User:Matthias Buchmeier/hu-en-s
-s {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun to form an adjective meaning "having something, a quality"; sometimes referred to as ornative |
-s {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun to form an occupation or a collective noun |
-s {suffix} [number-forming suffix] | :: Added to an ordinal number to form a digit or figure, cf. the relevant template |
s {conj} | :: and (short variant of és (and)) |
s {letter} | :: letter: ess |
S {letter} | :: letter: ess |
sábát {n} [Judaism] | :: Shabbat (Jewish Sabbath) |
sablon {n} | :: model, pattern, template |
sablon {n} | :: commonplace, cliché (conventional saying) |
sáfár {n} [literary] | :: manager, intendant, steward |
sáfárkodik {vi} [literary] | :: to manage something with a certain quality |
sáfrány {n} | :: saffron |
sáfránysárga {adj} | :: saffron, saffron yellow (of an orange-yellow colour) |
-ság {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: -dom, -ness, -ity. Added to an adjective, noun or verb to form an abstract noun |
-ságos {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: A compound suffix added to a word to form an adjective |
sah {n} | :: shah |
Saint Kitts és Nevis {prop} | :: Saint Kitts és Nevis (country) |
Saint Lucia {prop} | :: Saint Lucia (country) |
Saint Vincent és a Grenadine-szigetek {prop} | :: Saint Vincent és a Grenadine-szigetek (country) |
saját {adj} | :: own |
saját kezű {adj} | :: made by/with one's own hand |
sajátos {adj} | :: specific |
sajátosabb {adj} | :: comparative of sajátos |
sajátosság {n} [literary] | :: property, characteristic |
sajátság {n} | :: characteristic, feature, quality (a distinguishable feature) |
sajka {n} | :: a small boat propelled by oars |
sajkacsont {n} [anatomy] | :: scaphoid bone (one of the carpal bones of the wrist) |
sajkacsont {n} [anatomy] | :: navicular bone (one of the tarsal bones of the foot) |
sajna {interj} [archaic, colloquial] | :: alas, unfortunately |
sajnál {vt} | :: to regret (to feel sorry about some past thing) |
sajnál {vt} | :: to feel pity (to sympathize with someone or another creature at some misfortune) |
sajnál {vt} [usually with money, time or energy as its object] | :: to spare, not to find worthwhile (spending one's resources) on something ( ra), to be loath, averse or reluctant (about spending) |
sajnálat {n} | :: pity, regret |
sajnálatos {adj} | :: sad, unfortunate, regrettable, deplorable (to be felt sorrow for; worthy of compassion) |
sajnos {adv} | :: unfortunately, sadly, alas |
sajt {n} | :: cheese |
sajtburger {n} | :: cheeseburger |
sajtkukac {n} | :: cheese skipper (larva of the cheese fly) |
sajtó {n} [engineering] | :: press (a machine that applies pressure) |
sajtó {n} [printing] | :: press, printing press (a printing machine) |
sajtó {n} | :: press (a collective term for the print-based media, both the people and the newspapers) |
sajtó {n} | :: press coverage (the reviews in the newspapers) |
sajtófotó {n} | :: press photo (photograph covering a news event) |
sajtómágnás {n} | :: press baron, press mogul, press magnate |
sajtószabadság {n} | :: freedom of the press |
sajtótájékoztató {n} | :: press conference |
sajttorta {n} | :: cheesecake |
sakál {n} | :: jackal (medium-sized omnivorous mammals of the genus Canis) |
sakk {n} | :: chess |
sakk {n} | :: check (a situation in which the king is directly threatened by enemy pieces) |
sakkbábu {n} [chess] | :: chess piece (any of the 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess) |
sakkbajnokság {n} | :: chess championship |
sakkfigura {n} [chess] | :: chess piece (any of the 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess) |
sakkjáték {n} | :: chess game, game of chess |
sakkjátékos {n} | :: chess player (a human or computer that plays the game of chess) |
sakkjátszma {n} | :: chess game, game of chess |
sakk-készlet {n} | :: chess set |
sakk-matt {interj} | :: checkmate |
sakk-matt {n} [chess] | :: checkmate (the conclusive victory in a game of chess that occurs when an opponent's king is threatened with unavoidable capture) |
sakk-matt {n} [figuratively, by extension] | :: checkmate (any losing situation with no escape; utter defeat) |
sakkmester {n} | :: chess master |
sakktábla {n} | :: chessboard (the square board used in the game of chess) |
sál {n} | :: scarf |
sál {n} | :: shawl |
Salamon {prop} | :: given name |
Salamon-szigetek {prop} [plural only] | :: Salamon-szigetek (country) |
Salamon-szigetek {prop} [plural only] | :: the eponymous archipelago, shared between the above country and Papua New Guinea |
saláta {n} | :: lettuce (an edible plant, Lactuca sativa and its close relatives, having a head of green and/or purple leaves) |
saláta {n} | :: lettuce (the leaves of the lettuce plant, eaten as a vegetable) |
saláta {n} | :: salad (a food made primarily of a mixture of raw or cold ingredients, typically vegetables, usually served with a dressing such as vinegar or mayonnaise) |
saláta {n} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: a tattered, well-thumbed, worn book (a book showing signs of frequent or heavy use, falling apart into individual pages) |
salátaboglárka {n} | :: lesser celandine (Ficaria verna, formerly Ranunculus ficaria) |
salátaöntet {n} | :: dressing (a sauce for salads) |
salavári {n} | :: shalwar |
Salgótarján {prop} | :: Salgótarján (city) |
saller {n} | :: vulcanizing patch for tyre-repairs |
saller {n} [colloquial] | :: slap in the face |
Salvador {prop} | :: Salvador (country) |
sámán {n} | :: shaman |
sámánizmus {n} | :: shamanism |
Sambhala {prop} | :: Shambhala, a mystical kingdom hidden somewhere beyond the snowpeaks of the Himalayas |
samesz {n} | :: a synagogue servant; a shammes |
samesz {n} [colloquial] | :: aide (person) |
sámli {n} | :: stool, cricket (a low wooden stool) |
sampinyon {n} | :: champignon (Agaricus bisporus, the mushroom species most commonly used in cooking) |
sampon {n} | :: shampoo |
samponoz {v} | :: to shampoo |
Samu {prop} | :: given name |
Samu {prop} | :: given name |
Sámuel {prop} | :: given name |
sánc {n} | :: rampart, mound, entrenchment |
sánc {n} [skiing] | :: inrun (the approach ramp of a ski jump) |
sánc {n} [volleyball] | :: block (a defensive play to deflect a spiked ball back to the hitter’s court) |
sáncárok {n} | :: trench, ditch, moat, fosse (a long, narrow ditch dug in the ground, especially in warfare) |
Sándor {prop} | :: given name |
Sanghaj {prop} | :: Sanghaj (direct-administered municipality/major port city) |
San Marino {prop} | :: San Marino (country) |
sánta {adj} | :: limping |
sánta {adj} | :: lame |
sántább {adj} | :: comparative of sánta |
sántikál {vi} | :: to walk with a slight limp |
sántikál {vi} [figuratively] | :: to be up to something mischievous or inappropriate |
sanzon {n} | :: chanson |
Sanyi {prop} | :: given name |
São Tomé és Príncipe {prop} | :: São Tomé és Príncipe (country) |
sápad {vi} [of a face] | :: to grow pale |
sápadt {adj} | :: pale |
sápadtabb {adj} | :: comparative of sápadt |
sápadtság {n} | :: paleness, pallor, wanness, colorlessness |
sápatag {adj} [literary] | :: pale (of human skin, flower, light, sunlight: light in color) |
sápatagabb {adj} | :: comparative of sápatag |
sapka {n} | :: cap, skullcap, bonnet (a close-fitting head covering without a brim) |
sapka {n} | :: cap (a protective cover or seal) |
sár {n} | :: mud (a mixture of water and soil or fine grained sediment) |
Sára {prop} | :: given name. Cognate to Sarah |
sarc {n} [dated] | :: tribute (a payment made by one nation to another in submission) |
sarc {n} [dated] | :: ransom (money paid for the freeing of a captured soldier) |
sárga {adj} | :: yellow |
sárgabarack {n} | :: apricot |
sárgabarackfa {n} | :: apricot (tree) |
sárgább {adj} | :: comparative of sárga |
sárga csillag {n} [historical] | :: yellow badge |
sárgadinnye {n} | :: cantaloupe, muskmelon, rockmelon (Australia) |
sárgája {n} | :: yolk, egg yolk |
sárga lap {n} [sports, soccer] | :: yellow card |
sárgaláz {n} [diseases] | :: yellow fever, black vomit |
sárgállik {vi} | :: to appear yellow |
sárgarépa {n} | :: carrot |
sárgaréz {n} | :: brass |
sárgás {adj} | :: yellowish, yellowy (somewhat yellow in color) |
sárgás {adj} [of skin] | :: yellowish, sallow (of a sickly pale color) |
sárgásabb {adj} | :: comparative of sárgás |
sárgaság {n} | :: yellowness (the state or quality of being yellow) |
sárgaság {n} | :: yellow thing (a material, mass, body, stain, or object of yellow color) |
sárgaság {n} [diseases] | :: jaundice, icterus (a morbid condition, characterized by yellowness of the eyes, skin, and urine) |
Sárga-tenger {prop} | :: Yellow Sea |
sárgít {vt} | :: to sallow, yellow (to cause someone or something to become yellow) |
sárgul {vi} | :: to yellow (to become yellow) |
sárgul {vi} | :: to sallow (to become sallow) |
sarj {n} [literary] | :: shoot, sprout |
sarj {n} [literary] | :: offspring, descendant |
sarjad {vi} [botany] | :: to sprout, shoot, bud |
sarjad {vi} [literary] | :: to spring, stem, originate from |
sark {n} | :: pole (an extreme point of an axis, e.g. magnetically or geographically) |
sarkantyú {n} | :: spur |
sarkantyús {adj} | :: spurred, wearing spurs |
sárkány {n} | :: dragon |
sárkány {n} | :: kite (a lightweight toy carried on the wind and controlled from the ground by a line) |
sárkány {n} | :: virago, termagant, vixen, shrew, Xanthippe (a malicious, quarrelsome woman) |
sárkánygyökér {n} | :: calla, water-arum (Calla palustris) |
sárkányhajó {n} | :: dragon boat |
sarki {adj} | :: polar, arctic |
sarki {adj} | :: corner [attributive] |
sarki búvár {n} | :: black-throated loon (Gavia arctica) |
sarki hófajd {n} | :: willow grouse, willow ptarmigan (a medium-sized bird in the grouse family, Lagopus lagopus) |
sarkkutató {n} | :: polar explorer |
sarkú {adj} | :: -heeled, with a …… heel or heels (having some specific type of heel[s]) |
sarló {n} | :: sickle |
sarló és kalapács {n} | :: hammer and sickle (a symbol of communism) |
sarlósfecske {n} | :: common swift (Apus apus) |
sármány {n} | :: bunting (any of various songbirds of the Emberizidae family) |
sarok {n} | :: corner (area in the angle between converging lines or walls) |
sarok {n} [anatomy] | :: heel (the part of the foot where it becomes leg) |
sarok {n} | :: heel (part of a shoe's sole which supports the foot's heel) |
sarokcsont {n} [anatomy] | :: heel bone, heelbone, calcaneus (the large bone making up the heel of the human foot) |
sarokház {n} | :: corner house |
sarokház {n} | :: a Hungarian dessert constructed from a cake slice covered in whipped cream |
sáros {adj} | :: muddy (road), muddied (clothing), mudded |
sárosabb {adj} | :: comparative of sáros |
saru {n} | :: (toe post) sandal, thong, flip-flop |
saru {n} [engineering] | :: shoe (a plate, or notched piece, interposed between a moving part and the stationary part on which it bears, to take the wear and afford means of adjustment; called also slipper and gib) |
sárvédő {n} | :: mudguard [UK], fender [US] |
sarzsi {n} [archaic, military] | :: rank, stripes |
sarzsi {n} [colloquial, military] | :: non-commissioned officer, warrant officer |
sas {n} | :: eagle |
sás {n} | :: sedge |
sáska {n} | :: locust |
sátán {n} | :: satan, Satan |
Sátán {prop} | :: Satan |
sátánista {adj} | :: satanic, Satanic (of or relating to any form of Satanism) |
sátánista {n} | :: Satanist (one who worships Satan) |
sátor {n} | :: tent |
sátorfa {n} | :: tentpole |
sátoroz {vi} | :: to camp out (live in a tent) |
sátorozik {vi} | :: to camp out (live in a tent) |
satöbbi {pron} [colloquial] | :: et cetera, and so on, and so forth |
satu {n} | :: vice [UK], vise [US] |
sav {n} | :: acid |
sáv {n} | :: stripe, streak |
sáv {n} [automotive] | :: lane (lengthwise division of roadway intended for a single line of vehicles) |
savanyú {adj} | :: sour |
savanyúbb {adj} | :: comparative of savanyú |
savanyúság {n} | :: sourness, acidity |
savanyúság {n} | :: pickles |
savas {adj} [chemistry] | :: acidic |
savasabb {adj} | :: comparative of savas |
savasság {n} | :: acidity |
savó {n} | :: whey |
sávoly {n} | :: twill |
sávos {adj} | :: striped |
sávszélesség {n} | :: bandwidth (the width, usually measured in hertz, of a frequency band) |
savtartalom {n} | :: acidity |
Schrödinger macskája {n} [quantum mechanics] | :: Schrödinger's cat (a thought experiment) |
sci-fi {n} | :: sci-fi (fiction in which advanced technology and/or science is a key element) |
script {n} [computing] | :: script |
SCSI {n} [computing] | :: Small Computer Systems Interface |
scsí {n} | :: shchi |
-sdi {suffix} | :: Added to a word to form a noun to indicate playful, non-serious actions |
se- {prefix} | :: none, no (person/thing/way/kind/place/size/amount/etc.) |
se {conj} [clitic] | :: alternative form of sem |
Sé {prop} | :: Sé (village) |
seb {n} | :: wound |
sebaj {interj} [literary] | :: no matter, no fear, never mind, no problem, don't worry, no worries |
sebes {adj} | :: wounded |
sebes {adj} | :: fast, quick |
sebesebb {adj} | :: comparative of sebes |
sebesség {n} | :: speed, velocity |
sebesség {n} | :: gear |
sebességű {adj} | :: -speed, -velocity |
sebességváltó {n} [automotive] | :: gearbox, gear, transmission (that part of a car's transmission containing the train of gears, and to which the gear lever is connected) |
Sebestyén {prop} | :: given name |
sebész {n} | :: surgeon |
sebészet {n} | :: surgery |
sebészeti {adj} | :: surgical |
sebészi {adj} | :: surgical |
sebészkés {n} | :: scalpel, bistoury (a small straight knife with a very sharp blade used for surgery) |
sebez {vt} | :: to hurt, wound, injure |
sebezhetetlen {adj} | :: invulnerable |
sebezhetetlenebb {adj} | :: comparative of sebezhetetlen |
sebhely {n} | :: scar |
Sebő {prop} | :: given name |
Sebők {prop} | :: given name |
sebtapasz {n} | :: band-aid [US], plaster, sticking plaster [UK], (an adhesive bandage used in dressing wounds) |
sebzés {n} | :: wound |
séf {n} | :: chef |
séf {n} [colloquial] | :: boss |
se füle, se farka {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: clear as mud (it has neither rhyme nor reason) |
-ség {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: -dom, -ness, -ity. Added to an adjective, noun or verb to form an abstract noun |
segéd {n} | :: aide, helper, assistant |
segéd {n} | :: second (in a duel) |
segéd {n} [computing] | :: wizard, assistant (computer program) |
segéd {n} [as a prefix of a compound] | :: unskilled (worker) |
segédige {n} [grammar] | :: auxiliary verb |
segédtelepítő {n} [computing, Microsoft Windows] | :: coinstaller |
segély {n} | :: help, aid |
segély {n} | :: allowance |
segélykiáltás {n} | :: cry for help |
-séges {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: A compound suffix added to a word to form an adjective |
segg {n} [vulgar] | :: arse (UK), ass (US) (buttocks) |
seggfej {n} [vulgar] | :: arsehole [UK], asshole [US] |
segglyuk {n} [vulgar, slang, anatomy] | :: anus |
segít {vi} [with nak] | :: to help |
segít {vi} [with on] | :: to support, help (especially the indigent or afflicted) |
segít {vt} [with ban] | :: to assist, to aid (mostly in the abstract sense) |
segít {vt} [with ba or ra] | :: to help, assist someone to get somewhere |
segít {vt} [with hoz] | :: to help someone to attain something |
segítés {n} | :: the act of helping, aid, assistance, support |
segítő {adj} | :: helping, supporting |
segítő {n} | :: helper, assistant |
segítőkész {adj} | :: helpful (ready to help, furnishing help, giving aid, useful) |
segítség {n} | :: help (action given to provide assistance) |
segítség {interj} | :: Help! (cry of distress or an urgent request for assistance) |
segítségnyújtás {n} | :: assistance (providing help) |
segíts magadon, s az Isten is megsegít {proverb} | :: God helps those who help themselves, heaven helps those who help themselves |
sehány {pron} | :: none |
se híre, se hamva {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: disappeared without leaving a trace, neither hide nor hair |
sehogy {adv} | :: in no way, by no means, nowise, nohow (in no manner or degree; not at all) |
sehogyan {adv} | :: synonym of sehogy |
sehol {adv} | :: nowhere |
sehonnan {adv} | :: from nowhere |
sehonnét {adv} [folksy] | :: synonym of sehonnan |
sehova {adv} | :: nowhere |
sehová {adv} | :: alternative form of sehova |
sehun {adv} [folksy, rare] | :: synonym of sehol |
sejk {n} | :: sheik, sheikh |
sejt {n} | :: cell |
sejt {vt} | :: to suspect, presume, guess (have a hunch) |
sejtbiológia {n} [biology] | :: cytology (the study of cells) |
sejtelem {n} | :: inkling, suspicion, hunch (a theory, idea, or guess; an intuitive impression that something will happen) |
sejtelmélet {n} [biology] | :: cell theory (the scientific theory that all living organisms are made of cells as the smallest functional unit) |
sejtelmes {adj} [literary] | :: mysterious, enigmatic |
sejtelmesebb {adj} | :: comparative of sejtelmes |
sejtet {vt} | :: to hint (to suggest in an indirect manner) |
sejtfal {n} [cytology] | :: cell wall (a structural layer surrounding some types of cells, just outside the cell membrane) |
sejthalál {n} [biology] | :: cell death (the breakdown of the structure of a cell after completion of a number of cell divisions) |
sejthártya {n} [cytology] | :: cell membrane, plasma membrane (the semipermeable membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell) |
sejtközpont {n} [cytology] | :: centrosome (an organelle, near the nucleus in the cytoplasm of most organisms, that controls the organization of its microtubules) |
sejtmag {n} [cytology] | :: cell nucleus, nucleus (a large membrane-enclosed organelle found in eukaryotic cells which contains genetic material) |
sejtmembrán {n} [cytology] | :: cell membrane, plasma membrane (the semipermeable membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell) |
sejtnedvüreg {n} [cytology] | :: vacuole (a large membrane-bound vesicle in a cell's cytoplasm) |
sejtosztódás {n} [biology] | :: cell division (a process by which a cell divides into two cells) |
sejtszervecske {n} [cytology] | :: organelle (a specialized sub-unit within a cell that has a specific function, in which their function is vital for the cell to live) |
sejttan {n} [biology] | :: cytology (the study of cells) |
sejttani {adj} | :: cytological (of or relating to cytology) |
sékel {n} | :: sheqel |
sekély {adj} [of body of water] | :: shallow, shoal (extending not far downward) |
sekély {adj} [figuratively, pejorative] | :: shallow, superficial |
sekély {n} | :: shallow, ford (a shallow portion of an otherwise deep body of water) |
sekélyebb {adj} | :: comparative of sekély |
sekélyes {adj} [figuratively] | :: shallow, flat, skin-deep |
sekélyesebb {adj} | :: comparative of sekélyes |
sekrestye {n} | :: sacristy |
sekrestyés {n} | :: sacristan |
se lát, se hall {v} [idiomatic, with tól] | :: to ignore the outside world, not listening |
sellő {n} | :: mermaid (mythological woman with a fish's tail) |
selyem {adj} | :: silk, silken |
selyem {n} | :: silk |
selyemgubó {n} | :: silk cocoon |
selymes {adj} | :: silky |
selymesebb {adj} | :: comparative of selymes |
sem {conj} [clitic] | :: …, neither (or not…, either) |
sem {conj} [clitic] | :: not even |
sem {conj} [paired] | :: neither… nor… |
sematikus {adj} | :: schematic (sketchy, incomplete) |
sematikusabban {adv} | :: comparative of sematikusan |
sematikusan {adv} | :: schematically |
semeddig {adv} [of time] | :: no time, not any time |
semeddig {adv} [of distance] | :: not anywhere |
semekkora {pron} | :: not any, nothing at all, none |
semelyik {pron} | :: none |
semennyi {pron} | :: none (not even the tiniest amount) |
semleges {adj} | :: neutral |
semleges {adj} | :: non-committal |
semleges {adj} | :: indifferent |
semleges {adj} [grammar] | :: ellipsis of semlegesnemű |
semleges {n} | :: neutral |
semleges {n} [grammar] | :: ellipsis of semlegesnem |
semlegesebb {adj} | :: comparative of semleges |
semlegesít {vt} | :: to neutralize |
semlegesnem {n} [grammar] | :: neuter gender |
semlegesnemű {adj} [grammar] | :: neuter |
semlegesség {n} | :: neutrality |
semmi {pron} | :: nothing |
semmibe vesz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to ignore, disregard (to pretend to not notice someone or something) |
semmibe vesz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to ignore, flout (to deliberately not listen or pay attention to) |
semmiféle {pron} | :: not any |
semmiféleképpen {adv} | :: in no way, shape, or form, by no means whatsoever, in no way whatsoever, not at all |
semmiképp {adv} | :: alternative form of semmiképpen |
semmiképpen {adv} | :: by no means, in no way, not at all |
semmikor {adv} | :: never, at no time |
semmilyen {determiner} | :: no (of no sort or kind) |
semmilyen {pron} | :: none (used in contrast with another thing of a specified quality) |
semmirekellő {n} | :: good-for-nothing |
semmis {adj} | :: void, null and void, invalid |
semmiség {n} | :: nothing, trifle |
semmisség {n} [law] | :: nullity, voidness, invalidity |
se nem oszt, se nem szoroz {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: it doesn't matter, it doesn't make any difference, it doesn't carry a lot of weight, it is of no consequence, it is not important |
senki {pron} | :: no one, nobody, none |
senkiföldje {n} | :: no man's land |
seper {v} | :: alternative form of söpör |
seprő {n} | :: lees, dregs, grounds (the sediment that settles during fermentation of wine) |
seprő {n} [figuratively] | :: the dregs (the worst and lowest part of something) |
seprő {adj} | :: sweeping |
seprő {n} [dated] | :: alternative form of seprű (a domestic utensil with fibers bound together at the end of a long handle, used for sweeping) |
seprő {n} | :: sweeper (a person or a machine who sweeps floors) |
seprű {n} | :: broom (fibers bound together at the end of a long handle, used for sweeping) |
seprű {n} | :: brush (a specialized drumstick, a set of bristles connected to a handle so that the bristles make a rounded fan shape) |
seprű {n} | :: alternative form of seprő |
ser {n} [archaic, dialectal, humorous] | :: alternative form of sör |
serbli {n} [colloquial] | :: chamber pot |
sercli {n} [colloquial] | :: heel (a crust end-piece of a loaf of bread) |
sereg {n} [military] | :: army |
sereg {n} | :: flock, crowd, multitude (a large number of people) |
sereg {n} | :: flock (e.g. of birds or locusts) |
sereg {n} | :: heap, pile, lot (great number of things) |
seregély {n} | :: starling (Sturnus vulgaris) |
sérelem {n} | :: injury, grievance, offence |
seriff {n} | :: sheriff |
serkentőszer {n} | :: stimulant (substance acting to increase physiological or nervous activity in the body) |
serleg {n} [archaic, literary] | :: goblet |
serleg {n} | :: cup, trophy (as an award) |
séró {n} [slang] | :: hair, haircut |
séró {n} [slang] | :: head |
serpenyő {n} | :: frying pan, skillet (long-handled, shallow pan used for frying food) |
sért {vt} | :: to injure, damage (physically) |
sért {vt} | :: to offend, displease |
sért {vt} | :: to insult (emotionally) |
sért {vt} | :: to violate (law) |
sérteget {v} | :: to insult (emotionally, repetitively) |
sértegető {adj} | :: vituperating |
sértegető {n} | :: vituperator |
sertés {n} [formal] | :: hog, swine, pig |
sertés {n} [formal] | :: pork |
sértés {n} | :: offence, insult (emotional) |
sértés {n} [as the final element of compounds] | :: transgression (of the law) |
sertéscomb {n} | :: leg of pork, pork leg |
sertésinfluenza {n} | :: swine flu |
sertészsír {n} | :: lard (a semi-soft white fat derived from fatty parts of the pig) |
sértett {adj} | :: wounded, hurt, injured |
sértett {n} | :: injured party, offended party, plaintiff, victim |
sérthetetlen {adj} | :: inviolable, invulnerable, unharmable, untouchable |
sértő {adj} | :: insulting, offending |
sértő {n} | :: insulter, affronter, provoker, offender |
sértőbb {adj} | :: comparative of sértő |
sértődékeny {adj} [of a person] | :: touchy, easily offended, oversensitive, thin-skinned |
sértődik {vi} | :: to take offense, get offended, become offended, get huffy, be in a pique (to feel and usually to show resentment at another's actions or words) |
sérül {vi} | :: to become injured, get hurt |
sérülékeny {adj} | :: vulnerable, fragile (easily getting hurt, injured) |
sérülés {n} | :: injury, hurt, wound (person) |
sérülés {n} | :: damage, defect (object) |
sérült {adj} | :: injured |
sérült {n} | :: injured person, casualty |
sérültebb {adj} | :: comparative of sérült |
sérv {n} [diseases] | :: hernia (part of the body protruding abnormally through a tear or opening in an adjacent part) |
séta {n} | :: walk (a trip made by walking) |
sétabot {n} | :: walking stick (a tool, such as a cane, used to ease pressure on the legs, and to aid stability, when walking) |
sétál {vi} | :: to walk, stroll (to wander on foot; to walk leisurely) |
sétáló {adj} | :: walking |
sétáló {n} | :: pedestrian |
sétálóutca {n} | :: pedestrian zone, pedestrian precinct (areas of a city or town reserved for pedestrian-only use) |
sétány {n} | :: promenade, esplanade |
sétapálca {n} | :: walking stick (a tool, such as a cane, used to ease pressure on the legs, and to aid stability, when walking) |
settenkedik {vi} | :: to sneak, to creep (to move furtively, stealthily) |
Seychelle-szigetek {prop} [plural only] | :: Seychelle-szigetek (country) |
sezlon {n} | :: chaise longue |
sezlon {n} [colloquial] | :: couch, divan |
shakespeare-i {adj} | :: Shakespearean |
show {n} | :: show (entertainment, programme, production, performance) |
-si {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun to form an adjective expressing "belonging somewhere, originating from, coming from" |
-si {suffix} [diminutive suffix] | :: Added to a shortened noun to form a new diminutive noun |
sí {n} | :: ski |
sí {v} [obsolete] | :: howl, cry, whiz |
síbajnok {n} | :: ski champion |
síbakancs {n} | :: ski boots |
sicc {interj} | :: shoo! (an exclamation used to drive away cats) |
sícipő {n} | :: ski boots |
síel {vi} | :: to ski (to move on skis) |
síelés {n} | :: skiing |
síelő {adj} | :: skiing |
síelő {n} | :: skier (someone who practices skiing) |
Siemens {prop} | :: A German multinational conglomerate company |
siemensi {adj} | :: of or relating to Siemens |
Sierra Leone {prop} | :: Sierra Leone (country) |
siet {vi} | :: to hurry |
siet {vi} | :: to be fast (of clock or watch: ahead of the correct time) |
sífelszerelés {n} | :: skiing equipment, ski equipment (boots, bindings, clothing, etc. used for skiing) |
sifonér {n} [dated] | :: chiffonier |
síita {adj} | :: Shiite |
sík {adj} | :: flat |
sík {n} | :: plane (a flat or level surface) |
sikál {vt} | :: to scrub, scour |
sikátor {n} | :: alley (narrow street) |
siker {n} | :: success |
sikér {n} | :: gluten (a composite of the proteins gliadin and glutenin in plants like wheat) |
sikeredik {vi} [colloquial] | :: to succeed |
sikeredik {vi} | :: to turn into, become something (despite intentions) |
sikeres {adj} | :: successful |
sikeres {adj} [archaic] | :: having high gluten content (e.g. about wheat) |
sikeres {adj} [archaic] | :: gooey, sticky |
sikeresebb {adj} | :: comparative of sikeres |
sikeresen {adv} | :: successfully |
sikerrel jár {v} [idiomatic] | :: to succeed (to accomplish what is attempted or intended) |
sikertelen {adj} | :: unsuccessful |
sikertelenebb {adj} | :: comparative of sikertelen |
sikertörténet {n} | :: success story |
sikerül {vi} [auxiliary with a verb in the infinitive] | :: to succeed in doing something, to manage to do something |
sikerül {vi} | :: to turn out (well) |
siket {adj} [dialectal or formal] | :: deaf |
siketfajd {n} | :: western capercaillie, wood grouse, heather cock (Tetrao urogallus) |
síkfilm {n} [photography] | :: sheet film (large or medium format photographic film supplied on individual sheets rather than rolls) |
sikít {vi} | :: to scream (to cry out with a shrill voice; to utter a sudden, sharp outcry, or shrill, loud cry, as in fright or extreme pain; to shriek; to screech) |
sikít {vt} | :: to shriek (to utter sharply and shrilly; to utter in or with a shriek) |
sikk {n} | :: chic |
sikkasztás {n} | :: embezzlement (the fraudulent conversion of property from a property owner) |
sikkes {adj} | :: chic |
sikkesebb {adj} | :: comparative of sikkes |
siklik {vi} | :: to glide, slide, crawl (snake) |
sikló {adj} | :: gliding, sliding |
sikló {n} | :: funicular |
sikló {n} | :: ramp, slope |
sikló {n} | :: grass snake (Natrix natrix) |
sikolt {vi} | :: to scream, shriek, screech (to cry out with a shrill voice; to utter a sudden, sharp outcry, or shrill, loud cry, as in fright or extreme pain) |
sikolt {vt} | :: to scream, shriek (to utter in or with a shriek) |
sikoly {n} | :: scream, shriek |
síkság {n} | :: plain, flatland (an expanse of land with very little change in elevation) |
siksze {n} [Jewish] | :: shiksa (non-Jewish girl) |
silány {adj} | :: inferior, mediocre (of poor quality) |
síléc {n} | :: ski (one of a pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow) |
sílift {n} | :: chairlift (a continuously moving series of open seats, slung from overhead cables, used to transport skiers up the sides of mountains) |
SIM {n} | :: SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) |
sima {adj} | :: smooth, sleek (having a texture that lacks friction) |
sima {adj} | :: flat, even, smooth (of land, road or ground, lacking elevations or protuberances) |
sima {adj} | :: smooth (of a body of water, without ripples or waves) |
sima {adj} | :: smooth (pleasant to the senses, especially of sounds or tastes) |
sima {adj} | :: plain (not having any pattern, print or decoration) |
sima {adj} | :: blank (of paper, without any printed grid or lines) |
sima {adj} | :: plain, regular, ordinary (out of several varieties, the basic one without anything extra) |
sima {adj} | :: continuous, smooth, unbroken (of a motion, without interruption) |
sima {adj} [figurative] | :: smooth, simple, easy (without difficulty, problems or unexpected incidents) |
sima {adj} [knitting] | :: knit (of a stitch, passing through the previous loop from below, creating a V-shape) |
simább {adj} | :: comparative of sima |
simán {adv} | :: smoothly, easily |
sima víz {n} | :: plain water, tap water |
simít {vt} | :: to smooth, smoothen, even |
SIM kártya {n} | :: superseded spelling of SIM-kártya |
SIM-kártya {n} | :: SIM card |
simogat {vt} | :: to stroke, caress, fondle |
simogatás {n} | :: stroking, caressing, fondling |
Simon {prop} | :: given name |
simul {vi} [of a surface, material] | :: to become smooth |
simul {vi} [of clothing, hair, skin] | :: to fit something tight |
simul {vi} | :: to snuggle up, cuddle up, to cling (to someone: hez) |
simul {vi} [figuratively] | :: to conform, accommodate, adapt to, fit in somewhere |
simulékony {adj} [of temperament, disposition] | :: easy, pliable, smooth, flexible, accommodating (adapting/adjusting easily and quickly to the customs of its environment) |
sín {n} | :: rail |
sincs {v} | :: there is no …… either, he/she/it is not …… either, not have …… either |
sincsen {v} | :: alternative form of sincs |
sing {n} [archaic] | :: cubit (a unit of linear measure, no longer in use, originally equal to the length of the forearm) |
singcsont {n} [anatomy] | :: ulna (the bone of the forearm that extends from the elbow to the wrist on the side opposite to the thumb) |
sinológia {n} | :: sinology |
sintó {n} | :: Shinto |
Siófok {prop} | :: Siófok (town) |
síoktató {n} | :: ski instructor |
síp {n} | :: whistle (musical instrument) |
síp {n} | :: organ pipe, pipe (a tuned metal or wooden tube connected mechanically or electrically to an organ console) |
sípálya {n} | :: ski run, piste (a trail or slope used for skiing) |
sípcsont {n} [anatomy] | :: shin, shinbone, tibia (the inner and usually the larger of the two bones of the leg or hind limb below the knee) |
sipirc {interj} [colloquial, humorous] | :: off you go! out/off with you! scram! |
sipirc {interj} [dialectal] | :: shoo! (an exclamation used to drive away cats) |
sír {n} | :: grave, tomb, burial place |
sír {vi} | :: to cry, to weep |
sirály {n} | :: gull, seagull |
sírásó {n} | :: gravedigger (a person employed to dig graves) |
sírdogál {vi} | :: to cry, weep, sob quietly, softly, for a longer time |
sírdogál {vt} [rare] | :: to moan, complain (to say something in a crying voice) |
síremlék {n} | :: tomb (a monument, an ornate gravestone, sculpture or a small building above someone's grave) |
sírépítmény {n} | :: tomb (a building structure for the dead) |
sírkő {n} | :: gravestone, tombstone |
sirokkó {n} [weather] | :: sirocco |
sisak {n} | :: helmet |
-sít {suffix} | :: -ify, creates verbs similarly to the suffix -ít. A linking vowel may be used before the suffix. Words ending in ó/ő, ú/ű use it frequently |
sitt {n} [colloquial] | :: rubble, debris, wreckage (refuse after construction or demolition) |
sitt {n} [slang] | :: prison, jail |
sivatag {n} | :: desert (barren area) |
sivatagi {adj} | :: desert (of or relating to a desert) |
sivatagos {adj} | :: arid, desert |
sivít {vi} [of strong air flow] | :: to howl, shriek, scream (to give a high-pitched, sharp sound, e.g. wind) |
sivít {vi} | :: to whistle, shriek, whoosh (of a bullet fired or an object passing at high speed: to give an unpleasant sharp, whistling sound while flying) |
sivít {vi} | :: to scream (of a machine tool such as a saw: to give a sharp sound due to friction) |
sivít {vi} [of a person or animal] | :: to scream, screech, shriek, shrill (to cry out with an earsplitting shrill voice) |
sivít {vt} | :: to shriek, shrill (to utter something sharply; to utter in or with a shriek) |
skála {n} | :: scale |
skála {n} | :: range (e.g. of goods) |
skaláris szorzat {n} [mathematics] | :: scalar product |
skalp {n} [historical] | :: scalp (a part of the skin of the head, with the hair attached, formerly cut or torn off from an enemy by warriors in some cultures as a token of victory) |
skalpol {vt} | :: to scalp (to cut the scalp from) |
skandináv {adj} | :: Scandinavian (of or relating to Scandinavia) |
skandináv {n} | :: Scandinavian (someone from Scandinavia) |
skanzen {n} | :: open-air museum (a museum where the exhibitions are located outdoors) |
skarlát {adj} | :: scarlet, crimson, vermilion (colour) |
skarlát {n} [diseases] | :: scarlet fever, scarlatina |
skatulya {n} [colloquial] | :: (smaller) box, case |
skatulya {n} [figuratively, pejorative, colloquial] | :: (old) woman (usually with the adjective vén (old)) |
-skedik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a noun or an adjective to create an intransitive verb to express that someone behaves or acts like the base word. The verbs often have a pejorative meaning |
skizofrén {adj} | :: schizophrenic |
Skócia {prop} | :: Skócia (country) |
-skodik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a noun or an adjective to create an intransitive verb to express that someone behaves or acts like the base word. The verbs often have a pejorative meaning |
skorbut {n} | :: scurvy |
skorpió {n} | :: scorpion |
Skorpió {prop} | :: Scorpius |
skót {adj} | :: Scottish (of or relating to Scotland) |
skót {n} | :: Scot (person) |
skót {n} [singular only] | :: Scots (language) |
skótfajd {n} | :: red grouse (a medium-sized bird, Lagopus lagopus scotica, of the grouse family, found in heather moorland in Great Britain and Ireland) |
Skót Királyság {prop} | :: Kingdom of Scotland |
skót szoknya {n} | :: kilt |
-sködik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a noun or an adjective to create an intransitive verb to express that someone behaves or acts like the base word. The verbs often have a pejorative meaning |
sláger {n} [music] | :: hit (a successful song) |
sláger {n} | :: hit, blockbuster (a popular novel or play) |
sláger {n} | :: hit, smash hit (a popular article of merchandise or fashion) |
slágerlista {n} | :: music chart, record chart, pop chart (a ranking of music according to popularity during a given period of time) |
slejm {n} [colloquial] | :: phlegm (viscid mucus produced by the body, later especially mucus expelled from the bronchial passages by coughing) |
slepp {n} | :: train (elongated back portion of a dress or skirt) |
slepp {n} | :: barge, towboat |
slepp {n} [pejorative] | :: attendants, entourage, retinue |
slicc {n} | :: fly#Noun_2 (on trousers and pants) |
slicc {n} | :: slit (on skirts and dresses) vent (a slit on some other garments) |
sliccel {vt} | :: to make a slit in a skirt or dress |
smakkol {vi} [colloquial, of food] | :: to taste good, be to one's taste |
smakkol {vi} [colloquial] | :: to appeal |
smaragd {n} | :: emerald |
smaragdgyűrű {n} | :: emerald ring |
smaragdvaránusz {n} | :: emerald tree monitor (Varanus prasinus) |
smaragdzöld {adj} | :: emerald green (color) |
smink {n} | :: makeup |
sminkel {vt} | :: to make up (to apply cosmetics or makeup) |
smokk {adj} [dated, colloquial, pejorative] | :: priggish |
smokk {n} [dated, colloquial, pejorative] | :: prig |
smokkabb {adj} | :: comparative of smokk |
SMS {n} | :: SMS (a service for sending text messages on a cellular telephone system) |
snidling {n} | :: chive (Allium schoenoprasum) |
snóder {n} [Judaism] | :: money given as donation, especially after the reading of the Torah |
snóderol {v} [Judaism] | :: to give money as a donation, especially after the reading of the Torah |
snóderolás {n} [Judaism] | :: donation of money, especially after the reading of the Torah |
-só {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun or a stem to form an adjective |
só {n} | :: salt |
soa {n} | :: Shoah (Jewish Holocaust) |
soá {n} | :: alternative form of soa |
sóbánya {n} [mining] | :: salt mine |
sóder {n} | :: gravel (small round pebbles used in construction) |
sóder {n} [slang] | :: malarkey, nonsense, rubbish (foolish, empty talk) |
sóderes {adj} | :: gravelled [UK], graveled [US] |
sóderesebb {adj} | :: comparative of sóderes |
sóderez {vt} | :: to gravel (to cover with sand and gravel) |
sodorideg {n} [neuroanatomy] | :: trochlear nerve (a motor nerve that innervates the superior oblique muscle of the eye) |
sodródik {v} | :: to drift, be adrift, to float at random |
sofőr {n} | :: chauffeur, driver |
sógor {n} | :: brother-in-law |
sógornő {n} | :: sister-in-law |
sógun {n} | :: shogun |
sógunátus {n} | :: shogunate |
soha {adv} | :: never |
sóhaj {n} | :: sigh |
sóhajt {vi} | :: to sigh (to inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it; to make a deep single audible respiration, especially as the result or involuntary expression of fatigue, exhaustion, grief, sorrow, frustration, or the like) |
sohase {adv} [in prohibitions] | :: never |
sohase {adv} [colloquial, in statements] | :: alternative form of sohasem |
sohasem {adv} | :: never, never ever |
sóher {adj} [colloquial] | :: poor (with little or no money) |
sóher {adj} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: stingy (unwilling to spend, give, or share) |
sóher {n} [colloquial] | :: a pauper (someone who is poor) |
sok {adj} | :: much, many |
sokadalom {n} | :: multitude, crowd |
sokadik {num} [colloquial] | :: umpteenth |
sokáig {adv} | :: long, for long, for a long time |
sokall {vt} | :: to find something too much or excessive |
sokan {adv} | :: many, a lot of people |
sokára {adv} | :: after a long time/pause |
sokaság {n} | :: crowd, multitude, swarm (a mass of people) |
sokaság {n} | :: multitude, multiplicity (a great amount or number) |
sokaság {n} [statistics] | :: population |
sokat {adv} | :: many times, frequently, often, a lot |
sokatmondó {adj} | :: meaningful, suggestive, telling, knowing (suggestive of private knowledge) |
sokatmondóan {adv} | :: knowingly |
sok beszédnek sok az alja {proverb} | :: Much spoken, little said |
sokfajta {adj} | :: many kinds of, many types of |
sokféle {adj} | :: many kinds of, many types of |
sok jó ember kis helyen is elfér {proverb} | :: with a bit of good will we can find enough place for everyone |
sokk {n} | :: shock |
sokkal {adv} | :: much#Adverb (to a great extent) |
sok kicsi sokra megy {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: every little helps, many a mickle makes a muckle, take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves, a penny saved is a penny earned (a lot of small amounts, put together, become a large amount) |
sokkol {vt} | :: to shock (to cause to be emotionally shocked) |
sokkol {vt} | :: to shock (to give an electric shock) |
sokoldalú {adj} | :: versatile, multifaceted, many-sided, of many talents (capable of doing many things competently) |
sokrétű {adj} | :: varied, diverse, intricate, manifold, diversified |
sok-sok {determiner} | :: lots and lots, very many, a lot of |
sok szerencsét {phrase} | :: good luck! |
sokszínű {adj} | :: multicolored |
sokszor {adv} | :: many times, frequently, often, a lot |
sokszög {n} [geometry] | :: polygon |
sokunk {adv} | :: most of us, many of us |
-sol {suffix} [frequentative suffix, rare] | :: Added to stems to form verbs denoting repetitive action |
sólet {n} | :: cholent (meat stew) |
Solt {prop} | :: Solt (town) |
sólya {n} [nautical] | :: shipway, slipway (a sloping surface, leading down to the shore or to a river, on which ships are built, repaired or stored and from which they are launched) |
solymász {n} | :: falconer |
sólyom {n} | :: falcon, peregrine falcon |
sólyomféle {n} | :: a member of the falcon family (Falconidae) |
som {n} | :: cornel |
Soma {prop} | :: given name |
Somogy {prop} | :: Somogy (administrative county), on the border with Croatia |
somogyi {adj} | :: Of, from, or pertaining to Somogy |
somogyi {n} | :: A person from Somogy |
sompolyog {vi} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: to sidle, sneak, edge up (to move slowly, in a furtive manner, with ill intentions, shame, or guilty conscience) |
sompolyog {vi} [colloquial, of human or animal] | :: to sidle (to move around someone wheedling, clinging, e.g. hoping to get some food) |
sonka {n} | :: ham (meat from the thigh of a hog cured for food) |
Sopron {prop} | :: Sopron (city) |
soproni {adj} | :: of, from, or related to Sopron |
soproni {n} | :: Sopronian (a person from Sopron) |
sor {n} | :: row |
sor {n} [of text] | :: line |
sor {n} | :: queue (people or things waiting to be served one after the other) |
sor {n} | :: someone's turn |
sor {n} [of events] | :: chain, course |
sor {n} | :: occurrence, taking place [with kerít, kerül] |
sor {n} | :: fate, lot |
sor {n} | :: birth, social rank [used with adjectives like high or low] |
sor {n} [mathematics, physics] | :: series |
sor {n} [poker] | :: straight |
sor {n} [chess] | :: rank |
sor {n} | :: significance, footing [whether things are on a par with each other] |
sorakozik {vi} | :: to align (to form in line) |
során {postp} | :: during, in the course of, over |
soregyen {n} [typography] | :: baseline grid (imaginary grid to which all lines on a spread align) |
sorkizárt {adj} [typography] | :: justified, flush (said of text arranged so that the ends of its lines are aligned on both sides) |
sorköz {n} [typography] | :: leading, line spacing (vertical space between lines of a text) |
sorminta {n} | :: linear pattern, border motif (repeating linear ornament along the edge of tablecloths, carpets, etc.) |
sorminta {n} [education] | :: A small decorative motif that teachers in elementary schools delineate for students. The pattern is to be repeated until the end of the line in their notebooks. The task is usually assigned as homework |
sorol {vt} | :: to put something to somewhere, to place among/with, to count, classify |
sorol {vt} | :: to enumerate |
sorolható {adj} | :: classifiable, placeable, countable among something |
sorompó {n} | :: boom barrier, boom gate (a bar, or pole that can be lowered to block vehicular access through a controlled location, or raised to allow traffic to pass) |
soron kívül {adv} | :: out of turn, out of succession, ahead of schedule, unscheduled |
soros {adj} | :: next |
soros {adj} | :: current |
soros {adj} | :: lined, -line (consisting of a given number of lines) |
soros {adj} [electronics, computing] | :: serial (sequential) |
sorozat {n} | :: series (television or radio program) |
sorozat {n} | :: collection |
sorozat {n} [mathematics] | :: progression (a sequence obtained by adding or multiplying each term by a constant) |
sorozatgyártás {n} | :: mass production |
sorozatgyilkos {n} | :: serial killer |
sorozatos {adj} | :: serial, subsequent, consecutive, chain, a run of, in succession, a series of |
sorrend {n} | :: order, succession, sequence |
sors {n} | :: fate |
sorsdöntő {adj} | :: decisive, pivotal, crucial (particularly important in determining the course of subsequent events) |
sorszámnév {n} [grammar] | :: ordinal numeral |
sort {n} | :: shorts (pants worn primarily in the summer that do not go lower than the knees) |
sortörés {n} [typography] | :: line break (point in writing where continuous text starts at the beginning of a new line) |
sós {adj} | :: salty, briny |
sósabb {adj} | :: comparative of sós |
sósav {n} [inorganic compound] | :: hydrochloric acid (a strong acid made by dissolving the gas, hydrogen chloride, in water) |
sose {adv} [in prohibitions] | :: alternative form of sohase |
sose {adv} [colloquial, in statements] | :: alternative form of sohasem |
sosem {adv} [colloquial] | :: alternative form of sohasem |
sóska {n} | :: sorrel (any of various plants in genus Rumex) |
sótlan {adj} | :: unsalted |
sótlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of sótlan |
soul {n} [music] | :: soul music |
sovány {adj} | :: thin, slim (having little body fat or flesh) |
sovány {adj} | :: lean (of meat, having little fat) |
sovány {adj} | :: low-fat, light (of dairy, not having a high number of calories from fat) |
sovány {adj} [figurative] | :: meager, poor, unsatisfactory |
soványabb {adj} | :: comparative of sovány |
sóvár {adj} | :: wishful |
sóvárabb {adj} | :: comparative of sóvár |
sóvárgó {adj} | :: wishful |
sóvárog {vi} | :: to crave, yearn (with után or re) |
sóvárog {vt} [rare] | :: to crave, yearn (with t) |
sovinizmus {n} | :: chauvinism (unwarranted bias) |
sóz {vt} | :: to salt (to add salt) |
sóz {vt} | :: to foist, unload something on somebody |
sóz {vt} | :: to smack (to give somebody a smack) |
-ső {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: Added to a noun or a stem to form an adjective |
söpör {vt} | :: to sweep, broom (to clean a surface by means of a stroking motion of a broom or brush) |
söpredék {n} | :: riffraff, mob, rabble |
söprű {n} | :: alternative form of seprű |
söprű {n} | :: alternative form of seprő |
sör {n} | :: beer |
söralátét {n} | :: beer mat, beer coaster (an item used to rest one's beer glass on, and to protect the surface of a table) |
sörbet {n} [archaic, literary] | :: sherbet (sweet fruit juice, a popular drink in the Middle East and Indian subcontinent) |
sörény {n} | :: mane (hair growth on horses and lions) |
sörény {n} | :: mane (long or thick hair on a person's head) |
sörét {n} | :: shot, pellet (metal balls used as ammunition) |
sörfőzde {n} | :: brewery (a plant that makes beer) |
sörhas {n} | :: beer belly |
sörös {adj} | :: (of) beer |
söröz {vi} | :: to drink beer (to sit over one's beer and drink) |
söröző {adj} | :: beer-drinking |
söröző {n} | :: pub, brasserie |
sőt {conj} | :: what's more, moreover, and even, indeed |
sötét {adj} | :: dark, sombre [UK], somber [US] |
sötét {adj} [colloquial] | :: unintelligent, stupid, dumb |
sötét {n} | :: darkness, dark |
sötét anyag {n} [astronomy] | :: dark matter |
sötétbarna {adj} | :: dark brown |
sötétebb {adj} | :: comparative of sötét |
sötétedik {vi} | :: to become dark |
sötétkamra {n} [photography] | :: darkroom (dark room where photographs are developed) |
sötétkék {adj} | :: dark blue |
sötét középkor {n} | :: Dark Ages |
sötétség {n} | :: darkness (state of being dark) |
sötétzöld {adj} | :: dark green, bottle green |
sövény {n} | :: hedge |
sövény {n} [anatomy] | :: septum (a wall separating two cavities) |
spacíroz {vi} [archaic] | :: to walk |
spácium {n} [typography, dated] | :: any space inserted in text, especially a hair space or thin space |
spájz {n} [colloquial] | :: pantry, larder |
spaletta {n} | :: shutter |
spam {n} [computing, Internet] | :: spam |
spániel {n} | :: spaniel (breed of gun dog) |
spanyol {adj} | :: Spanish (of or relating to Spain, its people or language) |
spanyol {n} | :: Spaniard (person) |
spanyol {n} [singular only] | :: Spanish (language) |
spanyolfal {n} | :: folding screen |
spanyolnátha {n} [diseases] | :: Spanish influenza, Spanish flu |
Spanyolország {prop} | :: Spanyolország (country) |
spanyolországi {adj} | :: Spanish (of, from, or relating to Spain) |
spanyolviasz {n} | :: sealing wax |
spárga {n} | :: twine, cord |
spárga {n} | :: splits (in dancing and gymnastics) |
spárga {n} | :: asparagus |
spárgatök {n} | :: spaghetti squash [Cucurbita pepo] |
sparheld {n} | :: alternative form of sparhelt |
sparhelt {n} [dated] | :: cookstove, kitchen range |
sparherd {n} | :: alternative form of sparhelt |
sparhert {n} | :: alternative form of sparhelt |
speciális {adj} | :: special (distinguished by a unique or unusual quality) |
speciálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of speciális |
speciálisan {adv} | :: specifically, specially, especially |
speciel {adv} [colloquial] | :: specially, chiefly |
speciel {adv} [colloquial, imprecise usage] | :: otherwise, however, anyway |
specifikus {adj} | :: specific |
spejz {n} | :: alternative form of spájz |
spekuláció {n} | :: speculation (the process of thinking or meditating on a subject) |
spekuláció {n} | :: speculation (a conclusion to which the mind comes by speculating) |
spekuláció {n} | :: speculation (buying goods in expectation of selling at a higher price) |
spekulál {vi} [colloquial] | :: to speculate (to think, meditate or reflect on a subject) |
spekulál {vi} [colloquial] | :: to speculate (to weigh, consider, deliberate) |
spekulál {vi} [pejorative] | :: to speculate (to make a risky trade in the hope of making a profit; to venture or gamble) |
spekulatív {adj} | :: speculative |
spekulatívabb {adj} | :: comparative of spekulatív |
spenót {n} | :: spinach, Spinacia oleracea |
spermium {n} | :: spermatozoon, sperm cell |
spicc {n} | :: toecap, tiptoe |
spicc {n} | :: spitz (dog) |
spicc {n} [colloquial] | :: slight intoxication |
spicli {n} | :: informant, informer (one who relays confidential information to someone, especially to the police) |
spin {n} [physics] | :: spin (quantum angular momentum) |
spiné {n} [archaic, slang] | :: proprietress (of a shop, café, or brothel) |
spiné {n} [slang] | :: woman |
spion {n} | :: secret agent, undercover agent, informer, mole, fink |
spion {n} [archaic] | :: spy |
spioníroz {vi} [archaic] | :: to spy |
spirál {n} | :: spiral |
spirális {adj} | :: spiralling, spiral |
spirális {n} [geometry] | :: spiral |
spirituális {adj} | :: spiritual |
spirituálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of spirituális |
spongya {n} [archaic] | :: sponge |
spongyát rá {phrase} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: let bygones be bygones |
spontán {adj} | :: spontaneous |
spontán {adv} | :: spontaneously |
spontánabb {adj} | :: comparative of spontán |
spontánabban {adv} | :: comparative of spontán |
spontaneitás {n} | :: spontaneity |
spóra {n} | :: spore |
sporofiton {n} | :: sporophyte |
spórol {vti} [colloquial] | :: to save, save up, economize |
sport {n} | :: sport |
sportág {n} | :: branch of sport |
sporthír {n} | :: sports news |
sportminisztérium {n} | :: ministry of sports |
sportol {vi} | :: to engage in sports, pursue some sports |
sportoló {adj} | :: sporting |
sportoló {n} | :: sportsperson |
sportos {adj} | :: of, or related to sports, sporty, athletic, sporting |
sportos {adj} [of clothing] | :: casual (comfortable clothing suited for outdoor wear) |
sportszerű {adj} | :: sportsmanlike |
sportszerűbb {adj} | :: comparative of sportszerű |
sportszerűtlen {adj} | :: unsportsmanlike |
sportszerűtlenebb {adj} | :: comparative of sportszerűtlen |
sportszerűtlenség {n} | :: unsportsmanlike conduct, bad sportsmanship (the state of incivility in sports) |
sportújságírás {n} [newspapers, sports] | :: sports journalism |
spray {n} | :: spray (commercial product dispensed from a container) |
spriccel {vt} | :: to squirt, spurt, splash, spray, jet |
spriccel {vi} | :: to spurt (to flow from a narrow opening) (from something ból) |
sprőd {adj} [of a material, hair or skin] | :: brittle, rough |
sprődebb {adj} | :: comparative of sprőd |
srác {n} [colloquial] | :: boy |
srác {n} [colloquial] | :: kid |
srég {adj} [colloquial] | :: oblique, slanted |
srég {adv} [colloquial] | :: obliquely |
Srí Lanka {prop} | :: Srí Lanka (country) |
-sség {suffix} [noun-forming suffix] | :: -dom, -ness, -ity. Added to an adjective, noun or verb to form an abstract noun |
-st {suffix} [adverb-forming suffix] | :: Forms an adverb of manner |
stáb {n} | :: crew (the group of workers on a dramatic production who are not part of the cast) |
stáb {n} [colloquial] | :: staff (a group of experts and leaders working together on a task) |
stabil {adj} | :: stable, steady |
stabilabb {adj} | :: comparative of stabil |
stabilan {adv} | :: stably |
stabilitás {n} | :: stability, stableness |
stabilizál {vt} | :: to stabilize |
stáblista {n} | :: credits list (at the end of films) |
stacionárius pont {n} [mathematics] | :: stationary point |
stadion {n} | :: stadium (venue where sporting events are held) |
stagnál {vi} | :: to stagnate |
stájsz {n} [slang] | :: situation (status with regard to conditions and circumstances) |
stand {n} | :: stand, booth, stall, kiosk (a small enclosed structure, often freestanding, open on one side or with a window, used as a booth to sell newspapers, cigarettes, etc., on the street or in a market) |
standardizál {vt} | :: to standardize |
statárium {n} [law, military] | :: martial law (a status in a state during emergency, when courts judge immediately, and the result is usually either execution or release) |
statikus {adj} | :: static |
statikus {n} | :: structural engineer |
statiszta {n} [film, theater] | :: extra, walk-on, spear carrier, supernumerary, bit player (a person without a speaking part appearing in a film or play) |
statiszta {n} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: bit player (an insignificant or unimportant person in a particular situation) |
statisztika {n} | :: statistics (mathematical science) |
statisztikai {adj} | :: statistical |
statisztikailag {adv} | :: statistically |
statisztikus {n} | :: statistician |
statuál {vt} | :: to establish (mainly used in the phrase példát statuál) |
státus {n} | :: status |
státusz {n} | :: alternative form of státus |
státusszimbólum {n} | :: status symbol |
stb. {conj} | :: etc. |
steampunk {n} | :: steampunk (subgenre of speculative science fiction set in an anachronistic 19th-century society) |
Stefánia {prop} | :: given name |
sterilizál {vt} | :: to sterilize (to deprive of the ability to procreate) |
sterilizál {vt} [biology] | :: to sterilize (to kill, deactivate, or destroy all living, viable microorganisms and spores) |
sterilizálás {n} | :: sterilization (the process of treating something to kill or inactivate microorganisms) |
sterilizálás {n} | :: sterilization (a procedure to permanently prevent an organism from reproducing) |
sterilizátor {n} | :: sterilizer (a device used to sterilize, killing pathogens by means such as heat, UV light, chemicals, etc.) |
stikában {adv} [colloquial] | :: secretly, covertly |
stílus {n} | :: style (manner of doing things) |
stílusos {adj} | :: in style |
stílusosabb {adj} | :: comparative of stílusos |
stimmel {vi} [colloquial] | :: to agree/tally (with something val) |
stimmel {vi} [figuratively, colloquial] | :: to be correct |
stimmel {vt} [colloquial] | :: to tune (to modify a musical instrument) |
stimuláció {n} | :: stimulation |
stimulál {vt} | :: to stimulate (to arouse, to increase the activity of) |
stimulál {vt} | :: to stimulate (to encourage into action) |
stimuláns {n} | :: stimulant (substance acting to increase physiological or nervous activity in the body) |
stírol {v} | :: alternative form of stíröl |
stíröl {vti} [slang] | :: to gawk, ogle, leer |
stockfotó {n} [photography] | :: stock photo (photograph sold at an agency on a pay-per-license basis) |
Stockholm {prop} | :: Stockholm (capital city) |
stóla {n} | :: stole (a long, wide scarf-like garment worn about the shoulders) |
stóla {n} | :: stole (an ecclesiastical garment) |
stop {interj} | :: halt! stop! |
stop {punct} | :: stop (used to indicate the end of a sentence in a telegram) |
stop {n} [colloquial] | :: stop sign (a red sign on the side of a street instructing vehicles to stop) |
stop {n} [colloquial] | :: hitchhike (an act of hitchhiking, trying to get a ride in a passing vehicle while standing at the side of a road) |
stopfürdő {n} [photography] | :: stop bath (a dilute acidic solution that halts the action of the developer) |
stoplámpa {n} | :: stoplight (traffic control signal) |
stoplámpa {n} | :: break light (the rear lamps activated when the driver applies the vehicle's brakes) |
stopli {n} [archaic] | :: stopple |
stopli {n} | :: cleat (a spike on the bottom of an athletic shoe) |
stoppol {vt} | :: to time (to measure or record the time, duration, or rate of) |
stoppol {vt} | :: to hitchhike |
stoppol {vt} | :: to darn#Etymology_2 (to repair by stitching with thread or yarn, particularly by using a needle to construct a weave across a damaged area of fabric) |
stoppolás {n} | :: hitchhiking |
stoppolás {n} | :: darning |
stoppos {n} | :: hitchhiker |
stramm {adj} [colloquial] | :: strapping, sturdy, stalwart, burly, muscular, strong (person or behavior typical of such a person) |
strand {n} | :: beach (a sandy shore of a body of water used for summertime leisure, swimming, suntanning) |
strand {n} | :: pool, swimming pool (an urban open-air facility with lawns, trees and several artificially constructed pools, used for summertime leisure) |
strandpapucs {n} | :: flip-flop |
stratégia {n} | :: strategy (plan of action) |
stratégiai {adj} | :: strategic |
strázsa {n} | :: sentinel, sentry, guard |
strázsamester {n} [archaic] | :: sergeant |
stressz {n} | :: stress |
stresszel {vt} | :: to stress or worry someone |
stresszel {vi} [colloquial] | :: to get stressed, to be anxious |
stresszevés {n} | :: stress eating (overeating food as a reaction to stress) |
strichel {v} | :: to walk the streets, solicit, work the streets |
strici {n} [colloquial] | :: pimp |
strófa {n} [archaic] | :: stanza (a unit of a poem) |
stroke {n} [medicine] | :: stroke (loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted) |
stroncium {n} | :: strontium (symbol: Sr) |
strucc {n} | :: ostrich (large flightless bird, Struthio camelus) |
struccpolitika {n} [idiomatic] | :: ostrich policy (the tendency to ignore obvious problems and pretend they don't exist) |
struktúra {n} | :: structure |
strukturális {adj} | :: structural |
strukturálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of strukturális |
strukturált {adj} | :: structured |
stúdió {n} | :: studio (an artist’s or photographer’s workshop or the room in which an artist works) |
stúdió {n} | :: studio (a place where radio or television programs, records or films are made) |
-stul {suffix} [adverb-forming suffix] | :: with, together with, along with. Used to form the sociative case (sometimes also referred to as comitative case), although it is not an actual case from a strictly syntactic point of view |
-stül {suffix} [adverb-forming suffix] | :: with, together with, along with. Used to form the sociative case (sometimes also referred to as comitative case), although it is not an actual case from a strictly syntactic point of view |
súg {vt} | :: to whisper |
súg {vt} [theater and television] | :: to prompt (to tell an actor/person the words they should be saying) |
sugall {vt} | :: to suggest, imply |
sugár {n} [of light or radiation] | :: ray, beam |
sugár {n} [of liquid] | :: jet, spurt, stream |
sugár {n} [geometry] | :: radius (a line segment between any point of a circle or sphere and its center) |
sugároz {vt} | :: to radiate, beam |
sugároz {vt} | :: to broadcast, transmit |
sugárzás {n} | :: radiation |
sugárzó {adj} | :: radiant, radiating, beaming |
sugárzó {n} | :: heater (a device that supplies heat) |
súgó {n} | :: whisperer |
súgó {n} [theater] | :: prompter (the person who does the prompting) |
súgógép {n} | :: teleprompter |
súgólyuk {n} | :: prompter's box (the raised box in the apron of a stage, opening towards the actors; the prompter sits inside with the prompter's book, ready to give cues for missed or forgotten lines) |
suhan {vi} | :: to swoosh, to flit, to glide |
suhint {vi} | :: to swing, to whisk |
suhog {vi} | :: to swish, to rustle, to whiz |
sújt {vit} | :: to strike, to hit, to whack, to knock, to smite |
sújt {vt} | :: to afflict, to hit, to hurt (with some adversity: val) |
sújt {vt} | :: to fine (with some penalty, sanction, or punishment: val) |
sujtás {n} | :: soutache (a flat decorative thread sewn in a winding pattern on traditional Hungarian dress uniforms) |
sujtásos {adj} | :: with/having soutache |
sujtásos sakál {n} | :: side-striped jackal (Canis adustus) |
sújtólég {n} [mining] | :: firedamp |
sújtólégrobbanás {n} [mining] | :: firedamp explosion |
-sul {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Used to form an intransitive verb similarly to the suffix -ul. Nouns and adjectives ending in ó/ő, ú/ű use it frequently |
suli {n} [student jargon] | :: school |
súly {n} | :: weight (force on an object due to the gravitational attraction) |
súly {n} | :: weight (standardized block of metal used in a balance) |
súly {n} [sports] | :: weight, dumbbell (weight with two disks attached to a short bar) |
súly {n} [athletics, colloquial] | :: shot (heavy iron ball used for the shot put) |
súlyemelés {n} | :: weightlifting |
súlyemelő {n} | :: weightlifter |
súlygyarapodás {n} | :: weight gain |
súlylökés {n} | :: shot put |
sulyok {n} [dated, dialectal] | :: beater, battledore, beetle, laundry bat, washing paddle (a thick, rectangle wooden utensil with a short handle used in the old days for hammering laundry to push out the dirt) |
sulyok {n} [dialectal] | :: mallet (a wooden hand tool with a handle resembling a hammer used for crushing or beating something into the ground) |
súlyos {adj} | :: heavy |
súlyos {adj} | :: severe, massive, serious |
súlyosabb {adj} | :: comparative of súlyos |
súlyosbodik {vi} | :: to worsen, to get more serious/severe |
súlyosság {n} | :: heaviness |
súlyosság {n} | :: severity, seriousness |
súlyozott {adj} | :: weighted |
súlyozott közép {n} [mathematics] | :: weighted mean |
súlypont {n} [geometry] | :: centroid |
súlyú {adj} | :: of a named weight |
súlyvonal {n} [geometry] | :: median (a line segment joining the vertex of triangle to the midpoint of the opposing side) |
súlyzó {n} | :: dumbbell |
sumér {adj} | :: Sumerian |
sumér {n} | :: Sumerian (person, language) |
sumér {n} | :: Sumer (civilization) |
suna {n} [slang] | :: vagina |
suna {n} [slang] | :: woman |
sunyi {adj} | :: deceitfully malevolent |
sunyibb {adj} | :: comparative of sunyi |
Suriname {prop} | :: Suriname (country) |
súrlódás {n} | :: friction |
suskus {n} | :: skulduggery, shenanigan, trickery |
suszter {n} [dated] | :: shoemaker |
sut {n} | :: inglenook (the narrow place between the furnace and the wall) |
sut {n} | :: inglenook (the flat top of the furnace or oven) |
suttog {vi} | :: to whisper (to speak softly, or under the breath, so as to be heard only by one near at hand) |
suttog {vt} | :: to whisper (to speak in a whisper) |
suttog {vt} | :: to whisper, rumor (of news, gossip, secret information: to mention privately and confidentially) |
suttog {vi} [figuratively, literary] | :: to rustle, whisper (to move with a soft crackling sound, such as leaves in a breeze) |
suttogás {n} | :: whisper (the act of speaking in a quiet voice) |
suttogó {adj} | :: whispering, whispered |
suttogó {n} | :: whisperer (someone who whispers) |
suttogó {n} [figuratively, rare, pejorative] | :: whisperer, a gossip (someone who tells secrets) |
suttogó {n} | :: whisperer (someone who is skilled in taming or training a certain kind of animal, using gentle vocal commands and body language as opposed to physical contact) |
suttogó {n} | :: whisperer (someone who has an uncanny ability to control or manipulate a certain thing or person; an expert or guru in a particular field or subject) |
suttogóbb {adj} | :: comparative of suttogó |
sügér {n} | :: perch (any of the three species of spiny-finned freshwater fish in the genus Perca) |
süket {adj} | :: deaf (unable to hear) |
süket {adj} | :: deaf (unwilling to listen or be persuaded) |
süket {adj} [colloquial] | :: dumb |
süketebb {adj} | :: comparative of süket |
süket fülekre talál {v} [idiomatic] | :: to fall on deaf ears (of a request, complaint, statement, etc, to be ignored) |
süket, mint az ágyú {adj} [simile] | :: stone deaf, deaf as a doorpost |
süketség {n} | :: deafness |
-sül {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Used to form an intransitive verb similarly to the suffix -ül. Nouns and adjectives ending in ó/ő, ú/ű use it frequently |
sül {vi} | :: to bake, fry, roast |
sül {n} | :: porcupine |
süllő {n} | :: a young pike-perch |
sült {adj} | :: baked |
sült {n} | :: roast, fried meat |
sültebb {adj} | :: comparative of sült |
süllyed {vi} | :: to sink |
süllyedékeny {adj} | :: sinkable (capable of being sunk easily) |
süllyeszt {vt} | :: to sink (to cause something to descend into liquid) |
süllyeszt {vt} | :: to sink (to push something into something) |
süllyeszt {vt} | :: to put, tuck, thrust, slide (to place somewhere safe or hidden, into the depths of something) |
süllyeszt {vt} | :: to drag down, sink (into something ba) (to cause a person or a group of people to move down to a lower level) |
sün {n} | :: hedgehog |
sündisznó {n} | :: hedgehog |
süpped {vi} [with ba] | :: to sink into/down (to descend slowly into a soft material/object) |
süpped {vi} [of a person, with ba] | :: to sink into, slump |
süpped {vi} [figuratively] | :: to sink, subside, lapse into |
sürgős {adj} | :: urgent (requiring immediate attention) |
sürgősebb {adj} | :: comparative of sürgős |
sürgősen {adv} | :: urgently, quickly, hastily, in a hurry |
sűrít {vt} | :: to thicken, boil down, concentrate (to make thicker, more viscous) |
sűrít {vt} | :: to condense, compress, reduce (e.g. to condense the character spacing) |
sűrít {vt} | :: to sum up (to shorten a speech, message) |
sűrít {vt} | :: to increase in frequency |
sűrítmény {n} | :: concentrate, syrup, puree |
sűrű {adj} | :: thick (having a viscous consistency) |
sűrűbb {adj} | :: comparative of sűrű |
sűrűn {adv} | :: frequently, often |
sűrűn {adv} | :: thickly, densely |
sűrűség {n} [physics] | :: density (amount of matter contained by a given volume) |
süt {vti} | :: to bake, to roast |
süt {vi} [of the sun] | :: to shine |
sütemény {n} | :: cake, pastry, cookie |
sütemény {n} | :: bun, roll, pastry (baker's ware) |
sütés {n} [of bread] | :: baking |
sütés {n} [of meat] | :: roasting |
sütés {n} [of hair] | :: curling |
sütés {n} [of sun] | :: shining |
süti {n} | :: cookie (small baked pastry product) |
süti {n} [computing, Internet] | :: HTTP cookie (packet of information maintained in a browser, used to identify the user when accessing a server) |
sütkérezik {v} | :: to bask in the sun |
sütnivaló {n} [colloquial, idiomatic] | :: brains, intelligence |
sütő {adj} | :: baking, frying, roasting, broiling, grilling |
sütő {n} [rare, dated] | :: baker (person) |
sütő {n} | :: oven |
sütőpapír {n} | :: parchment paper, baking paper, baking parchment (cellulose-based paper used in baking as a disposable non-stick surface) |
sütőtök {n} | :: a squash or pumpkin (usually baked) |
süv {n} [obsolete, dialectal] | :: synonym of sógor |
süveg {n} | :: high fur or felt cap/hat (head covering used by men) |
süveg {n} | :: mitre |
süvegcukor {n} [archaic] | :: sugar-loaf, sugarloaf (a block of refined sugar, usually in the form of a truncated cone) |
süvegel {v} [archaic] | :: to greet someone with respect by taking off one's hat |
svábtök {n} [regional] | :: potato |
Svájc {prop} | :: Switzerland |
svájci {adj} | :: Swiss (relating to Switzerland, its people, or language) |
svájci {n} | :: Swiss (a person from Switzerland or of Swiss descent) |
svájcisapka {n} | :: beret |
svéd {adj} | :: Swedish (of, from, or relating to Sweden, its people or language) |
svéd {n} | :: Swede (person) |
svéd {n} [singular only] | :: Swedish (language) |
Svédország {prop} | :: Svédország (country) |
svihák {n} [colloquial] | :: fraud, humbug, crook (one who performs fraud) |
svihák {adj} [colloquial] | :: dishonest, fraudulent, phony |
svindler {n} [colloquial] | :: swindler |
svindli {n} [colloquial] | :: swindle |
-sz {suffix} [personal suffix] | :: Used to form the second-person singular present tense of verbs (indicative mood, indefinite conjugation) |
-sz {suffix} [frequentative verb-forming suffix] | :: It can be found in verbs |
-sz {suffix} [nominal-forming suffix] | :: See -asz/-esz |
sz. {n} | :: abbreviation of század cent |
sz. {n} | :: abbreviation of szám No. |
sz {letter} | :: letter: essz |
Sz {letter} | :: letter: essz |
szab {vt} | :: to tailor, cut (clothes) |
szab {vt} | :: to set (e.g. a limit, a deadline), lay down (e.g. conditions), impose, determine (e.g. a direction), cap (an upper limit) |
szabad {adj} | :: free, open, vacant, unoccupied |
szabad {adj} | :: allowed |
szabad {n} | :: a politically free person |
szabad {n} [with -ban or -ba] | :: nature, outside (the area outside of a building; the area outside of a city, the open country, open air) |
szabad {v} [auxiliary, impersonal] | :: may, to be allowed |
szabadabb {adj} | :: comparative of szabad |
szabadabban {adv} | :: comparative of szabadon |
szabadalmaztat {v} | :: patent (successfully register an invention with a government agency; to secure a letter patent) |
szabadalmi {adj} | :: of, or realting to a patent |
szabadalom {n} | :: patent |
szabad a vásár {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: It's up for grabs. (available for anyone to obtain or claim) |
szabadcsapat {n} | :: volunteer corps |
szabadesés {n} [mechanics] | :: freefall |
szabadgondolkodó {n} | :: freethinker, free-thinker |
szabadidő {n} | :: leisure, free time |
szabadidős {adj} | :: recreational, leisure |
szabadkőműves {n} | :: Freemason |
szabadkőműves {n} | :: freemason |
szabadkőművesség {n} | :: Freemasonry |
szabadlábon {adv} | :: at large |
szabad, mint a madár {adj} [simile] | :: free as a bird |
szabadnap {n} | :: day off |
szabadnap {n} [on bus and train timetables] | :: Saturday, or any other day on which buses/trains use the Saturday timetable |
szabadon {adv} | :: freely |
szabadrúgás {n} | :: free kick |
szabadság {n} | :: liberty, freedom (the state of being free, of not being imprisoned or enslaved) |
szabadság {n} | :: holiday, vacation (a stretch of leisure time away from work or duty and devoted to rest or pleasure) |
szabadság {n} | :: liberty (a breach of social convention) |
szabadságharc {n} | :: struggle for freedom |
szabadságharcos {n} | :: freedom fighter |
szabadsági fok {n} [mathematics, physics] | :: degree of freedom |
szabadsoros {adj} [typography] | :: ragged (said of text aligned on only one side) |
szabadtéri {adj} | :: open-air, outdoor (taking place outdoors) |
szabadul {vi} | :: to escape, to be set free, to be released |
szabadulás {n} | :: release (the event of becoming free, e.g. hostages, slaves, prisoners, caged animals) |
szabadulás {n} | :: escape, a way out (the event or the possibility of becoming free from a closed or surrounded place) |
szabadulás {n} [figuratively] | :: escape, relief (the event or the possibility of becoming free free of unpleasant situations, visitors, enemy) |
szabadulóművész {n} | :: escape artist (a person who is skilled at escaping from confinement, often as a profession with escapes performed before an audience) |
szabadúszó {adj} | :: freelance |
szabadúszó {n} | :: freelancer |
szabály {n} | :: rule |
szabályellenes {adj} | :: contrary to the rules and regulations, against the rules, irregular, abnormal, anomalous |
szabályos {adj} | :: standard, normal, proper (following the established rules and regulations) |
szabályos {adj} [geometry] | :: regular, symmetrical (having all sides of the same length, and all corresponding angles of the same size) |
szabályos {adj} | :: proportionate, symmetrical, even (formed perfectly, showing evenness of form or appearance) |
szabályos {adj} | :: regular (happening at constant time intervals) |
szabályos {adj} [colloquial] | :: actual, real, effective |
szabályosabb {adj} | :: comparative of szabályos |
szabályosan {adv} | :: regularly (as prescribed) |
szabályosan {adv} | :: literally, actually (for emphasis) |
szabályos háromszög {n} [geometry] | :: equilateral triangle (a triangle having all three sides equal) |
szabályos ige {n} [grammar] | :: regular verb |
szabályoz {vt} | :: to control, regulate |
szabályozás {n} | :: regulation, control, adjustment |
szabályozási {adj} | :: regulatory |
szabálysértés {n} | :: (petty/minor) offence, infringement, contravention, infraction, misdemeanor, transgression, trespass, violation (of rules or regulations) |
szabálysértési {adj} | :: of, or relating to infringement |
szabályszerű {adj} | :: regular, normal (according to the established rules and regulations) |
szabályszerűbb {adj} | :: comparative of szabályszerű |
szabálytalan {adj} | :: irregular, abnormal, anomalous |
szabálytalanabb {adj} | :: comparative of szabálytalan |
szabálytalanság {n} | :: irregularity, anomaly |
szabálytalanság {n} [sports] | :: foul (breach of the rules of a game) |
szabályzat {n} | :: regulation(s), rule(s), code, policy, guideline (a law or administrative rule) |
szabi {n} [colloquial] | :: holiday, vacation (a stretch of leisure time away from work or duty and devoted to rest or pleasure) |
Szabi {prop} | :: given name |
Szabina {prop} | :: Sabina. given name |
szablya {n} | :: sabre/saber, cutlass (a smaller, light sword with a curved, single-edged blade) |
szabó {adj} | :: tailoring, snipping |
szabó {n} | :: tailor |
Szabó {prop} | :: A Hungarian surname (one of the most common in Hungary; derived from the trade name tailor) |
szabóizom {n} [anatomy] | :: sartorius, sartorius muscle (a long, thin, superficial muscle that runs down the length of the thigh in the anterior compartment) |
szabókréta {n} | :: tailor's chalk |
Szabolcs {prop} | :: given name |
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg {prop} | :: Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (administrative county) |
szabotál {vt} | :: to sabotage |
szabotázs {n} | :: sabotage |
szabotőr {n} | :: saboteur |
szabvány {n} | :: standard |
szabványos {adj} | :: standard |
szabványosít {vt} | :: to standardize |
szád {n} [rare] | :: aperture, mouth, entrance, opening, orifice (of a hollow object or natural formation, e.g. of a mine, a cave, a pot, a barrel, a cauldron, an oven, or a pit) |
szád {n} [weaving] | :: the opening between warp threads, through which the shuttle goes |
szadista {n} | :: sadist |
szafari {n} | :: safari |
szaft {n} | :: gravy |
szaftos {adj} | :: juicy, saucy, full of gravy (having lots of juice, especially of meat) |
szaftos {adj} [figuratively] | :: juicy, saucy, risqué ([of a story, etc.] exciting; titillating, or suggestive of sexual impropriety) |
szaftosabb {adj} | :: comparative of szaftos |
szag {n} | :: smell, odor, odour |
szagelszívó {adj} | :: smell extracting |
szagelszívó {n} | :: extractor hood, cooker hood, kitchen hood, range hood, extractor fan |
szaglászik {v} | :: [of a dog] to scent (to detect the scent of) |
szaglászik {v} [figuratively] | :: to snoop around, nose about/for |
szagló {adj} | :: smelling, olfactory |
szaglóideg {n} [neuroanatomy] | :: olfactory nerve (first of twelve paired cranial nerves, which carries information from the nasal cavity to the brain) |
szaglószerv {n} | :: olfactory organ |
szagol {v} | :: to smell (sense a smell or smells) |
szagot fog {v} [idiom, of a dog] | :: to get on/pick up the scent |
szagot fog {v} [idiom] | :: to get wind of (to learn of, especially with respect to facts intended to have been kept confidential or secret) |
szagtalan {adj} | :: odorless, scentless |
szagtalanabb {adj} | :: comparative of szagtalan |
szagtalanít {vt} | :: to deodorize (to mask or eliminate the odor of, or an odor in, something) |
szagtalanítás {n} | :: deodorization (odor control, the act of depriving of odor) |
szagtalanság {n} | :: odorlessness, scentlessness |
szagú {adj} | :: with a specific smell or odor (describing bad or neutral smells) |
száguld {vi} | :: to race (to move or drive at high speed) |
Szahara {prop} | :: Sahara |
száj {n} | :: mouth, [in compounds] oral |
szájfekély {n} [diseases] | :: mouth ulcer |
szájfény {n} | :: lip gloss |
szájgarat {n} [anatomy] | :: oropharynx (the oral part of the pharynx, reaching from the uvula to the level of the hyoid bone) |
szajha {n} [vulgar, literary] | :: prostitute |
szajha {n} [vulgar, literary] | :: whore, harlot (promiscuous woman) |
szájhagyomány {n} | :: oral tradition |
szájharmonika {n} | :: harmonica |
szájhős {n} | :: braggart, swaggerer, boaster, loudmouth |
szajkó {n} | :: jay, Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius, a bird in the family Corvidae) |
szájkosár {n} | :: muzzle (device used to stop an animal from biting) |
szájmaszk {n} | :: face mask, surgical mask (a mask worn to catch bacteria shed in liquid droplets and aerosols from the wearer's mouth and nose) |
Szajna {prop} | :: Szajna (river) |
szájpad {n} [anatomy] | :: palate, uraniscus (the roof of the mouth) |
szájpad {n} [medicine, adjectival usage] | :: palatine |
szájpadcsont {n} [anatomy] | :: palatine bone (either of the two bones that make up the hard palate and situated at the rear of the nasal cavity) |
szájpadlás {n} | :: palate, uraniscus |
szájpadmandula {n} [anatomy] | :: palatine tonsil, faucial tonsil, tonsil |
szajré {n} [slang] | :: stolen goods |
szajré {n} [slang, sometimes, humorous] | :: stuff (miscellaneous items, things) |
szajré {n} [slang] | :: money |
szájról olvas {v} [idiomatic] | :: to lipread (to determine what a person is saying by watching how their lips move) |
szájról olvasás {n} | :: lipreading, lip reading, speechreading (a technique of understanding speech by visually interpreting the movements of the lips, face and tongue when normal sound is not available) |
szájú {adj} | :: -mouthed (having some specific type of mouth) |
szájú {adj} [figuratively] | :: -mouthed, -tongued, -lipped |
szájüreg {n} [anatomy, medicine] | :: oral cavity (the cavity of the mouth) |
szak {n} [mostly in derivations, compounds and phrases] | :: part, phase, stage, section (e.g. of a day or a year) |
szak {n} [rare, except as a prefix] | :: profession, specialization, branch, field |
szak {n} [education] | :: specialty area, major, minor (in college or university) |
szakács {n} | :: cook, chef (a person who prepares food for a living) |
szakácskönyv {n} | :: cookbook |
szakad {vi} | :: (of clothing) to tear |
szakad {vi} [figuratively] | :: to burst (from laughing) |
szakad {vi} [impersonal] | :: (of rain) to pour, (of sweat) to gush or flow profusely (the origin of the liquid is expressed with -ról/-ről) |
szakadás {n} | :: tearing (process), tear (result) |
szakadás {n} | :: schism (church) |
szakadás {n} [mathematics] | :: discontinuity (of a function) |
szakadatlan {adj} | :: unceasing |
szakadatlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of szakadatlan |
szakadatlanul {adv} | :: unceasingly, continuously, around the clock (without stopping) |
szakadék {n} | :: precipice, abyss, chasm |
szakadék {n} [figuratively] | :: gap, gulf (a difference, especially a large difference, between groups) |
szakadt {adj} | :: torn |
szakadt {adj} | :: raggedy (wearing torn or tattered clothes) |
szakadtabb {adj} | :: comparative of szakadt |
szakáll {n} | :: beard |
szakállas {adj} | :: bearded |
szakállas {adj} [figurative, of a joke] | :: old, hoary, bewhiskered, stale, clichéd, hackneyed, trite |
szakállasabb {adj} | :: comparative of szakállas |
szakállú {adj} | :: -bearded, with a …… beard (having a specific kind of beard) |
szakasz {n} | :: stage (phase) |
szakasz {n} [geometry] | :: line segment |
szakasz {n} [military] | :: platoon |
szakasz {n} | :: section, paragraph (a part of a document or a text) |
szakaszt {vt} [folksy] | :: to pick (fruit), to pluck (flowers) |
szakaszt {vt} [of bread] | :: to form loaves from the swelled dough |
Szakcs {prop} | :: Szakcs (village) |
szakdolgozat {n} | :: thesis, dissertation (submitted for a degree) |
szaké {n} | :: sake, saké (Japanese rice wine) |
szakember {n} | :: specialist, expert, professional |
szakértelem {n} | :: expertise |
szakértő {adj} | :: competent, expert |
szakértő {n} | :: expert |
szakértői {adj} | :: expert, professional |
szakirány {n} | :: major, specialization, specialty (a given area of study at a college or university) |
szakirányú {adj} | :: specialized (of or relating to specialization) |
szakirodalom {n} | :: (technical/specialized) literature, reference |
szakít {vt} | :: to tear (rend) |
szakképesítés {n} | :: qualification |
szakképzés {n} | :: vocational training |
szakképzési {adj} | :: of, or relating to vocational training |
szakképzett {adj} | :: qualified, skilled, trained |
szakkönyv {n} | :: book, textbook, text (a book published about subjects in a specific profession) |
szakközépiskola {n} | :: vocational school |
szakma {n} | :: profession, occupation, trade, craft (an activity in which one has a professed expertise in a particular area; a job, especially one requiring a high level of skill or training) |
szakmai {adj} | :: professional, occupational (of, pertaining to, or in accordance with the standards of a profession or trade) |
szakmailag {adv} | :: professionally, technically |
szakmány {n} [archaic] | :: A specified quantity of work allotted to a laborer |
szakmány {n} [archaic] | :: A substantial quantity of dead, mechanical or soulless work |
szakmány {n} [archaic] | :: Piece work, work paid for on the basis of the amount of work done |
szaknyelv {n} | :: jargon (professional or technical language) |
Szakolczai {prop} | :: A rare Hungarian surname. It shows that the family's origin was in the old Hungarian historic border town of Szakolca, now Skalica in Slovakia |
szakorvos {n} [medicine] | :: specialist (a physician whose practice is limited to a particular branch of medicine or surgery) |
szakos {adj} | :: majoring in, specializing in (a branch of study) |
szakosodik {vi} | :: to specialise, specialize oneself, to major in (to become a specialist in a specific field of knowledge) |
szakrális {adj} | :: sacral |
szakrálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of szakrális |
szakszerű {adj} | :: professional, businesslike, skillful, expert, proper |
szakszerűbb {adj} | :: comparative of szakszerű |
szakszervezet {n} | :: trade union [UK], labor union [US] |
szakszervezeti {adj} | :: union |
szakterület {n} | :: field of study, speciality |
szaktudás {n} | :: expertise (great skill or knowledge in a particular field or hobby) |
szal {conj} [colloquial] | :: so |
szál {n} | :: thread |
szál {n} | :: fiber, fibre |
szál {n} | :: stick |
szál {n} | :: straw |
szalad {vi} | :: to run |
szalag {n} | :: ribbon, tape, band, sash, stripe, strip |
szalag {n} | :: tape (magnetic or optical recording media in a roll; videotape or audio tape; by extension, possibly the recording itself) |
szalag {n} | :: belt (a band that is used in a machine to help transfer motion or power) |
szalag {n} [medicine] | :: ligament (a band of strong tissue that connects bones to other bones) |
szalag {n} [computing, chiefly in compounds] | :: bar (a long, narrow drawn or printed rectangle, cuboid or cylinder, e.g. as used in menu bar or toolbar) |
szalamandra {n} | :: salamander (a long, slender, chiefly terrestrial amphibian of the order Caudata) |
szalamandra {n} [mythology, archaic] | :: salamander (a creature much like a lizard that is resistant to and lives in fire, hence the elemental being of fire) |
szalámi {n} | :: salami (a large cured meat sausage, served in slices) |
szalámitaktika {n} | :: salami tactics |
szalaszt {vt} | :: to send somebody fetch somebody/something |
szalicilsav {n} [organic compound] | :: salicylic acid |
szálka {n} | :: splinter |
szálka {n} | :: fishbone |
száll {vi} | :: to fly, soar |
száll {vi} [of time] | :: to pass |
száll {vi} | :: to settle onto something (followed by ra) |
száll {vi} [of inheritance, legacy] | :: to come into someone's ownership, to fall on someone, to be transferred to someone by law (followed by ra) |
száll {vi} | :: to get into something (followed by ba, ra) |
szállás {n} | :: housing, accommodation, living quarters, lodging, shelter |
szállás {n} [rare] | :: flying (an act of flight) |
szállít {vt} | :: to transport, carry, ship |
szállít {vt} | :: to deliver |
szállítás {n} | :: transportation, shipping |
szállítás {n} | :: delivery |
szállítmány {n} | :: shipment, cargo, freight |
szállító {n} | :: transporter |
szálló {n} | :: hostel, inn |
szálló {n} [especially with a prefix specifying the inhabitants] | :: dormitory, residence |
szálloda {n} | :: hotel |
szállodai {adj} | :: hotel |
szalma {n} | :: straw (a dried stalk of a cereal plant) |
szalmakalap {n} | :: straw hat, boater, Panama hat |
szalmaláng {n} [rare] | :: the quickly flaring and dying flame of lit straw |
szalmaláng {n} [idiomatic] | :: flash in the pan (a transient occurrence with no long-term effect) |
szalmaözvegy {n} | :: grass widow, grass widower (a married person whose spouse is away) |
szalmasárga {adj} | :: straw (of a pale, yellowish beige colour, like that of a dried straw) |
szalon {n} | :: salon |
szaloncukor {n} | :: A traditional Hungarian fondant candy, covered by chocolate, and wrapped in shiny coloured foil. Usually it hangs on the Christmas tree as decoration |
szalondarab {n} [theater] | :: drawing room piece, drawing room play (a type of play, developed during the Victorian period, in which the actions take place in a drawing room or which is designed to be reenacted in the drawing room of a home) |
szalonka {n} | :: snipe |
szalonkabát {n} | :: frock coat |
szalonképes {adj} | :: well-bred, fit for good society (person) |
szalonképes {adj} [of clothing] | :: presentable |
szalonképes {adj} | :: proper (thing) |
szalonképesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szalonképes |
szalonkocsi {n} [rail transport] | :: parlor car |
szalonna {n} | :: bacon (salt cured and smoked, that can be eaten without cooking) |
szalonna {n} | :: salo (cured slabs of fatback, with or without skin) |
szalonspicc {n} | :: slight drunkenness |
szalontánc {n} | :: ballroom dance |
szalontüdő {n} | :: lung stew (food prepared from the lungs of pigs with a side dish of potato dumplings in a sauce) |
szalonzene {n} | :: salon music, drawing-room piece |
szalonzenekar {n} | :: light music orchestra |
szaltó {n} | :: somersault |
szalutál {vi} | :: to salute |
szalvéta {n} | :: napkin, serviette (a usually rectangular piece of cloth or paper used at the table for wiping the mouth and hands for cleanliness while eating) |
szalvétagyűrű {n} | :: napkin ring (a ring for holding napkins along with cutlery) |
szám {n} | :: number (abstract entity used to describe quantity) |
szám {n} | :: number, figure, numeric, data |
szám {n} | :: number, numeral (symbol that represents a number) |
szám {n} | :: number, numeric identifier |
szám {n} | :: number, quantity |
szám {n} | :: act, number (performance within a larger show) |
szám {n} | :: number, telephone number |
szám {n} [music, colloquial] | :: song, track (usually of popular music) |
szám {n} | :: issue, number (specific instance of a periodical publication) |
szám {n} [grammar] | :: number (state of being singular, dual or plural) |
szamár {n} | :: donkey |
számára {postp} | :: for (especially when specifying how something affects someone or for whom something is intended) |
számára {pron} | :: for/to him/her |
szamárfüles {adj} | :: dog-eared |
szamárium {n} | :: samarium (chemical element) |
Szamarkand {prop} | :: Szamarkand (city) |
szamáröszvér {n} | :: hinny |
szamárpingvin {n} | :: gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) |
szamba {n} | :: samba (Brazilian ballroom dance) |
szambázik {vi} | :: to samba (to dance the samba) |
szambázik {v} [slang] | :: to boogie, boogie on down (to walk) |
számegyenes {n} [mathematics] | :: number line |
számelmélet {n} [mathematics] | :: number theory |
számít {vt} | :: to count, calculate |
számít {vi} | :: to count, matter, be of importance |
számít {vi} | :: to expect (with ra) |
számítás {n} | :: arithmetic, counting, calculation, computation |
számítási {adj} | :: computational, calculation, of calculation |
számítástechnika {n} | :: computing, computer science |
számítástechnikai {adj} | :: of or relating to computing, computer science, computer technology |
számító {adj} [pejorative, of a person] | :: calculating (serving one's own interests in an unemotional, analytical manner) |
számító {adj} [of a machine] | :: calculating (having the ability to calculate) |
számítógép {n} | :: computer (a programmable device) |
számítógépes {adj} | :: computational, computer (of, or relating to computers) |
számítógépes nyelvészet {n} [linguistics, computing] | :: computational linguistics |
számítógépes program {n} [computing] | :: computer program |
számítógépes vírus {n} [computing] | :: computer virus |
számítógépközpont {n} | :: computer center |
számítógép-programozó {n} | :: computer programmer |
szamizdat {n} | :: samizdat (underground, often illegal, literature) |
számjegy {n} | :: digit, figure, numeral (a symbol that is not a word and represents a number) |
számjel {n} | :: hash mark, hash, octothorpe (the symbol #, used mainly in telephony and computing) |
számla {n} [finance] | :: bill, invoice, check (in the strict sense, containing the buyer's name and address as well, details of the product or service purchased, its tax content, method of payment, due date, payment date etc.) |
számla {n} [banking] | :: synonym of bankszámla |
számlakivonat {n} | :: bank statement, account statement |
számlál {vt} | :: to count, compute |
számlál {vt} | :: to number |
számláló {n} [mathematics] | :: numerator (top part of a fraction) |
számláló {n} [electronics] | :: counter |
számlavezetés {n} [banking] | :: bank account maintenance/management (a service provided by a financial institution) |
számnév {n} [grammar] | :: numeral |
Szamoa {prop} | :: Szamoa (country) |
szamóca {n} | :: wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca) |
számol {vit} | :: to count, calculate, compute |
számol {vi} | :: to expect, consider, reckon, allow for, take into account (with úgy, azzal, or vel) |
számoló {adj} | :: calculating-, counting- |
számoló {n} | :: counter (one who counts, or reckons up; a reckoner) |
számológép {n} | :: calculator |
számolótábla {n} | :: abacus (an instrument for performing arithmetical calculations by balls sliding on wires) |
számon kér {v} | :: superseded spelling of számonkér |
számonkér {vt} [idiom] | :: to call to account, hold responsible |
számonkér {vt} [idiom] | :: to demand an explanation for something |
számonkér {vt} [idiom] | :: to check (the completion of a job, task, or homework) |
számon tart {v} | :: superseded spelling of számontart |
számontart {vt} [idiom] | :: to account for, to keep tabs on |
számos {adj} | :: with number/numeral |
számos {adj} | :: numerous, many, a number of, several |
számosabb {adj} | :: comparative of számos |
számosság {n} [mathematics] | :: cardinality |
számottevő {adj} | :: considerable, significant |
szamovár {n} | :: samovar (a metal urn with a spigot, for boiling water for making tea) |
számrendszer {n} [mathematics] | :: number system |
számszerű {adj} | :: numerical (expressed or expressible in numbers) |
számtalan {adj} | :: countless (too many to count, innumerable) |
számtalanszor {adv} | :: countless times, over and over |
számtan {n} [mathematics] | :: arithmetic |
számtani {adj} | :: arithmetic, arithmetical (of or relating to arithmetic) |
számtani sorozat {n} [mathematics] | :: arithmetic progression |
számú {adj} | :: having some kind of number |
szamuráj {n} | :: samurai |
száműz {vt} | :: to exile, banish (to send into exile) |
száműzetés {n} | :: exile (the state of being banished from one's home or country) |
száműzött {adj} | :: banished, exiled |
száműzött {n} | :: exile (person) |
számvitel {n} | :: accounting (systematic recording and analysis of transactions and financial status) |
számviteli {adj} | :: accounting |
szán {n} | :: sleigh, cutter (especially for professional purposes) |
szán {v} | :: [literary] to pity, feel sorry (for someone t) |
szán {v} | :: to intend, to mean, to design or destine for a certain purpose or person (something t for someone nak or for some purpose ra) |
szán {v} | :: to devote time or money (on [doing] something ra) |
szánalmas {adj} | :: pathetic |
szánalmasabb {adj} | :: comparative of szánalmas |
szánalom {n} | :: pity |
szanatórium {n} | :: sanatorium (an institution that treats chronic diseases, and provides supervised recuperation and convalescence) |
szandál {n} | :: sandal (a type of open shoe made up of straps or bands holding a sole to the foot) |
szándék {n} | :: intention, purpose, will (volition) |
szándékos {adj} | :: deliberate, intentional |
szándékosabb {adj} | :: comparative of szándékos |
szándékosabban {adv} | :: comparative of szándékosan |
szándékosan {adv} | :: intentionally, deliberately, purposely, on purpose |
szándékozik {vt} | :: to intend (to fix the mind upon a goal) |
szándékszik {vi} | :: alternative form of szándékozik |
szándékú {adj} | :: -intentioned, -meaning |
szandzsák {n} [historical] | :: sanjak |
szangvinikus {adj} | :: sanguine, choleric, quick-tempered (easily becoming angry) |
szankció {n} | :: sanction (a penalty, punishment, or some coercive measure, intended to ensure compliance; especially one adopted by several nations, or by an international body) |
szánkó {n} | :: sled, sledge, sleigh |
szánkó {n} | :: luge (the sport and the sled) |
szanszkrit {adj} | :: Sanskrit (of, or relating to the language) |
szanszkrit {n} | :: Sanskrit (language) |
szánt {vt} | :: to plow, plough (use a plough on to prepare for planting) |
szapora {adj} | :: prolific, fruitful, fecund |
szapora {adj} | :: quick, rapid, hasty |
szaporább {adj} | :: comparative of szapora |
szaporodás {n} | :: reproduction |
szaporodik {vi} | :: to multiply, reproduce, propagate (create offspring) |
szaporodik {vi} | :: to multiply, increase, grow (in quantity) |
szappan {n} | :: soap (a substance able to mix with both oil and water, used for cleaning) |
szappanbuborék {n} | :: soap bubble |
szappanhab {n} | :: lather, suds, soapsuds |
szappanopera {n} | :: soap opera |
szappanos {adj} | :: soapy (containing or covered with soap) |
szappanosabb {adj} | :: comparative of szappanos |
szappanoz {v} | :: to soap |
szappanoz {v} | :: to lather |
szar {adj} [vulgar] | :: [slang] bad, shitty |
szar {n} [vulgar] | :: [slang] shit (solid excretory product evacuated from the bowel) |
szar {n} [vulgar] | :: [slang] shit (worthless unnamed thing) |
szár {n} | :: stem, stalk (of a plant) |
szár {n} | :: leg (of trousers or boots) |
szár {n} [typography] | :: stem (vertical stroke of a letter) |
szarabb {adj} | :: comparative of szar |
szárad {vi} | :: to dry (to become dry) |
Szarajevó {prop} | :: Szarajevó (capital city) |
szarakodik {v} [vulgar] | :: to crap around, to fart about |
száraz {adj} | :: dry |
szárazabb {adj} | :: comparative of száraz |
szárazföld {n} | :: land (part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water) |
szárazjég {n} | :: dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) |
szárazon {adv} | :: dryly, in a dry state or manner |
szári {n} | :: sari |
szarik {vit} [vulgar] | :: to shit |
szárít {vt} | :: to dry (to make dry) |
szárító {adj} | :: drying |
szárító {n} | :: dryer |
szarka {n} | :: magpie (Pica pica) |
szarka {n} | :: magpie (someone who displays a magpie-like quality such as collecting, a thief) |
szárkapocs {n} [anatomy] | :: calf bone, fibula (the smaller of the two bones in the lower leg) |
szárkapocscsont {n} [anatomy] | :: calf bone, fibula (the smaller of the two bones in the lower leg) |
szarkofág {n} | :: sarcophagus |
szárma {n} [regional] | :: sarma |
származás {n} | :: origin, provenance, descent (ancestry) |
származás {n} | :: origin (source of a river, information, goods, etc.) |
származás {n} | :: birth, background (circumstances of one's background) |
származási {adj} | :: of origin |
származék {n} [linguistics] | :: derivative (a word that derives from another one) |
származék {n} [literary, rare] | :: progeny, offspring, descendants |
származék {n} [chemistry] | :: derivative (a chemical derived from another) |
származékszó {n} [linguistics] | :: derivative (a word that derives from another one) |
származik {vi} | :: to originate (to take first existence) |
származik {vi} [formal] | :: to be born |
származik {vi} | :: to come from |
származó {adj} | :: originating, resulting |
származtatott {adj} | :: derived |
szárny {n} | :: wing |
szárnyal {vi} | :: to soar (to fly as a bird) |
szárnyas {adj} | :: winged |
szárnyas {n} | :: poultry, fowl |
szárnykürt {n} | :: flugelhorn |
szárnyú {adj} | :: -winged, with a …… wing or wings (having some specific type of wing[s]) |
szaru {n} | :: horn (the hard substance from which animals' horns are made, sometimes used by man as a material for making various objects) |
szárú {adj} | :: -stemmed, -stem |
szaruhártya {n} [anatomy] | :: cornea (the transparent layer making up the outermost front part of the eye, covering the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber) |
szarv {n} | :: horn (body part of certain animals) |
szarvas {adj} | :: horned (with horns) |
szarvas {n} | :: deer |
szarvasabb {adj} | :: comparative of szarvas |
szarvasbogár {n} | :: stag-beetle |
szarvashiba {n} | :: blunder, howler (a blatant error, gross mistake) |
szarvashús {n} | :: deer meat, venison |
szarvasmarha {n} | :: cattle |
szarvastehén {n} | :: hind (female deer) |
szarvú {adj} | :: -horned, with …… horns (having some specific type or number of horn[s]) |
Szászország {prop} | :: Saxony (German state) |
szaté {n} | :: satay |
szatén {n} | :: satin |
szatócs {n} [archaic] | :: grocer (owner of a grocery store) |
Szaturnusz {prop} | :: Saturn (god and planet) |
szatyor {n} | :: shopping bag |
szatyor {n} [pejorative, colloquial] | :: hag (an unpleasant older woman) |
szattyán {n} | :: morocco, saffian |
Szaúd-Arábia {prop} | :: Szaúd-Arábia (country) |
szauna {n} | :: sauna (sauna room or house) |
szavahihetőség {n} | :: credibility |
szaval {vti} | :: to recite (a poem) |
szavanna {n} | :: savanna |
szavát adja {v} [idiomatic] | :: to give one's word, to promise |
szavaz {vi} | :: to vote (to cast a vote; to assert a formalized choice in an election) |
szavaz {vt} | :: to vote, offer |
szavazás {n} | :: vote (formalised choice) |
szavazat {n} | :: vote |
szavazati {adj} | :: voting |
szavazó {adj} | :: voting |
szavazó {n} | :: voter, elector (someone who votes) |
szavazófülke {n} | :: voting booth [US], polling booth |
szavú {adj} | :: -spoken, -voiced (of or relating to speech, voice) |
szaxofon {n} | :: saxophone (a musical instrument of the woodwind family) |
száz {num} | :: hundred |
század {n} | :: century (100 years) |
század {n} | :: one hundredth (1/100) |
század {n} [military] | :: company |
századforduló {n} | :: turn of the century |
századi {adj} | :: century (of or relating to a century, a period of 100 years) |
századik {num} | :: hundredth |
százados {n} | :: captain (an army officer with a rank between the most senior grade of lieutenant and major) |
százalék {n} | :: percent, percentage (%) |
százalékos {adj} | :: percentile, percentage, percent |
százegy {num} | :: one hundred and one |
százezer {num} | :: hundred thousand |
százharminc {num} | :: one hundred and thirty |
százharmincegy {num} | :: one hundred and thirty-one |
százharminchárom {num} | :: one hundred and thirty-three |
százharminchat {num} | :: one hundred and thirty-six |
százharminchét {num} | :: one hundred and thirty-seven |
százharminckettő {num} | :: one hundred and thirty-two |
százharminckilenc {num} | :: one hundred and thirty-nine |
százharmincnégy {num} | :: one hundred and thirty-four |
százharmincnyolc {num} | :: one hundred and thirty-eight |
százharmincöt {num} | :: one hundred and thirty-five |
százhárom {num} | :: one hundred and three |
százhat {num} | :: one hundred and six |
százhét {num} | :: one hundred and seven |
százhúsz {num} | :: one hundred and twenty |
százhuszonegy {num} | :: one hundred and twenty-one |
százhuszonhárom {num} | :: one hundred and twenty-three |
százhuszonhat {num} | :: one hundred and twenty-six |
százhuszonhét {num} | :: one hundred and twenty-seven |
százhuszonkettő {num} | :: one hundred and twenty-two |
százhuszonkilenc {num} | :: one hundred and twenty-nine |
százhuszonnégy {num} | :: one hundred and twenty-four |
százhuszonöt {num} | :: one hundred and twenty-five |
százhuszonnyolc {num} | :: one hundred and twenty-eight |
százkettő {num} | :: one hundred and two |
százkilenc {num} | :: one hundred and nine |
száznégy {num} | :: one hundred and four |
száznegyven {num} | :: one hundred and forty |
száznegyvenegy {num} | :: one hundred and forty-one |
száznegyvenhárom {num} | :: one hundred and forty-three |
száznegyvenhat {num} | :: one hundred and forty-six |
száznegyvenhét {num} | :: one hundred and forty-seven |
száznegyvenkettő {num} | :: one hundred and forty-two |
száznegyvenkilenc {num} | :: one hundred and forty-nine |
száznegyvennégy {num} | :: one hundred and forty-four |
száznegyvenöt {num} | :: one hundred and forty-five |
száznegyvennyolc {num} | :: one hundred and forty-eight |
száznyolc {num} | :: one hundred and eight |
százöt {num} | :: one hundred and five |
százötven {num} | :: one hundred and fifty |
száz szónak is egy a vége {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: No matter how long we discuss the matter, the result will be the same. (Used to end the discussions.) |
száz szónak is egy a vége {phrase} [idiomatic] | :: long story short |
száztíz {num} | :: one hundred and ten |
száztizenegy {num} | :: one hundred and eleven |
száztizenhárom {num} | :: one hundred and thirteen |
száztizenhat {num} | :: one hundred and sixteen |
száztizenhét {num} | :: one hundred and seventeen |
száztizenkét {num} | :: one hundred and twelve |
száztizenkettő {num} | :: one hundred and twelve |
száztizenkilenc {num} | :: one hundred and nineteen |
száztizennégy {num} | :: one hundred and fourteen |
száztizenöt {num} | :: one hundred and fifteen |
száztizennyolc {num} | :: one hundred and eighteen |
százszorszép {n} | :: daisy (Bellis perennis) |
szcientológia {n} | :: Scientology |
SZDSZ {prop} | :: A former liberal political party in Hungary |
szeánsz {n} | :: séance (a ceremony where people try to communicate with the spirits of dead people, usually led by a medium) |
szeánsz {n} [colloquial, humorous] | :: sitting, session (a lengthy meeting to discuss a matter) |
szebb {adj} | :: comparative of szép |
szebben {adv} | :: comparative of szépen |
szecesszió {n} | :: secession |
szecesszió {n} | :: art nouveau |
Szécsény {prop} | :: Szécsény (town) |
szed {vt} | :: to take from somewhere, to collect |
szed {vt} [medicine] | :: to take (medicine, regularly) |
szédeleg {vi} | :: to feel dizzy |
szeder {n} | :: blackberry (a shrub in the genus Rubus and its fruit) |
szedéstükör {n} [typography] | :: type area (the useful area of a page of printed material without the margins) |
szedi a lábát {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] | :: to hurry (to move as fast as one can) |
szedi a sátorfáját {v} [idiomatic] | :: to pull up stakes, to pack up bag and baggage |
szedő {adj} | :: gathering, picking |
szedő {n} | :: gatherer, picker, collector |
szedő {n} [historical] | :: typesetter (employee in a printshop who manually selected pieces of movable type and assembled them for printing) |
szedőkanál {n} | :: spoon, slotted spoon (a large spoon for serving food; can be solid or slotted) |
szedsz valamilyen gyógyszert {phrase} [colloquial, singular] | :: are you taking any medications? |
szédül {vi} | :: to be giddy, dizzy |
széf {n} | :: strongbox, safe (a box, usually made of metal, in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping) |
szeg {vt} | :: to hem, to fringe |
szeg {vt} | :: to cut (especially bread) |
szeg {vt} | :: to break (a rule or the law) |
szeg {vt} | :: to break (one's word, promise, or oath) |
szeg {vt} [with kedv (mood)] | :: to deflate, to let down, to disappoint someone |
szeg {n} | :: nail (spike-shaped metal fastener) |
szeg {n} | :: nook |
szegecs {n} | :: rivet |
Szeged {prop} | :: Szeged (city) |
szegedi {adj} | :: of, from, or relating to Szeged |
szegedi {n} | :: someone from Szeged |
szegély {n} | :: fringe (a decorative border on clothing) |
szegély {n} | :: border, margin (the outer edge of a flat object, such as a sidewalk, roof, floor) |
szegény {adj} | :: poor (with little or no possessions or money) |
szegény {adj} [affectionate] | :: poor (pitiable, used to express pity or compassion) |
szegény {adj} [figuratively] | :: poor in, low in (deficient in a specified way; followed by ban) |
szegény {adj} [figuratively, of a deceased person] | :: late (used when speaking of the dead person) |
szegény {n} | :: a poor person |
szegény {n} [plural only] | :: the poor (those who have little or no possessions or money, taken as a group) |
szegényebb {adj} | :: comparative of szegény |
szegényes {adj} | :: deficient, scanty meagre |
szegényes {adj} | :: poor, beggarly, miserable |
szegényesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szegényes |
szegényke {n} [affectionate] | :: poor thing, poor little thing, poor soul, poor child (someone to be pitied; often used in a possessive form) |
szegény, mint a templom egere {adj} [simile] | :: poor as a church mouse |
szegénynegyed {n} | :: poor district, deprived area, slum, ghetto |
szegénység {n} | :: poverty |
szegfű {n} [obsolete] | :: clove |
szegfű {n} | :: carnation (Dianthus) |
szegfűszeg {n} | :: clove (spice) |
szeghúzó kalapács {n} | :: claw hammer |
szegregáció {n} | :: segregation |
szegy {n} | :: brisket (the chest of an animal) |
szegycsont {n} [anatomy] | :: breastbone, sternum (the central narrow bone in the front of the chest, connecting the collarbone and the top ribs) |
szégyell {vt} | :: to be ashamed of something |
szégyen {n} | :: shame |
szégyenít {vt} [rare, poetic] | :: to shame, put to shame (to cause someone to feel shame repeatedly) |
szégyenl {vt} [archaic] | :: alternative form of szégyell |
szégyentelen {adj} | :: shameless |
szégyentelenség {n} | :: shamelessness |
szégyentelenül {adv} | :: shamelessly |
szégyent vall {v} [idiomatic] | :: to disgrace oneself, to fail (to feel shame because a goal wasn't reached and plans failed) |
szeizmográf {n} | :: seismograph |
szeizmológia {n} | :: seismology (study of the vibration of the Earth's interior) |
szék {n} | :: chair |
szék {n} | :: seat (in a theater or in the Parliament) |
szék {n} [literally or figuratively] | :: seat (of an office-holder, e.g. a minister, a bishop, a judge, a president, or a Member of the Academy) |
szék {n} [archaic, today only in compounds] | :: board, court of law, tribunal (a committee or assembly for consultation or making judgment) |
szék {n} [archaic, today only in compounds] | :: stand, support, prop |
szekció {n} | :: section |
székel {vi} [formal] | :: to reside, dwell |
székel {vi} [medicine] | :: to defecate |
székely {n} | :: Székely (a member of a subgroup of the Hungarian people living mostly in the Székely Land in present-day Romania) |
szekér {n} | :: cart, wagon (a four-wheeled cart for hauling loads, usually pulled by horses or oxen) |
szekerce {n} | :: hatchet, axe, ax |
szekeres {n} | :: carter, carman (a person who transports goods on a horse-drawn cart) |
Szekeres {prop} | :: Auriga (constellation) |
szekérponyva {n} | :: tilt (a corse canvas covering for carts and wagons usually pulled by horses or oxen) |
székesegyház {n} | :: cathedral |
Székesfehérvár {prop} | :: Székesfehérvár (city) |
székesfehérvári {adj} | :: Of, from, or relating to Székesfehérvár |
székesfehérvári {n} | :: A person from Székesfehérvár |
székhely {n} | :: seat (location of a governing body) |
székhely {n} | :: headquarters (center of an organization's operations or administration) |
székhelyű {adj} | :: -based, based in, headquartered |
széklet {n} [medical or formal] | :: stool, feces, excrement |
székrekedés {n} | :: constipation |
szekrény {n} | :: wardrobe, cupboard, cabinet, closet (furniture used for storage) |
szekrényke {n} | :: little closet, cabinet |
szekreter {n} | :: escritoire, bureau, secretary (a writing desk) |
Szekszárd {prop} | :: Szekszárd (city) |
szekta {n} [possibly, derogatory] | :: sect (religious movement) |
szektor {n} | :: sector |
szekularizáció {n} | :: secularization |
szekularizál {vt} | :: to secularize |
szekund {n} [music] | :: second (the interval between two adjacent notes in a diatonic scale) |
szekund {n} [fencing] | :: seconde (the second defensive position) |
szekundum {n} | :: second (one-sixtieth of a minute; the SI unit of time) |
szekvencia {n} | :: sequence (set of things in a set order) |
szel {vt} | :: to slice, cut |
szél {n} | :: wind |
szél {n} | :: edge |
széled {vi} | :: to scatter, to spread |
szelekció {n} | :: selection |
szelektál {vt} | :: to select |
szelektív {adj} | :: selective |
szelén {n} | :: selenium (symbol: Se) |
szelence {n} | :: box, case, étui (a small decorative box usually made of metal) |
szeles {adj} | :: windy |
széles {adj} | :: wide |
szelesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szeles |
szélesebb {adj} | :: comparative of széles |
szélesít {vt} | :: to broaden, widen, make wider |
széles körű {adj} | :: wide, extensive, comprehensive, broad, wide-ranging |
szélesség {n} | :: breadth, width |
szélesség {n} [geography] | :: latitude |
széles vállú {adj} | :: broad-shouldered (having broad shoulders) |
szelet {n} | :: slice |
szelet {n} [geometry] | :: segment |
szeletel {vt} | :: to slice (to cut into slices) |
szeletelt {adj} | :: sliced |
szelfi {n} [colloquial] | :: selfie |
szélhajtó küsz {n} | :: ablet, bleak (Alburnus alburnus, a small fish) |
szélhámos {n} | :: swindler, fraud, crook, conman (a person who steals, lies, cheats or does other dishonest or illegal things; a criminal) |
szélhámos {n} [colloquial, pejorative] | :: rogue, humbug, impostor, phony (an unreliable, insincere person) |
szélhámos {adj} | :: phony, fake, false, rogue (deceitful, unprincipled) |
szélhámosság {n} | :: swindle, fraud |
szelíd {adj} | :: gentle, meek, empathic (person or gesture) |
szelíd {adj} [of an animal] | :: tame |
szelídebb {adj} | :: comparative of szelíd |
szelídgesztenye {n} | :: sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) (tree) |
szelídgesztenye {n} | :: sweet chestnut (its fruit) |
szelídgesztenyefa {n} | :: sweet chestnut (a type of deciduous tree native to Europe, Castanea sativa) |
széljárta {adj} | :: windy, windswept, breezy (exposed to winds) |
széljárta {adj} [rare, of a building] | :: drafty, draughty (not properly sealed against drafts) |
széljegyzet {n} | :: side note (note or notation made on the side margin of a book) |
széljegyzet {n} | :: commentary or opinion published in a newspaper about a recent event |
szélkelep {n} | :: clapper (a mechanical device used as a scarecrow) |
szélkelep {n} [figuratively] | :: chatterbox |
széllelbélelt {adj} [pejorative] | :: empty-headed, shallow |
szellem {n} | :: spirit, mentality |
szellem {n} | :: ghost |
szellem {n} | :: mind, wit, intellect, reason |
szellem {n} | :: genius |
szellemes {adj} | :: witty, full of wit |
szellemes {adj} | :: ingenious |
szellemesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szellemes |
szellemi {adj} | :: intellectual |
szellemi {adj} | :: psychic |
szellemi {adj} | :: spiritual |
szellemkép {n} [photography] | :: ghost image (undesired image appearing at the image plane of an optical system) |
szellent {v} | :: to pass wind |
széllovaglás {n} | :: windsurfing |
szellő {n} | :: breeze, zephyr |
szellőcske {n} | :: breeze, zephyr |
széllökés {n} [weather] | :: squall, gust, blast |
szellős {adj} [of an open area] | :: breezy, airy |
szellős {adj} [of a room, building] | :: airy (allowing air to move freely) |
szellős {adj} [of clothing] | :: airy (of light, delicate material or loose-fitting design) |
szellősebb {adj} | :: comparative of szellős |
szellőztet {vt} | :: to air, ventilate (to let fresh air into a room or a building) |
szellőztet {vt} | :: to air (to make others' private matters generally known) |
szélmalom {n} | :: windmill |
szélmozgás {n} [weather] | :: wind motion |
szelő {n} [geometry] | :: secant (a straight line that intersects a curve at two or more points) |
szélörvény {n} [weather] | :: whirlwind, windstorm, eddy |
szélroham {n} [weather] | :: squall, gust, blast |
szélrózsa {n} [navigation] | :: compass rose |
szélső {adj} | :: outer, extreme (the most remote, farthest or outermost) |
szélső {n} [sports] | :: winger |
szélsőbaloldal {n} [politics] | :: far left |
szélsőjobboldali {adj} | :: far-right |
szélsőség {n} | :: extremity (extreme measure) |
szélsőséges {adj} | :: extreme |
szélsőségesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szélsőséges |
szélturbina {n} | :: wind turbine (a device for converting wind power into electricity) |
szélvédő {adj} | :: wind-protective (protecting against the wind) |
szélvédő {n} | :: windshield (a transparent screen located in front of the occupants of a vehicle to protect them from the wind and weather) |
szelvény {n} | :: stub (a piece of certain paper items, designed to be torn off and kept for record or identification purposes) |
szelvény {n} | :: segment, section |
szélvész {n} [weather] | :: windstorm, storm, gale, tempest |
szélvihar {n} [weather] | :: windstorm, gale, tempest, squall |
szem {n} | :: eye (visual organ in humans and animals) |
szem {n} [figurative, in set phrases] | :: eye (sight, look or attention) |
szem {n} [figurative] | :: eye (point of view, perspective or opinion) |
szem {n} | :: grain (the harvested seed of various cereal crops) |
szem {n} | :: grain, speck (tiny particle of sand or dust) |
szem {n} | :: an individual item out of a group of similar objects |
szem {n} | :: one piece of any small succulent fruit, especially those that grow in clusters |
szem {n} | :: one piece of something small, round and numerous, such as a bead of pearl, a medicine pill, etc |
szem {n} [attributive] | :: single, only (not accompanied by anything else, one in number) |
szem {n} [knitting] | :: stitch (a single turn of the thread round a needle) |
szemantika {n} | :: semantics |
szemantikai {adj} | :: semantical, semantic |
szembe- {prefix} [verbal prefix] | :: opposite of something, in the face of something |
szembe {adv} | :: in (towards) the opposite direction |
szembe {postp} | :: in (towards) the opposite direction, facing (with val) |
szemben {adv} | :: across, opposite |
szemben {postp} | :: opposite (with val) |
szembenéz {vi} | :: to look someone straight in the eye/face, to face someone |
szembenéz {vi} | :: to face something (to be located across each other) |
szembenéz {vi} | :: to face, to face up to (followed by val) (to confront a condition or situation, typically one that is unpleasant or uncomfortable) |
szembeszáll {vi} | :: to stand up to, to resist, to take on, to oppose, to confront, to brave ( val) |
szembetűnő {adj} | :: conspicuous (obvious or easy to notice) |
szemceruza {n} | :: eyeliner |
szemcse {n} | :: grain |
szemcsepp {n} [medicine] | :: eyedrop (medicine to be administered to the eyes) |
szemcsés {adj} | :: granular, gritty (consisting of fine granules or grains) |
szemcsés {adj} [photography] | :: grainy (said of a photograph on which film grain is visible to the naked eye) |
szeme fénye {n} [idiomatic] | :: apple of somebody's eye (the object of somebody's affections) |
szeme fénye {n} [idiomatic] | :: (the source of) one's pride (e.g. a grandchild for a grandparent) |
szemel {vt} | :: to select, pick out, sort out (to select/remove seeds, berries one by one) |
szemelvény {n} | :: excerpt, selection (an extract from a literary composition) |
személy {n} [formal] | :: person |
személyes {adj} | :: personal |
személyesebb {adj} | :: comparative of személyes |
személyesen {adv} | :: personally, in person |
személyes névmás {n} [grammar] | :: personal pronoun |
személygépkocsi {n} [formal] | :: passenger car, motorcar, automobile |
személyi {adj} | :: personal (of or relating to a particular person) |
személyi {adj} | :: personal (pertaining to human beings) |
személyi {n} [colloquial] | :: ID (a card or badge showing the official identity of the wearer) |
személyi edző {n} | :: personal trainer |
személyiség {n} | :: personality (assumed role or manner of behavior) |
személyiségi {adj} | :: personal, relating to personality |
személyiségzavar {n} [psychiatry] | :: personality disorder (any of a class of mental disorders characterized by ongoing rigid patterns of thought and action) |
személyi számítógép {n} | :: personal computer |
személyjel {n} [grammar] | :: suffix indicating person |
személyleírás {n} | :: description (of a person) |
személynév {n} | :: personal name |
személytelen {adj} [of an object or phenomenon] | :: impersonal |
személytelen {adj} [grammar, of a verb] | :: impersonal (having only third-person singular forms) |
személyzet {n} | :: personnel, staff |
szemenszedett {adj} | :: utter, blatant, sheer, pure, downright (usually of a lie) |
szemer {n} [archaic] | :: grain (unit of weight) |
szemérem {n} | :: modesty |
szemérem {n} [anatomy, in compounds] | :: pubic |
szeméremcsont {n} [anatomy] | :: pubis, pubic bone (the part of the hipbone forming the front arch of the pelvis) |
szeméremdomb {n} | :: mons pubis, mons veneris |
szeméremérzet {n} | :: shame, sense of shame |
szemerkél {vi} [of rain] | :: to drizzle, sprinkle, spit |
szemérmes {adj} | :: bashful, modest, demure, shy, coy |
szemérmesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szemérmes |
szemernyi {adj} | :: a grain of something |
szemernyi {adj} | :: iota, jot, shred (a very small, inconsiderable quantity) |
szemész {n} | :: eye doctor, ophthalmologist |
szemeszter {n} [education] | :: semester |
szemét {n} | :: sweepings, litter (collectively, items discarded on the ground) |
szemét {n} | :: garbage, rubbish, waste, trash |
szemét {adj} [colloquial] | :: mean#Adjective, base, vile, despicable |
szemetel {vi} | :: to litter, to scatter rubbish (to drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it) |
szemetel {vi} [only in 3rd person singular] | :: to drizzle (to rain lightly; to shed slowly in minute drops or particles) |
szemetelés {n} | :: littering (the act of dropping or throwing trash without properly disposing of it) |
szemetes {adj} | :: rubbishy (strewn with litter) |
szemetes {n} [rare, slightly, derogatory] | :: garbage man, dustman |
szemetes {n} | :: garbage can (esp. basket-sized), wastepaper basket |
szemetesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szemetes |
szemeteskonténer {n} | :: trash/garbage/waste container, dumpster |
szemet huny {v} [idiomatic] | :: to turn a blind eye (to something: felett) (to deliberately overlook something unpleasant or improper) |
szemétkupac {n} | :: garbage heap, a pile of debris |
szeméttelep {n} | :: landfill (a site at which refuse is buried under layers of earth) |
szemétvödör {n} | :: garbage can |
szemfesték {n} | :: eye shadow |
szemfog {n} | :: canine tooth, eye tooth |
szemgolyó {n} | :: eyeball |
szemhéj {n} | :: eyelid (a thin skin membrane that moves over and covers an eye) |
szemhéjfesték {n} | :: eye shadow |
szeminárium {n} | :: seminar |
szemlátomást {adv} | :: visibly |
szemle {n} | :: inspection, survey, review, examination, (official) visit |
szemle {n} | :: review (a periodical) |
szemle {n} | :: parade, (military) display, muster, troop inspection |
szemlél {vt} | :: to contemplate, to muster |
szemlélet {n} | :: approach, aspect, perspective, point of view |
szemléletes {adj} | :: descriptive, expressive (vividly described) |
szemléletesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szemléletes |
szemléltet {vt} | :: to demonstrate, to illustrate |
szemléltetés {n} | :: demonstration, illustration, showing (explaining something by showing examples, samples, pictures, etc.) |
szemlencse {n} | :: lens (part of the eye) |
szemmel tart {v} [idiomatic] | :: to keep an eye on something, to guard (to watch and pay attention to) |
szemorvos {n} | :: ophthalmologist, [US] eye doctor |
szemölcs {n} | :: wart (type of growth occurring on the skin) |
szemölcsös {adj} | :: warty (having warts) |
szemölcsösebb {adj} | :: comparative of szemölcsös |
szemöldök {n} | :: eyebrow |
szemöldökfa {n} | :: lintel, transom |
szemöldökű {adj} | :: -eyebrowed, with a …… eyebrow or eyebrows (having a specific kind of eyebrow[s]) |
szempilla {n} | :: eyelash |
szempillafesték {n} | :: mascara |
szempillantás {n} [rare] | :: blink (the act of very quickly closing both eyes and opening them again) |
szempillantás {n} | :: instant, moment, second (a very short period of time) |
szempillantásnyi {adj} | :: wink, blink [attributive usage] (lasting only a very short time, such as a blink of an eye) |
szempillaspirál {n} | :: mascara |
szempont {n} | :: point of view, viewpoint, standpoint |
szempont {n} | :: point (opinion which adds to the discussion), consideration, factor |
szempont {n} | :: aspect, regard, respect |
szempont {n} | :: criterion |
szemrehányás {n} | :: reproach |
szemrehányást tesz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to reproach, blame, rebuke (to express disapproval to someone for a behavior or deed) |
szemszög {n} | :: point of view, standpoint, aspect, angle |
szemtanú {n} | :: eyewitness (person who has seen and testified about an event) |
szemtelen {adj} | :: impudent |
szemtelenebb {adj} | :: comparative of szemtelen |
szemtelen, mint a piaci légy {adj} [simile] | :: impudent |
szemű {adj} | :: -eyed, with …… eyes (having a certain kind of eye or a certain number of eye[s]) |
szemű {adj} | :: -grain |
szemügy {n} | :: It is used only in the expression szemügyre vesz (to observe, to take a look, to take stock of) |
szemügyre vesz {v} [idiomatic] | :: to eye someone or something, to observe carefully, to look closely, to examine thoroughly, to take stock of |
szemüreg {n} [anatomy] | :: eye socket, orbit, cranial orbit, orbital cavity (the bony cavity which contains the eyeball and its associated muscles, vessels, and nerves) |
szemüveg {n} | :: glasses, eyeglass |
szemüveges {adj} | :: bespectacled, wearing glasses |
szemzug {n} [anatomy] | :: canthus (either corner of the eye, where the eyelids meet) |
szén {n} | :: carbon (symbol: C) |
szén {n} | :: coal |
széna {n} | :: hay |
szénaboglya {n} | :: haystack |
szenátor {n} | :: senator |
szenátus {n} | :: senate |
szénbányász {n} | :: collier, miner |
szende {adj} | :: meek, ingenue, artless, naive |
szendébb {adj} | :: comparative of szende |
szendereg {vi} | :: to slumber, to doze |
szenderül {vi} [literary, usually with “sleep” as its illative argument] | :: to fall asleep (with ba or ra) |
szén-dioxid {n} [inorganic compound] | :: carbon dioxide |
szendvics {n} | :: sandwich (snack) |
Szenegál {prop} | :: Szenegál (country) |
szenegáli {adj} | :: Senegalese (of, from, or relating to Senegal) |
szenegáli {n} | :: Senegalese (a person from Senegal or of Senegalese descent) |
Szenegáli Köztársaság {prop} | :: Republic of Senegal (official name of Senegal) |
szénfekete {adj} | :: coal black (of a black colour, like that of coal) |
szénhidrát {n} | :: carbohydrate |
szénhidrogén {n} | :: hydrocarbon |
szénizotópos kormeghatározás {n} [physics, archaeology, paleontology] | :: radiocarbon dating, carbon dating (a method of estimating the age of an artifact or biological vestige based on the relative amounts of the different isotopes of carbon present in a sample) |
szén-monoxid {n} | :: carbon monoxide |
szénsav {n} | :: carbonic acid |
szénsavas {adj} | :: carbonated, sparkling, effervescent, fizzy, with gas (of a beverage) |
szénsavmentes {adj} | :: still, noncarbonated, not effervescent, not sparkling, without gas |
szénszál {n} | :: carbon fibre [UK], carbon fiber [US] |
szent {adj} | :: holy |
szent {n} | :: saint |
Szent {prop} | :: Saint |
szentbeszéd {n} [religion] | :: sermon (a spoken address on a religious matter) |
Szent Borbála {prop} | :: Saint Barbara, the patron of armourers, military engineers, gunsmiths, miners and anyone else who worked with cannon and explosives |
szentebb {adj} | :: comparative of szent |
szentel {vt} | :: to dedicate, to devote (for a purpose) |
szentel {vt} | :: to consecrate |
szentelt {adj} | :: holy, blessed |
szenteltvíz {n} [Christianity] | :: holy water (water that has been blessed by a member of the clergy or a religious figure) |
szentély {n} [religion] | :: sanctuary (a consecrated area of a Catholic church around its tabernacle or altar) |
szentély {n} [Judaism] | :: ark (a decorated cabinet at the front of a synagogue, in which Torah scrolls are kept) |
szentély {n} | :: temple, shrine (a holy or sacred place dedicated to a specific deity) |
szentély {n} [literary] | :: shrine (a place or object hallowed from its history or associations) |
szentencia {n} | :: maxim, aphorism |
szentencia {n} [archaic, legal] | :: judgement, warrant |
Szentendre {prop} | :: Szentendre (town) |
Szentes {prop} | :: Szentes (town) |
szentesít {vt} | :: to sanctify, sanction, ratify |
szent és sérthetetlen {adj} | :: sacrosanct (beyond alteration, criticism, or interference) |
szenteste {n} | :: Christmas Eve |
Szentháromság {prop} [Christianity] | :: Trinity |
szentimentális {adj} | :: sentimental |
szentimentálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of szentimentális |
szentimentalista {n} | :: sentimentalist |
szentimentalizmus {n} | :: sentimentalism |
Szentírás {prop} | :: Scripture, Bible |
szentjánosbogár {n} | :: firefly |
Szent Jobb {prop} | :: The Holy Right (a Hungarian relic, assumed to be the naturally mummified right hand of King Saint Stephen I, the first king of Hungary) |
Szent Korona {prop} | :: The Holy Crown of Hungary, the coronation crown used by the Kingdom of Hungary for most of its existence |
Szentlélek {prop} | :: Holy Spirit |
Szent Péter {prop} | :: Saint Peter |
Szentpétervár {prop} | :: Szentpétervár (federal city) |
szentség {n} [religion] | :: sainthood, holiness (the state of being a saint) |
szentség {n} [religion] | :: sanctity, sacredness (the property of being sacred) |
szentség {n} [Christianity] | :: sacrament (a sacred act or ceremony in Christianity) |
szentség {n} [religion] | :: Eucharist |
szentség {n} [vulgar, as an interjection with possessive and accusative suffix] | :: dammit, damn, darn (expressing anger, irritation, contempt, or disappointment) |
szentségtelen {adj} | :: unholy |
szentségtelenít {vt} | :: to desecrate, to make unholy |
szenv {n} [archaic] | :: passion |
szenved {vi} | :: to suffer |
szenvedély {n} | :: passion (intense emotion) |
szenvedély {n} | :: hobby |
szenvedélybetegség {n} [medicine] | :: addiction |
szenvedélyes {adj} | :: passionate (fired with intense feeling) |
szenvedés {n} | :: suffering, torment |
szenvedő {adj} | :: suffering |
szenvedő {adj} [grammar] | :: passive |
szenvedő {n} | :: sufferer |
szenvedőbb {adj} | :: comparative of szenvedő |
szenvtelen {adj} | :: dispassionate, passionless, emotionless, detached |
szenvtelenség {n} | :: detachment, impassiveness, passionlessness, emotionlessness |
szenvtelenül {adv} | :: dispassionately |
szenzáció {n} | :: sensation |
szenny {n} [literary] | :: dirt, filth |
szennycímlap {n} [printing] | :: half title, bastard title (abbreviated book title on a blank page preceding the main title page) |
szennyes {adj} [of objects] | :: filthy, dirty, unclean |
szennyes {adj} [of thoughts] | :: filthy, foul, impure |
szennyes {n} | :: laundry (soiled clothing or linens that need to be washed) |
szennyes {n} | :: dirty laundry (unflattering or embarrassing facts, or questionable activities that one wants to remain secret) |
szennyesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szennyes |
szennyez {vt} | :: to contaminate, soil, stain, make dirty |
szennyez {vt} | :: to taint, tarnish, blemish |
szennyezés {n} | :: pollution |
szennyezett {adj} | :: contaminated, impure, polluted |
szennyezett {adj} | :: tainted |
szennyezettebb {adj} | :: comparative of szennyezett |
szennyeződés {n} | :: contamination (the act or process of becoming contaminated) |
szennyeződés {n} | :: contamination, impurities, debris (something which contaminates) |
szennyeződik {vi} | :: to become contaminated/polluted |
szennyvíz {n} | :: sewage, wastewater, sullage |
szép {adj} | :: beautiful |
szép {adj} [as a prefix] | :: great-great-great-grand- (the grandparent of one's great-grandparent or the grandchild of one's great-grandchild) |
szeparál {vt} | :: to separate |
szeparatizmus {n} | :: separatism |
szépen {adv} | :: beautifully, nicely |
szépia {n} | :: the common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) |
szépia {n} | :: sepia (brown pigment made from the secretions of the cuttlefish) |
szépia {n} | :: sepia (reddish brown color used in sepia-toned photographs) |
szépirodalmi {adj} | :: belletristic |
szépirodalom {n} | :: belles-lettres |
szépít {v} | :: to embellish, beautify |
szépít {v} | :: to whitewash (cover errors) |
szép jó estét {phrase} | :: fine good evening (a greeting said in the evening) |
szeplő {n} | :: freckle |
szeplős {adj} | :: freckled |
szeplősebb {adj} | :: comparative of szeplős |
szeplőtelen {adj} [figurative] | :: immaculate, unblemished (free from moral taint) |
szeplőtelen fogantatás {n} [Christianity] | :: Immaculate Conception (the doctrine that the Virgin Mary was conceived free from original sin) |
szépség {n} | :: beauty |
szépségápolás {n} | :: cosmetology |
szépséges {adj} | :: beautiful, very pretty |
szépségideál {n} | :: beauty ideal |
szépségkirálynő {n} | :: beauty queen |
szépségszalon {n} | :: beauty parlour, beauty salon |
szépségverseny {n} | :: beauty contest |
szepszis {n} [pathology] | :: sepsis (a serious medical condition in which the whole body is inflamed, causing injury to its own tissues and organs as a response to infection) |
szept. {n} | :: Sep, Sep., Sept, Sept. (September) |
szeptember {n} | :: September |
szeptemberi {adj} | :: September, in September, of September |
szer {n} [archaic] | :: tool, instrument |
szer {n} | :: chemical, agent |
szer {n} | :: remedy, drug |
szer {n} | :: gymnastic apparatus |
szer {n} [dialectal] | :: one side of a street |
szer {n} [regional] | :: one of the several separate parts of a village |
szeráj {n} | :: seraglio |
szerb {adj} | :: Serbian (of or relating to Serbia, its people or language) |
szerb {n} | :: Serb (a person of Serb descent) |
szerb {n} | :: Serbian (a person from Serbia) |
szerb {n} [singular only] | :: Serbian (language) |
szerbhorvát {adj} | :: Serbo-Croatian (of or relating to the people or their language) |
szerbhorvát {n} | :: Serbo-Croatian (person) |
szerbhorvát {n} | :: Serbo-Croatian (language) |
Szerbia {prop} | :: Serbia |
Szerbia és Montenegró {prop} | :: Serbia and Montenegro (former country on the Balkan Peninsula) |
szerbusz {interj} [semi-formal] | :: hello, goodbye |
szerbusz {interj} | :: cheers (toast) |
szerda {n} | :: Wednesday |
szerdai {adj} | :: Wednesday, of Wednesday, Wednesday's |
szerdánként {adv} | :: every Wednesday, on Wednesdays |
szerecsen {n} [obsolete] | :: an Arab or any Muslim |
szerecsen {n} [archaic, folksy] | :: an African, a black person |
szerecsendió {n} | :: nutmeg (an evergreen tree, Myristica fragrans, cultivated in the East Indies for its spicy seeds) |
szerecsendió {n} | :: nutmeg (the aromatic seed of this tree, used as a spice) |
szerel {vt} | :: to mount, assemble, install, equip |
szerel {vt} | :: to fix, repair, mend |
szerelem {n} | :: love (romantic) |
szerelem {n} [with a possessive suffix] | :: sweetheart |
szerelés {n} | :: the act of repairing |
szerelés {n} | :: sports uniform |
szerelés {n} [by extension, colloquial] | :: outfit (a set of clothing worn at the same time) |
szerelés {n} [sports] | :: tackle (a play where a player attempts to take control over the ball from an opponent) |
szerelmes {adj} | :: in love |
szerelmes {adj} | :: in love with someone ( ba) |
szerelmes {n} | :: lover (a person who loves something) |
szerelmesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szerelmes |
szerelmes vagyok beléd {phrase} | :: I'm in love with you |
szerelmi {adj} | :: love [attributive], of love, amorous, amatory |
szerelő {n} | :: mechanic, repairman, fitter |
szerelő {n} | :: assembler (worker in a factory) |
szerelvény {n} | :: outfit, equipment |
szerelvény {n} | :: mounting, appliance |
szerelvény {n} | :: train |
szerencse {n} | :: luck |
szerencsekívánat {n} | :: good wishes (a written or verbal expression of wishes for a continued good fortune and success in the future) |
szerencsekívánat {n} | :: congratulation (a written or verbal expression of acknowledgement and joy over an accomplishment) |
szerencsére {adv} | :: luckily |
szerencsés {adj} | :: lucky, fortunate |
szerencsés {adj} | :: opportune, convenient |
szerencsésebb {adj} | :: comparative of szerencsés |
szerencsésen {adv} | :: luckily, fortunately, favourably, safely |
szerencsesüti {n} | :: fortune cookie |
szerencsétlen {adj} | :: unlucky, unfortunate |
szerencsétlenebb {adj} | :: comparative of szerencsétlen |
szerencsétlenkedik {vi} | :: to struggle, to flounder, to faff, to have no luck, to have no joy (to act unsuccessfully or ineffectually) |
szerencsétlenség {n} | :: misfortune, disaster, catastrophe |
szerény {adj} | :: modest |
szerényebb {adj} | :: comparative of szerény |
szerény véleményem szerint {phrase} | :: in my humble opinion |
szerep {n} | :: role (character or part) |
szerepcsere {n} | :: role swap |
szerepel {vi} | :: to play a part/role, appear as, be included |
szerepel {vi} | :: to perform, act (to do something in front of an audience) |
szerepel {vi} | :: to act, function in some kind of capacity |
szerepjáték {n} | :: roleplaying game |
szereplő {n} | :: character (being in a story) |
szereplő {n} | :: performer, actor |
-szeres {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: -fold, times |
szeret {vt} | :: to love |
szeret {vt} | :: to like |
szeretet {n} | :: affection, love |
szeretkezés {n} | :: lovemaking |
szeretkezik {vi} | :: to make love |
szerető {adj} | :: loving, affectionate, fond |
szerető {n} | :: lover, mistress |
szerette {adj} [archaic] | :: beloved |
szerette {n} [with an amalgamated possessive suffix, chiefly in the plural] | :: his/her loved one |
szerette {n} [rare, folksy, archaic, only with -ben or -ből] | :: love (the act of loving) |
szerez {vt} | :: to obtain, get, acquire |
szerez {vt} [of music] | :: to compose |
széria {n} | :: series (a number of things that follow on one after the other) |
széria {n} [card games] | :: run (a sequence of cards in a suit in a card game) |
szerint {postp} | :: according to one's thought, belief, or guess |
szerint {postp} | :: by, following, in compliance with, according to, in obedience to, consistent with (e.g. a rule, a statement) |
szerinte {pron} | :: in one's opinion, to one's way of thinking |
szerinti {adj} | :: by, according to someone or something |
szerinti {adj} | :: in agreement with someone or something |
szerk. {n} | :: abbreviation of szerkesztő |
szerkeszt {vt} | :: to construct, build of many parts with precision |
szerkeszt {vt} [geometry] | :: to construct |
szerkeszt {vt} | :: to edit (to change a text or a document) |
szerkesztés {n} | :: editing |
szerkesztés {n} [geometry] | :: constructing, construction |
szerkesztett {adj} | :: edited |
szerkesztő {n} | :: editor (person who edits) |
szerkesztő {n} [computing] | :: linker (a program that takes one or more object files and combines them into a single executable) |
szerkesztőség {n} | :: editorial office |
szerkezet {n} | :: structure, mechanism |
szerkezet {n} | :: composition (of a literary form) |
szerkezeti {adj} | :: structural |
szerkezetű {adj} | :: of structure, of construction |
szerkó {n} [slang] | :: outfit (a set of clothing worn at the same time) |
szerpentin {n} | :: winding mountain road |
szerpentin {n} | :: streamer (a long narrow coiled ribbon of colored paper generally thrown about at festive occasions) |
szerpentin {n} | :: serpentine (any of several green/brown minerals consisting of a magnesium and iron silicates that have similar layered crystal structure) |
szerszám {n} | :: tool |
szerszámosláda {n} | :: toolbox (storage case for tools) |
szertartás {n} | :: protocol, ceremonial |
szertartás {n} [religion] | :: ritual, rite, service |
szertartás {n} | :: ceremony, formality |
szertartásmester {n} | :: master of ceremonies |
szertartásos {adj} | :: ritual, liturgical |
szertartásos {adj} | :: ceremonial, formal |
-szerte {suffix} | :: all over, throughout. Added to a noun to form an adverb |
szerteágazó {adj} | :: diverse, wide-ranging, far-flung, far-reaching |
szérum {n} | :: serum |
-szerű {suffix} [adjective suffix] | :: -like, resembling, in the nature of. Added to a word to form an adjective |
szerv {n} [anatomy] | :: organ (part of an organism) |
szerva {n} [sports] | :: serve, service (the act of putting the ball in play) |
szervál {v} [sports] | :: to serve (to lead off with the first delivery) |
szervál {n} | :: serval (Leptailurus serval, a wild cat native to Africa) |
szervecske {n} [biology] | :: a small organ |
szerver {n} [computing] | :: server |
szerves {adj} | :: organic |
szerves {adj} | :: integral, essential, part and parcel |
szervesen {adv} | :: organically |
szervesen {adv} | :: inherently, integrally (as an integral part of something) |
szervez {vt} | :: to organize |
szervezés {n} | :: organization (the quality of being organized; the way in which something is organized) |
szervezési {adj} | :: organizational |
szervezet {n} | :: organism, structure |
szervezet {n} | :: organization, corporation |
szervezeti {adj} | :: organizational |
szervezeti és működési szabályzat {phrase} | :: organizational and operational rules/regulations, rules/regulations of organization and operation (a kind of constitution or charter) |
szervezett {adj} | :: organized |
szervező {n} | :: organizer |
szerviz {n} | :: auto repair service, [UK, Canada, Aust.] garage |
szerviz {n} | :: service (a set of dishes or utensils) |
szervusz {interj} [semi-formal] | :: hello, goodbye |
szervusz {interj} | :: cheers (toast) |
szervusztok {interj} [semi-formal] | :: hello, goodbye |
szerzemény {n} | :: acquisition, purchase |
szerzemény {n} [music] | :: composition (a work of music) |
szerzés {n} | :: acquisition, procurement, obtainment |
szerzés {n} [dated or literary] | :: creation, composition (of music, in compound words) |
szerzet {n} [archaic, rare] | :: religious order, confraternity |
szerzet {n} [colloquial] | :: guy, figure |
szerzetes {n} | :: monk (male member of monastic order) |
szerzetesi {adj} | :: monastic |
szerzetesrend {n} | :: religious order |
szerzett {adj} | :: acquired |
szerzett immunhiányos tünetegyüttes {n} [disease] | :: acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
szerző {n} | :: author |
szerződés {n} | :: contract, treaty (agreement that is legally binding) |
szerződéses {adj} | :: contractual, contracted, contract, indentured, under contract |
szerződési {adj} | :: contractual |
szerződésszegés {n} [law] | :: breach of contract |
szerződik {vi} | :: to contract, sign on (to enter into a contract with someone val) |
szerződő {adj} [law] | :: contracting |
szerződő {n} | :: party, contractor (one who is part of a contract, the contracting party) |
szerzői {adj} | :: authorial, author's |
szesz {n} | :: spirit |
szesz {n} | :: alcohol |
szeszély {n} | :: caprice, whim |
szeszélyes {adj} | :: capricious, whimsical |
szeszélyesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szeszélyes |
szeszes {adj} | :: alcoholic |
szeszesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szeszes |
szeszes ital {n} | :: spirit, alcohol, liquor |
szesztilalom {n} | :: prohibition (law prohibiting the manufacture or sale of alcohol) |
szét- {prefix} [verbal prefix] | :: apart |
szét- {prefix} [verbal prefix] | :: around |
szét {adv} | :: asunder, apart, in different directions |
szétesés {n} | :: disintegration, falling apart |
szétesik {vi} | :: to fall apart, to disintegrate |
szétlapít {vt} | :: to flatten, to plate, to squash |
szétnéz {vi} | :: to look around |
szétúszás {n} [swimming] | :: swim-off |
szétválaszt {vt} | :: to separate, part, divide (to cause things or people to be separate) |
szex {n} | :: sex (sexual intercourse) |
szexepil {n} | :: sex appeal |
szexis {adj} | :: sexy, hot |
szexturizmus {n} | :: sex tourism |
szexuális {adj} | :: sexual |
szexuális irányultság {n} | :: sexual orientation |
szexualitás {n} | :: sexuality |
szezám {n} | :: sesame (plant) |
szezámmag {n} | :: sesame (seed) |
szezám, tárulj {phrase} | :: open sesame! |
szezon {n} | :: season (a certain time of the year, when something in particular happens) |
szféra {n} | :: sphere |
szfinx {n} | :: sphinx |
szí {vt} [archaic, folksy] | :: alternative form of szív |
szia {interj} [colloquial] | :: hi |
szia {interj} [colloquial] | :: bye, see ya, so long |
Sziám {prop} [archaic] | :: Siam |
sziámi {adj} [historical] | :: Siamese (of, from, or relating to Siam) |
sziámi {n} [historical] | :: Siamese (an inhabitant of Siam) |
sziámi harcoshal {n} | :: Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) |
sziámi iker {n} | :: Siamese twin, conjoined twin (one of two people physically joined together) |
sziámi macska {n} | :: Siamese cat |
sziasztok {interj} [colloquial] | :: hi, everybody/all/guys |
sziasztok {interj} [colloquial] | :: bye, see ya, so long (also only when addressing multiple people) |
Szibéria {prop} | :: Siberia |
szibériai {adj} | :: Siberian (of, from, or relating to Siberia) |
szibériai {n} | :: Siberian (person) |
szibériai fajd {n} | :: Siberian grouse (a medium-sized grouse, Falcipennis falcipennis) |
szibériai tigris {n} | :: Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) |
Szicília {prop} | :: Szicília (island/and/region) |
szicíliai {adj} | :: Sicilian (of, from, or relating to Sicily or its inhabitants) |
szicíliai {n} | :: Sicilian (person) |
szicíliai {n} [singular only] | :: Sicilian (language) |
szid {vt} | :: to chide, scold, reprimand |
sziget {n} | :: island |
szigetcsoport {n} | :: archipelago (group of islands) |
szigetel {vt} | :: to insulate |
szigetelő {adj} | :: insulating, sealing |
szigetelő {n} | :: insulator (a person who installs insulation) |
szigetelő {n} | :: insulator, insulation (a substance that does not transmit heat, sound or electricity) |
szigetelőszalag {n} | :: electrical tape, gaffer tape (a poorly conductive plastic tape used to insulate electrical wires) |
szigeti {adj} | :: island |
szigeti {n} | :: a person who lives on an island |
szigetország {n} | :: island state, island country |
szigetvilág {n} | :: archipelago |
szigma {n} | :: sigma (Greek letter) |
szigma {n} [medical, adjectival usage] | :: sigmoid (relating to the sigmoid flexure of the large intestine) |
szigmabél {n} [anatomy] | :: sigmoid colon |
szignifikáns {adj} | :: significant |
szignifikánsabb {adj} | :: comparative of szignifikáns |
szigony {n} | :: harpoon |
szigonyoz {v} | :: to harpoon |
szigor {n} | :: rigor, austerity, strictness |
szigorít {vt} | :: to tighten, to make stricter, to make more stringent/rigorous/severe |
szigorlat {n} [education] | :: comprehensive examination (closing a section during one’s academic studies) |
szigorú {adj} | :: severe, strict |
szigorúan {adv} | :: strictly, rigorously, sternly |
szigorúbb {adj} | :: comparative of szigorú |
szíj {n} | :: strap, thong, belt |
-szik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Appended to a noun, adjective, verb or other stem to form a verb |
szike {n} | :: scalpel, bistoury (a small straight knife with a very sharp blade used for surgery) |
szikh {adj} | :: Sikh (of, or relating to the Sikhs or to Sikhism) |
szikh {n} | :: Sikh |
szikkad {vi} | :: to become dry, dry up, dry off (to lose water) |
szikla {n} | :: rock, cliff, boulder |
sziklás {adj} | :: rocky |
Sziklás-hegység {prop} | :: Rocky Mountains (a mountain range spanning through the United States in North America) |
sziklás-hegységi {adj} | :: of or relating to Rocky Mountains |
sziklás-hegységi osztriga {n} | :: Rocky Mountain oyster (a bull calf testicle prepared as food) |
szikra {n} | :: spark |
szikrázik {v} | :: to sparkle, to coruscate |
szil {n} | :: elm (tree) |
szilánk {n} | :: shard, splinter, chip, shiver, flinders, fragment (a small piece broken from a larger piece of solid material) |
szilárd {adj} | :: solid, firm |
Szilárd {prop} | :: given name. Cognate to Constantine |
szilárdabb {adj} | :: comparative of szilárd |
szilárdít {vt} [of materials] | :: to harden, solidify, firm (to make solid) |
szilárdít {vt} [figuratively] | :: to harden, solidify, firm (of a condition, situation, price: to make permanent) |
szilárdul {vi} [of materials] | :: to harden, solidify, firm (to become solid) |
szilárdul {vi} [figuratively] | :: to harden, solidify, firm (of a condition, situation, price: to become permanent) |
szilárdul {adv} | :: firmly |
szilfa {n} | :: elm tree, elm (a tree of the genus Ulmus) |
szilfa {n} | :: elm (wood from an elm tree) |
szilfa {adj} | :: elmen (made from the wood of the elm tree) |
szilícium {n} | :: silicon (symbol: Si) |
szillogizmus {n} [logic] | :: syllogism |
szilva {n} | :: plum |
szilvalekvár {n} | :: plum jam |
szilveszter {n} | :: New Year's Eve |
Szilveszter {prop} | :: given name |
Szilvia {prop} | :: given name |
szimatol {v} | :: to smell, scent, sniff (to make a short audible inhalation) |
szimbiózis {n} | :: symbiosis |
szimbolikus {adj} | :: symbolic |
szimbolizál {vt} | :: to symbolize |
szimbólum {n} | :: symbol |
szimfónia {n} | :: symphony |
szimfonikus {adj} | :: symphonic |
szimmetria {n} | :: symmetry (correspondence on either side of a dividing line, plane, center, or axis) |
szimmetriaközéppont {n} [mathematics] | :: centre of symmetry |
szimmetriatengely {n} [geometry] | :: axis of symmetry |
szimmetrikus {adj} | :: symmetrical, symmetric (exhibiting symmetry; having harmonious or proportionate arrangement of parts; having corresponding parts or relations) |
szimpatikus {adj} | :: nice, likeable |
szimpatikus {adj} [neuroanatomy] | :: sympathetic |
szimpatikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of szimpatikus |
szimpi {adj} [colloquial] | :: nice, likeable |
szimpla {adj} [of a person or object] | :: simple, ordinary |
szimpla {adj} | :: simple, single, plain, onefold (having only one layer or row or one important component) |
szimpla {adj} [of coffee, after 1945] | :: small (in a café: of a small portion of black coffee) |
szimplább {adj} | :: comparative of szimpla |
szimptóma {n} [medicine] | :: symptom (a perceived change in some function, sensation or appearance of a person that indicates a disease or disorder, such as fever, headache or rash) |
szimptóma {n} [literary] | :: symptom, signal, sign (anything that indicates, or is characteristic of, the presence of something else) |
szimptomatikus {adj} | :: symptomatic |
szimptomatikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of szimptomatikus |
szimuláció {n} | :: simulation |
szimulál {vt} | :: to simulate, pretend, feign, fake |
szimulál {vi} | :: to malinger |
szimulál {vt} | :: to simulate, model, replicate, duplicate (the behavior, appearance or properties of) |
szimuláns {n} | :: malingerer |
szimulátor {n} | :: simulator |
szín {n} | :: color (spectral quality of visible light) |
szín {n} | :: complexion (color or appearance of the skin on the face) |
szín {n} [figurative] | :: light (point of view or aspect from which something is regarded) |
szín {n} [in the possessive] | :: presence (the condition of being within sight or earshot) |
szín {n} [in the possessive] | :: water surface or the face of the Earth |
szín {n} [in the possessive] | :: right side, face (of a fabric, the side which is meant to face outwards due to its print, texture or sheen) |
szín {n} [card games] | :: suit (set of cards distinguished by color and emblems) |
szín {n} | :: a covered edifice with open sideways |
szín {n} [theater] | :: scene (structure on which a play is exhibited) |
szín {n} [theater] | :: scene (a part of a dramatic work that is set in the same place or time; several of them constituting an act) |
színarany {n} | :: pure gold (gold that doesn't contain other minerals, or contains them only in trace amounts) |
színarany {n} [attributive usage] | :: of pure gold |
színárnyalat {n} | :: hue |
színdarab {n} | :: play, drama (theatrical performance) |
szindróma {n} [medicine] | :: syndrome (recognizable pattern of symptoms of an illness) |
színes {adj} | :: colorful, colored (having a color other than white, black or gray) |
színes {adj} | :: color (conveying the natural color of something, as opposed to shades of gray) |
színes {adj} [of skin color other than white] | :: black, colored |
színes {adj} | :: colorful (possessing prominent and varied colors) |
színes {adj} | :: colorful (interesting, multifaceted, energetic, distinctive) |
színes {adj} [figuratively, archaic] | :: pretentious, hypocritical |
színes {adj} [figuratively, literary, of speech] | :: buttery, honeyed, obsequious (marked by insincere flattery) |
színesebb {adj} | :: comparative of színes |
színész {n} | :: actor, player (a person who performs in a theatrical play or film) |
színész {n} [figuratively, humorous or slightly, pejorative] | :: actor, hypocrite (one who hides one's true feelings) |
színészi {adj} [theater, film] | :: acting, stage (of, or relating to acting and actors) |
színésznő {n} | :: actress |
színez {vt} | :: to colour, to paint, to tint |
színez {vt} | :: to lend colour (to a story) |
Szingapúr {prop} | :: Szingapúr (island/and/city-state) |
szingapúri {adj} | :: Singaporean (of, from, or relating to Singapore) |
szingapúri {n} | :: Singaporean (a person from Singapore or of Singaporean descent) |
Szingapúri Köztársaság {prop} | :: Republic of Singapore (official name of Singapore) |
színház {n} | :: theatre |
színházi {adj} | :: theatrical, of or relating to theater, stage |
színhely {n} | :: scene, location, locale, stage |
színhőmérséklet {n} [physics, photography] | :: color temperature (temperature of a black body radiator that radiates light of a color comparable to that of the light source) |
szinkópa {n} [music] | :: syncopation |
szinkron {n} | :: synchronization (state or property of two or more events happening at the same time) |
szinkron {n} | :: dubbing, revoicing (the replacement of a voice part in a film with a synchronized translation) |
szinkronizál {vt} | :: to synchronize, sync (to cause two or more events to happen at exactly the same time) |
szinkronizál {vt} | :: to dub, revoice (to replace soundtrack with translation) |
szinkronstúdió {n} | :: dubbing studio |
szinkronszínész {n} | :: voice actor |
szinkronúszás {n} | :: synchronized swimming (a swimming event where several swimmers perform a synchronised routine of dance moves in the water) |
színlel {vt} [usually, pejorative] | :: to pretend |
színlelés {n} | :: pretence, simulation, sham, make-believe |
szinódus {n} | :: synod |
szinonim {adj} [linguistics] | :: synonymic, synonymical, synonymous (of, relating to, or being a synonym) |
szinonima {n} [linguistics] | :: synonym |
szinonimahalmozás {n} [rhetoric] | :: pleonasm |
szinonimaszótár {n} | :: thesaurus |
színpad {n} | :: stage (theatre) |
színpompa {n} | :: brilliancy of colours, colour orgy, riot of colours |
színpompás {adj} | :: richly coloured, colourful, gorgeous |
színpompásabb {adj} | :: comparative of színpompás |
szint {n} | :: level (distance relative to a given reference elevation) |
szinte {adv} | :: almost, nearly |
színtelen {adj} | :: colourless (having no colour) |
színtelenebb {adj} | :: comparative of színtelen |
színtelenség {n} | :: colourlessness [UK], colorlessness [US] |
szintén {conj} | :: likewise, also, too, similarly, as well |
szintes {adj} | :: storied, storeyed (having the stated number of storeys, building levels) |
szintetikus {adj} | :: synthetic |
szintetikusabb {adj} | :: comparative of szintetikus |
szintetizál {vt} | :: to synthetize |
szintetizátor {n} | :: synthesizer |
szintézis {n} | :: synthesis |
szinti {n} [musical instrument, colloquial] | :: synthesizer |
szintű {adj} | :: of level, -level |
szinusz {n} [trigonometry] | :: sine |
szinuszgörbe {n} [trigonometry] | :: sine wave |
szinusztétel {n} [trigonometry] | :: law of sines, sine formula, sine law, sine rule (a statement that relates the lengths of the sides of a triangle to the sines of its angles) |
színű {adj} | :: colored, -color, of … color (having some type of color) |
színvak {adj} | :: color blind |
színvonal {n} [now, rare] | :: level, plane |
színvonal {n} | :: standard, level |
szipka {n} | :: cigarette holder |
szipog {vi} | :: to sniffle (to make a whimpering or sniffing sound when breathing, because of a runny nose) |
szipog {vt} | :: to sniffle (to utter with a whimpering or sniffing sound) |
szipoj {n} | :: sepoy |
szipoly {n} | :: a type of scarab beetle in the genus of Anisoplia (a harmful pest of cereal crops) |
Szir-darja {prop} | :: Szir-darja (major river) |
szirén {n} [mythology] | :: siren (Greek mythology) |
szirén {n} [rare, literary] | :: siren (a dangerously seductive woman) |
Szíria {prop} | :: Szíria (country) |
szíriai aranyhörcsög {n} | :: golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) |
szirom {n} | :: petal |
szirt {n} | :: cliff (a steep rock without vegetation) |
szirt {n} | :: reef (rocky shoal) |
szirup {n} [cooking] | :: syrup (a thick liquid with a high sugar content) |
szirup {n} [medicine] | :: syrup (a medicinal preparation) |
szirup {n} [figuratively, rare, pejorative] | :: treacle (cloying sentimentality in behavior or in a literary composition) |
szirupos {adj} | :: syrupy (containing syrup; having the taste or consistency of syrup) |
szirupos {adj} [figuratively, literary, pejorative] | :: syrupy (overly sentimental) |
sziszeg {vi} [of snake, goose] | :: to hiss (to make a hissing sound) |
sziszeg {vt} [of a person] | :: to hiss (to utter something in a quiet hissing sound, with suppressed anger) |
szisztematikus {adj} | :: systematic |
szít {vt} | :: to instigate, stir up, incite |
szita {n} | :: sieve |
szitakötő {n} | :: dragonfly, damselfly |
szitál {vt} | :: to sift, to sieve |
szitál {vi} | :: to drizzle, to pat (to gently rain) |
szitálás {n} | :: drizzle (light rain) |
szituáció {n} | :: situation |
szív {n} | :: [anatomy] heart (a muscular organ that pumps blood through the body) |
szív {n} | :: heart (emotions, kindness, moral effort, or spirit) |
szív {n} | :: heart (a conventional shape or symbol used to represent the heart) |
szív {vt} | :: to suck#Verb, inhale, absorb (driving any liquid or gas inside) |
szivacs {n} | :: sponge |
szivar {n} | :: cigar |
szivar {n} [slang] | :: blighter, bloke |
szivarka {n} [dated] | :: cigarette |
szivarka {n} | :: cigarillo |
szivárvány {n} | :: rainbow |
szivárványhártya {n} [anatomy] | :: iris (colored membrane layer of the eye) |
szívat {vt} [colloquial] | :: to haze, nag, annoy, harass (to put in an unpleasant situation) |
szívat {vt} [colloquial] | :: to mess with, prank, joke, fool, dupe, trick |
szivattyú {n} | :: pump |
szívbillentyű {n} [anatomy] | :: heart valve (any of the valves in the heart which prevent blood from moving in the wrong direction) |
szível {vt} [literary] | :: to like, be fond of, care for |
szívelégtelenség {n} [cardiology] | :: heart failure, cardiac insufficiency (chronic inability of the heart to pump sufficient blood throughout the body) |
szívélyes {adj} | :: cordial |
szívélyesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szívélyes |
szívélyesebben {adv} | :: comparative of szívélyesen |
szívélyesen {adv} | :: cordially |
szívélyesen {adv} | :: heartily |
szívélyesen {adv} | :: kindly |
szívélyesség {n} | :: cordiality, heartiness, kindliness |
szíverősítő {adj} | :: heart-strengthening |
szíverősítő {n} [colloquial] | :: medicine that improves heart functions |
szíverősítő {n} [humorous] | :: pick-me-up (strong alcoholic beverage, mostly pálinka) |
szíves {adj} [rarely used on its own as an attribute] | :: kind, engaging, pleasant, hearty |
szíves {adj} | :: kindly [in polite requests or emphasizing someone's kindness] |
szívesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szíves |
szívesebben {adv} | :: comparative of szívesen |
szívesen {adv} | :: heartily, gladly, happily, with pleasure |
szívesen {interj} | :: you're welcome (as a response to “thank you”) |
szíveskedik {vi} [formal] | :: to be so kind as to…, kindly (do something) |
szívinfarktus {n} [cardiology, pathology] | :: myocardial infarction, heart attack |
szívizom {n} [anatomy] | :: cardiac muscle, myocardium (the striated and involuntary muscle of the vertebrate heart) |
szívkagyló {n} | :: cockle |
szívlapát {n} | :: heart-shaped shovel |
szívmelengető {adj} | :: heart-warming |
szívműtét {n} [cardiology] | :: heart surgery |
szívó {adj} | :: suctorial, suctorious |
szívó {n} | :: sucker (a thing that works by sucking something) |
szívószál {n} | :: drinking straw |
szívroham {n} [cardiology, pathology] | :: heart attack |
szívtelen {adj} | :: heartless, unfeeling |
szívtelenebb {adj} | :: comparative of szívtelen |
szívtelenség {n} | :: heartlessness |
szívtipró {n} | :: philanderer |
szívű {adj} | :: -hearted, with a …… heart (having a specific kind of heart) |
szívvel-lélekkel {adv} | :: wholeheartedly (enthusiastically; without reserve) |
szkandium {n} | :: scandium (symbol: Sc) |
szkennel {vt} [computing] | :: to scan (to create a digital copy of an image using a scanner) |
szkennelés {n} | :: scanning |
szkenner {n} [computer hardware] | :: scanner |
szkepszis {n} | :: skepticism, doubt |
szkeptikus {adj} | :: skeptical, skeptic |
szkeptikus {n} | :: skeptic |
-szkodik {suffix} [verb-forming suffix] | :: Used to form a reflexive verb indicating repetitive action |
Szkopje {prop} | :: Szkopje (capital city) |
szláv {adj} | :: Slavonic, Slavic |
szláv {n} | :: Slav (person) |
szláv {n} [singular only] | :: Slavonic (language) |
Szlavónia {prop} | :: Slavonia |
szleng {n} | :: slang |
szlogen {n} | :: slogan |
szlovák {adj} | :: Slovak, Slovakian (of, or relating to Slovakia, its people or language) |
szlovák {n} | :: Slovak, Slovakian (person) |
szlovák {n} [singular only] | :: Slovak (language) |
Szlovákia {prop} | :: Slovakia |
szlovákiai {adj} | :: Slovak (of, from, or relating to Slovakia) |
Szlovák Köztársaság {n} | :: Slovak Republic |
szlovén {adj} | :: Slovene, Slovenian (of or pertaining to Slovenia, its people or language) |
szlovén {n} | :: Slovene, Slovenian (person) |
szlovén {n} [singular only] | :: Slovene, Slovenian (language) |
Szlovénia {prop} | :: Szlovénia (country) |
Szlovén Köztársaság {prop} | :: Republic of Slovenia |
szmoking {n} | :: tuxedo |
Szmolenszk {prop} | :: Szmolenszk (city/administrative center) |
Szmolenszk {prop} | :: Szmolenszk (oblast) |
szn. {n} | :: abbreviation of személynév |
sznob {n} | :: snob (a person who wishes to be seen as a member of the upper classes and who looks down on those perceived to have inferior or unrefined tastes) |
szó {n} [linguistics] | :: word (smallest unit of language which has a particular meaning) |
szó {n} | :: word (promise; oath or guarantee) |
szó {n} | :: voice (an expressed opinion, choice, will, desire, or wish; the right or ability to make such expression or to have it considered) |
szó {n} | :: sound |
szó {n} | :: sol (a syllable used in solfège to represent the fifth note of a major scale) |
szóalak {n} [linguistics] | :: word form |
szóalak {n} [corpus linguistics] | :: type |
szóáradat {n} | :: tirade, torrent of words (a flow of words, a lengthy talk without interruption) |
szoba {n} | :: room (a division of a building enclosed by walls, floor, and ceiling; in a private flat/apartment, officially not smaller than 12 m² [14.4 sq yd], as opposed to a smaller félszoba; this distinction was abolished in 2008, with a general bottom limit of 8 m² [9.6 sq yd] for any room intended for living) |
szobafestő {n} | :: painter (laborer) |
szobalány {n} | :: chambermaid |
szobás {adj} | :: -room, -roomed (having a certain number of rooms) |
szobatárs {n} | :: roommate |
szobatiszta {adj} [of children] | :: toilet-trained, potty-trained |
szobatiszta {adj} [of pets] | :: housebroken, toilet-trained, housetrained |
szobatisztaság {n} | :: the skill (of a child or animal) to use the toilet or a certain designated place whenever needed; being toilet-trained, house-trained or housebroken |
szóbeli {adj} | :: oral (spoken rather than written) |
szóbeli {n} [education] | :: oral (a spoken test or examination) |
szóbeszéd {n} | :: (ungrounded) rumor, hearsay, gossip |
szóbeszéd {n} [dialectal, archaic] | :: talk, chatter, conversation |
szóbeszéd {n} [dialectal, archaic, derogatory] | :: verbosity, long-windedness, wordiness |
szobor {n} | :: statue, sculpture |
szobrász {n} | :: sculptor |
szobrászat {n} | :: sculpture (the art of shaping material into three-dimensional figures) |
szobrocska {n} | :: figurine, statuette |
szóbuborék {n} | :: speech bubble, balloon, fumetto (a rounded outline, containing words, representing speech in a cartoon) |
szoci {n} [colloquial, often, derogatory] | :: socialist |
szociáldemokrácia {n} | :: social democracy |
szociáldemokrata {adj} | :: social democratic (of or relating to social democracy) |
szociáldemokrata {n} [politics] | :: social democrat (a supporter of social democracy) |
szociális {adj} | :: social (of or related to the society or the community) |
szociális {adj} | :: welfare (aiming to improve the well-being of the general public and/or to aid those in need) |
szociális {adj} | :: need-based, means-tested |
szociálisabb {adj} | :: comparative of szociális |
szociálisan {adv} | :: socially |
szocialista {adj} | :: socialist |
szocialista {n} | :: socialist |
szociális távolságtartás {n} [epidemiology] | :: synonym of közösségi távolságtartás |
szocializál {vt} | :: to socialize (to take something into collective or governmental ownership) |
szocializál {vt} [sociology] | :: to socialize (to prepare for participation in the life of society, in accordance with social norms. e.g. children) |
szocializmus {n} | :: socialism (political philosophy of social and economic equality) |
szócikk {n} [linguistics] | :: entry (in a dictionary, encyclopedia, lexicon, etc.) |
szociobiológia {n} [biology] | :: sociobiology |
szociológia {n} | :: sociology |
szociológiai {adj} | :: sociological |
szociológus {n} | :: sociologist |
szócsalád {n} [linguistics, lexicography] | :: word family (a set of etymologically related words) |
Szocsi {prop} | :: Szocsi (city) |
szodómia {n} | :: sodomy, bestiality (sexual activity between a human and another animal species) |
szóelőfordulás {n} [corpus linguistics] | :: token, running word |
szóelvonás {n} [linguistics] | :: back-formation (the process of creating a new word by removing actual or supposed affixes or, less frequently, by shortening a compound word to one of its elements) |
szófaj {n} [grammar] | :: part of speech |
szófajváltás {n} [linguistics] | :: conversion (a word formation method where a particular part of speech is converted to another without change but a different meaning; e.g. the adverb reggel (in the morning) was converted to the noun reggel (morning)) |
Szófia {prop} | :: Szófia (capital city) |
Szófia {prop} | :: given name |
szófogadatlan {adj} | :: disobedient |
szófogadó {adj} | :: obedient, dutiful (willing to comply with orders) |
szófogadóbb {adj} | :: comparative of szófogadó |
szófordulat {n} | :: figure of speech, turn of phrase |
szoftver {n} [computing] | :: software (encoded computer instructions) |
szoftverfejlesztés {n} [computing] | :: software development |
szófukar {adj} | :: uncommunicative |
szófukarabb {adj} | :: comparative of szófukar |
szogd {adj} | :: Sogdian |
szogd {n} | :: Sogdian (person) |
szogd {n} [singular only] | :: Sogdian (language) |
szója {n} | :: soy |
szójabab {n} | :: soybean |
szójaszósz {n} | :: soy sauce |
szójatej {n} | :: soy milk |
szójáték {n} | :: wordplay, pun, paronomasia |
szójegyzék {n} | :: glossary, vocabulary |
szokás {n} | :: custom |
szokás {n} | :: habit |
szokásos {adj} | :: habitual, usual |
szokásosabb {adj} | :: comparative of szokásos |
szokatlan {adj} | :: unusual |
szokatlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of szokatlan |
szokatlanul {adv} | :: unusually |
szokik {vi} | :: to get used to something ( hoz), to get accustomed to |
szokik {vit} [auxiliary with an infinitive, formally in the past tense] | :: to do something usually, generally, normally, or habitually (compare szokás (habit)) |
szókimondó {adj} | :: outspoken |
szókincs {n} | :: vocabulary |
szoknya {n} | :: skirt |
szoknya {n} [figuratively, colloquial, in some set phrases] | :: woman |
szoknyavadász {n} [humorous or pejorative] | :: skirt chaser, Don Juan, womanizer (a man with amorous intentions who habitually seeks out female companionship) |
szokott {adj} | :: usual, habitual, customary |
szóköz {n} | :: space (gap between written characters) |
szóköz {n} | :: space (on keyboard) |
Szókratész {prop} | :: Socrates (Greek philosopher) |
szoktat {vt} | :: to accustom, to habituate a person or an animal to (doing or enduring) something (ra or hoz) |
szokvány {n} [archaic] | :: usance, convention, standard (accepted or habitual practice in business) |
szokvány {n} [rare, literary] | :: ordinary (an object of average, common quality) |
szokványos {adj} | :: usual |
szokványosabb {adj} | :: comparative of szokványos |
szol {n} [chemistry] | :: sol (a type of colloid in which a solid is dispersed in a liquid) |
szol {n} [music] | :: alternative form of szó#Hungarian-solfege-5 |
szól {vi} | :: to speak, say, talk to someone ( hoz) |
szól {vt} | :: to speak (to say a word, sentence) |
szól {vi} | :: to be about, handle ( ról) |
szól {vi} | :: to let know, inform, notify, apprise, call |
szól {vi} | :: to say, react (to tell an opinion) |
szólal {vi} | :: to speak, say |
szólam {n} | :: stock phrase |
szólam {n} [music] | :: voice, part |
szólánc {n} | :: word chain (a word game in which players come up with words that begin with the letter or letters that the previous word ended with) |
szólás {n} [linguistics] | :: saying, idiom (an established expression whose meaning is not deducible from the literal meanings of its component words) |
szólás {n} | :: speech, speaking |
szólásmondás {n} | :: common saying, proverb, adage |
szólásszabadság {n} | :: freedom of speech |
szolga {n} | :: servant, manservant, attendant |
szolgál {vt} | :: to serve, be in service ( ban) |
szolgál {vi} [polite] | :: to serve, supply with something ( val) |
szolgál {vi} [with ul] | :: to serve as something |
szolgálat {n} | :: service, duty |
szolgalelkű {adj} | :: servile, obsequious |
szolgalelkűbb {adj} | :: comparative of szolgalelkű |
szolgáló {adj} | :: serving for something, for use ( ra) |
szolgáló {n} | :: girl, maid (female servant) |
szolgálónő {n} | :: girl, maid (female servant) |
szolgáltat {vt} | :: to provide, supply |
szolgáltatás {n} | :: service |
szolgáltató {n} | :: service provider |
szolidaritás {n} | :: solidarity |
szólít {vt} [formal] | :: to summon, to call upon someone (to request or ask something of [a person]) |
szólít {vt} | :: to call, address (in some way nak) |
szoliter {n} | :: solitaire (single gem mounted in a piece of jewellery by itself) |
szoliter {adj} [medicine] | :: solitary (single, alone, separate; not multiple) |
szoliter {adj} [botany, of a plant] | :: solitary (not associated with others of the same kind) |
Szolnok {prop} | :: Szolnok (city/county seat) |
szolnoki {adj} | :: Of, from, or pertaining to Szolnok |
szolnoki {n} | :: A person from Szolnok |
szóló {adj} | :: solo |
szóló {n} | :: solo (a piece of music for one performer) |
szomáli {n} | :: Somali (a person from Somalia or of Somali descent) |
szomáli {n} [singular only] | :: Somali (a language) |
Szomália {prop} | :: Szomália (country) |
szomatogámia {n} [biology] | :: somatogamy (the fusion of two cells (but not their nuclei), especially as the first stage of syngamy) |
szombat {n} | :: Saturday |
szombat {n} | :: Sabbath |
Szombathely {prop} | :: Szombathely (city) |
szombathelyi {adj} | :: of or relating to Szombathely |
szombati {adj} | :: Saturday, of Saturday, Saturday's |
szombatonként {adv} | :: every Saturday, on Saturdays |
szombréró {n} | :: sombrero |
szomj {n} | :: thirst (dryness) |
szomjan {adv} | :: of thirst, with thirst |
szomjas {adj} | :: thirsty |
szomjasabb {adj} | :: comparative of szomjas |
szomjas vagyok {phrase} | :: I am thirsty |
szomjazik {vi} | :: to thirst, be thirsty |
szomjazik {vi} | :: to thirst for, long for, crave for |
szomjazik {vt} [rare, poetic] | :: to thirst for someone or something (with t) |
szomjú {adj} [archaic] | :: thirsty |
szomjúság {n} | :: thirst (dryness) |
szomorít {vt} | :: to sadden (to make someone sad repeatedly or continuously) |
szomorú {adj} | :: sad, sorrowful, mournful (feeling sorrow) |
szomorú {adj} [of an event, news, sight] | :: sad, lamentable, saddening, sorry (causing sorrow) |
szomorú {adj} [of conditions, situation] | :: sad, sorrowful, hard, bitter |
szomorúan {adv} | :: sadly, sorrowfully |
szomorúbb {adj} | :: comparative of szomorú |
szomorújáték {n} | :: tragedy |
szomorúság {n} | :: sadness |
szomszéd {n} | :: neighbour (a person living on adjacent or nearby land; a person situated adjacently or nearby; anything in an adjacent or nearby position) |
szomszéd {adj} | :: next-door (occupying an adjacent place) |
szomszédos {adj} | :: adjacent, neighbouring |
szomszédság {n} | :: neighbourhood [UK], neighborhood [US], vicinity (close proximity, nearby area; particularly, close proximity to one's home; the quality of physical proximity) |
szonáta {n} | :: sonata |
szonett {n} | :: sonnet |
szónok {n} | :: speaker, orator, rhetor |
szop {vit} [slang] | :: alternative form of szopik (often used in the sexual sense) |
szópár {n} [linguistics] | :: word pair, pair of words, doublet |
szópárbaj {n} | :: fight, argument, repartee (a battle of words, a verbal confrontation/sparring) |
szopás {n} [vulgar] | :: blowjob |
szopás {n} [slang] | :: annoyance, something that sucks (being affected negatively by the outcome) |
szopik {vit} | :: to suck#Verb (mainly referring to breastfeeding, but necessarily involving the pressure exerted by the lips) |
szopik {v} [usually without the -ik suffix, slang] | :: to suck#Verb (in the sexual sense) |
szoprán {n} | :: soprano |
szoptat {vt} | :: to suckle, nurse, breast-feed |
-szor {suffix} [multiplicative suffix] | :: time, times. Added to a cardinal numeral or a pronoun to indicate the number of instances |
-szor {suffix} | :: for (the) ……-th time. Added to a truncated ordinal numeral or some pronouns to create an adverb, expressing for which time a current instance happens or has happened in the past |
szór {vt} | :: to sprinkle, scatter (solid substance) |
szórakozás {n} | :: entertainment, amusement, fun |
szórakozási {adj} | :: recreational, (of) entertainment, (of) amusement |
szórakozik {vi} | :: to have fun, enjoy oneself, have a good time |
szórakozik {vi} | :: to mess with someone ( val) |
szórakoztat {vt} | :: to entertain someone ( t) with something ( val) |
szórakoztató {adj} | :: entertaining, funny |
szórakoztatóbb {adj} | :: comparative of szórakoztató |
szórakoztatóipar {n} | :: entertainment industry |
szóra sem érdemes {phrase} | :: don't mention it (a polite way of expressing that something is too trivial to warrant thanks) |
szorb {adj} | :: Sorbian (of or pertaining to the Sorbs or to the Sorbian language) |
szorb {n} | :: Sorb, Sorbian (a person) |
szorb {n} [singular only] | :: Sorbian (language) |
szorgalmas {adj} | :: diligent |
szorgalmasabb {adj} | :: comparative of szorgalmas |
szorgalmasan {adv} | :: diligently |
szorgalmi {adj} | :: voluntary (nonmandatory [home work]), academic (the time of year spent with studying), of diligence (a grade given for diligence in school) |
szorgalom {n} | :: diligence |
szorít {vt} | :: to press, grip, clutch |
szorít {vt} | :: to urge, force, compel (to act) |
szorít {vi} | :: to pinch (shoe), strangle (tight collar) |
szorít az idő {v} [idiomatic] | :: time presses (there is very little time left to accomplish what was planned) |
szóró {n} | :: sprayer, caster, spreader (an object used for spraying, sprinkling or projecting something, e.g. salt, light, sound, paint) |
szóródik {vi} | :: to scatter, disperse, spread (to become dispersed) |
szóról szóra {adv} | :: word for word, literally, verbatim |
szorong {vi} | :: to worry, be anxious, be tense, be in a state of angst |
szorong {vi} | :: to be crowded together |
szorongás {n} | :: anxiety, angst |
-szoros {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: -time, -fold, times |
szoros {adj} | :: tight |
szoros {n} [geography] | :: strait (a narrow channel of water connecting two larger bodies of water) |
szoros {n} [geography] | :: mountain pass |
szorosabb {adj} | :: comparative of szoros |
szorosan {adv} | :: tightly, closely |
szoroz {vit} | :: to multiply |
szorul {vi} | :: to be squeezed into something, to get forced into a narrow gap, jam, get wedged in |
szorul {vi} | :: to stand in need of something ( ra), require, want, be dependent on someone |
szórvány {n} | :: diaspora |
szórványos {adj} | :: scattered, sporadic, sparse |
szorzás {n} [arithmetic] | :: multiplication |
szorzásjel {n} [mathematics] | :: multiplication sign |
szorzó {n} [mathematics] | :: coefficient, factor, multiplier |
szósz {n} | :: sauce |
szószaporítás {n} | :: pleonasm |
szószedet {n} | :: vocabulary, wordlist |
szószék {n} | :: pulpit (a raised platform in a church, usually enclosed, where the minister or preacher stands to conduct the sermon) |
szószék {n} | :: rostrum, pulpit (platform for an orator or public speaker) |
szótag {n} | :: syllable |
szótagol {vt} [linguistics] | :: to syllabify (to divide a word into syllables) |
szótagos {adj} | :: -syllabic (having a certain number of syllables) |
szótagszámú {adj} | :: with/of …… (number of) syllables |
szótagú {adj} | :: -syllabic (having a certain number of syllables) |
szótár {n} | :: dictionary (reference work with a list of words from one or more languages) |
szótár {n} | :: vocabulary (the collection of words a person knows and uses) |
szótári {adj} | :: of or relating to dictionary |
szótári szó {n} [corpus linguistics] | :: lexeme, lemma |
szót fogad {vi} [idiom] | :: to obey, comply, oblige (to do as one is told) |
szótlan {adj} | :: wordless, silent |
szótlanabb {adj} | :: comparative of szótlan |
szótő {n} [linguistics] | :: root, stem |
szóval {adv} | :: so, well, that is |
szóváltás {n} [slightly, literary] | :: argument, quarrel (a verbal dispute) |
szóváltás {n} [archaic, literary] | :: conversation, talking, dialogue |
szóvég {n} [linguistics] | :: word ending (the last one or two letters of a word) |
szóvég {n} [linguistics, archaic] | :: suffix |
szó végi {adj} [linguistics] | :: (word-)final (of or relating to the last letter[s] of a word) |
szóvégi {adj} | :: superseded spelling of szó végi |
szóvégmutató szótár {n} [lexicography] | :: reverse dictionary, reverse-alphabetized dictionary |
szóvicc {n} | :: pun (a joke or type of wordplay) |
szóvivő {n} | :: spokesman, spokesperson, spokeswoman |
szovjet {adj} | :: Soviet (relating to the Soviet Union or its republics) |
szovjet {n} | :: soviet |
Szovjetunió {prop} | :: Soviet Union (USSR) |
szózat {n} [formal] | :: speech, appeal, proclamation |
Szózat {prop} | :: A Hungarian poem, considered as the second national anthem of Hungary, besides Himnusz. It was written in 1836 by Mihály Vörösmarty, and was set to music in 1840 by Béni Egressy |
sző {vt} | :: to weave |
sző {vt} [of a spider] | :: to spin |
sző {vt} | :: to plot |
sző {adj} [obsolete] | :: bright, blond |
szöcske {n} | :: grasshopper |
szög {n} | :: nail (spike-shaped metal fastener used for joining wood or similar materials) |
szög {n} [geometry] | :: angle |
szög {n} | :: angle, viewing direction |
szöget üt a fejébe {v} [idiomatic] | :: to set one thinking, to put a suspicion in one's mind |
szögfelező {adj} [geometry] | :: angle-bisecting (dividing an angle into two angles with equal measures) |
szögfelező {n} [geometry] | :: angle bisector (it divides the angle into two angles with equal measures) |
szögfelezőtétel {n} [geometry] | :: angle bisector theorem |
szögfüggvény {n} [trigonometry] | :: trigonometric function |
szöglet {n} | :: corner |
szögletes {adj} | :: cornered, angled, square, (polygon or polyhedron-shaped as opposed to round) |
szögletesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szögletes |
szögletes zárójel {n} [typography] | :: square bracket (either of a pair of symbols, [ ], used for various purposes) |
szögletű {adj} | :: cornered (having specified corners) |
szögsebesség {n} [mechanics] | :: angular velocity |
szőke {adj} | :: blond (UK), blonde (US) (hair color) |
szőke {n} | :: blond, blonde (person) |
szőkébb {adj} | :: comparative of szőke |
szökell {vi} [of human or animal] | :: to leap, spring, jump |
szökell {vi} [of a jet of water] | :: to spout (to gush forth in a jet or stream) |
szökés {n} | :: escape |
szőkés {adj} [of hair] | :: fairish, blondish |
szőkésebb {adj} | :: comparative of szőkés |
szökési {adj} | :: (of) escape |
szökési sebesség {n} [astrophysics] | :: escape velocity (the minimum velocity needed to escape the gravitational field of a planet or other body) |
szökevény {n} | :: fugitive |
szökik {vi} | :: to hop |
szökik {vi} | :: to flee |
szőkít {vt} | :: to bleach one's hair, dye one's hair blonde |
szökő {adj} | :: fleeing, running away |
szökő {adj} | :: soaring, rising |
szökő {n} [rare] | :: one who is running away or escaping |
szökő {n} [only with the suffix -ben] | :: the act of escaping |
szökő {n} [literature, archaic] | :: iamb |
szökőár {n} | :: spring tide, tidal wave, tsunami |
szökőév {n} | :: leap year |
szökőkút {n} | :: fountain (an artificial water feature consisting of one or more streams of water originating from a statue or other structure) |
szökött {adj} | :: runaway, fugitive, on the loose |
szökött {n} | :: one who escaped, escapee, runaway |
szőlő {n} | :: grape (a small, round, smooth-skinned edible fruit, usually purple, red, or green, that grows in bunches on vines of genus Vitis) |
szőlő {n} | :: grape, grapevine (a woody vine that bears clusters of grapes) |
szőlő {n} | :: vineyard (a grape plantation) |
szőlőszem {n} | :: grape (a small, round, smooth-skinned edible fruit) |
szőlőzsír {n} | :: lip balm, lip salve, chapstick |
szőnyeg {n} | :: carpet (a fabric used as a floor covering) |
szőnyegporoló {n} | :: carpet beater, rug beater |
szőr {n} | :: hair (on the body) |
szörfözik {v} | :: to surf |
szőrme {n} | :: fur |
szörny {n} | :: monster |
szörnyalak {n} | :: monster, monstrous form/figure |
szörnyed {vi} | :: to be shocked or horrified |
szörnyeteg {n} | :: monster |
szörnyethal {vi} | :: to drop dead (to die suddenly on the spot in a shocking way) |
szörnyű {adj} | :: horrible, terrible, monstrous |
szörnyűbb {adj} | :: comparative of szörnyű |
szörnyűség {n} | :: horror |
-szörös {suffix} [adjective-forming suffix] | :: -fold, times |
szőrös {adj} | :: hairy, shaggy, hirsute |
szörp {n} | :: syrup (concentrated fruit juice with high sugar content; it is consumed diluted with water) |
szőrtelen {adj} | :: hairless, glabrous, depilous (destitute of hair) |
szőrű {adj} | :: -haired, with …… hair (having a specific kind of [body] hair) |
szösz {n} | :: harl, fluff |
Szöul {prop} | :: Szöul (capital city) |
szöveg {n} | :: text |
szöveg {n} | :: lyrics |
szöveg {n} | :: legend, caption |
szövegbetű {n} [typography] | :: text typeface (typeface designed for easy reading in long passages of text) |
szövegbuborék {n} | :: synonym of szóbuborék, speech bubble |
szövegbuborék {n} [graphical user interface] | :: tooltip (an element of a graphical user interface in the form of a box of text that appears when a cursor is made to hover over an item; normally used to explain the function of the item) |
szövegértés {n} | :: reading literacy (the capacity to understand, use and reflect on written texts) |
szöveges {adj} | :: written, with word |
szövegkiemelő {n} | :: highlighter, marker pen (a felt-tip pen used to highlight text) |
szövegkörnyezet {n} [linguistics] | :: context (the text in which a word or passage appears and which helps ascertain its meaning) |
szövegösszefüggés {n} | :: context |
szövet {n} | :: fabric, cloth, textile |
szövet {n} | :: texture, structure |
szövet {n} [biology] | :: tissue |
szövetanyag {n} | :: fabric |
szövetkezet {n} | :: cooperative (a type of company) |
szövetkezeti {adj} [attributive] | :: cooperative (of or relating to a cooperative, a type of company) |
szövetség {n} | :: alliance, coalition, union |
szövetség {n} | :: association, confederation |
szövetséges {adj} | :: allied, confederate (joined as allies) |
szövetséges {n} | :: ally, confederate (one united to another by treaty or league) |
szövetséges {n} | :: ally, auxiliary (anything associated with another as a helper) |
szövetségi {adj} | :: federal, federate, federative, confederate |
Szövetségi Nyomozóiroda {prop} | :: FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation (the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States) |
szövettan {n} | :: histology |
szövettani {adj} | :: histological |
szövevény {n} | :: tangle, mesh |
szövő {adj} | :: weaving |
szövő {n} | :: weaver (one who weaves) |
szövődmény {n} [medicine] | :: complication (a disease or diseases, or adventitious circumstances or conditions, coexistent with and modifying a primary disease, but not necessarily connected with it) |
szövőnő {n} [female] | :: weaver (one who weaves) |
szövőszék {n} | :: loom (weaving frame) |
szpeleológia {n} | :: speleology |
szpeleológus {n} | :: speleologist |
szponzor {n} | :: sponsor |
szputnyik {n} | :: sputnik |
SZSZKSZ {prop} | :: USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) |
Szt. {prop} | :: St, St. abbreviation of Szent |
sztahanovista {n} | :: Stakhanovite |
Sztálin {prop} | :: Stalin (Joseph Stalin) |
sztálinista {adj} | :: Stalinist (of, or relating to Stalinism) |
sztálinista {n} | :: Stalinist (a person who accepts the philosophy of Stalinism) |
sztálinizmus {n} | :: Stalinism |
sztár {n} | :: star (a widely-known person; a celebrity) |
sztem {adv} [colloquial] | :: in my opinion |
sztereó {adj} | :: stereo (of sound recorded in stereo) |
sztereó {n} | :: stereo (device) |
sztereoszkóp {n} | :: stereoscope (instrument used for viewing pairs of stereoscopic photographs) |
szteroid {n} [biochemistry] | :: steroid |
sztetoszkóp {n} [medicine] | :: stethoscope (a medical instrument used for listening to sounds produced within the body) |
sztomatológia {n} | :: stomatology |
sztori {n} | :: story |
sztöchiometria {n} [chemistry] | :: stoichiometry |
sztrájk {n} | :: strike (work stoppage) |
sztrichnin {n} [chemistry] | :: strychnine |
sztúpa {n} | :: stupa |
Sztüx {prop} [Greek mythology] | :: Styx (a deity and a river that forms the boundary between Earth and the Underworld) |
sztyepp {n} | :: steppe |
szú {n} | :: deathwatch beetle |
szuahéli {n} | :: Swahili (language) |
szub- {prefix} | :: sub- |
szubjektív {adj} | :: subjective |
szubjektívabb {adj} | :: comparative of szubjektív |
szubjektívebb {adj} | :: comparative of szubjektív |
szubjektivitás {n} | :: subjectivity |
szubkultúra {n} | :: subculture |
szublimál {vt} [physics] | :: to sublimate (to change state from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid state) |
szublimál {vt} [psychoanalysis] | :: to sublimate (to modify the natural expression of a sexual or primitive instinct in a socially acceptable manner; to divert the energy of such an instinct into some acceptable activity) |
szubsztancia {n} | :: substance (the essential part of anything; the most vital part) |
szubsztancia {n} | :: substance (physical matter; material) |
Szudán {prop} | :: Szudán (country) |
szúdoku {n} [games, puzzles] | :: sudoku (a logic-based number-placement puzzle involving filling a 9x9 grid with digits from 1 to 9) |
Szuez {prop} | :: Szuez (city) |
szuezi {adj} | :: Suez (of, from, or relating to Suez) |
Szuezi-csatorna {prop} | :: Suez Canal |
Szuezi-öböl {prop} | :: Gulf of Suez |
szufla {n} [colloquial] | :: breath, wind |
szuggesztió {n} [psychology] | :: suggestion |
szuggesztív {adj} | :: suggestive (tending to suggest or imply or relating to hypnotic suggestion; without any implication of romance or sex) |
szuggesztívebb {adj} | :: comparative of szuggesztív |
szuka {n} | :: bitch (female dog) |
szuka {n} | :: vixen (female fox) |
szultán {n} | :: sultan |
szultanátus {n} | :: sultanate |
szultánkenyér {n} | :: Turkish delight |
Szumátra {prop} | :: Sumatra (the largest island of Indonesia) |
szundikál {vi} [colloquial] | :: to doze, slumber, nap, snooze (to sleep lightly or briefly) |
szundikálás {n} | :: nap, forty winks (a short or light sleep) |
szundít {vi} [colloquial] | :: to doze, slumber, nap, snooze (to sleep lightly or briefly) |
szundítás {n} | :: nap, forty winks (a short sleep) |
szunnyad {vi} | :: to slumber |
szúnyog {n} | :: mosquito, gnat |
szúnyogcsípés {n} | :: mosquito bite (a sting by a mosquito) |
szúnyogháló {n} | :: mosquito net |
szuper {adj} | :: super, great |
szuperál {vi} [colloquial] | :: to function, act, work, run |
szuperhatalom {n} | :: superpower (sovereign state) |
szupermarket {n} | :: supermarket |
szupermodell {n} | :: supermodel |
szúr {vt} | :: to prick, to pierce, to stab (with a sharp tool, e.g. a needle or a knife) |
szúr {vt} | :: to sting, to bite (insect) |
szúr {vt} | :: to shoot (a form of pain) |
szúr {vt} | :: to strike, to hit |
szúrás {n} | :: prick (the experience or feeling of being pierced or punctured by a small, sharp object) |
szúrás {n} | :: sting, bite (a bite by an insect) |
szúrás {n} | :: stab (a wound made by stabbing) |
szúrás {n} | :: stab, twinge (a sharp pain) |
szúrás {n} [figuratively, pejorative] | :: criticism (a teasing, annoying comment; an insult) |
szurdok {n} [geography] | :: gorge (a deep, narrow valley with steep sides, usually hollowed out by water) |
szurikáta {n} | :: meerkat (Suricata suricatta, a small carnivorous mammal of the mongoose family, from the Kalahari Desert, known for its habit of standing on its hind legs) |
szurkoló {n} | :: fan (an admirer) |
szurok {n} | :: pitch (dark, extremely viscous material made by distilling tar) |
szurokfekete {adj} | :: pitch-black |
szurony {n} | :: bayonet |
szurtos {adj} [slightly, literary] | :: grimy, grubby, dirty, unwashed |
szusi {n} | :: sushi |
szusz {n} | :: breath, wind |
szútra {n} [Buddhism, Hinduism] | :: sutra (a scriptural narrative, especially a discourse of the Buddha) |
szutykos {adj} | :: grimy, filthy |
szutykosabb {adj} | :: comparative of szutykos |
szuvenír {n} | :: souvenir (an item of sentimental value, to remember an event or location) |
szűcs {n} | :: furrier (a person who sells, makes, repairs, alters, cleans, or otherwise deals in clothing made of fur) |
szüfrazsett {n} | :: suffragette |
szügy {n} | :: the chest of a horse |
Szügy {prop} | :: Szügy (village) |
szűk {adj} | :: narrow (road) |
szűk {adj} | :: tight (clothes) |
szűkebb {adj} | :: comparative of szűk |
szűkít {vt} | :: to narrow or narrow down, tighten, restrict (to reduce in width or extent) |
szűkített {adj} | :: narrowed, tightened, restricted |
szűkített {adj} [music] | :: diminished (of an interval: reduced by a semitone) |
szűk látókörű {adj} | :: narrow-minded, small-minded (having restricted or rigid views, and being unreceptive to new ideas) |
szűkös {adj} | :: meagre, paltry, lean (having little extra or little to spare) |
szükség {n} | :: need (necessity, requirement; often in the impersonal phrase szükség van or in the personal phrase szüksége van; the person or thing needed given with ra) |
szükséges {adj} | :: necessary (needed, required) |
szükségesebb {adj} | :: comparative of szükséges |
szükségesség {n} | :: necessity |
szükségképpen {adv} | :: necessarily, perforce |
szükségszerű {adj} | :: necessary |
szükségszerűen {adv} | :: necessarily, inevitably |
szükségszerűség {n} | :: necessity |
szükségtelen {adj} | :: unnecessary |
szükségtelenebb {adj} | :: comparative of szükségtelen |
szükségtelenül {adv} | :: needlessly, unnecessarily |
szűkszavú {adj} | :: closemouthed, taciturn |
szűkszavúbb {adj} | :: comparative of szűkszavú |
szül. {adj} | :: b. (born) |
szül {vt} | :: to give birth, to bear |
szülemény {n} | :: product |
szülés {n} | :: labour (giving birth) |
szülész {n} | :: obstetrician (a physician who specializes in childbirth) |
szülésznő {n} | :: midwife |
születendő {adj} | :: unborn, to be born, yet to be |
születés {n} | :: birth |
születési {adj} | :: birth-, of birth, native |
születésnap {n} | :: birthday |
születésű {adj} | :: -born, native of, from, of birth, by birth |
született {adj} | :: born |
születik {vi} | :: to be born |
szülő {n} | :: parent |
szülőfalu {n} | :: home village, native village |
szülőföld {n} | :: motherland, fatherland, homeland, home country, birthplace (the country of one's birth) |
szülői {adj} | :: parental |
szülőváros {n} | :: hometown |
szünet {n} | :: pause, break (temporary stop, rest or cease in activity) |
szünet {n} | :: recess (short time off in between school classes, during court trials and parliamentary meetings) |
szünet {n} | :: intermission (break between two parts of a performance, such as at a concert or play) |
szünet {n} | :: vacation, break (period during which schools, theaters or other institutions are closed) |
szünet {n} [music] | :: rest (pause of a specified length in a piece of music) |
szünet {n} | :: pause (button whose functions are pausing and resuming an electrical appliance) |
szűnik {vi} | :: to stop, cease, abate |
szüntelen {adj} | :: unceasing, incessant, ceaseless, unremitting |
szüntelenül {adv} | :: incessantly, unceasingly, ceaselessly |
szüntet {vt} | :: to stop |
szűr {vt} | :: [of liquid] to strain, filter |
szűr {vt} [medicine] | :: to screen |
szűr {n} | :: (a kind of) mantle or coat (the traditional long embroidered felt cloak of Hungarian shepherds) |
szürcsöl {vt} | :: to slurp (to eat or drink noisily) |
szürcsöl {vt} | :: to sip (to drink slowly and appreciatively, small mouthfuls at a time) |
szűretlen {adj} | :: unfiltered |
szürke {adj} | :: grey (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember) |
szürkeállomány {n} [neuroanatomy] | :: grey matter, gray matter [US] |
szürkeárnyalatos {adj} | :: grayscale, black-and-white (representing color with shades of gray) |
szürkébb {adj} | :: comparative of szürke |
szürke gém {n} | :: grey heron (Ardea cinerea) |
szürkéllik {vi} | :: to appear in grey color, to be grey with ( tól) |
szürkeség {n} | :: greyness |
szűrő {n} | :: sieve |
szűrő {n} | :: colander |
szűrő {n} [photography] | :: filter (camera accessory that can be inserted into the optical path, modifying the images thus recorded) |
szürrealista {adj} | :: surrealist (of or relating to surrealism) |
szürrealista {n} | :: surrealist (a surrealist artist) |
szürrealistább {adj} | :: comparative of szürrealista |
szűz {n} | :: virgin |
Szűz {prop} | :: Virgo |
szüzesség {n} | :: virginity |
szűzhártya {n} | :: hymen |
Szűz Mária {prop} [Christianity] | :: Virgin Mary (the mother of Christ) |
Szváziföld {prop} | :: Szváziföld (country) |
szvsz {phrase} [Internet] | :: IMHO, in my humble opinion |