each unit is owned by an individual, but the grounds is owned jointly) | :: condomínio |
condominium {n} (the system of ownership by which such condominiums operate) | :: (Portugal) condomínio {m}, (Brazil) condomínio edilício {m} |
condominium {n} (unit or apartment in such a complex) | :: condomínio |
condor {n} (California condor) | :: condor {m} |
condor {n} (Andean condor) | :: condor {m} |
condottiere {n} (medieval Italian mercenary leader) | :: condottiere {m}, condottiero {m} |
conducive {adj} (tending to contribute to, encourage, or bring about some result) | :: favorável, conducente |
conduct {n} (act or method of controlling or directing) | :: conduta {f}, condução {f} |
conduct {n} (manner of guiding or carrying oneself) | :: conduta {f} |
conduct {v} (lead or guide) | :: conduzir |
conduct {v} (direct or manage) | :: conduzir |
conduct {v} (music: to direct) | :: conduzir |
conduct {v} (act as a conductor (of heat, electricity, etc.)) | :: conduzir |
conduction {n} (conveying of heat or electricity through material) | :: condução {f} |
conduction {n} (the act of leading or guiding) | :: condução {f} |
conductive {adj} (able to conduct electrical current or heat) | :: condutivo |
conductivity {n} (ability to conduct) | :: condutividade {f} |
conductor {n} (person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble) | :: maestro {m} |
conductor {n} (person who takes tickets on public transportation) | :: condutor {m}, cobrador {m}, trocador {m} |
conductor {n} (something which can transmit electricity, heat, light or sound) | :: condutor {m} |
conduit {n} (duct or tube into which electrical cables may be pulled) | :: conduíte |
condyle {n} (prominence on a bone) | :: côndilo {m} |
cone {n} (surface of revolution) | :: cone |
cone {n} (solid of revolution) | :: cone |
cone {n} (anything shaped like a cone) | :: cone |
cone {n} (fruit of conifers) | :: pinha {f}, estróbilo |
cone {n} (traffic cone) SEE: traffic cone | :: |
cone of shame {n} (Elizabethan collar) SEE: Elizabethan collar | :: |
confarreation {n} (Ancient Roman marriage solemnized with spelt cakes) | :: confarreação {f} |
confection {n} (food item) | :: confeito {m} |
confectioner {n} (a manufacturer of or dealer in confections) | :: confeiteiro {m} |
confectioner's {n} (sweetshop) SEE: sweetshop | :: |
confectioners' sugar {n} (powdered sugar) SEE: powdered sugar | :: |
confectioners sugar {n} (powdered sugar) SEE: powdered sugar | :: |
confectionery {n} (sweet foodstuffs (collectively)) | :: doces, confeitaria {f} |
confectionery {n} (shop where confectionery is sold) SEE: sweetshop | :: |
confederacy {n} (a decentralized state made up of sovereign units) SEE: confederation | :: |
confederacy {n} (an alliance) | :: confederação {f} |
Confederate States of America {prop} (nation existing from 1861-1865) | :: Estados Confederados da América {m-p} |
confederation {n} (union or alliance of states) | :: confederação {f} |
confer {v} (bestow) | :: conferir |
confer {v} (discuss, consult) | :: conferir |
conference {n} (a meeting of people) | :: conferência {f} |
confess {v} (to admit to the truth) | :: confessar |
confess {v} (to disclose or reveal) | :: confessar |
confessedly {adv} (admittedly) SEE: admittedly | :: |
confession {n} (open admittance) | :: confissão {f} |
confession {n} (disclosure of one's sins to a priest) | :: confissão {f} |
confessional {n} (a small room where confession is performed) | :: confessionário {m} |
confessor {n} (one who confesses faith in Christianity) | :: confessor {m} |
confessor {n} (priest who hears confession) | :: confessor {m} |
confetti {n} (small pieces of colored paper generally thrown about at festive occasions) | :: confete {m} |
confidant {n} (person in whom one can confide) | :: confidente |
confidence {n} (self-assurance) | :: convicção {f}, confiança {f}, segurança {f} |
confidence {n} (expression or feeling of certainty) | :: certeza {f}, convicção {f} |
confidence {n} (quality of trusting) | :: confiança {f}, confidência {f} |
confidence {n} (information held in secret) | :: confidência {f} |
confidence interval {n} (a particular kind of interval estimate of a population parameter) | :: intervalo de confiança {m} |
confident {adj} (being very sure of or positive about something) | :: confiante, seguro {m} |
confident {adj} (self-confident) SEE: self-confident | :: |
confidential {adj} (meant to be kept secret within a certain circle) | :: confidencial, secreto |
confidentiality {n} (something told in confidence) SEE: secret | :: |
confidently {adv} (in a confident manner) | :: confiantemente, com confiança, com segurança, sem receio, sem hesitação |
configuration {n} (relative disposition) | :: configuração {f} |
configure {v} (to set up or arrange something) | :: configurar |
confine {v} (incarcerate) SEE: incarcerate | :: |
confine {v} (to restrict; to keep within bounds) | :: confinar |
confine {n} (limit) | :: confim {m} |
confine {v} (arrest) SEE: arrest | :: |
confine {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison | :: |
confine {v} (detain) SEE: detain | :: |
confine {v} (lock up) SEE: lock up | :: |
confirm {v} (to strengthen) | :: firmar |
confirm {v} (to confer the confirmation) | :: confirmar |
confirm {v} (to assure) | :: confirmar |
confirmation {n} (indicator) | :: confirmação {f} |
confirmation {n} (verification) | :: confirmação {f} |
confirmation {n} (Christian ceremony or sacrament) | :: crisma {f}, confirmação {f} |
confirmatory {adj} (serving to confirm something) | :: confirmatório {m} |
confiscate {v} (take possession of by authority) | :: confiscar |
confiscation {n} (the act or process of confiscating an item from public use; expropriation) | :: confisco {m}, confiscação {f} |
conflagration {n} (a large, ferocious, and destructive fire) | :: conflagração {f} |
conflate {v} (fuse into a single entity) | :: unir, juntar, fundir |
conflate {v} (mix together different elements) | :: misturar |
conflate {v} (fail to properly distinguish things or keep them separate; mistakenly treat them as equivalent) | :: confundir, equiparar |
conflict {n} (clash or disagreement) | :: conflito {m} |
conflict {n} (incompatibility) | :: conflito {m} |
conflict {v} (be at odds (with)) | :: conflitar |
conflict {v} (overlap with, as in a schedule) | :: coincidir |
conflict of interest {n} (conflicting interests in position of trust) | :: conflito de interesses {m} |
confluence {n} (point where two rivers or streams meet) | :: confluência {f} |
confluence {n} (convergence or combination) | :: confluência {f} |
confocal {adj} (Having the same foci) | :: confocal |
conform {v} (to be in accordance with a set of specifications) | :: conformar-se, estar em conformidade com |
conformable {adj} (having the same shape) | :: conforme |
conformism {n} (willingness to conform) | :: conformismo {m} |
conformity {n} (state of things being similar, or identical) | :: conformidade {f} |
confound {v} (to confuse) | :: confundir |
confound {v} (to make something worse) | :: piorar |
confront {v} (to stand or meet facing, especially in competition, hostility or defiance) | :: confrontar, enfrentar |
confrontation {n} (The act of confronting or challenging another, especially face-to-face) | :: confronto {m}, briga {f} |
confrontation {n} (A conflict between armed forces) | :: confronto {m} |
confrontational {adj} (Pertaining to a confrontation; characterized by, or given to initiating hostile encounter; in-your-face) | :: conflituoso {m} |
Confucianism {n} (philosophy) | :: confucionismo {m}, confucianismo {m} |
Confucius {prop} (Chinese philosopher) | :: Confúcio {m} |
confuse {v} (to puzzle, perplex, baffle, bewilder somebody) | :: confundir |
confuse {v} (to mix up / muddle up one thing with another; to mistake one thing for another) | :: confundir |
confuse {v} (to mix thoroughly) | :: misturar |
confuse {v} (to embarrass) | :: envergonhar |
confused {adj} (unable to think clearly or understand) | :: confuso |
confused {adj} (chaotic, jumbled or muddled) | :: confuso, confundido |
confusing {adj} (difficult to understand) | :: confuso, embrulhado, embaraçado |
confusingly {adv} (in a confusing manner) | :: confusamente |
confusion {n} (lack of clarity or order) | :: confusão {f} |
confusion {n} (state of being confused; misunderstanding) | :: confusão {f} |
congeal {v} (to change from a liquid to solid state) | :: congelar |
congee {n} (a type of rice porridge) | :: canja |
congenial {adj} (have the same nature) | :: parecido |
congenial {adj} (friendly) | :: amigável, simpático |
congenial {adj} (suitable to one’s needs) | :: útil, compatível |
congenital {adj} (present since birth) | :: congênito [Brazil], congénito [Portugal] |
congenital disorder {n} (birth defect) SEE: birth defect | :: |
congenital insensitivity to pain {n} (CIP) | :: insensibilidade congênita à dor {f} |
conger eel {n} (large marine eel) | :: congro {m} |
congest {v} (overfill) | :: congestionar, entupir |
Congo {prop} (country with Brazzaville as capital) | :: Congo-Brazzaville, República do Congo {f} |
Congo {prop} (country with Kinshasa as capital) | :: Congo-Kinshasa, República Democrática do Congo {f} |
Congo {prop} (river) | :: Congo {m} |
Congo-Brazzaville {prop} (Congo) SEE: Congo | :: |
Congo-Kinshasa {prop} (Congo) SEE: Congo | :: |
Congolese {n} (person from either of the Congos) | :: congolês {m} |
Congolese {n} (person from Republic of Congo) | :: congolês {m} |
Congolese {n} (person from Democratic Republic of Congo) | :: congolês {m} |
Congolese {adj} (people or language of Republic of Congo) | :: congolês {m} |
Congolese {adj} (people or language of Democratic Republic of Congo) | :: congolês {m} |
congratulate {v} (to express one’s sympathetic pleasure or joy to the person(s) it is felt for) | :: parabenizar, congratular |
congratulation {n} (act of congratulating) | :: parabenização {f}, felicitação {f} |
congratulations {interj} (expressing approbation) | :: parabéns |
congregant {n} (Congregation member) | :: congregante {m} {f} |
congregate {v} (To collect into an assembly or assemblage) | :: congregar |
congregate {v} (To come together; to assemble; to meet) | :: congregar |
congregation {n} (religious gathering of people in a place of worship) | :: congregação {f}, assembleia |
congregation {n} (large gathering of people) | :: congregação {f}, assembleia {f} |
congress {n} (sexual intercourse) SEE: sexual intercourse | :: |
congress {n} (legislative body) | :: congresso {m} |
congress {n} (conference) | :: congresso {m} |
congressman {n} (member of congress) | :: congressista {m} {f}, deputado federal {m} |
congruence {n} (the quality of agreeing or corresponding) | :: congruência {f} |
congruent {adj} (corresponding in character) | :: congruente |
congruent {adj} (with difference divisible by modulus) | :: congruente |
congruent {adj} (coinciding when superimposed) | :: congruente |
conical {adj} (of or relating to a cone) | :: cónico [Portugal], cônico [Brazil] |
conical {adj} (cone-shaped) | :: cónico [Portugal], cônico [Brazil] |
conic section {n} (Any of the four distinct shapes that are the intersections of a cone with a plane) | :: cônica {f}, seção cônica |
conidiogenesis {n} (the production of conidia by fungal cells) | :: conidiogênese {f} [Brazil] |
conidium {n} (asexually produced fungal spore) | :: conídio {m} |
conifer {n} (plant) | :: conífera {f} |
conium {n} (Conium) SEE: hemlock | :: |
conjectural {adj} (in the nature of a conjecture) | :: conjectural |
conjecture {n} (unproven statement; guess) | :: conjetura {f}, conjectura {f} |
conjecture {n} (supposition based upon incomplete evidence; a hypothesis) | :: hipótese {f} |
conjecture {n} (statement likely to be true based on available evidence, but which has not been formally proven) | :: conjetura {f}, conjectura {f} |
conjecture {v} (to guess) | :: conjeturar |
conjoin {v} (to join together) | :: juntar |
conjugal {adj} (of, or relating to marriage, or the relationship of spouses) | :: conjugal |
conjugate {v} (to inflect (a verb) for each person) | :: conjugar |
conjugate {n} (entity formed by joining smaller ones) | :: conjugado {m} |
conjugation {n} (coming together of things) | :: conjunção {f}, junção {f}, união {f}, conjugação {f} |
conjugation {n} (fusion of organisms) | :: união |
conjugation {n} (in some languages, one of several classifications of verbs) | :: conjugação {f} |
conjugation {n} (act of conjugating a verb) | :: conjugação {f} |
conjugation {n} (conjugated forms of a verb) | :: conjugação {f}, forma verbal {f} |
conjugator {n} (automated process or written aid for giving the conjugation table of verbs) | :: conjugador {m} |
conjunction {n} (act of joining or being joined) | :: conjunção {f} |
conjunction {n} (grammar: word used to join words or phrases) | :: conjunção {f} |
conjunction {n} (astronomy: alignment of two bodies in the solar system such that they have the same longitude when seen from Earth) | :: conjunção {f} |
conjunction {n} (logic: proposition resulting from the combination of two or more propositions using the and operator) | :: conjunção {f} |
conjunctiva {n} (membrane) | :: conjuntiva {f} |
conjunctive mode {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood | :: |
conjunctive mood {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood | :: |
conjunctivitis {n} (inflammation) | :: conjuntivite {f} |
conjuncture {n} (combination of events or circumstances) | :: conjuntura {f} |
conjure {v} (to summon using supernatural power) | :: evocar, invocar, convocar, conjurar |
conjurer {n} (one who conjures) | :: conjurador {m} |
conk {n} (conch) SEE: conch | :: |
conk {v} (slang: to hit) | :: dar (um) cascudo |
conk {n} (slang: a nose) SEE: schnozzle | :: |
conlang {n} (constructed language) SEE: constructed language | :: |
conman {n} (A confidence trickster) | :: vigarista {m} {f} |
connate {adj} (inborn) | :: conato {m} |
connate {adj} (botany) | :: conato {m} |
connect {v} (to join two or more pieces) | :: conectar |
connect {v} (to join an electrical or telephone line) | :: conectar |
Connecticut {prop} (a state of the United States of America) | :: Connecticut, Coneticute, Conecticute |
connection {n} (act of connecting) | :: conexão {f} |
connection {n} (point at which two or more things are joined) | :: conexão {f}, junção {f} |
connection {n} (feeling of understanding and ease of communication between two or more people) | :: ligação {f} |
connection {n} (established communications or transportation link) | :: conexão {f} |
connective {n} (function that operates on truth values) | :: conectivo {m} |
connective tissue {n} (type of tissue) | :: tecido conjuntivo {m} |
connectivity {n} (state of being connected) | :: conectividade {f} |
connectivity {n} (telecom: ability to make a connection between two or more points in a network) | :: conectividade {f} |
connectivity {n} (mathematics: measure of number of ways that points are connected to each other) | :: conectividade {f} |
connector {n} (mating pair of devices) | :: conexão {f}, conector {m} |
connexion {n} (connection) SEE: connection | :: |
conniving {adj} (that connives) | :: conivente |
connoisseur {n} (specialist whose opinion is valued) | :: connaisseur; [Brazil]: conhecedor, perito |
connotation {n} (suggested or implied meaning) | :: conotação {f} |
connotative {adj} (that implies or suggests something else) | :: conotativo |
connote {v} (to signify beyond principal meaning) | :: conotar |
connote {v} (to imply, to suggest) | :: conotar |
conquer {v} (defeat in combat) | :: conquistar |
conquer {v} (overcome abstract obstacle) | :: vencer, superar |
conqueror {n} (someone who conquers) | :: conquistador {m} |
conquest {n} (victory gained through combat; the subjugation of an enemy) | :: conquista {f} |
Conrad {prop} (given name) | :: Conrado {m} |
consanguine {adj} (related by birth) SEE: consanguineous | :: |
consanguineous {adj} (related by birth) | :: carnal, consanguíneo |
consanguinity {n} (a blood relationship) | :: consanguinidade |
conscience {n} (moral sense) | :: consciência {f} |
conscientious {adj} (thorough, careful, or vigilant) | :: consciencioso |
conscientiousness {n} (state or characteristic of being conscientious) | :: conscienciosidade {f} |
conscientious objector {n} (someone refusing to fight in an armed conflict because of religious or moral principles) | :: objetor de consciência {m} |
conscious {adj} (alert, awake) | :: consciente |
conscious {adj} (aware of one's own existence) | :: consciente |
conscious {adj} (aware of or alert to, sensitive to) | :: consciente |
consciously {adv} (in a conscious manner; knowingly, volitionally) | :: conscientemente |
consciousness {n} (awareness) | :: consciência {f} |
conscript {n} (Draftee) | :: conscrito {m}, alistado {m} |
conscript {adj} (drafted) | :: conscrito, alistado |
conscript {v} (to enrol(l) compulsorily) | :: alistar, alistar |
conscription {n} (involuntary labor, especially military service) | :: conscrição {f}, alistamento {m} |
consecrate {v} (declare holy, or make holy by some procedure) | :: consagrar |
consecution {n} (sequence) SEE: sequence | :: |
consecution {n} (sequel) SEE: sequel | :: |
consecution {n} (succession) SEE: succession | :: |
consecutive {adj} (following, in succession, without interruption) | :: consecutivo |
consecutive {adj} (having some logical sequence) | :: consequente |
consecutively {adv} (in a consecutive manner) | :: consecutivamente |
consensus {n} (general agreement) | :: consenso {m} |
consent {v} (to express willingness) | :: consentir, aprovar, deixar |
consent {n} (voluntary agreement) | :: consentimento {m} |
consequence {n} (that which follows something on which it depends) | :: consequência {f}, resultado {m} |
consequence {n} (result of actions, especially unpleasant) | :: consequência {f}, resultado {m} |
consequently {adv} (subsequently) SEE: subsequently | :: |
consequently {adv} (as a result or consequence) | :: consequentemente, por conseguinte |
conservation {n} (The act of preserving, guarding, or protecting) | :: conservação {f} |
conservation {n} ((biology) gene sequences or structures that are not changed in evolution) | :: conservação |
conservatism {n} (political philosophy that favors maintaining limited government involvement) | :: conservadorismo {m} |
conservatism {n} (political philosophy that moral objectivism exists, and should be adhered to) | :: conservadorismo {m} |
conservative {n} (one who favors the status quo) | :: conservador {m} |
conservative {n} (UK: member of the Conservative party) | :: conservador {m} |
conservative {n} (political conservative) | :: conservador {m} |
conservative {adj} (tending to resist change) | :: conservador |
conservative {adj} (based on pessimistic assumptions) | :: conservador, prudente |
conservative {adj} (supporting fiscal, political or social conservatism) | :: conservador |
conservative {adj} (US: relating to the Republican party) | :: republicano |
conservative {adj} (cautious) SEE: cautious | :: |
conservativism {n} (conservatism) SEE: conservatism | :: |
conservatoire {n} (school or educational institution that teaches music) | :: conservatório {m} |
conservatory {n} (school of music or drama) | :: conservatório {m} |
conserve {n} (wilderness where human development is prohibited) | :: reserva {f} |
conserve {v} (to save for later use) | :: conservar |
conserve {v} (to protect) | :: conservar |
consider {v} (think about seriously) | :: considerar |
consider {v} (think of doing) | :: considerar, pensar em |
consider {v} (assign some quality to) | :: considerar, ter (por/como) |
consider {v} (look at attentively) | :: fitar, mirar |
considerable {adj} (worth considering) | :: considerável |
considerable {adj} (large in amount) | :: considerável |
considerably {adv} (significantly) | :: consideravelmente |
considerate {adj} (thoughtful) | :: atencioso |
consideration {n} (process of considering) | :: consideração {f} |
consideration {n} (tendency to consider others) | :: consideração {f} |
consideration {n} (recompense for something done) | :: contraprestação {f} |
consignee {n} (The person to whom a shipment is to be delivered) | :: destinatário {m} |
consigner {n} (party that provides merchandise for consignment sale) | :: consignador {m} |
consignment {n} (the act of consigning) | :: consignação {f} |
consilience {n} (concurrence of multiple inductions) | :: consiliência {f} |
consist {v} (to be composed (of)) | :: consistir |
consistency {n} (reliability or uniformity; the quality of being consistent) | :: consistência {f} |
consistency {n} (degree of viscosity of something) | :: consistência {f} |
consistent {adj} (of a regularly occurring, dependable nature) | :: consistente {m} {f} |
consistent {adj} (not logically contradictory) | :: consistente |
consistently {adv} (in a consistent manner) | :: consistentemente |
consistently {adv} (constantly) SEE: constantly | :: |
consociationalism {n} (political consociation) | :: consociativismo {m} |
consolation {n} (act of consoling) | :: consolo {m}, consolação {f} |
consolation {n} (prize for the loser) | :: consolação {f} |
consolation goal {n} | :: gol de honra {m} [Brazil], gol de consolação {m} [Brazil], golo de honra {m} [Portugal], golo de consolação {m} [Portugal] |
consolation prize {n} (award given to persons or groups of people who do not win) | :: prêmio de consolação {m} [Brazil], prémio de consolação {m} |
console {n} (keyboard and screen) | :: [Brazil] console {m}, [Portugal] consola {f} |
console {n} (video games: device dedicated to playing video games) | :: [Brazil] console {m}, [Portugal] consola {f} |
console {n} (architecture: ornamental member jutting out of a wall) | :: consola {f} |
console {v} (to comfort) | :: consolar |
consolidate {v} (to combine into a single unit; to group together or join) | :: consolidar |
consolidate {v} (to make stronger or more solid) | :: consolidar |
consolidation {n} (the act or process of consolidating) | :: consolidação {f} |
consonant {n} (sound) | :: consoante {f} |
consonant {n} (letter) | :: consoante {f} |
consonant {adj} (Characterized by harmony or agreement) | :: consoante {f}, concordante |
consortium {n} (association or combination of businesses) | :: consórcio {m} |
consortium {n} (similar arrangement among non-commercial institutions) | :: consórcio {m}, associação {f} |
consortium {n} (association or society) | :: associação {f} |
conspicuous {adj} (obvious or easy to notice) | :: conspícuo, proeminente |
conspicuous {adj} (noticeable or attracting attention, especially if unattractive) | :: conspícuo, proeminente, saliente |
conspicuous consumption {n} (public display of acquisition of possessions) | :: consumo conspícuo {m} |
conspicuously {adv} (in a conspicuous manner) | :: conspicuamente |
conspiracy {n} (act of working in secret to obtain some goal) | :: conspiração {f}, complô {m} |
conspiracy {n} (an agreement to break the law) | :: formação de quadrilha {f} |
conspiracy theorist {n} (one who believes in a conspiracy theory) | :: conspiracionista {m} {f}, conspirólogo {m}, conspiranoico {m} [informal, pejorative] |
conspiracy theory {n} (hypothetical speculation) | :: teoria da conspiração {f} |
conspirator {n} (person who is part of a conspiracy) | :: conspirador {m}, conspiradora {f} |
conspire {v} (to secretly plot) | :: conspirar |
constable {n} (police officer rank) | :: agente {m} |
constable {n} (officer of a noble court) | :: condestável {m} |
Constance {prop} (female given name) | :: Constância {f} |
constancy {n} (The quality of being constant) | :: constância {f} |
constancy {n} (An unchanging quality or characteristic of a person or thing) | :: constância {f} |
constant {adj} (unchanged through time) | :: constante |
constant {adj} (consistently recurring over time) | :: constante |
constant {adj} (steady) | :: constante |
constant {n} (that which is permanent or invariable) | :: constante {f} |
constant {n} (algebra: quantity that remains fixed) | :: constante {f} |
constant {n} (science: property that does not change) | :: constante {f} |
constant {n} (identifier that is bound to an invariant value) | :: constante {f} |
Constantine {prop} (male given name) | :: Constantino |
Constantinople {prop} (Constantinople) | :: Constantinopla |
constantly {adv} (in a constant manner) | :: constantemente |
constantly {adv} (recurring regularly) | :: constantemente |
constantly {adv} (in an invariable manner) | :: constantemente |
constant of integration {n} (constant to be added at the indefinite integral) | :: constante arbitrária de integração |
constellation {n} (formation of stars perceived as figure) | :: constelação {f} |
constellation {n} (image associated with a group of stars) | :: constelação {f} |
constellation {n} (modern astronomy: any of 88 officially recognized regions) | :: constelação {f} |
constellation {n} (astrology: configuration of planets) | :: constelação {f} |
consternation {n} (amazement or horror; terror, combined with amazement; dismay) | :: consternação {f} |
constipation {n} (state of bowels) | :: prisão de ventre {f} |
constituency {n} (district represented by one or more elected officials) | :: círculo eleitoral {m}, distrito eleitoral {m} |
constituency {n} (voters within such a district) SEE: electorate | :: |
constituent {adj} (being a part, or component of a whole) | :: constituinte |
constituent {adj} (authorized to make a constitution) | :: constituinte |
constituent {n} (part, or component of a whole) | :: constituinte {m} |
constituent {n} (functional element of a phrase or clause) | :: constituinte {m} |
constitute {v} (to cause to stand; to establish; to enact) | :: constituir |
constitute {v} (to make up; to compose; to form) | :: constituir |
constitution {n} (act or process of setting something up, or establishing something; composition, structure, makeup) | :: constituição {f} |
constitution {n} (formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions) | :: constituição {f} |
constitution {n} (legal document describing such a formal system) | :: constituição {f} |
constitution {n} (general health of a person) | :: constituição {f} |
constitutional {adj} (relating to the constitution) | :: constitucional |
constitutional {adj} (conforming to the constitution) | :: constitucional |
constitutionalism {n} (belief in government under a written constitution) | :: constitucionalismo {m} |
constitutionalist {n} (who adheres to constitutionalism) | :: constitucionalista {m} {f} |
constitutionalist {n} (who is specialist in constitutional law) | :: constitucionalista {m} {f} |
constitutionality {n} ((law) The status of being constitutional) | :: constitucionalidade {f} |
constitutional monarchy {n} (monarchy limited by laws and a constitution) | :: monarquia constitucional {f} |
constitutive {adj} (very important ; essential) | :: constitutivo |
constitutive {adj} (that forms a constituent part of something else) | :: constitutivo |
constrain {v} (to force; to compel; to oblige) | :: constranger, apertar, restringir |
constrain {v} (to keep within close bounds; to confine) | :: confinar, restringir |
constraint {n} (something that constrains) | :: coação {f}, compulsão {f} |
constraint {n} (mathematics: condition to a solution) | :: restrição {f} |
construct {n} (something constructed from parts) | :: montagem {f} |
construct {n} (concept or model) | :: constructo {m} |
construct {n} (segment of DNA created artificially) | :: construção |
construct {v} (build or form by assembling parts) | :: montar |
construct {v} (build (a sentence or argument)) | :: construir, montar |
constructed language {n} (an artificially created language) | :: língua artificial {f} |
construction {n} (process of constructing) | :: construção {f}, edificação {f} |
construction {n} (anything constructed) | :: construção {f}, edifício {m}, edificação {f} |
construction {n} (trade of building) | :: construção {f}, construção civil {f} |
construction {n} (structure) | :: construção |
construction {n} (artistic composition) | :: obra {f} |
construction {n} (manner in which something is built) | :: construção {f} |
construction site {n} (place where something is being constructed) | :: estaleiro {m} |
construction worker {n} (employee working at a construction site) | :: pedreiro {m}, pedreira {f}, alvenel {m} |
constructive {adj} (relating to or causing construction) | :: construtivo |
constructive {adj} (carefully considered and meant to be helpful) | :: construtivo |
constructively {adv} (in a constructive manner) | :: construtivamente |
constructiveness {n} (creativity) SEE: creativity | :: |
constructiveness {n} (the characteristic of being constructive) | :: construtividade {f} |
constructivism {n} (movement in modern art) | :: construtivismo |
constructor {n} (in object oriented programming: code that creates objects) | :: construtor {m} |
construe {v} (to translate) SEE: translate | :: |
construe {n} (translation) | :: tradução {f} |
construe {n} (interpretation) | :: interpretação {f} |
consubstantiation {n} (the presence of the body of Christ with the bread and wine of the sacrament) | :: consubstanciação {f} |
consul {n} (official who protects the interests of citizens) | :: cônsul {m} |
consul {n} (either of the two highest-ranking officials of the Roman republic) | :: cônsul {m} |
consular {adj} (pertaining to a consul) | :: consular |
consulate {n} (the residency of a consul) | :: consulado {m} |
consulate general {n} (residence, office or jurisdiction of a consul general) | :: consulado geral {m} |
consul-general {n} (consular officer who heads a consulate general) | :: cônsul geral {m} |
consult {v} (ask advice) | :: consultar |
consult {v} (transitive, to ask advice of; to seek the opinion of) | :: consultar |
consultancy {n} (consulting firm) | :: consultoria {f} |
consultant {n} (person or party that is consulted) | :: consultor {m} |
consultation {n} (act of consulting) | :: consulta |
consume {v} (use up) | :: consumir |
consume {v} (eat) | :: consumir |
consume {v} (destroy completely) | :: consumir |
consumer {n} (person purchasing goods) | :: consumidor {m} |
consumerism {n} (economic theory) | :: consumismo {m} |
consumerist {adj} (of or pertaining to consumerism) | :: consumista |
consumerist {n} (a proponent of consumerism) | :: consumista {m} {f} |
consumeristic {adj} (consumerist) SEE: consumerist | :: |
consummate {adj} (complete, perfect, absolute) | :: consumado {m} |
consummate {adj} (highly skilled and experienced) | :: consumado {m} |
consummate {v} (to bring something to completion) | :: consumar, perfectibilizar |
consumption {n} (the act of consuming something) | :: consumo {m} |
consumption {n} (the amount consumed) | :: consumo {m} |
consumption {n} (pulmonary tuberculosis) SEE: pulmonary tuberculosis | :: |
contact {n} (an act of touching physically) | :: contato {m} [Brazil], contacto {m} [Portugal] |
contact {n} (an establishment of communication) | :: contato {m} [Brazil], contacto {m} [Portugal] |
contact {n} (colloquial: a contact lens, see also: contact lens) | :: lente de contato {f} |
contact {n} (electrical: a device designed for repetitive connections) | :: contato {m} |
contact {n} (someone with whom one is in communication) | :: contato {m} [Brazil], contacto {m} [Portugal] |
contact {v} (touch physically) | :: entrar em contato, tocar, tanger |
contact {v} (establish communication with) | :: entrar em contato, contatar, contactar |
contact lens {n} (thin lens placed directly on the eye) | :: lente de contato {f} |
contact print {n} (a print made by exposing the printing paper to light through a negative) | :: cópia por contacto {f} |
contacts {n} (Plural form of contact) SEE: contact | :: |
contact sport {n} (sport involving physical contact) | :: esporte de contato {m} |
contagion {n} (transmission of a contagious disease) | :: contágio {m} |
contagious {adj} (of a disease, easily transmitted to others) | :: contagiante, contagioso |
contagious {adj} (of a fashion, laughter, etc, easily passed on to others) | :: contagiante |
contagious {adj} (capable of spreading a disease) | :: contagiante, contagioso |
contagiousness {n} (state or condition of being contagious) | :: contagiosidade {f} |
contain {v} (to contain) SEE: hold | :: |
contain {v} (To hold inside) | :: conter |
contain {v} (To include as a part) | :: conter |
contain {v} (To limit through restraint) | :: conter |
container {n} (an item in which objects, materials or data can be stored or transported) | :: recipiente {m} |
container {n} (a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods) | :: contêiner {m} |
container ship {n} (cargo vessel) | :: porta-contentores {m} |
contaminant {n} (that which contaminates) | :: contaminante {m} |
contaminate {v} (To introduce impurities or foreign matter) | :: contaminar |
contamination {n} (The act or process of contaminating) | :: contaminação {f} |
contemn {v} (to treat or regard with contempt) | :: desdenhar, desprezar |
contemplate {v} (think about something in a concentrated manner) | :: contemplar |
contemplation {n} (The act of the mind in considering with attention; continued attention of the mind to a particular subject; meditation; musing; study) | :: contemplação {f} |
contemplation {n} (The act of looking forward to an event as about to happen; expectation; the act of intending or purposing) | :: contemplação {f} |
contemporaneous {adj} (existing or created in the same period of time) | :: contemporâneo |
contemporary {adj} (from the same time period) | :: contemporâneo |
contemporary {adj} (modern) | :: contemporâneo, moderno |
contemporary {n} (someone living at the same time) | :: contemporâneo {m} |
contempt {n} (a feeling or attitude) | :: desprezo {m}, desdém {m}, contempto {m} |
contempt {n} (law: open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority) | :: desacato {m} |
contemptible {adj} (deserving contempt) | :: desprezível |
contender {n} (someone who competes) | :: competidor {m} |
content {adj} (satisfied) | :: contente, satisfeito |
content {v} (satisfy) | :: contentar, satisfazer |
content {n} (that which is contained) | :: conteúdo {m} |
content {n} (subject matter) | :: conteúdo {m} |
content {n} (the amount of material contained) | :: teor {m} |
contented {adj} (satisfied) SEE: satisfied | :: |
contention {n} (contest, strife, struggle) | :: contenção {f}, contenda {f} |
contentious {adj} (marked by controversy) | :: controverso {m} |
contentious {adj} (given to struggling) | :: conflituoso {m} |
contentment {n} (state or degree of being contented) | :: contente, satisfeito, realizado |
contents {n} (that which is contained) | :: conteúdo {m} |
contents {n} (table of contents) SEE: table of contents | :: |
contest {n} (controversy) | :: disputa {f} |
contest {n} (competition, see also: competition) | :: concurso {m}, competição {f} |
contest {v} (to contend) | :: contender |
contest {v} (to oppose) | :: contestar, questionar |
contest {n} (combat) SEE: combat | :: |
contested {adj} (controversial) SEE: controversial | :: |
context {n} (circumstances or settings) | :: contexto {m} |
context {n} (text in which a word appears) | :: contexto {m} |
context menu {n} (computing, GUI: a context-sensitive menu) | :: menu de contexto {m} |
contextual {adj} (depending on context) | :: contextual |
contiguity {n} (state in which objects are physically touching) | :: contiguidade {f} |
contiguosity {n} (contiguity) SEE: contiguity | :: |
contiguous {adj} (connected, touching, abutting) | :: contíguo |
contiguous {adj} (adjacent, neighboring) | :: contíguo |
contiguous {adj} (connecting without a break) | :: contíguo |
contiguousness {n} (contiguity) SEE: contiguity | :: |
continent {n} (each of main land-masses on earth's surface) | :: continente {m} |
continental {adj} (of or relating to a continent or continents) | :: continental |
continental {adj} (in the main part of a country or region, as opposed to on one of its islands) | :: continental |
continental {adj} (characteristic of the style of continental Europe) | :: continental |
continental drift {n} (continental drift) | :: deriva continental {f} |
continental quilt {n} (duvet) SEE: duvet | :: |
continental shelf {n} (the area of sea around a land mass) | :: plataforma continental {f} |
contingence {n} (contingency) SEE: contingency | :: |
contingency {n} (quality of being contingent; unpredictability) | :: contingência {f} |
contingency {n} (possibility; something which may or may not happen) | :: contingência {f} |
contingency table {n} (table presenting joint distribution of categorical variables) | :: tabela de contingência {f} |
contingent {n} (that which falls to one in a division or apportionment among a number) | :: contingência {f} |
contingent {adj} (possible, liable, incidental, casual) | :: contingente |
contingent {adj} (dependent on something unknown) | :: contingente |
contingent {adj} (dependent on something that may or may not occur) | :: contingente |
continually {adv} (in a continuous manner) | :: continuamente |
continuation {n} (act or state of continuing) | :: continuação {f}, prosseguimento {m} |
continuationism {n} (continuationism, see also: ) | :: continuísmo {m} |
continue {v} (transitive: proceed) | :: continuar, seguir |
continue {v} (intransitive: resume) | :: continuar |
continued {adj} (uninterrupted) | :: contínuo |
continuity {n} (lack of interruption) | :: continuidade {f} |
continuity {n} (notion in mathematics) | :: continuidade {f} |
continuo {n} (bass line of music) SEE: basso continuo | :: |
continuous {adj} (without break, cessation, or interruption in time) | :: contínuo |
continuous {adj} (without break, cessation, or interruption in space) | :: contínuo |
continuous {adj} (in mathematical analysis) | :: contínuo |
continuous {adj} (in grammar) | :: contínuo |
continuously {adv} (without pause) | :: continuamente |
continuum {n} (continuous series or whole) | :: continuum {m} |
continuum {n} (continuous extent) | :: série {f} |
contortionist {n} (acrobat) | :: contorcionista {m} {f} |
contour {n} (outline, boundary or border) | :: contorno {m} |
contraband {n} (goods which are prohibited from being traded, smuggled goods) | :: contrabando {m} |
contraband {v} (To import illegally) | :: contrabandear {m} |
contrabass {n} (part or section one octave lower than bass) | :: contrabaixo |
contrabass {n} (double bass) SEE: double bass | :: |
contrabassoon {n} (contrabassoon) | :: contrafagote {m} |
contraception {n} (use of a device or procedure) | :: anticoncepção {f} |
contraceptive {adj} (that acts to prevent conception) | :: anticoncepcional, contraceptivo |
contraceptive {n} (means by which impregnating a woman can be prevented) | :: anticoncepcional {m}, contraceptivo {m} |
contract {n} (agreement that is legally binding) | :: contracto {m} [Portugal], contrato {m} |
contract {v} (intransitive: draw together; shorten; lessen) | :: contrair-se |
contract {v} (gain or acquire (an illness)) | :: contrair |
contraction {n} (reversible reduction in size) | :: contração {f} |
contraction {n} (shortening of a muscle when it is used) | :: contração {f}, crispação {f} |
contraction {n} (painful shortening of the uterine muscles) | :: contração {f} |
contraction {n} (word with omitted letters replaced by an apostrophe) | :: contração {f} |
contraction {n} (medicine: contracting a disease) | :: contração {f} |
contraction {n} (phonetics: loss of sounds from within a word) SEE: syncope | :: |
contract killer {n} (person who kills for money) SEE: hitman | :: |
contractor {n} (A person or company that constructs or improves buildings) | :: pedreiro |
contractual {adj} (of or pertaining to a contract) | :: contratual |
contracture {n} (abnormal contraction of a muscle) | :: contratura {f} |
contracyclical {adj} (tending to stabilize an unbalanced economy) | :: anticíclico, contracíclico |
contradict {v} (deny the truth of (a statement or statements)) | :: contradizer, desdizer |
contradict {v} (deny the truth of statements made by (a person)) | :: contradizer, desdizer |
contradiction {n} (act of contradicting) | :: contradição {f} |
contradiction {n} (statement that contradicts itself) | :: contradição {f} |
contradiction {n} (the logical incompatibility of opposing elements) | :: contradição {f} |
contradiction {n} (proposition that is false for all values of its variables) | :: contradição {f} |
contradiction in terms {n} (expression in which components contradict one another) | :: contradição em termos {f} |
contradictorily {adv} (in a contradictory manner) | :: contraditoriamente |
contradictory {adj} (that contradicts something) | :: contraditório {m} |
contradictory {adj} (that is itself a contradiction) | :: contraditório {m} |
contradictory {adj} (that is diametrically opposed to something) | :: contrário |
contraindicate {v} (to make inadvisable) | :: contraindicar |
contraption {n} (complicated and precarious machine) | :: engenhoca, geringonça |
contraption {n} (object referred to with irony, derision or contempt) | :: geringonça |
contrarily {adv} (in a contrary manner) | :: contrariamente |
contrariwise {adv} (on the other hand) SEE: on the other hand | :: |
contrariwise {adv} (on the contrary) SEE: on the contrary | :: |
contrary to {prep} (despite) SEE: despite | :: |
contrast {n} (difference that makes colours more or less distinguishable) | :: contraste {m} |
contrast {n} (degree of this difference) | :: contraste {m} |
contrast {n} (difference between two objects, people or concepts) | :: contraste {m} |
contrast {n} (control on a television, etc) | :: contraste {m} |
contrast {v} (to set in opposition in order to show the difference or differences between) | :: contrastar |
contrasting {adj} (set in opposition) | :: contrastante |
contravariance {n} (reversal of the order of data types acted upon by an operator) | :: contravariância {f} |
contravariant {adj} (which reverses composition) | :: contravariante |
contravariant functor {n} (category theory: functor) | :: functor/funtor contravariante {m} |
contribute {v} (to give something, that is or becomes part of a larger whole) | :: contribuir |
contribution {n} (something given or offered that adds to a larger whole) | :: contribuição {f} |
contribution {n} (an amount of money given toward something) | :: contribuição {f}, doação {f} |
contribution {n} (the act of contributing) | :: contribuição {f} |
contributor {n} (a benefactor; someone who gives to charity or some cause) | :: benemérito {m} |
contributor {n} (a person who backs, supports or champions a cause, activity or institution) | :: adepto {m}, contribuidor {m}, contribuinte {m} {f} |
contrite {adj} (sincerely penitent) | :: contrito |
contrition {n} (The state of being contrite; sincere penitence or remorse) | :: contrição {f} |
contrivance {n} ((mechanical) device to perform a certain task) | :: aparelho {m} |
contrivance {n} (elaborate means to accomplish an objective) | :: artifício {m}, artimanha {f} |
control {v} (to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of) | :: controlar |
control {n} (authority) | :: controlo {m} [Portugal], controle {m} [Brazil] |
control {n} (in an experiment) | :: controlo {m} [Portugal], controle {m} [Brazil] |
control {n} | :: controle [Brazil] |
control key {n} (computing: a key on a keyboard) | :: tecla de controle {f} [Brazil] [Mac OS X], tecla de controlo {f} [Portugal] [Mac OS X], tecla control {f} |
controllable {adj} (able to be controlled) | :: controlável |
controlled {adj} (resulting from a comparison) | :: controlado |
controlled substance {n} (regulated drug or chemical) | :: substância controlada {f} |
controller {n} (person who controls something) | :: controlador {m} |
controller {n} (comptroller) | :: auditor {m} |
controller {n} (mechanism that controls or regulates the operation of a machine) | :: controlador {m}, controle {m} [Brazil] |
control panel {n} (surface with controls) | :: painel de controle {m} |
control tower {n} (airport control tower) | :: torre de controle {f}, torre de controlo {f} |
controversial {adj} (arousing controversy) | :: polémico [Portugal], polêmico [Brazil], controverso |
controversy {n} (debate, discussion of opposing opinions) | :: controvérsia {f} |
contumacy {n} (disobedience, resistance to authority) | :: contumácia, teimosia |
contusion {n} (wound in which the skin is not broken) | :: contusão {f}, negra {f}, pisadura {f} |
conundrum {n} (difficult question or riddle) | :: adivinha {f} |
conundrum {n} (difficult choice or decision) | :: dilema {m} |
conurbation {n} (an extended collection of urban communities; urban sprawl) | :: conurbação {f} |
convalesce {v} (to recover) | :: convalescer |
convene {v} (to come together, to meet, to unite) | :: unir |
convenience {n} (quality of being suitable, useful or convenient) | :: conveniência {f}, comodidade {f} |
convenience {n} (anything that makes for an easier life) | :: conveniência {f}, comodidade {f} |
convenience store {n} (a small retail store) | :: loja de conveniência {f} |
convenient {adj} (of or pertaining to convenience; simple; easy; expedient) | :: conveniente, cómodo [Portugal], cômodo [Brazil] |
conveniently {adv} (in a convenient manner) | :: convenientemente |
convent {n} (religious community of especially nuns) | :: convento {m} |
convent {n} (building) | :: convento {m} |
convent {n} (gathering) | :: convenção {f} |
convention {n} (meeting or a gathering) | :: convenção {f} |
convention {n} (agreement, contract or pact) | :: convenção {f} |
convention {n} (generally accepted principle, method or behaviour) | :: convenção {f} |
convention {n} (treaty) | :: convenção {f}, tratado {m} |
conventional {adj} (following an accepted principle) | :: convencional |
conventional {adj} (ordinary, commonplace) | :: convencional |
conventionally {adv} (by convention) | :: convencionalmente |
converge {v} (to approach each other) | :: convergir |
convergence {n} (the act of converging) | :: convergência {f} |
convergence {n} (a meeting place) | :: convergência {f} |
convergence {n} (the process of approaching some limiting value) | :: convergência {f} |
conversation {n} (expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people) | :: conversa {f}, conversação {f} |
conversationalist {n} (one who participates in a conversation) | :: conversador {m}, conversadora {f} |
converse {v} (to engage in conversation) | :: conversar |
converse {n} (proposition of the specific form) | :: recíproca {f} |
conversely {adv} (with a reversed relationship) | :: ao invés de |
conversely {adv} (from another point of view) SEE: on the other hand | :: |
conversion {n} (the act of having converted something or someone) | :: conversão {f} |
convert {v} (transform (something) into another form, substance, state, or product) | :: converter, transformar, transmudar, mudar |
convert {v} (change (something) from one use, function, or purpose to another) | :: converter, transformar |
convert {v} (induce (someone) to adopt a particular religion, faith, or belief) | :: converter |
convert {v} (exchange for (something) of equal value) | :: converter, comutar |
convert {v} (express (a quantity) in alternative units) | :: converter |
convert {n} (person who has converted religion) | :: converso {m}, convertido {m} |
convert {n} (person in favour of something he or she previously opposed or disliked) | :: convertido {m} |
convertible {adj} (able to be converted) | :: convertível {m} {f}, conversível {m} {f} |
convertible {n} (car whose roof can be removed or folded) | :: conversível {m}, descapotável [Portugal], cabriolé {m} |
convertible mark {n} (currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina) | :: marco conversível {m} |
convex {adj} (curved or bowed outward like the outside of a bowl or sphere or circle) | :: convexo |
convexity {n} (state of being convex) | :: convexidade {f} |
convexity {n} (convex line of surface) | :: convexidade {f} |
convey {v} (to carry) | :: transportar |
convey {v} (to communicate) | :: comunicar, expressar |
convey {v} (to transfer legal rights) | :: transferir |
conveyor belt {n} (continuous band moved to transport objects) | :: esteira rolante {f} |
convict {v} (to find guilty) | :: condenar |
convict {n} (person convicted of a crime) | :: condenado {m} |
conviction {n} (firmly held belief) | :: convicção {f} |
conviction {n} (judgement of guilt) | :: condenação {f} |
convince {v} (to make someone believe, or feel sure about something) | :: convencer |
convincing {adj} (effective as proof or evidence) | :: convincente |
convoluted {adj} (having numerous overlapping coils or folds) | :: convoluto |
convoluted {adj} (complex) | :: complicado, enrolado, labiríntico |
convolvulus {n} (plants of the genus Convolvulus) | :: convólvulo {m} |
convoy {n} (merchant ships sailing in company under the protection of naval vessels) | :: comboio {m} |
convoy {n} (group of vehicles traveling together for safety, especially one with an escort) | :: comboio {m} |
convoy {v} (to escort a group of vehicles) | :: comboiar |
convulse {v} (to violently shake) | :: convulsionar, convelir |
convulsion {n} (intense muscular contraction) | :: convulsão {f} |
convulsive {adj} (having or producing convulsions) | :: convulsivo, convulso |
convulsively {adv} (in a convulsive manner) | :: convulsivamente |
coo {n} (murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon) | :: arrulho {m} |
coo {v} (to make a soft murmuring sound) | :: arrulhar |
cooccurrence {n} (the fact of a thing occurring simultaneously with something else) | :: coocorrência {f} |
cook {n} (person who prepares food) | :: cozinheiro {m}, cozinheira {f} |
cook {v} (to prepare (food) for eating) | :: cozinhar |
cook {v} (to prepare food) | :: cozinhar |
cook {v} (to become ready for eating) | :: cozinhar |
cook {v} (colloquial: to be uncomfortably hot) | :: cozinhar, torrar |
cookbook {n} (book of cooking recipes) | :: livro de receitas {m} |
cooked {adj} (of food, that has been prepared by cooking) | :: cozinhado |
cooked rice {n} (rice cooked by either steaming or boiling) | :: arroz cozido {m} |
cooker {n} (appliance or utensil for cooking) | :: utensílio de cozinha {m} |
cookie {n} (bun) SEE: bun | :: |
cookie {n} (small, flat baked good, see also: biscuit) | :: biscoito {m} bolacha {f} |
cookie {n} (HTTP cookie) SEE: HTTP cookie | :: |
cooking {n} (the process of preparing food by using heat) | :: cozinha {f}, cozimento |
cooking {n} (the style or genre of food preparation; cookery; cuisine) | :: cozinha {f}, culinária {f} |
cooking pot {n} (any cooking vessel) | :: panela |
Cook Islands {prop} (self-governing country in Oceania) | :: Ilhas Cook {f-p} |
cool {adj} (having a slightly low temperature) | :: fresco |
cool {adj} (allowing or suggesting heat relief) | :: frio |
cool {adj} (not showing emotion, calm) | :: tranquilo |
cool {adj} (unenthusiastic, lukewarm, skeptical) | :: frio |
cool {adj} (colloquial: of a person, knowing what to do and how to behave in any situation) | :: fixe [Portugal], legal [Brazil], massa [Brazil] |
cool {adj} (colloquial: being considered as "popular" by others) | :: bacana, descolado |
cool {adj} (colloquial: in fashion) | :: descolado, bacana |
cool {adj} (colloquial: all right, acceptable) | :: aceitável |
cool {adj} (colloquial: not upset) | :: de boa [Brazil] |
cool {v} (cool down) SEE: cool down | :: |
coolant {n} (a fluid) | :: refrigerante |
cool down {v} (to become cooler (temperature)) | :: esfriar |
coolie {n} (unskilled Asian worker) | :: cúli {m}, cole {m}, cule {m} |
cooling {n} (refrigeration) | :: arrefecimento {m}, refrigeração {f} |
cooling {adj} (that cools) | :: refrigerante {m} |
cooling glasses {n} (sunglasses) SEE: sunglasses | :: |
coolness {n} (the state of being cool, chilly) | :: frio |
coop {n} (enclosure for birds) | :: galinheiro {m} |
cooper {n} (craftsman) | :: tanoeiro {m} |
cooperate {v} (to work together) | :: cooperar, colaborar |
cooperation {n} (act of cooperating or being cooperative) | :: cooperação {f} |
cooperative {adj} (ready to work with another) | :: cooperativo, cooperante |
cooperative {adj} (relating to a cooperative) | :: cooperativo |
cooperative {n} (type of company) | :: cooperativa {f} |
Cooper's hawk {n} (hawk) | :: falcão-do-tanoeiro {m} |
coordinate {n} ((mathematics, cartography) A number representing the position of a point along a line, arc, or similar one-dimensional figure․) | :: coordenada {f} |
coordinate {v} (to synchronize) | :: coordenar |
coordinate system {n} (method of representing points in a space) | :: sistema de coordenadas {m} |
coordination {n} (the act of coordinating, making different people or things work together for a goal or effect) | :: coordenação {f} |
coordination {n} (the ability to coordinate one's senses and physical movements in order to act skillfully) | :: coordenação {f} |
coordination {n} (an equal joining together of two or more phrases or clauses) | :: coordenação {f} |
coordination {n} (The reaction of one or more ligands with a metal ion to form a coordination compound) | :: coordenação |
coot {n} (bird) | :: galeirão {m} |
cootie {n} (louse) SEE: louse | :: |
cootie catcher {n} (origami shape with hidden messages in the folds) | :: abre e fecha {m}, vai-e-bem {m} |
co-owner {n} (someone who owns something together with one or more other people) | :: coproprietário {m}, coproprietária {f} |
cooze {n} (vagina) SEE: vagina | :: |
cop {n} (police officer) | :: tira {m} {f} |
copacetic {adj} (fine, excellent, going just right, swell) | :: supimpa |
copaiba {n} (tree) | :: copaíba {f} |
copaiba {n} (oleoresin) | :: copaíba {f} |
copal {n} (tree resin) | :: copal {m}, goma copal {f} |
co-parent-in-law {n} (the parent of one's son- or daughter-in-law) | :: consogro {m} |
cope {v} (to deal effectively with something) | :: aguentar, lidar |
Copenhagen {prop} (capital of Denmark) | :: Copenhague, Copenhaga |
Copernican Revolution {prop} (paradigm shift) | :: revolução copernicana {f} |
copernicium {n} (chemical element) | :: copernício {m} |
Copernicus {prop} (surname of Nicolaus Copernicus) | :: Copérnico {m} |
copier {n} (machine) | :: copiadora {f}, xerox {m} |
copier {n} (person) | :: copiador {m} |
copilot {n} (relief or assistant pilot of an aircraft) | :: copiloto {m} |
copious {adj} (great in quantity) | :: abundante |
copious {adj} (having an abundant supply) | :: farto {m} |
copper {n} (chemical element Cu) | :: cobre {m} |
copper {n} (something made of copper) | :: cúprico |
copper {n} (colour of copper) | :: cobre, cor-de-cobre {m} |
copper {n} (copper coin) | :: cobre {m} |
copper {adj} (made of copper) | :: de cobre, cúprico |
copper {adj} (having the colour of copper) | :: cobreado, cor-de-cobre |
copper {n} (slang: a policeman) | :: tira {m}, policial |
coppern {adj} (made of copper) SEE: copper | :: |
coppersmith {n} (person) | :: funileiro {m} |
coppice {n} (grove of small growth) | :: mata de talhadia {f} |
copra {n} (dried kernel of coconut) | :: copra {f} |
coprime {adj} ((of two or more positive integers) having no factors in common) | :: coprimo |
coprime {adj} ((of a positive integer) having no factor in common with...) | :: coprimo |
coprophilia {n} (marked interest in excrement; the use of feces for sexual excitement) | :: coprofilia {f} |
cops {n} (law enforcement) | :: tiras {m} {f}, bófia {f} |
copse {n} (thicket of small trees or shrubs) | :: souto {m}, capão {m} |
Copt {n} (member of the Coptic Church) | :: copta {m} {f} |
Coptic {adj} (of or pertaining to the Copts, Coptic Orthodox Church or to the Coptic language) | :: copta, cóptico |
Coptic {n} (language) | :: copta {m}, cóptico {m} |
copula {n} (grammar: linking kind of word) | :: cópula {f}, verbo de ligação {m} |
copulate {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse) | :: copular |
copulate {v} (copulate) SEE: cover | :: |
copulate {v} (copulate) SEE: mate | :: |
copulate {v} (to have sexual intercourse with someone, something) SEE: mount | :: |
copulate {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse) SEE: make love | :: |
copulate {v} (take part in a sexual act) SEE: have sex | :: |
copulate {v} (to have sexual intercourse with) SEE: bed | :: |
copulation {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse | :: |
copy {n} (result of copying) | :: cópia {f} |
copy {n} (imitation, sometimes of inferior quality) | :: cópia {f}, réplica {f} |
copy {n} (text of newspaper articles) | :: texto {m}, redação {f} |
copy {n} (printed edition of a book or magazine) | :: exemplar {m} |
copy {n} (genetics: result of gene or chromosomal duplication) | :: cópia |
copy {v} (produce something identical) | :: copiar |
copy {v} (place a copy in memory) | :: copiar |
copy {v} (imitate) | :: imitar, copiar |
copy {v} (radio term) | :: receber |
copy {n} (writing paper of a particular size) SEE: bastard | :: |
copy {n} (copy boy) SEE: copy boy | :: |
copybook {n} (student's exercise book) SEE: exercise book | :: |
copy boy {n} | :: contínuo |
copycat {n} (one who imitates or plagiarizes others' work) | :: copião, imitador {m}, imitadora {f} |
copying {n} (instance of the making of a copy) | :: copiando |
copyist {n} (person who makes manual copies of works) | :: copista |
copyright {n} (right to publish) | :: direitos autorais {m-p} |
copywrite {v} (to write the text of an advertisement) | :: redatar |
copywriter {n} (person who writes advertising copy) | :: redator {m} |
coquette {n} (flirtatious woman) | :: coquete {f} |
coquettish {adj} (as a young, flirting girl; flirtatious) | :: coquete |
coral {n} (substance) | :: coral {m} |
coral {n} (colony) | :: coral {m} |
coral {n} (colour) | :: coral {m} |
coral {adj} (made of coral) | :: coralino |
coral {adj} (having the yellowish pink colour of coral) | :: coral, coralino |
coral bleaching {n} (loss of colour in a coral reef) | :: branqueamento de corais {m} |
coral island {n} (coral island) | :: ilha de coral {f} |
coral reef {n} (mound or hummock of coral) | :: recife/arrecife de coral/corais {m} |
coral snake {n} (snake) | :: cobra-coral |
cor anglais {n} (woodwind instrument) | :: corne inglês {m}, corno inglês {m} |
cord {n} (length of twisted strands) | :: corda {f}, barbante {m} |
cord {n} (wires surrounded by a coating, used to supply electricity) | :: cabo {m} |
Cordelier {n} (Franciscan) SEE: Franciscan | :: |
cordial {adj} (hearty) | :: cordial |
cordial {adj} (radiating warmth and friendliness) | :: cordial |
cordial {n} (concentrated drink) | :: concentrado {m} |
cordial {n} (liqueur) | :: licor {m} |
cordially {adv} (in a friendly manner) | :: cordialmente |
cordierite {n} (a cyclosilicate) | :: cordierita {f}, cordierite {f} |
cordon sanitaire {n} (a barrier (physical or administrative) to prevent the spread of disease) | :: cordão sanitário {m} |
cordon sanitaire {n} (any barrier to the spread of anything deemed undesirable) | :: cordão sanitário {m} |
corduroy {n} (heavy fabric with vertical ribs) | :: bombazine, veludo cotelê {m} |
core {n} (central part of fruit, containing the kernels or seeds) | :: caroço |
core {n} (heart of a thing) | :: cerne {m}, miolo {m} |
core {n} (center or inner part) | :: cerne {m}, núcleo {m} |
core {n} (most important part of a thing) | :: âmago {m}, cerne {m}, coração {m}, essência |
core {n} (one of severals parts in a computer processor) | :: core {m}, núcleo {m} |
corer {n} (a utensil for removing the core from fruits) | :: descaroçador {m} |
co-responsibility {n} | :: corresponsabilidade {f} |
co-responsible {adj} | :: corresponsável {m} {f} |
corf {n} (container used to store live fish underwater) | :: cofo {m}, samburá {m} [Brazil] |
Corfu {prop} (island) | :: Corfu {f} |
Corfu {prop} (city) | :: Corfu {f} |
coriander {n} (Coriandrum sativum plant) | :: coentro {m} |
Corinth {prop} (city in Greece) | :: Corinto {f} |
Corinthians {prop} (book in the Bible) | :: Coríntios |
cork {n} (bark of the cork oak) | :: cortiça {f} |
cork {n} (bottle stopper) | :: rolha {f} |
cork {n} (cork oak) SEE: cork oak | :: |
cork oak {n} (a type of evergreen oak tree, Quercus suber) | :: sobreiro {m} |
corkscrew {n} (implement for opening bottles sealed by a cork) | :: sacarrolhas {m} |
cormorant {n} (seabird) | :: cormorão {m}, biguá {m} |
corn {n} (grain crop of species Zea mays) SEE: maize | :: |
corn {n} (grain or seed of a cereal crop) | :: cereal {m}, grãos {m-p} |
corn {v} (to preserve with salt) | :: salgar |
corn {n} (type of callus) | :: calo {m} |
corncob {n} (core of an ear of corn) | :: sabugo {m}, espiga {f} |
corncrake {n} (the bird Crex crex) | :: codornizão {m} |
cornea {n} (layer forming the front of the eye) | :: córnea |
corned beef {n} (smoke-cured and salted beef) | :: salgado {m}, bife salgado {m} |
corned beef {n} (beef conserved in tins) | :: bife enlatado {m} |
cornel {n} (tree) | :: corniso {m} |
cornel {n} (fruit) | :: corniso {m} |
Cornelia {prop} (female given name) | :: Cornélia {f} |
Cornelius {prop} (male given name) | :: Cornélio {m} |
corner {n} (point where two converging lines meet) SEE: angle | :: |
corner {n} (space in the angle between converging lines or walls) | :: canto {m} |
corner {n} (projection into space of an angular solid) | :: quina {f} |
corner {n} (intersection of two streets) | :: esquina {f} |
corner {n} (part or region farthest from the center) | :: canto {m} |
corner {n} (secret or secluded place) | :: canto {m} |
corner {v} (to drive into a corner) | :: encurralar |
corner {v} (to trap in a difficult position) | :: encurralar |
corner {v} (automotive: to turn a corner) | :: dobrar, virar |
corner {n} (football: corner kick) SEE: corner kick | :: |
corner flag {n} (flag marking the corner of a playing field) | :: bandeirinha de escanteio {f} |
corner kick {n} (in soccer) | :: escanteio {m} |
corner shop {n} (small retail store) SEE: convenience store | :: |
cornerstone {n} (ceremonial stone) | :: primeira pedra, pedra angular {f} |
cornet {n} (musical instrument) | :: corneta {f} |
cornett {n} (wind instrument) | :: corneto {m} |
cornetto {n} (cornett) SEE: cornett | :: |
cornfield {n} (a field of corn) | :: milharal {m} [of maize], seara {f} [of any cereal] |
corn flakes {n} (breakfast cereal) | :: flocos de milho {m-p} |
cornflower {n} (Centaurea cyanus) | :: centáurea {f}, escovinha {f}, marianinha {f} |
cornice {n} (horizontal architectural element) | :: cornija {f} |
cornigerous {adj} (horned) SEE: horned | :: |
Cornish {prop} (A Celtic language) | :: córnico |
cornmeal {n} (dried corn milled to a coarse meal) | :: fubá {m} |
corn salad {n} (a plant) | :: alface-de-cordeiro {f} |
cornstalk {n} (a single specimen of a corn plant) | :: pé de milho {m} |
cornstarch {n} (very fine starch powder) | :: amido de milho {m}, maisena {f} |
corn syrup {n} (sticky sweet liquid) | :: xarope de milho {m} |
cornucopia {n} (mythical horn endlessly overflowing with food and drink) | :: cornucópia {f} |
cornucopia {n} (abundance or plentiful supply) | :: cornucópia {f} |
Cornwall {prop} (county of England) | :: Cornualha {f} |
corny {adj} (excessively sentimental) | :: meloso {m}, piegas, brega |
corolla {n} (whorl of a flower) | :: corola {f} |
corollary {n} (proposition which follows easily) | :: corolário {m} |
coronagraph {n} | :: coronógrafo {m} |
coronal {adj} (produced with tip or blade of tongue) | :: coronal |
coronal {n} (consonant produced with tip or blade of tongue) | :: coronal {m} |
coronal mass ejection {n} (coronal mass ejection) | :: ejeção de massa coronal {f} |
coronary {adj} (encircling something) | :: coronário |
coronary artery {n} (artery) | :: coronária {f} |
coronation {n} (the act or solemnity of crowning) | :: coroação {f} |
coronavirus {n} (member of the family Coronaviridae) | :: coronavírus {m} |
coroner {n} (who presides over an inquest) | :: legista {m} |
coroner {n} (who performs autopsies) | :: legista {m} {f}, médico-legista {m}, médica-legista {f} |
corporal {n} (military rank) | :: cabo {m} |
corporal {n} (ecclesiastical: cloth on which the elements of the Eucharist are placed) | :: corporal {m} |
corporal {adj} (bodily) SEE: bodily | :: |
corporal punishment {n} (form of punishment achieved by inflicting blows to the offender's body) | :: punição corporal {f} |
corporate {adj} (of, or relating to a corporation) | :: corporativo |
corporation {n} (public limited company) | :: sociedade anónima {f} |
corporation {n} (paunch) SEE: paunch | :: |
corporeal {adj} (bodily) SEE: bodily | :: |
corps {n} (battlefield formation) | :: corpo {m} |
corps {n} (group of people) | :: corpo {m} |
corpse {n} (dead body) | :: cadáver {m}, corpo {m} |
corpulent {adj} (large in body; fat) | :: corpulento |
corpus {n} (body) SEE: body | :: |
corpus {n} (linguistics: collection of writings) | :: corpus {m} |
Corpus Christi {prop} (festival in honour of the Eucharist) | :: Corpus Christi {m} |
corpuscle {n} (A minute particle) | :: corpúsculo {m} |
corral {n} (enclosure for livestock) | :: curral {m}, cercado |
corral {n} (enclosure or area to concentrate a dispersed group) | :: cercado |
corral {v} (place inside of a corral) | :: encurralar |
correct {adj} (free from error) | :: correto, certo |
correct {adj} (with good manners) | :: comportado, educado |
correct {v} (To make something become right that was previously wrong) | :: corrigir |
correction {n} (act of correcting) | :: correção {f} |
correction {n} (substitution for an error or mistake) | :: correção |
correction fluid {n} (fluid for masking textual errors) | :: corretivo líquido, corretor líquido |
corrective {adj} (pertaining to correction) | :: corretivo, corretor |
corrective rape {n} (raping a person because of their perceived sexual orientation or gender identity) | :: estupro corretivo {m} |
correctly {adv} (in a correct manner) | :: corretamente |
correlate {v} (To be related by a correlation) | :: correlacionar, correlatar |
correlation {n} (a reciprocal, parallel, or complementary relationship) | :: correlação {f} |
correlation {n} (measure of relationship) | :: correlação {f} |
correspond {v} (to be equivalent or similar) | :: corresponder |
correspond {v} (to exchange messages) | :: corresponder |
correspondence {n} (reciprocal exchange of civilities, especially by letters) | :: correspondência {f} |
correspondence {n} (agreement of situations or objects with an expected outcome) | :: correspondência {f} |
correspondence {n} (newspaper or news stories generally) | :: notícias {f-p} |
correspondence {n} (postal or other written communications) | :: correspondência {f} |
correspondence {n} (set theory) | :: correspondência {f} |
correspondent {adj} (corresponding) SEE: corresponding | :: |
corresponding {adj} (that have a similar relationship) | :: correspondente |
corrida {n} (bullfight) SEE: bullfight | :: |
corridor {n} (narrow hall or passage) | :: corredor {m} |
corridor {n} (tract of land) | :: corredor {m} |
corridor {n} (airspace) | :: corredor aéreo {m} |
corrigendum {n} (list of errors in a printed work) SEE: errata | :: |
corroborate {v} (To confirm or support with additional evidence) | :: corroborar |
corroboration {n} (the act of corroborating, strengthening, or confirming) | :: corroboração {f} |
corroboration {n} (that which corroborates) | :: corroboração {f} |
corroborative {adj} (serving to corroborate) | :: corroborativo, corroborante |
corroborator {n} (one who corroborates) | :: corroborador {m} |
corrode {v} (to eat away) | :: corroer |
corrode {v} (to have corrosive action) | :: corroer |
corrosion {n} (The act of corroding) | :: corrosão {f} |
corrosion {n} (Erosion by chemical action) | :: corrosão {f} |
corrosion {n} (The gradual destruction or undermining of something) | :: corrosão {f} |
corrugated {adj} (marked with parallel folds, ridges or furrows) | :: corrugado |
corrugated {adj} (bent into regular curved folds or grooves) | :: corrugado |
corrugated iron {n} (building material) | :: ferro corrugado {m} |
corrupt {adj} (in a depraved state) | :: corrupto |
corrupt {v} (to change from good to bad) | :: corromper |
corruption {n} (the act of impairing integrity) | :: corrupção {f} |
corruption {n} (seeking bribes) | :: corrupção {f} |
corruption {n} ((linguistics) a debased or nonstandard form of a word, expression, or text, resulting from misunderstanding, transcription error, mishearing, etc.) | :: corruptela {f} |
corruption {n} | :: corrupção {f} |
corsair {n} (privateersman or pirate) | :: corsário {m} |
corsair {n} (pirate ship or privateer) | :: corsário {m} |
Corse-du-Sud {prop} (department of Corsica, France) | :: Córsega do Sul {f} |
corselet {n} (thorax) SEE: thorax | :: |
corset {n} (woman's garment) | :: espartilho {m}, corset {m} |
Corsica {prop} (island in the Mediterranean) | :: Córsega {f} |
Corsican {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Corsica) | :: córsico, corso |
Corsican {n} (person from Corsica or of Corsican descent) | :: córsico {m}, córsica {f}, corso {m}, corsa {f} |
Corsican {prop} (language) | :: córsico {m}, corso {m} |
cortex {n} (outer layer of an internal organ or body structure) | :: córtex {m} |
cortex {n} (tissue of a stem or root) | :: córtex {m} |
corticotropic {adj} (that stimulates the adrenal cortex) | :: corticotrópico |
cortisol {n} (the steroid hormone hydrocortisone) | :: cortisol {m} |
cortisone {n} (corticosteroid hormone) | :: cortisona {f} |
corundum {n} (mineral) | :: corundo {m}, corindo {m} |
Corunna {prop} (A Coruña) SEE: A Coruña | :: |
coruscation {n} (sudden display of brilliance) | :: coruscação {f} |
corvee {n} (unpaid labor required by a feudal lord) | :: corvea {f} |
corvee {n} (labor in lieu of taxes) | :: angueira {f} |
corvette {n} (modern warship) | :: corveta {f} |
corvine {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of crows or ravens) | :: corvino |
coryphaeus {n} (conductor of the dramatic chorus) | :: corifeu {m} |
coryphaeus {n} (chief or leader of an interest or party) | :: corifeu {m} |
coryza {n} (inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity) | :: coriza {f} |
cos {conj} (because) SEE: because | :: |
cosecant {n} (reciprocal of the sine function) | :: co-secante {f} |
Cosenza {prop} (town) | :: Cosenza |
coset {n} (result of applying group operation with fixed element from the parent group on each element of a subgroup) | :: classe lateral {f} |
cosign {v} (to sign a document jointly with another person) | :: coassinar |
cosigner {n} (person who accepts joint responsibility for a debt) | :: fiador {m} |
cosine {n} (trigonometric function) | :: co-seno {m} |
cosiness {n} (state or quality of being cosy) | :: aconchego {m} |
co-sister-in-law {n} (one's husband's brother's wife) | :: concunhada {f} |
co-sister-in-law {n} (one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law's sister) | :: concunhada {f} |
Cosmas {prop} (given name) | :: Cosme |
cosmetic {adj} (external or superficial) | :: cosmético |
cosmetic {n} (any substances applied to enhance the external color or texture of the skin) | :: cosmético {m} |
cosmetician {n} (a person skilled at applying cosmetics) | :: esteticista {f} |
cosmetics {n} (preparations to change or enhance the beauty) | :: cosméticos {m-p} |
cosmetics {n} (study of such products) | :: cosmética {f} |
cosmetologist {n} (person who advises people on cosmetics and other beauty treatments) | :: cosmetologista {m} {f}, cosmetólogo {m}, cosmetóloga {f} |
cosmic {adj} (of or from or pertaining to the cosmos or universe) | :: cósmico |
cosmic dust {n} (dust which exists in outer space) | :: poeira cósmica {f} |
cosmo- {prefix} (universe, world) | :: cosmo- |
cosmochemistry {n} (branch of chemistry) | :: cosmoquímica {f} |
cosmodrome {n} (a site for launching spacecraft) | :: cosmódromo {m} |
cosmogony {n} (the study of the origin of the universe) | :: cosmogonia {f} |
cosmological {adj} (of or pertaining to cosmology, or to the overall structure of the universe) | :: cosmológico |
cosmologically {adv} (with regard to cosmology) | :: cosmologicamente |
cosmology {n} (study of the physical universe) | :: cosmologia {f} |
cosmonaut {n} (an astronaut, especially a Russian or Soviet one, see also: astronaut) | :: cosmonauta {m} {f} |
cosmopolitan {n} (cosmopolite) SEE: cosmopolite | :: |
cosmopolitan {adj} (composed of people from all over the world) | :: cosmopolita, cosmopolitano |
cosmopolitan {adj} (at ease in any part of the world) | :: cosmopolita, cosmopolitano |
cosmopolitan {adj} (growing in many parts of the world; widely distributed) | :: cosmopolita, cosmopolitano |
cosmopolite {n} (cosmopolitan person) | :: cosmopolita {m} {f}, cosmopolitano {m} |
cosmos {n} (the universe) | :: cosmo {m} |
cosmos {n} (herb) | :: cosmos {m} |
cosplay {n} (subculture centered on dressing as characters) | :: cosplay {m} {f} |
Cossack {n} (member of a population) | :: cossaco {m} |
Cossack {n} (member of a Cossack military unit) | :: cossaco {m} |
cost {v} (to incur a charge, a price) | :: custar |
cost {n} (amount of money spent for a purpose) | :: custo {m} |
cost {n} (negative consequence or loss) | :: custo {m} |
costa {n} (rib) SEE: rib | :: |
Costa {prop} | :: Costa |
Costa Rica {prop} (country) | :: Costa Rica |
Costa Rican {n} (person from Costa Rica) | :: costa-riquenho {m}, costa-riquense {m} |
Costa Rican {adj} (pertaining to Costa Rica) | :: costa-riquenho, costa-riquense |
costly {adj} (expensive) | :: custoso, caro |
cost of living {n} (average cost of a standard set of basic necessities of life) | :: custo de vida {m} |
costume {n} (dress of a particular country, period or people) | :: traje {m}, costume |
costume {n} (disguise) | :: fantasia {f} |
costume {n} (set of clothes appropriate for a particular occasion) | :: traje {m}, indumentária {f} |
cosy {adj} (affording comfort and warmth) | :: íntimo, confortável, aconchegante |
cosy {n} (a padded or knit covering put on a teapot) | :: abafador {m} |
cot {n} (portable or temporary bed) | :: catre {m} |
cot {n} (bed for children) | :: berço {m} |
cot {n} (homestead) | :: casebre {m} |
cot {n} (folding bed) SEE: camp bed | :: |
cotangent {n} (trigonometric function) | :: co-tangente {f} |
coterie {n} (exclusive group) SEE: clique | :: |
cotext {n} (words that surrounds another word) | :: cotexto {m} |
cotinga {n} (any of the neotropical passerine birds of the genus Cotinga) | :: cotinga {f}, anambé {m} |
Cotonou {prop} (the de-facto capital of Benin) | :: Cotonu {f}, Cotonou {f} |
cottage {n} (A small house; a cot; a hut) | :: chalé {m} |
cottage cheese {n} (cheese curd product) | :: cottage {m}, requeijão {m} |
Cottbus {prop} (city in Germany) | :: Cottbus {f} |
cotter pin {n} (type of pin) SEE: split pin | :: |
cotton {n} (any plant yielding fiber like that of Gossypium) | :: algodão {m} |
cotton {n} (fiber) | :: algodão {m} |
cotton {n} (fabric) | :: algodão {m} |
cotton {adj} (made of cotton) | :: de algodão |
cotton {v} (have a good relationship) | :: dar-se bem |
cotton {v} (get on with) SEE: get on with | :: |
cotton candy {n} (cotton candy) SEE: candy floss | :: |
cottonfield {n} (a field in which the cotton plant is grown and harvested) | :: algodoal {m} |
cotton swab {n} (a small wad of cotton wrapped around the end of a small rod) | :: cotonete {m}, suabe {m}, zaragatoa {f} |
cottonwood hibiscus {n} (Talipariti tiliaceum) | :: algodoeiro-da-praia {m} |
cotton wool {n} (absorbent cotton) | :: algodão {m} |
cotyledon {n} (leaf of the embryo of a seed-bearing plant) | :: cotilédone {m} |
couch {n} (furniture for seating of more than one person) | :: sofá {m}, cadeirão |
couch {v} (phrase in a particular style) | :: escrever, estilizar |
cougar {n} (Puma concolor) | :: onça-parda {f}, puma {m}, suçuarana {m}, leão-baio {m}, leão-da-montanha {m} |
cougar {n} (slang: older woman who seeks younger men) | :: loba {f}, coroa {f} |
cough {v} (push air from the lungs) | :: tossir |
cough {v} (make a noise like a cough) | :: tossir |
cough {n} (expulsion of air from the lungs) | :: tosse {f} |
cough {n} (condition) | :: tosse {f} |
cough syrup {n} (liquid used to ease a sore throat) | :: xarope para tosse {m} |
could I see the menu, please {phrase} (said to ask for a menu) | :: posso ver o cardápio, por favor? |
coulomb {n} (unit of electrical charge) | :: coulomb {m} |
coumarin {n} (aromatic compound) | :: cumarina {f} |
council {n} (committee that leads or governs) | :: conselho {m} |
councillor {n} (member of a city council) | :: [city council]: vereador {m}, vereadora {f}; [more generally]: conselheiro {m} |
counsel {n} (consultation) | :: consulta {f} |
counsel {n} (advice) | :: conselho {m} |
counsel {n} (lawyer) | :: advogado {m} |
counsel {v} (to give advice, especially professional advice) | :: aconselhar |
counsel {v} (to recommend) | :: aconselhar |
counseling {n} (assistance) | :: aconselhamento {m} |
count {v} (to enumerate or determine number) | :: contar |
count {v} (to be of significance; to matter) | :: valer, contar, importar |
count {n} (the act of counting) | :: contagem {f} |
count {n} (the result of a tally that reveals the number of items in a set) | :: contagem {f}, número |
count {n} (a countdown) | :: contagem final {f} |
count {n} (ruler of a county (male)) | :: conde {m} |
countable {adj} (capable of being counted, having a quantity) | :: enumerável, contável |
countable {adj} (math: having a bijection with a subset of the natural numbers) | :: contável |
countable {adj} (grammar: freely used with numbers and the definite article) | :: contável |
count angels on pinheads {v} (to spend time on fruitless intellectual matters) | :: discutir o sexo dos anjos, debater o sexo dos anjos |
Count Branicki's mouse {n} (pacarana) SEE: pacarana | :: |
count down {v} (announce the passage of time) | :: fazer (a) contagem regressiva |
count down {v} (await a precisely timed expected event) | :: contar os dias |
countdown {n} (a count backward to the time of some event) | :: contagem regressiva |
countdown {n} (the acts of preparation carried out during this period) | :: contagem regressiva, retrocontagem {f} |
countdown {v} (count down) SEE: count down | :: |
Count Dracula {prop} (fictional vampire) | :: Conde Drácula {m} |
countenance {n} (face) | :: aparência {f}, semblante {m} |
countenance {v} (tolerate, support, sanction) | :: tolerar |
counter- {prefix} (in opposition to) | :: contra- |
counter {n} (object used in counting) | :: contador {m} |
counter {n} (table or board on which business is transacted) | :: balcão {m} |
counter {n} (one who counts) | :: contador {m} |
counter {n} (kitchen surface for food preparation) | :: bancada, balcão |
counter {n} (computing: variable etc. for keeping count) | :: contador {m} |
counter {adv} (contrary, in opposition; in an opposite direction) | :: contra |
counter {n} (grammar: class of word) SEE: measure word | :: |
counterargument {n} (an argument that is opposed to another argument) | :: contra-argumento {m} |
counter-attack {n} (an attack made in response to an attack by the opponents) | :: contra-ataque {m} |
counter-attack {v} (attack in response to an attack by opponents) | :: contra-atacar |
counterbalance {n} (weight balancing an opposite one) | :: contrapeso {m} |
counterbalance {n} (force or influence balancing an opposite one) | :: contrapeso {m} |
counterbalance {v} (to apply weight in order to balance) | :: contrabalancear, contrapesar |
counterbalance {v} (to match or equal in effect when applying opposing force) | :: contrapesar |
counterblow {n} (blow delivered in reply to another) | :: contragolpe {m} |
countercathexis {n} (the suppression or repression of mental energy) | :: contracatexia {f}, anticatexia {f} |
counterclaim {n} (suit filed by a defendant against a plaintiff) | :: reconvenção {f} |
counterclockwise {adj} (anticlockwise) SEE: anticlockwise | :: |
countercoup {n} | :: contragolpe {m} |
counterculture {n} (any culture whose values and lifestyles are opposed to those of the established mainstream culture, especially to western culture) | :: contracultura {f} |
countercurrent {n} (Current that flows against the prevailing one) | :: contracorrente {f} |
counterespionage {n} (activities to prevent spying) | :: contraespionagem {f}, contrainteligência {f} |
counterfeit {adj} (intended to deceive or carry appearance of being genuine) | :: falsificado |
counterfeit {adj} (unauthentic) | :: falso |
counterfeit {n} (fake) | :: contrafação {f}, falsificação {f} |
counterfeit {v} (To produce something that appears to be official or valid) | :: contrafazer, falsificar |
counterfeit {n} (counterfeiter) SEE: counterfeiter | :: |
counterfeiter {n} (a person who counterfeits) | :: falsificador {m} |
counterintelligence {n} (counterintelligence) SEE: counterespionage | :: |
counterintuitive {adj} (contrary to intuition or common sense) | :: contraintuitivo |
countermeasure {n} (action) | :: contramedida {f} |
counterpane {n} (topmost covering of a bed) SEE: bedspread | :: |
counterpart {n} (something that resembles something else) | :: sósia {mf} |
counterpoint {n} ((music) a melody added to an existing one) | :: contraponto {m} |
counterpoint {n} (an opposite point) | :: contraponto {m} |
counterpoise {n} (a weight sufficient to balance another) SEE: counterbalance | :: |
counterpoise {n} (an equal power or force acting in opposition) SEE: counterbalance | :: |
counterpoise {n} (the relation of two weights or forces which balance each other; equilibrium) SEE: counterbalance | :: |
counterpoise {v} (to act against with equal weight; to equal in weight) SEE: counterbalance | :: |
counterpoise {v} (to act against with equal power; to balance) SEE: counterbalance | :: |
counterproductive {adj} (more of a hindrance than a help) | :: contraprodutivo |
counterpunch {n} (punch delivered in response to a previous punch by somebody else) | :: contragolpe {m} |
counterrevolution {n} (revolution to reverse effects of previous revolution) | :: contrarrevolução {f} |
countersuit {n} (lawsuit filed against a party that has filed a suit against one) SEE: counterclaim | :: |
countersurveillance {n} (the art of evading surveillance) | :: contravigilância {f} |
countertenor {n} (adult male singer) | :: contratenor {m} |
counter-terrorism {n} (measures intended to combat or reduce terrorist activities) SEE: antiterrorism | :: |
countertop {n} (The top surface of a counter, for preparation of food) | :: bancada {f} |
counterweight {n} (heavy mass reducing the amount of work which must be done to effect the raising and lowering of something) | :: contrapeso {m} |
countess {n} (wife of a count or earl) | :: condessa {f} |
countless {adj} (too many to count, innumerable) | :: incontável, inumerável |
count noun {n} (noun used to refer to things that can be counted) | :: substantivo contável {m} |
count on {v} (rely upon, trust, or expect) | :: contar com |
country {n} (region of land) | :: país {m}, nação {f} |
country {n} (nation state) | :: país {m}, nação {f}, países {p} |
country {n} (the country, rural area, as opposed to the town or city) | :: campo {m} |
country {n} (country music) | :: country {m} |
country {adj} (of, from or pertaining to the countryside (adjective)) | :: rural, campestre, do campo, grosseiro |
country bumpkin {n} (unsophisticated person from a rural area) | :: caipira {m} |
country house {n} (residence) | :: casa de campo {f}, vila {f} |
countryman {n} (somebody from a certain country) | :: nacional {m} |
countryman {n} (somebody from one's own country) | :: compatriota {m} {f} |
countryman {n} (country dweller) | :: campesino {m}, campesina {f}, camponês {m}, camponesa {f} |
country music {n} (style of music) | :: country {m} |
countryside {n} (a rural area, or the rural part of a larger area) | :: roça {f}, interior {m} |
countryside {n} (a rural landscape) | :: campo {m}, campanha {f} |
county {n} (land ruled by a count or countess) | :: condado {m} |
county {n} (administrative region of various countries) | :: condado {m} |
coup {n} (coup d'état) SEE: coup d'état | :: |
coup {n} (takeover of one group by another) | :: golpe {m} |
coup de grâce {n} (final blow) | :: golpe de misericórdia {m} |
coup d'état {n} (sudden overthrow of a government) | :: golpe de estado {m} |
coupist {n} (one who takes part in a coup d'état) | :: golpista |
couple {n} (two partners) | :: casal |
couple {n} (two of the same kind considered together) | :: dupla, par {m} |
couple {n} (a small number of) | :: poucos, alguns |
couple {v} (to join together) | :: acoplar |
couplet {n} (in poetry, a pair of lines with rhyming end words) | :: parelha {f} |
coupling {n} (sexual intercourse) SEE: sexual intercourse | :: |
coupon {n} (certificate of interest due) | :: cupom {m}, cupão {m} |
coupon {n} (section of a ticket giving the holder some entitlement) | :: cupom {m}, cupão {m} [Portugal] |
courage {n} (quality of a confident character) | :: alento {m}, coragem {f}, valentia {f} |
courage {n} (ability to do frightening things) | :: coragem {f}, audácia {f} |
courageous {adj} (brave) SEE: brave | :: |
courageous {adj} (of an action, that requires courage) | :: corajoso |
courbaril {n} (Hymenaea courbaril, a South American tree) | :: jatobá {m} |
courgette {n} (a small marrow/squash) | :: abobrinha {f} |
courier {n} (person who looks after and guides tourists) | :: guia {m} {f} |
courier {n} (person who delivers messages) | :: mensageiro {m}, estafeta {m} {f} |
courier {n} (company that delivers messages) | :: correio {m} |
courier {n} (company that transports goods) | :: transportadora {f} |
Courland {prop} (region in western Latvia) | :: Curlândia {f} |
course {n} (sequence of events) | :: curso {m} |
course {n} (normal or customary sequence) | :: curso {m} |
course {n} (learning program) | :: curso {m}, disciplina {f}, matéria {f} |
course {n} (stage of a meal) | :: prato {m} |
course {n} (succession of one to another in office or duty) | :: turno {m} |
course {n} (path that something or someone moves along) | :: percurso {m} |
course {n} (itinerary of a race) | :: percurso {m} |
course {n} (sports: trajectory of a ball etc.) | :: trajetória {f} |
course {n} (nautical: direction of movement of a vessel) | :: curso {m} |
course {n} (intended passage of voyage) | :: curso |
course {n} (row or file of objects) | :: fileira {f} |
course {n} (masonry: row of bricks) | :: fileira {f} |
course {n} | :: curso {m} |
course {v} (Flow) | :: correr |
course {n} (golf course) SEE: golf course | :: |
course {n} (path taken by a flow of water) SEE: watercourse | :: |
court {n} (enclosed space; a courtyard) | :: pátio {m} |
court {n} (residence of a sovereign, prince, nobleman, or ether dignitary) | :: palácio {m}, corte {f} |
court {n} (collective body of persons composing the retinue of a sovereign or person high in authority) | :: corte {f} |
court {n} (formal assembling of the retinue of a sovereign) | :: corte {f} |
court {n} (hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered) | :: tribunal {m}, corte {f} |
court {n} (persons officially assembled under authority of law) | :: assembleia {f} |
court {n} (tribunal established for the administration of justice) | :: tribunal {m}, corte {f} |
court {n} (judge or judges) | :: corte {f} |
court {n} (session of a judicial assembly) | :: assembleia {f} |
court {n} (place for playing the game of tennis and some other ball games) | :: quadra {f} |
court {v} (to attempt to win over) | :: cortejar |
courteous {adj} (showing regard for others) | :: cortês |
courtesan {n} (woman of court) | :: cortesã {f} |
courtesan {n} (high-status prostitute) | :: cortesã {f} |
courtesy {n} (polite behavior) | :: cortesia {f} |
courtesy {n} (polite gesture or remark) | :: cortesia {f} |
courtesy {n} (consent or agreement in spite of fact; indulgence) | :: indulgência {f} |
courtesy {n} (willingness or generosity in providing something needed) | :: cortesia {f} |
courtesy {adj} (given or done as a polite gesture) | :: de cortesia |
courtesy {adj} (free of charge) | :: grátis |
courthouse {n} (public building housing courts of law) | :: tribunal |
courtier {n} (attendant at a royal court) | :: cortesão {m} |
court jester {n} (person who amused a medieval court) | :: bobo da corte, bufão |
courtly {adj} (Of or befitting of a royal court) | :: cortês {m} {f} |
court of appeal {n} (appellate court) SEE: appellate court | :: |
court of cassation {n} (the highest court of appeal) | :: corte de cassação {f} |
court of last resort {n} (final court of appeal) SEE: supreme court | :: |
court of law {n} (court presided over by a judge) | :: tribunal {m} |
court of second instance {n} SEE: appellate court | :: |
court order {n} (a written command issued by a judge) | :: ordem judicial {f} |
courtroom {n} (room where a judge presides) | :: corte {f} |
courtship {n} (act of wooing in love) | :: cortejo {m}, corte {m} |
courtyard {n} (unroofed walled area) | :: pátio {m} |
couscous {n} (pasta of North African origin) | :: cuscuz {m} |
cousin {n} (nephew or niece of a parent) | :: primo {m}, prima {f} |
covalent bond {n} (bond in which atoms are connected by shared pairs of electrons) | :: ligação covalente {f} |
covariance {n} (statistical measure) | :: covariância {f} |
covariant {adj} (which preserves composition) | :: covariante |
cove {n} (small coastal inlet, especially one having high cliffs protecting vessels from prevailing winds) | :: enseada |
covenant {n} (binding agreement) | :: pacto {m}, contrato {m}, promessa {f} |
cover {n} (lid) | :: tampa {f} |
cover {n} (hiding) | :: esconderijo {m} |
cover {n} (front and back of a book or a magazine) | :: capa {f} |
cover {n} (top sheet) | :: cobertor {m}, coberta {f} |
cover {n} (cover charge) | :: taxa inclusa {f} |
cover {n} (setting at a restaurant table) | :: reserva {f} |
cover {n} (topology: family of sets) | :: cobertura {f} |
cover {v} (to conceal or protect) | :: acobertar, esconder, ocultar, cobrir |
cover {v} (discuss, mention, deal with) | :: mencionar |
cover {v} (provide enough money for) | :: cobrir |
cover {v} (to have as an assignment or responsibility) | :: cobrir |
cover {v} ((music) make a cover version) | :: cobrir, tampar |
cover {v} (protect by shooting) | :: cobrir |
cover {n} (music: rerecording of a previously recorded song) SEE: cover version | :: |
coverage {n} (amount by which covered) | :: cobertura {f} |
coverage {n} (average number of reads representing a given nucleotide) | :: cobertura |
cover band {n} (music: type of band) | :: banda cover {f}, cover {m} |
covered {adj} (overlaid or enclosed within something) | :: coberto |
cover song {n} (cover version) SEE: cover version | :: |
cover story {n} (story on a publication's front page) | :: manchete {f} |
cover story {n} (fictitious account) | :: história para encobrir |
covert {n} (disguise) SEE: disguise | :: |
covertly {adv} (secretly) SEE: secretly | :: |
cover up {v} (to conceal or disguise) | :: encobrir |
cover-up {n} (attempt to conceal or disguise a wrongdoing or a mistake) | :: encobrimento {m} |
cover version {n} (rerecording of a song) | :: cover {m}, clone {m}, versão cover {f} |
covet {v} (to wish for with eagerness) | :: desejar, cobiçar |
covidiot {n} (person who is foolishly reckless with respect to avoiding contracting or spreading COVID-19) | :: covidiota {m} {f} |
cow {n} (female domesticated ox or other bovine) | :: vaca {f} |
cow {n} (any domestic bovine regardless of sex or age) | :: vaca {f}, bovídeo {m}, bovino {m} |
cow {n} (female of various species of mammal) | :: use the animal’s name + -fêmea |
cow {n} (derogatory: despicable woman) | :: vaca {f}, bruxa {f} |
cowabunga {interj} (expression of joy) SEE: yes | :: |
cowabunga {interj} (expression of amazement or enthusiasm) SEE: wow | :: |
coward {n} (a person who lacks courage) | :: covarde |
cowardice {n} (the lack of courage) | :: covardia {f} |
cowardly {adj} (showing cowardice) | :: covarde, cobarde |
cowardly {adv} (in the manner of a coward) | :: covardemente, cobardemente |
cowbell {n} (bell worn by cows) | :: cincerro {m}, chocalho {m} |
cowbell {n} (musical instrument) | :: caneca {f}, cowbell {m} |
cowberry {n} (shrub and berry Vaccinium vitis-idaea) SEE: lingonberry | :: |
cowboy {n} (person who tends cattle) | :: vaqueiro {m}, caubói {m} |
cowboy {n} (man who identifies with cowboy culture) | :: caubói {m}, peão {m} |
cowboy {n} (one who engages in reckless behavior) | :: caubói {m}, machão {m} |
cower {v} (to crouch in fear) | :: encolher |
cowgirl {n} (A woman who tends free-range cattle) | :: vaqueira {f} |
cowherd {n} (a person who herds cattle) | :: vaqueiro {m} |
cowl {n} (monk's hood or robe) | :: capelo {m} |
cowlick {n} (unruly lock of hair) | :: redemoinho {m} |
cowmilk {n} (cow's milk) SEE: cow's milk | :: |
coworker {n} (somebody with whom one works) | :: colega {m} {f} colega de trabalho {m} {f} colega de serviço {m} {f} |
cow parsley {n} (a weedy biennial umbellifer) | :: erva-cicutária {f}, cicutária {f} |
cowpea {n} (cowpea) SEE: black-eyed pea | :: |
cowper {n} (cooper) SEE: cooper | :: |
Cowper's fluid {n} (pre-ejaculate) SEE: pre-ejaculate | :: |
cowrie {n} (any member of the genus Cypraea) | :: búzio {m} |
cowshed {n} (place for cows) | :: estábulo para/de vacas {m} |
cow's milk {n} (white liquid produced by the mammary glands of a cow) | :: leite de vaca {m} |
coxa {n} (basal segment of some arthropods’ limbs) | :: coxa {f} |
coxswain {n} (crew member who helms a boat) | :: timoneiro {m}, timoneiros {m-p} |
coyote {n} (canine) | :: coiote {m} |
coyote {n} (smuggler) | :: coiote {m} |
coypu {n} (Myocastor coypus) | :: ratão-do-banhado {m}, ratão-d'água {m}, nútria {f}, caxingui {m} |
C-pop {n} (Cantopop) SEE: Cantopop | :: |
CPU {n} (Central processing unit) | :: UCP {f} |
crab {n} (crustacean) | :: caranguejo {m}, siri {m} |
crabapple {n} (tree) | :: macieira silvestre {f} |
crabapple {n} (fruit) | :: maçã silvestre {f} |
crabby {adj} (irritated) | :: ranzinza |
crab-eating fox {n} (Cerdocyon thous) | :: guaraxaim {m}, cachorro-do-mato {m} |
crab-eating raccoon {n} (species of raccoon) | :: mão-pelada {m} |
crablike {adj} (having some characteristics of a crab) | :: acaranguejado {m} |
crab louse {n} (insect) | :: piolho do púbis {m}, carango {m}, chato {m}, piolho púbico {m} |
crabs {n} (slang: pubic lice) | :: piolho do púbis, piolho-caranguejo {m} |
crack {v} (to form cracks) | :: rachar |
crack {v} (to break apart under pressure) | :: arrebentar, quebrar |
crack {v} (to make a cracking sound) | :: rachar |
crack {v} (to make a crack or cracks in) | :: rachar |
crack {v} (to cause to make a sharp sound) | :: estralar |
crack {v} (to circumvent software restrictions) | :: craquear |
crack {n} (thin space opened in a previously solid material) | :: fenda {f}, rachadura {f}, rego {m} |
crack {n} (narrow opening) | :: fenda {f}, fresta {f} |
crack {n} (variety of cocaine) | :: crack, pedra {m} |
crack {n} (sharp sound made when solid material breaks) | :: estalo {m}, crec {m}, craque {m} |
crack {n} (vulgar: vagina (only terms derived from "crack" and its equivalents)) | :: racha {f} |
crack {n} (vulgar: space between buttocks) | :: rego {m}, cofrinho {m} |
crack {n} (attempt at something) SEE: try | :: |
cracked {adj} (broken so that cracks appear on, or under, the surface) | :: rachado {m} |
cracker {n} (firecracker) SEE: firecracker | :: |
cracker {n} (crispy baked bread, usually salty or savoury) | :: bolacha {f}, crocante {m} |
cracker {n} (derogatory: white person) | :: branquelo {m} |
crackhead {n} (person addicted to crack) | :: noia {m} {f}, cracudo {m} |
crackle {n} (a fizzing, popping sound) | :: estalido {m}, estalo {m} |
crackle {v} (make a fizzing sound) | :: estalar, crepitar |
crack of dawn {n} (sunrise) SEE: sunrise | :: |
crack of dawn {n} (crack of dawn) SEE: daybreak | :: |
crack up {v} (to laugh) | :: rachar o bico, gargalhar |
Cracow {prop} (city) | :: Cracóvia |
-cracy {suffix} (rule) | :: -cracia {f} |
cradle {n} (oscillating bed for a baby) | :: berço {m} |
cradle {n} (figuratively: place of origin) | :: berço {m} |
cradle {v} (to rock (a baby to sleep)) | :: berçar |
cradle robber {n} (cradle snatcher) SEE: cradle snatcher | :: |
cradle snatcher {n} (Person who prefers to date people younger than themselves) | :: papa-anjo {m} {f} [Brazil] |
cradle song {n} (lullaby) SEE: lullaby | :: |
craft {n} (skill in one's work) | :: habilidade {f}, perícia {f} |
craft {n} (cunning, shrewdness) | :: engenhosidade {f} |
craft {n} (skilled practice of practical occupation) | :: arte {m}, ofício {m} |
craft {n} (vehicle designed for navigation) | :: nave {f} |
craft {n} | :: ofício {m} |
craft {v} (to make by hand) | :: confeccionar, manufaturar |
craft {v} (to construct, develop like craftsman) | :: construir, desenvolver |
craft {n} (device; means; art) SEE: device | :: |
craft {n} (strength; power; might; force) SEE: strength | :: |
craftsman {n} (male artisan) | :: artesão {m} |
crag {n} (a rocky outcrop) | :: rochedo {m}, penha {m} |
cram {v} (to press, force, or drive, particularly in filling, or in thrusting one thing into another) | :: entupir |
cram {v} (to fill with food to satiety; to stuff) | :: empanturrar |
cram {v} (to eat greedily, and to satiety; to stuff) | :: entupir-se |
cram {n} (the act of cramming) | :: entupimento {m} |
cram {n} (information hastily memorized; as, a cram from an examination) | :: decoreba {f} |
Cramer's rule {n} (the explicit formula) | :: regra de Cramer {f} |
cramp {n} (painful contraction of a muscle) | :: cãibra |
cramp {n} (clamp for carpentry or masonry) SEE: clamp | :: |
cramped {adj} (uncomfortably restricted in size) | :: apertado |
cramped {adj} (overcrowded or congested) | :: abarrotado |
cram school {n} (specialised school) | :: cursinho {m} |
cranberry {n} (shrub) | :: oxicoco {m} |
cranberry {n} (berry) | :: oxicoco {m} |
cranberry juice {n} (the unfermented juice of squeezed cranberries) | :: suco/sumo de oxicoco {m} |
crane {n} (bird) | :: grou |
crane {n} (machinery) | :: guindaste, grua {f} |
cranefly {n} (fly of the suborder Tipulomorpha) | :: pernilongo {m} |
cranial {adj} (of or relating to the cranium, or to the skull) | :: craniano |
cranial nerve {n} (nerve) | :: nervo craniano {m}, nervo cranial {m} |
cranial orbit {n} (eye socket) SEE: eye socket | :: |
craniectomy {n} (surgical procedure) | :: craniectomia {f} |
craniometry {n} (measurement of the skull) | :: craniometria {f} |
craniotomy {n} (surgical procedure) | :: craniotomia {f} |
cranium {n} (skull) SEE: skull | :: |
cranium {n} ((anatomy) braincase or neurocranium) | :: crânio {m} |
crank {n} (a bent piece of an axle or shaft, or an arm attached to the end of a shaft or wheel, used to impart a rotation) | :: manivela {f} |
crank {n} (methamphetamine) SEE: methamphetamine | :: |
crankcase {n} (crankcase) | :: cárter {m} |
crankshaft {n} (rotating shaft that drives a crank) | :: virabrequim {m}, cambota {f} [of a vehicle] |
cranky {adj} (grouchy, irritable; easily upset) | :: ranzinza {m} {f} |
crap {n} (something of poor quality) | :: porcaria {f} |
crap {n} (nonsense) | :: besteira {f} |
crap {n} (feces) | :: bosta {f}, merda {f}, caca {f} |
crap {interj} (expression of worry, disgust) | :: bosta {f}, merda {f}, porcaria!, droga!, credo! {m} |
crape {n} (crepe) SEE: crepe | :: |
crapula {n} (sickness) | :: ressaca {f} |
crash {n} (vehicle accident) | :: batida {f} |
crash {n} (computer malfunction) | :: pane {f}, colisão {f}, falha {f}, avaria {f}, falha de sistema {f} [Portugal], falha fatal {f}, travamento {m} [Brazil] |
crash {v} (to collide, fall or come down violently) | :: bater, colidir, chocar |
crash {v} (slang: to turn up without having been invited) | :: invadir |
crash {v} (computing: to terminate unexpectedly) | :: dar pane, travar, arrebentar, rebentar [Portugal], falhar |
crasis {n} (contraction of a vowel at the end of a word with the start of the next word) | :: crase {f} |
crass {adj} (coarse; crude; not refined, insensitive) | :: crasso {m}, grosseiro {m} |
crassulacean {adj} (of or pertaining to the family Crassulaceae of dicotyledons) | :: crassuláceo |
-crat {suffix} (participant) | :: -crata {m} {f} |
-crat {suffix} (advocate) | :: -crata {m} {f} |
crate {n} (box or basket) | :: engradado {m} |
crater {n} (astronomy: hemispherical pit) | :: cratera {f} |
crater {n} (geology: opening of a volcano) | :: cratera {f} |
crater {n} (pit left by an explosion) | :: cratera {f} |
-cratic {suffix} (suffix forming adjectives related to -cracy/-crat) | :: -crático |
crave {n} (to want strongly) | :: ansiar |
craven {adj} (extremely cowardly) | :: covarde |
craven {n} (coward) | :: covarde {m} |
craving {n} (strong desire; yearning) | :: ânsia {f}, anelo {m}, sofreguidão {f} |
crawdad {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish | :: |
crawfish {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish | :: |
crawl {v} (to move along the ground) | :: engatinhar [on hands and knees], rastejar [dragging body along the ground], reptar |
crawl {v} (to move slowly) | :: lesmar |
crawl {v} (to act in a servile manner) | :: rastejar |
crawl {v} (to feel swarming sensation) | :: formigar |
crawl {n} (slow movement on hands and knees, or with frequent stops) | :: rastejo {m} |
crawl {n} (swimming stroke) | :: crawl {m} |
crawldad {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish | :: |
crawler {n} (sycophant) SEE: sycophant | :: |
crawlfish {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish | :: |
crayfish {n} (freshwater crustacean resembling lobster) | :: lagostim {m} |
crayon {n} (colored chalk or wax) | :: pastel {m}, giz de cera {m} [Brazil], lápis de cera {m} [Portugal] |
craze {n} (temporary passion) | :: febre {f} |
crazily {adv} (in a crazy manner) | :: loucamente |
crazy {adj} (insane, demented) | :: louco, maluco, doido |
crazy {adj} (out of control) | :: louco, doido |
crazy {n} (an insane or eccentric person) | :: louco {m} |
crèche {n} (nativity scene) SEE: nativity scene | :: |
Córdoba {prop} (city in Spain) | :: Córdova {f} |
creak {n} (the sound produced by anything that creaks; a creaking) | :: rangido {m} |
creak {v} (to make a prolonged sharp grating or squeaking sound) | :: ranger |
creaky {adj} (tending to creak) | :: quebrável, quebradiço {m} |
cream {n} (oily part of milk) | :: creme {m}, nata {f} |
cream {n} (colour) | :: creme {m} |
cream {n} (the best part) | :: creme {m}, nata {f} |
cream {n} (product to apply to the skin) | :: creme {m} |
cream {adj} (colour) | :: creme |
cream cheese {n} (milk-based cheese product) | :: cream cheese {m}, queijo de barrar {m}, queijo cremoso {m} |
cream-colored courser {n} (Cursorius cursor) | :: corredor {m} |
cream of tartar {n} (potassium hydrogen tartrate) | :: cremor de tártaro {m} |
cream of the crop {n} (the best) | :: nata {f}, suprassumo {m} |
crease {n} (mark made by folding) | :: ruga {f}, dobra {f} |
crease {v} (to make a crease in) | :: enrugar |
crease {v} (to graze) | :: roçar |
creased {adj} (having a crease or creases) | :: amarrotado |
create {v} (to put into existence) | :: criar |
create {v} (to design, invest with a new form, shape etc.) | :: criar |
creation {n} (something created such as an invention or artwork) | :: criação {f} |
creation {n} (act of creation) | :: criação {f} |
creation {n} ((Biblical) all which exists) | :: criação {f} |
creationism {n} (any creationary theory or belief system) | :: criacionismo {m} |
creationist {n} (a proponent or supporter of creationism) | :: criacionista {mf} |
creative {adj} (having the ability to create) | :: criativo, criador |
creative {adj} (original, expressive, and imaginative) | :: criativo |
creative {n} (person directly involved in a creative marketing process) | :: criativo {m}, criativa {f} |
creativity {n} (quality or ability to create or invent something) | :: criatividade {f} |
creator {n} (one who creates) | :: criador {m} |
creator {n} (the deity that created the world) | :: Criador {m} |
Creator {prop} (God) | :: Criador {m} |
creature {n} (living being) | :: criatura |
credence {n} (acceptance of a belief or claim) | :: crédito {m}, crença {f} |
credence {n} (credential or supporting material for a person or claim) | :: crédito {m} |
credence {v} (acceptance of a belief or claim) | :: acreditar |
credential {adj} (pertaining to authority) | :: credencial |
credential {n} (document of authority) | :: credencial {f} |
credibility {n} (reputation impacting one's ability to be believed) | :: credibilidade {f} |
credible {adj} (believable or plausible) | :: crível |
credible {adj} (authentic or convincing) | :: crível |
credit {v} (to believe) | :: acreditar |
credit {v} (to add to an account) | :: creditar |
credit {n} (recognition and respect) | :: crédito {m} |
credit {n} (acknowledgement of a contribution) | :: crédito {m} |
credit {n} (written title shown with a film or video) | :: crédito {m} |
credit {n} (privilege of delayed payment) | :: crédito {m} |
credit {n} (accounting: amount added to an account) | :: crédito {m} |
credit {n} (source of value) | :: crédito |
credit card {n} (card connected to a credit account used to buy goods or services) | :: cartão de crédito {m} |
credit limit {n} (maximum amount of credit) | :: limite (de crédito) {m} |
credit line {n} (line of credit) SEE: line of credit | :: |
creditor {n} (a person to whom a debt is owed) | :: credor {m} |
credo {n} (belief system) | :: credo {m} |
credulity {n} (gullibility) SEE: gullibility | :: |
credulous {adj} (excessively ready to believe things) | :: crédulo |
Cree {prop} (an aboriginal nation of North America) | :: cree {m} |
Cree {prop} (Algonquian language spoken by this people) | :: cree {m} |
creed {n} (that which is believed) | :: crença {f}, credo {m} |
creed {n} (reading or statement of belief that summarizes the faith it represents) | :: crença {f}, credo {m} |
creed {v} (to believe, credit, see also: believe) | :: acreditar, crer |
creek {n} (small inlet or bay) | :: enseada {f} |
creek {n} (stream of water) | :: riacho {m} |
creep {v} (to grow across a surface rather than upwards) | :: trepar |
creep {v} (to move slowly and quietly in a particular direction) | :: rastejar |
creep {v} (to move in a stealthy or secret manner) | :: esgueirar |
creep {v} (to have a sensation as of insects creeping on the skin) | :: formigar |
creep {n} (movement of something that creeps) | :: rastejo {m} |
creep {v} (to move slowly with the abdomen close to the ground) SEE: crawl | :: |
creepy {adj} (producing a fearful sensation) | :: horripilante |
cremate {v} (burn to ashes) | :: cremar |
cremate {v} (incinerate a body) | :: cremar |
cremation {n} (burning) | :: cremação |
crematorium {n} (place where dead bodies are cremated) | :: crematório {m} |
crematory {n} (crematorium) SEE: crematorium | :: |
creme de la creme {n} (crème de la crème) SEE: crème de la crème | :: |
crenel {n} (space between merlons) | :: ameia {f} |
crenellate {v} (to indent; to notch) SEE: indent | :: |
creole {n} (lect formed from two languages) | :: crioulo {m} |
creolin {n} (fraction of coal tar containing cresols) | :: creolina {f} |
crepe {n} (crinkled fabric) | :: crepom {m} |
crepe {n} (crepe paper) SEE: crêpe paper | :: |
crepitate {v} (to crackle) | :: crepitar |
crepuscular {adj} (of or relating to twilight) | :: crepuscular |
crepuscular {adj} (active at or around dusk, dawn or twilight) | :: crepuscular |
crescendo {n} (music: instruction to play gradually more loudly) | :: crescendo {m} |
crescent {n} (figure of the moon) | :: crescente {f} |
crescent {n} (curved pastry) | :: croissant {m} |
crescent {adj} (marked by an increase) | :: crescente |
crescent moon {n} (the moon as it appears in its first or last quarter) | :: lua crescente |
crescent spanner {n} (adjustable spanner) SEE: adjustable spanner | :: |
cress {n} (a plant) | :: agrião {m} |
crest {n} (animal’s or bird’s tuft) | :: crista {f} |
crest {n} (plume or decoration on a helmet) | :: pluma {f}, crista {f} |
crest {n} (heraldic bearing) | :: timbre {m} |
crest {n} (horse's neck) | :: crina {f} |
crest {n} (ridge or top of a wave) | :: crista (da/de onda) {f} |
crest {n} (summit) | :: cume |
crest {n} (helm or head) | :: elmo {m} |
crestfallen {adj} (sad because of a recent disappointment) | :: cabisbaixo |
Cretaceous {prop} (geologic period within the Mesozoic) | :: cretáceo {m} |
Cretan {adj} (relating to Crete) | :: cretense |
Cretan {n} (inhabitant) | :: cretense {m} {f} |
Cretan rockrose {n} (Cistus creticus, a shrub that yields labdanum) | :: esteva {f} |
Crete {prop} (island) | :: Creta {f} |
cretin {n} (pejorative: an idiot) | :: cretino |
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease {n} (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) | :: doença de Creutzfeldt-Jakob {f} |
crevasse {n} (a crack or fissure in a glacier or snow field) | :: crevasse {f} |
crevice {n} (narrow crack) | :: fenda {f}, fresta {f} |
crew {n} (group of people operating a large facility or piece of equipment) | :: tripulação {f} [of a craft], pessoal {m} |
crew {n} (non-officer nautical personnel) | :: tripulação {f} |
crew {n} (group of people working on common task) | :: equipe {f} |
crew {n} (arts: non-actor members of a theatrical stage production) | :: pessoal {m} |
crew {n} (informal: group of friends or associates) | :: gangue {m} {f} |
crew {n} (member of a crew) | :: tripulante {m} {f} |
crew {v} (to be a member of a vessel's crew) | :: tripular |
crew {v} (nautical: to do the proper work of a sailor) | :: tripular |
crib {n} (a child's bed) SEE: cot | :: |
crib {n} (a baby’s bed with high sides) | :: berço {m} |
crib {n} (a feeding trough for animals) | :: manjedoura {f}, cocho {m} |
crib {n} (petty theft or plagiarism) | :: furto {m}, plágio {m} |
crib {n} (notes concealed by a student to aid him/her in test or examination) | :: cola {f} |
crib {n} (nativity scene) SEE: nativity scene | :: |
crib note {n} (concealed reminder) SEE: cheat sheet | :: |
crib sheet {n} (cheat sheet) SEE: cheat sheet | :: |
cricket {n} (insect) | :: grilo {m} |
cricket {n} (game) | :: críquete {m} |
cricothyrotomy {n} (incision made through the skin and cricothyroid membrane) | :: cricotireoidotomia {f} |
cri du chat {n} (congenital syndrome caused by an absence of some genetic material on the fifth chromosome) | :: síndrome do cri du chat {f}, síndrome de cri du chat {f} |
crikey {interj} (exclamation of astonishment) | :: credo! {m}, bolas! |
crime {n} (specific act committed in violation of the law) | :: crime {m} |
crime {n} (practice or habit of committing crimes) | :: crime {m}, criminalidade {f} |
Crimea {prop} (peninsula, see also: Crimean peninsula) | :: Crimeia {f} |
crime against humanity {n} (a large-scale persecution of, or atrocity against a body of people) | :: crime contra a humanidade {f} |
Crimean {prop} (Crimea) SEE: Crimea | :: |
Crimean {prop} (Crimean peninsula) SEE: Crimean peninsula | :: |
Crimean Gothic {prop} (Gothic dialect spoken in Crimea) | :: gótico da Crimeia {m} |
Crimean peninsula {prop} (peninsula, see also: Crimea) | :: península da Criméia {f} |
Crimean Tatar {n} (Crimean Tatar (a Turkic language)) | :: tártaro da Crimeia {m} |
Crimean War {prop} (war) | :: Guerra da Crimeia {f} |
crime doesn't pay {proverb} (if you a commit a crime you will most likely be punished for it) | :: o crime não compensa |
crime rate {n} (measure of incidences of crime) | :: taxa de criminalidade {f} |
crime scene {n} (location of a crime) | :: cena do crime {f} |
criminal {adj} (being against the law) | :: criminoso |
criminal {adj} (guilty of breaking the law) | :: culpado |
criminal {adj} (of or relating to crime) | :: criminal |
criminal {n} (person guilty of a crime, breaking the law) | :: criminoso {m}, criminosa {f} |
criminality {n} (state of being criminal) | :: criminalidade {f} |
criminalize {v} (to make something be a crime) | :: criminalizar |
criminal law {n} (area of law) | :: direito penal {m}, direito criminal {m} |
criminally {adv} (in a criminal manner) | :: criminalmente |
criminalness {n} (criminality) SEE: criminality | :: |
criminal offence {n} (crime) SEE: crime | :: |
criminal record {n} (a record of past crimes) | :: antecedentes {m-p} |
criminological {adj} (of or pertaining to criminology) | :: criminológico |
criminologist {n} (person who practices criminology) | :: criminólogo {m} |
criminology {n} (the study of crime and criminals, especially their behaviour) | :: criminologia {f} |
crimson {n} (deep, slightly bluish red) | :: carmim, carmesim {m} |
crimson {adj} (having a deep red colour) | :: carmim, carmesim |
crimson {v} (blush) SEE: blush | :: |
crimson tide {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation | :: |
crimson tide {n} (red tide) SEE: red tide | :: |
cringe {v} (To shrink or recoil, as in fear, disgust or embarrassment) | :: encolher-se |
crinkle {v} (to fold, crease, crumple, or wad) | :: dobrar |
crinoid {n} (animal of the class Crinoidea) | :: crinoide {m} |
cripple {n} (person who has severe impairment in physical abilities) | :: aleijado {m}, aleijada {f} |
crippled {adj} (having a physical impediment) | :: aleijado, coxo |
crisis {n} (crucial or decisive point or situation; a turning point) | :: crise {f} |
crisis {n} (unstable situation in political, social, economic or military affairs) | :: crise {f} |
crisis {n} (sudden change in the course of a disease) | :: crise {f} |
crisis {n} (traumatic or stressful change in a person's life) | :: crise {f} |
crisis {n} (point in a drama at which a conflict reaches a peak before being resolved) | :: crise dramática {f}, crise {f} |
crisp {adj} (lively, sparking, effervescing) | :: borbulhante, efervescente |
crisp {adj} | :: crocante , congelante , fresco , alegre, animado, festivo |
crisp {n} (thin slice of potato) SEE: potato crisp | :: |
Crispin {prop} (male given name) | :: Crispim {m}, Crispino {m} |
Crispin {prop} (Christian saint) | :: Crispim {m} |
crispy {adj} (having a crisp texture) | :: crocante |
criterion {n} (standard for comparison and judgment) | :: critério {m} |
critic {n} (person who appraises the works of others) | :: crítico {m} |
critic {n} (specialist in judging works of art) | :: crítico {m} |
critic {n} (one who criticizes; a person who finds fault) | :: criticador |
critical {adj} (inclined to find fault) | :: crítico |
critical {adj} (extremely important) | :: crítico {m} |
critical mass {n} (amount of fissile material needed to a nuclear chain reaction) | :: massa crítica {f} |
critical point {n} (in thermodynamics) | :: ponto crítico {m} |
criticism {n} (act of criticising) | :: crítica {f}, criticismo {m} |
criticize {v} (to find fault) | :: criticar, culpar |
criticize {v} (to evaluate) | :: criticar, avaliar |
critique {n} (essay in which another piece of work is criticised, reviewed) | :: crítica {f} |
critique {v} (To review something) | :: criticar |
critter {n} (a creature) | :: criatura {f} |
Crius {prop} (a Greek titan) | :: Crio {m} |
crème brûlée {n} (dessert) | :: crème brûlée |
crème de la crème {n} (best of the best) | :: nata da sociedade {f} |
croak {n} (the harsh cry of various birds, particularly the raven or crow) SEE: caw | :: |
croak {v} (of a raven, to make its cry) SEE: caw | :: |
croak {n} (the cry of a frog or toad) | :: grasnido {m}, grasnado {m}, grasnada {f}, grasno {m} |
croak {v} (to make a croak) | :: grasnir, grasnar |
croak {v} (of a frog, to make its cry) | :: grasnir, grasnar, coaxar |
Croat {n} (language) SEE: Croatian | :: |
Croat {n} (citizen of Croatia or person of Croatian ethnicity) | :: croata {m} {f} |
Croatia {prop} (country in Europe) | :: Croácia {f} |
Croatian {adj} (of or pertaining to Croatia) | :: croata |
Croatian {n} (person of Croatia) | :: croata {m} {f} |
Croatian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) | :: croata {m} |
Croatian Sheepdog {n} (Croatian Sheepdog) | :: pastor croata {m} |
crochet {n} (needlework) | :: crochet {m}, croché {m}, crochê {m} |
crochet {v} (to make needlework using a hooked needle) | :: fazer crochet/croché/crochê, crochetar |
crochetwork {n} (crochet) SEE: crochet | :: |
crockery {n} (plates, dishes and other eating and serving tableware) | :: louças |
crocodile {n} (reptile) | :: crocodilo {m} |
crocodile tear {n} (tear shed falsely) | :: lágrima de crocodilo {f} |
crocodile tear {n} (display of tears that is forced or false) | :: lágrimas de crocodilo {f-p} |
crocodilian {n} (reptiles) | :: crocodiliano {m} |
crocus {n} (plant of genus Crocus) | :: croco {m} |
croft {n} (cave or cavern) SEE: cave | :: |
croft {n} (underground chamber) SEE: crypt | :: |
croissant {n} (a flaky roll or pastry in a form of a crescent) | :: croissant {m}, croassã {m} |
cromlech {n} (Welsh dolmen or underground tomb) | :: cromeleque {m} |
Cromwellian {adj} (of or pertaining to Oliver Cromwell, his ideas or policies) | :: cromwelliano |
Cromwellian {n} (a partisan of Oliver Cromwell) | :: cromwelliano {m} |
crone {n} (old woman) | :: coroa {f} |
crone {n} (ugly evil-looking or frightening old woman; a hag) | :: bruxa {f} |
Cronus {prop} (youngest of the twelve Titans) | :: Cronos {m} |
crony {n} (Close friend) | :: parceiro {m} |
crony capitalism {n} (form of economy) | :: corporativismo {m} |
cronyism {n} (favoritism to friends without regard for their qualifications) | :: amiguismo {m} |
crook {n} (a criminal who steals, lies, cheats or does other dishonest or illegal things) | :: ladrão {m}, ladra {f} |
crook {n} (a shepherd's crook) | :: cajado {m} |
crook {n} (a bend) | :: gancho {m}, curva {f} |
crook {v} (to bend) | :: curvar |
crooked {adj} (having one or more bends or angles) | :: torto |
crooked {adj} (set at an angle) | :: torto {m} |
crooked {adj} (figurative: dishonest, illegal) | :: desonesto |
crop {n} (plant grown for any economic purpose) | :: cultura {f}, cultivo {m} |
crop {n} (natural production for a specific year) | :: colheita {f}, safra {f} |
crop {n} (entire short whip; riding crop, see also: riding crop) | :: açoite {m}, chibata {f} |
crop {n} (part of bird's or animal’s alimentary tract) | :: papo {m} |
crop {v} (remove top part) | :: podar |
crop {v} (to cut (hair/tail/ears) short) | :: encurtar |
crop {v} (remove outer parts of (a photograph or image)) | :: recortar |
crop milk {n} (“milk” from a bird’s crop) | :: leite de papo {m}, leite de pombo {m} |
crop rotation {n} (farming practice) | :: rotação de culturas {f} |
croquet {n} (croquette) SEE: croquette | :: |
croquette {n} (food) | :: croquete {m} |
crosier {n} (staff of a bishop or abbot) | :: báculo {m} |
cross {n} (geometrical figure) | :: cruz {f} |
cross {n} (in heraldry) | :: cruz {f}, aspa {f}, sautor {m} |
cross {n} (wooden post with a perpendicular beam, used for crucifixion) | :: cruz {f} |
cross {n} (definite: the cross on which Christ was crucified) | :: cruz |
cross {n} (gesture made by Christians) | :: sinal da cruz {m} |
cross {n} (biology: animal or plant produced by crossbreeding or cross-fertilization) | :: cruza {f} |
cross {n} (hook thrown over opponent's punch) | :: cruzado {m} |
cross {n} (football kick) | :: cruzamento {m} |
cross {adj} (transverse; lying across the main direction) | :: cruzado, atravessado, transversal |
cross {adj} (opposite, opposed to) | :: oposto |
cross {adj} (angry, annoyed) | :: irritado |
cross {prep} (cross product of) | :: produto vetorial {m} |
cross {v} (go from one side of something to the other) | :: atravessar, cruzar |
cross {v} (travel in a direction or path that will intersect with that another) | :: cruzar |
cross {v} (contradict or frustrate the plans of) | :: opor |
cross {v} (make the sign of the cross over oneself) | :: persignar-se, fazer o sinal da cruz |
cross {v} (biology: to cross-fertilize or crossbreed) | :: cruzar |
cross {prep} (across) SEE: across | :: |
crossbar {n} (top of the goal structure) | :: travessão {m} |
crossbeam {n} (a horizontal structural beam; a girder) | :: travessa {f} |
crossbill {n} (law: bill brought by a defendant against the plaintiff) SEE: counterclaim | :: |
crossbill {n} (finch of the genus Loxia) | :: cruza-bico |
crossbow {n} (mechanised weapon based on the bow) | :: besta {f} |
crossbowman {n} (someone equipped with a crossbow) | :: besteiro {m} |
crossbreed {n} (organism produced by mating of individuals of different varieties or breeds) SEE: hybrid | :: |
crosscut {n} (shortcut) SEE: shortcut | :: |
crosseyed {adj} (having both eyes oriented inward, especially involuntarily) | :: vesgo |
cross-eyed {adj} (having both eyes oriented inward) | :: vesgo {m}, estrábico {m}, trusco, virolho |
crossfire {n} (lines of fire) | :: fogo cruzado {m} |
crosshatching {n} (a method of showing shading by means of multiple small intersecting lines) | :: hachura {f} |
crossing {n} (intersection where roads, lines, or tracks cross) | :: encruzilhada {f}, cruzamento {m} |
crossing {n} (place at which a river, railroad, or highway may be crossed) | :: cruzamento {m} |
crossing {n} (voyage across a body of water) | :: singradura {f} |
cross out {v} (to strike out) | :: riscar |
cross-platform {adj} (designed to work on various operating systems) | :: multiplataforma |
cross product {n} (vector product) SEE: vector product | :: |
cross-reference {n} (a reference to another location in the same source) | :: referência, nota {f} |
crossroad {n} (crossroads) SEE: crossroads | :: |
crossroads {n} (intersection) | :: cruzamento {m}, encruzilhada {f} |
cross section {n} (section formed by a plane cutting through an object) | :: secção transversal {f} [Portugal], seção transversal {f} [Brazil] |
cross-sectional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or being a cross section) | :: transversal |
cross-stitch {n} (embroidery or needlework) | :: ponto de cruz {m}, ponto-cruz {m} |
cross swords {v} (to fight with someone) SEE: duel | :: |
crosstable {n} (arrangement in tabular form) | :: tabela cruzada {f} |
cross the line {v} (overstep a boundary) | :: passar dos limites |
cross the Rubicon {v} (to make an irreversible decision) | :: atravessar o Rubicão |
cross-tie {n} (sleeper) SEE: railroad tie | :: |
crosswalk {n} (place where pedestrians can cross a street) | :: faixa de pedestres {f}, faixa |
crosswind {n} (crosswind) | :: vento cruzado {m} |
crossword {n} (word puzzle) | :: palavras cruzadas {f-p} |
crossword puzzle {n} (crossword) SEE: crossword | :: |
crotalum {n} (a kind of clapper or castanet used in Ancient Greece) | :: crótalo {m} |
crotch {n} (area where something forks) | :: forquilha {f}, bifurcação {f}, ramificação, Y {m} |
crotch {n} (area of a person’s body) | :: virilha {f}, entreperna {f} |
crotchet {n} (musical note) | :: semínima {f} |
crotonic acid {n} (an unsaturated organic acid) | :: ácido crotônico |
crouch {v} (to bend down) | :: agachar |
crouch {n} (bent or stooped position) | :: [Brazil] agachar |
croup {v} (to croak) SEE: croak | :: |
crow {n} (any bird of the genus Corvus) | :: gralha-preta {f}, corvo {m} |
crow {n} (bar of iron) | :: pé de cabra {m} |
crow {n} (cry of the rooster) | :: canto {m} |
crow {v} (to make the sound of a rooster) | :: cantar |
crowbar {n} (iron or steel bar used as a lever to manually force things apart) | :: pé-de-cabra {m} |
crowd {v} (to press together in numbers) | :: pressionar |
crowd {n} (group of people) | :: multidão {f} |
crowd {n} (group of things) | :: pilha {f}, monte {m} |
crowd {n} (the “lower orders” of people) | :: massa {f}, povo {m}, plebe {f}, ralé {f} |
crowded {adj} (containing too many of something) | :: lotado, cheio |
crowdfunding {n} (pooling of money for a common goal) | :: financiamento coletivo {m}, vaquinha {f} |
crowfoot {n} (buttercup) SEE: buttercup | :: |
crown {n} (royal headdress) | :: coroa {f} |
crown {n} (representation of such a headdress) | :: coroa {f} |
crown {n} (wreath or band for the head) | :: grinalda {f}, guirlanda {f}, coroa {f} |
crown {n} (reward) | :: medalha de honra {f} |
crown {n} (imperial or regal power) | :: coroa {f} |
crown {n} (topmost part of the head) | :: topo {m}, alta {f}, moleira {f} |
crown {n} (highest part of a hill) | :: cume {m}, topo {m} |
crown {n} (top of a hat) | :: copa {f} |
crown {n} (any currency issued by the crown) | :: coroa {f} |
crown {n} (former British coin worth five shillings) | :: coroa {f} |
crown {n} (anatomy: part of tooth) | :: coroa {f} |
crown {n} (dentistry: prosthetic covering for a tooth) | :: coroa {f} |
crown {adj} (of, related to, or pertaining to a crown) | :: da coroa |
crown {v} (to place a crown on the head of) | :: coroar |
crown {v} (to formally declare one a king or emperor) | :: coroar |
crown {v} (to declare one a winner) | :: coroar |
crown cap {n} (type of bottle cap) | :: carica {f} |
crown cork {n} (crown cap) SEE: crown cap | :: |
crowning {n} (act of crowning) SEE: coronation | :: |
crown jewels {n} (jewelry) | :: joias da coroa {f-p} |
crownment {n} (act of crowning) SEE: coronation | :: |
crown prince {n} (next king) | :: príncipe herdeiro {m} |
crown prince {n} (next emperor) | :: príncipe herdeiro {m} |
crown princess {n} (the heiress apparent to the throne in a monarchy) | :: princesa herdeira {f} |
crow's feet {n} (wrinkles at the outer corners of the eye) | :: pés de galinha {m-p} |
crêpe {n} (crepe) SEE: crepe | :: |
crêpe paper {n} (crinkled tissue paper) | :: crepom {m}, papel crepom {m} |
crucial {adj} (extremely important) | :: crucial |
crucial {adj} (cross-shaped) | :: crucial |
crucian {n} (species of freshwater game fish) SEE: crucian carp | :: |
crucian carp {n} (Carassius carassius) | :: pimpão comum {m} |
crucible {n} (cup-shaped piece of laboratory equipment) | :: crisol {m}, cadinho {m} |
crucible {n} (heat-resistant container in which metals are melted) | :: crisol {m}, cadinho {m} |
crucible {n} (difficult and trying experience) | :: prova de fogo {f} |
crucifix {n} (object) | :: cruz {f}; crucifixo {m} [symbol] |
crucifixion {n} (execution by being nailed or tied to an upright cross) | :: crucificação {f}, crucifixão {f} |
crucifixion {n} (death of Christ on cross) | :: crucificação {f}, crucifixão {f} |
cruciform {adj} (having the shape of a cross) | :: cruciforme |
crucify {v} (to execute a person by nailing to a crucifix) | :: crucificar |
cruciverbalist {n} (constructor of crosswords) | :: cruciverbalista |
crud {n} (feces) | :: esterco {m} |
crude {n} (crude oil) SEE: crude oil | :: |
crude {adj} (being in a natural state) | :: cru, bruto |
crude {adj} (characterized by simplicity) | :: rústico |
crude {adj} (lacking tact or taste) | :: bruto |
crude oil {n} (unrefined oil) | :: petróleo bruto {m}, petróleo cru {m} |
cruel {adj} (that intentionally causes pain and suffering) | :: cruel |
cruelly {adv} (in a cruel manner) | :: cruelmente |
cruelty {n} (indifference to suffering) | :: crueldade {f} |
cruelty {n} (positive pleasure in inflicting suffering) | :: perversidade {f} |
cruelty {n} (cruel act) | :: crueldade {f} |
cruet {n} (A small bottle or container used to hold a condiment) | :: galheteiro {m} |
cruise {n} (sea voyage) | :: cruzeiro {m} |
cruise {v} (to seek a sexual partner) | :: caçar |
cruiser {n} (naval vessel detached from the fleet) | :: cruzador {m} |
cruiser {n} (class of warships) | :: cruzador {m} |
cruiser {n} (passenger ship designed for cruising) | :: cruzeiro {m} |
cruiser {n} (police patrol vehicle) | :: viatura {f} |
cruise ship {n} (passenger ship) | :: cruzeiro {m} |
cruising for a bruising {adj} (following a course of action likely to result in injury or other trouble for oneself) | :: procurando encrenca |
crumb {n} (small piece of biscuit, cake, etc) | :: migalha {f} |
crumb {n} ((figurative) small amount) | :: migalha {f} |
crumb {n} (soft internal portion of bread) | :: miolo (de pão) {m} |
crumble {v} (to fall apart) | :: desmoronar |
crumble {v} (to render into crumbs) | :: despedaçar, esfarelar |
crumple {v} (to rumple) | :: amassar |
crumple {v} (to become wrinkled) | :: amassar |
crunchy {adj} (likely to crunch) | :: crocante |
crusade {n} (military expedition) | :: cruzada {f} |
crusade {n} (grand concerted effort) | :: cruzada {f} |
Crusade {n} (campaigns by Christian forces to the Holy Land) | :: cruzada {f} |
crusader {n} (fighter in the medieval crusades) | :: cruzado {m} |
crush {n} (violent collision or compression; crash; destruction; ruin) | :: choque {m}, colisão {f} |
crush {n} (love or infatuation or its object (often short-lived or unrequited)) | :: paixonite {f}, fraquinho {m} |
crush {v} (to press or bruise between two hard bodies) | :: amassar |
crush {v} (to reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding) | :: esmigalhar, pulverizar, triturar |
crush {v} (to overwhelm by pressure or weight) | :: esmagar |
crush {v} (to oppress or burden grievously) | :: dominar, subjugar, vencer |
crush {v} (to be or become broken down or in) | :: moer |
crushing {adj} (that crushes) | :: arrasador |
crust {n} (any solid, hard surface layer) | :: crosta {f} |
crust {n} (outer layer of bread) | :: crosta {f}, côdea {f} |
crust {n} (outer layer composed of pastry) | :: crosta {f} |
crust {n} (bread foundation of pizza) | :: massa {f} |
crust {n} (outermost layer of a planet) | :: crosta {f} |
crustacean {n} (arthropod of the subphylum Crustacea) | :: crustáceo {m} |
crusty {adj} (grumpy, short-tempered) | :: rabugento {m} |
crutch {n} (crotch) SEE: crotch | :: |
crutch {n} (device to assist in motion as a cane) | :: muleta {f}, canadiana {f} |
crux {n} ((heraldry) cross on a coat of arms) SEE: cross | :: |
crux {n} (central or essential point) | :: ponto crucial {m} |
crux {n} (critical or transitional moment) | :: momento decisivo {m} |
Crux {prop} (constellation) | :: Cruzeiro do Sul |
crux gammata {n} (The crux gammata) | :: cruz gamada {f} |
Cruz {prop} | :: Cruz |
cruzeiro {n} (currency) | :: cruzeiro {m} |
cry {v} (intransitive: to weep) | :: chorar |
cry {v} (intransitive: to shout, scream, yell) | :: bradar, gritar |
cry {v} (transitive: to shout, to scream (words)) | :: gritar |
cry {n} (shedding of tears) | :: choro {m} |
cry {n} (shout or scream) | :: brado {m}, grito {m} |
cry {n} (words shouted or screamed) | :: grito {m} |
crybaby {n} (baby who cries excessively) | :: chorão {m} |
crybaby {n} (person whose feelings are easily hurt) | :: chorão {m} |
cry foul {v} (resent) SEE: resent | :: |
crying {n} (Action of the verb cry) | :: choro {m} |
cryogenic {adj} (of, relating to, or performed at low temperatures) | :: criogênico |
cry one's eyes out {v} (to moan) SEE: moan | :: |
cryoprotectant {n} (substance that prevents cell damage on freezing) | :: crioprotetor {m} |
cry over spilt milk {v} (to worry about unfortunate events which have already happened) | :: chorar sobre o leite derramado, chorar sobre leite derramado |
cryovolcano {n} (cryovolcano) | :: criovulcão {m} |
crypt {n} (undergound vault) | :: cripta {f} |
cryptanalysis {n} (science of analyzing and breaking codes and ciphers) | :: criptoanálise {f} |
cryptanalysis {n} (analysis or decryption of a specific text, code or cipher) | :: criptoanálise {f} |
cryptanalyst {n} (an expert in analyzing and breaking codes) | :: criptoanalista {f} |
cryptic {adj} (having hidden meaning) | :: críptico {m} |
cryptic {adj} (mystified or of an obscure nature) | :: críptico {m} |
cryptic {adj} (involving use of code or cipher) | :: críptico {m} |
cryptid {n} | :: criptido {m}, criptídeo {m} |
crypto- {prefix} | :: cripto- |
crypto-anarchism {n} (discipline concerned with communication security) | :: criptoanarquismo {f} |
crypto-anarchist {n} (proponent of crypto-anarchism) | :: criptoanarquista {f} |
cryptoanarchy {n} (use of cryptography to economic arrangement and transcend boundaries) | :: criptoanarquia {f} |
cryptobiosis {n} (state of life) | :: criptobiose {f} |
cryptobiotic {adj} (of or related to cryptobiosis) | :: criptobiótico |
cryptococcal {adj} (of or pertaining to cryptococcus fungi or cryptococcosis) | :: criptococótico, criptococal |
cryptococcosis {n} (a serious disease caused the Cryptococcus neoformans fungus) | :: criptococose {f} |
cryptocommunism {n} (hidden communism) | :: criptocomunismo {f} |
cryptocommunist {n} (a secretly communist person) | :: criptocomunista {m} {f} |
cryptocommunist {adj} (secretely communist) | :: criptocomunista |
cryptocrystalline {adj} (whose crystalline nature only becomes apparent at high levels of magnification) | :: criptocristalino |
cryptocurrency {n} (type of digital currency) | :: criptomoeda {f}, criptodivisa {f} |
crypto-fascism {n} (hidden fascism) | :: criptofascismo {f} |
crypto-fascist {n} (a person who holds fascist views secretely) | :: criptofascista {m} {f} |
crypto-fascist {adj} (secretly holding fascist views) | :: criptofascista |
cryptogam {n} (plant) | :: criptógama |
cryptogram {n} (encrypted text) | :: criptograma {f} |
cryptography {n} (discipline concerned with communication security) | :: criptografia {f} |
crypto-Judaism {n} (crypto-Judaism) | :: criptojudaísmo {m} |
cryptologic {adj} (of or relating to cryptology) | :: criptológico {f} |
cryptological {adj} (cryptologic) SEE: cryptologic | :: |
cryptology {n} (practice) | :: criptologia {f} |
cryptomnesia {n} (reappearance of long-forgotten memory) | :: criptomnésia {f} |
cryptomnesic {adj} (relating to cryptomnesia) | :: criptomnésico {f} |
cryptonym {n} (secret name) | :: criptônimo {m} |
cryptophone {n} (secure telephone) | :: criptofone {m} |
cryptophthalmos {n} (discipline concerned with communication security) | :: criptoftalmo {m}, criptoftalmia {f} |
cryptoporticus {n} | :: criptopórtico {m} |
cryptorchidism {n} (The failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum) | :: criptorquia {f}, criptorquidia {f} |
cryptoscopy {n} (surgery) | :: criptoscopia {f}, fluoroscopia |
cryptospore {n} (spore) | :: criptósporo {m} |
cryptosporidiosis {n} (disease) | :: criptosporidíase {f} |
cryptoxanthin {n} (pigment) | :: criptoxantina {f} |
cryptozoology {n} (study of postulated animals) | :: criptozoologia {f} |
crystal {n} (array of atoms) | :: cristal {m} |
crystal {n} (mineral) | :: cristal {m} |
crystal {n} (glassware) | :: cristal {m} |
crystal ball {n} (globe used to foretell the future) | :: bola de cristal |
crystalize {v} (crystallize) SEE: crystallize | :: |
crystalline {adj} (relating to crystals) | :: cristalino |
crystalline {adj} (resembling crystal in being clear and transparent) | :: cristalino |
crystallization {n} (the act or process by which a substance in solidifying assumes the form and structure of a crystal) | :: cristalização {f} |
crystallize {v} (to make something form into crystals) | :: cristalizar |
crystallize {v} (to assume a crystalline form) | :: cristalizar-se |
crystallize {v} (to coat with crystals) | :: cristalizar |
crystal set {n} (an early kind of radio receiver) | :: rádio de galena {m} |
C-section {n} (Caesarean section) SEE: Caesarean section | :: |
Côte d'Ivoire {prop} (the Ivory Coast) | :: Costa do Marfim {f} |
ctenophore {n} (any of various marine animals of the phylum Ctenophora) | :: ctenóforo {m} |
Ctesiphon {prop} (ancient ruined city) | :: Ctesifonte {f} |
cub {n} (the young of certain animals) | :: filhote {m} {f}, cachorro [archaic], cria {f} |
Cuba {prop} (country and largest island in Caribbean) | :: Cuba {f} |
Cuban {n} (a person from Cuba) | :: cubano {m} |
Cuban {adj} (of or pertaining to Cuba) | :: cubano |
cubbyhole {n} (pigeonhole) SEE: pigeonhole | :: |
cubbyhole {n} (glove compartment) SEE: glove compartment | :: |
cubbyhole {n} (a small, snug room) | :: cubículo {m} |
cube {n} (geometry: polyhedron having of six identical square faces) | :: cubo {m} |
cube {n} (object more or less in the form of a cube) | :: cubo {m} |
cube {n} (arithmetic: number raised to the third power) | :: cubo {m} |
cube {v} (arithmetic: to raise to the third power) | :: cubar, elevar ao cubo, elevar à terceira potência, cubar |
cube {v} (to form into the shape of a cube) | :: dar forma de cubo a |
cubed {adj} (raised to the third power) | :: ao cubo |
cube root {n} (number) | :: raiz cúbica {f} |
cubic {adj} (in the name of units of volume) | :: cúbico |
cubic {adj} (of a polynomial of third degree) | :: cúbico |
cubic centimetre {n} (a unit of volume) | :: centímetro cúbico {m} |
cubic decimetre {n} (a unit of volume) | :: decímetro cúbico {m} |
cubic meter {n} (cubic metre) SEE: cubic metre | :: |
cubic metre {n} (unit of volume) | :: metro cúbico {m} |
cubism {n} (An artistic movement characterized by the depiction of natural forms as geometric structures of planes) | :: cubismo {m} |
Cubist {n} (artist) | :: cubista {m} {f} |
Cubist {adj} (of, or pertaining to cubism) | :: cubista |
cubit {n} (anatomy: ulna) SEE: ulna | :: |
cubit {n} (unit of length) | :: cúbito {m}, côvado {m} |
cuboid {n} (cuboid bone) SEE: cuboid bone | :: |
cuboid {n} (rectangular parallelepiped) | :: paralelepípedo retangular {m} |
cuboid bone {n} (one of the tarsal bones) | :: cuboide {m} |
cuckold {n} (man married to an unfaithful wife) | :: corno {m}, chifrudo {m},cabrão {m} |
cuckold {v} (make a cuckold) | :: cornear, trair, pôr chifres em, chifrar |
cuckoo {n} (the bird) | :: cuco {m} |
cuckooflower {n} (Cardamine pratensis) | :: cardamina {f}, agrião-dos-prados {m} |
cucumber {n} (plant) | :: pepineiro {m}, pepino {m} |
cucumber {n} (edible fruit) | :: pepino {m} |
cud {n} (food chewed for a second time by ruminants) | :: remoalho {m} |
cuddle {n} (affectionate embrace) | :: carícia {f} |
cuddle {v} (embrace, lie together snugly) | :: afagar, acariciar |
cuddle {v} (cradle in one's arms) | :: embalar, acalentar |
cuddly {adj} (Suitable for cuddling) | :: acariciável |
cudgel {n} (a short heavy club with a rounded head used as a weapon) | :: bordão {m} |
cudgel one's brain {v} (rack one's brain) SEE: rack one's brain | :: |
cudweed {n} (flowering plant of the genus Gnaphalium or Pseudognaphalium) | :: gnafálio {m} |
cue {n} (action or event that is a signal to do something) | :: sinal, deixa {f} |
cue {n} (name of the letter Q, q) | :: quê {m} |
cue {n} (straight tapering rod used to impel the balls in games such as billiards, snooker, and pool) | :: taco {m} |
cuff {n} (the end of a shirt sleeve that covers the wrist) | :: punho {m} |
cuff {n} (the end of a pants leg, folded up) | :: barra {f} |
cuff {v} (to handcuff) SEE: handcuff | :: |
cufflink {n} (button used to hold a sleeve cuff together) | :: abotoadura {f}, botão de punho {m} |
cuirass {n} (piece of defensive armor, covering the body from the neck to the girdle) | :: couraça |
cuisine {n} (characteristic style of preparing food) | :: cozinha {f}, culinária {f} |
cuisine {n} (culinary art) SEE: culinary art | :: |
cul-de-sac {n} (circular area at the end of a dead end street) | :: cul-de-sac {m} |
cul-de-sac {n} (impasse) SEE: impasse | :: |
cul-de-sac {n} (blind alley) SEE: dead end | :: |
culinary {adj} (relating to the practice of cookery or the activity of cooking) | :: culinário |
culinary art {n} (cuisine) SEE: cuisine | :: |
culinary art {n} (art of cooking) | :: arte culinária, culinária {f}, cozinha {f} |
cull {v} (to pick or take someone or something) | :: catar |
culpability {n} (blameworthiness) | :: culpabilidade {f} |
culpable {adj} (blameworthy) | :: culpável |
culpableness {n} (culpability) SEE: culpability | :: |
culpably {adv} (in a culpable manner) | :: culpavelmente |
culprit {n} (culprit) | :: culpado {m} |
cult {n} (a sect) | :: culto {m}, seita {f} |
cult {n} (devotion to a saint) | :: culto {m}, veneração {f} |
cult {adj} (of or relating to a cult) | :: cultual |
cult {adj} (enjoyed by a small, loyal group) | :: cult |
cult film {n} (film with a group of dedicated fans) | :: filme cult {m} |
cultivate {v} (grow plants, notably crops) | :: cultivar, plantar |
cultivate {v} (nurture) | :: cultivar, alimentar |
cultivate {v} (turn or stir soil in preparation for planting) | :: lavrar |
cultivated {adj} (cultured) | :: culto |
cultivated {adj} (grown by cultivation) | :: cultivado |
cultivated {adj} (farmed) | :: cultivado |
cultivation {n} (art or act of cultivating) | :: cultivo {m}, cultivação {f} |
cultivation {n} (devotion of time or attention to the improvement of) | :: cultivo |
cult of personality {n} (situation of being falsely idolized) | :: culto de personalidade {m}, culto da personalidade {m} |
cultural {adj} (pertaining to culture) | :: cultural |
cultural center {n} (organization or building that promotes arts) | :: centro cultural {m} |
cultural centre {n} (cultural center) SEE: cultural center | :: |
culturally {adv} (of or relating to culture) | :: culturalmente |
Cultural Revolution {prop} (Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution) | :: Grande Revolução Cultural Proletária {f} |
Cultural Revolution {prop} (any Cultural Revolution) | :: revolução cultural {f} |
cultural studies {n} (diverse field of study) | :: estudos culturais {m-p} |
culture {n} (arts, customs and habits) | :: cultura {f} |
culture {n} (the beliefs, values, behavior and material objects that constitute a people's way of life) | :: cultura {f} |
culture {n} (anthropology: any knowledge passed from one generation to the next) | :: cultura {f} |
culture {n} (microbiology: the process of growing a bacterial or other biological entity) | :: cultura {f} |
culture {n} (the collective noun for a group of bacteria) | :: cultura {f} |
culture {v} (to maintain in an environment suitable for growth) | :: cultivar |
culture {n} (botany: cultivation) SEE: cultivation | :: |
cultured {adj} (civilized; refined) | :: culto |
cultured {adj} (artificially developed) | :: cultivado |
culture shock {n} (state of anxious confusion) | :: choque cultural {m} |
culver {n} (culverin) SEE: culverin | :: |
culver {n} (Columba palumbus) SEE: wood pigeon | :: |
culverin {n} (handgun) | :: colubrina |
culvert {n} (channel for draining water) | :: galeria de drenagem {f}, passagem hidráulica {f} |
cum {n} (slang: semen) | :: esperma {f}, gozo {m}, porra {f} |
cum {n} (slang: female ejaculatory discharge) | :: gozo {m} |
cum {v} (slang: have an orgasm; ejaculate) | :: ejacular, gozar, esporrar |
Cuman {n} (member of the Cuman people) | :: cumano {m} |
cumbersome {adj} (burdensome or hindering, as a weight or drag; vexatious; cumbrous) | :: incómodo [Portugal], incômodo [Brazil] |
cumbersome {adj} (not easily managed or handled; awkward) | :: desajeitado |
cumin {n} (plant Cuminum cyminum) | :: cominho {m} |
cumin {n} (its seed used as spice) | :: cominho {m} |
cummerbund {n} (broad sash) | :: camarabando {m} |
cumulative {adj} (incorporating all data up to the present) | :: cumulativo |
cumulonimbus {n} (cloud) | :: cúmulo-nimbo |
cumulus {n} (white puffy cloud) | :: cúmulo {m} |
cumulus {n} (mound or heap) | :: cúmulo {m}, acúmulo {m}, monte {m}, pilha {f} |
cuneiform {n} (ancient writing system) | :: cuneiforme {m} |
cuneiform {n} (wedge-shaped bone) | :: cuneiforme {m} |
cunnilingus {n} (oral stimulation of female genitals) | :: cunilíngua {f} |
cunning {adj} (sly) | :: astuto, esperto, matreiro |
cunning {adj} (skillful) | :: astuto, esperto |
cunning {n} (skill of being sly or deceitful) | :: ardil {m}, astúcia {f}, esperteza {f} |
cunning {n} (aptitude) | :: habilidade {f} |
cunning folk {n} (professional or semi-professional practitioner of magic) | :: curandeiros {m-p}, curandeiras {f-p}, benzedeiros {m-p}, benzedeiras {f-p}, mulheres de virtude {f-p} |
cunningly {adv} (with cunning, cleverly) | :: astuciosamente, destramente |
cunt {n} (genitalia) | :: boceta, xoxota {f}, xana {f} |
cunt {n} (unpleasant or objectionable person) | :: filho da puta {m}, lazarento {m} |
cup {n} (drinking vessel) | :: xícara {f}, taça {f}, chávena {f}, caneca |
cup {n} (unit of measure) | :: xícara {f}, chávena {f} |
cup {n} (trophy) | :: taça {f} |
cup {n} (contest) | :: copa {f} |
cup {n} (part of bra) | :: bojo {m} |
cup {n} (suction cup) SEE: suction cup | :: |
cupboard {n} (enclosed storage) | :: armário |
cupful {n} (the amount necessary to make a cup full) | :: xícara {f} |
Cupid {prop} (god of love, son of Venus) | :: Cupido {m}, Amor {m} |
Cupid {prop} (reindeer of Santa Claus) | :: Cupido {m} |
cup of tea {n} (tea in a cup) | :: xícara de chá |
cup of tea {n} (something of interest) | :: praia (de alguém) {f} |
cupola {n} (architecture: dome-shaped ornamental structure) | :: cúpula {f}, redoma {f} |
cupping glass {n} (glass vessel used in cupping) | :: ventosa |
cupro- {prefix} (of or pertaining to copper) | :: cupro- |
cupronickel {n} (alloy of copper) | :: cuproníquel {m} |
cur {n} (inferior dog) | :: vira-lata {m}, rafeiro |
curaçao {n} (liqueur) | :: curaçau {m} |
curare {n} (a substance containing the alkaloid D-tubocurarine) | :: curare {m} |
curassow {n} (birds of the family Cracidae) | :: mutum {m} |
curate {n} (assistant rector) | :: vicário {m}, vigário {m} |
curate {n} (parish priest) | :: pároco {m} |
curator {n} (person who manages, administers or organizes a collection) | :: curador {m}, curadora {f} |
curatorship {n} (rank or period of being a curator) | :: curadoria {f} |
curb {n} (concrete along the edge of a road) SEE: kerb | :: |
curb {n} (something that checks or restrains) | :: freio {m} |
curb {v} | :: refrear |
curb {v} (rein in) SEE: rein in | :: |
curd {n} (part of milk that coagulates) | :: coalho |
curd {v} (curdle) SEE: curdle | :: |
curd cheese {n} (cottage cheese) SEE: cottage cheese | :: |
curdle {v} (to form or cause to form curds) | :: coalhar |
curdle {v} (to coagulate) | :: coagular |
cure {n} (method, device or medication that restores good health) | :: cura {f} |
cure {v} (to restore to health) | :: curar, sanar |
curer {n} (healer) SEE: healer | :: |
curettage {n} (the removal of unwanted tissue from a body cavity using a curette) | :: curetagem {f} |
curette {n} (spoon-shaped surgical instrument) | :: cureta {f} |
curette {v} (to scrape with a curette) | :: curetar |
curfew {n} (a regulation requiring people to be off the streets and in their homes by a certain time) | :: toque de recolher {m} |
curfew {n} (a signal indicating this time) | :: toque de recolher {m} |
curiosity {n} (inquisitiveness; the tendency to ask questions, investigate, or explore) | :: curiosidade |
curiosity {n} (unique or extraordinary object which arouses interest) | :: curiosidade {f} |
curiosity killed the cat {proverb} (undue curiosity is dangerous) | :: a curiosidade matou o gato |
curious {adj} (tending to ask questions, or to want to explore or investigate, see also: inquisitive) | :: curioso {m} |
curious {adj} (leading one to ask questions about; somewhat odd, out of the ordinary, or unusual) | :: curioso {m}, estranho {m} |
Curitiba {prop} (State capital of Paraná) | :: Curitiba |
curium {n} (chemical element) | :: cúrio {m} |
curl {n} (lock of curling hair) | :: caracol {m} |
curl {v} (to make into a curl or spiral) | :: encaracolar |
curler {n} (cylindrical tube for curling hair) SEE: hair roller | :: |
curlew {n} (migratory wading bird) | :: maçarico {m} |
curlew sandpiper {n} (Calidris ferruginea) | :: pilrito de bico comprido {m} |
curling {n} (sports) | :: curling {m} |
curly {adj} (having curls) | :: cacheado |
curly {n} (a person or animal with curly hair) | :: encaracolado {m} |
curly bracket {n} (either of the two characters: “{” and “}”) | :: chave {f}, chaveta {f} [mathematics] |
curmudgeon {n} (an ill-tempered stubborn person) | :: rabugento {m}, casmurro {m}, caturra |
currant {n} (small dried grape) | :: passa {f} |
currant {n} (fruit of the genus Ribes) | :: groselha {f} |
currant {n} (bush) | :: groselheira {f} |
currency {n} (money or other item used to facilitate transactions) | :: moeda {f} |
currency {n} (fluency) SEE: fluency | :: |
current {n} | :: corrente {f} |
current {n} (time rate of flow of electric charge) | :: corrente {f}, amperagem {f} |
current {adj} (existing or occurring at the moment) | :: corrente, em curso, atual {n} |
current {adj} (generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment) | :: actual, atual [br] |
current account {n} (checking account) | :: conta corrente {f} |
current affairs {n} (current events) SEE: current events | :: |
current asset {n} (finance: an organization's fixed assets) | :: ativo circulante {m} |
current events {n} (news items) | :: eventos atuais {m-p}, acontecimentos recentes {m-p}, atualidades {f-p} |
currently {adv} (at this moment) | :: atualmente |
curriculum {n} (set of courses and coursework) | :: currículo {m} |
curriculum vitae {n} (written account of one's education, accomplishments, etc.) | :: curriculum vitae {m}, currículo {m} |
curry {n} (dish) | :: curry {m} |
curry {n} (sauce or relish) | :: caril |
curry {n} (curry powder) SEE: curry powder | :: |
curry powder {n} (mixture of spices) | :: curry {m} |
curse {n} (supernatural detriment) | :: maldição {f} |
curse {n} (prayer that harm may befall someone) | :: maldição {f} |
curse {n} (vulgar epithet) | :: praga {f}, palavra de baixo calão {f}, vulgaridade {f}, obscenidade {f} |
curse {v} (to place a curse upon) | :: amaldiçoar |
curse {v} (to call upon divine or supernatural power to send injury upon) | :: amaldiçoar, rogar uma praga |
curse {v} (to utter a vulgar curse) | :: praguejar |
curse {v} (to use offensive language) | :: xingar |
cursed {adj} (having some sort of divine harm) | :: amaldiçoado {m}, amaldiçoada {f}, maldito {m}, maldita {f} |
curse word {n} (vulgarity) SEE: swear word | :: |
cursive {adj} (having successive letters joined together) | :: cursivo |
cursor {n} (part of scientific instruments that indicates position) | :: cursor {m} |
cursor {n} (GUI: moving icon representing the position of a pointing device) | :: cursor {m} |
curtail {v} (cut short an animal's tail) | :: derrabar |
curtail {v} (shorten or abridge) | :: encurtar |
curtain {n} (piece of cloth covering a window) | :: cortina {f} |
curtain {n} (piece of cloth in a theater) | :: cortina {f} |
curtain {v} (to cover with a curtain) | :: cobrir com cortina, acortinar, encortinar |
curtsey {n} (small bow of knees and lowered body, usually by a female) | :: cortesia {f}, reverência {f} |
curtsey {v} (to make a curtsey) | :: cortejar |
curvature {n} (the shape of something curved) | :: curvatura {f} |
curvature {n} (mathematics: the extent to which a subspace is curved within a metric space) | :: curvatura {f} |
curve {n} (gentle bend) | :: curva |
curve {n} (curved line) | :: curva {f} |
curve {n} (geometry: one-dimensional figure) | :: curva {f} |
curve {n} (informal: usually in plural: attractive features of a woman or informal: attractive shape of a woman's body) | :: curvas {f-p} |
curve {v} (bend, crook) | :: curvar, envergar |
curve {v} (cause to swerve from a straight course) | :: curvar |
curve {v} (bend or turn gradually from a given direction) | :: curvar |
curve {adj} (crooked) SEE: crooked | :: |
curveball {n} (pitch in baseball) | :: bola curva {f} |
curved {adj} (having a curve or curves) | :: curvo, curvado |
cuscus {n} (marsupial) | :: cusco |
cushaw {n} (Cucurbita argyrosperma, the winter squash) | :: abóbora-menina {f} |
cushion {n} (soft material in cloth bag) | :: almofada {f}, coxim {m} |
cushion {n} (absorbent or protective item) | :: amortecedor {m}, almofada {f}, coxim {m} |
cushion {n} (in cue sports) | :: tabela {f} |
cushion {v} (absorb impact) | :: amortecer |
cusp {n} (sharp point or pointed end) | :: aguçado {m}, cúspide {f} |
cusp {n} (in astrology) | :: cúspide |
cuspidor {n} (spittoon) SEE: spittoon | :: |
custard {n} (sauce) | :: creme inglês {m} |
custard apple {n} (Annona muricata) SEE: soursop | :: |
custard apple {n} (Annona squamosa) SEE: sugar apple | :: |
custodian {n} (A person entrusted with the custody or care) | :: guardião {m} [of a person], zelador {m} [of a place] |
custody {n} (legal right to take care of something or somebody) | :: guarda {f} |
custody {n} (temporary possession) | :: custódia {f} |
custody {n} (state of being imprisoned or detained) | :: custódia {f} |
custody {n} (Franciscan administrative unit) | :: custódia {f} |
custody {n} | :: custódia {f} |
custom {n} (frequent repetition of the same act) | :: costume, hábito |
custom {n} (long-established practice) | :: costume {m}, tradição {f} |
custom {n} (familiar acquaintance; familiarity) | :: familiaridade {f} |
custom {n} (the customary toll, tax, or tribute) | :: alfândega {f} |
custom {adj} (custom-made) | :: sob medida, personalizado |
customarily {adv} (normally) SEE: normally | :: |
customer {n} (one who purchases or receives a product or service) | :: freguês {m}, freguesa {f}, cliente {m} {f} |
customer base {n} (group of customers that a business serves) | :: base de clientes {f}, clientela {f} |
customer service {n} (act of providing services) | :: serviço de atendimento ao cliente {m} |
customer support {n} (provision of service) | :: suporte ao cliente |
custom house {n} (official building, in a port, where customs are collected and shipping is cleared for entry and exit) | :: alfândega {f}, aduana {f} |
customizable {adj} (able to be customized) | :: personalizável {m} {f} |
customization {n} (act of customizing) | :: adaptação {f}, configuração {f}, customização {f} |
customize {v} (alter according to preferences) | :: personalizar, customizar |
custom-made {adj} (custom-made) | :: sob medida, personalizado |
customs {n} (the duties or taxes imposed on imported or exported goods) | :: alfândega {f} |
customs {n} (custom house) SEE: custom house | :: |
customs clearance {n} | :: desalfandegamento {m}, desembaraço alfandegário {m} |
customs officer {n} (officer) | :: alfandegário {m}, aduaneiro {m} |
custos {n} (superior of a custody) | :: custódio {m} |
cut {v} (to perform an incision) | :: cortar, incisar |
cut {v} (to divide with a sharp instrument) | :: cortar |
cut {v} (to separate from prior association) | :: remover, retirar |
cut {v} (computing: to remove and place in memory) | :: recortar |
cut {v} (to enter a queue in a wrong place) | :: furar |
cut {v} (to cease recording) | :: cortar |
cut {v} (to reduce) | :: diminuir, reduzir |
cut {v} (to form or shape by cutting) | :: talhar {m} |
cut {v} (to intersect dividing into half) | :: atravessar |
cut {v} (colloquial, not to attend a class) | :: matar, faltar, gazetear |
cut {v} (to divide a pack of playing cards) | :: cortar |
cut {adj} (having been cut) | :: cortado |
cut {adj} (reduced) | :: reduzido |
cut {adj} (of a gem, carved into a shape) | :: lapidado |
cut {adj} (colloquial: circumcised (see also circumcised)) | :: circuncidado |
cut {n} (act of cutting) | :: corte {m} |
cut {n} (result of cutting) | :: corte {m} |
cut {n} (opening resulting from cutting) | :: corte {m} |
cut {n} (act of dividing a deck of playing cards) | :: corte {f} |
cut {n} (manner or style a garment is fashioned in) | :: corte {m} |
cut {n} (slab of meat) | :: corte {m} |
cut {n} (partition of a graph’s vertices into two subgroups) | :: corte {m} |
cut {n} (skein of yarn) SEE: skein | :: |
cut {n} (haircut) SEE: haircut | :: |
cut {n} (common workhorse) SEE: gelding | :: |
cutaneous {adj} (of, or relating to the skin) | :: cutâneo |
cute {adj} (having features mainly attributed to infants and small or cuddly animals) | :: fofo |
cute {adj} (attractive or pleasing in a youthful, dainty, quaint or fun-spirited way) | :: bonitinho, giro {m} [colloquial] |
Cuthbert {prop} (male given name) | :: Cuteberto {m}, Cutberto {m}, Cuthbert {m} |
cuticle {n} (strip of hardened skin at the base of the finger and toenail) | :: cutícula {f} |
cuticle {n} (outermost layer of skin of vertebrates) SEE: epidermis | :: |
cuticula {n} (covering outside epidermis) SEE: cuticle | :: |
cutie {n} (a cute person or animal) | :: gracinha {f} |
cutlass {n} (machete) SEE: machete | :: |
cutlass {n} (a short sword with a curved blade) | :: alfanje {m}, cutelo {m} |
cutler {n} (One whose business is making or dealing in cutlery) | :: cuteleiro {m}, cuteleira {f} |
cutlery {n} (eating and serving utensils) | :: talheres {m-p} |
cutlet {n} (slice of meat) | :: costeleta {f} |
cutlet {n} (meat chop) | :: posta {f} |
cut off {v} (to remove via cutting) | :: recortar |
cut off {v} (to isolate or remove from contact) | :: cortar |
cut off {v} (to end abruptly) | :: cortar |
cut off {v} (to interrupt someone talking) | :: cortar |
cut off {v} (to swerve in front of another car while driving) | :: cortar |
cutoff {adj} (The point at which something terminates or to which it is limited) | :: término, limite |
cut out {v} (stop working, be disconnected) | :: cortar |
cut-out {n} (piece removed by cutting) | :: recorte |
cut someone loose {v} (to let someone go) | :: dispensar |
cut someone some slack {v} | :: dar um tempo, dar uma folga |
cutter {n} (person that cuts) | :: cortador {m} |
cutter {n} (device that cuts) | :: cortador {m} |
cutter {n} (single-masted sailing ship type) | :: cúter {m} |
cutting {n} (action of the verb to cut) | :: corte {m} |
cutting {n} (section removed from a larger whole) | :: corte {m} |
cutting {n} (newspaper clipping) | :: recorte {m} |
cutting {n} (leaf, stem, branch, or root removed from a plant) | :: estaca {f} |
cutting {n} (editing of film or other recordings) | :: corte {m} |
cutting {adj} ((potentially) hurtful) | :: cortante |
cutting board {n} (chopping board) SEE: chopping board | :: |
cutting edge {n} (sharp edge of the blade) | :: corte {m}, gume {m} |
cutting edge {n} (forefront, or position of greatest advancement in some field) | :: ponta de linha {f} |
cuttlefish {n} (any of various squidlike mollusks) | :: choco {m}, siba {f}, sépia {f} |
cutwater {n} (edge of a ship's stem) | :: talha-mar {m} |
-cy {suffix} (used to form nouns of state, condition or quality e.g. obstinacy) | :: -idade {f} |
cyan {n} (a colour between blue and green) | :: turquesa {f}, ciano {m} |
cyan {adj} (of the colour cyan) | :: ciano {m} |
cyanide {n} (chemistry: any compound containing the CN group) | :: cianeto {m}, cianureto {m} |
cyanide {n} (hydrogen cyanide) SEE: hydrogen cyanide | :: |
cyanide {n} (potassium cyanide) SEE: potassium cyanide | :: |
cyanobacterium {n} (prokaryotic microorganism of phylum Cyanobacteria) | :: cianobactéria {f} |
cyanosis {n} (discolouration of the skin) | :: cianose {f} |
Cybele {prop} (Greek goddess) | :: Cibele {f}, Cíbele {f} |
cyber- {prefix} (the Internet or cyberspace) | :: ciber- |
cyberattack {n} (an attack over a computer network) | :: ciberataque {m} |
cyberattacker {n} | :: ciberatacante {m} {f} |
cyberbullying {n} (bullying online) | :: assédio virtual {m} |
cybernetics {n} (science of communication and control) | :: cibernética {f} |
cybernetics {n} (the art/study of controling) | :: cibernética {f} |
cybernetics {n} (technology related to computers) | :: cibernética {f} |
cyberspace {n} (world of information) | :: ciberespaço {m} |
cyberspace {n} (science fiction: three-dimensional representation of virtual space) | :: ciberespaço {m} |
cyberwar {n} (cyberwarfare) SEE: cyberwarfare | :: |
cyberwar {n} (a cyberwarfare war) | :: guerra cibernética {f}, ciberguerra {f} |
cyberwarfare {n} (warfare taking place on the Internet) | :: guerra cibernética {f}, ciberguerra {f} |
cyborg {n} (person who is part machine) | :: ciborgue {m} |
Cyclades {prop} (island chain) | :: Cíclades {f-p} |
Cycladic {adj} (of, from or relating to the Cyclades) | :: cicládico |
cyclamen {n} (A type of plant) | :: cíclame {m}, ciclame {m} |
cycle {n} (complete rotation) | :: ciclo {m} |
cycle {n} (process that repeats itself) | :: ciclo {m} |
cycle {n} (program on a washing machine etc.) | :: ciclo {m} |
cycle {v} (to ride a cycle) | :: andar de bicicleta |
cycle {n} (imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens) SEE: celestial sphere | :: |
cycle lane {n} (part of road designated for cyclists) SEE: bicycle lane | :: |
cycle path {n} (path segregated for bicycles) SEE: bicycle path | :: |
cyclic {adj} (characterized by, or moving in cycles) | :: cíclico |
cyclic {adj} (of a compound having chains of atoms arranged in a ring) | :: cíclico |
cyclic {adj} (being generated by only one element) | :: cíclico {m} |
cycling {n} (The sport of riding and racing bicycles) | :: ciclismo {m} |
cyclist {n} (person who rides a cycle) | :: ciclista {m} {f} |
cyclo {n} (tuk-tuk) SEE: tuk-tuk | :: |
cyclo- {prefix} (circle) | :: ciclo- |
cyclo- {prefix} (cycle) | :: ciclo- |
cyclo- {prefix} (a cyclic compound) | :: ciclo- |
cyclo {n} (cycle rickshaw) SEE: pedicab | :: |
cycloalkane {n} (saturated alicyclic hydrocarbon) | :: cicloalcano {m} |
cyclodextrin {n} (any of a class of cyclic oligosaccharides consisting of glucopyranose residues) | :: ciclodextrina {f} |
cyclogenesis {n} (the process which leads to the formation of tropical storms, cyclones and hurricanes) | :: ciclogênese {f} |
cyclohexane {n} (alicyclic hydrocarbon, C6H12) | :: cicloexano {m} |
cycloid {n} (geometry: locus of a point on the circumference of a rolling circle) | :: cicloide {f} |
cycloid {adj} (resembling a circle) | :: cicloide |
cyclone {n} (rotating system of winds) | :: ciclone {m} |
cyclops {n} (giant of mythology) | :: ciclope {m} |
cyclotron {n} (particle accelerator) | :: ciclotron {m}, cíclotron {m} |
cygnet {n} (young of a swan) | :: filhote de cisne {m} |
Cygnus {prop} (constellation) | :: Cisne {m} |
cylinder {n} (geometry: surface) | :: cilindro {m} |
cylinder {n} (geometry: solid) | :: cilindro {m} |
cylinder {n} (any cylindrical object) | :: cilindro {m} |
cylinder {n} (cavity or chamber) | :: cilindro {m} |
cylinder {n} (container) | :: botijão {m}, botija {f}, bujão {m} |
cylindrical {adj} (shaped like a cylinder) | :: cilíndrico |
cylindricity {n} (being cylindrical) | :: cilindricidade {f} |
cyma {n} (botany: cyme) SEE: cyme | :: |
cymbal {n} (concave plate of brass or bronze that produces a sharp, ringing sound when struck) | :: prato {m} |
cyme {n} (botany: a centrifugal or definite inflorescence, esp. compound inflorescences of this type forming a more or less flat head) | :: cima {f}, cimeira {f} |
cymophane {n} (gemstone mineral) | :: cimófano {m} |
cymose {adj} (botany: having a flower cluster with stems ending in a flower that opens before those below it) | :: cimoso |
cynic {n} (A person who believes that all people are motivated by selfishness) | :: cínico {m} |
cynic {n} (A person whose outlook is scornfully negative) | :: cínico {m}, cínica {f} |
cynical {adj} (of or relating to the belief that human actions are motivated by base desires or selfishness) | :: cínico |
cynically {adv} (in a cynical manner) | :: cinicamente |
cynicism {n} (skeptical, scornful or pessimistic attitude) | :: cinismo {m} |
cynological {adj} (pertaining to cynology) | :: cinológico |
cynophile {n} (dog-lover) | :: cinófilo {m} |
cynophobia {n} (an irrational fear or hatred of dogs or other canines) | :: cinofobia {f} |
cynosure {n} (Ursa Minor) SEE: Ursa Minor | :: |
Cynthia {prop} (female given name) | :: Cíntia {f} |
cypress {n} (an evergreen coniferous tree) | :: cipreste {m} |
Cypriot {n} (Person from Cyprus) | :: cipriota {m} {f} |
Cypriot {adj} (Of, from or relating to Cyprus) | :: cipriota |
Cyprus {prop} (country) | :: Chipre {m} |
Cyrenaica {prop} (province on the North African coast) | :: Cirenaica {f} |
Cyrene {prop} (an Ancient Greek colony in North Africa) | :: Cirene, Cirena |
Cyrenian {adj} (relating to Cyrene) | :: cireneu |
Cyrenian {n} (native of Cyrene) | :: cireneu {m} |
Cyril {prop} (male given name) | :: Cirilo {m} |
Cyrillic {adj} (of or pertaining to Cyrillic) | :: cirílico |
Cyrillic {prop} (a script or alphabet) | :: cirílico {m} |
Cyrillization {n} (putting text into the Cyrillic alphabet) | :: cirilização {f} |
Cyrus {prop} (ancient king of Persia) | :: Ciro {m} |
Cyrus {prop} (male given name) | :: Ciro {m} |
cyst {n} (sac which develops in the natural cavities of an organ) | :: cisto {m} |
cysteine {n} (nonessential amino acid) | :: cisteína |
cystic {adj} (Of or pertaining to a cyst) | :: cístico |
cystic fibrosis {n} (medical condition) | :: fibrose cística {f} |
cystoscopy {n} (endoscopy of the urinary bladder) | :: cistoscopia {f} |
cytarabine {n} | :: citarabina {f} |
-cyte {suffix} (cell names and classifications) | :: -cito {m} |
cyto- {prefix} (regarding cells) | :: cito- |
cytochemical {adj} (relating to cytochemistry) | :: citoquímico |
cytochemistry {n} (the biochemistry of cells) | :: citoquímica {f} |
cytochrome {n} (hemoprotein compound) | :: citocromo |
cytogenetic {adj} (Of or pertaining to cytogenetics) | :: citogenético |
cytokine {n} (any of various small regulatory proteins) | :: citocina {f} |
cytokinesis {n} (cellular process) | :: citocinese {f} |
cytologic {adj} (of or relating to cytology) SEE: cytological | :: |
cytological {adj} (relating to cytology) | :: citológico |
cytologist {n} (scientist who studies the physical characteristics of chromosomes) | :: citologista {m} {f} |
cytology {n} (biology: the study of cells) | :: citologia {f} |
cytophagy {n} (the ingestion of cells by phagocytes) | :: citofagia {f} |
cytoplasm {n} (contents of a cell excluding the nucleus) | :: citoplasma {m} |
cytosine {n} | :: citosina {f} |
cytoskeleton {n} | :: citoesqueleto {m} |
cytosol {n} (the solution of a cells cytoplasm) | :: hialoplasma {m}, citosol |
cytosolic {adj} (of or pertaining to the cytosol) | :: citosólico |
cytotaxonomy {n} (the classification of organisms based upon their cellular structure and function) | :: citotaxonomia {f} |
cytotoxic {adj} (Of or relating to cytotoxicity) | :: citotóxico |
Czech {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the country, people, culture or language) | :: tcheco |
Czech {n} (person) | :: tcheco {m}, tcheca {f} |
Czech {n} (language) | :: tcheco [Brazil], checo |
Czechia {prop} (country in Europe) | :: Chéquia {f}, Tchéquia {f} |
Czechoslovakia {prop} (former country in Central Europe) | :: Tchecoslováquia {f}, Checoslováquia {f} |
Czecho-Slovakia {prop} (dated form of Czechoslovakia) | :: Tcheco-Slováquia {f}, Checo-Slováquia {f} |
Czechoslovakian {adj} (of or pertaining to Czechoslovakia) | :: checoslovaco [Portugal], tchecoslovaco [Brazil], checo-eslovaco [Portugal], tcheco-eslovaco [Brazil] |
Czechoslovakian {n} (person from Czechoslovakia) | :: checoslovaco {m} [Portugal], tchecoslovaco {m} [Brazil], checo-eslovaco {m} [Portugal], tcheco-eslovaco {m} [Brazil] |
Czech Republic {prop} (country in Central Europe) | :: República Tcheca, Chéquia {f}, Tchéquia {f} |