User:Matthias Buchmeier/fr-en-l
-l- {interfix} | :: used to break up certain vowel sequences, when certain suffixes—particularly -ais—follow certain vowels, especially o |
l' {art} [before a vowel] | :: apocopic form of le, la: the |
l' {art} [Quebec, colloquial, after a vowel] | :: apocopic form of le: the |
l' {pron} [before a vowel] | :: apocopic form of le, la: him, her, it |
l' {pron} [Quebec, colloquial, after a vowel] | :: apocopic form of le: him, it |
l'a {contraction} | :: contraction of le a / la a |
la {art} | :: the [definite article] |
la {pron} | :: her, it [direct object] |
la {m} [music] | :: la, the note 'A' |
-là {particle} | :: that. always used with ce |
là {adv} | :: there |
là {adv} [used with être] | :: here, present |
la barbe {f} [slang] | :: Something that is very boring |
là-bas {adv} | :: there, over there |
là-bas {adv} | :: down there |
là-bas {adv} | :: yonder |
la bave du crapaud n'atteint pas la blanche colombe {proverb} | :: sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me |
labbe {f} [ornithology] | :: skua |
Labbé {prop} | :: Labbe (surname) |
Labeaume {prop} | :: surname |
label {m} | :: quality label |
label {m} [music] | :: record label |
labéliser {v} | :: alternative form of labelliser |
Labelle {prop} | :: Labelle; surname |
la belle affaire {interj} [colloquial] | :: big deal! tough shit! so what? |
labellisation {f} | :: labeling |
labelliser {v} | :: to label |
labelliser {v} [figurative] | :: to approve, to give official status to |
la bémol majeur {m} | :: A-flat major |
Laberge {prop} | :: surname |
labeur {m} | :: toil |
labeurer {v} | :: to toil (struggle) |
labferment {m} [enzyme] | :: rennet |
labial {adj} [phonetics, phonology] | :: labial |
labialiser {v} | :: to labialize |
labiaplastie {f} | :: alternative form of labioplastie |
labiée {f} | :: any of various plants in the family Lamiaceae |
labile {adj} | :: labile |
labilité {f} | :: fleetingness, transience |
labilité {f} | :: lability |
labiodental {adj} | :: labiodental |
labiodentale {f} | :: labiodental |
labioplastie {f} | :: labiaplasty |
labiovélaire {adj} [phonetics, phonology] | :: labiovelar |
labné {m} | :: labneh |
labo {m} [colloquial] | :: lab (laboratory) |
la bonne blague {interj} [colloquial] | :: that's a laugh! yeah, right! give me a break! |
laborant {adj} [literary] | :: Working, laboring |
laborantin {m} | :: laboratory assistant / technician |
laboratoire {m} | :: laboratory |
laboratoire d'idées {m} [idiomatic] | :: think tank (a group which performs research and develops reports and recommendations) |
laboreur {m} | :: A (male) worker or laborer |
laborieusement {adv} | :: laboriously (with great expenditure of effort) |
laborieux {adj} | :: laborious |
la boucler {v} [colloquial, offensive, euphemism, by ellipsis] | :: to shut up (refrain from speech) |
labour {m} | :: cultivation |
labourable {adj} | :: ploughable, cultivable |
labourage {m} | :: ploughing / plowing |
labourer {vt} | :: to plough |
laboureur {m} | :: ploughman; plowman |
Labrador {prop} | :: Labrador, the mainland portion of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador (Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador) |
Labrador {prop} [chiefly historical] | :: Labrador, the area of the Atlantic watershed of the Quebec peninsula, bounded to the south by the watershed of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, to the north by the watershed of Ungava Bay, to the west by the watershed of Hudson Bay |
Labrador {prop} | :: Labrador, a breed of dog |
labradorien {adj} | :: Labradorian (from or relating to Labrador) |
Labradorien {m} | :: Labradorian (someone from Labrador) |
Labradorienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Labradorien |
Labrecque {prop} | :: surname |
labyrinthe {m} | :: labyrinth |
labyrinthique {adj} | :: labyrinthine |
labyrinthite {f} | :: a form of otitis that causes dizziness and loss of balance |
lac {m} | :: lake |
laçabilité {f} | :: ability to be laced |
Lacaille {prop} | :: surname |
Lacaille {prop} [astrocartography] | :: The star catalogue compiled by Abbé Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille |
la carotte et le bâton {n} | :: carrot and stick |
LACC {prop} {f} [Canada, law, finance] | :: CCAA (Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act) abbreviation of la Loi sur les arrangements avec les créanciers des compagnies |
LACC {prop} {f} [Switzerland, law] | :: abbreviation of la Loi d'application du code civil |
laccine {f} | :: laccin |
lacer {v} | :: to lace, to lace up |
lacération {f} | :: laceration |
lacérer {v} | :: lacerate (to tear, rip or wound) |
lacéroïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: lacceroic |
lacet {m} | :: lace (of boot, shoe) |
lacet {m} | :: knot on a rope, especially for trapping small animals |
lacet {m} [figuratively] | :: trap, ambush |
lacet {m} | :: bend, twist (of a road), a switchback |
lacet {m} | :: yaw (rotation about the vertical axis) |
lacet {m} | :: loop in homotopy theory |
lâchage {m} | :: release, loosening |
lâchage {m} | :: abandon |
lâche {adj} | :: loose, slack |
lâche {adj} | :: cowardly, low |
lâche {mf} | :: coward |
lâchement {adv} | :: cowardly |
lâcher {v} | :: to release; to loosen; to let go |
lâcher {v} [figurative] | :: to abandon, to let go |
lâcher {v} | :: to chicken out |
lâcher {v} [mechanics] | :: to fail |
lâcher {m} | :: synonym of lâchage |
lâcher l'affaire {v} [colloquial] | :: to give up, to relent |
lâcher la grappe {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to get off someone's back, to leave someone alone |
lâcher le morceau {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to relent, to give up |
lâcher le morceau {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to fess up, to own up, to spit it out, to spill the beans |
lâcher les baskets {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to get off someone's back, to leave someone alone |
lâcher les basques {v} [à] | :: [colloquial] to get off someone's back, to leave someone alone |
lâcher prise {vi} | :: to let go, to relax |
lâcher une caisse {v} [colloquial] | :: to cut one loose, to fart |
lâcheté {f} | :: cowardice |
lâcheur {m} | :: flaky person |
lâcheuse {f} | :: feminine noun of lâcheur |
Lachiver {prop} | :: surname |
lacis {m} [archaic] | :: lacis |
lacis {m} [sports] | :: lacing |
lacis {m} | :: maze (of alleyways etc.); web, network |
Lacombe {prop} | :: surname |
laconique {adj} | :: laconic |
laconiquement {adv} | :: laconically |
laconisme {m} | :: terseness |
Lacoste {prop} | :: surname |
Lacourse {prop} | :: surname |
la critique est aisée mais l'art est difficile {proverb} | :: it's easy to criticize; those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those doing it |
Lacroix {prop} | :: surname |
la croix et la bannière {f} [figuratively] | :: painful and strenuous experience; hassle; tall order |
lacrosse {m} [sports] | :: lacrosse; synonym of crosse |
lacrymal {adj} | :: lacrimal |
lacrymogène {adj} | :: lachrymatory, lacrimogenous (causing the production of tears) |
lacrymonasal {adj} [anatomy] | :: lacrimonasal |
lacs {m} [archaic] | :: noose |
lacs {m} [archaic] | :: lasso |
lacs {m} | :: snare, trap |
Lac Saint-Jean {prop} | :: Lac Saint-Jean (large lake) |
Lac-Saint-Jean {prop} | :: The area surrounding Lac Saint-Jean in Quebec |
lactaire {adj} | :: milk (attributive) |
lactaire {m} | :: milk-cap (mushroom) |
lactame {m} [organic chemistry] | :: lactam |
lacté {adj} | :: milk |
lacté {adj} | :: milky |
lactéal {adj} | :: lacteal |
lactine {f} [obsolete] | :: lactin |
lactique {adj} | :: lactic (all senses) |
lactobacille {m} | :: lactobacillus |
lactobacillique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: lactobacillic |
lactoglobuline {f} [protein] | :: lactoglobulin |
lactose {m} [carbohydrate] | :: lactose |
lactosérum {m} | :: whey |
lactucarium {m} | :: lactucarium, lettuce opium |
lactucique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: lactucic |
lacunaire {adj} | :: incomplete (having gaps) |
lacune {f} | :: gap |
lacune {f} | :: vacuum, empty space |
lacune {f} [figuratively] | :: lack; thing that is missing |
lacune {f} | :: [usually in the plural] ignorance, shortcoming |
la curiosité est un vilain défaut {proverb} | :: curiosity killed the cat |
lacustre {adj} | :: Of or relating to a lake |
ladé {adv} | :: there |
là-dedans {adv} | :: inside there |
La Défense {prop} {f} | :: La Défense |
là-dessus {adv} | :: on this, here |
là-dessus {adv} | :: thereupon, with this |
ladin {adj} | :: Ladin |
ladin {m} | :: Ladin (language) |
ladino {m} | :: Ladino (language) |
Ladislas {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Ladmirault {prop} | :: surname |
ladre {mf} | :: miser |
ladre {mf} | :: leper (person with leprosy) |
ladre {adj} | :: miserly |
ladre {adj} | :: leprous (having leprosy) |
lady {f} | :: lady (wife of a lord; important woman) |
læsion {f} | :: obsolete form of lésion |
Laetitia {prop} | :: given name |
Laëtitia {prop} | :: given name |
Lætitia {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Lafarge {prop} | :: surname |
la ferme {interj} [vulgar] | :: shut up |
la fermer {v} [colloquial, offensive, euphemism, by ellipsis] | :: to shut it, to shut up (refrain from speech) |
la fin justifie les moyens {proverb} | :: the end justifies the means |
Laflamme {prop} | :: surname |
la Flanelle {prop} [Quebec, sports] | :: alternative form of la Sainte-Flanelle |
Lafleur {prop} | :: surname |
la fleur au fusil {adv} [figuratively] | :: in a jolly manner, merrily, light-heartedly, insouciantly, blithely |
la fleur au fusil {adv} [figuratively] | :: boldly, bravely and enthusiastically |
Lafontaine {prop} | :: Lafontaine; surname |
lafontainien {adj} | :: Lafontainian |
la fortune sourit aux audacieux {proverb} | :: fortune favors the bold (literally: fortune smiles on the brave) |
la foudre ne tombe jamais deux fois au même endroit {proverb} | :: lightning never strikes twice in the same place |
lagide {m} | :: Lagid |
lagniappe {m} [Louisiana] | :: tip (extra money given to e.g. a waiter in appreciation of service) |
lagniappe {m} [Louisiana] | :: lagniappe (extra or unexpected gift or benefit to e.g. a customer) |
lagniappe {m} [Louisiana] | :: windfall, unexpected turn of good fortune |
lagomorphe {m} | :: lagomorph (animal of the order Lagomorpha) |
lagon {m} | :: lagoon (shallow body of water) |
lagopède {m} | :: any of the birds in the genus Lagopus |
la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase {f} [idiomatic, singulare tantum] | :: the straw that broke the camel's back |
lagrangien {adj} | :: Lagrangian |
lagunage {m} | :: The construction of a wetland area in order to purify polluted water |
lagunaire {adj} [attributive] | :: lagoon |
lagune {f} | :: lagoon, shallow body of coastal water |
lahan {m} [nouchi] | :: gwop, skrilla, moola |
là-haut {adv} | :: up there |
La Havane {prop} {f} | :: La Havane (capital city) |
La Haye {prop} {f} | :: La Haye (administrative capital) |
lahmacun {f} | :: alternative spelling of lahmajoun (lahmacun) |
lahmajoon {f} | :: alternative spelling of lahmajoun |
lahmajoun {f} | :: lahmacun (lahmajoun) |
lahmajun {f} | :: alternative spelling of lahmajoun |
Lahore {prop} | :: Lahore |
lahorite {adj} | :: Lahorite |
lai {m} [historical] | :: lai (a mostly North European form of medieval song, with stanzas that do not repeat) |
lai {adj} | :: lay, equivalent to French laïc, laïque (relating to laypersons as opposed to clerical) |
laïc {m} | :: layman |
laïcat {m} | :: laity |
laîche {f} | :: sedge (any plant of the genus Carex) |
laïcisation {f} | :: laicization, secularization |
laïciser {v} | :: to laicize; to secularize |
laïcité {f} | :: secularity (state of being secular) |
laïcité {f} | :: secularism |
laid {adj} | :: Physically ugly |
laid {adj} | :: Morally corrupt |
laid comme les sept péchés capitaux {adj} [simile, dated] | :: Extremely ugly; ugly as sin; looking like the back end of a bus |
laid comme un pou {adj} [simile] | :: Extremely ugly; ugly as sin; looking like the back end of a bus |
laidement {adv} | :: uglily |
laideron {mf} | :: An ugly girl or young woman |
laideur {f} [usually, in the singular] | :: ugliness |
laidir {vi} | :: to uglify (become ugly) |
laie {f} | :: Female boar; wild sow |
lainage {m} | :: woollens |
laine {f} | :: wool |
laine de verre {f} | :: glass wool (insulating material) |
laineux {adj} | :: woolly |
laineux {adj} | :: woollen |
lainier {m} | :: wool manufacturer, trader etc |
lainier {adj} | :: wool (attribtive) |
laïque {adj} | :: lay, secular |
laïque {mf} | :: layman, layperson |
laïquement {adv} | :: secularly; as a lay person |
laisse {f} | :: leash, lead |
laisse {f} | :: foreshore |
laisse {f} [poetry] | :: laisse |
laisse béton {phrase} | :: forget it; drop it |
laisse-moi rire {interj} [colloquial] | :: yeah, right! that's a laugh! give me a break! |
laisser {vt} | :: to leave, to leave behind |
laisser {vt} | :: to forget, to leave alone |
laisser {vt} | :: to leave with, to give |
laisser {vt} | :: to let, to allow |
laisser {vr} [se laisser] | :: to allow oneself, to let oneself |
laisser à désirer {v} | :: to leave a lot to be desired, to leave much to be desired |
laisser-aller {m} | :: self-indulgence |
laisser faire {vt} [idiomatic] | :: Let someone do as they please |
laisser faire {vi} [idiomatic] | :: To not intervene |
laisser faire {vr} [idiomatic] | :: Not to react to things done to oneself |
laisser-faire {m} | :: laissez faire |
laisser pour compte {vt} | :: to leave out, to leave on the sidelines |
laisser sa peau {v} | :: to perish, not to make it |
laisser sur sa faim {vt} [figuratively] | :: to leave someone dissatisfied, to leave someone wanting more, to fall short of someone's expectations |
laisser tomber {vt} | :: to physically drop (an object) |
laisser tomber {vt} [figuratively] | :: to drop, to forget about, to leave; to give up |
laisser tomber comme une vieille chaussette {v} [simile, colloquial, pejorative] | :: to drop like a bad habit, to drop like a hot potato |
laisser tranquille {vt} | :: to leave alone, to leave in peace, to leave be |
laissez faire {m} [rare] | :: dated form of laisser-faire |
laissez-faire {m} | :: alternative form of laisser-faire |
laissez les bons temps rouler {interj} [Louisiana French] | :: make merry!, let the good times roll! |
laissez-moi rire {interj} [colloquial] | :: yeah, right! that's a laugh! give me a break! |
laissez-passer {m} | :: pass (document granting permission to pass or to go and come) |
lait {m} [uncountable] | :: milk |
lait {m} [countable, colloquial] | :: An individual serving of milk |
lait {m} [uncountable, slang] | :: milk, semen |
laitage {m} | :: dairy product |
lait de chaux {m} | :: whitewash |
lait de coco {m} | :: coconut milk |
lait de poule {m} | :: eggnog |
laite {f} | :: milt (fish sperm) |
lait écrémé {m} | :: skim milk |
lait en poudre {m} | :: milk powder |
lait entier {m} | :: whole milk |
laiterie {f} | :: dairy (shop) |
laiteux {adj} | :: milky (containing milk) |
laiteux {adj} | :: milky (resembling or having qualities of milk) |
laitier {adj} | :: dairy, milk-related |
laitier {m} | :: milkman |
laitier {m} | :: dairy worker |
laiton {m} | :: Brass (the alloy) |
laitte {adj} [Quebec] | :: [colloquial] ugly |
laitue {f} | :: lettuce |
laïus {m} [student slang, pejorative] | :: A speech, address |
La Joconde {prop} {f} | :: the Mona Lisa |
Lajoie {prop} | :: surname |
lakh {m} | :: lakh |
lakiste {adj} | :: Lakist |
lakiste {mf} | :: Lake poet |
Lal. {prefix} [astronomy] | :: Abbreviated prefix for stars under Lalande designations |
lalé {m} [nouchi] | :: mobile phone |
Lalonde {prop} | :: surname |
lama {m} | :: llama |
lama {m} [Buddhism] | :: lama |
la main sur le cœur {adv} | :: in all sincerity, open-heartedly, wearing one's heart on one's sleeve |
lamaïsme {m} | :: lamaism |
la majeur {m} | :: A major |
lamajoon {f} | :: alternative spelling of lahmajoun |
lamajoun {f} | :: alternative spelling of lahmajoun |
lamajun {f} | :: alternative spelling of lahmajoun |
lamantin {m} | :: manatee |
Lamar {prop} | :: surname |
lamarckien {adj} | :: Lamarckian |
lamarckien {m} | :: Lamarckian |
lamarckienne {f} | :: feminine singular of lamarckien |
lamarckisme {m} | :: Lamarckism |
lamartinien {adj} | :: Lamartinian |
lamaserie {f} | :: lamasery |
lambda {m} | :: lambda (Greek letter) |
lambda {m} [finance] | :: price elasticity of an option in relation to that of its holder |
lambda {m} [ethology] | :: the most ordinary member of a group |
lambda {m} | :: a former unit of capacity or volume equivalent to a microliter, whose symbol is λ |
lambda {m} [acoustics] | :: a level of intensity equivalent to forty decibels above the threshold for hearing a sound with a frequency of one kilohertz |
lambda {m} | :: Silver Y (moth) |
lambda {adj} | :: common, usual |
lambdoïde {adj} | :: lambdoid |
lambeau {m} | :: scrap, strip, shred (of cloth; flesh) |
lambel {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: label |
Lambert {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Lambert {prop} {m} | :: surname |
lambertien {adj} [physics] | :: Lambertian |
lambertisme {m} | :: Lambertism |
lambertiste {adj} | :: Lambertist |
lambertiste {mf} | :: Lambertist |
lambin {m} [colloquial, dated] | :: slowpoke, plodder |
lambin {adj} [colloquial, dated] | :: dawdling, plodding |
lambiner {vi} | :: to dawdle |
lambrequin {m} | :: lambrequin (all senses) |
lambrequin {m} [heraldry] | :: mantling |
lambris {m} | :: panelling, wainscotting |
lambrisser {v} | :: to panel |
lambrusque {f} | :: wild vine (Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris) |
lame {f} | :: lamina |
lame {f} | :: blade |
lame {f} | :: wave |
Lamech {prop} | :: Lamech |
La Mecque {prop} | :: La Mecque (large city) |
lamellaire {adj} | :: lamellar |
lamelle {f} | :: strip (of food etc.) |
lamelle {f} | :: thin plate, lamina, lamella |
lamelle {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: vertical blinds |
lamellibranche {m} | :: lamellibranch, bivalve |
lamellipode {m} [biology] | :: lamellipodium |
lamentable {adj} | :: lamentable; awful; deplorable |
lamentablement {adv} | :: awfully; lamentably |
lamentation {f} | :: lamentation, loud/ostentatious plaint |
Lamentations {prop} {fp} [bible] | :: Lamentations |
lamenter {vr} | :: to lament; to bewail; to bemoan |
lamer {vt} | :: to flatten |
lamethiste {adj} | :: Lamethist |
la mettre en sourdine {v} [colloquial, by ellipsis] | :: to shut up (refrain from speech) |
la mettre en veilleuse {v} [colloquial, by ellipsis] | :: to shut up (refrain from speech) |
Lamia {prop} | :: Lamia |
lamier {m} | :: deadnettle |
laminage {m} | :: lamination |
laminaire {adj} | :: laminar |
laminer {v} | :: to laminate [metal] |
laminoir {m} | :: rolling mill |
Lamontagne {prop} | :: surname |
La Mort aux Juifs {prop} | :: A settlement in Courtemaux, France |
la mort dans l'âme {adv} | :: with great distress, with a heavy heart |
Lamotte {prop} | :: Lamotte; surname |
Lamour {prop} | :: surname |
Lamoureux {prop} | :: surname |
lampadaire {m} | :: standard lamp |
lampadaire {m} | :: street light |
lampas {m} [of horses] | :: lampas |
lampassé {adj} [heraldry] | :: langued |
lampe {f} | :: lamp, light |
lampe {f} | :: bulb |
lampe à souder {f} | :: blowtorch |
lampe de poche {f} | :: torch, flashlight |
lampée {f} | :: gulp, swig |
lamper {vt} | :: to quaff, to swig |
lampion {m} | :: Chinese lantern |
lampiste {m} | :: lamplighter |
lampourde {f} | :: cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) |
lamproie {f} | :: lamprey (a fish) |
lamproie de rivière {f} | :: European river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) |
lamproie fluviatile {f} | :: European river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) |
La Mure {prop} | :: A small town in the Isère department of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes |
Lancastre {prop} | :: Lancastre (county) |
Lancastre {prop} | :: Lancastre (city/county town) |
lance {f} | :: a spear, lance |
lance {f} [military] | :: a soldier armed with a lance; a lancer |
lance {f} | :: a hose |
lance et compte {phrase} | :: he shoots, he scores - to shoot and score a goal |
lance-flamme {m} | :: flamethrower |
lance-grenade {m} | :: grenade launcher |
lance-grenades {m} | :: alternative form of lance-grenade |
lancement {m} | :: throw, launch (act of throwing a projectile) |
lancement {m} | :: launch (of product) |
lancement {m} | :: launch (of e.g. a rocket) |
lance-pierre {m} | :: slingshot |
lancer {v} | :: to throw |
lancer {v} | :: to start, to launch |
lancer {m} | :: a throw |
lancer {m} [baseball] | :: a pitch |
lancer de nain {m} [entertainment] | :: dwarf tossing |
lance-roquette {m} | :: rocket launcher |
lance-roquettes {m} | :: alternative form of lance-roquette |
lancette {f} [medical] | :: A lancet, a sharp pointed medical instrument |
lancette {f} [architecture] | :: A style of sharply pointed arch, in a Gothic style |
lanceur {m} | :: thrower |
lanceur {m} [baseball] | :: pitcher |
lanceur {m} [cricket] | :: bowler |
lanceur {m} | :: booster rocket |
lanceur d'alerte {m} | :: whistle-blower |
lanceur de relève {m} [baseball] | :: relief pitcher, reliever |
lanceur partant {m} [baseball] | :: starting pitcher |
lanceuse {f} | :: feminine noun of lanceur |
lancier {m} | :: lancer |
lancinamment {adv} | :: throbbingly |
lancinant {adj} | :: throbbing (pain) |
lancinement {m} | :: twinge (pain) |
lanciner {v} | :: to inflict a sharp pain |
lançon {m} | :: sand lance; launce |
landais {adj} | :: of or from Landes |
landau {m} | :: pram, baby carriage |
landau {m} | :: landau (carriage) |
lande {f} | :: moor, heath |
Landes {prop} | :: Landes (department) |
Landier {prop} | :: surname |
Landrieu {prop} | :: surname |
Landry {prop} | :: surname |
landwehr {f} | :: Landwehr |
la nécessité est la mère de l'invention {proverb} | :: necessity is the mother of invention |
langage {m} | :: language: word choice and usage |
langage {m} [computing] | :: programming language |
langage d'assemblage {m} | :: assembly language |
langage de balisage {m} [computing] | :: markup language |
langage de programmation {m} | :: programming language |
langage machine {f} [computer science] | :: machine language |
langagier {adj} | :: lingual (relative to language) |
lange {m} | :: flannel blanket, baby blanket |
lange {m} [in the plural] | :: swaddling clothes |
lange {m} | :: [Switzerland, Belgium] diaper, nappy |
Langelier {prop} | :: surname |
langer {v} | :: to diaper (to put diapers on someone) |
Langevin {prop} | :: surname |
langoter {v} | :: To French kiss |
langoureusement {adv} | :: languorously |
langoureux {adj} | :: languorous |
langoureux {adj} | :: languid |
langouste {f} | :: spiny lobster |
langoustine {f} | :: Any of a number of crustaceans, especially the Norway lobster |
language {m} | :: archaic spelling of langage |
langue {f} [anatomy] | :: tongue |
langue {f} [linguistics] | :: language (system of communication using written or spoken words) |
langue cible {f} [translation studies] | :: target language |
langue construite {f} [linguistics] | :: A constructed language |
langue d'arrivée {f} [translation studies] | :: target language |
langue de bœuf {f} [cooking] | :: oxtongue, beef tongue |
langue de bois {f} | :: wooden language, waffle (speech that is vague, pretentious or evasive) |
langue de bois {f} | :: cant (empty hypocritical talk) |
langue de chat {f} | :: cat's tongue (chocolate confectionery) |
langue de départ {f} [translation studies] | :: source language |
langue de Molière {f} | :: the French language |
langue de Pouchkine {f} | :: the Russian language |
langue de Shakespeare {f} | :: the English language |
langue de si {f} | :: any of the Old Spanish dialects during the Middle Ages |
langue des signes {f} | :: sign language |
langue des signes américaine {f} | :: American Sign Language |
langue des signes française {f} | :: French Sign Language |
langue de Tolstoï {f} | :: the Russian language |
langue de travail {f} [translation studies] | :: working language |
langue de Vondel {f} | :: the Dutch language |
langue d'oc {f} | :: Occitan language |
Languedoc {prop} | :: Languedoc (former province) |
languedocien {adj} | :: Languedocian |
languedocien {m} | :: Languedocian |
Languedoc-Roussillon {prop} | :: Languedoc-Roussillon, former region of France |
langue d'oïl {f} | :: any of the Old French dialects, spoken in the north of France during the Middle Ages |
langue étrangère {f} | :: foreign language |
langue maternelle {f} | :: mother tongue |
langue morte {f} | :: dead language (language with no native speakers) |
langue reconstruite {f} [linguistics] | :: reconstructed language |
langue romane {f} [linguistics] | :: Romance language |
langue source {f} [translation studies] | :: source language |
langue-toit {f} [sociolinguistics] | :: dachsprache |
languette {f} | :: a small tongue-shaped object, such as the tongue of a shoe |
langueur {f} | :: languor |
langue verte {f} | :: slang; argot |
langue vivante {f} | :: living language (a language which is still spoken) |
languide {adj} | :: languid |
languidement {adv} | :: languidly |
languir {vi} | :: to languish |
languir {vi} | :: to lie torpid |
languir {vi} | :: to flag, die down, slack off, be slack |
languir {vi} | :: to wither, weaken |
languir {vr} [with de] | :: to long, pine, or yearn (for) |
languissamment {adv} | :: languidly, languishingly |
languissant {adj} | :: languishing |
lanière {f} | :: a strap, lanyard |
lanière {f} [by extension] | :: a strip |
laniste {m} [historical] | :: owner and trainer of gladiators |
La Nouvelle-Orléans {prop} {f} | :: La Nouvelle-Orléans (city) |
Lanoux {prop} | :: surname |
lansquenet {f} | :: lansquenet |
lant {m} [zoology] | :: zebu (Bos taurus indicus) |
lanterne {f} | :: lantern |
lanterne {f} | :: street light |
lanterneau {m} | :: skylight |
lanterner {vi} | :: To dilly-dally |
lanterner {vt} | :: To delay or put off |
lanterne rouge {f} [literally] | :: red lantern |
lanterne rouge {f} [specifically] | :: red lantern at the rear of a train |
lanterne rouge {f} [mainly, sport] | :: Lanterne rouge, the competitor in last place in a competition; the person or entity at the bottom of a ranking |
lanterne rouge {f} [mainly, sport, originally, cycling] | :: Lanterne rouge, last place in a competition or other ranking |
lanthanate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: lanthanate |
lanthane {m} | :: lanthanum |
la nuit des temps {f} | :: the mists of time, time immemorial |
la nuit porte conseil {proverb} | :: sleep on it! (it's better to examine things in the cold light of day) |
la nuit, tous les chats sont gris {proverb} | :: All cats are grey in the dark |
Laocoon {prop} {m} | :: Laocoön |
Laodicée {prop} | :: Laodicea |
Laodicéens {prop} | :: Laodiceans |
Laos {prop} {m} | :: Laos |
laotien {m} | :: Lao (language) |
laotien {adj} | :: Laotian |
Laotien {m} | :: Laotian (person) |
Laotienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Laotien |
lapalissade {f} | :: truism |
lapalissade {f} | :: tautology |
Lapalme {prop} | :: surname |
la parole est d'argent et le silence est d'or {proverb} | :: alternative form of la parole est d'argent, le silence est d'or |
la parole est d'argent, le silence est d'or {proverb} | :: speech is silver, silence is golden |
lap cheong {m} | :: lap cheong |
laper {vt} | :: to lap (a liquid) |
lapereau {m} | :: young rabbit; bunny, kit |
la perfection n'est pas de ce monde {proverb} | :: perfection does not exist |
lapicide {mf} | :: lapicide |
lapidable {adj} | :: accursed |
lapidaire {adj} | :: related to stone |
lapidaire {adj} [figurative] | :: terse (abruptly short) |
lapidaire {mf} | :: lapidary, gemsmith |
lapidairement {adv} | :: tersely |
lapidation {f} | :: lapidation |
lapider {v} | :: to stone; to lapidate (pelt with stones) |
lapider {v} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to attack verbally |
Lapierre {prop} | :: surname |
lapin {m} | :: rabbit |
lapin commun {m} | :: European rabbit |
lapin de garenne {m} | :: European rabbit |
lapin de gouttière {m} [euphemism] | :: gutter rabbit; cat meat |
lapin de Pâques {m} | :: Easter Bunny |
lapine {f} | :: feminine noun of lapin; doe (female rabbit) |
lapineau {m} [rare] | :: a young rabbit, a bunny |
lapinière {f} | :: rabbitry |
lapiniser {v} | :: To lapinize |
lapis-lazuli {m} | :: lapis lazuli |
laplacien {adj} | :: Laplacian |
la plume est plus forte que l'épée {proverb} | :: the pen is mightier than the sword |
Lapointe {prop} | :: Lapointe; surname |
la pomme ne tombe jamais loin de l'arbre {proverb} | :: the apple does not fall far from the tree |
Laponie {prop} {f} | :: Laponie (region) |
Laporte {prop} | :: surname |
l'appétit vient en mangeant {proverb} | :: appetite comes with eating |
laps {m} | :: lapse |
laps {adj} [archaic] | :: apostate of Catholicism |
laps de temps {m} | :: period, time period |
lapsus {m} | :: lapsus |
lapsus linguae {m} | :: A lapsus linguae; an inadvertent remark, a slip of the tongue |
lapsus révélateur {m} | :: Freudian slip |
laquais {m} | :: footman, lackey, liveried servant |
laquais {m} | :: flunky, stooge |
laque {f} | :: lacquer |
laqué {adj} | :: glazed |
laquer {vt} | :: to lacquer |
la queue entre les jambes {adv} | :: with one's tail between one's legs |
laqueur {m} | :: lacquerer |
Lara {prop} {f} | :: given name |
la raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure {proverb} | :: might makes right, might is right |
la ramener {v} | :: alternative form of se la ramener |
larbin {m} [pejorative] | :: servant, boy |
larbin {m} | :: dogsbody, flunkey |
larcin {m} | :: petty theft |
larcin {m} | :: a stolen object |
lard {m} | :: bacon |
lard {m} | :: lard |
lardacé {adj} | :: lardaceous |
larder {v} | :: to lard; to smear food with lard |
larder {v} | :: to stab; to pierce |
lardier {m} [obsolete or archaic] | :: larder; pantry |
lardon {m} | :: small piece of bacon used in quiches, in salads, etc |
lardon {m} [dated] | :: A fatty strip of pork or bacon used for larding of lean meat (such as fowl) |
lardon {m} [colloquial] | :: kid, nipper; brat |
La République de Croatie {prop} {f} | :: Republic of Croatia |
larfeuille {m} [France, slang] | :: wallet |
largable {adj} | :: expendable |
largage {m} | :: airdrop |
largage {m} | :: dropping |
largage {m} | :: dispatching |
largage {m} | :: jettisoning, dumping |
largage {m} | :: bombing |
large {adj} | :: wide, broad |
large {adj} | :: large |
large {adj} | :: generous |
large {m} | :: open sea |
large {m} | :: width |
large d'esprit {adj} | :: broad-minded, liberal-minded |
largement {adv} | :: mainly; mostly |
l'argent n'a pas d'odeur {proverb} | :: The value of money is not affected by the business it comes from, even from the most unpleasant one |
l'argent ne fait pas le bonheur {proverb} | :: Money can't buy happiness |
l'argent ne tombe pas du ciel {proverb} | :: money doesn't grow on trees |
largesse {f} | :: largess; financial generosity |
largeur {f} | :: width |
largir {v} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, ] | :: alternative form of élargir, to enlarge |
largissime {adj} | :: superwide |
largue {adj} [of a sail, rope] | :: free |
largue {m} [nautical] | :: reach |
largué {adj} | :: unfurled |
largué {adj} | :: dropped, ditched, dumped |
larguer {vt} [nautical] | :: to unfurl |
larguer {vt} [nautical] | :: to ease (a line) |
larguer {vt} | :: to drop (a bomb, parachute) |
larguer {vt} [colloquial] | :: to ditch, dump (break up with) |
larguer les amarres {v} [nautical] | :: to cast off |
larguer les amarres {v} | :: to depart, to sail away |
larigot {m} [musical instruments] | :: A type of small flageolet |
Larivière {prop} | :: surname |
larme {f} | :: tear; teardrop |
larme {f} | :: drop (small amount of a beverage) |
larmes de crocodile {fp} | :: crocodile tears (display of tears that is forced or false) |
larmichette {m} | :: a small quantity of liquid (especially of an alcoholic drink) |
larmichette {m} | :: droplet |
larmoyant {adj} | :: teary, tearful |
larmoyer {vi} [of a person] | :: to weep, sob |
larmoyer {vi} [of eyes] | :: to build up with tears; water up |
larmoyer {vi} [of a person] | :: to whine, whinge |
larmoyer {vi} | :: to drip |
La Rochelle {prop} {f} | :: La Rochelle; La Rochelle (city), in the département of Charente-Maritime, région of Nouvelle-Aquitaine |
La Roche-sur-Yon {prop} {f} | :: A town in the Vendée department of Pays de la Loire |
Larousse {prop} | :: surname |
Larousse {prop} | :: Éditions Larousse, French publishing house |
larron {m} [archaic] | :: thief |
larronne {f} | :: feminine noun of larron |
larvaire {adj} | :: larval |
larve {f} | :: grub, larva (immature insect) |
larvé {adj} | :: latent |
laryngé {adj} [anatomy] | :: laryngeal |
laryngectomie {f} [surgery] | :: laryngectomy |
laryngien {adj} | :: laryngeal |
laryngite {f} | :: laryngitis |
laryngiteux {adj} | :: laryngitic |
laryngologie {f} | :: laryngology |
laryngologiste {mf} | :: laryngologist |
laryngologue {mf} | :: laryngologist |
larynx {m} | :: larynx |
las {adj} | :: weary, tired |
las {interj} [dated] | :: alas |
lasagne {f} | :: lasagna |
lascheté {f} | :: obsolete spelling of lâcheté |
lascif {adj} | :: lascivious, lustful |
lascivement {adv} | :: lasciviously |
lascivité {f} | :: lasciviousness |
La Séguinière {prop} | :: A small town in the Maine-et-Loire department of Pays de la Loire |
la semaine des quatre jeudis {f} [idiom] | :: never in a month of Sundays |
laser {m} | :: laser (umbelliferous plant) |
laser {m} [physics] | :: laser |
lassalléen {adj} | :: Relating to Ferdinand Lassalle or his socialist politics |
lassallien {adj} [economics] | :: Relating to the socialist theoretician Ferdinand Lassalle |
lassallisme {m} | :: Lassallism |
lassé {adj} | :: tired |
lasser {vt} | :: to tire, weary, bore |
lasser {vr} | :: to become exhausted |
lassitude {f} | :: lassitude |
latemment {adv} | :: latently |
latence {f} [networking] | :: latency |
La Tène {prop} | :: La Tène |
latent {adj} | :: latent |
latéral {adj} | :: lateral |
latéral {adj} | :: side (coming from the side) |
latéral {adj} | :: side (on the side) |
latéralement {adv} | :: sideways (from the side) |
latéralement {adv} | :: broadwise |
latéralisation {f} | :: lateralization |
latéraliser {v} | :: To lateralize |
latéralité {f} | :: laterality |
latérite {f} [geology] | :: laterite |
la tête la première {adv} | :: headfirst, headlong |
latex {m} | :: latex (milky sap of trees) |
latex {m} | :: latex (emulsion of rubber in water) |
laticlave {m} [historical] | :: laticlave |
latif {m} [grammar] | :: lative, lative case |
Latifi {prop} | :: Latifi; surname |
latifondiaire {adj} | :: latifundial |
latifundiaire {adj} | :: latifundial |
latifundiste {adj} | :: latifundial |
latin {adj} | :: Latin |
latin {adj} | :: Latino |
latin {m} [uncountable] | :: the Latin language |
latin {m} [countable] | :: a male of South American or Mediterranean origins |
Latin {m} | :: Latin (person from Latium) |
Latin {m} | :: a person from a Romance country such as Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Romania, etc, whose language is derived from Latin |
latin classique {m} | :: Classical Latin |
latin contemporain {m} | :: New Latin, Neo Latin |
Latine {f} | :: Latin woman |
latinement {adv} | :: Latinly (in Latin) |
latiniser {v} | :: to Latinize |
latiniste {mf} | :: Latinist |
latinité {f} | :: Latinity (essence of being Latin) |
latin médiéval {m} | :: Medieval Latin |
latin populaire {m} | :: Vulgar Latin |
latin tardif {m} | :: Late Latin |
latin vulgaire {m} | :: Vulgar Latin |
latitude {f} | :: expansion, breadth |
latitude {f} [geography] | :: The distance from a place to the equator measured in degrees on the meridian; parallel viewing |
latitude {f} [by extension] | :: Different areas under a given temperature due to their greater or lesser distance from the equator |
latitude {f} [astronomy] | :: The angle with a plane parallel to the ecliptic, the straight line that passes through a heavenly body and a particular centre on this plane |
latitude {f} | :: freedom |
latitudinal {adj} | :: latitudinal |
latitudinalement {adv} | :: latitudinally |
Latium {prop} {m} | :: Latium (ancient region) |
Latium {prop} {m} | :: Lazio (modern region) |
-lâtrie {suffix} | :: -latry |
Lattaquié {prop} | :: Latakia |
lattaquiote {adj} | :: Latakian |
Lattaquiote {mf} | :: Latakian |
latte {f} | :: lath |
latte {f} | :: slat |
latte {f} | :: ruler (measuring device) |
latte {f} [slang] | :: shoe; foot |
latte {f} [slang] | :: hit, puff |
latte {f} [colloquial] | :: ski |
latte {f} [nautical] | :: batten |
lattis {m} | :: lathwork |
laudanum {m} | :: laudanum |
laudateur {m} | :: laudator |
laudateur {adj} | :: laudatory |
laudatif {adj} | :: laudatory |
Laura {prop} | :: given name |
laure {f} | :: lavra or laura |
Laure {prop} | :: given name |
lauré {adj} [fine arts, numismatics] | :: wrapped with, or decorated in, laurel |
lauréat {adj} | :: prizewinning |
lauréat {m} | :: prizewinner, recipient of a prize, laureate |
Laurence {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of Laurent |
Laurent {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Laurent {prop} {m} | :: surname |
laurentien {adj} | :: Laurentian |
laurentien {m} | :: Laurentian (an inhabitant of places named Saint-Laurent) |
Laurentien {m} | :: Laurentian, a resident of Saint-Laurent |
Laurentien {m} | :: Laurentian, a resident of the Saint Lawrence River Valley |
laurentienne {f} | :: Laurentian (an inhabitant of places named Saint-Laurent) |
Laurentienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Laurentien |
lauréole {f} | :: spurge-laurel (Daphne laureola) |
laurer {v} | :: To crown, or decorate, with laurels |
Laurette {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Laure (= Laura) |
laurier {m} [botany] | :: laurel (Laurus nobilis) |
laurier {m} [cooking] | :: bay (the leaf of Laurus nobilis used as an herb) |
laurier {m} [by extension, botany] | :: any laurel, or one of many similar species |
laurier {m} [figuratively, usually, in the plural] | :: laurel (symbol of honour, glory, victory) |
Laurier {prop} | :: Laurier (surname) |
laurier-cerise {m} [plant] | :: cherry laurel |
laurier-rose {m} [plant] | :: oleander |
laurier-sauce {m} [plant] | :: bay laurel |
Laurine {prop} | :: given name, from a diminutive of Laure ( =Laura) |
laurique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: lauric |
laurylique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: lauryl |
Lausanne {prop} {f} | :: Lausanne (city/and/district), in which French is the main language |
Lautier {prop} | :: surname |
lauze {f} | :: flagstone |
lavable {adj} | :: washable |
lavabo {m} | :: washbasin |
la vache {interj} [colloquial] | :: Exclamation of surprise or astonishment: crap!, dammit!, shucks! holy cow! |
lavage {m} | :: washing (act of washing) |
lavage de cerveau {m} | :: brainwash, brainwashing |
Laval {prop} | :: A placename: |
Laval {prop} | :: Laval (village) |
Laval {prop} | :: Laval (large city) |
Laval {prop} [colloquial] | :: Île Jésus, Laval (island), where the city of Laval is located; ellipsis of Island of Laval |
Laval {prop} | :: Laval (prefecture/and/commune/capital) |
Laval {prop} | :: Laval (commune) |
Laval {prop} | :: surname |
La Valette {prop} {f} | :: La Valette (capital) |
Lavallée {prop} | :: Lavallee; surname |
lavallière {f} | :: A floppy type of necktie |
lavallois {adj} | :: from Laval |
Lavallois {m} | :: Someone from Laval |
Lavalloise {f} | :: feminine noun of Lavallois |
lavande {f} | :: lavender (the plant) |
lavandière {f} | :: washerwoman |
lavaret {m} | :: lavaret |
lavatère {f} | :: lavatera |
lavatory {m} | :: public toilet |
lave {f} [usually, uncountable] | :: lava |
lave-auto {m} [Canada] | :: car wash |
lave-glace {m} | :: windscreen washer |
lave-linge {m} | :: washing machine |
lavement {m} | :: wash; washing |
lavement {m} | :: enema |
la vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid {proverb} | :: revenge is a dish best served cold |
l'avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt {proverb} | :: the early bird gets the worm |
laver {v} | :: to wash |
laver {vr} | :: to wash oneself |
laverie {f} | :: laundry |
laverie {f} | :: laundromat, launderette, washeteria |
laver son linge sale en public {v} [figuratively] | :: to air one's dirty laundry in public, to wash one's dirty linen in public |
lavette {f} [Europe] | :: dishcloth (to wash dishes) |
lavette {f} [Canada] | :: dishmop |
lavette {f} [figuratively] | :: wet blanket |
laveur {m} | :: cleaner (person who cleans) |
laveuse {f} | :: feminine noun of laveur |
laveuse {f} | :: washing machine |
laveuse sécheuse {f} | :: alternative form of laveuse-sécheuse |
laveuse-sécheuse {f} [laundry] | :: washer-dryer |
lave-vaisselle {m} | :: dishwasher |
Lavigueur {prop} | :: surname |
Lavoie {prop} | :: Lavoie; surname |
lavoir {m} | :: washhouse |
l'avoir dans le cul {v} [vulgar] | :: to get fucked over, to be fucked, to be screwed |
l'avoir dans l'os {v} [colloquial] | :: to be fucked, to be screwed |
l'avoir mauvaise {v} [colloquial] | :: not to be happy, not to be pleased, to be less than pleased |
lavoisien {adj} | :: Lavoisierian |
Lavoisier {prop} | :: surname |
Lavoisier {prop} | :: Antoine Lavoisier, French chemist |
lavomatique {m} | :: launderette (place with facilities for washing that public may use) |
lavure {f} | :: dishwater |
lawrencium {m} | :: lawrencium |
laxatif {adj} | :: laxative |
laxatif {m} | :: a laxative |
laxisme {m} | :: laxity |
laxiste {adj} | :: lax |
layette {f} | :: baby clothes, babywear |
layon {m} | :: trail |
Lazare {prop} {m} | :: Lazarus |
Lazaresco {prop} | :: surname |
Lazarescu {prop} | :: surname |
lazaret {m} | :: lazaret |
lazzi {m} | :: gibe |
LCF {prop} {f} | :: CFL (Canadian Football League); initialism of Ligue canadienne de football |
le {art} | :: the (definite article) |
le {art} | :: Used before abstract nouns; not translated in English |
le {art} | :: (before parts of the body) the; my, your, etc. |
le {art} | :: (before units) a, an |
le {pron} | :: [direct object] him, it |
le {pron} | :: (used to refer to something previously mentioned or implied; not translated in English) |
Le {prop} | :: surname |
lé {m} [obsolete] | :: breadth, width |
lé {m} | :: strip, length (of paper, textiles etc.) |
Léa {prop} [biblical character] | :: Leah (biblical character) |
Léa {prop} | :: given name currently popular in France |
leader {m} | :: leader |
leadership {m} | :: leadership (the characteristics of leading by the leader) |
Lebeau {prop} | :: Lebeau; surname |
lebel {m} [now historical] | :: Lebel rifle |
Lebel {prop} | :: surname |
le beurre et l'argent du beurre {m} | :: (having) one's cake and eating it too; two mutually exclusive things, such that one can only choose one over another |
le beurre, l'argent du beurre et le cul de la crémière {m} [vulgar] | :: alternative form of le beurre et l'argent du beurre |
le beurre, l'argent du beurre et les fesses de la crémière {m} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of le beurre et l'argent du beurre |
le beurre, l'argent du beurre et le sourire de la crémière {m} | :: alternative form of le beurre et l'argent du beurre |
Leblanc {prop} | :: surname |
Le Caire {prop} {m} | :: Le Caire (capital city) |
Le Cap {prop} | :: Le Cap (city) |
le cas échéant {adv} | :: if applicable |
léchage {m} | :: licking |
l'échapper belle {v} [colloquial] | :: to have a narrow escape, to have a close call, to dodge a bullet |
le chat parti, les souris dansent {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: when the cat's away the mice will play |
lèche {f} [France, slang] | :: bootlicking, brownnosing |
lèche {f} [Louisiana French] | :: earthworm |
lèche-bottes {mf} | :: brown noser (one who brownnoses) |
lèche-cul {mf} [vulgar] | :: ass-licker [US], arse-licker [UK] |
lèchefrite {f} | :: dripping-pan |
lécher {v} | :: to lick |
lécher {v} [figurative, colloquial] | :: to polish, to refine (one's work) |
lécher le cul {v} [vulgar, figuratively] | :: to lick someone's ass, to kiss ass, to brownnose, to suck up |
lécher les bottes {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to lick someone's boots, to bow and scrape, to brownnose, to suck up |
lécheur {m} | :: licker |
lécheur {m} [by extension] | :: someone who likes kissing |
lécheur {m} [colloquial] | :: sycophant |
lécheuse {f} | :: feminine noun of lécheur |
lèche-vitrine {mf} [idiom, only in the masculine] | :: window-shopping |
lèche-vitrine {mf} [idiom] | :: window-shopper |
-lécithe {suffix} | :: -lecithal |
lécithine {f} [organic chemistry] | :: lecithin |
Le Classique {prop} {m} [soccer] | :: A football match between Paris Saint-Germain and Olympique de Marseille, known for its fierce rivalry |
Leclerc {prop} | :: surname |
Leclercq {prop} | :: surname |
le client est roi {proverb} | :: the customer is always right |
Lecompte {prop} | :: surname |
Lecomte {prop} | :: surname |
leçon {f} | :: lesson |
Lecoq {prop} | :: surname |
Lecoubarry {prop} | :: surname |
le crime ne paie pas {proverb} | :: crime doesn't pay |
lecteur {m} | :: reader |
lecteur CD {m} | :: CD player |
lecteur de CD {m} | :: CD player |
lecteur de nouvelles {m} [Canada] | :: newsreader |
lecteur MP3 {m} | :: MP3 player |
lectorat {m} | :: readership (the people who read a book) |
lectrice {f} | :: reader (someone who reads) |
lectrice de nouvelles {f} | :: feminine noun of lecteur de nouvelles |
lecture {f} | :: reading (act or process of reading, interpretation, material read, and some other senses) |
lédène {m} [organic compound] | :: ledene |
le devoir m'appelle {interj} | :: duty calls (I gotta go, I have something to do) |
le diable aux trousses {adv} | :: like a bat out of hell |
ledit {determiner} | :: Said, the said, the aforementioned |
le donner en mille {v} [colloquial] | :: to let someone guess (used to dramatise something unsurprising.) |
Ledoux {prop} | :: surname |
Leduc {prop} | :: surname |
Lefebvre {prop} | :: Lefebvre; surname |
Lefèvre {prop} | :: surname |
légal {adj} | :: legal, relating to law |
légal {adj} | :: legal, in accordance with the law |
légalement {adv} | :: legally |
légalisation {f} | :: legalization (process of making something legal) |
légaliser {vt} | :: to legalize (make legal) |
légaliste {adj} | :: legalistic |
légalistement {adv} | :: legalistically |
légalité {f} | :: legality |
légat {m} | :: legate |
légataire {m} [legal] | :: legatee |
légation {f} | :: legation |
legato {m} | :: legato |
légato {adv} | :: legato |
légato {m} | :: legato |
Legault {prop} | :: surname |
lège {adj} | :: empty |
lège {adj} [nautical] | :: unballasted |
légendaire {adj} | :: legendary |
légendairement {adv} | :: legendarily |
légende {f} | :: legend (story of unknown origin describing plausible but extraordinary past events) |
légende {f} | :: caption |
légender {vt} | :: to caption |
légende urbaine {f} | :: urban legend |
legendre {m} [Scrabble] | :: A technical play where a tile with a value higher than 1 is placed on a square multiplying its value while the value of the word is simultaneous multiplied by another square |
léger {adj} | :: light (not heavy) |
léger {adj} | :: slight (not much, not a lot) |
léger de main {phrase} [archaic, literary] | :: skillful |
légèrement {adv} | :: lightly |
légèreté {f} | :: lightness (lack of mass), levity |
légiférer {v} | :: to legislate (to pass laws) |
légine {f} | :: toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) |
légion {f} [Ancient Rome, military] | :: legion |
Légion d'honneur {prop} {f} | :: the Legion of Honor |
légionelle {f} | :: legionella (bacterium) |
légionellose {f} [pathology] | :: legionellosis |
légionnaire {m} [military, Ancient Rome] | :: legionary |
législateur {m} | :: legislator |
législatif {adj} | :: legislative |
législation {f} | :: legislation |
législativement {adv} | :: legislatively |
législature {f} | :: legislature |
législature {f} [duration] | :: term of office, for a legislative body |
légiste {mf} | :: jurist |
légiste {mf} | :: coroner |
légistique {f} | :: legistics |
légitimation {f} | :: legitimization |
légitime {adj} | :: legitimate |
légitime {mf} [dated, slang] | :: one's regular sexual or romantic partner (as opposed to a partner with which one is having an affair) |
légitime défense {f} [legal] | :: self-defense (defense for oneself against violence) |
légitimement {adv} | :: legitimately |
légitimer {v} | :: to legitimize |
légitimisme {m} | :: legitimism |
légitimiste {adj} | :: legitimist |
légitimiste {mf} | :: legitimist |
légitimité {f} | :: legitimacy |
Lego {n} | :: Lego |
Legrand {prop} | :: surname |
Legros {prop} | :: surname |
legs {m} | :: inheritance |
legs {m} | :: legacy |
léguer {v} | :: to will, to bequeath |
léguer {v} | :: to hand down, pass on (traditions etc.) |
légume {m} [cooking] | :: vegetable |
légume {m} [figuratively, colloquial, offensive] | :: vegetable, cabbage (someone in a vegetative state) |
légume {m} [botany, dated] | :: legume; pod |
légume {m} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: couch potato |
légumier {adj} | :: vegetable (attributive) |
légumier {m} | :: vegetable dish (receptacle) |
légumineuse {f} | :: legume |
légumineux {adj} | :: leguminous |
légumiser {v} [slang] | :: to vegetate, laze about (do nothing) |
légumiste {mf} | :: A person who grows vegetables |
légumiste {mf} | :: A vegetarian |
léha {v} [slang, backslang, verlan] | :: to go |
Le Havre {prop} {m} | :: Le Havre (city) |
leibnitzien {adj} | :: Leibnizian |
leibnizien {adj} | :: alternative form of leibnitzien |
Leila {prop} | :: given name of Arabic origin |
leishmaniose {f} [pathology] | :: leishmaniasis |
leitmotiv {m} | :: leitmotif |
le jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle {phrase} | :: it's not worth it; there's no point |
le leur {pron} | :: theirs (the one belonging to them) |
le long de {prep} | :: along, alongside |
Le Lude {prop} | :: A small town in the Sarthe department of Pays de la Loire |
Lemaître {prop} | :: French surname |
Léman {prop} {m} | :: Geneva (lake) |
lémanique {adj} | :: Of or from Léman (Lake Geneva) |
Le Mans {prop} {m} | :: Le Mans |
Lemar {prop} | :: surname |
Lemelin {prop} | :: surname |
le mien {pron} | :: mine |
Lemieux {prop} | :: surname |
le mieux est l'ennemi du bien {proverb} | :: perfect is the enemy of good; leave well enough alone |
lemmatique {adj} | :: lemmatical |
lemmatiser {v} | :: to lemmatize |
lemme {m} [mathematics] | :: lemma |
lemme {m} [linguistics, lexicography] | :: lemma |
lemming {m} | :: lemming |
lemnisque {m} | :: lemniscus (all senses) |
Lemoigne {prop} | :: surname |
Lemoine {prop} | :: surname |
lémonal {m} [organic compound] | :: lemonal |
le monde est petit {phrase} | :: it's a small world (used to express surprise at meeting an acquaintance or discovering a personal connection in a distant place or an unexpected context) |
Lemonnier {prop} | :: surname |
lémonol {m} [organic compound] | :: lemonol |
le mot de Cambronne {m} [euphemism] | :: merde- a word meaning poop, shite etc.. |
l'emporter {v} [sur] | :: to prevail over, to beat, to get the better of, to get the upper hand |
lémur {m} | :: lemur (any animal of the prosimians, making up the infraorder Lemuriformes) |
lémure {m} | :: alternative form of lémur |
lémurien {m} | :: lemur |
lendemain {m} | :: the day after, the next day, the morrow |
lendemain de veille {m} [colloquial] | :: the day after a binge, generally characterised by a hangover |
lendore {mf} [archaic, colloquial] | :: sluggard, dawdler |
Lengrand {prop} | :: surname |
lénifiant {adj} | :: emollient, soothing |
Lénine {prop} {m} | :: Lenin |
léninien {adj} | :: Leninist |
léninisme {m} [politics] | :: Leninism |
léniniste {adj} | :: Leninist (relating to Lenin) |
lénition {f} [linguistics] | :: lenition (weakening of consonant articulation) |
Lenormand {prop} | :: surname |
le nôtre {pron} | :: ours (the one belonging to us) |
Lens {prop} {m} | :: A city in, and the capital of, the French department Pas-de-Calais |
lensois {adj} [attributive] | :: Lens; of or from Lens |
Lensois {m} | :: An inhabitant of Lens |
Lensoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Lensois |
lent {adj} | :: slow |
lente {f} [zoology] | :: nit |
lentement {adv} | :: slowly |
lentement mais sûrement {adv} | :: slowly but surely |
lenteur {f} | :: slowness |
lenticulaire {adj} | :: lenticular |
lentiforme {adj} | :: lentiform |
lentille {f} [optics] | :: lens |
lentille {f} | :: lentil (plant) |
lentille {f} | :: contact lens |
lentille de contact {f} | :: contact lens |
lentiprisme {m} | :: lenticular prism |
lentique {adj} [ecology] | :: lentic |
lentisque {m} | :: lentisk, mastic-tree (Pistacia lentiscus) |
lentissime {adj} | :: superslow |
lento {adv} [music] | :: slowly; lento |
Léo {prop} | :: given name, a Latinate variant of Léon |
Léon {prop} [geography] | :: Léon (historic region) |
Léon {prop} [geography] | :: Léon (commune) |
Léon {prop} | :: given name |
léonais {m} | :: Leonese language |
léonais {adj} | :: Leonese |
Léonais {m} | :: Leonese (person) |
Léonaise {f} | :: feminine singular of Léonais |
Léonard {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Léone {prop} | :: given name, a feminine form of Léon |
Léonie {prop} | :: given name, a feminine form of Léon |
léonin {adj} [literary] | :: leonine (pertaining to the lion) |
léonin {adj} [figuratively] | :: unequal, unjust |
léontice {f} | :: A plant of the genus Leontice, from the Berberidaceae family |
léopard {m} | :: leopard (a large wild cat with a spotted coat, Panthera pardus) |
léopard de mer {m} | :: leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) |
Léopold {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Léopoldville {prop} [historical] | :: Kinshasa |
Le Pen {prop} | :: Le Pen; surname |
lepénisation {f} | :: A shift in political attitudes towards Euroscepticism and against immigration |
lepénisme {m} [politics] | :: The political policies of Jean-Marie Le Pen or Marine Le Pen |
lepéniste {mf} [politics] | :: A follower of Jean-Marie Le Pen or Marine Le Pen |
le petit oiseau va sortir {interj} | :: watch the birdie! say cheese! |
lépidine {f} | :: lepidine |
lépidolite {mf} [mineral] | :: lepidolite |
lépidoptère {m} | :: lepidopteran |
lépidoptère {adj} | :: lepidopteran |
le plus clair de {phrase} | :: most of, the greater part of |
le poisson pourrit par la tête {proverb} | :: the fish rots from the head |
Le Pompidou {prop} | :: A village in the Lozère department of Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées |
lèpre {f} | :: leprosy |
lépreux {adj} | :: leprous |
lépreux {m} | :: leper |
léprosé {m} | :: leper |
léprosée {f} | :: feminine noun of léprosé |
léproserie {f} | :: leprosarium |
leptokurtique {adj} [statistics] | :: leptokurtic |
lepton {m} [particle] | :: lepton |
lepton {m} | :: lepton (coin) |
leptonique {adj} | :: leptonic |
leptoniquement {adv} | :: leptonically |
lequel {pron} [relative, following a preposition] | :: which, that, whom |
lequel {pron} [interrogative] | :: which one |
lerche {adv} | :: dearly |
le remède est pire que le mal {proverb} | :: The cure is worse than the disease |
lérot {m} | :: garden dormouse |
Leroux {prop} | :: surname |
Leroy {prop} | :: surname |
l'erreur est humaine {proverb} | :: to err is human |
lès {prep} | :: alternative form of lez |
Lesage {prop} | :: surname |
les Anglais débarquent {phrase} [colloquial] | :: a person is having or has just had her period |
lesbianisme {m} | :: lesbianism (female homosexuality) |
lesbiche {f} [colloquial] | :: lesbian, dyke |
lesbien {adj} | :: lesbian |
lesbienne {f} | :: lesbian (female homosexual) |
Lesbœufs {prop} | :: Lesbœufs |
les bons comptes font les bons amis {proverb} | :: short reckonings make long friends, a debt paid is a friend kept |
les bras m'en tombent {phrase} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: I'm flabbergasted, I'm speechless |
les briser menues {v} [à] | :: [vulgar] to give someone the shits, to piss someone off (to annoy someone a lot, to annoy the hell out of someone) |
les carottes sont cuites {phrase} [colloquial] | :: the goose is cooked, the writing is on the wall, the game is up, it's all up, it's over |
les chats ne font pas des chiens {proverb} | :: alternative form of les chiens ne font pas des chats |
les chiens aboient, la caravane passe {proverb} | :: the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me |
les chiens aboient, la caravane passe {proverb} | :: Let people say what they will |
les chiens ne font pas des chats {proverb} | :: the apple does not fall far from the tree, a wild goose never laid a tame egg |
les cordonniers sont toujours les plus mal chaussés {proverb} | :: the shoemaker's children go barefoot |
les dés sont jetés {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: the die is cast |
les doigts dans le nez {adv} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: hands down, one-handed, standing on one's head, with one hand tied behind one's back (very easily) |
lèse-majesté {f} | :: lese-majesty, lèse-majesté |
léser {vt} | :: to wrong; to do wrong by (someone) |
léser {vt} | :: to lesion (to produce a lesion in) |
les grands esprits se rencontrent {proverb} [idiomatic] | :: great minds think alike |
Les Herbiers {prop} | :: A town in Vendée, Pays de la Loire, France |
le sien {pron} | :: his; hers; its |
le silence est d'or {proverb} | :: silence is golden |
lésiner {vi} | :: to skimp, to overly limit one's spending, to be frugal to an excessive degree |
lésinerie {f} | :: stinginess |
lésion {f} | :: lesion |
les jeux sont faits {phrase} [gambling] | :: les jeux sont faits, the stakes are set [call made by the croupier] |
les jeux sont faits {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: the die is cast, les jeux sont faits (things have reached an irreversible point) |
Leslie {prop} | :: given name, popular in the 1980s and the 1990s |
Lesly {prop} | :: given name, a less common spelling off Leslie |
les mains dans les poches {adv} [figuratively, often, pejorative] | :: casually, nonchalantly, in an offhand manner, with a devil-may-care attitude |
les mains vides {adv} [figuratively] | :: emptyhandedly |
les murs ont des oreilles {proverb} | :: walls have ears |
le sort en est jeté {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: the die is cast |
les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières {proverb} | :: many a mickle makes a muckle; little strokes fell great oaks; mighty oaks from little acorns grow; take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves |
l'espoir fait vivre {proverb} | :: we all live in hope |
les quatre fers en l'air {adv} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: flat on one's back |
lessepsien {adj} | :: Lessepsian |
lessivable {adj} | :: washable |
lessivage {m} | :: washing, laundry (process) |
lessive {f} | :: lye, alkaline solution; detergent |
lessive {f} | :: laundry |
lessivé {adj} | :: laundered |
lessivé {adj} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: tired out, knackered, exhausted |
lessiver {vt} | :: to launder, to wash clothes |
lessiver {vi} [figuratively] | :: to tire out |
lessiveuse {f} | :: washtub |
lessiviel {adj} | :: detergent |
lest {m} | :: dead weight; ballast |
lestage {m} [nautical] | :: ballasting |
leste {adj} | :: agile; nimble |
lestement {adv} | :: nimbly |
lestement {adv} | :: racily |
lester {v} | :: to ballast |
les trois quarts du temps {adv} [colloquial] | :: most of the time, nine times out of ten |
les yeux fermés {adv} [figuratively] | :: with one's eyes closed, hands down, one-handed, standing on one's head, with one hand tied behind one's back (very easily) |
les zaricos sont salés {interj} [Louisiana French, Cajun French, , colloquial, as a response] | :: Things are going fine |
let {interj} [tennis] | :: indicates a let on service |
létal {adj} | :: lethal |
létalité {f} | :: lethality; mortality |
letchi {m} | :: alternative form of litchi |
le temps, c'est de l'argent {proverb} | :: time is money |
léthargie {f} | :: lethargy |
léthargique {adj} | :: lethargic, sluggish |
léthargiquement {adv} | :: lethargically |
Léthé {prop} {m} | :: Lethe |
léthéen {adj} | :: Lethean |
le tien {pron} | :: yours; the one belonging to you (singular) |
Le Touquet {prop} {m} | :: synonym of Le Touquet-Paris-Plage |
Le Touquet-Paris-Plage {prop} {m} | :: A coastal resort in the Pas-de-Calais department of Hauts-de-France |
Létourneau {prop} | :: surname |
lette {adj} [Canada, slang] | :: ugly |
letton {m} | :: Latvian, the Latvian language |
letton {adj} | :: Latvian |
Letton {m} | :: Latvian, someone from Latvia |
Lettone {f} | :: feminine noun of Letton; alternative form of Lettonne |
Lettonie {prop} {f} | :: Latvia |
Lettonne {f} | :: Latvian (person) |
lettrage {m} | :: lettering |
lettre {f} | :: letter (written character) |
lettre {f} | :: letter (written message) |
lettre {f} [figuratively] | :: the literal meaning, the plain meaning of something |
lettré {adj} | :: literate |
lettré {adj} | :: well-versed |
lettré {m} | :: literate person |
lettre de cachet {f} [historical] | :: lettre de cachet |
lettre de change {f} [finance, banking] | :: bill of exchange |
lettre de château {f} | :: bread-and-butter letter, bread-and-butter note |
lettre de motivation {f} | :: a cover letter, specifically for a job application |
lettre de noblesse {f} | :: letters patent of nobility |
lettre de noblesse {f} [plural only, figuratively] | :: good reputation |
lettre d'information {f} | :: newsletter |
lettrer {vt} [archaic] | :: to send a letter (to someone) |
lettrer {vt} | :: to educate, to teach to read and write |
lettrine {f} | :: drop cap |
leu {m} | :: leu (currency of Romania) |
leucémie {f} | :: leukemia |
leucémique {adj} | :: leukemic |
Leucippe {prop} {m} | :: Leucippus |
leucique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: leucic |
leucocidine {f} | :: leucocidin |
leucocyte {m} [cytology] | :: leukocyte |
leucome {m} [pathology] | :: leucoma |
leuconique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: leuconic |
leucopénie {f} | :: leukopenia |
leucoplaste {m} | :: leucoplast |
leucoxène {m} [mineralogy] | :: leucoxene |
leude {m} | :: vassal, leud |
leude {f} | :: a tax or toll levied in Southern France |
leur {pron} [personal, direct] | :: them |
leur {pron} [personal, indirect] | :: to them |
leur {determiner} | :: their |
leurdit {determiner} | :: their said |
leurre {m} [hunting, fishing] | :: lure, decoy |
leurre {m} | :: trap, snare |
leurre {m} | :: illusion |
leurre {m} | :: deception |
leurre {m} [military] | :: flare (aerial infrared countermeasure) |
leurrer {v} | :: to deceive |
leuzée {f} | :: A type of thistle of the genus Rhaponticum |
levage {m} | :: lifting |
levage {m} | :: hoist |
levain {m} | :: sourdough |
levain {m} | :: leaven (any agent used to make dough rise) |
levant {adj} [of the moon, the sun, etc.] | :: rising |
levant {m} | :: the east, the orient |
Levant {prop} {m} [dated] | :: Orient (the countries of Asia) |
levantin {adj} | :: Levantine |
Levantin {m} | :: Levantine |
Levantine {f} | :: female equivalent of Levantin |
Levassor {prop} | :: surname |
levée {f} | :: removal (act of removing or taking off) |
levée {f} | :: levee (geographical feature) |
levée de boucliers {f} [figuratively] | :: general outcry |
levée d'écrou {f} | :: release (from prison) |
lever {vt} | :: To raise, lift |
lever {vr} | :: To rise, stand up |
lever {vr} | :: To get up (out of bed) |
lever {vr} [of fog, rain and etc] | :: To clear, lift |
lever {m} | :: The act of getting up in the morning |
lever de soleil {m} | :: alternative form of lever du soleil |
lever du soleil {m} | :: A sunrise |
lever du soleil {m} | :: dawn |
lever l'ancre {v} | :: to weigh anchor |
lever l'ancre {v} [figuratively] | :: to depart, to sail away |
lever le camp {v} | :: to break camp (to pack up a campsite and move on) |
lever le camp {v} [figuratively] | :: to move out, to leave |
lever le petit doigt {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to lift a finger |
lever le pied {v} [colloquial] | :: to lift one's foot off the accelerator, to slow down a vehicle |
lever le pied {v} [colloquial, figurative] | :: to slow down, to reduce the pace (of an action, of a lifestyle, etc.) |
lever les yeux au ciel {v} [idiomatic] | :: to roll one's eyes |
lever le voile {v} [sur] | :: to unveil, to reveal, to lift the veal on, to lift the curtain on, to lift the lid on |
lever un lièvre {v} [figuratively] | :: to start a hare, to start something off, to stir things up, to cause a ripple, to raise a prickly topic, to raise a thorny issue, to touch on a sore point |
Levesque {prop} | :: Levesque; surname; alternative form of Lévesque |
Lévesque {prop} | :: Levesque; surname |
lève-tôt {mf} | :: early riser (someone who gets up early) |
Lévi {prop} {m} | :: Levi (third son of Jacob) |
léviathan {m} | :: leviathan |
léviathanique {adj} | :: leviathan |
levier {m} | :: lever |
lévigation {f} | :: levigation |
lévitation {f} | :: levitation |
lévite {m} | :: Levite (member of the Hebrew tribe Levi) |
lévite {f} | :: Levite (a loose man's garment) |
Lévite {prop} | :: Levite |
léviter {v} | :: [usually intransitive] to levitate |
lévitique {m} | :: Levite |
lévitique {adj} | :: levitical |
Lévitique {prop} {m} [bible] | :: Leviticus |
lévogyre {adj} [chemistry] | :: levogyre |
lévométhorphane {m} | :: levomethorphan |
le vôtre {pron} | :: yours (the one belonging to you, plural or formal) |
levraut {m} | :: a young hare |
lèvre {f} | :: lip |
levreau {m} | :: leveret |
levrette {f} | :: female greyhound |
levrette {f} [slang] | :: doggy style position |
lévrier {m} | :: sighthound |
lévrier {m} | :: greyhound |
lévrier afghan {m} | :: Afghan Hound |
lévrier irlandais {m} | :: Irish wolfhound |
lévrier persan {m} | :: Saluki |
lévulose {m} [carbohydrate] | :: levulose |
levurage {m} | :: The introduction of yeast to start the fermentation process in winemaking |
levure {f} | :: yeast |
levure {f} | :: leavening (agent) |
levure chimique {f} | :: baking powder (a dry leavening agent used in baking) |
Lévy {prop} | :: surname: Levy |
lexème {m} | :: lexeme |
lexical {adj} | :: lexical |
lexicalement {adv} | :: lexically |
lexicaliser {v} | :: lexicalize (to convert to a single lexical unit) |
lexicographe {m} | :: A lexicographer |
lexicographie {f} | :: Lexicography, dictionary-writing, the art or craft of writing dictionaries |
lexicographique {adj} | :: lexicographic (pertaining to lexicography) |
lexicographiquement {adv} | :: lexicographically |
lexicologie {f} | :: lexicology |
lexicologique {adj} | :: lexicological |
lexicologiquement {adv} | :: lexicologically |
lexicologue {mf} | :: lexicologist |
lexicomane {mf} | :: a lover of words |
lexicomane {adj} | :: word-loving |
lexigraphique {adj} | :: lexigraphic |
lexique {m} | :: vocabulary; lexicon |
lexique {m} | :: glossary |
lez {prep} [obsolete] | :: next to, near [still used in some place names] |
lézard {m} | :: lizard |
Lézard {prop} {m} | :: Lacerta |
lézarde {f} | :: female lizard |
lézarde {f} [by extension, resembling lizard tail] | :: crack, crevasse |
lézarder {vt} | :: to crack |
lézarder {vi} | :: to bask (in the sun) |
LGBT {adj} | :: LGBT; initialism of lesbiennes, gays, bisexuels, transgenres |
LGN {m} | :: abbreviation of liquide de gaz naturel (gaz naturel liquéfié - GNL) - LNG (liquified natural gas) |
LGV {n} | :: initialism of ligne à grande vitesse |
l'habit ne fait pas le moine {proverb} | :: you can't judge a book by its cover (it is not possible nor advisable to judge things by external appearances alone) |
Lhassa {prop} | :: Lhasa (Capital of Xizang (Tibet)) |
l'herbe est toujours plus verte ailleurs {proverb} | :: the grass is always greener on the other side |
l'herbe est toujours plus verte dans le pré du voisin {proverb} | :: the grass is always greener on the other side |
L'Hôpital {prop} | :: Name of several places in France |
L'Hôpital {prop} | :: surname |
L'Hospital {prop} | :: alternative spelling of L'Hôpital |
li {m} | :: li [Chinese unit of distance] |
liaison {f} | :: link, bond |
liaison {f} | :: friendship |
liaison {f} | :: liaison (romantic encounter) |
liaison {f} | :: liaison (communication) |
liaison {f} [linguistics] | :: liaison (phonological phenomenon) |
liaison {f} [chemistry] | :: bond |
liane {f} | :: herbaceous or woody vine |
liane {f} | :: creeper |
lianescent {adj} [botany] | :: Having the form of a liana |
liant {adj} | :: flexible, elastic |
liant {adj} | :: sociable |
liant {m} | :: binder |
liant {m} | :: affability |
liarder {vi} | :: to skimp (be parsimonious) |
liasique {adj} [geology] | :: liassic |
liasse {f} | :: wad, bundle (e.g money) |
Liban {prop} {m} | :: Lebanon |
libanais {adj} | :: Lebanese |
Libanais {m} | :: a Lebanese person |
Libanaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Libanais |
libano- {prefix} | :: Lebano- |
libelle {m} | :: libel |
libelle {m} | :: libelle |
libeller {vt} | :: to write; make out; write out (a check) |
libeller {vt} | :: To price; price up (a product) |
libellule {f} | :: dragonfly (an insect of the suborder Anisoptera) |
liber {m} | :: bast (of a tree) |
liber {m} | :: book |
libérable {adj} | :: liberateable, freeable, releasable, up for release |
libéral {adj} | :: libertarian, liberal |
libéral {adj} | :: Libertarian, Liberal |
libéral {m} | :: libertarian, liberal |
libéral {m} | :: Libertarian, Liberal |
libéral-démocrate {adj} [politics] | :: Liberal Democrat |
libéral-démocrate {m} [politics] | :: Liberal Democrat, Lib Dem |
libérale-démocrate {f} | :: feminine noun of libéral-démocrate |
libéralement {adv} | :: liberally |
libéralisation {f} | :: liberalization |
libéraliser {v} | :: to liberalize (to make liberal) |
libéralisme {m} | :: liberalism |
libéraliste {adj} | :: liberalist |
libéraliste {m} | :: liberalist |
libéralité {f} | :: liberality |
libérateur {m} | :: liberator |
libération {f} | :: deliverance |
libération {f} | :: release |
libération {f} | :: discharge |
libération {f} | :: liberation |
libération conditionnelle {f} [law] | :: parole |
libératoire {adj} | :: liberatory, liberating |
libératrice {f} | :: feminine noun of libérateur |
libérer {v} | :: to liberate, to set free, to release from captivity |
libérer {v} | :: to vacate, to move out of (e.g. a house) |
Libéria {prop} {m} | :: Libéria (country) |
libérien {adj} | :: Liberian |
Libérien {m} | :: Liberian (person) |
Libérienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Libérien |
libérine {f} | :: liberin |
libéro {m} [soccer] | :: sweeper, libero |
libertaire {adj} | :: opposed to authoritative or illegitimate powers (political, economical, religious, military or otherwise) ; anarchist, anarchistic ; (left-wing) libertarian |
libertarianisme {m} | :: libertarianism |
libertarien {adj} | :: libertarian |
libertarien {m} | :: libertarian |
libertarisme {m} | :: libertarianism |
liberté {f} | :: liberty, freedom |
liberté de la presse {f} | :: freedom of the press |
liberté de religion {f} | :: freedom of religion |
liberté d'expression {f} | :: freedom of speech, free speech |
liberticide {adj} | :: liberticide |
libertin {adj} | :: libertine |
libertin {m} | :: libertine |
libertinage {m} | :: The conduct or activities of a libertine; licentiousness |
libertinement {adv} | :: in the manner of a libertine |
libidinal {adj} | :: libidinal |
libidineux {adj} [literary, pejorative] | :: libidinous, lustful |
libido {f} | :: libido |
libraire {mf} | :: bookseller (person engaged in the business of selling books) |
librairie {f} | :: bookshop or bookstore |
libre {adj} | :: free, at liberty |
libre {adj} | :: clear, free, vacant |
libre {adj} | :: free, without obligation |
libre arbitre {m} [philosophy] | :: free will |
libre-arbitre {m} | :: alternative spelling of libre arbitre |
libre comme l'air {adj} [simile] | :: free as a bird |
libre-échange {m} | :: free trade |
librement {adv} | :: freely; without restrictions |
libre-service {m} | :: self-service |
librettiste {m} | :: librettist |
Libye {prop} {f} | :: Libya |
libyen {adj} | :: Libyan |
Libyen {m} | :: Libyan (someone from Libya) |
Libyenne {f} | :: feminine noun of Libyen |
licaréol {m} [organic compound] | :: licareol |
lice {f} [fortifications] | :: curtain wall |
lice {f} [historical] | :: pomerium |
lice {f} [by extension] | :: list, field (for combat); playing field; arena |
lice {f} [archaic] | :: brach, bitch hound (specifically, dog used for breeding hunting dogs) |
licence {f} | :: licence |
licence {f} | :: permit, certificate |
licence {f} | :: bachelor's degree (more accurately in France Bac+3) |
licence ès arts {f} | :: Bachelor of Arts |
licence poétique {f} | :: poetic licence |
licenciable {adj} | :: licensable |
licencié {m} | :: licentiate |
licenciement {m} | :: sacking (termination of work) |
licenciement économique {m} | :: layoff, dismissal of employees for economic reasons |
licencier {v} | :: to fire, to sack (to terminate the employment of) |
licencier {v} | :: to licence |
licencieusement {adv} | :: licentiously |
licencieux {adj} | :: licentious |
liche {m} | :: lich |
lichen {m} | :: lichen |
lichénate {m} [organic chemistry] | :: lichenate |
lichénique {adj} | :: lichenic |
lichénologie {m} [botany] | :: lichenology |
lichenologique {adj} | :: lichenological |
lichénologique {adj} | :: lichenological |
lichénologiquement {adv} | :: lichenologically |
lichenologue {mf} | :: lichenologist |
lichen plan {m} | :: lichen planus |
licitation {f} | :: auction |
licitement {adv} | :: lawfully |
liciter {vt} [legal] | :: to auction |
licol {m} [poetic or regional] | :: halter (for animals) |
licorne {f} [mythological creature] | :: unicorn |
licorne {f} [heraldiccharge] | :: unicorn |
licorne {f} [finance] | :: unicorn (startup whose valuation has exceeded one billion U.S. dollars) |
licou {m} | :: halter |
licteur {m} | :: lictor |
lidar {m} | :: lidar |
lidocaïne {f} | :: lidocaine |
lie {f} | :: lees, dregs (of wine, of society) |
liechtensteinois {adj} | :: of or relating to Liechtenstein |
Liechtensteinois {m} | :: person from Liechtenstein |
Liechtensteinoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Liechtensteinois |
lie-de-vin {adj} | :: wine (wine colour) |
liège {m} | :: cork [substance] |
Liège {prop} | :: Liège (province) |
Liège {prop} | :: Liège (city) |
liégeois {adj} | :: of or relating to Liège, Belgium |
Liégeois {m} | :: Person from or living in Liège, Belgium |
Liégeoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Liégeois |
liement {m} | :: action of linking or attaching |
lien {m} | :: link |
lien mort {m} [Internet] | :: dead link |
lier {v} | :: to link |
lier {v} | :: to associate |
lier {v} [cooking] | :: to thicken |
lierre {m} | :: ivy |
liesse {f} | :: jubilation |
lieu {m} | :: place |
lieu {m} | :: any of several fish from the Pollachius family |
lieu commun {m} | :: a cliché, a commonplace, a topos, a truism |
lieu de culte {m} | :: place of worship |
lieu de mémoire {m} [philosophy, literary] | :: A symbolic element of the memorial heritage of any community |
lieu de travail {m} | :: workplace |
lieu-dit {m} [geography] | :: toponymic term for the smallest geographical area bearing a traditional name |
lieu-dit {m} [enology] | :: lieu-dit (for wine) |
lieue {f} [historical] | :: league (distance) |
lieu géométrique {m} [mathematics] | :: locus |
lieu jaune {m} | :: European pollock (Pollachius pollachius) |
lieu noir {m} | :: coalfish; coley |
lieutenance {f} | :: lieutenancy |
lieutenant {m} | :: lieutenant |
lieutenant-gouverneur {m} [government] | :: lieutenant governor |
lièvre {m} | :: hare |
lièvre arctique {m} | :: arctic hare |
lièvre brun {m} | :: European hare (Lepus europaeus) |
lièvre d'Europe {m} | :: European hare (Lepus europaeus) |
lièvre du Cap {m} | :: Cape hare (Lepus capensis) |
lièvre européen {m} | :: European hare |
lifter {v} | :: To give a facelift to |
lifter {v} [sports] | :: To lift the ball (over an opponent) |
liftier {m} | :: lift attendant |
lifting {m} | :: facelift |
lifting de visage {m} | :: facelift |
liftrage {m} [maths] | :: liftering |
ligablo {m} [Congo RDC] | :: kiosk, (small) shop |
ligament {m} | :: ligament |
ligamenteux {adj} [anatomy, botany] | :: ligamentous |
ligature {f} | :: a tie; the action of tying |
ligature {f} | :: a binding, notably in horticulture |
ligature {f} | :: ligature; a character that combines multiple letters; logotype |
ligaturer {v} [medicine] | :: to ligate (tie up with a ligature) |
lige {adj} | :: liege |
ligérien {adj} [attributive] | :: Loire |
Ligier {prop} | :: surname |
lignage {m} | :: lineage (all senses), descent |
ligne {f} | :: line |
ligne {f} | :: route, course, service, line |
ligne {f} | :: cable |
ligne {f} [computing] | :: row (in a table) |
ligne {f} [body shape] | :: figure |
ligne d'arrivée {f} | :: finish line |
ligne de bataille {f} [military] | :: line of battle |
ligne de changement de date {f} | :: international date line |
ligne de conduite {f} | :: A conduct, attitude, line or course of action, thought, occupation or policy |
ligne de crête {f} | :: ridgeline, crest line (of a mountain) |
ligne de désir {f} | :: desire path, desire line |
ligne de faille {f} [geology] | :: fault line |
ligne de flottaison {f} | :: waterline |
ligne de flottaison {f} | :: (web design) above the fold |
ligne de fond {f} [tennis] | :: baseline |
ligne de force {f} [physics] | :: line of force |
ligne de force {f} [science fiction] | :: line of force |
ligne de front {f} | :: frontline |
ligne de fuite {f} | :: convergence line (line converging with other lines at vanishing point) |
ligne de mire {f} | :: line of sight |
ligne de montage {f} | :: assembly line |
ligne d'horizon {f} | :: skyline |
ligne droite {f} [geometry] | :: straight line |
lignée {f} | :: lineage; line (descent) |
ligne latérale {f} | :: lateral line |
ligner {v} | :: to line, make a line (mark with a line) |
ligner {v} | :: to line (add lines to a surface) |
ligner {v} [nautical, rare] | :: to fold up (a sail) |
ligner {v} [fishing] | :: to fish with a line |
ligneux {adj} | :: ligneous |
ligneux {adj} | :: woody |
lignine {f} [organic chemistry] | :: lignin |
lignite {f} | :: lignite (type of coal) |
lignocérique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: lignoceric |
ligoter {vt} | :: to bind, tie up |
ligroïne {f} | :: ligroin |
ligue {f} | :: league |
ligue hanséatique {f} | :: Hanseatic League |
liguer {vr} | :: to gang up; to be in league |
ligueur {adj} | :: That is part of a (reactionary, political) league |
Ligurie {prop} {f} | :: Ligurie (region) |
ligurien {adj} | :: Ligurian |
ligurien {m} [uncountable] | :: Ligurian (language) |
ligustrine {f} | :: ligustrin |
liker {v} [Internet] | :: to like (on a social networking site) |
lilas {m} | :: lilac (plant and colour) |
liliacée {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: a plant of the Liliaceae family |
Lilian {prop} {m} | :: given name, the masculine equivalent of Liliane |
Liliane {prop} {f} | :: given name |
liliputien {adj} | :: lilliputian |
Lille {prop} {f} | :: Lille (capital city) |
lillois {adj} [attributive] | :: Lille; of or from Lille |
Lillois {m} | :: An inhabitant of Lille |
Lilloise {f} | :: feminine noun of Lillois |
limace {f} | :: slug |
limacien {adj} [zoology] | :: limacine |
limaçon {m} | :: snail |
limaçon {m} | :: spiral staircase |
limaille {f} | :: filings |
limbe {m} [measurement] | :: limb |
limbe {m} [astronomy] | :: limb |
limbes {mp} | :: limbo (place for innocent souls) |
limbique {adj} | :: limbic |
Limbourg {prop} {m} | :: Limburg |
limbourgeois {m} | :: Limburgish (language) |
limbourgeois {adj} | :: Limburgish |
Limbourgeois {m} | :: Limburger |
Limbourgeoise {f} | :: feminine singular of Limbourgeois |
lime {f} | :: file (tool) |
lime {f} | :: lime (fruit, tree) |
lime à ongles {f} | :: nail file |
limer {v} | :: file (to smooth with a file) |
limer {v} [vulgar, France] | :: to fuck, shag, pound |
limette {f} | :: sweet lime |
limettier {m} | :: lime tree |
limicole {adj} | :: limicolous |
limier {m} | :: sleuth; bloodhound, limer |
limier {m} | :: sleuth; detective |
liminaire {adj} | :: introductory |
limitable {adj} | :: limitable |
limitant {adj} | :: limiting |
limitateur {m} | :: limiter |
limitatif {adj} | :: limiting, restrictive |
limitation {f} | :: limitation (action of limiting) |
limitativement {adv} | :: limitingly, restrictively |
limite {f} | :: limit |
limite {adj} [colloquial] | :: edgy |
limité {adj} | :: limited |
limite des arbres {f} | :: tree line |
limitée {f} | :: limited (limited liability corporation) |
limiter {v} | :: to mark, to limit (to show a physical limit or boundary) |
limiter {v} | :: to limit (to state a limit for) |
limiteur {m} | :: limiter |
limitrophe {adj} | :: bordering |
limnimètre {m} | :: limnimeter, stream gauge |
limnologie {f} | :: limnology |
limnologique {adj} | :: limnological |
limnologiste {mf} | :: limnologist |
limnoterrestre {adj} [biology] | :: limnoterrestrial |
limodore {f} | :: A type of orchid of the genus Limodorum |
limogeage {m} | :: dismissal; sacking |
limoger {vt} | :: to dismiss; it is normally used about senior staff, such as a minister, general, bishop, ambassador, etc.. |
Limoges {prop} {f} | :: Limoges |
limon {m} | :: silt (fine earth deposited by water) |
limon {m} | :: shaft (in a carriage) |
limon {m} | :: A type of lemon |
limonade {f} | :: Lemonade; a serving of lemonade |
limonade {f} | :: A soda with a hint of lemon flavoring with sugar that is popular in France; a serving of this soda |
limonadier {m} | :: café owner |
limonadier {m} | :: lemonade / soft drinks manufacturer |
limonadière {f} | :: feminine noun of limonadier |
limonène {m} [organic compound] | :: limonene |
limonette {f} | :: sweet lime |
limoneux {adj} | :: muddy, slimy |
limonier {m} | :: lemon (tree) |
limonier {m} | :: thiller (shaft-horse) |
limonine {f} [organic compound] | :: limonin |
limonoïde {m} [organic chemistry] | :: limonoid |
limonoïque {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: limonoic |
limougeaud {adj} [attributive] | :: Limoges |
Limougeaud {m} | :: someone from Limoges |
Limougeaude {f} | :: feminine noun of Limougeaud |
limousin {adj} | :: Limousin; relating to Limousin |
limousin {m} | :: Limousin; the dialect of Occitan |
limousin {m} | :: A bricklayer skilled in limousinage |
Limousin {prop} {m} | :: Limousin (former region) |
Limousin {m} | :: person from Limousin |
limousinage {m} | :: A form of masonry done with stone and mortar |
limousine {f} [fashion] | :: traditional woolen cloak from Haute-Vienne |
limousine {f} [automotive] | :: limousine, luxury car |
limousine {f} | :: [zoology] limousin (cattle breed) |
Limousine {f} | :: feminine noun of Limousin |
limpide {adj} | :: clear, limpid (especially of water) |
limpidité {f} | :: limpidity |
limule {f} | :: horseshoe crab |
lin {m} | :: linen |
lin {m} | :: flax (the plant) |
linaire {f} | :: toadflax (plant of the genus Linaria) |
linarine {f} [organic compound] | :: linarin |
linceul {m} | :: shroud |
Lincourt {prop} | :: surname |
Linda {prop} | :: given name of Germanic origin |
Lindros {prop} | :: Lindros (surname) |
linéaire {adj} | :: linear |
linéaire A {m} | :: Linear A |
linéaire B {m} | :: Linear B |
linéairement {adv} | :: linearly |
linéal {adj} | :: lineal |
linéalement {adv} | :: lineally |
linéament {m} | :: outline |
linéament {m} | :: lineament |
linéarisation {f} | :: linearization |
linéariser {v} | :: To linearize |
linéarité {f} | :: linearity |
linéation {f} | :: lineation |
linéique {adj} | :: lineic |
lingala {m} | :: Lingala (language) |
linge {m} | :: linen |
linge {m} | :: cloth |
linge {m} [Switzerland] | :: towel |
linge {m} [Quebec, invariable] | :: clothing |
linge de corps {m} [dated] | :: body linen, underwear |
linger {m} | :: linenkeeper |
lingère {f} | :: washerwoman, laundry maid |
lingerie {f} | :: linen room |
lingerie {f} | :: lingerie (clothing) |
lingette {f} | :: towelette; wipe |
lingot {m} | :: ingot |
lingotière {f} | :: mold / mould (for making a metal ingot) |
lingotin {m} | :: small ingot (of gold) |
lingua franca nova {m} | :: the Lingua Franca Nova language |
-lingue {suffix} | :: -lingual |
linguet {f} | :: latch |
linguet {f} | :: pawl |
linguiste {mf} | :: linguist [one who studies linguistics] |
linguistique {adj} | :: linguistic |
linguistique {f} | :: linguistics (scientific study of language) |
linguistique diachronique {f} | :: diachronic linguistics |
linguistique historique {f} | :: historical linguistics |
linguistiquement {adv} | :: linguistically |
liniculture {f} | :: The cultivation of flax |
linière {f} | :: flax field |
linine {f} [organic compound] | :: linin |
linnéen {adj} | :: Linnaean |
linoléine {f} [organic compound] | :: linolein |
linoléique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: linoleic |
linolénique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: linolenic |
linoléum {m} | :: linoleum |
linon {m} | :: lawn (linen fabric) |
linot {m} | :: linnet |
linotte {f} | :: linnet |
linteau {m} [architecture] | :: lintel (a horizontal structural beam) |
linuxien {adj} | :: related to Linux |
linuxien {m} | :: Linux user |
lion {m} [zoology] | :: lion |
lion {m} [specifically] | :: male lion |
lion {m} [figuratively] | :: lion (brave person) |
lion {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: lion |
lion {m} [figuratively, dated] | :: lion (celebrity; famous person) |
lion {m} [dated] | :: a style of elegant young man that came after the dandy |
Lion {prop} {m} | :: Leo (constellation) |
Lion {prop} {m} [astrology] | :: Leo (star sign) |
lionceau {m} | :: a lion cub |
lion des montagnes {m} | :: mountain lion |
Lionel {prop} | :: given name |
lionne {f} | :: feminine noun of lion; lioness |
lipide {m} [organic chemistry] | :: lipid |
lipidique {adj} | :: lipidic |
lipoaspiration {f} | :: liposuction |
lipofuscine {f} | :: lipofuscin |
lipogrammatique {adj} | :: lipogrammatic |
lipogramme {m} | :: lipogram |
lipome {m} [oncology] | :: lipoma |
lipoperoxydation {f} [biochemistry] | :: lipoperoxidation |
lipophile {adj} | :: lipophilic |
lipophilie {f} | :: lipophilicity |
lipophobe {adj} | :: lipophobic |
lipophobie {f} | :: lipophobicity |
lipoprotéine {f} [protein] | :: lipoproteine |
liposuccion {f} | :: liposuction |
lipovitelline {f} [protein] | :: lipovitellin |
lippe {f} | :: A lip, especially the lower one when it is large or protruded |
lippu {adj} | :: having a prominent lower lip; big-lipped |
lipschitzien {adj} | :: Lipschitzian |
liquéfaction {f} | :: liquefaction |
liquéfier {v} | :: to liquefy/liquify |
liquette {f} [colloquial] | :: shirt |
liqueur {f} | :: alcoholic liqueur |
liqueur {f} [literary] | :: drinkable liquid |
liqueur {f} [Canada] | :: fizzy drink, pop |
liqueur {f} [obsolete] | :: liquid |
liqueur {f} [Louisiana French] | :: liquor |
liqueur de dosage {f} | :: A solution of sugar in water (sometimes in wine) used to top up bottles of sparkling wine made by the Champagne method |
liquidateur {m} | :: liquidator |
liquidatif {adj} [economics] | :: net |
liquidation {f} | :: sale, liquidation (sale of goods at reduced prices) |
liquidation {f} | :: liquidation |
liquide {adj} | :: liquid (existing in the physical state of a liquid) |
liquide {adj} | :: liquid (said of money) |
liquide {m} | :: liquid (substance not of solid or gas state) |
liquide {m} | :: cash |
liquide {f} [phonology] | :: liquid (class of consonant sounds) |
liquide amniotique {m} | :: amniotic fluid |
liquide cérébro-spinal {m} | :: cerebrospinal fluid |
liquide de gaz naturel {m} | :: liquified natural gas |
liquidement {adv} | :: liquidly (in the manner of a liquid) |
liquider {v} | :: to liquidate, pay off, settle (a debt) |
liquider {v} | :: to sell off (goods) |
liquider {v} | :: to liquidate, bump off (kill) |
liquide vaisselle {m} | :: washing-up liquid, dish soap |
liquidité {f} | :: liquidity |
liquoreux {adj} | :: syrupy |
lire {vit} | :: to read |
lire {vr} [se lire] | :: to be read |
lire {f} | :: lira (unit of currency) |
lire dans les pensées {v} | :: to read someone's mind |
lire en diagonale {vit} [figuratively] | :: to skim through, to scan |
lire en quelqu'un comme dans un livre ouvert {vt} [figuratively] | :: to read like a book, to read like an open book |
lire entre les lignes {v} [idiomatic] | :: to read between the lines |
lire sur les lèvres {v} | :: to lipread |
lis {m} | :: lily |
Lisa {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Élisabeth |
lisboète {adj} | :: Lisboner |
Lisbonne {prop} {f} | :: Lisbonne (capital city) |
lis de mer {m} | :: (Pancratium maritimum L.) sea daffodil |
Lise {prop} | :: given name derived from Élisabeth |
Lisée {prop} | :: surname |
liseré {m} | :: border, edging |
lisérer {v} | :: to edge with ribbon |
liseron {m} | :: bindweed (trailing vine-like plants, of the genera Calystegia and Convolvulus) |
lisette {f} | :: A young mackerel |
lisette {f} | :: A parasite that eats vine buds |
lisette {f} | :: A long waistcoat. |
Lisette {prop} {f} | :: given name |
liseur {m} | :: reader (one who reads) |
liseuse {f} | :: a nightgown, a bedjacket, a garment useful when reading in bed |
liseuse {f} | :: a small paperknife used to open uncut books, also useful as a bookmark |
liseuse {f} | :: a dust jacket (removable book cover) |
liseuse {f} | :: a reading lamp |
liseuse {f} | :: a nightstand, a bedside table |
liseuse {f} | :: an e-book reader |
lisibilité {f} | :: legibility; readability |
lisible {adj} | :: legible; readable |
lisiblement {adv} | :: readably; legibly |
lisier {m} | :: liquid manure, farm slurry |
lisière {f} | :: edge |
lissage {m} | :: smoothing, polishing |
lisse {adj} | :: smooth |
lisser {v} | :: to smooth |
lisser {v} | :: to level |
lisseté {f} [maths] | :: smoothness |
listage {m} [computing] | :: listing (of a program etc) |
liste {f} | :: list |
liste de diffusion {f} | :: mailing list |
liste de suivi {f} | :: watchlist |
liste noire {f} | :: blacklist |
liste noire {f} [Internet] | :: block list |
lister {v} | :: list (to create a list) |
listéria {f} | :: listeria |
listériose {f} [pathology] | :: listeriosis |
liste Swadesh {f} | :: Swadesh list |
listrique {adj} | :: listric |
lisztien {adj} | :: Lisztian |
lit {m} | :: bed |
lit à baldaquin {m} | :: canopy bed (a bed equipped with a canopy) |
litage {m} | :: bedding |
litanie {f} | :: litany |
litanique {adj} | :: litanic |
litchi {m} | :: lychee (tree) |
litchi {m} | :: lychee (fruit) |
lit de camp {m} | :: camp bed, cot |
lit de justice {m} | :: lit de justice, bed of justice |
lit de mort {m} | :: deathbed |
lit de sangle {m} | :: trestle bed, stump bedstead |
literie {f} | :: bedding (kit for a bed) |
litharge {f} | :: litharge |
-lithe {suffix} | :: -lite; -lith |
lithiase {f} [pathology] | :: lithiasis |
lithine {f} [inorganic compound] | :: lithia |
lithique {adj} | :: lithic (pertaining to stone) |
lithium {m} | :: lithium |
litho- {prefix} | :: litho- |
lithographie {f} | :: lithography |
lithographie {f} | :: lithograph |
lithographier {v} | :: To print using lithography |
lithographique {adj} | :: lithographic |
lithogravure {f} | :: lithography |
lithologie {f} | :: lithology |
lithologique {adj} | :: lithological |
lithologiquement {adv} | :: lithologically |
lithosphère {f} | :: lithosphere (The outer layer of the Earth) |
lithosphérique {adj} | :: lithospheric |
lithostratigraphie {f} [geology] | :: lithostratigraphy |
lithostratigraphique {adj} | :: lithostratigraphic |
lithothérapie {f} [medicine] | :: lithotherapy |
lithotripsie {f} [surgery] | :: lithotripsy |
lithotypographie {f} | :: lithotypography |
Lithuanie {prop} {f} | :: Lithuania |
lithuanien {n} | :: alternative form of lituanien |
Lithuanien {m} | :: alternative form of Lituanien |
Lithuanienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Lithuanien |
litière {f} | :: litter (for cattle, cats); bedding (for horses) |
litière {f} | :: litter (mode of transport) |
litige {m} [legal] | :: litigation |
litigieux {adj} | :: litigious |
litigieux {adj} | :: controversial |
litote {f} | :: Litotes, understatement. |
litote {f} | :: An instance of such. |
lit pliant {m} | :: sofa bed |
lit pliant {m} | :: camp bed |
litre {m} | :: litre |
litron {m} [colloquial] | :: litre-bottle |
lits superposés {m} [plurale tantum] | :: bunk bed |
lit superposé {m} | :: bunk bed |
litte {m} [Quebec, colloquial] | :: bed |
littéraire {adj} | :: literary |
littérairement {adv} | :: litterarily (with respect to literature) |
littéral {adj} | :: literal |
littéralement {adv} | :: literally |
littérateur {m} | :: litterateur |
littératie {f} | :: literacy (ability to read) |
littératrice {f} | :: litteratrice (female writer) |
littérature {f} | :: literature |
littoral {adj} | :: littoral, coastal |
littoral {m} | :: littoral |
littoralisation {f} | :: littoralization |
Lituanie {prop} {f} | :: Lithuania |
lituanien {m} | :: Lithuanian, the Lithuanian language |
lituanien {adj} | :: Lithuanian |
Lituanien {m} | :: Lithuanian person |
Lituanienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Lituanien |
liturgie {f} | :: A liturgy, predetermined or prescribed set of (religious) rituals |
liturgie {f} | :: A liturgy, Ancient Greek service to the public interest |
liturgique {adj} | :: liturgic, liturgical |
liturgiquement {adv} | :: liturgically |
livarot {m} | :: Livarot (cheese) |
livèche {f} | :: lovage |
livide {adj} | :: livid (in colour) |
lividité {f} [medicine] | :: lividity |
lividités cadavériques {fp} [medicine, in the plural] | :: livor mortis |
Livie {prop} | :: Livia |
living {m} | :: living room |
Livonie {prop} {f} | :: Livonia (historical region) |
livonien {m} | :: Livonian (language) |
livournais {adj} | :: Livornian |
Livournais {m} | :: Livornian |
Livournaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Livournais |
Livourne {prop} {m} | :: Livourne (province/and/city) |
livrable {adj} | :: deliverable |
livraison {f} | :: delivery |
livre {m} | :: book |
livre {f} | :: pound (unit of weight) |
livre {f} | :: pound (unit of currency) |
livre {f} [Louisiana] | :: grade (level) |
livre audio {m} | :: audiobook |
livre blanc {m} | :: white paper |
livre de bord {m} | :: logbook |
livre de comptes {m} | :: account book |
livre de poche {m} | :: A small cheap paperback book, a pocketbook |
livre d'or {m} | :: guest book (all meanings) |
livrée {f} | :: livery |
livre électronique {m} | :: e-book (electronic book) |
livrel {m} | :: e-book (electronic book) |
livrer {v} | :: to deliver (a package, merchandise etc.) |
livrer {v} | :: to hand over, deliver (someone to an enemy, police, etc.) |
livrer {v} | :: to betray |
livrer {v} | :: to give away (a secret etc.); to confide, reveal, drop (a hint) |
livrer {vr} | :: abandon oneself, give oneself over (à to) |
livrer {vr} | :: (with à) to practise (a sport); be engaged in (a job, research); set up (an enquiry) |
livrer à soi-même {vt} | :: to leave to one's own devices |
livrer bataille {v} [literary] | :: to give battle; to fight |
livre sonore {m} | :: audiobook |
livresque {adj} | :: bookish |
livre sterling {m} | :: pound sterling (currency of the UK) |
livret {m} | :: pamphlet |
livreur {m} | :: deliverer, deliveryman |
livreuse {f} | :: feminine noun of livreur |
lixiviable {adj} | :: leachable |
lixiviant {adj} | :: leaching |
lixiviat {m} | :: lixiviate, leachate |
lixivié {adj} | :: leached |
lixivier {vt} | :: to leach, lixiviate |
Ljubljana {prop} | :: Ljubljana (capital city) |
Lloris {prop} | :: surname |
LNH {prop} [sport] | :: NHL; initialism of (National Hockey League) |
lob {m} [tennis] | :: lob |
lobaire {adj} | :: lobar |
lobber {v} [sports] | :: to lob |
lobby {m} | :: lobby (hall) |
lobby {m} | :: lobby (advocacy group) |
lobbying {m} | :: lobbying |
lobbyiste {mf} | :: lobbyist |
lobé {adj} [botany] | :: lobed |
lober {vt} [tennis, soccer] | :: to lob |
lobotomisation {f} | :: lobotomization/lobotomisation |
lobotomiser {v} | :: to lobotomize [North America], to lobotomise [UK, Australia] |
lobulaire {adj} | :: lobular |
local {adj} | :: local |
local {m} | :: room |
localement {adv} | :: locally (with respect to location) |
localisable {adj} | :: localizable |
localisateur {m} | :: locator |
localisation {f} | :: localization/localisation |
localisatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of localisateur |
localisé {adj} | :: localized |
localiser {v} | :: to locate |
localiser {v} | :: to localise |
localité {f} | :: place, locality |
locataire {mf} | :: renter, tenant |
locateur {m} | :: landlord (of a rented property) |
locatif {adj} | :: locative |
locatif {m} [grammar] | :: locative, locative case |
location {f} | :: renting, rental |
location {f} | :: rent |
location {f} | :: rented accommodation |
location {f} | :: hire (of a car etc.) |
location {f} | :: booking, reservation |
locatrice {f} | :: feminine singular of locateur |
locavore {adj} | :: locavore |
loch {m} [nautical] | :: chip log, log |
loch {m} | :: loch |
loche {f} [zoology] | :: one of the several species of giant slugs belonging to the Arionidae and Limacidae families |
loche {f} [zoology] | :: one of the several species of loaches belonging to a number of different orders |
loche {f} [slang] | :: breast |
Loches {prop} | :: Loches (commune) |
lochial {adj} | :: lochial |
lock-out {m} | :: lockout |
locomobile {f} | :: Locomobile, traction engine |
locomoteur {adj} | :: locomotive, locomotor |
locomotif {adj} | :: locomotive |
locomotion {f} | :: locomotion |
locomotive {f} | :: locomotive |
loculaire {adj} | :: locular |
locule {m} | :: locule, loculus |
locuteur {m} | :: speaker |
locuteur natif {m} | :: native speaker (a person who grew up with a particular language as their mother tongue) |
locution {f} | :: phrase, locution |
locution adjectivale {f} | :: adjective phrase |
locution adverbiale {f} | :: adverbial phrase |
locution figée {f} [linguistics] | :: set phrase |
locution nominale {f} | :: noun phrase |
locution verbale {f} | :: phrasal verb |
locutrice {f} | :: feminine noun of locuteur |
locutrice native {f} | :: feminine noun of locuteur natif |
lodge {m} | :: lodge (tourist residence, especially in Africa) |
lœss {m} [geology] | :: loess |
Lœuilly {prop} | :: Lœuilly |
lofer {vi} [nautical] | :: to luff |
lofer {vi} [nautical] | :: to luff up, bear up |
loganine {f} [organic compound] | :: loganin |
logarithme {m} | :: logarithm |
logarithmique {adj} [mathematics] | :: logarithmic |
logarithmiquement {adv} | :: logarithmically |
loge {f} [freemasonry] | :: lodge |
loge {f} [theater] | :: box |
loge {f} [obsolete] | :: hut |
logeable {adj} | :: habitable |
logeable {adj} | :: roomy, spacious |
logement {m} | :: housing, abode, dwelling, residence, domicile, home, accommodation |
logement social {m} | :: social housing |
loger {vi} | :: To lodge, to stay, to be lodging (to temporarily inhabit) |
loger {vt} | :: To find (someone) a place to stay |
loger {vi} | :: To fit into |
logette {f} | :: stall |
logeur {m} | :: landlord |
logeuse {f} | :: landlady |
loggia {f} | :: loggia |
logiciel {m} [computing] | :: software (encoded computer instructions) |
logiciel {m} [computing] | :: computer program, piece of software |
logiciel {adj} | :: software (attributive) |
logiciel de rançon {m} [computing] | :: ransomware (malware that holds the data of a computer user for ransom) |
logiciel espion {m} [computing] | :: spyware (program) |
logiciellement {adv} [computing] | :: By means of software |
logiciel malveillant {m} [computing] | :: malware (software developed to harm a computer system) |
logiciel nuisible {m} | :: synonym of logiciel malveillant |
logicien {m} | :: logician |
logicienne {f} | :: feminine noun of logicien |
-logie {suffix} | :: -logy |
-logique {suffix} | :: -logic; -logical |
logique {f} | :: logic |
logique {adj} | :: logical |
logiquement {adv} | :: logically |
logis {m} | :: lodge |
logisticien {m} | :: A logistician |
logisticienne {f} | :: feminine noun of logisticien |
logistique {adj} [mathematics] | :: Relating to symbolic logic; logistic |
logistique {adj} [statistics] | :: Relating to the logistic function; logistic |
logistique {f} | :: logistics |
logistique {adj} | :: relating to logistics |
logistiquement {adv} | :: logistically |
logo {m} | :: A logo; name, symbol, or emblem that acts as a trademark or a means of identification of an institution or other entity |
logogramme {m} | :: logogram (character or symbol that represents a word or phrase) |
logorrhée {m} | :: logorrhea |
logotype {m} | :: A symbol or emblem that acts as a trademark or a means of identification of an institution or other entity, usually referred to as a logo |
l'ogre de Corse {prop} {m} | :: See: fr le ogre de Corse |
l'ogre de Corse {prop} {m} | :: Napoleon Bonaparte |
-logue {suffix} | :: -logist |
loguer {v} | :: to log (make a record of) |
loi {f} | :: law (legal code) |
loi {f} | :: law (scientific principle) |
Loïc {prop} | :: given name, variant of Loïs and Louis, also in Flemish |
loi de Charles {prop} {f} [physics] | :: Charles's law |
loi de conservation {f} [physics] | :: conservation law |
loi de conservation de l'énergie {f} [physics] | :: law of conservation of energy |
loi de la jungle {f} | :: law of the jungle |
loi du moindre effort {f} | :: the law according to which everything follows the path of least resistance, takes the easy way out |
loi du plus fort {f} | :: law of the jungle, survival of the fittest |
loi martiale {f} | :: martial law |
loin {adv} | :: Far, distant |
loin de là {adv} | :: far from it, not by a long shot, not by a long chalk, not by any means |
loin des yeux, loin du cœur {proverb} | :: out of sight, out of mind |
loi normale {f} [statistics] | :: normal distribution |
loin s'en faut {adv} [formal] | :: far from it, not by a long shot, not by a long chalk, not by any means |
lointain {adj} | :: distant, remote, far-off |
lointain {m} | :: A far-off place |
lointainement {adv} | :: distantly, remotely |
loi phonétique {f} [linguistics, phonology] | :: sound law |
loir {m} | :: dormouse |
Loir {prop} | :: Loir (river) |
Loire {prop} {f} | :: Loire |
Loire-Atlantique {prop} {f} | :: Loire-Atlantique (department) |
Loiret {prop} {m} | :: Loiret |
Loir-et-Cher {prop} | :: Loir-et-Cher (department) |
Loïs {prop} | :: given name |
Loïs {prop} | :: given name, variant of Lois, Loïc and Louis, also in Flemish |
Loiseau {prop} | :: surname |
loisible {adj} [literary] | :: permitted |
loisible {adj} [literary] | :: free to choose |
loisiblement {adv} | :: permittedly |
loisiblement {adv} | :: freely |
loisir {m} | :: leisure, hobby |
loisirs {mp} | :: recreation |
Loizeaux {prop} | :: surname |
lojban {m} | :: Lojban (language) |
lol {interj} [Internet] | :: LOL |
Lola {prop} | :: given name |
lolement {adv} [Internet] | :: While laughing out loud |
lollard {m} | :: Lollard |
Lollobrigida {prop} | :: surname |
Lollobrigida {prop} | :: Gina Lollobrigida, Italian actress (and sex symbol) |
lollobrigidien {adj} | :: Lollobrigidian |
lolo {m} [childish] | :: milk |
lolo {m} [colloquial and nouchi] | :: boob, titty |
lombaire {adj} | :: lumbar |
lombard {adj} | :: Lombard (from or relating to Lombardy) |
lombard {m} | :: the Lombard language |
lombard {m} | :: the Lombardic language |
Lombard {m} | :: Lombard (person from Lombardy) |
Lombarde {f} | :: feminine noun of Lombard |
Lombardie {prop} {f} | :: Lombardie (region) |
lombes {mp} [plurale tantum] | :: loins |
lombric {m} | :: earthworm |
lombrical {adj} [anatomy] | :: lumbrical |
lombriculture {f} | :: worm farming |
lombrosien {adj} | :: Lombrosian |
Lommis {prop} | :: a city in Thurgau |
l'on {pron} [formal, literary] | :: alternative form of on |
londonien {adj} | :: of/from London |
Londonien {m} | :: Londoner; man from London |
Londonienne {f} | :: feminine noun of Londonien; woman from London, Londoner |
Londres {prop} {mf} | :: Londres (capital city) |
lône {f} [Lyon dialect] | :: An anabranch of the river Rhone |
lône {f} [by extension, hydrology] | :: Any diverging branch of a river |
long {adj} | :: long |
longævité {f} | :: obsolete form of longévité |
long à la détente {adj} [colloquial] | :: slow on the uptake |
longane {m} | :: longan (fruit) |
longanier {m} | :: longan (tree) |
longanimité {f} [literary] | :: forbearance |
long comme un jour sans pain {adj} [simile] | :: long as a month of Sundays, like watching paint dry, extremely long and tedious |
long-courrier {m} | :: long haul flight |
longer {v} | :: to walk along, run along |
longeron {m} | :: supportive horizontal beam |
longeron {m} | :: longeron (part of an aircraft) |
longévité {f} | :: longevity |
longévité {f} [by extension] | :: lifespan |
long fleuve tranquille {m} [figuratively] | :: bed of roses, smooth sailing |
longiforme {adj} | :: elongated |
longiligne {adj} | :: rangy (long-limbed) |
longitude {f} [geography, astronomy] | :: longitude |
longitudinal {adj} | :: longitudinal |
longitudinalement {adj} | :: longitudinally |
long-métrage {m} [film] | :: theatrical release |
long-temps {adv} | :: obsolete spelling of longtemps |
longtemps {adv} | :: for a long time; over a long period |
Longueil {prop} | :: A placename of several locations in France |
Longueil {prop} | :: surname |
longueillois {adj} | :: Pertaining to Longueil |
Longueillois {m} | :: A citizen, denizen, or person from Longueil |
longuement {adv} | :: for a long time |
longue paume {m} | :: an outdoor version of jeu de paume |
longuet {adj} | :: a bit long, a little too long, protracted |
Longueuil {prop} | :: Longueuil |
longueuillois {adj} | :: Pertaining to Longueuil |
Longueuillois {m} | :: Longueuillois; a citizen, denizen, or person from Longueuil |
longueur {f} | :: length |
longueur d'onde {f} | :: wavelength |
longue-vue {f} | :: telescope, not astronomical |
longue-vue {f} | :: spyglass |
Longyearbyen {prop} | :: Longyearbyen |
lonsdaléite {f} [mineralogy] | :: lonsdaleite |
looc {adj} | :: cool |
looch {m} | :: A lohoch, a looch |
look {m} | :: style; appearance; look |
lookbook {m} | :: lookbook |
loose {f} | :: Great pettiness, shabbiness |
lope {f} [slang, derogatory] | :: male homosexual |
lope {f} [by extension, derogatory] | :: cowardly, characterless man |
lopette {f} | :: sissy, twink |
lopin {m} | :: patch, plot (of land) |
loquace {adj} | :: talkative; loquacious |
loquacité {f} | :: talkativeness (quality of being talkative) |
loque {f} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: wreck, basket case |
loque {f} [in the plural] | :: rags |
loquet {m} | :: latch |
loqueteux {adj} | :: tattered, ragged |
Loranger {prop} | :: surname |
lordose {f} | :: lordosis (excessive curvature of the spine) |
lorentzien {adj} | :: Lorentzian |
lorette {f} [archaic] | :: loose woman, lorette |
lorgner {v} | :: to ogle |
lorgner {v} | :: to leer |
lorgner {v} | :: to covet |
lorgner {v} | :: to look at using a monocle or lorgnette |
lorgner {v} | :: to look ahead (to) |
lorgnette {f} | :: lorgnette |
lorgnon {m} [obsolete] | :: monocle |
lorgnon {m} | :: lorgnette; pince-nez |
loricrine {f} [protein] | :: loricrin |
Lorient {prop} {m} | :: Lorient |
lorientais {adj} | :: of or from Lorient |
Lorientais {m} | :: someone of or from Lorient |
Lorientaise {f} | :: feminine singular of Lorientais |
loriot {m} | :: oriole |
lorrain {adj} | :: From Lorraine, Lorrainian |
Lorrain {m} | :: Someone from Lorraine |
Lorraine {prop} | :: Lorraine (region) |
Lorraine {prop} | :: given name |
Lorraine {f} | :: feminine noun of Lorrain |
lors {adv} [obsolete] | :: then, at that time |
lors d' {prep} | :: alternative form of lors de |
lors de {prep} | :: during, at the time of |
lorsqu' {conj} [before a vowel] | :: apocopic form of lorsque; when |
lorsque {conj} | :: when (at a time when) |
lorsqu'il {contraction} | :: lorsque + il |
lorsqu'on {contraction} | :: lorsque + on |
los {m} [obsolete] | :: praise; acclaim |
losange {m} | :: rhombus |
losange {m} [heraldiccharge] | :: lozenge |
Los Angeles {prop} | :: Los Angeles (large city) |
losangique {adj} | :: rhombic; lozenge-shaped |
LOSC {prop} [soccer] | :: initialism of Lille Olympique Sporting Club, a French football club from the town of Lille |
loser {m} [colloquial] | :: loser |
lot {m} | :: share (of inheritance) |
lot {m} | :: plot (of land) |
lot {m} | :: batch (of goods for sale) |
lot {m} | :: lot (at auction) |
lot {m} | :: prize (in lottery) |
lot {m} | :: lot, fate |
lot {m} [slang] | :: babe |
Lot {prop} {m} | :: Lot (Department of France) |
lot de consolation {m} | :: consolation prize |
lote {f} | :: burbot (a freshwater fish: Lota lota) |
loterie {f} | :: lottery (scheme for the distribution of prizes by lot or chance) |
Lot-et-Garonne {prop} {m} | :: Lot-et-Garonne (department) |
Lotharingie {prop} {f} | :: Lotharingia |
lotharingien {adj} | :: Lotharingian |
lotier {m} | :: birdsfoot trefoil |
lotique {adj} [ecology] | :: lotic |
lotir {vt} | :: to parcel out (divide into lots) |
lotissement {m} | :: estate, housing estate |
lotissement {m} | :: plot of land, lot |
loto {m} | :: lotto |
lotophage {adj} | :: lotophagous |
lotte {f} | :: burbot (a freshwater fish, Lota lota) |
lotte {f} [culinary] | :: the tail meat of an anglerfish (a marine fish, Lophius piscatorius) |
lotus {m} | :: lotus |
Lou {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Louis |
Lou {prop} | :: given name, diminutive of Louise |
louable {adj} | :: laudable; worthy of praise |
louablement {adv} | :: laudably (in a way worthy of praise) |
louage {m} | :: renting |
Louaillier {prop} | :: surname |
louange {f} | :: praise |
louanger {v} | :: to praise; to laud |
louangeur {m} | :: praiser, lauder |
louangeur {adj} | :: praising, lauding |
louba {m} [slang] | :: kid, child |
loubard {m} | :: yob; hooligan |
Loubier {prop} | :: surname |
louche {adj} [dated] | :: cross-eyed |
louche {adj} [by extension] | :: cloudy; obscure |
louche {adj} [figuratively] | :: shady; dubious; seedy; shifty |
louche {f} | :: [in a liquid] cloudiness due to a suspension of fine particles |
louche {f} | :: ladle |
louchébem {m} | :: A form of slang originating from butchers in Paris and Lyon, involving changing the order of the letters of a word |
louchébem {m} [louchébem slang] | :: butcher |
loucher {v} | :: to be cross-eyed, to be squint-eyed, to squint |
loucher {v} | :: squint (to look with eyes that are turned in different directions) |
loucher {v} | :: glance |
loucheur {m} | :: cross-eyed or squinting person |
loucheuse {f} | :: female equivalent of loucheur |
Loudun {prop} | :: Loudun (small town) |
louer {v} | :: to rent |
louer {v} | :: to lease |
louer {v} | :: to praise, to recommend |
loueur {m} | :: praiser (someone who praises) |
loueur {m} | :: hirer, renter, lessor (someone who rents, hires or leases things for a living) |
loueuse {f} | :: feminine noun of loueur |
louf {adj} [louchébem slang] | :: crazy, nuts, kooky |
loufoque {adj} | :: crazy; wild, free |
loufoquerie {f} [colloquial] | :: craziness, madness |
Louga {prop} | :: Louga (city) |
lougre {m} | :: lugger |
louis {m} [historical numismatics] | :: A louis: various gold and silver coins issued by the Kingdom, Republic, and [slang] Empire of France |
louis {m} [historical numismatics, , slang] | :: 20 francs |
Louis {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Louis {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Louisbourg {prop} | :: Louisbourg (unincorporated community/and/former town) |
louis d'or {m} [historical numismatics] | :: louis d'or (any gold coin introduced by Louis XIII) |
louis d'or {m} | :: A cheese produced in Quebec |
louise {f} [colloquial] | :: fart |
Louise {prop} {f} | :: given name, feminine form of Louis |
louisianais {adj} [Louisiana French, ] | :: Louisianan |
Louisianais {m} [Louisiana French, ] | :: Louisianan |
Louisiane {prop} {f} | :: Louisiana (US state) |
louisianien {adj} | :: Louisianian |
Louisianien {m} | :: Louisianian |
louisianisation {f} [Canada] | :: The act or process of assimilation into the dominant language of the country to the detriment of the main historical language of a region, as happened historically in Louisiana |
louisianiser {vt} [Canada] | :: To make Louisianan, as to custom, culture, or style of Louisiana |
louisianiser {vr} [Canada] | :: To assimilate into the dominant language of the country |
louisphilippement {adv} | :: In the manner of Louis Philippe I |
louis-quatorzien {adj} | :: Relating to, or in a style fashionable during the reign of Louis XIV |
louisquatorzien {adj} | :: Relating to Louis XIV (Louis Quatorze) or his epoch |
Louis XIV {prop} {m} | :: A king of France between 1643 and 1715 |
loukoum {m} | :: Turkish delight, locoum |
loulou {m} [affectionate] | :: spitz |
loup {m} | :: wolf |
loup {m} | :: bass (fish) |
loup {m} | :: mask, eyemask |
loup {m} | :: flaw |
Loup {prop} {m} | :: given name |
loup-cervier {m} | :: lynx |
loup-cervier {m} | :: The Eurasian lynx |
loup-cervier {m} | :: The Canada lynx |
loup de mer {m} [colloquial] | :: seadog, old salt, sea bass (branzin) |
loupe {f} | :: magnifying glass |
loupe {f} | :: loupe |
loupe {f} [medicine] | :: wen (a cyst on the skin) |
loupe {f} [botany] | :: burl, a growth on the side of a tree |
loupe {f} [slang] | :: laziness |
louper {v} | :: to miss |
louper {v} | :: to fail |
louper le coche {v} [colloquial, figuratively] | :: to miss the boat, to miss the bus |
loup fouisseur {m} | :: aardwolf |
loup-garou {m} | :: werewolf |
lourd {adj} | :: heavy |
lourd {adj} | :: clumsy, oafish |
lourd {adj} [colloquial] | :: annoying, a drag |
lourd {adj} [weather] | :: sultry, humid |
lourd {adj} [boxing] | :: heavyweight |
lourdaud {m} | :: oaf |
lourdaud {m} | :: hulk |
lourdaude {f} | :: feminine noun of lourdaud |
lourd de sens {adj} | :: loaded (with meaning) |
lourdement {adv} | :: heavily (to a large extent) |
lourdeur {f} | :: heaviness |
loure {f} | :: loure |
loustic {m} | :: wag, joker |
loutre {f} | :: otter |
loutre commune {f} | :: European otter (Lutra lutra) |
loutre d'Europe {f} | :: European otter (Lutra lutra) |
loutre européenne {f} | :: European otter (Lutra lutra) |
Louvain {prop} | :: Capital city of the province of Flemish Brabant in Belgium |
Louvain-la-Neuve {prop} | :: City of the province of Walloon Brabant in Belgium |
louvaniste {adj} | :: from Louvain |
Louvaniste {mf} | :: someone from Louvain |
louve {f} | :: she-wolf |
louve {f} | :: a metal wedge used in masonry |
louver {vt} | :: to drill a hole in a stone for the attachment of a wedge |
louveteau {m} | :: wolf cub |
louveteau {m} | :: Cub Scout, Cub, Wolf Cub |
louvetelle {f} | :: wolf cub (female) |
louveterie {f} | :: wolf-hunting guild |
louveterie {f} | :: wolf hunting |
louvèterie {f} | :: alternative form of louveterie |
louvetier {m} | :: wolf-hunter |
louvetier {m} | :: Akela (scout leader) |
louvoyer {v} [nautical] | :: to tack |
louvoyer {v} [figuratively] | :: to manoeuvre, navigate |
Louvre {prop} | :: Louvre |
Louÿs {prop} {m} | :: surname |
Louÿs {prop} {m} | :: Pierre Louÿs, a French author |
lové {m} | :: gwop, moola, skrilla |
lovecraftien {adj} | :: Lovecraftian |
lover {v} | :: to coil (a rope or cord), to fake a line |
lover {vr} [of a snake] | :: to coil up, wind up; to curl up |
lovés {mp} [slang] | :: money |
loxodromie {f} | :: loxodrome |
loxodromique {adj} | :: loxodromic |
loyal {adj} | :: loyal |
loyalement {adv} | :: loyally |
loyalisme {m} | :: loyalism |
loyaliste {mf} | :: loyalist |
loyaliste {adj} | :: loyalist |
loyauté {f} | :: loyalty |
loyer {m} | :: rent (amount of money due for renting property) |
Lozère {prop} {f} | :: Lozère |
LSD {m} | :: LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) |
LSR {f} | :: abbreviation of liquéfaction, stockage, regazéification |
Ltee. {f} | :: alternative form of Ltée. |
Ltee {f} | :: alternative form of Ltée. |
Ltée. {n} | :: Ltd. (limited liability company) |
Ltée {f} | :: alternative form of Ltée. |
luberon {m} | :: Any of several wines (mostly red) from the valley of the Rhône |
lubie {f} | :: whim, caprice |
lubricité {f} | :: lust, lechery, lubricity |
lubrifiant {adj} | :: lubricating |
lubrifiant {m} | :: lubricant |
lubrification {f} | :: lubrication |
lubrifier {v} | :: to lubricate [make slippery or smooth] |
lubrique {adj} | :: prurient (arousing sexual desire) |
lubrique {adj} | :: lewd, lecherous |
lubriquement {adv} | :: pruriently |
lubriquement {adv} | :: lewdly, lecherously |
Luc {prop} | :: Luke (biblical character) |
Luc {prop} | :: Luke (book of the Bible) |
Luc {prop} | :: given name |
Luc {prop} | :: Any of several small French towns |
lucarne {f} | :: dormer window |
lucarne {f} | :: skylight |
lucarne {f} [soccer, colloquial] | :: top corner of the net |
Lucas {prop} | :: given name, a Latinate variant of Luc |
Lucas {prop} | :: surname |
lucianique {adj} | :: Lucianic |
lucide {adj} | :: lucid |
lucidement {adv} | :: lucidly |
lucidité {f} | :: lucidity |
Lucie {prop} | :: given name |
Lucien {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Lucienne {prop} | :: given name, feminine form of Lucien |
Lucifer {prop} | :: Lucifer |
luciférase {f} [enzyme] | :: luciferase |
luciférien {adj} | :: Luciferian (attributive); demonic |
Lucile {prop} | :: given name |
Lucille {prop} | :: given name |
luciole {f} | :: firefly |
lucois {adj} | :: Of or from any of several places named Luc |
Luçon {prop} | :: Luzon (main island of the Philippines) |
lucratif {adj} | :: lucrative, profitable |
lucrativement {adv} | :: lucratively |
Lucrèce {prop} {m} | :: Lucretius (philosopher) |
Lucrèce {prop} {m} [rare] | :: given name |
Lucrèce {prop} {f} | :: given name |
luddite {m} | :: A Luddite |
ludique {adj} | :: playful, ludic |
ludois {adj} | :: Of or from Le Lude |
ludothèque {f} | :: toy library |
Ludovic {prop} | :: given name |
luétine {f} [obsolete, medicine] | :: luetin |
luette {f} | :: uvula |
lueur {f} | :: glimmer; glow |
luge {f} [countable] | :: luge (sled) [the sport of luge] |
luge {f} [uncountable] | :: luge (sport) [the sport of luge]; ellipsis of luge de course |
luge {f} [countable] | :: sledge, sled [course sur luge, hockey sur luge] |
luge de course {f} | :: luge (tobogganing sport) |
luger {v} | :: to luge |
lugeur {m} | :: luger (someone who competes in the luge) |
lugeuse {f} | :: feminine noun of lugeur |
lugol {m} | :: An antiseptic solution of iodine and potassium iodide |
lugubre {adj} | :: gloomy, mournful, lugubrious |
lugubrement {adv} | :: lugubriously |
lui {pron} | :: him, he; the third-person masculine singular personal pronoun used after a preposition, or as the predicate of a linking verb, or when disjoined from a sentence, or as a stressed subject |
lui {pron} | :: Him, her; the third-person singular personal pronoun used as an indirect object |
lui-même {pron} [emphatic] | :: himself, itself |
luire {vi} | :: to shine; to glimmer |
luisamment {adv} | :: gleamingly, glistenlingly |
luisant {adj} | :: gleaming, glistening |
Lumeau {prop} | :: Lumeau (village) |
lumen {m} [physics] | :: lumen (SI unit of measurement) |
lumen {m} [anatomy] | :: lumen |
lumen {m} [botany] | :: lumen |
lumière {f} | :: light |
lumière {f} [anatomy] | :: lumen |
lumière blanche {f} | :: white light |
lumignon {m} | :: small light |
lumignon {m} | :: candle end |
luminaire {m} | :: a luminaire, a light fixture |
luminescence {f} | :: luminescence |
luminescent {adj} | :: luminescent |
lumineusement {adv} | :: luminously, brightly |
lumineux {adj} | :: bright, luminous |
luminosité {f} | :: brightness |
luminosité {f} | :: luminosity |
lump {m} | :: lumpfish |
lumpenintelligentsia {f} | :: alternative spelling of lumpen-intelligentsia |
l'un {pron} | :: one |
lunaire {adj} | :: lunar |
lunaison {f} | :: lunation |
l'un après l'autre {pron} | :: one after the other, one after another |
lunatique {adj} | :: moody |
lunatique {mf} | :: lunatic |
lunch {m} | :: A lunch, (usually light) meal around noon |
lunch {m} | :: A light meal with sandwiches, cold cuts, pastry etc. served at a festive reception |
l'un dans l'autre {adv} [colloquial] | :: all in all |
lundi {m} | :: Monday |
lundi de Pâques {prop} {m} | :: Easter Monday |
l'une {contraction} | :: la + une |
lune {f} | :: The Moon |
lune {f} | :: Any natural satellite of a planet |
lune {f} [literary] | :: A month, particularly a lunar month |
luné {adj} | :: (only with bien or mal) Having a good or bad disposition, in a good or bad mood |
lune de miel {f} | :: honeymoon (period of time immediately following a marriage) |
lunetière {f} | :: synonym of biscutelle |
lunette {f} [astronomy] | :: telescope (refracting telescope) |
lunette {f} [architecture] | :: lunette |
lunette {f} | :: toilet seat |
lunette {f} [ornithology] | :: breastbone |
lunette {f} [in the plural] | :: eyeglasses, spectacles |
lunettes de lecture {fp} | :: reading glasses |
lunettes de natation {fp} | :: swimming goggles |
lunettes de piscine {fp} | :: swimming goggles |
lunettes de plongée {fp} | :: diving goggles |
lunettes de soleil {fp} [plurale tantum] | :: sunglasses |
lunettes de vue {fp} | :: prescription glasses |
lunettes noires {fp} [plurale tantum] | :: black tinted glasses |
l'union fait la force {proverb} | :: many hands make light work; united we stand, divided we fall; there is strength in numbers |
l'un l'autre {pron} [reciprocal pronoun] | :: each other |
Luong {prop} | :: surname |
lupanar {m} [dated or literary] | :: A brothel |
lupeux {m} [medicine, obsolete] | :: a person suffering from lupus |
lupin {adj} | :: lupine |
lupin {m} | :: lupin |
Lure {prop} | :: A small town in the Haute-Saône department of Franche-Comté |
luron {m} | :: fellow |
luron {adj} | :: Of or from Lure |
Luron {m} | :: A native or inhabitant of Lure |
luronne {f} | :: feminine noun of luron |
Luronne {f} | :: feminine singular of Luron |
Lusace {prop} {f} | :: Lusatia (region) |
lushois {adj} | :: Lubumbashi (attributive) |
lusitanien {adj} | :: Lusitanian |
lusitanien {adj} | :: Portuguese |
lusitrope {f} | :: An agent that affects diastolic relaxation |
luso- {prefix} | :: Luso- |
lusophobe {adj} | :: Lusophobe |
lusophone {adj} | :: lusophone |
lusophone {mf} | :: Lusophone (Portuguese-speaker) |
lussion {m} | :: barracudina |
lustrage {m} | :: polishing, shining |
lustrage {m} | :: polish, shine, lustre |
lustral {adj} | :: lustral |
lustre {m} | :: lustrum; period of five years |
lustre {m} [figuratively] | :: a very long time |
lustre {m} | :: lustre, chandelier |
lustre {m} | :: gloss, shine, lustre |
lustré {adj} | :: polished |
lustrer {vt} | :: to polish, make shinier by polishing |
lustrer {vr} | :: to shine, give off a shine |
lut {m} | :: lute; slip |
lutéal {adj} [anatomy] | :: luteal |
Lutèce {prop} {f} [historical] | :: Lutetia |
Lutécien {m} | :: Lutetian (native or inhabitant of Lutetia) |
lutécium {m} | :: lutetium (chemical element) |
lutéine {f} | :: lutein (yellow carotenoid pigment) |
lutéinique {adj} | :: luteinic |
lutéoline {f} [organic compound] | :: luteolin |
lutétate {m} [inorganic chemistry] | :: lutetate |
lutétien {adj} | :: Lutetian (attributive) |
Lutétien {m} [geology] | :: Lutetian |
lutétium {m} | :: alternative form of lutécium |
luth {m} | :: lute, a stringed instrument |
luthéranisme {m} | :: Lutheranism (branch of Christianity developed by Martin Luther) |
lutherie {f} | :: lutherie |
luthérien {adj} | :: Lutheran (related to the Lutheran church) |
luthérien {m} | :: Lutheran (member of the Lutheran church) |
luthérienne {f} | :: feminine noun of luthérien |
luthier {m} | :: luthier, violin maker |
luthiste {mf} [music] | :: lutenist |
lutin {m} | :: imp, elf, pixie |
lutiner {v} | :: To tease, provoke |
lutrin {m} | :: lectern |
lutte {f} [literally or figuratively] | :: struggle, fight, battle |
lutte {f} [sport] | :: wrestling |
lutte des classes {f} [economy, philosophy, Marxism] | :: class struggle |
lutter {vi} | :: to struggle, to fight |
lutter {v} [sports] | :: to wrestle |
lutteur {m} | :: fighter; combatant |
lutteur {m} | :: wrestler |
lutteuse {f} | :: feminine noun of lutteur |
lutz {m} | :: lutz (jump) |
Luu {prop} | :: surname |
luxation {f} | :: dislocation |
luxe {m} | :: luxury |
Luxembourg {prop} {m} | :: Luxembourg (country) |
Luxembourg {prop} {m} | :: Luxembourg (province) |
Luxembourg {prop} {m} | :: Luxembourg (capital city) |
Luxembourg {prop} {m} | :: Luxembourg (canton) |
Luxembourg {prop} {m} | :: ellipsis of jardin du Luxembourg (garden in Paris) |
luxembourgeois {adj} | :: from Luxembourg |
luxembourgeois {adj} | :: of or relating to Luxembourg |
luxembourgeois {m} | :: Luxembourgish (language) |
Luxembourgeois {m} | :: person from or living in Luxembourg |
Luxembourgeoise {f} | :: feminine noun of Luxembourgeois |
luxembourgisme {m} [politics] | :: Luxemburgism |
luxemburgisme {m} | :: alternative form of luxembourgisme |
luxer {vt} | :: to luxate |
luxer {vr} | :: to luxate |
luxonique {adj} [physics] | :: luxonic |
luxueusement {adv} | :: luxuriously |
luxueux {adj} | :: luxurious |
luxure {f} | :: lust |
luxuriant {adj} | :: luxuriant |
luxurieusement {adv} | :: lustfully |
luxurieux {adj} | :: lustful |
luzerne {f} | :: alfalfa (Medicago sativa) |
Ly {prop} | :: surname |
lybien {adj} | :: Libyan |
lycanthrope {mf} | :: werewolf; lycanthrope (wolflike human) |
lycanthropie {f} | :: lycanthropy |
Lycaonie {prop} | :: Lycaonia |
lycaonien {adj} | :: Lycaonian |
lycaonien {m} | :: Lycaonian (language/dialect) |
lycée {m} | :: a public secondary school |
lycéen {m} | :: A student at a lycée (a secondary school college) |
lycéenne {f} | :: feminine noun of lycéen |
lycénidé {m} | :: lycaenid |
lychnite {f} | :: lampwick (plant of the species Phlomis lychnitis) |
Lycie {prop} | :: Lycia |
Lycophron {prop} {m} | :: Lycophron |
lycopodine {f} | :: lycopodin |
Lycurgue {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: Lycurgus |
Lydia {prop} | :: given name, a Latinized variant of Lydie |
Lydie {prop} | :: Lydia [biblical character] |
Lydie {prop} | :: given name |
lymphatique {adj} [anatomy] | :: lymphatic |
lymphatique {adj} | :: lethargic, listless, sluggish |
lymphe {f} [anatomy] | :: lymph |
lymphoblaste {m} | :: lymphoblast |
lymphoblastique {adj} | :: lymphoblastic |
lymphocyte {m} [cytology] | :: lymphocyte |
lymphœdème {m} | :: lymphedema, lymphoedema |
lymphographie {f} | :: lymphography |
lymphoïde {adj} [anatomy] | :: lymphoid |
lymphome {m} [oncology] | :: lymphoma |
lynchage {m} | :: lynching |
lyncher {v} | :: To lynch |
lynx {m} | :: a lynx |
lynx boréal {m} | :: Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) |
lynx commun {m} | :: Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) |
lynx d'Espagne {m} | :: Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) |
lynx d'Eurasie {m} | :: Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) |
lynx d'Europe {m} | :: Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) |
lynx du Canada {m} | :: Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) |
lynx ibérique {m} | :: Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) |
lynx pard {m} | :: Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) |
lynx pardelle {m} | :: Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) |
lynx roux {m} | :: bobcat (a North American wild cat, Lynx rufus) |
Lyon {prop} | :: Lyon (capital city) |
lyonnais {adj} | :: Of or relating to Lyon, France |
Lyonnais {m} | :: An inhabitant of Lyon |
Lyonnaise {f} | :: feminine noun of Lyonnais |
lyophilisat {m} | :: lyophilisate |
lyophilisation {f} | :: Lyophilisation |
lyophilisé {adj} | :: lyophilized, freeze-dried |
lyophiliser {v} | :: to lyophilize |
lyre {f} | :: lyre |
lyrique {adj} [poetry] | :: lyric |
lyrique {adj} | :: lyrical |
lyrique {mf} [poetry] | :: lyric poet |
lyrique {mf} | :: lyric poetry |
lyriquement {adv} | :: lyrically |
lyrisme {m} | :: lyricism |
lyrisme {m} | :: lyric poetry |
lys {m} | :: alternative spelling of lis [flower] |
Lysandre {prop} {m} [Ancient Greece] | :: Lysander |
lysat {m} [biology] | :: lysate |
-lyse {suffix} | :: -lysis |
lyse {f} [chemistry] | :: lysis |
lyser {vt} [chemistry] | :: to lyse |
lysergique {adj} [organic chemistry] | :: lysergic |
Lysias {prop} | :: Lysias (Attic orator) |
lysimaque {m} | :: loosestrife (of genus Lysimachia) |
lysimètre {m} | :: lysimeter |
lysine {f} | :: lysine |
lysogène {adj} [biology] | :: lysogenic |
lysol {m} | :: Lysol |
lysosomotrope {adj} [medicine] | :: lysosomotropic |
lyssenkisme {m} [politics] | :: Lysenkoism |
lyssenkiste {adj} | :: Lysenkoist |
lyssenkiste {mf} | :: Lysenkoist |
Lystre {prop} | :: Lystra (town in Lycaonia) |
lytique {adj} | :: lytic |