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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-p

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
PA {m} :: CV (aircraft carrier); initialism of porte-avions
pablisme {m} [politics] :: Pabloism
pabliste {adj} [politics] :: Pabloist
pabliste {mf} [politics] :: Pabloist
PAC {f} :: acronym of Politique agricole commune (Common Agricultural Policy)
PACA {prop} {f} :: acronym of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
pacage {m} :: grazing
pacage {m} :: pasture
pacane {f} [Quebec, Louisiana] :: pecan
pacanier {m} :: pecan (tree)
pacha {m} :: pasha
pachalik {m} :: pashalik
pachole {f} [Marseille slang] :: cunt
pachto {m} :: the Pashto language
pachyblépharose {f} :: pachyblepharon
pachyderme {m} :: pachyderm
pachyptile {adj} [ornithology, rare] :: having thick feathers
Pachyptile {prop} {f} [zoology] :: the genus Pachyptila, the pachyptiles
pacificateur {m} :: pacifier (one who pacifies)
pacificateur {adj} :: pacifying, pacificatory
pacification {f} :: pacification
pacifier {v} :: to pacify
pacifique {adj} :: pacific
Pacifique {prop} {m} :: Pacific
pacifiquement {adv} :: peacefully
pacifisme {m} :: pacifism
pacifiste {mf} :: pacifist
pack {m} :: pack (item of packaging)
pack {m} :: pack ice
pack {m} [sports] :: A rugby team
packaging {m} :: packaging (material)
packfung {m} :: paktong
pacotille {f} :: junk (cheap, tacky articles)
PACS {m} :: civil partnership
pacsage {m} :: civil partnership
pacser {vi} :: to enter into a civil partnership
pacson {m} [slang] :: pack, packet
pacte {m} :: pact, deal
pacte avec le diable {m} :: deal with the devil, Faustian bargain
pacte civil de solidarité {m} :: civil solidarity pact, civil union, civil partnership (legal union established in France in 1999 to regulate the relationships of unmarried cohabiting couples, different-sex or same-sex)
pacte faustien {m} :: Faustian bargain, deal with the devil
pactiser {v} :: to make a pact, make a deal
pactole {m} :: fortune (large amount of money)
Pactole {prop} {m} :: the Pactolus
paddock {m} :: paddock
paddock {m} [slang] :: pad (bed)
padichah {m} :: Padishah
padine {f} :: The brown alga peacock's tail (Padina pavonica)
padma {m} :: pink lotus
padna {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: friend, buddy
Padoue {prop} {f} :: Padua (province)
Padoue {prop} {f} :: Padua (town)
pædagogique {adj} :: obsolete form of pédagogique
paedagogue {mf} :: obsolete form of pédagogue
pædagogue {mf} :: obsolete form of pédagogue
pæderastie {f} :: obsolete form of pédérastie
pædiatrie {f} :: obsolete form of pédiatrie
paélia {f} :: alternative spelling of paella
paella {f} [countable and uncountable] :: paella
paëlla {f} :: alternative spelling of paella
paf {interj} :: Onomatopoeia for the noise caused by a fall or a blow
paf {adj} :: drunk
paf {m} [slang] :: cock, dick
PAF {f} :: border police
PAF {m} :: the French television and radio scene
pagaie {f} :: paddle (two-handed, single-bladed oar)
pagaïe {f} :: alternative spelling of pagaille
pagaille {f} :: muddle; mess
paganisme {m} :: paganism (local religions practiced before the introduction of Christianity)
pagaye {f} :: alternative spelling of pagaille
pagayer {v} :: to paddle
page {f} :: page (of a book, etc.)
page {f} :: page, web page
page {m} :: page, page boy
page d'accueil {f} :: home page (of a Web site)
page de garde {f} :: flyleaf; endpaper
Pagenaud {prop} :: surname
pages blanches {fp} :: white pages
pages jaunes {fp} :: yellow pages
page web {f} :: web page
pagination {f} :: pagination
paginer {v} :: to paginate
pagne {m} :: loincloth
pagne {m} :: grass skirt
pagne {m} :: bed
pagnolesque {adj} :: Pagnolesque
pagode {f} [Buddhism, architecture] :: pagoda
paie {f} :: pay, salary
paiement {m} :: payment
païen {adj} :: pagan, heathen
païen {m} :: pagan, heathen
païen {m} [Acadia] :: an uneducated person, a hick
paillard {adj} :: bawdy, lewd
paillardement {adv} :: bawdily
paillarder {v} :: To fornicate
paillasse {f} :: paillasse, straw mattress
paillasse {f} :: laboratory desk
paillasse {m} :: clown, buffoon
paillasson {m} :: doormat
paillasson {m} [colloquial] :: pushover, submissive person accepting any humiliation
paille {f} :: straw (dried grass)
paille {f} :: (drinking) straw
paille {f} :: flaw in a gem or metal
pailler {m} :: straw house (a building to store straw)
pailler {m} :: straw pile
pailler {v} :: to cover with straw
pailleté {adj} :: sequined
pailleter {v} :: to decorate with sequins, glitter, spangles, or other sparkly material (paillettes); to bespangle
paillette {f} :: sequin
pain {m} :: bread
pain {m} :: piece of bread
pain {m} :: food
pain {m} :: bread-and-butter needs, basic sustenance; breadwinner
pain {m} [colloquial] :: punch (a hit with the fist)
pain {m} :: a block (of ice, of salt, of soap …) with the shape and size of bread
pain {m} [slang] :: (music) mistake during a performance (false note, forgot an intro, wrong solo, …)
pain à cacheter {m} :: wafer (of sealing wax etc.)
pain au chocolat {m} :: A French snack consisting of a pastry, normally similar to a croissant, with chocolate inside
pain aux raisins {m} :: pain aux raisins
pain bénit {m} :: godsend
pain blanc {m} :: white bread
pain complet {m} :: wholemeal bread, brown bread
pain crestou {m} :: A type of granary bread
pain de campagne {m} :: A large round loaf of bread
pain de mie {m} :: pain de mie (A type of sandwich loaf bread of French origin)
pain d'épice {m} :: A form of French gingerbread
pain de sucre {m} :: sugar-loaf
pain de viande {m} :: meatloaf
pain grillé {m} :: toast (toasted bread)
pain perdu {m} :: French toast
paintball {m} :: paintball
pair {adj} [of a number] :: even
pair {m} :: A peer, high nobleman/vassal (as in peer of the realm)
paire {f} :: a pair; a couple
pairement {adv} :: evenly
paire minimale {f} [phonology] :: minimal pair (pair of words)
paire torsadée {f} :: twisted pair
pairie {f} :: peerage
paisablement {adv} :: alternative form of paisiblement
paiser {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: to hush
paisible {adj} :: peaceful
paisiblement {adv} :: peacefully
paitre {v} :: alternative spelling of paître
paître {vi} :: to graze
paix {f} :: peace
paix-toi la djeule {interj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, colloquial] :: shut up!
pajot {m} [slang] :: bed, fleabag, pit
Paki {m} [ethnic slur] :: Paki (offensive term for a Pakistani)
Pakistan {prop} {m} :: Pakistan
pakistanais {adj} :: Pakistani
Pakistanais {m} :: Pakistani, Paki (someone from Pakistan)
Pakistanaise {f} :: feminine noun of Pakistanais
pal {m} :: stake
pal {m} :: pole
pal {m} [heraldiccharge] :: pale
palabre {m} :: convoluted discussion
palabre {m} [in the plural] :: palaver
palabrer {vi} :: to endlessly argue
palabres {f} :: palaver
palace {m} :: luxury hotel
paladin {m} :: paladin
palæographie {f} :: obsolete form of paléographie
palæographique {adj} :: obsolete form of paléographique
palæologie {f} :: obsolete form of paléologie (paleology)
Palæstine {prop} {f} :: obsolete form of Palestine
palafitte {m} :: pile (wooden structure used to support prehistoric dwellings)
palafittique {adj} :: pile-dwelling (of prehistoric settlements)
palais {m} :: palace
palais {m} :: courthouse (palais de justice)
palais {m} :: palate; up part inside the mouth
palais de justice {m} :: courthouse
palais dur {m} [anatomy] :: hard palate
palais mou {m} [anatomy] :: soft palate
palan {m} :: hoist
palangre {f} :: longline (fishing line)
palangrer {v} :: to long-line (fish with a longline)
palangrier {adj} [attributive] :: longline fishing
palangrier {m} :: longline fishing boat
palanquin {m} :: palanquin
Palaos {prop} {fp} :: Palau
palatal {adj} [anatomy, phonetics] :: palatal
palatalisation {f} [phonetics, phonology] :: palatalization
palatial {adj} :: palatial
palatin {adj} :: palatine
palatine {f} [historical] :: tippet, shoulder cape
palatoalvéolaire {adj} :: palatoalveolar
pale {f} :: blade (of a propeller etc)
pale {f} :: vane (of a windmill etc)
pâle {adj} :: pale (light in color)
pâle {adj} :: pale (lacking brightness)
pâle {adj} :: pale (dull)
paléacé {adj} :: paleaceous
palefrenier {m} :: ostler, groom
palefroi {m} :: palfrey
pâlement {adv} :: palely, pallidly
paléo- {prefix} :: paleo-
paléoanthropologie {f} :: paleanthropology
paléoanthropologique {adj} :: paleoanthropological
paléoanthropologue {mf} :: paleoanthropologist (specialist in paleoanthropology)
paléoastronomie {f} [astronomy] :: paleoastronomy
paléoauxologique {adj} :: paleoauxological
paléobiochimie {f} [biochemistry] :: paleobiochemistry
paléobotanique {f} [botany] :: paleobotany
paléobotanique {adj} :: paleobotanical
Paléocène {prop} {m} :: Paleocene
paléochrétien {adj} :: paleochristian
paléoclimat {m} :: paleoclimate
paléoclimatique {adj} :: paleoclimatic
paléoclimatologie {f} :: paleoclimatology
paléocoprologie {f} :: paleocoprology
paléocortex {m} [anatomy] :: paleocortex
paléoécologie {f} :: paleoecology
paléoenvironnement {m} :: paleoenvironment
paléoethnographique {adj} :: paleoethnographic
Paléogène {prop} {m} :: Paleogene period
paléogéographie {f} :: paleogeography
paléogéographique {adj} :: paleogeographic
paléographe {mf} :: paleographer
paléographie {f} :: paleography
paléographique {adj} :: Paleographic; palaeographical; palaeographic; paleographical
paléographiquement {adv} :: paleographically
paléoichnologie {f} :: paleoichnology
paléolithique {m} :: Paleolithic (Old Stone Age)
Paléolithique {prop} {f} [history] :: The Paleolithic or Old Stone Age
paléologie {f} :: paleology
paléomagnétisme {m} :: paleomagnetism
paléoneurologie {f} :: paleoneurology
paléontologie {f} :: paleontology (study of prehistoric forms of life)
paléontologique {adj} :: paleontological
paléontologiquement {adv} :: paleontologically
paléontologue {mf} :: paleontologist
paléopallium {m} :: paleopallium
paléopathologie {f} :: paleopathology
paléopathologique {adj} :: paleopathological
paléoprotérozoïque {adj} :: Paleoproterozoic
Paléoprotérozoïque {m} :: Paleoproterozoic
paléosismologie {f} :: paleoseismology
paléotectonique {adj} [geology] :: paleotectonic
paléotestamentaire {adj} :: vetero-testamentary, Old Testament (attributive)
paléozoïque {adj} :: Paleozoic
paléozoologie {f} :: paleozoology
Palerme {prop} {m} :: Palermo
palermitain {adj} :: of or from Palermo
Palermitain {m} :: someone of or from Palermo
Palestine {prop} {f} :: Palestine
Palestine {f} [printing, dated] :: double pica (large size of type standardized as 24 points)
palestinien {adj} :: Palestinian
Palestinien {m} :: Palestinian
Palestinienne {f} :: feminine noun of Palestinien
palestre {f} [historical] :: palestra
palet {m} :: hockey puck
palethnologie {f} :: paleoethnology
palethnologique {adj} :: paleoethnological
palethnologiquement {adv} :: paleoethnologically
paletot {m} :: jacket
palette {f} :: palette
palétuvier {m} :: mangrove, mangle
pâleur {f} :: pallor; paleness
palier {m} [mechanics] :: bearing
palier {m} :: landing (on stairs)
palier {m} :: flat area; the flat, the level
palier {m} [figuratively] :: stage
palier {adj} :: landing (attributive)
palimpseste {m} :: palimpsest
palindrome {m} :: palindrome
palingénésique {adj} :: palingenesic
palinodie {f} :: palinode
palinspastique {adj} [geology] :: palinspastic
pâlir {v} :: to pale; to fade (lose color)
pâlir {v} :: to fade (lose glory or power)
palissade {f} :: fence, palisade
palissade {f} :: stockade
palissadique {adj} [botany] :: palisadic
palissandre {m} :: rosewood
palladien {adj} :: Palladian
palladique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: palladic
palladium {m} :: palladium
palladure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: palladide
Pallas {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Pallas
Pallas {prop} [astronomy] :: Pallas, the second asteroid discovered
pallénis {m} :: Any plant of the genus Pallenis
palliatif {adj} :: palliative
pallide {adj} :: pallid
pallidement {adv} :: pallidly
pallier {vt} :: to conceal
pallier {vt} :: to palliate (to relieve the symptoms of)
pallisandre {m} :: pallisander
palmaire {adj} [anatomy] :: palmar
palmarès {m} :: prize list; list of winners
palmarès {m} :: record of achievements
palme {f} [leaf of the palm tree] :: palm leaf
palme {f} [prize] :: palm
palme {f} :: palm tree
palme {f} [diving equipment] :: flipper; fin; swim fin
palmé {adj} [of feet] :: webbed
palmé {adj} [botany] :: palmate
palmeraie {f} :: palm grove
palmier {m} :: palm, palm tree
palmier {m} :: palmier (biscuit)
palmier à huile {m} :: oil palm
palmier des Everglades {m} :: Everglades palm, Acoelorraphe wrightii
palmine {f} [organic compound] :: palmin
palmipède {m} :: palmiped
palmiste {m} :: oil palm (or several other related palm trees)
palmitique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: palmitic
palmitoléique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: palmitoleic
Palmyre {prop} :: Palmyra
palmyrène {adj} :: synonym of palmyrénien
Palmyrène {prop} {f} :: Palmyrena (ancient country)
Palmyrène {mf} :: synonym of Palmyrénien
palmyrénien {adj} :: Palmyrene
Palmyrénien {m} :: Palmyrene
Palmyrénienne {f} :: feminine noun of Palmyrénien
palmyrien {adj} :: synonym of palmyrénien
Palmyrien {m} :: synonym of Palmyrénien
palois {adj} :: Of or from Pau
Palois {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Pau
Paloise {f} :: feminine singular of Palois
palombe {f} :: wood pigeon
pâlot {adj} :: pale, peaky
palourde {f} :: clam
palpable {adj} :: palpable
palpablement {adv} :: palpably
palpation {f} :: palpation
palpébral {adj} [anatomy] :: palpebral
palper {v} :: to palpate
palpitant {adj} :: pulsating, palpitating
palpitant {adj} :: thrilling, exciting
palpitation {f} :: palpitation
palpiter {v} :: to palpitate
palpiter {v} [of a heart] :: to beat, flutter, to race, pulsate
palpiter {v} :: to jump around, jump about
palsambleu {interj} [archaic] :: 'sblood
palse {m} [geology] :: palsa
paltoquet {m} [dated] :: A rude or uncouth person
paltoquet {m} :: A pretentious person
palu {m} [colloquial] :: malaria
palucher {v} [slang] :: to masturbate
paludarium {m} :: paludarium
paludéen {adj} :: malarial; [attributive] malaria
paludique {adj} :: malarial
paludisme {m} :: malaria (disease)
palus {m} :: swamp
palynologie {f} :: palynology (study of spores, pollen etc.)
palynologique {adj} :: palynological
palytoxine {f} [organic chemistry] :: palytoxin
PAM {prop} :: WFP (World Food Programme); abbreviation of Programme Alimentaire Mondial
pâmer {vr} [literary, dated] :: to swoon
pâmer {vr} [colloquial] :: to be in raptures (devant over something)
pâmer {vr} [colloquial] :: to be overcome (de with)
Pamiers {prop} :: Pamiers (town/commune)
Pamir {prop} {m} :: Pamir (mountain range)
pâmoison {f} :: swoon
pamphlet {m} :: lampoon (written attack)
pamphlet {m} [Quebec or dated] :: pamphlet (small booklet)
pamphlétaire {m} :: pamphleteer
pamphlétaire {m} :: lampooner
Pamphylie {prop} :: Pamphylia
pampille {f} :: pendant
pamplemousse {m} [botany, France, Canada] :: pomelo
pamplemousse {m} :: grapefruit
pamplemoussier {m} [botanic] :: grapefruit tree (Citrus maxima) from the Rutaceae family
pamplemoussier {adj} [attributive] :: grapefruit
pampre {m} [literary] :: vine branch
pan- {prefix} :: pan-
pan {m} :: piece, part
pan {m} :: side, face
pan {m} :: flap, lap (of coat)
pan {m} :: patch, area, section, sector
pan {interj} :: bang! (sound of a gun)
pan {interj} :: bam!
panacée {f} :: panacea, cure-all
panachage {m} :: blend, mix, mixture
panache {m} :: panache (all senses)
panache {m} :: (Canada) the bulk of antlers of deer and moose
panaché {m} :: shandy (mix of beer and lemonade)
panaché {m} :: mixture
panaché {adj} :: mixed, variegated
panache éruptif {m} :: eruption column
panacher {v} :: to add a panache
panacher {v} :: to mix colours (as in a panache)
panacher {v} :: to mix
panache volcanique {m} :: eruption column
panachure {f} :: variegation, mottle; marking, colouring
panachure {f} :: white spot, white patch (on leaf, animal's skin etc.)
panade {f} :: A soup boiled in water from bread, butter, sometimes also egg yolk and milk
panade {f} :: A paste, typically made of milk and bread
panade {f} [figuratively] :: A state or experience of misery, poverty
panafricain {adj} :: Pan-African
panafricanisme {m} :: Pan-Africanism
panais {m} :: parsnip
Panamá {prop} {m} :: Panamá (country)
Paname {prop} [slang] :: Paris
panaméen {n} :: Panamanian
Panaméen {m} :: Panamanian
Panaméenne {f} :: feminine singular of Panaméen
panaméricain {adj} :: Pan-American
panaméricanisme {m} :: Pan-Americanism
panamien {adj} :: Panamanian
panarabe {adj} :: pan-Arab
panarabisme {m} :: pan-Arabism
panaris {m} [pathology] :: whitlow, paronychia
panca {m} :: punkah, a type of fan consisting in a screen suspended by the ceiling, as traditionally used in tropical colonies, notably the Indies
panca {m} :: punkahwallah, a servant (typically a boy) who operates it manually
pancake {m} :: pancake
pancarte {f} :: sign (with a message on, carried during a protest)
Pañchatantra {prop} {m} :: Panchatantra (a collection of Sanskrit and Pali animal fables in verse and prose)
panchronique {adj} :: panchronic
pancrace {m} :: pankration (Ancient Greek martial art)
pancréas {m} [anatomy] :: the pancreas
pancréatine {f} [biochemistry] :: pancreatin
pancréatique {adj} :: pancreatic
pancréatiquement {adv} :: pancreatically
panda {m} :: panda
pandanus {m} :: a pandan
pandanus {m} :: the pandans collectively
pandecte {f} :: pandect
pandeiro {m} :: Pandeiro
pandéisme {m} :: pandeism
pandéistique {adj} :: pandeistic
pandémie {f} :: pandemic
pandémique {adj} :: Pandemic
pandémiquement {adv} :: pandemically
pandémonium {m} [obsolete, often capitalized] :: the imaginary capital of Hell
pandémonium {m} :: place where chaos and lawlessness abound
pandémonium {m} :: reunion of lawless people
pandémonium {m} :: noisy, chaotic place
Pandore {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Pandora
pané {adj} :: breaded (covered in breadcrumbs)
panégyrique {m} :: panegyric, eulogy
panégyriste {m} :: panegyrist
panel {m} :: panel (group of people)
panenthéisme {f} :: panentheism
panenthéiste {adj} :: panentheistic
panenthéiste {mf} :: panentheist (person who believes in panentheism)
paner {v} :: to bread (coat with bread or breadcrumbs)
Panet {prop} :: surname
paneterie {f} :: pantry
panetier {m} :: pantryman
panetière {f} :: feminine singular of panetier
panettone {m} :: panettone
paneuropéen {adj} :: Pan-European
pangamique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pangamic
Pangée {prop} {f} :: Pangaea (supercontinent prior to Triassic)
Pangée {prop} {f} :: Pangaion Hills
pangéen {adj} :: Pangaean
pangermanisme {m} :: Pan-Germanism
pangermaniste {adj} :: Pan-Germanist
pangolin {m} :: pangolin
pangramme {m} :: pangram (a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet)
Panhard {prop} :: surname
panhellénique {adj} :: Panhellenic
panic {m} [botany] :: Refers to several thorny shrubs; cockspur, panic, panicgrass
panicault {m} :: alternative form of panicaut
panicaut {m} :: eryngo, sea holly (of genus Eryngium)
panier {m} :: basket
panier {m} [basketball] :: goal
panier {m} [basketball] :: hoop
panier {m} [Internet] :: shopping basket
panier à salade {m} :: salad shaker; salad spinner
panier à salade {m} [figuratively] :: paddy wagon, Black Maria (police van)
panier de crabes {m} :: A rat race (literally, a basket of crabs); any organization where people metaphorically claw at one another to come out on top
panier de la ménagère {m} [Belgium, economics] :: typical shopping basket (a set of control products used to track the evolution of the cost of living)
panier-entonnoir {m} [aeronautics] :: drogue
panier percé {m} [figuratively] :: a spendthrift, a big spender
panifiable {adj} :: breadmaking (attributive)
panini {m} :: panini
panique {adj} :: panicked
panique {f} :: panic
paniquer {vit} :: To panic
panislamisme {m} [Islam] :: Panislamism
panka {m} :: punkah
panne {f} :: plush velvet
panne {f} :: breakdown (state of no longer functioning)
panne {f} :: purlin
panneau {m} :: sign; signpost
panneau d'affichage {m} :: billboard, notice board, bulletin board
panneau de signalisation {m} :: road sign, traffic sign
panneau solaire {m} :: solar panel (array of connected solar cells)
panne sèche {f} [of a vehicle] :: state of having run out of fuel
pannicule {m} :: the subcutaneous membrane where lipids accumulate
panonceau {m} :: plaque (small sign)
panonceau {m} :: escutcheon
panoplie {f} :: panoply
panoplie {f} :: outfit, costume (clothes for dressing up)
panoplie {f} :: armoury
panoplie {f} :: range (collection of things)
panoptique {adj} :: panoptic
panoptique {m} :: panopticon
panorama {m} :: panorama
panoramique {adj} :: panoramic
panosse {f} [Switzerland, Aosta Valley, Savoie, eastern France] :: floorcloth
panosse {f} [military jargon] :: the Swiss flag
panosse {f} [figuratively] :: woman of ill repute
panpsychisme {m} [philosophy] :: panpsychism
panrusse {adj} :: pan-Russian
pansage {m} :: grooming (of a horse etc)
panse {f} :: belly
panse à bière {f} [colloquial] :: beer belly, beer gut, beer muscles
pansement {m} :: bandage, dressing, sticking plaster
pansement sur une jambe de bois {m} :: synonym of cataplasme sur une jambe de bois
panser {v} [medicine] :: to dress (a wound etc.); to bandage
panser {v} [equestrian] :: to groom
panser ses plaies {v} [figuratively] :: to lick one's wounds
pansexualité {f} :: pansexuality
panslave {adj} :: related to Pan-Slavism; Panslavic
panslavisme {m} :: Pan-Slavism
panspermie {f} :: panspermia
pansu {adj} :: potbellied, paunchy
pantachie {f} [rare, statistics] :: density
pantachique {adj} [rare, statistics] :: dense
pantacle {m} :: A rare alternate spelling of pentacle
pantacourt {m} :: capri pants, capris (casual pants for women)
pantagruélique {adj} :: pantagruelian
pantagruélisme {m} :: Pantagruelism
pantagruéliste {adj} :: Pantagruelist
pantagruéliste {mf} :: Pantagruelist
pantalon {m} :: trousers [UK], pants [US]
pantalon {m} [dated] :: knickers
pantalon clown {m} :: alternative form of pantalon de clown
pantalon de clown {m} [Quebec politics] :: Camo pants (pants with patterns typical of military camouflage) of a random assortment of colours, worn as a protest against government and contract terms, by uniformed employees, in violation of uniform dress codes
pantalon de clown {m} :: clown pants
pantalonnade {f} :: slapstick
pantalonnade {f} :: farce
pantelant {adj} :: panting, gasping (for breath)
panthéisme {m} :: pantheism
panthéiste {adj} :: pantheistic
panthéiste {mf} :: pantheist
panthénol {m} [organic compound] :: panthenol
panthéon {m} :: pantheon
panthéonisation {v} :: pantheonization
panthéoniser {v} :: to pantheonize
panthère {f} :: panther
panthère nébuleuse {f} :: clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa)
pantin {m} :: puppet
pantogamie {n} :: pantogamy
pantographe {m} :: pantograph (mechanical drawing aid)
pantographe {m} :: pantograph (rail transport: device for collecting electrical current)
pantographique {adj} :: pantographic
pantographiquement {adv} :: pantographically
pantois {adj} :: gobsmacked, stunned, flabbergasted
pantoisement {adv} :: flabbergastedly
pantone {f} :: A (commercial) range of colours
pantothénique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pantothenic
pantouflage {m} :: The phenomenon of civil servants and politicians moving over to prominent private-sector jobs
pantouflard {adj} [colloquial] :: stay-at-home
pantouflard {m} [colloquial] :: couch potato, homebody
pantouflard {m} [historical] :: A member of the non-combat "home guard" formed of older men during the Siege of Paris (1870–1871)
pantoufle {f} :: slipper, house slipper (footwear)
pantoute {adv} [Quebec] :: at all; used to make a negative statement more emphatic
panty {m} :: panty girdle
panure {f} :: breadcrumb
Paola {prop} :: given name borrowed from Italian
paon {m} :: peacock
Paon {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Pavo
paon du jour {m} :: European peacock (butterfly)
paonne {f} :: peahen; feminine singular of paon
paonneau {m} :: young peacock
papa {m} [childish] :: papa, a child's father; also as form of address: dad, daddy
papa {m} :: pops, any man of roughly fatherly age and appearance
papable {m} :: A papabile
papable {adj} :: papabile
papa-gâteau {f} [figuratively] :: doting father, soft touch with one's kids
papal {adj} :: papal
papamobile {f} :: Popemobile (any of various vehicles with bulletproof glass sides used to transport the Pope)
paparazzi {m} :: A paparazzo
papauté {f} :: papacy
papavéracé {adj} :: papaveraceous
papaye {f} :: papaya (fruit)
papayer {m} :: papaya tree
pape {m} :: Pope
papelard {adj} :: hypocritical
papelardement {adv} :: hypocritically
paperasse {f} [pejorative] :: paperwork, bumf
paperasserie {f} :: red tape
papeterie {f} :: papermaking
papeterie {f} :: papermaker
papeterie {f} :: papeterie
papeterie {f} :: stationery
papetier {m} :: papermaker
papetier {m} :: stationer
papetier {adj} :: papermaking (attributive)
papetier {adj} :: stationery (attributive)
Paphos {prop} :: Paphos (town)
papi {m} [usually childish] :: grandad, grandfather
papiamento {m} :: the Papiamento language
papier {m} :: paper (A material used for writing or printing on, made from cellulose pulp rolled into thin sheets)
papier {m} :: paper (official documents)
papier à mouches {m} :: flypaper
papier à musique {m} :: manuscript paper, music paper, staff paper
papier bulle {m} :: bubble wrap
papier carbone {m} :: carbon paper (sheet of paper used to make carbon copies)
papier collant {m} [chiefly Belgium] :: sticky tape, adhesive tape, sellotape, Scotch tape
papier colle-mouches {m} :: flypaper
papier de verre {m} :: sandpaper
papier filtre {m} :: filter paper
papier hygiénique {m} [rare] :: toilet paper
papier mâché {m} :: papier-mâché (paper mixed with glue used to create sculptures)
papier peint {m} :: wallpaper (decorative paper for walls)
papier terrier {m} [historical] :: terrier (property register)
papier toilette {m} [Europe] :: toilet paper
papier tue-mouches {m} :: flypaper
papilionacé {adj} :: papilionaceous
papillaire {adj} :: papillary
papille {f} :: papilla
papille {f} [colloquial] :: tastebud
papille gustative {f} :: taste bud
papillon {m} :: butterfly
papillon {m} :: someone brilliant, versatile and inconstant
papillon {m} :: something roughly in the shape of a butterfly
papillon {m} :: knot
Alsacian woman wearing a black papillon.
papillon {m} :: nut
papillon {m} [swimming] :: butterfly stroke
papillon {m} :: parking ticket
papillon de nuit {m} :: moth
papillonner {vi} :: to flit [from one to another]
papillotage {m} :: blinking (of the eyes)
papillotage {m} :: blurring (of the eyes caused by a brilliant image)
papillote {f} :: Wrapper or packet for food during cooking, trapping steam to provide a most cooking or streaming environment, often made from aluminium foil or parchment paper
papillote {f} :: Meal cooked in a packet, envelope, or pouch, often made from aluminium foil or parchment paper
papillote {f} [hair styling] :: a small piece of paper on which women roll up their hair to make it curl
papillote {f} :: curly hair obtained with this method; ringlets
papillote {f} :: [in particular] curly sideburns, payot
papillote {f} :: Vividly coloured paper wrap for crackers and other sweets
papillote {f} :: sweet wrapped with a papillote
papilloter {vi} :: to blink
papilloter {vi} :: to flutter
papilloter {vi} :: to flicker
papinade {f} [football] :: A spectacular type of volley, struck at strange angles, characteristic of Jean-Pierre Papin
papisme {m} :: papism, papistry
papiste {adj} :: papist, papistic
papiste {mf} :: papist
papite {f} [organic compound] :: acrolein (when used as a poison gas in the First World War)
papotage {m} :: chattering, chitchat, small talk
papoter {vi} :: to chat, chatter
papou {adj} :: Papuan
Papou {m} :: Papuan, someone from Papua or Papua New Guinea
Papouasie {prop} {f} :: Papua (island)
Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée {prop} {f} :: Papua New Guinea
Papoue {f} :: feminine noun of Papou
papouille {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: tickling
paprika {m} :: paprika (powder used as a spice)
papy {m} :: grandpa
papy boom {m} :: The large increase in the number of retired people who were born in the baby boom generation
papy-boomer {m} :: A retired person who was born during the baby boom
papyracé {adj} :: papyraceous
papyrologie {f} :: papyrology
papyrologique {adj} :: papyrological
papyrologue {mf} :: papyrologist
papyrus {m} :: papyrus
pâque {f} :: Passover, Easter
Pâque {prop} {f} :: Passover (Jewish holiday)
Pâque {prop} {f} :: Paschal Lamb
Pâque {prop} {f} :: Passover (Christian holiday)
paquebot {m} :: ship, liner
paquer {vt} :: to pack (fish) in a box for transportation
pâquerette {f} :: daisy
Pâques {prop} {fp} :: Easter
paquet {m} :: packet
paquet {m} :: pack (of cards)
paquet {m} :: parcel
paquet {m} :: bundle (of clothes)
paquet {m} [rugby] :: pack
paquet {m} :: wad (of cash)
Paquet {prop} :: surname
paquetage {m} :: kit
paquetage {m} :: package
paqueté {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] :: drunk, wasted
Paquette {prop} :: surname
par- {prefix} :: per- (all meanings)
par {prep} :: through
par {prep} :: by (used to introduce a means; used to introduce an agent in a passive construction))
par {prep} :: over (used to express direction)
par {prep} :: from (used to describe the origin of something, especially a view or movement)
par {prep} :: around, round (inside of)
par {prep} :: on (situated on, used in certain phrases)
par {prep} :: on, at, in (used to denote a time when something occurs)
par {prep} :: in
par {prep} :: per, a, an
par {prep} :: out of (used to describe the reason for something)
par {prep} :: for
par {m} [golf] :: par
para- {prefix} :: para- [all senses]
para- {prefix} :: para-
para-alpin {m} :: para-alpine; ellipsis of ski para-alpin
para-athlète {mf} :: para-athlete
parabancaire {adj} :: banking-related
parabanique {adj} :: parabanic
parabase {f} :: parabasis
parabellum {m} :: parabellum (all senses)
parabène {m} :: paraben
para biathlon {m} :: alternative form of parabiathlon
para-biathlon {m} :: alternative form of parabiathlon
parable {adj} :: preventable (able to be or fit to be prevented)
parabole {f} [mathematics, physics] :: parabola
parabole {f} :: dish (antenna)
parabole {f} [literature] :: parable
paraboler {v} :: To move in a parabolic trajectory
paraboler {v} :: To speak in parables
parabolicité {f} :: parabolicity
parabolique {adj} :: parabolic
paraboliquement {adv} :: parabolically
paraboliser {v} :: To parabolize
paraboloïdal {adj} :: paraboloidal
paraboloïde {m} :: paraboloid
paraboréen {adj} :: synonym of hyperboréen
parabuée {adj} :: anti-condensation, antimisting
Paracelse {prop} {m} :: Paracelsus
paracelsien {adj} :: Paracelsian
paracelsisme {m} :: Paracelsism
paracelsiste {mf} :: Paracelsist
paracentèse {f} [surgery] :: paracentesis
paracentrique {adj} :: paracentric
paracerque {m} :: paracercus
paracétamol {m} :: paracetamol, acetaminophen
parachevable {adj} :: completable
parachevé {adj} :: completed, finalized
parachèvement {m} :: finalization
parachèvement {m} :: completion
parachèvement {m} :: perfection
parachever {vt} :: to complete, finalize, perfect
parachi {m} :: Parachi
parachronisme {m} :: parachronism
parachutable {adj} :: parachutable
parachutage {m} :: parachuting
parachute {m} :: parachute
parachute doré {m} :: golden parachute
parachuter {v} :: to parachute
parachuter un Sénégalais {v} [very, colloquial] :: to take a dump, to drop a deuce
parachutisme {m} :: parachuting, skydiving
parachutiste {mf} :: parachutist
parachutiste {mf} [military] :: paratrooper
paraclèse {f} [philosophy, theology] :: paraclesis, paraklesis
paraclet {m} [Christianity, theology] :: paraclete (an advocate, especially the Holy Spirit)
paraclétique {adj} :: paracletic
paraclimacique {adj} [ecology] :: paraclimactic
paraclimax {m} [ecology] :: paraclimax
paraclinique {adj} :: paraclinical
paracmastique {adj} :: paracmastic
paracolois {adj} :: Of or from fr
Paracolois {m} :: A native or inhabitant of fr
Paracoloise {f} :: feminine singular of Paracolois
paracompacité {f} [topology] :: paracompactness
paracompact {adj} [topology] :: paracompact
paraconide {m} :: paraconid
paracorole {f} [botany] :: paracorolla
paracorolle {f} [botany] :: paracorolla
par à-coups {adv} :: in fits and starts
paracousie {f} :: paracusis
par acquit de conscience {adv} :: just in case, just to be on the safe side, for (some)one's peace of mind, just to set (some)one's mind at rest, out of principle
paracuta {m} :: barracuda
paracyanogène {m} :: paracyanogen
paracyésie {f} [pathology] :: paracyesis, ectopic pregnancy
paradactyle {m} [ornithology] :: paradactyl
parader {v} :: flaunt, strut, show off (to display with ostentation)
paradeur {m} :: braggart
paradeur {m} :: showoff
paradeuse {f} :: feminine singular of paradeur
paradichlorobenzène {m} [organic compound] :: paradichlorobenzene
paradigmatique {adj} :: paradigmatic
paradigmatisme {m} [philosophy] :: paradigmaticism
paradigme {m} :: paradigm (model or example)
paradis {m} :: paradise (somewhere perfect)
paradis {m} [religion] :: Heaven
paradis {m} :: gods (The highest platform, or upper circle, in an auditorium)
Paradis {prop} {m} :: Paradise (Heaven)
Paradis {prop} {m} :: surname
paradis fiscal {m} :: tax haven (country that levies low taxes on foreign businesses)
paradisiaque {adj} :: paradisiacal
paradisiaque {adj} :: heavenly
paradisier {m} :: bird of paradise
Paradou {prop} :: A small town in the Bouches-du-Rhône department of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
paradounais {adj} :: Of or from Paradou
Paradounais {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Paradou
Paradounaise {f} :: feminine singular of Paradounais
paradoxal {adj} :: paradoxical
paradoxalement {adv} :: paradoxically
paradoxe {m} :: paradox
paradoxer {v} :: To create paradoxes
paraedrite {m} [mineral] :: synonym of rutile
parænese {f} :: obsolete form of parénèse
parænetique {adj} :: obsolete form of parénétique
paraétatique {adj} :: parastatal
parafe {m} :: alternative form of paraphe
parafer {vt} :: alternative form of parapher
paraffinage {m} :: paraffining
paraffiné {adj} :: waxed
paraffiner {v} :: To paraffin
paraffinique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: paraffinic, aliphatic
parafinique {adj} :: alternative form of paraffinique
parafiscal {adj} [of taxation] :: indirect
parafiscal {adj} [economics] :: parafiscal
parafiscalité {f} :: indirect taxation
paraformaldéhyde {m} [organic compound] :: paraformaldehyde
parafoudre {m} :: lightning conductor
paragangliome {f} [pathology] :: paraganglioma
parage {m} :: parage (social rank)
parage {m} [plural only] :: environs, surroundings
paragenèse {f} [geology] :: paragenesis
paragénèse {f} :: alternative form of paragenèse
parageustie {f} :: parageusia
paraglosse {f} :: paraglossa
paragogique {adj} :: paragogic
paragouvernemental {adj} :: paragovernmental
paragrammatisme {m} :: synonym of allitération
paragraphe {m} :: paragraph
paragrêle {m} :: A shelter to protect crops etc from hail
Paraguay {prop} {m} :: Paraguay (country)
paraguayen {adj} :: Paraguayan
Paraguayen {m} :: Paraguayan
Paraguayenne {f} :: feminine noun of Paraguayen
para hockey {m} :: alternative form of para-hockey
para-hockey {m} :: parahockey
para-hockey {m} :: ellipsis of para-hockey sur glace
para-hockey {m} :: synonym of hockey sur luge
parahockey {m} :: alternative form of para-hockey
para hockey sur glace {m} :: alternative spelling of para-hockey sur glace
para-hockey sur glace {m} :: para ice hockey
para-hockey sur glace {m} :: synonym of hockey sur luge
parahockey sur glace {m} :: alternative spelling of para-hockey sur glace
paraige {m} :: A hereditary ruling class in Metz in the Middle Ages
par ailleurs {adv} :: besides, additionally, furthermore, what's more
paraison {f} :: parison
paraitre {v} :: alternative spelling of paraître
paraître {v} :: to appear (become visible)
paraître {v} [usually in passive] :: to be published
paraître {v} :: to appear, to seem
paraître {m} :: appearance
parajuriste {m} [legal] :: paralegal
parakératose {f} [pathology] :: parakeratosis
paralactique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: paralactic
paralampsie {f} :: paralampsis
paralangage {m} :: paralanguage (non-verbal communication)
paralarve {f} :: paralarva
paralaurionite {f} [mineral] :: paralaurionite
paralbumine {f} :: paralbumin
paraldéhyde {m} [organic compound] :: paraldehyde
paralégal {adj} :: paralegal
paralégal {m} :: paralegal
paralipse {f} :: paralipsis
paralique {adj} :: paralic
paralittérature {f} :: paraliterature
parallactique {adj} :: parallactic
parallactiquement {adv} :: parallactically
parallaxe {f} :: parallax
parallèle {adj} [geometry] :: parallel
parallèle {f} :: parallel line
parallèle {m} :: parallel; comparison
parallèle {m} :: latitude
parallèlement {adv} :: parallelly
parallélépipède {m} [geometry] :: parallelepiped
parallélépipédique {adj} :: parallelepipedic
parallélépipèdique {adj} :: parallelepipedic
parallélipipède {m} :: alternative form of parallélépipède
parallélique {adj} :: parallelistic
parallélisation {f} :: parallelization
parallèlisation {f} :: alternative form of parallélisation
paralléliser {v} :: To parallelize
parallélisme {m} :: parallelism (state or condition of being parallel)
parallélogrammatique {adj} :: parallelogrammatic
parallélogramme {m} :: parallelogram
parallélographe {m} :: parallelograph
paralogie {f} :: paralogy, paralogism
paralogique {adj} :: paralogical
paralogisme {m} :: paralogism
paralympien {m} [sport] :: Paralympian (male)
paralympienne {f} :: feminine noun of paralympien
paralympique {adj} :: Paralympic
Paralympiques {prop} :: Paralympics; ellipsis of Jeux paralympiques
paralysant {adj} :: crippling
paralysant {adj} :: paralyzing
paralysateur {adj} :: paralyzing
paralysateur {adj} :: crippling
paralyser {v} :: to paralyse / paralyze
paralysie {f} :: paralysis
paralysie cérébrale {f} [pathology] :: cerebral palsy
paralytique {adj} :: paralytic
paramagnétique {adj} [physics] :: paramagnetic
paramagnétisme {m} [physics] :: paramagnetism
paramakan {m} :: Paramaccan (language)
paramakan {adj} :: Paramaccan
paramaléate {m} [organic chemistry] :: paramaleate
paramaléique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: paramaleic
paramécie {f} [zoology] :: paramecium
paramédical {adj} :: paramedical
paramentique {f} :: parament
paramentique {f} :: vestment
paramésonéphrotique {adj} [anatomy] :: paramesonephrotic
paramétrable {adj} :: configurable, customizable, parametrizable
paramétrage {m} :: parameterization
paramétrage {m} :: setup, configuration
paramètre {m} :: parameter
paramétrer {v} [computing] :: to configure
paramétrique {adj} :: parametric
paramétrisation {f} :: parametrisation
paramilitaire {adj} :: paramilitary
paramilitaire {m} :: paramilitary (a group of civilians trained and organized in a military fashion)
paramilitarisme {m} :: paramilitarism
paramnésie {f} :: paramnesia
paramorphose {f} [geology] :: paramorphism
paramoteur {m} :: paramotor
paramucique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: paramucic
paramutation {f} [genetics] :: paramutation
paranan {m} :: Paranan / Palanan
paranatellon {m} :: paranatellon
paranatellonique {adj} :: paranatellon (attributive)
paranéoptère {m} :: Any louse of the clade Paraneoptera
parangon {m} :: paragon, standard (model or pattern)
parangoner {v} :: alternative form of parangonner
parangonner {v} :: to paragon
parano {adj} [colloquial] :: paranoid
parano {mf} [colloquial] :: a paranoid person
parano {f} [colloquial] :: paranoia
paranoïa {f} :: paranoia
paranoïaque {adj} :: paranoid
paranoïaque {adj} [medicine] :: related to paranoia
paranoïaque {mf} :: a paranoid person
paranoïde {adj} :: paranoid
paranoïde {mf} :: paranoid person
paranomase {f} :: obsolete form of paronomase
para nordique {m} [skiing] :: para-nordic; ellipsis of ski para-nordique
para-nordique {m} [skiing] :: para-nordic; ellipsis of ski para-nordique
paranordique {m} [skiing] :: para-nordic; ellipsis of ski para-nordique
paranormal {adj} :: paranormal
paranthrope {mf} :: Any primate of the genus Paranthropus
paranymphe {m} :: paranymph
parapectine {f} :: parapectin
parapegme {m} :: parapegma
parapente {m} :: paraglider
parapente {m} :: paragliding
parapentiste {mf} :: paraglider (one who paraglides)
parapet {m} :: parapet
parapétrolier {adj} :: oil delivery / services (attributive)
parapharmacie {f} :: pharmacy, chemist's (UK) / drugstore (US)
paraphe {m} :: paraph
paraphe {m} :: initials
paraphénylènediamine {f} [organic compound] :: paraphenylenediamine
parapher {vt} :: to sign or initial a document
paraphernal {adj} :: paraphernal
paraphernalité {f} [legal] :: paraphernality
parapheur {m} :: parafor; a folder containing correspondence to be signed - a word yet to be invented in English. (The "Office québécois de la langue française" suggests "signature book", but this is a book used by people who collect signatures)
paraphilie {f} :: paraphilia
paraphrasable {adj} :: paraphrasable
paraphraser {v} :: paraphrase (to compose a paraphrase)
paraphraseur {m} :: paraphraser
paraphraseuse {f} :: feminine singular of paraphraseur
paraphraste {m} :: paraphrast
paraphrastique {adj} :: paraphrastic
paraphylétique {adj} [systematics] :: paraphyletic (excluding some descendants of the most recent common ancestor)
paraphylie {f} [systematics] :: paraphyly
paraphyse {f} :: paraphysis
paraplégie {f} [pathology] :: paraplegia (paralysed condition)
paraplégique {adj} :: paraplegic
paraplégique {mf} :: paraplegic
parapleure {f} :: parapleura
paraplexie {f} :: synonym of paraplégie
parapluie {m} :: umbrella for rain
parapode {m} :: parapodium
par après {adv} [Belgium] :: subsequently, thereafter, afterwards, later
parapsychique {adj} :: parapsychic
parapsychologie {f} :: parapsychology (study of that which cannot yet be explained)
parapsychologique {adj} :: parapsychological
parapsychologue {mf} :: parapsychologist
paraptère {m} :: parapterum
parapublic {adj} [economics] :: Having capital in both the public and private sectors
parareligieux {adj} :: parareligious
pararickettsie {f} :: synonym of chlamydie
pararthrème {m} :: subluxation
parasange {f} :: parasang
parascève {f} :: Parasceve
Parascève {prop} :: given name, Paraskevi
parascolaire {adj} :: extracurricular
parasélène {mf} :: paraselene, moon dog
parasexualité {f} :: parasexuality
parasexuel {adj} :: parasexual
parasismique {adj} :: paraseismic
parasitaire {adj} :: parasitic, parasitical
parasitairement {adv} :: parasitically
parasite {m} :: a parasite
parasite {adj} :: parasitic
parasité {adj} :: parasitized
parasitémie {f} [pathology] :: parasitemia
parasiter {v} :: To parasitize
parasitiforme {m} :: parasitiform
parasitique {adj} :: parasitic
parasitiquement {adv} :: parasitically
parasitisme {m} :: parasitism
parasitoïde {m} :: parasitoid
parasitologie {f} :: parasitology
parasitologique {adj} :: parasitological
parasitologiste {mf} :: synonym of parasitologue
parasitologue {mf} :: parasitologist
parasitose {f} [pathology] :: parasitosis
paraskevidékatriaphobie {f} :: paraskavedekatriaphobia
para ski {m} :: alternative spelling of paraski
para-ski {m} :: alternative spelling of paraski
paraski {m} :: paraskiing
paraski {m} :: kitesurfing
para ski de fond {m} :: alternative spelling of para-ski de fond
para-ski de fond {m} :: para cross-country skiing; a disability sport, an adapted version of cross-country skiing (ski de fond)
paraski de fond {m} :: alternative spelling of para-ski de fond
parasol {m} :: A large, anchored umbrella used as protection from the sun
parasomnie {f} [pathology] :: parasomnia
parasport {m} :: parasport
parasportif {adj} :: parasport (attributive)
parassien {adj} :: Of or from Parassy
Parassy {prop} :: A commune in the Cher department of Centre
parastatal {adj} :: parastatal
para surf des neiges {m} :: alternative spelling of para-surf des neiges
para-surf des neiges {m} :: parasnowboarding; a parasport, an adapted form of snowboarding for the disabled
parasurf des neiges {m} :: alternative spelling of para-surf des neiges
parasurtenseur {m} :: surge protector
parasympathicomimétique {adj} :: parasympathomimetic
parasympathique {adj} :: parasympathetic
parasympathomimétique {adj} :: parasympathomimetic
parasynonyme {m} :: parasynonym
parasynonymie {f} :: parasynonymy
parasynthèse {f} :: parasynthesis
parasynthétique {adj} :: parasynthetic
Parat {prop} :: surname
parataxe {f} [grammar] :: parataxis
paratélique {adj} :: paratelic
paratexte {m} :: paratext
paratextualité {f} :: paratextuality
parathlète {mf} :: parathlete; alternative form of para-athlète
parathormone {f} :: parathyroid hormone
parathyroïde {f} :: parathyroid
parathyroïdie {f} [anatomy] :: parathyroid (gland)
parathyroïdien {adj} :: parathyroid (attributive)
paratomie {f} [biology] :: paratomy
paratomique {adj} [biology] :: paratomic
paratonnerre {m} :: lightning rod
parâtre {m} :: stepfather, father-in-law (especially an evil one)
paratuberculeux {adj} [biology] :: paratuberculous
paratuberculose {f} :: paratuberculosis
paratyphoïde {f} [pathology] :: paratyphoid
parauk {m} :: Parauk
paraussien {adj} :: Of or from Saint-Louis-et-Parahou
Paraussien {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Saint-Louis-et-Parahou
paravalanche {m} :: snow fence
paravent {m} :: folding screen
paraxonique {adj} :: paraxonic
paraysien {adj} :: Of or from Paray-Vieille-Poste
paraysien {adj} :: Of or from Paray-le-Frésil
Paraysien {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Paray-Vieille-Poste
Paraysien {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Paray-le-Frésil
Paraysienne {f} :: feminine singular of Paraysien
parazois {adj} :: Of or from Paraza
parbleu {interj} [archaic] :: by Jove; gadzooks
par bonheur {adv} :: luckily, fortunately
parc {m} :: park
parc {m} :: playpen (for children)
parc {m} :: pen (for animals)
parc {m} :: (total) number; stock (de (of))
parc aquatique {m} :: water park, aquapark
parc aux petits {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: a Cajun dancing room
parc d'attraction {m} :: alternative spelling of parc d'attractions
parc d'attractions {m} :: amusement park, holiday park, fun park
parce {prep} :: only used in parce que
parcellaire {adj} :: Of or pertaining to parcels or plots (of land etc)
parcelle {f} :: parcel (piece of land)
parcellisation {f} :: fragmentation
parcellisation {f} :: parcelling out
parcelliser {vt} :: to parcel out
parce que {conj} :: because
parceque {conj} [obsolete] :: for parce que
parc fermé {m} :: A park which is closed, or with restricted entry
parc fermé {m} [motor racing] :: A secure car park where competing cars must be left, for example during rest periods, and where no maintenance, repairs, or enhancements may be carried out
par chance {adv} :: luckily, fortunately
parchemin {m} :: parchment (material)
parcheminé {adj} :: wrinkled
parcheminé {adj} :: papery
parcimonie {f} :: parsimony (great reluctance to spend money unnecessarily)
parcimonieusement {adv} :: parsimoniously
parcimonieux {adj} :: parsimonious
par-ci, par-là {adv} :: here and there
parcmètre {m} :: parking meter
parc naturel {m} :: nature reserve, natural reserve
par cœur {adv} :: by heart, by rote
parcomètre {m} :: parking meter
par conséquent {adv} :: consequently, as a result, thus
par contre {adv} [idiomatic] :: on the other hand (from another point of view); however
par contumace {adv} :: in absentia (while not present)
parcourir {v} :: to go through, to pass through
parcourir {v} :: to read through, to skim
parcours {m} :: route, course
parcours {m} :: career
parcours {m} [historical] :: a traditional roaming or grazing right
parcours {m} [golf] :: round; course
parcours de santé {m} [figuratively] :: a walk in the park
parcours du combattant {m} :: assault course, obstacle course
parcours du combattant {m} [figuratively] :: painful and strenuous experience; hassle
parcouru {adj} :: browsed, skimmed
par défaut {adv} :: by default
par-delà {prep} :: beyond, across
pardelle {f} :: Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)
par-dessous la jambe {adv} :: alternative form of par-dessus la jambe
par-dessus {prep} :: over (the top of)
pardessus {m} :: overcoat (garment)
par-dessus bord {adv} :: overboard
par-dessus la jambe {adv} [colloquial] :: slipshodly, slapdash, offhandedly, in an offhand manner, rushedly
par-dessus le marché {adv} [colloquial] :: into the bargain, to boot, on top of that, no less, if you please
pardi {interj} [dated] :: (yes,) obviously! (yes,) for God's sake! (yes,) of course!
pardieu {interj} [dated] :: by God
pardon {interj} :: excuse me
pardon {interj} :: sorry
pardon {m} :: pardon, forgiveness
pardonnable {adj} :: pardonable
pardonner {v} :: to pardon, forgive
pardonner {vt} :: to excuse
paré {adj} :: ready, prepared, all set
paréage {m} :: A feudal treaty recognising joint sovereignty over a territory by two rulers
pare-balle {adj} :: bulletproof
pare-brise {m} :: windscreen (UK), windshield (US)
pare-choc {m} :: bumper [UK], fender [US]
pare-chocs {m} :: bumper [UK], fender [US]
pare-feu {m} :: fireguard
pare-feu {m} :: (in forest) firebreak
pare-feu {m} [computing, Internet] :: firewall
paréidolie {f} :: pareidolia
paréidolien {adj} :: pareidolic
pareil {adj} :: such
pareil {adj} :: like, alike, same
pareillement {adv} :: likewise; in the same way; equally
pareillement {adv} :: too; also
parélie {f} :: alternative form of parhélie
parement {m} [construction, clothing] :: facing
parement {m} [ecclesiastical] :: liturgical paraphernalia
parenchymateux {adj} [biology] :: parenchymatous
parenchymateux {adj} [medicine] :: parenchymal
parenchyme {m} :: parenchyma
par endroits {adv} :: in places, at places, here and there
parénèse {f} [religion] :: parenesis
parénétique {adj} :: parenetic, parenetical
parent {m} :: relative, relation, family member
parent {m} [Louisiana French, singular] :: parent
parent {m} [in the plural] :: ancestors
parent {m} [in the plural] :: parents
parent {adj} :: related
parent {adj} :: similar
Parent {prop} :: surname
parental {adj} :: parental
parentalité {f} :: parenthood
parente {f} :: feminine noun of parent
parenté {f} :: kinship
parentèle {f} :: relative, relation
parentèle {f} :: (collectively) kin, relatives
parentèle {f} :: (biology, inheritance) parentela
parentéral {adj} :: parenteral
parentéralement {adv} :: parenterally
parenthèse {f} :: a parenthesis, a digression
parenthèse {f} :: either of a pair of round brackets
parent pauvre {m} [with the definite article le] :: poor relation
parer {v} :: to adorn; to bedeck
parer {v} :: to fend off
parer {v} [fencing] :: to parry
parer {vr} :: to get dressed up (in one's finest clothes)
parer au plus pressé {v} :: to take care of the most important things first, to attend to what is most urgent, to deal with the most pressing matter first
par erreur {adv} :: by mistake, in error, erroneously, mistakenly
parésie {f} :: paresis (partial paralysis)
paresse {f} :: laziness
paresser {vt} :: to laze about; loaf
paresseusement {adv} :: lazily
paresseusement {adv} :: sluggishly
paresseux {adj} :: lazy
paresseux {m} :: lazy person; slacker
paresseux {m} :: a sloth
par ex. {adv} :: abbreviation of par exemple
par excellence {adj} :: par excellence, quintessential, ultimate
par exemple {adv} :: for example, for instance
par exemple {adv} [Quebec] :: on the other hand
parfaire {v} [literary] :: to finish, to complete
parfaire {v} :: to make a supplementary payment
parfait {adj} :: perfect (exactly right)
parfait {m} [grammar] :: perfect tense
parfaitement {adv} :: perfectly
parfois {adv} :: sometimes
parfum {m} :: perfume (scented toiletry)
parfum {m} :: scent, desirable smell
parfum {m} :: flavour, aroma, taste (e.g., of ice cream)
parfumé {adj} :: perfumed
parfumer {v} :: to perfume (to apply a scent)
parfumerie {f} :: perfumery (shop selling perfumes)
parfumerie {f} :: perfumery (perfume products)
parfumerie {f} :: perfume industry; the art of perfume
parfumeur {m} :: perfumer (maker of perfumes)
parfumeur {m} :: perfumer (someone who sells perfumes)
parfumeuse {f} :: feminine singular of parfumeur
par hasard {adv} :: at random, by chance
par hasard {adv} :: by any chance
parhélie {f} :: parhelion (bright spot in the sky due to refraction of the sun by ice crystals)
pari {m} :: wager, bet
pari {m} :: gamble, risk
paria {mf} :: pariah
pariage {m} :: A feudal association between a (typically ecclesiastical) lord and a more powerful one
par ici {adv} :: over here, here (to this place)
par ici {adv} :: around here
parier {v} :: to bet (make a guess about the outcome of an event)
pariétaire {f} :: pellitory, lichwort (Parietaria officinalis)
pariétal {adj} :: parietal
pariétine {f} :: parietin
pariétopleure {f} [anatomy] :: synonym of somatopleure
parieur {m} :: gambler
parieuse {f} :: feminine noun of parieur
parigot {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] :: Parisian
Parigot {m} [colloquial] :: Parisian
Parigote {f} :: feminine noun of Parigot
pari mutuel {m} :: pari-mutuel
Paris {prop} {mf} {m} :: Paris (caplc)
Paris {prop} {mf} {m} :: Paris (department)
Pariseau {prop} :: surname
parisien {adj} :: Parisian; relating to Paris or its inhabitants
Parisien {m} :: Parisian (someone from Paris)
parisienne {f} [printing, dated] :: A small size of type, standardized as 5 point
Parisienne {f} :: Parisienne
parisis {adj} :: As minted in Paris
Paris ne s'est pas fait en un jour {proverb} :: Rome wasn't built in a day
Parisome {prop} {f} :: The genus Parisoma: formerly one of the genera of warblers, in family Sylviidae, but now often taken to be a superspecies within genus Sylvia
Parisot {prop} :: surname
paritaire {adj} :: parity, equality (attributive)
paritaire {adj} :: egalitarian
parité {f} :: equality, parity
parité de pouvoir d'achat {f} [economics] :: purchasing power parity
Parizeau {prop} :: Parizeau (surname)
parjure {m} :: forswearing, abjuration
parjure {m} :: betrayal, disloyalty, treachery
parjure {m} :: betrayer, traitor, disloyal person
parjurer {v} :: to forswear, abjure
parker {vt} [Quebec] :: to park (a vehicle)
parking {m} :: car park
parkinsonien {adj} :: parkinsonian, Parkinsonian
parkour {m} :: Free running, parkour
par là {adv} :: over there
par là {adv} :: (by extension) by that, that way
parlabilité {f} :: speakability
parlable {adj} [of a person] :: reasonable
par la force des choses {adv} :: by force of circumstances, inevitably
parlant {adj} :: telling, eloquent
par la suite {adv} :: subsequently, thereafter, afterwards, later
parlé {adj} :: colloquial
parle à ma main {phrase} [colloquial] :: talk to the hand
par le biais de {prep} :: by way of, by means of, with
par le biais de {prep} :: through, with the help of, thanks to
parlement {m} :: parliament
parlementaire {adj} :: parliamentary
parlementairement {adv} :: parliamentarily
parlementarisme {m} :: parliamentarism (parliamentary government)
parlementer {v} :: to negotiate, discuss, argue things over
Parlement européen {prop} {m} :: European Parliament
par le menu {adv} [colloquial] :: in detail, in minute detail, with all the ins and outs
par le passé {adv} :: in the past
parler {vi} :: to speak, talk
parler {vt} :: to be able to communicate in a language; to speak
parler {v} [heraldry] :: to cant; (of a coat of arms) to make a pun of its bearer's name
parler {m} :: parlance
parler à travers son chapeau {v} [Quebec, colloquial] :: to talk through one's hat
parler à un mur {v} [figuratively] :: to speak to someone who doesn't listen
parler chiffons {v} [colloquial] :: to talk about fashion, to talk clothes; to engage in girl talk; to chew the rag
parler dans sa barbe {v} [figuratively] :: to talk under one's breath, to mutter, to mumble
parler de corde dans la maison d'un pendu {v} [figuratively] :: (to broach a sensitive topic in an inappropriate setting, where that topic is taboo; to be completely tactless)
parler de la pluie et du beau temps {v} :: to make small talk, to chit-chat
parler de soi-même {v} :: to speak for oneself
parler de tout et de rien {v} :: to make small talk, to chit-chat
parler entre ses dents {v} [figuratively] :: to talk under one's breath, to mutter, to mumble
parler français comme une vache espagnole {v} [simile, colloquial] :: to speak French poorly
parler pour ne rien dire {v} :: to talk for the sake of talking, to waffle, to blow smoke
parles-tu anglais {phrase} [colloquial] :: do you speak English?
parleur {adj} :: talkative
parleur {m} :: speaker (someone who speaks)
parleuse {f} :: feminine noun of parleur
parlez-vous anglais {phrase} [formal] :: do you speak English?
parlez-vous français {phrase} :: do you speak French?
parloir {m} :: parlour (of house, covent)
parloir {m} :: visitors' room (of hospital, school); visiting room (of prison)
parloir {m} :: greenroom (in theatre etc.)
parloir aux bourgeois {m} [archaic] :: guild-hall, town hall
parlote {f} :: chitchat
parloteur {m} :: chatterer
parloteuse {f} :: feminine noun of parloteur
parlure {f} :: parlance, turn of phrase
par malheur {adv} :: by mischance, unluckily, unfortunately
parme {m} :: mauve (colour)
parme {m} :: Parma ham, prosciutto
Parme {prop} :: Parma, city in Italy
Parme {prop} :: Parma, province of Italy
par mégarde {adv} :: inadvertently; accidentally; by mistake
Parménas {prop} :: Parmenas
Parménide {prop} {m} :: Parmenides
parmentier {m} :: mashed potato
parmesan {adj} :: Parmesan (from Parma)
parmesan {m} :: Parmesan (cheese)
parmi {prep} :: among, amongst
parmi {prep} :: amid, amidst
par monts et par vaux {adv} [figuratively, colloquial] :: up hill and down dale
Parnasse {prop} {m} :: Parnassus (Greek mountain)
Parnasse {prop} {m} :: Parnassianism, 19th century literary movement
parnuire {vi} :: to sleep over
paro {adj} [slang] :: neurotic
parodie {f} :: parody
parodier {v} :: to parody
parodique {adj} :: parodic
parodiquement {adv} :: parodically
parodonte {m} [anatomy] :: periodontium
paroi {f} [anatomy, botany] :: wall
paroi {f} :: inner wall, inside surface (of receptacle etc.)
paroi {f} :: side (of bathtub etc.)
paroisse {f} :: parish
paroissial {adj} :: parochial, [attributive] parish
paroissien {m} :: parishioner
paroissienne {f} :: feminine noun of paroissien
parole {f} :: utterance, expression (a unit of discourse, firstly oral)
parole {f} :: voice, spoken word
parole {f} [in the plural] :: lyrics, words (of a song)
parole {f} :: promise, word
parole {f} :: floor; the right to speak in a legislative assembly
Parole {prop} :: Word
parole de scout {interj} [colloquial] :: pinky swear, pinky promise, cross my heart, Scout's honor
parole d'évangile {f} [figuratively] :: gospel truth, gospel, holy writ
parole d'Évangile {f} :: alternative spelling of parole d'évangile
parole d'honneur {interj} :: you have my word! upon my word! cross my heart!
parole d'honneur {f} :: word of honor, promise, word
paroli {m} [game] :: a double stake
parolier {m} :: lyricist
parolière {f} :: feminine noun of parolier
paronomase {f} :: paronomasia
paronyme {f} :: almost homonym
par opposition à {prep} :: as opposed to
parotide {adj} :: parotid
parotide {f} [anatomy] :: parotid (gland)
parotidectomie {f} [surgery] :: parotidectomy
parotidien {adj} [anatomy] :: parotid
parotique {adj} [anatomy] :: parotic
paroxysme {m} [medical] :: paroxysm (sudden recurrence of a disease)
paroxysme {m} [figurative] :: height, peak
paroxystique {adj} :: paroxysmal
parpaing {m} :: perpend stone, through stone
parpaing {m} [metonymy] :: breeze-block (building block)
parpaing {adj} :: through (stone, ashlar)
par parenthèse {adv} :: parenthetically
par pitié {interj} :: please, pray, for pity's sake, mercy, have mercy, for the love of God, for God's sake, I beg you
par principe {adv} :: out of principle, on principle, as a matter of principle
par principe {adv} :: just in case
parquer {vt} :: to pen, corral
parquer {vt} :: to park
parquet {m} :: parquet (floor)
parquet {m} [legal, with definite article] :: the prosecution
parqueter {vt} :: to lay a parquet floor
parrain {m} [religion] :: godfather
parrain {m} :: namer, christener (of a ship)
parrain {m} :: sponsor, proposer; patron
parrainage {m} :: patronage
parrainage {m} :: sponsorship, promotion
parrainage {m} :: christening, naming
parrainer {v} :: to mentor
parrainer {v} :: to sponsor
par rapport à {prep} :: in relation to
par rapport à {prep} :: compared to
parricide {m} :: parricide (someone who kills a relative, especially a parent)
parricide {m} :: parricide, murder of one's close relative
parrilla {m} :: grill, barbeque (equipment)
parsemable {adj} :: sprinklable, scatterable
parsemer {vt} :: to sprinkle, scatter, strew (de with)
parsemer {vt} :: to be scattered or strewn over
par suite de {conj} :: as a result of, due to
part {f} :: share
part {f} :: portion, part, slice
part {f} :: proportion
part {m} :: newborn
partage {m} :: sharing (act of sharing)
partagé {adj} :: conflicted, undecided, unsure
partager {v} :: to share
partager {v} :: to divide up
partager {v} :: to divide
partager {v} :: to share out
partageur {m} :: sharer (one who shares, especially willingly)
partageuse {f} :: feminine singular of partageur
partageux {m} :: synonym of partageur
partance {f} :: leaving
partant {m} :: runner, starter [in a foot race or horse race]
partant {m} :: a person who is leaving or departing
partant {adj} :: leaving, ready to leave
partant {adj} [colloquial] :: down, up for, game, keen, available
partant {conj} [archaic, literary] :: consequently, therefore
part de marché {m} :: market share
part du gâteau {f} [figuratively] :: piece of the pie, slice of the pie
part du lion {f} :: lion's share (a generous portion)
partenaire {mf} :: partner
partenarial {adj} :: associative, as a partner
partenariat {m} :: partnership
partenariat civil {m} :: civil partnership
partenariat enregistré {m} :: registered partnership, civil union (legal union between gay and lesbian couples in Switzerland)
par terre {adv} :: on the ground
par terre {adj} :: on the ground
parterre {m} :: part of a garden that is divided into flowerbeds
parterre {m} :: the part of a theater between the stalls and the rear
parterre {m} [by extension] :: the members of a theater audience seated in the parterre
parterre {m} [by analogy] :: an assembly or group of people
parthe {adj} :: Parthian (relating to Parthia)
parthénogenèse {f} [biology] :: parthenogenesis
parthénogénèse {f} :: alternative form of parthénogenèse
parthénogénétique {adj} [biology] :: parthenogenetic
parthénogénétiquement {adv} :: parthenogenetically
parthénote {m} [biology] :: parthenote
Parthie {prop} {f} :: Parthia
parti {adj} [heraldry] :: divided into two equal parts vertically, per pale; said of an escutcheon
parti {m} [politics] :: party
parti {m} :: parti
parti {m} :: course of action
partial {adj} :: partial, biased
partialement {adv} :: in a biased manner
partialité {f} :: partiality, bias
participant {m} :: participant
participante {f} :: feminine noun of participant
participatif {adj} :: participatory
participation {f} :: participation
participationniste {mf} :: participant
participativement {adv} :: participatively
participe {m} :: participle
participe passé {m} :: past participle
participe présent {m} :: present participle
participer {vi} :: To participate (in = à)
participer {vi} :: To donate (to = à)
participial {adj} :: participial
participialement {adv} :: participially
Parti conservateur {prop} [Canadian politics] :: Conservative Party or Conservative party
particulaire {adj} :: particulate
particulaire {adj} [physics] :: particle (attributive)
particulariser {v} :: To particularise
particularisme {m} :: particularism; quirk
particulariste {m} :: particularist
particularité {f} :: oddity, particularity
particule {f} [particle, grammar] :: particle
particule élémentaire {f} [particle] :: elementary particle
particulier {adj} :: particular
particulier {adj} :: peculiar
particulier {m} :: an individual; a specified person
particulièrement {adv} :: particularly, specifically
particulièrement {adv} :: especially
particulièrement {adv} :: in particular
partidaire {adj} :: partisan, party political
partie {f} :: part (portion, amount)
partie {f} [legal] :: party
partie {f} :: game, play (sense "the conduct, or course of a game")
partie de jambes en l'air {f} [figuratively, colloquial] :: horizontal dancing, a roll in the hay
partie de plaisir {f} [colloquial] :: cake walk, piece of cake, bed of roses
partie du discours {f} :: part of speech
partie émergée de l'iceberg {f} [figuratively] :: tip of the iceberg
partie fine {f} [euphemistic] :: orgy
partie intégrante {f} :: part and parcel of
partiel {adj} :: partial (part, no full)
partiel {m} :: overtone (harmonic)
partiel {m} [France, colloquial] :: midterm exam
partiellement {adv} :: partially, in part
partie prenante {f} :: stakeholder; interested party
partie visible de l'iceberg {f} [figuratively] :: tip of the iceberg
parti politique {m} :: political party (political organization)
parti pris {m} :: alternative form of parti-pris
parti-pris {m} :: bias
Parti Québécois {prop} {m} [Canadian politics] :: a separatist left-leaning Québec political party
partir {vt} [obsolete] :: to share, to share out, to divide
partir {vi} :: to go away, leave, depart
partir {vi} :: to originate
partir {vi} [euphemistic] :: to die
partir {vi} [figuratively] :: to emanate
partir {vt} [Quebec, colloquial] :: to start
partir à la dérive {vi} :: drift, go adrift
partir à vau-l'eau {vi} :: to go downhill, to go down the drain, to go awry, to go pear-shaped
partir du mauvais pied {v} [idiomatic] :: To start off on the wrong foot
partir en couille {vi} [vulgar] :: to go awry, to hit the fan, to go to shit
partir en fumée {vi} [figuratively] :: to go up in smoke
partir en sucette {vi} [colloquial] :: to go awry, to hit the fan, to go pear-shaped
partir en vrille {vi} [colloquial] :: to go awry, to hit the fan, to go pear-shaped
partir sans demander son reste {v} [figuratively] :: to leave without further ado, to leave without a murmur, to take to one's heels
partisan {m} :: supporter, proponent, advocate
partisan {adj} :: partisan, partial
partisan {adj} :: in favour of
partisane {f} :: partisan (fervent supporter of a party)
partitif {adj} :: partitive (indicating a part)
partitif {m} [grammar] :: partitive, partitive case
partition {f} [heraldry] :: a (geometrical) division using two colors
partition {f} [music] :: a score, often comprising all parts
partition {f} [databases, computing] :: partition
partitioniste {m} :: alternative form of partitionniste
partitionnement {m} :: the act of partitioning
partitionner {v} :: to partition
partitionniste {m} [Canada, politics] :: partitionist (a political partisan who favours the partition of the province of Quebec with the western, southern portions and Montreal forming a separate province or country from the rest of Quebec)
Parti vert {prop} {m} [politics] :: Green Party
partoche {f} [familiar] :: sheet music
partouse {f} [slang] :: orgy
par tous les temps {adv} :: come rain or shine
partout {adv} :: everywhere
partouze {f} :: alternative form of partouse
par trop {adv} [literary] :: far too, much too, overly, too
partschinite {f} [mineral] :: spessartine
parturiente {f} :: parturient
party {mf} [Canada] :: party (social gathering)
paruline {f} :: warbler (specifically, a wood-warbler, member of the Parulidae family)
parure {f} :: parure
parure {f} :: finery
parution {f} :: apparition
parution {f} :: creation
parution {f} :: publication
parvenir {v} :: (intransitive; followed by à) to reach
parvenir {v} :: (intransitive; followed by à) to succeed
parvenir à ses fins {v} :: to get one's way, to have one's way, to achieve one's goals, to achieve one's ends
parvenu {adj} :: parvenu
parvenu {m} :: parvenu
parvis {m} [historical] :: parvis
parvis {m} :: forecourt, square
par voie de conséquence {adv} [formal] :: as a consequence, consequently
pas {m} :: step, pace, footstep
pas {m} [geography] :: strait, pass
pas {m} :: thread, pitch (of a screw or nut)
pas {adv} :: [ne ... pas] not
pas {adv} [colloquial, spoken] :: not
pas à pas {adv} :: step by step (gradually)
pascal {adj} :: paschal
pascal {m} :: pascal
Pascal {prop} :: given name of Latin origin
Pascal {prop} :: surname
Pascale {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Pascal
pascalien {adj} :: Pascalian
Pascaline {prop} :: given name, feminine diminutive form of Pascal
pasdaran {m} :: pasdaran
pas d'armes {m} :: passage of arms; joust; tilt; tourney
pas de {prep} [Quebec, colloquial] :: without
Pas de Calais {prop} :: The English Channel or Strait of Dover, the North Sea strait between Dover (England) and Calais (France)
Pas-de-Calais {prop} {m} :: A département of northern France, bordering the North Sea and Belgium
pas de chat {m} :: a defect or flaw in a piece of cloth, a spot where warp ends are missing
pas de nouvelle, bonnes nouvelles {proverb} :: no news is good news
pas de nouvelles, bonnes nouvelles {proverb} :: no news is good news
pas de problème {interj} :: No problem!
pas de quoi {interj} [colloquial] :: you're welcome (after being thanked)
pas des masses {adv} [colloquial] :: not much
pas de souci {interj} :: No problem!
pas du tout {adv} :: not at all, not in the least, by no means
pas du tout {interj} :: not at all!
pas encore {adv} :: not yet
pas encore {adv} :: not again
pasionaria {f} :: A female political activist, usually in a left-wing organization
pas japonais {m} :: stepping stone (stone used to cross something)
pas le moins du monde {adv} :: not in the least, not in the slightest, not at all, by no means
pas mal {adv} [litotes] :: not bad (reasonably good)
pas mal {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: a lot of, loads of
pas mal {adj} :: not bad
paso doble {m} :: paso doble (dance)
pas pour deux sous {adv} [colloquial] :: not ... at all, not ... in the least
pas pour un sou {adv} [colloquial] :: not ... at all, not ... in the least
pas question {interj} [colloquial] :: no way (indicates rejection)
Pasquier {prop} :: surname
passable {adj} :: Passable; tolerable; fair
passablement {adv} :: passably or reasonably well
passacaille {f} :: passacaglia
passage {m} :: The act of going through a place or event
passage {m} :: The time when such an act occurs
passage {m} [uncountable] :: Circulation, traffic, movement
passage {m} [astronomy] :: Moment when a star or planet occults another,or crosses a meridian
passage {m} :: A short stay
passage {m} :: A trip or travel, especially by boat
passage {m} :: The act of going from a state to another
passage {m} :: Graduation from a school year
passage {m} :: The act of making something undergo a process
passage {m} :: the act of handing something to someone
passage {m} :: An access way
passage {m} :: A laid out way allowing to go across something
passage {m} :: An alley or alleyway off-limits to cars
passage {m} :: A paragraph or section of text or music
passage à l'acte {m} [psychology] :: Impulsive acting out
passage à niveau {m} :: Level crossing
passage à tabac {m} :: a thorough beating
passage à vide {m} :: funny turn, bad patch, slump, dry spell
passage clouté {m} [European French] :: pedestrian crossing
passage en force {m} [pejorative] :: an instance of forcing one's way through
passage piéton {m} :: pedestrian crossing
passage pour piétons {m} :: pedestrian crossing, crosswalk
passager {m} :: Passenger
passager {m} [archaic] :: Traveller
passager {adj} :: Whose presence in a location is only temporary; passing
passager {adj} :: Of a short duration; temporary; transitory, fleeting, flighty
passager {adj} [colloquial, of a street or place] :: Busy
passager clandestin {m} :: stowaway
passager clandestin {m} [economics] :: free rider
passagère {f} :: feminine noun of passager
passagèrement {adv} :: temporarily, transiently
passant {m} :: passer-by
passant {m} :: loop (in belt etc.)
passant {adj} :: busy (as in a busy street)
passant {adj} [heraldry] :: passant
passation {f} [legal] :: handover (of legal documents), transferal (of power or office)
passation de pouvoir {f} :: handover of power or office
passation de témoin {f} :: handover
passe {f} :: pass (the act of passing)
passe {f} :: pass (passageway)
passe {f} [sports] :: pass
passe {m} :: pass (document allowing entry)
passé {m} :: past tense
passé {m} :: past (opposite of future)
passé {adj} :: past
passé {adj} [used with certain temporal nouns] :: last
passé antérieur {m} [grammar] :: past anterior
passé composé {m} :: A past tense in French grammar, to express a completed ('perfect') action
passe décisive {f} [soccer] :: assist
passé de mode {adj} :: antiquated, out of fashion, old-fashioned, behind the times
passe-droit {m} :: (unwarranted) favour, favouritism
passe-droit {m} :: permission
passe en avant {f} [rugby] :: forward pass
passe encore {phrase} [colloquial] :: all right so far, OK, why not?, I can let it pass, that I can tolerate, ... is one thing (but...) (used to say that the first option is (barely) tolerable, but that the second is too much)
passéisme {m} :: passeism (nostalgia for the past)
passéiste {adj} :: passéist, backward-looking
passe-montagne {m} :: balaclava
passe-partout {m} :: master key
passe-partout {m} [arts, photography] :: matte (decorative border around a picture)
passe-partout {m} :: type of brush
passe-partout {m} [dated] :: ellipsis of scie passe-partout; two-man crosscut saw
passepartout {m} :: alternative spelling of passe-partout
passepied {m} :: passepied
passe-plat {m} :: hatch, opening for serving food
passeport {m} :: passport (official document)
passer {v} :: to go past
passer {v} :: to cross (a border)
passer {v} [legal] :: to pass
passer {v} :: to spend (time)
passer {v} :: to publish (a newspaper)
passer {vt} :: to take, to sit (an exam or test)
passer {vi} :: to pass (an exam or test)
passer {vt} [dated] :: to pass (an exam or test)
passer {v} [public transportation] :: to run
passer {v} :: to exceed (a limit)
passer {v} :: to percolate
passer {v} :: to hand down, to pass on
passer {v} :: to be allowed
passer {vi} :: to pass, to go (between two entities)
passer {vt} :: to show (a movie)
passer {v} :: to go up (a grade)
passer {v} :: to shift (change gear)
passer {v} :: to go down
passer {v} :: to go up
passer {v} :: to stop by, to pop in
passer {v} :: to pass away, to die
passer {v} [music] :: to spin (e.g. a disk)
passer {v} [TV] :: to show (be on television)
passer {v} [sports] :: to pass (kick, throw, hit etc. the ball to another player)
passer {v} [athletics] :: to pass (the relay baton)
passer {v} :: to pass on (infect someone else with a disease)
passer {vt} :: to put, to place, to slip (move a part of one's body somewhere else)
passer {v} :: to wipe, rub
passer {v} :: to skip a go
passer {v} :: to put (make something undergo something)
passer {v} [card games] :: to pass (not play upon one's turn)
passer {vr} :: to take place, to happen, to come to pass
passer {vr} [for time] :: to go by
passer {vr} [with de] :: to do without
passer à autre chose {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to move on
passerage {f} :: cress (of genus Lepidium)
passer à la casserole {v} [colloquial] :: to kick the bucket, to die
passer à la casserole {v} [colloquial, of a woman] :: to lose one's virginity; to get porked, to get fucked; to get raped
passer à l'acte {v} :: to take action, to act
passer à l'acte {vi} :: to act out
passer à la moulinette {v} [idiomatic] :: to rip to shreds (mock severely)
passer à la trappe {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to go down the drain, to be abandoned, to be forgotten about, to vanish into oblivion, to be left out, to go out the window
passer à la vitesse supérieure {v} [figuratively] :: to go up a gear, to move up a gear, to step up a gear, to shift up a gear, to move things up a gear, to speed things up, to shift into high gear, to take things up a notch, to move into overdrive
passer à tabac {vt} :: to beat thoroughly, to beat to a pulp
passer à travers les mailles du filet {v} :: alternative form of passer entre les mailles du filet
passer au crible {vt} [figuratively] :: to comb through, to comb over, to fine-tooth comb
passer au fil de l'épée {vt} :: to put to the sword
passer au peigne fin {vt} :: to comb through, to comb over, to fine-tooth comb, to trawl
passer aux aveux {v} :: to confess, to make a confession
passer aux choses sérieuses {v} [colloquial] :: to get down to business, to get down to brass tacks, to get down to the nitty-gritty
passer comme une lettre à la poste {v} [colloquial, simile] :: To go very well, without a hitch; to hit the spot, to be just the thing
passer crème {v} [slang] :: To go very well, without a hitch; to hit the spot, to be just the thing
passer de vie à trépas {v} [idiomatic] :: to pass away, to die
passer du coq à l'âne {v} :: to change subjects abruptly, to go from pillar to post, to hop from one subject to another, to jump from topic to topic
passereau {m} :: sparrow
passereau {m} :: passerine
passerelle {f} :: footbridge
passerelle {f} [nautical] :: bridge
passerelle {f} [aviation, nautical] :: gangway, bridge
passerelle {f} [computing] :: gateway
passer en force {v} :: to force one's way through, to impose oneself
passer entre les mailles du filet {v} [figuratively] :: to slip through the cracks, to fall through the cracks, to slip through the net
passerillage {m} :: The exposure of cut bunches of grapes to the sun in order to increase the concentration of sugar prior to winemaking
passeriller {vt} [oenology] :: to dry bunches of grapes by exposing them to the sun prior to winemaking
passer inaperçu {v} :: to go unnoticed, to pass unnoticed, to escape notice
passer la main {v} [figuratively] :: [à] to step down in favour of, to stand aside in favour of, to pass the mantle to, to pass the torch on to, to pass the baton on to, to hand the reins to; to hang up one's boots
passer la parole {v} [à] :: to give the floor to someone, to call on someone, to give someone a chance to speak
passer l'arme à gauche {v} [colloquial] :: to kick the bucket, to die
passer l'aspirateur {v} :: to vacuum, to hoover
passer le flambeau {v} [figuratively] :: [à] to step down in favour of, to stand aside in favour of, to pass the mantle to, to pass the torch on to, to pass the baton on to, to hand the reins to; to hang up one's boots
passer le mot {v} [à] :: [colloquial] to spread the word (along, around)
passer l'éponge {v} [sur] :: [figuratively] to forgive and forget about (a grievance), to wipe the slate clean
passer le relais {v} [figuratively] :: [à] to step down in favour of, to stand aside in favour of, to pass the mantle to, to pass the torch on to, to pass the baton on to, to hand the reins to; to hang up one's boots
passer le Rubicon {v} :: to cross the Rubicon
passer les bornes {v} [rare] :: alternative form of dépasser les bornes
passer le temps {v} [figuratively, idiom] :: to pass the time, to kill time
passer maître {v} [en, dans] :: to become a master at something, an expert in something
passer outre {v} :: to overlook
passer outre {v} :: to ignore
passer outre {v} :: to carry on regardless
passer par la tête {v} :: to cross someone's mind
passer par les armes {vt} :: To execute by firing squad
passer par les mains {v} :: to pass through the hands (of)
passer ses nerfs {v} [sur] :: [figuratively, colloquial] to take it out on, to vent one's spleen on, to vent one's gall on
passer son chemin {v} :: to go on one's way, to walk by without stopping, to keep going without stopping, to move on without a halt
passer sous le nez {v} [à] :: [colloquial] to slip through someone's fingers, to slip past someone, to pass by someone (of an occasion, opportunity, etc.)
passer sous les fourches caudines {v} :: to pass under the yoke
passer sous silence {vt} :: to shill, to conceal, to omit, to leave untold, to fail to mention, to pass over
passer sur le billard {phrase} [literally] :: To get passed on the operating table
passer sur le billard {phrase} [idiomatic] :: To undergo a surgical procedure; To go under the knife
passer un savon {v} [à] :: [colloquial] to tell off, to haul someone over the coals
passé simple {m} :: the past historic
passé surcomposé {m} [grammar] :: A past tense using two auxiliary verbs to conjugate
passe-temps {m} :: hobby; pastime
passe-thé {m} :: tea strainer, tea infuser
passette {f} :: strainer
passeur {m} [sports] :: passer
passeur {m} :: ferryman
passeur {m} :: smuggler; (drugs) courier
passeuse {f} :: feminine noun of passeur
passez-moi l'expression {adv} :: pardon my French, excuse my French; not to put too fine a point on it
passibilité {f} :: liability
passible {adj} :: punishable (appropriate for punishment)
passif {m} [grammar] :: the passive voice
passif {m} [financial] :: liability
passif {adj} :: passive
passif {adj} :: (gay) bottom
passing {m} :: [juggling] passing
passion {f} [countable and uncountable] :: passion
passionnant {adj} :: evoking passion or enthusiasm
passionné {adj} :: passionate, impassioned
passionnel {adj} :: passionate
passionnel {adj} :: passion (attributive)
passionnellement {adv} :: passionately
passionnément {adv} :: passionately, to distraction
passionner {v} :: to impassionate, to motivate
passionner {vr} :: [pour] to take an avid interest in
passivement {adv} :: passively
passiver {vt} [grammar] :: to make passive
passiver {vt} [chemistry] :: to passivate
passivité {f} :: passivity, passiveness
passoire {f} :: sieve
passoire {f} :: colander
Passot {prop} :: surname
Passy {prop} :: Passy (district)
pastafarisme {m} :: Pastafarianism
pastaga {m} [slang] :: pastis
pastel {m} [botany] :: woad
pastel {m} [art] :: pastel
pastelliste {mf} :: pastellist
pastenade {f} :: synonym of panais
pastenague {f} :: stingray
pastèque {f} :: watermelon (plant)
pastèque {f} :: watermelon (fruit)
pastèque {f} [slang] :: boob (female breast)
pasteur {m} :: shepherd
pasteur {m} :: pastor, a title of Protestant ministers
Pasteur {prop} :: surname
Pasteur {prop} :: Louis Pasteur, French biologist
pasteurien {adj} :: Pasteurian
pasteuriser {v} :: to pasteurise
pastiche {m} :: pastiche
pasticher {v} :: to imitate, pastiche
pastification {f} :: pasta making
pastillage {m} :: The mounting of components on a printed circuit board
pastillage {m} :: An ornament (such as a flower) mounted on a ceramic
pastille {f} [archaic] :: small roll of dough containing fragrant ingredients baked in order to perfume the air
pastille {f} :: pastille, lozenge, drop (medicinal or candy)
pastille {f} :: lozenge-shaped figure in a design
pastille {f} :: The conductive part of a printed circuit board that components are fixed to
pastis {m} :: pastis
pastis {m} [Southeast of France] :: mess, difficult situation
pastophore {m} [historical] :: pastophorus
pastoral {adj} :: pastoral
pastoralement {adv} :: pastorally
pastoralisme {m} :: pastoralism
pastoraliste {adj} :: pastoralist
pastorat {m} :: pastorate
pas touche {interj} [colloquial] :: hands off! paws off! mitts off!
pastoureau {m} :: young shepherd
pastourelle {f} :: feminine noun of pastoureau
pastrami {m} :: pastrami
pas trop tôt {adv} [colloquial, litotes, sarcastic, idiom] :: about time!
pat {m} [chess] :: stalemate
PAT {prop} {f} [Quebec] :: PAT ; Pointe-aux-Trembles - a municipality in the province of Quebec, Canada
patache {f} :: patache (carriage)
patachon {m} [historical] :: coach driver (driver of a patache)
patafioler {v} :: (dated) to punish
patagon {adj} :: Patagonian
Patagonie {prop} {f} :: Patagonia
pataphysicien {m} :: pataphysician
pataphysicienne {f} :: feminine noun of pataphysicien
pataphysique {f} [literature, humorously] :: pataphysics (absurdist philosophy)
pataquès {m} :: intrusive s, intrusive t (a type of speech error whereby a word-final /t/ or /s/ is pronounced for euphony, though it is not part of the word's spelling)
pataquès {m} :: malapropism
pataquès {m} [colloquial] :: jumble, muddle
Patara {prop} :: Patara (ancient city in Lycia)
pataras {m} [nautical] :: backstay
patassa {m} [Louisiana French, ] :: perch
patate {f} :: ellipsis of patate douce; sweet potato
patate {f} [Canada, Louisiana French or colloquial in Europe] :: potato
patate chaude {f} [figuratively] :: hot potato (awkward or delicate problem)
patate douce {f} :: sweet potato
pataterie {f} [Quebec, Louisiana French] :: a restaurant that specializes in serving french fries; chip shop (UK)
patates pilées {fp} :: mashed potatoes
patatoïdal {adj} :: Having the lumpy, spherical form of a potato
patatoïde {m} :: Any lumpy, spherical object more-or-less having the form of a potato
patatras {interj} :: kerplunk
pataud {adj} :: lumbering, lumpish
pataugeant {adj} :: wading, paddling
pataugeoire {f} :: wading pool
patauger {v} :: to paddle, to wade (to walk in shallow water), to splash about
patch {f} [computing] :: patch (piece of code used to fix a bug)
patchoulène {m} [organic compound] :: patchoulene
patchouli {m} :: patchouli (plant)
patchouli {m} :: patchouli (oil)
patchwork {m} :: patchwork
pâte {f} :: paste
pâte {f} :: pastry; dough; batter
pâte {f} [in the plural] :: pastas
pâté {m} :: paste
pâté {m} :: pâté
pâte à choux {f} :: choux pastry (light pastry)
pâte à dents {f} [Canada] :: toothpaste
pâté à la viande {m} [food] :: meat pie
pâté à la viande du Lac-St-Jean {m} [food] :: tourtière
pâte à modeler {f} :: modeling clay
pâte à tartiner {f} :: spread (any form of food designed to be spread, such as butters or jams)
pâte brisée {f} :: pâte brisée
pâté chinois {m} :: pâté chinois
pâté chinois {m} [Quebec] :: shepherd's pie
pâté de maisons {m} :: city block (part of town enclosed by streets)
pâtée {f} :: any pet food in the form of a paste, such as cat food or dog food
pâte feuilletée {f} [cooking] :: puff pastry (light, flaky pastry)
patelin {m} :: backwater
patelin {m} :: one-horse town
patelin {adj} :: fawning; unctuous
patelle {f} :: limpet
patemment {adv} [archaic or literary] :: patently
Patenaude {prop} :: surname
patène {f} :: paten, diskos
patenôtre {f} [obsolete, religion] :: the Lord's prayer
patente {f} :: patent
patenté {adj} :: patented
patenté {adj} :: licensed
patère {f} [archaeology] :: patera
patère {f} :: peg (a protrusion used to hang things on)
paternalisme {m} :: paternalism
paternaliste {adj} :: paternalist
paternel {adj} :: paternal
paternellement {adv} :: paternally
paternité {f} :: fatherhood
paternité {f} :: authorship
pâtes {fp} [usually, in the plural] :: pasta
pateter {v} [Switzerland] :: to dawdle
pâteusement {adv} :: doughily, mushily
pâteux {adj} :: doughy, mushy
-pathe {suffix} :: -path
pathétique {adj} :: pathetic, arousing emotion
pathétique {adj} :: pathetic, contemptible
pathétiquement {adv} :: pathetically
-pathie {suffix} :: -pathy
pathogène {adj} :: pathogenic
pathogénèse {f} :: pathogenesis
pathogénie {f} :: pathogeny
pathogénique {adj} [medicine] :: pathogenic
pathologie {f} :: pathology
pathologique {adj} :: pathological; pathologic
pathologiquement {adv} :: pathologically
pathologiste {mf} :: pathologist (expert in pathology)
patibulaire {adj} :: sinister
patidar {m} :: Patidar
patiemment {adv} :: patiently
patience {f} :: patience
patient {adj} :: patient
patient {m} :: a patient, an outpatient
patiente {f} :: feminine singular of patient
patientèle {f} [neologism] :: all the patients of a medical practitioner; patient base, body of patients
patienter {v} :: to be patient
patienter {v} :: to wait patiently
patin {m} :: slipper
patin {m} :: skate; blade; runner
patin {m} [mechanics] :: brake pad
patin {m} [slang] :: French kiss
patinage {m} :: skating
patinage {m} :: ice-skating
patinage {m} :: roller skating
patinage {m} :: loss of traction (of a motor vehicle)
patinage à glace {m} :: ice skating
patinage à roues alignées {m} :: in-line skating
patinage à roulettes {m} :: rollerskating
patinage artistique {m} :: figure skating
patinage de descente {m} :: ellipsis of patinage de descente extrême
patinage de descente extrême {m} :: icecross downhill
patinage de vitesse {m} :: speed skating (the sport of racing around an oval course on ice skates)
patinage extrême {m} :: icecross
patinage extrême {m} :: ellipsis of patinage de descente extrême
patinage synchronisé {m} :: synchronized skating [US] / synchronised skating [UK]
patin à glace {m} [uncountable] :: ice skating
patin à glace {m} [countable] :: ice skate
patin à quatre roues {m} :: old-style four-wheel rollerskate
patin à roues alignées {m} :: inline skate (inline rollerskate)
patin à roulettes {m} :: roller skate
patin à roulettes quatre roues {m} :: old-style four-wheel rollerskate
patine {f} :: patina, an oxidation like on bronze or similar effect
patiner {vi} :: to ice-skate
patiner {vt} :: to falter
patineur {m} :: skater
patineuse {f} :: feminine noun of patineur
patinoire {f} :: skating rink
patio {m} :: patio
pâtir {v} [literary] :: to suffer
pâtisser {vi} :: to make pastry
pâtisser {vt} [, of cakes and pastry] :: to bake something
patisserie {f} [Canada] :: cake shop
patisserie {f} [Canada] :: the pastries produced by a patissier
pâtisserie {f} :: cakeshop
pâtisserie {f} :: pastry (food item)
pâtisserie {f} :: pastry (art of making pastries)
pâtissier {adj} [attributive] :: pastry
pâtissier {m} :: pastrymaker
pâtissière {f} :: female equivalent of pâtissier
patissoie {f} :: Variant of pâtissoie
pâtissoie {f} :: An eighteenth-century silken cloth from China.
pâtisson {m} :: pattypan squash
Patmos {prop} :: Patmos (island)
patois {m} :: patois (French dialect)
patois {m} :: patois (any regional dialect)
patois {m} [Louisiana French] :: saying, maxim, proverb, adage
patoisant {adj} :: Characteristic of a patois
patoisant {adj} :: Speaking in a patois
patoisement {adv} :: (speaking) in a patois
patoisement {m} :: The formation of a patois
patoiser {vi} :: to speak in patois
pâton {m} :: A piece of dough to be kneaded in breadmaking
patou {m} :: Pyrenean mountain dog
patouner {v} :: Of cats: to knead with the paws
patraque {adj} :: out of sorts, under the weather
pâtre {m} [literary, poetic] :: shepherd, herdsman
patriarcal {adj} :: patriarchal
patriarcalement {adv} :: patriarchally
patriarcat {m} :: patriarchy
patriarcat {m} :: patriarchate
patriarche {m} :: patriarch
patrice {m} [antiquity] :: patrician
Patrice {prop} {m} :: given name
Patricia {prop} :: given name
patriciat {m} :: patriciate
patricien {adj} :: patrician
patricien {m} [historical] :: patrician
Patrick {prop} :: given name, the English form of Patrice, quite popular in France
patrie {f} :: homeland, home country, country of origin, fatherland
patrilatéral {adj} :: patrilateral
patrilatéralement {adv} :: patrilaterally
patrimoine {m} :: patrimony, estate
patrimoine {m} :: heritage
patrimoine {m} :: capital, holdings
patrimonial {adj} :: patrimonial
patrimonialement {adv} :: patrimonially
patriotard {adj} :: Excessively nationalistic; flag-waving; chauvinistic
patriote {mf} :: patriot
patriote {adj} :: patriotic
Patriote {m} [Canada] :: Patriote (Lower Canada Rebellion)
Patriote {m} [Canada] :: Patriot (Upper Canada Rebellion)
patriotique {adj} :: patriotic
patriotiquement {adv} :: patriotically
patriotisme {m} :: patriotism
Patrocle {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Patroclus
patron {m} :: boss, employer
patron {m} [sewing and knitting] :: pattern
patronage {m} :: Patronage
patronal {adj} [attributive] :: saint
patronal {adj} [attributive] :: relating to an employer
patronat {m} :: management
patronne {f} :: (female) owner
patronne {f} :: madame (of a brothel)
patronner {vt} :: to sponsor
patronnesse {adj} :: only used in dame patronesse
patronyme {m} :: surname; patronym
patronymique {adj} :: patronymic
patrouille {f} :: patrol
patrouiller {vi} :: to patrol
patrouilleur {m} :: soldier on patrol
patrouilleur {m} :: patrol boat
patrouilleur {m} :: spotter plane
patte {f} :: paw [of animal]
patte {f} :: leg [of animal]
patte {f} [anatomy, colloquial] :: leg [of human]
patté {adj} [heraldry] :: (in feminine form) Narrow at the inner end, and very broad at the other end, or having its arms of that shape; said of a cross
patte-d'oie {f} :: A point where a road splits into one or more other roads, or many roads join into one
patte-d'oie {f} :: crow's feet (wrinkles at the corners of the eye)
pattemouille {f} :: damp cloth used in ironing
pattes d'éléphant {fp} :: bell-bottoms
pattes de mouche {fp} [colloquial, figuratively] :: chicken scratch (illegible handwriting)
pattes d'eph {fp} [colloquial] :: clipping of pattes d'éléphant
pâturage {m} :: pasture; meadow
pâture {f} :: grazing food for livestock
pâture {f} :: pasture (field full of such food)
pâturer {v} :: to graze; to pasture
pâturin {m} :: grass; any plant belonging to the taxonomical family Poaceae
paturon {m} :: pastern
Pau {prop} :: Pau (city)
pauchouse {f} :: A dish of freshwater fish cut into pieces and cooked in white wine
paucité {f} :: paucity (fewness in number; a small number)
Paul {prop} :: Paul (biblical figure)
Paul {prop} :: given name
Paule {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Paul
Paulette {prop} {f} :: given name
paulien {adj} [legal, of an action] :: taken against a fraudulent debtor
Paulin {prop} :: given name, rare today
Paulin {prop} :: surname
Pauline {prop} {f} :: given name derived from Latin Paulina
pauliste {adj} [religion] :: Paulist (specifically a member of a missionary society founded in New York in 1885)
pauliste {adj} :: of or relating to São Paulo, Brazil
Pauliste {mf} :: A person residing in São Paulo, Brazil
paullinique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: paullinic
paume {f} [anatomy] :: palm (of hand)
paumé {adj} :: lost
paumé {adj} :: out of one's depth
paumé {adj} :: godforsaken
paumer {v} [obsolete] :: to strike, hit
paumer {v} [colloquial] :: to lose
paupérisation {f} :: pauperization
paupériser {vt} :: to pauperize
paupérisme {m} :: pauperism
paupière {f} :: eyelid
paupiette {f} :: paupiette, (veal) olive
paurométabole {m} :: paurometabole
paurométabole {adj} :: paurometabolous
-pause {suffix} :: -pause
pause {f} :: pause, break
pause {f} [music] :: rest
pause-café {f} :: coffee break
pause-déjeuner {f} :: lunchbreak
pause thé {f} :: tea break
pauvre {adj} :: poor (financially deprived)
pauvre {adj} :: lacking, scanty
pauvre {adj} :: poor, pitiable
pauvre {m} :: poor person; pauper
pauvre comme Job {adj} [simile] :: extremely poor; poor as a church mouse
pauvre de {phrase} :: poor old
pauvrement {adv} :: poorly
pauvresse {f} :: feminine singular of pauvre
pauvret {m} :: poor little thing term of commiseration
pauvreté {f} :: poverty
pauvrette {f} :: poor little thing term of commiseration
pauvrissime {adj} :: Very poor
pavage {m} :: paving (paved surface, art of constructing such a surface)
pavane {mf} :: pavane
pavaner {vr} :: to strut one's stuff
Pavard {prop} :: surname
pavé {m} :: cobblestone
pavé {m} :: cobblestone street
pavé {m} [geometry] :: parallelepiped
pavé {m} :: pavé (rectangular food)
pavé {m} [colloquial] :: a thick book, a long text
pavé dans la mare {m} [figuratively] :: a bombshell, a shocking declaration
pavement {m} :: paving
pavement {m} :: tiled floor
pavé numérique {m} [computing] :: numeric keypad, number pad
paver {v} :: to cobble, to pave with cobblestones or something similar
paver {v} [Canada, Quebec] :: to pave in any sense (including with asphalt, etc.)
pavesan {adj} :: Of or from Pavia (in Italy)
pavesan {adj} :: Of or from Pavie (in the Midi-Pyrénées)
pavé tactile {m} :: touchpad (flat surface which is sensitive to touch)
paveur {m} :: paver
paveur {m} :: paving company
Pavie {prop} {f} :: Pavia
Pavie {prop} {f} :: A town in the Gers department of Midi-Pyrénées
pavillon {m} :: pavilion (tent, structure, ear part)
pavillon {m} :: ensign, flag (nautical flag)
pavillon {m} :: house, villa, lodge
pavillon {m} [music] :: bell (part of brass instrument)
pavillon {m} [heraldry] :: pavilion
pavillon {m} [nautical] :: colours
pavillonnaire {adj} :: pavilioned
pavillon noir {m} :: Jolly Roger (skull flag)
pavlovien {adj} :: Pavlovian (of or relating to the theories of Ivan Pavlov)
pavois {m} :: buckler, shield
pavois {m} [nautical] :: bulwark
pavoisement {m} [nautical] :: bunting
pavoiser {vt} :: to deck with flags
pavot {m} :: poppy (the flower)
pavot somnifère {m} :: opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)
pawnee {m} :: the Pawnee language
paxon {m} :: alternative form of pacson
payant {adj} :: paying, which pays
payant {adj} :: not free, not free of charge, nonfree, that costs money, that charges money, paid (as in paid service)
payant {adj} :: fruitful, that pays off
paye {f} :: salary, pay
paye {f} :: payment
paye {f} [dated] :: payer, someone who pays
paye {f} [colloquial] :: ages, a long time
payement {m} :: alternative spelling of paiement
payer {vt} :: to pay (for)
payer {vt} :: to pay (someone)
payer {v} :: pay for (suffer the consequences of something)
payer {v} :: to pay off (to be fruitful)
payer cher {v} [colloquial] :: to pay dearly
payer de sa poche {v} [figuratively] :: to pay out of one's own pocket
payer les pots cassés {v} :: to pay the piper, to pay the price, to pay the penalty, to be left to pick up the pieces, to be left holding the baby
Payet {prop} :: surname
Payette {prop} :: surname
payeur {m} :: payer (someone who pays)
payeuse {f} :: feminine noun of payeur
pays {m} :: land, country, region, nation
pays {m} [politics, geography] :: country
paysage {m} :: countryside
paysage {m} :: landscape
paysage {m} [printing] :: landscape (format)
paysagéité {f} :: landscapity
paysager {adj} [attributive] :: landscape
paysager {adj} [attributive] :: countryside; country
paysager {v} :: to do landscaping; to landscape
paysagiste {mf} :: a land artist
paysagiste {mf} :: a landscape designer, a landscape gardener
paysagiste {mf} :: an artist who specialises in painting the country
paysan {m} :: a peasant
paysan {m} :: someone who lives in the country; ruralite
paysan {m} [pejorative] :: a country bumpkin
paysannat {m} :: peasantry
paysanne {f} :: feminine noun of paysan
paysannerie {f} :: peasantry
Pays-Bas {prop} {mp} :: the Netherlands
Pays basque {prop} {m} :: Basque Country
pays de cocagne {m} :: land of plenty, Cockaigne (land of ease, pleasure and luxury)
pays de Cocagne {m} :: alternative spelling of pays de cocagne
pays de Galles {prop} {m} :: Wales
Pays de la Loire {prop} {mp} :: Pays de la Loire (region)
pays d'état {m} [historical] :: pays d'état
pays développé {m} [economics] :: developed country
pays du Soleil Levant {prop} {m} [periphrasis] :: the Land of the Rising Sun (Japan)
pays du Soleil-Levant {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of pays du Soleil Levant
pays en voie de développement {m} [economics] :: developing country
pb {n} [colloquial, texting, internet slang] :: abbreviation of problème
PC {prop} [journalism, in Canada] :: CP initialism of Presse canadienne (Canadian Press)
PCC {prop} [initialism] :: [Canada, politics] Parti conservateur du Canada - Conservative Party of Canada (CPC)
PCUS {prop} {mf} [history, politics] :: CPSU (initialism of Partie Communiste de la Union Soviétique)
PCV {m} :: initialism of paiement contre vérification reverse charge call (UK), collect call (US)
PD {m} [vulgar, offensive] :: fag; queer (male homosexual)
PDG {mf} :: CEO [US, Canada] (chief executive officier) or MD [UK] (managing director) or president - initialism of président directeur général {m} or présidente directrice générale {f}
PdP {f} [France, meteorology] :: POP (probability of precipitation) abbreviation of probabilité de précipitation
PDP {f} [Canada, meteorology] :: POP (probability of precipitation) abbreviation of probabilité de précipitations
PDQ {m} :: abbreviation of poste de quartier
PDS {m} :: SRP (suggested retail price) initialism of prix de détail suggéré
PDSC {m} :: MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price) initialism of prix de détail suggéré du constructeur
PDSF {m} :: MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price) initialism of prix de détail suggéré par le fabricant
pdt {f} :: abbreviation of pomme de terre
PDT {f} :: abbreviation of pomme de terre
PE {m} :: PE (polyethylene); abbreviation of polyéthylène
{m} :: letter: p
peacekeeper {m} [Canada, law enforcement] :: peacekeeper [peace officer from an aboriginal Canadian community]
péage {m} [transport] :: toll, payment
péage {m} [transport] :: toll booth
péage {m} [internet] :: paywall
péager {m} :: A person who receives a toll or manages a toll booth
péagère {f} :: feminine singular of péager
péan {m} :: paean
pearcéite {m} [mineral] :: pearceite
peau {f} :: skin of a person or animal
peau {f} :: hide, fur
peau {f} :: skin (protective outer layer of a plant or fruit)
peau {f} :: pellicule formed on top of certain prepared foods
peau de banane {f} :: banana peel
peau de chagrin {f} :: shagreen
peau de chamois {f} :: chamois leather, shammy
peau de vache {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: battle axe, cat, nasty piece of work
peaufinage {m} :: fine-tuning
peaufinement {m} :: fine-tuning
peaufiner {v} :: to fine-tune
peau-rouge {m} :: Red Indian
peau-rouge {adj} :: Amerindian
PEB {m} [acronym] :: [library science] a system enabling a library to borrow a document from another library to make it available for a registered reader
PE-BD {m} :: LDPE (low density polyethylene); abbreviation of polyéthylène basse densité
PEBD {m} :: alternative form of PE-BD
pébioctet {m} :: pebibyte
pébrine {f} :: pébrine
pébroc {m} [colloquial, France] :: umbrella
pébroque {m} [colloquial, France] :: umbrella
pec {m} [colloquial, usually in the plural] :: pec (pectoralis major muscle)
pécari {m} :: peccary (a family of mammals related to pigs and hippos)
peccadille {f} :: peccadillo (small sin or error)
péché {m} [religion] :: sin
pêche {f} [countable] :: peach
pêche {f} [uncountable] :: fishing, angling
pêche à la mouche {f} :: fly fishing (form of angling)
pêche blanche {f} :: ice fishing
péché capital {m} [theology] :: deadly sin (any of the seven deadly sins)
péché mignon {m} :: guilty pleasure, little weakness, little indulgence
péché originel {m} [Christianity] :: original sin (the state of sin, present in each human at birth, that is a direct result of Adam's disobedience to God)
péché philosophique {m} :: sexual deviancy; sodomy
pécher {v} :: to sin
pêcher {v} :: to fish
pêcher {m} :: peach tree
pêcher en eau trouble {v} [figuratively] :: to fish in troubled waters
pêcher en eaux troubles {v} :: alternative spelling of pêcher en eau trouble
pécheresse {f} :: feminine noun of pécheur; sinner
pêcherie {f} :: fishery
pêche sous la glace {f} :: ice fishing
pêche sur glace {f} :: ice fishing
Pecheur {prop} {mf} :: surname
pécheur {adj} :: sinning; sinful
pécheur {m} :: sinner
pêcheur {m} :: fisher
pêcheuse {f} :: feminine noun of pêcheur
pécho {v} [slang, backslang] :: to nab, catch
pécho {v} [slang] :: to hook up with, get off with
pécore {f} :: a small farm animal (not necessarily a sheep)
pécore {mf} :: blockhead (stupid person)
pécore {mf} :: peasant
pectique {adj} :: pectic
pectocellulosique {adj} :: pectocellulosic
pectolytique {adj} [biochemistry] :: pectolytic
pectoral {m} [anatomy] :: pectoral
pectoral {adj} [anatomy] :: pectoral
pectosique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pectosic
péculat {m} :: peculation
péculativement {adv} :: peculatively
pécule {m} :: savings, nest egg
pécule de vacances {m} [Belgium] :: holiday pay, holiday allowance bonus
pécuniaire {adj} :: pecuniary, financial
pécuniairement {adv} :: financially, pecuniarily
pédagogie {f} :: pedagogy; education
pédagogie {f} :: learning
pédagogique {adj} :: pedagogic, pedagogical
pédagogique {adj} :: educational
pédagogique {adj} :: instructional
pédagogiquement {adv} :: pedagogically
pédagogue {mf} :: pedagogue; educator
pédagogue {mf} :: teacher
pédal {adj} [anatomy] :: pedal
pédalage {m} :: the action or the result of pedalling
pédale {f} :: pedal (of bicycle)
pédale {f} [music] :: pedal (of piano, organ etc.)
pédale {f} [offensive] :: queer, homo (homosexual man)
pédaler {v} :: to pedal (a bicycle)
pédaler dans la choucroute {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to go around in circles, to tread water, to go nowhere fast, to flounder
pédaler dans la semoule {v} :: alternative form of pédaler dans la choucroute
pédale wha wha {f} :: wah-wah pedal
pédalier {m} :: pedalboard
pédalier {m} [cycling] :: chainset, crankset
pédalo {m} [watercraft] :: pedalo
pédant {m} [obsolete] :: schoolmaster
pédant {m} :: pedant; pretentious person
pédant {adj} :: pedantic
pedante {f} :: obsolete spelling of pédante
pédanterie {f} :: pedantry
pédantesque {adj} :: pedantic
pédantesquement {adv} :: pedantically
pédantisme {m} :: pedantry
pédantisme {m} :: pretentiousness
pédé {m} [vulgar, offensive, pejorative, slang] :: fag; queer (male homosexual)
pédéraste {m} :: pederast
pédéraste {m} [archaic] :: homosexual
pédérastie {f} :: pederasty
pédérastique {adj} :: pederastic
pédestre {adj} :: walking (of e.g. an animal, that moves by walking)
pédestre {adj} [of a artpiece] :: representing someone walking
pédestre {adj} :: pedestrian (simple)
pédestre {adj} [of an activity] :: walking, involving walking, on foot
pédestrement {adv} :: pedestrianly
pédiatre {mf} :: pediatrician (physician who specialises in pediatrics)
pédiatrie {f} :: pediatrics
pédiatrique {adj} :: pediatric
pédicelle {f} :: pedicel
pédicule {m} [anatomy] :: pedicel
pédiculose {f} [pathology] :: pediculosis
pédicure {mf} :: chiropodist, podiatrist
pédieux {adj} [anatomy] :: pedal
pédigrée {f} :: pedigree
pédiluve {m} :: footbath
pédipalpe {f} :: pedipalp
pédo- {prefix} :: paedo-
pédocriminel {m} :: A criminal pedophile
pédocriminelle {f} :: feminine singular of pédocriminel
pédofaune {f} :: pedofauna (soil fauna)
pédogenèse {f} [biology, geology] :: pedogenesis
pédogéochimique {adj} :: pedogeochemical
pédogéologique {adj} [geology] :: pedogeological
pédologie {f} :: pedology
pédologique {adj} :: pedologic, pedological
pédologiquement {adv} :: pedologically
pédoncule {m} [anatomy, zoology] :: peduncle
pédonculé {adj} :: pedunculate
pédoncule caudal {m} :: caudal peduncle
pédophile {adj} :: pedophiliac
pédophile {mf} :: pedophile, paedophile
pédophilie {f} :: pedophilia
pédopornographie {f} :: child pornography
pédopsychiatre {mf} :: pedopsychiatrist
pedzouille {m} :: A peasant, bumpkin, yokel
Pégase {prop} {m} :: Pegasus (mythical winged horse)
Pégase {prop} {m} :: Pegasus (constellation)
Peggy {prop} :: given name borrowed from English, popular in the 1970s
pegmatitique {adj} [mineralogy] :: pegmatitic
pègre {f} :: underworld
PE-HD {m} :: HDPE abbreviation of polyéthylène haute densité
PEHD {m} :: alternative form of PE-HD
peignage {m} :: combing (of wool or other fibre)
peigne {m} :: comb (toothed implement)
peigne-cul {m} :: asshole, jerk
peigner {v} :: to comb
peignoir {m} :: cape (long light clothing used to protect the clothes in e.g. a barber)
peignoir {m} :: bathrobe
peignoir {m} :: nightdress
peilles {fp} :: rags used to make paper
peinard {adj} [colloquial] :: tranquil, carefree, cushy
peinardement {adv} :: tranquilly
peindre {vt} :: to paint
peine {f} :: pain
peine {f} :: effort, trouble
peine {f} :: sorrow
peine {adv} :: barely, hardly; used only in the phrase à peine
peine capitale {f} :: capital punishment (punishment by death)
peine de cœur {f} :: heartache; brokenheartedness; lovesickness; love disappointment; unreciprocated love feelings; unrequited love; unhappy love story
peine de mort {f} :: capital punishment, death penalty
peine perdue {f} :: lost cause
peiner {v} :: to struggle, toil
peiner {v} :: to cause pain to, afflict
peintre {mf} :: painter (artist)
peinture {f} :: painting
peinture {f} :: painting, canvas
peinture {f} :: vivid description
peinture {f} :: paint
peinturer {v} [Canada] :: to paint
peinturer {v} [France] :: to paint like a child, in a way lacking grace and dexterity
peinturlurer {v} :: to daub
péjoratif {adj} :: pejorative
péjorativement {adv} :: pejoratively
pejvakine {f} [protein] :: pejvakin
pékan {m} :: fisher (mammal)
pékin {m} [textiles] :: Pekin (type of patterned silk)
Pékin {prop} {m} :: Pékin (direct-administered municipality/capital city)
pékinois {adj} :: Pekingese (of or from Peking (Beijing))
pékinois {m} :: Pekinese (dog)
Pékinois {m} :: Pekinese (native or inhabitant of Pekin (Beijing))
Pékinoise {f} :: feminine noun of Pékinois
pelade {f} [pathology] :: alopecia
Péladeau {prop} :: surname
pelage {m} :: fur
pélagien {adj} :: Pelagian
pélagique {adj} :: pelagic
pélargonate {m} [organic chemistry] :: pelargonate
pélargonique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pelargonic
pélargonium {m} :: pelargonium (flower of the genus Pelargonium)
pelé {adj} :: bare; (of animal) mangy
pêle-mêle {adv} :: any old how, at random, chaotically, pell-mell
pêle-mêle {m} :: disorder, confusion
pêle-mêle {m} :: multiple photo frame
pêlemêle {m} :: alternative form of pêle-mêle
peler {v} :: to peel
pèlerin {m} :: pilgrim
pèlerinage {m} :: pilgrimage (religious journey, or one to a sacred place)
pélerine {f} :: cape
pèlerine {f} :: feminine noun of pèlerin
pèlerine {f} :: cape
péleriner {v} :: alternative spelling of pèleriner
pèleriner {v} :: to go on a pilgrimage
pélican {m} :: pelican (any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae)
pelisse {f} :: pelisse
pellagre {f} [pathology] :: pellagra
pellagreux {adj} :: pellagrous
pelle {f} :: shovel, spade
pelle {f} :: dustpan
pelle {f} :: fluke (anchor blade)
pelle {f} [slang] :: French kiss
pelle à tarte {f} :: cake slice, cake server
Pellegrin {prop} :: surname
peller {v} :: to shovel (to move materials with a shovel)
pelletée {f} :: spadeful, shovelful
pelleter {vt} :: to shovel (up)
pelleterie {f} :: peltry
pelleterie {f} :: fur tannery
pelleter par en avant {v} [Quebec, figuratively] :: to kick the can down the road
pelleteuse {f} :: digger (a large piece of machinery that digs up holes)
pelletier {m} :: furrier
Pelletier {prop} :: surname
pelletiser {v} :: To pelletize
pelletiseur {m} :: pelletizer
pelliculaire {adj} :: dandruff (etc) (attributive)
pellicule {f} :: film, skin, thin layer
pellicules {fp} :: dandruff
pélopium {m} [obsolete] :: A metallic element subsequently shown to be technetium
Péloponnèse {prop} {m} :: Péloponnèse (region)
pelote {f} :: ball (e.g. of string, wire)
pelote {f} :: pelota (sport)
pelote {f} :: droppings (animal waste)
pelote {f} :: ball (in the game of jeu de paume)
pelote {f} [Quebec, slang] :: pussy (female genitalia)
pelote {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: a ball; a football
pelote basque {f} :: Basque pelota
peloter {v} [archaic] :: to wind, roll etc. into a ball
peloter {v} [colloquial] :: to touch up, feel up (sexually)
peloter {vr} [colloquial, se peloter] :: to make out
peloton {m} :: small ball (of thread etc.)
peloton {m} [military] :: platoon
peloton {m} :: pack, bunch (of cyclists etc.)
peloton d'exécution {m} :: firing squad (a group of soldiers detailed to execute someone or to discharge weapons ceremonially)
pelotonner {vt} :: To wind up into a ball
pelotonner {vr} :: To curl up into a ball
pelouse {f} :: lawn
pelouse {f} [racing] :: public enclosure
pelouse {f} [rugby, soccer] :: field, ground
Peltier {prop} :: surname, notably of Jean Charles Athanase Peltier, French physicist who discovered the Peltier effect
peluche {f} :: plush (toy), fluff
pelucher {v} :: to fluff up, become fluffy
pelucheux {adj} :: fluffy
pelure {f} :: peel, rind (of a fruit)
pelure {f} :: skin (of an onion)
pelvien {adj} :: pelvic
pelvigraphie {f} :: pelvigraphy
pélycosaure {m} :: pelycosaur
penaille {f} :: an assembly of monks
penaille {f} :: rags, tatters
pénal {adj} :: penal, criminal (of, or relating to crimes)
pénalement {adv} :: penally
pénalisant {adj} :: penalizing
pénalisation {f} [sports] :: penalty
pénalisation {f} :: penalizing
pénaliser {v} :: to penalize
pénaliser {v} :: to criminalize
pénaliste {mf} [legal] :: criminal lawyer
pénalité {f} :: penalty (punishment)
pénalité {f} [rugby] :: penalty (free-kick)
pénalité {f} [rugby] :: penalty (scoring of penalty)
penalty {m} [sports] :: penalty, penalty kick
pénalty {m} [sports] :: alternative spelling of penalty
pénard {adj} :: alternative form of peinard
pénardement {adv} :: alternative form of peinardement
pénates {mp} [historical] :: household gods, penates
pénates {mp} [colloquial] :: home
penaud {adj} :: sheepish, shamefaced
penaudement {adv} :: sheepishly
penchant {m} :: penchant
pencher {vt} :: to tilt, tip up
pencher {vi} :: to lean, list
pencher {vi} :: to lean towards (an opinion, idea etc.); to be inclined (to do something)
pencher {vr} :: to bend down, lean over
pencher {vr} :: to look into
pendable {adj} :: that merits hanging
pendable {adj} :: that deserves to be hanged
pendage {m} [geology] :: (angle of) dip
pendaison {f} :: hanging (of something or someone)
pendaison de crémaillère {f} :: housewarming
pendant {adj} :: hanging
pendant {m} :: stone that dangles on earrings
pendant {m} :: match, counterpart
pendant {prep} :: during, throughout, for the duration of
pendant que {conj} :: while, whilst, as
pendard {m} :: gallows bird, rascal, one who deserves to hang
pendarde {f} :: feminine noun of pendard
pendeloque {f} :: pendant
pendentif {m} [jewelry] :: pendant
pendentif {m} [architecture] :: pendentive
penderie {f} :: wardrobe
pendiller {vi} :: to dangle
pendjabi {m} :: The Punjabi language
pendouiller {v} :: to dangle
pendre {vit} :: to hang
pendre {vi} :: to sag, droop
pendre au nez {v} [à] :: [colloquial] to stare (someone) in the face, to be looking at (someone), to be around the corner waiting for (someone) (to be likely to happen to someone)
pendre haut et court {vt} [colloquial] :: to hang, to execute by hanging
pendre la crémaillère {v} [idiomatic] :: to have a housewarming party
pendu {m} :: person condemned to be hanged
pendu {m} :: person killed by hanging
pendu {m} :: [le pendu] hangman (pen and paper game)
pendu {m} :: hanged man (tarot card)
pendulaire {adj} :: pendular
pendulaire {adj} :: tilting (on its axis)
pendulaire {mf} :: commuter
pendule {m} :: pendulum
pendule {f} :: pendulum clock
pendulette {f} :: small clock
pénectomie {f} [surgery] :: penectomy
Pénélope {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Penelope (wife of Odysseus)
Pénélope {prop} {f} :: given name
Penelopegate {prop} {m} :: The Fillon affair, a political scandal involving improper employment of the family of French politician François Fillon
Pénélopegate {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Penelopegate
pénéplaine {f} [geomorphology] :: peneplain
pénétrabilité {f} :: penetrability
pénétrable {adj} :: penetrable
pénétramment {adv} :: penetratingly
pénétrant {adj} :: penetrant, penetrating
pénétratif {adj} :: penetrative
pénétration {f} :: penetration
pénétrativement {adv} :: penetratively
pénétrer {vt} :: to enter, to get in (to)
pénétrer {v} :: to penetrate
pénétrer {v} :: to see through somebody's lies or secret plans
pénétrer {v} :: to penetrate (to enter sexually; to engage in penetrative sex)
pénétromètre {m} :: penetrometer
Penha {prop} {m} :: Penha (municipality)
Penha {prop} {m} :: Penha (São Paulo, Brazil)
pénibilité {f} :: hardness, strenuousness, severity
pénible {adj} :: painful, hard, displeasing
pénible {adj} :: annoying (about someone)
péniblement {adv} :: horribly; awfully
péniche {f} :: barge
pénicillamine {f} :: penicillamine
pénicillé {adj} [biology] :: penicillate
pénicilline {f} :: penicillin
pénicillium {m} [biology] :: penicillium
pénien {adj} :: penile
pénil {m} :: mons veneris, mons
péninsulaire {adj} :: peninsular
péninsule {f} :: peninsula
péninsule ibérique {prop} {f} :: Iberian Peninsula
pénis {m} :: penis
pénitence {f} :: penance
pénitencier {m} :: penitentiary, prison
pénitencier {m} [Roman Catholic Church] :: a priest who administers the sacrament of absolution
pénitent {adj} :: penitent
pénitent {m} :: penitent (one who repents of sin; one sorrowful on account of his or her transgressions)
pénitentiaire {adj} :: penitentiary
pénitentiel {adj} :: penitential
pénitentiel {adj} :: penitant
penne {f} :: large feather
penne {f} :: penne (pasta)
penné {adj} [botany] :: pinnate
penniforme {adj} :: penniform
pennine {m} [mineralogy] :: penninite (A double silicate of aluminium and magnesium)
pennon {m} :: pennon (triangular flag)
pennon {m} [nautical] :: pennant
pennon {m} [historical] :: a local urban militia in medieval Lyon
pennonage {m} :: The right to use a particular pennon
pennonage {m} :: The pennon of a particular locality
Pennsylvanie {prop} {f} :: Pennsylvania
penny {m} :: penny
pénologie {f} :: penology
pénombre {f} :: penumbra
pénombre {f} :: half-light, twilight
pensable {adj} :: thinkable; considerable (worthy of being considered)
pensant {adj} :: thinking
pense-bête {m} [colloquial] :: reminder
pensée {f} :: a thought (first attested 1176 in Chrétien de Troyes, Cligès, ed. A. Micha, 5246)
pensée {f} :: reflection, meditation, faculty of thinking (late 12th century)
pensée {f} [in the expression “être en pensée”] :: worry, concern (late 12th century)
pensée {f} :: the mind as the seat of thinking (c. 1200)
pensée {f} [obsolete] :: amorous attachment (c. 1200)
pensée {f} :: manner of thinking (c. 1215)
pensée {f} :: an idea coming up in one's mind (c. 1220 in Anseïs de Carthage, 332)
pensée {f} :: the guiding idea of a decision made or one's will (c. 1274 in Adenet Le Roi, Berte, 1644)
pensée {f} :: moral disposition (first quarter of 13th century)
pensée {f} :: an operation of the mind (since 1636)
pensée {f} :: idea expressed by an author in a literary or artistic work (since 1621)
pensée {f} :: thinking, worldview of an author
pensée {f} :: a pansy (plant) (c. 1460)
penser {vi} :: to think, reflect, concentrate one's mind on something
penser {vi} :: to estimate, imagine, believe
penser {v} [originally with a que sentence] :: to be of the opinion that, believe
penser {vi} :: to be absorbed by a worry or depressing thoughts
penser {vi} :: to conceive a project
penser {v} [with de + object] :: to evoke the image or remembrance of someone in one's mind
penser {v} [with à + object] :: to attach one's thinking to someone, especially lovingly
penser {v} [with infinitive] :: to believe being or doing something
penser {v} [with mal or bien + de + object] :: to think well or badly, to have a high or low opinion of someone
penser {v} [with de + infinitive] :: to try or prepare to do something
penser {vtr} [obsolete] :: to reflect on something
penser {v} [with à + object] :: to bear, keep something in mind, to consider something
penser {v} [with infinitive] :: to intend to do, aim at doing something
penser {vt} :: to have something in one's mind (c. 1220 in Barlaam et Josaphat, ed. C. Appel, 5623)
penser {v} [with à + infinitive] :: to intend to do, aim at doing something
penser {v} [with mal, obsolete] :: to intend to do something bad
penser {v} [with à + object] :: to take care of
penser {v} [with bien, in politics, religion, moral] :: to have opinions in accordance with the agreed principles
penser {v} [with adverb or adverbial expression] :: to have a certain intellectual tendency, preference or property
penser avec sa bite {v} [vulgar, figuratively] :: to think with one's little head, to think with one's cock, to think with one's dick
penseur {m} :: thinker
pensif {adj} :: pensive, thoughtful
pension {f} :: A pension, regularly received payment
pension {f} :: A pension, boarding house
pension {f} :: A regularly made payment, as admission to certain boarding establishments (notably schools)
pension {f} :: board; (The services such establishment provides, notably lodging and some meals)
pension alimentaire {f} [for a child] :: maintenance allowance, child support
pension alimentaire {f} [for a spouse] :: alimony, divorce settlement
pensionnaire {mf} :: boarder; lodger
pensionnaire {mf} :: pensioner
pensionnaire {mf} :: boarder (someone in a boarding school)
pensionnat {m} :: boarding school
pensionné {mf} :: pensioner
pensivement {adv} :: pensively, thoughtfully
pensum {m} [archaic] :: punishment (at school); lines (UK)
pensum {m} :: chore
pentacène {m} [organic compound] :: pentacene
pentachlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pentachloride
pentacle {m} :: pentacle
pentadécane {m} [organic compound] :: pentadecane
pentadécanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pentadecanoic
pentadécylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pentadecylic
pentaèdre {m} :: pentahedron
pentaène {m} [organic chemistry] :: pentaene
pentaérythritol {m} [organic compound] :: pentaerythritol
pentafluorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pentafluoride
pentagonal {adj} :: pentagonal
pentagone {m} :: pentagon (a polygon with five sides and five angles)
Pentagone {prop} {m} :: Pentagon (the headquarters of the United States of America's Department of Defense)
pentagramme {m} :: pentagram
pentahydraté {adj} [chemistry] :: pentahydrated
pentamère {m} [chemistry] :: pentamer
pentamériser {v} [chemistry] :: to pentamerize
pentaméthylène {m} [organic chemistry] :: pentamethylene
pentanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pentanoic
pentaoxyde {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pentoxide
pentaquark {m} [physics] :: pentaquark
pentarchique {adj} :: pentarchic
pentasulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pentasulfide
pentathionique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: pentathionic
pentathlon {m} :: pentathlon (discipline made up of five events)
pentathlon des neiges {m} :: snow pentathlon (a five-leg five-sport race involving vélo (bicycling), course (running), ski de fond (crosscountry skiing), patin (ice skating), raquette (snowshoeing).)
pentatomique {adj} [chemistry] :: pentatomic
pentatriacontanoïque {adj} [organic compound] :: pentatriacontanoic
pentavalent {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: pentavalent
pentavalentement {adv} :: pentavalently
pente {f} :: slope
Pentecôte {prop} {f} :: Pentecost, Whitsunday (Whit Sunday, Whitsun)
pentecôtisme {m} [Christianity] :: Pentecostalism (a Protestant evangelical Christian religious movement)
pentecôtiste {adj} :: Pentecostal
pente glissante {f} [figuratively] :: slippery slope
pente savonneuse {f} [figuratively] :: slippery slope
pentoxyde {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pentoxide
pentu {adj} :: sloping, slopy
pénultième {adj} :: penultimate
pénurie {f} :: dearth, lack, shortage; penury
péon {m} [pejorative] :: An agricultural labourer in Mexico
péone {f} :: feminine singular of péon
people {m} [countable] :: A celebrity, a famous person
pépé {m} [child talk] :: grandpa
pépée {f} [colloquial] :: bird, chick (young lady)
pépère {m} [childish] :: affectionate name for a male, such as honey, sweetie, baby (etc.)
pépère {m} [Quebec] :: grandfather (also spelled pépé)
pépie {m} :: pip (disease of birds)
pépie {m} :: Excessive thirst
pépiement {m} :: chirp, tweet (bird sound)
pépier {v} :: to chirp (make a short sound of a bird)
pépin {m} :: pip (the seed from fruit)
pépin {m} [slang] :: hitch, glitch (small problem encountered)
pépin {m} [slang] :: umbrella
pépin {m} [slang] :: parachute
pépinière {f} :: nursery (for trees)
pépinière {f} [figuratively] :: breeding ground
pépiniériste {mf} :: nurseryman (or woman)
pépite {f} :: nugget
péplos {m} [virology] :: The envelope of a virus
péplum {m} :: peplum (all senses)
peps {m} :: pep (energy and enthusiasm)
pepsine {f} :: pepsin
pepsinogène {m} [biochemistry] :: pepsinogen
peptide {m} [biochemistry] :: peptide
peptidique {adj} :: peptidic
peptidoglycane {m} [biochemistry] :: peptidoglycan
peptisant {m} :: dispersant
peptisation {f} :: peptization, dispersion
péquenaud {m} :: country bumpkin, yokel, hick
péquenaude {f} :: feminine singular of péquenaud
péquiste {mf} [Canadian politics] :: a member or supporter of the Parti Québécois
péquiste {adj} [Canadian politics] :: pertaining to the Parti Québécois
per- {prefix} :: per-
peracétique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: peracetic
pérail {m} :: A mild cheese made from sheep milk
perçage {m} :: drilling
percale {f} :: percale
perçant {adj} :: piercing, shrill
perçant {adj} :: sharp (vision, etc.)
percarbure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: percarbide
percée {f} :: breakthrough
percée {f} [sports] :: break, breakaway, counter-attack
percement {m} :: piercing, boring, punching
perce-neige {mf} :: snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)
perce-oreille {m} :: earwig (insect)
percepteur {m} :: tax collector
perceptible {adj} :: perceptible
perceptiblement {adv} :: perceptibly
perceptif {adj} :: perceptive
perception {f} :: tax collection
perception {f} :: perception
perceptrice {f} :: feminine noun of percepteur
percer {v} :: to pierce
percer {v} [figuratively] :: to unravel, see through
percer à jour {vt} [figuratively] :: to see right through (someone)
percer l'abcès {v} :: synonym of crever l'abcès
perceuse {f} :: drill (tool)
percevable {adj} :: collectible, payable (taxes)
percevoir {v} :: to perceive, to make out
percevoir {v} :: to perceive (understand)
percevoir {v} :: to receive (e.g. taxes)
perche {f} :: perch (type of fish)
perche {f} :: pole
perche {f} [sports] :: pole-vaulting; pole
perche {f} [skiing] :: T-bar
perche {f} :: boom (for microphone etc.)
perche {f} :: perch (for birds)
perche {f} :: rod (unit of length)
perche {f} [aeronautics] :: probe
perche commune {f} :: European perch (Perca fluviatilis)
perche de mer {f} :: European seabass
perche de rivière {f} :: European perch (Perca fluviatilis)
perche européenne {f} :: European perch (Perca fluviatilis)
perche franche {f} :: European perch (Perca fluviatilis)
percher {v} :: to perch
perchiste {mf} [sports] :: pole vaulter
perchiste {mf} [film] :: boom operator
perchlorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: perchloric
perchloroéthylène {m} [organic compound] :: perchloroethylene
perchlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: perchloride
perchoir {m} :: perch; roost
perchoir {m} [colloquial] :: the seat of the President of the French National Assembly
perclus {adj} :: crippled
perclus {adj} [figuratively] ::  paralysed
percnoptère {m} :: Egyptian vulture (of species Neophron percnopterus)
percolateur {m} :: percolator
percolation {f} :: percolation
percoler {vi} :: to percolate
percussion {f} :: percussion (tapping of the body)
percussion {f} [music] :: percussion
percussionniste {mf} :: percussionist
percutané {adj} :: percutaneous
percutant {adj} [music] :: percussive
percutant {adj} [military] :: that fragments on contact
percutant {adj} [figuratively] :: striking, powerful, forceful
percuter {vt} :: to hit; to crash into
percuteur {m} :: firing pin
perdable {adj} :: losable
perdant {m} :: loser
perdante {f} :: feminine noun of perdant
perdition {f} :: perdition
perdre {vt} :: to lose (be unable to find)
perdre {vit} :: to lose (not win)
perdre {vr} :: to get lost
perdreau {m} :: young partridge
perdre connaissance {v} :: to lose consciousness, to pass out, to keel over, to faint
perdre de vue {vt} :: to lose sight of
perdre de vue {vt} [figuratively] :: to lose sight of, to lose touch with
perdre du temps {v} :: to waste time
perdre du terrain {v} [figuratively] :: to lose ground
perdre espoir {v} :: to lose heart, to give up hope
perdre la boule {v} [colloquial] :: to lose it, to lose the plot, to lose one's mind
perdre la face {v} [figuratively] :: to lose face
perdre la main {v} :: to become out of touch, to lose one's touch, to lose the habit of doing something
perdre la main {v} [cards] :: to lose the advantage of going first
perdre la tête {v} [figuratively, idiom] :: to lose one's head, to take leave of one's senses, to lose one's mind
perdre la vie {v} [euphemistic] :: to lose one's life
perdre le nord {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to lose one's bearings, to be all at sea
perdre les eaux {v} [of a woman] :: to lose the amniotic fluids just prior to delivery, to experience water breaking
perdre les pédales {v} [colloquial] :: to lose it, to lose the plot, to lose one's mind
perdre patience {v} :: to lose patience, to lose one's patience
perdre pied {v} :: to get out of one's depth (to get in a body of water too deep for one to be able to touch the bottom)
perdre ses moyens {v} :: to become flustered, to go to pieces
perdre son chemin {v} :: to get lost, to lose one's way (to become lost)
perdre son latin {v} [colloquial] :: to be confused, to be baffled, to be unsettled (by it, "it" being something previously mentioned)
perdre son sang-froid {v} [idiomatic] :: to lose one's cool; to lose one's head
perdre son temps {v} :: to waste one's time
perdrix {f} :: partridge (bird)
perdrix {f} [Louisiana French] :: quail
perdu {adj} :: lost
perdurable {adj} :: perdurable
perdurablement {adv} :: perdurably
perdurer {v} :: to continue to exist, to last, to endure
père {m} :: father (parent)
père {m} :: father (clergyman)
père {m} :: Sr. [senior] (postnomial title used to indicate a father that shares the same name as the son)
Père {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Father, person of the Holy Trinity
Père {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Father, title for priests
père de l'Église {m} [Christianity] :: Church Father
père fouettard {m} :: bogeyman (especially one who accompanies Father Christmas and threatens naughty children with a whip)
Père Fouettard {prop} {m} :: In French culture, a traditional Yuletide character, who accompanies Saint Nicholas and punishes naughty children
pérégrin {adj} :: foreign
pérégrination {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: peregrination, travel
péremption {f} :: expiry, expiration
péremption {f} [legal] :: acquiescence, estoppel by acquiescence
péremptoire {adj} :: peremptory; irrefutable
péremptoirement {adv} :: peremptorily
pérenne {adj} :: perennial
pérenne {adj} :: long-lasting
pérennisation {f} :: perpetuation
pérennisation {f} :: permanence
pérenniser {vt} :: to perpetuate, sustain
pérennité {f} :: durability, longevity, long-lastingness, perennity
père Noël {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Père Noël
Père Noël {prop} {m} :: Father Christmas; Santa Claus
péréquation {f} [finance] :: balancing out
perestroïka {f} :: perestroika
Perey {prop} :: surname
perf {f} [colloquial] :: performance
perf {f} [colloquial] :: perfusion
perfectibilité {f} :: perfectibility
perfectible {adj} :: perfectible
perfectif {adj} [grammar] :: perfective
perfection {f} :: perfection
perfectionné {adj} :: perfected, refined
perfectionnement {m} :: improvement, refinement
perfectionner {v} :: to perfect; to make perfect
perfectionner {v} :: to refine, hone, improve
perfectionnisme {m} :: perfectionism (a dislike for anything less than perfection)
perfectionniste {mf} :: perfectionist (person)
perfecto {m} :: bomber jacket
perfide {adj} :: perfidious (pertaining to perfidy)
perfidement {adv} :: treacherously, perfidiously
perfidie {f} :: perfidy
perfolié {adj} [botany] :: perfoliate
perforant {adj} :: perforating
perforant {adj} :: perforant
perforateur {adj} :: perforating
perforateur {m} :: drill
perforateur {mf} :: punch card operator
perforation {f} :: perforation
perforatrice {f} :: punch (device)
perforatrice {f} :: card punch
perforé {adj} :: perforated, pierced, punched
perforer {vt} :: to perforate
perforer {vt} :: to punch (holes in)
perforeuse {f} :: punch (device)
perforeuse {f} :: card punch
performance {f} [sports] :: performance
performant {adj} :: efficient, effective, performant
performatif {adj} :: performative
performativement {adv} :: performatively
performativité {f} :: performativity
perfuser {v} :: To perfuse
perfusion {f} [medicine] :: perfusion, drip, intravenous injection
Pergame {prop} :: Pergamon
Pergé {prop} :: Pergé (town)
pergélisol {m} :: permafrost (permanently frozen ground)
péri- {prefix} :: peri-, round, about
péri {f} :: peri
périanal {adj} :: perianal
périapside {m} [astronomy] :: periapsis
péricarde {m} [anatomy] :: pericardium
péricardique {adj} [anatomy] :: pericardial
péricardite {f} [pathology] :: pericarditis
péricarpe {m} :: pericarp
péricarpien {adj} [botany] :: pericarpial
péricaryon {m} :: perikaryon
Péricaud {prop} :: surname
périchondre {m} [anatomy] :: perichondrium
périclase {f} [mineral] :: periclase
Périclès {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] :: Pericles
péricliter {vi} [dated] :: to be in danger, in peril
péricliter {vi} :: to go downhill, go to the dogs
péricope {f} :: pericope (section of text forming a coherent thought)
péricrâne {m} [anatomy] :: pericranium
périculeux {adj} [rare] :: perilous, dangerous
péricycle {m} :: pericycle
péricyclique {adj} :: pericyclic
pérididyme {m} [anatomy] :: perididymis
péridot {m} :: peridot
péridural {adj} :: epidural
péridurale {f} :: epidural (injection)
périèque {adj} :: Perioikoi
périèque {mf} :: Perioikoi
périgée {m} [astronomy] :: perigee (point in the orbit of any object)
périglaciaire {adj} [geology] :: periglacial
périgourdin {adj} :: Of or from Périgord or Périgueux
Périgourdin {m} :: a native or resident of Périgord or Périgueux
Périgourdine {f} :: feminine noun of Périgourdin
Périgueux {prop} :: A town and associated commune in Dordogne, France
périhélie {m} [astronomy] :: perihelion (point where the planet or comet is nearest to the sun)
péril {m} :: peril, danger
péril jaune {m} [pejorative] :: yellow peril
périlleusement {adv} :: perilously
périlleux {adj} :: perilous
périlune {f} :: perilune
périlymphe {f} [anatomy] :: perilymph
périmé {adj} :: expired; past its expiration date
périmé {adj} :: outdated
périmer {vt} :: to make obsolete
périmer {vp} :: to become obsolete
périmer {vp} [se périmer] :: to become outdated, to become out of fashion, to expire
périmètre {m} :: perimeter
périmysium {m} [anatomy] :: perimysium
perinæe {m} :: obsolete form of périnée
périnatal {adj} :: perinatal
périnéal {adj} :: perineal
périnée {m} [anatomy] :: perineum
périnèvre {m} [anatomy] :: perineurium
périodate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: periodate
période {f} :: period; as in interval of time
période {f} :: era
période {m} :: point, locus
période de sûreté {f} [law] :: non-parole period, minimum time served (period during which a prisoner cannot be paroled)
périodicité {f} :: periodicity
periodique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: periodic
périodique {adj} :: periodic
périodique {m} :: periodical
périodiquement {adv} :: periodically (in a regular, periodic manner)
périodisme {m} :: synonym of périodicité
périodonte {m} :: synonym of parodonte
periodure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: periodide
periombilical {adj} :: periumbilical
périople {m} [anatomy] :: periople
périorbite {f} [anatomy] :: periorbita
périoste {m} [anatomy] :: periosteum
périovulaire {adj} [anatomy] :: periovular
péripatéticien {m} :: A disciple of Aristotle, of the Peripatetic school
péripatéticien {m} :: A peripatetic; a wanderer
péripatéticien {adj} :: of or relating to Aristotle and his philosophy; peripatetic
péripatéticien {adj} :: wandering; nomadic
péripatéticienne {f} [colloquial] :: streetwalker, lady of the night
péripatétique {adj} :: of or relating to Aristotle and his philosophy; peripatetic
péripatétiquement {adv} :: peripatetically
péripatétisme {m} :: peripatetic philosophy; philosophy instituted by Aristotle
péripétie {f} :: peripeteia (sudden change in circumstances)
péripétie {f} [by extension, in the plural] :: chain of unexpected events
périphérie {f} [geometry] :: perimeter
périphérie {f} :: [of a town or city] outskirts
périphérique {m} [computing] :: peripheral
périphérique {m} :: ring road
périphérique {adj} :: peripheral
périphériquement {adv} :: peripherally
périphrase {f} :: periphrase
périphrastique {adj} [rhetoric] :: periphrastic (characterized by periphrase or circumlocution)
périphrastique {adj} [grammar, of a tense] :: periphrastic (formed by a combination of words rather than morphemes)
périphyton {m} [biology] :: periphyton
périple {m} [originally] :: circumnavigation
périple {m} :: journey, travel
péripolaire {adj} :: peripolar
périr {v} [formal] :: to perish
périscolaire {adj} :: extracurricular
périscope {m} :: periscope (viewing device)
périscopique {adj} :: periscopic (relating to periscopes)
périssable {adj} :: perishable
périssodactyle {m} :: odd-toed ungulate (animal of the order Perissodactyla order)
péristaltique {adj} :: peristaltic
péristyle {m} [architecture] :: peristyle
péritectique {adj} :: peritectic
péritectique {m} :: peritectic
péritoine {m} [anatomy] :: peritoneum
péritonéal {adj} :: peritoneal
péritonite {f} [pathology] :: peritonitis
péritrachéen {adj} [anatomy] :: peritracheal
périurbain {adj} :: peri-urban
périurbanisation {f} :: peri-urbanization
périvasculaire {adj} [anatomy] :: perivascular
périveineux {adj} [medicine] :: perivenous
périventriculaire {adj} [anatomy] :: periventricular
périvitellin {adj} :: perivitelline
perlant {adj} :: slightly effervescent (especially of wine)
perlatif {m} [grammar] :: the perlative case
perle {f} :: pearl
perlé {adj} :: beaded
perlé {adj} :: pearl (attributive)
perlèche {f} :: angular cheilitis
perler {vi} :: to bead (form into beads)
perle rare {f} [figuratively] :: one in a million, extraordinary person, rare gem, real treasure, special someone
perlier {adj} :: pearl (attributive)
perlimpinpin {m} :: only used in poudre de perlimpinpin
perlot {m} [colloquial, archaic] :: snout, baccy, tobacco
perluète {f} :: ampersand
permaculture {f} :: permaculture
permafrost {m} :: permafrost
permagel {m} :: permafrost
permalien {m} :: permalink
permanemment {adv} [rare] :: permanently
permanence {f} :: permanence (state of being permanent)
permanence {f} :: homeroom (classroom or classes)
permanent {adj} :: permanent
permanent {m} [mathematics] :: permanent
permanentement {adv} :: permanently
permanganique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: permanganic
perméabilité {f} :: permeability
perméable {adj} :: permeable
perméase {f} [enzyme] :: permease
perméation {f} :: permeation
permettre {v} :: to permit, to allow
permettre {vr} :: to take the liberty of doing something
permien {adj} :: Permian
Permien {prop} {m} [geology] :: Permian
permis {m} :: permit, licence
permis de conduire {m} :: driver's license, driving licence
permis de construire {m} :: planning permission, building permit
permis de séjour {m} :: residence permit
permis de travail {m} :: work permit
permissif {adj} :: permissive, lenient
permission {f} :: permission
permissionnaire {mf} :: a soldier on leave
permittivité {f} [physics] :: permittivity
permutable {adj} :: permutable
permutation {f} :: permutation
permuter {v} :: to swap
permuter {v} :: to permute
pernambouc {m} :: brazilwood
Pernambouc {prop} :: Pernambouc (state)
pernamboucain {adj} :: Pernambucan
pernamboucain {m} :: Pernambucan
pernamboucaine {f} :: feminine singular of pernamboucain
perne {f} :: A kind of saltwater mussel. (Mytiloida)
pernicieusement {adv} :: perniciously
pernicieux {adj} [medicine, rare] :: Insidious. Having a slow and discreet, but dangerous evolution
pernicieux {adj} [literary] :: Morally harmful; pernicious
pernicieux {adj} [dated] :: Literally harmful or dangerous, usually of animals or persons
pernitreux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: synonym of hypoazotique
péroné {m} :: fibula, calf bone
péronier {adj} [anatomy] :: peroneal
péronisme {m} [politics] :: Peronism
péroniste {adj} [politics] :: Peronist
péroniste {mf} [politics] :: Peronist
péronnelle {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: silly talkative woman, gossip
péroraison {f} [rhetoric] :: peroration (conclusion of a discourse)
pérorer {vi} :: to hold forth, perorate
Pérou {prop} {m} :: Pérou (country)
Pérouse {prop} {f} :: Perugia (province)
Pérouse {prop} {f} :: Perugia (city)
pérovskite {f} [mineral] :: perovskite
peroxyacétique {m} [organic chemistry] :: peroxyacetic
peroxydase {f} [enzyme] :: peroxidase
péroxydase {f} [enzyme] :: peroxidase
peroxydatif {adj} :: peroxidative
peroxyde {m} [chemistry] :: peroxide
peroxyder {v} :: To peroxidize (all senses)
perpendiculaire {adj} :: perpendicular (at or forming a right angle to)
perpendiculairement {adv} :: perpendicularly
perpendicularité {f} :: perpendicularity
perpète {f} [colloquial] :: life sentence
perpétrer {vt} :: to commit, perpetrate (a crime)
perpétuel {adj} :: endless, perpetual, eternal
perpétuel {adj} [job position] :: permanent
perpétuellement {adv} :: perpetually
perpétuer {v} :: to perpetuate
perpétuité {f} :: perpetuity
Perpignan {prop} {m} :: Perpignan (city)
perpignanais {adj} :: of or from Perpignan
Perpignanais {m} :: someone of or from Perpignan
Perpignanaise {f} :: feminine noun of Perpignanais
perplexe {adj} :: puzzled, perplexed
perplexité {f} :: perplexity
perquisition {f} [legal] :: act of searching for someone or something
perquisitionner {vi} [legal] :: to carry out a search
Perrault {prop} :: surname
perraultien {adj} :: Perraultian
Perret {prop} :: surname
perrhénate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: perrhenate
perrhénique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: perrhenic
Perrin {prop} :: surname
Perrine {prop} :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Pierre
perron {m} :: steps (to an entranceway), perron
perronisme {m} [Quebec] :: A usually humorous malapropism or mixed metaphor, especially when speaking extemporaneously
perroquet {m} :: parrot (bird)
perroquet {m} [nautical] :: topgallant (sail)
perroquetage {m} :: parroting
perroqueter {v} :: to parrot
Perrot {prop} {m} :: surname
perruche {f} :: parakeet; parrot; budgie (any of various birds)
perruque {f} :: wig
perruque {f} [historical] :: wig, periwig, peruke
perruquier {m} :: wigmaker
perruquier {m} [obsolete] :: hairdresser
perruquière {f} :: feminine noun of perruquier
pers {adj} [literary] :: blue-green (particularly used in reference to eyes)
persan {adj} :: Persian
persan {m} [uncountable] :: Persian language
persan {m} [countable] :: Persian (cat)
Persan {m} :: Persian, someone from Iran
Persane {f} :: feminine noun of Persan
Perse {prop} {f} :: Persia
Perse {mf} :: Persian person
persécuter {v} :: to persecute
persécuter {v} [by extension] :: to annoy, to irritate
persécuteur {m} :: persecutor
persécution {f} :: persecution
persécutrice {f} :: female equivalent of persécuteur
Persée {prop} {m} :: Perseus
persel {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: persalt
Perséphone {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Persephone
Persépolis {prop} {f} :: Persépolis (<<ancient>> ceremonial <<capital>> of the <<empire:Suf/Achaemenid>>, in modern <<c/Iran>>)
persévéramment {adv} :: persistently
persévérance {f} :: perseverance (persistent determination to adhere to a course of action; insistence)
persévérant {adj} :: persevering
persévérant {adj} :: persistent
persévérer {v} :: to persevere
persicaire {f} :: knotweed, smartweed (of the genus Persicaria)
Perside {prop} :: Pars (old name of Fars)
persienne {f} :: shutter (on window)
persiffler {v} :: alternative spelling of persifler
persiflage {m} :: Ridicule or malicious mockery made under the guise of good-natured raillery
persifler {v} :: to mock; to goad
persil {m} :: parsley
persillé {adj} :: with the addition of parsley
persillé {adj} :: marbled, veined
persique {adj} :: Persian (of, or relating to, Old Persia)
persistance {f} :: persistence
persistant {adj} :: persistent
persistant {adj} [botany] :: evergreen
persister {v} :: to persist
perso {adj} [colloquial] :: personal
perso {adj} [colloquial] :: one's own
perso {adv} [colloquial] :: personally (in one's own opinion)
perso {m} [video games] :: character
personnage {m} :: character (in a play, program, film)
personnalisable {adj} :: personalizable, customizable
personnalisation {f} :: customization, personalization
personnaliser {v} :: to personalise, to customise
personnalisme {m} :: personalism
personnalisme {m} :: egoism
personnalité {f} :: personality, character
personnalité {f} :: personality (person)
personnalité {f} [archaic, rare] :: personal attack
personne {f} :: person
personne {pron} :: [with ne] no one, nobody
personne {pron} :: anyone
personne âgée {f} [euphemistic] :: senior citizen, elderly person
personnel {adj} :: personal
personnel {m} :: staff, members of staff, personnel
personnellement {adv} :: personally
personne morale {f} [law] :: legal person
personne physique {f} [law] :: natural person
personnification {f} :: personification (person, thing or name typifying a certain quality or idea)
personnifier {vt} :: to personify
perspective {f} :: perspective
perspective {f} :: prospect
perspectivisme {m} :: perspectivism
perspicace {adj} :: perspicacious (showing keen insight)
perspicacité {f} :: insight, acumen, perspicacity
persuader {v} :: to persuade
persuasif {adj} :: persuasive
persuasion {f} :: persuasion
persuasivement {adv} :: persuasively
persulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: persulfide
persulfurique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: persulfuric / persulphuric
perte {f} :: loss
perte {f} :: ruin
pertechnétate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pertechnetate
pertechnétique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: pertechnetic
perte de temps {f} :: waste of time
perte sèche {f} [economics] :: deadweight loss
Perth {prop} :: Perth (in Australia)
Perth {prop} :: Perth (in Scotland)
pertinemment {adv} :: pertinently
pertinemment {adv} :: full well
pertinence {f} :: pertinence; relevance
pertinent {adj} :: pertinent; relevant
pertinent {adj} :: judicious; justified
pertuis {m} :: hole
pertuisane {f} :: partisan (kind of halberd)
perturbateur {m} :: agitator, troublemaker
perturbateur {adj} :: disruptive
perturbation {f} :: disturbance
perturbation {f} :: derangement
perturber {vt} :: to disrupt, to disturb
perturber {vt} :: to throw off, to fluster
péruginesque {adj} :: Peruginesque
péruvien {adj} :: Peruvian
Péruvien {m} :: Peruvian person
Péruvienne {f} :: feminine noun of Péruvien
pervaporer {v} [physics, chemistry] :: To pervaporate
pervéance {f} [physics] :: perveance
pervenche {f} :: periwinkle
pervenche {f} :: (female) traffic warden, meter maid [US]
pervers {adj} :: perverse
pervers {adj} :: sexually perverted, raunchy
pervers {m} :: a lecher
perversement {adv} :: perversely; in a perverted fashion
perversion {f} :: perversion
perversité {f} :: perversity
perversité {f} :: depravity
pervertir {v} :: to worsen; to corrupt
perxénate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: perxenate
pérylène {m} [organic compound] :: perylene
pesage {m} :: weighing
pesage {m} :: weighing in (of a jockey before/after a race)
pesamment {adv} :: heavily
pesant {adj} [often, figuratively] :: heavy
pesanteur {f} [physics] :: gravity
pesanteur {f} :: weight
pesanteur {f} :: heaviness
pesanteur {f} [said of a person] :: slowness, dullness
Pescara {prop} :: Pescara (province)
Pescara {prop} :: Pescara (capital city)
Pescheur {prop} :: surname
pèse-lait {m} :: lactometer (device to weight cream)
peser {vi} :: to weigh (to have a weight of)
peser {vi} [computers] :: of a file, to have a given size
peser {vt} :: To weigh (to see how much something weighs)
peser dans la balance {v} [figuratively] :: to enter the equation, to carry weight
peser le pour et le contre {v} [figuratively] :: to weigh up the pros and cons
peser ses mots {v} [figuratively] :: to weigh one's words
peseta {f} :: peseta
peshmerga {m} :: peshmerga
pessaire {m} [medicine] :: pessary (medical device most commonly used to support a displaced uterus)
pessaire {m} [medicine] :: pessary (contraceptive)
pesse {f} [archaic] :: spruce
pessimisme {m} :: pessimism (general belief that bad things will happen)
pessimiste {mf} :: pessimist
pessimiste {adj} :: pessimistic
peste {f} :: plague (disease)
peste {f} [colloquial] :: brat
peste {f} [colloquial, of a girl] :: pest
peste bubonique {f} :: bubonic plague
peste noire {f} :: Black Death
peste porcine {f} [pathology] :: swine fever
pester {v} :: to rant, curse, fulminate
pesteux {adj} :: plague (attributive)
pesticide {m} :: pesticide
pestiféré {adj} :: pestiferous
pestiféré {mf} :: plague victim
pestilence {f} [archaic or literary] :: pest epidemic; pestilence
pestilence {f} :: extremely foul smell
pestilentiel {adj} :: pestilent, foul
pestilentiel {adj} :: pestilential
pet {m} [colloquial] :: fart
pet {m} [colloquial] :: [nonstandard] Common apocope for pétard (pronounced in singular and plural). Rarely pèt
PET {m} :: PET (polyethylene terephthalate); abbreviation of polyéthylène téréphtalate
peta- {prefix} :: peta-
péta- {prefix} :: peta-
pétaflop {m} [computing] :: petaflop
pétage {m} [slang] :: The act of farting
pétage {m} [slang] :: The act of breaking
pétage de plombs {v} [idiomatic] :: Descent into madness, the act or process of going crazy
pétage de plombs {v} [idiomatic] :: Loss of control (of one's faculties)
pétainisme {m} :: Pétainism
pétainiste {adj} :: Pétainist
pétainiste {mf} :: Pétainist
pétakatal {m} :: petakatal
pétale {m} [botany] :: petal
pétalite {f} [mineralogy] :: petalite
pétaloïde {adj} :: petaloid
pétanque {f} :: pétanque
pétanqueur {m} :: A pétanque player
pétanqueuse {f} :: feminine singular of pétanqueur
pétaoctet {m} [computing] :: petabyte (1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes)
pétaoctet {m} [computing] :: petabyte (1015 bytes)
Pétaouchnock {prop} :: Timbuktoo (an imagined, very distant, place)
pétaradant {adj} :: spluttering, sputtering
pétarade {f} :: backfire
pétarader {vi} :: to backfire
pétard {m} :: firecracker (firework)
pétard {m} [slang] :: joint (marijuana cigarette)
pétard {m} [slang] :: revolver
pétard {m} [slang] :: buttocks
pétard {m} [slang] :: beautiful woman
pétard mouillé {m} :: damp squib (firework that fails to go off, due to wetting)
pétard mouillé {m} [idiomatic] :: damp squib
PETase {f} :: PETase (an enzyme that breaks down PET)
pétase {m} :: petasus
pétasite {m} [plant] :: butterbur
pétasse {f} [colloquial, dated] :: prostitute, whore
pétasse {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: bitch, cunt [objectionable woman]
pétaudière {f} :: bedlam, bear garden (scene of tumult and disorder)
pet de nonne {m} :: alternative spelling of pet-de-nonne
pet-de-nonne {m} :: A small choux pastry eaten during carnival season in France (especially Alsace) and Belgium
PETE {m} :: PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) abbreviation of polyéthylène téréphtalate
pété {adj} [slang] :: broken
pété {adj} [slang] :: drunk (intoxicated by alcohol)
pété {adj} [games, slang] :: overpowered (overly powerful)
pète {f} [Belgium] :: fail (of an exam)
pète {f} [Belgium] :: butt
pète-burnes {adj} [figuratively, vulgar] :: irritating, annoying as fuck
pète-burnes {m} [figuratively, vulgar] :: ball-buster; pain; pain in the arse (someone who is irritating)
pétéchial {adj} [pathology] :: petechial
pète-couilles {adj} [figuratively, vulgar] :: irritating, annoying as fuck
pète-couilles {m} [figuratively, vulgar] :: ball-buster; pain; pain in the arse (someone who is irritating)
pété de thunes {adj} [colloquial, slang] :: filthy rich, loaded (with money)
pétélin {m} :: synonym of térébinthe
péter {v} [slang, vulgar] :: to blow off, fart
péter {v} [slang] :: to break
péter {v} [slang] :: to explode
péter des flammes {v} [colloquial] :: to be on fire
péter la forme {v} [colloquial] :: to be in great shape, to be in great form, to be fighting fit
péter la gueule {v} [slang, ] :: to punch someone's face
péter la santé {v} [colloquial] :: to be in great health, to be bursting with health, to be in vibrant health
péter le feu {v} [colloquial] :: to be in great shape, to be in great form, to be fighting fit
péter les couilles {v} [vulgar] :: To piss off, to annoy a lot
péter les plombs {v} [idiomatic] :: To go crazy
péter les plombs {v} [idiomatic] :: To get (very) angry
péter plus haut que son cul {v} [figuratively, vulgar, pejorative] :: to think one's shit doesn't stink, to think the sun shines out of one's arse, to think one is the shit, to think one is the business, to think one is hot shit (to be full of oneself)
Petersbach {prop} :: Petersbach (commune)
péter un câble {v} :: See: fr péter un câble
péter un câble {v} [idiomatic] :: To go crazy
péter un câble {v} [idiomatic] :: To get (very) angry
péter une durite {v} [colloquial] :: to get very angry, to shit a brick
péter un plomb {v} :: See: fr péter un plomb
péter un plomb {v} [colloquial] :: To go crazy
péter un plomb {v} [colloquial] :: To get (very) angry, to shit a brick
pète-sec {adj} [colloquial] :: snippy
péteur {m} [vulgar] :: farter, one who breaks wind
péteuse {f} :: feminine noun of péteur
péteux {adj} :: timid, cowardly
péteux {adj} [Belgium] :: pretentious, stuck-up
pet foireux {m} [colloquial, vulgar] :: shart
pétillant {adj} :: fizzy
pétillement {m} :: twinkle, sparkle
pétillement {m} :: crackle, crackling
pétillement {m} :: fizz, bubbling up, bubbling
pétiller {vi} [of a liquid] :: to fizz, to be fizzy, bubble, bubble up
pétiller {vi} [of fire, flames etc.] :: to crackle
pétiller {vi} [of eyes] :: to sparkle, twinkle, flutter
pétiole {m} [botany] :: leafstalk, petiole
petiot {m} :: little one
petit {adj} :: small
petit {adj} :: little
petit {adj} :: petty
petit {m} :: small one (anything that is small)
petit {m} :: little one (anything that is little)
petit {m} :: little one; child (of humans or other animals)
petit {m} :: the young (of a species)
Petit {prop} :: surname
petit ami {m} :: boyfriend (boy/man to whom one has a romantic attachment)
petit à petit {adv} :: little by little, bit by bit
petit à petit, l'oiseau fait son nid {proverb} :: slow and steady wins the race; little strokes fell great oaks; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step; many a mickle makes a muckle
petit blanc {m} [Haiti, historical] :: a poor white person who does not own a plantation
petit boulot {m} [colloquial] :: odd job (temporary employment)
Petit Chaperon rouge {prop} :: Little Red Riding Hood
petit coin {m} [colloquial] :: loo (toilet)
petit comité {m} [figuratively] :: small group
petit copain {m} [colloquial] :: boyfriend
petit déjeuner {m} [chiefly France] :: breakfast (morning meal)
petit doigt {m} [colloquial] :: little finger (outermost and smallest finger of the hand), auricular
petit-duc {m} :: scops owl
petite amie {f} :: feminine noun of petit ami: girlfriend (girl/woman to whom one has a romantic attachment)
petite annonce {f} :: a single classified advertisement
petite bite {f} [vulgar] :: pansy, chickenshit (person with little courage or bravery)
petite bourgeoisie {f} :: petite bourgeoisie
petite capitale {f} :: small caps (font variant)
petite copine {f} [colloquial] :: feminine noun of petit copain: girlfriend
petite couronne {prop} {f} :: The zone consisting of the three departments (Hauts-de-Seine, Val-de-Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis) that border the city of Paris
petit écran {m} :: small screen
petite cuiller {f} :: alternative spelling of petite cuillère
petite cuillère {f} :: teaspoon
petite culotte {f} :: [clothing] knickers
petite-fille {f} :: granddaughter (daughter of someone’s child)
petite finale {f} :: small final
Petite-Forêt {prop} {f} :: Petite-Forêt (commune)
petite frappe {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: a small-time bully, a little hoodlum, a little yobbo, a little thug
petite main {m} [sewing] :: trainee seamstress, assistant seamstress, low-rank seamstress
petite main {m} [pejorative, figuratively] :: low-paid worker, worker employed to do menial jobs, dogsbody
petitement {adv} :: poorly
petitement {adv} :: meanly
petitement {adv} :: pettily
petite mort {f} [idiomatic, poetic] :: orgasm
petite nature {f} [colloquial] :: a faint-hearted person, a wimp, a weakling, a sensitive type, a delicate flower, a wuss, a pansy
petit-enfant {m} :: grandchild (child of someone’s child)
petite-nièce {f} :: grandniece (daughter of a niece or nephew)
petite nyctale {f} :: Acadian owl (Aegolius acadicus)
Petite Ourse {prop} {f} :: Ursa Minor (constellation)
petit épeautre {m} :: einkorn wheat
petite perception {f} [psychology] :: petite perception
petite pluie abat grand vent {proverb} [figuratively] :: small rain lays great dust; a little kindness goes a long way
Petite Russie {prop} {f} :: Little Russia
petites gens {fp} :: the little people (the lower class)
petites heures {fp} :: small hours, wee small hours
petites lèvres {fp} :: labia minora
petite sœur {f} :: little sister
petite sœur {f} [slang] :: another drink like the one before; the same again
petite souris {f} :: tooth fairy
petitesse {f} :: smallness, littleness
petitesse {f} :: pettiness
petitesse {f} :: petiteness
petite vérole {f} [archaic] :: smallpox
petit filet {m} [football] :: side-netting
petit-fils {m} :: grandson
petit four {m} :: petit four
pétition {f} :: petition (a written request containing many signatures)
pétition de principe {f} :: petitio principii, an instance of begging the question
pétitionnaire {mf} :: petitioner
pétitionner {v} :: to petition
pétitionneur {m} [rare] :: petitioner
petitissime {adj} :: very small, very little, or both
Petitjean {prop} {mf} :: surname]
petit joueur {m} [colloquial] :: bit player
petit jour {m} :: dawn, daybreak
petit juif {m} :: funny bone
petit-lait {m} :: whey
petit largue {m} [nautical] :: close reach
petit-maître {m} [archaic] :: dandy, coxcomb
petit mal {m} [medicine] :: petit mal
petit matin {m} :: early morning, small hours, wee hours
petit monde {m} [Louisiana French] :: a child
petit nègre {m} [derogatory] :: A pidgin language that West African soldiers historically used to communicate with the occupying French army
petit nègre {m} [derogatory, by extension] :: Any other language incompetently spoken
petit nègre {adj} [derogatory, of language] :: ineptly articulated; broken
petit-nègre {n} :: alternative spelling of petit nègre
petit-nègre {adj} :: alternative spelling of petit nègre
petit-neveu {m} :: grandnephew (grandson of a sibling)
petit pain {m} :: synonym of pain au chocolat
petit pain au chocolat {m} [Belgium] :: synonym of pain au chocolat
petit panda {m} :: red panda (Ailurus fulgens)
petit pois {m} :: pea (the vegetable)
petit poisson deviendra grand {proverb} :: mighty oaks from little acorns grow
petit pont {m} [soccer] :: nutmeg
petit-russien {adj} :: Little Russian
Petit-Russien {m} :: Little Russian
pétochard {adj} [colloquial] :: yellow-bellied (shy, timid)
pétoche {f} [colloquial] :: fear
pétocher {vi} [colloquial] :: to fear
pétoire {f} [colloquial] :: peashooter (old or ineffective gun)
pétomane {mf} :: A flatulist
pétomane {mf} :: A prolific farter
peton {m} [colloquial] :: foot
pétoncle {mf} :: scallop (bivalve)
pétrarquisme {m} :: Petrarchism
pétrel {m} :: petrel (bird)
Petrescu {prop} :: surname
pétreux {adj} [anatomy] :: petrosal
pétri {adj} [followed by the preposition de] :: full of something, puffed up with something
pétrification {f} :: petrification, petrifaction
pétrifier {v} :: to petrify (turn to stone)
pétrifier {v} :: to petrify, to paralyze (freeze with fear)
pétrin {m} :: kneading trough
pétrin {m} [figuratively, colloquial] :: a pickle, mess, scrape, the soup
pétrir {v} :: to knead
pétrir {v} :: to mould into shape
pétrissage {m} :: kneading
pétro- {prefix} :: petro-
pétrochimie {f} :: petrochemical industry
pétrochimique {adj} :: petrochemical
pétrocorien {adj} :: Of or from Périgueux
Pétrocorien {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Périgueux
Pétrocorienne {f} :: feminine singular of Pétrocorien
pétrodollar {m} :: petrodollar
pétrogène {adj} [geology] :: petrogenetic
pétroglyphe {m} :: petroglyph
pétrographe {mf} :: petrographer
pétrographie {f} :: petrography
pétrographique {adj} :: petrographic
pétrographiquement {adv} :: petrographically
pétrolatum {m} :: petrolatum
pétrole {m} :: petroleum
pétrole {m} :: oil
pétrole {m} :: hydrocarbon
pétrolette {f} :: moped
pétroleur {m} :: An arsonist who lights fires with petrol
pétroleuse {f} :: feminine noun of pétroleur
pétrolier {adj} [attributive] :: petrol; oil
pétrolier {m} :: oil tanker
pétrolier {m} :: oil worker
pétrolière {f} :: oil company
pétrolifère {adj} :: of or related to petroleum or oil, oil-producing
pétrologie {f} :: petrology
pétrologique {adj} [geology] :: petrological
pétrologue {mf} :: petrologist
Petronille {prop} :: given name
Pétronille {prop} :: given name
pétrosélinique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: petroselinic
pétulamment {adv} :: petulantly
pétulance {f} :: petulance
pétulant {adj} :: exuberant, lively
pétulant {adj} :: impetuous
petun {m} :: alternative form of pétun
pétun {m} [obsolete] :: tobacco
pétuner {v} [obsolete] :: to smoke, especially tobacco
pétuner {v} [obsolete] :: to take snuff
pétunia {m} :: petunia
pet vaginal {m} :: queef, fanny fart
peu {adv} :: little; not very much/many
peu {m} :: few
peu {m} :: little
peu à peu {adv} :: bit by bit, little by little, gradually, by degrees
peucédanin {m} [organic compound] :: peucedanin
Peugeot {prop} :: surname (Particularly that of the dynastic car-manufacturing family.)
Peugeot {prop} :: A French motorcar manufacturer
Peuhl {m} :: alternative spelling of Peul
Peuhle {f} :: feminine singular of Peuhl
peu importe {interj} :: no matter, never mind, it doesn't matter
peu importe {prep} :: no matter the, no matter what, regardless of
peul {adj} :: relating to Fula
peul {m} :: Fula (language)
Peul {m} :: a member of the Fula people
peulh {adj} :: alternative form of peul
Peulh {m} :: alternative spelling of Peul
Peulhe {f} :: feminine singular of Peulh
peu ou prou {adv} :: more or less
peuplade {f} :: tribe, people
peuple {m} :: people (in the sense of nationality or ethnic group)
peuplé {adj} :: populated; inhabited
peuple élu {m} [religion] :: Chosen People
peuplement {m} :: populating (act of increasing a population, or of a population increasing)
peupler {v} :: to populate
peupleraie {f} :: poplar grove
peuplier {m} :: poplar
peur {f} [countable and uncountable] :: fear
peur bleue {f} :: terror, strong fear
peureusement {adv} :: fearfully
peureux {adj} :: fearful
peut-être {adv} :: maybe, perhaps
p. ex. {adv} :: abbreviation of par exemple; e.g.
pèze {m} [colloquial] :: dosh, dough (money)
pff {interj} :: pff
pfff {interj} :: alternative spelling of pff
PFK {prop} {m} :: KFC (chain of fast-food chicken restaurants)
pfut {interj} [colloquial] :: Expressing disinterest
PGCD {m} [mathematics] :: initialism of plus grand commun dénominateur or plus grand commun diviseur: gcd
phacochère {m} :: warthog
phænomene {m} :: obsolete form of phénomène
phaéton {m} :: phaeton
-phage {suffix} :: -phage
phage {m} :: synonym of bactériophage
phagédénique {adj} :: gangrenous
phagnalon {m} :: phagnalon
phagocytage {m} [biology] :: phagocytosis
phagocytage {m} :: swallowing up
phagocytaire {adj} [biology] :: phagocytic
phagocyter {vt} [biology] :: to phagocytize
phagocyter {vt} :: to swallow up
phagotrophie {f} [biology] :: phagotrophy
phagotrophique {adj} [biology] :: phagotrophic
phalange {f} [anatomy] :: phalanx
phalange {f} [historical] :: phalanx (of soldiers, people etc.)
phalangère {f} :: Any plant of the genus Anthericum
phalangère {f} :: spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
phalangette {f} [anatomy] :: distal phalange
phalangien {adj} [anatomy] :: phalangeal, phalangian
phalangine {f} [anatomy] :: intermediate phalange
phalangiste {m} :: scarab beetle
phalangiste {m} :: Falangist
phalanstère {m} :: phalanstery
phalarope {m} :: phalarope
phalène {mf} :: moth (especially a geometrid moth)
phallique {adj} :: phallic
phalliquement {adv} :: phallically
phallocentrique {adj} :: phallocentric
phallocrate {mf} :: male chauvinist
phallocratie {f} :: male chauvinism
phalloïdine {f} :: phalloidin
Pham {prop} :: surname
Phan {prop} :: surname
phanère {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: dander (skin flakes etc)
phanérogame {m} [biology] :: phanerogam
phanérogamie {f} [biology] :: phanerogamy
phanérogamique {adj} [biology] :: phanerogamic
phanérophyte {m} [botany] :: phanerophyte
phanérozoïque {adj} :: Phanerozoic
phantaisie {f} :: alternative form of fantaisie
phantasier {v} :: obsolete form of fantasier
phantasmagorie {f} :: alternative form of fantasmagorie
phantasmagorique {adj} :: alternative form of fantasmagorique
phantasmascope {m} :: obsolete form of fantasmascope
phantasmatique {adj} :: phantasmic
phantasmatiquement {adv} :: phantasmically
phantasme {m} :: alternative form of fantasme
phantasque {adj} :: alternative form of fantasque
phantastiquer {v} :: obsolete form of fantastiquer
phantôme {m} :: alternative form of fantôme
pharaon {m} :: pharaoh (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt)
pharaonique {adj} :: pharaonic
pharaonique {adj} :: colossal
phare {adj} :: leading, signature, key, flagship
phare {m} :: lighthouse
phare {m} :: lantern in a lighthouse
phare {m} :: headlight (of a vehicle)
phare {m} :: headlamp (of a vehicle)
phare {m} [figuratively] :: beacon, luminary
phare {m} [nautical] :: the set of sails on the mast
phare antibrouillard {m} [automotive] :: fog light, fog lamp
pharisaïque {adj} :: pharisaic
pharisaïquement {adv} :: pharisaically
pharisien {m} :: Pharisee
pharisien {adj} :: Pharisee
pharmaceutique {adj} :: pharmaceutical
pharmacie {f} :: pharmacy, drugstore
pharmacien {m} :: pharmacist
pharmacien {m} :: chemist (dispensing chemist)
pharmacien {m} :: apothecary
pharmacienne {f} :: feminine noun of pharmacien
pharmacochimie {f} [chemistry] :: pharmacochemistry
pharmacodépendance {f} :: pharmacodependence (drug dependency)
pharmacognosie {f} :: pharmacognosy
pharmacologie {f} :: pharmacology
pharmacologique {adj} :: pharmacologic, pharmacological
pharmacologiquement {adv} :: pharmacologically
pharmacopée {f} :: pharmacopoeia
pharmacopœe {f} :: obsolete form of pharmacopée
pharyngé {adj} :: pharyngeal
pharyngectomie {f} [surgery] :: pharyngectomy
pharyngien {adj} :: pharyngeal
pharyngite {f} [pathology] :: pharyngitis
pharynx {m} [anatomy] :: pharynx
phasaire {adj} [biology] :: Relating to phases or development
phascolome {m} [dated] :: Wombat
phase {f} :: phase
phase de poule {f} [sports] :: group stage
phase éruptive {f} [geology] :: eruptive phase
phaséolique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: phaseolic
phasme {m} :: stick insect
phasmide {m} [biology] :: phasmid
phatique {adj} :: phatic (more polite than meaningful)
phatiquement {adv} :: phatically
phénakistiscope {m} :: phenakistoscope
phénakite {f} [mineral] :: phenakite
phénalène {m} [organic compound] :: phenalene
phénanthrène {m} [organic compound] :: phenanthrene
phénantroline {f} [organic compound] :: phenanthroline
Phénicie {prop} :: Phoenicia
phénicien {m} :: Phoenician language
phénicien {adj} :: Phoenician
Phénicien {m} :: Phoenician person
Phénicienne {f} :: feminine noun of Phénicien
phénix {m} [mythology] :: phoenix
phénol {m} [organic chemistry] :: phenol
phénolique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: phenolic
phénologie {f} :: phenology (study of the effect of climate)
phénologique {adj} :: phenological
phénologiquement {adv} :: phenologically
phénoménal {adj} :: phenomenal
phénoménalement {adv} :: phenomenally
phénomène {m} :: phenomenon (curious occurrence)
phénoménologie {f} :: phenomenology
phénoménologique {adj} :: phenomenological
phénoménologiquement {adv} :: phenomenologically
phénoménologiste {mf} :: phenomenologist
phénoplaste {m} [organic chemistry] :: phenol formaldehyde resin
phénothiazine {m} [organic compound] :: phenothiazine
phénotype {m} [genetics] :: phenotype
phényl {m} [organic chemistry] :: phenyl
phénylalanine {f} [amino acid] :: phenylalanine
phénylamine {f} [organic compound] :: phenylamine
phénylcétonurie {f} [pathology] :: phenylketonuria
phényle {m} [organic chemistry] :: phenyl
phénylène {m} [organic chemistry] :: phenylene
phénylhydrazine {f} [organic compound] :: phenylhydrazine
phénylméthane {m} [organic compound] :: phenylmethane
phéochromocytome {m} [pathology] :: pheochromocytoma
Phérécyde {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] :: Pherecydes
phéromonal {adj} :: pheromonal
phéromonalement {adv} :: pheromonally
phéromone {f} :: pheromone
phérormone {f} :: alternative form of phéromone
phi {m} :: phi (Greek letter)
Phil {prop} {m} :: given name, diminutive of Philippe
Philadelphie {prop} {f} :: Philadelphie (large city)
philaire {m} :: Any plant of the genus Phillyrea
philanthrope {mf} :: philanthropist
philanthropie {f} :: philanthropy
philanthropique {adj} :: philanthropic (all meanings)
philantrope {mf} :: alternative form of philanthrope
philatélie {f} :: philately
philatélique {adj} :: philatelic (stamp collecting)
philatéliste {mf} :: philatelist
-phile {suffix} :: -philic, -phile
Philémon {prop} {m} :: Philemon
philharmonie {f} [music] :: philharmonic orchestra or society
philharmonique {adj} :: philharmonic
philharmonique {m} :: philharmonic
Philibert {prop} :: given name
-philie {suffix} :: -philia
Philippe {prop} :: given name. Very popular in 20th century France, next only to Jean and Pierre
Philippe {prop} :: Philip [biblical character]
Philippe {prop} :: surname
Philippiens {prop} {m} [Bible] :: Philippians
philippin {adj} :: Filipino (of, or from the Philippines)
Philippin {m} :: Filipino, someone from the Philippines
Philippine {f} :: feminine noun of Philippin
Philippines {prop} {fp} :: Philippines (country)
philistin {adj} :: philistine
philistin {m} :: philistine
philo {f} [colloquial] :: philosophy
Philodème {prop} {m} :: Philodemus
philogynie {f} :: philogyny
philologie {f} :: philology
philologique {adj} :: philological
philologiquement {adv} :: philologically
philologue {mf} :: philologist
Philomène {prop} {f} :: given name
philosophal {adj} [attributive] :: philosopher (meaning alchemist)
philosophe {mf} :: philosopher
philosopher {v} :: to philosophize
philosophie {f} :: philosophy, the study of thoughts
philosophie {f} :: philosophy, one's manner of thinking
philosophie {f} [printing, dated] :: small pica: 11-point type
philosophie {f} :: a philosophical (calm and stoically accepting) attitude
philosophique {adj} :: philosophical
philosophiquement {adv} :: philosophically
philosophisme {m} :: philosophism
philtre {m} :: philter (a kind of potion, charm, or drug intended to make the drinker fall in love with the giver)
philtrum {m} :: philtrum
philuméniste {mf} :: phillumenist (matchbox collector)
phimosis {m} [medicine] :: phimosis
phlébectomie {f} [surgery] :: phlebectomy
phlébite {f} [pathology] :: phlebitis
phlébologie {f} :: phlebology
phlébologue {mf} :: phlebologist
phlébotomie {f} :: phlebotomy
Phlégéthon {prop} {m} :: Phlegethon
phlegmatique {adj} :: phlegmatic
phlegmatiquement {adv} :: phlegmatically
phlegme {m} [archaic, obsolete] :: alternative spelling of flegme
Phlégon {prop} :: Phlegon
phloème {m} :: phloem
phlogistique {m} [obsolete, chemsitry] :: phlogiston
phlogistique {adj} [obsolete, chemistry] :: phlogistic
phlogistiqué {adj} :: phlogisticated
phlogistiquer {v} :: To phlogisticate
phlogopite {f} [mineral] :: phlogopite
-phobie {suffix} :: -phobia
phobie {f} :: phobia
phocéen {adj} :: Phocean
phocéen {adj} :: Marseillais, from Marseille
phocénine {f} :: phocenin
phoeniciculteur {m} :: date palm farmer
phoeniciculteuse {f} :: feminine singular of phoeniciculteur
phoeniciculture {f} :: date palm cultivation
Phœnicie {prop} {f} :: obsolete form of Phénicie
phœnicien {adj} :: obsolete form of phénicien
phœnicien {m} :: obsolete form of phénicien
Phœnicien {m} :: obsolete form of Phénicien
Phœnicienne {f} :: feminine singular of Phœnicien
phœnix {m} :: alternative form of phénix
phonatoire {adj} :: phonatory
phonautographe {m} :: phonautograph
-phone {suffix} :: speaker of a specific language
-phone {suffix} :: something that makes a sound e.g. saxophone
phone {m} :: phon (a unit of apparent loudness)
phone {m} [linguistics] :: phone
phonème {m} [linguistics] :: phoneme
phonémique {adj} :: phonemic (relating to phonemes)
phonémique {f} :: phonemics
phoner {v} :: to ring, call, phone
phonéticien {m} :: phonetician
phonéticienne {f} :: feminine noun of phonéticien
phonétique {adj} :: phonetic
phonétique {f} [linguistics] :: phonetics
phonétiquement {adv} :: phonetically
phonique {adj} :: phonic
phoniquement {adv} :: phonically
phono- {prefix} :: phono-
phonogramme {m} [linguistics] :: phonogram
phonographe {m} :: phonograph, gramophone (old-fashioned)
phonographie {f} :: phonography
phonographié {adj} :: recorded (on a gramophone record)
phonographique {adj} :: phonographic
phonologie {f} [linguistics] :: phonology
phonologique {adj} :: phonological
phonologiquement {adv} :: phonologically
phonologisation {f} :: phonologization
phonologiser {v} :: to phonologize
phonologue {mf} :: phonologist
phonomètre {m} :: phonometer
phonométrie {m} :: phonometry
phoque {m} :: seal (pinniped)
phoque {m} :: sealskin (fabric made from fur of seals)
phoque barbu {m} :: bearded seal
phoque-garou {m} :: wereseal, selkie
phoquier {adj} :: of or relating to seals or seal hunting
phoquier {m} :: sealship (boat or ship used for seal hunting)
-phore {suffix} :: -phore
phosgène {m} [organic compound] :: phosgene
phosphate {m} :: phosphate
phosphaté {adj} :: phosphate-enriched
phosphatémie {f} [pathology] :: phosphatemia
phosphatidique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: phosphatidic
phosphatidylsérine {f} [organic chemistry] :: phosphatidylserine
phosphatier {adj} [attributive] :: phosphate
phosphatier {m} :: a ship used to transport phosphate
phosphatique {adj} :: phosphatic
phosphépine {m} [organic compound] :: phosphepine
phospho- {prefix} :: phospho-
phosphoacylglycérol {m} [organic chemistry] :: phosphatidylglycerol
phosphocaséinate {m} [organic chemistry] :: phosphocaseinate
phosphoglycérate {f} [organic chemistry] :: phosphoglycerate
phosphoglycéride {m} [organic chemistry] :: phosphoglyceride
phosphoglycérique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: phosphoglyceric
phosphogypse {m} :: phosphogypsum
phospholipide {m} [organic compound] :: phospholipid
phosphore {m} :: phosphorus [element]
phosphoré {adj} :: phosphorous (containing phosphorus)
phosphoré {adj} :: phosphureted
phosphorescent {adj} :: phosphorescent
phosphoreux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: phosphorous
phosphorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: phosphoric
phosphorisation {f} :: phosphorization
phosphoriser {v} :: To phosphorize
phosphoryle {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: phosphoryl
phosphoryler {v} :: To phosphorylate
phosphovinique {adj} [obsolete, chemistry] :: phosphovinic
phosphure {m} :: phosphide
phosphuré {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: phosphidic
photique {adj} :: photic
photo- {prefix} :: photo- (relating to light)
photo- {prefix} :: photo- (relating to photography)
photo {f} :: photo
photoamorcé {adj} [chemistry] :: photoinitiated
photoamorcer {v} [chemistry] :: To photoinitiate
photoamorceur {m} [chemistry] :: photoinitiator
photobiologie {f} [biology] :: photobiology
photobiologique {adj} [biology] :: photobiological
photocellule {f} :: photocell (photoelectric cell)
photochimie {f} [chemistry] :: photochemistry
photochimique {adj} :: photochemical
photochimiquement {adv} :: photochemically
photochromatique {adj} :: photochromatic
photochromatiquement {adv} :: photochromatically
photoconducteur {m} [physics] :: photoconductor
photoconducteur {adj} [physics] :: photoconductive
photoconductif {adj} [physics] :: photoconductive
photoconductivité {f} :: photoconductivity
photocopie {f} :: photocopy
photocopier {vt} :: To photocopy
photocopieur {m} :: photocopier (device)
photocopieuse {f} :: photocopier (device)
photocyclisation {f} [chemistry] :: photocyclization
photodésintégration {f} [physics] :: photodisintegration
photodétecteur {m} :: photodetector
photoélectricité {f} [physics] :: photoelectricity
photoélectrique {adj} [physics] :: photoelectric
photoélectrochimique {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: photoelectrochemical
photogène {adj} :: photogenic (all senses)
photogénique {adj} :: photogenic (looking good when photographed)
photoglyptie {f} :: Woodburytype
photogramme {m} :: still, frame (individual photograph of a motion picture)
photogrammétrie {f} :: photogrammetry
photographe {mf} :: photographer
photographie {f} [uncountable] :: photography
photographie {f} [countable] :: photograph
photographier {v} :: to photograph
photographique {adj} :: photographic
photographique {adj} :: photographical
photographiquement {adv} :: photographically
photoioniser {v} :: To photoionize
photojournalisme {m} :: photojournalism
photojournaliste {mf} :: photojournalist
photolithographie {f} :: photolithography
photolithogravure {f} :: photolithography
photoluminescent {adj} :: photoluminescent
photomacrographie {f} :: photomacrography
photomagnétique {adj} :: photomagnetic
photomaton {m} :: photo booth
photométéore {m} :: photometeor
photomètre {m} :: photometer
photométrie {f} :: photometry
photométrique {adj} :: photometric
photométriquement {adv} :: photometrically
photomicrographie {f} :: photomicrography
photomultiplicateur {m} :: photomultiplier
photon {m} [particle] :: photon
photonique {adj} [physics] :: photonic
photooxydation {f} [chemistry] :: photooxidation
photopériode {f} [biology] :: photoperiod
photopériodique {adj} [biology] :: photoperiodic
photopériodisme {m} [biology] :: photoperiodism
photophile {adj} :: photophilic
photophobie {f} :: photophobia (excessive sensitivity to light)
photophore {m} [biology] :: photophore
photopile {f} :: solar cell, solar battery
photopolymère {m} [chemistry] :: photopolymer
photopolymérisation {f} [chemistry] :: photopolymerization
photopolymériser {v} [chemistry] :: To photopolymerize
photoréactif {adj} :: photoreactive
photoréactivité {f} [chemistry] :: photoreactivity
photorécepteur {m} :: photoreceptor
photoreportage {m} :: photojournalism
photoreporter {mf} :: photojournalist
photosensibilisation {f} :: photosensitization
photosensibilité {f} :: photosensitivity
photosensible {adj} :: photosensitive
photoshoper {v} :: To photoshop
photosphère {f} [astronomy] :: photosphere
photosynthèse {f} :: photosynthesis
photosynthétique {adj} :: photosynthetic
photosynthétiquement {adv} :: photosynthetically
phototaxie {f} :: phototaxy
phototaxisme {m} :: phototaxism
photothèque {f} :: photo library
photothérapie {f} :: phototherapy
phototropine {f} :: phototropin
phototropisme {m} [biology] :: phototropism
photovoltaïque {adj} :: photovoltaic
phrase {f} :: sentence
phrasé {m} :: phrasing
phrase complexe {f} [grammar] :: complex sentence
phraséologie {f} :: phraseology
phraser {v} :: to phrase
phraser {v} [music] :: to phrase
phrase simple {f} [grammar] :: simple sentence
phraseur {m} :: windbag (excessive talker)
phraseuse {f} :: feminine noun of phraseur
phréatique {adj} [geology] :: phreatic
phrénique {adj} [anatomy] :: phrenic
phrénologie {f} :: phrenology
phrénologique {adj} :: phrenological
phrénologiquement {adv} :: phrenologically
phrénologue {mf} :: phrenologist
Phrygie {prop} :: Phrygia
phrygien {adj} :: Phrygian
phtalamide {f} [organic compound] :: phthalamide
phtalate {m} [organic chemistry] :: phthalate
phtalique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: phthalic
phtalocyanine {f} [organic compound] :: phthalocyanine
phthisique {adj} :: phthisic
phthore {m} [obsolete, chemistry] :: synonym of fluor
phtisie {f} [pathology] :: phthisis, consumption
phtisique {adj} [medicine, archaic] :: phthisical
Phung {prop} :: surname
Phuong {prop} :: surname
phycoérythrine {f} [organic compound] :: phycoerythrin
phycologie {f} :: phycology (the study of algae)
phycologiste {mf} [biology] :: phycologist
phycotoxine {f} :: phycotoxin
phylactère {m} :: phylactery
phylactère {m} :: speech bubble, thought bubble
phylarque {n} :: phylarch
phylétique {adj} :: phyletic
phylloérythrine {m} [biochemistry] :: phylloerythrin
phyllotrachée {f} [arachnology] :: book lung
phylloxanthine {f} [organic compound] :: phylloxanthin
phylloxéra {m} :: phylloxera
phylogenèse {f} :: phylogenesis
phylogénèse {f} :: alternative form of phylogenèse
phylogénétique {adj} :: phylogenetic
phylogénétiquement {adv} :: phylogenetically
phylogénie {f} :: phylogeny
phylogénique {adj} :: phylogenic
phylogéographie {f} :: phylogeography
phylogéographique {adj} :: phylogeographical
phynance {f} [colloquial] :: finance
physe {f} :: physa
physe voyageuse {f} :: European physa (Physella acuta)
physicalisation {f} :: physicalization
physicien {m} :: physicist
physicienne {f} :: feminine noun of physicien
physicochimie {f} [physics, chemistry] :: physical chemistry
physico-chimique {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: physicochemical
physicochimique {adj} :: alternative form of physico-chimique
physio- {prefix} :: physio-
physiocrate {mf} :: physiocrat
physiognomonie {f} :: physiognomy
physiognomonique {adj} :: physiognomic, physiognomical
physiologie {f} :: physiology (branch of biology)
physiologique {adj} :: physiological
physiologiquement {adv} :: physiologically
physiologiste {mf} :: physiologist
physionomie {f} :: face, physiognomy
physionomie {f} :: facial expression, physiognomy
physionomie {f} :: appearance, look, physiognomy
physionomiste {mf} :: Someone with a good memory for faces
physionomiste {mf} [France] :: A bouncer
physiopathologique {adj} :: physiopathological
physiopathologiste {mf} :: physiopathologist
physiothérapeute {mf} :: physiotherapist
physiothérapie {f} :: physiotherapy
physique {adj} :: physical, sportive
physique {m} :: physique
physique {f} :: physics
physique des particules {f} :: particle physics
physiquement {adv} :: physically
phytanique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: phytanic
phyto- {prefix} :: phyto-
phyto {m} [colloquial] :: clipping of phytosanitaire
phyto {adj} [colloquial] :: clipping of phytosanitaire
phytochélatine {f} [protein] :: phytochelatin
phytochimie {f} [chemistry] :: phytochemistry
phytochimique {adj} [chemistry] :: phytochemical
phytodiversité {f} [biology] :: phytodiversity
phytolaque {f} :: pokeweed or similar plant of the genus Phytolacca
phytologie {f} :: phytology
phytoménadione {m} [organic compound] :: phytomenadione (vitamin K1)
phytomère {m} [botany] :: phytomere
phytomonique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: phytomonic
phytophage {adj} :: phytophagous
phytopharmaceutique {adj} :: phytopharmaceutical
phytoplancton {m} :: phytoplankton
phytoplanctonique {adj} [biology] :: phytoplanktonic
phytoremédiation {f} :: phytoremediation
phytosanitaire {adj} :: phytosanitary
phytosociologie {f} :: phytosociology
phytostérol {m} [biochemistry] :: phytosterol
phytothérapeute {mf} :: phytotherapist
phytothérapie {f} :: phytotherapy
phytotoxicité {f} :: phytotoxicity
phytotronie {f} [biology] :: phytotronics
phytotronique {adj} [biology] :: phytotronic
pi {m} :: pi (Greek letter)
pi {m} [mathematics] :: pi
pi {conj} [Quebec, colloquial] :: alternative spelling of pis
piaf {m} :: sparrow
piaffement {m} :: stamping, pawing the ground
piaffement {m} :: prancing
piaffer {v} :: (of horse) to stamp, paw the ground
piaffer {v} :: (of person) to stamp one's feet
piagétien {adj} :: Piagetian
piaillard {adj} [of a bird] :: cheeping
piaillard {adj} [by extension, of a person] :: whining, whiny
piaillement {m} :: squawking, chirping, cheeping
piailler {v} :: to cheep; to chirp
piailler {v} :: to emit high pitched noise
pianiste {mf} :: pianist
pianistique {adj} :: pianistic
pianistique {f} :: pianistics
pianistiquement {adv} :: pianistically
piano {m} [musical instrument] :: piano
piano à queue {m} [musical instruments] :: grand piano (a piano in which the strings are strung horizontally in a heavy frame shaped like a harp)
piano droit {m} :: upright piano
pianoter {v} :: to tap (hit lightly)
pianoter {v} [computing] :: to type (use a computer keyboard)
piasse {f} [Quebec, Louisiana, colloquial] :: alternative spelling of piastre
piastre {f} [historical] :: piastre (one of several historical units of currency)
piastre {f} [Quebec, Louisiana French, colloquial] :: buck, dollar [former official Canadian French equivalent of the word dollar, as found on old currency.]
piaule {f} [colloquial] :: pad, place
piaulement {m} :: cheep, peep (sound)
piauler {vi} :: alternative form of piailler
PIB {m} :: GDP
pic {m} :: woodpecker
pic {m} :: pick (tool)
pic {m} :: peak, summit
picador {m} [bullfighting] :: picador
picage {m} :: pecking
pic à glace {m} :: icepick
picaillon {m} [colloquial, especially in plural] :: cash, money
picamare {f} :: picamar
picard {adj} :: Picard (from Picardy)
picard {m} :: Picard [language]
Picard {m} :: Picard (person from Picardy)
Picard {prop} :: surname
picardan {m} :: A variety of white grape originally from Provence
Picarde {f} :: feminine noun of Picard
Picardie {prop} {f} :: Picardy
picaresquité {f} :: picaresqueness
picaridine {f} :: picaridin; synonym of icaridine
piccolo {m} [musical instruments] :: piccolo
picène {m} [organic compound] :: picene
pichade {f} :: A pizza-like dish topped with onion, tomato and anchovy. It comes from Menton, a French commune in the Alps
pichenette {f} :: flick
pichenotte {f} :: flick
pichenotte {f} :: A French Canadian tabletop game in which players attempt to flick each other's round pieces off the board
pichet {m} :: jug
Pichet {prop} :: surname
Pichette {prop} :: surname
Pichilemu {prop} {m} :: Pichilemu (city)
pichon {m} [Provence] :: small child
pichon {m} [Picardy] :: fish (animal, foodstuff)
pichonne {f} :: feminine noun of pichon
pickles {m} :: pickle (pickled vegetable)
pickpocket {m} :: pickpocket
pico- {prefix} :: pico-
picocurie {m} :: picocurie
picodon {m} :: A flat, round cheese made from goat's milk
picokatal {m} :: picokatal
picoler {v} [slang] :: to drink
picolo {m} :: alternative spelling of piccolo
picomètre {m} :: picometer
picorer {v} [obsolete] :: to maraud, pillage, rampage
picorer {v} :: to nibble, peck (of birds, or figuratively)
Picot {prop} :: surname
picotement {m} :: a stinging sensation, a sting
picotement {m} [in the plural] :: pins and needles
picoter {v} [of a bird] :: to peck
picoter {v} [colloquial] :: to bug, to pester, to annoy
picoter {v} :: to itch, to prickle
picoter {v} :: to tingle
picotin {m} :: peck (dry measure)
picpoul {m} :: A variety of white grape originally from the Languedoc
picquer {v} :: obsolete spelling of piquer
Picquet {prop} :: Picquet; surname
picride {f} :: A type of sunflower of the genus Picris
picrique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: picric
picrocholin {adj} :: Describing a senseless conflict
picsou {m} [colloquial] :: scrooge
pictogrammatique {adj} :: pictogrammatic
pictogramme {m} :: pictogram (picture that represents a word or an idea)
pictographie {f} :: pictography
picton {adj} :: Picton
pic tridactyle {m} :: Eurasian three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus)
pictural {adj} :: of or relating to painting
picturalement {adv} :: pictorially
pic vert {m} :: alternative spelling of pivert
pic-vert {m} :: alternative spelling of pivert
picvert {m} :: alternative spelling of pivert
pie {f} :: magpie
Pie {prop} :: Pius
PIE {m} :: abbreviation of pistolet à impulsion électrique (taser)
PIÉ {m} :: abbreviation of pistolet à impulsion électrique
pie bavarde {f} :: Eurasian magpie (Pica pica)
pièce {f} :: room (in a house, etc)
pièce {f} :: piece
pièce {f} [money] :: coin
pièce {f} :: play (in a theatre)
pièce {f} [heraldry] :: ordinary
pièce {f} [legal] :: document, paper
pièce {f} :: patch
pièce à conviction {f} [law] :: piece of evidence, exhibit
pièce de monnaie {f} :: coin
pièce de rechange {f} :: spare part (component kept in reserve)
pièce de résistance {f} [idiom] :: the finest part of something, especially a meal
pièce d'estomac {f} [chiefly historical] :: stomacher
pièce de théâtre {f} :: play (theatrical performance)
pièce d'identité {f} :: proof of ID, ID, ID card, identity paper
pièce jointe {f} [Internet] :: attachment (email attachment)
pièce justificative {f} [legal] :: proof of entitlement, a document proving something
pièce maîtresse {f} :: showpiece
pièce maîtresse {f} [figuratively] :: cornerstone
pièce rapportée {f} [sewing] :: patch; insert
pièce rapportée {f} [figuratively] :: in-law
pièce rapportée {f} [derogatory, figuratively] :: outsider
piécette {f} :: small coin
piécette {f} :: small room
pied {m} [anatomy] :: foot
pied {m} :: leg, foot (projection on the bottom of a piece of equipment to support it)
pied {m} :: An old unit of measure equal to 32.5 centimetres
pied {m} [Quebec, etc.] :: Translation for English foot (approx. 30.5 centimetres)
pied {m} [poetry] :: foot
pied-à-terre {m} :: pied-à-terre
pied-bot {m} [pejorative] :: a person with a clubfoot, a club-footed person
pied d'athlète {m} :: athlete's foot
pied-de-biche {m} :: crowbar
pied de mouche {m} :: paragraph mark
pied-de-mouche {m} :: pilcrow, (a paragraph mark)
pied de page {m} :: footer (line of information at the bottom of a page)
piédestal {m} :: pedestal
pied grec {m} :: Greek foot (a foot with a second toe longer than the hallux)
piedmontite {f} :: alternative form of piémontite
pied noir {m} :: pied noir
piédouche {m} :: piedouche
pied plat {m} [medicine] :: flatfoot
pieds d'argile {mp} :: feet of clay
piège {m} :: trap, snare, booby trap
piège {m} :: pitfall
piège à clics {m} [Internet] :: clickbait
piège à cons {m} [vulgar] :: sucker trap
piégeage {m} :: trapping
piéger {v} :: to trap (catch in a trap)
piégeux {adj} :: tricky
piégeux {adj} :: dangerous
pie-grièche {m} :: shrike (bird)
piémont {m} :: foothill
piémontais {adj} :: Piedmontese (related to Piedmont)
Piémontais {m} :: a Piedmontese person
Piémontaise {f} :: feminine noun of Piémontais
piémontite {f} [mineralogy] :: piemontite
piercing {m} :: a piercing
Piérie {prop} {f} :: Pieria
Pierlot {prop} :: surname
pierrade {f} :: A dish (a form of barbecue) in which thin slices of meat are cooked on a heated stone and served with sauces, salads, potatoes, etc
pierraille {f} :: collection of small stones
pierre {f} :: stone (substance)
pierre {f} :: stone (a rock, a pebble)
Pierre {prop} {m} :: Peter [biblical character]
Pierre {prop} {m} :: given name traditionally popular in France
Pierre {prop} {m} :: surname
pierre à aiguiser {f} :: whetstone, hone
pierre angulaire {f} [architecture] :: cornerstone
pierre angulaire {f} [figuratively] :: cornerstone
pierre d'achoppement {f} :: stumbling block
pierre d'angle {f} [architecture] :: cornerstone
pierre d'angle {f} [figuratively] :: cornerstone
pierre de lune {f} :: moonstone (translucent gemstone)
pierre de taille {f} :: cut stone, dressed stone, ashlar
pierre de touche {f} :: touchstone
Pierre-Marie {prop} {m} :: given name
pierre philosophale {f} [usually, uncountable] :: philosopher's stone
pierre philosophale {f} [figurative, countable] :: something impossible to find
pierre précieuse {f} :: gemstone
pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse {proverb} :: a rolling stone gathers no moss
pierreries {fp} [in the plural] :: gems, gemstones
pierre tombale {f} :: tombstone (stone on grave)
pierrette {f} [rare] :: small stone; pebble (used in a children's game)
pierrette {f} [dated] :: a type of white camisole
Pierrette {prop} :: given name, a feminine diminutive form of Pierre
pierreuse {f} [dated, slang] :: streetwalker
pierreux {adj} :: stony, rocky
Pierrick {prop} {m} :: given name
pierrier {m} :: scree
Pierrot {prop} {m} :: Diminutive of Pierre (Peter)
Pierrot {prop} {m} :: A character from French pantomime; a buffoon in a loose white outfit
piété {f} :: piety (the condition and quality of being pious)
piétinement {m} :: step (sound made by someone or something walking), pitter-patter
piétinement {m} :: treading
piétiner {vi} :: to stamp (make loud sounds by stepping)
piétiner {vi} :: to shuffle (move forwards with short steps and with difficulty)
piétiner {vi} [figuratively] :: to make no headway, to go into a dead end
piétiner {vt} :: to trample (underfoot)
piétiste {mf} :: pietist
piétiste {adj} :: pietist (attributive)
piéton {m} :: pedestrian
piétonne {f} :: feminine noun of piéton
piétonner {v} :: To walk (go on foot)
piétonnier {adj} :: pedestrianized / pedestrianised
piètre {adj} :: poor; lousy (of low quality)
piètre {adj} [archaic] :: pitiful
piètrement {adv} :: poorly
pieu {m} :: post; stake
pieu {m} [slang] :: bed; sack
pieusement {adv} :: piously
pieuter {vi} [slang] :: to sleep (in bed)
pieuter {vr} [slang] :: to go to bed; to crash out, hit the hay
pieuvre {f} :: octopus
pieux {adj} :: pious
pieux mensonge {m} :: white lie
piézo- {prefix} :: piezo-
piézochimie {f} [chemistry] :: piezochemistry
piézoélectricité {f} [physics] :: piezoelectricity
piézoélectrique {adj} [physics] :: piezoelectric
piézomagnétique {adj} [physics] :: piezomagnetic
piézomagnétisme {m} [physics] :: piezomagnetism
piézométrique {adj} :: piezometric
piézonucléaire {adj} [physics] :: piezonuclear
piézophile {mf} :: piezophile
piézophile {adj} :: piezophilic
pif {m} :: (slang for nose) conk, hooter, schnozzle
pif {m} :: nose, intuition
piffer {vt} [colloquial, normally used in the negative] :: to stand, put up with
pifomètre {m} [colloquial] :: intuitive estimate or approximation
pige {f} :: measure
pige {f} [colloquial] :: year (of age)
pige {f} [colloquial] :: year (period of time in general)
pigé {interj} :: capisce?
pigeon {m} :: pigeon
pigeon {m} [colloquial] :: patsy (an easily trickable, naive person)
pigeonnant {adj} [of a bra] :: uplift (attributive)
pigeonnant {adj} :: pigeon-chested
pigeonneau {m} :: squab (young pigeon)
pigeonner {v} [colloquial] :: To take for a ride or dupe (the person being duped is the pigeon)
pigeonnier {m} :: dovecote
pigeon voyageur {m} :: homing pigeon; carrier
piger {v} [colloquial] :: to understand : to get, to catch on, to twig, to cotton on
piger {v} [Canada] :: to choose at random : to draw
pigiste {mf} :: freelance journalist
pigiste {adj} :: freelance (journalist, writer)
pigment {m} :: pigment, coloring substance
pigmentaire {adj} :: Of or relating to pigment, pigmentary
pigmenter {vt} :: to pigment
pignistique {adj} [statistics] :: pignistic
pignocher {vi} :: to pick at one's food
pignon {m} :: pine nut, pine kernel
pignon {m} :: gable
pignon {m} :: gearwheel, pinion, sprocket
pika {m} :: pika
Pikine {prop} :: A city in the Pikine department of Dakar Region of Senegal
Pikine {prop} :: A department of Dakar Region of Senegal
pilaire {adj} [biology] :: piliated
Pilates {m} :: Pilates
pile {f} :: heap, stack (as in pile de cartons)
pile {f} :: pillar
pile {f} :: battery (as in pile électrique)
pile {f} :: tails (of a coin; mainly used in pile ou face, "heads or tails")
pile {f} [heraldiccharge] :: pile
pile {adv} [colloquial] :: just, exactly
pile {adv} [colloquial] :: dead (of stopping etc.); on the dot, sharp (of time), smack
pile ou face {phrase} :: heads or tails
pile-poil {adv} [colloquial] :: smack-dab, smack bang
piler {vt} [cooking] :: to crush
piler {vi} :: to slam on the brakes of a vehicle, making it come to a sudden stop
pileux {adj} :: hair (attributive)
pilier {m} :: pillar
pilier {m} [rugby] :: prop
pilier de bar {m} [colloquial, figuratively] :: barfly
pilier de comptoir {m} [colloquial, figuratively] :: barfly
piligère {adj} [biology] :: piligerous
piline {f} [protein] :: pilin
pillage {m} :: pillage
pillard {m} :: pillager, looter
pillarde {f} :: feminine noun of pillard
piller {v} :: to plunder; to pillage
pilleur {m} :: a plunderer
pilleur {adj} :: plundering; plunderous
piloche {f} [slang] :: gnasher, tooth
pilon {m} :: pestle
pilon {m} :: wooden leg
pilon {m} :: thigh (the thigh bone of poultry meat)
pilonnage {m} [military] :: shelling, bombardment
pilonnage {m} [cooking] :: pounding, crushing
pilonner {v} :: to bombard, to shell
pilonner {v} :: to grind, to pound
pilori {m} :: pillory; stocks
pilorier {vt} :: to pillory
piloselle {f} :: A type of hawkweed Hieracium pilosella
pilosité {m} :: pilosity, hairiness
pilotage {m} :: pilotage (all senses); piloting
pilote {m} :: pilot (controller of aircraft)
pilote {m} :: pilot (controller of vessel)
pilote automatique {m} :: autopilot
pilote de brousse {m} :: bush pilot
piloter {v} :: to pilot (control an aircraft)
piloter {v} :: to pilot (control a vessel)
piloter {v} :: to drive (control a vehicle)
pilotis {m} [architecture] :: piloti
pilule {f} :: pill (small object to be swallowed)
pilule {f} [with the definite article la] :: the contraceptive pill
pilule du lendemain {f} :: morning-after pill
pimarique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pimaric
pimbêche {f} :: minx (impertinent woman)
piment {m} [cooking] :: spice
piment {m} :: chili, chili pepper
piment {m} [figuratively] :: spice (vigour)
piment de Cayenne {m} :: cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens)
piment d'Espelette {m} :: Espelette pepper (cultivar of Capsicum annuum)
piment enragé {m} [Louisiana French] :: cayenne pepper
pimenter {v} [cooking] :: to spice, to season with spices
pimenter {v} [figuratively] :: to spice up, to make more extravagant or exotic
piment jolokia {m} :: ghost chili (bhut jolokia);
pimpant {adj} :: spruce, dapper, dashing
pimper {vr} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] :: to dress well
pimprelocher {vt} :: to style hair in a ridiculous manner
pimprenelle {f} :: burnet (Sanguisorba minor)
pin {m} :: pine, pine tree
pinacle {m} :: pinnacle, top
pinacothèque {f} :: art gallery
pinacothèque {f} :: pinacotheca
pinailler {vi} [colloquial] :: nitpick, split hairs (to correct minutiae or find fault)
pinailleur {adj} :: nitpicking
pinailleur {m} :: nitpicker
pinard {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: plonk (cheap wine)
pinard {m} [by extension] :: any wine
Pinard {prop} :: surname
pinauculmettable {adj} :: alternative spelling of pinocumettable
pinaucumettable {adj} :: alternative spelling of pinocumettable
pince {f} :: pincer, claw
pince {f} :: pliers
pince {f} :: tongs
pince {f} :: crowbar
pince à épiler {f} :: tweezers
pince à linge {f} :: clothes peg
pinceau {m} :: paintbrush
pince coupante {f} :: pair of wire cutters, cutting pliers
pincée {f} :: a pinch, a tiny amount
pince-fesses {m} [dated, slang] :: dance, hop
pincement {m} :: pang, twinge
pincement au cœur {m} :: lump in one's throat, pang of emotion
pince-nez {m} [dated, literary] :: pince-nez
pince-nez {m} :: noseclip
pincer {v} :: to pinch (skin)
pincer {v} [colloquial] :: to pinch (to arrest)
pincer {v} [music] :: To pluck (a stringed instrument)
pince-sans-rire {adj} :: dry, deadpan
pincette {f} :: tongs (for fire)
pincette {f} :: tweezers
pinchinelle {f} :: A type of carline thistle (Carlina acanthifolia)
pinçon {m} :: pinch, nip (mark on the skin)
Pinçonnière {prop} :: Pinçonnière, lake in Blois, Loir-et-Cher department of Centre-Val de Loire, France
Pindare {prop} {m} :: Pindar
pindarique {adj} :: Pindaric
pin de Briançon {m} :: a colloquial name for the European larch (Larix decidua)
pine {f} [slang] :: nob, penis
pinéal {adj} :: pineal
pinéal {m} :: pineal
pineau {m} :: pineau
pinède {f} :: pine wood or forest
pinène {m} [organic compound] :: pinene
piner {v} [vulgar] :: to fuck, to dick
pingouin {m} [scientific context] :: auk, razorbill (Arctic sea bird from the Alcidae family)
pingouin {m} [colloquial] :: penguin
ping-pong {m} :: ping pong; table tennis
pingre {adj} :: miserly, stingy
pingrerie {f} :: stinginess
pinique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pinic
pinocchioter dans le slibard {v} [slang] :: to have an unwanted erection visible through one's pants
Pinochet {prop} :: surname
pinocumettable {adj} [vulgar] :: fuckable, shaggable
pinoléique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pinoleic
pinolénique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pinolenic
pinot {m} :: pinot
Pinot {prop} :: surname
pinotte {f} [Québec, New Brunswick] :: peanut, goober (a legume resembling a nut)
pin's {m} [anglicism] :: A pin or badge, as attached to clothing as an accessory
pinson {m} :: a finch
pinson du Nord {m} :: brambling, the bird Fringilla montifringilla
Pinsonneault {prop} :: surname
Pintac {prop} :: Pintac (commune)
pintade {f} :: guinea fowl
pinte {f} [Canada] :: A French-Canadian term for an Imperial quart, equal to 1/4 of an Imperial gallon, 2 Imperial pints, 40 Imperial ounces or 1.136 liters
pinte {f} [France, obsolete] :: A French pre-metric measurement of capacity or volume equal to 0.952 liters. Under the monarchy its size varied depending on the region, with the Parisian pinte being equivalent to 0.93 liters. 1 pinte ("quart") = 2 chopines ("pint") = 4 demiards ("half-pint")
pinte {f} [France] :: A metric pint (0.5 liters). This was done to reduce confusion between the similar American pint [0.473 liters], Imperial pint [0.568 liters] or Système International metric "pint" [0.500 liters] and the French pinte [0.952 liters]. 1 pinte [0.5 liters] ("pint") = 2 demi-pintes or chopines [0.250 liters] ("half-pint")
pinte {f} [France] :: Bottle of beer or wine with capacity of 50 centiliters, equivalent to 2/3 of a standard wine or liquor bottle
pinter {v} [colloquial] :: To get drunk
pin-up {f} :: pin-up [woman in a photograph]
pin-up {f} :: babe (sexually attractive woman)
pioche {f} :: pickaxe
pioche {f} [card games] :: stock
piocher {v} :: to use a pickaxe
piocher {v} :: to cram, to swot, to grind (e.g., for an exam)
piocher {v} :: to slog away, drudge (to work very hard)
piocher {v} :: to pick, choose, select from a set of options
piocher {v} [card games] :: to draw from the deck
Piogre {prop} {m} [Switzerland] :: An imaginary, exceedingly remote town; Timbuktu
piolet {m} [climbing] :: piolet
pion {m} [chess] :: pawn
pion {m} [figuratively] :: pawn
pion {m} [game] :: counter
pion {m} [colloquial] :: supervisor (in a school)
pion {m} [particle] :: pion
pioncer {vi} [slang] :: To be sleeping
pioncer {vr} [slang] :: To go to sleep; to crash out, hit the hay
pionique {adj} [physics] :: pionic
pionner {v} [chess, checkers] :: to exchange (a piece)
pionnier {m} [military] :: pioneer, soldier employed to form roads, dig trenches, and make bridges, as an army advances
pionnier {m} :: pioneer, one who goes before, as into the wilderness, preparing the way for others to follow
pionnier {m} :: precursor
pionnier {m} [communism] :: pioneer, child of 10-16 years in the former Soviet Union, in the second of the three stages in becoming a member of the Communist Party
pionnier {adj} :: pioneering, avant-garde
pionnier {adj} :: first to colonize
pionnière {f} :: feminine noun of pionnier
piorner {v} [Switzerland] :: to whine, moan
piou {m} :: cluck; the sound a chicken makes
piou {m} :: smack; the sound of a kiss
piou {m} :: (Lyon) chick; small bird
piou {m} :: (slang) soldier
pipe {f} :: tobacco pipe
pipe {f} [vulgar] :: blowjob
pipe {m} :: the pipe symbol (|)
pipeau {m} [musical instruments] :: pipe
pipeau {m} :: reed
pipelette {f} :: chatterbox
pipe-line {m} :: alternative spelling of pipeline
pipeline {m} :: oil pipeline
pipérade {f} :: piperade (Basque dish of onions, green peppers, and tomatoes sautéed in olive oil and flavoured with Espelette pepper)
pipérazine {m} [organic compound] :: piperazine
pipéridine {m} [organic compound] :: piperidine
piperin {m} [organic compound] :: piperine
pipette {f} [sciences] :: pipette
pipeuse {f} [slang, vulgar] :: fellatrix, cocksucker
pipi {m} [chiefly uncountable] :: wee, wee-wee, pee
pipit {m} :: pipit
pipole {adj} :: famous, related to famous people
pipole {m} :: celebrity
piquage {m} :: pricking
piquage {m} :: stinging
piquamment {adv} :: piquantly
piquant {adj} :: Spiky, spiny
piquant {adj} :: Of food: piquant, spicy
piquant {adj} :: Cold; ice-cold
piquant {adj} :: Of humor, a joke, etc.: scathing
piquant {adj} [usually, of a person] :: attractive
pique {f} :: pike, lance
pique {m} [card games] :: spade [as a card suit]
piqué {m} :: dive (of an airplane)
piqué {m} [textiles, couture] :: two fabrics stitched together to make a pattern, or a single fabric imitating this effect
pique-assiette {m} [colloquial, pejorative] :: scrounger, freeloader, gatecrasher, sponger
piquebois {m} [Louisiana French] :: woodpecker
pique-nique {m} :: picnic (a meal eaten outdoors)
piquenique {m} :: alternative form of pique-nique
piqueniqueur {m} :: picnicker (someone having a picnic)
piquer {v} :: to prick (pierce with a prick)
piquer {v} :: to sting (feel a stinging pain)
piquer {v} [colloquial] :: to nick, pinch, steal
piquer {vr} :: to pride oneself on; to like to think that one can do (+ de)
piquer {v} [textiles, couture] :: to stitch together
piquer au vif {v} :: to arouse, to excite
piquer au vif {v} :: to cut to the quick
piquer du nez {v} [figuratively, of an aircraft] :: to nosedive, to take a nosedive
piquer du nez {v} [figuratively, of a person, colloquial] :: to nod off, to doze off, to fall asleep (to nosedive because one is falling asleep)
piquer une colère {v} [idiomatic] :: to fly into a rage
piquer une crise {v} [colloquial] :: to throw a fit, to throw a tantrum
piquer une tête {v} [colloquial] :: to go for a dip, to take a dip, to dive head first; to go for a swim
piquer un roupillon {v} [colloquial] :: to take a nap, to grab a nap, to get some shuteye
piquer un somme {v} [colloquial] :: to take a nap, to grab a nap, to have a kip, to get some shuteye
piquet {m} :: picket
piquet {m} [education] :: A school punishment in which a student has to remain standing for some time by a tree or a wall, usually in the corner of the classroom
Piquet {prop} :: Piquet; surname
piqueté {adj} :: spotted or dotted (with)
piquette {f} :: A drink of marc and water
piquette {f} [colloquial] :: plonk (cheap wine)
piqueupe {m} :: pickup (electronic device)
piqueur {adj} :: itchy
piqueur {adj} :: stinging
piqueur {m} :: whipper-in
piquier {m} [historical] :: pikeman
piqure {f} :: alternative spelling of piqûre
piqûre {f} :: injection
piqûre {f} :: sting
piqûre de rappel {f} :: booster injection, booster shot, booster dose
piqûre de rappel {f} [colloquial, figuratively] :: reminder
piquure {f} [archaic, obsolete] :: alternative spelling of piqûre
piratage {m} :: piracy
piratage {m} [computing] :: hacking, unauthorized attempts to bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network
piratage informatique {m} [computing] :: hacking, unauthorized attempts to bypass the security mechanisms of an information system or network
pirate {mf} :: pirate
pirate de l'air {mf} :: a skyjacker
pirate informatique {mf} [computing] :: a hacker, one who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data
pirater {v} :: to pirate
pirater {v} [computing] :: to hack (into)
piraterie {f} :: piracy (the business of being a pirate)
piraterie {f} :: piracy (an act done by pirates)
pire {adj} :: comparative of mauvais: worse
pire {m} [le pire] :: the worst
piriforme {adj} :: pyriform
pirogue {f} :: pirogue made by hollowing a log
pirogue {f} :: any canoe
pirojki {m} :: pirozhki
piroplasme {m} [epidemiology] :: piroplasma
piroplasmide {m} [biology] :: piroplasmid
pirouette {f} :: A whirling or turning on the toes in dancing
pirouette {f} [sports, equestrians] :: A whirling volt movement made by a horse
pirouetter {vi} :: to pirouette
pirouetter {vi} :: to pivot
pis {adv} :: worse
pis {m} :: udder
pis {conj} [Quebec, Acadian, Louisiana French, Missouri, colloquial] :: and, besides
pis-aller {m} :: make-do, a less than optimal solution, workaround, stopgap
pis-aller {m} :: plan B; last resort
pis-aller {m} :: worst case scenario
piscicole {adj} :: piscicultural
pisciculture {f} :: pisciculture (the rearing of fish)
piscine {f} :: swimming pool
piscine {f} :: piscina
piscine à débordement {f} :: overflow pool, perimeter-overflow pool
piscivore {adj} :: piscivorous, fish-eating
piscivore {mf} :: piscivore
pisco {m} :: pisco
Pise {prop} {m} :: Pise (town)
Pise {prop} {m} :: Pise (province)
pisé {m} :: adobe
Pisidie {prop} :: Pisidia
pissaladière {f} :: pissaladière (pizza-like pie from southern France)
pissant {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] :: funny
Pissarro {prop} :: surname
pisse {f} [vulgar] :: piss
pisse-froid {m} [figuratively, very colloquial] :: a cold fish, a wet blanket
pissenlit {m} :: dandelion
pisser {vit} [slang] :: to piss
pisser {vt} :: to pour with (some liquid)
pisseur {m} :: pisser (one who pisses)
pisseuse {f} :: feminine noun of pisseur
pisseuse {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: young girl
pisse-vinaigre {m} [figuratively] :: a grouch, a crosspatch, a sourpuss
pissoir {m} [slang] :: bog, john
pissotière {f} :: public urinal
pistache {f} :: pistachio (nut)
pistache {f} [Louisiana French, ] :: peanut
pistachier {m} :: pistachio (shrub)
pistage {m} :: tracking
pistage {m} [MtG] :: retrace
pistard {m} [cycling] :: track cyclist
pistarde {f} :: feminine noun of pistard
piste {f} :: track or trail (left by an animal or person)
piste {f} :: track (road or other similar beaten path)
piste {f} [figurative] :: lead, hint (e.g. in a police investigation)
piste {f} [aviation] :: runway
piste {f} [music] :: track (on a recording)
piste {f} :: racecourse
piste {f} :: ring in a circus
piste {f} :: floor (various activities such as dancing, skating, or fencing)
piste {f} [skiing] :: piste
piste courte {f} :: short track (type of speed skating)
piste cyclable {f} [in town] :: bicycle path, bike path, cycle path, cycle lane, bikeway
piste cyclable {f} [in the countryside] :: cycle track, bike trail
piste de danse {f} :: dance floor
pister {vt} :: to track (an animal)
pister {vt} :: to track (a person)
pisteur {m} :: tracker (one who, or that which, tracks or pursues, as a man or dog that follows game)
pistil {m} :: pistil
pistil {m} :: stamen
Pistoia {prop} :: Pistoia (province)
Pistoia {prop} :: Pistoia (capital city)
pistole {f} [historical] :: pistole (coin)
pistolet {m} :: gun, pistol
pistolet {m} :: spray gun
pistolet {m} :: weird person
pistolet à air {m} :: air pistol
pistolet à impulsion électrique {m} :: taser (electroshock stun gun)
pistolet-mitrailleur {m} :: submachine gun
piston {m} :: piston
piston {m} [colloquial] :: contact, connection
pistonner {vt} [colloquial] :: to put in a good word for somebody, to pull strings for somebody (apply influence)
pitance {f} :: pittance
pitbull {m} :: pitbull /pit bull/ (dog)
pitch {m} :: pitch (sales patter, inclination)
pitchpin {m} :: pitch pine
pitête {adv} [rare, France, colloquial, colloquial, nonstandard] :: alternative spelling of peut-être
piteusement {adv} :: piteously
piteusement {adv} :: miserably
piteux {adj} :: pitiful
piteux {adj} :: rundown
piteux {adj} :: piteous
pithécanthropique {adj} :: pithecanthropic
pithécanthropiquement {adv} :: pithecanthropically
pitié {f} :: pity, mercy
pitit {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: alternative spelling of petit, child
piton {m} :: nail (metal object)
piton {m} :: spike, pick (especially for mountaineering)
pitonner {v} :: to piton
pitou {m} [babytalk, Quebec] :: doggie
pitou {m} [endearment, Quebec] :: puppy
pitoune {f} [Quebec, occasionally pejorative] :: A pretty woman, a bimbo
pitoune {f} :: A felled log ready to be floated to the mill
pitoyable {adj} :: pitiful; pathetic, contemptible
pitoyablement {adv} :: pitifully
pitoyablement {adv} :: pathetically
pitre {m} :: clown, buffoon
pitrerie {f} :: tomfoolery
pittacale {m} [organic compound] :: pittacal
pittoresque {adj} :: picturesque
pittoresque {mf} :: someone or something that is picturesque
pittoresquement {adv} :: picturesquely
pittospore {m} :: pittosporum
pituitaire {adj} [anatomy] :: pituitary
pituite {f} [historical] :: phlegm
pituite {f} [medicine] :: mucus
pivalique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pivalic
pive {f} [Switzerland] :: conifer cone
pivert {m} :: woodpecker, Picus viridis
pivoine {f} :: peony
pivot {m} :: pivot
pivot {m} :: fulcrum
pivot {m} :: lynchpin
pivot {m} [basketball] :: center
pivotage {m} [maths] :: pivot operation (in a simplex algorithm)
pivotant {adj} :: swivel, pivoting
pivotant {adj} :: pivotal
pivoter {vi} :: to pivot, swivel, revolve
pivoter {vi} :: to turn on one's heel
pixel {m} [computing] :: pixel
pixellisation {f} :: pixelation
pixelliser {v} :: to pixelate
pizza {f} :: pizza
pizza hawaïenne {f} :: Hawaiian pizza
pizza margherita {f} :: margherita pizza
pizza Margherita {f} :: alternative case form of pizza margherita
pizza poutine {f} :: poutine pizza (a pizza topped with poutine (gravy, french fries, cheese curds))
pizza québécoise {f} [Quebec, cuisine] :: Quebecoise pizza (with pepperoni, bacon, mushrooms)
pizzeria {f} :: pizzeria
pizzéria {f} :: pizzeria
pk {adv} [Internet slang, text messaging] :: abbreviation of pourquoi, why
pkoi {adv} [Internet slang, texting] :: alternative spelling of pourquoi
plaçable {adj} :: placeable; that can be put or placed
placage {m} :: veneer (thin covering of fine wood)
placage {m} [sports] :: tackle
plaçage {m} :: plaçage
placard {m} :: a cupboard, cabinet or closet built against or into a wall
placard {m} :: an ad that is felt to be injurious, seditious or in otherwise bad taste
placard {m} [dated] :: a placard
placardage {m} :: billposting (sticking of posters)
placarder {vt} :: to post, put up
placarder {vt} :: to plaster
placardiser {v} :: To gradually remove the powers and responsibilities of an employee
place {f} :: place, square, plaza, piazza
place {f} :: place, space, room
place {f} :: place, seat
placebo {m} :: placebo
place d'armes {f} [military] :: parade ground
place d'armes {f} :: An assembly point for troops
place d'armes {f} :: An arsenal
place d'honneur {f} :: place of honor, seat of honor
place forte {f} :: stronghold
placement {m} :: placement
placement de produit {m} [marketing] :: product placement
placentaire {adj} :: placental
placentaire {m} :: placental
placer {v} :: to place (to put in a specific location)
placer {v} :: to seat (to put an object into a place where it will rest)
placer {vr} :: to place (to earn a given spot in a competition)
placer sur un piédestal {vt} [figuratively] :: to place on a pedestal, to put on a pedestal, to set on a pedestal
placet {m} [historical] :: petition, appeal
placidement {adv} :: placidly
placidité {f} :: placidity, placidness
placier {m} :: canvasser
placier {m} :: rep
placière {f} :: feminine noun of placier
placoplâtre {m} :: plasterboard
placoter {vi} [Quebec, colloquial] :: to chat, chatter
plafond {m} :: ceiling
plafond de verre {m} [sociology, economics] :: glass ceiling
plafonnement {m} :: cap, capping, setting an upper limit
plafonner {vt} :: to cap (put an upper limit on)
plafonner {vi} :: to reach one's upper limit
plafonnier {m} :: light (ceiling light)
plage {f} :: beach
plage {f} [mathematics] :: range
plagiaire {mf} :: plagiarist
plagiat {m} :: plagiarism
plagier {v} :: to plagiarize
plagiocéphale {adj} [anatomy] :: plagiocephalic
plagiocéphalie {f} [anatomy] :: plagiocephaly
plagiotropisme {m} [biology] :: plagiotropism
plagiste {mf} :: beachgoer (someone who goes to the beach)
plaider {v} :: to plead
plaideur {m} :: litigant
plaideuse {f} :: litigant (female)
plaidoirie {f} :: oral argument (court)
plaidoyer {m} [legal] :: speech for the defence
plaidoyer {m} [figuratively] :: plea
plaie {f} :: open wound
plaie {f} :: scourge
plaïe {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: alternative form of plage, beach
plaignant {m} [legal] :: plaintiff; prosecutor
plaignant {adj} [legal] :: prosecuting
plaigner {v} [nonstandard, colloquial] :: alternative form of plaindre
plain {adj} [obsolete] :: plane
plain-chant {m} :: plainsong
plaindre {v} :: to pity
plaindre {vr} :: to complain
plaine {f} :: plain
plain-pied {m} :: single-storey building
plain-pied {m} :: same-level apartment
plain-pied {m} :: one-floor residence
plain-pied {m} [Swiss] :: ground floor
plainte {f} :: complaint
plainte {f} :: moan, groan
plainte {f} [legal] :: (criminal) complaint
plaintif {adj} :: plaintive, doleful
plaintivement {adv} :: plaintively
plaire {vi} :: (followed by à or preceded by an indirect object) to please (usually translated into English as like with exchange of the subject and object)
plaire {vr} :: to enjoy (oneself)
plaisamment {adv} :: pleasantly; pleasingly
plaisamment {adv} :: jokingly, jestingly
Plaisance {prop} :: surname
plaisancier {m} [nautical] :: boater, amateur sailor
plaisancière {f} :: feminine noun of plaisancier
plaisant {adj} :: pleasing; pleasant
plaisanter {v} :: to joke (make a joke)
plaisanterie {f} :: joke
plaisanterie {f} :: jest; fun
plaisanterie {f} :: pleasantry; joking
plaisanterie {f} :: jesting; kidding
plaisantin {m} :: joker, wag
plaisantin {m} :: wiseass, smart aleck
plaisir {m} :: pleasure
Plaisir {prop} :: Plaisir
plan {m} :: plan
plan {m} :: map (schematic maps of streets, subways, etc.)
plan {m} :: plane (both flat surface and mathematical plane)
plan {m} [cinema] :: shot
plan {m} [slang, dated] :: A small case inserted in the rectum in order to hide one's valuables from a full-body search
plan {adj} :: planar
planaire {adj} [mathematics] :: planar
planant {adj} :: hovering
planche {f} :: board
planche {f} :: spread (picture covering a whole page)
planche {f} :: plank
planche {f} :: woodcut
planche {f} :: board (used for sport, e.g. skateboard or surfboard)
planche {f} [figuratively] :: plank, beanpole (very thin person)
planche à beurre {f} :: butter paddle
planche à découper {f} :: chopping board
planche à laver {f} [musical instruments] :: washboard
planche à pain {f} :: breadboard
planche à repasser {f} :: ironing board
planche à repasser {f} [figuratively, slightly offensive] :: a woman without curves, flat as a pancake
planche à roulettes {f} :: skateboard
planche à voile {f} [countable] :: sailboard, windsurf board
planche à voile {f} [uncountable] :: windsurfing
planche pourrie {f} [figuratively] :: A generally unreliable, impractical, unhelpful person; a flake
plancher {m} :: floor
plancher {m} :: lower limit
plancher {m} [anatomy] :: floor
plancher {vi} :: to talk
plancher des vaches {m} [colloquial, figuratively] :: terra firma, solid ground
Planchet {prop} [rare] :: given name
planchette {f} :: small plank
planchette à pince {f} :: clipboard
planchiste {mf} :: boarder
planchiste {mf} :: snowboarder
planchiste {mf} :: skateboarder
planckien {adj} [physics] :: Planckian
plan comptable {m} :: chart of accounts
plançon {m} :: A medieval French infantry weapon, primarily used for smashing and thrusting
Plançon {prop} :: surname
plancton {m} [biology] :: plankton
planctonique {adj} :: planktonic
plan cul {m} [vulgar] :: fuck buddy (sexual relationship without further emotional attachment)
plan d'accès {m} :: access map
plan d'action {m} :: action plan
plan d'eau {m} :: lake, pond, stretch of smooth water
plan de cuisson {m} [cooking] :: hob, stovetop
plan de faille {m} [geology] :: fault plane
plan de niveau {m} :: floor plan
plan d'épargne {m} :: savings plan
plan de travail {m} :: work plan, schedule
plan de travail {m} :: worksurface
plan de vol {m} :: flight plan
plan directeur {m} :: blueprint; master plan
plan directeur {m} [military] :: map of the combat area
plan d'urgence {m} :: contingency plan
planer {v} :: to glide, to hover
planer {v} :: to be entranced, to be mesmerized
planer {v} [slang, of a drug user] :: to be high
planer {v} [slang] :: to be going well; to run smoothly
planère {f} :: A form of Siberian elm (Planera crenata)
planétaire {adj} :: planetary
planétaire {m} [astronomy] :: orrery
planétaire {m} [automobile] :: epicyclic gear, planetary gear
planétarium {m} :: planetarium
planète {f} :: planet
planète naine {f} :: dwarf planet
planétésimal {m} [astronomy] :: planetesimal
planétoide {m} [astronomy] :: A planetoid, an asteroid large enough to be seen as a small planet
planétoïde {m} :: planetoid
planétologie {f} :: planetology
planétologue {mf} :: planetologist
planeur {m} :: glider (aircraft)
planeur {m} :: planer (tool)
plan fixe {m} [cinema] :: static shot
planificateur {m} :: planner
planificateur {adj} :: planning
planification {f} :: planning (act of making a plan)
planifier {v} :: to plan ahead, to prepare oneself
plan incliné {m} :: inclined plane
planisphère {m} :: planisphere
planning {m} :: schedule, work plan
planogamie {f} [biology] :: planogamy
planque {f} [familiar] :: A hideout, a hiding place
planque {f} [by extension] :: A situation with few risks involved, or a job with minimal work required
planqué {m} [familiar] :: A person avoiding any kind of danger or responsability
planquer {v} [colloquial] :: to hide
planquer {v} [colloquial] :: to spy, to snoop
plan rapproché {m} [photography, film] :: close-up
plant {m} :: seedling
plant {m} :: young plant or plantation
plantage {m} :: the action of planting
plantage {m} [computing] :: crash
plantain {m} :: plantain, any plant of genus Plantago
plantain {m} :: plantain [fruit of the genus Musa]
plantaire {adj} [anatomy] :: plantar
plantation {f} :: planting
plantation {f} :: plantation
plante {f} :: sole of the foot
plante {f} :: plant
Plante {prop} :: surname
plante d'intérieur {f} :: houseplant
planter {vt} :: to plant
planter {vt} :: to drive in (a nail, stake etc.)
planter {vt} :: to pitch (a tent)
planter {vt} [colloquial] :: to flake, leave someone behind, by not showing up (for a meeting, date)
planter {vit} [computing] :: to crash
planter {vr} [colloquial, se planter] :: to fall off
planter {vr} [colloquial, se planter] :: to fail, to not succeed
planter {vr} [colloquial, se planter, a vehicle and etc] :: to break down
planter {vt} [slang] :: to stab with a knife
planter le décor {v} [theater] :: to set up the scenery
planter le décor {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to set the scene
planteur {m} :: planter
planteuse {f} :: planter (for potatoes etc)
plantier {m} :: vine (plant)
planton {m} :: orderly
plantureusement {adv} :: curvaceously
plantureusement {adv} :: copiously, lavishly
plantureux {adj} :: buxom, curvaceous
plantureux {adj} :: copious, lavish
plantureux {adj} :: fertile
planule {f} :: planula
plaquage {m} :: plating (adding a plate to e.g. metal)
plaquage {m} [rugby] :: tackle
plaque {f} :: sheet, plate (of metal)
plaque {f} :: slab (of marble)
plaque {f} [medicine] :: plaque (bacteria on teeth)
plaque {f} :: plaque, slab (ornamental)
plaque {f} [casino] :: chip
plaque {f} [electrics, photography] :: plate
plaque {f} [geology] :: plate (especially a tectonic plate)
plaque {f} :: slab, bar (of e.g. chocolate)
plaque {f} [slang] :: 10,000 francs
plaque {f} :: burner; ring (element on a kitchen stove that generates localized heat for cooking)
plaquebière {f} :: cloudberry [plant]
plaquebière {f} :: cloudberry, bakeapple [fruit]
plaque de cuisson {f} :: hotplate; cooktop, stovetop, hob, range
plaque d'égout {f} :: manhole
plaque d'immatriculation {f} :: license plate, number plate
plaqueminier {m} :: Asian persimmon, Diospyros kaki
plaquer {v} :: to plate (to cover the surface material of an object with a thin coat of another material)
plaquer {v} [rugby] :: To tackle
plaquer {v} [martial arts] :: To grapple
plaquer {v} [colloquial] :: To leave someone, to break up with someone; to ditch, to dump, to jilt someone
plaque tectonique {f} [geology] :: tectonic plate
plaque tournante {f} [rail transport] :: turntable (rotating plate)
plaque tournante {f} [figuratively] :: hub, nerve center, key location
plaquettaire {adj} :: platelet (attributive)
plaquette {f} :: packet [of butter]; strip, blister pack [of pills]
plaquette {f} [hematology, cytology] :: platelet
plaquette {f} [automobile, ~ de frein] :: brake pad
plaquette de frein {f} :: brake pad
plaquiste {m} :: A builder who erects plasterboard (or similar) partitions
plasma {m} :: plasma (all senses)
plasmateur {m} :: a creator, fashioner
plasmatique {adj} :: plasma (attributive), plasmatic
plasmide {m} :: plasmid (circle of double-stranded DNA that is separate from the chromosomes)
plasmidique {adj} [biology] :: plasmidic
plasmique {adj} :: plasmic
plasmode {m} :: plasmodium
plasmodesme {m} :: plasmodesma
plasmogamie {f} [biology] :: plasmogamy
plasmogamique {adj} [biology] :: plasmogamic
plasmonique {adj} :: plasmonic
plaste {m} :: plastid; leucoplast
plastic {m} :: plastic explosive
plasticage {m} :: Action of blowing up something (using plastic explosive)
plasticien {m} :: plastician (an artist involved with plastic arts)
plasticienne {f} :: feminine noun of plasticien
plasticité {f} :: plasticity
plastide {m} :: plastid
-plastie {suffix} :: -plasty
plastifiant {m} :: plasticizer
plastifier {v} :: to laminate
plastiquage {m} :: bomb attack
plastique {adj} :: plastic
plastique {m} :: plastic
plastiquement {adv} :: plastically
plastiquer {v} :: to blow up (using plastic explosive)
plastiqueur {m} :: terrorist (bomber who uses plastic explosive)
plastiqueuse {f} :: feminine noun of plastiqueur
plastocyanine {f} [protein] :: plastocyanin
plastron {m} :: breastplate (piece of armour)
plastron {m} [fencing] :: plastron
plastron {m} :: chest pad; chest protection; chestguard
plastron {m} [zoology] :: plastron (part of a turtle's shell)
plastron {m} :: shirt front; the front of a shirt
plastron {m} :: plastron (ornamental front part of a bodice)
plastron {m} [zoology] :: breast (front part of certain birds)
plastronique {adj} :: plastronic
plastronique {f} [physics] :: plastronics
plastronner {v} :: to swagger
plasturgie {f} :: plastics engineering
plat {adj} :: flat
plat {m} :: a flat area of ground; a flat thing; a flat dish or receptacle
plat {m} :: dish or course (e.g. served in a restaurant)
platane {m} :: a sycamore or planetree (genus Platanus)
plat de résistance {m} :: main course, main dish
plat du jour {m} :: plat du jour, daily special
plate {f} :: Very small flat boat
plate {adj} [Canada, colloquial] :: Annoyingly boring
plate {adj} [Canada, colloquial] :: Troublesome
plateau {m} :: flat area
plateau {m} :: tray
plateau {m} [geography] :: plateau
plateau {m} :: stage (in theatre); set (of television broadcast)
plateau {m} [cycling] :: chainring
plateau de tournage {m} :: film set
plate-bande {f} :: flower bed
plate-bande {f} [architecture] :: platband
platée {f} :: plateful
plate-forme {f} :: platform
plateforme {f} :: alternative form of plate-forme
plateforme de forage {f} :: drilling rig, drilling platform (for oil)
plate-forme pétrolière {f} :: oil rig
platelage {m} :: decking, deck (horizontal surface)
platement {adv} :: flatly
platinage {m} :: platinization
platine {m} :: platinum (metal)
platine {f} :: platter
platine {f} :: turntable
platine {f} :: connector board
platine {f} [clockmaking, locksmithing] :: plate
platine {f} [printing] :: platen (printing plate)
platine {f} :: stage (of a microscope)
platinectomie {f} [surgery] :: platinectomy, platinotomy
platiner {v} :: to platinize
platineux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: platinous
platinique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: platinic
platinoïde {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: platinoid
platinotypie {f} :: platinotype
Platon {prop} {m} :: Plato (Greek philosopher)
platonicien {adj} [philosophy, mathematics] :: Platonic
platonique {adj} :: Platonic
platonique {adj} :: platonic
platoniquement {adv} :: platonically
platoniser {v} :: platonize
platonisme {m} :: Platonism
plat principal {m} :: main course
plâtrage {m} :: plastering, pargeting
plâtras {m} :: rubble
plâtre {m} :: plaster, plaster of Paris (the building material)
plâtre {m} :: plaster, cast (supportive and immobilising device)
plâtrer {vt} :: to plaster
plâtrer {vt} :: to render
plâtrier {m} :: plasterer
plâtrière {f} :: gypsum quarry (for the manufacture of plaster)
plâtrière {f} :: feminine noun of plâtrier
platycnémie {f} [anatomy] :: platycnemism
platycnémien {adj} [anatomy] :: platycnemic
platycnémique {adj} [anatomy] :: platycnemic
platykurticité {f} [maths] :: platykurtosis, platykurticity
platykurtique {adj} [maths] :: platykurtic
platyphylle {adj} :: broadleaf
plausibilité {f} :: plausibility
plausible {adj} :: plausible
Plaute {prop} {m} :: Plautus
playback {m} [music, singing] :: lip-syncing
play-boy {m} :: playboy (person)
playboy {m} :: alternative spelling of play-boy
playlist {f} :: playlist
PLC {prop} {m} [initialism] :: [Canadian politics] Parti libéral du Canada - Liberal Party of Canada (LPC)
plèbe {f} :: pleb
plèbe {f} :: (in plural) people, mob
plébéien {adj} :: plebeian
plébéien {m} [historical] :: plebeian, commoner
plébéiennement {adv} :: In a plebeian manner
plébiscitaire {adj} :: plebiscitary
plébiscite {m} :: plebiscite
plébisciter {vt} :: to vote by plebiscite
plébisciter {vt} :: to approve overwhelmingly
plectre {m} :: plectrum, pick (for strumming string instruments)
pléiade {f} :: host (large group)
plein {adj} :: full, full up
plein {adj} :: plenty
plein {adj} :: solid
plein {adj} [astronomy, of a moon] :: full
plein {adj} :: [preceded by en] mid-; middle
plein {adj} [biology, of an animal] :: pregnant
plein {prep} [somewhat colloquial] :: in; all over
plein aux as {adj} [colloquial] :: filthy rich (extremely rich)
plein comme une huître {adj} [Europe, simile] :: drunk as a skunk
plein comme un œuf {adj} [simile, colloquial] :: Very drunk; pissed as a newt; drunk as a skunk
plein de soupe {m} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] :: a greedy man
pleine lune {f} :: full moon
pleinement {adv} :: completely, all over
plein-emploi {m} :: full employment
plein et entier {adj} :: full, complete
plein pot {adv} [colloquial] :: at full speed, at full throttle, hell-for-leather
pléiotrope {adj} [biology] :: pleiotropic
pléiotropie {f} [biology] :: pleiotropy
pléiotropique {adj} :: pleiotropic
pléistocène {adj} :: Pleistocene
Pléistocène {prop} {m} :: Pleistocene period
plénier {adj} :: complete, entire
plénier {adj} :: plenary
plénièrement {adv} :: completely, entirely
plénipotentiaire {adj} :: plenipotentiary
plénipotentiaire {mf} :: plenipotentiary (a person invested with supreme authority)
plénitude {f} :: fullness, plenitude
pléomorphe {adj} [biology] :: pleomorphic
pléonasme {m} [linguistics] :: pleonasm, redundancy
pléonaste {m} [mineralogy] :: pleonaste
pléonastique {adj} :: pleonastic
plérôme {m} [gnosticism] :: pleroma
plésiomorphie {f} [genetics] :: plesiomorphy
plésiomorphique {adj} [biology] :: plesiomorphic
plésiomorphisme {m} [biology] :: plesiomorphism, plesiomorphy
plessimétrique {adj} :: pleximetric
plessimétriquement {adv} :: pleximetrically
pléthore {f} :: plethora
pléthorique {adj} [medical] :: plethoric
pléthorique {adj} :: overloaded, overabundant
pléthoriquement {adv} :: plethorically
pléthoriquement {adv} :: overabundantly
pleur {m} :: Cry (action of producing tears)
pleurard {m} :: crybaby
pleurard {adj} :: crying
pleurer {vi} :: to cry, to weep
pleurer {vt} :: to mourn
pleurer à chaudes larmes {v} :: to cry one's eyes out, to weep buckets
pleurer comme une madeleine {v} [simile] :: To bawl, especially exaggeratedly; to cry one's eyes out; to cry like a baby
pleurer toutes les larmes de son corps {v} :: To cry one's eyes out, to cry profusely
pleurésie {f} [pathology] :: pleurisy
pleurétique {adj} :: pleuritic
pleureur {m} :: crier; weeper one who cries or weeps
pleureur {m} :: crybaby
pleureur {adj} :: weeping
pleureuse {f} :: professional mourner
pleurnichard {m} :: crybaby
pleurnichard {m} :: sniveller
pleurnichard {adj} :: whingeing
pleurnicher {v} :: to whine (to complain or protest in a childish manner or about trivial things)
pleurnicherie {f} :: whine
pleurnicheur {m} [colloquial] :: sniveller
pleurnicheuse {f} :: feminine noun of pleurnicheur
pleurote {m} :: oyster mushroom
pleutre {m} :: coward
pleutre {adj} :: cowardly
pleutre {v} :: to be cowardly
pleutrement {adv} :: cowardly
pleuviner {v} :: to drizzle
pleuvioter {v} :: to drizzle
pleuvoir {v} :: to rain
pleuvoir à boire debout {v} :: to rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily)
pleuvoir à seaux {v} :: to rain buckets (to rain heavily)
pleuvoir à verse {v} :: to rain heavily
pleuvoir comme vache qui pisse {v} [simile, vulgar] :: to rain like a cow pissing on a flat rock, to piss it down
pleuvoir des cordes {v} [figuratively] :: to rain cats and dogs (to rain heavily)
pleuvoir des hallebardes {v} :: to rain heavily; to rain cats and dogs
plèvre {f} [anatomy] :: pleura
plexiglas {m} :: Plexiglas
plexus {m} :: plexus
pli {m} :: fold
pli {m} :: pleat
pli {m} :: letter
pli {m} [card games] :: trick
pliable {adj} :: pliable
pliage {m} :: folding (the act of folding something)
pliant {adj} :: pliant
plie {m} :: plaice
plié {adj} :: in stitches
plie commune {f} :: European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
plie d'Europe {f} :: European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
plier {vt} :: to fold (bend (something) over; arrange by folding)
plier {v} :: to fold up
plier {v} :: to bend
plier {v} :: to mess up; to do in; to damage
plier {v} [figuratively] :: to kill, kill off (a game)
plier bagage {v} :: to leave, to move, go away
Pline {prop} {m} :: Pliny
plinien {adj} :: Plinian
plinthe {f} :: plinth
plinthe {f} :: skirting board; baseboard (panel between floor and interior wall)
pliocène {adj} :: Pliocene
Pliocène {prop} {m} :: Pliocene period
plioir {m} :: folding-bone, folding-stick, bonefolder
plissé {adj} :: pleated
plissement {m} :: folding
plissement {m} [geology] :: fold
plisser {vt} :: to fold over, pleat
plisser {vt} :: to wrinkle, crease, pucker, screw up
plisser {vi} :: to be creased (of clothes etc.), wrinkled (stockings etc.)
plisser {vr} :: to crease, wrinkle
plisser les yeux {v} :: to look with eyes partly closed; squint
pliure {f} :: a folding
plomb {m} :: lead (metal)
plomb {m} :: fuse
plomb {m} :: sinker (fishing weight)
plombage {m} :: weighting (with lead); filling, stopping
plombage {m} [dentistry] :: filling
plombagine {m} [mineralogy] :: graphite
plombate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: plumbate
plombe {f} [slang] :: ages, a long time
plombémie {f} [pathology] :: The presence of lead in the blood
plomber {v} :: to fill with lead, to weigh down with lead
plomber {v} [figuratively] :: to become a burden, to weigh down
plomberie {f} :: plumbing; plumbery
plombeux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: plumbous
plombier {m} :: plumber (profession)
plombière {f} :: feminine singular of plombier
plombique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: plumbic
plombite {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: plumbite
plomburie {f} :: lead poisoning
plonge {f} [France, colloquial] :: the work of washing dishes
plongeant {adj} :: plunging (neckline etc)
plongée {f} :: dive
plongée {f} :: The forward tilt of an automobile when braking
plongeoir {m} :: diving board
plongeon {m} :: dive (act of diving into water)
plongeon {m} [sports] :: diving
plongeon {m} :: loon (the bird)
plongeon synchronisé {m} :: synchronized diving
plonger {v} :: to dive
plonger {v} :: to plunge
plongeur {adj} [chiefly of an animal] :: diving (that or who dives)
plongeur {m} :: diver (one who dives for pearls, coral, sponges, sunken items, and so on)
plongeur {m} :: diver (one who practices the sport of diving)
plongeur {m} :: dishwasher (a person who washes dishes in a restaurant or similar establishment)
plongeuse {f} :: feminine noun of plongeur
plosif {adj} :: plosive
plosion {f} [phonetics] :: plosion
plosive {f} :: plosive
ploter {v} [maths] :: To plot or trace (a curve)
ploter {v} :: alternative form of peloter
plotte {f} [Quebec, vulgar, slang] :: a vulva, a vagina
plotte {f} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] :: a ball; a football
plotter {v} [obsolete] :: alternative form of peloter
plouc {m} :: hick, country bumpkin, yokel, redneck
plouf {m} :: splash
ploussard {m} :: A black grape variety form Jura
ploutocrate {mf} :: plutocrat
ploutocratie {f} :: plutocracy
ploutocratique {adj} :: plutocratic
ployer {vi} [literary] :: to bend, fold
P. L. Q. {prop} :: alternative form of PLQ
P.L.Q. {prop} :: alternative form of PLQ
PLQ {prop} [Canadian politics] :: initialism of Parti libéral du Québec - Liberal Party of Quebec (LPQ)
PLS {f} :: initialism of position latérale de sécurité: recovery position
plucher {v} :: to fluff up, to become fluffy
plug {m} :: butt-plug
plugiciel {m} :: plug-in (computer program addon)
plugiciel {adj} :: plug-in
pluie {f} :: rain
pluie acide {f} :: acid rain
pluie verglaçante {f} [meteorology] :: freezing rain
plumage {m} [ornithology, collective noun] :: plumage (a bird's feathers, collectively speaking)
plumbago {m} [botany] :: plumbago
plume {f} :: feather
plume {f} :: quill
plume {f} :: nib, the writing end of a fountain pen or a dip pen
plume {f} [dated] :: writer, penman
plumeau {m} :: feather duster
plumer {v} :: to pluck the feathers off
plumer {v} [colloquial] :: To swindle or cheat out of
plumer {v} [colloquial] :: To desquamate; to have the skin peel off
plumet {m} :: An ostrich feather placed in a hat
plumet {m} :: A bouquet of feathers used to decorate military headgear
plumet {m} :: A bouquet of feathers used to decorate a dais, a bed, or a hearse
plumet {m} :: Feathergrass (Stipa pennata)
plumet {m} :: A bundle of feathers attached to a piece of cork which is allowed to float in order to determine the direction of the wind
plumetis {m} :: satin stitch
plumeux {adj} :: feathery
plumier {m} :: pencil box
plumitif {m} :: penpusher
plupart {f} :: main part, majority
plupart {f} :: most of
plural {adj} :: plural, large
pluralisme {m} :: pluralism
pluraliste {mf} :: pluralist
pluralité {f} :: plurality
pluri- {prefix} :: pluri-
pluriannuel {adj} :: long-term
pluriannuel {adj} :: pluriennial
pluricellulaire {adj} :: multicellular, pluricellular
pluridimensionnel {adj} :: pluridimensional, multidimensional
pluridirectionnel {adj} :: pluridirectional
pluridisciplinaire {adj} :: multidisciplinary
pluridisciplinairement {adv} :: multidisciplinarily; in a multidisciplinary way
pluridisciplinarité {f} :: multidisciplinarity
pluriel {m} :: plural
pluriel {adj} :: plural
pluriel brisé {m} [grammar, linguistics] :: broken plural
pluriellement {adv} :: plurally; in the plural
pluriethnique {adj} :: multiethnic
plurilingue {adj} :: multilingual, plurilingual
plurilinguisme {m} :: multilingualism
pluriloculaire {adj} [biology] :: plurilocular
pluripartisme {m} :: multipartyism
pluripartiste {adj} :: multiparty
pluripotence {f} [biology] :: pluripotency
pluripotent {adj} [biology] :: pluripotent
pluriquotidien {adj} :: several times each day
pluriquotidiennement {adv} :: several times each day
pluriséculaire {adj} :: Over several centuries
pluriséculaire {adj} :: Centuries-old
plus {adv} :: more, -er (used to form comparatives of adjectives)
plus {adv} :: more, -er (used to form comparatives of adverbs)
plus {adv} [after a verb] :: more, -er (indicating a higher degree or quantity)
plus {adv} [before a noun] :: more (indicating a greater quantity; followed by de)
plus {adv} :: more (supplementary, preceded by de)
plus {adv} [preceded by a definite article] :: the most, -est (used to form superlatives of adjectives and adverbs)
plus {adv} [usually with the negative particle ne, see usage notes below] :: no longer, not ... any more
plus {m} :: plus, the symbol +
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose {proverb} :: the more things change, the more they stay the same
plus facile à dire qu'à faire {adj} :: easier said than done (easy to propose, but difficult to accomplish)
plus grand commun dénominateur {m} [mathematics] :: synonym of plus grand commun diviseur
plus grand commun diviseur {m} [mathematics] :: greatest common divisor
plusieurs {adj} :: several, many, a lot
plus on est de fous, plus on rit {proverb} :: the more the merrier
plus ou moins {adv} :: more or less (approximately)
plus petit commun multiple {m} [mathematics] :: least common multiple
plus que de raison {adv} [literary] :: more than is reasonable, too much, excessively
plus que jamais {adv} :: more than ever
plus-que-parfait {m} :: pluperfect tense
plus-value {f} :: capital gain
plus vieux métier du monde {m} [euphemistic] :: the world's oldest profession
plus vrai que nature {adj} :: more authentic than the original, even better than the real thing, very similar to the original in appearance
Plutarque {prop} {m} :: Plutarch (Greek historian)
Pluton {prop} {m} :: Pluto (dwarf planet)
Pluton {prop} {m} :: Pluto (god)
plutoneux {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: plutonous
plutonien {adj} :: Plutonian
plutonique {adj} [geology, inorganic chemistry] :: plutonic
plutonium {m} :: plutonium
plutôt {adv} [obsolete] :: earlier, sooner
plutôt {adv} :: rather, instead
plutôt {adv} :: rather, pretty, kind of
pluvier {m} :: plover
pluvier bronzé {m} :: American golden plover, Pluvialis dominica
pluvier doré {m} :: Eurasian golden plover [Pluvialis apricaria]
pluvier fauve {m} :: Pacific golden plover, Pluvialis fulva
pluvieux {adj} :: rainy
pluviomètre {m} :: pluviometer
pluviométrie {f} :: pluviometry
pluviométrique {adj} :: pluviometric
pluviôse {m} [historical] :: Pluviôse (the fifth month of the French Republican Calendar)
pluviosité {f} :: (amount of) rainfall
pm {mf} :: alternative form of PM
P. M. {mf} :: alternative form of P.M.
P.M. {adv} :: post meridiem
PM {adv} :: initialism of post meridiem
PM {n} :: market price
PMA {m} :: abbreviation of pays les moins avancés; LDC
PME {f} :: abbreviation of Petites et Moyennes Entreprises; SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise)
PMU {m} :: abbreviation of Pari mutuel urbain
PMU {m} [by extension, France] :: a place where one can bet on horse races, usually a café or tabac
PNC {mf} :: Flight attendant, cabin crew
pneu {m} :: tyre, tire
pneu de secours {m} :: spare tyre
pneu hiver {m} :: winter tire
pneumatique {adj} :: pneumatic
pneumatique {m} [rare] :: tyre (wheel covering)
pneumaturie {f} [pathology] :: pneumaturia
pneumique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pneumic
pneumo- {prefix} :: pneumo-
pneumocoque {m} :: pneumococcus
pneumogastrique {adj} [anatomy] :: pneumogastric
pneumogastrique {m} [anatomy] :: pneumogastric
pneumographie {f} :: pneumography
pneumologie {f} :: pneumology, pulmonology
pneumologique {adj} :: pneumological
pneumologue {mf} :: pneumologist
pneumonie {f} [pathology] :: pneumonia
pneumonique {adj} :: pneumonic
pneumopathie {f} :: pneumonia
pnictogène {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pnictogen
pnicture {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: pnictide
{prop} {m} :: (river)
poa {m} :: poa, grass
pochade {f} :: pochade
pochard {m} [colloquial] :: drunk, drunkard
pocharde {f} :: feminine noun of pochard
poche {f} :: pocket (part of the clothing)
poche {f} :: pouch (small bag, or part of small bag)
poche {f} :: pouch [of a marsupial]
poche {f} :: pocket (cavity)
poche {f} :: poach (act of cooking by poaching)
poche {f} :: the rendering or the act of rendering the walls, columns, and other solids of a building or the like, as indicated on an architectural plan, usually in black
poche {f} :: ladle (container used in a foundry to transport and pour out molten metal)
poche {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] :: lame, boring, dull
poche {adj} [Quebec, colloquial] :: bad, untalented, sucky
poche des eaux {f} :: amniotic sac
pocher {v} :: to poach; to cook by poaching
pocher {v} :: to sketch; to make a sketch of
pochetron {m} [slang, pejorative] :: someone who drinks copiously, a drunkard
pochetronne {f} :: feminine noun of pochetron
pochette {f} :: (small) pocket
pochette {f} :: sleeve (of e.g. a CD)
pochette {f} :: clutch bag
pochoir {m} :: stencil (utensil consisting of a perforated sheet)
pôchouse {f} :: alternative form of pauchouse
pochtron {m} [slang, pejorative] :: alternative form of pochetron
pochtronne {f} :: feminine noun of pochtron
pococurante {mf} :: one who is apathetic
podaire {f} [geometry] :: pedal curve
podcast {m} [Internet, neologism] :: podcast
podcaster {v} :: to podcast
podcasting {m} :: podcasting
podium {m} :: podium
Podolie {prop} {f} :: Podolia
podologue {mf} :: chiropodist, podiatrist
podomètre {m} :: pedometer
podophylle {m} [botany] :: podophyllum
podophylleux {adj} [biology] :: podophyllous
Podor {prop} :: Podor (city)
podorythmie {f} [Canada] :: The tapping of one's feet in time to music
podotactile {adj} :: pedotactile
poecilitique {adj} [geology] :: poikilitic
poêle {m} :: stove
poêle {f} :: frying pan, pan
poêle {f} [colloquial] :: metal detector
poêle {m} [religion] :: pall
poêlé {adj} :: pan-fried
poêle à frire {f} :: frying pan
poêlée {f} :: pan fry
poêler {v} [cooking] :: to fry in a frying pan
poêlon {m} :: Type of casserole (cooking pot)
poème {m} :: poem (literary piece written in verse)
poëme {m} [archaic] :: alternative spelling of poème
pœnal {adj} :: obsolete form of pénal
poésie {f} :: poetry
poesque {adj} :: Poesque
poète {m} :: poet
poétereau {m} :: mediocre poet
poétesse {f} :: feminine noun of poète: poetess (female poet)
poétique {adj} :: poetic, poetical
poétiquement {adv} :: poetically (in a poetic way)
poétiser {vi} :: To versify
poétiser {vt} :: To poetize or poeticize
Pœuilly {prop} :: Pœuilly
Pogba {prop} :: surname
pogner {vt} [Quebec, Louisiana French] :: to catch
pogner {vt} [Quebec, Louisiana French] :: to grab, to grasp
pogner {v} [Quebec, Louisiana French, slang, figuratively] :: to seize
pogner {v} [Quebec, figuratively, impersonal verb] :: to be arrested or frozen (by a notion or emotion)
pogner {vt} [Quebec, slang] :: to surprise, to run into, to find out (someone in the act of wrongdoing, someone in hiding)
pogner {vt} [Quebec] :: to collide, to hit
pogner {vt} [Quebec, slang] :: to receive
pogner {vt} [Quebec, slang] :: to understand, [figuratively] to get (a joke)
pogner {vi} [Quebec, colloquial] :: to catch on or become popular, to succeed
pogner {vi} [Quebec, slang, idiomatic] :: to seduce, to have success in interpersonal relationships
pogner {vr} [Quebec, colloquial] :: to take or acquire something (for oneself)
pogner {v} [Quebec, colloquial] :: to become stuck or jammed (of one object in another, used reflexively)
pogner {v} [Quebec, slang] :: to argue, to quarrel (with someone), to butt heads (used either reflexively or with subject)
pogner {v} [Quebec, slang] :: to make out, or to make love or have sex (used reflexively)
pogner {vt} [Louisiana French, slang] :: to fool
pognon {m} [colloquial] :: dough, dosh, bread (money)
pogo {m} [Canada, food, colloquial] :: pogo (corndog on a stick)
pogoter {v} :: To dance the pogo
pogrom {m} :: pogrom
poichichade {f} :: A traditional Provençal spreadable dish consisting of chickpeas, garlic and olive oil
poids {m} :: weight
poids léger {m} :: lightweight (sports category)
poids lourd {m} :: HGV; heavy goods vehicle
poids lourd {m} :: heavyweight (sports category)
poids mort {m} :: dead weight
poids mort {m} [figuratively] :: dead weight
poids moyen {m} :: middleweight (sports category)
poignamment {adv} :: poignantly
poignant {adj} :: poignant
poignard {m} :: dagger
poignardage {m} [rare] :: stabbing
poignarder {v} :: to stab; to knife
poigne {f} :: grip
poignée {f} :: handful (amount held in hand)
poignée {f} :: handful (a small number)
poignée {f} :: (also poignée de main) handshake
poignée {f} :: grip (part of an object someone grips)
poignée {f} :: handle
poignée de main {f} :: handshake
poignet {m} :: wrist
poignet {m} :: carpus
poil {m} :: hair (on the body)
poil {m} :: bristle (on a brush)
poil à gratter {m} [practical joke] :: itching powder
poil au nez {phrase} [colloquial, humorous] :: Used as a rhyme with a word ending with the /e/ sound
poil aux dents {phrase} [colloquial, humorous] :: Used as a rhyme with a word ending with the /ɑ̃/ sound
poiler {vp} [colloquial] :: to laugh hard
poil pubien {m} :: a pubic hair, a pube
poilu {adj} [colloquial] :: hairy
poilu {adj} [dated, figurative] :: brave, courageous; energetic
poilu {m} [historical] :: poilu (French soldier during World War I)
poincarisme {m} :: The politics of Raymond Poincaré
poincariste {mf} :: An adherent of poincarisme
poinçon {m} :: stamp (device)
poinçon {m} :: a pointed tool, such as a punch, chisel, bodkin or awl
poinçon {m} :: hallmark (an official marking)
poinçonner {vt} :: to stamp, punch
poinçonner {vt} :: to hallmark
poinçonneuse {f} :: punch (machine)
poindre {vt} [obsolete] :: to prick, sting
poindre {vt} [literary] :: to sting, afflict (of pain, love etc.)
poindre {vi} :: to come up (of a plant), peep through
poindre {vi} [literary] :: to break, dawn (of day); to break (of dawn)
poindre {vi} [figurative] :: to appear, spring up
poing {m} :: fist
poing américain {m} :: brass knuckles
poing-à-poing {m} :: fist bump
point {m} :: point (small mark)
point {m} [sports, games] :: point
point {m} :: full stop, period (punctuation mark)
point {m} [knitting] :: stitch pattern
point {adv} [literary, dialectal, usually with "ne"] :: not
pointage {m} :: ticking off
pointage {m} :: checking in
pointage {m} :: scrutiny
point à la ligne {interj} [colloquial] :: period, full stop
point aveugle {m} :: blind spot (place where the optic nerve attaches to the retina)
point barre {interj} :: period; full stop
point cardinal {m} :: cardinal point
point chaud {m} [geology] :: hot spot
point commun {m} :: common feature, shared trait, thing in common, similarity
point d'ancrage {m} [literally and figuratively] :: anchor point, anchor
point d'Angleterre {m} :: Brussels lace
point d'articulation {m} [phonetics] :: place of articulation
point d'eau {m} :: water point, water source, watering place, watering hole
point d'ébullition {m} [physics] :: boiling point
point de chute {m} [skydiving] :: landing place, dropzone (target where a skydiver lands)
point de chute {m} [figuratively] :: place to stay, place to crash, stopping-off point
point de côté {m} :: stitch (pain in one's side)
point de départ {m} :: starting point
point de fuite {m} :: vanishing point
point de fusion {m} [physics] :: melting point
point de mire {m} :: target, point of aim
point de mire {m} [figuratively] :: focal point, cynosure
point de non retour {m} :: alternative spelling of point de non-retour
point de non-retour {m} [aviation] :: point of no return
point de non-retour {m} [figuratively] :: point of no return (moment when a process becomes irreversible)
point d'entrée {m} :: entry point
point de rebroussement {m} [geometry, analysis] :: cusp
point de repère {m} :: point of reference, landmark
point de rosée {m} [physics] :: dew point
point de suture {m} :: stitch (of surgical suture)
point de vente {m} :: point of sale
point de vente {m} :: salespoint, retail outlet, sales outlet, outlet store (shop that sells the products of a particular manufacturer or supplier)
point de vie {m} [video games] :: health point, life point, hit point
point de vue {m} :: point of view
point d'exclamation {m} :: exclamation mark, exclamation point
point d'expérience {m} [RPG] :: experience point
point d'inflexion {m} :: point of inflection (a change in curvature from concave to convex or from convex to concave)
point d'interrogation {m} :: question mark (punctuation)
point diplomatique {m} :: the punctuation ⟨ [[./.]] ⟩, a full stop followed by a slash followed by another full stop, used in French-language diplomatic texts to indicate the end of a message
point diplomatique {m} :: See: fr point diplomatique
point d'orgue {m} [music] :: pause, fermata
point d'orgue {m} [figuratively] :: climax, culmination, capstone
pointe {f} :: point
pointeau {m} :: punch, centrepunch
pointe aux âmes {f} [musical instruments, lutherie] :: soundpost setter, soundpost setting tool
pointe de vin {f} :: merriment caused by mild intoxication
pointer {v} :: to point to/at
pointer {v} [by extension] :: to indicate, to show, to point out
pointer {v} :: to punch in, to clock in
pointer {vp} [colloquial] :: to show up, turn up
pointer {m} :: pointer (dog)
pointer du doigt {vt} :: to point out, to indicate; to point at; to point the finger at, to blame, to accuse, to incriminate
pointeur {m} [military] :: One who points a cannon at its target
pointeur {m} :: One who maintains a register of people present and absent
pointeur {m} [computing, programming] :: A pointer
point exclarrogatif {m} [rare] :: interrobang (the punctuation mark ‽)
point faible {m} :: weakness, weak spot
point final {m} :: period [US usage]; full stop [UK usage]
point final {interj} :: period, full stop
point fort {m} :: strength, strong suit
point G {m} :: G-spot
pointillé {m} :: dotted line
pointillé {m} :: perforation
pointillé {m} [art] :: stippling
pointilleusement {adv} :: punctiliously
pointilleux {adj} :: punctilious, finicky, pernickety
pointillisme {m} [art] :: pointillism
point médian {m} [typography] :: interpunct, interpoint, middot
point mort {m} [physics] :: dead centre
point mort {m} [in vehicles] :: neutral (the position of a set of gears)
point mort {m} [figuratively] :: standstill, deadlock
point noir {m} :: blackhead, comedo
points de suspension {mp} :: ellipsis (mark used in printing to indicate an omission)
point triple {m} [physics] :: triple point
pointu {adj} :: sharp
pointu {adj} [figuratively] :: specialised, technical, pointed
pointure {f} :: shoe size
pointure {f} [colloquial] :: master; big name (person very skilled at doing something)
point virgule {m} :: semicolon
point-virgule {m} :: semicolon (punctuation mark)
poire {f} :: pear
poire {f} [colloquial] :: mug, sucker, soft touch
poire {f} [colloquial] :: mush, face
poire {f} :: A bulb, usually pear-shaped, used to collect gases or liquids, such as that of a dropper
poire {f} :: pear brandy
poire {f} :: A pear-shaped switch
poire {f} [butchery] :: A beef cut
poiré {m} :: perry (pear cider)
poire à lavement {f} :: bulb syringe, enema syringe, douche
poireau {m} :: leek (Allium ampeloprasum, syn. Allium porrum)
poireau {m} [slang] :: cock, dick
poireauter {v} [colloquial] :: to hang around, to hang
poire belle Hélène {f} :: A dessert made from pears poached in sugar syrup and served with vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup, and crystallized violets (or, in simpler variations, sliced almonds)
poire d'angoisse {f} :: pear of anguish, choke pear
poire d'avocat {f} :: avocado pear (avocado fruit)
poiré de glace {m} :: ice perry
poirée {f} :: chard [type of beet]
poiré mousseux {m} :: sparkling perry (pear champagne)
poirer {v} [slang] :: to nab, take by surprise
poirier {m} :: pear tree
poirier {m} :: headstand
Poirier {prop} :: surname
pois {m} :: pea
pois {m} :: polka dot
pois chiche {m} :: chick pea
pois de senteur {m} :: sweet pea
poison {m} :: poison
poissard {adj} :: (of language) coarse, common, vulgar
poissard {adj} :: unlucky
poisse {f} :: chronic bad luck
poisser {vt} :: to make sticky
poisser {vt} :: to nab (apprehend)
poisseux {adj} :: sticky
poisson {m} :: fish (marine animal)
Poisson {prop} :: surname
poisson-chat {m} :: catfish
poisson-chien {m} [Africa] :: The tigerfish, in the genus Hydrocynus
poisson-chien {m} [rare] :: The European mudminnow, Umbra krameri
poisson-chirurgien {m} :: surgeonfish
poisson d'avril {m} :: April fool (an April Fool's Day joke)
poisson-football {m} :: footballfish
poissonier {m} :: fish cook
poissonière {f} :: feminine noun of poissonier
poisson-lait {m} :: milkfish
poissonnerie {f} :: fishmonger's (shop which sells fish)
poissonneux {adj} :: Full of fish; abundant in fish
poissonnier {m} :: fishmonger (someone who sells fish)
poissonnière {f} :: feminine noun of poissonnier
poisson plat {m} :: flatfish
poisson rouge {m} :: goldfish
poisson royal {m} [law] :: royal fish
Poissons {prop} {mp} [astronomy] :: The constellation Pisces 'the Fishes'
Poissons {prop} {mp} [astrology] :: The zodiac sign Pisces, after the above
Poissons {prop} {mp} [geography] :: Poissons (municipality)
Poissons {prop} {mp} [geography] :: Poissons (canton), named after the above town, its capital
poisson-tigre {m} :: The tigerfish, in the genus Hydrocynus.
poisson-vipère {m} :: viperfish
poisson volant {m} :: flying fish (a tropical marine fish)
poitevin {adj} :: Poitevin
Poitiers {prop} :: Poitiers
Poitou-Charentes {prop} :: Poitou-Charentes, former region of France
poitrail {m} :: chest (of horse); breast (of bird etc.)
poitrail {m} [jocular] :: chest (of human)
poitrail de puzzle {m} [medicine, putative] :: jigsaw breast/chest
poitrinaire {adj} [archaic] :: consumptive, tubercular, phthistic
poitrine {f} :: chest (of body)
poitrine {f} :: breast (of body)
poitrine {f} :: breast (of poultry, as meat)
poivrade {f} :: poivrade
poivre {m} :: pepper (spice)
poivre blanc {m} :: white pepper (spice)
poivre de Cayenne {m} :: cayenne pepper (spice)
poivre de Cayenne {m} :: pepper spray (weapon)
poivre du moulin {m} :: freshly ground pepper
poivre et sel {adj} :: salt-and-pepper
poivre noir {m} :: black pepper (spice)
poivrer {v} :: to pepper (to season with pepper)
poivrier {m} :: pepper (plant)
poivrière {f} :: pepper pot
poivron {m} :: bell pepper (Capsicum annuum)
poivronnade {f} :: A traditional French dish consisting of peppers (the vegetable) and various herbs and spices, or other vegetables
poivrot {m} :: drunkard
poivrote {f} :: female equivalent of poivrot
poix {f} :: pitch
poker {m} [card games] :: poker
polacca {f} :: polonaise
Polack {m} :: alternative spelling of Polak (Polack, person of Polish descent)
polaire {adj} :: polar
Polak {m} [slang] :: Polack (person of Polish descent)
Polandball {m} :: Polandball
polaque {mf} :: alternative spelling of Polak (Polack, person of Polish descent)
polar {m} [colloquial] :: detective novel
polarimètre {m} :: polarimeter
polarimétrie {f} :: polarimetry
polarisabilité {f} :: polarizability
polarisation {f} :: polarization, polarisation
polarisé {adj} :: polarized
polariser {v} :: to polarize
polariseur {m} :: polarizer
polarité {f} :: polarity
polarographie {f} [chemistry, physics] :: polarography
polaroïd {m} :: Polaroid picture
polder {m} [geography] :: polder
-pole {suffix} :: -polis
-pole {suffix} :: -poly, related to market or economy
pôle {m} [geography, astronomy, science] :: pole
pôle {m} [figuratively] :: centre, hub
polémarque {m} [historical, Ancient Greece] :: polemarch
polémique {f} :: polemic, controversy
polémique {adj} :: polemic
polémique {adj} :: controversial
polémiquer {vi} :: to be involved in a controversy
polémiste {mf} :: polemicist
polémochorie {f} [biology] :: polemochory
pôle nord {m} :: north pole (of a magnet)
pôle Nord {m} :: north pole (northernmost point on celestial bodies)
pôle Nord {m} :: North Pole (of Earth)
polenta {f} :: polenta
pôle sud {m} :: south pole (of a magnet)
pôle Sud {m} :: south pole (the southernmost point on a celestial body)
polhodie {f} :: polhode
poli {adj} :: polite
poli {adj} :: polished
poli {m} :: lustre, polish
police {f} :: police
police {f} [typography] :: fount, font
police {f} [Quebec] :: cop (police officer)
police de l'air et des frontières {f} :: border police
police des mœurs {f} :: vice squad
police judiciaire {f} :: The detective / investigation division of the French police
policeman {m} :: policeman (in Anglophone countries)
policer {v} :: to police
polichinelle {m} :: Punchinello doll
polichinelle {m} :: buffoon
Polichinelle {prop} {m} :: Pulcinella (Italian theatrical character)
policier {adj} :: police (attributive)
policier {m} :: policeman, police officer
policier {m} :: police movie
policière {f} :: female equivalent of policier
policlinique {f} :: polyclinic
policlinique {f} :: outpatients (department of hospital)
poliment {adv} :: politely
poliomyélite {f} [pathology] :: poliomyelitis
poliomyélitique {adj} :: polio (attributive)
poliorcétique {adj} :: relative to siegecraft
poliorcétique {f} :: poliorcetics, siegecraft (the science of laying siege)
polir {v} :: to shine; to make a surface very smooth or shiny by rubbing, cleaning, or grinding (often polish up)
polir {v} :: to refine; remove imperfections
polissage {m} :: polishing
polissage {m} :: refining
polisseur {m} :: polisher (person) (machine, masculine only)
polisseuse {f} :: feminine noun of polisseur
polissoir {m} :: a polissoir
polisson {m} :: naughty child, scamp
polisson {adj} :: mischievous
polisson {adj} :: licentious, shameless
polissonner {v} [archaic] :: to be naughty
polissonnerie {f} :: mischief
polissonnerie {f} :: licentiousness
politesse {f} :: politeness, courtesy
politesse {f} :: polite remark/action
politicard {adj} [pejorative] :: politico (attributive)
politicard {m} [pejorative] :: politico
politicien {m} :: politician
politicienne {f} :: feminine noun of politicien
politique {adj} :: political
politique {f} [uncountable] :: politics
politique {f} :: policy
politique de l'autruche {f} :: ostrich politics, ostrich policy
politique du saucissonnage {f} :: salami technique (reach a goal using small steps)
politiquement {adv} :: politically
politiquement correct {adj} :: politically correct ((of language) not objectionable)
politiquement correct {m} [France] :: political correctness
politisation {f} :: politicization
politisé {adj} :: politicised
politiser {vt} :: to politicize
politiste {mf} :: synonym of politologue
politologue {mf} :: political scientist
polka {f} :: polka (dance and music)
pollakiurie {f} [pathology] :: pollakiuria
pollen {m} :: pollen
pollénine {f} :: pollenin
Pollestres {prop} {mf} :: Pollestres (town)
pollinifère {adj} :: polliniferous
pollinique {adj} [attributive] :: pollen
pollinisateur {adj} [of an insect] :: pollenising
pollinisateur {m} [botany] :: pollinator
pollinisation {f} :: pollination
polliniser {v} :: to pollinate
polluant {adj} :: polluting, which pollutes
polluant {m} :: pollutant, a substance which pollutes
polluer {v} :: to pollute (create pollution)
polluer {v} :: to soil, to pollute (to defame)
pollueur {m} :: polluter
pollueuse {f} :: feminine noun of pollueur
pollupostage {m} [Internet] :: spam
pollutaxe {f} :: pollution tax
pollution {f} :: pollution
pollution lumineuse {f} :: light pollution
Pollux {prop} [Greek god] :: Pollux
Pollux {prop} [star] :: Pollux
polo {m} :: polo (ball game played on horseback)
polo {m} :: polo shirt
Pologne {prop} {f} :: Pologne (country)
poloïdal {adj} [physics] :: poloidal
polonais {m} :: Polish, the Polish language
polonais {adj} :: Polish
Polonais {m} :: Pole, someone from Poland
polonaise {f} :: polonaise
Polonaise {f} :: feminine noun of Polonais
poloniser {v} :: To Polonize
polonium {m} :: polonium
poloniure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: polonide
polovtsien {adj} :: Polovtsian
Polovtsien {m} :: Polovtsian (male)
Polovtsienne {f} :: female equivalent of Polovtsien
poltron {mf} [pejorative] :: coward
poltron {adj} [pejorative] :: cowardly
poltronnement {adv} :: cowardly
poltronnerie {f} :: cowardice
poly- {prefix} :: poly- (many)
poly. {adj} :: alternative form of poly
poly. {n} :: alternative form of poly
poly {adj} [slang] :: clipping of polytechnique
poly {adj} [slang] :: clipping of polyvalent
poly {mf} [slang] :: clipping of polytechnique (this is itself a clipping of institut polytechnique or école polytechnique)
poly {mf} [slang] :: clipping of polyvalente (this is itself a clipping of institut polyvalent or école polyvalente)
polyacide {m} [chemistry] :: polyacid
polyacrylique {adj} :: polyacrylic
polyacrylique {m} :: polyacrylic
polyade {m} [maths] :: polyad
polyadelphe {adj} [botany] :: polyadelphous
polyadelphie {f} [botany] :: polyadelphy
polyadelphine {f} [mineral] :: polyadelphite
polyadène {adj} [botany] :: polyadenous (having many glands or nodules)
polyadique {adj} [maths] :: polyadic
polyakène {m} [botany] :: polyachene
polyalcool {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyalcohol
polyallélisme {m} [genetics] :: polyallelism
polyamour {m} :: polyamory (practices involving relationships with multiple partners)
polyamoureux {adj} :: polyamorous
polyandre {adj} :: polyandrous
polyandrie {f} :: polyandry
polyandrique {adj} :: polyandrous
polyandrisme {m} :: polyandrism
polyanthe {adj} :: polyanthous
polyanthropie {f} :: polyanthropy
polyarchie {f} :: polyarchy
polyarène {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyarene
polyarthrite {f} :: polyarthritis
polyarthrite rhumatoïde {f} :: rhumatoid polyarthritis
polyarticulaire {adj} :: polyarticular
polyatomique {adj} [chemistry] :: polyatomic
polyazole {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyazole
polybasique {adj} [chemistry] :: polybasic
Polybe {prop} {m} :: Polybius
polybutadiène {m} :: polybutadiene
polycalique {adj} :: polycalic
polycamératique {adj} :: polycameratic
polycarboxylate {m} [organic chemistry] :: polycarboxylate
polycarburant {adj} :: multifuel
polycarpellé {adj} [botany] :: polycarpic (having multiple carpels in a fruit)
polycarpien {adj} [botany] :: polycarpic (bearing fruit repeatedly)
polycarpien {adj} :: Of or from Saint-Polycarpe (in Quebec)
polycarpique {adj} [botany] :: polycarpic (all senses)
polycentrique {adj} :: polycentric
polycentrisme {m} :: polycentrism
polycéphale {adj} :: polycephalic
polycétide {m} [biochemistry] :: polyketide
polycétone {f} [organic chemistry] :: polyketone
polychète {f} [zoology] :: polychete
polychimiothérapie {f} [medicine] :: polychemotherapy
polychlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: polychloride
polycholie {f} [pathology] :: polycholia
polychore {m} [geometry] :: polychoron
polychorique {adj} [statistics] :: polychoric
polychreste {m} :: polychrest
polychroïsme {m} [physics] :: polychroism
polychroïte {f} :: polychroite
polychromatique {adj} :: polychromatic (all senses)
polychrome {adj} :: polychrome
polychrome {adj} :: multicoloured
polychromer {v} [art] :: To paint (especially a statue) in many colours
polychromie {f} :: polychromy
polychromiser {v} :: To paint (typically a statue) using polychrome
polychrone {adj} :: polychrone (attributive)
polychrone {adj} [physics] :: polychronous
polycistronique {adj} [genetics] :: polycistronic
polyclade {adj} [zoology, botany] :: polycladose, polycladous
polycladie {f} [botany] :: polyclady
polyclinique {f} :: private hospital
polycombustible {adj} :: synonym of multicombustible
polycondensat {m} [chemistry] :: polycondensate
polycondensé {adj} :: polycondensed
polyconique {adj} :: polyconic
polycopiage {m} :: duplication (of documents)
polycopie {f} :: duplicating (of documents)
polycopie {f} :: duplicate (document)
polycopié {adj} :: duplicated
polycopier {vt} :: to duplicate [documents]
polycopieuse {f} :: duplicator (duplicating machine)
polycorde {m} [music] :: polychord
polycorde {adj} [music] :: polychordal
polycotylaire {adj} [botany] :: polycotyledonous
polycratie {f} :: polycracy
polycristallin {adj} :: polycrystalline
polyculturalisme {m} :: synonym of multiculturalisme
polycyclique {adj} :: polycyclic
polycylindrique {adj} :: multi-cylinder (of an engine)
polycylindrique {adj} :: polycylindrical
polydactyle {adj} :: polydactylous
polydactylie {f} :: polydactyly
polydactylisme {m} :: polydactylism
polydenté {adj} :: polydentate
polydiméthylsiloxane {m} [organic chemistry] :: polydimethylsiloxane
polydipsie {f} :: polydipsia
polydispersé {adj} :: polydisperse
polydispersité {f} :: polydispersity
polyèdre {m} :: polyhedron (geometry: solid figure)
polyedrique {adj} :: alternative form of polyédrique
polyédrique {adj} :: polyhedral
polyembryonie {f} [botany] :: polyembryony
polyène {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyene
polyépoxyde {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyepoxide, epoxy (resin)
polyergue {f} :: Amazon ant (of the genus Polyergus)
polyestérifier {v} :: To polyesterify
polyéthylène {m} :: polyethylene
polyéthylène téréphtalate {m} :: polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
polyextrêmophile {mf} [biology] :: polyextremophile
polyfonctionnel {adj} :: Polyfunctional
polygalactie {f} :: polygalactia
polygale {m} :: milkwort
polygaline {f} [obsolete, chemistry] :: polygalin
polygalique {adj} :: polygalic
polygame {adj} :: polygamous
polygame {mf} :: polygamist
polygamie {f} :: polygamy
polygamique {adj} :: polygamic
polygamite {m} :: polygamist
polygastrique {adj} :: polygastric
polygenèse {adj} :: polygenetic
polygenèse {f} :: polygenesis
polygénèse {adj} :: alternative form of polygenèse
polygénèse {mf} :: alternative form of polygenèse
polygénétique {adj} :: polygenetic
polygénique {adj} :: polygenic
polygénisme {m} :: polygenism
polygéniste {adj} :: polygenist
polygéniste {mf} :: polygenist
polyglotte {adj} :: polyglot
polyglotte {mf} :: a polyglot
polyglottement {adv} :: polyglottically
polyglottement {adv} :: multilingually
polyglotter {v} :: To speak several languages
polyglottisme {m} :: polyglotism
polygonacée {f} :: knotweed (of family Polygonaceae)
polygonal {adj} :: polygonal
polygonation {f} :: polygonation
polygone {m} :: polygon
polygoniser {v} :: To polygonize
polygonométrie {f} [maths] :: polygonometry
polygramme {m} [linguistics] :: polygraph
polygraphe {m} :: polygraph (device to discern if a subject is lying)
polygraphe {m} :: polygraph (all other senses)
polygraphie {f} :: polygraphy
polygraphique {adj} :: polygraphic
polygraphiste {mf} :: polygraphist
polygynandrie {f} [biology] :: polygynandry
polygyne {adj} :: polygynous
polygynie {f} :: polygyny
polygynique {adj} :: polygynous
polyhandicap {m} :: polyhandicap
polyhandicapé {adj} :: Having a polyhandicap
polyholoside {m} [carbohydrate] :: polysaccharide
polyhydrite {f} [mineral] :: polyhydrite
polyhydroxyalcanoate {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyhydroxyalkanoate
polyinsaturé {adj} [organic chemistry] :: polyunsaturated
polyiodure {m} [chemistry] :: polyiodide
polyisoprène {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyisoprene
polykétide {m} :: alternative form of polycétide
polykystique {adj} [medicine] :: polycystic
polylactique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: polylactic
polylobé {adj} :: polylobate
polymaste {adj} :: polymastic
polymastie {f} :: polymastia
polymathe {mf} :: polymath
polymathie {f} :: polymathy
polymathique {adj} :: polymathic
polymathisme {m} :: polymathy
polymédicamenté {adj} :: Requiring several different medications
polymélie {m} [pathology] :: polymelia
polyménorrhée {f} :: polymenorrhea
polymérase {f} :: polymerase
polymère {m} :: polymer
polymérique {adj} [chemistry] :: polymeric
polymèrique {adj} [chemistry] :: polymeric
polymérisable {adj} :: polymerizable
polymérisation {f} :: polymerization
polymérisé {adj} :: polymerized
polymériser {vt} [chemistry] :: to polymerize
polymérisme {m} [chemistry] :: polymerism
polymétallique {adj} :: polymetallic
polymicrogyrie {f} [pathology] :: polymicrogyria
polymorphe {adj} :: polymorphic
polymorphe {adj} :: polymorphous
polymorphie {m} :: polymorphia, polymorphism
polymorphique {adj} :: polymorphic
polymorphisme {m} :: polymorphism
polymorphisme {m} [object-oriented programming] :: polymorphism
polymyosite {f} [pathology] :: polymyositis, dermatomyositis
polymythie {f} :: polymythy
polynational {adj} :: multinational
Polynésie {prop} {f} :: Polynesia
Polynésie française {prop} {f} :: French Polynesia
polynésien {adj} :: Polynesian (of or pertaining to Polynesia or its people or culture)
Polynésien {m} :: Polynesian person
Polynésienne {f} :: feminine noun of Polynésien
polynévrite {f} [pathology] :: polyneuritis
polynia {m} :: polynya
polynôme {m} [maths] :: polynomial
polynomial {adj} :: polynomial
polynômial {adj} :: alternative form of polynomial
polynucléaire {adj} :: polynuclear
polynucléotide {m} :: polynucleotide
polyodonte {adj} :: polyodont
polyoléfine {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyolefin
polyonychie {f} :: polyonychia
polyonyme {adj} :: polynymous
polyopie {f} :: polyopia
polyoside {m} [carbohydrate] :: polysaccharide
polyosidique {adj} :: polysaccharidal
polyoxygéné {adj} [chemistry] :: polyoxygenated
polyoxyméthylène {m} [organic compound] :: polyoxymethylene
polyparasitisme {m} [biology] :: polyparasitism
polype {m} :: polyp
polypeptidique {adj} :: polypeptidic
polypétale {adj} :: polypetalous
polypeux {adj} :: polypous
polyphagie {f} :: polyphagia
polyphasé {adj} :: polyphase (electrical)
polyphasique {adj} :: polyphasic
polyphénol {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyphenol
polyphénolique {adj} :: polyphenolic
polyphobie {f} :: polyphobia
polyphonie {f} :: polyphony
polyphonique {adj} :: polyphonic
polyphoniquement {adv} :: polyphonically
polyphylétique {adj} [systematics] :: polyphyletic
polyphylie {f} [systematics] :: polyphyly
polyphylle {adj} [botany] :: polyphyllous
polypiforme {adj} :: polypiform
polyploïde {adj} [genetics] :: polyploid
polyploïdie {f} [genetics] :: polyploidy
polyploïdiser {v} [genetics] :: To polyploidize
polypnée {f} :: polypnea
polypoïde {adj} :: polypoid
polypose {f} :: polyposis
polyprénol {m} [organic compound] :: polyprenol
polypropylène {m} :: polypropylene
polyptote {m} :: polyptoton (stylistic scheme)
polyptyque {m} [art] :: polyptych
polyrrhize {adj} :: polyrhizal
polysaccaride {m} :: alternative form of polysaccharide
polysaccharide {m} :: synonym of polyoside
polysarcie {f} :: polysarcia
polysémantique {adj} :: polysemantic
polysème {m} [linguistics] :: polyseme
polysème {adj} [linguistics] :: polyseme
polysémie {f} :: polysemy (ability to have multiple meanings)
polysémique {adj} :: polysemic (having a number of meanings, interpretations or understandings)
polysémiquement {adv} :: polysemically
polysépale {adj} [botany] :: polysepalous
polysialie {f} :: polysialia
polysomie {f} [genetics] :: polysomy
polysomique {adj} [genetics] :: polysomic
polyspaste {m} :: polyspast (machine consisting of many pulleys)
polysperme {adj} :: polyspermous
polyspermie {f} :: polyspermy
polystyrène {m} [organic chemistry] :: polystyrene
polystyrène {m} :: styrofoam
polysulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: polysulfide / polysulphide
polysyllabe {adj} :: polysyllabic
polysyllabe {m} :: polysyllable
polysyllabique {adj} :: polysyllabic
polysyndète {f} [rhetoric] :: polysyndeton
polysynodie {f} :: polysynody
polysynodique {adj} :: polysynodic
polysynthétique {adj} :: polysynthetic
polysynthétisme {m} :: polysynthesis
polytechnicien {adj} :: related to École polytechnique
polytechnicien {m} :: graduate of an École polytechnique
polytechnicienne {f} :: female equivalent of polytechnicien
polytechnique {adj} :: polytechnic
Polytechnique {prop} {f} [France, familiar] :: the École Polytechnique, a major institute of higher learning outside of Paris
polytélite {f} [mineral] :: polytelite
polyterpène {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyterpene
polytétrafluoroéthylène {m} [organic chemistry] :: polytetrafluoroethylene
polythéiser {v} :: To polytheize
polythéisme {m} [religion] :: polytheism
polythéiste {mf} :: polytheist
polythétique {adj} :: polythetic
polythiazyle {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: polythiazyl
polytomie {f} :: polytomy
polytonal {adj} [music] :: polytonal
polytonalité {f} [music] :: polytonality
polytonique {adj} :: polytonic (of music, multi-toned)
polytonique {adj} [phonology] :: polytonic
polytope {m} :: polytope
polytopisme {m} :: polytopism
polytoxicomane {mf} :: polytoxicomaniac (person addicted to multiple drugs)
polytraumatique {adj} :: polytraumatic
polytraumatisme {m} :: polytrauma
polytric {m} :: polytrichum
polytropie {f} :: polytropism
polytropique {adj} :: polytropic
polytyper {v} :: To polytype
polyuréthane {m} :: polyurethane (any of various polymeric resins containing urethane links)
polyurie {f} [pathology] :: polyuria
polyurique {adj} :: polyuric
polyvalence {m} :: versatility
polyvalent {adj} :: versatile, multipurpose; that has various uses, functions, or capacities
polyvalent {m} :: an employee who carries out various different functions
polyvinyle {adj} [organic chemistry] :: polyvinyl
polyvinylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: polyvinylic
polyzoaire {m} :: polyzoon, bryozoon
polyzoïque {adj} :: polyzoic
pomelo {m} :: alternative spelling of pomélo
pomélo {m} :: grapefruit
pomélo {m} :: pomelo
Poméranie {prop} :: Pomerania
pommade {f} :: ointment (a thick viscous preparation for application to the skin, often containing medication)
pommade {f} :: pomade (such a substance used for hair styling)
pommadé {adj} :: pomaded
pomme {f} :: apple (fruit)
pomme {f} :: Any of several objects of approximately the same shape and size
pomme {f} :: The fruit part of several vegetables
pomme {f} [colloquial] :: The head
pommeau {m} :: shower head
pommeau {m} :: pommel
pomme d'Adam {f} :: Adam's apple
pomme d'amour {f} :: toffee apple, candy apple
pomme d'amour {f} [obsolete] :: tomato
pomme de discorde {f} :: apple of discord, bone of contention
pomme de pin {f} :: pinecone
pomme de pré {f} [Acadia, dialectal, rare] :: cranberry
pomme de terre {f} :: potato (Solanum tuberosum)
pomme frite {f} :: [usually plural] frite; singular of pommes frites (french fries)
pommelé {adj} :: dappled
pomme paille {f} :: skinny fry; skinny chip
pomme purée {f} :: mashed potatoes; alternative form of purée de pommes de terre
pomme purée {f} :: pomme puree; (mashed potatoes made from the traditional high cuisine method)
pommer {v} [of vegetables, especially cabbage and lettuce] :: To develop a fruit
pommeraie {f} :: apple orchard
pommes frites {fp} :: french fries; chips
pommes soufflées {fp} :: slices of potato that have been fried twice so that they puff up into little balloons and turn golden-brown
pommette {f} :: cheekbone
pommier {m} :: apple tree
pomœrium {m} :: pomerium
pomologie {f} :: pomology
pompage {m} :: pumping
pompe {f} :: pump
pompe {f} [gymnastics] :: push-up
pompe {f} [music] :: Style of strumming, used especially in gypsy jazz
pompe {f} :: a solemn procession
pompe {f} :: pomp, vainglory
pompe {f} :: style, class
pompe {f} [France, slang] :: shoe
pompé {adj} :: pumped
pompe à essence {f} :: gas pump
pompe à essence {f} :: gas station, filling station
Pompéi {prop} :: Pompeii
pompéien {adj} :: Pompeiian
pomper {v} :: to pump
pomper {v} [Europe, slang] :: To copy
pomper {vr} [Quebec, slang] :: To grow angrier as time goes on, especially if there are no further reasons to do so
pomper {v} [slang] :: To fellate (1)
pomper {v} [rare] :: To make pumped up
pomper l'air {v} [à] :: [colloquial] to annoy (someone)
pompeusement {adv} :: pompously
pompeux {adj} :: pompous, bombastic (affectedly grand)
pompidolien {adj} :: Of or from Le Pompidou
pompidolien {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of Georges Pompidou
Pompidou {prop} :: surname
Pompidou {prop} :: Georges Pompidou (1911-1974), a French politician and former president of France
pompier {m} :: fireman, firefighter
pompier {m} [slang] :: blowjob
pompière {f} :: feminine singular of pompier
pom-pom girl {f} :: a female cheerleader
pompon {m} :: pompon (bundle of yarn, string, ribbon, etc.)
pomponnable {adj} :: primpable
pomponner {vt} :: to primp, titivate, prettify
ponant {m} :: The west
ponant {m} :: The western ocean (rather than the Mediterranean)
ponantais {adj} [nautical] :: western
ponçage {m} :: sanding
ponce {f} :: pumice
ponce {f} [Quebec] :: hot alcoholic beverage made with gin or rum
Ponce {prop} {m} :: Pontius
ponceau {m} :: corn poppy
ponceau {m} :: poppy colour
ponceau {m} :: a small bridge
poncer {v} :: to rub down with an abrasive, sandpaper
ponceuse {f} :: sander (machine used for sanding)
ponch {m} :: alternative spelling of punch
poncho {m} :: poncho
poncif {m} [literary] :: banality, derivative, stereotype
ponction {f} :: puncture (especially a surgical one)
ponction {f} :: deduction, that which is taken away (such as a tax)
ponctionner {vt} :: to puncture
ponctionner {vt} :: to deduct [tax, etc.]
ponctualité {f} :: punctuality
ponctuation {f} :: punctuation
ponctué {adj} :: punctuated
ponctuel {adj} :: punctual, on time
ponctuel {adj} [physics] :: pointlike
ponctuel {adj} :: infrequent, occasional
ponctuellement {adv} :: punctually
ponctuellement {adv} :: occasionally, less frequently, only at certain times
ponctuer {v} :: to punctuate
pondaison {f} [rare] :: egglaying season
pondérable {adj} :: ponderable
pondéral {adj} :: weight (attributive); ponderal
pondération {f} :: weighting
pondération {f} :: balance
pondérer {v} :: to weight (applying a weighting to)
pondéreux {adj} :: weighty, ponderous
pondeuse {f} :: an egg layer
pondeuse {f} [slang, by extension, pejorative] :: a woman who gives birth to many children; a breeder
Pondichéry {prop} :: Puducherry (Puducherry, India)
pondoir {m} :: nest box
pondre {v} :: to lay (eggs)
pondre {v} [slang, France] :: to give birth
poney {m} :: pony
pongiste {mf} :: table tennis player
Poniatowski {prop} :: surname
pont {m} :: bridge
pont {m} :: deck
pont {m} [dentistry, Canada] :: bridge
pont aérien {m} :: airlift
pontage {m} [medicine] :: bypass (an alternative passage created to divert a bodily fluid around a damaged organ)
pontage {m} :: bridge-building
pont disulfure {m} [chemistry] :: disulfide bond
pont d'or {m} :: golden hello
ponte {f} :: laying of eggs
ponte {f} :: laying season
ponte {m} :: "punter (cards)"
ponté {adj} :: bridged
Ponte Euxine {prop} {m} [obsolete] :: Euxine Sea
ponter {v} :: to build a bridge
pontet {m} :: small bridge
pontet {m} :: trigger guard
ponteuse {f} :: wire bonder
Pont-Euxin {prop} {m} :: the Black Sea
pontier {m} :: bridgetender
pontière {f} :: feminine noun of pontier
pontife {m} :: pontiff [all senses]
pontifical {adj} :: pontifical
pontificalement {adv} :: pontifically
pontificat {m} :: pontificate (state of a pontifex)
pontifier {v} :: to pontificate
pont-levis {m} :: drawbridge
ponton {m} [military] :: pontoon
ponton {m} [nautical] :: pontoon (floating structure supporting a bridge or dock)
ponton {m} [nautical] :: pontoon (the boat)
pont suspendu {m} :: suspension bridge
POO {f} :: initialism of programmation orientée objet (OOP)
pooler {v} :: To pool (combine resources)
poolish {m} :: poolish
pop {adj} :: pop (popular)
pop {m} :: pop, pop music
pop-corn {m} :: popcorn
popcorn {m} :: alternative spelling of pop-corn
poper {v} [Internet] :: To access email via a POP server
Popesco {prop} :: surname
Popescu {prop} :: surname
poplité {adj} [anatomy] :: Related to the calf
popo {m} :: potty
popo {m} :: poop (excrement)
popotin {m} [colloquial] :: bum (UK), butt (US)
Poppée {prop} :: Poppaea
poppérien {adj} :: Popperian
populace {f} :: populace, common people
populacier {adj} [pejorative] :: vulgar, common
populacièrement {adv} :: vulgarly, commonly
populage {m} :: kingcup (Caltha palustris)
populage des marais {m} :: kingcup, buttercup, marsh marigold
populaire {adj} :: popular (relating to the people), working-class
populaire {adj} :: popular (liked by many people)
populaire {adj} :: People's, as in People's Republic of China (in French: République Populaire de Chine)
populaire {adj} [linguistics] :: colloquial
populaire {m} :: populace, the people
populairement {adv} :: popularly
popularisé {adj} :: popularized
populariser {v} :: to popularize
popularité {f} :: popularity
population {f} :: A population
populationnel {adj} :: populational
populeux {adj} :: populous (densely populated)
populicole {adj} :: poplar (attributive)
populine {f} [organic compound] :: populin
populisme {m} :: populism
populiste {adj} :: populist
populo {m} [slang, pejorative] :: hoi polloi, commoners, plebs
poquer {v} [obsolete] :: in pétanque, to throw the boule up high so that it stops dead when it hits the ground
porc {m} :: pork
porc {m} :: pig
porcelaine {f} :: cowrie, a mollusk of the family Cypraeidae, or its translucent shell
porcelaine {f} :: porcelain, the translucent ceramic of fine china, or vessels made of this material
porcelainier {m} :: A person who makes or sells porcelain
porcelainière {f} :: feminine singular of porcelainier
porcelet {m} :: diminutive of porc: piglet
porc-épic {m} :: porcupine
porche {m} :: porch, portico (decorated or ornate entrance to a building)
porcher {m} :: swineherd (pig keeper)
porchère {f} :: feminine noun of porcher
porcherie {f} [literally or figuratively] :: pigsty
porcin {adj} :: porcine; pig (of or relating to pigs)
Pordenone {prop} :: Pordenone (province)
Pordenone {prop} :: Pordenone (capital city)
pore {m} :: pore (small opening in skin)
pore {m} :: by extension, small openings
poreux {adj} :: porous
Pori {prop} :: Pori (city)
porisme {m} [maths] :: porism
poristique {adj} [geometry] :: poristic
porn {f} :: porn
porno {m} [uncountable, colloquial] :: porno; porn
porno {m} [countable, colloquial] :: a porn movie, a skin flick, a blue movie
pornographe {mf} :: pornographer
pornographie {f} :: pornography
pornographique {adj} :: pornographic
pornographiquement {adv} :: pornographically
porosité {f} :: porosity, porousness
porosité {f} :: permeability
porphyre {m} :: porphyry
porphyrine {f} [organic compound] :: porphyrin
port {m} :: port, harbour
port {m} :: port, harbour city
port {m} :: refuge
port {m} :: transport
port {m} :: postage
port {m} :: stature, way of carrying oneself
port {m} :: wearing (act of wearing something)
portabilité {f} :: portability
portabilité {f} :: wearability
portable {adj} :: portable
portable {m} :: a cell phone; ellipsis of téléphone portable
portable {m} :: a laptop; ellipsis of ordinateur portable
portail {m} :: portal (imposing entrance)
portail {m} [Internet] :: portal
portail {m} :: gate
portail {m} [figuratively] :: portal (entry point)
portance {f} :: lift (upward force, such as that which keeps an aircraft aloft)
portance {f} :: bearing pressure
portant {adj} :: carrying
portatif {adj} :: portable
Port-au-Prince {prop} :: Port-au-Prince (capital city)
port d'attache {m} :: port of registry
port d'attache {m} [figuratively] :: home base
port de plaisance {m} :: marina
porte {f} :: door
porte {f} :: gate (to a city, at airport)
porte {f} [figuratively] :: gateway, means, door
porté {adj} [followed by the preposition sur] :: fond of, fixated on something
porte à deux battants {f} :: a set of double doors
porte-aéronefs {m} :: aircraft carrier
porte-à-faux {m} :: unstable position
porte-à-faux {m} [figuratively] :: awkward situation, awkward position
porte-à-faux {m} [architecture] :: cantilever
porte-à-porte {adj} :: door-to-door (going from house to house)
porte-avions {m} :: aircraft carrier, a type of warship
porte-bonheur {m} :: lucky charm
porte-cigares {m} :: cigarette case
porte-clé {m} :: alternative spelling of porte-clef
porte-clef {m} [archaic] :: turnkey
porte-clef {m} :: keychain, keyring
porte cochère {f} :: porte cochère
porte-coton {m} :: Groom of the Stool
porte-croix {m} :: cross bearer
porte d'embarquement {f} :: departure gate, boarding gate
porte d'entrée {f} :: front door
porte de sortie {f} :: exit door
porte de sortie {f} [figuratively] :: way out, escape route, get out of jail free card; get-out, loophole
porté disparu {adj} [of a victim] :: reported missing, listed missing, missing in action
porte-documents {m} :: briefcase
porte-drapeau {m} :: flagbearer
portée {f} :: reach
portée {f} :: litter (animals born in one birth)
portée {f} :: range (of a weapon)
portée {f} [music] :: stave
portefaix {m} [archaic] :: porter
porte-fenêtre {f} :: French window, French door
portefeuille {m} :: wallet
portefeuille {m} :: folder
portefeuille {m} :: portfolio (investments)
portefeuille {m} [politics] :: portfolio
porte-jaja {m} [slang] :: suspender belt (UK), garter belt (US)
porte-jarretelles {m} :: suspender belt (UK), garter belt (US)
porte-malheur {m} :: jinx, bad-luck charm
portemanteau {m} :: coat stand, coat rack
porte-mine {m} :: mechanical pencil
portemine {m} :: alternative spelling of porte-mine
porte-monnaie {m} :: purse
portemonnaie {m} :: alternative form of porte-monnaie
porte moustiquaire {f} :: A screen door (a door designed to let air flow but keep out insects, using an insect screen)
porte papillon {f} :: butterfly door (a door mounted on a central pivot point which opens both inwards and outwards at the same time from the two halves)
porte papillon {f} :: a door which opens upwards, such as gullwing doors and scissor doors
porte-parole {mf} :: A spokesperson, a spokesman, a spokeswoman
porter {v} :: to carry
porter {v} :: to support, to bear
porter {v} :: to wear
porter {v} [of a subject, followed by the preposition sur] :: (porter sur quelque chose) to be about, to concern
porter {vr} [se porter] :: to feel, to carry one's self
porter {m} :: porter (beer)
porter à ébullition {v} [cooking] :: to bring to the boil
porter à faux {v} :: to jut out, to be out of the perpendicular; to overhang
porter assistance {v} [à] :: to give assistance to someone
porter atteinte {v} [à] :: to harm, to detract from
porter aux nues {vt} :: to praise to the skies, to sing the praises of, to extol
porter bonheur {v} :: to bring luck
porter de l'eau à la rivière {v} [figuratively] :: to carry coals to Newcastle
porter la culotte {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to wear the pants, to wear the trousers
porter la poisse {v} [colloquial] :: to jinx, to bring bad luck, to bring misfortune, to be unlucky
porter le chapeau {v} [figuratively] :: to shoulder the blame, to take the blame, to take the fall, to take the rap, to carry the can
porter malheur {v} :: to bring bad luck, to bring misfortune, to be unlucky
porter ombrage {v} [à] :: to overshadow, to outshine, to put in the shade, to eclipse
porter plainte {v} :: to complain, to lodge a (formal) complaint
porter plainte {v} [legal] :: to bring a criminal action (contre (against))
porter sa croix {v} [figuratively] :: to bear one's cross, to carry one's cross
porter secours {v} [à] :: to bring help to someone, to come to someone's aid, to come to someone's rescue, to help someone
porter ses fruits {v} [figuratively] :: to bear fruit, to pay off
porteur {m} :: carrier (one who carries)
porteur {m} :: porter
porteur {m} :: bringer; bearer
porteur {m} :: wearer (one who wears)
porteur {adj} :: carrying (in the process or carrying)
porteuse {f} :: feminine noun of porteur
portfolio {m} :: portfolio
Porthos {prop} :: [very rare] given name
Porthos {prop} :: One of the Three Musketeers
portier {m} :: gatekeeper, doorkeeper, doorman
portier {m} [soccer] :: goalkeeper
portière {f} :: feminine noun of portier
portière {f} :: car door
portillon {m} :: gate
portion {f} :: portion
portique {m} [architecture] :: portico
portique {m} :: gantry
portique {m} :: A type of crane
portique {m} :: frame (of a swing, jungle gym etc.)
portique {m} :: metal detector (at airport etc.)
porto {m} :: port wine
Porto {prop} :: Oporto
porto-ricain {adj} :: alternative form of portoricain
portoricain {adj} :: Puerto Rican
Portoricain {m} :: Puerto Rican (person from Puerto Rico)
Porto-Ricain {m} :: alternative form of Portoricain
Portoricaine {f} :: feminine noun of Portoricain
Porto-Ricaine {f} :: feminine noun of Porto-Ricain
Porto Rico {prop} {m} :: Puerto Rico
portos {mf} [pejorative, ethnic slur] :: Portuguese
portrait {m} :: portrait
portrait {m} [printing] :: portrait (format)
portrait {m} :: description (of a person or things)
portrait craché {m} :: spitting image, dead ringer
portraitiste {mf} :: portraitist (portrait painter or photographer)
portraiture {f} [obsolete] :: portrait
portraiturer {vt} :: to paint a portrait
portraiturer {vt} :: to portray
Port Royal {prop} {m} :: Port Royal; alternative form of Port-Royal
Port-Royal {prop} {m} :: Port-Royal (former capital city)
Port-Royal {prop} {m} :: A location in Canada
Port-Royal {prop} {m} [historical] :: Port-Royal (former capital city)
Port-Royal {prop} {m} [historical] :: former name of Annapolis Port-Royal (town)
Port-Royal {prop} {m} :: Port-Royal (village)
Port-Royal {prop} {m} :: Port-Royal (village)
Port-Royal {prop} {m} :: Port-Royal (neighbourhood)
Port-Royal {prop} {m} :: A location in the United States of America
Port-Royal {prop} {m} :: Port-Royal (inlet)
Port-Royal {prop} {m} :: Port-Royal (island)
Port-Royal {prop} {m} :: Port-Royal (city)
portuaire {adj} [attributive] :: port; relating to ports
portugais {m} :: Portuguese, the Portuguese language
portugais {adj} :: Portuguese
Portugais {m} :: a native of Portugal; a Portuguese
portugais brésilien {m} :: Brazilian Portuguese
portugais du Brésil {m} :: Brazilian Portuguese
portugais du Portugal {m} :: European Portuguese
Portugaise {f} :: feminine noun of Portugais; Portuguese (someone from Portugal)
Portugal {prop} {m} :: Portugal (country)
posadisme {m} :: Posadism
posadiste {adj} :: Posadist
posadiste {mf} :: Posadist
pose {f} :: installation
pose {m} :: extension (in telecommunications)
Poséidon {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Poseidon
posément {adv} :: calmly
posemètre {m} [photography] :: exposure meter
poser {vt} :: to stop carrying, to put down (something or somebody)
poser {vt} :: to ask (a question)
poser {vt} :: to land (a plane)
poser {vt} :: to lay, place
poser {vt} :: to install, fit
poser culotte {v} [dated, literary] :: to defecate
poser la chique et faire le mort {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Martin Parish] :: to stay silent
poser la première pierre {v} [figuratively] :: to lay the first stone, to lay the foundation stone
poser problème {v} [colloquial] :: [à] to pose a problem to someone, to bother someone
poser ses valises {v} [figuratively] :: to settle down
poser une colle {v} :: See: fr poser une colle
poser une colle {v} [colloquial] :: [à] to bowl a googly, to set a poser, to stump, to ask a toughie (to ask someone a question they are unable to answer)
poser une pêche {v} :: See: fr poser une pêche
poser une pêche {v} [very, colloquial] :: to take a dump, to drop a deuce
poser un lapin {v} :: See: fr poser un lapin
poser un lapin {v} [à] :: [colloquial] To stand someone up
poseur {adj} :: pompous, affected
poseur {m} :: poseur
posidonie {f} :: seagrass (of genus Posidonia)
positif {adj} :: positive (characteristic)
positif {adj} :: (number) positive or zero. nonnegative
positif {adj} :: positive (for e.g. a drug test)
positif {m} :: positive, something positive
positif {m} [physics] :: positive (electrical polarity)
positif {m} [linguistics] :: positive form
position {f} :: position
position de tête {f} [motorsports] :: pole position
position intéressante {f} [euphemistic, singulare tantum] :: interesting condition
position latérale de sécurité {f} :: recovery position
positionnel {adj} :: positional
positionnement {m} :: positioning
positionner {vt} :: to position
positionner {v} :: to position oneself, to prepare oneself
position sexuelle {f} :: sexual position
positivement {adv} :: positively, absolutely
positiver {v} :: to think positively; to be optimistic
positivisme {m} [philosophy] :: positivism
positiviste {adj} :: positivist
positivité {f} [countable or uncountable] :: positivity
positon {m} [physics] :: positon
positonique {adj} :: alternative form of positronique
positron {m} [particle] :: positron
positronique {adj} :: positronic
posologie {f} :: posology
possédant {adj} :: propertied, property-owning
posséder {v} :: to own; to possess
posséder sexuellement {v} [literary or dated, euphemistic] :: to have sex (with)
possesseur {m} :: possessor
possesseuse {f} :: feminine noun of possesseur
possessif {adj} :: possessive
possessif {m} [grammar] :: possessive pronoun (broad sense); possessive pronoun (strict sense) or possessive adjective)
possessif {m} [grammar] :: possessive, possessive case
possession {f} :: possession
possessivité {f} :: possessiveness
possessoire {adj} [legal] :: possessory
possessoirement {adv} [legal] :: possessorily
possessrice {f} :: feminine noun of possesseur
possibilisme {m} :: possibilism
possibiliste {adj} :: possibilist
possibiliste {mf} :: possibilist
possibilité {f} :: possibility
possible {adj} :: possible
possible {m} :: The possible, feasible, what can be done, achieved etc
possiblement {adv} :: possibly
post- {prefix} :: post-
post {m} [Internet] :: post (message on a blog, etc.)
postaccélérer {v} :: To post-accelerate
postage {m} :: postage
postage {m} [Internet] :: post, posting
postal {adj} :: postal
postalement {adv} :: postally
postalvéolaire {adj} :: postalveolar
postalvéolovélaire {adj} :: postalveovelar
postclassique {adj} :: postclassical (after the classical era)
postcombustion {f} :: reheat, afterburning (in an aero engine)
postcrânien {adj} :: postcranial
postdater {vt} :: to postdate
postdoctorant {m} :: postdoctoral student
postdoctorante {f} :: feminine noun of postdoctorant
poste {f} :: post office
poste {f} [uncountable] :: mail, postal service/system
poste {m} :: job, post
poste {m} :: position (in sport, or observation post)
poste {m} [slang] :: police station (ellipsis of poste de police), nick
poste {m} :: a receiver, an electronic device
poste {m} [colloquial] :: radio (ellipsis of poste de radio)
poste {m} [colloquial] :: TV, TV set (ellipsis of poste de télévision)
poste {m} :: (telephone) extension
poste {m} :: stretch, stint (at work)
poste de commandement {m} [military] :: command post
poste de contrôle {m} :: checkpoint
poste de contrôle {m} :: control room
poste d'écoute {m} [military] :: listening post
poste de quartier {m} :: neighbourhood station / district station / community station
poste d'essence {f} :: petrol station, gas station
poste de travail {m} :: workstation (area for a single worker)
poster {vt} :: To post, (put in the) mail
poster {vt} [military] :: To post
poster {m} :: poster (A billboard to be posted on a public or private place)
postérieur {adj} :: posterior
postérieurement {adv} :: later, subsequently
postériorité {f} :: posteriority
postérité {f} :: posterity
postérité {f} :: history
postfacé {adj} :: Having an epilogue or afterword
postfixé {adj} :: postfix, reverse Polish
posthomérique {adj} :: post-Homeric
posthume {adj} :: posthumous (taking place after someone's death)
posthumement {adv} :: alternative form of posthumément
posthumément {adv} :: posthumously
postiche {f} :: toupee, hairpiece, wig
postiche {f} :: false moustache, false beard
postiche {adj} :: artificial; false
postier {m} :: postman, postal worker
postière {f} :: feminine noun of postier
postillon {m} [historical] :: postman (courier who rides post)
postillon {m} :: postilion
postillon {m} [historical] :: a French-style hat worn by the postal workers
postillon {m} [colloquial] :: spittle (drop of saliva)
postillonner {v} :: to splutter (speak while spitting)
postillonneux {adj} :: spluttery; spitty (of a voice, characterised by lots of spluttering or spitting)
postimplantatoire {adj} :: post-implant
post-it {m} :: post-it note, post-it
postmoderne {adj} :: postmodern (of, relating to, or having the characteristics of postmodernism)
postmoderne {adj} :: postmodernist
postmodernisme {m} [art] :: postmodernism
postmodernité {f} :: postmodernity
postnucléaire {adj} :: postnuclear
postopératoire {adj} :: postoperative
postposer {v} [grammar] :: to postpose
postposer {v} [Belgium] :: to postpone
postposition {f} [grammar] :: postposition
postscolaire {adj} :: after-school
post scriptum {phrase} :: post scriptum
postscriptum {m} :: alternative form of post-scriptum
postsecondaire {adj} :: postsecondary
postsynaptique {adj} :: postsynaptic
postsynchronisation {f} :: dubbing (adding sound to a film)
postsynchroniser {vt} :: to dub (add sound to a film)
post-traumatique {adj} :: post-traumatic
postulat {m} [mathematics, logic] :: postulate
postulé {adj} :: postulated
postuler {vt} [obsolete] :: to claim, to request, to ask for
postuler {v} [à, pour] :: to apply (for a job, a position, a title)
postuler {v} :: to postulate (assume as true)
postuler {v} :: to posit
posture {f} :: posture, attitude
posture {f} :: conduct, comportment
pot {m} :: pot, jar, vase, tin, can, carton (container of any of various materials)
pot {m} :: cooking pot (any vessel used to cook food)
pot {m} [culinary] :: dish
pot {m} [childish] :: potty (the pot used when toilet-training children)
pot {m} [colloquial] :: drink, jar, bevvy (alcoholic beverage)
pot {m} [colloquial] :: do [UK], bash, drinks party (small, informal party or celebration)
pot {m} [card games] :: pot, kitty, pool (money staked at cards, etc.)
pot {m} [colloquial] :: luck (success; chance occurrence, especially when favourable)
pot {m} [oenology] :: half-litre bottle or measure of wine
pot {m} :: pre-metric unit of measure, equivalent to 1.5 litres
pot {m} :: paper size, about 40 by 31 cm
pot {m} [slang, vulgar] :: arse, ass (buttocks)
pot {m} [Canada] :: pot, weed (cannabis, marijuana)
potabilisation {f} :: potabilization
potabilité {f} :: potability
potable {adj} :: potable
potable {adj} [colloquial] :: OK, passable
potache {adj} :: schoolboy
potache {m} [colloquial] :: student, school kid
potage {m} :: soup (dish)
potage Crécy {m} :: A kind of creamy carrot soup
potage Esaü {m} :: A kind of lentil soup
potager {adj} :: potager
potager {m} :: vegetable garden
potager {m} :: warming oven (a type of obsolete stone oven)
potage Saint-Germain {m} :: A kind of pea soup
potamochère {m} :: any species of the Potamochoerus genus
potamoplancton {m} [biology] :: potamoplankton
potard {m} [electronics] :: potentiometer
potard {m} [slang] :: pharmacy student or assistant
potasse {f} :: potash
potasser {v} :: to revise, cram (academic material, etc.)
potassique {adj} [chemistry] :: potassium (attributive)
potassium {m} :: potassium
pot-au-feu {m} :: Meat and vegetables cooked together in a large pot
pot-au-feu {m} :: A cooking pot
Pot-au-Noir {prop} {m} [geography] :: doldrums
pot aux roses {m} :: the underlying facts, the hidden truth, the secret, the mystery
pot catalytique {m} :: catalytic converter
pot commun {m} [figuratively] :: common purse, kitty (communal fund)
pot de chambre {m} :: chamber pot
pot d'échappement {m} :: an exhaust pipe
pot de colle {m} :: gluepot
pot de colle {m} [figuratively, colloquial] :: a clinging vine, a clingy person, a tagger-along, a cling-on, a leech
pot de fleur {m} :: A flowerpot
pot de fleur {m} [figurative] :: An inactive, improductive person, especially as a member of a committee or a group
pot-de-vin {m} :: a bribe, payoff, sop
pote {mf} [colloquial] :: mate (UK), buddy (US)
poteau {m} :: post, pole, stake, stanchion, strut, standard, prop
poteau {m} [sports] :: goalpost
poteau {m} [France, slang] :: friend, buddy
potée {f} :: potful
potée {f} :: hotpot [of various sorts]
potelé {adj} [obsolete] :: swollen, awkward
potelé {adj} :: plump, chubby
potence {f} [construction] :: post and braces
potence {f} :: gallows, gibbet (for hanging)
potence {f} :: stem (component on a bicycle)
potentat {m} :: potentate (a powerful leader)
potentialisation {f} :: potentiation, potentialization
potentialiser {vt} :: to potentiate
potentialiser {vt} :: to potentialize
potentialité {f} :: potentiality
potentiel {adj} :: potential
potentiel {m} :: potential
potentiellement {adv} :: potentially
potentille {f} :: cinquefoil, potentilla
potentiomètre {m} :: potentiometer
Potenza {prop} :: Potenza (city/and/province)
poterie {f} :: pottery
poterne {f} :: postern
potiche {f} :: porcelain vase
potiche {f} :: figurehead (person); window dressing
potiche {f} [chiefly Europe] :: trophy wife
potier {m} :: potter
potier {adj} :: potter, pottery
potier {adj} :: of or from Villers-les-Pots
potière {f} :: feminine noun of potier; potter
potimarron {m} :: red kuri squash (cultivar of species Cucurbita maxima)
potin {m} :: pewter
potin {m} [colloquial] :: gossip, tittle-tattle
potion {m} :: potion
potiron {m} :: pumpkin
potiron {m} :: winter squash
potlatch {m} :: potlatch
pot-pourri {m} :: potpourri (collection of various things)
pou {m} :: louse; head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis)
pouah {interj} :: ugh!, yuck!
poubelle {f} :: rubbish
poubelle {f} :: rubbish bin, garbage can
poucave {f} [slang] :: snitch, informer
poucave {v} [slang] :: to betray, to snitch on
pouce {m} :: thumb
pouce {m} :: inch
poucet {m} :: A very small person
poucette {f} :: feminine singular of poucet
pouchkinien {adj} :: Pushkinian
pouding {m} :: alternative spelling of pudding
pouding chômeur {m} :: pouding chômeur
Poudlard {prop} {m} :: Hogwarts, the fictional school of magic in the Harry Potter series
poudre {f} :: powder
poudre {f} [obsolete] :: dust
poudre à canon {f} :: gunpowder
poudre à laver {f} :: washing powder
poudre à lessiver {f} [Belgium] :: washing powder
poudre aux yeux {f} [figuratively] :: smoke and mirrors, smokescreen
poudre de perlimpinpin {f} :: A powder, purported to have magic powers, formerly sold by charlatans
poudre de perlimpinpin {f} [by extension, idiomatic] :: snake oil (a fraudulent cure-all or remedy)
poudrer {v} :: to powder (cover in powder)
poudrerie {f} [Canada] :: blowing snow
poudre Shimosa {f} :: Shimose powder; a picric acid based explosive
poudreuse {f} :: powder, powder snow
poudreux {adj} :: powdery (covered in powder)
poudrier {m} :: powder compact
poudrière {f} :: powder keg or magazine
poudrière {f} [figuratively] :: tinderbox
poudroyer {vi} :: to rise in clouds
pouët {interj} :: toot; parp
pouf {m} :: pouffe (thick cushion)
pouf {m} :: a girl of bad conduct
pouf {interj} :: poof (onomatopoeia)
pouffer {vi} :: To burst out (with laughter); to crack up
pouffiasse {f} [slang, pejorative] :: slag, floozy, whore
pougnasson {m} :: (possibly local, from Lorraine) incompetent worker
pougne {f} [Swiss] :: cheating; cheating strategy
pougner {v} [Swiss, familiar] :: to cheat
pouillerie {f} :: squalor
Pouilles {prop} :: Pouilles (region)
pouilleux {adj} :: louse-infested
pouilleux {adj} [figuratively, pejorative] :: lousy, miserable
pouilleux {m} :: person who has lice
pouilleux {m} :: lousy, miserable person; a bum
pouillot {m} :: warbler
Pouilly-Fumé {m} :: Pouilly-Fumé
poujadisme {m} :: Poujadism
poujadisme {m} [pejorative] :: reactionary petit-bourgeois attitude
poujadiste {mf} :: Poujadist
poujadiste {mf} [pejorative] :: person with a reactionary petit-bourgeois attitude
poulaga {m} [slang] :: policeman
poulaille {f} [dialectal] :: poultry
poulaille {f} [slang] :: cop, rozzer (police)
poulailler {m} :: henhouse, coop, chicken coop
poulailler {m} [colloquial] :: gods, gallery (of a theatre)
poulain {m} :: foal (young horse)
Poulain {m} [historical] :: The issue of marriages between Franks and Syrian natives at the time of the Crusades
Poulain {prop} :: Poulain; surname
poulaine {f} :: poulaine
poulamon {m} :: tomcod (fish of species Microgadus tomcod)
poularde {f} :: Young, fattened chicken
poule {f} :: hen (female chicken)
poule {f} [slang] :: chick, bird (woman)
poule {f} [cards] :: pool
poule {f} :: pool, group (stage of a competition before the knockout stages)
poule au pot {f} :: A kind of chicken and vegetable stew from Gers, France
poule aux œufs d'or {f} [figuratively] :: golden goose
poule d'eau {f} :: moorhen
poule d'eau {f} :: batfish
poule d'eau {f} [Louisiana French] :: duck, the American coot (Fulica americana)
poule mouillée {f} [colloquial] :: milksop, chickenshit, chicken-heart (coward)
poulet {m} [culinary] :: chicken
poulet {m} [slang, pejorative] :: policeman (especially a plain-clothes police detective)
poulet {m} [obsolete] :: love letter
poulet basquaise {m} :: A kind of stew containing braised chicken and piperade
poulet du Général Tao {m} :: General Tao chicken
pouliche {f} :: filly
poulie {f} :: pulley
poulie {f} [nautical] :: block
pouliner {v} :: to foal (give birth)
pouliot {m} :: pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)
pouliot {m} [rare] :: a certain kind of thread or pulley on a chariot and also a ship
Pouliot {prop} :: surname
poulpe {m} :: an octopus
pouls {m} :: pulse (regular beat caused by the heart)
poulsard {m} :: A black grape variety form Jura
poumon {m} :: lung
poupard {m} [dated] :: chubby baby
poupard {adj} [dated] :: chubby, plump
poupe {f} [nautical] :: poop, stern
poupée {f} :: doll (object)
poupée de chiffon {f} :: rag doll
poupée russe {f} :: Russian doll
poupin {adj} :: chubby
poupon {m} :: little baby
poupon {m} :: baby doll
pouponner {v} :: to dote
pouponner {v} :: to look after a baby
pouponnière {f} :: nursery, creche
poupoule {f} :: baby, friendly term of address for a child or woman
pour {prep} :: for (when followed by a noun or pronoun)
pour {prep} :: to (when followed by a verb in the infinitive)
pour ainsi dire {adv} :: so to speak, as it were
pour autant {adv} :: even so
pour autant que {conj} :: provided that; on the condition that
pour autant que je sache {adv} :: to the best of my knowledge, as far as I know
pourboire {m} :: tip [extra money given to e.g. a waiter in appreciation of service]
pourcailhade {f} :: An annual pig festival in Trie-sur-Baïse, southwestern France, involving pig races, eating contests, etc
pour cause de {prep} :: on account of, due to, because of
pource {conj} [Early Modern French] :: because, therefore, for that cause
pourceau {m} [literary or pejorative] :: swine, pig
pour ce faire {adv} :: with this aim in mind, to do this, in order to achieve this, to this end, to that end
pourcent {m} :: percent
pourcentage {m} [mathematics] :: percentage
pourcentage {m} :: commission, fee
pour ce qui est de {prep} [colloquial] :: concerning, regarding, as to, as far as ... is concerned
pourchas {m} [literary] :: chase, pursuit
pourchasser {v} :: to chase without relent; pursue
pour commencer {adv} :: for starters, first of all, firstly, first
pour de bon {adv} [colloquial] :: for good
pour des prunes {adv} [colloquial] :: for very little money, in exchange for very little money; for nothing
pour des prunes {adv} [colloquial] :: for no reason; for nothing
pour de vrai {adv} [colloquial] :: for realsies, for real, truly, really
pour faire court {adv} [colloquial] :: long story short
pourfendeur {m} :: attacker, opponent
pourfendre {vt} [literary] :: to slice through, slay (with a sword)
pourfendre {vt} [figuratively] :: to lay into, shoot down, attack, slate (criticize strongly)
Pourim {prop} {m} [Judaism] :: Purim
pour info {adv} [colloquial] :: for the record, FYI
pour la forme {adv} :: out of principle, on principle, as a matter of principle, pro forma; perfunctorily
pour l'amour de {prep} :: for the sake of
pour l'amour de Dieu {interj} :: for God's sake!
pour l'amour du ciel {interj} :: for heaven's sake!
pour la petite histoire {adv} [colloquial] :: incidentally, by the way, as an aside; for the record
pourlécher {vt} :: To lick all around
pourlécher {vr} :: To lick one's lips (in satisfaction)
pour le coup {adv} :: this time, this time round, in this case
pour le coup {adv} :: [as intensifier] truly, actually, really; in fact
pour le moins {adv} :: to say the least
pour le moment {adv} :: for the time being, for now
pour le reste {adv} [colloquial] :: for the rest, otherwise
pour les intimes {prep} :: Used by one to say that their friends generally call them by a nickname, and that their interlocutor should feel free to call them that too
pour l'heure {adv} [literary] :: at the moment, for the time being
pour l'instant {adv} :: at the moment, for the time being, for now
pour ma part {adv} :: as for me
pour mémoire {adv} :: for the record
pour ne pas dire {conj} :: not to say
pourparler {m} [almost always in plural] :: parley
pourparlers {mp} :: parley (conference)
pour peu que {conj} :: if, in the event that, in case, where, should (introducing a phrase), provided that
pourpier {m} :: common purslane
pourpoint {m} [historical] :: doublet
pourpre {m} :: burgundy (purple color)
pourpre {m} :: rich, purple fabric
pourpre {m} [tincture] :: purpure; purple color as used in heraldry
pourpre {m} [by extension, obsolete] :: power, authority
pourpre {adj} :: burgundy in color
pour que {conj} :: [+ subjunctive] so that, in order that
pourquoi {adv} :: why
pourquoi du comment {m} [colloquial] :: [with the definite article le] the whys and wherefores
pour quoi faire {phrase} [colloquial] :: why? what for? to what end?
pourquoi non {phrase} :: why not? (negative question)
pourquoi non {phrase} :: why not? (lacking objection)
pourquoi pas {phrase} :: why not? (negative question)
pourquoi pas {phrase} :: why not? (lacking objection)
pourquoi que {conj} [colloquial, nonstandard] :: why
pourri {adj} :: rotten; decayed
pourri {adj} :: (of food etc.) bad, rotten; off
pourri {adj} :: decomposed, putrefied (body)
pourri {adj} :: spoilt (child)
pourri {adj} :: bad; lame
pourri {m} [colloquial] :: swine, bastard
pourri {m} [slang] :: bent copper, dirty cop
pourriciel {m} [computing, rare] :: malware (software developed to harm a computer system)
pourriel {m} :: spam, junk mail
pour rien {adv} :: for nothing, pointlessly
pourrir {vi} [chiefly _] :: to rot, decompose, putrefy, crumble
pourrir {vi} :: to waste away from a disease such as gangrene
pourrissant {adj} :: rotting, decaying
pourrissement {m} :: deterioration
pourrissement {m} :: decay
pourriture {f} :: rot
pourriture {f} :: (socially etc.) rottenness, something rotten
pourriture {f} [colloquial, pejorative] :: rotter, swine; cow, bitch
pourriture noble {f} :: noble rot
pourroit {v} :: obsolete form of pourrait
poursuite {f} :: pursuit; chase
poursuite {f} [cycling] :: pursuit
poursuite {f} :: persecution
poursuite individuelle {f} [cycling] :: individual pursuit
poursuite par équipes {f} [cycling] :: team pursuit
poursuivant {m} :: pursuer
poursuivre {v} :: to pursue, to chase
poursuivre {v} :: to pursue, to persecute, to torment
poursuivre {v} :: to carry on, to continue what has been started
poursuivre {v} :: to sue
poursuivre {vr} :: to continue
poursuivre {vr} :: to chase after each other
poursuivre en justice {v} [legal] :: to sue
pour sûr {prep} :: for sure
pour ta gouverne {adv} [formal] :: for your information, for the record
pourtant {adv} :: however, yet
pourtour {m} :: perimeter, circumference
pourtour {m} :: surrounding area
pourtour {m} :: ambulatory
pour tout potage {adv} [dated, literary, colloquial] :: only, altogether, all told (with the implication that it's not much)
pour une fois {adv} [colloquial] :: for once, for a change
pour un oui ou pour un non {adv} :: over the slightest thing
pour un rien {adv} :: over silly things, for a trifle, about nothing, with very little reason
pour vivre heureux, vivons cachés {proverb} :: great honours are great burdens
pourvoi {m} [legal] :: appeal
pourvoir {vt} :: to equip, provide, endow (someone de with)
pourvoir {vt} :: to fill (a seat, job vacancy)
pourvoir {vi} :: to provide (à for)
pourvoir {vp} :: to provide oneself (de with)
pourvoir {vp} [legal] :: to appeal (en to)
pourvoirie {f} [Canada] :: outfitter
pour votre gouverne {adv} [formal] :: for your information, for the record
pour vous servir {prep} [formal] :: At your service. (literally "to serve you")
pourvoyeur {m} :: purveyor, supplier, source
pourvoyeuse {f} :: purveyor, supplier (female)
pourvu que {conj} :: let's hope (that)
pourvu que {conj} :: provided (that), as long as
Poussard {prop} :: surname
pousse {f} :: growth (act of growing [of plants etc.])
pousse {f} :: sprout, shoot
poussé {m} [music] :: up bow
pousse-café {m} [familiar] :: chasse-café, pousse-café (small glass of alcohol after coffee)
poussée {f} :: push, thrust
poussée {f} :: surge
poussée d'Archimède {f} [physics] :: buoyancy
poussée de croissance {f} :: growth spurt
pousse-mine {f} [Québec] :: mechanical pencil
pousse-pousse {m} :: rickshaw
pousser {vt} :: to push
pousser {vt} [followed by the preposition à] :: to urge on, encourage
pousser {vi} [of a living thing] :: to grow
pousser {vi} [figuratively] :: to spring up, to sprout
pousser {v} :: to utter (a cry)
pousser {vr} :: to move aside
pousser à bout {vt} [colloquial] :: to push someone to the limit, to push someone to breaking point, to push someone over the edge, to drive someone crazy, to drive someone mad
pousser comme des champignons {v} [simile] :: to crop up all over the place, to sprout up everywhere, to spring up like mushrooms
pousser dans ses derniers retranchements {vt} :: to drive someone into a corner, to corner someone
pousser le bouchon {v} [colloquial] :: to go too far, to cross the line
pousser mémé dans les orties {v} [colloquial] :: to push things too far, to overdo it, to exaggerate
poussette {f} :: pushchair (UK), stroller (US)
poussette {f} :: pushpin
pousseur {m} :: pusher, someone who pushes
pousseur {m} [nautical] :: push tug
pousseur {m} [aeronautics] :: booster
pousseur {m} [horse racing] :: stall handler
pousseur de bois {m} :: woodpusher (a poor chess player)
poussier {m} :: coal dust
poussière {f} :: dust
poussière {f} :: speck of dust
poussiéreux {adj} :: dusty
poussif {adj} :: wheezy
poussin {m} :: chick (a young chicken)
poussinet {m} [colloquial] :: A young child; a kid
poussinet {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: A child in the youngest age group for a sport
poussinette {f} :: feminine singular of poussinet
poussivement {adv} :: wheezily
poussoir {m} :: pushbutton
poussoir {m} :: tappet
pouteille {f} :: A dish of pig's trotters and other ingredients cooked in red wine
poutine {f} [Quebec] :: poutine
poutine {f} [Acadia] :: any of several potato-based dishes
poutine {f} [Louisiana French] :: dumpling
poutine {f} [Louisiana French] :: bread pudding, pudding
poutine {f} [Quebec, obsolete] :: any of several pudding-like desserts
poutine {f} [Quebec, obsolete] :: a messy situation or complicated thing; a quagmire
poutine {f} [Quebec, obsolete] :: a fat woman
Poutine {prop} :: Putin. A transliteration of the Russian surname Путин
poutine italienne {f} :: Italian poutine
poutine pizza {f} :: pizza poutine (a poutine with added mushrooms, bell peppers, pepperoni, and occasionally oninons)
poutinerie {f} [Canada, food] :: a poutinerie
poutou {m} :: kiss
Poutou {prop} :: surname
poutrap {adj} [slang] :: tight-fitting, skin-tight
poutre {f} :: beam, girder
poutre apparente {f} :: exposed beam
poutre apparente {f} [slang] :: tight-fitting trousers [chiefly used attributively]
poutrelle {f} :: beam, girder
poutrer {v} [vulgar] :: to fuck, screw
poutzer {vt} [Switzerland] :: to clean
pouvoir {v} :: can, to be able to
pouvoir {v} :: may
pouvoir {vr} [impersonal] :: to be possible; may, could be
pouvoir {m} [countable or uncountable] :: power, a power
pouvoir {m} :: authority
pouvoir {m} [legal] :: power of attorney
pouvoir d'achat {m} [economics] :: purchasing power
pouvoir de marché {m} [economics] :: market power
pouvoir toujours courir {v} [colloquial] :: can whistle for it
pouzzolane {f} [geology] :: pozzolana
pov' {adj} :: informal spelling of pauvre
powoir {v} [Louisiana French] :: alternative spelling of pouvoir, to be able
powoir {m} [Louisiana French] :: alternative spelling of pouvoir, power
PPA {f} :: initialism of parité de pouvoir d'achat = PPP (purchasing power parity)
PPC {phrase} :: abbreviation of pour prendre congé; "to take leave" sometimes written on address cards by persons making farewell visits
PPCM {m} [mathematics] :: initialism of plus petit commun multiple: lcm
P. Q. {prop} :: alternative form of PQ
P.Q. {prop} :: alternative form of PQ
PQ {m} [slang] :: initialism of papier cul loo roll [UK], TP (toilet paper) [US]
PQ {prop} {m} [Canadian politics] :: initialism of Parti Québécois
PQ {prop} {m} [dated, Canada] :: initialism of province de Québec
PQN {f} :: daily national press (of France)
præbende {f} :: obsolete form of prébende
præcedent {adj} :: obsolete form of précédent
præcedent {m} :: obsolete form of précédent
præcedente {f} :: obsolete form of précédente
præcepte {m} :: obsolete form of précepte
præcepteur {m} :: obsolete form of précepteur
præceptrice {f} :: feminine singular of præcepteur
præcipice {m} :: obsolete form of precipice
præcipitation {f} :: obsolete form of précipitation
prædecesseur {m} :: obsolete form of prédécesseur
prædestination {f} :: obsolete form of prédestination
prædicateur {m} :: obsolete form of prédicateur
prædire {v} :: obsolete form of prédire
præeminence {f} :: obsolete form of prééminence
præface {f} :: obsolete form of préface
præfect {m} :: obsolete form of préfet
præjudice {m} :: obsolete form of préjudice
præmunir {v} :: obsolete form of prémunir
præsence {f} :: obsolete form of présence
præsent {adj} :: obsolete form of présent
præsentement {adv} :: obsolete form of présentement
præsenter {v} :: obsolete form of présenter
præsident {m} :: obsolete form of président
præsidente {f} :: feminine noun of præsident
præsider {v} :: obsolete form of présider
praesidium {m} :: alternative spelling of présidium
præsomption {f} :: obsolete form of présomption
præsomptueux {adj} :: obsolete form of présomptueux
præstation {f} :: obsolete form of prestation
præstige {f} :: obsolete form of prestige
præsumer {v} :: obsolete form of présumer
prætendre {v} :: obsolete form of prétendre
præteur {m} :: obsolete form of préteur
prætexte {m} :: obsolete form of prétexte
prætoire {m} :: obsolete form of prétoire
pragmatique {adj} :: pragmatic
pragmatique {f} [linguistics] :: pragmatics
pragmatiquement {adv} :: pragmatically
pragmatisme {m} :: pragmatism
pragois {adj} :: Of or from Prague
Prague {prop} {f} :: Prague (capital city)
praguois {adj} :: alternative form of pragois
praire {m} :: venus clam
prairial {adj} :: Relating to pastures, grasslands
prairial {m} [historical] :: Prairial (the ninth month of French Republican Calendar)
prairie {f} :: meadow, grassland, pasture, prairie
pralin {m} :: pastry preparation using crushed pralines
pralin {m} :: preparation using mud and fertilizer used to coat young roots prior to plantation
pralin {adj} :: related to the village of Praz-sur-Arly, in Savoy
pralinage {m} :: (gardening) coating of young roots in mud
praline {f} :: praline
praline {f} :: (Belgium) filled chocolate
praliné {adj} :: prepared using a preparation of crushed pralines (called pralin)
praliné {m} :: sweet containing crushed praline
praliner {v} :: to coat with caramelized sugar
praliner {v} :: to coat young roots with a fertilized mud (called pralin) prior to plantation
prame {f} :: pram, flatbottom boat
prao {m} :: proa
Prascovie {prop} :: given name, Praskovya
praséodymate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: praseodymate
praséodyme {m} :: praseodymium
praticabilité {f} :: practicability
praticable {adj} :: practicable, feasible
praticable {adj} :: practicable, usable
praticien {m} :: practitioner, someone who masters the practice of an art or science
praticienne {f} :: feminine noun of praticien
praticité {f} :: convenience
praticité {f} :: practicality
pratiquant {adj} :: churchgoing
pratiquant {m} :: churchgoer
pratiquant {m} :: a regular practiser of any religion
pratique {adj} :: applied; concerning action or intervention of human will on the real to change it (as opposed to spéculatif or théorique)
pratique {adj} :: concrete, practical
pratique {adj} :: belonging to the everyday or mundane
pratique {adj} :: experienced
pratique {adj} :: convenient; handy
pratique {f} :: practice
pratique {f} :: execution or implementation (of something)
pratique {f} :: methods, process, way (of doing or achieving something)
pratique {f} :: set of customs in a country or group of people
pratique {f} :: experience
pratique {f} :: act of frequenting
pratique {f} :: clientele, regular clients
pratique {f} [nautical] :: freedom to board or disembark (as opposed to quarantine)
pratique {f} :: a steel or tin instrument placed in one's mouth to change one's voice during puppet ventriloquism
pratiquement {adv} :: practically (almost)
pratiquement {adv} [rare] :: in practice, for all practical purposes
pratiquer {vt} :: to do; to practise
Prato {prop} :: Prato (province)
Prato {prop} :: Prato (capital city)
praxie {f} :: praxis
Praxitèle {prop} {m} :: Praxiteles
pré- {prefix} :: pre-
pré {m} :: meadow
préaccord {m} :: preliminary agreement
préadamisme {m} :: belief that mankind existed before Adam
préadamite {m} :: pre-Adamite
préadamite {m} :: Christian sectarian who believes that mankind existed before Adam
préado {mf} :: preadolescent, preteen
préadolescence {f} :: preadolescence
préadolescent {adj} :: preadolescent, preteen
préadolescent {m} :: preadolescent, preteen
préalable {adj} :: previous, prior; preliminary
préalable {m} :: preliminary condition, prerequisite
préalablement {adv} :: beforehand, first
Préalpes {prop} {fp} :: Prealps (Alpine foothills)
préalpin {adj} :: Of the Prealps
préambule {m} :: preamble (a short statement or remark, especially an explanatory introduction to a formal document or statute)
préambuler {v} :: to prefix with a preamble
préanthropique {adj} :: pre-anthropic
préau {m} :: yard
préavis {m} :: notice, advance warning
prébase {f} [topology] :: subbase
prébende {f} :: prebend
prébiotique {adj} :: prebiotic
prébuccal {adj} [anatomy, zoology] :: prebuccal
précaire {adj} :: precarious
précairement {adv} :: precariously
précambrien {adj} :: Precambrian (before Cambrian)
précancéreux {adj} [medicine] :: precancerous
précarisation {f} :: casualization (the increase of precarious work in the labour market)
précarisation {f} :: precarization
précarisé {adj} :: casualized (deprived of job security)
précariser {vt} :: to make precarious
précariser {vt} :: to casualize
précarité {f} :: precarity, existence without financial or social security
pré carré {m} [figuratively] :: territory, turf, domain, province
précaudal {adj} [zoology] :: precaudal
précaution {f} :: precaution
précaution {f} :: prudence, wariness
précautionner {n} :: to forewarn
précautionneusement {adv} :: precautionarily
précautionneux {adj} :: cautious, careful
précédemment {adv} :: before, before now
précédent {adj} :: previous; preceding; earlier
précédent {m} :: precedent
précéder {v} :: to precede
précepte {m} :: precept
précepteur {m} :: private tutor
préceptrice {f} :: feminine singular of précepteur
précession {f} [physics, astronomy] :: precession
préchauffage {m} :: preheating
préchauffage {m} :: warming up (of an engine)
préchauffer {v} :: to preheat
prêche {m} :: sermon
prêcher {vt} :: to preach
prêcher {vt} :: to advocate moral values, political ideas
prêcher {vt} :: to lecture someone about what is good or bad
prêcher dans le désert {v} [figuratively] :: to preach in the wilderness, to speak in the wilderness, to be a voice crying in the wilderness
prêcher un convaincu {v} [figuratively] :: to preach to the choir
prêcher un converti {v} [figuratively] :: to preach to the choir
prêcheur {m} :: preacher, advocate of high values, moralist
prêcheur {adj} :: preaching, moralizing
prêcheuse {f} :: feminine noun of prêcheur
préchrétien {adj} :: pre-Christian
précieusement {adv} :: preciously
précieux {adj} :: precious
préciosité {f} :: preciousness
précipice {m} :: precipice, deep and steep escarpment
précipitamment {adv} :: hurriedly, hastily, abruptly
précipitation {f} :: precipitation, unwise or rash rapidity; sudden haste
précipitation {f} [countable, chemistry] :: precipitation, a reaction that leads to the formation of a heavier solid in a lighter liquid; the precipitate so formed at the bottom of the container
précipitation {f} [meteorology] :: precipitation (any or all of the forms of water particles, whether liquid or solid, that fall from the atmosphere (e.g., rain, hail, snow or sleet))
précipité {adj} [chemistry] :: precipitated
précipiter {vt} :: to throw out, push out, chuck out, throw off, push off, chuck off
précipiter {vr} :: to throw oneself out, to jump out
précipiter {vt} :: to take down, to bring down
précipiter {vt} :: to rush (hasten, do something too fast)
précipiter {vt} [chemistry] :: to precipitate
précipiter {vr} :: to precipitate (fall from the sky)
précipiter {vr} :: to dash, to move quickly
préciput {m} :: advantage, supplement contractually granted to an heir, a spouse, etc
précis {adj} :: Which does not leave doubt; specific, explicit
précis {adj} :: Done in a precise and reliable fashion
précis {adj} :: [Sound] Well perceived; sharp
précis {adj} :: [Of language or writing] Demonstrating precision, concision and accuracy
précis {adj} :: Said of someone whose language expresses such qualities
précis {adj} :: [Measure] Calculated or measured with precision
précis {m} :: précis
précisement {adv} :: alternative form of précisément
précisément {adv} :: In a precise manner; without approximation
précisément {adv} :: Specifically
précisément {adv} [elliptically, in answers] :: Exactly, precisely
précisément {adv} [rhetoric] :: Indicates a logical link
préciser {v} :: to specify
préciser {v} :: to clarify
préciser {v} :: to point out
préciser {vr} :: to take shape, become clear
précision {f} :: precision
précision {f} :: detail(s); information
précité {adj} :: above-mentioned
précoce {adj} :: early (at a time in advance of the usual)
précoce {adj} [figurative] :: premature, precocious
précocement {adv} :: precociously
précocité {f} :: the state of being ahead of time, earliness
précolombien {adj} :: pre-Columbian
précolonial {adj} :: precolonial
précompacité {f} [topology] :: precompactness
précompact {adj} [tolology] :: precompact
préconcentration {f} [chemistry] :: preconcentration
préconcentrer {v} [chemistry] :: To preconcentrate
préconçu {adj} :: preconceived
précondition {f} :: precondition
précondition {f} [computing] :: The initial value of a variable
préconisation {f} :: preconization
préconisation {f} :: recommendation
préconiser {v} :: to recommend, advocate
préconiser {v} :: to preconise
précontractuel {adj} :: precontractual
précontraint {adj} :: prestressed
précordial {adj} [anatomy] :: precordial
précuit {adj} :: pre-cooked
précurseur {adj} :: precursory
précurseur {m} :: precursor, forerunner
précurseur {m} [chemistry] :: precursor
prédateur {m} :: predator
prédation {f} :: predation
prédatrice {f} :: feminine noun of prédateur
prédécéder {v} :: predecease (to die sooner than)
prédécès {m} :: predecease (anterior death)
prédécesseur {m} :: predecessor
prédécessrice {f} :: feminine noun of prédécesseur
prédécouper {v} :: to precut
prédéfini {adj} :: predefined
prédéfinir {v} :: to predefine
prédélinquance {f} :: predelinquency
prédestination {f} :: predestination
prédestiné {adj} :: predestined
prédestiner {vt} :: to predestine
prédéterminer {v} :: To predetermine
prédicable {adj} :: predicable
prédicament {m} :: predication
prédicant {adj} :: predicant, preaching
prédicant {m} :: protestant preacher
prédicat {m} :: predicate (all meanings)
prédicateur {m} :: preacher
prédicatif {adj} [grammar, linguistics] :: predicative
prédication {f} :: predication
prédication {f} :: sermon
prédicatrice {f} :: feminine noun of prédicateur
prédicteur {m} :: predictor
prédictible {adj} :: predictable
prédictif {adj} :: predictive
prédiction {f} :: prediction (act of predicting)
prédiction {f} :: prediction (a statement about the future)
prédilection {f} :: predilection, tendency
prédiquer {v} :: To predicate
prédire {v} :: to predict, foretell
prédisposé {adj} :: predisposed
prédisposer {vt} :: to predispose
prédisposition {f} :: predisposition
prédit {adj} :: predicted, foreseen (announced in advance)
prédominance {f} :: predominance
prédominant {adj} :: predominant
prédominer {v} :: to predominate
prédorsal {adj} [anatomy] :: predorsal
préembryon {m} [biology] :: pre-embryo
prééminence {f} :: preeminence
prééminent {adj} :: preeminent
préempter {vt} :: to preempt
préemption {f} :: preemption
préencollé {adj} :: prepasted
préétabli {adj} :: preestablished
préexistant {adj} :: preexisting
préexister {v} :: To preexist
préfabrication {f} :: prefabrication
préfabriqué {adj} :: prefabricated
préface {f} :: preface
préfacer {v} :: to write a preface
préfacier {m} :: author of a preface
préfectoral {adj} :: prefectural
préfecture {f} :: prefecture
préférable {adj} :: preferable
préférablement {adv} :: preferably
préféré {adj} :: favourite
préférence {f} :: preference
préférence {f} :: like (something that a given person likes)
préférences {fp} :: preferences (user-specified settings of parameters in a computer program)
préférentiel {adj} :: preferential (related to preference)
préférentiellement {adv} :: preferentially
préférer {v} :: to prefer
préfermentaire {adj} :: pre-fermentation (attributive)
préfet {m} :: prefect
préfète {f} :: Female prefect
préfiguration {f} :: prefiguration
préfigurer {v} :: to prefigure
préfinancement {m} :: prefinancing
préfix {adj} :: preset, predetermined
préfixal {adj} [linguistic morphology] :: prefixal
préfixe {mf} :: prefix (letters at the beginning of a word)
préfixer {vt} [grammar] :: to prefix
préformationisme {m} [biology] :: preformationism
préforme {f} :: blank (piece of metal)
préformer {v} :: To preform
préfrontal {adj} [anatomy] :: prefrontal
prégabaline {f} [medicine] :: pregabalin
prégnance {f} :: salience
prégnance {f} :: predominance
prégnant {adj} :: forceful, especially in its effect on the mind; apposite; meaningful
prégnant {adj} [archaic] :: pregnant
prégustation {f} :: foretaste
préhensile {adj} :: prehensile
préhensile {adj} :: having the ability to grip or to be gripped
préhension {f} :: prehension
préhilbertien {adj} [maths] :: pre-Hilbert
préhistoire {f} :: prehistory
préhistorien {m} :: prehistorian
préhistorienne {f} :: feminine singular of préhistorien
préhistorique {adj} :: prehistoric
préhistorique {adj} :: (antiquated) prehistoric
préimage {f} [maths] :: preimage
préimplantatoire {adj} :: pre-implant
preindre {v} [obsolete or regional] :: alternative spelling of prendre
préindustriel {adj} :: preindustrial
préinscription {f} :: preregistration
préislamique {adj} :: pre-Islamic
préjudice {m} :: a harm, a damage
préjudiciable {adj} :: prejudicial (to)
préjudiciable {adj} :: harmful (to)
préjudiciel {adj} :: prejudicial
préjudiciellement {adv} :: prejudicially
préjudicier {v} :: To prejudice
préjugé {m} :: a prejudice, a bias
préjuger {vt} :: to prejudge
préjuger {v} :: to foresee; say in advance
prélasser {vr} :: to sprawl, to lounge, to laze
prélat {m} :: prelate
prélavage {m} :: precleaning
prèle {f} :: alternative spelling of prêle
prêle {f} :: horsetail (plant)
prêle des bois {f} :: wood horsetail (Equisetum sylvaticum)
prêle des champs {f} :: field horsetail, common horsetail (Equisetum arvense)
prélèvement {m} :: sampling
prélèvement {m} :: deduction, levying
prélever {vt} :: to take (sur from)
prélever {vt} [medicine] :: to take (blood), remove (an organ), harvest (an organ)
prélever {vt} :: to take out, withdraw (money)
prélever {vt} :: to deduct, to subtract (numbers, or percentages)
préleveur {m} :: withdrawer
préleveur {m} :: sampler
préleveuse {f} :: feminine singular of préleveur
préliminaire {adj} :: preliminary, prelim
préliminaire {m} :: preliminary (part before the main part)
préliminaire {m} [in the plural] :: foreplay
préliminairement {adv} :: preliminarily
prélude {m} :: prelude
préluder {vi} [music] :: To introduce or be a prelude (to)
prématuré {adj} :: premature
prématurément {adv} :: prematurely
prématurément {adv} :: untimely
prématurer {v} :: to do (something) prematurely
prémaxillaire {adj} :: premaxillary
prémaxillaire {m} :: premaxilla
préméditation {f} :: premeditation
prémédité {adj} :: premeditated
préméditer {v} :: to premeditate
prémenstruel {adj} :: premenstrual
prémices {fp} [literary] :: first fruits, primitiae
prémices {fp} [literary] :: signs, auguries
prémices {fp} [figuratively] :: beginning, start
premier {adj} :: first
premier {adj} :: prime (number etc)
premier {m} :: first
premier {m} :: premier
premier {m} :: prime minister
premier {adv} :: first
premier arrivé, premier servi {phrase} :: first-come, first-served
premier but {m} [baseball] :: first base
premier but {m} :: [by ellipsis] first baseman
premier de cordée {m} [mountaineering] :: lead climber, climber in lead, leader
premier de cordée {m} [figuratively] :: trailblazer
premier de cordée {m} [figuratively] :: most wealthy person or country, any entity at the top of the economic ladder
premier degré {m} :: literal sense, literal meaning, face value
première {f} [of a film] :: premiere, première
première {f} :: first (new event, something never done before)
première {f} [France] :: The penultimate year of lycée
première {f} :: first, first gear
première {f} :: first class (public transport)
première base {f} [Europe] :: alternative form of premier but
première classe {f} :: first class (the most luxurious and expensive class of accommodation on a train, airplane, etc.)
première de couverture {f} :: front cover, front page, title page
première fois {f} :: first time (the first instance of sexual intercourse)
Première Guerre mondiale {prop} {f} :: First World War
premièrement {adv} :: firstly; in the first place
première ministre {f} :: feminine singular of premier ministre
première personne {f} [grammar] :: first person (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is making the statement)
première pierre {f} [architecture] :: foundation stone
premier jet {m} :: first sketch, first draft, first try (first version of a writing)
premier ministre {m} :: prime minister; premier
premier plan {m} :: foreground
premiers entre eux {adj} :: coprime (having no factors in common)
premiers secours {mp} :: first aid
premiers soins {mp} :: first aid
premier venu {m} :: the first person that comes along; the man in the street, the average person; everyone, anyone
premier violon {m} [music] :: first fiddle, first violin, concertmaster
prémisse {f} [logic, mainly in the plural] :: premise
premium {m} :: premium
prémix {m} :: A premixed alcoholic drink
prémoniteur {m} :: premonitor
prémonition {f} :: premonition
prémonitoire {adj} :: prophetic, premonitory
prem's {interj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of prems
prems {interj} [colloquial] :: dibs [used to claim right to something before anyone else]
prémunir {vt} [literary] :: to warn
prémunir {vt} [literary] :: to protect (contre against)
prémunir {vp} :: to protect oneself (contre from), guard (contre against)
prenable {adj} [military, of a building, a position, etc.] :: takable
prenant {adj} :: gripping, captivating
prendeur {m} :: A laborer working as part of an early Middle Age share cropping system known as complant - a precursor to the métayage system. Under this system, the prendeur would cultivate land owned by a bailleur. In exchange for using the bailleur's soil, the prendeur promised a share of the crop or its revenue. The length of this partnership varied and sometimes would extend over generations
prendre {v} :: to take
prendre {v} :: to eat; to drink
prendre {v} :: to get; to buy
prendre {v} :: to rob; to deprive
prendre {v} [of fire] :: to break out
prendre {vr} :: to get (something) caught (in), to jam
prendre {v} [in various idiomatic expressions, followed by a partitive] :: to gain
prendre {v} :: to make
prendre à cœur {vt} :: to take to heart
prendre acte {v} [de] :: to take note; to acknowledge, to recognize
prendre à la légère {vt} :: to make light of something; to take lightly
prendre à la légère {vt} :: to treat something lightly, not to considerate it enough
prendre à la rigolade {vt} [colloquial] :: to make light of, to take lightly; to make a joke of
prendre à part {v} [idiomatic] :: to take aside
prendre à partie {vt} :: to take to task, to set about, to tackle, to challenge, to take on, to mistreat, to rough up
prendre au dépourvu {v} :: to take by surprise, to catch off guard, to catch napping
prendre au mot {vt} :: to take someone literally, to take someone at their word
prendre au piège {vt} :: to trap, to snare, to hook, to entrap, to ensnare
prendre au sérieux {v} :: to take seriously
prendre aux tripes {vit} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to be gut-wrenching (for someone) (to be very moving, to be poignant)
prendre bien {vt} [colloquial] :: to take well, to take graciously
prendre congé {v} :: to take a day off
prendre congé {v} [de] :: to take leave of (someone), to say goodbye to (someone)
prendre connaissance {v} [de] :: to peruse, to read carefully, to note, to take note of
prendre conscience {v} :: to realize (become aware)
prendre corps {v} :: to take shape
prendre d'assaut {vt} :: to take by storm
prendre de court {vt} :: to take somebody unawares, to catch someone napping, to catch somebody off-guard, to bowl a googly to someone
prendre de haut {v} :: to look down on somebody, look down one's nose on; talk down (patronize)
prendre de la bouteille {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to cut one's eyeteeth, to get older and wiser (to gain experience and become worldly-wise)
prendre de la distance {v} [figuratively] :: to take some distance, to take a step back and get some perspective
prendre de la hauteur {v} :: to gain height, to go up
prendre de la hauteur {v} [figuratively] :: to get an overview, to get some distance, to take a step back, to put things into perspective
prendre de l'ampleur {v} :: to be on the rise, to gather pace, to increase, to spread, to grow
prendre de l'avance {v} :: to gain ground, to advance
prendre de l'avance {v} :: to get a head start, to get ahead of schedule
prendre de la vitesse {v} :: to gather speed, to pick up speed, to gain speed
prendre des gants {v} [avec] :: to treat somebody with kid gloves, to go soft on somebody; to walk on eggshells
prendre des libertés {v} [avec] :: to take liberties with
prendre des mesures {v} :: to take steps; to take action
prendre des vessies pour des lanternes {v} [colloquial] :: to be deluded, to be very naive, credulous and/or gullible, to be sorely mistaken, to have another think coming, to think the Moon is made of green cheese
prendre de vitesse {vt} :: to get a jump on, to beat to the punch, to outpace, to overtake
prendre du bon temps {v} :: to relax, to have some fun, to enjoy oneself, to have a good time
prendre du galon {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to get a promotion, to get promoted
prendre du poids {v} :: to gain weight, to put on weight
prendre du recul {v} [figuratively] :: to take a step back and get some perspective
prendre du retard {v} :: to fall behind schedule, to run late, to drop behind, to lag behind; to be delayed
prendre effet {v} [of a law, etc.] :: to come into force, to come into effect, to take effect, to inure
prendre en charge {vt} :: to take charge of; to be in charge of; to take care of
prendre en charge {vt} [of a taxi or an ambulance] :: to pick up, to take on
prendre en chasse {vt} :: to give chase to, to chase, to pursue, to hunt
prendre en compte {vt} :: to take into account, to factor in
prendre en considération {vt} :: to take into consideration, to take into account
prendre en défaut {vt} :: to catch off guard, to catch on the hop
prendre en dégoût {vt} :: to end up disgusted by, to acquire a profound distaste for, to go off completely
prendre en filature {vt} :: to shadow, to tail (to secretly track or follow another)
prendre en flagrant délit {vt} :: to bust, to catch red-handed
prendre en grippe {vt} [colloquial] :: to take a dislike to (someone), to take against (someone)
prendre en main {vt} :: to take charge of, to take in hand
prendre en main {vr} :: to get a grip on one's life, to take oneself in hand
prendre en otage {vt} :: to take hostage
prendre en sandwich {vt} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to sandwich
prendre en sandwich {vt} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to double-team
prendre exemple {v} [sur] :: to follow someone's example, to do as someones does, to take a leaf out of someone's book, to learn something from someone, to take someone as a model
prendre fait et cause {v} [literary] :: to take sides
prendre femme {v} [dated, of a man] :: to get married
prendre feu {v} :: to catch fire, to burst into flame
prendre fin {v} [legal] :: to become void
prendre fin {v} :: to come to an end
prendre forme {v} :: to take shape
prendre froid {v} [colloquial] :: to catch a cold
prendre garde {v} [de, à] :: to look out, to watch out, to mind
prendre goût {v} [à] :: to develop a taste for, to acquire a taste for, to take a liking to, to take a shine to, to take a fancy to, to grow fond of
prendre la clé des champs {v} :: alternative spelling of prendre la clef des champs
prendre la clef des champs {v} [figuratively] :: to take to one's heels, to head for the hills, to run away, to make off
prendre la fuite {v} :: to escape, to flee, to take flight
prendre la grosse tête {v} [colloquial] :: to get a big head, to become big-headed
prendre l'air {v} :: to go outside, to get some air, to get some fresh air, to go for a walk
prendre l'air {v} [of an aircraft] :: to take to the skies, to take off
prendre la main dans le sac {vt} [colloquial] :: to bust, to catch red-handed, to catch with one's hand in the cookie jar
prendre la mer {v} [figuratively] :: to go to sea, to take to sea, to put to sea, to put out to sea, to set sail (to embark on a voyage by boat)
prendre la mouche {v} [colloquial] :: to get ticked off, to get offended, to get in a huff, to fly off the handle
prendre langue {v} [literary] :: to make inquiries, to learn about the situation, to become acquainted with the situation
prendre la parole {v} :: to speak, to give a speech before a group, to take the floor
prendre la peine {v} [de] :: to go to the trouble of doing something, to take the trouble to do something, to bother to do something, to take the time to do something
prendre la porte {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to leave a room; to leave
prendre la porte {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to get sacked, to get the sack, to find oneself out on one's ear
prendre la pose {v} :: to pose, to strike a pose, to strike an attitude
prendre la poudre d'escampette {v} [dated, colloquial] :: to take a powder, to take flight, to take French leave, to show a clean pair of heels (to escape, to flee)
prendre la poussière {v} :: to gather dust
prendre la relève {v} [colloquial] :: to take over, to pick up the slack
prendre la route {v} :: to hit the road (to begin traveling in an automobile or other road vehicle)
prendre la tangente {v} [colloquial] :: to do a bunk, to take French leave, to take off
prendre la température {v} :: to take someone's temperature, to measure the temperature of someone
prendre la température {v} [figuratively] :: to test the water; to sound out, to gauge, to put out feelers
prendre la volée {v} :: to take flight, to leave suddenly and unexpectedly, to fly the coop
prendre l'eau {v} [of a vessel] :: to take on water, to take in water
prendre l'eau {v} [figuratively] :: to be on a sinking ship
prendre le dessus {v} [sur] :: to get the upper hand on, to gain the upper hand on
prendre le large {v} [figuratively] :: to slip away, to do a bunk, to take flight
prendre le pas {v} [sur] :: to move in front of someone, to precede
prendre le pas {v} [sur] :: [figurative] to take precedence, to trump in significance
prendre le pli {v} :: to get into the groove; to get used to, to get into the habit of
prendre le pouvoir {v} :: to take power, to seize power
prendre le relai {v} :: alternative form of prendre le relais
prendre le relais {v} :: to take over, to handle it from here, to take it from here, to pick up the slack
prendre les armes {v} :: to take up arms
prendre les choses comme elles viennent {v} :: to take things as they come
prendre les commandes {v} [figuratively] :: to take the controls, to take the helm, to take the reins
prendre les devants {v} [figuratively] :: to initiate action, to take the initiative, to make the first move
prendre les paris {v} :: to make a book, to record bets, to write down bets, to act as a bookmaker
prendre les rênes {v} [figuratively] :: to take the helm, to take the reins
prendre le taureau par les cornes {v} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to take the bull by the horns
prendre le train en marche {v} [figuratively] :: to jump on the bandwagon
prendre le voile {v} :: to take the veil
prendre le volant {v} :: to take the wheel (to take control of the steering wheel of a vehicle)
prendre mal {vt} [colloquial] :: to take badly, to take offence at, to take the wrong way
prendre note {v} [de] :: to take note of, to take heed of, to make a note of, to jot down, to note down, to write down
prendre part {v} [à] :: to take part (participate or join in)
prendre parti {v} :: to take sides, take a side
prendre place {v} :: to take a seat, to have a seat, to sit down, to sit
prendre position {v} :: to take a stand, to make a stand
prendre possession {v} [de] :: to take possession of; to take control of
prendre pour acquis {vt} [sometimes, proscribed] :: to take for granted
prendre pour argent comptant {vt} [figuratively] :: to take at face value
prendre racine {v} [of a plant] :: to take root, to put down roots
prendre racine {v} [figuratively] :: to take hold, to take root, to put down roots
prendre sa plume {v} :: To take up one's pen, to write a letter
prendre sa retraite {v} [idiomatic] :: to retire (stop working)
prendre sa routine à volonté {phrase} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, St.Mary Parish] :: to be dismissed
prendre ses aises {v} [sometimes, pejorative] :: to make oneself comfortable, to make oneself at home; to get a bit too familiar
prendre ses cliques et ses claques {v} [colloquial] :: to pack one's bags and leave, to pack up and go, to march off bag and baggage
prendre ses couilles en main {v} [vulgar, figuratively] :: to gather up one's courage, to man up
prendre ses distances {v} [avec] :: to distance oneself from somebody
prendre ses jambes à son cou {vi} [figuratively] :: to take to one's heels, to run for one's life
prendre ses marques {v} :: to find one's feet
prendre ses responsabilités {v} :: to take responsibility for one's actions
prendre soin {v} [de] :: to take care of
prendre son courage à deux mains {v} [figuratively] :: to gather up one's courage, to pluck up one's courage, to man up
prendre son élan {v} :: to take a run-up
prendre son envol {v} :: to take off, to take flight
prendre son essor {v} :: to take flight, to fly off
prendre son essor {v} [figuratively] :: to take off, to soar up, to flourish, to blossom
prendre son mal en patience {v} :: to bear with it, to wait patiently for better times, to put up with it, to grin and bear it
prendre son pied {v} [slang, sexuality] :: to take pleasure from something, usually to cum (have an orgasm)
prendre son temps {v} [colloquial] :: to take one's time
prendre sous son aile {vt} [figuratively] :: to take under one's wing
prendre sur le fait {vt} :: to bust, to catch red-handed
prendre sur soi {v} :: to take it on the chin, to bite the bullet, to keep one's cool, to take it like a man, to suck it up
prendre une brosse {v} :: [Quebec, slang] to get wasted, drunk, smashed
prendre une cuite {v} [slang] :: To get pissed, go out on the piss
prendre un verre {v} :: to have a drink
preneur {m} :: taker; one who takes
preneur {m} :: a lessee, a renter
preneuse {f} :: feminine noun of preneur
prénol {m} [organic chemistry] :: prenol
prénom {m} :: first name, given name
prénommer {vtr} :: to call someone by their first name
prénuptial {adj} :: prenuptial, premarital
préoccupant {adj} :: worrying, disquieting
préoccupation {f} :: worry
préoccupation {f} :: (plural) cares, concern
préoccupé {adj} :: concerned
préoccuper {v} :: to concern, preoccupy
préon {m} [physics] :: preon
préonique {adj} [physics] :: preonic
préoral {adj} [anatomy] :: preoral
prépa {f} [France, education] :: Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles
prépaiement {m} :: prepayment
préparateur {m} :: preparator
préparateur {m} :: assistant, demonstrator
préparatif {m} [usually plural] :: preparation
préparatif {adj} :: preparative
préparation {f} :: preparation
préparatoire {adj} :: preparatory; propaedeutic (providing preparatory or introductory teaching)
préparatrice {f} :: feminine noun of préparateur
préparer {vt} :: to prepare
préparer {vt} :: to prepare for
prépayé {adj} :: prepaid
prépayer {v} :: prepay (to pay in advance)
prépension {f} :: early retirement pension
prépondéramment {adv} :: preponderantly
prépondérance {f} :: preponderance
prépondérance {f} :: predominance
prépondérant {adj} :: preponderant, overriding
prépondérant {adj} :: dominant
préposé {m} :: appointee, someone who is charged with overseeing a task, one who is responsible
préposer {vt} :: to charge with duties, to give the authority to, to assign to (a position)
prépositif {adj} [grammar] :: prepositive
préposition {f} [grammar] :: preposition
prépositionnel {adj} [grammar] :: prepositional
prépositionnel {m} :: prepositional (the prepositional case)
prépositionner {v} :: To preposition / pre-position
prépositivement {adv} :: prepositively
prépreg {m} :: pre-preg
préproduction {f} :: preproduction
prépubère {adj} :: prepubescent
prépuce {m} [anatomy] :: prepuce, foreskin
préputial {adj} :: preputial
préqualification {f} :: prequalification
préqualifier {v} :: To prequalify
préquelle {f} :: prequel
préraphaélite {m} [art] :: preraphaelite
prérecrutement {m} :: prerecruitment
prérectal {adj} [anatomy] :: prerectal
prérégler {v} :: To preset, preadjust
prérentrée {f} :: preparatory time before the start of a school term
prérequis {m} :: prerequisite
préretraite {f} :: early retirement
prérévolutionnaire {adj} :: prerevolutionary
prérogative {f} :: prerogative (a right, or power that is exclusive to a monarch, etc.)
préromain {adj} :: pre-Roman
prés {adj} :: the color of meadow green
près {adv} :: near (a time or a place); close (to a time or a place)
près {prep} [formal or legal] :: attached to, connects a person or an organisation delegated officially to a setting
présage {m} :: omen
présager {v} :: to predict, to foresee, foretell
présager {v} :: to forewarn
présager {v} :: to portend, be an omen of
présager {v} :: to bode
presbyte {adj} :: farsighted
presbyte {mf} :: presbyope, person suffering from farsightedness
presbytéral {adj} :: presbyteral
presbytère {m} :: presbytery, rectory (house of a priest)
presbytérianisme {m} :: Presbyterianism
presbytérien {adj} :: presbyterian
presbytérien {m} :: Presbyterian
presbytérienne {f} :: feminine noun of presbytérien
presbytie {f} :: presbyopia
préscolaire {adj} :: preschool
prescripteur {m} :: prescriber (prescribing doctor)
prescription {f} :: prescription (all senses)
prescriptivisme {m} [linguistics] :: prescriptivism
prescriptrice {f} :: feminine noun of prescripteur
prescrire {v} :: to prescribe (a medication)
prescrit {adj} :: prescribed
prescrit {adj} :: stated, stipulated
préscrotal {adj} [anatomy] :: prescrotal
près de {prep} :: near (in close proximity to)
près de ses sous {adj} [colloquial] :: stingy, close-fisted, penny-pinching
préséance {f} :: precedence
présélection {f} :: preselection
présélectionner {vt} :: to preselect, shortlist
présélectionner {vt} :: to preset
présence {f} :: presence
présence d'esprit {f} :: presence of mind
présensation {f} :: presensation (feeling)
présent {adj} :: present (that what/which is in the place talked about)
présent {adj} :: current, present
présent {adj} [grammar] :: present
présent {m} [grammar] :: present tense
présent {m} [dated, except in, Louisiana and Acadia French] :: gift; present
présentable {adj} :: presentable (able to be presented)
présentateur {m} :: announcer, newscaster, anchor
présentation {f} :: the act of presenting
présentation {f} :: introduction
présentation {f} :: presentation
présentation {f} :: appearance, layout
présentation du siège {f} :: breech birth
présentation podalique {f} :: breech birth
présentatrice {f} :: feminine singular of présentateur
présente {f} [with definite article, la présente] :: the letter, document etc. that the reader is reading
présentéisme {m} :: presenteeism
présentement {adv} :: presently, currently
présenter {vt} :: to introduce, to present
présenter {vt} :: to show, to present
présenter {vi} [colloquial] :: to look
présenter {vr} :: to appear, to be present (before someone)
présenter {vr} [problems] :: to arise, to surface, to present itself
présenter {vr} :: [à] to be a candidate for
présentiel {adj} :: face-to-face
présentiel {adj} :: presential
présentoir {m} :: showcase
préséquence {f} :: presequence (all senses)
présérie {f} :: preproduction
préservatif {adj} :: preservative
préservatif {m} :: preserver
préservatif {m} :: condom
préservation {f} :: preservation
préserver {vt} :: to preserve
présidence {f} :: presidency
président {m} :: president
président-directeur général {m} :: managing director, chief executive officer
présidente {f} :: feminine noun of président
présidente-directrice générale {m} :: feminine noun of président-directeur général
présidentiable {adj} :: potentially presidential
présidentialiser {v} :: To make presidential
présidentiel {adj} :: presidential
présider {v} :: to preside; to chair; to head (to be in charge of)
présider {vi} :: To preside (over)
présidial {adj} :: presidial
présidialement {adv} :: presidially
présidium {m} :: presidium (executive committee)
presle {m} :: (obsolete) alternative spelling of prêle
présocratique {adj} :: pre-Socratic
présocratiquement {adv} :: pre-Socratically
présomptif {adj} :: presumptive
présomption {f} :: presumption, supposition
présomption d'innocence {f} [law] :: presumption of innocence
présomptivement {adv} :: presumptively
présomptueusement {adv} :: presumptuously
présomptueux {adj} :: presumptuous
préspinal {adj} [anatomy] :: prespinal
presque {adv} :: almost
presqu'ile {f} :: alternative spelling of presqu'île
presqu'île {f} [geography] :: peninsula
pressage {m} :: pressing (of olives, CDs etc)
pressant {adj} :: pressing, urgent, insistent
pressant {adj} :: squeezing
presse {f} :: press, papers (the media)
presse {f} :: press (e.g. printing press)
pressé {adj} :: quick, eager, impatient
pressé {adj} :: pressing, urgent
pressé {adj} :: lacking (pressed for)
pressé {adj} :: pressed (fruit juice etc)
presse-agrume {m} :: juicer, citrus press, lemon press
presse-ail {m} :: garlic press
presse-citron {m} :: lemon squeezer
pressement {m} :: pressing
pressement {m} :: urging
pressément {adv} :: quickly, eagerly, impatiently
pressentiment {m} :: presentiment; hunch; premonition
pressentir {v} :: to have a premonition
pressentir {v} :: to foresee (mysteriously)
presse-papier {m} :: paperweight
presse-papier {m} :: clipboard
presse-purée {m} :: potato masher
presser {vt} :: to urge
presser {vt} :: to squeeze, to squash
presser {vt} :: to hurry, to hurry up
presser {vr} :: to hurry up
presser {vr} :: to press against each other, to flock
presser la détente {v} [firearms] :: to pull the trigger
presser le pas {v} :: to quicken one's pace, to pick up the pace, to walk faster, to speed up, to hurry up, to get a move on
pressier {m} :: pressman (person who operates a hand printing press)
pressière {f} :: feminine singular of pressier
pressing {m} :: dry cleaning shop, a dry-cleaner's
pressiomètre {m} [geology] :: pressiometer
pression {f} :: pressure
pression {f} [medicine, physics] :: pressure
pression {f} [countable] :: popper (UK), snap (fastener) (US)
pression artérielle {f} [medicine] :: blood pressure
pression atmosphérique {f} [physics, meteorology] :: atmospheric pressure
pressoir {m} :: press (e.g. cider)
pressurage {m} :: pressure, pressuring
pressuré {adj} :: squeezed
pressurer {vt} :: to squeeze
pressurer {vt} :: to extort
pressurisé {adj} :: pressurized
pressuriser {vt} :: to pressurize [an aircraft, etc.]
prestance {f} :: presence (imposing bearing)
prestataire {mf} :: a provider (of a service), an agent
prestataire {mf} :: a beneficiary or user of a service
prestation {f} :: service
prestation {f} [finance] :: loan
prestation {f} [insurance] :: cover
prestation {f} :: performance
prestation de serment {f} [law] :: taking the oath
preste {adj} [literary] :: agile, quick
prestement {adv} :: promptly
prester {vt} [Belgium] :: to work (a certain amount of time), to provide a service
prestesse {f} :: nimbleness, agility
prestidigitateur {m} :: conjurer, magician
prestidigitation {f} :: prestidigitation
prestidigitatrice {f} :: feminine noun of prestidigitateur
prestige {m} :: prestige
prestigieusement {adv} :: prestigiously
prestigieux {adj} :: prestigious
présumable {adj} :: presumable
présumablement {adv} :: presumably
présumé {adj} :: presumed
présumément {adv} :: presumably
présumer {v} :: to presume, assume
présupposé {adj} :: presupposed
présupposer {v} :: presuppose (to assume some truth without proof)
présupposition {f} :: presupposition
présure {f} :: rennet
présynaptique {adj} :: presynaptic
prêt {adj} :: ready
prêt {m} :: loan
prêt {m} :: lending, loaning
prêt-à-porter {m} :: ready-to-wear clothing, off-the-rack clothing, off-the-peg clothing
prétélescopique {adj} [astronomy] :: pretelescopic
prétendant {m} :: suitor, wooer
prétendant {m} :: contender
prétendant {m} :: claimant
prétendante {f} :: female equivalent of prétendant
prétendre {v} :: to claim, to allege
prétendre {v} :: to expect, to consider necessary
prétendre {v} [à] :: to aim at, to set one's sights on
prétendre {vr} :: to claim
prétendre {v} [Louisiana French] :: to pretend
prétendument {adv} :: allegedly (according to someone's allegation)
prête-nom {m} :: front man, figurehead
prétentieusement {adv} :: pretentiously
prétentieux {adj} :: pretentious
prétention {f} :: pretentiousness
prétention {f} :: pretension
prétention {f} :: claim
prétention {f} :: pretentious person
prétention {f} [in the plural, prétentions] :: asking wage
prête-plume {m} :: ghostwriter
prêter {vt} :: to lend
prêter {vp} :: to lend itself to (à)
prêter {vp} :: to go along with (à)
prêter {v} [Louisiana French] :: to borrow
prêter {vt} :: to attribute
prêter à confusion {v} :: to cause confusion, to lead to confusion, to be confusing, to be misleading, to give rise to misinterpretation
prêter attention {v} [à] :: to pay attention (to something/somebody), to heed
prétérition {f} [formal, literary, law] :: preterition, omission
prêter main-forte {v} [à] :: to come to somebody's assistance, to lend a helping hand to somebody, to offer one's support to somebody, to help out somebody
prêter serment {v} :: to take an oath
préteur {m} :: praetor (elected magistrate)
prêteur {m} [finance] :: lender
prêteur sur gages {m} :: pawnbroker
prêteuse {f} :: feminine noun of prêteur
prétexte {m} :: excuse, pretext (explanation designed to avoid or alleviate guilt or negative judgement)
prétexter {vt} :: to give as an excuse
prétibial {adj} [anatomy] :: pretibial
prétoire {m} [legal] :: court
prétorien {adj} :: Praetorian, praetorian
prêtraille {f} :: priesthood, clergy
prêtre {m} :: priest
prêtresse {f} :: priestess
prêtresse {f} :: wife or lover of a male priest
prétrice {f} :: feminine singular of préteur
prêtrise {f} :: priesthood
préture {f} :: praetorship
preu {m} :: The first
preu {m} [dated, schoolchild slang] :: The first to play (in a game)
preu {m} :: The second floor (of a building)
preum's {interj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of prems
preums {interj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of prems
preusement {adv} :: valiantly, bravely
preuve {f} :: proof
preuve par 9 {f} [mathematics] :: casting out nines
preuve par 9 {f} [figuratively] :: proof positive
preux {adj} :: valiant; brave; doughty
prévalence {f} :: prevalence
prévalent {adj} :: prevalent
prévaloir {v} [followed by the preposition sur] :: to prevail
prévaloir {vr} [followed by the preposition de] :: to boast, to claim, to pride oneself on
prévaricateur {m} :: prevaricator
prévarication {f} :: maladministration
prévarication {f} :: prevarication
prévaricatrice {f} :: feminine singular of prévaricateur
prévenance {f} :: thoughtfulness, consideration
prévenant {adj} :: considerate
prévenir {v} :: to prevent
prévenir {v} :: to warn
prévente {f} :: presale
préventif {adj} :: preventive
prévention {f} :: prevention
préventivement {adv} :: preventively
préventorium {m} :: preventorium
préverbe {m} [grammar] :: preverb (verbal prefix)
Prévert {prop} :: surname
prévertébral {adj} [anatomy] :: prevertebral
prévisible {adj} :: foreseeable, predictable
prévision {f} :: forecast
prévisionnel {adj} :: forecast
prévisionniste {mf} :: forecaster
prévisualisation {f} :: preview
prévisualiser {v} :: to preview
prévoir {v} :: to anticipate, foresee, expect (reaction, event etc.)
prévoir {v} :: to forecast (weather)
prévoir {v} :: to plan
prévoir {v} :: to allow, make plans for, prepare, make provision for
prévoir {v} [legal] :: to provide for, make provision for
prévoir le coup {v} [colloquial] :: to plan ahead, to make arrangements, to have it all covered
Prévost {prop} :: surname
prévostien {adj} :: Prévostian
prévôt {m} [religion] :: provost
prévôt {m} :: provost-marshal
prévôtal {adj} :: provostal; provostorial
prévôtalement {adv} :: provostally, provostorially
prevôté {f} :: obsolete spelling of prévôté
prévôté {f} :: provostship, provostry
prévôté {f} [France history] :: provosty
prévoyance {f} :: foresight
prévoyant {adj} :: farsighted
prévu {adj} :: planned, expected
Priam {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Priam
Priape {prop} {m} [Greek god] :: Priapus (god of procreation)
priapique {adj} :: priapic
priapisme {m} [medicine] :: priapism
prie-Dieu {m} :: prie-dieu
prier {vt} :: to pray
prier {vt} :: to beg, to beseech, to pray to
prière {f} :: prayer
prière de {phrase} [formal] :: please (used to make formal requests)
prieur {m} :: prior
prieure {f} :: prioress
prieuré {m} :: priory (religious building)
primaire {adj} :: primary
primaire {adj} :: elementary
primat {m} [religion] :: primate
primate {m} :: primate (mammal)
primatial {adj} :: primatial
primature {f} :: prime ministership
primauté {f} :: primacy
prime {f} :: reward; prize; bonus
prime {f} :: premium (insurance policy)
Primeau {prop} :: surname
Primeaux {prop} :: surname
prime de bienvenue {f} :: golden hello
prime de départ {f} :: golden handshake
primer {v} :: to dominate, to be dominant over
primer {v} :: to win (a prize)
primer {v} :: to prevail, take precedent
primesautier {adj} :: impulsive
prime time {m} [usually, uncountable] :: prime time
prime time {m} [Canada, countable] :: type of cigarillo
primeur {f} :: primeur
primeur {f} :: preview, foretaste
primevère {f} :: primrose
primidi {m} [historical] :: The first day of the decade (ten-day week) in the French Republican Calendar
primitif {adj} :: primitive
primitive {f} [mathematics] :: antiderivative
primitivement {adv} :: originally
primitivement {adv} :: primarily
primitivisme {m} :: primitivism
primo {adv} :: first (before anything else)
primogéniture {f} :: primogeniture
primordial {adj} :: primordial, primitive, original
primordial {adj} :: vital, essential, paramount, of paramount importance
primordialement {adv} :: primordially
primovaccination {f} :: A primary vaccination (first in a series)
primuline {f} [organic compound] :: primulin
prince {m} :: prince
prince charmant {m} :: Prince Charming
Prince-Édouardien {m} :: Prince Edward Islander
Prince-Édouardienne {f} :: feminine noun of Prince-Édouardien
princesse {f} :: princess
princier {adj} :: princely
princièrement {adv} :: princely
principal {adj} :: main; principal
principal {m} :: what is most important
principal {m} :: principal (school administrator)
principal {m} [finance] :: principal (the money originally invested or loaned)
principalement {adv} :: mainly, principally
principalité {f} :: headmastership, headship
principauté {f} :: princedom
principauté {f} :: principality (region)
principe {m} :: principle
printanier {adj} :: springlike, vernal
printanièrement {adv} :: vernally (in a springlike manner)
printemps {m} :: spring (season)
Printemps arabe {prop} {m} :: Arab Spring
prion {m} :: prion
prioriser {v} :: to prioritize
prioritaire {adj} :: having priority (having precedence)
prioritairement {adv} :: primarily
prioritairement {adv} :: essentially, importantly
priorité {f} :: priority
priorité {f} :: right of way
prioritiser {v} :: alternative form of prioriser
pris {adj} :: taken
Priscille {prop} {f} :: Priscilla
prise {f} :: (electrical) socket, wall socket (also prise électrique)
prise {f} [martial arts] :: hold
prise {f} :: hold (of a climbing wall)
prise {f} :: grip
prise {f} [baseball] :: a strike
prise {f} :: a taking or capture
prise {f} [film] :: a take
prisé {adj} :: priced
prise de conscience {f} :: realization
prise de courant {f} :: outlet (wall-mounted socket)
prise de position {f} :: stance, stand, statement
prise de vue {f} :: filming, shooting
prise de vue {f} :: shot
prise en charge {f} :: management (of something), care (for something)
prise en charge {f} :: pick-up (by a taxi); pick-up fare, minimum fare
prise en charge {f} :: payment (of some costs)
prise en charge {f} :: care, nursing, treatment (of a patient)
priser {vt} :: to snuff, take snuff (to inhale a drug or other substance through the nose)
priser {vt} :: to price (fix a price according to market forces)
priser {vt} :: to prize (consider something valuable)
priseur {m} :: auctioneer
priseuse {f} :: feminine noun of priseur
prismatique {adj} :: prismatic
prisme {m} :: prism
prison {f} :: prison
prison dorée {f} :: gilded cage
prisonnier {m} :: prisoner
prisonnier de guerre {m} :: prisoner of war, POW
prisonnier d'opinion {m} :: prisoner of conscience
prisonnière {f} :: feminine noun of prisonnier
prisonnière de guerre {f} :: feminine noun of prisonnier de guerre
prisonnier politique {m} :: political prisoner
pristanique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pristanic
pristin {adj} [obsolete or law] :: pristine
prit {m} [slang, vulgar] :: penis
prit {m} [slang, vulgar] :: a stupid or contemptible man
private joke {f} {m} :: A private joke, an in-joke: a piece of humour understood only by a group of people
privatif {adj} :: privative [all senses]
privation {f} :: deprivation
privation {f} :: shortage, deficiency
privation {f} :: defect
privatisation {f} :: privatisation / privatization
privatiser {v} :: to privatize
privativement {adv} :: privatively
privauté {f} :: extreme familiarity
privauté {f} [in the plural] :: liberties
privé {adj} :: private
privément {adv} :: privately
priver {v} :: to deprive
privilège {m} :: privilege
privilégié {adj} :: privileged
privilégié {m} :: person who is privileged
privilégiée {f} :: feminine noun of privilégié
privilégier {v} :: to privilege, to favour
prix {m} :: prize
prix {m} :: price
prix d'ami {m} :: special discount, discount to a friend, mates' rates
prix de marché {m} :: market price
prix fixe {m} :: A menu in which the entire meal is offered at a single fixed price
prix fixe {m} :: The price of such a meal
prix Nobel {m} :: Nobel Prize (international prize)
PRM {m} :: initialism of point de raccordement mutualisé
pro- {prefix} :: pro-
pro {adj} [colloquial] :: professional
pro {mf} [colloquial] :: professional
pro {mf} [colloquial] :: a whiz, someone who is very good at something
proa {m} :: alternative spelling of prao
proactif {adj} :: proactive (acting in advance)
proactivement {adv} :: proactively
probabilisme {m} :: probabilism
probabiliste {adj} :: probabilistic
probabilité {f} :: probability
probable {adj} :: probable (all meanings)
probablement {adv} :: probably
probant {adj} :: compelling, convincing
probation {f} :: probation (especially religious)
probatoire {adj} :: probationary
probiotique {adj} :: probiotic
probité {f} :: probity
problématique {adj} :: problematic
problématique {adj} :: problematical
problématiquement {adv} :: problematically
problématiser {v} :: To problematize
problématologie {f} [philosophy] :: problematology
problème {m} :: problem
problème {m} :: trouble
problême {m} [obsolete] :: alternative form of problème
proboscidien {m} :: proboscidean (animal of the order Proboscidea)
procaryote {m} [cytology] :: prokaryote
procédé {m} :: procedure (method)
procédé {m} :: process (series of events to produce a result)
procéder {v} :: proceed
procéder {v} :: behave
procédural {adj} :: procedural
procéduralement {adv} :: procedurally
procédure {f} :: procedure
procédurier {adj} [often pejorative] :: procedural
procédurier {m} [often pejorative] :: person liking formal procedures and judiciary solutions
procès {m} :: lawsuit
procès {m} :: trial
processeur {m} :: processor
processionnel {adj} :: processional
processionnellement {adv} :: processionally (in procession)
processus {m} :: a process
processus léger {m} [computing] :: thread
procès-verbal {m} :: minutes (of meeting etc)
procès-verbal {m} [legal] :: proceedings
procès-verbal {m} [legal] :: statement (made to the police)
procès-verbal {m} [legal, France] :: ticket, statement of offense
prochain {adj} :: upcoming
prochain {adj} :: nearby
prochain {adj} :: next
prochain {m} [literary] :: fellow man, fellow human being, neighbour
prochainement {adv} :: soon
proche {adj} :: close, near, closeby, nearby (to a place)
proche {adj} :: close, near (a time)
proche {mf} :: loved one, close relative
Proche-Orient {prop} {m} :: Near East
prochinois {adj} :: pro-Chinese
proclamation {f} :: proclamation; announcement
proclamer {v} :: to proclaim; to declare
procommuniste {adj} :: pro-communist
proconsul {m} :: proconsul
proconsulaire {adj} :: proconsular
proconsulat {m} :: proconsulship
proconsule {f} :: feminine singular of proconsul
procrastinateur {m} :: procrastinator
procrastination {f} :: procrastination
procrastiner {vi} :: to procrastinate, delay taking action, wait until later
procréation {f} :: procreation (production of offspring)
procréer {v} :: to procreate (produce offspring)
procruste {m} :: crab, crayfish
procruste {m} [statistics] :: Procrustes analysis
proctodæum {m} :: obsolete form of proctodeum
proctodeum {m} :: proctodeum
proctologique {adj} :: proctological
procurateur {m} :: procurator
procuration {f} :: proxy
procuration {f} :: power of attorney
procuratrice {f} :: feminine noun of procureur
procurer {vt} :: to get, obtain (for someone)
procureur {m} :: representative, agent
procureur {m} [legal] :: attorney, prosecutor
procureur {m} [religion] :: pastor
procureur du roi {m} [Belgium, legal] :: Crown prosecutor of Belgium
procureur du roi {m} [France, legal, historical] :: Crown prosecutor of France
procureure {f} :: feminine noun of procureur
procureure de la Couronne {f} [Canada, legal] :: Crown prosecutor
procureuse {f} :: feminine noun of procureur
procyclique {adj} :: procyclic, procyclical
prodigalement {adv} :: prodigally
prodigalité {f} :: prodigality
prodige {m} :: prodigy
prodigieusement {adv} :: prodigiously
prodigieux {adj} :: prodigious
prodigieux {adj} :: terrific, immense, magnificent
prodigue {adj} :: prodigal
prodiguement {adv} :: prodigally
prodiguer {vt} :: to dispense, to lavish (something on someone)
prodromique {adj} :: prodromal
producteur {m} :: producer
producteur {adj} :: productive
productif {adj} :: productive
production {f} :: production
productique {f} :: production automation
productivement {adv} :: productively
productivisme {m} :: productivism
productiviste {adj} :: productivist
productivité {f} :: productivity
produire {vt} :: to produce, to yield
produire {vr} :: to happen, take place (of an event)
produire {vr} :: to perform (of a singer, etc.)
produit {m} :: product
produit {m} :: production
produit fini {m} :: finished product, end product, finished good
produit intérieur brut {m} [economics] :: gross domestic product
produit laitier {m} :: dairy product
produit scalaire {m} [linear algebra] :: scalar product; dot product
Produnova {prop} {f} :: surname of Russian origin
Produnova {m} [gymnastics] :: Produnova (Produnova vault)
proembryon {m} [biology] :: proembryo
proéminence {f} [topography] :: prominence
proéminent {adj} :: prominent
proeutectoïde {adj} :: proeutectoid
proeutectoïde {m} :: proeutectoid
prof {mf} :: teacher, professor
profanateur {adj} :: profanatory, defiling
profanateur {m} :: profaner, defiler (especially of tombs)
profanation {f} :: profanation
profanatrice {f} :: feminine noun of profanateur
profane {adj} :: secular; lay
profane {adj} :: profane
profanement {adv} :: profanely
profanement {m} :: profanation
profaner {v} :: to profane
proférer {v} :: to utter
profès {adj} :: professed, avowed
profès {m} :: initiate (who has taken a religious vow)
professer {v} :: to profess
professeur {m} :: teacher
professeur {m} :: professor
professeure {f} :: feminine noun of professeur
professeuse {f} :: female professor
profession {f} :: profession, public declaration
profession {f} :: profession, public declaration of faith
profession {f} :: profession, occupation, trade, craft, activity
profession {f} :: profession, practitioners of a profession collectively
profession de foi {f} :: profession of faith
profession de foi {f} :: declaration of faith
profession de foi {f} :: manifesto, policy statement, declaration of principles
professionnalisation {f} :: professionalization
professionnaliser {v} :: to professionalize
professionnalisme {m} :: professionalism
professionnel {adj} :: professional
professionnel {m} :: professional
professionnelle {f} :: feminine noun of professionnel (female professional)
professionnelle {f} [euphemistic] :: prostitute
professionnellement {adv} :: professionally
professoral {adj} :: professorial
professorat {m} :: professorship
professorat {m} :: the teaching profession
professrice {f} [hapax legomenon] :: feminine noun of professeur
profil {m} :: profile
profilage {f} :: profiling
profilagrine {f} [protein] :: profilaggrin
profiler {v} :: To profile
profileur {m} :: profiler (person)
profileur {m} [computing] :: profiler (masculine only)
profileuse {f} :: feminine singular of profileur
profini {adj} [maths] :: profinite
profit {m} :: profit, benefit
profitabilité {f} :: profitability
profitable {adj} :: profitable
profitablement {adv} :: profitably
profiter {v} [de] :: to take advantage to, make the most of
profiter {v} [à] :: to be profitable or beneficial
profiter {vi} [colloquial] :: to thrive, do well; (of clothes) wear well, soak up (sun, atmosphere)
profiterole {f} :: profiterole
profiteur {m} :: profiteer
profiteuse {f} :: female equivalent of profiteur
profond {adj} :: deep
profond {adj} :: profound
profond {adj} [of a region, country or continent, sometimes, pejorative] :: rural, small-town, provincial, heartland; authentic, true
profondément {adv} :: deeply, profoundly
profondeur {f} :: depth
profus {adj} :: profuse
profusément {adv} :: profusely
profusion {f} :: profusion
progéniteur {m} :: progenitor
progénitrice {f} :: feminine noun of progéniteur
progéniture {f} :: offspring, progeny
progestérone {f} [organic compound] :: progesterone
progiciel {m} :: software package
proglaciaire {adj} [geology] :: proglacial
prognathe {adj} :: prognathous
prognosticatif {adj} [archaic] :: prognosticating; tending to predict or foretell
progouvernemental {adj} :: pro-government (attributive)
programmable {adj} :: programmable
programmateur {m} :: timer, scheduler
programmation {f} :: programming
programmation {f} [computing] :: programming
programmation orientée objet {f} :: object-oriented programming
programmatique {adj} :: programmatic
programme {m} :: a program (set of structured activities)
programme {m} :: a program (leaflet listing information about a play, game or other activity)
programme {m} :: a program (particular mindset or method of doing things)
programme {m} [computing] :: a program
programme malveillant {m} [computing] :: malware (software developed to cause harm to a computer system)
programmer {v} :: to program
programmer {v} [computing] :: to program, to write program code
programmeur {m} [computing] :: programmer
programmeuse {f} :: feminine noun of programmeur
progrès {m} :: progress
progresser {v} :: to progress (to show a progression)
progressif {adj} :: progressive
progression {f} :: progression
progressisme {m} :: progressivism
progressiste {adj} :: progressivist
progressivement {adv} :: progressively
prohibé {adj} :: prohibited
prohiber {vt} [legal, formal] :: to prohibit (to proscribe)
prohibitif {adj} :: prohibitive
prohibition {f} :: prohibition
prohibition {f} [specifically] :: prohibition of alcohol
prohibitionnisme {m} [legal] :: prohibitionism
prohibitionniste {m} :: prohibitionist
prohibitivement {adv} :: prohibitively
proie {f} :: prey
proie {f} :: booty
projecteur {m} :: projector
projecteur {m} :: spotlight
projectif {adj} [maths] :: projective
projectile {m} :: projectile
projection {f} :: projection
projection {f} :: screening (of a film)
projectionniste {mf} :: projectionist
projet {m} :: project
projet {m} :: plan
projet {m} [Louisiana French, legal] :: draft constitution
projet de loi {m} :: bill: proposed law drafted by the executive government, as opposed to a proposition de loi (private member's bill)
projeter {v} :: plan (to create a plan for)
projet européen {m} :: European project
prokofiévien {adj} :: Prokofievian
prokurde {adj} :: pro-Kurdish
prolatif {m} [grammar] :: the prolative case
prolepse {f} :: prolepsis (anticipation)
prolepse {f} [grammar] :: prolepsis
proleptique {adj} :: proleptic
prolétaire {m} :: proletarian
prolétaire {adj} :: proletarian
prolétairement {adv} :: proletarianly
prolétaires de tous les pays, unissez-vous {phrase} :: workers of the world, unite!
prolétariat {m} :: proletariat
prolétarien {adj} :: proletarian
prolétarisation {f} :: proletarianization
prolifération {f} :: proliferation, spreading
proliférer {v} :: to proliferate, to mushroom, to increase in number
prolificité {f} [biology] :: prolificity
prolifique {adj} :: prolific (fertile, producing offspring or fruit in great abundance)
prolifique {adj} :: prolific (capable of producing a lot of work)
prolixe {adj} :: prolix; overly talkative
prolixement {adv} :: prolixly
prolixité {f} :: prolixity
prolo {adj} [colloquial, often, pejorative] :: prole
prolo {mf} [colloquial, often, pejorative] :: prole
prologue {m} :: prologue
prolongateur {m} :: extension cord (an electrical cord)
prolongation {f} :: extension
prolongation {f} [sports] :: overtime, extra time
prolongement {m} :: prolonging, extension
prolonger {v} :: to prolong
promenade {f} :: walk; stroll (walk for enjoyment)
promenade de santé {f} [figuratively] :: a walk in the park
promener {vr} :: to walk (leisurely), to go for a walk, to stroll
promener {vt} :: to walk out (an animal)
promener {vt} :: to carry around, often with the implication of showing off
promeneur {m} :: walker
promeneuse {f} :: A female promenader: a woman or girl who promenades, who goes for a walk
promeneuse {f} :: A woman or girl charged with guiding promenades, with taking others on walks
promenoir {m} :: covered walk
promesse {f} :: promise [all meanings]
prométaphase {f} :: prometaphase
prométhate {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: promethate
prométhéen {adj} :: Promethean
prométhéum {m} :: promethium
prométhium {m} :: promethium
prometteur {adj} :: promising
prometteur {m} :: someone who makes false promises
prometteuse {f} :: feminine noun of prometteur
promettre {v} :: to promise
promettre {vi} :: to be promising, to be hopeful
promettre monts et merveilles {v} [figuratively] :: to promise the moon, to promise the earth, to promise the stars (to make promises that are impossible to uphold)
promiscuité {f} :: crowding, lack of privacy
promis juré {interj} [colloquial] :: pinky swear, pinky promise, cross my heart
promis, juré, craché {interj} [colloquial] :: cross my heart and hope to die, pinky swear, pinky promise
promonarchiste {adj} :: pro-monarchy
promontoire {m} :: promontory
promoteur {m} :: promoter, one who promotes
promoteur {m} [college slang] :: master's thesis supervisor, tutor, director, advisor
promotion {f} :: promotion (career advancement)
promotion {f} :: promotion, advertising
promotion {f} :: special offer, discount, special, sale
promotion {f} :: school year, year group
promotion canapé {f} [colloquial, figuratively] :: promotion by sleeping one's way up the ladder
promotionnaire {mf} [sport] :: A team (or a person) who have been promoted to a higher league
promotionnel {adj} :: promotional (of, or relating to a promotion)
promouvoir {v} :: to promote (advertise a product)
promouvoir {v} :: to promote (encourage)
prompt {adj} :: prompt, swift, quick
prompt {adj} [Louisiana] :: curt
promptement {adv} :: promptly, shortly, quickly
prompteur {m} :: teleprompter
promptitude {f} :: promptitude
prompt rétablissement {interj} :: Get well soon, a phrase expressing hope that the listener will soon recover from physical illness
promulgation {f} :: promulgation
promulguer {v} :: to promulgate (to make known or public)
promyélocytaire {adj} [pathology] :: promyelocytic
pronateur {m} [anatomy] :: pronator
pronatrice {f} :: feminine noun of pronateur
prône {m} :: sermon, homily
prôner {v} :: to extol, praise, laud
prôner {v} :: to recommend, advocate
pronique {adj} [maths] :: pronic
prono {m} [colloquial] :: prediction
pronom {m} :: pronoun
pronom démonstratif {m} [grammar] :: demonstrative pronoun (pronoun which replaces a noun)
pronominal {adj} :: pronominal
pronominalement {adv} :: pronominally
pronom personnel {m} [grammar] :: personal pronoun
pronom réfléchi {m} [grammar] :: reflexive pronoun
pronom relatif {m} [grammar] :: relative pronoun
prononçable {adj} :: pronounceable
prononcé {adj} :: strong, distinct, marked
prononcer {v} :: to pronounce
prononcer {v} :: to say, mention
prononcer {v} :: to give, deliver (a speech)
prononciation {f} :: pronunciation
pronostic {m} :: prognosis (all meanings)
pronosticatif {adj} [archaic] :: prognosticating; tending to predict or foretell
pronostic vital {m} :: prognosis for survival
pronostiquer {v} :: to predict; to foretell; to prognosticate
pronostiqueur {m} :: forecaster
pronostiqueur {m} :: tout (at a racecourse)
pronucléaire {adj} :: pronuclear (all senses)
prony {m} [music] :: an interval (defined on a logarithmic scale) between two sounds
propagande {f} :: propaganda
propagande par le fait {f} :: propaganda of the deed; propaganda by the deed
propagandiste {mf} :: propagandist
propagateur {adj} :: propagating
propagateur {m} :: propagator
propagation {f} :: propagation
propagé {adj} :: propagated
propager {vt} :: to propagate, spread
propager {vr} :: to propagate, spread
propalestinien {adj} :: pro-Palestinian
propanoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] :: propanoic
propédeutique {adj} :: propaedeutic
propédeutique {f} :: propaedeutics
propédeutiquement {adv} :: propaedeutically
propènal {m} [organic compound] :: propenal
propène {m} [organic compound] :: propene
propension {f} :: propensity
properdine {f} [protein] :: properdin
propergol {m} :: propellant; rocket fuel
prophète {m} :: prophet (one who speaks by divine inspiration)
prophétesse {f} :: female equivalent of prophète
prophétie {f} :: prophecy
prophétie autoréalisatrice {f} :: self-fulfilling prophecy
prophétique {adj} :: prophetic
prophétiquement {adv} :: prophetically
prophétiser {v} :: to prophetize
prophylactique {adj} :: prophylactic
prophylaxie {f} :: prophylaxis
propice {adj} :: propitious; favorable
propice {adj} :: opportune
propicement {adv} :: propitiously
propionique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: propionic
propitiatoire {adj} :: propitiatory
propolis {f} :: propolis
proportion {f} :: proportion
proportionnable {adj} :: proportionable
proportionnablement {adv} :: proportionably
proportionnalité {f} :: proportionality
proportionnalité {f} :: proportional representation
proportionné {adj} :: proportioned
proportionné {adj} :: proportionate
proportionnel {adj} :: proportional
proportionnellement {adv} :: proportionally
proportionnément {adv} :: proportionately
proportionner {vt} :: to proportion
propos {m} :: aim, intention
propos {m} :: remark
proposer {v} :: to propose, suggest
proposer {v} :: to propose (offer)
proposition {f} :: proposition, suggestion
proposition {f} [grammar] :: proposition
proposition {f} [grammar] :: clause
propositionnel {adj} :: propositional (related to proposition)
propræteur {m} :: obsolete form of propréteur
propre {adj} :: clean
propre {adj} :: house-trained
propre {adj} [before a noun] :: own
propre {adj} [mathematics] :: eigen-
propre {adj} [followed by the preposition à] :: proper to, specific to, particular to
propre comme un sou neuf {adj} [simile] :: Very clean; squeaky clean; clean as a whistle
proprement {adv} :: properly
proprement {adv} :: cleanly (in a way which is not dirty)
propre sur soi {adj} :: neat and tidy, trim, clean-looking, fit to be seen
propret {adj} :: neat and tidy, spick and span; squeaky clean
propret {adj} :: cheap and cheerful
propreté {f} :: cleanliness; cleanness
propréteur {m} :: proprætor (a magistrate of ancient Rome)
propriétaire {adj} :: proprietary
propriétaire {mf} :: owner (one who owns)
propriétairement {adv} :: proprietarily
propriété {f} :: property (something owned)
propriété {f} :: property, attribute
proprio {m} [colloquial] :: landlord
proprio {m} [colloquial] :: householder, landowner (real estate proprietor)
propriocepteur {m} [anatomy] :: proprioceptor
propriocepteur {adj} [anatomy] :: proprioceptive
propriorécepteur {m} :: proprioceptor
propriote {f} :: feminine singular of proprio
proptose {f} :: exophthalmos
propulser {v} :: to propel; to propulse
propulseur {m} :: propeller
propulseur {m} :: spear thrower
propulsif {adj} :: propulsive
propulsion {f} :: propulsion
propyle {m} [organic chemistry] :: propyl
propylène {m} [organic compound] :: propylene
prorata {m} :: proportion
prorévolutionnaire {adj} :: pro-revolutionary
prorogation {f} [politics] :: prorogation
prorogé {adj} :: prorogued, prorogated
proroger {v} :: to extend
proroger {v} :: to defer, put back
proroger {v} :: to adjourn
proroger {v} [politics] :: to prorogue
prorusse {adj} :: pro-Russian
prosaïque {adj} :: prosaic
prosaïquement {adv} :: prosaically
prosaïsme {m} :: mundanity, prosaicness
prosateur {m} :: prosaist (prose writer)
prosatrice {f} :: female equivalent of prosateur
proscription {f} [history] :: Condemnation made against political opponents, especially the Roman antiquity and during the French Revolution
proscription {f} :: Banishment of a person or group
proscription {f} :: Proscription (2)
proscrire {vt} :: to banish
proscrire {vt} :: to ban, prohibit, proscribe
proscrit {adj} :: proscribed, banned
prose {f} :: prose
prosélyte {adj} :: proselytic
prosélyte {m} :: proselyte
prosélytiser {v} :: to proselytize
prosélytisme {m} :: proselytism
prosencéphale {m} [anatomy] :: prosencephalon
prosodie {f} :: prosody (patterns of sounds and rhythms)
prosodique {adj} :: prosodic
prosodiquement {adv} :: prosodically
prosome {m} :: synonym of protéasome; prosome
prosopagnosie {f} [medicine] :: prosopagnosia
prosopographie {f} :: prosopography
prosopographique {adj} :: prosopographic
prosopopée {f} :: prosopopoeia
prosopopœe {f} :: obsolete form of prosopopée
prosoviétique {adj} :: pro-soviet
prospecter {v} [mineralogy] :: prospect (to search as for gold)
prospecteur {m} :: prospector
prospecteur {m} :: canvasser
prospectif {adj} :: prospective
prospectif {adj} :: predictable
prospection {f} :: prospecting
prospectrice {f} :: feminine noun of prospecteur
prospère {adj} :: prosperous, propitious
prospère {adj} :: prosperous, fortunate
prospèrement {adv} :: prosperously
prospérer {v} :: to thrive, prosper
prospérité {f} :: prosperity
Prost {prop} :: Prost (surname)
prostacycline {f} :: prostacyclin
prostaglandine {f} [biochemistry] :: prostaglandin
prostatique {adj} [anatomy] :: prostatic
prosternation {f} :: prostration
prosterner {vr} :: to bow down
prosthétique {adj} :: prosthetic
prostipute {f} [vulgar, offensive] :: whore (a person having sex for profit)
prostitué {adj} :: whoring, prostituting
prostitué {m} :: prostitute (a person having sex for profit)
prostituée {f} :: prostitute (a person having sex for profit)
prostituer {vr} :: to prostitute oneself
prostitution {f} :: prostitution
prostré {adj} :: prostrate
prostré {adj} :: prone
prosule {f} [music] :: the enrichment of Gregorian chants by the addition of melismatic syllables
protactinium {m} :: protactinium
protagoniste {m} :: protagonist (the main character)
protandre {adj} :: protandrous
protase {f} [grammar] :: protasis
prote {m} :: A supervisor or foreman in a printing press
protéacée {f} :: protea (of family Proteacea)
protéagineux {adj} :: proteaginous
protéase {f} [enzyme] :: protease
protéasome {m} [biochemistry] :: proteasome
protecteur {m} :: protector
protecteur {adj} :: protective (related to or used for protection)
protection {f} :: protection
protectionnisme {m} :: protectionism
protectionniste {adj} :: protectionist
protectionniste {mf} :: protectionist
protectorat {m} :: protectorate
protectrice {f} :: female equivalent of protecteur
protée {f} :: mudpuppy, waterdog (amphibian of Proteidae family)
Protée {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Proteus (moon of Neptune)
Protée {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Proteus
protège-dent {m} :: mouthguard (device)
protège-matelas {m} :: mattress protector
protéger {v} :: to protect
protège-tibia {m} [soccer] :: shinguard
protéiforme {adj} :: protean
protéinase {f} [enzyme] :: proteinase
protéine {f} :: protein
protéiné {adj} :: enriched with protein
protéiner {v} :: to enrich with protein
protéinogène {adj} [biochemistry] :: proteinogenic
protéinurie {f} [pathology] :: proteinuria
protéique {adj} :: proteinic
protéique {adj} :: protean
protèle {m} :: aardwolf
protéobactérie {f} :: proteobacterium
protéolyse {f} :: proteolysis
protéolytique {adj} [biochemistry] :: proteolytic
protéome {m} [biochemistry] :: proteome
protéomicien {m} :: proteomicist
protéomicienne {f} :: feminine singular of protéomicien
protéomique {adj} :: proteomic
protérozoïque {adj} :: Proterozoic
Protérozoïque {m} :: Proterozoic
protestant {adj} :: Protestant
protestant {m} :: Protestant (person)
protestantisme {m} [Christianity] :: Protestantism
protestataire {adj} :: protesting
protestataire {mf} :: protester
protestation {f} :: admission, exclamation, statement
protestation {f} :: protest, objection
protester {v} :: to protest; to object
protêt {m} [finance] :: protest of dishonor
prothèse {f} [medicine] :: prosthesis (artificial replacement for a body part)
prothèse {f} [linguistics] :: prothesis
prothésiste {mf} :: prosthodontist
prothétique {adj} :: prosthetic
protide {m} [nutrition] :: protein, peptides and similar materials
protidique {adj} :: protidic
protiodure {m} :: alternative form of protoiodure
protique {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: protic
protiste {m} :: protist (eukaryotic unicellular organisms of the kingdom Protoctista)
protistologie {f} :: protistology
protistologique {adj} :: protistological
protistologiste {m} [biology] :: protistologist
protistologue {mf} :: protistologist
proto- {prefix} :: proto-
protobromure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: protobromide
protocarbure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: protocarbide
protocelte {adj} :: Proto-Celtic
protocérébron {m} [anatomy] :: protocerebrum
protocerque {adj} :: protocercal
protochlorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: protochloride
protocolaire {adj} :: protocol (attributive)
protocolaire {adj} :: formal
protocolairement {adv} :: formally (according to protocol)
protocole {m} :: protocol
protocyanure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: protocyanide
protoétoile {f} [astronomy] :: protostar
protofluorure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: protofluoride
proto-germanique {m} :: Proto-Germanic
proto-germanique {adj} :: Proto-Germanic
protogyne {adj} :: protogynous
protohistoire {f} :: protohistory
protohistorique {adj} :: protohistoric
protoiodure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: protoiodide
proto-langue {f} :: alternative form of protolangue
protolangue {f} :: proto-language
protologisme {m} :: protologism
protologue {m} :: protologue#en
protomartyr {m} :: protomartyr
protomartyre {f} :: protomartyress; female equivalent of protomartyr
protomorphose {f} [biology] :: protomorphosis
proton {m} [particle] :: proton
protoné {adj} [chemistry] :: protonated
protonique {adj} :: protonic
protoniser {v} [chemistry, physics] :: to protonate
protonotaire {n} :: prothonotary
protophosphure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: protophosphide
protoplanétaire {adj} [astronomy] :: protoplanetary
protoplanète {f} [astronomy] :: protoplanet
protoplasme {m} [cytology] :: protoplasm
protoporphyrine {f} [organic compound] :: protoporphyrin
protosel {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: protosalt
protoséléniure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: protoselenide
protostomien {m} :: protostomian
protostomien {adj} :: protostomian
protosulfure {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: protosulfide
prototrophe {adj} [biology] :: prototrophic
prototrophe {m} [biology] :: prototroph
prototrophie {f} [biology] :: prototrophy
prototype {m} :: prototype
prototypique {adj} [linguistics] :: prototypical
prototypiquement {adv} :: prototypically
protoxyde {m} :: monoxide (oxide containing a single oxygen atom)
protozoaire {adj} :: protozoan
protubérance {f} :: lump, protuberance
protubérant {adj} :: bulging, protuberant
protubérant {adj} :: protruding
prou {adv} [obsolete] :: a lot
proudhonien {adj} :: Proudhonian
proudhonisme {m} :: Proudhonism
proue {f} [nautical] :: prow
prouesse {f} [usually, in the singular] :: prowess; bravery; valiance; derring-do
Proulx {prop} :: surname
prout {m} [colloquial] :: fart, trump, toot (an emission of flatulent gases)
prouvable {adj} :: provable
prouvable {adj} :: verifiable
prouvablement {adv} :: provably
prouvablement {adv} :: verifiably
prouver {v} :: to prove
provenance {f} :: provenance, origin
provençal {adj} :: Provençal; of or pertaining to Provence (a region in France) or its people
provençal {m} :: Provençal; Occitan, especially the dialect of Occitan that is spoken in Provence
Provençal {m} :: a person from Provence
Provençale {f} :: feminine noun of Provençal
Provence {prop} {f} :: Provence (region)
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur {prop} {f} :: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (region of France)
provenir {v} :: to originate (from)
provenir {v} :: to arise (from)
proverbe {m} :: proverb, saying
Proverbes {prop} {mp} [bible] :: Proverbs
proverbial {adj} :: proverbial
proverbialement {adv} :: proverbially
providence {f} :: providence
providentiel {adj} :: providential
providentiellement {adv} :: providentially
province {f} :: province
province {f} :: the countryside (of France), the French regions (other than the Parisian region), provincial France
provincial {adj} :: provincial
provincial {m} :: people from the provinces/regions
provincialisme {m} :: provincialism
proviseur {m} :: headmaster (of a secondary school)
provision {f} :: provision
provisionnel {adj} :: provisional
provisionnellement {adv} :: provisionally
provisionner {vt} :: to fund, set aside funds for
provisoire {adj} :: temporary (for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant)
provisoire {adj} :: provisional
provisoirement {adv} :: for the time being
provisoirement {adv} :: provisionally
provoc {f} :: clipping of provocation
provocant {adj} :: provocative, inflammatory
provocateur {adj} :: provocative, inflammatory
provocateur {m} :: provocateur, provoker; one who provokes
provocation {f} :: provocation
provocatrice {f} :: feminine noun of provocateur
provoquant {adj} :: provocative
provoquer {v} :: to provoke, bring on, bring about
proxémie {f} :: proxemics
proxénète {mf} :: procurer, pimp
proxénétisme {m} :: proxenetism, pimping
proximité {f} :: proximity
proximité {f} :: coming up
pruche {f} [Quebec] :: hemlock (tree of Tsuga genus)
prude {adj} :: prude
prudemment {adv} :: prudently
prudence {f} :: prudence, caution, care
prudence est mère de sûreté {proverb} :: discretion is the better part of valour, diffidence is the right eye of prudence, better safe than sorry
prudent {adj} :: prudent, careful, cautious
prudentiel {adj} :: prudential
prud'homme {m} :: a master craftsman or expert
prudhomme {m} :: alternative spelling of prud'homme
Prud'homme {prop} :: Prudhomme; surname
Prudhomme {prop} :: Prudhomme; surname
pruine {f} :: bloom (powdery coating)
pruiné {adj} :: pruinose
pruinosité {f} :: pruinescence
prune {f} :: plum
prune {f} [slang] :: ticket (traffic citation)
pruneau {m} :: prune (dried plum)
prunelier {m} :: alternative form of prunellier
prunelle {f} :: sloe (small, bitter, wild fruit of the blackthorn)
prunelle {f} :: sloe gin
prunelle {f} [anatomy] :: pupil; eye
prunelle {f} [archaic] :: a type of cloth
prunellier {m} :: blackthorn; sloe (Prunus spinosa)
prunier {m} :: plum, plum tree
prurigineux {adj} :: pruritic, pruriginous
prurit {m} :: itch, itchiness
prurit {m} :: itch, in the sense of a desire or want
Prusse {prop} {f} :: Prussia
Prussie {prop} {f} :: Prussia
prussien {adj} :: Prussian
prussien {m} :: Prussian (language)
Prussien {m} :: Prussian person
Prussienne {f} :: feminine noun of Prussien
prussique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: prussic
prytane {m} :: prytane
PS {prop} {m} :: initialism of Parti Socialiste, a socialist political party active in France, Belgium and Switzerland
psalmique {adj} :: psalmic
psalmodie {f} :: psalmody
psalmodier {vi} :: to chant, intone [especially a psalm]
psalmodier {vi} :: to drone
psaloïde {adj} [anatomy] :: psalloid
psaltérion {m} [historical] :: psaltery from mid-13th c
psaltérion {m} :: bowed psaltery
psaume {m} :: psalm (all senses)
Psaumes {prop} {mp} [bible] :: Psalms
psautier {m} :: psalter
pschitt {interj} :: hiss
pseautier {m} :: alternative spelling of psautier
pséphologie {f} :: psephology
pseudo- {prefix} :: pseudo-
pseudo {m} :: A nickname, handle or pseudonym
pseudo-colonne {f} [database] :: pseudocolumn
pseudocratère {f} :: pseudocrater
pseudoéphédrine {f} :: pseudoephedrine
pseudogamie {f} [biology] :: pseudogamy
pseudohalogène {m} [chemistry] :: pseudohalogen
pseudohalogénure {m} [chemistry] :: pseudohalide
pseudonyme {adj} :: pseudonymous, done under a pseudonym
pseudonyme {m} :: pseudonym
pseudoparasitisme {m} [biology] :: pseudoparasitism
pseudopode {m} [biology] :: pseudopod
pseudoscalaire {m} [physics] :: pseudoscalar
pseudouridimycine {f} [medicine] :: pseudouridimycin
PSG {prop} [soccer] :: Paris Saint-Germain Football Club, a French football club from Paris
psi {m} :: psi (Greek letter)
psilocybine {f} :: psilocybin
psitt {interj} :: psst!
psoralée {f} :: scurfpea (of the genus Psoralea)
psoralène {m} :: psoralen
psoralier {m} :: tumbleweed (of the genus Psoralea)
psorique {adj} :: psoric, psoriatic
psoroptique {adj} :: psoroptic
psy {adj} [colloquial] :: clipping of psychologique
psy {adj} [colloquial] :: clipping of psychique
psy {adj} [colloquial] :: clipping of psychosomatique
psy {mf} [colloquial] :: clipping of psychiatre; shrink
psy {mf} [colloquial] :: clipping of psychologue
psychanalyse {f} :: psychoanalysis (family of psychological theories)
psychanalyser {vt} :: to psychoanalyze
psychanalyste {mf} :: psychoanalyst
psychanalytique {adj} :: psychoanalytical (relating to psychoanalysis)
psyché {f} [psychology, philosophy] :: psyche
psyché {f} :: cheval glass
psychédélique {adj} :: psychedelic (of, containing or generating hallucinations, etc.)
psychédéliquement {adv} :: psychedelically
psychédélisme {m} :: psychedelia
psychiatre {mf} :: psychiatrist
psychiatrie {f} :: psychiatry
psychiatrique {adj} :: psychiatric (of or relating to psychiatry)
psychiatriser {v} :: To psychiatrize
psychique {adj} :: psychic
psychiquement {adv} :: psychically
psychisme {m} [philosophy, psychology] :: psyche, globality of mind
psychisme {m} [philosophy, psychology] :: life of the psyche or mind ; globality of psychical phenomena
psycho- {prefix} :: psycho-
psychoactif {adj} :: psychoactive
psychochirurgie {f} :: psychosurgery
psychodramatique {adj} :: psychodramatic
psychodrame {m} :: psychodrama
psychodysleptique {adj} :: psychodysleptic
psychogériatrie {f} :: psychogeriatrics
psychohistoire {f} :: psychohistory
psychokinèse {m} :: psychokinesis
psychokinésie {f} :: psychokinesis
psycholinguistique {adj} :: psycholinguistic
psycholinguistique {f} :: psycholinguistics
psychologie {f} :: psychology
psychologie inversée {f} [psychology] :: reverse psychology
psychologique {adj} :: psychological
psychologiquement {adv} :: psychologically
psychologiser {v} :: psychologize
psychologue {mf} :: psychologist
psychomoteur {adj} :: psychomotor
psychomotricité {f} :: psychomotricity
psychonaute {mf} :: psychonaut
psychopathe {mf} :: psychopath
psychopathie {f} :: psychopathy
psychopathique {adj} :: psychopathic
psychopathologie {f} :: psychopathology
psychopathologique {adj} :: psychopathological
psychopédagogie {f} :: psychopedagogy (educational psychology)
psychopharmacologie {f} :: psychopharmacology
psychopharmacologique {adj} :: psychopharmacological
psychophysiologie {f} :: psychophysiology
psychophysiologique {adj} :: psychophysiological
psychophysique {adj} :: psychophysical
psychophysique {f} :: psychophysics (a branch of psychology)
psychopolitique {f} :: psychopolitics
psychopompe {mf} :: psychopomp
psychorigide {adj} :: psychorigid
psychose {f} :: psychosis
psychosocial {adj} :: psychosocial
psychosociologue {mf} :: psychosociologist
psychosomatique {adj} :: psychosomatic (of physical effects with mental causes)
psychosynthèse {f} :: psychosynthesis
psychotechnique {adj} :: psychotechnic
psychotechnique {f} :: psychotechnics
psychothérapeute {mf} :: psychotherapist
psychothérapie {f} :: psychotherapy
psychotique {adj} :: psychotic
psychotique {mf} :: psychotic
psychotrope {adj} :: psychotropic
psychotrope {m} :: psychotropic, psychoactive drug
p'tain {interj} [colloquial, vulgar] :: informal spelling of putain or contraction of putain
ptdr {interj} [internet slang, texting] :: initialism of pété de rire Literally "broken with laughter", approximately equivalent to English PMSL
ptéridine {f} [organic compound] :: pteridine
ptéridographe {mf} :: pteridologist
ptéridophyte {m} :: pteridophyte
ptérine {f} [organic compound] :: pterin
ptérinique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pterinic
ptérodactyle {m} :: pterodactyl (extinct flying reptile)
ptérois zèbre {m} :: zebra turkeyfish, zebra lionfish
ptérosaure {m} :: pterosaur
ptérygoïde {adj} [anatomy] :: pterygoid
ptérygoïdien {adj} :: pterygoid
p'tet {adv} [nonstandard] :: contraction of peut-être
p't'êt' {adv} [nonstandard] :: contraction of peut-être
ptil- {prefix} :: ptilo- (downy)
-ptile {suffix} [botany] :: -ptile (leaf)
-ptile {suffix} [ornithology] :: -ptile (plumage)
ptiline {f} [zoology and entomology] :: ptilinum
ptilocerque {m} :: pen-tailed treeshrew
p'tit {adj} [colloquial, slang] :: eye dialect of petit or contraction of petit or syncopic form of petit
p'tit déj {m} [colloquial, slang] :: clipping of petit déjeuner (breakfast)
Ptolémaïs {prop} :: Ptolemais
Ptolémée {prop} {m} :: Ptolemy
ptomaïne {f} :: ptomaine
ptyalisme {m} [biology, pathology] :: ptyalism
pu {adv} [Quebec, colloquial] :: alternative form of plus
puant {adj} :: smelly, stinking
puanteur {f} :: stench; stink
pub {f} :: Television ad or advert
pub {m} :: pub
pubalgie {f} :: groin pain
pubalgie {f} :: groin strain
pubard {m} [colloquial] :: adman
pubère {adj} :: pubescent
puberté {f} :: puberty
pubien {adj} [anatomy] :: pubic
pubis {m} :: pubis; pubes
publiable {adj} :: publishable
publiant {m} :: publicist
publiante {f} :: feminine singular of publiant
public {adj} :: public
public {m} :: public (people in general)
public {m} :: audience
publicain {m} :: publican (in Ancient Rome)
publication {f} :: publication
publication {f} :: publicizing
publiciel {m} [computing] :: adware
publiciste {mf} :: publicist
publiciste {mf} :: advertising executive
publicitaire {adj} [attributive] :: publicity; advertising
publicitaire {mf} :: publicist, adman, adwoman
publicitairement {adv} :: by means of publicity or advertising
publicité {f} :: publicity, advertising
publicité {f} :: commercial, advertisement
publier {v} :: to publish, to release, to issue
publipostage {m} :: mail merge
publiquement {adv} :: publicly
publirédactionnel {m} :: advertorial (advertisement presented as editorial)
publireportage {m} :: infomercial
puçage {m} :: chipping (insertion of a chip under the skin)
puccinien {adj} :: Puccinian
puce {f} :: flea
puce {f} :: chip [electronics], silicon chip
puce {f} [typography] :: bullet
puce {f} [affectionate] :: sweetie
puceau {m} :: virgin (male person who has never had sexual relations)
puceau {adj} :: virgin
pucelage {m} [colloquial] :: virginity
pucelage {m} :: innocence
pucelle {f} :: a maiden; a virgin
pucer {v} :: To chip (insert a chip under the skin)
puceron {m} :: aphid
pucier {m} [slang] :: bed; sleep
pudding {m} :: any dish formed from putting the leftovers of a place such as a bakery together, and mixing them all into one
pudeur {f} :: sense of modesty or reserve; shame
pudeur {f} :: sense of decency, chastity, propriety
pudibond {adj} :: prudish
pudibonderie {f} :: prudishness
pudicité {f} :: pudicity; modesty; chasteness
pudique {adj} :: modest, chaste
pudiquement {adv} :: in a pudic way
puer {vi} :: to stink, to smell (bad)
puer de la gueule {v} [vulgar, figuratively] :: to have bad breath
puer du bec {v} [colloquial, figuratively] :: to have bad breath
puériculteur {m} :: paediatric nurse, nursery nurse
puéricultrice {f} :: feminine noun of puériculteur
puériculture {f} :: Puericulture
puéril {adj} [dated or literary] :: childlike
puéril {adj} [pejorative] :: puerile, childish, immature
puérilement {adv} :: youthfully
puérilement {adv} :: childishly
puérilité {f} :: childishness
puffin {m} :: shearwater
pugilat {m} :: pugilism, fist-fighting
pugilat {m} :: boxing
pugiliste {mf} :: pugilist
pugiliste {mf} :: boxer
pugilistique {adj} :: of or relating to pugilism or boxing
pugnace {adj} :: pugnacious
pugnacité {f} :: pugnacity
puîné {adj} [law, literary] :: cadet (born after a sibling)
puîné {m} [law, literary] :: cadet (someone born after a sibling)
puis {adv} :: then
puis {conj} :: and
puisage {m} :: drawing (water etc)
puisard {m} :: soakaway, sink hole; draining-well
puisard {m} :: sump
puiser {v} [also, figurative] :: to draw (for example, water from a well), to tap into
puisqu' {conj} [before vowel sound] :: apocopic form of puisque
puisque {conj} :: since, because
puissamment {adv} :: powerfully
puissamment {adv} :: much; a lot; greatly
puissance {f} :: power (physical or figuratively)
puissance {f} :: dominion (state within the British Empire)
puissance {prep} [mathematics] :: to the power of
puissance mondiale {f} :: world power
puissant {adj} :: powerful; mighty
puits {m} :: well, shaft
puits artésien {m} :: artesian well
puits de pétrole {m} :: oil well
puits de science {m} [figuratively] :: a fount of knowledge (a very knowledgeable person)
puits sans fond {m} [figuratively] :: bottomless pit
pukeko {m} :: pukeko
Pula {prop} :: Pula (largest city)
pull {m} :: pullover
pull-over {m} :: pullover (sweater)
pulluler {vi} :: to teem
pulluler {vi} :: to swarm
pulmonaire {adj} :: pulmonary
pulpaire {adj} [dentistry] :: pulpal
pulpe {f} :: pulp
pulpeux {adj} :: sexually attractive, gorgeous, ravishing
pulpeux {adj} :: pulpy
pulsatille {f} :: pasqueflower
pulsation {f} :: pulsation
pulsion {f} [psychology] :: drive, urge
pulsion de mort {f} :: death wish
pultacé {adj} [medicine] :: pultaceous
pulvérisateur {adj} :: pulverizing
pulvérisateur {m} :: pulveriser
pulvérisateur {m} :: spray, sprayer, atomizer
pulvérisation {f} :: pulverization
pulvérisation {f} :: spraying
pulvérisé {adj} :: pulverized / pulverised
pulvériser {v} :: to pulverise (grind into powder)
pulvériser {v} :: to pulverise (defeat thoroughly)
pulvérulent {adj} :: pulverulent
puma {m} :: puma (mammal)
punaise {f} [entomology] :: bug, stinkbug; true bug (a member of order Heteroptera)
punaise {f} :: bedbug
punaise {f} :: tack, thumbtack, drawing pin
punaise {f} [colloquial, pejorative, of a woman] :: a bug, a nothing (a term of abuse)
punaise {interj} [colloquial] :: euphemistic form of putain; darn, shoot, shucks
punaise de sacristie {f} [pejorative] :: a Holy Mary, a zealot, a bigot, a God botherer, a Jesus freak, a Bible thumper (an excessively pious woman, a woman who spends a lot of a time in the church)
punaise des lits {f} :: bedbug (Cimex lectularius)
punaiser {vt} :: to pin up (attach with pins)
punch {m} :: punch (drink)
punching-ball {m} :: punching bag
punchline {f} [hip hop] :: Sentence of a rap song, carrying a strong message
punchline {f} :: Strong or shocking one-sentenced statement
punctiforme {adj} [biology] :: punctiform
punicique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: punicic
punique {adj} :: Punic
punir {v} :: to punish
punissable {adj} :: punishable
punissablement {adv} :: punishably
punisseur {adj} :: punishing
punisseur {m} :: punisher
punitif {adj} :: punitive
punition {f} :: punishment
punk {m} :: punk
punk {adj} :: punk
pupe {f} :: a pupa
pupillaire {adj} :: pupillary
pupille {f} :: pupil (of the eye)
pupille {mf} :: an orphan under guardianship, a ward
pupitre {m} :: pupil's desk, school desk
pupitre {m} :: console, control panel
pupitre {m} :: music stand
pupitreur {m} [computing] :: operator
pupitreuse {f} :: feminine noun of pupitreur
pur {adj} :: pure (unspoilt)
pur {adj} :: pure (undiluted)
purée {f} :: puree
purée de pois {f} [figuratively] :: pea-souper (dense fog)
pure laine {adj} [Quebec] :: pertaining to old stock Quebecois
pure laine {mf} [Quebec] :: old stock Quebecois
pure laine {mf} [literally] :: pure wool
purement {adv} :: purely, completely, totally
purement et simplement {adv} [idiomatic] :: purely and simply
pur et dur {adj} [chiefly politics] :: extreme, hard-line, uncompromising
pur et dur {adj} :: archetypal, exemplary
pur et dur {adj} [Canadian politics] :: pur et dur (being a hardliner of the Quebec independence movement)
pureté {f} :: purity
purgatif {adj} :: purgative
purgatif {m} :: purgative
purgatoire {m} :: purgatory (stage of the afterlife in Catholic theology)
purger {v} [medicine] :: to purge
purger {v} [legal] :: to serve (a sentence)
purificateur {m} :: purifier
purificateur {adj} :: purifying
purification {f} :: purification
purifié {adj} :: purified
purifier {v} :: to purify
purifier {v} :: to cleanse [cleanse something of impurities]
purin {m} :: manure
purin {m} :: any liquid-based fertilizer
purique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: purine (attributive)
purisme {m} :: purism
puriste {mf} :: purist
puritain {adj} :: puritan
puritain {m} :: Puritan
puritanisme {m} :: Puritanism (the beliefs and practices of the Puritans)
puritanisme {m} :: puritanism (strict and austere religious conduct)
pur jus {adj} [figuratively] :: authentic, genuine
pur laine {adj} [Quebec] :: alternative form of pure laine
pur laine {mf} [Quebec] :: alternative form of pure laine
purpurique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: purpuric
purulent {adj} :: purulent
p'us {adv} [colloquial, Louisiana French, Cajun French] :: no longer, no more
pus {m} :: pus
pusillanime {adj} :: pusillanimous
pusillanimement {adv} :: pusillanimously
pusillanimité {f} :: pusillanimity
putaclic {adj} [attributive] :: clickbait
putain {f} [vulgar] :: whore, hooker
putain {f} [derogatory, vulgar, slang] :: bitch, cow (an unpleasant woman)
putain {interj} [vulgar] :: fuck, fucking hell, bloody hell
putain de {adj} [slang, vulgar] :: fucking [as an intensifier]
putain de bordel de merde {interj} [vulgar] :: holy fucking shit, Jesus fucking Christ
putain de merde {interj} [vulgar] :: fucking hell; holy shit; goddamn
putanisme {m} :: prostitution
putasse {f} [vulgar] :: slut, whore
putasserie {f} :: whoring
putassier {adj} :: sensationalist (of the press)
putassier {adj} :: camp (overly theatrical)
putatif {adj} :: putative, assumed
putativement {adv} :: putatively
pute {f} [vulgar] :: whore, slut (prostitute)
pute {f} [vulgar, colloquial] :: bitch, slut (promiscuous woman)
pute {f} [vulgar, slang] :: fucking (used for emphasis)
Puteaux {prop} :: A commune in the western suburbs of Paris
putet {m} :: bird cherry (Prunus padus)
putier {m} :: bird cherry (Prunus padus)
putois {m} :: polecat (especially, the European polecat, Mustela putorius)
putréfaction {f} :: putrefaction
putréfait {adj} :: putrefied
putréfié {adj} :: putrefied, decomposed
putréfier {v} :: to putrefy, to decompose
putride {adj} :: putrid
putsch {m} :: putsch; military coup d'état
putschiste {mf} :: putschist
putter {m} :: putter (golf club)
putter {v} [golf] :: to putt
puy {m} [geology, regional] :: mountain, hill
Puy-de-Dôme {prop} {m} :: Puy-de-Dôme (department)
puzzle {m} :: jigsaw puzzle
PV {m} [legal] :: abbreviation of procès-verbal
PV {m} [gaming] :: abbreviation of point de vie
pycnonucléaire {adj} [physics] :: pycnonuclear
pyélique {adj} [anatomy] :: pyelitic
pyélocaliciel {adj} [anatomy] :: pyelocaliceal
pyélon {m} [anatomy] :: pyelon
Pyeong-chang {prop} :: alternative spelling of Pyeongchang
Pyeongchang {prop} :: Pyeongchang (county)
Pyeongchang {prop} :: Pyeongchang (a city in the eponymous county of South Korea)
Pyeong Chang {prop} :: alternative spelling of Pyeongchang
Pyeong-Chang {prop} :: alternative spelling of Pyeongchang
PyeongChang {prop} :: alternative case form of Pyeongchang
pygargue {m} :: sea eagle
pygargue à tête blanche {m} :: bald eagle (species of eagle native to North America, Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
pygidium {m} :: pygidium
pygmée {mf} :: pygmy
pyine {f} :: pyin
pyique {adj} :: pyic
pyjama {m} :: pyjamas
pylone {m} :: alternative form of pylône
pylône {m} :: pylon (a gateway to the inner part of an Ancient Egyptian temple)
pylône {m} :: pylon (electric)
pylore {m} [anatomy] :: pylorus
pylorique {adj} [anatomy] :: pyloric
pyocyanique {adj} [biology] :: pyocyanic
pyodermite {f} :: pyodermitis
pyrale {f} :: pyralid moth, snout moth, grass moth
pyrale du buis {f} :: box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis)
pyrale du maïs {f} :: European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis)
pyrale du maïs asiatique {f} :: Asian corn borer (Ostrinia furnacalis)
pyramidal {adj} :: pyramidal
pyramidalement {adv} :: pyramidally
pyramide {f} :: pyramid
pyramidion {m} :: pyramidion
pyrane {m} [organic compound] :: pyran
pyranique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pyranic
pyranomètre {m} :: pyranometer
pyrargyrite {f} [mineral] :: pyrargyrite
pyrène {m} [botany] :: seed (of a fleshy fruit)
pyrène {m} [organic compound] :: pyrene
pyrénéen {adj} :: Pyrenean
Pyrénées {prop} {fp} :: Pyrenees
Pyrénées-Atlantiques {prop} {fp} :: Pyrénées-Atlantiques
Pyrénées-Orientales {prop} {fp} :: Pyrénées-Orientales (department)
pyrèthre {m} :: pyrethrum (plant)
pyréthrine {f} [organic compound] :: pyrethrin
pyréthrinoïde {m} [organic chemistry] :: pyrethroid
pyréthroïde {m} :: synonym of pyréthrinoïde
pyrgoïdal {adj} [obsolete] :: In mathematics, qualifies a number that is composed of a columnar number and a pyramidal one, such that the side of the first is larger than that of the second by one
pyrhéliomètre {m} :: pyrheliometer
pyrhéliométrique {adj} :: pyrheliometric
pyrimidique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pyrimidine (attributive)
pyrite {m} :: The metallic mineral pyrite
pyritisation {f} [mineralogy] :: pyritization
pyritiser {v} [mineralogy] :: To pyritize
pyro- {prefix} :: pyro-
pyroacétique {adj} [obsolete, organic chemistry] :: pyroacetic
pyrocatéchine {f} [organic compound] :: pyrocatechin, pyrocatechol
pyrochlore {m} [mineral] :: pyrochlore
pyroclaste {m} [geology] :: pyroclast, tephra
pyroclastique {n} :: pyroclastic
pyroélectrique {adj} [physics] :: pyroelectric
pyrogallique {adj} :: pyrogallic
pyrogène {adj} :: pyrogenic (all senses)
pyroglutamique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pyroglutamic
pyrognostique {adj} [chemistry] :: pyrognostic
pyrogravure {f} :: pyrography
pyroligneux {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pyroligneous
pyrolusite {f} [mineral] :: pyrolusite
pyrolyse {f} :: pyrolysis (decomposition of a material or compound due to heat where there is no oxygen or other reagents)
pyrolyser {v} :: to pyrolyse
pyrolytique {adj} :: pyrolytic
pyromancie {f} :: pyromancy
pyromane {mf} :: pyromaniac (one who is obsessed with fire)
pyromanie {f} :: pyromania
pyromantique {adj} :: pyromantic
pyrométallurgie {f} [metallurgy] :: pyrometallurgy
pyrométallurgique {adj} :: pyrometallurgic
pyromètre {m} :: pyrometer
pyrope {m} [mineral] :: pyrope
pyrophoricité {f} :: pyrophoricity
pyrophorique {adj} :: pyrophoric
pyrophosphorique {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: pyrophosphoric
pyroséquençage {m} :: pyrosequencing
pyrotartrique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pyrotartaric
pyrotechnie {f} :: pyrotechnics
pyrotechnique {adj} :: pyrotechnic
pyrotique {adj} :: pyrotic, caustic
pyroxanthine {f} [organic compound] :: pyroxanthin
pyroxène {m} [mineralogy] :: pyroxene
pyroxylique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pyroxylic
pyrrhique {adj} :: pyrrhic
pyrrhotite {f} :: pyrrhotite
Pyrrhus {prop} {m} :: Pyrrhus
pyrrolique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pyrrolic
pyruvique {adj} [organic chemistry] :: pyruvic
Pythagore {prop} {m} :: Pythagoras (Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher)
pythagoricien {adj} :: Pythagorean
pythie {f} :: Pythia
python {m} :: python
Python {prop} {m} :: Python programming language
pythonisse {f} :: A witch (etc) who makes predictions; pythoness
pyurie {f} [pathology] :: pyuria