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From -e- (linking vowel) + -ni (infinitive suffix).
- (infinitive suffix) Forms the infinitive.
- segít (“help”) + -eni → segíteni (“to help”)
- For the other senses, see -ni.
- (infinitive suffix) Variants:
- -ni is added to most verbs
- ad (“give”) + -ni → adni (“to give”)
- -ani is added to back-vowel verbs ending in -ít or in two consonants
- tanít (“teach”) + -ani → tanítani (“to teach”)
- akaszt (“hang”) + -ani → akasztani (“to hang”)
- bont (“demolish”) + -ani → bontani (“to demolish”)
- -eni is added to front-vowel verbs ending in -ít or in two consonants
- veszít (“lose”) + -eni → veszíteni (“to lose”)
- ijeszt (“frighten”) + -eni → ijeszteni (“to frighten”)
- csökkent (“reduce”) + -eni → csökkenteni (“to reduce”)
- -nni is added to verbs with variant stems
- vesz (“buy”) + -nni → venni (“to buy”)
- eszik (“eat”) + -nni → enni (“to eat”)
Plural of -ean.
-eni m
- Used to form a name of an inhabited place, a town or city.
- Paltinu + -eni → Păltineni
- Gheorghe + -eni → Gheorgheni
- urzică + -eni → Urziceni