User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fr-m
ma {n} (colloquial form of mother) | :: maman {f} |
mañana {adv} (tomorrow) SEE: tomorrow | :: |
Maastrichtian {adj} (pertaining to Maastricht) | :: maastrichtien {m}/maastrichtienne {f} |
Maastrichtian {n} (denizen of Maastricht) | :: Maastrichtien {m}/Maastrichtienne {f} |
Maastrichtian {prop} (geological age) | :: Maastrichtien {m} |
macabre {adj} /məˈkɑb/ (representing or personifying death) | :: macabre |
macabre {adj} (obsessed with death) | :: macabre, morbide, gothique, thanatophile |
macabre {adj} (ghastly, shocking, terrifying) | :: macabre, sinistre lugubre, morbide, funèbre, funeste, effrayant, horrible |
macadamia {n} /mækəˈdeɪmi.ə/ (tree) | :: macadamia {m} |
macadamia {n} (macadamia nut) SEE: macadamia nut | :: |
macadamia nut {n} (edible seed of the macadamia tree) | :: noix de macadamia {m} |
MAC address {n} (Media Access Control address) | :: adresse MAC {f} |
Macanese {n} (Macanese (person)) | :: macanais, macanéen |
Macaoese {n} (Macaoese) | :: macanais, macanéen |
macaque {n} /məˈkɑk/ (any monkey of the genus Macaca) | :: macaque {m} |
macaron {n} /mɑkəˈɹoʊn/ (pastry) | :: macaron {m} |
macaroni {n} /ˌmækəˈɹoʊni/ (type of pasta) | :: macaronis {m-p} |
macaronic {adj} /ˌmækəˈɹɑnɪk/ (jumbled) | :: bâtard |
macaronic {adj} (written in a mixture of languages) | :: macaronique |
macaronic {n} (macaronic work) | :: galimatias, charabia, amphigouri |
macaroni penguin {n} (Eudyptes chrysolophus) | :: gorfou doré {m} |
macaroon {n} /ˌmæk.əˈɹun/ (soft biscuit or cookie prepared with almond or coconut dough) | :: congolais, rocher coco {m} |
Macau {prop} /məˈkaʊ/ (a city just west of Hong Kong) | :: Macao {m} |
macaw {n} /məˈkɑː/ (various parrots) | :: ara {m} |
Maccabee {n} /ˈmæk.kəˌbi/ (Maccabee) | :: Maccabée {m} {f} |
Maccabees {prop} (book of the Old Testament) | :: Maccabées |
macchia {n} /mæk.ɪa/ (shrubland biota) | :: maquis |
mace {n} /meɪs/ (weapon) | :: masse {f}, masse d'armes {f} |
mace {n} (ceremonial form of this weapon) | :: masse {f} |
mace {n} (a spice) | :: macis {m} |
Macedonia {prop} /ˌmæs.əˈdoʊ.ni.ə/ (ancient kingdom) | :: Macédoine {f} |
Macedonia {prop} (Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia) | :: Macédoine {f} |
Macedonia {prop} (region of northern Greece) | :: Macédoine {f} |
Macedonian {adj} /mæsəˈdəʊnɪən/ (of Macedonia or its people or language) | :: macédonien |
Macedonian {n} (person from Macedonia) | :: macédonien {m}, macédonienne {f} |
Macedonian {n} (Slavic language of Macedonia) | :: macédonien {m} |
Macedo-Romanian {prop} (Aromanian) SEE: Aromanian | :: |
Macerata {prop} (province) | :: Macerata |
Macerata {prop} (town) | :: Macerata |
macerate {v} /ˈmæs.ə.ɹɪt/ (to soften or separate by immersion in a liquid) | :: macérer |
maceration {n} /mæsəˈɹeɪʃən/ (act or process of macerating) | :: macération {f} |
macerator {n} /ˈmæsəˌɹeɪtɚ/ (a machine that reduces solids to small pieces) | :: broyeur |
MacGyver {v} (to jury-rig) SEE: jury-rig | :: |
machaca {n} | :: fulgore porte-lanterne {m} |
machete {n} /məˈʃɛ.ti/ (a sword-like tool) | :: machette |
Machiavelli {prop} (Italian statesman and writer) | :: Machiavel {m} |
Machiavellian {adj} /ˌmɑk.i.əˈvɛl.i.ən/ (attempting to achieve goals by cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous methods) | :: machiavélique |
Machiavellian {adj} (related to the philosophical system of Niccolò Machiavelli) | :: machiavélien |
Machiavellianism {n} (philosophy) | :: machiavélisme {m} |
Machiavellianism {n} (political maneuver) | :: machiavélisme {m} |
Machiavellianism {n} (ruthless, duplicitous behavior) | :: machiavélisme {m} |
machicolation {n} /məˌtʃɪkəˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ (opening between corbels that support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal, of a fortified building) | :: mâchicoulis {m} |
machination {n} /ˌmækɪˈneɪʃən/ (clever scheme or artful plot, usually crafted for evil purposes) | :: machination {f} |
machine {n} /məˈʃin/ (mechanical or electrical device) | :: machine |
machine {n} (a person who is very proficient) | :: machine {f} |
machine {v} (make by machine) | :: usiner |
machine code {n} (machine language) SEE: machine language | :: |
machine code {n} (machine code) | :: code machine {m} |
machine gun {n} (type of firearm) | :: mitrailleuse {f} |
machine-gunner {n} (someone who uses a machine gun) | :: mitrailleur |
machine language {n} (set of instructions for a computer) | :: langage machine {m}, code machine |
machine learning {n} (field of study) | :: apprentissage automatique {m} |
machinery {n} /məˈʃiːnəɹi/ (machines constituting a production apparatus) | :: machines {f-p} |
machinery {n} (working parts of a machine as a group) | :: pièces {f-p}, machinerie {f} |
machinery {n} (collective parts of something which allow it to function) | :: machinerie |
machinery {n} | :: mécanique {f}, machinierie, méchanique, parc de machines |
machine tool {n} /məˈʃiːn ˈtuːl/ (tool used for machining) | :: machine-outil {f} |
machine translation {n} (act of translating something by means of a machine) | :: traduction automatique {f} |
machinist {n} (operator) SEE: operator | :: |
machinist {n} /mə.ˈʃi.nɪst/ (person employed to shift scenery in a theater) | :: machiniste {m} |
machismo {n} /mɑːˈtʃiz.moʊ/ (exaggerated masculinity) | :: machisme {m} |
macho {adj} /ˈmɑtʃoʊ/ (manly, tough) | :: macho {m} |
macho {n} (macho person) | :: macho {m} |
Macintosh {n} (Apple Macintosh) | :: Macintosh |
mackerel {n} /ˈmækɹəl/ (edible fish) | :: maquereau {m} |
mackerel bird {n} (wryneck) SEE: wryneck | :: |
MacKinnon {prop} | :: MacKinnon |
mackintosh {n} (raincoat in general) SEE: raincoat | :: |
macpalxochitl {n} (Mexican hand tree) SEE: Mexican hand tree | :: |
macramé {n} /ˈmækɹəˌmeɪ/ (textile) | :: macramé {m} |
macro {adj} /ˈmæk.ɹoʊ/ (very large in scale) | :: macro- |
macro {n} (an abbreviation of complicated input) | :: macro {f}, macro-commande {f} |
macro- {prefix} /ˈmæk.ɹoʊ/ (large) | :: macro- |
macrobiotic {adj} (diet) | :: macrobiotique |
macroblock {n} (block of adjacent pixels) | :: macrobloc |
macrocephaly {n} (a condition in which the head is abnormally large) | :: macrocéphalie {f} |
macrocosm {n} (the universe) SEE: universe | :: |
macrocosm {n} /ˈmæk.ɹəˌkɑ.zəm/ (a complex structure containing numerous smaller-scale structures) | :: macrocosme {m} |
macrocosmic {adj} (of or pertaining to the macrocosm) | :: macrocosmique {m} {f} |
macroeconomics {n} /ˌmæk.ɹoʊˌiː.kəˈnɒ.mɪks/ (study of the entire economy) | :: macroéconomie {f} |
macrogamete {n} (larger of a pair of conjugating gametes) | :: macrogamète {m} |
macrography {n} | :: macrographie {f} |
macrometeorology {n} (study of the large-scale behaviour of the atmosphere) | :: macrométéorologie {f} |
macron {n} /ˈmækɹɒn/ (short, straight, horizontal diacritical mark) | :: macron {m} |
Macron {prop} /mæˈkɹɒn/ (surname) | :: Macron {m} {f} |
macrophage {n} (type of white blood cell) | :: macrophage {m} |
macrophotography {n} (close-up photography) | :: macrophotographie {f} |
macrophyte {n} /ˈmækɹəˌfaɪt/ (macroscopic plant) | :: macrophyte {f} |
macroscopic {adj} (visible to the unassisted eye) | :: macroscopique |
macula {n} (anatomy: yellow spot near the center of retina) | :: macula {f}, macula lutea {f} |
maculate {adj} (Defiled; impure) | :: impur |
mad {adj} /ˈmæd/ (insane (adj.)) | :: fou |
mad {adj} (angry) | :: fâché, en colère |
Madagascar {prop} /mædəˈɡæskɑɹ/ (country in Southern Africa) | :: Madagascar |
Madagascar buzzard {n} (Buteo brachypterus) | :: buse de Madagascar {f} |
madam {n} /ˈmæd.əm/ (polite term of address to a woman) | :: madame {f} |
madam {n} (woman who manages a brothel) | :: mère maquerelle {f}, maquerelle {f}, tenancière, tenancière d’une maison close, souteneuse {f} [rare] |
madarosis {n} (loss of eyebrows or eyelashes) | :: madarose {f} |
mad cow {n} (mad cow disease) | :: vache folle {f} |
mad cow disease {n} (informal: bovine spongiform encephalopathy) | :: maladie de la vache folle {f} |
maddah {n} (Arabic diacritic) | :: madda {m} {f} |
madder {n} /ˈmædəɹ/ (plant) | :: garance {f} |
madder {n} (colour) | :: garance {f} |
madder {adj} (colour) | :: garance |
made in China {adj} (manufactured in the PRC) | :: fabriqué en Chine |
made in Japan {adj} (manufactured in Japan) | :: fabriqué au Japon |
Madeira {prop} /məˈdɪəɹ.ə/ (island and autonomous region) | :: Madère |
Madeira {n} (wine) | :: madère |
Madeiran {n} (someone from Madeira) | :: Madérien {m}, Madérois {m} [less frequent], Madériote [rare], Madéran [rare] |
madeleine {n} /ˈmædələn/ (small gateau in the shape of a scallop shell) | :: madeleine {f} |
mademoiselle {n} (courtesy title for an unmarried woman in France or a French-speaking country) | :: mademoiselle {f} |
made-to-measure {adj} (made to individual specifications) | :: fait sur mesure |
Madhya Pradesh {prop} (Madhya Pradesh, India) | :: Madhya Pradesh {m} |
madly {adv} /ˈmædli/ (in a mad manner) | :: follement |
madly in love {prep} (in love to a large degree) | :: fou amoureux |
madman {n} (An insane man) | :: fou {m}, insensé {m} |
madness {n} /ˈmæd.nəs/ (insanity) | :: folie {f} |
madness {n} | :: folie |
Madonna {prop} (Virgin Mary) SEE: Virgin Mary | :: |
madras {n} (fabric) | :: madras {m} |
Madras {prop} /məˈdɹæs/ (city) | :: Madras {m} |
madrasa {n} (madrasah) SEE: madrasah | :: |
madrasah {n} (school for Islamic theology) | :: médersa {f} |
Madrid {prop} /məˈd(ʒ)ɹɪd/ (capital of Spain) | :: Madrid {m} |
madrigal {n} /ˈmædɹɪɡəl/ (either musical sense) | :: madrigal {m} |
madrigalist {n} (composer of madrigals) | :: madrigaliste {m} {f}, madrigalier {m}, madrigalière {f} |
Madrilenian {adj} (of Madrid) | :: madrilène |
Madrilenian {n} (Someone from Madrid) | :: Madrilène |
Madrileño {adj} (of Madrid) SEE: Madrilenian | :: |
Madrileño {n} (Someone from Madrid) SEE: Madrilenian | :: |
madrone {n} (strawberry tree) SEE: strawberry tree | :: |
mad scientist {n} (stock character in popular fiction) | :: savant fou {m} |
madwoman {n} (a woman who is insane) | :: folle {f} |
Maecenas {n} /mʌɪˈsiːnəs/ (a generous benefactor; specifically, a patron of literature or art) | :: mécène {m} |
maelstrom {n} /ˈmeɪlstɹəm/ (large whirlpool) | :: tourbillon {m}, maëlstrom {m} |
maenad {n} /ˈmiː.næd/ (follower of Dionysus) | :: ménade {f} |
mafia {n} /ˈmɑfi.ə/ (a crime syndicate) | :: mafia {f} |
Mafioso {n} (member of the mafia, see also: mobster) | :: mafieux {m}, mafieuse {f} |
magazine {n} /mæɡəˈzin/ (periodical) | :: magazine {m}, revue {f} |
magazine {n} (ammunition storehouse) | :: arsenal {m} |
magazine {n} (ammunition clip or chamber enabling multiple rounds to be held before firing) | :: magasin {m} |
Magdalene {prop} /ˈmæɡdəlin/ (female given name) | :: Madeleine |
Magdalene {prop} (biblical character) SEE: Mary Magdalene | :: |
Magdeburg {prop} (city) | :: Magdebourg {m} |
Magellanic Cloud {n} (galaxy) | :: nuage de Magellan {m} |
Magellanic penguin {n} (Penguin) | :: manchot de Magellan {m} |
magenta {n} /məˈdʒɛntə/ (colour) | :: magenta |
Maggie {prop} /ˈmæɡi/ (female given name) | :: Maguy, Margot {f} |
maggot {n} /ˈmæɡət/ (dipterous insect's larva that eats decomposing organic matter) | :: asticot {m}, larve {f} [larva] |
maggot therapy {n} (type of biotherapy) | :: asticothérapie {f} |
Maghreb {prop} /ˈmɑːɡɹɛb/ (region in Africa) | :: Maghreb {m} |
Maghrebi {adj} (of or relating to the Maghreb) | :: maghrébin {m} |
Maghrebi {n} (native of the Maghreb) | :: Maghrébin {m}, Maghrébine {f} |
Magi {prop} /ˈmeɪdʒaɪ/ (the wise men who gave gifts to Jesus) | :: Rois mages {m} |
magic {n} /ˈmædʒɪk/ (use of supernatural rituals, forces etc.) | :: magie {f} |
magic {n} (illusion performed to give the appearance of magic or the supernatural) | :: magie {f} |
magic {n} (something spectacular or wonderful) | :: magie {f}, magique |
magic {n} | :: magie {f}, sorcelerie |
magic {adj} | :: magique, ensorcelé |
magical {adj} /ˈmædʒɪkəl/ (relating to magic) | :: magique |
magically {adv} /ˈmædʒɪkli/ (in a magical manner) | :: magiquement |
magic bullet {n} (a remedy) | :: panacée {f}, solution miracle {f}, remède miracle {m}, formule magique {f} |
magic carpet {n} (a carpet capable of magical flight) | :: tapis volant {m} |
magic carpet {n} (a skier/snowboarder conveyor) | :: tapis roulant |
magician {n} /məˈdʒɪʃən/ (practitioner of allegedly supernatural magic) | :: magicien {m} |
magician {n} | :: magicien {m}, [1] magicienne {f}, sorcier {m} |
magic lantern {n} (early light projector) | :: lanterne magique {f} |
magic mushroom {n} (mushroom-like fungus that has psychedelic effects) | :: champi {m}, champignon hallucinogène {m} |
magic trick {n} (act of illusion or magic) | :: tour de magie {m} |
magic wand {n} (wand used to perform magic) | :: baguette magique {f} |
magic word {n} /ˈmædʒɪkˌwɝd/ (word with magical effect) | :: formule magique {f}, incantation {f} |
magic word {n} (the word "please" or "thanks") | :: mot magique {m} |
magister {n} /ˈmædʒɪstə(ɹ)/ (The possessor of a master's degree) | :: professeur {m}, maître {m} |
magistrate {n} /ˈmædʒɪstɹeɪt/ (judicial officer) | :: magistrat {m} |
magma {n} /ˈmæɡ.mə/ (molten matter) | :: magma {m} |
magma chamber {n} (a large underground pool of molten rock) | :: chambre magmatique {f} |
magmatic {adj} /maɡˈmatɪk/ (of, related to, or produced by magma) | :: magmatique |
Magna Carta {prop} /ˌmæɡnə ˈkɑːtə/ (charter granted by King John to the barons at Runnymede in 1215) | :: Magna Carta {f} |
Magna Graecia {prop} (Ancient Greek colonies in Italy and Sicily) | :: Grande-Grèce, Grande Grèce |
magnality {n} (great or wonderful thing) SEE: miracle | :: |
magnanimity {n} /ˌmæɡnəˈnɪmɪti/ (The quality of being magnanimous; greatness of mind; elevation or dignity of soul) | :: magnanimité {f} |
magnanimous {adj} /mæɡˈnæn.ɪ.məs/ (noble and generous in spirit) | :: magnanime |
magnanimously {adv} (in a magnanimous manner) | :: magnanimement |
magnate {n} /ˈmæɡneɪt/ (Powerful industrialist; captain of industry.) | :: magnat {m} |
magnesemia {n} (the presence of magnesium ions in the blood) | :: magnésémie {f} |
magnesian {adj} (containing magnesia) | :: magnésien |
Magnesian {n} /mæɡˈniʒən/ (inhabitant or a resident of Magnesia) | :: Magnesien {m}, Magnesenne {f} |
magnesite {n} (a form of magnesium carbonate, O3, occurring as dolomite (with calcite) but rarely found in the pure state) | :: magnésite {f} |
magnesium {n} /ˌmæɡˈniʒəm/ (chemical element) | :: magnésium {m} |
magnesium chloride {n} (magnesium salt of hydrochloric acid) | :: chlorure de magnésium |
magnet {n} /ˈmæɡnət/ (piece of material that attracts some metals by magnetism) | :: aimant {m} |
magnet- {prefix} /maɡˌniːt/ (magnet, magnetic, magnetism) | :: magnéto- |
magnetar {n} (pulsar with an extremely powerful magnetic field) | :: magnétar {m} |
magnetic {adj} /mæɡˈnɛtɪk/ (of, relating to, caused by, or operating by magnetism) | :: magnétique |
magnetic {adj} (having the properties a magnet) | :: magnétique |
magnetic {adj} (determined by earth's magnetic fields) | :: magnétique |
magnetic {adj} (having an extraordinary ability to attract) | :: magnétique |
magnetic compass {n} (instrument) | :: boussole magnétique {f} |
magnetic field {n} (a field of magnetic force) | :: champ magnétique {m} |
magnetic flux {n} (measure of the strength of a magnetic field in a given area) | :: flux magnétique {m} |
magnetic flux density {n} ((physics)) | :: densité de flux magnétique {f} |
magnetic moment {n} (magnetic moment) | :: moment magnétique {m} |
magnetic pole {n} | :: pôle magnétique {m} |
magnetic tape {n} (acrylic tape used for recording data) | :: bande magnétique {f} |
magnetism {n} /ˈmæɡ.nəˌtɪz.əm/ (the property of being magnetic) | :: magnétisme {m} |
magnetite {n} /ˈmaɡnətʌɪt/ (a mineral) | :: magnétite {f} |
magnetization {n} (The act of magnetizing, or the state of being magnetized) | :: magnétisation {f} |
magneto {n} /maɡˈniːtəʊ/ | :: magnéto |
magneto- {prefix} (magnet-) SEE: magnet- | :: |
magnetoencephalography {n} (technique) | :: magnétoencéphalographie {f} |
magnetometer {n} /ˌmæɡnɪˈtɒmɪtə/ (instrument) | :: magnétomètre {m} |
magnetooptical {adj} (having both magnetic and optical elements) | :: magnéto-optique {m} {f} |
magnetooptical {adj} (describing the effect of a magnetic field on an optical system) | :: magnéto-optique {m} {f} |
magnetosphere {n} /mæɡ.ˈni.tə.ˌsfɪr/ (region around a planet) | :: magnétosphère {f} |
magnification {n} /ˌmæɡnɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act of magnifying) | :: agrandissement {m} |
magnificent {adj} /mæɡˈnɪfəsənt/ (grand, elegant or splendid in appearance) | :: magnifique |
magnify {v} /ˈmæɡnɪfaɪ/ (to make larger) | :: agrandir |
magnifying glass {n} (instrument) | :: loupe {f} |
magnitude {n} /ˈmæɡnɪtjuːd/ (size, etc.) | :: ampleur {f} |
magnitude {n} (number) | :: grandeur {f} |
magnitude {n} (of a vector) | :: module {m} |
magnitude {n} (apparent brighness of a star) | :: magnitude {f} |
magnitude {n} (energy of earthquake) | :: magnitude {f} |
magnocellular {adj} (having large cells) | :: magnocellulaire |
magnolia {n} /ˌmæɡˈnoʊ.li.ə/ (tree) | :: magnolia {m} |
magnolia {n} (flower) | :: magnolia {m} |
magnolia warbler {n} (Dendroica magnolia) | :: paruline à tête cendré {m} |
magnon {n} (quantum of a spin wave) | :: magnon {m} |
Magnon {prop} | :: Magnon |
magnum opus {n} /ˌmæɡnəm ˈoʊpəs/ (the greatest work of an author or artist) | :: magnum opus {m}, grand œuvre {m} |
magpie {n} /ˈmæɡˌpaɪ/ (bird of genus Pica) | :: pie {f} |
magpie {n} (Pica pica) | :: pie bavarde {f} |
magpie {n} (Australian bird, Gymnorhina tibicen) | :: cassican flûteur {m} |
magpie-goose {n} (Anseranas semipalmata) | :: canaroie semipalmée {f} |
magret {n} (the breast meat of the mulard duck) | :: magret {m} |
magus {n} /ˈmeɪɡəs/ (magician, mage) | :: mage {m} |
magus {n} (Zoroastrian priest or astrologer) | :: mage {m} |
mag wheel {n} (wheel of magnesium alloy) | :: roue en alliage |
Magyar {adj} (Hungarian) SEE: Hungarian | :: |
Magyarize {v} (to make or render Hungarian) | :: magyariser |
maharaja {n} /ˌmɑ.hɑˈɹɑː.dʒə/ (a Hindu prince ranking above a raja) | :: maharadja {m}, maharaja {m} |
Maharashtrian {adj} (of or pertaining to Maharashtra) | :: maharashtrien |
Maharashtrian {n} (native or resident of Maharashtra) | :: maharashtrien |
Mahdi {prop} /ˈmɑːdi/ (a leader in Islamic eschatology who will appear and restore peace and justice before the end of the world) | :: mahdi {m} |
Mahilyow {prop} (Mogilev) SEE: Mogilev | :: |
mahjong {n} /mɑˈdʒɔŋ/ (game for four players) | :: mah-jong {m} |
mahleb {n} (aromatic spice made from cherry stones) | :: mahaleb {m} |
mahogany {n} /məˈhɒɡəni/ (tropical tree) | :: acajou {m}, mahagoni |
mahogany {n} (wood) | :: acajou {m} |
Mahorais {n} (person from Mayotte) | :: Mahorais |
Mahoran {adj} (from Mayotte) | :: mahorais |
mahout {n} /məˈhaʊt/ (elephant driver and keeper) | :: cornac {m}, mahout {m} |
mahr {n} (a mandatory gift from the groom to the bride upon marriage in Islamic cultures) | :: mahr {m} |
maid {n} /meɪd/ (young female) | :: demoiselle {f}, jeune fille {f} |
maid {n} (female servant or cleaner) | :: bonne {f}, bonne à tout faire {f}, domestique {f}, servante |
maiden {n} /ˈmeɪdən/ (unmarried young female) | :: jeune fille {f}, jeune femme {f}, demoiselle {f}, pucelle {f} [informal or dated] |
maiden {n} (female virgin) | :: vierge {f}, pucelle {f} [informal] |
maiden {adj} (describing a first occurrence or event) | :: inaugural |
maiden {adj} (virgin) SEE: virgin | :: |
maidenhair {n} /ˈmeɪdənhɛː/ (fern) | :: capillaire {f}, adiante {m} |
maidenhair fern {n} (maidenhair) SEE: maidenhair | :: |
maidenhead {n} | :: virginité |
maidenhood {n} /ˈmeɪd(ə)nhʊd/ (condition of being maiden) | :: virginité |
maiden name {n} (married woman's original last name) | :: nom de jeune fille {m} |
maiden voyage {n} (first trip of a vessel) | :: voyage inaugural |
maid-of-all-work {n} (female servant employed to do general housework) | :: bonne à tout faire {f} |
maid of honor {n} (the primary woman who attends the bride at a wedding ceremony) | :: demoiselle d'honneur {f} |
maidservant {n} (female servant, maid) | :: servante {f} |
maieutics {n} (Socratic method) SEE: Socratic method | :: |
mail {n} /meɪ̯l/ (postal delivery system) | :: poste {f}, courrier {m} |
mail {n} (organisation) | :: poste {f} |
mail {n} (parcels and letters) | :: courrier, correspondance {f} |
mail {n} (electronic mail) | :: courrier électronique, courriel, e-mail |
mail {v} (to send via the post) | :: poster |
mail {n} (armour consisting of metal rings or plates linked together) | :: cotte de mailles {f} |
mailboat {n} (a boat used to transport mail) | :: courrier {m} |
mailbox {n} (box into which mail is put) | :: boîte à lettres {f}, boîte aux lettres {f}, [Switzerland] case postale {f} |
mailing list {n} (collection of names and addresses) | :: liste de diffusion, fichier d’adresses {m} |
mail lady {n} (woman who delivers the post or mail) | :: factrice {f} |
Maillard reaction {n} /maɪˈjɑː(ɹ) ɹiˈækʃən/ (condensation reaction of an amino acid) | :: réaction de Maillard {f} |
maillechort {n} (nickel silver) SEE: nickel silver | :: |
mailman {n} /ˈmeɪl.mən/ (post office employee) | :: facteur {m} |
mailplane {n} (aircraft that delivers mail) | :: avion postal {m} |
maim {v} /meɪm/ (to cause permanent loss of a part of the body) | :: mutiler, estropier |
Maimonides {prop} /maɪˈmɑnədiz/ (medieval Jewish philosopher) | :: Maïmonide |
main {adj} /meɪn/ (chief, most important, or principal in extent, etc.) | :: principal |
main {n} (mainland) SEE: mainland | :: |
main {n} (high seas) SEE: high seas | :: |
Main {prop} (river in southern Germany) | :: Main {m} |
main battle tank {n} (primary tank of a military force) | :: char de combat principal {m} |
main battle tank {n} (multipurpose tank) | :: char de combat {m} |
main clause {n} (grammar: clause that can stand alone syntactically) | :: proposition principale {f} |
main course {n} (main dish of a meal) | :: plat principal {m}, plat de résistance {m} |
main diagonal {n} (diagonal line of a matrix) | :: diagonale principale {f} |
Maine {prop} /mɛːn/ (province in France) | :: Maine {m} |
Maine {prop} (US State) | :: Maine {m} |
Maine-et-Loire {prop} (departments of France) | :: Maine-et-Loire |
Mainer {n} (native or inhabitant of the State of Maine) | :: Mainois {m}, Mainoise {f} (cf. adj. mainois {m}) |
mainland {n} /ˈmeɪ̪nlənd/ (the main landmass of a country or continent) | :: continent {m} |
mainland China {prop} (area under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China, excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) | :: Chine continentale {f} |
mainly {adv} /ˈmeɪnli/ (chiefly; for the most part) | :: surtout, principalement |
mainmast {n} /ˈmeɪn.mæst/ (mainmast) | :: French: grand mât {m} |
main road {n} (major road in a town, village etc.) | :: rue principale {f}, grande rue {f} |
mainsail {n} (largest sail on a sailing vessel) | :: grand-voile {f} |
mainsheet {n} (rope connecting to mainsail) | :: grande écoute {f} |
mainspring {n} (the principal spring of a clockwork mechanism) | :: ressort moteur {m} |
mainstay {n} /ˈmeɪn.steɪ/ (chief support) | :: pilier {m} |
mainstay {n} (nautical: stabilizing rope) | :: grand étai {m} |
mainstream {adj} (used or accepted broadly; common, usual or conventional) | :: commercial, conventionnel |
mainstream {n} (that which is common) | :: courant principal {m} |
Main Street {prop} (generic name of a primary street) | :: rue principale |
maintain {v} (to maintain, to consider) SEE: hold | :: |
maintain {v} /meɪnˈteɪn/ (to keep up) | :: entretenir |
maintain {v} (to declare or affirm a point of view to be true) | :: maintenir |
maintainability {n} (ease with which something can be maintained) | :: maintenabilité {f} |
maintenance {n} /ˈmeɪnt(ə)nəns/ (keeping a machine or system in service) | :: entretien {m}, maintenance {f} |
maintenance {n} (process of keeping an organism alive) | :: maintenance |
maintenance {n} (legal: payment made to a spouse after a divorce) SEE: alimony | :: |
maintenance {n} (child support) SEE: child support | :: |
maintenance window {n} (time set aside for maintenance) | :: créneau de maintenance |
main verb {n} (verb in a clause with the highest semantic content) | :: verbe principal {m} |
Mainz {prop} /maɪn(t)s/ (the state capital of Rhineland-Palatinate) | :: Mayence {f} |
maisonette {n} (small house) | :: maisonnette {f} |
maisonette {n} (apartment, often on two floors) | :: duplex {m} |
maize {n} /meɪz/ (corn; a type of grain of the species Zea mays) | :: maïs {m}, blé d'Inde {m} [Canada] |
majestic {adj} /məˈdʒɛstɪk/ (having splendor or royalty) | :: majestueux |
majestical {adj} (majestic) SEE: majestic | :: |
majestically {adv} (in a majestic manner) | :: majestueusement |
majesty {n} /ˈmædʒ.əs.ti/ (the quality of being impressive and great) | :: majesté {f} |
Majesty {pron} /ˈmædʒ.ə.sti/ (term of address for royalty and imperiality) | :: majesté {f} |
majiang {n} (mahjong) SEE: mahjong | :: |
majlis {n} /ˈmɑːdʒlɪs/ (council, assembly, or public meeting, in some Muslim countries or territories) | :: majlis {m} |
major {n} /ˈmeɪ.dʒə(ɹ)/ (military rank) | :: commandant {m}, major {m} |
major {adj} (of great significance or importance) | :: majeur, de taille, très important |
major {adj} (greater in number, quantity, or extent) | :: plus grand, plus important, majeur |
major {adj} (of full legal age; having attained majority) | :: majeur |
major {adj} (music: of a scale that follows the pattern: tone - tone - semitone - tone - tone - tone - semitone) | :: majeur |
major {adj} (music: being the larger of two intervals denoted by the same ordinal number) | :: majeur |
major {adj} | :: majeure {f} |
major {n} (the main area of study) | :: matière principale {f} |
major {n} (a student at a college or university concentrating on a given area of study) | :: étudiant spécialisé {m}, étudiante spécialisée {f} |
major {n} (person of legal age) | :: majeur {m} |
major {v} (to concentrate on a particular area of study) | :: se spécialiser |
major {n} (major premise) SEE: major premise | :: |
major arcana {n} (Tarot cards) | :: arcanes majeurs {m} |
major axis {n} (longest diameter of an ellipse) | :: grand axe {m} |
Majorca {prop} /məˈjɔɹ.kə/ (island) | :: Majorque {f} |
majordomo {n} /ˌmeɪ.dʒɚˈdoʊ.moʊ/ (head servant) | :: majordome {m} |
majorette {n} /ˌmeɪ.dʒəˈɹɛt/ (dancer) | :: majorette {f} |
majoritively {adv} (majoritively) | :: majoritairement |
majority {n} /məˈd͡ʒɑɹɪti/ (more than half) | :: majorité {f} |
majority {n} (legal adulthood) | :: majorité |
major junior {adj} | :: junior majeur |
major key {n} (music: a musical key based upon a major scale) | :: mode majeur {m}, tonalité majeure {f} |
major premise {n} (premise whose terms are the major term and middle term) | :: majeure {f} |
major scale {n} (diatonic scale) | :: gamme majeure {f}, mode majeur {m} |
major third {n} (interval of four semitones) | :: tierce majeure {f} |
majuscule {n} (upper-case letter) SEE: capital letter | :: |
Makassar {prop} (city in Indonesia) | :: Macassar {m} |
make {v} /meɪk/ (to construct) | :: faire |
make {v} (to cause to be) | :: rendre |
make {v} (to cause to do) | :: faire |
make {v} (to earn, to gain (money)) | :: gagner |
make {v} | :: construire |
make {n} (brand) | :: marque {f} |
make a big thing out of {v} /ˈmeɪk ə ˈbɪɡ ˈθɪŋ aʊt əv/ (to make a fuss about) | :: faire tout un foin de, faire toute une histoire de, faire tout un fromage de, faire tout un plat de |
make a decision {v} (to decide) | :: prendre une décision |
make a joke of {v} (make light of) SEE: make light of | :: |
make a killing {v} (to win or earn a large amount of money) | :: toucher le jackpot |
make a living {v} (earn enough income) | :: gagner sa vie |
make a meal of {v} (spend more time and energy on some task than it warrant) | :: faire tout un plat de, faire un plat de |
make a meal of {v} (eat something as a meal) | :: ne faire qu'une bouchée, avaler tout rond, manger tout cru |
make amends {v} (to repair a relationship; to make up; to resolve an argument or fight; to make reparations or redress) | :: obtenir satisfaction, donner satisfaction, se réconcilier, se racheter, faire amende honorable |
make a mistake {v} (to err) | :: se tromper, commettre une erreur, faire une erreur |
make a mountain out of a molehill {v} (to treat a problem as greater than it is) | :: faire une montagne d'une souris (to make an elephant out of a mouse), faire une montagne d'une taupinière (to make a mountain out of a molehill), se noyer dans un verre d'eau (to drown in a glass of water) |
make a name for oneself {v} (to gain fame) | :: se faire connaître |
make an appearance {v} (turn up to an event) | :: faire acte de présence |
make an effort {v} (to try; to work towards a goal) | :: faire un effort |
make an entrance {v} | :: faire son entrée |
make an example of {v} (punish someone as a warning to others) | :: faire un exemple |
make an exhibition of oneself {v} (to embarrass oneself in public) | :: se couvrir de ridicule |
make a noise in the world {v} | :: faire parler de soi |
make a point {v} (to take care in doing something) | :: mettre un point d'honneur à, se faire un point d'honneur de |
make a scene {v} | :: faire une scène |
make a show of oneself {v} (To embarrass oneself or others in public) | :: se faire remarquer, se donner en spectacle |
make a spectacle of oneself {v} (To embarrass oneself or others in public) | :: se donner en spectacle, s'offrir en spectacle |
make conversation {v} (to talk with someone out of courtesy) | :: faire la conversation |
make do {v} (to get by (with)) | :: faire avec, se débrouiller |
make ends meet {v} (get by financially) | :: joindre les deux bouts, arrondir ses fins de mois |
make eyes {v} (to flirt by making obvious glances) | :: faire les yeux doux |
make for {v} (set out to go to, move towards) | :: se diriger vers |
make friends {v} (to create friendships) | :: se faire des amis, se lier d'amitié |
make friends {v} (to befriend, to become closer) | :: se lier d'amitié |
make fun of {v} (tease, ridicule) | :: se moquer de, se foutre de la gueule de |
make haste {v} (to rush) | :: faire diligence |
make hay {v} (to cut grass to turn into hay) | :: faner, faire les foins |
make head or tail of {v} (understand even minimally) | :: y comprendre quelque chose [affirmative], ne rien y comprendre [negative], n’avoir ni queue ni tête [only negative] |
make history {v} (do something that will be widely remembered for a long time) | :: faire date, faire époque |
make it {v} (to succeed in doing something, for example in reaching a place, or getting there on time) | :: arriver à temps, réussir |
make it snappy {v} (to do it quickly) | :: et que ça saute |
make light of {v} (regard without due seriousness) | :: prendre à la légère |
make love {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse, see also: copulate) | :: faire l'amour |
Makemake {prop} /ˈmɑ.keˈmɑ.ke/ (creator deity) | :: Make-Make |
Makemake {prop} (celestial body) | :: Makemake |
make one's bed and lie in it {v} (to create a difficult situation and endure unpleasant consequences) | :: comme on fait son lit, on se couche |
make oneself at home {v} (make oneself comfortable as if one were in one's own home) | :: faire comme chez soi |
make out {v} /meɪk aʊt/ (to draw up; designate as the recipient) | :: libeller |
make out {v} (to discern) | :: discerner, dégager |
make out {v} (to manage, get along) | :: réussir, arriver, [to seducing] conclure |
make out {v} (to represent as being true) | :: représenter, faire passer pour |
make out {v} (to embrace and kiss passionately) | :: embrasser [passionnément], faire l'amour |
make over {v} (To renovate) | :: relooker |
makeover {n} (a major change in use or appearance) | :: relooking |
make peace {v} (to end hostilities) | :: faire la paix |
maker {n} /ˈmeɪk.ɚ/ (one who makes) | :: faiseur {m}, fabricant {m}, créateur {m} |
make sense {v} (be coherent) | :: avoir du sens, tenir debout [France, familiar], faire sens |
make shift {v} (contrive, find a way through difficulty) | :: se débrouiller |
makeshift {adj} /ˈmeɪkˌʃɪft/ (made to work or suffice) | :: de fortune |
make short work of {v} (deal with or overcome (someone or something) quickly and without difficulty) | :: ne faire qu'une bouchée de |
make someone's blood boil {v} (cause a person to feel angry) | :: agacer, exaspérer, [informal] beurrer la raie, [vulgar] casser les couilles, [colloquial] prendre le chou, [colloquial] pomper le dard |
make someone's blood run cold {v} (cause a person to feel fear) | :: [colloquial] foutre les chocottes, [colloquial] foutre les jetons, faire peur, glacer le sang |
make sure {v} (to verify; to recheck; to use extra care or caution) | :: s'assurer |
make the bed {v} (arrange sheets, etc smoothly and neatly) | :: faire le lit |
make the first move {v} | :: faire le premier pas, prendre les devants |
make the rounds {v} (to circulate from one place to another) | :: faire le tour |
make the rounds {v} (to go from one place to another) | :: faire une ronde |
make the world go around {v} | :: faire tourner le monde |
make up {v} (to compensate, fill in or catch up) | :: compenser |
make up {v} (to invent, imagine, or concoct) | :: inventer, controuver |
make up {v} (to apply cosmetics or makeup) | :: maquiller |
make up {v} (to resolve, forgive or smooth over an argument or fight) | :: se réconcilier |
makeup {n} (composition) | :: constitution |
makeup {n} (cosmetics) | :: maquillage {m} |
make-up artist {n} (artist who applies makeup for theatrical, television, or film productions) | :: maquilleur {m}, maquilleuse {f} |
make up for lost time {v} | :: rattraper le temps perdu |
make up one's mind {v} (to decide, to reach a conclusion) | :: se décider |
makeup remover {n} (product for removing make-up) | :: démaquillant {m} |
make use {v} (make use of something) SEE: take advantage | :: |
make use {v} (to use) | :: faire usage (de), se servir de |
make use {v} (to help oneself) | :: se servir |
make waves {v} (To cause a disturbance) | :: faire des vagues |
make yourself at home {phrase} | :: fais comme chez toi [to one person, informal], faites comme chez vous [to one person, formal or to many people] |
Makhachkala {prop} (capital of Dagestan, Russia) | :: Makhatchkala {m} |
makhorka {n} /məˈkɔː(ɹ)kə/ (Nicotiana rustica) | :: makhorka {f} |
Malé {prop} (capital of the Maldives) | :: Malé |
Malachi {prop} /ˈmæləkaɪ/ (book of the Bible) | :: Malachie |
Malachi {prop} (minor prophet) | :: Malachie |
Malachi {prop} (male given name) | :: Malachie |
malachite {n} /ˈmæləkaɪt/ (mineral) | :: malachite {f} |
malacia {n} (craving) | :: malacie {f} |
malacologist {n} | :: malacologue |
malacology {n} (study of molluscs) | :: malacologie {f} |
malacopterygian {n} (one of the Malacopterygii) | :: malacoptérygien |
maladroit {adj} /ˌmæl.ə.ˈdɹɔɪt/ (not adroit; clumsy) | :: maladroit |
malady {n} /ˈmæl.ə.di/ (a disease, illness, or other health disorder) | :: maladie {f} |
Malagasy {n} /ˌmæləˈɡæsi/ (person) | :: Malgache {m} {f} |
Malagasy {n} (the language of the Malagasy, when considered one language) | :: malgache {m} |
Malagasy {adj} (pertaining to Madagascar) | :: malgache |
malaise {n} /mæˈleɪz/ (bodily feeling) | :: malaise {m} |
malamute {n} /ˈmæl.ə.mjuːt/ (dog breed) | :: malamute, malamute de l'Alaska |
malapropism {n} /ˈmæləpɹɑːpɪzəm/ (the blundering use of a similar-sounding expression) | :: abus de langage {f}, malapropisme {m}, impropriété {f} |
malar {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone | :: |
malar bone {n} (cheekbone) SEE: cheekbone | :: |
malaria {n} /məˈlɛə.ɹi.ə/ (disease) | :: paludisme {m}, malaria {f} |
malatang {n} (hot spicy soup of meat and vegetables) | :: malatang {f} |
Malawi {prop} /məˈlɑːwi/ (Republic of Malawi) | :: Malawi {m} |
Malawian {n} (A person from Malawi or of Malawian descent) | :: Malawite {m} {f}, Malawien {m} |
malaxator {n} (agent used to malaxate something) | :: malaxeur {m} |
Malay {adj} /ˈmeɪleɪ/ (of the Malay people) | :: malais |
Malay {adj} (of or pertaining to Malaysia) | :: malais |
Malay {adj} (in, of or otherwise pertaining to the Malay language) | :: malais |
Malay {n} (Malay person) | :: Malais {m}, Malaise {f} |
Malay {n} (the Malay language) | :: malais {m} |
Malay {n} | :: malais |
Malayalam {n} /ˌmɑː.ləˈjɑː.ləm/ (language) | :: malayalam {m} |
Malayan night heron {n} (Gorsachius melanolophus) | :: bihoreau malais {m} |
Malaysia {prop} /məˈleɪʒə/ (country in Southeast Asia) | :: Malaisie {f} |
Malaysian {prop} (Malay) SEE: Malay | :: |
Malaysian {adj} /məˈleɪ.zi.ən/ (Pertaining to Malaysia) | :: malaisien |
Malaysian {n} (a native of Malaysia) | :: Malaisien {m}, Malaisienne {f} |
maldevelopment {n} | :: maldéveloppement |
Maldives {prop} /ˈmɑl.daɪvz/ (country in South Asia) | :: Maldives {f-p} |
Maldivian {n} (person) | :: Maldivien {m}, Maldivais {m}, Maldivois [less frequent] |
Maldivian {n} (language) SEE: Dhivehi | :: |
male {adj} (grammatically masculine) SEE: masculine | :: |
male {adj} /meɪl/ (belonging to the sex which typically produces sperm, or the gender typically associated with it) | :: [animal] mâle, [human] masculin |
male {adj} (having an external plug) | :: mâle |
male {n} (human of masculine sex or gender) | :: homme {m} |
male {n} (animal of masculine sex) | :: mâle {m} |
male chauvinism {n} (belief in the innate superiority of men over women) | :: machisme {m} |
male chauvinistic {adj} (of or pertaining to male chauvinism or male chauvinists) | :: machiste {m} {f} |
maledict {v} (curse) SEE: curse | :: |
maledict {v} (berate) SEE: berate | :: |
malediction {n} (curse) SEE: curse | :: |
malediction {n} (evil speech) | :: malédiction {f} |
malefactor {n} /ˈmæləˌfæktɚ/ (evildoer) | :: malfaiteur {m} |
maleficent {adj} /məˈlɛf.ɪ.sənt/ (harmful or evil in intent or effect) | :: maléfique |
male member {n} (euphemistic: penis, see also: penis) | :: membre viril {m} |
malevolence {n} /məˈlɛvələns/ (hostile feeling and attitude) | :: malveillance {f}, hostilité {f} |
malevolent {adj} /məˈlɛvələnt/ (having or displaying ill will; wishing harm on others) | :: malintentionné, malveillant, malévolent [rare] |
malevolently {adv} (malevolently) SEE: maliciously | :: |
malfeasor {n} (wrongdoer) SEE: wrongdoer | :: |
malformation {n} (abnormal formation) | :: malformation {f} |
malformation {n} ((teratology) abnormal developmental feature of offspring) | :: malformation {f}, difformité {f} |
malfunction {n} /ˌmælˈfʌŋk.ʃən/ (faulty functioning) | :: défaut de fonctionnement {m} |
malfunction {n} (failure to function) | :: défaut de fonctionnement {m} |
Mali {prop} /ˈmɑːli/ (a country in Western Africa) | :: Mali |
Malian {n} (A person from Mali or of Malian descent) | :: Malien {m} |
Malian {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Mali or the Malian people) | :: malien |
malice {n} /ˈmælɪs/ (intention to harm) | :: malveillance {f}, méchanceté {f} |
malicious {adj} /məˈlɪʃəs/ (Of, pertaining to, or as a result of malice or spite) | :: malveillant |
malicious {adj} (Deliberately harmful; spiteful) | :: mauvais |
maliciously {adv} (In a malicious manner) | :: malicieusement |
maliciousness {n} (maliciousness) SEE: malevolence | :: |
malign {v} /məˈlaɪn/ (slander or traduce; to make defamatory statements about) | :: vilipender, injurier |
malignant {adj} /məˈlɪɡnənt/ (harmful, malevolent, injurious) | :: malin, malveillant |
malignant {adj} (tending to produce death) | :: malin |
malkin {n} (cat) SEE: cat | :: |
mall {n} /mɑl/ (alley where the game of pall mall was played) | :: mail {m} |
mall {n} (public walk ; level shaded walkway) | :: mail {m} |
mall {n} (enclosed shopping centre) | :: centre commercial {m}, mail {m} [Quebec] |
mall {n} (heavy wooden mallet used in the game of pall mall) | :: mail {m} |
mallard {n} /ˈmælɚd/ (a common and widespread dabbling duck, Anas platyrhynchos) | :: colvert {m}, canard colvert {m}, canard sauvage {m} |
Mallarméan {adj} /ˌmalɑːˈmeɪən/ (of or relating to Stéphane Mallarmé) | :: mallarméen |
malleable {adj} /ˈmæli.əbəl/ (able to be hammered into thin sheets) | :: malléable |
malleolar {adj} /maˈliː.əl.ə/ (of or relating to the malleolus) | :: malléolaire |
malleolus {n} /maˈliː.əl.əs/ (bony prominence in ankle joint) | :: malléole {m} |
mallet {n} /ˈmælɪt/ (small maul) | :: maillet {m} |
mallet {n} (musical drumstick) | :: mailloche {m} |
malleus {n} /ˈmæl.i.əs/ (the small hammer-shaped bone of the middle ear) | :: malléus, marteau |
mallow {n} /ˈmæloʊ/ (any of a group of plants in several genera of the taxonomic family Malvaceae) | :: mauve {f} |
Malmö {prop} /ˈmɑlmʊ/ (city in Sweden) | :: Malmö {f}, Malmoe {f} |
malmsey {n} /ˈmɑ(l)mzi/ (wine made from malvasia) | :: malvoisie {m} {f} |
malnourished {adj} (suffering from malnutrition) | :: mal nourri, malnutri |
malnutrition {n} (lack of adequate nourishment) | :: malnutrition {f} |
malodorous {adj} /ˌmælˈoʊ.də.ɹəs/ (having a bad odor) | :: malodorant {m} |
Malpighian {adj} (of, relating to, or discovered by Marcello Malpighi) | :: malpighien |
malpractice {n} (the improper treatment of a patient by a physician that results in injury or loss) | :: erreur médicale {f} |
malpractice {n} (improper or unethical conduct by a professional or official person) | :: méconduite {f} |
Malrucian {adj} | :: malrucien |
malt {n} /mɑlt/ (sprouted grain used in brewing) | :: malt {m} |
malt {v} (to convert grain into malt) | :: malter |
Malta {prop} /ˈmɑl.tə/ (republic) | :: Malte |
Malta {prop} (island) | :: Malte |
Malta Island {prop} (the largest island of Malta) | :: Malte |
Maltese {n} /mɑlˈtiz/ (inhabitant of Malta) | :: Maltais {m}, Maltaise {f} |
Maltese {n} (breed of dog) | :: bichon maltais {m} |
Maltese {n} (language of Malta) | :: maltais {m} |
Maltese {adj} (pertaining to Malta or its language) | :: maltais |
Maltese cross {n} (cross) | :: croix de Malte {f} |
Maltese cross {n} (plant) | :: lychnis croix de Malte ou croix de Jérusalem {f} |
malthouse {n} (plant) | :: malterie {f} |
maltose {n} (the disaccharide C12H22O11) | :: maltose {m} |
maltreatment {n} /malˈtɹiːtmənt/ (cruel or harmful treatment) | :: sévice {m}, maltraitement {m} |
malt whiskey {n} (malt whisky) SEE: malt whisky | :: |
malt whisky {n} (whisky made from malted barley) | :: whisky pur malt {m} |
Malukus {prop} (Indonesian archipelago) | :: Moluques {p} |
malvasia {n} /ˌmælvəˈsi.ə/ (grapevine used to make malmsey) | :: malvoisie {m} {f} |
malware {n} /ˈmæl.weə(ɹ)/ (software developed to cause harm to a computer system) | :: maliciel {m}, logiciel malveillant {m} |
mama {n} (mother) SEE: mother | :: |
mama {n} (mum) SEE: mum | :: |
mama bear {n} (protective woman) | :: mère poule {f} |
mama's boy {n} (momma's boy) SEE: momma's boy | :: |
mamba {n} (venomous snake) | :: mamba {m} |
mambo {n} /ˈmɑmboʊ/ (Latin American music genre) | :: mambo {m} |
mamelliform {adj} | :: mamelliforme |
mamma {n} (mother) SEE: mother | :: |
mamma {n} (mum) SEE: mum | :: |
mammal {n} /ˈmæməl/ (animal of the class Mammalia) | :: mammifère {m} |
mammalian {n} (any mammal) SEE: mammal | :: |
mammalian {adj} /məˈmeɪl.jən/ (of, or pertaining to, mammals) | :: mammalien |
mammalian {adj} | :: mammalien |
mammary {adj} /ˈmæməɹi/ (of or relating to mamma) | :: mammaire |
mammary gland {n} (milk-secreting gland) | :: glande mammaire {f}, mamelle {f} |
mammatus cloud {n} | :: nuage mammatus |
mammectomy {n} (surgical procedure to remove all or part of the breast) | :: masectomie {f} |
mammiform {adj} (shaped like a breast) | :: mammiforme |
mammogram {n} (X-ray picture of the breasts) | :: mammogramme {m} |
mammograph {n} (machine for taking X-ray pictures of the breasts) | :: mammographe {m} |
mammography {n} (X-ray examination of the breasts) | :: mammographie {f} |
mammoplasty {n} (plastic surgery of a breast) | :: mammoplastie {f} |
mammoth {n} /ˈmæməθ/ (elephant-like mammal) | :: mammouth {m} |
mammoth {adj} (very large) | :: éléphantesque {m} {f} |
mammothrept {n} /ˈmaməθɹɛpt/ (spoilt child) | :: enfant gâté {f} |
mammy {n} (child's name for mother) | :: maman |
Mamoudzou {prop} (capital of Mayotte) | :: Mamoudzou {m} |
mamzer {n} (person of illegitimate birth) | :: mamzer {m} |
man {n} (adult male human) | :: homme {m} |
man {n} (human) | :: homme {m}, être humain {m}, humain {m} |
man {n} (piece in board games) | :: pion {m} |
man {interj} (an interjection used to place emphasis upon something or someone) | :: mec {m} [slang] |
Man {prop} (genus Homo) | :: Homme {m} |
manacle {n} (fetter, restriction) SEE: fetter | :: |
manage {v} /ˈmænɪdʒ/ (to direct or be in charge) | :: gérer, ménager |
manage {v} (to handle or control a situation or job) | :: diriger |
manage {v} (to handle a tool with ease) | :: manier |
manage {v} (to succeed at an attempt) | :: parvenir, réussir |
manage {v} (to achieve without fuss, or without outside help) | :: accomplir |
manageable {adj} /ˈmænɪd͡ʒəbl̩/ (capable of being managed) | :: maniable, gérable |
management {n} /ˈmænədʒmənt/ (administration; the process or practice of managing) | :: administration {f}, gestion {f}, gérance {f}, direction {f} |
management {n} (judicious use of means) | :: gestion {f} |
manager {n} /ˈmæn.ɪ.dʒɚ/ (person whose job is to manage something) | :: [of a business] directeur {m}, [of a restaurant, etc.] gérant {m}, [of a sports team, etc] manager {m}, chef {m} |
managerial {adj} (involving management-like duties) | :: managérial {m} |
managing director {n} (the chief executive of a limited company) | :: directeur général {m} |
Manama {prop} /məˈnɑːmə/ (the capital city of Bahrain) | :: Manama |
man and wife {n} (opposite-sex married couple) SEE: husband and wife | :: |
man-at-arms {n} (heavily-armed mounted member of cavalry) | :: homme d'armes {m} |
manatee {n} /ˈmæn.əˌtiː/ (any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae) | :: lamantin {m} |
Manche {prop} (department of Normandy, France) | :: Manche {f} |
Manchu {n} /ˌmænˈtʃuː/ (member of the people) | :: Mandchou {m}, Mandchoue {f} |
Manchu {prop} (language) | :: mandchou {m} |
Manchu {adj} (Manchurian, referring to the Manchu(rian) people) | :: mandchou |
Manchu {adj} (Manchurian, referring to the Manchu language) | :: mandchou |
Manchukuo {prop} (former puppet state of Imperial Japan) | :: Mandchoukouo {m} |
Manchuria {prop} /mænˈt͡ʃʊəɹiə/ (historical region in Northeast Asia) | :: Mandchourie |
Mancunian {adj} /manˈkjuː.nɪ.ən/ (related or pertaining to Manchester, England) | :: mancunien, mancunienne {f} |
Mancunian {n} (person raised or living in the city of Manchester, England) | :: Mancunien {m}, Mancunienne {f} |
-mancy {suffix} (specified forms of divination) | :: -mancie {f} |
mandala {n} /ˈmʌn.də.lə/ (Hindu design) | :: mandala {m} |
mandala {n} (division of Rigveda) | :: mandala {m} |
mandarin {n} /ˈmæn.də.ɹɪn/ (Chinese Imperial bureaucrat) | :: mandarin {m} |
mandarin {n} (fruit) SEE: mandarin orange | :: |
mandarin {n} (tree) SEE: mandarin orange | :: |
mandarin {n} (mandarin duck) SEE: mandarin duck | :: |
Mandarin {n} /ˈmæn.də.ɹɪn/ (Standard Mandarin, see also: Chinese) | :: mandarin {m} |
mandarinate {n} (all senses) | :: mandarinat {m} |
mandarin collar {n} (Short unfolded stand-up collar on a shirt or jacket.) | :: col mandarin {m}, col Mao {m}, col officier {m} |
mandarin duck {n} /ˈmændəɹɪn dʌk/ (bird) | :: canard mandarin {m} |
mandarin fish {n} (carnivorous freshwater fish) | :: poisson mandarin {m}, perche chinoise {f} |
mandarin fish {n} (colorful saltwater fish) | :: poisson mandarin {m}, poisson cachemire {m} |
mandarin orange {n} (tree) | :: mandarinier {m} |
mandarin orange {n} (fruit) | :: mandarine {f} |
mandate {n} /ˈmæn.deɪt/ (official command) | :: mandat {m} |
mandate {v} (authorize) | :: autoriser |
mandatory {adj} /ˈmæn.dəˌtɔ.ɹi/ (obligatory) | :: obligatoire, requis |
man-day {n} (one person's working time) | :: jour-homme |
mandible {n} /ˈmændɪb(ə)l/ (lower jaw) | :: mandibule {f} |
mandocello {n} (string instrument) | :: mandoloncelle {m} |
mandolin {n} /ˈmændəlɪn/ (musical instrument) | :: mandoline {f} |
Mandopop {n} (Mandarin pop music) | :: mandopop {f} |
mandorla {n} /mænˈdɔː(ɹ)lə/ (A vesica piscis-shaped aureola) | :: mandorle {f} |
mandrake {n} (botany) | :: mandragore {f} |
mandrill {n} /ˈmæn.dɹɪl/ (Mandrillus sphinx) | :: mandrill {m} |
mane {n} /meɪn/ (longer hair growth on back of neck of a horse) | :: crinière {f} |
mane {n} (longer hair growth around head of male lions) | :: crinière {f} |
maned wolf {n} (Chrysocyon brachyurus) | :: loup à crinière {m} |
manes {n} /ˈmɑːneɪz/ (spirits of the dead) | :: mânes {m-p} |
maneuver {n} /məˈnuːvɚ/ (a movement, often one performed with difficulty) | :: manœuvre {f} |
maneuver {n} (a large training exercise of military troops) | :: manœuvre {f} |
maneuver {v} (to move carefully, and often with difficulty, into a certain position) | :: manœuvrer |
man Friday {n} | :: grouillot, factotum |
manga {n} /ˈmæŋɡə/ (comic originated in Japan) | :: manga {m} |
manga {n} (comic done in Japanese style) | :: manga {m} |
mangaka {n} (a professional manga or anime artist) | :: mangaka {m} {f} |
Mangalore {prop} (city in western India) | :: Mangalore |
manganese {n} /ˈmæŋɡəniz/ (chemical element) | :: manganèse {m} |
manganism {n} (manganese poisoning) | :: manganisme {m} |
Mangarevan {prop} (the Polynesian language) | :: mangarévien {m} |
mange {n} /meɪndʒ/ (skin disease) | :: gale {f} |
manège {n} (art) | :: manège {m} |
manège {n} (school) | :: manège {m} |
manège {n} (unroofed arena) | :: manège {m} découvert |
mangelwurzel {n} (root vegetable) | :: betterave {f} |
manger {n} /ˈmeɪn.dʒə(ɹ)/ (trough for animals to eat from) | :: mangeoire {f} |
mangetout {n} /ˈmɑ̃ʒ.tuː/ (vegetable pea eaten when immature, see also: snow pea) | :: mange-tout {m} |
mangle {v} /ˈmæŋ.ɡəl/ (to change, mutilate or disfigure) | :: mutiler |
mangle {n} (a hand-operated device with rollers for wringing laundry) | :: essoreuse {f} |
mangle {v} (to wring laundry) | :: essorer |
mango {n} /ˈmæŋɡoʊ/ (tropical fruit tree Mangifera indica) | :: manguier {m} |
mango {n} (fruit) | :: mangue {f} |
mango juice {n} (juice) | :: jus de mangue {m}, jus de mangues {m} |
mangold {n} (mangelwurzel) SEE: mangelwurzel | :: |
mangonel {n} (type of military engine) | :: mangonneau {m} |
mangosteen {n} /ˈmæŋɡəstiːn/ (fruit) | :: mangoustan, mangouste, brindone {m} |
mangrove {n} /ˈmæŋɡɹəʊv/ (tropical tree or shrub that grows in shallow water) | :: palétuvier {m} |
mangrove {n} (habitat) | :: mangrove {f} |
mangy {adj} /ˈmeɪndʒi/ (afflicted with mange) | :: galeux |
manhater {n} (misanthrope) SEE: misanthrope | :: |
manhater {n} (misandrist) SEE: misandrist | :: |
manhattan {n} (cocktail) SEE: Manhattan | :: |
Manhattan {prop} /mænˈhæt.ən/ (borough) | :: Manhattan {m} |
manhole {n} /mænhəʊl/ (a hole in the ground used to access the sewers or other underground vaults and installations) | :: regard d'égout {m}, trou d'homme {m} |
manhood {n} /ˈmænhʊd/ (state of being human) | :: humanité {f} |
manhood {n} (state of being a man as distinguished from a child or a woman.) | :: virilité {f} |
manhood {n} (qualities ascribed to manliness) | :: masculinité {f}, virilité {f} |
manhunt {n} (organized search) | :: chasse à l'homme {f} |
mania {n} /ˈmeɪ.ni.ə/ (violent derangement) | :: manie {f} |
-mania {suffix} (indicating a compulsion or obsession) | :: -manie |
maniac {n} /ˈmeɪniˌæk/ (insane person) | :: maniaque {m} {f} |
maniac {n} (fanatic, obsessive) | :: maniaque {m} {f}, cinglé {m}, cinglée {f} |
-maniac {suffix} (indicating a person who experiences compulsion) | :: -mane |
manic {adj} /ˈmænɪk/ (of or pertaining to someone who exhibits mania or craziness) | :: maniaque {m} {f}, allumé |
manic {adj} (suffering from mania) | :: maniaque {m} {f} |
manic-depressive {adj} (exhibiting manic depression) | :: maniaco-dépressif |
Manichaean {n} /ˌmænɪˈkiːən/ (a follower of Manichaeism) | :: manichéen {m} |
Manichaean {adj} (of or relating to Manichaeism) | :: manichéen {m} |
Manichaeism {prop} /ˈmænɪkiːɪz(ə)m/ (religion) | :: manichéisme {m} |
manicole {n} /ˈmænəkəʊl/ (Prestoea tenuiramosa) | :: palmiste manicole {m} |
manicule {n} (symbol) | :: manicule {f} |
manicure {n} /ˈmæ.nɪ.kjʊɹ/ (cosmetic treatment for the fingernails) | :: manucure {f} |
manicurist {n} (manicurist) | :: manucure {m} {f} |
manifest {adj} /ˈmæn.ɪ.fɛst/ (evident to the senses, especially to the sight; apparent) | :: manifeste {m} {f} |
manifest {n} (list of passengers or goods) | :: manifeste, bordereau |
manifest {n} (obsolete: public declaration) | :: profession de foi, manifeste, proclamation, déclaration, mise au point, coming out |
manifestation {n} /ˌmænɪfɛˈsteɪʃən/ (the act or process of becoming manifest) | :: manifestation {f} |
manifestation {n} (medicine: symptoms or observable conditions) | :: manifestation {f} |
manifesto {n} /ˌmæn.əˈfɛʊ)/ (public declaration) | :: manifeste {m} |
manifest typing {n} | :: typage explicite {m} |
manifold {n} /ˈmænɪˌfoʊld/ (pipe fitting) | :: collecteur {m} |
manifold {n} (locally Euclidean space) | :: variété {f} |
manifold {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum | :: |
Manila {prop} /məˈnɪl.ə/ (capital of the Philippines) | :: Manille {f} |
Manila hemp {n} (the fibre of the abaca) | :: chanvre de Manille {m}, abaca {m} |
man in the street {n} (a typical person) | :: homme de la rue {m}, monsieur Tout-le-monde {m}, Monsieur Tout-le-Monde {m}, individu lambda, pékin moyen {m}, pékin de base, simple quidam {m}, Madame Tout-le-Monde {f} |
manioc {n} /ˈmæ.niˌɑk/ (tropical plant) | :: manioc {m} |
manioc {n} (root) | :: manioc {m} |
manioc {n} (starch) | :: couac {m}, tapioca {m} |
maniple {n} /ˈmænɪp(ə)l/ (division of the Roman army) | :: manipule {m} |
maniple {n} (part of a priest's vestments) | :: manipule {m} |
manipulatable {adj} (gullible) SEE: gullible | :: |
manipulate {v} /məˈnɪpjʊleɪt/ (influence or manage) | :: manipuler |
manipulative {adj} /məˈnɪpjələtɪv/ (describing a person who manipulates others) | :: manipulateur, manipulatif |
manipulator {n} (person) | :: manipulateur {m} |
manipulator {n} (device) | :: manipulateur {m} |
Manipur {prop} /ˌmənɪpʊɹ/ (Manipur, India) | :: Manipur |
man is the measure of all things {phrase} | :: l'homme est la mesure de toute chose |
manita {n} (Mexican hand tree) SEE: Mexican hand tree | :: |
Manitoba {prop} /ˌmæn.ɪˈtəʊ.bə/ (Province in western Canada) | :: Manitoba {m} |
Manitoban {adj} (of Manitoba) | :: manitobain |
Manitoban {n} (a native) | :: Manitobain {m}, Manitobaine {f} |
mankind {n} /mænˈkaɪnd/ (human race) | :: humanité {f} |
mankind {n} (men collectively, as opposed to all women) | :: hommes {m-p} |
manliness {n} (similarity to man) | :: masculinité {f}, virilité {f} |
manly {adj} /ˈmænli/ (having the characteristics of a man) | :: viril |
man-made {adj} (created by a human) | :: synthétique |
man-midwife {n} (man who assists women in childbirth) | :: sage-femme homme {m}, accoucheur {m} |
man-month {n} (amount of work) | :: mois-homme {m} |
manna {n} /ˈmænə/ (food) | :: manne {f} |
manna {n} (any good thing) | :: manne {f} |
manna ash {n} (Fraxinus ornis) | :: frêne à fleurs {m}, frêne à manne {m}, frêne orne {m}, orne à manne {m}, orne d’Europe {m}, orne {m} |
manned {adj} /mænd/ (operated by a person) | :: avec équipage |
mannequin {n} /ˈmænəˌkɪn/ (model of the human body used for the displaying of clothes) | :: mannequin {m} |
mannequin {n} (model of human body used by artists) | :: mannequin {m} |
mannequin {n} (model of human body used for teaching) | :: mannequin {m} |
mannequin {n} (a person who models clothes) | :: mannequin {m} |
manner {n} /ˈmænɚ/ (way of performing or effecting; method or style) | :: manière {f}, façon {f}, mode {m} |
mannerism {n} (habitual behavior) | :: manie {f}, tic {m}, maniérisme {m} |
mannerism {n} (exaggerated or affected style) | :: maniérisme {m} |
manner of articulation {n} (configuration and interaction of the articulators) | :: mode d'articulation {m} |
manners {n} /ˈmæn.ɚz/ (etiquette) | :: mœurs {f-p}, manières {f-p} |
manny {n} (male nanny) | :: assistant maternel {m} |
manoeuvrability {n} (quality of being manoeuvrable) | :: manœuvrabilité {f} |
man of God {n} (godly man) | :: homme de Dieu |
man of letters {n} (a literary man) | :: homme de lettres {m}, littérateur {m} |
man of the world {n} (worldly man) | :: homme du monde {m} |
man-of-war {n} /mæn.ə(v)ˈwɔɹ/ (military man) | :: homme de guerre {m} |
man-of-war {n} (armed naval vessel) | :: navire de guerre {m} |
man-of-war {n} (cnidarian) SEE: Portuguese man-of-war | :: |
manograph {n} (optical device) | :: manographe |
manometer {n} /məˈnɑmɪtɚ/ (instrument to measure pressure) | :: manomètre {m} |
manor {n} /ˈmænəɹ/ (landed estate) | :: manoir {m} |
manor {n} (mansion) | :: manoir, maison-forte |
manor {n} (feudal district) | :: seigneurie {f} |
manor house {n} (house of the lord of the manor) | :: manoir {m} |
man overboard {interj} (cry indicating someone has fallen over the side) | :: un homme à la mer |
manpower {n} | :: main-d’œuvre |
manpower {n} (workforce) SEE: labour force | :: |
man proposes, God disposes {proverb} (things don't always work out as they were planned) | :: l’homme propose et Dieu dispose |
man's best friend {n} (an affectionate term for a dog) | :: le meilleur ami de l’homme {m} |
manservant {n} /ˈmænˌsɜː(ɹ)vənt/ (male servant) | :: serviteur {m} |
mansion {n} /ˈmæn(t)ʃən/ (large house or building) | :: manoir {m}, demeure {f} |
manslaughter {n} (act of killing unlawfully) | :: homicide involontaire {m} |
mansplain {v} /manˈspleɪn/ | :: mecspliquer |
mansplaining {n} | :: mecsplication, mecspliquer |
manta ray {n} /ˈmæntəɹeɪ/ (any of several very large pelagic rays) | :: raie manta {m} |
mantelpiece {n} /ˈmæntlpiːs/ (shelf) | :: tablette de cheminée {f} |
manticore {n} /ˈmæntɪˌkɔɹ/ (mythical creature) | :: manticore {m} {f} |
mantid {n} | :: mantidé {m} |
mantis {n} (any of various large insects of the order Mantodea) | :: mante {f} |
mantispid {n} | :: mantispidé {m} |
mantissa {n} (part of a logarithm after the decimal point) | :: mantisse {f} |
mantis shrimp {n} (stomatopod) | :: squille {f}, crevette-mante {m} |
mantle {n} /ˈmæn.təl/ (clothing like an open robe or cloak) | :: manteau {m} |
mantle {n} (zoology: body wall of a mollusc) | :: manteau {m} |
mantle {n} (incandescent gauze in a gas lamp) | :: manchon {m} |
mantle {n} (geology: layer of the Earth) | :: manteau {m} |
mantling {n} (heraldry: drapery behind and around a coat of arms) | :: lambrequin {m} |
man-to-man {adj} (direct, forthright and honest) | :: d'homme à homme |
mantou {n} (Chinese steamed bun) | :: mantou |
Mantoux test {n} (skin test for tuberculosis) | :: test Mantoux {m} |
mantra {n} /ˈmæn.tɹə/ (the hymn portions of the Vedas) | :: mantra {m} |
mantra {n} (a phrase repeated to assist concentration during meditation) | :: mantra {m}, incantation {f} |
mantra {n} (a slogan or phrase often repeated) | :: slogan {m}, mantra {m} |
Mantua {prop} (province) | :: Mantoue |
Mantua {prop} (city) | :: Mantoue |
manual {n} /ˈmænjə(wə)l/ (handbook or booklet that instructs) | :: manuel {m} |
manual {adj} (performed with the hands) | :: manuel |
manual labor {n} (physical work) | :: travail manuel {m} |
manually {adv} (by hand) | :: manuellement, à la main |
manual transmission {n} (type of transmission) | :: boite de vitesses manuelle |
manufacture {n} /ˌmænjuˈfæktʃɚ/ (action or process of making goods systematically or on a large scale) | :: production {f} |
manufacture {n} (anything made, formed or produced; product) | :: produit {m}, production {f} |
manufacture {v} (to make things) | :: fabriquer |
manufacture {v} (to produce goods) | :: produire |
manufacture {v} (to create false evidences) | :: fabriquer |
manufacture {v} | :: manufacturer |
manufacturer {n} /ˌmænjuˈfæktʃɚ(ɹ)ɚ/ (one who manufactures) | :: fabricant {m} |
manul {n} (Otocolobus manul) | :: manul {m}, chat de Pallas {m} |
manumission {n} /mænjʊˈmɪʃən/ (release from slavery, freedom, the act of manumitting) | :: manumission {f}, affranchissement {m} |
manumit {v} /mænjʊˈmɪt/ (to free one's slave) | :: manumission, affranchissement |
manure {n} /məˈn(j)ʊɹ/ (excrement) | :: fumier {m} |
manus {n} (hand) SEE: hand | :: |
manuscript {adj} /ˈmænjəˌskɹɪpt/ (handwritten, or by extension typewritten) | :: manuscrit |
manuscript {n} (book, composition or any other document, written by hand) | :: manuscrit {m} |
manuscript {n} (book, article etc, submitted for reproductive publication) | :: manuscrit {m} |
manuscript paper {n} (paper for writing music) | :: papier à musique {m} |
Manx {adj} /mæŋks/ (relating to the Isle of Man and/or its people) | :: mannois |
Manx {n} (a Manx person) | :: Mannois {m}, Mannoise {f} |
Manx {n} (language) SEE: Manx Gaelic | :: |
Manx cat {n} /mæŋks kæt/ (mammal) | :: chat Manx {m} |
Manx Gaelic {n} (a Goidelic language spoken on the Isle of Man) | :: mannois {m}, manxois {m} |
Manxman {n} (a man from the Isle of Man) | :: Mannois {m} |
many {determiner} /ˈmɛni/ (an indefinite large number of) | :: beaucoup de, de nombreux, plusieurs |
many {pron} (an indefinite large number of people or things) | :: beaucoup, un grand nombre |
many {n} (a collective mass of people) | :: le plus grand nombre |
many a mickle makes a muckle {proverb} (lot of small amounts together become a large amount) | :: les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières [small streams make big rivers] |
man-year {n} (one person's working time) | :: année-homme |
many hands make light work {proverb} (a large number of people cooperating can perform tasks easily) | :: l'union fait la force |
manyplies {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum | :: |
many thanks {interj} (many thanks) | :: merci beaucoup, merci bien |
Manzonian {adj} (of or in the style of Alessandro Manzoni) | :: manzonien |
Manzonian {n} (follower or imitator of Alessandro Manzoni) | :: manzonien {m}, manzonienne {f} |
Maoism {n} /ˈmaʊɪzəm/ (philosophy espoused by Mao Zedong) | :: maoïsme {m} |
Maoist {adj} (of Maoism) | :: maoïste |
Maoist {n} (Maoist advocate) | :: maoïste {m} {f} |
Maori {adj} /meɪˈ(j)ɔːɹi/ (of, from, or pertaining to the Māori) | :: maori {m}, maorie {f} |
Maori {n} (member of the Maori people of New Zealand) | :: Maori {m}, Maorie {f} |
Maori {n} (language of the Māori) | :: maori {m} |
map {n} /mæp/ (visual representation of an area) | :: carte {f}, plan {m} |
map {n} (function) | :: application {f} |
map {v} (to create a visual representation of a territory) | :: cartographier |
map {v} (to act as a function on) | :: mapper, faire correspondre |
maple {n} /ˈmeɪpl̩/ (tree of the Acer genus) | :: érable {m} |
maple leaf {n} (leaf) | :: feuille d'érable {f} |
maple leaf {n} (symbol) | :: feuille d'érable {f} |
Maple Leaf {prop} | :: Unifolié {m} |
maple syrup {n} (syrup made from the sap of the sugar maple) | :: sirop d'érable {m} |
mapper {n} (one who maps) | :: cartographe |
mapping {n} /ˈmæpɪŋ/ (process of making maps) | :: cartographie {f} |
mapping {n} (process of locating genes on a chromosome) | :: cartographie {f} |
maquis {n} /ˈmakiː/ (vegetation) | :: maquis {m} |
mar {v} /mɑɹ/ (to spoil, to damage) | :: entacher [figuratively] |
marabou {n} (large wading bird native to Africa) | :: marabout {m} |
marasmus {n} /məˈɹæz.məs/ (wasting disease) | :: marasme {m} |
Marathi {n} /məˈɹɑːti/ (language of Maharashtra) | :: marathi {m}, marathe {m} |
Marathi {n} (people of Maharashtra) | :: Marathe {m} {f} |
Marathi {adj} (pertaining to Maharashtra or its language) | :: marathe {m} {f} |
marathon {n} /ˈmæɹəˌθɑn/ (road race) | :: marathon {m} |
marathon {n} (any extended or sustained activity) | :: marathon {m} |
Marathon {prop} /ˈmæɹəˌθɑn/ (town in Greece) | :: Marathon |
maraud {v} /məˈɹɔd/ (intransitive: to move about in roving fashion looking for plunder) | :: marauder |
maraud {v} (transitive: to raid and pillage) | :: piller |
marauder {n} (one who moves about in roving fashion looking for plunder) | :: maraudeur {m} |
marble {n} /ˈmɑɹbəl/ (crystalline limestone) | :: marbre {m} |
marble {n} (spherical ball) | :: bille {f} |
marble {v} (to cause to have the streaked appearance of marble) | :: marbrer |
marbles {n} (game) | :: billes {f-p} |
marcasite {n} /ˈmɑɹ.kə.sɑɪ̯t/ (mineral) | :: marcassite {f} |
marcassin {n} /mɑːˈkasɪn/ (young wild boar) | :: marcassin {m} |
Marceau {prop} | :: Marceau |
Marcel {prop} /mɑɹˈsɛl/ (male given name) | :: Marcel {m} |
Marcella {prop} (female given name) | :: Marcelle |
Marcellus {prop} (male given name) | :: Marcel |
marcescent {adj} (botany) | :: marcescent |
march {n} /mɑɹtʃ/ (formal, rhythmic way of walking) | :: marche {f} |
march {n} (political rally or parade) | :: défilé {m}, manifestation {f} |
march {n} (song in the genre of music written for marching) | :: marche {f} |
march {v} (walk with long, regular strides) | :: marcher |
march {n} (region at a frontier governed by a marquess) | :: marche {f} |
March {prop} /mɑɹt͡ʃ/ (third month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: mars {m} |
March break {n} (vacation during March) SEE: spring break | :: |
Marche {prop} (region of central Italy) | :: Marches {f-p} |
marchioness {n} /ˈmɑɹʃənɨs/ (wife of a marquess) | :: marquise |
marchland {n} (borderland) SEE: borderland | :: |
Marcionism {n} /ˈmɑːʃənɪz(ə)m/ (early Christian teaching) | :: marcionisme |
Marcius {prop} (a Roman nomen gentile) | :: Marcius |
marcophily {n} (branch of philately) | :: marcophilie {f} |
marcot {v} (to propagate by marcottage) | :: marcotter |
mare {n} /mɛə/ (female horse) | :: jument {f} |
Marechal's test {prop} | :: réaction de Maréchal {f} |
mareogram {n} (marigram) SEE: marigram | :: |
mare's milk {n} (white liquid produced by the mammary glands of a mare) | :: lait de jument {m} |
Margaret {prop} /ˈmɑɹɡɹɪt/ (female given name) | :: Marguerite {f} |
margarine {n} /ˈmɑɹ.dʒə.ɹɪn/ (spread) | :: margarine {f} |
margaritiferous {adj} (producing pearls) | :: margaritifère |
Margaux {prop} | :: Margaux |
margay {n} (Leopardus wiedii) | :: margay {m}, chat-tigre {m}, chat sauvage de la Nouvelle Espagne {m} |
margherita pizza {n} (pizza topped with basil, tomatoes and mozzarella) | :: pizza margherita {f} |
margin {n} /ˈmɑːdʒɪn/ (edge of the paper that remains blank) | :: marge {f} |
margin {n} (edge or border of any flat surface) | :: marge {f} |
margin {n} (yield or profit) | :: marge {f} |
marginal {adj} /ˈmɑːˌdʒɪn.əl/ (of, relating to, or located at a margin or an edge) | :: marginal, périphérique |
marginal {adj} (geographically adjacent) | :: adjacent, limitrophe, voisin |
marginal {adj} (written in the margin of a book) | :: marginal |
marginal {adj} (at the lower extent of a standard) | :: médiocre |
marginal {adj} (of land that is barely productive) | :: pauvre |
marginal cost {n} (additional unit production cost) | :: coût marginal {m} |
marginally {adv} /ˈmɑɹdʒɪnəli/ (in a marginal manner) | :: marginalement |
margrave {n} /ˈmɑɹɡɹeɪv/ | :: margrave {m} |
marguerite {n} (oxeye daisy) SEE: oxeye daisy | :: |
Marian {prop} (Female given name) | :: Marianne {f} |
Marian {adj} (relating to Virgin Mary) | :: marial {m} |
Mariana Trench {prop} (trench in the North Pacific Ocean) | :: Fosse des Mariannes |
mari complaisant {n} /məˌɹi kɑmplɛˈzɑnt/ (husband who tolerates his wife's adultery) | :: mari complaisant {m} |
Marie {prop} (female given name) SEE: Mary | :: |
marigold {n} /ˈmɛɹ.ɪˌɡoʊld/ (Calendula) | :: souci {m} |
marigram {n} (Printed recording of tidal level) | :: marégramme {m} |
marijuana {n} /ˌmɛɹɪˈwɑ.nə/ (the drug) | :: marijuana {f}, marihuana {f} |
marimba {n} /mə.ˈɹɪm.bə/ (musical instrument) | :: marimba {m} |
marina {n} /məˈɹinə/ (harbour) | :: port de plaisance {m} |
Marina {prop} (female given name) | :: Marina |
marinade {v} (marinate) SEE: marinate | :: |
marinade {n} /ˌmɛɹɪˈneɪd/ (liquid mixture) | :: marinade {f} |
marinate {v} (soak in marinade) | :: mariner |
marine {adj} /məˈɹiːn/ (of or pertaining to the sea) | :: marin, maritime |
marine {n} (member of a marine corps) | :: marinier {m} |
marine aerodrome {n} | :: hydroaérodrome |
marine biologist {n} (someone who studies marine biology) | :: biologiste marin {m}, biologiste marine {f} |
marine biology {n} (branch of biology) | :: biologie marine {f} |
marine corps {n} /məˈɹinˌkɔɹ/ (military organization of marines who are trained and equipped to fight on or from ships) | :: infanterie de marine {f}, troupes de marine {n} |
mariner {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor | :: |
mariner's compass {n} (compass) SEE: compass | :: |
Marinid {n} (member of a dynasty) | :: Mérinide {m} {f} |
marinize {v} (adapt for marine environments) | :: mariniser |
Mariolatry {n} /ˌmɛːɹiˈɒlətɹi/ (adoration or veneration of the Virgin Mary to an extent regarded as inappropriate or even idolatrous) | :: mariolâtrie {f} |
marionette {n} (string puppet) | :: marionnette {f} |
marionettist {n} /ˌmæɹɪəˈnɛtɪst/ (A marionette-puppeteer) | :: marionettiste {m} {f} |
Marist {n} /ˈmaɹɪst/ (member of any of several Roman Catholic organizations named after the Virgin Mary) | :: Mariste {m} {f} |
Marist {adj} (of or pertaining to these organizations or their members) | :: mariste |
marital {adj} /ˈmæɹɪtəl/ (pertaining to marriage) | :: matrimonial |
marital rape {n} (rape by an intimate partner) | :: viol conjugal |
marital status {n} (term describing relationship) | :: état matrimonial {m}, situation de famille {f} |
mariticide {n} (a man who kills his wife) SEE: uxoricide | :: |
maritime {adj} /ˈmæ.ɹɪˌtaɪm/ (bordering on the sea) | :: maritime |
maritime pine {n} (a pine tree) | :: pin maritime {m} |
Marius {prop} (male given name) | :: Marius {m} |
marjoram {n} /ˈmɑɹd͡ʒəɹəm/ (plant) | :: marjolaine {f} |
marjoram {n} (culinary herb) | :: marjolaine {f} |
mark {n} /mɑɹk/ (indication for reference or measurement) | :: marque {f}, signe {m} |
mark {n} (academic score) | :: note {f} |
mark {n} (sporting score) | :: score {m} |
mark {n} (visible impression, blemish, stain) | :: trace {f} |
mark {v} (put a mark upon) | :: marquer |
mark {v} (indicate) | :: marquer |
mark {v} (take note of) | :: noter |
mark {v} (blemish) | :: tacher, marquer |
mark {v} (correct) | :: corriger |
mark {n} (old unit of weight for gold etc.) | :: marc {m} |
mark {n} (unit of currency) | :: mark {m} |
mark {n} (coin) | :: pièce {f} d'un mark |
Mark {prop} /mɑɹk/ (male given name) | :: Marc {m} |
Mark {prop} (the Evangelist) | :: Marc {m} |
Mark {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Marc {m} |
markedly {adv} /ˈmɑːkɪdli/ (In a marked manner) | :: nettement |
marker {n} (object to mark location) | :: marqueur {m} |
marker {n} (something that marks) | :: marqueur {m} |
marker {n} (fires a paintball) | :: marqueur {m} |
marker {n} (A gene or DNA sequence with a known location) | :: marqueur |
marker {n} (marker pen) SEE: marker pen | :: |
marker pen {n} (pen) | :: marqueur {m} |
market {n} /ˈmɑɹkɪt/ (gathering for trading) | :: marché {m} |
market {n} (spacious site for trading) | :: marché {m} |
market {n} (group of potential customers) | :: marché {m} |
market {n} (geographical area where a commercial demand exists) | :: marché {m} |
market {n} (formally organized system of trading in specified goods or effects) | :: marché {m} |
market {n} (total sum of trading) | :: marché {m} |
market {n} (used attributively) | :: du marché |
market {v} (to make available and promote) | :: commercialiser |
market {v} (to sell) SEE: sell | :: |
market economy {n} (economy in which and services are exchanged in a free market) | :: économie de marché {f} |
market failure {n} (a situation in which the allocation of goods and services by a free market is not efficient) | :: défaillance du marché {f}, défaillance de marché {f} |
market-garden {n} (garden for growing vegetables to sell) | :: maraichage {m} |
marketing {n} (the promotion, distribution and selling of a product or service) | :: mercatique {f}, marketing {m} |
marketplace {n} (open area in a town housing a public market) | :: marché {m} |
marketplace {n} (space, actual or metaphorical, in which a market operates) | :: marché {m}, place du marché {f} |
marketplace {n} (the world of commerce and trade) | :: marché {m} |
market power {n} | :: pouvoir de marché {m} |
market price {n} (going price) | :: prix du marché {m} |
market price {n} (on restaurant menu) | :: prix de marché |
market research {n} (analysis of commercial data) | :: étude de marché {f} |
market share {n} (percentage of some market) | :: part de marché {m} |
market square {n} (open area in a town housing a public market) | :: place du marché {f} |
market town {n} (town that has a traditional right to hold a regular market) | :: bourg {m} |
Markham {prop} /ˈmɑɹkəm/ (city in Ontario) | :: Markham {m} |
marking gauge {n} | :: trusquin {f} |
marksman {n} /ˈmɑɹksmən/ (a man skilled in shooting at a target) | :: tireur d'élite {m} |
markup {n} /ˈmɑː(ɹ)k.ʌp/ (notation used to indicate how text should be displayed) | :: balise, balisage {m} |
markup {n} (percentage or amount added to buy-in price) | :: marge |
markup {n} (increase in price) | :: majoration {f} |
markup language {n} (computer language using markups) | :: langage de balisage {m} |
marl {n} /mɑɹl/ (a mixed earthy substance) | :: marne {f} |
marl {v} (to cover with marline) | :: marner |
Marlene {prop} (female given name) | :: Marlène |
marlin {n} (game fish) | :: marlin {m} |
marline {n} (a light rope) | :: lusin {m} |
marmalade {n} /ˈmɑː.mə.leɪd/ (jam) | :: confiture {f}, confiture d'oranges {f}, marmelade d'oranges {f} |
marmoreal {adj} /mɑːˈmɔːɹɪəl/ (resembling marble) | :: marmoréen |
marmoset {n} /ˈmɑɹməsət/ (small monkey) | :: ouistiti {m}, marmouset {m} |
marmot {n} /ˈmɑɹ.mət/ (rodent of the genera Marmota) | :: marmotte {f} |
Marne {prop} (river) | :: Marne |
Marne {prop} (département) | :: Marne {f} |
Marnese {adj} (of, or pertaining to, Marne) | :: marnais |
maroon {n} /məˈɹuːn/ (runaway slave) | :: marron {m}, marronne {f}, nègre marron {m}, négresse marronne {f}, nègre libre {m}, négresse libre {f} |
maroon {adj} (associated with Maroon culture, communities or peoples) | :: marron |
maroon {n} (dark red, somewhat brownish colour) | :: marron pourpré, bordeaux |
maroon {adj} (color) | :: marron pourpré, bordeaux |
Marotiri {prop} (Island in French Polynesia) | :: Îlots de Bass |
marque {n} /ˈmɑː(ɹ)k/ (brand of a manufactured product) | :: marque {f} |
marquess {n} /ˈmɑɹ.kwɪs/ (title of nobility) | :: marquis {m} |
marquis {n} (nobleman) SEE: marquess | :: |
marquisate {n} /ˈmɑː.kwɪ.sət/ (territory held by a marquis, margrave or marchioness) | :: marquisat {m} |
Marrakech {prop} (city in Morocco) | :: Marrakech {m} |
Marranic {adj} | :: marranique |
Marranism {prop} | :: marranisme {m} |
Marrano {n} /məˈɹɑːnəʊ/ (Iberian Jew who practised Judaism in secret) | :: marrane {m} |
marriage {n} /ˈmæɹɪdʒ/ (state of being married) | :: mariage {m} |
marriage {n} (union of two people) | :: mariage {m} |
marriage {n} (wedding) | :: mariage {m}, noces {f-p} |
marriageable {adj} (suitable for marriage) | :: mariable, nubile |
marriage agency {n} (business) | :: agence de mariage {f} |
marriage certificate {n} (document) | :: certificat de mariage {m} |
marriage guidance {n} (marriage guidance) | :: thérapie de couple {f}, conseil conjugal {m} |
marriage of convenience {n} (marriage motivated by some reason other than love) | :: mariage de convenance {m} |
married {adj} /ˈmæɹ.ɪd/ (in a state of marriage; having a husband) | :: mariée {f}, épousée {f} |
married {adj} (in a state of marriage; having a wife) | :: marié {m}, épousé {m} |
married couple {n} (two people who are married to each other) | :: couple marié {m} |
marron glacé {n} /məˌɹɑn ɡləˈseɪ/ (chestnut preserved in sugar or syrup and flavoured with vanilla) | :: marron glacé {m} |
marrow {n} /ˈmæɹoʊ/ (substance inside bones) | :: moelle {f}, moelle osseuse {f} |
marrow {n} (kind of vegetable) | :: courgette {f}, courge {f} |
marrowbone {n} (bone with edible marrow) | :: os à moelle {m} |
marry {v} /ˈmæɹɪ/ (to take a husband or wife) | :: [get married] se marier |
marry {v} (to be joined in marriage) | :: être marié |
marry {v} (to unite in wedlock) | :: marier |
marry {v} (to give away as wife or husband) | :: marier |
marry {v} (to take for husband or wife) | :: épouser |
marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal to a woman (the shortest form)) | :: épouse-moi |
marry me {phrase} (marriage proposal to a man (the shortest form)) | :: épouse-moi |
marry off {v} (successfully arrange the marriage of someone) | :: marier |
marry up {v} (join) SEE: join | :: |
Mars {prop} /ˈmɑːz/ (planet) | :: Mars {m} |
Mars {prop} (god of war) | :: Mars {m} |
Mars {prop} (brand of chocolate bar) | :: Mars {m} |
Marseillais {n} (native or inhabitant of Marseille) | :: Marseillais |
Marseillaise {prop} /mɑːɹseɪˈjɛz/ (the French national anthem) | :: la Marseillaise {f} |
Marseilles {prop} /mɑː(ɹ)ˈseɪ/ (city in France) | :: Marseille {m} |
Marseille soap {n} (kind of hard soap) | :: savon de Marseille {m} |
marsh {n} /mɑɹʃ/ (area of low, wet land) | :: marais |
marshal {n} /ˈmɑɹʃəl/ (officer in the household of a medieval prince or lord) | :: maréchal |
marshal {n} (military officer of the highest rank) | :: maréchal |
marshal {n} (sheriff’s assistant) | :: marshal |
Marshallese {n} (language) | :: marshallais {m} |
marshalling yard {n} | :: gare de triage {f} |
Marshall Islands {prop} /ˈmɑɹ.ʃəl ˈaɪ.ləndz/ (Republic of the Marshall Islands) | :: îles Marshall {f-p} |
marshalship {n} (the position or role of a marshal) | :: maréchalat {m} |
marsh buck {n} (Tragelaphus spekii) | :: sitatunga |
marsh deer {n} (Blastocerus dichotomus) | :: cerf des marais {m} |
marsh harrier {n} (Circus aeruginosus) | :: busard des roseaux {m}, busard harpaye {m} |
marsh harrier {n} (any member of Circus resembling Circus aeruginosus) | :: busard {m} |
marsh mallow {n} (Althaea officinalis) | :: guimauve {f} |
marshmallow {n} /ˈmɑɹʃˌmɛl.oʊ/ (confectionery) | :: guimauve {f}, marshmallow {m}, chamallow {m} |
marshmallow {n} (plant) SEE: marsh mallow | :: |
marsh marigold {n} (plant) | :: populage des marais {m} |
marshrutka {n} (share taxi) | :: marchroutka {f}, taxi collectif {m} |
marsh sandpiper {n} (Tringa stagnatilis) | :: chevalier stagnatile {m} |
marsh tit {n} (bird) | :: mésange nonnette |
marshy {adj} /ˈmɑɹʃi/ (of, or resembling a marsh; boggy) | :: marécageux |
marsquake {n} | :: séisme martien {m}, séisme {m} |
marsupial {n} /mɑɹ.ˈsu.pi.əl/ (mammal of which the female typically has a pouch) | :: marsupial {m} |
marsupium {n} (pouch of a marsupial) | :: marsupium {m} |
marten {n} /ˈmɑɹ.tən/ (mammal) | :: marte {f} |
Martha {prop} /ˈmɑɹθə/ (female given name) | :: Marthe |
Martha {prop} (biblical sister of Lazarus and Mary) | :: Marthe |
martial {n} (soldier, warrior) SEE: soldier | :: |
martial {adj} (of or relating to the planet Mars) SEE: Martian | :: |
martial {n} (synonym of Martian) SEE: Martian | :: |
martial {adj} /ˈmɑːʃəl/ (of, relating to, or suggestive of war, see also: warlike) | :: martial |
martial {adj} (relating to or connected with armed forces or military life) | :: martial |
martial {adj} (characteristic of or befitting a warrior) | :: martial |
Martial {prop} /ˈmɑːʃəl/ (male given name) | :: Martial |
martial art {n} (fighting style) | :: art martial {m} |
martial artist {n} (practitioner of martial arts) | :: artiste martial {m} |
martial law {n} (rule by military authorities) | :: loi martiale {f} |
Martian {adj} /ˈmɑːʃən/ (of or relating to the planet Mars) | :: martien {m}, martienne {f} |
Martian {n} (inhabitant of the planet Mars) | :: martien {m}, martienne {f}, Martien {m}, Martienne {f} |
Martian {prop} (hypothetical language spoken on Mars) | :: martien {m} |
martin {n} /ˈmɑɹ.tɪn/ (bird) | :: martinet {m} |
Martin {prop} /ˈmɑɹ.tn̩/ (given name) | :: Martin {m} |
Martina {prop} /mɑɹˈtinə/ (female given name) | :: Martine {f} |
martingale {n} (piece of harness) | :: martingale {f} |
martingale {n} (bowsprit strengthening) | :: martingale {f} |
martingale {n} (a stochastic process relating random variables to earlier values) | :: martingale {f} |
martingale {n} (a gambling strategy in which one doubles the stake after each loss) | :: martingale {f} |
martini {n} /mɑɹˈtini/ (cocktail) | :: martini {m} |
Martinican {n} (A person from Martinique) | :: Martiniquais |
Martinican {adj} (From Martinique) | :: martiniquais |
Martinique {prop} (Department of Martinique) | :: Martinique {f} |
martlet {n} (depiction of a mythological bird) | :: merlette {f} |
martyr {n} /ˈmɐːtə(ɹ)/ (one willing to be killed for religion) | :: martyr {m}, martyre {f}, chahîd {m}, chahid {m} |
martyr {n} (one who sacrifices their life for an important cause) | :: martyr {m} |
martyr {n} (one who suffers greatly, even involuntarily) | :: martyr {m} |
martyr {n} | :: martyr {m}, martyre {f} |
martyr {v} (to make someone a martyr) | :: martyriser |
martyr {v} (torture) SEE: torture | :: |
martyr {v} (persecute) SEE: persecute | :: |
martyrdom {n} /ˈmɑː(ɹ).tə(ɹ).dəm/ (condition of a martyr) | :: martyre {m} |
martyrdom {n} (great suffering) | :: martyre {m} |
martyrdom {n} | :: martyre {m} |
martyrology {n} (list of martyred Christian saints) | :: martyrologie {f} |
martyry {n} (a shrine in honor of a martyr) | :: martyrium {m} |
marvel {n} (miracle) SEE: miracle | :: |
marvel {n} (wonder) SEE: wonder | :: |
marvel {n} (astonishment) SEE: astonishment | :: |
marvellous {adj} (exciting wonder) SEE: marvelous | :: |
marvel of Peru {n} (Mirabilis jalapa) | :: belle-de-nuit {f}, merveille du Pérou {f} |
marvelous {adj} /ˈmɑɹvələs/ (exciting wonder or surprise) | :: merveilleux |
Marx {prop} (surname) | :: Marx |
Marxian {adj} (of or pertaining to Karl Marx and his ideas) | :: marxien {m}, marxiste {m} {f} |
Marxism {n} (philosophy) | :: marxisme {m} |
Marxism {n} (ideology) | :: marxisme {m} |
Marxism-Leninism {prop} (communist ideological stream) | :: marxisme-léninisme {m} |
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism {prop} (communist ideological stream) | :: marxisme-léninisme-maoïsme {m} |
Marxist {adj} /ˈmɑːɹksɪst/ (following Marxism) | :: marxiste |
Marxist {n} (one who follows Marxism) | :: Marxiste {m} {f} |
Marxist-Leninist {adj} (of or pertaining to Marxism-Leninism) | :: marxiste-léniniste |
Marxist-Leninist {n} (adherent of Marxism-Leninism) | :: marxiste-léniniste {m} {f} |
Marxologist {n} | :: marxologue {m} {f} |
Mary {prop} /ˈmɛəɹɪ/ (female given name) | :: Marie {f} |
Mary {prop} (biblical mother of Jesus) | :: Marie {f} |
Mary Jane {prop} (double given name) | :: Marie-Jeanne {f} |
Mary Jane {n} (slang for marijuana) | :: Marie-Jeanne {f} |
Mary Jane {n} (type of shoe) | :: baby |
Mary Magdalene {prop} (female disciple of Jesus) | :: Marie-Madeleine {f} |
marzipan {n} /ˌmɑːzɪˈpæn/ (confection of almond paste, sugar and egg white) | :: massepain {m} |
masala chai {n} (kind of sweet spiced tea) | :: chai |
mascara {n} /ˌmæsˈkæɹə/ (eyelash cosmetic) | :: rimmel {m}, mascara {m}, ricil {m} |
Mascarene Islands {prop} (islands) | :: Mascareignes {f-p} |
mascarpone {n} (cheese) | :: mascarpone {m} |
mascot {n} /ˈmæsˌkɑːt/ (something thought to bring good luck) | :: mascotte {f} |
mascot {n} (something used to symbolize a sports team or other group) | :: mascotte {f} |
masculine {adj} /ˈmæskjulɪn/ (of the male sex; biologically male, not female; manly) | :: masculin |
masculine {adj} (belonging to males; appropriated to, or used by, males) | :: masculin |
masculine {adj} (having male qualities, not feminine or effeminate) | :: masculin |
masculine {adj} (grammar: being of the masculine class, being inflected in the masculine manner) | :: masculin |
masculine {n} ((grammar) the masculine gender) | :: masculin {m} |
masculinism {n} (masculism) SEE: masculism | :: |
masculinist {adj} (masculist) SEE: masculist | :: |
masculinist {n} (masculist) SEE: masculist | :: |
masculinity {n} /ˌmæskjəˈlɪnɪti/ (degree or property of being masculine) | :: masculinité {f} |
masculinization {n} (act of making masculine) | :: masculinisation {f} |
masculinize {v} (make (more) masculine) | :: masculiniser |
masculism {n} (a social theory or political movement) | :: masculinisme {m}, masculisme {m} |
masculist {adj} | :: masculiniste {m} {f} |
masculist {n} | :: masculiniste {m} {f} |
masdar {n} (verbal noun) SEE: verbal noun | :: |
masdar {n} (a part of speech in Arabic) | :: masdar {m} |
maser {n} /ˈmeɪzɚ/ (beam of microwaves) | :: maser {m} |
mash {n} /mæʃ/ (a mass of mixed ingredients) | :: purée {f} |
mash {n} (in brewing) | :: empâtage {m}, brassin {m}, maische {f} |
mash {n} (a mixture of meal or bran and water fed to animals) | :: mash {m} |
mash {v} (convert (something) into a mash) | :: écraser |
mash {v} (to steep grains in brewing) | :: tremper, empâter |
mash {v} (press down hard on (something)) | :: écraser |
mash {n} (mashed potatoes) SEE: mashed potatoes | :: |
mashallah {interj} (God has willed it) | :: mashallah |
mashed {adj} (broken up into a pulpy state) | :: écrasé |
mashed {adj} (intoxicated) | :: bleu, pompette, rond, plein |
mashed potatoes {n} (dish) | :: purée {f}, purée de pommes de terre {f}, patates pilées {f} [Canada] |
Mashhad {prop} (city in Iran) | :: Machhad |
masjid {n} (mosque) SEE: mosque | :: |
mask {n} /mɑːsk/ (cover for the face) | :: masque {m} |
mask {n} | :: masque {f} |
masked ball {n} (a formal dance with dancers wearing masks) | :: bal masqué {m} |
masked lapwing {n} (Vanellus miles) | :: vanneau soldat {m} |
masked palm civet {n} (Paguma larvata) | :: civette palmiste à masque {f} |
masked shrike {n} (Lanius nubicus) | :: pie-grièche masquée {f} |
maskne {n} (mask acne) | :: maskné {m} |
masochism {n} /ˈmæs.ə.kɪ.zəm/ (the enjoyment of receiving pain or humiliation) | :: masochisme {m} |
masochist {n} /ˈmæ.səˌkʰɪst/ (someone who enjoys pain or humiliation) | :: masochiste |
mason {n} /ˈmeɪsən/ (one who builds with stone or brick) | :: maçon {m}, maçonne {f} |
mason {n} (Freemason) SEE: Freemason | :: |
masonry {n} /ˈmeɪsənɹi/ (art or occupation of a mason) | :: maçonnerie {f} |
masonry {n} (that which is built by a mason) | :: maçonnerie; maçonnerie {f} |
mason wasp {n} (potter wasp) SEE: potter wasp | :: |
Masovia {prop} /məˈzoʊ.vi.ə/ (Region of Poland) | :: Masovie {f}, Mazovie {f} |
Masovian Voivodeship {prop} (Masovian Voivodeship) | :: voïvodie de Mazovie {f} |
masquerade {n} /ˌmæskəˈɹeɪd/ (party or assembly of people wearing masks and costumes) | :: bal masqué, mascarade |
masquerade {v} (to frolic or disport in disguise) | :: déguiser |
masquerade {v} (disguise) SEE: disguise | :: |
Masr {prop} (Egypt) SEE: Egypt | :: |
mass {n} /mæs/ (physics: quantity of matter which a body contains) | :: masse {f} |
mass {n} (medicine: palpable or visible abnormal globular structure) | :: masse |
mass {n} | :: masse {f} |
mass {n} /mæs/ (religion: Eucharist) | :: messe {f} |
mass {n} (religion: celebration of the Eucharist) | :: messe {f} |
Mass {n} /ˈmæs/ (Roman Catholic Church: the principal liturgical service) | :: messe {f} |
Massa Carrara {prop} (province) | :: Massa e Carrara |
Massachusetts {prop} /ˌmæsəˈtʃuːsɪts/ (a state of the United States of America) | :: Massachusetts {m} |
massacre {n} /ˈmæs.ə.kɚ/ (intentional mass killing) | :: massacre {m} |
massacre {v} (to kill in considerable numbers) | :: massacrer |
massage {n} /məˈsɑʒ/ (rubbing, kneading, or hitting muscled part of a body) | :: massage {m} |
massage {v} (to perform a massage on somebody) | :: masser |
massage table {n} (table used by massage therapists) | :: table de massage {f} |
mass communication {n} (communication) | :: communication de masse {f} |
masses {n} /ˈmæs.ɪz/ (people, especially a large number) | :: masses {f-p} |
masseter {n} (the large muscle which raises the under jaw, and assists in mastication) | :: masséter {m} |
masseur {n} /məˈsuːɹ/ (a person who performs massage) | :: masseur {m}, masseuse {f} |
masseuse {n} /məˈsuːs/ (a female masseur) | :: masseuse {f} |
mass funeral {n} | :: obsèques collectives {f-p} |
mass grave {n} (a grave containing many corpses) | :: [in a war or any other zone of conflict (corpses are anonymous and not put in a coffin] charnier {m}; [natural disaster, war, etc. (corpses are put in a coffin and totally or partially identified)] fosse commune {f} |
massif {n} /mæˈsiːf/ (principal mountain mass) | :: massif {m} |
Massif Central {prop} (area) | :: Massif central {m} |
massify {v} (become oriented towards mass production) | :: massifier |
massive {adj} /ˈmæs.ɪv/ (of great size, significance or import; overwhelming) | :: massif |
massively multiplayer online role-playing game {n} (online computer role-playing game) | :: jeu de rôle en ligne massivement multijoueur {m} |
mass media {n} (public communication that reaches a large audience) | :: mass-médias {p}, médias de masse {p} |
mass murderer {n} (someone who commits a mass murder, see also: serial killer) | :: tueur de masse {m}, meurtrier de masse {m} |
mass noun {n} (noun describing something that cannot be counted) | :: nom massif {m}, nom non comptable {m}, nom indénombrable {m} |
mass shooting {n} (shooting of multiple people) | :: fusillade {f} |
mast {n} /mæst/ (support of a sail) | :: mât {m} |
mast {n} (the fruit of forest-trees) | :: faine {f} [of beech tree] |
mastaba {n} /ˈmæstəbə/ (rectangular structure with a flat top and slightly sloping sides) | :: mastaba {f} |
mastectomy {n} (surgical procedure to remove all or part of the breast) | :: masectomie {f} |
master {n} /ˈmɑːstə/ (someone who has control over something or someone) | :: maître {m} |
master {n} (expert at something) | :: maître {m} |
master {v} (to learn to a high degree) | :: maîtriser |
master class {n} (class in which a teacher critiques students) | :: classe de maître {f} |
master class {n} | :: classe de maître {f} |
mastercraftsman {n} (master of a craft or trade) | :: maître artisan {m} |
master cylinder {n} (control device) | :: maître-cylindre {m} |
master key {n} (a key that opens a set of several locks) | :: passe-partout {m}, passepartout {m}, passe {m} |
mastermind {n} /ˈmæs.tɚˌmaɪnd/ (person with extraordinary intellect) | :: cerveau {m}, tête {f} |
mastermind {n} (person responsible for a major operation) | :: cerveau {m} |
mastermind {v} (to act as mastermind) | :: organiser, diriger |
master of ceremonies {n} (host at a formal event) | :: maître de cérémonie |
master of ceremonies {n} (someone who conducts a program by introducing performers) | :: maître de cérémonie |
master of ceremonies {n} (rapper) | :: MC |
masterpiece {n} /ˈmæstɚˌpis/ (piece of work that has been given much critical praise) | :: chef-d'œuvre {m} |
master race {n} (race of people) | :: race supérieure |
master's {n} (master's degree) SEE: master's degree | :: |
master's degree {n} (postgraduate degree) | :: master {m}, maîtrise {f} |
master's thesis {n} (thesis) | :: mémoire {m} |
masterstroke {n} (Action demonstrating great skill) | :: coup de maître {m}, prouesse {f} |
masterwork {n} (piece of quality indicative of having been made by a master) SEE: masterpiece | :: |
masterwork {n} (piece done to be ranked a master) | :: chef-d’œuvre {m} |
masterwort {n} /ˈmɑːstəwəːt/ (Peucedanum ostruthium) | :: impératoire {f} |
masterwort {n} (Astrantia spp.) | :: astrance |
mastery {n} (philosopher's stone) SEE: philosopher's stone | :: |
mastery {n} /ˈmæstəɹi/ (act or process of mastering, expertise) | :: maîtrise {f} |
mastic {n} /ˈmæstɪk/ (the flexible, waterproof filler) | :: mastic |
masticate {v} (chew) SEE: chew | :: |
mastiff {n} /ˈmæstɪf/ (mastiff) | :: dogue {m} |
mastitis {n} (inflammation of a breast or udder) | :: mastite {m} |
mastodon {n} /ˈmæstədɑn/ (extinct elephant-like mammal of the genus Mammut) | :: mastodonte {m} |
masturbate {v} /ˈmæstəbeɪt/ (to masturbate) | :: masturber |
masturbation {n} /ˌmæstɚˈbeɪʃən/ (manual erotic stimulation of the genitals) | :: masturbation {f}, onanisme {m}, branlette {f} [slang] |
masturbator {n} (someone who masturbates) | :: masturbateur {m} |
masturbatory {adj} /ˌmæs.tɜː(ɹ)ˈbeɪ.tə.ɹi/ (pertaining to masturbation) | :: masturbatoire {m} {f} |
masu {n} /ˈmasuː/ (square wooden box) | :: masu {m} |
Masuria {prop} (an area in northeastern Poland) | :: Mazurie |
mat {n} /mæt/ (foot wiping device or floor covering) | :: foot wiping device: paillasson {m}, tapis {m}, floor covering: carpette {f}, tapis {m}, natte {f} |
mat {n} (thickly tangled mess) | :: épais fouillis |
matachin {n} (dance with swords and bucklers) | :: matassin {m} |
matador {n} /ˈmætədɔɹ/ (bullfighter) | :: matador {m} |
matamata {n} (turtle) | :: matamata {f} |
match {n} /mæt͡ʃ/ (sporting event) | :: match {m} |
match {v} (to agree; to equal) | :: concorder, accorder, correspondre |
match {v} (make a successful pairing) | :: combiner |
match {n} (device to make fire) | :: allumette {f} |
matcha {n} /ˈmɑ.tʃə/ (powdered green tea for ceremonies) | :: matcha {m} |
matchbox {n} (small cardboard box in which matches are kept) | :: boîte d'allumettes {f} |
match fixing {n} (the act of losing, or playing to a pre-determined result) | :: match arrangé {m}, match truqué {m} |
matching {adj} /ˈmætʃɪŋ/ (the same as another; sharing the same design) | :: See ensemble {m} [noun], correspondant {m} |
matchmaker {n} (someone who finds suitable marriage partners) | :: entremetteur {m}, entremetteuse {f}, marieur {m}, marieuse {f}, apparieur {m}, apparieuse {f} |
matchmaker {n} (someone who makes matchsticks) | :: allumettier {m}, allumettière {f} |
matchmaking {n} /ˈmætʃˌmeɪkɪŋ/ (attempt to make two people romantically interested in each other) | :: matchmaking {m} |
match point {n} (state in a game) | :: balle de match {f} |
matchstick {n} (piece of wood) | :: allumette {f} |
mate {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse) SEE: copulate | :: |
mate {n} (checkmate) SEE: checkmate | :: |
mate {n} /meɪt/ (friend, see also: friend) | :: copain {m}, camarade {m} |
mate {n} | :: copain {m}, pote {m} |
mate {v} (copulate) | :: s'accoupler |
mate {v} | :: s'assembler |
mate {n} (nautical: first mate) SEE: first mate | :: |
Matera {prop} (province) | :: Matera |
Matera {prop} (town) | :: Matera |
material {adj} /məˈtɪɹi.əl/ (worldly) | :: matériel |
material {n} (matter) | :: matériau, matière |
material {n} (text) | :: matériel |
material {n} (sample or specimens for study) | :: matériel {m} |
material {n} (cloth) | :: étoffe {f}, tissu {m} |
materialism {n} /məˈtɪɹiəlɪzəm/ (concern over material possessions) | :: matérialisme {m} |
materialism {n} (philosophical belief) | :: matérialisme {m} |
materialist {n} /məˈtiːɹɪəlɪst/ (someone who is materialistic) | :: matérialiste {m} {f} |
materialistic {adj} /məˌtɪəɹ.i.əˈlɪs.tɪk/ (being overly concerned with possessions) | :: matérialiste {m} {f} |
materiel {n} /mətɪɹiˈɛl/ (military equipment, apparatus and supplies) | :: matériel |
mater lectionis {n} /ˈmeɪtɚ lɛktiˈoʊnɪs/ (consonant used to represent a vowel sound) | :: mater lectionis {f} |
maternal {adj} /məˈtɜːnəl/ (of or pertaining to a mother) | :: maternel |
maternal {adj} (related through the mother, or her side of the family) | :: maternel |
maternal aunt {n} (one's mother's sister) | :: tante {f}; [informal] tatie {f} |
maternal custody {n} (arrangement in which the mother has the custody of a child) | :: garde maternelle {f} |
maternal death {n} (death of a woman that occurs directly related to the procreative process) | :: mort de grossesse {f}, mort obstétrique {f} |
maternal grandfather {n} (one's mother's father) | :: grand-père maternel {m} |
maternal grandmother {n} (The mother of one's mother) | :: grande-mère maternelle {f} |
maternal uncle {n} (brother of one's mother) | :: oncle maternel {m} |
maternity leave {n} (leave of absence) | :: congé de maternité |
maternity ward {n} (hospital ward) | :: maternité {f} |
mates' rates {n} | :: prix d'ami {m} |
math {n} /mæθ/ (short form of mathematics) | :: maths {f-p} |
mathematical {adj} /ˌmæθəˈmætɪkəl/ (of, or relating to mathematics) | :: mathématique |
mathematically {adv} (according to or using mathematics) | :: mathématiquement |
mathematician {n} /ˈmæθ(.ə)ˌmə.tɪʃ.ən/ (expert in mathematics) | :: mathématicien {m}, mathématicienne {f} |
mathematics {n} /mæθ(ə)ˈmætɪks/ (field of study) | :: mathématiques {f-p} |
mathematizable {adj} (able to be transcribed in mathematical concepts) | :: mathématisable {m} {f} |
mathematize {v} (describe in terms of a mathematical equation) | :: mathématiser |
maths {n} /mæθs/ (short form of mathematics) | :: maths {f-p} |
Matilda {prop} /məˈtɪldə/ (female given name, cognates and transliterations) | :: Mathilde |
matinee {n} /ˈmætɪˌneɪ/ (a showing of a movie or theatrical performance in the afternoon) | :: matinée {f} |
mating {n} /ˈmeɪtɪŋ/ (pairing of organisms for copulation) | :: accouplement {m}, monte {f} |
mating season {n} (time of year during which animals mate) | :: saison des amours |
matins {n} (Earliest canonical hours) | :: matines {f-p} |
Mato Grosso do Sul {prop} (state in south-western Brazil) | :: Mato Grosso du Sud {m} |
matriarch {n} /ˈmeɪt(ʃ)ɹiɑɹk/ (a female leader of a family, a tribe or an ethnic or religious group) | :: matriarche {f} |
matriarchal {adj} (governed by a matriarch) | :: matriarcal |
matriarchate {n} /ˈmeɪtɹiɑːkət/ (matriarchate) | :: matriarcat {m} |
matriarchy {n} (social system) | :: matriarcat {m} |
matricide {n} (killing of one's mother) | :: matricide {m} |
matricide {n} (person who kills their mother) | :: matricide {m} {f} |
matriculation {n} (enrollment in a college or university) | :: inscription {f} |
matriculation {n} (A pass in some university examinations) | :: examen d'admission {m} |
matrilaterally {adv} | :: matrilatéralement |
matrilineal {adj} /ˌmeɪtɹɪˈlɪnɪəl/ (Tracing descent only through female ancestors) | :: matrilinéaire |
matrimony {n} /ˈmatɹɪməni/ (marriage or the state of being married) | :: mariage {m} |
matrimony vine {n} (wolfberry) SEE: wolfberry | :: |
matristic {adj} (matristic) | :: matristique |
matristics {n} (matristics) | :: matristique {f} |
matrix {n} (womb) SEE: womb | :: |
matrix {n} /ˈmeɪtɹɪks/ (extracellular matrix, see also: extracellular matrix) | :: matrice |
matrix {n} (math: rectangular arrangement of numbers or terms) | :: matrice {f} |
matroid {n} | :: matroïde {m} |
matron {n} /ˈmeɪtɹən/ (mature or elderly woman) | :: matrone |
matronymic {adj} /ˌmætɹəˈnɪmɪk/ (matronymic (adjective)) | :: matronymique |
matryoshka {n} (Russian doll) SEE: Russian doll | :: |
matsutake {n} /maːtsuːˈtaːkiː/ | :: matsutake {m}, champignon des pins {m} |
Matsuyama {prop} (a city of Japan) | :: Matsuyama |
matte {adj} /mæt/ (not reflective of light) | :: mat {m}, mate {f} |
matter {n} /ˈmætɚ/ (basic structural component of the universe) | :: matière {f} |
matter {n} (non-antimatter matter) | :: matière {f} |
matter {n} (kind of substance) | :: matière {f} |
matter {n} (situation, condition, subject or affair) | :: affaire {f} |
matter {n} (cause) | :: cause {f}, matière {f} |
matter {n} (neurology: nerve tissue type) | :: substance {f}, matière {f} |
matter {v} (to be important) | :: importer, compter |
Matterhorn {prop} (mountain) | :: Cervin {m} |
matter of time {n} (an inevitable result) | :: question de temps {f} |
Matthew {prop} /ˈmæθjuː/ (male given name) | :: Matthieu {m} |
Matthew {prop} (biblical disciple) | :: Matthieu |
Matthew {prop} (gospel of Matthew) | :: Matthieu {m} |
Matthias {prop} /məˈθaɪəs/ (the Apostle replacing Judas) | :: Matthias |
Matthias {prop} (male given name) | :: Matthias |
matting {n} (surface used for surrounding pictures) SEE: matte | :: |
mattock {n} /ˈmætək/ (agricultural tool) | :: pioche-hache {f} |
mattress {n} /ˈmætɹɪs/ (a pad on which a person can recline and sleep) | :: matelas {m} |
mattress pad {n} (mattress protector) SEE: mattress protector | :: |
mattress protector {n} (removable bedding that sits on top of a mattress) | :: protège-matelas {m} |
mattress topper {n} (mattress protector) SEE: mattress protector | :: |
maturation {n} (process of becoming mature) | :: maturation {f} |
maturational {adj} | :: maturationnel |
mature {adj} /məˈtʃʊ(ə)ɹ/ (fully developed) | :: mûr, mature |
mature {adj} (profound; careful) | :: mûr {m}, mûre {f} |
mature {v} (to become mature; to ripen) | :: mûrir, arriver à maturité, [cheese] s'affiner |
mature {v} (to gain experience or wisdom with age) | :: mûrir, devenir mature |
mature {v} (to reach the date when payment is due) | :: arriver à échéance |
maturity {n} /məˈtʊəɹəti/ (state of being mature, ready or ripe) | :: maturité {f} |
maturity {n} | :: maturité |
maturity date {n} (date on which a principal amount of a note, draft or bond becomes due) | :: échéance {f} |
matutinal {adj} /məˈtʊtənəl/ (Of, occurring in, or relating to the early morning) | :: matutinal |
matzo {n} /ˈmɑːtsə/ (thin, unleavened bread) | :: matza {f} |
Maud {prop} (given name) | :: Maud {f} |
maudlin {adj} /ˈmɔːd.lɪn/ (extravagantly or excessively sentimental; self-pitying) | :: histrionique, sentimental {m}, pleurnicheur, maniéré, mièvre, affecté |
maudlin {adj} (affectionate or sentimental in an effusive, tearful, or foolish manner) | :: larmoyant, démonstratif, hystérique, pleurnicheur |
maugre {prep} (in spite of) SEE: in spite of | :: |
maul {n} /mɔːl/ (heavy, long-handled hammer) | :: merlin {m} |
maul {v} (handle in a rough way) | :: maltraiter |
maul {v} (savage) | :: amocher |
maul {v} (to criticise rudely) | :: casser du sucre sur le dos de |
maulstick {n} /ˈmɔːl.stɪk/ (short stick) | :: appui-main {m} |
maunch {n} /mɑːntʃ/ (heraldry: a long stylised sleeve) | :: manche |
maundy {n} (commandment) SEE: commandment | :: |
Maundy Thursday {prop} (Thursday before Easter) | :: Jeudi saint |
Mauretania Caesariensis {prop} /ˌmɔːɹɪˈteɪnɪə sɪˌzɑːɹɪˈɛnsɪs/ (northwest-African province of the Roman Empire) | :: Maurétanie Césarienne {f} |
Maurice {prop} /məˈɹis/ (male given name) | :: Maurice |
Mauricie {prop} | :: Mauricie |
Mauritania {prop} /ˌmɔːɹɪˈteɪni.ə/ (Islamic Republic of Mauritania) | :: Mauritanie {f} |
Mauritanian {n} (Mauritanian person) | :: Mauritanien {m}, Mauritanienne {f} |
Mauritanian {adj} (Mauritanian) | :: mauritanien |
Mauritian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Mauritius, its people, or their language or culture) | :: mauricien |
Mauritian {n} (person from Mauritius or of Mauritian descent) | :: Mauricien {m}, Mauricienne {f} |
Mauritian {prop} (Mauritian Creole) SEE: Mauritian Creole | :: |
Mauritian Creole {prop} (creole language of Mauritius) | :: créole mauricien |
Mauritius {prop} /məˈɹɪʃəs/ (country) | :: Maurice {m} |
Mauritius {prop} (island) | :: île Maurice {f}, Maurice {f} [less common] |
Mauritius {prop} (given name) | :: Maurice {m} |
Mauser {n} (firearm) | :: Mauser {m} |
mausoleum {n} /ˌmɔ.səˈli.əm/ (large tomb) | :: mausolée {m} |
mauve {n} /mɔːv/ (colour) | :: mauve {m} |
mauve {adj} (colour) | :: mauve |
maven {n} /ˈmeɪvən/ (expert in a given field) | :: virtuose {m}, spécialiste {m} {f}, connaisseur {m} |
maverick {adj} /ˈmævəɹɪk/ (showing independence in thoughts or actions) | :: individualiste {m} {f} |
maverick {n} (one who is unconventional or does not abide by rules) | :: anticonformiste, excentrique, non-conformiste {m} {f} |
maverick {n} (one who creates or uses controversial or unconventional ideas or practices) | :: dissident {m}, franc-tireur {m} |
maw {n} /mɔ/ (upper digestive tract) | :: gueule {f} |
mawlid {n} (holiday celebrating the birthday of a holy man or prophet, especially Muhammad) | :: mouloud |
max {adj} /mæks/ (abbreviation for maximum) | :: max |
maxi- {prefix} (prefix) | :: maxi- |
maxillary {adj} (of or pertaining to the jaw) | :: maxillaire |
maxillary sinus {n} (paranasal sinus) | :: sinus maxillaire {m} |
maxim {n} /ˈmæk.sɪm/ (moral precept) | :: maxime {f} |
maximal {adj} (Largest, greatest, highest, most) | :: maximal {m}, maximum |
maximalism {n} (tendency toward excess) | :: maximalisme {m} |
maximaphily {n} | :: maximaphilie |
Maximilian {prop} (male given name) | :: Maximilien |
maximize {v} (to make as large as possible) | :: maximiser |
maximum {n} /ˈmæksɪməm/ (highest limit) | :: maximum {m} |
maximum {adj} (highest degree) | :: maximum, maximal |
maximum break {n} (147 in snooker) | :: break maximum, break royal |
may {v} /meɪ/ (have permission to) | :: pouvoir |
may {v} (possibly, but not certainly) | :: peut-être, se pouvoir [impersonal, third-person singular] |
may {v} (subjunctive) | :: que + [noun phrase] + subjunctive (verb) |
may {n} (the hawthorn bush or its blossom) | :: aubépine {f} |
May {prop} /meɪ/ (fifth month of the Gregorian calendar) | :: mai {m} |
Maya {prop} /ˈmaɪə/ | :: Maya {m} {f} |
maybe {adv} /ˈmeɪbi/ (indicating a lack of certainty) | :: peut-être, peut-être que [+ indicative], il se peut que [+ subjunctive] |
maybe {adv} (as a pro-sentence) | :: peut-être, c'est possible |
May bug {n} (cockchafer) SEE: cockchafer | :: |
mayday {n} /ˈmeɪ.deɪ/ (international distress signal used by shipping and aircraft) | :: mayday, SOS |
May Day {n} (workers' holiday) | :: fête du Travail; fête des Travailleurs |
Mayenne {prop} (département) | :: Mayenne {f} |
mayfly {n} (insect of order Ephemeroptera) | :: éphémère |
mayhem {n} /ˈmeɪhɛm/ (chaos) | :: grabuge {m}, tumulte {m}, chaos {m}, désordre {m} |
mayhem {n} (infliction of violent injury) | :: mutilation {f}, dévastation {f} |
Maykop {prop} /maɪˈkɒp/ (city in Russia) | :: Maïkop {m} |
mayonnaise {n} /ˈmæn.eɪz/ (dressing) | :: mayonnaise {f} |
mayor {n} /ˈmeɪ.ɚ/ (leader of a city) | :: maire {m}, mairesse {f}, bourgmestre {m} {f} [Belgium] |
mayor {n} (royal steward) | :: maire |
mayoralty {n} (the office or term of a mayor) | :: mairie {f} |
mayoress {n} (female mayor) | :: mairesse {f} |
Mayotte {prop} /maɪˈɒt/ (Territorial Collectivity of Mayotte) | :: Mayotte |
maypole {n} (pole, garlanded with streamers held by people who dance around it to celebrate May Day) | :: arbre de mai |
may the Force be with you {phrase} (wish someone luck) | :: que la Force soit avec toi, que la Force soit avec vous |
Mazanderani {adj} (pertaining to Mazandaran) | :: masanique |
maze {n} /ˈmeɪz/ (Puzzle to get through) | :: dédale {m} |
mazel tov {interj} /ˈmɑz(ə)lˌtɔf/ ((Hebrew/Yiddish) congratulations or good wishes, especially at weddings) | :: mazeltov, mazaltov |
mazurka {n} /məˈzʊə(ɹ)kə/ (dance) | :: mazurka {f}, mazurque {f} |
Mazzinian {adj} | :: mazzinien |
MB {n} (megabyte) | :: Mo |
Möbius band {n} (Möbius strip) SEE: Möbius strip | :: |
Möbius strip {n} /ˈməʊ.biː.əs stɹɪp/ (one-sided surface) | :: ruban de Möbius {m} |
Möbius transformation {n} (transformation of the complex plane) | :: transformation de Möbius {f} |
MBps {n} (megabytes per second) | :: Mo/s |
McCarthyism {prop} (intense opposition to Communism) | :: maccarthysme {m} |
McDonald's {prop} (fast-food restaurant) | :: McDonald's {m}, MacDo {m} [slang], McDo {m} [slang] |
mâche {n} (Valerianella locusta) | :: mâche, mâche potagère, valérianelle, blanchette, boursette, clairette, doucette, oreillette, rampon, valérianelle, salade de blé |
McIntosh {n} /ˈmækɪntɒʃ/ (apple tree and fruit variety) | :: McIntosh |
McKinnon {prop} | :: McKinnon |
me {determiner} /mi/ (my, see also: ) | :: mon {m}, ma {f}, mes {p} |
me {pron} (myself) SEE: myself | :: |
me {pron} (direct object of a verb) | :: me [becoming m' before a vowel or a mute h], moi [imperative] |
me {pron} (object of a preposition) | :: moi |
me {pron} (indirect object of a verb) | :: me [becoming m' before a vowel or a mute h], moi [imperative] |
me {pron} (reflexive indirect object of a verb) | :: me [becoming m' before a vowel or a mute h] |
me {pron} (complement of the copula) | :: moi |
me {pron} (subject of a verb with “and”) | :: moi |
me {pron} (subject of a verb without “and”) | :: moi |
Meaco {prop} (medieval name for Kyoto) | :: Meaco |
mea culpa {n} /ˌmeɪ.əˈkʊl.pə/ (my fault, due to my error) | :: mea culpa |
mead {n} /miːd/ (alcoholic drink) | :: hydromel {m}, chouchen {m} |
meadow {n} /ˈmɛdoʊ/ (field or pasture) | :: pré {m} |
meadow brown {n} (butterfly) | :: myrtil |
meadowlark {n} (songbird of Sturnella or Leistes) | :: sturnelle {f} |
meadow mushroom {n} (Agaricus campestris) SEE: field mushroom | :: |
meadow pipit {n} (bird) | :: pipit farlouse |
meadowrue {n} (plant) | :: pigamon {m} |
meadowsweet {n} /ˈmɛdəʊswiːt/ (Filipendula ulmaria) | :: reine-des-prés {f} |
meager {adj} /ˈmiɡɚ/ (lean) | :: maigre |
meager {adj} (poor, deficient or inferior) | :: maigre, pauvre {m} |
meagerness {n} (state of being meager) | :: maigreur {f} |
meagre {n} /ˈmiːɡɚ/ (Argyrosomus regius) | :: maigre {m} |
meagre {adj} (Having little flesh; lean; thin.) | :: maigre {m} {f} |
meagre {adj} | :: maigre |
meal {n} /miːʟ̩/ (food that is prepared and eaten) | :: repas {m} |
meal {n} (coarse-ground edible part of various grains) | :: mouture {f} |
meal ticket {n} (a voucher for food) | :: ticket-restaurant, ticket-repas {m}, bon, ticket, coupon |
meal ticket {n} (an exploited source of income or livelihood) | :: gagne-pain {m}, gogo, pigeon |
mealworm beetle {n} (mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor) | :: Ténébrion meunier {m}, ténébrion {m} |
mealy {adj} /miːli/ (resembling meal) | :: farineux {m} |
mealy-mouthed {adj} (not forthright) | :: hypocrite |
mean {v} /miːn/ (to intend; plan on doing) | :: avoir l'intention |
mean {v} (to convey, indicate) | :: signifier, vouloir dire |
mean {v} (to signify) | :: vouloir dire, signifier |
mean {adj} (intending to cause harm, successfully or otherwise) | :: méchant, cruel |
mean {adj} (low in quality; inferior) | :: inférieur {m}, inférieure {f} |
mean {adj} (having the mean as its value) | :: moyen |
mean {n} (method by which something is done) | :: moyen {m} |
mean {n} (intermediate value) | :: moyenne {f} |
mean {n} (arithmetic mean) | :: moyenne {f} |
mean {n} (the statistical value) | :: moyenne {f} |
meander {n} /miˈændɚ/ (winding, crooked or involved course) | :: méandre {m} |
meander {n} (tortuous or intricate movement) | :: méandre {m} |
meander {v} (to wind or turn) | :: méandrer |
meander {v} | :: errer |
meandering {adj} (winding, rambling) | :: méandreux |
meandrous {adj} (winding) SEE: winding | :: |
meaning {n} /ˈmiːnɪŋ/ (symbolic value of something) | :: signification {f}, sens {m} |
meaning {n} (significance of a thing, as "the meaning of life") | :: signification {f} |
meaning {n} (definition or connotation of a word) | :: sens {m} |
meaningless {adj} (lacking meaning) | :: dénué de sens, dépourvu de sens |
meaning of life {n} (hypothetical answer to life's ultimate questions) | :: sens de la vie {m} |
meanness {n} (a mean act) | :: abjection |
mean proportional {n} (geometric mean) SEE: geometric mean | :: |
means {n} /miːnz/ (resources) | :: moyens {m-p} |
means of production {n} (combination of the means of labor and the subject of labor) | :: moyens de production {m-p} |
means of transport {n} (mode of transport) SEE: mode of transport | :: |
mean solar day {n} (average length of a solar day) | :: jour solaire moyen {m} |
meantime {n} /ˈmiːntaɪm/ | :: pendant ce temps |
meanwhile {adv} /ˈmiːnwaɪl/ (during the time) | :: pendant ce temps-là, entretemps, en attendant |
meanwhile {adv} (at the same time but elsewhere) | :: pendant ce temps-là |
measles {n} /ˈmiːzəlz/ (acute highly contagious viral disease) | :: rougeole {f} |
measure {n} (melody) SEE: melody | :: |
measure {n} /ˈmɛʒə/ (size ascertained by measuring) | :: mesure |
measure {n} (musical designation) | :: mesure {f} |
measure {n} (action to achieve some purpose) | :: mesure {f} |
measure {v} (ascertain the quantity of a unit) | :: mesurer |
measure {n} (dance) SEE: dance | :: |
measure {n} (moderation, temperance) SEE: moderation | :: |
measure {n} (math: number which is contained in a given number without remainder) SEE: divisor | :: |
measure {n} (geology: bed or stratum) SEE: bed | :: |
measurement {n} /ˈmeʒ.ɚ.mənt/ (act of measuring) | :: mesure {f} |
measurement {n} (magnitude determined by measuring) | :: mesure {f} |
measure of central tendency {n} (measure of location) | :: tendance centrale {f} |
measure twice and cut once {proverb} (plan and prepare in a careful, thorough manner before taking action) | :: Mesurer deux fois, couper une fois |
measure word {n} (measure word, classifier) | :: classificateur {m}, compteur {m} |
measuring cup {n} (utensil to measure the volume) | :: verre doseur {m} |
measuring jug {n} (jug for measuring liquids) SEE: measuring cup | :: |
measuring tape {n} (tape measure) SEE: tape measure | :: |
meat {n} /miːt/ (animal flesh used as food) | :: viande {f} |
meat {n} (type of meat) | :: viande {f} |
meat {n} (any sort of flesh) | :: viande {f} |
meat {n} (substance, solid part) | :: viande {f} |
meat {n} (totem) SEE: totem | :: |
meatarian {n} (person who eats meat) | :: carniste {m} {f} |
meatatarian {n} (meatarian) SEE: meatarian | :: |
meatball {n} (meatball) | :: boulette {f} |
meat floss {n} (rousong) SEE: rousong | :: |
meatgrinder {n} (device for cutting meat) | :: hachoir {m} |
meat jelly {n} (aspic) SEE: aspic | :: |
meatloaf {n} /ˈmitloʊf/ (mixture of ground meat) | :: pain de viande {m}, rôti haché {m} |
meat pie {n} (pie containing meat) | :: tourte {f} |
mebibyte {n} (1,048,576 bytes) | :: mébioctet |
Mecca {prop} /ˈmɛkə/ (city in Saudi Arabia) | :: La Mecque {f} |
mecha {n} (armoured robot) | :: mecha |
mechanic {n} /məˈkænɪk/ (skilled worker on machinery) | :: mécanicien {m} |
mechanical {adj} /mɪˈkanɪk(ə)l/ (physics: related to mechanics) | :: mécanique |
mechanical {adj} (as if performed by machine) | :: machinal {m} |
mechanical energy {n} (mechanical energy) | :: énergie mécanique {f} |
mechanical engineer {n} (someone who specializes in mechanical engineering) | :: ingénieur en mécanique {m}, ingénieur mécanicien {m} |
mechanical engineering {n} (subfield of engineering) | :: génie mécanique {f} |
mechanically {adv} /məˈkænɪkli/ (In a mechanical manner) | :: machinalement |
mechanical pencil {n} (pencil with a retractable lead) | :: porte-mine {m}, portemine {m} |
mechanics {n} (a branch of physics) | :: mécanique {f} |
mechanism {n} /ˈmɛkənɪzm/ (mechanical means for the conversion or control of motion) | :: mécanisme {m} |
mechanism {n} (mental, chemical, or physical process) | :: mécanisme |
mechanization {n} (the use of machinery to replace human or animal labour) | :: mécanisation {f} |
mechanize {v} /ˈmɛkənaɪz/ (to equip with machinery) | :: mécaniser |
mechano- {prefix} (machines or mechanisms) | :: mécano- |
mechanobiology {n} | :: mécanobiologie |
mechanotherapeutic {adj} | :: mécanothérapique |
mechatronics {n} (synergistic combination) | :: mécatronique {f} |
Mechelen {prop} /ˈmɛkələn/ (city) | :: Malines |
Mecklenburg {prop} (region of Germany) | :: Mecklembourg {m} |
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania {prop} (one of the component states of Germany) | :: Mecklembourg-Poméranie-Occidentale {m}, Mecklembourg-Poméranie-Antérieure {m} |
meconate {n} | :: méconate {m} |
meconic acid {n} | :: acide méconique {m} |
medal {n} /ˈmɛɾ.ɫ̩/ (stamped metal disc) | :: médaille {f} |
medalist {n} /ˈmɛdəlɪst/ (one who has received a medal) | :: médaillé {m}, médaillée {f} |
medallion {n} /məˈdæljən/ (large decorative medal) | :: médaillon {m} |
meddle {v} /ˈmɛd.əl/ (to interfere in affairs) | :: s'ingérer, se mêler |
meddle {v} (to have sex) SEE: have sex | :: |
meddler {n} /ˈmɛdlɚ/ (one who meddles or interferes) | :: fouineur {m}, fouineuse |
meddlesome {adj} (inclined to meddle or interfere) | :: importun |
medevac {v} /ˈmɛdɪvæk/ | :: EVASAN |
medfly {n} (fruit fly) | :: mouche méditerranéenne des fruits |
media {n} /ˈmiːdi.ə/ (the journalists and other professionals who comprise the mass communication industry) | :: médias {m-p} |
Media {prop} /ˈmiːdɪə/ (historical region in northwestern Iran) | :: Médie {f} |
mediaeval {adj} (medieval) SEE: medieval | :: |
median {n} /ˈmiːdi.ən/ (statistics: measure of central tendency) | :: médiane {f} |
median {n} (area separating two lanes of opposite-direction traffic) | :: terre-plein central |
median {adj} (having the median as its value) | :: médian {m}, médiane {f} |
mediastinal {adj} (relating to the mediastinum) | :: médiastinal |
mediastinum {n} /ˌmiːdi.əˈstaɪnəm/ (the region in mammals) | :: médiastin {m} |
media studies {n} /ˈmiːdi.ə ˈstʌdiz/ (academic discipline) | :: science des médias {f} |
mediate {adj} (intermediate) SEE: intermediate | :: |
mediatization {n} | :: médiatisation {f} |
mediatize {v} /ˈmiːdɪətʌɪz/ (to filter through the mass media) | :: médiatiser |
mediator {n} /ˈmidieɪtɚ/ (one who negotiates between parties seeking mutual agreement) | :: médiateur {m} |
MediaWiki {prop} /ˈmiːdi.əˌwɪki/ | :: MediaWiki |
medic {n} (doctor) SEE: doctor | :: |
medic {n} (paramedic) SEE: paramedic | :: |
medical {adj} /ˈmɛdɪkl̩/ (of the practice of medicine) | :: médical |
medical certificate {n} (statement from a physician) | :: certificat médical {m} |
medical history {n} (details about patient's previous medical experiences) | :: dossier médical {m} |
medical record {n} (details about a patient's previous medical experiences) SEE: medical history | :: |
medical school {n} (school that teaches medicine) | :: faculté ([colloquial] fac) de médecine {f} |
medical tourism {n} (type of tourism) | :: tourisme médical {m} |
medicaster {n} /ˈmɛdɪkastə/ (quack doctor) | :: médicastre {m}, meige {m} |
medication {n} /mɛdɪˈkeɪʃən/ (one or all the medicines regularly taken by a patient) | :: médication {f} |
medication {n} (administration of medicine) | :: médication {f} |
Medici collar {n} (fan-shaped collar) | :: collet monté {m} |
medicinal {adj} /məˈdɪsənəl/ (tending to cure disease) | :: médicinal, médicamenteux {m} |
medicine {n} /ˈmɛ.dɪ.sɪn/ (substance which promotes healing) | :: médicament {m}, remède {m} |
medicine {n} (treatment or cure) | :: traitement {m}, médicaments {m-p} |
medicine {n} (field of study) | :: médecine {f} |
medicine man {n} (shamanistic healer) | :: homme-médecine {m}, sorcier {m} |
medicine woman {n} (shamanistic healer) | :: femme-médecine {f}, sorcière {f} |
medieval {adj} /ˌmɛd.i.ˈiː.vəl/ (of or relating to the Middle Ages) | :: médiéval {m} |
medieval {adj} (having characteristics associated with the Middle Ages) | :: médiéval {m}, moyenâgeux {m} |
medieval {n} (a medieval thing) | :: médiéval {m} |
medieval {n} (someone living in the Middle Ages) | :: médiéval {m} |
medieval {adj} (brutal) SEE: brutal | :: |
Medieval Greek {n} (Byzantine Greek) SEE: Byzantine Greek | :: |
medievalist {n} (one who studies culture and history in the Middle Ages) | :: médiéviste {m} {f} |
Medieval Latin {prop} (language) | :: latin médiéval {m} |
medieval studies {n} (medieval studies) | :: médiévisme, médiévistique {f} |
medina {n} /məˈdiːnə/ (old town of Arab cities) | :: médina {f} |
mediocre {adj} /ˌmidiˈoʊkəɹ/ (having no peculiar or outstanding features) | :: médiocre |
mediocre {n} (person of minor significance, accomplishment or acclaim) | :: médiocre |
mediocrity {n} /miːdɪˈɒkɹɪti/ (condition of being mediocre) | :: médiocrité {f} |
meditate {v} (contemplate) | :: méditer |
meditate {v} | :: méditer |
meditation {n} /mɛdɪˈteɪʃən/ (devotional contemplation) | :: méditation {f} |
meditation {n} | :: méditation {f} |
Mediterranean {adj} /ˌmɛdɪtəˈɹeɪnɪən/ (Of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea and the region around it) | :: méditerranéen |
Mediterranean {prop} (region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea) | :: Bassin méditerranéen {m}, Monde méditerranéen {m} |
Mediterranean {prop} (Mediterranean Sea) SEE: Mediterranean Sea | :: |
Mediterranean flour moth {n} (type of moth that feeds on grain) | :: papillon gris de la farine {m} |
Mediterranean gull {n} (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus) | :: mouette mélanocéphale {f} |
mediterranean sea {n} /ˌmɛ.dɪ.təˈɹeɪ.nɪ.ən ˈsiː/ (mostly enclosed sea) | :: mer méditérranéenne {f} |
Mediterranean Sea {prop} /ˌmɛ.dɪ.təˈɹeɪ.nɪ.ən ˈsiː/ (sea between Europe and Africa) | :: Mer Méditerranée {f}, Méditerranée {f} |
medium {n} /ˈmiːdɪəm/ (nature of the surrounding environment) | :: milieu {m} |
medium {n} (format for communicating or presenting information) | :: médium {m}, média {m} |
medium {n} (nutrient solution for the growth of cells in vitro) | :: milieu |
medium {n} (someone who supposedly conveys information from the spirit world) | :: médium |
medium {n} (anything having a measurement intermediate between extremes) | :: moyen |
medium {adj} (of intermediate size) | :: moyen |
medium dry {adj} | :: demi-sec |
mediumistic {adj} (Of or pertaining to mediums) | :: médiumnique |
medium rare {adj} (cooked somewhat lightly) | :: à point |
medium-sized {adj} (having a medium or intermediate size) | :: de grandeur moyenne |
medium-term {adj} | :: à moyen terme |
mediumwave {adj} | :: onde moyenne {f} |
medlar {n} /ˈmɛdlə/ (tree) | :: néflier {m} |
medlar {n} (fruit) | :: nèfle {f} |
medley {n} /ˈmɛdli/ (collection or mixture of things) | :: mélange {m}, salade {f} |
medley {n} (collection of related songs) | :: pot-pourri |
medley {n} (swimming event) | :: 4 nages {f-p} |
medoid {n} | :: médoïde {m}, médianoïde {m} |
med school {n} (medical school) SEE: medical school | :: |
Medusa {prop} /məˈduːsə/ (one of the Gorgons) | :: Méduse {f} |
meek {adj} /mik/ (humble, modest, or self-effacing) | :: humble, modeste |
meekly {adv} /miː (quietly) | :: humblement |
meerkat {n} /ˈmɪəɹkæt/ (small carnivorous mammal) | :: suricate {m} |
meerschaum {n} (mineral) | :: écume de mer {f} |
meet {v} /miːt/ (encounter by accident) | :: rencontrer |
meet {v} (see through arrangement) | :: se retrouver, se rejoindre, se donner rendez-vous |
meet {v} (to get acquainted) | :: rencontrer, faire la connaissance de |
meet {v} (converge and touch) | :: se rejoindre |
meet {v} (gather for a formal discussion) | :: se réunir, se rencontrer |
meet {v} (comply with) | :: satisfaire, [cost] prendre en charge |
meet {v} (hit something while moving) | :: heurter |
meet {v} (adjoin) | :: rejoindre |
meet {v} (come together in conflict) | :: (s')affronter, se rencontrer |
meet {v} ((sport) play a match) | :: (se) rencontrer, (s')affronter |
meet {v} (meet face-to-face) | :: rencontrer |
meeting {n} /ˈmitɪŋ/ (gathering for a purpose) | :: réunion {f} |
meeting {n} (encounter between people) | :: rencontre {f} |
meeting {n} | :: réunion {f} |
meetingitis {n} | :: réunionite {f} |
meeting room {n} (room for holding meetings) | :: salle de réunion {f}, salle de conférence {f} |
meet one's Waterloo {v} /ˈmiːt wʌnz ˌwɔːtə(ɹ)ˈluː/ (to be defeated by an encounter with a powerful opponent or a problem that is too difficult) | :: rencontrer son Waterloo |
mega- {prefix} /ˈmɛɡə/ (multiplication factor one million) | :: méga- |
megabase {n} | :: mégabase {m} |
megabat {n} (bat of the family Pteropodidae) | :: mégachiroptère {m} |
megabyte {n} /ˈmɛɡəˌbaɪt/ (about a million bytes) | :: mégaoctet {m}, mégabyte {m} |
megacalorie {n} | :: mégacalorie {f} |
megaceros {n} (the Irish elk) | :: mégacéros {m} |
megachurch {n} (church with an atypically large congregation) | :: megachurch {f} [anglicism], mégachurch {f} [anglicism], mégaéglise {f}, méga-église {f} |
megacity {n} (very large city) | :: mégacité {f} |
megacolon {n} (all senses) | :: mégacôlon {m} |
mega-colossal {adj} | :: mégacolossal |
megadisaster {n} (all senses) | :: mégadésastre {m} |
megadrought {n} (a drought lasting for decades or centuries) | :: mégasécheresse {f} |
megadyne {n} | :: mégadyne {f} |
megaelectron volt {n} (one million electron volts, abbreviated as MeV) | :: mégaélectronvolt {m} |
Megaera {prop} (Greek goddess of vengeance) | :: Mégère {f} |
megafarad {n} (a unit of electrical capacitance equal to one million farads) | :: mégafarad {m} |
megafarm {n} (large farm) | :: mégaferme {f} |
megafauna {n} (large animals) | :: mégafaune {f} {s} |
megaflop {n} (one million FLOPS) | :: mégaflop {m} |
megagon {n} (1.000.000-sided polygon) | :: mégagone {m} |
megaherbivore {n} | :: mégaherbivore {m} |
megajoule {n} (one million joules) | :: mégajoule {m} |
Megalesian {adj} (pertaining to, or in honour of, Cybele) | :: mégalésien |
megaliter {n} (megalitre) SEE: megalitre | :: |
megalith {n} /ˈmɛɡəlɪθ/ (construction) | :: mégalithe {m} |
megalithic {adj} (of or pertaining to megaliths) | :: mégalithique |
megalitre {n} (1000000 litres) | :: mégalitre {m} |
megalo- {prefix} /mɛˈɡæ.ləʊ/ | :: mégalo- |
megalocephalic {adj} | :: mégalocéphale |
megalodon {n} (a group of extinct sharks) | :: mégalodon {m} |
megalography {n} | :: mégalographie {f} |
megalomania {n} /ˌmɛɡəloʊˈmeɪniə/ (psychopathological condition) | :: mégalomanie {f} |
megalopa {n} (the final larval stage found in decapod crustaceans) | :: mégalope {f} |
megalopolis {n} /mɛ.ɡəˈlɒ.pə.lɪs/ (large conurbation) | :: mégalopole {f} |
megalosaur {n} (dinosaur of the Megalosauridae family) | :: mégalosaure {m} |
Megam {prop} (the Sino-Tibetan language) | :: megam {m} |
megameter {n} (megametre) SEE: megametre | :: |
megametre {n} (distance of 1,000 km) | :: mégamètre {m} |
megamix {n} (a remix taking the form of a medley, with radical alterations and many constituent pieces of music) | :: mégamix {m} |
megamosque {n} (a very large mosque; a mosque with a large congregation) | :: mégamosquée {f} |
Megan {prop} /ˈmɛɡən/ (female given name) | :: Mégane |
Meganticois {adj} (noun) | :: Méganticois |
Meganticois {adj} (adjective) | :: méganticois |
megaohm {n} (one million ohms) | :: mégaohm {m}, méga-ohm {m}, mégohm {m} |
megaphanerophyte {n} | :: mégaphanérophyte {m} |
megaphone {n} /ˈmɛɡ.əˌfəʊn/ (portable device used to amplify a person's voice) | :: porte-voix {m}, portevoix, mégaphone {m} |
megaphonic {adj} (all senses) | :: mégaphonique |
megapixel {n} (one million pixels, used as a unit of resolution of digital cameras) | :: mégapixel {m} |
megapode {n} (bird) | :: mégapode {m} |
megapolis {n} (megapolis) SEE: megalopolis | :: |
Megaric {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to, Megara) | :: mégarique |
megarich {adj} (extremely rich; having a lot of money) | :: mégariche |
megaron {n} /ˈmeɡəɹɑːn/ (Mycenean rectangular hall) | :: mégaron {m} |
megaseism {n} (a large or severe earthquake) | :: mégaséisme {m} |
megastructure {n} | :: mégastructure {f} |
megaton {n} /ˈmɛɡəˌtʌn/ (unit of measure) | :: mégatonne {f} |
megatsunami {n} /ˌmɛɡətsuːˈnɑːmi/ (a very large tsunami) | :: mégatsunami {m} |
megawatt {n} (one million watts) | :: mégawatt {m} |
megawatt-hour {n} (unit of energy) | :: mégawattheure {m} |
Megleno-Romanian {prop} (language) | :: mégléno-roumain |
meh {interj} /mɛ/ (slang: expressing indifference or lack of enthusiasm) | :: bof |
meiosis {n} /maɪˈəʊsɪs/ (cell division) | :: méiose {f} |
meiotic {adj} (of or pertaining to meiosis) | :: méiotique |
meitnerium {n} /maɪtˈnɜɹi.əm/ (chemical element) | :: meitnérium {m} |
Mekong {prop} (river in Asia) | :: Mékong {m} |
melancholic {adj} (filled with or affected by melancholy) | :: mélancolique |
melancholy {n} /ˈmɛl.ənˌkɑl.i/ (Sadness or depression) | :: mélancolie {f} |
melancholy {adj} (affected with sadness or depression) SEE: melancholic | :: |
Melanesia {prop} /ˌmɛl.əˈniː.zi.ə/ (part of Oceania) | :: Mélanésie {f} |
Melanesian {adj} (referring to Melanesia) | :: mélanésien |
Melanesian {n} (person living in or coming from Melanesia) | :: Mélanésien {m}, Mélanésienne {f} |
Melanie {prop} (female given name) | :: Mélanie |
melanism {n} (congenital excess of melanin pigmentation) | :: mélanisme {m} |
melano- {prefix} (melanin) | :: mélano- |
melanoma {n} /mɛləˈnoʊmə/ (type of skin tumor) | :: mélanome {m} |
melatonin {n} /ˌmɛləˈtoʊnɪn/ (hormone) | :: mélatonine {f} |
Melbourne {prop} /ˈmɛl.bɚn/ (city in Australia) | :: Melbourne |
Melchior {prop} /ˈmɛɔː(ɹ)/ (male given name) | :: Melchior {m} |
Melchizedek {prop} /melˈkɪzədek/ (king and priest) | :: Melchisédek |
melic {n} (grass) | :: mélique |
melilot {n} (plant of the genus Melilotus) SEE: sweet clover | :: |
melisma {n} /məˈlɪzmə/ (a passage of several notes sung to one syllable of text) | :: mélisme |
melissa {n} /məˈlɪsə/ (plant of genus Melissa) | :: mélisse {f} |
Melissa {prop} /məˈlɪsə/ (female given name) | :: Mélissa |
Melk {prop} (city of Austria) | :: Melk |
Melkite {n} /ˈmɛlkʌɪt/ (an Eastern Christian who adhered to the doctrines agreed by the Councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon) | :: melchite {m} {f}, melkite {m} {f} |
mellifluous {adj} /mɛˈlɪflu.əs/ (sweet and smooth (tone, voice...)) | :: mélodieux, mielleux {m}, melliflue {m} {f} |
mellow {adj} /ˈmɛloʊ/ (Soft or tender by reason of ripeness; having a tender pulp) | :: moelleux |
melodica {n} (free-reed keyboard wind instrument) | :: mélodica {m} |
melodic death metal {n} | :: death metal mélodique {m} |
melodious {adj} (having a pleasant melody) | :: mélodieux |
melodrama {n} /ˈmɛləˌdɹɑːmə/ (romantic drama) | :: mélodrame {m} |
melodramatic {adj} /ˌmɛl.ə.dɹəˈmæt.ɪk/ (of or pertaining to melodrama) | :: mélodramatique |
melody {n} /ˈmɛl.ə.di/ (sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase) | :: mélodie {f} |
Melody {prop} (female given name) | :: Mélodie |
melomania {n} /ˌmɛlə(ʊ)ˈmeɪnɪə/ (an abnormal love of music) | :: mélomanie {f} |
melomaniac {n} /ˌmɛlə(ʊ)ˈmeɪnɪak/ (one with an abnormal fondness of music; person who loves music) | :: mélomane {m} {f} |
melomel {n} (A mead that contains fruit) | :: melomel |
melon {n} /ˈmɛlən/ (fruit) | :: melon {m} |
melon {n} (colour) | :: melon {m} {f} |
melon {n} (slang: breasts) | :: melons {m-p}, pastèques {f-p} |
melon baller {n} (tool) | :: cuillère à pomme parisienne |
melongene {n} (eggplant) SEE: eggplant | :: |
melt {v} /mɛlt/ (intransitive: (of a solid) to become a liquid) | :: fondre , se dissoudre |
melt {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot | :: |
meltdown {n} (severe overheating of the core of a nuclear reactor) | :: fusion du cœur d'un réacteur nucléaire {f} |
melting {n} /ˈmɛltɪŋ/ (process of changing the state of a substance) | :: fusion |
melting point {n} (temperature at which solid and liquid phases are in equilibrium) | :: point de fusion {m} |
melting pot {n} (place where many divergent things come together and are homogenized) | :: melting pot {m} |
melt in the mouth {v} (to be deliciously soft and creamy, need little chewing) | :: fondre dans la bouche, fondre en bouche |
melt in the mouth {adj} (deliciously soft and creamy, needing little chewing) | :: fondant |
meltwater {n} (water from melting ice or snow) | :: eau de fonte {f} |
member {n} (part of a discourse, period, sentence, or verse) SEE: clause | :: |
member {n} (in set theory) SEE: element | :: |
member {n} /ˈmɛmbɚ/ (one who officially belongs to a group) | :: membre {m} |
member {n} (organ, limb) | :: membre {m} |
member {n} (logic: one of the propositions making up a syllogism) SEE: premise | :: |
member class {n} (inner class declared outside a function) | :: classe membre {f} |
Member of Parliament {n} (representative) | :: Député [Canada], membre du Parlement, parlementaire |
member organisation {n} (organisation connected to an umbrella organisation) | :: organisation membre {f} |
member's bill {n} (private member's bill) SEE: private member's bill | :: |
membership {n} (fact of being a member) | :: adhésion {f} |
membership {n} (in set theory) | :: appartenance {f} |
member state {n} (state that is a member of a confederation) | :: état membre {m} |
membrane {n} /ˈmembɹeɪn/ (enclosing or separating tissue) | :: membrane {f} |
membranophone {n} (instrument) | :: membraphone {m} |
membranous {adj} (having the qualities of, or pertaining to, a membrane) | :: membraneux |
meme {n} /miːm/ (unit of cultural information) | :: mème {m} |
meme {n} (something copied and circulated online) | :: mème {m} |
memeification {n} (process) | :: mèmification {f} |
memento {n} /məˈmɛntoʊ/ (a keepsake) | :: souvenir |
memetic {adj} (pertaining to memes, replication of concepts) | :: mémétique |
memetics {n} /mɛˈmɛtɪks/ (study of memes) | :: mémétique {f} |
Memnon {prop} (Ethiopian king and warrior) | :: Memnon {m} |
memo {n} /ˈmɛmoʊ̯/ (a short note) | :: note {f}, memorandum {m} |
memoir {n} /ˈmɛmˌwɑː/ (book describing the personal experiences of an author) | :: mémoires {m-p} |
memoirs {n} (autobiography) SEE: memoir | :: |
memoization {n} | :: mémoization {f} |
memorabilia {n} (objects that are connected to past events) | :: objets de collection, souvenirs |
memorable {adj} /ˈmɛm(ə)ɹəbl̩/ (worthy of being remembered) | :: mémorable |
memorandum {n} (short note serving as a reminder) | :: mémorandum {m} |
memorandum {n} (written business communication) | :: mémorandum {m} |
memorandum {n} (brief diplomatic communication) | :: mémorandum {m} |
memorandum of understanding {n} (document that outlines the legal premises of parties) | :: mémorandum d'entente {m} |
memorial {n} /məˈmɔːɹi.əl/ (structure) | :: mémorial {m} |
memorial {adj} (serving as a remembrance) | :: mémoriel |
memorial service {n} (funeral) SEE: funeral | :: |
memorize {v} /ˈmɛm.əɹˌaɪ̯z/ (to commit to memory, to learn by heart) | :: mémoriser, apprendre par cœur |
memory {n} /ˈmɛm(ə)ɹi/ (ability to recall) | :: mémoire {f} |
memory {n} (stored record) | :: souvenir {m} |
memory {n} (RAM or ROM) | :: mémoire {f} |
memory card {n} (storage format) SEE: flashcard | :: |
memory stick {n} (portable solid-state flash memory storage device) SEE: flash drive | :: |
memory stick {n} (memory card, flash card) | :: carte mémoire {f} |
Memphis {prop} /ˈmɛmfɪs/ (city of ancient Egypt) | :: Memphis |
men {n} /mɛn/ (human people) | :: gens {m-p}, hommes {m-p}, on |
menace {n} /ˈmɛnɪs/ (perceived threat or danger) | :: menace {f} |
menacing {v} (Suggesting imminent harm) | :: menaçant |
menacing {v} (threatening) | :: menaçant |
menagerie {n} /mɪˈnædʒəɹɪ/ (collection of live wild animals on exhibition; the enclosure where they are kept) | :: ménagerie {f} |
menarche {n} /mɛˈnɑːki/ (first menstruation) | :: ménarche {f} |
Menard {prop} (surname) | :: Ménard |
Mencius {prop} (Chinese philosopher) | :: Mencius |
mend {v} /mɛnd/ (to repair) | :: réparer, raccommoder |
mend {v} (to repair a tear in clothing) | :: rapiécer |
mendacious {adj} (false) SEE: false | :: |
mendacious {adj} /mɛnˈdeɪʃəs/ (lying, untruthful or dishonest) | :: fallacieux, mensonger, trompeur {m} |
Mende {prop} /ˈmɛndi/ (language) | :: mendé {m} |
mendelevium {n} /ˌmɛndəˈliːviəm/ (chemical element) | :: mendélévium {m} |
Mendelian {adj} (of or relating to Gregor Mendel or his theories of genetics) | :: mendélien |
Mendelssohnian {adj} (relating to Mendelssohn) | :: mendelssohnien |
mendicant {adj} /ˈmɛn.dɪ.kənt/ (depending on alms) | :: mendiant {m} |
mendicant order {n} (religious order) | :: ordre mendiant {m} |
mend one's ways {v} (attempting to remedy one's failings) | :: faire amende honorable |
me neither {phrase} (me neither) | :: moi non plus |
Menelaus {prop} /ˌmɛnɪˈleɪəs/ (the king of Mycenaean Sparta) | :: Ménélas |
Mengzi {prop} (Chinese philosopher) SEE: Mencius | :: |
menhir {n} /ˈmɛn.hɪə(ɹ)/ (standing stone as a monument) | :: menhir {m} |
menial {adj} /ˈmiːni.əl/ (of or relating to work normally performed by a servant) | :: ancillaire {m} {f} |
menial {adj} (of or relating to unskilled work) | :: subalterne {m} {f} |
menial {n} (domestic servant) | :: domestique {m} {f} |
meningitis {n} (inflammation of the meninges) | :: méningite {f} |
meninx {n} /ˈmiːnɪŋks/ (membrane) | :: méninge |
meniscus {n} /mɛˈnɪs.kəs/ (the curved surface of liquids) | :: ménisque {m} |
meniscus {n} (a crescent) | :: ménisque {m} |
meniscus {n} (either of two parts of the human knee) | :: ménisque {m} |
Meänkieli {prop} (Finnic language spoken in northern Sweden) | :: finnois tornédalien {m}, meänkieli {m} |
Mennonite {n} (group of Mennonites (churches or denominations)) | :: mennonites {m-p}, mennoniste {m-p} [older term not used by today's Mennonites], mennonitisme {m} [movement, branch of Protestantism] |
Mennonite {n} (member of such a church or denomination or a person with a Mennonite heritage) | :: mennonite {m} {f}, mennoniste {m} {f} [older term not used by today's Mennonites] |
Mennonite {adj} (of or related to a Mennonite, Mennonites, their movement or church(es)) | :: mennonite |
Mennonitism {n} (the beliefs and practices of Mennonites) | :: mennonitisme {m} |
meno- {prefix} (relating to month) | :: méno- |
meno- {prefix} (relating to menstruation) | :: méno- |
Menologium {n} | :: menologe, ménologe |
Menominee {n} (a member of the Menominee people) | :: menominee |
Menominee {prop} (Menominee language) | :: menominee |
menopause {n} (ending of menstruation) | :: ménopause |
menorrhagia {n} (excessive menstruation) | :: ménorragie {f} |
menotropin {n} | :: ménotropine {f} |
Mensa {prop} /ˈmɛnsə/ (constellation) | :: Table {f} |
menses {n} /ˈmen.siːz/ (menstrual flow) | :: règles, menstruation |
Menshevik {n} /ˈmɛnʃəvɪk/ (member of a faction of the Russian revolutionary movement) | :: menchevik {m} |
mensiversary {n} (day that is an exact month (or specified number of months) since the occurrence of an event) | :: mensiversaire {m} |
men's room {n} (lavatory intended for men, see also: toilet) | :: toilettes pour hommes {f-p} |
menstrual {adj} /ˈmɛn.stɹu.əl/ (of or having to do with the menses) | :: menstruel |
menstrual {adj} (occurring once a month) | :: mensuel |
menstrual cup {n} (A receptacle worn inside the vagina during menstruation to collect menstrual fluid) | :: coupe menstruelle {f} |
menstruate {v} /ˈmɛnstɹʊeɪt/ (to undergo menstruation) | :: avoir ses règles |
menstruation {n} /ˌmɛnstɹʊˈeɪʃn/ (periodic discharging of the menses) | :: menstruation {f} |
mensur {n} (length of the vibrating string) | :: diapason {m} |
mental {adj} /ˈmɛntəl/ (relating to the mind) | :: mental |
mental disorder {n} (behavioral pattern) | :: trouble psychique, trouble mental |
mental hospital {n} (facility designed to treat persons with mental disorders) | :: clinique psychiatrique {f}, hôpital psychiatrique {m}, asile psychiatrique {m}; asile de fous {m} [colloquial] |
mental hygiene {n} (concern and care for clean state of mind) | :: hygiène mentale |
mental illness {n} (property (uncountable)) | :: maladie mentale {f} |
mental illness {n} (mental disorder (countable)) | :: maladie mentale {f} |
mental institution {n} (psychiatric hospital) SEE: mental hospital | :: |
mentality {n} /mɛnˈtæləti/ (mindset) | :: mentalité {f} |
mentally {adv} /ˈmɛntəli/ (in a mental manner) | :: mentalement |
mention {v} (mention) SEE: cover | :: |
mention {v} /ˈmɛnʃən/ (make a short reference to something) | :: mentionner |
mentor {n} /ˈmɛn.tɔː/ (A wise and trusted counselor or teacher) | :: mentor {m} |
menu {n} /ˈmɛnjuː/ (details of the food to be served at a banquet) | :: carte {f}, menu {m} |
menu {n} (printed list of dishes offered in a restaurant) | :: carte {f}, menu {m} |
menu {n} (list from which the user may select an operation to be performed) | :: menu {m} |
meow {interj} /miˈaʊ̯/ (cry of a cat) | :: miaou |
meow {n} (cry of a cat) | :: miaou {m}, miaulement {m}, nyaw {f} |
meow {v} (of a cat, to make its cry) | :: miauler |
MEP {n} (Member of the European Parliament) | :: eurodéputé {m}, eurodéputée {f} |
Mephistopheles {prop} /ˌmɛ.fɪ.ˈstɒ.fɪ.liːz/ (Devil to whom Faust sold his soul) | :: Méphistophélès {m} |
Merc {n} /mɝk/ | :: Merco |
mercantile {adj} /ˈmɝ.kənˌtaɪl/ (related to the exchange of goods for profit) | :: mercantile |
mercaptan {n} /məːˈkapt(ə)n/ (sulphuric compound) | :: mercaptan {m} |
mercenary {n} /ˈmɜː.sə.nə.ɹi/ (person employed to fight) | :: mercenaire {m} |
mercenary {adj} (motivated by private gain) | :: mercenaire {m} {f} |
merchandise {n} /ˈmɝtʃənˌdaɪs/ (commodities offered for sale) | :: marchandise |
merchant {n} /ˈmɝtʃənt/ (person who traffics in commodities) | :: marchand {m}, marchande {f} |
merchant {n} (trading vessel) SEE: cargo ship | :: |
merchantability {n} (state of being merchantable) | :: commerciabilité {f} |
merchantable {adj} (fit for market) | :: commerciable |
merchant fleet {n} (fleet of merchant ships) | :: flotte marchande {f} |
merchantman {n} (merchant) SEE: merchant | :: |
merchantman {n} (cargo ship) SEE: cargo ship | :: |
merchant marine {n} | :: marine marchande, marin marchand {m} |
merchant navy {n} (civilian naval fleet) | :: marine marchande {f} |
merchant ship {n} (marine cargo vessel) SEE: cargo ship | :: |
merciful {adj} /ˈmɝsɪfl̩/ (showing mercy) | :: miséricordieux, indulgent, sensible |
merciless {adj} /ˈmɝsɪləs/ (showing no mercy; cruel and pitiless) | :: impitoyable |
mercilessly {adv} /ˈmɜːsɪləslɪ/ (in a merciless manner) | :: sans pitité |
mercurial {adj} /məːˈkjʊə.ɹɪ.əl/ (having a lively or volatile character, see also: animated; changeable; quick-witted) | :: lunatique |
mercurial {adj} (containing the element mercury) | :: mercuriel {m}, mercurielle {f} |
Mercurian {n} (someone from Mercury) | :: Mercurien {m}, Mercurienne {f} |
mercury {n} /ˈmɝkjəɹi/ (element) | :: mercure {m}, vif-argent {m} |
Mercury {prop} /ˈmɝkjəɹi/ (planet) | :: Mercure {m} {f} |
Mercury {prop} (Roman god) | :: Mercure {m} |
mercury-vapour lamp {n} (a gaseous discharge lamp) | :: lampe à vapeur de mercure {f} |
mercy {n} /ˈmɜːsi/ (relenting; forbearance to cause or allow harm to another) | :: miséricorde {f} |
mercy {n} (forgiveness or compassion) | :: miséricorde {f} |
mercy {n} (tendency toward forgiveness) | :: miséricorde {f} |
mercy killing {n} (euthanasia) SEE: euthanasia | :: |
mere {adj} /mɪɚ/ (the smallest amount) | :: simple |
merely {adv} /ˈmɪɹli/ (only, just, and nothing more) | :: simplement, uniquement, seulement |
mere mortal {n} (ordinary person) | :: pauvre mortel {m}, simple mortel {m} |
mereology {n} /ˌmɪəɹiˈɒlədʒi/ (logic: theory dealing with parts in relation to wholes) | :: mereologie {f} |
meretricious {adj} /ˌmɛɹɪˈtɹɪʃəs/ (Tastelessly gaudy) | :: spécieux,de mauvais goût |
meretricious {adj} (of, or relating to prostitutes) | :: racoleur,putassier |
merge {v} /mɝdʒ/ ((transitive) to combine into a whole) | :: fusionner |
merge {v} ((intransitive) to combine into a whole) | :: amalgamer, fusionner |
merger {n} /ˈmɝdʒɚ/ (the legal union of two or more corporations) | :: fusion {f} |
merger {n} (type of sound change merging two or more sounds) SEE: phonemic merger | :: |
mergirl {n} (mermaid) SEE: mermaid | :: |
meridian {n} /məˈɹɪdi.ən/ (imaginary great circle on the Earth's surface) | :: méridien {m} |
meridian {n} (44-point type) | :: trimégiste |
meringue {n} /məˈɹæŋ/ (mixture) | :: meringue |
meringue {n} (shell) | :: meringue {f} |
merism {n} /ˈmɛrɪz(ə)m/ (enumeration) | :: mérisme {m} |
merit {n} /ˈmɛɹɪt/ (claim to commendation or a reward) | :: mérite {m} |
merit {n} (something deserving or worthy of positive recognition or reward) | :: mérite |
merit {v} (to deserve, earn, see also: deserve; earn) | :: mériter |
meritocracy {n} /mɛɹəˈtɑkɹəsi/ (rule by merit) | :: méritocratie {f} |
meritocratic {adj} | :: méritocratique |
meritorious {adj} /ˌmɛɹɪˈtɔɹi.əs/ (deserving of merit or commendation; deserving reward) | :: méritoire, louable |
Merkel {prop} /ˈmeɹkəl/ (surname) | :: Merkel {m} {f} |
merlin {n} /ˈmɝlɪn/ (small falcon) | :: faucon émerillon {m}, faucon merlin {m} |
Merlin {prop} (Wizard in Arthurian legend) | :: Merlin {m} |
merlon {n} /ˈmɜːlən/ (any of the upright projections between the embrasures of a battlement) | :: merlon {m} |
Merlot {n} /mɝˈloʊ/ (dark-blue variety of wine grape) | :: merlot {m} |
mermaid {n} /ˈmɝ.meɪd/ (mythological woman with a fish's tail) | :: sirène {f} |
merman {n} | :: triton {m} |
Meroitic {adj} (describing the language once used in Meroë) | :: méroïtique |
meronym {n} /ˈmɛɹənɪm/ (word denoting part of whole) | :: méronyme {m} |
Merovingian {n} /ˌmɛɹəˈvɪndʒɪən/ (Salian Frankish dynasty) | :: Mérovingien |
Merovingian {adj} (of or relating to the dynasty) | :: mérovingien |
merrily {adv} /ˈmɛɹɪli/ (in a cheerful or merry manner) | :: gaiement |
merry {adj} /ˈmɛɹi/ (jolly and full of high-spirits) | :: joyeux |
Merry Andrew {n} (person who clowns publicly) SEE: clown | :: |
merry Christmas {phrase} (good wishes at Christmas time) | :: joyeux Noël |
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year {phrase} (traditional greeting for the Christmas and the new year) | :: joyeux Noël et bonne année ! |
merry-go-round {n} /ˈmɛ.ɹi.ɡoʊ.ɹaʊnd/ (carousel) | :: carrousel {m}, manège {m} |
Mersch {prop} (city) | :: Mersch |
mesangial {adj} (of or pertaining to the mesangium) | :: mésangial |
mesaxonic {adj} (having an enlarged middle digit that forms the axis of the foot) | :: mésaxonique |
mesencephalon {n} (midbrain) SEE: midbrain | :: |
mesenchymal {adj} (of or pertaining to the mesenchyme) | :: mésenchymateux {m} |
mesenchyme {n} (that part of the mesoderm of an embryo that develops into connective tissue, bone, cartilage, etc) | :: mésenchyme {m} |
mesentery {n} /ˈmɛs.ən.təɹ.i/ (the membrane that attaches the intestines to the wall of the abdomen) | :: mésentère {m} |
mesh {n} /mɛʃ/ (structure) | :: maillage {m} |
mesh {n} (opening) | :: maille {f} |
mesh {n} (engagement of teeth of gears) | :: engrenage {m} |
mesh {v} (fit in, come together) | :: concorder |
mesh {n} (computing: polygon mesh) SEE: polygon mesh | :: |
mesne {adj} (intermediate) SEE: intermediate | :: |
meso- {prefix} (prefix meaning middle) | :: méso- |
mesoblastic {adj} (related to the mesoblast) | :: mésoblastique {m} {f} |
mesocarp {n} | :: mésocarpe {m} |
mesoderm {n} (tissue produced by gastrulation) | :: mésoderme {m} |
mesodermic {adj} | :: mésodermique |
mesoecosystem {n} | :: mésoécosystème {m} |
mesoglea {n} (a gelatinous material found between the epithelial cellular layers of jellyfish and coelenterates) | :: mésoglée {m} |
mesokurtic {adj} | :: mésokurtique {m} and {f} |
mesokurtosis {n} | :: mésokurticité {f} |
mesolect {n} (speech between acrolect and basilect) | :: mésolecte |
Mesolithic {n} (Mesolithic period) | :: mésolithique {m} |
mesological {adj} (relating to mesology) | :: mésologique |
mesology {n} (branch of biology and environmental/sociological influence) | :: mésologie {f} |
mesometeorology {n} (study of atmospheric phenomena on a medium scale) | :: mésométéorologie {f} |
meson {n} /ˈmiː.zɒn/ (elementary particle) | :: méson {m} |
mesonic {adj} (pertaining to mesons) | :: mésonique {m} {f} |
mesopause {n} (the boundary between the mesosphere and the ionosphere) | :: mésopause {f} |
mesophase {n} | :: mésophase {f} |
Mesopotamia {prop} /mɛsəpəˈteɪmɪə/ (region between Euphrates and Tigris) | :: Mésopotamie {f} |
Mesopotamian {n} /mɛsəpəˈteɪmɪən/ (person from Mesopotamia) | :: Mésopotamien {m}, Mésopotamienne {f} |
Mesopotamian {adj} (of or pertaining to Mesopotamia) | :: mésopotamien |
mesor {n} | :: mésor {m} |
mesoregion {n} (meso-region) SEE: meso-region | :: |
meso-region {n} (administrative system) | :: mesorrégion {f} |
mesosphere {n} (layer of the Earth's atmosphere) | :: mésosphère |
mesothelioma {n} (uncommon malignant tumour of the mesothelium) | :: mésothéliome {m} |
mesotron {n} (meson) | :: mésotron {m} |
Mesozoic {adj} (of era from 230 to 65 milion years ago) | :: mésozoïque |
Mesozoic {prop} (Mesozoic era) | :: Mésozoïque {m} |
mess {n} /mɛs/ (confusion of things) | :: fouillis {m}, gâchis, bazar {m}, foutoir {m} [colloquial], chenis {m} [Switzerland], chienlit {f}, bourbier {m}, bordel {m} [slang] |
mess {n} (church service) SEE: Mass | :: |
message {n} /ˈmɛsɪd͡ʒ/ (communication, concept or information conveyed) | :: message {m} |
message in a bottle {n} (message put in an empty bottle and set adrift on the ocean) | :: bouteille à la mer {f} |
messenger {n} /ˈmɛs.n̩.d͡ʒɚ/ (one who brings messages) | :: messager {m} |
messenger RNA {n} (information carrying RNA) | :: ARN messager |
messiah {n} /məˈsaɪ.ə/ (ordained to lead the people of Israel) | :: messie {m} |
Messiah {prop} ((Christianity) Jesus) | :: Messie {m} |
messianic {adj} (of, relating to, or resembling a messiah or the Messiah) | :: messianique |
messianism {n} (the belief in a messiah) | :: messianisme {m} |
messianist {adj} | :: messianiste |
messianist {n} | :: messianiste {m} {f} |
Messidor {prop} /ˌmɛsɪˈdɔɹ/ (the tenth month of the French Republican Calendar) | :: messidor {m} |
Messina {prop} /mɛˈsiːnə/ (province) | :: Messine {f} |
Messina {prop} (city) | :: Messine {f} |
Messinian {prop} | :: Messinien |
mess kit {n} (set of eating utensils) | :: gamelle {f} |
Messonnier {prop} | :: Messonnier |
mess up {v} (to make a mess of) | :: gâcher |
mess up {v} (to cause an error or problem in) | :: foirer [pejorative] |
mess up {v} (transitive: to botch, bungle) | :: rater, foirer, bâcler |
mess with {v} (to diss) | :: chercher |
messy {adj} /ˈmɛsi/ (in a disorderly state; causing mess or confusion; chaotic; disorderly) | :: désordonné, désorganisé, chaotique |
mestizo {n} /mɛsˈti.zoʊ/ (a person of mixed ancestry) | :: métis {m}, métisse {f} |
meta- {prefix} /mɛ.tə/ (anatomy, zoology: behind) | :: méta- |
meta- {prefix} (chemistry: contrasted with ortho- and para-) | :: méta- |
meta- {prefix} (transcending, encompassing) | :: méta- |
meta- {prefix} (pertaining to a level above or beyond) | :: méta- |
meta- {prefix} (having analogies with metaphysics) | :: méta- |
meta- {prefix} (geology: analogies and derivatives of metamorphism) | :: méta- |
meta- {prefix} (pathology: consequent on) | :: méta- |
meta {adj} /ˈmɛtə/ (self-referential) | :: méta |
meta-analysis {n} (statistics) | :: méta-analyse {f} |
metabasis {n} (A change of subject) | :: métabase |
metabolic {adj} (of or pertaining to metabolism) | :: métabolique |
metabolic pathway {n} (series of chemical reactions) | :: voie métabolique {f} |
metabolism {n} /mɪˈtab.əl.ɪz.əm/ (complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells) | :: métabolisme {m} |
metabolite {n} /mɪˈtæbəlaɪt/ (any substance produced by, or taking part in, a metabolic reaction) | :: métabolite {m} |
metabolization {n} (process of metabolism) | :: métabolisation |
metacarpal {adj} (of the metacarpus) | :: métacarpien |
metacarpal {n} (bone of the metacarpus) | :: métacarpe {m} |
metacarpal bone {n} (metacarpal) SEE: metacarpal | :: |
metacarpus {n} (five bones of the palm) | :: métacarpe {m} |
metacharacter {n} | :: métacaractère {m} |
metachronism {n} /məˈtækɹənɪzm/ (error) | :: métachronisme {m} |
metaclass {n} (object-oriented programming) | :: métaclasse {f} |
metacompiler {n} | :: métacompilateur {m} |
metadata {n} /ˈmɛt.əˌdeɪ.tə/ (data that describes data) | :: métadonnées {f-p} |
metadiegetic {adj} /ˌmɛt.ə.daɪ.ɪˈd͡ʒɛt.ɪk/ (pertaining to a story within a story) | :: métadiégétique |
metafiction {n} (form of self-referential literature) | :: métafiction {f} |
metagalaxy {n} (any very large-scale organized collection of galaxies) | :: métagalaxie {f} |
metajoke {n} | :: métablague {f} |
metal {n} /ˈmɛ.ɾɫ̩/ (atomic element or material made of such atoms) | :: métal {m} |
metal {n} (certain category of rock music) | :: metal |
metalanguage {n} (linguistical term) | :: métalangage {m} |
metalanguage {n} (computing term) | :: métalangage {m} |
metal detector {n} | :: détecteur de métaux {m} |
metalepsis {n} (strict sense) | :: métalepse {f} |
metalexicography {n} (study of lexicography in the abstract) | :: metalexicographie |
metallic {adj} /məˈtæl.ɪk/ (related to metal) | :: métallique |
metallic {adj} (made of metal) | :: métalisé, métallique |
metalliferous {adj} (containing a metallic element) | :: métallifère |
metallogeny {n} (the branch of geology concerned with the study of the formation of mineral deposits) | :: métallogénie {f} |
metallography {n} (the study of the structure of metals and their alloys) | :: métallographie {f} |
metalloid {n} /ˈmɛtəlɔɪd/ (element) | :: métalloïde {m} |
metalloplastic {adj} (Definition) | :: métalloplastique {m} {f} |
metalloprotein {n} (a protein that contains a metal atom as a cofactor) | :: métalloprotéine {f} |
metallurgic {adj} (metallurgical) SEE: metallurgical | :: |
metallurgical {adj} (of or relating to metallurgy) | :: métallurgique |
metallurgically {adv} (in a metallurgical manner) | :: métallurgiquement |
metallurgist {n} (person skilled in metallurgy) | :: métallurgiste {m} {f}, métallurge |
metallurgy {n} /meˈtælədʒi/ (science of metals) | :: métallurgie {f} |
metamathematics {n} (branch of mathematics dealing with mathematical systems and their nature) | :: métamathématiques {f-p} |
metamorphic {adj} /ˌmɛtəˈmɔɹfɪk/ (geology: resulting from intense heat and/or pressure) | :: métamorphique |
metamorphic {adj} (zoology: pertaining to metamorphosis) | :: métamorphique |
metamorphic rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) | :: roche métamorphique |
metamorphosis {n} /ˌmɛtəˈmɔːfəsɪs/ (transformation) | :: métamorphose {f} |
metamorphosis {n} (in biology) | :: métamorphose {f} |
metanalysis {n} (rebracketing) SEE: rebracketing | :: |
metanarrative {n} (narrative about narratives of historical meaning, experience or knowledge) | :: métarécit |
metaphase {n} | :: métaphase {f} |
metaphor {n} /ˈmɛt.ə.fɔ(ə)ɹ/ (uncountable: figure of speech) | :: métaphore {f} |
metaphor {n} (countable: word or phrase used in metaphor) | :: métaphore {f} |
metaphorically {adv} (in a metaphoric manner) | :: métaphoriquement |
metaphorize {v} (describe something using metaphors) | :: métaphoriser |
metaphyseal {adj} (of or pertaining to the metaphysis) | :: métaphysaire |
metaphysical {adj} /ˌmɛtəˈfɪzɪkəl/ (of or pertaining to metaphysics) | :: métaphysique |
metaplasia {n} (conversion of one type of tissue into another) | :: métaplasie {f} |
metaplasm {n} (linguistics: alteration of a word’s letters or sounds) | :: métaplasme |
metaplastic {adj} (relating to, or produced by metaplasia) | :: métaplastique |
metapsychology {n} (principles of psychology) | :: métapsychologie {f} |
metasearch engine {n} | :: métamoteur {m}, méta-moteur {m}, méta-chercheur {m} |
metastability {n} (unstable but potentially long-lived state) | :: métastabilité {f} |
metastable {adj} (long-lived unstable state) | :: métastable {m} {f} |
metastasis {n} /mɪˈtæstəsɪs/ (transference of a bodily function or disease to another part of the body) | :: métastase {f} |
metastasize {v} /mɪˈtæstəsʌɪz/ (to spread to other sites in the body) | :: métastaser |
metastatic {adj} /mɛtəˈstætɪk/ (relating to metastasis) | :: métastatique |
metasyntax {n} (syntax of a metalanguage) | :: métasyntaxe |
metatheoretical {adj} /ˌmɛt.ə.θi.əˈɹɛt.ɪkl̩/ (pertaining to metatheory) | :: métathéorétique |
metathesis {n} /mə.ˈtæ.θə.səs/ (the transposition of letters, syllables or sounds within a word) | :: métathèse {f} |
metathesis {n} | :: métathèse {f} |
metazoa {n} (multicellular animals) | :: métazoaires {m-p} |
metazoan {n} ((zoology) animals with differentiated tissues) | :: métazoaire {m} |
metazoan {adj} ((zoology) relating to metazoa) | :: métazoaire {m} {f} |
metazoic {adj} (relating to the metazoa) | :: métazoïque {m} {f} |
metempsychosis {n} /mɛtəmsʌɪˈkəʊsɪs/ (Transmigration of the soul) | :: métempsycose {f} |
meteor {n} /ˈmitiɚ/ (streak of light) | :: météore {m} |
meteorite {n} /ˈmiː.tɪ.ə.ɹaɪt/ (remains of a meteor) | :: météorite {f} |
meteoroid {n} (small debris in a star system) | :: météoroïde {m} |
meteorologic {adj} (meteorological) SEE: meteorological | :: |
meteorological {adj} /ˌmitiəɹəˈlɑd͡ʒɪkl̩/ (relating to meteorology) | :: météorologique |
meteorological bomb {n} | :: bombe météorologique |
meteorologist {n} (person who studies meteorology) | :: météorologue {m} {f}, météorologiste {m} {f} |
meteorologist {n} (weather forecaster) | :: météorologue {m} {f}, météorologiste {m} {f} |
meteorology {n} /ˌmiti.əˈɹɑːlədʒi/ (science) | :: météorologie {f} |
meteoromancy {n} (divination by interpreting meteorological phenomena) | :: meteoromancie |
meteor shower {n} (Meteors seen on Earth for short time period) | :: pluie de météores {f} |
meter {n} /ˈmitəɹ/ (measuring instrument) | :: mètre {m}, compteur {m} |
meter {n} (unit of length) SEE: metre | :: |
meter {v} (to measure) SEE: measure | :: |
-meter {suffix} (used to form a measuring device) | :: -mètre |
metformin {n} (oral drug) | :: metformine {f} |
methadone {n} /ˈmɛθədoʊn/ (synthetic opioid analgesic) | :: méthadone {f} |
methamphetamine {n} /ˌmɛθ æmˈfɛt əˌmin/ (the drug (S)-N-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amine) | :: méthamphétamine {f} |
methanal {n} (formaldehyde) SEE: formaldehyde | :: |
methane {n} /ˈmɛθeɪn/ (the compound CH4) | :: méthane {m} |
methanic {adj} | :: méthanique |
methanoic acid {n} (formic acid) | :: acide méthanoïque {m} |
methanol {n} (the simplest aliphatic alcohol, CH3OH) | :: méthanol, alcool de bois |
methasone {n} | :: méthasone |
methinks {contraction} /mɪˈθɪŋks/ (it seems to me) | :: il me semble, il m’apparaît (the latter is unusual, so conveys better the archaic meaning), m'est avis |
methionine {n} /mɛˈθaɪəˌniːn/ (amino acid) | :: méthionine {f} |
method {n} /ˈmɛθəd/ (process by which a task is completed) | :: méthode {f} |
method {n} (type of acting) | :: La Méthode {f} |
method acting {n} | :: Méthode {f} |
methodical {adj} (in an organized manner) | :: méthodique |
methodically {adv} (in a methodical manner) | :: méthodiquement |
Methodism {n} (Methodist Christian movement founded by John Wesley) | :: méthodisme {m} |
Methodist {n} /ˈmɛθədɪst/ (a member of the Methodist Church) | :: méthodiste {m} {f} |
Methodist {adj} (of or relating to Methodism) | :: méthodiste {m} {f} |
Methodius {prop} | :: Méthode {m} |
methodological {adj} (of, pertaining to, or using methodology) | :: méthodologique |
methodology {n} /meθəˈdɒlədʒi/ (the study of methods used in a field) | :: méthodologie {f} |
methodology {n} (a collection of methods, practices, procedures and rules used by those who work in some field) | :: méthodologie {f} |
Methuselah {prop} (Biblical character) | :: Mathusalem {m} |
methyl {n} /ˈmɛθəl/ (univalent hydrocarbon radical, CH3) | :: méthyle {m} |
methyl- {prefix} (prefix used to form terms describing the attachment of a methyl group) | :: méthyl- |
methylated spirit {n} (ethyl alcohol used as a fuel and a solvent) | :: alcool dénaturé {m} |
methylation {n} /ˌmɛθɪˈleɪʃən/ (addition of a methyl group) | :: méthylation {f} |
methylene {n} (divalent radical) | :: méthylène {m} |
methylene {n} (group present as a repeating unit) | :: méthylène {m} |
methylene {n} (unstable carbene CH2) | :: méthylène {m} |
methylguanosine {n} (methyl derivative of guanosine) | :: méthylguanosine {f} |
methylpropane {n} (isobutane) SEE: isobutane | :: |
methylpropene {n} (isobutylene) SEE: isobutene | :: |
methyl salicylate {n} (methyl ester of salicylic acid) | :: salycilate de méthyle {m} |
methyl tert-butyl ether {n} | :: méthyl tert-butyl éther {m} |
metic {n} /ˈmɛtɪk/ (resident alien in ancient Greece) | :: métèque |
meticulosity {n} (meticulousness) SEE: meticulousness | :: |
meticulous {adj} /mɨˈtɪkjɨlɨs/ (characterized by very precise, conscientious attention to details) | :: méticuleux, soigneux |
meticulously {adv} (meticulously) | :: minutieusement, méticuleusement |
meticulousness {n} (state or characteristic of being meticulous) | :: méticulosité {f} |
metis {adj} /meɪˈtiː/ (a person of mixed European and Aboriginal descent) | :: métis {m}, métisse {f} |
Metis {n} /meɪˈtiː(s)/ | :: Métis |
Metis {prop} /ˈmiːtɨs/ (in Greek mythology) | :: Métis |
Metis {prop} (satellite of Jupiter) | :: Métis |
metochion {n} (ecclesiastical embassy church within Eastern Orthodox tradition) | :: métoque |
Metonic cycle {n} | :: cycle métonique {m} |
metonym {n} /ˈmɛtənɪm/ (word that names an object from a single characteristic of it) | :: métonyme {m} |
metonymic {adj} /ˌmɛt.əˈnɪm.ɪk/ (of, or relating to, a word that names an object from a single characteristic of it or of a closely related object) | :: métonymique |
metonymic {n} (metonym) SEE: metonym | :: |
metonymical {adj} (metonymic) SEE: metonymic | :: |
metonymy {n} (figure of speech) | :: métonymie {f} |
metonymy {n} (metonym) SEE: metonym | :: |
me too {phrase} (I agree) | :: moi aussi, j’aussi |
metoposcopist {n} (specialist of metoposcopy) | :: métoposcope |
metre {n} /ˈmiːtəɹ/ (unit of length) | :: mètre {m} |
metre per second {n} (SI unit for measuring speed) | :: mètre par seconde {m} |
metrete {n} (unit of liquid measure) | :: métrète {f} |
metric {adj} /ˈmɛt.ɹɪk/ (relating to metric system) | :: métrique |
metric {adj} (relating to musical meter) | :: métrique |
metric {n} (measure for something) | :: métrique {f} |
metric {n} (notion in mathematics) | :: métrique {f} |
metrical foot {n} (basic unit of verse) | :: pied {m} |
metric space {n} (space (mathematics)) | :: espace métrique {m} |
metric system {n} (International System of Units) SEE: International System of Units | :: |
metric ton {n} (unit of mass equal to 1000 kilograms) | :: tonne {f} |
metro {n} (underground railway) SEE: subway | :: |
metro {n} (train of underground railway) SEE: subway | :: |
metrological {adj} (of or pertaining to metrology) | :: métrologique |
metrologist {n} (one who studies of practices metrology) | :: métrologue {m} {f}, métrologiste {m} {f} |
metronome {n} /ˈmɛtɹəˌnoʊm/ (a device used in music) | :: métronome {m} |
metronomic {adj} (regular, periodic and repetitive, like a metronome) | :: métronomique |
metronomically {adv} (in a metronomic fashion) | :: métronomiquement |
metropole {n} (city) SEE: metropolis | :: |
metropole {n} /ˈmɛtɹəpoʊl/ (parent state) | :: métropole {f} |
metropolis {n} /mɪˈtɹɒpəlɪs/ (colony’s mother city) | :: métropole {f} |
metropolis {n} (large, busy city) | :: métropole {f} |
metropolis {n} | :: métropole {m} |
metropolis {n} (metropolitan archbishop) SEE: archbishopric | :: |
metropolitan {adj} /mɛtɹɵˈpɑlɨtən/ (pertaining to a metropolis) | :: métropolitain, urbain |
metropolitan France {prop} (part of France) | :: France métropolitaine, Métropole |
metropolitanly {adv} | :: métropolitainement |
metrosexual {n} (man concerned with personal appearance) | :: métrosexuel {m} |
metrosexuality {n} (quality of being metrosexual) | :: métrosexualité {f} |
metro station {n} (railway station for a rapid transit system) | :: station de métro {f} |
-metry {suffix} (forming nouns relating to measures and measurement) | :: -métrie {f} |
mettle {n} (metal) SEE: metal | :: |
mettle {n} /ˈmɛt.l̩/ (a quality of endurance and courage) | :: prouesse {f} |
mettlesome {adj} (of great mettle) | :: preux |
Metz {prop} (the capital city of Moselle department, France) | :: Metz |
Metzian {adj} /ˈmɛtsi.ən/ (of or pertaining to the city of Metz) | :: messin |
Metzian {n} (a person from, or an inhabitant of, Metz) | :: Messin {m}, Messine {f} |
meum {n} (meum athamanticum) SEE: baldmoney | :: |
Meurthe-et-Moselle {prop} (department of France) | :: Meurthe-et-Moselle |
Meuse {prop} (river) | :: Meuse {f} |
Meuse {prop} (department of France) | :: Meuse {f} |
mew {n} (crying sound of a cat) SEE: meow | :: |
mew {v} (meow) SEE: meow | :: |
mew {n} /mjuː/ (gull or seagull) | :: mouette {f}, goéland {m} |
Mexican {n} /ˈmɛk.sɪ.kən/ (person from Mexico or of Mexican descent) | :: Mexicain {m}, Mexicaine {f} |
Mexican {adj} (of or pertaining to Mexico) | :: mexicain {m}, mexicaine {f} |
Mexican {n} (Nahuatl language) SEE: Nahuatl | :: |
Mexican {adj} (of or pertaining to Nahuatl language) SEE: Nahuatl | :: |
Mexican {n} (Mexican dialect of Spanish) SEE: Mexican Spanish | :: |
Mexican chickadee {n} (Poecile sclateri) | :: mésange grise {f} |
Mexican duck {n} (Anas diazi) | :: canard du Mexique {m} |
Mexican hairless {n} /ˈmɛks.ɪ.kən ˈhɛə.ləs/ (Dog of that breed.) | :: xoloitzcuintle {m} |
Mexican hand tree {n} | :: arbre à la main {m} |
Mexican jumping bean {n} (seed of a Sebastiania shrub with a hatched moth larva) | :: pois sauteur {m} |
Mexican marigold {n} (Tagetes erecta) | :: rose d'Inde {f} |
Mexicanness {n} (quality of being Mexican) | :: mexicanité {f} |
Mexican Plateau {prop} (plateau in Mexico) | :: plateau mexicain {m} |
Mexican Spanish {prop} (Mexican dialect of Spanish) | :: espagnol mexicain {m} |
Mexican wave {n} (A phenomenon at sports events) | :: hola {f}, ola {f} |
Mexico {prop} /ˈmɛk.sɪ.koʊ/ (country) | :: Mexique {m} |
Mexico {prop} (Mexico City) SEE: Mexico City | :: |
Mexico City {prop} (capital of Mexico) | :: Mexico |
mezereon {n} /məˈzɪəriən/ (shrub) | :: mézéréon {m} |
mezuzah {n} /məˈzuːzɔː/ (piece of parchment attached to the doorpost of a house) | :: mezouza {f}, mezouzah {f} |
mezzaluna {n} (crescent-shaped steel blade) | :: hachoir {m} |
mezzanine {n} /ˌmɛzəˈniːn/ (a floor under the stage, from which contrivances such as traps are worked) | :: mezzanine |
mezzo-soprano {n} (pitch) | :: mezzo-soprano {m} |
mi {n} /miː/ (third note of a major scale) | :: mi |
Miami {prop} /maɪˈæmi/ (city in Florida, United States) | :: Miami |
miasma {n} /maɪˈæzmə/ (noxious atmosphere or influence) | :: miasme {m} |
miasmatic {adj} (having the nature of miasma) | :: miasmatique |
mica {n} /ˈmaɪkə/ (hydrous aluminosilicate minerals) | :: mica {m} |
micaceous {adj} (of, pertaining to, consisting of, containing or resembling mica) | :: micacé |
Micah {prop} /ˈmaɪkə/ (book of the Bible) | :: Michée |
Micah {prop} (Biblical character: minor prophet and author) | :: Michée |
Micah {prop} (Biblical character: Ephraimite featured in Judges 17–18) | :: Michée |
Micah {prop} (male given name) | :: Michée |
micellar {adj} | :: micellaire |
micellar water {n} | :: eau micellaire |
micelle {n} /maɪˈsɛl/ (colloidal aggregate) | :: micelle {f} |
Michael {prop} /ˈmaɪkəl/ (male given name) | :: Michel {m}, Michaël {m} |
Michael {prop} (archangel) | :: Michel {m} |
Michaela {prop} /mɪˈkeɪ.lə/ (feminine form of Michael) | :: Michèle, Michelle |
Michelangelesque {adj} /ˌmaɪkəlændʒəˈlɛsk/ (resembling or relating to Michelangelo) | :: michelangelesque, michelangesque |
Michelangelo {prop} /ˌmaɪkəlˈændʒɪloʊ/ (Italian artist) | :: Michel-Ange {m} |
Michelle {prop} (female given name) SEE: Michaela | :: |
Michif {prop} (language of the Metis) | :: métchif {m}, mitchif {m} |
Michigan holly {n} (American winterberry) SEE: American winterberry | :: |
Mickey D's {prop} | :: MacDo |
Mickey Mouse {prop} (Disney character) | :: Mickey Mouse |
micro- {prefix} (very small) | :: micro- |
micro- {prefix} (one millionth) | :: micro- |
microarchitecture {n} (computing) | :: microarchitecture {f} |
microarcsecond {n} (a unit of angle; one millionth (10−6) of an arcsecond) | :: microseconde d’arc {f} |
microarray {n} (two-dimensional array of small quantities of biological material) | :: micromatrice, microréseau |
microbe {n} /ˈmaɪkɹoʊb/ (microorganism) | :: microbe {m} |
microbead {n} (microscopic bead) | :: microbille {f} |
microbial {adj} /maɪˈkɹoʊb.i.əl/ (relating to microbes) | :: microbien |
microbicide {n} (substance that is harmful to microorganisms) | :: microbicide |
microbiological {adj} (pertaining to microbiology) | :: microbiologique |
microbiologist {n} (scientist whose speciality is microbiology) | :: microbiologiste {m} {f} |
microbiology {n} (branch of biology dealing with microorganisms) | :: microbiologie {f} |
microblog {n} (blog on which one posts brief updates) | :: microblog {m}, microblogue {m} |
microburst {n} (strong downdraft) | :: microrafale |
microcephalic {adj} (having a small head) | :: microcéphale {m} {f} |
microcephaly {n} (neurological disorder) | :: microcéphalie {f} |
microchip {n} /ˈmaɪkɹoʊˌtʃɪp/ (integrated circuit) | :: micropuce {f} |
microcircuit {n} | :: microcircuit |
microcomputer {n} (computer designed around a microprocessor) | :: microordinateur {m} |
microcontroller {n} (microcomputer on a single chip) | :: microcontrôleur |
microcosm {n} /ˈmaɪ.kɹoʊˌkɑzəm/ (human nature or body as representative of the wider universe) | :: microcosme {m} |
microcosm {n} (smaller system as representative of a larger one) | :: microcosme {m} |
microcosm {n} (small natural ecosystem; an artificial ecosystem set up as an experimental model) | :: microcosme {m} |
microcosmic {adj} (of, or relating to the microcosm) | :: microcosmique {m} {f} |
microdissect {v} | :: microdisséquer |
microdot {n} (image that has been reduced in size to that of a dot) | :: micropoint |
microecosystem {n} | :: microécosystème {m} |
microelectrode {n} (small electrode) | :: microélectrode {m} |
microemulsion {n} | :: microémulsion {f} |
microfinance {n} (finance provided to low-income people) | :: microfinance {f} |
microflora {n} (microscopic plant life) | :: microflore {f} |
microfoam {n} /ˈmʌɪkɹə(ʊ)fəʊm/ | :: micro-mousse {f} |
microfossil {n} (microscopic fossil) | :: microfossile {m} |
microframework {n} | :: micro-framework {m} |
microgamete {n} | :: microgamète {m} |
microgram {n} (µg) | :: microgramme {m} |
microgravity {n} (very low gravity) | :: micropesanteur |
microgroove {n} (groove of a vinyl LP record) | :: microsillon |
micrometeorite {n} (extraterrestrial particle) | :: micrométéorite {f} |
micrometeorology {n} (small scale meteorology) | :: micrométéorologie {f} |
micrometer {n} /ˈmaɪkɹoʊmiːtɚ/ (one millionth of a meter) | :: micromètre {m} |
micrometer {n} /maɪˈkɹɑmɪtɚ/ (instrument) | :: micromètre {m} |
micrometre {n} (micrometer) SEE: micrometer | :: |
micron {n} /ˈmaɪkɹɒn/ (micrometer) | :: micron {m} |
Micronesia {prop} /ˌmaɪ.kɹoʊˈniː.ʒə/ (country) | :: Micronésie |
Micronesian {n} (A person from Micronesia or of Micronesian descent) | :: Micronésien {m}, Micronésienne {f} |
Micronesian {adj} (Of, from or pertaining to Micronesia or the Micronesian people) | :: micronésien |
micronutrient {n} (essential mineral or vitamin) | :: micro-élément {m} |
microorganism {n} /ˌmaɪ.kɹoʊˈɔːɹ.ɡən.ɪ.zəm̩/ (an organism too small to be seen by unaided eye) | :: microorganisme {m} |
micropaleontology {n} (the study of microfossils) | :: micropaléontologie {f} |
micropayment {n} (financial transaction) | :: micropaiement, microtransaction |
micropenis {n} /mɑikɹəʊpiːnɪs/ (unusually small penis) | :: micropénis {m} |
microphone {n} /ˈmaɪ.kɹəˌfoʊn/ (transducer of sound waves to electricity) | :: microphone {m} |
microphotography {n} (field of study) | :: microphotographie {f} |
microplastic {n} (small particles of plastic) | :: microplastique {m} |
micropolitan {adj} (less populated than metropolitan but more than rural) | :: micropolitain |
microprocessor {n} (the entire CPU of a computer on a chip) | :: microprocesseur {m} |
microprogram {n} (a set of microinstructions in a CPU) | :: microprogramme {m} |
microprogram {v} (to manually write a microprogram) | :: microprogrammer |
micropyle {n} /ˈmaɪ.kɹoʊˌpaɪl/ (botany) | :: micropyle {m} |
microregion {n} (micro-region) SEE: micro-region | :: |
micro-region {n} (administrative system) | :: microrrégion {f} |
microscope {n} /ˈmaɪkɹəˌskoʊp/ (an optical instrument) | :: microscope {m} |
microscopic {adj} /ˌmaɪkɹəˈskɑpɪk/ (relating to microscopes) | :: microscopique |
microscopic {adj} (so small that it can only be seen using a microscope) | :: microscopique |
microscopic {adj} (very small) | :: microscopique |
Microscopium {prop} (faint constellation of the southern spring sky) | :: Microscope {m} |
microscopize {v} (microscope) SEE: microscope | :: |
microscopy {n} /maɪ.ˈkɹɔ.skə.pi/ (study of microscopes) | :: microscopie {f} |
microscopy {n} (use of microscopes) | :: microscopie |
microsecond {n} (unit of time equal to 10−6 seconds) | :: microseconde {f} |
microskirt {n} (extremely short skirt) | :: microjupe {f} |
Microsoftian {adj} (relating to Microsoft) | :: microsoftien |
microsporophyll {n} (a leaflike organ that bears one or more microsporangia) | :: microsporophylle {f} |
microsurgery {n} (surgical procedures that are very small) | :: microchirurgie {f} |
microtubule {n} (microscopic tube in cells) | :: microtubule |
microwavable {adj} (suitable for heating in a microwave oven) | :: micro-ondable |
microwave {n} (microwave oven) SEE: microwave oven | :: |
microwave {n} /ˈmaɪkɹəˌweɪv/ (electromagnetic wave) | :: micro-onde {f} |
microwave {v} (cook in a microwave oven) | :: micro-onder |
microwave oven {n} /ˈmaɪkɹə(ʊ)ˌweɪv ˈʌv(ə)n/ (oven using microwave energy) | :: four à micro-ondes {m}, micro-ondes {m} |
microzooplankton {n} | :: microzooplancton {m} |
micturate {v} (urinate) SEE: urinate | :: |
micturition {n} (physiology: urination) | :: miction {f} |
Miculek {prop} /ˈmɪtʃəlɛk/ | :: Miculek |
mid {prep} /mɪd/ (denoting the middle part) | :: mi- |
mid {prep} (occupying a middle position; middle) | :: mi- |
mid-April {n} (any time in the middle of April) | :: mi-avril |
mid-April {adv} (in the middle of April) | :: mi-avril |
Midas {prop} /ˈmaɪ.dəs/ (Greek mythology) | :: Midas {m} |
Mid-Autumn Festival {n} (harvest festival) | :: fête de la mi-autone {f}, fête de la lune {f} |
midbrain {n} (part of brain) | :: mésencéphale {m} |
midday {n} (12 o'clock during the day) SEE: noon | :: |
middle {n} /ˈmɪdəl/ (centre, midpoint) | :: milieu {m} |
middle {n} | :: milieu |
middle {adj} (located in the middle; in between) | :: moyen |
middle {adj} (central) | :: central |
middle age {n} (the period of life between youth and old age) | :: âge moyen {m} |
middle-aged {adj} /ˌmɪdl̩ˈeɪd͡ʒd/ (of, or relating to middle age) | :: d'âge moyen, entre deux âges, d'âge mûr |
Middle Ages {prop} /ˌmɪdl̩ ˈeɪdʒɪz/ (historical period) | :: Moyen Âge {m} |
Middle Breton {prop} (Extinct Brittonic language) | :: breton moyen {m} |
middle class {n} (social and economic class) | :: classe moyenne {f} |
Middle Cornish {prop} (the Celtic language spoken in Cornwall) | :: moyen cornique {m} |
Middle Dutch {prop} (the Middle Dutch language) | :: moyen néerlandais {m} |
middle ear {n} (cavity in the ear) | :: oreille moyenne {f} |
Middle-earth {prop} (fictional place on Earth where most of the stories of J. R. R. Tolkien are set) | :: Terre du Milieu {f} |
Middle Earth {prop} (Middle-earth) SEE: Middle-earth | :: |
Middle Earth {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth | :: |
Middle East {prop} (region comprising southwest Asia and northeast Africa) | :: Moyen-Orient |
Middle English {prop} (Middle English) | :: moyen anglais {m} |
middle finger {n} (finger between the forefinger and the ring finger) | :: majeur {m}, doigt du milieu {m}, médius {m}, doigt III {m}, troisième doigt {m} |
Middle French {n} (Middle French) | :: moyen français {m} |
Middle Greek {prop} (Byzantine Greek) SEE: Byzantine Greek | :: |
Middle High German {prop} (Middle High German) | :: moyen haut-allemand {m} |
Middle Irish {prop} (the Gaelic language spoken in Ireland) | :: moyen irlandais {m} |
Middle Kingdom {prop} (nickname for China) | :: Empire du Milieu {m} |
Middle Kingdom {prop} (Egypt in the 12th and 13th dynasties) | :: Moyen Empire {m} |
middleman {n} /ˈmɪdɫ̩ˌmæn/ (intermediate dealer between manufacturer and the retailer or customer) | :: intermédiaire {m} {f} |
middle name {n} (name between given name and surname) | :: deuxième prénom {m}, patronyme {m} [patronymic] |
Middle Norwegian {prop} (Middle Norwegian) | :: moyen norvégien {m} |
middle note {n} (The characteristic parts of a perfume that emerge only after a waiting period) | :: cœur {m}, note de cœur {f} |
middle of nowhere {n} (remote place) | :: au milieu de nulle part, Saint Éloigné des voies ferrées, Saint-Loin-Loin de Pas Proche, en pleine cambrousse |
Middle Persian {prop} (language) | :: moyen perse |
middle school {n} (school contain both primary and secondary students) | :: collège {m}, cycle {m} [Switzerland] |
middle spotted woodpecker {n} (Dendrocoptes medius) | :: pic mar {m} |
middle voice {n} (grammatical form) | :: voix moyenne {f} |
midfielder {n} (player) | :: milieu de terrain |
Midgard {prop} (Earth) SEE: Earth | :: |
midge {n} /mɪdʒ/ (fly of family Chironomidae or Ceratopogonidae) | :: moucheron {m} |
midget {n} (person of small stature of adult height less than 4'10") | :: nain {m}, naine {f} |
midget {n} (derogatory: any short person) | :: nain {m}, naine {f}, nabot {m} |
midhusband {n} (accoucheur) SEE: accoucheur | :: |
Midi-Pyrénées {prop} (former region of France) | :: Midi-Pyrénées |
mid-life crisis {n} (emotional period of doubt) | :: crise de la quarantaine {f} |
midnight {n} /ˈmɪdnʌɪt/ (12 o'clock) | :: minuit {f} |
midnight mass {n} (Roman Catholic religious service that marks the beginning of Christmas Day) | :: messe de minuit {f} |
midnight sun {n} /ˈmɪdnʌɪt sʌn/ (phenomenon occurring when Sun does not set) | :: soleil de minuit {m} |
midpoint {n} (point equidistant between two extremes) | :: mi-chemin {m} |
midriff {n} (mid section of the human torso) | :: ventre {m} |
midseason {n} (The middle part of a season) | :: mi-saison {f} |
midst {n} /mɪdst/ (place in the middle of something) | :: centre, milieu |
midterm {adj} /ˈmɪdˌtəɹm/ (halfway through a term) | :: [politics] mi-mandat, [Quebec, education] mi-session |
midterm {n} (exam) | :: [France] partiel {m} |
midway {adv} (halfway) SEE: halfway | :: |
Midwest {prop} (area of the United States) | :: mid-ouest {m} |
midwife {n} /ˈmɪd.waɪf/ (person who assists women in childbirth) | :: sage-femme {f}, sage-femme homme {m}, accoucheur {m}, accoucheuse {f} |
midwifery {n} /ˈmɪdˌwaɪfəɹi/ (the practice and science of being a midwife) | :: obstétrique {f} |
midwinter {n} (the middle of winter) | :: milieu de l'hiver |
midwinter {n} (the winter solstice) | :: solstice d'hiver |
mielie {n} (maize) SEE: maize | :: |
mien {n} /miːn/ (demeanor; facial expression or attitude, especially one which is intended by its bearer) | :: mine {f} |
mien {n} (specific facial expression) | :: mine {f} |
miff {n} /mɪf/ (an argument, quarrel) | :: fâcherie {f} |
miff {v} (to offend slightly) | :: fâcher |
miffed {adj} /mɪft/ (somewhat indignant, irritated, angry, put out or annoyed) | :: irrité |
might {n} /maɪt/ (personal power) | :: pouvoir {m}, puissance {f} |
might {n} (physical strength) | :: force |
might {v} (indicator of conditional or possible actions) | :: peut-être |
might makes right {proverb} (the stronger and more powerful rule others) | :: la raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure |
mighty {adj} /ˈmaɪti/ (very strong, possessing might) | :: puissant |
migraine {n} /ˈmaɪɡɹeɪn/ (headache usually affecting only one side of the head) | :: migraine {f} |
migrant {n} /ˈmaɪɡɹənt/ (A migratory bird or other animal) | :: oiseau migrateur {m} |
migrant {n} (A person moving from one region or country to another) | :: migrateur {m}, immigré {m} |
migrant worker {n} (guest worker) SEE: guest worker | :: |
migrate {v} /maɪ.ˈɡɹeɪt/ | :: migrer |
migration {n} /maɪˈɡɹeɪʃ(ə)n/ (moving a place to live to another) | :: free, french {p}, migration |
migratory {adj} /ˈmaɪ.ɡɹəˌtɔ.ɹi/ ((of birds, etc) that migrate) | :: migrateur |
mikado {n} (emperor of Japan) | :: empereur japonais {m}, mikado {m} |
mike {n} /ˈmaɪk/ (informal: microphone) | :: micro {m} |
Mi'kmaq {prop} /ˈmɪkmæk/ (language) | :: micmac {m} |
mil {n} /mɪl/ (angular mil) | :: millième {m} |
milady {n} /mɪˈleɪdi/ (English noblewoman) | :: milady {f} |
Milan {prop} /mɪˈlæn/ (province) | :: Milan {f} |
Milan {prop} (city and capital) | :: Milan {f} |
Milanese {adj} (pertaining to Milan) | :: milanais |
Milanese {n} (native or inhabitant of Milan) | :: Milanais {m}, Milanaise {f} |
milch cow {n} (cash cow) SEE: cash cow | :: |
mild {adj} /ˈmaɪld/ (gentle; pleasant; kind; soft) | :: doux {m}, douce {f} |
mild {adj} ((illness or pain) not serious or dangerous) | :: léger |
mild {adj} (warm and pleasant of weather) | :: doux {m} |
mildew {n} /ˈmɪl.d(j)u/ (growth of minute fungi) | :: mildiou {m} |
mild steel {n} (kind of steel) | :: acier au carbone {m} |
mile {n} /maɪ̯l/ (measure of length) | :: mille {m} |
Mileikowsky {prop} (surname) | :: Meleikowsky {m} |
milestone {n} (one of a series of numbered markers placed along a road at regular intervals) | :: borne {f}, borne kilométrique {f} |
milestone {n} (important event) | :: jalon {m} |
miliaria {n} (rash) | :: miliaire {f} |
miliary {adj} | :: miliaire |
milieu {n} (medium) SEE: medium | :: |
milieu {n} /mɪlˈju/ (person’s social setting or environment) | :: milieu {m} |
militancy {n} /ˈmɪlɪtənsi/ (quality of being militant) | :: militance {f} |
militarisation {n} (process) SEE: militarization | :: |
militarism {n} (militarism) | :: militarisme {m} |
militarist {n} (one who believes in military force) | :: militariste |
militarization {n} (process) | :: militarisation {f} |
militarize {v} (to train or equip for war) | :: militariser |
military {adj} /ˈmɪl.ɪ.tɛɹ.i/ | :: militaire |
military {n} (armed forces) | :: armée {f}, troupes {f-p} |
military attaché {n} (a diplomatic attaché for military affairs) | :: attaché militaire {m} |
military engine {n} (siege engine) SEE: siege engine | :: |
military order {n} (order of knighthood) | :: ordre militaire {m} |
military rank {n} (grade conferred upon officers) | :: grade militaire {m} |
military service {n} (service in an army) | :: service militaire {m} |
military will {n} | :: testament militaire {m} |
militate {v} (to influence) | :: militer |
militia {n} /məˈlɪʃə/ (army of trained civilians called upon in time of need) | :: milice {f} |
militiaman {n} (member of a militia) | :: milicien {m} |
militsia {n} (police) SEE: police | :: |
militsia {n} (militia) SEE: militia | :: |
militsia {n} ((Soviet Union) the police in the Soviet Union and related states) | :: milice {f} |
milk {v} /mɪlk/ (to express milk from mammal) | :: traire |
milk {n} (semen) SEE: semen | :: |
milk {n} (liquid) | :: lait {m} |
milk brother {n} (male milk sibling) | :: frère de lait {m} |
milk-cap {n} (mushroom of the genus Lactarius) | :: lactaire {m} |
milk chocolate {n} (Chocolate that includes milk powder as one of its ingredients) | :: chocolat au lait {m} |
milk churn {n} (conical or cylindrical container for the transportation of milk) | :: pot à lait, pot au lait |
milker {n} (person who, or machine which, milks) | :: trayeur {m} |
milk fever {n} (fever after childbirth) | :: fièvre de lait {f} |
milkfish {n} (Chanos chanos) | :: poisson-lait {m} |
milking {n} (the act by which a cow is milked) | :: traite {f}, mulsion {f} |
milking machine {n} (machine) | :: trayeuse {f}, machine à traire {f} |
milk jug {n} (woman's breast) | :: lolo {m} |
milkmaid {n} /ˈmɪlkmeɪd/ (a young woman who milks the cows on a farm) | :: laitière {f}, trayeuse {f}, fille de laiterie {f} |
milkmaid's yoke {n} (carrying pole) SEE: carrying pole | :: |
milkman {n} /ˈmɪlkmən/ (man who delivers milk early in the morning) | :: laitier {m} |
milk powder {n} (pulverized milk solids) | :: lait en poudre |
milkshake {n} /ˈmɪɫk.ʃeɪk/ (milk and ice cream beverage) | :: milk-shake {m}, [Quebec] lait frappé {m}, [Suisse romande]/[New England] frappé {m} |
milkshake {n} (emulsion of oil and water in an engine) | :: mayonnaise {f} |
milk sister {n} (female milk sibling) | :: sœur de lait |
milk tea {n} (bubble tea) SEE: bubble tea | :: |
milk tooth {n} (tooth of the first set of teeth) | :: dent de lait {f}, dent laniaire {f} |
milk-vetch {n} (Astragalus, see also: tragacanth) | :: astragale {f} |
milkwort {n} (Polygala) | :: polygale {m} |
milky {adj} /ˈmɪlki/ (resembling milk in color or consistency) | :: laiteux |
Milky Way {prop} (galaxy) | :: Voie lactée {f} |
Milky Way {prop} (light in night sky) | :: voie lactée {f} |
mill {n} /mɪl/ (grinding apparatus) | :: moulin {m} |
mill {n} (building housing a grinding apparatus) | :: moulin |
mill {n} (manufacturing plant) | :: manufacture {f}, usine {f}, fabrique {f} |
mill {n} (building housing a manufacturing plant) | :: manufacture {f} |
mill {v} (grind or process using a mill or other machine) | :: moudre |
mill {n} (treadmill) SEE: treadmill | :: |
mill {n} (milling cutter) SEE: milling cutter | :: |
mille-feuille {n} /miːlˈfɜːi/ (a type of pastry with several layers of puff pastry) | :: mille-feuille {m} |
millennial {adj} /mɪˈlɛni.əl/ (referring to a 1000th anniversary) | :: millénaire {m} {f} |
millennial {adj} (occurring every 1000 years) | :: millénaire {m} {f} |
millennial {n} (member of the millennial generation) | :: millennial {m} |
millennium {n} /mɪˈlɛnɪəm/ (thousand-year period) | :: millénaire {m} |
miller {n} /ˈmɪlɚ/ (person) | :: meunier {m}, meunière {f} |
miller {n} (milling machine) SEE: milling machine | :: |
Miller {prop} /ˈmɪlɚ/ (surname meaning "a miller") | :: Meunier, Dumoulin |
millet {n} /ˈmɪlɪt/ (any of a group of various types of grass or its grains used as food) | :: millet {m} |
milli- {prefix} /ˈmɪlɪ/ (prefix) | :: milli- |
milliampere {n} (mA) | :: milliampère {m} |
milliard {num} (10^9) SEE: billion | :: |
millibar {n} (non-SI unit of pressure) | :: millibar {m} |
milligram {n} /ˈmɪlɪɡɹæm/ (milligram) | :: milligramme {m} |
milliliter {n} (milliliter) SEE: millilitre | :: |
millilitre {n} (a unit of volume) | :: millilitre {m} |
millimeter {n} (unit of measure) | :: millimètre {m} |
millimetre {n} (millimeter) SEE: millimeter | :: |
millimetric {adj} (size) | :: millimétrique |
milling cutter {n} (rotary cutting tool) | :: fraise |
milling machine {n} (machine) | :: fraiseuse {f} |
million {n} /ˈmɪljən/ (cardinal number) | :: million {m} |
millionaire {n} /ˌmɪl.jəˈnɛɚ/ (somebody whose wealth is greater than one million) | :: millionnaire {m} {f} |
million-dollar question {n} | :: la question à un million |
millionth {adj} /ˈmɪljənθ/ (millionth) | :: millionième, 1.000.000e |
millionth {n} (person or thing in the millionth position) | :: millionième {m} {f} |
millionth {n} (one of a million equal parts of a whole) | :: millionième {m} |
millipede {n} /ˈmɪləpid/ (elongated arthropod) | :: diplopode {m}, mille-pattes {m} |
millisecond {n} /ˈmɪlɪˌsɛkənd/ (one one-thousandth of a second) | :: milliseconde {f} |
mill race {n} /ˈmɪlɹeɪs/ (channel) | :: bief {m} |
millstone {n} /ˈmɪlstəʊn/ (large round stone used for grinding grain) | :: meule {f} |
millstone {n} (coarse-grained sandstone) | :: meulière {f} |
milord {n} /mɪˈlɔːd/ (Traveling English nobleman) | :: milord {m} |
milquetoast {adj} (meek, timid) SEE: meek | :: |
milt {n} /mɪlt/ (fish semen) | :: laite {f}, laitance {f} |
milt {n} (the organ spleen) SEE: spleen | :: |
Milton {prop} /ˈmɪltən/ (town in Canada) | :: Milton |
mimable {adj} (that can be mimed) | :: mimable |
Mimas {prop} (moon of Saturn) | :: Mimas |
mime {n} /maɪm/ (pantomime) | :: pantomime {f}, mime {m} |
mime {n} (pantomime actor) | :: mime {m} |
mimeograph {n} (machine for making copies) | :: machine à polycopier |
mimeograph {v} (to make mimeographs) | :: polycopier |
mimesis {n} /mɪˈmiːsɪs/ (the representation of aspects of the real world, especially human actions) | :: mimèse, mimèsis |
mimic {n} (imitation) SEE: imitation | :: |
mimicry {n} /ˈmɪm.ɪk.ɹi/ (the act or ability to simulate the appearance of someone or something else) | :: mimétisme {m}, mimique {f} |
mimsy {adj} (flimsy and miserable) | :: enmîmé |
mina {n} (monetary unit) | :: mine {f} |
mina {n} (unit of weight) | :: mine {f} |
mina {n} (myna) SEE: myna | :: |
minarchism {n} /ˈmɪnɚˌkɪzəm/ (government with the least necessary power over its citizens) | :: minarchisme {m} |
minaret {n} /ˈmɪnəɹɛt/ (mosque tower) | :: minaret {m} |
minaudière {n} /ˌmɪnəʊˈdjɛː/ (woman who is exaggeratedly affected or coquettish) | :: minaudière {f} |
minaudière {n} (type of formal, decorative women's clutch bag) | :: minaudière {f} |
Min Bei {prop} (Chinese language) | :: minbei {m} |
mince {n} /mɪns/ (finely chopped meat) | :: hachis {m} |
mince {v} (chop fine) | :: hacher |
minced {adj} (finely chopped) | :: haché |
minced oath {n} (euphemism based on a profanity) | :: formule d'évitement {f}, forme édulcorée {f} |
mince pie {n} (mincemeat-filled pie served around Christmas) | :: mince pie {m}, tarte au mincemeat {f} |
mincer {n} (a kitchen utensil used for mincing meat) SEE: meatgrinder | :: |
mince words {v} (to use euphemisms) | :: [sense: "not to mince words"] ne pas mâcher ses mots |
mind {n} /maɪnd/ (ability for rational thought) | :: esprit {m}, raison {f}, intelligence {f} |
mind {n} (ability to remember things) | :: mémoire {f} |
mind {n} (ability to focus the thoughts) | :: concentration {f} |
mind {n} (somebody that embodies certain mental qualities) | :: génie {m}, penseur {m} |
mind {v} (to pay attention to, take note of) | :: prendre garde |
mind {v} (to dislike, object to, have a contrary opinion toward) | :: déranger |
mind {v} (to remember) SEE: remember | :: |
mind-boggling {adj} /ˈmaɪndˌbɒɡ(ə)lɪŋ/ (that causes the mind to boggle) | :: stupéfiant, ahurissant |
mind control {n} (subverting an individual's control of his or her mind) | :: manipulation mentale {f} |
minder {n} (bodyguard) | :: garde du corps {m} |
mindful {adj} /ˈmʌɪndfəl/ (Being aware (of something)) | :: conscient |
mindfulness {n} (awareness) SEE: awareness | :: |
mindless {adj} (showing a lack of forethought or sense) | :: écervelé |
mindless {adj} (having no sensible meaning or purpose) | :: irraisonné |
mind like a sieve {n} (poor memory) | :: mémoire de poisson rouge |
mind map {n} (diagram) | :: carte heuristique {f} |
mind-numbing {adj} (excessively boring) | :: abrutissant |
mind one's own business {v} (to concern oneself only with what is of interest to oneself and not interfere in the affairs of others) | :: se mêler de ses affaires, s'occuper de ses oignons |
mindset {n} (a way of thinking) | :: état d'esprit {m}, disposition d’esprit {f}, mentalité {f} |
mine {pron} /maɪn/ (that which belongs to me) | :: le mien {m}, à moi |
mine {n} (excavation from which ore is extracted) | :: mine {f} |
mine {n} (military: exploding device) | :: mine {f} |
mine {v} (to remove ore from the ground) | :: extraire |
mine {v} (to pick one's nose) SEE: pick one's nose | :: |
minecart {n} (a wheeled container that travels on tracks, used for moving mining materials) | :: wagonnet {m} |
Minecraft {v} (the game minecraft) | :: Minecraft {m} {f} |
minefield {n} (area in which mines have been hidden) | :: champ de mines {m} |
minefield {n} (dangerous situation) | :: terrain miné {m}, terrain glissant {m} |
minelayer {n} (ship capable of laying mines) | :: mouilleur {m} |
mineola {n} (fruit) | :: mineola {m} |
miner {n} /ˈmaɪnə/ (person who works in a mine) | :: mineur {m} |
mineral {n} /ˈmɪ.nəɹ.əl/ (in geology) | :: minéral {m} |
mineral {n} (as opposed to animal and vegetable) | :: minéral {m} |
mineral {n} (in nutrition) | :: minéral {m} |
mineral {adj} (relating to or containing minerals) | :: minéral |
mineral {n} (mineral water) SEE: mineral water | :: |
minerality {n} (Having characteristics associated with mineral water) | :: minéralité {f} |
mineralize {v} (to convert to a mineral, petrify) | :: minéraliser |
mineralize {v} (to impregnate with minerals) | :: minéraliser |
mineral lick {n} (salt lick) SEE: salt lick | :: |
mineralogical {adj} (relating to mineralogy) | :: minéralogique |
mineralogist {n} (expert in mineralogy) | :: minéralogiste {m} {f} |
mineralogy {n} /ˌmɪnəˈɹɑlədʒi/ (the study or science of minerals) | :: minéralogie {f} |
mineralomass {n} | :: minéralomasse {f} |
mineral water {n} (water containing dissolved minerals) | :: eau minérale {f} |
miner's disease {n} (eye condition) SEE: nystagmus | :: |
Minerva {prop} /mɪˈnɝ.və/ (goddess of wisdom, especially strategic warfare, and the arts) | :: Minerve {f} |
mineshaft {n} (mineshaft) | :: puits de mine {m} |
minestrone {n} /ˌmɪnəˈstɹoʊni/ (thick Italian vegetable soup) | :: minestrone {m} |
minesweeper {n} (vehicle, device or person for the removal of mines) | :: démineur {m}, dragueur de mines {m} |
minesweeper {n} (video game) | :: démineur {m} |
mineworker {n} (mineworker) | :: mineur {m} |
mingle {v} /ˈmɪŋ.ɡəl/ (To mix; to intermix; to combine or join) | :: mélanger |
mingle-mangle {n} (collection of miscellaneous things) SEE: hodgepodge | :: |
mini- {prefix} (smaller version of an item) | :: mini- |
miniature {n} /ˈmɪn(i)ətʃəɹ/ (a model of reduced scale) | :: miniature {f} |
miniature {n} (manuscript illustration) | :: enluminure {f} |
miniature {n} (a token in a game representing a unit or character) | :: figurine {f} |
miniature golf {n} (informal form of golf) | :: minigolf {m}, golf miniature {m} |
Miniature Pinscher {n} (Miniature Pinscher) | :: pinscher nain |
miniaturization {n} (act or process of miniaturizing) | :: miniaturisation {f} |
minibar {n} (small refrigerator in a hotel room) | :: mini-bar {m} |
minibus {n} (a small bus) | :: minibus {m} |
minidress {n} (woman's short dress) | :: minirobe {f} |
minigolf {n} (miniature golf) SEE: miniature golf | :: |
minikin {n} (3-point type) SEE: excelsior | :: |
minim {n} /ˈmɪ.nɪm/ (A half note, drawn as a semibreve with a stem) | :: blanche {f} |
minimal {adj} /mɪnəməl/ (The smallest possible amount, quantity, or degree) | :: minimum |
minimalism {n} (style of art) | :: minimalisme {m} |
minimalist {adj} (believing in or seeking a minimal state) | :: minimaliste |
minimalist {n} (one who believes in or seeks a minimal state) | :: minimaliste |
minimal pair {n} (Pair of words) | :: paire minimale {f} |
minimal polynomial {n} (monic polynomial of smallest degree for which a given element is a root) | :: polynôme minimal {m} |
minimart {n} (convenience store) SEE: convenience store | :: |
minimize {v} /ˈmɪnɨmaɪz/ (To make small as possible) | :: minimiser |
minimize {v} ((computing) To cause a window to disappear) | :: réduire |
minimum {n} /ˈmɪnɪməm/ (lowest limit) | :: minimum {m} |
minimum {adj} (lowest degree) | :: minimum |
minimum wage {n} (lowest rate of pay that an employer can legally pay) | :: salaire minimum {m} |
minimus {n} (the fifth digit) SEE: little finger | :: |
mining {n} /ˈmaɪnɪŋ/ (activity of removing solid valuables from the earth) | :: extraction minière |
minion {n} /ˈmɪnjən/ (loyal servant of another more powerful being) | :: subalterne {m} {f}, sous-fifre {m}, séide {m} |
minion {n} (sycophantic follower) | :: laquais |
minion {n} (7-point type) | :: mignone, mignonne |
miniskirt {n} /ˈmɪnɪskəːt/ (skirt) | :: minijupe {f} |
minister {n} /ˈmɪnɨstɚ/ (person who is trained to perform religious ceremonies at a Protestant church) | :: pasteur |
minister {n} (politician who heads a ministry) | :: ministre {m} {f} |
ministerial {adj} /ˌmɪn.əˈstiɹ.i.əl/ (related to a governmental minister or ministry) | :: ministériel |
ministerial {adj} (having the power to wield delegated executive authority) | :: ministériel |
ministerial {n} (unfree noble) | :: ministériel |
ministry {n} /ˈmɪnɪstɹi/ (government department) | :: ministère {m} |
ministry {n} (practice and education of the minister of a particular religion) | :: ministère {m}, ministère du culte {m}, cabinet {m}, gouvernement {m} |
minium {n} /ˈmɪnɪəm/ (red lead) | :: minium {m} |
minivan {n} (small van) | :: fourgonnette, mini-fourgonnette, mini-fourgon |
miniver {n} /ˈmɪnɪvɚ/ (a light gray or white fur) | :: menu-vair {m} |
mink {n} /mɪŋk/ (mammal) | :: vison {m} |
minke whale {n} (Balaenoptera acutorostrata or Balaenoptera bonaerensis) | :: baleine de minke {f}, petit rorqual {m} |
Min Nan {prop} (the language) | :: Minnan {m} |
Minnesotan {n} /ˌmɪnəˈsoʊtən/ (person from Minnesota) | :: habitant {m} du Minnesota |
Minnie {prop} /ˈmɪni/ (Diminutive) | :: Minnie |
minnow {n} /ˈmɪnəʊ/ (a small freshwater fish) | :: vairon |
minnow {n} (any small fish) | :: fretin {m} |
minnow {v} | :: vaironner |
minor {adj} /ˈmaɪnə/ (of little importance) | :: mineur |
minor {adj} (musical scale) | :: mineur |
minor {n} (someone below the legal age) | :: mineur {m} |
Minorca {prop} /mɪˈnɔː(ɹ)kə/ (An island of Spain) | :: Minorque {f} |
minor interval {n} | :: intervalle mineur {m} |
minoritary {adj} | :: minoritaire |
minority {n} /maɪˈnɒɹ.ɪ.ti/ (subgroup that does not form a numerical majority) | :: minorité {f} |
minority {n} (period or condition of a person prior to reaching adulthood) | :: minorité {f} |
minority {n} | :: minorité, minoritaire |
minority language {n} (language spoken by a minority) | :: langue minoritaire {f} |
minor key {n} (music: a musical key based upon a minor scale) | :: mode mineur {m}, tonalité mineure {f} |
minor scale {n} (diatonic scale) | :: gamme mineure {f}, mode mineur {m} |
minor third {n} (musical interval) | :: tierce mineure {f} |
minotaur {n} /ˈmɪnɵˌtɑɹ/ (monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man) | :: minotaure |
Minsk {prop} /mɪnsk/ (capital of Belarus) | :: Minsk {m} |
minster {n} /ˈmɪnstə/ (a monastic church) | :: moutier {m} |
minstrel {n} /mɪnstɹəl/ (medieval traveling entertainer) | :: ménestrel {m}, ménétrier {m} |
minstrel show {n} (A variety show performed by white people in blackface) | :: minstrel show |
mint {n} /mɪnt/ (money-producing building or institution) | :: hôtel des monnaies {m}, atelier des monnaies {m} |
mint {n} (large amount of money) | :: fortune {f} |
mint {v} (to reproduce coins) | :: monnayer |
mint {adj} (numismatics: near-perfect) | :: impeccable |
mint {n} (plant) | :: menthe |
mint {n} (herb flavouring) | :: menthe |
mint {n} (candy) | :: bonbon à la menthe {m}, pastille à la menthe {f} |
mint chocolate chip {n} (ice cream flavor) | :: menthe pépites de chocolat {f} |
mint sauce {n} (sauce) | :: sauce à la menthe {f} |
minuend {n} /ˈmɪnjʊˌɛnd/ (number from which another is subtracted) | :: diminuende {m} |
minuet {n} (dance) | :: menuet {m} |
minuet {n} (music accompanying the dance) | :: menuet {m} |
minus {n} (minus sign) SEE: minus sign | :: |
minus {prep} /ˈmaɪnəs/ (mathematics: less) | :: moins |
minus {adj} (negative) | :: strictement négatif {m}, strictement négative {f} |
minus {adj} (on the negative part of a scale) | :: moins |
minus {adj} (ranking just below a designated rating) | :: moins |
minuscule {n} /ˈmɪ.nəˌskjul/ (lower-case letter) | :: minuscule {f} |
minuscule {adj} (written in minuscules) | :: minuscule |
minuscule {adj} (very small, tiny) | :: minuscule |
minus sign {n} (symbol used to denote the operation of subtraction and to indicate that a number is negative) | :: signe moins {m} |
minute {n} /ˈmɪnɪt/ (unit of time) | :: minute {f} |
minute {n} (short but unspecified period of time) | :: minute {f}, moment {m}, instant {m} |
minute {n} (unit of angular measure) | :: minute {f} |
minute {n} (record of meeting) | :: procès-verbal {m} |
minute {adj} /maɪˈn(j)ut/ (very small) | :: minuscule |
minute {adj} (very careful and exact, giving small details) | :: minutieux |
minute hand {n} (clock hand) | :: grande aiguille {f}, aiguille des minutes {f} |
minute of angle {n} (one 60th of a degree) | :: minute d'arc {f} |
minute of arc {n} (minute of angle) SEE: minute of angle | :: |
minutes {n} /ˈmɪnɪts/ (the official notes kept during a meeting) | :: procès-verbal {m} |
minutia {n} /maɪˈn(j)uːʃ(iː)ə/ (minor detail) | :: petit détail {m} |
minx {n} /mɪŋks/ (a pert, flirtatious or impudent young woman) | :: pimbêche {f} |
minyan {n} /ˈmɪn.jən/ (minimum number of ten adult Jews required for a communal religious service) | :: miniane {m} |
Miocene {prop} (Miocene epoch) | :: Miocène {m} |
Mira {prop} (star) | :: Mira |
mirabelle plum {n} (Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca) | :: mirabelle {f} |
miracle {n} /ˈmiɹəkəl/ (wonderful event attributed to supernatural powers) | :: miracle {m} |
miracle {n} (a fortunate outcome that prevails despite overwhelming odds against it) | :: miracle {m} |
miracle {n} (an awesome and exceptional example of something) | :: miracle {m} |
miracle berry {n} (the berry of Synsepalum dulcificum) | :: fruit miraculeux {m} |
miraculous {adj} /məˈɹækjələs/ (by supernatural or uncommon causes) | :: miraculeux |
miraculously {adv} (in a miraculous manner) | :: miraculeusement |
mirage {n} /mɪˈɹɑːdʒ/ (an optical phenomenon) | :: mirage {m} |
mirage {n} (illusion) SEE: illusion | :: |
Miranda {prop} /mɪˈɹændə/ (moon of Uranus) | :: Miranda |
Mirandese {prop} (Romance language) | :: mirandais {m} |
mirativity {n} (the quality of being mirative) | :: mirativité {f} |
mire {n} /ˈmaɪɚ/ (deep mud) | :: fange {f}, bourbier {m} |
mire {v} (to sink into mud) | :: s'embourber, s'enliser |
mirepoix {n} (combination of vegetables and herbs) | :: mirepoix |
Miriam {prop} (sister of Moses and Aaron) | :: Miryam {f} |
Miriam {prop} (female given name) | :: Myriam {f} |
mirror {n} /ˈmɪ.ɹə/ (smooth reflecting surface) | :: glace {f}, miroir {m} |
mirror {n} (computing: exact copy of a data set) | :: copie {f} |
mirror ball {n} (disco ball) SEE: disco ball | :: |
mirth {n} /mɜɹθ/ (merriment) | :: gaieté {f} |
mis- {prefix} (bad or wrong; badly or wrongly) | :: mé-, més- |
misalignment {n} (state of being misaligned) | :: mauvais alignement {m} |
misandric {n} (misandrist) SEE: misandrist | :: |
misandric {adj} (misandristic) SEE: misandristic | :: |
misandrist {n} (one who professes misandry; a hater of men) | :: misandre {m} {f} |
misandrist {adj} (misandristic) SEE: misandristic | :: |
misandristic {adj} (of, relating to, or exhibiting misandry) | :: misandre {m} {f} |
misandry {n} /mɪˈsændɹi/ (hatred of or prejudice against men) | :: misandrie {f} |
misanthrope {n} /ˈmɪs.ənˌθɹoʊp/ (one who hates all mankind) | :: misanthrope {m} {f} |
misanthropic {adj} /ˌmɪs.ənˈθɹɑp.ɪk/ (hating or disliking mankind) | :: misanthropique |
misanthropist {n} (misanthrope) SEE: misanthrope | :: |
misanthropy {n} (hatred or dislike of people or mankind) | :: misanthropie {f} |
misappropriate {v} (to embezzle) SEE: embezzle | :: |
misappropriation {n} (the wrongful, fraudulent or corrupt use of other's funds in one's care) | :: détournement de fonds {m} |
misbaha {n} (set of Islamic prayer beads) | :: misbaha {m} |
misbegotten {n} (one born out of wedlock) SEE: bastard | :: |
misbegotten {adj} (of a person: born out of wedlock) SEE: illegitimate | :: |
misbegotten {n} /ˌmɪsbɪˈɡɒtn̩/ (people, considered as a class, born into infelicitous circumstances) | :: misérables {m-p} {f-p} |
misbehaver {n} /mɪsbəˈheɪvə(ɹ)/ (one who misbehaves) | :: fauteur de troubles |
misbehavior {n} /ˌmɪsbəˈheɪvjɚ/ (conduct that is inappropriate) | :: inconduite {f} |
miscarriage {n} /ˈmɪs.kæɹ.ədʒ/ (termination of pregnancy) | :: fausse couche {f} |
miscarriage of justice {n} (error which led to an unjust outcome) | :: erreur judiciaire {f} |
miscarry {v} /ˌmɪsˈkæɹi/ (to abort a foetus) | :: avorter |
miscegenation {n} /mɪˌsɛdʒ.əˈneɪ.ʃən/ (the mixing or blending of race) | :: métissage {m} |
miscellaneous {adj} /ˌmɪsəˈleɪnɪəs/ (consisting of a variety of ingredients or parts) | :: divers |
miscellaneous {adj} | :: [Recueil scientifique ou littéraire] miscellanées, divers |
mischief {n} /ˈmɪstʃɪf/ (conduct that playfully causes petty annoyance) | :: espièglerie, bêtise |
mischief {n} (harm or trouble caused by an agent or brought about by a particular cause) | :: espièglerie, polissonnerie |
mischief {n} (one who causes mischief) | :: espiègle |
mischievous {adj} /ˈmɪs.t͡ʃɪ.vəs/ (causing mischief) | :: espiègle |
mischievous {adj} (naughty) | :: coquin, espiègle, malicieux, malin, méchant |
mischievously {adv} (in a mischievous manner) | :: malicieusement |
miscommunication {n} | :: mécommunication {f} |
miscomprehend {v} (misunderstand) SEE: misunderstand | :: |
misconception {n} /ˌmɪskənˈsɛp.ʃən/ (a mistaken belief) | :: idée erronée {f} |
misconduct {n} (bad behavior) SEE: misbehavior | :: |
miscreant {adj} /ˈmɪs.kɹi.ənt/ (holding an incorrect religious belief) | :: mécréant |
miscreant {n} (one who holds a false religious belief; an unbeliever) | :: mécréant {m}, mécréante {f} |
misdeed {n} /mɪsˈdiːd/ (something wrong done) | :: méfait {f} |
misdemeanor {n} /ˌmɪsdɪˈmiːnə(ɹ)/ (small crime) | :: forfait {m}, délit {m} |
mise en scène {n} /ˌmizɑ̃ˈsɛn/ (physical environment; surroundings) | :: mise en scène {f} |
mise en scène {n} (the arrangement of props and actors on a stage or for film) | :: mise en scène {f} |
miser {n} /ˈmaɪzə(ɹ)/ (skinflint or scrooge) | :: avare {m} |
miserabilist {n} /ˈmɪzəɹəbəlɪst/ (one who extols being miserable) | :: misérabiliste |
miserable {adj} /ˈmɪz(ə)ɹəbəl/ (in a state of misery) | :: misérable |
miserably {adv} (in a miserable manner) | :: misérablement, minablement |
misericord {n} (ledge) | :: miséricorde {f} |
misericord {n} (medieval dagger) | :: miséricorde {f} |
miserliness {n} (property of being miserly) | :: avarice {f} |
miserly {adj} /ˈmaɪ.zə(ɹ).li/ (like a miser; very covetous; stingy) | :: avare, pingre, chiche, radin |
misery {n} /ˈmɪz(ə)ɹɪ/ (great unhappiness) | :: misère |
misfire {v} /ˈmɪsˌfaɪɹ/ (To fail to discharge properly) | :: s'enrayer |
misfire {v} (To fail to ignite in the proper sequence) | :: caler |
misfit {n} /ˈmɪsfɪt/ (a badly adjusted person) | :: inadapté {m} |
misfortune {n} /mɪsˈfɔɹtʃən/ (bad luck) | :: malchance {f} |
misfortune {n} (an undesirable event such as an accident) | :: mésaventure {f}, malheur {m} |
misfortunes never come singly {proverb} (bad things come in groups) SEE: it never rains but it pours | :: |
misgender {v} /mɪsˈdʒɛndɚ/ (to refer to a person as the wrong gender) | :: mégenrer |
misgiving {n} (Doubts, concerns) | :: état d'âme {m} |
misguided {adj} (lacking proper guidance) | :: errant {m} |
mishap {n} /ˈmɪs.hæp/ (accident, mistake, or problem) | :: erreur {f}, accident {m} |
misheard {v} /ˈmɪshɜɹd/ (Past participle of mishear) | :: malentendu |
mishegoss {n} (madness, mishegoss) | :: folie, frénésie |
mishmash {n} /ˈmɪʃˌmæʃ/ (a collection of miscellany) | :: méli-mélo, mélimélo {m} |
misinform {v} (give or deliver false information) | :: mésinformer, induire en erreur, désinformer |
misinformation {n} (disinformation) SEE: disinformation | :: |
misinterpret {v} (to interpret wrongly) | :: mésinterpréter |
misinterpretation {n} (instance of misinterpreting) | :: contresens |
mislay {v} (to leave something in the wrong place and then forget where one put it) SEE: misplace | :: |
mislead {v} /mɪsˈliːd/ (lead in a false direction) | :: égarer |
mislead {v} (lead in a false direction) | :: égarer, mésinformer; égarer, induire en erreur |
misleading {adj} (tending to mislead) | :: trompeur |
misnomer {n} /mɪsˈnoʊmɚ/ | :: terme mal approprié {m} |
miso {n} /ˈmisoʊ/ (thick paste for making soup) | :: miso {m} |
misogynist {n} /mɪˈsɑdʒ.ən.ɪst/ (hater of women) | :: misogyne {m} {f} |
misogynist {adj} (misogynistic) SEE: misogynistic | :: |
misogynistic {adj} /ˈmɪs.ɒdʒ.ən.ɪst.ɪk/ (of, relating to, or exhibiting misogyny) | :: misogyne {m} {f} |
misogyny {n} /mɪˈsɑdʒ.ɪ.ni/ (hatred or contempt for women) | :: misogynie {f} |
misology {n} (Hatred or fear of reasoning or argument) | :: misologie {f} |
misplace {v} /mɪsˈpleɪs/ (to put something somewhere and then forget its location) | :: égarer |
misprision {n} /mɪsˈpɹɪʒ(ə)n/ (misinterpretation or misunderstanding) | :: méprise {f} |
mispronounce {v} (to pronounce incorrectly) | :: mal prononcer |
mispronunciation {n} /mɪspɹəˌnʌn.siˈeɪ.ʃən/ (act of mispronouncing) | :: mauvaise prononciation {f} |
mispronunciation {n} (mispronounced word or phrase) | :: faute {f} de prononciation {f} |
miss {v} /mɪs/ (to fail to hit) | :: manquer, rater |
miss {v} (to feel the absence of someone or something; to feel the want or need of) | :: languir, manquer (tu me manques = I miss you), regretter |
miss {v} (to fail to attend) | :: manquer, rater |
miss {v} (to be late for something) | :: rater |
miss {n} (a failure to hit) | :: raté {m} |
miss {n} (unmarried woman) | :: mademoiselle {f}, madame {f} (used now by administration in France instead of mademoiselle) |
miss {n} (Miss) SEE: Miss | :: |
Miss {n} /mɪs/ (title) | :: mademoiselle {f} (Mlle) [Not used anymore in official writing / by administration in France], madame {f} (Mme) [Most modern usage] |
missed call {n} (call to someone to which the responder doesn't answer) | :: appel en absence {m} |
missile {n} /ˈmɪsaɪl/ (air-based weapon) | :: projectile {m} |
missile {n} (self-propelled, guidable projectile) | :: missile {m} |
missile silo {n} (container) | :: silo de missile {m} |
missing {adj} /ˈmɪsɪŋ/ (not able to be located) | :: manquant, disparu |
missing in action {adj} /ˈmɪsɪŋ ɪn ˈækʃən/ (designation for a member of an organization with whom contact is lost but whose death is not confirmed) | :: porté disparu, disparu au combat |
missing link {n} (hypothetical primate) | :: chaînon manquant {m} |
missing link {n} (figuratively: sought-after intermediary figure) | :: chaînon manquant {m} |
missing person {n} (person whose whereabouts are unknown) | :: disparu {m}, personne disparue |
missiology {n} (the area of practical theology) | :: missiologie {f} |
mission {n} /ˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ (set of tasks that fulfills a purpose) | :: mission {f} |
mission {n} (religious evangelism) | :: mission {f} |
mission accomplished {phrase} (used to express that a task, or set of tasks, has been completed) | :: mission accomplie |
missionary {n} /ˈmɪʃəˌnɛɹɪ/ (person traveling to spread a religion) | :: missionnaire {m} |
missionary {n} (missionary position) SEE: missionary position | :: |
missionary position {n} (position for sexual intercourse) | :: position du missionnaire {f} |
mission impossible {n} (extremely difficult or impossible task) | :: mission impossible {f} |
Mississauga {prop} /ˌmɪ.sɪˈsɔː.ɡə/ (city) | :: Mississauga {m} |
Mississippi {n} /ˌmɪsɪˈsɪpi/ (state) | :: Mississippi |
Mississippi {n} (river) | :: Mississippi {m} |
missive {n} /ˈmɪsɪv/ (a written message) | :: missive {f} |
Missouri {prop} /mɪˈzʊɹ.i/ (US state) | :: Missouri |
Missouri {prop} (river) | :: Missouri |
miss out {v} (to miss something that should not be missed) | :: manquer, perdre, laisser passer, louper |
misspell {v} /mɪsˈspɛl/ (to spell incorrectly) | :: mal orthographier, mal écrire |
misspelling {n} (misspelt word) | :: faute d'orthographe {f} |
misstep {n} (step that is wrong) | :: faux pas {m} |
misstep {n} (error or mistake) | :: faux pas {m}, bourde {f} |
misstep {v} (to step badly or incorrectly) | :: faire un faux pas, trébucher, [colloquial] s'emmêler les pinceaux |
misstep {v} (to make an error or mistake) | :: faire un faux pas, faire une bourde, gaffer |
missus {n} (wife) SEE: wife | :: |
mist {n} /mɪst/ (Water or other liquid finely suspended in air) | :: brouillard {m}, brume {f} |
mist {n} (A layer of fine droplets or particles) | :: buée {f} |
mist {v} (To form mist) | :: faire de la brume, brumer |
mistake {v} /mɪˈsteɪk/ (to take one thing for another) | :: méprendre, confondre (avec), faire erreur |
mistake {v} (To make an error) | :: se tromper, |
mistake {n} (an error) | :: faute {f}, erreur {f} |
mistaken {adj} (erroneous) SEE: erroneous | :: |
mistaken {adj} ((with a copula verb, often with about) having an incorrect belief) SEE: be wrong | :: |
mistakenly {adv} /mɪˈsteɪ.kə (by accident) | :: par erreur, à tort |
mister {n} /ˈmɪstɚ/ (title of adult male) | :: monsieur {m} |
mistle thrush {n} (Turdus viscivorus) | :: draine {f}, drenne {f} |
mistletoe {n} /ˈmɪs(ə)ltəʊ/ (any of several hemiparasitic evergreen plants of the order Santalales) | :: gui {m} |
mistral {n} /mɪˈstɹɑːl/ (strong cold north-west wind in southern France and the Mediterranean) | :: mistral {m} |
Mistralian {adj} (of or relating to the Mistralian norm) | :: mistralien |
mistranslation {n} (incorrect translation) | :: métraduction {f} |
mistreat {v} (treat someone or something roughly or badly) | :: maltraiter |
mistress {n} /ˈmɪstɹɪs/ (woman of authority) | :: maîtresse {f} |
mistress {n} (female teacher) | :: maîtresse {f} |
mistress {n} (woman in extramarital relationship) | :: maîtresse {f}, amante {f} |
mistrial {n} (invalid trial) | :: avortement de procès {m}, procès avorté, procès nul {m}, nullité de procès {f} |
mistrust {n} /mɪsˈtɹʌst/ (lack of trust) | :: défiance |
mists of time {n} | :: nuit des temps {f} |
misty {adj} /ˈmɪsti/ (with mist; foggy) | :: brumeux |
misunderstand {v} /mɪs.ʌn.də(ɹ)ˈstænd/ (to understand incorrectly, while believing one has understood correctly) | :: mal interpréter, méprendre, mécomprendre |
misunderstanding {n} (mistake) | :: malentendu {m}, quiproquo {m} |
misuse {n} /mɪsˈjuːs/ (incorrect, improper or unlawful use) | :: mésusage {m} |
mitch {v} /mɪtʃ/ | :: sécher |
mite {n} /maɪt/ (arachnid) | :: acarien |
mite {n} (lepton) SEE: lepton | :: |
Mithridates {prop} (ancient male given name) | :: Mithridate {m} |
mithridatism {n} (the practice of ingesting successively greater amounts of a poison) | :: mithridatisation {f}, mithridatisme {m} |
MITI {prop} (Ministry of International Trade and Industry) | :: MITI |
mitigate {v} /ˈmɪt.ɪ.ɡeɪt/ (to reduce, lessen, or decrease) | :: réduire, atténuer, mitiger |
mitigation {n} /mɪtɪˈɡeɪʃən/ (reduction of something harmful) | :: soulagement {m} |
mitochondrial {adj} /ˌmaɪ.t̬əˈkɑːn.dɹi.əl/ (of, or relating to mitochondria) | :: mitochondrial |
mitochondrion {n} (respiratory organelle) | :: mitochondrie {f} |
mitosis {n} /maɪˈtoʊsɪs/ (division of a cell nucleus) | :: mitose {f} |
mitosome {n} /ˈmaɪtəˌsoʊm/ (organelle found within eukaryotes) | :: mitosome {m} |
mitotic spindle {n} (structure of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton involved in mitosis and meiosis) | :: fuseau mitotique {m} |
mitral {adj} /ˈmaɪtɹəl/ (pertaining to the mitral valve) | :: mitral |
mitre {n} /ˈmaɪtəɹ/ (a covering for the head, worn on solemn occasions by church dignitaries) | :: mitre {f} |
mitt {n} (mitten) SEE: mitten | :: |
mitten {n} /ˈmɪtn̩/ (type of glove) | :: moufle {f}, mitaine {f} |
mitzvah {n} (any of the 613 commandments of Jewish law) | :: mitzvah {f} |
mitzvah {n} (an act of kindness) | :: mitzvah {f} |
mix {v} /ˈmɪks/ (stir two or more substances together) | :: mélanger |
mix {v} (combine items from two or more sources normally kept separate) | :: mêler |
mix {v} (music: combine several tracks) | :: mixer |
mix {n} (result of mixing two or more substances) | :: mélange {m} |
mix apples and oranges {v} (to mix two totally different things) | :: mélanger les torchons et les serviettes (confuse between dishcloths and napkins) |
mix business with pleasure {v} (to do something pleasurable that is related to one's work) | :: joindre l'utile à l'agréable |
mixed {adj} /mɪkst/ (having two or more separate aspects) | :: mélangé, mêlé, mixte |
mixed {adj} | :: mixte |
mixed bag {n} (a group of entities with few characteristics in common) | :: mélange {m}, assortiment {m} |
mixed doubles {n} (game between two male-female teams) | :: double mixte {m} |
mixed economy {n} (market economy with government provision) | :: économie mixte {f} |
mixed marriage {n} (marriage between people of different races, cultures, religions, etc) | :: mariage mixte {m} |
mixed martial arts {n} (Style of combat sport) | :: combat libre {m} |
mixed nuts {n} | :: noix mélangées {f-p} |
mixed-race {adj} (having genetic characteristics of two or more different races) | :: métis, métissé |
mixed reaction {n} (state of diverse reception) | :: réactions assorties {f-p}, réactions diverses {f-p}, reception diverse {f} |
mixer {n} (blender) | :: batte-beurre {f}, mixeur {m} |
mixer tap {n} | :: mélangeur {f}, mitigeur {m} |
mixing bowl {n} (Large bowl used for mixing ingredients) | :: saladier {m}, cul-de-poule {m} |
mixture {n} /ˈmɪkstʃɚ/ (act of mixing) | :: mélange {m} |
mixture {n} (something produced by mixing) | :: mélange {m} |
Miyako {prop} (Language) | :: miyako |
Mizar {prop} (binary star in the constellation Ursa Major) | :: Mizar |
mizzen {n} (mizzenmast) SEE: mizzenmast | :: |
mizzen {n} /ˈmɪ.zən/ (mizzenmast sail) | :: artimon {m} |
mizzenmast {n} /ˈmɪz.ənˌmæst/ (nautical: aftmost mast) | :: artimon {m}, mât d’artimon {m} |
Mjollnir {prop} /ˈmjɔlnɪr/ (the hammer of Thor, Thor's hammer Mjollnir) | :: Mjolnir {m}, Mjollnir {m} |
m'kay {interj} /mːˈkeɪ/ ((informal) Okay) | :: m’voyez [France], m’kay [Quebec] |
Málaga {prop} /ˈmæləɡə/ (port and city in Andalusia) | :: Malaga |
Müllerian mimicry {prop} (resemblance of two or more poisonous species with each other) | :: mimétisme mullérien {m} |
MMC {prop} (Montreal) | :: CMM |
MMIWG {n} (national inquiry) | :: FFADA (Enquête nationale sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinées) |
MMIWG {n} (crime victims) | :: FFADA (les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinées) |
mmm {interj} (hmm) SEE: hmm | :: |
Münchausen syndrome {n} (a psychiatric disorder) | :: syndrome de Münchhausen {m} |
mnemonic {adj} /nəˈmɑːnɪk/ (related to mnemonics) | :: mnémonique, mnémotechnique |
mnemonic {n} (Anything (especially something in verbal form) used to help remember something) | :: mnémonique, mnémotechnie, mnémotechnique {f} |
mnemonics {n} /nəˈmɑn.ɪks/ (study of techniques for improving memory) | :: mnémotechnique |
Mnemosyne {prop} /nɪˈmɒ.sɪ.ni/ (Titaness) | :: Mnémosyne {f} |
mnemotechnic {adj} /ˌniːməˈtɛknɪk/ (pertaining to mnemotechny) | :: mnémotechnique |
moan {n} /moʊn/ (a low cry of pain) | :: gémissement {m} |
moan {v} (to make a moan or similar sound) | :: gémir, mugir |
moan {v} (to complain) | :: se plaindre, geindre |
moaning dove {n} (Columbina passerina) | :: colombe à queue noire {f} |
moat {n} /məʊt/ (defensive ditch) | :: douve {f} |
mob {n} /mɒb/ (unruly group of people) | :: troupeau {m}, cohue {f}, foule {f} |
mob {n} | :: foule {f} |
mob {n} (mafia) SEE: mafia | :: |
mob cap {n} /ˈmɒb kap/ (plain cap or headdress for women or girls) | :: charlotte {f} |
mob cap {n} (disposable head covering with an elasticated band) | :: charlotte {f} |
mobile {adj} /ˈmoʊbil/ (capable of being moved) | :: mobile |
mobile {n} (decoration) | :: mobile {m} |
mobile {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone | :: |
mobile elevating work platform {n} (aerial work platform) SEE: aerial work platform | :: |
mobile phone {n} (portable telephone) | :: téléphone mobile {m}, mobile [France] téléphone portable {m} portable {m}, [Belgium] GSM {m} (note: often used for mobile phones that are not technically GSM), [Canada] téléphone cellulaire {m}, cellulaire {m}, [colloquial], [Switzerland] natel {m} |
mobile station {n} (mobile equipment) | :: station mobile {f} |
mobile telephone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone | :: |
mobiliary art {n} (portable art) SEE: portable art | :: |
mobilisation {n} (mobilization) SEE: mobilization | :: |
mobilise {v} (to assemble troops and their equipment in a coordinated fashion so as to be ready for war) | :: mobiliser |
mobilise {v} (to arrange or organise people or resources to achieve a particular purpose) | :: mobiliser |
mobility {n} /mə(ʊ)ˈbɪlɪti/ (ability to move) | :: mobilité {f} |
mobility kill {n} (damage inflicted by a weapon on a vehicle that immobilises it, but does not totally destroy it, leaving the vehicle's crew able to use its weapons) | :: destruction mobilité {f} |
mobilization {n} (marshalling of troops and national resources in preparation for war) | :: mobilisation {f} |
mobilize {v} (mobilise) SEE: mobilise | :: |
mobocracy {n} /mɒbˈɒkɹəsi/ (rule of the mob) | :: ochlocratie {f} |
mob rule {n} (government by the masses) | :: voyoucratie {f}, ochlocratie |
moccasin {n} /ˈmɒkəsɪn/ (traditional native North American shoe) | :: mocassin {m} |
moccasin {n} (modern shoe) | :: mocassin {m} |
mocha {n} /ˈmoʊkə/ (coffee with chocolate) | :: moka {m} |
mock {n} /mɑk/ (imitation) | :: imitation {f}, succédané {m} |
mock {n} (act of mocking) | :: se moquer, parodier |
mock {n} (practice exam) | :: examen blanc {m} |
mock {v} (to mimic) | :: imiter |
mocker {n} (one who mocks) | :: moqueur {m} |
mock exam {n} (an examination where the marks do not count) | :: examen blanc {m} |
mockingbird {n} /ˈmɑkɪŋˌbɝd/ (songbird of the family Mimidae) | :: moqueur {m} |
mock object {n} | :: mock {m} |
mockumentary {n} (programme) | :: faux documentaire {m}, documenteur {m} |
mockup {n} /ˈmɒk.ʌp/ (a full-scale working model of something) | :: maquette {f}, modèle {m} |
modal {n} (modal verb) SEE: modal verb | :: |
modal {adj} (of, relating to, or describing the mood of a clause) | :: modal |
modal {adj} | :: modal |
modality {n} (state of being modal) | :: modalité {f} |
modality {n} | :: modalité {f} |
modal particle {n} (linguistic class) | :: particule modale {f} |
modal verb {n} (a kind of verb) | :: modal {m}, verbe modal {m} |
modchip {n} | :: modchip |
mode {n} /moʊd/ (means of accomplishing something) | :: manière {f}, façon {f}, mode {m} |
mode {n} (in computing) | :: mode {m} |
mode {n} (style or fashion) | :: mode {f} |
mode {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood | :: |
model {n} /ˈmɑdl̩/ (person) | :: mannequin {m} [for clothes], modèle {m} [for artist and praiseworthy example] |
model {n} (miniature) | :: maquette {m}, modèle réduit {m} |
model {n} (simplified representation) | :: modèle {m}, maquette {f} |
model {n} (style) | :: modèle {m} |
model {n} (structural design) | :: modèle {m} |
model {n} (praiseworthy example) | :: modèle {m}, exemple {m} |
model {adj} (worthy of being a model) | :: exemplaire, modèle |
model {v} (use as a model) | :: modéliser |
model {v} (make a miniature model) | :: modéliser |
model {v} (create from a substance) | :: modeler |
model aircraft {n} (aircraft made to a smaller scale) | :: aéromodèle {m} |
model building {n} (activity of making models) SEE: modelbuilding | :: |
modelbuilding {n} (activity of making models) | :: modélisme {m} |
modeling {n} (The art of sculpting models from clay) | :: modelage {m} |
modeling {n} (work of someone who models clothes) | :: mannequinat {m} |
modeling {n} (The construction and use of a computer model) | :: modélisation {f} |
modem {n} /ˈmoʊdəm/ (device that encodes digital computer signals into analog/analogue telephone signals) | :: modem {m} |
Modena {prop} (province) | :: Modène |
Modena {prop} (city) | :: Modène |
Modenese {n} (pertaining to Modena) | :: modénois |
Modenese {n} (denizen of Modena) | :: Modénois |
Modenese {n} (dialect) | :: modénois |
mode of transport {n} (vehicle or system used to transport people or goods) | :: mode de transport {m}, moyen de transport {m} |
moderantism {n} | :: modérantisme {m} |
moderate {adj} /ˈmɒdəɹət/ (not excessive) | :: modéré {m}, modérée {f} |
moderate {adj} (mediocre) | :: modéré {m} |
moderate {adj} (having an intermediate position in politics) | :: modéré {m} |
moderate {n} (one who holds an intermediate position) | :: modéré {m} |
moderate {v} (to reduce the excessiveness) | :: modèrer |
moderate {v} (to become less excessive) | :: modérer |
moderate {v} (to preside over as a moderator) | :: modérer |
moderate {v} (to act as a moderator) | :: modérer |
moderate {v} | :: modérer |
moderation {n} /ˌmɑdəˈɹeɪʃən/ (state or quality of being moderate; avoidance of extremes) | :: modération {f} |
moderation {n} (instance of moderating; to bring away from extremes) | :: modération {f} |
moderator {n} (someone who moderates) | :: modérateur {m} |
modern {adj} /ˈmɒd(ə)n/ (pertaining to the current time and style) | :: moderne |
modern art {n} (modern art) | :: art moderne {m} |
Modern Greek {n} (Modern Greek) | :: néo-grec, grec moderne {m} |
modernism {n} (any of several styles of art, architecture, literature, philosophy, etc., that flourished in the 20th century) | :: modernisme {m} |
modernist {adj} (relating to modernism) | :: moderniste |
modernist {n} (follower of modernism) | :: moderniste {m} {f} |
modernity {n} /məˈdɜː(ɹ)n.ɪ.ti/ | :: modernité, modernisme |
modernization {n} /ˌmɒdənɪˈzeɪʃn̩/ (process of modernizing) | :: modernisation {f} |
modernize {v} /ˈmɑdɚnaɪz/ (bring something up to date) | :: moderniser |
modernly {adv} (in a modern manner) | :: modernement |
Modern Monetary Theory {prop} (Economic model) | :: Théorie monétaire moderne |
Modern Standard Arabic {prop} (Modern Standard Arabic) | :: arabe standard moderne {m}, fous-ha {f} |
modest {adj} /ˈmɑdəst/ (not bragging or boasting about oneself or one's achievements) | :: modeste |
modest {adj} (small) | :: modeste |
modestly {adv} (in a modest manner) | :: modestement |
modesty {n} /ˈmɒd.ə.sti/ (the quality of being modest) | :: modestie {f} |
modesty {n} (pudency, avoidance of sexual explicitness) | :: pudeur {f} |
modicum {n} /ˈmɒdɪkəm/ (modest, small, or trifling amount) | :: modique |
modification {n} /ˌmɑdɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act or result of modifying or condition of being modified) | :: modification {f} |
modification {n} (alteration or adjustment) | :: modification {f} |
modified {adj} /ˈmɑdɪfaɪd/ (changed; altered) | :: modifié |
modifier {n} /ˈmɒdɪfaɪə/ (one who modifies) | :: modificateur {m} |
modifier {n} (grammar: qualifying word, clause or phrase) | :: modificateur {m} |
modify {v} /ˈmɒdɪfaɪ/ (to change part of) | :: modifier |
modular {adj} (of or relating to a module or modules) | :: modulaire |
modularity {n} (property of being modular) | :: modularité |
modulate {v} /ˈmɑː.dʒə.ˌleɪt/ (to regulate) | :: moduler |
modulate {v} (to change the pitch (transitive)) | :: moduler |
modulate {v} (to vary the amplitude etc.) | :: moduler |
modulate {v} (to move from one key to another (intransitive)) | :: moduler |
modulator {n} (device that modulates) | :: modulateur {m} |
module {n} /ˈmɑdʒuːl/ (self-contained component of a system) | :: module {m} |
module {n} | :: module |
module {n} (abelian group) SEE: abelian group | :: |
modulo {prep} /ˈmɒdjʊləʊ/ (Given a specified modulus of) | :: modulo |
modulus {n} (base with respect to which a congruence is computed) | :: module |
modulus {n} (absolute value of a complex number) | :: module |
modus operandi {n} /ˈməʊ.dʌs ˌɒp.ə.ɹæn.daɪ/ (person or thing's method of operation) | :: modus operandi |
Moebius syndrome {n} (disorder) | :: syndrome de Möbius {m}, syndrome de Moebius {m} |
Moesia {prop} /miːʃi.ə/ (an ancient region and later Roman province situated in the Balkans) | :: Mésie {f} |
mofetta {n} | :: mofette {f} |
Mogadishu {prop} (capital city) | :: Mogadiscio {m} |
moggy {n} /ˈmɑɡi/ (cat (depreciative slang)) | :: chat de gouttière {m} |
Moghul {n} | :: Moghol, moghol (adj.) |
Mogilev {prop} (city) | :: Moguilev {m} |
mogul {n} /ˈməʊɡ(ə)l/ (a rich or powerful person) | :: magnat {m} |
mogul {n} (a hump on a skiing piste) | :: bosse |
moguled {adj} /ˈmoʊ.ɡəld/ | :: bosselé {m} |
mogulist {n} | :: bosseur {m}, bosseuse {f} |
Mohammad {prop} (male given name) SEE: Muhammad | :: |
Mohammad {prop} (prophet) SEE: Muhammad | :: |
Mohammedan {n} (Muslim) | :: mahométan |
Mohammedan {adj} (Muslim, Islamic) | :: mahométan |
mohatra {adj} | :: mohatra |
Mohawk {n} /ˈmoʊhɔːk/ (hairstyle) | :: crête iroquoise {f} |
Mohican {n} (hairstyle) SEE: Mohawk | :: |
moiety {n} (half) SEE: half | :: |
moiety {n} /ˈmɔɪ.ə.ti/ (specific segment of a molecule) | :: groupement |
moil {n} /mɔɪl/ (hard work) | :: corvée {f} |
Moira {prop} /ˈmɔɪɹə/ (personification of fate) | :: Moire {f} |
moist {adj} /mɔɪst/ (slightly wet) | :: humide, moite [of skin] |
moist {adj} (of eyes: tearful) | :: au bord des larmes |
moisten {v} /ˈmɔɪsən/ (to make moist) | :: humidifier |
moisten {v} (to become moist) | :: mouiller |
moisture {n} /ˈmɔɪstʃɚ/ (a moderate degree of wetness) | :: humidité {f} |
moisturising cream {n} (cream that moisturises the skin) | :: crème hydratante {f} |
moisturizer {n} (moisturising cream) SEE: moisturising cream | :: |
mojibake {n} /ˌmoʊ.dʒiˈbɑ.ki/ (corrupt characters or letters) | :: mojibake |
mojito {n} /moʊˈhi.toʊ/ (Cuban cocktail) | :: mojito {m} |
Moksha {prop} (language) | :: mokcha {m} |
molar {n} /ˈmoʊlɚ/ (back tooth) | :: molaire {f} |
molar mass {n} (mass of one mole of the substance) | :: masse molaire {f} |
molar solution {n} (solution that contains one mole of solute per litre) | :: solution molaire {f} |
molasses {n} /məˈlæ.sɨz/ (thick brownish syrup refined from raw sugar) | :: mélasse {f} |
mold {n} /moʊld/ (hollow form or matrix for shaping a fluid or plastic substance) | :: moule {m} |
mold {n} | :: moulage |
mold {n} (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi) | :: moisissure {f} moisi {m}, mildiou {m} |
Moldavia {prop} (Moldova) SEE: Moldova | :: |
Moldavian {n} (inhabitant of the Republic of Moldova) | :: Moldave {m} {f} |
Moldavian {prop} (language) | :: moldave |
Moldavian {adj} (relating to Moldova) | :: moldave |
moldboard {n} (curved piece of metal on a plow or bulldozer) | :: versoir {m} |
molding {n} /ˈmoʊl.dɪŋ/ (act or process of shaping in a mold) | :: moulage {m} |
molding {n} (anything cast in a mold) | :: moulage {m} |
molding {n} (architecture: narrow decorative surface) | :: moulure {f}, modénature {f} |
molding {n} (founding: sand used for making molds) | :: sable argileux {m} |
Moldova {prop} /mɔlˈdoʊ.və/ (country) | :: Moldavie {f} |
Moldovan {n} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian | :: |
Moldovan {prop} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian | :: |
Moldovan {adj} (Moldavian) SEE: Moldavian | :: |
moldy {adj} (mouldy) SEE: mouldy | :: |
mole {n} /mol/ (dark spot on the skin) | :: grain de beauté {m}, nævus {m} |
mole {n} /mol/ (burrowing insectivore) | :: taupe {f} |
mole {n} (internal spy) | :: taupe {f} |
mole {n} /məʊl/ (massive structure used as a pier or breakwater) | :: môle {m} |
mole {n} /mol/ (unit of amount) | :: mole {f} |
mole {n} /mol/ (hemorrhagic mass of tissue in the uterus) | :: môle {f} |
mole {n} /ˈmoʊleɪ/ (sauce) | :: mole {m} |
mole {n} (mole rat) SEE: mole rat | :: |
mole cricket {n} (insect of Gryllotalpidae) | :: courtilière {f} |
molecular {adj} /məˈlɛkjələɹ/ (relating to molecules) | :: moléculaire |
molecular biologist {n} (scientist who specializes in molecular biology) | :: biologiste moléculaire {m} {f} |
molecular biology {n} (branch of biology) | :: biologie moléculaire {f} |
molecular formula {n} (a notation indicating the number of atoms of each element present in a compound) | :: formule moléculaire {f} |
molecular genetics {n} (a field of biology) | :: moleculaire genetique |
molecular mass {n} (mass of single molecule) | :: masse moléculaire {f} |
molecular weight {n} (the sum of the atomic weights of every atom in a molecule) | :: masse moléculaire {f} |
molecule {n} /ˈmɒləkjuːl/ (group of atoms held together by chemical bonds) | :: molécule {f} |
molehill {n} /ˈməʊlhɪl/ (A small mound of earth) | :: taupinière {f} |
mole rat {n} (rodent) | :: rat-taupe {m}, rate-taupe {f} |
moleskin {n} (fabric) | :: moleskine {f} |
molest {v} /məˈlɛst/ (to annoy intentionally) | :: embêter |
molest {v} (to abuse) | :: violer, abuser |
molester {n} /məˈlɛstə(ɹ)/ (one who molests) | :: violeur, agresseur |
Molieresque {adj} (reminiscent of Molière) | :: moliéresque |
molinologist {n} (one who studies molinology) | :: molinologue {m} {f} |
molinology {n} (study of mills) | :: molinologie {f} |
Molise {prop} /mɔˈli.zeɪ/ (region of Italy) | :: Molise {m} |
moll {adj} (minor) SEE: minor | :: |
mollie {n} (Molotov cocktail) SEE: Molotov cocktail | :: |
mollify {v} /ˈmɑːlɪfaɪ/ (to ease a burden) | :: apaiser, calmer |
mollify {v} (to appease) | :: apaiser |
mollusc {n} /ˈmɒləsk/ (soft-bodied invertebrate of phylum Mollusca, see also: clam; oyster; mussel) | :: mollusque |
mollycoddle {v} /ˈmɑl.iˌkɑd.əl/ (to be overprotective and indulgent toward) | :: couver, materner |
Molotov cocktail {n} /ˈmɒ.lə.ˌtɒf.ˈkɒk.teɪl/ (simple incendiary bomb) | :: cocktail Molotov {m} |
molten {adj} /ˈmoʊltən/ (melted) | :: fondu {m} |
molten {adj} (glowing red-hot) | :: incandescent |
molting {n} | :: mue {f} |
Moluccas {prop} /məˈlʌkəz/ (archipelago) | :: Moluques {p} |
molybdenite {n} (mineral) | :: molybdénite {f} |
molybdenum {n} /məˈlɪbdɪnəm/ (chemical element) | :: molybdène {m} |
molybdic {adj} /məˈlɪbdɪk/ | :: molybdique |
molybdomancy {n} (divination by molten metal dropped in water) | :: molybdomancie |
mom {v} (mother) SEE: mum | :: |
mombin {n} | :: mombin {m} |
moment {n} /ˈmoʊmənt/ (very brief period of time) | :: instant {m}, moment {m} |
moment {n} (moment of force) | :: moment {m} |
momentary {adj} /ˈmoʊmənˌtɛɹi/ (lasting for only a moment) | :: momentané |
moment of silence {n} (period of silence conducted to honor or provide a gesture of respect to a recently deceased person) | :: minute de silence {f} |
moment of truth {n} (deciding instant) | :: moment de vérité {m}, heure de vérité {f} |
momentous {adj} /moʊˈmɛn.təs/ (of outstanding importance or great consequence) | :: capital, considérable |
momentum {n} /ˌmoʊˈmɛntəm/ (product of mass and velocity) | :: quantité de mouvement |
momentum {n} (impetus, either of a body in motion, or of an idea or course of events) | :: élan |
momma's boy {n} (male overly attached to his mother) | :: petit garçon à sa maman {m} |
mommy {n} (mum) SEE: mum | :: |
momo {n} (type of dumpling) | :: momo |
Momus {prop} (personification of satire and mockery) | :: Momos {m}, Momus {m} |
Mon {n} (Monday) | :: lun. {m} |
Monaco {prop} /ˈmɑ.nə.koʊ/ (country in Europe) | :: Monaco {m} |
Monaco {prop} (capital city) | :: Monaco |
monad {n} /ˈmɒnæd/ (mathematics and computing term) | :: monade |
monadic {adj} (of or relating to a monad) | :: monadique |
Mona Lisa {prop} /ˌmoʊnə ˈlisə/ (painting by Leonardo da Vinci) | :: la Joconde {f} |
monarch {n} /ˈmɑnɚk/ (ruler) | :: monarque {m} |
monarchist {n} (an advocate of, or believer in, monarchy) | :: monarchiste {m} {f} |
monarchy {n} /ˈmɒnəki/ (form of government with a hereditary head of state) | :: monarchie {f} |
monastery {n} /ˈmɑnəstɛɹi/ (building for monks) | :: monastère |
monastic {adj} /məˈnæstɪk/ (of or relating to monasteries or monks) | :: monastique |
Monastir {prop} (former name of Bitola in Macedonia) | :: Bitola |
monatomic {adj} (consisting os a single atom) | :: monoatomique |
Monday {n} /ˈmʌn.deɪ/ (day of the week) | :: lundi {m} |
Monday {adv} (on Monday) | :: lundi |
Monday-morning quarterback {n} | :: inspecteur des travaux finis {m} |
monetarily {adv} (in a monetary sense) | :: monétairement |
monetarism {n} | :: monétarisme {m} |
monetary {adj} /ˈmɑnɪteɹi/ (of or relating to money) | :: monétaire |
monetary unit {n} (standard unit of currency) | :: unité monétaire {f} |
monetisation {n} (monetization) SEE: monetization | :: |
monetization {n} /ˌmʌnətaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (the conversion of something into money) | :: monétisation {f} |
money {n} /ˈmʌni/ (means of exchange and measure of value) | :: argent {m} |
money {n} (currency) | :: argent {m} |
money {n} (cash) | :: liquide {m} |
money {n} | :: argent, monnaie |
money bag {n} (wealthy person) | :: richard {m} |
moneybags {n} (wealthy person) | :: richard {m} |
money box {n} (tin with a slot in the top for depositing coins) SEE: piggy bank | :: |
money can't buy happiness {proverb} (true happiness comes from inside) | :: l'argent ne fait pas le bonheur |
money cowry {n} (mollusc of the species Cypraea moneta) | :: cauri {m} |
money doesn't grow on trees {proverb} (you must work in order to have money) | :: l'argent ne tombe pas du ciel [money doesn't fall from the sky] |
money laundering {n} (act of obscuring the origin of money that has been obtained illegally) | :: blanchiment d'argent {m} |
moneylender {n} (person who lends money) | :: usurier {m}, prêteur {m} |
money market {n} (market) | :: marché financier {m}, marché monétaire {m} |
money order {n} (a type of cheque) | :: mandat-poste {m}, mandat postal {m} |
money pit {n} (A financial commitment the costs of which are unsustainable) | :: abîme {m} |
money plant {n} (Lunaria annua) SEE: honesty | :: |
money plant {n} (Crassula ovata) | :: arbre de jade {m} |
money supply {n} (the total amount of money in a particular economy) | :: masse monétaire |
money talks {proverb} /ˈmʌn.i tɔks/ (it is easier to accomplish goals using money) | :: l’argent parle |
money tree {n} (Crassula ovata) SEE: money plant | :: |
Monégasque {n} /ˈmɒ.nə.ɡask/ (a native or inhabitant of Monaco) | :: Monégasque {m} {f} |
Monégasque {adj} (of or relating to Monaco or its inhabitants) | :: monégasque |
monger {n} /ˈmʌŋ.ɡəɹ/ (dealer) | :: marchand {m} |
Mongol {n} (A person from Mongolia; a Mongolian) SEE: Mongolian | :: |
Mongolia {prop} /mɑːŋˈɡoʊli.ə/ (East Asian country) | :: Mongolie {f} |
Mongolian {adj} /mɒŋˈɡoʊliən/ (of or relating to Mongolia or its peoples, languages, or cultures) | :: mongol |
Mongolian {n} (native or inhabitant of Mongolia) | :: Mongol {m}, Mongole {f} |
Mongolian {n} (language of Mongolia) | :: mongol {m} |
Mongolian {n} (person of Mongoloid physical type) | :: mongol {m}, mongol {f} |
Mongolian People's Republic {prop} (Mongolia) SEE: Mongolia | :: |
Mongolian spot {n} (congenital birthmark in lower back) | :: tache mongoloïde {f}, tache mongolique {f}, tache bleue mongolique {f}, tache pigmentaire congénitale {f} [TPC] |
mongolism {n} (Down syndrome) | :: mongolisme {m} |
mongoose {n} /ˈmɑŋ.ɡus/ (a small carnivore of the family Herpestidae) | :: mangouste |
mongrel {n} /ˈmɑŋ.ɡɹəl/ (someone of mixed kind) | :: bâtard {m}, corniaud {m}, métis {m}, métisse {f} |
monic {n} (of a polynomial whose leading coefficient is one) | :: unitaire, normalisé |
Monica {prop} /ˈmɒ.nɪ.kə/ (female given name) | :: Monique |
Monika {prop} (female given name) SEE: Monica | :: |
moniker {n} /ˈmɑn.ɪ.kɚ/ (personal name or nickname) | :: sobriquet {m}, appellation {f} |
moniker {n} (signature) SEE: signature | :: |
monism {n} (doctrine of the oneness and unity of reality) | :: monisme {m} |
monitor {n} /ˈmɒnɨtə/ (someone who watches over something) | :: moniteur {m}, monitrice {f} |
monitor {n} (computer display) | :: écran {m}, moniteur {m} |
monitor {v} (watch over, guard) | :: contrôler, surveiller, monitorer |
monitor {n} (monitor lizard) SEE: monitor lizard | :: |
monitor {n} (ironclad) SEE: ironclad | :: |
monitoring {n} (Surveillance or continuous or regular observation) | :: surveillance {f}, monitoring {m} |
monitor lizard {n} (lizard of the genus Varanus) | :: varan {m}, goanna {f} |
monk {n} (slang: judge) SEE: judge | :: |
monk {n} /mʌŋk/ (male member of monastic order) | :: moine |
monk {n} (slang: loner) SEE: loner | :: |
monkey {n} /ˈmʌŋki/ (primate) | :: singe {m}, guenon {f} |
monkey around {v} (to act foolishly) | :: faire le singe |
monkey bars {n} (jungle gym) SEE: jungle gym | :: |
monkey business {n} (an activity that is considered silly, or stupid, or time-wasting (idiomatic)) | :: bêtise {f}, espièglerie {f} |
monkey-eating eagle {n} (Philippine eagle) SEE: Philippine eagle | :: |
monkeyflower {n} (plant of the genus Mimulus) | :: mimule {f} |
monkey house {n} (a building where monkeys are exhibited to the public) | :: singerie {f} |
monkey-house {n} (brothel) SEE: brothel | :: |
monkey puzzle {n} /ˈmʌŋkiˌpʌz(ə)l/ (Araucaria araucana) | :: araucaria du Chili {m}, désespoir des singes {m} |
monkey puzzle tree {n} (monkey puzzle) SEE: monkey puzzle | :: |
monkey wrench {n} (adjustable wrench) | :: clé anglaise {f} |
monkey wrench {n} (problem) | :: grain de sable dans l’engrenage {m} |
monkfish {n} (fish) | :: lotte {f}, baudroie {f} |
monkshood {n} (herbs of the genus Aconitum) SEE: aconite | :: |
mono- {prefix} /ˈmɒn.əʊ/ (one) | :: mono-, uni- |
monoamine oxidase {n} (biochemistry: enzyme that degrades biogenic amines) | :: monoamine oxydase {f} |
monobasic {adj} | :: monobasique |
monocephalous {adj} (having a single head) | :: monocéphale {m} {f} |
Monoceros {prop} (winter constellation of the northern sky) | :: Licorne {f} |
monochord {n} | :: monocorde {m} |
monochrome {adj} /ˈmɑ.nə.kɹoʊm/ (having only one colour) | :: monochrome |
monochrome {adj} | :: monochrome |
monocle {n} /ˈmɑnəkəl/ (a single lens) | :: monocle {m} |
monoclinic {adj} (having three unequal axes) | :: monoclinique |
monocolor {adj} | :: monocolore {m} {f} |
monocoque {n} (structure design) | :: monocoque {m} {f} |
monocotyledon {n} /ˌmɒnəˌkɒtɪˈliːdən/ (Plant belonging to Monocotyledones or Liliopsida) | :: monocotylédone {f} |
monocracy {n} (autocracy) SEE: autocracy | :: |
monoculist {n} | :: monoculiste {m} |
monoculture {n} /ˈmɒnəˌkʌlt͡ʃə(ɹ)/ (the cultivation of a single crop) | :: monoculture {f} |
monoculture {n} (a culture that lacks diversity) | :: monoculture {f} |
monocyte {n} (type of blood leukocyte) | :: monocyte {m} |
monodromic {adj} | :: monodrome |
monoecy {n} (the condition of being monoecious) | :: monoécie {f} |
monofin {n} | :: monopalme {f} |
monogamous {adj} (being married to one person at a time) | :: monogame |
monogamy {n} /məˈnɑɡəmi/ (permanent pair bond between two beings) | :: monogamie {f} |
monogermane {n} (germane) SEE: germane | :: |
monoglottism {n} (condition of being able to speak only a single language) SEE: monolingualism | :: |
monogram {n} (a design composed of one or more letters used as an identifying mark) | :: monogramme {m} |
monogram {v} ((transitive) to mark something with a monogram) | :: monogrammer |
monograph {n} (scholarly book or treatise) | :: monographie {f} |
monoi {n} | :: monoï {m} |
monoid {n} (type of set) | :: monoïde {m} |
monokini {n} /mɒnə(ʊ)ˈkiːni/ (bikini worn without the upper part) | :: monokini {m} |
monolingual {adj} (only knowing or spoken in one language) | :: monolingue, unilingue {m} {f} |
monolingualism {n} (condition of being able to speak only a single language) | :: monolinguisme {m}, unilinguisme {m} |
monolith {n} /ˈmɒnəlɪθ/ (large, single block of stone) | :: monolithe {m} |
monolithic {adj} (of or resembling a monolith) | :: monolithique |
monolithic {adj} (having a massive, unchanging structure that does not permit individual variation) | :: monolithique |
monolithism {n} | :: monolithisme {m} |
monologue {n} (drama: long speech by one person) | :: monologue {m} |
monologue {n} | :: monologue {m} |
monomania {n} /ˌmɑnoʊˈmeɪni.ə/ (an excessive interest with a singal subject) | :: monomanie {f} |
monometer {n} (having one meter) | :: monomètre |
monomial {n} (term with numbers and variables) | :: monôme {m} |
monomorphism {n} (mathematics: injective homomorphism) | :: monomorphisme {m} |
mononucleosis {n} (infectious mononucleosis, glandular fever) | :: mononucléose {f} |
monophobia {n} (fear of being alone) | :: monophobie {f} |
monophthong {n} /ˈmɑnəfθɔŋ/ (vowel that has same sound throughout its pronunciation) | :: monophtongue {f} |
monophthongization {n} (the process of becoming monophthong) | :: monophtongaison {f} |
monophthongize {v} (to change to a monophthong) | :: monophtonguer |
monophysite {adj} (Describing the beliefs of a Μonophysite) | :: monophysite |
Monophysite {n} /məˈnɒfɪsaɪt/ (member of an early Christian sect which held that Jesus Christ has one nature) | :: monophysite |
monophysitism {n} (Christian believe claiming a human-only nature of Jesus Christ) | :: monophysisme |
monoplegia {n} (paralysed condition) | :: monoplégie {f} |
monopolist {n} (one who has, or attempts to acquire, a monopoly on something) | :: monopoliste {m} {f} |
monopolistic {adj} (In the manner of a monopoly) | :: monopolistique |
monopolization {n} (the act of monopolizing or the state of being monopolized) | :: monopolisation {f} |
monopolize {v} (have a monopoly) | :: monopoliser, accaparer |
monopolize {v} (dominate) | :: accaparer |
monopoly {n} /məˈnɑpəˌli/ (situation of exclusive supply) | :: monopole {m} |
monopoly {n} | :: monopole {m} |
Monopoly money {n} (strange-looking foreign currency) | :: billet de Monopoly {m} |
monoprogramming {n} | :: monoprogrammation {f} |
monopsony {n} /məˈnɒpsəni/ (market situation in which there is only buyer for a product) | :: monopsone {m} |
monopteral {adj} (having a single row of columns) | :: monoptère {m} {f} |
monorail {n} /ˈmɑnəɹeɪl/ (a railroad system where the trains run on one rail) | :: monorail {m} |
monorail {n} (a train running on a single rail) | :: wagon monorail {m} |
monosaccharide {n} (a simple sugar, composed of a single ring) | :: monosaccharide {m}, ose {m} |
monosemic {adj} | :: monosème |
monosemy {n} /ˈmɒ.nə(ʊ)ˌsiː.mi/ (property of terms of having single meaning) | :: monosémie {f} |
monosodium glutamate {n} (mono sodium salt of the amino acid, glutamic acid) | :: glutamate monosodique {m}, glutamate de sodium {m} |
monostable {adj} (electronics: having more than one state, only one of which is stable) | :: monostable |
monosyllabic {adj} /ˌmɒnə(ʊ)sɪˈlabɪk/ (consisting of one syllable) | :: monosyllabe, monosyllabique |
monosyllabic {adj} (using monosyllables) | :: monosyllabique |
monosyllable {n} (a word of one syllable) | :: monosyllabe {m} |
monotheism {n} (belief in one God) | :: monothéisme {m} |
monotheist {n} (a believer in, or advocate of, monotheism) | :: monothéiste |
monotheistic {adj} /ˌmɑnəθiˈɪstɪk/ (believing in a single god) | :: monothéiste |
monothematic {adj} (composed of a single traditional name element) | :: monothématique {m} {f} |
monotherapy {n} | :: monothérapie |
monotonic {adj} /ˌmɑnəˈtɑnɪk/ (mathematics: never decreasing or increasing as its independent variable increases) | :: monotone {m} {f} |
monotonic function {n} (type of function) | :: fonction monotone {f} |
monotonicity {n} (mathematics, physics: the state of being monotonic) | :: monotonie {f} |
monotonize {v} | :: monotoniser |
monotonous {adj} /məˈnɑtənəs/ | :: monotone, ennuyeux |
monotony {n} /məˈnɑtəni/ (tedium) | :: monotonie {f} |
monotown {n} | :: monoville {f} |
monotreme {n} (egg-laying mammal) | :: monotrème {m} |
monotypic {adj} /ˌmɒ.nə.ˈtɪ.pɪk/ (Relating to monotypy) | :: monotypique |
monovular {adj} (derived from the same ovum) | :: monovulaire, mono-ovulaire |
monoxide {n} (oxide containing a single oxygen atom) | :: protoxyde |
monozygotic {adj} (of an identical twin) SEE: identical | :: |
mons {n} (mons pubis) SEE: mons pubis | :: |
Mons {prop} (city) | :: Mons |
Monsignor {n} /mɑnˈsiː.njɚ/ (ecclesiastic title bestowed on some Roman Catholic clerics by the Pope) | :: Monseigneur |
monsoon {n} /mɒnˈsuːn/ (wind) | :: mousson {f} |
monsoon {n} (tropical rainy season, see also: monsoon season) | :: mousson {f} |
mons pubis {n} /ˌmɒnz ˈpjubɪs/ (fleshy protuberance over the pubic bones) | :: mont de Vénus {m} |
monster {n} /ˈmɑnstɚ/ (terrifying dangerous creature) | :: monstre {m} |
monster {n} (a prodigy) | :: bête {f}, monstre {m} |
monster {adj} (very large) | :: monstrueux |
monster truck {n} (truck designed to perform in monster truck shows) | :: monster truck {m}, camion monstre {m} [Quebec] |
monstrance {n} /ˈmɑnztɹəns/ (ornamental in which the consecrated host is placed for veneration) | :: ostensoir {m} |
monstrosity {n} /mɒnˈstɹɒsɪti/ (Monstrous thing, person or act) | :: monstruosité {f} |
monstrosity {n} (State of being monstrous) | :: monstruosité {f} |
monstrous {adj} /ˈmɑnstɹəs/ (hideous or frightful) | :: monstrueux |
monstrous {adj} (enormously large) | :: monstrueux |
montage {n} /mɒnˈtɑːʒ/ (composite work created by assembling other elements) | :: montage {m} |
Montagnais {prop} (Algonquian language) | :: montagnais {m} |
Montagu's harrier {n} (bird of prey) | :: busard cendré {m} |
Montanism {n} /ˈmɒntənɪz(ə)m/ (the doctrines of a heretical sect of the second to fifth centuries in Asia Minor, who held millenarian beliefs) | :: montanisme {m} |
Montanist {n} (a follower of Montanism) | :: montaniste {m} {f} |
Mont Blanc {prop} /ˌmɑn ˈblɑŋk/ (the highest mountain in Europe) | :: mont Blanc {m}, Mont-Blanc {m} |
Monte Carlo {prop} (a part of Monaco) | :: Monte-Carlo |
Montego Bay {prop} (city) | :: Montego Bay |
Montenegrin {adj} /ˌmɒntɪˈniːɡɹɪn/ (relating to Montenegro) | :: monténégrin |
Montenegrin {n} (person from Montenegro) | :: Monténégrin {m}, Monténégrine {f} |
Montenegro {prop} /ˌmɑn.təˈneɪ.ɡɹoʊ/ (country in Europe) | :: Monténégro {m} |
Monterey cypress {n} (tree native to California) | :: cyprès de Lambert {m}, cyprès de Monterey |
Montevideo {prop} /ˌmɒntɪvɪˈdeɪəʊ/ (capital of Uruguay) | :: Montevideo {m} |
Montferrat {prop} /ˌmɒntfəˈɹat/ (territory of Piedmont, Italy) | :: Montferrat {m} |
month {n} /mʌnθ/ (period into which a year is divided) | :: mois {m} |
monthiversary {n} (commemorative event taking place monthly) SEE: mensiversary | :: |
monthly {adj} /ˈmʌnθli/ (Occurring every month) | :: mensuel |
monthly {adv} (Occurring every month) | :: mensuel, mensuellement |
month of Sundays {n} | :: long comme un jour sans pain |
montmorillonite {n} (a type of smectite clay) | :: montmorillonite {f} |
Montpellier {prop} /mɒnˈpɛlieɪ/ (a city in France) | :: Montpellier {m} |
Montreal {prop} /ˌmɑntɹiˈɔl/ (a city in Quebec) | :: Montréal {m} |
Montreal {prop} (an island in Quebec) | :: Montréal |
Montrealer {n} (person from Montreal) | :: Montréalais {m}, Montréalaise {f} |
Montreal melon {n} (muskmelon from Montreal, QC, Can.) | :: melon de Montréal {m} |
Montreal steak spice {n} | :: assaisonnement à steak de Montréal, épices à steak de Montréal, épices à bifteck de Montreal, assaisonnement à bifteck de Montreal |
Montserrat {prop} /mɒn(t)səˈɹæt/ (island) | :: Montserrat {m} |
Montserratian {n} (person from Montserrat) | :: Montserratien {m}, Montserratienne {f} |
monument {n} /ˈmɑnjʊmənt/ (structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons) | :: monument {m}, mémorial |
monumentality {n} (the quality or state of being monumental) | :: monumentalité {f} |
moo {n} /mu/ (characteristic sound made by a cow or bull) | :: meuglement {m}, beuglement {m} |
moo {v} (to make a lowing sound) | :: meugler, beugler, mugir |
moo {interj} (sound made by a cow or bull) | :: meuh |
MOOC {n} /muːk/ (Massive Open Online Course) | :: CLOM |
mooch {v} /muːtʃ/ (wander around aimlessly) | :: errer |
mooch {n} (moocher) SEE: moocher | :: |
moocher {n} (a person having a tendency to repeatedly ask help of others) | :: tapeur {m}, tapeuse {f} |
mood {n} /muːd/ (mental state) | :: humeur {f} |
mood {n} (bad mood) | :: mauvaise humeur {f}, humeur {f} |
mood {n} (disposition (see also in the mood)) | :: humeur {f} |
mood {n} (prevalent atmosphere) | :: atmosphère {f}, ambiance {f} |
mood {n} (grammatical mood) SEE: grammatical mood | :: |
moody {adj} /ˈmuːdi/ (Given to sudden or frequent changes of mind; temperamental) | :: lunatique |
moody {adj} (sulky or depressed) | :: mélancolique |
moody {adj} (dour, gloomy or brooding) | :: lugubre, taciturne, mélancolique |
moola {n} /ˈmuːˌlɑː/ (informal: money) | :: blé, oseille, pognon, thune, moula {f} |
moo-moo {n} ((childish) cow) | :: meumeu {f} |
moon {n} (largest natural satellite of planet Earth) | :: lune {f} |
moon {n} (any substantially sized natural satellite of a planet) | :: lune {f} |
moon {n} (month) | :: lune [poetic], mois {m} |
moon {v} (to display one's buttocks to) | :: montrer sa lune |
Moon {prop} (sole natural satellite of the Earth) | :: lune {f}, Lune {f} |
moon bag {n} (pouch) | :: banane {f} |
moonbase {n} (a base located on a moon) | :: base lunaire {f} |
moonbeam {n} (moonlight generally) SEE: moonlight | :: |
moonbounce {n} (bouncing castle) SEE: bouncing castle | :: |
moonbow {n} (Meteorological phenomenon) | :: arc-en-ciel lunaire {m} |
mooncake {n} (Chinese pastry) | :: gâteau de lune {m} |
moondial {n} (instrument for telling time) | :: cadran lunaire {m} |
moonfish {n} (any of various flat, oval marine fish species) | :: sélène {f} |
mooning {n} (Act of showing one's buttocks) | :: mooning {m} |
moon landing {n} (arrival of a spacecraft on the moon) | :: alunissage {m} |
moon letter {n} (moon letter) | :: lettre lunaire {f} |
moonlight {n} /ˈmunˌlaɪt/ (light reflected from the moon) | :: clair de lune {m} |
moonlight {v} (to work at a secondary job) | :: travailler au noir, avoir une double casquette, cumuler |
moonlighter {n} (person who works a second job) | :: travailleur au noir {m}, travailleuse au noir {f}, cumulard {m} |
moonlighting {n} (period of working on the side) | :: travail au noir {m}, travail dissimulé {m} |
moonquake {n} (lunar seismic event) | :: tremblement de lune {m} |
moonraker {n} /ˈmuːn.ɹeɪ.kɚ/ (small, light sail high on a mast) | :: cacatois, perruche, bonnette |
moonrise {n} (The time of day or night when the moon begins to rise over the horizon) | :: lever de lune {m} |
moonset {n} (the setting of the moon below the horizon) | :: coucher de lune {m} |
moonshine {n} /ˈmuːnʃaɪn/ (illicit liquor) | :: alcool de contrebande {m} |
moonshine {n} (shine of the moon) SEE: moonlight | :: |
moonsickle {n} /ˈmuːnˌsɪkl̩/ (thin crescent of the moon) | :: croissant de lune {m} |
moonstone {n} (translucent gemstone) | :: pierre de lune |
moonstruck {adj} (crazy or insane when affected by the phases of the Moon) | :: lunatique {m} {f} |
moonwalk {n} /ˈmunwɔk/ (dance style) | :: moonwalk {m} |
moor {n} /moː/ (region with poor, marshy soil, peat and heath) | :: lande {f} |
moor {v} (to cast anchor or become fastened) | :: mouiller, amarrer, ancrer |
moor {v} (to fix or secure, as a vessel, in a particular place by casting anchor, or by fastening with cables or chains) | :: ancrer (with an anchor), amarrer (with ropes or cables) |
moor {v} | :: amarrer |
Moor {n} /mʊ(ə)ɹ/ (a member of a certain mixed race of Arab and Berber people) | :: Maure {m} {f} |
Moor {n} (a member of a this race that formerly occupied Spain) | :: Maure {m} {f} |
Moore's law {prop} (empirical observation) | :: loi de Moore {f} |
moorhen {n} /ˈmuɹ.hɛn/ (water birds of the genus Gallinula) | :: poule d'eau {f} |
mooring {n} (act of securing a vessel) | :: amarrage {m} |
Moorish {adj} /ˈmʊɹ.ɪʃ/ (of or pertaining to Moors) | :: mauresque |
moorland {n} (land covered with heather or bracken) | :: lande {f}, bruyère {f}, brande |
moose {n} /muːs/ (largest member of the deer family (Alces alces)) | :: élan {m} d'Amérique [Europe], orignal {m} [North America] |
moot {n} (debate) SEE: debate | :: |
moot {n} (discuss) SEE: discuss | :: |
moot {adj} /muːt/ (subject to discussion) | :: discutable |
moot {adj} (having no practical importance) | :: non pertinent, stérile, vain |
moot point {n} (issue that is open for debate) | :: contentieux {m} |
mop {n} /mɑp/ (implement for washing floors) | :: serpillière {f}, [Quebec] vadrouille {f}, [Quebec] mop {f}, torchon [Belgium] |
mop {n} (a grimace) | :: grimace {f} |
mop {n} (head of hair) | :: tignasse {f} |
moped {n} /ˈmoʊ.pɛd/ (two-wheeled vehicle) | :: vélomoteur {m}, cyclomoteur {m}, mobylette {f}, mob {f} |
Mopsuestia {prop} (ancient city) | :: Mopsuestie |
mop up {v} (To fix problems; to correct or repair) | :: arranger les choses, faire le ménage |
moraine {n} /məˈɹeɪn/ (accumulation of rocks and debris) | :: moraine {f} |
moral {adj} /ˈmɒɹəl/ (relating to principles of right and wrong) | :: moral |
moral {adj} (conforming to a standard of right behavior) | :: moral |
moral {adj} (capable of right and wrong action) | :: moral {m} |
moral {n} (the moral significance or practical lesson) | :: moralité {f} |
moral {n} (moral practices or teachings) | :: morale {f} |
moral code {n} (set of rules prescribing behavior) | :: code moral {m} |
morale {n} /məˈɹæl/ (capacity) | :: moral {m} |
moral hazard {n} (prospect that a party insulated from risk may behave differently from the way it would behave if it were fully exposed to the risk) | :: hasard moral {m} |
moralism {n} /ˈmɒɹəlɪzm/ (Act or practice of moralizing) | :: moralisme {m} |
morality {n} /məˈɹælɪti/ (recognition of / obedience to the rules of right conduct) | :: moralité {f} |
morality {n} | :: moralité |
moral panic {n} (mass movement, public outcry) | :: panique morale, tollé public |
moral philosophy {n} (ethics) SEE: ethics | :: |
moral support {n} (assistance given to a person or cause) | :: soutien moral {m} |
morass {n} /məˈɹæs/ (tract of soft, wet ground) | :: marais, marécage |
moratorium {n} /ˌmɔ.ɹəˈtɔ.ɹi.əm/ (authorization permitting temporary suspension of payments) | :: moratoire {m} |
moratorium {n} (suspension of an ongoing activity) | :: moratoire {m} |
Moravia {prop} /mɔˈɹeɪvi.ə/ (historical region) | :: Moravie {f} |
Moravian {adj} (pertaining to Moravia) | :: morave {m} {f} |
Moravian {n} (person from Moravia) | :: Morave {m} {f} |
Moravian {n} (member of the Moravian Church) | :: frère morave |
moray {n} (eels of the family Muraenidae) | :: murène {f} |
moray eel {n} (brightly colored marine eel) SEE: moray | :: |
morbid {adj} /ˈmɔɹ.bɪd/ | :: morbide, macabre, malsain, pathologique |
morbidity {n} | :: morbidité |
Morbihan {prop} (département) | :: Morbihan |
mordacious {adj} | :: mordant, mordicant, corrosif, caustique |
mordant {v} /mɔː(ɹ)dənt/ (to subject to a mordant) | :: amordancer |
Mordecai {prop} /ˈmɔː(ɹ)dəkaɪ̯/ (a Biblical character in the Book of Esther) | :: Mardochée {m} |
Mordovia {prop} (republic of Russia) | :: Mordovie {f} |
Mordred {prop} (in Arthurian legend, the son of King Arthur) | :: Mordred |
Mordvinia {prop} (republic of Russia) SEE: Mordovia | :: |
more {determiner} /ˈmɔɹ/ (comparative of many) | :: plus |
more {determiner} (comparative of much) | :: plus |
more {adv} (comparative of much) | :: plus, davantage de |
more {adv} (word to form a comparative) | :: plus |
Morea {prop} (historical name for the modern Peloponnese) | :: Morée {f} |
more and more {adv} (progressively more) | :: de plus en plus |
more and more {adv} | :: de plus en plus |
more and more {determiner} | :: de plus en plus de |
more Catholic than the Pope {adj} (adhering more stringently to Roman Catholic practice than is required) | :: plus catholique que le pape |
more haste, less speed {proverb} (when one is in a hurry, one often ends up completing a task more slowly) | :: il ne faut pas confondre vitesse et précipitation |
morel {n} /məˈɹɛl/ (genus Morchella) | :: morille {f} |
more or less {adv} (approximately) | :: peu ou prou, plus ou moins |
more or less {adv} (almost) | :: plus ou moins, presque |
moreover {adv} /mɔɹˈoʊvɚ/ (in addition to what has been said) | :: de plus, en plus, au surplus, en outre, de surcroît, par surcroît, par ailleurs, d'ailleurs, d'un autre côté, d'autre part, au reste, du reste, pour le reste, au demeurant, aussi, qui plus est |
morepork {n} /ˈmɔːpɔːk/ (Ninox novaeseelandiae) | :: ninoxe boubouk {f} |
mores {n} /ˈmɔː.ɹeɪz/ (a set of accepted moral norms or customs) | :: mœurs {f-p}, coutumes {f-p} |
Morgan {prop} /ˈmɔɹɡən/ (female given name) | :: Morgane |
morganatic {adj} /mɔɹɡəˈnætɪk/ | :: morganatique |
Morgan le Fay {prop} /ˌmɔːɡən lə ˈfeɪ/ (half sister of King Arthur) | :: Morgane la fée {f}, fée Morgane {f}, Morgane {f} |
morgue {n} /mɔɹɡ/ (place for dead people) | :: morgue |
morgue {n} (haughty attitude) SEE: arrogance | :: |
moribund {adj} /ˈmɔːɹɪbʌnd/ (approaching death) | :: moribond, mourant |
morion {n} /ˈmɒɹɪən/ (type of helmet) | :: morion |
Mormon {prop} /ˈmɔɹmən/ (ancient prophet) | :: Mormon |
Mormon {n} (member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) | :: Mormon {m} |
Mormon {adj} (pertaining to the faith established by Joseph Smith, Jr) | :: mormon |
Mormonism {prop} (religious aspects of the Latter-day Saint movement) | :: mormonisme {m} |
morna {n} /məʊˈɹnɑ/ (a genre of Cape Verdean music) | :: morna |
Morneau {prop} | :: Morneau |
morning {n} /ˈmɔɹnɪŋ/ (part of the day between dawn and midday) | :: matin {m}, matinée {f}; avant-midi {m} [Canada] |
morning {n} (the part of the day after midnight and before midday) | :: matin {m}, matinée {f} |
morning after {n} (hangover) SEE: hangover | :: |
morning-after pill {n} (type of contraceptive pill) | :: pilule du lendemain {f} |
morning dress {n} (man's formal suit) | :: jaquette {f} |
morning glory {n} (erection present on waking) SEE: morning wood | :: |
morning glory {n} (plant) | :: ipomée, volubilis, belle-de-jour {f} |
morning person {n} (early bird) SEE: early bird | :: |
morning sickness {n} (early morning nausea from pregnancy) | :: nausée matinale {f} |
morning star {n} (planet Venus as seen around dawn) | :: étoile du matin {f} |
Morning Star {prop} (planet Venus as seen around dawn) | :: étoile du matin {f} |
morning tent {n} (morning erection) SEE: morning wood | :: |
morning wood {n} (morning erection) | :: gaule du matin {f}, érection matinale {f} |
Moroccan {n} (person from Morocco) | :: Marocain {m}, Marocaine {f} |
Moroccan {adj} (pertaining to Morocco) | :: marocain |
Morocco {prop} /məˈɹɒkəʊ/ (country) | :: Maroc {m} |
moron {n} /ˈmɔːɹɒn/ (person of borderline intelligence) | :: attardé, crétin {m}, demeuré {m} |
moron {n} (person who makes uncool attempts to impress others) | :: andouille {f} |
moron {n} (idiot) SEE: idiot | :: |
Moron {prop} (Commune in Haiti) | :: Moron |
Moroni {prop} /məˈɹoʊnaɪ/ (Book of Mormon prophet and leader) | :: Moroni |
morose {adj} /mɒˈɹoʊs/ (sullen, gloomy; showing a brooding ill humour) | :: sombre |
moroseness {n} | :: morosité {f} |
morph {n} (allomorph) SEE: allomorph | :: |
morpheme {n} /ˈmɔː(ɹ)fiːm/ (smallest linguistic unit) | :: morphème {m} |
Morpheus {prop} /ˈmɔɹfjuːs/ (Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams) | :: Morphée |
morphine {n} /ˈmɔː.fiːn/ (crystalline alkaloid) | :: morphine {f} |
morphism {n} | :: morphisme |
morphoclimatic {adj} | :: morphoclimatique {f} |
morphogenic {adj} (of or pertaining to a morphogen, morphogene or to morphogenesis) | :: morphogénique |
morphogeny {n} (history of the evolution of forms; that part of ontogeny that deals with the germ history of forms, distinguished from physiogeny) | :: morphogénie {f} |
morphological {adj} /ˌmɔːfəˈlɒd͡ʒɪkəl/ (relating to morphology) | :: morphologique |
morphologically {adv} (with regard to morphology) | :: morphologiquement |
morphology {n} /mɔɹˈfɑlədʒi/ (a scientific study of form and structure) | :: morphologie {f} |
morphology {n} (biological study of the form and structure) | :: morphologie |
morphology {n} (linguistic study of the form and structure) | :: morphologie {f} |
morphometric {adj} (of or pertaining to morphometrics) | :: morphométrique |
morphophonemic {adj} (relating to morphophonemes or morphophonemics) | :: morphophonémique |
morphophonology {n} | :: morphophonologie {f} |
morphoplasm {n} (kinoplasm, trophoplasm) | :: morphoplasme {m} |
morphopsychology {n} | :: morphopsychologie {f} |
morphosyntactic {adj} (pertaining to morphosyntax) | :: morphosyntaxique |
morphosyntactical {adj} (morphosyntactic) | :: morphosyntaxique |
morphosyntax {n} | :: morphosyntaxe {f} |
Morris column {n} (pillar for advertisements) | :: colonne Morris {f} |
morrow {n} /ˈmɔɹoʊ/ (the next or following day) | :: lendemain {m} |
morrow {n} (morning) | :: matin {m} |
Morse code {prop} (character code) | :: code Morse {m}, alphabet Morse {m} |
morsel {n} /ˈmɔɹsəl/ (small fragment) | :: morceau {m} |
mortal {adj} /ˈmɔːtəl/ (susceptible to death) | :: mortel |
mortal {adj} (causing death; deadly; fatal; killing) | :: mortel |
mortal {n} (human; someone susceptible to death) | :: mortel {m}, mortelle {f} |
mortality {n} /mɔɹˈtælɪti/ (condition of being susceptible to death) | :: mortalité {f}, condition mortelle {f} |
mortally {adv} (lethally) SEE: lethally | :: |
mortal sin {n} (grave sin) | :: péché grave {m} |
mortar {n} /ˈmɔːtə(ɹ)/ (mixture of lime or cement, sand and water) | :: mortier {m} |
mortar {n} (short large-bore cannon) | :: mortier {m} |
mortar {n} (vessel used to grind ingredients) | :: mortier {m} |
mortar and pestle {n} (device used for crushing and grinding ingredients into a fine paste or powder) | :: mortier et pilon {m} |
mortgage {n} /ˈmɔɹ.ɡɪdʒ/ (special form of secured loan) | :: hypothèque {f} |
mortgage {v} (to borrow against a property) | :: hypothéquer |
mortician {n} (undertaker) SEE: undertaker | :: |
mortify {v} /ˈmɔɹtɪfaɪ/ (to discipline by suppressing desires) | :: mortifier, macérer |
mortise {n} /ˈmɔː(ɹ).tɪs/ (a hole for a tenon) | :: mortaise {f} |
mortise-and-tenon joint {n} (joint) | :: tenon et mortaise |
mortmain {n} /ˈmɔɹt.meɪn/ (inalienable possession of lands) | :: mainmorte {f} |
mortuary {n} (morgue) SEE: morgue | :: |
mosaic {n} /moʊˈzeɪɪk/ (artwork) | :: mosaïque {f} |
mosaic {n} (genetically diverse individual) | :: mosaïque {f} |
mosaic {n} (viral disease) | :: mosaïque {f} |
Mosaic {adj} (Of or relating to Moses) | :: mosaïque |
mosaicist {n} (person who designs or builds mosaics) | :: mosaïste {m} {f} |
mosaiculture {n} | :: mosaïculture |
Moscovian {n} (subdivision of the Carboniferous period) | :: Moscovien {m} |
moscovium {n} /mɒˈskəʊ.vi.əm/ (115th element) | :: moscovium {m} |
Moscow {prop} /ˈmɑskaʊ/ (capital city of Russia) | :: Moscou {f} |
Moscow salad {n} (Olivier salad) SEE: Olivier salad | :: |
Moselle {prop} (river) | :: Moselle {f} |
Moselle {prop} (department) | :: Moselle {f} |
Moses {prop} /ˈmoʊzəz/ (the biblical patriarch) | :: Moïse {m} |
Moses basket {n} (basket) | :: moïse {m} |
mosque {n} /mɑsk/ (a place of worship for Muslims) | :: mosquée {f} |
mosquito {n} /məˈski.toʊ/ (small flying insect of the family Culicidae, known for biting and sucking blood) | :: moustique {m} |
mosquito bite {n} (visible bump of inflamed skin) | :: piqûre de moustique {f}, bouton de moustique {m} |
mosquito bite {n} (event of a mosquito bite) | :: piqûre de moustique {f} |
mosquito fern {n} (aquatic fern) | :: azolla {f} |
mosquito net {n} (fine net used to protect against mosquitos) | :: moustiquaire {f} |
moss {n} (bog) SEE: bog | :: |
moss {n} /mɔs/ (plants of the division Bryophyta) | :: mousse {f} |
moss {n} (a kind or species of such plants) | :: mousse {f} |
moss animal {n} (bryozoan) SEE: bryozoan | :: |
moss-grown {adj} (old; old-fashioned, out of date) SEE: old | :: |
mossy {n} /ˈmɑːsi/ (covered in or overgrown with moss) | :: moussu {m}, moussue {f} |
most {determiner} /ˈməʊst/ (majority of) | :: la plupart de |
most {adv} (forming the superlative) | :: le plus {m}, la plus {f}, les plus {p} |
most {adv} (highly) | :: très, extrêmement |
most {adv} (almost) SEE: almost | :: |
Most High {prop} (title of God) | :: Très-Haut {m} |
mostly {adv} /ˈmoʊstli/ (for the most part) | :: surtout, majoritairement |
most of all {adv} (to a greater extent than anything else) | :: plus que tout, par-dessus tout |
most significant bit {n} (bit of the largest order) | :: bit le plus significatif |
Mosul {prop} /ˈməʊsəl/ (city) | :: Mossoul |
MOT {n} /ɛm.əʊ.tiː/ (annual test of roadworthiness for cars) | :: contrôle technique |
mote {n} /moʊt/ (A small particle; a speck) | :: atome {m} |
motel {n} /moʊˈtɛl/ (type of hotel) | :: motel {m} |
motet {n} (a composition adapted to sacred words in the elaborate polyphonic church style) | :: motet {m} |
moth {n} /mɔθ/ (insect similar to a butterfly) | :: mite {f}, papillon de nuit {m}, phalène {m} {f} |
mothball {n} /mɒθbɔːl/ (small ball) | :: boule de naphtaline {f} |
moth-eaten {adj} (containing moth holes) | :: mangé aux mites |
moth-eaten {adj} (old and in poor condition) | :: mangé aux mites |
mother {n} (motherfucker) SEE: motherfucker | :: |
mother {v} /ˈmʌðə(ɹ)/ (to treat as a mother would be expected to) | :: materner |
mother {n} (hysterical passion) SEE: hysteria | :: |
mother {n} (female (human) who parents a child, gives birth to a baby, or is pregnant) | :: mère {f} |
mother {n} (one’s female parent) | :: mère {f} |
motherboard {n} /ˈmʌðɚˌbɔɹd/ (primary circuit board of a computer) | :: carte mère {f}, carte principale {f}, carte de fond de panier {f} |
Mother Earth {prop} (personification of Earth) | :: Terre-Mère {f} |
motherese {n} (motherese) | :: mamanais {m} |
motherfucker {n} /ˈmʌðəˌfʌkə/ (generic term of abuse) | :: fils de pute (son of a bitch), enculé de ta mère, connard {m}, connasse {f}, brassière |
motherfucking {adj} /ˈmʌðə(ɹ)ˌfʌkɪŋ/ (an intensifier) | :: astie de [Quebec], fils de pute de, putain de, saloperie de, tabarnak de [Quebec] |
mother hen {n} (overprotective woman) | :: mère poule {f} |
motherhood {n} /ˈmʌðəhʊd/ (state of being a mother) | :: maternité {f} |
motherhood {n} | :: maternité {f} |
motherhouse {n} (religious monastery from which the other houses were founded) | :: maison mère {f} |
mother-in-law {n} /ˈmʌ.ðəɹ.ɪnˌlɑː/ (spouse’s mother) | :: belle-mère {f} |
motherland {n} /ˈmʌðɚˌlænd/ (the country of one's ancestors) | :: patrie {f} |
mother-naked {adj} (in the buff) SEE: in the buff | :: |
Mother Nature {prop} (the personification of Nature and the Earth's biosphere as a woman) | :: Mère Nature {f} |
Mother of God {prop} (mother of Jesus Christ) | :: Mère de Dieu {f} |
mother-of-pearl {n} (pearly layer) | :: nacre {f} |
Mother Russia {prop} (national personification of Russia) | :: Mère Russie {f} |
Mother's Day {n} (a day in honor of one's mother or all mothers, on whichever day) | :: fête des Mères {f} |
mother ship {n} (vessel that serves a smaller vessel) | :: vaisseau mère {m}, navire amiral |
mother's milk {n} (breast milk) SEE: breast milk | :: |
mother superior {n} (nun in charge of a convent) | :: mère supérieure {f} |
Mother Teresa {prop} (nun) | :: mère Teresa {f} |
mother-to-be {n} (pregnant woman) | :: future mère {f} |
mother tongue {n} /ˈmʌð.ə ˌtʌŋ/ (one's native tongue) | :: langue maternelle {f} |
motherwort {n} (Artemisia vulgaris) SEE: mugwort | :: |
motif {n} /moʊˈtiːf/ (recurring or dominant element; a theme) | :: motif {m} |
motif {n} (music: short melodic passage that is repeated in several parts of a work) | :: motif {m} |
motif {n} (decorative figure that is repeated in a design) | :: motif {m} |
motif {n} (nucleotide or amino-acid sequence pattern) | :: motif |
motile {adj} /ˈməʊtaɪl/ (Having the power to move spontaneously) | :: motile |
motion {n} /ˈməʊʃən/ (state of progression from one place to another) | :: mouvement {m} |
motion {n} (change of place or position) | :: mouvement {m} |
motion {n} (parliamentary proposal) | :: motion {f} |
motion capture {n} (use sensors to track and record the position, velocity, acceleration and impulse of a movement) | :: capture de mouvement |
motionless {adj} /ˈmoʊʃənlɛs/ (at rest, not moving) | :: immobile |
motion picture {n} (movie) SEE: movie | :: |
motion sickness {n} (nausea or dizziness in a moving vehicle) | :: cinétose {f}, mal des transports {m}, cinépathie {f}, nausée {f} |
motivate {v} /ˈmoʊtɪveɪt/ (to encourage) | :: motiver |
motivated {adj} (Enthusiastic; having motivation) | :: motivé |
motivation {n} (willingness of action especially in behavior) | :: motivation {f} |
motive {n} /ˈməʊtɪv/ (a cause to commit a crime) | :: motif {m}, mobile {m} |
motive {n} (music: theme or subject) | :: thème {m}, motif {m} |
motive {n} (arts: motif) | :: motif {m} |
motive {v} (to prompt or incite) | :: motiver |
motive {adj} (causing motion) | :: moteur |
motive {adj} (Relating to motion and/or to its cause) | :: mobile {m} {f}, mouvant |
mot juste {n} /məʊˈʒuːst/ (perfectly appropriate word or phrase) | :: mot juste {m} |
motmot {n} (Bird in the taxonomic family Momotidae) | :: motmot {m} |
motocross {n} (off-road motorbike racing) | :: motocross {m} |
motor {n} /ˈməʊtə/ (machine that converts other energy forms into mechanical energy) | :: moteur {m} |
motorbiker {n} (motorcyclist) SEE: motorcyclist | :: |
motorboat {n} (boat driven by an engine) | :: canot automobile {m}, bateau à moteur {m} |
motorcade {n} (procession of cars) | :: cortège motorisé {m} |
motorcar {n} (enclosed passenger vehicle powered by engine) SEE: automobile | :: |
motor caravan {n} (motor home, recreational vehicle) SEE: motor home | :: |
motorcycle {n} /ˈməʊtəˌsaikəl/ (open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars instead of a steering wheel) | :: moto {f}, motocyclette {f}, motocycle {m} |
motorcycle sport {n} (The sport of racing with motorcycles) | :: motocyclisme {m} |
motorcyclist {n} (someone who rides a motorcycle) | :: motard {m} |
motor home {n} (recreational home on wheels) | :: camping-car |
motoring {n} (car driving) | :: automobilisme {m} |
motorist {n} (one who drives a motor vehicle) | :: automobiliste {m} {f} |
motorization {n} (the act of motorizing something) | :: motorisation {f} |
motor racing {n} (auto racing) | :: courses d'automobiles {f-p} |
motor unit {n} (neuron and fibres) | :: unité motrice {f} |
motor vehicle {n} (any land-based means of transportation) | :: véhicule automobile {m} |
motorway {n} /ˈməʊtəweɪ/ (broad highway) | :: autoroute {f} |
mottled {adj} /ˈmɑt əld/ (spotted) | :: tacheté, marbré |
mottled duck {n} (Anas fulvigula) | :: canard brun {m} |
motto {n} /ˈmɑt.oʊ/ (sentence, phrase or word forming part of an heraldic achievement) | :: devise {f} |
motto {n} (suggestive sentence, phrase or word) | :: devise {f} |
mouflon {n} /ˈmuːf.lɑːn/ (sheep) | :: mouflon {m} |
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold | :: |
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold | :: |
mould {n} (mould) SEE: mold | :: |
mould {v} (mould) SEE: mold | :: |
mouldwarp {n} (mole) SEE: mole | :: |
mouldy {adj} (neglected) SEE: neglected | :: |
mouldy {adj} /ˈmoʊldi/ (covered with mould) | :: moisi |
moulin {n} /ˈmuːlan/ (cylindrical, vertical shaft that extends through a glacier) | :: moulin {m} |
moult {n} /moʊlt/ (process) | :: mue {f} |
moult {n} (skin or feathers cast off) | :: mue {f} |
moult {v} (to shed hair, feathers, skin, horns etc., as an animal) | :: muer |
moult {v} (to shed in such a manner (transitive form)) | :: muer |
moulting {n} | :: mue {f} |
mound {n} /maʊnd/ (artificial elevation of earth) | :: butte {f}, monticule {m} |
mound {n} (natural elevation) | :: tertre {m} |
mound {n} (baseball term) | :: monticule {m} |
mound {v} (fortify with a mound) | :: butter |
mound {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva | :: |
mount {n} (mountain) SEE: mountain | :: |
mount {n} /maʊnt/ (palmistry: prominence) | :: éminence {f} |
mount {n} (horse) | :: monture {f} |
mount {n} (a mounting) | :: monture {f}, support {m} |
mount {n} (rider in cavalry) | :: cavalier {m} |
mount {v} (to get upon; to ascend; to climb) | :: monter, grimper |
mount {v} (to place oneself on a horse, bicycle etc. to ride) | :: chevaucher, enfourcher |
mount {v} (to cause something to rise or ascend) | :: monter |
mount {v} (to rise on high) | :: élever |
mount {v} (to attach an object to a support) | :: monter |
mount {v} (computing: to attach a drive or device) | :: monter |
mount {v} (to increase in quantity or intensity) | :: augmenter, progresser |
mount {v} (to attain in value; to amount to) | :: s'élever |
mount {v} (to get on top of an animal to mate) | :: monter, [colloquial] sauter |
mount {v} (to have sexual intercourse with someone) | :: [colloquial] sauter, [vulgar] se taper, [vulgar] se cogner |
mount {v} (to begin an assault, campaign etc.) | :: lancer |
mountain {n} /ˈmaʊntɪn/ (large mass of earth and rock) | :: montagne {f}, mont {m} |
mountain ash {n} (Sorbus aucuparia) SEE: rowan | :: |
mountain bike {n} (bicycle especially designed for off-road riding) | :: vélo tout terrain {m}, VTT {m} |
mountain buzzard {n} (Buteo oreophilus) | :: buse montagnarde {f} |
mountain chain {n} (a series of mountain ranges) | :: chaîne de montagnes {f} |
mountain chickadee {n} (Poecile gambeli) | :: mésange de Gambel {f} |
mountain climbing {n} (mountaineering) SEE: mountaineering | :: |
mountaineer {n} /ˌmaʊn.tɪnˈɪɹ/ (one who climbs mountains for sport or pleasure) | :: alpiniste {m} {f} |
mountaineer {n} (someone who lives in a mountainous area) | :: montagnard {m}, montagnarde {f} |
mountaineering {n} (sport) | :: alpinisme {m} |
mountain goat {n} (Oreamnos americanus) | :: chèvre des montagnes Rocheuses {f} |
mountain lion {n} (Puma concolor) SEE: cougar | :: |
mountainous {adj} /ˈmaʊntɪnəs/ (having many mountains) | :: montagneux |
mountainousness {n} (a mountainous condition) | :: état montagneux {m} |
mountain range {n} (line of mountains) | :: chaine de montagnes, cordillère {f} |
mountain range {n} (series of mountain lines) | :: cordillère {f} |
mountain shrike {n} (Lanius validirostris) | :: pie-grièche des Philippines {f} |
mountain sickness {n} (altitude sickness) SEE: altitude sickness | :: |
mountain zebra {n} (Equus zebra) | :: zèbre de montagne {m}, zèbre vrai {m} |
mounted {adj} /ˈmaʊntɪd/ (on horseback) | :: à cheval |
mounted police {n} (unit of the civil police) | :: police montée {f} |
Mount Everest {prop} (world’s highest mountain, located in the Himalayas) | :: mont Everest {m} |
Mount Fuji {prop} (the highest mountain in Japan) | :: mont Fuji {m}, Fuji {m}, [dated] Fujiyama {m} |
Mount Mayon {prop} /mə.ˈjɔn/ (the most active volcano in the Philippines) | :: Mayon |
Mount McKinley {prop} (Denali) SEE: Denali | :: |
Mount of Olives {prop} (mountain ridge) | :: mont des Oliviers {m}, montagne des Oliviers {f} |
mourn {v} /mʊɹn/ (express sadness for, grieve over) | :: déplorer, porter le deuil |
mournful {adj} /ˈmɔɹnfəl/ (filled with grief or sadness) | :: affligé, éploré, mélancolique, lugubre, funèbre, morne, chagrin |
mourning {n} /ˈmʊɹnɪŋ/ (act of expressing sorrow) | :: deuil {m} |
mourning {n} (expressing sorrow over death) | :: deuil |
mourning {n} (clothes worn by mourners) | :: deuil {m} |
mourning dove {n} (Zenaida macroura) | :: tourterelle triste {f} |
mouse {n} /maʊs/ (rodent of the genus Mus) | :: [mouse or rat] souris {f} |
mouse {n} (computing: input device) | :: souris {f} |
mouse {v} (to mouse around) | :: fureter |
mousehole {n} (hole through which a mouse enters a room) | :: trou de souris {m} |
mousekin {n} /ˈmaʊskɪn/ (baby mouse) | :: souriceau {m} |
mouse mat {n} (mouse pad) SEE: mouse pad | :: |
mouse pad {n} /ˈmaʊs.pæd/ (mouse pad) | :: tapis de souris {m} |
mousepad {n} (mouse pad) SEE: mouse pad | :: |
mouser {n} (cat that catches mice) | :: souricier {m} |
mousetrap {n} /ˈmaʊsˌtɹæp/ (device for killing mice) | :: piège à souris {m}, souricière {f} |
mouse wheel {n} (disc used for scrolling) | :: molette de souris {f} |
mousse {n} /muːs/ (dessert) | :: mousse {f} |
moustache {n} /ˈmʌstæʃ/ (hair on upper lip) | :: moustache {f}, bacchante {f}, [slang] charmeuses {f-p} |
moustached {adj} (having moustache) | :: moustachu |
moustachio'd {adj} (possessing a moustachio) | :: moustachu |
Moutai {prop} (kind of Chinese liquor) | :: maotai {m}, maotaijiu {m} |
mouth {n} /maʊθ/ (the opening of a creature through which food is ingested) | :: bouche {f} [human], gueule {f} [animal] |
mouth {n} (an outlet, aperture or orifice) | :: embouchure {f} |
mouth {n} (the end of a river out of which water flows) | :: embouchure {f} |
mouthful {n} (amount that will fit in a mouth) | :: gorgée {f}, bouchée {f} |
mouthguard {n} (device) | :: protège-dent {m} |
mouthly {adj} (oral) SEE: oral | :: |
mouth organ {n} (mouth organ) SEE: harmonica | :: |
mouthpiece {n} /ˈmaʊθˌpiːs/ (part of a telephone) | :: microphone {m}, micro {m} |
mouthpiece {n} (part of a wind or brass instrument) | :: embouchure {f} |
mouthpiece {n} (spokesman who speaks on behalf of someone else) | :: porte-parole {m} {m-p} {f} {f-p} [Plural pre-1990], porte-paroles {m-p} {f-p} [Plural 1990 reformed spelling] |
mouth-to-mouth {n} (resuscitation) | :: bouche-à-bouche |
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation {n} (first aid technique) | :: bouche-à-bouche {m} |
mouth ulcer {n} (aphthous ulcer) SEE: aphthous ulcer | :: |
mouthwash {n} (liquid used to clean one's mouth) | :: bain de bouche {m}, gargarisme {m} |
mouthwatering {adj} (delicious in taste) | :: alléchant {m}, appétissant {m} |
movable nu {n} | :: nu éphelcystique {m} |
movable property {n} (personal property) SEE: personal property | :: |
movable type {n} (system of printing and typography) | :: imprimerie à caractères mobiles {f} |
move {v} /muːv/ (to change place or posture; to go) | :: se mouvoir, se déplacer, bouger |
move {v} (to change residence) | :: déménager, s'installer, partir, partir s'installer |
move {v} (to change the place of a piece) | :: bouger |
move {v} (to cause to change place or posture; to set in motion) | :: déplacer |
move {v} (to excite to action) | :: inciter |
move {v} (to arouse the feelings or passions of) | :: émouvoir |
move {n} (the event of changing one's residence) | :: déménagement {m} |
move {n} (the act of moving a token on a gameboard) | :: coup {m}, mouvement {m} |
move {n} (the act of moving) SEE: movement | :: |
move away {v} | :: déménager |
move heaven and earth {v} (to go to extreme lengths) | :: remuer ciel et terre, déplacer des montagnes |
move house {v} (change place of residence) | :: déménager |
move in {v} | :: emménager |
movement {n} /ˈmuːv.mənt/ (physical motion) | :: mouvement {m} |
movement {n} (trend in various fields or social categories) | :: mouvement {m} |
movement {n} (music: division of a larger musical composition) | :: mouvement {m} |
move mountains {v} (move heaven and earth) SEE: move heaven and earth | :: |
move on {v} (to start dealing with something else) | :: passer à autre chose |
move out {v} (to vacate one's place of residence) | :: déménager |
move with the times {v} | :: vivre avec son temps |
movie {n} /ˈmuːvi/ (motion picture) | :: film {m}, œuvre cinématographique {f} |
movie {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema | :: |
moviehouse {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema | :: |
moviemaker {n} (a person who makes movies as a profession) SEE: filmmaker | :: |
moviemaking {n} (the production of movies) SEE: filmmaking | :: |
movie star {n} (star of the cinema) | :: star de cinéma {f} |
movie theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema | :: |
moving {adj} /ˈmuːvɪŋ/ (that causes someone to feel emotion) | :: émouvant, touchant |
moving spirit {n} (provider of significant impetus or guidance) | :: âme {f} |
moving walkway {n} (slow conveyor belt that transports people horizontally) | :: tapis roulant |
mow {v} /moʊ/ (to cut down) | :: couper l'herbe, faucher, tondre le gazon |
mower {n} (lawnmower) SEE: lawnmower | :: |
moxa {n} (mugwort leaves) | :: moxa {m} |
moxibustion {n} /ˌmɒksɪˈbʌst͡ʃən/ (burning of moxa against skin) | :: moxibustion {f} |
moxie {n} /ˈmɒksi/ (spirit, courage, force of character) | :: tripes {f-p} |
Mozambican {n} (person from Mozambique or of Mozambican descent) | :: Mozambicain {m}, Mozambicaine {f} |
Mozambique {prop} /ˌmoʊ.zæmˈbiːk/ (country in Southern Africa) | :: Mozambique {m} |
Mozartian {adj} (of or pertaining to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) | :: mozartien |
mozzarella {n} /mɒt.sə.ˈɹɛl.ə/ (soft Italian cheese) | :: mozzarelle {f}, mozzarella {f} |
MP3 player {n} (electronic device for playing digital audio files in the MP3 format) | :: lecteur MP3 {m} |
mph {symbol} (miles per hour) | :: mille par heure |
Mr {n} (abbreviation of mister) SEE: Mr. | :: |
Mr. {n} /ˈmɪstɚ/ (abbreviation of mister) | :: M., Mr, Monsieur {m}, monsieur {m} |
Mr. and Mrs. {n} (Title of a married couple) | :: M. et Mme |
Mérida {prop} (Spanish city) | :: Mérida |
mRNA {n} (messenger RNA) | :: ARNm |
Mrs {n} /ˈmɪs/ (title before woman's name) | :: Mme. {f}, Mme {f}, Madame {f}, madame {f} |
MRSA {n} /ˈɛm.ɑːɹ.ɛs.eɪ/ (initialism or acronym for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) | :: SARM {m} |
Mrs. Claus {prop} (Wife of Santa Claus) | :: mère Noël {f} |
Mrs. Watanabe {prop} (personification of the Japanese housewife speculators) | :: Madame Watanabe |
MSRP {n} (Manufacturer's suggested retail price) | :: PDSF, PDSC |
Mössbauer effect {n} (emission and absorption) | :: effet Mössbauer {m} |
MTC {prop} (Montreal Transit Corporation) | :: STM |
MTC {prop} (Montreal Transit Commission) | :: CTM |
MTC {prop} (Montreal Tramways Company) | :: MTC |
métier {n} /ˈmɛtjeɪ/ (calling) | :: métier |
Mtskheta-Mtianeti {prop} (region of Georgia) | :: Mtskheta-Mtianeti {f} |
mu {n} /muː/ (Greek letter) | :: mu {m} |
Muay Thai {n} /muːeɪ ˈtaɪ/ (the martial art/sport) | :: muay thaï {m} |
MUC {prop} (Montreal Urban Community) | :: CUM |
much {determiner} /mʌt͡ʃ/ (a large amount of) | :: beaucoup |
much {adv} (to a great extent) | :: beaucoup |
much ado about nothing {n} /mʌtʃ əˈduː əˈbaʊt ˈnʌθɪŋ/ (a lot of fuss) | :: beaucoup de bruit pour rien |
much obliged {interj} (thank you) SEE: thank you | :: |
much obliged {adj} (grateful) SEE: grateful | :: |
much of a muchness {phrase} (little difference between multiple things) | :: bonnet blanc, blanc bonnet, kif-kif, c’est du pareil au même |
muck {n} /mʌk/ (slimy mud) | :: boue, gadoue |
muck {n} (soft manure) | :: fumier |
muckamuck {n} (person in a position of authority) SEE: big cheese | :: |
muckraker {n} (A scandal-mongering person who is not driven by any social principle) | :: fouille-merde {m} {f} |
mucoproteinuria {n} | :: mucoprotéinurie {f} |
mucosa {n} (mucous membrane) SEE: mucous membrane | :: |
mucous {adj} /ˈmjuːkəs/ (pertaining to mucus) | :: muqueux |
mucous membrane {n} (membrane which secretes mucus) | :: muqueuse {f} |
MUCTC {prop} (Montreal Urban Community Transit Corporation) | :: STCUM |
MUCTC {prop} (Montreal Urban Community Transit Commission) | :: CTCUM |
mucus {n} /ˈmjuːkəs/ (slippery secretion) | :: mucus {m} |
mud {n} /mʌd/ (mixture of soil and water) | :: boue {f}, fange {f} |
mud {n} (wilful remarks or claims) | :: boue {f} |
mud {v} (to make muddy) | :: embouer |
mudded {adj} (covered with mud) | :: boueux |
muddiness {n} (the characteristic of being muddy) | :: bouosité {f} |
muddle {v} /ˈmʌdəl/ (mix together, to mix up; to confuse) | :: confondre, mélanger, embrouiller, rendre confus |
muddle {n} (a mixture; a confusion; a garble) | :: désordre {m}, confusion {f}, pagaille {f} |
muddy {adj} /ˈmʌdi/ (covered with mud) | :: boueux {m}, vaseux {m} |
muddy the waters {v} (To make something unclear and difficult to understand) | :: noyer le poisson, brouiller les pistes |
mudflap {n} (A rectangular flap mounted near the wheel of a truck to prevent mud from being thrown up onto the vehicle) | :: bavette {f} |
mudflat {n} (flat expanse of mud, esp. tidal flat) | :: sèche {f} |
mudguard {n} (a cover over, or a flap behind, the wheels of a vehicle) | :: garde-boue {m}, pare-boue {m} |
mudra {n} /muːˈdɹɑː/ (symbolic hand postures of India) | :: mudrâ |
mudslide {n} (geological disaster in which a large amount of mud gathers and moves rapidly down a hill or slope) | :: coulée de boue {f} |
mudslinger {n} (one who casts aspersions) | :: insulteur |
mud wrestling {n} (form of entertainment) | :: lutte dans la boue {f} |
muesli {n} /ˈmjuːzli/ (breakfast dish) | :: muesli {m}, musli {m} |
muezzin {n} /muˈɛzɪn/ (person who issues call to prayer) | :: muezzin {m} |
muff {n} /mʌf/ (a piece of fur or cloth for keeping the hands warm) | :: manchon {m} |
muff {n} (pubic hair) | :: toison {f}, touffe {f} [slang] |
muff diving {n} (cunnilingus) SEE: cunnilingus | :: |
muffin {n} /ˈmʌfɪn/ (individual cake) | :: muffin {m} |
muffle {v} /mʌfl̩/ (To wrap up for warmth, protection or security) | :: couvrir, emmitoufler |
muffle {v} (To mute or deaden) | :: assourdir, étouffer |
muffle {n} (A machine with two pulleys to hoist load by spinning wheel) SEE: block and tackle | :: |
muffler {n} /ˈmʌflɚ/ (part of exhaust pipe) | :: pot d'échappement {m}, silencieux d'échappement {m} |
muffler {n} (scarf) SEE: scarf | :: |
mufti {n} /ˈmʌfti/ (Muslim scholar) | :: mufti {m} |
mufti {n} (civilian dress) | :: tenue civile {f} |
mug {n} /mʌɡ/ (large cup) | :: chope {m}, mug {m} [rarely] |
mug {n} ((slang) the face) | :: gueule {f}, tronche {f}, trogne {f}, poire {f}, bobine {f} |
mug {n} ((colloquial) a person who is easily fooled) | :: couillon {m}, gogo {m}, poire {f}, pigeon {m} |
mug {v} (to assault for the purpose of robbery) | :: agresser |
mug {v} (to exaggerate a facial expression) | :: faire des simagrées |
mugger {n} /ˈmʌɡɚ/ (a street robber) | :: agresseur {m} |
mugger {n} (the large crocodile Crocodilus palustris) | :: crocodile des marais {m} |
Muggle {n} (person who lacks a particular ability or skill) SEE: amateur | :: |
Muggle {n} /ˈmʌɡl̩/ (person who has no magical abilities) | :: moldu {m}, moldue {f}, non-magique |
muggy {adj} /ˈmʌɡi/ (humid or hot and humid) | :: étouffant, humide |
Mughal Empire {prop} (empire) | :: Empire moghol |
mug shot {n} (photograph taken of the head and shoulders) | :: portrait {m}, photographie d'identité judiciaire {f} |
mugwort {n} /ˈmʌɡwəːt/ (any of several artemisias) | :: armoise {f} |
mugwort {n} (Artemisia vulgaris) | :: armoise commune {f} |
Muhammad {prop} (the prophet who introduced Islam) | :: Mahomet {m} |
Muhu {prop} (island) | :: Muhu |
mujahid {n} /mʊˈdʒɑːhɪd/ (a Muslim engaging in jihad) | :: moudjahid {m}, mujâhid {m} |
mujahideen {n} (mujahid) SEE: mujahid | :: |
mujik {n} /ˈmuː(d)ʒɪk/ (Russian peasant) | :: moujik {m} |
mukhtar {n} /ˈmʊxtɑː(ɹ)/ (head of a village) | :: moukhtar {m} |
mulatto {n} /muˈlɑtoʊ/ (person of mixed black and white descent) | :: mulâtre {m} {f}, mulâtresse {f} [female] |
mulberry {n} /ˈmʌlbɛɹi/ (the tree) | :: mûrier, murier {m} |
mulberry {n} (the fruit) | :: mûre {f}, mure {f} |
mulberry {n} (the colour) | :: mûre écrasée |
mulch {n} /mʌltʃ/ (shredded matter for covering the soil) | :: paillis {m}, paillage {m} |
mulch {v} (to apply mulch) | :: pailler |
mulching {n} /mʌltʃɪŋ/ (the act of preparing/applying a mulch) | :: paillage {m} |
mulct {n} (pecuniary penalty) SEE: fine | :: |
mulct {v} /mʌlkt/ (impose a fine) | :: mulcter, verbaliser |
mule {n} /mjuːl/ (offspring of male donkey and female horse) | :: mule {f} |
mule {n} (person paid to smuggle drugs) | :: mule {f} |
mule {n} (backless shoe) | :: mule {f} |
muleta {n} ((bullfighting) red flag) | :: muleta {f} |
muleteer {n} /ˌmjuːləˈtɪə(ɹ)/ | :: muletier |
mull {v} /mʌl/ (to work over mentally) | :: réfléchir, considérer, ruminer, gamberger [colloquial] |
mullah {n} /ˈmʊ.lə/ (a Muslim religious scholar and teacher) | :: mollah {m} |
mulled wine {n} (wine with spices served hot) | :: vin chaud {m} |
mullein {n} /ˈmʌlɨn/ (plants of the genus Verbascum) | :: molène {f} |
mullet {n} /ˈmʌlɪt/ (fish of the family Mugilidae (grey mullets)) | :: mulet {m}, muge |
mullet {n} (hairstyle) | :: nuque longue, coupe Longueuil [Quebec], mullet |
mullion {n} (vertical bar between the casements of a window) | :: meneau {m} |
multi- {prefix} /ˈmʌl.ti/ (pertaining to many) | :: multi- |
multi-billion {adj} (having more than 1,000,000,000) | :: multi-billion |
multibillion {adj} /ˌmʌltiˈbɪljən/ (having a value of several billion) | :: multimilliard |
multibillionaire {n} (person with net worth of multiple billions) | :: multimilliardaire {m} {f} |
multicellular {adj} (having many cells) | :: multicellulaire |
multicellularity {n} (the condition of being multicellular) | :: multicellularité |
multiclient {adj} | :: multiclient |
multicolor {adj} (multicolored) SEE: multicolored | :: |
multicolored {adj} /ˈmʌltɪˌkʌlɚd/ (having multiple colors) | :: multicolore |
multicombustible {adj} | :: multicombustible |
multicultural {adj} /ˌmʌltiˈkʌltʃəɹəl/ (relating to several different cultures) | :: multiculturel |
multiculturalism {n} /ˌmʌltɪˈkʌltʃəɹəˌlɪz(ə)m/ (societal idea) | :: multiculturalisme {m} |
multiculturality {n} (multiculturality) | :: multiculturalité {f} |
multidimensional {adj} (having more than two dimensions) | :: multidimensionnel, pluridimensionnel |
multidirectional {adj} | :: multidirectionnel |
multiethnic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or consisting of several ethnic groups) | :: multiethnique {m} {f} |
multifaceted {adj} (having multiple facets) | :: multifacette |
multihop {adj} ((networking) Proceeding in multiple hops) | :: multi-saut |
multihopping {n} ((networking) Proceeding in multiple hops) | :: multi-saut |
multihull {n} /ˈmʌltihʌl/ (type of boat) | :: multicoque {m} |
multilateral {adj} (having many sides or points of view) | :: multilatéral |
multilevel {adj} (Having several levels) | :: multi-niveau, multiniveau |
multilingual {adj} /ˌmʌltiˈlɪŋɡwəl/ (pertaining to multiple languages) | :: plurilingue, multilingue |
multilingual {adj} (able to communicate fluently in multiple languages) | :: polyglotte |
multilingualism {n} (ability to speak several languages) | :: multilinguisme {m}, plurilinguisme {m} |
multimedia {n} /mʌltiˈmiːdi.ə/ (The use of different media to convey information) | :: multimédia {m} |
multimeter {n} (measuring instrument) | :: multimètre {m} |
multimethod {n} (object-oriented programming) | :: multiméthode {f} |
multimillion {adj} (having several millions) | :: multimillionnaire {m} {f} |
multimillionaire {n} (person worth many millions) | :: multimillionnaire {m} {f} |
multinational {adj} (of, or involving more than two countries) | :: multinational |
multinational {adj} (operating, or having subsidiary companies in multiple countries) | :: multinational |
multinational {n} (multinational company) | :: multinationale {f} |
multinode {adj} (of or relating to multiple nodes) | :: multi-nœud |
multi-owner {adj} (to more than one owner) | :: multi-propriétaire |
multipair {adj} (comprising more than one twisted pair) | :: multipaire |
multipartite {adj} (involving several different political) SEE: multiparty | :: |
multiparty {adj} (involving several different political parties) | :: multipartite {m} {f} |
multipartyism {n} | :: multipartisme {m}, pluripartisme {m} |
multiphysics {n} | :: multiphysique {f} |
multiplatform {adj} (cross-platform) SEE: cross-platform | :: |
multi-platform {adj} (cross-platform) SEE: cross-platform | :: |
multiplayer {n} /ˌmʌltiˈpleɪ̯ɚ/ (allowing multiple players to play simultaneously) | :: multijoueur |
multiple {adj} /ˈmʌltɪpl̩/ (having more than one element, part, component or function) | :: multiple |
multiple {n} (a number that may be divided by another number with no remainder) | :: multiple {m} |
multiple-choice question {n} (a question where the answerer has the choice between multiple answers) | :: question à choix multiple {f} |
multiple inheritance {n} (in programming: inheriting from multiple superclasses) | :: héritage multiple {m} |
multiple orgasm {n} | :: orgasme multiple {m} |
multiple sclerosis {n} (chronic disease of the brain and spinal cord) | :: sclérose en plaques {f} |
multiple star {n} (Multiple star) | :: étoile multiple {f} |
multiplex {n} (large cinema complex) | :: complexe multisalles |
multiplex {v} (to combine signals) | :: multiplexer |
multiplexer {n} (device that interleaves several activities) | :: multiplexeur {m} |
multiplexing {n} | :: multiplexage {m} |
multiplicand {n} /ˌmʌltəplɪˈkænd/ (number that is to be multiplied by another) | :: multiplicande {m} |
multiplication {n} /ˌmʌltɪplɪˈkeɪʃən/ (process) | :: multiplication {f} |
multiplication {n} (calculation) | :: multiplication {f} |
multiplication sign {n} (symbol denoting multiplication) | :: signe de multiplication {m} |
multiplication table {n} (in arithmetic) | :: table de multiplication {f} |
multiplicity {n} (the state of being made of multiple diverse elements) | :: multiplicité {f} |
multiplicity {n} (a large indeterminate number) | :: multiplicité |
multiplier {n} /ˈmʌɫ.tɪ.ˌplaɪ.ɚ/ (number) | :: multiplicateur {m} |
multiply {v} /ˈmʌltɪplaɪ/ (increase the amount, degree or number of) | :: multiplier |
multiply {v} (transitive: perform multiplication on (a number)) | :: multiplier |
multiply {v} (intransitive: grow in number) | :: se multiplier |
multiply {v} (intransitive: breed or propagate) | :: se multiplier |
multiply {v} (intransitive: perform multiplication) | :: faire la multiplication |
multipolar {adj} /mʌltiˈpəʊlə/ (physics, biology: having more than two poles) | :: multipolaire |
multipolar {adj} (having multiple centers of influence) | :: multipolaire |
multiprocessing {n} /ˈmʌltiˌpɹɒsɛsɪŋ/ (computation using one more than one procesor) | :: calcul parallèle, traitement parallèle |
multi-purpose {adj} (having multiple uses) | :: polyvalent, multifonction, multi-usages, à usages multiples |
multiresistant {adj} (resistant to multiple drugs) | :: multirésistant |
multisectoral {adj} | :: multisectoriel |
multiset {n} (generalized type of set that may contain multiple occurrences of elements) | :: multiensemble {m} |
multi-storey {n} (a car park or parking garage with more than one storey) SEE: parking garage | :: |
multisyllabic {adj} (polysyllabic) SEE: polysyllabic | :: |
multi-tasking {n} (multitasking) SEE: multitasking | :: |
multitasking {n} (simultaneous execution of multiple tasks (computing)) | :: multitâche {m} |
multitenant {adj} (to more than one tenant) | :: multi-locataire |
multitude {n} /ˈmʌltɪtjuːd/ (great amount or number, often of people) | :: multitude {f} |
multitude {n} (mass of ordinary people; the populace or the masses) | :: multitude {f} |
multiuser {adj} | :: multi-utilisateur |
multivariate {adj} (having or involving multiple variables) | :: multivarié, multivariable |
multiverse {n} (hypothetical group of all possible universes) | :: multivers {m} |
mum {n} /mʌm/ (mother (informal, familiar)) | :: maman {f} |
Mumbai {prop} /mʊm.ˈbaɪ/ (state capital of Maharashtra, see also: Bombay) | :: Bombay {f} |
mumble {v} /ˈmʌmbəl/ (to speak unintelligibly) | :: marmonner |
mummer {n} /ˈmʌm.ə/ (actor in a pantomime) | :: mime {m} |
mummery {n} (mummer's performance) | :: mommerie |
mummification {n} (the making of a dead body into a mummy to preserve it) | :: momification {f} |
mummify {v} (transitive: to mummify) | :: momifier |
mummy {n} /ˈmʌmi/ (embalmed corpse) | :: momie {f} |
mummy {n} (child's term for mother) | :: maman {f} |
mummy brown {n} /ˌmʌmi ˈbɹaʊn/ (brown pigment originally prepared from ground-up remains of Egyptian mummies, etc.) | :: brun momie {m}, brun de momie {m}, brun égyptien {m}, jaune de momie {m} |
mummy's boy {n} (momma's boy) SEE: momma's boy | :: |
mumps {n} (contagious disease) | :: oreillons |
mum's the word {phrase} (indicates that something is a secret) | :: motus et bouche cousue |
munchies {n} /ˈmʌntʃiz/ (craving for food as a result of use of cannabis) | :: foncedalle {f} [slang] |
mundane {adj} /mʌnˈdeɪn/ (worldly) | :: profane {m} {f}, mondain {m}, mondaine {f} |
mundane {adj} (ordinary) | :: ordinaire {m} {f} |
mundane {adj} (tedious) | :: ordinaire {m} {f}, ennuyeux {m}, ennuyeuse {f} |
mundane {adj} | :: prosaïque |
mung bean {n} /ˈmʌŋ ˌbiːn/ (seed of Vigna radiata) | :: haricot mungo {m}, ambérique verte {f} |
Munich {prop} /ˈmjuːnɪk/ (capital of Bavaria) | :: Munich |
municipal {adj} /mjuˈnɪsɪpəl/ (pertaining to city) | :: municipal {m} |
municipality {n} /mjʊˌnɪsɪˈpælɪti/ (a district with a government that typically encloses no other governed districts) | :: municipalité |
munificence {n} /mjuːˈnɪfɪsəns/ (the quality of being munificent; generosity) | :: générosité {f} |
Munsee {prop} (Eastern Algonquian language) | :: munsee {m} |
Muntenia {prop} /mʊnˈtɛni.ə/ (region of Romania) | :: Munténie {f} |
muntin {n} (window pane separator) | :: croisillon {m} |
muntjac {n} /ˈmʌntdʒak/ (deer of the genus Muntiacus) | :: muntjac {m} |
muon {n} /ˈmjuːɒn/ (an unstable elementary particle in the lepton family) | :: muon {m} |
muonic {adj} (pertaining to, or composed of muons) | :: muonique |
mura {n} /ˈmu.ɹə/ (luminance non-uniformity) | :: mura {m} |
Murad {prop} (male given name) | :: Mourad |
mural {n} /ˈmjʊɹəl/ (painting on wall) | :: peinture murale |
Murasugi sum {n} (union of a finite sequence of surfaces taken over a disk) | :: somme de Murasugi {f} |
Murasugi sum {n} (union of links) | :: somme de Murasugi {f} |
Murcia {prop} (city) | :: Murcie |
murder {n} /ˈmɜːdə(ɹ)/ (an act of deliberate killing) | :: meurtre {m}, homicide {m} |
murder {n} (the crime of deliberate killing) | :: meurtre {m} |
murder {v} (deliberately kill) | :: occire [obsolete], meurtrir [obsolete], tuer, assassiner |
murderball {n} (wheelchair rugby) | :: rugby-fauteuil {m} |
murderer {n} /ˈmɝdəɹɚ/ (person who commits murder) | :: meurtrier {m}, meurtrière {f} |
murderess {n} /mɜːdəˈɹɛs/ (woman who commits murder) | :: meurtrière {f} |
murderous {adj} /ˈmɜːdəɹəs/ (likely to commit murder, see also: homicidal) | :: meurtrier |
murderous {adj} (used to commit murder; capable of causing death, see also: deadly; fatal) | :: meurtrier |
murder weapon {n} (weapon used to commit a murder) | :: arme du crime {f} |
Muriel {prop} /ˈmjʊəɹɪ.əl/ (female given name) | :: Muriel {f}, Murielle {f} |
murine {adj} /ˈmjʊəɹaɪn/ (characteristic of mice) | :: murin |
murky {adj} (hard to see through) | :: sombre, trouble |
murky {adj} (dark, dim, gloomy) SEE: gloomy | :: |
murky {adj} (cloudy, indistinct, obscure) SEE: obscure | :: |
Murmansk {prop} (city) | :: Mourmansk {m} |
murmur {n} /ˈmɜː.mə(ɹ)/ (low sounds or speech) | :: murmure {m}, rumeur {f} |
murmur {n} (sound by turbulent flow of blood etc.) | :: souffle {m} |
murmur {n} (muttered complaint or protest) | :: rumeur, murmure {m} |
murmur {v} (to speak or make low, indistinguishable noise; to mumble) | :: murmurer |
Murphy bed {n} (bed that folds up into the wall) | :: lit escamotable {m} |
Murphy's law {prop} (adage which states that if anything can go wrong it will) | :: loi de Murphy {f} |
murrey {n} (mulberry) SEE: mulberry | :: |
Musa {prop} (male given name) | :: Moussa {m} |
musalla {n} (oratory) SEE: oratory | :: |
musalla {n} (prayer rug) SEE: prayer rug | :: |
Musca {prop} (constellation) | :: Mouche {f} |
Muscat {prop} /ˈmʌskæt/ (capital city) | :: Mascate |
Muscatian {adj} (Of or relating to Muscat) | :: mascatais |
Muscatian {n} (Someone from Muscat) | :: Mascatais {m} |
muscle {n} /ˈmʌs.əl/ (contractile tissue) | :: muscle {m} |
muscle {n} (strength, force) | :: muscle {m} |
musclebound {adj} | :: raide, aux muscles hypertrophiés |
muscleman {n} (bodyguard) SEE: bodyguard | :: |
muscleman {n} (man with developed muscles) | :: armoire à glace {f} |
muscle relaxant {n} (drug) | :: myorelaxant {m} |
muscle tone {n} (the continuous and passive partial contraction of the muscles) | :: tonus musculaire {m} |
Muscovian {adj} (relating to Muscovy) | :: moscovien |
Muscovian {n} (descendant of the people of Muscovy) | :: Moscovien {m} |
muscovite {n} (mineral of the mica group) | :: muscovite {f} |
Muscovite {n} /ˈmʌs.kəˌvaɪt/ (resident of Moscow) | :: Moscovite {m} {f} |
Muscovite {adj} (Relating to Moscow) | :: moscovite |
Muscovy {prop} /ˈmʌskəvi/ (Grand Duchy of Moscow) | :: Moscovie |
Muscovy duck {n} (duck) | :: [wild species] canard musqué {m}, [domesticated form] canard de Barbarie {m} |
muscular {adj} /ˈmʌs.kjə.lɚ/ (of or relating to muscles) | :: musculaire |
muscular {adj} (having strength) | :: musclé, musculeux |
muscular dystrophy {n} (muscular dystrophy) | :: dystrophie musculaire {f} |
musculature {n} (collection of muscles) | :: musculature {f} |
musculotropic {adj} (acting on muscle tissue) | :: musculotrope |
muse {n} /mjuz/ (a source of inspiration) | :: muse, égérie {f} |
muse {v} (to become lost in thought) | :: songer |
Muse {n} /mjuːz/ (one of the nine Ancient Greek deities of the arts) | :: muse {f}, Muse {f} |
museum {n} /mjuˈzi.əm/ (building or institution) | :: musée {m} |
mushroom {n} /ˈmʌʃˌɹuːm/ (fruiting body of a fungus) | :: champignon {m} |
mushroom {v} (to grow quickly) | :: champignonner |
mushroom {v} (to gather mushrooms) | :: champignonner |
mushroom {n} (one who rises suddenly from a low condition in life) SEE: upstart | :: |
mushroom {n} (champignon) SEE: champignon | :: |
mushroom cloud {n} (mushroom shaped cloud) | :: nuage en champignon {m} |
mushy {adj} /ˈmʌʃi/ (resembling or having the consistency of mush; semi-liquid, pasty, or granular) | :: pâteux |
mushy {adj} (soft; squishy) | :: mou |
mushy {adj} (overly sappy, corny, or cheesy) | :: à l'eau de rose, fleur bleue |
music {n} /ˈmjuzɪk/ (sound, organized in time in a melodious way) | :: musique {f} |
music {n} (sheet music) | :: partition {f} |
musical {adj} /ˈmju.zɪ.kəl/ (of or relating to music) | :: musical |
musical {n} (stage performance, show or film) | :: comédie musicale {f} |
musical box {n} (music box) SEE: music box | :: |
musical chairs {n} (game) | :: chaises musicales {f-p} |
musical instrument {n} (a device, object, contrivance or machine used to produce musical notes or sounds) | :: instrument de musique {m} |
musicality {n} /ˌmju.zɪ.ˈkæ.lɪ.ti/ (condition of being musical) | :: musicalité {f} |
musically {adv} (in a musical manner) | :: musicalement |
musical notation {n} (writing system) | :: notation musicale {f} |
musical saw {n} (musical instrument) | :: scie musicale {f} |
music box {n} (box that generates or plays music) | :: boîte-à-musique {f}, boîte à musique {f} |
music chart {n} (ranking of music) | :: Hit-parade |
musician {n} /mjuˈzɪʃən/ (person who performs or writes music) | :: musicien {m}, musicienne {f} |
music notation {n} (system which represents aurally perceived music) SEE: musical notation | :: |
music of the spheres {n} (music produced by celestial bodies) | :: musique des sphères {f}, harmonie des sphères {f} |
musicological {adj} (of or pertaining to musicology) | :: musicologique |
musicologist {n} (one who studies musicology) | :: musicologue {m} {f} |
musicology {n} /mjuːzɪˈkɒlədʒi/ (study of music) | :: musicologie {f} |
music school {n} /ˈmjuːzɪkˌskuːl/ (school of music) | :: école de musique {f} |
music stand {n} (stand for holding sheet music) | :: pupitre {m} |
music therapy {n} (any of various therapeutic uses of music) | :: musicothérapie {f} |
music video {n} (motion picture accompanying a song) | :: vidéoclip {m}, clip {m}, vidéo musicale {f} |
musing {adj} (absorbed in thought; contemplative) | :: songeur, pensif |
musing {n} (thought) | :: pensée {f} |
musk {n} /mʌsk/ (greasy secretion with powerful odour) | :: musc {m} |
musket {n} /ˈmʌskət/ (firearm) | :: mousquet {m} |
musketeer {n} (foot soldier) | :: mousquetaire {m} |
musketeer {n} (member of French royal bodyguard) | :: mousquetaire {m} |
musketeer {n} | :: mousquetaire {m} |
musk mallow {n} (Abelmoschus moschatus) SEE: abelmosk | :: |
musk ox {n} (an arctic mammal) | :: bœuf musqué {m} |
muskrat {n} /ˈmʌskɹæt/ (Ondatra zibethicus) | :: rat musqué {m} |
Muslim {n} /ˈmʌz.lɪm/ (believer of Islam) | :: musulman {m}, musulmane {f} |
Muslim {adj} (relating to believers of Islam) | :: musulman {m} |
Muslimize {v} (to convert to Islam) | :: Musulmaniser, faire Musulman |
muslin {n} (very different styles of fabric) SEE: fabric | :: |
muslin {n} /ˈmʌz.lɪn/ (thin cotton cloth) | :: mousseline |
muslin {n} | :: mousseline |
musquash {n} (Ondatra zibethicus) SEE: muskrat | :: |
muss {n} (mess) SEE: mess | :: |
mussel {n} /ˈmʌsəl/ (any small edible bivalve shellfish, see also: clam; oyster; mollusc) | :: moule {f} |
must {v} /ˈmʌst/ (be required to) | :: devoir |
must {n} (something mandatory) | :: must {m} or obligation {m} |
must {n} (fruit juice that will ferment or has fermented, usually from grapes) | :: moût {m} or mout {m} |
mustached {adj} /ˈmʌstæʃt/ (having a mustache) | :: moustachu |
Mustafa {prop} (male given name) | :: Moustapha {m} |
mustard {n} /ˈmʌs.tɚd/ (plant) | :: moutarde {f} |
mustard {n} (condiment) | :: moutarde {f} |
mustard {adj} (of the colour of mustard) | :: moutarde |
mustard gas {n} (vesicant gas) | :: gaz moutarde {m}, ypérite {f} |
mustard greens {n} (Brassica juncea) | :: moutarde brune {f}, moutarde indienne {f}, chou faux jonc {m} |
muster {v} (to show, exhibit) SEE: show | :: |
muster {n} /ˈmʌs.tɚ/ (something shown for imitation) | :: modèle {m} |
muster {v} (to call or assemble together) | :: battre le rappel |
musty {adj} /ˈmʌstɪ/ (having a stale odor) | :: moisi |
mutable {adj} /ˈmjuːtəbl̩/ (changeable) | :: mutable {m} {f} |
mutagen {n} /ˈmjuːtədʒn̩/ (agent or substance that can cause genetic mutation) | :: mutagène |
mutant {n} /ˈmjuʔn̩(t)/ (something that has mutated) | :: mutant {m} |
mutate {v} /mjuːˈteɪt/ (to undergo mutation) | :: muter |
mutate {v} | :: muter |
mutating table {n} | :: table mutante {f} |
mutation {n} (mutant) SEE: mutant | :: |
mutation {n} /mjuˈteɪʃən/ (heritable change in genetic material) | :: mutation {f} |
mutation {n} (alteration in the sound of a word) | :: mutation {f} |
mutational {adj} (pertaining to mutation) | :: mutationnel |
mutatis mutandis {adv} /m(j)uˌtɑdəs m(j)uˈtɑndəs/ (having changed what needs to be changed) | :: mutatis mutandis, toutes proportions gardées, toute proportion gardée |
mute {adj} /mjuːt/ (not having the power of speech) | :: muet, assourdi |
mute {adj} (silent, not making a sound) | :: muet {m}, muette {f}, silencieux {m}, silencieuse {f}, mutique {m} {f} |
mute {n} (person unable to speak) | :: muet {m}, muette {f} |
mute {n} (sordine) | :: sourdine {f} |
mute {v} (silence, make quiet) | :: taire, rendre silencieux, rendre muet |
mute {v} (turn off the sound of) | :: couper le son |
mute h {n} /mjuːt eɪtʃ/ (usage of the letter h at the start of a word which allows liaison with a preceding consonant) | :: h muet {m} |
muteness {n} (characteristic of being mute) | :: mutité {f}, mutisme {m}, aphonie {f} |
mute swan {n} (Cygnus olor) | :: cygne muet {m}, cygne tuberculé {m} |
mutex {n} /ˈmjuːtɛks/ (object in a program) | :: mutex {m}, exclusion mutuelle {f} |
mutilate {v} (To physically harm as to impair use) | :: mutiler |
mutilate {v} | :: mutiler |
mutilation {n} (act of mutilating or the state of being mutilated) | :: mutilation {f} |
mutineer {n} (someone who participates in mutiny) | :: mutin {m} |
mutiny {n} /ˈmju.tə.ni/ (organized rebellion) | :: révolte {f}, mutinerie |
mutism {n} (psychological disorder) | :: mutisme {m} |
mutoscope {n} | :: mutoscope {m} |
mutt {n} /mʌt/ (a mongrel dog) | :: bâtard {m}, corniaud {m} [slang] |
mutt {n} (a term of abuse) | :: crétin {m}, imbécile {m}, con {m}, corniaud {m} |
mutter {n} /ˈmʌtə/ (instance of muttering) | :: marmonnement {m}, marmottement {m} |
mutter {v} (speak under one's breath) | :: grommeler |
mutter {v} (speak incoherently) | :: marmonner, marmotter |
mutter {v} (make a low sound) | :: grogner, feuler, râler |
muttering {n} (something muttered) | :: grommellement {m} |
mutton {n} /ˈmʌtn̩/ (the flesh of sheep used as food) | :: mouton {m} |
mutual {adj} /ˈmjuːt͡ʃuəl/ (having the same relationship, each to each other) | :: mutuel |
mutual {adj} (reciprocal) | :: mutuel |
mutual {adj} (relating to a form of mutual insurance or financial institution) | :: mutuel |
mutual {n} (mutual fund) SEE: mutual fund | :: |
mutual friend {n} (friend of each of two or more people) | :: ami commun {m}, amie commune {f} |
mutual fund {n} (finance: form of collective investment) | :: fonds mutuel {m} |
mutualism {n} /ˈmjuː.tʃʊ.əˌlɪz.m̩/ (interaction between two species that benefits both) | :: mutualisme {m} |
mutuality {n} (the property of being mutual) | :: mutualité {f} |
mutually {adv} /ˈmjutʃuəli/ (in the same way, each to the other; reciprocally) | :: mutuellement |
muzzle {n} /ˈmʌzəl/ (part of animal's head) | :: museau {m} |
muzzle {n} (device to stop an animal from biting) | :: muselière {f} |
muzzle {v} (to apply a muzzle) | :: museler |
muzzle {v} (to restrain from speaking or acting) | :: museler |
MVP {n} (minimum viable product) | :: produit minimum viable |
Mwotlap {prop} (language) | :: mwotlap {m} |
my {determiner} /maɪ/ (belonging to me) | :: mon {m}, ma {f}, mes {p} |
Myanmar {prop} /ˌmjɑnˈmɑɹ/ (Southeast Asian country, see also: Burma) | :: Myanmar {m}, Birmanie {f} |
Myanmar {prop} (Burmese) SEE: Burmese | :: |
my arse {interj} (Indicates disapproval, disregard or disbelief) | :: mon cul |
my ass {interj} (Indicates disapproval, disagreement, or disbelief) | :: mon cul |
my bad {interj} (my fault) | :: autant pour moi |
my blood type is ... {phrase} (my blood type is …) | :: mon groupe sanguin est … |
my car has broken down {phrase} (my car has broken down) | :: ma voiture est en panne |
mycelium {n} /mɑɪ.ˈəm/ (vegetative part of a fungus) | :: mycélium {m} |
myco- {prefix} (of or relating to fungus) | :: myco- |
mycocecidium {n} | :: mycocécidie {f} |
mycological {adj} (of or pertaining to mycology) | :: mycologique |
mycologist {n} /maɪˌkɑləˈd͡ʒɪst/ (a person who studies, professes or practices mycology) | :: mycologiste {m} {f} |
mycology {n} /maɪˈkɒlədʒi/ (study of fungi) | :: mycologie {f} |
mycosis {n} /maɪˈkoʊsɪs/ (an infection caused by a fungus) | :: mycose |
mydriasis {n} /mɪˈdɹaɪ ə sɪs/ | :: mydriase {f} |
myelin {n} /ˈmaɪəlɪn/ (white, fatty material, composed of lipids and lipoproteins) | :: myéline {f} |
myeloma {n} (malignant tumor of bone marrow) | :: myélome {m} |
my eye {interj} (non-gloss Expression of disapproval, disregard, disdain, disgust, or disbelief) | :: mon œil |
my foot {interj} (Indicates disapproval, disregard or disbelief) | :: mon œil |
Mykonos {prop} (island) | :: Mykonos, Myconos |
myna {n} /ˈmaɪnə/ (the Asian members of starling family) | :: mainate {m} |
my name is {phrase} (a way to identify oneself) | :: je m'appelle..., mon nom est ... |
myo- {prefix} (of or relating to muscle) | :: myo- |
myocardial {adj} /maɪəʊˈkɑːdi.əl/ (relating to the myocardium) | :: myocardique |
myocardial infarction {n} (heart attack) SEE: heart attack | :: |
myocardium {n} (muscles that surround and power the heart) | :: myocarde {m} |
myoglobin {n} (small globular protein) | :: myoglobine {f} |
myology {n} /mʌɪˈɒlədʒi/ | :: myologie {f} |
myoma {n} /maɪˈoʊmə/ (tumor composed of muscle tissue) | :: myome {m} |
myometrium {n} (smooth muscle forming the wall of the uterus) | :: myomètre {m} |
myope {n} (One who has myopia) | :: myope {m} {f} |
myopia {n} /maɪˈoʊ.pi.ə/ (lack of imagination, discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or planning) | :: myope {m} {f} |
myopia {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: nearsightedness | :: |
myopic {adj} /maɪˈoʊpɪk/ (unable to see distant objects unaided) | :: myope |
myostatin {n} (a protein) | :: myostatine {f} |
my pleasure {interj} (a polite reaction to receiving thanks) | :: tout le plaisir est pour moi, [formal] ce fut un plaisir, de rien |
myriad {n} /ˈmɪɹi.æd/ (ten thousand, see also: ten thousand) | :: myriade {f} |
myriad {n} (vast diversity or number) | :: myriade {f} |
myriad {adj} (great in number) | :: nombreux |
myriametre {n} | :: myriamètre {m} |
myriarch {n} (all senses) | :: myriarque {m} |
myringitis {n} (inflammation of the eardrum) | :: myringite |
myrmecology {n} /ˌmɜː(ɹ)mɪˈkɒləd͡ʒi/ (study of ants) | :: myrmécologie |
myroblyte {n} /ˈmɪɹəblaɪt/ (saint whose relics or place of burial produce or are said to have produced the Oil of Saints or the odour of sanctity) | :: myroblyte {m} {f} |
myroblyte {adj} | :: myroblyte |
myroblytic {adj} (of or pertaining to myroblytes) | :: myroblytique |
myrrh {n} /mɝ/ (dried sap of the myrrha tree) | :: myrrhe {f} |
myrtle {n} /ˈmɝtəl/ (evergreen shrub) | :: myrte |
myself {pron} /maɪˈsɛlf/ (me, reflexive form of me) | :: me, m' [before vowel or mute h], moi-même |
Mysia {prop} /ˈmɪʒə/ (ancient region) | :: Mysie |
mystacial {adj} | :: mystaciale |
mysterious {adj} /mɪˈstɪəɹi.əs/ (of unknown origin) | :: mystérieux |
mystery {n} /ˈmɪstəɹi/ (something secret or unexplainable) | :: mystère {m} |
mystery play {n} (medieval dramatic performance) | :: mystère {m} |
mystic {adj} /ˈmɪstɪk/ (of, or relating to mystics, mysticism or occult mysteries) | :: mystique {m} {f} |
mystic {n} (someone who practices mysticism) | :: mystique {m} {f} |
mystical {adj} /ˈmɪstɪkəl/ (relating to mystics or mysticism) | :: mystique |
mysticism {n} (beliefs and ideas of mystics) | :: mysticisme {m} |
myth {n} /mɪθ/ (divine story) | :: mythe |
mythical {adj} /ˈmɪθɪkəl/ (existing in myth) | :: mythique |
mythicize {v} /ˈmɪθɪˌsaɪz/ | :: mythifier, mythiser, mythiciser |
mythologic {adj} (mythological) SEE: mythological | :: |
mythological {adj} /ˌmɪθəˈlɒd͡ʒɪkəl/ (of, or relating to myths or mythology) | :: mythologique |
mythology {n} /mɪˈθɑlədʒi/ (myths of a people) | :: mythologie {f} |
mythology {n} (collection and study of myths) | :: mythologie {f} |
mythomania {n} (compulsion to tell lies) | :: mythomanie {f} |
mythomaniac {n} /ˌmɪθəˈmeɪniæk/ (someone who suffers from mythomania) | :: mythomane {m} {f}, mythomaniaque {m} {f} |
mythomaniacal {adj} (afflicted with mythomania) | :: mythomane, mythomaniaque |
Mytilene {prop} (another name for Lesbos) | :: Mytilène |
Mytilene {prop} (capital of Lesbos) | :: Mytilène |
myxobacterium {n} (any of many gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria, of the phylum Myxobacteria, that form colonies of slime) | :: myxobactérie {f} |
myxoma {n} (tumor of primitive connective tissue) | :: myxome {m} |
myxomatosis {n} (rabbit disease) | :: myxomatose {f} |
mzungu {n} /(ə)mˈzʊnɡuː/ (mzungu) | :: mzoungou {m} |