Template:U:hu:nominal numerals
The following nominal numerals (adjectives or nouns), coined from numerals (with the suffix -s/-os/-as/-es/-ös in Hungarian), refer to items designated with a specific number, such as No. 1, No. 2 etc. (as opposed to 1st, 2nd etc.). Question word: hányas? Examples:
- (single digits) pronounced names or symbols of numbers: nullás (0-s), egyes (1-es), kettes (2-es), hármas (3-as), négyes (4-es), ötös (5-ös), hatos (6-os), hetes (7-es), nyolcas (8-as), kilences (9-es)
- (usually 1–300, 900–999) public transport lines (e.g. négyes-hatos)
- numbered seats, rooms, cubicles, or other compartments
- motorways, highways, e.g. hatvanhatos út (“Route 66”)
- school grades: egyes (“F”), kettes (“D”), hármas (“C”), négyes (“B”), ötös (“A”)
- (multiples of 1, 2, 5) coins: ötös, tízes, húszas―colloquially also for thousand bills―, ötvenes, százas, kétszázas; bills: ötszázas, ezres, kétezres, ötezres, tízezres, húszezres
- (tens) decades in a century, e.g. 1970-es, 1980-as, 1990-es, 2000-es, 2010-es, 2020-as (… évek ’years’)
- (tens) decades of a person’s age: tízes (10-es), húszas (20-as), harmincas (30-as), negyvenes (40-es), ötvenes (50-es), hatvanas (60-as), hetvenes (70-es), nyolcvanas (80-as), kilencvenes (90-es)
- packages or sets with a given number of items
- (small numbers, up to 4 or 5) groups of people
- (round numbers) orders of magnitude: tízes, százas, ezres, tízezres, százezres, milliós, milliárdos, billiós, etc.
- numerical systems: kettes, tízes, tizenhatos (16-os), etc.
- (between 0 and 59) trains, coaches, and flights departing or arriving at some time, attached to the number of minutes
- people or groups identified by symbolic dates and other numerals: huszonnyolcas, harminckettes, negyvennyolcas, ötvenhatos, hatvannyolcas, nyolcvankilences