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User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-i

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
-i- {interfix} :: Indicator of plural in nominal forms, except in nominative case, in which it is -t
-i- {interfix} :: Past tense infix in verbs
-i {suffix} :: A nominal suffix used in eg. ukkoukki
-i {suffix} [archaic] :: Used to mark the first part of a compound word, e.g. lehmälehmi-
-i {suffix} :: Derives a number of adverbs of generally lative or locative meaning, e.g. aukea- (to open) → auki, ylä-yli
i {letter} :: letter: ii
I {letter} :: letter: ii
I {n} :: abbreviation of improbatur
-ia {suffix} :: Forms primarily transitive verbs describing repeating or continuous action
ia {conj} :: obsolete spelling of ja
-iainen {suffix} :: Forms certain nouns
-iainen {suffix} :: Forms names of ceremonies from verbs or nouns (used in plural form)
-iainen {suffix} :: Forms certain nouns, particularly vulgar nouns or names of insects
iäinen {adj} :: eternal, forever, infinite, of or for all eternity
iäisesti {adv} :: eternally, forever, for or of all time or all eternity
iäisyys {n} :: eternity (religious term); the time that elapses after death
iäisyysajatus {n} :: eternal thought
iäisyysarvo {n} :: an eternal value
iäisyyskaipuu {n} :: eternal longing
iäisyyskutsu {n} [poetic] :: call to heaven (dying)
iäisyystoivo {n} :: eternal hope
iäkäs {adj} :: aged, elderly
iäkkyys {n} :: agedness
iäksi {adv} :: for ever
Iamblikhos {prop} :: Iamblichus (Greek philosopher)
iänikuinen {adj} :: constant
iänikuinen {adj} :: eternal
iänikuinen {adj} :: ancient
iänikuisesti {adv} :: constantly, eternally
iankaiken {adv} :: forever
iän kaiken {adv} :: eternally
iankaikkinen {adj} :: eternal, everlasting
iankaikkisesti {adv} :: forever, eternally
iankaikkisuus {n} :: eternity
iänmääritys {n} :: dating (age estimation)
Iapetos {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Iapetus (Titan)
-ias {suffix} :: Forms adjectives and sometimes nouns, often from verbs describing doing such an action often
iätä {vt} :: to date (measure the age of)
iäti {adv} [poetic, dated] :: forever, eternally
iätön {adj} :: ageless
iatrofobia {n} :: iatrophobia (fear for doctors)
iatrogeeninen {adj} [medicine] :: iatrogenic
iatrokemia {n} :: iatrochemistry
iberianilves {n} :: Iberian lynx
iberiankeisarikotka {n} :: Spanish imperial eagle, Iberian imperial eagle, Adalbert's eagle, Aquila adalberti
Iberianmeri {prop} :: The Balearic Sea
Iberian niemimaa {prop} :: Iberian peninsula
iberiansusi {n} :: Iberian wolf, Canis lupus signatus
ibizangenetti {n} :: Ibizan genet (Genetta genetta genetta, formerly G. g. isabelae) (subspecies of common genet, small-spotted genet, or European genet, Genetta genetta; the subspecies is found on the Spanish island of Ibiza)
ibizanpodenco {n} :: Ibizan Hound
ibogaiini {n} [chemistry] :: ibogaine
iboteenihappo {n} [chemistry] :: ibotenic acid
ibuprofeeni {n} :: ibuprofen
ibuprofeiini {n} :: alternative form of ibuprofeeni
ichang papeda {n} :: Ichang papeda (tree in the genus Citrus)
Idaho {prop} :: Idaho (state)
idahonsiiseli {n} :: Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus
idahontaskurotta {n} :: Idaho pocket gopher, Thomomys idahoensis
id al-fitr {n} :: Eid al-Fitr (Islamic religious celebration)
idänaurinkomäyrä {n} :: Javan ferret-badger, Melogale orientalis
idänhäränsilmä {n} :: dusky meadow brown (Hyponephele lycaon)
idänhopeanokka {n} :: Indian silverbill, white-throated munia, Euodice malabarica (small passerine bird found in the drier regions of Indian Subcontinent and adjoining regions)
idänkäki {n} :: Himalayan cuckoo (Cuculus saturatus)
idänkalliohyppypäästäinen {n} :: eastern rock elephant shrew, Elephantulus myurus
idänkallionakkeli {n} :: Persian nuthatch eastern rock-nuthatch, Sitta tephronota (species of bird in the family Sittidae, found in the Middle East and Central Asia)
idänkauppa {n} :: trade with the east (in Finland's case, usually trade with Russia and formerly the Soviet Union)
idänkenttämyyrä {n} :: southern vole (Microtus levis, syns. Microtus rossiaemeridionalis, Microtus epiroticus)
idänkojootti {n} :: coywolf (cross-breed of wolf and coyote)
idänlehtikuoriainen {n} :: alder leaf beetle, Agelastica alni (small leaf beetle that feeds with the leaves of alder and some other deciduous trees)
idännaakka {n} :: Daurian jackdaw, Coloeus dauuricus
idänniittyperhonen {n} :: chestnut heath (Coenonympha glycerion)
idänpäästäinen {n} :: Laxmann's shrew (Sorex caecutiens)
idänpikkuliitäjä {n} :: yelkouan shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan)
idänpikkusieppo {n} :: taiga flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla)
idänpolitiikka {n} :: eastern policy
idänpuoleinen {adj} :: easterly, east
idänsara {n} :: Carex praecox
idänsiili {n} :: eastern hedgehog, Erinaceus concolor
idänsiiseli {n} :: synonym of suslikki
idänsilkkikerttunen {n} :: Japanese bush warbler, Horornis diphone
idänsokkohiiri {n} :: greater mole rat, Spalax microphthalmus
idänsuhteet {n} :: the relationship towards the east (in case of Finland, often refers to Russia)
idänsydänsimpukka {n} :: lagoon cockle, Cerastoderma glaucum (species of saltwater clam in the family Cardiidae, found along the coasts of Europe and North Africa, including the Mediterranean and Black Seas and the Caspian Lake, and the low-salinity Baltic Sea)
idäntä {n} :: sprouting
idäntäpläskunkki {n} :: eastern spotted skunk, Spilogale putorius
idäntie {n} :: east road
idäntiltaltti {n} :: Siberian chiffchaff, Phylloscopus collybita ssp. tristis (subspecies of common chiffchaff that breeds in Siberia and winters in the lower Himalayas)
idäntuonti {n} :: importing from the east (in Finland's case, usually from Russia and formerly the Soviet Union)
idänturturikyyhky {n} :: A species of pigeon, oriental turtle dove, Streptopelia orientalis
idänuunilintu {n} :: greenish warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides)
idänvaivaispäästäinen {n} :: slender shrew, Sorex gracillimus
idänvienti {n} :: exporting to the east (in Finland's case, usually to Russia and formerly the Soviet Union)
idätellä {v} [frequentative] :: To sprout, germinate
idätellä {v} [frequentative, figuratively] :: To nourish
idättää {vt} :: To sprout, germinate
idättäminen {n} :: sprouting, germinating
idätys {n} :: germination
idätyskoe {n} :: germination test
idätyslaite {n} :: germinator, germination plant
idea {n} :: idea
ideaali {n} :: ideal
ideaalikaasu {n} :: ideal gas
ideaalikaasulaki {n} [chemistry] :: ideal gas law
ideaalinen {adj} :: ideal
ideaaliseos {n} [chemistry] :: ideal solution
ideaaliside {n} :: elastic bandage
ideaalistaa {vt} :: To idealize
ideaalisuus {n} :: ideality
ideaalitapaus {n} :: ideal case
ideakilpailu {n} :: synonym of aatekilpailu
idealismi {n} :: idealism
idealisoida {vt} :: To idealize
idealisointi {n} :: idealization
idealisti {n} :: idealist
idealistinen {adj} :: idealistic
idealistisesti {adv} :: idealistically
ideariihi {n} :: brainstorm
idearikas {adj} :: idea-rich, full of ideas
idemmäksi {adv} :: synonym of idemmäs
idemmäs {adv} :: (to) further east, (to) some (more) distance towards the east
idempää {adv} :: from further east
idempää {adj} :: participle singular form of idempi
idempänä {adv} :: In more eastern location
idempi {adj} :: More eastern
idempotenssi {n} [mathematics] :: idempotence
idempotentti {adj} [math] :: idempotent
identifikaatio {n} :: identification
identifioida {vt} :: to identify
identifioiminen {n} :: identifying (the act of identifying something)
identifiointi {n} :: identification
identifioitua {vi} :: To identify with
identifioituminen {n} :: identifying (the act of identifying oneself)
identiteetti {n} :: identity (sense of who one is; sameness; difference or character that marks off an individual from the rest of the same kind)
identiteettifunktio {n} [mathematics] :: identity function
identiteettikriisi {n} :: identity crisis
identiteettikuvaus {n} [math] :: identity function, identity mapping
identiteettimatriisi {n} [linear algebra] :: identity matrix
identiteettivarkaus {n} :: identity theft (deliberate assumption of another person's identity)
identtinen {adj} :: Identical
identtinen kuvaus {n} [mathematics] :: identity function
identtisesti {adv} :: identically
identtisyys {n} :: identity, sameness
ideofoni {n} [linguistics] :: ideophone
ideografia {n} :: ideography
ideografia {n} :: logography (use of logographs in writing)
ideografinen {adj} :: ideographic
ideogrammi {n} :: ideogram (graphic symbol which represents a defined idea without directly indicating the words that express the idea)
ideoida {vi} :: to come up with an idea or ideas
ideoida {vt} :: to generate an idea of
ideoiminen {n} :: coming up with an idea or ideas
ideointi {n} :: ideation
ideologi {n} :: ideologist
ideologia {n} :: ideology
ideologinen {adj} :: ideological
ideologisuus {n} :: being ideological
-idi {suffix} :: -ide
idiofoni {n} :: idiophone
idiolatria {n} :: synonym of itsepalvonta
idiolekti {n} [linguistics] :: idiolect
idiomaattinen {adj} :: idiomatic
idiomaattisesti {adv} [linguistics] :: idiomatically
idiomaattisuus {n} [linguistics] :: idiomaticity
idiomi {n} :: idiom (set phrase which cannot be understood from its parts alone)
idiootti {n} :: idiot
idioottimainen {adj} :: idiotic
idioottimaisesti {adv} :: idiotically
idioottimaisuus {n} :: idiocy (act of lacking sense)
idioottivarma {adj} :: foolproof
idiopaattinen {adj} :: idiopathic
idiosynkrasia {n} :: idiosyncrasy
idiotia {n} [medicine] :: idiocy
idioventrikulaarinen {adj} :: idioventricular
idis {n} [slang] :: idea
idokraasi {n} [mineral] :: vesuvianite
idolatria {n} :: synonym of kuvainpalvonta (worship of idols)
idoli {n} :: idol
idoosi {n} [chemistry] :: idose
idullaan {adv} :: synonym of alullaan
idunestoaine {n} :: anti-sprouting agent
idunviritys {n} [horticulture] :: vernalisation, vernalization
iduronihappo {n} [chemistry] :: iduronic acid
idylli {n} :: idyll
idyllinen {adj} :: idyllic
idyllisesti {adv} :: idyllically
idyllisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being idyllic
ien {n} :: gum (part of mouth)
ientasku {n} [anatomy] :: gingival pocket
ientulehdus {n} [disease] :: gingivitis
ies {n} :: Yoke
ies {n} [figuratively] :: Yoke, restraint, burden, load; repression, slavery, oppression, persecution, tyranny
iestää {vt} :: To yoke; to put a yoke
iestys {n} :: yoking (act of putting a yoke)
iestys {n} :: yoking (the yoking arrangement)
iestys {n} [rhetoric] :: A zeugma
iglu {n} :: igloo
Ignatius {prop} :: surname
ignimbriitti {n} [geology] :: ignimbrite
ignoorata {v} [colloquial] :: to ignore
ignoranssi {n} :: ignorance
ignorantti {adj} :: ignorant
ignoroida {v} [colloquial] :: To ignore
ignorointi {n} :: ignoring (act or instance)
iguaani {n} :: An iguana (any member of the genus Iguana)
iguaani {n} :: A green iguana (Iguana iguana)
igumeeni {n} :: igumen
iha {adv} [colloquial] :: alternative form of ihan
ihaileminen {n} :: adoring, admiring
ihailevasti {adv} :: adoringly
ihailija {n} :: fan, admirer
ihailijakerho {n} :: fan club
ihailijaposti {n} :: fan mail
ihailla {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to adore, admire
ihailtava {adj} :: admirable
ihailtavasti {adv} :: admirably
ihailu {n} :: admiration
ihala {adj} [archaic, poetic, of weather or the sky] :: clear
Ihalainen {prop} :: surname
ihan {adv} :: totally
ihan {adv} :: exactly
ihan {adv} :: quite
ihana {adj} :: lovely, adorable
ihana {adj} :: wonderful, marvellous, marvelous
ihana {adj} :: fabulous, fantastic
ihanainen {adj} [poetic] :: synonym of ihana
ihanampi {adj} :: comparative of ihana
ihanasti {adv} :: wonderfully, beautifully
ihanasti {adv} :: lovely, adorably
ihanin {adj} :: superlative of ihana
ihanko totta {phrase} :: you don't say, is that so, really (is it true)?
ihan miten vain {phrase} [colloquial] :: whatever, right (I have no opinion or wish not to express it here)
ihanne {n} :: ideal (something held up and admired as a model goal)
ihanneaika {n} [sports] :: A predetermined regularity time, standard course time or ideal time for a performance, used in sports as diverse as regularity rally and dog agility as an element of the scoring system
ihanneavioliitto {n} :: ideal marriage
ihannekuva {n} :: ideal, paragon
ihannemaa {n} :: utopia
ihannemaailma {n} :: ideal world
ihannemies {n} :: ideal man
ihannenainen {n} :: ideal woman
ihanneolot {n} :: ideal conditions
ihannepaino {n} :: ideal weight
ihanneratkaisu {n} :: ideal solution
ihannetapaus {n} :: ideal case
ihannetyttö {n} :: ideal girl, dream girl
ihanneyhteiskunta {n} :: ideal society
ihannoida {v} :: to glamorize
ihannoida {v} :: to idolize
ihannoiminen {n} :: glamorizing, idolizing
ihannointi {n} :: idolization, idolizing, idolatry (excessive adoration)
ihan sama {interj} :: whatever (expression used discourteously to indicate that the speaker does not consider the matter worthy of further discussion)
ihanteellinen {adj} :: ideal
ihanteellisesti {adv} :: ideally
ihanteellismielinen {adj} :: idealistic
ihanteellisuus {n} :: ideality, idealness
ihanteellisuus {n} :: idealism
ihanuus {n} :: loveliness
ihanuus {n} :: wonderfulness
ihastella {v} :: To marvel (at), admire
ihastelu {n} :: admiration, marvel
ihastua {vi} :: To be thrilled, pleased
ihastua {vi} [_, + illative] :: To fall for, become infatuated with
ihastua {vi} [_, + illative] :: To fall in love with
ihastuksissaan {adv} :: in one's infatuation, while infatuated
ihastuminen {n} :: infatuation
ihastunut {adj} :: infatuated, attracted, charmed
ihastus {n} :: crush, infatuation
ihastuttaa {vt} :: To delight, fascinate, thrill
ihastuttava {adj} :: charming, adorable
ihastuttava {adj} :: stunning
ihastuttavasti {adv} :: charmingly, adorably
ihka {adv} :: An intensifier used before certain adjectives
ihkasen {adv} :: synonym of ihka
ihkauusi {adj} :: brand new
ihku {adj} [slang] :: cute, nice, sweet
ihme {n} :: miracle, wonder
ihme {adj} [colloquial] :: strange, weird
ihmeaine {n} :: miracle substance
ihmeellinen {adj} :: wonderful
ihmeellisesti {adv} :: wonderfully
ihmeellisyys {n} :: wonderfulness
ihmeemmin {adv} [colloquially] :: comparative of ihmeesti; (not) that much, really
ihmeessä {adv} :: -ever (used together with an interrogative pronoun to emphasize a question)
ihmeessä {adv} :: just, by all means (used to encourage)
ihmeesti {adv} [colloquial] :: wonderfully, surprisingly
ihmeesti {adv} [colloquial, with negative] :: that much
ihmeidentekijä {n} :: miracle worker
ihmeisiinsä {adv} :: (into being) astonished
ihmeissään {adv} :: [While being] astonished
ihmeissään {adv} :: olla ~: to be astonished
ihmeitätekevä {adj} :: miraculous, miracle-working
ihmeköynnös {n} :: bougainvillea
ihme kyllä {phrase} :: surprisingly, miraculously, amazingly
ihmelääkäri {n} :: prodigy doctor, miracle doctor
ihmelääke {n} :: panacea
ihmelapsi {n} :: child prodigy
ihmemaa {n} :: wonderland
ihmemaailma {n} :: wonderland, perfect world
ihmenäytelmä {n} :: miracle play
ihmeolento {n} :: miracle creature
ihmeparannus {n} :: faith healing, miracle healing
ihmeparantaja {n} :: faith healer, miracle healer
ihmepelastus {n} :: miracle rescue
ihmepensas {n} :: garden croton (Codiaeum variegatum)
ihmesatu {n} :: fairy tale, a tale with magic or miracles etc
ihmeteko {n} :: miracle, miraculous act
ihmetellä {v} :: to wonder, to ask in surprise
ihmeteltävä {adj} :: astonishing, surprising
ihmeteltävästi {adv} :: astonishingly, surprisingly
ihmettää {vt} :: synonym of ihmetyttää
ihmettely {n} :: wondering, being surprised
ihmettyä {vi} :: to be(come) surprised, puzzled or bewildered (by)
ihmetyö {n} :: miracle, miracle work
ihmetys {n} :: astonishment
ihmetyttää {v} :: to confuse, puzzle, befuddle, bewilder
ihminen {n} :: human, human being
ihminen {n} :: person
ihminen on kaiken mitta {phrase} :: man is the measure of all things
ihminen päättää, Jumala säätää {proverb} :: man proposes, God disposes (literally: man decides, God decrees)
ihmisääni {n} :: human voice
ihmisaivot {n} :: human brains
ihmisajatus {n} :: human thought
ihmisalkio {n} :: human embryo
ihmisäly {n} :: human intelligence
ihmisapina {n} :: great ape
ihmisarka {adj} :: fearful or timid of people
ihmisarkuus {n} :: the quality of being fearful or timid of people
ihmisarvo {n} :: human dignity
ihmisarvoinen {adj} :: decent, dignified
ihmisasumus {n} :: human residence, human dwelling
ihmisasunto {n} :: residence or dwelling of or for a human
ihmiselämä {n} :: human life
ihmiselo {n} :: human life, human existence
ihmisenalku {n} :: young child (literally "beginnings of a human")
ihmisenmuotoinen {adj} :: anthropoid, human-shaped
ihmisen paras ystävä {n} :: man's best friend
ihmishahmo {n} :: human figure, human form
ihmishahmoinen {adj} :: in human form
ihmishenki {n} :: life, human life (the fact of a particular individual being alive; a living individual)
ihmisikä {n} :: a lifetime
ihmisinsuliini {n} :: human insulin (as opposed to insulin of/from an animal)
ihmisjahti {n} :: manhunt (organized search for a criminal or enemy)
ihmisjärki {n} :: human sense, human intelligence, human reason
ihmisjoukko {n} :: A crowd of people
ihmiskäsi {n} :: human hand
ihmiskäsitys {n} :: outlook or view on human beings
ihmiskasvoinen {adj} :: with a human face
ihmiskasvot {n} :: human face
ihmiskauppa {n} :: human trafficking
ihmiskeskeinen {adj} :: anthropocentric
ihmiskeskeisyys {n} :: anthropocentrism
ihmiskilpi {n} :: human shield
ihmiskirppu {n} :: human flea
ihmiskoe {n} :: human experiment
ihmiskohtalo {n} :: human destiny
ihmiskunta {n} :: humankind, mankind
ihmiskuva {n} :: view of humanity
ihmiskuvaaja {n} :: describer of people, one who describes people
ihmiskuvaus {n} :: photography of humans
ihmiskuvaus {n} :: description of humans
ihmisläheinen {adj} :: close to people, humane, social
ihmisläheisesti {adv} :: humanely, in a way that is close to people
ihmisläheisyys {n} :: humaneness, closeness to people
ihmislapsi {n} :: human child
ihmisliha {n} :: human flesh
ihmisluettava {adj} [computing] :: human-readable (as opposed to machine-readable)
ihmisluonne {n} :: human nature
ihmisluonto {n} :: human nature
ihmismaantiede {n} [geography] :: anthropogeography
ihmismäinen {adj} :: humanlike, manlike
ihmismäinen {adj} :: anthropoid (having characteristics of a human being, usually in terms of shape or appearance)
ihmismäisesti {adv} :: in a humanlike or manlike manner
ihmismäistyä {vi} :: To become more human
ihmismeri {n} :: huge crowd
ihmismetsästys {n} :: human hunting
ihmismetsästys {n} [uncommon] :: headhunting (finding of talented personnel)
ihmismieli {n} :: human mind
ihmismuuri {n} :: human wall, human barricade
ihmisoikeudet {n} :: human rights (basic rights and freedoms that all humans should be guaranteed)
ihmisoikeus {n} :: human right
ihmisoikeusjärjestö {n} :: human rights organization
ihmisoikeusloukkaus {n} :: human rights violation
ihmisoikeuspolitiikka {n} :: human rights policy
ihmisoikeusrikos {n} :: A crime against humanity
ihmisolento {n} :: human being
ihmispaljous {n} :: A large crowd of people
ihmispalvonta {n} [theology] :: synonym of antropolatria
ihmisparka {n} [of person] :: poor thing
ihmispelko {n} :: fear of people, fear of humans
ihmisperse {n} [vulgar] :: an ass, asshole (a jerk, a stupid person)
ihmispeto {n} :: man-beast, savage
ihmispoloinen {n} :: poor or pitiful person
ihmispopulaatio {n} :: human population
ihmisrakas {adj} :: philanthropic
ihmisrakkaus {n} :: human-heartedness, philanthropy
ihmisraukka {n} :: poor or miserable person
ihmisraunio {n} :: human wreck
ihmisravinto {n} :: Food appropriate for human consumption
ihmisrotu {n} :: race (human categorization)
ihmisruumis {n} :: human body
ihmisryöstäjä {n} :: abductor
ihmisryöstö {n} :: kidnapping
ihmissalakuljettaja {n} :: people smuggler
ihmissalakuljetus {n} :: human smuggling
ihmissielu {n} :: human soul
ihmissuhde {n} :: relationship
ihmissuhdekasvatus {n} :: relationship education
ihmissuhdekolumnisti {n} :: advice columnist; agony aunt [informal]
ihmissuhdepalsta {n} :: advice column
ihmissuhdetaito {n} :: interpersonal skill
ihmissuhdetyö {n} :: human relations work
ihmissuku {n} :: human family, humankind
ihmissusi {n} :: A werewolf
ihmissydän {n} :: human heart
ihmissyöjä {n} :: (human) cannibal
ihmissyöjäheimo {n} :: cannibal tribe
ihmissyönti {n} :: anthropophagy (act or practice of eating human flesh)
ihmissyönti {n} :: cannibalism (act or practice of eating another human's flesh)
ihmistäi {n} [uncommon] :: human louse
ihmistaimi {n} :: sapling, human shrub (young person)
ihmistaito {n} [usually, in plural] :: skill with people
ihmistavat {n} :: manners expected of a human
ihmistiede {n} :: anthropology
ihmistiede {n} [in plural] :: humanities
ihmistungos {n} :: large crowd or rush of people
ihmistuntemus {n} :: knowledge or discernment of human nature or character, the ability of a judge of character
ihmistuntija {n} :: (good) judge of character
ihmistyä {vi} :: to become civilized
ihmistyö {n} :: human labor
ihmistyövoima {n} :: human labor
ihmistyyppi {n} :: a kind of person
ihmisuhri {n} :: human sacrifice
ihmisviha {n} :: misanthropy
ihmisvihaaja {n} :: misanthropist, misanthrope
ihmisvilinä {n} :: crowd of people
ihmisvirta {n} :: flow of people, influx of people
ihmisvoima {n} :: manpower, human power
ihmisyhteiskunta {n} :: human society
ihmisyhteisö {n} :: human society, human settlement
ihmisymmärrys {n} :: understanding, the skill of understanding other people
ihmisystävä {n} :: philanthropist
ihmisystävällinen {adj} :: humanitarian, humane, charitable
ihmisystävällisyys {n} :: humanitarianism, philanthropy
ihmisystävyys {n} :: philanthropy
ihmisyys {n} :: human condition
iho {n} :: skin of a human being
iho {n} [anatomy] :: skin of a human being or an animal
ihoalue {n} :: skin area
ihohengitys {n} :: skin respiration
ihohuokonen {n} :: skin pore
-ihoinen {adj} :: skinned
ihoinfektio {n} :: skin infection
ihojaoke {n} :: dermatome
ihojauhe {n} :: dusting powder, skin powder
ihokarva {n} [anatomy] :: hair, body hair; pilus (individual strand of body hair)
ihokarva {n} :: In plural (ihokarvat); the body hair collectively
ihokas {n} :: undergarment, robe
ihokasvain {n} :: skin tumor
ihokeliakia {n} [pathology] :: dermatitis herpetiformis
ihokoe {n} :: skin test
ihokudos {n} :: skin tissue
iholihaksisto {n} :: skin muscular system
ihomaali {n} :: greasepaint, body paint
ihomato {n} :: blackhead, comedo
ihomelanooma {n} [pathology] :: skin melanoma
ihonalainen {adj} :: subcutaneous, hypodermic
ihonalaiskerros {n} [anatomy] :: hypodermis
ihonalaiskudos {n} [anatomy] :: subcutaneous tissue, hypodermis
ihonhoito {n} :: skincare
ihonhoitoaine {n} :: skin care substance, skin care ingredient
ihonkuorinta {n} :: skin peel, skin peeling, skin scrub
ihonkuorintavoide {n} :: skin peeling cream
ihonmyötäinen {adj} :: conforming to the skin or body; skintight, tight
ihonmyötäinen {adj} [figurative] :: clingy
ihonpuhdistus {n} :: skin cleansing
ihonpuhdistusaine {n} :: skin cleansing agent
ihonpuhdistusmaito {n} :: skin cleansing milk
ihonsiirto {n} :: skin transplant
ihonväri {n} :: skin colour, skin color (color of human skin)
ihonväri {n} :: skin colour, skin color (color)
ihonväri {n} :: skin colour, skin color (ethnicity)
ihonvärinen {adj} :: skin-colored
iho-oire {n} :: skin reaction, skin eruption
ihopaita {n} :: tight-fitted shirt
ihopoimu {n} :: skinfold
ihorasva {n} :: skin cream
ihosairaus {n} :: skin condition, skin disease
ihosolu {n} :: skin cell
ihosyöpä {n} [pathology] :: skin cancer
ihotauti {n} :: skin disease
ihotautilääkäri {n} :: dermatologist (specialist in dermatology)
ihotautioppi {n} [medicine] :: dermatology (study of the skin and its diseases)
ihoteippi {n} :: skin adhesive tape (medical tape designed to stick to skin)
ihottuma {n} [medicine] :: rash
ihotuberkuloosi {n} :: skin tuberculosis
ihotulehdus {n} :: dermatitis (inflammation of the skin)
ihoväri {n} :: skin colorant
ihovoide {n} :: skin cream
ihra {n} :: fat (adipose tissue of an animal, especially of a pig)
ihra {n} :: lard (pig fat prepared for use in cooking or pharmacy)
ihra {n} [derogatory] :: excess fat accumulated in a human body
ihrainen {adj} :: fatty
ihrainen {adj} :: lardy
ihrakuoriainen {n} :: skin beetle (beetle in the genus Dermestidae)
ihrakuoriainen {n} [in plural] :: the genus Dermestidae
ihramaha {n} :: fat belly, big belly, potbelly
ihramahainen {adj} :: fat-bellied, big-bellied
ihtiriekko {n} [Finnish mythology] :: myling (a spirit of a killed or unblessed baby or child with a creepy cry that haunts primarily their parent(s))
ii {n} :: letter: i
Ii {prop} :: Ii (municipality)
iibis {n} :: ibis
iibislintu {n} :: synonym of iibis
iibisnokka {n} :: ibisbill, Ibidorhyncha struthersii (species of wading bird in the monotypic family Ibidorhynchidae, inhabiting the shingle riverbanks of the high plateau of Central Asia and the Himalayas)
Iida {prop} :: given name
Iijoki {n} :: Iijoki (river)
iik {interj} :: eek! (scream)
-iikka {suffix} :: -ics (suffix used to form names of fields of knowledge or practice)
iikka {n} :: See joka iikka
Iikka {prop} :: given name
iiläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Ii
iiläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Ii
iiliäinen {n} :: leech (annelid)
iiliäinen {n} :: limpet (someone disregarding or ignorant of another's personal space)
iilimato {n} :: leech
iiliskotti {n} [dialectal] :: hedgehog
iiliskotti {n} [archaic] :: trickster
Iina {prop} :: given name
Iines {prop} :: given name
Iines Ankka {prop} :: Daisy Duck
iiri {n} :: The Irish language
iiriläinen {adj} :: Irish
iiriläinen {n} :: A Irish person
iirinkielinen {adj} :: Irish (Irish-speaking, Irish-language)
iirintää {v} :: To translate into Irish
iiris {n} :: An iris (flower)
iiris {n} [anatomy, rare] :: An iris (part of an eye)
Iiris {prop} :: given name
iirisdiagnostiikka {n} :: iris diagnostics
iirishimmennin {n} :: iris diaphragm
iirispainanta {n} :: synonym of iirispainatus
iirispainatus {n} :: Iris printer
Iiro {prop} :: given name
Iisai {prop} :: Jesse [biblical character]
Iisak {prop} :: Isaac. [biblical character]
Iisak {prop} :: given name
Iisakki {prop} :: given name
iisalmelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Iisalmi
iisalmelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Iisalmi
Iisalmi {prop} :: Iisalmi (town/and/municipality)
iisi {adj} [colloquial] :: easy
iisisti {adv} [colloquial] :: easily
iisoppi {n} :: hyssop, herb hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
Iita {prop} :: given name
-iitti {suffix} [geology] :: -ite
Iitti {prop} :: Iitti (municipality)
iittiläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Iitti
iittiläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Iitti
iiva {n} :: any plant of the genus Iva
iiva {n} [in plural] :: the genus Iva
iiva {n} :: Iva annua
iivana {n} [derogatory] :: A Russian
Iivana {prop} :: given name
Iivana {prop} [pejorative] :: Russian; Russians collectively (commonly used nickname during WWII)
Iivari {prop} :: given name
Iivari {prop} :: The letter "I" in the Finnish tavausaakkoset, a spelling system similar to ICAO spelling alphabet
Iivo {prop} :: given name
Iivonen {prop} :: surname
ijoliitti {n} [rock] :: ijolite
ikä {n} :: age
ikä {n} :: life
ikä {n} :: lifetime
ikaalilainen {adj} :: alternative form of ikaalislainen
ikaalilainen {n} :: alternative form of ikaalislainen
Ikaalinen {prop} :: Ikaalinen (town/and/municipality)
ikaalislainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Ikaalinen
ikaalislainen {n} :: a person from or living in Ikaalinen
ikään {adv} :: ikään kuin: as if
ikään {adv} :: niin ikään: likewise
ikään kuin {conj} [subordinating, + conditional] :: as if
ikääntyä {vi} :: To age
ikääntyminen {n} :: aging
ikääntynyt {n} [euphemism] :: an old person
ikäero {n} :: age difference
Ikäheimo {prop} :: surname
ikähyvitys {n} :: age-related bonus
ikäihminen {n} [polite] :: an old person
ikäinen {adj} [not comparable, genitive +] :: old
ikäinen {adj} [not comparable, genitive or possessive suffix +] :: of one's age
ikäinen {adj} [not comparable, genitive +] :: at the age of, aged
ikäjakauma {n} :: age distribution
ikäjakautuma {n} :: alternative form of ikäjakauma
ikäjärjestys {n} :: age order, order of age or birth
ikäjohtaminen {n} :: age management
ikäkausi {n} :: stage of life
ikäkausi {n} :: age, generation
ikäkausikilpailut {n} :: competition split between age groups
ikäkausiurheilija {n} :: a young sportsman or sportswoman taking part in ikäkausikilpailut
ikäkausiurheilu {n} :: sports taking place in competitions split between age groups, usually for younger people
ikäkulu {adj} :: worn out
ikäkuulo {n} :: presbycusis
ikälisä {n} :: seniority pay, seniority increment
ikäloppu {adj} :: ancient, very old, out-of-date, superannuated
ikäluokitus {n} :: age rating
ikäluokka {n} :: generation, age group, age-cohort
ikämies {n} :: aged man, old man
ikämies {n} [sports] :: an athlete over or of 35 years of age
ikämiesmestaruus {n} :: a sports competition for people over 35 years of age
ikämiessarja {n} :: a sports division for people over 35 years of age
ikänä {adv} [rare] :: synonym of ikinä
ikänäkö {n} :: presbyopia (inability of the eye, due to ageing, to focus on nearby objects)
ikänäköinen {adj} :: presbyopic
ikänäköisyys {n} :: the quality or property of being presbyopic
ikäneito {n} :: spinster
ikäpolvi {n} :: generation, age
ikäpuhemies {n} :: Father of the House (in Finland, a title given to the oldest Member of Parliament, who serves as the Speaker before the proper Speaker is chosen)
ikäraja {n} :: age limit
ikärajaton {adj} :: that has no age limit
ikärajoitus {n} :: age limit
ikärakenne {n} :: age structure
ikärasismi {n} [colloquial] :: age discrimination, ageism
ikärasisti {n} :: ageist, "age racist"
ikäryhmä {n} :: age group
ikäryhmätarkastus {n} :: a health check or physical the nature of which depends on the age group
ikäsi {n} :: second-person singular possissive form of ikä
ikäsyrjintä {n} :: age discrimination, ageism (discrimination based on age)
ikätoveri {n} :: age-mate, peer (one who is the same age as another)
ikatvärjäys {n} :: ikat dyeing, ikat
ikävä {adj} :: tedious, boring
ikävä {adj} :: bad, sad, nasty (e.g. accident)
ikävä {n} :: longing, yearning
ikävä {adv} :: ikävä kyllä: unfortunately
ikävä {adv} :: sepä ikävä: what a pity
ikävä {adv} :: ikävä juttu: too bad
Ikävalko {prop} :: surname
ikävästi {adv} :: tediously, badly, nastily
ikävin {adj} :: superlative of ikävä
ikävissään {adv} :: in one's longing or yearning
ikävöidä {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to miss, long, yearn
ikävöiminen {n} :: missing, longing, yearning
ikävöinti {n} :: longing, yearning
ikävöitseminen {n} :: alternative form of ikävöiminen
ikävuosi {n} :: year of age
ikävystyä {vi} :: To become bored
ikävystyminen {n} :: becoming bored
ikävystyneesti {adv} :: boredly
ikävystyneisyys {n} :: boredness
ikävystynyt {adj} :: bored
ikävystyttää {vt} :: To bore, tire, weary
ikävystyttäminen {n} :: boring, tiring, wearying
ikävystyttävä {adj} :: boring, dull
ikävystyttävästi {adv} :: boringly, in a dull way
ikävystyttävyys {n} :: boringness, dullness
ikävyys {n} :: tediousness, boringness
ikävyys {n} :: nastiness, badness (of an accident, etc.)
ikäys {n} :: dating (measurement of age)
ikebana {n} :: ikebana
iki- {prefix} :: primitive
iki- {prefix} :: eternal
iki {adv} [dated] :: eternally
ikiaika {n} [literary] :: eternity
ikiaikainen {adj} :: ancient, age-old
ikiajoiksi {adv} :: forever
ikihonka {n} :: old pine
ikihyvä {adj} :: eternally good
iki-ihana {adj} :: ever-lovable, ever-lovely
iki-ihastunut {adj} :: very charmed or attracted
ikijää {n} :: permanent ice
ikikukka {n} :: sunray (flower in the genus Rhodanthe)
ikikukka {n} [in plural] :: the genus Rhodanthe
ikiliikkuja {n} :: perpetual motion machine
ikimaailmassa {adv} :: [with a negation verb, idiomatic] ei ikimaailmassa: never ever, never in this world, never in a million years (strong rejection)
ikimerkki {n} :: forever stamp [US], non-value indicator stamp [UK]
ikimetsä {n} :: old-growth forest, primal forest
ikimuistettava {adj} :: memorable
ikimuistoinen {adj} :: unforgettable, immemorial, memorable
ikinä {adv} :: ever
ikinä {adv} [with the negation verb] :: never, not ... ever
ikinä {adv} [with the negation verb] :: never ever (emphatic never)
ikinaisellinen {adj} :: ever-feminine
ikinen {adv} :: joka ikinen: everyone, every (single) one
ikinuori {adj} :: ever-young
ikioma {adj} :: very own, completely own
ikionnellinen {adj} :: overjoyed
ikipäivänä {adv} [with negative] :: never (emphatic)
ikipäiviksi {adv} :: for all eternity
ikipäivinä {adv} :: alternative form of ikipäivänä
ikirauha {n} :: everlasting peace, death
ikirouta {n} :: permafrost
ikiuni {n} [poetic] :: death
ikivanha {adj} :: ancient, primeval
ikivanha {adj} :: very old
ikivihanta {adj} :: evergreen
ikivihreä {adj} :: evergreen
-ikko {suffix} :: Forms nouns for groups of a particular number
-ikko {suffix} :: Forms nouns for groups of something, often plants
-ikko {suffix} :: Forms nouns for a (land) surface covered in something
-ikko {suffix} :: Forms nouns for land characterised by something in general
ikkuna {n} [architecture] :: window (all senses)
ikkuna {n} :: sash (the opening part of a window)
ikkuna {n} [graphical user interface] :: window
ikkuna-aukko {n} :: window opening, window aperture
ikkunafunktio {n} :: window function
ikkunahätäuloskäynti {n} [aviation] :: overwing exit
-ikkunainen {adj} :: windowed [used only in compounds]
ikkunakirjekuori {n} :: window envelope
ikkunakitti {n} :: window putty
ikkunakuori {n} :: window envelope
ikkunalasi {n} :: windowglass
ikkunalasta {n} :: A squeegee
ikkunalauta {n} :: windowsill
ikkunaliina {n} :: window cleaning cloth
ikkunallinen {adj} :: windowed, fenestrated (having a window or windows)
ikkunaluukku {n} :: exterior shutter
ikkunamainonta {n} :: window advertising
ikkunamainos {n} :: window advertisement
ikkunanäyttely {n} :: window display
ikkunanhaka {n} :: window hook
ikkunankarmi {n} :: window frame
ikkunankehys {n} :: window frame
ikkunankuivain {n} :: window squeegee
ikkunanlasi {n} :: window glass
ikkunanpesijä {n} :: window cleaner (person who cleans windows)
ikkunanpesin {n} :: window cleaner
ikkunanpesu {n} :: window cleaning
ikkunanpieli {n} :: window frame, window jamb
ikkunanpuite {n} :: sash, window sash
ikkunanrako {n} :: window gap
ikkunantiiviste {n} :: window seal
ikkunaostokset {n} :: window shopping
ikkunaostos {n} [rare] :: a purchase made after window shopping
ikkunaovi {n} [architecture] :: French window (outside door with glass panes, serving as a window and a door)
ikkunapaikka {n} :: window seat (in airplane, bus etc.)
ikkunapalkki {n} :: window lintel
ikkunapinta {n} :: window area, glazed area
ikkunapöytä {n} :: windowfront table
ikkunapuite {n} :: alternative form of ikkunanpuite
ikkunaristikko {n} :: window lattice, window grille
ikkunarivi {n} :: row of windows
ikkunaruutu {n} :: window pane
ikkunaseinä {n} :: wall of windows
ikkunasomistus {n} :: window decoration
ikkunasyvennys {n} :: window recess
ikkunatiiviste {n} :: window seal
ikkunaton {adj} :: windowless
ikkunatuuletus {n} :: window ventilation
ikkunaverho {n} :: window curtain
ikkunoida {vt} :: to screen, filter
ikkunoida {vt} :: to window
ikkunointi {n} :: windowing
ikkunointi {n} :: screening, filtering
ikkunointiohjelma {n} [computing] :: window manager
ikneumoni {n} :: Egyptian mongoose, ichneumon, Herpestes ichneumon
Ikonen {prop} :: surname
ikoni {n} :: icon (religious painting)
ikoni {n} :: icon (person)
ikoni {n} [computing] :: icon
ikonimaalari {n} :: An icon painter, one who paints religious icons
ikonimaalaus {n} :: religious icon painting
ikoninen {adj} :: iconic
ikoninurkka {n} [Eastern Orthodoxy] :: icon corner
ikonisuus {n} :: iconicity
ikonitaide {n} :: icon art
ikonografia {n} :: iconography
ikonoklasmi {n} :: iconoclasm
ikonoklasti {n} :: iconoclast
ikonologia {n} :: iconology
ikonostaasi {n} :: iconostasis
ikosaedri {n} [geometry] :: icosahedron
ikterus {n} [pathology] :: jaundice, icterus
iktyologi {n} :: ichthyologist
iktyologia {n} :: ichthyology
iktyonomi {n} :: bachelor in the natural resource sector who has completed his/her degree in a polytechnic (ammattikorkeakoulu)
iktyonomi {n} :: the above degree
iktyoosi {n} [pathology, jargon] :: ichthyosis (disease which gives the sufferer a dry, scaly skin)
iktys {n} [Christianity] :: ichthys
iku- {prefix} [archaic] :: synonym of iki-
ikuinen {adj} :: everlasting, eternal
ikuinen {adj} :: never-ending, perpetual
ikuinen kaupunki {n} :: Eternal City (nickname for Rome, the capital of Italy)
ikuisesti {adv} :: eternally
ikuistaa {v} :: to immortalise (make eternally famous)
ikuistus {n} :: immortalisation
ikuisuus {n} :: The eternity, as a non-religious concept
ikuisuuskysymys {n} :: eternal dilemma, eternal question
ikuisuusongelma {n} :: eternal dilemma, perennial problem
ikuisuusprojekti {n} :: a project that has no end, seems to have no end or has turned out to be considerably longer than expected
ikuna {adv} [nonstandard] :: synonym of ikinä
Iku-Turso {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: A malevolent sea monster
ilahduttaa {vt} :: to delight, cheer up, make someone's day
ilahduttava {adj} :: gratifying, satisfying, delightful
ilahtua {vi} :: To be(come) delighted, be(come) pleased
ilahtuminen {n} :: becoming delighted or pleased
ilakoida {v} :: To rejoice
ilakointi {n} :: rejoicing
Ilari {prop} :: given name
ileostomia {n} [surgery] :: ileostomy
iljanko {n} :: synonym of iljanne
iljankoinen {adj} :: synonym of iljanteinen
iljanne {n} [meteorology] :: glaze, glaze ice
iljanteinen {adj} :: glazy, slippery, slick
iljetä {vt} [auxiliary + infinitive] :: To bring oneself (to do), dare ((to) do), venture (to do), have the nerve (to do)
iljetä {vt} [auxiliary + infinitive] :: To have the impudence/nerve (to do), dare ((to) do), can (do)
iljetä {vt} [auxiliary + infinitive] :: To (can) stomach (to do), can stand (to do)
iljettää {vt} :: To disgust (to cause an intense dislike for something)
iljettävä {adj} :: disgusting, gross
iljettävästi {adv} :: disgustingly
iljettävyys {n} :: disgustingness, grossness
iljetys {n} :: abomination
ilkamoida {v} :: To rejoice
ilkamointi {n} :: rejoicing
ilkeä {adj} :: bad, mean, wicked
ilkeä {adj} :: mischievous, troublesome, cheeky, badly behaved
ilkeäluonteinen {adj} :: of a mean or bad nature
ilkeämielinen {adj} :: malicious
ilkeämielisyys {n} :: malice
ilkeäminen {n} :: bringing oneself or daring to do something
ilkeäminen {n} :: having the impudence or nerve to do something
ilkeännäköinen {adj} :: nasty looking
ilkeästi {adv} :: meanly, wickedly, nastily
ilkeästi {adv} :: mischievously, troublesomely
ilkeillä {vi} :: To act badly, meanly, wickedly
ilkeily {n} :: acting badly, meanly, wickedly
ilkeneminen {n} :: alternative form of ilkeäminen
ilkeys {n} :: wickedness, malice
ilki {adv} :: totally, completely
ilkialasti {adv} :: completely naked, stark naked
ilkialaston {adj} :: stark naked
ilkikurinen {adj} :: mischievous, impish, rascal, malicious, spiteful
ilkikurisesti {adv} :: mischievously, impishly
ilkikurisuus {n} :: mischief, mischievousness, impishness, spitefulness
ilkimys {n} :: rascal
ilkiö {n} :: a rascal
ilkiteko {n} :: outrage (offensive act)
ilkityö {n} :: villainy, mischief, outrage
ilkityöntekijä {n} :: vandal, mischief-maker
ilkivalta {n} :: mischief
ilkivalta {n} [insurance] :: vandalism
ilkivaltainen {adj} :: mischievous
ilkivaltaisesti {adv} :: mischievously
ilkivaltaisuus {n} :: mischievousness
Ilkka {prop} [historical] :: Jaakko Ilkka (hanged in 1597), leader of a Finnish peasant uprising
Ilkka {prop} :: given name, originally in honor of Jaakko Ilkka
ilkkua {v} :: To jeer, scoff
ilkkuminen {n} :: jeering, scoffing
ilkosen {adv} :: stark (modifier used with words alasti and alaston)
ilkosen alasti {adv} [idiomatic] :: stark naked; while being stark naked
ilkosilla {adv} :: alternative form of ilkosillaan
ilkosillaan {adv} :: stark naked
ilkosilleen {adv} :: into (the state of) being stark naked
-illa {suffix} :: Forms frequentative verbs. The resulting verb often describes a more or less leisurely or long-lasting activity, or an activity that is not overly goal-oriented
-illa {suffix} :: Forms action verbs which denote an activity closely related with a noun
illabiaalinen {adj} :: illabial
illakko {n} :: dame's rocket, Hesperis matronalis
illalla {adv} :: in the evening
illallinen {n} :: dinner (main meal of the day; evening meal)
illallinen {n} [also, in plural] :: dinner (formal meal for many people eaten for a special occasion)
illallinen {n} :: supper (evening meal)
illalliskortti {n} :: dinner card, dinner invitation
illalliskutsu {n} [in plural] :: dinner party
illalliskutsu {n} :: invitation to a dinner party
illallispöytä {n} :: dinner table
illallistaa {v} :: to sup, to eat dinner
illallistanssiaiset {n} :: dinner dance (social event)
illallisvieras {n} :: dinner guest, supper guest
illanistujaiset {n} :: get-together held at evening or night (small and intimate social gathering)
illansuu {n} :: nightfall
illansuussa {adv} :: at dark (during nightfall)
illantorkku {n} :: synonym of iltatorkku
illanvietto {n} :: social evening
illanvirkku {n} :: synonym of iltavirkku
illastaa {v} :: To have a supper
illastaminen {n} :: having a supper
illatiivi {n} [grammar] :: illative
illatsut {n} [colloquial] :: social gathering held at evening or night
illegaali {adj} :: illegal
illegaalinen {adj} :: illegal
illemmaksi {adv} :: to (later in) the evening
illemmalla {adv} :: later in the evening, later in the day
illempana {adv} :: later in evening
illiitti {n} [mineral] :: illite
Illinois {prop} :: Illinois (state)
illusionismi {n} [philosophy] :: illusionism
illusionismi {n} [arts] :: illusionism
illusionisti {n} :: illusionist
illusorinen {adj} :: illusory
illustraatio {n} :: illustration
illustroida {v} :: To illustrate
illustrointi {n} :: illustrating
illuusio {n} :: illusion
ilma {n} :: air
ilma {n} :: weather
Ilma {prop} :: given name
ilmaääni {n} :: airborne sound, aerial sound
ilma-alus {n} :: aircraft (vehicle capable of atmospheric flight due to interaction with the air)
ilmaaminen {n} :: bleeding, aerating (act of removing air from a fluid system)
ilmaannousu {n} :: takeoff
ilmaantua {v} :: to crop up (to occur, especially suddenly or unexpectedly)
ilmaantua {v} :: to turn up, show up (to appear, arrive, or attend, especially suddenly or erratically)
ilmaantuminen {n} :: cropping up
ilmaantuminen {n} :: turning up, showing up
ilmaantuvuus {n} :: incidence, occurrence
ilma-ase {n} [uncountable] :: air force
ilma-ase {n} [countable] :: air gun
ilma-aukko {n} :: air opening, air hole
ilmahälytys {n} :: air alert, air alarm (the warning signal during an air attack)
ilmahehku {n} :: airglow
ilmaherruus {n} :: air supremacy, air dominance
ilmahoito {n} :: letting something heal by being exposed to air (such as of a wound)
ilmahuokonen {n} :: air pore
ilmahyökkäys {n} :: airstrike, air attack
ilmailla {vi} :: To aviate
ilmailu {n} :: aviation
ilmailuala {n} :: aviation industry
ilmailuhallinto {n} :: aviation administration
ilmailukartta {n} :: aeronautical chart
ilmailukerho {n} :: flying club, aeroclub, aviation club
ilmailulääketiede {n} :: aeromedicine, aviation medicine
Ilmailulaitos {prop} :: Finnish Civil Aviation Administration; a former authority of the Finnish government with the responsibility for managing Finland's passenger airports and air traffic control. In the beginning of 2010 it was reorganized to a publicly held company and operates under the name Finavia
Ilmailulaitos {prop} :: A similar authority in another country; in this usage often uncapitalized
ilmailulaki {n} :: aviation law
ilmailulehti {n} :: aviation magazine
ilmailunäytös {n} :: air show
ilmailuoikeus {n} :: air law, aviation law
ilmailu-urheilu {n} :: aeronautics, airborne sports
ilmailuyhtiö {n} :: airline
ilmainen {adj} :: free of charge, free, gratis
ilmaisanti {n} :: bonus issue (of shares)
ilmaiseksi {adv} :: for free
ilmaiseminen {n} :: expressing, expression, disclosure
ilmaisemistapa {n} [rare] :: Alternative term for ilmaisukeino
ilmaisetu {n} :: premium (something offered at a reduced price as an inducement to buy something else)
ilmaisetu {n} :: gratuity
ilmaishoito {n} :: free treatment, free care
ilmaisija {n} :: expresser, expounder
ilmaisin {n} :: A detector
ilmaisinalue {n} [graphical user interface] :: tray, system tray, notification area
ilmaisjakelu {n} :: free distribution
ilmaisjakelulehti {n} :: free newspaper
ilmaisjakeluposti {n} :: Any mass-distributed unsolicited printed material that is delivered to the recipient as mail; consists chiefly of Free newspaper and advertising mail
ilmaisjakeluposti {n} :: junk mail (such mail as perceived by many recipients)
ilmaiskappale {n} :: free copy
ilmaisku {n} :: airstrike
ilmaislääke {n} :: free medicine
ilmaisohjelma {n} :: freeware (free software)
ilmaisosakeanti {n} :: synonym of rahastoanti
ilmaispalvelu {n} :: free service
ilmaissähköposti {n} :: freemail
ilmaista {v} :: to express (oneself)
ilmaista {v} :: to denote
ilmaista {v} :: to indicate, point out, show, make known
ilmaisu {n} :: expression (particular way of phrasing an idea)
ilmaisukasvatus {n} :: drama education
ilmaisukeino {n} :: means of expression, way of expressing oneself
ilmaisukyky {n} :: power of expression
ilmaisukykyinen {adj} :: expressive
ilmaisuleikki {n} :: a children's game or play used to teach expressing oneself
ilmaisuliike {n} :: expressive gesture
ilmaisullinen {adj} :: expressive, related to expression
ilmaisumuoto {n} :: form of expression
ilmaisunvapaus {n} :: freedom of expression
ilmaisupakko {n} :: obligation to express
ilmaisutaito {n} :: presentation skill
ilmaisutaito {n} :: theater (drama or performance as a profession or artform, especially as a school subject)
ilmaisutapa {n} :: Alternative term for ilmaisukeino
ilmaisutarve {n} :: need to express
ilmaisuvala {n} :: synonym of ilmoitusvala
ilmaisuväline {n} :: medium or means of expression
ilmaisuvapaus {n} :: alternative form of ilmaisunvapaus
ilmaisuvoima {n} :: expressive power
ilmaisuvoimainen {adj} :: expressive
ilmajäähdytin {n} :: air condenser, air cooler
ilmajäähdytteinen {adj} :: air-cooled
ilmajäähdytys {n} :: air cooling
ilmajarru {n} :: airbrake
ilmajarrutus {n} :: aerobraking
Ilmajärvi {prop} :: Lake Ilmen
ilmajohto {n} :: overhead wire, overhead line, overhead cable
ilmajokelainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Ilmajoki
ilmajokelainen {n} :: a person from or living in Ilmajoki
Ilmajoki {prop} :: Ilmajoki (town/and/municipality)
ilmajokinen {adj} :: alternative form of ilmajokelanien
ilmajokinen {n} :: alternative form of ilmajokelanien
ilmajoukko {n} :: air unit, air troops
ilmajousi {n} :: air spring, air cushion
ilmajousitus {n} :: air suspension
ilmajuoppo {n} :: person who operates an aircraft while drunk
ilmajuuri {n} [botany] :: aerial root
ilmakaapeli {n} :: overhead cable
ilmakaasu {n} :: air gas
ilmakammio {n} :: air compartment, air chamber
ilmakartoitus {n} :: aerial mapping
ilmakäytävä {n} :: air corridor
ilmakehä {n} [meteorology] :: atmosphere (atmosphere of the Earth)
ilmakehä {n} :: synonym of normaali-ilmakehä
ilmakerros {n} :: air layer
ilmakiekko {n} :: air hockey
ilmakiekko {n} :: air hockey puck
ilmakiharrin {n} :: air curler
ilmakirje {n} :: air letter (thin sheet of paper which may be folded to an airmail letter)
ilmakitara {n} [music] :: air guitar
ilmakivääri {n} :: An air rifle
ilmakuiva {adj} :: air-dry
ilmakuivain {n} :: air dryer
ilmakuivata {vt} :: To air-dry
ilmakuivattaa {vt} :: To air-dry
ilmakuivatus {n} :: air drying
ilmakuivaus {n} :: air drying, air curing
ilmakuljetus {n} :: air transport
ilmakulkuneuvo {n} :: aerial vehicle, aeronautical vehicle
ilmakuoppa {n} [aviation] :: air pocket
ilmakupla {n} :: An air bubble
ilmakuva {n} :: aerial photograph
ilmakuvakartoitus {n} :: aerial mapping
ilmakuvakartta {n} :: aerial map
ilmakuvata {vt} :: To take aerial photographs
ilmakuvaus {n} :: aerial photography
ilmakylpy {n} :: air bath (often an euphemism for being naked)
ilmalaakeri {n} :: air bearing
ilmalainausmerkki {n} :: air quote (hand gesture resembling a quotation mark)
ilmalaiva {n} :: blimp, airship, dirigible
ilmalämmitys {n} :: air heating
ilmalämpöpumppu {n} :: air source heat pump
ilmalasta {n} :: inflatable splint, air splint
ilmalento {n} :: volley, flight before a bounce
ilmaliikenne {n} :: air traffic
ilmalukko {n} :: airlock
ilmamaali {n} :: aerial target
ilmamassa {n} :: airmass
ilman {prep} :: without
ilmanala {n} :: climate, clime (long-term atmospheric conditions)
ilman epäilyksen häivääkään {phrase} :: beyond a shadow of a doubt
ilman epäilystäkään {phrase} :: without a doubt (certainly)
ilman että {prep} :: without (used to connect a main clause and a subordinate clause which presents something without which the action described in the main clause is or should be carried out)
ilmanhenki {n} :: slight breeze
ilmanherruus {n} [dated] :: alternative spelling of ilmaherruus
ilmankansi {n} [poetic] :: firmament
ilmankierto {n} :: air circulation, ventilation
ilmankosteus {n} :: air humidity
ilmankostutin {n} :: air humidifier
ilmankostutus {n} :: air humidifying
ilmankuivaaja {n} :: air dryer (machine that dries air)
ilmanlaatu {n} :: air quality
ilman muuta {adv} :: absolutely, without doubt, unhesitatingly
ilmanohjain {n} :: air deflector, spoiler
ilmanopeus {n} :: airspeed
ilmanottoaukko {n} :: air intake
ilmanpaine {n} :: atmospheric pressure (pressure caused by the weight of the atmosphere above an area)
ilmanpaine {n} :: air pressure
ilmanpainekäyrä {n} [meteorology] :: isobar
ilmanpainemittari {n} :: A barometer
ilmanpainevyöhyke {n} :: region of either low or high air pressure
ilman pienintäkään epäilystä {phrase} :: beyond a shadow of a doubt
ilmanpitävä {adj} :: airtight
ilmanpitävästi {adv} :: airtightly
ilmanpoisto {n} :: exhaust ventilation
ilmanpuhallin {n} :: air blower
ilmanpuhdistin {n} :: air cleaner, air purifier
ilmanraikaste {n} :: air freshener (substance)
ilmanraikastin {n} :: air freshener
ilman rihman kiertämää {phrase} [idiomatic] :: without a stitch on (naked)
ilmansaaste {n} :: air pollutant
ilmansuodatin {n} :: air filter
ilmansuojelu {n} :: air protection
ilmansuunta {n} :: compass point, point
ilmanvaihto {n} :: ventilation
ilmanvaihtojärjestelmä {n} :: ventilation system
ilmanvaihtokanava {n} :: ventilation duct
ilmanvaihtokone {n} :: ventilation unit (a machine used for ventilation)
ilmanvaihtolaite {n} :: ventilation device
ilmanvastus {n} [fluid dynamics] :: air resistance, drag, atmospheric drag (force which resists motion of an object through air)
ilmaontelo {n} :: air cavity
ilmapallo {n} :: balloon (inflatable buoyant object)
ilmapalloilla {vi} :: To fly a hot-air balloon
ilmapatja {n} :: air mattress, air bed
ilmapatsas {n} :: air column
ilmaperspektiivi {n} :: aerial perspective
ilmapiika {n} [dated] :: air hostess, stewardess
ilmapiiri {n} :: climate (figuratively: context in general of a particular political, moral etc. situation)
ilmapiiri {n} :: atmosphere (mood or feeling in a situation)
ilmapistooli {n} :: air pistol
ilmapistooliammunta {n} :: shooting with an air pistol
ilmapöhö {n} [pathology] :: emphysema
ilmapumppu {n} :: air pump
Ilmapumppu {prop} :: The constellation Antlia
ilmapuntari {n} :: barometer
ilmapuolustus {n} :: air defense
ilmapurjehdus {n} :: sailplaning, sailing, gliding (sailing in the air such as with a hot air balloon or glider)
ilmapussi {n} [anatomy] :: air sac (of birds)
ilmaputki {n} :: air pipe, air duct
ilmapyörre {n} :: air vortex
ilmarako {n} [botany] :: stoma
ilmarako {n} :: air gap
ilmarata {n} :: elevated railway
ilmarengas {n} :: pneumatic tyre, pneumatic tire
Ilmari {prop} :: given name
Ilmarinen {prop} :: A skillful smith, one of the main characters of Kalevala
Ilmarinen {prop} :: A common name of ships
ilmarinta {n} [disease] :: pneumothorax
ilmarosvo {n} :: air pirate
ilmarosvous {n} :: air piracy
ilmasilta {n} :: airlift
ilmasipuli {n} :: tree onion (Allium × proliferum)
ilmasodankäynti {n} :: aerial warfare
ilmasota {n} :: air war
ilmastaa {vt} :: to aerate (to supply air to)
ilmastaminen {n} :: aerating
ilmaste {n} :: aerating substance
ilmastin {n} :: aerator (device)
ilmasto {n} :: climate
ilmastodenialisti {n} :: climate change denier
ilmastodiagrammi {n} :: climate diagram
ilmastoherkkyys {n} :: climate sensitivity
ilmastohoito {n} :: climatotherapy (treatment by a different climate)
ilmastoida {vt} :: to air-condition
ilmastointi {n} :: air conditioning
ilmastointiasentaja {n} :: air conditioning installer
ilmastointijärjestelmä {n} :: air conditioning system
ilmastointikanava {n} :: air duct, ventilation shaft
ilmastointikone {n} :: air conditioning machine
ilmastointilaite {n} :: air conditioner, climate control
ilmastointilaitteisto {n} :: air conditioning equipment
ilmastointiputki {n} :: air conditioning duct
ilmastointiteippi {n} :: duct tape
ilmastokausi {n} :: climatic period
ilmastollinen {adj} :: climatic
ilmastollisesti {adv} :: climatically
ilmastomalli {n} :: climate model
ilmaston lämpeneminen {n} :: global warming
ilmastonmuutos {n} :: climate change
ilmastonvaihdos {n} :: change of air, change of climate
ilmasto-oppi {n} :: climatology
ilmastopolitiikka {n} :: climate policy, climate politics
ilmastoskenaario {n} :: climate scenario
ilmastotalkoot {n} :: a larger movement aimed to raise awareness about climate change
ilmastotiede {n} :: climatology
ilmastotutkimus {n} :: climate research
ilmastotyyppi {n} :: climate type
ilmastovyöhyke {n} :: climatic zone
ilmastua {vi} :: To become aerated
ilmastus {n} :: aeration (process)
ilmastusallas {n} :: aeration tank
ilmasulku {n} :: airlock
ilmasuoja {n} [military] :: anti-air cover
ilmasuojelu {n} :: aerial defense
ilmata {v} :: to bleed (to remove air from hydraulic system)
ilmatähystys {n} :: aerial monitoring, aerial surveillance
ilmataistelu {n} :: aerial battle, aerial combat
ilmataisteluohjus {n} :: air-to-air missile
ilmatankkaus {n} :: aerial refueling
ilmatankkauskone {n} :: aerial refueling aircraft
ilmatankkeri {n} :: tanker aircraft
Ilmatar {prop} [Finnish mythology] :: An air spirit and the mother of Väinämöinen in the Kalevala
Ilmatar {prop} :: given name
ilmatasku {n} :: air pocket
ilmatäytteinen {adj} :: air-filled
ilmateitse {adv} :: by air
ilmatie {n} [anatomy] :: airway, trachea, windpipe
ilmatie {n} :: air (transport through the air)
ilmatiede {n} :: meteorology
ilmatiehyt {n} [anatomy] :: bronchiole
ilmatieteellinen {adj} :: meteorological
ilmatieteilijä {n} :: climatologist
ilmatiiviisti {adv} :: airtightly, hermetically
ilmatiivis {adj} :: airtight
ilmatila {n} :: airspace
ilmatilaloukkaus {n} :: airspace violation
ilmatoiminta {n} :: air activity
ilmaton {adj} :: airless
ilmatorjunta {n} [military] :: air defense, air defence (all measures designed to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of hostile air action)
ilmatorjunta {n} :: As modifier in compound terms, anti-aircraft
ilmatorjunta-ase {n} :: anti-aircraft gun
ilmatorjuntajoukot {n} :: anti-aircraft forces or troops
ilmatorjuntaohjus {n} :: anti-aircraft missile, surface-to-air missile
ilmatorjuntapatteri {n} :: anti-aircraft battery
ilmatorjuntapatteristo {n} :: anti-aircraft battery (a group of coordinated artillery)
ilmatorjuntatuli {n} [military] :: anti-aircraft fire
ilmatorjuntatykistö {n} :: anti-aircraft artillery
ilmatorjuntatykki {n} :: anti-aircraft gun, flak
ilmatorvi {n} :: airhorn
ilmatuki {n} [military] :: air support
ilmatyhjiö {n} :: air vacuum
ilmatyyny {n} :: air cushion
ilmatyyny {n} :: airbag (protective system in automobiles)
ilmatyynyalus {n} :: hovercraft, air cushion vehicle, ground-effect machine
ilmaurheilu {n} :: air sport
ilmaus {n} :: expression (particular way of phrasing an idea)
ilmaus {n} :: expression (colloquialism or idiom)
ilmaus {n} :: bleeding (act of removing air from a fluid system)
ilmausruuvi {n} :: bleed screw
ilmava {adj} :: fluffy, airy
ilmavaara {n} [military] :: air threat (threat of imminent enemy airstrike)
ilmavaara {n} :: air alarm (alarm sounded to warn for such hazard)
ilmavaivat {n} :: flatulence
ilmaväli {n} [internet] :: air gap (network security measure)
ilmavalokuva {n} :: aerial photograph
ilmavalokuvaus {n} :: aerial photography
ilmavalvonta {n} :: aerial surveillance
ilmavalvontatorni {n} :: aerial surveillance tower, air defense tower
ilmavarsi {n} [botany] :: aerial stem
ilmavasara {n} :: air hammer
ilmavasti {adv} :: airily (in the concrete sense only)
ilmaväylä {n} :: synonym of ääniväylä
ilmaveivi {n} [ice hockey] :: Michigan, high wrap, lacrosse move (deke consisting of lifting the puck with the stick and throwing it under the top corner of the goal, while skating behind the net)
ilmaverho {n} :: air curtain
ilmaverso {n} [botany] :: aerial shoot
ilmavirta {n} :: air current, airflow
ilmavirtaus {n} :: air current
ilmavoima {n} :: military force applied from the air
ilmavoima {n} :: In plural, air force; see ilmavoimat
ilmavoimalainen {n} [rare] :: airman (member of an air force)
ilmavoimat {n} :: air force
ilmavoitto {n} [military] :: aerial victory
ilmavuus {n} :: airiness
ilmaylivoima {n} [military] :: air superiority
ilme {n} :: facial expression, look, mien, appearance, countenance (features and expression of the face)
ilme {n} :: air (feeling or sense)
ilmeetön {adj} :: expressionless
ilmeettömästi {adv} :: blankly, expressionlessly
ilmeettömyys {n} :: expressionlessness
ilmehdintä {n} :: making of faces (act of showing a number of facial expressions in a row, often to entertain someone or to draw attention to oneself)
ilmehtiä {v} :: to make faces, make a face, pull a face
ilmeikäs {adj} :: expressive
ilmeikkäästi {adv} :: expressively
ilmeikkyys {n} :: expressiveness
ilmeillä {v} :: To make faces
ilmeily {n} :: making faces
ilmeinen {adj} :: apparent, evident, obvious
ilmeisemmin {adv} :: comparative of ilmeisesti
ilmeisesti {adv} :: apparently, evidently, obviously
ilmeittää {vt} [music, rare] :: to give a personal touch or sound when playing or singing
ilmelihas {n} [usually, in plural] :: facial muscle, particularly a small muscle that has an effect on the expression on a face; muscle of facial expression
ilmenemä {n} :: manifestation
ilmeneminen {n} :: appearing, turning out, becoming apparent
ilmenemismuoto {n} :: manifestation (embodiment of an intangible or variable thing)
ilmeniitti {n} [mineral] :: ilmenite
ilmennys {n} :: embodiment, exemplification, expression, indication
ilmentää {v} :: to embody, exemplify, express, indicate
ilmentyä {vi} :: To be manifested
ilmentymä {n} :: manifestation
ilmentymä {n} [biology] :: expression (process of translating a gene into a protein)
ilmentymä {n} [computing] :: instance
ilmestyä {v} :: to show up, appear, pop up, materialize (to arrive, especially suddenly or erratically)
ilmestyä {v} :: to emerge (to come into view)
ilmestyä {v} :: to be issued, be released
ilmestyminen {n} :: showing up, appearing
ilmestyminen {n} :: emerging
ilmestyminen {n} :: being issued or released
ilmestymisaika {n} :: time of publication
ilmestymispäivä {n} :: date of publication
ilmestymisvuosi {n} :: year of publication
ilmestys {n} :: Vision, apparition, manifestation
ilmestys {n} :: Phenomenon, spectacle, sight
ilmestys {n} [religion] :: Revelation
ilmestyskirja {n} [colloquial] :: Revelation (last book of the Bible)
Ilmestyskirja {prop} :: alternative spelling of ilmestyskirja
ilmestysmaja {n} :: tabernacle (tent)
ilmestyspäivä {n} :: synonym of Marian ilmestyspäivä
ilmetä {v} :: To appear, turn out; to become apparent; to arise [figuratively]
ilmetty {adj} :: (of a person, especially an actor) natural, veritable, genuine
ilmi {adv} :: public, known, to the daylight, to the open (ceasing to be secret, unknown or hidden)
ilmi {adv} [as modifier] :: completely, very much
ilmi {adv} [as modifier] :: real, true
Ilmi {prop} :: given name
ilmiantaa {vt} :: To inform, report (a crime, dissenter etc.)
ilmiantaja {n} :: informer (person who tells authorities about improper or illegal activity)
ilmianto {n} :: report, reporting, complaint
ilmianto {n} :: whistleblowing
ilmiantovelvollisuus {n} :: obligation to report
ilmiasu {n} :: appearance
ilmiasu {n} :: phenotype
ilmi elävä {adj} :: alive, real live, in the flesh
ilmielävä {adj} :: alternative form of ilmi elävä
ilmielävästi {adv} :: in the flesh
ilmiliekki {n} [chiefly in plural and in locational cases] :: the state of being burning down or being ablaze
ilmiö {n} :: phenomenon
ilmiömäinen {adj} :: phenomenal
ilmiömäisesti {adv} :: phenomenally
ilmiömäisyys {n} :: phenomenality
ilmiriita {n} :: heated public argument
ilmiselvä {adj} :: obvious
ilmiselvästi {adv} :: obviously, plainly, self-evidently
ilmisota {n} :: outright war, proper war
ilmitulo {n} :: disclosure, discovery
ilmituoda {v} :: To reveal
ilmituominen {n} :: disclosure, act of disclosing
Ilmo {prop} :: given name
ilmoite {n} [uncommon] :: synonym of ilmoitus
ilmoitella {v} :: To inform, announce (repeatedly, indifferently)
ilmoitse {adv} :: by air
ilmoittaa {vt} [+ elative] :: to report, in the sense of notifying; to announce, declare
ilmoittaa {vt} [+ accusative] :: to announce, notify, declare
ilmoittaja {n} :: informant
ilmoittaminen {n} :: reporting, announcing, notifying
ilmoittautua {vi} :: to enrol/enroll in, register in (school = kouluun, a course = kurssille)
ilmoittautua {vi} :: to sign up for, join (to add one's name to the list of people who are participating in something, join an amateur team)
ilmoittautua {vi} :: to enter (a competition, contest = kilpailuun)
ilmoittautua {vi} [military] :: to report (to show up or appear at an appointed time; to present oneself)
ilmoittautua {vi} [hospital] :: to register, check in, sign in, report (to the reception / receptionist, admissions office, or medical staff), say / give your name to the receptionist, fill in / complete your registration (form)
ilmoittautuminen {n} :: enrolment, registration, entrance
ilmoittautumisaika {n} :: registration time
ilmoittautumislomake {n} :: signup form
ilmoittautunut {n} :: registree, matriculant
ilmoittelu {n} :: informing, announcing (repeatedly)
ilmoittua {v} [rare] :: To become aired (exposed to air)
ilmoitus {n} :: notification, notice
ilmoitus {n} :: advertisement
ilmoitus {n} :: announcement
ilmoitus {n} :: declaration
ilmoitus {n} :: return; in veroilmoitus (tax return)
ilmoitusasia {n} :: announcement, some matter that is to be announced
ilmoitushinta {n} :: price or cost of a notice, announcement or advertisement
ilmoitusjakso {n} :: reporting period
ilmoituskaappi {n} :: noticeboard cabinet
ilmoituslehti {n} :: advertising leaflet, advertising sheet
ilmoituslehti {n} :: newspaper
ilmoitusmenettely {n} :: notification procedure
ilmoitusmyynti {n} :: advertising sales
ilmoitusosasto {n} :: advertising or notice section (in a newspaper)
ilmoituspalkki {n} [graphical user interface] :: notification bar (in mobile operating systems)
ilmoituspalsta {n} :: advertising column, announcement column
ilmoitussivu {n} :: advertising page
ilmoitustaulu {n} :: bulletin board, notice board, message board
ilmoitustulot {n} :: advertising revenue
ilmoitustunnus {n} :: A code identifying either the issuer or payer of an invoice or submitted tax document
ilmoitusvala {n} :: oath of notice (such as for the notice of one's property or possessions for repossession)
ilmoitusväline {n} :: notification tool, declaration tool
ilmoitusvelvollinen {adj} :: obliged to report
ilmoitusvelvollisuus {n} :: notification obligation
ilo {n} :: joy, delight, happiness, pleasure
ilo {n} :: love, lover (especially when used with a possessive suffix)
ilohuuto {n} :: cry of joy
iloinen {adj} :: happy, cheerful
iloinen {adj} :: glad
iloinen kuin peipponen {adj} [simile] :: happy as a clam
iloisa {adj} [rare] :: synonym of iloinen
iloisempi {adj} :: comparative of iloinen
iloisesti {adv} :: happily, merrily, gaily
iloissaan {adv} :: in one's joy, (while) happy, joyfully
iloisuus {n} :: joyfulness
iloita {v} :: to be happy, glad, cheerful [of]
iloitseminen {n} :: being happy, glad or cheerful
ilojuhla {n} :: feast, celebration
ilokaasu {n} :: laughing gas
ilolaulu {n} :: paean (any loud and joyous song; a song of triumph)
iloliemi {n} [colloquial, jocular] :: alcoholic drink, alcohol
ilolintu {n} [euphemistic] :: prostitute
iloluontoinen {adj} :: high-spirited, cheery, jovial
Ilomantsi {prop} :: Ilomantsi
ilomantsilainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Ilomantsi
ilomantsilainen {n} :: a person from or living in Ilomantsi
ilomieli {n} :: joyful mind, happy mind
ilomielin {adv} :: with pleasure, gladly (willingly; without argument)
ilomielinen {adj} :: cheerful, joyful
ilomielisesti {adv} :: synonym of ilomielin
ilomielisyys {n} :: cheerfulness, joyfulness
Ilona {prop} :: given name
ilonaihe {n} :: cause or reason of joy or pleasure
ilonkyynel {n} :: A tear of joy
ilonpilaaja {n} :: spoilsport, cold fish, killjoy, party pooper, stick in the mud, wet blanket (someone who puts an end to others' fun)
ilonpilaaja {n} :: spoiler (document, review or comment that discloses the ending or some key surprise, or twist in a story)
ilonpitäjä {n} :: merrymaker
ilonpito {n} :: amusement, merrymaking
ilonpurkaus {n} :: A burst of joy
ilopilleri {n} :: ray of light, ray of sunshine, life of a party
ilosanoma {n} :: gospel (message expected to have positive reception or effect)
ilostua {vi} :: To become delighted
ilostuttaa {v} :: To delight, cheer up
ilostuttaminen {n} :: delighting, cheering up
ilotalo {n} :: fun house, brothel
ilotella {vi} :: To frolic
ilotikku {n} :: joystick
iloton {adj} :: gloomy
ilotteleminen {n} :: frolicking
ilottelu {n} :: frolicking
ilottomasti {adv} :: gloomily
ilottomuus {n} :: joylessness (lack of joy)
ilotulite {n} :: [usually plural] firework
ilotulitus {n} :: fireworks
ilotulitusaine {n} :: fireworks material
ilotulitusraketti {n} :: skyrocket (type of firework)
ilotulitusväline {n} [technical] :: a firework
ilotyttö {n} :: A (young) female prostitute
ilouutinen {n} :: good news, joyful news
Ilpo {prop} :: given name
Ilpotar {prop} [archaic] :: given name
Ilppo {prop} :: given name
ilta {n} :: evening
Ilta {prop} :: given name
iltaa {interj} :: good evening
ilta-aika {n} :: evening time
ilta-askare {n} :: evening chore
ilta-ateria {n} :: evening meal, supper
ilta-aurinko {n} :: evening sun
iltahämärä {n} :: dusk, nightfall, gloaming (evening twilight)
iltahämärissä {adv} :: at dark (at the time of nightfall)
iltahartaus {n} :: evening prayer, evensong
iltahelokki {n} [plant] :: evening primrose, evening star (Oenothera biennis)
iltahetki {n} :: a moment during the evening
iltahuuto {n} [military] :: evening muster
iltahuvi {n} :: evening or night of entertainment
iltaihminen {n} :: A night person
iltainen {adj} :: happening in the evening or night
iltaisin {adv} :: in the evening, in the evenings
iltaisin {adj} :: superlative of iltainen
iltaistunto {n} :: evening or night session or sitting
iltajuhla {n} :: soiree (formal evening party)
iltajuhla {n} :: rout (large evening party)
iltajumalanpalvelus {n} :: vespers
iltajumalanpalvelus {n} :: evensong, evening service
iltajuna {n} :: late train, evening train, night train
iltakahdeksan {n} :: 8 p.m.
iltakahvi {n} :: evening coffee
iltakaksi {n} [rare] :: 2 p.m.
iltakaksitoista {n} [rare] :: 12 a.m. (midnight)
iltakausi {n} :: evening period
iltakävely {n} :: evening or night walk
iltakello {n} :: evening bell
iltakilpailu {n} :: evening competition
iltakirkko {n} :: evening church
iltakolme {n} :: 3 p.m.
iltakoulu {n} :: night school
iltakurssi {n} :: evening or night class or course
iltakutsut {n} :: invitation or social gathering held at evening or night
iltakuusi {n} :: Six o'clock at evening
iltakymmenen {n} :: 10 p.m.
iltalaukku {n} :: evening bag
iltalehti {n} :: evening paper or newspaper
iltalinja {n} :: line of education with classes in the evening
iltalisä {n} :: evening allowance (extra payment for working in the evening)
iltaloma {n} :: evening or night off work, etc
iltalukio {n} :: evening school, evening lukio
iltalypsy {n} :: evening milking (milking a cow in the evening)
iltalypsy {n} [politics, figuratively] :: An attempt to gain something extra out of an agreement after the negotiators have agreed on the content but the contract has not yet been signed by the parties or, in case of a political decision, has not yet been approved by the decision-making body
iltama {n} [usually in plural] :: social evening
iltamessu {n} :: evensong, vespers
iltamyöhä {n} :: late in the evening
iltamyöhäinen {n} :: synonym of iltamyöhä
iltamyöhäinen {adj} :: happening in late in the evening or early in the night
iltanäytäntö {n} :: evening performance or show
iltaneljä {n} :: 4 p.m.
iltanen {n} [chiefly dialectal] :: synonym of ilta
iltanuotio {n} :: evening or night campfire
ilta on aamua viisaampi {proverb} :: one attains knowledge and wisdom during the day
ilta on aamua viisaampi {proverb} :: putting something off until a bit later can be a good decision, especially if you are acting sentimentally
iltaopetus {n} :: evening lesson, evening class, evening education (lessons, classes, or other form of teaching taken place during the evening or night)
iltaopiskelija {n} :: evening or night class student
iltaopiskelu {n} :: evening or night class studying
iltapäivä {n} :: An afternoon, roughly the period between 12 noon and 6 p.m
iltapäivää {interj} [colloquial] :: good afternoon
iltapäiväateria {n} :: afternoon meal, dinner
iltapäivähoito {n} :: after-school care
iltapäiväinen {adj} :: happening in the afternoon
iltapäiväkahvi {n} :: afternoon coffee, afternoon coffee break
iltapäiväkerho {n} :: afterschool club
iltapäivälehti {n} :: tabloid (newspaper that favours stories of sensational nature)
iltapäiväohjelma {n} :: afternoon program, afternoon session
iltapäiväruuhka {n} :: afternoon rush hour
iltapäivätoiminta {n} :: afternoon activity
iltapäivävahti {n} :: dogwatch (aboard a ship, a watch between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.)
iltapala {n} :: supper, evening or night snack
iltapesu {n} :: washing up before bed
iltapimeä {n} :: evening dark, dusk
iltapuhde {n} :: evening twilight
iltapuku {n} :: evening dress (ladies' long, festive dress)
iltapukuinen {adj} :: wearing an evening dress (formal attire for evenings)
iltapuoli {n} :: afternoon
iltaravit {n} :: harness racing event held at evening or night
iltarukous {n} :: evening prayer
iltaruoka {n} :: supper (meal eaten during the evening or night)
iltarusko {n} :: sunset, sundown, sunset glow, afterglow (reddish glow seen in the sky after sunset)
iltasatu {n} :: bedtime story
iltaseitsemän {n} :: 7 p.m.
iltasella {adv} [poetic] :: at evening or night
iltasoitto {n} :: curfew, tattoo (music played in the evening to signal induce some action, such as soldiers returning to their quarters)
iltasuunnitelma {n} :: evening plan
iltatähti {n} :: evening star (planet Venus seen in the western sky in the evening)
iltatähti {n} :: caboose (youngest child who is born after a big gap in time)
iltataivas {n} :: evening sky
iltatee {n} :: evening tea
iltatilaisuus {n} :: evening event, evening session
iltatoimi {n} [usually, in plural] :: evening routine
iltatori {n} :: evening market
iltatorkku {n} :: a person who is sleepy in the evenings
iltatyö {n} :: evening work
iltauninen {adj} :: sleepy in the evenings
iltauutiset {n} :: evening news
iltavahti {n} :: first watch (aboard a ship, a watch from 8 p.m. to midnight)
iltavalaistus {n} :: evening lighting, night lighting
iltavapaa {n} :: evening off (such as for conscripts after a day of service)
iltaviisi {n} :: 5 p.m.
iltavirkku {n} :: night owl, night person
iltavoimistelu {n} :: evening calisthenics
iltavuoro {n} :: evening shift
iltayhdeksän {n} :: 9 p.m.
iltayksi {n} [rare] :: 1 p.m.
iltayksitoista {n} :: 11 p.m.
iltayö {n} :: late evening; the time after evening and before midnight
iltti {n} :: tongue (flap in a shoe)
ilve {n} :: trick, joke
ilvehtiä {v} :: To jest, to make fun
ilveilijä {n} :: An antic, geek (grotesque performer)
ilveilijäbarbi {n} :: clown barb (Barbodes everetti)
ilveillä {vi} :: To antic (to perform antics)
ilveily {n} :: anticking
ilves {n} :: lynx (any of the four species in genus Lynx)
ilves {n} :: Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx
Ilves {prop} [uncountable] :: Lynx (constellation)
Ilves {prop} :: surname
Ilves {prop} :: A Finnish major league ice hockey team
imaami {n} :: imam
imaginaariakseli {n} [math] :: imaginary axis
imaginaariluku {n} [mathematics] :: imaginary number
imaginääriluku {n} [mathematics] :: imaginary number
imaginaarinen {adj} [mathematics] :: imaginary
imaginaariosa {n} [mathematics] :: imaginary part
imaginääriosa {n} :: alternative form of imaginaariosa
imaginaariyksikkö {n} [mathematics] :: imaginary unit
imaginaatio {n} :: imagination
imago {n} :: image (a characteristic of a person, group or company, how one is, or wishes to be, perceived by others)
imagonrakennus {n} :: image building
imagonrakentaja {n} :: image builder
imaista {vt} :: To suck (rapidly, once)
imaisu {n} :: sucking (absorbing or sucking something rapidly once)
imareetti {n} [historical] :: imaret
imareetti {n} [by extension, dated] :: soup kitchen
imarre {n} :: short for kallioimarre
imarre {n} :: With a modifier, used in the names of several similar-looking ferns of various genera
imarrella {vt} :: To flatter, compliment, (colloquially) to butter up, soft-soap, suck up to
imarrella {vt} :: To coax, cajole, beguile
imarrella {vt} :: To toady to, truckle to, carry favor with, (colloquially) to brownnose, kiss/lick sb's ass/boots
imarteleva {adj} :: flattering, complimentary
imartelija {n} :: flatterer, sycophant (one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage)
imartelu {n} :: flattery
Imatra {prop} :: Imatra (town/and/municipality)
imatralainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Imatra
imatralainen {n} :: a person from or living in Imatra
imbesilli {n} :: imbecile
imeä {vt} :: to suck
imeä {vt} :: to absorb
imeä {vt} :: to pull towards, attract
imeä {vt} [medicine] :: to aspirate
imeentyä {v} :: synonym of imeytyä
imeksiä {v} :: To suck (using mouth)
imelä {adj} :: overly sweet, sugary, syrupy
imelä {adj} [figuratively] :: cloying, syrupy
imeläkirsikka {n} [botany] :: sweet cherry, Prunus livium
imelälimppu {n} :: sweetened bread loaf
imelästi {adv} :: in an overly sweet manner, sugarily, syrupily
imelle {n} :: sweetener
imellys {n} :: sweetening starchy foods by prolonged heating
imellysaine {n} :: synonym of makeutusaine
imellytetty {adj} :: synonym of imelletty
imellyttää {v} :: alternative form of imeltää
imelöittää {v} :: to sweeten
imelöittää {v} [rare] :: alternative form of imeltää
imeltää {vt} [cooking] :: to sweeten starchy foods by keeping them warm over a lengthy period
imeltyä {vi} :: To become sweet
imelyys {n} :: sugariness, sweetness
imeminen {n} :: sucking
imeminen {n} :: absorbing
imeminen {n} :: attracting, pulling towards
imentä {n} :: sucking
imeskellä {vi} :: to suck (casually, for a while; like e.g. a lollipop)
imeskellä {vt} [medicine] :: to (slowly) dissolve a medicine tablet in the mouth instead of biting it or swallowing it whole
imeskely {n} :: sucking (casually, for a long time, like a lollipop)
imeskelytabletti {n} [medicine] :: orally disintegrating tablet, lozenge
imettää {vt} :: to breastfeed
imettäjä {n} :: wet nurse
imettäminen {n} :: breastfeeding
imettäväinen {n} [dated] :: mammal
imetys {n} :: breastfeeding, lactation (process of providing breast milk to the offspring)
imetysaika {n} :: lactation period
imeväinen {n} :: A suckling (baby that has not been weaned yet)
imeväisikä {n} :: infancy, babyhood
imeväisikäinen {adj} :: infant
imeväiskuolleisuus {n} :: infant mortality
imeväiskuolleisuus {n} :: infant mortality rate (the ratio of the number of children dying before their first birthday to the number of births, usually expressed as number per thousand live births)
imeyttää {vt} :: To cause to be absorbed
imeyttäminen {n} :: causing to be absorbed, absorbing
imeytyä {vi} :: to become sucked up, absorbed
imeytyminen {n} :: becoming absorbed
imeytymishäiriö {n} :: malabsorption
imeytys {n} :: absorbing (causing something to be absorbed)
imeytyskenttä {n} :: drain field, drainfield, septic drain field, leach field
imidatsoli {n} [chemistry] :: imidazole
imiini {n} [chemistry] :: imine
imijä {n} :: sucker
imikkä {n} :: pulmonaria, lungwort (plant of the genus Pulmonaria)
imitaatio {n} :: imitation
imitaattori {n} :: impersonator, mimic, mimicker (entertainer whose act is based upon performing impressions of others)
imitoida {vt} [esp. of an impressionist, + partitive] :: to imitate, mimic, impersonate
imitoija {n} :: impressionist (a comedian who imitates famous people)
imitoiminen {n} :: imitation
imitointi {n} :: imitation
immanenssi {n} :: immanence
immanentti {n} :: immanent
Immanuel {prop} [biblical character] :: Immanuel
Immanuel {prop} :: given name, rare in this form. Short forms: Immo, Manu
immateriaali {adj} :: synonym of immateriaalinen
immateriaalinen {adj} :: immaterial
immateriaalioikeudet {n} [legal, accounting] :: intellectual property (copyrights, patents and trademarks as property category)
immateriaalioikeus {n} [legal, accounting] :: intellectual property (an individual copyright, patent or trademark as property item; usually used in plural)
immateriaalioikeus {n} [legal] :: immaterial law (legislature that concerns intellectual property)
immediatismi {n} :: immediatism
immenkalvo {n} [anatomy] :: hymen, maidenhead, virginal membrane
immenkukka {n} :: clarkia
immersio {n} :: immersion
immigrantti {n} :: immigrant
-immin {suffix} :: Makes superlative forms of adverbs, primarily -sti adverbs
Immo {prop} :: given name
Immonen {prop} :: surname
immunisaatio {n} :: immunisation/immunization
immunisoida {vt} :: To immunize
immunisointi {n} :: immunizing
immunisoitua {vi} :: To become immune
immuniteetti {n} :: immunity
immunoglobuliini {n} [biochemistry] :: synonym of vasta-aine
immunokemia {n} :: immunochemistry
immunologi {n} :: immunologist
immunologia {n} :: immunology
immunologinen {adj} :: immunological
immunometrinen {adj} :: immunometric
immunopatologia {n} [medicine] :: immunopathology
immunosenesenssi {n} [immunology, pathology] :: immunosenescence (gradual deterioration of the immune system caused by the ageing process)
immunosuppressio {n} :: immunosuppression
immunoterapia {n} [immunology, oncology] :: immunotherapy
immunotoksiini {n} :: immunotoxin
immunotoksikologi {n} :: immunotoxicologist
immunotoksikologia {n} :: immunotoxicology
immuuni {adj} :: immune
immuunihoito {n} :: immunotherapy
immuunijärjestelmä {n} :: immune system
immuunikato {n} :: AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome
immuunipuolustus {n} :: immune defense, immunological defense
immuunipuolustusjärjestelmä {n} [anatomy, medicine] :: immune system
immuunistaa {vt} :: To immunize
immuunistua {vi} [rare] :: To become immune
immuunius {n} :: immunity
immuunivälitteinen {adj} :: immune-mediated
immuunivaste {n} :: immune response
immyt {n} [poetic] :: virgin
impakti {n} :: impact
impala {prop} :: impala
impata {v} :: To sniff, huff something in order to get intoxicated
impedanssi {n} [physics] :: impedance
impedanssitomografia {n} :: electrical impedance tomography
imperaattori {n} :: imperator
imperatiivi {n} [grammar] :: imperative
imperatiivinen {adj} [grammar] :: imperative (of or relating to the imperative mood)
imperfekti {n} [grammar] :: Simple past, imperfect (tense)
imperfektiivinen aspekti {n} [linguistics] :: imperfective aspect (especially in the context of Slavic languages)
imperiaalisänky {n} [historical] :: a type of bed that could be shortened by pushing its ends together while not in use
imperialismi {n} :: imperialism
imperialisti {n} :: imperialist
imperialistinen {adj} :: imperialistic
imperiumi {n} :: empire (political unit)
imperiumi {n} :: empire (group of states)
imperiumi {n} :: empire (area under the power of one person)
impersonaali {n} [grammar] :: impersonal
impersonaalinen {adj} [grammar, rare] :: impersonal
impeys {n} :: virginity
impi {n} [dated] :: virgin
Impi {prop} :: given name used around 1900; rare today
impivaaralainen {adj} [politics] :: isolationist, parochial
impivaaralaisuus {n} [politics] :: isolationism, parochialism
implantaatio {n} :: implantation
implantaatti {n} :: alternative form of implantti
implantoida {v} [medicine, professional jargon] :: To implant (to insert surgically into the body)
implantti {n} :: implant
implikaatio {n} :: implication
implikatiivinen {adj} :: implicative
implikoida {v} :: To imply (to suggest a logical inference)
implikoida {vt} :: To implicate, imply (to have as a necessary consequence or accompaniment)
implisiittifunktiolause {n} :: implicit function theorem
implisiittinen {adj} :: implicit
implisiittisesti {adv} :: implicitly
implisiittisyys {n} :: implicitness
implisoida {v} :: alternative form of implikoida
imploosio {n} :: implosion
implosiivi {n} [phonetics] :: an implosive
imponoida {v} :: To impress
importoida {vt} :: To import
impotenssi {n} :: Sexual impotence
impotentti {adj} :: Sexually impotent
imppaaja {n} :: synonym of imppari
imppaaminen {n} :: sniffing or huffing something to get intoxicated
imppari {n} :: huffer (addict who gets a high by inhaling or sniffing intoxicating fumes)
imppaus {n} [colloquial] :: Sniffing or huffing, or the inhalation of the fumes, of something in order to get intoxicated
impregnoida {v} :: To impregnate
impregnointi {n} :: impregnation
impressaari {n} :: impresario
impressaario {n} :: impresario
impressionismi {n} :: impressionism
impressionisti {n} :: impressionist
impressionistinen {adj} :: impressionistic
improbatur {n} :: An academic grade used in Finnish abitur and university theses, corresponds to fail
improvisaatio {n} :: improvisation
improvisatorinen {adj} :: improvisatory
improvisoida {v} :: To improvise
improvisoiminen {n} :: improvising
improvisointi {n} :: improvising
impudenssi {n} :: impudence
impulsiivinen {adj} :: impulsive
impulsiivisesti {adv} :: impulsively
impulsiivisuus {n} :: impulsiveness
impulssi {n} :: impulse
impulssi {n} [physics] :: impulse
impulssimomentti {n} [physics] :: angular momentum
impulssiosto {n} :: synonym of heräteosto
impulssivaste {n} [signal processing] :: impulse response
imputaatio {n} :: imputation
imputoida {v} [statistics] :: To impute
imputointi {n} [statistics] :: imputation
imu {n} :: suction
imu {n} :: undertow (flow of water returning seaward from the waves breaking on the shore)
imu {n} :: slipstream
imuauto {n} :: vacuum truck, vacuum tanker
imubetoni {n} :: a method of applying concrete where it is dried by sucking out the water
imujuoksutin {n} [rare] :: A siphon
imujuuri {n} [botany] :: haustorium
imukaasu {n} :: aspirating gas
imukaasumoottori {n} :: an early type of combustion engine fueled by a gas containing carbon monoxide
imukala {n} :: seasnail (Liparis liparis)
imukärsä {n} [biology] :: proboscis
imuke {n} :: A cigarette holder
imukeräily {n} :: transportation of milk by suction hoses to a tanker or tank truck
imukudos {n} [anatomy] :: lymphatic tissue
imukuppi {n} :: suction cup
imukuppi {n} :: sucker (organ or body part that does the sucking of octopus and some fishes)
imukuppi {n} :: synonym of viemäripumppu
imukuppi {n} [medicine] :: ventouse (suction cup like device used on a baby's head to assist in difficult childbirths)
imukuppisynnytys {n} :: ventouse-assisted delivery, vacuum-assisted delivery, vacuum extraction
imulasi {n} :: cupping glass
imumato {n} :: synonym of tiehytmato
imuneste {n} [physiology] :: lymph
imupaperi {n} :: blotting paper
imupilli {n} :: drinking straw
imupumppu {n} :: suction pump
imurauhanen {n} [anatomy] :: lymph gland
imuri {n} :: vacuum cleaner
imuri {n} :: fan (fan applied to exhausting air or other gas from somewhere - like from a house)
imuroida {vt} :: To vacuum
imuroida {vt} [computing] :: To download
imuroiminen {n} :: vacuuming
imuroiminen {n} [compuiting] :: downloading
imurointi {n} :: vacuuming
imurointi {n} [colloquial, computing] :: download
imuruoppaaja {n} [nautical] :: suction dredger (type of dredger which removes excess material from the bottom of a waterway by suction)
imuruoppaus {n} [nautical] :: suction dredging (method of dredging in which the dredged material is removed from the bottom of the waterway by suction)
imusarja {n} :: intake manifold, inlet manifold
imusolmuke {n} [anatomy] :: lymph node
imusolmukeajos {n} [pathology] :: bubo (inflamed swelling of a lymph node, especially due to an infection such as bubonic plague, gonorrhea, tuberculosis or syphilis)
imusolmukesyöpä {n} [oncology, pathology] :: lymphoma
imusolmuketauti {n} :: lymphadenopathy
imusolmuketulehdus {n} [pathology] :: lymphadenitis
imusolmukkeentulehdus {n} [pathology] :: A lymphadenitis
imusolu {n} [cytology, immunology] :: lymphocyte
imusuonentulehdus {n} [pathology] :: A lymphangitis
imusuoni {n} [anatomy] :: lymph vessel, lymphatic vessel
imusuoniluomi {n} :: lymphangioma (benign tumour of the lymph vessel)
imusuonisto {n} [anatomy] :: lymphatic system
imutahti {n} :: intake stroke (of a four-stroke engine)
imuttaa {v} [slang] :: To kiss intensively
imuttaa {v} [slang] :: To download
imuventtiili {n} :: inlet valve, intake valve
-in {suffix} :: Suffix variant for the illative singular, see -Vn
-in {suffix} :: Instructive case suffix
-in {suffix} [poetic] :: A variant for the first-person singular possessive suffix -ni
-in {suffix} [rare] :: Forms the genitive plural
-in {suffix} :: Forms superlative adjectives
-in {suffix} :: Forms inanimate instrumental nouns from verbs
inahdus {n} :: peep (feeble utterance or complaint)
inahtaa {vi} :: To utter a sound
inahtaminen {n} :: uttering (making a sound)
inaktiivinen {adj} :: inactive
Inari {prop} [uncountable] :: Inari (lake)
Inari {prop} [uncountable] :: Inari (municipality and its central village)
Inari {prop} [uncountable] :: Inari (asteroid)
Inari {prop} :: given name from the name of the lake
Inari {prop} [dated, rare] :: given name
Inarijärvi {n} :: Lake Inari (lake in Finnish Lapland, third largest in Finland)
inarilainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Inari (Finnish municipality)
inarilainen {n} :: a person from or living in Inari (Finnish municipality)
inarinsaame {n} :: The Inari Sami language
inarinsaamelainen {adj} :: Inari Sami (belonging or related to the Sami group living around lake Inari)
inarinsaamelainen {n} :: Inari Sami (a person from the Sami group living around lake Inari)
indefiniitti {adj} :: alternative form of indefiniittinen
indefiniittinen {adj} :: indefinite
indefiniittipronomini {n} [grammar] :: indefinite pronoun
indefiniittisyys {n} [grammar] :: indefiniteness
indeksi {n} :: index
indeksiehto {n} :: indexation clause, index clause
indeksikartta {n} :: index map
indeksikori {n} :: market basket
indeksikorotus {n} :: indexation
indeksiluku {n} :: index number, index
indeksirahasto {n} :: index fund
indeksisidonnaisuus {n} :: indexing, indexation, escalation, index linkage
indeksoida {v} :: To index
indeksointi {n} :: indexing
indeksointikieli {n} [information science] :: indexing language
indeterminismi {n} :: indeterminism
Indiana {prop} :: Indiana (state)
indifferenssi {n} :: indifference
indifferentti {adj} [mechanics] :: neutral, indifferent, marginally stable
indigo {n} :: indigo (color)
indigo {adj} :: indigo (being of that color)
indigokarmiini {n} [chemistry] :: indigo carmine
indigoliitti {n} :: indicolite
indigonsininen {n} :: indigo
indigonsininen {adj} :: indigo
indigosini {n} :: indigo
indiisi {n} [legal] :: indicium
indikaani {n} :: indican
indikaatio {n} :: indication
indikaattori {n} :: An indicator
indikaattorifunktio {n} :: indicator function
indikaattoriliuos {n} [analytical chemistry] :: indicator solution
indikaattoripaperi {n} [analytical chemistry] :: indicator paper
indikatiivi {n} [grammar] :: indicative, indicative mood
indikatiivinen {adj} :: indicative (serving as a sign)
indikoida {v} :: To indicate
indisio {n} [legal] :: indicium
indisoida {v} :: To induce
indispositiivinen {adj} :: nondisposable, nondiscretionary
indium {n} :: indium
individi {n} :: individual
individuaali {n} :: An individual
individuaalinen {adj} :: individual
individuaalipsykologia {n} :: synonym of yksilöpsykologia
individuaalistaa {vt} :: To individualize
individuaatio {n} :: individuation
individualismi {n} :: individualism
individualisoida {vt} :: To individualize
individualisti {n} :: individualist
individualistinen {adj} :: individualistic
individualistisesti {adv} :: individualistically
indoarjalainen {adj} :: Indo-Aryan
indoeurooppalainen {adj} :: Indo-European
indoeuropeistiikka {n} :: Indo-European studies
indogermaaninen {adj} :: Indo-Germanic
indogermanisti {n} :: Indo-Germanist, Indo-Europeanist
indoiranilainen {adj} :: Indo-Iranian
indoiranilainen {n} :: An Indo-Iranian or (rarely) Aryan
indokiina {n} [colloquial] :: An unspecified remote place
Indokiina {prop} :: Indochina (geographical area comprising Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos)
indoktrinaatio {n} :: indoctrination
indoktrinoida {vt} :: To indoctrinate
indoktrinointi {n} :: indoctrination
indologi {n} :: Indologist
indologia {n} :: Indology (study of India)
indonesia {n} :: Indonesian (language)
Indonesia {prop} :: Indonesia
indonesialainen {n} :: an Indonesian person
indonesialainen {adj} :: pertaining to Indonesian
indonesiansureli {n} :: mitred leaf monkey, Presbytis melalophos
Indonesian tasavalta {prop} :: Republic of Indonesia
indri {n} :: indri, Indri indri
induktanssi {n} [physics] :: inductance
induktiivinen {adj} :: inductive
induktio {n} [logic] :: induction
induktio {n} [physics] :: induction
induktiokela {n} :: inductor, induction coil
induktiolevy {n} :: induction plate, induction hob
induktioliesi {n} :: induction cooktop, induction stove
induktio-oletus {n} :: induction hypothesis
induktioperiaate {n} :: induction principle
induktiotodistus {n} :: proof by induction
induktiouuni {n} :: induction oven
induktiovirta {n} [physics] :: induced current
induskulttuuri {n} :: Indus Valley Civilization
indusoida {vt} [physics] :: To induce
indusoitua {vi} [physics] :: To become induced
industrialismi {n} :: industrialism
industrialisti {n} :: industrialist
industrialistinen {adj} :: industrialistic, industrialist
-ine {suffix} :: Forms diminutive forms of nouns, particularly for objects or tools
inee {adv} [slang] :: in, inside (direction)
inehmo {n} [archaic] :: human
-inen {suffix} :: Creates adjectives signifying a certain quality; -like, -ous, -y
-inen {suffix} :: Creates adjectives indicating a material of which something is made; -en
-inen {suffix} :: Creates adjectives from present active participles, indicating a tendency to be/do something
inertia {n} :: inertia
inertiaalikoordinaatisto {n} [physics] :: inertial frame of reference
inertiaohjaus {n} :: inertial control
inertti {adj} :: inert
ines {adv} [slang] :: in, inside
inessiivi {n} [grammar] :: inessive, inessive case
inessiivi {n} [slang] :: indoors
infantiili {adj} :: infantile
infantiilius {n} :: infantility
infantilismi {n} :: infantilism
infarkti {n} [pathology] :: infarct
infektiivinen {adj} :: infective
infektio {n} [pathology] :: infection (the growth of micro-organisms in a host)
infektiotauti {n} :: infectious disease
infektoida {vt} :: To infect
infektoitua {vi} :: To be infected
inferenssi {n} :: inference
inferentiaalinen {adj} [statistics] :: inferential
inferiorinen {adj} [anatomy] :: inferior, lower
infernaalinen {adj} :: infernal
infertiili {adj} :: infertile
infiksi {n} [grammar] :: infix
infimum {n} [mathematics] :: infimum
infiniitti {n} [grammar] :: infinite form
infiniittinen {adj} [chiefly grammar] :: infinite
infinitesimaali {n} [mathematics] :: infinitesimal
infinitesimaalinen {adj} :: infinitesimal
infinitiivi {n} [grammar] :: infinitive (uninflected form of a verb)
infinitiivi {n} [grammar] :: verbal noun, infinitive (verbal noun)
infinitismi {n} [philosophy] :: infinitism
inflaatio {n} :: inflation
inflaatiokierre {n} :: inflationary spiral, spiraling inflation
inflaatiopaine {n} :: inflationary pressure
inflaatiotarkistus {n} :: inflation adjustment
inflaatioteoria {n} [astronomy, physics] :: inflation theory
inflammaatio {n} [medicine] :: inflammation
inflatorinen {adj} :: inflationary
infleksiopiste {n} :: inflection point
influenssa {n} [pathology] :: influenza, flu
influenssaepidemia {n} :: influenza epidemic
influenssapotilas {n} :: flu patient, influenza patient
influenssarokote {n} :: flu vaccine, influenza vaccine
influenssarokotus {n} :: vaccination against flu or influenza
influenssavirus {n} :: flu virus, influenza virus
influenssi {n} :: influence
info {n} [colloquial] :: info, information
infograafinen {adj} :: infographic
infografiikka {n} :: infographics
infokratia {n} :: infocracy
informaatikko {n} :: informaticist, informatician (practitioner of informatics)
informaatio {n} :: information
informaatioala {n} :: information field, information sector, information business
informaatioarvo {n} :: informative value
informaatiojärjestelmä {n} :: information system
informaatiolukutaito {n} :: information literacy
informaatio-oikeus {n} :: right to information
informaatiopalvelu {n} :: information service
informaatiopiste {n} :: information point, information shop
informaatiopolitiikka {n} :: information policy
informaatiosodankäynti {n} :: information warfare
informaatiosota {n} :: information war, information warfare
informaatiosysteemi {n} :: information system
informaatiotekniikka {n} :: information technology
informaatioteknologia {n} :: information technology
informaatioteoria {n} :: information theory
informaatiotiede {n} :: information science
informaatiotilaisuus {n} :: informative event
informaatiotutkimus {n} :: information science
informaatioyhteiskunta {n} :: information society
informalismi {n} :: informalism
informalisti {n} :: informalist
informalistinen {adj} :: informalist
informantti {n} :: informant, informer (one who relays confidential information to someone)
informantti {n} [linguistics] :: informant (native speaker who acts as a linguistic reference for a language being studied)
informatiikka {n} :: informatics
informatiivinen {adj} :: informative
informatiivisuus {n} :: informativeness
informatorinen {adj} :: informatory
informoida {v} :: To inform
informoiminen {n} :: informing
informointi {n} :: informing
infota {v} [colloquial] :: To inform
infra- {prefix} :: infra-
infraääni {n} :: infrasound
infrapuna {n} :: infrared
infrapuna-avain {n} :: infrared key
infrapunainen {adj} :: infrared
infrapunakamera {n} :: infrared camera
infrapunakuvaus {n} :: infrared photography
infrapunakytkin {n} :: infrared switch
infrapunalukko {n} :: infrared lock
infrapunasäteily {n} :: infrared radiation
infrapunasignaali {n} :: infrared signal
infrapunaspektroskopia {n} [analytical chemistry] :: infrared spectroscopy
infrapunatekniikka {n} :: infrared technology
infrapunateleskooppi {n} :: infrared telescope
infrapunavalo {n} :: infrared light
infrastruktuuri {n} :: infrastructure
infuusio {n} :: infusion
infuusio {n} [medicine] :: intravenous therapy (infusion of liquid substances directly into a vein)
infuusiohoito {n} :: infusion therapy
Inge {prop} :: A Swedish, etc., given name, entered here for Finnish declension
ingressi {n} :: lead paragraph, lead, lede (often one that is separated from the rest of the text, such as with a different font)
Ingušia {prop} :: Ingushetia
inha {adj} [poetic] :: bad, wicked, mean
inha {adj} :: appalling, gross, disgusting
Inha {prop} :: surname
inhalaatio {n} [rare in common language] :: inhalation (act of inhaling)
inhalaatio {n} [medicine] :: inhalation (medicament inhaled in form of vapor)
inhalaattori {n} [medicine] :: inhaler
inhaloida {v} :: To inhale
inhalointi {n} :: inhalation
inhibiitti {n} [chemistry] :: inhibitor
inhibiittori {n} :: inhibitor
inhibitio {n} :: inhibition
inhibitorinen {adj} :: inhibitory
inhiboida {vt} :: To inhibit
inhiboitua {vi} :: To become inhibited
inhimillinen {adj} :: human
inhimillinen {adj} :: humane
inhimillisesti {adv} :: humanely
inhimillisin {adj} :: superlative of inhimillinen
inhimillistää {vt} :: To humanize
inhimillistää {v} :: To anthropomorphize
inhimillistyä {vi} :: to become more humane, to humanize
inhimillisyys {n} :: humaneness, humanity, humanness
inho {n} :: disgust, revulsion, abhorrence
inhoamaan {v} :: infinitive of inhota
inhoaminen {n} :: loathing, detesting, abhorring
inhokki {n} :: anathema, bête noire (someone or something which is particularly disliked or avoided)
inhokki {n} :: pet peeve, pet hate (something that is personally annoying; a personal dislike)
inhorealismi {n} :: gritty realism, excessive realism, depressive realism (kind of realism that focuses on the negative aspect(s) of things)
inhota {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to loathe, detest, abhor
inhottaa {vt} :: To disgust (to cause an intense dislike for something)
inhottava {adj} :: disgusting, foul, obnoxious, hideous, gross, loathsome
inhottavasti {adv} :: disgustingly
inhottavuus {n} :: disgustingness, detestability, abhorrency
inhottu {adj} :: disliked
inhotus {n} :: disgust (causing disgust; being disgusted)
ininä {n} :: buzzing sound
inistä {v} :: to buzz on a relatively high frequency, as a mosquito
inistä {v} [colloquial] :: to whine, complain, grouse, grip
initiaali {n} :: An initial
initiaatio {n} :: initiation
initiaatiomenot {n} :: initiation rites
injektiivinen {adj} [mathematics] :: injective
injektio {n} :: injection
injektio {n} [mathematics] :: injection
injektioruisku {n} :: hypodermic syringe
injektoida {vt} :: To inject
injektoiminen {n} :: injecting
injektori {n} :: injector
inka {n} :: An Inca
Inka {prop} :: given name
inkakulttuuri {n} :: Inca culture
inka-marja {n} :: synonym of ananaskirsikka
inkarnaatio {n} :: incarnation
inkarnoitua {vi} :: To be incarnated
inkavaltio {n} :: Inca empire, Inca state
Inkeri {prop} :: Ingria
Inkeri {prop} :: given name
inkerikko {n} :: An Izhorian
inkeriläinen {adj} :: Ingrian
inkeriläinen {n} :: An Ingrian
inkeriläisyys {n} :: Ingrianness
Inkerinmaa {prop} :: Ingria
inkerinsuomalainen {adj} :: synonym of inkeriläinen
inkerinsuomalainen {n} :: synonym of inkeriläinen
inkeroinen {n} :: an Izhorian
inkeroinen {n} [uncountable] :: Ingrian (language)
inkeroismurre {n} [dated] :: Ingrian (once considered a dialect of Karelian)
inkeroismurre {n} :: a dialect of the Ingrian language
inkivääri {n} :: ginger (plant, herb)
inkiväärijuoma {n} :: ginger drink, ginger ale
inkiväärikasvi {n} :: a ginger family plant; any plant of the family Zingiberaceae
inkivääriolut {n} :: ginger beer, ginger ale
inkkari {n} [colloquial] :: injun (Native American)
inkkari {n} :: short for inkkarikanootti (canoe)
inkkari {n} [colloquial] :: Indian (person from India)
inkkarikanootti {n} [colloquial] :: canoe, Canadian canoe (small, typically human-powered narrow boat)
inklinaatio {n} [geometry, astronomy] :: inclination
inklusiivinen {adj} :: inclusive
inkluusio {n} :: inclusion
inkoatiivinen {adj} [grammar] :: inchoative
inkognito {adv} :: incognito
inkongruenssi {n} :: incongruence
inkonsistentti {adj} [logic] :: inconsistent
inkontinenssi {n} :: incontinence
inkontinenssisuoja {n} :: incontinence pad, incontinence sheet
Inkoo {prop} :: Inkoo (municipality)
inkoolainen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Inkoo
inkoolainen {n} :: a person from or living in Inkoo
inkoonpuuro {n} :: a porridge made of potatoes and barley or rye flour
inkorrekti {adj} :: incorrect
inkrementaalinen {adj} :: incremental
inkubaatio {n} :: incubation
inkubaatioaika {n} :: incubation period
inkubaattori {n} :: incubator
inkunaabeli {n} :: incunable
inkvisiittori {n} :: inquisitor
inkvisitio {n} :: inquisition
inkvisitorinen {adj} [legal] :: Inquisitorial (describing a trial system in which the prosecutor also acts as a judge)
inkvisitorinen {adj} [figuratively] :: Rigorously examining or rigorously investigative
innoissaan {adv} :: enthusiastic, excited, rapt; jazzed up (about = elative)
innoite {n} :: inspiration (something that inspires)
innoittaa {vt} :: to inspire (to act as a source for inspiration)
innoittaja {n} :: inspirer
innoittua {vi} [rare] :: to be inspired
innoitus {n} :: inspiration
innokas {adj} :: avid, eager, enthusiastic
innokkaasti {adv} :: avidly, eagerly, enthusiastically
innokkuus {n} :: avidness, eagerness, zeal
innostaa {vt} :: To excite, inspire
innostaja {n} :: inspirer
innostaminen {n} :: exciting, inspiring
innostava {adj} :: invigorating (giving strength, energy and vitality)
innostua {vi} :: to get excited
innostua {v} [+ 3rd infinitive in illative] :: to get the urge (to do)
innostuksissaan {adv} :: in one's excitement or enthusiasm
innostuminen {n} :: getting excited, excitement
innostuneesti {adv} :: excitedly, enthusiastically
innostuneisuus {n} :: excitedness
innostunut {adj} :: excited
innostus {n} :: enthusiasm
innostuttaa {vt} :: alternative form of innostaa
innota {v} :: To enthuse overly
innoton {adj} :: halfhearted
innottomasti {adv} :: halfheartedly
innottomuus {n} :: halfheartedness
innovaatio {n} :: innovation
innovaatiopolitiikka {n} :: innovation policy
innovaatioyhteiskunta {n} :: innovation society
innovaatioympäristö {n} :: innovation environment
innovatiivinen {adj} :: innovative
innovatiivisuus {n} :: innovativeness, innovativity
innovoida {v} :: To innovate
innovointi {n} :: innovating
inosiinihappo {n} [organic compound] :: inosinic acid
inosilikaatti {n} [mineral] :: inosilicate (mineral)
inositoli {n} [chemistry] :: inositol
insektisidi {n} :: insecticide
inseminaatio {n} :: insemination
insertti {n} :: insert
insesti {n} :: incest (sexual intercourse between near relatives)
insidenssi {n} [epidemiology] :: incidence
insinööri {n} :: engineer (person who is qualified or professionally engaged in any branch of engineering)
insinööri {n} :: an engineering degree granted by a polytechnic, used with or without the abbreviation amk, which specifies the level of education
insinööriajo {n} :: driving test
insinöörineuvos {n} :: an honorary title of the third rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished engineers and Masters of Science in Engineering or Technology (diplomi-insinööri)
insinööritaito {n} :: engineering (application of science to the needs of humanity)
insinööritaito {n} :: engineering skills (competence as engineer; often used in plural)
insinööritiede {n} :: engineering, applied science
insinööritoimisto {n} :: engineering office, engineering company, engineering firm
insinööriupseeri {n} :: engineer officer
inskriptio {n} :: inscription
insolvenssioikeus {n} :: insolvency law
inspehtori {n} :: inspector
inspiraatio {n} :: inspiration
inspiroida {vt} :: To inspire
inspiroiminen {n} :: inspiring
inspiroitua {vi} :: To be(come) inspired
inspiroituminen {n} :: being or becoming inspired
inspiroiva {adj} :: inspiring
inssi {n} [colloquial] :: engineer
inssi {n} [colloquial] :: driving test
inssiajo {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of insinööriajo
installaatio {n} :: installation
installaatio {n} :: installation artwork
installoida {v} [computing, slang] :: to install
installointi {n} [computing, slang] :: installation
instanssi {n} :: instance
institutionaalinen {adj} :: institutional
institutionaalistua {vi} :: To be(come) institutionalized
institutionaalistuminen {n} :: becoming institutionalized
institutionalismi {n} :: institutionalism
institutionalisoida {v} :: to institutionalize/institutionalise
institutionalisoitua {vi} :: to be(come) institutionalized/institutionalised
institutionalisoituminen {n} :: becoming institutionalized
instituutio {n} :: institution
instituutti {n} :: institute
instruktiivi {n} [grammar] :: instructive, instructive case
instruktiivinen {adj} :: instructive
instruktio {n} [uncommon] :: instruction
instrumentaali {n} [grammar] :: instrumental case (noun case to express agency or means)
instrumentaali {n} [music] :: instrumental (piece of music without lyrics)
instrumentaalikappale {n} [music] :: instrumental, instrumental track
instrumentaalimusiikki {n} [music] :: instrumental music
instrumentaalinen {adj} [music] :: instrumental
instrumentaalirock {n} [music] :: instrumental rock
instrumentaaliryhmä {n} :: instrumental band, instrumental group
instrumentaatio {n} :: instrumentation
instrumentalismi {n} [philosophy] :: instrumentalism
instrumentalisti {n} [music] :: instrumentalist
instrumentoida {v} :: To instrumentate (add an instrumental score)
instrumentoida {v} :: To add measure instruments or code
instrumentoida {v} :: To treat with instruments
instrumentoiminen {n} :: instrumentating
instrumentointi {n} :: instrumentation
instrumentti {n} :: instrument
insuffisienssi {n} [medicine] :: insufficiency
insuliini {n} :: insulin
insuliinihoito {n} :: insulin therapy
insuliinihoitoinen {adj} :: under insulin therapy, insulin-dependent
insuliinikynä {n} :: insulin pen
insuliinipistos {n} :: insulin shot, insulin injection
insuliiniruiske {n} :: insulin injection
insuliinisokki {n} :: insulin shock
insuliinisokkihoito {n} :: insulin shock therapy
insulinooma {n} [oncology] :: insulinoma
intarsia {n} :: intarsia
integraali {n} [mathematics] :: integral
integraalifunktio {n} [mathematics] :: antiderivative
integraalilaskenta {n} [calculus] :: integral calculus
integraalimuunnos {n} [math] :: integral transform
integraalitesti {n} :: integral test
integraaliyhtälö {n} [math] :: integral equation
integraatio {n} :: integration
integraatio {n} [mathematics] :: integration
integraattori {n} [electronics] :: integrator
integrandi {n} [calculus] :: integrand
integriini {n} [cytology] :: integrin (protein that functions as receptor in communication between cells)
integroida {v} [mathematics] :: To integrate (as opposed to differentiate)
integroiminen {n} [mathematics] :: integration
integrointi {n} [mathematics] :: integration
integrointimuuttuja {n} [calculus] :: variable of integration
integrointivakio {n} :: constant of integration
integroitua {vi} :: To integrate
integroituminen {n} :: integrating (becoming integrated)
integroituva {adj} :: integrable
integroituvuus {n} [math] :: integrability (quality of being integrable)
integumentti {n} [biology] :: An integument (outer protective covering of an animal, such as skin or shell)
integumentti {n} [botany] :: An integument (outer layer of an ovule, which develops into the seed coat)
intellä {vi} :: to argue or insist constantly or unrelentingly
intellektuaalinen {adj} :: intellectual
intellektualismi {n} :: intellectualism
intellektualisti {n} :: intellectualist
intellektualistinen {adj} :: intellectualist
intellektuelli {adj} :: intellectual
intellektuelli {n} :: intellectual
intelligenssi {n} :: intelligence
intelligentsia {n} :: intelligentsia
intelligentsija {n} [rare] :: intelligentsia
intelligentti {adj} [literary] :: intelligent
intendentti {n} :: manager and artistic director (of a theater, opera house, or orchestra); director general (of a TV or radio station or broadcasting company), intendant (only UK English, nowadays only used in referring to the administrators of some European opera houses or theaters)
intendentti {n} :: an honorary title of the fourteenth rank granted by the President of Finland
intendentuuri {n} :: commissariat, superintendent
intensifikaattori {n} [linguistics] :: intensifier (word or particle that heightens the intensity of meaning of a term)
intensiivikurssi {n} :: intensive course, boot camp
intensiivinen {adj} :: intensive
intensiiviopetus {n} :: intensive education, intensive tuition
intensiivisesti {adv} :: intensively
intensiivisyys {n} :: intensiveness
intensio {n} :: intension
intensionaalinen {adj} :: intensional
intensionaalisesti {adv} :: intensionally
intensionaalisuus {n} :: intensionality
intensiteetti {n} :: intensity
intensiteettiadverbi {n} [linguistics] :: An adverb that modifies the intensity of an adjective; an intensifier or a downtoner
intensiteettitaso {n} :: intensity level
intentio {n} :: intention
intentionaalisuus {n} [philosophy] :: intentionality
interaktiivinen {adj} :: interactive
interaktiivisesti {adv} :: interactively
interaktiivisuus {n} :: interactivity
interaktio {n} :: interaction
interfaasi {n} [biology] :: interphase
interferenssi {n} [physics] :: interference
interferoida {v} [physics] :: to interfere (of waves, to be correlated with each other when overlapped or superposed)
interferometri {n} :: interferometer
interferoni {n} :: interferon
interglasiaali {n} :: interglacial
interglasiaalikausi {n} :: interglacial period
interiööri {n} :: interior
interjektio {n} [grammar] :: interjection
interleukiini {n} [biochemistry] :: interleukin
interlobaarinen {adj} [anatomy] :: interlobar
interlobulaarinen {adj} [anatomy] :: interlobular
intermediaarinen {adj} :: intermediate, intermediary
intermediäärinen {adj} :: alternative form of intermediaarinen
intermittoiva {adj} :: intermittent
internaatti {n} :: synonym of sisäoppilaitos
internationaali {n} :: An international
internationaalinen {adj} [uncommon] :: synonym of kansainvälinen
internationalismi {n} :: internationalism
internet {n} :: internet
Internet {prop} [Internet] :: the Internet
internetkamera {n} :: synonym of verkkokamera
internet-protokolla {n} [Internet] :: Internet Protocol
internoida {v} :: To intern (imprison)
internointi {n} :: internment
interpolaatio {n} [mathematics] :: interpolation
interpoloida {vt} [mathematics] :: to interpolate
interpoloida {vt} [animation] :: to tween
interpolointi {n} [mathematics] :: The process of interpolation
interpolointipolynomi {n} :: interpolating polynomial
interrailaaja {n} :: alternative form of interreilaaja
interrailata {vi} :: To travel using the InterRail train pass
interrailkortti {n} :: InterRail card or ticket
interrailmatkailu {n} :: InterRail traveling
interreilaaja {n} :: interrail passenger
interreilata {v} :: alternative form of interrailata
interrogatiivi {n} [grammar] :: interrogative
interrogatiivinen {adj} [grammar] :: interrogative
interrogatiivipronomini {n} [grammar] :: interrogative pronoun
interseksuaalisuus {n} [sexuality] :: intersexuality
interstadiaali {n} :: interstadial
interstellaarinen {adj} [astronomy] :: interstellar
intersubjektiivisuus {n} :: intersubjectivity
intersukupuolinen {adj} :: intersex
intersukupuolisuus {n} [sexuality] :: intersexuality
intertekstuaalinen {adj} :: intertextual
intertekstuaalisesti {adv} :: intertextually
intertekstuaalisuus {n} :: intertextuality
intervalli {n} :: interval
intervalliharjoittelu {n} :: interval training
intervalliharjoitus {n} :: (an instance of) interval training
interventio {n} :: intervention
interventiohoito {n} :: interventive treatment
interventiovarasto {n} :: intervention stock
Intia {prop} :: India
intiaani {n} :: Native American, Amerindian, (American) Indian
Intiaani {prop} [constellation] :: The constellation Indus (Indus (constellation))
intiaaniheimo {n} :: Indian tribe, Native American tribe
intiaanikanootti {n} :: canoe, Canadian canoe (small, typically human-powered narrow boat)
intiaanikesä {n} :: Indian summer
intiaanikieli {n} :: An American Indian language
intiaanikulttuuri {n} :: Indian culture, Native American culture
intiaanileikki {n} :: a children's game revolving around Indians (Native Americans)
intiaaninsulka {n} :: Pristella maxillaris
intiaanipäähine {n} :: Indian headdress, Native American headdress
intiaanipäällikkö {n} :: Indian chief, Native American chief
intiaanipokeri {n} :: Indian poker (variant of poker)
intiaanireservaatti {n} :: Indian reservation, Native American reservation
intiaaniriisi {n} :: wild rice (plant and seeds)
intiaanisota {n} :: war with Indians or Native Americans
intiaanitanssi {n} :: Indian or Native American tribal dance
intiaaniteltta {n} :: teepee
intialainen {n} :: Indian (person from India)
intialainen {adj} :: Indian (pertaining to India)
intialaisuus {n} :: Indianness (state or property of being Indian)
intianenglanti {n} :: Indian English (dialect of English)
intianiibis {n} :: black ibis, Pseudibis papillosa
intiankobra {n} :: Indian cobra, Naja naja
intiankorppikotka {n} :: Indian vulture, Gyps indicus
intianleipäpuu {n} :: jackfruit tree
intianlentäväkoira {n} :: Indian flying fox (Pteropus giganteus)
intianmusanki {n} :: Jerdon's palm civet, Paradoxurus jerdoni
intianmuurahaiskäpy {n} [zoology] :: Indian pangolin, Manis crassicaudata
intiannorsu {n} :: Asian elephant, Elephas maximus
intiannorsu {n} :: Indian elephant, Elephas maximus indicus
intianpuuvilla {n} :: Indian cotton
intiansarvikuono {n} :: Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis
intiansitrusheinä {n} :: West Indian lemon grass, lemongrass, Cymbopogon citratus
intiansusi {n} :: Indian wolf, Canis indica
intiantapiiri {n} :: Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus)
intiantiikeri {n} :: Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)
intiantupaija {n} :: Madras tree shrew, Indian tree shrew, Anathana ellioti (small shrew-like mammal, the only species in the genus Anathana)
intiantupaija {n} [in plural] :: Anathana (genus)
Intian valtameri {prop} :: The Indian Ocean
intianvaris {n} :: house crow, Corvus splendens
intianviippa {n} :: Jerdon's courser, Rhinoptilus bitorquatus
intiimi {adj} :: intimate
intiimisti {adv} :: intimately
intiimiys {n} :: intimacy
intimiteetti {n} :: privacy
intimiteettisuoja {n} :: protection of privacy
into {n} :: eagerness, enthusiasm
into {n} :: passion, fervour/fervor, ardour/ardor
into {n} :: zeal, fanaticism
Into {prop} :: given name
intoa täynnä {adv} :: ablaze (in a state of glowing excitement or ardent desire)
intohimo {n} :: Passion, fervour/fervor
intohimoinen {adj} :: passionate, zealous
intohimoisesti {adv} :: passionately, zealously
intohimoisuus {n} :: passionateness, zealousness
intohimoton {adj} :: passionless
intohimottomasti {adv} :: passionlessly, dispassionately
intohimottomuus {n} :: passionlessness
intoilija {n} :: enthusiast, freak
intoilla {vi} :: to be enthusiastic (about something)
intoilu {n} :: being enthusiastic
intoksikaatio {n} :: intoxication
intoleranssi {n} :: intolerance (extreme sensitivity to a food or drug)
intolerantti {adj} :: intolerant
intomieli {n} :: enthusiast
intomielinen {adj} :: enthusiastic
intomielisesti {adv} :: enthusiastically
intomielisyys {n} :: enthusiasm
intonaatio {n} :: intonation
intos {n} [rare] :: debate, argument
intoutua {vi} :: To become enthusiastic
intrahepaattinen {adj} [anatomy] :: synonym of maksansisäinen
intrakraniaalinen {adj} [physiology] :: intracranial
intranasaalinen {adj} [medicine] :: intranasal
intranasaalisesti {adv} [medicine] :: intranasally
intranet {n} [computing] :: intranet
intransitiivi {n} [grammar] :: intransitive, intransitive verb
intransitiivinen {adj} [grammar] :: intransitive (of a verb, not taking a direct object)
intransitiivinen verbi {n} [grammar] :: intransitive verb
intransitiiviverbi {n} [grammar] :: intransitive verb
intravaskulaarinen {adj} :: intravascular (pertaining to what is inside blood vessels)
intravenoosinen {adj} :: intravenous (pertaining to what is inside veins)
intresantti {adj} :: interesting
intressi {n} [often in plural] :: interest (involvement, claim, right, share, stake in or link with a financial, business, or other undertaking or endeavor)
intressipiiri {n} [usually, in plural] :: sphere of interest (collective term for parties with an interest or interests in something)
intressiryhmä {n} :: interest group
intressitaho {n} [law] :: interested party, party with an interest, partaker, privy
intrigoida {v} [rare] :: to intrigue (to conceive or carry out a secret plan)
intro {n} [colloquial] :: intro (introduction)
introduktio {n} :: introduction
introni {n} [genetics] :: intron
introni {n} :: first-person singular possissive form of intro
introspektio {n} [psychology] :: introspection
introversio {n} :: introversion
introvertti {adj} :: introvert
intrusiivinen {adj} :: intrusive
intruusio {n} :: intrusion
inttää {v} :: To argue, insist
inttäminen {n} :: arguing, insisting
intti {n} [colloquial, military slang] :: military (armed forces)
inttislangi {n} [colloquial] :: (Finnish) military slang
intubaatio {n} [medicine] :: intubation
intuboida {v} [medicine] :: to intubate
intuitiivinen {adj} :: intuitive
intuitiivisesti {adv} :: intuitively
intuitiivisuus {n} :: intuitiveness
intuitio {n} :: intuition
intuitionismi {n} [mathematics, philosophy] :: intuitionism
inuiitti {n} :: alternative form of inuitti
inuitti {n} :: Inuit (person)
inuitti {n} [uncountable] :: Inuit (language)
inuktitut {n} :: Inuktitut (language)
inuliini {n} [chemistry] :: inulin
inva- {prefix} :: invalid, disabled
invaasio {n} :: invasion
invalidi {n} :: A person with a disability or a handicap
invalidi {adj} :: not valid, invalid
invalidihissi {n} :: invalid elevator, invalid lift
invalidihuolto {n} :: caretaking of disabled people
invalidimopo {n} :: motorized tricycle for disabled people
invalidipaikka {n} :: handicapped parking space or spot
invalidisoida {v} :: To disable (to cause a handicap)
invalidisoitua {vi} [of a person] :: To become disabled
invalidisoituminen {n} :: becoming disabled
invaliditaksi {n} :: synonym of invataksi
invaliditeetti {n} :: handicap (mental or physical disadvantage)
invalidoida {vt} :: To make someone disabled
invalidoitua {vi} :: To become disabled
invarianssi {n} :: invariance
invariantti {adj} :: invariant
invasiivinen {adj} :: invasive
invataksi {n} :: paratransit (auxiliary transit service without fixed routes or schedules, serving the disabled on demand)
invataksi {n} :: A van equipped for paratransit service
inventaari {n} :: inventory (detailed list of all of the items on hand)
inventaari {n} :: inventory (process of producing or updating such a list)
inventaario {n} :: alternative form of inventaari
inventio {n} [music] :: invention
inventoida {vt} :: To produce an inventory
inventointi {n} :: producing an inventory
inventointikertomus {n} :: inventory report
inversio {n} :: inversion
inversio-ongelma {n} :: inverse problem
invertaasi {n} [enzyme] :: invertase
inverttisokeri {n} :: invert sugar
investoida {vti} [economics] :: to invest (in something = illative)
investoiminen {n} :: investing
investointi {n} :: an investment
investointipankki {n} [banking] :: investment bank
investointirahasto {n} :: investment fund
investointitalletus {n} :: investment deposit
investointituki {n} :: investment aid
investointivaraus {n} :: reserve or provision for investment
involuutio {n} :: involution
-io {suffix} :: Forms nouns from verbs or verbal stems
-io {suffix} :: Forms nouns from other nouns, adjectives, numbers or their stems
ioni {n} :: An ion
ionihila {n} [chemistry] :: ionic crystal
ioni-istutus {n} :: ion implantation
ionimoottori {n} [space] :: ion thruster
ioninvaihtaja {n} :: ion exchanger
ionisaatio {n} :: ionization
ionisaatioenergia {n} :: synonym of ionisoitumisenergia
ionisaatiokammio {n} [physics] :: ionization chamber
ionisaattori {n} :: ionizer
ionisidos {n} [physics] :: ionic bond
ionisoida {vt} :: To ionise/ionize
ionisointi {n} :: ionization
ionisoitua {vi} :: To be(come) ionised/ionized
ionisoituminen {n} [chemistry] :: ionization
ionisoitumisenergia {n} [physics] :: ionization energy
ionitulo {n} :: ion product
ioniyhdiste {n} [chemistry] :: ionic compound
ionosfääri {n} :: ionosphere
ioota {n} :: iota (ninth letter of the Greek alphabet)
Iowa {prop} :: Iowa (state)
ip. {adv} :: abbreviation of iltapäivällä; pm, p.m.
I-palkki {n} :: I-shaped beam
ipana {n} [colloquial] :: a young child
IP-osoite {n} [computing] :: IP address
ipsilateraalinen {adj} :: ipsilateral
Irak {prop} :: Iraq
irakilainen {n} :: an Iraqi
irakilainen {adj} :: Iraqi
Iran {prop} :: Iran
iranilainen {n} :: an Iranian person
iranilainen {adj} :: Iranian
Iravadi {prop} :: Irrawaddy (river that runs through Burma)
iravadindelfiini {n} :: Irrawaddy dolphin, Orcaella brevirostris
Irene {prop} :: given name
iridium {n} :: iridium
iridosykliitti {n} [pathology] :: iridocyclitis
iriitti {n} [pathology] :: iritis
Irina {prop} :: given name of Finnish speakers
Irina {prop} :: A transliteration of the Russian female given name Ири́на.
iriomotenkissa {n} :: Iriomote cat, Prionailurus iriomotensis or Felis iriomotensis
irisoida {v} [rare] :: to iridesce, be iridescent (to exhibit iridescence)
irisoiva {adj} [rare] :: iridescent (reflecting light in a display of lustrous, rainbow-like colors)
Irja {prop} :: given name
irkata {vi} [Internet, slang] :: To chat on IRC
irkkaaminen {n} [slang] :: chatting on IRC
irkkaus {n} [computing, slang] :: chatting on IRC
irkku {n} [colloquial] :: Irishman, Irishwoman
irkku {n} [in plural, colloquial] :: Irish
irkku {n} [colloquial, in plural] :: Ireland
irkku {n} [colloquial, modifier] :: Irish
irkku {n} [computing, slang] :: IRQ, interrupt request
irkkukahvi {n} [colloquial] :: An Irish coffee
irkkulainen {adj} [colloquial] :: synonym of irlantilainen
irkkulainen {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of irlantilainen
irlanninkielinen {adj} :: Irish (Irish-speaking, Irish-language)
Irlanninmeri {prop} :: The Irish Sea
irlanninsetteri {n} :: Irish Setter
irlanninsusikoira {n} :: Irish wolfhound
Irlannin tasavalta {prop} :: The Republic of Ireland
irlanninterrieri {n} :: Irish Terrier
irlanninvesispanieli {n} :: Irish Water Spaniel
irlanti {n} :: The Irish language
Irlanti {prop} :: Irlanti (island)
Irlanti {prop} :: Irlanti (country)
irlantilainen {adj} :: Irish (pertaining to or originating from Ireland or the Irish people)
irlantilainen {n} :: An Irishman or Irishwoman
irlantilainen {n} :: In plural (irlantilaiset), the Irish (Irish people)
irlantilaisuus {n} :: Irishness (state or property of being Irish)
Irma {prop} :: given name
Irmeli {prop} :: given name
irmossi {n} [music] :: irmos
irokeesi {n} :: An Iroquois (member of an Iroquois tribe)
irokeesi {n} :: An Iroquois, a mohawk (hairstyle)
irokeesikampaus {n} :: An Iroquois hairdo
irokeesikieli {n} :: Any of the languages spoken by the Iroquois
irokeesitukka {n} :: An Iroquois, a mohawk (hairstyle)
ironia {n} :: irony
ironikko {n} :: ironist
ironinen {adj} :: ironic
ironisesti {adv} :: ironically
ironisoida {vt} :: To ironize
ironisuus {n} :: irony; the quality or property of being ironic
irrallaan {adv} :: loose, free, untethered (not bound or tethered or leashed)
irralleen {adv} :: (into being) apart or loose
irrallinen {adj} :: loose, disconnected
irrallinen {adj} :: random
irrallisesti {adv} :: loosely, disconnectedly, in a way that is not connected to something else
irrallisuus {n} :: looseness, disconnectedness
irrationaali {adj} :: alternative form of irrationaalinen
irrationaaliluku {n} :: irrational number
irrationaalinen {adj} [mathematics] :: irrational
irrationaalisesti {adv} :: irrationally
irrationaalisuus {n} :: irrationality
irrationalismi {n} :: irrationalism
irrationalisti {n} :: irrationalist
irreaalinen {adj} :: irreal, unreal
irreaalisuus {n} :: irreality
irredentismi {n} :: irredentism
irrefleksiivinen {adj} :: irreflexive
irrefleksiivisyys {n} :: irreflexivity
irrelevantti {adj} :: irrelevant
irroittaa {v} [nonstandard] :: alternative form of irrottaa
irrokepaperi {n} :: release paper
irrota {vi} :: To come off, loosen, detach, separate
irrotella {v} [frequentative] :: To detach or remove something continuously or for a long time or carefully
irrotella {v} [colloquial] :: To relax, party, have fun usually in contrast to everyday life
irrotella {v} [colloquial] :: To play an instrument in an relaxed or improvising way; may apply to whole band
irrottaa {vt} :: to loosen, free, detach, unfasten, undo
irrottaminen {n} :: detaching, loosening, releasing, unfastening
irrottautua {vi} :: to detach oneself
irrottautua {vi} :: to secede
irrottautuminen {n} :: detaching (oneself)
irrotteleminen {n} :: detaching or removing continuously or leisurely
irrotteleminen {n} :: {colloquial} partying, relaxing
irrottua {vi} [rare] :: alternative form of irrottautua
irrotus {n} :: detaching, freeing, loosening, unfastening, undoing
irrotustyö {n} [physics] :: work function
irstaasti {adv} :: lewdly
irstaileminen {n} :: behaving lecherously, leading a loose life
irstailija {n} :: lecher, debauchee
irstailla {vi} :: to behave lecherously, lead a loose life, lead a dissolute life; lech [slang]
irstailu {n} :: debauchery
irstainen {adj} [archaic] :: synonym of irstas
irstas {adj} :: lewd, lascivious
irstaus {n} :: lewdness, lasciviousness
irtaantua {vi} :: To be detached, loosened
irtaantua {vi} :: To secede
irtaimisto {n} :: Movables (property not part of a real estate collectively)
irtaimistohuutokauppa {n} :: movables auction
irtaimistokiinnitys {n} :: mortgage of movable property; chattel mortgage
irtaimistovakuutus {n} :: contents insurance (insurance that pays for damage to, or loss of, an individual’s personal possessions whilst they are located within that individual’s home)
irtain {adj} :: loose
irtain {adj} [law, of property] :: movable
irtauma {n} :: A part that has detached from something
irtautua {vi} :: To secede
irtautuma {n} :: alternative form of irtauma
irtautuminen {n} :: withdrawal, separation, exit
irtautumislauseke {n} [legal] :: escape clause (clause, term or condition in a contract that allows a party to that contract to avoid having to perform the contract or cancel it)
irtautumisnopeus {n} [mechanics] :: escape velocity
irti {adv} :: Loose in the sense of not being fixed or stuck, unfastened, free
irti {adv} :: clear (not touching, e.g. during defibrillation)
irtikytkentä {n} :: disconnection
irtikytketty {adj} :: disconnected, uncoupled, decoupled
irtiotto {n} :: break, escape, breakaway
irtipäässyt {adj} :: that got loose or has gotten loose
irtipääsy {n} :: getting loose, slipping
irtisanoa {v} :: to lay off (to terminate employment by the employer for reasons not depending on the employee)
irtisanoa {v} :: to dismiss (to terminate employment by the employer for reasons depending on the employee)
irtisanoa {v} :: to fire, sack (slang verbs for any type of termination of employment by the employer)
irtisanoa {v} :: to cancel (to terminate a subscription for a service)
irtisanominen {n} :: layoff (US), redundancy (UK) (termination of employment by the employer due to economic reasons, i.e. not connected to the behaviour of the employee)
irtisanominen {n} :: dismissal (termination of employment by the employer due to reasons depending on the employee)
irtisanominen {n} :: sacking, getting the sack (UK)‚ firing (US) (colloquial for dismissal for any reason)
irtisanomisaika {n} :: term of notice
irtisanomisehto {n} :: synonym of irtautumislauseke
irtisanomisilmoitus {n} :: A notice of the termination of employment; pink slip [US]
irtisanomiskorvaus {n} :: severance pay
irtisanomisoikeus {n} :: right of termination of a contract
irtisanomisoikeus {n} :: right of layoff, redundancy or dismissal (of an employee)
irtisanomisraha {n} :: severance payment
irtisanomissuoja {n} :: protection against dismissal
irtisanoutua {vi} :: to resign (one's office), quit, give notice
irtisanoutua {v} :: synonym of sanoutua irti
irto- {prefix} :: Used as modifier in compound terms to signify detachable, removable, separate, loose
irtoaminen {n} :: coming off, loosening, detaching, separating
irtoarkki {n} :: loose sheet
irtoesine {n} :: loose object (objects that are not fixed or held)
irtohame {n} :: skirt that is not part of a suit
irtohiekka {n} :: loose sand
irtohiha {n} :: sleevelet
irtohiukset {n} :: false hair, hairpiece
irtohousut {n} :: trousers that are not part of a suit
irtokaramelli {n} :: synonym of irtomakeinen
irtokarkki {n} :: bulk confectionery, loose candy, pick 'n' mix candy (candy sold by weight or piece)
irtokaulus {n} :: detachable collar
irtokauppa {n} [colloquial] :: detached store (not a part of any larger mall), such as a grocery store
irtokeijuja {n} [botany] :: free-floating plant (plant that floats freely in the water under the surface)
irtokelluja {n} [botany] :: floating aquatic plant (e.g. duckweed)
irtoköli {n} [nautical] :: removable keel
irtokuutio {n} :: short for irtokuutiometri
irtokuutiometri {n} :: loose cubic metre (measurement of volume for wood or timber)
irtolainen {n} :: vagrant, vagabond
irtolaisuus {n} :: vagrancy
irtolasti {n} :: bulk cargo, bulk goods
irtolastialus {n} :: bulk carrier
irtolehti {n} :: loose leaf (piece of paper that is not bound in place)
irtolehtipainos {n} :: loose leaf edition
irtolehtipainos {n} [humorous] :: book with loose pages
irtoletti {n} :: synonym of irtopalmikko
irtoliite {n} :: insert (promotional or instructive leaflet inserted into a magazine, newspaper, tape or disk package)
irtolisäke {n} :: hairpiece, toupee, topknot
irtolohkare {n} :: loose boulder
irtolöytö {n} [archaeology] :: loose find (artifact that cannot be placed in context)
irtolöytöpaikka {n} :: location of a loose find
irtolukko {n} :: a lock that is not attached or a part of what it is locking, such as a padlock
irtolumi {n} :: loose snow
irtomaa {n} :: loose soil (such as over a rock)
irtomaa {n} :: overburden
irtomaito {n} [dated] :: milk dispensed into customer's container and paid by volume
irtomyynti {n} :: loose sales
irtonainen {adj} :: loose (not packaged)
irtonaisesti {adv} :: loosely (packed)
irtonaisuus {n} :: being loose (separate, detached, not packaged)
irtonappi {n} :: button, stud
irtonenä {n} :: fake nose
irtonumero {n} :: A single copy of a newspaper or magazine, especially one sold at a newsstand; used when it is necessary to make a difference between subscriptions and retail sales of a paper
irtopää {n} :: severed head
irtopäällinen {n} :: slipcover
irtopalmikko {n} :: plait wig, false plaited hair
irtoparta {n} :: fake beard
irtopinna {n} [colloquial] :: synonym of irtopiste
irtopiste {n} :: point, brownie point
irtopohjavuoka {n} :: springform pan
irtopuuteri {n} :: loose powder
irtopyörä {n} :: wheel of a caster (when sold separately)
irtoripset {n} :: false eyelashes
irtoseksi {n} :: casual sex (sexual activity that is undertaken without commitment, emotional attachment or personal familiarity)
irtoselkä {n} [printing] :: hollow back (of a book)
irtosolukoe {n} [pathology] :: smear test, Pap test
irtosolunäyte {n} :: smear, Pap smear
irtosolututkimus {n} :: smear test
irtosuhde {n} :: fling (short, often sexual, relationship)
irtotakki {n} :: sports jacket or blazer (tailored jacket which is not part of a suit)
irtotasku {n} :: detached pocket, pouch
irtotavara {n} :: bulk product
irtotee {n} :: loose tea
irtotiheys {n} :: bulk density
irtotilavuus {n} :: bulk volume
irtotukka {n} :: wig, hairpiece
irtouitto {n} :: drift floating (timber rafting with detached logs floating along the stream)
irtovuori {n} :: liner (a removable lining)
Irtyš {prop} :: Irtyš (major river)
irvailla {v} :: To make fun of, to poke fun at
irvailu {n} :: making fun (of), poking fun (at), taunting, mocking
irveen {adv} :: into a grin or grimace
irvessä {adv} :: in a grin or grimace, grinning or grimacing
irviä {v} :: to mock, joke
irviä {v} :: to grimace
irvihammas {n} :: synonym of irvileuka
irviin {adv} :: synonym of irveen
Irvikissa {prop} :: Cheshire cat (fictional character)
irvikuva {n} :: caricature, mockery, travesty
irvileuka {n} :: jokester; a person trying to make fun of someone or something
irvileukainen {adj} :: jocular, joking, mocking
irvissä {adv} :: synonym of irvessä
irvistää {vi} :: to grimace
irvistää {vi} :: to grin (chiefly as a snark)
irvistäminen {n} :: grimacing
irvistelijä {n} :: grinner (one who grins)
irvistellä {vi} :: To grimace
irvistely {n} :: grimacing
irvistys {n} :: grimace
irvistyttää {v} :: to make grimace or grin
irvistyttää {v} :: to feel like grimacing or grinning
irvokas {adj} :: grotesque
irvokkaasti {adv} :: grotesquely
irvokkuus {n} :: grotesqueness
-is {suffix} [colloquial] :: -er; a suffix used to form nouns and proper nouns from place names, common nouns and adjectives; gives a familiar nuance to the original word; the original word is often truncated in the process
-isa {suffix} :: A suffix for making adjectives from some nouns and verbs
isä {n} :: father
isä {n} [with capital initial] :: Father (God)
Isä {prop} :: Father, Lord
Isabella {prop} :: given name
isähahmo {n} :: father figure
isällinen {adj} :: fatherly, paternal
isällisesti {adv} :: In a fatherly manner
isämeidän {n} [Christianity] :: Lord's prayer, paternoster
Isä meidän {prop} :: Our Father, Lord's Prayer (prayer taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount)
isämeidänrukous {n} [Christianity] :: Lord's prayer, paternoster
Isä meidän -rukous {prop} :: Our Father, Lord's Prayer
isänäiti {n} :: paternal grandmother
isänisä {n} :: paternal grandfather
isän kädestä {phrase} :: See: fiisän kädestä
isän kädestä {phrase} [idiomatic] :: what for (unspecified, but often implied physical, punishment)
isänkoti {n} :: father's home
isänmaa {n} :: fatherland, homeland, nation, mother country, Finland (context)
isänmaallinen {adj} :: patriotic
isänmaallisesti {adv} :: patriotically
isänmaallisuus {n} :: patriotism
isänmaanrakkaus {n} :: patriotism
isänmaanystävä {n} :: patriot
isänmaaton {adj} :: fatherlandless, stateless
isänmurha {n} :: patricide (murder)
isännänviiri {n} :: household pennant
isännätön {adj} :: masterless
isänne {n} :: second-person plural possissive form of isä
isännimi {n} :: patronym
isännistö {n} :: the supreme board of a mutual savings bank
isännöidä {v} :: to host; to play host to (to act as host in a party or other event)
isännöidä {v} :: to manage; especially real property, typically as an agent for the owners
isännöinti {n} :: hosting (being a host)
isännöinti {n} :: property management, real estate management
isännöitsijä {n} :: building manager, administrator of a condominium, deputy landlord
isännöitsijäntodistus {n} :: housing manager's certificate, manager's certificate (a document containing information about the condominium)
isännöitsijätoimisto {n} :: building management company, holding company
isännyys {n} :: the quality or property of being a host, householder, master, etc
isänpäivä {n} :: Father's Day; in Finland, the second Sunday of November
isänperintö {n} :: patrimony
isänpuoleinen {adj} :: paternal
isänrakkaus {n} :: father's love, fatherly love, paternal love
isänsä {n} :: third-person possissive form of isä
isäntä {n} :: master
isäntä {n} :: householder
isäntä {n} :: host
isäntäeläin {n} :: host animal
isäntäeliö {n} :: host organism
isäntäjoukkue {n} :: hosting team, host team
isäntäkasvi {n} :: host plant, a plant that provides nourishment for pests or parasites
isäntämaa {n} :: host country
isäntämies {n} :: householder, master
isäntänimi {n} [computing] :: hostname
isäntäperhe {n} :: host family
isäntärenki {n} :: a farmhand acting as a householder
isäntäseura {n} :: host club, hosting club (the club hosting an event)
isäntäsolu {n} :: host cell
isäntäväki {n} :: people living in some house including the host or master; the householder's family
isänvalta {n} :: patriarchate
isäpappa {n} :: old man (one's father)
isäpuoli {n} :: stepfather
isätön {adj} :: fatherless
isättömyys {n} :: fatherlessness
isäukko {n} [colloquial] :: dad, father
isävainaja {n} :: one's late father
isävartalo {n} [colloquial] :: dadbod
Isebel {prop} [biblical character] :: Jezebel
-isen {suffix} :: forms adverbs from numerals to represent an approximate amount; about, around, approximately
isentalpinen {adj} :: isoenthalpic, isenthalpic
isentrooppinen {adj} :: isentropic (having a constant entropy)
-isi- {interfix} :: Marker of conditional mood in verbs
isi {n} [familiar] :: dad, father, daddy
-isin {suffix} :: The case suffix denoting temporal distributive; always used with plural "-i-"
isintimä {n} [dialectal] :: stepfather
iskä {n} [colloquial] :: dad, daddy
iskari {n} [colloquial] :: shock absorber
iskeä {v} :: to strike, hit
iskeä {v} :: to attack
iskeä {v} :: to crack down (to enforce more stringently or more thoroughly)
iskeä {v} :: to hit on, flirt (to try to get someone romantically interested in oneself)
iskeä kyntensä {v} [idiomatic, + illative] :: to get one's claws into, pounce (into)
iskeä silmää {vi} [idiomatic] :: To wink (an eye)
iskeeminen {adj} [pathology] :: ischemic
iskelmä {n} :: schlager, hit song, adult pop song (piece of music made in schlager style)
iskelmälaulaja {n} :: schlager singer
iskelmälyriikka {n} [usually, in plural] :: schlager lyrics
iskelmämusiikki {n} [music] :: schlager, schlager music (popular music style)
iskelmäsovitus {n} :: schlager arrangement
iskelmätähti {n} :: adult pop star
iskelmäteksti {n} :: schlager lyrics, schlager text
iskemä {n} [ballistics] :: impact or impacting of a projectile
iskemäkeskeispiste {n} :: mean point of impact
iskemia {n} [cardiology] ::  ischemia
iskeminen {n} :: hitting, striking, attacking
iskeminen {n} :: hitting on, flirting
iskentä {n} :: action of the verb iskeä (act of striking)
iskettää {vt} :: To have something hit
iskevä {adj} :: witty, punchy
iskevästi {adv} :: wittily
iskevyys {n} :: wittiness, concision, punchiness
iskeytyä {vi} :: To hit, impact
iskias {n} [disease] :: sciatica
iskiashermo {n} [neuroanatomy] :: sciatic nerve
iskijä {n} :: striker, hitter
Isko {prop} :: given name
iskos {n} [archaeology] :: flake (prehistoric tool chipped out of stone)
iskostaa {vt} :: to instill (to cause a quality to become part of someone's nature)
iskostua {v} :: to get/be instilled (to become part of someone's nature)
iskostua {v} :: to stick hard on; especially of something undesirable
iskostuminen {n} :: getting or being instilled
isku {n} :: hit, blow
isku {n} :: impact
isku {n} :: attentat, attack, strike, raid
isku {n} [music] :: beat
iskuaalto {n} [physics] :: A shock wave
iskuala {n} [music] :: the time between two beats
iskuala {n} [music] :: a sequence of stressed and unstressed beats
iskuhaava {n} :: A wound caused by striking
iskujoukko {n} :: strike force
iskukoe {n} :: impact test
iskukoukku {n} [fishing] :: spring-loaded hook, spring-loaded fishing hook
iskukuumennus {n} :: ultra-high-temperature processing
iskukuumentaa {vt} :: to process in UHT (especially milk and milk products)
iskukyky {n} :: effectiveness, striking power
iskukykyinen {adj} :: incisive, powerful, effective, with striking power
iskulause {n} :: slogan, catchphrase
iskullinen {adj} [music] :: beat, on a beat, with a beat
iskulyönti {n} [tennis] :: smash
iskulyönti {n} [volleyball] :: spike
iskunappula {n} :: punch (button of a joypad, joystick or similar device whose function is to cause a video game character to punch)
iskunkestävä {adj} :: shockproof, impact-resistant
iskunkestävyys {n} :: impact resistance, shock resistance
iskunpituus {n} [mechanics] :: stroke (length of the piston stroke in a piston engine)
iskunvaimennin {n} :: shock absorber
iskupää {n} :: striking head
iskupallo {n} :: synonym of squash
iskupora {n} :: hammer drill, percussion drill (rotary drill with a hammering action)
iskuporakone {n} :: synonym of iskupora
iskurepliikki {n} :: pick-up line
iskuri {n} :: firing pin, striker (in firearms)
iskuri {n} :: swipple
iskuri {n} :: short for nyrkki-iskuri
iskurityöläinen {n} :: udarnik, shock worker
iskuruuvain {n} :: impact driver
iskuryhmä {n} :: strike team, assault team, hit squad
iskusana {n} :: buzzword
iskusana {n} :: slogan
iskusarja {n} :: combination or series of punches or strikes
iskusävel {n} [music] :: beat note
iskusitkeys {n} :: impact strength or toughness (of a material)
iskuteho {n} :: striking power
iskutilavuus {n} :: engine displacement
iskuttaa {vt} [music] :: to play with emphasis (such as on alternate beats)
iskutus {n} [music] :: playing with emphasis (such as on alternating beats)
iskutyyny {n} :: dolly (in pile driving, a block interposed between the head of the pile and the ram of the driver)
iskuvalmis {adj} :: ready to strike
iskuvalmius {n} :: readiness or standby for strike
iskuvasara {n} :: hammer (part of a firearm)
iskuvoima {n} :: striking power, impact power
iskuvoimainen {adj} :: with striking power or impact; effective, impactful
islam {n} :: the religion of Islam
islamilainen {adj} :: Islamic (of or pertaining to Islam)
islamilainen fundamentalismi {n} :: Islamic fundamentalism
islamilaisuus {n} :: Islam, Islamism
islamintutkija {n} :: Islamist (person who specializes in Islamic studies)
islaminusko {n} :: Islam
islaminuskoinen {adj} :: Islamic (believing in the teachings of Islam)
islamismi {n} :: Islamism
islamisti {n} :: Islamist
islamistinen {adj} :: Islamist
islamofobia {n} :: Islamophobia
islanninhevonen {n} :: Icelandic horse
islanninjäkälä {n} :: synonym of isohirvenjäkälä
islanninkielinen {adj} :: in Icelandic language
islanninlammaskoira {n} :: Icelandic Sheepdog
islanninsilli {n} :: Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus
islanninsimpukka {n} :: ocean quahog, Arctica islandica (edible clam native to North Atlantic Ocean)
islanti {n} :: The Icelandic language
Islanti {prop} :: Islanti (country)
islantilainen {n} :: Icelander
islantilainen {adj} :: Icelandic, of or relating to Iceland
islantilainen {adj} :: Icelandic, relating to the Icelandic language
islantilaisuus {n} :: Icelandicness (state or property of being Icelandic)
Ismael {prop} :: Ishmael [biblical character]
Ismael {prop} [rare] :: given name
-ismi {suffix} :: -ism
ismi {n} :: ism
Ismo {prop} :: given name
iso- {prefix} :: iso-
iso {adj} :: big
iso {adj} :: large
iso {adj} :: great
iso {adj} [in some compounds] :: grand
iso {n} [archaic, poetic] :: synonym of isä
iso {n} [nautical] :: main (mainsail)
isoääninen {adj} :: that has a big, loud voice
isoäiti {n} :: grandmother
isoaivokuori {n} :: synonym of aivokuori
isoaivot {n} :: alternative form of isotaivot
isoakseli {n} [geometry] :: major axis
isoakselin puolikas {n} :: semimajor axis
isoalbatrossi {n} :: shy albatross (Thalassarche cauta)
isoaminen {n} [archaic] :: hungering (for)
isoamyyliasetaatti {n} [chemistry] :: isoamyl acetate
isoamyylinitriitti {n} [chemistry] :: isoamyl nitrite
isoapollo {n} :: apollo or mountain apollo (Parnassius apollo)
isoartisokka {n} :: cardoon, artichoke thistle, ground thistle, prickly artichoke, Cynara cardunculus (perennial thistle native to the western and central Mediterranean region with many cultivated forms, including the globe artichoke)
isoaukile {n} :: synonym of etuaukile
isoauringonkukka {n} :: the most commonly cultivated species of sunflower, Helianthus annuus
isobaari {n} :: isobar
isobaasi {n} :: isobase
Iso Britannia {prop} [archaic] :: Great Britain
Iso-Britannia {prop} :: Great Britain (island consisting of England, Scotland and Wales)
Iso-Britannia {prop} [inaccurately] :: United Kingdom
Iso-Britannia {prop} [historical] :: Great Britain, Kingdom of Great Britain
Iso-Britannia ja Pohjois-Irlanti {prop} :: Great Britain and Northern Ireland
isobutaani {n} [chemistry] :: isobutane
isobutanoli {n} [chemistry] :: isobutanol
isobutyyliasetaatti {n} [chemistry] :: isobutyl acetate
isobutyyrialdehydi {n} [chemistry] :: isobutyraldehyde
isoeno {n} :: great-uncle, brother of grandmother
isoentsyymi {n} [chemistry] :: isoenzyme
isoflavoni {n} [organic chemistry] :: isoflavone
isoftaalihappo {n} [chemistry] :: isophthalic acid
iso gascognenajokoira {n} :: grand bleu de Gascogne (breed of scenthound of French origin)
isoglossi {n} [linguistics] :: isogloss
isoglukoosi {n} :: isoglucose, high fructose corn syrup, glucose-fructose syrup, glucose/fructose
isohaarahaukka {n} :: red kite (Milvus milvus)
isohampainen {adj} :: Having large teeth, toothy
isohapero {n} :: Russula paludosa, an edible mushroom
isohevosantilooppi {n} :: roan antelope (Hippotragus equinus)
isohietasinappi {n} [botany] :: perennial wall-rocket, wild rocket, sand rocket, Lincoln weed, white rocket, Diplotaxis tenuifolia (mustard-like plant cultivated for its leaves that may be used in salads to give texture and flavor, one of the plants commercially known as villirucola)
isohirvenjäkälä {n} :: Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica)
isohirvenjuuri {n} :: elecampane, horse-heal, elfdock, Inula helenium
isohko {adj} :: biggish
isohuiluvaris {n} :: Australian magpie, Cracticus tibicen
isohutia {n} :: giant hutia (any rodent of the extinct subfamily Heptaxodontinae)
isohyeetti {n} [meteorology] :: isohyet
isohypsi {n} [cartography] :: synonym of korkeuskäyrä
iso ihmisapina {n} :: great ape (Hominidae)
isoin {adj} :: superlative of iso
isoinen {adj} :: pompous, grandiose
isoinen {n} :: pompous or grandiose person
isoisä {n} :: grandfather
isoisäpuoli {n} :: stepgrandfather
isoisoäiti {n} :: great-grandmother
isoisoisä {n} :: great-grandfather
isoisoisoäiti {n} :: great-great-grandmother
isoisoisoisä {n} :: great-great-grandfather
isoitiö {n} [botany] :: megaspore
isoitiöpesäke {n} [botany] :: megasporangium, macrosporangium
isojako {n} [historical] :: an agricultural reform after which every farmer owned a connected piece of farmland
isojalka {n} :: scrubfowl (bird of the genus Megapodius found in SE Asia, Australia and Pacific)
Isojalka {prop} :: Bigfoot (mythical creature)
isojalkakana {n} :: megapode (bird of the family Megapodiidae)
isojärvisimpukka {n} :: swan mussel (Anadonta cygnea)
isojättikenguru {n} :: eastern grey kangaroo (Macropus giganteus)
isojokelainen {adj} :: alternative form of isojokinen
isojokelainen {n} :: alternative form of isojokinen
Isojoki {prop} :: Isojoki (municipality)
Isojoki {prop} :: A river, according to which the municipality has been named
isojokinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Isojoki
isojokinen {n} :: a person from or living in Isojoki
isokaalikärpänen {n} :: turnip root fly, summer cabbage fly, Delia floralis (insect pest whose larvae or maggots feed on the roots of various plants in the family Brassicaceae)
isokaivajavyötiäinen {n} :: greater fairy armadillo (Calyptophractus retusus, syn. Chlamyphorus retusus)
iso kala pienessä lammessa {n} :: a big fish in a small pond
Isokangas {prop} :: surname
isokäpylintu {n} :: parrot crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus
Iso karhu {prop} :: The constellation Ursa Major, the Big Bear
Iso Karhu {prop} :: alternative spelling of Iso karhu
isokasuaari {n} :: northern cassowary (Casuarius unappendiculatus)
isokasvuinen {adj} [botany] :: large, long (of a plant)
isokauris {n} :: red deer, Cervus elaphus
isokenkäinen {n} [colloquial] :: bigwig, nob
isokierto {n} :: synonym of karhunköynnös
isokihu {n} :: great skua (Stercorarius skua)
iso kirjain {n} [typography] :: capital letter, capital, cap, block letter, uppercase letter, majuscule, big letter (an uppercase letter; A, B, C.. as opposed to lower case letters a, b, c..)
iso kirjain {n} [in plural] :: upper case (such letters collectively)
isokirvinen {n} :: Richard's pipit (Anthus richardi)
iso kohtaus {n} [pathology, epilepsy] :: grand mal
Iso koira {prop} :: The constellation Canis Major, the Great Dog
isokokoinen {adj} :: large-sized
isokoori {n} :: isochore
isokorvaopossumi {n} :: common opossum (Didelphis marsupialis)
isokorvapusseli {n} :: synonym of isopussikaniini
isokoskelo {n} :: A species of merganser, Mergus merganser (common merganser)
isokotipäästäinen {n} :: greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula)
isokroninen {adj} :: isochronal
isokronismi {n} :: isochronism
isokudu {n} :: greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros)
isokukkainen {adj} :: that has large flowers
isokuovi {n} :: Eurasian curlew (Numenius arquata)
isokuvioinen {adj} :: that has a large pattern
Isokyrö {prop} :: Isokyrö (municipality)
isokyröläinen {adj} :: from, related or pertaining to Isokyrö
isokyröläinen {n} :: a person from or living in Isokyrö
isolaatio {n} :: isolation
isolaattikieli {n} [linguistics] :: A language isolate
isolantio {n} [anatomy] :: greater pelvis
isolehtinen {adj} :: large-leafed
isolepakko {n} :: common noctule, Nyctalus noctula
isolepinkäinen {n} :: great grey shrike, Lanius excubitor
isoleukainen {adj} :: with a large jaw or chin
isoleusiini {n} [amino acid] ::  isoleucine
isoliitäjä {n} :: great shearwater (Ardenna gravis, syn. Puffinus gravis)
isoloida {vt} :: To isolate
isolointi {n} :: isolating, isolation
isoloitua {vi} :: To become isolated
isolokki {n} :: glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus)
isoluinen {adj} :: big-boned
isomahainen {adj} :: big-bellied
isomaksaruoho {n} :: orpine (Hylotelephium telephium)
isomalti {n} [organic compound] :: isomalt (sweetener)
isomaltitoli {n} [organic chemistry] :: isomalt (sweetener, used as substitute to sugar)
isomasto {n} [nautical] :: mainmast
isomeraasi {n} [biochemistry] :: isomerase
isomeria {n} [chemistry, physics] :: isomerism
isometria {n} :: isometry
isometrinen {adj} :: isometric
Isometsä {prop} :: surname
iso monikulmaluu {n} [skeleton] :: trapezium bone (os trapezium)
isomorfia {n} :: isomorphy
isomorfinen {adj} :: isomorphic
isomorfismi {n} :: isomorphism
isompi {adj} :: comparative of iso
isomummo {n} [colloquial] :: great-grandmother
isomuura {n} :: black-throated antshrike
isomuurahaiskarhu {n} :: giant anteater, Myrmecophaga tridactyla
isonäkinsammal {n} :: antifever fontinalis moss (Fontinalis antipyretica)
isonauraja {n} :: laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
Ison-Britannian ja Irlannin yhdistynyt kuningaskunta {prop} [historical] :: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (former official full name of the United Kingdom, used in 1801 - 1927)
Ison-Britannian ja Pohjois-Irlannin yhdistynyt kuningaskunta {prop} :: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (official full name of the United Kingdom)
Ison-Britannian kuningaskunta {prop} [historical] :: Kingdom of Great Britain
isoneminen {n} :: growing bigger
isonen {n} [Christianity] :: A group leader (young camp counsellor) at a confirmation camp (rippileiri)
isonenäinen {adj} :: nosy (having a large nose)
isonnus {n} :: enlarging
isonokkamuura {n} :: fasciated antshrike
isonokkonen {n} :: stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
isontaa {vt} :: To enlarge
isontua {vi} :: To grow in size
Iso Omena {prop} :: Big Apple (nickname of New York)
Iso Omena {prop} :: A shopping mall to the west of Helsinki
Iso Paha Susi {prop} :: Big Bad Wolf (fictional character)
isopanda {n} :: giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
isopentaani {n} [chemistry] :: isopentane
isopeura {n} :: A red deer, Cervus elaphus
isopiikkohirvi {n} :: red brocket or Peruvian red deer (Mazama americana)
isopistooli {n} :: 25 metre center-fire pistol
isopistooliammunta {n} :: 25 metre center-fire pistol shooting (shooting event)
isopleetti {n} :: synonym of isoviiva
iso poika {n} [literal, idiomatic] :: big boy
isoposliinikukka {n} :: porcelainflower, waxflower (Hoya carnosa)
isopreeni {n} [chemistry] :: isoprene
isopropyylialkoholi {n} :: isopropyl alcohol
isopropyyliasetaatti {n} [chemistry] :: isopropyl acetate
isopuksipuu {n} :: boxwood, Buxus sempervirens
isopunasotka {n} :: canvasback (Aythya valisineria)
isopurje {n} [nautical] :: mainsail
isopussikaniini {n} :: greater bilby, Macrotis lagotis
isopyrstömuura {n} :: large-tailed antshrike
isorakeinen {adj} :: large-grained
isoräpelö {n} :: rattlesnake grass, blowfly grass, greater quaking-grass, Briza maxima
isoreikäinen {adj} :: that has large holes
isorintainen {adj} :: big-breasted, busty, buxom
isorokko {n} [disease] :: smallpox
isorokkorokotus {n} :: smallpox vaccination
isorotta {n} :: brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)
isorumpu {n} :: bass drum
isoruutuinen {adj} :: that has large squares
isoruutuinen {adj} :: that has a large screen
isorytminen {adj} :: isorhythmic
isosamettikukka {n} :: Mexican marigold, Tagetes erecta (wild flowering plant, native to Mexico and Central America, with numerous small orangish petals)
isosetä {n} :: great-uncle (brother of grandfather)
isosiipinen {adj} :: that has large wings
isosilkkikukka {n} :: farewell-to-spring, Clarkia amoena (flowering plant native to west coast of North America, cultivated as garden plant throughout the world)
isosilmäinen {adj} :: large-eyed
isosimppu {n} :: A species of fish in the family Cottidae, commonly known as father lasher, shorthorn sculpin and with a lot of other common names, Myoxocephalus scorpius
isosirri {n} :: red knot (Calidris canutus)
isosisar {n} :: synonym of isosisko
isosisko {n} :: big sister
isospin {n} [physics] :: isospin
isostaattinen {adj} :: isostatic
isostasia {n} [geology] :: isostasy
isosti {adv} :: greatly, largely, big
isostoiminta {n} :: the activity of an isonen
isosudenporkkana {n} :: bishop's weed, false bishop's weed, lady's lace, Queen Anne's lace (Ammi majus)
isosuinen {adj} :: large-mouthed
isosveitsinpaimenkoira {n} :: Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Iso-Syrtti {prop} :: The Gulf of Sidra
isota {vi} :: To grow bigger
isota {vt} [archaic + partitive] :: To hunger for, desire (e.g. power)
isot aivot {n} ::  alternative spelling of isotaivot
isotaivot {n} [anatomy] :: cerebrum
isotaksi {n} [meteorology] :: isotach
Isotalo {prop} :: surname
Isotalo {prop} :: Any of a number of small places in Finland
isotäti {n} :: great-aunt
isotella {vi} :: To talk big
isotermi {n} [physics, meteorology] :: isotherm
isoterminen {adj} [physics, meteorology] :: isothermic, isothermal
isotermisyys {n} [physics] :: isothermality (condition of being isothermal)
isot häpyhuulet {n} [anatomy] :: the labia majora
isotöinen {adj} :: laborious
isotooppi {n} :: An isotope
isotooppianalyysi {n} :: isotope analysis
isotooppikartoitus {n} :: radionuclide imaging
isotooppikello {n} :: isotopic dating, isotopic clock
isotooppilääketiede {n} :: nuclear medicine
isotopomeeri {n} :: isotopomer
isotrappi {n} :: great bustard (Otis tarda)
isotrooppinen {adj} :: isotropic
isotropia {n} :: isotropy
isotsyymi {n} :: isozyme
isottelu {n} :: talking big
isotuulenkala {n} :: greater sand eel, great sand eel, Hyperoplus lanceolatus
isoukki {n} [colloquial] :: great-grandfather
isous {n} :: bigness
Iso valliriutta {prop} :: Great Barrier Reef
Iso valtameri {prop} [rare] :: The Pacific Ocean
isovampyyri {n} :: spectral bat, Vampyrum spectrum
isovanhempi {n} :: grandparent
isovarpuinen {adj} [of a swamp or bog] :: that has large shrubs
isovarvas {n} [anatomy] :: big toe (largest toe, first toe from medial to lateral)
isovasara {n} [rare] :: synonym of moukari
isovatsainen {adj} :: large-bellied
isoveli {n} :: big brother (somebody's elder brother)
isoveli {n} :: Big Brother (unwarranted and invasive government surveillance of its citizens)
isovene {n} :: longboat, large boat
isoviha {n} :: The Greater Wrath, a period of Russian occupation of Finland (1714–1721)
isoviiksisiippa {n} :: Brandt's bat, Myotis brandtii
isoviistäjä {n} :: Atlantic petrel (Pterodroma incerta)
isoviiva {n} :: isopleth
isovoihappo {n} [chemistry] :: isobutyric acid
isovoirousku {n} :: A milk-cap, Lactarius scrobiculatus
isovyötiäinen {n} :: giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus)
isovyötiäismyyrä {n} :: greater fairy armadillo (Calyptophractus retusus, syn. Chlamyphorus retusus)
isoympyrä {n} :: great circle
isoympyräreitti {n} [navigation] :: A great circle route
ispinä {n} :: mutton fat, mutton tallow
ispinäpottu {n} :: a dish of mutton tallow and potatoes
Israel {prop} :: Israel
israelilainen {adj} :: Israeli
israelilainen {n} :: An Israeli person
israelilaisuus {n} :: Israeliness
issias {n} [disease, dated] :: A sciatica
issikka {n} [dated] :: horse cab
issikka {n} [colloquial] :: Icelandic horse
-ista {suffix} :: Forms frequentative verbs
-istaa {suffix} :: Forms verbs meaning "to make (into)", predominantly from adjectives; -ize/-ise
-istaa {suffix} :: Occasionally used for other purposes, either as to apply a tool onto
-istaa {suffix} :: or to equip:
istahtaa {vi} :: To sit down for a short while
Istanbul {prop} :: Istanbul (city in Turkey)
-isti {suffix} :: -ist (forms names of occupations from some nouns)
-isti {suffix} :: -ist (supporter of an idea)
Isto {prop} :: given name
istua {vi} :: to sit
istua {vi} :: to be a member in a board or similar
istua {vi} [of clothes., etc, + allative] :: to suit (a person)
istua {vt} [+ partitive] :: to be in jail, serve
istua kahdella tuolilla {v} [idiomatic] :: to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds (support both sides of an argument, conflict, etc.)
istualla {adv} :: alternative form of istuallaan
istuallaan {adv} :: (while) sitting down
istualle {adv} :: alternative form of istualleen
istualleen {adv} :: (into being) sitting, into being seated
istualta {adv} :: alternative form of istualtaan
istualtaan {adv} :: from being sitting
istuin {n} :: seat
istuinalusta {n} :: sit pad, sitting pad (a flat object, such as a cushion, for one to sit on)
istuinkaukalo {n} [nautical] :: cockpit (in a sailing boat, the well in which the helm is located)
istuinkyhmy {n} [anatomy] :: ischial tuberosity
istuinlaatikko {n} :: seat box
istuinlaatikko {n} :: synonym of istuinkaukalo
istuinlauta {n} :: seat board, seat plank
istuinluu {n} [skeleton] :: An ischium (bone)
istuinosa {n} :: seat (horizontal portion of a chair, etc.)
istuinpaikka {n} :: seat (place in which to sit)
istuinpenkki {n} :: bench seat
istuinrivi {n} :: row of seats
istuintyyny {n} :: seat cushion, chairpad
istujaiset {n} :: get-together (small and intimate social gathering)
istukallinen {adj} :: placental
istukas {n} [agriculture] :: A root vegetable kept for planting next spring
istukas {n} [botany] :: planting (plant that has been freshly planted)
istukas {n} :: A fish grown in hatchery and ready for planting in natural waters
istukassipuli {n} :: onion set
istukka {n} [anatomy] :: placenta
istukka {n} [technology] :: chuck, socket (mechanical device that holds an object firmly in place)
istukkaventtiili {n} :: globe valve
istuksia {v} :: To sit around
istuma-alusta {n} :: sitting platform
istuma-amme {n} :: sitz bath tub
istumaannousu {n} [exercise] :: sit-up
istuma-asento {n} :: sitting or seating pose or position
istuma-aukko {n} :: synonym of istuinkaukalo
istumajalka {n} [zoology] :: perching foot
istumajärjestys {n} :: seating arrangement, seating order
istumakylpy {n} :: sitz bath
istumalaatikko {n} [nautical] :: synonym of istuinkaukalo
istumalakko {n} :: sit-down strike, sit-down, sit-in
istumalentopallo {n} [sports] :: sitting volleyball
istumalihas {n} [colloquial] :: buttock
istumalta {adv} [figuratively] :: from a (specific) position or situation
istumapaikka {n} :: seat (place in which to sit in a train, theatre or similar)
istumatyö {n} :: sedentary work
istuminen {n} :: sitting
istunta {n} :: sitting
istunto {n} :: meeting, sitting, session (meeting of a council, court, or legislative body to conduct its business)
istunto {n} [computing] :: session (sequence of interactions between the server and a user)
istunto {n} :: sit (a religious event, where the primary activity is to sit in meditation)
istuntohuone {n} :: session room, meeting room
istuntokausi {n} :: session (period) of a judicial, legislative, or other deliberative body
istuntopäivä {n} [legal] :: A judicial day
istuntosali {n} :: chamber (room used for deliberation by a legislature)
istuskelija {n} :: one who sits around
istuskella {v} :: To sit around
istuskelu {n} :: sitting around
istute {n} :: implant
istutella {vt} :: to plant (seeds, plants etc., repeatedly)
istuttaa {vt} :: to plant (place a seed or plant in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow)
istuttaa {vt} :: to introduce an animal to an area outside its native region
istuttaminen {n} :: planting (of a plant)
istuttaminen {n} :: introducing (of animal species)
istuttelu {n} :: planting seeds or plants repeatedly
istutus {n} :: The act of planting
istutusaika {n} :: planting time
istutuskone {n} :: planter (machine)
istutuskuoppa {n} :: planting pit
istutuskuusikko {n} :: planted spruce forest
istutuslapio {n} :: A trowel (gardening tool)
istutusmetsä {n} :: plantation forest
istutussyvyys {n} :: planting depth
istutusväli {n} :: planting distance, planting spacing
istuutua {vi} :: to sit down, take a seat, sit (take a seat)
istuutuminen {n} :: sitting down, taking a seat, sitting
istuva {adj} [of clothes] :: fitting, suiting
istuvilla {adv} :: synonym of istualla
istuvillaan {adv} :: synonym of istuallaan
istuville {adv} :: synonym of istualle
istuvilleen {adv} :: synonym of istualleen
istuvilta {adv} :: synonym of istualta
istuviltaan {adv} :: synonym of istualtaan
istuvuus {n} [of clothes] :: suitability, fittingness
isukki {n} [colloquial] :: daddy
isyys {n} :: fatherhood, paternity
isyysloma {n} :: paternity leave
isyyspakkaus {n} :: paternity package
isyysraha {n} :: paternity pay
isyystutkimus {n} :: paternity test
isyysvapaa {n} :: paternity leave
-ita {suffix} :: Forms instrumental verbs from nouns
-ita {suffix} :: Forms some verbs indicating acting in a capacity or a profession
-ita {suffix} :: Forms various other verbs from nouns or adjectives
itä {n} :: east, one of the cardinal points of the compass
itä {n} :: [first part in compounds] east, eastern
itä {n} :: East, the Orient
itää {vi} [agriculture] :: to germinate, sprout
itää {vi} [figuratively] :: to develop, grow, take shape
Itä-Aasia {prop} :: the East Asia
itäaasialainen {adj} :: East Asian
itäaasialainen {n} :: An East Asian person
Itä-Afrikka {n} :: East Africa
itäafrikkalainen {adj} :: East African
itäafrikkalainen {n} :: A East African person
itaali {n} :: a member of an Italic people
itaalinen {adj} :: Italic
itäauto {n} [historical] :: a car made in the Eastern Bloc
Itä-Berliini {prop} :: East Berlin
itäblokki {n} [historical] ::  The Eastern Bloc
Itä-Eurooppa {prop} :: Eastern Europe
itäeurooppalainen {adj} :: Eastern European
itäeurooppalainen {n} :: A Eastern European person
itäfriisi {n} :: Saterland Frisian (Frisian language spoken mostly in the municipality of Saterland in Lower Saxony, Germany)
itägootti {n} :: Ostrogoth
itäinen {adj} :: eastern
itäisempi {adj} :: comparative of itäinen
itäkaakko {n} :: east-southeast
itäkaakkoinen {adj} :: east-southeasterly
itäkarjalainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the eastern Karelia
itäkauppa {n} :: eastern trade
Itä-Kiinan meri {prop} :: The East China Sea
itäkoillinen {n} :: east-northeast
Itälä {prop} :: surname
italia {n} :: Italian (Romance language)
Italia {prop} :: Italy
italiaano {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: Italian (person)
italialainen {n} :: Italian (person)
italialainen {adj} :: Italian
italialainen lakko {n} :: work-to-rule (labor protest in which the minimum work is carried out)
italialaismies {n} :: Italian man
italialaisnainen {n} :: Italian woman
italialaistaa {vt} :: To Italianize (to give something Italian characteristics)
italialaistaminen {n} :: Italianization
italialaistua {vi} :: To Italianize (to adopt an Italian way of life, or Italian manners)
italialaisuus {n} :: Italianness (state or property of being Italian)
italianajokoira {n} :: Segugio Italiano
italianisti {n} :: Italianist
italiankielinen {adj} :: Italian-speaking; Italophone
italiankielinen {adj} :: expressed in the Italian language
italiankumina {n} :: synonym of salaattifenkoli
italianpantaheinä {n} :: foxtail millet (Setaria italica) (cereal)
italiansalaatti {n} :: Olivier salad
italiantaa {v} :: To translate into Italian
italianvinttikoira {n} :: Italian greyhound
Italian ympäriajo {n} [sports] :: Giro d'Italia (cycling event)
italowestern {n} :: spaghetti western
itämaa {n} :: East Asian country, Oriental country
Itämaa {n} [historical] :: Österland (name of southern Finland during Swedish rule between around 1350–1470)
itämaalainen {adj} :: oriental
itämaalainen {n} :: An Oriental (person from the Orient)
itämaat {n} :: East, Orient (Asia, especially East Asia)
itämainen {adj} :: Oriental
itämaisuus {n} :: orientality
Itä-Makedonia ja Traakia {prop} :: Itä-Makedonia ja Traakia (province)
itämari {n} :: synonym of niittymari
itämarkka {n} :: A common term for the former East German currency (until 1990), the East German mark or ostmark. See: Itä-Saksan markka
itämerensara {n} :: long-bracted sedge (Carex extensa)
itämerensimpukka {n} :: Baltic macoma, Macoma balthica
itämerensuomalainen {adj} [linguistics] :: Baltic-Finnic
itämerensuomi {n} :: The Finnic or Baltic-Finnic branch of the Uralic family; the Finnic or Baltic-Finnic languages considered collectively
itämerensuomi {n} :: The Proto-Finnic language
Itämeri {prop} :: The Baltic Sea
itäminen {n} :: germinating, sprouting
itäminen {n} :: developing, taking shape
itämisaika {n} :: germination time (time elapsed between sowing the seeds of a plant and the first appearance of the seedling)
itämisaika {n} :: incubation period (time elapsed between an exposure to a pathogenic organism and the appearance of signs and symptoms)
itämiskyky {n} :: germination capacity
itämurre {n} :: eastern dialect
itämurteinen {adj} :: pertaining to the eastern dialects (such as of Finnish)
itämyrsky {n} :: easterly storm
itänaapuri {n} :: eastern neighbor
itäosa {n} :: eastern part
Itä-Pakistan {prop} [historical] :: East Pakistan
Itä-Preussi {prop} [historical] :: East Prussia
itäpuoli {n} :: eastside
itäpuolinen {adj} :: on the eastern side
itäpuolitse {adv} :: by the eastern side [of]
itara {adj} :: stingy (covetous, meanly avaricious)
itäraja {n} :: eastern border
itärannikko {n} [in compounds] :: East Coast
itärannikko {n} :: east coast (any eastern seaboard)
Itärannikko {prop} :: East Coast (US East Coast)
itäranta {n} :: east shore, eastern shore
itarasti {adv} :: stingily
itäreimari {n} [nautical] :: synonym of itäviitta
itärinne {n} :: east slope
itärintama {n} [military] :: eastern front
itäroomalainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Byzantine Empire
itäroomalainen {n} :: A person from Byzantine Empire
itaruus {n} :: stinginess
itäryhmä {n} :: eastern group, eastern bloc
Itä-Saksa {prop} :: East Germany
itäsaksalainen {adj} :: East German
itäsaksalainen {n} :: East German (person)
Itä-Saksan markka {n} :: The official term for the former East German currency (until 1990), the East German mark or ostmark
itäsiperianlaika {n} :: East Siberian laika
Itä-Siperian meri {prop} :: East Siberian Sea
itäslaavilainen {adj} :: East Slavic
itäsuomalainen {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the eastern Finland
itäsuomalainen {n} :: A person from the eastern Finland
itäsuomalaisuus {n} :: eastern Finnishness
Itä-Suomi {prop} :: Eastern Finland (geographical and administrative area that consists of the eastern parts of Finland, commonly understood to include the regions of North Karelia, Northern Savonia and Southern Savonia, and sometimes South Karelia)
itätaivas {n} :: eastern sky
Itä-Timor {prop} :: East Timor (country)
itätimorilainen {adj} :: East Timorese (of or pertaining to East Timor)
itätuonti {n} :: eastern imports
itäturisti {n} :: a tourist from the east
itätuuli {n} :: east wind (wind blowing from the east)
Itävalta {prop} :: Itävalta (country)
itävaltalainen {adj} :: Austrian, related to Austria
itävaltalainen {n} :: An Austrian person
itävaltalaisuus {n} :: Austrianness (state or property of being Austrian)
Itävalta-Unkari {prop} [historical] :: Austria-Hungary
itävaltaunkarilainen {adj} :: Austro-Hungarian
itävienti {n} :: eastern exports
itäviitta {n} [nautical] :: east cardinal (cardinal mark indicating navigable water to the east of the mark)
itävyys {n} :: germination capacity
itävyysprosentti {n} :: germination percentage
ite {pron} [colloquial, dialectal] :: oneself (personal pronoun) (also plurally)
itelmeeni {n} :: Itelmen (person)
itelmeeni {n} :: Itelmen (language)
-iten {suffix} :: Forms superlative adverbs from some stems, mostly of bisyllabic stems or -ea adjectives
ite oot {phrase} [colloquial] :: alternative form of itse olet
iteraatio {n} :: iteration
iteraattori {n} :: iterator
I-teräs {n} :: I-shaped steel beam
iteratiivinen {adj} :: iterative
iterointi {n} [computing] :: iteration
iterointimenetelmä {n} :: iterating method
iter semel {phrase} [medicine] :: Used of a prescription which entitles to acquire the (whole) prescribed amount of medicine from a drugstore for one additional time (repeated once) without renewing the prescription
itikka {n} [colloquial] :: any small insect, especially a stinging one like mosquito
itikka {n} [dialectal] :: cow
itiö {n} [botany] :: spore
itiöeläin {n} :: An organism belonging to the phylum Apicomplexa
itiöeläin {n} [in plural] :: Apicomplexa (phylum)
itiöemä {n} [biology] :: A sporocarp or fruiting body of a fungus
itiökanta {n} [mycology] :: basidium
itiökasvi {n} [botany] :: cryptogam (plant that produces spores rather than seeds)
itiökotelo {n} [mycology] :: ascus
itiölava {n} [biology] :: hymenium
itiöpesäke {n} [botany] :: A sporangium
itiöpolvi {n} [botany] :: sporophyte
itiöpöly {n} :: spore dust
itkeä {vi} :: To cry, weep
itkeä maahan kaatunutta maitoa {v} :: to cry over spilt milk
itkeä silmät päästään {v} [idiomatic] :: to cry one's eyes out
itkeminen {n} :: crying, weeping
itkeskellä {vi} :: To cry (occasionally, an unspecified period of time); to be sad
itkeskely {n} :: crying, weeping (repeatedly)
itkettää {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to make (someone) cry
itkettää {vt} [_, + partitive] :: to salt, sweat (use a process to remove water from eggplant, zucchini, etc.)
itkettynyt {adj} :: appearing as if one had cried, tearstained
itketys {n} :: making (someone) cry
itketys {n} :: salting, sweating (eggplant, zucchini)
itkijä {n} :: crier, one who cries
itkijä {n} :: wailer
itkijänainen {n} :: a female singer of itkuvirsi or laments
Itkonen {prop} :: surname
itku {n} :: cry, crying (shedding of tears)
itkuhälytin {n} :: baby monitor
itkuinen {adj} :: weepy, tearful
itkukohtaus {n} :: crying spell
itkumuuri {n} :: Wailing Wall
itkunpuuska {n} :: crying fit
itkunsekainen {adj} :: tearful, weeping, dolorous
itkupaju {n} :: weeping willow (decorative variety of willow with pendulous branches)
itkupilli {n} :: crybaby
itku pitkästä ilosta {proverb} :: great joy or happiness is bound to end in sorrow; good things won't last forever
itku pitkästä ilosta {proverb} :: it is all fun and games until someone loses an eye
itkupotkuraivari {n} [colloquial] :: temper tantrum (fit of bad temper, especially kicking, screaming or deliberately holding the breath)
itkusilmäinen {adj} :: tearful-eyed
itkusilmin {adv} :: tearfully, while crying
itkuvirsi {n} :: a type of singing while crying in a specific context, e.g. wedding or funeral; common type of ethnic poetry among Finnic peoples until 20th century; a dirge, lament
itkuvirsi {n} [humorous, derogatory] :: a piece of music one finds too depressing and not sufficiently upbeat
itkuvirsi {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: a whining, rant, complaint
itsari {n} [colloquial] :: suey [slang], suicide [standard]
-itse {suffix} :: by, through; the suffix of the prolative, determines the channel by which something takes place
itse- {prefix} :: self-, auto-
itse {pron} :: oneself; used to emphasize the person of the head word
itse {pron} :: by -self, on/by one's own
itse {pron} :: oneself; used reflexively with a possessive suffix
itse {pron} :: (as modifier in compound words) auto-, self-; see also separate entry for itse-
itse {n} [psychology] :: self, ego
itseadjungoituva {adj} :: self-adjoint
itseapu {n} :: self-help
itseapuryhmä {n} :: self-help group
itsearviointi {n} :: self evaluation, self assessment
itsearvostus {n} :: self-affirmation, self-esteem, self-respect
itse asiassa {adv} :: as a matter of fact
itsehallinnollinen {adj} :: autonomous (self-governing)
itsehallinnollisuus {n} :: the quality or property of being self-governing
itsehallinta {n} :: ownership, self-management
itsehallinto {n} :: autonomy
itsehallintoalue {n} :: autonomous region
itsehallintoalue {n} :: autonomous community (of Spain)
itsehallinto-oikeus {n} :: right to self-government
itsehalveksinta {n} :: self-contempt
itsehalveksunta {n} :: itsehalveksunta, self-reproach
itsehavainnointi {n} :: introspection, self-observation
itsehedelmöitys {n} [biology] :: self-fertilization
itsehillintä {n} :: self-control, self-command (ability to control one's desires and impulses)
itsehillintä {n} :: self-possession (calmness and composure, especially when under stress)
itsehillintä {n} :: anger management (ability to control one's anger)
itsehoito {n} :: self-care, self-treatment
itsehoitolääke {n} :: over-the-counter drug
itsehoito-opas {n} :: self-help guide
itsehoitotuote {n} :: self-care or healthcare product or preparation
itseihailu {n} :: self-admiration
itseilmaisu {n} :: self-expression
itseinduktio {n} [physics] :: self-induction
itseinho {n} :: self-hatred
itseironia {n} :: self-deprecation (in humor), self-irony
itseironinen {adj} :: self-deprecating (humorously expressing disapproval or being critical of oneself)
itseisarvo {n} [mathematics] :: An absolute value
itseisarvo {n} [ethics] :: An intrinsic value
itseiva {n} :: self-irony
itsejäljentävä {adj} :: self-replicating
itsekannattava {adj} :: self-supporting
itsekannattavuus {n} :: self-sustainability
itsekantava {adj} :: self-supporting
itsekäs {adj} :: selfish
itsekasvatus {n} :: self-education, self-development
itsekehu {n} :: self-praise, bragging
itsekeskeinen {adj} :: self-centered
itsekeskeisesti {adv} :: In an self-centered or selfish manner
itsekeskeisyys {n} :: self-centeredness, egocentricity
itsekidutus {n} :: self-torture, self-torment
itsekiillottuva {adj} :: self-polishing
itsekiinnittyvä {adj} :: self-adhesive
itsekkäästi {adv} :: selfishly
itsekkäisyys {n} [dated] :: synonym of itsekkyys
itsekkyys {n} :: selfishness
itsekontrolli {n} :: self-control
itsekorostus {n} :: self-aggrandizement
itsekriittinen {adj} :: self-critical
itsekriittisyys {n} :: self-distance (ability to critically reflect on oneself and one's relations from an external perspective)
itsekritiikki {n} :: self-criticism
itsekseen {adv} :: alone, by oneself, on one's own, unaided, unassisted
itse kukin {phrase} :: by themselves, individually, each
itsekukin {pron} :: each one, everyone
itsekulkeva {adj} :: self-propelled
itsekunnioitus {n} :: self-esteem, self-respect
itsekuri {n} :: self-discipline, self-restraint
itselaukaisin {n} [photography] :: self-timer
itseliimautuva {adj} :: self-adhesive
itselleen {adv} :: to or for oneself
itsellinen {n} [historical] :: a person living in a rural area that did not farm or permanently work for someone
itsellisyys {n} [historical] :: the quality or property of being a itsellinen
itseluottamus {n} :: self-confidence, self-assurance, self-esteem (confidence in one's own abilities)
itsemäärääminen {n} :: self-determination
itsemääräämisoikeus {n} :: self-determination (political independence of a people)
itsemme {pron} [reflexive pronoun] :: The first-person plural of the reflexive pronoun, ourselves
itsemurha {n} :: suicide
itsemurha-aie {n} :: suicidal intent
itsemurhaaja {n} :: suicide (one who has committed suicide)
itsemurhaepäily {n} :: suspicion of suicide
itsemurhahyökkäys {n} :: suicide attack
itsemurhaisku {n} :: suicide attack
itsemurhakandidaatti {n} :: suicide candidate, suicidal (person who is planning a suicide)
itsemurhalentäjä {n} :: kamikaze (pilot)
itsemurhalentäjä {n} :: one who commits suicide with an aircraft
itsemurhapäänsärky {n} [now, colloquial] :: cluster headache
itsemurhapommittaja {n} :: suicide bomber
itsemurhapommittaja {n} [rare] :: kamikaze
itsemurhapommitus {n} :: suicide bombing
itsemurhasopimus {n} :: A suicide pact
itsemurhaterrorismi {n} :: suicide terrorism
itsemurhaterroristi {n} :: suicide terrorist
itsemurhaturisti {n} :: suicide tourist
itsemurhaviesti {n} :: suicide note
itsemurhayksiö {n} [colloquial, possibly, derogatory] :: small one-room apartment (often one with less than 25 m2 or 270 sq ft of living space and intended for only one person)
itsemurhayritys {n} :: suicide attempt
itsenäinen {adj} :: independent
itsenäisesti {adv} :: independently
itsenäiskäyttö {n} :: independent use
itsenäiskäyttö {n} [computing] :: use by the end user
itsenäistää {vt} :: to make independent
itsenäistäminen {n} :: making independent
Itsenäisten valtioiden yhteisö {prop} :: Commonwealth of Independent States (alliance and confederation of eleven former Soviet republics)
itsenäistyä {vi} :: to become independent; [of a country] to gain independence
itsenäistyminen {n} :: The act of becoming independent
itsenäistyminen {n} :: nationhood (act of becoming an independent state)
itsenäistyminen {n} :: emancipation (act of setting free from the power of another)
itsenäistyttää {v} :: To force or encourage someone to reach independency, often against his or her own will
itsenäisyys {n} :: independence
itsenäisyysjuhla {n} :: Independence Day celebration
itsenäisyysjulistus {n} :: declaration of independence
itsenäisyysliike {n} :: independence movement
itsenäisyyspäivä {n} :: Independence Day
itsenäisyyspolitiikka {n} :: independence policy, independence politics
itsenäisyyssota {n} :: war of independence
itsenäisyystaistelija {n} :: independence fighter
itsenäisyystaistelu {n} :: fight or struggle for independence
itseneuvova {adj} :: self-guiding
itseni {pron} [reflexive pronoun] :: The first-person singular of the reflexive pronoun, myself
itsenne {pron} [reflexive pronoun] :: The second-person plural of the reflexive pronoun, yourselves (addressing many persons); yourself (addressing politely or formally one person)
itsenouseva {adj} [baking] :: self-raising, self-rising
itsensä {pron} [reflexive pronoun] :: The third-person singular and plural of the reflexive pronoun, himself, herself; itself; oneself; themselves
itsensä kehittäminen {n} :: self-improvement
itsensäkieltäminen {n} :: abnegation
itsensäpaljastaja {n} :: exhibitionist
itsensäpaljastaminen {n} :: indecent exposure, exhibitionism
itsensäpaljastelu {n} :: exhibitionism
itsensäruoskija {n} :: flagellant (person who whips them self as part of a religious penance)
itsensä toteuttaminen {n} [psychology] :: self-actualization (psychological development that can be achieved when all basic and mental needs are fulfilled)
itsensä työllistäminen {n} :: self-employment
itsensä työllistävä {adj} :: self-employed (working for oneself, rather than for an employer)
itseohjaava {adj} :: self-guiding
itseohjautuva {adj} :: self-guided, self-controlled
itseohjautuvuus {n} :: the quality or property of being self-guided or self-controlled
itseoikaisu {n} :: self-correction
itseoikaisu {n} :: voluntary remediation
itseoikeutettu {adj} :: self-appointed, in one's own right
itseoivallus {n} :: self-realization
itse olet {phrase} [colloquial] :: you are, I know you are but what am I
itseopiskelija {n} :: one who self-studies
itseopiskellut {adj} :: self-educated, self-learned
itseopiskelu {n} :: self-studying, self-study, self-learning
itseoppinut {adj} :: autodidact, self-taught, self-educated
itseorganisoituminen {n} :: self-organization
itsepäinen {adj} :: stubborn, opinionated
itsepäinen kuin muuli {adj} [simile] :: stubborn as a mule
itsepäisesti {adv} :: stubbornly
itsepäisyys {n} :: stubbornness, obstinacy
itsepalvelu {n} :: self-service
itsepalveluhuoltamo {n} :: self-service station
itsepalvelukahvila {n} :: self-service cafeteria
itsepalvelukassa {n} [retail] :: self-checkout
itsepalveluliike {n} :: self-service outlet, self-service shop
itsepalvelumyymälä {n} :: self-service shop, self-service establishment
itsepalvelupesula {n} :: launderette; laundromat (US) (place that has facilities for washing and drying clothes that the public may pay to use)
itsepalveluravintola {n} :: self-service restaurant
itsepalvelutavaratalo {n} :: self-service department store
itsepalvonta {n} :: idiolatry, autolatry, self worship
itsepetos {n} :: self-deception, self-delusion, self-deceit
itsepintainen {adj} :: obstinate, refractory, stubborn
itsepintainen {adj} [medicine] :: refractory (difficult to heal)
itsepintaisesti {adv} :: stubbornly
itsepintaisuus {n} :: stubbornness
itsepoiminta {n} :: picking by oneself (of berries, etc.)
itsepölytteinen {adj} :: self-pollinating
itsepölytys {n} [biology] :: self-pollination
itsepuolustus {n} :: self-defense
itserahoitus {n} :: self-financing, self-funding
itserakas {adj} :: conceited (having an excessively favorable opinion of oneself)
itserakkaasti {adv} :: conceitedly (in the manner of having an excessively favorable opinion of oneself)
itserakkaus {n} :: self-love
itseriittoinen {adj} :: self-absorbed
itseriittoisesti {adv} :: self-absorbedly
itseriittoisuus {n} :: self-sufficiency
itseruoskinta {n} :: self-flagellation
itsesääli {n} :: self-pity
itsesaastuttaja {n} :: masturbator
itsesaastutus {n} [archaic] :: self-pollution (masturbation)
itsesäätely {n} :: self-regulation
itsesäätöinen {adj} :: self-regulating, self-adjusting, self-steering
itsesäätyvä {adj} :: self-regulating, self-adjusting, self-steering
itsesäilytys {n} :: self-preservation
itsesäilytysvaisto {n} :: survival instinct
itsesäilytysvietti {n} :: survival instinct
itsesensuuri {n} :: self-censorship
itsesi {pron} [reflexive pronoun] :: The second-person singular of the reflexive pronoun, yourself
itsesiitos {n} [biology] :: self-fertilization, autofecundation
itsesiittoinen {adj} :: self-fertilizing, autogamous
itsesiliävä {adj} :: non-iron
itsesimilaarinen {adj} :: self-similar
itsesoimaus {n} :: self-rebuke
itsessä {adv} :: in and of itself, per se
itsessään {adv} :: on its own, per se, by itself
itsestään {adv} :: by itself, spontaneously
itsestään selvä {adj} :: self-evident, that goes without saying, obvious
itsestään selvä {adj} :: taken for granted (assumed to be true without verification or proof)
itsestäänselvä {adj} :: self-evident, that goes without saying, obvious
itsestäänselvä {adj} :: taken for granted (assumed to be true without verification or proof)
itsestäänselvyys {n} :: self-evidency, something obvious, that which goes without saying
itsestäänselvyys {n} :: matter of course, something taken for granted
itsesuggestio {n} :: autosuggestion
itsesuojelu {n} :: self-preservation
itsesuojeluvaisto {n} :: survival instinct
itsesyttyminen {n} :: spontaneous combustion
itsesytyntä {n} :: spontaneous combustion
itsesyytös {n} :: self-accusation
itsetajunta {n} :: self-awareness, apperception
itsetärkeä {adj} :: self-important
itsetärkeys {n} :: self-importance
itsetarkkailu {n} :: introspection, self-monitoring, self-examination
itsetarkoitus {n} :: end in itself
itsetehostus {n} :: self-aggrandizement
itsetehty {adj} :: synonym of omatekoinen
itsetekeminen {n} :: do it yourself
itse teossa {phrase} [idiomatic] :: in the act
itsetiedoton {adj} :: unconscious, that one is not consciously aware of
itsetiedoton {adj} [law] :: negligent (of a consequence; that the perpetrator was not aware of at the time, but could have been)
itsetietoinen {adj} :: self-conscious
itsetietoisesti {adv} :: self-consciously
itsetietoisuus {n} :: self-consciousness
itsetilitys {n} :: self-reckoning
itsetoiminen {adj} :: automatic
itsetoimiva {adj} :: automatic
itsetuho {n} :: self-destruction
itsetuhoinen {adj} :: suicidal
itsetuhoisuus {n} :: self-destructiveness, suicidality
itsetuhokäyttäytyminen {n} :: self-endangering behavior
itsetuntemus {n} :: self-knowledge, self-awareness
itsetunto {n} :: self-esteem
itsetutkiskelu {n} [psychology] :: self-examination, introspection
itsetutkistelu {n} :: self-examination, self-analysis
itsetypistys {n} [zoology] :: autotomy
itsetyydyttäjä {n} :: onanist
itsetyydytys {n} :: masturbation
itsetyytyväinen {adj} :: smug, self-satisfied
itsetyytyväisesti {adv} :: smugly, in a self-satisfied manner
itsetyytyväisyys {n} :: self-satisfaction
itsevalaiseva {adj} :: self-luminous
itsevalta {n} :: autocracy
itsevaltainen {adj} :: autocratic, despotic
itsevaltainen {adj} :: absolute; as in absolute monarchy
itsevaltaisesti {adv} :: autocratically, despotically
itsevaltaisuus {n} :: autocraticness, despoticness, absoluteness (of rule)
itsevaltiaasti {adv} :: synonym of itsevaltaisesti
itsevaltias {n} :: autocrat
itsevaltius {n} :: despotism (government by a singular authority, which rules with absolute power, especially in a cruel and oppressive way)
itsevarma {adj} :: self-assured, confident (confident in one's own abilities)
itsevarmasti {adv} :: self-assuredly
itsevarmuus {n} :: self-assurance, assertiveness
itseverotus {n} :: self-assessment
itseviittaus {n} :: self-reference
itsevoiteleva {adj} :: self-lubricating
itseys {n} :: selfness
-ittaa {suffix} :: Variant of -ttaa used with some bisyllabic stems
-ittain {suffix} :: Forms adverbs from nouns or numerals, that express a multiple of a quantity, often translated as by the or in their into English
-ittain {suffix} :: Forms adverbs from adjectives, that express a manner of doing something
-ittain {suffix} :: Forms adverbs from adjectives, that expresses a point of view
itu {n} :: sprout
itu {n} [topology, mathematics] :: germ
itujyvänen {n} [botany] :: gemma
ituplasma {n} [biology] :: germ plasm
iturata {n} [biology] :: germline
itusalaatti {n} :: sprout salad
itusilmu {n} [botany] :: bulbil
itusolu {n} [biology] :: germ cell
iva {n} :: ridicule, sarcasm, mockery, derision
iva {n} [rare] :: irony
ivaaminen {n} :: ridiculing, mocking, sneering, scoffing
ivahymy {n} :: mocking smile
ivailla {vt} :: to ridicule, make fun of
ivailu {n} :: mockery, making fun of
ivallinen {adj} :: mocking, sardonic
ivallisesti {adv} :: mockingly, sardonically, scornfully
ivallisuus {n} :: scornfulness, sarcasm (use of acerbic language to mock or convey contempt)
Ivalo {prop} :: Ivalo
Ivalojoki {n} :: Ivalojoki (river)
ivamukaelma {n} [rare] :: synonym of parodia
ivanauru {n} :: scornful laugh
Ivanov {prop} :: surname Иванов
Ivanovitš {prop} :: Ivanovich
ivata {vt} [+ partitive] :: to ridicule, mock, sneer, jeer at, scoff, satirise/satirize, deride
IVY {prop} [initialism] :: CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)