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User:JeffDoozan/stats/sections/latest/by title

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Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

A-Pucikwar (1)


L2 (1) : a- Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Abinomn (3)


L2 (3) : in, man, pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Acehnese (12)


L2 (12) : A, Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Acheron (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Adangme (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Adjective (1156)


L3 (997) : A 1, Aaronic, Abderian, Fabian, abactinal, abaist, abandoned, abased, abatable, abatised, abawed, abaxial, abbatial, abbatical, abbreviate, abbreviated, abbreviatory, abdicable, abdicant, abdicative, abditive, abdominal, abdominales, abdominalia, abdominothoracic, abdominous, abductor, abecedarian, abecedary, abelian, aberrant, aberrational, abeyant, abhominable, abhominal, abhorrent, abhorrible, abietic, abietinic, abiogenetic, abiogenous, abiological, abirritant, abirritative, abject, abjunctive, abjuratory, ablastemic, ablatitious, ablative, ablaze, able, able-bodied, able-minded, abler, abloom, abluent, ablush, ablutionary, abnegative, abnormal, abnormous, abolishable, abolitionist, abominable, abominate, aboon, aboral, aboriginal, aborsive, aborted, abortifacient, abortional, abortive, about, above, adjectival, adjective, alphabetical, antonym, aquila, august, brown, chien, fabaceous, free, frei, gratis, gratuit, head, hyponym, livre, minute, nonsense, pie, polysemic, raven, substantive, synonym, trade

L4 (159) : A, Albanian, Irish, Pythonesque, XXXX, ab, abay, abbreviate, abdicative, abeam, abiding, abject, able, absent, absenter, abstinent, accessive, accessory, accountant, ace, after, alien, amar, andante, are, aria, august, be, beige, big, bio, birth, bit, blue, bone, bot, bunk, can, cat, close, cod, crap, crude, cum, dar, de, deal, early, fa, feist, fere, first, fiscal, gas, global, ground, head, here, het, in, it, kill, last, leap, lens, lente, libre, man, may, mental, mi, minuscule, minute, new, now, nu, number, o, on, one, open, peso, pie, plant, port, portmanteau, quarter, raven, relegate, second, secret, seme, skill, sky, stock, the, thin, van, week, Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Adnyamathanha (1)


L2 (1) : euro Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Adverb (332)


L3 (267) : AD, ASAP, Friday, Monday, PM, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, aback, abada, abaft, abandonedly, abasedly, abashedly, abed, abhorrently, abidingly, abit, abjectly, ablaze, able, ablins, abloom, ablush, ably, abnormally, aboard, abominably, aboon, abord, aboriginally, abortively, about, above, abox, abraid, abreast, abroach, abroad, abrood, abrupt, abruptly, absently, absolutely, absorbedly, abstinently, abstractedly, abstractively, abstractly, abstrusely, absurdly, abundantly, abusively, aby, abysmally, academically, acceptably, acceptedly, accessarily, accessibly, accessorily, accidentally, accommodately, accordantly, according, accordingly, accurate, accurately, bone, can, dat, de, dies, en, everywhen, fa, four, free, gratis, i, ik, in, kun, lente, may, minute, niet, noun, nu, o, on, parole, pie, te, today, umsonst, van, y

L4 (65) : ab, aback, abandon, abdicative, abeam, abraid, andante, ao, big, bot, ci, dar, early, een, en, eo, fa, fere, first, gag, gold, gratis, hell, here, i, in, last, man, most, niet, now, nu, of, on, one, or, pie, point, rape, say, second, the, thou, van, vi, y, yet Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Adzera (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Afar (6)


L2 (6) : A, Qatar, abba, can, en, is Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Affix (2)


L4 (2) : , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Affixed forms (1)


L4 (1) : may Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Affixed terms (2)


L4 (2) : cat Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Afrikaans (71)


L2 (71) : A, Angola, April, BTW, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, China, Eritrea, Ghana, Iran, Japan, Jupiter, Lesotho, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Mayotte, NAVO, November, Portugal, Rwanda, Senegal, September, Zimbabwe, aardvark, aardwolf, abba, abdomen, ablaut, bank, been, beer, beige, bone, bot, dat, die, drink, een, en, gas, gratis, het, hij, hoed, ik, in, is, lens, lente, letter, lol, man, minute, name, of, open, pond, radio, rape, robot, see, storm, te, van, week, winter, wolf, word Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ainu (1)


L2 (1) : nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Aiwoo (4)


L2 (4) : nu, one, te, vi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ajië (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Aka (Central Africa) (1)


L2 (1) : ci Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Akan (1)


L2 (1) : te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Akkadian (1)


L2 (1) : in Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Albanian (21)


L2 (21) : A, AIDS, Armenia, Australia, Brazil, be, birth, hell, i, ik, man, mars, mi, nu, o, pi, pip, planet, port, send, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Alekano (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Alemannic German (10)


L2 (10) : A, Chile, de, en, hund, nine, summer, winter, wolf, zwei Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Aleut (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Alternative forms (1107)


L3 (877) : Aaronic, Abaddon, Abrahamitic, April, December, Fabian, February, Friday, GNU FDL, Monday, November, October, Pope Julius, September, Thursday, Wednesday, a-, aam, aardvark, aardwolf, ab, abaca, abacination, aback, abactor, abacus, abada, abalone, abandon, abandum, abannation, abash, abassi, abate, abatis, abatised, abaxial, abay, abb, abbacy, abbatial, abbess, abbey, abbreviation, abdest, abecedarian, abelmosk, aberrance, abietin, ability, abime, abit, abjurer, ablative, able, ablet, ablins, abnet, abnormal, abode, abolitionize, abomasum, abominable, abomination, aboon, about, about-sledge, above, august, cat, craft, day, dictionary, encyclopedia, f, fa, free, frei, gratuit, head, hour, march, may, merchandise, month, name, nonsense, noun, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, portmanteau, pound, product, pumpkin, rain cats and dogs, swap, thesaurus, trade, trade wind, verb, word

L4 (193) : -ity, A, Cyprus, French, Jamaica, LOL, NASA, November, PM, Romania, SMS, Uzbekistan, a-, ab-, abide, abominable, abraid, abysm, acceptance, ache, ad, alien, and, are, ask, be, big, bone, book, bot, bumf, can, cat, ci, clock, cod, colon, cum, day, de, die, een, eight, en, euro, fa, fere, first, frankenfood, google, hamper, het, hund, i, ik, in, is, leap, letter, man, mann, mi, most, name, niet, nonsense, o, occultation, on, os, peso, pound, pseudo, raptor, raven, relegate, say, second, secret, sela, seven, skill, sky, sub rosa, substantive, summer, sun, tadago-pie, taghairm, te, ten, thou, um, vi, wage, win, y, year, , 明るい

L5 (37) : Chad, Uhr, a-, abate, be, beer, bollocks, colon, crap, de, en, here, i, in, is, mauve, mi, o, of, pie, port, the, thou, um, war Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Alternative scripts (1)


L3 (1) : विश्व Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ama (3)


L2 (3) : i, mi, nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Amaimon (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Amarasi (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ambonese Malay (1)


L2 (1) : pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ambrak (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Amele (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Amis (1)


L2 (1) : tomato Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ampari Dogon (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Anagrams (1135)


L3 (1135) : A, A 1, Aaronic, Abderian, Abderite, April, December, Friday, GDP, Monday, November, October, September, Tuesday, a-, aam, ab, ab-, abaca, aback, abaction, abactor, abada, abaft, abaiser, aband, abandoner, abandum, abased, abasement, abaser, abash, abassi, abate, abater, abatis, abatised, abator, abattoir, abay, abb, abba, abbey, abbreviate, abdal, abdest, abdicator, abditory, abeam, abear, abed, abegge, abele, abelian, abelmosk, aberr, aberration, abet, abetment, antonym, august, barter, book, cat, chien, craft, crow, day, deal, denotation, dialect, dictionary, eagle, elephant, fa, fable, free, gratis, gratuit, head, hour, livre, march, may, minute, name, noun, pie, pies, pond, quid pro quo, rain cats and dogs, raven, semantics, swap, swop, trade, verb, wares, word Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Anal (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Anambé (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ancient Greek (1)


L2 (1) : σκύλος Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Angami (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Angguruk Yali (1)


L2 (1) : ik Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Anguthimri (1)


L2 (1) : yeti Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ankave (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Antillean Creole (1)


L2 (1) : van Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Antonyms (257)


L4 (214) : AD, BC, BCE, CE, PM, Simplified Chinese, Thanatos, Traditional Chinese, ab, ab-, abandonment, abase, abasement, abaxial, abbreviation, abdicate, abduct, abduction, aberrant, abet, ability, abiogenesis, abjugate, abnormality, abolish, abolition, abortionist, above-mentioned, abrogate, absoluteness, absonant, abstemious, abstinent, abstractness, academically, accept, acceptability, acceptable, accessible, accidentally, acclivous, accrual, accurate, acid, anti-Semitism, antonym, be, biblical, cataphora, color, conceal, connotation, count noun, crude, de, die, dies, domestic debt, epizootic, everybody, everywhen, few, first name, free, growth, guerra, hell, het, in, kun, laconic, langue, man, may, meat, nu, obfuscate, orange, oxymoron, proper noun, reality, secret, seven, singular, star, subjectivism, tighten, transitive verb, uncountable, van, viable, war, zero, 大きい, 明るい, 楽しい, 汚い, 重い, 長い, 高い

L5 (43) : abandon, abatement, abbreviate, abductor, absent, big, birth, blue, close, cod, cow, dar, day, early, give, green, head, hell, in, kindle, last, love, noon, on, open, peso, port, quarter, rational, red, seme, summer, week Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Anuki (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Anuta (1)


L2 (1) : ao Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Aragonese (17)


L2 (17) : Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Cuba, Estonia, abet, absolver, can, color, dar, estar, man, o, os, te, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Araki (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Arapaho (1)


L2 (1) : noon Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Araweté (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Arigidi (1)


L2 (1) : man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Arikapú (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Aromanian (12)


L2 (12) : A, amar, ao, cum, date, fere, mi, nu, or, os, pi, vi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Article (98)


L3 (68) : ab, dar, dat, de, die, een, en, i, in, nu, o, on, os, te, the, um, y

L4 (30) : de, die, een, en, het, i, in, o, os, the, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Aruá (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ashéninka Pajonal (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Assan (1)


L2 (1) : amar Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Assiniboine (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Asturian (68)


L2 (68) : Albania, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brasil, Bulgaria, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Guatemala, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Mongolia, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Portugal, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, aria, banana, can, colon, color, crear, dar, de, derecho, en, guerra, menos, mental, nomo, o, país, pie, pies, presidente, radio, seme, tables, te, tigre, y, yes Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Atong (India) (3)


L2 (3) : march, mars, ten Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Atsahuaca (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Au (1)


L2 (1) : nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Auhelawa (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Aukan (1)


L2 (1) : en Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Avokaya (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Awara (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Aynu (1)


L2 (1) : ab Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ayomán (1)


L2 (1) : in Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ayu (2)


L2 (2) : abele, abut Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Azerbaijani (27)


L2 (27) : A, DVD, Nepal, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, ab, abdal, ad, and, bank, bit, can, dar, day, en, f, i, it, mars, may, o, on, planet, radio, say, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bagirmi (1)


L2 (1) : man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bagupi (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bagusa (1)


L2 (1) : is Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bahnar (1)


L2 (1) : ao Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Baimak (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Balanta-Kentohe (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Balinese (3)


L2 (3) : abut, be, ci Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bambara (5)


L2 (5) : abada, ci, de, i, sun Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Barai (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bari (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bariai (1)


L2 (1) : man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Basque (41)


L2 (41) : A, Albania, Albanian, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Estonia, Georgia, German, Ghana, Hungarian, Italian, Kazakhstan, Mali, Malta, Portugal, Tunisia, are, be, been, de, f, gas, i, o, on, or, pez, presidente, robot, seme, te, tigre, y, zero Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bau (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Baure (1)


L2 (1) : in Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bavarian (5)


L2 (5) : A, Haus, i, summer, sun Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Beja (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bemba (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Berawan (1)


L2 (1) : pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Berti (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bhojpuri (1)


L2 (1) : Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bikol Central (5)


L2 (5) : amigo, man, may, mi, tao Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Birgit (1)


L2 (1) : ami Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bislama (7)


L2 (7) : Vanuatu, bot, i, mi, red, seven, ten Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Blagar (6)


L2 (6) : A, ab, ad, be, nu, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Blin (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bonggo (1)


L2 (1) : man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Borôro (3)


L2 (3) : ao, i, o Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Bourguignon (4)


L2 (4) : i, langue, livre, mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Brahui (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Breton (25)


L2 (25) : A, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Burundi, Costa Rica, Eritrea, Estonia, Finland, Gabon, Guatemala, Iran, Monaco, en, eo, person, seven, te, vi, war Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Buginese (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Busa (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Butuanon (1)


L2 (1) : tao Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Cahuilla (3)


L2 (3) : kill, pit, yet Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Caló (1)


L2 (1) : man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Carabayo (1)


L2 (1) : ao Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Catalan (161)


L2 (161) : A, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Bahrain, Belize, Bhutan, Botswana, Brasil, Burundi, CE, Cuba, DVD, Djibouti, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jamaica, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Malta, Nicaragua, a-, ab, abatis, abaxial, abdicant, abdomen, abdominal, aberrant, abominable, absent, absis, abstinent, acceptable, acceptant, accessible, accidental, alien, ami, amoral, august, avatar, be, bit, bot, can, colon, color, company, dat, de, dies, digital, digito, en, estar, euro, fa, fart, fiscal, fruit, gas, global, gratis, guerra, i, is, mandat, mars, mi, most, mundial, nu, o, on, open, os, país, peso, plural, port, prolix, quarter, robot, secret, singular, te, van, verb, vi, y, zero Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Cebuano (27)


L2 (27) : Achilles, April, Catalan, Catalonia, Chad, Cuba, Edward, Fabian, Irish, Jordan, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, abnormal, abort, ami, amigo, day, de, gold, libero, libre, man, mental, presidente, robot, tigre, tuba Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Central Franconian (5)


L2 (5) : Uhr, de, en, on, zwei Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Central Huasteca Nahuatl (54)


L2 (54) : Albania, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brasil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Eritrea, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Israel, Kiribati, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Paraguay, Portugal, Samoa, San Marino, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Central Malay (1)


L2 (1) : name Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Central Nahuatl (84)


L2 (84) : Albania, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Bolivia, Brasil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Canada, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Eritrea, Estonia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jamaica, Laos, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Madagascar, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Micronesia, Monaco, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Samoa, San Marino, Senegal, Seychelles, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, in Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ch'orti' (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Chachi (2)


L2 (2) : A, pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Chamorro (4)


L2 (4) : A, abet, en, in Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Charrua (1)


L2 (1) : it Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Chechen (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Cheyenne (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Chichewa (7)


L2 (7) : Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, fa, tomato Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Chinese (21)


L2 (21) : A, AA, DNA, GDP, SARS, bio, in, man, mouse, port, send, , , , , 西, , , , , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Chinese Pidgin English (1)


L2 (1) : word Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Chinook Jargon (1)


L2 (1) : man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Chiwere (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Choctaw (2)


L2 (2) : A, a- Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Chuukese (11)


L2 (11) : ami, en, i, in, it, man, mi, noun, pink, war, win Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Cia-Cia (1)


L2 (1) : Indonesia Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Cimbrian (13)


L2 (13) : dar, dat, de, en, gold, grass, i, in, is, man, mann, name, sun Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Citations (2)


L3 (1) : lol

L5 (1) : Congo Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Classical Nahuatl (9)


L2 (9) : Austria, Cuba, Peru, Portugal, can, i, in, on, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Classifier (5)


L4 (5) : bit, ci, o Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Coatepec Nahuatl (2)


L2 (2) : te, yes Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Cofán (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Comanche (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Comox (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Compounds (28)


L3 (4) : , 西, ,

L4 (22) : Chile, bank, cat, euro, gas, koira, march, radio, , , , 西, , ,

L5 (2) : Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Conjugation (120)


L4 (102) : abandoner, abater, abhor, abhorrer, abjurer, abolish, abreggen, absconder, absenter, absolver, absorb, absorber, abstain, abstract, abuser, accept, accepter, accorder, ad, amar, ami, be, beer, can, cast, choir, clapper, computer, crear, create, dar, dare, deal, donner, en, estar, euro, fa, fere, fero, generar, give, google, green, henna, here, is, know, laugh, libero, livrer, may, mortar, pi, protester, radio, robot, router, stand, star, take, ten, van, verb, write, zipper, ŝati

L5 (18) : abandon, abate, amar, be, been, digito, dual, eo, give, love, say, sky, te, vecka, win, work Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Conjunction (141)


L3 (101) : ab, abit, aby, after, also, and, be, because, bit, but, can, ci, cum, dar, dat, de, dies, en, fa, i, in, is, kun, man, nu, o, of, on, or, os, pi, te, the, um, y,

L4 (40) : and, be, cum, dar, dat, en, fa, i, is, mi, now, o, of, or, pi, sun, te, thou, van, y, yet Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Contraction (20)


L3 (13) : aam, ao, can, de, dies, en, it, ten, um, van, your

L4 (7) : ad, cum, dat, de, in Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Coordinate terms (107)


L3 (3) : British Virgin Islands, Mauritius, te

L4 (85) : AD, AIDS, AM, April, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, EU, English, European, Micronesia, NAFTA, NATO, November, PM, SARS, September, Somalia, SpA, TLCAN, United States, abba, abscissa, affix, ami, amigo, banana, be, biblical, bit, chairman, church, decade, dollar, eagle, edible, een, eighth, fa, fifteen, foreign debt, fourteen, freedom of speech, general, gratuitous, here, kindling, laugh, leap year, libre, man, million, minute, morning, motherfucker, mouse, nine, panista, pie, plankton, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, present participle, pseudonym, quality, quotation, sausage, te, ten, thirteen, um, webmaster, wolf, woman, y, yes, zero, zwei, ორშაბათი, 西, ,

L5 (19) : Chad, ace, cum, de, en, i, king, man, mi, o, storm, summer, tax, te, 西, Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Cornish (14)


L2 (14) : banana, dar, hell, i, know, mann, map, on, pies, radar, te, ten, tiger, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Corsican (11)


L2 (11) : A, URSS, abba, aria, cane, ci, eo, i, mi, o, vi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Counter (1)


L4 (1) : Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Crimean Gothic (1)


L2 (1) : the Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Crimean Tatar (13)


L2 (13) : A, abay, abort, bank, dare, en, it, may, million, o, on, radio, say Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Cypriot Arabic (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Czech (101)


L2 (101) : A, AIDS, Achilles, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chile, Egypt, Eritrea, Gabon, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jupiter, Kiribati, Laos, Lesotho, Malawi, Mali, Malta, Myanmar, Nauru, Niger, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Rwanda, Samoa, San Marino, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Taiwan, Togo, Tonga, Tuvalu, UFO, Uganda, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wales, Zimbabwe, absence, absinth, absolvent, abstinent, aby, bit, citrus, dar, dare, deficit, drink, en, euro, fa, green, i, index, kun, libero, love, meeting, most, o, on, osteo-, peso, pit, president, pseudo-, pseudonym, radar, robot, sela, software, standard, stylus, symptom, te, tempo, ten, tuba, um, van, woman, yeti Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Dagbani (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Dalmatian (11)


L2 (11) : aria, bot, ci, de, en, i, mi, nu, pi, te, vi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Dama (Sierra Leone) (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Danish (154)


L2 (154) : A, Argentina, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belize, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burundi, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Fanny, Finland, Gabon, Gambia, Guatemala, Iran, Jamaica, Japan, June, Kuwait, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Mozambique, New Zealand, Pakistan, Portugal, Qatar, Thailand, Ukraine, Vietnam, Yemen, a-, ab, abet, abort, acceptable, and, antonym, august, bank, billion, bone, but, date, de, denotation, die, eagle, en, euro, fart, google, gratis, hund, hyponym, i, ik, in, is, kun, last, lens, lol, love, man, march, millennium, mobile, nigger, nu, o, onsdag, os, planet, point, port, pseudo-, pseudonym, quisling, quiz, radio, religion, robot, send, sky, spring, standard, synonym, te, the, time, van, vi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Daur (1)


L2 (1) : os Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Declension (1153)


L3 (2) : Georgia, say

L4 (1049) : April, Fabian, Haus, November, September, aam, ab, abactor, abaculus, abacus, aband, abandon, abate, abator, abaxial, abay, abba, abbot, abdal, abdest, abdomen, abdominal, abductor, aberrant, abject, ablaut, able, abnegator, abnormal, abomasum, aboral, abort, abrupt, abscess, abscissa, absent, absinthium, absolutism, absolutist, absolvent, absorber, abstinent, academism, accept, acceptant, accidental, accipiter, adjectival, alien, antonym, aquila, august, avatar, barter, calendar, cat, color, dat, day, de, definition, denotation, dialect, die, en, encyclopaedia, f, fa, free, frei, gratis, gratuit, het, hyponym, ik, in, kun, lente, may, millennium, multiculturalism, nonsense, on, pies, plural, quiz, raptor, robot, spring, swap, synonym, te, the, thesaurus, van, verb, winter, word, y, αετός

L5 (102) : A, Andorra, Angola, Cuba, Edward, Mali, ab, abate, abide, abscissa, accept, august, bank, beige, bit, bot, cod, colon, dar, dual, en, eo, fabella, feist, gas, here, het, hund, i, in, is, it, kill, lens, man, mars, mi, o, os, planet, port, robot, see, sky, sun, tao, te, thin, vecka, vi, war, word Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Definitions (11)


L3 (9) : , , , , 西, , , ,

L4 (2) : Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Deg Xinag (1)


L2 (1) : te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Derived characters (9)


L4 (9) : , , , , 西, , , , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Derived terms (2561)


L3 (46) : Abyssinian, Acadian, Anguilla, Bahamas, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Chinese, Colombia, Croatia, English, Finland, Greek, Japanese, Mexican, Nauru, Oman, Roman numeral, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkish, a-, ablative, abnormal, accord, acid, baby, brown, but, chook, counterfeit, fa, forty, in, number, one, parallel, purple, radio, seven, welcome, wrong

L4 (2063) : A, Abaddon, Abderian, Abderite, April, December, February, Friday, January, July, June, Monday, November, October, Saturday, September, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, a-, aam, ab, ab-, abacinate, aback, abalienate, abandon, abandoned, abase, abased, abash, abate, abater, abaxial, abba, abbatial, abbey, abbot, abdicate, abdomen, abdominal, abduct, abduction, abductor, abear, abecedarian, abed, adjectival, adjective, alphabetical, antonym, aquila, august, barter, brown, cat, chien, craft, day, deal, denotation, dialect, dictionary, eagle, elephant, encyclopedia, etymology, f, fa, fable, free, frei, gratis, gratuit, hour, hyponym, livre, march, may, minute, month, nonsense, noun, pie, pies, pond, portmanteau, product, pumpkin, rain cats and dogs, raven, semantics, substantive, swap, synonym, thesaurus, trade, verb, woordenboek

L5 (452) : -ity, A, a-, ab, ab-, abandon, abate, abatement, abay, abiding, able, abode, abort, about, abstinent, are, august, be, beer, birth, bit, book, bot, can, cat, clock, cod, crap, crow, crude, cum, date, de, deal, dick, die, een, eight, en, f, fa, fart, flute, google, head, het, hoed, hund, i, in, is, language, leap, lens, lente, letter, libre, livre, man, march, may, minute, name, niet, nu, number, o, on, os, peso, pez, pie, planet, point, pond, port, pound, quarter, rape, raven, robot, season, second, sky, summer, sun, swap, te, the, van, week, word, y, year, zijn, zomer, , 西, , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Descendants (730)


L3 (11) : aam, alien, beige, billion, fero, ground, on, , 西, ,

L4 (567) : A, Abaddon, April, December, February, Friday, January, July, June, Monday, November, October, Saturday, September, Sunday, Thursday, Wednesday, a-, ab, abaca, abactor, abaculus, abacus, abada, aband, abandon, abandoner, abate, abattoir, abay, abba, abbey, abbot, abdest, abdomen, abhorrer, abit, abject, able, abnegator, abnormal, abolitionism, abolitionist, abomasum, abominable, abord, abreggen, abreuvoir, absenter, absinthium, abstinent, abstractly, accepter, accidie, accipiter, accolade, accorder, accordion, accoucheur, aquila, bone, brown, calendar, cat, chien, craft, day, dialect, elephant, fa, fable, false friend, frei, gratis, gratuit, herfst, hour, lente, livre, minute, name, noun, nu, on, pie, pond, pound, product, raptor, raven, robot, servant, the, thesaurus, today, verb, winter, woordenboek, word,

L5 (152) : Georgia, ab, abscissa, accessory, ace, ache, age, alien, aria, bank, be, been, beer, bench, blue, board, book, bot, cane, close, cod, colon, cow, crude, cum, date, day, de, deal, die, digito, drink, een, en, eo, fabella, flute, fruit, gas, gobierno, head, here, het, hoed, hund, in, is, king, last, lens, libre, livre, man, mars, mauve, meeting, minute, name, niet, number, of, open, or, os, peso, pez, pie, pink, plant, point, policy, port, red, season, secret, see, seven, stand, storm, te, ten, tiger, wage, week, win, word, work, yet, zijn, zomer Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Determiner (69)


L3 (44) : ci, dat, de, die, dies, en, few, fy, in, is, it, may, menos, mi, next, noon, noun, nu, o, te, ten, the, thin, whatever, you, your, zijn,

L4 (25) : are, dat, die, here, hour, is, it, last, mi, most, nu, o, on, thin, yes, zijn Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Dhimal (1)


L2 (1) : ci Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Dinka (5)


L2 (5) : A, Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Domari (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Dorasque (1)


L2 (1) : be Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Drehu (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Dusner (1)


L2 (1) : war Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Dutch (235)


L2 (235) : A, BTW, EU, Esperanto, Finland, Japan, Mexico, NAVO, SMS, USSR, a-, aam, aardwolf, abacus, abattoir, abject, absolutist, acacia, accolade, accurate, alien, are, bank, beer, big, bit, bot, consensus, dat, date, de, deal, decade, dialect, die, doctrine, een, en, euro, f, fa, fruit, google, gratis, gratuit, herfst, het, hij, hoed, i, ik, in, is, kun, last, lens, lente, letter, libero, lol, man, metadata, millennium, most, name, niet, nu, o, on, onderbenutting, onderuitputting, open, os, pies, pond, port, product, pseudo-, quisling, quiz, rape, raven, robot, spring, star, stock, te, ten, trade, van, wage, war, week, winter, wolf, woordenboek, word, y, zijn, zomer Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Dutch Low Saxon (7)


L2 (7) : been, blood, dat, een, knaoken, seven, war Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Duun (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

East Central German (2)


L2 (2) : ab, nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

East Makian (1)


L2 (1) : um Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

East Yugur (1)


L2 (1) : ab Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Eastern Arrernte (2)


L2 (2) : name, the Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Eastern Huasteca Nahuatl (3)


L2 (3) : amigo, gobierno, peso Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Eggon (1)


L2 (1) : ami Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Egyptian (3)


L2 (3) : A, gp, mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Elfdalian (6)


L2 (6) : A, dar, i, nu, um, war Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Emilian (2)


L2 (2) : i, in Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

English (1836)


L2 (1836) : A, A 1, April, December, Fabian, February, Friday, GDP, GNU FDL, January, July, June, Monday, November, October, Pope Julius, Saturday, September, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, a-, aam, adjectival, adjective, alphabetical, antidisestablishmentarianism, antonym, apples and pears, august, barter, book, brown, cat, connotation, craft, crow, current events, day, deal, denotation, dialect, dictionary, eagle, elephant, encyclopaedia, encyclopedia, etymology, f, fa, fabaceous, fabella, fable, false friend, floccinaucinihilipilification, free, freedom of speech, gratis, head, hour, hyponym, lexicography, livre, march, may, merchandise, minute, month, multiculturalism, name, nonsense, noun, patronage, pie, pies, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, polysemic, pond, portmanteau, portmanteau word, pound, product, pronunciation guide, pumpkin, quid pro quo, rain cats and dogs, raven, semantics, sesquipedalianism, substantive, swap, swop, synonym, thesaurus, trade, trade wind, verb, wares, word Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Esan (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Esperanto (56)


L2 (56) : A, Esperanto, Vikipedio, a-, absolute, ami, angla, banko, be, blue, bone, ci, colon, de, en, f, fero, fervojo, gratis, hebrea, hispana, hundo, i, kun, lingvo, luu, magenta, mardo, mi, minute, nature, nomo, nu, o, parole, person, peso, pie, radio, relegate, religion, sabato, tago, tempo, time, tomato, traduko, urban, vi, vintro, vortaro, vorto, ĝenerala, ĥoro, ŝati, ŭonbulismo Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Estonian (44)


L2 (44) : A, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Georgia, Jupiter, Kiribati, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Panama, San Marino, UFO, Wales, aam, abide, abort, and, august, euro, f, head, hell, i, king, last, luu, number, o, on, pink, plankton, see, te, tuba Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Etymology (5978)


L3 (5978) : A, April, December, Fabian, February, Friday, GDP, January, July, June, Monday, November, October, Pope Julius, Saturday, September, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Vikipedio, Wednesday, a-, aam, adjectival, adjective, alphabetical, antidisestablishmentarianism, antonym, aquila, august, barter, book, brown, cat, chien, connotation, craft, crow, day, deal, denotation, dialect, dictionary, eagle, elephant, encyclopaedia, encyclopedia, etymology, f, fa, fabaceous, fabella, fable, false friend, floccinaucinihilipilification, free, freedom of speech, frei, gratis, gratuit, head, hour, hyponym, lexicography, livre, march, may, merchandise, minute, month, multiculturalism, name, nonsense, noun, patronage, pie, pies, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, polysemic, pond, portmanteau, portmanteau word, pound, product, pumpkin, quid pro quo, rain cats and dogs, raven, semantics, sesquipedalianism, substantive, swap, swop, synonym, thesaurus, trade, umsonst, verb, woordenboek, word Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ewe (8)


L2 (8) : A, April, Dezember, September, mi, nu, te, vi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Extremaduran (3)


L2 (3) : Cuba, i, o Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Fala (6)


L2 (6) : de, en, i, o, os, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Fanagalo (1)


L2 (1) : seven Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Faroese (36)


L2 (36) : A, Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Fabian, Gambia, India, Iran, Japan, Kiribati, Laos, Namibia, Nepal, Pakistan, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Vanuatu, ask, august, be, de, f, i, last, man, mann, mars, o, te, um, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Fe'fe' (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Fiji Hindi (1)


L2 (1) : India Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Fijian (2)


L2 (2) : A, June Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Finnish (165)


L2 (165) : A, AIDS, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belize, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Bulgaria, Burundi, Chile, Djibouti, EU, Ecuador, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Kiribati, Kuwait, Laos, Latvia, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Malawi, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Monaco, Mongolia, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Qatar, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sudan, Tunisia, a-, abit, ablaut, andante, country, definition, een, en, euro, f, gnosis, het, i, in, koira, kun, libero, luu, market, mars, metadata, mi, mobile, nonsense, o, on, open, peso, pseudo-, punkin, quisling, radio, sun, swap, tao, te, van, webmaster, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Foi (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Fon (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Franco-Provençal (4)


L2 (4) : Canada, France, Portugal, amar Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

French (351)


L2 (351) : A, a-, abaca, abada, abalone, abandon, abattoir, abaxial, abbatial, abdication, abdicative, abdomen, abdominal, abdominales, abduction, aberrance, aberrant, aberration, abhorrent, abhorrer, abime, abject, abjection, abjuration, abjure, abjurer, ablactation, ablation, ablative, able, abluent, ablution, abolition, abominable, abomination, abord, abortive, about, abracadabra, abrase, abrasion, abrasive, abraxas, abreuvoir, abrogation, abrogative, abrupt, abscission, abscond, absconder, absent, absenter, absolution, absorbable, absorber, abstersive, abstinent, abstractive, abstruse, abuser, abusive, abyssal, acajou, acceptable, acceptant, acceptation, accepter, acception, accessible, accipitrine, acclamation, acclimatation, acclimate, adjectival, adjective, chien, connotation, deal, eagle, f, fa, fable, gratis, gratuit, lente, livre, merchandise, minute, nu, on, pie, pies, pond, quiz, robot, servant, substantive, trade, y, été Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Friulian (14)


L2 (14) : A, France, Portugal, abandon, amar, i, in, love, man, metric, mi, most, see, sun Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Fula (8)


L2 (8) : A, abada, en, f, i, mi, o, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Further reading (1257)


L3 (1129) : A, Abderian, April, Fabian, GDP, November, September, a-, aardwolf, ab, abaca, abacus, abada, abalone, abandon, abandonment, abase, abate, abater, abattoir, abaxial, abbatial, abdal, abdication, abdomen, abdominal, abduction, abductor, abele, aberrance, aberrant, aberration, abeyant, abhorrent, abhorrer, abime, abiogenesis, abject, abjection, abjectly, abjuration, abjurer, ablation, ablaut, able, ablution, abnormal, abolition, abominable, abomination, abord, abort, abortion, about, abracadabra, abrasion, abraxas, abreuvoir, abridgment, abrogate, abrogation, adjectival, antidisestablishmentarianism, antonym, august, barter, cat, chien, connotation, crow, day, deal, denotation, dialect, dictionary, eagle, elephant, encyclopedia, f, fa, fable, floccinaucinihilipilification, frei, gratis, gratuit, lexicography, livre, minute, name, noun, pie, pies, portmanteau word, raven, synonym, thesaurus, trade wind, umsonst, woordenboek, word

L4 (117) : AIDS, Albanian, BCE, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Catalan, Central African Republic, GNU FDL, I love you, Indo-European, Jamaica, Jupiter, Malaysia, Mayotte, Pythonesque, Russian, Slovakia, Swedish, Tajikistan, Yugoslavia, a-, ability, accent, accommodation, achene, achievement, alphabet, also, baby, bone, ci, consensus, craft, crear, crow, cunt, dat, de, derecho, dies, doctrine, dual, duel, een, en, feature, forecast, gas, global, gnosis, guerra, i, ik, in, industrial, kill, man, meticulous, mi, nu, o, of, on, parole, plant, presidente, prime number, rag week, rape, red, reminiscent, see, sela, semantics, silver, stock, sun, symptom, tesauro, thin, tiger, triangle, tuba, umbrella, viable, win, winter, wolf, write, οστό, σκύλος, собака, कुत्ता

L5 (11) : are, been, blue, bot, die, eo, it Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ga (2)


L2 (2) : A, mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Gagauz (9)


L2 (9) : A, Malta, Moldova, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Senegal, Sudan Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Gaikundi (1)


L2 (1) : man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Gal (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Galibi Carib (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Galician (83)


L2 (83) : Albania, Andorra, Angola, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Estonia, Honduras, India, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, México, Portugal, Tunisia, URSS, Vietnam, abada, abater, abaxial, abominable, absorber, amar, amigo, ao, banana, can, color, dar, de, diccionario, en, estar, euro, fa, fero, free, gas, global, gratis, guerra, i, industrial, lente, libero, libre, man, menos, mental, mi, musical, nu, numeral, o, os, país, peso, pez, plural, presidente, radar, radio, sela, seme, singular, te, tempo, ten, tigre, trade, tuba, van Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title


L3 (6) : A, China, f, i, o, y

L5 (1) : head Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Gallo (1)


L2 (1) : van Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Garo (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Garus (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Gaulish (2)


L2 (2) : mi, nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Georgian (1)


L2 (1) : ორშაბათი Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

German (190)


L2 (190) : A, AA, AIDS, AM, Aborigine, Afghanistan, Andorra, Angola, April, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belize, Bhutan, Botswana, Burundi, Chile, China, DVD, Dezember, EU, Ecuador, Esperanto, Fabian, Fanny, Gambia, German, Ghana, Guatemala, Guyana, Haus, Israel, Japan, LED, Malaysia, NASA, NATO, November, PM, RAM, SMS, September, USSR, UdSSR, Uhr, a-, ab, ab-, abaxial, abdominal, abdominales, aberrant, abnormal, aboral, abortive, abrasive, abrupt, absent, absenter, abstinent, abstruse, also, bot, dat, dick, die, dies, digital, feist, flatulent, flute, frei, global, google, gratis, hell, in, last, man, mobile, nu, o, orange, planet, plural, pseudo-, pseudonym, qualitative, spring, synonym, transfinite, transitive, um, umsonst, urban, wage, wall, war, y, zwei Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

German Low German (9)


L2 (9) : Uhr, dat, een, en, green, ik, man, of, on Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Gilbertese (2)


L2 (2) : A, Kiribati Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Gimi (Goroka) (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Girawa (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Glyph origin (9)


L3 (9) : , , , 西, , , , , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Gothic (15)


L2 (15) : abba, and, f, fa, fero, hund, i, ik, in, is, man, mann, nu, o, stand Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Greek (3)


L2 (3) : αετός, οστό, σκύλος Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Greenlandic (4)


L2 (4) : A, AIDS, pi, qimmeq Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Guambiano (1)


L2 (1) : pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Guaraní (5)


L2 (5) : ao, me'ẽ, o, rape, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Guerrero Amuzgo (3)


L2 (3) : be, bio, mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Guinea-Bissau Creole (3)


L2 (3) : i, mi, os Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Gumalu (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Hadza (4)


L2 (4) : bone, fa, seme, the Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Haida (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Haitian Creole (8)


L2 (8) : A, Venezuela, de, en, plant, te, van, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Halkomelem (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Han character (18)


L3 (18) : , , , , 西, , , , , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Hanja (8)


L3 (6) : , , , 西, ,

L4 (2) : Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Hausa (5)


L2 (5) : A, Japan, Pakistan, abada, ci Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Hawaiian (7)


L2 (7) : A, aloha, ao, i, o, one, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Hebrew (7)


L2 (7) : ארץ, חתול, יד, ידיד, כלב, עדשה, שבוע Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Hiligaynon (4)


L2 (4) : abay, abut, ami, libre Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Hindi (4)


L2 (4) : , , कुत्ता, विश्व Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Holonyms (22)


L4 (21) : Botswana, Fiji, France, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Micronesia, Mozambique, Namibia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Swaziland, Vanuatu, Zambia, morpheme, ontology, vorto, wolf, zero

L5 (1) : colon Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Huave (1)


L2 (1) : cow Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Hungarian (103)


L2 (103) : A, AIDS, Andorra, Angola, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chile, Costa Rica, DVD, EU, Ecuador, Edward, Eritrea, GUI, Gabon, Gambia, Grenada, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Jupiter, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Monaco, Nauru, Nicaragua, Niger, Niue, OS, PM, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, RAM, SIM, SMS, Saint Lucia, San Marino, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wales, Zambia, Zimbabwe, abba, ad, add, ami, bank, be, bit, bot, de, eleven, f, fa, fart, here, i, index, is, kun, kutya, mi, most, o, port, robot, stand, tao, te, tuba, van, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Hunsrik (16)


L2 (16) : A, Brasil, China, Haus, Portugal, September, aam, de, dick, die, een, en, love, silver, um, umsonst Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Hupa (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Hypernyms (108)


L4 (96) : Abies, Aborigine, Abutilon, Acanthocephala, Acanthopterygii, Angola, Anguilla, Argentina, Australia, Benin, Brunei, Burundi, Cape Verde, Carpobrotus, Central African Republic, Comoros, English, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, European, Friday, GSM, Gabon, Gambia, German, Ghana, Guadeloupe, Guinea-Bissau, Hawaiian, Kenya, Liberia, Monday, Niger, Nigeria, OMC, Rwanda, Saturday, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovene, Somalia, Sunday, Swedish, São Tomé and Príncipe, Tanzania, Thursday, Tuesday, US Virgin Islands, Uganda, Wednesday, Zimbabwe, ablaut, aboma, abscissa, alphabet, angla, banana, biblical, can, cataphora, chairman, cherry, church, color, day, fruit tree, husband, lifetime, mobile phone, motherfucker, mouse, night, numeral, operating system, planet, plant, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, polygon, present participle, prime number, proper noun, sausage, sect, star, throne, tigre, uncountable, web browser, week, wolf, woman

L5 (12) : Cameroon, Chad, Mali, cod, cube, dick, hoed, kindle, language, sun, tiger, year Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Hyponyms (152)


L4 (121) : Abies, Aborigine, Abutilon, Acanthocephala, Acanthopterygii, Anguilla, Argentina, Carpobrotus, December, Dutch, English, FTP, Friday, GSM, Grenada, Guinea, HIV, HTML, Haus, IOC, Monday, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saturday, September, Somalia, Spain, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Uhr, Wednesday, abactor, abacus, abbreviation, absolutism, acid, acronym, adjective, adverb, biblical, blood, can, color, company, country, day, definition, derivative, elephant, etymology, false friend, free, global, government, growth, guerra, mammal, man, mann, map, metric, mobile phone, money, morpheme, musician, network, new, night, noun, numeral, operating system, planet, product, pronunciation, pseudonym, quality, quotation, radar, raptor, religion, robot, sect, security, software, standard, star, stylized, time, trade, turkey, verb, vorto, war, wares, weapon, winter, wolf, world, zero, собака

L5 (31) : Chad, ask, board, book, can, cat, close, cod, cow, ground, in, kill, language, letter, meeting, name, number, open, peso, plant, point, port, stock, storm, swap, tax, tiger, year Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Iau (1)


L2 (1) : be Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ibaloi (1)


L2 (1) : abada Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Icelandic (28)


L2 (28) : A, Andorra, England, Japan, Nepal, ask, banana, bank, en, f, fart, gas, grey, hund, i, last, man, mann, mars, odd, of, port, radar, small, spring, storm, te, um Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Idiom (1)


L3 (1) : lekker belangrijk Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Idioms (1)


L5 (1) : 西 Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ido (54)


L2 (54) : A, Albania, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Esperanto, Estonia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, abase, abatis, abator, absolute, ad, amar, ami, banko, be, bone, ci, de, en, euro, f, fero, hundo, i, kun, lente, mortar, nomo, o, on, or, radio, te, tempo, tomato, traduko, vi, vintro, vortaro, vorto, y, yes, zero Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Igbo (3)


L2 (3) : A, i, o Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ilocano (2)


L2 (2) : Estonia, tao Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Inari Sami (4)


L2 (4) : A, euro, love, sun Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Indo-Portuguese (1)


L2 (1) : um Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Indonesian (59)


L2 (59) : A, AD, AL, Albania, April, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Brunei, China, Estonia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Malaysia, November, PM, Portugal, SIM, September, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Wales, a-, abdomen, ablaut, absis, abstain, ace, amar, angla, avatar, bank, bit, but, cat, ci, digital, dollar, f, gas, global, gratis, hamper, i, mandat, map, mars, mental, mi, mortar, o, person, plural, radar, radio, sun, tempo Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Inflection (224)


L4 (181) : Austria, Bangladesh, Jupiter, Malta, Moldova, San Marino, a-, abb, abba, abject, abort, absence, abstract, absurd, abundant, ad, adverb, amar, antonym, are, august, baby, be, beer, bone, but, cum, cunt, dat, de, die, drink, een, en, euro, fa, fart, general, gp, gratis, gratuit, het, hij, hund, hyponym, i, ik, in, is, koira, last, love, luu, man, mann, mi, millennium, most, o, on, one, onsdag, open, os, planet, port, pseudonym, quiz, radio, raven, robot, sela, seme, smiley, stand, standard, star, storm, synonym, te, time, um, urban, van, verb, vi, wage, war, winter, wolf, σκύλος, 大きい, 明るい, 易しい, 楽しい, 汚い, 痛い, 重い, 長い, 高い

L5 (43) : A, accent, bot, ci, de, die, here, hund, i, it, last, latin, lens, man, mi, name, o, open, os, raven, red, see, seven, sky, te, time, van, week, zijn Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ingrian (6)


L2 (6) : A, en, i, koira, luu, on Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Interjection (106)


L3 (70) : A, FTP, LOL, abase, abba, abracadabra, absolutely, age, aloha, also, are, be, chook, church, fa, fnord, fuck, full stop, fy, here, is, lol, march, mars, minute, morning, night, nonsense, nu, o, of, peace, standard, tax, te, tempo, time, welcome, whatever, yes, yo-ho-ho,

L4 (36) : ad, be, bollocks, crap, de, en, f, fa, fy, hell, lol, man, mars, mi, now, nu, o, pi, pip, say, see, um, wall, word, yes Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Interlingua (87)


L2 (87) : A, Australia, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brasil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Eritrea, Esperanto, Estonia, Fiji, Gabon, Guatemala, Indian, Interlingua, Iran, Israel, Mexico, Monaco, Mozambique, Russia, Togo, Turkmenistan, URSS, ab, abbreviate, abdication, abdominal, abduction, abnegation, academic, acceleration, accreditation, accurate, accusation, acidic, amar, aquila, august, baby, can, ci, colon, crear, dar, date, de, deficit commercial, die, digito, digito indice, dilettante, espaniol, football, gas, guerra, in, lente, mi, million, music, musical, necar, numeral, on, parapluvia, pluvia, pronunciation, quotidian, radio, religion, the, tigre, van, zero Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Inuktitut (1)


L2 (1) : pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Inupiaq (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Irish (35)


L2 (35) : A, BCE, Burma, India, Laos, Panama, Uganda, ab, abb, abraid, ad, age, angla, banana, big, can, cat, choir, cum, dar, de, dollar, dual, eo, gas, i, in, is, it, os, pit, port, te, the, um Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Isebe (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Istriot (4)


L2 (4) : can, four, in, man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Istro-Romanian (1)


L2 (1) : os Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Italian (268)


L2 (268) : A, AD, Algeria, Austria, BCE, Esperanto, Estonia, Iraq, OMC, SpA, Tunisia, a-, ab-, abaca, abada, abalienate, abate, abba, abbreviate, abbreviature, abdicate, abduce, aberrate, ablative, abominate, abortive, abracadabra, abrade, abrase, abrasive, abrogate, abrogative, abusive, acacia, accidie, acclimate, acclive, accresce, accurate, acicula, ananke, andante, aquila, are, aria, arietta, avatar, be, big, bone, can, centavo, color, country, crude, date, de, decade, deficit, die, euro, f, fa, flute, gratis, guerra, i, in, langue, lente, libero, libre, medicine, meeting, minute, monetario, nu, o, osteo-, parole, peso, pie, premature, pseudo-, qualitative, quiz, rape, relegate, robot, sabato, seme, star, stock, tago, tao, te, transfinite, transitive, y, zero Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Iu Mien (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Jamaican Creole (3)


L2 (3) : Jamaica, mi, robot Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Japanese (80)


L2 (80) : AA, AIDS, Benin, CIA, DNA, DVD, FBI, FIFA, GDP, GUI, Gabon, HIV, ISBN, Iran, Japan, NATO, Nauru, Niue, OS, RAM, SMS, Samoa, San Marino, Tonga, UFO, Uganda, age, ami, ao, are, banana, banko, be, chien, dare, de, en, fa, i, in, kun, man, mi, name, new, nu, o, of, on, one, pi, seme, take, tao, te, ten, tomato, vi, you, zero, いぬ, ソ連, , 大きい, , 明るい, 易しい, 暗い, 楽しい, 汚い, , , 痛い, 西, , , 重い, 長い, , 高い Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Jarai (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Jarawa (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Javanese (4)


L2 (4) : nomo, pit, sela, sun Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Jersey Dutch (2)


L2 (2) : de, en Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Juǀ'hoan (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

K'iche' (1)


L2 (1) : ab Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kabuverdianu (8)


L2 (8) : ami, en, i, mi, nu, país, ten, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kabyle (3)


L2 (3) : A, fa, i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kaingang (2)


L2 (2) : A, sun Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kakabai (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kalasha (3)


L2 (3) : day, may, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kamassian (1)


L2 (1) : nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kamayurá (1)


L2 (1) : y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kanji (19)


L3 (19) : , , , , 西, , , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kanuri (2)


L2 (2) : A, ci Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kapampangan (2)


L2 (2) : abut, king Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kaqchikel (1)


L2 (1) : ik Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Karajá (1)


L2 (1) : be Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Karakalpak (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Karawa (1)


L2 (1) : you Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kare (New Guinea) (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Karelian (5)


L2 (5) : A, koira, luu, mi, on Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kashaya (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kashubian (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kavalan (1)


L2 (1) : kun Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kawésqar (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kedah Malay (1)


L2 (1) : pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kein (1)


L2 (1) : ab Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Khakas (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Khasi (1)


L2 (1) : um Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kholosi (1)


L2 (1) : te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Khumi Chin (2)


L2 (2) : o, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kikuyu (4)


L2 (4) : A, aria, o, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kiput (1)


L2 (1) : abut Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kis (1)


L2 (1) : win Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kobon (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Korean (8)


L2 (8) : CIA, , , , 西, , , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kosraean (1)


L2 (1) : nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kott (3)


L2 (3) : age, amar, en Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Krio (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kriol (1)


L2 (1) : en Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kunigami (1)


L2 (1) : Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kustenau (1)


L2 (1) : one Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kven (1)


L2 (1) : het Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kwak'wala (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Kwerba (1)


L2 (1) : is Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Laboya (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lacandon (1)


L2 (1) : is Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ladin (15)


L2 (15) : dat, de, economics, general, i, in, man, mandat, o, port, president, religion, sun, te, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ladino (11)


L2 (11) : amar, amigo, dar, de, derecho, en, estar, i, libero, menos, presidente Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lakota (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lala (South Africa) (2)


L2 (2) : fa, nomo Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lango (Uganda) (1)


L2 (1) : pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lashi (4)


L2 (4) : bit, de, mi, nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Latgalian (3)


L2 (3) : A, i, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Latin (243)


L2 (243) : A, Abaddon, a-, ab, ab-, abacinate, abactor, abaculus, abacus, abalienate, abba, abbreviate, abbreviator, abbreviature, abdicant, abdicate, abdicative, abdicator, abditive, abdomen, abdominales, abdominalia, abduce, abeam, aberrant, aberrate, abhorrent, abit, abjudicate, abjugate, ablactate, ablaqueate, ablative, ablegate, ablude, abluent, abnegate, abnegative, abnegator, abnodate, abomasum, abominate, abortive, abradant, abrade, abrase, abrogate, abrogator, abscissa, absenter, absinthiate, absinthium, absis, absolve, absolvent, absonant, absterge, absterse, abstinent, abstrude, abstruse, absume, abusive, acanthine, acceptant, accepter, acceptor, accipient, accipiter, accipitres, accite, acclive, accommodator, accorporate, accresce, accurate, adjective, aquila, bone, color, dat, de, die, en, encyclopaedia, fabella, gratis, in, lente, millennium, minute, pie, pies, raptor, servant, substantive, te, thesaurus, trade, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Latvian (28)


L2 (28) : A, AIDS, Angola, Mali, Malta, Moldova, Panama, Peru, Samoa, Uganda, a-, ab, abate, dies, en, f, fa, i, ik, it, lente, man, nu, o, parole, pie, robot, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lavukaleve (1)


L2 (1) : ao Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Leonese (4)


L2 (4) : dare, en, tigre, you Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Letter (364)


L3 (329) : A, f, i, o, y, ,

L4 (35) : A, f, i, o, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ligurian (7)


L2 (7) : can, de, i, in, man, mi, o Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Limburgish (2)


L2 (2) : beer, book Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Limos Kalinga (1)


L2 (1) : abut Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lindu (3)


L2 (3) : are, bone, eo Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lingala (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lithuanian (18)


L2 (18) : A, Angola, Argentina, LDP, Malta, Panama, Uganda, abate, banko, be, dar, i, man, name, o, te, ten, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Livonian (12)


L2 (12) : A, Costa Rica, Portugal, ab, abb, and, f, i, kill, o, tuba, um Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Livvi (1)


L2 (1) : luu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lolopo (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lombard (4)


L2 (4) : abet, amar, can, grass Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lote (1)


L2 (1) : um Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lou (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Low German (5)


L2 (5) : de, drink, free, mi, small Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lower Grand Valley Dani (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lower Sorbian (12)


L2 (12) : A, aby, baby, banana, bit, dat, most, pit, sect, slow, te, ten Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ludian (2)


L2 (2) : luu, mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Luganda (1)


L2 (1) : fa Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Luhya (1)


L2 (1) : Estonia Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lule Sami (2)


L2 (2) : en, i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Luo (2)


L2 (2) : Estonia, pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Lushootseed (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Luxembourgish (24)


L2 (24) : A, Afghanistan, Dezember, England, Haus, November, Portugal, September, absurd, also, beige, dat, de, een, en, frei, hell, kill, man, mann, of, orange, um, war Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Macedonian (1)


L2 (1) : указ Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mag-Anchi Ayta (1)


L2 (1) : tago Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Maia (1)


L2 (1) : lol Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Makasar (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Malagasy (5)


L2 (5) : A, India, be, sela, tao Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Malay (29)


L2 (29) : A, Albania, April, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Brunei, China, Croatia, Indonesia, Malaysia, November, PM, Portugal, September, abalone, abdomen, abomasum, cat, ci, f, gratis, i, mandat, mi, o, pencil, tuba, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Malecite-Passamaquoddy (1)


L2 (1) : new Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Maltese (20)


L2 (20) : A, April, Belarus, Iraq, Malta, Moldova, Pakistan, amar, banana, bank, but, dar, f, henna, i, o, plural, port, star, umbrella Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mampruli (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Manchu (2)


L2 (2) : sun, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mandarin (18)


L2 (18) : ao, can, ci, de, die, en, fa, kun, man, mi, nu, o, pi, pie, sun, tao, te, you Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mandinka (2)


L2 (2) : i, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mangarevan (1)


L2 (1) : one Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mankanya (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mansaka (1)


L2 (1) : book Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Manx (18)


L2 (18) : A, Bolivia, Brasil, Madagascar, Malaysia, Yemen, abb, ad, bio, cast, cum, fa, king, point, red, three, van, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Maore Comorian (1)


L2 (1) : ao Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Maori (7)


L2 (7) : A, ao, i, o, one, tao, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mapudungun (6)


L2 (6) : A, Chile, age, are, in, may Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Marathi (2)


L2 (2) : , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Marba (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Marshallese (7)


L2 (7) : A, Taiwan, abba, ik, in, pi, take Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Maskelynes (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Massachusett (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Matepi (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mauritian Creole (10)


L2 (10) : Angola, Azerbaijan, abime, adverb, de, mars, nonsense, nu, plant, take Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mawan (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mayoyao Ifugao (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mbyá Guaraní (1)


L2 (1) : y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mecayapan Nahuatl (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Meriam (2)


L2 (2) : ad, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Meronyms (15)


L4 (13) : Belgium, India, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, United States, dialect, leap year, metaphysics, polygon, trumpet, vortaro, zipper

L5 (2) : flute, wall Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mezquital Otomi (1)


L2 (1) : Portugal Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Middle Dutch (42)


L2 (42) : after, also, been, beer, bone, can, dat, de, die, dies, een, en, here, het, hij, in, is, it, last, love, man, mi, name, nature, niet, nu, of, open, raven, see, seven, silver, storm, te, ten, tiger, van, wage, winter, wolf, worst, zijn Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Middle English (198)


L2 (198) : Friday, Irish, June, Monday, Thursday, Wednesday, abacus, abaist, abandon, abate, abawed, abay, abbey, abhominable, abit, able, abominable, abord, abreggen, abstractly, accidie, accordable, alien, and, are, bank, be, bone, book, bot, can, cat, cod, crap, crow, crude, cunt, day, de, deal, debt, eight, en, fa, few, five, four, hell, het, hij, hour, hund, i, ik, in, is, language, man, minute, month, most, music, musician, name, nine, noun, nu, number, o, odd, on, one, orange, os, pie, planet, plural, pound, quarter, season, second, servant, seven, six, sky, spring, sun, tables, tax, te, ten, the, today, two, wage, week, winter, wolf, word, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Middle French (36)


L2 (36) : France, abhorrer, abstinence, abstinent, accepter, accorder, alphabet, billion, chien, de, decade, definition, dictionnaire, donner, elephant, en, language, langue, latin, medicine, million, nature, numeral, os, parole, president, pronunciation, protester, religion, secret, six, te, throne, tigre, trillion, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Middle High German (2)


L2 (2) : after, wolf Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Middle Irish (4)


L2 (4) : ab, aband, bot, o Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Middle Low German (7)


L2 (7) : en, i, ik, it, mi, o, os Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mimi of Nachtigal (1)


L2 (1) : sun Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Min Nan (5)


L2 (5) : i, in, it, pit, sun Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Minanibai (1)


L2 (1) : ao Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mirandese (7)


L2 (7) : Cuba, dar, de, die, i, star, you Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Miskito (1)


L2 (1) : man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Miyako (2)


L2 (2) : , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mohawk (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mohegan-Pequot (1)


L2 (1) : in Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mondé (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mongghul (1)


L2 (1) : nine Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Moore (2)


L2 (2) : A, abada Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mosimo (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Movima (1)


L2 (1) : en Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mpur (1)


L2 (1) : war Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mubi (1)


L2 (1) : aam Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Muinane (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Munit (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Muong (1)


L2 (1) : nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Murrinh-Patha (1)


L2 (1) : the Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Murui Huitoto (2)


L2 (2) : a-, eo Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Murupi (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mutation (92)


L3 (80) : A, Armenia, Barbados, Bolivia, Brasil, Burma, Cambodia, Colombia, Croatia, India, Laos, Madagascar, Malaysia, Oman, Panama, Uganda, a-, ab, aband, abb, abraid, ad, amar, angla, banana, big, bio, bot, brown, can, cat, ci, cod, cum, dollar, dual, en, eo, estar, euro, fa, gas, hoed, i, inc, is, king, know, man, map, march, o, of, os, person, pi, pit, plant, point, port, te, the, thin, tomato, win

L4 (5) : Canada, banana, cast, de, map

L5 (7) : de, i, o, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Mòcheno (6)


L2 (6) : be, de, i, summer, um, van Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Nadëb (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Nake (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Nauruan (3)


L2 (3) : A, Nauru, eo Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title


L2 (5) : A, a-, i, is, o Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Neapolitan (5)


L2 (5) : i, lente, nu, o, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Nepali (3)


L2 (3) : , , विश्व Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Nigerian Pidgin (3)


L2 (3) : bit, dat, mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Nisga'a (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Niuean (3)


L2 (3) : Niue, fa, one Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Noon (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Noone (1)


L2 (1) : ci Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Nootka (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Norman (45)


L2 (45) : Afghanistan, Angola, Anguilla, Aruba, France, German, Moldova, URSS, abreuvoir, absent, absolution, abuser, acajou, accent, accord, ache, cat, dare, digital, donner, fa, fere, four, gas, jeudi, jour, langue, lente, libre, livre, man, mauve, mither, niet, nu, orange, pi, pie, point, port, quiz, radio, six, software, wireless Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Norn (2)


L2 (2) : fy, mann Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

North Frisian (10)


L2 (10) : august, een, green, i, ik, man, mi, see, sun, win Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Northern Amami-Oshima (1)


L2 (1) : Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Northern Kurdish (13)


L2 (13) : A, can, dar, de, man, may, name, next, pez, red, tax, war, zero Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Northern Ndebele (3)


L2 (3) : a-, de, fa Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Northern Sami (11)


L2 (11) : A, Jupiter, bone, dat, de, dies, in, it, man, nu, on Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Norwegian (7)


L2 (7) : June, Jupiter, Mali, Yemen, o, te, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Norwegian Bokmål (256)


L2 (256) : A, Afghanistan, Albania, Andorra, DVD, Egypt, Finland, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Tunisia, a-, ab, abaca, abandon, abandoner, abattoir, abba, abbreviator, abdomen, abdominal, aberrant, ablative, abnormal, abominable, abort, abortive, abrupt, abscess, absenter, absolutist, absolver, absorber, absorptive, abstinent, adverb, and, antonym, august, bank, be, bit, book, bot, de, die, dies, digital, en, euro, f, fable, fart, global, gnosis, gratis, hell, het, hund, i, in, is, jour, kun, last, lente, letter, livre, man, mann, millennium, mobile, morning, most, nigger, nu, numeral, onsdag, peso, planet, port, quisling, radio, rape, religion, robot, send, servant, sky, spring, summer, synonym, te, time, urban, verb Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Norwegian Nynorsk (235)


L2 (235) : A, Afghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belize, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, DVD, EU, Egypt, Finland, Israel, Japan, LED, Latvia, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Tunisia, a-, abort, adverb, and, antonym, are, august, bank, be, bit, bot, dat, de, die, digital, en, euro, fa, fable, fart, global, gnosis, google, gratis, hell, het, hund, i, in, is, last, letter, livre, man, mann, millennium, mobile, morning, most, nigger, nu, numeral, o, onsdag, open, os, peso, planet, port, quisling, radio, religion, robot, send, servant, sky, spring, star, synonym, take, te, time, um, urban, van, verb, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Notes (1)


L3 (1) : abacus Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Noun (4393)


L3 (3510) : A, Aaron's rod, April, Fabian, Friday, GDP, Monday, November, October, Saturday, September, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, aam, aard-vark, aardvark, aardwolf, ab, abaca, abacination, abaciscus, abacist, abaction, abactor, abaculus, adjectival, adjective, antidisestablishmentarianism, antonym, apples and pears, aquila, august, barter, book, brown, cat, chien, connotation, craft, crow, current events, day, deal, denotation, dialect, dictionary, eagle, elephant, encyclopaedia, encyclopedia, etymology, f, fa, fabella, fable, false friend, floccinaucinihilipilification, free, freedom of speech, frei, gratis, hour, hyponym, lexicography, livre, march, may, merchandise, minute, month, multiculturalism, name, nonsense, noun, patronage, pie, pies, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, pond, portmanteau word, pound, product, pronunciation guide, pumpkin, quid pro quo, raven, semantics, sesquipedalianism, substantive, swap, synonym, thesaurus, trade, trade wind, verb, wares, woordenboek, word

L4 (883) : A, KGB, ab, aback, abandon, abate, abatement, abator, abay, abba, abbreviate, abdicative, abdomen, abductor, abide, abiding, abject, ablaut, able, abode, abord, abort, absciss, abscissa, absent, absenter, abstinent, accept, alien, august, bbl, birth, bone, book, can, cat, crow, day, de, deal, die, een, en, f, fa, fabella, google, head, het, hoed, hour, i, in, leap, lens, lente, letter, livre, march, may, minute, name, niet, nu, number, o, on, one, pez, pie, planet, pond, portmanteau, pound, punkin, quarter, rag week, raptor, raven, robot, season, seme, seven, sky, summer, swap, swop, te, the, van, week, word, y, zomer, été, , , 西, , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Nuer (2)


L2 (2) : A, pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Number (7)


L3 (3) : XXXX, in, zwei

L4 (4) : A, f, i, o Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Numeral (148)


L3 (128) : billion, centillion, date, de, dies, een, eight, eleven, en, fa, fifteen, fifty, five, forty, four, fourteen, i, it, kun, love, mann, mi, million, new, nine, nineteen, nu, on, one, seven, seventeen, seventy, six, sixteen, sixty, ten, thirteen, thirty, three, trillion, twelve, twenty, twenty four, twenty one, twenty two, two, um, zero, zwei

L4 (20) : can, dick, een, eight, en, google, hund, i, man, nu, on, one, see, seven, ten, trillion Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Nyishi (1)


L2 (1) : is Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Nyunga (1)


L2 (1) : abba Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Nzadi (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

O'odham (2)


L2 (2) : A, o Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Occitan (35)


L2 (35) : A, Argentina, Armenia, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Fabian, Malta, Portugal, ab, amar, ami, be, can, color, crear, de, economics, gag, global, gratuit, i, jour, latin, libre, man, musical, noun, o, on, país, plural, president, te, tigre Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Okanagan (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Okinawan (5)


L2 (5) : sun, , 西, , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Czech (1)


L2 (1) : on Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Danish (1)


L2 (1) : sun Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Dutch (11)


L2 (11) : also, craft, cunt, ik, man, nu, of, sela, thin, win, winter Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old East Slavic (1)


L2 (1) : собака Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old English (35)


L2 (35) : December, a-, accent, ad, and, are, be, bot, gold, hell, here, het, hund, in, inc, is, last, man, mann, nu, of, on, open, os, port, red, stand, storm, te, ten, tiger, twig, win, winter, word Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old French (61)


L2 (61) : Edward, France, a-, ab, abandoner, abit, able, abstinence, abstinent, abundant, abusion, accepter, ad, alien, ami, beer, bone, bot, cane, cat, chien, ci, color, cum, date, de, duel, en, fable, fere, fruit, general, i, inflation, jeudi, language, langue, latin, livre, livrer, market, mars, minute, nature, noun, nu, on, os, parole, pie, point, poison, port, quarter, religion, second, servant, summer, te, tigre, wage Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Frisian (12)


L2 (12) : abba, age, and, are, een, en, fa, hund, ik, mi, on, one Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Gujarati (1)


L2 (1) : Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old High German (17)


L2 (17) : ab, aband, after, bank, dar, dat, fart, henna, in, is, man, most, stand, the, thin, war, wolf Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Irish (19)


L2 (19) : a-, abb, amar, and, be, bit, ci, cum, dar, de, estar, fa, i, in, is, it, o, on, port Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Javanese (1)


L2 (1) : bot Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Norse (8)


L2 (8) : en, in, man, mann, of, sela, send, um Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Occitan (9)


L2 (9) : ab, amar, can, color, de, en, i, libre, man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Polish (1)


L2 (1) : drug Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Portuguese (10)


L2 (10) : Armenia, Portugal, amigo, can, color, de, en, estar, guerra, o Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Prussian (1)


L2 (1) : be Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Saxon (21)


L2 (21) : a-, aband, ask, en, eo, gas, het, hund, ik, in, is, it, man, mi, nu, of, os, the, thin, war, word Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Spanish (7)


L2 (7) : color, man, o, peso, pez, pie, pies Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Swedish (7)


L2 (7) : bot, en, fa, gas, silver, sky, time Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Tupi (2)


L2 (2) : me'eng, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Old Welsh (1)


L2 (1) : plant Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Orizaba Nahuatl (1)


L2 (1) : Taiwan Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pacoh (1)


L2 (1) : may Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Paicî (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Palenquero (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pali (5)


L2 (5) : are, name, nu, pi, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Panim (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Papiamentu (14)


L2 (14) : Aruba, Indonesia, ami, derecho, dies, i, man, mi, mundial, number, religion, te, tempo, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Paraguayan Guaraní (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Participle (19)


L3 (17) : abalienate, abbreviature, abrase, absterse, abstruse, abuse, bio, close, create, date, minute, nature, pollute, send

L4 (2) : abscissa Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Particle (57)


L3 (39) : ab, de, en, eo, fuck, i, it, man, may, mi, nu, o, of, pi, te, van, y, yes

L4 (18) : ab, dar, i, in, is, lol, o, the, um, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pará Arára (1)


L2 (1) : nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pass Valley Yali (2)


L2 (2) : ami, ik Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pennsylvania German (11)


L2 (11) : Dezember, Haus, Uhr, ab, de, dick, die, en, frei, in, um Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Phalura (4)


L2 (4) : be, de, nu, the Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Phrase (18)


L3 (16) : BTW, DNA, I love you, NATO, PM, QED, RTFM, WYSIWYG, abet, absque hoc, noli illegitimi carborundum, ttyl, your mileage may vary, собака

L4 (2) : QED, bbl Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Phuthi (4)


L2 (4) : a-, fa, sela, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Picard (2)


L2 (2) : donner, langue Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Piedmontese (7)


L2 (7) : it, latin, mi, musical, numeral, religion, urban Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pijin (2)


L2 (2) : i, mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pilagá (1)


L2 (1) : take Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pipil (1)


L2 (1) : ten Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pirahã (1)


L2 (1) : pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pite Sami (1)


L2 (1) : dat Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Plautdietsch (4)


L2 (4) : A, Israel, nu, open Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pnar (2)


L2 (2) : o, um Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Polabian (1)


L2 (1) : sect Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Polish (148)


L2 (148) : -ity, A, Albania, Angola, Armenia, Austria, Belize, Bhutan, Botswana, Burundi, Chile, DVD, Edward, Estonia, Fabian, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Kiribati, Laos, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Malawi, Mali, Malta, Mauritius, Mongolia, NATO, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Rwanda, SMS, San Marino, Senegal, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Togo, Tonga, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, a-, abandon, abdomen, abort, absorbent, absorber, aby, aria, bank, barter, be, bot, but, ci, country, euro, f, fart, gratis, i, kun, mandat, market, mi, most, mundial, nu, o, on, one, os, pies, planet, point, port, pseudo-, quiz, radio, robot, spacer, standard, słownik, te, ten, van, war, y, zero Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Portuguese (251)


L2 (251) : A, AL, ASCII, Austria, BC, BCE, CE, DVD, Esperanto, FAQ, HTML, Israel, KGB, LED, NATO, PM, a-, aardvark, abactinal, abactor, abada, abassi, abate, abater, abatis, abaxial, abdal, abdominal, abjure, ablaut, aboral, abort, abracadabra, abrase, abscissa, absconder, absolve, absolver, abuna, abysmal, acciaccatura, alien, amoral, ananke, andante, are, avatar, bit, bot, centavo, country, cum, date, de, deficit, estar, euro, f, fere, frei, google, gratis, guerra, i, in, is, jitter, lente, libero, livre, lol, maquiladora, minute, nu, numeral, o, os, osteo-, perro, peso, pez, pie, pies, plural, point, pseudo-, quiz, rape, raptor, robot, sela, singular, star, substantive, te, tesauro, thesaurus, van, y, zero Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Postposition (4)


L3 (4) : de, te, the, Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pouye (1)


L2 (1) : you Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Prefix (101)


L3 (46) : a-, ab, ab-, osteo-, pseudo-

L4 (55) : a-, ab-, vi, Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Preposition (225)


L3 (162) : ab, abaft, aboard, aboon, abord, about, above, abreast, abroad, abut, ad, after, age, angla, be, because, bit, but, dar, de, en, f, fa, fere, four, i, in, is, king, kun, man, menos, next, o, of, on, one, os, pi, pie, sun, te, um, van, war,

L4 (63) : ab, abeam, absent, ad, be, cum, dar, de, en, fa, i, in, o, of, on, one, or, os, secondo, te, the, um, van, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Prepositional phrase (1)


L3 (1) : IME Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pronoun (389)


L3 (285) : aam, abba, ad, ami, and, are, be, can, ci, dat, de, die, dies, een, en, eo, everybody, fa, few, het, hij, i, ik, in, inc, is, it, kun, man, may, menos, mi, niet, nine, nu, o, of, on, one, os, pi, see, sun, tao, te, ten, the, thou, um, vi, whatever, y, yes, you, yours, yourself, ,

L4 (104) : A, ci, dar, dat, day, de, die, en, eo, here, het, hij, i, in, is, it, man, mi, most, nu, o, on, os, see, sun, te, the, thin, thou, vi, y, you Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pronunciation (5355)


L3 (4993) : A, April, December, Fabian, February, Friday, GDP, January, July, June, Monday, November, October, Saturday, September, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Vikipedio, Wednesday, a-, aam, adjectival, adjective, alphabetical, antidisestablishmentarianism, antonym, aquila, august, barter, book, brown, cat, chien, connotation, craft, crow, day, deal, denotation, dialect, dictionary, eagle, elephant, encyclopaedia, encyclopedia, etymology, f, fa, fabaceous, fabella, fable, false friend, floccinaucinihilipilification, free, freedom of speech, frei, gratis, gratuit, head, hour, hyponym, lexicography, livre, march, may, merchandise, minute, month, multiculturalism, name, nonsense, noun, patronage, pie, pies, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, polysemic, pond, portmanteau, pound, product, pumpkin, quid pro quo, rain cats and dogs, raven, semantics, sesquipedalianism, substantive, swap, swop, synonym, thesaurus, trade, trade wind, umsonst, verb, wares, woordenboek, word

L4 (362) : A, Albania, Albanian, Cameroon, Cuba, Laos, Uhr, XXXX, a-, ab, abatement, abba, abbreviate, abdicative, abide, abject, absciss, abscissa, absent, abuse, accent, access, ache, ad, alien, ao, are, august, be, beer, bit, bone, bot, can, close, cod, colon, crude, cum, date, day, de, deal, die, een, eight, en, f, fa, gas, give, here, het, hund, i, in, is, it, jitter, lens, lol, man, minute, mither, name, niet, nu, number, o, os, peso, pie, planet, plant, radio, raven, relegate, second, seme, seven, stand, tao, te, ten, thin, thou, time, um, van, vi, wage, win, y, zijn, , , 西, , , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Proper noun (2658)


L3 (2603) : AD, AL, ALPAC, ASCII, Abaddon, Abib, Abies, Abutilon, Abyssinian, Acadian, Acalephae, Acanthocephala, Acanthopterygii, Acarina, Accadian, April, BBC, BC, BCE, BM, Belgium, CBE, CE, CIA, Czech Republic, DBE, DOS, December, Dezember, Dutch, EFTA, EU, Edward, English, Esperanto, Eurovision, FAC, FBI, FTP, Fabian, Fanny, February, France, Friday, GNU FDL, GUI, German, Germany, Greece, HTML, Haus, IRC, Iraq, Irish, JUL, January, Japan, July, June, KBE, KGB, LDP, Lemko, Mexico, Monday, NAFTA, NASA, NATO, NAVO, Netherlands, November, OBE, OCR, OS, October, PM, Pope Julius, RAM, SHCP, September, Serbia and Montenegro, Simplified Chinese, TLCAN, Thanatos, Thursday, Traditional Chinese, USSR, UdSSR, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vikipedio, Wednesday, YMCA, YMHA, YWCA, YWHA, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, hell, tao

L4 (55) : A, Albania, Albanian, Andorra, Angola, CE, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Cuba, Edward, Georgia, Irish, Jamaica, Jupiter, KGB, Laos, Mali, Monaco, Romania, Togo, Tonga, XXXX, hell, it, latin, sun, 西, Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Proto-Norse (2)


L2 (2) : after, wage Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Proverb (1)


L3 (1) : the grass is always greener on the other side Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Proverbs (1)


L5 (1) : 西 Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pumpokol (2)


L2 (2) : ab, ad Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Pwaamei (1)


L2 (1) : ik Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Q'eqchi (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Quechua (3)


L2 (3) : may, pi, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Quiripi (1)


L2 (1) : sun Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Quotations (83)


L3 (8) : English, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, abnormal, gold, in, presidente, tigre

L4 (65) : Catalan, China, Esperanto, Germany, LOL, Monaco, México, Portugal, Portuguese, Spanish, Trekkie, abet, abyss, acid, add, amigo, ao, biblical, computer, cum, cunt, dar, de, estar, here, i, king, know, lente, mauve, mouse, mundial, musical, night, numeral, o, país, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, radar, secret, take, te, tempo, time, trade, tuba, um, verb, war, word, worst, written, wrong

L5 (10) : accountant, and, be, cum, head, is, os, peso, rape Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Rapa Nui (4)


L2 (4) : ao, i, o, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Rapting (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Rarotongan (1)


L2 (1) : one Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Readings (12)


L4 (12) : , , , , 西, , , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

References (1676)


L3 (1437) : A, Aaron's rod, Abaddon, December, Fabian, February, January, June, November, a-, aam, aardvark, ab, ab-, abaca, abaciscus, abacist, aback, abactor, abaculus, abacus, abada, abaft, abaisance, abalone, aband, abandon, abandoned, abandonee, abandoner, abandonment, abarticulation, abase, abased, abasedly, abasement, abaser, abash, abashedly, abashment, abassi, abatable, abate, abater, abatis, abatised, abator, abattoir, abature, abaxial, abay, abb, abba, abbacy, abbatial, abbatical, abbess, abbey, abbot, abbotship, abbreviate, abbreviated, abbreviation, adjectival, antonym, aquila, august, barter, book, cat, chien, craft, crow, day, dialect, eagle, fa, fabella, fable, false friend, floccinaucinihilipilification, free, gratis, gratuit, lexicography, livre, march, may, merchandise, minute, name, noun, pie, pies, pumpkin, quid pro quo, synonym, thesaurus, trade, verb

L4 (199) : Friday, GSM, Irish, Monday, Thursday, Wednesday, abacus, aband, abandon, abatement, abay, abbey, abide, abietin, able, abord, abort, abreggen, abut, acacia, acceptance, accidie, accolade, ami, and, are, bank, be, blood, bot, cat, ci, cod, crap, dat, day, de, deal, denotation, dick, en, etymology, fa, few, first, five, four, gobierno, i, in, inflation, is, jeudi, lente, love, march, mars, mi, motherfucker, name, network, nine, noun, nu, o, on, one, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, pound, pseudo, quarter, relegate, say, sesquipedalianism, seven, six, sky, swap, te, ten, the, thou, time, transitive verb, two, van, vi, welcome, word, year, yesterday, , , , 西, , , , ,

L5 (40) : Sri Lanka, abstractly, ache, age, alien, are, birth, bot, cane, crude, day, een, flute, green, hell, here, hund, in, is, man, name, point, quarter, red, see, te, the, wage, win, yet Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title


L4 (3) : , , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title


L3 (79) : Andorra, Argentina, Barbados, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chile, Finland, Flemish, Gabon, Ghana, Greek, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Kiribati, Korean, Laos, Lesotho, Malawi, Mali, Malta, Myanmar, Nauru, Niger, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Rwanda, Samoa, San Marino, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Taiwan, Togo, Tonga, Turkish, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, ab, abaft, abator, abdominal, abhorring, abjurement, absence, abstinent, aby, accumulate, after, baby, brown, burp, de, eo, epidemic, may, merchandise, mi, mobile, morph, mortar, mouse, phoenix, pip, sixth, stand, third, trumpet, whatever

L4 (1439) : A, April, December, Fabian, February, Friday, January, July, June, Saturday, September, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, a-, aardwolf, ab, abaction, abactor, abacus, abada, abandon, abandonment, abarticulation, abase, abate, abater, abba, abbess, abbey, abbot, abbreviated, abdest, abdicate, abdication, abdomen, abdominal, abduce, abduct, abduction, abductor, abelian, aberrant, aberrate, aberration, abhor, abhorrence, abhorrency, abhorrent, abhorrently, abhorrer, abhorrible, abide, ability, abime, abirritate, abject, abjection, abjectly, abjudicate, abjugate, abjure, ablactate, ablation, ablatitious, adjectival, alphabetical, antidisestablishmentarianism, antonym, chien, connotation, day, deal, denotation, dialect, dictionary, elephant, encyclopaedia, encyclopedia, etymology, fa, fable, floccinaucinihilipilification, free, frei, gratis, lexicography, livre, multiculturalism, name, noun, pie, polysemic, product, semantics, sesquipedalianism, synonym, trade, verb, word

L5 (158) : -ity, A, Albania, Albanian, Cuba, Georgia, Laos, QED, ab, abate, abbreviate, abject, abraid, absent, abstinent, abuse, access, acclaim, accountant, ache, ad, alien, and, andante, august, bank, be, beer, birth, board, bot, can, crow, day, de, die, drink, early, eight, en, first, flute, fruit, gas, gobierno, google, ground, head, hund, i, in, is, jitter, language, last, lente, letter, libre, livre, love, man, march, mars, mi, minute, most, name, nu, number, o, on, os, país, peso, pez, pie, planet, point, port, quarter, radio, rag week, raven, relegate, season, second, seme, seven, skill, stand, storm, swap, te, ten, van, vecka, wage, wall, war, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Relational (1)


L3 (1) : ten Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Relative (1)


L3 (1) : te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Rempi (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Rohingya (4)


L2 (4) : A, cum, dat, gas Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Romagnol (3)


L2 (3) : big, gas, in Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Romani (11)


L2 (11) : A, ab, angla, but, dar, f, i, love, man, o, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Romanian (168)


L2 (168) : A, Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, BC, Bahrain, Belize, Bolivia, Botswana, Bulgaria, Burundi, Esperanto, Estonia, Israel, June, Mexico, SMS, abandon, abate, abator, abaxial, abdomen, abdominal, abductor, abject, ablaut, abracadabra, abrupt, absent, absolutism, absolutist, absolvent, abstinent, acacia, academism, accept, accidental, acid, adjectival, adjective, adverb, amoral, are, august, avatar, be, bot, but, calendar, cat, ci, cod, color, crap, cum, dat, de, deal, decade, deficit, dialect, digital, epizootic, f, fiscal, futurism, global, gratis, gratuit, i, in, laconic, mandat, meat, metric, multiculturalism, nu, numeral, o, os, peso, plural, port, prolix, quisling, radio, robot, secret, singular, substantive, sun, te, ten, urban, van, verb, y, zero Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Romanization (92)


L3 (92) : A, Benin, Gabon, Iran, Japan, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, San Marino, Tonga, Uganda, ab, abba, ad, after, age, amar, ami, and, ao, are, banana, banko, be, can, chien, ci, dare, de, die, en, f, fa, fero, hund, i, ik, in, is, kun, man, mann, mi, name, nu, o, on, one, pi, pie, seme, stand, sun, take, tao, te, ten, tomato, vi, wage, you, zero Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Romansch (17)


L2 (17) : ami, aria, computer, crap, dar, de, dies, grass, guerra, in, mars, on, planet, te, um, umbrella, violet Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ronga (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Root (1)


L3 (1) : pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Rotokas (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Rotuman (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Rukai (1)


L2 (1) : ami Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Russian (2)


L2 (2) : собака, указ Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Rwanda-Rundi (2)


L2 (2) : Burundi, Rwanda Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Saafi-Saafi (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Saanich (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Saaroa (1)


L2 (1) : aria Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sabir (1)


L2 (1) : star Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sakizaya (1)


L2 (1) : aam Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sambali (1)


L2 (1) : man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Samoan (7)


L2 (7) : A, Samoa, ao, i, o, one, tao Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Samogitian (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Samosa (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sango (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sanskrit (3)


L2 (3) : , , विश्व Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sardinian (12)


L2 (12) : Albania, Bulgaria, Canada, Malta, Romania, abba, banana, cane, de, eo, i, in Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Saruga (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Saterland Frisian (9)


L2 (9) : also, bit, de, die, een, here, in, nu, two Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sathmar Swabian (3)


L2 (3) : Haus, i, it Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Savi (2)


L2 (2) : be, i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sawai (1)


L2 (1) : um Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Scots (82)


L2 (82) : A, Botswana, December, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, November, October, Pakistan, September, Vietnam, a-, ab, aback, abb, abbacy, abit, able, aboon, abraid, abstersion, abstract, aby, academy, accent, accept, acceptance, accidental, accommodation, ace, add, adjective, after, age, and, are, be, been, big, bit, but, can, clock, cod, cum, day, donner, een, encyclopaedia, fa, five, frei, fuck, i, ik, is, mither, nine, o, person, pit, queef, quine, see, seven, sky, spring, sun, taghairm, ten, the, thou, three, time, um, wall, war, winter, year, yet, yowie Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Scottish Gaelic (22)


L2 (22) : A, Canada, ab, ad, amar, can, cat, cum, de, dual, eo, i, inc, is, man, map, mi, o, os, pit, port, taghairm Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

See also (1577)


L3 (878) : A, Aaron's rod, Abderite, Acarina, April, December, English, February, Friday, GDP, January, July, June, Monday, November, October, Polish, Saturday, September, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, a-, abaft, abalone, abbey, abbot, abdomen, ablaut, abode, abound, abrasion, absenteeism, absolutely, absquatulate, abstentious, abyssal, accismus, accoucheur, antonym, august, autumn, avatar, brown, calendar, color, current events, dat, day, de, debt, dictionary, en, encyclopedia, f, fa, false friend, floccinaucinihilipilification, foreign debt, freedom of speech, gratis, herfst, hyponym, ik, in, jeudi, lente, libre, may, month, multiculturalism, nonsense, nu, odd, on, orange, outer space, planet, plural, portmanteau, portmanteau word, premature, pumpkin, robot, seven, spring, summer, synonym, te, the, today, trade, transvestite, van, verb, wares, winter, y,

L4 (588) : A, AD, CIA, FBI, I love you, June, NAFTA, a-, aardwolf, ab-, aback, abalienate, abase, abattoir, abbot, abbreviator, abdominal, abelian, abiogenesis, abjugate, abort, abscess, abscissa, absolution, absolutism, absolutist, absorber, acceptability, accordion, alphabet, antidisestablishmentarianism, are, august, barter, be, bone, can, cat, century, clock, computer science, dat, de, decade, definition, dialect, domestic debt, eagle, en, f, five, four, freedom of speech, grass, het, i, ik, in, is, lente, man, mass noun, may, millennium, motherfucker, name, noun, nu, numeral, o, on, one, os, point, product, proper noun, qualitative, quid pro quo, rape, robot, semantics, seven, star, steganography, summer, sun, te, thesaurus, three, two, umbrella, van, week, winter, word, y, year, zero, zwei, 長い

L5 (111) : -ity, A, Cameroon, Chad, Georgia, KGB, Laos, a-, abort, ace, and, bit, board, book, bot, can, ci, crow, dare, de, dick, die, een, eight, en, euro, f, fiscal, flute, gas, gold, ground, hell, here, het, i, is, it, king, livre, man, march, mars, mi, noon, now, o, or, os, pez, pi, pie, point, port, pound, quarter, red, router, season, secondo, summer, te, thou, trillion, tuba, vecka, vi, y, zomer, été, 西 Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Semai (1)


L2 (1) : chook Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Serbo-Croatian (91)


L2 (91) : A, Angola, Argentina, Aruba, BTW, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Gabon, German, Honduras, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Jupiter, Laos, Mali, Malta, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Portugal, San Marino, Senegal, Slovak, Sudan, Togo, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, a-, abdal, abdest, abdomen, ablaut, adverb, august, avatar, banana, bio, bit, but, dar, dare, de, deficit, dies, drug, euro, f, gas, general, i, in, love, mandat, mi, most, nu, o, on, one, os, pi, planet, plankton, plural, radar, radio, red, robot, seme, singular, standard, star, te, tempo, the, trapezoid, um, urban, van, vi, указ Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Serer (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Seri (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Serili (1)


L2 (1) : be Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Seta (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Seychellois Creole (1)


L2 (1) : de Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sherpa (1)


L2 (1) : Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Shilluk (2)


L2 (2) : A, pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Shona (4)


L2 (4) : A, China, Zimbabwe, fa Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Shuar (1)


L2 (1) : nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sicilian (7)


L2 (7) : Australia, Estonia, Slovenia, ami, ci, guerra, nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sihan (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Silesian (2)


L2 (2) : A, Liechtenstein Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Silimo (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Silopi (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sirionó (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Skolt Sami (5)


L2 (5) : A, euro, f, i, o Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Slavomolisano (1)


L2 (1) : bit Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Slovak (43)


L2 (43) : A, Angola, Barbados, Benin, Botswana, Egypt, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, India, Jupiter, KGB, Laos, Malta, Nauru, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Samoa, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wales, YMCA, Zimbabwe, august, baby, dar, dare, euro, i, langue, mi, most, on, os, parole, ten, um, yeti Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Slovene (31)


L2 (31) : A, Jupiter, Malta, Oman, Slovak, bank, banko, be, dar, drug, en, general, in, last, mi, most, o, on, one, os, pi, planet, radar, raven, red, robot, seme, star, tiger, urban, vi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Somali (5)


L2 (5) : A, beer, dar, kun, war Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Somba-Siawari (1)


L2 (1) : o Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sotho (2)


L2 (2) : be, fa Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sources (1)


L3 (1) : ab Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

South Marquesan (1)


L2 (1) : fa Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

South Slavey (2)


L2 (2) : nu, the Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Southeastern Tepehuan (2)


L2 (2) : kun, on Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Southern Amami-Oshima (1)


L2 (1) : Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Southern Ndebele (4)


L2 (4) : a-, de, fa, sela Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Southern Ohlone (1)


L2 (1) : chien Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Southern Sami (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Spanish (269)


L2 (269) : A, AL, Austria, BCE, BM, CE, DVD, EU, Estonia, FAC, IME, Iraq, Israel, KGB, SHCP, TLCAN, Yugoslavia, a-, abada, abate, abaxial, abdomen, abdominal, abdominales, abduce, abductor, abjure, abominable, aboriginal, abracadabra, abrase, abrogable, absconder, absolver, absorber, absterge, accidental, amoral, andante, are, aria, avatar, be, bit, bot, bpd, can, centavo, chiapaneco, color, country, date, de, deal, dls, doctrine, en, estar, euro, f, fa, fable, gnosis, gratis, guerra, hundo, i, lente, libero, libre, man, maquiladora, medicine, numeral, o, os, osteo-, parole, perro, peso, pez, pie, pies, plural, pseudo-, quiz, rape, raptor, reality, robot, singular, stock, substantive, tables, te, ten, tesauro, van, viable, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Squamish (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sranan Tongo (11)


L2 (11) : aboma, de, en, fa, frei, i, man, mi, o, te, ten Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Statistics (1)


L3 (1) : Portugal Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Suffix (4)


L3 (1) : -ity

L4 (3) : -ity, o Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sumerian (11)


L2 (11) : ab, ad, amar, be, en, i, in, man, mi, nu, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Sundanese (1)


L2 (1) : august Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Swahili (57)


L2 (57) : Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, China, Cuba, Djibouti, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, India, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mayotte, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Réunion, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, ami, ao, fa, pi, tao Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Swazi (3)


L2 (3) : a-, fa, nine Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Swedish (226)


L2 (226) : A, AD, Afghanistan, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belize, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burundi, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Djibouti, EU, Ecuador, Fabian, Fanny, Finland, Gabon, Israel, Japan, LED, Malaysia, OS, abbot, abdominal, abort, abrupt, abscess, abscissa, absolutism, absolutist, accept, acceptable, acceptant, accepter, adverb, and, antonym, aria, bank, be, bit, bot, country, de, definition, digital, dygn, en, euro, fart, global, gratis, het, hund, husband, hyponym, i, in, is, jour, last, letter, man, mandat, metadata, millennium, mobile, nigger, nu, o, on, onsdag, orange, os, planet, port, pseudo-, radio, religion, robot, sky, spring, stock, synonym, tax, te, ten, the, van, vecka, verb, yttrandefrihet Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Symbol (19)


L3 (14) : AA, AD, AL, AM, BM, ID, PM, de, f, o, um, vi, y

L4 (5) : A, f, i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Synonyms (1036)


L3 (6) : Turks and Caicos Islands, abba, banana, railway, sombrinha, yeti

L4 (849) : Abaddon, Abraham man, Abrahamic, December, Friday, Monday, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, a-, ab, ab-, abactor, abalone, abandoned, abandonment, abarticulation, abase, abasement, abash, abattoir, abaxial, abbess, abbreviation, abdal, abdicate, abdomen, abdominal, abduct, abduction, abecedarian, abelmosk, aberrant, abet, abhor, abhorrence, abidingly, ability, abiogenesis, abjudge, abjure, ablaut, ablaze, abligate, ablude, abnormal, abnormality, abnormally, abnormity, abolish, abominable, abominate, aboriginal, abortifacient, abortion, about, above-mentioned, abranchial, abranchiate, abrasion, abreast, abreuvoir, abridgment, abrogate, abrupt, abruptness, abscess, abscissa, adjective, august, barter, cat, connotation, elephant, f, fa, fable, free, gratis, hour, march, may, merchandise, nonsense, noun, pie, quid pro quo, swap, synonym, thesaurus, verb, 大きい, 明るい, 楽しい, 汚い, , 痛い, 重い

L5 (181) : A, Albanian, Congo, Georgia, XXXX, abandon, abatement, abbreviate, abiding, abject, able, abstinent, acacia, accessory, acclaim, accompany, ace, ad, amar, and, are, august, bank, be, big, birth, bit, bollocks, bone, book, bot, bunk, but, can, cat, clock, close, cod, colon, cow, crap, de, deal, dick, die, drink, early, een, first, flute, fruit, ground, head, hell, het, in, is, jitter, kill, language, last, leap, letter, livre, love, man, mars, meeting, mi, most, name, o, on, open, peso, pez, point, policy, port, quarter, rag week, rape, say, season, second, skill, sky, stand, stock, summer, sun, swap, the, wage, wall, word, year, zijn, , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tacana (1)


L2 (1) : ami Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tagalog (53)


L2 (53) : A, April, Belarus, Benin, Botswana, Brasil, Burma, Burundi, Gabon, Guyana, Iran, Israel, January, June, Kenya, LDP, Laos, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Malta, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Portugal, San Marino, Senegal, Sudan, Togo, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Yemen, aam, abay, also, are, day, gas, kutya, libre, man, may, mental, noon, o, presidente, radar, tago, tao, tigre, tuba Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tahitian (4)


L2 (4) : A, i, one, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Takia (1)


L2 (1) : you Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tangam (2)


L2 (2) : ami, are Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tarantino (2)


L2 (2) : ci, de Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tarao (1)


L2 (1) : be Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tarpia (1)


L2 (1) : man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tat (1)


L2 (1) : dar Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tatar (18)


L2 (18) : A, Albania, Ecuador, Honduras, Jordan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Venezuela, abort, absurd, bot, buy, may, million, say, trillion Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ter Sami (2)


L2 (2) : kill, mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Terebu (1)


L2 (1) : you Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ternate (5)


L2 (5) : ace, age, ao, are, tago Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tetelcingo Nahuatl (1)


L2 (1) : tigre Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tetum (4)


L2 (4) : A, abut, ami, see Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tiang (1)


L2 (1) : ten Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tigon Mbembe (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tikopia (1)


L2 (1) : one Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tlingit (2)


L2 (2) : A, i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tobian (1)


L2 (1) : ik Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tocharian B (4)


L2 (4) : pi, pit, war, yes Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tok Pisin (20)


L2 (20) : Fiji, ami, banana, de, eleven, het, i, is, king, man, mi, nu, o, sela, seven, ten, tomato, win, yes, yet Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tokelauan (5)


L2 (5) : Tokelau, i, o, one, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tolai (1)


L2 (1) : dat Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tongan (6)


L2 (6) : A, June, Tonga, ao, i, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tonkawa (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Toraja-Sa'dan (1)


L2 (1) : are Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Torres Strait Creole (4)


L2 (4) : big, man, mi, win Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Totoro (1)


L2 (1) : pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Translations (1970)


L3 (3) : number, say, weapon

L4 (1563) : Aaron's rod, Aaronic, Abaddon, April, December, Fabian, February, Friday, GDP, January, July, June, Monday, November, October, Saturday, September, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, aam, aardvark, aardwolf, abaca, abacinate, abacist, abactinal, abaction, abactor, abaculus, abacus, abaft, abalienate, abalienation, abalone, abandoned, abandonee, abandoner, abandonment, abarticulation, abase, abased, abasement, abash, abashment, abatable, abater, abatis, abator, adjectival, adjective, alphabetical, antidisestablishmentarianism, antonym, barter, brown, connotation, craft, current events, day, denotation, dialect, dictionary, eagle, elephant, encyclopaedia, encyclopedia, etymology, fa, fabaceous, fable, false friend, floccinaucinihilipilification, free, freedom of speech, gratis, hour, hyponym, lexicography, merchandise, month, multiculturalism, nonsense, noun, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, polysemic, portmanteau word, product, pumpkin, quid pro quo, rain cats and dogs, semantics, substantive, synonym, thesaurus, trade, trade wind, verb, wares

L5 (404) : -ity, A, KGB, a-, ab, aback, abandon, abate, abatement, abbreviate, abdicative, abductor, abeam, abiding, abject, able, abode, abort, about, abrade, absciss, absent, abstinent, and, are, august, bank, bbl, be, beer, birth, bit, bone, book, bot, can, cat, clock, cod, crap, crow, cum, date, deal, dick, die, eight, en, euro, f, fiscal, flute, google, hamper, head, hell, i, in, jitter, language, leap, letter, lol, man, march, may, minute, most, name, now, nu, number, o, on, open, os, pie, point, policy, pond, port, portmanteau, pound, quarter, rape, raptor, raven, relegate, season, second, stock, summer, sun, swap, tax, the, trillion, van, wage, word Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Translingual (55)


L2 (55) : A, AA, AD, AL, AM, Abies, Abutilon, Acalephae, Acanthocephala, Acanthopterygii, Acarina, Anguilla, Argentina, BM, CE, Carpobrotus, Euphausia superba, FIFA, GUI, ID, India, November, PM, XXXX, a-, de, eight, f, five, four, i, nine, o, one, pseudo-, seven, six, three, two, um, vi, y, zero, , , , , , , 西, , , , , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tsafiki (1)


L2 (1) : pi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tsonga (2)


L2 (2) : fa, nomo Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tuamotuan (1)


L2 (1) : one Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tuareg (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tundra Nenets (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tunisian Arabic (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tupinambá (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Turkish (72)


L2 (72) : A, AA, Andorra, Angola, BM, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, DNA, DVD, El Salvador, Esperanto, Fiji, Gabon, Guatemala, LDP, Laos, Libya, Malta, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Slovak, Sudan, Uganda, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, ab, abada, abdal, abdest, abdomen, abide, ad, and, bank, be, bit, but, can, dar, de, en, f, i, in, is, it, lens, market, mi, nine, o, of, on, planet, port, radar, red, robot, say, seven, smiley, te, ten, y, yeti Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Turkmen (21)


L2 (21) : A, Andorra, Argentina, Fiji, Kiribati, Laos, Malta, Nauru, Nepal, Oman, Palau, Peru, Samoa, bit, f, i, it, o, on, te, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tuvaluan (2)


L2 (2) : fa, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tyap (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Tzotzil (1)


L2 (1) : be Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ubykh (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Udihe (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Ukrainian (1)


L2 (1) : собака Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Upper Sorbian (2)


L2 (2) : A, woman Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Usage notes (627)


L3 (18) : a-, accessary, ci, een, eleven, en, fa, langue, mi, minuscule, o, presidente, seven, ten,

L4 (464) : A, Abderite, Abrahamic, Acadian, April, English, Fabian, a-, ab, ab-, abada, abay, abba, abdal, abdicant, abduction, abear, abelmosk, aberrate, abetter, abhorrent, abide, ability, abime, abit, abject, ablution, abolition, abominable, abord, aboriginal, abound, about, above, abracadabra, abraid, abreast, abridge, abridgment, abscision, abscissa, abscission, absolutely, absolve, abstain, abstemiousness, abstractedly, abstruse, abut, aby, abysmal, academe, acarus, acceptance, accordant, accordantly, accordingly, accurate, achene, antidisestablishmentarianism, autumn, calendar, color, craft, dat, de, dialect, die, en, encyclopedia, etymology, f, floccinaucinihilipilification, frei, kun, libre, merchandise, noun, nu, on, pie, plural, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, product, quiz, spring, te, the, today, van, verb, winter, word, y, 大きい, , , , ,

L5 (145) : -ity, SMS, a-, ab, aback, abject, able, abuse, access, accountant, ace, and, are, ask, be, been, beige, birth, can, cat, ci, cod, cow, crow, cum, dare, date, de, deal, die, drink, drug, en, euro, everywhen, f, feist, fiscal, give, head, het, hund, i, in, is, it, last, leap, livre, man, may, meeting, mi, most, niet, o, of, on, os, pez, pie, pound, quarter, radio, season, see, storm, summer, sun, te, the, thou, tiger, vecka, vi, wage, word, wound, y, , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Utu (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Uzbek (16)


L2 (16) : A, Andorra, Argentina, Belarus, Fiji, Malta, Moldova, Panama, Peru, San Marino, Togo, it, kun, may, radar, radio Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Venda (2)


L2 (2) : A, fa Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Venetian (16)


L2 (16) : Canada, Uruguay, amar, amigo, are, bone, can, cane, ci, dar, dare, fa, man, on, seme, star Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Veps (10)


L2 (10) : A, San Marino, ad, adverb, en, mi, pi, radio, te, verb Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Verb (1278)


L3 (901) : October, Sunday, ab, abacinate, abada, abaist, abalienate, aband, abandoned, abandoner, abase, abased, abash, abate, abater, abatis, abator, abay, abb, abba, abbreviate, abbreviated, abbreviator, abdicant, abdicate, abdicator, abduce, abduct, abeam, abear, abearing, abegge, aberr, aberrant, aberrate, aberuncate, abet, abhor, abhorrent, abhorrer, abhorring, abide, abime, abirritate, abit, abjudge, abjudicate, abjugate, abjure, abjurer, ablactate, ablaqueate, ablaut, ablegate, abligate, ablude, abluent, abnegate, abnodate, aboding, abolish, abolitionize, abominate, abort, aborted, abortive, abought, abound, abradant, abrade, abraid, adjective, barter, book, brown, craft, day, dictionary, eagle, fa, fable, free, frei, gratis, livre, may, merchandise, minute, name, nonsense, noun, pie, pies, pond, product, rain cats and dogs, substantive, trade, verb, word

L4 (377) : A, ab, abandon, abate, abbreviate, abiding, abject, able, abode, abord, abort, abrade, abraid, absciss, absent, abut, accept, alien, are, august, be, beer, birth, bit, bone, book, bot, can, cat, clock, cod, crap, crow, crude, cum, date, de, deal, dick, die, en, fa, fart, feist, flute, google, gratis, head, het, hoed, i, in, is, language, leap, letter, libre, livre, lol, man, march, may, minute, name, niet, number, o, on, one, os, peso, pie, point, pond, port, portmanteau, pound, quarter, rape, raven, season, second, seme, seven, sky, summer, sun, swap, swop, tao, te, ten, the, van, vecka, week, word, zijn, zomer, Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Vietnamese (28)


L2 (28) : A, EU, ao, be, bit, can, eo, i, in, man, may, mi, o, say, sun, tao, the, van, vi, y, , , , , 西, , , Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Vilamovian (2)


L2 (2) : A, hund Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Volapük (30)


L2 (30) : A, ab, ad, also, bank, bot, but, can, dat, de, fa, gold, i, in, is, it, kun, lol, man, most, name, nu, o, of, on, one, os, pip, red, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Votic (3)


L2 (3) : A, koira, luu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Võro (2)


L2 (2) : A, luu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Wakhi (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Walloon (8)


L2 (8) : A, ci, five, four, i, may, mi, on Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Wamas (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Wano (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Warao (1)


L2 (1) : ami Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Wastek (1)


L2 (1) : ik Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Wauja (1)


L2 (1) : nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Wayampi (1)


L2 (1) : y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Welsh (54)


L2 (54) : A, Armenia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bhutan, Brasil, Cambodia, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, India, Oman, Rwanda, Sweden, a-, ab, ad, banana, big, brown, can, ci, cod, de, en, euro, f, fy, gas, het, hoed, i, in, inc, is, it, lol, man, map, march, mi, o, of, os, person, pi, plant, radio, te, the, thin, tomato, win, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

West Flemish (1)


L2 (1) : pit Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

West Frisian (21)


L2 (21) : A, Andorra, Jupiter, Malta, after, bot, dat, de, en, gas, ik, in, it, man, of, plant, see, tiger, winter, wolf, write Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

West Makian (1)


L2 (1) : be Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Western Apache (1)


L2 (1) : big Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Western Huasteca Nahuatl (14)


L2 (14) : Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay, Portugal, Tunisia, Uruguay, Venezuela Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Westrobothnian (11)


L2 (11) : but, drug, fa, frei, gas, i, kill, man, pit, te, ten Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

White Hmong (1)


L2 (1) : ci Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

White Lachi (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Wik-Mungkan (2)


L2 (2) : kun, man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Winnebago (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Wolio (1)


L2 (1) : eo Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Wolof (4)


L2 (4) : ab, buy, man, nu Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Wuvulu-Aua (1)


L2 (1) : fa Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Xhosa (5)


L2 (5) : A, a-, de, fa, sela Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Xârâcùù (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Yaeyama (1)


L2 (1) : Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Yagara (2)


L2 (2) : barter, dar Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Yami (1)


L2 (1) : tao Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Yele (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Yeyi (1)


L2 (1) : ami Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Yiddish (1)


L2 (1) : כלב Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Yoidik (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Yola (12)


L2 (12) : aam, abut, been, crap, die, een, eight, het, kun, man, pit, welcome Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Yonaguni (1)


L2 (1) : Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Yoruba (10)


L2 (10) : A, Togo, age, f, i, in, mi, o, pi, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Yucatec Maya (5)


L2 (5) : Andorra, Malawi, Mauritania, Portugal, can Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Yuqui (1)


L2 (1) : i Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Yámana (2)


L2 (2) : A, kun Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Zande (1)


L2 (1) : de Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Zarma (1)


L2 (1) : A Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Zazaki (6)


L2 (6) : A, dare, name, new, o, radar Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Zealandic (3)


L2 (3) : and, de, man Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Zhuang (6)


L2 (6) : bit, ci, de, gag, it, mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Zia (5)


L2 (5) : ami, be, i, nu, te Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Zou (9)


L2 (9) : be, en, i, in, mi, nu, o, pi, van Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Zulu (11)


L2 (11) : A, Botswana, a-, be, de, f, fa, i, mi, o, y Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

Önge (1)


L2 (1) : mi Sections by level: L2 : L3 : L4 : L5 | Sections by title

ǃKung (1)


L2 (1) : de