User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-p
PA {m} | :: CV (aircraft carrier); initialism of porte-avions |
pablisme {m} [politics] | :: Pabloism |
pabliste {adj} [politics] | :: Pabloist |
pabliste {mf} [politics] | :: Pabloist |
PAC {f} | :: acronym of Politique agricole commune (Common Agricultural Policy) |
PACA {prop} {f} | :: acronym of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur |
pacage {m} | :: grazing |
pacage {m} | :: pasture |
pacane {f} [Quebec, Louisiana] | :: pecan |
pacanier {m} | :: pecan (tree) |
pacha {m} | :: pasha |
pachalik {m} | :: pashalik |
pachole {f} [Marseille slang] | :: cunt |
pachto {m} | :: the Pashto language |
pachyblépharose {f} | :: pachyblepharon |
pachyderme {m} | :: pachyderm |
pachyptile {adj} [ornithology, rare] | :: having thick feathers |
Pachyptile {prop} {f} [zoology] | :: the genus Pachyptila, the pachyptiles |
pacificateur {m} | :: pacifier (one who pacifies) |
pacificateur {adj} | :: pacifying, pacificatory |
pacification {f} | :: pacification |
pacifier {v} | :: to pacify |
pacifique {adj} | :: pacific |
Pacifique {prop} {m} | :: Pacific |
pacifiquement {adv} | :: peacefully |
pacifisme {m} | :: pacifism |
pacifiste {mf} | :: pacifist |
pack {m} | :: pack (item of packaging) |
pack {m} | :: pack ice |
pack {m} [sports] | :: A rugby team |
packaging {m} | :: packaging (material) |
packfung {m} | :: paktong |
pacotille {f} | :: junk (cheap, tacky articles) |
PACS {m} | :: civil partnership |
pacsage {m} | :: civil partnership |
pacser {vi} | :: to enter into a civil partnership |
pacson {m} [slang] | :: pack, packet |
pacte {m} | :: pact, deal |
pacte avec le diable {m} | :: deal with the devil, Faustian bargain |
pacte civil de solidarité {m} | :: civil solidarity pact, civil union, civil partnership (legal union established in France in 1999 to regulate the relationships of unmarried cohabiting couples, different-sex or same-sex) |
pacte faustien {m} | :: Faustian bargain, deal with the devil |
pactiser {v} | :: to make a pact, make a deal |
pactole {m} | :: fortune (large amount of money) |
Pactole {prop} {m} | :: the Pactolus |
paddock {m} | :: paddock |
paddock {m} [slang] | :: pad (bed) |
padichah {m} | :: Padishah |
padine {f} | :: The brown alga peacock's tail (Padina pavonica) |
padma {m} | :: pink lotus |
padna {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: friend, buddy |
Padoue {prop} {f} | :: Padua (province) |
Padoue {prop} {f} | :: Padua (town) |
pædagogique {adj} | :: obsolete form of pédagogique |
paedagogue {mf} | :: obsolete form of pédagogue |
pædagogue {mf} | :: obsolete form of pédagogue |
pæderastie {f} | :: obsolete form of pédérastie |
pædiatrie {f} | :: obsolete form of pédiatrie |
paélia {f} | :: alternative spelling of paella |
paella {f} [countable and uncountable] | :: paella |
paëlla {f} | :: alternative spelling of paella |
paf {interj} | :: Onomatopoeia for the noise caused by a fall or a blow |
paf {adj} | :: drunk |
paf {m} [slang] | :: cock, dick |
PAF {f} | :: border police |
PAF {m} | :: the French television and radio scene |
pagaie {f} | :: paddle (two-handed, single-bladed oar) |
pagaïe {f} | :: alternative spelling of pagaille |
pagaille {f} | :: muddle; mess |
paganisme {m} | :: paganism (local religions practiced before the introduction of Christianity) |
pagaye {f} | :: alternative spelling of pagaille |
pagayer {v} | :: to paddle |
page {f} | :: page (of a book, etc.) |
page {f} | :: page, web page |
page {m} | :: page, page boy |
page d'accueil {f} | :: home page (of a Web site) |
page de garde {f} | :: flyleaf; endpaper |
Pagenaud {prop} | :: surname |
pages blanches {fp} | :: white pages |
pages jaunes {fp} | :: yellow pages |
page web {f} | :: web page |
pagination {f} | :: pagination |
paginer {v} | :: to paginate |
pagne {m} | :: loincloth |
pagne {m} | :: grass skirt |
pagne {m} | :: bed |
pagnolesque {adj} | :: Pagnolesque |
pagode {f} [Buddhism, architecture] | :: pagoda |
paie {f} | :: pay, salary |
paiement {m} | :: payment |
païen {adj} | :: pagan, heathen |
païen {m} | :: pagan, heathen |
païen {m} [Acadia] | :: an uneducated person, a hick |
paillard {adj} | :: bawdy, lewd |
paillardement {adv} | :: bawdily |
paillarder {v} | :: To fornicate |
paillasse {f} | :: paillasse, straw mattress |
paillasse {f} | :: laboratory desk |
paillasse {m} | :: clown, buffoon |
paillasson {m} | :: doormat |
paillasson {m} [colloquial] | :: pushover, submissive person accepting any humiliation |
paille {f} | :: straw (dried grass) |
paille {f} | :: (drinking) straw |
paille {f} | :: flaw in a gem or metal |
pailler {m} | :: straw house (a building to store straw) |
pailler {m} | :: straw pile |
pailler {v} | :: to cover with straw |
pailleté {adj} | :: sequined |
pailleter {v} | :: to decorate with sequins, glitter, spangles, or other sparkly material (paillettes); to bespangle |
paillette {f} | :: sequin |
pain {m} | :: bread |
pain {m} | :: piece of bread |
pain {m} | :: food |
pain {m} | :: bread-and-butter needs, basic sustenance; breadwinner |
pain {m} [colloquial] | :: punch (a hit with the fist) |
pain {m} | :: a block (of ice, of salt, of soap …) with the shape and size of bread |
pain {m} [slang] | :: (music) mistake during a performance (false note, forgot an intro, wrong solo, …) |
pain à cacheter {m} | :: wafer (of sealing wax etc.) |
pain au chocolat {m} | :: A French snack consisting of a pastry, normally similar to a croissant, with chocolate inside |
pain aux raisins {m} | :: pain aux raisins |
pain bénit {m} | :: godsend |
pain blanc {m} | :: white bread |
pain complet {m} | :: wholemeal bread, brown bread |
pain crestou {m} | :: A type of granary bread |
pain de campagne {m} | :: A large round loaf of bread |
pain de mie {m} | :: pain de mie (A type of sandwich loaf bread of French origin) |
pain d'épice {m} | :: A form of French gingerbread |
pain de sucre {m} | :: sugar-loaf |
pain de viande {m} | :: meatloaf |
pain grillé {m} | :: toast (toasted bread) |
pain perdu {m} | :: French toast |
paintball {m} | :: paintball |
pair {adj} [of a number] | :: even |
pair {m} | :: A peer, high nobleman/vassal (as in peer of the realm) |
paire {f} | :: a pair; a couple |
pairement {adv} | :: evenly |
paire minimale {f} [phonology] | :: minimal pair (pair of words) |
paire torsadée {f} | :: twisted pair |
pairie {f} | :: peerage |
paisablement {adv} | :: alternative form of paisiblement |
paiser {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: to hush |
paisible {adj} | :: peaceful |
paisiblement {adv} | :: peacefully |
paitre {v} | :: alternative spelling of paître |
paître {vi} | :: to graze |
paix {f} | :: peace |
paix-toi la djeule {interj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, colloquial] | :: shut up! |
pajot {m} [slang] | :: bed, fleabag, pit |
Paki {m} [ethnic slur] | :: Paki (offensive term for a Pakistani) |
Pakistan {prop} {m} | :: Pakistan |
pakistanais {adj} | :: Pakistani |
Pakistanais {m} | :: Pakistani, Paki (someone from Pakistan) |
Pakistanaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Pakistanais |
pal {m} | :: stake |
pal {m} | :: pole |
pal {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: pale |
palabre {m} | :: convoluted discussion |
palabre {m} [in the plural] | :: palaver |
palabrer {vi} | :: to endlessly argue |
palabres {f} | :: palaver |
palace {m} | :: luxury hotel |
paladin {m} | :: paladin |
palæographie {f} | :: obsolete form of paléographie |
palæographique {adj} | :: obsolete form of paléographique |
palæologie {f} | :: obsolete form of paléologie (paleology) |
Palæstine {prop} {f} | :: obsolete form of Palestine |
palafitte {m} | :: pile (wooden structure used to support prehistoric dwellings) |
palafittique {adj} | :: pile-dwelling (of prehistoric settlements) |
palais {m} | :: palace |
palais {m} | :: courthouse (palais de justice) |
palais {m} | :: palate; up part inside the mouth |
palais de justice {m} | :: courthouse |
palais dur {m} [anatomy] | :: hard palate |
palais mou {m} [anatomy] | :: soft palate |
palan {m} | :: hoist |
palangre {f} | :: longline (fishing line) |
palangrer {v} | :: to long-line (fish with a longline) |
palangrier {adj} [attributive] | :: longline fishing |
palangrier {m} | :: longline fishing boat |
palanquin {m} | :: palanquin |
Palaos {prop} {fp} | :: Palau |
palatal {adj} [anatomy, phonetics] | :: palatal |
palatalisation {f} [phonetics, phonology] | :: palatalization |
palatial {adj} | :: palatial |
palatin {adj} | :: palatine |
palatine {f} [historical] | :: tippet, shoulder cape |
palatoalvéolaire {adj} | :: palatoalveolar |
pale {f} | :: blade (of a propeller etc) |
pale {f} | :: vane (of a windmill etc) |
pâle {adj} | :: pale (light in color) |
pâle {adj} | :: pale (lacking brightness) |
pâle {adj} | :: pale (dull) |
paléacé {adj} | :: paleaceous |
palefrenier {m} | :: ostler, groom |
palefroi {m} | :: palfrey |
pâlement {adv} | :: palely, pallidly |
paléo- {prefix} | :: paleo- |
paléoanthropologie {f} | :: paleanthropology |
paléoanthropologique {adj} | :: paleoanthropological |
paléoanthropologue {mf} | :: paleoanthropologist (specialist in paleoanthropology) |
paléoastronomie {f} [astronomy] | :: paleoastronomy |
paléoauxologique {adj} | :: paleoauxological |
paléobiochimie {f} [biochemistry] | :: paleobiochemistry |
paléobotanique {f} [botany] | :: paleobotany |
paléobotanique {adj} | :: paleobotanical |
Paléocène {prop} {m} | :: Paleocene |
paléochrétien {adj} | :: paleochristian |
paléoclimat {m} | :: paleoclimate |
paléoclimatique {adj} | :: paleoclimatic |
paléoclimatologie {f} | :: paleoclimatology |
paléocoprologie {f} | :: paleocoprology |
paléocortex {m} [anatomy] | :: paleocortex |
paléoécologie {f} | :: paleoecology |
paléoenvironnement {m} | :: paleoenvironment |
paléoethnographique {adj} | :: paleoethnographic |
Paléogène {prop} {m} | :: Paleogene period |
paléogéographie {f} | :: paleogeography |
paléogéographique {adj} | :: paleogeographic |
paléographe {mf} | :: paleographer |
paléographie {f} | :: paleography |
paléographique {adj} | :: Paleographic; palaeographical; palaeographic; paleographical |
paléographiquement {adv} | :: paleographically |
paléoichnologie {f} | :: paleoichnology |
paléolithique {m} | :: Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) |
Paléolithique {prop} {f} [history] | :: The Paleolithic or Old Stone Age |
paléologie {f} | :: paleology |
paléomagnétisme {m} | :: paleomagnetism |
paléoneurologie {f} | :: paleoneurology |
paléontologie {f} | :: paleontology (study of prehistoric forms of life) |
paléontologique {adj} | :: paleontological |
paléontologiquement {adv} | :: paleontologically |
paléontologue {mf} | :: paleontologist |
paléopallium {m} | :: paleopallium |
paléopathologie {f} | :: paleopathology |
paléopathologique {adj} | :: paleopathological |
paléoprotérozoïque {adj} | :: Paleoproterozoic |
Paléoprotérozoïque {m} | :: Paleoproterozoic |
paléosismologie {f} | :: paleoseismology |
paléotectonique {adj} [geology] | :: paleotectonic |
paléotestamentaire {adj} | :: vetero-testamentary, Old Testament (attributive) |
paléozoïque {adj} | :: Paleozoic |
paléozoologie {f} | :: paleozoology |
Palerme {prop} {m} | :: Palermo |
palermitain {adj} | :: of or from Palermo |
Palermitain {m} | :: someone of or from Palermo |
Palestine {prop} {f} | :: Palestine |
Palestine {f} [printing, dated] | :: double pica (large size of type standardized as 24 points) |
palestinien {adj} | :: Palestinian |
Palestinien {m} | :: Palestinian |
Palestinienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Palestinien |
palestre {f} [historical] | :: palestra |
palet {m} | :: hockey puck |
palethnologie {f} | :: paleoethnology |
palethnologique {adj} | :: paleoethnological |
palethnologiquement {adv} | :: paleoethnologically |
paletot {m} | :: jacket |
palette {f} | :: palette |
palétuvier {m} | :: mangrove, mangle |
pâleur {f} | :: pallor; paleness |
palier {m} [mechanics] | :: bearing |
palier {m} | :: landing (on stairs) |
palier {m} | :: flat area; the flat, the level |
palier {m} [figuratively] | :: stage |
palier {adj} | :: landing (attributive) |
palimpseste {m} | :: palimpsest |
palindrome {m} | :: palindrome |
palingénésique {adj} | :: palingenesic |
palinodie {f} | :: palinode |
palinspastique {adj} [geology] | :: palinspastic |
pâlir {v} | :: to pale; to fade (lose color) |
pâlir {v} | :: to fade (lose glory or power) |
palissade {f} | :: fence, palisade |
palissade {f} | :: stockade |
palissadique {adj} [botany] | :: palisadic |
palissandre {m} | :: rosewood |
palladien {adj} | :: Palladian |
palladique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: palladic |
palladium {m} | :: palladium |
palladure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: palladide |
Pallas {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Pallas |
Pallas {prop} [astronomy] | :: Pallas, the second asteroid discovered |
pallénis {m} | :: Any plant of the genus Pallenis |
palliatif {adj} | :: palliative |
pallide {adj} | :: pallid |
pallidement {adv} | :: pallidly |
pallier {vt} | :: to conceal |
pallier {vt} | :: to palliate (to relieve the symptoms of) |
pallisandre {m} | :: pallisander |
palmaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: palmar |
palmarès {m} | :: prize list; list of winners |
palmarès {m} | :: record of achievements |
palme {f} [leaf of the palm tree] | :: palm leaf |
palme {f} [prize] | :: palm |
palme {f} | :: palm tree |
palme {f} [diving equipment] | :: flipper; fin; swim fin |
palmé {adj} [of feet] | :: webbed |
palmé {adj} [botany] | :: palmate |
palmeraie {f} | :: palm grove |
palmier {m} | :: palm, palm tree |
palmier {m} | :: palmier (biscuit) |
palmier à huile {m} | :: oil palm |
palmier des Everglades {m} | :: Everglades palm, Acoelorraphe wrightii |
palmine {f} [organic compound] | :: palmin |
palmipède {m} | :: palmiped |
palmiste {m} | :: oil palm (or several other related palm trees) |
palmitique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: palmitic |
palmitoléique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: palmitoleic |
Palmyre {prop} | :: Palmyra |
palmyrène {adj} | :: synonym of palmyrénien |
Palmyrène {prop} {f} | :: Palmyrena (ancient country) |
Palmyrène {mf} | :: synonym of Palmyrénien |
palmyrénien {adj} | :: Palmyrene |
Palmyrénien {m} | :: Palmyrene |
Palmyrénienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Palmyrénien |
palmyrien {adj} | :: synonym of palmyrénien |
Palmyrien {m} | :: synonym of Palmyrénien |
palois {adj} | :: Of or from Pau |
Palois {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Pau |
Paloise {f} | :: feminine singular of Palois |
palombe {f} | :: wood pigeon |
pâlot {adj} | :: pale, peaky |
palourde {f} | :: clam |
palpable {adj} | :: palpable |
palpablement {adv} | :: palpably |
palpation {f} | :: palpation |
palpébral {adj} [anatomy] | :: palpebral |
palper {v} | :: to palpate |
palpitant {adj} | :: pulsating, palpitating |
palpitant {adj} | :: thrilling, exciting |
palpitation {f} | :: palpitation |
palpiter {v} | :: to palpitate |
palpiter {v} [of a heart] | :: to beat, flutter, to race, pulsate |
palpiter {v} | :: to jump around, jump about |
palsambleu {interj} [archaic] | :: 'sblood |
palse {m} [geology] | :: palsa |
paltoquet {m} [dated] | :: A rude or uncouth person |
paltoquet {m} | :: A pretentious person |
palu {m} [colloquial] | :: malaria |
palucher {v} [slang] | :: to masturbate |
paludarium {m} | :: paludarium |
paludéen {adj} | :: malarial; [attributive] malaria |
paludique {adj} | :: malarial |
paludisme {m} | :: malaria (disease) |
palus {m} | :: swamp |
palynologie {f} | :: palynology (study of spores, pollen etc.) |
palynologique {adj} | :: palynological |
palytoxine {f} [organic chemistry] | :: palytoxin |
PAM {prop} | :: WFP (World Food Programme); abbreviation of Programme Alimentaire Mondial |
pâmer {vr} [literary, dated] | :: to swoon |
pâmer {vr} [colloquial] | :: to be in raptures (devant over something) |
pâmer {vr} [colloquial] | :: to be overcome (de with) |
Pamiers {prop} | :: Pamiers (town/commune) |
Pamir {prop} {m} | :: Pamir (mountain range) |
pâmoison {f} | :: swoon |
pamphlet {m} | :: lampoon (written attack) |
pamphlet {m} [Quebec or dated] | :: pamphlet (small booklet) |
pamphlétaire {m} | :: pamphleteer |
pamphlétaire {m} | :: lampooner |
Pamphylie {prop} | :: Pamphylia |
pampille {f} | :: pendant |
pamplemousse {m} [botany, France, Canada] | :: pomelo |
pamplemousse {m} | :: grapefruit |
pamplemoussier {m} [botanic] | :: grapefruit tree (Citrus maxima) from the Rutaceae family |
pamplemoussier {adj} [attributive] | :: grapefruit |
pampre {m} [literary] | :: vine branch |
pan- {prefix} | :: pan- |
pan {m} | :: piece, part |
pan {m} | :: side, face |
pan {m} | :: flap, lap (of coat) |
pan {m} | :: patch, area, section, sector |
pan {interj} | :: bang! (sound of a gun) |
pan {interj} | :: bam! |
panacée {f} | :: panacea, cure-all |
panachage {m} | :: blend, mix, mixture |
panache {m} | :: panache (all senses) |
panache {m} | :: (Canada) the bulk of antlers of deer and moose |
panaché {m} | :: shandy (mix of beer and lemonade) |
panaché {m} | :: mixture |
panaché {adj} | :: mixed, variegated |
panache éruptif {m} | :: eruption column |
panacher {v} | :: to add a panache |
panacher {v} | :: to mix colours (as in a panache) |
panacher {v} | :: to mix |
panache volcanique {m} | :: eruption column |
panachure {f} | :: variegation, mottle; marking, colouring |
panachure {f} | :: white spot, white patch (on leaf, animal's skin etc.) |
panade {f} | :: A soup boiled in water from bread, butter, sometimes also egg yolk and milk |
panade {f} | :: A paste, typically made of milk and bread |
panade {f} [figuratively] | :: A state or experience of misery, poverty |
panafricain {adj} | :: Pan-African |
panafricanisme {m} | :: Pan-Africanism |
panais {m} | :: parsnip |
Panamá {prop} {m} | :: Panamá (country) |
Paname {prop} [slang] | :: Paris |
panaméen {n} | :: Panamanian |
Panaméen {m} | :: Panamanian |
Panaméenne {f} | :: feminine singular of Panaméen |
panaméricain {adj} | :: Pan-American |
panaméricanisme {m} | :: Pan-Americanism |
panamien {adj} | :: Panamanian |
panarabe {adj} | :: pan-Arab |
panarabisme {m} | :: pan-Arabism |
panaris {m} [pathology] | :: whitlow, paronychia |
panca {m} | :: punkah, a type of fan consisting in a screen suspended by the ceiling, as traditionally used in tropical colonies, notably the Indies |
panca {m} | :: punkahwallah, a servant (typically a boy) who operates it manually |
pancake {m} | :: pancake |
pancarte {f} | :: sign (with a message on, carried during a protest) |
Pañchatantra {prop} {m} | :: Panchatantra (a collection of Sanskrit and Pali animal fables in verse and prose) |
panchronique {adj} | :: panchronic |
pancrace {m} | :: pankration (Ancient Greek martial art) |
pancréas {m} [anatomy] | :: the pancreas |
pancréatine {f} [biochemistry] | :: pancreatin |
pancréatique {adj} | :: pancreatic |
pancréatiquement {adv} | :: pancreatically |
panda {m} | :: panda |
pandanus {m} | :: a pandan |
pandanus {m} | :: the pandans collectively |
pandecte {f} | :: pandect |
pandeiro {m} | :: Pandeiro |
pandéisme {m} | :: pandeism |
pandéistique {adj} | :: pandeistic |
pandémie {f} | :: pandemic |
pandémique {adj} | :: Pandemic |
pandémiquement {adv} | :: pandemically |
pandémonium {m} [obsolete, often capitalized] | :: the imaginary capital of Hell |
pandémonium {m} | :: place where chaos and lawlessness abound |
pandémonium {m} | :: reunion of lawless people |
pandémonium {m} | :: noisy, chaotic place |
Pandore {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Pandora |
pané {adj} | :: breaded (covered in breadcrumbs) |
panégyrique {m} | :: panegyric, eulogy |
panégyriste {m} | :: panegyrist |
panel {m} | :: panel (group of people) |
panenthéisme {f} | :: panentheism |
panenthéiste {adj} | :: panentheistic |
panenthéiste {mf} | :: panentheist (person who believes in panentheism) |
paner {v} | :: to bread (coat with bread or breadcrumbs) |
Panet {prop} | :: surname |
paneterie {f} | :: pantry |
panetier {m} | :: pantryman |
panetière {f} | :: feminine singular of panetier |
panettone {m} | :: panettone |
paneuropéen {adj} | :: Pan-European |
pangamique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pangamic |
Pangée {prop} {f} | :: Pangaea (supercontinent prior to Triassic) |
Pangée {prop} {f} | :: Pangaion Hills |
pangéen {adj} | :: Pangaean |
pangermanisme {m} | :: Pan-Germanism |
pangermaniste {adj} | :: Pan-Germanist |
pangolin {m} | :: pangolin |
pangramme {m} | :: pangram (a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet) |
Panhard {prop} | :: surname |
panhellénique {adj} | :: Panhellenic |
panic {m} [botany] | :: Refers to several thorny shrubs; cockspur, panic, panicgrass |
panicault {m} | :: alternative form of panicaut |
panicaut {m} | :: eryngo, sea holly (of genus Eryngium) |
panier {m} | :: basket |
panier {m} [basketball] | :: goal |
panier {m} [basketball] | :: hoop |
panier {m} [Internet] | :: shopping basket |
panier à salade {m} | :: salad shaker; salad spinner |
panier à salade {m} [figuratively] | :: paddy wagon, Black Maria (police van) |
panier de crabes {m} | :: A rat race (literally, a basket of crabs); any organization where people metaphorically claw at one another to come out on top |
panier de la ménagère {m} [Belgium, economics] | :: typical shopping basket (a set of control products used to track the evolution of the cost of living) |
panier-entonnoir {m} [aeronautics] | :: drogue |
panier percé {m} [figuratively] | :: a spendthrift, a big spender |
panifiable {adj} | :: breadmaking (attributive) |
panini {m} | :: panini |
panique {adj} | :: panicked |
panique {f} | :: panic |
paniquer {vit} | :: To panic |
panislamisme {m} [Islam] | :: Panislamism |
panka {m} | :: punkah |
panne {f} | :: plush velvet |
panne {f} | :: breakdown (state of no longer functioning) |
panne {f} | :: purlin |
panneau {m} | :: sign; signpost |
panneau d'affichage {m} | :: billboard, notice board, bulletin board |
panneau de signalisation {m} | :: road sign, traffic sign |
panneau solaire {m} | :: solar panel (array of connected solar cells) |
panne sèche {f} [of a vehicle] | :: state of having run out of fuel |
pannicule {m} | :: the subcutaneous membrane where lipids accumulate |
panonceau {m} | :: plaque (small sign) |
panonceau {m} | :: escutcheon |
panoplie {f} | :: panoply |
panoplie {f} | :: outfit, costume (clothes for dressing up) |
panoplie {f} | :: armoury |
panoplie {f} | :: range (collection of things) |
panoptique {adj} | :: panoptic |
panoptique {m} | :: panopticon |
panorama {m} | :: panorama |
panoramique {adj} | :: panoramic |
panosse {f} [Switzerland, Aosta Valley, Savoie, eastern France] | :: floorcloth |
panosse {f} [military jargon] | :: the Swiss flag |
panosse {f} [figuratively] | :: woman of ill repute |
panpsychisme {m} [philosophy] | :: panpsychism |
panrusse {adj} | :: pan-Russian |
pansage {m} | :: grooming (of a horse etc) |
panse {f} | :: belly |
panse à bière {f} [colloquial] | :: beer belly, beer gut, beer muscles |
pansement {m} | :: bandage, dressing, sticking plaster |
pansement sur une jambe de bois {m} | :: synonym of cataplasme sur une jambe de bois |
panser {v} [medicine] | :: to dress (a wound etc.); to bandage |
panser {v} [equestrian] | :: to groom |
panser ses plaies {v} [figuratively] | :: to lick one's wounds |
pansexualité {f} | :: pansexuality |
panslave {adj} | :: related to Pan-Slavism; Panslavic |
panslavisme {m} | :: Pan-Slavism |
panspermie {f} | :: panspermia |
pansu {adj} | :: potbellied, paunchy |
pantachie {f} [rare, statistics] | :: density |
pantachique {adj} [rare, statistics] | :: dense |
pantacle {m} | :: A rare alternate spelling of pentacle |
pantacourt {m} | :: capri pants, capris (casual pants for women) |
pantagruélique {adj} | :: pantagruelian |
pantagruélisme {m} | :: Pantagruelism |
pantagruéliste {adj} | :: Pantagruelist |
pantagruéliste {mf} | :: Pantagruelist |
pantalon {m} | :: trousers [UK], pants [US] |
pantalon {m} [dated] | :: knickers |
pantalon clown {m} | :: alternative form of pantalon de clown |
pantalon de clown {m} [Quebec politics] | :: Camo pants (pants with patterns typical of military camouflage) of a random assortment of colours, worn as a protest against government and contract terms, by uniformed employees, in violation of uniform dress codes |
pantalon de clown {m} | :: clown pants |
pantalonnade {f} | :: slapstick |
pantalonnade {f} | :: farce |
pantelant {adj} | :: panting, gasping (for breath) |
panthéisme {m} | :: pantheism |
panthéiste {adj} | :: pantheistic |
panthéiste {mf} | :: pantheist |
panthénol {m} [organic compound] | :: panthenol |
panthéon {m} | :: pantheon |
panthéonisation {v} | :: pantheonization |
panthéoniser {v} | :: to pantheonize |
panthère {f} | :: panther |
panthère nébuleuse {f} | :: clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) |
pantin {m} | :: puppet |
pantogamie {n} | :: pantogamy |
pantographe {m} | :: pantograph (mechanical drawing aid) |
pantographe {m} | :: pantograph (rail transport: device for collecting electrical current) |
pantographique {adj} | :: pantographic |
pantographiquement {adv} | :: pantographically |
pantois {adj} | :: gobsmacked, stunned, flabbergasted |
pantoisement {adv} | :: flabbergastedly |
pantone {f} | :: A (commercial) range of colours |
pantothénique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pantothenic |
pantouflage {m} | :: The phenomenon of civil servants and politicians moving over to prominent private-sector jobs |
pantouflard {adj} [colloquial] | :: stay-at-home |
pantouflard {m} [colloquial] | :: couch potato, homebody |
pantouflard {m} [historical] | :: A member of the non-combat "home guard" formed of older men during the Siege of Paris (1870–1871) |
pantoufle {f} | :: slipper, house slipper (footwear) |
pantoute {adv} [Quebec] | :: at all; used to make a negative statement more emphatic |
panty {m} | :: panty girdle |
panure {f} | :: breadcrumb |
Paola {prop} | :: given name borrowed from Italian |
paon {m} | :: peacock |
Paon {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Pavo |
paon du jour {m} | :: European peacock (butterfly) |
paonne {f} | :: peahen; feminine singular of paon |
paonneau {m} | :: young peacock |
papa {m} [childish] | :: papa, a child's father; also as form of address: dad, daddy |
papa {m} | :: pops, any man of roughly fatherly age and appearance |
papable {m} | :: A papabile |
papable {adj} | :: papabile |
papa-gâteau {f} [figuratively] | :: doting father, soft touch with one's kids |
papal {adj} | :: papal |
papamobile {f} | :: Popemobile (any of various vehicles with bulletproof glass sides used to transport the Pope) |
paparazzi {m} | :: A paparazzo |
papauté {f} | :: papacy |
papavéracé {adj} | :: papaveraceous |
papaye {f} | :: papaya (fruit) |
papayer {m} | :: papaya tree |
pape {m} | :: Pope |
papelard {adj} | :: hypocritical |
papelardement {adv} | :: hypocritically |
paperasse {f} [pejorative] | :: paperwork, bumf |
paperasserie {f} | :: red tape |
papeterie {f} | :: papermaking |
papeterie {f} | :: papermaker |
papeterie {f} | :: papeterie |
papeterie {f} | :: stationery |
papetier {m} | :: papermaker |
papetier {m} | :: stationer |
papetier {adj} | :: papermaking (attributive) |
papetier {adj} | :: stationery (attributive) |
Paphos {prop} | :: Paphos (town) |
papi {m} [usually childish] | :: grandad, grandfather |
papiamento {m} | :: the Papiamento language |
papier {m} | :: paper (A material used for writing or printing on, made from cellulose pulp rolled into thin sheets) |
papier {m} | :: paper (official documents) |
papier à mouches {m} | :: flypaper |
papier à musique {m} | :: manuscript paper, music paper, staff paper |
papier bulle {m} | :: bubble wrap |
papier carbone {m} | :: carbon paper (sheet of paper used to make carbon copies) |
papier collant {m} [chiefly Belgium] | :: sticky tape, adhesive tape, sellotape, Scotch tape |
papier colle-mouches {m} | :: flypaper |
papier de verre {m} | :: sandpaper |
papier filtre {m} | :: filter paper |
papier hygiénique {m} [rare] | :: toilet paper |
papier mâché {m} | :: papier-mâché (paper mixed with glue used to create sculptures) |
papier peint {m} | :: wallpaper (decorative paper for walls) |
papier terrier {m} [historical] | :: terrier (property register) |
papier toilette {m} [Europe] | :: toilet paper |
papier tue-mouches {m} | :: flypaper |
papilionacé {adj} | :: papilionaceous |
papillaire {adj} | :: papillary |
papille {f} | :: papilla |
papille {f} [colloquial] | :: tastebud |
papille gustative {f} | :: taste bud |
papillon {m} | :: butterfly |
papillon {m} | :: someone brilliant, versatile and inconstant |
papillon {m} | :: something roughly in the shape of a butterfly |
papillon {m} | :: knot |
papillon {m} | :: nut |
papillon {m} [swimming] | :: butterfly stroke |
papillon {m} | :: parking ticket |
papillon de nuit {m} | :: moth |
papillonner {vi} | :: to flit [from one to another] |
papillotage {m} | :: blinking (of the eyes) |
papillotage {m} | :: blurring (of the eyes caused by a brilliant image) |
papillote {f} | :: Wrapper or packet for food during cooking, trapping steam to provide a most cooking or streaming environment, often made from aluminium foil or parchment paper |
papillote {f} | :: Meal cooked in a packet, envelope, or pouch, often made from aluminium foil or parchment paper |
papillote {f} [hair styling] | :: a small piece of paper on which women roll up their hair to make it curl |
papillote {f} | :: curly hair obtained with this method; ringlets |
papillote {f} | :: [in particular] curly sideburns, payot |
papillote {f} | :: Vividly coloured paper wrap for crackers and other sweets |
papillote {f} | :: sweet wrapped with a papillote |
papilloter {vi} | :: to blink |
papilloter {vi} | :: to flutter |
papilloter {vi} | :: to flicker |
papinade {f} [football] | :: A spectacular type of volley, struck at strange angles, characteristic of Jean-Pierre Papin |
papisme {m} | :: papism, papistry |
papiste {adj} | :: papist, papistic |
papiste {mf} | :: papist |
papite {f} [organic compound] | :: acrolein (when used as a poison gas in the First World War) |
papotage {m} | :: chattering, chitchat, small talk |
papoter {vi} | :: to chat, chatter |
papou {adj} | :: Papuan |
Papou {m} | :: Papuan, someone from Papua or Papua New Guinea |
Papouasie {prop} {f} | :: Papua (island) |
Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée {prop} {f} | :: Papua New Guinea |
Papoue {f} | :: feminine noun of Papou |
papouille {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: tickling |
paprika {m} | :: paprika (powder used as a spice) |
papy {m} | :: grandpa |
papy boom {m} | :: The large increase in the number of retired people who were born in the baby boom generation |
papy-boomer {m} | :: A retired person who was born during the baby boom |
papyracé {adj} | :: papyraceous |
papyrologie {f} | :: papyrology |
papyrologique {adj} | :: papyrological |
papyrologue {mf} | :: papyrologist |
papyrus {m} | :: papyrus |
pâque {f} | :: Passover, Easter |
Pâque {prop} {f} | :: Passover (Jewish holiday) |
Pâque {prop} {f} | :: Paschal Lamb |
Pâque {prop} {f} | :: Passover (Christian holiday) |
paquebot {m} | :: ship, liner |
paquer {vt} | :: to pack (fish) in a box for transportation |
pâquerette {f} | :: daisy |
Pâques {prop} {fp} | :: Easter |
paquet {m} | :: packet |
paquet {m} | :: pack (of cards) |
paquet {m} | :: parcel |
paquet {m} | :: bundle (of clothes) |
paquet {m} [rugby] | :: pack |
paquet {m} | :: wad (of cash) |
Paquet {prop} | :: surname |
paquetage {m} | :: kit |
paquetage {m} | :: package |
paqueté {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: drunk, wasted |
Paquette {prop} | :: surname |
par- {prefix} | :: per- (all meanings) |
par {prep} | :: through |
par {prep} | :: by (used to introduce a means; used to introduce an agent in a passive construction)) |
par {prep} | :: over (used to express direction) |
par {prep} | :: from (used to describe the origin of something, especially a view or movement) |
par {prep} | :: around, round (inside of) |
par {prep} | :: on (situated on, used in certain phrases) |
par {prep} | :: on, at, in (used to denote a time when something occurs) |
par {prep} | :: in |
par {prep} | :: per, a, an |
par {prep} | :: out of (used to describe the reason for something) |
par {prep} | :: for |
par {m} [golf] | :: par |
para- {prefix} | :: para- [all senses] |
para- {prefix} | :: para- |
para-alpin {m} | :: para-alpine; ellipsis of ski para-alpin |
para-athlète {mf} | :: para-athlete |
parabancaire {adj} | :: banking-related |
parabanique {adj} | :: parabanic |
parabase {f} | :: parabasis |
parabellum {m} | :: parabellum (all senses) |
parabène {m} | :: paraben |
para biathlon {m} | :: alternative form of parabiathlon |
para-biathlon {m} | :: alternative form of parabiathlon |
parable {adj} | :: preventable (able to be or fit to be prevented) |
parabole {f} [mathematics, physics] | :: parabola |
parabole {f} | :: dish (antenna) |
parabole {f} [literature] | :: parable |
paraboler {v} | :: To move in a parabolic trajectory |
paraboler {v} | :: To speak in parables |
parabolicité {f} | :: parabolicity |
parabolique {adj} | :: parabolic |
paraboliquement {adv} | :: parabolically |
paraboliser {v} | :: To parabolize |
paraboloïdal {adj} | :: paraboloidal |
paraboloïde {m} | :: paraboloid |
paraboréen {adj} | :: synonym of hyperboréen |
parabuée {adj} | :: anti-condensation, antimisting |
Paracelse {prop} {m} | :: Paracelsus |
paracelsien {adj} | :: Paracelsian |
paracelsisme {m} | :: Paracelsism |
paracelsiste {mf} | :: Paracelsist |
paracentèse {f} [surgery] | :: paracentesis |
paracentrique {adj} | :: paracentric |
paracerque {m} | :: paracercus |
paracétamol {m} | :: paracetamol, acetaminophen |
parachevable {adj} | :: completable |
parachevé {adj} | :: completed, finalized |
parachèvement {m} | :: finalization |
parachèvement {m} | :: completion |
parachèvement {m} | :: perfection |
parachever {vt} | :: to complete, finalize, perfect |
parachi {m} | :: Parachi |
parachronisme {m} | :: parachronism |
parachutable {adj} | :: parachutable |
parachutage {m} | :: parachuting |
parachute {m} | :: parachute |
parachute doré {m} | :: golden parachute |
parachuter {v} | :: to parachute |
parachuter un Sénégalais {v} [very, colloquial] | :: to take a dump, to drop a deuce |
parachutisme {m} | :: parachuting, skydiving |
parachutiste {mf} | :: parachutist |
parachutiste {mf} [military] | :: paratrooper |
paraclèse {f} [philosophy, theology] | :: paraclesis, paraklesis |
paraclet {m} [Christianity, theology] | :: paraclete (an advocate, especially the Holy Spirit) |
paraclétique {adj} | :: paracletic |
paraclimacique {adj} [ecology] | :: paraclimactic |
paraclimax {m} [ecology] | :: paraclimax |
paraclinique {adj} | :: paraclinical |
paracmastique {adj} | :: paracmastic |
paracolois {adj} | :: Of or from fr |
Paracolois {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of fr |
Paracoloise {f} | :: feminine singular of Paracolois |
paracompacité {f} [topology] | :: paracompactness |
paracompact {adj} [topology] | :: paracompact |
paraconide {m} | :: paraconid |
paracorole {f} [botany] | :: paracorolla |
paracorolle {f} [botany] | :: paracorolla |
par à-coups {adv} | :: in fits and starts |
paracousie {f} | :: paracusis |
par acquit de conscience {adv} | :: just in case, just to be on the safe side, for (some)one's peace of mind, just to set (some)one's mind at rest, out of principle |
paracuta {m} | :: barracuda |
paracyanogène {m} | :: paracyanogen |
paracyésie {f} [pathology] | :: paracyesis, ectopic pregnancy |
paradactyle {m} [ornithology] | :: paradactyl |
parader {v} | :: flaunt, strut, show off (to display with ostentation) |
paradeur {m} | :: braggart |
paradeur {m} | :: showoff |
paradeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of paradeur |
paradichlorobenzène {m} [organic compound] | :: paradichlorobenzene |
paradigmatique {adj} | :: paradigmatic |
paradigmatisme {m} [philosophy] | :: paradigmaticism |
paradigme {m} | :: paradigm (model or example) |
paradis {m} | :: paradise (somewhere perfect) |
paradis {m} [religion] | :: Heaven |
paradis {m} | :: gods (The highest platform, or upper circle, in an auditorium) |
Paradis {prop} {m} | :: Paradise (Heaven) |
Paradis {prop} {m} | :: surname |
paradis fiscal {m} | :: tax haven (country that levies low taxes on foreign businesses) |
paradisiaque {adj} | :: paradisiacal |
paradisiaque {adj} | :: heavenly |
paradisier {m} | :: bird of paradise |
Paradou {prop} | :: A small town in the Bouches-du-Rhône department of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur |
paradounais {adj} | :: Of or from Paradou |
Paradounais {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Paradou |
Paradounaise {f} | :: feminine singular of Paradounais |
paradoxal {adj} | :: paradoxical |
paradoxalement {adv} | :: paradoxically |
paradoxe {m} | :: paradox |
paradoxer {v} | :: To create paradoxes |
paraedrite {m} [mineral] | :: synonym of rutile |
parænese {f} | :: obsolete form of parénèse |
parænetique {adj} | :: obsolete form of parénétique |
paraétatique {adj} | :: parastatal |
parafe {m} | :: alternative form of paraphe |
parafer {vt} | :: alternative form of parapher |
paraffinage {m} | :: paraffining |
paraffiné {adj} | :: waxed |
paraffiner {v} | :: To paraffin |
paraffinique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: paraffinic, aliphatic |
parafinique {adj} | :: alternative form of paraffinique |
parafiscal {adj} [of taxation] | :: indirect |
parafiscal {adj} [economics] | :: parafiscal |
parafiscalité {f} | :: indirect taxation |
paraformaldéhyde {m} [organic compound] | :: paraformaldehyde |
parafoudre {m} | :: lightning conductor |
paragangliome {f} [pathology] | :: paraganglioma |
parage {m} | :: parage (social rank) |
parage {m} [plural only] | :: environs, surroundings |
paragenèse {f} [geology] | :: paragenesis |
paragénèse {f} | :: alternative form of paragenèse |
parageustie {f} | :: parageusia |
paraglosse {f} | :: paraglossa |
paragogique {adj} | :: paragogic |
paragouvernemental {adj} | :: paragovernmental |
paragrammatisme {m} | :: synonym of allitération |
paragraphe {m} | :: paragraph |
paragrêle {m} | :: A shelter to protect crops etc from hail |
Paraguay {prop} {m} | :: Paraguay (country) |
paraguayen {adj} | :: Paraguayan |
Paraguayen {m} | :: Paraguayan |
Paraguayenne {f} | :: feminine noun of Paraguayen |
para hockey {m} | :: alternative form of para-hockey |
para-hockey {m} | :: parahockey |
para-hockey {m} | :: ellipsis of para-hockey sur glace |
para-hockey {m} | :: synonym of hockey sur luge |
parahockey {m} | :: alternative form of para-hockey |
para hockey sur glace {m} | :: alternative spelling of para-hockey sur glace |
para-hockey sur glace {m} | :: para ice hockey |
para-hockey sur glace {m} | :: synonym of hockey sur luge |
parahockey sur glace {m} | :: alternative spelling of para-hockey sur glace |
paraige {m} | :: A hereditary ruling class in Metz in the Middle Ages |
par ailleurs {adv} | :: besides, additionally, furthermore, what's more |
paraison {f} | :: parison |
paraitre {v} | :: alternative spelling of paraître |
paraître {v} | :: to appear (become visible) |
paraître {v} [usually in passive] | :: to be published |
paraître {v} | :: to appear, to seem |
paraître {m} | :: appearance |
parajuriste {m} [legal] | :: paralegal |
parakératose {f} [pathology] | :: parakeratosis |
paralactique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: paralactic |
paralampsie {f} | :: paralampsis |
paralangage {m} | :: paralanguage (non-verbal communication) |
paralarve {f} | :: paralarva |
paralaurionite {f} [mineral] | :: paralaurionite |
paralbumine {f} | :: paralbumin |
paraldéhyde {m} [organic compound] | :: paraldehyde |
paralégal {adj} | :: paralegal |
paralégal {m} | :: paralegal |
paralipse {f} | :: paralipsis |
paralique {adj} | :: paralic |
paralittérature {f} | :: paraliterature |
parallactique {adj} | :: parallactic |
parallactiquement {adv} | :: parallactically |
parallaxe {f} | :: parallax |
parallèle {adj} [geometry] | :: parallel |
parallèle {f} | :: parallel line |
parallèle {m} | :: parallel; comparison |
parallèle {m} | :: latitude |
parallèlement {adv} | :: parallelly |
parallélépipède {m} [geometry] | :: parallelepiped |
parallélépipédique {adj} | :: parallelepipedic |
parallélépipèdique {adj} | :: parallelepipedic |
parallélipipède {m} | :: alternative form of parallélépipède |
parallélique {adj} | :: parallelistic |
parallélisation {f} | :: parallelization |
parallèlisation {f} | :: alternative form of parallélisation |
paralléliser {v} | :: To parallelize |
parallélisme {m} | :: parallelism (state or condition of being parallel) |
parallélogrammatique {adj} | :: parallelogrammatic |
parallélogramme {m} | :: parallelogram |
parallélographe {m} | :: parallelograph |
paralogie {f} | :: paralogy, paralogism |
paralogique {adj} | :: paralogical |
paralogisme {m} | :: paralogism |
paralympien {m} [sport] | :: Paralympian (male) |
paralympienne {f} | :: feminine noun of paralympien |
paralympique {adj} | :: Paralympic |
Paralympiques {prop} | :: Paralympics; ellipsis of Jeux paralympiques |
paralysant {adj} | :: crippling |
paralysant {adj} | :: paralyzing |
paralysateur {adj} | :: paralyzing |
paralysateur {adj} | :: crippling |
paralyser {v} | :: to paralyse / paralyze |
paralysie {f} | :: paralysis |
paralysie cérébrale {f} [pathology] | :: cerebral palsy |
paralytique {adj} | :: paralytic |
paramagnétique {adj} [physics] | :: paramagnetic |
paramagnétisme {m} [physics] | :: paramagnetism |
paramakan {m} | :: Paramaccan (language) |
paramakan {adj} | :: Paramaccan |
paramaléate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: paramaleate |
paramaléique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: paramaleic |
paramécie {f} [zoology] | :: paramecium |
paramédical {adj} | :: paramedical |
paramentique {f} | :: parament |
paramentique {f} | :: vestment |
paramésonéphrotique {adj} [anatomy] | :: paramesonephrotic |
paramétrable {adj} | :: configurable, customizable, parametrizable |
paramétrage {m} | :: parameterization |
paramétrage {m} | :: setup, configuration |
paramètre {m} | :: parameter |
paramétrer {v} [computing] | :: to configure |
paramétrique {adj} | :: parametric |
paramétrisation {f} | :: parametrisation |
paramilitaire {adj} | :: paramilitary |
paramilitaire {m} | :: paramilitary (a group of civilians trained and organized in a military fashion) |
paramilitarisme {m} | :: paramilitarism |
paramnésie {f} | :: paramnesia |
paramorphose {f} [geology] | :: paramorphism |
paramoteur {m} | :: paramotor |
paramucique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: paramucic |
paramutation {f} [genetics] | :: paramutation |
paranan {m} | :: Paranan / Palanan |
paranatellon {m} | :: paranatellon |
paranatellonique {adj} | :: paranatellon (attributive) |
paranéoptère {m} | :: Any louse of the clade Paraneoptera |
parangon {m} | :: paragon, standard (model or pattern) |
parangoner {v} | :: alternative form of parangonner |
parangonner {v} | :: to paragon |
parano {adj} [colloquial] | :: paranoid |
parano {mf} [colloquial] | :: a paranoid person |
parano {f} [colloquial] | :: paranoia |
paranoïa {f} | :: paranoia |
paranoïaque {adj} | :: paranoid |
paranoïaque {adj} [medicine] | :: related to paranoia |
paranoïaque {mf} | :: a paranoid person |
paranoïde {adj} | :: paranoid |
paranoïde {mf} | :: paranoid person |
paranomase {f} | :: obsolete form of paronomase |
para nordique {m} [skiing] | :: para-nordic; ellipsis of ski para-nordique |
para-nordique {m} [skiing] | :: para-nordic; ellipsis of ski para-nordique |
paranordique {m} [skiing] | :: para-nordic; ellipsis of ski para-nordique |
paranormal {adj} | :: paranormal |
paranthrope {mf} | :: Any primate of the genus Paranthropus |
paranymphe {m} | :: paranymph |
parapectine {f} | :: parapectin |
parapegme {m} | :: parapegma |
parapente {m} | :: paraglider |
parapente {m} | :: paragliding |
parapentiste {mf} | :: paraglider (one who paraglides) |
parapet {m} | :: parapet |
parapétrolier {adj} | :: oil delivery / services (attributive) |
parapharmacie {f} | :: pharmacy, chemist's (UK) / drugstore (US) |
paraphe {m} | :: paraph |
paraphe {m} | :: initials |
paraphénylènediamine {f} [organic compound] | :: paraphenylenediamine |
parapher {vt} | :: to sign or initial a document |
paraphernal {adj} | :: paraphernal |
paraphernalité {f} [legal] | :: paraphernality |
parapheur {m} | :: parafor; a folder containing correspondence to be signed - a word yet to be invented in English. (The "Office québécois de la langue française" suggests "signature book", but this is a book used by people who collect signatures) |
paraphilie {f} | :: paraphilia |
paraphrasable {adj} | :: paraphrasable |
paraphraser {v} | :: paraphrase (to compose a paraphrase) |
paraphraseur {m} | :: paraphraser |
paraphraseuse {f} | :: feminine singular of paraphraseur |
paraphraste {m} | :: paraphrast |
paraphrastique {adj} | :: paraphrastic |
paraphylétique {adj} [systematics] | :: paraphyletic (excluding some descendants of the most recent common ancestor) |
paraphylie {f} [systematics] | :: paraphyly |
paraphyse {f} | :: paraphysis |
paraplégie {f} [pathology] | :: paraplegia (paralysed condition) |
paraplégique {adj} | :: paraplegic |
paraplégique {mf} | :: paraplegic |
parapleure {f} | :: parapleura |
paraplexie {f} | :: synonym of paraplégie |
parapluie {m} | :: umbrella for rain |
parapode {m} | :: parapodium |
par après {adv} [Belgium] | :: subsequently, thereafter, afterwards, later |
parapsychique {adj} | :: parapsychic |
parapsychologie {f} | :: parapsychology (study of that which cannot yet be explained) |
parapsychologique {adj} | :: parapsychological |
parapsychologue {mf} | :: parapsychologist |
paraptère {m} | :: parapterum |
parapublic {adj} [economics] | :: Having capital in both the public and private sectors |
parareligieux {adj} | :: parareligious |
pararickettsie {f} | :: synonym of chlamydie |
pararthrème {m} | :: subluxation |
parasange {f} | :: parasang |
parascève {f} | :: Parasceve |
Parascève {prop} | :: given name, Paraskevi |
parascolaire {adj} | :: extracurricular |
parasélène {mf} | :: paraselene, moon dog |
parasexualité {f} | :: parasexuality |
parasexuel {adj} | :: parasexual |
parasismique {adj} | :: paraseismic |
parasitaire {adj} | :: parasitic, parasitical |
parasitairement {adv} | :: parasitically |
parasite {m} | :: a parasite |
parasite {adj} | :: parasitic |
parasité {adj} | :: parasitized |
parasitémie {f} [pathology] | :: parasitemia |
parasiter {v} | :: To parasitize |
parasitiforme {m} | :: parasitiform |
parasitique {adj} | :: parasitic |
parasitiquement {adv} | :: parasitically |
parasitisme {m} | :: parasitism |
parasitoïde {m} | :: parasitoid |
parasitologie {f} | :: parasitology |
parasitologique {adj} | :: parasitological |
parasitologiste {mf} | :: synonym of parasitologue |
parasitologue {mf} | :: parasitologist |
parasitose {f} [pathology] | :: parasitosis |
paraskevidékatriaphobie {f} | :: paraskavedekatriaphobia |
para ski {m} | :: alternative spelling of paraski |
para-ski {m} | :: alternative spelling of paraski |
paraski {m} | :: paraskiing |
paraski {m} | :: kitesurfing |
para ski de fond {m} | :: alternative spelling of para-ski de fond |
para-ski de fond {m} | :: para cross-country skiing; a disability sport, an adapted version of cross-country skiing (ski de fond) |
paraski de fond {m} | :: alternative spelling of para-ski de fond |
parasol {m} | :: A large, anchored umbrella used as protection from the sun |
parasomnie {f} [pathology] | :: parasomnia |
parasport {m} | :: parasport |
parasportif {adj} | :: parasport (attributive) |
parassien {adj} | :: Of or from Parassy |
Parassy {prop} | :: A commune in the Cher department of Centre |
parastatal {adj} | :: parastatal |
para surf des neiges {m} | :: alternative spelling of para-surf des neiges |
para-surf des neiges {m} | :: parasnowboarding; a parasport, an adapted form of snowboarding for the disabled |
parasurf des neiges {m} | :: alternative spelling of para-surf des neiges |
parasurtenseur {m} | :: surge protector |
parasympathicomimétique {adj} | :: parasympathomimetic |
parasympathique {adj} | :: parasympathetic |
parasympathomimétique {adj} | :: parasympathomimetic |
parasynonyme {m} | :: parasynonym |
parasynonymie {f} | :: parasynonymy |
parasynthèse {f} | :: parasynthesis |
parasynthétique {adj} | :: parasynthetic |
Parat {prop} | :: surname |
parataxe {f} [grammar] | :: parataxis |
paratélique {adj} | :: paratelic |
paratexte {m} | :: paratext |
paratextualité {f} | :: paratextuality |
parathlète {mf} | :: parathlete; alternative form of para-athlète |
parathormone {f} | :: parathyroid hormone |
parathyroïde {f} | :: parathyroid |
parathyroïdie {f} [anatomy] | :: parathyroid (gland) |
parathyroïdien {adj} | :: parathyroid (attributive) |
paratomie {f} [biology] | :: paratomy |
paratomique {adj} [biology] | :: paratomic |
paratonnerre {m} | :: lightning rod |
parâtre {m} | :: stepfather, father-in-law (especially an evil one) |
paratuberculeux {adj} [biology] | :: paratuberculous |
paratuberculose {f} | :: paratuberculosis |
paratyphoïde {f} [pathology] | :: paratyphoid |
parauk {m} | :: Parauk |
paraussien {adj} | :: Of or from Saint-Louis-et-Parahou |
Paraussien {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Saint-Louis-et-Parahou |
paravalanche {m} | :: snow fence |
paravent {m} | :: folding screen |
paraxonique {adj} | :: paraxonic |
paraysien {adj} | :: Of or from Paray-Vieille-Poste |
paraysien {adj} | :: Of or from Paray-le-Frésil |
Paraysien {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Paray-Vieille-Poste |
Paraysien {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Paray-le-Frésil |
Paraysienne {f} | :: feminine singular of Paraysien |
parazois {adj} | :: Of or from Paraza |
parbleu {interj} [archaic] | :: by Jove; gadzooks |
par bonheur {adv} | :: luckily, fortunately |
parc {m} | :: park |
parc {m} | :: playpen (for children) |
parc {m} | :: pen (for animals) |
parc {m} | :: (total) number; stock (de (of)) |
parc aquatique {m} | :: water park, aquapark |
parc aux petits {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: a Cajun dancing room |
parc d'attraction {m} | :: alternative spelling of parc d'attractions |
parc d'attractions {m} | :: amusement park, holiday park, fun park |
parce {prep} | :: only used in parce que |
parcellaire {adj} | :: Of or pertaining to parcels or plots (of land etc) |
parcelle {f} | :: parcel (piece of land) |
parcellisation {f} | :: fragmentation |
parcellisation {f} | :: parcelling out |
parcelliser {vt} | :: to parcel out |
parce que {conj} | :: because |
parceque {conj} [obsolete] | :: for parce que |
parc fermé {m} | :: A park which is closed, or with restricted entry |
parc fermé {m} [motor racing] | :: A secure car park where competing cars must be left, for example during rest periods, and where no maintenance, repairs, or enhancements may be carried out |
par chance {adv} | :: luckily, fortunately |
parchemin {m} | :: parchment (material) |
parcheminé {adj} | :: wrinkled |
parcheminé {adj} | :: papery |
parcimonie {f} | :: parsimony (great reluctance to spend money unnecessarily) |
parcimonieusement {adv} | :: parsimoniously |
parcimonieux {adj} | :: parsimonious |
par-ci, par-là {adv} | :: here and there |
parcmètre {m} | :: parking meter |
parc naturel {m} | :: nature reserve, natural reserve |
par cœur {adv} | :: by heart, by rote |
parcomètre {m} | :: parking meter |
par conséquent {adv} | :: consequently, as a result, thus |
par contre {adv} [idiomatic] | :: on the other hand (from another point of view); however |
par contumace {adv} | :: in absentia (while not present) |
parcourir {v} | :: to go through, to pass through |
parcourir {v} | :: to read through, to skim |
parcours {m} | :: route, course |
parcours {m} | :: career |
parcours {m} [historical] | :: a traditional roaming or grazing right |
parcours {m} [golf] | :: round; course |
parcours de santé {m} [figuratively] | :: a walk in the park |
parcours du combattant {m} | :: assault course, obstacle course |
parcours du combattant {m} [figuratively] | :: painful and strenuous experience; hassle |
parcouru {adj} | :: browsed, skimmed |
par défaut {adv} | :: by default |
par-delà {prep} | :: beyond, across |
pardelle {f} | :: Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) |
par-dessous la jambe {adv} | :: alternative form of par-dessus la jambe |
par-dessus {prep} | :: over (the top of) |
pardessus {m} | :: overcoat (garment) |
par-dessus bord {adv} | :: overboard |
par-dessus la jambe {adv} [colloquial] | :: slipshodly, slapdash, offhandedly, in an offhand manner, rushedly |
par-dessus le marché {adv} [colloquial] | :: into the bargain, to boot, on top of that, no less, if you please |
pardi {interj} [dated] | :: (yes,) obviously! (yes,) for God's sake! (yes,) of course! |
pardieu {interj} [dated] | :: by God |
pardon {interj} | :: excuse me |
pardon {interj} | :: sorry |
pardon {m} | :: pardon, forgiveness |
pardonnable {adj} | :: pardonable |
pardonner {v} | :: to pardon, forgive |
pardonner {vt} | :: to excuse |
paré {adj} | :: ready, prepared, all set |
paréage {m} | :: A feudal treaty recognising joint sovereignty over a territory by two rulers |
pare-balle {adj} | :: bulletproof |
pare-brise {m} | :: windscreen (UK), windshield (US) |
pare-choc {m} | :: bumper [UK], fender [US] |
pare-chocs {m} | :: bumper [UK], fender [US] |
pare-feu {m} | :: fireguard |
pare-feu {m} | :: (in forest) firebreak |
pare-feu {m} [computing, Internet] | :: firewall |
paréidolie {f} | :: pareidolia |
paréidolien {adj} | :: pareidolic |
pareil {adj} | :: such |
pareil {adj} | :: like, alike, same |
pareillement {adv} | :: likewise; in the same way; equally |
pareillement {adv} | :: too; also |
parélie {f} | :: alternative form of parhélie |
parement {m} [construction, clothing] | :: facing |
parement {m} [ecclesiastical] | :: liturgical paraphernalia |
parenchymateux {adj} [biology] | :: parenchymatous |
parenchymateux {adj} [medicine] | :: parenchymal |
parenchyme {m} | :: parenchyma |
par endroits {adv} | :: in places, at places, here and there |
parénèse {f} [religion] | :: parenesis |
parénétique {adj} | :: parenetic, parenetical |
parent {m} | :: relative, relation, family member |
parent {m} [Louisiana French, singular] | :: parent |
parent {m} [in the plural] | :: ancestors |
parent {m} [in the plural] | :: parents |
parent {adj} | :: related |
parent {adj} | :: similar |
Parent {prop} | :: surname |
parental {adj} | :: parental |
parentalité {f} | :: parenthood |
parente {f} | :: feminine noun of parent |
parenté {f} | :: kinship |
parentèle {f} | :: relative, relation |
parentèle {f} | :: (collectively) kin, relatives |
parentèle {f} | :: (biology, inheritance) parentela |
parentéral {adj} | :: parenteral |
parentéralement {adv} | :: parenterally |
parenthèse {f} | :: a parenthesis, a digression |
parenthèse {f} | :: either of a pair of round brackets |
parent pauvre {m} [with the definite article le] | :: poor relation |
parer {v} | :: to adorn; to bedeck |
parer {v} | :: to fend off |
parer {v} [fencing] | :: to parry |
parer {vr} | :: to get dressed up (in one's finest clothes) |
parer au plus pressé {v} | :: to take care of the most important things first, to attend to what is most urgent, to deal with the most pressing matter first |
par erreur {adv} | :: by mistake, in error, erroneously, mistakenly |
parésie {f} | :: paresis (partial paralysis) |
paresse {f} | :: laziness |
paresser {vt} | :: to laze about; loaf |
paresseusement {adv} | :: lazily |
paresseusement {adv} | :: sluggishly |
paresseux {adj} | :: lazy |
paresseux {m} | :: lazy person; slacker |
paresseux {m} | :: a sloth |
par ex. {adv} | :: abbreviation of par exemple |
par excellence {adj} | :: par excellence, quintessential, ultimate |
par exemple {adv} | :: for example, for instance |
par exemple {adv} [Quebec] | :: on the other hand |
parfaire {v} [literary] | :: to finish, to complete |
parfaire {v} | :: to make a supplementary payment |
parfait {adj} | :: perfect (exactly right) |
parfait {m} [grammar] | :: perfect tense |
parfaitement {adv} | :: perfectly |
parfois {adv} | :: sometimes |
parfum {m} | :: perfume (scented toiletry) |
parfum {m} | :: scent, desirable smell |
parfum {m} | :: flavour, aroma, taste (e.g., of ice cream) |
parfumé {adj} | :: perfumed |
parfumer {v} | :: to perfume (to apply a scent) |
parfumerie {f} | :: perfumery (shop selling perfumes) |
parfumerie {f} | :: perfumery (perfume products) |
parfumerie {f} | :: perfume industry; the art of perfume |
parfumeur {m} | :: perfumer (maker of perfumes) |
parfumeur {m} | :: perfumer (someone who sells perfumes) |
parfumeuse {f} | :: feminine singular of parfumeur |
par hasard {adv} | :: at random, by chance |
par hasard {adv} | :: by any chance |
parhélie {f} | :: parhelion (bright spot in the sky due to refraction of the sun by ice crystals) |
pari {m} | :: wager, bet |
pari {m} | :: gamble, risk |
paria {mf} | :: pariah |
pariage {m} | :: A feudal association between a (typically ecclesiastical) lord and a more powerful one |
par ici {adv} | :: over here, here (to this place) |
par ici {adv} | :: around here |
parier {v} | :: to bet (make a guess about the outcome of an event) |
pariétaire {f} | :: pellitory, lichwort (Parietaria officinalis) |
pariétal {adj} | :: parietal |
pariétine {f} | :: parietin |
pariétopleure {f} [anatomy] | :: synonym of somatopleure |
parieur {m} | :: gambler |
parieuse {f} | :: feminine noun of parieur |
parigot {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: Parisian |
Parigot {m} [colloquial] | :: Parisian |
Parigote {f} | :: feminine noun of Parigot |
pari mutuel {m} | :: pari-mutuel |
Paris {prop} {mf} {m} | :: Paris (caplc) |
Paris {prop} {mf} {m} | :: Paris (department) |
Pariseau {prop} | :: surname |
parisien {adj} | :: Parisian; relating to Paris or its inhabitants |
Parisien {m} | :: Parisian (someone from Paris) |
parisienne {f} [printing, dated] | :: A small size of type, standardized as 5 point |
Parisienne {f} | :: Parisienne |
parisis {adj} | :: As minted in Paris |
Paris ne s'est pas fait en un jour {proverb} | :: Rome wasn't built in a day |
Parisome {prop} {f} | :: The genus Parisoma: formerly one of the genera of warblers, in family Sylviidae, but now often taken to be a superspecies within genus Sylvia |
Parisot {prop} | :: surname |
paritaire {adj} | :: parity, equality (attributive) |
paritaire {adj} | :: egalitarian |
parité {f} | :: equality, parity |
parité de pouvoir d'achat {f} [economics] | :: purchasing power parity |
Parizeau {prop} | :: Parizeau (surname) |
parjure {m} | :: forswearing, abjuration |
parjure {m} | :: betrayal, disloyalty, treachery |
parjure {m} | :: betrayer, traitor, disloyal person |
parjurer {v} | :: to forswear, abjure |
parker {vt} [Quebec] | :: to park (a vehicle) |
parking {m} | :: car park |
parkinsonien {adj} | :: parkinsonian, Parkinsonian |
parkour {m} | :: Free running, parkour |
par là {adv} | :: over there |
par là {adv} | :: (by extension) by that, that way |
parlabilité {f} | :: speakability |
parlable {adj} [of a person] | :: reasonable |
par la force des choses {adv} | :: by force of circumstances, inevitably |
parlant {adj} | :: telling, eloquent |
par la suite {adv} | :: subsequently, thereafter, afterwards, later |
parlé {adj} | :: colloquial |
parle à ma main {phrase} [colloquial] | :: talk to the hand |
par le biais de {prep} | :: by way of, by means of, with |
par le biais de {prep} | :: through, with the help of, thanks to |
parlement {m} | :: parliament |
parlementaire {adj} | :: parliamentary |
parlementairement {adv} | :: parliamentarily |
parlementarisme {m} | :: parliamentarism (parliamentary government) |
parlementer {v} | :: to negotiate, discuss, argue things over |
Parlement européen {prop} {m} | :: European Parliament |
par le menu {adv} [colloquial] | :: in detail, in minute detail, with all the ins and outs |
par le passé {adv} | :: in the past |
parler {vi} | :: to speak, talk |
parler {vt} | :: to be able to communicate in a language; to speak |
parler {v} [heraldry] | :: to cant; (of a coat of arms) to make a pun of its bearer's name |
parler {m} | :: parlance |
parler à travers son chapeau {v} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: to talk through one's hat |
parler à un mur {v} [figuratively] | :: to speak to someone who doesn't listen |
parler chiffons {v} [colloquial] | :: to talk about fashion, to talk clothes; to engage in girl talk; to chew the rag |
parler dans sa barbe {v} [figuratively] | :: to talk under one's breath, to mutter, to mumble |
parler de corde dans la maison d'un pendu {v} [figuratively] | :: (to broach a sensitive topic in an inappropriate setting, where that topic is taboo; to be completely tactless) |
parler de la pluie et du beau temps {v} | :: to make small talk, to chit-chat |
parler de soi-même {v} | :: to speak for oneself |
parler de tout et de rien {v} | :: to make small talk, to chit-chat |
parler entre ses dents {v} [figuratively] | :: to talk under one's breath, to mutter, to mumble |
parler français comme une vache espagnole {v} [simile, colloquial] | :: to speak French poorly |
parler pour ne rien dire {v} | :: to talk for the sake of talking, to waffle, to blow smoke |
parles-tu anglais {phrase} [colloquial] | :: do you speak English? |
parleur {adj} | :: talkative |
parleur {m} | :: speaker (someone who speaks) |
parleuse {f} | :: feminine noun of parleur |
parlez-vous anglais {phrase} [formal] | :: do you speak English? |
parlez-vous français {phrase} | :: do you speak French? |
parloir {m} | :: parlour (of house, covent) |
parloir {m} | :: visitors' room (of hospital, school); visiting room (of prison) |
parloir {m} | :: greenroom (in theatre etc.) |
parloir aux bourgeois {m} [archaic] | :: guild-hall, town hall |
parlote {f} | :: chitchat |
parloteur {m} | :: chatterer |
parloteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of parloteur |
parlure {f} | :: parlance, turn of phrase |
par malheur {adv} | :: by mischance, unluckily, unfortunately |
parme {m} | :: mauve (colour) |
parme {m} | :: Parma ham, prosciutto |
Parme {prop} | :: Parma, city in Italy |
Parme {prop} | :: Parma, province of Italy |
par mégarde {adv} | :: inadvertently; accidentally; by mistake |
Parménas {prop} | :: Parmenas |
Parménide {prop} {m} | :: Parmenides |
parmentier {m} | :: mashed potato |
parmesan {adj} | :: Parmesan (from Parma) |
parmesan {m} | :: Parmesan (cheese) |
parmi {prep} | :: among, amongst |
parmi {prep} | :: amid, amidst |
par monts et par vaux {adv} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: up hill and down dale |
Parnasse {prop} {m} | :: Parnassus (Greek mountain) |
Parnasse {prop} {m} | :: Parnassianism, 19th century literary movement |
parnuire {vi} | :: to sleep over |
paro {adj} [slang] | :: neurotic |
parodie {f} | :: parody |
parodier {v} | :: to parody |
parodique {adj} | :: parodic |
parodiquement {adv} | :: parodically |
parodonte {m} [anatomy] | :: periodontium |
paroi {f} [anatomy, botany] | :: wall |
paroi {f} | :: inner wall, inside surface (of receptacle etc.) |
paroi {f} | :: side (of bathtub etc.) |
paroisse {f} | :: parish |
paroissial {adj} | :: parochial, [attributive] parish |
paroissien {m} | :: parishioner |
paroissienne {f} | :: feminine noun of paroissien |
parole {f} | :: utterance, expression (a unit of discourse, firstly oral) |
parole {f} | :: voice, spoken word |
parole {f} [in the plural] | :: lyrics, words (of a song) |
parole {f} | :: promise, word |
parole {f} | :: floor; the right to speak in a legislative assembly |
Parole {prop} | :: Word |
parole de scout {interj} [colloquial] | :: pinky swear, pinky promise, cross my heart, Scout's honor |
parole d'évangile {f} [figuratively] | :: gospel truth, gospel, holy writ |
parole d'Évangile {f} | :: alternative spelling of parole d'évangile |
parole d'honneur {interj} | :: you have my word! upon my word! cross my heart! |
parole d'honneur {f} | :: word of honor, promise, word |
paroli {m} [game] | :: a double stake |
parolier {m} | :: lyricist |
parolière {f} | :: feminine noun of parolier |
paronomase {f} | :: paronomasia |
paronyme {f} | :: almost homonym |
par opposition à {prep} | :: as opposed to |
parotide {adj} | :: parotid |
parotide {f} [anatomy] | :: parotid (gland) |
parotidectomie {f} [surgery] | :: parotidectomy |
parotidien {adj} [anatomy] | :: parotid |
parotique {adj} [anatomy] | :: parotic |
paroxysme {m} [medical] | :: paroxysm (sudden recurrence of a disease) |
paroxysme {m} [figurative] | :: height, peak |
paroxystique {adj} | :: paroxysmal |
parpaing {m} | :: perpend stone, through stone |
parpaing {m} [metonymy] | :: breeze-block (building block) |
parpaing {adj} | :: through (stone, ashlar) |
par parenthèse {adv} | :: parenthetically |
par pitié {interj} | :: please, pray, for pity's sake, mercy, have mercy, for the love of God, for God's sake, I beg you |
par principe {adv} | :: out of principle, on principle, as a matter of principle |
par principe {adv} | :: just in case |
parquer {vt} | :: to pen, corral |
parquer {vt} | :: to park |
parquet {m} | :: parquet (floor) |
parquet {m} [legal, with definite article] | :: the prosecution |
parqueter {vt} | :: to lay a parquet floor |
parrain {m} [religion] | :: godfather |
parrain {m} | :: namer, christener (of a ship) |
parrain {m} | :: sponsor, proposer; patron |
parrainage {m} | :: patronage |
parrainage {m} | :: sponsorship, promotion |
parrainage {m} | :: christening, naming |
parrainer {v} | :: to mentor |
parrainer {v} | :: to sponsor |
par rapport à {prep} | :: in relation to |
par rapport à {prep} | :: compared to |
parricide {m} | :: parricide (someone who kills a relative, especially a parent) |
parricide {m} | :: parricide, murder of one's close relative |
parrilla {m} | :: grill, barbeque (equipment) |
parsemable {adj} | :: sprinklable, scatterable |
parsemer {vt} | :: to sprinkle, scatter, strew (de with) |
parsemer {vt} | :: to be scattered or strewn over |
par suite de {conj} | :: as a result of, due to |
part {f} | :: share |
part {f} | :: portion, part, slice |
part {f} | :: proportion |
part {m} | :: newborn |
partage {m} | :: sharing (act of sharing) |
partagé {adj} | :: conflicted, undecided, unsure |
partager {v} | :: to share |
partager {v} | :: to divide up |
partager {v} | :: to divide |
partager {v} | :: to share out |
partageur {m} | :: sharer (one who shares, especially willingly) |
partageuse {f} | :: feminine singular of partageur |
partageux {m} | :: synonym of partageur |
partance {f} | :: leaving |
partant {m} | :: runner, starter [in a foot race or horse race] |
partant {m} | :: a person who is leaving or departing |
partant {adj} | :: leaving, ready to leave |
partant {adj} [colloquial] | :: down, up for, game, keen, available |
partant {conj} [archaic, literary] | :: consequently, therefore |
part de marché {m} | :: market share |
part du gâteau {f} [figuratively] | :: piece of the pie, slice of the pie |
part du lion {f} | :: lion's share (a generous portion) |
partenaire {mf} | :: partner |
partenarial {adj} | :: associative, as a partner |
partenariat {m} | :: partnership |
partenariat civil {m} | :: civil partnership |
partenariat enregistré {m} | :: registered partnership, civil union (legal union between gay and lesbian couples in Switzerland) |
par terre {adv} | :: on the ground |
par terre {adj} | :: on the ground |
parterre {m} | :: part of a garden that is divided into flowerbeds |
parterre {m} | :: the part of a theater between the stalls and the rear |
parterre {m} [by extension] | :: the members of a theater audience seated in the parterre |
parterre {m} [by analogy] | :: an assembly or group of people |
parthe {adj} | :: Parthian (relating to Parthia) |
parthénogenèse {f} [biology] | :: parthenogenesis |
parthénogénèse {f} | :: alternative form of parthénogenèse |
parthénogénétique {adj} [biology] | :: parthenogenetic |
parthénogénétiquement {adv} | :: parthenogenetically |
parthénote {m} [biology] | :: parthenote |
Parthie {prop} {f} | :: Parthia |
parti {adj} [heraldry] | :: divided into two equal parts vertically, per pale; said of an escutcheon |
parti {m} [politics] | :: party |
parti {m} | :: parti |
parti {m} | :: course of action |
partial {adj} | :: partial, biased |
partialement {adv} | :: in a biased manner |
partialité {f} | :: partiality, bias |
participant {m} | :: participant |
participante {f} | :: feminine noun of participant |
participatif {adj} | :: participatory |
participation {f} | :: participation |
participationniste {mf} | :: participant |
participativement {adv} | :: participatively |
participe {m} | :: participle |
participe passé {m} | :: past participle |
participe présent {m} | :: present participle |
participer {vi} | :: To participate (in = à) |
participer {vi} | :: To donate (to = à) |
participial {adj} | :: participial |
participialement {adv} | :: participially |
Parti conservateur {prop} [Canadian politics] | :: Conservative Party or Conservative party |
particulaire {adj} | :: particulate |
particulaire {adj} [physics] | :: particle (attributive) |
particulariser {v} | :: To particularise |
particularisme {m} | :: particularism; quirk |
particulariste {m} | :: particularist |
particularité {f} | :: oddity, particularity |
particule {f} [particle, grammar] | :: particle |
particule élémentaire {f} [particle] | :: elementary particle |
particulier {adj} | :: particular |
particulier {adj} | :: peculiar |
particulier {m} | :: an individual; a specified person |
particulièrement {adv} | :: particularly, specifically |
particulièrement {adv} | :: especially |
particulièrement {adv} | :: in particular |
partidaire {adj} | :: partisan, party political |
partie {f} | :: part (portion, amount) |
partie {f} [legal] | :: party |
partie {f} | :: game, play (sense "the conduct, or course of a game") |
partie de jambes en l'air {f} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: horizontal dancing, a roll in the hay |
partie de plaisir {f} [colloquial] | :: cake walk, piece of cake, bed of roses |
partie du discours {f} | :: part of speech |
partie émergée de l'iceberg {f} [figuratively] | :: tip of the iceberg |
partie fine {f} [euphemistic] | :: orgy |
partie intégrante {f} | :: part and parcel of |
partiel {adj} | :: partial (part, no full) |
partiel {m} | :: overtone (harmonic) |
partiel {m} [France, colloquial] | :: midterm exam |
partiellement {adv} | :: partially, in part |
partie prenante {f} | :: stakeholder; interested party |
partie visible de l'iceberg {f} [figuratively] | :: tip of the iceberg |
parti politique {m} | :: political party (political organization) |
parti pris {m} | :: alternative form of parti-pris |
parti-pris {m} | :: bias |
Parti Québécois {prop} {m} [Canadian politics] | :: a separatist left-leaning Québec political party |
partir {vt} [obsolete] | :: to share, to share out, to divide |
partir {vi} | :: to go away, leave, depart |
partir {vi} | :: to originate |
partir {vi} [euphemistic] | :: to die |
partir {vi} [figuratively] | :: to emanate |
partir {vt} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: to start |
partir à la dérive {vi} | :: drift, go adrift |
partir à vau-l'eau {vi} | :: to go downhill, to go down the drain, to go awry, to go pear-shaped |
partir du mauvais pied {v} [idiomatic] | :: To start off on the wrong foot |
partir en couille {vi} [vulgar] | :: to go awry, to hit the fan, to go to shit |
partir en fumée {vi} [figuratively] | :: to go up in smoke |
partir en sucette {vi} [colloquial] | :: to go awry, to hit the fan, to go pear-shaped |
partir en vrille {vi} [colloquial] | :: to go awry, to hit the fan, to go pear-shaped |
partir sans demander son reste {v} [figuratively] | :: to leave without further ado, to leave without a murmur, to take to one's heels |
partisan {m} | :: supporter, proponent, advocate |
partisan {adj} | :: partisan, partial |
partisan {adj} | :: in favour of |
partisane {f} | :: partisan (fervent supporter of a party) |
partitif {adj} | :: partitive (indicating a part) |
partitif {m} [grammar] | :: partitive, partitive case |
partition {f} [heraldry] | :: a (geometrical) division using two colors |
partition {f} [music] | :: a score, often comprising all parts |
partition {f} [databases, computing] | :: partition |
partitioniste {m} | :: alternative form of partitionniste |
partitionnement {m} | :: the act of partitioning |
partitionner {v} | :: to partition |
partitionniste {m} [Canada, politics] | :: partitionist (a political partisan who favours the partition of the province of Quebec with the western, southern portions and Montreal forming a separate province or country from the rest of Quebec) |
Parti vert {prop} {m} [politics] | :: Green Party |
partoche {f} [familiar] | :: sheet music |
partouse {f} [slang] | :: orgy |
par tous les temps {adv} | :: come rain or shine |
partout {adv} | :: everywhere |
partouze {f} | :: alternative form of partouse |
par trop {adv} [literary] | :: far too, much too, overly, too |
partschinite {f} [mineral] | :: spessartine |
parturiente {f} | :: parturient |
party {mf} [Canada] | :: party (social gathering) |
paruline {f} | :: warbler (specifically, a wood-warbler, member of the Parulidae family) |
parure {f} | :: parure |
parure {f} | :: finery |
parution {f} | :: apparition |
parution {f} | :: creation |
parution {f} | :: publication |
parvenir {v} | :: (intransitive; followed by à) to reach |
parvenir {v} | :: (intransitive; followed by à) to succeed |
parvenir à ses fins {v} | :: to get one's way, to have one's way, to achieve one's goals, to achieve one's ends |
parvenu {adj} | :: parvenu |
parvenu {m} | :: parvenu |
parvis {m} [historical] | :: parvis |
parvis {m} | :: forecourt, square |
par voie de conséquence {adv} [formal] | :: as a consequence, consequently |
pas {m} | :: step, pace, footstep |
pas {m} [geography] | :: strait, pass |
pas {m} | :: thread, pitch (of a screw or nut) |
pas {adv} | :: [ne ... pas] not |
pas {adv} [colloquial, spoken] | :: not |
pas à pas {adv} | :: step by step (gradually) |
pascal {adj} | :: paschal |
pascal {m} | :: pascal |
Pascal {prop} | :: given name of Latin origin |
Pascal {prop} | :: surname |
Pascale {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Pascal |
pascalien {adj} | :: Pascalian |
Pascaline {prop} | :: given name, feminine diminutive form of Pascal |
pasdaran {m} | :: pasdaran |
pas d'armes {m} | :: passage of arms; joust; tilt; tourney |
pas de {prep} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: without |
Pas de Calais {prop} | :: The English Channel or Strait of Dover, the North Sea strait between Dover (England) and Calais (France) |
Pas-de-Calais {prop} {m} | :: A département of northern France, bordering the North Sea and Belgium |
pas de chat {m} | :: a defect or flaw in a piece of cloth, a spot where warp ends are missing |
pas de nouvelle, bonnes nouvelles {proverb} | :: no news is good news |
pas de nouvelles, bonnes nouvelles {proverb} | :: no news is good news |
pas de problème {interj} | :: No problem! |
pas de quoi {interj} [colloquial] | :: you're welcome (after being thanked) |
pas des masses {adv} [colloquial] | :: not much |
pas de souci {interj} | :: No problem! |
pas du tout {adv} | :: not at all, not in the least, by no means |
pas du tout {interj} | :: not at all! |
pas encore {adv} | :: not yet |
pas encore {adv} | :: not again |
pasionaria {f} | :: A female political activist, usually in a left-wing organization |
pas japonais {m} | :: stepping stone (stone used to cross something) |
pas le moins du monde {adv} | :: not in the least, not in the slightest, not at all, by no means |
pas mal {adv} [litotes] | :: not bad (reasonably good) |
pas mal {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: a lot of, loads of |
pas mal {adj} | :: not bad |
paso doble {m} | :: paso doble (dance) |
pas pour deux sous {adv} [colloquial] | :: not ... at all, not ... in the least |
pas pour un sou {adv} [colloquial] | :: not ... at all, not ... in the least |
pas question {interj} [colloquial] | :: no way (indicates rejection) |
Pasquier {prop} | :: surname |
passable {adj} | :: Passable; tolerable; fair |
passablement {adv} | :: passably or reasonably well |
passacaille {f} | :: passacaglia |
passage {m} | :: The act of going through a place or event |
passage {m} | :: The time when such an act occurs |
passage {m} [uncountable] | :: Circulation, traffic, movement |
passage {m} [astronomy] | :: Moment when a star or planet occults another,or crosses a meridian |
passage {m} | :: A short stay |
passage {m} | :: A trip or travel, especially by boat |
passage {m} | :: The act of going from a state to another |
passage {m} | :: Graduation from a school year |
passage {m} | :: The act of making something undergo a process |
passage {m} | :: the act of handing something to someone |
passage {m} | :: An access way |
passage {m} | :: A laid out way allowing to go across something |
passage {m} | :: An alley or alleyway off-limits to cars |
passage {m} | :: A paragraph or section of text or music |
passage à l'acte {m} [psychology] | :: Impulsive acting out |
passage à niveau {m} | :: Level crossing |
passage à tabac {m} | :: a thorough beating |
passage à vide {m} | :: funny turn, bad patch, slump, dry spell |
passage clouté {m} [European French] | :: pedestrian crossing |
passage en force {m} [pejorative] | :: an instance of forcing one's way through |
passage piéton {m} | :: pedestrian crossing |
passage pour piétons {m} | :: pedestrian crossing, crosswalk |
passager {m} | :: Passenger |
passager {m} [archaic] | :: Traveller |
passager {adj} | :: Whose presence in a location is only temporary; passing |
passager {adj} | :: Of a short duration; temporary; transitory, fleeting, flighty |
passager {adj} [colloquial, of a street or place] | :: Busy |
passager clandestin {m} | :: stowaway |
passager clandestin {m} [economics] | :: free rider |
passagère {f} | :: feminine noun of passager |
passagèrement {adv} | :: temporarily, transiently |
passant {m} | :: passer-by |
passant {m} | :: loop (in belt etc.) |
passant {adj} | :: busy (as in a busy street) |
passant {adj} [heraldry] | :: passant |
passation {f} [legal] | :: handover (of legal documents), transferal (of power or office) |
passation de pouvoir {f} | :: handover of power or office |
passation de témoin {f} | :: handover |
passe {f} | :: pass (the act of passing) |
passe {f} | :: pass (passageway) |
passe {f} [sports] | :: pass |
passe {m} | :: pass (document allowing entry) |
passé {m} | :: past tense |
passé {m} | :: past (opposite of future) |
passé {adj} | :: past |
passé {adj} [used with certain temporal nouns] | :: last |
passé antérieur {m} [grammar] | :: past anterior |
passé composé {m} | :: A past tense in French grammar, to express a completed ('perfect') action |
passe décisive {f} [soccer] | :: assist |
passé de mode {adj} | :: antiquated, out of fashion, old-fashioned, behind the times |
passe-droit {m} | :: (unwarranted) favour, favouritism |
passe-droit {m} | :: permission |
passe en avant {f} [rugby] | :: forward pass |
passe encore {phrase} [colloquial] | :: all right so far, OK, why not?, I can let it pass, that I can tolerate, ... is one thing (but...) (used to say that the first option is (barely) tolerable, but that the second is too much) |
passéisme {m} | :: passeism (nostalgia for the past) |
passéiste {adj} | :: passéist, backward-looking |
passe-montagne {m} | :: balaclava |
passe-partout {m} | :: master key |
passe-partout {m} [arts, photography] | :: matte (decorative border around a picture) |
passe-partout {m} | :: type of brush |
passe-partout {m} [dated] | :: ellipsis of scie passe-partout; two-man crosscut saw |
passepartout {m} | :: alternative spelling of passe-partout |
passepied {m} | :: passepied |
passe-plat {m} | :: hatch, opening for serving food |
passeport {m} | :: passport (official document) |
passer {v} | :: to go past |
passer {v} | :: to cross (a border) |
passer {v} [legal] | :: to pass |
passer {v} | :: to spend (time) |
passer {v} | :: to publish (a newspaper) |
passer {vt} | :: to take, to sit (an exam or test) |
passer {vi} | :: to pass (an exam or test) |
passer {vt} [dated] | :: to pass (an exam or test) |
passer {v} [public transportation] | :: to run |
passer {v} | :: to exceed (a limit) |
passer {v} | :: to percolate |
passer {v} | :: to hand down, to pass on |
passer {v} | :: to be allowed |
passer {vi} | :: to pass, to go (between two entities) |
passer {vt} | :: to show (a movie) |
passer {v} | :: to go up (a grade) |
passer {v} | :: to shift (change gear) |
passer {v} | :: to go down |
passer {v} | :: to go up |
passer {v} | :: to stop by, to pop in |
passer {v} | :: to pass away, to die |
passer {v} [music] | :: to spin (e.g. a disk) |
passer {v} [TV] | :: to show (be on television) |
passer {v} [sports] | :: to pass (kick, throw, hit etc. the ball to another player) |
passer {v} [athletics] | :: to pass (the relay baton) |
passer {v} | :: to pass on (infect someone else with a disease) |
passer {vt} | :: to put, to place, to slip (move a part of one's body somewhere else) |
passer {v} | :: to wipe, rub |
passer {v} | :: to skip a go |
passer {v} | :: to put (make something undergo something) |
passer {v} [card games] | :: to pass (not play upon one's turn) |
passer {vr} | :: to take place, to happen, to come to pass |
passer {vr} [for time] | :: to go by |
passer {vr} [with de] | :: to do without |
passer à autre chose {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to move on |
passerage {f} | :: cress (of genus Lepidium) |
passer à la casserole {v} [colloquial] | :: to kick the bucket, to die |
passer à la casserole {v} [colloquial, of a woman] | :: to lose one's virginity; to get porked, to get fucked; to get raped |
passer à l'acte {v} | :: to take action, to act |
passer à l'acte {vi} | :: to act out |
passer à la moulinette {v} [idiomatic] | :: to rip to shreds (mock severely) |
passer à la trappe {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to go down the drain, to be abandoned, to be forgotten about, to vanish into oblivion, to be left out, to go out the window |
passer à la vitesse supérieure {v} [figuratively] | :: to go up a gear, to move up a gear, to step up a gear, to shift up a gear, to move things up a gear, to speed things up, to shift into high gear, to take things up a notch, to move into overdrive |
passer à tabac {vt} | :: to beat thoroughly, to beat to a pulp |
passer à travers les mailles du filet {v} | :: alternative form of passer entre les mailles du filet |
passer au crible {vt} [figuratively] | :: to comb through, to comb over, to fine-tooth comb |
passer au fil de l'épée {vt} | :: to put to the sword |
passer au peigne fin {vt} | :: to comb through, to comb over, to fine-tooth comb, to trawl |
passer aux aveux {v} | :: to confess, to make a confession |
passer aux choses sérieuses {v} [colloquial] | :: to get down to business, to get down to brass tacks, to get down to the nitty-gritty |
passer comme une lettre à la poste {v} [colloquial, simile] | :: To go very well, without a hitch; to hit the spot, to be just the thing |
passer crème {v} [slang] | :: To go very well, without a hitch; to hit the spot, to be just the thing |
passer de vie à trépas {v} [idiomatic] | :: to pass away, to die |
passer du coq à l'âne {v} | :: to change subjects abruptly, to go from pillar to post, to hop from one subject to another, to jump from topic to topic |
passereau {m} | :: sparrow |
passereau {m} | :: passerine |
passerelle {f} | :: footbridge |
passerelle {f} [nautical] | :: bridge |
passerelle {f} [aviation, nautical] | :: gangway, bridge |
passerelle {f} [computing] | :: gateway |
passer en force {v} | :: to force one's way through, to impose oneself |
passer entre les mailles du filet {v} [figuratively] | :: to slip through the cracks, to fall through the cracks, to slip through the net |
passerillage {m} | :: The exposure of cut bunches of grapes to the sun in order to increase the concentration of sugar prior to winemaking |
passeriller {vt} [oenology] | :: to dry bunches of grapes by exposing them to the sun prior to winemaking |
passer inaperçu {v} | :: to go unnoticed, to pass unnoticed, to escape notice |
passer la main {v} [figuratively] | :: [à] to step down in favour of, to stand aside in favour of, to pass the mantle to, to pass the torch on to, to pass the baton on to, to hand the reins to; to hang up one's boots |
passer la parole {v} [à] | :: to give the floor to someone, to call on someone, to give someone a chance to speak |
passer l'arme à gauche {v} [colloquial] | :: to kick the bucket, to die |
passer l'aspirateur {v} | :: to vacuum, to hoover |
passer le flambeau {v} [figuratively] | :: [à] to step down in favour of, to stand aside in favour of, to pass the mantle to, to pass the torch on to, to pass the baton on to, to hand the reins to; to hang up one's boots |
passer le mot {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to spread the word (along, around) |
passer l'éponge {v} [sur] | :: [figuratively] to forgive and forget about (a grievance), to wipe the slate clean |
passer le relais {v} [figuratively] | :: [à] to step down in favour of, to stand aside in favour of, to pass the mantle to, to pass the torch on to, to pass the baton on to, to hand the reins to; to hang up one's boots |
passer le Rubicon {v} | :: to cross the Rubicon |
passer les bornes {v} [rare] | :: alternative form of dépasser les bornes |
passer le temps {v} [figuratively, idiom] | :: to pass the time, to kill time |
passer maître {v} [en, dans] | :: to become a master at something, an expert in something |
passer outre {v} | :: to overlook |
passer outre {v} | :: to ignore |
passer outre {v} | :: to carry on regardless |
passer par la tête {v} | :: to cross someone's mind |
passer par les armes {vt} | :: To execute by firing squad |
passer par les mains {v} | :: to pass through the hands (of) |
passer ses nerfs {v} [sur] | :: [figuratively, colloquial] to take it out on, to vent one's spleen on, to vent one's gall on |
passer son chemin {v} | :: to go on one's way, to walk by without stopping, to keep going without stopping, to move on without a halt |
passer sous le nez {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to slip through someone's fingers, to slip past someone, to pass by someone (of an occasion, opportunity, etc.) |
passer sous les fourches caudines {v} | :: to pass under the yoke |
passer sous silence {vt} | :: to shill, to conceal, to omit, to leave untold, to fail to mention, to pass over |
passer sur le billard {phrase} [literally] | :: To get passed on the operating table |
passer sur le billard {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: To undergo a surgical procedure; To go under the knife |
passer un savon {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to tell off, to haul someone over the coals |
passé simple {m} | :: the past historic |
passé surcomposé {m} [grammar] | :: A past tense using two auxiliary verbs to conjugate |
passe-temps {m} | :: hobby; pastime |
passe-thé {m} | :: tea strainer, tea infuser |
passette {f} | :: strainer |
passeur {m} [sports] | :: passer |
passeur {m} | :: ferryman |
passeur {m} | :: smuggler; (drugs) courier |
passeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of passeur |
passez-moi l'expression {adv} | :: pardon my French, excuse my French; not to put too fine a point on it |
passibilité {f} | :: liability |
passible {adj} | :: punishable (appropriate for punishment) |
passif {m} [grammar] | :: the passive voice |
passif {m} [financial] | :: liability |
passif {adj} | :: passive |
passif {adj} | :: (gay) bottom |
passing {m} | :: [juggling] passing |
passion {f} [countable and uncountable] | :: passion |
passionnant {adj} | :: evoking passion or enthusiasm |
passionné {adj} | :: passionate, impassioned |
passionnel {adj} | :: passionate |
passionnel {adj} | :: passion (attributive) |
passionnellement {adv} | :: passionately |
passionnément {adv} | :: passionately, to distraction |
passionner {v} | :: to impassionate, to motivate |
passionner {vr} | :: [pour] to take an avid interest in |
passivement {adv} | :: passively |
passiver {vt} [grammar] | :: to make passive |
passiver {vt} [chemistry] | :: to passivate |
passivité {f} | :: passivity, passiveness |
passoire {f} | :: sieve |
passoire {f} | :: colander |
Passot {prop} | :: surname |
Passy {prop} | :: Passy (district) |
pastafarisme {m} | :: Pastafarianism |
pastaga {m} [slang] | :: pastis |
pastel {m} [botany] | :: woad |
pastel {m} [art] | :: pastel |
pastelliste {mf} | :: pastellist |
pastenade {f} | :: synonym of panais |
pastenague {f} | :: stingray |
pastèque {f} | :: watermelon (plant) |
pastèque {f} | :: watermelon (fruit) |
pastèque {f} [slang] | :: boob (female breast) |
pasteur {m} | :: shepherd |
pasteur {m} | :: pastor, a title of Protestant ministers |
Pasteur {prop} | :: surname |
Pasteur {prop} | :: Louis Pasteur, French biologist |
pasteurien {adj} | :: Pasteurian |
pasteuriser {v} | :: to pasteurise |
pastiche {m} | :: pastiche |
pasticher {v} | :: to imitate, pastiche |
pastification {f} | :: pasta making |
pastillage {m} | :: The mounting of components on a printed circuit board |
pastillage {m} | :: An ornament (such as a flower) mounted on a ceramic |
pastille {f} [archaic] | :: small roll of dough containing fragrant ingredients baked in order to perfume the air |
pastille {f} | :: pastille, lozenge, drop (medicinal or candy) |
pastille {f} | :: lozenge-shaped figure in a design |
pastille {f} | :: The conductive part of a printed circuit board that components are fixed to |
pastis {m} | :: pastis |
pastis {m} [Southeast of France] | :: mess, difficult situation |
pastophore {m} [historical] | :: pastophorus |
pastoral {adj} | :: pastoral |
pastoralement {adv} | :: pastorally |
pastoralisme {m} | :: pastoralism |
pastoraliste {adj} | :: pastoralist |
pastorat {m} | :: pastorate |
pas touche {interj} [colloquial] | :: hands off! paws off! mitts off! |
pastoureau {m} | :: young shepherd |
pastourelle {f} | :: feminine noun of pastoureau |
pastrami {m} | :: pastrami |
pas trop tôt {adv} [colloquial, litotes, sarcastic, idiom] | :: about time! |
pat {m} [chess] | :: stalemate |
PAT {prop} {f} [Quebec] | :: PAT ; Pointe-aux-Trembles - a municipality in the province of Quebec, Canada |
patache {f} | :: patache (carriage) |
patachon {m} [historical] | :: coach driver (driver of a patache) |
patafioler {v} | :: (dated) to punish |
patagon {adj} | :: Patagonian |
Patagonie {prop} {f} | :: Patagonia |
pataphysicien {m} | :: pataphysician |
pataphysicienne {f} | :: feminine noun of pataphysicien |
pataphysique {f} [literature, humorously] | :: pataphysics (absurdist philosophy) |
pataquès {m} | :: intrusive s, intrusive t (a type of speech error whereby a word-final /t/ or /s/ is pronounced for euphony, though it is not part of the word's spelling) |
pataquès {m} | :: malapropism |
pataquès {m} [colloquial] | :: jumble, muddle |
Patara {prop} | :: Patara (ancient city in Lycia) |
pataras {m} [nautical] | :: backstay |
patassa {m} [Louisiana French, ] | :: perch |
patate {f} | :: ellipsis of patate douce; sweet potato |
patate {f} [Canada, Louisiana French or colloquial in Europe] | :: potato |
patate chaude {f} [figuratively] | :: hot potato (awkward or delicate problem) |
patate douce {f} | :: sweet potato |
pataterie {f} [Quebec, Louisiana French] | :: a restaurant that specializes in serving french fries; chip shop (UK) |
patates pilées {fp} | :: mashed potatoes |
patatoïdal {adj} | :: Having the lumpy, spherical form of a potato |
patatoïde {m} | :: Any lumpy, spherical object more-or-less having the form of a potato |
patatras {interj} | :: kerplunk |
pataud {adj} | :: lumbering, lumpish |
pataugeant {adj} | :: wading, paddling |
pataugeoire {f} | :: wading pool |
patauger {v} | :: to paddle, to wade (to walk in shallow water), to splash about |
patch {f} [computing] | :: patch (piece of code used to fix a bug) |
patchoulène {m} [organic compound] | :: patchoulene |
patchouli {m} | :: patchouli (plant) |
patchouli {m} | :: patchouli (oil) |
patchwork {m} | :: patchwork |
pâte {f} | :: paste |
pâte {f} | :: pastry; dough; batter |
pâte {f} [in the plural] | :: pastas |
pâté {m} | :: paste |
pâté {m} | :: pâté |
pâte à choux {f} | :: choux pastry (light pastry) |
pâte à dents {f} [Canada] | :: toothpaste |
pâté à la viande {m} [food] | :: meat pie |
pâté à la viande du Lac-St-Jean {m} [food] | :: tourtière |
pâte à modeler {f} | :: modeling clay |
pâte à tartiner {f} | :: spread (any form of food designed to be spread, such as butters or jams) |
pâte brisée {f} | :: pâte brisée |
pâté chinois {m} | :: pâté chinois |
pâté chinois {m} [Quebec] | :: shepherd's pie |
pâté de maisons {m} | :: city block (part of town enclosed by streets) |
pâtée {f} | :: any pet food in the form of a paste, such as cat food or dog food |
pâte feuilletée {f} [cooking] | :: puff pastry (light, flaky pastry) |
patelin {m} | :: backwater |
patelin {m} | :: one-horse town |
patelin {adj} | :: fawning; unctuous |
patelle {f} | :: limpet |
patemment {adv} [archaic or literary] | :: patently |
Patenaude {prop} | :: surname |
patène {f} | :: paten, diskos |
patenôtre {f} [obsolete, religion] | :: the Lord's prayer |
patente {f} | :: patent |
patenté {adj} | :: patented |
patenté {adj} | :: licensed |
patère {f} [archaeology] | :: patera |
patère {f} | :: peg (a protrusion used to hang things on) |
paternalisme {m} | :: paternalism |
paternaliste {adj} | :: paternalist |
paternel {adj} | :: paternal |
paternellement {adv} | :: paternally |
paternité {f} | :: fatherhood |
paternité {f} | :: authorship |
pâtes {fp} [usually, in the plural] | :: pasta |
pateter {v} [Switzerland] | :: to dawdle |
pâteusement {adv} | :: doughily, mushily |
pâteux {adj} | :: doughy, mushy |
-pathe {suffix} | :: -path |
pathétique {adj} | :: pathetic, arousing emotion |
pathétique {adj} | :: pathetic, contemptible |
pathétiquement {adv} | :: pathetically |
-pathie {suffix} | :: -pathy |
pathogène {adj} | :: pathogenic |
pathogénèse {f} | :: pathogenesis |
pathogénie {f} | :: pathogeny |
pathogénique {adj} [medicine] | :: pathogenic |
pathologie {f} | :: pathology |
pathologique {adj} | :: pathological; pathologic |
pathologiquement {adv} | :: pathologically |
pathologiste {mf} | :: pathologist (expert in pathology) |
patibulaire {adj} | :: sinister |
patidar {m} | :: Patidar |
patiemment {adv} | :: patiently |
patience {f} | :: patience |
patient {adj} | :: patient |
patient {m} | :: a patient, an outpatient |
patiente {f} | :: feminine singular of patient |
patientèle {f} [neologism] | :: all the patients of a medical practitioner; patient base, body of patients |
patienter {v} | :: to be patient |
patienter {v} | :: to wait patiently |
patin {m} | :: slipper |
patin {m} | :: skate; blade; runner |
patin {m} [mechanics] | :: brake pad |
patin {m} [slang] | :: French kiss |
patinage {m} | :: skating |
patinage {m} | :: ice-skating |
patinage {m} | :: roller skating |
patinage {m} | :: loss of traction (of a motor vehicle) |
patinage à glace {m} | :: ice skating |
patinage à roues alignées {m} | :: in-line skating |
patinage à roulettes {m} | :: rollerskating |
patinage artistique {m} | :: figure skating |
patinage de descente {m} | :: ellipsis of patinage de descente extrême |
patinage de descente extrême {m} | :: icecross downhill |
patinage de vitesse {m} | :: speed skating (the sport of racing around an oval course on ice skates) |
patinage extrême {m} | :: icecross |
patinage extrême {m} | :: ellipsis of patinage de descente extrême |
patinage synchronisé {m} | :: synchronized skating [US] / synchronised skating [UK] |
patin à glace {m} [uncountable] | :: ice skating |
patin à glace {m} [countable] | :: ice skate |
patin à quatre roues {m} | :: old-style four-wheel rollerskate |
patin à roues alignées {m} | :: inline skate (inline rollerskate) |
patin à roulettes {m} | :: roller skate |
patin à roulettes quatre roues {m} | :: old-style four-wheel rollerskate |
patine {f} | :: patina, an oxidation like on bronze or similar effect |
patiner {vi} | :: to ice-skate |
patiner {vt} | :: to falter |
patineur {m} | :: skater |
patineuse {f} | :: feminine noun of patineur |
patinoire {f} | :: skating rink |
patio {m} | :: patio |
pâtir {v} [literary] | :: to suffer |
pâtisser {vi} | :: to make pastry |
pâtisser {vt} [, of cakes and pastry] | :: to bake something |
patisserie {f} [Canada] | :: cake shop |
patisserie {f} [Canada] | :: the pastries produced by a patissier |
pâtisserie {f} | :: cakeshop |
pâtisserie {f} | :: pastry (food item) |
pâtisserie {f} | :: pastry (art of making pastries) |
pâtissier {adj} [attributive] | :: pastry |
pâtissier {m} | :: pastrymaker |
pâtissière {f} | :: female equivalent of pâtissier |
patissoie {f} | :: Variant of pâtissoie |
pâtissoie {f} | :: An eighteenth-century silken cloth from China. |
pâtisson {m} | :: pattypan squash |
Patmos {prop} | :: Patmos (island) |
patois {m} | :: patois (French dialect) |
patois {m} | :: patois (any regional dialect) |
patois {m} [Louisiana French] | :: saying, maxim, proverb, adage |
patoisant {adj} | :: Characteristic of a patois |
patoisant {adj} | :: Speaking in a patois |
patoisement {adv} | :: (speaking) in a patois |
patoisement {m} | :: The formation of a patois |
patoiser {vi} | :: to speak in patois |
pâton {m} | :: A piece of dough to be kneaded in breadmaking |
patou {m} | :: Pyrenean mountain dog |
patouner {v} | :: Of cats: to knead with the paws |
patraque {adj} | :: out of sorts, under the weather |
pâtre {m} [literary, poetic] | :: shepherd, herdsman |
patriarcal {adj} | :: patriarchal |
patriarcalement {adv} | :: patriarchally |
patriarcat {m} | :: patriarchy |
patriarcat {m} | :: patriarchate |
patriarche {m} | :: patriarch |
patrice {m} [antiquity] | :: patrician |
Patrice {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Patricia {prop} | :: given name |
patriciat {m} | :: patriciate |
patricien {adj} | :: patrician |
patricien {m} [historical] | :: patrician |
Patrick {prop} | :: given name, the English form of Patrice, quite popular in France |
patrie {f} | :: homeland, home country, country of origin, fatherland |
patrilatéral {adj} | :: patrilateral |
patrilatéralement {adv} | :: patrilaterally |
patrimoine {m} | :: patrimony, estate |
patrimoine {m} | :: heritage |
patrimoine {m} | :: capital, holdings |
patrimonial {adj} | :: patrimonial |
patrimonialement {adv} | :: patrimonially |
patriotard {adj} | :: Excessively nationalistic; flag-waving; chauvinistic |
patriote {mf} | :: patriot |
patriote {adj} | :: patriotic |
Patriote {m} [Canada] | :: Patriote (Lower Canada Rebellion) |
Patriote {m} [Canada] | :: Patriot (Upper Canada Rebellion) |
patriotique {adj} | :: patriotic |
patriotiquement {adv} | :: patriotically |
patriotisme {m} | :: patriotism |
Patrocle {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Patroclus |
patron {m} | :: boss, employer |
patron {m} [sewing and knitting] | :: pattern |
patronage {m} | :: Patronage |
patronal {adj} [attributive] | :: saint |
patronal {adj} [attributive] | :: relating to an employer |
patronat {m} | :: management |
patronne {f} | :: (female) owner |
patronne {f} | :: madame (of a brothel) |
patronner {vt} | :: to sponsor |
patronnesse {adj} | :: only used in dame patronesse |
patronyme {m} | :: surname; patronym |
patronymique {adj} | :: patronymic |
patrouille {f} | :: patrol |
patrouiller {vi} | :: to patrol |
patrouilleur {m} | :: soldier on patrol |
patrouilleur {m} | :: patrol boat |
patrouilleur {m} | :: spotter plane |
patte {f} | :: paw [of animal] |
patte {f} | :: leg [of animal] |
patte {f} [anatomy, colloquial] | :: leg [of human] |
patté {adj} [heraldry] | :: (in feminine form) Narrow at the inner end, and very broad at the other end, or having its arms of that shape; said of a cross |
patte-d'oie {f} | :: A point where a road splits into one or more other roads, or many roads join into one |
patte-d'oie {f} | :: crow's feet (wrinkles at the corners of the eye) |
pattemouille {f} | :: damp cloth used in ironing |
pattes d'éléphant {fp} | :: bell-bottoms |
pattes de mouche {fp} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: chicken scratch (illegible handwriting) |
pattes d'eph {fp} [colloquial] | :: clipping of pattes d'éléphant |
pâturage {m} | :: pasture; meadow |
pâture {f} | :: grazing food for livestock |
pâture {f} | :: pasture (field full of such food) |
pâturer {v} | :: to graze; to pasture |
pâturin {m} | :: grass; any plant belonging to the taxonomical family Poaceae |
paturon {m} | :: pastern |
Pau {prop} | :: Pau (city) |
pauchouse {f} | :: A dish of freshwater fish cut into pieces and cooked in white wine |
paucité {f} | :: paucity (fewness in number; a small number) |
Paul {prop} | :: Paul (biblical figure) |
Paul {prop} | :: given name |
Paule {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Paul |
Paulette {prop} {f} | :: given name |
paulien {adj} [legal, of an action] | :: taken against a fraudulent debtor |
Paulin {prop} | :: given name, rare today |
Paulin {prop} | :: surname |
Pauline {prop} {f} | :: given name derived from Latin Paulina |
pauliste {adj} [religion] | :: Paulist (specifically a member of a missionary society founded in New York in 1885) |
pauliste {adj} | :: of or relating to São Paulo, Brazil |
Pauliste {mf} | :: A person residing in São Paulo, Brazil |
paullinique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: paullinic |
paume {f} [anatomy] | :: palm (of hand) |
paumé {adj} | :: lost |
paumé {adj} | :: out of one's depth |
paumé {adj} | :: godforsaken |
paumer {v} [obsolete] | :: to strike, hit |
paumer {v} [colloquial] | :: to lose |
paupérisation {f} | :: pauperization |
paupériser {vt} | :: to pauperize |
paupérisme {m} | :: pauperism |
paupière {f} | :: eyelid |
paupiette {f} | :: paupiette, (veal) olive |
paurométabole {m} | :: paurometabole |
paurométabole {adj} | :: paurometabolous |
-pause {suffix} | :: -pause |
pause {f} | :: pause, break |
pause {f} [music] | :: rest |
pause-café {f} | :: coffee break |
pause-déjeuner {f} | :: lunchbreak |
pause thé {f} | :: tea break |
pauvre {adj} | :: poor (financially deprived) |
pauvre {adj} | :: lacking, scanty |
pauvre {adj} | :: poor, pitiable |
pauvre {m} | :: poor person; pauper |
pauvre comme Job {adj} [simile] | :: extremely poor; poor as a church mouse |
pauvre de {phrase} | :: poor old |
pauvrement {adv} | :: poorly |
pauvresse {f} | :: feminine singular of pauvre |
pauvret {m} | :: poor little thing term of commiseration |
pauvreté {f} | :: poverty |
pauvrette {f} | :: poor little thing term of commiseration |
pauvrissime {adj} | :: Very poor |
pavage {m} | :: paving (paved surface, art of constructing such a surface) |
pavane {mf} | :: pavane |
pavaner {vr} | :: to strut one's stuff |
Pavard {prop} | :: surname |
pavé {m} | :: cobblestone |
pavé {m} | :: cobblestone street |
pavé {m} [geometry] | :: parallelepiped |
pavé {m} | :: pavé (rectangular food) |
pavé {m} [colloquial] | :: a thick book, a long text |
pavé dans la mare {m} [figuratively] | :: a bombshell, a shocking declaration |
pavement {m} | :: paving |
pavement {m} | :: tiled floor |
pavé numérique {m} [computing] | :: numeric keypad, number pad |
paver {v} | :: to cobble, to pave with cobblestones or something similar |
paver {v} [Canada, Quebec] | :: to pave in any sense (including with asphalt, etc.) |
pavesan {adj} | :: Of or from Pavia (in Italy) |
pavesan {adj} | :: Of or from Pavie (in the Midi-Pyrénées) |
pavé tactile {m} | :: touchpad (flat surface which is sensitive to touch) |
paveur {m} | :: paver |
paveur {m} | :: paving company |
Pavie {prop} {f} | :: Pavia |
Pavie {prop} {f} | :: A town in the Gers department of Midi-Pyrénées |
pavillon {m} | :: pavilion (tent, structure, ear part) |
pavillon {m} | :: ensign, flag (nautical flag) |
pavillon {m} | :: house, villa, lodge |
pavillon {m} [music] | :: bell (part of brass instrument) |
pavillon {m} [heraldry] | :: pavilion |
pavillon {m} [nautical] | :: colours |
pavillonnaire {adj} | :: pavilioned |
pavillon noir {m} | :: Jolly Roger (skull flag) |
pavlovien {adj} | :: Pavlovian (of or relating to the theories of Ivan Pavlov) |
pavois {m} | :: buckler, shield |
pavois {m} [nautical] | :: bulwark |
pavoisement {m} [nautical] | :: bunting |
pavoiser {vt} | :: to deck with flags |
pavot {m} | :: poppy (the flower) |
pavot somnifère {m} | :: opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) |
pawnee {m} | :: the Pawnee language |
paxon {m} | :: alternative form of pacson |
payant {adj} | :: paying, which pays |
payant {adj} | :: not free, not free of charge, nonfree, that costs money, that charges money, paid (as in paid service) |
payant {adj} | :: fruitful, that pays off |
paye {f} | :: salary, pay |
paye {f} | :: payment |
paye {f} [dated] | :: payer, someone who pays |
paye {f} [colloquial] | :: ages, a long time |
payement {m} | :: alternative spelling of paiement |
payer {vt} | :: to pay (for) |
payer {vt} | :: to pay (someone) |
payer {v} | :: pay for (suffer the consequences of something) |
payer {v} | :: to pay off (to be fruitful) |
payer cher {v} [colloquial] | :: to pay dearly |
payer de sa poche {v} [figuratively] | :: to pay out of one's own pocket |
payer les pots cassés {v} | :: to pay the piper, to pay the price, to pay the penalty, to be left to pick up the pieces, to be left holding the baby |
Payet {prop} | :: surname |
Payette {prop} | :: surname |
payeur {m} | :: payer (someone who pays) |
payeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of payeur |
pays {m} | :: land, country, region, nation |
pays {m} [politics, geography] | :: country |
paysage {m} | :: countryside |
paysage {m} | :: landscape |
paysage {m} [printing] | :: landscape (format) |
paysagéité {f} | :: landscapity |
paysager {adj} [attributive] | :: landscape |
paysager {adj} [attributive] | :: countryside; country |
paysager {v} | :: to do landscaping; to landscape |
paysagiste {mf} | :: a land artist |
paysagiste {mf} | :: a landscape designer, a landscape gardener |
paysagiste {mf} | :: an artist who specialises in painting the country |
paysan {m} | :: a peasant |
paysan {m} | :: someone who lives in the country; ruralite |
paysan {m} [pejorative] | :: a country bumpkin |
paysannat {m} | :: peasantry |
paysanne {f} | :: feminine noun of paysan |
paysannerie {f} | :: peasantry |
Pays-Bas {prop} {mp} | :: the Netherlands |
Pays basque {prop} {m} | :: Basque Country |
pays de cocagne {m} | :: land of plenty, Cockaigne (land of ease, pleasure and luxury) |
pays de Cocagne {m} | :: alternative spelling of pays de cocagne |
pays de Galles {prop} {m} | :: Wales |
Pays de la Loire {prop} {mp} | :: Pays de la Loire (region) |
pays d'état {m} [historical] | :: pays d'état |
pays développé {m} [economics] | :: developed country |
pays du Soleil Levant {prop} {m} [periphrasis] | :: the Land of the Rising Sun (Japan) |
pays du Soleil-Levant {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of pays du Soleil Levant |
pays en voie de développement {m} [economics] | :: developing country |
pb {n} [colloquial, texting, internet slang] | :: abbreviation of problème |
PC {prop} [journalism, in Canada] | :: CP initialism of Presse canadienne (Canadian Press) |
PCC {prop} [initialism] | :: [Canada, politics] Parti conservateur du Canada - Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) |
PCUS {prop} {mf} [history, politics] | :: CPSU (initialism of Partie Communiste de la Union Soviétique) |
PCV {m} | :: initialism of paiement contre vérification reverse charge call (UK), collect call (US) |
PD {m} [vulgar, offensive] | :: fag; queer (male homosexual) |
PDG {mf} | :: CEO [US, Canada] (chief executive officier) or MD [UK] (managing director) or president - initialism of président directeur général {m} or présidente directrice générale {f} |
PdP {f} [France, meteorology] | :: POP (probability of precipitation) abbreviation of probabilité de précipitation |
PDP {f} [Canada, meteorology] | :: POP (probability of precipitation) abbreviation of probabilité de précipitations |
PDQ {m} | :: abbreviation of poste de quartier |
PDS {m} | :: SRP (suggested retail price) initialism of prix de détail suggéré |
PDSC {m} | :: MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price) initialism of prix de détail suggéré du constructeur |
PDSF {m} | :: MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price) initialism of prix de détail suggéré par le fabricant |
pdt {f} | :: abbreviation of pomme de terre |
PDT {f} | :: abbreviation of pomme de terre |
PE {m} | :: PE (polyethylene); abbreviation of polyéthylène |
pé {m} | :: letter: p |
peacekeeper {m} [Canada, law enforcement] | :: peacekeeper [peace officer from an aboriginal Canadian community] |
péage {m} [transport] | :: toll, payment |
péage {m} [transport] | :: toll booth |
péage {m} [internet] | :: paywall |
péager {m} | :: A person who receives a toll or manages a toll booth |
péagère {f} | :: feminine singular of péager |
péan {m} | :: paean |
pearcéite {m} [mineral] | :: pearceite |
peau {f} | :: skin of a person or animal |
peau {f} | :: hide, fur |
peau {f} | :: skin (protective outer layer of a plant or fruit) |
peau {f} | :: pellicule formed on top of certain prepared foods |
peau de banane {f} | :: banana peel |
peau de chagrin {f} | :: shagreen |
peau de chamois {f} | :: chamois leather, shammy |
peau de vache {f} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: battle axe, cat, nasty piece of work |
peaufinage {m} | :: fine-tuning |
peaufinement {m} | :: fine-tuning |
peaufiner {v} | :: to fine-tune |
peau-rouge {m} | :: Red Indian |
peau-rouge {adj} | :: Amerindian |
PEB {m} [acronym] | :: [library science] a system enabling a library to borrow a document from another library to make it available for a registered reader |
PE-BD {m} | :: LDPE (low density polyethylene); abbreviation of polyéthylène basse densité |
PEBD {m} | :: alternative form of PE-BD |
pébioctet {m} | :: pebibyte |
pébrine {f} | :: pébrine |
pébroc {m} [colloquial, France] | :: umbrella |
pébroque {m} [colloquial, France] | :: umbrella |
pec {m} [colloquial, usually in the plural] | :: pec (pectoralis major muscle) |
pécari {m} | :: peccary (a family of mammals related to pigs and hippos) |
peccadille {f} | :: peccadillo (small sin or error) |
péché {m} [religion] | :: sin |
pêche {f} [countable] | :: peach |
pêche {f} [uncountable] | :: fishing, angling |
pêche à la mouche {f} | :: fly fishing (form of angling) |
pêche blanche {f} | :: ice fishing |
péché capital {m} [theology] | :: deadly sin (any of the seven deadly sins) |
péché mignon {m} | :: guilty pleasure, little weakness, little indulgence |
péché originel {m} [Christianity] | :: original sin (the state of sin, present in each human at birth, that is a direct result of Adam's disobedience to God) |
péché philosophique {m} | :: sexual deviancy; sodomy |
pécher {v} | :: to sin |
pêcher {v} | :: to fish |
pêcher {m} | :: peach tree |
pêcher en eau trouble {v} [figuratively] | :: to fish in troubled waters |
pêcher en eaux troubles {v} | :: alternative spelling of pêcher en eau trouble |
pécheresse {f} | :: feminine noun of pécheur; sinner |
pêcherie {f} | :: fishery |
pêche sous la glace {f} | :: ice fishing |
pêche sur glace {f} | :: ice fishing |
Pecheur {prop} {mf} | :: surname |
pécheur {adj} | :: sinning; sinful |
pécheur {m} | :: sinner |
pêcheur {m} | :: fisher |
pêcheuse {f} | :: feminine noun of pêcheur |
pécho {v} [slang, backslang] | :: to nab, catch |
pécho {v} [slang] | :: to hook up with, get off with |
pécore {f} | :: a small farm animal (not necessarily a sheep) |
pécore {mf} | :: blockhead (stupid person) |
pécore {mf} | :: peasant |
pectique {adj} | :: pectic |
pectocellulosique {adj} | :: pectocellulosic |
pectolytique {adj} [biochemistry] | :: pectolytic |
pectoral {m} [anatomy] | :: pectoral |
pectoral {adj} [anatomy] | :: pectoral |
pectosique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pectosic |
péculat {m} | :: peculation |
péculativement {adv} | :: peculatively |
pécule {m} | :: savings, nest egg |
pécule de vacances {m} [Belgium] | :: holiday pay, holiday allowance bonus |
pécuniaire {adj} | :: pecuniary, financial |
pécuniairement {adv} | :: financially, pecuniarily |
pédagogie {f} | :: pedagogy; education |
pédagogie {f} | :: learning |
pédagogique {adj} | :: pedagogic, pedagogical |
pédagogique {adj} | :: educational |
pédagogique {adj} | :: instructional |
pédagogiquement {adv} | :: pedagogically |
pédagogue {mf} | :: pedagogue; educator |
pédagogue {mf} | :: teacher |
pédal {adj} [anatomy] | :: pedal |
pédalage {m} | :: the action or the result of pedalling |
pédale {f} | :: pedal (of bicycle) |
pédale {f} [music] | :: pedal (of piano, organ etc.) |
pédale {f} [offensive] | :: queer, homo (homosexual man) |
pédaler {v} | :: to pedal (a bicycle) |
pédaler dans la choucroute {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to go around in circles, to tread water, to go nowhere fast, to flounder |
pédaler dans la semoule {v} | :: alternative form of pédaler dans la choucroute |
pédale wha wha {f} | :: wah-wah pedal |
pédalier {m} | :: pedalboard |
pédalier {m} [cycling] | :: chainset, crankset |
pédalo {m} [watercraft] | :: pedalo |
pédant {m} [obsolete] | :: schoolmaster |
pédant {m} | :: pedant; pretentious person |
pédant {adj} | :: pedantic |
pedante {f} | :: obsolete spelling of pédante |
pédanterie {f} | :: pedantry |
pédantesque {adj} | :: pedantic |
pédantesquement {adv} | :: pedantically |
pédantisme {m} | :: pedantry |
pédantisme {m} | :: pretentiousness |
pédé {m} [vulgar, offensive, pejorative, slang] | :: fag; queer (male homosexual) |
pédéraste {m} | :: pederast |
pédéraste {m} [archaic] | :: homosexual |
pédérastie {f} | :: pederasty |
pédérastique {adj} | :: pederastic |
pédestre {adj} | :: walking (of e.g. an animal, that moves by walking) |
pédestre {adj} [of a artpiece] | :: representing someone walking |
pédestre {adj} | :: pedestrian (simple) |
pédestre {adj} [of an activity] | :: walking, involving walking, on foot |
pédestrement {adv} | :: pedestrianly |
pédiatre {mf} | :: pediatrician (physician who specialises in pediatrics) |
pédiatrie {f} | :: pediatrics |
pédiatrique {adj} | :: pediatric |
pédicelle {f} | :: pedicel |
pédicule {m} [anatomy] | :: pedicel |
pédiculose {f} [pathology] | :: pediculosis |
pédicure {mf} | :: chiropodist, podiatrist |
pédieux {adj} [anatomy] | :: pedal |
pédigrée {f} | :: pedigree |
pédiluve {m} | :: footbath |
pédipalpe {f} | :: pedipalp |
pédo- {prefix} | :: paedo- |
pédocriminel {m} | :: A criminal pedophile |
pédocriminelle {f} | :: feminine singular of pédocriminel |
pédofaune {f} | :: pedofauna (soil fauna) |
pédogenèse {f} [biology, geology] | :: pedogenesis |
pédogéochimique {adj} | :: pedogeochemical |
pédogéologique {adj} [geology] | :: pedogeological |
pédologie {f} | :: pedology |
pédologique {adj} | :: pedologic, pedological |
pédologiquement {adv} | :: pedologically |
pédoncule {m} [anatomy, zoology] | :: peduncle |
pédonculé {adj} | :: pedunculate |
pédoncule caudal {m} | :: caudal peduncle |
pédophile {adj} | :: pedophiliac |
pédophile {mf} | :: pedophile, paedophile |
pédophilie {f} | :: pedophilia |
pédopornographie {f} | :: child pornography |
pédopsychiatre {mf} | :: pedopsychiatrist |
pedzouille {m} | :: A peasant, bumpkin, yokel |
Pégase {prop} {m} | :: Pegasus (mythical winged horse) |
Pégase {prop} {m} | :: Pegasus (constellation) |
Peggy {prop} | :: given name borrowed from English, popular in the 1970s |
pegmatitique {adj} [mineralogy] | :: pegmatitic |
pègre {f} | :: underworld |
PE-HD {m} | :: HDPE abbreviation of polyéthylène haute densité |
PEHD {m} | :: alternative form of PE-HD |
peignage {m} | :: combing (of wool or other fibre) |
peigne {m} | :: comb (toothed implement) |
peigne-cul {m} | :: asshole, jerk |
peigner {v} | :: to comb |
peignoir {m} | :: cape (long light clothing used to protect the clothes in e.g. a barber) |
peignoir {m} | :: bathrobe |
peignoir {m} | :: nightdress |
peilles {fp} | :: rags used to make paper |
peinard {adj} [colloquial] | :: tranquil, carefree, cushy |
peinardement {adv} | :: tranquilly |
peindre {vt} | :: to paint |
peine {f} | :: pain |
peine {f} | :: effort, trouble |
peine {f} | :: sorrow |
peine {adv} | :: barely, hardly; used only in the phrase à peine |
peine capitale {f} | :: capital punishment (punishment by death) |
peine de cœur {f} | :: heartache; brokenheartedness; lovesickness; love disappointment; unreciprocated love feelings; unrequited love; unhappy love story |
peine de mort {f} | :: capital punishment, death penalty |
peine perdue {f} | :: lost cause |
peiner {v} | :: to struggle, toil |
peiner {v} | :: to cause pain to, afflict |
peintre {mf} | :: painter (artist) |
peinture {f} | :: painting |
peinture {f} | :: painting, canvas |
peinture {f} | :: vivid description |
peinture {f} | :: paint |
peinturer {v} [Canada] | :: to paint |
peinturer {v} [France] | :: to paint like a child, in a way lacking grace and dexterity |
peinturlurer {v} | :: to daub |
péjoratif {adj} | :: pejorative |
péjorativement {adv} | :: pejoratively |
pejvakine {f} [protein] | :: pejvakin |
pékan {m} | :: fisher (mammal) |
pékin {m} [textiles] | :: Pekin (type of patterned silk) |
Pékin {prop} {m} | :: Pékin (direct-administered municipality/capital city) |
pékinois {adj} | :: Pekingese (of or from Peking (Beijing)) |
pékinois {m} | :: Pekinese (dog) |
Pékinois {m} | :: Pekinese (native or inhabitant of Pekin (Beijing)) |
Pékinoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Pékinois |
pelade {f} [pathology] | :: alopecia |
Péladeau {prop} | :: surname |
pelage {m} | :: fur |
pélagien {adj} | :: Pelagian |
pélagique {adj} | :: pelagic |
pélargonate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: pelargonate |
pélargonique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pelargonic |
pélargonium {m} | :: pelargonium (flower of the genus Pelargonium) |
pelé {adj} | :: bare; (of animal) mangy |
pêle-mêle {adv} | :: any old how, at random, chaotically, pell-mell |
pêle-mêle {m} | :: disorder, confusion |
pêle-mêle {m} | :: multiple photo frame |
pêlemêle {m} | :: alternative form of pêle-mêle |
peler {v} | :: to peel |
pèlerin {m} | :: pilgrim |
pèlerinage {m} | :: pilgrimage (religious journey, or one to a sacred place) |
pélerine {f} | :: cape |
pèlerine {f} | :: feminine noun of pèlerin |
pèlerine {f} | :: cape |
péleriner {v} | :: alternative spelling of pèleriner |
pèleriner {v} | :: to go on a pilgrimage |
pélican {m} | :: pelican (any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae) |
pelisse {f} | :: pelisse |
pellagre {f} [pathology] | :: pellagra |
pellagreux {adj} | :: pellagrous |
pelle {f} | :: shovel, spade |
pelle {f} | :: dustpan |
pelle {f} | :: fluke (anchor blade) |
pelle {f} [slang] | :: French kiss |
pelle à tarte {f} | :: cake slice, cake server |
Pellegrin {prop} | :: surname |
peller {v} | :: to shovel (to move materials with a shovel) |
pelletée {f} | :: spadeful, shovelful |
pelleter {vt} | :: to shovel (up) |
pelleterie {f} | :: peltry |
pelleterie {f} | :: fur tannery |
pelleter par en avant {v} [Quebec, figuratively] | :: to kick the can down the road |
pelleteuse {f} | :: digger (a large piece of machinery that digs up holes) |
pelletier {m} | :: furrier |
Pelletier {prop} | :: surname |
pelletiser {v} | :: To pelletize |
pelletiseur {m} | :: pelletizer |
pelliculaire {adj} | :: dandruff (etc) (attributive) |
pellicule {f} | :: film, skin, thin layer |
pellicules {fp} | :: dandruff |
pélopium {m} [obsolete] | :: A metallic element subsequently shown to be technetium |
Péloponnèse {prop} {m} | :: Péloponnèse (region) |
pelote {f} | :: ball (e.g. of string, wire) |
pelote {f} | :: pelota (sport) |
pelote {f} | :: droppings (animal waste) |
pelote {f} | :: ball (in the game of jeu de paume) |
pelote {f} [Quebec, slang] | :: pussy (female genitalia) |
pelote {f} [Louisiana French, ] | :: a ball; a football |
pelote basque {f} | :: Basque pelota |
peloter {v} [archaic] | :: to wind, roll etc. into a ball |
peloter {v} [colloquial] | :: to touch up, feel up (sexually) |
peloter {vr} [colloquial, se peloter] | :: to make out |
peloton {m} | :: small ball (of thread etc.) |
peloton {m} [military] | :: platoon |
peloton {m} | :: pack, bunch (of cyclists etc.) |
peloton d'exécution {m} | :: firing squad (a group of soldiers detailed to execute someone or to discharge weapons ceremonially) |
pelotonner {vt} | :: To wind up into a ball |
pelotonner {vr} | :: To curl up into a ball |
pelouse {f} | :: lawn |
pelouse {f} [racing] | :: public enclosure |
pelouse {f} [rugby, soccer] | :: field, ground |
Peltier {prop} | :: surname, notably of Jean Charles Athanase Peltier, French physicist who discovered the Peltier effect |
peluche {f} | :: plush (toy), fluff |
pelucher {v} | :: to fluff up, become fluffy |
pelucheux {adj} | :: fluffy |
pelure {f} | :: peel, rind (of a fruit) |
pelure {f} | :: skin (of an onion) |
pelvien {adj} | :: pelvic |
pelvigraphie {f} | :: pelvigraphy |
pélycosaure {m} | :: pelycosaur |
penaille {f} | :: an assembly of monks |
penaille {f} | :: rags, tatters |
pénal {adj} | :: penal, criminal (of, or relating to crimes) |
pénalement {adv} | :: penally |
pénalisant {adj} | :: penalizing |
pénalisation {f} [sports] | :: penalty |
pénalisation {f} | :: penalizing |
pénaliser {v} | :: to penalize |
pénaliser {v} | :: to criminalize |
pénaliste {mf} [legal] | :: criminal lawyer |
pénalité {f} | :: penalty (punishment) |
pénalité {f} [rugby] | :: penalty (free-kick) |
pénalité {f} [rugby] | :: penalty (scoring of penalty) |
penalty {m} [sports] | :: penalty, penalty kick |
pénalty {m} [sports] | :: alternative spelling of penalty |
pénard {adj} | :: alternative form of peinard |
pénardement {adv} | :: alternative form of peinardement |
pénates {mp} [historical] | :: household gods, penates |
pénates {mp} [colloquial] | :: home |
penaud {adj} | :: sheepish, shamefaced |
penaudement {adv} | :: sheepishly |
penchant {m} | :: penchant |
pencher {vt} | :: to tilt, tip up |
pencher {vi} | :: to lean, list |
pencher {vi} | :: to lean towards (an opinion, idea etc.); to be inclined (to do something) |
pencher {vr} | :: to bend down, lean over |
pencher {vr} | :: to look into |
pendable {adj} | :: that merits hanging |
pendable {adj} | :: that deserves to be hanged |
pendage {m} [geology] | :: (angle of) dip |
pendaison {f} | :: hanging (of something or someone) |
pendaison de crémaillère {f} | :: housewarming |
pendant {adj} | :: hanging |
pendant {m} | :: stone that dangles on earrings |
pendant {m} | :: match, counterpart |
pendant {prep} | :: during, throughout, for the duration of |
pendant que {conj} | :: while, whilst, as |
pendard {m} | :: gallows bird, rascal, one who deserves to hang |
pendarde {f} | :: feminine noun of pendard |
pendeloque {f} | :: pendant |
pendentif {m} [jewelry] | :: pendant |
pendentif {m} [architecture] | :: pendentive |
penderie {f} | :: wardrobe |
pendiller {vi} | :: to dangle |
pendjabi {m} | :: The Punjabi language |
pendouiller {v} | :: to dangle |
pendre {vit} | :: to hang |
pendre {vi} | :: to sag, droop |
pendre au nez {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to stare (someone) in the face, to be looking at (someone), to be around the corner waiting for (someone) (to be likely to happen to someone) |
pendre haut et court {vt} [colloquial] | :: to hang, to execute by hanging |
pendre la crémaillère {v} [idiomatic] | :: to have a housewarming party |
pendu {m} | :: person condemned to be hanged |
pendu {m} | :: person killed by hanging |
pendu {m} | :: [le pendu] hangman (pen and paper game) |
pendu {m} | :: hanged man (tarot card) |
pendulaire {adj} | :: pendular |
pendulaire {adj} | :: tilting (on its axis) |
pendulaire {mf} | :: commuter |
pendule {m} | :: pendulum |
pendule {f} | :: pendulum clock |
pendulette {f} | :: small clock |
pénectomie {f} [surgery] | :: penectomy |
Pénélope {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Penelope (wife of Odysseus) |
Pénélope {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Penelopegate {prop} {m} | :: The Fillon affair, a political scandal involving improper employment of the family of French politician François Fillon |
Pénélopegate {prop} {m} | :: alternative form of Penelopegate |
pénéplaine {f} [geomorphology] | :: peneplain |
pénétrabilité {f} | :: penetrability |
pénétrable {adj} | :: penetrable |
pénétramment {adv} | :: penetratingly |
pénétrant {adj} | :: penetrant, penetrating |
pénétratif {adj} | :: penetrative |
pénétration {f} | :: penetration |
pénétrativement {adv} | :: penetratively |
pénétrer {vt} | :: to enter, to get in (to) |
pénétrer {v} | :: to penetrate |
pénétrer {v} | :: to see through somebody's lies or secret plans |
pénétrer {v} | :: to penetrate (to enter sexually; to engage in penetrative sex) |
pénétromètre {m} | :: penetrometer |
Penha {prop} {m} | :: Penha (municipality) |
Penha {prop} {m} | :: Penha (São Paulo, Brazil) |
pénibilité {f} | :: hardness, strenuousness, severity |
pénible {adj} | :: painful, hard, displeasing |
pénible {adj} | :: annoying (about someone) |
péniblement {adv} | :: horribly; awfully |
péniche {f} | :: barge |
pénicillamine {f} | :: penicillamine |
pénicillé {adj} [biology] | :: penicillate |
pénicilline {f} | :: penicillin |
pénicillium {m} [biology] | :: penicillium |
pénien {adj} | :: penile |
pénil {m} | :: mons veneris, mons |
péninsulaire {adj} | :: peninsular |
péninsule {f} | :: peninsula |
péninsule ibérique {prop} {f} | :: Iberian Peninsula |
pénis {m} | :: penis |
pénitence {f} | :: penance |
pénitencier {m} | :: penitentiary, prison |
pénitencier {m} [Roman Catholic Church] | :: a priest who administers the sacrament of absolution |
pénitent {adj} | :: penitent |
pénitent {m} | :: penitent (one who repents of sin; one sorrowful on account of his or her transgressions) |
pénitentiaire {adj} | :: penitentiary |
pénitentiel {adj} | :: penitential |
pénitentiel {adj} | :: penitant |
penne {f} | :: large feather |
penne {f} | :: penne (pasta) |
penné {adj} [botany] | :: pinnate |
penniforme {adj} | :: penniform |
pennine {m} [mineralogy] | :: penninite (A double silicate of aluminium and magnesium) |
pennon {m} | :: pennon (triangular flag) |
pennon {m} [nautical] | :: pennant |
pennon {m} [historical] | :: a local urban militia in medieval Lyon |
pennonage {m} | :: The right to use a particular pennon |
pennonage {m} | :: The pennon of a particular locality |
Pennsylvanie {prop} {f} | :: Pennsylvania |
penny {m} | :: penny |
pénologie {f} | :: penology |
pénombre {f} | :: penumbra |
pénombre {f} | :: half-light, twilight |
pensable {adj} | :: thinkable; considerable (worthy of being considered) |
pensant {adj} | :: thinking |
pense-bête {m} [colloquial] | :: reminder |
pensée {f} | :: a thought (first attested 1176 in Chrétien de Troyes, Cligès, ed. A. Micha, 5246) |
pensée {f} | :: reflection, meditation, faculty of thinking (late 12th century) |
pensée {f} [in the expression “être en pensée”] | :: worry, concern (late 12th century) |
pensée {f} | :: the mind as the seat of thinking (c. 1200) |
pensée {f} [obsolete] | :: amorous attachment (c. 1200) |
pensée {f} | :: manner of thinking (c. 1215) |
pensée {f} | :: an idea coming up in one's mind (c. 1220 in Anseïs de Carthage, 332) |
pensée {f} | :: the guiding idea of a decision made or one's will (c. 1274 in Adenet Le Roi, Berte, 1644) |
pensée {f} | :: moral disposition (first quarter of 13th century) |
pensée {f} | :: an operation of the mind (since 1636) |
pensée {f} | :: idea expressed by an author in a literary or artistic work (since 1621) |
pensée {f} | :: thinking, worldview of an author |
pensée {f} | :: a pansy (plant) (c. 1460) |
penser {vi} | :: to think, reflect, concentrate one's mind on something |
penser {vi} | :: to estimate, imagine, believe |
penser {v} [originally with a que sentence] | :: to be of the opinion that, believe |
penser {vi} | :: to be absorbed by a worry or depressing thoughts |
penser {vi} | :: to conceive a project |
penser {v} [with de + object] | :: to evoke the image or remembrance of someone in one's mind |
penser {v} [with à + object] | :: to attach one's thinking to someone, especially lovingly |
penser {v} [with infinitive] | :: to believe being or doing something |
penser {v} [with mal or bien + de + object] | :: to think well or badly, to have a high or low opinion of someone |
penser {v} [with de + infinitive] | :: to try or prepare to do something |
penser {vtr} [obsolete] | :: to reflect on something |
penser {v} [with à + object] | :: to bear, keep something in mind, to consider something |
penser {v} [with infinitive] | :: to intend to do, aim at doing something |
penser {vt} | :: to have something in one's mind (c. 1220 in Barlaam et Josaphat, ed. C. Appel, 5623) |
penser {v} [with à + infinitive] | :: to intend to do, aim at doing something |
penser {v} [with mal, obsolete] | :: to intend to do something bad |
penser {v} [with à + object] | :: to take care of |
penser {v} [with bien, in politics, religion, moral] | :: to have opinions in accordance with the agreed principles |
penser {v} [with adverb or adverbial expression] | :: to have a certain intellectual tendency, preference or property |
penser avec sa bite {v} [vulgar, figuratively] | :: to think with one's little head, to think with one's cock, to think with one's dick |
penseur {m} | :: thinker |
pensif {adj} | :: pensive, thoughtful |
pension {f} | :: A pension, regularly received payment |
pension {f} | :: A pension, boarding house |
pension {f} | :: A regularly made payment, as admission to certain boarding establishments (notably schools) |
pension {f} | :: board; (The services such establishment provides, notably lodging and some meals) |
pension alimentaire {f} [for a child] | :: maintenance allowance, child support |
pension alimentaire {f} [for a spouse] | :: alimony, divorce settlement |
pensionnaire {mf} | :: boarder; lodger |
pensionnaire {mf} | :: pensioner |
pensionnaire {mf} | :: boarder (someone in a boarding school) |
pensionnat {m} | :: boarding school |
pensionné {mf} | :: pensioner |
pensivement {adv} | :: pensively, thoughtfully |
pensum {m} [archaic] | :: punishment (at school); lines (UK) |
pensum {m} | :: chore |
pentacène {m} [organic compound] | :: pentacene |
pentachlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pentachloride |
pentacle {m} | :: pentacle |
pentadécane {m} [organic compound] | :: pentadecane |
pentadécanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pentadecanoic |
pentadécylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pentadecylic |
pentaèdre {m} | :: pentahedron |
pentaène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: pentaene |
pentaérythritol {m} [organic compound] | :: pentaerythritol |
pentafluorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pentafluoride |
pentagonal {adj} | :: pentagonal |
pentagone {m} | :: pentagon (a polygon with five sides and five angles) |
Pentagone {prop} {m} | :: Pentagon (the headquarters of the United States of America's Department of Defense) |
pentagramme {m} | :: pentagram |
pentahydraté {adj} [chemistry] | :: pentahydrated |
pentamère {m} [chemistry] | :: pentamer |
pentamériser {v} [chemistry] | :: to pentamerize |
pentaméthylène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: pentamethylene |
pentanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pentanoic |
pentaoxyde {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pentoxide |
pentaquark {m} [physics] | :: pentaquark |
pentarchique {adj} | :: pentarchic |
pentasulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pentasulfide |
pentathionique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pentathionic |
pentathlon {m} | :: pentathlon (discipline made up of five events) |
pentathlon des neiges {m} | :: snow pentathlon (a five-leg five-sport race involving vélo (bicycling), course (running), ski de fond (crosscountry skiing), patin (ice skating), raquette (snowshoeing).) |
pentatomique {adj} [chemistry] | :: pentatomic |
pentatriacontanoïque {adj} [organic compound] | :: pentatriacontanoic |
pentavalent {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pentavalent |
pentavalentement {adv} | :: pentavalently |
pente {f} | :: slope |
Pentecôte {prop} {f} | :: Pentecost, Whitsunday (Whit Sunday, Whitsun) |
pentecôtisme {m} [Christianity] | :: Pentecostalism (a Protestant evangelical Christian religious movement) |
pentecôtiste {adj} | :: Pentecostal |
pente glissante {f} [figuratively] | :: slippery slope |
pente savonneuse {f} [figuratively] | :: slippery slope |
pentoxyde {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pentoxide |
pentu {adj} | :: sloping, slopy |
pénultième {adj} | :: penultimate |
pénurie {f} | :: dearth, lack, shortage; penury |
péon {m} [pejorative] | :: An agricultural labourer in Mexico |
péone {f} | :: feminine singular of péon |
people {m} [countable] | :: A celebrity, a famous person |
pépé {m} [child talk] | :: grandpa |
pépée {f} [colloquial] | :: bird, chick (young lady) |
pépère {m} [childish] | :: affectionate name for a male, such as honey, sweetie, baby (etc.) |
pépère {m} [Quebec] | :: grandfather (also spelled pépé) |
pépie {m} | :: pip (disease of birds) |
pépie {m} | :: Excessive thirst |
pépiement {m} | :: chirp, tweet (bird sound) |
pépier {v} | :: to chirp (make a short sound of a bird) |
pépin {m} | :: pip (the seed from fruit) |
pépin {m} [slang] | :: hitch, glitch (small problem encountered) |
pépin {m} [slang] | :: umbrella |
pépin {m} [slang] | :: parachute |
pépinière {f} | :: nursery (for trees) |
pépinière {f} [figuratively] | :: breeding ground |
pépiniériste {mf} | :: nurseryman (or woman) |
pépite {f} | :: nugget |
péplos {m} [virology] | :: The envelope of a virus |
péplum {m} | :: peplum (all senses) |
peps {m} | :: pep (energy and enthusiasm) |
pepsine {f} | :: pepsin |
pepsinogène {m} [biochemistry] | :: pepsinogen |
peptide {m} [biochemistry] | :: peptide |
peptidique {adj} | :: peptidic |
peptidoglycane {m} [biochemistry] | :: peptidoglycan |
peptisant {m} | :: dispersant |
peptisation {f} | :: peptization, dispersion |
péquenaud {m} | :: country bumpkin, yokel, hick |
péquenaude {f} | :: feminine singular of péquenaud |
péquiste {mf} [Canadian politics] | :: a member or supporter of the Parti Québécois |
péquiste {adj} [Canadian politics] | :: pertaining to the Parti Québécois |
per- {prefix} | :: per- |
peracétique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: peracetic |
pérail {m} | :: A mild cheese made from sheep milk |
perçage {m} | :: drilling |
percale {f} | :: percale |
perçant {adj} | :: piercing, shrill |
perçant {adj} | :: sharp (vision, etc.) |
percarbure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: percarbide |
percée {f} | :: breakthrough |
percée {f} [sports] | :: break, breakaway, counter-attack |
percement {m} | :: piercing, boring, punching |
perce-neige {mf} | :: snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) |
perce-oreille {m} | :: earwig (insect) |
percepteur {m} | :: tax collector |
perceptible {adj} | :: perceptible |
perceptiblement {adv} | :: perceptibly |
perceptif {adj} | :: perceptive |
perception {f} | :: tax collection |
perception {f} | :: perception |
perceptrice {f} | :: feminine noun of percepteur |
percer {v} | :: to pierce |
percer {v} [figuratively] | :: to unravel, see through |
percer à jour {vt} [figuratively] | :: to see right through (someone) |
percer l'abcès {v} | :: synonym of crever l'abcès |
perceuse {f} | :: drill (tool) |
percevable {adj} | :: collectible, payable (taxes) |
percevoir {v} | :: to perceive, to make out |
percevoir {v} | :: to perceive (understand) |
percevoir {v} | :: to receive (e.g. taxes) |
perche {f} | :: perch (type of fish) |
perche {f} | :: pole |
perche {f} [sports] | :: pole-vaulting; pole |
perche {f} [skiing] | :: T-bar |
perche {f} | :: boom (for microphone etc.) |
perche {f} | :: perch (for birds) |
perche {f} | :: rod (unit of length) |
perche {f} [aeronautics] | :: probe |
perche commune {f} | :: European perch (Perca fluviatilis) |
perche de mer {f} | :: European seabass |
perche de rivière {f} | :: European perch (Perca fluviatilis) |
perche européenne {f} | :: European perch (Perca fluviatilis) |
perche franche {f} | :: European perch (Perca fluviatilis) |
percher {v} | :: to perch |
perchiste {mf} [sports] | :: pole vaulter |
perchiste {mf} [film] | :: boom operator |
perchlorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: perchloric |
perchloroéthylène {m} [organic compound] | :: perchloroethylene |
perchlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: perchloride |
perchoir {m} | :: perch; roost |
perchoir {m} [colloquial] | :: the seat of the President of the French National Assembly |
perclus {adj} | :: crippled |
perclus {adj} [figuratively] | :: paralysed |
percnoptère {m} | :: Egyptian vulture (of species Neophron percnopterus) |
percolateur {m} | :: percolator |
percolation {f} | :: percolation |
percoler {vi} | :: to percolate |
percussion {f} | :: percussion (tapping of the body) |
percussion {f} [music] | :: percussion |
percussionniste {mf} | :: percussionist |
percutané {adj} | :: percutaneous |
percutant {adj} [music] | :: percussive |
percutant {adj} [military] | :: that fragments on contact |
percutant {adj} [figuratively] | :: striking, powerful, forceful |
percuter {vt} | :: to hit; to crash into |
percuteur {m} | :: firing pin |
perdable {adj} | :: losable |
perdant {m} | :: loser |
perdante {f} | :: feminine noun of perdant |
perdition {f} | :: perdition |
perdre {vt} | :: to lose (be unable to find) |
perdre {vit} | :: to lose (not win) |
perdre {vr} | :: to get lost |
perdreau {m} | :: young partridge |
perdre connaissance {v} | :: to lose consciousness, to pass out, to keel over, to faint |
perdre de vue {vt} | :: to lose sight of |
perdre de vue {vt} [figuratively] | :: to lose sight of, to lose touch with |
perdre du temps {v} | :: to waste time |
perdre du terrain {v} [figuratively] | :: to lose ground |
perdre espoir {v} | :: to lose heart, to give up hope |
perdre la boule {v} [colloquial] | :: to lose it, to lose the plot, to lose one's mind |
perdre la face {v} [figuratively] | :: to lose face |
perdre la main {v} | :: to become out of touch, to lose one's touch, to lose the habit of doing something |
perdre la main {v} [cards] | :: to lose the advantage of going first |
perdre la tête {v} [figuratively, idiom] | :: to lose one's head, to take leave of one's senses, to lose one's mind |
perdre la vie {v} [euphemistic] | :: to lose one's life |
perdre le nord {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to lose one's bearings, to be all at sea |
perdre les eaux {v} [of a woman] | :: to lose the amniotic fluids just prior to delivery, to experience water breaking |
perdre les pédales {v} [colloquial] | :: to lose it, to lose the plot, to lose one's mind |
perdre patience {v} | :: to lose patience, to lose one's patience |
perdre pied {v} | :: to get out of one's depth (to get in a body of water too deep for one to be able to touch the bottom) |
perdre ses moyens {v} | :: to become flustered, to go to pieces |
perdre son chemin {v} | :: to get lost, to lose one's way (to become lost) |
perdre son latin {v} [colloquial] | :: to be confused, to be baffled, to be unsettled (by it, "it" being something previously mentioned) |
perdre son sang-froid {v} [idiomatic] | :: to lose one's cool; to lose one's head |
perdre son temps {v} | :: to waste one's time |
perdrix {f} | :: partridge (bird) |
perdrix {f} [Louisiana French] | :: quail |
perdu {adj} | :: lost |
perdurable {adj} | :: perdurable |
perdurablement {adv} | :: perdurably |
perdurer {v} | :: to continue to exist, to last, to endure |
père {m} | :: father (parent) |
père {m} | :: father (clergyman) |
père {m} | :: Sr. [senior] (postnomial title used to indicate a father that shares the same name as the son) |
Père {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Father, person of the Holy Trinity |
Père {prop} {m} [Christianity] | :: Father, title for priests |
père de l'Église {m} [Christianity] | :: Church Father |
père fouettard {m} | :: bogeyman (especially one who accompanies Father Christmas and threatens naughty children with a whip) |
Père Fouettard {prop} {m} | :: In French culture, a traditional Yuletide character, who accompanies Saint Nicholas and punishes naughty children |
pérégrin {adj} | :: foreign |
pérégrination {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: peregrination, travel |
péremption {f} | :: expiry, expiration |
péremption {f} [legal] | :: acquiescence, estoppel by acquiescence |
péremptoire {adj} | :: peremptory; irrefutable |
péremptoirement {adv} | :: peremptorily |
pérenne {adj} | :: perennial |
pérenne {adj} | :: long-lasting |
pérennisation {f} | :: perpetuation |
pérennisation {f} | :: permanence |
pérenniser {vt} | :: to perpetuate, sustain |
pérennité {f} | :: durability, longevity, long-lastingness, perennity |
père Noël {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Père Noël |
Père Noël {prop} {m} | :: Father Christmas; Santa Claus |
péréquation {f} [finance] | :: balancing out |
perestroïka {f} | :: perestroika |
Perey {prop} | :: surname |
perf {f} [colloquial] | :: performance |
perf {f} [colloquial] | :: perfusion |
perfectibilité {f} | :: perfectibility |
perfectible {adj} | :: perfectible |
perfectif {adj} [grammar] | :: perfective |
perfection {f} | :: perfection |
perfectionné {adj} | :: perfected, refined |
perfectionnement {m} | :: improvement, refinement |
perfectionner {v} | :: to perfect; to make perfect |
perfectionner {v} | :: to refine, hone, improve |
perfectionnisme {m} | :: perfectionism (a dislike for anything less than perfection) |
perfectionniste {mf} | :: perfectionist (person) |
perfecto {m} | :: bomber jacket |
perfide {adj} | :: perfidious (pertaining to perfidy) |
perfidement {adv} | :: treacherously, perfidiously |
perfidie {f} | :: perfidy |
perfolié {adj} [botany] | :: perfoliate |
perforant {adj} | :: perforating |
perforant {adj} | :: perforant |
perforateur {adj} | :: perforating |
perforateur {m} | :: drill |
perforateur {mf} | :: punch card operator |
perforation {f} | :: perforation |
perforatrice {f} | :: punch (device) |
perforatrice {f} | :: card punch |
perforé {adj} | :: perforated, pierced, punched |
perforer {vt} | :: to perforate |
perforer {vt} | :: to punch (holes in) |
perforeuse {f} | :: punch (device) |
perforeuse {f} | :: card punch |
performance {f} [sports] | :: performance |
performant {adj} | :: efficient, effective, performant |
performatif {adj} | :: performative |
performativement {adv} | :: performatively |
performativité {f} | :: performativity |
perfuser {v} | :: To perfuse |
perfusion {f} [medicine] | :: perfusion, drip, intravenous injection |
Pergame {prop} | :: Pergamon |
Pergé {prop} | :: Pergé (town) |
pergélisol {m} | :: permafrost (permanently frozen ground) |
péri- {prefix} | :: peri-, round, about |
péri {f} | :: peri |
périanal {adj} | :: perianal |
périapside {m} [astronomy] | :: periapsis |
péricarde {m} [anatomy] | :: pericardium |
péricardique {adj} [anatomy] | :: pericardial |
péricardite {f} [pathology] | :: pericarditis |
péricarpe {m} | :: pericarp |
péricarpien {adj} [botany] | :: pericarpial |
péricaryon {m} | :: perikaryon |
Péricaud {prop} | :: surname |
périchondre {m} [anatomy] | :: perichondrium |
périclase {f} [mineral] | :: periclase |
Périclès {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: Pericles |
péricliter {vi} [dated] | :: to be in danger, in peril |
péricliter {vi} | :: to go downhill, go to the dogs |
péricope {f} | :: pericope (section of text forming a coherent thought) |
péricrâne {m} [anatomy] | :: pericranium |
périculeux {adj} [rare] | :: perilous, dangerous |
péricycle {m} | :: pericycle |
péricyclique {adj} | :: pericyclic |
pérididyme {m} [anatomy] | :: perididymis |
péridot {m} | :: peridot |
péridural {adj} | :: epidural |
péridurale {f} | :: epidural (injection) |
périèque {adj} | :: Perioikoi |
périèque {mf} | :: Perioikoi |
périgée {m} [astronomy] | :: perigee (point in the orbit of any object) |
périglaciaire {adj} [geology] | :: periglacial |
périgourdin {adj} | :: Of or from Périgord or Périgueux |
Périgourdin {m} | :: a native or resident of Périgord or Périgueux |
Périgourdine {f} | :: feminine noun of Périgourdin |
Périgueux {prop} | :: A town and associated commune in Dordogne, France |
périhélie {m} [astronomy] | :: perihelion (point where the planet or comet is nearest to the sun) |
péril {m} | :: peril, danger |
péril jaune {m} [pejorative] | :: yellow peril |
périlleusement {adv} | :: perilously |
périlleux {adj} | :: perilous |
périlune {f} | :: perilune |
périlymphe {f} [anatomy] | :: perilymph |
périmé {adj} | :: expired; past its expiration date |
périmé {adj} | :: outdated |
périmer {vt} | :: to make obsolete |
périmer {vp} | :: to become obsolete |
périmer {vp} [se périmer] | :: to become outdated, to become out of fashion, to expire |
périmètre {m} | :: perimeter |
périmysium {m} [anatomy] | :: perimysium |
perinæe {m} | :: obsolete form of périnée |
périnatal {adj} | :: perinatal |
périnéal {adj} | :: perineal |
périnée {m} [anatomy] | :: perineum |
périnèvre {m} [anatomy] | :: perineurium |
périodate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: periodate |
période {f} | :: period; as in interval of time |
période {f} | :: era |
période {m} | :: point, locus |
période de sûreté {f} [law] | :: non-parole period, minimum time served (period during which a prisoner cannot be paroled) |
périodicité {f} | :: periodicity |
periodique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: periodic |
périodique {adj} | :: periodic |
périodique {m} | :: periodical |
périodiquement {adv} | :: periodically (in a regular, periodic manner) |
périodisme {m} | :: synonym of périodicité |
périodonte {m} | :: synonym of parodonte |
periodure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: periodide |
periombilical {adj} | :: periumbilical |
périople {m} [anatomy] | :: periople |
périorbite {f} [anatomy] | :: periorbita |
périoste {m} [anatomy] | :: periosteum |
périovulaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: periovular |
péripatéticien {m} | :: A disciple of Aristotle, of the Peripatetic school |
péripatéticien {m} | :: A peripatetic; a wanderer |
péripatéticien {adj} | :: of or relating to Aristotle and his philosophy; peripatetic |
péripatéticien {adj} | :: wandering; nomadic |
péripatéticienne {f} [colloquial] | :: streetwalker, lady of the night |
péripatétique {adj} | :: of or relating to Aristotle and his philosophy; peripatetic |
péripatétiquement {adv} | :: peripatetically |
péripatétisme {m} | :: peripatetic philosophy; philosophy instituted by Aristotle |
péripétie {f} | :: peripeteia (sudden change in circumstances) |
péripétie {f} [by extension, in the plural] | :: chain of unexpected events |
périphérie {f} [geometry] | :: perimeter |
périphérie {f} | :: [of a town or city] outskirts |
périphérique {m} [computing] | :: peripheral |
périphérique {m} | :: ring road |
périphérique {adj} | :: peripheral |
périphériquement {adv} | :: peripherally |
périphrase {f} | :: periphrase |
périphrastique {adj} [rhetoric] | :: periphrastic (characterized by periphrase or circumlocution) |
périphrastique {adj} [grammar, of a tense] | :: periphrastic (formed by a combination of words rather than morphemes) |
périphyton {m} [biology] | :: periphyton |
périple {m} [originally] | :: circumnavigation |
périple {m} | :: journey, travel |
péripolaire {adj} | :: peripolar |
périr {v} [formal] | :: to perish |
périscolaire {adj} | :: extracurricular |
périscope {m} | :: periscope (viewing device) |
périscopique {adj} | :: periscopic (relating to periscopes) |
périssable {adj} | :: perishable |
périssodactyle {m} | :: odd-toed ungulate (animal of the order Perissodactyla order) |
péristaltique {adj} | :: peristaltic |
péristyle {m} [architecture] | :: peristyle |
péritectique {adj} | :: peritectic |
péritectique {m} | :: peritectic |
péritoine {m} [anatomy] | :: peritoneum |
péritonéal {adj} | :: peritoneal |
péritonite {f} [pathology] | :: peritonitis |
péritrachéen {adj} [anatomy] | :: peritracheal |
périurbain {adj} | :: peri-urban |
périurbanisation {f} | :: peri-urbanization |
périvasculaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: perivascular |
périveineux {adj} [medicine] | :: perivenous |
périventriculaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: periventricular |
périvitellin {adj} | :: perivitelline |
perlant {adj} | :: slightly effervescent (especially of wine) |
perlatif {m} [grammar] | :: the perlative case |
perle {f} | :: pearl |
perlé {adj} | :: beaded |
perlé {adj} | :: pearl (attributive) |
perlèche {f} | :: angular cheilitis |
perler {vi} | :: to bead (form into beads) |
perle rare {f} [figuratively] | :: one in a million, extraordinary person, rare gem, real treasure, special someone |
perlier {adj} | :: pearl (attributive) |
perlimpinpin {m} | :: only used in poudre de perlimpinpin |
perlot {m} [colloquial, archaic] | :: snout, baccy, tobacco |
perluète {f} | :: ampersand |
permaculture {f} | :: permaculture |
permafrost {m} | :: permafrost |
permagel {m} | :: permafrost |
permalien {m} | :: permalink |
permanemment {adv} [rare] | :: permanently |
permanence {f} | :: permanence (state of being permanent) |
permanence {f} | :: homeroom (classroom or classes) |
permanent {adj} | :: permanent |
permanent {m} [mathematics] | :: permanent |
permanentement {adv} | :: permanently |
permanganique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: permanganic |
perméabilité {f} | :: permeability |
perméable {adj} | :: permeable |
perméase {f} [enzyme] | :: permease |
perméation {f} | :: permeation |
permettre {v} | :: to permit, to allow |
permettre {vr} | :: to take the liberty of doing something |
permien {adj} | :: Permian |
Permien {prop} {m} [geology] | :: Permian |
permis {m} | :: permit, licence |
permis de conduire {m} | :: driver's license, driving licence |
permis de construire {m} | :: planning permission, building permit |
permis de séjour {m} | :: residence permit |
permis de travail {m} | :: work permit |
permissif {adj} | :: permissive, lenient |
permission {f} | :: permission |
permissionnaire {mf} | :: a soldier on leave |
permittivité {f} [physics] | :: permittivity |
permutable {adj} | :: permutable |
permutation {f} | :: permutation |
permuter {v} | :: to swap |
permuter {v} | :: to permute |
pernambouc {m} | :: brazilwood |
Pernambouc {prop} | :: Pernambouc (state) |
pernamboucain {adj} | :: Pernambucan |
pernamboucain {m} | :: Pernambucan |
pernamboucaine {f} | :: feminine singular of pernamboucain |
perne {f} | :: A kind of saltwater mussel. (Mytiloida) |
pernicieusement {adv} | :: perniciously |
pernicieux {adj} [medicine, rare] | :: Insidious. Having a slow and discreet, but dangerous evolution |
pernicieux {adj} [literary] | :: Morally harmful; pernicious |
pernicieux {adj} [dated] | :: Literally harmful or dangerous, usually of animals or persons |
pernitreux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: synonym of hypoazotique |
péroné {m} | :: fibula, calf bone |
péronier {adj} [anatomy] | :: peroneal |
péronisme {m} [politics] | :: Peronism |
péroniste {adj} [politics] | :: Peronist |
péroniste {mf} [politics] | :: Peronist |
péronnelle {f} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: silly talkative woman, gossip |
péroraison {f} [rhetoric] | :: peroration (conclusion of a discourse) |
pérorer {vi} | :: to hold forth, perorate |
Pérou {prop} {m} | :: Pérou (country) |
Pérouse {prop} {f} | :: Perugia (province) |
Pérouse {prop} {f} | :: Perugia (city) |
pérovskite {f} [mineral] | :: perovskite |
peroxyacétique {m} [organic chemistry] | :: peroxyacetic |
peroxydase {f} [enzyme] | :: peroxidase |
péroxydase {f} [enzyme] | :: peroxidase |
peroxydatif {adj} | :: peroxidative |
peroxyde {m} [chemistry] | :: peroxide |
peroxyder {v} | :: To peroxidize (all senses) |
perpendiculaire {adj} | :: perpendicular (at or forming a right angle to) |
perpendiculairement {adv} | :: perpendicularly |
perpendicularité {f} | :: perpendicularity |
perpète {f} [colloquial] | :: life sentence |
perpétrer {vt} | :: to commit, perpetrate (a crime) |
perpétuel {adj} | :: endless, perpetual, eternal |
perpétuel {adj} [job position] | :: permanent |
perpétuellement {adv} | :: perpetually |
perpétuer {v} | :: to perpetuate |
perpétuité {f} | :: perpetuity |
Perpignan {prop} {m} | :: Perpignan (city) |
perpignanais {adj} | :: of or from Perpignan |
Perpignanais {m} | :: someone of or from Perpignan |
Perpignanaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Perpignanais |
perplexe {adj} | :: puzzled, perplexed |
perplexité {f} | :: perplexity |
perquisition {f} [legal] | :: act of searching for someone or something |
perquisitionner {vi} [legal] | :: to carry out a search |
Perrault {prop} | :: surname |
perraultien {adj} | :: Perraultian |
Perret {prop} | :: surname |
perrhénate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: perrhenate |
perrhénique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: perrhenic |
Perrin {prop} | :: surname |
Perrine {prop} | :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Pierre |
perron {m} | :: steps (to an entranceway), perron |
perronisme {m} [Quebec] | :: A usually humorous malapropism or mixed metaphor, especially when speaking extemporaneously |
perroquet {m} | :: parrot (bird) |
perroquet {m} [nautical] | :: topgallant (sail) |
perroquetage {m} | :: parroting |
perroqueter {v} | :: to parrot |
Perrot {prop} {m} | :: surname |
perruche {f} | :: parakeet; parrot; budgie (any of various birds) |
perruque {f} | :: wig |
perruque {f} [historical] | :: wig, periwig, peruke |
perruquier {m} | :: wigmaker |
perruquier {m} [obsolete] | :: hairdresser |
perruquière {f} | :: feminine noun of perruquier |
pers {adj} [literary] | :: blue-green (particularly used in reference to eyes) |
persan {adj} | :: Persian |
persan {m} [uncountable] | :: Persian language |
persan {m} [countable] | :: Persian (cat) |
Persan {m} | :: Persian, someone from Iran |
Persane {f} | :: feminine noun of Persan |
Perse {prop} {f} | :: Persia |
Perse {mf} | :: Persian person |
persécuter {v} | :: to persecute |
persécuter {v} [by extension] | :: to annoy, to irritate |
persécuteur {m} | :: persecutor |
persécution {f} | :: persecution |
persécutrice {f} | :: female equivalent of persécuteur |
Persée {prop} {m} | :: Perseus |
persel {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: persalt |
Perséphone {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] | :: Persephone |
Persépolis {prop} {f} | :: Persépolis (<<ancient>> ceremonial <<capital>> of the <<empire:Suf/Achaemenid>>, in modern <<c/Iran>>) |
persévéramment {adv} | :: persistently |
persévérance {f} | :: perseverance (persistent determination to adhere to a course of action; insistence) |
persévérant {adj} | :: persevering |
persévérant {adj} | :: persistent |
persévérer {v} | :: to persevere |
persicaire {f} | :: knotweed, smartweed (of the genus Persicaria) |
Perside {prop} | :: Pars (old name of Fars) |
persienne {f} | :: shutter (on window) |
persiffler {v} | :: alternative spelling of persifler |
persiflage {m} | :: Ridicule or malicious mockery made under the guise of good-natured raillery |
persifler {v} | :: to mock; to goad |
persil {m} | :: parsley |
persillé {adj} | :: with the addition of parsley |
persillé {adj} | :: marbled, veined |
persique {adj} | :: Persian (of, or relating to, Old Persia) |
persistance {f} | :: persistence |
persistant {adj} | :: persistent |
persistant {adj} [botany] | :: evergreen |
persister {v} | :: to persist |
perso {adj} [colloquial] | :: personal |
perso {adj} [colloquial] | :: one's own |
perso {adv} [colloquial] | :: personally (in one's own opinion) |
perso {m} [video games] | :: character |
personnage {m} | :: character (in a play, program, film) |
personnalisable {adj} | :: personalizable, customizable |
personnalisation {f} | :: customization, personalization |
personnaliser {v} | :: to personalise, to customise |
personnalisme {m} | :: personalism |
personnalisme {m} | :: egoism |
personnalité {f} | :: personality, character |
personnalité {f} | :: personality (person) |
personnalité {f} [archaic, rare] | :: personal attack |
personne {f} | :: person |
personne {pron} | :: [with ne] no one, nobody |
personne {pron} | :: anyone |
personne âgée {f} [euphemistic] | :: senior citizen, elderly person |
personnel {adj} | :: personal |
personnel {m} | :: staff, members of staff, personnel |
personnellement {adv} | :: personally |
personne morale {f} [law] | :: legal person |
personne physique {f} [law] | :: natural person |
personnification {f} | :: personification (person, thing or name typifying a certain quality or idea) |
personnifier {vt} | :: to personify |
perspective {f} | :: perspective |
perspective {f} | :: prospect |
perspectivisme {m} | :: perspectivism |
perspicace {adj} | :: perspicacious (showing keen insight) |
perspicacité {f} | :: insight, acumen, perspicacity |
persuader {v} | :: to persuade |
persuasif {adj} | :: persuasive |
persuasion {f} | :: persuasion |
persuasivement {adv} | :: persuasively |
persulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: persulfide |
persulfurique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: persulfuric / persulphuric |
perte {f} | :: loss |
perte {f} | :: ruin |
pertechnétate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pertechnetate |
pertechnétique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pertechnetic |
perte de temps {f} | :: waste of time |
perte sèche {f} [economics] | :: deadweight loss |
Perth {prop} | :: Perth (in Australia) |
Perth {prop} | :: Perth (in Scotland) |
pertinemment {adv} | :: pertinently |
pertinemment {adv} | :: full well |
pertinence {f} | :: pertinence; relevance |
pertinent {adj} | :: pertinent; relevant |
pertinent {adj} | :: judicious; justified |
pertuis {m} | :: hole |
pertuisane {f} | :: partisan (kind of halberd) |
perturbateur {m} | :: agitator, troublemaker |
perturbateur {adj} | :: disruptive |
perturbation {f} | :: disturbance |
perturbation {f} | :: derangement |
perturber {vt} | :: to disrupt, to disturb |
perturber {vt} | :: to throw off, to fluster |
péruginesque {adj} | :: Peruginesque |
péruvien {adj} | :: Peruvian |
Péruvien {m} | :: Peruvian person |
Péruvienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Péruvien |
pervaporer {v} [physics, chemistry] | :: To pervaporate |
pervéance {f} [physics] | :: perveance |
pervenche {f} | :: periwinkle |
pervenche {f} | :: (female) traffic warden, meter maid [US] |
pervers {adj} | :: perverse |
pervers {adj} | :: sexually perverted, raunchy |
pervers {m} | :: a lecher |
perversement {adv} | :: perversely; in a perverted fashion |
perversion {f} | :: perversion |
perversité {f} | :: perversity |
perversité {f} | :: depravity |
pervertir {v} | :: to worsen; to corrupt |
perxénate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: perxenate |
pérylène {m} [organic compound] | :: perylene |
pesage {m} | :: weighing |
pesage {m} | :: weighing in (of a jockey before/after a race) |
pesamment {adv} | :: heavily |
pesant {adj} [often, figuratively] | :: heavy |
pesanteur {f} [physics] | :: gravity |
pesanteur {f} | :: weight |
pesanteur {f} | :: heaviness |
pesanteur {f} [said of a person] | :: slowness, dullness |
Pescara {prop} | :: Pescara (province) |
Pescara {prop} | :: Pescara (capital city) |
Pescheur {prop} | :: surname |
pèse-lait {m} | :: lactometer (device to weight cream) |
peser {vi} | :: to weigh (to have a weight of) |
peser {vi} [computers] | :: of a file, to have a given size |
peser {vt} | :: To weigh (to see how much something weighs) |
peser dans la balance {v} [figuratively] | :: to enter the equation, to carry weight |
peser le pour et le contre {v} [figuratively] | :: to weigh up the pros and cons |
peser ses mots {v} [figuratively] | :: to weigh one's words |
peseta {f} | :: peseta |
peshmerga {m} | :: peshmerga |
pessaire {m} [medicine] | :: pessary (medical device most commonly used to support a displaced uterus) |
pessaire {m} [medicine] | :: pessary (contraceptive) |
pesse {f} [archaic] | :: spruce |
pessimisme {m} | :: pessimism (general belief that bad things will happen) |
pessimiste {mf} | :: pessimist |
pessimiste {adj} | :: pessimistic |
peste {f} | :: plague (disease) |
peste {f} [colloquial] | :: brat |
peste {f} [colloquial, of a girl] | :: pest |
peste bubonique {f} | :: bubonic plague |
peste noire {f} | :: Black Death |
peste porcine {f} [pathology] | :: swine fever |
pester {v} | :: to rant, curse, fulminate |
pesteux {adj} | :: plague (attributive) |
pesticide {m} | :: pesticide |
pestiféré {adj} | :: pestiferous |
pestiféré {mf} | :: plague victim |
pestilence {f} [archaic or literary] | :: pest epidemic; pestilence |
pestilence {f} | :: extremely foul smell |
pestilentiel {adj} | :: pestilent, foul |
pestilentiel {adj} | :: pestilential |
pet {m} [colloquial] | :: fart |
pet {m} [colloquial] | :: [nonstandard] Common apocope for pétard (pronounced in singular and plural). Rarely pèt |
PET {m} | :: PET (polyethylene terephthalate); abbreviation of polyéthylène téréphtalate |
peta- {prefix} | :: peta- |
péta- {prefix} | :: peta- |
pétaflop {m} [computing] | :: petaflop |
pétage {m} [slang] | :: The act of farting |
pétage {m} [slang] | :: The act of breaking |
pétage de plombs {v} [idiomatic] | :: Descent into madness, the act or process of going crazy |
pétage de plombs {v} [idiomatic] | :: Loss of control (of one's faculties) |
pétainisme {m} | :: Pétainism |
pétainiste {adj} | :: Pétainist |
pétainiste {mf} | :: Pétainist |
pétakatal {m} | :: petakatal |
pétale {m} [botany] | :: petal |
pétalite {f} [mineralogy] | :: petalite |
pétaloïde {adj} | :: petaloid |
pétanque {f} | :: pétanque |
pétanqueur {m} | :: A pétanque player |
pétanqueuse {f} | :: feminine singular of pétanqueur |
pétaoctet {m} [computing] | :: petabyte (1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes) |
pétaoctet {m} [computing] | :: petabyte (1015 bytes) |
Pétaouchnock {prop} | :: Timbuktoo (an imagined, very distant, place) |
pétaradant {adj} | :: spluttering, sputtering |
pétarade {f} | :: backfire |
pétarader {vi} | :: to backfire |
pétard {m} | :: firecracker (firework) |
pétard {m} [slang] | :: joint (marijuana cigarette) |
pétard {m} [slang] | :: revolver |
pétard {m} [slang] | :: buttocks |
pétard {m} [slang] | :: beautiful woman |
pétard mouillé {m} | :: damp squib (firework that fails to go off, due to wetting) |
pétard mouillé {m} [idiomatic] | :: damp squib |
PETase {f} | :: PETase (an enzyme that breaks down PET) |
pétase {m} | :: petasus |
pétasite {m} [plant] | :: butterbur |
pétasse {f} [colloquial, dated] | :: prostitute, whore |
pétasse {f} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: bitch, cunt [objectionable woman] |
pétaudière {f} | :: bedlam, bear garden (scene of tumult and disorder) |
pet de nonne {m} | :: alternative spelling of pet-de-nonne |
pet-de-nonne {m} | :: A small choux pastry eaten during carnival season in France (especially Alsace) and Belgium |
PETE {m} | :: PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) abbreviation of polyéthylène téréphtalate |
pété {adj} [slang] | :: broken |
pété {adj} [slang] | :: drunk (intoxicated by alcohol) |
pété {adj} [games, slang] | :: overpowered (overly powerful) |
pète {f} [Belgium] | :: fail (of an exam) |
pète {f} [Belgium] | :: butt |
pète-burnes {adj} [figuratively, vulgar] | :: irritating, annoying as fuck |
pète-burnes {m} [figuratively, vulgar] | :: ball-buster; pain; pain in the arse (someone who is irritating) |
pétéchial {adj} [pathology] | :: petechial |
pète-couilles {adj} [figuratively, vulgar] | :: irritating, annoying as fuck |
pète-couilles {m} [figuratively, vulgar] | :: ball-buster; pain; pain in the arse (someone who is irritating) |
pété de thunes {adj} [colloquial, slang] | :: filthy rich, loaded (with money) |
pétélin {m} | :: synonym of térébinthe |
péter {v} [slang, vulgar] | :: to blow off, fart |
péter {v} [slang] | :: to break |
péter {v} [slang] | :: to explode |
péter des flammes {v} [colloquial] | :: to be on fire |
péter la forme {v} [colloquial] | :: to be in great shape, to be in great form, to be fighting fit |
péter la gueule {v} [slang, ] | :: to punch someone's face |
péter la santé {v} [colloquial] | :: to be in great health, to be bursting with health, to be in vibrant health |
péter le feu {v} [colloquial] | :: to be in great shape, to be in great form, to be fighting fit |
péter les couilles {v} [vulgar] | :: To piss off, to annoy a lot |
péter les plombs {v} [idiomatic] | :: To go crazy |
péter les plombs {v} [idiomatic] | :: To get (very) angry |
péter plus haut que son cul {v} [figuratively, vulgar, pejorative] | :: to think one's shit doesn't stink, to think the sun shines out of one's arse, to think one is the shit, to think one is the business, to think one is hot shit (to be full of oneself) |
Petersbach {prop} | :: Petersbach (commune) |
péter un câble {v} | :: See: fr péter un câble |
péter un câble {v} [idiomatic] | :: To go crazy |
péter un câble {v} [idiomatic] | :: To get (very) angry |
péter une durite {v} [colloquial] | :: to get very angry, to shit a brick |
péter un plomb {v} | :: See: fr péter un plomb |
péter un plomb {v} [colloquial] | :: To go crazy |
péter un plomb {v} [colloquial] | :: To get (very) angry, to shit a brick |
pète-sec {adj} [colloquial] | :: snippy |
péteur {m} [vulgar] | :: farter, one who breaks wind |
péteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of péteur |
péteux {adj} | :: timid, cowardly |
péteux {adj} [Belgium] | :: pretentious, stuck-up |
pet foireux {m} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: shart |
pétillant {adj} | :: fizzy |
pétillement {m} | :: twinkle, sparkle |
pétillement {m} | :: crackle, crackling |
pétillement {m} | :: fizz, bubbling up, bubbling |
pétiller {vi} [of a liquid] | :: to fizz, to be fizzy, bubble, bubble up |
pétiller {vi} [of fire, flames etc.] | :: to crackle |
pétiller {vi} [of eyes] | :: to sparkle, twinkle, flutter |
pétiole {m} [botany] | :: leafstalk, petiole |
petiot {m} | :: little one |
petit {adj} | :: small |
petit {adj} | :: little |
petit {adj} | :: petty |
petit {m} | :: small one (anything that is small) |
petit {m} | :: little one (anything that is little) |
petit {m} | :: little one; child (of humans or other animals) |
petit {m} | :: the young (of a species) |
Petit {prop} | :: surname |
petit ami {m} | :: boyfriend (boy/man to whom one has a romantic attachment) |
petit à petit {adv} | :: little by little, bit by bit |
petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid {proverb} | :: slow and steady wins the race; little strokes fell great oaks; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step; many a mickle makes a muckle |
petit blanc {m} [Haiti, historical] | :: a poor white person who does not own a plantation |
petit boulot {m} [colloquial] | :: odd job (temporary employment) |
Petit Chaperon rouge {prop} | :: Little Red Riding Hood |
petit coin {m} [colloquial] | :: loo (toilet) |
petit comité {m} [figuratively] | :: small group |
petit copain {m} [colloquial] | :: boyfriend |
petit déjeuner {m} [chiefly France] | :: breakfast (morning meal) |
petit doigt {m} [colloquial] | :: little finger (outermost and smallest finger of the hand), auricular |
petit-duc {m} | :: scops owl |
petite amie {f} | :: feminine noun of petit ami: girlfriend (girl/woman to whom one has a romantic attachment) |
petite annonce {f} | :: a single classified advertisement |
petite bite {f} [vulgar] | :: pansy, chickenshit (person with little courage or bravery) |
petite bourgeoisie {f} | :: petite bourgeoisie |
petite capitale {f} | :: small caps (font variant) |
petite copine {f} [colloquial] | :: feminine noun of petit copain: girlfriend |
petite couronne {prop} {f} | :: The zone consisting of the three departments (Hauts-de-Seine, Val-de-Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis) that border the city of Paris |
petit écran {m} | :: small screen |
petite cuiller {f} | :: alternative spelling of petite cuillère |
petite cuillère {f} | :: teaspoon |
petite culotte {f} | :: [clothing] knickers |
petite-fille {f} | :: granddaughter (daughter of someone’s child) |
petite finale {f} | :: small final |
Petite-Forêt {prop} {f} | :: Petite-Forêt (commune) |
petite frappe {f} [colloquial, derogatory] | :: a small-time bully, a little hoodlum, a little yobbo, a little thug |
petite main {m} [sewing] | :: trainee seamstress, assistant seamstress, low-rank seamstress |
petite main {m} [pejorative, figuratively] | :: low-paid worker, worker employed to do menial jobs, dogsbody |
petitement {adv} | :: poorly |
petitement {adv} | :: meanly |
petitement {adv} | :: pettily |
petite mort {f} [idiomatic, poetic] | :: orgasm |
petite nature {f} [colloquial] | :: a faint-hearted person, a wimp, a weakling, a sensitive type, a delicate flower, a wuss, a pansy |
petit-enfant {m} | :: grandchild (child of someone’s child) |
petite-nièce {f} | :: grandniece (daughter of a niece or nephew) |
petite nyctale {f} | :: Acadian owl (Aegolius acadicus) |
Petite Ourse {prop} {f} | :: Ursa Minor (constellation) |
petit épeautre {m} | :: einkorn wheat |
petite perception {f} [psychology] | :: petite perception |
petite pluie abat grand vent {proverb} [figuratively] | :: small rain lays great dust; a little kindness goes a long way |
Petite Russie {prop} {f} | :: Little Russia |
petites gens {fp} | :: the little people (the lower class) |
petites heures {fp} | :: small hours, wee small hours |
petites lèvres {fp} | :: labia minora |
petite sœur {f} | :: little sister |
petite sœur {f} [slang] | :: another drink like the one before; the same again |
petite souris {f} | :: tooth fairy |
petitesse {f} | :: smallness, littleness |
petitesse {f} | :: pettiness |
petitesse {f} | :: petiteness |
petite vérole {f} [archaic] | :: smallpox |
petit filet {m} [football] | :: side-netting |
petit-fils {m} | :: grandson |
petit four {m} | :: petit four |
pétition {f} | :: petition (a written request containing many signatures) |
pétition de principe {f} | :: petitio principii, an instance of begging the question |
pétitionnaire {mf} | :: petitioner |
pétitionner {v} | :: to petition |
pétitionneur {m} [rare] | :: petitioner |
petitissime {adj} | :: very small, very little, or both |
Petitjean {prop} {mf} | :: surname] |
petit joueur {m} [colloquial] | :: bit player |
petit jour {m} | :: dawn, daybreak |
petit juif {m} | :: funny bone |
petit-lait {m} | :: whey |
petit largue {m} [nautical] | :: close reach |
petit-maître {m} [archaic] | :: dandy, coxcomb |
petit mal {m} [medicine] | :: petit mal |
petit matin {m} | :: early morning, small hours, wee hours |
petit monde {m} [Louisiana French] | :: a child |
petit nègre {m} [derogatory] | :: A pidgin language that West African soldiers historically used to communicate with the occupying French army |
petit nègre {m} [derogatory, by extension] | :: Any other language incompetently spoken |
petit nègre {adj} [derogatory, of language] | :: ineptly articulated; broken |
petit-nègre {n} | :: alternative spelling of petit nègre |
petit-nègre {adj} | :: alternative spelling of petit nègre |
petit-neveu {m} | :: grandnephew (grandson of a sibling) |
petit pain {m} | :: synonym of pain au chocolat |
petit pain au chocolat {m} [Belgium] | :: synonym of pain au chocolat |
petit panda {m} | :: red panda (Ailurus fulgens) |
petit pois {m} | :: pea (the vegetable) |
petit poisson deviendra grand {proverb} | :: mighty oaks from little acorns grow |
petit pont {m} [soccer] | :: nutmeg |
petit-russien {adj} | :: Little Russian |
Petit-Russien {m} | :: Little Russian |
pétochard {adj} [colloquial] | :: yellow-bellied (shy, timid) |
pétoche {f} [colloquial] | :: fear |
pétocher {vi} [colloquial] | :: to fear |
pétoire {f} [colloquial] | :: peashooter (old or ineffective gun) |
pétomane {mf} | :: A flatulist |
pétomane {mf} | :: A prolific farter |
peton {m} [colloquial] | :: foot |
pétoncle {mf} | :: scallop (bivalve) |
pétrarquisme {m} | :: Petrarchism |
pétrel {m} | :: petrel (bird) |
Petrescu {prop} | :: surname |
pétreux {adj} [anatomy] | :: petrosal |
pétri {adj} [followed by the preposition de] | :: full of something, puffed up with something |
pétrification {f} | :: petrification, petrifaction |
pétrifier {v} | :: to petrify (turn to stone) |
pétrifier {v} | :: to petrify, to paralyze (freeze with fear) |
pétrin {m} | :: kneading trough |
pétrin {m} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: a pickle, mess, scrape, the soup |
pétrir {v} | :: to knead |
pétrir {v} | :: to mould into shape |
pétrissage {m} | :: kneading |
pétro- {prefix} | :: petro- |
pétrochimie {f} | :: petrochemical industry |
pétrochimique {adj} | :: petrochemical |
pétrocorien {adj} | :: Of or from Périgueux |
Pétrocorien {m} | :: Native or inhabitant of Périgueux |
Pétrocorienne {f} | :: feminine singular of Pétrocorien |
pétrodollar {m} | :: petrodollar |
pétrogène {adj} [geology] | :: petrogenetic |
pétroglyphe {m} | :: petroglyph |
pétrographe {mf} | :: petrographer |
pétrographie {f} | :: petrography |
pétrographique {adj} | :: petrographic |
pétrographiquement {adv} | :: petrographically |
pétrolatum {m} | :: petrolatum |
pétrole {m} | :: petroleum |
pétrole {m} | :: oil |
pétrole {m} | :: hydrocarbon |
pétrolette {f} | :: moped |
pétroleur {m} | :: An arsonist who lights fires with petrol |
pétroleuse {f} | :: feminine noun of pétroleur |
pétrolier {adj} [attributive] | :: petrol; oil |
pétrolier {m} | :: oil tanker |
pétrolier {m} | :: oil worker |
pétrolière {f} | :: oil company |
pétrolifère {adj} | :: of or related to petroleum or oil, oil-producing |
pétrologie {f} | :: petrology |
pétrologique {adj} [geology] | :: petrological |
pétrologue {mf} | :: petrologist |
Petronille {prop} | :: given name |
Pétronille {prop} | :: given name |
pétrosélinique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: petroselinic |
pétulamment {adv} | :: petulantly |
pétulance {f} | :: petulance |
pétulant {adj} | :: exuberant, lively |
pétulant {adj} | :: impetuous |
petun {m} | :: alternative form of pétun |
pétun {m} [obsolete] | :: tobacco |
pétuner {v} [obsolete] | :: to smoke, especially tobacco |
pétuner {v} [obsolete] | :: to take snuff |
pétunia {m} | :: petunia |
pet vaginal {m} | :: queef, fanny fart |
peu {adv} | :: little; not very much/many |
peu {m} | :: few |
peu {m} | :: little |
peu à peu {adv} | :: bit by bit, little by little, gradually, by degrees |
peucédanin {m} [organic compound] | :: peucedanin |
Peugeot {prop} | :: surname (Particularly that of the dynastic car-manufacturing family.) |
Peugeot {prop} | :: A French motorcar manufacturer |
Peuhl {m} | :: alternative spelling of Peul |
Peuhle {f} | :: feminine singular of Peuhl |
peu importe {interj} | :: no matter, never mind, it doesn't matter |
peu importe {prep} | :: no matter the, no matter what, regardless of |
peul {adj} | :: relating to Fula |
peul {m} | :: Fula (language) |
Peul {m} | :: a member of the Fula people |
peulh {adj} | :: alternative form of peul |
Peulh {m} | :: alternative spelling of Peul |
Peulhe {f} | :: feminine singular of Peulh |
peu ou prou {adv} | :: more or less |
peuplade {f} | :: tribe, people |
peuple {m} | :: people (in the sense of nationality or ethnic group) |
peuplé {adj} | :: populated; inhabited |
peuple élu {m} [religion] | :: Chosen People |
peuplement {m} | :: populating (act of increasing a population, or of a population increasing) |
peupler {v} | :: to populate |
peupleraie {f} | :: poplar grove |
peuplier {m} | :: poplar |
peur {f} [countable and uncountable] | :: fear |
peur bleue {f} | :: terror, strong fear |
peureusement {adv} | :: fearfully |
peureux {adj} | :: fearful |
peut-être {adv} | :: maybe, perhaps |
p. ex. {adv} | :: abbreviation of par exemple; e.g. |
pèze {m} [colloquial] | :: dosh, dough (money) |
pff {interj} | :: pff |
pfff {interj} | :: alternative spelling of pff |
PFK {prop} {m} | :: KFC (chain of fast-food chicken restaurants) |
pfut {interj} [colloquial] | :: Expressing disinterest |
PGCD {m} [mathematics] | :: initialism of plus grand commun dénominateur or plus grand commun diviseur: gcd |
phacochère {m} | :: warthog |
phænomene {m} | :: obsolete form of phénomène |
phaéton {m} | :: phaeton |
-phage {suffix} | :: -phage |
phage {m} | :: synonym of bactériophage |
phagédénique {adj} | :: gangrenous |
phagnalon {m} | :: phagnalon |
phagocytage {m} [biology] | :: phagocytosis |
phagocytage {m} | :: swallowing up |
phagocytaire {adj} [biology] | :: phagocytic |
phagocyter {vt} [biology] | :: to phagocytize |
phagocyter {vt} | :: to swallow up |
phagotrophie {f} [biology] | :: phagotrophy |
phagotrophique {adj} [biology] | :: phagotrophic |
phalange {f} [anatomy] | :: phalanx |
phalange {f} [historical] | :: phalanx (of soldiers, people etc.) |
phalangère {f} | :: Any plant of the genus Anthericum |
phalangère {f} | :: spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) |
phalangette {f} [anatomy] | :: distal phalange |
phalangien {adj} [anatomy] | :: phalangeal, phalangian |
phalangine {f} [anatomy] | :: intermediate phalange |
phalangiste {m} | :: scarab beetle |
phalangiste {m} | :: Falangist |
phalanstère {m} | :: phalanstery |
phalarope {m} | :: phalarope |
phalène {mf} | :: moth (especially a geometrid moth) |
phallique {adj} | :: phallic |
phalliquement {adv} | :: phallically |
phallocentrique {adj} | :: phallocentric |
phallocrate {mf} | :: male chauvinist |
phallocratie {f} | :: male chauvinism |
phalloïdine {f} | :: phalloidin |
Pham {prop} | :: surname |
Phan {prop} | :: surname |
phanère {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: dander (skin flakes etc) |
phanérogame {m} [biology] | :: phanerogam |
phanérogamie {f} [biology] | :: phanerogamy |
phanérogamique {adj} [biology] | :: phanerogamic |
phanérophyte {m} [botany] | :: phanerophyte |
phanérozoïque {adj} | :: Phanerozoic |
phantaisie {f} | :: alternative form of fantaisie |
phantasier {v} | :: obsolete form of fantasier |
phantasmagorie {f} | :: alternative form of fantasmagorie |
phantasmagorique {adj} | :: alternative form of fantasmagorique |
phantasmascope {m} | :: obsolete form of fantasmascope |
phantasmatique {adj} | :: phantasmic |
phantasmatiquement {adv} | :: phantasmically |
phantasme {m} | :: alternative form of fantasme |
phantasque {adj} | :: alternative form of fantasque |
phantastiquer {v} | :: obsolete form of fantastiquer |
phantôme {m} | :: alternative form of fantôme |
pharaon {m} | :: pharaoh (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt) |
pharaonique {adj} | :: pharaonic |
pharaonique {adj} | :: colossal |
phare {adj} | :: leading, signature, key, flagship |
phare {m} | :: lighthouse |
phare {m} | :: lantern in a lighthouse |
phare {m} | :: headlight (of a vehicle) |
phare {m} | :: headlamp (of a vehicle) |
phare {m} [figuratively] | :: beacon, luminary |
phare {m} [nautical] | :: the set of sails on the mast |
phare antibrouillard {m} [automotive] | :: fog light, fog lamp |
pharisaïque {adj} | :: pharisaic |
pharisaïquement {adv} | :: pharisaically |
pharisien {m} | :: Pharisee |
pharisien {adj} | :: Pharisee |
pharmaceutique {adj} | :: pharmaceutical |
pharmacie {f} | :: pharmacy, drugstore |
pharmacien {m} | :: pharmacist |
pharmacien {m} | :: chemist (dispensing chemist) |
pharmacien {m} | :: apothecary |
pharmacienne {f} | :: feminine noun of pharmacien |
pharmacochimie {f} [chemistry] | :: pharmacochemistry |
pharmacodépendance {f} | :: pharmacodependence (drug dependency) |
pharmacognosie {f} | :: pharmacognosy |
pharmacologie {f} | :: pharmacology |
pharmacologique {adj} | :: pharmacologic, pharmacological |
pharmacologiquement {adv} | :: pharmacologically |
pharmacopée {f} | :: pharmacopoeia |
pharmacopœe {f} | :: obsolete form of pharmacopée |
pharyngé {adj} | :: pharyngeal |
pharyngectomie {f} [surgery] | :: pharyngectomy |
pharyngien {adj} | :: pharyngeal |
pharyngite {f} [pathology] | :: pharyngitis |
pharynx {m} [anatomy] | :: pharynx |
phasaire {adj} [biology] | :: Relating to phases or development |
phascolome {m} [dated] | :: Wombat |
phase {f} | :: phase |
phase de poule {f} [sports] | :: group stage |
phase éruptive {f} [geology] | :: eruptive phase |
phaséolique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: phaseolic |
phasme {m} | :: stick insect |
phasmide {m} [biology] | :: phasmid |
phatique {adj} | :: phatic (more polite than meaningful) |
phatiquement {adv} | :: phatically |
phénakistiscope {m} | :: phenakistoscope |
phénakite {f} [mineral] | :: phenakite |
phénalène {m} [organic compound] | :: phenalene |
phénanthrène {m} [organic compound] | :: phenanthrene |
phénantroline {f} [organic compound] | :: phenanthroline |
Phénicie {prop} | :: Phoenicia |
phénicien {m} | :: Phoenician language |
phénicien {adj} | :: Phoenician |
Phénicien {m} | :: Phoenician person |
Phénicienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Phénicien |
phénix {m} [mythology] | :: phoenix |
phénol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: phenol |
phénolique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: phenolic |
phénologie {f} | :: phenology (study of the effect of climate) |
phénologique {adj} | :: phenological |
phénologiquement {adv} | :: phenologically |
phénoménal {adj} | :: phenomenal |
phénoménalement {adv} | :: phenomenally |
phénomène {m} | :: phenomenon (curious occurrence) |
phénoménologie {f} | :: phenomenology |
phénoménologique {adj} | :: phenomenological |
phénoménologiquement {adv} | :: phenomenologically |
phénoménologiste {mf} | :: phenomenologist |
phénoplaste {m} [organic chemistry] | :: phenol formaldehyde resin |
phénothiazine {m} [organic compound] | :: phenothiazine |
phénotype {m} [genetics] | :: phenotype |
phényl {m} [organic chemistry] | :: phenyl |
phénylalanine {f} [amino acid] | :: phenylalanine |
phénylamine {f} [organic compound] | :: phenylamine |
phénylcétonurie {f} [pathology] | :: phenylketonuria |
phényle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: phenyl |
phénylène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: phenylene |
phénylhydrazine {f} [organic compound] | :: phenylhydrazine |
phénylméthane {m} [organic compound] | :: phenylmethane |
phéochromocytome {m} [pathology] | :: pheochromocytoma |
Phérécyde {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: Pherecydes |
phéromonal {adj} | :: pheromonal |
phéromonalement {adv} | :: pheromonally |
phéromone {f} | :: pheromone |
phérormone {f} | :: alternative form of phéromone |
phi {m} | :: phi (Greek letter) |
Phil {prop} {m} | :: given name, diminutive of Philippe |
Philadelphie {prop} {f} | :: Philadelphie (large city) |
philaire {m} | :: Any plant of the genus Phillyrea |
philanthrope {mf} | :: philanthropist |
philanthropie {f} | :: philanthropy |
philanthropique {adj} | :: philanthropic (all meanings) |
philantrope {mf} | :: alternative form of philanthrope |
philatélie {f} | :: philately |
philatélique {adj} | :: philatelic (stamp collecting) |
philatéliste {mf} | :: philatelist |
-phile {suffix} | :: -philic, -phile |
Philémon {prop} {m} | :: Philemon |
philharmonie {f} [music] | :: philharmonic orchestra or society |
philharmonique {adj} | :: philharmonic |
philharmonique {m} | :: philharmonic |
Philibert {prop} | :: given name |
-philie {suffix} | :: -philia |
Philippe {prop} | :: given name. Very popular in 20th century France, next only to Jean and Pierre |
Philippe {prop} | :: Philip [biblical character] |
Philippe {prop} | :: surname |
Philippiens {prop} {m} [Bible] | :: Philippians |
philippin {adj} | :: Filipino (of, or from the Philippines) |
Philippin {m} | :: Filipino, someone from the Philippines |
Philippine {f} | :: feminine noun of Philippin |
Philippines {prop} {fp} | :: Philippines (country) |
philistin {adj} | :: philistine |
philistin {m} | :: philistine |
philo {f} [colloquial] | :: philosophy |
Philodème {prop} {m} | :: Philodemus |
philogynie {f} | :: philogyny |
philologie {f} | :: philology |
philologique {adj} | :: philological |
philologiquement {adv} | :: philologically |
philologue {mf} | :: philologist |
Philomène {prop} {f} | :: given name |
philosophal {adj} [attributive] | :: philosopher (meaning alchemist) |
philosophe {mf} | :: philosopher |
philosopher {v} | :: to philosophize |
philosophie {f} | :: philosophy, the study of thoughts |
philosophie {f} | :: philosophy, one's manner of thinking |
philosophie {f} [printing, dated] | :: small pica: 11-point type |
philosophie {f} | :: a philosophical (calm and stoically accepting) attitude |
philosophique {adj} | :: philosophical |
philosophiquement {adv} | :: philosophically |
philosophisme {m} | :: philosophism |
philtre {m} | :: philter (a kind of potion, charm, or drug intended to make the drinker fall in love with the giver) |
philtrum {m} | :: philtrum |
philuméniste {mf} | :: phillumenist (matchbox collector) |
phimosis {m} [medicine] | :: phimosis |
phlébectomie {f} [surgery] | :: phlebectomy |
phlébite {f} [pathology] | :: phlebitis |
phlébologie {f} | :: phlebology |
phlébologue {mf} | :: phlebologist |
phlébotomie {f} | :: phlebotomy |
Phlégéthon {prop} {m} | :: Phlegethon |
phlegmatique {adj} | :: phlegmatic |
phlegmatiquement {adv} | :: phlegmatically |
phlegme {m} [archaic, obsolete] | :: alternative spelling of flegme |
Phlégon {prop} | :: Phlegon |
phloème {m} | :: phloem |
phlogistique {m} [obsolete, chemsitry] | :: phlogiston |
phlogistique {adj} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: phlogistic |
phlogistiqué {adj} | :: phlogisticated |
phlogistiquer {v} | :: To phlogisticate |
phlogopite {f} [mineral] | :: phlogopite |
-phobie {suffix} | :: -phobia |
phobie {f} | :: phobia |
phocéen {adj} | :: Phocean |
phocéen {adj} | :: Marseillais, from Marseille |
phocénine {f} | :: phocenin |
phoeniciculteur {m} | :: date palm farmer |
phoeniciculteuse {f} | :: feminine singular of phoeniciculteur |
phoeniciculture {f} | :: date palm cultivation |
Phœnicie {prop} {f} | :: obsolete form of Phénicie |
phœnicien {adj} | :: obsolete form of phénicien |
phœnicien {m} | :: obsolete form of phénicien |
Phœnicien {m} | :: obsolete form of Phénicien |
Phœnicienne {f} | :: feminine singular of Phœnicien |
phœnix {m} | :: alternative form of phénix |
phonatoire {adj} | :: phonatory |
phonautographe {m} | :: phonautograph |
-phone {suffix} | :: speaker of a specific language |
-phone {suffix} | :: something that makes a sound e.g. saxophone |
phone {m} | :: phon (a unit of apparent loudness) |
phone {m} [linguistics] | :: phone |
phonème {m} [linguistics] | :: phoneme |
phonémique {adj} | :: phonemic (relating to phonemes) |
phonémique {f} | :: phonemics |
phoner {v} | :: to ring, call, phone |
phonéticien {m} | :: phonetician |
phonéticienne {f} | :: feminine noun of phonéticien |
phonétique {adj} | :: phonetic |
phonétique {f} [linguistics] | :: phonetics |
phonétiquement {adv} | :: phonetically |
phonique {adj} | :: phonic |
phoniquement {adv} | :: phonically |
phono- {prefix} | :: phono- |
phonogramme {m} [linguistics] | :: phonogram |
phonographe {m} | :: phonograph, gramophone (old-fashioned) |
phonographie {f} | :: phonography |
phonographié {adj} | :: recorded (on a gramophone record) |
phonographique {adj} | :: phonographic |
phonologie {f} [linguistics] | :: phonology |
phonologique {adj} | :: phonological |
phonologiquement {adv} | :: phonologically |
phonologisation {f} | :: phonologization |
phonologiser {v} | :: to phonologize |
phonologue {mf} | :: phonologist |
phonomètre {m} | :: phonometer |
phonométrie {m} | :: phonometry |
phoque {m} | :: seal (pinniped) |
phoque {m} | :: sealskin (fabric made from fur of seals) |
phoque barbu {m} | :: bearded seal |
phoque-garou {m} | :: wereseal, selkie |
phoquier {adj} | :: of or relating to seals or seal hunting |
phoquier {m} | :: sealship (boat or ship used for seal hunting) |
-phore {suffix} | :: -phore |
phosgène {m} [organic compound] | :: phosgene |
phosphate {m} | :: phosphate |
phosphaté {adj} | :: phosphate-enriched |
phosphatémie {f} [pathology] | :: phosphatemia |
phosphatidique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: phosphatidic |
phosphatidylsérine {f} [organic chemistry] | :: phosphatidylserine |
phosphatier {adj} [attributive] | :: phosphate |
phosphatier {m} | :: a ship used to transport phosphate |
phosphatique {adj} | :: phosphatic |
phosphépine {m} [organic compound] | :: phosphepine |
phospho- {prefix} | :: phospho- |
phosphoacylglycérol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: phosphatidylglycerol |
phosphocaséinate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: phosphocaseinate |
phosphoglycérate {f} [organic chemistry] | :: phosphoglycerate |
phosphoglycéride {m} [organic chemistry] | :: phosphoglyceride |
phosphoglycérique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: phosphoglyceric |
phosphogypse {m} | :: phosphogypsum |
phospholipide {m} [organic compound] | :: phospholipid |
phosphore {m} | :: phosphorus [element] |
phosphoré {adj} | :: phosphorous (containing phosphorus) |
phosphoré {adj} | :: phosphureted |
phosphorescent {adj} | :: phosphorescent |
phosphoreux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: phosphorous |
phosphorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: phosphoric |
phosphorisation {f} | :: phosphorization |
phosphoriser {v} | :: To phosphorize |
phosphoryle {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: phosphoryl |
phosphoryler {v} | :: To phosphorylate |
phosphovinique {adj} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: phosphovinic |
phosphure {m} | :: phosphide |
phosphuré {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: phosphidic |
photique {adj} | :: photic |
photo- {prefix} | :: photo- (relating to light) |
photo- {prefix} | :: photo- (relating to photography) |
photo {f} | :: photo |
photoamorcé {adj} [chemistry] | :: photoinitiated |
photoamorcer {v} [chemistry] | :: To photoinitiate |
photoamorceur {m} [chemistry] | :: photoinitiator |
photobiologie {f} [biology] | :: photobiology |
photobiologique {adj} [biology] | :: photobiological |
photocellule {f} | :: photocell (photoelectric cell) |
photochimie {f} [chemistry] | :: photochemistry |
photochimique {adj} | :: photochemical |
photochimiquement {adv} | :: photochemically |
photochromatique {adj} | :: photochromatic |
photochromatiquement {adv} | :: photochromatically |
photoconducteur {m} [physics] | :: photoconductor |
photoconducteur {adj} [physics] | :: photoconductive |
photoconductif {adj} [physics] | :: photoconductive |
photoconductivité {f} | :: photoconductivity |
photocopie {f} | :: photocopy |
photocopier {vt} | :: To photocopy |
photocopieur {m} | :: photocopier (device) |
photocopieuse {f} | :: photocopier (device) |
photocyclisation {f} [chemistry] | :: photocyclization |
photodésintégration {f} [physics] | :: photodisintegration |
photodétecteur {m} | :: photodetector |
photoélectricité {f} [physics] | :: photoelectricity |
photoélectrique {adj} [physics] | :: photoelectric |
photoélectrochimique {adj} [physics, chemistry] | :: photoelectrochemical |
photogène {adj} | :: photogenic (all senses) |
photogénique {adj} | :: photogenic (looking good when photographed) |
photoglyptie {f} | :: Woodburytype |
photogramme {m} | :: still, frame (individual photograph of a motion picture) |
photogrammétrie {f} | :: photogrammetry |
photographe {mf} | :: photographer |
photographie {f} [uncountable] | :: photography |
photographie {f} [countable] | :: photograph |
photographier {v} | :: to photograph |
photographique {adj} | :: photographic |
photographique {adj} | :: photographical |
photographiquement {adv} | :: photographically |
photoioniser {v} | :: To photoionize |
photojournalisme {m} | :: photojournalism |
photojournaliste {mf} | :: photojournalist |
photolithographie {f} | :: photolithography |
photolithogravure {f} | :: photolithography |
photoluminescent {adj} | :: photoluminescent |
photomacrographie {f} | :: photomacrography |
photomagnétique {adj} | :: photomagnetic |
photomaton {m} | :: photo booth |
photométéore {m} | :: photometeor |
photomètre {m} | :: photometer |
photométrie {f} | :: photometry |
photométrique {adj} | :: photometric |
photométriquement {adv} | :: photometrically |
photomicrographie {f} | :: photomicrography |
photomultiplicateur {m} | :: photomultiplier |
photon {m} [particle] | :: photon |
photonique {adj} [physics] | :: photonic |
photooxydation {f} [chemistry] | :: photooxidation |
photopériode {f} [biology] | :: photoperiod |
photopériodique {adj} [biology] | :: photoperiodic |
photopériodisme {m} [biology] | :: photoperiodism |
photophile {adj} | :: photophilic |
photophobie {f} | :: photophobia (excessive sensitivity to light) |
photophore {m} [biology] | :: photophore |
photopile {f} | :: solar cell, solar battery |
photopolymère {m} [chemistry] | :: photopolymer |
photopolymérisation {f} [chemistry] | :: photopolymerization |
photopolymériser {v} [chemistry] | :: To photopolymerize |
photoréactif {adj} | :: photoreactive |
photoréactivité {f} [chemistry] | :: photoreactivity |
photorécepteur {m} | :: photoreceptor |
photoreportage {m} | :: photojournalism |
photoreporter {mf} | :: photojournalist |
photosensibilisation {f} | :: photosensitization |
photosensibilité {f} | :: photosensitivity |
photosensible {adj} | :: photosensitive |
photoshoper {v} | :: To photoshop |
photosphère {f} [astronomy] | :: photosphere |
photosynthèse {f} | :: photosynthesis |
photosynthétique {adj} | :: photosynthetic |
photosynthétiquement {adv} | :: photosynthetically |
phototaxie {f} | :: phototaxy |
phototaxisme {m} | :: phototaxism |
photothèque {f} | :: photo library |
photothérapie {f} | :: phototherapy |
phototropine {f} | :: phototropin |
phototropisme {m} [biology] | :: phototropism |
photovoltaïque {adj} | :: photovoltaic |
phrase {f} | :: sentence |
phrasé {m} | :: phrasing |
phrase complexe {f} [grammar] | :: complex sentence |
phraséologie {f} | :: phraseology |
phraser {v} | :: to phrase |
phraser {v} [music] | :: to phrase |
phrase simple {f} [grammar] | :: simple sentence |
phraseur {m} | :: windbag (excessive talker) |
phraseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of phraseur |
phréatique {adj} [geology] | :: phreatic |
phrénique {adj} [anatomy] | :: phrenic |
phrénologie {f} | :: phrenology |
phrénologique {adj} | :: phrenological |
phrénologiquement {adv} | :: phrenologically |
phrénologue {mf} | :: phrenologist |
Phrygie {prop} | :: Phrygia |
phrygien {adj} | :: Phrygian |
phtalamide {f} [organic compound] | :: phthalamide |
phtalate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: phthalate |
phtalique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: phthalic |
phtalocyanine {f} [organic compound] | :: phthalocyanine |
phthisique {adj} | :: phthisic |
phthore {m} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: synonym of fluor |
phtisie {f} [pathology] | :: phthisis, consumption |
phtisique {adj} [medicine, archaic] | :: phthisical |
Phung {prop} | :: surname |
Phuong {prop} | :: surname |
phycoérythrine {f} [organic compound] | :: phycoerythrin |
phycologie {f} | :: phycology (the study of algae) |
phycologiste {mf} [biology] | :: phycologist |
phycotoxine {f} | :: phycotoxin |
phylactère {m} | :: phylactery |
phylactère {m} | :: speech bubble, thought bubble |
phylarque {n} | :: phylarch |
phylétique {adj} | :: phyletic |
phylloérythrine {m} [biochemistry] | :: phylloerythrin |
phyllotrachée {f} [arachnology] | :: book lung |
phylloxanthine {f} [organic compound] | :: phylloxanthin |
phylloxéra {m} | :: phylloxera |
phylogenèse {f} | :: phylogenesis |
phylogénèse {f} | :: alternative form of phylogenèse |
phylogénétique {adj} | :: phylogenetic |
phylogénétiquement {adv} | :: phylogenetically |
phylogénie {f} | :: phylogeny |
phylogénique {adj} | :: phylogenic |
phylogéographie {f} | :: phylogeography |
phylogéographique {adj} | :: phylogeographical |
phynance {f} [colloquial] | :: finance |
physe {f} | :: physa |
physe voyageuse {f} | :: European physa (Physella acuta) |
physicalisation {f} | :: physicalization |
physicien {m} | :: physicist |
physicienne {f} | :: feminine noun of physicien |
physicochimie {f} [physics, chemistry] | :: physical chemistry |
physico-chimique {adj} [physics, chemistry] | :: physicochemical |
physicochimique {adj} | :: alternative form of physico-chimique |
physio- {prefix} | :: physio- |
physiocrate {mf} | :: physiocrat |
physiognomonie {f} | :: physiognomy |
physiognomonique {adj} | :: physiognomic, physiognomical |
physiologie {f} | :: physiology (branch of biology) |
physiologique {adj} | :: physiological |
physiologiquement {adv} | :: physiologically |
physiologiste {mf} | :: physiologist |
physionomie {f} | :: face, physiognomy |
physionomie {f} | :: facial expression, physiognomy |
physionomie {f} | :: appearance, look, physiognomy |
physionomiste {mf} | :: Someone with a good memory for faces |
physionomiste {mf} [France] | :: A bouncer |
physiopathologique {adj} | :: physiopathological |
physiopathologiste {mf} | :: physiopathologist |
physiothérapeute {mf} | :: physiotherapist |
physiothérapie {f} | :: physiotherapy |
physique {adj} | :: physical, sportive |
physique {m} | :: physique |
physique {f} | :: physics |
physique des particules {f} | :: particle physics |
physiquement {adv} | :: physically |
phytanique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: phytanic |
phyto- {prefix} | :: phyto- |
phyto {m} [colloquial] | :: clipping of phytosanitaire |
phyto {adj} [colloquial] | :: clipping of phytosanitaire |
phytochélatine {f} [protein] | :: phytochelatin |
phytochimie {f} [chemistry] | :: phytochemistry |
phytochimique {adj} [chemistry] | :: phytochemical |
phytodiversité {f} [biology] | :: phytodiversity |
phytolaque {f} | :: pokeweed or similar plant of the genus Phytolacca |
phytologie {f} | :: phytology |
phytoménadione {m} [organic compound] | :: phytomenadione (vitamin K1) |
phytomère {m} [botany] | :: phytomere |
phytomonique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: phytomonic |
phytophage {adj} | :: phytophagous |
phytopharmaceutique {adj} | :: phytopharmaceutical |
phytoplancton {m} | :: phytoplankton |
phytoplanctonique {adj} [biology] | :: phytoplanktonic |
phytoremédiation {f} | :: phytoremediation |
phytosanitaire {adj} | :: phytosanitary |
phytosociologie {f} | :: phytosociology |
phytostérol {m} [biochemistry] | :: phytosterol |
phytothérapeute {mf} | :: phytotherapist |
phytothérapie {f} | :: phytotherapy |
phytotoxicité {f} | :: phytotoxicity |
phytotronie {f} [biology] | :: phytotronics |
phytotronique {adj} [biology] | :: phytotronic |
pi {m} | :: pi (Greek letter) |
pi {m} [mathematics] | :: pi |
pi {conj} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: alternative spelling of pis |
piaf {m} | :: sparrow |
piaffement {m} | :: stamping, pawing the ground |
piaffement {m} | :: prancing |
piaffer {v} | :: (of horse) to stamp, paw the ground |
piaffer {v} | :: (of person) to stamp one's feet |
piagétien {adj} | :: Piagetian |
piaillard {adj} [of a bird] | :: cheeping |
piaillard {adj} [by extension, of a person] | :: whining, whiny |
piaillement {m} | :: squawking, chirping, cheeping |
piailler {v} | :: to cheep; to chirp |
piailler {v} | :: to emit high pitched noise |
pianiste {mf} | :: pianist |
pianistique {adj} | :: pianistic |
pianistique {f} | :: pianistics |
pianistiquement {adv} | :: pianistically |
piano {m} [musical instrument] | :: piano |
piano à queue {m} [musical instruments] | :: grand piano (a piano in which the strings are strung horizontally in a heavy frame shaped like a harp) |
piano droit {m} | :: upright piano |
pianoter {v} | :: to tap (hit lightly) |
pianoter {v} [computing] | :: to type (use a computer keyboard) |
piasse {f} [Quebec, Louisiana, colloquial] | :: alternative spelling of piastre |
piastre {f} [historical] | :: piastre (one of several historical units of currency) |
piastre {f} [Quebec, Louisiana French, colloquial] | :: buck, dollar [former official Canadian French equivalent of the word dollar, as found on old currency.] |
piaule {f} [colloquial] | :: pad, place |
piaulement {m} | :: cheep, peep (sound) |
piauler {vi} | :: alternative form of piailler |
PIB {m} | :: GDP |
pic {m} | :: woodpecker |
pic {m} | :: pick (tool) |
pic {m} | :: peak, summit |
picador {m} [bullfighting] | :: picador |
picage {m} | :: pecking |
pic à glace {m} | :: icepick |
picaillon {m} [colloquial, especially in plural] | :: cash, money |
picamare {f} | :: picamar |
picard {adj} | :: Picard (from Picardy) |
picard {m} | :: Picard [language] |
Picard {m} | :: Picard (person from Picardy) |
Picard {prop} | :: surname |
picardan {m} | :: A variety of white grape originally from Provence |
Picarde {f} | :: feminine noun of Picard |
Picardie {prop} {f} | :: Picardy |
picaresquité {f} | :: picaresqueness |
picaridine {f} | :: picaridin; synonym of icaridine |
piccolo {m} [musical instruments] | :: piccolo |
picène {m} [organic compound] | :: picene |
pichade {f} | :: A pizza-like dish topped with onion, tomato and anchovy. It comes from Menton, a French commune in the Alps |
pichenette {f} | :: flick |
pichenotte {f} | :: flick |
pichenotte {f} | :: A French Canadian tabletop game in which players attempt to flick each other's round pieces off the board |
pichet {m} | :: jug |
Pichet {prop} | :: surname |
Pichette {prop} | :: surname |
Pichilemu {prop} {m} | :: Pichilemu (city) |
pichon {m} [Provence] | :: small child |
pichon {m} [Picardy] | :: fish (animal, foodstuff) |
pichonne {f} | :: feminine noun of pichon |
pickles {m} | :: pickle (pickled vegetable) |
pickpocket {m} | :: pickpocket |
pico- {prefix} | :: pico- |
picocurie {m} | :: picocurie |
picodon {m} | :: A flat, round cheese made from goat's milk |
picokatal {m} | :: picokatal |
picoler {v} [slang] | :: to drink |
picolo {m} | :: alternative spelling of piccolo |
picomètre {m} | :: picometer |
picorer {v} [obsolete] | :: to maraud, pillage, rampage |
picorer {v} | :: to nibble, peck (of birds, or figuratively) |
Picot {prop} | :: surname |
picotement {m} | :: a stinging sensation, a sting |
picotement {m} [in the plural] | :: pins and needles |
picoter {v} [of a bird] | :: to peck |
picoter {v} [colloquial] | :: to bug, to pester, to annoy |
picoter {v} | :: to itch, to prickle |
picoter {v} | :: to tingle |
picotin {m} | :: peck (dry measure) |
picpoul {m} | :: A variety of white grape originally from the Languedoc |
picquer {v} | :: obsolete spelling of piquer |
Picquet {prop} | :: Picquet; surname |
picride {f} | :: A type of sunflower of the genus Picris |
picrique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: picric |
picrocholin {adj} | :: Describing a senseless conflict |
picsou {m} [colloquial] | :: scrooge |
pictogrammatique {adj} | :: pictogrammatic |
pictogramme {m} | :: pictogram (picture that represents a word or an idea) |
pictographie {f} | :: pictography |
picton {adj} | :: Picton |
pic tridactyle {m} | :: Eurasian three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) |
pictural {adj} | :: of or relating to painting |
picturalement {adv} | :: pictorially |
pic vert {m} | :: alternative spelling of pivert |
pic-vert {m} | :: alternative spelling of pivert |
picvert {m} | :: alternative spelling of pivert |
pie {f} | :: magpie |
Pie {prop} | :: Pius |
PIE {m} | :: abbreviation of pistolet à impulsion électrique (taser) |
PIÉ {m} | :: abbreviation of pistolet à impulsion électrique |
pie bavarde {f} | :: Eurasian magpie (Pica pica) |
pièce {f} | :: room (in a house, etc) |
pièce {f} | :: piece |
pièce {f} [money] | :: coin |
pièce {f} | :: play (in a theatre) |
pièce {f} [heraldry] | :: ordinary |
pièce {f} [legal] | :: document, paper |
pièce {f} | :: patch |
pièce à conviction {f} [law] | :: piece of evidence, exhibit |
pièce de monnaie {f} | :: coin |
pièce de rechange {f} | :: spare part (component kept in reserve) |
pièce de résistance {f} [idiom] | :: the finest part of something, especially a meal |
pièce d'estomac {f} [chiefly historical] | :: stomacher |
pièce de théâtre {f} | :: play (theatrical performance) |
pièce d'identité {f} | :: proof of ID, ID, ID card, identity paper |
pièce jointe {f} [Internet] | :: attachment (email attachment) |
pièce justificative {f} [legal] | :: proof of entitlement, a document proving something |
pièce maîtresse {f} | :: showpiece |
pièce maîtresse {f} [figuratively] | :: cornerstone |
pièce rapportée {f} [sewing] | :: patch; insert |
pièce rapportée {f} [figuratively] | :: in-law |
pièce rapportée {f} [derogatory, figuratively] | :: outsider |
piécette {f} | :: small coin |
piécette {f} | :: small room |
pied {m} [anatomy] | :: foot |
pied {m} | :: leg, foot (projection on the bottom of a piece of equipment to support it) |
pied {m} | :: An old unit of measure equal to 32.5 centimetres |
pied {m} [Quebec, etc.] | :: Translation for English foot (approx. 30.5 centimetres) |
pied {m} [poetry] | :: foot |
pied-à-terre {m} | :: pied-à-terre |
pied-bot {m} [pejorative] | :: a person with a clubfoot, a club-footed person |
pied d'athlète {m} | :: athlete's foot |
pied-de-biche {m} | :: crowbar |
pied de mouche {m} | :: paragraph mark |
pied-de-mouche {m} | :: pilcrow, ¶ (a paragraph mark) |
pied de page {m} | :: footer (line of information at the bottom of a page) |
piédestal {m} | :: pedestal |
pied grec {m} | :: Greek foot (a foot with a second toe longer than the hallux) |
piedmontite {f} | :: alternative form of piémontite |
pied noir {m} | :: pied noir |
piédouche {m} | :: piedouche |
pied plat {m} [medicine] | :: flatfoot |
pieds d'argile {mp} | :: feet of clay |
piège {m} | :: trap, snare, booby trap |
piège {m} | :: pitfall |
piège à clics {m} [Internet] | :: clickbait |
piège à cons {m} [vulgar] | :: sucker trap |
piégeage {m} | :: trapping |
piéger {v} | :: to trap (catch in a trap) |
piégeux {adj} | :: tricky |
piégeux {adj} | :: dangerous |
pie-grièche {m} | :: shrike (bird) |
piémont {m} | :: foothill |
piémontais {adj} | :: Piedmontese (related to Piedmont) |
Piémontais {m} | :: a Piedmontese person |
Piémontaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Piémontais |
piémontite {f} [mineralogy] | :: piemontite |
piercing {m} | :: a piercing |
Piérie {prop} {f} | :: Pieria |
Pierlot {prop} | :: surname |
pierrade {f} | :: A dish (a form of barbecue) in which thin slices of meat are cooked on a heated stone and served with sauces, salads, potatoes, etc |
pierraille {f} | :: collection of small stones |
pierre {f} | :: stone (substance) |
pierre {f} | :: stone (a rock, a pebble) |
Pierre {prop} {m} | :: Peter [biblical character] |
Pierre {prop} {m} | :: given name traditionally popular in France |
Pierre {prop} {m} | :: surname |
pierre à aiguiser {f} | :: whetstone, hone |
pierre angulaire {f} [architecture] | :: cornerstone |
pierre angulaire {f} [figuratively] | :: cornerstone |
pierre d'achoppement {f} | :: stumbling block |
pierre d'angle {f} [architecture] | :: cornerstone |
pierre d'angle {f} [figuratively] | :: cornerstone |
pierre de lune {f} | :: moonstone (translucent gemstone) |
pierre de taille {f} | :: cut stone, dressed stone, ashlar |
pierre de touche {f} | :: touchstone |
Pierre-Marie {prop} {m} | :: given name |
pierre philosophale {f} [usually, uncountable] | :: philosopher's stone |
pierre philosophale {f} [figurative, countable] | :: something impossible to find |
pierre précieuse {f} | :: gemstone |
pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse {proverb} | :: a rolling stone gathers no moss |
pierreries {fp} [in the plural] | :: gems, gemstones |
pierre tombale {f} | :: tombstone (stone on grave) |
pierrette {f} [rare] | :: small stone; pebble (used in a children's game) |
pierrette {f} [dated] | :: a type of white camisole |
Pierrette {prop} | :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Pierre |
pierreuse {f} [dated, slang] | :: streetwalker |
pierreux {adj} | :: stony, rocky |
Pierrick {prop} {m} | :: given name |
pierrier {m} | :: scree |
Pierrot {prop} {m} | :: Diminutive of Pierre (Peter) |
Pierrot {prop} {m} | :: A character from French pantomime; a buffoon in a loose white outfit |
piété {f} | :: piety (the condition and quality of being pious) |
piétinement {m} | :: step (sound made by someone or something walking), pitter-patter |
piétinement {m} | :: treading |
piétiner {vi} | :: to stamp (make loud sounds by stepping) |
piétiner {vi} | :: to shuffle (move forwards with short steps and with difficulty) |
piétiner {vi} [figuratively] | :: to make no headway, to go into a dead end |
piétiner {vt} | :: to trample (underfoot) |
piétiste {mf} | :: pietist |
piétiste {adj} | :: pietist (attributive) |
piéton {m} | :: pedestrian |
piétonne {f} | :: feminine noun of piéton |
piétonner {v} | :: To walk (go on foot) |
piétonnier {adj} | :: pedestrianized / pedestrianised |
piètre {adj} | :: poor; lousy (of low quality) |
piètre {adj} [archaic] | :: pitiful |
piètrement {adv} | :: poorly |
pieu {m} | :: post; stake |
pieu {m} [slang] | :: bed; sack |
pieusement {adv} | :: piously |
pieuter {vi} [slang] | :: to sleep (in bed) |
pieuter {vr} [slang] | :: to go to bed; to crash out, hit the hay |
pieuvre {f} | :: octopus |
pieux {adj} | :: pious |
pieux mensonge {m} | :: white lie |
piézo- {prefix} | :: piezo- |
piézochimie {f} [chemistry] | :: piezochemistry |
piézoélectricité {f} [physics] | :: piezoelectricity |
piézoélectrique {adj} [physics] | :: piezoelectric |
piézomagnétique {adj} [physics] | :: piezomagnetic |
piézomagnétisme {m} [physics] | :: piezomagnetism |
piézométrique {adj} | :: piezometric |
piézonucléaire {adj} [physics] | :: piezonuclear |
piézophile {mf} | :: piezophile |
piézophile {adj} | :: piezophilic |
pif {m} | :: (slang for nose) conk, hooter, schnozzle |
pif {m} | :: nose, intuition |
piffer {vt} [colloquial, normally used in the negative] | :: to stand, put up with |
pifomètre {m} [colloquial] | :: intuitive estimate or approximation |
pige {f} | :: measure |
pige {f} [colloquial] | :: year (of age) |
pige {f} [colloquial] | :: year (period of time in general) |
pigé {interj} | :: capisce? |
pigeon {m} | :: pigeon |
pigeon {m} [colloquial] | :: patsy (an easily trickable, naive person) |
pigeonnant {adj} [of a bra] | :: uplift (attributive) |
pigeonnant {adj} | :: pigeon-chested |
pigeonneau {m} | :: squab (young pigeon) |
pigeonner {v} [colloquial] | :: To take for a ride or dupe (the person being duped is the pigeon) |
pigeonnier {m} | :: dovecote |
pigeon voyageur {m} | :: homing pigeon; carrier |
piger {v} [colloquial] | :: to understand : to get, to catch on, to twig, to cotton on |
piger {v} [Canada] | :: to choose at random : to draw |
pigiste {mf} | :: freelance journalist |
pigiste {adj} | :: freelance (journalist, writer) |
pigment {m} | :: pigment, coloring substance |
pigmentaire {adj} | :: Of or relating to pigment, pigmentary |
pigmenter {vt} | :: to pigment |
pignistique {adj} [statistics] | :: pignistic |
pignocher {vi} | :: to pick at one's food |
pignon {m} | :: pine nut, pine kernel |
pignon {m} | :: gable |
pignon {m} | :: gearwheel, pinion, sprocket |
pika {m} | :: pika |
Pikine {prop} | :: A city in the Pikine department of Dakar Region of Senegal |
Pikine {prop} | :: A department of Dakar Region of Senegal |
pilaire {adj} [biology] | :: piliated |
Pilates {m} | :: Pilates |
pile {f} | :: heap, stack (as in pile de cartons) |
pile {f} | :: pillar |
pile {f} | :: battery (as in pile électrique) |
pile {f} | :: tails (of a coin; mainly used in pile ou face, "heads or tails") |
pile {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: pile |
pile {adv} [colloquial] | :: just, exactly |
pile {adv} [colloquial] | :: dead (of stopping etc.); on the dot, sharp (of time), smack |
pile ou face {phrase} | :: heads or tails |
pile-poil {adv} [colloquial] | :: smack-dab, smack bang |
piler {vt} [cooking] | :: to crush |
piler {vi} | :: to slam on the brakes of a vehicle, making it come to a sudden stop |
pileux {adj} | :: hair (attributive) |
pilier {m} | :: pillar |
pilier {m} [rugby] | :: prop |
pilier de bar {m} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: barfly |
pilier de comptoir {m} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: barfly |
piligère {adj} [biology] | :: piligerous |
piline {f} [protein] | :: pilin |
pillage {m} | :: pillage |
pillard {m} | :: pillager, looter |
pillarde {f} | :: feminine noun of pillard |
piller {v} | :: to plunder; to pillage |
pilleur {m} | :: a plunderer |
pilleur {adj} | :: plundering; plunderous |
piloche {f} [slang] | :: gnasher, tooth |
pilon {m} | :: pestle |
pilon {m} | :: wooden leg |
pilon {m} | :: thigh (the thigh bone of poultry meat) |
pilonnage {m} [military] | :: shelling, bombardment |
pilonnage {m} [cooking] | :: pounding, crushing |
pilonner {v} | :: to bombard, to shell |
pilonner {v} | :: to grind, to pound |
pilori {m} | :: pillory; stocks |
pilorier {vt} | :: to pillory |
piloselle {f} | :: A type of hawkweed Hieracium pilosella |
pilosité {m} | :: pilosity, hairiness |
pilotage {m} | :: pilotage (all senses); piloting |
pilote {m} | :: pilot (controller of aircraft) |
pilote {m} | :: pilot (controller of vessel) |
pilote automatique {m} | :: autopilot |
pilote de brousse {m} | :: bush pilot |
piloter {v} | :: to pilot (control an aircraft) |
piloter {v} | :: to pilot (control a vessel) |
piloter {v} | :: to drive (control a vehicle) |
pilotis {m} [architecture] | :: piloti |
pilule {f} | :: pill (small object to be swallowed) |
pilule {f} [with the definite article la] | :: the contraceptive pill |
pilule du lendemain {f} | :: morning-after pill |
pimarique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pimaric |
pimbêche {f} | :: minx (impertinent woman) |
piment {m} [cooking] | :: spice |
piment {m} | :: chili, chili pepper |
piment {m} [figuratively] | :: spice (vigour) |
piment de Cayenne {m} | :: cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens) |
piment d'Espelette {m} | :: Espelette pepper (cultivar of Capsicum annuum) |
piment enragé {m} [Louisiana French] | :: cayenne pepper |
pimenter {v} [cooking] | :: to spice, to season with spices |
pimenter {v} [figuratively] | :: to spice up, to make more extravagant or exotic |
piment jolokia {m} | :: ghost chili (bhut jolokia); |
pimpant {adj} | :: spruce, dapper, dashing |
pimper {vr} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] | :: to dress well |
pimprelocher {vt} | :: to style hair in a ridiculous manner |
pimprenelle {f} | :: burnet (Sanguisorba minor) |
pin {m} | :: pine, pine tree |
pinacle {m} | :: pinnacle, top |
pinacothèque {f} | :: art gallery |
pinacothèque {f} | :: pinacotheca |
pinailler {vi} [colloquial] | :: nitpick, split hairs (to correct minutiae or find fault) |
pinailleur {adj} | :: nitpicking |
pinailleur {m} | :: nitpicker |
pinard {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: plonk (cheap wine) |
pinard {m} [by extension] | :: any wine |
Pinard {prop} | :: surname |
pinauculmettable {adj} | :: alternative spelling of pinocumettable |
pinaucumettable {adj} | :: alternative spelling of pinocumettable |
pince {f} | :: pincer, claw |
pince {f} | :: pliers |
pince {f} | :: tongs |
pince {f} | :: crowbar |
pince à épiler {f} | :: tweezers |
pince à linge {f} | :: clothes peg |
pinceau {m} | :: paintbrush |
pince coupante {f} | :: pair of wire cutters, cutting pliers |
pincée {f} | :: a pinch, a tiny amount |
pince-fesses {m} [dated, slang] | :: dance, hop |
pincement {m} | :: pang, twinge |
pincement au cœur {m} | :: lump in one's throat, pang of emotion |
pince-nez {m} [dated, literary] | :: pince-nez |
pince-nez {m} | :: noseclip |
pincer {v} | :: to pinch (skin) |
pincer {v} [colloquial] | :: to pinch (to arrest) |
pincer {v} [music] | :: To pluck (a stringed instrument) |
pince-sans-rire {adj} | :: dry, deadpan |
pincette {f} | :: tongs (for fire) |
pincette {f} | :: tweezers |
pinchinelle {f} | :: A type of carline thistle (Carlina acanthifolia) |
pinçon {m} | :: pinch, nip (mark on the skin) |
Pinçonnière {prop} | :: Pinçonnière, lake in Blois, Loir-et-Cher department of Centre-Val de Loire, France |
Pindare {prop} {m} | :: Pindar |
pindarique {adj} | :: Pindaric |
pin de Briançon {m} | :: a colloquial name for the European larch (Larix decidua) |
pine {f} [slang] | :: nob, penis |
pinéal {adj} | :: pineal |
pinéal {m} | :: pineal |
pineau {m} | :: pineau |
pinède {f} | :: pine wood or forest |
pinène {m} [organic compound] | :: pinene |
piner {v} [vulgar] | :: to fuck, to dick |
pingouin {m} [scientific context] | :: auk, razorbill (Arctic sea bird from the Alcidae family) |
pingouin {m} [colloquial] | :: penguin |
ping-pong {m} | :: ping pong; table tennis |
pingre {adj} | :: miserly, stingy |
pingrerie {f} | :: stinginess |
pinique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pinic |
pinocchioter dans le slibard {v} [slang] | :: to have an unwanted erection visible through one's pants |
Pinochet {prop} | :: surname |
pinocumettable {adj} [vulgar] | :: fuckable, shaggable |
pinoléique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pinoleic |
pinolénique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pinolenic |
pinot {m} | :: pinot |
Pinot {prop} | :: surname |
pinotte {f} [Québec, New Brunswick] | :: peanut, goober (a legume resembling a nut) |
pin's {m} [anglicism] | :: A pin or badge, as attached to clothing as an accessory |
pinson {m} | :: a finch |
pinson du Nord {m} | :: brambling, the bird Fringilla montifringilla |
Pinsonneault {prop} | :: surname |
Pintac {prop} | :: Pintac (commune) |
pintade {f} | :: guinea fowl |
pinte {f} [Canada] | :: A French-Canadian term for an Imperial quart, equal to 1/4 of an Imperial gallon, 2 Imperial pints, 40 Imperial ounces or 1.136 liters |
pinte {f} [France, obsolete] | :: A French pre-metric measurement of capacity or volume equal to 0.952 liters. Under the monarchy its size varied depending on the region, with the Parisian pinte being equivalent to 0.93 liters. 1 pinte ("quart") = 2 chopines ("pint") = 4 demiards ("half-pint") |
pinte {f} [France] | :: A metric pint (0.5 liters). This was done to reduce confusion between the similar American pint [0.473 liters], Imperial pint [0.568 liters] or Système International metric "pint" [0.500 liters] and the French pinte [0.952 liters]. 1 pinte [0.5 liters] ("pint") = 2 demi-pintes or chopines [0.250 liters] ("half-pint") |
pinte {f} [France] | :: Bottle of beer or wine with capacity of 50 centiliters, equivalent to 2/3 of a standard wine or liquor bottle |
pinter {v} [colloquial] | :: To get drunk |
pin-up {f} | :: pin-up [woman in a photograph] |
pin-up {f} | :: babe (sexually attractive woman) |
pioche {f} | :: pickaxe |
pioche {f} [card games] | :: stock |
piocher {v} | :: to use a pickaxe |
piocher {v} | :: to cram, to swot, to grind (e.g., for an exam) |
piocher {v} | :: to slog away, drudge (to work very hard) |
piocher {v} | :: to pick, choose, select from a set of options |
piocher {v} [card games] | :: to draw from the deck |
Piogre {prop} {m} [Switzerland] | :: An imaginary, exceedingly remote town; Timbuktu |
piolet {m} [climbing] | :: piolet |
pion {m} [chess] | :: pawn |
pion {m} [figuratively] | :: pawn |
pion {m} [game] | :: counter |
pion {m} [colloquial] | :: supervisor (in a school) |
pion {m} [particle] | :: pion |
pioncer {vi} [slang] | :: To be sleeping |
pioncer {vr} [slang] | :: To go to sleep; to crash out, hit the hay |
pionique {adj} [physics] | :: pionic |
pionner {v} [chess, checkers] | :: to exchange (a piece) |
pionnier {m} [military] | :: pioneer, soldier employed to form roads, dig trenches, and make bridges, as an army advances |
pionnier {m} | :: pioneer, one who goes before, as into the wilderness, preparing the way for others to follow |
pionnier {m} | :: precursor |
pionnier {m} [communism] | :: pioneer, child of 10-16 years in the former Soviet Union, in the second of the three stages in becoming a member of the Communist Party |
pionnier {adj} | :: pioneering, avant-garde |
pionnier {adj} | :: first to colonize |
pionnière {f} | :: feminine noun of pionnier |
piorner {v} [Switzerland] | :: to whine, moan |
piou {m} | :: cluck; the sound a chicken makes |
piou {m} | :: smack; the sound of a kiss |
piou {m} | :: (Lyon) chick; small bird |
piou {m} | :: (slang) soldier |
pipe {f} | :: tobacco pipe |
pipe {f} [vulgar] | :: blowjob |
pipe {m} | :: the pipe symbol (|) |
pipeau {m} [musical instruments] | :: pipe |
pipeau {m} | :: reed |
pipelette {f} | :: chatterbox |
pipe-line {m} | :: alternative spelling of pipeline |
pipeline {m} | :: oil pipeline |
pipérade {f} | :: piperade (Basque dish of onions, green peppers, and tomatoes sautéed in olive oil and flavoured with Espelette pepper) |
pipérazine {m} [organic compound] | :: piperazine |
pipéridine {m} [organic compound] | :: piperidine |
piperin {m} [organic compound] | :: piperine |
pipette {f} [sciences] | :: pipette |
pipeuse {f} [slang, vulgar] | :: fellatrix, cocksucker |
pipi {m} [chiefly uncountable] | :: wee, wee-wee, pee |
pipit {m} | :: pipit |
pipole {adj} | :: famous, related to famous people |
pipole {m} | :: celebrity |
piquage {m} | :: pricking |
piquage {m} | :: stinging |
piquamment {adv} | :: piquantly |
piquant {adj} | :: Spiky, spiny |
piquant {adj} | :: Of food: piquant, spicy |
piquant {adj} | :: Cold; ice-cold |
piquant {adj} | :: Of humor, a joke, etc.: scathing |
piquant {adj} [usually, of a person] | :: attractive |
pique {f} | :: pike, lance |
pique {m} [card games] | :: spade [as a card suit] |
piqué {m} | :: dive (of an airplane) |
piqué {m} [textiles, couture] | :: two fabrics stitched together to make a pattern, or a single fabric imitating this effect |
pique-assiette {m} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: scrounger, freeloader, gatecrasher, sponger |
piquebois {m} [Louisiana French] | :: woodpecker |
pique-nique {m} | :: picnic (a meal eaten outdoors) |
piquenique {m} | :: alternative form of pique-nique |
piqueniqueur {m} | :: picnicker (someone having a picnic) |
piquer {v} | :: to prick (pierce with a prick) |
piquer {v} | :: to sting (feel a stinging pain) |
piquer {v} [colloquial] | :: to nick, pinch, steal |
piquer {vr} | :: to pride oneself on; to like to think that one can do (+ de) |
piquer {v} [textiles, couture] | :: to stitch together |
piquer au vif {v} | :: to arouse, to excite |
piquer au vif {v} | :: to cut to the quick |
piquer du nez {v} [figuratively, of an aircraft] | :: to nosedive, to take a nosedive |
piquer du nez {v} [figuratively, of a person, colloquial] | :: to nod off, to doze off, to fall asleep (to nosedive because one is falling asleep) |
piquer une colère {v} [idiomatic] | :: to fly into a rage |
piquer une crise {v} [colloquial] | :: to throw a fit, to throw a tantrum |
piquer une tête {v} [colloquial] | :: to go for a dip, to take a dip, to dive head first; to go for a swim |
piquer un roupillon {v} [colloquial] | :: to take a nap, to grab a nap, to get some shuteye |
piquer un somme {v} [colloquial] | :: to take a nap, to grab a nap, to have a kip, to get some shuteye |
piquet {m} | :: picket |
piquet {m} [education] | :: A school punishment in which a student has to remain standing for some time by a tree or a wall, usually in the corner of the classroom |
Piquet {prop} | :: Piquet; surname |
piqueté {adj} | :: spotted or dotted (with) |
piquette {f} | :: A drink of marc and water |
piquette {f} [colloquial] | :: plonk (cheap wine) |
piqueupe {m} | :: pickup (electronic device) |
piqueur {adj} | :: itchy |
piqueur {adj} | :: stinging |
piqueur {m} | :: whipper-in |
piquier {m} [historical] | :: pikeman |
piqure {f} | :: alternative spelling of piqûre |
piqûre {f} | :: injection |
piqûre {f} | :: sting |
piqûre de rappel {f} | :: booster injection, booster shot, booster dose |
piqûre de rappel {f} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: reminder |
piquure {f} [archaic, obsolete] | :: alternative spelling of piqûre |
piratage {m} | :: piracy |
piratage {m} [computing] | :: hacking, unauthorized attempts to bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network |
piratage informatique {m} [computing] | :: hacking, unauthorized attempts to bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network |
pirate {mf} | :: pirate |
pirate de l'air {mf} | :: a skyjacker |
pirate informatique {mf} [computing] | :: a hacker, one who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data |
pirater {v} | :: to pirate |
pirater {v} [computing] | :: to hack (into) |
piraterie {f} | :: piracy (the business of being a pirate) |
piraterie {f} | :: piracy (an act done by pirates) |
pire {adj} | :: comparative of mauvais: worse |
pire {m} [le pire] | :: the worst |
piriforme {adj} | :: pyriform |
pirogue {f} | :: pirogue made by hollowing a log |
pirogue {f} | :: any canoe |
pirojki {m} | :: pirozhki |
piroplasme {m} [epidemiology] | :: piroplasma |
piroplasmide {m} [biology] | :: piroplasmid |
pirouette {f} | :: A whirling or turning on the toes in dancing |
pirouette {f} [sports, equestrians] | :: A whirling volt movement made by a horse |
pirouetter {vi} | :: to pirouette |
pirouetter {vi} | :: to pivot |
pis {adv} | :: worse |
pis {m} | :: udder |
pis {conj} [Quebec, Acadian, Louisiana French, Missouri, colloquial] | :: and, besides |
pis-aller {m} | :: make-do, a less than optimal solution, workaround, stopgap |
pis-aller {m} | :: plan B; last resort |
pis-aller {m} | :: worst case scenario |
piscicole {adj} | :: piscicultural |
pisciculture {f} | :: pisciculture (the rearing of fish) |
piscine {f} | :: swimming pool |
piscine {f} | :: piscina |
piscine à débordement {f} | :: overflow pool, perimeter-overflow pool |
piscivore {adj} | :: piscivorous, fish-eating |
piscivore {mf} | :: piscivore |
pisco {m} | :: pisco |
Pise {prop} {m} | :: Pise (town) |
Pise {prop} {m} | :: Pise (province) |
pisé {m} | :: adobe |
Pisidie {prop} | :: Pisidia |
pissaladière {f} | :: pissaladière (pizza-like pie from southern France) |
pissant {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: funny |
Pissarro {prop} | :: surname |
pisse {f} [vulgar] | :: piss |
pisse-froid {m} [figuratively, very colloquial] | :: a cold fish, a wet blanket |
pissenlit {m} | :: dandelion |
pisser {vit} [slang] | :: to piss |
pisser {vt} | :: to pour with (some liquid) |
pisseur {m} | :: pisser (one who pisses) |
pisseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of pisseur |
pisseuse {f} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: young girl |
pisse-vinaigre {m} [figuratively] | :: a grouch, a crosspatch, a sourpuss |
pissoir {m} [slang] | :: bog, john |
pissotière {f} | :: public urinal |
pistache {f} | :: pistachio (nut) |
pistache {f} [Louisiana French, ] | :: peanut |
pistachier {m} | :: pistachio (shrub) |
pistage {m} | :: tracking |
pistage {m} [MtG] | :: retrace |
pistard {m} [cycling] | :: track cyclist |
pistarde {f} | :: feminine noun of pistard |
piste {f} | :: track or trail (left by an animal or person) |
piste {f} | :: track (road or other similar beaten path) |
piste {f} [figurative] | :: lead, hint (e.g. in a police investigation) |
piste {f} [aviation] | :: runway |
piste {f} [music] | :: track (on a recording) |
piste {f} | :: racecourse |
piste {f} | :: ring in a circus |
piste {f} | :: floor (various activities such as dancing, skating, or fencing) |
piste {f} [skiing] | :: piste |
piste courte {f} | :: short track (type of speed skating) |
piste cyclable {f} [in town] | :: bicycle path, bike path, cycle path, cycle lane, bikeway |
piste cyclable {f} [in the countryside] | :: cycle track, bike trail |
piste de danse {f} | :: dance floor |
pister {vt} | :: to track (an animal) |
pister {vt} | :: to track (a person) |
pisteur {m} | :: tracker (one who, or that which, tracks or pursues, as a man or dog that follows game) |
pistil {m} | :: pistil |
pistil {m} | :: stamen |
Pistoia {prop} | :: Pistoia (province) |
Pistoia {prop} | :: Pistoia (capital city) |
pistole {f} [historical] | :: pistole (coin) |
pistolet {m} | :: gun, pistol |
pistolet {m} | :: spray gun |
pistolet {m} | :: weird person |
pistolet à air {m} | :: air pistol |
pistolet à impulsion électrique {m} | :: taser (electroshock stun gun) |
pistolet-mitrailleur {m} | :: submachine gun |
piston {m} | :: piston |
piston {m} [colloquial] | :: contact, connection |
pistonner {vt} [colloquial] | :: to put in a good word for somebody, to pull strings for somebody (apply influence) |
pitance {f} | :: pittance |
pitbull {m} | :: pitbull /pit bull/ (dog) |
pitch {m} | :: pitch (sales patter, inclination) |
pitchpin {m} | :: pitch pine |
pitête {adv} [rare, France, colloquial, colloquial, nonstandard] | :: alternative spelling of peut-être |
piteusement {adv} | :: piteously |
piteusement {adv} | :: miserably |
piteux {adj} | :: pitiful |
piteux {adj} | :: rundown |
piteux {adj} | :: piteous |
pithécanthropique {adj} | :: pithecanthropic |
pithécanthropiquement {adv} | :: pithecanthropically |
pitié {f} | :: pity, mercy |
pitit {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative spelling of petit, child |
piton {m} | :: nail (metal object) |
piton {m} | :: spike, pick (especially for mountaineering) |
pitonner {v} | :: to piton |
pitou {m} [babytalk, Quebec] | :: doggie |
pitou {m} [endearment, Quebec] | :: puppy |
pitoune {f} [Quebec, occasionally pejorative] | :: A pretty woman, a bimbo |
pitoune {f} | :: A felled log ready to be floated to the mill |
pitoyable {adj} | :: pitiful; pathetic, contemptible |
pitoyablement {adv} | :: pitifully |
pitoyablement {adv} | :: pathetically |
pitre {m} | :: clown, buffoon |
pitrerie {f} | :: tomfoolery |
pittacale {m} [organic compound] | :: pittacal |
pittoresque {adj} | :: picturesque |
pittoresque {mf} | :: someone or something that is picturesque |
pittoresquement {adv} | :: picturesquely |
pittospore {m} | :: pittosporum |
pituitaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: pituitary |
pituite {f} [historical] | :: phlegm |
pituite {f} [medicine] | :: mucus |
pivalique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pivalic |
pive {f} [Switzerland] | :: conifer cone |
pivert {m} | :: woodpecker, Picus viridis |
pivoine {f} | :: peony |
pivot {m} | :: pivot |
pivot {m} | :: fulcrum |
pivot {m} | :: lynchpin |
pivot {m} [basketball] | :: center |
pivotage {m} [maths] | :: pivot operation (in a simplex algorithm) |
pivotant {adj} | :: swivel, pivoting |
pivotant {adj} | :: pivotal |
pivoter {vi} | :: to pivot, swivel, revolve |
pivoter {vi} | :: to turn on one's heel |
pixel {m} [computing] | :: pixel |
pixellisation {f} | :: pixelation |
pixelliser {v} | :: to pixelate |
pizza {f} | :: pizza |
pizza hawaïenne {f} | :: Hawaiian pizza |
pizza margherita {f} | :: margherita pizza |
pizza Margherita {f} | :: alternative case form of pizza margherita |
pizza poutine {f} | :: poutine pizza (a pizza topped with poutine (gravy, french fries, cheese curds)) |
pizza québécoise {f} [Quebec, cuisine] | :: Quebecoise pizza (with pepperoni, bacon, mushrooms) |
pizzeria {f} | :: pizzeria |
pizzéria {f} | :: pizzeria |
pk {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging] | :: abbreviation of pourquoi, why |
pkoi {adv} [Internet slang, texting] | :: alternative spelling of pourquoi |
plaçable {adj} | :: placeable; that can be put or placed |
placage {m} | :: veneer (thin covering of fine wood) |
placage {m} [sports] | :: tackle |
plaçage {m} | :: plaçage |
placard {m} | :: a cupboard, cabinet or closet built against or into a wall |
placard {m} | :: an ad that is felt to be injurious, seditious or in otherwise bad taste |
placard {m} [dated] | :: a placard |
placardage {m} | :: billposting (sticking of posters) |
placarder {vt} | :: to post, put up |
placarder {vt} | :: to plaster |
placardiser {v} | :: To gradually remove the powers and responsibilities of an employee |
place {f} | :: place, square, plaza, piazza |
place {f} | :: place, space, room |
place {f} | :: place, seat |
placebo {m} | :: placebo |
place d'armes {f} [military] | :: parade ground |
place d'armes {f} | :: An assembly point for troops |
place d'armes {f} | :: An arsenal |
place d'honneur {f} | :: place of honor, seat of honor |
place forte {f} | :: stronghold |
placement {m} | :: placement |
placement de produit {m} [marketing] | :: product placement |
placentaire {adj} | :: placental |
placentaire {m} | :: placental |
placer {v} | :: to place (to put in a specific location) |
placer {v} | :: to seat (to put an object into a place where it will rest) |
placer {vr} | :: to place (to earn a given spot in a competition) |
placer sur un piédestal {vt} [figuratively] | :: to place on a pedestal, to put on a pedestal, to set on a pedestal |
placet {m} [historical] | :: petition, appeal |
placidement {adv} | :: placidly |
placidité {f} | :: placidity, placidness |
placier {m} | :: canvasser |
placier {m} | :: rep |
placière {f} | :: feminine noun of placier |
placoplâtre {m} | :: plasterboard |
placoter {vi} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: to chat, chatter |
plafond {m} | :: ceiling |
plafond de verre {m} [sociology, economics] | :: glass ceiling |
plafonnement {m} | :: cap, capping, setting an upper limit |
plafonner {vt} | :: to cap (put an upper limit on) |
plafonner {vi} | :: to reach one's upper limit |
plafonnier {m} | :: light (ceiling light) |
plage {f} | :: beach |
plage {f} [mathematics] | :: range |
plagiaire {mf} | :: plagiarist |
plagiat {m} | :: plagiarism |
plagier {v} | :: to plagiarize |
plagiocéphale {adj} [anatomy] | :: plagiocephalic |
plagiocéphalie {f} [anatomy] | :: plagiocephaly |
plagiotropisme {m} [biology] | :: plagiotropism |
plagiste {mf} | :: beachgoer (someone who goes to the beach) |
plaider {v} | :: to plead |
plaideur {m} | :: litigant |
plaideuse {f} | :: litigant (female) |
plaidoirie {f} | :: oral argument (court) |
plaidoyer {m} [legal] | :: speech for the defence |
plaidoyer {m} [figuratively] | :: plea |
plaie {f} | :: open wound |
plaie {f} | :: scourge |
plaïe {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative form of plage, beach |
plaignant {m} [legal] | :: plaintiff; prosecutor |
plaignant {adj} [legal] | :: prosecuting |
plaigner {v} [nonstandard, colloquial] | :: alternative form of plaindre |
plain {adj} [obsolete] | :: plane |
plain-chant {m} | :: plainsong |
plaindre {v} | :: to pity |
plaindre {vr} | :: to complain |
plaine {f} | :: plain |
plain-pied {m} | :: single-storey building |
plain-pied {m} | :: same-level apartment |
plain-pied {m} | :: one-floor residence |
plain-pied {m} [Swiss] | :: ground floor |
plainte {f} | :: complaint |
plainte {f} | :: moan, groan |
plainte {f} [legal] | :: (criminal) complaint |
plaintif {adj} | :: plaintive, doleful |
plaintivement {adv} | :: plaintively |
plaire {vi} | :: (followed by à or preceded by an indirect object) to please (usually translated into English as like with exchange of the subject and object) |
plaire {vr} | :: to enjoy (oneself) |
plaisamment {adv} | :: pleasantly; pleasingly |
plaisamment {adv} | :: jokingly, jestingly |
Plaisance {prop} | :: surname |
plaisancier {m} [nautical] | :: boater, amateur sailor |
plaisancière {f} | :: feminine noun of plaisancier |
plaisant {adj} | :: pleasing; pleasant |
plaisanter {v} | :: to joke (make a joke) |
plaisanterie {f} | :: joke |
plaisanterie {f} | :: jest; fun |
plaisanterie {f} | :: pleasantry; joking |
plaisanterie {f} | :: jesting; kidding |
plaisantin {m} | :: joker, wag |
plaisantin {m} | :: wiseass, smart aleck |
plaisir {m} | :: pleasure |
Plaisir {prop} | :: Plaisir |
plan {m} | :: plan |
plan {m} | :: map (schematic maps of streets, subways, etc.) |
plan {m} | :: plane (both flat surface and mathematical plane) |
plan {m} [cinema] | :: shot |
plan {m} [slang, dated] | :: A small case inserted in the rectum in order to hide one's valuables from a full-body search |
plan {adj} | :: planar |
planaire {adj} [mathematics] | :: planar |
planant {adj} | :: hovering |
planche {f} | :: board |
planche {f} | :: spread (picture covering a whole page) |
planche {f} | :: plank |
planche {f} | :: woodcut |
planche {f} | :: board (used for sport, e.g. skateboard or surfboard) |
planche {f} [figuratively] | :: plank, beanpole (very thin person) |
planche à beurre {f} | :: butter paddle |
planche à découper {f} | :: chopping board |
planche à laver {f} [musical instruments] | :: washboard |
planche à pain {f} | :: breadboard |
planche à repasser {f} | :: ironing board |
planche à repasser {f} [figuratively, slightly offensive] | :: a woman without curves, flat as a pancake |
planche à roulettes {f} | :: skateboard |
planche à voile {f} [countable] | :: sailboard, windsurf board |
planche à voile {f} [uncountable] | :: windsurfing |
planche pourrie {f} [figuratively] | :: A generally unreliable, impractical, unhelpful person; a flake |
plancher {m} | :: floor |
plancher {m} | :: lower limit |
plancher {m} [anatomy] | :: floor |
plancher {vi} | :: to talk |
plancher des vaches {m} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: terra firma, solid ground |
Planchet {prop} [rare] | :: given name |
planchette {f} | :: small plank |
planchette à pince {f} | :: clipboard |
planchiste {mf} | :: boarder |
planchiste {mf} | :: snowboarder |
planchiste {mf} | :: skateboarder |
planckien {adj} [physics] | :: Planckian |
plan comptable {m} | :: chart of accounts |
plançon {m} | :: A medieval French infantry weapon, primarily used for smashing and thrusting |
Plançon {prop} | :: surname |
plancton {m} [biology] | :: plankton |
planctonique {adj} | :: planktonic |
plan cul {m} [vulgar] | :: fuck buddy (sexual relationship without further emotional attachment) |
plan d'accès {m} | :: access map |
plan d'action {m} | :: action plan |
plan d'eau {m} | :: lake, pond, stretch of smooth water |
plan de cuisson {m} [cooking] | :: hob, stovetop |
plan de faille {m} [geology] | :: fault plane |
plan de niveau {m} | :: floor plan |
plan d'épargne {m} | :: savings plan |
plan de travail {m} | :: work plan, schedule |
plan de travail {m} | :: worksurface |
plan de vol {m} | :: flight plan |
plan directeur {m} | :: blueprint; master plan |
plan directeur {m} [military] | :: map of the combat area |
plan d'urgence {m} | :: contingency plan |
planer {v} | :: to glide, to hover |
planer {v} | :: to be entranced, to be mesmerized |
planer {v} [slang, of a drug user] | :: to be high |
planer {v} [slang] | :: to be going well; to run smoothly |
planère {f} | :: A form of Siberian elm (Planera crenata) |
planétaire {adj} | :: planetary |
planétaire {m} [astronomy] | :: orrery |
planétaire {m} [automobile] | :: epicyclic gear, planetary gear |
planétarium {m} | :: planetarium |
planète {f} | :: planet |
planète naine {f} | :: dwarf planet |
planétésimal {m} [astronomy] | :: planetesimal |
planétoide {m} [astronomy] | :: A planetoid, an asteroid large enough to be seen as a small planet |
planétoïde {m} | :: planetoid |
planétologie {f} | :: planetology |
planétologue {mf} | :: planetologist |
planeur {m} | :: glider (aircraft) |
planeur {m} | :: planer (tool) |
plan fixe {m} [cinema] | :: static shot |
planificateur {m} | :: planner |
planificateur {adj} | :: planning |
planification {f} | :: planning (act of making a plan) |
planifier {v} | :: to plan ahead, to prepare oneself |
plan incliné {m} | :: inclined plane |
planisphère {m} | :: planisphere |
planning {m} | :: schedule, work plan |
planogamie {f} [biology] | :: planogamy |
planque {f} [familiar] | :: A hideout, a hiding place |
planque {f} [by extension] | :: A situation with few risks involved, or a job with minimal work required |
planqué {m} [familiar] | :: A person avoiding any kind of danger or responsability |
planquer {v} [colloquial] | :: to hide |
planquer {v} [colloquial] | :: to spy, to snoop |
plan rapproché {m} [photography, film] | :: close-up |
plant {m} | :: seedling |
plant {m} | :: young plant or plantation |
plantage {m} | :: the action of planting |
plantage {m} [computing] | :: crash |
plantain {m} | :: plantain, any plant of genus Plantago |
plantain {m} | :: plantain [fruit of the genus Musa] |
plantaire {adj} [anatomy] | :: plantar |
plantation {f} | :: planting |
plantation {f} | :: plantation |
plante {f} | :: sole of the foot |
plante {f} | :: plant |
Plante {prop} | :: surname |
plante d'intérieur {f} | :: houseplant |
planter {vt} | :: to plant |
planter {vt} | :: to drive in (a nail, stake etc.) |
planter {vt} | :: to pitch (a tent) |
planter {vt} [colloquial] | :: to flake, leave someone behind, by not showing up (for a meeting, date) |
planter {vit} [computing] | :: to crash |
planter {vr} [colloquial, se planter] | :: to fall off |
planter {vr} [colloquial, se planter] | :: to fail, to not succeed |
planter {vr} [colloquial, se planter, a vehicle and etc] | :: to break down |
planter {vt} [slang] | :: to stab with a knife |
planter le décor {v} [theater] | :: to set up the scenery |
planter le décor {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to set the scene |
planteur {m} | :: planter |
planteuse {f} | :: planter (for potatoes etc) |
plantier {m} | :: vine (plant) |
planton {m} | :: orderly |
plantureusement {adv} | :: curvaceously |
plantureusement {adv} | :: copiously, lavishly |
plantureux {adj} | :: buxom, curvaceous |
plantureux {adj} | :: copious, lavish |
plantureux {adj} | :: fertile |
planule {f} | :: planula |
plaquage {m} | :: plating (adding a plate to e.g. metal) |
plaquage {m} [rugby] | :: tackle |
plaque {f} | :: sheet, plate (of metal) |
plaque {f} | :: slab (of marble) |
plaque {f} [medicine] | :: plaque (bacteria on teeth) |
plaque {f} | :: plaque, slab (ornamental) |
plaque {f} [casino] | :: chip |
plaque {f} [electrics, photography] | :: plate |
plaque {f} [geology] | :: plate (especially a tectonic plate) |
plaque {f} | :: slab, bar (of e.g. chocolate) |
plaque {f} [slang] | :: 10,000 francs |
plaque {f} | :: burner; ring (element on a kitchen stove that generates localized heat for cooking) |
plaquebière {f} | :: cloudberry [plant] |
plaquebière {f} | :: cloudberry, bakeapple [fruit] |
plaque de cuisson {f} | :: hotplate; cooktop, stovetop, hob, range |
plaque d'égout {f} | :: manhole |
plaque d'immatriculation {f} | :: license plate, number plate |
plaqueminier {m} | :: Asian persimmon, Diospyros kaki |
plaquer {v} | :: to plate (to cover the surface material of an object with a thin coat of another material) |
plaquer {v} [rugby] | :: To tackle |
plaquer {v} [martial arts] | :: To grapple |
plaquer {v} [colloquial] | :: To leave someone, to break up with someone; to ditch, to dump, to jilt someone |
plaque tectonique {f} [geology] | :: tectonic plate |
plaque tournante {f} [rail transport] | :: turntable (rotating plate) |
plaque tournante {f} [figuratively] | :: hub, nerve center, key location |
plaquettaire {adj} | :: platelet (attributive) |
plaquette {f} | :: packet [of butter]; strip, blister pack [of pills] |
plaquette {f} [hematology, cytology] | :: platelet |
plaquette {f} [automobile, ~ de frein] | :: brake pad |
plaquette de frein {f} | :: brake pad |
plaquiste {m} | :: A builder who erects plasterboard (or similar) partitions |
plasma {m} | :: plasma (all senses) |
plasmateur {m} | :: a creator, fashioner |
plasmatique {adj} | :: plasma (attributive), plasmatic |
plasmide {m} | :: plasmid (circle of double-stranded DNA that is separate from the chromosomes) |
plasmidique {adj} [biology] | :: plasmidic |
plasmique {adj} | :: plasmic |
plasmode {m} | :: plasmodium |
plasmodesme {m} | :: plasmodesma |
plasmogamie {f} [biology] | :: plasmogamy |
plasmogamique {adj} [biology] | :: plasmogamic |
plasmonique {adj} | :: plasmonic |
plaste {m} | :: plastid; leucoplast |
plastic {m} | :: plastic explosive |
plasticage {m} | :: Action of blowing up something (using plastic explosive) |
plasticien {m} | :: plastician (an artist involved with plastic arts) |
plasticienne {f} | :: feminine noun of plasticien |
plasticité {f} | :: plasticity |
plastide {m} | :: plastid |
-plastie {suffix} | :: -plasty |
plastifiant {m} | :: plasticizer |
plastifier {v} | :: to laminate |
plastiquage {m} | :: bomb attack |
plastique {adj} | :: plastic |
plastique {m} | :: plastic |
plastiquement {adv} | :: plastically |
plastiquer {v} | :: to blow up (using plastic explosive) |
plastiqueur {m} | :: terrorist (bomber who uses plastic explosive) |
plastiqueuse {f} | :: feminine noun of plastiqueur |
plastocyanine {f} [protein] | :: plastocyanin |
plastron {m} | :: breastplate (piece of armour) |
plastron {m} [fencing] | :: plastron |
plastron {m} | :: chest pad; chest protection; chestguard |
plastron {m} [zoology] | :: plastron (part of a turtle's shell) |
plastron {m} | :: shirt front; the front of a shirt |
plastron {m} | :: plastron (ornamental front part of a bodice) |
plastron {m} [zoology] | :: breast (front part of certain birds) |
plastronique {adj} | :: plastronic |
plastronique {f} [physics] | :: plastronics |
plastronner {v} | :: to swagger |
plasturgie {f} | :: plastics engineering |
plat {adj} | :: flat |
plat {m} | :: a flat area of ground; a flat thing; a flat dish or receptacle |
plat {m} | :: dish or course (e.g. served in a restaurant) |
platane {m} | :: a sycamore or planetree (genus Platanus) |
plat de résistance {m} | :: main course, main dish |
plat du jour {m} | :: plat du jour, daily special |
plate {f} | :: Very small flat boat |
plate {adj} [Canada, colloquial] | :: Annoyingly boring |
plate {adj} [Canada, colloquial] | :: Troublesome |
plateau {m} | :: flat area |
plateau {m} | :: tray |
plateau {m} [geography] | :: plateau |
plateau {m} | :: stage (in theatre); set (of television broadcast) |
plateau {m} [cycling] | :: chainring |
plateau de tournage {m} | :: film set |
plate-bande {f} | :: flower bed |
plate-bande {f} [architecture] | :: platband |
platée {f} | :: plateful |
plate-forme {f} | :: platform |
plateforme {f} | :: alternative form of plate-forme |
plateforme de forage {f} | :: drilling rig, drilling platform (for oil) |
plate-forme pétrolière {f} | :: oil rig |
platelage {m} | :: decking, deck (horizontal surface) |
platement {adv} | :: flatly |
platinage {m} | :: platinization |
platine {m} | :: platinum (metal) |
platine {f} | :: platter |
platine {f} | :: turntable |
platine {f} | :: connector board |
platine {f} [clockmaking, locksmithing] | :: plate |
platine {f} [printing] | :: platen (printing plate) |
platine {f} | :: stage (of a microscope) |
platinectomie {f} [surgery] | :: platinectomy, platinotomy |
platiner {v} | :: to platinize |
platineux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: platinous |
platinique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: platinic |
platinoïde {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: platinoid |
platinotypie {f} | :: platinotype |
Platon {prop} {m} | :: Plato (Greek philosopher) |
platonicien {adj} [philosophy, mathematics] | :: Platonic |
platonique {adj} | :: Platonic |
platonique {adj} | :: platonic |
platoniquement {adv} | :: platonically |
platoniser {v} | :: platonize |
platonisme {m} | :: Platonism |
plat principal {m} | :: main course |
plâtrage {m} | :: plastering, pargeting |
plâtras {m} | :: rubble |
plâtre {m} | :: plaster, plaster of Paris (the building material) |
plâtre {m} | :: plaster, cast (supportive and immobilising device) |
plâtrer {vt} | :: to plaster |
plâtrer {vt} | :: to render |
plâtrier {m} | :: plasterer |
plâtrière {f} | :: gypsum quarry (for the manufacture of plaster) |
plâtrière {f} | :: feminine noun of plâtrier |
platycnémie {f} [anatomy] | :: platycnemism |
platycnémien {adj} [anatomy] | :: platycnemic |
platycnémique {adj} [anatomy] | :: platycnemic |
platykurticité {f} [maths] | :: platykurtosis, platykurticity |
platykurtique {adj} [maths] | :: platykurtic |
platyphylle {adj} | :: broadleaf |
plausibilité {f} | :: plausibility |
plausible {adj} | :: plausible |
Plaute {prop} {m} | :: Plautus |
playback {m} [music, singing] | :: lip-syncing |
play-boy {m} | :: playboy (person) |
playboy {m} | :: alternative spelling of play-boy |
playlist {f} | :: playlist |
PLC {prop} {m} [initialism] | :: [Canadian politics] Parti libéral du Canada - Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) |
plèbe {f} | :: pleb |
plèbe {f} | :: (in plural) people, mob |
plébéien {adj} | :: plebeian |
plébéien {m} [historical] | :: plebeian, commoner |
plébéiennement {adv} | :: In a plebeian manner |
plébiscitaire {adj} | :: plebiscitary |
plébiscite {m} | :: plebiscite |
plébisciter {vt} | :: to vote by plebiscite |
plébisciter {vt} | :: to approve overwhelmingly |
plectre {m} | :: plectrum, pick (for strumming string instruments) |
pléiade {f} | :: host (large group) |
plein {adj} | :: full, full up |
plein {adj} | :: plenty |
plein {adj} | :: solid |
plein {adj} [astronomy, of a moon] | :: full |
plein {adj} | :: [preceded by en] mid-; middle |
plein {adj} [biology, of an animal] | :: pregnant |
plein {prep} [somewhat colloquial] | :: in; all over |
plein aux as {adj} [colloquial] | :: filthy rich (extremely rich) |
plein comme une huître {adj} [Europe, simile] | :: drunk as a skunk |
plein comme un œuf {adj} [simile, colloquial] | :: Very drunk; pissed as a newt; drunk as a skunk |
plein de soupe {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] | :: a greedy man |
pleine lune {f} | :: full moon |
pleinement {adv} | :: completely, all over |
plein-emploi {m} | :: full employment |
plein et entier {adj} | :: full, complete |
plein pot {adv} [colloquial] | :: at full speed, at full throttle, hell-for-leather |
pléiotrope {adj} [biology] | :: pleiotropic |
pléiotropie {f} [biology] | :: pleiotropy |
pléiotropique {adj} | :: pleiotropic |
pléistocène {adj} | :: Pleistocene |
Pléistocène {prop} {m} | :: Pleistocene period |
plénier {adj} | :: complete, entire |
plénier {adj} | :: plenary |
plénièrement {adv} | :: completely, entirely |
plénipotentiaire {adj} | :: plenipotentiary |
plénipotentiaire {mf} | :: plenipotentiary (a person invested with supreme authority) |
plénitude {f} | :: fullness, plenitude |
pléomorphe {adj} [biology] | :: pleomorphic |
pléonasme {m} [linguistics] | :: pleonasm, redundancy |
pléonaste {m} [mineralogy] | :: pleonaste |
pléonastique {adj} | :: pleonastic |
plérôme {m} [gnosticism] | :: pleroma |
plésiomorphie {f} [genetics] | :: plesiomorphy |
plésiomorphique {adj} [biology] | :: plesiomorphic |
plésiomorphisme {m} [biology] | :: plesiomorphism, plesiomorphy |
plessimétrique {adj} | :: pleximetric |
plessimétriquement {adv} | :: pleximetrically |
pléthore {f} | :: plethora |
pléthorique {adj} [medical] | :: plethoric |
pléthorique {adj} | :: overloaded, overabundant |
pléthoriquement {adv} | :: plethorically |
pléthoriquement {adv} | :: overabundantly |
pleur {m} | :: Cry (action of producing tears) |
pleurard {m} | :: crybaby |
pleurard {adj} | :: crying |
pleurer {vi} | :: to cry, to weep |
pleurer {vt} | :: to mourn |
pleurer à chaudes larmes {v} | :: to cry one's eyes out, to weep buckets |
pleurer comme une madeleine {v} [simile] | :: To bawl, especially exaggeratedly; to cry one's eyes out; to cry like a baby |
pleurer toutes les larmes de son corps {v} | :: To cry one's eyes out, to cry profusely |
pleurésie {f} [pathology] | :: pleurisy |
pleurétique {adj} | :: pleuritic |
pleureur {m} | :: crier; weeper one who cries or weeps |
pleureur {m} | :: crybaby |
pleureur {adj} | :: weeping |
pleureuse {f} | :: professional mourner |
pleurnichard {m} | :: crybaby |
pleurnichard {m} | :: sniveller |
pleurnichard {adj} | :: whingeing |
pleurnicher {v} | :: to whine (to complain or protest in a childish manner or about trivial things) |
pleurnicherie {f} | :: whine |
pleurnicheur {m} [colloquial] | :: sniveller |
pleurnicheuse {f} | :: feminine noun of pleurnicheur |
pleurote {m} | :: oyster mushroom |
pleutre {m} | :: coward |
pleutre {adj} | :: cowardly |
pleutre {v} | :: to be cowardly |
pleutrement {adv} | :: cowardly |
pleuviner {v} | :: to drizzle |
pleuvioter {v} | :: to drizzle |
pleuvoir {v} | :: to rain |
pleuvoir à boire debout {v} | :: to rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily) |
pleuvoir à seaux {v} | :: to rain buckets (to rain heavily) |
pleuvoir à verse {v} | :: to rain heavily |
pleuvoir comme vache qui pisse {v} [simile, vulgar] | :: to rain like a cow pissing on a flat rock, to piss it down |
pleuvoir des cordes {v} [figuratively] | :: to rain cats and dogs (to rain heavily) |
pleuvoir des hallebardes {v} | :: to rain heavily; to rain cats and dogs |
plèvre {f} [anatomy] | :: pleura |
plexiglas {m} | :: Plexiglas |
plexus {m} | :: plexus |
pli {m} | :: fold |
pli {m} | :: pleat |
pli {m} | :: letter |
pli {m} [card games] | :: trick |
pliable {adj} | :: pliable |
pliage {m} | :: folding (the act of folding something) |
pliant {adj} | :: pliant |
plie {m} | :: plaice |
plié {adj} | :: in stitches |
plie commune {f} | :: European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) |
plie d'Europe {f} | :: European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) |
plier {vt} | :: to fold (bend (something) over; arrange by folding) |
plier {v} | :: to fold up |
plier {v} | :: to bend |
plier {v} | :: to mess up; to do in; to damage |
plier {v} [figuratively] | :: to kill, kill off (a game) |
plier bagage {v} | :: to leave, to move, go away |
Pline {prop} {m} | :: Pliny |
plinien {adj} | :: Plinian |
plinthe {f} | :: plinth |
plinthe {f} | :: skirting board; baseboard (panel between floor and interior wall) |
pliocène {adj} | :: Pliocene |
Pliocène {prop} {m} | :: Pliocene period |
plioir {m} | :: folding-bone, folding-stick, bonefolder |
plissé {adj} | :: pleated |
plissement {m} | :: folding |
plissement {m} [geology] | :: fold |
plisser {vt} | :: to fold over, pleat |
plisser {vt} | :: to wrinkle, crease, pucker, screw up |
plisser {vi} | :: to be creased (of clothes etc.), wrinkled (stockings etc.) |
plisser {vr} | :: to crease, wrinkle |
plisser les yeux {v} | :: to look with eyes partly closed; squint |
pliure {f} | :: a folding |
plomb {m} | :: lead (metal) |
plomb {m} | :: fuse |
plomb {m} | :: sinker (fishing weight) |
plombage {m} | :: weighting (with lead); filling, stopping |
plombage {m} [dentistry] | :: filling |
plombagine {m} [mineralogy] | :: graphite |
plombate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: plumbate |
plombe {f} [slang] | :: ages, a long time |
plombémie {f} [pathology] | :: The presence of lead in the blood |
plomber {v} | :: to fill with lead, to weigh down with lead |
plomber {v} [figuratively] | :: to become a burden, to weigh down |
plomberie {f} | :: plumbing; plumbery |
plombeux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: plumbous |
plombier {m} | :: plumber (profession) |
plombière {f} | :: feminine singular of plombier |
plombique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: plumbic |
plombite {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: plumbite |
plomburie {f} | :: lead poisoning |
plonge {f} [France, colloquial] | :: the work of washing dishes |
plongeant {adj} | :: plunging (neckline etc) |
plongée {f} | :: dive |
plongée {f} | :: The forward tilt of an automobile when braking |
plongeoir {m} | :: diving board |
plongeon {m} | :: dive (act of diving into water) |
plongeon {m} [sports] | :: diving |
plongeon {m} | :: loon (the bird) |
plongeon synchronisé {m} | :: synchronized diving |
plonger {v} | :: to dive |
plonger {v} | :: to plunge |
plongeur {adj} [chiefly of an animal] | :: diving (that or who dives) |
plongeur {m} | :: diver (one who dives for pearls, coral, sponges, sunken items, and so on) |
plongeur {m} | :: diver (one who practices the sport of diving) |
plongeur {m} | :: dishwasher (a person who washes dishes in a restaurant or similar establishment) |
plongeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of plongeur |
plosif {adj} | :: plosive |
plosion {f} [phonetics] | :: plosion |
plosive {f} | :: plosive |
ploter {v} [maths] | :: To plot or trace (a curve) |
ploter {v} | :: alternative form of peloter |
plotte {f} [Quebec, vulgar, slang] | :: a vulva, a vagina |
plotte {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: a ball; a football |
plotter {v} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of peloter |
plouc {m} | :: hick, country bumpkin, yokel, redneck |
plouf {m} | :: splash |
ploussard {m} | :: A black grape variety form Jura |
ploutocrate {mf} | :: plutocrat |
ploutocratie {f} | :: plutocracy |
ploutocratique {adj} | :: plutocratic |
ployer {vi} [literary] | :: to bend, fold |
P. L. Q. {prop} | :: alternative form of PLQ |
P.L.Q. {prop} | :: alternative form of PLQ |
PLQ {prop} [Canadian politics] | :: initialism of Parti libéral du Québec - Liberal Party of Quebec (LPQ) |
PLS {f} | :: initialism of position latérale de sécurité: recovery position |
plucher {v} | :: to fluff up, to become fluffy |
plug {m} | :: butt-plug |
plugiciel {m} | :: plug-in (computer program addon) |
plugiciel {adj} | :: plug-in |
pluie {f} | :: rain |
pluie acide {f} | :: acid rain |
pluie verglaçante {f} [meteorology] | :: freezing rain |
plumage {m} [ornithology, collective noun] | :: plumage (a bird's feathers, collectively speaking) |
plumbago {m} [botany] | :: plumbago |
plume {f} | :: feather |
plume {f} | :: quill |
plume {f} | :: nib, the writing end of a fountain pen or a dip pen |
plume {f} [dated] | :: writer, penman |
plumeau {m} | :: feather duster |
plumer {v} | :: to pluck the feathers off |
plumer {v} [colloquial] | :: To swindle or cheat out of |
plumer {v} [colloquial] | :: To desquamate; to have the skin peel off |
plumet {m} | :: An ostrich feather placed in a hat |
plumet {m} | :: A bouquet of feathers used to decorate military headgear |
plumet {m} | :: A bouquet of feathers used to decorate a dais, a bed, or a hearse |
plumet {m} | :: Feathergrass (Stipa pennata) |
plumet {m} | :: A bundle of feathers attached to a piece of cork which is allowed to float in order to determine the direction of the wind |
plumetis {m} | :: satin stitch |
plumeux {adj} | :: feathery |
plumier {m} | :: pencil box |
plumitif {m} | :: penpusher |
plupart {f} | :: main part, majority |
plupart {f} | :: most of |
plural {adj} | :: plural, large |
pluralisme {m} | :: pluralism |
pluraliste {mf} | :: pluralist |
pluralité {f} | :: plurality |
pluri- {prefix} | :: pluri- |
pluriannuel {adj} | :: long-term |
pluriannuel {adj} | :: pluriennial |
pluricellulaire {adj} | :: multicellular, pluricellular |
pluridimensionnel {adj} | :: pluridimensional, multidimensional |
pluridirectionnel {adj} | :: pluridirectional |
pluridisciplinaire {adj} | :: multidisciplinary |
pluridisciplinairement {adv} | :: multidisciplinarily; in a multidisciplinary way |
pluridisciplinarité {f} | :: multidisciplinarity |
pluriel {m} | :: plural |
pluriel {adj} | :: plural |
pluriel brisé {m} [grammar, linguistics] | :: broken plural |
pluriellement {adv} | :: plurally; in the plural |
pluriethnique {adj} | :: multiethnic |
plurilingue {adj} | :: multilingual, plurilingual |
plurilinguisme {m} | :: multilingualism |
pluriloculaire {adj} [biology] | :: plurilocular |
pluripartisme {m} | :: multipartyism |
pluripartiste {adj} | :: multiparty |
pluripotence {f} [biology] | :: pluripotency |
pluripotent {adj} [biology] | :: pluripotent |
pluriquotidien {adj} | :: several times each day |
pluriquotidiennement {adv} | :: several times each day |
pluriséculaire {adj} | :: Over several centuries |
pluriséculaire {adj} | :: Centuries-old |
plus {adv} | :: more, -er (used to form comparatives of adjectives) |
plus {adv} | :: more, -er (used to form comparatives of adverbs) |
plus {adv} [after a verb] | :: more, -er (indicating a higher degree or quantity) |
plus {adv} [before a noun] | :: more (indicating a greater quantity; followed by de) |
plus {adv} | :: more (supplementary, preceded by de) |
plus {adv} [preceded by a definite article] | :: the most, -est (used to form superlatives of adjectives and adverbs) |
plus {adv} [usually with the negative particle ne, see usage notes below] | :: no longer, not ... any more |
plus {m} | :: plus, the symbol + |
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose {proverb} | :: the more things change, the more they stay the same |
plus facile à dire qu'à faire {adj} | :: easier said than done (easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish) |
plus grand commun dénominateur {m} [mathematics] | :: synonym of plus grand commun diviseur |
plus grand commun diviseur {m} [mathematics] | :: greatest common divisor |
plusieurs {adj} | :: several, many, a lot |
plus on est de fous, plus on rit {proverb} | :: the more the merrier |
plus ou moins {adv} | :: more or less (approximately) |
plus petit commun multiple {m} [mathematics] | :: least common multiple |
plus que de raison {adv} [literary] | :: more than is reasonable, too much, excessively |
plus que jamais {adv} | :: more than ever |
plus-que-parfait {m} | :: pluperfect tense |
plus-value {f} | :: capital gain |
plus vieux métier du monde {m} [euphemistic] | :: the world's oldest profession |
plus vrai que nature {adj} | :: more authentic than the original, even better than the real thing, very similar to the original in appearance |
Plutarque {prop} {m} | :: Plutarch (Greek historian) |
Pluton {prop} {m} | :: Pluto (dwarf planet) |
Pluton {prop} {m} | :: Pluto (god) |
plutoneux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: plutonous |
plutonien {adj} | :: Plutonian |
plutonique {adj} [geology, inorganic chemistry] | :: plutonic |
plutonium {m} | :: plutonium |
plutôt {adv} [obsolete] | :: earlier, sooner |
plutôt {adv} | :: rather, instead |
plutôt {adv} | :: rather, pretty, kind of |
pluvier {m} | :: plover |
pluvier bronzé {m} | :: American golden plover, Pluvialis dominica |
pluvier doré {m} | :: Eurasian golden plover [Pluvialis apricaria] |
pluvier fauve {m} | :: Pacific golden plover, Pluvialis fulva |
pluvieux {adj} | :: rainy |
pluviomètre {m} | :: pluviometer |
pluviométrie {f} | :: pluviometry |
pluviométrique {adj} | :: pluviometric |
pluviôse {m} [historical] | :: Pluviôse (the fifth month of the French Republican Calendar) |
pluviosité {f} | :: (amount of) rainfall |
pm {mf} | :: alternative form of PM |
P. M. {mf} | :: alternative form of P.M. |
P.M. {adv} | :: post meridiem |
PM {adv} | :: initialism of post meridiem |
PM {n} | :: market price |
PMA {m} | :: abbreviation of pays les moins avancés; LDC |
PME {f} | :: abbreviation of Petites et Moyennes Entreprises; SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) |
PMU {m} | :: abbreviation of Pari mutuel urbain |
PMU {m} [by extension, France] | :: a place where one can bet on horse races, usually a café or tabac |
PNC {mf} | :: Flight attendant, cabin crew |
pneu {m} | :: tyre, tire |
pneu de secours {m} | :: spare tyre |
pneu hiver {m} | :: winter tire |
pneumatique {adj} | :: pneumatic |
pneumatique {m} [rare] | :: tyre (wheel covering) |
pneumaturie {f} [pathology] | :: pneumaturia |
pneumique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pneumic |
pneumo- {prefix} | :: pneumo- |
pneumocoque {m} | :: pneumococcus |
pneumogastrique {adj} [anatomy] | :: pneumogastric |
pneumogastrique {m} [anatomy] | :: pneumogastric |
pneumographie {f} | :: pneumography |
pneumologie {f} | :: pneumology, pulmonology |
pneumologique {adj} | :: pneumological |
pneumologue {mf} | :: pneumologist |
pneumonie {f} [pathology] | :: pneumonia |
pneumonique {adj} | :: pneumonic |
pneumopathie {f} | :: pneumonia |
pnictogène {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pnictogen |
pnicture {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pnictide |
Pô {prop} {m} | :: Pô (river) |
poa {m} | :: poa, grass |
pochade {f} | :: pochade |
pochard {m} [colloquial] | :: drunk, drunkard |
pocharde {f} | :: feminine noun of pochard |
poche {f} | :: pocket (part of the clothing) |
poche {f} | :: pouch (small bag, or part of small bag) |
poche {f} | :: pouch [of a marsupial] |
poche {f} | :: pocket (cavity) |
poche {f} | :: poach (act of cooking by poaching) |
poche {f} | :: the rendering or the act of rendering the walls, columns, and other solids of a building or the like, as indicated on an architectural plan, usually in black |
poche {f} | :: ladle (container used in a foundry to transport and pour out molten metal) |
poche {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: lame, boring, dull |
poche {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: bad, untalented, sucky |
poche des eaux {f} | :: amniotic sac |
pocher {v} | :: to poach; to cook by poaching |
pocher {v} | :: to sketch; to make a sketch of |
pochetron {m} [slang, pejorative] | :: someone who drinks copiously, a drunkard |
pochetronne {f} | :: feminine noun of pochetron |
pochette {f} | :: (small) pocket |
pochette {f} | :: sleeve (of e.g. a CD) |
pochette {f} | :: clutch bag |
pochoir {m} | :: stencil (utensil consisting of a perforated sheet) |
pôchouse {f} | :: alternative form of pauchouse |
pochtron {m} [slang, pejorative] | :: alternative form of pochetron |
pochtronne {f} | :: feminine noun of pochtron |
pococurante {mf} | :: one who is apathetic |
podaire {f} [geometry] | :: pedal curve |
podcast {m} [Internet, neologism] | :: podcast |
podcaster {v} | :: to podcast |
podcasting {m} | :: podcasting |
podium {m} | :: podium |
Podolie {prop} {f} | :: Podolia |
podologue {mf} | :: chiropodist, podiatrist |
podomètre {m} | :: pedometer |
podophylle {m} [botany] | :: podophyllum |
podophylleux {adj} [biology] | :: podophyllous |
Podor {prop} | :: Podor (city) |
podorythmie {f} [Canada] | :: The tapping of one's feet in time to music |
podotactile {adj} | :: pedotactile |
poecilitique {adj} [geology] | :: poikilitic |
poêle {m} | :: stove |
poêle {f} | :: frying pan, pan |
poêle {f} [colloquial] | :: metal detector |
poêle {m} [religion] | :: pall |
poêlé {adj} | :: pan-fried |
poêle à frire {f} | :: frying pan |
poêlée {f} | :: pan fry |
poêler {v} [cooking] | :: to fry in a frying pan |
poêlon {m} | :: Type of casserole (cooking pot) |
poème {m} | :: poem (literary piece written in verse) |
poëme {m} [archaic] | :: alternative spelling of poème |
pœnal {adj} | :: obsolete form of pénal |
poésie {f} | :: poetry |
poesque {adj} | :: Poesque |
poète {m} | :: poet |
poétereau {m} | :: mediocre poet |
poétesse {f} | :: feminine noun of poète: poetess (female poet) |
poétique {adj} | :: poetic, poetical |
poétiquement {adv} | :: poetically (in a poetic way) |
poétiser {vi} | :: To versify |
poétiser {vt} | :: To poetize or poeticize |
Pœuilly {prop} | :: Pœuilly |
Pogba {prop} | :: surname |
pogner {vt} [Quebec, Louisiana French] | :: to catch |
pogner {vt} [Quebec, Louisiana French] | :: to grab, to grasp |
pogner {v} [Quebec, Louisiana French, slang, figuratively] | :: to seize |
pogner {v} [Quebec, figuratively, impersonal verb] | :: to be arrested or frozen (by a notion or emotion) |
pogner {vt} [Quebec, slang] | :: to surprise, to run into, to find out (someone in the act of wrongdoing, someone in hiding) |
pogner {vt} [Quebec] | :: to collide, to hit |
pogner {vt} [Quebec, slang] | :: to receive |
pogner {vt} [Quebec, slang] | :: to understand, [figuratively] to get (a joke) |
pogner {vi} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: to catch on or become popular, to succeed |
pogner {vi} [Quebec, slang, idiomatic] | :: to seduce, to have success in interpersonal relationships |
pogner {vr} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: to take or acquire something (for oneself) |
pogner {v} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: to become stuck or jammed (of one object in another, used reflexively) |
pogner {v} [Quebec, slang] | :: to argue, to quarrel (with someone), to butt heads (used either reflexively or with subject) |
pogner {v} [Quebec, slang] | :: to make out, or to make love or have sex (used reflexively) |
pogner {vt} [Louisiana French, slang] | :: to fool |
pognon {m} [colloquial] | :: dough, dosh, bread (money) |
pogo {m} [Canada, food, colloquial] | :: pogo (corndog on a stick) |
pogoter {v} | :: To dance the pogo |
pogrom {m} | :: pogrom |
poichichade {f} | :: A traditional Provençal spreadable dish consisting of chickpeas, garlic and olive oil |
poids {m} | :: weight |
poids léger {m} | :: lightweight (sports category) |
poids lourd {m} | :: HGV; heavy goods vehicle |
poids lourd {m} | :: heavyweight (sports category) |
poids mort {m} | :: dead weight |
poids mort {m} [figuratively] | :: dead weight |
poids moyen {m} | :: middleweight (sports category) |
poignamment {adv} | :: poignantly |
poignant {adj} | :: poignant |
poignard {m} | :: dagger |
poignardage {m} [rare] | :: stabbing |
poignarder {v} | :: to stab; to knife |
poigne {f} | :: grip |
poignée {f} | :: handful (amount held in hand) |
poignée {f} | :: handful (a small number) |
poignée {f} | :: (also poignée de main) handshake |
poignée {f} | :: grip (part of an object someone grips) |
poignée {f} | :: handle |
poignée de main {f} | :: handshake |
poignet {m} | :: wrist |
poignet {m} | :: carpus |
poil {m} | :: hair (on the body) |
poil {m} | :: bristle (on a brush) |
poil à gratter {m} [practical joke] | :: itching powder |
poil au nez {phrase} [colloquial, humorous] | :: Used as a rhyme with a word ending with the /e/ sound |
poil aux dents {phrase} [colloquial, humorous] | :: Used as a rhyme with a word ending with the /ɑ̃/ sound |
poiler {vp} [colloquial] | :: to laugh hard |
poil pubien {m} | :: a pubic hair, a pube |
poilu {adj} [colloquial] | :: hairy |
poilu {adj} [dated, figurative] | :: brave, courageous; energetic |
poilu {m} [historical] | :: poilu (French soldier during World War I) |
poincarisme {m} | :: The politics of Raymond Poincaré |
poincariste {mf} | :: An adherent of poincarisme |
poinçon {m} | :: stamp (device) |
poinçon {m} | :: a pointed tool, such as a punch, chisel, bodkin or awl |
poinçon {m} | :: hallmark (an official marking) |
poinçonner {vt} | :: to stamp, punch |
poinçonner {vt} | :: to hallmark |
poinçonneuse {f} | :: punch (machine) |
poindre {vt} [obsolete] | :: to prick, sting |
poindre {vt} [literary] | :: to sting, afflict (of pain, love etc.) |
poindre {vi} | :: to come up (of a plant), peep through |
poindre {vi} [literary] | :: to break, dawn (of day); to break (of dawn) |
poindre {vi} [figurative] | :: to appear, spring up |
poing {m} | :: fist |
poing américain {m} | :: brass knuckles |
poing-à-poing {m} | :: fist bump |
point {m} | :: point (small mark) |
point {m} [sports, games] | :: point |
point {m} | :: full stop, period (punctuation mark) |
point {m} [knitting] | :: stitch pattern |
point {adv} [literary, dialectal, usually with "ne"] | :: not |
pointage {m} | :: ticking off |
pointage {m} | :: checking in |
pointage {m} | :: scrutiny |
point à la ligne {interj} [colloquial] | :: period, full stop |
point aveugle {m} | :: blind spot (place where the optic nerve attaches to the retina) |
point barre {interj} | :: period; full stop |
point cardinal {m} | :: cardinal point |
point chaud {m} [geology] | :: hot spot |
point commun {m} | :: common feature, shared trait, thing in common, similarity |
point d'ancrage {m} [literally and figuratively] | :: anchor point, anchor |
point d'Angleterre {m} | :: Brussels lace |
point d'articulation {m} [phonetics] | :: place of articulation |
point d'eau {m} | :: water point, water source, watering place, watering hole |
point d'ébullition {m} [physics] | :: boiling point |
point de chute {m} [skydiving] | :: landing place, dropzone (target where a skydiver lands) |
point de chute {m} [figuratively] | :: place to stay, place to crash, stopping-off point |
point de côté {m} | :: stitch (pain in one's side) |
point de départ {m} | :: starting point |
point de fuite {m} | :: vanishing point |
point de fusion {m} [physics] | :: melting point |
point de mire {m} | :: target, point of aim |
point de mire {m} [figuratively] | :: focal point, cynosure |
point de non retour {m} | :: alternative spelling of point de non-retour |
point de non-retour {m} [aviation] | :: point of no return |
point de non-retour {m} [figuratively] | :: point of no return (moment when a process becomes irreversible) |
point d'entrée {m} | :: entry point |
point de rebroussement {m} [geometry, analysis] | :: cusp |
point de repère {m} | :: point of reference, landmark |
point de rosée {m} [physics] | :: dew point |
point de suture {m} | :: stitch (of surgical suture) |
point de vente {m} | :: point of sale |
point de vente {m} | :: salespoint, retail outlet, sales outlet, outlet store (shop that sells the products of a particular manufacturer or supplier) |
point de vie {m} [video games] | :: health point, life point, hit point |
point de vue {m} | :: point of view |
point d'exclamation {m} | :: exclamation mark, exclamation point |
point d'expérience {m} [RPG] | :: experience point |
point d'inflexion {m} | :: point of inflection (a change in curvature from concave to convex or from convex to concave) |
point d'interrogation {m} | :: question mark (punctuation) |
point diplomatique {m} | :: the punctuation ⟨ [[./.]] ⟩, a full stop followed by a slash followed by another full stop, used in French-language diplomatic texts to indicate the end of a message |
point diplomatique {m} | :: See: fr point diplomatique |
point d'orgue {m} [music] | :: pause, fermata |
point d'orgue {m} [figuratively] | :: climax, culmination, capstone |
pointe {f} | :: point |
pointeau {m} | :: punch, centrepunch |
pointe aux âmes {f} [musical instruments, lutherie] | :: soundpost setter, soundpost setting tool |
pointe de vin {f} | :: merriment caused by mild intoxication |
pointer {v} | :: to point to/at |
pointer {v} [by extension] | :: to indicate, to show, to point out |
pointer {v} | :: to punch in, to clock in |
pointer {vp} [colloquial] | :: to show up, turn up |
pointer {m} | :: pointer (dog) |
pointer du doigt {vt} | :: to point out, to indicate; to point at; to point the finger at, to blame, to accuse, to incriminate |
pointeur {m} [military] | :: One who points a cannon at its target |
pointeur {m} | :: One who maintains a register of people present and absent |
pointeur {m} [computing, programming] | :: A pointer |
point exclarrogatif {m} [rare] | :: interrobang (the punctuation mark ‽) |
point faible {m} | :: weakness, weak spot |
point final {m} | :: period [US usage]; full stop [UK usage] |
point final {interj} | :: period, full stop |
point fort {m} | :: strength, strong suit |
point G {m} | :: G-spot |
pointillé {m} | :: dotted line |
pointillé {m} | :: perforation |
pointillé {m} [art] | :: stippling |
pointilleusement {adv} | :: punctiliously |
pointilleux {adj} | :: punctilious, finicky, pernickety |
pointillisme {m} [art] | :: pointillism |
point médian {m} [typography] | :: interpunct, interpoint, middot |
point mort {m} [physics] | :: dead centre |
point mort {m} [in vehicles] | :: neutral (the position of a set of gears) |
point mort {m} [figuratively] | :: standstill, deadlock |
point noir {m} | :: blackhead, comedo |
points de suspension {mp} | :: ellipsis (mark used in printing to indicate an omission) |
point triple {m} [physics] | :: triple point |
pointu {adj} | :: sharp |
pointu {adj} [figuratively] | :: specialised, technical, pointed |
pointure {f} | :: shoe size |
pointure {f} [colloquial] | :: master; big name (person very skilled at doing something) |
point virgule {m} | :: semicolon |
point-virgule {m} | :: semicolon (punctuation mark) |
poire {f} | :: pear |
poire {f} [colloquial] | :: mug, sucker, soft touch |
poire {f} [colloquial] | :: mush, face |
poire {f} | :: A bulb, usually pear-shaped, used to collect gases or liquids, such as that of a dropper |
poire {f} | :: pear brandy |
poire {f} | :: A pear-shaped switch |
poire {f} [butchery] | :: A beef cut |
poiré {m} | :: perry (pear cider) |
poire à lavement {f} | :: bulb syringe, enema syringe, douche |
poireau {m} | :: leek (Allium ampeloprasum, syn. Allium porrum) |
poireau {m} [slang] | :: cock, dick |
poireauter {v} [colloquial] | :: to hang around, to hang |
poire belle Hélène {f} | :: A dessert made from pears poached in sugar syrup and served with vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, and crystallized violets (or, in simpler variations, sliced almonds) |
poire d'angoisse {f} | :: pear of anguish, choke pear |
poire d'avocat {f} | :: avocado pear (avocado fruit) |
poiré de glace {m} | :: ice perry |
poirée {f} | :: chard [type of beet] |
poiré mousseux {m} | :: sparkling perry (pear champagne) |
poirer {v} [slang] | :: to nab, take by surprise |
poirier {m} | :: pear tree |
poirier {m} | :: headstand |
Poirier {prop} | :: surname |
pois {m} | :: pea |
pois {m} | :: polka dot |
pois chiche {m} | :: chick pea |
pois de senteur {m} | :: sweet pea |
poison {m} | :: poison |
poissard {adj} | :: (of language) coarse, common, vulgar |
poissard {adj} | :: unlucky |
poisse {f} | :: chronic bad luck |
poisser {vt} | :: to make sticky |
poisser {vt} | :: to nab (apprehend) |
poisseux {adj} | :: sticky |
poisson {m} | :: fish (marine animal) |
Poisson {prop} | :: surname |
poisson-chat {m} | :: catfish |
poisson-chien {m} [Africa] | :: The tigerfish, in the genus Hydrocynus |
poisson-chien {m} [rare] | :: The European mudminnow, Umbra krameri |
poisson-chirurgien {m} | :: surgeonfish |
poisson d'avril {m} | :: April fool (an April Fool's Day joke) |
poisson-football {m} | :: footballfish |
poissonier {m} | :: fish cook |
poissonière {f} | :: feminine noun of poissonier |
poisson-lait {m} | :: milkfish |
poissonnerie {f} | :: fishmonger's (shop which sells fish) |
poissonneux {adj} | :: Full of fish; abundant in fish |
poissonnier {m} | :: fishmonger (someone who sells fish) |
poissonnière {f} | :: feminine noun of poissonnier |
poisson plat {m} | :: flatfish |
poisson rouge {m} | :: goldfish |
poisson royal {m} [law] | :: royal fish |
Poissons {prop} {mp} [astronomy] | :: The constellation Pisces 'the Fishes' |
Poissons {prop} {mp} [astrology] | :: The zodiac sign Pisces, after the above |
Poissons {prop} {mp} [geography] | :: Poissons (municipality) |
Poissons {prop} {mp} [geography] | :: Poissons (canton), named after the above town, its capital |
poisson-tigre {m} | :: The tigerfish, in the genus Hydrocynus. |
poisson-vipère {m} | :: viperfish |
poisson volant {m} | :: flying fish (a tropical marine fish) |
poitevin {adj} | :: Poitevin |
Poitiers {prop} | :: Poitiers |
Poitou-Charentes {prop} | :: Poitou-Charentes, former region of France |
poitrail {m} | :: chest (of horse); breast (of bird etc.) |
poitrail {m} [jocular] | :: chest (of human) |
poitrail de puzzle {m} [medicine, putative] | :: jigsaw breast/chest |
poitrinaire {adj} [archaic] | :: consumptive, tubercular, phthistic |
poitrine {f} | :: chest (of body) |
poitrine {f} | :: breast (of body) |
poitrine {f} | :: breast (of poultry, as meat) |
poivrade {f} | :: poivrade |
poivre {m} | :: pepper (spice) |
poivre blanc {m} | :: white pepper (spice) |
poivre de Cayenne {m} | :: cayenne pepper (spice) |
poivre de Cayenne {m} | :: pepper spray (weapon) |
poivre du moulin {m} | :: freshly ground pepper |
poivre et sel {adj} | :: salt-and-pepper |
poivre noir {m} | :: black pepper (spice) |
poivrer {v} | :: to pepper (to season with pepper) |
poivrier {m} | :: pepper (plant) |
poivrière {f} | :: pepper pot |
poivron {m} | :: bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) |
poivronnade {f} | :: A traditional French dish consisting of peppers (the vegetable) and various herbs and spices, or other vegetables |
poivrot {m} | :: drunkard |
poivrote {f} | :: female equivalent of poivrot |
poix {f} | :: pitch |
poker {m} [card games] | :: poker |
polacca {f} | :: polonaise |
Polack {m} | :: alternative spelling of Polak (Polack, person of Polish descent) |
polaire {adj} | :: polar |
Polak {m} [slang] | :: Polack (person of Polish descent) |
Polandball {m} | :: Polandball |
polaque {mf} | :: alternative spelling of Polak (Polack, person of Polish descent) |
polar {m} [colloquial] | :: detective novel |
polarimètre {m} | :: polarimeter |
polarimétrie {f} | :: polarimetry |
polarisabilité {f} | :: polarizability |
polarisation {f} | :: polarization, polarisation |
polarisé {adj} | :: polarized |
polariser {v} | :: to polarize |
polariseur {m} | :: polarizer |
polarité {f} | :: polarity |
polarographie {f} [chemistry, physics] | :: polarography |
polaroïd {m} | :: Polaroid picture |
polder {m} [geography] | :: polder |
-pole {suffix} | :: -polis |
-pole {suffix} | :: -poly, related to market or economy |
pôle {m} [geography, astronomy, science] | :: pole |
pôle {m} [figuratively] | :: centre, hub |
polémarque {m} [historical, Ancient Greece] | :: polemarch |
polémique {f} | :: polemic, controversy |
polémique {adj} | :: polemic |
polémique {adj} | :: controversial |
polémiquer {vi} | :: to be involved in a controversy |
polémiste {mf} | :: polemicist |
polémochorie {f} [biology] | :: polemochory |
pôle nord {m} | :: north pole (of a magnet) |
pôle Nord {m} | :: north pole (northernmost point on celestial bodies) |
pôle Nord {m} | :: North Pole (of Earth) |
polenta {f} | :: polenta |
pôle sud {m} | :: south pole (of a magnet) |
pôle Sud {m} | :: south pole (the southernmost point on a celestial body) |
polhodie {f} | :: polhode |
poli {adj} | :: polite |
poli {adj} | :: polished |
poli {m} | :: lustre, polish |
police {f} | :: police |
police {f} [typography] | :: fount, font |
police {f} [Quebec] | :: cop (police officer) |
police de l'air et des frontières {f} | :: border police |
police des mœurs {f} | :: vice squad |
police judiciaire {f} | :: The detective / investigation division of the French police |
policeman {m} | :: policeman (in Anglophone countries) |
policer {v} | :: to police |
polichinelle {m} | :: Punchinello doll |
polichinelle {m} | :: buffoon |
Polichinelle {prop} {m} | :: Pulcinella (Italian theatrical character) |
policier {adj} | :: police (attributive) |
policier {m} | :: policeman, police officer |
policier {m} | :: police movie |
policière {f} | :: female equivalent of policier |
policlinique {f} | :: polyclinic |
policlinique {f} | :: outpatients (department of hospital) |
poliment {adv} | :: politely |
poliomyélite {f} [pathology] | :: poliomyelitis |
poliomyélitique {adj} | :: polio (attributive) |
poliorcétique {adj} | :: relative to siegecraft |
poliorcétique {f} | :: poliorcetics, siegecraft (the science of laying siege) |
polir {v} | :: to shine; to make a surface very smooth or shiny by rubbing, cleaning, or grinding (often polish up) |
polir {v} | :: to refine; remove imperfections |
polissage {m} | :: polishing |
polissage {m} | :: refining |
polisseur {m} | :: polisher (person) (machine, masculine only) |
polisseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of polisseur |
polissoir {m} | :: a polissoir |
polisson {m} | :: naughty child, scamp |
polisson {adj} | :: mischievous |
polisson {adj} | :: licentious, shameless |
polissonner {v} [archaic] | :: to be naughty |
polissonnerie {f} | :: mischief |
polissonnerie {f} | :: licentiousness |
politesse {f} | :: politeness, courtesy |
politesse {f} | :: polite remark/action |
politicard {adj} [pejorative] | :: politico (attributive) |
politicard {m} [pejorative] | :: politico |
politicien {m} | :: politician |
politicienne {f} | :: feminine noun of politicien |
politique {adj} | :: political |
politique {f} [uncountable] | :: politics |
politique {f} | :: policy |
politique de l'autruche {f} | :: ostrich politics, ostrich policy |
politique du saucissonnage {f} | :: salami technique (reach a goal using small steps) |
politiquement {adv} | :: politically |
politiquement correct {adj} | :: politically correct ((of language) not objectionable) |
politiquement correct {m} [France] | :: political correctness |
politisation {f} | :: politicization |
politisé {adj} | :: politicised |
politiser {vt} | :: to politicize |
politiste {mf} | :: synonym of politologue |
politologue {mf} | :: political scientist |
polka {f} | :: polka (dance and music) |
pollakiurie {f} [pathology] | :: pollakiuria |
pollen {m} | :: pollen |
pollénine {f} | :: pollenin |
Pollestres {prop} {mf} | :: Pollestres (town) |
pollinifère {adj} | :: polliniferous |
pollinique {adj} [attributive] | :: pollen |
pollinisateur {adj} [of an insect] | :: pollenising |
pollinisateur {m} [botany] | :: pollinator |
pollinisation {f} | :: pollination |
polliniser {v} | :: to pollinate |
polluant {adj} | :: polluting, which pollutes |
polluant {m} | :: pollutant, a substance which pollutes |
polluer {v} | :: to pollute (create pollution) |
polluer {v} | :: to soil, to pollute (to defame) |
pollueur {m} | :: polluter |
pollueuse {f} | :: feminine noun of pollueur |
pollupostage {m} [Internet] | :: spam |
pollutaxe {f} | :: pollution tax |
pollution {f} | :: pollution |
pollution lumineuse {f} | :: light pollution |
Pollux {prop} [Greek god] | :: Pollux |
Pollux {prop} [star] | :: Pollux |
polo {m} | :: polo (ball game played on horseback) |
polo {m} | :: polo shirt |
Pologne {prop} {f} | :: Pologne (country) |
poloïdal {adj} [physics] | :: poloidal |
polonais {m} | :: Polish, the Polish language |
polonais {adj} | :: Polish |
Polonais {m} | :: Pole, someone from Poland |
polonaise {f} | :: polonaise |
Polonaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Polonais |
poloniser {v} | :: To Polonize |
polonium {m} | :: polonium |
poloniure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: polonide |
polovtsien {adj} | :: Polovtsian |
Polovtsien {m} | :: Polovtsian (male) |
Polovtsienne {f} | :: female equivalent of Polovtsien |
poltron {mf} [pejorative] | :: coward |
poltron {adj} [pejorative] | :: cowardly |
poltronnement {adv} | :: cowardly |
poltronnerie {f} | :: cowardice |
poly- {prefix} | :: poly- (many) |
poly. {adj} | :: alternative form of poly |
poly. {n} | :: alternative form of poly |
poly {adj} [slang] | :: clipping of polytechnique |
poly {adj} [slang] | :: clipping of polyvalent |
poly {mf} [slang] | :: clipping of polytechnique (this is itself a clipping of institut polytechnique or école polytechnique) |
poly {mf} [slang] | :: clipping of polyvalente (this is itself a clipping of institut polyvalent or école polyvalente) |
polyacide {m} [chemistry] | :: polyacid |
polyacrylique {adj} | :: polyacrylic |
polyacrylique {m} | :: polyacrylic |
polyade {m} [maths] | :: polyad |
polyadelphe {adj} [botany] | :: polyadelphous |
polyadelphie {f} [botany] | :: polyadelphy |
polyadelphine {f} [mineral] | :: polyadelphite |
polyadène {adj} [botany] | :: polyadenous (having many glands or nodules) |
polyadique {adj} [maths] | :: polyadic |
polyakène {m} [botany] | :: polyachene |
polyalcool {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyalcohol |
polyallélisme {m} [genetics] | :: polyallelism |
polyamour {m} | :: polyamory (practices involving relationships with multiple partners) |
polyamoureux {adj} | :: polyamorous |
polyandre {adj} | :: polyandrous |
polyandrie {f} | :: polyandry |
polyandrique {adj} | :: polyandrous |
polyandrisme {m} | :: polyandrism |
polyanthe {adj} | :: polyanthous |
polyanthropie {f} | :: polyanthropy |
polyarchie {f} | :: polyarchy |
polyarène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyarene |
polyarthrite {f} | :: polyarthritis |
polyarthrite rhumatoïde {f} | :: rhumatoid polyarthritis |
polyarticulaire {adj} | :: polyarticular |
polyatomique {adj} [chemistry] | :: polyatomic |
polyazole {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyazole |
polybasique {adj} [chemistry] | :: polybasic |
Polybe {prop} {m} | :: Polybius |
polybutadiène {m} | :: polybutadiene |
polycalique {adj} | :: polycalic |
polycamératique {adj} | :: polycameratic |
polycarboxylate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polycarboxylate |
polycarburant {adj} | :: multifuel |
polycarpellé {adj} [botany] | :: polycarpic (having multiple carpels in a fruit) |
polycarpien {adj} [botany] | :: polycarpic (bearing fruit repeatedly) |
polycarpien {adj} | :: Of or from Saint-Polycarpe (in Quebec) |
polycarpique {adj} [botany] | :: polycarpic (all senses) |
polycentrique {adj} | :: polycentric |
polycentrisme {m} | :: polycentrism |
polycéphale {adj} | :: polycephalic |
polycétide {m} [biochemistry] | :: polyketide |
polycétone {f} [organic chemistry] | :: polyketone |
polychète {f} [zoology] | :: polychete |
polychimiothérapie {f} [medicine] | :: polychemotherapy |
polychlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: polychloride |
polycholie {f} [pathology] | :: polycholia |
polychore {m} [geometry] | :: polychoron |
polychorique {adj} [statistics] | :: polychoric |
polychreste {m} | :: polychrest |
polychroïsme {m} [physics] | :: polychroism |
polychroïte {f} | :: polychroite |
polychromatique {adj} | :: polychromatic (all senses) |
polychrome {adj} | :: polychrome |
polychrome {adj} | :: multicoloured |
polychromer {v} [art] | :: To paint (especially a statue) in many colours |
polychromie {f} | :: polychromy |
polychromiser {v} | :: To paint (typically a statue) using polychrome |
polychrone {adj} | :: polychrone (attributive) |
polychrone {adj} [physics] | :: polychronous |
polycistronique {adj} [genetics] | :: polycistronic |
polyclade {adj} [zoology, botany] | :: polycladose, polycladous |
polycladie {f} [botany] | :: polyclady |
polyclinique {f} | :: private hospital |
polycombustible {adj} | :: synonym of multicombustible |
polycondensat {m} [chemistry] | :: polycondensate |
polycondensé {adj} | :: polycondensed |
polyconique {adj} | :: polyconic |
polycopiage {m} | :: duplication (of documents) |
polycopie {f} | :: duplicating (of documents) |
polycopie {f} | :: duplicate (document) |
polycopié {adj} | :: duplicated |
polycopier {vt} | :: to duplicate [documents] |
polycopieuse {f} | :: duplicator (duplicating machine) |
polycorde {m} [music] | :: polychord |
polycorde {adj} [music] | :: polychordal |
polycotylaire {adj} [botany] | :: polycotyledonous |
polycratie {f} | :: polycracy |
polycristallin {adj} | :: polycrystalline |
polyculturalisme {m} | :: synonym of multiculturalisme |
polycyclique {adj} | :: polycyclic |
polycylindrique {adj} | :: multi-cylinder (of an engine) |
polycylindrique {adj} | :: polycylindrical |
polydactyle {adj} | :: polydactylous |
polydactylie {f} | :: polydactyly |
polydactylisme {m} | :: polydactylism |
polydenté {adj} | :: polydentate |
polydiméthylsiloxane {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polydimethylsiloxane |
polydipsie {f} | :: polydipsia |
polydispersé {adj} | :: polydisperse |
polydispersité {f} | :: polydispersity |
polyèdre {m} | :: polyhedron (geometry: solid figure) |
polyedrique {adj} | :: alternative form of polyédrique |
polyédrique {adj} | :: polyhedral |
polyembryonie {f} [botany] | :: polyembryony |
polyène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyene |
polyépoxyde {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyepoxide, epoxy (resin) |
polyergue {f} | :: Amazon ant (of the genus Polyergus) |
polyestérifier {v} | :: To polyesterify |
polyéthylène {m} | :: polyethylene |
polyéthylène téréphtalate {m} | :: polyethylene terephthalate (PET) |
polyextrêmophile {mf} [biology] | :: polyextremophile |
polyfonctionnel {adj} | :: Polyfunctional |
polygalactie {f} | :: polygalactia |
polygale {m} | :: milkwort |
polygaline {f} [obsolete, chemistry] | :: polygalin |
polygalique {adj} | :: polygalic |
polygame {adj} | :: polygamous |
polygame {mf} | :: polygamist |
polygamie {f} | :: polygamy |
polygamique {adj} | :: polygamic |
polygamite {m} | :: polygamist |
polygastrique {adj} | :: polygastric |
polygenèse {adj} | :: polygenetic |
polygenèse {f} | :: polygenesis |
polygénèse {adj} | :: alternative form of polygenèse |
polygénèse {mf} | :: alternative form of polygenèse |
polygénétique {adj} | :: polygenetic |
polygénique {adj} | :: polygenic |
polygénisme {m} | :: polygenism |
polygéniste {adj} | :: polygenist |
polygéniste {mf} | :: polygenist |
polyglotte {adj} | :: polyglot |
polyglotte {mf} | :: a polyglot |
polyglottement {adv} | :: polyglottically |
polyglottement {adv} | :: multilingually |
polyglotter {v} | :: To speak several languages |
polyglottisme {m} | :: polyglotism |
polygonacée {f} | :: knotweed (of family Polygonaceae) |
polygonal {adj} | :: polygonal |
polygonation {f} | :: polygonation |
polygone {m} | :: polygon |
polygoniser {v} | :: To polygonize |
polygonométrie {f} [maths] | :: polygonometry |
polygramme {m} [linguistics] | :: polygraph |
polygraphe {m} | :: polygraph (device to discern if a subject is lying) |
polygraphe {m} | :: polygraph (all other senses) |
polygraphie {f} | :: polygraphy |
polygraphique {adj} | :: polygraphic |
polygraphiste {mf} | :: polygraphist |
polygynandrie {f} [biology] | :: polygynandry |
polygyne {adj} | :: polygynous |
polygynie {f} | :: polygyny |
polygynique {adj} | :: polygynous |
polyhandicap {m} | :: polyhandicap |
polyhandicapé {adj} | :: Having a polyhandicap |
polyholoside {m} [carbohydrate] | :: polysaccharide |
polyhydrite {f} [mineral] | :: polyhydrite |
polyhydroxyalcanoate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyhydroxyalkanoate |
polyinsaturé {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: polyunsaturated |
polyiodure {m} [chemistry] | :: polyiodide |
polyisoprène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyisoprene |
polykétide {m} | :: alternative form of polycétide |
polykystique {adj} [medicine] | :: polycystic |
polylactique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: polylactic |
polylobé {adj} | :: polylobate |
polymaste {adj} | :: polymastic |
polymastie {f} | :: polymastia |
polymathe {mf} | :: polymath |
polymathie {f} | :: polymathy |
polymathique {adj} | :: polymathic |
polymathisme {m} | :: polymathy |
polymédicamenté {adj} | :: Requiring several different medications |
polymélie {m} [pathology] | :: polymelia |
polyménorrhée {f} | :: polymenorrhea |
polymérase {f} | :: polymerase |
polymère {m} | :: polymer |
polymérique {adj} [chemistry] | :: polymeric |
polymèrique {adj} [chemistry] | :: polymeric |
polymérisable {adj} | :: polymerizable |
polymérisation {f} | :: polymerization |
polymérisé {adj} | :: polymerized |
polymériser {vt} [chemistry] | :: to polymerize |
polymérisme {m} [chemistry] | :: polymerism |
polymétallique {adj} | :: polymetallic |
polymicrogyrie {f} [pathology] | :: polymicrogyria |
polymorphe {adj} | :: polymorphic |
polymorphe {adj} | :: polymorphous |
polymorphie {m} | :: polymorphia, polymorphism |
polymorphique {adj} | :: polymorphic |
polymorphisme {m} | :: polymorphism |
polymorphisme {m} [object-oriented programming] | :: polymorphism |
polymyosite {f} [pathology] | :: polymyositis, dermatomyositis |
polymythie {f} | :: polymythy |
polynational {adj} | :: multinational |
Polynésie {prop} {f} | :: Polynesia |
Polynésie française {prop} {f} | :: French Polynesia |
polynésien {adj} | :: Polynesian (of or pertaining to Polynesia or its people or culture) |
Polynésien {m} | :: Polynesian person |
Polynésienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Polynésien |
polynévrite {f} [pathology] | :: polyneuritis |
polynia {m} | :: polynya |
polynôme {m} [maths] | :: polynomial |
polynomial {adj} | :: polynomial |
polynômial {adj} | :: alternative form of polynomial |
polynucléaire {adj} | :: polynuclear |
polynucléotide {m} | :: polynucleotide |
polyodonte {adj} | :: polyodont |
polyoléfine {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyolefin |
polyonychie {f} | :: polyonychia |
polyonyme {adj} | :: polynymous |
polyopie {f} | :: polyopia |
polyoside {m} [carbohydrate] | :: polysaccharide |
polyosidique {adj} | :: polysaccharidal |
polyoxygéné {adj} [chemistry] | :: polyoxygenated |
polyoxyméthylène {m} [organic compound] | :: polyoxymethylene |
polyparasitisme {m} [biology] | :: polyparasitism |
polype {m} | :: polyp |
polypeptidique {adj} | :: polypeptidic |
polypétale {adj} | :: polypetalous |
polypeux {adj} | :: polypous |
polyphagie {f} | :: polyphagia |
polyphasé {adj} | :: polyphase (electrical) |
polyphasique {adj} | :: polyphasic |
polyphénol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyphenol |
polyphénolique {adj} | :: polyphenolic |
polyphobie {f} | :: polyphobia |
polyphonie {f} | :: polyphony |
polyphonique {adj} | :: polyphonic |
polyphoniquement {adv} | :: polyphonically |
polyphylétique {adj} [systematics] | :: polyphyletic |
polyphylie {f} [systematics] | :: polyphyly |
polyphylle {adj} [botany] | :: polyphyllous |
polypiforme {adj} | :: polypiform |
polyploïde {adj} [genetics] | :: polyploid |
polyploïdie {f} [genetics] | :: polyploidy |
polyploïdiser {v} [genetics] | :: To polyploidize |
polypnée {f} | :: polypnea |
polypoïde {adj} | :: polypoid |
polypose {f} | :: polyposis |
polyprénol {m} [organic compound] | :: polyprenol |
polypropylène {m} | :: polypropylene |
polyptote {m} | :: polyptoton (stylistic scheme) |
polyptyque {m} [art] | :: polyptych |
polyrrhize {adj} | :: polyrhizal |
polysaccaride {m} | :: alternative form of polysaccharide |
polysaccharide {m} | :: synonym of polyoside |
polysarcie {f} | :: polysarcia |
polysémantique {adj} | :: polysemantic |
polysème {m} [linguistics] | :: polyseme |
polysème {adj} [linguistics] | :: polyseme |
polysémie {f} | :: polysemy (ability to have multiple meanings) |
polysémique {adj} | :: polysemic (having a number of meanings, interpretations or understandings) |
polysémiquement {adv} | :: polysemically |
polysépale {adj} [botany] | :: polysepalous |
polysialie {f} | :: polysialia |
polysomie {f} [genetics] | :: polysomy |
polysomique {adj} [genetics] | :: polysomic |
polyspaste {m} | :: polyspast (machine consisting of many pulleys) |
polysperme {adj} | :: polyspermous |
polyspermie {f} | :: polyspermy |
polystyrène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polystyrene |
polystyrène {m} | :: styrofoam |
polysulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: polysulfide / polysulphide |
polysyllabe {adj} | :: polysyllabic |
polysyllabe {m} | :: polysyllable |
polysyllabique {adj} | :: polysyllabic |
polysyndète {f} [rhetoric] | :: polysyndeton |
polysynodie {f} | :: polysynody |
polysynodique {adj} | :: polysynodic |
polysynthétique {adj} | :: polysynthetic |
polysynthétisme {m} | :: polysynthesis |
polytechnicien {adj} | :: related to École polytechnique |
polytechnicien {m} | :: graduate of an École polytechnique |
polytechnicienne {f} | :: female equivalent of polytechnicien |
polytechnique {adj} | :: polytechnic |
Polytechnique {prop} {f} [France, familiar] | :: the École Polytechnique, a major institute of higher learning outside of Paris |
polytélite {f} [mineral] | :: polytelite |
polyterpène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polyterpene |
polytétrafluoroéthylène {m} [organic chemistry] | :: polytetrafluoroethylene |
polythéiser {v} | :: To polytheize |
polythéisme {m} [religion] | :: polytheism |
polythéiste {mf} | :: polytheist |
polythétique {adj} | :: polythetic |
polythiazyle {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: polythiazyl |
polytomie {f} | :: polytomy |
polytonal {adj} [music] | :: polytonal |
polytonalité {f} [music] | :: polytonality |
polytonique {adj} | :: polytonic (of music, multi-toned) |
polytonique {adj} [phonology] | :: polytonic |
polytope {m} | :: polytope |
polytopisme {m} | :: polytopism |
polytoxicomane {mf} | :: polytoxicomaniac (person addicted to multiple drugs) |
polytraumatique {adj} | :: polytraumatic |
polytraumatisme {m} | :: polytrauma |
polytric {m} | :: polytrichum |
polytropie {f} | :: polytropism |
polytropique {adj} | :: polytropic |
polytyper {v} | :: To polytype |
polyuréthane {m} | :: polyurethane (any of various polymeric resins containing urethane links) |
polyurie {f} [pathology] | :: polyuria |
polyurique {adj} | :: polyuric |
polyvalence {m} | :: versatility |
polyvalent {adj} | :: versatile, multipurpose; that has various uses, functions, or capacities |
polyvalent {m} | :: an employee who carries out various different functions |
polyvinyle {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: polyvinyl |
polyvinylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: polyvinylic |
polyzoaire {m} | :: polyzoon, bryozoon |
polyzoïque {adj} | :: polyzoic |
pomelo {m} | :: alternative spelling of pomélo |
pomélo {m} | :: grapefruit |
pomélo {m} | :: pomelo |
Poméranie {prop} | :: Pomerania |
pommade {f} | :: ointment (a thick viscous preparation for application to the skin, often containing medication) |
pommade {f} | :: pomade (such a substance used for hair styling) |
pommadé {adj} | :: pomaded |
pomme {f} | :: apple (fruit) |
pomme {f} | :: Any of several objects of approximately the same shape and size |
pomme {f} | :: The fruit part of several vegetables |
pomme {f} [colloquial] | :: The head |
pommeau {m} | :: shower head |
pommeau {m} | :: pommel |
pomme d'Adam {f} | :: Adam's apple |
pomme d'amour {f} | :: toffee apple, candy apple |
pomme d'amour {f} [obsolete] | :: tomato |
pomme de discorde {f} | :: apple of discord, bone of contention |
pomme de pin {f} | :: pinecone |
pomme de pré {f} [Acadia, dialectal, rare] | :: cranberry |
pomme de terre {f} | :: potato (Solanum tuberosum) |
pomme frite {f} | :: [usually plural] frite; singular of pommes frites (french fries) |
pommelé {adj} | :: dappled |
pomme paille {f} | :: skinny fry; skinny chip |
pomme purée {f} | :: mashed potatoes; alternative form of purée de pommes de terre |
pomme purée {f} | :: pomme puree; (mashed potatoes made from the traditional high cuisine method) |
pommer {v} [of vegetables, especially cabbage and lettuce] | :: To develop a fruit |
pommeraie {f} | :: apple orchard |
pommes frites {fp} | :: french fries; chips |
pommes soufflées {fp} | :: slices of potato that have been fried twice so that they puff up into little balloons and turn golden-brown |
pommette {f} | :: cheekbone |
pommier {m} | :: apple tree |
pomœrium {m} | :: pomerium |
pomologie {f} | :: pomology |
pompage {m} | :: pumping |
pompe {f} | :: pump |
pompe {f} [gymnastics] | :: push-up |
pompe {f} [music] | :: Style of strumming, used especially in gypsy jazz |
pompe {f} | :: a solemn procession |
pompe {f} | :: pomp, vainglory |
pompe {f} | :: style, class |
pompe {f} [France, slang] | :: shoe |
pompé {adj} | :: pumped |
pompe à essence {f} | :: gas pump |
pompe à essence {f} | :: gas station, filling station |
Pompéi {prop} | :: Pompeii |
pompéien {adj} | :: Pompeiian |
pomper {v} | :: to pump |
pomper {v} [Europe, slang] | :: To copy |
pomper {vr} [Quebec, slang] | :: To grow angrier as time goes on, especially if there are no further reasons to do so |
pomper {v} [slang] | :: To fellate (1) |
pomper {v} [rare] | :: To make pumped up |
pomper l'air {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to annoy (someone) |
pompeusement {adv} | :: pompously |
pompeux {adj} | :: pompous, bombastic (affectedly grand) |
pompidolien {adj} | :: Of or from Le Pompidou |
pompidolien {adj} | :: Relating to, or characteristic of Georges Pompidou |
Pompidou {prop} | :: surname |
Pompidou {prop} | :: Georges Pompidou (1911-1974), a French politician and former president of France |
pompier {m} | :: fireman, firefighter |
pompier {m} [slang] | :: blowjob |
pompière {f} | :: feminine singular of pompier |
pom-pom girl {f} | :: a female cheerleader |
pompon {m} | :: pompon (bundle of yarn, string, ribbon, etc.) |
pomponnable {adj} | :: primpable |
pomponner {vt} | :: to primp, titivate, prettify |
ponant {m} | :: The west |
ponant {m} | :: The western ocean (rather than the Mediterranean) |
ponantais {adj} [nautical] | :: western |
ponçage {m} | :: sanding |
ponce {f} | :: pumice |
ponce {f} [Quebec] | :: hot alcoholic beverage made with gin or rum |
Ponce {prop} {m} | :: Pontius |
ponceau {m} | :: corn poppy |
ponceau {m} | :: poppy colour |
ponceau {m} | :: a small bridge |
poncer {v} | :: to rub down with an abrasive, sandpaper |
ponceuse {f} | :: sander (machine used for sanding) |
ponch {m} | :: alternative spelling of punch |
poncho {m} | :: poncho |
poncif {m} [literary] | :: banality, derivative, stereotype |
ponction {f} | :: puncture (especially a surgical one) |
ponction {f} | :: deduction, that which is taken away (such as a tax) |
ponctionner {vt} | :: to puncture |
ponctionner {vt} | :: to deduct [tax, etc.] |
ponctualité {f} | :: punctuality |
ponctuation {f} | :: punctuation |
ponctué {adj} | :: punctuated |
ponctuel {adj} | :: punctual, on time |
ponctuel {adj} [physics] | :: pointlike |
ponctuel {adj} | :: infrequent, occasional |
ponctuellement {adv} | :: punctually |
ponctuellement {adv} | :: occasionally, less frequently, only at certain times |
ponctuer {v} | :: to punctuate |
pondaison {f} [rare] | :: egglaying season |
pondérable {adj} | :: ponderable |
pondéral {adj} | :: weight (attributive); ponderal |
pondération {f} | :: weighting |
pondération {f} | :: balance |
pondérer {v} | :: to weight (applying a weighting to) |
pondéreux {adj} | :: weighty, ponderous |
pondeuse {f} | :: an egg layer |
pondeuse {f} [slang, by extension, pejorative] | :: a woman who gives birth to many children; a breeder |
Pondichéry {prop} | :: Puducherry (Puducherry, India) |
pondoir {m} | :: nest box |
pondre {v} | :: to lay (eggs) |
pondre {v} [slang, France] | :: to give birth |
poney {m} | :: pony |
pongiste {mf} | :: table tennis player |
Poniatowski {prop} | :: surname |
pont {m} | :: bridge |
pont {m} | :: deck |
pont {m} [dentistry, Canada] | :: bridge |
pont aérien {m} | :: airlift |
pontage {m} [medicine] | :: bypass (an alternative passage created to divert a bodily fluid around a damaged organ) |
pontage {m} | :: bridge-building |
pont disulfure {m} [chemistry] | :: disulfide bond |
pont d'or {m} | :: golden hello |
ponte {f} | :: laying of eggs |
ponte {f} | :: laying season |
ponte {m} | :: "punter (cards)" |
ponté {adj} | :: bridged |
Ponte Euxine {prop} {m} [obsolete] | :: Euxine Sea |
ponter {v} | :: to build a bridge |
pontet {m} | :: small bridge |
pontet {m} | :: trigger guard |
ponteuse {f} | :: wire bonder |
Pont-Euxin {prop} {m} | :: the Black Sea |
pontier {m} | :: bridgetender |
pontière {f} | :: feminine noun of pontier |
pontife {m} | :: pontiff [all senses] |
pontifical {adj} | :: pontifical |
pontificalement {adv} | :: pontifically |
pontificat {m} | :: pontificate (state of a pontifex) |
pontifier {v} | :: to pontificate |
pont-levis {m} | :: drawbridge |
ponton {m} [military] | :: pontoon |
ponton {m} [nautical] | :: pontoon (floating structure supporting a bridge or dock) |
ponton {m} [nautical] | :: pontoon (the boat) |
pont suspendu {m} | :: suspension bridge |
POO {f} | :: initialism of programmation orientée objet (OOP) |
pooler {v} | :: To pool (combine resources) |
poolish {m} | :: poolish |
pop {adj} | :: pop (popular) |
pop {m} | :: pop, pop music |
pop-corn {m} | :: popcorn |
popcorn {m} | :: alternative spelling of pop-corn |
poper {v} [Internet] | :: To access email via a POP server |
Popesco {prop} | :: surname |
Popescu {prop} | :: surname |
poplité {adj} [anatomy] | :: Related to the calf |
popo {m} | :: potty |
popo {m} | :: poop (excrement) |
popotin {m} [colloquial] | :: bum (UK), butt (US) |
Poppée {prop} | :: Poppaea |
poppérien {adj} | :: Popperian |
populace {f} | :: populace, common people |
populacier {adj} [pejorative] | :: vulgar, common |
populacièrement {adv} | :: vulgarly, commonly |
populage {m} | :: kingcup (Caltha palustris) |
populage des marais {m} | :: kingcup, buttercup, marsh marigold |
populaire {adj} | :: popular (relating to the people), working-class |
populaire {adj} | :: popular (liked by many people) |
populaire {adj} | :: People's, as in People's Republic of China (in French: République Populaire de Chine) |
populaire {adj} [linguistics] | :: colloquial |
populaire {m} | :: populace, the people |
populairement {adv} | :: popularly |
popularisé {adj} | :: popularized |
populariser {v} | :: to popularize |
popularité {f} | :: popularity |
population {f} | :: A population |
populationnel {adj} | :: populational |
populeux {adj} | :: populous (densely populated) |
populicole {adj} | :: poplar (attributive) |
populine {f} [organic compound] | :: populin |
populisme {m} | :: populism |
populiste {adj} | :: populist |
populo {m} [slang, pejorative] | :: hoi polloi, commoners, plebs |
poquer {v} [obsolete] | :: in pétanque, to throw the boule up high so that it stops dead when it hits the ground |
porc {m} | :: pork |
porc {m} | :: pig |
porcelaine {f} | :: cowrie, a mollusk of the family Cypraeidae, or its translucent shell |
porcelaine {f} | :: porcelain, the translucent ceramic of fine china, or vessels made of this material |
porcelainier {m} | :: A person who makes or sells porcelain |
porcelainière {f} | :: feminine singular of porcelainier |
porcelet {m} | :: diminutive of porc: piglet |
porc-épic {m} | :: porcupine |
porche {m} | :: porch, portico (decorated or ornate entrance to a building) |
porcher {m} | :: swineherd (pig keeper) |
porchère {f} | :: feminine noun of porcher |
porcherie {f} [literally or figuratively] | :: pigsty |
porcin {adj} | :: porcine; pig (of or relating to pigs) |
Pordenone {prop} | :: Pordenone (province) |
Pordenone {prop} | :: Pordenone (capital city) |
pore {m} | :: pore (small opening in skin) |
pore {m} | :: by extension, small openings |
poreux {adj} | :: porous |
Pori {prop} | :: Pori (city) |
porisme {m} [maths] | :: porism |
poristique {adj} [geometry] | :: poristic |
porn {f} | :: porn |
porno {m} [uncountable, colloquial] | :: porno; porn |
porno {m} [countable, colloquial] | :: a porn movie, a skin flick, a blue movie |
pornographe {mf} | :: pornographer |
pornographie {f} | :: pornography |
pornographique {adj} | :: pornographic |
pornographiquement {adv} | :: pornographically |
porosité {f} | :: porosity, porousness |
porosité {f} | :: permeability |
porphyre {m} | :: porphyry |
porphyrine {f} [organic compound] | :: porphyrin |
port {m} | :: port, harbour |
port {m} | :: port, harbour city |
port {m} | :: refuge |
port {m} | :: transport |
port {m} | :: postage |
port {m} | :: stature, way of carrying oneself |
port {m} | :: wearing (act of wearing something) |
portabilité {f} | :: portability |
portabilité {f} | :: wearability |
portable {adj} | :: portable |
portable {m} | :: a cell phone; ellipsis of téléphone portable |
portable {m} | :: a laptop; ellipsis of ordinateur portable |
portail {m} | :: portal (imposing entrance) |
portail {m} [Internet] | :: portal |
portail {m} | :: gate |
portail {m} [figuratively] | :: portal (entry point) |
portance {f} | :: lift (upward force, such as that which keeps an aircraft aloft) |
portance {f} | :: bearing pressure |
portant {adj} | :: carrying |
portatif {adj} | :: portable |
Port-au-Prince {prop} | :: Port-au-Prince (capital city) |
port d'attache {m} | :: port of registry |
port d'attache {m} [figuratively] | :: home base |
port de plaisance {m} | :: marina |
porte {f} | :: door |
porte {f} | :: gate (to a city, at airport) |
porte {f} [figuratively] | :: gateway, means, door |
porté {adj} [followed by the preposition sur] | :: fond of, fixated on something |
porte à deux battants {f} | :: a set of double doors |
porte-aéronefs {m} | :: aircraft carrier |
porte-à-faux {m} | :: unstable position |
porte-à-faux {m} [figuratively] | :: awkward situation, awkward position |
porte-à-faux {m} [architecture] | :: cantilever |
porte-à-porte {adj} | :: door-to-door (going from house to house) |
porte-avions {m} | :: aircraft carrier, a type of warship |
porte-bonheur {m} | :: lucky charm |
porte-cigares {m} | :: cigarette case |
porte-clé {m} | :: alternative spelling of porte-clef |
porte-clef {m} [archaic] | :: turnkey |
porte-clef {m} | :: keychain, keyring |
porte cochère {f} | :: porte cochère |
porte-coton {m} | :: Groom of the Stool |
porte-croix {m} | :: cross bearer |
porte d'embarquement {f} | :: departure gate, boarding gate |
porte d'entrée {f} | :: front door |
porte de sortie {f} | :: exit door |
porte de sortie {f} [figuratively] | :: way out, escape route, get out of jail free card; get-out, loophole |
porté disparu {adj} [of a victim] | :: reported missing, listed missing, missing in action |
porte-documents {m} | :: briefcase |
porte-drapeau {m} | :: flagbearer |
portée {f} | :: reach |
portée {f} | :: litter (animals born in one birth) |
portée {f} | :: range (of a weapon) |
portée {f} [music] | :: stave |
portefaix {m} [archaic] | :: porter |
porte-fenêtre {f} | :: French window, French door |
portefeuille {m} | :: wallet |
portefeuille {m} | :: folder |
portefeuille {m} | :: portfolio (investments) |
portefeuille {m} [politics] | :: portfolio |
porte-jaja {m} [slang] | :: suspender belt (UK), garter belt (US) |
porte-jarretelles {m} | :: suspender belt (UK), garter belt (US) |
porte-malheur {m} | :: jinx, bad-luck charm |
portemanteau {m} | :: coat stand, coat rack |
porte-mine {m} | :: mechanical pencil |
portemine {m} | :: alternative spelling of porte-mine |
porte-monnaie {m} | :: purse |
portemonnaie {m} | :: alternative form of porte-monnaie |
porte moustiquaire {f} | :: A screen door (a door designed to let air flow but keep out insects, using an insect screen) |
porte papillon {f} | :: butterfly door (a door mounted on a central pivot point which opens both inwards and outwards at the same time from the two halves) |
porte papillon {f} | :: a door which opens upwards, such as gullwing doors and scissor doors |
porte-parole {mf} | :: A spokesperson, a spokesman, a spokeswoman |
porter {v} | :: to carry |
porter {v} | :: to support, to bear |
porter {v} | :: to wear |
porter {v} [of a subject, followed by the preposition sur] | :: (porter sur quelque chose) to be about, to concern |
porter {vr} [se porter] | :: to feel, to carry one's self |
porter {m} | :: porter (beer) |
porter à ébullition {v} [cooking] | :: to bring to the boil |
porter à faux {v} | :: to jut out, to be out of the perpendicular; to overhang |
porter assistance {v} [à] | :: to give assistance to someone |
porter atteinte {v} [à] | :: to harm, to detract from |
porter aux nues {vt} | :: to praise to the skies, to sing the praises of, to extol |
porter bonheur {v} | :: to bring luck |
porter de l'eau à la rivière {v} [figuratively] | :: to carry coals to Newcastle |
porter la culotte {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to wear the pants, to wear the trousers |
porter la poisse {v} [colloquial] | :: to jinx, to bring bad luck, to bring misfortune, to be unlucky |
porter le chapeau {v} [figuratively] | :: to shoulder the blame, to take the blame, to take the fall, to take the rap, to carry the can |
porter malheur {v} | :: to bring bad luck, to bring misfortune, to be unlucky |
porter ombrage {v} [à] | :: to overshadow, to outshine, to put in the shade, to eclipse |
porter plainte {v} | :: to complain, to lodge a (formal) complaint |
porter plainte {v} [legal] | :: to bring a criminal action (contre (against)) |
porter sa croix {v} [figuratively] | :: to bear one's cross, to carry one's cross |
porter secours {v} [à] | :: to bring help to someone, to come to someone's aid, to come to someone's rescue, to help someone |
porter ses fruits {v} [figuratively] | :: to bear fruit, to pay off |
porteur {m} | :: carrier (one who carries) |
porteur {m} | :: porter |
porteur {m} | :: bringer; bearer |
porteur {m} | :: wearer (one who wears) |
porteur {adj} | :: carrying (in the process or carrying) |
porteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of porteur |
portfolio {m} | :: portfolio |
Porthos {prop} | :: [very rare] given name |
Porthos {prop} | :: One of the Three Musketeers |
portier {m} | :: gatekeeper, doorkeeper, doorman |
portier {m} [soccer] | :: goalkeeper |
portière {f} | :: feminine noun of portier |
portière {f} | :: car door |
portillon {m} | :: gate |
portion {f} | :: portion |
portique {m} [architecture] | :: portico |
portique {m} | :: gantry |
portique {m} | :: A type of crane |
portique {m} | :: frame (of a swing, jungle gym etc.) |
portique {m} | :: metal detector (at airport etc.) |
porto {m} | :: port wine |
Porto {prop} | :: Oporto |
porto-ricain {adj} | :: alternative form of portoricain |
portoricain {adj} | :: Puerto Rican |
Portoricain {m} | :: Puerto Rican (person from Puerto Rico) |
Porto-Ricain {m} | :: alternative form of Portoricain |
Portoricaine {f} | :: feminine noun of Portoricain |
Porto-Ricaine {f} | :: feminine noun of Porto-Ricain |
Porto Rico {prop} {m} | :: Puerto Rico |
portos {mf} [pejorative, ethnic slur] | :: Portuguese |
portrait {m} | :: portrait |
portrait {m} [printing] | :: portrait (format) |
portrait {m} | :: description (of a person or things) |
portrait craché {m} | :: spitting image, dead ringer |
portraitiste {mf} | :: portraitist (portrait painter or photographer) |
portraiture {f} [obsolete] | :: portrait |
portraiturer {vt} | :: to paint a portrait |
portraiturer {vt} | :: to portray |
Port Royal {prop} {m} | :: Port Royal; alternative form of Port-Royal |
Port-Royal {prop} {m} | :: Port-Royal (former capital city) |
Port-Royal {prop} {m} | :: A location in Canada |
Port-Royal {prop} {m} [historical] | :: Port-Royal (former capital city) |
Port-Royal {prop} {m} [historical] | :: former name of Annapolis Port-Royal (town) |
Port-Royal {prop} {m} | :: Port-Royal (village) |
Port-Royal {prop} {m} | :: Port-Royal (village) |
Port-Royal {prop} {m} | :: Port-Royal (neighbourhood) |
Port-Royal {prop} {m} | :: A location in the United States of America |
Port-Royal {prop} {m} | :: Port-Royal (inlet) |
Port-Royal {prop} {m} | :: Port-Royal (island) |
Port-Royal {prop} {m} | :: Port-Royal (city) |
portuaire {adj} [attributive] | :: port; relating to ports |
portugais {m} | :: Portuguese, the Portuguese language |
portugais {adj} | :: Portuguese |
Portugais {m} | :: a native of Portugal; a Portuguese |
portugais brésilien {m} | :: Brazilian Portuguese |
portugais du Brésil {m} | :: Brazilian Portuguese |
portugais du Portugal {m} | :: European Portuguese |
Portugaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Portugais; Portuguese (someone from Portugal) |
Portugal {prop} {m} | :: Portugal (country) |
posadisme {m} | :: Posadism |
posadiste {adj} | :: Posadist |
posadiste {mf} | :: Posadist |
pose {f} | :: installation |
pose {m} | :: extension (in telecommunications) |
Poséidon {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Poseidon |
posément {adv} | :: calmly |
posemètre {m} [photography] | :: exposure meter |
poser {vt} | :: to stop carrying, to put down (something or somebody) |
poser {vt} | :: to ask (a question) |
poser {vt} | :: to land (a plane) |
poser {vt} | :: to lay, place |
poser {vt} | :: to install, fit |
poser culotte {v} [dated, literary] | :: to defecate |
poser la chique et faire le mort {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] | :: to stay silent |
poser la première pierre {v} [figuratively] | :: to lay the first stone, to lay the foundation stone |
poser problème {v} [colloquial] | :: [à] to pose a problem to someone, to bother someone |
poser ses valises {v} [figuratively] | :: to settle down |
poser une colle {v} | :: See: fr poser une colle |
poser une colle {v} [colloquial] | :: [à] to bowl a googly, to set a poser, to stump, to ask a toughie (to ask someone a question they are unable to answer) |
poser une pêche {v} | :: See: fr poser une pêche |
poser une pêche {v} [very, colloquial] | :: to take a dump, to drop a deuce |
poser un lapin {v} | :: See: fr poser un lapin |
poser un lapin {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] To stand someone up |
poseur {adj} | :: pompous, affected |
poseur {m} | :: poseur |
posidonie {f} | :: seagrass (of genus Posidonia) |
positif {adj} | :: positive (characteristic) |
positif {adj} | :: (number) positive or zero. nonnegative |
positif {adj} | :: positive (for e.g. a drug test) |
positif {m} | :: positive, something positive |
positif {m} [physics] | :: positive (electrical polarity) |
positif {m} [linguistics] | :: positive form |
position {f} | :: position |
position de tête {f} [motorsports] | :: pole position |
position intéressante {f} [euphemistic, singulare tantum] | :: interesting condition |
position latérale de sécurité {f} | :: recovery position |
positionnel {adj} | :: positional |
positionnement {m} | :: positioning |
positionner {vt} | :: to position |
positionner {v} | :: to position oneself, to prepare oneself |
position sexuelle {f} | :: sexual position |
positivement {adv} | :: positively, absolutely |
positiver {v} | :: to think positively; to be optimistic |
positivisme {m} [philosophy] | :: positivism |
positiviste {adj} | :: positivist |
positivité {f} [countable or uncountable] | :: positivity |
positon {m} [physics] | :: positon |
positonique {adj} | :: alternative form of positronique |
positron {m} [particle] | :: positron |
positronique {adj} | :: positronic |
posologie {f} | :: posology |
possédant {adj} | :: propertied, property-owning |
posséder {v} | :: to own; to possess |
posséder sexuellement {v} [literary or dated, euphemistic] | :: to have sex (with) |
possesseur {m} | :: possessor |
possesseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of possesseur |
possessif {adj} | :: possessive |
possessif {m} [grammar] | :: possessive pronoun (broad sense); possessive pronoun (strict sense) or possessive adjective) |
possessif {m} [grammar] | :: possessive, possessive case |
possession {f} | :: possession |
possessivité {f} | :: possessiveness |
possessoire {adj} [legal] | :: possessory |
possessoirement {adv} [legal] | :: possessorily |
possessrice {f} | :: feminine noun of possesseur |
possibilisme {m} | :: possibilism |
possibiliste {adj} | :: possibilist |
possibiliste {mf} | :: possibilist |
possibilité {f} | :: possibility |
possible {adj} | :: possible |
possible {m} | :: The possible, feasible, what can be done, achieved etc |
possiblement {adv} | :: possibly |
post- {prefix} | :: post- |
post {m} [Internet] | :: post (message on a blog, etc.) |
postaccélérer {v} | :: To post-accelerate |
postage {m} | :: postage |
postage {m} [Internet] | :: post, posting |
postal {adj} | :: postal |
postalement {adv} | :: postally |
postalvéolaire {adj} | :: postalveolar |
postalvéolovélaire {adj} | :: postalveovelar |
postclassique {adj} | :: postclassical (after the classical era) |
postcombustion {f} | :: reheat, afterburning (in an aero engine) |
postcrânien {adj} | :: postcranial |
postdater {vt} | :: to postdate |
postdoctorant {m} | :: postdoctoral student |
postdoctorante {f} | :: feminine noun of postdoctorant |
poste {f} | :: post office |
poste {f} [uncountable] | :: mail, postal service/system |
poste {m} | :: job, post |
poste {m} | :: position (in sport, or observation post) |
poste {m} [slang] | :: police station (ellipsis of poste de police), nick |
poste {m} | :: a receiver, an electronic device |
poste {m} [colloquial] | :: radio (ellipsis of poste de radio) |
poste {m} [colloquial] | :: TV, TV set (ellipsis of poste de télévision) |
poste {m} | :: (telephone) extension |
poste {m} | :: stretch, stint (at work) |
poste de commandement {m} [military] | :: command post |
poste de contrôle {m} | :: checkpoint |
poste de contrôle {m} | :: control room |
poste d'écoute {m} [military] | :: listening post |
poste de quartier {m} | :: neighbourhood station / district station / community station |
poste d'essence {f} | :: petrol station, gas station |
poste de travail {m} | :: workstation (area for a single worker) |
poster {vt} | :: To post, (put in the) mail |
poster {vt} [military] | :: To post |
poster {m} | :: poster (A billboard to be posted on a public or private place) |
postérieur {adj} | :: posterior |
postérieurement {adv} | :: later, subsequently |
postériorité {f} | :: posteriority |
postérité {f} | :: posterity |
postérité {f} | :: history |
postfacé {adj} | :: Having an epilogue or afterword |
postfixé {adj} | :: postfix, reverse Polish |
posthomérique {adj} | :: post-Homeric |
posthume {adj} | :: posthumous (taking place after someone's death) |
posthumement {adv} | :: alternative form of posthumément |
posthumément {adv} | :: posthumously |
postiche {f} | :: toupee, hairpiece, wig |
postiche {f} | :: false moustache, false beard |
postiche {adj} | :: artificial; false |
postier {m} | :: postman, postal worker |
postière {f} | :: feminine noun of postier |
postillon {m} [historical] | :: postman (courier who rides post) |
postillon {m} | :: postilion |
postillon {m} [historical] | :: a French-style hat worn by the postal workers |
postillon {m} [colloquial] | :: spittle (drop of saliva) |
postillonner {v} | :: to splutter (speak while spitting) |
postillonneux {adj} | :: spluttery; spitty (of a voice, characterised by lots of spluttering or spitting) |
postimplantatoire {adj} | :: post-implant |
post-it {m} | :: post-it note, post-it |
postmoderne {adj} | :: postmodern (of, relating to, or having the characteristics of postmodernism) |
postmoderne {adj} | :: postmodernist |
postmodernisme {m} [art] | :: postmodernism |
postmodernité {f} | :: postmodernity |
postnucléaire {adj} | :: postnuclear |
postopératoire {adj} | :: postoperative |
postposer {v} [grammar] | :: to postpose |
postposer {v} [Belgium] | :: to postpone |
postposition {f} [grammar] | :: postposition |
postscolaire {adj} | :: after-school |
post scriptum {phrase} | :: post scriptum |
postscriptum {m} | :: alternative form of post-scriptum |
postsecondaire {adj} | :: postsecondary |
postsynaptique {adj} | :: postsynaptic |
postsynchronisation {f} | :: dubbing (adding sound to a film) |
postsynchroniser {vt} | :: to dub (add sound to a film) |
post-traumatique {adj} | :: post-traumatic |
postulat {m} [mathematics, logic] | :: postulate |
postulé {adj} | :: postulated |
postuler {vt} [obsolete] | :: to claim, to request, to ask for |
postuler {v} [à, pour] | :: to apply (for a job, a position, a title) |
postuler {v} | :: to postulate (assume as true) |
postuler {v} | :: to posit |
posture {f} | :: posture, attitude |
posture {f} | :: conduct, comportment |
pot {m} | :: pot, jar, vase, tin, can, carton (container of any of various materials) |
pot {m} | :: cooking pot (any vessel used to cook food) |
pot {m} [culinary] | :: dish |
pot {m} [childish] | :: potty (the pot used when toilet-training children) |
pot {m} [colloquial] | :: drink, jar, bevvy (alcoholic beverage) |
pot {m} [colloquial] | :: do [UK], bash, drinks party (small, informal party or celebration) |
pot {m} [card games] | :: pot, kitty, pool (money staked at cards, etc.) |
pot {m} [colloquial] | :: luck (success; chance occurrence, especially when favourable) |
pot {m} [oenology] | :: half-litre bottle or measure of wine |
pot {m} | :: pre-metric unit of measure, equivalent to 1.5 litres |
pot {m} | :: paper size, about 40 by 31 cm |
pot {m} [slang, vulgar] | :: arse, ass (buttocks) |
pot {m} [Canada] | :: pot, weed (cannabis, marijuana) |
potabilisation {f} | :: potabilization |
potabilité {f} | :: potability |
potable {adj} | :: potable |
potable {adj} [colloquial] | :: OK, passable |
potache {adj} | :: schoolboy |
potache {m} [colloquial] | :: student, school kid |
potage {m} | :: soup (dish) |
potage Crécy {m} | :: A kind of creamy carrot soup |
potage Esaü {m} | :: A kind of lentil soup |
potager {adj} | :: potager |
potager {m} | :: vegetable garden |
potager {m} | :: warming oven (a type of obsolete stone oven) |
potage Saint-Germain {m} | :: A kind of pea soup |
potamochère {m} | :: any species of the Potamochoerus genus |
potamoplancton {m} [biology] | :: potamoplankton |
potard {m} [electronics] | :: potentiometer |
potard {m} [slang] | :: pharmacy student or assistant |
potasse {f} | :: potash |
potasser {v} | :: to revise, cram (academic material, etc.) |
potassique {adj} [chemistry] | :: potassium (attributive) |
potassium {m} | :: potassium |
pot-au-feu {m} | :: Meat and vegetables cooked together in a large pot |
pot-au-feu {m} | :: A cooking pot |
Pot-au-Noir {prop} {m} [geography] | :: doldrums |
pot aux roses {m} | :: the underlying facts, the hidden truth, the secret, the mystery |
pot catalytique {m} | :: catalytic converter |
pot commun {m} [figuratively] | :: common purse, kitty (communal fund) |
pot de chambre {m} | :: chamber pot |
pot d'échappement {m} | :: an exhaust pipe |
pot de colle {m} | :: gluepot |
pot de colle {m} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: a clinging vine, a clingy person, a tagger-along, a cling-on, a leech |
pot de fleur {m} | :: A flowerpot |
pot de fleur {m} [figurative] | :: An inactive, improductive person, especially as a member of a committee or a group |
pot-de-vin {m} | :: a bribe, payoff, sop |
pote {mf} [colloquial] | :: mate (UK), buddy (US) |
poteau {m} | :: post, pole, stake, stanchion, strut, standard, prop |
poteau {m} [sports] | :: goalpost |
poteau {m} [France, slang] | :: friend, buddy |
potée {f} | :: potful |
potée {f} | :: hotpot [of various sorts] |
potelé {adj} [obsolete] | :: swollen, awkward |
potelé {adj} | :: plump, chubby |
potence {f} [construction] | :: post and braces |
potence {f} | :: gallows, gibbet (for hanging) |
potence {f} | :: stem (component on a bicycle) |
potentat {m} | :: potentate (a powerful leader) |
potentialisation {f} | :: potentiation, potentialization |
potentialiser {vt} | :: to potentiate |
potentialiser {vt} | :: to potentialize |
potentialité {f} | :: potentiality |
potentiel {adj} | :: potential |
potentiel {m} | :: potential |
potentiellement {adv} | :: potentially |
potentille {f} | :: cinquefoil, potentilla |
potentiomètre {m} | :: potentiometer |
Potenza {prop} | :: Potenza (city/and/province) |
poterie {f} | :: pottery |
poterne {f} | :: postern |
potiche {f} | :: porcelain vase |
potiche {f} | :: figurehead (person); window dressing |
potiche {f} [chiefly Europe] | :: trophy wife |
potier {m} | :: potter |
potier {adj} | :: potter, pottery |
potier {adj} | :: of or from Villers-les-Pots |
potière {f} | :: feminine noun of potier; potter |
potimarron {m} | :: red kuri squash (cultivar of species Cucurbita maxima) |
potin {m} | :: pewter |
potin {m} [colloquial] | :: gossip, tittle-tattle |
potion {m} | :: potion |
potiron {m} | :: pumpkin |
potiron {m} | :: winter squash |
potlatch {m} | :: potlatch |
pot-pourri {m} | :: potpourri (collection of various things) |
pou {m} | :: louse; head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis) |
pouah {interj} | :: ugh!, yuck! |
poubelle {f} | :: rubbish |
poubelle {f} | :: rubbish bin, garbage can |
poucave {f} [slang] | :: snitch, informer |
poucave {v} [slang] | :: to betray, to snitch on |
pouce {m} | :: thumb |
pouce {m} | :: inch |
poucet {m} | :: A very small person |
poucette {f} | :: feminine singular of poucet |
pouchkinien {adj} | :: Pushkinian |
pouding {m} | :: alternative spelling of pudding |
pouding chômeur {m} | :: pouding chômeur |
Poudlard {prop} {m} | :: Hogwarts, the fictional school of magic in the Harry Potter series |
poudre {f} | :: powder |
poudre {f} [obsolete] | :: dust |
poudre à canon {f} | :: gunpowder |
poudre à laver {f} | :: washing powder |
poudre à lessiver {f} [Belgium] | :: washing powder |
poudre aux yeux {f} [figuratively] | :: smoke and mirrors, smokescreen |
poudre de perlimpinpin {f} | :: A powder, purported to have magic powers, formerly sold by charlatans |
poudre de perlimpinpin {f} [by extension, idiomatic] | :: snake oil (a fraudulent cure-all or remedy) |
poudrer {v} | :: to powder (cover in powder) |
poudrerie {f} [Canada] | :: blowing snow |
poudre Shimosa {f} | :: Shimose powder; a picric acid based explosive |
poudreuse {f} | :: powder, powder snow |
poudreux {adj} | :: powdery (covered in powder) |
poudrier {m} | :: powder compact |
poudrière {f} | :: powder keg or magazine |
poudrière {f} [figuratively] | :: tinderbox |
poudroyer {vi} | :: to rise in clouds |
pouët {interj} | :: toot; parp |
pouf {m} | :: pouffe (thick cushion) |
pouf {m} | :: a girl of bad conduct |
pouf {interj} | :: poof (onomatopoeia) |
pouffer {vi} | :: To burst out (with laughter); to crack up |
pouffiasse {f} [slang, pejorative] | :: slag, floozy, whore |
pougnasson {m} | :: (possibly local, from Lorraine) incompetent worker |
pougne {f} [Swiss] | :: cheating; cheating strategy |
pougner {v} [Swiss, familiar] | :: to cheat |
pouillerie {f} | :: squalor |
Pouilles {prop} | :: Pouilles (region) |
pouilleux {adj} | :: louse-infested |
pouilleux {adj} [figuratively, pejorative] | :: lousy, miserable |
pouilleux {m} | :: person who has lice |
pouilleux {m} | :: lousy, miserable person; a bum |
pouillot {m} | :: warbler |
Pouilly-Fumé {m} | :: Pouilly-Fumé |
poujadisme {m} | :: Poujadism |
poujadisme {m} [pejorative] | :: reactionary petit-bourgeois attitude |
poujadiste {mf} | :: Poujadist |
poujadiste {mf} [pejorative] | :: person with a reactionary petit-bourgeois attitude |
poulaga {m} [slang] | :: policeman |
poulaille {f} [dialectal] | :: poultry |
poulaille {f} [slang] | :: cop, rozzer (police) |
poulailler {m} | :: henhouse, coop, chicken coop |
poulailler {m} [colloquial] | :: gods, gallery (of a theatre) |
poulain {m} | :: foal (young horse) |
Poulain {m} [historical] | :: The issue of marriages between Franks and Syrian natives at the time of the Crusades |
Poulain {prop} | :: Poulain; surname |
poulaine {f} | :: poulaine |
poulamon {m} | :: tomcod (fish of species Microgadus tomcod) |
poularde {f} | :: Young, fattened chicken |
poule {f} | :: hen (female chicken) |
poule {f} [slang] | :: chick, bird (woman) |
poule {f} [cards] | :: pool |
poule {f} | :: pool, group (stage of a competition before the knockout stages) |
poule au pot {f} | :: A kind of chicken and vegetable stew from Gers, France |
poule aux œufs d'or {f} [figuratively] | :: golden goose |
poule d'eau {f} | :: moorhen |
poule d'eau {f} | :: batfish |
poule d'eau {f} [Louisiana French] | :: duck, the American coot (Fulica americana) |
poule mouillée {f} [colloquial] | :: milksop, chickenshit, chicken-heart (coward) |
poulet {m} [culinary] | :: chicken |
poulet {m} [slang, pejorative] | :: policeman (especially a plain-clothes police detective) |
poulet {m} [obsolete] | :: love letter |
poulet basquaise {m} | :: A kind of stew containing braised chicken and piperade |
poulet du Général Tao {m} | :: General Tao chicken |
pouliche {f} | :: filly |
poulie {f} | :: pulley |
poulie {f} [nautical] | :: block |
pouliner {v} | :: to foal (give birth) |
pouliot {m} | :: pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) |
pouliot {m} [rare] | :: a certain kind of thread or pulley on a chariot and also a ship |
Pouliot {prop} | :: surname |
poulpe {m} | :: an octopus |
pouls {m} | :: pulse (regular beat caused by the heart) |
poulsard {m} | :: A black grape variety form Jura |
poumon {m} | :: lung |
poupard {m} [dated] | :: chubby baby |
poupard {adj} [dated] | :: chubby, plump |
poupe {f} [nautical] | :: poop, stern |
poupée {f} | :: doll (object) |
poupée de chiffon {f} | :: rag doll |
poupée russe {f} | :: Russian doll |
poupin {adj} | :: chubby |
poupon {m} | :: little baby |
poupon {m} | :: baby doll |
pouponner {v} | :: to dote |
pouponner {v} | :: to look after a baby |
pouponnière {f} | :: nursery, creche |
poupoule {f} | :: baby, friendly term of address for a child or woman |
pour {prep} | :: for (when followed by a noun or pronoun) |
pour {prep} | :: to (when followed by a verb in the infinitive) |
pour ainsi dire {adv} | :: so to speak, as it were |
pour autant {adv} | :: even so |
pour autant que {conj} | :: provided that; on the condition that |
pour autant que je sache {adv} | :: to the best of my knowledge, as far as I know |
pourboire {m} | :: tip [extra money given to e.g. a waiter in appreciation of service] |
pourcailhade {f} | :: An annual pig festival in Trie-sur-Baïse, southwestern France, involving pig races, eating contests, etc |
pour cause de {prep} | :: on account of, due to, because of |
pource {conj} [Early Modern French] | :: because, therefore, for that cause |
pourceau {m} [literary or pejorative] | :: swine, pig |
pour ce faire {adv} | :: with this aim in mind, to do this, in order to achieve this, to this end, to that end |
pourcent {m} | :: percent |
pourcentage {m} [mathematics] | :: percentage |
pourcentage {m} | :: commission, fee |
pour ce qui est de {prep} [colloquial] | :: concerning, regarding, as to, as far as ... is concerned |
pourchas {m} [literary] | :: chase, pursuit |
pourchasser {v} | :: to chase without relent; pursue |
pour commencer {adv} | :: for starters, first of all, firstly, first |
pour de bon {adv} [colloquial] | :: for good |
pour des prunes {adv} [colloquial] | :: for very little money, in exchange for very little money; for nothing |
pour des prunes {adv} [colloquial] | :: for no reason; for nothing |
pour de vrai {adv} [colloquial] | :: for realsies, for real, truly, really |
pour faire court {adv} [colloquial] | :: long story short |
pourfendeur {m} | :: attacker, opponent |
pourfendre {vt} [literary] | :: to slice through, slay (with a sword) |
pourfendre {vt} [figuratively] | :: to lay into, shoot down, attack, slate (criticize strongly) |
Pourim {prop} {m} [Judaism] | :: Purim |
pour info {adv} [colloquial] | :: for the record, FYI |
pour la forme {adv} | :: out of principle, on principle, as a matter of principle, pro forma; perfunctorily |
pour l'amour de {prep} | :: for the sake of |
pour l'amour de Dieu {interj} | :: for God's sake! |
pour l'amour du ciel {interj} | :: for heaven's sake! |
pour la petite histoire {adv} [colloquial] | :: incidentally, by the way, as an aside; for the record |
pourlécher {vt} | :: To lick all around |
pourlécher {vr} | :: To lick one's lips (in satisfaction) |
pour le coup {adv} | :: this time, this time round, in this case |
pour le coup {adv} | :: [as intensifier] truly, actually, really; in fact |
pour le moins {adv} | :: to say the least |
pour le moment {adv} | :: for the time being, for now |
pour le reste {adv} [colloquial] | :: for the rest, otherwise |
pour les intimes {prep} | :: Used by one to say that their friends generally call them by a nickname, and that their interlocutor should feel free to call them that too |
pour l'heure {adv} [literary] | :: at the moment, for the time being |
pour l'instant {adv} | :: at the moment, for the time being, for now |
pour ma part {adv} | :: as for me |
pour mémoire {adv} | :: for the record |
pour ne pas dire {conj} | :: not to say |
pourparler {m} [almost always in plural] | :: parley |
pourparlers {mp} | :: parley (conference) |
pour peu que {conj} | :: if, in the event that, in case, where, should (introducing a phrase), provided that |
pourpier {m} | :: common purslane |
pourpoint {m} [historical] | :: doublet |
pourpre {m} | :: burgundy (purple color) |
pourpre {m} | :: rich, purple fabric |
pourpre {m} [tincture] | :: purpure; purple color as used in heraldry |
pourpre {m} [by extension, obsolete] | :: power, authority |
pourpre {adj} | :: burgundy in color |
pour que {conj} | :: [+ subjunctive] so that, in order that |
pourquoi {adv} | :: why |
pourquoi du comment {m} [colloquial] | :: [with the definite article le] the whys and wherefores |
pour quoi faire {phrase} [colloquial] | :: why? what for? to what end? |
pourquoi non {phrase} | :: why not? (negative question) |
pourquoi non {phrase} | :: why not? (lacking objection) |
pourquoi pas {phrase} | :: why not? (negative question) |
pourquoi pas {phrase} | :: why not? (lacking objection) |
pourquoi que {conj} [colloquial, nonstandard] | :: why |
pourri {adj} | :: rotten; decayed |
pourri {adj} | :: (of food etc.) bad, rotten; off |
pourri {adj} | :: decomposed, putrefied (body) |
pourri {adj} | :: spoilt (child) |
pourri {adj} | :: bad; lame |
pourri {m} [colloquial] | :: swine, bastard |
pourri {m} [slang] | :: bent copper, dirty cop |
pourriciel {m} [computing, rare] | :: malware (software developed to harm a computer system) |
pourriel {m} | :: spam, junk mail |
pour rien {adv} | :: for nothing, pointlessly |
pourrir {vi} [chiefly _] | :: to rot, decompose, putrefy, crumble |
pourrir {vi} | :: to waste away from a disease such as gangrene |
pourrissant {adj} | :: rotting, decaying |
pourrissement {m} | :: deterioration |
pourrissement {m} | :: decay |
pourriture {f} | :: rot |
pourriture {f} | :: (socially etc.) rottenness, something rotten |
pourriture {f} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: rotter, swine; cow, bitch |
pourriture noble {f} | :: noble rot |
pourroit {v} | :: obsolete form of pourrait |
poursuite {f} | :: pursuit; chase |
poursuite {f} [cycling] | :: pursuit |
poursuite {f} | :: persecution |
poursuite individuelle {f} [cycling] | :: individual pursuit |
poursuite par équipes {f} [cycling] | :: team pursuit |
poursuivant {m} | :: pursuer |
poursuivre {v} | :: to pursue, to chase |
poursuivre {v} | :: to pursue, to persecute, to torment |
poursuivre {v} | :: to carry on, to continue what has been started |
poursuivre {v} | :: to sue |
poursuivre {vr} | :: to continue |
poursuivre {vr} | :: to chase after each other |
poursuivre en justice {v} [legal] | :: to sue |
pour sûr {prep} | :: for sure |
pour ta gouverne {adv} [formal] | :: for your information, for the record |
pourtant {adv} | :: however, yet |
pourtour {m} | :: perimeter, circumference |
pourtour {m} | :: surrounding area |
pourtour {m} | :: ambulatory |
pour tout potage {adv} [dated, literary, colloquial] | :: only, altogether, all told (with the implication that it's not much) |
pour une fois {adv} [colloquial] | :: for once, for a change |
pour un oui ou pour un non {adv} | :: over the slightest thing |
pour un rien {adv} | :: over silly things, for a trifle, about nothing, with very little reason |
pour vivre heureux, vivons cachés {proverb} | :: great honours are great burdens |
pourvoi {m} [legal] | :: appeal |
pourvoir {vt} | :: to equip, provide, endow (someone de with) |
pourvoir {vt} | :: to fill (a seat, job vacancy) |
pourvoir {vi} | :: to provide (à for) |
pourvoir {vp} | :: to provide oneself (de with) |
pourvoir {vp} [legal] | :: to appeal (en to) |
pourvoirie {f} [Canada] | :: outfitter |
pour votre gouverne {adv} [formal] | :: for your information, for the record |
pour vous servir {prep} [formal] | :: At your service. (literally "to serve you") |
pourvoyeur {m} | :: purveyor, supplier, source |
pourvoyeuse {f} | :: purveyor, supplier (female) |
pourvu que {conj} | :: let's hope (that) |
pourvu que {conj} | :: provided (that), as long as |
Poussard {prop} | :: surname |
pousse {f} | :: growth (act of growing [of plants etc.]) |
pousse {f} | :: sprout, shoot |
poussé {m} [music] | :: up bow |
pousse-café {m} [familiar] | :: chasse-café, pousse-café (small glass of alcohol after coffee) |
poussée {f} | :: push, thrust |
poussée {f} | :: surge |
poussée d'Archimède {f} [physics] | :: buoyancy |
poussée de croissance {f} | :: growth spurt |
pousse-mine {f} [Québec] | :: mechanical pencil |
pousse-pousse {m} | :: rickshaw |
pousser {vt} | :: to push |
pousser {vt} [followed by the preposition à] | :: to urge on, encourage |
pousser {vi} [of a living thing] | :: to grow |
pousser {vi} [figuratively] | :: to spring up, to sprout |
pousser {v} | :: to utter (a cry) |
pousser {vr} | :: to move aside |
pousser à bout {vt} [colloquial] | :: to push someone to the limit, to push someone to breaking point, to push someone over the edge, to drive someone crazy, to drive someone mad |
pousser comme des champignons {v} [simile] | :: to crop up all over the place, to sprout up everywhere, to spring up like mushrooms |
pousser dans ses derniers retranchements {vt} | :: to drive someone into a corner, to corner someone |
pousser le bouchon {v} [colloquial] | :: to go too far, to cross the line |
pousser mémé dans les orties {v} [colloquial] | :: to push things too far, to overdo it, to exaggerate |
poussette {f} | :: pushchair (UK), stroller (US) |
poussette {f} | :: pushpin |
pousseur {m} | :: pusher, someone who pushes |
pousseur {m} [nautical] | :: push tug |
pousseur {m} [aeronautics] | :: booster |
pousseur {m} [horse racing] | :: stall handler |
pousseur de bois {m} | :: woodpusher (a poor chess player) |
poussier {m} | :: coal dust |
poussière {f} | :: dust |
poussière {f} | :: speck of dust |
poussiéreux {adj} | :: dusty |
poussif {adj} | :: wheezy |
poussin {m} | :: chick (a young chicken) |
poussinet {m} [colloquial] | :: A young child; a kid |
poussinet {m} [chiefly in the plural] | :: A child in the youngest age group for a sport |
poussinette {f} | :: feminine singular of poussinet |
poussivement {adv} | :: wheezily |
poussoir {m} | :: pushbutton |
poussoir {m} | :: tappet |
pouteille {f} | :: A dish of pig's trotters and other ingredients cooked in red wine |
poutine {f} [Quebec] | :: poutine |
poutine {f} [Acadia] | :: any of several potato-based dishes |
poutine {f} [Louisiana French] | :: dumpling |
poutine {f} [Louisiana French] | :: bread pudding, pudding |
poutine {f} [Quebec, obsolete] | :: any of several pudding-like desserts |
poutine {f} [Quebec, obsolete] | :: a messy situation or complicated thing; a quagmire |
poutine {f} [Quebec, obsolete] | :: a fat woman |
Poutine {prop} | :: Putin. A transliteration of the Russian surname Путин |
poutine italienne {f} | :: Italian poutine |
poutine pizza {f} | :: pizza poutine (a poutine with added mushrooms, bell peppers, pepperoni, and occasionally oninons) |
poutinerie {f} [Canada, food] | :: a poutinerie |
poutou {m} | :: kiss |
Poutou {prop} | :: surname |
poutrap {adj} [slang] | :: tight-fitting, skin-tight |
poutre {f} | :: beam, girder |
poutre apparente {f} | :: exposed beam |
poutre apparente {f} [slang] | :: tight-fitting trousers [chiefly used attributively] |
poutrelle {f} | :: beam, girder |
poutrer {v} [vulgar] | :: to fuck, screw |
poutzer {vt} [Switzerland] | :: to clean |
pouvoir {v} | :: can, to be able to |
pouvoir {v} | :: may |
pouvoir {vr} [impersonal] | :: to be possible; may, could be |
pouvoir {m} [countable or uncountable] | :: power, a power |
pouvoir {m} | :: authority |
pouvoir {m} [legal] | :: power of attorney |
pouvoir d'achat {m} [economics] | :: purchasing power |
pouvoir de marché {m} [economics] | :: market power |
pouvoir toujours courir {v} [colloquial] | :: can whistle for it |
pouzzolane {f} [geology] | :: pozzolana |
pov' {adj} | :: informal spelling of pauvre |
powoir {v} [Louisiana French] | :: alternative spelling of pouvoir, to be able |
powoir {m} [Louisiana French] | :: alternative spelling of pouvoir, power |
PPA {f} | :: initialism of parité de pouvoir d'achat = PPP (purchasing power parity) |
PPC {phrase} | :: abbreviation of pour prendre congé; "to take leave" sometimes written on address cards by persons making farewell visits |
PPCM {m} [mathematics] | :: initialism of plus petit commun multiple: lcm |
P. Q. {prop} | :: alternative form of PQ |
P.Q. {prop} | :: alternative form of PQ |
PQ {m} [slang] | :: initialism of papier cul loo roll [UK], TP (toilet paper) [US] |
PQ {prop} {m} [Canadian politics] | :: initialism of Parti Québécois |
PQ {prop} {m} [dated, Canada] | :: initialism of province de Québec |
PQN {f} | :: daily national press (of France) |
præbende {f} | :: obsolete form of prébende |
præcedent {adj} | :: obsolete form of précédent |
præcedent {m} | :: obsolete form of précédent |
præcedente {f} | :: obsolete form of précédente |
præcepte {m} | :: obsolete form of précepte |
præcepteur {m} | :: obsolete form of précepteur |
præceptrice {f} | :: feminine singular of præcepteur |
præcipice {m} | :: obsolete form of precipice |
præcipitation {f} | :: obsolete form of précipitation |
prædecesseur {m} | :: obsolete form of prédécesseur |
prædestination {f} | :: obsolete form of prédestination |
prædicateur {m} | :: obsolete form of prédicateur |
prædire {v} | :: obsolete form of prédire |
præeminence {f} | :: obsolete form of prééminence |
præface {f} | :: obsolete form of préface |
præfect {m} | :: obsolete form of préfet |
præjudice {m} | :: obsolete form of préjudice |
præmunir {v} | :: obsolete form of prémunir |
præsence {f} | :: obsolete form of présence |
præsent {adj} | :: obsolete form of présent |
præsentement {adv} | :: obsolete form of présentement |
præsenter {v} | :: obsolete form of présenter |
præsident {m} | :: obsolete form of président |
præsidente {f} | :: feminine noun of præsident |
præsider {v} | :: obsolete form of présider |
praesidium {m} | :: alternative spelling of présidium |
præsomption {f} | :: obsolete form of présomption |
præsomptueux {adj} | :: obsolete form of présomptueux |
præstation {f} | :: obsolete form of prestation |
præstige {f} | :: obsolete form of prestige |
præsumer {v} | :: obsolete form of présumer |
prætendre {v} | :: obsolete form of prétendre |
præteur {m} | :: obsolete form of préteur |
prætexte {m} | :: obsolete form of prétexte |
prætoire {m} | :: obsolete form of prétoire |
pragmatique {adj} | :: pragmatic |
pragmatique {f} [linguistics] | :: pragmatics |
pragmatiquement {adv} | :: pragmatically |
pragmatisme {m} | :: pragmatism |
pragois {adj} | :: Of or from Prague |
Prague {prop} {f} | :: Prague (capital city) |
praguois {adj} | :: alternative form of pragois |
praire {m} | :: venus clam |
prairial {adj} | :: Relating to pastures, grasslands |
prairial {m} [historical] | :: Prairial (the ninth month of French Republican Calendar) |
prairie {f} | :: meadow, grassland, pasture, prairie |
pralin {m} | :: pastry preparation using crushed pralines |
pralin {m} | :: preparation using mud and fertilizer used to coat young roots prior to plantation |
pralin {adj} | :: related to the village of Praz-sur-Arly, in Savoy |
pralinage {m} | :: (gardening) coating of young roots in mud |
praline {f} | :: praline |
praline {f} | :: (Belgium) filled chocolate |
praliné {adj} | :: prepared using a preparation of crushed pralines (called pralin) |
praliné {m} | :: sweet containing crushed praline |
praliner {v} | :: to coat with caramelized sugar |
praliner {v} | :: to coat young roots with a fertilized mud (called pralin) prior to plantation |
prame {f} | :: pram, flatbottom boat |
prao {m} | :: proa |
Prascovie {prop} | :: given name, Praskovya |
praséodymate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: praseodymate |
praséodyme {m} | :: praseodymium |
praticabilité {f} | :: practicability |
praticable {adj} | :: practicable, feasible |
praticable {adj} | :: practicable, usable |
praticien {m} | :: practitioner, someone who masters the practice of an art or science |
praticienne {f} | :: feminine noun of praticien |
praticité {f} | :: convenience |
praticité {f} | :: practicality |
pratiquant {adj} | :: churchgoing |
pratiquant {m} | :: churchgoer |
pratiquant {m} | :: a regular practiser of any religion |
pratique {adj} | :: applied; concerning action or intervention of human will on the real to change it (as opposed to spéculatif or théorique) |
pratique {adj} | :: concrete, practical |
pratique {adj} | :: belonging to the everyday or mundane |
pratique {adj} | :: experienced |
pratique {adj} | :: convenient; handy |
pratique {f} | :: practice |
pratique {f} | :: execution or implementation (of something) |
pratique {f} | :: methods, process, way (of doing or achieving something) |
pratique {f} | :: set of customs in a country or group of people |
pratique {f} | :: experience |
pratique {f} | :: act of frequenting |
pratique {f} | :: clientele, regular clients |
pratique {f} [nautical] | :: freedom to board or disembark (as opposed to quarantine) |
pratique {f} | :: a steel or tin instrument placed in one's mouth to change one's voice during puppet ventriloquism |
pratiquement {adv} | :: practically (almost) |
pratiquement {adv} [rare] | :: in practice, for all practical purposes |
pratiquer {vt} | :: to do; to practise |
Prato {prop} | :: Prato (province) |
Prato {prop} | :: Prato (capital city) |
praxie {f} | :: praxis |
Praxitèle {prop} {m} | :: Praxiteles |
pré- {prefix} | :: pre- |
pré {m} | :: meadow |
préaccord {m} | :: preliminary agreement |
préadamisme {m} | :: belief that mankind existed before Adam |
préadamite {m} | :: pre-Adamite |
préadamite {m} | :: Christian sectarian who believes that mankind existed before Adam |
préado {mf} | :: preadolescent, preteen |
préadolescence {f} | :: preadolescence |
préadolescent {adj} | :: preadolescent, preteen |
préadolescent {m} | :: preadolescent, preteen |
préalable {adj} | :: previous, prior; preliminary |
préalable {m} | :: preliminary condition, prerequisite |
préalablement {adv} | :: beforehand, first |
Préalpes {prop} {fp} | :: Prealps (Alpine foothills) |
préalpin {adj} | :: Of the Prealps |
préambule {m} | :: preamble (a short statement or remark, especially an explanatory introduction to a formal document or statute) |
préambuler {v} | :: to prefix with a preamble |
préanthropique {adj} | :: pre-anthropic |
préau {m} | :: yard |
préavis {m} | :: notice, advance warning |
prébase {f} [topology] | :: subbase |
prébende {f} | :: prebend |
prébiotique {adj} | :: prebiotic |
prébuccal {adj} [anatomy, zoology] | :: prebuccal |
précaire {adj} | :: precarious |
précairement {adv} | :: precariously |
précambrien {adj} | :: Precambrian (before Cambrian) |
précancéreux {adj} [medicine] | :: precancerous |
précarisation {f} | :: casualization (the increase of precarious work in the labour market) |
précarisation {f} | :: precarization |
précarisé {adj} | :: casualized (deprived of job security) |
précariser {vt} | :: to make precarious |
précariser {vt} | :: to casualize |
précarité {f} | :: precarity, existence without financial or social security |
pré carré {m} [figuratively] | :: territory, turf, domain, province |
précaudal {adj} [zoology] | :: precaudal |
précaution {f} | :: precaution |
précaution {f} | :: prudence, wariness |
précautionner {n} | :: to forewarn |
précautionneusement {adv} | :: precautionarily |
précautionneux {adj} | :: cautious, careful |
précédemment {adv} | :: before, before now |
précédent {adj} | :: previous; preceding; earlier |
précédent {m} | :: precedent |
précéder {v} | :: to precede |
précepte {m} | :: precept |
précepteur {m} | :: private tutor |
préceptrice {f} | :: feminine singular of précepteur |
précession {f} [physics, astronomy] | :: precession |
préchauffage {m} | :: preheating |
préchauffage {m} | :: warming up (of an engine) |
préchauffer {v} | :: to preheat |
prêche {m} | :: sermon |
prêcher {vt} | :: to preach |
prêcher {vt} | :: to advocate moral values, political ideas |
prêcher {vt} | :: to lecture someone about what is good or bad |
prêcher dans le désert {v} [figuratively] | :: to preach in the wilderness, to speak in the wilderness, to be a voice crying in the wilderness |
prêcher un convaincu {v} [figuratively] | :: to preach to the choir |
prêcher un converti {v} [figuratively] | :: to preach to the choir |
prêcheur {m} | :: preacher, advocate of high values, moralist |
prêcheur {adj} | :: preaching, moralizing |
prêcheuse {f} | :: feminine noun of prêcheur |
préchrétien {adj} | :: pre-Christian |
précieusement {adv} | :: preciously |
précieux {adj} | :: precious |
préciosité {f} | :: preciousness |
précipice {m} | :: precipice, deep and steep escarpment |
précipitamment {adv} | :: hurriedly, hastily, abruptly |
précipitation {f} | :: precipitation, unwise or rash rapidity; sudden haste |
précipitation {f} [countable, chemistry] | :: precipitation, a reaction that leads to the formation of a heavier solid in a lighter liquid; the precipitate so formed at the bottom of the container |
précipitation {f} [meteorology] | :: precipitation (any or all of the forms of water particles, whether liquid or solid, that fall from the atmosphere (e.g., rain, hail, snow or sleet)) |
précipité {adj} [chemistry] | :: precipitated |
précipiter {vt} | :: to throw out, push out, chuck out, throw off, push off, chuck off |
précipiter {vr} | :: to throw oneself out, to jump out |
précipiter {vt} | :: to take down, to bring down |
précipiter {vt} | :: to rush (hasten, do something too fast) |
précipiter {vt} [chemistry] | :: to precipitate |
précipiter {vr} | :: to precipitate (fall from the sky) |
précipiter {vr} | :: to dash, to move quickly |
préciput {m} | :: advantage, supplement contractually granted to an heir, a spouse, etc |
précis {adj} | :: Which does not leave doubt; specific, explicit |
précis {adj} | :: Done in a precise and reliable fashion |
précis {adj} | :: [Sound] Well perceived; sharp |
précis {adj} | :: [Of language or writing] Demonstrating precision, concision and accuracy |
précis {adj} | :: Said of someone whose language expresses such qualities |
précis {adj} | :: [Measure] Calculated or measured with precision |
précis {m} | :: précis |
précisement {adv} | :: alternative form of précisément |
précisément {adv} | :: In a precise manner; without approximation |
précisément {adv} | :: Specifically |
précisément {adv} [elliptically, in answers] | :: Exactly, precisely |
précisément {adv} [rhetoric] | :: Indicates a logical link |
préciser {v} | :: to specify |
préciser {v} | :: to clarify |
préciser {v} | :: to point out |
préciser {vr} | :: to take shape, become clear |
précision {f} | :: precision |
précision {f} | :: detail(s); information |
précité {adj} | :: above-mentioned |
précoce {adj} | :: early (at a time in advance of the usual) |
précoce {adj} [figurative] | :: premature, precocious |
précocement {adv} | :: precociously |
précocité {f} | :: the state of being ahead of time, earliness |
précolombien {adj} | :: pre-Columbian |
précolonial {adj} | :: precolonial |
précompacité {f} [topology] | :: precompactness |
précompact {adj} [tolology] | :: precompact |
préconcentration {f} [chemistry] | :: preconcentration |
préconcentrer {v} [chemistry] | :: To preconcentrate |
préconçu {adj} | :: preconceived |
précondition {f} | :: precondition |
précondition {f} [computing] | :: The initial value of a variable |
préconisation {f} | :: preconization |
préconisation {f} | :: recommendation |
préconiser {v} | :: to recommend, advocate |
préconiser {v} | :: to preconise |
précontractuel {adj} | :: precontractual |
précontraint {adj} | :: prestressed |
précordial {adj} [anatomy] | :: precordial |
précuit {adj} | :: pre-cooked |
précurseur {adj} | :: precursory |
précurseur {m} | :: precursor, forerunner |
précurseur {m} [chemistry] | :: precursor |
prédateur {m} | :: predator |
prédation {f} | :: predation |
prédatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of prédateur |
prédécéder {v} | :: predecease (to die sooner than) |
prédécès {m} | :: predecease (anterior death) |
prédécesseur {m} | :: predecessor |
prédécessrice {f} | :: feminine noun of prédécesseur |
prédécouper {v} | :: to precut |
prédéfini {adj} | :: predefined |
prédéfinir {v} | :: to predefine |
prédélinquance {f} | :: predelinquency |
prédestination {f} | :: predestination |
prédestiné {adj} | :: predestined |
prédestiner {vt} | :: to predestine |
prédéterminer {v} | :: To predetermine |
prédicable {adj} | :: predicable |
prédicament {m} | :: predication |
prédicant {adj} | :: predicant, preaching |
prédicant {m} | :: protestant preacher |
prédicat {m} | :: predicate (all meanings) |
prédicateur {m} | :: preacher |
prédicatif {adj} [grammar, linguistics] | :: predicative |
prédication {f} | :: predication |
prédication {f} | :: sermon |
prédicatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of prédicateur |
prédicteur {m} | :: predictor |
prédictible {adj} | :: predictable |
prédictif {adj} | :: predictive |
prédiction {f} | :: prediction (act of predicting) |
prédiction {f} | :: prediction (a statement about the future) |
prédilection {f} | :: predilection, tendency |
prédiquer {v} | :: To predicate |
prédire {v} | :: to predict, foretell |
prédisposé {adj} | :: predisposed |
prédisposer {vt} | :: to predispose |
prédisposition {f} | :: predisposition |
prédit {adj} | :: predicted, foreseen (announced in advance) |
prédominance {f} | :: predominance |
prédominant {adj} | :: predominant |
prédominer {v} | :: to predominate |
prédorsal {adj} [anatomy] | :: predorsal |
préembryon {m} [biology] | :: pre-embryo |
prééminence {f} | :: preeminence |
prééminent {adj} | :: preeminent |
préempter {vt} | :: to preempt |
préemption {f} | :: preemption |
préencollé {adj} | :: prepasted |
préétabli {adj} | :: preestablished |
préexistant {adj} | :: preexisting |
préexister {v} | :: To preexist |
préfabrication {f} | :: prefabrication |
préfabriqué {adj} | :: prefabricated |
préface {f} | :: preface |
préfacer {v} | :: to write a preface |
préfacier {m} | :: author of a preface |
préfectoral {adj} | :: prefectural |
préfecture {f} | :: prefecture |
préférable {adj} | :: preferable |
préférablement {adv} | :: preferably |
préféré {adj} | :: favourite |
préférence {f} | :: preference |
préférence {f} | :: like (something that a given person likes) |
préférences {fp} | :: preferences (user-specified settings of parameters in a computer program) |
préférentiel {adj} | :: preferential (related to preference) |
préférentiellement {adv} | :: preferentially |
préférer {v} | :: to prefer |
préfermentaire {adj} | :: pre-fermentation (attributive) |
préfet {m} | :: prefect |
préfète {f} | :: Female prefect |
préfiguration {f} | :: prefiguration |
préfigurer {v} | :: to prefigure |
préfinancement {m} | :: prefinancing |
préfix {adj} | :: preset, predetermined |
préfixal {adj} [linguistic morphology] | :: prefixal |
préfixe {mf} | :: prefix (letters at the beginning of a word) |
préfixer {vt} [grammar] | :: to prefix |
préformationisme {m} [biology] | :: preformationism |
préforme {f} | :: blank (piece of metal) |
préformer {v} | :: To preform |
préfrontal {adj} [anatomy] | :: prefrontal |
prégabaline {f} [medicine] | :: pregabalin |
prégnance {f} | :: salience |
prégnance {f} | :: predominance |
prégnant {adj} | :: forceful, especially in its effect on the mind; apposite; meaningful |
prégnant {adj} [archaic] | :: pregnant |
prégustation {f} | :: foretaste |
préhensile {adj} | :: prehensile |
préhensile {adj} | :: having the ability to grip or to be gripped |
préhension {f} | :: prehension |
préhilbertien {adj} [maths] | :: pre-Hilbert |
préhistoire {f} | :: prehistory |
préhistorien {m} | :: prehistorian |
préhistorienne {f} | :: feminine singular of préhistorien |
préhistorique {adj} | :: prehistoric |
préhistorique {adj} | :: (antiquated) prehistoric |
préimage {f} [maths] | :: preimage |
préimplantatoire {adj} | :: pre-implant |
preindre {v} [obsolete or regional] | :: alternative spelling of prendre |
préindustriel {adj} | :: preindustrial |
préinscription {f} | :: preregistration |
préislamique {adj} | :: pre-Islamic |
préjudice {m} | :: a harm, a damage |
préjudiciable {adj} | :: prejudicial (to) |
préjudiciable {adj} | :: harmful (to) |
préjudiciel {adj} | :: prejudicial |
préjudiciellement {adv} | :: prejudicially |
préjudicier {v} | :: To prejudice |
préjugé {m} | :: a prejudice, a bias |
préjuger {vt} | :: to prejudge |
préjuger {v} | :: to foresee; say in advance |
prélasser {vr} | :: to sprawl, to lounge, to laze |
prélat {m} | :: prelate |
prélavage {m} | :: precleaning |
prèle {f} | :: alternative spelling of prêle |
prêle {f} | :: horsetail (plant) |
prêle des bois {f} | :: wood horsetail (Equisetum sylvaticum) |
prêle des champs {f} | :: field horsetail, common horsetail (Equisetum arvense) |
prélèvement {m} | :: sampling |
prélèvement {m} | :: deduction, levying |
prélever {vt} | :: to take (sur from) |
prélever {vt} [medicine] | :: to take (blood), remove (an organ), harvest (an organ) |
prélever {vt} | :: to take out, withdraw (money) |
prélever {vt} | :: to deduct, to subtract (numbers, or percentages) |
préleveur {m} | :: withdrawer |
préleveur {m} | :: sampler |
préleveuse {f} | :: feminine singular of préleveur |
préliminaire {adj} | :: preliminary, prelim |
préliminaire {m} | :: preliminary (part before the main part) |
préliminaire {m} [in the plural] | :: foreplay |
préliminairement {adv} | :: preliminarily |
prélude {m} | :: prelude |
préluder {vi} [music] | :: To introduce or be a prelude (to) |
prématuré {adj} | :: premature |
prématurément {adv} | :: prematurely |
prématurément {adv} | :: untimely |
prématurer {v} | :: to do (something) prematurely |
prémaxillaire {adj} | :: premaxillary |
prémaxillaire {m} | :: premaxilla |
préméditation {f} | :: premeditation |
prémédité {adj} | :: premeditated |
préméditer {v} | :: to premeditate |
prémenstruel {adj} | :: premenstrual |
prémices {fp} [literary] | :: first fruits, primitiae |
prémices {fp} [literary] | :: signs, auguries |
prémices {fp} [figuratively] | :: beginning, start |
premier {adj} | :: first |
premier {adj} | :: prime (number etc) |
premier {m} | :: first |
premier {m} | :: premier |
premier {m} | :: prime minister |
premier {adv} | :: first |
premier arrivé, premier servi {phrase} | :: first-come, first-served |
premier but {m} [baseball] | :: first base |
premier but {m} | :: [by ellipsis] first baseman |
premier de cordée {m} [mountaineering] | :: lead climber, climber in lead, leader |
premier de cordée {m} [figuratively] | :: trailblazer |
premier de cordée {m} [figuratively] | :: most wealthy person or country, any entity at the top of the economic ladder |
premier degré {m} | :: literal sense, literal meaning, face value |
première {f} [of a film] | :: premiere, première |
première {f} | :: first (new event, something never done before) |
première {f} [France] | :: The penultimate year of lycée |
première {f} | :: first, first gear |
première {f} | :: first class (public transport) |
première base {f} [Europe] | :: alternative form of premier but |
première classe {f} | :: first class (the most luxurious and expensive class of accommodation on a train, airplane, etc.) |
première de couverture {f} | :: front cover, front page, title page |
première fois {f} | :: first time (the first instance of sexual intercourse) |
Première Guerre mondiale {prop} {f} | :: First World War |
premièrement {adv} | :: firstly; in the first place |
première ministre {f} | :: feminine singular of premier ministre |
première personne {f} [grammar] | :: first person (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is making the statement) |
première pierre {f} [architecture] | :: foundation stone |
premier jet {m} | :: first sketch, first draft, first try (first version of a writing) |
premier ministre {m} | :: prime minister; premier |
premier plan {m} | :: foreground |
premiers entre eux {adj} | :: coprime (having no factors in common) |
premiers secours {mp} | :: first aid |
premiers soins {mp} | :: first aid |
premier venu {m} | :: the first person that comes along; the man in the street, the average person; everyone, anyone |
premier violon {m} [music] | :: first fiddle, first violin, concertmaster |
prémisse {f} [logic, mainly in the plural] | :: premise |
premium {m} | :: premium |
prémix {m} | :: A premixed alcoholic drink |
prémoniteur {m} | :: premonitor |
prémonition {f} | :: premonition |
prémonitoire {adj} | :: prophetic, premonitory |
prem's {interj} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of prems |
prems {interj} [colloquial] | :: dibs [used to claim right to something before anyone else] |
prémunir {vt} [literary] | :: to warn |
prémunir {vt} [literary] | :: to protect (contre against) |
prémunir {vp} | :: to protect oneself (contre from), guard (contre against) |
prenable {adj} [military, of a building, a position, etc.] | :: takable |
prenant {adj} | :: gripping, captivating |
prendeur {m} | :: A laborer working as part of an early Middle Age share cropping system known as complant - a precursor to the métayage system. Under this system, the prendeur would cultivate land owned by a bailleur. In exchange for using the bailleur's soil, the prendeur promised a share of the crop or its revenue. The length of this partnership varied and sometimes would extend over generations |
prendre {v} | :: to take |
prendre {v} | :: to eat; to drink |
prendre {v} | :: to get; to buy |
prendre {v} | :: to rob; to deprive |
prendre {v} [of fire] | :: to break out |
prendre {vr} | :: to get (something) caught (in), to jam |
prendre {v} [in various idiomatic expressions, followed by a partitive] | :: to gain |
prendre {v} | :: to make |
prendre à cœur {vt} | :: to take to heart |
prendre acte {v} [de] | :: to take note; to acknowledge, to recognize |
prendre à la légère {vt} | :: to make light of something; to take lightly |
prendre à la légère {vt} | :: to treat something lightly, not to considerate it enough |
prendre à la rigolade {vt} [colloquial] | :: to make light of, to take lightly; to make a joke of |
prendre à part {v} [idiomatic] | :: to take aside |
prendre à partie {vt} | :: to take to task, to set about, to tackle, to challenge, to take on, to mistreat, to rough up |
prendre au dépourvu {v} | :: to take by surprise, to catch off guard, to catch napping |
prendre au mot {vt} | :: to take someone literally, to take someone at their word |
prendre au piège {vt} | :: to trap, to snare, to hook, to entrap, to ensnare |
prendre au sérieux {v} | :: to take seriously |
prendre aux tripes {vit} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to be gut-wrenching (for someone) (to be very moving, to be poignant) |
prendre bien {vt} [colloquial] | :: to take well, to take graciously |
prendre congé {v} | :: to take a day off |
prendre congé {v} [de] | :: to take leave of (someone), to say goodbye to (someone) |
prendre connaissance {v} [de] | :: to peruse, to read carefully, to note, to take note of |
prendre conscience {v} | :: to realize (become aware) |
prendre corps {v} | :: to take shape |
prendre d'assaut {vt} | :: to take by storm |
prendre de court {vt} | :: to take somebody unawares, to catch someone napping, to catch somebody off-guard, to bowl a googly to someone |
prendre de haut {v} | :: to look down on somebody, look down one's nose on; talk down (patronize) |
prendre de la bouteille {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to cut one's eyeteeth, to get older and wiser (to gain experience and become worldly-wise) |
prendre de la distance {v} [figuratively] | :: to take some distance, to take a step back and get some perspective |
prendre de la hauteur {v} | :: to gain height, to go up |
prendre de la hauteur {v} [figuratively] | :: to get an overview, to get some distance, to take a step back, to put things into perspective |
prendre de l'ampleur {v} | :: to be on the rise, to gather pace, to increase, to spread, to grow |
prendre de l'avance {v} | :: to gain ground, to advance |
prendre de l'avance {v} | :: to get a head start, to get ahead of schedule |
prendre de la vitesse {v} | :: to gather speed, to pick up speed, to gain speed |
prendre des gants {v} [avec] | :: to treat somebody with kid gloves, to go soft on somebody; to walk on eggshells |
prendre des libertés {v} [avec] | :: to take liberties with |
prendre des mesures {v} | :: to take steps; to take action |
prendre des vessies pour des lanternes {v} [colloquial] | :: to be deluded, to be very naive, credulous and/or gullible, to be sorely mistaken, to have another think coming, to think the Moon is made of green cheese |
prendre de vitesse {vt} | :: to get a jump on, to beat to the punch, to outpace, to overtake |
prendre du bon temps {v} | :: to relax, to have some fun, to enjoy oneself, to have a good time |
prendre du galon {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to get a promotion, to get promoted |
prendre du poids {v} | :: to gain weight, to put on weight |
prendre du recul {v} [figuratively] | :: to take a step back and get some perspective |
prendre du retard {v} | :: to fall behind schedule, to run late, to drop behind, to lag behind; to be delayed |
prendre effet {v} [of a law, etc.] | :: to come into force, to come into effect, to take effect, to inure |
prendre en charge {vt} | :: to take charge of; to be in charge of; to take care of |
prendre en charge {vt} [of a taxi or an ambulance] | :: to pick up, to take on |
prendre en chasse {vt} | :: to give chase to, to chase, to pursue, to hunt |
prendre en compte {vt} | :: to take into account, to factor in |
prendre en considération {vt} | :: to take into consideration, to take into account |
prendre en défaut {vt} | :: to catch off guard, to catch on the hop |
prendre en dégoût {vt} | :: to end up disgusted by, to acquire a profound distaste for, to go off completely |
prendre en filature {vt} | :: to shadow, to tail (to secretly track or follow another) |
prendre en flagrant délit {vt} | :: to bust, to catch red-handed |
prendre en grippe {vt} [colloquial] | :: to take a dislike to (someone), to take against (someone) |
prendre en main {vt} | :: to take charge of, to take in hand |
prendre en main {vr} | :: to get a grip on one's life, to take oneself in hand |
prendre en otage {vt} | :: to take hostage |
prendre en sandwich {vt} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to sandwich |
prendre en sandwich {vt} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to double-team |
prendre exemple {v} [sur] | :: to follow someone's example, to do as someones does, to take a leaf out of someone's book, to learn something from someone, to take someone as a model |
prendre fait et cause {v} [literary] | :: to take sides |
prendre femme {v} [dated, of a man] | :: to get married |
prendre feu {v} | :: to catch fire, to burst into flame |
prendre fin {v} [legal] | :: to become void |
prendre fin {v} | :: to come to an end |
prendre forme {v} | :: to take shape |
prendre froid {v} [colloquial] | :: to catch a cold |
prendre garde {v} [de, à] | :: to look out, to watch out, to mind |
prendre goût {v} [à] | :: to develop a taste for, to acquire a taste for, to take a liking to, to take a shine to, to take a fancy to, to grow fond of |
prendre la clé des champs {v} | :: alternative spelling of prendre la clef des champs |
prendre la clef des champs {v} [figuratively] | :: to take to one's heels, to head for the hills, to run away, to make off |
prendre la fuite {v} | :: to escape, to flee, to take flight |
prendre la grosse tête {v} [colloquial] | :: to get a big head, to become big-headed |
prendre l'air {v} | :: to go outside, to get some air, to get some fresh air, to go for a walk |
prendre l'air {v} [of an aircraft] | :: to take to the skies, to take off |
prendre la main dans le sac {vt} [colloquial] | :: to bust, to catch red-handed, to catch with one's hand in the cookie jar |
prendre la mer {v} [figuratively] | :: to go to sea, to take to sea, to put to sea, to put out to sea, to set sail (to embark on a voyage by boat) |
prendre la mouche {v} [colloquial] | :: to get ticked off, to get offended, to get in a huff, to fly off the handle |
prendre langue {v} [literary] | :: to make inquiries, to learn about the situation, to become acquainted with the situation |
prendre la parole {v} | :: to speak, to give a speech before a group, to take the floor |
prendre la peine {v} [de] | :: to go to the trouble of doing something, to take the trouble to do something, to bother to do something, to take the time to do something |
prendre la porte {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to leave a room; to leave |
prendre la porte {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to get sacked, to get the sack, to find oneself out on one's ear |
prendre la pose {v} | :: to pose, to strike a pose, to strike an attitude |
prendre la poudre d'escampette {v} [dated, colloquial] | :: to take a powder, to take flight, to take French leave, to show a clean pair of heels (to escape, to flee) |
prendre la poussière {v} | :: to gather dust |
prendre la relève {v} [colloquial] | :: to take over, to pick up the slack |
prendre la route {v} | :: to hit the road (to begin traveling in an automobile or other road vehicle) |
prendre la tangente {v} [colloquial] | :: to do a bunk, to take French leave, to take off |
prendre la température {v} | :: to take someone's temperature, to measure the temperature of someone |
prendre la température {v} [figuratively] | :: to test the water; to sound out, to gauge, to put out feelers |
prendre la volée {v} | :: to take flight, to leave suddenly and unexpectedly, to fly the coop |
prendre l'eau {v} [of a vessel] | :: to take on water, to take in water |
prendre l'eau {v} [figuratively] | :: to be on a sinking ship |
prendre le dessus {v} [sur] | :: to get the upper hand on, to gain the upper hand on |
prendre le large {v} [figuratively] | :: to slip away, to do a bunk, to take flight |
prendre le pas {v} [sur] | :: to move in front of someone, to precede |
prendre le pas {v} [sur] | :: [figurative] to take precedence, to trump in significance |
prendre le pli {v} | :: to get into the groove; to get used to, to get into the habit of |
prendre le pouvoir {v} | :: to take power, to seize power |
prendre le relai {v} | :: alternative form of prendre le relais |
prendre le relais {v} | :: to take over, to handle it from here, to take it from here, to pick up the slack |
prendre les armes {v} | :: to take up arms |
prendre les choses comme elles viennent {v} | :: to take things as they come |
prendre les commandes {v} [figuratively] | :: to take the controls, to take the helm, to take the reins |
prendre les devants {v} [figuratively] | :: to initiate action, to take the initiative, to make the first move |
prendre les paris {v} | :: to make a book, to record bets, to write down bets, to act as a bookmaker |
prendre les rênes {v} [figuratively] | :: to take the helm, to take the reins |
prendre le taureau par les cornes {v} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to take the bull by the horns |
prendre le train en marche {v} [figuratively] | :: to jump on the bandwagon |
prendre le voile {v} | :: to take the veil |
prendre le volant {v} | :: to take the wheel (to take control of the steering wheel of a vehicle) |
prendre mal {vt} [colloquial] | :: to take badly, to take offence at, to take the wrong way |
prendre note {v} [de] | :: to take note of, to take heed of, to make a note of, to jot down, to note down, to write down |
prendre part {v} [à] | :: to take part (participate or join in) |
prendre parti {v} | :: to take sides, take a side |
prendre place {v} | :: to take a seat, to have a seat, to sit down, to sit |
prendre position {v} | :: to take a stand, to make a stand |
prendre possession {v} [de] | :: to take possession of; to take control of |
prendre pour acquis {vt} [sometimes, proscribed] | :: to take for granted |
prendre pour argent comptant {vt} [figuratively] | :: to take at face value |
prendre racine {v} [of a plant] | :: to take root, to put down roots |
prendre racine {v} [figuratively] | :: to take hold, to take root, to put down roots |
prendre sa plume {v} | :: To take up one's pen, to write a letter |
prendre sa retraite {v} [idiomatic] | :: to retire (stop working) |
prendre sa routine à volonté {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] | :: to be dismissed |
prendre ses aises {v} [sometimes, pejorative] | :: to make oneself comfortable, to make oneself at home; to get a bit too familiar |
prendre ses cliques et ses claques {v} [colloquial] | :: to pack one's bags and leave, to pack up and go, to march off bag and baggage |
prendre ses couilles en main {v} [vulgar, figuratively] | :: to gather up one's courage, to man up |
prendre ses distances {v} [avec] | :: to distance oneself from somebody |
prendre ses jambes à son cou {vi} [figuratively] | :: to take to one's heels, to run for one's life |
prendre ses marques {v} | :: to find one's feet |
prendre ses responsabilités {v} | :: to take responsibility for one's actions |
prendre soin {v} [de] | :: to take care of |
prendre son courage à deux mains {v} [figuratively] | :: to gather up one's courage, to pluck up one's courage, to man up |
prendre son élan {v} | :: to take a run-up |
prendre son envol {v} | :: to take off, to take flight |
prendre son essor {v} | :: to take flight, to fly off |
prendre son essor {v} [figuratively] | :: to take off, to soar up, to flourish, to blossom |
prendre son mal en patience {v} | :: to bear with it, to wait patiently for better times, to put up with it, to grin and bear it |
prendre son pied {v} [slang, sexuality] | :: to take pleasure from something, usually to cum (have an orgasm) |
prendre son temps {v} [colloquial] | :: to take one's time |
prendre sous son aile {vt} [figuratively] | :: to take under one's wing |
prendre sur le fait {vt} | :: to bust, to catch red-handed |
prendre sur soi {v} | :: to take it on the chin, to bite the bullet, to keep one's cool, to take it like a man, to suck it up |
prendre une brosse {v} | :: [Quebec, slang] to get wasted, drunk, smashed |
prendre une cuite {v} [slang] | :: To get pissed, go out on the piss |
prendre un verre {v} | :: to have a drink |
preneur {m} | :: taker; one who takes |
preneur {m} | :: a lessee, a renter |
preneuse {f} | :: feminine noun of preneur |
prénol {m} [organic chemistry] | :: prenol |
prénom {m} | :: first name, given name |
prénommer {vtr} | :: to call someone by their first name |
prénuptial {adj} | :: prenuptial, premarital |
préoccupant {adj} | :: worrying, disquieting |
préoccupation {f} | :: worry |
préoccupation {f} | :: (plural) cares, concern |
préoccupé {adj} | :: concerned |
préoccuper {v} | :: to concern, preoccupy |
préon {m} [physics] | :: preon |
préonique {adj} [physics] | :: preonic |
préoral {adj} [anatomy] | :: preoral |
prépa {f} [France, education] | :: Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles |
prépaiement {m} | :: prepayment |
préparateur {m} | :: preparator |
préparateur {m} | :: assistant, demonstrator |
préparatif {m} [usually plural] | :: preparation |
préparatif {adj} | :: preparative |
préparation {f} | :: preparation |
préparatoire {adj} | :: preparatory; propaedeutic (providing preparatory or introductory teaching) |
préparatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of préparateur |
préparer {vt} | :: to prepare |
préparer {vt} | :: to prepare for |
prépayé {adj} | :: prepaid |
prépayer {v} | :: prepay (to pay in advance) |
prépension {f} | :: early retirement pension |
prépondéramment {adv} | :: preponderantly |
prépondérance {f} | :: preponderance |
prépondérance {f} | :: predominance |
prépondérant {adj} | :: preponderant, overriding |
prépondérant {adj} | :: dominant |
préposé {m} | :: appointee, someone who is charged with overseeing a task, one who is responsible |
préposer {vt} | :: to charge with duties, to give the authority to, to assign to (a position) |
prépositif {adj} [grammar] | :: prepositive |
préposition {f} [grammar] | :: preposition |
prépositionnel {adj} [grammar] | :: prepositional |
prépositionnel {m} | :: prepositional (the prepositional case) |
prépositionner {v} | :: To preposition / pre-position |
prépositivement {adv} | :: prepositively |
prépreg {m} | :: pre-preg |
préproduction {f} | :: preproduction |
prépubère {adj} | :: prepubescent |
prépuce {m} [anatomy] | :: prepuce, foreskin |
préputial {adj} | :: preputial |
préqualification {f} | :: prequalification |
préqualifier {v} | :: To prequalify |
préquelle {f} | :: prequel |
préraphaélite {m} [art] | :: preraphaelite |
prérecrutement {m} | :: prerecruitment |
prérectal {adj} [anatomy] | :: prerectal |
prérégler {v} | :: To preset, preadjust |
prérentrée {f} | :: preparatory time before the start of a school term |
prérequis {m} | :: prerequisite |
préretraite {f} | :: early retirement |
prérévolutionnaire {adj} | :: prerevolutionary |
prérogative {f} | :: prerogative (a right, or power that is exclusive to a monarch, etc.) |
préromain {adj} | :: pre-Roman |
prés {adj} | :: the color of meadow green |
près {adv} | :: near (a time or a place); close (to a time or a place) |
près {prep} [formal or legal] | :: attached to, connects a person or an organisation delegated officially to a setting |
présage {m} | :: omen |
présager {v} | :: to predict, to foresee, foretell |
présager {v} | :: to forewarn |
présager {v} | :: to portend, be an omen of |
présager {v} | :: to bode |
presbyte {adj} | :: farsighted |
presbyte {mf} | :: presbyope, person suffering from farsightedness |
presbytéral {adj} | :: presbyteral |
presbytère {m} | :: presbytery, rectory (house of a priest) |
presbytérianisme {m} | :: Presbyterianism |
presbytérien {adj} | :: presbyterian |
presbytérien {m} | :: Presbyterian |
presbytérienne {f} | :: feminine noun of presbytérien |
presbytie {f} | :: presbyopia |
préscolaire {adj} | :: preschool |
prescripteur {m} | :: prescriber (prescribing doctor) |
prescription {f} | :: prescription (all senses) |
prescriptivisme {m} [linguistics] | :: prescriptivism |
prescriptrice {f} | :: feminine noun of prescripteur |
prescrire {v} | :: to prescribe (a medication) |
prescrit {adj} | :: prescribed |
prescrit {adj} | :: stated, stipulated |
préscrotal {adj} [anatomy] | :: prescrotal |
près de {prep} | :: near (in close proximity to) |
près de ses sous {adj} [colloquial] | :: stingy, close-fisted, penny-pinching |
préséance {f} | :: precedence |
présélection {f} | :: preselection |
présélectionner {vt} | :: to preselect, shortlist |
présélectionner {vt} | :: to preset |
présence {f} | :: presence |
présence d'esprit {f} | :: presence of mind |
présensation {f} | :: presensation (feeling) |
présent {adj} | :: present (that what/which is in the place talked about) |
présent {adj} | :: current, present |
présent {adj} [grammar] | :: present |
présent {m} [grammar] | :: present tense |
présent {m} [dated, except in, Louisiana and Acadia French] | :: gift; present |
présentable {adj} | :: presentable (able to be presented) |
présentateur {m} | :: announcer, newscaster, anchor |
présentation {f} | :: the act of presenting |
présentation {f} | :: introduction |
présentation {f} | :: presentation |
présentation {f} | :: appearance, layout |
présentation du siège {f} | :: breech birth |
présentation podalique {f} | :: breech birth |
présentatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of présentateur |
présente {f} [with definite article, la présente] | :: the letter, document etc. that the reader is reading |
présentéisme {m} | :: presenteeism |
présentement {adv} | :: presently, currently |
présenter {vt} | :: to introduce, to present |
présenter {vt} | :: to show, to present |
présenter {vi} [colloquial] | :: to look |
présenter {vr} | :: to appear, to be present (before someone) |
présenter {vr} [problems] | :: to arise, to surface, to present itself |
présenter {vr} | :: [à] to be a candidate for |
présentiel {adj} | :: face-to-face |
présentiel {adj} | :: presential |
présentoir {m} | :: showcase |
préséquence {f} | :: presequence (all senses) |
présérie {f} | :: preproduction |
préservatif {adj} | :: preservative |
préservatif {m} | :: preserver |
préservatif {m} | :: condom |
préservation {f} | :: preservation |
préserver {vt} | :: to preserve |
présidence {f} | :: presidency |
président {m} | :: president |
président-directeur général {m} | :: managing director, chief executive officer |
présidente {f} | :: feminine noun of président |
présidente-directrice générale {m} | :: feminine noun of président-directeur général |
présidentiable {adj} | :: potentially presidential |
présidentialiser {v} | :: To make presidential |
présidentiel {adj} | :: presidential |
présider {v} | :: to preside; to chair; to head (to be in charge of) |
présider {vi} | :: To preside (over) |
présidial {adj} | :: presidial |
présidialement {adv} | :: presidially |
présidium {m} | :: presidium (executive committee) |
presle {m} | :: (obsolete) alternative spelling of prêle |
présocratique {adj} | :: pre-Socratic |
présocratiquement {adv} | :: pre-Socratically |
présomptif {adj} | :: presumptive |
présomption {f} | :: presumption, supposition |
présomption d'innocence {f} [law] | :: presumption of innocence |
présomptivement {adv} | :: presumptively |
présomptueusement {adv} | :: presumptuously |
présomptueux {adj} | :: presumptuous |
préspinal {adj} [anatomy] | :: prespinal |
presque {adv} | :: almost |
presqu'ile {f} | :: alternative spelling of presqu'île |
presqu'île {f} [geography] | :: peninsula |
pressage {m} | :: pressing (of olives, CDs etc) |
pressant {adj} | :: pressing, urgent, insistent |
pressant {adj} | :: squeezing |
presse {f} | :: press, papers (the media) |
presse {f} | :: press (e.g. printing press) |
pressé {adj} | :: quick, eager, impatient |
pressé {adj} | :: pressing, urgent |
pressé {adj} | :: lacking (pressed for) |
pressé {adj} | :: pressed (fruit juice etc) |
presse-agrume {m} | :: juicer, citrus press, lemon press |
presse-ail {m} | :: garlic press |
presse-citron {m} | :: lemon squeezer |
pressement {m} | :: pressing |
pressement {m} | :: urging |
pressément {adv} | :: quickly, eagerly, impatiently |
pressentiment {m} | :: presentiment; hunch; premonition |
pressentir {v} | :: to have a premonition |
pressentir {v} | :: to foresee (mysteriously) |
presse-papier {m} | :: paperweight |
presse-papier {m} | :: clipboard |
presse-purée {m} | :: potato masher |
presser {vt} | :: to urge |
presser {vt} | :: to squeeze, to squash |
presser {vt} | :: to hurry, to hurry up |
presser {vr} | :: to hurry up |
presser {vr} | :: to press against each other, to flock |
presser la détente {v} [firearms] | :: to pull the trigger |
presser le pas {v} | :: to quicken one's pace, to pick up the pace, to walk faster, to speed up, to hurry up, to get a move on |
pressier {m} | :: pressman (person who operates a hand printing press) |
pressière {f} | :: feminine singular of pressier |
pressing {m} | :: dry cleaning shop, a dry-cleaner's |
pressiomètre {m} [geology] | :: pressiometer |
pression {f} | :: pressure |
pression {f} [medicine, physics] | :: pressure |
pression {f} [countable] | :: popper (UK), snap (fastener) (US) |
pression artérielle {f} [medicine] | :: blood pressure |
pression atmosphérique {f} [physics, meteorology] | :: atmospheric pressure |
pressoir {m} | :: press (e.g. cider) |
pressurage {m} | :: pressure, pressuring |
pressuré {adj} | :: squeezed |
pressurer {vt} | :: to squeeze |
pressurer {vt} | :: to extort |
pressurisé {adj} | :: pressurized |
pressuriser {vt} | :: to pressurize [an aircraft, etc.] |
prestance {f} | :: presence (imposing bearing) |
prestataire {mf} | :: a provider (of a service), an agent |
prestataire {mf} | :: a beneficiary or user of a service |
prestation {f} | :: service |
prestation {f} [finance] | :: loan |
prestation {f} [insurance] | :: cover |
prestation {f} | :: performance |
prestation de serment {f} [law] | :: taking the oath |
preste {adj} [literary] | :: agile, quick |
prestement {adv} | :: promptly |
prester {vt} [Belgium] | :: to work (a certain amount of time), to provide a service |
prestesse {f} | :: nimbleness, agility |
prestidigitateur {m} | :: conjurer, magician |
prestidigitation {f} | :: prestidigitation |
prestidigitatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of prestidigitateur |
prestige {m} | :: prestige |
prestigieusement {adv} | :: prestigiously |
prestigieux {adj} | :: prestigious |
présumable {adj} | :: presumable |
présumablement {adv} | :: presumably |
présumé {adj} | :: presumed |
présumément {adv} | :: presumably |
présumer {v} | :: to presume, assume |
présupposé {adj} | :: presupposed |
présupposer {v} | :: presuppose (to assume some truth without proof) |
présupposition {f} | :: presupposition |
présure {f} | :: rennet |
présynaptique {adj} | :: presynaptic |
prêt {adj} | :: ready |
prêt {m} | :: loan |
prêt {m} | :: lending, loaning |
prêt-à-porter {m} | :: ready-to-wear clothing, off-the-rack clothing, off-the-peg clothing |
prétélescopique {adj} [astronomy] | :: pretelescopic |
prétendant {m} | :: suitor, wooer |
prétendant {m} | :: contender |
prétendant {m} | :: claimant |
prétendante {f} | :: female equivalent of prétendant |
prétendre {v} | :: to claim, to allege |
prétendre {v} | :: to expect, to consider necessary |
prétendre {v} [à] | :: to aim at, to set one's sights on |
prétendre {vr} | :: to claim |
prétendre {v} [Louisiana French] | :: to pretend |
prétendument {adv} | :: allegedly (according to someone's allegation) |
prête-nom {m} | :: front man, figurehead |
prétentieusement {adv} | :: pretentiously |
prétentieux {adj} | :: pretentious |
prétention {f} | :: pretentiousness |
prétention {f} | :: pretension |
prétention {f} | :: claim |
prétention {f} | :: pretentious person |
prétention {f} [in the plural, prétentions] | :: asking wage |
prête-plume {m} | :: ghostwriter |
prêter {vt} | :: to lend |
prêter {vp} | :: to lend itself to (à) |
prêter {vp} | :: to go along with (à) |
prêter {v} [Louisiana French] | :: to borrow |
prêter {vt} | :: to attribute |
prêter à confusion {v} | :: to cause confusion, to lead to confusion, to be confusing, to be misleading, to give rise to misinterpretation |
prêter attention {v} [à] | :: to pay attention (to something/somebody), to heed |
prétérition {f} [formal, literary, law] | :: preterition, omission |
prêter main-forte {v} [à] | :: to come to somebody's assistance, to lend a helping hand to somebody, to offer one's support to somebody, to help out somebody |
prêter serment {v} | :: to take an oath |
préteur {m} | :: praetor (elected magistrate) |
prêteur {m} [finance] | :: lender |
prêteur sur gages {m} | :: pawnbroker |
prêteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of prêteur |
prétexte {m} | :: excuse, pretext (explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement) |
prétexter {vt} | :: to give as an excuse |
prétibial {adj} [anatomy] | :: pretibial |
prétoire {m} [legal] | :: court |
prétorien {adj} | :: Praetorian, praetorian |
prêtraille {f} | :: priesthood, clergy |
prêtre {m} | :: priest |
prêtresse {f} | :: priestess |
prêtresse {f} | :: wife or lover of a male priest |
prétrice {f} | :: feminine singular of préteur |
prêtrise {f} | :: priesthood |
préture {f} | :: praetorship |
preu {m} | :: The first |
preu {m} [dated, schoolchild slang] | :: The first to play (in a game) |
preu {m} | :: The second floor (of a building) |
preum's {interj} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of prems |
preums {interj} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of prems |
preusement {adv} | :: valiantly, bravely |
preuve {f} | :: proof |
preuve par 9 {f} [mathematics] | :: casting out nines |
preuve par 9 {f} [figuratively] | :: proof positive |
preux {adj} | :: valiant; brave; doughty |
prévalence {f} | :: prevalence |
prévalent {adj} | :: prevalent |
prévaloir {v} [followed by the preposition sur] | :: to prevail |
prévaloir {vr} [followed by the preposition de] | :: to boast, to claim, to pride oneself on |
prévaricateur {m} | :: prevaricator |
prévarication {f} | :: maladministration |
prévarication {f} | :: prevarication |
prévaricatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of prévaricateur |
prévenance {f} | :: thoughtfulness, consideration |
prévenant {adj} | :: considerate |
prévenir {v} | :: to prevent |
prévenir {v} | :: to warn |
prévente {f} | :: presale |
préventif {adj} | :: preventive |
prévention {f} | :: prevention |
préventivement {adv} | :: preventively |
préventorium {m} | :: preventorium |
préverbe {m} [grammar] | :: preverb (verbal prefix) |
Prévert {prop} | :: surname |
prévertébral {adj} [anatomy] | :: prevertebral |
prévisible {adj} | :: foreseeable, predictable |
prévision {f} | :: forecast |
prévisionnel {adj} | :: forecast |
prévisionniste {mf} | :: forecaster |
prévisualisation {f} | :: preview |
prévisualiser {v} | :: to preview |
prévoir {v} | :: to anticipate, foresee, expect (reaction, event etc.) |
prévoir {v} | :: to forecast (weather) |
prévoir {v} | :: to plan |
prévoir {v} | :: to allow, make plans for, prepare, make provision for |
prévoir {v} [legal] | :: to provide for, make provision for |
prévoir le coup {v} [colloquial] | :: to plan ahead, to make arrangements, to have it all covered |
Prévost {prop} | :: surname |
prévostien {adj} | :: Prévostian |
prévôt {m} [religion] | :: provost |
prévôt {m} | :: provost-marshal |
prévôtal {adj} | :: provostal; provostorial |
prévôtalement {adv} | :: provostally, provostorially |
prevôté {f} | :: obsolete spelling of prévôté |
prévôté {f} | :: provostship, provostry |
prévôté {f} [France history] | :: provosty |
prévoyance {f} | :: foresight |
prévoyant {adj} | :: farsighted |
prévu {adj} | :: planned, expected |
Priam {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Priam |
Priape {prop} {m} [Greek god] | :: Priapus (god of procreation) |
priapique {adj} | :: priapic |
priapisme {m} [medicine] | :: priapism |
prie-Dieu {m} | :: prie-dieu |
prier {vt} | :: to pray |
prier {vt} | :: to beg, to beseech, to pray to |
prière {f} | :: prayer |
prière de {phrase} [formal] | :: please (used to make formal requests) |
prieur {m} | :: prior |
prieure {f} | :: prioress |
prieuré {m} | :: priory (religious building) |
primaire {adj} | :: primary |
primaire {adj} | :: elementary |
primat {m} [religion] | :: primate |
primate {m} | :: primate (mammal) |
primatial {adj} | :: primatial |
primature {f} | :: prime ministership |
primauté {f} | :: primacy |
prime {f} | :: reward; prize; bonus |
prime {f} | :: premium (insurance policy) |
Primeau {prop} | :: surname |
Primeaux {prop} | :: surname |
prime de bienvenue {f} | :: golden hello |
prime de départ {f} | :: golden handshake |
primer {v} | :: to dominate, to be dominant over |
primer {v} | :: to win (a prize) |
primer {v} | :: to prevail, take precedent |
primesautier {adj} | :: impulsive |
prime time {m} [usually, uncountable] | :: prime time |
prime time {m} [Canada, countable] | :: type of cigarillo |
primeur {f} | :: primeur |
primeur {f} | :: preview, foretaste |
primevère {f} | :: primrose |
primidi {m} [historical] | :: The first day of the decade (ten-day week) in the French Republican Calendar |
primitif {adj} | :: primitive |
primitive {f} [mathematics] | :: antiderivative |
primitivement {adv} | :: originally |
primitivement {adv} | :: primarily |
primitivisme {m} | :: primitivism |
primo {adv} | :: first (before anything else) |
primogéniture {f} | :: primogeniture |
primordial {adj} | :: primordial, primitive, original |
primordial {adj} | :: vital, essential, paramount, of paramount importance |
primordialement {adv} | :: primordially |
primovaccination {f} | :: A primary vaccination (first in a series) |
primuline {f} [organic compound] | :: primulin |
prince {m} | :: prince |
prince charmant {m} | :: Prince Charming |
Prince-Édouardien {m} | :: Prince Edward Islander |
Prince-Édouardienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Prince-Édouardien |
princesse {f} | :: princess |
princier {adj} | :: princely |
princièrement {adv} | :: princely |
principal {adj} | :: main; principal |
principal {m} | :: what is most important |
principal {m} | :: principal (school administrator) |
principal {m} [finance] | :: principal (the money originally invested or loaned) |
principalement {adv} | :: mainly, principally |
principalité {f} | :: headmastership, headship |
principauté {f} | :: princedom |
principauté {f} | :: principality (region) |
principe {m} | :: principle |
printanier {adj} | :: springlike, vernal |
printanièrement {adv} | :: vernally (in a springlike manner) |
printemps {m} | :: spring (season) |
Printemps arabe {prop} {m} | :: Arab Spring |
prion {m} | :: prion |
prioriser {v} | :: to prioritize |
prioritaire {adj} | :: having priority (having precedence) |
prioritairement {adv} | :: primarily |
prioritairement {adv} | :: essentially, importantly |
priorité {f} | :: priority |
priorité {f} | :: right of way |
prioritiser {v} | :: alternative form of prioriser |
pris {adj} | :: taken |
Priscille {prop} {f} | :: Priscilla |
prise {f} | :: (electrical) socket, wall socket (also prise électrique) |
prise {f} [martial arts] | :: hold |
prise {f} | :: hold (of a climbing wall) |
prise {f} | :: grip |
prise {f} [baseball] | :: a strike |
prise {f} | :: a taking or capture |
prise {f} [film] | :: a take |
prisé {adj} | :: priced |
prise de conscience {f} | :: realization |
prise de courant {f} | :: outlet (wall-mounted socket) |
prise de position {f} | :: stance, stand, statement |
prise de vue {f} | :: filming, shooting |
prise de vue {f} | :: shot |
prise en charge {f} | :: management (of something), care (for something) |
prise en charge {f} | :: pick-up (by a taxi); pick-up fare, minimum fare |
prise en charge {f} | :: payment (of some costs) |
prise en charge {f} | :: care, nursing, treatment (of a patient) |
priser {vt} | :: to snuff, take snuff (to inhale a drug or other substance through the nose) |
priser {vt} | :: to price (fix a price according to market forces) |
priser {vt} | :: to prize (consider something valuable) |
priseur {m} | :: auctioneer |
priseuse {f} | :: feminine noun of priseur |
prismatique {adj} | :: prismatic |
prisme {m} | :: prism |
prison {f} | :: prison |
prison dorée {f} | :: gilded cage |
prisonnier {m} | :: prisoner |
prisonnier de guerre {m} | :: prisoner of war, POW |
prisonnier d'opinion {m} | :: prisoner of conscience |
prisonnière {f} | :: feminine noun of prisonnier |
prisonnière de guerre {f} | :: feminine noun of prisonnier de guerre |
prisonnier politique {m} | :: political prisoner |
pristanique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pristanic |
pristin {adj} [obsolete or law] | :: pristine |
prit {m} [slang, vulgar] | :: penis |
prit {m} [slang, vulgar] | :: a stupid or contemptible man |
private joke {f} {m} | :: A private joke, an in-joke: a piece of humour understood only by a group of people |
privatif {adj} | :: privative [all senses] |
privation {f} | :: deprivation |
privation {f} | :: shortage, deficiency |
privation {f} | :: defect |
privatisation {f} | :: privatisation / privatization |
privatiser {v} | :: to privatize |
privativement {adv} | :: privatively |
privauté {f} | :: extreme familiarity |
privauté {f} [in the plural] | :: liberties |
privé {adj} | :: private |
privément {adv} | :: privately |
priver {v} | :: to deprive |
privilège {m} | :: privilege |
privilégié {adj} | :: privileged |
privilégié {m} | :: person who is privileged |
privilégiée {f} | :: feminine noun of privilégié |
privilégier {v} | :: to privilege, to favour |
prix {m} | :: prize |
prix {m} | :: price |
prix d'ami {m} | :: special discount, discount to a friend, mates' rates |
prix de marché {m} | :: market price |
prix fixe {m} | :: A menu in which the entire meal is offered at a single fixed price |
prix fixe {m} | :: The price of such a meal |
prix Nobel {m} | :: Nobel Prize (international prize) |
PRM {m} | :: initialism of point de raccordement mutualisé |
pro- {prefix} | :: pro- |
pro {adj} [colloquial] | :: professional |
pro {mf} [colloquial] | :: professional |
pro {mf} [colloquial] | :: a whiz, someone who is very good at something |
proa {m} | :: alternative spelling of prao |
proactif {adj} | :: proactive (acting in advance) |
proactivement {adv} | :: proactively |
probabilisme {m} | :: probabilism |
probabiliste {adj} | :: probabilistic |
probabilité {f} | :: probability |
probable {adj} | :: probable (all meanings) |
probablement {adv} | :: probably |
probant {adj} | :: compelling, convincing |
probation {f} | :: probation (especially religious) |
probatoire {adj} | :: probationary |
probiotique {adj} | :: probiotic |
probité {f} | :: probity |
problématique {adj} | :: problematic |
problématique {adj} | :: problematical |
problématiquement {adv} | :: problematically |
problématiser {v} | :: To problematize |
problématologie {f} [philosophy] | :: problematology |
problème {m} | :: problem |
problème {m} | :: trouble |
problême {m} [obsolete] | :: alternative form of problème |
proboscidien {m} | :: proboscidean (animal of the order Proboscidea) |
procaryote {m} [cytology] | :: prokaryote |
procédé {m} | :: procedure (method) |
procédé {m} | :: process (series of events to produce a result) |
procéder {v} | :: proceed |
procéder {v} | :: behave |
procédural {adj} | :: procedural |
procéduralement {adv} | :: procedurally |
procédure {f} | :: procedure |
procédurier {adj} [often pejorative] | :: procedural |
procédurier {m} [often pejorative] | :: person liking formal procedures and judiciary solutions |
procès {m} | :: lawsuit |
procès {m} | :: trial |
processeur {m} | :: processor |
processionnel {adj} | :: processional |
processionnellement {adv} | :: processionally (in procession) |
processus {m} | :: a process |
processus léger {m} [computing] | :: thread |
procès-verbal {m} | :: minutes (of meeting etc) |
procès-verbal {m} [legal] | :: proceedings |
procès-verbal {m} [legal] | :: statement (made to the police) |
procès-verbal {m} [legal, France] | :: ticket, statement of offense |
prochain {adj} | :: upcoming |
prochain {adj} | :: nearby |
prochain {adj} | :: next |
prochain {m} [literary] | :: fellow man, fellow human being, neighbour |
prochainement {adv} | :: soon |
proche {adj} | :: close, near, closeby, nearby (to a place) |
proche {adj} | :: close, near (a time) |
proche {mf} | :: loved one, close relative |
Proche-Orient {prop} {m} | :: Near East |
prochinois {adj} | :: pro-Chinese |
proclamation {f} | :: proclamation; announcement |
proclamer {v} | :: to proclaim; to declare |
procommuniste {adj} | :: pro-communist |
proconsul {m} | :: proconsul |
proconsulaire {adj} | :: proconsular |
proconsulat {m} | :: proconsulship |
proconsule {f} | :: feminine singular of proconsul |
procrastinateur {m} | :: procrastinator |
procrastination {f} | :: procrastination |
procrastiner {vi} | :: to procrastinate, delay taking action, wait until later |
procréation {f} | :: procreation (production of offspring) |
procréer {v} | :: to procreate (produce offspring) |
procruste {m} | :: crab, crayfish |
procruste {m} [statistics] | :: Procrustes analysis |
proctodæum {m} | :: obsolete form of proctodeum |
proctodeum {m} | :: proctodeum |
proctologique {adj} | :: proctological |
procurateur {m} | :: procurator |
procuration {f} | :: proxy |
procuration {f} | :: power of attorney |
procuratrice {f} | :: feminine noun of procureur |
procurer {vt} | :: to get, obtain (for someone) |
procureur {m} | :: representative, agent |
procureur {m} [legal] | :: attorney, prosecutor |
procureur {m} [religion] | :: pastor |
procureur du roi {m} [Belgium, legal] | :: Crown prosecutor of Belgium |
procureur du roi {m} [France, legal, historical] | :: Crown prosecutor of France |
procureure {f} | :: feminine noun of procureur |
procureure de la Couronne {f} [Canada, legal] | :: Crown prosecutor |
procureuse {f} | :: feminine noun of procureur |
procyclique {adj} | :: procyclic, procyclical |
prodigalement {adv} | :: prodigally |
prodigalité {f} | :: prodigality |
prodige {m} | :: prodigy |
prodigieusement {adv} | :: prodigiously |
prodigieux {adj} | :: prodigious |
prodigieux {adj} | :: terrific, immense, magnificent |
prodigue {adj} | :: prodigal |
prodiguement {adv} | :: prodigally |
prodiguer {vt} | :: to dispense, to lavish (something on someone) |
prodromique {adj} | :: prodromal |
producteur {m} | :: producer |
producteur {adj} | :: productive |
productif {adj} | :: productive |
production {f} | :: production |
productique {f} | :: production automation |
productivement {adv} | :: productively |
productivisme {m} | :: productivism |
productiviste {adj} | :: productivist |
productivité {f} | :: productivity |
produire {vt} | :: to produce, to yield |
produire {vr} | :: to happen, take place (of an event) |
produire {vr} | :: to perform (of a singer, etc.) |
produit {m} | :: product |
produit {m} | :: production |
produit fini {m} | :: finished product, end product, finished good |
produit intérieur brut {m} [economics] | :: gross domestic product |
produit laitier {m} | :: dairy product |
produit scalaire {m} [linear algebra] | :: scalar product; dot product |
Produnova {prop} {f} | :: surname of Russian origin |
Produnova {m} [gymnastics] | :: Produnova (Produnova vault) |
proembryon {m} [biology] | :: proembryo |
proéminence {f} [topography] | :: prominence |
proéminent {adj} | :: prominent |
proeutectoïde {adj} | :: proeutectoid |
proeutectoïde {m} | :: proeutectoid |
prof {mf} | :: teacher, professor |
profanateur {adj} | :: profanatory, defiling |
profanateur {m} | :: profaner, defiler (especially of tombs) |
profanation {f} | :: profanation |
profanatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of profanateur |
profane {adj} | :: secular; lay |
profane {adj} | :: profane |
profanement {adv} | :: profanely |
profanement {m} | :: profanation |
profaner {v} | :: to profane |
proférer {v} | :: to utter |
profès {adj} | :: professed, avowed |
profès {m} | :: initiate (who has taken a religious vow) |
professer {v} | :: to profess |
professeur {m} | :: teacher |
professeur {m} | :: professor |
professeure {f} | :: feminine noun of professeur |
professeuse {f} | :: female professor |
profession {f} | :: profession, public declaration |
profession {f} | :: profession, public declaration of faith |
profession {f} | :: profession, occupation, trade, craft, activity |
profession {f} | :: profession, practitioners of a profession collectively |
profession de foi {f} | :: profession of faith |
profession de foi {f} | :: declaration of faith |
profession de foi {f} | :: manifesto, policy statement, declaration of principles |
professionnalisation {f} | :: professionalization |
professionnaliser {v} | :: to professionalize |
professionnalisme {m} | :: professionalism |
professionnel {adj} | :: professional |
professionnel {m} | :: professional |
professionnelle {f} | :: feminine noun of professionnel (female professional) |
professionnelle {f} [euphemistic] | :: prostitute |
professionnellement {adv} | :: professionally |
professoral {adj} | :: professorial |
professorat {m} | :: professorship |
professorat {m} | :: the teaching profession |
professrice {f} [hapax legomenon] | :: feminine noun of professeur |
profil {m} | :: profile |
profilage {f} | :: profiling |
profilagrine {f} [protein] | :: profilaggrin |
profiler {v} | :: To profile |
profileur {m} | :: profiler (person) |
profileur {m} [computing] | :: profiler (masculine only) |
profileuse {f} | :: feminine singular of profileur |
profini {adj} [maths] | :: profinite |
profit {m} | :: profit, benefit |
profitabilité {f} | :: profitability |
profitable {adj} | :: profitable |
profitablement {adv} | :: profitably |
profiter {v} [de] | :: to take advantage to, make the most of |
profiter {v} [à] | :: to be profitable or beneficial |
profiter {vi} [colloquial] | :: to thrive, do well; (of clothes) wear well, soak up (sun, atmosphere) |
profiterole {f} | :: profiterole |
profiteur {m} | :: profiteer |
profiteuse {f} | :: female equivalent of profiteur |
profond {adj} | :: deep |
profond {adj} | :: profound |
profond {adj} [of a region, country or continent, sometimes, pejorative] | :: rural, small-town, provincial, heartland; authentic, true |
profondément {adv} | :: deeply, profoundly |
profondeur {f} | :: depth |
profus {adj} | :: profuse |
profusément {adv} | :: profusely |
profusion {f} | :: profusion |
progéniteur {m} | :: progenitor |
progénitrice {f} | :: feminine noun of progéniteur |
progéniture {f} | :: offspring, progeny |
progestérone {f} [organic compound] | :: progesterone |
progiciel {m} | :: software package |
proglaciaire {adj} [geology] | :: proglacial |
prognathe {adj} | :: prognathous |
prognosticatif {adj} [archaic] | :: prognosticating; tending to predict or foretell |
progouvernemental {adj} | :: pro-government (attributive) |
programmable {adj} | :: programmable |
programmateur {m} | :: timer, scheduler |
programmation {f} | :: programming |
programmation {f} [computing] | :: programming |
programmation orientée objet {f} | :: object-oriented programming |
programmatique {adj} | :: programmatic |
programme {m} | :: a program (set of structured activities) |
programme {m} | :: a program (leaflet listing information about a play, game or other activity) |
programme {m} | :: a program (particular mindset or method of doing things) |
programme {m} [computing] | :: a program |
programme malveillant {m} [computing] | :: malware (software developed to cause harm to a computer system) |
programmer {v} | :: to program |
programmer {v} [computing] | :: to program, to write program code |
programmeur {m} [computing] | :: programmer |
programmeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of programmeur |
progrès {m} | :: progress |
progresser {v} | :: to progress (to show a progression) |
progressif {adj} | :: progressive |
progression {f} | :: progression |
progressisme {m} | :: progressivism |
progressiste {adj} | :: progressivist |
progressivement {adv} | :: progressively |
prohibé {adj} | :: prohibited |
prohiber {vt} [legal, formal] | :: to prohibit (to proscribe) |
prohibitif {adj} | :: prohibitive |
prohibition {f} | :: prohibition |
prohibition {f} [specifically] | :: prohibition of alcohol |
prohibitionnisme {m} [legal] | :: prohibitionism |
prohibitionniste {m} | :: prohibitionist |
prohibitivement {adv} | :: prohibitively |
proie {f} | :: prey |
proie {f} | :: booty |
projecteur {m} | :: projector |
projecteur {m} | :: spotlight |
projectif {adj} [maths] | :: projective |
projectile {m} | :: projectile |
projection {f} | :: projection |
projection {f} | :: screening (of a film) |
projectionniste {mf} | :: projectionist |
projet {m} | :: project |
projet {m} | :: plan |
projet {m} [Louisiana French, legal] | :: draft constitution |
projet de loi {m} | :: bill: proposed law drafted by the executive government, as opposed to a proposition de loi (private member's bill) |
projeter {v} | :: plan (to create a plan for) |
projet européen {m} | :: European project |
prokofiévien {adj} | :: Prokofievian |
prokurde {adj} | :: pro-Kurdish |
prolatif {m} [grammar] | :: the prolative case |
prolepse {f} | :: prolepsis (anticipation) |
prolepse {f} [grammar] | :: prolepsis |
proleptique {adj} | :: proleptic |
prolétaire {m} | :: proletarian |
prolétaire {adj} | :: proletarian |
prolétairement {adv} | :: proletarianly |
prolétaires de tous les pays, unissez-vous {phrase} | :: workers of the world, unite! |
prolétariat {m} | :: proletariat |
prolétarien {adj} | :: proletarian |
prolétarisation {f} | :: proletarianization |
prolifération {f} | :: proliferation, spreading |
proliférer {v} | :: to proliferate, to mushroom, to increase in number |
prolificité {f} [biology] | :: prolificity |
prolifique {adj} | :: prolific (fertile, producing offspring or fruit in great abundance) |
prolifique {adj} | :: prolific (capable of producing a lot of work) |
prolixe {adj} | :: prolix; overly talkative |
prolixement {adv} | :: prolixly |
prolixité {f} | :: prolixity |
prolo {adj} [colloquial, often, pejorative] | :: prole |
prolo {mf} [colloquial, often, pejorative] | :: prole |
prologue {m} | :: prologue |
prolongateur {m} | :: extension cord (an electrical cord) |
prolongation {f} | :: extension |
prolongation {f} [sports] | :: overtime, extra time |
prolongement {m} | :: prolonging, extension |
prolonger {v} | :: to prolong |
promenade {f} | :: walk; stroll (walk for enjoyment) |
promenade de santé {f} [figuratively] | :: a walk in the park |
promener {vr} | :: to walk (leisurely), to go for a walk, to stroll |
promener {vt} | :: to walk out (an animal) |
promener {vt} | :: to carry around, often with the implication of showing off |
promeneur {m} | :: walker |
promeneuse {f} | :: A female promenader: a woman or girl who promenades, who goes for a walk |
promeneuse {f} | :: A woman or girl charged with guiding promenades, with taking others on walks |
promenoir {m} | :: covered walk |
promesse {f} | :: promise [all meanings] |
prométaphase {f} | :: prometaphase |
prométhate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: promethate |
prométhéen {adj} | :: Promethean |
prométhéum {m} | :: promethium |
prométhium {m} | :: promethium |
prometteur {adj} | :: promising |
prometteur {m} | :: someone who makes false promises |
prometteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of prometteur |
promettre {v} | :: to promise |
promettre {vi} | :: to be promising, to be hopeful |
promettre monts et merveilles {v} [figuratively] | :: to promise the moon, to promise the earth, to promise the stars (to make promises that are impossible to uphold) |
promiscuité {f} | :: crowding, lack of privacy |
promis juré {interj} [colloquial] | :: pinky swear, pinky promise, cross my heart |
promis, juré, craché {interj} [colloquial] | :: cross my heart and hope to die, pinky swear, pinky promise |
promonarchiste {adj} | :: pro-monarchy |
promontoire {m} | :: promontory |
promoteur {m} | :: promoter, one who promotes |
promoteur {m} [college slang] | :: master's thesis supervisor, tutor, director, advisor |
promotion {f} | :: promotion (career advancement) |
promotion {f} | :: promotion, advertising |
promotion {f} | :: special offer, discount, special, sale |
promotion {f} | :: school year, year group |
promotion canapé {f} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: promotion by sleeping one's way up the ladder |
promotionnaire {mf} [sport] | :: A team (or a person) who have been promoted to a higher league |
promotionnel {adj} | :: promotional (of, or relating to a promotion) |
promouvoir {v} | :: to promote (advertise a product) |
promouvoir {v} | :: to promote (encourage) |
prompt {adj} | :: prompt, swift, quick |
prompt {adj} [Louisiana] | :: curt |
promptement {adv} | :: promptly, shortly, quickly |
prompteur {m} | :: teleprompter |
promptitude {f} | :: promptitude |
prompt rétablissement {interj} | :: Get well soon, a phrase expressing hope that the listener will soon recover from physical illness |
promulgation {f} | :: promulgation |
promulguer {v} | :: to promulgate (to make known or public) |
promyélocytaire {adj} [pathology] | :: promyelocytic |
pronateur {m} [anatomy] | :: pronator |
pronatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of pronateur |
prône {m} | :: sermon, homily |
prôner {v} | :: to extol, praise, laud |
prôner {v} | :: to recommend, advocate |
pronique {adj} [maths] | :: pronic |
prono {m} [colloquial] | :: prediction |
pronom {m} | :: pronoun |
pronom démonstratif {m} [grammar] | :: demonstrative pronoun (pronoun which replaces a noun) |
pronominal {adj} | :: pronominal |
pronominalement {adv} | :: pronominally |
pronom personnel {m} [grammar] | :: personal pronoun |
pronom réfléchi {m} [grammar] | :: reflexive pronoun |
pronom relatif {m} [grammar] | :: relative pronoun |
prononçable {adj} | :: pronounceable |
prononcé {adj} | :: strong, distinct, marked |
prononcer {v} | :: to pronounce |
prononcer {v} | :: to say, mention |
prononcer {v} | :: to give, deliver (a speech) |
prononciation {f} | :: pronunciation |
pronostic {m} | :: prognosis (all meanings) |
pronosticatif {adj} [archaic] | :: prognosticating; tending to predict or foretell |
pronostic vital {m} | :: prognosis for survival |
pronostiquer {v} | :: to predict; to foretell; to prognosticate |
pronostiqueur {m} | :: forecaster |
pronostiqueur {m} | :: tout (at a racecourse) |
pronucléaire {adj} | :: pronuclear (all senses) |
prony {m} [music] | :: an interval (defined on a logarithmic scale) between two sounds |
propagande {f} | :: propaganda |
propagande par le fait {f} | :: propaganda of the deed; propaganda by the deed |
propagandiste {mf} | :: propagandist |
propagateur {adj} | :: propagating |
propagateur {m} | :: propagator |
propagation {f} | :: propagation |
propagé {adj} | :: propagated |
propager {vt} | :: to propagate, spread |
propager {vr} | :: to propagate, spread |
propalestinien {adj} | :: pro-Palestinian |
propanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: propanoic |
propédeutique {adj} | :: propaedeutic |
propédeutique {f} | :: propaedeutics |
propédeutiquement {adv} | :: propaedeutically |
propènal {m} [organic compound] | :: propenal |
propène {m} [organic compound] | :: propene |
propension {f} | :: propensity |
properdine {f} [protein] | :: properdin |
propergol {m} | :: propellant; rocket fuel |
prophète {m} | :: prophet (one who speaks by divine inspiration) |
prophétesse {f} | :: female equivalent of prophète |
prophétie {f} | :: prophecy |
prophétie autoréalisatrice {f} | :: self-fulfilling prophecy |
prophétique {adj} | :: prophetic |
prophétiquement {adv} | :: prophetically |
prophétiser {v} | :: to prophetize |
prophylactique {adj} | :: prophylactic |
prophylaxie {f} | :: prophylaxis |
propice {adj} | :: propitious; favorable |
propice {adj} | :: opportune |
propicement {adv} | :: propitiously |
propionique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: propionic |
propitiatoire {adj} | :: propitiatory |
propolis {f} | :: propolis |
proportion {f} | :: proportion |
proportionnable {adj} | :: proportionable |
proportionnablement {adv} | :: proportionably |
proportionnalité {f} | :: proportionality |
proportionnalité {f} | :: proportional representation |
proportionné {adj} | :: proportioned |
proportionné {adj} | :: proportionate |
proportionnel {adj} | :: proportional |
proportionnellement {adv} | :: proportionally |
proportionnément {adv} | :: proportionately |
proportionner {vt} | :: to proportion |
propos {m} | :: aim, intention |
propos {m} | :: remark |
proposer {v} | :: to propose, suggest |
proposer {v} | :: to propose (offer) |
proposition {f} | :: proposition, suggestion |
proposition {f} [grammar] | :: proposition |
proposition {f} [grammar] | :: clause |
propositionnel {adj} | :: propositional (related to proposition) |
propræteur {m} | :: obsolete form of propréteur |
propre {adj} | :: clean |
propre {adj} | :: house-trained |
propre {adj} [before a noun] | :: own |
propre {adj} [mathematics] | :: eigen- |
propre {adj} [followed by the preposition à] | :: proper to, specific to, particular to |
propre comme un sou neuf {adj} [simile] | :: Very clean; squeaky clean; clean as a whistle |
proprement {adv} | :: properly |
proprement {adv} | :: cleanly (in a way which is not dirty) |
propre sur soi {adj} | :: neat and tidy, trim, clean-looking, fit to be seen |
propret {adj} | :: neat and tidy, spick and span; squeaky clean |
propret {adj} | :: cheap and cheerful |
propreté {f} | :: cleanliness; cleanness |
propréteur {m} | :: proprætor (a magistrate of ancient Rome) |
propriétaire {adj} | :: proprietary |
propriétaire {mf} | :: owner (one who owns) |
propriétairement {adv} | :: proprietarily |
propriété {f} | :: property (something owned) |
propriété {f} | :: property, attribute |
proprio {m} [colloquial] | :: landlord |
proprio {m} [colloquial] | :: householder, landowner (real estate proprietor) |
propriocepteur {m} [anatomy] | :: proprioceptor |
propriocepteur {adj} [anatomy] | :: proprioceptive |
propriorécepteur {m} | :: proprioceptor |
propriote {f} | :: feminine singular of proprio |
proptose {f} | :: exophthalmos |
propulser {v} | :: to propel; to propulse |
propulseur {m} | :: propeller |
propulseur {m} | :: spear thrower |
propulsif {adj} | :: propulsive |
propulsion {f} | :: propulsion |
propyle {m} [organic chemistry] | :: propyl |
propylène {m} [organic compound] | :: propylene |
prorata {m} | :: proportion |
prorévolutionnaire {adj} | :: pro-revolutionary |
prorogation {f} [politics] | :: prorogation |
prorogé {adj} | :: prorogued, prorogated |
proroger {v} | :: to extend |
proroger {v} | :: to defer, put back |
proroger {v} | :: to adjourn |
proroger {v} [politics] | :: to prorogue |
prorusse {adj} | :: pro-Russian |
prosaïque {adj} | :: prosaic |
prosaïquement {adv} | :: prosaically |
prosaïsme {m} | :: mundanity, prosaicness |
prosateur {m} | :: prosaist (prose writer) |
prosatrice {f} | :: female equivalent of prosateur |
proscription {f} [history] | :: Condemnation made against political opponents, especially the Roman antiquity and during the French Revolution |
proscription {f} | :: Banishment of a person or group |
proscription {f} | :: Proscription (2) |
proscrire {vt} | :: to banish |
proscrire {vt} | :: to ban, prohibit, proscribe |
proscrit {adj} | :: proscribed, banned |
prose {f} | :: prose |
prosélyte {adj} | :: proselytic |
prosélyte {m} | :: proselyte |
prosélytiser {v} | :: to proselytize |
prosélytisme {m} | :: proselytism |
prosencéphale {m} [anatomy] | :: prosencephalon |
prosodie {f} | :: prosody (patterns of sounds and rhythms) |
prosodique {adj} | :: prosodic |
prosodiquement {adv} | :: prosodically |
prosome {m} | :: synonym of protéasome; prosome |
prosopagnosie {f} [medicine] | :: prosopagnosia |
prosopographie {f} | :: prosopography |
prosopographique {adj} | :: prosopographic |
prosopopée {f} | :: prosopopoeia |
prosopopœe {f} | :: obsolete form of prosopopée |
prosoviétique {adj} | :: pro-soviet |
prospecter {v} [mineralogy] | :: prospect (to search as for gold) |
prospecteur {m} | :: prospector |
prospecteur {m} | :: canvasser |
prospectif {adj} | :: prospective |
prospectif {adj} | :: predictable |
prospection {f} | :: prospecting |
prospectrice {f} | :: feminine noun of prospecteur |
prospère {adj} | :: prosperous, propitious |
prospère {adj} | :: prosperous, fortunate |
prospèrement {adv} | :: prosperously |
prospérer {v} | :: to thrive, prosper |
prospérité {f} | :: prosperity |
Prost {prop} | :: Prost (surname) |
prostacycline {f} | :: prostacyclin |
prostaglandine {f} [biochemistry] | :: prostaglandin |
prostatique {adj} [anatomy] | :: prostatic |
prosternation {f} | :: prostration |
prosterner {vr} | :: to bow down |
prosthétique {adj} | :: prosthetic |
prostipute {f} [vulgar, offensive] | :: whore (a person having sex for profit) |
prostitué {adj} | :: whoring, prostituting |
prostitué {m} | :: prostitute (a person having sex for profit) |
prostituée {f} | :: prostitute (a person having sex for profit) |
prostituer {vr} | :: to prostitute oneself |
prostitution {f} | :: prostitution |
prostré {adj} | :: prostrate |
prostré {adj} | :: prone |
prosule {f} [music] | :: the enrichment of Gregorian chants by the addition of melismatic syllables |
protactinium {m} | :: protactinium |
protagoniste {m} | :: protagonist (the main character) |
protandre {adj} | :: protandrous |
protase {f} [grammar] | :: protasis |
prote {m} | :: A supervisor or foreman in a printing press |
protéacée {f} | :: protea (of family Proteacea) |
protéagineux {adj} | :: proteaginous |
protéase {f} [enzyme] | :: protease |
protéasome {m} [biochemistry] | :: proteasome |
protecteur {m} | :: protector |
protecteur {adj} | :: protective (related to or used for protection) |
protection {f} | :: protection |
protectionnisme {m} | :: protectionism |
protectionniste {adj} | :: protectionist |
protectionniste {mf} | :: protectionist |
protectorat {m} | :: protectorate |
protectrice {f} | :: female equivalent of protecteur |
protée {f} | :: mudpuppy, waterdog (amphibian of Proteidae family) |
Protée {prop} {m} [astronomy] | :: Proteus (moon of Neptune) |
Protée {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] | :: Proteus |
protège-dent {m} | :: mouthguard (device) |
protège-matelas {m} | :: mattress protector |
protéger {v} | :: to protect |
protège-tibia {m} [soccer] | :: shinguard |
protéiforme {adj} | :: protean |
protéinase {f} [enzyme] | :: proteinase |
protéine {f} | :: protein |
protéiné {adj} | :: enriched with protein |
protéiner {v} | :: to enrich with protein |
protéinogène {adj} [biochemistry] | :: proteinogenic |
protéinurie {f} [pathology] | :: proteinuria |
protéique {adj} | :: proteinic |
protéique {adj} | :: protean |
protèle {m} | :: aardwolf |
protéobactérie {f} | :: proteobacterium |
protéolyse {f} | :: proteolysis |
protéolytique {adj} [biochemistry] | :: proteolytic |
protéome {m} [biochemistry] | :: proteome |
protéomicien {m} | :: proteomicist |
protéomicienne {f} | :: feminine singular of protéomicien |
protéomique {adj} | :: proteomic |
protérozoïque {adj} | :: Proterozoic |
Protérozoïque {m} | :: Proterozoic |
protestant {adj} | :: Protestant |
protestant {m} | :: Protestant (person) |
protestantisme {m} [Christianity] | :: Protestantism |
protestataire {adj} | :: protesting |
protestataire {mf} | :: protester |
protestation {f} | :: admission, exclamation, statement |
protestation {f} | :: protest, objection |
protester {v} | :: to protest; to object |
protêt {m} [finance] | :: protest of dishonor |
prothèse {f} [medicine] | :: prosthesis (artificial replacement for a body part) |
prothèse {f} [linguistics] | :: prothesis |
prothésiste {mf} | :: prosthodontist |
prothétique {adj} | :: prosthetic |
protide {m} [nutrition] | :: protein, peptides and similar materials |
protidique {adj} | :: protidic |
protiodure {m} | :: alternative form of protoiodure |
protique {adj} [physics, chemistry] | :: protic |
protiste {m} | :: protist (eukaryotic unicellular organisms of the kingdom Protoctista) |
protistologie {f} | :: protistology |
protistologique {adj} | :: protistological |
protistologiste {m} [biology] | :: protistologist |
protistologue {mf} | :: protistologist |
proto- {prefix} | :: proto- |
protobromure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: protobromide |
protocarbure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: protocarbide |
protocelte {adj} | :: Proto-Celtic |
protocérébron {m} [anatomy] | :: protocerebrum |
protocerque {adj} | :: protocercal |
protochlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: protochloride |
protocolaire {adj} | :: protocol (attributive) |
protocolaire {adj} | :: formal |
protocolairement {adv} | :: formally (according to protocol) |
protocole {m} | :: protocol |
protocyanure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: protocyanide |
protoétoile {f} [astronomy] | :: protostar |
protofluorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: protofluoride |
proto-germanique {m} | :: Proto-Germanic |
proto-germanique {adj} | :: Proto-Germanic |
protogyne {adj} | :: protogynous |
protohistoire {f} | :: protohistory |
protohistorique {adj} | :: protohistoric |
protoiodure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: protoiodide |
proto-langue {f} | :: alternative form of protolangue |
protolangue {f} | :: proto-language |
protologisme {m} | :: protologism |
protologue {m} | :: protologue#en |
protomartyr {m} | :: protomartyr |
protomartyre {f} | :: protomartyress; female equivalent of protomartyr |
protomorphose {f} [biology] | :: protomorphosis |
proton {m} [particle] | :: proton |
protoné {adj} [chemistry] | :: protonated |
protonique {adj} | :: protonic |
protoniser {v} [chemistry, physics] | :: to protonate |
protonotaire {n} | :: prothonotary |
protophosphure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: protophosphide |
protoplanétaire {adj} [astronomy] | :: protoplanetary |
protoplanète {f} [astronomy] | :: protoplanet |
protoplasme {m} [cytology] | :: protoplasm |
protoporphyrine {f} [organic compound] | :: protoporphyrin |
protosel {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: protosalt |
protoséléniure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: protoselenide |
protostomien {m} | :: protostomian |
protostomien {adj} | :: protostomian |
protosulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: protosulfide |
prototrophe {adj} [biology] | :: prototrophic |
prototrophe {m} [biology] | :: prototroph |
prototrophie {f} [biology] | :: prototrophy |
prototype {m} | :: prototype |
prototypique {adj} [linguistics] | :: prototypical |
prototypiquement {adv} | :: prototypically |
protoxyde {m} | :: monoxide (oxide containing a single oxygen atom) |
protozoaire {adj} | :: protozoan |
protubérance {f} | :: lump, protuberance |
protubérant {adj} | :: bulging, protuberant |
protubérant {adj} | :: protruding |
prou {adv} [obsolete] | :: a lot |
proudhonien {adj} | :: Proudhonian |
proudhonisme {m} | :: Proudhonism |
proue {f} [nautical] | :: prow |
prouesse {f} [usually, in the singular] | :: prowess; bravery; valiance; derring-do |
Proulx {prop} | :: surname |
prout {m} [colloquial] | :: fart, trump, toot (an emission of flatulent gases) |
prouvable {adj} | :: provable |
prouvable {adj} | :: verifiable |
prouvablement {adv} | :: provably |
prouvablement {adv} | :: verifiably |
prouver {v} | :: to prove |
provenance {f} | :: provenance, origin |
provençal {adj} | :: Provençal; of or pertaining to Provence (a region in France) or its people |
provençal {m} | :: Provençal; Occitan, especially the dialect of Occitan that is spoken in Provence |
Provençal {m} | :: a person from Provence |
Provençale {f} | :: feminine noun of Provençal |
Provence {prop} {f} | :: Provence (region) |
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur {prop} {f} | :: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (region of France) |
provenir {v} | :: to originate (from) |
provenir {v} | :: to arise (from) |
proverbe {m} | :: proverb, saying |
Proverbes {prop} {mp} [bible] | :: Proverbs |
proverbial {adj} | :: proverbial |
proverbialement {adv} | :: proverbially |
providence {f} | :: providence |
providentiel {adj} | :: providential |
providentiellement {adv} | :: providentially |
province {f} | :: province |
province {f} | :: the countryside (of France), the French regions (other than the Parisian region), provincial France |
provincial {adj} | :: provincial |
provincial {m} | :: people from the provinces/regions |
provincialisme {m} | :: provincialism |
proviseur {m} | :: headmaster (of a secondary school) |
provision {f} | :: provision |
provisionnel {adj} | :: provisional |
provisionnellement {adv} | :: provisionally |
provisionner {vt} | :: to fund, set aside funds for |
provisoire {adj} | :: temporary (for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant) |
provisoire {adj} | :: provisional |
provisoirement {adv} | :: for the time being |
provisoirement {adv} | :: provisionally |
provoc {f} | :: clipping of provocation |
provocant {adj} | :: provocative, inflammatory |
provocateur {adj} | :: provocative, inflammatory |
provocateur {m} | :: provocateur, provoker; one who provokes |
provocation {f} | :: provocation |
provocatrice {f} | :: feminine noun of provocateur |
provoquant {adj} | :: provocative |
provoquer {v} | :: to provoke, bring on, bring about |
proxémie {f} | :: proxemics |
proxénète {mf} | :: procurer, pimp |
proxénétisme {m} | :: proxenetism, pimping |
proximité {f} | :: proximity |
proximité {f} | :: coming up |
pruche {f} [Quebec] | :: hemlock (tree of Tsuga genus) |
prude {adj} | :: prude |
prudemment {adv} | :: prudently |
prudence {f} | :: prudence, caution, care |
prudence est mère de sûreté {proverb} | :: discretion is the better part of valour, diffidence is the right eye of prudence, better safe than sorry |
prudent {adj} | :: prudent, careful, cautious |
prudentiel {adj} | :: prudential |
prud'homme {m} | :: a master craftsman or expert |
prudhomme {m} | :: alternative spelling of prud'homme |
Prud'homme {prop} | :: Prudhomme; surname |
Prudhomme {prop} | :: Prudhomme; surname |
pruine {f} | :: bloom (powdery coating) |
pruiné {adj} | :: pruinose |
pruinosité {f} | :: pruinescence |
prune {f} | :: plum |
prune {f} [slang] | :: ticket (traffic citation) |
pruneau {m} | :: prune (dried plum) |
prunelier {m} | :: alternative form of prunellier |
prunelle {f} | :: sloe (small, bitter, wild fruit of the blackthorn) |
prunelle {f} | :: sloe gin |
prunelle {f} [anatomy] | :: pupil; eye |
prunelle {f} [archaic] | :: a type of cloth |
prunellier {m} | :: blackthorn; sloe (Prunus spinosa) |
prunier {m} | :: plum, plum tree |
prurigineux {adj} | :: pruritic, pruriginous |
prurit {m} | :: itch, itchiness |
prurit {m} | :: itch, in the sense of a desire or want |
Prusse {prop} {f} | :: Prussia |
Prussie {prop} {f} | :: Prussia |
prussien {adj} | :: Prussian |
prussien {m} | :: Prussian (language) |
Prussien {m} | :: Prussian person |
Prussienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Prussien |
prussique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: prussic |
prytane {m} | :: prytane |
PS {prop} {m} | :: initialism of Parti Socialiste, a socialist political party active in France, Belgium and Switzerland |
psalmique {adj} | :: psalmic |
psalmodie {f} | :: psalmody |
psalmodier {vi} | :: to chant, intone [especially a psalm] |
psalmodier {vi} | :: to drone |
psaloïde {adj} [anatomy] | :: psalloid |
psaltérion {m} [historical] | :: psaltery from mid-13th c |
psaltérion {m} | :: bowed psaltery |
psaume {m} | :: psalm (all senses) |
Psaumes {prop} {mp} [bible] | :: Psalms |
psautier {m} | :: psalter |
pschitt {interj} | :: hiss |
pseautier {m} | :: alternative spelling of psautier |
pséphologie {f} | :: psephology |
pseudo- {prefix} | :: pseudo- |
pseudo {m} | :: A nickname, handle or pseudonym |
pseudo-colonne {f} [database] | :: pseudocolumn |
pseudocratère {f} | :: pseudocrater |
pseudoéphédrine {f} | :: pseudoephedrine |
pseudogamie {f} [biology] | :: pseudogamy |
pseudohalogène {m} [chemistry] | :: pseudohalogen |
pseudohalogénure {m} [chemistry] | :: pseudohalide |
pseudonyme {adj} | :: pseudonymous, done under a pseudonym |
pseudonyme {m} | :: pseudonym |
pseudoparasitisme {m} [biology] | :: pseudoparasitism |
pseudopode {m} [biology] | :: pseudopod |
pseudoscalaire {m} [physics] | :: pseudoscalar |
pseudouridimycine {f} [medicine] | :: pseudouridimycin |
PSG {prop} [soccer] | :: Paris Saint-Germain Football Club, a French football club from Paris |
psi {m} | :: psi (Greek letter) |
psilocybine {f} | :: psilocybin |
psitt {interj} | :: psst! |
psoralée {f} | :: scurfpea (of the genus Psoralea) |
psoralène {m} | :: psoralen |
psoralier {m} | :: tumbleweed (of the genus Psoralea) |
psorique {adj} | :: psoric, psoriatic |
psoroptique {adj} | :: psoroptic |
psy {adj} [colloquial] | :: clipping of psychologique |
psy {adj} [colloquial] | :: clipping of psychique |
psy {adj} [colloquial] | :: clipping of psychosomatique |
psy {mf} [colloquial] | :: clipping of psychiatre; shrink |
psy {mf} [colloquial] | :: clipping of psychologue |
psychanalyse {f} | :: psychoanalysis (family of psychological theories) |
psychanalyser {vt} | :: to psychoanalyze |
psychanalyste {mf} | :: psychoanalyst |
psychanalytique {adj} | :: psychoanalytical (relating to psychoanalysis) |
psyché {f} [psychology, philosophy] | :: psyche |
psyché {f} | :: cheval glass |
psychédélique {adj} | :: psychedelic (of, containing or generating hallucinations, etc.) |
psychédéliquement {adv} | :: psychedelically |
psychédélisme {m} | :: psychedelia |
psychiatre {mf} | :: psychiatrist |
psychiatrie {f} | :: psychiatry |
psychiatrique {adj} | :: psychiatric (of or relating to psychiatry) |
psychiatriser {v} | :: To psychiatrize |
psychique {adj} | :: psychic |
psychiquement {adv} | :: psychically |
psychisme {m} [philosophy, psychology] | :: psyche, globality of mind |
psychisme {m} [philosophy, psychology] | :: life of the psyche or mind ; globality of psychical phenomena |
psycho- {prefix} | :: psycho- |
psychoactif {adj} | :: psychoactive |
psychochirurgie {f} | :: psychosurgery |
psychodramatique {adj} | :: psychodramatic |
psychodrame {m} | :: psychodrama |
psychodysleptique {adj} | :: psychodysleptic |
psychogériatrie {f} | :: psychogeriatrics |
psychohistoire {f} | :: psychohistory |
psychokinèse {m} | :: psychokinesis |
psychokinésie {f} | :: psychokinesis |
psycholinguistique {adj} | :: psycholinguistic |
psycholinguistique {f} | :: psycholinguistics |
psychologie {f} | :: psychology |
psychologie inversée {f} [psychology] | :: reverse psychology |
psychologique {adj} | :: psychological |
psychologiquement {adv} | :: psychologically |
psychologiser {v} | :: psychologize |
psychologue {mf} | :: psychologist |
psychomoteur {adj} | :: psychomotor |
psychomotricité {f} | :: psychomotricity |
psychonaute {mf} | :: psychonaut |
psychopathe {mf} | :: psychopath |
psychopathie {f} | :: psychopathy |
psychopathique {adj} | :: psychopathic |
psychopathologie {f} | :: psychopathology |
psychopathologique {adj} | :: psychopathological |
psychopédagogie {f} | :: psychopedagogy (educational psychology) |
psychopharmacologie {f} | :: psychopharmacology |
psychopharmacologique {adj} | :: psychopharmacological |
psychophysiologie {f} | :: psychophysiology |
psychophysiologique {adj} | :: psychophysiological |
psychophysique {adj} | :: psychophysical |
psychophysique {f} | :: psychophysics (a branch of psychology) |
psychopolitique {f} | :: psychopolitics |
psychopompe {mf} | :: psychopomp |
psychorigide {adj} | :: psychorigid |
psychose {f} | :: psychosis |
psychosocial {adj} | :: psychosocial |
psychosociologue {mf} | :: psychosociologist |
psychosomatique {adj} | :: psychosomatic (of physical effects with mental causes) |
psychosynthèse {f} | :: psychosynthesis |
psychotechnique {adj} | :: psychotechnic |
psychotechnique {f} | :: psychotechnics |
psychothérapeute {mf} | :: psychotherapist |
psychothérapie {f} | :: psychotherapy |
psychotique {adj} | :: psychotic |
psychotique {mf} | :: psychotic |
psychotrope {adj} | :: psychotropic |
psychotrope {m} | :: psychotropic, psychoactive drug |
p'tain {interj} [colloquial, vulgar] | :: informal spelling of putain or contraction of putain |
ptdr {interj} [internet slang, texting] | :: initialism of pété de rire Literally "broken with laughter", approximately equivalent to English PMSL |
ptéridine {f} [organic compound] | :: pteridine |
ptéridographe {mf} | :: pteridologist |
ptéridophyte {m} | :: pteridophyte |
ptérine {f} [organic compound] | :: pterin |
ptérinique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pterinic |
ptérodactyle {m} | :: pterodactyl (extinct flying reptile) |
ptérois zèbre {m} | :: zebra turkeyfish, zebra lionfish |
ptérosaure {m} | :: pterosaur |
ptérygoïde {adj} [anatomy] | :: pterygoid |
ptérygoïdien {adj} | :: pterygoid |
p'tet {adv} [nonstandard] | :: contraction of peut-être |
p't'êt' {adv} [nonstandard] | :: contraction of peut-être |
ptil- {prefix} | :: ptilo- (downy) |
-ptile {suffix} [botany] | :: -ptile (leaf) |
-ptile {suffix} [ornithology] | :: -ptile (plumage) |
ptiline {f} [zoology and entomology] | :: ptilinum |
ptilocerque {m} | :: pen-tailed treeshrew |
p'tit {adj} [colloquial, slang] | :: eye dialect of petit or contraction of petit or syncopic form of petit |
p'tit déj {m} [colloquial, slang] | :: clipping of petit déjeuner (breakfast) |
Ptolémaïs {prop} | :: Ptolemais |
Ptolémée {prop} {m} | :: Ptolemy |
ptomaïne {f} | :: ptomaine |
ptyalisme {m} [biology, pathology] | :: ptyalism |
pu {adv} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: alternative form of plus |
puant {adj} | :: smelly, stinking |
puanteur {f} | :: stench; stink |
pub {f} | :: Television ad or advert |
pub {m} | :: pub |
pubalgie {f} | :: groin pain |
pubalgie {f} | :: groin strain |
pubard {m} [colloquial] | :: adman |
pubère {adj} | :: pubescent |
puberté {f} | :: puberty |
pubien {adj} [anatomy] | :: pubic |
pubis {m} | :: pubis; pubes |
publiable {adj} | :: publishable |
publiant {m} | :: publicist |
publiante {f} | :: feminine singular of publiant |
public {adj} | :: public |
public {m} | :: public (people in general) |
public {m} | :: audience |
publicain {m} | :: publican (in Ancient Rome) |
publication {f} | :: publication |
publication {f} | :: publicizing |
publiciel {m} [computing] | :: adware |
publiciste {mf} | :: publicist |
publiciste {mf} | :: advertising executive |
publicitaire {adj} [attributive] | :: publicity; advertising |
publicitaire {mf} | :: publicist, adman, adwoman |
publicitairement {adv} | :: by means of publicity or advertising |
publicité {f} | :: publicity, advertising |
publicité {f} | :: commercial, advertisement |
publier {v} | :: to publish, to release, to issue |
publipostage {m} | :: mail merge |
publiquement {adv} | :: publicly |
publirédactionnel {m} | :: advertorial (advertisement presented as editorial) |
publireportage {m} | :: infomercial |
puçage {m} | :: chipping (insertion of a chip under the skin) |
puccinien {adj} | :: Puccinian |
puce {f} | :: flea |
puce {f} | :: chip [electronics], silicon chip |
puce {f} [typography] | :: bullet |
puce {f} [affectionate] | :: sweetie |
puceau {m} | :: virgin (male person who has never had sexual relations) |
puceau {adj} | :: virgin |
pucelage {m} [colloquial] | :: virginity |
pucelage {m} | :: innocence |
pucelle {f} | :: a maiden; a virgin |
pucer {v} | :: To chip (insert a chip under the skin) |
puceron {m} | :: aphid |
pucier {m} [slang] | :: bed; sleep |
pudding {m} | :: any dish formed from putting the leftovers of a place such as a bakery together, and mixing them all into one |
pudeur {f} | :: sense of modesty or reserve; shame |
pudeur {f} | :: sense of decency, chastity, propriety |
pudibond {adj} | :: prudish |
pudibonderie {f} | :: prudishness |
pudicité {f} | :: pudicity; modesty; chasteness |
pudique {adj} | :: modest, chaste |
pudiquement {adv} | :: in a pudic way |
puer {vi} | :: to stink, to smell (bad) |
puer de la gueule {v} [vulgar, figuratively] | :: to have bad breath |
puer du bec {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to have bad breath |
puériculteur {m} | :: paediatric nurse, nursery nurse |
puéricultrice {f} | :: feminine noun of puériculteur |
puériculture {f} | :: Puericulture |
puéril {adj} [dated or literary] | :: childlike |
puéril {adj} [pejorative] | :: puerile, childish, immature |
puérilement {adv} | :: youthfully |
puérilement {adv} | :: childishly |
puérilité {f} | :: childishness |
puffin {m} | :: shearwater |
pugilat {m} | :: pugilism, fist-fighting |
pugilat {m} | :: boxing |
pugiliste {mf} | :: pugilist |
pugiliste {mf} | :: boxer |
pugilistique {adj} | :: of or relating to pugilism or boxing |
pugnace {adj} | :: pugnacious |
pugnacité {f} | :: pugnacity |
puîné {adj} [law, literary] | :: cadet (born after a sibling) |
puîné {m} [law, literary] | :: cadet (someone born after a sibling) |
puis {adv} | :: then |
puis {conj} | :: and |
puisage {m} | :: drawing (water etc) |
puisard {m} | :: soakaway, sink hole; draining-well |
puisard {m} | :: sump |
puiser {v} [also, figurative] | :: to draw (for example, water from a well), to tap into |
puisqu' {conj} [before vowel sound] | :: apocopic form of puisque |
puisque {conj} | :: since, because |
puissamment {adv} | :: powerfully |
puissamment {adv} | :: much; a lot; greatly |
puissance {f} | :: power (physical or figuratively) |
puissance {f} | :: dominion (state within the British Empire) |
puissance {prep} [mathematics] | :: to the power of |
puissance mondiale {f} | :: world power |
puissant {adj} | :: powerful; mighty |
puits {m} | :: well, shaft |
puits artésien {m} | :: artesian well |
puits de pétrole {m} | :: oil well |
puits de science {m} [figuratively] | :: a fount of knowledge (a very knowledgeable person) |
puits sans fond {m} [figuratively] | :: bottomless pit |
pukeko {m} | :: pukeko |
Pula {prop} | :: Pula (largest city) |
pull {m} | :: pullover |
pull-over {m} | :: pullover (sweater) |
pulluler {vi} | :: to teem |
pulluler {vi} | :: to swarm |
pulmonaire {adj} | :: pulmonary |
pulpaire {adj} [dentistry] | :: pulpal |
pulpe {f} | :: pulp |
pulpeux {adj} | :: sexually attractive, gorgeous, ravishing |
pulpeux {adj} | :: pulpy |
pulsatille {f} | :: pasqueflower |
pulsation {f} | :: pulsation |
pulsion {f} [psychology] | :: drive, urge |
pulsion de mort {f} | :: death wish |
pultacé {adj} [medicine] | :: pultaceous |
pulvérisateur {adj} | :: pulverizing |
pulvérisateur {m} | :: pulveriser |
pulvérisateur {m} | :: spray, sprayer, atomizer |
pulvérisation {f} | :: pulverization |
pulvérisation {f} | :: spraying |
pulvérisé {adj} | :: pulverized / pulverised |
pulvériser {v} | :: to pulverise (grind into powder) |
pulvériser {v} | :: to pulverise (defeat thoroughly) |
pulvérulent {adj} | :: pulverulent |
puma {m} | :: puma (mammal) |
punaise {f} [entomology] | :: bug, stinkbug; true bug (a member of order Heteroptera) |
punaise {f} | :: bedbug |
punaise {f} | :: tack, thumbtack, drawing pin |
punaise {f} [colloquial, pejorative, of a woman] | :: a bug, a nothing (a term of abuse) |
punaise {interj} [colloquial] | :: euphemistic form of putain; darn, shoot, shucks |
punaise de sacristie {f} [pejorative] | :: a Holy Mary, a zealot, a bigot, a God botherer, a Jesus freak, a Bible thumper (an excessively pious woman, a woman who spends a lot of a time in the church) |
punaise des lits {f} | :: bedbug (Cimex lectularius) |
punaiser {vt} | :: to pin up (attach with pins) |
punch {m} | :: punch (drink) |
punching-ball {m} | :: punching bag |
punchline {f} [hip hop] | :: Sentence of a rap song, carrying a strong message |
punchline {f} | :: Strong or shocking one-sentenced statement |
punctiforme {adj} [biology] | :: punctiform |
punicique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: punicic |
punique {adj} | :: Punic |
punir {v} | :: to punish |
punissable {adj} | :: punishable |
punissablement {adv} | :: punishably |
punisseur {adj} | :: punishing |
punisseur {m} | :: punisher |
punitif {adj} | :: punitive |
punition {f} | :: punishment |
punk {m} | :: punk |
punk {adj} | :: punk |
pupe {f} | :: a pupa |
pupillaire {adj} | :: pupillary |
pupille {f} | :: pupil (of the eye) |
pupille {mf} | :: an orphan under guardianship, a ward |
pupitre {m} | :: pupil's desk, school desk |
pupitre {m} | :: console, control panel |
pupitre {m} | :: music stand |
pupitreur {m} [computing] | :: operator |
pupitreuse {f} | :: feminine noun of pupitreur |
pur {adj} | :: pure (unspoilt) |
pur {adj} | :: pure (undiluted) |
purée {f} | :: puree |
purée de pois {f} [figuratively] | :: pea-souper (dense fog) |
pure laine {adj} [Quebec] | :: pertaining to old stock Quebecois |
pure laine {mf} [Quebec] | :: old stock Quebecois |
pure laine {mf} [literally] | :: pure wool |
purement {adv} | :: purely, completely, totally |
purement et simplement {adv} [idiomatic] | :: purely and simply |
pur et dur {adj} [chiefly politics] | :: extreme, hard-line, uncompromising |
pur et dur {adj} | :: archetypal, exemplary |
pur et dur {adj} [Canadian politics] | :: pur et dur (being a hardliner of the Quebec independence movement) |
pureté {f} | :: purity |
purgatif {adj} | :: purgative |
purgatif {m} | :: purgative |
purgatoire {m} | :: purgatory (stage of the afterlife in Catholic theology) |
purger {v} [medicine] | :: to purge |
purger {v} [legal] | :: to serve (a sentence) |
purificateur {m} | :: purifier |
purificateur {adj} | :: purifying |
purification {f} | :: purification |
purifié {adj} | :: purified |
purifier {v} | :: to purify |
purifier {v} | :: to cleanse [cleanse something of impurities] |
purin {m} | :: manure |
purin {m} | :: any liquid-based fertilizer |
purique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: purine (attributive) |
purisme {m} | :: purism |
puriste {mf} | :: purist |
puritain {adj} | :: puritan |
puritain {m} | :: Puritan |
puritanisme {m} | :: Puritanism (the beliefs and practices of the Puritans) |
puritanisme {m} | :: puritanism (strict and austere religious conduct) |
pur jus {adj} [figuratively] | :: authentic, genuine |
pur laine {adj} [Quebec] | :: alternative form of pure laine |
pur laine {mf} [Quebec] | :: alternative form of pure laine |
purpurique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: purpuric |
purulent {adj} | :: purulent |
p'us {adv} [colloquial, Louisiana French, Cajun French] | :: no longer, no more |
pus {m} | :: pus |
pusillanime {adj} | :: pusillanimous |
pusillanimement {adv} | :: pusillanimously |
pusillanimité {f} | :: pusillanimity |
putaclic {adj} [attributive] | :: clickbait |
putain {f} [vulgar] | :: whore, hooker |
putain {f} [derogatory, vulgar, slang] | :: bitch, cow (an unpleasant woman) |
putain {interj} [vulgar] | :: fuck, fucking hell, bloody hell |
putain de {adj} [slang, vulgar] | :: fucking [as an intensifier] |
putain de bordel de merde {interj} [vulgar] | :: holy fucking shit, Jesus fucking Christ |
putain de merde {interj} [vulgar] | :: fucking hell; holy shit; goddamn |
putanisme {m} | :: prostitution |
putasse {f} [vulgar] | :: slut, whore |
putasserie {f} | :: whoring |
putassier {adj} | :: sensationalist (of the press) |
putassier {adj} | :: camp (overly theatrical) |
putatif {adj} | :: putative, assumed |
putativement {adv} | :: putatively |
pute {f} [vulgar] | :: whore, slut (prostitute) |
pute {f} [vulgar, colloquial] | :: bitch, slut (promiscuous woman) |
pute {f} [vulgar, slang] | :: fucking (used for emphasis) |
Puteaux {prop} | :: A commune in the western suburbs of Paris |
putet {m} | :: bird cherry (Prunus padus) |
putier {m} | :: bird cherry (Prunus padus) |
putois {m} | :: polecat (especially, the European polecat, Mustela putorius) |
putréfaction {f} | :: putrefaction |
putréfait {adj} | :: putrefied |
putréfié {adj} | :: putrefied, decomposed |
putréfier {v} | :: to putrefy, to decompose |
putride {adj} | :: putrid |
putsch {m} | :: putsch; military coup d'état |
putschiste {mf} | :: putschist |
putter {m} | :: putter (golf club) |
putter {v} [golf] | :: to putt |
puy {m} [geology, regional] | :: mountain, hill |
Puy-de-Dôme {prop} {m} | :: Puy-de-Dôme (department) |
puzzle {m} | :: jigsaw puzzle |
PV {m} [legal] | :: abbreviation of procès-verbal |
PV {m} [gaming] | :: abbreviation of point de vie |
pycnonucléaire {adj} [physics] | :: pycnonuclear |
pyélique {adj} [anatomy] | :: pyelitic |
pyélocaliciel {adj} [anatomy] | :: pyelocaliceal |
pyélon {m} [anatomy] | :: pyelon |
Pyeong-chang {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Pyeongchang |
Pyeongchang {prop} | :: Pyeongchang (county) |
Pyeongchang {prop} | :: Pyeongchang (a city in the eponymous county of South Korea) |
Pyeong Chang {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Pyeongchang |
Pyeong-Chang {prop} | :: alternative spelling of Pyeongchang |
PyeongChang {prop} | :: alternative case form of Pyeongchang |
pygargue {m} | :: sea eagle |
pygargue à tête blanche {m} | :: bald eagle (species of eagle native to North America, Haliaeetus leucocephalus) |
pygidium {m} | :: pygidium |
pygmée {mf} | :: pygmy |
pyine {f} | :: pyin |
pyique {adj} | :: pyic |
pyjama {m} | :: pyjamas |
pylone {m} | :: alternative form of pylône |
pylône {m} | :: pylon (a gateway to the inner part of an Ancient Egyptian temple) |
pylône {m} | :: pylon (electric) |
pylore {m} [anatomy] | :: pylorus |
pylorique {adj} [anatomy] | :: pyloric |
pyocyanique {adj} [biology] | :: pyocyanic |
pyodermite {f} | :: pyodermitis |
pyrale {f} | :: pyralid moth, snout moth, grass moth |
pyrale du buis {f} | :: box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis) |
pyrale du maïs {f} | :: European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) |
pyrale du maïs asiatique {f} | :: Asian corn borer (Ostrinia furnacalis) |
pyramidal {adj} | :: pyramidal |
pyramidalement {adv} | :: pyramidally |
pyramide {f} | :: pyramid |
pyramidion {m} | :: pyramidion |
pyrane {m} [organic compound] | :: pyran |
pyranique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pyranic |
pyranomètre {m} | :: pyranometer |
pyrargyrite {f} [mineral] | :: pyrargyrite |
pyrène {m} [botany] | :: seed (of a fleshy fruit) |
pyrène {m} [organic compound] | :: pyrene |
pyrénéen {adj} | :: Pyrenean |
Pyrénées {prop} {fp} | :: Pyrenees |
Pyrénées-Atlantiques {prop} {fp} | :: Pyrénées-Atlantiques |
Pyrénées-Orientales {prop} {fp} | :: Pyrénées-Orientales (department) |
pyrèthre {m} | :: pyrethrum (plant) |
pyréthrine {f} [organic compound] | :: pyrethrin |
pyréthrinoïde {m} [organic chemistry] | :: pyrethroid |
pyréthroïde {m} | :: synonym of pyréthrinoïde |
pyrgoïdal {adj} [obsolete] | :: In mathematics, qualifies a number that is composed of a columnar number and a pyramidal one, such that the side of the first is larger than that of the second by one |
pyrhéliomètre {m} | :: pyrheliometer |
pyrhéliométrique {adj} | :: pyrheliometric |
pyrimidique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pyrimidine (attributive) |
pyrite {m} | :: The metallic mineral pyrite |
pyritisation {f} [mineralogy] | :: pyritization |
pyritiser {v} [mineralogy] | :: To pyritize |
pyro- {prefix} | :: pyro- |
pyroacétique {adj} [obsolete, organic chemistry] | :: pyroacetic |
pyrocatéchine {f} [organic compound] | :: pyrocatechin, pyrocatechol |
pyrochlore {m} [mineral] | :: pyrochlore |
pyroclaste {m} [geology] | :: pyroclast, tephra |
pyroclastique {n} | :: pyroclastic |
pyroélectrique {adj} [physics] | :: pyroelectric |
pyrogallique {adj} | :: pyrogallic |
pyrogène {adj} | :: pyrogenic (all senses) |
pyroglutamique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pyroglutamic |
pyrognostique {adj} [chemistry] | :: pyrognostic |
pyrogravure {f} | :: pyrography |
pyroligneux {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pyroligneous |
pyrolusite {f} [mineral] | :: pyrolusite |
pyrolyse {f} | :: pyrolysis (decomposition of a material or compound due to heat where there is no oxygen or other reagents) |
pyrolyser {v} | :: to pyrolyse |
pyrolytique {adj} | :: pyrolytic |
pyromancie {f} | :: pyromancy |
pyromane {mf} | :: pyromaniac (one who is obsessed with fire) |
pyromanie {f} | :: pyromania |
pyromantique {adj} | :: pyromantic |
pyrométallurgie {f} [metallurgy] | :: pyrometallurgy |
pyrométallurgique {adj} | :: pyrometallurgic |
pyromètre {m} | :: pyrometer |
pyrope {m} [mineral] | :: pyrope |
pyrophoricité {f} | :: pyrophoricity |
pyrophorique {adj} | :: pyrophoric |
pyrophosphorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] | :: pyrophosphoric |
pyroséquençage {m} | :: pyrosequencing |
pyrotartrique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pyrotartaric |
pyrotechnie {f} | :: pyrotechnics |
pyrotechnique {adj} | :: pyrotechnic |
pyrotique {adj} | :: pyrotic, caustic |
pyroxanthine {f} [organic compound] | :: pyroxanthin |
pyroxène {m} [mineralogy] | :: pyroxene |
pyroxylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pyroxylic |
pyrrhique {adj} | :: pyrrhic |
pyrrhotite {f} | :: pyrrhotite |
Pyrrhus {prop} {m} | :: Pyrrhus |
pyrrolique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pyrrolic |
pyruvique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: pyruvic |
Pythagore {prop} {m} | :: Pythagoras (Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher) |
pythagoricien {adj} | :: Pythagorean |
pythie {f} | :: Pythia |
python {m} | :: python |
Python {prop} {m} | :: Python programming language |
pythonisse {f} | :: A witch (etc) who makes predictions; pythoness |
pyurie {f} [pathology] | :: pyuria |