< User:Qnm
pn = ["'taint", "'u", "-'s", '-aj', '-ata', '-ctwo', '-eius', '-els', '-else', '-hadi', '-iach', '-iano', '-in', '-ne', '-odd', '-sne', '-stwo', '-u', '-τρα', '-лага', '-лго', '-лог', '-лого', '-рь', '-ᐃᒡ', '-ᐊᒡ', '-ᐦ', "AC45's", 'APBD', 'APBN', 'APD', 'APLS', 'AUSA', 'Aal', 'Aant', 'Achel', 'African-American Vernacular English', 'Albana', 'Amerikkka', 'And', 'Andes Mountains', 'Anglois', 'Antigwa e Barbida', 'Antigwayen', 'Apollinarian', "Archimedes' screw", 'Arzantin', 'Arzantinn', 'Australian dollar', 'BLU', 'BMD', 'Baamas', 'Baham', 'Bankston', 'Bardhyl', 'Bardhyll', 'Bass', 'Batan', 'Baudelairean', 'Berisha', 'Besiana', 'Bologna stone', 'Bory', 'Bouroundi', 'Britania', 'Brunhild', 'Brüsselisierung', 'Béatrix', 'CBDs', "Cantons-de-l'Est", 'Chateaubriand', 'Cmdre', 'Connecticutensian', 'Cypriote', 'DACHs', 'DCS', 'DHTML', 'DXM', 'Dacus', 'Dahut', 'Dani', 'Daniel', 'Daniell', 'Danjell', 'Ded', 'Deda', 'Dedaj', 'Dedë', 'Delmin', 'Demo', 'Denker', 'Dequey', 'Dhjata e Re', 'Dievoet', 'Diogo', 'Ditarem', 'Dod', 'Doda', 'Dodaj', 'Dodë', 'Duda', 'Dukagjin', 'Eabhraig', 'Elbe', 'Endrit', 'Entwicklerin', 'Erblin', 'Esse', 'FN-FAL', 'Fauna', 'Frogmore stew', 'Gardiner', 'Geddes', 'Gentian', 'Gertrude', 'Gestüt', 'Gieschen', 'Great Glen', 'Grimsey', 'Griselda', 'Groenlando', 'Guiana', 'H1', 'H2', 'HSS', 'HST', 'Hague', 'Hel', 'Helheim', 'Herminigilda', 'Herminigildo', 'Hijra', 'Hirësia', 'Hongtong', 'Hruštšov', 'Hundshamer', 'Hyinora', 'Hyjnora', 'Insulele Britanice', 'Insulele Falkland', 'Ipir', 'Irakien', 'Isuf', 'Isufaj', 'Isufi', 'Itbayat', 'Ivuhos', 'JT', 'Jakë', 'Jaméíkʼa', 'Jephthah', 'Jeton', 'Josef', 'Joz', 'Jozef', 'Jozë', 'Jupiterian', 'Jusuf', 'Jusufaj', 'Jusufi', 'Jäälahing', 'KA-BAR', 'KLB', 'KOM.', 'Kaithi', 'Khe Sanh', 'Ki', 'Kin Yótʼááh Deezʼá Hahoodzo', 'Koll', 'Kore', 'Kwentoh', 'LWR', 'Lazic', 'Lazuri', 'Lazuri nena', 'Liezl', 'Liridona', 'Luceafăr', 'Luksemburgio', 'M16', 'Mali', 'Mammon', 'Marki', 'Marku', 'Mavulis', 'Maße', 'Meess', 'Merlot', 'Mexican flu', 'Middle Easternization', 'Mirkku', 'Misanga', 'Miz', 'Mopan', 'Mopan Maya', 'Mopán', 'Moskauerin', 'Muji', 'Murcien', 'Nanchimensis', 'Nanchinensis', 'Nanchinum', 'Nanda', 'Nando', 'Nebenjob', 'Noemi', 'Nugent', 'PBB', 'PBU', 'PCC', 'PQ', 'PUR', 'PVT', 'Padishah', 'Palaestina', 'Panzaism', 'Petre', 'Phú Sỹ', 'Prenda', 'Qarqız', 'RMS', 'RSVP', 'Rchb.f.', 'Reinhart', 'Rika', 'Rubenstein', 'Rubinstein', 'SASE', 'SDSS', 'SFB', 'Sabtang', 'Sayyid', 'Sciamhaevum', 'Science-Fiction-Buches', 'Science-Fiction-Buchs', 'Sciencefiction-Buches', 'Sciencefiction-Buchs', 'Scotch broth', 'Segou', 'Serica', 'Serican', 'Seris', 'Siayan', 'Suvi-Anne', 'Ségou', 'Thy', 'Tobias', 'U-', 'USA-amerikaner', 'USAR', 'USH', 'Ucraine', 'Ulpian', 'Värmland', 'WC', 'WWI', 'Warsovian', 'Xamtanga', 'Xhak', 'Yaras', 'Yllesha', 'Zakarian', 'Zandvoort', 'Zevenslaper', 'Zhak', 'Zvicra', 'Zvicrra', 'Zvicër', 'Zvicërr', 'a new broom sweeps clean', 'a-spec', 'aba', 'aba-', 'abacuses', 'abada', 'abadan', 'abajon', 'abandonos', 'abdomens', 'abdomina', 'abizen', 'ableism', 'abopercular', 'absciss layer', 'abscission zone', 'absofreakinglutely', 'absolut', 'abstractable', 'acaltetepon', 'acantă', 'acarral', 'accenten', 'accentens', 'accenter', 'accenterne', 'accenternes', 'accenters', 'acerca', 'achoimre', 'ach’ winaq', 'ach’i’y', 'acquerne', 'acreditar', 'active solar', 'actorlike', 'acção', 'adamantinoma', 'adhuroj', 'adorem', 'adreiça', 'aethant', 'affected', 'afrohem', 'agiote', 'agjëroj', 'agrins', 'ahcopechtli', 'ahsën', 'ahtaaminen', 'ainda assim', 'ainteinne', 'akek', 'akið', 'akraupatte', 'aktwal', 'akull', 'alcançar', 'alcuño', 'ale post', 'alligators', 'allosua', 'almami', 'aloita', 'alt-right', 'alums', 'alànkw', 'aläq', 'amealha', 'amealhada', 'amealhadas', 'amealhado', 'amealhados', 'amealhai', 'amealhais', 'amealham', 'amealhamos', 'amealhando', 'amealhara', 'amealharam', 'amealharas', 'amealhardes', 'amealharei', 'amealhareis', 'amealharem', 'amealharemos', 'amealhares', 'amealharia', 'amealhariam', 'amealharias', 'amealharmos', 'amealhará', 'amealharás', 'amealharão', 'amealharíamos', 'amealharíeis', 'amealhas', 'amealhasse', 'amealhassem', 'amealhasses', 'amealhaste', 'amealhastes', 'amealhava', 'amealhavam', 'amealhavas', 'amealhe', 'amealhei', 'amealheis', 'amealhem', 'amealhemos', 'amealhes', 'amealho', 'amealhou', 'amealhámos', 'amealháramos', 'amealháreis', 'amealhásseis', 'amealhássemos', 'amealhávamos', 'amealháveis', 'ameaçar', 'ampelam-bantotra', 'anang', 'anden', 'andre verdenskrig', 'andsakan', 'anglistiikka', 'anjir', 'annam', 'ansaitse', 'anti', 'ao pé', 'aoire', 'apel telefonic', 'applying', 'approvisionner', 'après-skiing', 'arachnophobie', 'argjend', 'arhitika', 'armik', 'arnis', 'arnë', 'arresteres', 'arrij', 'arse-kisser', 'arzantin', 'athaisigh', 'athem', 'athukri', 'atsil', 'atyre', 'aulx', 'ausir', 'auvir', 'avahî', 'avançar', 'avião', 'awa', 'ayaks', 'aʼ', 'aʼtam', 'ba-', 'baba', 'babaanne', 'babaye', 'babayi', 'backflop', 'bacë', 'bado', 'baduk', 'bagëm', 'baitajik', 'bajajik', 'bajarse al moro', 'bajbik', 'bajij', 'bajzë', 'bakgata', 'balladër', 'balugi', 'banagay', 'bananku', 'bandaw', 'bannar', 'bar', 'barkë', 'barye', 'bataake', 'bayillo', 'başın sağ olsun', 'bean', 'been had', 'beijo', 'bekereng', 'belonging', 'belongs', 'belwen', 'benga', 'bereti', 'berq', 'berrear', 'besshi', 'betamethasone', 'bevowelled', 'biggin', 'bigro', 'biimali', 'billig', 'biming', 'bimung', 'binz', 'biphagaba', "bird's-eye maple", 'birq', 'bizitza', 'black', 'blaow', 'blesbok', 'bli', 'blong', 'blood worm', 'bn.', 'boineann', 'bokhorok', 'bolle', 'bolong', 'bomol', 'bomtom', 'booch', 'boondoggler', 'borger', 'bosok', 'bouledogue', 'bovine malignant catarrhal fever', 'bpósfadh', 'bracen', 'bradas', 'brahmin', 'braiment', 'brain-dead', 'brawt', 'brea', 'breastfeed', 'brede', 'bredh', 'breds', 'brongniardite', 'bronzepoko', 'brusselization', 'brutal', 'brutau', 'bruxellisation', 'brânză', 'buffalo grass', 'bugsok', 'buje', 'bukal', 'bukung', 'bulagsok', 'bum bag', 'bumakhang', 'bumrush', 'buphang', 'burada', 'burr', 'butt wink', 'buttle', 'bwchwlwi', 'bwkhasobom', 'bwkhwnai', 'bwklap', 'bwlap', 'bwrwiphang', 'bwsak', 'bygly', 'både', 'bëra', 'bërllog', 'bëzej', 'bódht', 'bõanga', 'børe', 'børen', 'børene', 'cacak', 'caethoch', 'caethon', 'cafe', 'cafè', 'cailón', 'calor', 'cam', 'camelizing', 'can opener', 'cançom', 'canção', 'capolcuahuitl', 'cardiomiopatia', 'carreg galch', 'carrying-on', 'cartoonlike', 'castellana', 'castellanas', 'castellanes', 'castellanos', 'castellans', 'castellà', 'catherinette', 'caud', 'celiachia', 'cenlla', 'cerra', "ch'ill", 'chafodd', 'chakumra', 'chapel', 'chateaubriand', 'chdan', 'chdiktu', 'chervonets', 'cheval de frise', 'chewing the cud', 'chibuk', 'chili', 'chimalayotl', 'chimalli', 'chitok', 'chkwap', 'choba', 'chtimi', 'chuak', 'chukȯ', 'chácá', 'cinlla', 'circum-', 'cis man', 'cis woman', 'clair de lune', 'clawe', 'clething', 'clinicopathological', 'cocorda', 'coelho', 'cold cuts', 'colone', 'color', 'commoc', 'commous', 'communication', 'companhia', 'companhiá', 'comprener', 'compréner', 'computerize', 'conceyveng', 'conceyvynge', 'conduit', 'conseyvyng', 'conseyvynge', 'consists', 'console', 'conéisher', 'conóisser', 'coot', 'coraçom', 'coração', 'cork tipped', 'counterarmed', 'counterarms', 'coupe du monde', 'crateral', 'crauw', 'craw', 'crawen', 'crawenge', 'crossbuck', 'crowinge', 'crowynge', 'crva', 'créser', 'cui̱ꞌ', 'cunnilingus', 'cuyu', 'càser', 'câmp de vedere', 'cão', 'cérémonials', 'côr', 'cāoxīn', 'cɛmisɛn', 'daarɛ', 'dadu', 'dais', 'dale', 'daláng', 'dalëngadalë', 'damages', 'damege', 'dammage', 'dampnage', 'dank', 'dankon', 'dao', 'daoa', 'dashni', 'dashuri', 'dashurohem', 'dasse', 'data trails', 'datlíček', 'dauã', 'dayereh', 'dd', 'de surcroît', 'degti', 'deicing boot', 'deksi', 'dens', 'dentista', 'derpe', 'derrpe', 'descrever', 'descrição', 'desert rose', 'detestar', 'deyir', 'de·theng', 'değmek', 'dhaarri', 'dhaincha', 'dhali', 'dhamay', 'dhampir', 'dhe', 'dheireadh', 'dhurri', 'diaeretic', 'diisagol', 'diiwal', 'dil tridi ve', 'disde', 'diskusija', 'disperish', 'dizer', 'doauã', 'dog', 'dokańczać', 'domage', 'don', 'donga', 'doogo', 'dorbëri', 'dorbëria', 'dosad', 'downbet', 'do·-', 'do·chi', 'dreads', 'droppen', 'drubir', 'dræbt', 'dræbte', 'dualize', 'duk', 'duket', 'dukke op', 'dun dun', 'duster', 'dybek', 'dynd', 'dzo', 'dáa', 'dål', 'dégustation menus', 'dégustations', 'dép', 'díi', 'döntsd', 'dĩiri', 'dẽ', 'dợ', 'e', 'ebulus', 'eigi', 'einpwong', 'ekur', 'electroanesthesia', 'elvész', 'elämme', 'empalanca', "en état d'arrestation", 'endog', 'enforcible', 'enhearse', 'enkemmu', 'enkemnu', 'enllaz', 'epem', 'epidosite', 'eponychium', 'eptir', 'epäilen', 'erehtyminen', 'ermyn', 'ern', 'esboirar', 'esbourar', 'escabòt', 'escarabanar', 'eschivar', 'escumadeira', 'eskrima', 'espumadeira', 'esquivar', 'essa', 'esses', 'ethe', 'euphraise', 'eure', 'euthum', 'evennight', 'evne', 'ex-lax fish', 'explosão', 'eyr', 'face brick', 'fact check', 'falar coisa com coisa', 'falle', 'falou', 'fasies', 'fath', 'fattouch', 'fazer', 'felháborodik', 'felháborít', 'fell together', 'femboi', 'femc', 'fend', 'fendë', 'ferepoko', 'fiar', 'fill', 'fink', 'fire whirl', 'fishk', 'fishkëllej', 'fishkët', 'fisken', 'fiskens', 'flag-bearer', 'flat-footing', 'flatfooting', 'flip book', 'flow chart', 'flyrod', 'flótmöli', 'foilésán', 'foni', 'fonoll marí', 'fontainier', 'forgyf', 'forinta', 'formulize', 'força', 'forçar', 'foun', 'fraq', 'frashuall', 'frelst', 'frelste', 'freon', 'fuir', 'fukara', 'fulgt', 'furóil', 'fyshkem', 'fám', 'fãrsherot', 'fører', 'g/l', 'gaan', 'gaarramali', 'gafodd', 'gagali', 'gaite', 'galactagogue', 'galatalaiskirje', 'gapel', 'garrali', 'gatar', 'gatoj', 'gebroken wit', 'geiler', 'gemt', 'gender-critical', 'gengi', 'genre', 'gentlemen', 'gewinn', 'gewinnan', 'gewynnan', 'geyser', 'geɓal', 'gibioctet', 'giciloj', "give them an inch and they'll take a mile", 'gizêr', 'gjethkë', 'gjetkëz', 'gjillesë', 'gjithmonë', 'gjobis', 'gjobë', 'gjor', 'gjuoj', 'gløde', 'go', 'go phut', 'goalkeeper', 'golds', 'gole', 'goosish', 'goro', 'goşe', 'gpl', 'grabofç', 'graf', 'gram', 'grammar Nazi', 'grand paire', 'grawnffrwythau', 'gray man', 'graõ', 'greatest thing since sliced bread', 'greth', 'grim', 'grima', 'grimcë', 'grimm', 'grimë', 'grivna', 'gubiy', 'gubiyaanha', 'gudulis', 'guidette', 'gunhugunhu dhurri', 'gutta-percha', 'guwaali', 'gæludýr', 'gëlbazë', 'gërhanë', 'gërmih', 'gështallë', 'gözün aydın olsun', 'gǔzhì', 'gɔɔn', 'hai·a', 'haje', 'hajthëm', 'hakung', 'hal', 'hallakat', 'hallk', 'hallkë', 'halsni', 'halsnie', 'ham·a', 'han-', 'hang·ki', 'hannar', 'hannem', 'hant', 'harb', 'harinc', 'harmi', 'harpek', 'hastar', 'hauk', 'haut placé', 'hazmat', 'ha·pek', 'ha·rang', 'heck no', 'hegazkin', 'heilsa', 'helsny', 'hemmel', 'hengitä', 'herttainen', 'herää', 'hevris', 'hia', 'hiew', 'hindering', 'hit point', 'hits the rack', 'hjælpende', 'hjælpes', 'hl', 'hláa', 'hohchifo', 'hold', 'holy smoke', 'homme', 'hora', 'hreaw', 'hrstička', 'hug', 'humbas', 'hundred-first', 'huolehdi', 'husice', 'hyökkää', 'hä', 'hävittäminen', 'hæleren', 'hênik', 'ihoo', 'iki yüz', 'impalanca', 'imperial', 'implements', 'impremta', 'in chief', 'in the pudding club', 'indossa', 'insteek', 'inverídico', 'ipirot', 'irakien', 'iru merden', 'ish', 'islandica', 'islandiche', 'islandici', 'isomer bomb', 'itzibu', 'iucateco', 'iucundo', 'iwyn', 'i·a', 'i·rurata', 'janela', 'janissary', 'jedar', 'jefe político', 'jefe políticos', 'jes', 'jiähä', 'joelho', 'jonne', 'jug-heavy', 'jìnshí', 'jîyan', 'jøss', 'jǐngzhuī', 'jǐngzhuībìng', 'kacadre', 'kafshoj', 'kalhtu̱choko', 'kamaguwangan', 'kamerad', 'kan lide', 'kanal', 'kanas', 'kanga', 'kapamamak', 'kar', 'katallaj', 'kaya', 'kaçërotë', 'keitä', 'kelab', 'kende', 'keskiluokkaistuminen', 'keskity', 'kettle bottom', 'kezë', 'khultwng', 'kiciloj', 'kiihottuminen', 'kij', 'kilikos', 'kim', 'kinamaguwangan', 'kinamagwangan', 'kinoja', 'kitbag', 'kllapë', 'klædende', 'klædt', 'klædte', 'klædtes', 'klödd', 'kmesë', 'knefesing', 'knølhval', 'kok', 'kokokhas', 'kolache', 'koneksion', 'kouvertir', 'kovil', 'krandë', 'kredh', 'kridhem', 'krroqe', 'krunde', 'ku', 'kuicha', 'kunnet lide', 'kuvittele', 'kuwarenta', 'kuwatro', 'kuwatrosentos', 'kuweakw', 'kveisa', 'kveisen', 'kvæl', 'kvælende', 'kyhnytäs', 'kymmen', 'káciiki', 'käsitä', 'käytämme', 'käännin', 'käänny', 'käännä', 'këlbazë', 'këmbë', 'kënd', 'këndej', 'kërmill', 'kërr', 'kërriç', 'këtej', 'køl', 'kørende', 'kørt', 'kăt', 'labardh', 'ladino', 'ladys', 'lagniappe', 'langgar', 'lashë', 'lavdi', 'lavede', 'laɓndal', 'lead outs', 'leauwe', 'leaves a lot to be desired', 'ledhë', 'ledt', 'legere', 'lepää', 'lha', 'lide', 'lik', 'limapulo', 'limbă', 'limekiln', 'linduškovec', 'linjär transformation', 'liquid sunshine', 'lisgairo', 'llafos', 'lloh', 'lloxh', 'logela', 'loinclothes', 'lokke', 'longer-lasting', 'longest-lasting', 'looming', 'loosish', 'lopë', 'lovely', 'loven', 'luceafăr', 'lupesh', 'luter', 'luxembourger', 'lylc', 'lym', 'lètg', 'lëbozë', 'lësho', 'lëvdatë', 'lëvozhgë', 'lò', 'lõhe', 'löv', 'löytävät', 'løst', 'maangi', 'macrocosm', 'magert', 'make heavy weather of', 'makte', 'makërr', 'malas', 'mali', 'malësi', 'malësor', 'mande', 'mande-', 'maniilay', 'mansylang', 'maoue', 'mapulu', 'marga', 'mariani', 'martelen', 'mas', 'mash tun', 'massen', 'mateřština', 'matguas', 'mayat', 'mazre', 'maç', 'maçok', 'maň', 'mbarë', 'mbasi', 'mbes', 'mbet', 'mbrëmje', 'mbulohem', 'mecayotl', 'medevac', 'megint', 'megállapodik', 'mehem', 'mehter', 'meinasi', 'meinasin', 'mejao', 'mellasti', 'memm', 'men-', 'menispermine', 'meripihkahappo', 'merkitse', 'merkitseminen', 'merong', 'metal greu', 'metan', 'metanarrative', 'methylphenidate', 'mezgra', 'me·dik', 'me·gon', 'mi/hr', 'mibipang', 'migration', 'miluriwatitji', 'mirek', 'misi', 'mitra', 'mizantropija', 'mizz', 'mişmiş', 'mluviti', 'mlynařík', 'mlysh', 'mlčeti', 'mnétąga', 'mobilizer', 'mock-up', 'modu', 'mogari', 'moldovenește', 'moleomancy', 'moustacheless', 'mpreh', 'msallë', 'mugor', 'muhtuq', 'muj', 'mullë', 'mumsy', 'mun', 'mungma', 'muodistaminen', 'murehdi', 'murine', 'muruputo', 'muutu', 'muwili', 'muzzie', 'myghtern', 'mykyren', 'myllion', 'mytern', 'myxomatose', 'myönnä', 'mànmàn', 'mádar', 'mâini', 'mâove', 'mãn', 'mättäät', 'mëlysh', 'mërgjyzë', 'mölke', 'möö', 'měngrán', 'mồ hôi', 'naguu-', 'nakuu-', 'namok', 'narin', 'narykel', 'ndes', 'ndih', 'news', 'ngadalë', 'ngamili', 'ngarriy', 'ngarugi', 'nghapel', 'ngjaj', 'ngjëroj', 'ngos', 'ngrydhem', 'ngudoy', 'ngut', 'ngërdhej', 'nickel-plate', 'niicii', 'nimigalha', 'nipa', 'njanndi', 'njeh', 'nokkhung', 'non-Muslim', 'nonnos', 'nonstudent', 'normal bases', 'numbered', 'numbers', 'nuòu', 'nxit', 'nymphid', 'næsten', 'né', 'nêgo', 'nënëqirë', 'octalogue', 'odiar', 'oenopolae', 'ogwu', 'ohu', 'oinomancy', 'omgivelse', 'onirocritic', 'opdukke', 'orada', 'oule', 'outrivaled', 'outrivaling', 'outrivalled', 'ouver', 'ouvertir', 'overbiding', 'overbled', 'overbode', 'overmuch', 'overwise', 'pagaille', 'pajtoj', 'palan', 'palavra', 'palpanggi', 'pam', 'pandit', 'papo reto', 'papuçë', 'papú', 'para-', 'para-biathlon', 'paranoïa', 'pargeting', 'parliament', 'parno', 'parsadi', 'participatory economics', 'paruit', 'pasi', 'passages', 'passers-by', 'passive solar', 'pastam', 'pastarum', 'pastas', 'pastis', 'pastorum', 'pasur', 'pat', 'patka', 'pats', 'patte', 'patur', 'pavior', 'pedicularis', 'peer-to-peer', 'penalty envelope', 'perfs', 'permis de conducere', 'permitted', 'perses', 'peräänny', 'perëndi', 'perëndoj', 'peteman', 'petztli', 'pheer', 'pholourie', 'phonk', 'phósfadh', 'pictogrammatic', 'pidä huolta', 'piereminen', 'pikëlëkurë', 'pillioning', 'pinti miyu', 'piqûre', 'pirang', 'pit bull terrier', 'pit viper', 'pito', 'pitom', 'piyangaw', 'pi·sa', 'pištec', 'place cell', 'planikw', 'plaza', 'plug', 'pochivnic', 'poistu', 'polynomial bases', 'pool', 'porikka', 'poronić', 'porropi', 'post-', 'postajati', 'postmolar', 'posttrombotisch', 'pothuaj', 'praestolor', 'prannet', 'prannit', 'prasad', 'pray', 'preclare', 'preda', 'preh', 'prehën', 'prehër', 'prener', 'pres', 'presença', 'presidentil', 'preve', 'produces', 'progovernment', 'programla', 'prootonipump', 'provokatorinen', 'prrar', 'préner', 'prëhën', 'prëhër', 'pseudoepistaxis', 'pushing up daisies', 'pusullë', "putting butter on one's bread", 'putting paid to', 'putting the moves on', 'pyes', 'pysäytä', 'pácuuʾuʾ', 'pão', 'pärjää', 'pääsevät', 'pådraga', 'pådrage', 'péthe', 'pêhel', 'pêso', 'pële', 'pëlenikw', 'pëlle', 'përafrisht', 'përafërsisht', 'përgatis', 'përgjigje', 'përkorë', 'përkulem', 'përmbys', 'përrëpi', 'pótt', 'qakugu', 'qel', 'qifsha', 'qifsha nënën', 'qit', 'qiánguīzé', 'quadre', 'quay', 'quelôgne', 'quoique', 'qyr', 'qysqi', 'r-', 'raarawuh', 'radhë', 'raga', 'rajojen', 'raksi', 'ran barefoot through', 'ratë', 'rauhoitu', 'ravitseminen', 'razom', 'razão', 're-marked', 'reaktiv yaylım atəş sistemi', 'recollections', 'recovered', 'reed pen', 'refusing', 'rehat', 'reise', 'remarked', 'remarks', 'ren', 'rentoudu', 'resht', 'ressukka', 'retrorocket', 'reul', 'reverse spelling', 'ride up', 'rigt', 'riitä', 'rimtë', 'ritou', 'rivers', 'rod', 'rokëz', 'rolling stock', 'rong·te', 'ronrom', 'roqueyra', 'rradhë', 'rragë', 'rrakna', 'rrasht', 'rrebe', 'rrebull', 'rredhë', 'rresht', 'rrjesht', 'rrokëz', 'rrua', 'rruazë', 'rrudh', 'rrudhem', 'rrudhos', 'rruva', 'rrëmih', 'rrëmoj', 'ruaj', 'rubah', 'rucas', 'rucos', 'rugby à XIII', 'rugby à XV', 'rugbymans', 'rugjë', 'rumors', 'rumours', 'rumpa', 'rung up the curtain', 'rungajë', 'ruralize', 'rácahis', 'rålaga', 'rångel', 'ríksuʾ', 'røre', 'røvs', 'rúcula', 'rúskiriʾis', 'sahaja', 'sakara', 'salam', 'salm', 'salmon', 'saluti', 'samica', 'sammuta', 'sammuttaminen', 'samu', 'sanasti', 'sandwiches', 'sandwichs', 'sapin', 'sapılca', 'sarabiar', 'sari', 'savon', 'sayur', 'sağ-salamat gedib gələsən', 'sağ-salamat qayıdasan', 'scathe', 'schacht', 'seconds', 'secção', 'serre', 'serviço', 'seserys', 'sesiune plenară', 'sfat', 'sfx', 'shaheed', 'sharashka', 'shkalis', 'shkallmë', 'shkarzej', 'shkel', 'shkrumb', 'shlligë', 'shpurdh', 'shpurdhem', 'shpëlaj', 'shqa', 'shqymb', 'shtizë', 'shtëllungë', 'shtërras', 'shuaj', 'shuk', 'shurqel', 'shuttlecock', 'shūsōng', 'side-wife', 'siipiiwi', 'siirrä', 'silso', 'singkuwenta', 'siping', 'sivunmuu-', 'si·ol', 'själv', 'skabt', 'skabte', 'skabtes', 'skelf', 'skoomf', 'skrappäl', 'skromp', 'skuth', 'skytten', 'slerp', 'slikkende', 'slimet', 'sloo', 'sluthole', 'snowgoing', 'soh', 'sokrop', 'songsyrek', 'soor', 'sorger', 'sororal', 'sororel', 'source code', 'southering', 'sowl', 'spaniamiutut', 'speculare', 'spittoon', 'spurium', 'spîk', 'squid', 'stana', 'stap', 'startup', 'stefa', 'stemt', 'stepchair', 'stepmom', 'stepmum', 'stige', 'stjæleren', 'stoprem', 'stor', 'straboccare', 'straichter', 'streljački', 'stryding', 'stræbt', 'stubbie', 'stubby', 'styles', 'stylobate', 'stè', 'stërvis', 'střízlíkovec', 'su', 'sua', 'suaha', 'subjected', 'subjectivity', 'sumay', 'summer tire', 'suna', 'supaya', 'superwomen', 'supplies', 'suprapontine', 'suspiri', 'suutele', 'swathe', 'swerving', 'sy', 'synchronizable', 'synecdoque', 'syntes', 'sátoroz', 'sátorozik', 'så', 'sæl', 'sôpro', 'sørgede', 'sørget', 'tabhannaich', 'tableaux', 'tabt', 'tabulampot', 'tach up', 'tahdo', 'taistele', 'tangad', 'tanglad', 'tanikala', 'tankie', 'taqueria', 'tarkoita', 'tashti', 'tat tvam asi', 'tchoc', 'tchoque', 'teasaich', 'teen', 'teepee', 'telis', 'teoyotica tepachoani', 'ter', 'terazû', 'termovettore', 'testépítés', 'tetrakis hexahedron', 'texel', 'te·-', 'te·brong', 'te·gachu', 'te·rik', 'thanta', 'tharb', 'tha·malang', 'thema', 'thermoforming', 'thermoi', 'thet', 'thiamine', 'thirlage', 'thjellët', 'thjerë', 'thrak', 'thrusmon', 'thurftig', 'thut', 'thuthaq', 'thylampak', 'thërpehem', 'tiers', 'tiest', 'tim.', 'tip of the hat', 'tithingman', 'tito', 'tive', 'tiyangaw', 'tlapalantli', 'tlapoa', 'tlʼ', 'tlʼáa', 'to-', 'tok', 'tokkhyphu', 'tomten', 'toonaangevend', 'toos', 'totalizer', 'towers', 'trabalhar', 'tradhtar', 'trainees', 'transformer', 'trello', 'trenta-vuitè', 'tret', 'tribalhar', 'tributary state', 'trilobar', 'trilobular', 'trubull', 'trumbë', 'truç', 'tryelë', 'trætte', 'tsihał', 'tugot', 'tugrik', 'tukkiminen', 'tuksáhs', 'tumao', 'turrë', 'tyranovec', 'tywodfaen gwyrdd', 'tända', 'tärv', 'tökin', 'tör', 'tʼaláng', 'uaktet', 'uia', 'ulem', 'ullashtër', 'ulurij', 'ulët', 'umtu', 'unblessed', 'underbreeding', 'ungji', 'unicity', 'uniom', 'unique en son genre', 'uniquer', 'união', 'unseen', 'unzë', 'up-gun', 'ur', 'urakoitsen', 'urdhë', 'useful as a chocolate teapot', 'user', 'ushtar', 'usko huviksesi', 'utmak', 'v.', 'vader', 'vaikuta', 'vaj', 'vakt', 'valehtele', 'valmistaudu', 'vapauta', 'vapë', 'vare', 'vargër', 'varmista', 'varrezë', 'varrjesht', 'vasculaire', 'vaseline', 've', 'veena', 'veer', 'vegë', 'vella', 'verbrusseling', 'vermelho', 'verë', 'vesht', 'vezull', 'vezullon', 'vichyssoise', 'vickë', 'vickël', 'viduité', 'vidéo-', 'visa', 'vittujen kevät', 'viva voce', 'vlagë', 'vranët', 'vri', 'vrøvlede', 'vrøvlen', 'vrøvlende', 'vrøvler', 'vud', 'vydatá', 'vyer', 'vägjen', 'värma', 'väär', 'våva', 'væl', 'vélux', 'vërej', 'vôi', 'waali', 'waraninkalan', "warc'hoazh", 'warning', 'warst', 'wassup', 'waterkou', 'weiqi', 'wesan', 'westernization', 'whiskeys', 'whoof', 'wiirrali', 'winangali', 'winingay', 'wlaten', 'wonaa', 'worksheet', 'wounds', 'wuuna', 'wuurri', 'wykańczać', 'wyn', 'wǔfàn', 'xało', 'xenelasy', 'xenofob', 'xii', 'xiii', 'xilema', 'yabili', 'yachtmans', 'yachtwomen', 'yak', 'yan', 'yaratımının', 'yaratının', 'yawali', 'yearbook', 'yeste', 'yethow', 'yigh', 'yiish', 'yrchoun', 'yskä', 'yuántián', 'ywinne', 'yāobù', 'zagar', 'zbeh', 'zbyth', 'zbythem', 'zgjas', 'zgjat', 'zhys', 'zhyt', 'zi', 'zjarr', 'zombie', 'zuero', 'zurna', 'zvarrë', 'zêta', 'zëj', 'µg/l', '½d', 'Äken', 'Ürümchi', 'à beira', 'áltán', 'átvesz', 'älva', 'çaj', 'çast', 'çeltik', 'çoj', 'çudi', 'çë', 'èrbatar', 'électronvolt', 'íitlʼ', 'ñaakii', 'òg', 'óg', 'õueaiamaa', 'ökum', 'ölür', 'öyrəşmək', '÷', 'þyrilvængja', 'āke', 'česmina', 'şivən', 'żinja', 'žuri', 'ƴulɓere', 'ɗemɗe', 'ədviyyə', 'ədviyyəli', 'ədəbi dil', 'ɲɔ', 'ʼláa', 'Αντίπας', 'Αἰγαῖον', 'Ελληνάρας', 'Ελληναράς', 'Τιτάνα', 'Τιτάνος', 'έκαναν', 'αγριοκάστανο', 'αεροφωτογραφίζω', 'αεροφωτογραφώ', 'αλλιώς', 'αλφάβητο', 'ανάλαδος', 'ανήγγειλα', 'ανήγγελλα', 'ανηφόρα', 'ανιψιών', 'ανοικτίρμων', 'απέκρουσα', 'απετράπη', 'απλά', 'αποκρύπτομαι', 'αποσυνδέω', 'αποσύνδεση', 'αποτράπηκε', 'αρχικός', 'αφηγήτριας', 'αφηγήτριες', 'αφηγητές', 'αφηγητή', 'αφηγητριών', 'αφηγητών', 'βιάζομαι', 'γενν.', 'γιωτ', 'διασκεδάζομαι', 'είντα', 'εγχέομαι', 'ειλεός', 'εκχέομαι', 'ελεημοσύνες', 'ελεημοσύνης', 'εντούτοις', 'ερχομένη', 'ζητιανέψτε', 'ζητιανεύτε', 'ημερέψτε', 'ημερεύτε', 'θiipi', 'θiipoi', 'κανακέψτε', 'κανακεύτε', 'κιτσαρίας', 'κιτσαρίες', 'κολλητά', 'κοροϊδέψτε', 'κοροϊδεύτε', 'κρυστάλλου', 'λύγξ', 'μαζέψτε', 'μαζεύτε', 'μια και', 'μπάζο', 'μπρίκιο', 'ξερόλες', 'οστεοφυλάκια', 'οστεοφυλακίου', 'οστεοφυλακίων', 'πιστεύτε', 'πόλιος', 'ρεσιτάλ', 'σαν δεν ντρέπεσαι', 'σολ', 'σπάρτα', 'σπάρτου', 'σπάρτων', 'συγγραφέως', 'φα', 'φουμάρω', 'φωτογραφίζω', 'φωτογραφώ', 'χορέψτε', 'χορεύτε', 'Ϟ', 'ϩⲱ', 'ϯⲡⲉⲣⲥⲏⲥ', 'акхуйплов', 'ал', 'арно', 'атхуйплов', 'ау', 'аң', 'банкнот', 'бот', 'гезикли', 'жекелеу', 'залуур зүй', 'зи', 'знам', 'зная', 'и', 'излет', 'инә', 'кав', 'китхуйплов', 'колода', 'коробка', 'кьт', 'л.', 'лунт', 'мазмұн', 'насельникъ', 'нилахуйлплов', 'нилахуйплов', 'ноапте', 'новина', 'нёллов', 'нёлловхуйплов', 'онтэлловхуйплов', 'па̄вэл', 'подрек', 'поле', 'помощ', 'природа', 'прозор', 'прозорец', 'рақмет сізге', 'рушник', 'с.', 'са̄тхуйплов', 'сабыр', 'сар', 'сенімсіздік', 'син', 'скриня', 'тап', 'тафть', 'твои', 'той', 'тырнакъ', 'тырнақ', 'төш', 'уй', 'харагдах', 'хо̄тхуйплов', 'хӯрумхуйплов', 'цагаан хэрэглэл', 'щур', 'ябыҡ', 'ял', 'яр', 'ящик', 'ёбанный в рот', 'јавна кућа', 'қауіпсіздік', 'үрге', 'әпке', 'әріп', 'өн', 'Մուրադ', 'Մսըր', 'ձայնասփյուռ', 'մարդամեքենա', 'սիրո սեղան', 'տեսաերիզ', 'քերմես', 'օթո', 'אַן', 'אוניקאַל', 'אפטשי', 'ארב', 'באָזשע מוי', 'בם', 'הולל', 'זעיק', 'זעק', 'חנן', 'יונגערהייט', 'מאַנסביל', 'מרא', 'סדנא', 'עובד', 'עוון', 'קדושים', 'קיטב', 'ראיה', 'שירותים', 'תל אביב', 'آب اکسیژنه', 'آله', 'آلو', 'أجبن', 'أحوى', 'أخياط', 'أزل', 'أطيان', 'أغلفة', 'أغماد', 'ألفبائية', 'أمرك', 'أوحال', 'ئوينىماق', 'ئېتىقاد', 'ارزا', 'ازديان', 'اسمع', 'اعتزام', 'افماک', 'السفن', 'باش', 'برابری', 'بزه', 'بسپار', 'بلاستيك', 'بنية', 'بودا', 'بچا', 'تعدل', 'تلفون', 'تهذيب', 'توزيع', 'توسن', 'توفنك', 'تیسا', 'جایگاه', 'جبانات', 'جغرات', 'جمنر', 'جیرجیرک', 'حشر', 'حومر', 'حوي', 'خيوط', 'دالیان', 'درونه', 'راک اند رول', 'رسوایی', 'زبل', 'زخمه', 'زمبرك', 'زنبورك', 'سائنس', 'سرشن', 'سمان', 'سماناة', 'شوش', 'شکوفه', 'صاتت', 'صلابة', 'ضواو', 'طباق', 'طبقات', 'عاري', 'عصب', 'عصعص', 'غباء', 'غباوة', 'غش', 'غمود', 'غيداء', 'فلاح', 'فنار', 'قمينة', 'قوام', 'قولچي', 'كتشب', 'لچر', 'محشى', 'محى', 'مريلة', 'مزراب', 'مشت', 'مصابيح', 'مكيف', 'مهمة', 'ميناء', 'نابرابری', 'ندى', 'نشت', 'نگ', 'هشدار', 'همدلی', 'پاپ', 'پتو', 'پتوش', 'پلیمر', 'پیکان', 'کباڑ', 'کشمکش', 'کوگ', 'کپسول', 'کیک', 'گرس', 'گوژ', 'ܕܗܩܢܐ', 'अग्लो', 'अठचालीस', 'अठार', 'अठ्तीस', 'अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय', 'अप्ठ्यारो', 'अफ़्रीका', 'अम्मा', 'असिन्व', 'आङ', 'आमाजु', 'इॽठोप', 'उत्तर अमरीका', 'उन्नाईस', 'एहसास', 'कचरस', 'कनेली', 'कागज', 'काच्\u200dयाक', 'कीरा', 'कुचुमा', 'कुहेसा', 'केराइ', 'कोहरा', 'खनातिनी', 'खाल्डो', 'खुर्सानी', 'गंगला', 'गह्रुङ्गो', 'गह्रौं', 'गांधी', 'गैँडा', 'गैंडा', 'गोभी', 'घण्टा', 'चश्मा', 'चिठी', 'चिरई', 'चोटी', 'छुट्ट्याउनु', 'छोटा लउआ', 'जमिन', 'जमिनदार', 'जय', 'जरा', 'जरो', 'जाँघिल', 'ज्वाइँ', 'झींगा', 'तजुर्बा', 'त्रेडी', 'दिघोंच', 'दिशा', 'दीया', 'दुःख', 'दुनु', 'दुहुनु', 'दूध', 'देउरानी', 'देवर', 'धत्तेरि', 'नरक', 'नाम्बुङ्\u200dला', 'निचोर्नु', 'निद्रा', 'नेनुआ', 'पनडुब्बी', 'पन्चानब्बे', 'परदेश', 'परदेशी', 'पियोरी', 'पुछ्नु', 'पैँतीस', 'प्रविधि', 'प्लु', 'फय्', 'फुपाज्यू', 'बटेर', 'बड़की आंत', 'बदाम्', 'बबर', 'बर्फ़', 'बहनचोद', 'बाँध्नु', 'बुढा', 'बुढी', 'बुढो', 'भतिजा', 'भतिजी', 'भतुआ', 'भिनाजु', 'भुरुकुआ', 'भेना', 'भेली', 'भैँसी', 'मइ', 'मकड़ी', 'मछरेंगा', 'मदत्', 'मरहम', 'मर्नु', 'महताब', 'माघ', 'मान', 'माहवारी', 'मूर्ख', 'रीत', 'रीति', 'रुख', 'रूख', 'रूप', 'लइकी', 'लाँड़', 'लाडो', 'लिंगानुपात', 'लुभ्', 'वक्त', 'वटा', 'वन', 'विदा', 'वीज़ा', 'शङ्क्', 'शराफत', 'शिव हंस', 'सखर', 'सफेद', 'सबक', 'ससुरा', 'साफ', 'साबिक', 'सासू', 'सिकार', 'सिरानी', 'सिर्फ', 'सैँतीस', 'स्वास्नी', 'हजाम', 'हत्तेरी', 'हत्तेरीका', 'हरफ', 'हवा की नाँव', 'हिमानी', 'हेलगा', 'होइन', 'ह्यात्तेरिका', 'ह्यात्तेरीका', 'এখতিয়ার', 'গাউ', 'ঘমা', 'ঘামা', 'ডোলা', 'নউ', 'বীমা', 'বেবাক', 'সোনালী', 'স্বাদকলি', 'হয়', 'হেই', 'આવરણ તંત્ર', 'કઠિન પાણી', 'કુમળું હાડકું', 'કૂણું હાડકું', 'ઘડિયા', 'ચીપડો', 'ચુંચુની', 'ટંકલેખક', 'ઠિનક', 'ઠીનક', 'તુઈ', 'નરમ પાણી', 'પહાડા', 'પેચ', 'પ્રસ્વેદ ગ્રંથિ', 'પ્રીછવું', 'બાલ્યગ્રંથિ', 'બાવચી', 'બાહ્યાવરણ તંત્ર', 'મહાશોધ નિબંધ', 'રજૂ કરવું', 'વહેલું', 'સૂડો', 'அர்க்கார்', 'அறுகு', 'ஆயா', 'இசை கருவி', 'இலக்குமி', 'ஈனம்', 'என்னும்', 'எள்', 'ஏற்கவே', 'கூறை', 'கோயில்', 'சதா', 'சத்துரு', 'சரணியன்', 'சாரத்துவம்', 'சுந்தரம்', 'செயம்', 'தரப்பு', 'தர்ப்பீத்து', 'தாரித்திரம்', 'தீபிகை', 'நாதசுவரம்', 'நியாசம்', 'நீங்க', 'நீங்கள்', 'பிரசினம்', 'பிருத்தியன்', 'ரக்ஷகன்', 'வக்திரம்', 'வம்சம்', 'ஸ்த்ரீ', 'అసిటేటు', 'ഏതു', 'ඇ', 'ග', 'ණ', 'ෆ', 'ครับ', 'ทะเลาะ', 'นางพระยา', 'นิติศาสตร์', 'บัย', 'อรุโณทัย', 'อัปยศ', 'โสม', 'ຂ້າເຈົ້າ', 'གྱོན', 'དགོན་པ', 'དབྱར་ཁ', 'ဂ', 'ဃ', 'င', 'ဈ', 'ဋ', 'ဌ', 'ဍ', 'ဎ', 'ဏ', 'တနၢ်', 'ထ', 'ဒ', 'ဓ', 'နါဒံၩ့', 'ပ', 'ဖ', 'ဖဝ်ရဂိုဏ်', 'ဗ', 'ဘတ်', 'ရ', 'თახაშხა', 'ობიშხა', 'ტოლიბაში', 'ღაზი', 'ჩიხუ', 'ᄒᆞ를밤', 'አለዳስ', 'አራራት', 'አደገኛ', 'ᥐ', 'ᥑ', 'ᥒ', 'ᥓ', 'ᥔ', 'ἀκακία', 'ἀλφάβητοι', 'ἀλφαβήτους', 'ἀξία', 'ἄκων', 'ἐσχάριον', 'ὅς', 'ᾖ', 'Ⓚ', 'ⲑⲙⲟⲛⲏ', 'ⲙⲉⲧⲣⲟⲡⲟⲗⲓⲥ', 'ⲙⲏⲓ', 'ⲡⲱⲡⲗⲓⲟⲥ', 'ⲥⲓⲱⲟⲩⲧ', 'ⲥⲟⲩⲁⲛ', 'あえて', 'いんみつ', 'おべんちゃら', 'おんみつ', 'お代わり', 'お化け', 'お疲れ様でした', 'お祝い', 'さとり', 'さなか', 'じっぽん', 'すー', 'そにん', 'つかいばしり', 'ではない', 'なにゆえ', 'ならびに', 'まばゆい', 'まぶい', 'むねちら', 'むねチラ', 'もくぜん', 'やに', 'わかす', 'アーケード', 'オカ', 'カンラン岩', 'ガイア', 'ソン', 'テラ', 'デモン', 'フォー', 'ブー', '㠩', '䢱', '一人は皆の為に、皆は一人の為に', '一時會計監査人', '一時歸休', '七戸', '上せる', '上人', '下背', '久美子', '二村', '付録', '伽倻', '何乜', '偉', '入梅', '八戸', '八日', '具現', '切り返す', '前後関係', '加留多', '動き回る', '包まる', '包める', '千枝', '半舷上陸', '吐き出す', '和書', '啟', '喜多川', '嚘', '國主', '園田', '坂村', '填塞', '夏樹', '大通り', '女嫌い', '女性嫌悪', '妃', '媽你的B', '孝彦', '実り', '実話', '宮山', '宮村', '小売', '尚登', '屈辱的', '峨峨', '嵼', '川蟬', '巫女', '巫子', '巴里', '影山', '彼', '御化け', '心が広い', '忠良', '怖い', '悪臭', '惡運', '我個俚', '戻す', '手綱', '抗日', '捁', '探求', '搱', '救世主', '敠', '文殊師利', '新/derived terms', '新島', '日本一', '旱天慈雨', '時鳥', '暑い', '暴戻', '曙覧', '朝光', '村雨', '来栖', '松浦', '枚', '梟鴞', '水疱', '水雉', '泰一', '洋書', '浮き', '涅', '涔涔', '渡す', '溌剌', '滔滔', '漏斗', '濡羽色', '焼餅', '燃やす', '燒色', '犯行現場', '玐', '瑠衣', '環境', '瓠仔', '生態', '男嫌い', '男性嫌悪', '男男', '男體', '略語', '白墨', '百家姓', '百寿', '直人', '直斗', '破邪顕正', '礑と', '祐介', '神楽坂', '神樂坂', '神髄', '祭日', '秧鶏', '穢多', '空/derived terms', '篳篥', '純愛', '縁故', '縦横家', '翔陽', '翫具', '耶馬台国', '聖爵', '肝心', '脛', '舗装', '良人', '花江', '荻野目', '葫蘆瓜', '葫蘆瓠', '蒲葵', '蝦卵', '蝦春', '西滿', '見氣', '計算', '踢桃', '踵', '躰', '轒', '迷わす', '追越し', '途切れる', '邪氣', '郁美', '里中', '重', '鍔', '鎧袖一触', '鏗鏗', '門地伏', '降雨', '陰密', '雜念茹', '雨宮', '雪だるま', '雪子', '韓流', '顔が広い', '飛雄', '飯田', '鳳声', '麗奈', '麗月', '麥酒', '麪包', '麵麭', '麺麭', '麻酔薬', '黃繭', '鼻漏', '겁', '날숨', '늬', '들숨', '로동계급화', '뭐', '세모', '소ᄅᆡ', '씨팔', '약과', '예문', '오널', '왜간장', '원화', '유과', '장독', '제육덮밥', '지도', '철인', '칼국수', '케블', '탕평채', '파멸', '판옥선', '한라봉', '해오라기', '휴게소', '힣', '𐌰𐌿𐍆𐍄𐍉', '𐌲𐌰𐍅𐍂𐌹𐌺𐌰𐌽𐌳𐍃', '𐌸𐌰𐌹𐌴𐌹', '𐌸𐌰𐌹𐌼𐌴𐌹', '𐌸𐌰𐌼𐌼𐌴𐌹', '𐌸𐌰𐌽𐌶𐌴𐌹', '𐌸𐌹𐌶𐌰𐌹𐌴𐌹', '𐌸𐌹𐌶𐌴𐌴𐌹', '𐌸𐌹𐌶𐌴𐌹', '𐌸𐌹𐌶𐍉𐌶𐌴𐌹', '𐌸𐍉𐌴𐌹', '𐌸𐍉𐌶𐌴', '𐌸𐍉𐌶𐌴𐌹', '𐍃𐍉𐌴𐌹', '𐤀𐤍𐤊', '𑂍𑂒𑂩𑂮', '𑂏𑂁𑂏𑂪𑂰', '𑂪𑂱𑂁𑂏𑂰𑂢𑂳𑂣𑂰𑂞', '𒀀𒁀', '𒃲', '𒉇', '𠤬', '𡃕', '𡒉', '𡧳', '𬼂']
n = len(pn) # 2842
- عصب, 2248, -20
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- أمرك, 2194, -14
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Related terms
- Arabic
- হয়, 2446, -14
- Assamese
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Interjection
- Antonyms
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Assamese
- aba-, 272, -12
- Southern Ndebele
- Etymology 1
- Prefix
- Usage notes
- Etymology 2
- Prefix
- Etymology 3
- Prefix
- Xhosa
- Etymology 1
- Prefix
- Usage notes
- Etymology 2
- Prefix
- Etymology 3
- Prefix
- Southern Ndebele
- ledt, 1125, -12
- Danish
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Danish
- tända, 1809, -12
- Swedish
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Related terms
- Anagrams
- Swedish
- بنية, 2209, -12
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Etymology 4
- Noun
- Declension
- Adjective
- Noun
- Arabic
- hiew, 964, -10
- Old English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Descendants
- See also
- Old English
- preda, 1431, -10
- Serbo-Croatian
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Preposition
- Etymology 2
- Verb
- Serbo-Croatian
- anden, 392, -8
- Swedish
- Pronunciation 1
- Noun 1
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun 2
- Anagrams
- Swedish
- benga, 467, -8
- Garo
- Verb
- Ternate
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Garo
- clething, 609, -8
- Middle English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Descendants
- References
- Middle English
- droppen, 728, -8
- Swedish
- Pronunciation 1
- Noun 1
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun 2
- Swedish
- fisken, 819, -8
- Swedish
- Pronunciation 1
- Noun 1
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun 2
- Anagrams
- Swedish
- fiskens, 820, -8
- Swedish
- Pronunciation 1
- Noun 1
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun 2
- Swedish
- postajati, 1421, -8
- Serbo-Croatian
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Related terms
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Related terms
- Serbo-Croatian
- skytten, 1640, -8
- Swedish
- Pronunciation 1
- Noun
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun
- Swedish
- vasculaire, 1854, -8
- French
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Derived terms
- Related terms
- Further reading
- French
- veer, 1858, -8
- Jutish
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Westrobothnian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Verb
- Related terms
- Jutish
- تلفون, 2213, -8
- Arabic
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- References
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation 1
- Verb
- Pronunciation 2
- Verb
- Etymology 3
- Verb
- Arabic
- فلاح, 2255, -8
- Arabic
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Descendants
- References
- Noun
- Declension
- Egyptian Arabic
- Noun
- Usage notes
- Noun
- Arabic
- نشت, 2273, -8
- Pashto
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Numeral
- References
- Pashto
- ပ, 2534, -8
- Mon
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Shan
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Mon
- 枚, 2688, -8
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Etymology 1
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Etymology 2
- Counter
- See also
- Kanji
- Okinawan
- Kanji
- Readings
- Etymology
- Counter
- References
- Kanji
- Japanese
- -рь, 23, -6
- Mongolian
- Suffix
- Derived terms
- See also
- Suffix
- Mongolian
- approvisionner, 404, -6
- French
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Derived terms
- Further reading
- French
- athaisigh, 416, -6
- Irish
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Adjective
- Mutation
- Further reading
- Verb
- Irish
- cailón, 559, -6
- Galician
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- daláng, 664, -6
- Haida
- Pronoun
- Usage notes
- See also
- Pronoun
- Haida
- dáa, 741, -6
- Haida
- Pronoun
- Usage notes
- See also
- Pronoun
- Haida
- díi, 746, -6
- Haida
- Pronoun
- Usage notes
- See also
- Pronoun
- Haida
- gengi, 867, -6
- Old Norse
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Etymology 2
- Adjective
- Verb
- Old Norse
- hal, 932, -6
- Haida
- Pronoun
- Usage notes
- See also
- Pronoun
- Haida
- hl, 970, -6
- Haida
- Pronoun
- Usage notes
- See also
- Pronoun
- Haida
- hláa, 971, -6
- Haida
- Pronoun
- Usage notes
- See also
- Pronoun
- Haida
- jonne, 1022, -6
- Finnish
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Adverb
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Finnish
- kăt, 1111, -6
- Serbo-Croatian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Conjunction
- Adverb
- Serbo-Croatian
- mehem, 1206, -6
- Albanian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Verb
- Derived terms
- Related terms
- References
- Albanian
- petztli, 1389, -6
- Classical Nahuatl
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Classical Nahuatl
- sayur, 1589, -6
- Indonesian
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- References
- Indonesian
- soor, 1650, -6
- Middle English
- Adjective
- Noun
- Adverb
- Middle English
- tlʼ, 1774, -6
- Haida
- Pronoun
- Usage notes
- See also
- Pronoun
- Haida
- tlʼáa, 1775, -6
- Haida
- Pronoun
- Usage notes
- See also
- Pronoun
- Haida
- tärv, 1810, -6
- Westrobothnian
- Noun
- Adjective
- Related terms
- Westrobothnian
- tʼaláng, 1813, -6
- Haida
- Pronoun
- Usage notes
- See also
- Pronoun
- Haida
- íitlʼ, 1973, -6
- Haida
- Pronoun
- Usage notes
- See also
- Pronoun
- Haida
- ʼláa, 1994, -6
- Haida
- Pronoun
- Usage notes
- See also
- Pronoun
- Haida
- αγριοκάστανο, 2002, -6
- Greek
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Noun
- Greek
- кьт, 2102, -6
- Serbo-Croatian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Conjunction
- Adverb
- Serbo-Croatian
- أزل, 2189, -6
- Arabic
- Noun
- Declension
- Antonyms
- Verb
- Verb
- Noun
- Arabic
- محشى, 2262, -6
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- مريلة, 2264, -6
- Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Arabic
- ἄκων, 2558, -6
- Ancient Greek
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Inflection
- References
- Ancient Greek
- なにゆえ, 2584, -6
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Adverb
- See also
- Japanese
- ブー, 2601, -6
- Japanese
- Interjection
- Coordinate terms
- See also
- Interjection
- Japanese
- 上人, 2609, -6
- Japanese
- Noun
- Noun
- Noun
- Japanese
- 切り返す, 2621, -6
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Japanese
- 動き回る, 2624, -6
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Japanese
- 包まる, 2625, -6
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- References
- Japanese
- 包める, 2626, -6
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- References
- Japanese
- 吐き出す, 2629, -6
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- References
- Japanese
- 巫子, 2656, -6
- Japanese
- Noun
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Japanese
- 彼, 2659, -6
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Compounds
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Pronoun
- Derived terms
- See also
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Pronoun
- Synonyms
- Derived terms
- See also
- Etymology 3
- Etymology 4
- Etymology 5
- References
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 抗日, 2669, -6
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Derived terms
- References
- Japanese
- 捁, 2670, -6
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Definitions
- References
- Chinese
- 梟鴞, 2689, -6
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Chinese
- 浮き, 2694, -6
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- References
- Japanese
- 燒色, 2704, -6
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Synonyms
- Chinese
- 男男, 2713, -6
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Chinese
- 西滿, 2750, -6
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Synonyms
- Chinese
- 見氣, 2751, -6
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Synonyms
- Chinese
- 重, 2763, -6
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Compounds
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Derived terms
- See also
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Suffix
- Derived terms
- Noun
- Alternative forms
- See also
- Suffix
- Etymology 3
- Prefix
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 鎧袖一触, 2765, -6
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Etymology
- Idiom
- References
- Japanese
- 門地伏, 2767, -6
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Chinese
- -hadi, 9, -4
- Sotho
- Suffix
- Derived terms
- Suffix
- Sotho
- DACHs, 74, -4
- German
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- German
- Geddes, 112, -4
- English
- Proper noun
- Translations
- Anagrams
- Proper noun
- English
- Gieschen, 116, -4
- English
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Anagrams
- English
- H1, 122, -4
- English
- Noun
- See also
- Anagrams
- English
- H2, 123, -4
- English
- Noun
- See also
- Anagrams
- English
- Jupiterian, 156, -4
- English
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Noun
- English
- PBB, 207, -4
- Indonesian
- Proper noun
- Proper noun
- Indonesian
- Scotch broth, 237, -4
- English
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Hypernyms
- Meronyms
- Coordinate terms
- Translations
- English
- U-, 247, -4
- Swahili
- Prefix
- Derived terms
- See also
- Prefix
- Swahili
- acção, 305, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- alcançar, 326, -4
- Galician
- Verb
- References
- Galician
- ameaçar, 389, -4
- Galician
- Verb
- References
- Galician
- avançar, 425, -4
- Galician
- Verb
- References
- Galician
- avião, 426, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- bado, 438, -4
- Hausa
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Hausa
- bakgata, 447, -4
- Swedish
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Swedish
- balugi, 449, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Gamilaraay
- banagay, 450, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Gamilaraay
- beijo, 462, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- biimali, 476, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Gamilaraay
- billig, 477, -4
- Dutch
- Adjective
- Further reading
- Dutch
- boineann, 492, -4
- Irish
- Adjective
- Declension
- Mutation
- References
- Adjective
- Irish
- borger, 500, -4
- Danish
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Noun
- Danish
- brusselization, 518, -4
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Translations
- English
- caethoch, 555, -4
- Welsh
- Alternative forms
- Verb
- Mutation
- Welsh
- caethon, 556, -4
- Welsh
- Alternative forms
- Verb
- Mutation
- Welsh
- cam, 561, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- cançom, 564, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- canção, 565, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- carreg galch, 568, -4
- Welsh
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Mutation
- References
- Welsh
- ch'ill, 582, -4
- English
- Contraction
- Synonyms
- Contraction
- English
- circum-, 604, -4
- Portuguese
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Prefix
- Usage notes
- Portuguese
- coelho, 612, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- coraçom, 634, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- Further reading
- Galician
- coração, 635, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- counterarms, 638, -4
- English
- Noun
- Verb
- English
- cão, 655, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- descrição, 692, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- detestar, 694, -4
- Interlingua
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Interlingua
- dhamay, 701, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Gamilaraay
- dizer, 713, -4
- Galician
- Verb
- References
- Galician
- dukke op, 735, -4
- Danish
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Inflection
- References
- Danish
- dål, 742, -4
- Westrobothnian
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Noun
- Westrobothnian
- dợ, 750, -4
- Vietnamese
- Noun
- Particle
- Vietnamese
- ebulus, 752, -4
- Latin
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Latin
- explosão, 793, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- fasies, 800, -4
- Indonesian
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Indonesian
- fazer, 803, -4
- Galician
- Verb
- References
- Galician
- fire whirl, 815, -4
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Translations
- English
- gebroken wit, 863, -4
- Dutch
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Adjective
- Dutch
- graõ, 904, -4
- Portuguese
- Noun
- Adjective
- Portuguese
- guwaali, 919, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Gamilaraay
- hastar, 948, -4
- Interlingua
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Interlingua
- hjælpende, 968, -4
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Danish
- hjælpes, 969, -4
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Danish
- hæleren, 987, -4
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Danish
- janela, 1014, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- jedar, 1016, -4
- Serbo-Croatian
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Serbo-Croatian
- jiähä, 1020, -4
- Finnish
- Verb
- Karelian
- Verb
- Finnish
- joelho, 1021, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- legere, 1126, -4
- Latin
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Latin
- lha, 1128, -4
- Phuthi
- Conjunction
- Pronoun
- Phuthi
- lik, 1130, -4
- Old Norse
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Old Norse
- looming, 1146, -4
- Estonian
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Estonian
- malas, 1173, -4
- Malay
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Derived terms
- Further reading
- Malay
- maniilay, 1179, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Gamilaraay
- men-, 1213, -4
- Indonesian
- Pronunciation
- Prefix
- Usage notes
- Further reading
- Indonesian
- mezgra, 1223, -4
- Serbo-Croatian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Serbo-Croatian
- mirek, 1230, -4
- English
- Noun
- Related terms
- Noun
- English
- muwili, 1262, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Gamilaraay
- mãn, 1274, -4
- Aromanian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Verb
- Related terms
- Aromanian
- ngamili, 1291, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Gamilaraay
- ngarriy, 1292, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Gamilaraay
- ngarugi, 1293, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Gamilaraay
- odiar, 1323, -4
- Interlingua
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Interlingua
- opdukke, 1330, -4
- Danish
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Inflection
- References
- Danish
- palavra, 1346, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- pam, 1348, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- patte, 1375, -4
- Swedish
- Noun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Anagrams
- Noun
- Swedish
- pito, 1404, -4
- Bikol Central
- Numeral
- Cuyunon
- Etymology
- Numeral
- Bikol Central
- pochivnic, 1413, -4
- Romanian
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Romanian
- presença, 1437, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- pão, 1458, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- razom, 1500, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- razão, 1501, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- reverse spelling, 1518, -4
- English
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- English
- rrebe, 1535, -4
- Albanian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- References
- Albanian
- rumpa, 1559, -4
- Swedish
- Noun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Meronyms
- Noun
- Swedish
- rungajë, 1561, -4
- Albanian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- References
- Albanian
- secção, 1595, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- serviço, 1597, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- seserys, 1598, -4
- Lithuanian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- See also
- Lithuanian
- skabt, 1632, -4
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Danish
- skabte, 1633, -4
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Danish
- skabtes, 1634, -4
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Danish
- slerp, 1641, -4
- English
- Noun
- Verb
- Anagrams
- English
- sloo, 1644, -4
- Westrobothnian
- Verb
- Noun
- Westrobothnian
- stjæleren, 1672, -4
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Danish
- straboccare, 1675, -4
- Italian
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Italian
- sy, 1703, -4
- Albanian
- Alternative forms
- Pronunciation
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- Derived terms
- References
- Portuguese
- Pronoun
- Albanian
- tabt, 1716, -4
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Danish
- teepee, 1733, -4
- English
- Alternative forms
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Translations
- See also
- Etymology 2
- Verb
- English
- tiest, 1765, -4
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Adverb
- Danish
- toonaangevend, 1780, -4
- Dutch
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Adjective
- Dutch
- tywodfaen gwyrdd, 1808, -4
- Welsh
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Mutation
- References
- Welsh
- uniom, 1825, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- união, 1828, -4
- Galician
- Noun
- References
- Galician
- v., 1840, -4
- Finnish
- Noun
- Adjective
- Finnish
- vaseline, 1855, -4
- French
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Descendants
- Further reading
- French
- vrøvlede, 1878, -4
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Danish
- vrøvlen, 1879, -4
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Danish
- vrøvlende, 1880, -4
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Danish
- vrøvler, 1881, -4
- Danish
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Danish
- vélux, 1890, -4
- French
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- French
- waali, 1893, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Gamilaraay
- winangali, 1906, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Gamilaraay
- winingay, 1907, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Gamilaraay
- wuuna, 1912, -4
- Gamilaraay
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- References
- Gamilaraay
- wyn, 1915, -4
- Welsh
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Mutation
- Welsh
- yeste, 1932, -4
- Middle English
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Middle English
- áltán, 1962, -4
- Irish
- Noun
- Declension
- Mutation
- References
- Noun
- Irish
- òg, 1975, -4
- Westrobothnian
- Conjunction
- Adverb
- Westrobothnian
- þyrilvængja, 1982, -4
- Icelandic
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Icelandic
- żinja, 1986, -4
- Maltese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Maltese
- ədəbi dil, 1992, -4
- Azerbaijani
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Azerbaijani
- ανάλαδος, 2007, -4
- Greek
- Adjective
- Declension
- Synonyms
- See also
- Adjective
- Greek
- γενν., 2028, -4
- Greek
- Noun
- Verb
- Greek
- банкнот, 2087, -4
- Kazakh
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Kazakh
- подрек, 2115, -4
- Macedonian
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Inflection
- Macedonian
- с., 2123, -4
- Serbo-Croatian
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Noun
- Serbo-Croatian
- сар, 2126, -4
- Kalmyk
- Noun
- Mongolian
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Kalmyk
- той, 2133, -4
- Komi-Permyak
- Etymology
- Noun
- Kumyk
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Komi-Permyak
- тырнакъ, 2134, -4
- Kumyk
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Kumyk
- щур, 2142, -4
- Russian
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Russian
- үрге, 2150, -4
- Bashkir
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Bashkir
- מרא, 2174, -4
- Hebrew
- Etymology
- Proper noun
- Hebrew
- קיטב, 2179, -4
- Hebrew
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Related terms
- Verb
- Hebrew
- ראיה, 2180, -4
- Hebrew
- Noun
- Noun
- Hebrew
- آب اکسیژنه, 2183, -4
- Persian
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Noun
- Persian
- أجبن, 2186, -4
- Arabic
- Adjective
- Declension
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Adjective
- Arabic
- أحوى, 2187, -4
- Arabic
- Adjective
- Declension
- Verb
- Adjective
- Arabic
- ألفبائية, 2193, -4
- Arabic
- Noun
- Declension
- Adjective
- Noun
- Arabic
- تعدل, 2212, -4
- Arabic
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Etymology 1
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Etymology 2
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Verb
- Arabic
- توسن, 2216, -4
- Persian
- Adjective
- Noun
- Persian
- حومر, 2225, -4
- Arabic
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Arabic
- حوي, 2226, -4
- Arabic
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Verb
- Verb
- Arabic
- زخمه, 2233, -4
- Persian
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Noun
- Persian
- سمان, 2238, -4
- Moroccan Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Moroccan Arabic
- سماناة, 2239, -4
- Arabic
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Arabic
- غش, 2252, -4
- Moroccan Arabic
- Pronunciation
- Etymology
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Moroccan Arabic
- قمينة, 2257, -4
- Arabic
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Arabic
- مكيف, 2268, -4
- Arabic
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Arabic
- نگ, 2274, -4
- Turkmen
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- Forms
- See also
- Turkmen
- پیکان, 2281, -4
- Persian
- Noun
- Noun
- Persian
- जाँघिल, 2336, -4
- Bhojpuri
- Noun
- Alternative forms
- Bhojpuri
- भुरुकुआ, 2381, -4
- Bhojpuri
- Noun
- Alternative forms
- Bhojpuri
- मान, 2393, -4
- Konkani
- Etymology
- Noun
- Konkani
- लइकी, 2401, -4
- Bhojpuri
- Noun
- Alternative forms
- Bhojpuri
- নউ, 2441, -4
- Assamese
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Numeral
- Assamese
- ચુંચુની, 2454, -4
- Gujarati
- Noun
- Alternative forms
- Gujarati
- પહાડા, 2460, -4
- Gujarati
- Noun
- Alternative forms
- Gujarati
- โสม, 2515, -4
- Thai
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Thai
- ຂ້າເຈົ້າ, 2516, -4
- Lao
- Pronoun
- See also
- Pronoun
- Lao
- ဒ, 2531, -4
- Mon
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Mon
- ᥐ, 2549, -4
- Tai Nüa
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- Tai Nüa
- ᥑ, 2550, -4
- Tai Nüa
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- Tai Nüa
- ᥒ, 2551, -4
- Tai Nüa
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- Tai Nüa
- ᥓ, 2552, -4
- Tai Nüa
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- Tai Nüa
- ᥔ, 2553, -4
- Tai Nüa
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- Tai Nüa
- おんみつ, 2572, -4
- Japanese
- Adjectival noun
- Noun
- Japanese
- ソン, 2597, -4
- Japanese
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Noun
- Japanese
- 䢱, 2603, -4
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Definitions
- Chinese
- 千枝, 2627, -4
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Japanese
- 半舷上陸, 2628, -4
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Japanese
- 填塞, 2637, -4
- Japanese
- Verb
- See also
- Japanese
- 妃, 2642, -4
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Etymology 1
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Etymology 3
- Noun
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 嵼, 2653, -4
- Chinese
- Glyph origin
- Pronunciation
- Definitions
- References
- Chinese
- 文殊師利, 2675, -4
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Japanese
- 水疱, 2690, -4
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Chinese
- 玐, 2706, -4
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Definitions
- Chinese
- 百家姓, 2717, -4
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Japanese
- 直斗, 2720, -4
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Japanese
- 破邪顕正, 2721, -4
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Idiom
- References
- Japanese
- 神楽坂, 2724, -4
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Japanese
- 縦横家, 2734, -4
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Japanese
- 翔陽, 2735, -4
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Japanese
- 脛, 2740, -4
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 踢桃, 2753, -4
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Definitions
- Chinese
- 踵, 2754, -4
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Etymology 3
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Synonyms
- Etymology 4
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Etymology 5
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- References
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 躰, 2755, -4
- Chinese
- Glyph origin
- Definitions
- Chinese
- 鍔, 2764, -4
- Japanese
- Kanji
- Readings
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- References
- Kanji
- Japanese
- 飛雄, 2776, -4
- Japanese
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Japanese
- 날숨, 2789, -4
- Korean
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Korean
- 들숨, 2791, -4
- Korean
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Korean
- 씨팔, 2796, -4
- Korean
- Pronunciation
- Interjection
- Korean
- 힣, 2815, -4
- Korean
- Pronunciation
- Syllable
- Korean
- 𐌲𐌰𐍅𐍂𐌹𐌺𐌰𐌽𐌳𐍃, 2817, -4
- Gothic
- Participle
- Declension
- Participle
- Gothic
- 𑂪𑂱𑂁𑂏𑂰𑂢𑂳𑂣𑂰𑂞, 2833, -4
- Bhojpuri
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Bhojpuri
- 𡒉, 2839, -4
- Chinese
- Pronunciation
- Definitions
- Chinese
- 𡧳, 2840, -4
- Chinese
- Definitions
- References
- Chinese
- -'s, 2, -2
- Afrikaans
- Suffix
- Afrikaans
- -u, 17, -2
- Turkish
- Suffix
- Turkish
- -лог, 21, -2
- Mongolian
- Suffix
- Mongolian
- Dani, 80, -2
- Portuguese
- Proper noun
- Portuguese
- Diogo, 94, -2
- Cebuano
- Proper noun
- Cebuano
- Ki, 166, -2
- Translingual
- Symbol
- Translingual
- Mali, 180, -2
- Latvian
- Proper noun
- Latvian
- Mirkku, 190, -2
- Finnish
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Proper noun
- Finnish
- PUR, 211, -2
- Translingual
- Proper noun
- Translingual
- Suvi-Anne, 243, -2
- Finnish
- Proper noun
- Declension
- See also
- Anagrams
- Proper noun
- Finnish
- Thy, 245, -2
- English
- Determiner
- English
- Zandvoort, 262, -2
- English
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Proper noun
- Translations
- English
- absolut, 286, -2
- English
- Pronunciation
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Anagrams
- English
- acerca, 297, -2
- Mirandese
- Adverb
- Mirandese
- annam, 397, -2
- Dupaningan Agta
- Numeral
- Dupaningan Agta
- arnis, 410, -2
- Tagalog
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Tagalog
- awa, 427, -2
- Chickasaw
- Conjunction
- Chickasaw
- baba, 432, -2
- Bikol Central
- Etymology
- Noun
- Verb
- Bikol Central
- babaanne, 433, -2
- Finnish
- Noun
- Finnish
- bannar, 453, -2
- Icelandic
- Verb
- Icelandic
- bredh, 514, -2
- Albanian
- Alternative forms
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Declension
- Derived terms
- Hyponyms
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Derived terms
- Verb
- References
- Albanian
- catherinette, 577, -2
- English
- Noun
- English
- coot, 633, -2
- Middle English
- Noun
- Middle English
- côr, 657, -2
- Portuguese
- Noun
- Portuguese
- dd, 682, -2
- Welsh
- Pronunciation
- Letter
- Usage notes
- Mutation
- See also
- Further reading
- Welsh
- dens, 687, -2
- English
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Verb
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Translations
- Anagrams
- English
- descrever, 691, -2
- Galician
- Verb
- Related terms
- References
- Galician
- dhe, 703, -2
- Albanian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Conjunction
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Derived terms
- Related terms
- References
- Cornish
- Preposition
- Inflection
- Preposition
- Albanian
- dzo, 740, -2
- French
- Noun
- French
- dégustations, 744, -2
- English
- Noun
- English
- eigi, 753, -2
- Norwegian Nynorsk
- Adjective
- Norwegian Nynorsk
- endog, 761, -2
- Norwegian Bokmål
- Adverb
- Norwegian Bokmål
- essa, 784, -2
- Dupaningan Agta
- Numeral
- Dupaningan Agta
- fattouch, 802, -2
- French
- Etymology
- Alternative forms
- Noun
- Synonyms
- French
- força, 835, -2
- Galician
- Noun
- Related terms
- References
- Galician
- foun, 837, -2
- Tetum
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Tetum
- fám, 848, -2
- Irish
- Contraction
- Irish
- gewinn, 870, -2
- Middle English
- Noun
- Middle English
- gewinnan, 871, -2
- Middle English
- Verb
- Middle English
- hannar, 941, -2
- Icelandic
- Verb
- Icelandic
- hora, 976, -2
- Finnish
- Noun
- Declension
- Anagrams
- Noun
- Finnish
- imperial, 992, -2
- Scots
- Adjective
- Scots
- islandici, 1006, -2
- Italian
- Adjective
- Italian
- kanal, 1035, -2
- Estonian
- Noun
- Estonian
- kanas, 1036, -2
- Estonian
- Noun
- Estonian
- kanga, 1037, -2
- Baoule
- Noun
- Baoule
- kar, 1039, -2
- K'iche'
- Noun
- K'iche'
- kaya, 1041, -2
- Quechua
- Adverb
- Quechua
- kim, 1055, -2
- Eskayan
- Pronoun
- Eskayan
- ku, 1080, -2
- Wakhi
- Etymology
- Pronoun
- Wakhi
- kuwarenta, 1084, -2
- Cebuano
- Numeral
- Cebuano
- kuwatro, 1085, -2
- Cebuano
- Numeral
- Cebuano
- loven, 1150, -2
- Middle Dutch
- Etymology
- Verb
- Inflection
- Descendants
- Middle Dutch
- luter, 1153, -2
- Ladin
- Adjective
- Ladin
- massen, 1188, -2
- Middle English
- Verb
- Middle English
- mbarë, 1196, -2
- Albanian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Adverb
- Adjective
- Prefix
- Noun
- Derived terms
- Related terms
- Descendants
- Further reading
- References
- Albanian
- mellasti, 1211, -2
- Finnish
- Verb
- Finnish
- mogari, 1244, -2
- Finnish
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Finnish
- mádar, 1271, -2
- Irish
- Noun
- Declension
- Mutation
- Further reading
- Noun
- Irish
- narin, 1285, -2
- Eskayan
- Pronoun
- Eskayan
- nonnos, 1310, -2
- English
- Noun
- English
- overbode, 1340, -2
- English
- Verb
- English
- palan, 1345, -2
- Bikol Central
- Interjection
- Bikol Central
- papuçë, 1351, -2
- Albanian
- Etymology
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Albanian
- pats, 1374, -2
- Latvian
- Pronoun
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Pronoun
- Latvian
- perses, 1384, -2
- Estonian
- Noun
- Estonian
- pitom, 1405, -2
- Portuguese
- Noun
- Portuguese
- prannit, 1427, -2
- English
- Noun
- English
- ressukka, 1515, -2
- Finnish
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Finnish
- reul, 1517, -2
- Irish
- Noun
- Irish
- samica, 1577, -2
- Portuguese
- Noun
- Portuguese
- samu, 1580, -2
- Eskayan
- Pronoun
- Eskayan
- skelf, 1635, -2
- Icelandic
- Verb
- Icelandic
- slikkende, 1642, -2
- Danish
- Verb
- Danish
- stor, 1674, -2
- Portuguese
- Noun
- Portuguese
- su, 1687, -2
- Vietnamese
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Vietnamese
- sumay, 1692, -2
- Cebuano
- Verb
- Cebuano
- ter, 1736, -2
- French
- Pronunciation
- Adverb
- French
- texel, 1741, -2
- French
- Noun
- French
- thet, 1752, -2
- Yola
- Conjunction
- Yola
- thurftig, 1759, -2
- Old Saxon
- Adjective
- Declension
- Adjective
- Old Saxon
- tugot, 1801, -2
- Bikol Central
- Verb
- Bikol Central
- tökin, 1811, -2
- Finnish
- Verb
- Finnish
- xenofob, 1919, -2
- Swedish
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Further reading
- Noun
- Swedish
- zi, 1949, -2
- Middle Dutch
- Verb
- Middle Dutch
- ölür, 1979, -2
- Azerbaijani
- Verb
- Azerbaijani
- βιάζομαι, 2027, -2
- Greek
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Pronunciation
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Greek
- μπάζο, 2057, -2
- Greek
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Greek
- зи, 2092, -2
- Romanian
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Romanian
- и, 2095, -2
- Old East Slavic
- Conjunction
- Old East Slavic
- излет, 2096, -2
- Russian
- Noun
- Russian
- ноапте, 2109, -2
- Romanian
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Romanian
- помощ, 2117, -2
- Bulgarian
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Bulgarian
- твои, 2132, -2
- Old Church Slavonic
- Pronoun
- Declension
- Pronoun
- Old Church Slavonic
- אוניקאַל, 2163, -2
- Yiddish
- Adjective
- Declension
- Synonyms
- Adjective
- Yiddish
- ארב, 2165, -2
- Hebrew
- Verb
- Conjugation
- Related terms
- Anagrams
- Verb
- Hebrew
- باش, 2204, -2
- Tunisian Arabic
- Particle
- Tunisian Arabic
- قولچي, 2259, -2
- Gulf Arabic
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Gulf Arabic
- لچر, 2261, -2
- Mazanderani
- Adjective
- Mazanderani
- مزراب, 2265, -2
- Arabic
- Noun
- Declension
- Noun
- Arabic
- مشت, 2266, -2
- Mazanderani
- Adjective
- Mazanderani
- پتو, 2278, -2
- Mazanderani
- Adjective
- Mazanderani
- कोहरा, 2313, -2
- Bhojpuri
- Noun
- Bhojpuri
- चोटी, 2328, -2
- Bhojpuri
- Noun
- Bhojpuri
- झींगा, 2338, -2
- Bhojpuri
- Noun
- Bhojpuri
- पनडुब्बी, 2356, -2
- Bhojpuri
- Noun
- Bhojpuri
- बटेर, 2367, -2
- Bhojpuri
- Noun
- Bhojpuri
- लिंगानुपात, 2404, -2
- Bhojpuri
- Noun
- Bhojpuri
- हत्तेरी, 2427, -2
- Nepali
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Interjection
- Further reading
- References
- Nepali
- हत्तेरीका, 2428, -2
- Nepali
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Interjection
- Further reading
- References
- Nepali
- ह्यात्तेरिका, 2434, -2
- Nepali
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Interjection
- Further reading
- References
- Nepali
- ह्यात्तेरीका, 2435, -2
- Nepali
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Pronunciation
- Interjection
- Further reading
- References
- Nepali
- ⲙⲏⲓ, 2565, -2
- Coptic
- Alternative forms
- Etymology
- Noun
- Proper noun
- Coptic
- 敠, 2674, -2
- Chinese
- References
- Chinese
- 男體, 2714, -2
- Japanese
- Noun
- Japanese
- 良人, 2742, -2
- Japanese
- Noun
- Japanese
- 陰密, 2769, -2
- Japanese
- Adjectival noun
- Inflection
- Adjectival noun
- Japanese
- 韓流, 2774, -2
- Japanese
- Noun
- Japanese
- 麥酒, 2781, -2
- Japanese
- Noun
- Japanese
- 늬, 2790, -2
- Korean
- Syllable
- Korean
- Tobias, 246, 0
- Cebuano
- Proper noun
- Latin
- Etymology
- Proper noun
- Declension
- Cebuano
- gram, 899, 0
- Danish
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Adjective
- Inflection
- Related terms
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Inflection
- Etymology 1
- Middle English
- Adjective
- Danish
- ал, 2082, 2
- Bashkir
- Pronunciation
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Declension
- Antonyms
- Derived terms
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Adjective
- Mongolian
- Etymology
- Adjective
- Derived terms
- Bashkir
After the smarter program:
- anden, 392, -4
- Swedish
- Pronunciation 1
- Noun 1
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun 2
- Anagrams
- Pronunciation 1
- Swedish
- dhe, 703, 12
- Albanian
- Alternative forms
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Conjunction
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Derived terms
- Related terms
- References
- Cornish
- Preposition
- Inflection
- Preposition
- Albanian
- droppen, 728, -4
- Swedish
- Pronunciation 1
- Noun 1
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun 2
- Pronunciation 1
- Swedish
- fisken, 819, -4
- Swedish
- Pronunciation 1
- Noun 1
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun 2
- Anagrams
- Pronunciation 1
- Swedish
- gengi, 867, -2
- Old Norse
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Declension
- References
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Adjective
- Verb
- Etymology 1
- Old Norse
- jonne, 1022, 4
- Finnish
- Etymology 1
- Pronunciation
- Adverb
- Etymology 2
- Pronunciation
- Noun
- Declension
- Related terms
- Etymology 1
- Finnish
- skytten, 1640, -4
- Swedish
- Pronunciation 1
- Noun
- Pronunciation 2
- Noun
- Pronunciation 1
- Swedish
- yeste, 1932, 2
- Middle English
- Etymology 1
- Noun
- Etymology 2
- Noun
- Etymology 1
- Middle English