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User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-e

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
-e- {interfix} :: A suffix-initial vowel (or linking vowel) inserted interconsonantally between the word stem and the suffix, to ease pronunciation, without contributing to the meaning
-e {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: his, her, its, -'s#Etymology 2, of (third-person singular, single possession)
-e {suffix} [possessive suffix, after a plural possessor] :: -s', of-s (third-person plural, single possession)
-e {suffix} [with time expressions, referring to a point in time] :: ago
-e {suffix} [with time expressions, referring to a duration of time preceding the point of time in question] :: for
-e {particle} [clitic] :: whether, if
-e {particle} [clitic] :: Suffix for tag (yes/no) questions
-e {suffix} [personal suffix, archaic] :: Used to form an archaic past tense, in third-person singular, indefinite conjugation, for front-vowel verbs. The back vowel version is -a. The suffix currently used in this place is -t, -tt, -ett or -ött. For the full paradigm, see the usage template
e. {postp} :: abbreviation of előtt
e {determiner} [chiefly archaic, except before consonant-initial words, as a counterpart of ez] :: this
e {pron} [archaic, except before most consonant-initial postpositions] :: this
e {interj} [folksy] :: look!, hey! (expressing surprise or wanting to get attention)
e {letter} :: letter: e
E {letter} :: letter: e
-é- {interfix} :: A suffix-initial vowel (or linking vowel) inserted interconsonantally between the word stem and the suffix, to ease pronunciation, without contributing to the meaning
{suffix} [non-attributive possessive suffix] :: -'s, belonging to ……, that of ……. Used to form the non-attributive possessive form of nouns. The plural form is -éi
{suffix} [non-attributive possessive suffix, casual] :: -'s, those of …… (informally also used for the plural of the non-attributive possessive [ -éi being somewhat pedantic])
{suffix} [rare, chiefly Transylvania] :: whether, if. Tag for yes/no questions, always written with a hyphen before. (variant of -e)
{suffix} [personal suffix, archaic] :: Used to form an archaic past tense, in third-person singular, definite conjugation, for front-vowel verbs. The back-vowel version is . The suffix currently used in this place is -te. For the full paradigm, see the usage template
é {letter} :: letter: é
É {n} :: n. (north)
É {letter} :: letter: é
eb {n} [formal or literary] :: dog
ebadta {adj} [dated, sometimes, humorous] :: damned, confounded
-ebb {suffix} [comparative suffix] :: -er, more
ebéd {n} :: lunch
ebédel {vit} :: to dine, lunch
ebédlő {n} :: dining room
ében {n} :: ebony (a hard, dense, deep black wood from various subtropical and tropical trees, especially of the genus Diospyros)
ében {n} :: ebony (a tree that yields such wood)
ében {adj} :: ebony (made of ebony wood)
ében {adj} :: ebony (a deep, dark black colour)
ébenfa {n} :: ebony (wood)
ébenfekete {adj} :: ebony (a deep, dark black colour)
éber {adj} :: vigilant, alert
éber {adj} :: awake
éberebb {adj} :: comparative of éber
éberség {n} :: awareness, vigilance
ebi {adj} :: of or pertaining to dogs, mainly used in ebihal
ebihal {n} :: tadpole, polliwog
ébred {vi} :: to wake
ébren {adv} :: awake (not asleep; conscious)
ébreszt {vt} :: to wake up somebody
ébreszt {vt} :: to arouse, awaken, stir up
ébresztő {adj} :: wakening
ébresztő {n} [military] :: reveille
ébresztő {n} :: alarm clock
ébresztőóra {n} :: alarm clock
eccer {adv} :: eye dialect of egyszer
ECDL {prop} :: initialism of European Computer Driving Licence
ecet {n} :: vinegar
ecetes {adj} :: vinegary (sour, like vinegar)
ecetes {adj} :: pickled (preserved by pickling)
ecetes {adj} :: vinegared (seasoned with vinegar)
ecetes {adj} :: vinegar (containing vinegar)
ecetes {adj} [chemistry] :: acetic, acetous
ecetesebb {adj} :: comparative of ecetes
ecetgyár {n} :: vinegar factory
ecetmuslica {n} :: common fruit fly, vinegar fly (Drosophila melanogaster)
ecetsav {n} [organic compound] :: acetic acid, systematically named ethanoic acid (a clear colourless organic acid, CH3COOH, formed by the oxidation of ethanol; it is used as a solvent and has very many industrial applications; it is the major acidic component of vinegar)
echó {n} :: echo
Ecuador {prop} :: Ecuador (country)
ecset {n} :: brush
ecsetel {vt} :: to describe, paint, depict something vividly (with something val, to someone nak)
ecsetel {vt} [of medicine] :: to paint something (with something val)
ecsetvonás {n} :: brush stroke, touch (painting)
-ecske {suffix} [diminutive suffix] :: -let, -ette
-ed {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: your (second-person singular, single possession)
-ed {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugation)
-ed {suffix} [fraction suffix] :: Added to an cardinal number to form a fraction
-ed {suffix} [frequentative suffix] :: Added to a stem to form a verb to indicate repetitive action. No longer productive
eddig {adv} :: so far, hitherto
eddigi {adj} :: until now
eddiglen {adv} [archaic] :: synonym of eddig
Ede {prop} :: given name
-edék {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a noun to indicate the result of the action. No longer productive
-edel {suffix} [noun suffix, rare] :: Added to a verb to form a noun to express the action and the object of the action
-edelem {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb or a noun to form an abstract noun
éden {n} [biblical] :: Eden (a garden built by God as the home for Adam and Eve)
Édenkert {prop} :: Eden (the garden built by God as a home for Adam and Eve)
edény {n} :: pot, vessel (a container of liquid or other substance)
edény {n} [biology] :: vessel (a tube or canal that carries fluid in an animal or plant)
edényalátét {n} :: hot pad, trivet (mat), dish mat (an object made from metal, wood, ceramic, fabric, silicone or cork, placed between a serving dish and a dining table, usually to protect the table from heat damage)
édes {adj} [literally or figuratively] :: sweet
édes {adj} :: cute, dear
édes {adj} [in compounds] :: consanguineous
édesanya {n} [somewhat, literary] :: mother
édesanya {n} [rare] :: natural mother, biological mother, birth mother, consanguineous (same-blooded) mother, mother by blood (as opposed to a stepmother, foster mother, or adoptive mother)
édesapa {n} :: father
édesebb {adj} :: comparative of édes
édesgyökér {n} :: licorice (a plant)
édeskés {adj} :: sweetish (somewhat sweet)
édeskömény {n} :: fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
édes, mint a méz {adj} [simile] :: honey-sweet, sweet as honey
édesség {n} :: sweet (sugary confection), dessert
édesvíz {n} :: fresh water
-edik {suffix} :: [verb-forming suffix] Added to a noun, adjective, or verb to form a verb
-edik {suffix} :: [numeral-forming suffix] -th. Added to a cardinal number to form an ordinal number
ediktum {n} :: edict
Edirne {prop} :: Edirne (city)
Edit {prop} :: given name
Edu {prop} :: given name
E-dúr {n} [music] :: E major
Edward {prop} :: Edward
edz {vt} :: to train somebody (actively help someone else train)
edz {vi} :: to train (practice, do something only with the purpose of getting better in something later, get fitter)
edzés {n} :: training
edzésprogram {n} [sports] :: training program, training schedule
edző {adj} :: training
edző {n} :: coach, trainer
edzőcipő {n} :: training shoe
edzőterem {n} :: practice room/hall/floor, training room, gym (a sports facility for lifting weights and exercise)
ÉÉK {n} :: NNE (north-northeast)
ÉÉNy {n} :: NNW (north-northwest)
eff {n} :: letter: f
effektív {adj} :: effective
effektívebb {adj} :: comparative of effektív
effektus {n} :: effect
efféle {pron} [adjectival, usually, pejorative] :: such
efféle {pron} [substantival, slightly, pejorative] :: such thing, person
-eg {suffix} [frequentative suffix] :: Added to a stem - often an onomatopoeia - to form a verb expressing a (quickly) repeating or continuous action
-eg {suffix} [nominal suffix] :: Added to a verb or a stem to form a noun or an adjective
ég {n} :: sky (the part of the atmosphere which can be seen above a specific place)
ég {n} [also in the plural] :: heaven (the abode of God and of the blessed dead)
ég {n} [by extension, in set phrases] :: heaven as a replacement for God (the supreme being and principal object of faith in Christianity)
ég {vi} :: to burn, to be on fire (to be consumed by fire, or in flames)
ég {vi} :: to be switched on, to be lit (of a source of illumination, to produce light)
ég {vi} :: to be hot, to burn (of skin, to become hot due to fever or an emotional state)
ég {vi} [by extension, slang] :: to be embarrassed, to feel ashamed (to have a feeling of shameful discomfort)
ég {vi} :: to sting, to burn (to produce a burning sensation)
ég {vi} [figurative] :: to be burning with (to feel an ardent emotion or desire)
egalizál {vt} :: to equalize, to make equal
egalizál {vt} [typography] :: to kern (to adjust the horizontal space between selected pairs of letters)
egalizálás {n} [typography] :: kerning (adjustment of the horizontal space between selected pairs of letters)
égbolt {n} :: sky
Eger {prop} :: Eger (city)
egér {n} :: mouse (a small rodent)
egér {n} [computer hardware] :: mouse (an input device)
egerész {n} :: mouser
egerészik {vi} :: to mouse (to hunt or catch mice)
egérfogó {n} :: mousetrap
egérút {n} :: escape, escape route (means or chance of getting away)
egérút {n} :: head start, advantage (an advantage given or taken at the start of competition)
égés {n} :: burning, combustion (the fact that something is burning)
égés {n} :: burn (a physical injury caused by heat, cold, electricity, radiation or caustic chemicals)
égés {n} :: burn (a painful sensation in the body)
égés {n} [colloquial] :: debacle, flop, failure (an event that ends with humiliating consequences)
ég és föld a különbség {phrase} [idiomatic] :: there's a world of difference, (as different as) chalk and cheese
egész {adj} :: whole, entire, complete (with all parts included, with nothing missing)
egész {adj} [arithmetic] :: integer (not having a fractional component)
egész {adv} :: entirely, completely (to the maximum extent or degree)
egész {adv} [with an adverb] :: all the way, up until (all throughout until reaching a place or a point in time)
egész {adv} [colloquial] :: quite, rather, fairly (not entirely, but reasonably or sufficiently)
egész {n} :: entirety, whole (something complete, without any parts missing)
egész {n} [colloquial] :: the whole thing (the topic of the conversation; the situation or story just mentioned)
egész {n} [arithmetic] :: Names the integer part of a decimal fraction, when it is spoken out loud
egészében {adv} :: collectively, on the whole (as a whole)
egészen {adv} :: entirely, quite, altogether
egészít {vt} :: to complete (to make whole or entire)
egészség {n} :: health
egészségbiztosítás {n} :: health insurance
egészségbiztosítási {adj} :: (of) health insurance
egészségedre {interj} :: cheers (toast when drinking)
egészségedre {interj} :: you're welcome (as a reply when a meal or drink is thanked, meaning: may it serve your health)
egészségedre {interj} :: bless you! (as a reply when someone sneezes)
egészségére {interj} :: cheers (toast when drinking)
egészségére {interj} :: you're welcome (as a reply when a meal or drink is thanked, meaning: may it serve your health)
egészségére {interj} :: bless you! (as a reply when someone sneezes)
egészséges {adj} :: healthy
egészségesebb {adj} :: comparative of egészséges
egészségesebben {adv} :: comparative of egészségesen
egészségesen {adv} :: healthily
egészséges, mint a makk {adj} [simile] :: fit as a fiddle, sound as a bell (in excellent health)
egészségi {adj} :: sanitary, relating to health
egészségkárosodás {n} :: health damage (damage to health)
egészségtelen {adj} :: unhealthy
egészségtelenebb {adj} :: comparative of egészségtelen
egészségügy {n} :: health care
egészségügyi {adj} :: health, medical (of or relating to health care)
egészségügyi {adj} :: hygienic, sanitary (of or relating to hygiene)
egész szám {n} [arithmetic] :: integer
-eget {suffix} [frequentative suffix] :: Mostly added to transitive verbs (less frequently to other types of words) to form new verbs denoting repetitive action. It may also change the meaning
éget {vt} :: to burn (to cause to be consumed by fire)
égetett {adj} :: burnt (deliberately, e.g. as part of a procedure)
eget-földet megmozgat {v} [idiomatic] :: to move heaven and earth (to do whatever is necessary, including extreme or unusual actions; to go to extremes)
égető {adj} :: burning
ég-föld {n} [idiom] :: everything
éghajlat {n} :: climate
éghajlattan {n} :: climatology
égi {adj} :: celestial, heavenly
égnek áll {v} [idiomatic] :: to stand on end
egocentrikus {adj} :: egocentric
egocentrizmus {n} :: egocentrism
egoista {adj} :: egoistic
egoista {n} :: egoist
égő {adj} :: burning
égő {adj} [slang] :: awkward
égő {n} :: light bulb
égő {n} :: gas burner
égöv {n} [geography] :: (climate) zone
egres {n} :: gooseberry
egri {adj} :: of or relating to Eger (a city in Hungary)
egri {n} :: someone from Eger
égtáj {n} :: cardinal point, compass point
égzengés {n} :: thunder
egzisztencia {n} :: existence
egzisztenciális {adj} :: existential
egzisztencialista {adj} :: existentialist (of or relating to existentialism)
egzisztencialista {n} :: existentialist (a person who adheres to the philosophy of existentialism)
egzisztencializmus {n} :: existentialism
egzotikus {adj} :: exotic
egzotikusan {adv} :: exotically
egzotikusság {n} :: exoticity, exoticness (the characteristic of being exotic)
egy {num} :: one
egy {art} :: a, an (indefinite article)
egy {adj} :: same (identical)
egy {adv} [folksy, before numerals] :: some, or so, roughly, around, approximately
egyaknás {adj} [photography] :: single-lens (denoting a reflex camera which uses the same lens for the viewfinder and for image capturing)
egyáltalán {adv} :: at all, in the first place
egyaránt {adv} :: alike, equally, both (in the same way)
egyazon {pron} :: very, the same, identical (one and the same)
egybe- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: into one, together
egybegyűlik {vi} :: to assemble, to congregate, to gather
egybeír {vt} [orthography] :: to write as one word, to write as a solid block
egybeírás {n} :: writing as one word, writing as solid
egybekel {vi} :: to marry
egybeköt {vt} :: to join into one, to bind (together)
egyben {adv} :: at the same time, also, simultaneously
egyben {adv} :: in one piece, in one block, whole
egyben-másban {adv} :: in some ways, in certain ways
egybevág {vi} :: to match, to fit, to agree, to be in concordance with something val
egybevág {vi} [geometry] :: to be in a relation of congruence, to be isometric (roughly, the same measure and shape)
egybevágó {adj} [geometry] :: congruent
egyből {adv} :: immediately, at once, right away
egyből a lyukba {adv} [sports] :: hole in one (where a golfer hits the ball in the hole in one stroke; usually used with the verbs talál or üt)
egy csónakban evez {v} [idiom, colloquial] :: to be in the same boat (to be in the same situation or predicament; to have the same problems)
egy darabig {phrase} [idiomatic] :: for a while, awhile
egydimenziós {adj} :: one-dimensional
egyéb {pron} :: other, else
egyébként {adv} :: otherwise
egyébként {adv} :: however, on the other hand
egyébként {adv} :: by the way, for that matter, incidentally, moreover (when introducing a new subject)
egyed {n} :: individual
egyed {n} :: entity
egyedi {adj} :: individual
egyedi {adj} :: unique
egyedibb {adj} :: comparative of egyedi
egyedül {adv} :: alone, by oneself, on one's own
egyedül {adv} :: exclusively (nothing else, only the given thing)
egyedülálló {adj} :: single (not married, and also not dating)
egyedülálló {adj} :: unique, unparalleled (being the only one of its kind)
egyedüli {adj} :: sole, only
egyedüllét {n} :: solitude
egy-egy {num} :: each (one to each person)
egy-egy {num} :: one or two, an odd, occasional, infrequent (a small number of, but rarely)
egy-egy {num} :: a few (a small number among the many things)
egyelőre {adv} :: for the time being
egyen- {prefix} [in compound words] :: equal
egyen {n} [obsolete] :: uniform, equiform, alike, of a piece (something with/of the same shape or exterior)
egyen {n} [obsolete] :: even, level or flat ground or area
egyén {n} :: individual, person
egyenáram {n} :: direct current
egyenérték {n} :: equivalent
egyenértékű {adj} :: equivalent, tantamount (equivalent in meaning or effect; to something: val)
egyenértékűség {n} :: equivalence
egyenes {adj} :: straight
egyenes {adj} [figuratively, of character, thinking, process] :: straightforward, honest, open
egyenes {adj} [mathematics] :: direct
egyenes {adj} [boxing] :: straight
egyenes {n} [geometry] :: line (infinite one-dimensional figure)
egyenes {n} [sports] :: straight path (of a running track)
egyenes {n} [somewhat, colloquial] :: A simpler situation after a complex one
egyenesbe jön {v} [idiom] :: to be out of the woods, to get caught up (financially), to get out of the red (to resolve one's financial problems and become debt free)
egyenesebb {adj} :: comparative of egyenes
egyenesebben {adv} :: comparative of egyenesen
egyenesen {adv} :: in a straight line
egyenesen {adv} :: straight, directly, without detour
egyenesen {adv} :: plainly, openly, without reservation
egyenesen {adv} :: outright, absolutely
egyenesen arányos {adj} [mathematics] :: directly proportional
egyenesszög {n} [geometry] :: straight angle (an angle that is equal to 180°)
egyenetlen {adj} [of a surface] :: rough, uneven
egyenetlen {adj} :: erratic, unsteady, random
egyenetlenség {n} [of surface] :: unevenness, roughness, irregularity, wrinkle
egyenetlenség {n} [slightly, dated, figuratively] :: dissension, discord, disagreement, contention
egyéni {adj} :: custom
egyéni {adj} :: individual
egyénileg {adv} :: individually
egyéniség {n} :: personality (set of qualities that make a person distinct from another)
egyenjogú {adj} :: having equal rights, emancipated
egyenjogúság {n} :: equality of rights, emancipation
egyenlet {n} [mathematics] :: equation
egyenletes {adj} :: even, level (surface), uniform, steady
egyenletesebb {adj} :: comparative of egyenletes
egyenletesen {adv} :: evenly, smoothly, steadily
egyenletrendszer {n} [mathematics] :: equation system
egyenlít {vt} [rare] :: to equalize (to make equal)
egyenlít {vi} [sports] :: to equalize (to make the scoreline equal by scoring points)
egyenlítő {adj} :: something that equalizes
egyenlítő {n} :: equator (a great circle on any sphere, especially on a celestial body)
Egyenlítő {prop} [geography] :: Equator (the Earth’s equator)
egyenlítői {adj} :: equatorial (of, near, or relating to the equator or Equator)
Egyenlítői-Guinea {prop} :: Egyenlítői-Guinea (country)
egyenlő {adj} :: equal
egyenlő oldalú háromszög {n} [geometry] :: equilateral triangle (a triangle having all three sides equal)
egyenlőség {n} :: equality (fact of being equal)
egyenlőségjel {n} [mathematics] :: equal sign
egyenlő szárú háromszög {n} [geometry] :: isosceles triangle (a triangle having at least two sides equal)
egyenlőtlen {adj} :: unequal
egyenlőtlenség {n} :: inequality
egyenlő valószínűségű {adj} [mathematics] :: equiprobable
egyenrangú {adj} :: equal
egyenruha {n} :: uniform
egyenruhás {adj} :: uniformed
egyensúly {n} :: balance, equilibrium
egyensúlyi {adj} :: equilibrium [attributive]
egyensúlyi és hallóideg {n} [neuroanatomy] :: vestibulocochlear nerve (the eighth cranial nerve, transmits sound and equilibrium (balance) information from the inner ear to the brain)
egyértelmű {adj} :: unambiguous, clear
egyértelműen {adv} :: unambiguously, definitely, clearly
egyes {adj} :: individual, single
egyes {adj} :: number one
egyes {adj} [linguistics] :: singular (referring to only one thing or person)
egyes {adj} [with plural nouns only] :: certain, some
egyes {n} :: one (digit or figure)
egyes {n} [transportation] :: the one, the number one (a given bus, tram etc. line)
egyes {n} [automotive] :: first (first gear)
egyes {n} [education] :: (grade) F (the lowest, i.e. failing grade in a class or course)
egyes {n} [mathematics] :: unit (the place value, as opposed to tens or hundreds)
egyes {n} [sport] :: singles
egyes {n} [plural only] :: some people
egyesít {vt} :: to unite, to join
egyesítés {n} :: unification
egyesül {vi} :: to unite, to join, to amalgamate, to blend, to fuse, to combine
egyesülés {n} :: union (join)
egyesület {n} :: association
egyesült {adj} :: united
Egyesült Államok {prop} [plural only] :: Egyesült Államok (country)
Egyesült Arab Emírségek {prop} [plural only] :: Egyesült Arab Emírségek (country)
Egyesült Királyság {prop} :: Egyesült Királyság (country)
Egyesült Nemzetek Szervezete {prop} :: United Nations (international coalition)
egyetem {n} :: university
egyetemben {adv} :: together
egyetemes {adj} :: universal
egyetemesebb {adj} :: comparative of egyetemes
egyetemi {adj} :: university, academic
egyetemista {n} :: college student, university student
egyetemleges {adj} :: joint, total, collective
egyetemlegesebb {adj} :: comparative of egyetemleges
egyetemre jár {v} [idiom] :: to attend a university (to take classes at a university, to be a university student)
egyetért {vi} :: to agree (harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur), to get along (with one another)
egyetértés {n} :: agreement, concord, harmony, understanding, accord, concert, concurrence (agreement of opinion, will, or action)
egyetlen {adj} :: only, sole, single
egyévenként {adv} :: annually
egyéves {adj} :: one-year-old, of one year
egyéves {adj} :: one-year (lasting for a year)
egyezés {n} :: agreement, being in agreement, concurrence, accord, match, being identical
egyezés {n} [grammar, linguistics] :: agreement, sequence (of tenses), concord (in general: agreement between sentence elements in terms of case, gender, number, person, or tense)
egyezik {vi} :: to agree, to be in agreement with
egyezkedik {vi} :: to negotiate, bargain
egyezmény {n} :: agreement
egyeztet {vt} :: to check, collate (to examine diverse documents etc. to discover similarities and differences)
egyeztet {vt} :: to tally, harmonize (to make things correspond or agree with each other)
egyeztet {vt} :: to arrange, to agree upon, to consult, to discuss, to communicate
egyeztetés {n} :: cross-checking, verification, matching, comparing, comparison, collation (the act of verifying or comparing data, information with other sources)
egyeztetés {n} :: harmonization, coordination, tallying (bringing things into harmony, making things compatible, or making them correspond or agree with each other)
egyeztetés {n} :: consultation, discussion, negotiation, interaction, communication, checking (with someone on some issue, e.g. one’s boss or colleagues)
egyeztetés {n} [grammar, linguistics] :: agreement (actively applying the grammar rules on sentence elements, changing their inflection to match each other in case, gender, number, person, or tense)
egyezség {n} :: deal, agreement, contract, settlement, arrangement (an agreement between parties)
egyezséget köt {v} :: to make a deal with someone, to come to an agreement (with someone val)
egyfajta {adj} :: a kind of, a sort of, of some kind, a form of
egy fecske nem csinál nyarat {proverb} :: one swallow does not a summer make
egyfelől {adv} :: from the same direction
egyfelől {adv} :: on one side
egyfelől {adv} :: on the one hand
egyfelvonásos {adj} :: one-act (play)
egyfelvonásos {n} :: playlet, one-act play
egyfolytában {adv} :: uninterruptedly, continuously, consecutively (without interruptions)
egyforintos {adj} [historical] :: that which costs or is worth one forint
egyforintos {adj} :: synonym of egyforintnyi
egyforintos {n} [historical] :: one-forint coin (used from 1946, withdrawn from circulation in 2008, along with the two-forint coin, kétforintos)
egyforma {adj} :: of the same type, kind, shape or form
egy főre jutó {adj} :: per capita
egy füst alatt {adv} [idiomatic] :: in the same breath, at the same time, simultaneously
egyhangú {adj} :: monotonous
egyhangú {adj} :: unanimous
egyhangúan {adv} :: monotonously
egyhangúan {adv} [proscribed] :: unanimously
egyhangúbban {adv} :: comparative of egyhangúan
egyhangúlag {adv} :: unanimously
egyharmad {n} :: one third,
egyház {n} :: church
egyházfő {n} :: church leader
egyházi {adj} :: canonical, ecclesiastical, of or relating to the church
egyházszakadás {n} :: schism (split within a religious body)
egy húron pendülnek {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: they are birds of a feather, they are tarred with the same brush (they are alike)
egy húron pendülnek {v} [idiomatic, colloquial, of friends or members of a group] :: they stick together, they are conspiratorial, thick as thieves
egyhuzamban {adv} [of time] :: straight, nonstop, at a time, in a row, at a stretch (in a single, continuous period of time)
egyidejű {adj} :: concurrent, simultaneous
egyidejűleg {adv} :: simultaneously, concurrently, at once, at the same time
egyik {pron} :: one, one of (a given class, sort, group of people, etc.)
egyik a másik után {adv} :: one after another, one after the other, one by one
egyik kutya, másik eb {phrase} [idiomatic] :: six of one, half a dozen of the other (they are equally bad)
egyik sem {pron} :: none, none of, neither (not one)
egyik tizenkilenc, másik egy híján húsz {phrase} [idiomatic] :: six of one, half a dozen of the other (they are equally bad)
egyiptológia {n} :: Egyptology
egyiptológiai {adj} :: Egyptological, egyptological (of or relating to Egyptology)
egyiptológus {n} :: Egyptologist
Egyiptom {prop} :: Egyiptom (country)
egyiptomi {adj} :: Egyptian (of or pertaining to Egypt, its people or language)
egyiptomi {n} :: Egyptian (person)
egyiptomi {n} [singular only] :: Egyptian (language)
egyirányú {adj} :: one-way, unidirectional
egyirányú utca {n} :: one-way street (a road in which traffic is only allowed to proceed in one direction)
egyistenhit {n} :: monotheism (the belief in a single god, deity, spirit)
egyjegyű {adj} :: one-digit, one-character, single-digit
egykamarás {adj} [politics] :: unicameral (having one legislative chamber or house)
egyke {n} :: only child (a person who has no siblings)
egykedvű {adj} :: indifferent, apathetic, impassive (showing no emotional change whether good or bad events happen)
egykedvű {adj} :: bored
egykerekű {adj} :: one-wheeled, unicycle (having only one wheel)
egykerekű {n} :: unicycle, one-wheeler
egy-két {adj} [idiomatic] :: one or two, a few, a number of, some
egy kicsit {adv} :: a little, a bit
egykor {adv} :: at one time, formerly
egykor {adv} :: sometime
egykor {adv} :: at one o'clock
egykori {adj} :: former, one-time, erstwhile
egykorú {adj} :: of the same age
egykorú {adj} :: contemporary, contemporaneous (from the same time period)
egykötetes {adj} :: one-volume, in one volume
egylaki {adj} :: monoecious
egymás {pron} :: one another, each other
egymásba {pron} :: into one another, into each other
egymásba {pron} :: in one another, in each other
egymásba {pron} :: with one another, with each other
egymásban {pron} :: in one another, in each other
egymásban {pron} :: one another, each other
egymásért {pron} :: for one another, for each other
egymáshoz {pron} :: to one another, to each other
egymásig {pron} :: (up to) one another, (up to) each other
egymásként {pron} [rare] :: as one another, as each other
egymásnak {pron} :: for one another, for each other
egymásnak {pron} :: to one another, to each other
egymásnak {pron} :: one another, each other
egymásnál {pron} :: at one another, at each other
egymáson {pron} :: (on) one another, (on) each other
egymásra {pron} :: on one another, on each other
egymásra {pron} :: at one another, at each other
egymásra {pron} :: one another, each other
egymásra {pron} :: to one another, to each other
egymásra {pron} :: of one another, of each other
egymásról {pron} :: about one another, about each other
egymássá {pron} :: into one another, into each other
egymással {pron} :: with one another, with each other
egymással {pron} :: to one another, to each other
egymást {pron} :: one another, each other (accusative case)
egymástól {pron} :: from one another, from each other
egymilliárd {num} :: one billion
egymillió {n} :: one million
egynéhány {determiner} :: some, a few
egynéhány {determiner} :: -odd
egynéhány {pron} :: a few of (us / you / them) (used only with plural possessive suffix: egynéhányunk, egynéhányatok, egynéhányuk)
egynejűség {n} :: monogyny, monogamy (having one wife)
egyoldali {adj} :: one-sided
egyoldalú {adj} :: one-sided, unilateral
egyoldalú {adj} :: biased
egypetéjű {adj} [biology] :: monozygotic, identical
egyptienne {adj} [typography] :: slab serif (of a typeface, characterized by linear strokes and thick, block-like serifs)
egypúpú {adj} :: single-humped
egypúpú teve {n} :: dromedary (Camelus dromedarius, the single-humped camel)
egyre {adv} :: continually, uninterruptedly, on and on, ever
egyrészt {adv} :: on the one hand
egység {n} [sciences] :: unit (a standard measure of a quantity)
egység {n} :: device
egység {n} [lexicography] :: item
egység {n} :: unity, oneness, whole
egység {n} :: unity, integrity
egység {n} [military] :: squad, unit, troops
egységes {adj} :: uniform
egységesebb {adj} :: comparative of egységes
egységesen {adv} :: uniformly
egységmátrix {n} [mathematics] :: unit matrix
egyszarvú {adj} :: one-horned
egyszarvú {n} :: unicorn (mythical beast)
egyszemélyes {adj} :: one-person
egyszemű {adj} :: one-eyed
egyszer {adv} :: once (one time)
egyszer {adv} :: one day, once (some time in the past or the future)
egyszer {adv} [colloquial] :: simply (used when something is obvious to the speaker, usually in possibly unfinished conditional sentences with the word ha - "if")
egyszer csak {adv} :: suddenly, unexpectedly, abruptly
egyszer-egyszer {adv} :: every now and then, every once in a while, every so often
egyszeri {adj} :: one-time, one-off (occurring only on one occasion)
egyszerre {adv} :: simultaneously, at the same time
egyszersmind {adv} :: and, at the same time, also, at once, simultaneously
egyszer s mindenkorra {adv} [idiomatic] :: once and for all, for good and all, for good (finally, permanently, conclusively)
egyszerű {adj} :: simple
egyszerűbb {adj} :: comparative of egyszerű
egyszerűbben {adv} :: comparative of egyszerűen
egyszerűen {adv} :: simply
egyszerű harmonikus rezgőmozgás {n} [mathematics] :: simple harmonic motion
egyszerűség {n} :: simplicity, plainness
egyszerűsít {vt} :: to simplify (to make simpler)
egyszerűsített {adj} :: simplified
egyszikű {adj} [botany] :: monocotyledon
egyszínű {adj} :: of one color, plain
egyszóval {adv} :: in a word, in short
egyujjas kesztyű {n} :: mitten (a type of glove that covers a hand with a separate sheath for the thumb, but not for other fingers)
egyúttal {adv} :: at the same time
együgyű {adj} :: feeble-minded (weak in intellectual power)
együgyű {adj} :: simple-minded, silly, naive, childlike
együgyű {n} :: simple-minded person
együtt- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: together with
együtt {adv} :: together, with, in the company of ( val)
együtt {postp} :: together with, with ( val)
együttélés {n} :: coexistence, cohabitation, symbiosis (the act of living together)
együtt érez {v} :: superseded spelling of együttérez
együtt érez {vt} [rare] :: to feel, sense, smell, or perceive something together with someone ( val)
együttérez {vi} :: to sympathize or empathize with, feel for, (of one's heart) go out to (someone val)
együttérzés {n} :: compassion, sympathy (deep awareness of the suffering of another)
együttes {n} :: band, group (people who perform music together)
együttható {n} [mathematics] :: coefficient (algebraic constant)
együttműködés {n} :: cooperation
együttműködik {vi} :: to cooperate, collaborate (with someone val)
együttműködő {adj} :: cooperative, cooperating, collaborating, interoperable
együttműködő {n} :: collaborator (a person who works with others towards a common goal)
egy vagyonba kerül {v} [idiomatic] :: to cost the earth (to be a huge expense)
egyváltozós művelet {n} [mathematics] :: unary operation
eh {interj} :: indicates indifference, usually used as a reply alone: meh
eh {interj} :: indicates an obvious mistake: oh, no
éh {adj} [archaic] :: hungry
éh {n} [archaic] :: hunger
éhbél {n} [anatomy] :: jejunum (the central of the three divisions of the small intestine which lies between the duodenum and the ileum)
éhbér {n} :: starvation wages, pittance (wages not enough to pay for the necessities of life)
éhbérért dolgozik {v} :: to work for starvation wages (to work for so little money that is not enough even for the basic necessities of life)
ehelyett {adv} :: instead of this
éhen {adv} :: hungry
éhen marad {v} :: to go hungry, to go unfed (to go without food and left starving)
éhes {adj} :: hungry
éhesebb {adj} :: comparative of éhes
éhes ember nem válogat {proverb} :: beggars can't be choosers
éhes vagyok {phrase} :: I am hungry
ehetetlen {adj} :: inedible, uneatable (not edible; not appropriate, worthy, or safe to eat)
ehető {adj} :: edible (that can be eaten without harm; suitable for consumption)
ehetőbb {adj} :: comparative of ehető
éhezik {vi} :: to hunger, starve
éhezik {vit} [figuratively] :: to long, yearn
éhhalál {n} :: death from starvation
éhínség {n} :: famine (extreme shortage of food in a region)
éhkopp {n} :: hunger, starvation
éhkoppon marad {v} :: to go hungry, to go unfed (to go without food and left starving)
éhség {n} :: hunger (need for food)
éhségsztrájk {n} :: hunger strike
-ei {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: his/her/its ... -s (third-person singular, multiple possessions)
-ei {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: your ... -s (second-person singular and plural formal, multiple possessions)
-éi {suffix} [non-attributive possessive suffix, pedantic] :: -'s, belonging to, those of ……. Used to form the plural non-attributive possessive form of nouns. The singular form is
-eid {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: your ... -s (second-person singular informal, multiple possessions)
-eik {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: their ...-s (third-person plural, multiple possessions)
-eim {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: my ... -s (first-person singular, multiple possessions)
-eink {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: our ...-s (first-person plural, multiple possessions)
-eitek {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: your ...-s (second-person plural informal, multiple possessions)
-ej {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to an onomatopoeic (sound-imitative) root to form a noun
ej {interj} :: indicates anger, like when telling someone off
ej {interj} :: indicates surprise
éj {n} :: night
ejakuláció {n} :: ejaculation
ejakulál {v} :: to ejaculate
éjfél {n} :: midnight
ejha {interj} :: wow!
éji {adj} [literary] :: Pertaining to the night; nightly, nocturnal
ejj {n} :: letter: ly
éjjel {adv} :: at night
éjjel {n} :: night
éjjeli {adj} :: nocturnal (primarily active during the night)
éjjeli {n} :: chamber pot
éjjeli bagoly {n} [idiomatic] :: night owl (one who stays up late at night or goes to bed late)
éjjeli fény {n} :: nightlight (a small, dim light or lamp left on overnight)
éjjeli fény {n} :: nightlight (light that shines at night such as moonlight, starlight, etc.)
éjjeli lámpa {n} :: nightlight (a small, dim light or lamp left on overnight)
éjjeliszekrény {n} :: nightstand (bedside table)
éjjel-nappal {adv} [idiomatic] :: day and night, all the time, round the clock, unceasingly
éjjel-nappali {adj} :: day and night, round the clock
éjjel-nappali {n} :: A convenience store open 24 hours a day
éjszaka {adv} :: at night
éjszaka {n} :: night (the period of darkness beginning at the end of evening and ending at the beginning of morning)
éjszakai {adj} :: nocturnal
éjszakázik {vi} :: to be up all night, to work all night, keep late hours (to stay up the whole night due to work)
éjszakázik {vi} [of a person or animal] :: to overnight (to spend the night at a temporary location)
-ejt {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Appended to a verb or a stem to form a causative verb
ejt {vt} :: to drop
ejt {vt} :: to catch (while hunting)
ejt {vt} :: to pronounce
ejtésű {adj} :: of/with … pronunciation (e.g. words with the same, similar, or different pronunciations)
ejtőernyő {n} :: parachute
ejtőernyős {n} :: paratrooper
ejtőernyőzés {n} :: parachuting
-ek {suffix} [plural suffix] :: -s, -es
-ek {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation)
EK {prop} :: EC, European Community
-ék {suffix} :: Added to a verb to form a noun
-ék {suffix} :: “Heterogeneous plural” suffix: added to a proper noun or sometimes a common noun to refer to a group of persons associated with somebody (e.g. a family, a circle of friends, etc.)
ék {n} :: wedge
ék {n} [literary] :: ornament
ÉK {n} :: NE (northeast)
ekcéma {n} :: eczema
ékcsont {n} [anatomy] :: cuneiform bone (any one of three wedge-shaped bones of the foot)
ékcsont {n} [anatomy] :: sphenoid bone (a compound bone at the base of the skull behind the eyes)
eke {n} :: plough [UK], plow [US]
ekecsont {n} [anatomy] :: vomer bone, ploughshare bone (the small thin bone that forms part of the septum between the nostrils)
-ekedik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Added to a noun or adjective to form a verb. Most of the time it means to behave as. The derived verb may have a pejorative meaning
-ekedik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a reflexive verb
-ékeny {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb to form an adjective expressing ability or tendency
ékesszólás {n} :: eloquence (the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing)
ékesszóló {adj} :: eloquent, articulate, silver-tongued, well-spoken (having the ability to speak powerfully)
ékesszóló {adj} [of evidence, reasoning] :: eloquent, convincing, clear, cogent
ékezet {n} [orthography] :: accent (mark written above a vowel to indicate its nature or quality)
ékezet {n} [typography] :: any diacritical mark (symbol used with a letter to indicate a different pronunciation, stress, tone, or meaning)
-ekezik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb, noun or adverb to form a reflexive verb
ékfarkú sas {n} :: wedge-tailed eagle, eaglehawk (Aquila audax)
ekhó {n} :: tilt (a corse canvas covering for carts and wagons usually pulled by horses or oxen)
ékírás {n} :: cuneiform (ancient Mesopotamian writing system)
ekkor {adv} :: then
ekkora {pron} :: this size, this big, as large as this
eklekticizmus {n} :: eclecticism
eklektikus {adj} :: eclectic
eklektikus {n} [philosophy] :: eclecticist
ekliptika {n} [astronomy] :: ecliptic
-ékony {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb to form an adjective expressing ability or tendency
eközben {adv} :: meanwhile
ékszer {n} :: jewel (valuable object for ornamentation)
ékszerész {n} :: jeweller, jeweler
-ekszik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a reflexive verb. Verbs with this suffix may have an alternative form suffixed with -ekedik or -ekezik. The conjugation table is shared with the -ekedik suffix
ektoplazma {n} [cytology] :: ectoplasm (the outer granule-free layer of cytoplasm)
ekvivalencia {n} :: equivalence
-el {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs ending in s, sz, z, dz (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation)
-el {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Appended to a noun to form a verb
-el {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Appended to a verb to form a noun (no longer productive in this role)
el- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: indicates actions whose direction is pointing away from the speaker, either literally or figuratively
el- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: indicates the unsuccessful or inaccurate completion of an action
el- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: indicates separation, deprivation, etc
el- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: indicates perfection
el- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: indicates continuity over a long period of time
el {adv} :: off
el {adv} :: away
-él {suffix} [noun suffix, archaic] :: Added to a verb to form a noun
-él {suffix} [frequentative suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a verb to express repetitive action. No longer productive
-él {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used in the second-person singular indefinite form of verbs. It appears in past tense as -tél, in conditional mood present as -nél and in subjunctive mood present as -jél
él {vi} :: to live (to remain alive, be alive, reside at)
él {vt} :: to live
él {vi} :: to live in a particular state
él {vi} :: to use something habitually or regularly (+ val), especially when that something is considered unethical or immoral
él {vi} :: to consume something (+ on) as a main part of one's diet
él {vi} :: to use something (+ val) to one's advantage, to make proper use of
él {vi} :: to spend most of one's time benefiting something or someone (usually + nak)
él {vi} :: to make a living, to depend on something (+ ból) as a source of income
él {vi} :: to continue to be remembered, to live with someone (+ ban)
él {n} :: edge
él {n} :: fore, front, forefront, head (see élen, élén)
él {n} [geometry] :: side (a bounding straight edge of a two-dimensional shape)
elad {vt} [perfective] :: to sell something (to someone nak) (i.e. make a successful sale, as opposed to árul, which refers to spending time trying to sell something)
eladás {n} :: sale, selling
eladási {adj} :: sale, sales, selling
eladatlan {adj} :: unsold
eladó {adj} :: for sale
eladó {n} :: salesperson, seller, vendor, trader
eladó {n} :: shop assistant, sales assistant, shopkeeper, clerk (US usage)
eladósodottság {n} :: indebtedness (state of owing money; being in debt)
elájul {vi} :: to faint (to lose consciousness)
elájul {vi} [figuratively, exaggerated] :: to be greatly astonished, to be taken aback (to be extremely surprised upon hearing or experiencing something unexpected)
eláll {vi} :: to stand out, stick out
eláll {vi} [of food] :: to keep
eláll {vi} :: to desist from something ( tól) (to cease to proceed or act)
eláll {vi} :: to cease, stop
eláll {vt} :: to block something
elálmosít {vt} :: to make sleepy
elalszik {vi} :: to fall asleep, drift off, go to sleep
elalszik {vi} :: to oversleep (miss something by sleeping)
elalszik {vi} [of fire or a candle] :: to burn out, to be extinguished
elalszik {vi} :: to die away, die down (of a matter or case: get out of people's focus)
elalszik {vt} :: to have some body part gone to sleep (go stiff due to the wrong lying position)
elárul {vt} :: to betray (someone)
elárul {vt} :: to disclose, reveal (something)
elárusító {n} :: salesperson, shop assistant, seller, vendor (a person whose job is to sell things in a shop/store)
elás {vt} :: to bury (to hide in the ground)
elássa a csatabárdot {v} [idiomatic] :: to bury the hatchet (to stop fighting or arguing; to reach an agreement)
elasztikus {adj} :: elastic, springy, bouncy, vivacious
elasztikus {adj} :: elastic (capable of stretching)
elavul {vi} :: to become obsolete
elavult {adj} :: obsolete
elavultabb {adj} :: comparative of elavult
elbagatellizál {vt} :: to play down, make light of, trivialize, belittle, denigrate, depreciate (to make or attempt to make something seem less important)
elbánik {vi} [with val] :: to handle someone mercilessly, to deal roughly with someone
elbarikádoz {vt} :: to block with barricades
elbarikádoz {vt} :: to barricade
elbátortalanít {vt} :: to discourage, dishearten (to deprive of confidence)
elbeszél {vt} [literary] :: to narrate, tell, recount, relate
elbeszél {vit} :: to spend time chatting
elbeszél {vi} :: to speak or talk without considering the other's point (aside someone mellett)
elbeszélés {n} :: narration, telling
elbeszélés {n} :: story, tale, narrative
elbeszélés {n} :: short story, novelette
elbeszélgetés {n} :: conversation, chat (a long and friendly talk)
elbeszélgetés {n} :: interview
elbeszélő {adj} [literature] :: narrative, epic
elbeszélő {adj} [linguistics] :: preterite
elbeszélő {n} :: narrator
elbeszélő {n} :: writer of short stories (or novels in the manner of short stories)
elbocsájt {vt} [folksy] :: alternative form of elbocsát
elbocsát {vt} :: to dismiss, to fire, to lay off
elbocsát {vt} :: to set free, to liberate
elbocsát {vt} :: to discharge, to release
elbólint {vi} :: to nod off
elbúcsúzik {vi} :: to farewell, to bid farewell, to say goodbye (to someone or something tól)
elbújik {vi} :: to hide
elbutulás {n} :: dementia
elbűvöl {vt} :: to charm, to bewitch
elbűvölő {adj} :: enchanting, charming
elbűvölőbb {adj} :: comparative of elbűvölő
elbűvölően {adv} :: enchantingly, charmingly
élc {n} [literary] :: quip, joke, pun
élcelődés {n} :: banter, wit, teasing, mockery (if negative)
élcelődik {vi} [literary] :: to tease, joke (to say something amusing, about someone: n, with someone: val, at the expense of someone: rovására)
elcserél {vt} :: to exchange, swap, trade something for something: ért or ra (to exchange goods or services without involving money)
elcserél {vt} :: to mistake something for something, mix up, confuse (to exchange something with another thing by mistake or by human doing)
elcsúszik {vi} :: to slip
elcsüggeszt {vt} :: to discourage, dishearten, dispirit
éldegél {vi} :: to live, exist
eldob {vt} :: to throw away
eldől {vi} :: to fall over, topple over, tumble over, tip over
eldől {vi} :: to be decided
eldönt {vt} :: to decide (to resolve or settle)
eldöntendő {adj} :: to be decided
eldöntendő kérdés {n} :: yes-no question (a question that can only be answered by yes or no and does not allow for elaboration or detail)
eldug {vt} :: to hide
elé- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: before
elé {postp} :: (to) in front of
elé {pron} :: synonym of eléje
elébe {pron} :: synonym of eléje
éled {vi} :: to revive, to be revitalised, to come to life, rekindle, spring up
eledel {n} :: food, provisions, eatables, victuals, comestibles
eledel {n} :: fodder (for animals)
elefánt {n} :: elephant
elefántcsont {n} :: ivory
Elefántcsontpart {prop} :: Elefántcsontpart (country)
elefántcsonttorony {n} :: ivory tower
elefántfóka {n} :: elephant seal (a large marine mammal of the genus Mirounga)
elég {adj} :: enough, sufficient
elég {adv} :: quite, rather, fairly
elég {n} :: Used in expressions with inflectional suffixes
elég {vi} :: to burn up (fully)
elegancia {n} :: elegance
elegáns {adj} :: elegant (characterised by or exhibiting elegance in dress, style, design)
elegáns {adj} :: elegant (characterised by minimalism and intuitiveness while preserving exactness and precision)
elegánsabb {adj} :: comparative of elegáns
elégedetlen {adj} :: unsatisfied, discontented, disgruntled, dissatisfied, displeased (with/at something val)
elégedetlenkedik {vi} :: to express one's discontent/dissatisfaction continuously
elégedetlenség {n} :: dissatisfaction, discontent
elégedett {adj} :: content, satisfied (in a state of satisfaction)
elégedettebb {adj} :: comparative of elégedett
elégedetten {adv} :: contentedly (with satisfaction)
elégedik {vi} :: to be satisfied / content (with something: val)
elegen {adv} :: enough people (with a number of people sufficient for a given purpose)
elegendő {adj} :: sufficient, enough
elege van {v} [idiomatic] :: to be fed up (with something ból)
eléggé {adv} :: fairly, quite, pretty much
elégia {n} :: elegy
elégséges {n} :: sufficient (the lowest passing grade awarded for a class in Hungary's 5-point grade system, indicating that performance met the minimum criteria)
elégséges {adj} :: sufficient, satisfactory, adequate
elégszik {vi} :: alternative form of elégedik
elégtelen {adj} :: insufficient, inadequate, unsatisfactory, deficient
elégtelen {n} :: insufficient, unsatisfactory, F (a failing grade in a class or course in Hungary's 5-point grade system)
elégtelenség {n} :: failure, deficiency
elégtétel {n} :: satisfaction, amends (vindication for a wrong suffered)
eleinte {adv} :: initially, at first, in the beginning
eléír {vt} :: to write before something
eléje {pron} :: before / in front of him/her/it
eleji {adj} :: early ……, ……-initial, at/of/from the beginning of ……
-elek {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular of transitive verbs with a second-person object (if no other suffixes are present before it, in indicative mood, present tense)
Elek {prop} :: given name
-elék {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb or other parts of speech to form a noun
elektrifikál {vt} :: to electrify (to communicate or supply electricity to)
elektro- {prefix} :: electro-
elektrodinamika {n} :: electrodynamics
elektrokardiogram {n} [cardiology] :: electrocardiogram
elektromágnes {n} :: electromagnet
elektromágneses {adj} :: electromagnetic
elektromágneses kölcsönhatás {n} [physics] :: electromagnetic interaction
elektromérnök {n} :: electrical engineer
elektromos {adj} :: electric, electrical
elektromos {n} [colloquial] :: the electric power supplier or its employees
elektromosabb {adj} :: comparative of elektromos
elektromosan {adv} :: electrically
elektromosság {n} :: electricity (form of energy)
elektromosságtan {n} [physics] :: electricity (subfield of physics)
elektromos töltés {n} [physics] :: electric charge (electromagnetic state)
elektron {n} [particle] :: electron (negatively charged subatomic particle)
elektronágyú {n} :: electron gun
elektronika {n} :: electronics
elektronikai {adj} :: electronic
elektronikus {adj} :: electronic (operating on the physical behavior of electrons)
elektronikusabb {adj} :: comparative of elektronikus
elektronmikroszkóp {n} :: electron microscope (any of several forms of microscope that use a beam of electrons rather than one of light)
elektronvolt {n} [physics] :: electron volt (a unit for measuring the energy of subatomic particles)
elektrosokk {n} [medicine] :: electroshock
elektrosokk-terápia {n} [medicine] :: electroconvulsive therapy, electroshock therapy, shock therapy, Edison's medicine, ECT (a biomedical therapy for severely depressed patients in which a brief electric current is sent through the brain of an anesthetized patient)
élelmiszer {n} :: food, foodstuff (any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life)
élelmiszerbolt {n} :: grocery store, grocery (a store where groceries can be purchased)
élelmiszerboltot keresek {phrase} :: I'm looking for a grocery store
élelmiszeripar {n} :: food industry
élelmiszer-kereskedelem {n} :: food trade
élelmiszer-kereskedelmi {adj} :: related to food trade
élelmiszerüzlet {n} :: grocery store
-elem {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a noun. No longer productive
elem {n} :: battery (a device that produces electricity)
elem {n} [chemistry] :: chemical element
elem {n} :: element, component
elemében van {v} [idiomatic] :: to be in one's element, to be at home in something, to be on familiar ground (to be in a situation which is entirely suitable, familiar, or enjoyable)
elemében van {v} [idiomatic] :: to be at one's best (to be in top shape)
Elemér {prop} :: given name
elemez {vt} :: to analyze, analyse
elemi {adj} :: elementary, basic, fundamental, elemental
elemi {adj} [education] :: primary, elementary, grammar, grade (of or relating to an elementary school)
elemi {n} [education] :: grade school, elementary school, primary school
elemibb {adj} :: comparative of elemi
elemi részecske {n} [physics] :: elementary particle (a subatomic particle that does not consist of smaller particles)
elemlámpa {n} :: flashlight, torch (a portable source of electric light)
elemózsia {n} :: provisions, food
elemzés {n} :: analysis
elemző {adj} :: analytical
elemző {n} :: analyst, analyser
elengedhetetlen {adj} :: indispensable
élénk {adj} :: lively (full of life)
élénkebb {adj} :: comparative of élénk
elenyészik {vi} :: to vanish, fade, expire, peter out (to disappear completely, to become invisible)
elenyésző {adj} :: insignificant, infinitesimal, trifling, negligible (very small)
elenyészőbb {adj} :: comparative of elenyésző
elér {vt} [with hands] :: to reach, to be able to reach, to touch
elér {vt} :: to attain, to achieve, to catch, to get
elérés {n} :: reach, access, attainment
elérhetetlen {adj} :: unreachable
elérhetetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of elérhetetlen
elérhető {adj} :: available, reachable
elérhetőbb {adj} :: comparative of elérhető
elérkezik {vi} [of time] :: to arrive, to come
éles {adj} :: sharp (able to cut easily)
élesebb {adj} :: comparative of éles
élesen {adv} :: sharply, piercingly
elesik {vi} [of a person or animal] :: to fall down, to fall (to lose one's balance and fall to the ground)
elesik {vi} :: to fall, to die, to be killed in action, to be killed (in the war or battle)
elesik {vi} [of a city, castle, country] :: to fall, to collapse (to become overthrown or defeated, to be taken by the enemy)
elesik {vi} [figuratively, with tól] :: to become ineligible (to lose financial support or some other expected thing)
éléskamra {n} :: pantry, larder
élesség {n} :: sharpness, acuity
él és virul {v} [idiomatic] :: to be alive and kicking, to be alive and well (to be in good health, to be vital)
éleszt {vt} [of a human] :: to revive, resuscitate
éleszt {vt} [of fire] :: to stir up, poke
éleszt {vt} [of conflict] :: to stir up, foment
élesztő {adj} :: regenerative, restorative, animating
élesztő {n} :: yeast, leaven, raiser
élesztőbb {adj} :: comparative of élesztő
élet {n} :: life
életben hagy {v} [idiom] :: to let someone live (to not kill someone)
életben marad {v} [idiom] :: to survive (to continue to live; to remain alive)
életbiztosítás {n} :: life insurance (form of insurance)
életcél {n} :: life goal
életelixír {n} :: elixir of life
életerő {n} :: vitality, energy, vigour, stamina
életév {n} :: year of age
életfogytig {adv} [of a person] :: lifetime, life (while one lives, until death)
életfogytiglan {adv} [archaic] :: for life, till death
életfogytiglan {n} :: life sentence (life imprisonment or life incarceration)
életforma {n} :: lifestyle (style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group)
életforma {n} [biology] :: lifeform (any specific living organism)
életkor {n} :: age (the measure of how old someone is)
életminőség {n} :: quality of life
életmód {n} :: lifestyle, way of life
életöröm {n} :: joie de vivre
életöröm {n} :: zest for life
életrajz {n} :: biography
életrajzi {adj} :: biographical
életrajzíró {n} :: biographer
életre kel {v} [idiom] :: to come to life
életszínvonal {n} :: standard of living (a relative measure of the quality of life of a person or group has)
élettan {n} :: physiology
élettani {adj} :: physiological
élettapasztalat {n} :: experience (of life) (practical knowledge that one acquires throughout life)
élettartam {n} :: lifespan, lifetime
életút {n} :: life (course of life, path of life)
életút {n} :: career
életű {adj} :: -lived, of duration (with some kind of life, having a certain kind of duration)
életveszély {n} :: danger/risk/threat to life (a life-threatening situation, mortal danger)
életveszélyes {adj} :: life-threatening
életveszélyesebb {adj} :: comparative of életveszélyes
életvitel {n} :: way of life, lifestyle
eleve {adv} :: in the first place, to begin with
eleven {adj} [literary or archaic] :: alive
eleven {adj} :: lively
elevenboncolás {n} :: vivisection
elevenebb {adj} :: comparative of eleven
elévülés {n} [law] :: statute of limitations, limitation (a time period after which some legal action may no longer be brought)
elfakul {vi} :: to fade
elfehéredik {vi} :: to whiten, to blanch (to grow or become white)
elfehéredik {vi} [of face] :: to turn pale
elfelejt {vt} :: to forget
elfér {vi} :: to fit, to hold (to contain or store)
elfog {vt} :: to catch, to capture
elfog {vt} :: to overcome, to overwhelm, to overpower, to seize (with emotion or thought)
elfogad {vt} :: to accept
elfogadás {n} :: acceptance
elfogadhatatlan {adj} :: unacceptable
elfogadhatatlan {adj} :: inadmissible
elfogadható {adj} :: acceptable, plausible
elfogadhatóbb {adj} :: comparative of elfogadható
elfogadhatóság {n} :: acceptability
elfogadott {adj} :: accepted, acceptable, conventional, recognized
elfogadottabb {adj} :: comparative of elfogadott
elfogatóparancs {n} [law] :: arrest warrant
elfoglal {vt} :: to occupy, to seize, to capture, to invade
elfoglalt {adj} :: occupied, busy
elfoglaltabb {adj} :: comparative of elfoglalt
elfoglaltság {n} :: activity, employment, engagement, occupation, pursuit
elfogulatlan {adj} :: unbiased, evenhanded, impartial
elfogulatlanabb {adj} :: comparative of elfogulatlan
elfogulatlanság {n} :: impartiality, fairness (the quality of being impartial: treating all parties, rivals, or disputants equally)
elfogulatlanul {adv} :: impartially, fairly
elfogult {adj} :: biased, partial, prejudiced
elfogultabb {adj} :: comparative of elfogult
elfogultság {n} :: bias, partiality, prejudice, predisposition, preference, predilection (inclination towards something)
elfogultság {n} [slightly, dated] :: self-consciousness, timidity, shyness, embarrassment
elfogy {vi} :: to run out of something
elfogyaszt {vt} :: to consume (to eat)
elfojt {vt} :: to suffocate, to choke
elfojt {vt} :: to extinguish, to put out
elfojt {vt} :: to suppress, to stifle
elfojthatatlan {adj} :: irrepressible, unsuppressible
elfojthatatlanabb {adj} :: comparative of elfojthatatlan
elfuserál {vt} [colloquial] :: to mess up, to make a mess of, to screw up, to botch, to bungle
elgázol {vt} :: to run over (someone by e.g. car)
elgépel {vt} :: to typo (to make a typographical error during the process of typing)
elgépelés {n} :: misspelling, typo, typographical error (a mistake made during the process of typing, especially one caused by a slip of the fingers)
elgondolkodtató {adj} :: food for thought, worthy of consideration, (something) that makes one wonder
elhagy {vt} :: to leave someone or something, to abandon, to desert
elhagy {vt} :: to lose something, to mislay, to misplace (to put something somewhere and then forget its location)
elhagyatott {adj} [of a person] :: deserted, abandoned, lonely, solitary
elhagyatott {adj} [of a place] :: desolate, uninhabited (devoid of inhabitants)
elhagyatott {adj} [of an untended place] :: neglected (not cared for)
elhagyatottabb {adj} :: comparative of elhagyatott
elhal {vi} :: to die, to necrotize, to necrose (esp. of medical tissue)
elhal {vi} :: to die away, to die down, to abate, to subside (sound, enthusiasm)
elhalálozik {vi} [formal] :: to die, to pass away
elhalaszt {vt} :: to postpone
elhalasztódik {vi} :: to be postponed / deferred
elhallgat {vi} :: to hush, pause, stop speaking, become silent, shut up (to take a sudden pause in speaking)
elhallgat {vi} [of a young child] :: to stop crying
elhallgat {vi} [of music, noise] :: to cease, stop
elhallgat {vt} :: to suppress, cover up, hush up, conceal, withhold, hide something (from someone: elől)
elhallgat {vt} :: to listen to someone or something (for a longer time, with attention)
elhallgat {vt} :: to gloss over, ignore (to tolerate something in silence)
elhallgattat {vt} :: to silence, to shut up, to hush, to shush (to make quiet)
elhamvaszt {vt} :: to cremate
elhangzik {vi} [formal] :: to be said
elhanyagol {vt} :: to neglect
elhanyagolás {n} :: neglect, omission, inattention, negligence (the act of neglecting to perform an action one has an obligation to do)
elhanyagolható {adj} :: negligible, unimportant
elhanyagolt {adj} :: neglected
elhanyagoltabb {adj} :: comparative of elhanyagolt
elhasznál {vt} :: to use up, exhaust, wear out
elhasznált {adj} :: used up, worn out, depleted, exhausted
elhatároz {vt} :: to decide, to determine, to resolve
elhelyez {vt} :: to place, to put
elhelyezés {n} :: placement, position, location
elhelyezkedik {vi} :: to settle oneself comfortably, nestle, seat oneself (e.g. in an armchair)
elhelyezkedik {vi} :: to find employment
elhibáz {vt} :: to miss (to fail to hit)
elhisz {vt} :: to believe (such as a claim or someone's intention)
elhízás {n} :: obesity
elhízik {vi} :: to become overweight
elhízott {adj} :: obese
elhízottabb {adj} :: comparative of elhízott
elhomályosít {vt} :: to blur, fog, obfuscate, overshadow
elhuny {vi} :: to die, to pass away, to depart from life
elhunyt {adj} :: deceased, dead, departed (no longer alive)
elhunyt {n} :: deceased (a dead person)
elhúz {vt} :: to drag away
elhúz {vt} :: to procrastinate on something
elhúz {vi} :: to pass something, to outdistance someone ( tól, mellett, elől)
elhúz {vi} [colloquial] :: to get out, to leave
elhúzódik {vi} :: to drag on (to last a long time, become protracted)
elhúzódik {vi} :: to draw away, move away (from someone or something tól or elől)
elillan {vi} :: to escape, to slip out (to leave quietly, and unnoticed)
elillan {vi} [of fragrance] :: to fade, to disappear, to wear off
eliminál {vt} :: to eliminate
elindít {vt} :: to launch, to start off
elindul {vi} :: to set off, to begin a trip, to start, to depart, to leave
elintéz {vt} :: to arrange (to set up, to organize)
elír {vt} :: to miswrite, to misspell
elírás {n} :: typo (error)
elismer {vt} :: to admit (to concede as true)
elismer {vt} :: to acknowledge, to recognize
elismerés {n} :: recognition, acknowledgement, appreciation
elismerő {adj} :: appreciative
elismerőbb {adj} :: comparative of elismerő
elismert {adj} :: acknowledged, recognized, well-regarded, respected
elismertebb {adj} :: comparative of elismert
elismervény {n} :: acknowledgment (as a document, especially a formal statement or document recognizing the fulfillment or execution of a legal requirement or procedure)
elismervény {n} :: receipt (a written acknowledgment that a specified article or sum of money has been received)
elixír {n} :: elixir
Elízium {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Elysium, the home of the blessed after death
elíziumi mezők {n} [Greek mythology] :: Elysian Fields
eljárás {n} :: procedure (set of established forms or methods of an organized body)
eljárás {n} [legal] :: action, suit, petition
eljegyzés {n} :: engagement (a period of time when marriage is planned)
eljövendő {adj} :: coming (age)
eljut {vi} :: to reach, to arrive at, to get to a certain place
eljuttat {vt} :: to send, forward, get something (to someone nak, to somewhere hoz, ba)
elkalandozik {vi} [of a person or animal] :: to wander, roam, stray
elkalandozik {vi} [figuratively, of thinking, speech, with tól] :: to wander, digress, ramble (to skip from one subject to another)
elkapkod {vt} :: to rush, to hurry, to be too fast (in doing something)
elkapkod {vt} :: to snap up, to scramble for something (to buy all of a product very quickly, due to popularity)
elkel {vi} :: to be sold, to sell, to go
elkel {v} [figuratively, usually of girls] :: to be married off (i.e. already taken, not available any more)
elkel {vi} [especially in the conditional mood] :: be necessary, one could do with something (the person in need taking nak)
elkényeztet {vt} :: to spoil (to coddle or pamper to excess)
elkényeztetett {adj} [of a person, usually a child] :: spoilt [UK], spoiled [US] (having a selfish or greedy character due to pampering)
elképed {vi} :: to be surprised, astonished at something
elképed {vi} :: to be shocked about something unpleasant
elképesztő {adj} :: astonishing
elképesztőbb {adj} :: comparative of elképesztő
elképzel {vt} :: to imagine
elképzelés {n} :: idea, notion, conception, concept
elképzelhetetlen {adj} :: unimaginable, unthinkable, inconceivable
elképzelhetetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of elképzelhetetlen
elképzelhető {adj} :: imaginable, conceivable
elkerül {vt} :: to avoid (to keep oneself away from)
elkerül {vt} :: to fail to meet someone
elkerül {vi} :: to get to somewhere not at one's own will
elkerülés {n} :: avoidance (the act of avoiding or shunning; keeping clear of)
elkerülhetetlen {adj} :: unavoidable, inevitable
elkerülhetetlenül {adv} :: inevitably, unavoidably, inescapably (in a manner that is impossible to avoid or prevent)
elkerülhető {adj} :: avoidable, preventable
elkészít {vt} :: to prepare (to make ready for a specific future purpose)
elkészítés {n} :: preparation
elkészül {vi} :: to finish, to reach completion, to be ready (with something val)
elkezd {vt} :: to begin, to start, to commence
elkezdődik {vi} :: to begin, to start, to commence
elkísér {vt} :: to accompany someone, to escort, to come along (to go with or attend as a companion or associate; to keep company with; to go along with)
elkóborol {vi} :: to stray, to go astray, to wander off, to roam away (to wander from company, or from the proper limits)
elkoboz {vt} :: to confiscate, to seize (to use one's authority to lay claim to and separate a possession from its holder)
elkorcsosodik {vi} :: to degenerate
elkorcsosulás {n} :: degeneration
elköszön {vi} :: to farewell, to bid farewell, to say goodbye (to someone or something: tól)
elkötelezett {adj} :: committed, devoted, dedicated
elkötelezettebb {adj} :: comparative of elkötelezett
elkövet {vt} :: to commit, to perpetrate, to make (to be guilty of, or responsible for a crime or a mistake)
elkövet {vt} :: to do (to do one's best)
elkövetkező {adj} :: coming, following, next
elkövető {n} :: perpetrator
elküld {vt} :: to send, to forward (to make something go somewhere)
elküld {vt} :: to dismiss, to discharge
elkülönít {vt} :: to separate, isolate, segregate, confine, quarantine, appropriate, set apart for
elkülönített {adj} :: separated, isolated, quarantined
-ell {suffix} [instantaneous suffix, rare] :: Added to a verb to form a new verb expressing instantaneous action. It is no longer productive in this sense
-ell {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Added to an adjective to form a verb meaning "to consider/find/think as". In this sense, it is still productive
ell {n} :: letter: l
ellát {vt} :: to supply, to provide (to furnish with something val)
ellát {vi} :: to see (to be able to see as far as one can, a long distance)
ellátás {n} [in possessive structures] :: provision, furnishing
ellátás {n} :: supply
ellátás {n} [more specifically, necessary supply of food] :: board
ellátás {n} [more specifically, necessary supply of money] :: benefit, allowance
ellátás {n} [more specifically, supply of medical care] :: care, looking after someone
ellátás {n} [formal] :: performance, executing, fulfilment (the act of carrying out tasks, responsibilities)
ellátási {adj} :: supply
ellátási lánc {n} :: supply chain
ellátmány {n} :: allowance, supply
ellátogat {vi} :: to visit, to pay a visit
ellátott {adj} :: supplied (with), having
ellátott {adj} :: those looked after, those provided for
ellen- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: against, counter to
ellen {postp} :: against
ellen {n} [archaic or literary] :: enemy, opponent
ellenáll {vi} :: to resist, to withstand (someone or something: nak)
ellenállás {n} :: resistance (act of resisting)
ellenállás {n} [physics] :: electrical resistance
ellenállhatatlan {adj} :: irresistible
ellenállhatatlanabb {adj} :: comparative of ellenállhatatlan
ellenállóképes {adj} :: resilient, resistant (able to offer resistance or to withstand adverse events or impacts)
ellenben {conj} :: on the other hand, but
ellenben {conj} :: however, but
ellenben {adv} [archaic] :: opposite, across
ellene {pron} :: against him/her/it
ellenében {postp} [literary] :: in return for
ellenében {pron} [archaic] :: against him/her/it
ellenére {postp} :: despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, regardless of
ellenére {adv} :: against the will, wish or intention of someone or of a group
ellenérv {n} :: counterargument
-ellenes {suffix} :: anti-, forms adjectives from nouns, indicating an opposing meaning
ellenez {vt} :: to object, oppose (to be against something)
ellenfél {n} :: opponent
ellenfény {n} [photography] :: backlight (light that illuminates a photographic subject from behind)
ellenforradalmi {adj} :: counterrevolutionary
ellenforradalom {n} :: counterrevolution
elleni {adj} :: anti-, against (preceding a noun)
ellenkezik {vi} :: to resist, oppose something, go against
ellenkező {adj} :: opposite, contrary
ellenkező {n} :: opposite, reverse, the opposite of something
ellenkezőleg {adv} :: on the contrary
ellenméreg {n} :: antitoxin
ellenméreg {n} :: antidote, counterpoison
ellenőr {n} :: controller, inspector, checker
ellenőr {n} :: supervisor
ellenőriz {vt} :: to control, check
ellenőrzés {n} :: control
ellenőrzés {n} :: check-up, checkup, inspection
ellenőrzési {adj} :: of or pertaining to control, validation, check, verification
ellenőrző {adj} :: controlling
ellenőrző {n} [colloquial] :: report card (a small booklet containing the student's grades for one school year and a section for teachers to record individual comments about the student's work and behavior)
ellenőrzött {adj} :: checked, controlled, monitored
ellenpápa {n} [Christianity] :: antipope
ellenség {n} :: enemy
ellenséges {adj} :: hostile
ellenségesebb {adj} :: comparative of ellenséges
ellenségeskedés {n} :: enmity, hostility
ellensúly {n} :: counterweight, counterbalance, offset
ellensúlyoz {vt} :: to counterbalance, to offset
ellenszenv {n} :: antipathy
ellenszenv {n} :: dislike
ellenszenves {adj} [of person, object, behavior] :: unpleasant, obnoxious
ellenszenvesebb {adj} :: comparative of ellenszenves
ellenszer {n} :: antidote, remedy, cure
ellentámadás {n} :: counter-attack
ellentámadás {n} :: counterstrike
ellentét {n} :: contrast
ellentét {n} :: opposite
ellentét {n} :: conflict, clash, tension, difference, gap
ellentétes {adj} :: contrary, opposite, antithetical (to something val), counter-
ellentétes {adj} [linguistics] :: adversative (as a type of coordination)
ellentétesebb {adj} :: comparative of ellentétes
ellentmond {vi} :: to contradict, oppose
ellentmondás {n} :: contradiction (statement that contradicts itself)
ellentmondásos {adj} :: controversial, contradictory
ellenvet {vt} :: to oppose, plead
ellenvetés {n} :: objection (statement expressing opposition)
ellenzék {n} :: opposition
ellenző {adj} :: opposing, objecting
ellenző {n} :: visor, screen, shade (something that blocks light)
ellenző {n} [often in possessive constructions] :: opponent, critic
elleplez {vt} :: to hide, conceal, disguise, mask, cover up (to hide something from view or from public knowledge, to try to keep something secret)
ellik {vit} [of large mammals, except humans] :: to give birth, calve, foal, lamb, whelp
ellipszilon {n} :: letter: Ly
ellipszis {n} [geometry] :: ellipse
ellipszoid {n} [geometry] :: ellipsoid
elliptikus {adj} :: elliptical, elliptic
ellop {vt} :: to steal, to shoplift (from someone tól)
elmacskásodik {vi} :: to go numb
elmagyaráz {vt} :: to explain something thoroughly, in detail
elmarad {vi} :: to be cancelled
elmaradott {adj} :: underdeveloped, backward (behind the progress of others)
elmaradott {adj} [figuratively, of thinking] :: behind the times, backward (not keeping abreast of the latest developments in knowledge, science, economy, world-view, etc.)
elmaradottabb {adj} :: comparative of elmaradott
elmaradottság {n} :: backwardness
elmaradottság {n} :: lack of development
elmaradt {adj} :: that which did not take place, that which did not occur, that which was omitted or cancelled
elme {n} :: mind, intellect, intelligence, wit, brain
elmebeteg {adj} :: mentally ill
elmegy {vi} :: to leave, to go away, to walk away, to drive away
elmegy {vi} :: to be just barely good enough, to be barely okay
elmegy {v} [colloquial] :: to cum, to come (to have an orgasm)
elmegy {v} [euphemistic] :: to pass away, to die
elmegyógyintézet {n} [formal] :: mental hospital, psychiatric hospital (a hospital facility designed to treat persons with serious mental disorders)
elmélet {n} :: theory
elméleti {adj} :: theoretical
elméletibb {adj} :: comparative of elméleti
elméletileg {adv} :: theoretically, in theory, hypothetically
elméleti matematika {n} [mathematics] :: pure mathematics
elmélkedés {n} :: meditation (a contemplative discourse, often on a religious or philosophical subject)
elmélkedik {vi} :: to contemplate, meditate, reflect, ruminate (on/about something: ról)
elmélkedő {adj} :: thoughtful, pensive, contemplative
elment {vt} [computing] :: to save
élmény {n} :: experience (event of which one is cognizant)
élményfürdő {n} :: water park, aquapark
elmeorvos {n} :: psychiatrist, head doctor
elmeorvosi {adj} :: psychiatric
elmereng {vi} [formal, literary] :: to ponder, to muse, to mull over
elmeszakértő {n} :: alienist
elmond {vt} :: to recite, recount, relate, report, tell, unfold
elmondás {n} :: telling, narration, recitation, narrative, recital
elmosódott {adj} :: blurred
elmozdít {vt} :: to move something or someone from its previous position, to remove
elmozdítás {n} :: moving, movement (the act of moving something or someone from its previous position)
elmozdítás {n} :: removal (the dismissal of someone from office)
elmozdíthatatlan {adj} :: immovable, fixed, irremovable, immobile
elmozdítható {adj} :: movable, removable
elmulaszt {vt} :: to miss (opportunity)
elmulaszt {vt} :: to neglect (duty), to fail to do something
elmulaszt {vt} :: to stop (pain)
elmulasztás {n} :: negligence, failure to do something, omission (the act of neglecting to perform an action one has an obligation to do)
elmulasztás {n} :: missing (an opportunity)
elmulasztás {n} :: stopping (pain or disease)
elmulasztás {n} :: default (of payment or summons/subpoena)
elmúlik {vi} :: to pass, go by (time)
elmúlik {vi} :: to stop, cease (pain)
elmúlik {vi} :: to vanish, fade away (memories)
elmúlt {adj} :: past, last
elnapol {vt} :: to adjourn (to postpone)
elnémít {vt} :: to mute, to silence
elnéptelenedés {n} :: depopulation
elnevez {vt} :: to name (to give a name to)
elnevezés {n} :: naming, name, title, label
elnéz {vi} :: to look away (to stop looking somewhere)
elnéz {vt} :: to overlook, to see something incorrectly by mistake (i.e. "mis-look" or "missee")
elnéz {vt} :: to excuse, to forgive, to condone something
elnéz {vt} :: to look at something thoroughly
elnéz {vi} [colloquial] :: to go somewhere (at a short distance)
elnézés {n} :: verbal noun of elnéz, the act of looking away
elnézés {n} :: leniency, forgiveness, allowance
elnézés {n} :: the act of overlooking, seeing something incorrectly by mistake (i.e. "mis-looking" or "misseeing")
elnézést {interj} :: sorry!, pardon!
elnéző {adj} :: lenient, tolerant (towards someone: iránt or szemben)
elnézőbb {adj} :: comparative of elnéző
elnök {n} :: chairman, president
elnöki {adj} :: presidential
elnökjelöltség {n} :: presidential candidacy
elnökség {n} :: presidency
elnökség {n} :: chairmanship
elnökségi {adj} :: of or relating to presidency, board, chairmanship
elnökválasztás {n} :: presidential election
elnyelő {adj} :: diffusing
elnyer {vt} :: to win, to obtain, to earn
elnyom {vt} :: to oppress, crush, tyrannize
elnyom {vt} :: to repress, stifle, suppress
elnyom {vt} :: to put out, stub out (to extinguish a cigar, cigarette)
elnyomó {adj} :: oppressive, tyrannical
elnyomó {n} :: oppressor, tyrant
elnyomóbb {adj} :: comparative of elnyomó
elnyűhetetlen {adj} :: lasting, enduring, resilient (able to resist wear, decay)
elodáz {vt} :: to delay, adjourn (to put off temporarily or indefinitely)
elolvas {vt} :: to peruse, read through, read over (to read completely)
elosztó {adj} :: distributive
elosztó {n} :: distributor
elosztó {n} :: power strip
elő- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: It indicates in front of, to the front, forward (in space) or before, in advance (in time)
elő- {prefix} [noun prefix] :: pre-, fore-
elő {n} [rare] :: fore, forepart (the front; mainly used in possessive forms, chiefly eleje, or compound words, see elő-)
élő {adj} :: living, alive, live
élő {adj} [of a broadcast] :: live
élő {n} :: living (person)
előad {vt} :: to hand, give (to pass something, perhaps previously hidden, to someone ( nak))
előad {vt} :: to perform, to enact, to recite something (to do something in front of an audience, such as acting or music, often in order to entertain)
előad {vt} :: to lecture (to give a lecture on a given subject)
előad {vt} [education] :: to teach a subject in a college or university
előadás {n} :: performance (in theater)
előadás {n} :: lecture (a spoken lesson)
előadó {adj} :: performing
előadó {n} :: speaker (one who makes a speech to an audience)
előadó {n} :: lecturer, instructor (one who gives lectures, especially as a profession)
előadó {n} :: performer, artist (one who performs for, or entertains, an audience)
előadó {n} :: lecture hall, lecture theatre, auditorium (a room in a university with many seats and a sloped floor, used to hold lectures)
előadó {n} [formal] :: clerk, administrator, official, (desk) officer, customer service agent/representative (an official qualified to prepare administrative decisions and usually present them to a higher level executive)
előadói {adj} :: of or relating to lecturer, lecturer's; performer's
előadóterem {n} :: lecture hall, auditorium, theatre, amphitheatre
előállít {vt} :: to produce, make, manufacture, turn out
előállít {vt} :: to arrest (to take a person to the police station)
előállít {vt} :: to present (a witness)
előállítás {n} :: production, manufacture, manufacturing, fabrication
előállítás {n} [law] :: arrest, apprehension (the act of seizing or taking by legal process)
előbb {adv} :: before, sooner, earlier, prior
előbbi {adj} :: former
előbbre {adv} :: nearer, more forward, towards the front
előbb-utóbb {adv} :: sooner or later
előbb vagy utóbb {adv} :: sooner or later
előbőr {n} :: prepuce, foreskin
előd {n} :: ancestor, predecessor, forefather
Előd {prop} :: given name
Előd {prop} :: One of the seven Hungarian tribe leaders in 895
-elődik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Appended to a verb or a nominal to create an intransitive verb
élőfej {n} :: header (upper portion of a page, often containing the title or chapter title)
előfeltétel {n} :: precondition, prerequisite, requirement, sine qua non (something that must be gained in order to gain something else)
előfizet {vi} :: to subscribe (to something ra) (to sign up to receive a publication)
előfizetés {n} :: verbal noun of előfizet, subscribing
előfizetés {n} :: subscription (prepaid access to a resource)
előfizetési {adj} :: subscription [attributive usage]
előfizető {n} :: subscriber
előfizetői {adj} :: subscriber [attributive usage]
előfordul {vi} :: to happen, to occur, to take place
előfordul {vi} :: to appear, to be found, to be present
előfordulás {n} :: occurrence, presence, incidence, instance
előfordulási {adj} :: of occurrence
előfutár {n} :: precursor (indicator of approaching events)
előhív {vt} :: to call, to summon (to ask someone to come)
előhív {vt} [photography] :: to develop a negative or photograph (to bring out images latent in photographic film)
előhívó {n} [photography] :: developer (liquid that converts the latent image to particles of metallic silver)
előidéz {vt} :: to cause, effect, give rise to, induce, set off
előír {vt} :: to prescribe (to specify as a required action)
előirányzat {n} :: appropriation (public funds set aside for a specific purpose)
előirányzat {n} :: estimate
előirányzat {n} :: target, projection (goal or objective, the planned quantity of a work)
előírás {n} :: rule, regulation, prescription
előítélet {n} :: prejudice (adverse judgement formed beforehand)
előjáték {n} :: foreplay
előjog {n} :: privilege, prerogative, franchise
előkelő {adj} :: distinguished, illustrious, aristocratic
előkelő {adj} :: elegant
előkelő {n} :: notability
előkelőbb {adj} :: comparative of előkelő
előkészít {vt} :: to prepare (to make ready for a specific future purpose)
előkészítés {n} :: preparation, preparing
előkészítő {adj} :: preparatory
előkészítő {n} :: preparer, preparation (one who, or that which, prepares, fits, or makes ready)
előkészül {vi} :: to prepare (to make oneself ready for something ra)
elöl {adv} :: front, in front
elöl {adv} :: in the lead, in front, ahead (ahead of others)
elöl {adv} :: over, again (usually in the form of elölről)
elöl {v} [rare] :: to kill someone
elöl {v} [exaggerative, of emotion] :: to torment, torture
elöl {v} [of time] :: to kill time with something
elől {postp} :: from in front of
élőláb {n} :: footer (lower portion of a page, often containing the page number)
előle {pron} :: from (before) him/her/it
előleg {n} :: advance, down payment (amount of money)
élőlény {n} :: living being
előlép {vi} [literal] :: to step forward, to step forth
előlép {vi} [figurative] :: to advance (rise in rank or status)
előléptet {vt} :: to promote (to raise to a more important, responsible, or remunerative job or rank)
előléptetés {n} :: promotion (advancement of somebody to a higher rank or position)
előmozdít {vt} :: to promote
előmozdítás {n} :: promotion, furtherance, advancement (the act of helping forward)
előny {n} :: advantage (any condition, circumstance, opportunity, or means, particularly favorable to success)
előny {n} [tennis] :: advantage (score where one player wins a point after deuce)
előnyben részesít {vt} :: to prefer, to favor
előnyös {adj} :: advantageous
előnyösebb {adj} :: comparative of előnyös
előnytelen {adj} :: disadvantageous
előnytelenebb {adj} :: comparative of előnytelen
előre- {prefix} [verbal prefix] :: It indicates a forward movement compared to a previous position, both in space and time
előre {adv} :: forward, ahead (space)
előre {adv} :: in advance, in anticipation (time)
előrébb {adv} :: comparative of előre
előrehalad {vi} :: to progress, advance
előre-hátra {adv} :: back and forth
előrejelzés {n} :: prediction, forecast
előreláthatólag {adv} :: foreseeably, in all likelihood, in all probability
előrelépés {n} :: a step forward
előrelépés {n} :: progress, development
előrelépés {n} :: promotion
elősegít {vt} :: to help, promote, further, advance, pave the way
elősegítés {n} :: promotion, furtherance, advancement (the act of helping forward)
élősködik {vi} :: to parasitize, to live on others
élősködő {adj} :: parasitical
élősködő {n} :: parasite
élősködőbb {adj} :: comparative of élősködő
előszeretet {n} :: preference
előszó {n} :: foreword, preface, introduction
előszoba {n} :: vestibule, hall
előszoba {n} :: waiting room
először {adv} :: firstly
először {adv} :: for the first time
előterjeszt {vt} :: to propose, submit, present
előterjesztés {n} :: proposal, presentation
előtt {postp} :: in front of, ahead of, before (in space)
előtt {postp} :: before, prior to (in time)
előtte {pron} [of time or space] :: before/in front of him/her/it
előtte {pron} :: before/in front of someone (in the presence of, in view of someone)
előtti {adj} :: before
előváladék {n} :: pre-ejaculate, Cowper's fluid
elővigyázatos {adj} :: cautious, careful, wary, circumspect
elővigyázatosság {n} :: precaution
előz {vit} :: to overtake, pass (to pass a more slowly moving object)
előzék {n} [printing] :: endpaper (folded sheet of paper pasted on the inside of a book's front and back covers)
előzékeny {adj} :: courteous, attentive, polite, considerate
előzékenyebb {adj} :: comparative of előzékeny
előzetes {adj} :: prior
előzetes {n} [colloquial] :: arrest
előzetesen {adv} :: beforehand
előzmény {n} :: antecedent, history (any thing that precedes another thing, especially the cause of the second thing)
előző {adj} :: previous
előzőleg {adv} :: previously, beforehand, before
elpárolog {vi} :: to evaporate (to turn into vapour)
elpárologtat {vt} :: to vaporize (to make something turn into vapour)
elpaterol {vt} [colloquial] :: to get free of (something or someone)
elpatkol {vi} [slang] :: to kick the bucket, to snuff it, to croak
elpattan {vi} :: to pop, break, snap (of a string etc.), crack (of glass), burst (of a bubble or vessel)
elpattan {vi} :: to spring away, rebound, bounce off
elpirul {vi} :: to blush (to become red in the face due to shyness, shame, excitement, or embarrassment)
elpusztít {vt} :: to destroy, to ruin
elpusztít {vt} :: to devastate
elpusztít {vt} [especially of animals] :: to kill, to exterminate
elpusztul {vi} :: to perish, to die, to decay
elrabol {vt} :: to kidnap (to seize and detain a person unlawfully)
elragadtat {v} :: to enrapture, delight
elragadtatja magát {v} [idiomatic] :: to get carried away
elrejt {vt} :: to hide, to conceal, to disguise
elrejtés {n} :: hiding, concealment
elrendel {vt} :: to order (to issue a command)
elrendez {vt} :: to arrange (to put in order, to organize)
elrendez {vt} :: to arrange (to re-set a piece of music for a different set of instruments)
elrepül {vi} [of a winged animal] :: to fly away
elrepül {vi} :: to fly, to fly out (to travel rapidly to a destination, typically on an airplane)
elrepül {vi} [of time] :: to pass
elrettent {vt} [literary] :: to deter (to prevent or discourage someone from doing something)
elrettentés {n} :: deterrence
elromlik {vi} [of a device] :: to break, fail, give out (to cease functioning in some way)
elromlik {vi} [of food] :: to spoil
elront {vt} :: to put out of order (equipment), to damage
elront {vt} :: to spoil (children), to corrupt (humans)
elront {vt} :: to impair (health)
elront {vt} :: to botch, to bungle, to mess up, to make a mess of, to screw up
elröpül {vi} :: alternative form of elrepül
elsajátítás {n} :: learning, acquisition, attainment, mastering (the act of acquiring knowledge or an ability to do something)
elseje {n} :: the first (day of a month)
elsodor {vt} :: to sweep away
elsodor {vt} :: to wash away
első {num} :: first
első {n} :: first (the person or thing in the first position)
első {n} [education, singular only] :: first grade, freshman year (the first year of the specific school type in question)
elsőbbség {n} :: precedence, priority
elsőbbség {n} [road transport] :: right of way
elsődleges {adj} :: primary (that which is placed ahead of others)
elsődlegesen {adv} :: primarily, principally
első negyed {n} :: first quarter (the waxing lunar phase half way between new moon and full moon)
első osztály {n} [education] :: first grade
első osztály {n} [travel] :: first class
elsőre {adv} :: at first
elsősegély {n} :: first aid (basic care)
elsősorban {adv} :: primarily, mainly, first of all, above all
elsőszülött {adj} :: firstborn
elsötétít {vt} :: to darken, to black out, to shade, to obfuscate (to make dark or darker by reducing light)
első világháború {n} :: World War I
elsüllyed {vi} :: to sink (to descend into liquid, etc.)
elsüllyeszt {vt} :: to sink (to cause something to descend into liquid)
elsüllyeszt {vt} :: to put, tuck, thrust, slide (to place somewhere safe or hidden, into the depths of something)
elsüllyeszthetetlen {adj} :: unsinkable
elszalaszt {vt} :: to send someone for something ( ért), to send someone to fetch somebody
elszalaszt {vt} :: to miss (to let something slip, to fail to achieve or attain)
elszámoltatható {adj} :: accountable (able or liable to be called to account)
elszámoltathatóság {n} :: accountability (the state of being accountable; liability to be called on to render an account)
elszán {vtr} [with magát and ra] :: to decide, resolve, to make up one's mind (to make a firm decision or commitment after a long deliberation)
elszánt {adj} :: determined, resolute, decided (possessing much determination)
elszántabb {adj} :: comparative of elszánt
elszántság {n} :: resolve, resolution, determination
elszenved {vt} :: to suffer, endure, bear, stand
elszigeteltség {n} :: isolation
elszív {vt} :: to suck#Verb away, to remove or extract (e.g. bad smell) by sucking it away
elszív {vt} :: to smoke or have a cigarette/pipe (to complete smoking it)
elszív {vt} [figuratively] :: to drain (to deplete someone's energy)
elszívó {n} :: extractor
elszólás {n} :: slip of the tongue, slip
elszomorít {vt} :: to sadden (to make someone sad)
elszúr {vt} [colloquial] :: to mess up, to make a mess of, to screw up, to botch, to bungle
eltakarodik {vi} :: to clear off (to leave abruptly)
eltángál {vt} [folksy] :: to trash (to beat someone soundly)
eltávolít {vt} :: to remove (to take away)
eltávolítás {n} :: removal, dismissal, excision, extraction
eltávozás {n} :: leave
eltávozás {n} [death] :: departure
ELTE {prop} :: initialism of Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Eötvös Loránd University, a Hungarian public research university founded in 1635
eltelik {vi} [of time] :: to pass, to go by, to elapse
eltér {vi} :: to diverge, to deflect, to digress (to deviate from its original path, followed by től)
eltérés {n} :: deviation, departure, difference, divergence
elterjed {vi} :: to spread, to disperse
elterjedés {n} :: spreading, proliferation (dispersing, scattering or distributing over a given area; becoming more widely present)
elterjedt {adj} :: widespread
elterjedtebb {adj} :: comparative of elterjedt
eltérő {adj} :: different
eltérőbb {adj} :: comparative of eltérő
éltet {vt} :: to let or help someone live, to keep someone alive
éltet {vt} :: to wish someone to live
éltet {vt} :: to cheer someone or something
éltet {vt} :: to keep someone in one's remembrance
eltéved {vi} :: to stray, to get lost, to lose one's way
eltitkol {vt} :: to conceal, hide (to keep thoughts, emotions, facts as a secret)
eltolás {n} [geometry] :: translation
eltör {vt} :: to break (to cause to end up in two or more pieces)
eltűnik {vi} :: to disappear
eltűnt {adj} :: missing
eltüntet {vt} :: to spirit away (to remove without anyone's noticing)
elutasít {vt} :: to decline, turn down, deny, reject, refuse, dismiss
elutasító {adj} :: dismissive
elügyetlenkedik {vt} :: to blunder, to bungle, to muff, to screw up
elv {n} :: principle
elvadul {vi} :: to become wild, become unmanageable (situation)
elvadul {vi} :: to run wild (plant)
elvadult {adj} :: unweeded, run wild (garden)
elvadult {adj} :: feral (animal)
elvadultabb {adj} :: comparative of elvadult
elvág {vt} :: to cut, to cut off
elválaszt {vt} :: to separate, to divide
elválasztás {n} :: separation
elválasztás {n} [linguistics] :: hyphenation, word break
elválaszthatatlan {adj} :: inseparable
elválik {vi} :: to divorce (to end one's own marriage)
elvált {adj} :: divorced
elvámolnivaló {n} :: goods on which customs duty is to be paid
elvár {vt} :: to expect someone to do something (consider obligatory or required or reasonably due)
elvárás {n} :: expectation
elvárható {adj} :: expected (from someone tól)
elvárosiasodás {n} :: urbanization
élveboncolás {n} :: vivisection
elvégez {vt} :: to finish, complete, do, perform, accomplish
elvégezhető {adj} :: performable, executable
elvégre {adv} :: after all
elvégzés {n} :: completion, performance
elver {vt} :: to thrash, whack, trounce, to defeat utterly
elver {vt} :: to thrash, beat up, to beat mercilessly
elver {vt} :: to squander, waste, throw away (money, wealth)
elver {vt} :: to drive off violently
elver {vt} [archaic] :: to play (to produce music using a musical instrument)
elver {vt} [dated] :: to pass (time) while being bored, to kill time
elver {v} [of a clock] :: to strike, announce (an hour of the day)
elver {vt} :: to appease, quench, stop, end (dream, thirst, hunger etc.)
elver {vt} [of hail or rain] :: to destroy
elver {vt} [of the sun or wind] :: to disperse, drive away
elver {vt} [of wind or waves] :: to propel, blow away
elver {vt} [dialectal] :: to thresh (to separate the grain from the straw or husks)
elvérzik {vi} :: to bleed to death, to bleed out
elvesz {vt} :: to take away, deprive (to remove and put in a different place or take to oneself)
elvesz {vt} :: to bereave, deprive, take away (by violence)
elvesz {vt} :: to expropriate (to deprive a person of their private property for public use)
elvesz {vt} :: to steal, rob (to take illegally)
elvesz {vt} :: to deprive, confiscate (to remove something so that a person no longer has it)
elvesz {vt} :: to take, take up, consume (place, time)
elvesz {vt} :: to occupy, block, shut out, obstruct (a view etc.)
elvesz {vt} :: to take, accept, receive (something offered or given)
elvesz {vt} [of a man] :: to get married, marry, wed
elvesz {vt} [archaic] :: to get (one's just deserts); to be rewarded or punished
elvész {vi} [of an object] :: to be lost, to get lost, to go missing
elvész {vi} :: to get lost, to lose one's way
elvész {vi} :: to disappear, to vanish, to be lost, to slip out of one's hand, to go astray
elvész {vi} :: to perish
elveszejt {vt} [dialectal] :: alternative form of elveszt and elveszít
elveszejt {vt} [dated] :: causative of elvész#Verb, to make or let someone/something perish or vanish, to destroy by negligence or on purpose
elveszett {adj} :: lost
elveszik {vi} :: alternative form of elvész
elveszít {vt} :: alternative form of elveszt
elveszt {vt} :: to lose (to cause something to cease to be in one's possession or capability)
elveszteget {vt} :: to waste (time, money, wealth, energy, health, talent)
elvesztés {n} :: loss, forfeiture, losing
elveszti a fejét {v} [idiomatic] :: to lose one's head (to behave irrationally or to lose one's self-control, especially in a distressing situation or as a result of falling in love)
elvet {vt} :: to cast away, to throw away
elvet {vt} [by extension, figurative] :: to reject, throw out, dismiss, rule out (to reject an option from a list of possibilities)
elvet {vt} :: to sow (to plant seeds)
elvét {vt} :: to miss
elvetél {vit} :: to miscarry, to abort (a foetus)
elvetemült {adj} :: heinous, base, vile, wicked, ignoble (morally contemptible)
elvetemültebb {adj} :: comparative of elvetemült
elveti a sulykot {v} [idiomatic] :: to exaggerate, tell a tall story, lay it on thick, draw the longbow
elvétve {adv} :: seldom, occasionally, now and then
élve vagy halva {adv} :: dead or alive
élvez {vt} :: to enjoy (to receive pleasure or satisfaction from something)
élvezet {n} :: enjoyment
élvezetes {adj} :: enjoyable, delightful
élvezetesebb {adj} :: comparative of élvezetes
elvi {adj} :: theoretical
elvilágiasodás {n} :: secularization
elvileg {adv} :: theoretically, in theory, supposedly
elvisel {vt} :: to endure, to tolerate, to suffer, to bear, to take, to stand
elviselhetetlen {adj} :: unbearable, intolerable
elviselhetetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of elviselhetetlen
elvonás {n} [linguistics] :: back-formation (the process of creating a new word by removing actual or supposed affixes or, less frequently, by shortening a compound word to one of its elements)
elvonszol {vt} :: to drag
elvont {adj} :: abstract
elvontság {n} :: abstractness (the quality of being abstract)
elvtárs {n} :: (male) comrade
elvtársnő {n} :: (female) comrade
elzsibbad {vi} :: to go numb
-ély {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb or other parts of speech to form a noun
-em {suffix} [personal suffix, indefinite conjugation] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of -ik verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation)
-em {suffix} [personal suffix, definite conjugation] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugation)
-em {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: my (first-person singular, single possession)
-em {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a noun or a verb to form a noun
em. {n} :: abbreviation of emelet
-ém {suffix} [noun suffix] :: Added to a stem or other parts of speech to form a noun
e-mail {n} :: e-mail (system, message)
email {n} :: enamel, glaze (an opaque, glassy coating baked onto metal or ceramic objects)
email {n} :: enamel (the hard covering on the exposed part of a tooth)
emanáció {n} :: emanation
ember {n} :: person
ember {n} [biology] :: human (a human being, whether man, woman or child)
ember {n} :: mankind, humanity, man (all humans collectively)
ember {n} [archaic] :: man (today mostly in compounds like fiatalember, öregember, vénember)
ember {n} [preceded by az] :: one, you, a person (generic pronoun)
emberalak {n} :: human form/figure
ember a vízben {interj} :: man overboard!
emberbarát {adj} :: philanthropist
embercsempész {n} :: human trafficker
ember embernek farkasa {proverb} :: man is a wolf to man
emberére akad {v} [idiomatic] :: to meet one's match/equal (to encounter someone with equal or stronger skill, ability)
embergyűlölet {n} :: misanthropy (hatred or dislike of people or mankind)
embergyűlölő {adj} :: misanthropic (hating or disliking mankind)
embergyűlölő {n} :: misanthrope (one who hates all mankind)
emberi {adj} :: human (of, or belonging to the species Homo sapiens)
emberibb {adj} :: comparative of emberi
emberileg {adv} :: humanly
emberiség {n} :: mankind (human race)
emberke {n} :: a little man, a little fellow, manling, homunculus
emberkereskedelem {n} :: human trafficking
emberlakatlan {adj} [rare, literary] :: uninhabited, unpopulated (by people)
emberöltő {n} :: generation (period of around thirty years)
emberrablás {n} :: kidnapping (the crime of taking a person against their will, sometimes for ransom)
embertan {n} :: anthropology
embertelen {adj} :: inhumane
embertelenebb {adj} :: comparative of embertelen
ember tervez, Isten végez {proverb} :: man proposes, God disposes
embléma {n} :: emblem, logo (representative symbol)
embólia {n} [pathology] :: embolism (an obstruction or occlusion of an artery by a blood clot, air bubble or other matter)
embrió {n} :: embryo
embriológia {n} :: embryology (the scientific study of embryos)
embriológiai {adj} :: embryological (of or relating to embryology)
embriológus {n} :: embryologist (an expert or specialist in embryology)
embrionális {adj} :: embryonic (of or relating to an embryo)
embrionális {adj} [figuratively] :: embryonic (of a project, etc: very new and still evolving; yet to reach its full potential)
eme {pron} [archaic, poetic] :: this
eme {determiner} [archaic, poetic] :: this
EME {prop} :: acronym of Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület a Hungarian scientific and cultural association based in Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, founded in 1859
emel {vt} :: to lift
emelés {n} :: increase
emelés {n} :: lifting, raising
emelet {n} :: a floor/storey above ground level
emeletes {adj} :: multi-storey
emeleti {adj} :: upstairs, upper, floor
emeletnyi {adj} :: -storey
emelkedés {n} :: rise, increase, ascent, climbing, elevation
emelkedett {adj} :: elevated
emelkedik {vi} :: to rise
emelkedő {adj} :: rising, ascending, growing
emelkedő {n} :: slope (area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward)
emellett {adv} :: besides, in addition, moreover
emeltyű {n} :: lever (a small piece to trigger or control a mechanical device)
emelvény {n} :: platform (a raised stage from which speeches are made and songs are sung)
émelyeg {vi} :: to feel sick/nauseous
émelygés {n} :: nausea
ementáli {n} :: Emmentaler (Swiss cheese with many holes)
-emény {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a noun indicating the result of the action
emerre {adv} :: the other way here, in the other direction here, on the other route here
emerre {adv} :: in the other area here, around the other neighborhood here
Emesza {prop} :: Emesa (former name of Homs)
emeszai {adj} :: Emesene (of or relating to Emesa)
emeszai {n} [historical] :: Emesene (a person from, or an inhabitant of, Emesa)
emészt {vt} :: to digest (food)
emésztés {n} :: verbal noun of emészt, digestion
emésztő {adj} :: digestive
emésztőcsatorna {n} [anatomy] :: digestive tract, GI tract, gastrointestinal tract, alimentary canal (system of organs within multicellular animals which takes in food, digests it to extract energy and nutrients, and expels the remaining waste)
emésztőrendszer {n} [anatomy] :: digestive system
emez {pron} :: this one here
emez {determiner} :: this other
emiatt {adv} :: for this reason, because of this, this is the reason why
emigráció {n} :: emigration
emigrál {vi} :: to emigrate (to leave one's country in order to reside elsewhere)
emigráns {n} :: emigrant
emigráns {adj} :: emigrant
emik {v} [obsolete] :: to suck
Emil {prop} :: given name
emír {n} :: emir
emírség {n} :: emirate
emisszió {n} :: emission
emlék {n} :: memory (a record in the brain one can remember to)
emlék {n} :: souvenir, keepsake, relic (object)
emlékezés {n} :: remembrance, recollection, reminiscence
emlékezet {n} :: memory
emlékezetes {adj} :: memorable
emlékezetesebb {adj} :: comparative of emlékezetes
emlékezik {vi} :: to commemorate (someone or something: ról)
emlékezik {vi} :: to remember (someone or something: ra)
emlékezőtehetség {n} :: memory (power of memory)
emlékeztet {vt} :: to remind (to warn to do something)
emlékeztet {vt} :: to remind, be reminiscent of (to look slightly similar)
emlékeztető {n} :: reminder
emlékirat {n} :: memoir
emlékmű {n} :: memorial
emléknap {n} :: memorial day, remembrance day
emlékszik {vi} :: to remember (someone or something: ra)
emléktárgy {n} :: souvenir, keepsake, token, remembrance
említ {vt} :: to mention
említés {n} :: mention, mentioning
említett {adj} :: mentioned, referred to
emlő {n} [formal or technical] :: (female) breast, mamma; udder (of animals)
emlőbimbó {n} :: nipple
emlőrák {n} :: breast cancer
emlős {adj} :: mammiferous, mammate, mammalian
emlős {n} :: mammal
emlősállat {n} :: mammal
emm {n} :: letter: m
emóció {n} :: emotion
emocionális {adj} :: emotional
emodzsi {n} :: emoji (a digital graphic icon used to represent a concept or object)
e-moll {n} [music] :: E minor
emotikon {n} :: emoticon
Emőke {prop} :: given name
empátia {n} :: empathy
empátiás {adj} :: empathic (of or relating to empathy)
empirikus {adj} :: empirical
empirizmus {n} :: empiricism
emu {n} :: emu
emulátor {n} [computing] :: emulator (a piece of software or hardware that simulates another system)
emulgeál {vt} :: to emulsify
emulzió {n} :: emulsion (suspension of small droplets of one liquid in another)
emulzió {n} [photography] :: emulsion (coating of photosensitive layer on a photographic film)
-en {suffix} :: [case suffix] on. Used to form the superessive case
-en {suffix} :: [deadjectival adverb suffix] Added to an adjective to create an adverb
-en {suffix} :: [denumeral and depronominal adverb suffix] Added to a numeral or a pronoun with this sense to create an adverb, expressing the number of people
-en {suffix} :: Added to a stem — often an onomatopoeia — to form a verb expressing an instantaneous action
-en {suffix} :: [personal suffix, chiefly archaic or dialectal] Indefinite third-person singular suffix (currently only in the imperative mood as part of -jen, formerly also occurring in the indicative)
én {pron} [personal] :: I (first-person singular)
én {n} [psychology] :: self, ego
énalám {pron} :: synonym of alám [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énalattam {pron} :: synonym of alattam [with an added emphasis on the person]
énalólam {pron} :: synonym of alólam [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énáltalam {pron} :: synonym of általam [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énbelém {pron} :: synonym of belém [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énbelőlem {pron} :: synonym of belőlem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énbennem {pron} :: synonym of bennem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
-enc {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a word to form a noun denoting a person
-encia {suffix} :: A foreign word ending in nouns
enciklopédia {n} :: encyclopedia
-end {suffix} [personal suffix, archaic] :: Added to verbs to form the future tense
-end {suffix} [instantaneous suffix] :: Added to a stem to form a verb with an instantaneous meaning
endívia {n} :: endive
endodermisz {n} :: endodermis [in plants]
endokrin {adj} :: endocrine
endokrinológia {n} [physiology] :: endocrinology (the study of the endocrine glands of the human body, the hormones produced by them, and their related disorders)
-endő {suffix} [future participle suffix] :: Added to a verb to form the future participle
Endre {prop} :: given name
-ene {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the third-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation)
-ené {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the third-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
-ened {suffix} :: Used to form the second-person singular informal of an infinitive
-enéd {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
Enéh {prop} [rare] :: given name
Enéh {prop} [mythology] :: In Hungarian mythology, the mother of Hunor and Magor and the wife of Ménrót
-enek {suffix} [personal suffix] :: third-person plural present tense (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation)
-enék {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation)
-enék {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
ének {n} :: song
énekel {vt} :: to sing
énekes {adj} :: singing
énekes {n} :: singer, vocalist, songster
énekesmadár {n} :: songbird
énekesnő {n} :: singer (female), songstress, vocalist
énekes rigó {n} :: song thrush, mavis, throstle (Turdus philomelos)
énekkar {n} :: chorus, choir
éneklés {n} :: singing
-enél {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation)
énelébem {pron} :: synonym of elébem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
-enélek {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of transitive verbs with a second-person object (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
énelém {pron} :: synonym of elém [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énelőlem {pron} :: synonym of előlem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énelőttem {pron} :: synonym of előttem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
-enem {suffix} :: Used to form the first-person singular of an infinitive
-eném {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense of verbs (conditional mood, definite conjugation)
-enének {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite conjugation)
-enénk {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite and definite conjugation)
énérettem {pron} :: synonym of érettem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
energetika {n} [physics] :: energetics (the branch of physics that studies the flow and transformation of energy)
energetikai {adj} :: of or relating to energy
energia {n} [physics] :: energy (the quantitative property that must be transferred to an object in order to perform work on, or to heat, the object)
energia {n} [figuratively] :: energy (the capacity to do work)
energiaellátás {n} :: energy supply
energiafogyasztás {n} :: energy consumption
energiaigény {n} :: energy demand
energiaválság {n} :: energy crisis
energikus {adj} :: energetic
energikusabb {adj} :: comparative of energikus
énértem {pron} :: synonym of értem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
-enetek {suffix} :: Suffix to denote the second-person plural form of an infinitive
-enétek {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural present tense of verbs (conditional mood, indefinite and definite conjugation)
énfelém {pron} :: synonym of felém [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énfelettem {pron} :: synonym of felettem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énfelőlem {pron} :: synonym of felőlem [with an added emphasis on the person]
énfölöttem {pron} :: synonym of fölöttem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
-eng {suffix} [frequentative suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a verb denoting repetitive action
enged {vt} :: to yield
enged {vt} :: to give way
enged {vt} :: to allow
engedékeny {adj} :: compliant, submissive (willing to comply; willing to do what someone wants)
engedékeny {adj} :: lenient, forgiving
engedékenység {n} :: compliance, submissiveness (the tendency of conforming with or agreeing to the wishes of others)
engedelem {n} [archaic] :: permission, leave
engedelmes {adj} :: obedient
engedelmesebb {adj} :: comparative of engedelmes
engedelmeskedik {v} :: to obey (to do as ordered)
engedelmesség {n} :: obedience
engedély {n} :: permission
engedély {n} :: license, permit
engedélyez {vt} :: to allow, to authorize, to enable (to provide somebody with the permission, sanction or power necessary to perform an action)
engedélyez {vt} [computing] :: to enable (to activate a function of an electronic or mechanical device)
engedélyezés {n} :: authorization, permission, granting
engedélyezett {adj} :: allowed, approved, permitted, authorized, licensed
engedetlen {adj} :: disobedient, insubordinate, rebellious
engedetlenkedés {n} :: disobedience (act of disobeying)
engedetlenkedik {vi} :: to disobey
engedetlenség {n} :: disobedience, insubordination, rebelliousness
engedmény {n} :: concession (a compromise, a partial yielding to demands or requests)
engedmény {n} :: discount (a reduction in price)
engem {pron} :: me (as the direct object of a verb)
engemet {pron} [dialectal] :: synonym of engem
engesztel {vt} :: to appease, conciliate (to dispel anger or hatred)
engesztel {vt} :: to soften, conciliate, placate, mollify (to alleviate something)
engesztelés {n} :: appeasement, conciliation
engesztelhetetlen {adj} :: implacable (not able to placate or appease)
engesztelhetetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of engesztelhetetlen
énhelyettem {pron} :: synonym of helyettem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énhozzám {pron} :: synonym of hozzám [with an added emphasis on the person.]
-eni {suffix} [infinitive suffix] :: Used to form the infinitive
-enie {suffix} :: Used to form the third-person singular and the second-person singular formal of an infinitive
Enikő {prop} :: given name
énirántam {pron} :: synonym of irántam [with an added emphasis on the person]
-eniük {suffix} [conjugated infinitive suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural of conjugated infinitives
-énk {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix, rare] :: Added to a monosyllable verb to form an adjective to express a permanent, habitual quality or nature
-enként {suffix} [distributive suffix] :: Added to a noun
-enként {suffix} :: It can express the manner when something happens to each member of a set one by one
-enként {suffix} :: It can also express the frequency in time
énköröttem {pron} :: synonym of köröttem [with an added emphasis on the person]
énközöttem {pron} :: synonym of közöttem [with an added emphasis on the person]
énmellém {pron} :: synonym of mellém [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énmellettem {pron} :: synonym of mellettem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énmellőlem {pron} :: synonym of mellőlem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énmiattam {pron} :: synonym of miattam [with an added emphasis on the person]
énmögém {pron} :: synonym of mögém [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énmögöttem {pron} :: synonym of mögöttem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énmögülem {pron} :: synonym of mögülem [with an added emphasis on the person]
enn {n} :: letter: n
énnálam {pron} :: synonym of nálam [with an added emphasis on the person.]
ennek a fele sem tréfa {phrase} [idiomatic] :: this is no longer a trifling matter, this is no joke at all (said when a situation has to be taken seriously)
énnekem {pron} :: synonym of nekem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énnékem {pron} :: synonym of nékem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
ennivaló {n} :: food, something to eat
ennivaló {adj} :: adorable, cute
énrajtam {pron} :: synonym of rajtam [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énrám {pron} :: synonym of rám [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énreám {pron} :: synonym of reám [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énrólam {pron} :: synonym of rólam [with an added emphasis on the person.]
-ens {suffix} :: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns and adjectives. It is not an independent Hungarian suffix
ENSZ {prop} :: UN (United Nations)
énszerintem {pron} :: synonym of szerintem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
-ent {suffix} [instantaneous suffix] :: Added to a stem - often an onomatopoeia - to form a verb expressing an instantaneous action
entalpia {n} :: enthalpy (a measure of the heat content)
-ente {suffix} [distributive-temporal suffix] :: Added to a temporal noun to form an adverb
entomológia {n} :: entomology, insectology (the study of insects)
éntőlem {pron} :: synonym of tőlem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
entrópia {n} [physics] :: entropy
entrópia {n} [informatics] :: entropy
-enünk {suffix} :: Used to form the first-person plural of an infinitive
énvelem {pron} :: synonym of velem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
énvélem {pron} :: synonym of vélem [with an added emphasis on the person.]
enzim {n} :: enzyme (catalytic protein)
-eny {suffix} [nominal suffix] :: Added to a word to form a noun or an adjective
-ény {suffix} [nominal suffix] :: Added to a word to form a noun or less frequently an adjective
ÉNy {n} :: NW (northwest)
enyéim {pron} :: mine (those which belong to me)
enyém {pron} :: mine (that which belongs to me)
enyészet {n} :: decay, rot, putrefaction
enyh {n} [archaic, literary] :: relief (that which provides rest or removes pain)
enyh {n} [archaic, literary] :: solace, release (the resulting liberation from pain or suffering)
enyhe {adj} :: slight, mild, tender, moderate
enyhén {adv} :: mildly, faintly, slightly, moderately
enny {n} :: letter: ny
ennyi {pron} :: this, this much, so much, so many
ennyire {adv} :: so, this much, to such extent
enyv {n} :: (animal) glue, fish glue, size (a hard gelatin made by boiling bones and hides, used in solution as an adhesive, a natural form of collagen)
ép {adj} :: sound, intact, unharmed
epe {n} [biochemistry] :: bile (a bitter brownish-yellow or greenish-yellow secretion produced by the liver, stored in the gall bladder, and discharged into the duodenum where it aids the process of digestion)
épebb {adj} :: comparative of ép
epehólyag {n} [anatomy] :: gall bladder, gallbladder (a pear-shaped organ that stores bile from the liver, until the body needs it for the digestion and absorption of fats in the duodenum)
epekő {n} :: gallstone (small, hard object that sometimes forms in the gallbladder)
épen {adv} :: unhurt, unharmed, safely, safe and sound
eper {n} [in common parlance, although unofficially] :: strawberry (on the ground)
eper {n} [in the strict, technical sense] :: mulberry (on a tree)
eperfa {n} :: mulberry (tree)
eperfagylalt {n} :: strawberry ice cream
ép és egészséges {adj} :: safe and sound, alive and kicking, alive and well, hale and hearty
epevezeték {n} :: bile duct
epicentrum {n} [seismology] :: epicentre (point directly above the focus of an earthquake)
epidemiológia {n} :: epidemiology
epidemiológiai {adj} :: epidemiological
epidemiológus {n} :: epidemiologist
epilepszia {n} [neurology, diseases] :: epilepsy (a medical condition in which the sufferer experiences seizures or convulsions and blackouts)
epilepsziás {adj} [neurology] :: epileptic
epilepsziás {n} [neurology] :: epileptic
episztemológia {n} :: epistemology
épít {vt} :: to build, construct
építés {n} :: building, construction (act or process)
építési {adj} :: building, construction
építésű {adj} :: of a particular construction or build, built
építész {n} :: architect
építész {n} :: builder, contractor
építészet {n} :: architecture
építészeti {adj} :: architectural
építészmérnök {n} :: architect (a professional with a degree in architectural engineering who designs buildings or other structures)
építkezés {n} :: construction
építmény {n} :: building, structure, edifice (a closed structure with walls and a roof)
építő {adj} :: constructive, building, positive
építő {n} :: builder (a person who builds or constructs things)
építőipar {n} :: construction industry
építőipari {adj} :: of or relating to construction industry, building
építőkocka {n} :: building block (a block made of wood or plastic that is used as a children's toy and can be stacked or joined to form a larger structure)
epizód {n} :: episode
épkézláb {adj} :: able-bodied (having a sound, strong body; physically competent; fit for service)
épkézláb {adj} [figurative, colloquial] :: practicable, sensible (serving a useful function or which can be put into practice)
épp {adv} :: just now
éppen {adv} [time] :: just (right now, at this moment)
éppen {adv} [comparison] :: exactly, just
éppen {adv} :: in the end, after all
éppenhogy {adv} :: barely, just, hardly, narrowly
éppenséggel {adv} :: exactly, to be exact, to tell the truth, to be frank
éppoly {adv} [literary] :: the same kind, the same sort, just as, just like
éppolyan {adv} :: the same kind, the same sort, just as, just like
epszilon {n} :: epsilon (the name for the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet, ε or Ε, preceded by delta (Δ, δ) and followed by zeta (Ζ, ζ))
épül {vi} :: to be built, be erected, be constructed, be being built, be under construction
épület {n} :: building
épületegyüttes {n} :: complex (a collection of buildings with a common purpose)
épületfa {n} :: timber, lumber, wood (wood that has been cut ready for construction)
épülő {adj} :: building, rising (in the process of being built)
-ér {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a noun indicating the place of the action or the doer or the result of the action
ér {n} :: brook, streamlet, rill
ér {n} :: [anatomy] blood vessel, vein
ér {n} [botany] :: vein (a thickened portion of the leaf containing the vascular bundle)
ér {v} :: (heading) to reach or extend until a point.
ér {vi} :: to reach (a place), arrive, get somewhere ( ba or ra or hoz)
ér {vi} :: to touch something ( hoz or ba)
ér {vi} :: to reach, stretch, extend as far as something ( ig) (to be long or deep or high enough)
ér {vt} :: to hit, strike, afflict someone; meet with, be faced with something (of a disaster or sometimes luck)
ér {vt} :: to catch someone (to discover unexpectedly; to surprise)
ér {vt} :: to be able to use something ( val) meaningfully, to be of use to someone
ér {v} :: (heading) to have some value or validity.
ér {vt} :: to be worth something
ér {v} :: to count, to be fair (to be legal according to the rules of a game)
éra {n} :: era, age, epoch
Erató {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Erato, the muse of lyric poetry
érc {n} :: ore
ércbánya {n} :: ore mine
érces {adj} :: metallic (of, relating to or characteristic of metal)
érces {adj} [figuratively, of a voice] :: brazen, sonorous, stentorian, loud, powerful, booming (suitable for giving speeches to large crowds)
ércesebb {adj} :: comparative of érces
Érd {prop} :: Érd (city)
erdei {adj} :: wood-, forest-, sylvan
erdei fülesbagoly {n} :: long-eared owl (Asio otus)
erdei pacsirta {n} :: woodlark (Lullula arborea)
erdei pinty {n} :: chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
erdei szalonka {n} :: Eurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola)
érdek {n} :: interest (business or amorous link or involvement)
érdekében {postp} :: for the benefit of, in the interest of
érdekel {vt} :: to concern, interest, be interested in something
érdekelt {adj} :: interested, concerned
érdekes {adj} :: interesting
érdekesebb {adj} :: comparative of érdekes
érdekesség {n} :: curiosity (a unique or extraordinary object which arouses interest)
érdekházasság {n} :: marriage of convenience
érdeklődés {n} :: interest (shown)
érdeklődési {adj} :: of interest (of or relating to subjects someone is interested in)
érdeklődik {vi} :: to be interested in someone or something ( iránt)
érdeklődik {vi} :: to inquire about something ( után or felől)
érdeklődő {adj} :: inquiring
érdeklődő {n} :: inquirer (interested party, a person interested)
érdektelen {adj} :: uninteresting (arousing little or no interest; boring or uneventful)
érdektelen {adj} :: unenthusiastic, uninterested, indifferent (not caring or concerned)
érdektelen {adj} :: irrelevant
érdektelen {adj} :: disinterested (having no stake or interest in the outcome; free of bias, impartial)
érdektelenebb {adj} :: comparative of érdektelen
érdekű {adj} :: of (……) interest
érdekvédelmi {adj} :: of or relating to protection / safeguarding of interests
Erdély {prop} :: Transylvania
erdélyi {adj} :: Transylvanian
erdélyi {n} :: Transylvanian (person)
érdem {n} :: merit, worthiness (a deed worthy of respect and appreciation)
érdem {n} :: value (a valued feature in a writing)
érdemel {vt} :: to deserve, to merit
érdemes {adj} :: worthy, worthwhile
érdemesebb {adj} :: comparative of érdemes
érdemi {adj} [law] :: substantive
érdes {adj} [of material, surface] :: rough, rugged, uneven
érdes {adj} [of voice] :: rasping
érdes {adj} [of manners] :: surly, rude
érdesebb {adj} :: comparative of érdes
erdész {n} :: forester
erdészet {n} :: forestry, silviculture, sylviculture
erdészeti {adj} :: (of) forestry (of, or relating to forestry)
erdő {n} :: forest (a dense collection of trees covering a relatively large area)
erdő {n} [figuratively] :: forest, mass, sea, wealth (a large collection of anything resembling the density of a forest)
erdős {adj} :: forested, wooded (covered in forest)
erdőség {n} :: forest, woodland (great reaches of forested lands)
Erdős-szám {n} [mathematics] :: Erdős number
erdőtűz {n} :: forest fire
ered {vi} :: to originate, to come from, to derive from
ered {vi} :: to take its source (of a river, to begin somewhere)
ered {vi} :: to set out, to go away, to take to one's heels
eredet {n} :: origin, source
eredeti {adj} :: original, initial
eredeti {adj} :: genuine, authentic
eredeti {adj} :: creative, original
eredeti {n} :: original (an object or other creation from which all later copies and variations are derived)
eredeti {n} :: original (written in the language of the author, without translation)
eredetibb {adj} :: comparative of eredeti
eredetileg {adv} :: originally
eredetiség {n} :: originality
eredettörténet {n} :: origin story (an account of how a fictional character or characters became a protagonist or antagonist)
eredetű {adj} :: of, or relating to origin, source
eredmény {n} :: result, outcome
eredményes {adj} :: fruitful, productive, effective, successful
eredményesebb {adj} :: comparative of eredményes
eredményesen {adv} :: successfully, effectively
eredményez {vt} :: to result
eredő {adj} :: resulting, resultant
eredő {n} [literary] :: result, outcome
eredő {n} [mathematics] :: resultant (a vector that is the vector sum of multiple vectors)
erejű {adj} :: of or with a specific type or degree of force, strength, or power
erekció {n} :: erection
ereklye {n} :: relic
erély {n} :: energy, force, firmness, determination, strength
erélyes {adj} :: firm, determined, energetic
erélyesebb {adj} :: comparative of erélyes
erélyesebben {adv} :: comparative of erélyesen
erélyesen {adv} :: energetically, vigorously, with determination
érem {n} :: medal
éremtan {n} :: numismatics
érendő {adj} [rare] :: to be reached
erény {n} :: virtue
eres {adj} :: veined (having veins or veinlike markings)
eresebb {adj} :: comparative of eres
ereszt {vt} :: to let go of (to release from one's grasp)
ereszt {vt} :: to let (to allow someone to go somewhere)
ereszt {vt} :: to let, to run (to make water flow by opening a tap)
ereszt {vi} :: to leak (of a sealed object, to let fluid or gas pass through an opening)
ereszt {v} [ergative] :: to bleed, to run (of fabrics or dye, to let out color when washing)
ereszt {vt} :: to lower (to let descend by its own weight, especially to set a vessel afloat)
ereszt {vt} :: to grow (to cause or allow a part of itself to become bigger)
eretnek {adj} :: heretical
eretnek {n} [religion, derogatory] :: heretic (someone who believes contrary to the fundamental tenets of a religion they claim to belong to)
eretnek {n} [figuratively] :: heretic (someone who does not conform to generally accepted beliefs or practices)
eretnekebb {adj} :: comparative of eretnek
eretnekség {n} :: heresy (dissension from religious dogma)
érett {adj} :: ripe, mellow
érett {adj} [figuratively] :: mature
érette {pron} [literary] :: synonym of érte
érettebb {adj} :: comparative of érett
érettség {n} :: maturity
érettségi {adj} [attributive] :: maturity, ripeness
érettségi {n} [education] :: high school exit exam in Hungary
érettségi {n} :: high school diploma
érettségi vizsga {n} [education] :: high school exit exam in Hungary
érettségizett {adj} :: of, or relating to one who has successfully taken his/her final examination at the secondary school
érettségizett {n} :: a high school graduate (one who has successfully taken his/her final examination at the secondary school)
érez {vt} :: to feel (to become aware of through the skin)
érez {vr} [with a form of magát] :: to feel (to experience an emotion or other mental or physical state)
érez {vt} :: to smell (to become aware of through the nose)
érez {vt} :: to taste (to become aware of through the mouth)
érezhető {adj} :: palpable, perceptible, sensible, perceivable, noticeable
érezhetően {adv} :: perceptibly, sensibly (in a way that can be sensed or noticed)
ergonómia {n} :: ergonomics
-éria {suffix} :: A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It is not considerable as an independent Hungarian suffix
Erie-tó {prop} :: Lake Erie
érik {vi} :: to ripen, mature, become ripe
erika {n} [botany] :: heather (various species of the genus Erica)
Erika {prop} :: given name
érint {vt} :: to touch
érint {vt} :: to affect, concern
érintés {n} :: touch (an act of touching)
érintési {adj} :: touch-, touching
érintési {adj} [geometry] :: tangential
érintési pont {n} [geometry] :: point of tangency (the point where a tangent line and its curve meet)
érintetlen {adj} :: untouched
érintetlen {adj} :: whole, intact, uninjured
érintetlen {adj} :: chaste, virgin
érintetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of érintetlen
érintett {adj} :: involved, relevant, concerned
érinthetetlen {adj} :: untouchable
érinthetetlen {n} :: untouchable
érinthetetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of érinthetetlen
érintkezés {n} :: contact, connection
érintkezés {n} :: communication (the concept or state of exchanging data or information between entities)
érintkezés {n} [electricity] :: contact
érintkezik {vi} [of an object] :: to touch, to be in contact
érintkezik {vi} [of a person, group, community] :: to associate communicate, meet, socialize (with someone val)
érintő {adj} :: touching
érintő {adj} :: concerning, affecting, involving
érintő {n} [geometry] :: tangent line
érintő {n} [music] :: fret (one of the pieces of metal, plastic or wood across the neck of a guitar or other string instrument that marks where a finger should be positioned to depress a string as it is played)
érintőbillentyűzet {n} [computer hardware] :: touch keyboard
érintőképernyő {n} :: touch screen (an input/output device that allows the user to interact with the computer by touching the display screen)
Eritrea {prop} :: Eritrea (country)
eritrocita {n} [cytology] :: erythrocyte, red blood cell
erjed {vi} :: to ferment (to undergo fermentation)
erjedés {n} :: fermentation (the process of fermenting)
erjeszt {vt} :: to ferment
erjesztés {n} :: fermentation
erjesztési {adj} :: fermentation [attributive usage]
Erk {prop} :: Erk (village)
erkély {n} :: balcony
erkélyes {adj} :: balconied, with a balcony (that has a balcony attached)
érkezés {n} :: arrival
érkezik {vi} :: to arrive (to get to a certain place), to reach a destination
érkezte {n} :: his/her/its arrival
erkölcs {n} :: morals, morality
erkölcsi {adj} :: moral, ethical
erkölcsileg {adv} :: morally
erkölcsös {adj} :: moral, virtuous, ethical
erkölcsösen {adv} :: virtuously, morally (in keeping of requirements of morality)
erkölcsösség {n} :: morality, virtue, chastity
erkölcstelen {adj} :: immoral, corrupt, amoral, profligate
erkölcstelenebb {adj} :: comparative of erkölcstelen
erkölcstelenség {n} :: immorality
érlel {vt} :: to ripen, cause to mature, make ripe
érme {n} :: coin
Ernő {prop} :: given name
ernyő {n} :: umbrella (for the rain)
ernyő {n} :: shade, sunshade, parasol (for the sun)
ernyő {n} :: shade (for a lamp)
ernyő {n} [rare] :: shade (e.g. for screening a movie)
ernyő {n} [rare] :: parachute
ernyő {n} [botany] :: umbel (on a kind of plant)
ernyőszervezet {n} :: umbrella organisation
erogén zóna {n} :: erogenous zone
Erósz {prop} [Greek god] :: Eros (the god of love and lust)
erotika {n} :: erotica, eroticism
erotikus {adj} :: erotic
erózió {n} :: erosion, abrasion
erő {n} :: strength, force, power
erőállapot {n} :: physical condition, fitness, strength, stamina, (good or bad) shape, form
erőd {n} :: fort (any permanent army post)
erődítmény {n} :: fortress
erőfeszítés {n} :: effort (the amount of work involved in achieving something)
erőforrás {n} :: resource
erőlködik {v} :: to struggle, toil, labour (to make every effort to do something)
erőmű {n} :: power station, power plant
erőnlét {n} :: physical condition, fitness, strength, stamina, (good or bad) shape, form
erőnléti {adj} [attributive] :: fitness, strength, stamina, shape, form
erőnlétű {adj} :: of or with some specified physical condition, fitness, strength, stamina, shape or form
erős {adj} :: strong (capable of producing great physical force)
erős {adj} :: strong (capable of withstanding great physical force)
erős {adj} :: strong (having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient)
erős {adj} [grammar] :: strong (inflecting in a different manner than the one called weak or mixed)
erősebb {adj} :: comparative of erős
erősen {adv} :: strongly, firmly, intensely
erősen {adv} :: really, highly
erősít {vt} :: to strengthen
erősít {vt} :: to amplify
erősítés {n} :: reinforcement, strengthening, fortification, amplification
erősítő {n} :: amp, amplifier (appliance that increases the strength of an electric signal)
erős kölcsönhatás {n} [physics] :: strong interaction
erős nukleáris kölcsönhatás {n} [physics] :: strong nuclear interaction
erősödik {vi} :: to intensify, deepen, pick up, increase (to become stronger)
erősödő {adj} :: growing, increasing, intensifying
erősség {n} :: strength (strongest part of something; that on which confidence or reliance is based)
erőszak {n} :: force, violence
erőszakhullám {n} :: wave of violence
erőszakos {adj} :: violent, forceful, aggressive
erőszakosabb {adj} :: comparative of erőszakos
erőszakosabban {adv} :: comparative of erőszakosan
erőszakosan {adv} :: violently, forcefully, aggressively
erőteljes {adj} :: powerful
erőteljesen {adv} :: forcefully, forcibly, powerfully, energetically, firmly
erőtlen {adj} :: weak, feeble, frail
erőtlenebb {adj} :: comparative of erőtlen
erőtlenség {n} :: weakness, powerlessness, infirmity
err {n} :: letter: r
erre {adv} :: this way, in this direction
errefelé {adv} :: this way (towards the speaker), to this direction
errefelé {adv} :: hereabout, hereabouts, around here, near hear
érsek {n} :: archbishop
erszény {n} :: purse (small bag for carrying money)
erszény {n} :: pouch (pocket in which a marsupial carries its young)
-ért {suffix} [case suffix] :: for. Used to form the causal-final case
ért {vt} :: to understand
ért {vt} :: to mean, construe (either with úgy or with en / alatt)
ért {vi} :: be familiar with, be skilled at something ( hez)
érte {pron} :: for him / her / it
érték {n} :: value, worth (the quality that renders something desirable or valuable; the degree of importance given to something; merit or excellence)
érték {n} [business] :: value (the amount (of money or goods or services) considered to be a fair equivalent for something else)
érték {n} :: value (that which is valued or highly esteemed, such as one's morals, morality, or belief system)
érték {n} [used in the plural] :: valuables (personal possessions such as jewellery, of relatively great monetary value)
érték {n} :: treasure, asset (such as talent or some part of nature)
érték {n} [science, computing] :: value (numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed)
érték {n} [music] :: value (the relative duration of a musical note)
érték {n} [card games] :: rank (that of a playing card)
értékel {vt} :: to value, esteem, appreciate (regard highly)
értékel {vt} :: to value, rate, appraise, assess, evaluate, estimate (with ra)
értékelés {n} :: appreciation
értékelés {n} :: appraisal, evaluation, assessment, estimation, estimate
értékelési {adj} :: evaluation, assessment, valuation
értékes {adj} :: valuable, precious
értékesebb {adj} :: comparative of értékes
értékesít {vt} :: to sell, realize (to convert any kind of property into money)
értékesítés {n} :: sales
értékesítési {adj} :: sales
értékesíthető {adj} [finance] :: marketable, saleable
értékesíthetőség {n} [finance] :: sellability
értékpapír {n} [finance] :: stock
értékpapír {n} [finance] :: security
értékrend {n} :: value system (that which is valued or highly esteemed, as one's morals, morality, or belief system)
értéktelen {adj} :: worthless, valueless, cheap
értéktelenebb {adj} :: comparative of értéktelen
értéktőzsde {n} :: stock exchange
értékű {adj} :: of value, having a value of, worth of
értelem {n} :: intelligence, intellect
értelem {n} :: meaning, sense
értelem {n} [usually with third-person possessive suffixes] :: point (a purpose or objective, which makes something meaningful)
értelemszerűen {adv} :: as appropriate, as it is reasonable (according to the instructions and/or common sense)
értelemszerűen {adv} :: naturally, understandably
értelmes {adj} :: intelligent, sensible, clearheaded (person)
értelmes {adj} :: intelligible, clear, rational
értelmesebb {adj} :: comparative of értelmes
értelmesség {n} :: intelligence, understanding, sagacity (intellectual faculty)
értelmetlen {adj} :: meaningless, senseless
értelmez {vt} :: to construe (to interpret or explain the meaning of something)
értelmezés {n} :: interpretation (act of interpreting)
értelmezési {adj} :: (of) interpretation
értelmezési {adj} [computing] :: parse, parsing
értelmezési tartomány {n} [mathematics] :: domain (the set of all possible mathematical entities (points) where a given function is defined)
értelmezhető {adj} :: interpretable, definable, construable (can be explained or interpreted)
értelmező {adj} :: explanatory, interpretative
értelmező {n} [computing] :: interpreter
értelmező {n} [grammar] :: appositive modifier (usually a postpositive adjective, sometimes a participle, a possessive determiner, a possessive or other noun, a numeral, or a pronoun, which takes the suffix[es] of the preceding noun which it modifies)
értelmi {adj} :: intellectual, mental
értelmileg {adv} :: intellectually, mentally
értelmiség {n} :: intelligentsia
értelmiségi {adj} :: intellectual, white-collar
értelmű {adj} :: of ... meaning
értés {n} :: understanding, comprehension
értesít {vt} :: to notify, inform, let someone know
értesítés {n} :: notification, notice, message
értesül {vi} :: to hear of, learn (to come to know, to become informed of, to find out)
értetődik {vi} :: to be understood
értetődő {adj} :: understandable (usually used in phrases such as (ön)magától értetődő, maguktól értetődő)
érthetetlen {adj} :: incomprehensible
érthetetlenebb {adj} :: comparative of érthetetlen
érthető {adj} :: comprehensible, understandable
érthetőbb {adj} :: comparative of érthető
érthetően {adv} :: clearly, understandably, distinctly
érv {n} :: reason, argument
érvéghüvely {n} :: electric wire ferrule, end terminal
érvek és ellenérvek {n} :: pros and cons (the positive and negative attributes of arguments)
érvel {vi} :: to argue, to reason (for something mellett, against something ellen)
érvény {n} :: validity, force
érvényes {adj} :: valid (acceptable, proper or correct)
érvényesebb {adj} :: comparative of érvényes
érvényesség {n} :: validity
érvényességi {adj} :: of validity
érvényesülés {n} :: success
érvénytelen {adj} :: invalid
érvénytelenít {vt} :: to annul (formally revoke the validity of)
érvénytelenség {n} :: invalidity, voidness, nullity
Ervin {prop} :: given name
érzék {n} :: sense (organ)
érzék {n} :: sense of, gift, taste, eye for something (talent to learn or do something)
érzékcsalódás {n} :: delusion, illusion, hallucination
érzékel {vt} :: to perceive, feel, experience, sense
érzékelhető {adj} :: perceptible, sensible, palpable
érzékelő {adj} :: perceptive, sensitive
érzékelő {n} :: sensor
érzékeltet {vt} :: to demonstrate, to give an idea of (to make something clear, perceptible)
érzékeltetés {n} :: demonstration, showing (the act of making something perceptible, clear)
érzékeny {adj} :: sensitive
érzékeny {adj} :: high-strung, irritable, easily upset
érzékeny {adj} :: sore (point)
érzékeny {adj} [medicine] :: susceptible, intolerant, allergic
érzékenyebb {adj} :: comparative of érzékeny
érzékenység {n} :: sensitivity, sensitiveness, touchiness, responsiveness
érzékenység {n} [photography] :: film speed, ISO sensitivity (measure of sensitivity to light)
érzéketlen {adj} [of body part] :: numb (deprived of physical sensation)
érzéketlen {adj} :: insensitive, indifferent (not caring or concerned, not able to feel sympathy or compassion)
érzéketlenség {n} :: insensitiveness, insensitivity, loss of (bodily) sensation
érzéketlenség {n} :: indifference, apathy, impassiveness
érzéki {adj} :: sensual
érzékiség {n} :: sensuality
érzékszerv {n} :: sense organ
érzelem {n} :: feeling
érzelmes {adj} :: emotional
érzelmesebb {adj} :: comparative of érzelmes
érzelmi {adj} :: emotional
érzelmi intelligencia {n} [psychology] :: emotional intelligence (the ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups)
érzés {n} :: sense (conscious awareness)
érzés {n} :: feeling
érzéstelen {adj} :: numb
érzéstelen {adj} :: unfeeling
érzéstelenebb {adj} :: comparative of érzéstelen
érzéstelenít {vt} :: to anesthetize, narcotize
érzéstelenítés {n} [medicine] :: anesthesia [US], anaesthesia [UK] (an artificial method of preventing sensation)
érzet {n} :: feeling, sensation
Erzsébet {prop} :: given name
Erzsébetváros {prop} :: Erzsébetváros (city)
Erzsébetváros {prop} :: Erzsébetváros (The seventh <<district>> of <<city/Budapest>>, capital of <<c/Hungary>>.)
Erzsi {prop} :: given name
Erzsók {prop} :: given name
-es {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] :: Added to a noun to form an adjective meaning "having something, a quality"; sometimes referred to as ornative
-es {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a noun to form an occupation or a collective noun
-es {suffix} [number-forming suffix] :: Added to a cardinal number to form a digit or figure, cf. the relevant template
-és {suffix} [noun suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a noun
és {conj} :: and
és boldogan éltek, míg meg nem haltak {phrase} :: and they lived happily ever after (typically used at the end of fairy tales)
esd {vit} [literary, rarely] :: to implore, to entreat, to plead, to beseech, to beg (someone tól, for something ért or accusative)
esdek {v} [obsolete] :: to beseech, plead, beg
esdekel {vi} :: to beseech, plead, beg
esedékes {adj} :: due
esedékesebb {adj} :: comparative of esedékes
-eség {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: -dom, -ness, -ity. Added to an adjective, noun or verb to form an abstract noun
esély {n} :: chance, prospect
esélyes {adj} :: favorite, favourite (expected or most probable to win)
esélyes {n} :: favorite, favourite (expected or most probable to win)
esélyesebb {adj} :: comparative of esélyes
esemény {n} :: event
eseménydús {adj} :: eventful
eseménydúsabb {adj} :: comparative of eseménydús
eseményhorizont {n} [astrophysics] :: event horizon
eseménytelen {adj} :: uneventful
eseménytelenebb {adj} :: comparative of eseménytelen
esernyő {n} :: umbrella
esés {n} :: fall, falling
eset {n} :: case, instance, event, occurrence
eset {n} :: affair, business, matter
eset {n} :: story, tale
eset {n} [grammar] :: case
eset {n} :: type (preferred sort of person; sort of person that one is attracted to)
esetén {postp} :: in case of
esetleg {adv} :: maybe, perchance
esetleges {adj} :: possible, incidental
esetlegesen {adv} :: accidentally, by chance, incidentally, possibly
esetrag {n} [grammar] :: case ending (a suffix-like element which indicates a word’s grammatical case, number, and gender)
esettanulmány {n} :: case study
eshetőség {n} :: eventuality
esik {vi} :: to fall
esik {vi} [normally supplemented with the name of the precipitation] :: to rain, to snow
esik {vi} :: to fall somewhere, to happen to be at some place or time (of an event on some day of the week or month or the stress on a particular syllable)
esik {vi} :: to go down, to tumble, to drop, drop off, drop away (e.g. price or popularity)
esik {vi} :: to (happen to) be found, to lie, to be situated somewhere
esik {vi} :: to fall into or get into a situation (e.g. falling victim to someone or something)
esik {vi} :: to fall or belong within the scope, force, power, or effect of something, to be subject or liable to some regulation or jurisdiction
esik {vi} :: to be affected, to feel in some way (with nak for the person affected)
esik {vi} :: to happen, to come about
esik a hó {vi} :: to snow
eskü {n} :: oath
esküdik {vi} [rare] :: alternative form of esküszik
esküdt {adj} :: sworn
esküdt {n} [legal] :: juror
esküdtszék {n} [legal] :: jury
esküszik {vi} :: to swear (to take an oath)
esküvő {n} :: wedding
esküvői ruha {n} :: wedding dress, wedding gown
esni fog {phrase} :: is it going to rain?
esni fog {phrase} :: it will be raining, it is going to rain
eső {n} :: rain
esőcsepp {n} :: raindrop
esőerdő {n} :: rainforest
esőfelhő {n} :: rain cloud
esőkabát {n} :: raincoat
esős {adj} :: rainy
esősebb {adj} :: comparative of esős
esővíz {n} :: rainwater (rain harvested in containers for household usage, such as washing, irrigation)
éspedig {adv} :: namely, that is
éspedig {adv} :: but, and (in negation)
ess {n} :: letter: s
-esség {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: -dom, -ness, -ity. Added to an adjective, noun or verb to form an abstract noun
-est {suffix} [adverbial suffix] :: Forms an adverb
est {n} [archaic] :: evening, eve
est {n} [literary, by extension] :: recital, party (in the evening)
este {adv} :: in the evening (from approximately 6 p.m. until going to bed; depends on working hours, daylight length, etc.)
este {n} :: evening
estély {n} :: soiree, evening party
estélyi {adj} :: of evening
estélyi {n} :: evening dress
esténként {adv} :: nightly (in the evenings; every evening)
esténkénti {adj} :: nightly (performing, occurring, or taking place every night)
esti {adj} :: of evening, early night
és tsai. {phrase} :: et al.
-estül {suffix} [adverb-forming suffix] :: with, together with, along with. Used to form the sociative case (sometimes also referred to as comitative case), although it is not an actual case from a strictly syntactic point of view
-esz {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation)
-esz {suffix} [nominal-forming suffix] :: Used to form nouns and adjectives from verb or nouns
-esz {suffix} [music] :: flat (), lowered by one semitone (e.g. desz, esz, gesz)
esz {vt} [rare without a verbal prefix] :: to eat
esz {vt} [of rust, rot or negative emotions] :: to corrode, to erode, to eat away, to eat into, to waste away, to wear away, to consume, to nibble away, to nag away (at someone) gradually
esz {n} [music] :: E-flat, E♭ (a tone one semitone lower than an E)
-ész {suffix} [noun suffix] :: Added to a noun or a verb to form a noun denoting an occupation
ész {n} :: intellect, brains, mind, reason, judgment, intelligence, sanity, remembrance (the content of one's head in a figurative sense)
észak {n} [singular only] :: north (one of the four major compass points)
Észak-Afrika {prop} :: North Africa
Észak-Amerika {prop} :: North America (continent)
észak-amerikai {adj} :: North American
észak-északkelet {n} [singular only] :: north-northeast
észak-északnyugat {n} [singular only] :: north-northwest
Észak-Európa {prop} :: Northern Europe
észak-európai {adj} :: Northern European
északi {adj} :: north, northern, of the north
északi {n} :: northerner (person)
északibb {adj} :: comparative of északi
északi búvár {n} :: red-throated diver, red-throated loon (Gavia stellata)
északi fény {n} :: aurora borealis, northern lights (the aurora of the northern hemisphere)
Észak-Írország {prop} :: Észak-Írország (country)
Északi-sark {prop} :: North Pole
Északi-sarki-óceán {prop} :: Arctic Ocean
Északi-tenger {prop} :: North Sea
északkelet {n} [singular only] :: northeast
északkeleti {adj} :: northeastern
északkeletibb {adj} :: comparative of északkeleti
Észak-Korea {prop} :: Észak-Korea (country)
Észak-Macedónia {prop} :: Észak-Macedónia (country)
északnyugat {n} [singular only] :: northwest
Észak-Rajna-Vesztfália {prop} :: North Rhine-Westphalia
észben tart {v} [idiom] :: to keep in mind, bear in mind, remember (to not forget)
eszcájg {n} [colloquial] :: cutlery
eszébe jut {v} [idiomatic] :: to remember, think of (to enter one's mind)
eszerint {adv} :: accordingly
eszes {adj} :: clever (mentally sharp or bright)
eszesebb {adj} :: comparative of eszes
-észet {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a noun (or rarely a verb) to form a noun, normally the name of an activity, occupation, or trade
eszik {vt} :: to eat
-észik {suffix} :: A verb-forming suffix
eszi, nem eszi, nem kap mást {phrase} [idiomatic] :: take it or leave it, my way or the highway, beggars can't be choosers, Hobson's choice
eszkaláció {n} :: escalation
eszkalál {vt} :: to escalate
-eszkedik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Used to form a reflexive verb indicating repetitive action
eszköz {n} :: instrument, tool, utensil
eszköz {n} :: means, medium, vehicle, device
eszközhatározó eset {n} [grammar] :: instrumental case (uses the -val/-vel case endings in Hungarian)
észlel {vt} :: to perceive
észlel {vt} :: to observe, notice, detect
észlelés {n} :: perception (the organisation, identification, and interpretation of sensory information)
észlelhető {adj} :: observable, perceptible, noticeable
eszme {n} :: idea, notion
eszmecsere {n} :: exchange of ideas, exchange of views, discussion
eszméletlen {adj} :: unconscious
eszmény {n} [obsolete] :: philosophizing, axiom
eszmény {n} :: ideal#Noun
eszményi {adj} :: ideal (being perfect)
eszményibb {adj} :: comparative of eszményi
eszperantó {n} :: Esperanto (auxiliary language)
eszperente {n} :: a Hungarian language game in which only the vowel e is allowed to be used but one must still speak correct Hungarian
eszperente {adj} :: following the rules of the eszperente game (of a word, sentence or other text)
eszpresszó {n} :: coffee bar, café, coffee shop (an establishment that sells coffee, other non-alcoholic drinks, and snacks)
eszpresszó {n} :: espresso (a concentrated coffee beverage brewed by forcing hot water under high pressure through finely ground coffee)
észrevesz {vt} :: to observe, to notice, to perceive, to become aware of, to discern
észrevesz {vt} :: to catch sight of, to see, to spot
észrevétel {n} :: remark, comment, observation
észrevétlenül {adv} :: unobserved, unnoticed, under the radar (without attracting notice; in an undetected or secretive manner)
essz {n} :: letter: sz
esszé {n} :: essay (written composition of moderate length)
ésszerű {adj} :: superseded spelling of észszerű
észszerű {adj} :: reasonable, rational, sensible, logical
ésszerűen {adv} :: superseded spelling of észszerűen
észszerűen {adv} :: rationally, reasonably, sensibly, logically
ésszerűség {n} :: superseded spelling of észszerűség
észszerűség {n} :: rationality, reasonableness
ésszerűsít {v} :: superseded spelling of észszerűsít
észszerűsít {vt} :: to rationalize, streamline
ésszerűtlen {adj} :: superseded spelling of észszerűtlen
észszerűtlen {adj} :: unreasonable, illogical, irrational
ésszerűtlenség {n} :: superseded spelling of észszerűtlenség
észszerűtlenség {n} :: unreasonableness, irrationality
-eszt {suffix} [causative suffix] :: Added to a verb or less frequently to a noun to form a transitive verb
észt {adj} :: Estonian (of or relating to Estonia, its people or language)
észt {n} :: Estonian (person)
észt {n} [singular only] :: Estonian (language)
esztelen {adj} :: foolish, crazy, unwise, preposterous (contrary to common sense)
esztelenebb {adj} :: comparative of esztelen
esztendő {n} :: year
esztendős {adj} :: year(s) old
esztendősen {adv} :: at the age of..
Eszter {prop} :: given name. Cognate to Esther
eszterga {n} :: lathe
esztergályos {n} :: turner (a lathe operator)
Esztergom {prop} :: Esztergom (town)
esztergomi {adj} :: of or relating to Esztergom
esztétika {n} :: aesthetics (study or philosophy of beauty)
esztétikus {adj} :: aesthetic
esztétikus {n} :: aesthetician
Észt Köztársaság {prop} :: Republic of Estonia
Észtország {prop} :: Észtország (country)
eszű {adj} :: -witted, of …… intellect
-et {suffix} [causative suffix] :: Added to a verb (or extremely rarely to a noun) to form a verb with a meaning of let, make somebody do something
-et {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a noun, expressing the result of the action
-et {suffix} :: [accusative suffix] Used to form the accusative case
ét {n} [obsolete] :: food
ét {n} [obsolete] :: eating
éta {n} :: eta
etán {n} [organic compound] :: ethane
etanol {n} [organic compound] :: ethanol
etc. {pron} :: etc.
étcsokoládé {n} :: dark chocolate, plain chocolate [UK] (chocolate that has not had milk products added to lighten and sweeten it)
étcsokoládé {n} [dated] :: eating chocolate (as opposed to baking chocolate)
-eteg {suffix} [nominal-forming suffix] :: Added to a stem to form a noun or an adjective
-etek {suffix} [personal suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation)
-etek {suffix} [possessive suffix] :: your (second-person plural informal, single possession)
-etek {suffix} [causative suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular present tense causative of verbs (indefinite conjugations). Variants: -tatok, -tetek, -atok
-etel {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb to form a noun
étel {n} :: food
ételintolerancia {n} :: food intolerance (extreme sensitivity to a food)
Etelka {prop} :: given name
éter {n} [poetic] :: ether
etet {v} :: to feed (to give food to eat)
etetőszék {n} :: highchair (an elevated chair used for feeding babies)
-etik {suffix} [archaic, passive suffix] :: Added to a front-vowel verb to form a verb with a passive meaning
etika {n} :: ethics
etikett {n} [archaic] :: label, tag
etikett {n} :: address label (printable self-adhesive label for use on envelopes)
etikett {n} :: etiquette
etikus {adj} :: ethical
etimológia {n} :: etymology
etimológiai {adj} :: etymological, etymologic (of or relating to etymology)
etimológiailag {adv} :: etymologically
etiológia {n} :: aetiology
etióp {adj} :: Ethiopian (of, from, or relating to Ethiopia, the Ethiopian people or the Ethiopian culture)
etióp {n} :: Ethiopian (a person from Ethiopia or of Ethiopian descent)
Etiópia {prop} :: Etiópia (country)
Etióp Szövetségi Demokratikus Köztársaság {prop} :: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (official name of Ethiopia)
étkészlet {n} :: dinnerware, dinner service set
étkezés {n} :: meal (such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, or supper)
étkezés {n} :: eating, nutrition
étkezési {adj} :: culinary, prandial, eating, edible (of or relating to a meal or eating)
étkezési {adj} :: dietary
étkezik {v} :: to eat
étkezik {v} :: to dine
étkezik {v} :: to board
étkezik {v} :: to fare
étkező {n} :: dining room
étkezőasztal {n} :: dinner table, dining table
étkezőkocsi {n} :: dining car, diner
étlap {n} :: menu
-etlen {suffix} [adjective suffix] :: -less, un-, dis-. A privative suffix added to a noun or a verb to form adjectives with a meaning of lacking something
étlen {adj} :: hungry, famished
étlen-szomjan {adv} :: without food or drink
etnikai {adj} :: ethnic
etnikai tisztogatás {n} :: ethnic cleansing
etnikum {n} :: ethnic group
etnológia {n} :: ethnology
ETO {n} :: UDC (a bibliographic and library classification system)
étolaj {n} :: cooking oil
étrend {n} :: diet
-ett {suffix} [past-participle suffix] :: -ed, -t (used to form the past participle of a verb)
-ett {suffix} [past-tense suffix] :: -ed, -t (used to form the past tense of a verb)
-ett {suffix} [locative suffix, archaic] :: in (used to form the locative case)
-ette {suffix} [past-tense personal suffix] :: Used to form the third-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-ette {suffix} [verbal-participle suffix] :: Used to form the verbal participle of verbs, always following the agent noun
-ette {suffix} [past-tense causative suffix] :: Used to form the third-person singular causative past tense of verbs (definite conjugation), used with val, e.g. vele, velük etc., otherwise coinciding with the above forms
-etted {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-etted {suffix} [past-tense causative suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular causative past tense of verbs (definite conjugation), used with val, e.g. vele, velük etc., otherwise coinciding with the above forms
-ettek {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
-ettek {suffix} [past-tense causative suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural causative past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugation), used with val, e.g. vele, velük etc., otherwise coinciding with the above forms
-ették {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-ették {suffix} [past-tense causative suffix] :: Used to form the third-person plural causative past tense of verbs (definite conjugation), used with val, e.g. vele, velük etc., otherwise coinciding with the above forms
-ettél {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
-ettél {suffix} [past-tense causative suffix] :: Used to form the second-person singular causative past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugation), used with val, e.g. vele, velük etc., otherwise coinciding with the above forms
-ettelek {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs with second-person object (definite conjugations)
-ettelek {suffix} [past-tense causative suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural causative past tense of verbs (with a second-person object), used with val, e.g. vele, velük etc., otherwise coinciding with the above forms
-ettem {suffix} [past-tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular past tense of verbs (indefinite and definite conjugations)
-ettem {suffix} [past-tense causative suffix] :: Used to form the first-person singular causative past tense of verbs (indefinite and definite conjugations), used with val, e.g. vele, velük etc., otherwise coinciding with the above forms
étterem {n} :: restaurant
-ettetek {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugations)
-ettetek {suffix} [past-tense causative suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural causative past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugation), used with val, e.g. vele, velük etc., otherwise coinciding with the above forms
-ettétek {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural past tense of verbs (definite conjugations)
-ettétek {suffix} [past-tense causative suffix] :: Used to form the second-person plural causative past tense of verbs (definite conjugation), used with val, e.g. vele, velük etc., otherwise coinciding with the above forms
-ettük {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, definite conjugations)
-ettük {suffix} [past-tense causative suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural causative past tense of verbs (definite conjugation), used with val, e.g. vele, velük etc., otherwise coinciding with the above forms
-ettünk {suffix} [past tense suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural past tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugations)
-ettünk {suffix} [past-tense causative suffix] :: Used to form the first-person plural causative past tense of verbs (indefinite conjugation), used with val, e.g. vele, velük etc., otherwise coinciding with the above forms
Etu {prop} :: given name
étvágy {n} :: appetite
étvágytalan {adj} :: devoid of appetite, hungerless
étvágytalanabb {adj} :: comparative of étvágytalan
étvágytalanság {n} :: anorexia (loss of appetite, especially as a result of disease)
EU {prop} :: EU; initialism of Európai Unió
EU-csatlakozás {n} :: EU accession (the process when a country becomes a member of the European Union)
eufemizmus {n} :: euphemism
eufória {n} :: euphoria (an excited state of joy; a feeling of intense happiness)
euforikus {adj} :: euphoric
Eufrátesz {prop} :: Eufrátesz (river)
Eukleidész {prop} :: Euclid (a Greek mathematician)
Euklidesz {prop} :: superseded spelling of Eukleidész
Euklidész {prop} :: superseded spelling of Eukleidész
euklideszi {adj} :: Euclidean
euklideszi geometria {n} [geometry] :: Euclidean geometry (mathematical system)
Euler-egyenes {n} [geometry] :: Euler line (a line that, for a given triangle, passes through several important points, including the circumcentre, orthocentre and centroid)
eunuch {n} :: eunuch (a castrated human male)
eunuch {n} :: eunuch (a harem guard)
Eurázsia {prop} :: Eurasia
eurázsiai {adj} :: Eurasian (of or pertaining to the continent of Eurasia)
eurázsiai {n} :: Eurasian (a person native to the Eurasian continent)
eurázsiai borz {n} :: Eurasian badger, European badger (mammal)
euró {n} :: euro
Európa {prop} :: Europe
Európa {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Europa, a Phoenician princess abducted to Crete by Zeus
Európa-bajnok {n} :: European champion
Európa-bajnokság {n} :: European championship
európai {adj} :: European
európai {n} :: European (person)
európai borz {n} :: Eurasian badger, European badger (mammal)
Európai Unió {prop} :: European Union
Európé {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Europa, a Phoenician princess abducted to Crete by Zeus
Európé {prop} [astronomy] :: Europa, a moon of Jupiter
européer {n} :: Europhile (an intellectual familiar with and fond of European culture)
européer {adj} :: Europhillic (having a fondness and appreciation of European culture)
européer {adj} :: pro-European (supportive of European unity)
európium {n} :: europium (chemical element)
eurós {adj} :: of euros (of or relating to the currency unit of the European Monetary Union)
EU-s {adj} :: EU (of or relating to the European Union)
eutanázia {n} :: euthanasia
Euterpé {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Euterpe (the Muse of music and lyric poetry)
év {n} :: year
Éva {prop} :: given name. Cognate to Eve and Eva
évad {n} :: season (a part of a year when something particular happens)
evakuál {vt} :: to evacuate (to leave or withdraw from; as, soldiers from a country, city, or fortress)
evakuál {vt} :: to evacuate (to cause to leave or withdraw from)
evakuál {vt} [engineering] :: to evacuate (to remove air from a closed container to create a vacuum)
evangélikus {adj} [Protestantism, theology] :: Lutheran
evangélikus {n} :: Lutheran
evangélista {n} :: evangelist
evangélium {n} :: gospel
evangéliumi {adj} :: evangelical, evangelistic, relating to the gospel
évekbeli {adj} :: having the style of a certain era or year
évelő {adj} :: perennial
évelő {n} :: perennial
évenként {adv} :: annually, yearly (every year)
évenkénti {adj} :: annual
évente {adv} :: yearly (once a year)
-evény {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] :: Added to a verb (or rarely to a noun) to form a noun indicating the result or object of the action
evés {n} :: eating (the act of eating)
éves {adj} :: annual, yearly
éves {adj} :: year(s) old
éves {adj} :: -year (lasting for a given number of years)
éves {n} :: a person of a certain age
évesen {adv} :: at, at the age of, at age
evet {n} [archaic] :: squirrel
evez {vt} :: to row, paddle (to propel a boat or other craft over water using oars)
evező {adj} :: rowing
evező {n} :: rower, oarsman (one who rows)
evező {n} :: oar, scull, paddle (implement used to row a boat)
evezős {n} :: oarsman, rower (person who rows a boat)
évezred {n} :: millennium
évezredes {adj} :: millennium-old, millennial (of an age or period of one millennium or several millennia, depending on whether there is a specific numeral preceding it)
évf. {n} :: vol.
évf. {n} :: class
évf. {n} :: yr
évfolyam {n} :: volume (of a journal)
évfolyam {n} :: class, year (in school)
évfolyamtárs {n} :: classmate (in higher education, college and university)
évforduló {n} :: anniversary
évi {adj} :: annual
evidens {adj} :: evident (obviously true)
evidensebb {adj} :: comparative of evidens
évkönyv {n} :: yearbook
evolúció {n} :: evolution
evolúciós {adj} :: evolutionary
evő {adj} :: eating
evőeszköz {n} :: cutlery, (table) knife, fork and spoon
evőkanál {n} :: tablespoon
evőpálcika {n} :: chopstick
évszak {n} :: season (e.g. winter)
évszám {n} :: year, date (of year)
évszázad {n} :: century (100 years)
évszázados {adj} :: age-old, centuries-old
évtized {n} :: decade (a period of ten years)
évtizedes {adj} :: decade-old
évtizedes {adj} :: decades-old, lasting for several decades
evvel {pron} [somewhat, folksy] :: alternative form of ezzel
evvel {adv} [somewhat, folksy] :: alternative form of ezzel
ex {n} [colloquial] :: ex (ex-husband, ex-wife or ex-partner)
Excel {prop} [computing] :: Excel (a Microsoft spreadsheet program)
excentrikus {adj} [of a person] :: eccentric (deviating from the norm; behaving unexpectedly or differently)
excentrikus {adj} :: eccentric, eccentrical (having a different center; not concentric)
excentrikus {n} :: eccentric (one who does not behave like others)
exhumál {vt} :: to exhume
exhumálás {n} :: exhumation, disinterment
exkluzív {adj} :: exclusive
exkluzívabb {adj} :: comparative of exkluzív
exon {n} [genetics] :: exon (a region of a transcribed gene present in the final functional RNA molecule)
expanzió {n} :: expansion
expedíció {n} :: expedition
exponál {vi} [photography] :: to take a photograph, to shoot with a camera
exponál {vt} :: to stick one's neck out, to risk one's reputation for someone (followed by the reflexive pronoun maga and ért) (to sacrifice one's own reputation for someone else's cause or interests)
exponálás {n} [photography] :: exposure (an instance of taking a photograph)
exponenciális {adj} :: exponential (expressed in terms of a power or e)
export {n} :: export, exportation (the act of exporting, the act of conveying or sending commodities abroad or to another country, in the course of commerce)
exportál {vt} :: to export
exportálás {n} :: export, exportation (the act of exporting; the act of conveying or sending commodities abroad or to another country, in the course of commerce)
exporttilalom {n} :: export ban
expozíció {n} :: exposition
expressz {adj} :: fast, urgent
expressz {n} :: express
expresszionista {adj} :: expressionist
expresszív {adj} :: expressive
expresszívebb {adj} :: comparative of expresszív
expresszivitás {n} :: expressiveness
extenzív {adj} :: extensive
extenzívebb {adj} :: comparative of extenzív
extra {adj} :: extra (beyond what is due, usual, expected, or necessary; extraneous; additional)
extra {n} :: luxury features (e.g. in vehicles)
extrapoláció {n} :: extrapolation
extravagáns {adj} :: extravagant
extravagánsabb {adj} :: comparative of extravagáns
extrém {adj} :: extreme
-ez {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Appended to a noun to form a verb
ez {pron} :: this (used as a pronoun, that is, instead of a noun phrase)
ez {determiner} [used before a noun phrase with a definite article, gets the case of the noun phrase] :: this
ez {determiner} [archaic, otherwise only in certain fixed phrases beginning with a vowel, as a counterpart of e, followed by no article] :: this
ezalatt {adv} :: meanwhile, in the meantime, at that time (during all this time while something else is happening)
ezalatt {adv} :: by that
ezáltal {adv} :: hereby (by this means, action or process)
ezán {n} :: adhan
ezelőtt {adv} :: ago (the amount of time that has passed since is expressed with val)
ezelőtti {adj} :: of... ago (the amount of time that has passed since is expressed with val)
ezen {determiner} [formal, archaic, indeclinable and invariable, followed by no article] :: this, these
ezenkívül {adv} :: besides (in addition to what has been said just now)
ezentúl {adv} :: from now on
ezer {num} :: one thousand
ezeregyszáz {num} :: eleven hundred (one thousand one hundred, 1100)
ezeréves {adj} :: thousand-year-old
ezeréves {adj} :: millennial
ezernyi {adj} :: thousand (about a thousand)
ezernyi {adj} :: thousands of (many, a lot)
ezerszer {adv} :: a thousand times
ezért {conj} :: therefore
ez igen {interj} :: well done, way to go (exclamation of praise or endorsement of an achievement)
-ezik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] :: Appended to a noun to form a verb
ez nekem kínai {phrase} [idiomatic] :: it's all Greek to me
ezoterika {n} :: esoterism
ezoterikus {adj} :: esoteric
ezoterikus {n} :: esotericist
ezred {adj} :: thousandth
ezred {n} :: regiment
ezred {n} [literary, slightly, dated] :: millennium (a period of time consisting of one thousand years)
ezredes {n} :: colonel
ezredév {n} :: millennium
ezredforduló {n} :: turn of the millennium
ezredik {num} :: thousandth
ezrelék {n} :: per mille, permille (‰)
ezután {adv} :: thereupon, after this, then, next, later
ezúton {adv} [formal] :: hereby, herewith
ezúttal {adv} :: this time
ezüst {n} :: silver (symbol: Ag)
ezüst {n} :: silverware, household silver (tableware, especially cutlery made out of silver alloy)
ezüstérem {n} :: silver medal (a medal made of, or having the colour of, silver, given as a prize for finishing in second place)
ezüstérmes {adj} :: silver-medal
ezüstérmes {n} :: silver medalist, silver medallist (someone who has received a silver medal)
ezüstlakodalom {n} :: silver wedding
ezüstös {adj} :: silvery, silverish (resembling silver in color, shiny white)
ezüstös {adj} :: silvery, silvered (sprinkled, covered or coated with silver)
ezüstös {adj} :: silvery (having the clear, musical tone of silver; soft and clear in sound)
ezüstösebb {adj} :: comparative of ezüstös
ezüstszürke {adj} :: silver-grey (of a shiny pale grey colour)