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torre di raffreddamento

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Literally, tower of cooling, or more loosely translated as cooling tower. Compare French tour de refroissement.



torre di raffreddamento f (plural torri di raffreddamento)

  1. cooling tower
    • 2024 August 12, The Editorial Board, “L'accusa di Mosca: 'Gli ucraini hanno usato armi chimiche' [Moscow's accusation: "The Ukrainians have used chemical weapons"]”, in ANSA[1]:
      Precedentemente l'azienda per l'energia nucleare russa Rosatom aveva affermato che una torre di raffreddamento dell'impianto ha subito "gravi danni" a causa di "due attacchi da parte di droni militari ucraini".
      Rosatom, the Russian nuclear-energy company, had previously stated that a cooling tower of the installation had suffered "serious damage" due to "two attacks on the part of Ukrainian military drones".