User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-c
C {prop} /siː/ (musical note) | :: do |
ca {adv} (abbreviation of circa) SEE: ca. | :: |
ca. {adv} (abbreviation of circa) | :: ca. |
cab {n} /kæb/ (compartment) | :: cabina {f} |
cab {n} (taxi) SEE: taxi | :: |
cabal {n} /kəˈbɑːl/ (secret organization) | :: setta {f} |
cabaletta {n} /dkæbəˈlɛtə/ (repetitive aria) | :: cabaletta {f} |
cabalistic {adj} (of or relating to a cabal) | :: cabbalistico |
cabana {n} /kəˈbænə/ (a cabin or hut, shelter on a beach) | :: cabina {f} |
cabaret {n} /kæbəˈreɪ/ (live entertainment held in a restaurant or nightclub) | :: cabaret {m}, varietà {m} |
cabbage {n} /ˈkæbɪdʒ/ (plant) | :: cavolo {m} |
cabbage {n} (leaves of this plant eaten as a vegetable) | :: cavolo {m} |
cabbage worm {n} (Pieris napi) SEE: green-veined white | :: |
cabin {n} /ˈkæbɪn/ (small dwelling, especially one made of logs) | :: capanna {f}, rustico {m} |
cabin {n} (private room on a ship) | :: cabina {f} |
cabin {n} (interior of a boat) | :: cabina {f} |
cabin {n} (section of passenger plane having same class of service) | :: cabina {f} |
cabin boy {n} (a boy serving on a ship) | :: mozzo {m} |
cabinet {n} /ˈkæ.bɪ.nɪt/ (storage closet) | :: armadio {m}, guardaroba {m}, pensile {m}, contenitore {m} |
cabinet {n} (group of advisors) | :: consiglio {m} |
cabinet {n} (group of ministers) | :: gabinetto {m} |
cabinetmaker {n} (skilled woodworker) | :: ebanista {m} |
cabin hook {n} (short metal rod) | :: monachetto {m} |
cable {n} /keɪ.bl/ (large wire, rope) | :: cavo {m} |
cable {n} (texture pattern in knitting) | :: treccia {f} |
cable {n} | :: cavo {m} |
cable {v} (provide with cable(s)) | :: cablare |
cable car {n} (hanging carriage) | :: funivia {f} |
cable gland {n} | :: pressacavo {m} |
cable tie {n} (a type of fastener) | :: fascetta stringicavo {f} |
cabotage {n} /ˈkæbətɪdʒ/ (transport of goods or passengers in the same country) | :: cabotaggio {m} |
cabotage {n} (the legal right) | :: cabotaggio {m} |
Cabo Verde {prop} (Cape Verde) SEE: Cape Verde | :: |
cabriolet {n} /kæ.bɹi.əˈleɪ/ (an automobile with a retractable top) | :: decappottabile {f} |
cacao {n} /kəˈkaʊ̯/ (cacao tree) | :: cacao {m} |
cacao {n} (cocoa bean) | :: cacao {m} |
cachalot {n} (sperm whale) SEE: sperm whale | :: |
cache {n} /kæʃ/ (store) | :: nascondiglio {m}, ripostiglio {m} |
cache {n} (computing: fast temporary storage for data) | :: memoria cache |
cachexia {n} /kəˈkɛksɪə/ (systemic wasting of muscle tissue that accompanies a chronic disease) | :: cachessia {f} |
caciocavallo {n} (Italian cheese type) | :: caciocavallo {m} |
cackle {n} /ˈkækəl/ (cry of a hen or goose, especially when laying an egg) | :: chiocciare {m} |
cacography {n} /kaˈkɒɡɹəfi/ | :: cacografia {f} |
cacophemism {n} (dysphemism) | :: cacofemismo {m} |
cacophony {n} /kəˈkɒfəni/ (mix of discordant sounds; dissonance) | :: cacofonia {f} |
cactus {n} /ˈkæktəs/ (member of the Cactaceae) | :: cactus {m} |
cadastre {n} (register) | :: catasto {m} |
cadaver {n} /kəˈdævɚ/ (a dead body) | :: cadavere {m} |
cadaverine {n} (foul-smelling diamine) | :: cadaverina {f} |
cadence {n} /ˈkeɪ.dn̩s/ (balanced, rhythmic flow) | :: cadenza {f}, ritmo {m}, passo {m}, andamento {m} |
cadence {n} (measure or beat of movement) | :: cadenza {f}, intervallo {m} |
cadenza {n} (decorative solo piece of music) | :: cadenza {f} |
cadet {n} /kəˈdɛt/ (a student at a military school who is training to be an officer) | :: cadetto {m}, allievo ufficiale {m} |
cadet {n} (younger son) | :: cadetto {m} |
cadicone {n} | :: cadicona {f} |
Cadiz {prop} /kəˈdɪz/ (port city in Andalusia, Spain) | :: Cadice {f}, Càdice {f} |
cadmium {n} /ˈkædmiəm/ (chemical element) | :: cadmio {m} |
Cadmus {prop} (Cadmus) | :: Cadmo {m} |
caecal {adj} (of or pertaining to caecum) | :: cecale, ciecale |
caeruloplasmin {n} (ceruloplasmin) SEE: ceruloplasmin | :: |
Caesar {prop} /ˈsiːzə(ɹ)/ (ancient Roman family name) | :: Cesare {m} |
Caesarea {prop} /ˌsiːzəˈɹiːə/ (any of the places called Caesarea) | :: Cesarea {f} |
Caesarean section {n} (incision in the womb) | :: cesareo {m}, taglio cesareo {m} |
caesaropapism {n} /ˌsiːzəɹəʊˈpeɪpɪzəm/ (the doctrine that the state has authority over the church in ecclesiastical matters) | :: cesaropapismo {m} |
caesium {n} /ˈsiːzi.əm/ (a metallic chemical element) | :: cesio {m} |
café {n} /ˌkæˈfeɪ/ (coffee shop) | :: caffè {m}, caffetteria {f}, bar {m} |
café au lait {n} (coffee with milk) | :: caffè latte, caffè e latte |
cafe {n} (café) SEE: café | :: |
cafeteria {n} (restaurant) | :: caffetteria {f}, mensa {f} |
cafeteria {n} (dining area) | :: mensa |
caffeine {n} /ˈkæfiːn/ (alkaloid found naturally in tea and coffee plants) | :: caffeina {f} |
cage {n} /keɪdʒ/ (enclosure) | :: gabbia {f} |
cage {n} (lift compartment) | :: cabina {f} |
Cagliari {prop} /ˈkæljəɹi/ (province of Italy) | :: Cagliari {f} |
Cagliari {prop} (capital of Cagliari) | :: Cagliari {f} |
Cagliaritan {adj} (of or relating to the city of Cagliari, Italy) | :: cagliaritano |
Cagliaritan {n} (native or inhabitant of Cagliari, Italy) | :: cagliaritano {m}, cagliaritana {f} |
cahoots {n} /kəˈhuːts/ (collusion or collaboration to nefarious ends) | :: combutta {f} |
caiman {n} /ˈkeɪ.mən/ (alligator relative) | :: caimano {m} |
Cain {prop} /keɪn/ (son of Adam and Eve) | :: Caino {m} |
cairn {n} /kɛəɹn/ (landmark) | :: ometto {m} |
Cairo {prop} /ˈkaɪɹoʊ/ (capital of Egypt) | :: Il Cairo {f} |
caisson {n} /ˈkeɪsɑn/ (enclosure from which water can be expelled) | :: cassone {m}, tura {f} |
caisson {n} (architecture: coffer) SEE: coffer | :: |
Cajetan {prop} /ˈkædʒətən/ (male given name) | :: Gaetano {m} |
cajole {v} /kəˈdʒoʊl/ (to encourage or persuade by effort) | :: persuadere |
cake {n} /keɪk/ (a sweet dessert) | :: torta {f} [large cake served in slices], pasticcino {m} [small, individual cake], dolce {m} |
cake {n} (a trivially easy task or responsibility) SEE: piece of cake | :: |
cake {v} (to cackle like a goose) SEE: cackle | :: |
cakery {n} (cake shop) SEE: patisserie | :: |
cake tin {n} (the tin in which a cake is baked) | :: tortiera {f} |
calabash {n} /ˈkaləbaʃ/ (container made from the shell of the fruit of one of the above plants) | :: calabassa {f} |
calaboose {n} (prison) SEE: prison | :: |
Calabrese {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Calabria) SEE: Calabrian | :: |
Calabria {prop} /kəˈleɪbɹiːə/ (region of Italy) | :: Calabria {f} |
Calabrian {adj} /kəˈleɪbɹiːən/ (from Calabria) | :: calabrese |
Calabrian {n} (inhabitant of Calabria) | :: calabrese |
caladrius {n} (mythical bird) | :: caradrio {m} |
calamari {n} (as mollusk) SEE: squid | :: |
calamari {n} /kæləˈmɑːɹi/ (as food) | :: totano {m}, calamaro {m} |
calamitous {adj} /kəˈlæmɪtəs/ (concerning or involving calamity, disastrous) | :: calamitoso |
calamity {n} /kəˈlæmɪti/ (event resulting in great loss) | :: calamità {f} |
calamus {n} (fistula) SEE: fistula | :: |
calamus {n} (quill) SEE: quill | :: |
calamus {n} (sweet flag) SEE: sweet flag | :: |
calandra lark {n} (Melanocorypha calandra) | :: calandra {f} |
calcareous {adj} (resembling or containing limestone) | :: calcareo |
calèche {n} /kəˈlɛʃ/ (type of carriage) | :: calesse {f} |
calcic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or derived from calcium or lime) | :: calcico |
calcicolous {adj} | :: calcicolo |
calcification {n} /ˌkælsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (the process of change into a stony or calcareous substance) | :: calcificazione {f} |
calcify {v} /ˈkælsɪfaɪ/ (transitive) | :: calcificare |
calcify {v} (intransitive) | :: calcificarsi |
calcination {n} (the process of calcining) | :: calcinazione {f} |
calcine {v} /ˈkælsɪn/ (transitive) | :: calcinare |
calcined {adj} (converted by calcination) | :: calcinato {m} |
calciosome {n} | :: calciosoma {m} |
calcite {n} /ˈkæl.saɪt/ (calcium carbonate mineral) | :: calcite {f} |
calcitonin {n} (the hormone thyrocalcitonin) | :: calcitonina {f} |
calcium {n} /ˈkælsi.əm/ (chemical element of atomic number 20) | :: calcio {m} |
calcium carbide {n} (CaC2) | :: carburo di calcio |
calcium hydroxide {n} (chemical compound) | :: calce spenta {f} |
calculate {v} /ˈkælkjʊleɪt/ ((transitive) to determine the value or solution of sth.) | :: calcolare |
calculate {v} ((intransitive) to determine values or solutions) | :: calcolare |
calculatedly {adv} (in a calculated manner) | :: calcolatamente |
calculation {n} /kælkjəˈleɪʃən/ (act or process of calculating) | :: conto {m} |
calculation {n} (result of calculating) | :: conto {m} |
calculation {n} (reckoning, estimate) | :: conto {m} |
calculator {n} /ˈkæl.kjə.leɪ.tə(ɹ)/ (electronic device that performs mathematical calculations) | :: calcolatrice {f} |
calculator {n} (mechanical device that performs mathematical calculations) | :: calcolatrice |
calculator {n} (dated: a person who performs mathematical calculations) | :: calcolatore {m}, calcolatrice {f} |
calculator {n} (set of mathematical tables) | :: tabelle {f-p} |
calculus {n} /ˈkæl.kjʊ.ləs/ (formal mathematical system) | :: calcolo |
calculus {n} (differential calculus and integral calculus considered as a single subject) | :: calcolo {m} |
calculus {n} (deposits on teeth) | :: tartaro {m}, tartaro dentario {m} |
calculus of variations {n} (a form of calculus) | :: calcolo delle variazioni {m} |
caldera {n} /kælˈdɛɹ.ə/ (geology: a large crater formed by a volcanic explosion) | :: caldera {f} |
calendar {n} /ˈkæl.ən.dɚ/ (system by which time is divided) | :: calendario {m} |
calendar {n} (means to determine the date) | :: calendario {m} |
calendar {n} (list of planned events) | :: calendario {m} |
calendarist {n} /ˈkæl.ən.dəɹ.ɪst/ (a person who uses a calendar) | :: calendarista |
calends {n} /ˈkæləndz/ (first day of a month of the Roman calendar) | :: calende {f} |
calf {n} /kæf/ (young cow or bull) | :: vitello {m} |
calf {n} (anatomy: back of the leg below the knee) | :: polpaccio {m} |
calf {n} (muscle in the back of the leg below the knee) | :: polpaccio {m} |
calf bone {n} (smaller lower-leg bone) | :: perone |
Cali {prop} (California) SEE: California | :: |
calibrate {v} (to check or adjust by comparison with a standard) | :: calibrare |
calibration {n} /kælɪˈbɹeɪʃən/ (act of calibrating) | :: calibrazione |
calico {n} (kind of cloth) | :: calicò {m} |
California {prop} /ˌkæl.ɪ.ˈfɔɹ.njə/ (US state) | :: California {f} |
California poppy {n} (plant) | :: papavero della California {m} |
californium {n} /ˌkælɪˈfɔɹniəm/ (chemical element) | :: californio {m} |
caliginous {adj} (dark, obscure) SEE: dark | :: |
caliph {n} /ˈkeɪ̪lɪf/ (political leader of the Muslim world) | :: califfo {m} |
caliphate {n} /ˈkælɪfeɪt/ (Islamic government) | :: califfato {m} |
calisthenics {n} /ˌkæl.ɪsˈθɛn.ɪks/ | :: callistenia {f} |
call {n} /kɑɫ/ (telephone conversation) | :: telefonata {f}, chiamata {f} |
call {n} (social visit) | :: saluto {m}, visita {f}, capatina {f} |
call {n} (cry or shout) | :: urlo {m}, grido {m} |
call {n} (characteristic cry of a bird or other animal) | :: canto {m}, richiamo {m} |
call {n} (beckoning or summoning) | :: richiamo {m}, chiamata {f}, convocazione {f} |
call {n} ((medicine) overnight duty in the hospital) | :: turno {m} |
call {v} (to request, summon, or beckon) | :: chiamare |
call {v} (to cry or shout) | :: chiamare, gridare |
call {v} (to contact by telephone) | :: chiamare |
call {v} (to pay a social visit) | :: visitare |
call {v} (to match or equal the amount of poker chips in the pot as the player that bet) | :: coprire |
calla {n} (Calla palustris) | :: calla {f} |
call an ambulance {phrase} (request to call an ambulance) | :: chiamate un'ambulanza |
call a spade a spade {v} (to speak the truth) | :: dire pane al pane e vino al vino (to say ‘bread’ to bread and ‘wine’ to wine) |
callee {n} (the person who is called by the caller) | :: chiamato {m} |
calligram {n} /ˈkælɪɡɹæm/ (text in which the layout has special significance) | :: calligramma {m} |
calligrapher {n} /kəˈlɪɡɹəfə(ɹ)/ (one who practices calligraphy) | :: calligrafo {m} |
calligraphic {adj} /ˌkælɪˈɡɹæfɪk/ (of calligraphy) | :: calligrafico |
calligraphically {adv} (in a calligraphic manner) | :: calligraficamente |
calligraphy {n} /kəˈlɪɡɹəfi/ (art of writing with decorative strokes) | :: calligrafia {f} |
calling {n} /ˈkɔːlɪŋ/ (strong urge to become religious) | :: vocazione {f}, chiamata {f} |
calling card {n} (printed card identifying the bearer) SEE: business card | :: |
calling name {n} (nickname) SEE: nickname | :: |
Calliope {prop} /kə.ˈlaɪ.ə.pi/ (the Muse of eloquence and epic) | :: Calliope {f} |
callipygian {adj} /ˌkæ.ləˈpɪ.dʒi.ən/ (having beautiful buttocks) | :: callipige |
callipygous {adj} (callipygian) SEE: callipygian | :: |
Callisto {prop} (satellite of Jupiter) | :: Callisto {m} |
call it a day {v} (to retire) | :: ritirarsi, tirare i remi in barca |
call it a day {v} (to cease activity for the day) | :: finirla qui, per oggi basta, chiudere la giornata, finire per oggi |
callous {adj} /ˈkæləs/ (emotionally hardened) | :: cinico, insensibile |
callous {adj} (having calluses) | :: calloso |
Callovian {prop} | :: Calloviano |
callow {adj} (bald) SEE: bald | :: |
call sign {n} (broadcasting) | :: segnale di chiamata |
callsign {n} (call sign) SEE: call sign | :: |
call the police {phrase} (call the police) | :: chiami la polizia |
call to account {v} (hold answerable) SEE: hold to account | :: |
call up {n} (order) | :: rapporto |
call up {v} (to retrieve from memory) | :: rievocare (personal), prendere (computer) |
call up {v} (to call on telephone) | :: chiamare |
call up {v} (to select) | :: selezionare |
callus {n} /ˈkæləs/ (hardened part of the skin) | :: callo {m} |
callus {v} (form hardened tissue) | :: incallire |
calm {adj} /kɑm/ (free from anger and anxiety) | :: calmo |
calm before the storm {n} (peace before a disturbance or crisis) | :: quiete prima della tempesta {f} |
calm down {v} (To become less excited) | :: calmarsi, tranquillizzarsi, tranquillarsi [uncommon] |
calm down {v} (To cause to become less excited) | :: calmare, tranquillizzare |
calomel {n} (mercurous chloride) | :: calomelano {m} |
calorie {n} /ˈkæləɹi/ (amount of heat to raise 1 gram of water by 1 °C) | :: caloria {f} |
calorigenesis {n} (production of heat via the digestion of food) | :: calorigenesi {f} |
calorigenic {adj} (that produces heat) | :: calorigeno |
calorimeter {n} (apparatus for measuring amount of heat) | :: calorimetro {m} |
calorimetric {adj} (relating to calorimetry) | :: calorimetrico |
calorimetry {n} (the scientific discipline) | :: calorimetria {f} |
calque {n} /kælk/ (word formed by word-for-word translation of a word in another language) | :: calco {m} |
Caltanissetta {prop} (city and province of Sicily) | :: Caltanissetta {f} |
caltrop {n} /ˈkæltɹəp/ (weaponry) | :: tribolo {m}, piede di corvo {m} |
caltrop {n} (Tribulus terrestris) | :: tribulo comune |
calumniate {v} /kəˈlʌmni.eɪt/ (to make hurtful untrue statements) | :: calunniare |
calumniation {n} (false accusation) | :: calunnia {f} |
calumny {n} /ˈkæləmni/ (falsifications or misrepresentations intended to disparage or discredit another) | :: calunnia |
calutron {n} (form of mass spectrometer used to separate the isotopes of uranium) | :: calutrone {m} |
Calvinist {n} /ˈkælvənɪst/ (follower) | :: calvinista {m} {f} |
Calvinist {adj} (of or pertaining to Calvinism, a Calvinist or Calvinists) | :: calvinista {m} {f}, calvinistico {m}, calvinistica {f} |
calvous {adj} (lacking most or all of one's hair) SEE: bald | :: |
Calydon {prop} /ˈkælɪˌdɒn/ (city) | :: Calidone |
calypso {n} /kəˈlɪp.soʊ/ (type of music and dance) | :: calipso {m} |
calyptra {n} (thin, hood-like tissue) | :: caliptra {f} |
calyx {n} /ˈkæ.lɪks/ (the sepals of a flower) | :: calice {m} |
calzone {n} /kælˈzoʊn/ (baked Italian turnover) | :: calzone {m} |
cam {n} (camera) SEE: camera | :: |
cam {n} /kæm/ (mechanical part) | :: camma {f} |
Camaldolese {adj} (pertaining to the Camaldolese Order) | :: camaldolese |
Camaldolese {n} (mon or nun belonging to the Camaldolese Order) | :: camaldolese {m} {f} |
camber {n} /ˈkæm.bɚ/ (nautical: small enclosed dock for mast timber) | :: bolzone {m} |
cambium {n} (membrane that covers bones) SEE: periosteum | :: |
Cambodia {prop} /kæmˈboʊdi.ə/ (country in Southeast Asia) | :: Cambogia {f} |
Cambodian {n} (the language of the Cambodian people) SEE: Khmer | :: |
Cambrian explosion {prop} /ˈkam.bɹɪ.ən ɪkˈspləʊ.ʒən/ (the rapid appearance, around 541 million years ago, of most major animal phyla) | :: esplosione cambriana {f} |
Cambrian symbol {n} (literary: vegetable emblematic of Wales) SEE: leek | :: |
came {v} /keɪm/ (simple past of come) | :: venuto {m} |
camel {n} /ˈkæməl/ (beast of burden) | :: cammello {m} |
camellia {n} /kəˈmɛlɪ.ə/ (plant) | :: camelia {f} |
camelopard {n} (giraffe) SEE: giraffe | :: |
cameo {n} /ˈkæm.iː.əʊ/ (relief work) | :: cammeo {m} |
cameo {n} (brief appearance) | :: cammeo {m} |
camera {n} /ˈkæməɹə/ (still camera) | :: fotocamera {f}, macchina fotografica {f} |
camera {n} (movie camera) | :: videocamera {f}, telecamera {f} |
camera flash {n} (a device that produces a short flash of light) SEE: flash | :: |
cameralism {n} (the theories and practices of the cameralists) | :: cameralismo {m} |
cameraman {n} (somebody who operates a film or TV camera) | :: operatore {m}, addetto {m} |
camera obscura {n} /ˈkam(ə)ɹə əbˌskjʊəɹə/ (darkened chamber in which the image of an outside object is projected and focused onto a surface) | :: camera oscura {f} |
camerlengo {n} (chamberlain) | :: camerlengo {m} |
Cameroon {prop} /kæməˈɹuːn/ (country in Central Africa) | :: Camerun |
Cameroonian {adj} (pertaining to Cameroon) | :: camerunense |
Camilla {prop} /kəˈmɪlə/ (female given name) | :: Camilla |
camlet {n} | :: cammellotto {m} |
camomile {n} /ˈkæ.məˌmaɪl/ | :: camomilla {f} |
camomile {n} (camomile tea) SEE: camomile tea | :: |
camomile tea {n} (beverage) | :: camomilla {f} |
Camorra {prop} /kəˈmɔɹə/ (crime organization from Naples) | :: camorra {f} |
Camorrism {n} (the organization and mode of action of the Camorra) | :: camorrismo {m} |
Camorrist {n} (member of the Camorra) SEE: Camorrista | :: |
Camorrista {n} /ˌkɑməˈɹistə/ (member of the Camorra) | :: camorrista {m} {f}, guappo {m} |
camouflage {n} /ˈkæ.məˌflɑːʒ/ (act of disguising) | :: camuffaggio |
camouflage {n} (military) | :: mimetizzazione {f} |
camouflage {n} | :: camuffamento {m} |
camouflage {v} (hide, disguise) | :: camuffare |
camp {n} /kæmp/ (outdoor place) | :: campo {m}, accampamento {m} |
camp {n} (group) | :: circolo {m}, associazione {f}, formazione {f}, congrega {f}, officina {f}, consorzio {m}, consorteria {f} |
camp {v} (to live in a tent) | :: campeggiare |
campaign {n} /kæmˈpeɪn/ (series of operations undertaken to achieve a set goal) | :: campagna {f} |
Campania {prop} (region of Italy) | :: Campania {f} |
campanology {n} (study of bells) | :: campanologia {f} |
camp bed {n} (a cot) | :: branda {f} |
camphor {n} /ˈkæmfɚ/ (white transparent waxy crystalline isoprenoid ketone) | :: canfora {f} |
camphorated {adj} (treated or impregnated with camphor) | :: canforato |
Campidanese Sardinian {prop} (the language) | :: sardo campidanese {m} |
camping {n} /ˈkæmpɪŋ/ (recreational activity) | :: campeggio {m} |
Campobasso {prop} (province of Italy) | :: Campobasso {f} |
Campobasso {prop} (town and capital) | :: Campobasso {f} |
Campolongo {prop} (town in Treviso) | :: Campolongo |
Campolongo {prop} (town in Belluno) | :: Campolongo |
Camporovere {prop} (village in Italy) | :: Camporovere |
camshaft {n} (a shaft fitted with cams) | :: albero a camme {m} |
Camun {n} (native or inhabitant of Val Camonica) | :: camuno {m}, camuna {f} |
Camun {adj} (of or pertaining to Val Camonica) | :: camuno |
can {v} /ˈkæn/ (to be able) | :: sapere, riuscire, essere capace, potere |
can {v} (may) | :: potere |
can {n} /ˈkæn/ (a more or less cylindrical vessel for liquids) | :: lattina {f} |
can {n} (a container used to carry and dispense water for plants) | :: annaffiatoio {m} |
can {n} (a tin-plate canister) | :: scatoletta {f} |
can {n} (buttocks) | :: chiappe {f} |
can {n} | :: cesso {m}, latrina {f} |
can {v} (to preserve) | :: inscatolare |
can {v} (to discard) | :: scartare |
can {v} (to shut up) | :: tacere, chiudere |
can {v} (to fire or dismiss an employee) | :: licenziare |
can {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot | :: |
Cana {prop} /ˈkeɪnə/ (the site where Jesus miraculously turned water into wine) | :: Cana |
Canaan {prop} /ˈkeɪnən/ (historic region) | :: Cananea |
Canaan Dog {n} (Canaan Dog) | :: cane di Canaan {m} |
Canada {prop} /ˈkænədə/ (country in North America) | :: Canada {m} |
Canada goose {n} (Branta canadensis) | :: oca del Canada {f} |
Canada lynx {n} (Lynx canadensis) | :: lince canadese {f} |
Canadian {adj} /kə.ˈneɪ.di.ən/ (of or pertaining to Canada) | :: canadese |
Canadian {n} (person from Canada) | :: canadese {m} {f} |
Canadian {prop} (Canadian English) | :: inglese canadese {m} |
Canadian football {n} (sport) | :: football canadese {m} |
Canadianization {n} (the process of making or becoming Canadian or more Canadian) | :: canadizzazione {f} |
Canadianize {v} /kə.ˈneɪ.di.ə.naɪz/ (to make Canadian) | :: canadizzare |
canal {n} /kəˈnæl/ (artificial waterway) | :: canale {m} |
canapé {n} (a bite size slice open-faced sandwich) | :: canapè {m}, crostino {m}, tartina {f} |
canapé {n} (elegant sofa) | :: canapè {m} |
canary {n} /kəˈnɛəɹi/ (bird from the Canary Islands) | :: canario {m}, canarino {m} |
canary {n} (colour) | :: giallo canarino |
canary {n} (wine) | :: vino delle canarie |
canary {n} (small yellow bird in general) | :: canarino |
canary {n} (squealer) | :: spia, delatore, canarino |
canary {adj} (of a light yellow colour) | :: canarino |
Canary Islands {prop} (an archipelago off the coast of north-western Africa) | :: Isole Canarie {f-p} |
Canberra {prop} /ˈkænˌbɛɹə/ (Capital of Australia) | :: Canberra |
cancel {v} /ˈkænsl̩/ (cross out) | :: depennare, cancellare, eliminare |
cancel {v} (invalidate, annul) | :: invalidare, annullare, recidere, cassare |
cancel {v} (mark to prevent reuse) | :: obliterare, annullare |
cancel {v} (offset, equalize) | :: neutralizzare, compensare, filtrare |
cancel {n} (cancellation) | :: cancellazione {f}, annullamento {m}, cassazione {f}, timbro postale {m}, obliteratore {m} |
cancel {n} (mark cancelling a sharp or flat) | :: spuntato |
cancellation {n} /kænsəˈleɪʃən/ (act of cancelling) | :: cancellazione {f}, annullamento {m}, disdetta, revoca, annullo, sospensione, abrogazione |
cancel out {v} (to neutralize the effect of) | :: escludersi |
cancer {n} /ˈkænsɚ/ (disease of uncontrolled cellular proliferation) | :: cancro {m} |
Cancer {prop} /ˈkænsɚ/ (constellation) | :: Cancro {m} |
Cancer {prop} (astrological sign) | :: Cancro {m} |
cancerous {adj} /kænsəɹəs/ (relating to or affected with cancer) | :: canceroso |
candelabrum {n} /kændɪˈlɑːbɹəm/ (candle holder) | :: candelabro {m} |
candid {adj} /ˈkæn.dɪd/ | :: candido {m} |
candidacy {n} (state or act of being a candidate) | :: candidatura {f} |
candidate {n} /ˈkæn.dɪ.deɪt/ (person running in an election) | :: candidato, candidata {f} |
candidate {n} (participant in an examination) | :: candidato, candidata {f} |
candidateship {n} (candidacy) SEE: candidacy | :: |
candidature {n} (the condition of becoming a candidate) | :: candidatura {f} |
candidiasis {n} /ˌkændɪˈdaɪəsɪs/ (fungal infection) | :: candidosi {f} |
candidly {adv} (frankly) SEE: frankly | :: |
candidly {adv} /ˈkændɪdli/ (in a candid manner) | :: candidamente |
candied {adj} /ˈkæn.diːd/ (coated or encrusted with sugar) | :: candito |
candied {adj} (preserved in sugar or syrup) | :: candito |
candied fruit {n} (candied fruit, fruits) | :: frutta candita {f} [uncountable, collective], candito {m} [a single piece, countable], canditi {m-p}, canditura {f} (candying) [countable or uncountable, rare, collective when uncountable] |
candle {n} /ˈkændəl/ (a light source) | :: candela {f} |
candle holder {n} (candle holder) SEE: candlestick | :: |
candleholder {n} (device for holding one or more lit candles) | :: bugia {f} |
Candlemas {n} /ˈkæn.dəl.məs/ (Christian feast) | :: Candelora {f} |
candlepower {n} (former measurement of brightness of a light source) | :: intensità in candele |
candle snuffer {n} (device made to extinguish a candle) | :: spegnitoio {m} |
candlestick {n} /ˈkændəlˌstɪk/ (a holder with a socket or spike for a candle) | :: candelabro {m} |
candlewick {n} SEE: candle | :: |
candy {n} /ˈkændi/ (piece of candy) | :: caramella {f}, confetto {m} |
candy {v} (to cook, or coat with sugar or syrup) | :: candire |
candy {n} (confection) SEE: confectionery | :: |
candy cane {n} /ˈkændi ˌkeɪn/ (candy in the shape of a cane) | :: bastoncino di zucchero {m} |
candy floss {n} /ˈkændi ˌflɒs/ (sweet) | :: zucchero filato {m} |
candy store {n} (sweetshop) SEE: sweetshop | :: |
cane {n} /kʰeɪn/ (slender flexible stem of plants such as bamboo) | :: canna, canna di bambu {f}, canna da zucchero, giunco {m} |
cane {n} (plant itself) | :: canna {f} |
cane {n} (a short wooden or bamboo rod or stick used for corporal punishment) | :: bastone {m}, bacchetta {f}, verga {f} |
cane {n} (the cane: corporal punishment consisting of a beating with a cane) | :: bastonata {f} |
cane {n} (long collapsible rod used by vision impaired people) | :: bastone per ciechi {m} |
cane {v} (to beat with a cane) | :: battere |
cane {n} (walking stick) SEE: walking stick | :: |
cane {n} (sugar cane) SEE: sugar cane | :: |
Cane Corso {n} /ˌkɑneɪ ˈkɔɹsoʊ/ (dog breed) | :: cane corso {m}, cane corso italiano {m} |
canephora {n} (caryatid) | :: canefora {f} |
cane rat {n} (rodent) | :: ratto del bambù {m} |
cane sugar {n} (sugar from the sugar cane plant) | :: zucchero di canna {m} |
canid {n} /ˈkeɪnəd/ (member of Canidae) | :: canide {m} |
canine {adj} /ˈkeɪnaɪn/ (pertaining to dogs) | :: canino |
canine {adj} (dog-like) | :: canino {m}, cagnesco {m} |
canine {n} (pointy tooth) SEE: canine tooth | :: |
canine tooth {n} (tooth) | :: canino {m} |
caninus muscle {n} (muscle) | :: muscolo canino {m}, elevatore dell'angolo della bocca {m}, muscolo elevatore dell'angolo della bocca {m}, canino {m} |
Canis Major {prop} (winter constellation of the northern sky) | :: Cane maggiore {m} |
Canis Minor {prop} (small winter constellation of the northern sky) | :: Cane minore {m} |
canister {n} (short range antipersonnel projectile) SEE: grapeshot | :: |
canister shot {n} (grapeshot) SEE: grapeshot | :: |
can I use your phone {phrase} (can I use your phone?) | :: posso usare il tuo telefono? |
canna {v} (cannot) SEE: cannot | :: |
cannabinoid {n} /ˈkænəbəˌnɔɪd/ (any psychoactive compound found in cannabis) | :: cannabinoide {m} |
cannabis {n} /ˈkænəbɪs/ (plant) | :: canapa {f} |
cannabis {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana | :: |
cannabism {n} (cannabis poisoning) | :: cannabismo {m} |
Cannae {prop} /ˈkæniː/ (village) | :: Canne |
Cannaregio {prop} (sestieri of Venice) | :: Cannaregio |
canned {adj} /kænd/ (preserved in cans) | :: in scatola |
cannellini bean {n} (white kidney bean) | :: cannellino |
cannibal {n} /ˈkænɪbəl/ (an organism which eats others of its own species) | :: cannibale {m} {f}, antropofago {m} |
cannibalism {n} (act of eating another of one's own species) | :: cannibalismo {m} |
cannibalistic {adj} /kæn.ə.bəˈlɪs.tɪk/ (tending toward cannibalism) | :: cannibalesco, cannibalistico |
Cannizzaro reaction {n} (reaction) | :: reazione di Cannizzaro {f} |
cannoli {n} /kəˈnoʊli/ (tube of fried pastry filled with ricotta) | :: cannolo {m} |
cannon {n} /ˈkæn.ən/ (artillery piece) | :: cannone {m} |
cannon {n} (billiard shot) | :: carambola {f} |
cannon {v} (to bombard with cannons) | :: cannonare [rare], cannoneggiare |
cannonade {n} (firing artillery in a large amount for a length of time) | :: cannoneggiamento {m} |
cannonball {n} (spherical projectile fired from a smoothbore cannon) | :: palla di cannone {f} |
cannon fodder {n} (military forces considered to be expendable) | :: carne da cannone |
cannot {v} /ˈkæ(n.)nɑt/ (cannot, see also: can; not) | :: non potere |
canny {adj} (pleasant, nice) SEE: pleasant | :: |
canny {adj} (frugal, thrifty) SEE: frugal | :: |
canoe {n} /kəˈnuː/ (small long and narrow boat) | :: canoa {f} |
canoe {v} (to ride or paddle a canoe) | :: andare in canoa |
canoeist {n} (person who travels by canoe) | :: canoista {m} {f} |
canoer {n} (one who travels by canoe) SEE: canoeist | :: |
canola {n} (cultivar of rapeseed Brassica napus) SEE: colza | :: |
canola oil {n} (vegetable oil) | :: olio di colza {m} |
canon {n} /ˈkæn.ən/ (religious law) | :: canone {m} |
canon {n} (member of cathedral chapter) | :: canonico {m} |
canon {n} (piece of music) | :: canone {m} |
canon {n} (printing: 48-point type) | :: canone |
canoness {n} (woman who holds a canonry) | :: canonichessa {f} |
canonical form {n} ((linguistics) lemma or dictionary form) SEE: lemma | :: |
canonically {adv} (in a canonical manner) | :: canonicamente |
canonist {n} (expert in canon law) | :: canonista {m} {f} |
canonizable {adj} (worthy of being canonized) | :: canonizzabile |
canonization {n} (the final process or decree) | :: canonizzazione {f} |
canonization {n} (the state of being canonized or sainted) | :: canonizzazione {f} |
canonize {v} /ˈkænənaɪz/ (to define someone as a saint) | :: santificare, canonizzare |
canoodle {v} (To caress, pet, touch up, or make love) | :: sbaciucchiare, sbaciucchiarsi, scambiarsi effusioni, pomiciare |
can opener {n} (device used to open tin cans) | :: apriscatole {m} |
can-opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener | :: |
canopy {n} /ˈkæ.nə.pi/ (high cover) | :: baldacchino {m} |
canopy {n} (transparent cockpit cover) | :: calotta {f}, tettuccio {m} |
canopy bed {n} (a bed equipped with a canopy) | :: letto a baldacchino {m} |
Canove {prop} (village in Italy) | :: Canove |
cant {n} /kænt/ (jargon of a particular class or subgroup) | :: gergo {m}, parlata {f} |
cant {n} (secret language) | :: gergo {m}, codice {m}, linguaggio segreto {m} |
cant {n} (hypocritical talk) | :: ipocrisia {f} |
cant {n} (whining speech, such as that used by beggars.) | :: cantilena {f} |
cant {n} (heraldry: blazon that makes a pun, canting arms) | :: arma parlante {f-p} |
cant {n} (angle at which something is set) | :: inclinazione {f} |
can't {v} (cannot) SEE: cannot | :: |
cantaloupe {n} /ˈkæn.tə.loʊp/ (melon) | :: cantalupo {m}, zatta {f} |
cantankerous {adj} /kænˈtæŋkəɹəs/ (ill-tempered, cranky, surly, crabby) | :: stizzoso |
can't be bothered {v} (not have enthusiasm) | :: non aver voglia (di) |
canteen {n} /kænˈtiːn/ (small cafeteria or snack bar) | :: mensa {f} |
canteen {n} (water bottle) | :: borraccia {f} |
Canterbury {prop} /ˈkæntəbəɹi/ (cathedral city in England) | :: Canterbury {f} |
can't help {v} (not be able to avoid something) | :: non poter fare a meno di, non potere fare a meno di, non poterci fare niente |
canticle {n} (a chant, hymn or song, especially a nonmetrical one, with words from a biblical text) | :: cantico {m} |
Canticle of Canticles {prop} (Song of Songs) SEE: Song of Songs | :: |
Canticles {prop} (Song of Songs) SEE: Song of Songs | :: |
cantilever {n} /ˈkantɪliːvə/ (beam anchored at one end and projecting into space) | :: mensola {f} |
canting arms {n} | :: arma parlante {f} |
canton {n} /ˈkæntn̩/ (state of Switzerland) | :: cantone {m}, Canton [when used in the names of some cantons] |
canton {n} (heraldry; one of the ordinaries) | :: cantone {m} |
cantonal {adj} (of, pertaining to, or divided into cantons) | :: cantonale |
Cantonese {adj} /kæn.təˈniːz/ (relating to Canton) | :: cantonese |
Cantonese {adj} (relating to the Cantonese people) | :: cantonese |
Cantonese {adj} (relating to the Cantonese language) | :: cantonese |
Cantonese {n} (person from Canton) | :: cantonese {m} {f} |
Cantonese {n} (language) | :: cantonese {m} |
cantor {n} (singer) | :: cantore {m} |
can't wait {v} (to eagerly anticipate) | :: non vedere l'ora |
canvas {n} /ˈkæn.vəs/ (a type of coarse cloth) | :: canovaccio, tela |
canvas {n} (a piece of canvas cloth on which one may paint) | :: tela |
canvas {v} (To cover an area or object with canvas) | :: intelare |
canvass {v} (to campaign) SEE: campaign | :: |
canvass {n} (solicit opinions) | :: richiesta {f}, sollecitazione {f} |
canvass {v} (to solicit voters) | :: rastrellare voti, rastrellare consensi |
canvass {v} (to conduct survey) | :: saggiare, sondare, analizzare |
canyon {n} /ˈkænjən/ (a valley cut in rock by a river) | :: gola {f} |
can you help me {phrase} (can you help me?) | :: [familiar] mi puoi aiutare?, [polite] mi può aiutare? |
can you tell us {phrase} (prefix indicating a polite request) | :: puoi dirci [informal], potresti dirci [informal more polite], può dirci [formal], potrebbe dirci [formal more polite] |
caoutchouc {n} /ˈkaʊtʃʊk/ (natural rubber) | :: caucciù {m} |
cap {n} /kæp/ (head covering) | :: cuffia {f}, cappuccio {m}, berretto {m}, berretta {f}, cofia {f} |
cap {n} (head-covering to indicate rank etc.) | :: cappello {m}, berretto {m}, bustina {f} |
cap {n} (academic mortarboard) | :: tocco {m} |
cap {n} (protective cover or seal) | :: chiusura {f}, chiusura di sicurezza, coppa {f}, cappuccio {m}, tappo {m} |
cap {n} (crown covering a tooth) | :: corona {f}, capsula {f} |
cap {n} (summit of a mountain) | :: cima {f} |
cap {n} (artificial upper limit) | :: tetto {m} |
cap {n} (top part of a mushroom) | :: cappella {f} |
cap {n} (gunpowder charge for a toy gun) | :: capsula {f} |
capability {n} /keɪpəˈbɪləti/ (the power or ability to generate an outcome) | :: capacità {f} |
capable {adj} /ˈkeɪpəbl̩/ (able and efficient) | :: capace |
capacious {adj} /kəˈpeɪʃəs/ (having a lot of space inside) | :: capace |
capacitance {n} (property of an element of an electrical circuit) | :: capacità {f} |
capacitor {n} (electronic component) | :: condensatore {m} |
capacity {n} /kəˈpæsɪti/ (the ability to hold, receive or absorb) | :: tenuta {f}, resistenza {f}, capacità {f}, capienza {f} |
capacity {n} (capability; the ability to perform some task) | :: capacità |
capacity {n} (the maximum that can be produced) | :: capacità {f} |
capacity {n} (electrical capacitance) | :: resistenza {f} |
cape {n} /keɪp/ (headland) | :: capo {m} |
cape {n} (garment) | :: cappa {f}, mantellina {f} |
cape gooseberry {n} (plant) | :: alkikinger {m} |
cape gooseberry {n} (fruit) | :: uciuva {f}, alkikinger {m} |
Cape lion {n} (Panthera leo melanochaita) | :: leone del Capo |
Capella {prop} (the brightest star in the constellation Auriga) | :: Capella {f} |
Cape of Good Hope {prop} (a cape in southwestern South Africa) | :: Capo di Buona Speranza {m} |
Cape porcupine {n} (African porcupine) | :: porcospino sudafricano {m}, porcospino del Capo {m} |
caper {n} (crime) SEE: crime | :: |
caper {n} (capercaillie) SEE: capercaillie | :: |
caper {n} /ˈkeɪpɚ/ (playful leap) | :: sobbalzo {m}, saltellamento {m} |
caper {v} (to jump about playfully) | :: saltellare |
caper {n} (pickled bud of Capparis spinosa) | :: cappero {m} |
caper {n} (plant) | :: cappero {m} |
caper {n} (Dutch vessel) SEE: privateer | :: |
caperberry {n} (fruit of the caperbush) | :: cocuncio {m} |
capercaillie {n} /kæpəˈkeɪli/ (Tetrao urogallus) | :: urogallo {m}, gallo cedrone {m} |
Capernaum {prop} (The biblical town) | :: Cafarnao {f} |
Cape teal {n} (Anas capensis) | :: alzavola del Capo |
Cape Town {prop} /ˈkeɪp ˌtaʊn/ (legislative capital of South Africa) | :: Città del Capo {f} |
Cape Verde {prop} /keɪpˈvɝd/ (country in Western Africa) | :: Capo Verde |
Cape Verdean {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Cape Verde, its people or their language) | :: capoverdiano |
Cape Verdean {n} (a person from Cape Verde or of Cape Verdean descent) | :: capoverdiano, capoverdiana {f} |
Capeverdean Crioulo {prop} (creole language spoken in Cape Verde) | :: criolo capoverdiano |
capias {n} (arrest warrant) SEE: arrest warrant | :: |
capillarity {n} (interaction between the surface of a solid and liquid) | :: capillarità {f} |
capillarization {n} (the formation of capillaries to a part of the body) | :: capillarizzazione {f} |
capillary {n} /ˈkæpɪˌlɛɹi/ (any of small blood vessels that connect arteries to veins) | :: capillare {m}, vaso capillare {m} |
capillary action {n} (drawing of a liquid up interstices) | :: capillarità {f} |
capisce {interj} /kəˈpiːʃ/ (“understood?”) | :: capito?, intesi?, [to one person, informal] capisci?, [to one person, formal] capisce?, [to many people] capite? |
capital {n} /ˈkæp.ɪ.təl/ (money and wealth) | :: capitale {m} |
capital {n} (uppermost part of a column) | :: capitello {m} |
capital {adj} (of prime importance) | :: capitale, principale |
capital {adj} (excellent) | :: ottimo, magnifico, eccellente, splendido |
capital {adj} (involving punishment by death) | :: capitale |
capital {adj} (uppercase) | :: maiuscolo |
capital {n} (capital letter) SEE: capital letter | :: |
capital {n} (capital city) SEE: capital city | :: |
capital city {n} (city designated as seat of government) | :: [of nation] capitale {f}, [of a state or regione] capoluogo {m} |
capital gain {n} | :: plusvalenza {f} |
capitalism {n} /ˈkapɪt(ə)lɪz(ə)m/ (socio-economic system based on private property rights) | :: capitalismo {m} |
capital letter {n} (letters A B C) | :: maiuscolo {m}, maiuscola {f} |
capital loss {n} (decrease in the value of a capital asset) | :: minusvalenza {f} |
capital punishment {n} (punishment by death) | :: pena capitale |
Capitanian {prop} (subdivision of the Permian) | :: Capitaniano |
capitol {n} (Capitoline temple of Jupiter) SEE: Capitol | :: |
capitol {n} (particular capitol buildings) SEE: Capitol | :: |
Capitol {prop} (legislative building in Washington, D.C.) | :: Campidoglio {m} |
Capitoline Hill {prop} (hill) | :: Campidoglio {m}, Monte Capitolino {m} |
capo {n} (capotasto) SEE: capotasto | :: |
capon {n} /ˈkeɪpən/ (cockerel grown for food) | :: cappone {m} |
caponata {n} (Sicilian dish) | :: caponata {f} |
Capone {prop} | :: Capone |
caponier {n} (fortification structure) | :: caponiera {f} |
caponize {v} (to castrate a cockerel) | :: capponare, accapponare |
capotasto {n} (device placed across the strings) | :: capotasto |
Cappadocia {prop} /kæpəˈdoʊʃə/ (ancient region) | :: Cappadocia |
Cappe {prop} (Cappé) | :: Cappé |
cappuccino {n} /ˌkæpəˈtʃinoʊ/ (beverage) | :: cappuccino {m} |
cappuccino {n} (cup of this beverage) | :: cappuccino {m} |
Capri {prop} /ˈkɑːpɹi/ (island in Italy) | :: Capri |
capric {adj} (related to capric acid) | :: caprinico {m}, caprico {m} |
capric acid {n} (fatty acid) | :: acido caprinico {m}, acido caprico {m} |
capriccio {n} /kəˈpriːchoʊ/ (type of painting) | :: capriccio {m} |
capriccio {n} (piece of music) | :: capriccio {m} |
caprice {n} (capriccio) SEE: capriccio | :: |
Capricorn {prop} (constellation) SEE: Capricornus | :: |
Capricorn {prop} /ˈkæpɹɪkɔːɹn/ (astrological sign) | :: Capricorno {m} |
Capricornus {prop} /ˌkæpɹɪˈkɔːɹnəs/ (constellation) | :: Capricorno {m} |
Capricornus {prop} (astrological sign) SEE: Capricorn | :: |
caprid {n} /ˈkæprɪd/ | :: caprino {m}, rupicapra {f}, camoscio {m}, capra {f} |
caprolactam {n} (the organic compound) | :: caprolattame {m} |
capsicum {n} /ˈkæpsɪkəm/ | :: capsico {m} |
capsicum spray {n} (pepper spray) SEE: pepper spray | :: |
capsize {v} /kæpˈsaɪz/ ((intransitive) to overturn) | :: capovolgersi, ribaltarsi, rovesciarsi |
capsize {v} ((transitive) to cause to overturn) | :: ribaltare, capovolgere |
capstan {n} /ˈkap.stən/ (cylindrical machine) | :: cabestano {m} |
capstone {n} (a crowning achievement) | :: coronamento {m} |
capsule {n} (weasel) SEE: weasel | :: |
captain {n} /ˈkæp.tən/ (an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and major) | :: capitano {m} |
captain {n} (a naval officer with a rank between commander and commodore or rear admiral) | :: capitano di vascello {m} |
captain {n} (the person lawfully in command of a sea-going vessel) | :: capitano {m} |
captain {n} (the person lawfully in command of an airliner) | :: capitano {m} |
captain {n} (one of the athletes on a sports team designated to make decisions) | :: capitano {m} |
Captain Obvious {n} /ˌkæptən ˈɑbviəs/ (someone who makes superfluous statements) | :: Capitan Ovvio |
captee {n} (captive) SEE: captive | :: |
caption {n} (capture) SEE: capture | :: |
caption {n} /ˈkæp.ʃən/ (descriptive title or heading of (part of) a document) | :: intestazione {f} |
caption {n} (title or brief explanation attached to an illustration or cartoon) | :: didascalia {f}, legenda {f}, dicitura {f} |
caption {n} (piece of text appearing on screen as part of a film or broadcast) | :: sottotitolo {m}, didascalia {f} |
caption {n} (section of an official paper) | :: parte iniziale |
captious {adj} /ˈkæpʃəs/ (that captures misleadingly) | :: capzioso, tortuoso., ambiguo, ingannevole, insidioso, arzigogolato |
captious {adj} (having a disposition to find fault unreasonably or to raise petty objections) | :: capzioso {m}, sofistico {m}, cavilloso {m} |
captivate {v} /ˈkæptɪveɪt/ (to attract and hold interest and attention of) | :: catturare, attirare l'attenzione, attrarre, accattivare |
captive {n} /ˈkæptɪv/ (a person who has been captured) | :: prigioniero |
captive {n} (a person held prisoner) | :: prigioniero |
captive {adj} (held prisoner) | :: catturato, intrappolato |
captivity {n} (captives) SEE: captive | :: |
captivity {n} /kæpˈtɪvɪti/ (state of being captive) | :: cattività {f} |
capture {v} /ˈkæp.t͡ʃɚ/ (store, record) | :: catturare, riprendere |
Capuchin {n} (a member of the Roman Catholic order) | :: cappuccino {m} |
capybara {n} /ˌkæpiˈbɛɹə/ (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) | :: capibara {m} |
car {n} /kɑɹ/ (automobile, a vehicle steered by a driver) | :: macchina {f}, auto {f}, automobile {f}, autovettura {f} |
car {n} (passenger-carrying unit in a subway or elevated train, whether powered or not) | :: cabina {f} |
car {n} (moving, load-carrying component of an elevator) | :: cabina {f} |
car {n} (railway car, railroad carriage) SEE: carriage | :: |
carabineer {n} (cavalry soldier) | :: carabiniere {m} |
caracal {n} /ˈkaɹəkal/ (Caracal caracal) | :: caracal {m}, lince persiana {f} |
Caracalla {prop} /ˌkærəˈkælə/ (emperor) | :: Caracalla |
Caracas {prop} /kəˈɹækəs/ (capital of Venezuela) | :: Caracas {f} |
carafe {n} /kəˈɹæf/ (bottle for serving wine, water, or beverages) | :: caraffa {f} |
carambola {n} (fruit) SEE: star fruit | :: |
caramel {n} /ˈkæ.ɹə.məl/ (confection) | :: caramello {m} |
caramel {n} (color) | :: caramello {m} |
caramelize {v} (brown sugar) | :: caramellare, caramellizzare |
carapace {n} /ˈkɛɹ.əˌpeɪs/ (hard protective covering) | :: carapace {m}, esoscheletro {m} |
carat {n} /ˈkæɹ.ət/ (weight) | :: carato {m} |
carat {n} (measure of the purity of gold) | :: carato {m} |
Caravaggesque {adj} /ˌkæɹəvɑˈdʒɛsk/ (reminiscent of the style of Caravaggio) | :: caravaggesco |
Caravaggio {prop} /ˌkæɹəˈvɑdʒ(i)oʊ/ (Italian painter) | :: Caravaggio {m} |
caravan {n} /ˈkæɹəvæn/ (convoy or procession) | :: carovana |
caravan {n} (vehicle) | :: roulotte {f}, caravan {m} |
caravanserai {n} /kaɹəˈvansəɹʌɪ/ (an inn having a central courtyard where caravans can rest) | :: caravanserraglio {m} |
caravel {n} /ˈkæɹəvɛl/ (light, usually lateen-rigged sailing vessel) | :: caravella {f} |
caraway {n} /ˈkæɹəˌweɪ/ (plant) | :: carvi {m} |
caraway {n} (seed/fruit) | :: carvi {m}, cumino dei prati {m} |
carbide {n} (any binary compound of carbon and a more electropositive element) | :: carburo {m} |
carbide {n} (polyatomic ion C22-, or any of its salts) | :: carburo {m} |
carbide {n} (monatomic ion C4-, or any of its salts) | :: carburo {m} |
carbide {n} (tungsten carbide) | :: carburo di tungsteno {m} |
carbide {n} (calcium carbide) | :: carburo di calcio {m} |
carbine {n} /ˈkɑɹbiːn/ (weapon similar to a rifle but much shorter in length) | :: carabina {f} |
carbinol {n} (Methanol) | :: carbinolo {m} |
carbinol {n} (Substituted methanol) | :: carbinolo {m} |
carbohydrate {n} /kɑːɹboʊˈhaɪdɹeɪt/ (organic compounds such as sugar, starch or cellulose) | :: carboidrato {m} |
carbon {n} /ˈkɑɹbən/ (chemical element) | :: carbonio {m} |
carbonado {v} (to cut or hack) SEE: cut | :: |
carbonado {n} /ˌkɑːbəˈneɪdəʊ/ (impure form of polycrystalline diamond) | :: carbonado {m} |
carbonara {n} /ˌkɑɹbəˈnɑɹə/ (thick pasta sauce) | :: carbonara {f} |
carbonara {n} (spaghetti dish) | :: spaghetti alla carbonara {m-p}, carbonara {f} |
Carbonarism {n} /ˌkɑɹbəˈnɑɹɪzəm/ (the principles, practices, or organization of the Carbonari) | :: carbonarismo {m} |
carbonate {n} /ˈkɑɹbənət/ (any salt or ester of carbonic acid) | :: carbonato {m} |
carbonated {adj} /ˈkɑɹ.bəˌneɪ.təd/ (containing dissolved carbon dioxide gas (under pressure)) | :: gassato, effervescente |
carbonated water {n} (water containing carbon dioxide) | :: acqua frizzante {f} |
carbonatic {adj} (containing carbonate minerals) | :: carbonatico |
carbon cycle {n} (cycle of carbon) | :: ciclo del carbonio {m} |
carbon dioxide {n} (CO₂) | :: anidride carbonica {f}, diossido di carbonio {m} |
carbonic {adj} /kɑɹˈbɒnɪk/ (of or relating to carbon) | :: carbonico {m}, carbonica {f} |
carbonic acid {n} (A weak unstable acid, H2CO3) | :: acido carbonico {m} |
carbonic anhydrase {n} (enzyme) | :: anidrasi carbonica {f} |
carbonization {n} (the act or process of carbonizing) | :: carbonizzazione {f} |
carbonize {v} (turn something to carbon, especially by heating) | :: carbonizzare |
carbonless copy paper {n} | :: carta autocopiante {f}, carta chimica {f} |
carbon monoxide {n} (chemical of the formula CO) | :: ossido di carbonio {m}, monossido di carbonio {m} |
carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle {n} (a group of nuclear reactions thought to be the main source of energy in main-sequence stars of greater than 1.4 solar mass) | :: ciclo del carbonio-azoto {m} |
carbon oxychloride {n} (the compound carbonyl chloride) | :: ossicloruro di carbonio {m} |
carbon paper {n} (paper used to make carbon copies) | :: carta carbone {f}, carta velina {f} |
carbon tetrabromide {n} /ˈkɑː(ɹ).bən ˌtɛt.ɹəˈbɹəʊ.maɪd/ (the halogenated hydrocarbon tetrabromomethane) | :: tetrabromuro di carbonio |
carbon tetrachloride {n} (solvent) | :: tetracloruro di carbonio |
carbon tetrafluoride {n} /ˈkɑː(ɹ).bən tɛt.ɹəˌflʊɹ.aɪd/ (the halogenated hydrocarbon tetrafluoromethane) | :: tetrafluoruro di carbonio |
carbon tetraiodide {n} /ˈkæɹ.bən tɛt.ɹəˌaɪ.əʊ.daɪd/ (the halogenated hydrocarbon tetraiodomethane) | :: tetraioduro di carbonio |
carbonyl chloride {n} (the compound COCl2) | :: ossicloruro di carbonio |
carbonyl sulfide {n} (mixed oxide and sulfide of carbon COS) | :: ossisulfuro di carbonio {m} |
carborundum {n} /kɑɹbəˈɹʌndəm/ (crystals of silicon carbide used as an abrasive) | :: carborundum {m} |
carboxamide {n} (amide of a carboxylic acid) | :: carbossammide {f} |
carboxyl {n} (carboxyl) | :: carbossile {m} |
carboxylic {adj} (of, or relating to the carboxyl functional group) | :: carbossilico |
carboxylic acid {n} (organic compound containing a carboxyl functional group) | :: acido carbossilico {f} |
carboy {n} (demijohn) SEE: demijohn | :: |
carburetor {n} /ˈkɑːɹb(j)əˌɹeɪtɚ/ (a device in an internal combustion engine) | :: carburatore {m} |
carburettor {n} (motor car part) SEE: carburetor | :: |
carburize {v} (carbonize) SEE: carbonize | :: |
carcass {n} (body of a dead human) SEE: corpse | :: |
car chase {n} (chase between people in two or more cars or other vehicles) | :: inseguimento in auto {m} |
carcinization {n} /ˌkɑːsɪnɪˈzeɪʃn̩/ (convergent evolution of decapod crustaceans from forms dissimilar to true crabs into similar forms) | :: carcinizzazione {f} |
carcinogen {n} /kɑɹˈsɪnədʒən/ (substance or agent that can cause cancer) | :: agente cancerogeno {m}, prodotto cancerogeno {m} |
carcinogenicity {n} (the state or degree of being carcinogenic) | :: carcinogenicità {f}, cancerogenicità {f} |
carcinoid {n} (form of tumour) | :: carcinoide {m} |
carcinoma {n} /ˌkɑɹsɪˈnoʊmə/ (type of tumor) | :: carcinoma |
carcinomatous {adj} | :: carcinomatoso |
Carcoforo {prop} (village in Italy) | :: Carcoforo |
card {n} /kɑɹd/ (flat, normally rectangular piece of stiff paper, plastic etc.) | :: scheda {f}, carta {f}, biglietto {m} |
card {n} (playing card) SEE: playing card | :: |
card {n} (card game) SEE: card game | :: |
cardamom {n} /ˈkɑɹ.də.məm/ (E. cardamomum) | :: cardamomo {m} |
cardamom {n} (its seed or seed capsule) | :: cardamomo {m} |
cardboard {n} /ˈkɑɹdbɔɹd/ (material resembling heavy paper) | :: cartone {m} |
cardboard box {n} /kɑːdbɔːd bɒks/ (container) | :: scatola di cartone |
card game {n} (any of very many games played with playing cards) | :: gioco di carte {m} |
cardia {n} (section of the esophagus that connects to the stomach) | :: cardias {m} |
cardiac {adj} /ˈkɑːdɪæk/ (pertaining to the heart) | :: cardiaco |
cardiac {adj} (pertaining to the cardia) | :: cardiale |
cardiac arrest {n} (cessation of the heartbeat resulting in the loss of effective circulation of the blood) | :: arresto cardiaco {m} |
cardigan {n} /ˈkɑːdɪɡən/ (type of sweater) | :: cardigan |
cardinal {adj} /ˈkɑɹdɪnəl/ (of fundamental importance) | :: cardinale |
cardinal {adj} (describing a number that indicates quantity) | :: cardinale |
cardinal {adj} (having a bright red color) | :: cardinale |
cardinal {n} (number indicating quantity) | :: numero cardinale {m} |
cardinal {n} (official of the Catholic Church) | :: cardinale {m} |
cardinal {n} (any bird in family Cardinalidae) | :: cardinale {m} |
cardinal {n} (colour) | :: rosso cardinale {m} |
cardinal {n} (mulled wine) SEE: mulled wine | :: |
cardinalate {n} (the dignity and ecclestiastic office of Roman Catholic cardinal) | :: cardinalato {m} |
cardinal direction {n} (principal compass direction) SEE: cardinal point | :: |
cardinality {n} ((set theory)) | :: cardinalità {f}, numerosità {f}, potenza {f} |
cardinal number {n} (number denoting quantity) | :: numero cardinale {m} |
cardinal number {n} (number used to denote the size of a set) | :: numero cardinale {m} |
cardinal point {n} (cardinal point) | :: punto cardinale {m} |
cardinalship {n} (office of a cardinal) SEE: cardinalate | :: |
cardinal virtues {n} (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance) | :: virtù cardinali {f} |
card-index {v} (to index with cards) | :: schedare |
cardio- {prefix} (pertaining to the heart) | :: cardio- |
cardioactive {adj} (affecting the heart) | :: cardioattivo |
cardiograph {n} (an instrument which, placed in contact with the chest, graphically registers the comparative duration and intensity of the heart's movements) | :: cardiografo {m} |
cardioid {n} (epicycloid with one cusp) | :: cardioide {f} |
cardiological {adj} (of or pertaining to cardiology) | :: cardiologico |
cardiologist {n} (physician) | :: cardiologo {m}, cardiologa {f} |
cardiology {n} (study of the structure of the heart) | :: cardiologia {f} |
cardiomyopathy {n} (deterioration of the myocardium) | :: cardiomiopatia {f} |
cardiopathic {adj} (pertaining to cardiopathy) | :: cardiopatico |
cardiopathy {n} (disorder of the heart) | :: cardiopatia {f} |
cardioplegia {n} (deliberate cessation of cardiac activity) | :: cardioplegia {f} |
cardiopulmonary {adj} (Of, or pertaining to the heart and the lungs) | :: cardiopolmonare |
cardiopulmonary resuscitation {n} (a first aid procedure for cardiac arrest) | :: rianimazione cardiopolmonare, RCP |
cardiorespiratory {adj} (pertaining to the heart and breathing) | :: cardiorespiratorio |
cardiothoracic {adj} (of or pertaining to both the heart and the chest) | :: cardiotoracico |
cardiovascular {adj} (relating to the circulatory system) | :: cardiovascolare |
cardiovascular system {n} (circulatory system) SEE: circulatory system | :: |
carditis {n} (inflammation of the muscles of the heart) | :: cardite {f} |
cardoon {n} (perennial plant) | :: cardone {f} |
card punch {n} (machine) | :: perforatore {m}, perforatrice {f}, bucatrice {f} |
cards {n} (card game) SEE: card game | :: |
cardshark {n} (cardsharp) SEE: cardsharp | :: |
cardsharp {n} /ˈkɑːdʃɑːp/ (professional cheater at card games) | :: baro {m} |
care {n} /kɛə/ (close attention, concern or responsibility) | :: cura {f}, attenzione {f} |
care {v} (to look after) | :: curare |
Care Bear {n} (fictional animal) SEE: Care Bears | :: |
Care Bears {prop} (fictional group of multi-colored bear characters) | :: orsetti del cuore {m-p} |
careen {v} /kəˈɹiːn/ (to heave a ship down on one side so as to expose the other) | :: carenare |
career {n} /kəˈɹɪɹ/ (one's calling in life; a person's occupation) | :: carriera {f} |
carefree {adj} /ˈkɛəfɹiː/ (worry free, light hearted, etc.) | :: libero da preoccupazioni, spensierato {m} |
carefreeness {n} (the state of being lighthearted; joyous) | :: spensieratezza {f} |
careful {adj} /ˈkɛ(ə)ɹfəl/ (cautious) | :: prudente, cauto |
careful {adj} (meticulous) | :: accurato, attento |
carefully {adv} /ˈkɛːfəli/ (in a careful manner) | :: minuziosamente, accuratamente, meticolosamente, puntigliosamente, attentamente |
care home {n} (place of residence for people with significant deficiencies) SEE: nursing home | :: |
care killed the cat {proverb} (curiosity killed the cat) SEE: curiosity killed the cat | :: |
careless {adj} /ˈkɛəlɪs/ (not giving sufficient attention or thought) | :: inaccurato, negligente, negletto, superficiale |
careless {adj} (not concerned or worried) SEE: carefree | :: |
carelessness {n} /ˈkɛɹləsnəs/ (lack of care) | :: negligenza {f} |
care of {prep} (for distribution by (the named intermediary)) | :: presso |
caress {v} /kəˈɹɛs/ (touch or kiss lovingly) | :: accarezzare |
caretaker {n} /ˈkɛɹˌteɪ.kɚ/ (one who takes care of a place or thing) | :: portinaio {m}, caposcala {m} |
caretaker {n} (one who takes care of a person) | :: badante |
careworn {adj} (haggard) SEE: haggard | :: |
cargo {n} /ˈkɑːɡəʊ/ (freight carried by a ship) | :: carico {m} |
cargo bin {n} (aviation: compartment for luggage) | :: stiva di carico {f} |
cargo ship {n} (ship that carries cargo) | :: nave da trasporto {f}, nave cargo {f}, mercantile {m} |
cargo vessel {n} (vessel designed to carry cargo) | :: mercantile {m} |
Caribbean {adj} /ˌkæɹɪˈbiːɪn/ (pertaining to the sea and region bounded by the American continent and the West Indies) | :: caraibico |
Caribbean {prop} | :: Mare Caraibico {m} |
Caribbean {prop} (countries) | :: Caraibi {m} |
Caribbean Sea {prop} (a tropical sea in the Western Hemisphere) | :: mare Caraibico {m} |
caribou {n} /ˈkɛɹəbu/ (North American reindeer) | :: caribù {m} |
caricature {v} /ˈkæɹɪkətʃʊɚ/ (represent in exaggerated manner) | :: caricaturizzare |
carillon {n} /ˈkɛɹɪˌlɑn/ (a set of bells, often in a bell tower, originating from the Low Countries) | :: carillon {m} |
Carinthia {prop} /kəˈrɪnθiə/ (state of Austria) | :: Carinzia {f} |
carious {adj} (decayed, rotten) SEE: rotten | :: |
caritive case {n} (case used to express the lack of something) | :: caso caritivo {m} |
Carl {prop} (male given names cognate to Carl) SEE: Charles | :: |
Carlism {n} (political movement) | :: carlismo {m} |
carmaker {n} (company) | :: casa automobilistica {f} |
carman {n} (person who transported goods) | :: barocciaio {m} |
Carmel {prop} (female given name) | :: Carmela |
Carmelite {n} (member of a certain Catholic religious order) | :: carmelitano {m}, carmelitana {f} |
carmine {n} (purplish-red pigment) | :: carminio |
carmine {n} (purplish-red colour) | :: carminio, granata {f}, amaranto {m}, cremisi |
carmine {adj} (of the purplish red colour shade carmine) | :: carminio |
carnage {n} /ˈkɑɹ.nɪdʒ/ (death and destruction) | :: carneficina {f}, carnaio {m} |
carnal knowledge {n} (archaic term for sexual intercourse) | :: rapporto carnale {m} |
carnation {n} /kɑɹˈneɪ.ʃən/ (flower) | :: garofano {m} |
carnation {n} | :: carnagione |
carnauba {n} (wax) | :: cera di carnauba |
carnelian {n} (reddish brown chalcedony) | :: cornalina {f} |
carnitine {n} /ˈkɑː.nɪt.iːn/ (an organic compound) | :: carnitina {f} |
carnival {n} /ˈkæɹnɪvəl/ (festive occasion marked by parades) | :: carnevale {m} |
carnivore {n} /ˈkɑːnɪvɔː/ (meat-eating animal) | :: carnivoro {m} |
carob {n} (tree) | :: carrubo {m} |
carob {n} (fruit) | :: carruba {f} |
Caroline {prop} /ˈkæ.ɹəˌlaɪn/ (female given name) | :: Carolina |
caron {n} (háček diacritic) SEE: háček | :: |
carotene {n} (class of plant pigments) | :: carotene {m} |
carotenoid {n} (class of organic compounds) | :: carotenoide {m} |
carotid {n} /kəˈɹɒ.tɪd/ (major artery) | :: carotide {f} |
carouse {v} /kəˈɹaʊz/ (To engage in a noisy or drunken social gathering) | :: gozzovigliare, fare baldoria |
carouse {v} (To drink to excess) | :: ubriacarsi, sbronzarsi |
carousel {n} (merry-go-round) SEE: merry-go-round | :: |
carousel {n} /ˌkærəˈzɛl/ (revolving device to deliver items) | :: carosello {m} |
carp {n} /ˈkɑɹp/ (Any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae) | :: carpa {f}, reina {f} |
carpal tunnel {n} (passageway on the palmar side of the wrist) | :: tunnel carpale |
carpal tunnel syndrome {n} (repetitive stress injury) | :: sindrome del tunnel carpale {f} |
car park {n} (outdoor parking area) SEE: parking lot | :: |
Carpathians {prop} (mountainous system in Central Europe) | :: Carpazi {m} |
carpe diem {proverb} /ˌkɑɹ.peɪ ˈdi.əm/ (seize the day) | :: cogli l'attimo, vivere alla giornata |
carpel {n} /ˈkɑː(ɹ)pəl/ (structural unit of a pistil) | :: carpello {m} |
carpenter {n} /ˈkɑɹpəntɚ/ (carpentry person) | :: carpentiere {m}, falegname {m} |
carpenter {n} (nautical: person responsible for all the woodwork onboard) | :: maestro d'ascia {m} |
carpenter bee {n} (Xylocopinae) | :: api carpentiere {f} |
carpentry {n} (trade of cutting and joining timber) | :: carpenteria {f} |
carpentry {n} (carpenter's workshop) | :: falegnameria {f} |
carpet {n} /ˈkɑɹpət/ (a fabric used as a floor covering) | :: tappeto {m}, moquette |
carpet {v} (to cover like a carpet) | :: coprire |
carpetbeater {n} /ˌkɑːpɪtˈbiːtə/ (a tool used in housecleaning) | :: battipanni {m} |
carpet bugle {n} (plant of the genus Ajuga) SEE: bugle | :: |
carpet shark {n} (ferret) SEE: ferret | :: |
carphone {n} | :: autotelefono {m} |
carpool {n} (arrangement) | :: auto di gruppo {m}, carpooling {m} |
carpus {n} /ˈkɑɹ.pəs/ (the group of bones that make up the wrist) | :: carpo {m} |
carrack {n} (ship) | :: caracca {f} |
car radio {n} (radio specifically tuned for usage inside cars) | :: autoradio |
car rental {n} (hiring of cars for short periods) | :: autonoleggio {m} |
carriage {n} /ˈkæɹɪdʒ/ (wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power) | :: carrozza {f} |
carriage {n} (railroad car) | :: vagone {m}, carrozza {f} |
carriage {n} (manner of standing or walking) | :: portamento {m}, postura {f} |
carriage {n} (part of typewriter) | :: carrello {m} |
carriageway {n} (part of a road that carries traffic) | :: carreggiata {f} |
carrier bag {n} (thin bag) | :: sacco di plastica {m} |
carrier wave {n} /ˈkæ.ɹɪ.ə weɪv/ (wave that can be modulated to transmit signals) | :: onda portante {f} |
carrion {n} /ˈkæ.ɹi.ən/ (dead flesh; carcasses) | :: carogna {f} |
carrion crow {n} (Corvus corone) | :: cornacchia {f} |
carrion crow {n} (Coragyps atratus) | :: urubù dalla testa nera |
carrot {n} /ˈkɛɹ.ət/ (Daucus carota ssp. sativus) | :: carota {f} |
carrot and stick {n} (simultaneous rewards for good behavior and punishments for bad behavior) | :: bastone e carota |
carry {v} (to carry) SEE: bear | :: |
carry {v} /ˈkɛ.ɹi/ (to transport by lifting) | :: portare |
carry coals to Newcastle {v} (do something unneeded or redundant) | :: portare nottole ad Atene (carry noctules to Athens), portare civette ad Atene (carry owls to Athens), portare vasi a Samo (carry jars to Samos) |
carry on {v} /ˈkæɹi ˈɑn/ | :: andare avanti |
carry on {v} (to take baggage or luggage onto an airplane, rather than check it) | :: continuare |
carry out {v} (to carry out) SEE: fulfill | :: |
carry out {v} (To fulfill) | :: compiere, realizzare |
carsickness {n} /ˈkɑː(ɹ)ˌsɪk.nəs/ (motion sickness due to riding in a vehicle) | :: mal d'auto {m} |
cart {n} /kɑɹt/ (small, open, wheeled vehicle, see also: wagon) | :: carretto {m}, carrello {m}, carro {m} |
carte blanche {n} /kɑɹtˈblɑnʃ/ (unlimited discretionary power to act; unrestricted authority) | :: carta bianca {f} |
carte de visite {n} (business card) SEE: business card | :: |
Cartesian {adj} /kɑɹˈti.ʒən/ (of or pertaining to Descartes) | :: cartesiano |
Cartesian {adj} (of or pertaining to coordinates based on orthogonal axes) | :: cartesiano |
Cartesianism {n} (The philosophy of René Descartes) | :: cartesianesimo {m} |
Cartesian product {n} (set of possible pairs) | :: prodotto cartesiano {m} |
cartful {n} (as much as a cart will hold) | :: carrata {f}, carrettata {f} |
Carthage {prop} /ˈkɑɹθɪdʒ/ (ancient city in North Africa) | :: Cartagine {f} |
cartilage {n} /ˈkɑɹtəlɪd͡ʒ/ (dense connective tissue) | :: cartilagine {f} |
cartographer {n} (one who makes maps or charts) | :: cartografo {m} |
cartographic {adj} /ˌkɑɹ.təˈɡɹæf.ɪk/ (of or pertaining to the making of maps) | :: cartografico |
cartographical {adj} (cartographic) SEE: cartographic | :: |
cartographically {adv} | :: cartograficamente |
cartography {n} /kɑɹˈtɑɡɹəfi/ (creation of charts and maps) | :: cartografia {f} |
cartomancy {n} (fortune-telling using cards) | :: cartomanzia {f} |
carton {n} /ˈkɑɹtn̩/ (a carton of cigarette packs) | :: stecca {f} |
cartoon {n} /kɑɹˈtuːn/ (animated cartoon) | :: cartone animato {m} |
cartoonist {n} (creator of cartoons or strip cartoons) | :: vignettista {m} |
cartridge {n} /ˈkɑɹtɹɪdʒ/ (firearms package) | :: cartuccia {f} |
cartridge {n} (vessel which contains the ink for a computer printer) | :: cartuccia |
cartridge box {n} (case for cartridges, see also: bandolier) | :: cartucciera {f}, giberna {f} |
cartulary {n} /ˈkɑːtjuləɹɪ/ (document collection ) | :: cartulario {m}, cartolario {m}, cartario {m} |
carvacrol {n} | :: carvacrolo {m} |
carve {v} /kɑɹv/ (to cut) | :: tagliare |
carve {v} (to cut meat) | :: trinciare, scalcare |
carve {v} (to shape to sculptural effect) | :: intagliare, scolpire |
carvel {n} (light, usually lateen-rigged sailing vessel) SEE: caravel | :: |
carver {n} /ˈkɑɹvɚ/ (one who carves) | :: intagliatore {m}, intagliatrice {f}, incisore {m} |
carving {n} /ˈkɑɹvɪŋ/ (the craft) | :: intaglio {m} |
carving knife {n} (a large knife designed for cutting cooked turkey and similar dishes) | :: coltello trinciante {m} |
carving knife {n} (a knife used to pare, cut and smooth wood) | :: coltello da intaglio {m} |
car wash {n} (place at which a car is washed, often mechanically) | :: autolavaggio {m} |
caryatid {n} (a sculpted female figure serving as an architectural element) | :: cariatide {f} |
caryopsis {n} (type of fruit) | :: cariosside {f} |
Casablanca {prop} /kæsəˈblæŋkə/ (city) | :: Casablanca {f} |
case {n} /keɪs/ (actual event, situation, or fact) | :: caso {m} |
case {n} (piece of work) | :: caso {m} |
case {n} (instance or event as a topic of study) | :: caso {m} |
case {n} (legal proceeding) | :: causa {f}, caso {m} |
case {n} (grammar: set of grammatical cases or their meanings) | :: caso {m} |
case {n} (medicine: instance of a specific condition or set of symptoms) | :: caso {m} |
case {n} (box containing a number of identical items of manufacture) | :: cassetta |
case {n} (piece of luggage that can be used to transport an apparatus) | :: baule {m}, cassa {f} |
case {n} (suitcase) | :: valigia {f} |
case {n} (piece of furniture, constructed partially of transparent glass or plastic) | :: vetrinetta {f} |
case {n} (outer covering or framework of a piece of apparatus) | :: intelaiatura, custodia {f}, contenitore {m}, cabinet {m}, involucro {m} |
case {n} (grammatical case) SEE: grammatical case | :: |
casein {n} /ˈkeɪ.siː.ɪn/ (protein) | :: caseina {f} |
caseinate {n} (any of several salts derived from casein) | :: caseinato {m} |
case law {n} (law developed through court decisions) | :: giurisprudenza {f} |
casemate {n} (bombproof chamber as part of fortification) | :: casamatta {f} |
casement {n} (window sash hinged on the side) | :: battente {m}, anta {f}, persiana {f} |
casement {n} (casement window) SEE: casement window | :: |
casement {n} (casemate) SEE: casemate | :: |
casement window {n} (type of window) | :: finestra a battenti |
Caserta {prop} (province of Italy) | :: Caserta {f} |
Caserta {prop} (town) | :: Caserta {f} |
case study {n} (research performed in detail on a single case) | :: caso di studio {m} |
caseworker {n} (social worker) SEE: social worker | :: |
cash {n} /kæʃ/ (money in the form of notes/bills and coins) | :: contanti {m-p}, liquidi {m-p} |
cash cow {n} (something that generates free cash flow) | :: mucca da mungere {f} |
cash desk {n} (place with a cash register) | :: cassa {f} |
cash dispenser {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
cashew {n} /ˈkæʃuː/ (tree) | :: anacardio {m} |
cashew {n} (cashew nut) SEE: cashew nut | :: |
cashew nut {n} (the seed of the cashew tree) | :: noce di acagiù, anacardo {m} |
cashier {n} /kaˈʃɪə/ (one who works at a till or receives payments) | :: cassiere {m}, cassiera {f} |
cashier's desk {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk | :: |
cash in {v} (to die) SEE: die | :: |
cash machine {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
cashmere {n} /kæʒ.ˈmiɹ/ (fine, downy wool from beneath the outer hair of the Cashmere goat) | :: cachemire {m} |
cashpoint {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine | :: |
cash register {n} (machine) | :: registratore di cassa {m} |
cash-strapped {adj} (without funds) | :: a corto di soldi, al verde |
Casimir {prop} /ˈkæzɪmɪə(ɹ)/ (male given name) | :: Casimiro {m} |
casing {n} /ˈkeɪsɪŋ/ (that which encloses or encases) | :: involucro {m} |
casino {n} /kæˈsinoʊ/ (public building or room for entertainment, especially gambling) | :: casinò {m} |
Casium {prop} (titular see) | :: Casio |
cask {n} /kæsk/ (a large barrel for the storage of liquid) | :: botte {f} |
casket {n} /ˈkæs.kɪt/ (little box e.g. for jewelry) | :: scrigno {m}, cofanetto {m} |
casket {n} (urn) | :: urna {f} |
casket {n} (coffin) SEE: coffin | :: |
Caspar {prop} (one of the Magi) | :: Gaspare |
Caspar {prop} (male given name) | :: Gaspare |
Caspian gull {n} (Larus cachinnans) | :: gabbiano reale pontico {m} |
Caspian Sea {prop} /ˈkæspi.ən ˈsiː/ (landlocked sea) | :: Mar Caspio {m} |
Cassandra {prop} /kəˈsæn.dɹə/ (prophetess who was daughter of King Priam of Troy) | :: Cassandra {f} |
cassata siciliana {n} /kəˈsɑːtə sɪt͡ʃɪliˈɑːnə/ (Sicilian cake with liqueur, ricotta, candied fruit and chocolate) | :: cassata {f}, cassata siciliana {f} |
cassation {n} /kæˈseɪʃən/ (the abrogation of a law by a higher authority; annulment) | :: cassazione {f} |
cassava {n} /kəˈsɑːvə/ (manioc, the source of tapioca) | :: manioca {f} |
casserole {n} /ˈkæs.əˌɹoʊl/ (glass or earthenware dish) | :: casseruola {f} |
casserole {n} (food, such as a stew, cooked in such a dish) | :: pasta al forno {f} |
cassette {n} /kəˈsɛt/ (set of sprockets on a bicycle) | :: cassetta pignoni {f}, pacco pignoni {m} |
cassette player {n} (a device capable of playing prerecorded cassette tapes) | :: giranastri {m} |
Cassiopeia {prop} /ˌkæsi.əˈpiːə/ (mythical wife of Cepheus) | :: Cassiopea {f} |
Cassiopeia {prop} (constellation) | :: Cassiopea {f} |
cassiterite {n} (mineral) | :: cassiterite {f} |
cassock {n} /ˈkæsək/ (item of clerical clothing) | :: sottana {f}, abito talare {m}, gonnellino {m} |
cassowary {n} /ˈkæs.ə.ˌwɛɹ.i/ (a large flightless bird of the genus Casuarius) | :: casuario {m} |
cast {v} /kæst/ (to throw forcefully) | :: gettare |
cast {v} (to direct one's eyes) | :: gettare, posare |
cast {v} (to throw a fishing line or net into the water) | :: gettare, lanciare |
cast {v} (to add up a column of figures) | :: addizionare, sommare |
cast {v} (astrology: to calculate the astrological value of) | :: calcolare, configurare |
cast {v} (to perform, bring forth a magical spell or enchantment) | :: fare, gettare |
cast {v} (to throw down or aside) | :: gettare, lanciare, [dice] tirare, [light, shadow] gettare |
cast {v} (to make by pouring into a mould) | :: [plaster] colare, fondere, [metal] gettare |
cast {v} (to assign a role in a play or performance) | :: assegnare una parte , affidare |
cast {v} (to deposit a ballot) | :: votare |
cast {v} (to heave a lead and line in order to ascertain the depth of water) | :: sondare, scandagliare |
cast {n} (group of actors performing together) | :: cast {m} |
cast {n} (object made in a mould) | :: calco {m}, forma {f} |
cast {n} (medicine: supportive and immobilising device) | :: gesso {m}, ingessatura {f} |
cast {n} (mould used to make cast objects) | :: stampo {m}, calco {m} |
castanet {n} /ˌkæs.tə.ˈnɛt/ (a single handheld percussion instrument) | :: castagnette {f-p}, nacchere {f-p} |
castanets {n} (a percussion instrument) SEE: castanet | :: |
castaway {n} /ˈkæ.stə.weɪ/ (nautical: shipwrecked sailor) | :: naufrago |
caste {n} /kæst/ (hereditary social class) | :: casta {f} |
castellan {n} /ˈkæstən/ (governor or caretaker of a castle or keep) | :: castellano {m} |
Castelletto {prop} (village in Italy) | :: Castelletto |
Castello {prop} (sestieri of Venice) | :: Castello |
Castelnau's antshrike {n} (passerine bird of the antbird family) | :: averla formichiera di Castelnau |
caster {n} /ˈkæstər/ (someone or something that casts) | :: lanciatore {m} lanciatrice {f}; (who spells) incantatore {m} incantatrice {f} |
caster {n} (wheeled assembly) | :: montaggio su ruote {m} |
caster {n} (shaker with perforated top) | :: spargisale {m}, saliera {f}, pepiera {f}, spargipepe {m} |
caster sugar {n} (fine granulated sugar) | :: zucchero semolato {m} |
Castile {prop} /kasˈtiːɫ/ (medieval Iberian kingdom) | :: Castiglia {f} |
Castile {prop} (central Spain) | :: Castiglia {f} |
Castile and León {prop} (autonomous community of Spain) | :: Castiglia e León |
Castile-La Mancha {prop} (autonomous community) | :: Castiglia-La Mancia {f} |
Castile soap {n} (type of soap) | :: sapone di Castiglia {m} |
Castilian {prop} (Spanish) SEE: Spanish | :: |
Castilian {prop} /kəˈstɪljən/ (standard variety of European Spanish) | :: castigliano {m} |
cast iron {n} (hard, brittle alloy of iron, carbon, silicon) | :: ghisa {f} |
cast iron {adj} (made of cast iron) | :: di ghisa |
cast iron {adj} (durable, tough, resiliant) | :: di ferro {m} |
cast iron {adj} (inflexible or without exception) | :: inflessibile |
castle {n} /ˈkæsəl/ (fortified building) | :: castello {m} |
castle {n} (chess piece) SEE: rook | :: |
castling {n} /ˈkæsəlɪŋ/ (move in chess) | :: arrocco |
castor {n} (a pivoting roller) SEE: caster | :: |
castor {n} (container for sprinkling) SEE: caster | :: |
castor {n} /ˈkɑːs.tə/ (hat) | :: castoro |
castoreum {n} (castor sac exudate) | :: castoreo {m} |
castor oil plant {n} (Ricinus communis) | :: ricino {m} |
cast out nines {v} (verification of an arithmetic operation) | :: prova del nove {f} |
cast pearls before swine {v} (cast pearls before swine) | :: gettare perle ai porci |
castrate {v} /ˈkæs.tɹeɪt/ (remove the testicles of) | :: castrare |
castrated {adj} (having had the reproductive organs removed) | :: castrato |
castration {n} /kæˈstɹeɪʃən/ (act of removing the testicles) | :: castrazione {f} |
casual {adj} /ˈkaʒuəl/ (careless) | :: noncurante |
casualisation {n} (the increase of precarious work in the labour market) | :: precarizzazione |
casualty {n} /ˈkaʒ(ʊ)əlti/ (person) | :: ferito {m} |
casuistics {n} (casuistry) SEE: casuistry | :: |
casuistry {n} /ˈkæʒuɪstɹi/ (process) | :: casistica {f} |
casu marzu {n} (cheese) | :: formaggio marcio {m} |
casus belli {n} /ˈkeɪsəs ˈbɛli/ (act causing war) | :: casus belli {m} |
cat {v} /kæt/ (raise anchor to cathead) | :: caponare |
cat {n} (spiteful woman) SEE: bitch | :: |
cat {n} (type of fish) SEE: catfish | :: |
cat {n} (domestic species) | :: gatto {m}, gatta {f}, micio {m}, micia {f} |
cat {n} (member of the family Felidae) | :: felino {m}, felina {f} |
catachresis {n} /ˌkæt.əˈkɹiː.sɪs/ ((rhetoric) bad metaphor or trope) | :: catacresi {f} |
cataclastic {adj} (describing a type of metamorphic rock that has undergone shearing and granulation by high mechanical stress) | :: cataclastico |
cataclysmic {adj} (of or pertaining to a cataclysm) | :: cataclismo |
catacomb {n} /ˈkætakoʊm/ (underground system of tunnels and chambers with recesses for graves) | :: catacomba {f} |
catadioptric {adj} (of or pertaining to optical systems) | :: catadiottrico |
catadioptrics {n} (construction and use of catadioptric lenses and systems) | :: catadiottrica {f} |
catadromous {adj} (of migratory fish) | :: catadromo |
catafalque {n} /ˈkatəfalk/ (platform to display or convey a coffin) | :: catafalco {m} |
Catalan {n} /ˈkæ.tə.ˌlæn/ (person from Catalonia) | :: catalano |
Catalan {prop} (language of Catalonia) | :: catalano |
Catalan {adj} (Of or pertaining to Catalonia) | :: catalano |
Catalanness {n} (identification or conformity with Catalan values and customs) | :: catalanità {f} |
Catalan solid {n} (dual polyhedron of an Archimedean solid) | :: solido di Catalan {m} solido archimedeo duale {m} |
catalectic {adj} (all senses) | :: cataletto |
catalepsy {n} (catalepsy) | :: catalessi {f}, catalessia {f} |
catalogue {n} /ˈkætəlɔɡ/ (a systematic list of names, books, pictures etc.) | :: catalogo {m} |
catalogue {n} (a complete list of items) | :: catalogo {m}, cataloghi {m-p} |
catalogue {n} (a list of all the publications in a library) | :: catalogo {m} |
catalogue {v} (to put into a catalogue) | :: catalogare, mettere in catalogo |
catalogue {v} (to make a catalogue of) | :: catalogare |
catalogue {v} (to add to an existing catalogue) | :: mettere in catalogo |
Catalonia {prop} /ˌkæt.əˈləʊn.i.ə/ (autonomous community in Spain) | :: Catalogna {f} |
Catalonian {adj} (Catalan) SEE: Catalan | :: |
Catalonian {n} (Catalan) SEE: Catalan | :: |
catalysis {n} /kəˈtæləsɪs/ (chemistry: the increase of the rate of a chemical reaction induced by a catalyst) | :: catalisi {f} |
catalyst {n} /ˈkæt.ə.lɪst/ (substance which increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process) | :: catalizzatore {m} |
catalyst {n} (someone or something that helps or encourages progress or change) | :: catalizzatore {m} |
catalytic {adj} /ˌkætəˈlɪtɪk/ (of, or relating to catalysts) | :: catalitico |
catamaran {n} /ˌkæ.tə.məˈɹæn/ (twin-hulled boat) | :: catamarano {m} |
Catania {prop} (province of Sicily) | :: Catania |
Catania {prop} (capital of Catania) | :: Catania {f} |
Catanzaro {prop} (province of Italy) | :: Catanzaro {f} |
Catanzaro {prop} (town and capital) | :: Catanzaro {f} |
cataplasm {n} (poultice) SEE: poultice | :: |
catapult {n} (slingshot) SEE: slingshot | :: |
catapult {n} /ˈkæ.tə.pʌlt/ (device for launching large objects) | :: catapulta {f} |
cataract {n} /ˈkætəɹækt/ (waterfall) | :: cateratta, cascata {f}, rapida {f} |
cataract {n} (opacity of the lens in the eye) | :: cataratta {f} |
catarrh {n} /kəˈtɑɹ/ (inflammation of the mucous membranes) | :: catarro {m} |
catasterism {n} | :: catasterismo {m} |
catastrophe {n} /kəˈtæstɹəfi/ (any large and disastrous event of great significance) | :: catastrofe {f} |
catastrophe {n} (disaster beyond expectations) | :: catastrofe {f} |
catastrophe {n} (Ancient Greek tragedies: the solution of the plot) | :: catastrofe {f} |
catastrophe {n} (mathematics: type of bifurcation) | :: catastrofe {f} |
catastrophically {adv} (in a catastrophic manner) | :: catastroficamente |
catatonia {n} (severe psychiatric condition) | :: catatonia {f} |
catatonic {adj} /kæ.təˈtɑn.ɪk/ (of, relating to, or suffering from catatonia) | :: catatonico |
catch {n} /kæt͡ʃ/ (the act of catching a ball) | :: presa |
catch {n} (a find, in particular a boyfriend/girlfriend) | :: conquista {f} |
catch {n} (a clasp which stops something from opening) | :: fermaglio, fermaglio di sicurezza |
catch {n} (a hidden difficulty, especially in a deal or negotiation) | :: trappola, trabocchetto {m}, trucco {m}, fregatura {f}, il rovescio della medaglia {m} |
catch {n} (that which is captured or caught) | :: bottino {m} |
catch {n} (the act of noticing, understanding or hearing) | :: colpo {m} |
catch {v} (to capture or snare) | :: agguantare, acchiappare, afferrare, chiappare |
catch a cold {v} (contract a cold) | :: raffreddarsi |
catcher {n} /ˈkætʃ.ə(ɹ)/ (that which catches) | :: collettore {m} |
catcher {n} (baseball player who receives pitches) | :: ricevitore {m} |
catchment {n} /ˈkatʃmənt/ (any structure or land feature which catches and holds water) | :: bacino {m}, invaso {m} |
catchment area {n} (area from which water drains) SEE: drainage basin | :: |
catchment basin {n} (region) | :: bacino imbrifero {m} |
catch on {v} (to become popular) | :: diffondersi, attecchire |
catch out {v} (to discover or expose as fake, insincere, or inaccurate) | :: cogliere sul fatto, sorprendere, prendere sul fatto |
catch red-handed {v} | :: cogliere in flagrante, cogliere sul fatto, cogliere con le mani nel sacco, cogliere con il sorcio in bocca, cogliere con le mani nella marmellata |
catch sight of {v} (to glimpse) | :: scorgere, intravedere |
catch someone with their hand in the cookie jar {v} | :: cogliere con le mani nella marmellata, beccare con le mani nella marmellata, cogliere in flagrante |
catch up {v} | :: raggiungere, mettersi in pari |
catchy {adj} /ˈkætʃi/ (instantly appealing and memorable) | :: accattivante, orecchiabile |
catechism {n} /ˈkætɪˌkɪzəm/ (book summarizing the principles of Christianity) | :: catechismo {m} |
catechist {n} | :: catechista {m} {f} |
catecholamine {n} /katəˈkəʊləmiːn/ (any of a class of aromatic amines) | :: catecolamina |
catechumen {n} /ˌkæt.əˈkju.mən/ (convert to Christianity prior to baptism) | :: catecumeno {m} |
categorically {adv} /ˈkæt.ə.ɡɒ.ɹɪ (In a categorical manner) | :: categoricamente |
categorization {n} (the process of sorting or arranging things into categories or classes) | :: categorizzazione {f} |
categorize {v} (to assign a category) | :: categorizzare |
category {n} /ˈkætəˌɡɔɹi/ (group) | :: categoria {f} |
category {n} (collection in math) | :: categoria {f} |
catenaccio {n} (system of defensive play) | :: catenaccio {m} |
catenary {n} /ˈkætəˌnɛɹi/ (curve of a flexible chain) | :: catenaria {f} |
catenin {n} (proteins that have a role in cell adhesion) | :: catenina |
catenoid {n} (Three-dimensional surface formed by rotation of a catenary) | :: catenoide {f} |
catepan {n} (governor) | :: catapano |
cater-cousin {n} (bosom friend) SEE: bosom friend | :: |
caterpillar {n} /ˈkætɚˌpɪlɚ/ (larva of a butterfly) | :: bruco {m} |
caterpillar track {n} (continuous track in the form of steel or rubber belt) | :: cingolo {m} |
catfish {n} (type of fish, see also: sheatfish) | :: pesce gatto {m} |
cat flap {n} (small hinged panel cut into a door where a cat can come in) | :: gattaiola {f} |
cat-flap {n} (cat flap) SEE: cat flap | :: |
cat food {n} (type of food formulated for the feeding of cats) | :: cibo per gatti {m}, mangime {m} |
cat got someone's tongue {phrase} (why are you not saying anything?) | :: il gatto ti ha mangiato la lingua? (did the cat eat your tongue?) |
Cathar {n} /ˈkæθɑɹ/ (a member of Christian sect) | :: cataro {m} |
catharsis {n} /kəˈθɑːɹˌsɪs/ (in drama, a release of emotional tension) | :: catarsi {f} |
catharsis {n} (any release of emotional tension) | :: catarsi {f} |
Cathay {prop} /kæˈθeɪ/ (Medieval northern China) | :: Catai {m} |
cathead {n} (nautical: heavy piece of timber for holding an anchor in position) | :: ceppo {m} |
cathedral {n} /kəˈθiː.dɹəl/ (principal church of a bishop's diocese) | :: cattedrale {f}, duomo {m} |
Catherine {prop} /ˈkæθ(ə)ɹɪn/ (female given name) | :: Caterina |
catheter {n} /ˈkæθɪtə(ɹ)/ (small tube inserted into a body cavity) | :: catetere {m} |
cathetus {n} /ˈkæ.θɪ.təs/ (either of the sides of a right triangle other than its hypotenuse) | :: cateto {m} |
cathode {n} /ˈkæθ.oʊd/ (electrode through which current flows outward) | :: catodo {m} |
cathodic {adj} (physics) | :: catodico |
Catholic {adj} /ˈkæθ(ə)lɪk/ (of the Western Christian church, as differentiated from the Orthodox church) | :: cattolico |
Catholic {n} (member of a Catholic church) | :: cattolico {m} |
Catholically {adv} (In a Catholic manner) | :: cattolicamente |
Catholic Church {n} (24 particular churches in full communion with the Pope as the Bishop of Rome) | :: Chiesa cattolica {f} |
Catholicism {n} /kəˈθɒlɪsɪzm/ (faiths, practices and doctrines of a Catholic Church) | :: cattolicesimo |
catholicity {n} (Catholicism) SEE: Catholicism | :: |
catholicity {n} (the quality of being catholic, universal or inclusive) | :: cattolicità {f} |
catholicos {n} /kəˈθɒlɪkəs/ (high-ranking bishop or patriarch) | :: catholicos {m} |
cation {n} /ˈkat.ʌɪ.ən/ (a positively charged ion) | :: catione {m} |
catkin {n} (botany: a type of inflorescence) | :: gattino {m}, amento {m} |
cat lady {n} (elderly lady who devotes her attention to cats) | :: gattara {f} |
catlike {adj} (resembling a cat) | :: felino, gattesco |
cat litter {n} (grit used in a cat's toilet tray) SEE: kitty litter | :: |
catnap {n} (a brief, light sleep) | :: pisolino {m} |
catnap {v} (to take a short nap) | :: fare un sonnellino |
catoblepas {n} (mythological creature) | :: catoblepa {m} |
cat's eye {n} (retroreflective device placed on a road surface) | :: catadiottro {m}, catarifrangente {m} |
catshark {n} (catshark) | :: squalo gattopardo {m}, gattuccio {m} |
cat's tongue {n} (chocolate confectionery) | :: lingua di gatto |
cattail {n} /ˈkæt.teɪl/ (any of several perennial herbs of the genus Typha) | :: stiancia {f}, tifa {f} |
cattle {n} /ˈkæt(ə)l/ (domesticated bovine animals) | :: bovini {m-p} |
cattle {n} (certain other livestock) | :: bestiame {m} |
cattle {n} (pejorative: people who resemble cattle in behavior or destiny) | :: bestiame {m} |
cattleman {n} (man who raises or tends cattle) | :: offerta dei bestiami |
cat tree {n} (structure for a cat to play on) | :: tiragraffi {m} |
catty {adj} /ˈkæti/ (spiteful) | :: malizioso |
Catullus {prop} (poet) | :: Catullo {m} |
catwalk {n} (narrow elevated stage on which models parade) | :: passerella {f} |
Caucasian {n} /kɔːˈkeɪʒən/ (member of Caucasian race) | :: bianco |
Caucasian Albania {prop} (ancient region and kingdom south of Caucasus mountains) | :: Albania caucasica |
Caucasus {prop} /ˈkɔːkəsəs/ (geographic region) | :: Caucaso {m} |
Cauchy problem {n} (class of problem involving simultaneous PDEs) | :: problema di Cauchy {m} |
Cauchy sequence {n} (sequence in a normed vector space) | :: successione di Cauchy {f} |
caudal {adj} /ˈkɔːdəl/ (pertaining to the tail) | :: caudale |
caudally {adv} (caudally) | :: caudalmente |
caudate {adj} /ˈkɔːdeɪt/ | :: caudato |
Caudine {adj} (of or pertaining to Caudium) | :: caudino |
caul {n} /kɔːl/ (the thin membrane which covers the lower intestines) | :: retina {f}, omento {m} |
cauldron {n} /ˈkɔːl.dɹən/ (large bowl-shaped pot) | :: calderone {m}, pentolone {m}, caldaia {f}, paiolo {m} |
cauliflower {n} /ˈkɔl.ɪˌflaʊ.ɚ/ (vegetable) | :: cavolfiore {m} |
cauliflower {n} (edible head of a cauliflower plant) | :: cavolfiore {m} |
caulk {v} /kɔːk/ (to seal joints with caulk) | :: calafatare, bitumare, cianfrinare |
caulk {n} (caulking) SEE: caulking | :: |
caulking {n} (sealing material) | :: stoppa {f}, stoppa catramata {f}, stoppa da calafato |
caulking iron {n} (a tool) | :: patarasso {m} |
causalism {n} (social system) | :: causalismo {m} |
causality {n} (agency of cause) | :: causalità {f} |
causate {v} (cause) SEE: cause | :: |
causation {n} (causality) SEE: causality | :: |
cause {n} /kɔz/ (source or reason of an event or action) | :: causa {f} |
cause {n} (goal, aim, principle) | :: causa {f} |
cause {v} (to set off an event or action) | :: provocare, causare |
cause {v} (to produce as a result) | :: produrre, ottenere |
cause and effect {n} (causality) SEE: causality | :: |
cause célèbre {n} /kɔz sɛˈlɛb/ (issue or incident arousing heated public debate) | :: caso famoso {m} |
cause of death {n} (official cause of a human death) | :: causa di morte {f} |
causerie {n} (article) | :: conversazione {f}, causerie {f} |
causeway {n} /ˈkɔːz.weɪ/ (raised roadway) | :: strada rialzata {f}, selciato {m}, lastricato {m} |
caustic {adj} /ˈkɔːstɪk/ (capable of destroying organic tissue) | :: caustico |
caustic {adj} (severe; satirical; sharp) | :: caustico |
caustic {n} (envelope of reflected or refracted rays of light for a given surface or object) | :: caustica {f} |
caustic {n} (envelope of reflected or refracted rays for a given curve) | :: caustica {f} |
causticity {n} /kɔːˈstɪsɪti/ (the quality of being caustic) | :: causticità {f} |
caustification {n} | :: caustificazione {f} |
caution {n} /ˈkɑːʃ(ə)n/ (careful attention, prudence) | :: cautela {f} |
cautionary {adj} (admonitory) SEE: admonitory | :: |
cautionary tale {n} (story) | :: storiella ammonitrice {f} |
cautious {adj} /ˈkɔːʃəs/ (careful) | :: cauto, ritenuto, oculato |
cautiously {adv} /ˈkɔːʃəsli/ (in a cautious manner) | :: cautamente, prudentemente |
cavalier {adj} /ˌkævəˈlɪəɹ/ (not caring enough about something important) | :: noncurante |
cavalry {n} /ˈkævəlɹi/ (military service that fights with riding horses) | :: cavalleria {f} |
cavalryman {n} (a soldier in the cavalry) | :: cavaliere |
cave {n} /keɪv/ (large, naturally occurring cavity formed underground) | :: caverna {f}, grotta {f}, spelonca {f}, antro {m} |
cave {n} (hole, depression, or gap in earth or rock) | :: incavo {m} |
cave {n} (storage cellar) | :: cella {f} |
caveat {n} /ˈkævɪæt/ (warning) | :: avvertenza {f}, avviso {m} |
caveman {n} (early humans or related species) | :: cavernicolo {m}, troglodita {m} |
cavernicolous {adj} | :: cavernicolo |
caviar {n} /kæviːɑɹ/ (roe of the sturgeon or other large fish (black caviar)) | :: caviale {m} |
cavil {v} /ˈkæv.əl/ (to criticise for petty or frivolous reasons) | :: cavillare |
cavitation {n} /ˌkævɪˈteɪʃən/ | :: cavitazione {f} (all) |
cavity {n} /ˈkʰævɪɾi/ (hole or hollow depression) | :: cavità {f}, alveolo {m}, incavo {m} |
cavity {n} (hollow area within the body) | :: cavità {f} |
cavity {n} (hole and soft area in tooth caused by caries) | :: carie {f} |
cavort {v} /kəˈvɔɹt/ (move/play boisterously) | :: far capriole |
cavy {n} (guinea pig) SEE: guinea pig | :: |
caw {n} /kɔː/ (cry of a crow) | :: gracchio {m} |
caw {v} (to make the cry of a crow, rook, or raven) | :: gracchiare |
Cayenne {prop} /kaɪˈɛn/ (capital of French Guiana) | :: Caienna {f} |
cDNA {n} (complementary DNA) | :: DNAc |
CD player {n} (CD player) | :: lettore CD {m} |
Ceará {prop} /seɪ.əˈɹɑː/ (state in north-eastern Brazil) | :: Ceará {m} |
cease {v} /siːs/ (intransitive) | :: cessare, arrestare, smettere, interrompere |
cease {v} (transitive) | :: cessare smettere di + infinitive |
cease and desist {v} (stop and not resume an action) | :: cessi e cessi |
cease-fire {n} (in warfare, an agreed end to hostilities for a specific purpose) | :: cessate il fuoco {m}, armistizio {m} |
ceaseless {adj} /ˈsiːsləs/ (without an end) | :: incessante |
ceaselessly {adv} (without ceasing) | :: incessantemente |
cecidium {n} (cecidium) | :: cecidio {m} |
Cecil {prop} /ˈsɛsəl/ (male given name) | :: Cecilio {m} |
Cecilia {prop} /sɛˈsiːli.ə/ (female given name) | :: Cecilia |
Cecina {prop} (town in the province of Livorno) | :: Cecina {f} |
cedar {n} /ˈsi.dɚ/ (coniferous tree in genus Cedrus) | :: cedro {m} |
cedar {n} (aromatic wood) | :: cedro {m} |
cedilla {n} /səˈdɪlə/ (mark placed under the letter c) | :: cediglia {f} |
cefotaxime {n} /sɛfəˈtæksiːm/ (antibiotic) | :: cefotaxima {f} |
ceftriaxone {n} (synthetic cephalosporin antibiotic) | :: ceftriaxone |
ceil {n} (ceiling) SEE: ceiling | :: |
ceiling {n} /ˈsiːlɪŋ/ (upper limit of room) | :: soffitto {m} |
ceiling fan {n} (fan fixture on a ceiling) | :: ventilatore da soffitto {m} |
celadon {n} /ˈsɛləˌdɑn/ (pale green colour) | :: celadon |
celadon {n} (pale green glaze) | :: celadon |
celadon {n} (ceramic with pale green glaze) | :: celadon {m} |
celeb {n} /səˈlɛb/ (a celebrity) | :: celebrità {f} |
celebrate {v} /ˈsɛl.ɪ.bɹeɪt/ (extol or honour in a solemn manner) | :: celebrare |
celebrate {v} (honour by rites, ceremonies, etc.) | :: festeggiare, celebrare |
celebrate {v} (to engage in joyful activity in appreciation of an event) | :: festeggiare |
celebrate {v} (perform or participate in) | :: celebrare |
celebrated {adj} /ˈsɛl.ɪ.bɹeɪ.tɪd/ (famous or widely praised) | :: celebrato |
celebration {n} (formal performance of a solemn rite) | :: celebrazione {f}, ricorrenza {f} |
celebration {n} (social gathering for entertainment and fun) | :: festa {f} |
celeriac {n} (form of celery) | :: sedano rapa {m} |
celery {n} /ˈsɛl.ə.ɹi/ (herb) | :: sedano {m} |
celesta {n} /səˈlɛstə/ (musical instrument) | :: celesta {f} |
celestial {adj} /səˈlɛst͡ʃəl/ (relating to heaven (religious)) | :: celeste |
celestial {adj} (relating to sky) | :: celeste |
celestial body {n} (natural object beyond Earth's atmosphere) | :: corpo celeste {m} |
celestial sphere {n} (abstract sphere of infinite radius) | :: sfera celeste {f} |
celestine {n} (mineral) | :: celestina {f}, celestite {f} |
Celia {prop} (female given name) | :: Celia {f} |
celiac {n} (someone who has celiac disease) | :: celiaco {m} |
celibacy {n} /ˈsɛləbəsi/ (state of being unmarried) | :: celibato {m} |
celibate {adj} /ˈsɛləbət/ (unmarried) | :: celibe |
Celine {prop} (female given name) | :: Celina {f} |
cell {n} /sɛl/ (room in a prison for containing inmates) | :: cella {f} |
cell {n} (room in a monastery for sleeping one person) | :: cella {f} |
cell {n} (small group of people forming part of a larger organization) | :: cellula {f} |
cell {n} (basic unit of a living organism) | :: cellula {f} |
cell {n} (informal: a cellular telephone, see also: mobile phone) | :: cellulare |
cellar {n} /ˈsɛlɚ/ (underground space) | :: cantina {f}, scantinato {m}, cantinato {m}, seminterrato {m} |
cellar {n} (wine collection) | :: cella {f}, cantina {f}, bottiglieria {f} |
cellist {n} /ˈt͡ʃɛlɪst/ (person who plays the cello) | :: violoncellista {m} |
cell nucleus {n} (cytology: large organelle found in cells) SEE: nucleus | :: |
cello {n} /ˈtʃɛloʊ/ (musical instrument) | :: violoncello {m} |
cellobiose {n} (disaccharide found as a repeat unit in cellulose) | :: cellobiosio {m} |
cellophane {n} /ˈsɛləfeɪn/ (the transparent plastic film) | :: cellofan {m} |
cell phone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone | :: |
cell theory {n} (scientific theory) | :: teoria cellulare {f} |
cellular {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone | :: |
cellular {adj} (of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling a cell or cells) | :: cellulare |
cellular phone {n} (mobile phone) SEE: mobile phone | :: |
cellulation {n} (the formation of cells) | :: cellulazione {f} |
cellulite {n} (dimpled appearance of skin) | :: cellulite {f} |
celluloid {n} /ˈsɛljəˌlɔɪd/ (variety of thermoplastics) | :: celluloide {f} |
cellulose {n} (the polysaccharide cellulose) | :: cellulosa {f} |
cellulose nitrate {n} (nitrocellulose) SEE: nitrocellulose | :: |
cell wall {n} /sɛl wɔːl/ (thick layer around cells of plants, fungi, and algae) | :: parete cellulare |
celomatic {adj} (pertaining to the celoma) | :: celomatico |
Celtic {prop} /ˈkɛltɪk/ (branch of languages) | :: celtico {m} |
Celtic {adj} (of the Celts; of the style of the Celts) | :: celtico |
Celtist {adj} (relating to the Celts) | :: celtista {m} {f} |
cembalo {n} (cembalo) SEE: harpsichord | :: |
cembra {n} (Pinus cembra) SEE: Swiss pine | :: |
cement {n} /ˈsimɛnt/ (a powdered substance) | :: cemento {m} |
cement {n} (the paste-like substance) | :: adesivo |
cement {n} (any material with strong adhesive and cohesive properties) | :: adesivo |
cement {v} (to affix with cement) | :: cementare |
cement {v} (to make permanent) | :: cementare, consolidare |
cement mixer {n} (device to make concrete) | :: betoniera {f} |
cemetery {n} (a place where the dead are buried) SEE: graveyard | :: |
cendrée {n} (grey colour (noun)) | :: cenerino |
cenobite {n} /ˈsiːnəbaɪt/ (monk who lives in a religious community, rather than in solitude) | :: cenobita {m} |
Cenomanian {prop} | :: Cenomaniano |
cenotaph {n} /ˈsɛn.əʊ.tæf/ (monument to honor the dead whose bodies lie elsewhere) | :: cenotafio {m} |
cenote {n} /sɛˈnoʊteɪ/ (deep natural well or sinkhole) | :: cenote {m} |
Cenozoic {adj} /ˌkɛnɵˈzoʊɪk/ (of a geological era from 65 million years ago to present) | :: cenozoico |
Cenozoic {prop} (geological epoch) | :: Cenozoico |
censer {n} /ˈsɛn.sɚ/ (religious ornamental container for burning incense) | :: turibolo, incensiere |
censor {n} /ˈsɛnsə/ (Ancient Roman magistrate) | :: censore {m} |
censor {n} (official responsible for removal of objectionable material or sensitive content) | :: censore {m} |
censor {n} (one who condemns or censors) | :: censore {m} |
censor {v} (to review for, and if necessary to remove or suppress, objectionable content) | :: censurare |
censorial {adj} /ˌsɛnˈsɔɹi.əl/ (relating to a censor) | :: censoriale |
censorship {n} /ˈsɛnsɚˌʃɪp/ (use of state or group power to control freedom of expression) | :: censura {f} |
censurer {n} (censor) SEE: censor | :: |
census {n} /ˈsɛnsəs/ (official count of members of a population) | :: censo {m}, censimento {m} |
census {v} (collect a census) | :: censire |
cent {n} /sɛnt/ (subunit of currency in US and elsewhere) | :: centesimo {m} |
cent {n} (coin) | :: soldino {m} |
centaur {n} /ˈsɛntɑɹ/ (mythical half-man, half-horse) | :: centauro {m} |
centaur {n} (astronomy) | :: centauro {m} |
Centaurus {prop} (spring constellation of the northern sky) | :: Centauro {m} |
centenary {adj} (of, or pertaining to, or completing a period of 100 years) | :: centenario |
centenier {n} (centurion) SEE: centurion | :: |
centennial {n} /sɛnˈtɛnɪəl/ (100th anniversary) | :: centenario {m} |
center {n} /ˈsɛn.tɚ/ (point equidistant from all points on the perimeter of a circle) | :: centro {m} |
center {n} (point equidistant from all points on the surface of a sphere) | :: centro {m} |
center {n} (point on a line midway between the ends) | :: centro {m} |
center {n} (set of elements of a group that commute with all elements) | :: centro {m} |
center {n} (place where a function or activity occurs) | :: centro {m} |
center {n} (in basketball) | :: centro {m} |
center fielder {n} (outfielder) | :: esterno centro {m} |
centering {n} (type of formwork) | :: centina {f} |
center of gravity {n} /ˌsen.təɹ əv ˈɡɹæv.ə.ti/ (point, near or within a body, at which the object's mass can be assumed to be concentrated) | :: baricentro {m} |
center of gravity {n} (any pivotal or central idea or group) | :: baricentro {m} |
centesimal {adj} /sɛnˈtɛsəməl/ (divided into a hundred parts) | :: centesimale |
centesimal {adj} (describing a hundredth part) | :: centesimale |
Centimanes {n} (Hecatoncheires) SEE: Hecatoncheires | :: |
centimetre {n} /ˈsɛn.tɪ.miː.tə/ (one-hundredth of a metre) | :: centimetro {m} |
centimorgan {n} (length of chromosome) | :: centimorgan {m} |
centipede {n} /ˈsɛnt.ɪ.pid/ (a segmented arthropod of class Chilopoda) | :: centopiedi {m} |
centisecond {n} (unit of time equal to 0.01 seconds) | :: centisecondo {m} |
central {adj} /ˈsɛntɹəl/ (being in the centre) | :: centrale |
central {adj} (being very important) | :: centrale, fondamentale |
central {adj} (having or containing the centre of something) | :: centrale |
Central African {n} (A person from Central Africa or of Central African descent) | :: centrafricano {m}, centrafricana {f}, centrafricani {m-p}, centrafricane {f-p} |
Central African {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Central Africa or the Central African people) | :: centrafricano |
Central African Republic {prop} /ˈsɛntɹəl ˈæfɹɪkən ɹɪˈpʌblɪk/ (country in Central Africa) | :: Repubblica Centrafricana |
Central America {prop} /ˌsɛntɹəl əˈmɛɹɪkə/ (part of North America) | :: America centrale {f} |
central bank {n} (the principal monetary authority of a polity) | :: banca centrale {f} |
Central Europe {prop} /ˈsɛntɹəl ˈjʊɹəp/ (geographical region in the center of Europe) | :: Europa centrale |
centralism {n} (system that centralizes) | :: centralismo {m} |
centralist {n} (a proponent of centralism) | :: centralista {m} {f} |
centralist {adj} (of or pertaining to centralism) | :: centralistico |
centrality {n} (the state of being central) | :: centralità {f}, focalità {f} |
central nervous system {n} (that part of the nervous system comprising the brain, brainstem and spinal cord) | :: sistema nervoso centrale {m} |
central processing unit {n} (part of a computer) | :: unità centrale di elaborazione |
centre {n} (center) SEE: center | :: |
centre {v} (center) SEE: center | :: |
Centre {prop} (region) | :: Centro |
centre forward {n} (most central of the strikers) | :: centravanti {m} |
centre of mass {n} (point where the mass can be considered concentrated) | :: baricentro {m} |
Centre-Val de Loire {prop} /ˌsɛntə væl ˈdə lwɑː/ (region of France) | :: Centro-Valle della Loira {m} |
-centric {suffix} (having a specified object at the centre) | :: -centrico |
centric {adj} /ˈsɛntɹɪk/ (central) | :: centrico |
centrifugal force {n} (force) | :: forza centrifuga {f} |
centrifugation {n} (process in which mixtures are separated using centripetal force) | :: centrifugazione {f} |
centrifuge {n} /ˈsɛntɹɪˌfjuːdʒ/ (device for separation of substances) | :: centrifuga {f} |
centrifuge {v} (to rotate something in a centrifuge in order to separate its constituents) | :: centrifugare |
centriole {n} /ˈsɛntɹɪˌəʊl/ (barrel shaped microtubule) | :: centriolo {m} |
centripetal force {n} (the force on a rotating or orbiting body in the direction of the centre of rotation) | :: forza centripeta {f} |
centrism {n} (moderate political philosophy) | :: centrismo {m} |
centrist {adj} (of, pertaining to, or advocating centrism) | :: centrista |
centrist {n} (a person who advocates centrism) | :: centrista {m} {f} |
centrobaric {adj} | :: centrobarico |
centroid {n} (point at the centre of any shape) | :: centroide |
centrosome {n} (organelle that controls the organization of its microtubules) | :: centrosoma {m} |
centrosphere {n} (cytoplasm) | :: centrosfera {f} |
centrosphere {n} (barysphere) | :: centrosfera {f} |
centrosymmetric {adj} (having a centre of symmetry) | :: centrico |
centumviral {adj} (of or pertaining to the centumviri) | :: centumvirale |
centurion {n} /sɛnˈtjʊɹ.i.ən/ (commander of a century of soldiers) | :: centurione {m} |
century {n} /ˈsɛn.t͡ʃə.ɹiː/ (100 years) | :: secolo {m} |
century {n} (Roman army type unit) | :: centuria {f} |
century {n} (political division of Rome) | :: centuria {f} |
CEO {n} (chief executive officer) | :: AD |
cep {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini | :: |
cepe {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini | :: |
cephalalgia {n} (headache) SEE: headache | :: |
cephalic {adj} /sɪˈfælɪk/ (of or referring to the head) | :: cefalico |
Cephalonia {prop} (Greek island) | :: Cefalonia {f} |
-cephaly {suffix} (head) | :: -cefalia {f} |
Cephas {prop} (male given name) | :: Cefa |
cepstral {adj} (of or relating to cepstra) | :: cepstrale |
cerambycid {n} (member of Cerambycidae) | :: cerambice {m} |
ceramic {adj} /səˈɹæmɪk/ (of or pertaining to ceramic as material) | :: ceramico |
ceramic {n} (material) | :: ceramica {f} |
ceramology {n} (study of ceramics) | :: ceramologia {f} |
ceratosaur {n} (dinosaur) | :: ceratosauro {m} |
Cerberus {prop} /ˈsɝbəɹəs/ (mythological three-headed dog) | :: Cerbero {m} |
cereal {n} (breakfast cereal) SEE: breakfast cereal | :: |
cerebellar {adj} (of or pertaining to the cerebellum) | :: cerebellare |
cerebellum {n} /ˌseɹəˈbeləm/ (part of the hindbrain in vertebrates) | :: cervelletto {m} |
cerebral {adj} /ˈsɛɹ.ə.bɹəl/ (of, or relating to the brain) | :: cerebrale |
cerebral hemisphere {n} (region of the brain) | :: emisfero {m} |
cerebral palsy {n} (group of non-contagious conditions) | :: paralisi cerebrale {f} |
cerebrocortical {adj} (Of, or pertaining to the cerebral cortex) | :: cerebrocorticale |
cerebrospinal {adj} (Of, or pertaining to brain or spine) | :: cerebrospinale |
cerebrovascular {adj} | :: cerebrovascolare |
ceremonial {adj} (of, relating to, or used in a ceremony) | :: cerimoniale |
ceremonial {n} (a ceremony, or series of ceremonies) | :: cerimoniale {m} |
ceremonially {adv} (in a ceremonial manner) | :: cerimonialmente |
ceremony {n} /ˈsɛɹɪməni/ (ritual with religious significance) | :: cerimonia {f} |
ceremony {n} (official gathering to celebrate) | :: cerimonia {f} |
Ceres {prop} /ˈsɪəɹiːz/ (dwarf planet) | :: Cerere {m} |
ceric {adj} (containing cerium with valence four) | :: cerico |
cerimetry {n} | :: cerimetria {f} |
cerise {n} /səˈɹiːz/ (colour) | :: ciliegia |
cerise {adj} (colour) | :: ciliegia |
cerium {n} /ˈsɪəɹiəm/ (chemical element) | :: cerio {m} |
Cerknica {prop} | :: Circonio |
cerofer {n} | :: ceroforo {m} |
ceroferary {n} | :: ceroforo {m} |
ceroplastics {n} (the art of modelling in wax) | :: ceroplastica {f} |
certain {adj} /ˈsɝtn̩/ (sure, positive, not doubting) | :: certo, sicuro {m} |
certain {adj} (not specifically named, indeterminate, indefinite) | :: certo {m}, tale |
certainly {adv} /ˈsɝʔn̩li/ (with certainty) | :: certamente |
certainly {adv} (without doubt, surely) | :: certamente, senza dubbio, non ci piove |
certainly {adv} (emphatic affirmative answer) | :: certamente, evidentemente |
certainty {n} /ˈsɝtn̩ti/ (state of being certain) | :: certezza {f} |
certifiable {adj} (that can or must be certified) | :: attestabile, certificabile, constatabile |
certificate {n} /səɹˈtɪfɪkɪt/ (document containing a certified statement) | :: certificato {m}, attestato {m} |
certification {n} /ˌsɜːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act of certifying) | :: certificazione {f} |
certify {v} (to attest as to) | :: certificare |
cerulean {n} /səˈɹuːli.ən/ (sky blue) | :: ceruleo |
cerulean {adj} (sky-blue) | :: ceruleo |
ceruloplasmin {n} (a blue metalloprotein) | :: ceruloplasmina {f} |
cerumen {n} (earwax) SEE: earwax | :: |
ceruse {n} /sɪˈɹuːs/ (white lead used as pigment or in medicine) | :: bianchetto {m}, biacca {f} |
cerussite {n} (mineral) | :: cerussite {f} |
cervical {adj} /ˈsɝːvɨkl̩/ (of the cervix) | :: cervicale |
cervical cap {n} (contraceptive device) | :: cappuccio cervicale {m} |
cervical vertebra {n} (any of the seven vertebrae of the neck) | :: vertebra cervicale {f} |
cervicitis {n} (inflammation of the cervix) | :: cervicite {f} |
cervid {n} (member of Cervidae) | :: cervide {m} |
cervix {n} (neck) SEE: neck | :: |
cervix {n} (neck-like part) SEE: neck | :: |
cervix {n} /ˈsɝ.vɪks/ (lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina) | :: cervice {f}, collo dell'utero {m} |
cesarean section {n} (Caesarean section) SEE: Caesarean section | :: |
cessionary {n} (one who receives a cession) SEE: assignee | :: |
cesspool {n} /ˈsɛsˌpuːl/ (place for sewage) | :: pozzo nero, fossa biologica {f}, fogna {f}, cesso alla turca {m} |
cesspool {n} (filthy place) | :: fogna {f} |
c'est la vie {phrase} (such is life) SEE: such is life | :: |
Cesuna {prop} (village in Italy) | :: Cesuna |
cetacean {n} /sɪˈteɪʃən/ (an animal belonging to the order Cetacea) | :: cetaceo {m} |
cetane {n} (C16H34) | :: cetano {m} |
cetology {n} (study of cetaceans) | :: cetologia |
Ceylon {prop} /seɪˈlɑn/ | :: Ceylon |
cf. {v} (compare) | :: cfr. |
cha-cha {n} (ballroom dance) | :: cha cha cha {m} |
cha-cha-cha {n} (cha-cha) SEE: cha-cha | :: |
Chad {prop} /tʃæd/ (country) | :: Ciad |
Chadian {adj} (pertaining to Chad) | :: ciadiano {m} |
Chadian {n} (person from Chad) | :: ciadiano {m}, ciadiana {f} |
chafe {n} /tʃeɪf/ (heat excited by friction) | :: surriscaldamento {m} |
chafe {n} (injury or wear caused by friction) | :: abrasione {f}, escoriazione {f} |
chafe {n} (vexation; irritation of mind; rage) | :: irritazione {f}, collera {f}, stizza {f}, rabbia {f}, nervosismo {m} |
chafe {v} (to excite passion or anger in) | :: arrapare, stimolare, attizzare, provocare |
chaff {n} /tʃæf/ (inedible parts of grain plant) | :: pula {f} |
chaffinch {n} /ˈt͡ʃæfɪnt͡ʃ/ (bird) | :: fringuello |
Chagatai {prop} (second son of Genghis Khan) | :: Chagatai, Djagatai |
chagrin {n} /ʃəˈɡɹɪn/ (distress from failure; vexation or mortification) | :: dispiacere {m}, delusione {f}, mortificazione {f} |
chagrin {v} (bother or vex; to mortify) | :: deludere, mortificare |
chain {n} /ˈt͡ʃeɪn/ (series of interconnected rings or links) | :: catena {f} |
chain {n} (series of interconnected things) | :: catena {f} |
chain {n} (series of stores or businesses with the same brand name) | :: catena {f} |
chain {n} (number of atoms in a series, which combine to form a molecule) | :: catena {f} |
chain {n} (totally ordered subset) | :: catena {f} |
chain {v} (to fasten with a chain) | :: incatenare |
chain {v} (to link together) | :: concatenare |
chain letter {n} (a letter that is mailed successively to different recipients) | :: catena di sant'antonio {f} |
chain mail {n} (a flexible defensive armor) | :: cotta di maglia {f} |
chain of custody {n} (the documentation showing the full process of acquisition, transfer, handling and disposition of physical or electronic materials) | :: catena di custodia {f} |
chain reaction {n} (type of nuclear reaction) | :: reazione a catena {f} |
chain reaction {n} (series of events) | :: reazione a catena {f} |
chainring {n} /ˈtʃeɪnɹɪŋ/ (large forward ring on a bicycle) | :: corona {f} |
chainsaw {n} /ˈt͡ʃeɪn.ˌsɔː/ (saw with a power-driven chain) | :: motosega {f} |
chair {n} /t͡ʃɛə(ɹ)/ (furniture) | :: sedia {f}, seggiola {f} |
chair {v} (to act as chairperson) | :: presiedere |
chair {n} (chairperson) SEE: chairperson | :: |
chairman {n} /ˈtʃɛːmən/ (person presiding over a meeting) | :: presidente {m} |
chairmanship {n} (office or term of a chairman) | :: presidenza {f} |
chairperson {n} (a person who presides over a meeting, a board) | :: presidente {m}, presidentessa {f}, capo {m} |
chaise longue {n} /ˌʃeɪz ˈlɔŋ/ (reclining chair with a long seat) | :: chaise longue {f}, agrippina {f}, [rare] cislonga {f} |
chakra {n} /ˈtʃʌk.ɹə/ (spiritual energy nexuses) | :: chakra {m} |
chalazion {n} /kəˈleɪzi.ən/ (a cyst in the eyelid) | :: calazio {m} |
chalcanthite {n} (mineral) | :: calcantite {f} |
Chalcedon {prop} /ˈkælsɪdɑːn/ (town in Asia Minor) | :: Calcedonia |
chalcedony {n} /kælˈsɛdəni/ (form of fine-grained quartz) | :: calcedonio {f} |
chalcogen {n} (any element of group 16 of the periodic table) | :: calcogeno {m} |
chalet {n} /ʃæleɪ/ (wooden house) | :: chalet {m} |
chalice {n} /ˈtʃæl.ɪs/ (large drinking cup) | :: calice {m} |
chalk {n} /t͡ʃɔːk/ (a soft, white, powdery limestone) | :: gesso {m}, creta {f} |
chalk {n} (a piece of chalk used for drawing and on a blackboard) | :: gessetto {m} |
chalkboard {n} /t͡ʃɔk.bɔː(ɹ)d/ (slate board for writing on with chalk) | :: lavagna {f} |
chalk up {v} (to achieve something) | :: inanellare, collezionare, infilare |
chalk up to {v} (idiomatic: to attribute something to something) | :: incolpare, dare la responsabilità, attribuire, ascrivere, addebitare, addossare la colpa |
challenge {n} /ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/ (that which encourages someone to do something they otherwise would not) | :: sfida {f} |
challenge {n} (difficult task) | :: sfida {f}, impresa {f} |
challenge {n} (judge's interest in the result of the case for which they should not be allowed to sit) | :: ricusazione |
challenging {adj} /ˈtʃæləndʒɪŋ/ (difficult; hard to do) | :: impegnativo, difficoltoso |
chalumeau {n} /ˌʃælʊˈməʊ/ (woodwind instrument preceding the clarinet) | :: salmoè {m} |
chamber {n} /ˈtʃeɪmbə(ɹ)/ (bedroom) | :: camera {f}, camera da letto {f} |
chamber {n} (legislative body) | :: camera {f} |
chamber {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot | :: |
chamberlain {n} /ˈt͡ʃeɪmbɚlɪn/ (an officer in charge of managing the household of a sovereign) | :: ciambellano {m} |
chamberlain {n} | :: ciambellano |
chambermaid {n} /ˈtʃeɪm.bə(ɹ).meɪd/ (a maid who handles the chores in a bedroom) | :: cameriera {f} |
chamber music {n} (chamber music) | :: musica da camera {f} |
chamber of commerce {n} (community business association) | :: camera di commercio {f} |
chamber pot {n} (a container used for urination and defecation, see also: urinal; chemical toilet) | :: orinale {m}, vaso da notte {m}, pitale |
chameleon {n} /kəˈmiːljən/ (reptile) | :: camaleonte {m} |
chameleon {n} (person with inconstant behavior) | :: camaleonte {m} |
chamfer {n} /ˈtʃæm.fɚ/ (an angled relief or cut at an edge) | :: bisello {m} |
chamfron {n} /ˈt͡ʃamfɹən/ (armor) | :: testiera |
chamois {n} /ˈʃæmwɑː/ (A goat-like antelope) | :: camoscio {m}, rupicapra {f} |
chamois {n} (cloth) | :: camoscio |
chamois {n} (colour) | :: camoscio |
chamois leather {n} (suede leather) SEE: suede | :: |
champagne {n} /ʃæmˈpeɪn/ (sparkling white wine produced in Champagne) | :: champagne |
Champagne {n} (region of France) | :: Champagne {f} |
Champagne {n} (champagne) SEE: champagne | :: |
Champagne-Ardenne {prop} (region) | :: Champagne-Ardenne {f} |
champian {n} (field of inquiry or study) SEE: field | :: |
champian {n} (flat expanse of land) SEE: plain | :: |
champian {n} (species of landscape) SEE: plain | :: |
champian {n} (level open countryside) SEE: plain | :: |
champian {n} (battlefield) SEE: battlefield | :: |
champion {n} /ˈtʃæmpiən/ (someone who has been winner in a contest) | :: campione {m}, campionessa {f} |
championship {n} /ˈtʃæmpi.ənʃɪp/ (competition to determine a champion) | :: campionato {m} |
Champions League {prop} (the highest-level European club football tournament) | :: Coppa dei Campioni {f} |
chance {n} /tʃʰɛəns/ (an opportunity or possibility) | :: possibilità {f}, opportunità {f}, chance {f} |
chance {n} (probability of something happening) | :: probabilità {f} |
chancel {n} /ˈtʃænsəl/ (space around the altar in a church) | :: presbiterio {m} |
chancellery {n} /ˈtʃænt.slə.ɹi/ (building) | :: cancelleria {f} |
chancellor {n} /ˈtʃɑːnsələ/ (senior secretary or official with administrative or legal duties, sometimes in charge of some area of government) | :: cancelliere |
chancellor {n} (head of government in some German-speaking countries) | :: cancelliere {m} |
chancellorship {n} (status of being a chancellor) | :: cancellierato {m} |
chandelier {n} /ʃændəˈlɪə(ɹ)/ (branched, often ornate, lighting fixture suspended from the ceiling) | :: candelabro {m}, lampadario {m} |
change {v} /tʃeɪndʒ/ (to become something different) | :: cambiare |
change {v} (to make something into something different) | :: cambiare |
change {v} (to replace) | :: cambiare, rimpiazzare |
change {v} (to replace one's own clothing) | :: sostituire, cambiare |
change {n} (the process of becoming different) | :: cambio {m}, cambiamento {m}, modifica {f} |
change {n} (small denominations of money given in exchange for a larger denomination) | :: resto {m} |
change {n} (a replacement) | :: cambio {m} |
changeable {adj} /ˈt͡ʃeɪnd͡ʒəbəl/ (capable of being changed) | :: mutevole |
changeable {adj} (subject to sudden or frequent changes) | :: ondivago {m} |
changeableness {n} (the condition of being changeable) | :: mutevolezza {f}, mutabilità {f}, instabilità {f} |
change hands {v} (to become the property of someone else.) | :: cambiare di mano, cambiare proprietario, cambiare esercente |
change of state {n} (change of a substance from one physical state to another) | :: cambiamento di stato |
change one's mind {v} (to decide differently than one had decided before) | :: cambiare idea |
changeroom {n} (changing room) | :: spogliatoio {m} |
Changhsingian {prop} | :: Changhsingiano |
changing room {n} (room in gym etc.) | :: spogliatoio {m} |
changing room {n} (room in shop) | :: cabina di prova {f} |
Chang Jiang {prop} (Yangtze) SEE: Yangtze | :: |
channel {n} /ˈtʃænəl/ (broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies) | :: canale {m} |
channel {n} (broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television) | :: canale {m} |
channel {v} (direct the flow) | :: convogliare |
channel {v} (assume personality of other person) | :: imitare |
channel hop {v} (zap) SEE: zap | :: |
Channel Islands {prop} (group of islands in the English Channel) | :: le Isole Normanne {f-p}, le Isole del Canale {f-p}, le Isole del Canale della Manica {f} |
channel surf {v} (zap) SEE: zap | :: |
chanoyu {n} (tea ceremony) SEE: tea ceremony | :: |
chansonnier {n} (book) | :: canzoniere {m} |
chansonnier {n} (singer of chansons) | :: canzoniere {m} |
chant {v} /tʃænt/ (sing monophonically without instruments) | :: salmodiare |
chanter {n} /ˈtʃɑːntə/ (the pipe of a bagpipe) | :: canna della melodia {f} |
chanterelle {n} /ˈtʃæntəɹɛl/ (Cantharellus cibarius) | :: finferlo {m}, finferla {f}, galletto {m}, cantarello giallo {m} |
chaos {n} /ˈkeɪ.ɑs/ (state of disorder) | :: caos {m} |
chaos theory {n} (chaos theory) | :: teoria del caos {f} |
chaotic {adj} /keɪˈɒtɪk/ (filled with chaos) | :: caotico |
chaotic {adj} (extremely disorganized or in disarray) | :: caotico |
chaotically {adv} (In a chaotic manner) | :: caoticamente |
chap {n} /tʃæp/ (man or fellow) | :: tipo, tizio |
chapel {n} /ˈtʃæ.pəl/ (place of worship) | :: cappella {f}, chiesetta {f} |
chaperon {n} (an adult who accompanies unmarried men or women) SEE: chaperone | :: |
chaperone {v} /ˈʃæ.pəˌɹoʊn/ (act as a chaperone) | :: sciaperonare |
chaplain {n} /ˈtʃæp.lɪn/ (member of a religious body) | :: cappellano {m} |
chaplet {n} /ˈtʃæplət/ (a garland or circlet for the head) | :: corona {f}, ghirlanda {f}, serto {m} |
chaplet {n} (a string of beads, especially when making up five decades of the rosary) | :: rosario {m} |
chaplet {n} (set of repetitive prayers) | :: corona {f} |
chaplet {n} (a molding in the form of a string of beads; a bead-moulding) | :: modanatura a perline {f}, modanatura {f} |
Chapman's antshrike {n} (bird) | :: averla formichiera di Chapman |
chapped {adj} /tʃæpt/ (of skin: dry and flaky) | :: screpolato {m} |
chapter {n} /ˈt͡ʃæptɚ/ (section in a book) | :: capitolo {m} |
char {v} /tʃɑɹ/ (to burn something to charcoal) | :: carbonizzare |
char {n} /tʃɑɹ/ (fish) | :: salmerino {m} |
char {n} /tʃɑɹ/ (cleaning woman) | :: domestica {f} |
character {n} /ˈkɛɹəktɚ/ (being in a story) | :: personaggio {m} |
character {n} (distinguishing feature) | :: carattere {m}, caratteristica {m} |
character {n} (moral strength) | :: carattere {m} |
character {n} (notable or eccentric person) | :: personaggio {m} |
character {n} (symbol for a sound or a word) | :: carattere {m} |
character {n} ((computing) basic element in a text string) | :: carattere {m} |
characteristic {adj} /ˌkæɹəktəˈɹɪstɪk/ (being a distinguishing feature of a person or thing) | :: caratteristico |
characteristic {n} (distinguishing feature) | :: caratteristica {f} |
characteristic polynomial {n} (linear algebra) | :: polinomio caratteristico {m} |
characterization {n} (act or process of characterizing) | :: caratterizzazione {f} |
characterize {v} /ˈkɛɹəktəɹaɪz/ (to determine the characteristics of) | :: caratterizzare |
charade {n} /ʃəˈɹɑːd/ (riddle) | :: sciarada {f} |
charcoal {n} /ˈtʃɑː.kəʊl/ (substance) | :: carbone {m}, carbonella {f} |
charcoal {adj} (colour) | :: antracite |
charcoal drawing {n} (charcoal drawing) SEE: charcoal | :: |
chard {n} /tʃɑɹd/ (Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla) | :: bietola {f}, bieta {f} |
chargé d'affaires {n} /ʃɑrˈʒeɪ dəˈfɛɹ/ (diplomat) | :: incaricato d'affari {m} |
charge {n} /t͡ʃɑɹd͡ʒ/ (amount of money levied for a service) | :: costo {m}, prezzo {m} |
charge {n} (military: ground attack) | :: carico {m} |
charge {n} (accusation) | :: accusa {f}, imputazione {f} |
charge {n} (electric charge) | :: carica {f} |
charge {n} (load or burden) | :: carico {m} |
charge {n} (instruction) | :: incarico {m}, compito {m} |
charge {n} (basketball: offensive foul) | :: sfondamento {f} |
charge {n} (measured amount of powder and/or shot) | :: carica {f} |
charge {n} (position of a weapon fitted for attack) | :: carica {f} |
charge {v} (to load equipment with material required for its use) | :: caricare |
charge {v} (to cause to take on an electric charge) | :: caricare |
charge {v} (to add energy to) | :: caricare |
charge {v} (of a battery or device: to gain energy) | :: ricaricare |
charge {v} | :: caricare |
chargecard {n} (credit card) SEE: credit card | :: |
charger {n} /ˈtʃɑɹdʒɚ/ (a device that charges or recharges) | :: caricabatterie {m} |
charger {n} (a large horse trained for battle) | :: corsiero {m} |
chariot {n} /ˈt͡ʃæɹɪət/ (vehicle used in warfare) | :: biga {f} |
chariot {n} (carriage used for ceremonial or pleasure purposes) | :: cocchio {m}, carrozza {f} |
charisma {n} /kəˈɹɪzmə/ (personal charm or magnetism) | :: carisma {m} |
charitable {adj} (pertaining to charity) | :: caritatevole |
charitable {adj} (kind, generous) | :: generoso |
charitable {adj} (having a purpose or character of a charity) | :: benefico |
charity {n} /ˈtʃæɹɪti/ (providing of goods or money) | :: carità {f} |
charity {n} (organization) | :: ente di beneficenza {m}, organizzazione benefica {f} |
charivari {n} (cacaphonous noise, hubbub) SEE: cacophony | :: |
charlatan {n} /ˈʃɑɹlətən/ (malicious trickster) | :: ciarlatano {m} |
Charlemagne {prop} /ˈʃɑɹləˌmeɪn/ (king of the Franks) | :: Carlo Magno {m}, Carlomagno {m} |
Charles {prop} /tʃɑɹlz/ (given name) | :: Carlo {m} |
Charles's law {prop} /ˌtʃɑːlz ˈlɔː/ (physical law stating the density of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its temperature at constant pressure) | :: prima legge di Gay-Lussac {f}, legge di Charles {f} |
Charles' Wain {prop} (bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky) SEE: Big Dipper | :: |
Charlie {prop} /ˈtʃɑɹli/ (the letter "C" in a national spelling alphabet) | :: Como |
Charlotte {prop} /ˈʃɑɹlət/ (female given name) | :: Carlotta {f} |
charm {n} /tʃɑɹm/ (something with magic power) | :: amuleto {m}, incantesimo {m}, [obsolete] malia {f} |
charm {n} (quality of inspiring delight or admiration) | :: incanto {m}, fascino {m}, attrattiva {f} |
charm {n} (a small trinket on a bracelet or chain) | :: amuleto {m}, talismano {m}, ciondolo {m} |
charming {adj} /ˈtʃɑː(ɹ).mɪŋ/ (pleasant, charismatic) | :: affascinante |
charm quark {n} (charm quark) | :: quark charm {m} |
Charon {prop} /ˈkɛəɹən/ (a moon of Pluto) | :: Caronte {m} |
chart {n} (map) SEE: map | :: |
chart {n} (graph) SEE: graph | :: |
chart {n} (table) SEE: table | :: |
chart {n} /tʃɑɹt/ (navigator's map) | :: carta, carta nautica, carta geografica |
chart {n} (diagram) SEE: diagram | :: |
charter {n} /ˈt͡ʃɑːtə/ (document issued by some authority, creating a public or private institution, and defining its purposes and privileges) | :: carta |
charter {n} (document conferring rights and privileges on a person, corporation etc) | :: carta |
charter member {n} (original member of an organization) SEE: founding member | :: |
Chartism {prop} (a movement for political and social reform in the United Kingdom during the mid-19th century) | :: cartismo {m} |
chary {adj} (not disposed to give freely) SEE: frugal | :: |
chary {adj} (excessively particular or fussy about details) SEE: fastidious | :: |
Charybdis {prop} /kəˈɹɪbdɪs/ (Greek mythological monster) | :: Cariddi {m} |
chase {n} (hunt) SEE: hunt | :: |
chase {v} (to hunt) SEE: hunt | :: |
chase {n} /tʃeɪs/ (action of the verb "to chase") | :: caccia {f}, cacciare |
chase {v} (to pursue, to follow at speed) | :: inseguire, cacciare, rincorrere |
chaser {n} /ˈtʃeɪsə/ (a person or thing (ship, plane, car, etc.) who chases) | :: inseguitore {m}, cacciatore {m} |
chaser {n} (someone who decorates metal by engraving or embossing) | :: cesellatore {m}, incisore {m} |
chasm {n} /ˈkæz(ə)m/ (gap) | :: voragine {f}, baratro {m}, abisso {m} |
chasm {n} (difference of opinion) | :: divergenza {f}, divario {m} |
chasma {n} /ˈkazmə/ (long, narrow, steep-sided depression) | :: chasma |
chasse-café {n} /ˌʃaskaˈfeɪ/ (small serving of spirits taken to remove the taste of coffee) | :: ammazzacaffè {m} |
chassis {n} /ˈtʃæsi/ (base frame of motor vehicle) | :: châssis {m} |
chaste {adj} (modest) SEE: modest | :: |
chaste {adj} /tʃeɪst/ | :: casto {m}, casta {f} |
chaste {adj} (celibate) SEE: celibate | :: |
chaste {adj} (innocent) SEE: innocent | :: |
chaste {adj} (austere) SEE: austere | :: |
chastely {adv} (in a chaste manner) | :: castamente |
chasten {v} (discipline) SEE: discipline | :: |
chasten {v} (purify) SEE: purify | :: |
chastener {n} (one who chastens) SEE: punisher | :: |
chaste tree {n} (shrub) | :: agnocasto |
chastise {v} /tʃæˈstaɪz/ (to punish or scold) | :: castigare |
chastisement {n} /ˈtʃæstəzmənt/ (The act of chastising) | :: castigo {m} |
chastity {n} /ˈtʃæstɪti/ (abstaining from sexual activity) | :: castità {f} |
chastity belt {n} (belt-like garment) | :: cintura di castità {f} |
chat {v} /tʃæt/ (be engaged in informal conversation) | :: chiacchierare |
chat {v} (talk more than a few words) | :: parlare, conversare |
chat {v} (exchange messages in real time) | :: chattare, chiacchierare |
chat {n} (informal conversation) | :: chiacchiera {f} |
chateaubriand {n} /ˌʃatəʊˈbɹiːɒ̃/ (steak cut from a beef tenderloin) | :: doppio filetto {m} |
chatter {n} /ˈtʃætɚ/ (talk, especially meaningless or unimportant talk) | :: chiacchierio {m}, chiacchiericcio {m} |
chatter {n} (sound of talking) | :: brusio {m}, mormorio {m} |
chatter {n} (sound of a magpie) | :: gracidio {m}, gracchio {m} |
chatter {n} (intermittent noise, as from vibration) | :: vibrazione {f}, stridio {m}, cigolio {m} |
chatterbox {n} (one who chats or talks to excess) | :: chiacchierone {m}, ciancione {m}, linguacciuto {m} |
Chattian {prop} (a subdivision of the Oligocene epoch) | :: Chattiano |
chauffeur {n} /ʃoʊˈfɝ/ (a person employed to drive a motor car) | :: chauffeur, autista |
chauvinism {n} /ˈʃoʊ.vɪˌnɪzm̩/ (excessive patriotism) | :: sciovinismo {m} |
chav {n} /tʃæv/ (relating to a youth from a working class background, aggressive with poor education) | :: tamarro {m}, zingaro {m}, coatto {m}, scugnizzo {m} |
chavender {n} (chub) SEE: chub | :: |
Chavism {n} | :: chavismo {m} |
cheap {adj} /t͡ʃip/ (low and/or reduced in price) | :: economico, a buon mercato |
cheap {adj} (of poor quality) | :: scadente |
cheap {adj} (of little worth) | :: scadente |
cheapskate {n} (someone who avoids spending money) | :: tirchio {m}, avaro {m}, avaro |
cheat {v} /tʃiːt/ (violate rules to gain advantage) | :: fregare |
cheat {v} (being unfaithful) | :: tradire |
cheat {n} (someone who is dishonest or cheats) | :: imbroglione {m}, truffatore {m}, pelagatti {m} |
cheater {n} (cheat) SEE: cheat | :: |
cheat on {v} (be unfaithful to) | :: tradire |
cheat sheet {n} (sheet of paper used to assist on a test) | :: bigliettino {m} |
Chechen {n} /ˈtʃɛ.tʃɛn/ (A member of the Chechen people) | :: ceceno {m}, cecena {f} |
Chechen {prop} (language) | :: ceceno {m} |
Chechnya {prop} /ˈtʃɛtʃ.ni.ə/ (republic of Russia) | :: Cecenia {f} |
check {v} (to clash or interfere) SEE: clash | :: |
check {n} /t͡ʃɛk/ (chess: when the king is directly threatened by an enemy piece) | :: scacco {n} |
check {n} (inspection or examination) | :: controllo {m}, verifica {f} |
check {n} (control, limit or stop) | :: controllo {m}, verifica {f} |
check {n} (mark like a v or sometimes x used as an indicator) | :: [di spunta] segno {m} |
check {n} (bill, particularly at a restaurant) | :: conto {m} |
check {v} (to inspect, examine) | :: controllare |
check {n} (pattern) | :: scacco {m}, quadretto {m} |
check {n} (bank order) SEE: cheque | :: |
check {v} (to chide, rebuke, or reprove) SEE: chide | :: |
checkbook {n} (chequebook) SEE: chequebook | :: |
checkbox {n} /ˈtʃɛkbɑks/ (A place on a form that can be checked or not) | :: casella di spunta {f} |
checkerboard {n} (pattern of squares of alternating colours) | :: scacchiera {f} |
checkerboard {n} (game board) | :: scacchiera {f} |
checkered {adj} (divided into squares) | :: scaccato, a quadri, quadrettato, a scacchi, a quadretti |
checkered {adj} (changeable) | :: variegato, contrastato, a luci e ombre |
checkers {n} (draughts) SEE: draughts | :: |
check in {v} (to record one's arrival) | :: registrarsi |
checking account {n} (current account) SEE: current account | :: |
checkmate {interj} /ˈt͡ʃɛkmeɪt/ (said when making the conclusive move in chess) | :: scacco matto |
checkmate {n} (conclusive victory in a game of chess) | :: scacco matto {m} |
checkmate {v} (to put an opponent into checkmate) | :: dare scacco matto |
checkout counter {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk | :: |
checkout desk {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk | :: |
checkpoint {n} (point along a road or on a frontier) | :: posto di blocco {m} |
Cheddar {prop} (Cheddar cheese) SEE: Cheddar cheese | :: |
Cheddar cheese {n} (cheese) | :: formaggio Cheddar {m} |
cheek {n} /tʃiːk/ (part of face) | :: guancia {f}, gota {f} |
cheek {n} (colloquial: buttock) | :: chiappa {f} |
cheek {n} (colloquial: impudence) | :: faccia tosta, sfrontatezza {f}, impudenza {f} |
cheek {n} (nautical: a piece of wood cut out fork-shaped in which the brake is fastened) | :: braccio {f}, braccio della tromba {f} |
cheekbone {n} (bone) | :: zigomo {m} |
cheeky {adj} /ˈtʃiːki/ (impudent; impertinent) | :: impertinente, sfacciato, sfrontato {m}, impudente {m} |
cheer {n} /t͡ʃɪə(ɹ)/ (A cheerful attitude; gaiety) | :: buonumore {m} |
cheer {v} (To shout a cheer or cheers) | :: incitare |
cheerful {adj} /ˈt͡ʃɪɹfəl/ (happy) | :: allegro, felice, gioioso |
cheerful {adj} (bright) | :: allegro, luminoso |
cheerio {interj} /ˈtʃɪəɹ.i.oʊ/ (translations to be checked: exclamation used when greeting as well as when parting) | :: ciao |
Cheerios {prop} /ˈtʃɪəɹ.i.əʊz/ (cereal) | :: Cheerios |
cheers {interj} /tʃɪɹz/ (toast when drinking) | :: cin cin, alla salute, salute |
cheers {interj} (informal: goodbye) | :: ci vediamo |
cheer up {v} (to become happy) | :: incoraggiare, sostenere, invogliare |
cheer up {v} (to make someone happy) | :: sollevare il morale |
cheer up {interj} (an encouragement) | :: coraggio!, forza! |
cheese {n} /t͡ʃiːz/ (dairy product) | :: formaggio {m}, cacio {m} |
cheese {n} (slang: money) | :: grana {f} |
cheeseburger {n} (hamburger with cheese) | :: cheeseburger {m} |
cheesecake {n} (dessert food) | :: cheesecake {f}, torta al formaggio {f} |
cheesecloth {n} (loosely woven cotton gauze) | :: stamigna {f} |
cheese knife {n} (knife for cutting cheese) | :: coltello da formaggio {m} |
cheese mite {n} (category of mite) | :: acaro del formaggio {m} |
cheesy {adj} /ˈtʃiːzi/ (of cheese) | :: caseoso |
cheesy {adj} (resembling cheese) | :: caseoso |
cheetah {n} /ˈtʃiːtə/ (Acinonyx jubatus) | :: ghepardo {m} |
chef {n} /ʃɛf/ (head cook of an establishment such as a restaurant) | :: capocuoco {m} |
chef's knife {n} (kitchen utensil) | :: coltello del cuoco {m} |
cheilophagia {n} (excessive biting of the lips) | :: cheilofagia {f} |
Chekist {n} (agent of the Cheka) | :: cekista {m} {f} |
chela {n} /ˈkilə/ (pincer-like claw of a crustacean or arachnid) | :: chela {f} |
chelation {n} /ˈkiːˌleɪˈʃən/ (formation of a polydentate chelate compound from a metal salt) | :: chelazione {f} |
chelicera {n} /kəˈlɪ.sə.ɹə/ (chelicera) | :: chelicero {m} |
chelicerate {n} (chelicerate) | :: chelicerato {m} |
Chelyabinsk {prop} /tʃɛlˈjæbɪnsk/ (city) | :: Čeljabinsk {m} |
chemical {n} /ˈkɛmɪkəl/ (any specific element or chemical compound) | :: composto chimico {m} |
chemical bond {n} (any of binding forces) | :: legame chimico {m} |
chemical compound {n} (in chemistry: substance formed by the union of two or more chemical elements) | :: composto chimico |
chemical element {n} (any one of the simplest chemical substances that cannot be decomposed in a chemical reaction) | :: elemento chimico {m} |
chemical engineering {n} (branch of engineering that deals with the process plants) | :: ingegneria chimica {f} |
chemical equation {n} (symbolic representation of a chemical reaction) | :: equazione chimica {f} |
chemical equilibrium {n} (state of a reversible reaction in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are the same) | :: equilibrio chimico {m} |
chemically {adv} (using a chemical reaction, process or operation) | :: chimicamente |
chemical reaction {n} (process in which chemical substances are changed into others) | :: reazione chimica {f} |
chemical reactor {n} (reaction vessel) | :: reattore chimico {m} |
chemical substance {n} (material with a specific chemical composition) | :: sostanza chimica {f}, sostanza pura {f} |
chemical symbol {n} | :: simbolo chimico {m} |
chemist {n} /ˈkɛmɪst/ (person working in chemistry) | :: chimico {m}, chimica {f} |
chemist {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy | :: |
chemist {n} (pharmacist) SEE: pharmacist | :: |
chemistry {n} /ˈkɛm.ɪ.stɹi/ (branch of natural science) | :: chimica {f} |
chemistry {n} (application of chemical theory and method to a particular substance) | :: chimica {f} |
chemist's {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy | :: |
chemo- {prefix} (relating to or using chemicals or chemistry) | :: chemio- |
chemokine {n} (cytokine produced during inflammation) | :: chemochina |
chemosphere {n} (the region of the Earth's atmosphere (from 20 to 120 miles above the surface) in which photochemical reactions take place) | :: chemosfera {f} |
chemotherapy {n} (chemical treatment to kill or halt cancer) | :: chemioterapia {f} |
chemtrail {n} /ˈkɛmtɹeɪl/ (contrail consisting of chemicals or biological agents) | :: scia chimica {f} |
Cheops {prop} /ˈkiɑːps/ (pharaoh) | :: Cheope |
cheque {n} /tʃɛk/ (a note promising to pay money to a named person or entity) | :: assegno {m} |
chequebook {n} (folder containing cheques) | :: libretto degli assegni {m} |
chequy {adj} /ˈt͡ʃɛki/ (heraldry; chequered) | :: scaccato {m} |
Chernobyl {n} /tʃɚˈnoʊbəl/ (city in Ukraine) | :: Černobyl' {m} |
chernozem {n} /ˈt͡ʃɜː(ɹ)nəˌzɛm/ (black-coloured soil containing a high percentage of humus) | :: černozëm {m} |
cherry {n} /ˈt͡ʃɛɹi/ (fruit) | :: ciliegia {f} |
cherry {n} (tree) | :: ciliegio {m} |
cherry {n} (wood) | :: ciliegio {m} |
cherry {n} (color) | :: ciliegia |
cherry blossom {n} (blossom of the cherry tree) | :: fiore di ciliegio {m} |
cherry brandy {n} (liqueur) | :: cerasella {f} |
cherry pepper {n} (pimento) SEE: pimento | :: |
cherry plum {n} (the fruit) | :: amolo |
cherry tomato {n} (type of tomato) | :: pomodorino {m}, pomodoro ciliegino {m} |
cherry tree {n} (tree of subgenus Cerasus) | :: ciliegio {m} |
chert {n} (mineral) | :: ftanite {f} |
cherub {n} /ˈtʃɛɹəb/ ((biblical) winged creature attending on God) | :: cherubino |
cherubic {adj} (of, or relating to a cherub) | :: cherubico |
chervil {n} /ˈtʃɜː(ɹ)vɪl/ (spice) | :: cerfoglio {m} |
Cheshire cat {prop} /ˌtʃɛʃɚ ˈkæt/ (fictional grinning cat) | :: Stregatto {m}, gatto del Cheshire {m} |
chess {n} /t͡ʃɛs/ (two-player board game) | :: scacchi {m-p} |
chessboard {n} (square board used in the game of chess) | :: scacchiera {f} |
chessman {n} (chess piece) SEE: chess piece | :: |
chess piece {n} (any of the 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess) | :: pezzo degli scacchi {m} |
chesspiece {n} (chessman) SEE: chess piece | :: |
chest {n} /t͡ʃɛst/ (strong box) | :: cassa {f}, cassapanca {f}, cofano {m}, baule {m} |
chest {n} (treasury) | :: fondi {p}, cassa, tesoro |
chest {n} (chest of drawers) | :: cassettone, comò |
chest {n} (thorax) | :: petto {m}, torace {m} |
chest {n} (coffin) SEE: coffin | :: |
chestnut {n} /ˈtʃɛs.nʌt/ (nut of the chestnut tree) | :: castagna {f} |
chestnut {n} (reddish-brown colour) | :: castano {f} |
chestnut {n} (reddish-brown horse) | :: castano {f} |
chestnut {n} (wood of a chestnut tree) | :: castagneto {m} |
chestnut {adj} (of a deep reddish-brown colour) | :: castano [of hair] |
chestnut {n} (chestnut tree) SEE: chestnut tree | :: |
chestnut-backed antshrike {n} (Thamnophilus palliatus) | :: averla formichiera lineata |
chestnut teal {n} (Anas castanea) | :: alzavola castana |
chestnut tree {n} /ˈtʃɛsnʌt ˌtɹiː/ (tree that bears chestnuts) | :: castagno {m} |
chest of drawers {n} (furniture for the storage of clothes) | :: comò {m}, cassettone, canterano {m}, cassettiera {f} |
chevin {n} (chub) SEE: chub | :: |
chevron {n} /ˈʃɛvɹən/ (V-shaped pattern) | :: galloni {m-p}, pipa {f}, segno diacritico a V {m} |
chevron {n} (heraldry: wide inverted V) | :: scaglione {m} |
chevron {n} (V-shaped marking on the surface of road) | :: frecce segnaletiche {f-p} |
chevron {n} (diacritical mark) SEE: háček | :: |
chevron {n} (guillemet) SEE: guillemet | :: |
chevy {v} (to chase or hunt) SEE: chase | :: |
chevy {v} (to scurry) SEE: scurry | :: |
chew {v} /tʃuː/ (to crush food with teeth prior to swallowing) | :: masticare |
chewing gum {n} (flavoured preparation for chewing) | :: gomma da masticare {f} |
chew the fat {v} (chat idly or generally waste time talking) SEE: shoot the breeze | :: |
chew the scenery {v} (To perform in an excessively emotional or exaggerated manner) | :: essere sopra le righe |
Chiang Mai {prop} /t͡ʃi.ɑːŋ ˈmaɪ/ (city in Thailand) | :: Chiang Mai |
Chianti {n} /kiˈɑnti/ (Tuscan red wine) | :: chianti {m}, Chianti {m} |
chiaroscuro {n} /ˌkjɑɹəˈsk(j)ʊɹoʊ/ (artistic technique using exaggerated light contrasts) | :: chiaroscuro {m} |
chia seed {n} (seed) | :: semi di chia {m-p} |
chiasmus {n} /kaɪˈæzməs/ ((rhetoric) an inversion of the relationship between the elements of phrases) | :: chiasmo {m} |
Chicago {prop} /ʃɪˈkɑ.ɡo/ (large US city) | :: Chicago {f} |
chicane {n} /ʃɪˈkeɪn/ (a temporary barrier or serpentine curve) | :: chicane {f}, intoppo {m}, intralcio {m}, impedimento {m}, curva a gomito {f} |
chick {n} /t͡ʃɪk/ (young bird) | :: pulcino {m} |
chick {n} (young chicken) | :: pulcino {m} |
chick {n} (young woman) | :: pollastra {f}, gnocca {f} |
chickadee {n} /ˈt͡ʃɪ.kəˌdi/ (songbird) | :: cincia {f} |
Chickasaw {n} /ˈtʃɪkəsɔː/ (member of the tribe) | :: chickasaw |
Chickasaw {prop} (the language) | :: chickasaw |
chicken {n} /ˈt͡ʃɪkɪn/ (bird) | :: pollo {m}, gallo {m}, gallina {f} |
chicken {n} (meat) | :: pollo {m} |
chicken {n} (coward) | :: coniglio {m}, mammoletta, pollo, merlo, femminuccia, smidollato, pappa molle, pappamolle, rammollito, fifone, codardo, cortigiano, mollusco, vigliacco, pusillanime, eunuco, debole {m}, pisciasotto, cacasotto, pauroso, vile |
chicken {n} (young, attractive, slim man) SEE: twink | :: |
chicken coop {n} (small building for poultry) SEE: henhouse | :: |
chicken-or-egg question {n} (a question to decide which of two interdependent things happened first) | :: paradosso dell'uovo e della gallina {m} |
chicken pox {n} (childhood disease) | :: varicella {f} |
chickenshit {n} (coward) | :: Italian: mammoletta, femminuccia, coniglio, merlo, pollo, smidollato, pappa molle, pappamolle, rammollito, fifone, codardo, cortigiano, mollusco, vigliacco, pusillanime, eunuco, debole {m}, pisciasotto, cacasotto, pauroso, vile |
chicken soup {n} (soup with chicken as main ingredient) | :: brodo {m} |
chickling vetch {n} (plant with edible seeds similar to peas) | :: cicerchia |
chickpea {n} /ˈtʃɪkˌpiː/ (plant) | :: cece |
chickpea {n} (seed) | :: cece {m} |
chickweed {n} (herb) | :: centocchio {m} |
chicory {n} /ˈtʃɪkəɹi/ (common chicory (Cichorium intybus)) | :: cicoria {f} |
chicory {n} (endive (Cichorium endivia)) SEE: endive | :: |
chide {v} /tʃaɪd/ (loudly admonish) | :: rimproverare |
chief {n} /tʃiːf/ (leader of group, etc.) | :: capo {m} |
chief {n} (heraldic term) | :: capo {m} |
chief executive officer {n} (highest-ranking corporate officer) | :: amministratore delegato {m} |
chiefly {adv} /ˈtʃiː (mainly or principally, almost entirely) | :: principalmente |
chief of state {n} (the titular head of a nation) SEE: head of state | :: |
chieftain {n} /ˈtʃiːf.tən/ (A leader of a clan or tribe) | :: capo {m}, capotribù |
chieftain {n} (A leader of a group, e.g. a robbers' chieftain) | :: capo {m} |
Chieti {prop} (province of Italy) | :: Chieti {f} |
Chieti {prop} (capital of Chieti province) | :: Chieti {f} |
chiffchaff {n} /ˈt͡ʃɪf.t͡ʃæf/ (Phylloscopus collybita) | :: luì piccolo {m} |
chignon {n} /ʃɪnˈjɒn/ (roll or twist of hair worn at the nape of the neck; a bun) | :: crocchia {f} |
Chihuahua {n} /tʃɪˈwɑːwɑː/ (breed of dog) | :: chihuahua {m} |
Chișinău {prop} (capital city and a municipality of Moldova) | :: Chisinau, Chișinău |
chilblain {n} /tʃɪlbleɪn/ (inflammation) | :: gelone {m} |
child {n} /t͡ʃaɪld/ (a female or male child, a daughter or son) | :: bambino {m}, bambina {f}, figlio {m}, figlia {f} |
child {n} (a minor) | :: bambino {m}, bambina {f} |
child {v} (to give birth) SEE: give birth | :: |
child abuse {n} /ˈtʃaɪldəbjuːs/ (mistreatment of a child) | :: abuso minorile |
childbirth {n} (act of giving birth) | :: parto {m} |
child bride {n} (very young bride) | :: sposa bambina {f} |
child carrier {n} (a device for carrying babies) | :: marsupio {m} |
child-fucker {n} (contemptible person) SEE: motherfucker | :: |
child-fucker {n} (one who engages in sex with a child) SEE: pedophile | :: |
childhood {n} /ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/ (state of being a child) | :: infanzia {f} |
childhood {n} (time when one is a child) | :: infanzia {f} |
childish {adj} /ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ/ (behaving immaturely) | :: infantile, bambinesco, puerile |
child prodigy {n} (talented young person) | :: bambino prodigio |
children's hospital {n} (hospital for children and adolescents) | :: ospedale pediatrico {m} |
child's play {n} (something particularly simple or easy) | :: gioco da ragazzi |
chile {n} (chili) SEE: chili | :: |
Chile {prop} /ˈt͡ʃiː.leɪ/ (country in South America) | :: Cile |
Chilean {adj} /ˈtʃɪli.ən/ (pertaining to Chile) | :: cileno {m}, cilena {f} |
Chilean {adj} (pertaining to a Chilean person or Chileans) | :: cileno {m} |
Chilean {n} (person from Chile) | :: cileno {m}, cilena {f}, cileni {m-p}, cilene {f-p} |
Chilean pine {n} (monkey puzzle) | :: pino del Cile |
chili {n} /ˈt͡ʃɪli/ (spicy fresh or dried fruit of capsicum) | :: peperoncino {m} |
chiliahedron {n} /kɪlɪəˈhiːdɹən/ (polyhedron with a thousand faces) | :: chiliedro |
chiliarch {n} (a commander of a thousand troops in Hellenistic Greece) | :: chiliarca {m} |
chiliasm {n} /ˈkɪ.lɪæ.z(ə)m/ (belief in an earthly thousand-year period of peace and prosperity) | :: millenarismo, chiliasmo |
chili pepper {n} (fruit) | :: peperoncino {m} |
chill {n} /tʃɪl/ (moderate, but uncomfortable coldness) | :: frescura {f}, fresco {m}, freddezza {f}, raffreddamento {m}, gelo {m} |
chill {n} (sudden penetrating sense of cold) | :: freddo {m}, brivido {m}, brivido di freddo |
chill {v} (to lower the temperature of something; to cool) | :: raffreddare |
chill {v} (to become cold) | :: raffreddarsi |
chill {v} (to relax, lie back) | :: calmarsi, rilassarsi |
chilli {n} (chili) SEE: chili | :: |
chilling {adj} /ˈtʃɪlɪŋ/ (causing mild fear) | :: spaventoso |
chill out {v} (relax or take time out) | :: rilassarsi, calmarsi |
chimera {n} /kʌɪˈmɪəɹə/ (flame-spewing monster, see also: Chimera) | :: chimera {f} |
chimera {n} (foolish thought, product of the imagination) | :: chimera {f} |
chimera {n} (fish in the subclass Holocephali) | :: chimera {f} |
Chimera {prop} (mythical monster) | :: chimera {f} |
chimerical {adj} /kɪˈmɛɹɪkəl/ (resulting from the expression of two or more genes) | :: chimerico |
chimerical {adj} | :: chimerico |
chimney {n} /tʃɪmni/ (vertical tube or hollow column; a flue) | :: camino {m}, ciminiera {f} |
chimney {n} (glass flue surrounding the flame of an oil lamp) | :: fumaiolo {m}, bulbo {m} |
chimney {n} (UK: smokestack of a steam locomotive) | :: fumaiolo {m} |
chimney {n} (narrow cleft in a rock face) | :: camino {m} |
chimney flashing {n} | :: faldale {m} |
chimney sweep {n} (occupation) | :: spazzacamino {m} |
chimpanzee {n} /tʃɪmˈpæn.zi/ (ape) | :: scimpanzé {m} |
chin {n} /tʃɪn/ (bottom of a face) | :: mento {m} |
China {prop} (country in east Asia) | :: Cina {f} |
China syndrome {n} (meltdown of a nuclear reactor) | :: sindrome cinese {f} |
chinchilla {n} /tʃɪnˈtʃɪlə/ (rodent) | :: cincillà {m} |
chinchilla {n} (fur) | :: cincillà {m} |
Chinese {prop} /ˈt͡ʃaɪˌniz/ (any language spoken in China, see also: Literary Chinese; Mandarin; Cantonese; Wu; Min Nan) | :: cinese {m} |
Chinese {prop} (writing system of Chinese) | :: cinese {m}, ideogrammi cinesi {m-p} |
Chinese {n} (the people of China) | :: i cinesi {m-p} |
Chinese {n} (person born in China) | :: cinese {m} {f} |
Chinese {n} (Chinese food or meal) | :: cibo cinese {m} |
Chinese {adj} (relating to China) | :: cinese |
Chinese {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin | :: |
Chinese cabbage {n} (bok choy) SEE: bok choy | :: |
Chinese cabbage {n} (any East Asian leafy vegetable) | :: cavolo di Pechino {m}, cavolo cinese {m} |
Chinese character {n} (CJKV character) | :: carattere cinese {m} |
Chinese Crested Dog {n} (Chinese Crested Dog) | :: cane nudo cinese {m} |
Chinese grapefruit {n} (pomelo) SEE: pomelo | :: |
Chinese lantern {n} (bladder cherry) SEE: bladder cherry | :: |
Chinese parsley {n} (coriander) SEE: coriander | :: |
Chinese red {adj} (vermilion) SEE: vermilion | :: |
Chinese river dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji | :: |
Chinese studies {n} (study of China) | :: sinologia {f} |
Chinese whispers {n} (game) | :: telefono senza fili {m} (wireless telephone), telegrafo senza fili {m} (wireless telegraph) |
Chinese white dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji | :: |
Chinglish {adj} (resembling English influenced by Chinese) | :: cinglese |
Chinglish {prop} (English influenced by Chinese) | :: cinglese {m} |
chinoiserie {n} /ʃiːnwɑːzəˈɹiː/ (art: style or object that reflects Chinese influence) | :: cineseria {f} |
Chinoiserie {n} /ʃiːnwɑːzəˈɹiː/ (art: style or object that reflects Chinese influence) | :: cineseria {f} |
Chios {prop} /ˈki.ɑs/ (island) | :: Chio {f} |
chip {n} /tʃɪp/ (small piece broken off) | :: frammento, scheggia {f} |
chip {n} (token used in gambling) | :: chip gettone, fiche {f} |
chip {n} (integrated circuit) | :: chip |
chip {n} (fried strip of potato, french fry) | :: patatina {f} |
chipmunk {n} (squirrel-like rodent) | :: tamia {m} |
chip off the old block {n} (someone who takes after a parent) | :: tale padre, tale figlio |
Chippewa {prop} (Ojibwe) SEE: Ojibwe | :: |
chiral {adj} /ˈkaɪɹəl/ (of an object that exhibits chirality) | :: chirale |
chirality {n} /kaɪˈɹælɪti/ (handedness in chemistry, physic and mathematics) | :: chiralità {f} |
chirography {n} (calligraphy or penmanship) | :: chirografia {f} |
chiromancer {n} /ˈkaɪɹə(ʊ)mænsə/ (one who practices chiromancy) | :: chiromante {m} {f}, chirologo {m} |
chiromancy {n} /ˈkaɪ.ɹəʊ.mæ (divination performed by examining the palms) | :: chiromanzia {f} |
Chiron {prop} /ˈkaɪɹən/ (mythology) | :: Chirone {m} |
chiropractor {n} /ˈkaɪ.ɹəˌpɹæk.tə(ɹ)/ (chiropractor) | :: chiropratico |
chirp {n} /tʃɜː(ɹ)p/ (birds) | :: cinguettio {m}, trillo {m} |
chirp {n} (insects) | :: stridio {m} |
chirp {v} (birds) | :: cinguettare |
chirp {v} (insects) | :: frinire |
chiru {n} (Tibetan antelope) SEE: Tibetan antelope | :: |
chisel {v} (to cheat) SEE: cheat | :: |
chisel {n} /ˈtʃɪzəl/ (tool consisting of a slim oblong block of metal) | :: scalpello {m}, cesello |
chisel {v} (to use a chisel) | :: cesellare |
chit-chat {n} (gossip; mindless banter) | :: pettegolezzo {m}, chiacchiera {f}, diceria {f}, ciarla {f}, maldicenza {f} |
chitin {n} /ˈkaɪtɪn/ (polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, found in arthropod and fungi) | :: chitina {f} |
chiton {n} /ˈkaɪtn̩/ (Greek tunic) | :: chitone {m} |
Chitral {prop} (Chitral (all senses)) | :: Chitral |
chitterlings {n} /ˈtʃɪ.tɚ.lɪŋz/ (small pig intestine, boiled and fried) | :: frattaglie {f-p} |
chivalrous {adj} /ˈʃɪv.əl.ɹʌs/ (of a man: honourable) | :: cavalleresco, galante |
chivalry {n} /ˈʃɪvəlɹi/ (ethical code) | :: cavalleria {f} |
chivalry {n} (Courteous behavior, especially that of men towards women) | :: cavalleria {f} |
chive {n} /tʃaɪv/ (plant) | :: erba cipollina {f}, cipolletta {f} |
chive {n} (chives: herb) | :: erba cipollina {f}, cipolletta {f} |
chivvy {v} (to coerce) SEE: coerce | :: |
chlamydia {n} /kləˈmɪd.i.ə/ (sexually transmitted disease) | :: chlamydia {f} |
chlamys {n} /ˈklæmɪs/ (short cloak) | :: clamide {f} |
chloral {n} (an organic compound) | :: cloralio {m} |
chloralkali {n} | :: clorosoda {f} |
chloralkaline {adj} (pertaining to electrolysis of sodium hydroxide) | :: cloroalcalino |
chloramine {n} (compound) | :: clorammina {f} |
chlorargyrite {n} (a mineral, silver chloride) | :: clorargirite {f} |
chlorate {n} (any salt of chloric acid) | :: clorato {m} |
chloric {adj} (compounds) | :: clorico |
chloride {n} /ˈklɔːɹaɪd/ (any salt of hydrochloric acid) | :: cloruro {m} |
chlorinate {v} /ˈklɒ.ɹɪ.neɪt/ (to add chlorine to) | :: clorurare |
chlorination {n} /ˌklɒ.ɹɪ.ˈneɪ.ʃən/ (chlorination) | :: clorazione {f} |
chlorine {n} /ˈklɔɹin/ (chemical element) | :: cloro {m} |
chlorite {n} /ˈklɔːɹʌɪt/ (mineral) | :: clorite {f} |
chlorite {n} (salt of chlorous acid) | :: clorito {m} |
chloroauric {adj} (of or pertaining to chloroauric acid) | :: cloroaurico |
chloroborate {n} (salt or ester of chloroboric acid) | :: cloroborato {m} |
chlorochromate {n} (CrClO3-) | :: clorocromato {m} |
chlorofibre {n} (synthetic fibre) | :: clorofibra {f} |
chlorofluorocarbon {n} (an organic compound with halogens in place of hydrogen) | :: clorofluorocarburo {m} |
chlorofluoromethane {n} | :: clorofluorometano {m} |
chloroform {n} /ˈklɔːɹə(ʊ)̩fɔː(ɹ)m/ ((chemistry) an anesthetic) | :: cloroformio {m} |
chloroform {v} (to treat with chloroform, or to render unconscious with chloroform) | :: cloroformizzare |
chlorogenic {adj} (Of or pertaining to chlorogenic acid) | :: clorogenico |
chloromethane {n} | :: clorometano {m} |
chlorophyll {n} /ˈklɔɹ.ə.fɪl/ (green pigment) | :: clorofilla {f} |
chlorophyllic {adj} (of, pertaining to, resembling or derived from chlorophyll) | :: clorofilliano |
chloroplast {n} (photosynthetic organelle) | :: cloroplasto {m} |
chloroplatinate {n} (salt of chloroplatinic acid) | :: cloroplatinato {m} |
chloroquine {n} /ˈklɔɹəkwən/ (4-aminoquinoline drug) | :: clorochina {f} |
chlorosis {n} (yellow-green colouration of the skin) | :: clorosi {f} |
chlorosis {n} (yellowing of the leaves) | :: clorosi {f} |
chlorous {adj} (compound) | :: cloroso |
chock full {adj} (containing the maximum amount) | :: satollo, pieno zeppo {m} |
chocolate {n} /ˈt͡ʃɒk(ə)lɪt/ (food made from ground roasted cocoa beans) | :: cioccolato {m}, cioccolata {f} |
chocolate {n} (small piece of confectionery made from chocolate) | :: cioccolatino {m}, pralina {f} |
chocolate {adj} (made of or containing chocolate) | :: cioccolato |
chocolate {adj} (colour) | :: cioccolato, color cioccolato |
chocolate bar {n} (of chocolate) | :: tavoletta di cioccolata {f} |
chocolate cake {n} (cake containing chocolate) | :: torta al cioccolato {f} |
chocolate egg {n} (Easter treat) SEE: Easter egg | :: |
chocolate milk {n} (milk drink flavored with chocolate) | :: latte al cioccolato {m} |
chocolate truffle {n} (type of confection) | :: tartufo {m}, tartufo al cioccolato {m} |
chocolatier {n} (producer of chocolate) | :: cioccolatiere {m} |
choice {n} /tʃɔɪs/ (option or decision) | :: scelta {f} |
choice {n} (selection or preference) | :: scelta {f} |
choice {n} (definite: best or most preferable part) | :: ottimo {m}, ottima {f} |
choice {adj} (especially good or preferred) | :: di prima scelta |
choir {n} /kwaɪɚ/ (singing group) | :: coro {m} |
choir {n} (part of a church for choir assembly) | :: coro {m} |
choke {v} /t͡ʃoʊk/ (be unable to breathe because of obstruction of the windpipe) | :: soffocare |
choke {v} (prevent someone from breathing by strangling them) | :: strozzare, strangolare, asfissiare |
choke {n} (control on a carburetor) | :: starter {m} |
choker {n} /ˈtʃoʊkɚ/ (jewelry or accessory) | :: girocollo {m}, collana {f} |
choker {n} (one who chokes another) | :: strangolatore {m}, strangolatrice {f} |
cholangitis {n} (inflammation of the bile duct) | :: angiocolite {f} |
cholecyst {n} (gall bladder) SEE: gall bladder | :: |
cholecystectomy {n} (surgical procedure) | :: colecistectomia {f} |
cholecystokinin {n} (any of several peptide hormones) | :: colecistochinina {f} |
choledochitis {n} (inflammation of the common bile duct) | :: coledocite {f} |
cholera {n} /ˈkɒləɹə/ (infectious disease) | :: colera |
cholerine {n} (minor diarrhea) | :: colerina {f} |
cholesteric {adj} (relating to chiral nematic phase of crystals) | :: colesterico |
cholesterol {n} (an essential component of mammalian cell membranes) | :: colesterolo {m} |
cholesterolemia {n} (presence of cholesterol in the blood) | :: colesterolemia {f} |
choline {n} /ˈkoʊliːn/ (organic chemistry: a compound) | :: colina |
cholinergic {adj} (of, pertaining to, activated by, producing or having the same function as acetylcholine) | :: colinergico |
cholinesterase {n} (enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of choline-based esters) | :: colinesterasi {f} |
chomp {v} /t͡ʃɔmp/ (to bite or munch loudly or heavily) | :: masticare in modo rumoroso |
chondroblast {n} (1. A cell which originates from a mesenchymal stem cell and forms chondrocytes) | :: condroblasto {m} |
chondrodysplasia {n} (a genetic disorder characterized by short-limbed dwarfism) | :: condrodisplasia {f} |
chondroma {n} (benign tumour) | :: condroma {m} |
chondronectin {n} | :: condronectina {f} |
chondrosarcoma {n} (type of cancer) | :: condrosarcoma {m} |
Chongqing {prop} /ˈtʃɔŋˈtʃɪŋ/ (a municipality in western China) | :: Chongqing |
choose {v} (to choose) SEE: take | :: |
choose {v} /t͡ʃuːz/ (to pick) | :: scegliere, selezionare |
choose {v} (to elect) | :: eleggere |
choose {v} (to decide to act in a certain way) | :: decidere |
chop {n} /tʃɒp/ (cut of meat) | :: costoletta, braciola {f}, taglio {m}, costata {f} |
chop {n} (blow with an axe or similar utensil) | :: colpo {m}, colpo d'ascia |
chop {n} (poker: result of a tied poker hand) | :: alla pari |
chop {n} (dismissal, especially from employment) | :: licenziamento {m} |
chop {n} | :: taglio {m} |
chop {v} (to cut into pieces) | :: tagliare |
chop-chop {interj} (hurry up) | :: affrettatevi, affrettati |
chopped liver {n} /ˈt͡ʃɒpt ˌlɪvə/ (person or object not worthy of being noticed) | :: mezzacalzetta {f} |
chopper {n} (helicopter (formal translations)) SEE: helicopter | :: |
chopper {n} (axe/ax) SEE: axe | :: |
chopping board {n} (a sturdy board, upon which one chops and prepares food) | :: tagliere {m} |
choppy {adj} /ˈtʃɒ.pi/ (having many small, rough waves) | :: increspato |
chopstick {n} (single eating utensil) | :: bacchetta {f} |
chop suey {n} (Cantonese dish) | :: piatto cantonese con carne e verdure {m}, chop suey {m} |
choral {adj} /ˈkɔɹəl/ (of or relating to a choir or chorus) | :: corale |
choral {n} (chorale) SEE: chorale | :: |
chorale {n} /kɔːˈɹɑːl/ (hymn tune) | :: corale {f} |
chorale {n} (chorus) | :: corale {f} |
Chorasmia {prop} /kəˈɹæzmi.ə/ (large oasis region on the Amu Darya river delta in western Central Asia) | :: Corasmia {f} |
chord {n} /kɔɹd/ (combination of three or more notes) | :: accordo |
chord {n} (straight line) | :: corda {f} |
chordal {adj} (kind of graph) | :: cordale |
chordophone {n} (chordophone, see also: stringed instrument) | :: cordofono {m} |
chore {n} /tʃɔɹ/ (a difficult, unpleasant, or routine task) | :: corvè {f} |
chorea {n} (disease of the nervous system) | :: corea {f} |
choreography {n} /ˌkɔɹ.iˈɒɡ.ɹə.fi/ (art) | :: coreografia {f} |
chorionic {adj} (of or pertaining to the chorion) | :: corionico |
chorionic villus sampling {n} (form of prenatal diagnosis) | :: villocentesi {f} |
chorioretinitis {n} (an inflammation of the choroid and retina of the eye) | :: corioretinite {f} |
chorister {n} (singer in a choir) | :: corista {m} {f}, cantore {m} |
chorizo {n} /tʃɔˈɹiθɔ/ (type of sausage) | :: chorizo {m} |
choroid {n} /ˈkɔː.ɹɔɪd/ (vascular layer of the eye) | :: coroide {m} |
choronym {n} (regional toponym) | :: coronimo {m} |
chortle {n} /ˈt͡ʃɔɹtəl/ (joyful, somewhat muffled laugh) | :: chortle |
chorus {n} /ˈkɔːɹəs/ | :: coro {m} |
chorus line {n} (a line of performers in a revue or other show, dancing in unison) | :: corps de ballet {m} |
chotki {n} /ˈt͡ʃoʊtki/ (prayer rope) | :: corda di preghiera {f} |
chough {n} /tʃʌf/ (bird of Pyrrhocorax) | :: gracchio {m} |
choux pastry {n} /ʃuː ˈpeɪstɹi/ (light pastry) | :: pasta choux {f} |
chow {n} /tʃaʊ/ (Food, especially snacks) | :: foraggio |
chrematistics {n} (study of wealth) | :: crematistica {f} |
chrestomathy {n} /kɹɛˈstɒməθi/ (collection of choice passages from an author or authors) | :: crestomazia {f} |
chrism {n} /ˈkɹɪz(ə)m/ (mixture of oil and balm) | :: crisma {f} |
Christ {prop} /kɹaɪst/ (title for Jesus of Nazareth) | :: Cristo {m} |
Christ {n} (A figure or other artistic depiction of Jesus Christ) | :: Cristo {m} |
Christ {interj} (blasphemous interjection) | :: porco Dio, porcodio {m} |
Christadelphian {n} (a member of a certain nontrinitarian Christian denomination) | :: Cristadelfiano {m} |
Christadelphian {adj} (pertaining to the Christadelphians) | :: cristadelfiano |
Christ child {prop} (Child Jesus) | :: Gesù Bambino {m} |
christen {v} /ˈkɹɪsən/ (to perform the religious act of baptism) | :: battezzare |
christen {v} (to name) | :: battezzare, inaugurare |
Christendom {n} /ˈkɹɪsn̩dəm/ (the Christian world) | :: cristianità {f} |
Christian {n} /ˈkɹɪʃtʃən/ (member of the Christian religion) | :: cristiano {m}, cristiana {f} |
Christian {prop} (male given name) | :: Cristiano {m} |
Christian {adj} (of, like or relating to Christianity or Christians) | :: cristiano |
Christiana {prop} (a female given name) | :: Cristiana {f} |
Christian Democracy {n} (political ideology) | :: Democrazia Cristiana {f} |
Christianity {prop} /ˌkɹɪstʃiˈænɪti/ (monotheistic religion) | :: cristianità {f}, cristianesimo {m} |
Christianity {prop} (Christendom) SEE: Christendom | :: |
Christianization {n} (converting to Christianity) | :: cristianizzazione {f} |
Christianize {v} (to (cause to) convert to Christianity) | :: cristianizzare |
Christian name {n} (first name at Christian baptism) | :: nome di battesimo {m} |
Christianophobe {n} | :: cristianofobo {m}, cristianofoba {f} |
christie {n} (high-speed ski turn) | :: kristiania {m} |
Christina {prop} /kɹɪsˈtiːnə/ (female given name) | :: Cristina {f} |
Christine {prop} (female name) SEE: Christina | :: |
Christmas {prop} /ˈkɹɪsməs/ (Christian holiday) | :: Natale {m} |
Christmas carol {n} (hymn whose lyrics are on the theme of Christmas) | :: canzone natalizia {f}, canto natalizio {m} |
Christmas Eve {prop} (day before Christmas Day) | :: Vigilia {f} |
Christmas Island {prop} (non self-governing territory of Australia) | :: Isola del Natale {f} |
Christmas market {n} | :: mercatino di Natale |
Christmas season {n} (Advent) SEE: Advent | :: |
Christmassy {adj} (resembling or having feelings of Christmas) | :: natalizio |
Christmas tree {n} /ˈkɹɪsməs tɹiː/ (tree used during the Christmas holiday season) | :: albero di Natale {m} |
Christological {adj} (of or pertaining to Christology) | :: cristologico |
Christopher {prop} /ˈkɹɪs.tə.fə(ɹ)/ (a male given name) | :: Cristoforo |
Christophobe {n} (Christianophobe) SEE: Christianophobe | :: |
Christ's thorn {n} (tree) | :: marruca |
chromate {n} (any salt of chromic acid) | :: cromato {m} |
chromatic {adj} (characterised by hue) | :: cromatico |
chromatic {adj} (music: regarding all twelve traditional Western pitch classes, regardless of temperament or intonation) | :: cromatico |
chromaticity {n} (specification of the quality of a colour, regardless of its luminance) | :: cromaticità {f} |
chromatic number {n} (smallest number of colours needed to colour a graph) | :: numero cromatico {m} |
chromatin {n} /ˈkɹəʊmətɪn/ (complex of DNA, RNA, and proteins) | :: cromatina {f} |
chromatinic {adj} (of or pertaining to chromatin) | :: cromatinico |
chromatogram {n} (the visual output from a chromatograph) | :: cromatogramma {m} |
chromatograph {n} (machine that performs chromatography) | :: cromatografo {m} |
chromatography {n} /ˌkɹəʊ.məˈtɒɡɹə.fi/ (analytical chemistry: technique for separation of components in a mixture) | :: cromatografia {f} |
chromatophore {n} (pigment-bearing cell or structure) | :: cromatoforo {m} |
chrome {v} /kɹoʊm/ (to plate with chrome) | :: cromare |
chromite {n} (mineral) | :: cromite {f} |
chromium {n} /ˈkɹoʊmi.əm/ (chemical element) | :: cromo {m} |
chromium-plate {v} (chrome) SEE: chrome | :: |
chromodynamics {n} (The study of quarks with color) | :: cromodinamica {f} |
chromonema {n} (coiled central filament of a chromatid) | :: cromonema {m} |
chromophore {n} (part of the molecule of a dye responsible for its colour) | :: cromoforo {m} |
chromophoric {adj} (chemistry) | :: cromoforo |
chromosomal {adj} (of, or relating to chromosomes) | :: cromosomico |
chromosome {n} /ˈkɹoʊməˌsoʊm/ (structure in the cell nucleus) | :: cromosoma {m} |
chromosphere {n} (the faint pink extension of a star's atmospheric envelope) | :: cromosfera {f} |
chromospheric {adj} (of or pertaining to the chromosphere) | :: cromosferico |
chromotherapy {n} (form of alternative medicine) | :: cromoterapia {f} |
chronic {adj} /ˈkɹɒnɪk/ (that continues over an extended period of time) | :: cronico |
chronic {adj} (medical: prolonged or slow to heal) | :: cronico |
chronic {adj} (inveterate or habitual) | :: cronico |
chronicity {n} /kɹɑˈnɪsɪti/ (the condition of being chronic) | :: cronicità {f} |
chronicle {n} /ˈkɹɒnɪkəl/ (a written account) | :: cronaca {f}, notizia {f} |
chronicler {n} (person who writes a chronicle) | :: cronista {m} {f} |
Chronicles {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Croniche {f-p} |
chronicling {n} (the act by which something is chronicled) | :: annalistica {f} |
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease {n} (group of pulmonary diseases) | :: broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva {f} |
chrono- {prefix} (relation to time) | :: crono- |
chronologic {adj} (chronological) SEE: chronological | :: |
chronological {adj} /ˌkɹɒnəˈlɒd͡ʒɪkəl/ (in order of time from the earliest to the latest) | :: cronologico |
chronologically {adv} (in a chronological manner) | :: cronologicamente |
chronologist {n} /kɹəˈnɒlədʒɪst/ (a person skilled in chronology) | :: cronologista {m} {f}, cronologo {m} |
chronology {n} /kɹəˈnɒl.ə.dʒi/ (determining the order of events (an auxiliary science of history)) | :: cronologia {f} |
chronology {n} (arrangement into chronological order) | :: cronologia {f} |
chronometer {n} /kɹəˈnɒm.ə.tə(ɹ)/ (device for measuring time) | :: cronometro {m} |
Chronos {prop} (personification of time) | :: Crono |
chronoscope {n} (chronometer) SEE: chronometer | :: |
chronostratigraphy {n} (the interpretation of geologic history by means of the determination of the ages and time sequence of rock strata) | :: cronostratigrafia {f} |
chronotaxis {n} (list or table in chronological order) | :: cronotassi {f} |
chrysalis {n} /ˈkɹɪsəlɪs/ (the pupa of a butterfly or moth) | :: crisalide |
chrysanthemum {n} (flower) | :: crisantemo {m} |
Chrysanthemum Throne {prop} (Japanese monarchy) | :: trono del crisantemo {m} |
chrysene {n} (organic compound) | :: crisene {m} |
chryso- {prefix} (pertaining, related to gold) | :: criso- |
chrysoberyl {n} /ˈkɹɪsə(ʊ)bɛɹɪl/ (mineral) | :: crisoberillo {m} |
chrysocolla {n} (mineral) | :: crisocolla {f} |
chrysography {n} (use of gold lettering) | :: crisografia {f} |
chrysopoeia {n} /kɹɪsəˈpiːə/ (transmutation into gold) | :: crisopea {f}, pietra filosofale {f} |
chrysotherapy {n} (therapeutic use of gold) | :: crisoterapia {f} |
chub {n} /tʃʌb/ (Leuciscus cephalus) | :: cavedano {m} |
chubby {n} (erection) SEE: boner | :: |
chubby {adj} /ˈtʃʌbi/ (of a person, somewhat fat) | :: grassoccio, cicciuto, paffutello |
chubby {adj} (of a body part, containing a moderate amount of fat) | :: paffuto, pienotto |
chuck {v} /tʃʌk/ (mechanical device) | :: mandrino {m} |
chuck {n} (gentle touch) | :: buffetto {m}, pacca {f} |
chuck {v} (to throw carelessly) | :: tirare, scaricare, gettare, mollare, lanciare |
chuck {v} (to discard) | :: gettare, buttare via, scaricare |
chuck {v} (slang: to vomit) | :: vomitare, rigettare |
chug {n} /tʃʌɡ/ (sound) | :: sbuffo {m}, scoppiettio {m} |
chug {n} (large gulp) | :: sorso {m}, sorsata {f} |
chug {v} (to make dull explosive sounds) | :: scoppiettare, crepitare |
chug {v} (to drink a large amount in a single action) | :: ingollare, tracannare, ingurgitare |
Chukotka {prop} | :: Čukči |
chum {n} /tʃʌm/ (a friend; a pal) | :: amico {m} |
chum {n} (a roommate) | :: vicino di stanza, compagno di stanza {m} |
chumminess {n} (state of being chummy) SEE: folksiness | :: |
chump {n} /tʃʌmp/ (an unintelligent person) | :: fesso {m}, allocco {m}, balordo {m}, grullo {m}, ottuso {m} |
chump {n} (a gullible person) | :: fesso {m}, allocco {m}, stupido {m}, credulone {m} |
Ch'ung-ch'ing {prop} (Chongqing) SEE: Chongqing | :: |
chunk {n} /t͡ʃʌŋk/ (a part of something) | :: pezzo {m}, tocco {m} |
chunter {v} /ˈtʃʌn.tɚ/ (speak in a soft, indistinct manner, mutter) | :: sussurrare, bisbigliare |
chunter {v} (grumble, complain) | :: borbottare, brontolare |
chur {interj} (voicing of thanks) SEE: thanks | :: |
Chur {prop} /kuːɹ/ (Swiss town) | :: Coira |
church {n} /t͡ʃɝt͡ʃ/ (house of worship) | :: chiesa {f} |
church {n} (a religious organization) | :: Chiesa {f} |
church {n} (worship service) | :: funzione {f}, messa {f} |
Church Father {n} /ˈt͡ʃɝt͡ʃ fɑ.ðɚ/ (authoritative ancient male Christian author) | :: padre della Chiesa {m} |
churchgoer {n} (one who goes to church) | :: praticante {m} |
churchical {adj} (pertaining to or characteristic of church) SEE: ecclesiastical | :: |
Church of England {prop} (established Christian church in England) | :: Chiesa d'Inghilterra {f}, Chiesa Anglicana {f} |
Church of Scotland {prop} (national Presbyterian church of Scotland) | :: Chiesa di Scozia {f} |
churchwarden's pew {n} (pew) | :: stallo {m} |
churlish {adj} /ˈtʃɝːlɪʃ/ (rude or surly) | :: villano |
churn {v} /tʃɝn/ (agitate rapidly) | :: frullare, sbattere, ribollire, spumeggiare |
churn {v} (tumble) | :: spumeggiare, frullare, ribollire |
churn {n} (vessel for churning) | :: zangola |
churn out {v} (to produce a large quantity of something rapidly and easily) | :: sfornare |
churro {n} /ˈtʃʊɹ.oʊ/ (fried pastry) | :: churro {m} |
chutney {n} /ˈtʃʌtni/ (condiment) | :: chutney {f} |
chutzpah {n} /ˈxʊts.pə/ (nearly arrogant courage) | :: sfacciataggine {f} |
chyle {n} /kaɪl/ (digestive fluid) | :: chilo {m} |
chyme {n} /kaɪm/ (partly digested food passed from the stomach to the duodenum) | :: chimo {m} |
chymotrypsinogen {n} (inactive precursor to chymotrypsin) | :: chimotripsinogeno {m} |
chypre {n} | :: chypre |
chytridiomycosis {n} (disease of amphibians) | :: chitidriomicosi {f} |
ciabatta {n} /tʃəˈbɑː.ta/ (a broad, flat, white Italian bread) | :: ciabatta {f} |
ciao {interj} (hello) SEE: hello | :: |
ciao {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye | :: |
cicada {n} /sɪˈkeɪ.də/ (any of several insects of the order Hemiptera) | :: cicala {f} |
cicatrice {n} (scar) SEE: scar | :: |
cicatrix {n} (scar that remains after the development of new tissue) SEE: scar | :: |
cicero {n} /ˈsɪsəɹoʊ/ (12-point type) | :: lettura |
Cicero {prop} /ˈsɪsəɹəʊ/ (Roman statesman and orator) | :: Cicerone (Marco Tullio Cicerone) |
Ciceronian {adj} /sɪsəˈɹəʊnɪən/ (of or relating to M. Tullius Cicero) | :: ciceroniano |
Ciceronical {adj} (obsolete: Ciceronian) SEE: Ciceronian | :: |
cicisbeo {n} /ˌtʃitʃəzˈbeɪoʊ/ (Italian knightly servant of a high-born lady) | :: cicisbeo {m}, cavalier servente {m} |
-cide {suffix} /-saɪd/ (killing of) | :: -cidio {m}, -cidio {m} |
-cide {suffix} (killer of) | :: -cida {m} {f} |
cider {n} /ˈsaɪ̯.dɚ/ (alcoholic beverage) | :: sidro {m} |
cider {n} (drink/glass of cider) | :: bicchiere di sidro {m} |
cider {n} (soft drink) SEE: soft drink | :: |
Cieszyn {prop} (city in Poland) | :: Cieszyn |
cigar {n} /sɪˈɡɑɹ/ (tobacco product) | :: sigaro {m} |
cigarette {n} /ˈsɪ.ɡə.ɹɛt/ (cigarette) | :: sigaretta {f} |
cigarette case {n} (small flat case) | :: portasigarette {m} |
cigarette lighter {n} (lighter) SEE: lighter | :: |
cigarette paper {n} (rolling paper) SEE: rolling paper | :: |
cigar lighter {n} | :: accendisigaro {m} |
cilantro {n} /siˈlɑntɹoʊ/ (leaves of the coriander plant) | :: coriandolo {m} |
ciliary muscle {n} (muscle) | :: muscolo ciliare {m} |
Cimbrian {n} /ˈsɪmbɹiən/ (people) | :: cimbro {m} |
Cimbrian {prop} (language) | :: cimbro {m} |
Cimmerian {n} /sɪˈmɪəɹ.ɪ.ən/ (one of the Cimmerii, ancient equestrian nomads of Indo-European origin) | :: Cimmero {m} |
Cimmerian {n} | :: Cimmero {m}, Cimmera {f} |
cinder {n} (ember) SEE: ember | :: |
cinder {n} /ˈsɪndɚ/ (partially or mostly burnt material) | :: cenere {f} |
Cinderella {prop} (fairy tale) | :: Cenerentola {f} |
Cinderella {prop} (main character in this fairy tale) | :: Cenerentola {f} |
cine- {prefix} (prefix) | :: cine- |
cineast {n} (enthusiast of film and the cinema) SEE: cinephile | :: |
cinema {n} (movie) SEE: movie | :: |
cinema {n} /ˈsɪn.ə.mə/ (a film/movie theatre) | :: cinema {m} |
cinema {n} (the art of making films and movies) | :: cinematografo {m}, cinematografia {f} |
cinematic {adj} (relating to kinematics) SEE: kinematic | :: |
cinematographic {adj} (of or pertaining to cinematography) | :: cinematografico |
cinematography {n} /ˈsɪn.ə.məˌtɒɡ.ɹə.fiː/ (the discipline of making and reproducing motion pictures) | :: cinematografia {f}, filmologia {f} |
cinephile {n} /ˈsɪnɪfɑɪl/ (enthusiast of films and cinema) | :: cinefilo {m} |
cinephilia {n} (enthusiasm for films and the cinema) | :: cinefilia {f} |
cinerary {adj} (pertaining to or containing ashes) | :: cinerario |
cinereous vulture {n} (Eurasian black vulture) SEE: Eurasian black vulture | :: |
cinnabar {n} /ˈsɪnəbɑɹ/ (mineral) | :: cinabro {m} |
cinnamic acid {n} (aromatic carboxylic acid obtained from cinnamon) | :: acido cinnamico {m} |
cinnamon {n} /ˈsɪn.ə.mən/ (Cinnamomum verum) | :: cannella {f} |
cinnamon {n} (spice) | :: cannella {f} |
cinnamon {n} (colour) | :: cannella |
cinnamon {adj} (flavor) | :: di cannella |
cinnamon {adj} (color) | :: cannella |
Cinotti {prop} | :: Cinotti |
Cinquecentist {n} /tʃiŋkwɛˈtʃɛntɪst/ (Italian of the sixteenth century) | :: cinquecentista {m} |
cinquedea {n} /ˌtʃɪŋkwɨˈdi.ə/ (Italian Renaissance sword) | :: cinquedea {f}, cinquadea {f}, lingua di bue {f} |
cinquefoil {n} /ˈsɪŋk.fɔɪl/ (heraldry: stylized flower or leaf with five lobes) | :: cinquefoglie {m} |
cipher {n} (obsolete: zero) SEE: zero | :: |
cipher {n} /ˈsaɪfɚ/ (numeric character) | :: cifra {f} |
ciphertext {n} (encoded text) | :: testo cifrato {m} |
circa {prep} /ˈsɝkə/ (approximately, about) | :: circa |
circadian {adj} (relating to rhythmic behavior with a period of 24 hours) | :: circadiano |
Circe {prop} /ˈsɜɹsi/ (enchantress in Greek mythology) | :: Circe |
circle {n} /ˈsɝ.kəɫ/ (geometry: set of points that are equally distant from a center) | :: cerchio {m} |
circle {n} (geometry: set of all points in a plane within a radius) | :: disco {m} |
circle {n} (thin three-dimensional equivalent of these geometric figures) | :: sfera {f} |
circle {n} (curve approximating part or all of a circle) | :: curva {f} |
circle {n} (specific group of persons) | :: circolo {m}, gruppo {m}, cenacolo {m}, congrega {f}, associazione {f} |
circle {n} (bagginess of skin under eyes) | :: occhiaie |
circle {v} (travel around along a curved path) | :: cerchiare |
circle {v} (surround) | :: circondare |
circle {v} (place or mark a circle around) | :: cerchiare |
circle {v} (travel in circles) | :: ruotare, roteare |
circle {n} (orbit) SEE: orbit | :: |
circle {n} (indirect form of words) SEE: circumlocution | :: |
circle {n} (traffic circle or roundabout) SEE: traffic circle | :: |
circlet {n} /ˈsɜː(ɹ)klət/ (a small circle) | :: cerchiello {m}, rotella |
circlet {n} (ornament worn on the head) | :: cerchiello {m} |
circuit {n} (circumlocution) SEE: circumlocution | :: |
circuitous {adj} /sɚˈkjuːətəs/ (not direct or to the point) | :: tortuoso {m} |
circuitry {n} /ˈsɜːkɪtɹi/ (electrical circuits considered as a group) | :: circuiteria {f} |
circular {adj} /ˈsɜːk.jə.lə(ɹ)/ (in the shape of, or moving in a circle) | :: circolare |
circular letter {n} (freely distributed letter or pamphlet on routine matters) | :: circolare {f} |
circular saw {n} (a power saw with a circular cutting blade) | :: sega circolare |
circulate {v} /ˈsɚˌkju.leɪt/ (to move in circles) | :: circolare |
circulating {adj} (moving about freely) | :: circolante |
circulatory {adj} (of or pertaining to a circulation) | :: circolatorio |
circulatory system {n} (parts of an animal body) | :: apparato circolatorio {m}, sistema circolatorio {m} |
circum- {prefix} (prefix meaning "around") | :: circum-, circon- |
circumambient {adj} (surrounding) SEE: surrounding | :: |
circumbendibus {n} /sɝkm̩ˈbɛndɨbəs/ (a roundabout or confusing manner) | :: circonlocuzione |
circumcircle {n} (a circle that passes through every vertex of a given polygon) | :: circumcerchio {m} |
circumcise {v} (to remove the foreskin from the penis) | :: circoncidere |
circumcised {adj} (of a man) | :: circonciso {m} |
circumcision {n} (removal of foreskin from penis) | :: circoncisione {f} |
circumcision {n} | :: circoncisione {f} |
circumduction {n} (circular movement of a body part) | :: circonduzione {f} |
circumference {n} /sɝːˈkʌm.fɹəns/ (line that bounds a circle or other two-dimensional object) | :: circonferenza {f} |
circumference {n} (length of such line) | :: circonferenza {f} |
circumfix {n} /ˈsɚkəmfɪks/ (affix with both a pre- and sufixing part) | :: circonfisso {m} |
circumflex {n} /ˈsɝkəmˌflɛks/ (circumflex accent) | :: accento circonflesso {m}, circonflesso {m} |
circumflex {adj} (with circumflex accent) | :: circonflesso |
circumflex {adj} (curving around) | :: circonflesso, arcuato, incurvato |
circumflex {v} (to mark or pronounce with circumflex) | :: circonflettere |
circumin {n} (curcumin) SEE: curcumin | :: |
circumlocution {n} /ˌsɜːkəmləˈkjuːʃən/ (roundabout or indirect way of speaking) | :: giro di parole, perifrasi |
circumlocution {n} (roundabout expression) | :: circonlocuzione {f} |
circumlunar {adj} (surrounding, or travelling around the moon) | :: circumlunare |
circumnavigate {v} /ˌsɝ.kəmˈnæv.ɪ.ɡeɪt/ (to sail completely around something) | :: circumnavigare |
circumnavigation {n} (circumnavigating) | :: circumnavigazione {f} |
circumscription {n} (act of circumscribing; quality of being circumscribed) | :: circoscrizione {f} |
circumscription {n} (anything that circumscribes or a circumscribed area) | :: circoscrizione {f} |
circumscription {n} (taxonomy: definition of what belongs in a taxon) | :: circoscrizione {f} |
circumscription {n} (electoral district) SEE: electoral district | :: |
circumsolar {adj} (surrounding or moving around the Sun) | :: circumsolare |
circumspect {adj} /ˈsɜː.kəm.spɛkt/ (carefully aware of all circumstances) | :: cauto {m}, prudente {m} {f} |
circumspection {n} (attention to all the facts and circumstances) | :: circospezione {f} |
circumstance {n} /ˈsɜːkəmst(ə)ns/ (that which attends, or relates to, or in some way affects, a fact or event) | :: circostanza {f} |
circumstance {n} (event; fact; particular incident) | :: dettaglio {m} |
circumstance {n} (circumlocution; detail) | :: circonlocuzione {f} |
circumvent {v} (to avoid or get around something) | :: eludere, circonvenire |
circumzenithal {adj} (around the zenith) | :: circumzenitale |
circus {n} /ˈsɝkəs/ (company that travels) | :: circo {m} |
circus {n} (round open space) | :: circo {m} |
circus ring {n} (arena in a circus where acts are performed) | :: pista da circo {f} |
cire perdue {n} (lost wax) SEE: lost wax | :: |
cirque {n} (something in the shape of a circle) SEE: circle | :: |
cirrhosis {n} /sɪˈɹoʊsɪs/ (chronic disease of the liver) | :: cirrosi {f} |
cirrhotic {adj} /səˈɹɒtɪk/ (pertaining to or suffering from cirrhosis) | :: cirrotico |
cirrocumulus {n} (a cloud type) | :: cirrocumulo {m} |
cirrostratus {n} /ˌsɪɹəˈstɹeɪtəs/ (cloud) | :: cirrostrato {m} |
cirrus {n} /ˈsɪɹəs/ (cloud) | :: cirro {m} |
cisalpine {adj} (On the south side of the Alps) | :: cisalpino |
Cistercian {n} (member of the Cistercian Order) | :: cistercense {m} |
cistern {n} /ˈsɪs.tɚn/ (reservoir for holding water) | :: cisterna {f} |
cistus {n} (any plant of the genus Cistus) | :: cisto |
citadel {n} /ˈsɪtədəl/ (a strong fortress that sits high above a city) | :: cittadella {f} |
citadel {n} (a stronghold or fortified place) | :: cittadella {f} |
citation needed {phrase} (A portion of a wiki needs to be validated by a source.) | :: citazione necessaria |
cite {v} (quote) SEE: quote | :: |
citerior {adj} /sɪˈtɪə.ɹɪ.ə/ (situated on the nearer side) | :: citeriore |
citizen {n} /ˈsɪtɪzən/ (legal member of a state) | :: cittadino {m}, cittadina {f} |
citizen {n} (legal resident of a city) | :: cittadino {m}, cittadina {f} |
citizen {n} (resident of any particular place) | :: cittadino {m}, cittadina {f}, residente {m} {f} |
citizen {n} (civilian) | :: civile {m} {f} |
citizen journalism {n} (reporting by amateurs on the scene of an event) | :: giornalismo partecipativo |
citizenry {n} (the group of all citizens) | :: cittadinanza {f} |
citizenship {n} (state of being a citizen) | :: cittadinanza {f} |
citole {n} (archaic musical instrument) | :: citola {f} |
citrate {n} (salt or ester of citric acid) | :: citrato {m} |
citric {adj} /ˈsɪtɹɪk/ (of, pertaining to, or derived from, the citron or lemon) | :: citrico |
citric acid {n} /ˌsɪtɹɪk ˈæsɪd/ (2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, C6H8O7) | :: acido citrico |
citric acid cycle {n} /ˈsɪtɹɪk ˌæsɪd ˈsaɪkəl/ (the Krebs cycle, see also: Krebs cycle; tricarboxylic acid cycle) | :: ciclo dell'acido citrico {m} |
citrine {n} /ˈsɪtɹin/ (brownish-yellow quartz) | :: citrino {m} |
citron {n} /ˈsɪtɹən/ (fruit) | :: cedro {m}, lumia {f} |
citronella {n} (grass) | :: citronella {f} |
citrulline {n} (an amino acid) | :: citrullina {f} |
citrus {n} /ˈsɪ.tɹəs/ (shrub or tree) | :: agrume {m} |
citrus {n} (fruit) SEE: citrus fruit | :: |
citrus fruit {n} (fruit of genus Citrus) | :: agrume {m} |
city {n} /ˈsɪɾi/ (large settlement) | :: città {f} |
city {n} (downtown) SEE: downtown | :: |
city block {n} (part of town enclosed by streets) | :: isolato {m} |
city center {n} (downtown) SEE: downtown | :: |
city council {n} (town/city governing body) | :: consiglio municipale {m} |
city hall {n} /ˈsɪti ˌhɔl/ (building) | :: municipio |
City of Light {prop} (nickname for Paris) | :: città delle luci |
city state {n} (sovereign city) | :: città-stato {f} {f-p} |
City That Never Sleeps {prop} (nickname for New York City) | :: città che non dorme mai {f} |
civet {n} /ˈsɪ.vɪt/ (cat-like animal) | :: zibetto {m} |
civic {adj} /ˈsɪvɪk/ (Having to do with a city or the people who live there) | :: civico |
civically {adv} (in a civic manner) | :: civilmente |
civil {adj} /ˈsɪv.əl/ | :: civile |
civil defense {n} (efforts to protect the citizens of a state from military attack) | :: difesa civile {f} |
civil disobedience {n} (active and non-violent refusal to obey) | :: disobbedienza civile {f} |
civil engineering {n} (technical design and construction of public works and/or equivalent private ones) | :: genio civile {m}, ingegneria civile {f} |
civilian {n} /sɪˈvɪljən/ (non-military person) | :: civile {m} |
civilian {adj} (not related to the military armed forces) | :: civile |
civilise {v} /ˈsɪvɪlaɪz/ (to educate to a perceived higher standard of behaviour) | :: incivilire, civilizzare |
civilise {v} | :: incivilire, ingentilire, civilizzare, umanizzare |
civility {n} /sɪˈvɪl.ɪ.ti/ (politeness; behavior which conforms to social conventions) | :: civiltà {f} |
civilization {n} /ˌsɪv.ə.ləˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (organized culture) | :: civiltà {f} |
civilization {n} (human society) | :: civiltà {f} |
civilization {n} (act or process of civilizing or becoming civilized) | :: civilizzazione {f} |
civilization {n} (state or quality of being civilized) | :: civiltà {f} |
civilization {prop} (people of the world considered to have a high standard of behavior) | :: civiltà {f}, civilizzazione {f} |
civilize {v} (civilise) SEE: civilise | :: |
civil law {n} (body of law dealing with private relations) | :: diritto civile {m} |
civil law {n} (legal system contrasting with common law) | :: diritto continentale {m}, diritto romano-germanico {m} |
civil marriage {n} (marriage performed by a government official instead of by a member of the clergy) | :: matrimonio civile {m}, rito civile {m} |
civil rights {n} (rights deserved by all people under all circumstances) | :: diritti civili |
civil servant {n} (government employee) | :: funzionario {m} |
civil society {n} (institutions, voluntary organizations and corporate bodies) | :: società civile {f} |
civil union {n} (legal union similar to marriage) | :: unione civile {f} |
civil war {n} (war between factions within a single country) | :: guerra civile {f} |
Civil War {prop} (civil war) SEE: civil war | :: |
civvies {n} (mufti (dress)) SEE: mufti | :: |
cladogram {n} | :: cladogrammo {m} |
claim {n} /kleɪm/ (demand of ownership) | :: reclamo {m}, rivendicazione {f} |
claim {n} (new statement of truth made about something) | :: dichiarazione {f}, affermazione {f} |
claim {n} (demand of ownership for previously unowned land) | :: reclamo di proprietà {m} |
claim {v} (to demand ownership of something) | :: reclamare, rivendicare, vantare |
claim {v} (to state a new fact) | :: dichiarare, affermare |
claim {v} (to demand ownership or right to use for land) | :: reclamare la proprietà, reclamare il possesso |
claimant {n} (party who initiates a lawsuit) SEE: plaintiff | :: |
claimant {n} (one who claims) | :: pretendente {m}, richiedente {m}, rivendicatore {m} |
claimant {n} (person receiving money from the government) | :: istante {m}, richieditore {m}, richiedente |
Claire {prop} (female given name) SEE: Clara | :: |
clairvoyance {n} /klɛɹˈvɔɪəns/ (the power to perceive objects that are not accessible to the senses) | :: chiaroveggenza {f} |
clairvoyant {adj} /ˌklɛɹˈvɔɪ.ənt/ (of, or relating to clairvoyance) | :: chiaroveggenza {f}, chiaroveggente |
clairvoyant {adj} (able to see things that cannot be perceived by the normal senses) | :: prognostico {m}, pronostico {m}, sensitivo {m} |
clairvoyant {adj} | :: chiaroveggente {m} {f} |
clairvoyant {n} (person able to see things that cannot be perceived by the normal senses) | :: chiaroveggente {m} {f}, sensitivo {m} |
clairvoyant {n} (person able to foresee the future) | :: oracolo {m} |
clam {n} /klæm/ (mollusc, see also: mollusc; oyster; mussel) | :: vongola {f}, tellina {f}, arsella {f} |
clamber {v} /ˈklæmbə/ (to climb with difficulty or haphazardly) | :: arrampicarsi |
clamor {n} /ˈklæm.ɚ/ | :: clamore {m}, clamori {p} |
clamp {n} /klæmp/ (woodworking tool) | :: morsetto |
clam up {v} (become silent) | :: tacere |
clan {n} /klæn/ (group having common ancestor) | :: clan {m} |
clandestine {adj} /klænˈdɛstɪn/ (done or kept in secret) | :: clandestino {m} |
clap {n} /klæp/ (The act of striking the palms of the hands, or any two surfaces, together) | :: battere, pacca {f} |
clap {v} (To applaud by clapping the hands) | :: applaudire |
clapboard {n} (clapperboard) SEE: clapperboard | :: |
clapometer {n} (an audience reaction monitor) | :: applausometro {m} |
clapper {n} /ˈklæpɚ/ (the tongue of a bell) | :: battaglio, batacchio {m} |
clapper board {n} (clapperboard) SEE: clapperboard | :: |
clapperboard {n} (device used in film) | :: ciac {m} |
claptrap {n} /ˈklæpˌtɹæp/ (empty verbiage or nonsense) | :: sproloquio |
claque {n} /ˈklæk/ (people hired to applaud or boo) | :: claque {f} |
Clara {prop} /klɛəɹə/ (cognates and transliterations of the name Clara) | :: Chiara, Clara {f} |
Clare {n} (Clara) SEE: Clara | :: |
clarification {n} /ˌklæɹɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (physical clarification (wine, butter, etc.)) | :: chiarificazione {f} |
clarification {n} (clarification of ideas, meaning, etc) | :: chiarimento {m}, chiarificazione {f} |
clarified butter {n} (cooking fat made from butter) | :: burro chiarificato {m} |
clarinet {n} /ˌklæɹɪˈnɛt/ (woodwind musical instrument) | :: clarinetto {m} |
clarion {n} /ˈklæɹiən/ (medieval brass instrument) | :: chiarina {f} |
clarion call {n} (appeal) | :: appello {m} |
clarity {n} /ˈklæɹɪti/ (the state or measure of being clear) | :: chiarezza {f} |
clash {n} /klæʃ/ (skirmish) | :: scontro {m}, schermaglia {f}, baruffa {f}, zuffa {f} |
clash {v} (conflict) | :: cozzare, scontrarsi |
clasp {n} /klæsp/ (fastener or holder) | :: fibbia {f}, gancio {m}, fermaglio {m} |
clasp {v} (take hold of; grab tightly) | :: stringere, serrare, agguantare |
class {n} /klæs/ (group, collection, category or set sharing characteristics or attributes) | :: ceto {m}, classe {f} |
class {n} (social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc.) | :: ceto {m}, classe {f}, rango {m}, condizione sociale {f} |
class {n} (division of society into classes) | :: ceto {m}, classe {f} |
class {n} (admirable behavior; elegance) | :: classe {f} |
class {n} (group of students in a regularly scheduled meeting with a teacher) | :: classe {f}, lezione |
class {n} (series of classes covering a single subject) | :: corso {m} |
class {n} (group of students who commenced or completed their education during a particular year) | :: classe {f} |
class {n} (category of seats in an airplane, train or other means of mass transportation) | :: classe {f} |
class {n} (taxonomy: classification below Phylum and above Order) | :: classe {f} |
class {n} (set theory: collection of sets definable by a shared property) | :: classe {f} |
class {n} (object-oriented programming: set of objects possibly differing in state but not behavior) | :: classe {f} |
classic {adj} /ˈklæ.sɪk/ (exemplary of a particular style) | :: classico |
classic {adj} (exhibiting timeless quality) | :: classico |
classic {n} (example) | :: classico {m} |
classic {n} (lasting work) | :: classico {m} |
classic {n} (sports event) | :: classico {m} |
classical {adj} /ˈklæsɪkl̩/ (literature etc) | :: classico |
classical {adj} (Greek and Roman) | :: classico |
classical {adj} (art etc) | :: classico |
Classical Chinese {prop} (language) | :: cinese classico {m}, lingua cinese classica {f} |
classical mechanics {n} (physical laws of nature that account for the behaviour of the normal world) | :: meccanica classica {f} |
classical music {n} (music of the classical period) | :: musica classica {f} |
classical music {n} (the more serious forms of European and American music) | :: musica classica {f} |
Classical Nahuatl {prop} (variants of the Nahuatl language spoken in Mexico at the time of the Spanish conquest) | :: Lingua nahuatl classica {f} |
classical physics {n} (all aspects of physics developed before the rise of quantum mechanics) | :: fisica classica {f} |
classical studies {n} (study) | :: lettere classiche {f-p}, lettere antiche {f-p} |
Classical Syriac {prop} | :: siriaco {m} |
classicism {n} (classical traditions of the art and architecture of ancient Greece and Rome) | :: classicismo {m} |
classicistic {adj} (of or pertaining to classicism) | :: classicistico |
classics {n} (classical studies) SEE: classical studies | :: |
classifiable {adj} (able to be classified) | :: classificabile |
classification {n} /ˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act of forming into classes) | :: classificazione {f} |
classified {adj} (not meant to be disclosed) | :: riservato {m}, segreto {m}, confidenziale |
classism {n} /ˈklæsɪzm̩/ (discrimination based on social class) | :: classismo {m} |
classmate {n} /ˈklɑːs.meɪt/ (student who is in the same class at school) | :: compagno di classe {m}, compagna di classe {f} |
classroom {n} /ˈklɑːsɹʊm/ (room in a school) | :: classe {f}, aula {f} |
clathrate {n} /ˈklæθɹeɪt/ (clathrate compound) | :: clatrato {m} |
clathrate compound {n} (chemical substance) | :: clatrato {m} |
Claude {prop} /klɔːd/ (male given name) | :: Claudio {m} |
Claudia {prop} /ˈklɔː.di.ə/ (female given name) | :: Claudia |
claustral {adj} (of or pertaining to a cloister) | :: claustrale |
claustral {adj} (having a cloister; cloistered) | :: claustrale |
claustrophobe {n} /ˈklɔstɹəˌfoʊb/ (one who suffers from claustrophobia) | :: claustrófobo {m}, claustrófoba {f}, claustrofóbico {m}, claustrofóbica {f} |
claustrophobia {n} (fear of closed, tight places) | :: claustrofobia {f} |
claustrophobic {adj} (Suffering from claustrophobia) | :: claustrofobo {m}, claustrofoba {f}, claustrofobico {m}, claustrofobica {f} |
claustrophobic {adj} (Cramped and confined) | :: claustrofobo |
claustrum {n} /ˈklɔːstɹəm/ (sheet of grey matter) | :: claustro {m} |
claves {n} (percussion instrument consisting of two sticks or blocks) | :: legnetti {m-p} |
clavichord {n} /ˈklæv.ɪˌkɔɹd/ (early keyboard instrument) | :: clavicordo {m} |
clavicle {n} (collar bone) | :: clavicola {f} |
clavicytherium {n} /ˌklæv.ə.saɪˈθɪə.ɹɪ.əm/ (harpsichord in which the soundboard and strings are mounted vertically facing the player) | :: clavicytherium, cembalo verticale {m} |
clavis {n} (glossary) SEE: glossary | :: |
claw {n} /klɔ/ (curved horny nail) | :: artiglio |
claw {n} (pincer of a crustacean) | :: chela |
claw {n} (mechanical device for gripping) | :: palanchino, piede di porco |
claw {n} | :: artiglio, unghia, pinza, zampa, branca {f} |
claw {v} (scratch or tear at) | :: raspare, graffiare, artigliare |
claw {v} (to use claws to seize, to grip) | :: ghermire |
claw {v} (use claws to climb) | :: aggrapparsi |
clay {n} /kleɪ/ (mineral substance) | :: argilla {f}, creta {f} |
clean {adj} /kliːn/ (not dirty) | :: pulito |
clean {adj} (not having used mind-altering or mood-changing substances) | :: pulito |
clean {adj} (without restrictions or penalties) | :: pulito |
clean {adj} (not in possession of weapons or contraband such as drugs) | :: pulito |
clean {v} ((transitive) to remove dirt from a place or object) | :: pulire |
clean {v} | :: pulire |
clean {adj} (empty) SEE: empty | :: |
cleanliness {n} /ˈklɛnlinəs/ (the property of being cleanly) | :: pulizia {f} |
cleanse {v} /klɛnz/ (to clean, purify) | :: ripulire, pulire, purificare |
cleanse {v} (to spiritually purify) | :: purificare |
cleanser {n} (detergent) SEE: detergent | :: |
cleansing {adj} /ˈklɛn.zɪŋ/ (that cleanses) | :: detergente {m}, pulitore {m} |
cleansing {n} (the process of removing dirt, toxins etc.) | :: pulizia {f} |
clear {adj} (distinct) SEE: distinct | :: |
clear {adj} /klɪɹ/ (transparent in colour) | :: trasparente |
clear {adj} (bright, not obscured) | :: chiaro |
clear {adj} (free of obstacles) | :: libero |
clear {adj} (without clouds) | :: chiaro, sereno |
clear {adj} (free of ambiguity or doubt) | :: chiaro |
clear {adj} (free of guilt or suspicion) | :: pulito |
clear {v} (to eliminate ambiguity or doubt; to clarify) | :: chiarire |
clearance {n} (act of clearing or something cleared) | :: sgombero {m}, repulisti {m}, piazza pulita {f} |
clearance {n} (distance between two moving objects) | :: luce {f}, spazio {m}, divario {m}, gioco {m}, intervallo {m} |
clearance {n} (height or width of a passage, or the distance between a vehicle and the walls or roof of such passage) | :: luce {f}, spazio {m} |
clearance {n} (permission for a vehicle to proceed, or for a person to travel) | :: via libera {m}, autorizzazione {f}, permesso {m} |
clearance {n} (permission to have access to sensitive or secret documents or other information) | :: accesso {m}, via libera {m}, autorizzazione {f} |
clearance {n} (sale of merchandise at a reduced price) | :: saldo {m}, svendita {f}, liquidazione {f} |
clearance {n} (finance: processing of payments at a clearing house) | :: compensazione {f} |
clearance {n} (medicine: removal of harmful substances from the blood) | :: filtraggio {m}, clearance |
clear cut {adj} (straightforward) | :: lampante, palese, evidente, chiaro |
clearing {n} /ˈklɪɹɪŋ/ (act or process of making or becoming clear) | :: schiarimento {m} |
clearing {n} (area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees) | :: radura |
clearing {n} (open space in the fog etc) | :: spiazzo {m} |
clearing {n} (process of completing and settling transactions centrally) | :: compensazione {f} |
clearing {n} (sequence of events used to disconnect a call) | :: resettaggio {m}, ripristino {m}, azzeramento {m} |
clearing house {n} (a central point where clearing banks exchange checks etc and settle accounts) | :: stanza di compensazione |
clearly {adv} /ˈklɪɹli/ (in a clear manner) | :: chiaramente |
clear one's throat {v} (forcibly expulsing air from one's lungs) | :: raschiare |
cleat {n} /kliːt/ (device to secure a rope) | :: galloccia {f} |
cleavage {n} /ˈkliːvɪdʒ/ (the act of cleaving or the state of being cleft) | :: clivaggio {m} |
cleavage {n} (separation between breasts) | :: décolleté {m}, scollatura {f}, incavo {m} |
cleavage {n} (biology: cell division) | :: segmentazione {f} |
cleavage {n} (chemistry: splitting of a large molecule) | :: scissione {f} |
cleavage {n} (mineralogy: tendency of a crystal to split) | :: sfaldatura {f} |
cleave {v} /kliv/ (transitive to split or sever) | :: fendere |
cleave {v} (transitive mineralogy) | :: tagliare |
cleave {v} (transitive figurative) | :: ritagliarsi |
cleave {v} (transitive chemistry) | :: scindere |
cleave {v} (intransitive to split) | :: spaccare |
cleave {v} (intransitive mineralogy) | :: tagliare |
cleaver {n} /ˈklivɚ/ (a squarish knife used for hacking) | :: mannarino {m} |
clef {n} (musical symbol) | :: chiave {f} |
cleft {n} /klɛft/ (opening made or as if made by splitting) | :: fessura |
cleft chin {n} (cleft chin) | :: mento leporino {m} |
Clelia {prop} (female given name) | :: Clelia |
clematis {n} /ˈklɛmətɪs/ (any plant of the genus Clematis) | :: clematide {f} |
clemency {n} /ˈklɛ.mə (leniency, mercy) | :: clemenza {f} |
Clement {prop} (male given name) | :: Clemente {m} |
clementine {n} /ˈklɛməntaɪn/ (citrus fruit) | :: mandarancio {m}, clementina {f}, clementino {m} |
Cleopatra {prop} /klioʊˈpætɹə/ (a given name of women in the Ptolemy dynasty) | :: Cleopatra {f} |
clepsydra {n} /ˈklɛpsɪdɹə/ (water clock) | :: clessidra {f} |
clerestory {n} (upper part of a wall) | :: cleristorio {m} |
clergy {n} /ˈklɝdʒi/ (people trained to officiate at religious ceremonies and services) | :: clero {m} |
clergyman {n} /ˈklɝdʒimən/ (ordained (male) Christian minister, male member of the clergy) | :: chierico {m}, prete {m}, sacerdote {m}, ecclesiastico {m} |
cleric {n} /klɛɹɪk/ (clergy member) | :: chierico {m} |
clericalism {n} (secular power invested in members of the clergy) | :: clericalismo {m} |
clerk {n} /klɝk/ (one working with records etc.) | :: impiegato {m} |
cleruchy {n} (a form of Athenian colony) | :: cleruchia {f} |
clever {adj} /ˈklɛvɚ/ (mentally quick or sharp) | :: furbo |
clever {adj} | :: [1] intelligente |
clew {n} (clue) SEE: clue | :: |
clew {n} /kluː/ (nautical: sail corner) | :: bugna |
cliché {n} /kliːˈʃeɪ/ (overused phrase or expression) | :: cliché {m} |
cliche {n} (cliché) SEE: cliché | :: |
click {n} /klɪk/ (act of pressing a button on a computer mouse) | :: clicca |
click {v} (transitive: press and release (button on a mouse)) | :: cliccare |
click {v} (intransitive: click the left button of a mouse) | :: [on: su] cliccare |
clicking knife {n} (knife) | :: trincetto {m} |
client {n} /ˈklʌɪənt/ (a customer or receiver of services) | :: cliente {m} |
client {n} (person who receives help or advice from a professional person) | :: [1] cliente {m} {f} |
clientelism {n} (a political system based on personal relations rather than personal merits) | :: clientelismo |
clientelist {adj} (of or relating to clientelism) | :: clientelistico |
cliff {n} /klɪf/ (a (near) vertical rock face) | :: rupe {f}, scogliera {f}, costone {m}, dirupo {m}, crinale {m} |
climacterium {n} | :: climaterio {m} |
climate {n} /ˈklaɪmɪt/ (long-term atmospheric conditions) | :: clima {m} |
climate {n} (context in general of a particular political, moral etc. situation) | :: clima {m} |
climate change {n} (changes in the Earth's climate) | :: cambiamento climatico {m}, mutamento climatico {m} |
climate-changing {adj} (that contributes to climate change) | :: climalterante |
climatic {adj} (of, relating to or influenced by climate) | :: climatico |
climatoecology {n} | :: meteoecologia {f} |
climatological {adj} (of or pertaining to climatology) | :: climatologico |
climatologically {adv} (in climatological terms) | :: climatologicamente |
climatologist {n} (scholar of climatology) | :: climatologa {f}, climatologo {m} |
climatology {n} (science) | :: climatologia {f} |
climax {n} (the peak of sexual pleasure) SEE: orgasm | :: |
climax {n} /ˈklaɪmæks/ (point of greatest intensity or force) | :: eccitamento {m} |
climax {n} (orgasm) | :: orgasmo {m} |
climb {v} /klaɪm/ (to ascend, to go up) | :: arrampicare, scalare, salire |
climb {v} (to mount, to move upwards on) | :: risalire |
climb {v} (to scale) | :: scalare |
climb {v} (to move by using the hands and feet) | :: arrampicarsi |
climb {v} (to practice the sport of climbing) | :: scalare |
climb {v} (of plants: to grow upwards by clinging to something) | :: arrampicarsi |
climb {n} (an act of climbing) | :: scalata {f}, arrampicata {f}, ascesa {f} |
climber {n} /ˈklai.mɚ/ (one who climbs) | :: arrampicatore, scalatore, alpinista {m}, escursionista {m} |
climber {n} (plant that climbs) | :: rampicante |
cling {v} /ˈklɪŋ/ (hold tightly) | :: aggrapparsi , abbarbicarsi, appiccicarsi, avvilupparsi, aderire, attaccarsi |
cling {v} ((figuratively) feel strongly about) | :: radicarsi, fissarsi |
clingfilm {n} /ˈklɪŋfɪlm/ (plastic film) | :: pellicola trasparente {f}, pellicola a contatto {f} |
clingstone {n} (stone fruit) | :: duracina {f}, durona {f}, frutto con nocciolo {m} |
clingwrap {n} (clingfilm) SEE: clingfilm | :: |
clinic {n} /ˈklɪnɪk/ (medical facility) | :: clinica {f} |
clinical {adj} /ˈklɪnɪkəl/ (of or pertaining to a medical clinic or facility) | :: clinico |
clinical psychology {n} (branch of psychology) | :: psicologia clinica {f} |
clinician {n} /klɪˈnɪʃən/ (doctor working in a clinic) | :: clinico {m} |
clinician {n} (doctor working in a clinic) | :: clinico {m} |
clinker {n} (fetters) SEE: fetter | :: |
clinometer {n} /klaɪ̯ˈnɑː.mə.t̬ɚ/ (measuring apparatus) | :: clinometro {m} |
clinopyroxene {n} /ˌklaɪnə(ʊ)paɪˈɹɒksiːn/ (pyroxene with monoclinic crystals) | :: clinopirosseno {m} |
clinoscopic {adj} | :: clinoscopico |
clipboard {n} (physical object) | :: portablocco |
clipboard {n} (in computing: buffer for temporary storage) | :: appunti {m} |
clip-clop {n} /ˈklɪp.klɑːp/ (Onomatopoeia) | :: zoccolata {f} |
clip-clop {v} | :: zoccolare |
clipeus {n} (shield) | :: clipeo {m} |
clipeus {n} (ornamental disk) | :: clipeo {m} |
clipeus {n} (part of an insect's exoskeleton) | :: clipeo {m} |
clique {n} /kliːk/ (small, exclusive group) | :: cricca {f}, conventicola {f}, congrega {f}, cosca {f}, camarilla {f}, consorteria {f}, associazione {f} |
clique {n} (subgraph) | :: cricca {f} |
clique {n} | :: banda {f} |
clitoral {adj} /ˈklɪtəɹəl/ (of, or relating to the clitoris) | :: clitorico |
clitoral hood {n} (fold of skin) | :: prepuzio clitorideo {m} |
clitorectomy {n} (clitoridectomy) SEE: clitoridectomy | :: |
clitorial {adj} (clitoral) SEE: clitoral | :: |
clitoridectomy {n} (surgical procedure) | :: clitoridectomia {f} |
clitoris {n} /ˈklɪtəɹɪs/ (elongated erectile organ) | :: clitoride {m} {f} |
cloaca {n} /kloʊˈeɪkə/ (anatomical feature of birds etc) | :: cloaca {f}, fogna {f} |
cloak {n} /ˈkloʊk/ (cape) | :: tabarro {m} |
cloak {v} (to cover as with a cloak) | :: ammantare |
cloakroom {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
cloakroom {n} /ˈkləʊkɹʊm/ (room for coats) | :: guardaroba {m} |
cloakroom {n} (room for luggage) | :: deposito {m}, deposito bagagli {m} |
cloche {n} /klɒʃ/ (women's hat) | :: cloche |
clock {n} /klɒk/ (instrument to measure or keep track of time) | :: orologio {m} |
clock {n} (odometer) | :: contachilometri {m}, tachimetro {m}, odometro {m} |
clock {v} (measure the duration of) | :: cronometrare |
clock {n} (pattern near heel of a sock or stocking) | :: baghetta {f} |
clock face {n} (the surface of a clock that contains the dial and hands) | :: quadrante {m} |
clockmaker {n} (person who makes clocks) | :: orologiaio, orologiaia {f} |
clockwise {adv} /ˈklɒkwaɪz/ (in a circular fashion in the same direction as the hands of an analogue clock) | :: senso orario |
clockwisely {adv} (clockwise) SEE: clockwise | :: |
clockwork {n} /ˈklɑkwɝk/ (mechanism powered by coiled spring to drive mechanical device) | :: meccanismo a molla, orologeria {f} |
clod {n} /klɒd/ (stupid person) | :: tonta, tonto |
cloddy {adj} (characterized by the presence of clods) | :: gleboso, zolloso |
Cloelia {prop} (legendary woman) | :: Clelia {f} |
clog {n} /klɑɡ/ (a type of shoe with an inflexible, often wooden sole and an open heel) | :: zoccolo {m} |
clog {n} (a blockage) | :: intasamento {m}, ostruzione {f}, tappo {m} |
clog {v} (to block or slow passage through) | :: intasare, ostruire, bloccare, otturare |
clogged {adj} (having an obstructed flow) | :: intasato, bloccato {m}, ostruito |
clogs to clogs in three generations {proverb} (wealth earned in one generation seldom lasts) | :: la prima generazione fa i soldi, la seconda se li gode e la terza li finisce |
cloisonne {n} (technique) | :: cloisonné |
cloister {n} /ˈklɔɪstɚ/ (covered walk with an open colonnade) | :: chiostro |
cloister {n} | :: chiostro {m} |
cloister vault {n} (structure created by intersection of vaults) | :: volta a padiglione {f} |
cloistral {adj} (of, pertaining to, or living in a cloister) | :: claustrale |
clone {n} /kloʊn/ (living organism (originally a plant)) | :: clone {m} |
clone {n} (copy of something already existing) | :: clone {m} |
clone {v} (create a clone) | :: clonare |
cloning {n} (production of a cloned embryo) | :: clonazione {f}, clonaggio {m} |
cloning {n} (production of an exact copy of an object) | :: clonazione {f}, clonaggio {m} |
close {v} /kləʊz/ (obstruct (an opening)) | :: chiudere |
close {v} (move (a door)) | :: chiudere |
close {v} (put an end to) | :: concludere, terminare |
close {v} (to make smaller) | :: accorciare, ridurre |
close {v} (to make a sale) | :: concludere, chiudere |
close {n} (end or conclusion) | :: fine {f}, conclusione {f} |
close {adj} /kləʊs/ (at a little distance) | :: vicino {m}, vicina {f} |
close {adj} (intimate) | :: intimo |
close, but no cigar {phrase} (that's almost correct, but not quite) | :: ci sei andato vicino ma non abbastanza (you got close but not enough) |
closed {adj} /kləʊzd/ (not open) | :: chiuso |
closed syllable {n} (Translations) | :: sillaba chiusa, sillaba caudata {f} |
closely {adv} /ˈkləʊsliː/ (in a close manner) | :: strettamente, da vicino, a stretto contatto |
closemouthed {adj} (reticent, secretive or uncommunicative) | :: reticente |
closeness {n} (proximity) SEE: proximity | :: |
close ranks {v} (to regroup forces) | :: serrare i ranghi, serrare le fila, fare quadrato |
closet {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet | :: |
closet {n} /ˈklɑzɪt/ (furniture) | :: armadio {m}, ripostiglio {m} |
closet {n} (small private chamber) | :: ripostiglio {m} |
closeted {adj} (not open about one's sexual orientation, romantic orientation, or gender identity) | :: velato |
close the stable door after the horse has bolted {v} | :: chiudere il recinto dopo che i buoi sono scappati |
closeup {n} /kləʊsˈʌp/ (A film made with the camera close to) | :: primo piano {m} |
close-up {n} /kləʊsˈʌp/ (photographic (or other) image in which the subject is shown at a relatively large scale) | :: primo piano {m} |
closing {n} /ˈkloʊzɪŋ/ (the act by which something is closed) | :: chiusura {f} |
closing {n} (end or conclusion) | :: chiusura {f} |
closing {adj} (coming after all others) | :: conclusivo, finale, ultimo |
closure {n} /ˈkloʊ.ʒɝ/ (event signifying an ending) | :: chiusura {f}, termine {f} |
closure {n} (computing) | :: chiusura {f} |
closure {n} (mathematical set) | :: chiusura {f} |
clot {n} /klɒt/ (blood clot) | :: coagulo {m}, trombo {m}, grumo {m} |
clot {n} (a silly person) | :: idiota {m}, stupido {m}, imbecille {m} |
clot {v} (to form into a clot) | :: coagularsi |
clot {v} (to cause to clot) | :: coagulare |
cloth {n} /klɔθ/ (woven fabric) | :: stoffa {f}, tessuto {m}, tela {f} |
cloth {n} (piece of cloth) | :: panno {m}, straccio {m}, cencio {m} |
cloth {n} (form of attire) | :: abbigliamento {m}, tonaca {f}, abito {m}, vestiario {m}, tenuta {f} |
clothe {v} /ˈkloʊð/ (adorn with clothing) | :: vestire |
clothes {n} /kloʊ(ð)z/ (apparel) | :: vestiti |
clothes don't make the man {proverb} (clothes don't make the man) | :: l'abito non fa il monaco |
clothes dryer {n} (appliance) | :: asciugatrice |
clotheshorse {n} (laundry frame) | :: stendibiancheria {m} |
clothesline {n} /ˈkloʊðzlaɪn/ (rope or cord for drying clothes) | :: linea di vestiti |
clothes maiden {n} (rack for drying clothes) SEE: clotheshorse | :: |
clothes moth {n} (insect) | :: tarma {f} |
clothes peg {n} (an object used to attach wet laundry to a clothesline) | :: molletta {f}, molletta da bucato {f} |
clothespin {n} (a clip or fastener) SEE: clothes peg | :: |
clothes screen {n} (rack for drying clothes) SEE: clotheshorse | :: |
clothing {n} /ˈkləʊðɪŋ/ (clothes) | :: abbigliamento {m}, vestiti |
Clotilda {prop} (female given name) | :: Clotilde |
cloud {v} /klaʊd/ (to become foggy or gloomy, to become obscured from sight) | :: annuvolarsi, oscurare, annebbiare |
cloud {v} (to make obscure (e.g. to cloud the issue)) | :: oscurare |
cloud {n} (visible mass of water droplets suspended in the air) | :: nuvola {f}, nube {f}, nembo {m} |
cloud {n} (mass of dust, steam or smoke) | :: nube {f}, nuvola {f} |
cloud {n} (anything which makes things foggy or gloomy) | :: nebbia {f} |
cloud {n} (group of objects suspended above the ground or flying) | :: nube |
cloudberry {n} /ˈklaʊdˌbɛɹi/ (fruit) | :: camemoro {m} |
cloudburst {n} /ˈklaʊdˌbɝst/ (sudden heavy rainstorm) | :: nubifragio, scroscio, rovescio, acquazzone |
clouded leopard {n} (medium sized arboreal cat) | :: leopardo nebuloso |
cloudiness {n} (weather) | :: nuvolosità {f}, copertura {f} |
cloudiness {n} (obscureness) | :: torbidezza {f} |
cloud nine {n} /ˈklaʊd ˈnaɪn/ (state of bliss) | :: settimo cielo |
cloud nine {n} (state of fantastic or impractical dreaming) SEE: head in the clouds | :: |
cloud over {v} (to become cloudy or overcast) | :: rannuvolarsi |
cloudy {adj} /ˈkɫaʊdi/ (covered with or characterised by clouds) | :: nuvoloso, nuvolo [regional], coperto |
cloudy {adj} (not transparent; not clear) | :: nebuloso, torbido |
clove {n} /kloʊv/ (spice) | :: chiodo di garofano {m} |
clove {n} (constitutive bulb of garlic) | :: spicchio {m} |
clove pink {n} (carnation) SEE: carnation | :: |
clover {n} /ˈkloʊ.vɚ/ (plant in genus Trifolium) | :: trifoglio {m} |
clown {n} /klaʊn/ (performance artist working in a circus) | :: pagliaccio {m}, pagliaccia {f} |
clown {n} (person acting in a silly fashion) | :: buffone {m}, buffona {f} |
clownfish {n} (fish of the genera Amphiprion or Premnas) | :: pesce pagliaccio {m} |
clownish {adj} /ˈklaʊnɪʃ/ (resembling a clown) | :: pagliaccesco {m}, claunesco {m}, clownesco {m}, giullaresco {m}, buffonesco {m} |
clownlike {adj} (resembling a clown) | :: pagliaccesco {m}, buffonesco {m}, clownesco {m} |
cloying {adj} /ˈklɔɪ.ɪŋ/ (unpleasantly excessive) | :: stucchevole |
cloying {adj} (excessively sweet) | :: sdolcinato, stucchevole |
club {n} /klʌb/ (weapon) | :: clava, bastone {m}, mazza {f} |
club {n} (association of members) | :: club {m}, circolo {m} |
club {n} (playing card symbol, ♣) | :: fiori {m-p} |
clubs {n} (plural of club) SEE: club | :: |
clubs {n} /klʌbz/ (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♣) | :: fiori {m-p} |
cluck {n} /klʌk/ (sound made by hen) | :: chioccio {m} |
clue {n} /kluː/ (information that may lead one to a certain point or conclusion) | :: indizio {m}, pista {f} |
clue {n} (object or marking that may be used in evidence) | :: prova {f} |
clumsily {adv} (done without care or finesse, often hurriedly or awkwardly) | :: grossolanamente, alla meno peggio, alla cieca, a tentoni, disordinatamente, a casaccio, al buio |
clumsiness {n} /ˈklʌm.zi.nəs/ (the condition or quality of being clumsy) | :: goffaggine {f}, inettitudine {f}, sgraziataggine {f} |
clumsy {adj} /ˈklʌmzi/ (awkward, lacking coordination, not graceful, not dextrous) | :: goffo, impacciato, maldestro |
clumsy {adj} (not elegant or well-planned) | :: malfatto, rozzo, sgraziato |
clumsy {adj} (awkward or inefficient in use or construction) | :: grossolano |
clumsy {adj} | :: impacciato |
cluster {n} /ˈklʌstɚ/ (group or bunch of something) | :: gruppo {m} |
cluster {n} (a bunch of grapes) | :: grappolo {m} |
cluster bomb {n} (explosive munition) | :: bomba a grappolo {f} |
clustering {adj} (a grouping of a number of similar things) | :: raggruppamento |
clutch {v} /klʌt͡ʃ/ (to grip or grasp tightly) | :: avvinghiare |
clutch {n} (A device to interrupt power transmission) | :: frizione |
clutch {n} (The pedal in a car that disengages power transmission) | :: frizione {f} |
clutter {n} /ˈklʌtɚ/ (a confused disordered jumble of things) | :: confusione {f}, disordine {m}, scompiglio {m} |
c'mere {contraction} (come) SEE: come | :: |
c'mere {contraction} (here) SEE: here | :: |
c'mon {contraction} /kəˈmɒn/ (come on) | :: andiamo, suvvia |
CNG {n} ((petrochemistry) compressed natural gas) | :: GNC {m} [gas naturale compresso] |
cnidarian {n} /nʌɪˈdɛːɹɪən/ (any of various invertebrate animals that belong to the phylum Cnidaria) | :: cnidario {m} |
co- {prefix} /ˈkoʊ-/ (together, mutually, jointly) | :: co- |
coach {n} /koʊtʃ/ (wheeled vehicle drawn by horse power) | :: carrozza {f}, vettura {f}, diligenza {f} |
coach {n} (rail passenger car) | :: carrozza ferroviaria {f}, vettura {f} |
coach {n} (trainer) | :: allenatore {m}, allenatrice {f}, istruttore {m}, istruttrice {f}, coach {m} |
coach {n} (long-distance bus) | :: corriera {f} |
coach {v} (sports: train) | :: allenare, addestrare |
coach driver {n} (driver of a horse-drawn coach) | :: cocchiere {m} |
coachman {n} (male coach driver) SEE: coach driver | :: |
coachwoman {n} (female coach driver) SEE: coach driver | :: |
coactive {adj} (compulsory) | :: coattivo |
coadjutor {n} (assistant) SEE: assistant | :: |
coagulable {adj} (that can be coagulated) | :: coagulabile |
coagulate {v} /koʊˈæɡ.jə.leɪt/ (become congealed) | :: coagularsi |
coagulate {v} (cause to congeal) | :: coagulare |
coagulate {v} | :: coagulare, cagliare |
coagulate {n} /koʊˈæɡ.jə.lət/ (mass formed by means of coagulation) | :: coagulo, grumo |
coagulation {n} (process of forming clots from blood) | :: coagulazione {f} |
coagulum {n} (mass of coagulated material) | :: coagulo |
coal {n} /koʊl/ (uncountable: carbon rock) | :: carbone {m} |
coal {n} (smouldering material) | :: tizzone {m} |
coal {n} | :: carbone {m}, carbonella {f} |
coalescence {n} (act of coalescing) | :: coalescenza {f} |
coalescer {n} (device used to perform coalescence) | :: miscelatore {m} |
coalition {n} /koʊəˈlɪʃən/ (group of organizations) | :: blocco {m}, coalizione {f} |
coal tar {n} (black viscous tar) | :: catrame {m} |
coal tit {n} (coal tit) | :: cincia mora {f} |
coaming {n} /ˈkəʊ.mɪŋ/ (on a boat, the vertical side of the hatch) | :: mastra {f} |
coarse {adj} /kɔːɹs/ (containing large particles) | :: grossolano, grezzo, grosso |
coarse {adj} (of inferior quality) | :: rude, grossolano |
coarse {adj} (not refined) | :: rozzo, grezzo, greggio, sguaiato |
coarsely {adv} (in a coarse manner) | :: grevemente, grossolanamente, grossomodo, rozzamente, ruvidamente, sboccatamente, sgangheratamente, sguaiatamente, trivialmente, volgarmente |
coast {n} /koʊst/ (edge of land meeting ocean, sea, gulf, bay) | :: costa, costiera, litorale |
coast {v} (to sail along a coast) | :: veleggiare sotto costa |
coastal {adj} /ˈkoʊstəl/ (relating to the coast) | :: costiero, litoraneo, rivierasco |
coaster {n} /kəʊ.stə(ɹ)/ (nautical: merchant vessel that stays in coastal waters) | :: nave costiera {f} |
coaster {n} (piece of material used to protect the surface of a table) | :: sottobicchiere {m} |
coast guard {n} (enforcer of maritime law) | :: guardia costiera {f} |
coat {n} /koʊt/ (outer garment covering the upper torso and arms) | :: mantello {m}, cappotto {m}, casacca {f}, giacca {f}, giubba {f} |
coat {n} (covering of material, such as paint) | :: rivestimento {m} |
coat {v} (to cover with a coat of some material) | :: rivestire, incappottare |
coatdress {n} (dress that resembles a coat) | :: abito camicia {m} |
coat hanger {n} (device used to hang up coats, shirts, etc) | :: gruccia {f}, stampella {f}, appendiabiti {m} |
coat of arms {n} (hereditary design depicted on an escutcheon) | :: stemma {m}, blasone {m} |
coat of mail {n} (defensive garment) | :: cotta di maglia {f} |
coauthor {n} (author who collaborate with another to write something) | :: coautore {m}, coautrice {f} |
coax {v} /koʊks/ (persuade gradually) | :: coccolare, persuadere, convincere, adulare |
coax {v} (manipulate carefully into position) | :: costringere, incanalare, manipolare |
coax {adj} /koʊæks/ (coaxial cable) | :: coassiale {m} |
cob {n} (gull) SEE: gull | :: |
cob {n} (bread roll) SEE: bread roll | :: |
cob {n} (corncob) SEE: corncob | :: |
cobalt {n} /ˈkoʊ.bɑlt/ (chemical element) | :: cobalto {m} |
cobalt therapy {n} (therapy that uses radioactive cobalt-60) | :: cobaltoterapia {f} |
cobble {n} (cobblestone) SEE: cobblestone | :: |
cobbler {n} (person who makes and repairs shoes) | :: ciabattino {m}, ciabattina {f}, calzolaio {m}, calzolaia {f} |
cobblestone {n} /ˈkɑbl̩ˌstoʊn/ (a rounded stone) | :: pavé {m}, ciottolo {m}, ciottolato {m} |
cobra {n} /ˈkoʊbɹə/ (venomous snake) | :: cobra {m} |
co-brother-in-law {n} (one's spouse's brother-in-law) | :: concognato |
cobweb {n} (a spider’s web) SEE: spiderweb | :: |
coca {n} /ˈkoʊkə/ (the dried leaf of a South American shrub (Erythroxylon coca)) | :: coca {f} |
Coca-Cola {n} (Coke) SEE: Coke | :: |
Coca-Cola {prop} (particular carbonated soft drink) | :: Coca-Cola {f} |
cocaine {n} /koʊˈkeɪn/ (the narcotic) | :: cocaina {f} |
-coccus {suffix} (any spherical microorganism) | :: -cocco |
coccus {n} /ˈkʰɑkəs/ (type of bacterium) | :: cocco {m} |
coccygeal {adj} (relating to the coccyx) | :: coccigeo |
coccygeal vertebra {n} (vertebra found in the human coccyx) | :: vertebra coccigea {f} |
coccyx {n} /ˈkɑksɪks/ ((anatomy) final fused vertebrae) | :: coccige |
Cocha antshrike {n} (passerine bird of the antbird family) | :: averla formichiera di Cocha |
cochineal {n} /ˈkɑtʃəˈni.əl/ (insect) | :: cocciniglia {f} |
cochineal {n} (dye) | :: cocciniglia {f} |
cochlear {adj} (of or pertaining to the cochlea) | :: cocleare |
cock {n} (slang: penis) SEE: dick | :: |
cock {n} /kɑk/ (any male bird) | :: maschio {m}, uccello |
cock {n} (hammer of a firearm trigger mechanism) | :: cane {m} |
cock {n} (state of being cocked) | :: inclinazione {f} |
cock {n} (slang: stupid person) | :: cazzone {m} |
cock {n} (informal: term of address) | :: compagno {m} |
cock {v} (to lift the cock of a firearm) | :: armare |
cock {v} (to turn upwards or to the side) | :: alzare, drizzare |
cock {n} (male chicken; male gallinaceous bird) SEE: rooster | :: |
cock {n} (valve or tap for controlling flow of liquid) SEE: stopcock | :: |
cockade {n} /kɑˈkeɪd/ (a rosette worn in a hat as an office or party badge) | :: coccarda {f} |
cock-a-doodle-doo {interj} /ˌkɑkəˌdudəlˈdu/ (cry of the rooster) | :: chicchirichì, [dated] cuccurucù |
Cockaigne {prop} /kɒˈkeɪn/ (mythical land) | :: cuccagna {f}, paese della cuccagna {m} |
cockatiel {n} /ˌkɒk.əˈtil/ (a small, rather atypical cockatoo with a distinctive pointed yellow crest) | :: calopsitta {f} |
cockatoo {n} (a bird) | :: cacatua {m} |
cockatrice {n} (legendary creature) | :: coccatrice {f} |
cockchafer {n} /ˈkɒkˌtʃeɪfə(ɹ)/ (beetle of genus Melolontha) | :: maggiolino {m}, melolonta {f} |
cocked {adj} (drunk) | :: sbronzo {m} |
cockerel {n} /ˈkɒkəɹəl/ (young male chicken) | :: galletto {m}, pollastra {f}, pollastro {m} |
cocker spaniel {n} (either breed) | :: cocker |
cockeyed {adj} (absurd, silly, or stupid) SEE: absurd | :: |
cockeyed {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk | :: |
cockeyed {adj} (crooked, askew) SEE: crooked | :: |
cockeyed {adj} (having both eyes oriented inward) SEE: cross-eyed | :: |
cockfight {n} (contest) | :: combattimento tra galli {m}, combattimento fra galli {m} |
cockfighting {n} (gambling blood sport) | :: combattimento tra galli {m}, combattimento fra galli {m} |
cockle {n} (wrinkle) SEE: wrinkle | :: |
cockle {n} /ˈkɒkl̩/ (any of several weeds, such as the corn cockle) | :: loglio {m} |
cockle {n} (corncockle) SEE: corncockle | :: |
cocklebur {n} (any of the coarse composite weeds of the genus Xanthium, with a prickly fruit) | :: nappola {f} |
cockpit {n} (space for pilot and crew in an aircraft) | :: abitacolo {m}, cabina di pilotaggio {f}, cabina di comando {f} |
cockpit {n} (nautical: well, where the helm is) | :: pozzetto {m} |
cockpit {n} (enclosure for cockfights) | :: arena {f}, campo combattimento galli {m}, gallodromo {m} |
cockpit voice recorder {n} (part of a flight recorder) | :: registratore di volo {m} |
cockroach {n} (type of insect) | :: blatta {f}, scarafaggio {m} |
cocksucker {n} (a fellator) | :: succhiacazzi {m}, pompinaro {m} |
cocksucker {n} (an objectionable person) | :: ciucciacazzo {m} |
cocktease {n} (One who sexually arouses) | :: rizzacazzi {m} {f} |
cockteaser {n} (cocktease) SEE: cocktease | :: |
cocky {adj} /ˈkɒki/ (overly confident) | :: arrogante, impertinente |
cocoa {n} /ˈkoʊ.koʊ/ (partially fermented seeds of cacao tree) | :: cacao, fave di cacao |
cocoa {n} (powder) SEE: cocoa powder | :: |
cocoa bean {n} (seed of the cocoa plant) | :: seme di cacao {m} |
cocoa butter {n} (fat from cocoa bean) | :: burro di cacao {m} |
cocoa powder {n} (powder from cocoa solids) | :: cacao {m} |
coco-de-mer {n} /ˌkəʊkəʊdəˈmɛː/ (tree) | :: cocco di mare {m} |
coconut {n} /ˈkoʊ.kə.nʌt/ (fruit of coco palm) | :: noce di cocco {f} |
coconut {n} (coconut palm) SEE: coconut palm | :: |
coconut crab {n} (Birgus latro) | :: granchio del cocco {m}, granchio latro {m} |
coconut milk {n} (the liquid from inside the seed of the coconut) | :: latte di cocco {m} |
coconut oil {n} (type of cooking oil extracted from coconuts) | :: olio di cocco {m} |
coconut palm {n} (Cocos nucifera) | :: palma da cocco {f}, cocco {m} |
cocoon {n} /kəˈkuːn/ (protective case) | :: bozzolo {m} |
cocoon {n} (any similar protective case, whether real or metaphorical) | :: bozzolo {m} |
Cocytus {prop} (river of the underworld) | :: Cocito {m} |
cod {n} /kɑd/ (marine fish of the family Gadidae) | :: merluzzo {m} |
coda {n} /ˈkoʊ.də/ (linguistics) | :: coda {f} |
code {n} /koʊd/ (set of rules for converting information) | :: codice |
code {n} | :: [all meanings] codice {m} |
code {v} (write software programs) | :: programmare |
code {n} (source code) SEE: source code | :: |
co-decision {n} | :: codecisione {f} |
codefendant {n} | :: litisconsorte {m}, coimputato {m} |
Codegua {prop} (Codegua) | :: Codegua {f} |
codeine {n} /ˈkoʊdin/ (addictive alkaloid narcotic) | :: codeina {f} |
code name {n} (name used to clandestinely identify something) | :: nome in codice {m} |
coder {n} (programmer) | :: programmatore |
codex {n} /ˈkoʊ.dɛks/ (early book) | :: codice {m} |
codfish {n} (cod) SEE: cod | :: |
codicil {n} /ˈkəʊdɪsɪl/ (addition made to a will) | :: codicillo {m} |
coding {n} (process of encoding or decoding) | :: codifica {f} |
coding {n} (process of writing computer software code) | :: programmazione {f} |
cod liver oil {n} (nutritional supplement) | :: olio di fegato di merluzzo {m} |
codon {n} /ˈkəʊdɒn/ (sequence of three nucleotides) | :: codone {m} |
codswallop {interj} /ˌkɒdzˈwɒl.əp/ (nonsense) | :: fesserie {f-p}, sciocchezze {f-p}, idiozie {f-p} |
CoE {prop} (Initialism of Council of Europe) | :: CdE |
co-ed {adj} /ˈkoʊˌɛd/ | :: misto |
co-edition {n} | :: coedizione |
coeducation {n} (education of both male and female students in the same institution) | :: coeducazione {f} |
coefficient {n} /ˌkəʊ.ɪˈfɪʃn̩t/ (algebraic constant) | :: coefficiente {m} |
coefficient {n} (measure of some property or characteristic) | :: coefficiente {m} |
coefficient of friction {n} (ratio) | :: coefficiente di attrito {m} |
coelacanth {n} /ˈsiː.lə.kænθ/ (either of two species of deep-water fish) | :: celacanto {m} |
coeliac disease {n} (auto-immune disease characterised by sensitivity of the lining of the small intestine to gluten) | :: celiachia {f} |
coelom {n} /ˈsiːləm/ (fluid-filled cavity within the body of an animal) | :: celoma {m} |
coelophysoid {n} | :: celofisoide {m} |
coenzyme {n} (small molecule that is necessary for the functioning of an enzyme) | :: coenzima {f} |
coerce {v} /koʊˈɝs/ (to use force, threat, or intimidation in attempt to compel one to act against their will) | :: costringere |
coercible {adj} (susceptible to coercion) | :: coercibile |
coercion {n} /koʊˈɝʒən/ (actual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person) | :: coercizione |
coercive {adj} (tendency to coerce) | :: coercitivo |
coessential {adj} (having the same essence or nature) | :: coessenziale |
coetaneous {adj} (contemporary) SEE: contemporary | :: |
coexistent {adj} (existing at the same time) | :: coesistente |
co-father-in-law {n} (father of one's son- or daughter-in-law) | :: consuocero |
coferment {n} (coenzyme) | :: cofermento {m} |
coffee {n} (beverage) | :: caffè {m} |
coffee {n} (beans) | :: chicco di caffè {m} |
coffee {n} (plant) | :: caffè {f} |
coffee {n} (colour) | :: caffè {m} |
coffee {adj} (of a pale brown colour) | :: marrone |
coffee bar {n} (establishment that sells coffee) SEE: café | :: |
coffee grounds {n} (sediment) | :: fondo di caffè {m}, fondi di caffè {m-p} |
coffeehouse {n} (café) SEE: café | :: |
coffeemaker {n} (kitchen apparatus used to brew and filter coffee) | :: macchina da caffè {f}, macchina del caffè {f} |
coffee pot {n} (pot for coffee) | :: caffettiera {f} |
coffee shop {n} (café) SEE: café | :: |
coffee table {n} (type of table) | :: tavolino da salotto {m} |
coffer {n} /ˈkɔfɚ/ (strongbox) | :: cofano {m}, cofanetto {m}, scrigno {m}, forziere {m} |
coffer {n} (architecture: ornamental sunken panel) | :: cassettone {m} |
coffer {n} (cofferdam) SEE: cofferdam | :: |
cofferdam {n} (temporary watertight structure) | :: tura {f}, cassone {m} |
coffin {n} /ˈkɔfɪn/ (box in which a dead person is buried) | :: bara {f}, cassa da morto {f}, feretro {m} |
cofounder {n} /kəʊˈfaʊndə/ (one who founds something with someone else) | :: cofondatore {m}, cofondatrice {f} |
cog {n} /kɑɡ/ (gear; a cogwheel) | :: ingranaggio {m} |
cog {n} (unimportant individual) | :: rotellina {f} |
cogener {n} (congener) SEE: congener | :: |
cogeneration {n} (simultaneous or serial production of heat and electricity from the same source) | :: cogenerazione {f} |
cogent {adj} /ˈko͡ʊd͡ʒn̩t/ (reasonable and convincing; based on evidence) | :: convincente, persuasivo, coherente, coerente |
cogent {adj} (appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning) | :: intelligibile, logico |
cogent {adj} (forcefully persuasive) | :: irrefutabile, inconfutabile |
cogitable {adj} (conceivable) SEE: conceivable | :: |
cogitabund {adj} /ˈkɒd͡ʒɪtəˌbʌnd/ (deep in thought, see also: meditative; thoughtful) | :: cogitabondo |
cognac {n} /ˈkɒn.jæk/ (type of brandy) | :: cognac |
cognate {adj} /ˈkɑɡ.neɪt/ (kindred by birth) | :: congiunto |
cognate {adj} (descended from the same attested source lexeme of an ancestor language) | :: affine, imparentato |
cognate accusative {n} /ˈkɒɡneɪt əˈkjuːzətɪv/ (object of kindred sense or derivation) | :: complemento oggetto interno {m} |
cognitariat {n} (sociological group) | :: cognitariato |
cognition {n} /kɑɡˈnɪʃən/ (process of knowing) | :: conoscenza {f} |
cognitive {adj} /ˈkɒɡnɪtɪv/ (relating to mental functions) | :: cognitivo |
cognitive dissonance {n} (conflict or anxiety resulting from inconsistencies between one's beliefs and one's actions or other beliefs) | :: dissonanza cognitiva {f} |
cognitively {adv} /ˈkɒɡ.nə.tɪ (relating to thinking) | :: cognitivamente |
cognitive psychology {n} (branch of psychology) | :: psicologia cognitiva {f} |
cognomen {n} /kɒɡˈnoʊ.mən/ (nickname) | :: cognome {m} |
cog wheel {n} (gear wheel) SEE: gear wheel | :: |
cogwheel {n} (gear wheel) SEE: gear wheel | :: |
cohabitation {n} /koʊhæbɪˈteɪʃən/ (act of living together) | :: concubinato {m} |
cohabitee {n} (cohabitee) | :: concubino {m} |
coherent {adj} /koʊˈhɛɹənt/ (orderly, logical and consistent) | :: coerente |
coherently {adv} (in a coherent manner) | :: coerentemente |
coherer {n} (a detector of radio waves used in very early radio receivers) | :: coesore {m} |
cohesional {adj} | :: coesionale |
cohobate {v} (to treat a material with a boiling liquid and repeatedly return the distillate) | :: coobare |
cohobation {n} (the boiling of a material in a liquid with the repeated return of the distillate) | :: coobazione {f} |
cohort {n} (abettor) SEE: abettor | :: |
cohort {n} (accomplice) SEE: accomplice | :: |
cohort {n} /ˈkoʊ̯.hɔɹt/ (demographic grouping of people) | :: coorte |
cohort {n} (division of Roman legion) | :: coorte |
cohort {n} (colleague) SEE: colleague | :: |
coiffure {n} (hairstyle) SEE: hairstyle | :: |
coil {n} /kɔɪl/ (something wound) | :: spirale {f} |
coil {n} (electrical) | :: bobina {f} |
coil {n} (intra-uterine contraceptive device) SEE: intrauterine device | :: |
Coimbra {prop} /ˈkwĩbɹə/ (city and municipality in Coimbra, Portugal) | :: Coimbra |
coin {n} /kɔɪn/ ((currency) a piece of currency) | :: moneta {f} |
coin {v} (to create coins) | :: coniare, monetare, battere moneta |
coin {v} (to make up or invent, and establish) | :: coniare |
coinage {n} (currency) SEE: currency | :: |
coinage {n} (neologism) SEE: neologism | :: |
coinage {n} /ˈkɔɪnɪdʒ/ (process of coining money) | :: conio {m} |
coincide {v} /ˌkoʊɪnˈsaɪd/ (to occupy exactly the same space) | :: coincidere |
coincide {v} (to correspond) | :: coincidere |
coincidence {n} /kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns/ (state of events appearing to be connected when they are not) | :: coincidenza {f} |
coin of the realm {n} (legal money of a country) SEE: legal tender | :: |
coinsurance {n} (joint assumption of risk between insurer and insured) | :: franchigia {f} |
coitus {n} /ˈkɔɪ.təs/ (sexual interaction, see also: sexual intercourse) | :: coito {m} |
coitus interruptus {n} (sexual intercourse interrupted by withdrawal of the penis) | :: coito interrotto {m} |
cojones {n} /kəˈhoʊˌneɪs/ ((slang) courage) | :: palle {f-p} |
coke {n} /koʊk/ (coal product) | :: coke {m} |
coke {n} (short for cocaine) | :: coca {f} |
coke {n} (Coke) SEE: Coke | :: |
Coke {n} /koʊk/ (informal: any cola-flavored drink) | :: coca {f} |
col {n} /kɒl/ (dip between mountain peaks) | :: forcella {f}, colle {m} |
colander {n} /ˈkɑləndəɹ/ (a bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with holes in it used for draining food such as pasta) | :: colino {m}, colapasta {m}, colabrodo {m} |
colchicine {n} (alkaloid) | :: colchicina {f} |
Colchis {prop} (ancient region and kingdom) | :: Colchide {f} |
cold {adj} /kəʊld/ (having a low temperature) | :: freddo, gelato, gelido |
cold {adj} (of the weather) | :: freddo |
cold {adj} (of a person) | :: (to be cold) avere freddo [idiom in Italian; there is no translation for the adjective alone] |
cold {adj} (unfriendly) | :: freddo |
cold {n} (low temperature) | :: freddo {m}, gelo {m} |
cold {n} (illness) | :: raffreddore {m}, influenza {f}, colpo d'aria {m} |
cold day in Hell {n} (an event that will never happen) | :: alle calende greche (on the Greek Calends), quando gli asini voleranno (when donkeys fly) |
cold front {n} (leading edge of an advancing mass of cold air) | :: fronte freddo {m} |
cold fusion {n} (hypothetical form of nuclear fusion) | :: fusione fredda {f} |
cold hands, warm heart {proverb} (having cold hands is an indication of warmheartedness) | :: mani fredde, cuore caldo |
coldness {n} /ˈkoʊldnəs/ (the relative lack of heat) | :: freddezza {f} |
coldness {n} (the sensation) | :: freddo {m} |
coldness {n} (limited enthusiasm or affection) | :: freddezza {f} |
cold treatment {n} (silent treatment) SEE: silent treatment | :: |
cold turkey {n} (sudden and complete withdrawal) | :: astinenza completa {f}, astinenza {f} |
cold turkey {n} (symptoms of withdrawal) | :: crisi di astinenza {f} |
cold turkey {adv} (abruptly) | :: di colpo, di punto in bianco |
cold war {n} (a period of hostile relations) | :: guerra fredda {f} |
Cold War {prop} (a period of history from 1945–1991) | :: Guerra fredda {f} |
cole {n} (cabbage) SEE: cabbage | :: |
cole {n} /koʊl/ (brassica) | :: ravizzone {m} |
colectomy {n} (surgical procedure) | :: colectomia {f} |
colemanite {n} (calcium borate mineral) | :: colemanite {f} |
coleoptile {n} /kɒliːˈɒptɪl/ (in botany, a pointed sheath) | :: coleoptile {m} |
colewort {n} (kale) | :: ravizzone {m}, cavolo {m} |
coli {n} /ˈkʰoʊ.laɪ/ (Escherichia coli) | :: colibacillo {m} |
colic {n} /ˈkɒl.ɪk/ (abdominal pain) | :: colica {f} |
colitis {n} (inflammation of the colon) | :: colite {f} |
collaborate {v} /kəˈlabəɹeɪt/ (to work together on a piece of work) | :: collaborare |
collaborate {v} (to cooperate treasonably) | :: collaborare |
collaboration {n} /kəˌlæbəˈɹeɪʃən/ (act of collaborating) | :: collaborazione {f} |
collaborationist {n} (one who collaborates) SEE: collaborator | :: |
collaborator {n} /kəˈlæbəɹeɪtɚ/ | :: collaboratore {m}, collaboratrice {f} |
collapse {v} /kəˈlæps/ (to fall down suddenly; to cave in) | :: collassare, crollare, accasciarsi |
collapse {v} (to cease to function due to a sudden breakdown) | :: collassare, bloccarsi, arrestarsi |
collapse {v} (to fold compactly) | :: collassare, crollare |
collapse {v} (to cause to collapse) | :: far collassare, far crollare |
collapse {n} (act of collapsing) | :: collasso {m} [medicine], crollo {m} [material and financial], tracollo {m} [finance] |
collapse {n} (one-valued function) | :: funzione costante, collasso |
collapsible {adj} (that can be collapsed) | :: pieghevole |
collar {n} /ˈkɑ.lɚ/ (fabric garment part fitting around throat) | :: bavero {m}, bavera {f}, collo {m}, colletto {m} |
collar {n} (device for restraining animal) | :: collare {m} |
collar {n} (any encircling device or structure) | :: collo {m}, anello {m}, fascetta {f} |
collar {n} (the neck or line of junction between the root of a plant and its stem) | :: corona {f} |
collar {v} | :: beccare |
collar {v} (to arrest) SEE: arrest | :: |
collarbone {n} (clavicle) SEE: clavicle | :: |
collared antshrike {n} (passerine bird) | :: averla formichiera dal collare |
collared dove {n} (collared dove) | :: tortora dal collare orientale |
collared peccary {n} (mammal) | :: pecari dal collare {m} |
collared pratincole {n} (Glareola pratincola) | :: pernice di mare |
collar tab {n} /ˈkɒlə tæb/ (insignia worn on the collar) | :: mostrina {f} |
collator {n} (machine) | :: selezionatrice {f} |
colleague {n} /ˈkɑliɡ/ (fellow member of a profession) | :: collega {m} {f} |
colleagueship {n} (the state of being a colleague) | :: colleganza {f} |
collect {v} /kəˈlɛkt/ (to gather together) | :: raccogliere, bottinare |
collect {v} (to get from someone) | :: raccogliere |
collect {v} (to accumulate items for a hobby) | :: raccogliere, collezionare |
collection {n} /kəˈlɛkʃən/ (set of items) | :: raccolta {f}, collezione {f} |
collection {n} (multiple related objects) | :: raccolta {f}, collezione {f} |
collection {n} (activity of collecting) | :: raccolta {f} |
collection {n} (debt collection) SEE: debt collection | :: |
collective agreement {n} (contract on terms and conditions of employment) | :: contratto collettivo di lavoro {m} |
Collective Security Treaty Organisation {prop} (intergovernmental military alliance) | :: Organizzazione del trattato di sicurezza collettiva {f} |
collectivism {n} (An system in which the means are owned and controlled by people collectively) | :: collettivismo {m} |
collectivity {n} (the condition of being collective) | :: collettività {f} |
collectivization {n} (the act of collectivizing) | :: collettivizzazione {f} |
collectivize {v} | :: collettivizzare |
collector {n} /kəˈlɛktɚ/ (person or thing that collects) | :: collezionista {m} {f} |
collector {n} (person who is employed to collect payments) | :: esattore {m}, esattrice {f} |
collector {n} (amplified terminal on a bipolar junction transistor) | :: collettore {m} |
college {n} /ˈkɑlɪd͡ʒ/ (specialized division of a university) | :: facoltà |
col legno {adv} /ˌkoʊl ˈleɪnjoʊ/ (the strings must be struck with the wood of the bow) | :: col legno |
collide {v} /kəˈlɑɪd/ | :: cozzare |
collier {n} /ˈkɑliɚ/ (vessel) | :: carboniera {f} |
colliery {n} /ˈkɑl.jɚ.ɪ/ (underground coal mine) | :: miniera di carbone {f} |
colligate {v} (to formally link or connect together logically) | :: collegare |
colligative {adj} (property) | :: colligativo |
collinearity {n} (the condition of being collinear) | :: collinearità {f} |
colliquate {v} (to melt or liquefy) | :: colliquare |
colliquation {n} | :: colliquazione {f} |
collision {n} (collision) SEE: wreck | :: |
collision {n} /kəˈlɪʒən/ (instance of colliding) | :: collisione {f} |
colloid {n} /ˈkɒlɔɪd/ (stable system of two phases) | :: colloide {m}, colóide {m} |
colloidal {adj} (of or pertaining to a colloid) | :: colloidale |
colloquially {adv} (in a colloquial manner) | :: colloquialmente |
colloquy {n} /ˈkɒ.lə.kwi/ (conversation, dialogue) | :: colloquio, conversazione {f} |
colluvium {n} (a loose accumulation of rock and soil debris at the foot of a slope) | :: colluvium |
cologarithm {n} (logarithm) | :: cologaritmo {m} |
cologne {n} /kəˈloʊn/ (eau de Cologne) | :: acqua di Colonia {f} |
Cologne {prop} /kəˈloʊn/ (city in Germany) | :: Colonia {f} |
Colombia {prop} /kəˈlʌə/ (country in South America) | :: Colombia {f} |
Colombian {n} (A person from Colombia) | :: colombiano {m}, colombiana {f}, colombiani {m-p}, colombiane {f-p} |
Colombian {adj} (pertaining to Colombia) | :: colombiano {m}, colombiana {f}, colombiani {m-p}, colombiane {f-p} |
Colombo {prop} /kəˈlɒm.bəʊ/ (capital of Sri Lanka) | :: Colombo {f} |
colon {n} /ˈkoʊ.lən/ (punctuation mark) | :: due punti {m-p} |
colonel {n} /ˈkɝnəl/ (commissioned office in the armed services) | :: colonnello {m} |
colonial {adj} /kəˈləʊ.ni.əl/ (of or pertaining to a colony) | :: coloniale |
colonialism {n} /kəˈləʊ.njə.lɪ.zəm/ (colonial domination policy) | :: colonialismo |
colonialism {n} | :: colonialismo |
colonialist {adj} (or or pertaining to colonialism) | :: colonialista, colonialistico |
colonialist {n} (an advocate of colonialism) | :: colonialista {m} {f} |
colonialistic {adj} (colonialist) SEE: colonialist | :: |
colonist {n} /ˈkɒlənɪst/ (a founder of a colony) | :: colonizzatore {m}, colonizzatrice {f} |
colonize {v} /ˈkɑlənaɪz/ (to begin a new colony) | :: colonizzare |
colonizer {n} (colonist) SEE: colonist | :: |
colonnade {n} /ˌkɒləˈneɪd/ (a series of columns at regular intervals) | :: colonnato |
colonoscopy {n} /kɑləˈnɑskəpi/ (examination of the colon using a colonoscope) | :: coloscopia {f} |
colony {n} /ˈkɑləniː/ (region or governmental unit) | :: colonia {f} |
colony {n} (group of organisms) | :: colonia |
colophony {n} (rosin) SEE: rosin | :: |
coloproctology {n} (branch of medicine) SEE: proctology | :: |
coloproctology {n} (colorectal surgery) SEE: proctology | :: |
color {n} /ˈkʌl.ɚ/ (spectral composition of visible light) | :: colore |
color {n} (standard or banner (colors)) | :: stendardo, bandiera |
color {v} (give something color) | :: colorare, colorire |
color {v} (draw using crayons) | :: colorare |
color {v} (become red through increased blood flow) | :: arrossire, colorire |
Colorado {prop} /kɑləˈɹɑdoʊ/ (US state) | :: Colorado {m} |
coloration {n} (act of coloring) | :: coloratura {f} |
color blind {adj} (unable to distinguish between two or more primary colors) | :: daltonico |
color blindness {n} (condition in which the ability to see colors is impaired) | :: daltonismo {m} |
colorectal {adj} (medicine: of or pertaining to the colorectum) | :: colorettale |
colorful {adj} /ˈkʌlɚfəl/ (possessing prominent and varied colors) | :: colorato |
colorimeter {n} (instrument designed to determine color) | :: colorimetro {m} |
colorimetric {adj} (analytical chemistry: of or pertaining to colorimetry) | :: colorimetrico |
colorimetric {adj} (obtained by using a colorimeter) | :: colorimetrico |
colorize {v} (to convert a black and white media to color) | :: colorizzare |
Colosseum {prop} (ancient stadium in Rome) | :: Colosseo {m} |
Colossians {prop} (book of the Bible) | :: Colossesi |
colossus {n} (a statue of gigantic size) | :: colosso {m} |
colossus {n} (any creature or thing of gigantic size) | :: colosso {m} |
colostrum {n} /kəˈlɒstɹəm/ (a form of milk) | :: colostro {m} |
colourless {adj} /ˈkʌlə(ɹ).ləs/ (having no colour) | :: incolore |
colour television {n} (television in colour) | :: televisione a colori {f} |
colour television {n} (a colour television set) | :: televisore a colori {m} |
-colous {suffix} (having a specified habitat) | :: -colo |
colt {n} /koʊlt/ (young male horse) | :: puledro {m} |
colter {n} /ˈkoʊltəɹ/ (cutter attached to the beam of a plow) | :: coltello {m}, coltro {m} |
colugo {n} /kəˈluːɡoʊ/ (arboreal gliding mammal) | :: colugo {m} |
columbarium {n} (a building for housing a large colony of pigeons or doves) | :: colombario {m} |
columbarium {n} (a place for the respectful and usually public storage of cinerary urns) | :: colombario {m} |
Columbia {prop} /kəˈlʌmbi.ə/ (poetic: America) | :: America, Columbia |
Columbian {n} (16-point type) | :: testo |
columbine {n} /ˈkɒləmbaɪn/ (any plant of the genus Aquilegia) | :: colombina {f}, aquilegia |
columbium {n} (former name of niobium) | :: columbio {m} |
Columbus {prop} /kəˈlʌmbəs/ (surname) | :: Colombo {m} {f} |
Columbus {prop} (Christopher Columbus) | :: Cristoforo Colombo {m}, Colombo {m} |
column {n} /ˈkɒləm/ (upright supporting member) | :: colonna {f} |
column {n} (vertical line of entries in a table) | :: colonna {f} |
column {n} (column of troops) | :: colonna {f} |
column {n} (newspaper column) | :: colonna {f} |
column {n} (something having similar form or structure to the things mentioned above) | :: colonna {f} |
column {n} (chemistry : object to separate components) | :: colonna |
column {n} | :: colonna {f} |
columnist {n} /ˈkɒ.lə.mɪst/ (regular writer of a column) | :: colonnista {m} {f} |
colza {n} (cabbage variety) | :: colza {f} |
coma {n} /ˈkoʊmə/ (Deep sleep) | :: coma {m} |
comatose {adj} (asleep) SEE: asleep | :: |
comb {n} /koʊm/ (toothed implement for grooming the hair) | :: pettine {m} |
comb {n} (fleshy growth on the top of the head of some birds and reptiles) | :: cresta {f} |
comb {v} (to groom the hair with a toothed implement) | :: pettinare |
comb {n} (structure of cells made by bees) SEE: honeycomb | :: |
combat {n} /ˈkɑmˌbæt/ (a battle; a fight) | :: battaglia |
combat {v} (to fight; to struggle for victory) | :: combattere |
combatant {n} /kəm.ˈbæ.tənt/ (person engaged in combat, often armed) | :: combattente {m} {f} |
comber {n} /ˈkɑmbɚ/ (Serranus cabrilla) | :: perchia {f} |
combination {n} /kɒmbɪˈneɪʃən/ (act of combining) | :: combinazione |
combinatorics {n} (a branch of mathematics) | :: calcolo combinatorio {m} |
combine {v} /ˈkɑm.baɪn/ (bring two or more things or activities together) | :: combinare, mischiare |
combine {v} (have two or more things or properties that function together) | :: abbinare, unire |
combine {n} (combination) SEE: combination | :: |
combine {n} (combine harvester) SEE: combine harvester | :: |
combined {adj} /kəmˈbaɪnd/ (resulting from adding together) | :: combinato |
combine harvester {n} /ˈkɑmˌbaɪn ˈhɑɹvəstəɹ/ (combine) | :: mietitrebbiatrice {f} |
combust {v} (be consumed by fire) SEE: burn | :: |
combustion {n} /kəmˈbʌs.tʃən/ | :: combustione {f} |
come {v} /kʌm/ (to move nearer) | :: venire |
come {v} (to orgasm) | :: venire |
come after {v} (to pursue) | :: seguire |
come after {v} (to succeed, to be the successor of) | :: succedere |
come and go {v} (arrive and depart) | :: andare e venire |
come and go {v} (appear and disappear) | :: andare e venire |
come around {v} (change one's mind) | :: ripensarsi |
come back {v} ((intransitive) To return to a place) | :: tornare |
come by {v} (to get (trans.)) | :: trovare, reperire, rinvenire, imbattersi |
come clean {v} (to confess) | :: confessare |
comedian {n} /kəˈmiːdi.ən/ (entertainer) | :: comico {m}, commediante |
come down {v} (graduate) SEE: graduate | :: |
comedown {n} (after a drug) SEE: crash | :: |
come down with {v} (to show symptoms of an illness) | :: prendersi un malanno |
comedy {n} /ˈkɑmədi/ (dramatic work that is light and humorous or satirical in tone) | :: commedia {f} |
comedy duo {n} (comic pairing) SEE: double act | :: |
come hell or high water {adv} | :: cascasse il cielo, cascasse il mondo, succeda quel che succeda |
come in {v} (to enter) SEE: enter | :: |
come into one's own {v} (to reach maturity) | :: raggiungere la maturità |
come of age {v} (reach a specific age where one is legally considered to be an adult) | :: diventare maggiorenne |
come of age {v} (mature, or become fully developed) | :: maturare |
come off it {interj} (expression of disbelief) | :: per piacere, ma dai |
come on {interj} /ˈkʌm ˌɔn/ (expression of encouragement) | :: forza, dai, andiamo |
come on {interj} (expression of disbelief) | :: suvvia, ma dai, e dai, ma no |
come on {interj} (hurry up) | :: andiamo |
come on to {v} (make a romantic or sexual advance to) | :: flirtare |
come out {v} (to come out of the closet) SEE: come out of the closet | :: |
come out of the closet {v} (to tell others about a secret belief or preference) | :: dichiararsi, uscire allo scoperto |
comestible {adj} /kəˈmɛstəbl̩/ (suitable to be eaten; edible) | :: commestibile, mangereccio, mangiabile |
comet {n} /ˈkɒmət/ (a celestial body, generally with a tail) | :: cometa {f} |
Comet {prop} (reindeer of Santa Claus) | :: Cometa {f} |
come to someone's aid {v} (to assist and rescue someone) | :: venire in aiuto |
come to terms with {v} (resolve a conflict with) | :: scendere a patti con |
come to terms with {v} (accept or resign oneself to something emotionally painful) | :: farsene una ragione |
come up {v} (to emerge, become known) | :: venire fuori, emergere, venire alla luce |
come upon {v} (to come across; to discover) | :: imbattersi |
come what may {adv} (idiomatic) | :: succeda quel che succeda |
comfort {n} /ˈkʌm.fəɹt/ | :: benessere |
comfort {v} (console) SEE: console | :: |
comfortable {adj} /ˈkʌmf.tə.bəl/ (amply sufficient) | :: comodo {m} |
comfortable {adj} (providing physical comfort and ease) | :: confortevole, comodo {m} |
comfortable {adj} (in a state of comfort) | :: comodo {m} |
comforter {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier | :: |
comforter {n} /ˈkʌmfəɹtəɹ/ (person who comforts) | :: consolatore {m}, consolatrice {f} |
comforting {adj} (giving comfort) | :: consolante, riassicurante, rassicurante, confortante |
comfrey {n} /ˈkʌm.fɹi/ (perennial herb) | :: consolida {f} |
comfy {adj} /ˈkʌ (comfortable) | :: comodo |
comic {adj} /ˈkɑmɪk/ (being funny) | :: comico |
comic {adj} (related to comedy) | :: comico |
comic {n} (comedian) | :: comico {m} |
comic {n} (cartoon story) | :: fumetto {m}, striscia {f} |
comic {n} (children's newspaper) | :: giornaletto {m}, giornalino {m} |
comic book {n} (book or magazine) | :: fumetto {m} |
comic relief {n} /ˈkɑmɪk ɹɪˈliːf/ (inclusion of a humorous character or scene) | :: rilievo comico {m} |
comics {n} (artistic medium) | :: fumetti {m-p} |
comic strip {n} (series of illustrations) | :: fumetto {m}, striscia di fumetti, vignette {f-p} |
Cominetto {prop} (island) | :: Cominetto |
coming {n} /ˈkʌmɪŋ/ (act of arriving; an arrival) | :: arrivo |
Comino {prop} (island) | :: Comino |
Comintern {prop} /ˈkɒmɪntəːn/ (international association of Communist parties) | :: Comintern |
comital {adj} (of or pertaining to a count or earl) | :: comitale |
comitology {n} /ˌkɒm.ɪˈtɒl.ə.dʒi/ (art of resolving issues by committees) | :: comitologia {f} |
comma {n} /ˈkɑm.ə/ (punctuation mark ',') | :: virgola {f} |
command {n} /kəˈmænd/ (order) | :: comando {m}, ordine {m} |
command {n} (the right or authority to order, control or dispose of) | :: comando {m} |
command {n} (power of control, direction or disposal; mastery) | :: padronanza {f}, maestria {f}, perizia {f} |
command {v} (to order) | :: ordinare, comandare |
commandant {n} /ˈkɒməndænt/ (a commanding officer, usually of a specific force or division) | :: comandante {m} |
commandeer {v} (to seize for military use) | :: requisire, sequestrare |
commandeer {v} (to force into military service) | :: arruolare, coscrivere, reclutare |
commandeer {v} (to take arbitrarily or by force) | :: soggiogare, depredare, razziare |
commander in chief {n} (Supreme commander of the armed forces of an entire country) | :: comandante in capo {m}, comandate supremo {m} |
commandment {n} /kəˈmændmənt/ (a command or edict) | :: comandamento {m} |
comme ci comme ça {adj} (neither good nor bad) | :: così cosà |
commemorate {v} /kəˈmɛməˌɹeɪt/ (to honor the memory of someone or something) | :: commemorare |
commemorate {v} (to serve as memorial to someone or something) | :: commemorare |
commemorative {adj} (serving to commemorate) | :: commemorativo |
commence {v} /kəˈmɛns/ (begin, start) | :: cominciare |
commend {v} /kəˈmɛnd/ (to congratulate or reward) | :: encomiare |
commend {v} (to praise) | :: elogiare, lodare |
commend {v} (to entrust) | :: affidare, raccomandare |
commendation {n} /ˌkɒmənˈdeɪʃən/ (act of commending; praise) | :: elogio, encomio {m} |
comment {v} (to comment) SEE: observe | :: |
comment {n} /ˈkɑmɛnt/ (spoken remark) | :: commento {m} |
comment {n} (programming: remark not affecting behavior) | :: commento {m} |
commentative {adj} (that occurs outside of the context of the film's action, and therefore cannot be heard by the film's characters) | :: commentativo |
commerce {n} /ˈkɑm.ɚs/ (large scale trade) | :: commercio {m} |
commercial {adj} /kəˈmɝʃəl/ (of or pertaining to commerce) | :: commerciale |
commercial at {n} (at sign) SEE: at sign | :: |
commercial break {n} | :: stacco pubblicitario {m} |
commercialization {n} (the act of commercializing) | :: commercializzazione {f} |
commercially {adv} (in a commercial manner) | :: commercialmente |
commie {n} (communist) SEE: communist | :: |
commiserate {v} /kəˈmɪzəɹeɪt/ (to feel or express compassion or sympathy) | :: commiserare, compatire |
commission {n} /kəˈmɪʃən/ (mission) | :: missione {f} |
commission {n} (official authority) | :: incarico {m}, mandato {m} |
commission {n} (the thing to be done as agent for another) | :: commissione {f} |
commission {n} (body of officials) | :: commissione {f} |
commission {n} (fee charged) | :: commissione {f} |
commission {n} (the act of committing) | :: commissione {f} |
commission {v} (send to do something) | :: incaricare, commissionare, designare, ordinare, delegare |
commission {v} (order a work of art) | :: commissionare |
commission {v} (put into active service) | :: commissionare, varare |
commit {v} /kəˈmɪt/ (to entrust; to consign) | :: affidare, impegnarsi |
commit {v} (to imprison) | :: arrestare, imprigionare |
commit {v} (to have someone enter an institution as a patient) | :: ricoverare |
commit {v} (to do (something bad); to perpetrate) | :: commettere |
commit {v} (to pledge or bind; to compromise, expose, or endanger) | :: compromettere |
commit {n} ((computing) making changes in the current database transaction permanent, visible and accessible to all users with the right access) | :: commit |
commitment {n} (act or instance of committing, putting in charge, keeping, or trust) | :: impegno {m}, dedizione {f} |
commitment {n} (promise or agreement to do something in the future) | :: impegno {m}, promessa {f} |
commitment {n} (being bound emotionally/intellectually) | :: impegno {m}, promessa {f} |
commitment {n} (trait of sincerity and focused purpose) | :: serietà {f}, dedizione {f} |
commit suicide {v} (to kill oneself) | :: suicidarsi |
committed {adj} /kəˈmɪtɪd/ (obligated by a pledge to some course of action) | :: impegnato {m} |
committed {adj} (showing commitment) | :: impegnato {m} |
committed {adj} (associated in an exclusive (but not necessarily permanent) sexual relationship) | :: impegnato {m} |
committee {n} /kɑmɪˈtiː/ (group of persons convened for the accomplishment of some specific purpose) | :: comitato {m} |
committee {n} (guardian) SEE: guardian | :: |
commo {n} (communist) SEE: communist | :: |
commo {n} (communication) SEE: communication | :: |
commode {n} /kəˈməʊd/ (low chest of drawers) | :: canterano {m}, angoliera {f}, cantoniera {f} |
commode {n} (stand for a washbowl and jug) | :: porta bacinella {m}, porta catino {m} |
commode {n} (euphemistic: toilet) | :: gabinetto {m}, cesso {m} |
commodity {n} /kəˈmɑdəti/ (anything movable traded) | :: prodotto {m}, bene {m} |
commodity {n} (something useful) | :: bene {m} |
commodity {n} (primary product as object of trade) | :: materia prima {f} |
commodore {n} /ˈkɑmədɔɹ/ (a naval officer) | :: commodoro {m} |
commodore {n} (a commander over a collection of ships who is not an admiral) | :: commodoro {m} |
commodore {n} (president of a yacht club) | :: commodoro {m} |
common {adj} /ˈkɑmən/ (mutual) | :: comune {m} {f} |
common {adj} (usual) | :: comune {m} {f} |
common {adj} (found in large numbers or in a large quantity) | :: comune {m} {f} |
common {adj} (ordinary) | :: ordinario {m}, ordinaria {f}, volgare, grossolano {m}, grossolana {f} |
common alder {n} (black alder) SEE: black alder | :: |
common alder {n} (Alnus glutinosa) | :: ontano comune {m} |
commonality {n} (common people) SEE: commonalty | :: |
commonalty {n} /ˈkɒmənəlti/ (common people) | :: popolo {m}, popolino {m}, volgo {m} |
commonalty {n} (class lacking clerical or noble rank) | :: volgo {m}, plebe {f} |
common bean {n} (plant) | :: fagiolo {m} |
common blackbird {n} (Turdus merula) SEE: blackbird | :: |
common buzzard {n} (Buteo buteo) | :: poiana comune {f} |
common chickweed {n} (herb) | :: centocchio comune {m} |
common cockchafer {n} (Melolontha melolontha) | :: melolonta {f}, maggiolino {m} |
common death adder {n} | :: acantofide {m} |
commoner {n} (member of the common people) | :: plebeo {m} |
Common Germanic {prop} (Proto-Germanic) SEE: Proto-Germanic | :: |
common good {n} (general interest of the population as a whole) | :: bene comune |
common good {n} (a good that is rivalrous and nonexcludable) | :: risorse comuni |
common greenshank {n} (Tringa nebularia) | :: pantana {f} |
common gull {n} /ˈkɑːmən ˌɡʌl/ (Larus canus) | :: gavina |
common kestrel {n} (Falco tinnunculus) | :: gheppio {m} |
common knowledge {n} (special kind of knowledge for a group of agents) | :: conoscenza comune {f} |
common lavender {n} (Lavandula angustifolia) | :: lavanda vera {f} |
common law {n} (law based on court judgments and opinions) SEE: case law | :: |
common loon {n} (great northern diver) SEE: great northern diver | :: |
commonly {adv} /ˈkɑmənli/ (as a rule; usually) | :: comunemente, frequentemente |
common millet {n} (proso millet) SEE: proso millet | :: |
common multiple {n} (in math) | :: multiplo comune {m} |
common murre {n} (Uria aalge) | :: uria {f} |
common noun {n} (noun that denotes any member or all members of a class) | :: nome comune {m} |
commonplace {adj} /ˈkɑmənˌpleɪs/ (ordinary) | :: ordinario, banale |
commonplace {n} (platitude or cliché) | :: luogo comune {m} |
commonplace {n} (something that is ordinary) | :: fatto normale {m} |
common purslane {n} (Portulaca oleracea) | :: portulaca {f} |
common quail {n} (bird in the pheasant family) | :: quaglia comune {f} |
common redshank {n} (Tringa totanus) | :: pettegola {f} |
common redstart {n} (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) | :: codirosso {m} |
commons {n} /ˈkɑmənz/ (the mutual good of all) | :: bene comune |
common sandpiper {n} (Actitis hypoleucos) | :: piro piro piccolo {m} |
common sense {n} (ordinary understanding) | :: buonsenso |
common shelduck {n} (bird) | :: volpoca {f} |
common shrew {n} (Sorex araneus) | :: toporagno comune {m} |
Common Slavic {prop} (Proto-Slavic) SEE: Proto-Slavic | :: |
common snipe {n} (the species Gallinago gallinago) | :: beccaccino {m} |
common thread {n} (recurring characteristic or theme) | :: filo conduttore {m}, filo rosso {m} |
Commonwealth {prop} (Commonwealth of Nations) SEE: Commonwealth of Nations | :: |
Commonwealth of Independent States {prop} (alliance of former Soviet republics) | :: Comunità degli Stati Indipendenti {f}, CSI {f} |
Commonwealth of Nations {prop} (association of independent states) | :: Commonwealth delle nazioni {m} |
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico {prop} | :: Stato Libero Associato di Porto Rico {m} |
common whitefish {n} (Coregonus lavaretus) | :: lavarello {m} |
commotion {n} /kəˈmoʊ.ʃən/ | :: agitazione {f}, scandalo {m} |
communal {adj} /kəˈmju.nəl/ (pertaining to a community) | :: comunitario |
communicable {adj} (able to be transmitted between people or species) | :: trasmissibile |
communicate {v} /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ (to receive or take part in Holy Communion) | :: comunicare |
communication {n} /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/ (concept of exchanging information) | :: comunicazione |
communion {n} /kəˈmjuːnjən/ (a joining together of minds or spirits) | :: comunione {f} |
communion {n} (Holy Communion) SEE: Holy Communion | :: |
communism {n} /ˈkɒm.juˌnɪzm̩/ (philosophy) | :: comunismo {m} |
communism {n} (society) | :: comunismo {m} |
communist {adj} /ˈkɒ.mjə.nɪst/ (of or relating to communism) | :: comunista {m} {f} |
communist {n} (person who follows a communist philosophy) | :: comunista {m} {f} |
Communist {n} (communist) SEE: communist | :: |
Communist {adj} (communist) SEE: communist | :: |
communitization {n} (transfer of responsibility to the European Community) | :: comunitarizzazione {f} |
community {n} /kəˈmjuːnɪti/ (group sharing a common understanding) | :: comunità {f} |
community {n} (residential or religious collective) | :: comunità {f} |
community {n} ((ecology) group of interdependent organisms) | :: comunità {f} |
community {n} (condition of having certain attitudes and interests in common) | :: comunanza {f} |
community college {n} (secondary school) SEE: secondary school | :: |
community language {n} (unofficial language spoken as a local lingua franca) SEE: lingua franca | :: |
commutative algebra {n} (branch of mathematics) | :: algebra commutativa {f} |
commutative algebra {n} (algebra in which multiplication is commutative) | :: algebra commutativa {f} |
commutative ring {n} (a ring whose multiplicative operation is commutative) | :: anello commutativo {m} |
commutativity {n} (mathematics, physics: The state of being commutative.) | :: commutatività {f} |
commute {v} /kəˈmjuːt/ (math: to be commutative) | :: commutare |
commute {v} (to regularly travel to and from work, school etc.) | :: fare il pendolare |
commuter {n} (a person who regularly travels to work) | :: pendolare {m} {f} |
Como {prop} (Province of Lombardy) | :: Como |
Como {prop} (City and capital of Como Province) | :: Como {f} |
Comoran {adj} (Comorian) SEE: Comorian | :: |
Comoran {n} (Comorian) SEE: Comorian | :: |
Comorian {n} (person) | :: comoriano {m} |
Comorian {adj} (pertaining to the Comoros) | :: comoriano |
Comoros {prop} /ˈkɒm.ə.ɹoʊz/ (country in Eastern Africa) | :: Comore |
co-mother-in-law {n} (mother of one's son- or daughter-in-law) | :: consuocera |
compact {adj} /ˈkɑmˌpækt/ (closely packed) | :: compatto |
compactor {n} /kɑmˈpæktɚ/ (A Material-reducing Machine) | :: compattatore {m} |
companion {n} /kəmˈpænjən/ (someone with whom one spends time or keeps company) | :: amico {m}, compagno {m} |
company {n} /ˈkʌmp(ə)ni/ (in legal context, a corporation) | :: azienda {f}, impresa {f}, compagnia {f} |
company {n} (military unit) | :: compagnia {f} |
comparable {adj} (similar) SEE: similar | :: |
comparable {adj} /ˈkɑmp(ə)ɹəbl̩/ (able to be compared) | :: comparabile |
comparative {adj} /kəmˈpɛɹ.ə.tɪv/ (of or relating to comparison) | :: comparativo {m} |
comparative {adj} (using comparison as a method of study) | :: comparativo {m} |
comparative {adj} (relative) | :: comparativo |
comparative {n} (grammatical construction) | :: comparativo {m} |
comparative {n} (word in comparative form) | :: comparativo |
comparative anatomy {n} (the study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of organisms) | :: anatomia comparata {f} |
comparative degree {n} ((grammar)) SEE: comparative | :: |
compare {v} /kəmˈpɛɚ/ (to assess the similarities between two things or between one thing and another) | :: paragonare |
comparison {n} /kəmˈpɛɹɪsən/ (act of comparing or the state of being compared) | :: comparazione, paragone {m}, confronto {m} |
comparison {n} (evaluation of the similarities and differences of two (or more) things) | :: comparazione |
compartment {n} /kəmˈpɑː(ɹ)tmənt/ (heraldry: mound beneath the shield) | :: terrazza, zoccolo |
compass {n} /ˈkʌm.pəs/ (instrument to determine cardinal directions) | :: bussola {f} |
compass {n} (pair of compasses) SEE: pair of compasses | :: |
compassion {n} /kəmˈpæʃ.ən/ (deep awareness of the suffering of another) | :: compassione |
compassionate {adj} /kəmˈpæʃənət/ (having, feeling or showing compassion) | :: compassionevole |
compass point {n} (any of the horizontal directions indicated on a compass) | :: punto cardinale {m} |
compass rose {n} (a circle indicating directions) | :: rosa dei venti |
compatibility {n} /kəmˌpætɪˈbɪlɪti/ (capability to exist without mutual interference) | :: compatibilità {f} |
compatible {adj} /kəmˈpætəbəl/ (able to get along well) | :: compatibile |
compatriot {n} /kəmˈpeɪtɹi.ət/ (somebody from one's own country) | :: compatriota {m} {f}, connazionale {m} {f}, paesano {m} |
compel {v} /kəmˈpɛl/ (force, constrain or coerce) | :: forzare, costringere, obbligare |
compellation {n} /ˌkɒmpəˈleɪʃən/ (name or title by which someone is addressed or identified, see also: appellation; designation) | :: appellativo {m}, designazione {f} |
compelling {adj} /kəmˈpɛlɪŋ/ (requiring urgent attention) | :: impellente, indifferibile, urgente, pressante |
compelling {adj} (forceful) | :: convincente |
compendium {n} (short, complete summary) | :: compendio {m} |
compere {n} (master of ceremonies) SEE: master of ceremonies | :: |
compete {v} /kəm.ˈpiːt/ (to contend) | :: competere, gareggiare |
competence {n} /ˈkɒmpətəns/ (the quality or state of being competent for a general role.) | :: competenza {f} |
competency {n} /ˈkɒmpətənsi/ | :: competenza {f} |
competition {n} /ˌkɑːmpəˈtɪʃən/ (action of competing) | :: competizione {f}, concorrenza {f} |
competition {n} (contest for a prize or award) | :: concorso {m}, competizione {f}, gara {f} |
competitive {adj} /kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv/ (biochemistry: inhibiting an enzyme) | :: competitivo |
competitiveness {n} /kəmˈpɛtɪtɪvnəs/ (state of being competitive) | :: competitività {f} |
competitor {n} (person against whom one is competing) | :: avversario, rivale {m}, competitore, antagonista {m} |
competitor {n} (participant in a competition) | :: concorrente |
compilation {n} /kɒmpɪˈleɪʃən/ (translation of source code into object code by a compiler) | :: compilazione {f} |
compile {v} /kəmˈpaɪl/ (assemble from a collection) | :: compilare |
compile {v} (produce executable) | :: compilare {m} |
complacency {n} (feeling) | :: autocompiacimento {m}, compiacimento {m}, autostima {f} |
complain {v} /kəmˈpleɪn/ (to express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment) | :: lamentarsi, lagnarsi |
complain {v} | :: reclamare, lamentarsi, lagnarsi |
complaint {n} /kəmˈpleɪnt/ (grievance, problem, difficulty, or concern; the act of complaining) | :: reclamo {m}, lamentela {f}, rimostranza {f} |
complaint {n} (legal: in a civil action, the first pleading of the plaintiff) | :: denuncia {f} |
complaint {n} (criminal law: preliminary charge or accusation made by one person against another) | :: denuncia {f} |
complaint {n} (bodily disorder or disease; the symptom of such a disorder) | :: disturbo {m} |
complement {n} /ˈkɑmpləmənt/ (something which complements) | :: completamento {m}, complemento {m} |
complement {n} (angle which, together with a given angle, makes a right angle) | :: angolo complementare |
complement {n} (set theory: relative complement) | :: insieme complemento {m}, insieme differenza {m} |
complement {n} (set theory: absolute complement) | :: insieme complemento {m}, complemento assoluto {m} |
complement {v} (to complete) | :: completare |
complementarity {n} /ˌkɒmpləmɛnˈtæɹɪti/ (state of being complementary) | :: complementarità {f} |
complete {v} /kəmˈpliːt/ (to finish) | :: completare, compiere, andare fino alla fine, portare a compimento |
complete {v} (to make whole or entire) | :: completare, riempire, portare a termine |
complete {adj} (with everything included) | :: completo {m}, completa {f} |
complete {adj} (finished; ended; concluded; completed) | :: completato, concluso |
complete angle {n} (round angle) SEE: round angle | :: |
completed {adj} /kəmˈpliːtɪd/ (finished) | :: completato |
complete graph {n} (graph) | :: grafo completo {m} |
completely {adv} /kəmˈpliːtli/ (in a complete manner) | :: completamente, interamente, del tutto, totalmente, pienamente |
completely {adv} (to the fullest extent or degree) | :: completamente, interamente, del tutto, totalmente, pienamente |
completeness {n} (state or condition of being complete) | :: completezza {f} |
completion {n} /kəmˈpliːʃən/ (making complete; conclusion) | :: completamento {m} |
completist {n} (collector who strives to obtain a complete collection) | :: completista {m} {f} |
completist {n} (person who champions philosophy which focuses on the completeness of something) | :: completista {m} {f} |
complex {adj} /kəmˈplɛks/ (intricate) | :: complesso |
complex {n} (collection of buildings) | :: complesso {m} |
complex {n} (psychologically based dislike or fear) | :: complesso {m} |
complex {n} (in chemistry) | :: complesso {m} |
complex {v} (to form a complex with another substance) | :: complessare |
complex {n} (problem) SEE: problem | :: |
complex geometry {n} (field of mathematics) | :: geometria complessa {f} |
complexity {n} /kəmˈplɛk.sɪ.ti/ (The state of being complex; intricacy; entanglement) | :: complessità {f} |
complexity {n} (That which is complex; intricacy; complication) | :: complessità {f} |
complex number {n} (number of the form a + bi) | :: numero complesso {m} |
complex sentence {n} (sentence containing one independent clause and a dependent clause) | :: periodo {m} |
compliance {n} /kəmˈplaɪəns/ (act of complying) | :: conformità {f} |
compliance {n} (state of being compliant) | :: arrendevolezza {f} |
compliancy {n} (state of being compliant) SEE: compliance | :: |
compliant {adj} /kəmˈplaɪənt/ (compatible with or following guidelines) | :: conforme {m} |
complicate {v} /ˈkɑmplɪkeɪt/ (to combine intricately) | :: complicare |
complicated {adj} /ˈkɑmplɪkeɪtɪd/ (difficult or convoluted) | :: complicato |
complication {n} (a disease) | :: complicazione |
complicity {n} (The state of being complicit) | :: complicità {f} |
compliment {n} /ˈkɑmpləmənt/ (expression of praise, congratulation or respect) | :: complimento {m} |
compliment {v} (to pay a compliment; to express a favorable opinion) | :: complimentarsi |
compline {n} /ˈkɑːmplɪn/ (last of the canonical hours) | :: compieta {f} |
comply {v} /kəmˈplaɪ/ (to yield assent; to accord; to acquiesce, agree) | :: concordare, adattarsi, conformarsi |
comply {v} (to accomplish, fulfil) | :: attuare |
component {n} /kʌmˈpoʊnənt/ (smaller, self-contained part of larger entity) | :: componente {m} |
comport {v} /kəmˈpɔː(ɹ)t/ (to be in agreement) | :: aderire a, accordarsi |
comport {v} (to behave (usually reflexive)) | :: comportarsi |
compose {v} /kəmˈpoʊz/ | :: comporre |
composer {n} (one who composes music) | :: compositore {m}, compositrice {f} |
composition {n} (synthesis as opposed to analysis) SEE: synthesis | :: |
composition {n} (essay) SEE: essay | :: |
composition {n} /ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃən/ (proportion of different parts to make a whole) | :: composizione {f} |
composition {n} (general makeup of something) | :: composizione {f}, componimento {m} |
composition {n} (mixture or compound) | :: composizione {f} |
composition {n} (work of music, literature or art) | :: composizione {f}, componimento {m} |
composition {n} (printing: typesetting) SEE: typesetting | :: |
compost {n} /ˈkɑmpoʊst/ (decayed remains of organic matter) | :: compost {m} |
compost {v} (to produce compost) | :: compostare |
composure {n} /kəmˈpoʊʒɚ/ (calmness of mind or matter, self-possession) | :: contegno, compostezza {f}, ritegno {m}, autocontrollo {m}, disponibilità {f} |
compote {n} /ˈkɑmpoʊt/ (fruit dessert) | :: composta {f} |
compound {n} /ˈkɑmpaʊnd/ (enclosure within which workers, prisoners, or soldiers are confined) | :: campo di prigionìa |
compound {n} (group of buildings for the same purpose) | :: complesso {m} |
compound {adj} /ˈkɑmpaʊnd/ (composed of elements) | :: composto {m}, costituito {m} |
compound {n} (anything made by combining several things) | :: composto {m}, miscuglio {m}, amalgama {m} |
compound {n} (chemistry: substance made by chemical combination of elements) | :: composto {m} |
compound {v} (to come together) | :: unirsi |
compound {v} (to come to terms of agreement) | :: accordarsi, mettersi d'accordo |
compound {v} (to put together) | :: mettere insieme, comporre |
compound {v} (to add to) | :: aggiungere |
compound {n} (linguistics: word formed by combining other words) SEE: compound word | :: |
compound bow {n} | :: arco compound |
compound word {n} (word composed of others) | :: parola composta {f} |
comprehend {v} /kɑmpɹɪˈhɛnd/ (to cover) | :: comprendere |
comprehend {v} (to understand) | :: comprendere, capire |
comprehensible {adj} /kɒmpɹəˈhɛnsɪbəl/ (able to be comprehended) | :: comprensibile |
comprehension {n} /kɑmpɹɪˈhɛnʃn̩/ (thorough understanding) | :: comprensione {f} |
comprehensive {adj} /ˌkɑːm.pɹəˈhɛn.sɪv/ (broadly or completely covering) | :: esaustivo |
comprehensive school {n} (normal secondary school, accepting pupils of all abilities) | :: liceo scientifico {m} |
compress {v} (to abridge) SEE: abridge | :: |
compress {v} /kəmˈpɹɛs/ (to press together into a smaller space) | :: comprimere |
compress {n} /ˈkɑmpɹɛs/ (cloth used to dress or apply pressure to wounds) | :: compressa {f} |
compressed air {n} (air increased in pressure) | :: aria compressa {f} |
compressibility {n} (the degree to which something is compressible) | :: comprimibilità {f} |
compression {n} /kɒm.pɹɛʃ.ən/ (the act of compressing) | :: compressione {f} |
compression {n} (the cycle of an internal combustion engine during which the fuel and air mixture is compressed) | :: compressione {f} |
compression {n} ((computing) the process by which data is compressed) | :: compressione {f} |
compressive {adj} (that compresses) | :: compressivo |
compressor {n} (device that produces pressure) | :: compressore {m} |
comprise {v} /kəmˈpɹaɪz/ (be made up of) | :: consistere, comprendere |
comprise {v} (include) | :: comprendere, includere |
compromise {n} /ˈkɑmpɹəˌmaɪz/ (settlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions) | :: compromesso {m} |
compromise {v} (to bind by mutual agreement) | :: pattuire |
compromise {v} (to find a way between extremes) | :: trovare un compromesso, pattuire |
compromise {v} (to bind by mutual agreement) | :: pattuire |
comptroller {n} /kəmpˈtɹoʊləɹ/ (the chief accountant of a company or government) | :: controllore |
compulsively {adv} (in a compulsive manner) | :: compulsivamente |
compulsiveness {n} (the state of being compulsive) | :: compulsività {f} |
compulsory {adj} /kəmˈpʌlsəri/ (mandatory) | :: obbligatorio, coatto |
compulsory {adj} (constraining) | :: obbligatorio, coatto |
compulsory purchase {n} (government's right to expropriate private land) | :: espropriazione per pubblica utilità {f} |
compunction {n} /kəmˈpʌŋk.ʃən/ (pricking of conscience) | :: compunzione {f} |
computation {n} (the act or process of computing) | :: calcolo {m} |
computational {adj} (of or relating to computation) | :: computazionale |
computational linguistics {n} (interdisciplinary field) | :: linguistica computazionale |
computationally {adv} (computational manner) | :: computazionalmente |
computationally {adv} (using computation) | :: computazionalmente |
compute {v} /kəmˈpjuːt/ (to reckon or calculate) | :: computare, elaborare, calcolare |
compute {v} (to make sense) SEE: make sense | :: |
computed tomography {n} (form of radiography which uses computer software) | :: tomografia computerizzata {f} |
computer {n} /kəmˈpjutɚ/ (device) | :: calcolatore {m}, computer {m}, elaboratore {m} |
computer game {n} (electronic game) | :: gioco di computer {m} |
computerize {v} (equip with a computer or a computer system) | :: informatizzare |
computer science {n} (study of computers and their architecture) | :: informatica {f} |
computer scientist {n} (one who studies or practises computer science) | :: informatico {m}, informatica {f} |
computing {n} /kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ/ (action of using a computer) | :: utilizzo del computer |
computing {n} (the study, field of computers and computer programming) | :: informatica {f} |
computing {n} (calculation) SEE: calculation | :: |
comrade {n} /ˈkɒmɹeɪd/ (fellow socialist or communist) | :: compagno {m}, compagna {f} |
comrade {n} | :: compagno {m}, camerata {m} {f} |
comrade in arms {n} (brother-in-arms) SEE: brother-in-arms | :: |
comune {n} /kəˈmuːneɪ/ (smallest Italian civil administrative unit) | :: comune {m} |
con {n} /kɒn/ (disadvantage of something) | :: contro {n} |
con {n} (a convicted criminal, a convict) | :: carcerato |
con artist {n} (scam operator, conman) | :: defraudatore {m}, ingannatore {m}, millantatore {m}, abbindolatore {m}, mistificatore {m}, imbonitore {m} |
concave {adj} /ˈkɒŋkeɪv/ (curved inward) | :: concavo |
conceal {v} /kənˈsiːl/ (to hide something) | :: nascondere, celare |
concealment {n} /kənˈsiːlmənt/ (The practice of keeping secrets) | :: occultamento {m}, dissimulazione {f} |
concealment {n} ((military) protection from observation or surveillance) | :: dissimulazione {f}, mascheramento {m}, occultamento {m}, celamento {m} |
conceit {n} /kənˈsiːt/ (overly high self-esteem) | :: presunzione {f}, (vain pride) vanità {f} |
conceit {n} (ingenious expression or metaphorical idea as a literary device) | :: concetto {m} |
conceited {adj} (having an excessively favorable opinion of oneself) | :: pallone gonfiato, arrogante |
conceitedly {adv} (in a conceited or egotistical manner) | :: boriosamente, ventosamente, presuntuosamente, spocchiosamente |
conceivable {adj} /kənˈsiːvəbl̩/ (capable of being conceived or imagined; possible; credible; thinkable) | :: concepibile, ideabile, immaginabile, pensabile |
conceive {v} /kənˈsiːv/ (to develop an idea) | :: concepire, sviluppare, ideare |
conceive {v} (to understand someone) | :: concepire |
conceive {v} (to become pregnant) | :: concepire |
concent {n} (harmony) | :: concento {m} |
concentrate {v} /ˈkɑn.sən.tɹeɪt/ (bring to, or direct toward, a common center) | :: concentrare |
concentrate {v} (increase the strength and diminish the bulk of, as of a liquid or an ore) | :: concentrare |
concentrate {v} (approach or meet in a common center) | :: concentrarsi |
concentrate {n} (A substance that is in a condensed form) | :: concentrato {m} |
concentration {n} /ˌkɒnsənˈtɹeɪʃən/ (act or process of concentrating) | :: concentrazione {f} |
concentration {n} (act or process of reducing the volume of a liquid) | :: concentrazione {f} |
concentration {n} (proportion of substance in a mixture) | :: concentrazione {f} |
concentration {n} (chemistry: amount of solute present in a solution) | :: concentrazione {f} |
concentration camp {n} (camp where large numbers of persons are detained) | :: campo di concentramento {m} |
concentric {adj} (having a common center) | :: concentrico |
concept {n} /ˈkɒn.sɛpt/ (something understood and retained in the mind) | :: concetto {m}, ipotesi |
conception {n} /kənˈsɛpʃən/ (initiation of an embryonic animal life) | :: concezione {f}, concepimento {m} |
conception {n} (an image, idea, or notion formed in the mind) | :: concetto |
concern {n} /kənˈsɝn/ (the expression of solicitude, anxiety, or compassion toward a thing or person) | :: preoccupazione |
concern {n} (business, firm or enterprise; a company) | :: impresa {f} |
concern {v} (to be of importance to) | :: interessare, concernere, riguardare |
concern {v} (to make somebody worried) | :: preoccupare, turbare, inquietare |
concerning {prep} /kənˈsɝnɪŋ/ (regarding) | :: per quanto riguarda |
concert {v} /kənˈsɝt/ (To plan together) | :: concertare, concordare |
concert {v} (To plan; to devise; to arrange) | :: pianificare |
concert {v} (To act in harmony or conjunction) | :: concertare, collaborare |
concert {n} (agreement in a design or plan) | :: concerto {m} |
concert {n} (a musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part) | :: concerto {m} |
concert hall {n} (building) | :: sala concerti {f} |
concertina {n} /ˌkɑnsɚˈtinə/ (the musical instrument) | :: fisarmonica {f} |
concerto {n} /kənˈtʃɛɹtoʊ/ (a piece of music for one or more solo instruments and orchestra) | :: concerto {m} |
concessive {adj} (of, pertaining to, or being a concession) | :: concessivo |
conchectomy {n} | :: conchectomia {f} |
conchiglie {n} (type of pasta) | :: conchiglie {f} |
conciliarism {n} (doctrine) | :: conciliarismo {m} |
conciliarist {n} /kənˈsɪlɪəɹɪst/ (believer in conciliarism) | :: conciliarista {m} {f} |
concise {adj} /kənˈsaɪs/ (brief and precise) | :: conciso |
concisely {adv} (in a concise manner) | :: concisamente, brevemente, succintamente, chiaramente, puntualmente, sinteticamente |
conciseness {n} (property of being concise) | :: concisione {f}, stringatezza {f} |
conclave {n} /ˈkɑn.kleɪv/ (group of Roman Catholic cardinals) | :: conclave {m} |
conclavist {n} (personal aide of a cardinal at a papal conclave) | :: conclavista {m} |
conclude {v} /kən.ˈkluːd/ (to end) | :: finire, concludere |
conclude {v} (to come to a final decision) | :: concludere |
conclusion {n} /kənˈkluːʒən/ (end, final part) | :: conclusione {f} |
conclusion {n} (outcome) | :: conclusione {f} |
conclusion {n} (decision, judgment) | :: conclusione {f} |
conclusive {adj} /kənˈklusɪv/ (pertaining to a conclusion) | :: conclusivo |
conclusive {adj} (decisive) | :: conclusivo, decisivo |
concoct {v} /kəŋˈkɒkt/ (to prepare something by mixing various ingredients, especially to prepare food for cooking) | :: intrugliare, preparare |
concoct {v} (to contrive something using skill or ingenuity) | :: combinare, complottare |
concoction {n} /kənˈkɒkʃən/ (preparing of substance from many ingredients) | :: mistura {f}, intruglio {m}, miscuglio {m} |
concoction {n} (something made up) | :: macchinazione {f}, accrocco {m}, lavoro abborracciato {m} |
concomitant {adj} /kənˈkɑːmətənt/ (following as a consequence) | :: concomitante |
concord {n} ((grammar) Agreement of words with one another) SEE: agreement | :: |
concordance {n} (agreement) SEE: agreement | :: |
concordant {adj} (agreeing, correspondent, harmonious) | :: concordante, concorde |
concordat {n} /kənˈkɔːdæt/ (agreement) | :: concordato {m} |
concourse {n} /ˈkɒŋkɔː(ɹ)s/ (a large open space in a building where people can gather) | :: spianata {f}, salone {m}, sala {f}, atrio {m}, androne {m} |
concourse {n} (a large group of people; a crowd) | :: concorso {m}, affluenza {f}, moltitudine {f}, turba {f} |
concourse {n} (the running or flowing together of things; the meeting of things) | :: afflusso {m}, concomitanza {f} |
concrete {adj} /ˌkɑnˈkɹiːt/ (particular, perceivable, real) | :: concreto, reale |
concrete {adj} (not abstract) | :: concreto, reale |
concrete {adj} (made of concrete) | :: in / di calcestruzzo, in / di cemento |
concrete {n} (building material) | :: calcestruzzo {m}, [colloquial] cemento {m}, beton {m} |
concrete {v} (cover with concrete) | :: coprire (ricoprire) di calcestruzzo (cemento), cementificare |
concrete {v} (solidify, become concrete (actual, real)) | :: solidificare, solidificarsi, concretizzare, concretizzarsi |
concrete jungle {n} (unattractive urban area due to lack of greenery) | :: giungla d'asfalto {f}, giungla di cemento {f} |
concrete mixer {n} (cement mixer) SEE: cement mixer | :: |
concreteness {n} (the state of being concrete) | :: concretezza {f} |
concrete term {n} (a term which expresses material facts, actions and events) | :: termine concreto {m} |
concrete verb {n} (type of verbs) | :: verbo concreto {m} |
concretion {n} (petrology: rounded mass of a mineral) | :: concrezione {f} |
concretism {n} (abstractionist movement) | :: concretismo {m} |
concubinage {n} (the state of cohabitating while not married) | :: concubinato {m} |
concubinage {n} (the state of being a concubine) | :: concubinaggio {m}, concubinario {m} |
concubine {n} (mistress) SEE: mistress | :: |
concubine {n} (slave-girl) SEE: slave-girl | :: |
concurrent {adj} /kəŋˈkɝɹənt/ (happening at the same time; simultaneous) | :: concomitante, concorrente, simultaneo |
concurrent {adj} (belonging to the same period; contemporary) | :: coetaneo, contemporaneo |
concussion {n} /kənˈkʌʃən/ (injury) | :: commozione cerebrale |
condemn {v} /kənˈdɛm/ (to pronounce guilty) | :: condannare |
condemnable {adj} /kənˈdɛm.nə.bəl/ (deserving of condemnation) | :: condannabile, denunciabile, [literary] dannabile |
condensability {n} (condition of being condensable) | :: condensabilità {f} |
condensation {n} (the act or process) | :: condensazione {f} |
condensation {n} (physics: conversion of a gas to a liquid) | :: condensazione {f} |
condense {v} /kənˈdɛns/ (to concentrate toward the essence) | :: condensare |
condense {v} (to transform from a gaseous state into a liquid state) | :: condensare |
condense {v} (to be transformed from a gaseous state into a liquid state) | :: condensarsi |
condensed milk {n} (milk that has been reduced to syrup) | :: latte condensato |
condenser {n} (capacitor) SEE: capacitor | :: |
condescend {v} /ˌkɑːndɪˈsɛnd/ (come down from one's superior position) | :: accondiscendere |
condescend {v} (treat a person as though inferior) | :: concedere |
condescendingly {adv} /kɒn.dɪˈsen.dɪŋ.li/ (In a condescending manner) | :: con tono di condiscendenza |
condiment {n} /ˈkɒn.dɪ.mənt/ (something used to enhance flavor) | :: condimento {m} |
condition {n} /kənˈdɪʃən/ (logical clause or phrase) | :: condizione {f} |
condition {n} (requirement or requisite) | :: condizione |
condition {n} (health status of a patient) | :: condizione {f} |
condition {n} (state of an object) | :: condizione {f} |
condition {v} (to undergo the process of acclimation) | :: influenzare |
condition {v} (to subject to different conditions) | :: condizionare |
condition {v} (to shape the behaviour of someone to do something) | :: condizionare |
conditional {n} /kənˈdɪʃənəl/ (grammar: mode/mood) | :: condizionale {m} |
conditional {n} (limitation) SEE: limitation | :: |
conditionally {adv} (under specified conditions) | :: condizionalmente |
conditional mood {n} (conditional) SEE: conditional | :: |
conditional perfect {n} (grammatical tense) | :: condizionale passato {m} |
conditional sentence {n} (probation) SEE: probation | :: |
conditioner {n} (hair conditioner) SEE: hair conditioner | :: |
conditioner {n} (fabric softener) SEE: fabric softener | :: |
conditioning {n} /kənˈdɪʃənɪŋ/ (preparation or training) | :: riscaldamento {m} |
condition precedent {n} | :: condizione sospensiva {f} |
condition subsequent {n} (condition) | :: condizione risolutiva {f} |
condole {v} (to express sympathetic sorrow, to lament) | :: condolersi |
condolence {n} /kənˈdoʊləns/ (comfort, support or sympathy) | :: conforto {m} |
condolence {n} (sympathy when someone has died) | :: condoglianze |
condom {n} /ˈkɑn.dəm/ (flexible sleeve worn on the penis) | :: preservativo {m}, profilattico {m}, condom {m} |
condominium {n} /kɑn.dəˈmɪn.i.əm/ (building in which each unit is owned by an individual, but the grounds is owned jointly) | :: condominio {m} |
condominium {n} (the system of ownership by which such condominiums operate) | :: condominio {m} |
condor {n} /ˈkɒndɔː(ɹ)/ (California condor) | :: condor {m}, condor della California {m} |
condor {n} (Andean condor) | :: condor {m}, condor delle Ande {m} |
conduct {n} /ˈkɑndʌkt/ (act or method of controlling or directing) | :: conduzione |
conduct {n} (manner of guiding or carrying oneself) | :: comportamento {m}, condotta {f} |
conduct {v} (lead or guide) | :: condurre |
conduct {v} (reflexively: behave) | :: comportarsi |
conduct {v} (music: to direct) | :: dirigere |
conductible {adj} (able to conduct) | :: conducibile |
conductimetry {n} (the measurement of the conductance of a solution, especially during a reaction or titration) | :: conduttometria {f} |
conductive {adj} /kənˈdʌktɪv/ (able to conduct electrical current or heat) | :: conduttivo |
conductor {n} /kənˈdʌktɚ/ (person who conducts an orchestra, choir or other music ensemble) | :: direttore d'orchestra |
conductor {n} (person who takes tickets on public transportation) | :: conducente |
conductor {n} (something which can transmit electricity, heat, light or sound) | :: conducente |
conduit {n} /ˈkɑnd(j)ʊɪt/ (pipe or channel for conveying water) | :: condotto {m} |
conduit {n} (duct or tube into which electrical cables may be pulled) | :: condotto {m} |
condylar {adj} (relating to or resembling a condyle) | :: condilare, condiloide, condiloideo |
condyloma {n} (wart or similar growth in the genital area) | :: condiloma {m} |
cone {n} /kəʊn/ (surface of revolution) | :: cono {m} |
cone {n} (solid of revolution) | :: cono {m} |
cone {n} (anything shaped like a cone) | :: cono {m} |
cone {n} (fruit of conifers) | :: pigna {f}, strobilo {m} |
cone {n} (ice-cream cone) SEE: ice cream cone | :: |
cone {n} (traffic cone) SEE: traffic cone | :: |
Conegliano {prop} (town in Italy) | :: Conegliano |
confectioner's {n} (sweetshop) SEE: sweetshop | :: |
confectioner's cream {n} (cream used by confectioners) | :: crema dit pasticceria {f} |
confectioners' sugar {n} (powdered sugar) SEE: powdered sugar | :: |
confectioners sugar {n} (powdered sugar) SEE: powdered sugar | :: |
confectionery {n} (sweet foodstuffs (collectively)) | :: dolciumi {m-p} |
confectionery {n} (shop where confectionery is sold) SEE: sweetshop | :: |
confederacy {n} (a decentralized state made up of sovereign units) SEE: confederation | :: |
confederacy {n} /kənˈfɛdəɹəsi/ (an alliance) | :: confederazione {f} |
confederal {adj} (of, pertaining to, or being a confederation) | :: confederale |
confederation {n} /kənfɛdəˈɹeɪʃən/ (union or alliance of states) | :: confederazione {f} |
confer {v} /kənˈfʌɹ/ (discuss, consult) | :: conferire |
conference {n} /ˈkɑn.fə.ɹəns/ (a meeting of people) | :: conferenza {f} |
confess {v} /kənˈfɛs/ (to admit to the truth) | :: confessare |
confession {n} /kənˈfɛʃən/ (open admittance) | :: confessione {f} |
confession {n} (disclosure of one's sins to a priest) | :: confessione {f} |
confessor {n} /kənˈfɛsə/ (priest who hears confession) | :: confessore {m} |
confetti {n} /kənˈfɛti/ (small pieces of colored paper generally thrown about at festive occasions) | :: coriandoli {m-p} |
confidence {n} /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ (self-assurance) | :: fiducia {f}, autostima {f}, certezza {f}, sicurezza {f} |
confidence {n} (quality of trusting) | :: fiducia {f} |
confidence {n} (information held in secret) | :: confidenza |
confidence interval {n} (a particular kind of interval estimate of a population parameter) | :: intervallo di confidenza {m}, intervallo di fiducia {m} |
confident {adj} /ˈkɒn.fɪ.dənt/ (being very sure of or positive about something) | :: fiducioso, sicuro |
confident {adj} (self-confident) SEE: self-confident | :: |
confidential {adj} /ˌkɑːnfɪˈdɛnʃl/ (meant to be kept secret within a certain circle) | :: confidenziale, riservato |
confidentiality {n} (something told in confidence) SEE: secret | :: |
confidentially {adv} (in a confidential manner) | :: confidenzialmente |
confidently {adv} /ˈkɑnfɪdəntli/ (in a confident manner) | :: familiarmente |
configuration {n} (relative disposition) | :: configurazione {f} |
configurationism {n} (theory of psychology) | :: configurazionismo {m} |
confine {v} (incarcerate) SEE: incarcerate | :: |
confine {v} (arrest) SEE: arrest | :: |
confine {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison | :: |
confine {v} (detain) SEE: detain | :: |
confined space {n} (enclosed area with limited space and accessibility) | :: spazio confinato {m} |
confirm {v} /kənˈfɜːm/ (to confer the confirmation) | :: cresimare |
confirm {v} (to assure) | :: confermare |
confirm {v} | :: confermare , cresimare |
confirmation {n} /ˌkɑn.fəɹˈmeɪ.ʃən/ (indicator) | :: conferma {f} |
confirmation {n} (verification) | :: conferma {f}, verifica {f} |
confirmation {n} (Christian ceremony or sacrament) | :: cresima {f} |
confirmed {adj} /kənˈfɝmd/ (having a settled habit; inveterate or habitual) | :: inveterato, incallito |
confirmed {adj} (verified or ratified) | :: confermato |
confiscate {v} (take possession of by authority) | :: confiscare |
confiscation {n} (the act or process of confiscating an item from public use; expropriation) | :: confisca {f} |
conflagration {n} /ˌkɒnfləˈɡɹeɪʃən/ (a large, ferocious, and destructive fire) | :: conflagrazione {f} |
conflate {v} /kənˈfleɪt/ (fail to properly distinguish things or keep them separate; mistakenly treat them as equivalent) | :: confondere |
conflict {n} /ˈkɑn.flɪkt/ (clash or disagreement) | :: conflitto {m} |
conflict {n} (incompatibility) | :: incompatibilità {f} |
conflict {v} (be at odds (with)) | :: interferire |
conflict {v} (overlap with, as in a schedule) | :: sovrapporsi |
conflictual {adj} (characterized by conflict) | :: conflittuale |
confocal {adj} (Having the same foci) | :: confocale |
conformable {adj} (having the same shape) | :: conforme |
conformation {n} /kɑnfɚˈmeɪʃən/ (the state of being conformed; agreement; hence; structure) | :: conformazione {f} |
conformism {n} (willingness to conform) | :: conformismo {m} |
confront {v} /kənˈfɹʌnt/ (to set a thing side by side with; to compare) | :: confrontare |
confrontation {n} /ˌkɒnfɹənˈteɪʃən/ (The act of confronting or challenging another, especially face-to-face) | :: braccio di ferro, confronto {m} |
confrontation {n} (A conflict between armed forces) | :: scontro {m} |
confrontation {n} | :: confrontazione, oppozitione |
Confucius {prop} /kənˈfju.ʃəs/ (Chinese philosopher) | :: Confucio {m} |
confuse {v} /kənˈfjuːz/ (to puzzle, perplex, baffle, bewilder somebody) | :: confondere |
confuse {v} (to mix up / muddle up one thing with another; to mistake one thing for another) | :: confondere |
confuse {v} (to rout) SEE: rout | :: |
confused {adj} /kənˈfjuːzd/ (chaotic, jumbled or muddled) | :: confuso |
confused {adj} (making no sense; illogical) | :: confuso |
confused {adj} (embarrassed) | :: confuso |
confusedly {adv} /kənˈfjuːzɪdli/ (in a confused manner) | :: allucinatamente, babelicamente, confusamente, farraginosamente, ingarbugliatamente, nebbiosamente, turbinosamente |
confusing {adj} /kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/ (difficult to understand) | :: che confonde, poco chiaro |
confusion {n} /kənˈfjuːʒən/ (lack of clarity or order) | :: confusione {f}, disordine {m} |
confusion {n} (state of being confused; misunderstanding) | :: disorientamento {m}, sbandamento {m} |
congeal {v} /kənˈdʒiːl/ (to change from a liquid to solid state) | :: congelare |
congeal {v} (to coagulate, make curdled or semi-solid as gel or jelly) | :: coagulare |
congener {n} /ˈkɒnd͡ʒɪnə/ (a plant or animal of the same taxonomic genus as another) | :: congenere {m} |
congeneric {adj} (of or pertaining to congeners) | :: congenere |
congenial {adj} /kənˈd͡ʒiːniəl/ (friendly) | :: simpatico {m}, socievole {m} |
congeniality {n} (quality of being congenial) | :: congenialità {f} |
congenital {adj} (present since birth) | :: congenito |
congenital disorder {n} (birth defect) SEE: birth defect | :: |
congenital insensitivity to pain {n} (CIP) | :: insensibilità congenita al dolore {f} |
conger eel {n} (large marine eel) | :: grongo {m} |
congestion {n} /kənˈd͡ʒɛst.ʃən/ | :: congestione {f} |
conglomerate {v} /kənˈɡlɒm(ə)ɹət/ (to combine together into a larger mass) | :: conglomerare |
conglomeration {n} (that which consists of many previously separate parts) | :: conglomerato {m}, conglomerazione {f} |
Congo {prop} /ˈkɑŋɡoʊ/ (country with Brazzaville as capital) | :: Congo, Repubblica del Congo, Congo-Brazzaville |
Congo {prop} (country with Kinshasa as capital) | :: Congo, Repubblica Democratica del Congo, Congo-Kinshasa |
Congo {prop} (river) | :: Congo |
Congo-Brazzaville {prop} (Congo) SEE: Congo | :: |
Congo-Kinshasa {prop} (Congo) SEE: Congo | :: |
congratulation {n} /kənˌɡɹætjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ (act of congratulating) | :: congratulazione {f} |
congratulations {interj} /kənˌɡɹæt͡ʃəˈleɪʃ(ə)nz/ (expressing approbation) | :: congratulazioni, complimenti |
congregation {n} /ˌkɒŋɡɹɪˈɡeɪʃən/ (religious gathering of people in a place of worship) | :: assemblea |
congregation {n} (large gathering of people) | :: congregazione |
congress {n} (sexual intercourse) SEE: sexual intercourse | :: |
congressman {n} (member of congress) | :: membro del congresso {m} |
Coniacian {prop} (a subdivision of the Late (Upper) Cretaceous epoch) | :: Coniaciano |
conical {adj} /ˈkɒnɪkəl/ (of or relating to a cone) | :: conico |
conical {adj} (cone-shaped) | :: conico |
conical flask {n} (Erlenmeyer flask) SEE: Erlenmeyer flask | :: |
conicality {n} (the condition of being conical) | :: conicità {f} |
conifer {n} (plant) | :: conifera {f} |
coniine {n} (poison) | :: coniina {f} |
conium {n} (Conium) SEE: hemlock | :: |
conjectural {adj} (in the nature of a conjecture) | :: congetturale |
conjecture {n} /kənˈd͡ʒɛk.t͡ʃɚ/ (unproven statement; guess) | :: congettura |
conjecture {v} (to guess) | :: congetturare |
conjugate {v} /ˈkɒndʒəɡeɪt/ (to inflect (a verb) for each person) | :: coniugare |
conjugation {n} /ˌkɑnd͡ʒəˈɡeɪʃən/ (in some languages, one of several classifications of verbs) | :: coniugazione {f} |
conjugation {n} (act of conjugating a verb) | :: coniugazione {f} |
conjunction {n} /kənˈdʒʌŋkʃən/ (grammar: word used to join words or phrases) | :: congiunzione {f} |
conjunction {n} (astronomy: alignment of two bodies in the solar system such that they have the same longitude when seen from Earth) | :: congiunzione {f} |
conjunctive {adj} (grammar: subjunctive) | :: congiuntivo {m} |
conjunctive mode {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood | :: |
conjunctive mood {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood | :: |
conjunctivitis {n} /kənˌdʒʌŋktɪˈvaɪtɪs/ (inflammation) | :: congiuntivite {f} |
conjurer {n} (one who conjures) | :: illusionista {m} {f}, prestigiatore {m} |
conk {n} (slang: a nose) SEE: schnozzle | :: |
conlang {n} (constructed language) SEE: constructed language | :: |
conlanger {n} /ˈkɑn.læŋ.ɚ/ (one who creates constructed languages) | :: glossopoeta |
conman {n} (A confidence trickster) | :: ciarlatano {m}, gabbatore {m}, truffatore {m}, imbroglione {m}, mistificatore {m}, abbindolatore {m}, millantatore {m} |
connate {adj} (of a similar nature) | :: connato |
connate {adj} (inborn) | :: connato |
connate {adj} (botany) | :: connato |
connate {adj} (geology) | :: connato |
connect {v} /kəˈnɛkt/ (to join two or more pieces) | :: connettere, connettersi |
connect {v} (to join an electrical or telephone line) | :: connettere, cablare, collegare |
connected {adj} /kəˈnɛktɪd/ (graph theory: having a path connecting every pair of vertices) | :: connesso {m} |
Connecticut {prop} /kəˈnɛtɪkət/ (a state of the United States of America) | :: Connecticut {m} |
connection {n} /kəˈnɛkʃən/ (act of connecting) | :: connessione {f} |
connection {n} (transfer in transport) | :: coincidenza {f} |
connective tissue {n} (type of tissue) | :: tessuto connettivo {m} |
connectivity {n} (mathematics: measure of number of ways that points are connected to each other) | :: connettività {f} |
Connemara {prop} /ˌkɑnəˈmɑɹə/ (district of western County Galway) | :: Connemara {m} |
connexion {n} (connection) SEE: connection | :: |
conning tower {n} (structure of submarine) | :: torre di comando {f} |
connivance {n} ((law) the process of conniving or conspiring) | :: connivenza {f}, collaborazionismo {m} |
connoisseur {n} /ˌkɒnəˈsɜɹ/ (specialist whose opinion is valued) | :: intenditore {m}, conoscitore {m}; esperto; connaisseur {m} |
connotation {n} /ˌkɑnəˈteɪʃən/ (suggested or implied meaning) | :: connotazione {f} |
connotative {adj} (that implies or suggests something else) | :: connotativo |
connote {v} /kəˈnoʊt/ (to signify beyond principal meaning) | :: connotare |
connote {v} (to imply, to suggest) | :: implicare, connotare |
conoid {adj} (conical) | :: conoide |
conoid {n} (geometry, solid) | :: conoide {m} |
conquer {v} /ˈkɒŋkə/ (defeat in combat) | :: conquistare, sconfiggere, vincere |
conqueror {n} /ˈkɑŋkəɹɚ/ (someone who conquers) | :: conquistatore {m} |
conquest {n} /ˈkɒŋkwɛst/ (victory gained through combat; the subjugation of an enemy) | :: conquista {f}, soggiogamento {m} |
Conrad {prop} /ˈkɑnɹæd/ (given name) | :: Corrado |
consanguinity {n} /kɑnsæŋˈɡwɪnɪti/ (a blood relationship) | :: consanguinità |
conscience {n} /kɒnʃəns/ (moral sense) | :: coscienza {f} |
conscientious {adj} /ˌkɑnʃiˈɛnʃəs/ (thorough, careful, or vigilant) | :: coscienzioso, coscienzioso |
conscientiousness {n} (state or characteristic of being conscientious) | :: coscienziosità {f} |
conscientious objector {n} (someone refusing to fight in an armed conflict because of religious or moral principles) | :: obiettore di coscienza {m} |
conscious {adj} /ˈkɑn.ʃəs/ (alert, awake) | :: cosciente |
conscious {adj} (aware of one's own existence) | :: cosciente |
conscious {adj} (aware of or alert to, sensitive to) | :: cosciente, conscio {m}, consapevole |
consciously {adv} (in a conscious manner; knowingly, volitionally) | :: coscientemente |
consciousness {n} /ˈkɑnʃəsnəs/ (awareness) | :: conoscenza {f}, coscienza {f} |
conscript {n} /ˈkɒnskɹɪpt/ (Draftee) | :: coscritto {m}, soldato di leva |
conscript {v} (to enrol(l) compulsorily) | :: arruolare |
conscription {n} (involuntary labor, especially military service) | :: coscrizione, arruolamento {m} |
consecution {n} (sequence) SEE: sequence | :: |
consecution {n} (sequel) SEE: sequel | :: |
consecution {n} (succession) SEE: succession | :: |
consecutio temporum {n} /ˌkɒnsəˈkjuːʃiəʊ ˌtɛmˈpɔːɹəm/ (sequence of tenses) | :: consecutio temporum {f}, concordanza dei tempi {f} |
consecutively {adv} (in a consecutive manner) | :: consecutivamente |
consensual {adj} /kənˈsɛnʃuəl/ (With consensus) | :: consensuale |
consensus {n} (general agreement) | :: consenso {m} |
consent {v} /kənˈsɛnt/ (to express willingness) | :: consentire |
consent {n} (voluntary agreement) | :: consenso {m} |
consequence {n} /ˈkɑnsɪkwɛns/ (that which follows something on which it depends) | :: conseguenza {f} |
consequently {adv} /ˈkɑːnsɪˌkwɛntli/ (as a result or consequence) | :: di conseguenza |
conservation {n} /ˌkɑnsə(ɹ)ˈveɪʃən/ ((biology) gene sequences or structures that are not changed in evolution) | :: conservazione |
conservatism {n} (political philosophy that favors maintaining limited government involvement) | :: conservatorismo {m} |
conservative {n} /kənˈsɝvətɪv/ (political conservative) | :: conservatore {m}, conservatrice {f} |
conservative {adj} (tending to resist change) | :: conservatore {m}, conservatrice {f} |
conservative {adj} (based on pessimistic assumptions) | :: prudente |
conservative {adj} (cautious) SEE: cautious | :: |
conservativism {n} (conservatism) SEE: conservatism | :: |
conservatoire {n} (school or educational institution that teaches music) | :: conservatorio {m} |
conservatory {n} /kənˈsɜː.və.tɹi/ (school of music or drama) | :: conservatorio {m} |
conserve {v} /ˈkɒnsɜː(ɹ)v/ (to save for later use) | :: conservare |
consider {v} /kənˈsɪdə/ (think about seriously) | :: considerare |
consider {v} (think of doing) | :: pensare |
consider {v} (look at attentively) | :: osservare |
consider {v} (to have regard to; to take into view or account; to pay due attention to; to respect) | :: prestare attenzione |
considerable {adj} /kənˈsɪdəɹəbl̩/ (large in amount) | :: considerabile |
considerably {adv} /kənˈsɪdəɹəbli/ (significantly) | :: considerevolmente, notevolmente, sensibilmente |
considerate {adj} /kənˈsɪdəɹət/ (thoughtful) | :: amichevole, cordiale, disponibile |
consideration {n} /kənˌsɪdəˈɹeɪʃən/ (process of considering) | :: considerazione {f} |
consist {v} /kənˈsɪst/ (to be composed (of)) | :: consistere (of: di), comporsi, configurarsi |
consist {n} /ˈkɒn.sɪst/ (sequence of railroad carriages or cars that form a unit) | :: composizione {f}, configurazione {f}, formazione {f} |
consistency {n} /kənˈsɪst(ə)nsi/ (reliability or uniformity; the quality of being consistent) | :: coerenza {f}, costanza {f} |
consistency {n} (degree of viscosity of something) | :: consistenza {f} |
consistent {adj} /kənˈsɪstənt/ (of a regularly occurring, dependable nature) | :: costante, continuo |
consistent {adj} (compatible, accordant) | :: coerente, conforme, compatibile |
consistently {adv} (in a consistent manner) | :: coerentemente |
consistently {adv} (constantly) SEE: constantly | :: |
consociationalism {n} (political consociation) | :: consociativismo {m}, consociazionismo {m} |
consolation {n} /ˌkɑn.səˈleɪ.ʃən/ (act of consoling) | :: consolazione {f} |
consolation goal {n} | :: gol della bandiera {m} |
console {v} /kənˈsoʊl/ (to comfort) | :: consolare, racconsolare |
consonance {n} (music harmony; agreement) | :: consonanza {f} |
consonant {n} /ˈkɑn.sə.nənt/ (sound) | :: consonante {f} |
consonant {n} (letter) | :: consonante {f} |
consonant {adj} (Characterized by harmony or agreement) | :: consonante |
consonantism {n} (consonant sounds of a language) | :: consonantismo {m} |
consort {n} /ˈkɑnsɔɹt/ (husband, wife, companion or partner) | :: consorte {m} {f} |
consortium {n} /kənˈsɔː(ɹ).ʃəm/ (association or combination of businesses) | :: consorzio {m} |
conspicuous consumption {n} (public display of acquisition of possessions) | :: consumo ostentativo {m}, consumo vistoso {m} |
conspiracism {n} | :: cospirazionismo {m}, complottismo {m} |
conspiracy {n} /kənˈspɪɹəsi/ (act of working in secret to obtain some goal) | :: cospirazione {f} |
conspirator {n} /kənˈspɪɹətɚ/ (person who is part of a conspiracy) | :: congiurato {m}, congiurata {f}, cospiratore {m}, cospiratrice {f}, complottardo |
conspiratorial {adj} /kənˌspɪɹəˈtɔːɹɪəl/ (pertaining to conspiracy or conspirators) | :: cospirativo, cospiratorio |
constable {n} /ˈkɑnstəbəl/ (police officer rank) | :: appuntato (carabinieri) {m}, agente (polizia) {m} |
Constance {prop} (female given name) | :: Costanza |
constant {adj} /ˈkɑnstənt/ (unchanged through time) | :: costante |
constant {adj} (consistently recurring over time) | :: costante |
constant {adj} (steady) | :: costante |
constant {n} (that which is permanent or invariable) | :: costante {f} |
constant {n} (algebra: quantity that remains fixed) | :: costante {f} |
constant {n} (science: property that does not change) | :: costante {f} |
constant {n} (identifier that is bound to an invariant value) | :: costante {f} |
constantan {n} (allow of copper and nickel) | :: costantana {f} |
Constantine {prop} /ˈkɒns.tənˌtiːn/ (male given name) | :: Costantino |
Constantinian {adj} (pertaining to Constantine) | :: costantiniano |
Constantinople {prop} /ˌkɔnstæntɪˈnəʊp(ə)l/ (Constantinople) | :: Costantinopoli |
constantly {adv} /ˈkɒnstəntli/ (in a constant manner) | :: costantemente |
constantly {adv} (recurring regularly) | :: costantemente |
constantly {adv} (in an invariable manner) | :: costantemente |
constellation {n} /ˌkɑn.stəˈleɪ.ʃən/ (formation of stars perceived as figure) | :: costellazione {f} |
constellation {n} (image associated with a group of stars) | :: costellazione {f} |
constellation {n} (modern astronomy: any of 88 officially recognized regions) | :: costellazione {f} |
constellation {n} (astrology: configuration of planets) | :: costellazione {f} |
constellation {n} (wide, seemingly unlimited assortment) | :: costellazione {f} |
consternate {v} (cause consternation in) | :: costernare |
consternation {n} /ˌkɑn.stɚˈne͡ɪ.ʃən/ (amazement or horror; terror, combined with amazement; dismay) | :: costernazione {f} |
constipation {n} (state of bowels) | :: stipsi {f}, stitichezza {f} |
constituency {n} (district represented by one or more elected officials) | :: circoscrizione {f} |
constituency {n} (voters within such a district) SEE: electorate | :: |
constituent {adj} (being a part, or component of a whole) | :: costituente |
constituent {adj} (authorized to make a constitution) | :: costituente |
constituent {n} (part, or component of a whole) | :: elemento {m}, costitutivo {m} |
constituent {n} (resident of a place represented by an elected official) | :: elettore {m} |
constituent {n} (functional element of a phrase or clause) | :: elemento {m} |
constitute {v} /ˈkɑnstɪt(j)uːt/ (to cause to stand; to establish; to enact) | :: costituire, creare, formare |
constitute {v} (to make up; to compose; to form) | :: creare, formare, costituire, rappresentare |
constitute {v} (to appoint, depute, or elect to an office; to make and empower) | :: nominare, deputare, creare |
constitution {n} /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃən/ (act or process of setting something up, or establishing something; composition, structure, makeup) | :: costituzione {f} |
constitution {n} (formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions) | :: costituzione {f} |
constitution {n} (legal document describing such a formal system) | :: costituzione {f} |
constitution {n} (general health of a person) | :: costituzione {f} |
constitutional {adj} /ˌkɑnstɪˈtuːʃənəl/ (relating to the constitution) | :: costituzionale |
constitutional {adj} (conforming to the constitution) | :: costituzionale |
constitutionalism {n} /ˌkɑnstɪˈtuʃənəˌlɪzəm/ (belief in government under a written constitution) | :: costituzionalismo |
constitutionalist {n} (who adheres to constitutionalism) | :: costituzionalista {m} {f} |
constitutionalist {n} (who is specialist in constitutional law) | :: costituzionalista {m} {f} |
constitutionality {n} ((law) The status of being constitutional) | :: costituzionalità {f} |
constitutional law {n} (area of law) | :: diritto costituzionale {m} |
constitutional monarchy {n} (monarchy limited by laws and a constitution) | :: monarchia costituzionale {f} |
constitutive {adj} (very important ; essential) | :: costitutivo |
constrain {v} /kənˈstɹeɪn/ (to force; to compel; to oblige) | :: costringere |
constrain {v} (to keep within close bounds; to confine) | :: limitare |
constraint {n} /kənˈstɹeɪnt/ (something that constrains) | :: vincolo {m}, costrizione {f} |
constraint {n} (mathematics: condition to a solution) | :: vincolo {m} |
construct {n} /ˈkɑn.stɹʌkt/ (segment of DNA created artificially) | :: costruzione |
construct {v} (build or form by assembling parts) | :: costruire |
constructed language {n} (an artificially created language) | :: lingua artificiale {f} |
constructible {adj} (suitable for constructing a building) | :: costruibile |
constructible {adj} (capable of being constructed) | :: costruibile |
construction {n} /kənˈstɹʌkʃən/ (anything constructed) | :: costruzione {f} |
construction worker {n} (employee working at a construction site) | :: edile {m} {f} |
constructivism {n} (movement in modern art) | :: costruttivismo |
constructor {n} (in object oriented programming: code that creates objects) | :: costruttore {m} |
construe {v} (to translate) SEE: translate | :: |
consubstantial {adj} /ˌkɒnsəbˈstanʃəl/ (of the same substance) | :: consustanziale, consostanziale |
consubstantiality {n} (The quality of being consubstantial) | :: consustanzialità {f} |
consubstantiation {n} /kɔn.sʌ̩.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/ (an identity or union of substance) | :: consustanziazione {f} |
consul {n} /ˈkɑn.səl/ (official who protects the interests of citizens) | :: console {m} |
consul {n} (either of the two highest-ranking officials of the Roman republic) | :: console {m} |
consulate {n} /ˈkɑnsəlɨt/ (the residency of a consul) | :: consolato {m} |
consult {v} /ˈkɑnsʌlt/ (ask advice) | :: consultarsi |
consult {v} (transitive, to ask advice of; to seek the opinion of) | :: consultare |
consultancy {n} (consulting firm) | :: consulenza {f} |
consultant {n} /kənˈsʌltənt/ (person or party that is consulted) | :: consulente {m} |
consume {v} /kənˈsuːm/ (use up) | :: consumare |
consume {v} (eat) | :: consumare |
consume {v} (destroy completely) | :: consumare |
consumer {n} /kənˈsumɚ/ (person purchasing goods) | :: consumatore {m}, consumatrice {f} |
consumerist {adj} (of or pertaining to consumerism) | :: consumista |
consumerist {n} (a proponent of consumerism) | :: consumista {m} {f} |
consumeristic {adj} (consumerist) SEE: consumerist | :: |
consumer price index {n} (statistical estimate of the level of prices) | :: indice prezzi al consumo |
consummate {adj} /ˈkɑnsəmət/ (complete, perfect, absolute) | :: consumato, completo |
consummate {adj} (highly skilled and experienced) | :: consumato |
consummate {v} (to bring something to completion) | :: complere, completare |
consummate {v} (to make a marriage complete by engaging in first sexual intercourse) | :: consumare |
consumption {n} /kənˈsʌmp.ʃən/ (the amount consumed) | :: consumo {m} |
consumption {n} (wasting-away of the human body through disease) | :: consunzione {f}, deperimento {m} |
contact {n} /ˈkɑntækt/ (an act of touching physically) | :: contatto {m} |
contact {n} (an establishment of communication) | :: contatto {m} |
contact {n} (someone with whom one is in communication) | :: contatto {m} |
contact {v} (establish communication with) | :: contattare |
contact lens {n} (thin lens placed directly on the eye) | :: lente a contatto {f} |
contacts {n} (Plural form of contact) SEE: contact | :: |
contagion {n} /kənˈteɪdʒən/ (transmission of a contagious disease) | :: contagio {m} |
contagious {adj} /kənˈteɪdʒəs/ (of a disease, easily transmitted to others) | :: contagioso, infettivo |
contagious {adj} (of a fashion, laughter, etc, easily passed on to others) | :: contagioso |
contagious {adj} (capable of spreading a disease) | :: contagioso, infettivo |
contagiousness {n} (state or condition of being contagious) | :: contagiosità {f}, propagabilità {f} |
contain {v} (to contain) SEE: hold | :: |
contain {v} /kənˈteɪn/ (To hold inside) | :: contenere |
contain {v} (To include as a part) | :: contenere |
contain {v} (To limit through restraint) | :: contenere |
contain {v} | :: contenere |
containable {adj} (able to be contained) | :: circoscrivibile, contenibile |
container {n} /kənˈteɪnɚ/ (an item in which objects, materials or data can be stored or transported) | :: contenitore {m}, recipiente {m} |
container {n} (a very large, typically metal, box used for transporting goods) | :: container {m} |
containerization {n} (the process of containerizing) | :: containerizzazione {f} |
containerize {v} | :: containerizzare |
contaminate {v} /kənˈtæmɪneɪt/ (To introduce impurities or foreign matter) | :: contaminare |
contamination {n} /kənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃən/ (The act or process of contaminating) | :: contaminazione |
contaminative {adj} (that contaminates) | :: contaminante |
contemn {v} /kənˈtɛm/ (to treat or regard with contempt) | :: disprezzare, disdegnare |
contemplate {v} /ˈkɑn.təmˌpleɪt/ (think about something in a concentrated manner) | :: considerare, contemplare |
contemporaneity {n} (the state or characteristic of being contemporaneous) | :: contemporaneità {f}, contestualità {f} |
contemporary {adj} /kənˈtɛm.p(ə).ɹəɹ.i/ (from the same time period) | :: contemporaneo, coetaneo {m}, coevo |
contemporary {adj} (modern) | :: contemporaneo |
contemporary {n} (someone living at the same time) | :: contemporaneo {m} |
contempt {n} /kənˈtɛmpt/ (a feeling or attitude) | :: disprezzo {m} |
contemptible {adj} /kənˈtɛmptəbəl/ (deserving contempt) | :: disprezzabile, disdicevole, riprovevole, biasimabile |
contemptuous {adj} /kənˈtɛmp.tʃu.əs/ (showing contempt) | :: sprezzante, sdegnoso |
contemptuously {adv} /kənˈtɛmp.tʃu.ə (in a disrespectful or discourteous manner) | :: irrispettosamente, sprezzantemente |
content {adj} /kənˈtɛnt/ (satisfied) | :: contento |
content {v} (satisfy) | :: soddisfare |
content {n} /ˈkɑn.tɛnt/ (that which is contained) | :: contenuto {m} |
content {n} (subject matter) | :: contenuto {m} |
contented {adj} (satisfied) SEE: satisfied | :: |
contentious {adj} /kənˈtɛn.ʃəs/ (marked by controversy) | :: controverso |
contentious {adj} (given to struggling) | :: bellicoso, aggressivo, provocatore |
contentiously {adv} (In a contentious manner) | :: litigiosamente, polemicamente |
contents {n} (table of contents) SEE: table of contents | :: |
contest {n} /ˈkɑn.tɛst/ (competition, see also: competition) | :: concorso {m} |
contest {n} (combat) SEE: combat | :: |
contestable {adj} (that which can be contested) | :: contrastabile, oppugnabile |
contested {adj} (controversial) SEE: controversial | :: |
context {n} /ˈkɑːntɛkst/ (circumstances or settings) | :: contesto {m} |
context {n} (text in which a word appears) | :: contesto {m} |
contextual {adj} (depending on context) | :: contestuale |
contextualize {v} (place in a context) | :: contestualizzare |
contiguity {n} /kɒntɪˈɡjuːɪti/ (state in which objects are physically touching) | :: contiguità {f} |
contiguosity {n} (contiguity) SEE: contiguity | :: |
contiguous {adj} /kənˈtɪɡjuəs/ (connected, touching, abutting) | :: contiguo |
contiguous {adj} (adjacent, neighboring) | :: contiguo |
contiguous {adj} (connecting without a break) | :: contiguo |
contiguousness {n} (contiguity) SEE: contiguity | :: |
continence {n} /ˈkɒntɪnəns/ (voluntary control of urination and defecation) | :: continenza {f} |
continence {n} (moderation or self-restraint, especially in sexual activity; abstinence) | :: moderazione {f}, astinenza {f}, continenza |
continent {n} /ˈkɒntɪnənt/ (each of main land-masses on earth's surface) | :: continente {m} |
continental {adj} (of or relating to a continent or continents) | :: continentale |
continental drift {n} (continental drift) | :: deriva dei continenti {f} |
continental quilt {n} (duvet) SEE: duvet | :: |
continental shelf {n} (the area of sea around a land mass) | :: piattaforma continentale {f} |
contingence {n} (contingency) SEE: contingency | :: |
contingency {n} /kənˈtɪndʒənsi/ (quality of being contingent; unpredictability) | :: contingenza {f} |
contingency {n} (possibility; something which may or may not happen) | :: contingenza |
contingent {n} /kənˈtɪn.dʒənt/ (an event which may or may not happen) | :: imprevisto {m}, casualità {f}, eventualità {f} |
contingent {n} (a quota of troops) | :: contingente {m}, scaglione {m}, unità {f}, reparto {m}, quota {f} |
contingent {adj} (possible, liable, incidental, casual) | :: contingente, casuale, transitorio, accidentale, fortuito |
contingentism {n} /kənˈtɪn.dʒəntˌɪz.əm/ (philosophy of contingency) | :: contingentismo |
continuation {n} /kəntɪnjʊˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ (act or state of continuing) | :: continuazione |
continuative {adj} (pertaining to continuation) | :: continuativo |
continue {v} /kənˈtɪnjuː/ (transitive: proceed) | :: continuare |
continue {v} (intransitive: resume) | :: continuare |
continued {adj} /kənˈtɪnjuːd/ (uninterrupted) | :: continuo |
continued fraction {n} (number theory) | :: frazione continua {f} |
continuity {n} /ˌkɑntɪˈn(j)uːəti/ (notion in mathematics) | :: continuità {f} |
continuo {n} (bass line of music) SEE: basso continuo | :: |
continuous {adj} /kənˈtɪn.juː.əs/ (without break, cessation, or interruption in time) | :: continuo |
continuous {adj} (without break, cessation, or interruption in space) | :: continuo |
continuous {adj} (in mathematical analysis) | :: continuo |
continuously {adv} /kənˈtɪnjuəsli/ (without pause) | :: continuamente |
continuum {n} /kənˈtɪnjuəm/ (continuous extent) | :: continuo {m} |
continuum {n} (set of real numbers) | :: continuo {m} |
contoid {n} /ˈkɒn.tɔɪd/ (phonetic consonant) | :: contoide {m} |
contortionist {n} (acrobat) | :: contorsionista {m} {f} |
contour {n} /ˈkɒntʊə(ɹ)/ (outline, boundary or border) | :: contorno {m}, profilo {m} |
contour line {n} (line on a map) | :: isoipsa {f} |
contraband {n} /ˈkɑn.tɹəˌbænd/ (goods which are prohibited from being traded, smuggled goods) | :: contrabbando {m} |
contrabass {n} /ˈkɑn.tɹə.ˌbeɪs/ (part or section one octave lower than bass) | :: contrabbasso |
contrabass {n} (double bass) SEE: double bass | :: |
contrabassoon {n} (contrabassoon) | :: controfagotto {m} |
contraception {n} (use of a device or procedure) | :: contraccezione {f} |
contract {n} /ˈkɑntɹækt/ (agreement that is legally binding) | :: contratto {m} |
contract {v} /kənˈtɹækt/ (intransitive: draw together; shorten; lessen) | :: contrarre |
contract {v} (transitive: enter into a contract with) | :: contrattare |
contract {v} (gain or acquire (an illness)) | :: contrarre |
contractable {adj} (capable of being contracted) | :: contraibile |
contractible {adj} (capable of contraction) | :: contrattile, contraibile |
contraction {n} /kənˈtɹæk.ʃən/ (reversible reduction in size) | :: contrazione {f} |
contraction {n} (linguistics: process whereby one or more sounds of a free morpheme are lost or reduced) | :: accorciamento {m} |
contraction {n} (phonetics: loss of sounds from within a word) SEE: syncope | :: |
contract killer {n} (person who kills for money) SEE: hitman | :: |
contractual {adj} (of or pertaining to a contract) | :: contrattuale |
contractualized {adj} (bound by a contract) | :: contrattualizzato |
contracture {n} (abnormal contraction of a muscle) | :: contrattura {f} |
contradict {v} /kɒntɹəˈdɪkt/ (deny the truth of (a statement or statements)) | :: contradire |
contradict {v} (deny the truth of statements made by (a person)) | :: contradire |
contradiction {n} /ˌkɑːntɹəˈdɪkʃən/ (act of contradicting) | :: contraddizione {f} |
contradiction {n} (statement that contradicts itself) | :: contraddizione {f} |
contradiction {n} (the logical incompatibility of opposing elements) | :: contraddizione {f} |
contradiction {n} (proposition that is false for all values of its variables) | :: contraddizione |
contradiction in terms {n} (expression in which components contradict one another) | :: contraddizione {f}, ossimoro {m} |
contradictorily {adv} (in a contradictory manner) | :: contraddittoriamente |
contradictory {adj} /ˌkɒntɹəˈdɪkt(ə)ɹi/ (that contradicts something) | :: contraddittorio |
contrafield {n} (contrafield) | :: controcampo {m} |
contrail {n} (artificial cloud from jet aircraft) | :: scia di condensazione {f} |
contraindication {n} /ˌkɒntɹəɪndɪˈkeɪʃən/ (factor or symptom) | :: controindicazione |
contralto {n} /kɒnˈtɹæltəʊ/ (the lowest female voice) | :: contralto {m} |
contraption {n} /kənˈtɹæp.ʃən/ (complicated and precarious machine) | :: aggeggio {m}, congegno {m}, marchingegno {m} |
contraption {n} (object referred to with irony, derision or contempt) | :: trabiccolo {m}, ferro vecchio {m}, catorcio {m}, coso {m}, diavoleria {f} |
contrariwise {adv} (on the other hand) SEE: on the other hand | :: |
contrariwise {adv} (on the contrary) SEE: on the contrary | :: |
contrarotating {adj} | :: controrotante |
contrarotation {n} | :: controrotazione {f} |
contrary {adj} /ˈkɑntɹɛɹi/ (opposed) | :: contrario, opposto |
contrary to {prep} (despite) SEE: despite | :: |
contrast {n} /ˈkɑnt(ʃ)ɹæst/ (difference between two objects, people or concepts) | :: contrasto |
contrasting {adj} (set in opposition) | :: contrastante |
contraventional {adj} | :: contravvenzionale |
contribute {v} /kənˈt(ʃ)ɹɪb.juːt/ (to give something, that is or becomes part of a larger whole) | :: contribuire |
contribution {n} /ˌkɑntɹɪˈbjuʃən/ (something given or offered that adds to a larger whole) | :: contributo {m} |
contribution {n} (the act of contributing) | :: contribuzione |
contributor {n} (a benefactor; someone who gives to charity or some cause) | :: donatore {m}, benefattore {m}, contribuente {m} |
contributor {n} (a person who backs, supports or champions a cause, activity or institution) | :: sostenitore, collaboratore {m} |
contributor {n} (a person who contributes articles to a newspaper, magazine etc) | :: collaboratore |
contrivance {n} /kənˈtɹaɪ.vəns/ ((mechanical) device to perform a certain task) | :: aggeggio {m}, marchingegno {m} |
contrivance {n} (elaborate means to accomplish an objective) | :: stratagemma {m}, artefizio {m}, espediente {m}, accorgimento {m}, sotterfugio {m} |
contrivance {n} (something overly artful or artificial) | :: catorcio {m}, trabiccolo {m}, carretta {f} |
contrive {v} /kənˈtɹaɪv/ (To form by an exercise of ingenuity; to devise; to plan; to scheme; to plot) | :: combinare, programmare, intrigare, complottare, architettare, escogitare, inventare, mettere su |
control {v} /kənˈt(ʃ)ɹoʊl/ (to exercise influence over; to suggest or dictate the behavior of) | :: controllare, influenzare, dirigere |
control {n} (authority) | :: controllo {m}, comando {m}, autorità {f} |
control {n} (in an experiment) | :: di controllo |
control {n} (machine) | :: comandi {m-p} |
controlateral {adj} (on the other side) | :: controlaterale |
controllability {n} (quality of being controllable) | :: controllabilità {f} |
controllable {adj} (able to be controlled) | :: dominabile, frenabile, raffrenabile |
controlled {adj} /kənˈtɹəʊld/ (resulting from a comparison) | :: controllato |
controller {n} /kənˈtɹəʊlə/ (person who controls something) | :: controllore {m} |
controller {n} (comptroller) | :: revisore {m} |
controller {n} (mechanism that controls or regulates the operation of a machine) | :: controllo {m} |
control surface {n} (aeronautics) | :: superficie di controllo {f}, timone {m}, timone di direzione (verticale) {m}, timone di profondità (orizzontale) {m} |
control tower {n} (airport control tower) | :: torre di controllo {f} |
controversial {adj} /kɑn.tɹə.ˈvɝ.ʃəl/ (arousing controversy) | :: controverso |
controversy {n} /ˈkɑntɹəˌvɝsi/ (debate, discussion of opposing opinions) | :: controversia {f} |
contumacy {n} /ˈkɒntjʊməsi/ (disobedience, resistance to authority) | :: contumacia, indocilità |
contumelious {adj} /ˌkɑn.tʊˈmiː.li.əs/ (rudely contemptuous; showing contumely) | :: sprezzante |
contumely {n} /ˈkɒntjuːməli/ (offensive and abusive language or behaviour) | :: contumelia {f} |
contusion {n} (wound in which the skin is not broken) | :: contusione {f} |
contusive {adj} | :: contusivo |
conundrum {n} /kəˈnʌn.dɹəm/ (difficult question or riddle) | :: rompicapo, enigma {m}, indovinello {m}, rebus {m} {f} |
conundrum {n} (difficult choice or decision) | :: dilemma {m}, enigma {m} |
conurbation {n} /ˌkɑnɚˈbeɪʃən/ (an extended collection of urban communities; urban sprawl) | :: conurbazione {f} |
conure {n} (any of many New World parakeets of the genus Conurus) | :: conuro {m} |
convallamarin {n} | :: convallamarina {f} |
convallarin {n} | :: convallarina {f} |
convection {n} /kənˈvɛkʃən/ (process of conveying something) | :: convezione {f} |
convection {n} (transmission of heat by the circulation of currents) | :: convezione {f} |
convection {n} (vertical movement of heat and moisture) | :: convezione {f} |
convenience {n} /kənˈviːnɪəns/ (quality of being suitable, useful or convenient) | :: conveniente |
convenience {n} (anything that makes for an easier life) | :: comodità |
convenience {n} (convenient time) | :: a tempo debito |
convenience {n} (public toilet) | :: bagno pubblico |
convenient {adj} /kənˈviːniənt/ (of or pertaining to convenience; simple; easy; expedient) | :: conveniente, comodo |
convent {n} /ˈkɒn.vɛnt/ (religious community of especially nuns) | :: convento {m} |
convention {n} /kənˈvɛn.ʃən/ (meeting or a gathering) | :: convenzione |
conventional {adj} /kənˈvɛnʃənl/ (ordinary, commonplace) | :: convenzionale |
conventionalism {n} (Adherence to social conventions) | :: convenzionalismo {m} |
conventionally {adv} (by convention) | :: convenzionalmente |
convergence {n} /kənˈvɜː(ɹ)d͡ʒəns/ (the act of converging) | :: convergenza {f} |
convergence {n} (the process of approaching some limiting value) | :: convergenza {f} |
conversation {n} /ˌkɑn.vəɹˈseɪ.ʃən/ (expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people) | :: conversazione {f}, dialogo {m}, discorso {m} |
conversationalist {n} /ˌkɑːnvɚˈseɪʃənəlɪst/ (one who participates in a conversation) | :: conversatore {m}, conversatrice {f} |
converse {v} /kənˈvɝs/ (to engage in conversation) | :: conversare |
conversely {adv} /kənˈvɜːsli/ (with a reversed relationship) | :: per converso |
conversely {adv} (from another point of view) SEE: on the other hand | :: |
conversion {n} /kənˈvɝʒən/ (the act of having converted something or someone) | :: conversione {f} |
conversion {n} (The result of a chemical reaction wherein the molecule changes form) | :: conversione {f} |
conversion {n} ((rugby) A free kick) | :: conversione {f} |
convert {v} /ˈkɒn.vəːt/ (transform (something) into another form, substance, state, or product) | :: convertire |
convert {v} (change (something) from one use, function, or purpose to another) | :: convertire |
convert {v} (exchange for (something) of equal value) | :: convertire |
convert {v} (express (a quantity) in alternative units) | :: convertire |
convertible mark {n} (currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina) | :: marco convertibile {m} |
convex {adj} /ˈkɑnvɛks/ (curved or bowed outward like the outside of a bowl or sphere or circle) | :: convesso |
convex hull {n} (convex set of points) | :: inviluppo convesso {m}, involucro convesso {m} |
convexity {n} (state of being convex) | :: convessità {f} |
convey {v} /kənˈveɪ/ (to move (something) from one place to another) | :: trasportare, condurre |
convey {v} (to carry) | :: trasportare |
convey {v} (to communicate) | :: comunicare, esprimere |
convey {v} (to transfer legal rights) | :: trasferire |
conveyor belt {n} (continuous band moved to transport objects) | :: nastro trasportatore {m} |
convict {v} /kənˈvɪkt/ (to find guilty) | :: condannare |
convict {n} (person convicted of a crime) | :: condannato {m}, carcerato {m} |
convict {n} (person deported to a penal colony) | :: deportato |
conviction {n} /kənˈvɪkʃən/ (firmly held belief) | :: convinzione {f} |
conviction {n} (judgement of guilt) | :: condanna {f} |
convince {v} /kənˈvɪns/ (to make someone believe, or feel sure about something) | :: convincere |
convincing {adj} /kənˈvɪnsɪŋ/ (effective as proof or evidence) | :: concludente {m} {f} |
convoluted {adj} /ˌkɒnvəˈl(j)uːtɪd/ (having numerous overlapping coils or folds) | :: convoluto, accartocciato, appallottolato, spiegazzato |
convoluted {adj} (complex) | :: complicato, contorto, intricato, involuto, labirintico, tortuoso |
convolvulus {n} (plants of the genus Convolvulus) | :: convolvolo {m} |
convoy {n} /ˈkɒn.vɔɪ/ (merchant ships sailing in company under the protection of naval vessels) | :: convoglio {m} |
convoy {n} (group of vehicles traveling together for safety, especially one with an escort) | :: convoglio {m} |
convulsive {adj} /kənˈvʌlsɪv/ (having or producing convulsions) | :: convulsivo |
convulsively {adv} (in a convulsive manner) | :: convulsivamente |
coo {n} /kuː/ (murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon) | :: cuccu {m} |
coo {v} (to make a soft murmuring sound) | :: grugare, tubare, tortoreggiare |
cook {n} /kʊk/ (person who prepares food) | :: cuoco {m}, cuoca {f} |
cook {v} (to prepare (food) for eating) | :: cuocere |
cook {v} (to prepare food) | :: cucinare |
cook {v} (to become ready for eating) | :: cuocere |
cookbook {n} /ˈkʊkˌbʊk/ (book of cooking recipes) | :: ricettario {m} |
cooked {adj} /kʊkt/ (of food, that has been prepared by cooking) | :: cucinato, cotto |
cooker hood {n} (kitchen device) SEE: extractor hood | :: |
cookie {n} (bun) SEE: bun | :: |
cookie {n} /ˈkʊki/ (small, flat baked good, see also: biscuit) | :: biscotto {m} |
cookie {n} (HTTP cookie) SEE: HTTP cookie | :: |
cookie jar {n} (a vessel for storing food) | :: biscottiera {f} |
cooking {n} /ˈkʊ.kɪŋ/ (the process of preparing food by using heat) | :: cucina {f} |
cooking pot {n} (any cooking vessel) | :: paiolo {m}, tegame {m}, pentola {f}, cuccuma {f}, marmitta {f}, calderone {m} |
cooking utensil {n} (utensil used for food) | :: attrezzo da cucina {m} |
Cook Islands {prop} /ˈkʊk ˈai.ləndz/ (self-governing country in Oceania) | :: Isole Cook {f-p} |
cook someone's goose {v} /ˈkʊk ˌsʌmwʌnz ˈɡuːs/ (to spoil one's plans or hope of success) | :: conciare per le feste (to season (food) for the feast), scompigliare i piani |
cool {adj} /kuːl/ (having a slightly low temperature) | :: fresco, freddo |
cool {adj} (allowing or suggesting heat relief) | :: termico, fresco, leggero |
cool {adj} (not showing emotion, calm) | :: tranquillo, calmo, imperturbabile, freddo |
cool {adj} (unenthusiastic, lukewarm, skeptical) | :: distaccato, indifferente, scettico |
cool {adj} (calmly audacious) | :: intrepido, fantastico |
cool {adj} (colloquial: of a person, knowing what to do and how to behave in any situation) | :: figo, disinvolto, sicuro di se, in gamba |
cool {adj} (colloquial: being considered as "popular" by others) | :: ganzo |
cool {adj} (colloquial: in fashion) | :: figo |
cool {adj} (colloquial: all right, acceptable) | :: a posto, accettabile |
cool {adj} (colloquial: not upset) | :: tranquillo, calmo, imperturbabile |
cool {n} (moderate temperature) | :: fresco |
cool {n} (calm temperament) | :: posato, calmo |
coolant {n} /ˈkuːlənt/ (a fluid) | :: refrigerante {m} |
cooler {n} /ˈkuːl.ə(ɹ)/ (anything which cools) | :: congelatore {m}, ghiacciaia {f}, freezer {m} |
cooler {n} (insulated bin or box to keep food cold while picnicking or camping) | :: ghiacciaia {f}, termos {m}, thermos {m} |
cooling {n} /ˈkuːlɪŋ/ (decrease in temperature) | :: raffreddamento {m} |
cooling {n} (refrigeration) | :: raffreddamento {m} |
cooling glasses {n} (sunglasses) SEE: sunglasses | :: |
cooling tower {n} (tower-shaped building in which warm water is cooled by evaporation) | :: torre di raffreddamento {f} |
coop {n} /kuːp/ (enclosure for birds) | :: stia {f}, pollaio {m} |
cooper {n} /ˈkuːpə(ɹ)/ (craftsman) | :: bottaio {m} |
cooperate {v} /koʊˈɒpəɹeɪt/ (to work together) | :: cooperare |
cooperation {n} /kowɑpəˈɹejʃən/ (act of cooperating or being cooperative) | :: cooperazione {f} |
cooperative {adj} (ready to work with another) | :: cooperativo |
cooperative {n} (type of company) | :: cooperativa {f} |
Cooper's hawk {n} (hawk) | :: sparviere di Cooper {m} |
co-opt {v} (To elect as a fellow member of a group, such as a committee.) | :: cooptare |
coorbital {adj} (sharing an orbit) | :: coorbitale, co-orbitale |
coordinate {n} /koʊˈɔɹdənɪt/ ((mathematics, cartography) A number representing the position of a point along a line, arc, or similar one-dimensional figure․) | :: coordinata {f} |
coordinate {n} (coordinated clothes) | :: coordinati {m-p} |
coordinate {v} (to synchronize) | :: coordinare |
coordinate system {n} (method of representing points in a space) | :: sistema di coordinate {m} |
coordination {n} /koʊˌɔɹdɪˈneɪʃən/ (the act of coordinating, making different people or things work together for a goal or effect) | :: coordinazione {f} |
coordination {n} (The reaction of one or more ligands with a metal ion to form a coordination compound) | :: coordinazione |
coordinator {n} (One who coordinates) | :: coordinatore {m}, coordinatrice {f} |
coot {n} /kuːt/ (bird) | :: folaga {f} |
cootie {n} (louse) SEE: louse | :: |
co-owner {n} (someone who owns something together with one or more other people) | :: comproprietario {m}, comproprietaria {f}, contitolare {m} {f} |
cooze {n} (vagina) SEE: vagina | :: |
cop {v} /kɑp/ (to capture, to take (informal)) | :: afferrare, prendere, catturare |
cop {n} (police officer) | :: piedipiatti, poliziotto {m}, secondino {m}, sbirro {m} [offensive] |
cop a feel {v} (to stealthily fondle someone) | :: palpeggiare |
copaiba {n} (oleoresin) | :: copaive {f} |
copal {n} /ˈkoʊpəl/ (tree resin) | :: copale {m} |
co-parent-in-law {n} | :: consuoceri |
cope {v} /kəʊp/ (to deal effectively with something) | :: affrontare, far fronte |
Copenhagen {prop} /ˈkoʊpənˌheɪɡən/ (capital of Denmark) | :: Copenaghen {f} |
copernicium {n} /koʊpəɹˈnɪsi.əm/ (chemical element) | :: copernicio |
Copernicus {prop} (surname of Nicolaus Copernicus) | :: Copernico {m} |
copilot {n} (relief or assistant pilot of an aircraft) | :: copilota {f} |
coping {n} (The top layer of a brick wall, especially one that slopes in order to throw off water) | :: capezzata {f}, cimasa {f}, copertina {f} |
copious {adj} /ˈkoʊpi.əs/ | :: copioso |
coplanar {adj} /kəʊˈpleɪnə(ɹ)/ (geometry: within the same plane) | :: complanare |
cop on {v} /kɒp ɒn/ (to behave, grow up) | :: crescere, comportarsi da adulto |
cop-out {n} (avoidance or inadequate performance of a task or duty) | :: furbata {f} |
cop-out {n} (an excuse made in order to avoid performing a task or duty) | :: pretesto {m}, scusa {f} |
cop-out {n} (a person who cops out) | :: scansafatiche {m}, lavativo {m}, fannullone {m}, irresponsabile {m} |
copper {n} /ˈkɑ.pɚ/ (chemical element Cu) | :: rame {m} |
copper {n} (slang: a policeman) | :: agente di polizia {m}, poliziotto |
coppern {adj} (made of copper) SEE: copper | :: |
coppersmith {n} (person) | :: fabbro di rame |
coppice {n} /ˈkɒpɪs/ (grove of small growth) | :: bosco ceduo {m} |
copra {n} /ˈkɒ.pɹə/ (dried kernel of coconut) | :: copra {f} |
copresence {n} (situation of being copresent) | :: compresenza {f} |
copresent {adj} (present along with others) | :: compresente |
coproducer {n} (coproducer) | :: coproduttore {m} |
copropraxia {n} | :: coproprassia {f} |
copse {n} /kɒps/ (thicket of small trees or shrubs) | :: bosco ceduo {m}, macchia {f}, fratta {f}, boschetto {m} |
Copt {n} /kɒpt/ (member of the Coptic Church) | :: copto {m} |
Coptic {adj} /ˈkɑptɪk/ (of or pertaining to the Copts, Coptic Orthodox Church or to the Coptic language) | :: copto |
copula {n} /ˈkɑpjələ/ (grammar: linking kind of word) | :: copula {f} |
copulate {v} (copulate) SEE: cover | :: |
copulate {v} (copulate) SEE: mate | :: |
copulate {v} (to have sexual intercourse with someone, something) SEE: mount | :: |
copulate {v} (to engage in sexual intercourse) SEE: make love | :: |
copulate {v} (take part in a sexual act) SEE: have sex | :: |
copulate {v} (to have sexual intercourse with) SEE: bed | :: |
copulation {n} (copulation) SEE: sexual intercourse | :: |
copy {n} /ˈkɒpi/ (result of copying) | :: copia {f} |
copy {n} (imitation, sometimes of inferior quality) | :: copia {f}, replica {f} |
copy {n} (marketing: output of copywriter) | :: copia {f} |
copy {n} (printed edition of a book or magazine) | :: copia {f} |
copy {n} (genetics: result of gene or chromosomal duplication) | :: copia |
copy {v} (produce something identical) | :: copiare |
copy {v} (imitate) | :: imitare |
copy {v} (radio term) | :: ricevere |
copy {n} (writing paper of a particular size) SEE: bastard | :: |
copyable {adj} (able to be copied) | :: copiabile |
copy and paste {v} (to copy and paste) | :: copiaincollare |
copybook {n} (student's exercise book) SEE: exercise book | :: |
copy-paste {v} (copy and paste) SEE: copy and paste | :: |
copyright {n} /ˈkɑpiˌɹaɪt/ (right to publish) | :: copyright {m}, diritto d'autore {m} |
copyright {v} (place under a copyright) | :: porre sotto copyright |
copyright {v} (obtain a copyright) | :: tutelare i diritti d'autore, tutelare i copyright |
copywriter {n} /ˈkɑːpiˌɹaɪɾɚ/ (person who writes advertising copy) | :: redattore {m} |
coquettish {adj} (as a young, flirting girl; flirtatious) | :: civettuolo |
coral {n} /ˈkɔɹəl/ (substance) | :: corallo {m} |
coral {adj} (made of coral) | :: corallino {m}, corallina {f} |
coraller {n} (person who collects coral) | :: corallaro {m} |
coral reef {n} (mound or hummock of coral) | :: barriera corallina |
cor anglais {n} /ˌkɔːɹ ˈɒŋɡleɪ/ (woodwind instrument) | :: corno inglese {m} |
Cor Caroli {prop} (the brightest star in the constellation Canes Venatici) | :: il Cuor di Carlo |
cord {n} /kɔɹd/ (length of twisted strands) | :: cordone {m} |
Cordelier {n} (Franciscan) SEE: Franciscan | :: |
cordeliere {n} | :: cordelliera {f} |
cordial {adj} /ˈkɔɹ.dɪ.əl/ (radiating warmth and friendliness) | :: cordiale |
cordial {n} (liqueur) | :: cordiale {m} |
cordierite {n} (a cyclosilicate) | :: cordierite {f} |
cordon sanitaire {n} /ˌkɔːdɒn sanɪˈtɛː/ (a barrier (physical or administrative) to prevent the spread of disease) | :: cordone sanitario {m} |
core {n} /kɔɹ/ (central part of fruit, containing the kernels or seeds) | :: nocciolo {m} |
core {n} (heart of a thing) | :: nocciolo {m} |
core {n} (center or inner part) | :: anima {f} |
core {n} (most important part of a thing) | :: essenza {f} |
core {n} (automotive: deposit of a rebuilt part) | :: caparra {f} |
core {n} | :: nucleo |
core {n} (miner's underground shift) | :: turno {m} |
co-religionary {n} (a fellow follower of one's religion) SEE: co-religionist | :: |
co-religionist {n} /kəʊɹɪˈlɪdʒənɪst/ (a fellow follower of one's religion) | :: correligionario {m} |
co-responsibility {n} | :: corresponsabilità {f} |
co-responsible {adj} | :: corresponsabile {m} {f} |
Corfiot {n} (person from Corfu) | :: corfioto {m}, corfiota {f} |
Corfiot {adj} (relating to Corfu) | :: corfioto |
Corfu {prop} /ˈkɔɹ.fju/ (island) | :: Corfù {m} |
Corfu {prop} (city) | :: Corfù {m} |
corgi {n} /ˈkɔːɡi/ (breed of dog) | :: corgi {m} |
coriaceous {adj} (leathery) | :: coriaceo |
coriander {n} /ˌkɒɹiˈændə/ (Coriandrum sativum plant) | :: coriandolo {m} |
Corinth {prop} /ˈkɒɹ.ɪnθ/ (city in Greece) | :: Corinto {f} |
Corinthia {prop} (region in northeast Peloponnese) | :: Corinzia {f} |
Corinthians {prop} (book in the Bible) | :: Corinzi |
cork {n} /kɔɹk/ (bark of the cork oak) | :: sughero {m} |
cork {n} (bottle stopper) | :: turacciolo {m} |
cork {n} (cork oak) SEE: cork oak | :: |
corkage {n} /ˈkɔːkɪdʒ/ (fee charged by restaurant to serve wine that a diner has provided) | :: diritto di tappo {m} |
cork oak {n} (a type of evergreen oak tree, Quercus suber) | :: sughero {f} |
corkscrew {n} /ˈkɔɹk.skɹu/ (implement for opening bottles sealed by a cork) | :: cavatappi {m} |
corm {n} (underground stem of a plant) | :: cormo {m} |
cormorant {n} /ˈkɔɹməɹənt/ (seabird) | :: cormorano {m}, marangone {m} |
corn {n} (grain crop of species Zea mays) SEE: maize | :: |
corn {n} /kɔɹn/ (grain or seed of a cereal crop) | :: grano {m} |
corn {n} (type of callus) | :: callo {m}, durone {m} |
corn bunting {n} (bird) | :: strillozzo {m} |
corncob {n} /ˈkɔɹnkɑb/ (core of an ear of corn) | :: pannocchia, tutolo {m} |
corncockle {n} (plant of the genus Agrostemma) | :: agrostemma {m} |
corncrake {n} /ˈkɔrnˌkreɪk/ (the bird Crex crex) | :: re di quaglie {m}, gallinella terrestre {f} |
corn dog {n} (hot dog coated in cornbread batter and deep-fried) | :: corn dog {m} |
cornea {n} /ˈkɔː(ɹ)ni.ə/ (layer forming the front of the eye) | :: cornea {f} |
cornel {n} (tree) | :: corniolo {m} |
cornel {n} (fruit) | :: corniola {f} |
Cornelia {prop} /kɔɹˈniliə/ (female given name) | :: Cornelia {f} |
corner {n} (point where two converging lines meet) SEE: angle | :: |
corner {n} /ˈkɔɹnɚ/ (space in the angle between converging lines or walls) | :: angolo {m} |
corner {n} (projection into space of an angular solid) | :: sporgenza {f}, angolo sporgente, pietra d'angolo |
corner {n} (intersection of two streets) | :: angolo {m} |
corner {n} (football: corner kick) SEE: corner kick | :: |
corner flag {n} (flag marking the corner of a playing field) | :: bandierina d'angolo {f} |
corner kick {n} (in soccer) | :: calcio d'angolo |
cornerstone {n} (ceremonial stone) | :: pietra angolare {f} |
cornet {n} /kɔɹˈnɛt/ (musical instrument) | :: cornetta {f} |
cornet {n} | :: cono di cialda {m} |
cornetist {n} | :: cornettista {m} {f} |
cornett {n} /ˈkɔːnɪt/ (wind instrument) | :: cornetto {m} |
cornetto {n} (cornett) SEE: cornett | :: |
corn flakes {n} (breakfast cereal) | :: fiocchi di mais {m-p} |
cornflower {n} /ˈkɔɹnˌflaʊɚ/ (Centaurea cyanus) | :: fiordaliso {m} |
cornice {n} (horizontal architectural element) | :: cornice, cornicione {m} |
corniche {n} /kɔːɹˈniːʃ/ | :: lungomare |
cornigerous {adj} (horned) SEE: horned | :: |
Cornish {prop} /ˈkɔːɹnɪʃ/ (A Celtic language) | :: cornovagliese |
corn on the cob {n} (cooked ears of corn) | :: pannocchia bollita {f} |
corn poppy {n} (Papaver rhoeas) | :: rosolaccio {m}, papavero {m} |
cornrow {n} (braided hair close to the scalp) | :: treccine aderenti |
corn salad {n} (a plant) | :: valerianella {f}, dolcetta {f} |
Cornwall {prop} /ˈkɔːnwɔːl/ (county of England) | :: Cornovaglia {f} |
corny {adj} /ˈkɔɹni/ (excessively sentimental) | :: sdolcinato |
corolla {n} /kəˈɹoʊlə/ (whorl of a flower) | :: corolla {f} |
corollary {n} /ˈkɔɹəˌlɛɹi/ (proposition which follows easily) | :: corollario {m} |
corolline {adj} (of or pertaining to a corolla) | :: corollino |
corona {n} /kəˈɹoʊnə/ (of a star) | :: corona {f} |
corona {n} (botany) | :: corona {f} |
corona {n} (crown) | :: corona {f} |
Corona Australis {prop} (a constellation) | :: Corona australe {f} |
Corona Borealis {prop} (a constellation) | :: Corona boreale {f} |
coronal {adj} /ˈkɔɹənəl/ (produced with tip or blade of tongue) | :: coronale |
coronal {n} (consonant produced with tip or blade of tongue) | :: coronale {m} |
coronal mass ejection {n} (coronal mass ejection) | :: espulsione di massa coronale {f} |
coronary artery {n} (artery) | :: arteria coronaria {f} |
coronary heart disease {n} (disease of the heart) | :: coronaropatia {f} |
coronation {n} /ˌkɔɹəˈneɪʃən/ (the act or solemnity of crowning) | :: incoronazione {f}, coronazione {f} |
coronavirus {n} /kəˈɹəʊnəˌvaɪɹəs/ (member of the family Coronaviridae) | :: coronavirus {m} |
coronene {n} | :: coronene {m} |
corotational {adj} (that rotates in conjunction wit another body) | :: corotazionale |
corporal {n} /ˈkɔɹ.pɝ.əl/ (military rank) | :: caporale {m} |
corporal {adj} (bodily) SEE: bodily | :: |
corporation {n} /ˌkɔɹpəˈɹeɪʃən/ (public limited company) | :: società per azioni {f}, società anonima {f}, società {f}, azienda {f}, ente |
corporation {n} (governing body of the City of London) | :: consiglio comunale |
corporation {n} (Italian association) | :: corporazione |
corporation {n} (paunch) SEE: paunch | :: |
corporeal {adj} (bodily) SEE: bodily | :: |
corps {n} /kɔɹ/ (battlefield formation) | :: corpo {m}, genio {m} |
corps {n} (group of people) | :: corpo {m} |
corpse {n} /ˈkɔɹps/ (dead body) | :: cadavere {m}, corpo {m} |
corpulence {n} (state or characteristic of being corpulent) | :: corpulenza {f} |
corpus {n} (body) SEE: body | :: |
corpus {n} /ˈkɔːpəs/ (linguistics: collection of writings) | :: corpus {m} |
corpus callosum {n} (Band of nerves connecting hemispheres) | :: corpo calloso {m} |
Corpus Christi {prop} (festival in honour of the Eucharist) | :: Corpus Domini {m} |
corpuscle {n} /ˈkɔːˌpʌsəl/ (A minute particle) | :: corpuzzo {m}, corpuscolo {m} |
corpuscular {adj} (of or pertaining to, or composed of corpuscles) | :: corpuscolare |
corpus delicti {n} (the evidence) | :: corpo del reato {m} |
corpus luteum {n} (yellow mass of cells that forms from an ovarian follicle) | :: corpo luteo {m} |
corral {n} /kəˈɹæl/ (enclosure for livestock) | :: recinto {m} |
corral {v} (capture or round up) | :: riunire |
correct {adj} /kəˈɹɛkt/ (free from error) | :: corretto, esatto |
correct {adj} (with good manners) | :: corretto, ineccepibile |
correct {v} (To make something become right that was previously wrong) | :: correggere, emendare, rettificare |
correct {v} (to inform someone of their error) | :: correggere, precisare, puntualizzare |
correction {n} /kəˈɹɛkʃən/ (act of correcting) | :: correzione {f} |
correction {n} (substitution for an error or mistake) | :: correzione {f} |
correction {n} (punishment) | :: correzione {f} |
correction {n} (amount or quantity added or subtracted so as to correct) | :: correzione {f} |
correction fluid {n} (fluid for masking textual errors) | :: bianchetto {m} |
correctly {adv} /kəˈɹɛktli/ (in a correct manner) | :: correttamente |
correlate {v} /ˈkɔɹəleɪt/ (To be related by a correlation) | :: correlare |
correlation {n} /kɔɹəˈleɪʃən/ (measure of relationship) | :: correlazione {f} |
correspond {v} /ˌkɔɹəˈspɑnd/ (to be equivalent or similar) | :: corrispondere |
correspond {v} (to exchange messages) | :: corrispondere |
correspondence {n} /ˌkɒɹɪˈspɒndəns/ (reciprocal exchange of civilities, especially by letters) | :: corrispondenza, carteggio {m} |
correspondence {n} (newspaper or news stories generally) | :: corrispondenza |
correspondent {adj} (corresponding) SEE: corresponding | :: |
correspondent {n} /ˌkɔɹɪˈspɑndənt/ (one who corresponds) | :: corrispondente {m} {f} |
correspondent {n} (journalist) | :: corrispondente {m} {f}, inviato {m}, inviata {f} |
corresponding {adj} /ˌkɔɹəˈspɑndɪŋ/ (that have a similar relationship) | :: corrispondente |
corrida {n} (bullfight) SEE: bullfight | :: |
corridor {n} /ˈkɒɹɪˌdɔː(ɹ)/ (narrow hall or passage) | :: corridoio {m} |
corridor {n} (airspace) | :: corridoio aereo {m} |
corrie {n} /kɒɹi/ (geographical feature of glaciation) | :: circo {m} |
corrigendum {n} (list of errors in a printed work) SEE: errata | :: |
corrigendum {n} /ˌkɔɹ.ɨˈdʒɛn.dəm/ (error that is to be corrected in a printed work) | :: refuso {m} |
corrivation {n} (concentration of waters) | :: corrivazione {f} |
corrode {v} /kəˈɹoʊd/ (to eat away) | :: corrodere |
corrosion {n} /kəˈɹoʊʒən/ | :: corrosione {f} |
corrugated {adj} (marked with parallel folds, ridges or furrows) | :: ondulato |
corrugated {adj} | :: corrugato |
corrugator supercilii {n} (muscle) | :: corrugatore del sopracciglio {m}, muscolo corrugatore del sopracciglio |
corrupt {adj} /kəˈɹʌpt/ (in a depraved state) | :: corrotto {m} |
corrupt {v} (to change from good to bad) | :: corrompere |
corruptible {adj} | :: corruttibile, corrompibile |
corruption {n} /kəˈɹʌpʃən/ (the act of impairing integrity) | :: corruzione {f} |
corruption {n} (seeking bribes) | :: corruzione {f} |
corsac fox {n} (Vulpes corsac) | :: volpe corsac |
corsair {n} /ˈkɔːsɛː/ (privateersman or pirate) | :: corsaro {m}, pirata {m}, filibustiere {m}, bucaniere {m} |
Corse-du-Sud {prop} (department of Corsica, France) | :: Corsica del Sud {f} |
corselet {n} (thorax) SEE: thorax | :: |
corseque {n} (pole weapon) | :: corsesca {m} |
corset {n} /ˈkɔː(ɹ).sɪt/ (woman's garment) | :: corsetto {m} |
Corsica {prop} /ˈkɔɹsɪkə/ (island in the Mediterranean) | :: Corsica {f} |
Corsican {adj} /ˈkɔɹsəkən/ (of, from, or pertaining to Corsica) | :: corso |
Corsican {n} (person from Corsica or of Corsican descent) | :: corso {m}, corsa {f} |
Corsican {prop} (language) | :: corso {m} |
Corte {prop} (commune in Corsica) | :: Corte |
corticonuclear {adj} (Of or pertaining to the cerebral cortex and the motor nuclei) | :: corticonucleare |
corticosteroid {n} (corticosteroid) | :: corticosteroide {m} |
corticotropic {adj} (that stimulates the adrenal cortex) | :: corticotropo |
cortisol {n} (the steroid hormone hydrocortisone) | :: cortisolo {m} |
cortisone {n} (corticosteroid hormone) | :: cortisone {m} |
corundum {n} /kəˈɹʌn.dəm/ (mineral) | :: corindone {m} |
Corunna {prop} (A Coruña) SEE: A Coruña | :: |
coruscation {n} (sudden display of brilliance) | :: corruscazione {f} |
corvette {n} (modern warship) | :: corvetta {f} |
corymb {n} /ˈkɒɹɪmb/ (cluster of flowers) | :: corimbo {m} |
coryza {n} /kəˈɹɑɪ̯.zə/ (inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the nasal cavity) | :: coriza {f} |
cos {conj} (because) SEE: because | :: |
Cosenza {prop} (province) | :: Cosenza {f} |
Cosenza {prop} (town) | :: Cosenza {f} |
coset {n} (result of applying group operation with fixed element from the parent group on each element of a subgroup) | :: classe laterale {f} |
cosign {v} /ˈkoʊ.saɪn/ (to sign a document jointly with another person) | :: cofirmare |
cosignatory {adj} (signed jointly) | :: cofirmatario |
cosignatory {n} (any of several people who sign a document together) | :: cofirmatario {m} |
cosigner {n} (cosignatory) SEE: cosignatory | :: |
cosine {n} /ˈkoʊ.saɪn/ (trigonometric function) | :: coseno {m} |
cosine formula {n} (law of cosines) SEE: law of cosines | :: |
cosine law {n} (law of cosines) SEE: law of cosines | :: |
cosine rule {n} (law of cosines) SEE: law of cosines | :: |
co-sister-in-law {n} | :: concognata |
Cosmas {prop} /ˈkɔzmɑːs/ (given name) | :: Cosimo |
Cosmatesque {adj} | :: cosmatesco |
cosmetologist {n} (person who advises people on cosmetics and other beauty treatments) | :: cosmetologo {m}, cosmetologa {f}, cosmetista {m} {f}, estetista {m} {f}, visagista {m} {f} |
cosmic {adj} /ˈkɒz.mɪk/ (of or from or pertaining to the cosmos or universe) | :: cosmico |
cosmic ray {n} (energetic particle) | :: raggio cosmico {m} |
cosmic ray {n} (cosmic radiation) | :: radiazione cosmica {f} |
cosmo- {prefix} (universe, world) | :: cosmo- |
Cosmo {prop} (male given name) | :: Cosimo, Cosmo |
cosmochemistry {n} (branch of chemistry) | :: cosmochimica {f} |
cosmodrome {n} (a site for launching spacecraft) | :: cosmodromo {m} |
cosmogony {n} /kɒzˈmɒɡəni/ (the study of the origin of the universe) | :: cosmogonia {f} |
cosmographic {adj} (of or pertaining to cosmography) | :: cosmografico |
cosmological {adj} (of or pertaining to cosmology, or to the overall structure of the universe) | :: cosmologico |
cosmologically {adv} (with regard to cosmology) | :: cosmologicamente |
cosmology {n} (study of the physical universe) | :: cosmologia {f} |
cosmonaut {n} /ˈkɒzməˌnɔːt/ (an astronaut, especially a Russian or Soviet one, see also: astronaut) | :: cosmonauta |
cosmopolitan {adj} /ˌkɑz.məˈpɑl.ɪ.tən/ (at ease in any part of the world) | :: cosmopolita |
cosmos {n} /ˈkɑz.moʊs/ (the universe) | :: cosmo {m} |
cosmotron {n} (proton synchrotron) | :: cosmotrone {m} |
cosplay {n} /ˌkoʊˈspleɪ/ (subculture centered on dressing as characters) | :: cosplay {m} {m-p} |
cosplay {v} (to costume oneself as a character) | :: fare un cosplay |
Cossack {n} /ˈkɒsˌæk/ (member of a population) | :: cosacco {m} |
cosset {v} /ˈkɒsɪt/ (to treat like a pet) | :: coccolare |
cost {v} /ˈkɔst/ (to incur a charge, a price) | :: costare |
cost {n} (amount of money spent for a purpose) | :: costo {m}, spesa {f} |
cost {n} (negative consequence or loss) | :: discapito |
costa {n} (rib) SEE: rib | :: |
Costa {prop} | :: Costa |
costal {adj} /ˈkɑstl̩/ (pertaining to a rib) | :: costale |
Costa Rica {prop} /ˌkoʊ.stə ˈɹi.kə/ (country) | :: Costa Rica |
costly {adj} /ˈkɒ (expensive) | :: costoso, caro |
costume {n} /ˈkɑs.t(j)uːm/ (dress of a particular country, period or people) | :: costume {m} |
cosubstrate {n} (coenzyme) | :: cosubstrato {m} |
cosy {adj} /ˈkoʊzi/ (affording comfort and warmth) | :: accogliente |
cot {n} /kɑt/ (portable or temporary bed) | :: branda, lettino da campo |
cot {n} (bed for children) | :: greppia {f}, presepe {m}, lettino {m}, culla {f} |
cot {n} (homestead) | :: casolare, capanna {f}, casupola {f} |
cot {n} (cover or sheath) | :: stalla {f}, stabbio {m}, riparo {m}, capanna {f} |
cot {n} (finger cover to prevent static discharge) | :: ditale {m} |
cot {n} (folding bed) SEE: camp bed | :: |
coterie {n} (exclusive group) SEE: clique | :: |
cotidal {adj} (relating to locations where tides occur at the same time of the day) | :: cotidale |
Cotroni {prop} (surname) | :: Cotroni |
cottage {n} /ˈkɑtɪdʒ/ (A small house; a cot; a hut) | :: casolare, rustico {m} |
cottage cheese {n} (cheese curd product) | :: fiocchi di latte {m-p} |
cotton {n} /ˈkɑt.n̩/ (any plant yielding fiber like that of Gossypium) | :: cotone {m} |
cotton {n} (fiber) | :: cotone {m} |
cotton {n} (fabric) | :: (di) cotone {m} |
cotton {adj} (made of cotton) | :: di cotone |
cotton candy {n} (cotton candy) SEE: candy floss | :: |
cotton swab {n} (a small wad of cotton wrapped around the end of a small rod) | :: cotton fioc {m}, bastoncino cotonato {m}, nettaorecchi {m}, pulisciorecchi {m} |
cotton wool {n} /ˈkɒtən wʊl/ (raw fibers of cotton) | :: cotone {m}, bambagia |
cotton wool {n} (absorbent cotton) | :: ovatta {f}, cotone idrofilo {m}, bambagia |
cotyledon {n} /ˌkɑtl̩ˈiːdn̩/ (leaf of the embryo of a seed-bearing plant) | :: cotiledone {m} |
couch {n} /kaʊtʃ/ (furniture for seating of more than one person) | :: canapè {m}, divano {m}, sofà {m} |
couch {v} (lie down (on a couch)) | :: [su un divano or su un sofa] sdraiarsi |
couch {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass | :: |
couch grass {n} /ˈkaʊt͡ʃˌɡɹæs/ (species of grass) | :: gramigna {f} |
cougar {n} /ˈkuɡɚ/ (Puma concolor) | :: puma {m} |
cough {v} /kɔf/ (push air from the lungs) | :: tossire |
cough {v} (make a noise like a cough) | :: tossire |
cough {n} (expulsion of air from the lungs) | :: tosse {f}, colpo di tosse {m} |
cough {n} (condition) | :: tosse {f} |
cougher {n} /ˈkɒˌfə/ | :: tossitore |
could care less {v} (to not care at all) SEE: couldn't care less | :: |
could I see the menu, please {phrase} (said to ask for a menu) | :: posso vedere il menu, per favore? |
couldn't care less {v} (to lack interest) | :: fregarsene, non me ne può fregar di meno, fottersene, infischiarsene, sbattersene |
coulisse {n} /kuːˈliːs/ (piece of timber) | :: scanalatura {f}, incavo {m} |
coulisse {n} (side scene) | :: quinta {f} |
coulomb {n} /ˈkuː.lɒm/ (unit of electrical charge) | :: coulomb {m} |
coumarin {n} /ˈkuːməɹɪn/ (aromatic compound) | :: cumarina {f} |
council {n} /ˈkaʊn.səl/ (committee that leads or governs) | :: consiglio {m} |
Council of Europe {prop} (an international organisation, see also: CoE) | :: Consiglio d'Europa |
counsel {n} /ˈkaʊn.səl/ (advice) | :: consiglio {m} |
counsel {n} (lawyer) | :: avvocato {m} |
count {v} /kaʊnt/ (to enumerate or determine number) | :: contare |
count {v} (to be of significance; to matter) | :: contare |
count {n} (the act of counting) | :: conto {m}, conteggio {m}, calcolo {m} |
count {n} (the result of a tally that reveals the number of items in a set) | :: totale {m}, numero |
count {n} (ruler of a county (male)) | :: conte |
countable {adj} /ˈkʰaʊn(ɾ)əbɫ̩/ (capable of being counted, having a quantity) | :: enumerabile |
countable {adj} (math: having a bijection with a subset of the natural numbers) | :: finito o numerabile , [uncommon anglicism] contabile |
countable {adj} (grammar: freely used with numbers and the definite article) | :: numerabile |
countable set {n} (set that is countable) | :: insieme numerabile {m} |
count angels on pinheads {v} (to spend time on fruitless intellectual matters) | :: discutere del sesso degli angeli |
countdown {n} /ˈkaʊntˌdaʊn/ (a count backward to the time of some event) | :: conto alla rovescia {m} |
Count Dracula {prop} (fictional vampire) | :: Conte Dracula {m} |
countenance {n} /ˈkaʊn.tɪ.nəns/ (face) | :: sembianza {f}, apparenza {f}, espressione {f} |
counter- {prefix} (in opposition to) | :: contro- |
counter {n} /ˈkaʊntɚ/ (object used in counting) | :: contatore |
counter {n} (table or board on which business is transacted) | :: bancone |
counter {n} (computing: variable etc. for keeping count) | :: contatore {m} |
counter {adv} (contrary, in opposition; in an opposite direction) | :: contro |
counter {v} (to contradict, oppose) | :: contraddire |
counter {v} (to take action in response to) | :: contrastare |
counteract {v} /ˈkaʊntəɹˌækt/ (to act in opposition to) | :: contrastare |
counteraction {n} (counterattack) | :: contrattacco |
counter-attack {n} (an attack made in response to an attack by the opponents) | :: contrattacco |
counter-attack {v} (attack in response to an attack by opponents) | :: contrattaccare |
counterbore {n} (recess-machining tool) | :: accecatura {f}, svasatura {f}, accecatoio {m} |
counterclaim {n} (suit filed by a defendant against a plaintiff) | :: riconvenzione {f} |
counterclockwise {adj} (anticlockwise) SEE: anticlockwise | :: |
counterculture {n} (any culture whose values and lifestyles are opposed to those of the established mainstream culture, especially to western culture) | :: controcultura {f} |
countercurrent {n} (Current that flows against the prevailing one) | :: corrente contraria {f}, controcorrente {f} |
counterelectromotive {adj} (describing the force of the voltage in an inductive circuit) | :: controelettromotrice |
counter-ermine {n} | :: contrarmellino {m} |
counterespionage {n} (activities to prevent spying) | :: controspionaggio {m} |
counterexample {n} (instance of the falsity) | :: controesempio {m} |
counterfacade {n} | :: controfacciata {f} |
counterfactual {adj} /ˌkaʊntɚˈfæktʃuəl/ (contrary to the facts) | :: controfattuale |
counterfeit {adj} /ˈkaʊn.tɚˌfɪt/ (intended to deceive or carry appearance of being genuine) | :: contraffazione, falso |
counterfeit {adj} (unauthentic) | :: contraffazione, falso |
counterfeit {n} (fake) | :: contraffazione {f}, falso {m}, imitazione {f} |
counterfeit {v} (To produce something that appears to be official or valid) | :: contraffare, falsificare |
counterfeit {n} (counterfeiter) SEE: counterfeiter | :: |
counterfeiter {n} (a person who counterfeits) | :: contraffattore {m}, falsario {m} |
counterflory {adj} | :: contrafiordalisato, contrafiorito |
counterfoil {n} (the part of a cheque that is retained in the chequebook as a record) | :: matrice {f} |
counterintelligence {n} (counterintelligence) SEE: counterespionage | :: |
counterinterpretation {n} | :: controinterpretazione {f} |
countermand {n} /ˌkaʊntəˈmɑːnd/ (an order to the contrary of a previous one) | :: contrordine {m} |
countermarch {n} (a march back along the same route) | :: contromarcia {f} |
countermarch {v} (to march back along the same route) | :: contromarciare |
counter-offensive {n} (attack made in response to a previous offensive) | :: controffensiva {f} |
counterpane {n} (topmost covering of a bed) SEE: bedspread | :: |
counterpoint {n} ((music) a melody added to an existing one) | :: contrappunto {m} |
counterpower {n} | :: contropotere {m} |
counterproductive {adj} (more of a hindrance than a help) | :: controproducente |
counter-rampant {adj} | :: controrampante |
Counter-Reformation {prop} (period of Roman Catholic revival that aimed to combat the Reformation) | :: controriforma {f} |
countersign {v} (add a second signature) | :: controfirmare |
countersink {n} (a conical recess machined around a hole) | :: svasatura {f}, accecatura {f}, accecatoio {m}, alesatura {f} |
countersink {v} (to create a conical recess) | :: accecare, svasare |
countersteer {v} (steer a vehicle in the opposite direction) | :: controsterzare |
countersubject {n} (countersubject) | :: controsoggetto {m} |
countersuit {n} (lawsuit filed against a party that has filed a suit against one) SEE: counterclaim | :: |
countertendency {n} (contrary tendency) | :: controtendenza {f} |
countertenor {n} (adult male singer) | :: contraltista {m} |
countertenor {n} | :: controtenore |
counter-terrorism {n} (measures intended to combat or reduce terrorist activities) SEE: antiterrorism | :: |
counterweight {n} (heavy mass reducing the amount of work which must be done to effect the raising and lowering of something) | :: contrappeso {m} |
countess {n} /ˈkaʊntɨs/ (wife of a count or earl) | :: contessa {f} |
counting glass {n} (magnifying glass used to count the density of threads) | :: contafili {m} |
countless {adj} /ˈkaʊntləs/ (too many to count, innumerable) | :: innumerevole, incalcolabile, innumerabile |
count on {v} (rely upon, trust, or expect) | :: contare (su) |
country {n} /ˈkʌntɹi/ (region of land) | :: paese {m}, landa {f} |
country {n} (nation state) | :: paese {m}, nazione {f}, patria {f}, stato {m} |
country {n} (the country, rural area, as opposed to the town or city) | :: campo {f}, campagna {f} |
country {adj} (of, from or pertaining to the countryside (adjective)) | :: di campagna, rurale |
country bumpkin {n} (unsophisticated person from a rural area) | :: buzzurro {m} |
countryman {n} /ˈkʌntɹimən/ (somebody from one's own country) | :: connazionale {m} {f} |
country music {n} (style of music) | :: liscio {m}, musica da ballo |
countryside {n} /ˈkʌn.tɹiˌsaɪd/ (a rural area, or the rural part of a larger area) | :: campagna {f} |
countryside {n} (a rural landscape) | :: campagna {f} |
county {n} /ˈkaʊnti/ (land ruled by a count or countess) | :: contea {f}, contado {m} |
county {n} (administrative region of various countries) | :: contea {f} |
county council {n} (administrative body of a county) | :: giunta provinciale {f} |
coup {n} (coup d'état) SEE: coup d'état | :: |
coup de grâce {n} /kuː də ɡɹæs/ (final blow) | :: colpo di grazia {m} |
coup d'état {n} /ˌkuːdeɪˈtɑː/ (sudden overthrow of a government) | :: colpo di stato {m} |
couple {n} /ˈkʌpəl/ (two partners) | :: coppia {f} |
couple {n} (two of the same kind considered together) | :: coppia {f}, paio {m} |
couple {n} (a small number of) | :: paio {m} |
couple {v} (to join together) | :: agganciare, accoppiare |
coupling {n} (sexual intercourse) SEE: sexual intercourse | :: |
coupon {n} /ˈkuːˌpɑn/ (interest payment made or due on a bond) | :: cedola {f} |
courage {n} /ˈkʌɹɪdʒ/ (quality of a confident character) | :: coraggio {m} |
courageous {adj} (brave) SEE: brave | :: |
courageous {adj} /kəˈɹeɪdʒəs/ (of an action, that requires courage) | :: coraggioso |
courgette {n} /kʊɹˈʒɛt/ (a small marrow/squash) | :: zucchina {f}, zucchino {m} |
courier {n} /ˈkʊɹ.i.ɚ/ (person who delivers messages) | :: corriere {m} |
courier {n} (company that delivers messages) | :: corriere {m} |
Courish {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Courland) SEE: Curonian | :: |
Courland {prop} (region in western Latvia) | :: Curlandia |
Courlandish {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Courland) SEE: Curonian | :: |
course {n} /kɔːs/ (learning program) | :: corso {m} |
course {n} (stage of a meal) | :: portata, pietanza {f} |
course {n} (itinerary of a race) | :: percorso, itinerario {m} |
course {n} (sports: trajectory of a ball etc.) | :: traiettoria {f} |
course {n} (nautical: direction of movement of a vessel) | :: rotta {f} |
course {n} (intended passage of voyage) | :: rotta {f} |
course {n} (masonry: row of bricks) | :: fila {f} |
course {n} | :: corso {m} |
course {v} (Flow) | :: scorrere |
course {v} (Pursue) | :: braccare |
course {n} (golf course) SEE: golf course | :: |
course {n} (menses) SEE: menses | :: |
course {n} (path taken by a flow of water) SEE: watercourse | :: |
court {n} /kɔɹt/ (enclosed space; a courtyard) | :: cortile {m} |
court {n} (residence of a sovereign, prince, nobleman, or ether dignitary) | :: corte {f} |
court {n} (hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered) | :: corte {f}, tribunale {f} |
court {n} (persons officially assembled under authority of law) | :: assemblea, corte, giuria |
court {n} (tribunal established for the administration of justice) | :: corte, tribunale |
court {n} (judge or judges) | :: giuria |
court {n} (jurisdiction) | :: giurisdizione |
court {n} (place for playing the game of tennis and some other ball games) | :: campo {m} |
court {v} (to attempt to win over) | :: corteggiare, fare la corte |
courteous {adj} /ˈkɝti.əs/ (showing regard for others) | :: cortese |
courtesan {n} /ˈkɔɹtɪzən/ (woman of court) | :: cortigiana {f} |
courtesan {n} (high-status prostitute) | :: prostituta {f} |
courtesy {n} /ˈkɜːtəsi/ (polite behavior) | :: cortesia {f} |
courtesy {n} (polite gesture or remark) | :: cortesia {f} |
courtesy {n} (consent or agreement in spite of fact; indulgence) | :: cortesia {f} |
courtesy {adj} (given or done as a polite gesture) | :: di cortesia {f} |
courthouse {n} (public building housing courts of law) | :: palazzo di giustizia |
courtier {n} /ˈkɔɹtiɚ/ (attendant at a royal court) | :: cortigiano {m} |
court jester {n} (person who amused a medieval court) | :: giullare {m}, buffone {m}, affabulatore {m}, affabulatrice {f}, buffone di corte {m} |
courtliness {n} (the quality of being courtly) | :: cortigianeria {f} |
courtly love {n} | :: amor cortese {m} |
court of cassation {n} (the highest court of appeal) | :: corte suprema di cassazione {f} |
courtroom {n} (room where a judge presides) | :: aula {f}, sala d'udienza {f} |
courtship {n} /ˈkɔː(ɹ)tʃɪp/ (act of wooing in love) | :: corteggiamento |
courtyard {n} /ˈkɔɹt.jɑɹd/ (unroofed walled area) | :: cortile, corte {f} |
couscoussier {n} | :: couscoussiera {f} |
cousin {n} /ˈkʰɐz.ən/ (nephew or niece of a parent) | :: cugino {m}, cugina {f} |
cousinhood {n} (state of being cousins) SEE: cousinship | :: |
cousinship {n} (state of being cousins) | :: cuginanza {f} |
couturier {n} (fashion house) SEE: fashion house | :: |
covalent {adj} /koʊˈveɪlənt/ (containing or characterized by a covalent bond) | :: covalente |
covalent bond {n} /koʊveɪlənt bɒnd/ (bond in which atoms are connected by shared pairs of electrons) | :: legame covalente {m} |
covalently {adv} (using covalent bonds) | :: covalentemente |
covariance {n} (statistical measure) | :: covarianza {f} |
cove {n} /koʊv/ (small coastal inlet, especially one having high cliffs protecting vessels from prevailing winds) | :: calanca {f} |
covenant {n} /ˈkʌv.ən.ənt/ (binding agreement) | :: patto {m}, accordo solenne {m}, contratto {m}, convenzione {f}, alleanza {f} |
covenant {n} (incidental clause) | :: clausola accessoria {f}, clausola secondaria {f} |
covenant {v} (to enter into a covenant) | :: accordarsi, impegnarsi, convenzionarsi, allearsi |
covenant {v} (to enter a formal agreement) | :: stipulare, convenire, stilare un accordo, sottoscrivere, concludere, contrarre |
coventrate {v} (devastate by heavy bombing) | :: coventrizzare |
cover {n} /ˈkʌvɚ/ (lid) | :: coperto {m}, coperchio {m} |
cover {n} (hiding) | :: copertura {f}, nascondiglio {m} |
cover {n} (front and back of a book or a magazine) | :: copertina {f} |
cover {n} (top sheet) | :: coperta {f}, lenzuolo piano {m}, copriletto {m} |
cover {n} (cover charge) | :: coperto {m}, copertura finanziaria {f}, finanziamento {m} |
cover {n} (setting at a restaurant table) | :: coperto {m} |
cover {n} (philately: complete envelope) | :: busta primo giorno di emissione {f} |
cover {n} (military: solid object that provides protection from enemy fire) | :: copertura {f}, difesa {f}, barriera {f}, sbarramento {m}, protezione {f} |
cover {n} (insurance contract) | :: copertura assicurativa {f}, polizza {f}, garanzia {f}, assicurazione {f}, copertura {f} |
cover {n} (espionage: persona maintained by an operative) | :: mascheramento {m}, sotto copertura |
cover {v} (to conceal or protect) | :: coprire, nascondere |
cover {v} (discuss, mention, deal with) | :: coprire |
cover {v} (protect by shooting) | :: coprire |
cover {v} (copulate (of animals)) | :: coprire, montare, accoppiare |
cover {n} (music: rerecording of a previously recorded song) SEE: cover version | :: |
coverage {n} /ˈkʌv.əɹ.ɪdʒ/ (average number of reads representing a given nucleotide) | :: copertura |
coverall {n} (loose-fitting garment) | :: tuta {f} |
coveralls {n} (coverall) SEE: coverall | :: |
cover charge {n} (amount of money to be paid for entering a bar or restaurant) | :: ingresso {m} |
cover charge {n} (amount of money added to a restaurant bill in lieu of tips) | :: pane e coperto, coperto {m} |
covered {adj} /ˈkʌvə(ɹ)d/ (overlaid or enclosed within something) | :: coperto |
covering letter {n} (cover letter) SEE: cover letter | :: |
cover letter {n} (letter to introduce a document) | :: lettera di presentazione {f} |
cover someone's ass {v} (ensure that a person is not blamed or punished) | :: pararsi il culo |
cover song {n} (cover version) SEE: cover version | :: |
covert {n} (disguise) SEE: disguise | :: |
covertly {adv} (secretly) SEE: secretly | :: |
cover-up {n} (attempt to conceal or disguise a wrongdoing or a mistake) | :: occultamento {m}, copertura {f}, insabbiamento {m} |
cover version {n} (rerecording of a song) | :: cover {f}, riedizione {f} |
covet {v} /ˈkʌvɪt/ (to wish for with eagerness) | :: concupire, bramare |
coveted {adj} (highly sought-after) | :: desiderato {m}, ambito {m}, agognato {m} |
covey {n} /ˈkʌvi/ (A group of 8–12 (or more) quail) | :: covata {f}, nidiata {f}, stormo {m} |
covey {n} (A brood of partridges, grouse, etc.) | :: covata {f}, nidiata {f} |
covey {n} (A party or group (of persons or things)) | :: comitiva {f}, gruppo {m}, raggruppamento {m} |
covey {n} /ˈkoʊvi/ (slang: a man) | :: tizio {m}, tipo {m} |
covidiot {n} /ˈkoʊˌvɪd.i.(j)ɪt/ (person who is foolishly reckless with respect to avoiding contracting or spreading COVID-19) | :: covidiota {m} {f} |
cow {n} (female domesticated ox or other bovine) | :: vacca {f}, mucca {f} |
cow {n} (any domestic bovine regardless of sex or age) | :: bovino {m} |
cow {n} (female of various species of mammal) | :: vacca {f}, [of any bovine] mucca {f}, [of the seal, whale, manatee, etc.] femmina {f}, [of the elephant] elefantessa {f} |
cow {n} (derogatory: despicable woman) | :: stronza {f}, bastarda {f}, vacca {f} |
cowabunga {interj} (expression of joy) SEE: yes | :: |
cowabunga {interj} (expression of amazement or enthusiasm) SEE: wow | :: |
coward {n} /ˈkaʊɚd/ (a person who lacks courage) | :: codardo, pusillanime, vigliacco, vile, coniglio {m} |
cowardice {n} /ˈkaʊədɪs/ (the lack of courage) | :: codardia, viltà, pusillanimità, vigliaccheria |
cowardly {adj} /ˈkaʊədli/ (showing cowardice) | :: codardo, pusillanime, vigliacco, vile |
cowardly {adv} (in the manner of a coward) | :: vigliaccamente, pusillanimamente, vilmente |
cowbell {n} /ˈkaʊˌbɛl/ (musical instrument) | :: campanaccio {m} |
cowboy {n} /ˈkaʊˌbɔɪ/ (person who tends cattle) | :: mandriano {m}, vaccaio {m}, vaccaro {m} |
cow eyes {n} (a secretive, pining look, or humble doting glance) | :: occhi vitulini {m-p} |
cowgirl {n} (A woman who tends free-range cattle) | :: mandriana {f} |
cowherd {n} (a person who herds cattle) | :: vaccaio {m}, boaro {m}, bovaro {m} |
cowl {n} /kaʊl/ (monk's hood or robe) | :: cappuccio {m} |
cowlick {n} /ˈkaʊˌlɪk/ (unruly lock of hair) | :: ciuffo ribelle {m}, ritrosa {f} |
coworker {n} (somebody with whom one works) | :: collega {m} {f} |
cowper {n} (cooper) SEE: cooper | :: |
Cowper's fluid {n} (pre-ejaculate) SEE: pre-ejaculate | :: |
cowrie {n} /ˈkaʊ.ɹi/ (any member of the genus Cypraea) | :: ciprea {f} |
cowshed {n} (place for cows) | :: stalla {f} |
coxed {adj} (past of cox) | :: con timoniere |
coxitis {n} (inflammation of the hip joint) | :: coxite {f} |
coxless {adj} (not having a cox) | :: senza timoniere, due senza {m} |
coxswain {n} /ˈkɒkˌsweɪn/ (crew member who helms a boat) | :: timoniere {m} |
coxswain {n} (a crew member in a rowing team who gives the rhythm) | :: nocchiere {m}, nocchiero {m}, timoniere {m} |
coy {adj} /kɔɪ/ (bashful, shy) | :: timido {m} |
coy {adj} (archaic: quiet, reserved, modest) | :: schivo |
coy {adj} (reluctant to give details about something sensitive) | :: modesto {m} |
coyote {n} /kəˈjoʊti/ (canine) | :: coyote {m}, coiote {m} |
coypu {n} (Myocastor coypus) | :: nutria {f} |
C-pop {n} (Mandopop) SEE: Mandopop | :: |
CPSU {prop} | :: PCUS |
CPU {n} /(ˌ)siː(ˌ)piːˈjuː/ (Central processing unit) | :: processore {m} |
crab {n} /kɹæb/ (crustacean) | :: granchio {m} |
crab {n} (informal: infestation of pubic lice) | :: piattola {f}, pidocchio del pube {m} |
crab canon {n} (crab canon) | :: canone cancrizzante {m} |
crab-eating macaque {n} (Macaca fascicularis) | :: macaco cinomolgo {m}, macaco di Buffon {m}, macaco di Giava {m} |
crab louse {n} (insect) | :: piattola {f}, pidocchio del pube {m} |
crack {v} /kɹæk/ (to form cracks) | :: spaccare, spezzare, frantumare, fendere |
crack {v} (to break apart under pressure) | :: frantumare, sbriciolare |
crack {v} (to become debilitated by psychological pressure) | :: impazzire, dare di matto |
crack {v} (to make a cracking sound) | :: schioccare |
crack {v} (of voice: to change rapidly in register) | :: rompere |
crack {v} (of boy's voice: to alternate between high and low register in the process of eventually lowering) | :: mutare |
crack {v} (to overcome a security system or a component) | :: forzare, eludere, aggirare, disattivare |
crack {v} (to cause to make a sharp sound) | :: stonare, schioccare, crepitare |
crack {v} (to tell (a joke)) | :: fare una battuta |
crack {v} (to break down, especially with the application of heat) | :: scomporre, scindere |
crack {v} (to circumvent software restrictions) | :: violare, aggirare, eludere, craccare |
crack {v} (to open a canned beverage etc.) | :: stappare |
crack {n} (thin space opened in a previously solid material) | :: crepa, fessura {f}, intercapedine {f} |
crack {n} (narrow opening) | :: fessura {f}, spiraglio {m} |
crack {n} (sharply humorous comment) | :: spiritosaggine {f}, apprezzamento {m}, appunto {m} |
crack {n} (variety of cocaine) | :: crack {m} |
crack {n} (sharp sound made when solid material breaks) | :: schiocco {m}, scrocchio {m} |
crack {n} (any sharp sound) | :: stecca {f}, strepitio {m}, scricchiolio {m}, crepito {m}, picchiettio {m} |
crack {n} (vulgar: vagina (only terms derived from "crack" and its equivalents)) | :: fessa {f} |
crack {n} (attempt at something) SEE: try | :: |
crackdown {n} (increased enforcement) | :: giro di vite, misura restrittiva, repressione {f} |
cracker {n} (firecracker) SEE: firecracker | :: |
cracker {n} (northern pintail) SEE: northern pintail | :: |
crackle {n} /ˈkɹækəl/ (a fizzing, popping sound) | :: crepitio, scoppiettio |
crackle {v} (make a fizzing sound) | :: crepitare |
crack of dawn {n} (sunrise) SEE: sunrise | :: |
crackpot {n} (crazy person) | :: svitato {m}, folle |
crackpot {adj} (eccentric or impractical) | :: folle |
Cracow {prop} /ˈkɹækaʊ/ (city) | :: Cracovia {f} |
-cracy {suffix} /-kɹəsi/ (rule) | :: -crazia {f} |
cradle {n} /ˈkɹeɪdəl/ (oscillating bed for a baby) | :: culla {f} |
cradle {n} (figuratively: place of origin) | :: culla {f} |
cradle {v} (to rock (a baby to sleep)) | :: cullare |
cradle cap {n} (form of seborrheic dermatitis) | :: crosta lattea {f} |
cradle song {n} (lullaby) SEE: lullaby | :: |
craft {n} (device; means; art) SEE: device | :: |
craft {n} (strength; power; might; force) SEE: strength | :: |
craftiness {n} (skill in deception, slyness) | :: astuzia |
craftsman {n} (male artisan) | :: artefice {m} |
crafty {adj} /ˈkɹæfti/ (dexterous) | :: ingegnoso, destro, fantasioso |
crafty {adj} (cunning, wily) | :: furbo |
crag {n} /kɹæɡ/ (a rocky outcrop) | :: costone {m}, dirupo {m}, strapiombo {m}, precipizio {m}, bricco {m}, bric {m} |
cram {v} /kɹæm/ (to press, force, or drive, particularly in filling, or in thrusting one thing into another) | :: stivare |
cram {v} (study hard) SEE: swot | :: |
Cramer's rule {n} (the explicit formula) | :: regola di Cramer {f} |
cramp {n} /kɹæmp/ (painful contraction of a muscle) | :: crampo {m} |
cramp {n} (piece of wood used to shape boot) | :: forma {f}, calco {m}, stampo {m} |
cramp {v} (to contract painfully and uncontrollably) | :: paralizzare, contrarre |
cramp {v} (to prohibit movement or expression) | :: paralizzare, inibire, bloccare, atrofizzare |
cramp {v} (to restrain to a specific physical position) | :: limitare |
cramp {n} (clamp for carpentry or masonry) SEE: clamp | :: |
crampon {n} /ˈkɹæmpɑn/ (attachment to a shoe used for climbing or walking on ice) | :: rampone {m} |
cramponned {adj} | :: cramponato |
cranberry {n} /ˈkɹænb(ə)ɹɪ/ (berry) | :: ossicocco {m}, mirtillo palustre {m} |
cranberry juice {n} (the unfermented juice of squeezed cranberries) | :: succo di mirtillo {m} |
crane {n} /kɹeɪn/ (bird) | :: gru {f} |
crane {n} (machinery) | :: gru {f} |
crane {v} (to extend (one's neck)) | :: allungare (il collo) |
cranefly {n} /ˈkɹeɪnˌflaɪ/ (fly of the suborder Tipulomorpha) | :: tipula {f} |
cranesbill {n} (plant of the genus Geranium) | :: geranio {m} |
cranial {adj} /ˈkɹeɪni.əl/ (of or relating to the cranium, or to the skull) | :: cranico |
cranial nerve {n} (nerve) | :: nervo cranico {m}, nervo encefalico {m} |
craniectomy {n} (surgical procedure) | :: craniectomia {f} |
craniology {n} (the study of the physical characteristics of the human skull) | :: craniologia {f} |
craniotomy {n} (surgical procedure) | :: craniotomia {f} |
cranium {n} (skull) SEE: skull | :: |
cranium {n} /ˈkɹeɪni.əm/ ((anatomy) braincase or neurocranium) | :: cranio {m} |
cranium {n} (upper part of skull without the mandible) | :: cranio {m} |
crank {n} (methamphetamine) SEE: methamphetamine | :: |
cranked {adj} (Formed with, or having, a crank) | :: a gomito |
crankset {n} | :: guarnitura {f} |
crap {n} /kɹæp/ (husk of grain) | :: crusca {f} |
crap {n} (something of poor quality) | :: schifezza {f}, porcheria {f}, cesso {m}, ciofeca {f}, schifo {m} |
crap {n} (nonsense) | :: sciocchezza {f}, cagata {f}, stronzata {f}, cazzata {f}, cacata {f} |
crap {n} (feces) | :: schifezza, escrementi {p}, merda, cacca {f} |
crape {n} (crepe) SEE: crepe | :: |
crape myrtle {n} (tree) | :: lagerstroemia {f} |
crash {n} /kɹæʃ/ (loud sound) | :: fracasso {m} |
crash {n} (vehicle accident) | :: incidente {m}, scontro {m} |
crash {n} (computer malfunction) | :: blocco {m} |
crash {n} (sudden large decline of business) | :: crollo {m} |
crash {v} (slang: to turn up without having been invited) | :: imbucarsi |
crash course {n} (quick, intense course) | :: corso accelerato |
crasis {n} /ˈkɹeɪsɪs/ (contraction of a vowel at the end of a word with the start of the next word) | :: crasi {f} |
crass {adj} /kɹæs/ (coarse; crude; not refined, insensitive) | :: grossolano |
crate {n} /kɹeɪt/ (box or basket) | :: cesto {m} |
crater {n} /ˈkɹeɪ.tɚ/ (astronomy: hemispherical pit) | :: cratere {m} |
crater {n} (geology: opening of a volcano) | :: cratere {m} |
crater {n} (pit left by an explosion) | :: cratere {m} |
crave {n} /kɹeɪv/ (to want strongly) | :: desiderare |
craving {n} /ˈkɹeɪ.vɪŋ/ (strong desire; yearning) | :: brama {f} |
crawdad {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish | :: |
crawfish {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish | :: |
crawl {v} /kɹɔl/ (to move along the ground) | :: strisciare, gattonare |
crawl {v} (to teem or swarm) | :: brulicare |
crawl {v} (to swim using crawl stroke) | :: nuotare a crawl |
crawl {n} (swimming stroke) | :: crawl |
crawldad {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish | :: |
crawler {n} (sycophant) SEE: sycophant | :: |
crawlfish {n} (crayfish) SEE: crayfish | :: |
crayfish {n} /ˈkɹeɪˌfɪʃ/ (freshwater crustacean resembling lobster) | :: aragosta {f}, gambero {m}, gambero di fiume {m} |
crayon {n} /ˈkɹeɪ.ɒn/ (colored chalk or wax) | :: pastello {m} |
craze {v} /kɹeɪz/ (to be crazed, or to act or appear as one that is crazed; to rave; to become insane) | :: impazzire |
crazy {adj} /ˈkɹeɪzi/ (insane, demented) | :: pazzo, matto |
crazy {adj} | :: pazzo |
crèche {n} (nativity scene) SEE: nativity scene | :: |
Córdoba {prop} /ˈkɔːɹdəbə/ (city in Spain) | :: Cordova |
creak {n} /kɹiːk/ (the sound produced by anything that creaks; a creaking) | :: cric {m}, scricchiolio {m} |
creak {v} (to make a prolonged sharp grating or squeaking sound) | :: scricchiolare |
cream {n} /kɹiːm/ (oily part of milk) | :: panna {f} |
cream {n} (colour) | :: crema {m} |
cream {n} (the best part) | :: crema {f} |
cream {n} (product to apply to the skin) | :: crema {f} |
cream {n} (vulgar: semen) | :: sbobba {f} |
cream-colored courser {n} (Cursorius cursor) | :: corrione biondo {m} |
cream of tartar {n} (potassium hydrogen tartrate) | :: cremortartaro {m} |
creamometer {n} (instrument) | :: cremometro {m} |
cream puff {n} (hollow pastry filled with cream or custard) | :: bignè {m}, bignè alla panna {m}, bignè alla crema {m} |
creamy {adj} /ˈkɹiːmi/ (of food or drink, having the taste or texture of cream) | :: cremoso {m}, cremosa {f} |
creamy {adj} (of any liquid, having the texture of cream) | :: cremoso {m}, cremosa {f} |
crease {n} /kɹiːs/ (mark made by folding) | :: piega {f}, grinza {f}, cordonatura {f} |
create {v} /kɹiːˈeɪt/ (to put into existence) | :: creare |
create {v} | :: creare |
creatine kinase {n} (enzyme that catalyzes the phosphorylation of creatine) | :: creatinchinasi {f} |
creation {n} /kɹiːˈeɪʃən/ (something created such as an invention or artwork) | :: creazione {f} |
creation {n} (act of creation) | :: creazione {f} |
creation {n} ((Biblical) all which exists) | :: creazione {f}, creato {m} |
creationism {n} (any creationary theory or belief system) | :: creazionismo {m} |
creationist {n} (a proponent or supporter of creationism) | :: creazionista {m} {f} |
creationist {adj} (of or relating to creationism) | :: creazionista, creazionistico |
creationistic {adj} (of or pertaining to creationism) | :: creazionistico, creazionista |
creative {adj} /kɹiˈeɪtɪv/ (having the ability to create) | :: creativo |
creative {adj} (original, expressive, and imaginative) | :: creativo |
creative {n} (person directly involved in a creative marketing process) | :: creativo {m}, creativa {f} |
creative {n} | :: creativo {m}, creativa {f} |
creator {n} /kɹiˈeɪtɚ/ (one who creates) | :: creatore {m} |
creature {n} /ˈkɹiːt͡ʃə/ (living being) | :: creatura {f} |
credibly {adv} (in a credible manner; believably) | :: credibilmente |
credit {v} /ˈkɹɛdɪt/ (to believe) | :: avvalorare, convalidare, corroborare, accreditare |
credit {v} (to add to an account) | :: accreditare, mettere in conto |
credit {v} (to acknowledge a contribution) | :: riconoscere, accreditare |
credit {n} (reliance on the truth of something said or done) | :: credito {m} |
credit {n} (recognition and respect) | :: credito {m} |
credit {n} (acknowledgement of a contribution) | :: riconoscimento {m} |
credit {n} (written title shown with a film or video) | :: titoli di coda {m-p}, titoli di testa {m-p}, crediti {m-p} |
credit {n} (privilege of delayed payment) | :: credito {m} |
credit {n} (accounting: amount added to an account) | :: credito {m} |
credit card {n} (card connected to a credit account used to buy goods or services) | :: carta di credito {f} |
creditee {n} | :: accreditatario {m} |
creditor {n} (a person to whom a debt is owed) | :: creditore {m} |
credit transfer {n} (method of payment) | :: giroconto {m}, bancogiro {m}, trasferimento bancario {m}, bonifico {m} |
creed {n} /kɹiːd/ (that which is believed) | :: credo {m} |
creek {n} /kɹik/ (small inlet or bay) | :: calanca {f} |
creek {n} (stream of water) | :: ruscello, rivo {m} |
creel {n} /kɹiːl/ (osier basket to hold fish) | :: nassa {f} |
creep {v} /kɹiːp/ (to grow across a surface rather than upwards) | :: abbarbicarsi |
creep {n} (movement of something that creeps) | :: strisciare {m} |
creep {n} (slight displacement) | :: scorrimento, spostamento, deriva |
creep {n} (geology: imperceptible downslope movement of surface) | :: scollamento |
creep {n} (informal: annoyingly unpleasant person) | :: antipatico {m}, ruffiano, lecchino |
creep {v} (to move slowly with the abdomen close to the ground) SEE: crawl | :: |
creeper {n} /ˈkɹipɚ/ (person or thing that creeps) | :: persona che si trascina, persona che si muove furtivamente |
creeper {n} (device for children) | :: girello |
creeper {n} (plant) | :: pianta rampicante, pianta strisciante |
creeper {n} (grapnel) | :: raffio, rampino, ancorotto |
creeper {n} (treecreeper) SEE: treecreeper | :: |
creepy {adj} /ˈkɹiːpi/ (producing a fearful sensation) | :: angosciante, inquietante |
cremate {v} /ˈkɹimeɪt/ (incinerate a body) | :: cremare |
cremation {n} (burning) | :: cremazione {f} |
crematorium {n} /kɹɛməˈtɔːɹɪəm/ (place where dead bodies are cremated) | :: crematorio {m} |
crematory {n} (crematorium) SEE: crematorium | :: |
Cremona {prop} (province) | :: Cremona {f} |
Cremona {prop} (city) | :: Cremona {f} |
crenate {adj} /ˈkɹiː.neɪt/ (scalloped) | :: crenato |
crenate {n} (salt or ester of crenic acid) | :: crenato {m} |
crenic acid {n} (any of a group of poorly characterized acids found in humus) | :: acido crenico |
crenotherapy {n} (therapeutic use of mud, mineral waters and steam) | :: crenoterapia {f} |
creodont {n} (member of Creodonta) | :: creodonto {m} |
creole {n} /ˈkɹioʊl/ (lect formed from two languages) | :: creolo |
Creole {n} /ˈkɹiˌoʊl/ (descendant of white settlers born in colonized country) | :: creolo |
creolin {n} (fraction of coal tar containing cresols) | :: creolina {f} |
creosol {n} (2-methoxy-4-methylphenol) | :: creosolo {m} |
crepe {n} /kɹeɪp/ (very thin pancake) | :: crespella {f}, frittella {f} |
crepe {n} (crinkled fabric) | :: crespo {m} |
crepe {n} (type of rubber used for shoe soles) SEE: crepe rubber | :: |
creperie {n} (restaurant that specializes in crêpes) | :: creperia {f} |
crepe rubber {n} (type of rubber) | :: para {f} |
crepon {n} (thin fabric made from silk or fine wool) | :: crépon {m} |
crepuscular {adj} /kɹəˈpʌskjələɹ/ (of or relating to twilight) | :: crepuscolare |
crepuscular {adj} (active at or around dusk, dawn or twilight) | :: crepuscolare, crepuscolare |
crepuscule {n} /ˈkɹɛpʊskjuːl/ (twilight) | :: crepuscolo {m} |
Cres {prop} (island in the Adriatic Sea) | :: Cherso {m} |
crescendo {n} /kɹɪˈʃɛn.doʊ/ (music: instruction to play gradually more loudly) | :: crescendo {m} |
crescendo {n} (figuratively: gradual increase) | :: crescendo {m} |
crescent {n} /ˈkɹɛ.sənt/ (figure of the moon) | :: crescente, falce {f}, mezzaluna {f} |
crescent {n} (curved pastry) | :: cornetto {m} |
crescent {adj} (marked by an increase) | :: crescente |
crescent moon {n} (the moon as it appears in its first or last quarter) | :: luna crescente, fase di novilunio {f}, congiunzione {f} |
crescent spanner {n} (adjustable spanner) SEE: adjustable spanner | :: |
cress {n} /kɹɛs/ (a plant) | :: crescione {m} |
crest {n} /kɹɛst/ (animal’s or bird’s tuft) | :: cresta {f} |
crest {n} (plume or decoration on a helmet) | :: cresta {f}, cimiero {m} |
crest {n} (heraldic bearing) | :: timbro {m}, cimiero {m} |
crest {n} (horse's neck) | :: crine {m}, criniera {f} |
crest {n} (ridge or top of a wave) | :: cresta {f} |
crest {n} (summit) | :: cresta {f} |
crested lark {n} (small lark) | :: cappellaccia {f} |
crested tit {n} (bird of the tit family) | :: cincia dal ciuffo {f} |
Cretan {adj} /ˈkɹiːtən/ (relating to Crete) | :: cretese |
Crete {prop} /kɹiːt/ (island) | :: Creta {f} |
cretin {n} /ˈkɹiːtɪn/ (pejorative: an idiot) | :: cretino {m} |
cretinous {adj} (very stupid) | :: cretino |
crevasse {n} /kɹəˈvæs/ (a crack or fissure in a glacier or snow field) | :: crepaccio |
crevice {n} /ˈkɹɛvɪs/ (narrow crack) | :: fessura {f}, fenditura {f}, crepa {f} |
crew {n} /kɹuː/ (group of people operating a large facility or piece of equipment) | :: squadra {f}, equipaggio {m} |
crew {n} (non-officer nautical personnel) | :: ciurma {f}, equipaggio {m} |
crew {n} (group of people working on common task) | :: squadra {f} |
crew {n} (arts: non-actor members of a theatrical stage production) | :: troupe {f}, staff {m} |
crew {n} (informal: group of friends or associates) | :: banda {f}, cricca {f}, folla {f}, gente {f} |
crew cut {n} (a haircut) | :: taglio a spazzola {m} |
crib {n} (a child's bed) SEE: cot | :: |
crib {n} /kɹɪb/ (a baby’s bed with high sides) | :: culla {f}, lettino a sponde alte {m} |
crib {n} (a feeding trough for animals) | :: greppia {f}, mangiatoia {f} |
crib {n} (nativity scene) SEE: nativity scene | :: |
crib note {n} (concealed reminder) SEE: cheat sheet | :: |
cribrose {adj} (perforated like a sieve) | :: cribroso |
crib sheet {n} (cheat sheet) SEE: cheat sheet | :: |
cricetid {n} /kɹɪˈsɛtɪd/ (member of the Cricetidae family) | :: criceto {m} |
crick {n} (muscular cramp or spasm) | :: torcicollo {m} [crick of the neck] |
cricket {n} /ˈkɹɪk.ɪt/ (insect) | :: grillo {m} |
cricket {n} (game) | :: cricket {m} |
cricket {n} (fair and sportsmanlike act) | :: fair play {m} |
cricothyrotomy {n} (incision made through the skin and cricothyroid membrane) | :: cricotiroidotomia {f}, coniotomia {f} |
crikey {interj} /kɹaɪki/ (exclamation of astonishment) | :: cribbio, perbacco, dannazione, osteria, alla faccia |
crime {n} /kɹaɪm/ (specific act committed in violation of the law) | :: crimine {m}, delitto {m}, reato {m} |
crime {n} (practice or habit of committing crimes) | :: criminalità {f} |
Crimea {prop} /kɹaɪˈmiːə/ (peninsula, see also: Crimean peninsula) | :: Crimea {f} |
crime against humanity {n} (a large-scale persecution of, or atrocity against a body of people) | :: crimine contro l'umanità {m} |
Crimean {prop} (Crimea) SEE: Crimea | :: |
Crimean {adj} /kɹaɪˈmi.ən/ (referring to the Crimea region) | :: crimeano |
Crimean {n} (native or inhabitant of Crimea) | :: crimeano {m}, crimeana {f} |
Crimean {prop} (Crimean peninsula) SEE: Crimean peninsula | :: |
Crimean Gothic {prop} (Gothic dialect spoken in Crimea) | :: gotico di Crimea {m} |
Crimean peninsula {prop} (peninsula, see also: Crimea) | :: Penisola di Crimea {f} |
Crimean Tatar {n} (Crimean Tatar (a Turkic language)) | :: tataro di Crimea {m} |
crime doesn't pay {proverb} /kɹaɪm ˈdʌzˌənt peɪ/ (if you a commit a crime you will most likely be punished for it) | :: il crimine non paga |
crime scene {n} (location of a crime) | :: scena del crimine {f} |
criminal {adj} /ˈkɹɪmənəl/ (being against the law) | :: criminale {m} {f} |
criminal {adj} (guilty of breaking the law) | :: criminale |
criminal {adj} | :: criminale, delittuoso |
criminal {n} (person guilty of a crime, breaking the law) | :: criminale |
criminality {n} (state of being criminal) | :: criminalità {f} |
criminalize {v} (to make something be a crime) | :: criminalizzare |
criminalize {v} (to treat as a criminal) | :: criminalizzare |
criminal law {n} (area of law) | :: diritto penale |
criminalness {n} (criminality) SEE: criminality | :: |
criminal offence {n} (crime) SEE: crime | :: |
crimini {n} (mushroom) | :: champignon {m} |
criminological {adj} (of or pertaining to criminology) | :: criminologico |
criminologically {adv} (in a criminological manner) | :: criminologicamente |
criminologist {n} /ˈkɹɪm.ɪn.ɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ (person who practices criminology) | :: criminologo {m}, criminologa {f} |
criminology {n} (the study of crime and criminals, especially their behaviour) | :: criminologia {f} |
crimp {v} /kɹɪmp/ (to fasten by bending metal) | :: crimpare |
crimson {n} /ˈkɹɪmzən/ (deep, slightly bluish red) | :: cremisi, granata |
crimson {adj} (having a deep red colour) | :: cremisi |
crimson {v} (blush) SEE: blush | :: |
crimson tide {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation | :: |
cringe {n} /kɹɪnd͡ʒ/ (A posture or gesture of shrinking or recoiling) | :: raggomitolamento {m} |
cringe {v} (To shrink or recoil, as in fear, disgust or embarrassment) | :: raggomitolarsi, rannicchiarsi |
cripple {n} /ˈkɹɪpl/ (person who has severe impairment in physical abilities) | :: storpio, storpia {f} |
crippled {adj} (having a physical impediment) | :: storpio, zoppo |
crisis {n} /ˈkɹaɪsɪs/ (unstable situation in political, social, economic or military affairs) | :: crisi {f} |
crisis {n} | :: crisi {f} |
crisp {adj} /kɹɪsp/ (curling in stiff ringlets) | :: croccante |
crisp {n} (thin slice of potato) SEE: potato crisp | :: |
Crispin {prop} /ˈkɹɪspɪn/ (male given name) | :: Crispino {m} |
Crispin {prop} (Christian saint) | :: Crispino {m} |
crisscross {adv} (crossing one another) | :: incrociarsi, intersecarsi |
cristate {adj} (having a crest) | :: crestato |
criterion {n} /kɹaɪˈtɪəɹi.ən/ (standard for comparison and judgment) | :: criterio {m} |
critical mass {n} (amount of fissile material needed to a nuclear chain reaction) | :: massa critica {f} |
criticism {n} /ˈkɹɪtɪsɪzəm/ (act of criticising) | :: critica {f} |
criticizable {adj} (able to be criticized) | :: criticabile |
criticize {v} /ˈkɹɪtɪsaɪz/ (to find fault) | :: criticare |
criticize {v} (to evaluate) | :: criticare, giudicare, valutare |
critter {n} /ˈkɹɪtɚ/ (a creature) | :: bestiola {f}, animaletto {m} |
crème brûlée {n} /kɹɛm bɹuˈleɪ/ (dessert) | :: crème brûlée {f} |
croak {n} (the harsh cry of various birds, particularly the raven or crow) SEE: caw | :: |
croak {v} (of a raven, to make its cry) SEE: caw | :: |
croak {n} /kɹoʊk/ (the cry of a frog or toad) | :: gracidio {m} |
croak {v} (of a frog, to make its cry) | :: gracidare |
croak {v} (slang: to die) | :: crepare |
Croat {n} (language) SEE: Croatian | :: |
Croat {n} /ˈkɹoʊæt/ (citizen of Croatia or person of Croatian ethnicity) | :: croato {m}, croata {f} |
Croatia {prop} /ˌkɹoʊˈeɪ.ʃə/ (country in Europe) | :: Croazia |
Croatian {n} /ˌkɹoʊˈeɪ.ʃən/ (person of Croatia) | :: croato {m}, croata {f} |
Croatian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) | :: croato {m} |
Croatian Sheepdog {n} (Croatian Sheepdog) | :: pastore croato {m} |
crochet {n} /kɹoʊˈʃeɪ/ (needlework) | :: uncinetto {m}, croscè {m} |
crochetwork {n} (crochet) SEE: crochet | :: |
crock {n} /kɹɒk/ (piece of broken pottery, a shard) | :: coccio {m} |
crock {n} (old or broken-down vehicle (and formerly a horse)) | :: catorcio {m}, rottame {m} |
crockery {n} (plates, dishes and other eating and serving tableware) | :: terraglia {f}, vasellame {m} |
crockery {n} (crocks, earthenware vessels, especially domestic utensils) | :: coccio {m} |
crocodile {n} /ˈkɹɑkədaɪl/ (reptile) | :: coccodrillo {m} |
crocodile clip {n} (alligator clip) SEE: alligator clip | :: |
crocodile tear {n} /ˈkɹɑkədaɪl ˌtɪɹ/ (display of tears that is forced or false) | :: lacrime di coccodrillo {f-p} |
crocoite {n} (lead chromate mineral) | :: crocoite {f} |
croconic acid {n} | :: acide croconique {m} |
crocus {n} /ˈkɹoʊ.kəs/ (plant of genus Crocus) | :: croco {m} |
croft {n} (cave or cavern) SEE: cave | :: |
croft {n} (underground chamber) SEE: crypt | :: |
croft {n} /kɹɒft/ (enclosed piece of land) | :: podere {m}, campicello {m}, campetto {m} |
croissant {n} /kɹəˈsɑnt/ (a flaky roll or pastry in a form of a crescent) | :: brioche {f}, cornetto {m}, croissant {m}, [Swiss Italian] chifer {m} |
cromlech {n} /ˈkɹɒmlɛk/ (Welsh dolmen or underground tomb) | :: cromlech {m} |
crone {n} /kɹoʊn/ (ugly evil-looking or frightening old woman; a hag) | :: strega {f} |
crone {n} | :: befana {m} |
Cronus {prop} (youngest of the twelve Titans) | :: Crono {m} |
cronut {n} /ˈkɹoʊnʌt/ (pastry) | :: cronetto |
crony capitalism {n} /ˈkɹoʊni ˈkæpɪtəlɪzəm/ (form of economy) | :: capitalismo clientelare {m} |
cronyism {n} /ˈkɹoʊ.ni.ɪ.zəm/ (favoritism to friends without regard for their qualifications) | :: nepotismo {m} |
crook {n} /kɹʊk/ (a criminal who steals, lies, cheats or does other dishonest or illegal things) | :: furfante {m}, ladro {m}, truffatore {m} |
crook {n} (a shepherd's crook) | :: pastorale {m}, vincastro {m} |
crooked {adj} /ˈkɹʊkɪd/ (having one or more bends or angles) | :: storto, curvo, contorto {m}, ritorto {m}, tortuoso {m} |
crooked {adj} (set at an angle) | :: torto {m} |
crooked {adj} (figurative: dishonest, illegal) | :: contorto {m} |
crop {n} /kɹɒp/ (plant grown for any economic purpose) | :: coltura {f}, messe {f}, raccolto {m}, mietitura {f} |
crop {n} (natural production for a specific year) | :: raccolto {m} |
crop {n} (group, cluster or collection of things) | :: mucchio {m}, massa {f}, insieme {m}, coacervo {m} |
crop {n} (entire short whip; riding crop, see also: riding crop) | :: frustino {m} |
crop {n} (act of cropping) | :: ritaglio {m} |
crop {n} (short haircut) | :: rapata {f}, taglio corto {m} |
crop {n} (part of bird's or animal’s alimentary tract) | :: gozzo {m}, stomaco {m} |
crop {v} (remove top part) | :: tagliare, ritagliare, ridimensionare, rimuovere |
crop {v} (to cut (hair/tail/ears) short) | :: rapare, tagliare, accorciare |
crop {v} (remove outer parts of (a photograph or image)) | :: ridimensionare, ritagliare, ridurre, scontornare, rifilare |
crop circle {n} (field of flattened crops) | :: cerchio nel grano {m} |
crop milk {n} (“milk” from a bird’s crop) | :: latte del gozzo {m}, latte di piccione {m} |
crop rotation {n} (farming practice) | :: rotazione delle colture {f} |
crop up {v} (to occur) | :: saltare fuori |
croquet {n} (croquette) SEE: croquette | :: |
croquet mallet {n} | :: mazza da croquet {f} |
croquette {n} /kɹoʊˈkɛt/ (food) | :: crocchetta {f} |
crosier {n} /ˈkɹoʊʒɚ/ (staff of a bishop or abbot) | :: bastone pastorale {m}, pastorale {m}, bacolo {m} |
cross {n} /kʰɹɔs/ (geometrical figure) | :: croce {f} |
cross {n} (in heraldry) | :: croce {f} |
cross {n} (wooden post with a perpendicular beam, used for crucifixion) | :: croce {f} |
cross {n} (definite: the cross on which Christ was crucified) | :: croce |
cross {n} (biology: animal or plant produced by crossbreeding or cross-fertilization) | :: incrocio {m} |
cross {n} (hook thrown over opponent's punch) | :: cross {m} |
cross {n} (football kick) | :: diagonale |
cross {adj} (angry, annoyed) | :: irritato, arrabbiato |
cross {v} (go from one side of something to the other) | :: attraversare |
cross {v} (contradict or frustrate the plans of) | :: intralciare, ostacolare |
cross {prep} (across) SEE: across | :: |
crossbeam {n} (a horizontal structural beam; a girder) | :: traversa {f} |
crossbill {n} (law: bill brought by a defendant against the plaintiff) SEE: counterclaim | :: |
crossbill {n} /ˈkɹɒsbɪl/ (finch of the genus Loxia) | :: crociere |
crossbow {n} /ˈkɹɒsbəʊ/ (mechanised weapon based on the bow) | :: balestra {f} |
crossbowman {n} (someone equipped with a crossbow) | :: balestriere {m} |
crossbreed {n} (organism produced by mating of individuals of different varieties or breeds) SEE: hybrid | :: |
crosscut {n} (shortcut) SEE: shortcut | :: |
crosseyed {adj} (having both eyes oriented inward, especially involuntarily) | :: strabico |
cross-eyed {adj} (having both eyes oriented inward) | :: strabico |
crossfire {n} /ˈkɹɔːsfaɪɹ/ (lines of fire) | :: fuoco incrociato {m} |
crossguard {n} (Bar of metal, at right-angles, between the blade and the hilt of a sword.) | :: elsa {f} |
crosshatch {n} (pattern of crossing lines) | :: tratteggiatura {f}, tratteggio {m} |
crosshatch {v} (to mark or fill with a crosshatch pattern) | :: tratteggiare, ombreggiare |
crosshead {n} (metal beam) | :: testacroce {m}, testa a croce {?} |
crossing {n} /ˈkɹɔsɪŋ/ (intersection where roads, lines, or tracks cross) | :: incrocio {m} |
crossing {n} (voyage across a body of water) | :: traversata {f} |
crossing {n} (graph theory) | :: incrocio {m} |
cross-legged {adj} (having one leg over and across the other) | :: a gambe incrociate |
cross-link {n} (a link between adjacent chains of a polymer) | :: reticolazione {f} |
cross one's fingers {v} (put the middle finger across the index finger) | :: incrociare le dita |
cross one's fingers {v} (do this or a similar gesture to wish for good luck) | :: incrociare le dita |
cross out {v} (to strike out) | :: sbarrare, depennare |
cross-platform {adj} (designed to work on various operating systems) | :: multipiattaforma |
cross product {n} (vector product) SEE: vector product | :: |
crossroad {n} (crossroads) SEE: crossroads | :: |
crossroads {n} (intersection) | :: incrocio {m}, crocicchio {m} |
crossroads {n} (decisive turning point) | :: bivio {m}, punto di svolta {m} |
cross section {n} (section formed by a plane cutting through an object) | :: spaccato {m} |
cross-sectional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or being a cross section) | :: trasversale |
cross someone's palm {v} | :: farsi predire il futuro, elargire denaro, donare |
cross-stitch {n} (embroidery or needlework) | :: punto croce {m} |
cross swords {v} (to fight with someone) SEE: duel | :: |
cross that bridge when one comes to it {v} (deal with something only when it arises) | :: ce ne preoccuperemo quando sarà il momento opportuno |
cross the line {v} (overstep a boundary) | :: superare il limite |
cross the Rubicon {v} (to make an irreversible decision) | :: passare il Rubicone, il dado è tratto, bruciarsi i ponti alle spalle |
cross-tie {n} (sleeper) SEE: railroad tie | :: |
cross vault {n} (structure created by intersection of vaults) SEE: groin vault | :: |
crosswalk {n} (place where pedestrians can cross a street) | :: strisce pedonali {f-p} |
crossword {n} (word puzzle) | :: cruciverba {m}, parole crociate {f-p} |
crossword puzzle {n} (crossword) SEE: crossword | :: |
crotch {n} /kɹɑtʃ/ (area where something forks) | :: biforcazione {f}, diramazione {f} |
crotch {n} (area of a person’s body) | :: cavallo {m} |
crotchet {n} /ˈkɹɑtʃ.ɪt/ (musical note) | :: semiminima {f} |
Crotone {prop} | :: Crotone {f} |
crotonic acid {n} (an unsaturated organic acid) | :: acido crotonico {m} |
crouch {v} /kɹaʊt͡ʃ/ (to bend down) | :: accovacciarsi |
croup {v} (to croak) SEE: croak | :: |
croup {n} /kɹuːp/ (top of the rump of a horse) | :: groppa {f} |
crouton {n} /ˈkɹuːtɑːn/ (small piece of bread) | :: crostino {m} |
crow {n} /kɹoʊ/ (any bird of the genus Corvus) | :: cornacchia {f}, corvo |
crow {n} (bar of iron) | :: piede di porco |
crowbar {n} /ˈkɹoʊˌbɑɹ/ (iron or steel bar used as a lever to manually force things apart) | :: piede di porco {m}, palanchino {m} |
crowd {n} /kɹaʊd/ (group of people) | :: folla {f}, turba {f}, torma {f}, fiumana {f}, stuolo {m}, massa {f}, moltitudine {f} |
crowd {n} (group of things) | :: mucchio {m} |
crowded {adj} /ˈkɹaʊdɪd/ (containing too many of something) | :: affollato {m}, gremito {m} |
crowdfunding {n} (pooling of money for a common goal) | :: finanziamento collettivo {m} |
crowfoot {n} (buttercup) SEE: buttercup | :: |
crown {n} /kɹaʊn/ (royal headdress) | :: corona {f} |
crown {n} (representation of such a headdress) | :: corona {f} |
crown {n} (wreath or band for the head) | :: serto, ghirlanda |
crown {n} (topmost part of the head) | :: cocuzzolo {m}, calotta cranica |
crown {n} (highest part of a hill) | :: cima {f}, vetta {f}, cocuzzolo {m}, sommità |
crown {n} (top of a hat) | :: calotta |
crown {n} (centre of a road) | :: centro {m}, colmo |
crown {n} (highest part of an arch) | :: chiave di volta {f} |
crown {n} (splendor, culmination, acme) | :: coronamento {m} |
crown {n} (any currency issued by the crown) | :: corona {f} |
crown {n} (former British coin worth five shillings) | :: corona {f} |
crown {n} (part of a plant where the root and stem meet) | :: corona {f} |
crown {n} (anatomy: part of tooth) | :: corona {f} |
crown {n} (dentistry: prosthetic covering for a tooth) | :: capsula {f} |
crown {n} (part of an anchor) | :: diamante {m} |
crown {v} (to place a crown on the head of) | :: incoronare |
crown {v} (to formally declare one a king or emperor) | :: incoronare |
crown {v} (to declare one a winner) | :: incoronare |
crown cap {n} (type of bottle cap) | :: tappo a corona {m} |
crown cork {n} (crown cap) SEE: crown cap | :: |
crown imperial {n} (a plant of the lily family) | :: fritillaria imperiale {f} |
crowning {n} (act of crowning) SEE: coronation | :: |
crown jewels {n} (jewelry) | :: gioielli della corona {m-p} |
crownment {n} (act of crowning) SEE: coronation | :: |
crown prince {n} (next king) | :: principe ereditario |
crown princess {n} (the heiress apparent to the throne in a monarchy) | :: principessa ereditaria |
Crown prosecutor {n} (state prosecutor) | :: procuratore capo {m} |
crow's feet {n} (wrinkles at the outer corners of the eye) | :: zampe di gallina {f-p} |
crêpe {n} (crepe) SEE: crepe | :: |
CRT {n} (Mathematical theorem) | :: Teorema Cinese dei Resti {m} |
crucial {adj} /ˈkɹuː.ʃəl/ (extremely important) | :: cruciale |
crucial {adj} (cross-shaped) | :: cruciforme |
crucian {n} (species of freshwater game fish) SEE: crucian carp | :: |
crucian carp {n} (Carassius carassius) | :: carassio {m} |
crucible {n} /ˈkɹuː.sɪ.bəl/ (cup-shaped piece of laboratory equipment) | :: crogiolo {m} |
crucible {n} (heat-resistant container in which metals are melted) | :: crogiolo {m} |
crucifer {n} ((religion) person who carries a cross) | :: crucifera {f} |
crucifix {n} /ˈkɹuː.sɨˌfɪks/ (object) | :: crocifisso, crucifisso, crocefisso, croce |
crucifixion {n} /ˌkrusəˈfɪkʃn̩/ (execution by being nailed or tied to an upright cross) | :: crocifissione {f}, crocefissione {f} |
crucifixion {n} (death of Christ on cross) | :: crocifissione {f} |
cruciform {adj} (having the shape of a cross) | :: crociato, cruciforme |
crucify {v} /ˈkɹuːsɪfaɪ/ (to execute a person by nailing to a crucifix) | :: crocifiggere, crocefiggere |
crucigerous {adj} | :: crucigero |
cruciverbalist {n} (constructor of crosswords) | :: cruciverbista {m} {f} |
crude {n} (crude oil) SEE: crude oil | :: |
crude {adj} /kɹuːd/ (being in a natural state) | :: greggio {m}, grezzo |
crude {adj} (characterized by simplicity) | :: rustico, raffazzonato |
crude {adj} (lacking concealing elements) | :: ovvio, crudo |
crude {adj} (lacking tact or taste) | :: volgare, crudo, semplice, grezzo |
crude {adj} (statistics: in an unanalyzed form) | :: raffazzonato |
crude {adj} (immature or unripe (see immature or unripe)) | :: acerbo |
crude {adj} | :: [1,2] greggio, grezzo, [3,4] crudo |
crude {n} (any substance in its natural state) | :: greggio {m}, grezzo {m} |
crude oil {n} (unrefined oil) | :: greggio {m} |
cruel {adj} /kɹuːəl/ (that intentionally causes pain and suffering) | :: crudele |
cruelly {adv} /ˈkɹuːəli/ (in a cruel manner) | :: crudelmente |
cruelty {n} /ˈkɹuː(ə)lti/ (indifference to suffering) | :: crudeltà {f} |
cruelty {n} (positive pleasure in inflicting suffering) | :: crudeltà {f} |
cruelty {n} (cruel act) | :: crudeltà {f} |
cruet {n} /ˈkɹu.ɪt/ (A small bottle or container used to hold a condiment) | :: ampolla, flacone {m}, boccetta {f} |
cruet {n} (A small vessel used to hold wine or water for the Eucharist) | :: ampolla {f} |
cruet set {n} | :: ampolliera, portampolle |
cruise {n} /kɹuːz/ (sea voyage) | :: crociera |
cruise {v} (to sail about) | :: navigare |
cruiser {n} /ˈkɹuzɚ/ (class of warships) | :: incrociatore {m} |
cruise ship {n} (passenger ship) | :: nave da crociera {f} |
cruising for a bruising {adj} (following a course of action likely to result in injury or other trouble for oneself) | :: cercare rogne, andare in cerca di guai |
crumb {n} /kɹʌm/ (small piece of biscuit, cake, etc) | :: briciola {f} |
crumb {n} ((figurative) small amount) | :: briciola {f} |
crumb {n} (soft internal portion of bread) | :: mollica {f} |
crumb {n} (mixture to make industrial chocolate) | :: impasto {m} |
crumb {v} (to cover with crumbs) | :: impanare |
crumble {v} /ˈkɹʌmbəl/ (to fall apart) | :: sgretolarsi, crollare, ridursi in polvere |
crumble {v} (to render into crumbs) | :: sbriciolare, sbriciolarsi |
crumble {v} (to mix forming crumbs) | :: sabbiare |
crumhorn {n} (woodwind instrument) | :: cromorno {m} |
crunch {v} /kɹʌntʃ/ (to crush something with a noisy crackling sound) | :: sgranocchiare, scricchiolare, croccare |
crunch {v} (to be crushed with a noisy crackling sound) | :: spiaccicarsi |
crunch {v} (slang: to calculate or otherwise process) | :: masticare |
crusade {n} /kɹuːˈseɪd/ (military expedition) | :: crociata {f} |
crusade {n} (grand concerted effort) | :: crociata {f} |
crusader {n} /kɹuːˈseɪdə/ (fighter in the medieval crusades) | :: crociato {m} |
crush {n} /kɹʌʃ/ (violent collision or compression; crash; destruction; ruin) | :: ressa {f}, calca {f} |
crush {n} (love or infatuation or its object (often short-lived or unrequited)) | :: cotta {f} |
crush {v} (to press or bruise between two hard bodies) | :: schiacciare, pigiare |
crush {v} (to reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding) | :: frantumare |
crush {v} (to overcome completely) | :: sottomettere |
crush {v} (to feel unrequited love) | :: prendersi una cotta |
crust {n} /kɹʌst/ (any solid, hard surface layer) | :: crosta {f} |
crust {n} (outer layer of bread) | :: crosta {f} |
crust {n} (outermost layer of a planet) | :: crosta {f} |
crustacean {n} /kɹʌsˈteɪʃən/ (arthropod of the subphylum Crustacea) | :: crostaceo {m} |
crutch {n} (crotch) SEE: crotch | :: |
crutch {n} /kɹʌtʃ/ (device to assist in motion as a cane) | :: stampella {f}, gruccia {f} |
crutch {n} (something that supports) | :: stampella {f} |
crux {n} ((heraldry) cross on a coat of arms) SEE: cross | :: |
crux {n} /kɹʌks/ (central or essential point) | :: punto cruciale {m} |
Crux {prop} (constellation) | :: Croce del Sud {f} |
crwth {n} /kɹuθ/ (archaic stringed instrument) | :: crotta {f} |
cry {v} /kɹaɪ̯/ (intransitive: to weep) | :: piangere |
cry {v} (intransitive: to shout, scream, yell) | :: gridare, urlare |
cry {n} (shedding of tears) | :: pianto {m} |
cry {n} (shout or scream) | :: urlo {m} |
cry {n} (typical sound made by a given animal species) | :: verso {m} |
crybaby {n} /ˈkɹaɪˌbeɪbi/ (person whose feelings are easily hurt) | :: piagnone {m} |
cryo- {prefix} /ˈkɹaɪoʊ/ (cold, freezing) | :: crio- |
cryoconcentrate {v} | :: crioconcentrare {f} |
cryoconcentration {n} | :: crioconcentrazione {f} |
cryohydrate {n} (salt) | :: crioidrato {m} |
cryolite {n} (mineral) | :: criolite {f} |
cryomaceration {n} | :: criomacerazione {f} |
cry one's eyes out {v} (to moan) SEE: moan | :: |
cryophysics {n} (the physics of phenomena associated with matter at very low temperatures) | :: criofisica {f} |
cryopreservation {n} (preservation of biological tissue) | :: crioconservazione {f} |
cryoscope {n} (device used to measure the freezing point of a liquid) | :: crioscopio {m} |
cryoscopic {adj} (of or pertaining to cryoscopy) | :: crioscopico |
cryoscopy {n} (the measurement of the freezing point of a liquid using a cryoscope) | :: crioscopia {f} |
cryostatic {adj} (of or pertaining to a cryostat or to cryostasis) | :: criostatico |
cry over spilt milk {v} (to worry about unfortunate events which have already happened) | :: non piangere sul latte versato, inutile piangere sul latte versato |
cryovolcano {n} (cryovolcano) | :: criovulcano {m} |
crypt {n} /kɹɪpt/ (undergound vault) | :: cripta {f} |
crypto- {prefix} /kɹɪptoʊ-/ | :: cripto- |
cryptocommunist {n} (a secretly communist person) | :: criptocomunista {m} {f} |
cryptocommunist {adj} (secretely communist) | :: criptocomunista |
cryptodepression {n} /ˌkɹɪptəʊdɪˈpɹɛʃən/ (portion of a lake which lies below sea level) | :: criptodepressione {f} |
crypto-fascist {n} (a person who holds fascist views secretely) | :: criptofascista {m} {f} |
crypto-fascist {adj} (secretly holding fascist views) | :: criptofascista |
cryptographer {n} (person) | :: crittografo {m}, esperto di crittografia |
cryptographic {adj} | :: crittografico |
cryptography {n} /kɹ̥ɪpˈtʰɒɡɹəfiː/ (discipline concerned with communication security) | :: crittografia {f} |
crypto-Jew {n} (crypto-Jew) | :: Cripto-giudeo {m} |
crypto-Judaism {n} (crypto-Judaism) | :: cripto-giudaismo {m}, criptogiudaismo {m} |
cryptolalia {n} /ˌkɹɪptəˈleɪliə/ (use of obscure language) | :: criptolalia {f} |
cryptologist {n} (One who studies cryptology) | :: crittologo {m}, crittologa {f} |
cryptology {n} /kɹɪpˈtɑ.lə.dʒi/ (practice) | :: crittologia {f} |
cryptomenorrhea {n} | :: criptomenorrea {f} |
cryptonym {n} (secret name) | :: criptonimo {m} |
cryptoporticus {n} | :: criptoportico {m} |
cryptorchidism {n} (The failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum) | :: criptorchidismo {m} |
cry someone a river {v} (to weep profusely or excessively in the presence of another person) | :: piagnucolare |
crystal {n} /ˈkɹɪstəl/ (array of atoms) | :: cristallo {m} |
crystal {n} (mineral) | :: cristallo {m} |
crystal ball {n} (globe used to foretell the future) | :: sfera di cristallo, palla di cristallo |
crystal clear {adj} (completely clear and understood) | :: chiarissimo {m} |
crystal clear {adj} (visually clear) | :: chiarissimo {m} |
crystal healing {n} (supposed therapeutic effects of crystals) | :: cristalloterapia {f} |
crystalline {adj} /ˈkɹɪst.əl.aɪn/ (relating to crystals) | :: cristallino |
crystallization {n} (the act or process by which a substance in solidifying assumes the form and structure of a crystal) | :: cristallizzazione {f} |
crystallization {n} (the body formed by crystallizing) | :: cristallizzazione {f} |
crystallization {n} (formation of a solid from a solution) | :: cristallizzazione {f} |
crystallographer {n} (a person skilled in crystallography) | :: cristallografo {m} |
crystallography {n} (the science of determining the arrangement of atoms in solids) | :: cristallografia {f} |
crystalloid {n} (any substance that can be crystallized from solution) | :: cristalloide {m} |
crystal set {n} (an early kind of radio receiver) | :: radio a galena {f} |
csardas {n} /ˈtʃɑɹdɑʃ/ (Hungarian folk dance) | :: ciarda {f}, czarda {f} |
C-section {n} (Caesarean section) SEE: Caesarean section | :: |
Côte d'Ivoire {prop} /ˌkəʊt diːˈvwɑː/ (the Ivory Coast) | :: Costa d'Avorio {f} |
Ctesiphon {prop} /ˈtɛsɨfɒn/ (ancient ruined city) | :: Ctesifonte |
cub {n} /kʌb/ (young fox) | :: volpino {m} |
cub {n} (the young of certain animals) | :: cucciolo {m}; for terms specific to any particular animal, see bear cub, fox cub, etc |
Cuba {prop} /ˈkjuːbə/ (country and largest island in Caribbean) | :: Cuba {f} |
Cuban {n} /ˈkju.bən/ (a person from Cuba) | :: cubano {m}, cubana {f}, cubani {m-p}, cubane {f-p} |
Cuban {adj} (of or pertaining to Cuba) | :: cubano |
Cuban red macaw {n} (a small parrot) | :: ara di cuba |
cubbyhole {n} (pigeonhole) SEE: pigeonhole | :: |
cubbyhole {n} (glove compartment) SEE: glove compartment | :: |
cubbyhole {n} (a small, snug room) | :: cubicolo |
cubby house {n} (Wendy house) SEE: Wendy house | :: |
cube {n} /kjub/ (geometry: polyhedron having of six identical square faces) | :: cubo {m} |
cube {n} (object more or less in the form of a cube) | :: cubo {m}, dado {m}, cuboide {m} |
cube {n} (arithmetic: number raised to the third power) | :: cubo {m} |
cube {v} (arithmetic: to raise to the third power) | :: elevare al cubo, [potenza] elevare alla terza |
cube {v} (to cut into cubes) | :: cubettare |
cube root {n} (number) | :: radice cubica {f} |
cubic {adj} /ˈkju.bɪk/ (in the name of units of volume) | :: cubo |
cubic {adj} (of a polynomial of third degree) | :: cubico |
cubic capacity {n} (volume) | :: cubatura {f} |
cubic meter {n} (cubic metre) SEE: cubic metre | :: |
cubic metre {n} (unit of volume) | :: metro cubo {m}, metro cubico {m} |
cubiculum {n} (small room) | :: cubicolo {m} |
cubiculum {n} (catacomb room) | :: cubicolo {m} |
cubiform {adj} (having the shape of a cube) | :: cubiforme |
cubism {n} /ˈkjuː.bɪz.əm/ (An artistic movement characterized by the depiction of natural forms as geometric structures of planes) | :: cubismo {m} |
cubit {n} (anatomy: ulna) SEE: ulna | :: |
cubital {adj} (of or pertaining to the cubit or ulna) | :: cubitale |
cuboctahedron {n} (polyhedron with 8 triangular and 6 square faces) | :: cubottaedro {m} |
cuboid {n} (cuboid bone) SEE: cuboid bone | :: |
cuboid bone {n} (one of the tarsal bones) | :: cuboide {m}, osso cuboide {m} |
cuckold {n} /ˈkʌk.oʊld/ (man married to an unfaithful wife) | :: cornuto {m}, becco {m} |
cuckold {v} (make a cuckold) | :: fare le corna |
cuckoo {n} /ˈkuːkuː/ (the bird) | :: cuculo {m}, cucù {m} |
cuckoo {n} (the sound) | :: cu cu |
cuckoo clock {n} (clock) | :: orologio a cucù {m} |
cuckoopint {n} (Arum maculatum) | :: gigaro scuro {m} |
cuckoopint {n} (Arum italicum) | :: gigaro chiaro {m} |
cucumber {n} /ˈkjuːˌkʌmbɚ/ (plant) | :: cetriolo {m} |
cucumber {n} (edible fruit) | :: cetriolo {m} |
cud {n} /kʌd/ (food chewed for a second time by ruminants) | :: bolo {m} |
cuddle {n} /ˈkʌd.l̩/ (affectionate embrace) | :: coccola {f} |
cuddle {v} (embrace, lie together snugly) | :: coccolare |
cuddle {v} (cradle in one's arms) | :: cullare |
cuddly {adj} /ˈkʌdli/ (Suitable for cuddling) | :: da coccolare |
cudgel {n} /ˈkʌdʒəl/ (a short heavy club with a rounded head used as a weapon) | :: bastone {m}, randello {m} |
cudgel one's brain {v} (rack one's brain) SEE: rack one's brain | :: |
cue {n} /kjuː/ (action or event that is a signal to do something) | :: segnale {m}, avvertimento {m} |
cue {n} (name of the letter Q, q) | :: cu {f} |
cue {n} (straight tapering rod used to impel the balls in games such as billiards, snooker, and pool) | :: stecca {f} |
cue ball {n} (white ball in cue sports) | :: bianca {f} |
cue mark {n} (indicator to change reels) | :: segnalatore di passaggio {m} |
cue sport {n} (game played with cue and balls) | :: stecca {f} |
cuff {n} /kʌf/ (the end of a shirt sleeve that covers the wrist) | :: polsino {m} |
cuff {n} (the end of a pants leg, folded up) | :: orlo {m} |
cuff {v} (to handcuff) SEE: handcuff | :: |
cufflink {n} /ˈkʌflɪŋk/ (button used to hold a sleeve cuff together) | :: gemello {m}, gemelli {m-p} |
cuirass {n} /kwɪˈɹæs/ (piece of defensive armor, covering the body from the neck to the girdle) | :: corazza {f} |
cuisine {n} /kwɪˈziːn/ (characteristic style of preparing food) | :: cucina {f}, culinaria {f} |
cuisine {n} (culinary art) SEE: culinary art | :: |
cul-de-sac {n} (impasse) SEE: impasse | :: |
cul-de-sac {n} (blind alley) SEE: dead end | :: |
culinary {adj} /ˈkʌlɪˌnɛɹi/ (relating to the practice of cookery or the activity of cooking) | :: culinario {m} |
culinary art {n} (cuisine) SEE: cuisine | :: |
culinary art {n} (art of cooking) | :: cucina {f} |
cull {v} /kʌl/ (to pick or take someone or something) | :: cogliere |
cull {v} (to select animals from a group and then kill them) | :: abbattere {m} |
culminate {v} (to reach the summit, highest point, peak (level) etc.) | :: culminare |
culpability {n} /ˌkʌlpəˈbɪləti/ (blameworthiness) | :: colpevolezza {f}, torto {m} |
culpable homicide {n} (homicide which is culpable but does not rise to the level of murder) | :: omicidio colposo {m} |
culpableness {n} (culpability) SEE: culpability | :: |
culprit {n} /ˈkʰʌɫpɹɪt/ (culprit) | :: colpevole, reo {m} |
cult {n} /kʌlt/ (a sect) | :: culto {m} |
cult {n} (devotion to a saint) | :: culto {m} |
cultivable {adj} (capable of being cultivated) | :: coltivabile |
cultivate {v} /ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ (grow plants, notably crops) | :: coltivare |
cultivate {v} (nurture) | :: coltivare |
cultivate {v} (turn or stir soil in preparation for planting) | :: coltivare |
cultivated {adj} /ˈkʌltɪveɪtɪd/ (cultured) | :: colto {m}, culto {m}, istruito {m}, acculturato {m} |
cultivation {n} /ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃən/ (art or act of cultivating) | :: coltura {f} |
cultivation {n} (devotion of time or attention to the improvement of) | :: coltura {f} |
cultivation {n} (advancement or refinement in condition) | :: coltura {f} |
cultural {adj} /ˈkʌlt͡ʃəɹəl/ (pertaining to culture) | :: culturale |
culturally {adv} (of or relating to culture) | :: culturalmente |
culture {n} /ˈkʌlt͡ʃɚ/ (arts, customs and habits) | :: cultura {f} |
culture {n} (microbiology: the process of growing a bacterial or other biological entity) | :: coltura {f} |
culture {v} (to maintain in an environment suitable for growth) | :: coltivare |
culture {n} (botany: cultivation) SEE: cultivation | :: |
cultured {adj} (artificially developed) | :: coltivato |
culver {n} (culverin) SEE: culverin | :: |
culver {n} (Columba palumbus) SEE: wood pigeon | :: |
culverin {n} /ˈkʌlvəɹɪn/ (handgun) | :: colubrina {f} |
cum {conj} /kʌm/ | :: trattino {m} |
cum {n} (slang: semen) | :: sborra {f} |
cum {v} (slang: have an orgasm; ejaculate) | :: venire, eiaculare, sborrare |
Cumae {prop} (Ancient city) | :: Cuma {f} |
Cumaean {adj} (of or pertaining to Cumae) | :: cumano |
cumbersome {adj} /ˈkʌmbɚsəm/ (burdensome or hindering, as a weight or drag; vexatious; cumbrous) | :: ingombrante |
cumbersome {adj} (not easily managed or handled; awkward) | :: difficile da usare |
cumbersome {adj} | :: scomodo |
cumin {n} /ˈkjuːmɪn/ (plant Cuminum cyminum) | :: cumino {m} |
cumin {n} (its seed used as spice) | :: cumino {m} |
cummerbund {n} /ˈkʌməbʌnd/ (broad sash) | :: fascia di seta, fascia di smoking |
cummingtonite {n} (mineral magnesium-iron silicate hydroxide) | :: cummingtonite {f} |
cumulative {adj} /ˈkjuːmjʊlətɪv/ (incorporating all data up to the present) | :: cumulato, cumulata, cumulativo |
cumulonimbus {n} /ˌkjuːmələʊˈnɪmbəs/ (cloud) | :: cumulonembo {m} |
cumulus {n} /ˈkjuːmjələs/ (white puffy cloud) | :: cumulo {m} |
cumulus {n} | :: cumulo {m} |
cumyl {n} | :: cumile {m} |
cuneiform {adj} /ˈkjuː.nɪ.fɔːm/ (written in the cuneiform writing system) | :: cuneiforme {m} {f} |
Cuneo {prop} /ˈkuːniəʊ/ (province in Piedmont, Italy) | :: Cuneo {f} |
Cuneo {prop} (city in Piedmont, Italy) | :: Cuneo {f} |
cunnilingus {n} /ˌkʌnɪˈlɪŋɡəs/ (oral stimulation of female genitals) | :: cunnilinguo {m}, cunnilingus {m} |
cunning {adj} /ˈkʌnɪŋ/ (sly) | :: furbo, astuto |
cunning {adj} (skillful) | :: ingegnoso |
cunning {n} (skill of being sly or deceitful) | :: furberia {f}, furbizia {f} |
cunningly {adv} (with cunning, cleverly) | :: volpinamente, abilmente, furbescamente |
cunt {n} /kʌnt/ (genitalia) | :: fica {f}, figa {f}, fregna {f} |
cunt {n} (unpleasant or objectionable person) | :: stronza {f} stronzo {m}, bastardo {m} |
Cuomo {prop} (surname) | :: Cuomo |
cup {n} /kʌp/ (drinking vessel) | :: tazza {f}, coppa {f} |
cup {n} (trophy) | :: coppa {f} |
cup {n} (part of bra) | :: coppa {f} |
cup {n} | :: tazza {f} , coppa {f} , conchiglia {f} , ventosa {f} |
cup {n} (suction cup) SEE: suction cup | :: |
cupbearer {n} /ˈkʌpˌbɛəɹə/ (one who ceremonially fills and hands out the cups in which a drink is served) | :: coppiere {m}, coppiera {f} |
cupboard {n} /ˈkʌbəd/ (enclosed storage) | :: armadio {m}, credenza {f} |
cupboard {n} (a cabinet, closet, or other piece of furniture intended for storing cookware, dishware, or food) | :: credenza {f}, madia {f}, dispensa {f}, vetrinetta {f} |
cupel {n} /ˈkjuːpəl/ (a small circular receptacle used in assaying gold or silver with lead) | :: coppella {f} |
cupel {v} (to refine by means of a cupel) | :: coppellare |
Cupid {prop} /ˈkjuːpɪd/ (god of love, son of Venus) | :: Amore {m}, Cupido {m} |
Cupid {prop} (reindeer of Santa Claus) | :: Cupido {m} |
cupidity {n} /kjuːˈpɪdəti/ (extreme greed, especially for wealth) | :: cupidigia {f}, cupidità {f} |
cup of tea {n} /ˈkʌp əv ˈtiː/ (tea in a cup) | :: tazza di tè |
cup of tea {n} (something of interest) | :: prediletto {m}, preferito {m}, (quello che) fa per me [usu. in negative], consono {m} |
cupola {n} /ˈkjuːpələ/ (architecture: dome-shaped ornamental structure) | :: cupola {f} |
cupping glass {n} (glass vessel used in cupping) | :: ventosa |
cuprammonium {n} (Cu(NH3)42+) | :: cuprammonio {m} |
cupric {adj} (containing copper with an oxidation number of 2) | :: rameico |
cupric oxide {n} (black solid with ionic structure) | :: ossido rameico {m} |
cuprite {n} (mineral composed of cuprous oxide) | :: cuprite {f} |
cuproammonium {n} (complex) | :: cuproammonio {m}, cuprammonio {m} |
cupronickel {n} (alloy of copper) | :: cupronichel {m} |
cuprous {adj} (Containing copper with an oxidation number of 1) | :: rameoso |
cupule {n} (small structure shaped like a cup) | :: mallo {m} |
curaçao {n} /ˈk(j)ʊəɹ.əˌsaʊ/ (liqueur) | :: Curaçao {m} |
curable {adj} (capable of being cured) | :: curabile |
curare {n} /kjʊˈɹɑː.ɹi/ (a substance containing the alkaloid D-tubocurarine) | :: curaro {m} |
curarine {n} (alkaloid responsible for the poisonous effects of curare) | :: curarina {f} |
curate {n} /ˈkjʊəɹət/ (assistant rector) | :: vicario {m} |
curate {n} (parish priest) | :: parroco {m}; viceparroco {m} |
curative {adj} /ˈkjʊɹ.ə.tɪv/ (possessing the ability to cure) | :: curativo |
curb {n} (concrete along the edge of a road) SEE: kerb | :: |
curb {v} /kɝb/ | :: frenare, tenere a freno |
curcumin {n} /ˈkɜː(ɹ)kjəmɪn/ (a polyphenol) | :: curcumina {f} |
curd {n} /kɜː(ɹ)d/ (part of milk that coagulates) | :: coagulo {m}, cagliata {f} |
curd {v} (curdle) SEE: curdle | :: |
curd cheese {n} (cottage cheese) SEE: cottage cheese | :: |
curdle {v} /ˈkɝ.dəl/ (to form or cause to form curds) | :: cagliare |
cure {n} /kjʊə(ɹ)/ (method, device or medication that restores good health) | :: cura {f} |
cure {v} (to restore to health) | :: curare |
cure-all {n} /ˈkjʊəɹɔːl/ (panacea) | :: toccasana {m}, panacea {f}, triaca {f} |
curer {n} (healer) SEE: healer | :: |
Curetonian {adj} (related to William Cureton) | :: curetoniano |
curettage {n} /ˌkjʊəɹɪˈtɑːʒ/ (the removal of unwanted tissue from a body cavity using a curette) | :: curettage {m} |
curfew {n} /ˈkɜː.fjuː/ (a regulation requiring people to be off the streets and in their homes by a certain time) | :: coprifuoco {m} |
curfew {n} (the time when such restriction begins) | :: coprifuoco {m} |
curfew {n} (a signal indicating this time) | :: coprifuoco {m} |
curfew {n} (historical regulation requiring fire to be covered/extinguished) | :: coprifuoco {m} |
curiosity {n} /ˌkjʊəɹɪˈɒsɪti/ (inquisitiveness; the tendency to ask questions, investigate, or explore) | :: curiosità |
curiosity {n} (unique or extraordinary object which arouses interest) | :: curiosità {f} {f-p} |
curiosity killed the cat {proverb} (undue curiosity is dangerous) | :: tanto va la gatta al lardo, che ci lascia lo zampino, la curiosità uccise il gatto, [rare] la troppa curiosità spinge l'uccello nella rete |
curious {adj} /ˈkjʊə.ɹi.əs/ (tending to ask questions, or to want to explore or investigate, see also: inquisitive) | :: curioso |
curious {adj} (leading one to ask questions about; somewhat odd, out of the ordinary, or unusual) | :: curioso, strano |
curiously {adv} /ˈkjɝi.əsli/ (inquisitively) | :: curiosamente |
curiously {adv} (oddly) | :: curiosamente |
curium {n} /ˈkjʊəɹiəm/ (chemical element) | :: curio {m} |
curl {n} /kɝl/ (lock of curling hair) | :: riccio {m}, ricciolo {m}, boccolo {m} |
curl {n} (curved stroke or shape) | :: arricciamento {m} |
curl {n} (spin making the trajectory curve) | :: rotazione {f}, spirale {f} |
curl {n} (curling: movement) | :: voluta {f} |
curl {n} (vector field denoting rotationality of a given vector field) | :: rotazione {f} |
curl {n} (plant disease) | :: arricciamento {m}, accartocciamento {m} |
curl {n} | :: ricciolo {m} , rotore {m} |
curler {n} (cylindrical tube for curling hair) SEE: hair roller | :: |
curlew {n} /ˈkɝlu/ (migratory wading bird) | :: chiurlo {m} |
curlew sandpiper {n} (Calidris ferruginea) | :: piovanello {m} |
curling iron {n} (a heated cylindrical device for curling the hair) | :: arricciacapelli {m} |
curling tongs {n} (heated tongs for curling or waving the hair) | :: arricciacapelli {m} |
curly {adj} /ˈkɝli/ (having curls) | :: arricciato |
curly {n} (a person or animal with curly hair) | :: riccioluto {m} |
curly bracket {n} (either of the two characters: “{” and “}”) | :: parentesi graffa, graffa |
curly kale {n} | :: cavolo riccio {m} |
curmudgeon {n} /kɚˈmʌdʒən/ (an ill-tempered stubborn person) | :: burbero {m}, musone {m} |
Curonian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Courland) | :: curlandese |
currant {n} /ˈkʌɹənt/ (small dried grape) | :: uva di Corinto {f}, uva secca {f}, uva sultanina {f}, uva passa {f} |
currant {n} (fruit of the genus Ribes) | :: ribes |
currency {n} /ˈkʌɹ.ə (money or other item used to facilitate transactions) | :: valuta |
currency {n} (fluency) SEE: fluency | :: |
current {n} /ˈkʌɹənt/ | :: corrente {f} |
current {n} (time rate of flow of electric charge) | :: corrente {m} |
current {n} (tendency or a course of events) | :: corrente {m} |
current {adj} (existing or occurring at the moment) | :: corrente, attuale |
current {adj} (generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment) | :: attuale, corrente |
current account {n} (checking account) | :: conto corrente {m} |
currently {adv} /ˈkʌɹəntli/ (at this moment) | :: attualmente |
curricular {adj} (of, relating to, or following a curriculum) | :: curricolare |
curriculum vitae {n} /kəˈɹɪkjələm ˈviːteɪ/ (written account of one's education, accomplishments, etc.) | :: curriculum vitae {m} |
curry {n} /ˈkʌ.ɹi/ (dish) | :: curry {m} |
curry comb {n} /ˈkʌɹiˌkəʊm/ (flat comb used to brush down a horse) | :: striglia {f} |
currycomb {n} (a comb or brush used to groom horses) | :: striglia {f} |
curse {n} /kɜːs/ (supernatural detriment) | :: maledizione {f}, maleficio {m} |
curse {n} (vulgar epithet) | :: imprecazione {f} |
curse {v} (to place a curse upon) | :: maledire |
curse {v} (to utter a vulgar curse) | :: imprecare, bestemmiare |
cursed {adj} /ˈkɝsɪd/ (having some sort of divine harm) | :: maledetto {m}, maledetta {f} |
curse word {n} (vulgarity) SEE: swear word | :: |
cursive {adj} /ˈkɝsɪv/ (having successive letters joined together) | :: corsivo |
cursive {n} | :: corsivo {m} |
cursor {n} /kɜɹsəɹ/ (GUI: indicator of where the next insertation or other edit will take place) | :: puntatore {m}, cursore {m} |
cursor {n} | :: cursore {m} |
cursory {adj} /ˈkɝː.sə.ɹi/ (hasty, superficial, careless) | :: rapido {m}, distratto {m}, sbrigativo {m} |
curt {adj} /kɝt/ | :: sbrigativo |
curtain {n} /ˈkɜːtn̩/ (piece of cloth covering a window) | :: tenda {f}, tappezzeria {f}, drappo {m}, drappeggio {m}, tendina {f}, tendaggio {m} |
curtain {n} (piece of cloth in a theater) | :: sipario {m} |
curtsey {n} /ˈkɝtsɪ/ (small bow of knees and lowered body, usually by a female) | :: riverenza {f} |
curtsey {v} (to make a curtsey) | :: fare la riverenza |
curvaceous {adj} (having shapely and voluptuous curves) | :: formoso {m} |
curvature {n} /ˈkɝ.və.tʃɚ/ (the shape of something curved) | :: curvatura {f} |
curve {n} /kɜːv/ (gentle bend) | :: curva {f} |
curve {n} (curved line) | :: curva {f} |
curve {n} (geometry: one-dimensional figure) | :: curva {f} |
curve {n} (informal: usually in plural: attractive features of a woman or informal: attractive shape of a woman's body) | :: [usually plural] curva {f} |
curve {v} (bend, crook) | :: curvare |
curve {v} (bend or turn gradually from a given direction) | :: curvare |
curve {adj} (crooked) SEE: crooked | :: |
curved {adj} /kɝːvd/ (having a curve or curves) | :: curvo {m}, ricurvo {m} |
curvy {adj} (curvaceous) SEE: curvaceous | :: |
curvy {adj} (buxom) SEE: buxom | :: |
cuscus {n} /ˈkʌs.kəs/ (marsupial) | :: cusco {m} |
cushion {n} /ˈkʊʃən/ (soft material in cloth bag) | :: cuscino {m} |
cushion {n} (in cue sports) | :: sponda {f} |
cushion {v} (absorb impact) | :: ammortizzare, attutire |
cusp {n} /kʌsp/ (sharp point or pointed end) | :: cuspide {f} |
cusp {n} (important moment when a decision is made) | :: culmine {m}, acme {f}, apogeo {m}, colmo {m} |
cusp {n} (point of a curve where it has no tangent) | :: cuspide {f} |
cusp {n} (in astrology) | :: cuspide {f} |
cusp {n} (in dentistry) | :: cuspide {f} |
cuspidate {adj} (having a cusp) | :: cuspidato (all senses) |
cuspidor {n} (spittoon) SEE: spittoon | :: |
custard {n} /ˈkʌs.təd/ (sauce) | :: crema pasticcera {f} |
custard apple {n} (Annona muricata) SEE: soursop | :: |
custard apple {n} (Annona squamosa) SEE: sugar apple | :: |
custodian {n} (A person entrusted with the custody or care) | :: custode |
custody {n} /ˈkʌstədiː/ (legal right to take care of something or somebody) | :: affidamento {m} |
custody {n} (Franciscan administrative unit) | :: custodia {f} |
custom {n} /ˈkʌstəm/ (frequent repetition of the same act) | :: usanza, costume, uso {m} |
custom {n} (long-established practice) | :: costume {m} |
customary {adj} /ˈkʌstəm(ə)ɹi/ (agreeing with, or established by, custom) | :: consueto |
customer {n} /ˈkʌstəmə/ (one who purchases or receives a product or service) | :: cliente {m} {f} |
custom house {n} (official building, in a port, where customs are collected and shipping is cleared for entry and exit) | :: dogana {f}, dazio {m} |
customizable {adj} (able to be customized) | :: personalizzabile |
customization {n} (act of customizing) | :: customizzazione {f} |
customize {v} /ˈkʌst.ə.maɪ̯z/ (alter according to preferences) | :: customizzare, personalizzare |
customs {n} /ˈkʌstəmz/ (the duties or taxes imposed on imported or exported goods) | :: dazio {m}, gabella {f}, imposte {f-p}, accise {f-p} |
customs {n} (custom house) SEE: custom house | :: |
customs clearance {n} | :: sdoganamento {m}, svincolo |
custos {n} (superior of a custody) | :: custode {m} |
cut {v} /kʌt/ (to perform an incision) | :: tagliare, incidere |
cut {v} (to divide with a sharp instrument) | :: tagliare |
cut {v} (colloquial, not to attend a class) | :: saltare |
cut {v} (to divide a pack of playing cards) | :: alzare |
cut {adj} (having been cut) | :: tagliato {m}, ritagliato {m}, accorciato {m}, ridotto {m} |
cut {adj} (reduced) | :: ridotto, tagliato, accorciato, ritagliato {m}, potato {m} |
cut {adj} (of a gem, carved into a shape) | :: tagliato |
cut {adj} (bodybuilding: having individual groups of muscle fibers stand out) | :: scolpito {m}, cesellato {m} |
cut {adj} (colloquial: circumcised (see also circumcised)) | :: circonciso {m} |
cut {n} (act of cutting) | :: taglio {m} |
cut {n} (result of cutting) | :: taglio {m} |
cut {n} (opening resulting from cutting) | :: taglio {m}, incisione {f} |
cut {n} (act of dividing a deck of playing cards) | :: alzata {f} |
cut {n} (manner or style a garment is fashioned in) | :: taglia {f}, taglio {m} |
cut {n} (slab of meat) | :: taglio {m}, pezzo {m} |
cut {n} (partition of a graph’s vertices into two subgroups) | :: taglio {m} |
cut {n} (skein of yarn) SEE: skein | :: |
cut {n} (haircut) SEE: haircut | :: |
cut {n} (common workhorse) SEE: gelding | :: |
cutaneous {adj} /kjuːˈteɪniəs/ (of, or relating to the skin) | :: cutaneo |
cutaway {n} (a cut to a shot of person listening to a speaker) | :: ritaglio {m} |
cutaway {n} (diagram or model) | :: spaccato {m} |
cut a wide swath {v} (to clear a broad track) | :: aprire un varco, aprirsi un varco |
cut corners {v} (bypass a prescribed route) | :: prendere delle scorciatoie |
cute {adj} /kjuːt/ (having features mainly attributed to infants and small or cuddly animals) | :: carino, grazioso |
cute {adj} (attractive or pleasing in a youthful, dainty, quaint or fun-spirited way) | :: carino {m} |
Cuthbert {prop} (male given name) | :: Cutberto |
cuticle {n} (outermost layer of skin of vertebrates) SEE: epidermis | :: |
cutin {n} (polymer of hydroxy acids) | :: cutina {f} |
cutireaction {n} (any inflammation or other skin reaction to an irritant) | :: cutireazione {f} |
cutlass {n} (machete) SEE: machete | :: |
cutler {n} (One whose business is making or dealing in cutlery) | :: coltellinaio {m}, coltellinaia {f} |
cutlery {n} /ˈkʌt.lə.ɹi/ (eating and serving utensils) | :: coltelleria {f}, posate {f-p} |
cutlet {n} (slice of meat) | :: costoletta {f}, cotoletta {f} |
cutlet {n} (meat chop) | :: costoletta {f} |
cutoff {adj} (The point at which something terminates or to which it is limited) | :: soglia, di soglia, di taglio |
cut off one's nose to spite one's face {v} (harm oneself as a result of trying to harm an adversary) | :: darsi la zappa sui piedi, spararsi sui piedi |
cut one's coat according to one's cloth {v} (to live within one's means) | :: fare il passo secondo la gamba |
cut one's teeth {v} (gain early experience) | :: farsi le ossa, prendere dimestichezza |
cut out {v} (to separate into parts with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument; sever) | :: ritagliare |
cut out {v} (refrain from (doing)) | :: smetterla, finirla |
cut out {v} (remove, omit) | :: rimuovere, togliere, levare, tagliare via |
cut out {adj} (well suited for an activity) | :: ritagliato, adeguato, idoneo |
cutter {n} /ˈkʌtɚ/ (device that cuts) | :: taglierino {m} |
cutter {n} (single-masted sailing ship type) | :: cutter {m}, veliero {m} |
cutter {n} (ship's boat) | :: pilotina {f} |
cutthroat {n} (murderer) | :: tagliagole |
cutting {n} /ˈkʌtɪŋ/ (leaf, stem, branch, or root removed from a plant) | :: talea |
cutting {n} (editing of film or other recordings) | :: decoupage {m} |
cutting {adj} ((potentially) hurtful) | :: tagliente, affilato, pungente, graffiante, sferzante |
cutting board {n} (chopping board) SEE: chopping board | :: |
cutting fluid {n} | :: lubrorefrigerante {m} |
cuttlefish {n} /ˈkʌ.təl.fɪʃ/ (any of various squidlike mollusks) | :: seppia {f} |
cut to the chase {v} (to get to the point) | :: venire al sodo, venire al dunque |
cutwater {n} (edge of a ship's stem) | :: tagliamare {m} |
-cy {suffix} /-si/ (used to form nouns of state, condition or quality e.g. obstinacy) | :: -aggine |
cyan {n} /ˈsaɪˌæn/ (a colour between blue and green) | :: ciano {m} |
cyanide {n} /ˈsaɪənaɪd/ (chemistry: any compound containing the CN group) | :: cianuro {m} |
cyanidin {n} /saɪˈænədɪn/ (anthocyanidin pigment) | :: cianidina {f} |
cyanimide {n} | :: cianammiduro {m} |
cyanoacrylate {n} (class of esters of cyanoacrylic acid) | :: cianoacrilato {m} |
cyanobacterium {n} (prokaryotic microorganism of phylum Cyanobacteria) | :: cianobatterio {m}, cianoficea {f} |
cyanosis {n} /ˌsaɪəˈnoʊsɪs/ (discolouration of the skin) | :: cianosi {f} |
Cybele {prop} /ˈsɪbɨliː/ (Greek goddess) | :: Cibele {f} |
cyber- {prefix} /ˈsaɪbə/ (the Internet or cyberspace) | :: ciber- |
cyberbullying {n} (bullying online) | :: cyberbullismo {m} |
cybercitizen {n} (inhabitant of cyberspace) SEE: netizen | :: |
cyberharassment {n} (cyberharassment, online harassment) | :: cyberbullismo {m} |
cybernetics {n} /ˌsaɪ.bə(ɹ)ˈnɛ.tɪks/ (science of communication and control) | :: cibernetica {f} |
cybernetics {n} (the art/study of controling) | :: cibernetica {f} |
cyberspace {n} /ˈsaɪ.bə(ɹ)ˌspeɪs/ (world of information) | :: cyberspazio {m}, ciberspazio {m} |
cyborg {n} /ˈsaɪ.bɔː(ɹ)ɡ/ (person who is part machine) | :: cyborg |
Cyclades {prop} /saɪkleɪdz/ (island chain) | :: Cicladi {m-p} |
cyclamen {n} (A type of plant) | :: ciclamino {m}, artanita {f} |
cycle {n} /ˈsaɪkəl/ (complete rotation) | :: ciclo {m} |
cycle {n} (process that repeats itself) | :: ciclo {m} |
cycle {n} (program on a washing machine etc.) | :: ciclo {m}, programma {m} |
cycle {n} (graph theory: closed walk or path) | :: ciclo {m} |
cycle {n} (imaginary circle or orbit in the heavens) SEE: celestial sphere | :: |
cycle lane {n} (part of road designated for cyclists) SEE: bicycle lane | :: |
cyclic {adj} /ˈsaɪklɪk/ (characterized by, or moving in cycles) | :: ciclico |
cyclic {adj} (of a compound having chains of atoms arranged in a ring) | :: ciclico |
cyclic {adj} (being generated by only one element) | :: ciclico |
cyclic group {n} (group generated by a single element) | :: gruppo ciclico {m} |
cycling {n} /ˈsaɪk(ə)lɪŋ/ (The sport of riding and racing bicycles) | :: ciclismo {m} |
cyclist {n} /ˈsaɪ.klɪst/ (person who rides a cycle) | :: ciclista {m} {f} |
cyclo- {prefix} /saɪkləʊ/ (circle) | :: ciclo- |
cycloalkane {n} (saturated alicyclic hydrocarbon) | :: cicloalcano {m} |
cycloalkyne {n} (cyclic alkyne) | :: cicloalchino {m} |
cyclobutadiene {n} (cyclobutadiene) | :: ciclobutadiene {m} |
cyclodextrin {n} (any of a class of cyclic oligosaccharides consisting of glucopyranose residues) | :: ciclodestrina {f} |
cyclododecatriene {n} (alkene) | :: ciclododecatriene {m} |
cyclogenesis {n} (the process which leads to the formation of tropical storms, cyclones and hurricanes) | :: ciclogenesi {f} |
cycloheptane {n} (the cycloalkane C7H14) | :: cicloeptano {m} |
cyclohexane {n} /ˌsaɪkloʊˈhɛkseɪn/ (alicyclic hydrocarbon, C6H12) | :: cicloesano {m} |
cyclohexanol {n} (cyclohexanol) | :: cicloesanolo {m} |
cyclohexanone {n} (cyclohexanone) | :: cicloesanone {m} |
cyclohexene {n} (cyclohexene) | :: cicloesene {m} |
cycloid {n} /ˈsaɪklɔɪd/ (geometry: locus of a point on the circumference of a rolling circle) | :: cicloide {f} |
cyclone {n} /ˈsaɪ.kloʊn/ (rotating system of winds) | :: ciclone |
cyclonic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or resembling a cyclone) | :: ciclonico |
cyclopentadiene {n} (cyclopentadiene) | :: ciclopentadiene {m} |
cyclopentane {n} (alicyclic hydrocarbon, C5H10) | :: ciclopentano {m} |
cyclopropane {n} (the simplest alicyclic hydrocarbon, C3H6) | :: ciclopropano {m} |
cyclops {n} (giant of mythology) | :: ciclope {m} |
cyclotomic field {n} (extension field of the rational numbers formed by adjoining a primitive root of unity) | :: campo ciclotomico {m} |
cyclotron {n} /ˈsaɪklətɹɒn/ (particle accelerator) | :: ciclotrone {m} |
cycloxygenase {n} (enzyme) | :: ciclossigenasi {f} |
cygnet {n} /ˈsɪɡ.nət/ (young of a swan) | :: cigno giovane {m} |
Cygnus {prop} (constellation) | :: Cigno {m} |
cylinder {n} /ˈsɪləndɚ/ (geometry: surface) | :: cilindro {m} |
cylinder {n} (geometry: solid) | :: cilindro {m} |
cylinder {n} (any cylindrical object) | :: cilindro {m} |
cylinder {n} (cavity or chamber) | :: cilindro {m} |
cylindrical {adj} /sɪˈlɪndɹɪkəl/ (shaped like a cylinder) | :: cilindrico |
cymbal {n} /ˈsɪmbəl/ (concave plate of brass or bronze that produces a sharp, ringing sound when struck) | :: piatto {m} |
cymophenol {n} | :: cimofenolo {m} |
cynic {n} /ˈsɪnɪk/ (A person who believes that all people are motivated by selfishness) | :: cinico {m} |
cynic {n} (A person whose outlook is scornfully negative) | :: cinico {m} |
cynical {adj} /ˈsɪnɪkəl/ (of or relating to the belief that human actions are motivated by base desires or selfishness) | :: cinico |
cynically {adv} /ˈsɪn.ɪk.(ə.)li/ (in a cynical manner) | :: cinicamente |
cynicism {n} /ˈsɪn.ɪˌsɪzəm/ (skeptical, scornful or pessimistic attitude) | :: cinismo {m} |
cynodont {n} (zoology) | :: cinodonto {m} |
cynomolgus {n} (Macaca fascicularis) SEE: crab-eating macaque | :: |
cynophobia {n} /ˌsaɪnəˈfoʊbi.ə/ (an irrational fear or hatred of dogs or other canines) | :: cinofobia {f} |
cynosure {n} /ˈsɪnəzjʊə/ (that which serves to guide or direct) | :: tramontana, guida |
cynosure {n} (Ursa Minor) SEE: Ursa Minor | :: |
Cynthia {prop} /ˈsɪnθiə/ (female given name) | :: Cinzia |
cypress {n} /ˈsaɪ.pɹəs/ (an evergreen coniferous tree) | :: cipresso {m} |
Cypriot {n} /ˈsɪp.ɹi.ət/ (Person from Cyprus) | :: cipriota |
Cypriot {adj} (Of, from or relating to Cyprus) | :: cipriota |
Cyprus {prop} /ˈsaɪ.pɹəs/ (country) | :: Cipro |
Cyrenaica {prop} /saɪɹəˈneɪ.ɪkə/ (province on the North African coast) | :: Cirenaica {f} |
Cyrene {prop} /saɪˈɹiːni/ (an Ancient Greek colony in North Africa) | :: Cirene {f} |
Cyril {prop} /ˈsɪɹəl/ (male given name) | :: Cirillo {m} |
Cyrillic {adj} /sɪˈɹɪ.lɪk/ (of or pertaining to Cyrillic) | :: cirillico |
Cyrillic {prop} (a script or alphabet) | :: cirillico {m} |
Cyrus {prop} /ˈsaɪɹəs/ (ancient king of Persia) | :: Ciro {m} |
Cyrus {prop} (male given name) | :: Ciro {m} |
cyst {n} /sɪst/ (sac which develops in the natural cavities of an organ) | :: ciste or cisti {f} |
cysteine {n} (nonessential amino acid) | :: cisteina |
cystic {adj} /ˈsɪstɪk/ (Of or pertaining to a cyst) | :: cistico |
cysticercosis {n} (parasitic infestation) | :: cisticercosi |
cystitis {n} (inflammation of the urinary bladder) | :: cistite {f} |
cystoscopy {n} (endoscopy of the urinary bladder) | :: cistoscopia {f} |
cystotomy {n} (surgical operation) | :: cistotomia {f} |
-cyte {suffix} /-saɪt/ (cell names and classifications) | :: -cito {m} |
cyto- {prefix} (regarding cells) | :: cito- |
cytochemistry {n} (the biochemistry of cells) | :: citochimica {f} |
cytochrome {n} /ˈsaɪtəkɹəʊm/ (hemoprotein compound) | :: citocromo {m} |
cytogenetic {adj} (Of or pertaining to cytogenetics) | :: citogenetico |
cytokine {n} (any of various small regulatory proteins) | :: citochina {f} |
cytokinesis {n} (cellular process) | :: citodieresi {f}, citochinesi {f} |
cytologic {adj} (of or relating to cytology) SEE: cytological | :: |
cytological {adj} (relating to cytology) | :: citologico |
cytology {n} /saɪˈtɑləd͡ʒi/ (biology: the study of cells) | :: citologia {f} |
cytopathology {n} (branch of pathology) | :: citopatologia {f} |
cytopenia {n} (reduction in the number of blood cells) | :: citopenia {f} |
cytophagy {n} (the ingestion of cells by phagocytes) | :: citofagia {f} |
cytoplasm {n} /ˈsaɪtoʊˌplæzəm/ (contents of a cell excluding the nucleus) | :: citoplasma {m} |
cytoplasmic {adj} /saɪtə(ʊ)ˈplazmɪk/ (of or pertaining to cytoplasm) | :: citoplasmatico |
cytosine {n} /ˈsaɪtəsiːn/ | :: citosina {f} |
cytoskeleton {n} | :: citoscheletro {m} |
cytosol {n} (the solution of a cells cytoplasm) | :: citosol {m} |
cytosolic {adj} (of or pertaining to the cytosol) | :: citosolico |
cytostatic {adj} (tending to inhibit cell growth and multiplication) | :: citostatico |
cytotoxic {adj} (Of or relating to cytotoxicity) | :: citotossico |
Czech {adj} /tʃɛk/ (of, from, or pertaining to the country, people, culture or language) | :: ceco |
Czech {n} (person) | :: ceco {m}, ceca {f} |
Czech {n} (language) | :: ceco {m} |
Czech hedgehog {n} (antitank obstacle) | :: riccio ceco {m} |
Czechia {prop} /ˈt͡ʃɛkiə/ (country in Europe) | :: Cechia {f} |
Czechoslovak {n} (inhabitant) | :: cecoslovacco |
Czechoslovak {adj} (pertaining to) | :: cecoslovacco |
Czechoslovakia {prop} /ˌtʃɛk.ə.sləˈvɑ.ki.ə/ (former country in Central Europe) | :: Cecoslovacchia {f} |
Czecho-Slovakia {prop} (dated form of Czechoslovakia) | :: Ceco-Slovacchia {f} |
Czech Republic {prop} /ˈtʃɛk ɹɪˈpʌblɪk/ (country in Central Europe) | :: Repubblica Ceca {f}, Cechia {f} |